PUNCH CARTOONS of the GREAT WAR U,- ^. Punch Cartoons of the Great War NEIV YORK : : : MCMXF GEORGE H, DORAN COMPANY n (o ^i CONTENTS Page The Days Preceding the War 7 The Struggle 39 Uncle Sam 93 The Comedies of the Great Tragedy 105 Women and Children First . . . . . 135 The New Rake's Progress — Unser Kaiser . 151 The Raider 173 The Unspeakable Turk 181 Italia! 207 THE DAYS PRECEDING THE WAR A WISE WARNING D^DALrs Bismarck (Political Parent of Wilhelm Icarus). "My son, observe the middle path to fly, And fear to sink too low, or rise too high. Here the sun melts, there vapours damp your force. Between the two extremes direct your course. "Nor on the bear, nor on bootes gaze, Nor on sword-arm'd orion's dangerous rays : But follow me, thy guide, with watchful sight, And, as I steer, direct thy cautious Flight." Ovid, "Metamorphoses," Book I' I II., Fable III. October 6, 1888. o H o H THE HAUNTED SHIP [Twenty-five years after "Dropping the Pilot."] Ghost of the Old Pilot. "I Wonder if He Would Drop Me NOW!" [April 1st is the hundredth anniversary of Bismarck's birth.] II March 31. 1915. o - ^^ z o > o z = s 13 C^^^c^'^ tl^'l THE IMPERIAL JACK-IN-THE-BOX Chorus (Everybody). "Everything in Order Everywhere! O! What a Surprise! Sold Again!" January 20, 1893. 15 THE MODERN ALEXANDER'S FEAST; OR, THE POWER OF SOUND Assumes the God, "With ravished ears, The Monarch hears, »7 Affects to nod, And seems to shake the spheres !" March 5, 1892. THE STORY OF FIDGETY VVILHELM (Up-to-date Version of "Struwwelpeter.") "Let me see if Wilhelm can Be a little gentleman ; Let me see if he is able to sit still for once at table !' "But FIDGETY Will He won't SIT STILL." Just like any bucking horse. "Wilhelm! We are getting cross!" February i, iS '9 :^ r^J^ A NEW ROLE Imperial "Manager-Actor" {who has cast himself for a leading part in "Un Voyage en Chine" sotto voce). "XJm — Ha! With just a few additional touches here and there, I shall make a first-rate Emperor of China!" ^ ,, ,(,„q January 15, 1898. ON TOUR (Tangier, March 31.) Kaiser Wilhelm {as the Moor of Potsdayn) sings: " 'Unter den Linden' — always at Home, 'Under the Lime-ught' wherever I roam 1" 23 April s, 1905. COOK'S CRUSADER Imperial Knight Templar {the German Emperor — to Saladin). "What!! The Christian Powers putting pressure upon You, my dear Friend! I Horrible! I can't think how People can DO such things!" October 15, 1898. ^5 NOT IN THE PICTURE Scene — On shore, during the visit of the British Fleet to Brest. Mr. Punch {Photographer, suavely, to the KLaiser). "Just a leetle further back, please, Sir. Your shadow still rather interferes with the group." July 12, 1905. 27 THE SOWER OF TARES (After Millais) 29 August 23. 1905. "ISOLATION" Peace {attending the Inter-Parliamentary Congress at Berlin). "Everybody else seems to be my friend; why do you stand aloof?" German Kaiser. "But haven't I always said that I was your friend?" Peace. "Yes; but can't you do something to prove it'?" September 23, 1908. 31 THE TEUTONISING OF TURKEY German Kaiser. "Good Bird!" October s, 1910. 