f'- .0 -^^o^ ^<. .^i-' '^' •:■:■ "-0 .r-^" -V -7- v^^ u o ^^ ..^ v. -;:^^o- ^^ 0^ ^'% v^§^; . . ^ .^^ ■^0^ <^'^^ /^ <* o .. '^o \0 "7*. ■^^^4'- %./ .•'^'•: %.^* ••^^-^- ^^-^^ • • » \ * .V ^ <5 \ ^-<.<^' o < 00 33 > o Tl o 3) O I o c m X I- o >- < cc □Q cn UJ > < cc O O az < 3 to tV < a o to « U ni C f ^\ t, to (V w ^ ir. ft 05 >* a ^ to n. 55 3 3 ft c IT, ^^ tt a — J I* /O OC^ O"^ u " " rT.3 C V cr 5 :v' S ^ to aj u t^ f <*) w ., c o b ci « 00 in 3 rt N 7:3 1- u X. Q V M-l ^ S2 S j; .s "[•o QJC c-tj " £°^ TO 2; * W -" c 4) — O , j3 rtCQ ^ "-) nS ^- "" TO . rA nl - William Baron, d ford) Cu! ett) LeB; Le Baron C ^P3M rt 4) C ^^^ N -^ a.2 "! 2 ■■? rt "^ ^ . -^ w2 >^ >^ 1- US JJQ 100 t^od cv r^ n-) 1-H •ri aT '4-* Wai 1704 1761. 771. C _; . " "^ TJ.^- >- . T3 rt C ^ . W 5 fl- OJ >3 i: -r- ^i^^ — .ij j: ry (Wi Franc Josep thaniel TO v." !_• n! Sqg;?; I ii ►I M CO •^ ( J (3 Z Q Q UJ O o 3> O ■< 21 > >- z s i_ UJ o o s > i: U s: O a rx) u > 3] CD jj lu l_ ■< 00 CVI 3: u s T >• o -1 :o lu -U s -U > O s o O X S J] Q Q a: o i 5 _l Z O o 5 <: ui CD Q: -• > OQ W o ^ ■< U- liJ I U- Z o -* 2 O O o o UJ DESCENDANTS OF FEANCIS LeBARON OF PLYMOUTH, MASS. COMPILED BY MARY LeBARON STOCKWELL. BOSTON : T. R. MARVIN & SON, PRINTERS, 73 Fedkral Street. 1904. C^ > 4-^ ^0^ I i s THE TO THE PERSEVERING INTEREST OF CATHARINE MITNROE (MARCH) CLARK PREPARATION OF THIS BOOK IB DUE; AND TO HER MEMORY IT IS LOVINGLY DEDICATED. INTRODUCTION Ix offering this volume to the public, the compiler is well aware that in many lines it is incomplete, and that there must be, of necessity, occasional errors in dates and names. As to the former, it is well known to all genealogists that the dates found on town records frequently differ from those contained in family Bibles, or given on gravestones; in some cases, two or even three varying dates for the same event have been furnished by different members of the same family ; in such instances the responsibility of deciding which had the greater weight of evidence in its favor has necessarily fallen upon the compiler, and it can hardly be supposed that no errors have been made in reaching the conclusions given. In the spelling of names some apparent dis- crepancies will doubtless be observed; these are due to the fact that the form used by the family itself has been followed. Even in the same family different members have occasionally used different spelling of their family name. The material for the foundation of the work was largely gathered by the late John Goodwin Locke; the notes which he left at the time of his death, in 18 09, being collated by Capt. Nathaniel Goodwin, who brought down the line of descendants of Dr. Lazarus LeBaron,- the second son of Francis,^ quite fully, to the year 1872. In 1807, at the initiative of Edmund 8. and James W. Clark, the compiler of this volume assumed the work of bringing the record down to date, picking up, as far as possible, the many lost threads in the lines of the other sons of Francis^ — James- and Francis,^ In 5 Introduction. carrying out this labor many members of the LeBaron family have reriflered important aid by their kind and ready response to many and repeated in(iuiries; the compiler would express appreciation of the great help received in the way of suggestions as to arrangement, as well a.s for information furnished, by the printers of the book ; thanks are due to Mr. Frederick Dielman for his kindness and courtesy in allowing the use, for the frontispiece, of a coi)y of his etching, "A Colonial Wedding," which represents the marriage of Francis LeBaron and .Mary Wilder. The Rev. Calbraith B. Perry, D. D., has kindlv permitted the use of plates of pictures of Ann (Bradford) DeWoif, .Mary Ann (DeWolf) Perry, and of the Bradford House in Bristol, i;. I. Some information which was received too late for insertion in its proper place, would gladly have been included had it been possible without disarranging the plan of the work. Valuable assistance has been rendered Ijy ^Ir. Harry G. Botsford, Mrs. Frances E. Bovie, Miss Sarah Bradford, Lemuel LeB. Dexter, Esq., Miss Isabella P^ldridge, ^Irs. Helen L. Goodwin, Mrs. Catherine E. Hedge, Mr. Isaac N. LeBaron, Miss Mary A. Richardson, Mrs. Clara J. Sampson, Mr. Benjamin Shurt- leff, Jr., Mrs. Jessie F. Stalker, Mrs. Ella G. St. Dizier, and Mr. James Ler>. Willard. Mrs. Hepzibah G, Emerson, Miss Frances E. Murray, Mrs. Sarah S. Norton, and many others showed their interest in various ways, in the early years of the work, but have not lived to see its completion. Mary LeBaron Stockwell. Jtinunnj 7, 190 J^. LIST OF ILLUSTEATIOJSTS. A Colonial Wedding Frontispiece. From an etching by Frederick Dieliuan. The Wilder Homestead, Hingham (Erected before 1690) ... 9 Dr. LeBaron's Scales 21 Agreement of Children of Francis^ LeBaron 23 LeBaron Graves, Burial Hill, Plymouth 28 The " Gov. Bradford House," Bristol, R. 1 29 Dr. Francis LeBaron, — -' Apothecary General" (1781-1829) . . .31 From a miniature in possession of Mrs. Catherine E. Hedge. Elizabeth (LeBaron) Bobbins (1745-1829) 31 From a portrait in possession of Miss Isabella Eldridge. Rev. Thomas Bobbins, D.D. (1777-1856) 32 From a portrait in possession of the Conn. Hist. Soc. Martha (LeBaron) Gilbert (1772-1852) 45 From a portrait in possession of Gilbert D. LeB. Dewey. Homestead of Lazarus LeBaron, Sutton, Mass 47 Sarah (LeBaron) Hazen (1749-182.S) 48 From a miniature in possession of Miss Frances M. Smith. Ann B. (Bradford) DeWolf (1770-1838) 55 From a miniature in possession of Mrs. Ann DeWolf Gibbs. James LeBaron (1780-1856) 59 From a daguerreotype in possession of James LeB. Willard. Dr. LeBaron Russell (1814-89) 61 James LeBaron (1800-67) 87 Chauncey LeBaron (180:}-79) 87 Elijah H. LeBaron (1814-97) 89 JJM of TUxRtrot'ions. .liijilii t H. I.«'HHr<)n (islT- ) Sarah I.. (IIa/.»'n) Botsford (177o-18o0) From a miniature in possession of Harry G. Botsford. l>r. r,.-Han>ii Botsford (1812-88) Marv A. (DcWolf) Perry (170o-1834) Hobhiiis Battt'II (ISliM);')) . The "Old Mansion," Mattapoisett (Erected 1777) .John B. r.e Baron (1817-84) Franklin ^\^ Nfanning (1874-98) George Butsl'.jrd (1807-01) . From a miniature in possession of Ilarry G. Botsford. .lolm (;. T.ocke (1803-G9) (iracf [.cB. (Locke) Upliani Mary .1. ((Joodwin) Austin (1831-94) From a pliotograph furnished by Mrs, Lilian I. do Silva William J^eBaron Putnam . Charles Dana Gibson .... Gravestone of Dr. Francis^ LeBaron, Burial Hill. Plymouth Notes of a Sermon (exact size), by Rev. Lemuel LeBaron Martha il. (LeBaron) Goddard (1829-88) .... 