33 HARMONY [The German Emperor has been patronising the Centenary of Krupp's Gun Factory] August 14, 191Z 35 THE BLIND SIDE German" Officer: "Glad to hear you're going to fortify your sea-front. Very dangerous peo- ple, THESE English." Dutchman : "But it will cost much." German Officer: "Ah, but see what you save on the Eastern Frontier, where there's nobody BUT us." January II, 1911. 37 THE STRUGGLE I /,^;i/t/l WELL MET! GREAT BRITAIN JOINS HER ALLIES IN THE FIELD 4' August ig, 1914. BRAVO, BELGIUM! 43 August 12, 1914. FOR FRIENDSHIP AND HONOUR 45 August 12, 1914. AT THE POST OF HONOUR Liberty {to Belgium). "TAKE COMFORT. YOUR COURAGE IS VINDICATED; YOUR ^yROXGS SHALL BE AVENGED." September 2, 1914. 47 CQ.ti'VO' INDIA FOR THE KING! September 9. 19 14. 49 /«-'?=^^ -1 HAIL! RUSSIA! September i6, 1914. BOER AND BRITON TOO GEXER..iL Botha {composing telegram to the Kaiser). "Just off to repel another r.ud. Your CUSTOMARY WIRE OF CONGRATULATION SHOULD BE ADDRESSED: 'BRITISH HEADQUARTERS— GeRMAN SOUTH- WEST Africa.' " September 30, 1914. 53 A NORTH SEA CHANTEY (^To the tunc of "Tippcrary.") Jack. "IT'S A LONG, LONG WAIT FOR WILLIAM'S NA\Y BUT MY HEART'S RIGHT HERE " 55 October 14, 1914. 57 UNCONQUERABLE The Kaiser. "SO, YOU SEE— YOU'VE LOST E\ERYTHING. The King of the Belgians. "NOT MY SOUL." 59 October 21, 1914. .i^^an A PLAIN DUTY Britannia {to Holland). "MY RESOURCES AND MY OBLIGATIONS ARE GREATER THAN YOURS; LET THIS SER\TCE FALL UPON ME." [The number of Belgian refugees in Holland is probably ten times as great as the number in England.] October sS, 1914. 61 ^-— -^.^ M FOREWARNED Zeppelin (as "The Fat Boy"). '"I WANTS TO MAKE YOUR FLESH CREEP.'" John Bull. "RIGHT-0!" 63 November 4, 1914. THE EXCURSIONIST Scene: Ticket Office at {censored). Tripper Wilhelm. "FIRST CLASS TO PARIS." Clerk. "LINE BLOCKED." WiLHELM. "THEN MAKE IT WARSAW." Clerk. "LINE BLOCKED." Wilhelm. "WELL, WHAT ABOUT CALAIS?" Clerk. "LINE BLOCKED." Wilhelm. "HANG IT! I MUST GO SOMEWHERE! I PROMISED MY PEOPLE I WOULD.' 65 November 4, 1914. "Hill" ' ^WIl^ THE EAGLE COMIQUE Kaiser {reviving old Music-hall refrain). "HAS ANYBODY HERE SEEN CALAIS?" November i8, 1914. 67 GOOD HUNTING A CHIP OF THE OLD BLOCK 69 November 18, 1914. MEN OF FEW WORDS Grand Duke Nicholas. "(JA MARCHE?" General Joifre. "ASSEZ BIEN. ET CHEZ VOUS?" Grand Duke. "PAS MAL." 71 December 2, 1914. THE KING AT THE FRONT 'Tommy" {having learned the language). "\'IVE LE ROI I" 73 December 9, 1914. m Crown Prince. THE INNOCENT "THIS OUGHT TO MAKE FATHER LAUGH !" [In an alleged interview the Crown Prince is reported to have said, "^s to being a war agitator, I am uuly sorry that people don't know me better. There is no War Party in Germany now— nor has there ever been."] December 0, i9U. 75 KILLED! [With Mr. Punch's compliments to General Botha] 77 December i6, 1914. FULFILMENT Austria. "I SAID ALL ALONG THIS WAS GOING TO BE A PUNITIVE EXPEDITION" December 23, 1914. 79 THE BREAKING OF THE SPELL STEIXBACH, JANUARY 3, 1915 81 January 13, 1915. AN AWFUL WARNING Austria (to Rumania). "NOW, BE CAREFUL! REMEMBER WHAT I DID TO SERBIA!" January 20, 1915. 