90 116 IIG 132 152 157 168 201 250 254 254 263 392 429 449 450 451 DESCENDxVNTS OF FRANCIS LeBARON OF PLYMOUTH, MASS. Fkancis^ LeBaeon was born in 1668, in France ; died Aug. 8, 1704, in Plymouth, Mass. ; married Sept. 6, 1695, Mary, daugh- ter of Edward* and Elizabeth (Eames) Wilder, of Hingham, born April 7, 1668 ; died Sept. 25, 1737. His widow married (2), Dec. 10, 1707, Return Waite, born in 1678, in Boston; died Oct. 3, 1751, in Plymouth. The birthplace of Francis LeBaron is not known ; the first mention of liim occurs in the Town Records of Plymouth, at the * The following notes on Edward Wilder are from the " Book of the Wilders," and the " History of Hingham." Edward, son of Thomas and Mar- tha Wilder of Shiplake, Oxfordshire, England, b. 1623 (?); d. Oct. 28, 1690; m. April, 1651, Elizabeth, dau. of Anthony Eames [Ames], of Hingham, d. Juno 9, 1692. He was in Hingham, Massachusetts Bay, in November, 1638, on the arrival of his mother from England, in the ship Confidence, from the port of Southampton. He remained in Hingham, and was made a freeman in 164.j. Children [order uncertain]: John, b. 1653, d. April 11, 1724, m. Rebecca : Elizabeth, b. 1655, m. July 16, 1673, Israel Fearing : Ephraim, d. Oct. 21, 1690 : Isaac, d. Sept. 26, 169-, m. Mary Whiton : Abia, m. William Clark : Mehitable, m. Joseph Warren : Anna : Abigail, d. June 6, 1718 : Hannah, b. Mar. 6, 1666, d, 1690 : Mary, b. April 7, 1668, m. 1696, Francis LeBaron : Jabez, b. 1(;71, d. May 21, 1731, m. Mary Ford. The "History of Hingham" says : Widow Mar- tha Wilder, mother of Edward, probably came from Shiplake, Oxfordshire, England. Edward Wilder was a soldier in the war against King Philip. The author of the " History of Hingham" calls Anthony Eames "of Marshfield." See also Barber's "Hist. Colls.," p. 506, "Hingham." lU Descendants of F'rancis LeBaron. time of liis marriage with Mary Wilder, of Hingham. His grave- stone on the "Ancient Burial Hill" in Plymouth, now in good preservation, marks the date of liis death and age, and gives the latter as tliiity-six years. Substantially the same tradi- tion in regard to him has been handed down in the various branches of liis family, namely, that a French j^rivateer, fitted out at Bordeaux and cruising on the American coast, was wrecked in Buzzard's Bay. The crew were taken prisoners and carried to Boston. In passing through Plymouth, the surgeon, Francis LeBaron, was detained by sickness, and on his recovery performed a surgical operation so successfully that the inhabitants of the town petitioned the executive. Lieutenant Governor Stoughton, for his release, that he might settle among them. The petition was granted, and he practiced his profession in tliat town and vicinity until liis death. In regard to his religious faith there are different opinions : some have claimed that he was a Roman Catholic, wliile others are just as strenuous in declaring that he was of a Huguenot family. It is possible that both claims are right, as, for a long period preceding 1696, the severest affliction of the Huguenots was due to the ab- straction of their children and youth from their homes, to be edu- cated in the Roman Catholic faith. We tliink best to express no opinion in regard to this matter, })ut place in the Appendix various statements and notes which have come to our attention, leaving each one interested to draw his own conclusions. Cliildi'en : ± i. James,2 b. May 23, 1696. 3. ii. Lazarus, b. Dec. 26, 1698. 4. iii. Francis, b. June 13, 1701. WILL OF FRANCIS LeBARON. The thirtieth Day of September Anno Domine 1703 I I-'raucis Lebaron of PUmouth in the County of Plimouth in New Kntxhm.l Chirurgeon l>eing at this |)resent Sick and Weak of body but Ihrougli mercy of Sound disposing mind and memory. Do hereby J^irst Generatioji. 11 make and Declare this my Last Will and Testament as followeth That is to Say first and Principally I commit my Eternall Concernments to the Mercy of God in Jesus Christ and my body to Decent burial When it shall please God to take me hence And Touching my Outward Estate Which the Lord hath blessed me with my Will and meaning is that the Same Shall be Implored And bestowed as herein Shall be Expressed that is to Say First of all That all my Just Debts to any Person or Per- sons be Duly Paid by my Executrix hereafter named and after the Said Debts and my funeral Expenses be Discharged and Paid my Will is That my Whole Estate be in the hands and Custody of Mary my Well- beloved Wife So Long as She Shall Remain my Widdow and Con- tinue in my Name to be managed by her as Followeth Viz my money and money Debts OAving and Due to me to be Lett Out to Such as Shall See Cause to take the Same and pay Annual Interest therefor Which Sd Interest to be for ye Support of my Said Wife and Children I also AVill That when P^ancis my 3'oungest Son Shall Come to the age of twenty one years that then my farm on which my Dwellinor house Standeth in the Township of Middleborough with all my meadow there be Duly Apprized and the Value thereof known And that James my Eldest Son Shall have and Enjoy the Same to him his heirs And Assignes for Ever he paying two thu-ds of the Value thereof to his two Brethren Namely Lazarus and Francis my Sons Also it is my Will that ye lU'sidue of my Estate both Lands Goods and Chattells (Except What of it Shall be Disposed of by this my Will) Shall be Equally Distributed and Divided amongst my Said three Sons at the Day of the Decease of my Sd Wife or at the time of her Againe Marriafre Which shall first hai)pen or be. j^rovided always And it is my Will that my Said Wife have Residence in my Sd House and farm and a Comfort- able Su})port and maintenance Out of my Sd Estate So long as She Shall Continue my Widdow but if She Shall Againe Marry and Go Out of my name then at the Day of her Said marriage I hereby Give L^'nto her the Full Sum of Sixty Pounds in money or Such of my Goods as She Shall then See Cause to make Choyce of And the Remainder of my Sd Estate to be for the Support Comfort & bringing up of my Sd Children and to be Distributed amongst them in Equall proportion as afforesaid Item I Give And bequeath to ye Poor of the Town of PHmouth Ninety Acres of my Land lying in the Said Township of Middlebor- 12 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. ough and of Such of my Land there as Lyeth nearest to ye Township of I'limouth to be for the Use and Benefit of ye Sd Poor for Ever* Finally I hereby Nominate & Appoint Mary my Said Wife to be Sole Kxec-utrix of this my Last Will & Testament In Testimony whereof and in full Confirmation of the Same I the Said Francis Le- baron have here Unto Set ray hand & Seall on ye thirtieth Day of Sei)tember Anno Domini One thousand Seven hundred & three bemg the Day & year first here in Written Signed Sealed and Declared by the Sd Francis Lebaron to be his Last Will and Testament in presence of Vs James Warren John Bradford Jun® LeBaron Samll Sprague [No Christian name on Will.] On the 22 Day of Septe 1704 before Nath Thomas Esqe Judge of the Probate of Wills &c James Warren Esqe John Bradford Jun & Samuel Sprague and made Oath that They Did See the Above Named Le Baron Signe & Scale and heard him Declare the above Written to be his last Will & Testament & that he then Was of A Disposing mind to the best of * The Massachusetts Legislature, in 1895, passed the Act printed below, to enable the Town of Plymouth to sell the lands thus bequeathed to it by Francis LeBaron, the better to caiTy out the plans of the donor. This fund in January, 1903, amounted to $1,350.00, and is one of the oldest funds of such a character in New England. [Chap. 232.] An Act to authorize the town of Plymouth to sell certain real ESTATE. Be it enacted, etc., as follows : Section 1. The town of Plymouth is hereby authorized and empowered to sell and convoy, in fee simple and free from all trusts, the lands devised by Francis Lo Baron "for the benelit uf the poor of Plymouth." Section 2. The proceeds of the sale of such lands shall bo invested and kept as a permanent fund, under the name of the Francis Le Baron Fund : and the income of said fund shall bo annually expended under the direction of tlie overseers uf the poor of said town for the benefit of the poor of Ply- mouth. Section 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [^pprorecZ April 4, 1S05.] First Generation. 13 their Ju(l. viii. David, b. April 27, 174U. L\. Ly«lia, b. Jan. 26, 1743 ; d. young; she was living July 21, 1757. (See Ai)pointnient of Guardian.) LAZ.\Kr.s- LkBakon (^Francis^), born Dec. 26, 1698, in Ply- niouih, Mass.; died Sept. 2, 1773; married May 16, 1720, Lydia, daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Griswold) Bartlett, of Plymouth, born 1698. She was a descendant of Richard Warren,* a May- flower Pilgrim of 1620, and died May ,19, 1742. He married (2), May 2, 1743, Lydia (Bradford) Cushman, daughter of David and Kli/.abetli (Finney) Bradford, born Dec. 23, 1719; died Oct. 28, 1756. Mi-s. Cushman was also a descendant from a Mayflower • Ricliard* Warren raino in tho Mayflower in 1G20 : his daughter, Mary^ Warrt-ii. m. nv.'s, KolxMt nartl(>tt, who came in the Ann, in 1G2.3 : their son, .I..si'i)ii' IJartiett, h. l(i:!lt, m. Ihumali Tope: their son, Joseph^ Bartlett, b. \mh, ni. Hili2, Lydia Griswold : tlieir daughter, Lijdia^ Bartlett, b. 1G9S, m. Lazarus Lillaroii. Second Generation. 17 Pilgrim, being a great-grandaughter of Governor William Brad- ford,* of Plymouth Colony, Lazarus LeBaron studied medicine with Dr. Mackay, a Scotch physician of Southampton, L. I., about 1718. He i)racticed his profession in his native town, Plymouth, and through the sur- rounding country, and was for many years one of the Selectmen of that town. ^YILL OF LAZARUS LEBARgX. In the name of God amen. I Lazarus LeBaron, of Plymouth in New England, physician, being in health and of a disposing mind and mem- ory, blessed be God for it, think it vay duty to dispose of the estate God has given me, and accordingly do dispose of it as follows: — But first, I give ray soul to God, hoping and believiiig thro merits and right- eousness of Jesus Christ, my dear Redeemer, to find acceptance with him ; my body I commit to the dust to be decently buried at the direc- tion of ray executors hereafter naraed, hoping for a glorious resurrec- tion. As to ray worldly substance I give and bequeath as follows, that is to say after my just debts and funeral chai'ges are paid by my Executors : Imprimis. L JMy will is that all my wearing apparel, woolen or linen, be equally divided to and among my sons, namely Lazarus, Bart- lett, Isaac, Lemuel, Francis and William. 2. I give to mv son Lazarus all that is due to me fi'ora him on books or notes of hand for money or moneys I have paid for him, also one- lifth part of all my medicines, these, Avith Avhat he has already had, to be accounted in full of his part of my estate. 3. I give to my tenjamin Goodwin of Boston, Elizalieth Bobbins wife of Ammi Bobbins of Xorfolk in Connecticut, four-fifth i)arts of all my medicines in my shops, to be equally divided among them, with what they already have had is in full of their parts of my estate. 5. I give to my daughter Priscilla LeBaron two hundred sixty-six pounds, thirteen shillings and four pence, to be paid to her by my Ex- ecutors : also one-half of the pewter in the kitchen : also a bed, well furnished, table, chairs, looking-glass, etc. : also the use of the green- j>ainted chamber so long as she remains unmarried, and a privilege in the cellar, kitchen, garret, etc. : also a seat in my pew in the meeting- house, all as her part of my estate in full : also I order that five cords of wood 1)6 brought to the house yearly, and every year, for her use till she is married. 6. I give to my granddaughter Sarah Hazen wife of IMr. Hazen, daughter of my son Joseph LeBaron, dec'd, fifty Spanish milled dollars, which is in full of her father's part of my estate. 7. I give my son-in-law Elkanah Cushman a suit of clothes and his board with me. 8. I give to my four sons I had by ray last wife, viz. : Isaac LeBaron, Lemuel LeBaron, Francis LeBaron, William LeBaron, their heirs and assigns forever, all the residue of my estate, real or personal, not already disposed of, wherever lying or being, in this Government, or in any other Government, of what name or nature soever. 9. I also nominate, ordain and appoint my two sons, 'viz. : Isaac LeBaron of Boston, and Lemuel LeBaron of Rochester, to be my ex- ecutors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking and dis- annulling and declaring void all other former AVills by me heretofore Second Generation. 