83 THE OUTCAST A PLACE IN THE SHADOW 85 February 19, 1915. A PAINFUL REFLECTION Austria. "HEAVENS! AM I REALLY AS BAD AS THAT? TAKE IT AWAY." [It seems to be dawning upon Vienna that the armies of Austria have not been consistently ^'='°"°"^-^ April 14, I9IS- 87 CANADA! YPRES: APRIL 22—24, 1915 89 May s, 1915. THE NEW ARMY TO THE FRONT 9' December 30, 1914. UNCLE SAM \ovf^<^D:v^ ,^,^ NOTHING DOING Imperial Dachshund. "Here I've been sitting up and doing tricks for the best part of seven weeks, and you take no more notice of me than if " Uncle Sam . "Cut it out!" September 23, 1914. 95 AS BETWEEN FRIENDS British Lion. "Please don't look at me like that, Sam. YOU'RE not the eagle I'm up AGAINST." January 6, 1915. 97 A BRAZEN BAND Imperial Conductor. "Stick to it, Tirpitz ; keep on melting their hearts !' 99 March 31, 1915. REJECTED ADDRESSES Kaiser {to America). "Perhaps it was right to dissemble your love; But why did you kick me downstairs?" April 21, 1915. 1 > k ^.^o^. 1 \ WUjI L?Acnin!!i^ THE RESOURCEFUL LOVER Teuton Troubadour {serenading the fair Columbia). "If she won't listen to my love-songs, I'll TRY HER WITH A BRICK !" February 17, 1915. 103 THE COMEDIES OF THE GREAT TRAGEDY STUDY OF A PRUSSIAN HOUSEHOLD HAVING ITS MORNING HATE February 24, 1915. 107 German Bird. "I see it doesn't say anything about eagles." August 26, 1914. The Hohenzollern (megapkonically). "Take courage, my brave Germans. Your Kaiser is prepared to sacrifice a million of you." 109 August 26, 1914. German Kaiser. "Let us prey." September 9, 1914. The Hunter Hunted [With acknowledgments to Mr. J. C. Dollman.] September j6, 1914. Ill Admiral of the Atlantic [to himself). "It is My Imperial pleasure to present You with the Order of the Masthead Broom (First Class) in recognition of Your conspicuous success in sweeping the seas." September 23, 1914. The Wolff. "Good. morning, my dear Little Red Riding Hood. Wouldn't you like me to tell you one of my pretty tales?" Little Miss Holland. "Thanks; but I'm NOT Little Red Riding Hood, and I don't want any of your fairy stories." September 23, IQ14. 113 A GARGOYLE OF NOTRE DAME DE PARIS {With acknowledgments to the etching by M. Miry on.) Spirits of evil, when they're thrown Out of a Church, are turned to stone ; But the above was petrified Even before he got inside. October 28, 1914. 115 LATEST DEVICE OF THE ENEMY Learning to sing "It's a long, long way to Tipperary" for the purpose of deceiving the Allies. November 4, 1914. 117 A Prussian Court-painter earning an Iron Cross by painting pictures in pr.\ise of the Fatherland FOR neutral consumption November ii, 1914. 119 UNRECORDED EVENTS IN THE HISTORY OF THE WAR German soldiers being roused to enthusiasm by the "Hymn of Hate" December i6, 1914. THE IRON CROSS EPIDEMIC Captain of a German cruiser, hurrying home after shell- ing HEALTH-RESORT, GIVES ORDERS TO LIGHTEN THE SHIP FOR THE SAKE OF SPEED. December 23, 1914. HOW TO BRING UP A HUN The Teutonic substitute for Milk November 11, 1914. Turkey. "Looks very tempting and fruity ; but WHAT I WANT TO KNOW IS, WHo's GOING TO PAY THE DOC- TOR'S BILL IF COMPLICATIONS ENSUE?" September 9, 1914. /^S FAITH 125 December 9, 1914. Cv^- '^nor^e~— Voice on telephone {from Berlin). "Well, have you DAMMED THE SuEZ CaNAL YET?" Turk. "Yes — often !" February lo, 1915. Turk. "I SAY, YOU fellows! Do you see the other Allies are pooling their Funds? Capital idea I" February 17, 1915. 