19 made, declarinn: tlus to be my last AVill and Testament, as witness my hand and seal this twenty-fourth day of September, one thousand, seven hundred and seventy-two 1772. Sicjned, sealed, ))ronounoed, La/auus LeBaron. published and declared to be his Will and Testament, in presence of Thomas Mayhew. Isaac Doten. Rebeccah Fuller. A true copy as appears of record. Exam'd jier Edw'd Winslow, Reg'tr. INVENTORY OF THE ESTATE OF LAZARUS LeBARON. An Inventory of the Estate Real & Personal which Lazarus Le Baron Physician Late of Plymouth Deceased Died Seized of taken by us the Sub- scribers October 25th 1773 £ s. a. His Apparel £24 his Armour 8s 24: 08: 00 The Whole of the Plate & Old Silver & Gold 33: 03: 02 Books 42.S Cane 2.s 2 : 04 : 00 One broken Looking Glass 8/ an Old Desk & Case 16/. . 1: 04: 00 1 Maple Table 8/ 4 back Chairs 12/ 1 : 00: 00 Tin Plates & Bowls & Cream Pot & Sugar Bowl 0: 06: 01 Quantity of Small Earthen Ware In the Bed Room Closet 0: 05: 06 Shovel Tongs hand Irons Brush Phials & Small Articles. 0: 06: 10 One Round Maple Table 10/ Looking Glass 8/ 0: 18: 00 One Small Round Table & 10 Chairs 1 : 05: 04 One High Candlestick hand Irons & Matts 0: 11 : 04 Bottles Earthen Pans & a Pair of Fire Buckets 0: 15: 04 2 Looking Glasses Gilt Frames 8: 16: 00 1 Round Table Black Walnut & 1 Square Mahogany Do. . 3: 00: 00 1 Mahogany Stand Waiter 26/ six Chairs 20/ 2: 00: 00 1 Pair hand Irons & Tongs 10/8 Six Pictures 15/ 1 : 05: 08 Earthen & China & Glass & Stone Ware in the Great Room 1 : 03 : 10 Coffee Pot & Stand 1/8 Pewter Platter Dishes & Plates 7:3:5 7: 05: 01 1 Bell Mettle Skillet 1 Large & 1 Small Bell Mettle Mor- tar 2: 10: 01 Pestles 1/4 Tin Ware & Stew Pan 12/4 Earthen Ware 1/ 0:14:08 2 Pair Brass Candlesticks 8/ Old Brass & Iron 1/ 0: 09: 00 1 Pair Doggs 3/4 hand Irons Shovel Tongs Grid Iron & Tost Iron 16/4 : ID : OS 20 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Pewter Distill top Tramel Flat Irons Bellows & Brushes 0: 13: 08 1 Wanning Pan !S/ Tables & Chairs Skimmers &. Forks Ac 7/4 0: 15: 04 2 Old Brass Kittles 40s Iron Potts 15.s 2: 15: 00 Iron Skillets A- Pudding Pan & Stew Pan & Cover 0: 12: 04 Spit c\.- Scuers Tin Kitchen i^- fender tt lialf Bushel 0: 0:3: 08 One Barrel & Chest A: Seive Old iron Wood &. Earthen Ware : 05 : 04 Knives & forks 0: 05: 00 47 yards New Sheeting a 2/5 pr yard 5: 13 : 07 13 Pillow Cases 0: 08: 08 21i.< pr Sheets £10 18/4 Seven woolen & Flanl Blankets 27/4 12: 05: 08 4 Table Cloaths 8/8 ten Towels 3/4 0: 12: 04 Two Coverlets &. one Rug 30/ pr of old Blankets 0/ 2: 02: 00 XYc, yd of Shalloon 5/ \% yds of homespun Cloth 2/ 0: 07: 00 33 Skeins of Twist 0: 16: 06 9 Dozen of Buttons 6/ one Leather Covered Trunk 9/. . 0: 15: 00 one Seil Skin Do 2/4 three wooden Boxes 4/6 0: 06: 10 Sundry old wooden & Earthen Vessels 0: 03: 00 one Bed Bolster it Pillows 1 : 14 : 08 2 Flannel Sheets one Coverlet Bedstead & Cord 0: 19: 00 1 old Chest 2 old Chairs 3/8 about 10 Bushl of Corn 30/. . 1 : 13 : 08 Sundries of old Lumber &c : 00 : 06 one Bed No 5 & Bolster 6: 18: 06 1 Blanket one Bed Sacking Bottom 1 : 06: 00 three old Chairs A- one Close Stool 0: 03 : 06 one Bed No 2 with Bolster & Pillow 6 : 01 : 08 8 Chairs A- one Great Chair 1 : 01 : 04 3 Rag Carpets old and Chest of Drawers & Chairs & Table 1: 12: 00 one looking Glass 8/ Six Pictures 1/4 0:09:04 One Coverlet : 12 : 00 One Callico Quilt 24/ one Bed & new Sack Bottom 28/. 2: 12: 00 One Sett Ilarreteon Curtains & Rods 60/ 3 : 00 : 00 One Case with 2 Bottles 280 phials 1 : 06 : 00 Sundry old Articles in the Closet 0: 01: 00 One Bed No 1 Bolster & Pillows 0: 10: 00 One Blanket cfe Quilt Coverlet 1: 08: 00 One Bed Stead Sack Bottom ct Part of a Suit of Curtains. 1 : 16: 00 One Walnut Chest with drawer &. chamber Table 1 : 12: 00 3 Chairs one great Chair d- Carpet 0: 17 : 03 One Bed \o 3. Bolster ct Pillows 5: 06: 08 1 Coverlet Blanket Bed Stead & Sack Bottom 2: 08: 08 1 Suit of old Harrateen Curtains & Rods 0: 13: 04 One Bed No. 4 it Bolsters 3: 14: 08 Small Lookg Glass old Chest with Drawers 0: 02: 08 4 Chairs A- Sundry Small articles in Chest 0: 05: 08 Dr. LAZARUS LeBARON'S SCALES. Believed to have been used by Dr. FRANCIS' LeBARON. Second Generation. 21 One Wt. 26 lb. a SiZ per pound 17/4 Bedstead A Bed- ding<.)/8 1 : 07 : 00 Scythes, Old Iron Spinning: AVheels & Boxes in the (iarret 0: 14: GO One Pair of Saddle Baggs and a number of Old Jars 0: 0(): 00 The Whole of the Druggs & Medicins in the Shop ap- prisd by Invoices and advice of Physitians £42: 12: 07 Deduct about One Quarter Part for Some Medicenes being old tt Damnified pr. advice of Physitians £9: 1: 9 33: 10: 10 Sundry Iron Weights 24,s Port Manteau 1/ 1 : 05: 00 One Pair of Small Scales a piece of Mahogany 0: 04: 08 1 Old Table & Barrel & Old Saddle 0: 04: 00 5 Empty Barrels & Sundrys in both Sellars ^ 0: 07 : 00 Sheeps Wool 0/S One Chair 1/8 Old Iron 3/ 0:11:00 Two Axes 4/8 Two Large Hogs £5: 6: 8 5:11:04 One Black Mare £5 One Brown Do £5 10:00:00 One Cow £3: 0:8 four Loads of Hay £12 15:00:08 One Negro Boy named Nero 7 years old 20 : 13 : 04 One Ditto Girl named Ginna 5 years old 26 : 13 : 04 One Saddle & Houzin 1: 00: 00 fifty five Sheep Leased out 18: 06: 08 One Quarter of a Box of Glass 6 by 8 0: 12: 00 One Easy Chair 0: 13: 04 Personal Estate 321: 16: 09 Real Estate. The House in which the Deceased Last lived .- £500: 00: 00 One Pew in the Meeting House in Plymouth first pre- cinct No. 10 by the Pulpit Stairs 40: 00: 00 One Pew in the Gallery of the Meeting House In the first Precinct 6: 13: 04 There were also 41 parcels of land in Plymouth, Middle- boro, in Hampshire Co., Mass., and in Connecticut, valued at 2529: 19: 04 £3076: 12: 08 Personal Estate 321: 16: 09 £3398: 09: 05 Thos. Forster Thos. Mayhew Edw. Winslow Jun Plymouth ss. April 21st 1774. Isaac Lebaron & Lemuel Lebaron only surviving Executors of the Last Will & Testament of Lazarus Lebaron deceased made Oath that this Inventory Contains the Whole of Said Deceased Estate so far as they now know it that if more Shall hereafter Appear thoy will Give it in. The Appraisers being also under Oath. Before Edward Wixsi.ow Kcg'r. 22 DescemlaiUs of Frayicis LeBaron. Children by fii-st wife : 10. i. Lazarus,* b. May 7, 1721. 11. ii. Jo.seph, b. Oct. 7, 1722. 12. iii. Lyclia, b. Dec. 3, 1724. i;j. iv. Mary, b. Mar. 20, 1731. 14. V. Hannah, b. April 5, 1734. vi. Tlieresa, b. June 22, 1736; d. Mar. 30, 1738. 15. vii. Bartlett, b. April 29, 1739. Children by second wife : 16. viii. Isaac, b. Jan. 25, 1744. 17. ix. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 21, 1745. 18. X. Lemuel, b, Sept. 1, 1747. xi. Francis, b. Sept. 3, 1749; d. Sept. 10, 1773, in South Car- olina. 19. xii. William, b. Aug. 8, 1751. 20. xiii. Priscilla, b. Aug. 3, 1753. xiv. Margaret, b.,July 5, 1755; d. Nov. 20, 1756. Francis^ LeBarox (^Francis^'), born June 13, 1701 ; died Aug. 6, 1731 ; mariied Nov. 23, 1721, Sarah, daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Giiswold) Bartlett.* His widow married (2), Jan. 21, 1736, Joseph Swift. Francis LeBaron resided in the house in Plymouth, Mass., formerly occupied by his father, Dr. Francis LeBaron, on the site of which " Davis Hall " now stands. The in- ventory of his estiite amounted to £378 : 8 : 10, including items of things "in his Coopers shop in Plymouth," besides £46: 18: 4, cash due from his brother James, being one-third of the value of " tlie farm given to James by liis honoured father." He appar- ently died intestate, as liis brother Lazarus,^ and Samuel Bartlett, " Merchant," were appointed administrators, and " Ileturu Waite, Taylor," was one of their sureties. It would appear from documents on file in Plymouth Probate Records, cited below, that all the children of Francis^ did not * See note on p. 10. o cc < CO UJ _J C£ o < a: LJJ CC Q -J X O UJ X h- LL. O UJ UJ UJ cc Ci < Second Generation. 23 receive their full portions of liis estate when liis widow, their step-mother, married again. More than lifteen years after their father's death the sons agreed among themselves on the appoint- ment of appraisers of liis real property, as will be seen by the following agreement from the Probate files : febr 5 17§ Plyrath it is mutually agreed between us the Subscribers for the better Set- tlement of our Lauds & Meadow Lying in South meadows &> South ])urchase that Captn Tompson & Cajjt Lucas be ye j)risers to uallue it & v© houses & giue us in ye. uallue of each Lott respectiuely tfc Doe oblige our Selues to Stand to their award ^""^•"^^^ as witness our hands James LeBaron Lazarus LeBaron Francis LeBaron as also for ye. prising the Lands & houses in the — on of plymth we make choise of Captn. Dier & Mr. Stephen Churchell Tliis estate had been included in the appraisal made shortly after the death of Francis,^ but for some reason unknown the second appraisal apparently did not prove satisfactory to the heirs, and did not result in a division. In the Memorial given below, which has no date but presumably made not long after the agreement, Francis^ applied for an accounting and to have the house included in his portion set off to Mm. The Court accordingly appointed, June 16, 1723, "Jacob Tomson, Benony Lucas and John Dyer" to make a third appraisal of the lands and houses ; they made return two days later, as the result of wliich Francis^ seems to have been given the house in which he afterwards resided, and other property. MEMOPJxVL OF FRAXCIS LeBAKOX, JR. To the Hon Isaac Winslow Esq. Judg of Probaits of Will.s in the County of Plpuouth etc: the memorial of ffraiu-is LeBaron of Ply- muuth in the county aforesd son to ffrancis LeBaron of Plymoutli aforesd Deceased. Humbly Sheweth tliat his honoured father maiking 24 Desce7idants of Francis LeBaron. a will, said will heinix on record in the sd office, in which there was a residuary Legacy Be(ineathed to your memorialist and it was uncertane and still remains uncertane. Besid there hath been money goods and chatties taiken into the Possestion and Improvement of the other Legatees and Improved to there one use: and the Law of the Pro- vince made in the fifth year of King William & Queen Mary Provids that uncertane legacies must be reduced to a certanety and how, now may it please j'our honor the case is thus : there was but a dark and perplext account that the Executor had. Our Honoured mother being Concerned obliged us to a tenderness with her and for her saik made up the affare with as little to do as possable hoping upon a good accor- ding amoungst ourselfs (& wHithall knowing that by the Avill we cood not be in a worss Condition than If our mother had not married) and to the settling of the estate for it was to be at her Deceas or second marao-e. however the beginning of December 1722 we maid up with the Executr & since our Indeavours have been to settle it among our- selfs but as yett Cannot Effect it nor no probability that ever we shall. Now we having all of us taken of the estate into our hands we become all of us accountable to each other as I Humbly Conceive : and when any is agreved the law maid in the fourth year of King William the Third seemes to putt the Case into the Judges hand besids the law maid in the twelveth year of sd Reign Provides in such a Case : your memorialist is agreved becaus things are not reduced to a sertanety that the estate may be settled. Your memorialist humbly prays your honour wood Exert your Power to Call James LeBarron and Lazarus LeBaron to your memorialist to account of there receivings & Improvement of sd Estate that thereby it may be reduced to a Sertanety and your memorialist is ready to add to his account what he has since Recevd and Avhen this is Don and the land Inventoried I Doubt not but that we shall Quickly Come to a good settlement. However If your honour is of another mind I pray you to request an account of Lazarus LeBaron by vertue of this Bond, for before I Discharged the Exr (fearing the worst) I tooke this bond whereby If need required to Charg him. I wood Intreat your Honour to be as Speedy as with Conveniancy Can be, be cause I am Destitute of a house and out of that estate there will be a house Come to me but that which at present is as it were set aside for me wants abundance to be don to it to make it tenantable. & your memorialist shall ever pray as in duty bound etc FRANCIS LeBaROX. Third Generation. 25 Children : i. Francis,^ b. Mar. 26, ll'l'l; d. inf. ii. ^fai y, b. Oct. 11, 17i>3. iii. Isaac, b, Sept. 7, 1725; drowned July 22, 1741, in Ply- mouth Harbor. 21. iv. Sarali, b. Oct. 7, 1728. V. A daughter, b. July 4, 1729; d. young, vi. Frances, b. Aug. 11, 1731 ; d. Dec. 19, 1775. THIRD GENERATION. 5 JoHN^ LeBarox (James^), bom April 2, 1724; died Aug. 1, 1801; married Feb. 23, 1748, Mary Raymond, of Middleboro, Mass., died Mar. 23, 1791. He held a part of his father's farm in IMiddleboro and resided there. Cliildren : i. Abiezer,-* b. July 4, 1749; "Publishment" with Sarah Washburn, July 5, 1777. Served in the Revolutionary War. 22. ii. John, b. April 10, 1750. 