127 J'« ' "IN THE SPRING A YOUNG MAN'S FANCY " The Crown Prince. "I DON'T BELIEVE I WAS MEANT TO WIN BATTLES; I BELIEVE I WAS MEANT TO BE LO\"ED." April 28, 1915. 129 German Kaiser. "We are not satisfied WITH Our moustache; it seems to need sup- port ON THE Eastern side." September 2, 1914. FOR NEUTRAL CONSUMPTION 131 September 2, 1914. WILLIAM THE GALLANT The Kaiser, by gifts of roses, has been trying to ingra- tiate HIMSELF WITH THE GrAND DuCHESS OF LUXEMBOURG, WHOSE COUNTRY HE HAS INVADED IN DEFIANCE OF TREATY OBLI- GATIONS. January 20, 1915. »33 WOMEN AND CHILDREN FIRST nard THE TRIUMPH OF "CULTURE 137 August 26, 1914. GOD (AND THE WOMEN) OUR SHIELD! STUDY OF A GERMAN GENTLEMAN GOING INTO ACTION September 9, 1914. •39 I DISHONOURED Captain- of the EMDEX. "DIRTY WORK!" 141 December 30, 1914. JenvS^Jjjj^^ THE FLIGHT THAT FAILED The Emperor. "WHAT! NO BABES, SIRRAH?" The Murderer. "ALAS! SIRE, NONE." The Emperor. "WELL, THEN, NO BABES, NO IRON CROSSES." [Exit murderer, discouraged.] H3 January 27, 1915. THE BREAD-WINNER »45 March 3, 1915. A GREAT NAVAL TRIUMPH German Submarine Officer. "THIS OUGHT TO MAKE THEM JEALOUS IN THE SISTER SERVICE. BELGIUM SAW NOTHING BETTER THAN THIS." .\pril 7, 1915- THE ELIXIR OF HATE Kaiser. '"FAIR IS FOUL, AND FOUL IS FAIR; HOVER THROUGH THE FOG AND FILTHY 149 AIR." May 5, 1915. THE NEW RAKE'S PROGRESS— UNSER KAISER THE COMING OF THE COSSACKS WiLHELM II. "WHAT IS THIS DISTANT RUMBLING THAT I HEAR? DOUBTLESS THE PLAUDITS OF MY PEOPLE!" August 26, 1914. »53 THE WORLD'S ENEMY The K.\iser. "WHO GOES THERE?" Spirit of Carnage. "A FRIEND— YOUR ONLY ONE." 155 August 19, 1914. MADE IN GERMANY Kaiser. "I'M NOT QUITE SATISFIED WITH THE SWORD. PERHAPS, AFTER ALL, THE PEN IS MIGHTIER!" September i6, 1914. K7 THE GREAT ILLUSION Kaiser. "MY POOR BIRD, WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOUR TAIL-FEATHERS?" German Eagle. "CAN YOU BEAR THE TRUTH, SIRE?" Kaiser. "IF IT'S NOT FOR PUBLICATION." German- Eagle. "IT'S LIKE THIS, THEN. YOU TOLD ME THE BRITISH LION WAS CONTEMPTIBLE. WELL— HE WASN'T!" September 23, 1914. '59 THE GREAT GOTH DESIGN FOR A STAINED-GLASS WINDOW IN A NEO-GOTHIC CATHEDRAL AT POTSDAM September 30, 1914. 161 GIVING THE SHOW AWAY German Press Bureau Photographer. "Costume perfect, Sire— accessories admirable ; but, in VIEW of all these 'victories,' dare we suggest that the EXPRESSIOX might be just a touch more JUBILAXT?" 163 October 14, 1914. THE LliMIT Scene: The Coast of Belgium The Kaiser. "'WHAT ARE THE WILD WAVES SAYING-?'" Wild Waves. "WE WERE JUST SAYING, THUS FAR, AND NO FARTHER!' l6j October 28, 1014. A CHRONIC COMPLAINT Aide-de-Camp. " 'THE ENGLISH FORCE, SO PLEASE YOU.' " Kaiser. " 'TAKE THY FACE HENCE ... I AM SICK AT HEART.' " Macbeth, .-^ct V., Sc. 3 167 December 2, 1914. :<=^ THE WHITEVVASHERS Kaiser. "Lay it on, my worthy professors— lay it on thick! I want every drop of it." 169 January 20, 1915. WILFUL MURDER The Kaiser. "TO THE DAY " Death. " OF RECKONING!' May 19, 1915. 