23. iii. Zebulon, b. Dec. 6, 1752. 24. iv. Eunice, b. Nov. 4, 1761. See 42. V. Joshua, b. Nov. 6, 1763; d. Aug. 4, 1793. 25. vi. Levi, b. Oct. 14, 1765. 26. vii. Chloe, b. Aug. 8, 1773. 27. viii. Mary, b. July 9, 1775. See 42. 6 Jaihes^ LeBaron (James'^), born Dec. 10, 1726 ; died Oct. 3, 1780 ; married Feb. 4, 1747, Hannah Turner, of Rochester, Mass. He resided in Middleboro, Mass. Children : i. James,* b. Jan. 4, 1748 ; d. young. 28. ii. Japhet, b. July 20, 1750. iii. Eliy.abeth, b. Mar, 24, 1752 ; d. Oct. 7, 1825, in Shaftsbury, Vt. 26 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 29. iv. Martha, b. Xov. 30, 1755. 30. V. AVillium, b. April 20, 1757. 31. vi. Jaiue-s b. Nov. 30, 1759. 32. vii. Francis, b. A]ml 30, 1762. 33. vui. I^^aac, 1). April 20, 1764. ix. Hannah, b. Sept. 11, 1766; m, 1788, Elkanah Shaw. 34. X. Abigail, b. May 17, 1768. 35. xi. Lazarus, b. Feb. 7, 1771. 7 Joshua^ LeBaron QJames'^^, born Oct. 10, 1729 ; died Mar. 9, 1806 ; married Nov. 20, 1761, Grace Bush, of Sheffield, Mass., bom Feb. 27, 1744; died Dec. 20, 1819. Res., Sheffield. Children : 36. i. Isaac,* b. Sept. 10, 1762. ii. Jerusha, b. Jan. 26, 1764; m. Dr. Simeon Sage, of Hadley, Saratoga co., N, Y. iii. Mary, b. Aug. 9, 1766 ; m. Daniel Kellogg. 37. iv. Japhet B., b. July 10, 1767. 38. V. Pamelia, b. Dec. 7, 1769. 39. vi. John, b. April 20, 1771. vii. Mark, b. Nov. 8, 1774; d. June 2, 1852, «.;>.; m. Martha Collar. 40. viii. Jeremiah, b. Oct. 5, 1776. ix. James, b. June 16, 1778 ; m. Sarah Hixon. x. Laura, b. April 4, 1780; m. Richard Sutliff or Shurtliff; both d. 1847. 41. xi. Horace, b. Mar. 9, 1783. 8 Mary^ LeBaron (James^), born Aug. 9, 1737 ; died May 12, 1816 ; married Jan. 4, 1756, in Plympton, Mass., Abiel Shurtleff, born Mar. 11, 1733 ; died Jan. 6, 1826. Res., Carver, Mass. Cliildren (Shurtleff) : i. David,-* b. Nov. 20, 1756. ^ 42. ii. Timothy, b. June 18, 1760. Third Generation. 27 iii. Gideon, b. Oct. 21, 176± iv, Levi, b. July 7, 1705. V. James, b. April 17, 1768. vi. Joel, b. April 'lb or 28, 1771. vii. Enoch, b. Dec. 4, 1773; d. Jan. 22, 1778. 43. viii. Abiel, b. July 1, 1776. 44. ix. Enoch, b. :\Iay 21, 1779. 9 DavidS LeBaron (^James^), born April 27, 1740 ; died Feb. 1, 1819 : mariied Nov. 20, 1764, Martha Chatfield, born in 1747, in Killingworth, Ct., where lie then lived. Later he removed to Benson, Vt. ; she died Jan. 22, 1820. He served in the Revolu- tionary Army from Connecticut, liis name appearing on the Lexing- ton Alarm List from the town of Killingworth, although it there appears as " Leberon." It appears elsewhere as " LeBarva." Cliildren : 45. i. Solomon," b. Oct. 21, 1766. 46. ii. Francis, b. Nov. 18, 1768, or 1709. 47. iii. Iluldah, b. Jan. 19, 1771. 48. iv. :\rartha, b. April 21, 1772. 49. v. David, b. Feb. 21, 1775. 50. vi. Lydia, b. Feb. 11, 1777. 51. vii. Ruth, b. Mar. 31, 1779. 52. viii. Naomi, b. Aj^ril 17, 1781. 53. ix. James, b. Oct. 12, 1783. X. Daniel, b. Oct. 29, 1785; m. Mrs. Esther Wilsey; s.p. 54. xi. Hannah, b. Nov. 15, 1788. 10 Lazarus^ LeBaron (Lazarus^}, born May 7, 1721, in Ply- mouth, !Mass. ; died Nov. 15, 1784, in Plymouth ; married Nov. 10, 174-3, ill Barbadoes, W. L, where he then resided, Margaret Newsome, who died there ; married (2), Oct. 14, 1756, in Pl}-- mouth, Mrs. Mary (Thomas), widow of Ansel Lothrop, died April 23, 1792, aged 73 years. He was a physician, being Sur- 28 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. geon on a British sliijD, and practiced his profession both in Bar- badoes and Plymouth. Cliild: 55. i. Lazarus/ b. Oct. 16, 1744. It is reported in the family that Lazarus LeBaron had a daugh- ter, born in Barbadoes, who died there when young. 11 Joseph" LeBaron {Lazarus^'), born Oct. 7, 1722; died May 17, 17 01 ; married April 23, 1747, Sarah, daughter of Rev. Na- thaniel Leonard, of Plymouth, Mass. He studied medicine with his father. Dr. Lazarus LeBaron, and practiced for some years in the West Indies. His widow married (2), Nov. 10, 1761, Judge John White, of Haverhill, Mass., and died Feb. 17, 1802. Cliildren : i. Joseph,-' b. Jan. 22, 1748 ; d. Oct. 1, 1748. 56. ii. Sarah, b. Feb. 22, 1749. 12 Lydia^ LeBaron (Lazarus^), born Dec. 3, 1724 ; died Mar. 24, 1801; married Dec. 25, 1746, Nathaniel, son of John and Mercy, or Marcia (Robie) Goodwin, born May 14, 1724, in Boston; died May 23, 1771. Res., Plymouth, Mass. Cliildren (Goodwin) : 57. i. Nathaniel,-' b. May 21, 1748. 58. ii. Lydia, b. May 10, 1750. 59. iii. John, b. Oct. 18, 1751. 60. iv. Lazarus, b. Mar. 22, 1753. 61. V. William, b. Jan. 10, 1756. 62. vi. Thomas, b. Aug. 31, 1757. 63. vii. Mercy, b. Mar. 22, 1759. viii. Robie, b. July 21, 1761 ; d. Dec. 5, 1761. 64. ix. Francis LeBaron, b. Sept. 29, 1762. X. Ann, b. Aug. 11, 1765; d. July 14, 1766. 65. xi. George, b. Jan. 13, 1767. Third Generation. 29 13 Mary^ LeBarox (^Lazarus"^), born Mar, 20, 1731 ; died Oct. 2, 1775; Diarried Mar. 22, 1751, (Gov.) William Bradford, of Mount Hope, Bristol, H. I., born Nov. 4, 1728, in Plympton, Mass. ; died July 6, 1808. Gov. Bradford was the son of Samuel and Sarah (Gray) Bradford, and a descendant of Gov. William Bradford, of Plymouth Colony. In 1751 he practiced medicine in Warren, R. I. ; he soon after removed to Bristol, and began the practice of law. He was the last Deputy Governor under the Crown, and first under the Continental Congress. He was also U. S. Senator from 1793 to 1797. Cliildren (Bradford) : 66. i. William," b. Sept. 15, 1752. 67. ii. Lazarus LeBaron, b. May 31, 1754. ui. John, b. Oct. 9, 1758 ; d. Oct. 31, 1785. 68. iv. ]\fary, b. Sept. 2, 1760. V. Hannah, b. Nov. 22, 1762 ; d. young, vi. Son, b. July 15, 1764; d. young. 69. vii. Hannah, b. June 14, 1767. 70. viii. John, b. July 14, 1768. 71. ix. Ann (or Nancy) Bowman, b. Aug. 6, 1770. 72. X. Ezekiel Hersey, b. Mar. 8, 1772. 73. xi. Lydia, b. April 11, 1774. 14 Hannah-^ LeBarox (^Lazarus^), born April 5, 1734; died Oct. 25, 1775, in Boston, Mass. ; married Nov. 17, 1757, Benjamin, son of John and Mercy (Robie) Goodwin, of Boston, born Feb. 21, 1732 ; died Nov. 30, 1792, in Easton, Mass. Children (Goodwin) : i. Benjamin," b. July 3, 1758; d. Nov. 10, 1820, 74. ii. Henry, b. April 30, 1760. See 08. 75. iii. Joseph, b. Dec. 26, 1761. 76. iv. William, b. Oct. 30, 1763. V. Charles, b. Aug. 3, 1765 ; d. Mar. 3, 1783, in St. Augustine, Fla. y y 30 Descendants of Francis LeJiaron. 77. vi. Daniel, l>. Sept. 10, 17t>7. vii. Ia'wIs LeBaron, 1). July 0, 1769; d, Sept. 28, 1770, in Boston. 78. viii. Hannah LeBaron, b. INIay 18, 1771. i.\. Mary Rohie, b. ^Nlar. 13, 1773. X, Nancy Weatherstone, b. Oct. 9, 1775 ; d. young. 15 Bartlett-'^ LeBakon (^Lazanis^), born April 29, 1739; died July 24, 1800, in Plj^niouth, Mass.; married Mary Esdell, of Ply- mouth; died April 14, 1781. He married (2), Sept. 30, 1786, Lydia (Sargent) Doggett, died May 2, 1823. Dr. LeBaron grad- uated from LLirvard in 1756, and received the ^Master's degree in course ; Ids name is fourteenth on the roll of twenty-five ; among his classmates were the Rev. Dr. Walter, who was the tliird rector of Trinity Church, Boston, Hon. Samuel Holden Parsons, and James Lovell, one of the teachers in the Boston Latin School, and prominent in the Revolution. Bartlett studied medicine with his father and practiced liis profession in Plymouth. Children : i. Mary," b. May 18, 1762; d. Jan., 1842, unm. ii. Hannah, b. Jan. 10, 1764. See 78. iii. Lydia, b. July 26, 1767 ; d. May 10, 1849, unm. iv. Rebecca, b. Nov. 10, 1774; d. April 8, 1826, unin. 79. v. Betse}^ b. Dec. 6, 1776. 80. vi. John, b. Nov. 10, 1778. 81. vii. James, b. Dec. 10, 1780. viii. Nancy, b. April 26, 1787; d. Sept. 8, 1788. 82. ix. Lucia, b. May 15, 1788. 83. X. Nancy DeWolf, b. Nov. 19, 1789. xi. Esther, b. May 19, 1791 ; m. Oct. 18, 1812, Solomon Davie. 84. xii. Almira, b. Jan. 3, 1793. xiii. Harriet, b. Feb. 25, 1795; d. Aug. 6, 1795. 16 IsAAC^ LeBaron {Lazanis^'), born Jan. 25, 1744, in Plymouth, Mass. ; died Dec. 23, 1819 ; married Dec. 1, 1774, jNIartha, daugh- Dr. FRANCIS LeBARON. Apothecary-General, U. S, A. 1813-1821. ELIZABETH iLeBARON BOBBINS. 1 745-1 829. Third Generation. 31 ter of Consider and Ruth (Biyant) Ilowland, du'd June 26, 1820. He resided for a time in Boston, but was in Plymouth at the time of liis death. Chiklren : 85. i. Isaac,-* b. ^lar. 11, 1777. 8(5. ii. Martha Howland, b. June 14, 1778. iii. Francis, b. April 29, 1781; d. June 20, 1829, unm. Dr. Francis LeBaron was in the United States iservice as follows: Surgeon's IMate (Navy), Jan. 31, 1800, to Mar. 1, 1802; Garrison Surgeon's Mate (Army), Mar, 26, 1802, to Dec. 11, 1808; Garrison Surgeon, Dec. 12, 1808, to June 10, 1813; Apothecary General, June 11, 1813, to June 1, 1821. 87. iv. Mary Rowland, b. May 14, 1786. 17 Elizabeth^ LeBarox (^Lazarus^'), born Dec. 21, 1745, in Ply- mouth, Mass. ; died Sept. 28, 1829 ; married May 13, 1762, Rev. Ammi Ruhamah, son of Rev. Pliilemon and Hannah (Foote) Rob- bins, born Sept. 5, 1740, in Branford, Ct. ; died Oct. 31, 1813. Mr. Bobbins graduated from Yale College in 1760, and was set- tled over the church in Norfolk, Ct., Oct. 28, 1761, as its first pastor, remaining there till the time of his death. He was Chap- lain of several regiments in the Revolutionary War. From 1783 to 1796 he made a number of missionary tours tlii'ough the north- ern parts of Vermont and New York. He was a Trustee of Wil- liams College from 1794 to 1810. Cliildren (Robbins) : i. Philemon,'' b. May 18, 1763; d. young. ii. Philemon, b. Feb. 28, 1764; d. young, iii. EHzabeth, b. Jan. 5, 1766; d. young, iv. Mary, b. Jan. 18, 1767 ; d. young. 88. v. Ammi Ruhamah, b. Jan. 3, 1768. 89. vi. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 8, 1770. 90. vii. Nathaniel, b. June 18, 177'J. viii. Francis LeBaron, b. Mar. 9, 177."); d. Sept. 3, 1777. 32 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. ix. Thomas, 1». Aul;. 11, 1777; <1. Sept. 13, 1856, unm. lie graduated from Yale and Williams Colleges in 1796, and took hLs ^Master's degree in course from each; he was a Trustee of Williams, 1842-53, and also of Trinity- College. He received the degree of D. D. from Harvard in 1888 ; he was settled as pastor over churches in East Windsor, Ct., and ^fattapoisett, Mass., and afterwards was Liltrarian of the Connecticut Historical Society, in Hartford. 91. X. Sarah, 1). Aug. 22, 1779. 92. xi. James Watson, b. April 19, 1782. 93. xii. Samuel, b. Aug. 29, 1784. 94. xiii. Francis LeBaron, b. Dec. 30, 1787. 18 Lemuel^ LeBaron (LazariuP'^^ born Sept. 1, 1747, in Ply- mouth, Mass.; died Nov. 26, 1836; married Nov. 24, 1774, Eliz- abeth Allen, of Martha's Vineyard, born April 9, 1752, died Nov. 9, 1830. He was graduated from Yale College in 1768, studied divinity, and was ordained to the ministry in Mattapoisett, Mass., Jan. 26, 1772, and was settled over the church in that place until the time of his death, wliich occurred in the sixty-fifth year of his ministry. He served as Chaplain in the Revolutionary War. Cliildren : i. Lemuel,* b. Aug. 1, 1775 ; d. Sept., 1775. ii. Ann, b. Jan. 9, 1778; d. May 22, 1779. 95. iii. Lemuel, b. Jan. 10, 1780. 96. iv. John Allen, b. April 27, 1782. v. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 23, 1784; d. Jan. 2, 1815. 97. vi. William, 1). April 27, 1786. 98. vii. Lazarus, b. July 27, 1789. 99. viii. Sally Ann, b. Sept. 11, 1791. ix. James, b. Oct. 19, 1794; d. Dec. 12, 1801. 19 William^ LeBaron {Lazariar), born Aug. 8, 1751, in Ply- mouth, Mass. : died Oct. 23, 1816, in Fairhaven, Mass.; married Dec. 15, 1774, Sarah, daughter of John and Sarah (Cole) Church- Rev. THOMAS ROBBINS. D. D. 1777-1856. / / Third Generation. 33 ill, of Plymouth, died Oct. 29, 1706. He resided in F:iiihaveii. Both he and his ^vife are buried on " Burial Hill " in Plymouth. Cliildi'en : i. William,-' b. Xov. 9, 1775; d. Xov. 17, 1775. 100. ii. Sarah, b. Dec. IG, 1776. 101. iii. Hary, b. Aug. 27, 1778. 10l>. iv. Luc3', twin to Mary. 108. V. Priscilla, b. ]\rar. 7, 1781. 104. vi. Elizabeth, b. May 27, 1785. vii. William, b. May 0, 1787; d. Oct. 21, 1788. 20 Priscilla3 LeBakox {Lazarus''), born Aug. 3, 1753; died Aug. 14, 1803 ; married Sept. 14, 1774, Abraham Hammatt, born Feb. 13, 1750, in Plymouth, ^Nlass. ; died Oct. 12, 1797. Mr. Hammt; esided in early life in Nantucket, Mass. Cliildi-en (Hammatt) : i. Priscilla,- b. July 14, 1775; d. Nov. IC, 1823; m. Grant. 105. ii. William, b. May 15, 1778. iii. Samuel A., b. Feb. 4, 1780; d. Feb. 6, 1780. iv. Abraham, ],. ^Far. 26, 1781; d. Aug. 9, 1854, s. p.; m. Lucv Dodore. V. Consider Howland, b. April 12, 1782; d. AprU 17, 1783. vi. Sophia, b. June 4, 1784; d. Dec. 1, 1797. lOG. vii. Lucia, b. Aug. 20, 1786. 107. viii. Ehzabeth, b. Jan. 10, 1789. ix. Charles Ilowland, b. April 7, 1791 ; d. Oct. 8, 1837, uum. 108. X. George, b. Jan. 29, 1793. xi. Henry, b. Mar. 3, 1795; d. Mar. 23, 1795. 