171 THE RAIDER THE RETURN OF THE RAIDER Kaiser. "WELL, I AM SURPRISED!" TiRPiTZ. "SO WERE WE." 175 February 3, 1915. •SOUND AND FURY" Kaiser. "IS ALL MY HIGH SEAS FLEET SAFELY LOCKED UP'?"' Admiral von Tirpitz. "PRACTICALLY ALL, SIRE." Kaiser. "THEX LET THE STAR\ ATIOX OF ENGLAND BEGIN !" February 17, 1915. 177 RUNNING AMOK German Bull. "I KNOW I'M MAKING A ROTTEN EXHIBITION OF MYSELF; BUT I SHALL TELL EVERYBODY I WAS GOADED INTO IT." February 24, 1915. 179 THE UNSPEAKABLE TURK OUT OF BOUNDS John Bull. "SHOO! SHOO!" 183 May 9, 1906. ;&6«?(i?ft^.'^ ARMAGEDDON: A DIVERSION Turkey. "Good! if only all those other HAVE A dog's CHAXCE YET." Christian nations get at one another's throats, I ^L\Y December 4, 191 2. 185 ■fi^rtrli((^ SETTLED Dame Europa. "You've always been the most troublesome boy in the school. Now go and consolidate yourself." Turkey. "Please, ma'am, what does that mean?" Dame Europa. "It means going into that corner — and stopping there !" April 2, 1913. 187 uimi':^-^. HIS MASTER'S VOICE The Kaiser {to Turkey, reassuringly). "Leave everything to me. All you've got to do is to ex- Turkey. "Yes, I quite see that. But where shall / be when it's all over?' November il. 1914. THE EUPHEMISTS KaISIR. 'I SAY, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO EXPLAIN AWAY THE SURRENDER OF YOUR ARMY CORPS IN THE Caucasus'?" Sultan of Turkey. "Nothing simpler. I shall say, 'Our gallant troops determined to embar- rass THE enemy's commissariat, AND CARRIED OUT THEIR OBJECT WITH OVERWHELMING SUCCESS." Kaiser. "Splendid! Couldn't have put it better myself." Sultan. "My dear boy, we were in the business ages and aces before you were thought of." 191 January 13, 1915. THE GOD IN THE CART (An Unrehearsed Effect.) Turkey. "I'm getting a bit fed up with this. I shall kick soon." Austria. "Well, I was thinking of lying down." 193 . . January 6, 1915. THE RIDDLE OF THE SANDS Turkish Camel. "WHERE TO?" German Officer. "EGYPT." Camel. "GUESS AGAIN." '95 February lo, igi; "^/vj c;/?Av£ German Sentry. "WHO GOES THERE?" 197 Turk. "A FRIEND— CURSE YOU !" January 20, 1915. THE DISSEMBLERS [January 27TH] Emperor of Austria. "NOW WHAT DO WE REALLY WANT TO SAY?" Sultan of Turkey. "WELL, OF COURSE, WE COULDN'T SAY THAT; NOT ON HIS BIRTHDAY." January 27, 1915. '99 WILLIAM O' THE WISP 201 March 3, :91s. Q < I— I O a H td ""1 c 203 'He's as willing as a Christian ; strike me blind if he isn't,' said Sikes." Oliver Twist, Chap. xvi. {With apologies to the late Fred Barnard.) November 4, 1914. 205 ITALIA! ---H^-"'-^" Ox\ THE FENCE All-Highest {to certain Neutrals). "ABOUT— TURN !" [They sit tight.] 209 March 17, 1915. \ICARIOUS GENEROSITY Kaiser. "SHOULD YOU WANT SOME MORE FEATHERS, I KNOW A TWO-HEADED EAGLE' March 24, 1915. THE AWAKENING Prince von Bulow {to Italy). "STOP, STOP, SIGNORA! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE M£5- M£/?/5£D— NOT MOBILISED!" April 28, 1915. 213 ON WITH THE NEW HATE • 215 May 12, 1915 ^ V fiD 84 \ DOUSIROS, ^ ST. AUGUSTINE „ -^ 'ir' '^^ FLA. ; ti.