21 ^Sarah3 LeBaikjn {Fraud,''), born Oct. 7, 1728: married April 17, 1750, Lemuel Barnes, lies, in Plymouth, Mass. Children (Barnes) : i. Sarah,-" h. May 15, 1751. ii. John, b. Dec. 31, 1752. 34 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. iii. Lemuel, b. Jan, 3, 1754 ; m. Jedidiah Harlow. iv. Dort-as, b. Feb. 5, 1756 ; ra. Jonathan Farnum. V. Isaac, b. Xov. 6, 1759. 109. vi. Corban, 1). July 23, 1761. vii. Betsey, b. ; m. 1795, Caleb Bryant. 109a. viii. Elkanah, 1). ; m. Eliza Clark. FOURTH GENERATION. 22 John* LeBaron (Jb/m^), born April 10, 1750, in Middleboro, Mass. ; died May 30, 1836, in Hoosick, N. Y. ; married Dec. 3, 1772, in Middleboro, Repentance Lucas. The inscription on liis gravestone in the old burial-ground in Hoosick, says that he died May 30, 1836, aged 81 years, wliich would make the date of his birth 1755. We have good authority for saying that the inscrip- tion, as to his age at the time of his death, is incorrect, and the records in Middleboro give liis birth in 1750. He served in the Revolutionary War, and in the " Report from the Secretary of War, U. S. Pensioners, 1835," page 403, we have the date of the commencement of John LeBaron's pension for service in the Mass. militia, as " Mar. 4, 1831," and age " 81." We have been able to obtain very little definite information in regard to the descendants of tliisJohn LeBaron. The record of the family of his son Abizer, we have with more or less fullness, but we fear in many cases, not with entire accuracy. We tliink it best to publish whatever fragments we have secured, hoping that they may serve as clues at least, for other genealogical searchers. Children : 110. i. Abizer,^ b. about 1779. ii. Alden, b. ; m. Jemima Coon. iii. John, b. 1785; m. Eunice , d. Dec. 25, 1833; m. (2) Amy Otis. iv. Linus, b. . v. Sally, b. . vi. Poliy, b. . Jb^ourth Generation. 35 23 Zebulon"* LeBaron {John^), born Dec. 6, 1752 ; nian-ied Nov. 2, 1773, Elizabeth Lucas. He died previous to 1793. The Records in the Probate Otlice at Plymouth say: " 1793, William Hunt was appointed Guardian of Samuel LeBaron, son of Zebulon LeBaron." He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War ; emigrated to New York. Child : IIL i. Samuel,^ b. Dec. '21, 1776. It is thought by some descendants of SamueP LeBaron that he had sisters Olive and Rebecca. 24 Eunice^ LeBaron married Timothy Shurtleff. See 42. 25 Levi^ LeBaron (John^), born Oct. 14, 1765 ; died July 20, 1820; married July 9, 1787, Temperance Morse, born Aug. 12, 1767 ; died Aug. 28, 1829. Res., Middleboro, Mass. Children : 112. i. John,5 b. Oct. 18, 1788. ii. Ziba, b. Dec. 27, 1789; d. July 22, 1820, in Savannah, Ga., unm. He served in the War of 1812. 113. iii. Waitstill, b. Jan. 30, 1792. 114. iv. Joshua, b. .Afar. 1, 1794. V. Temperance, b. April 17, 179G; «1. June 1(3, 1801. 115. vi. Elizabeth C, b. Sept. 21, 1798. 110. vii. Temperance, b. Mar. 31, 1801. viii. Levi, b. June 2, 1803; d. young. ix. Mary, b. AprU 26, 1806; d. Nov. 27, 1833, unra. X. Lucy, b. July 20, 1807 ; d. July 23, 1832, unm. 26 Chloe^ LeBaron {John% born Aug. 8, 1773, in Middleboro, Mass. ; married Sept. 3, 1795, Joshua Macomber. 3. Dec. 4, 1797. iii. .Mehitable, b. July 10, 1800. iv. Chloe, b. June 11, 1802. V. Klijah LeIJaron, b. Dec. 27, 1804. vi. Joshua, b. May 25, 1807. vii. .Mehitable, b. April 29, 1810. viii. Levi LeHaron, b. June 22, 1812. ix. Simeon Andrew, b. May 21, 1816. 27 Mary^ LeBaron married Timothy Shurtleff. See 42. 28 Japhet' LeBarox (James^'), born July 20, 1750; died April 17, 1816; married Nov. 25, 1773, Sarah Holmes, born in 1742; died Oct. 21, 1826. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Res., Middleboro, Mass. Cliildren ; 117. i. Joseph,'^ b. Aug. 31, 1775. 11». ii. Japhet, b. Dec. 13, 1777. iii. Sarah, b. 3Iay 27, 1788; ra. 1817, Zenas Thomas. 29 Maktha* LeBaron (Jamei^^, born Nov. 30, 1755; died June 18, 1828; married Dec. 30, 1773, Daniel Tinkbam, born Jan. 26, 1747 ; died Aug. 6, 1807. Res., Shaftsbury, Vt. Children (Tinkliam) : i. Jerusha,^ b. ; m. Reuben Lewis. ii. Betsey, b. ; ni. Daniel Cobb. iii. Abisha, b. ; m. Rachel SchoHeld. 119. iv. Daniel, b. April 30, 1783. 120. V. Martha, b. Sept. 15, 1785. 121. vi. Ilaimah, b. Nov. 8, 1787. 122. vii. Ann, b. Aug. 8, 1794. viii. Ansun, b. ; ni. Mary Harrington ; m. (2) Olive Green. I 1 I Fourth Generation. 117 30 WiLLlAlM^ LeBaron (James^), born April 20, 1757 ; died July 4, 1827 ; married April 10, 1783, Lurany Bennett, of ]Middleboro, Mass., died Dec, 1837. He served as a Lieutenant in the Revo- lutionary War, and aftei^u'ard removed to Pomfret, Vt., and later to Woodstock, Vt. Cliildren : i. Elizabeth,^ b. Dec. 24, 1783; d. Dec. 10, 1865, s.;^.; m. Edward ^Nforris. 123. ii. Content, b. Mar. 23, 1786. iii. William, b. Aug. 6, 1789; d. Dec. 4, 1838 (?), in St. Louis, Mo.* He was a bridge builder and contractor, at one time residing in Ilarrisburg, Pa., and built the old cov- ered bridge over the Ohio river, opposite Wheeling, West Virginia. He took up a tract of land in Living- ston CO., Mo., and died in St. Louis, on his way back to Pennsylvania. We have been unable to obtain any sat- isfactory record of his family. He had a son Theodore,^ who at one time lived in Sunfish, West Virginia, and another, JSarl William, whose mother was Harriet Ben- jamin. There are LeBarons hvmg in California and in the Hawaiian Islands, who are children of this Earl William. 124. iv. Lucy, b. Aug. 3, 1791. V. Bennett, b. Jan. 19, 1794; d. young. 125. vi. Maria Theresa, b. Mar. 29, 1795. vii. Charles F., b. Nov. 13, 1797; d. Aug. 4, 1839, in New Orleans, La., unm. 126. viii. Sullivan B., b. April 27, 1800. ix. Persis, b. April 9, 1802; d. young. 127. X. Elhanan Winchester, b. April 16, 1803. 128. xi, Sirrell C, b. Jan. 25, 1807. 31 James* LeBaron (Jame^}, born Nov. 80, 1759, in Middleboro, Mass. ; died June 9, 1836 ; married May 9, 1781, Elizabeth Wash- • In a letter written by Sirrell C. LeBaron in January, 1838, he says that William LeBaron's widow died in December, 1837. 38 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. burn, of Middleboro. He moved to Hebron, Me., and afterward to Palis, Me. His first wife died in Hebron. He married (2) Aug. 11, 1701, Jane Russell, of Gray, Me., died Mar. 1, 1856, in Nor- way, Me. Cliildren : 129. i. James,^ b. al)out 1782. ii. Hannah, Ij. ; m. James Holland. iii. Nathaniel, b. June, 1793; d. 1816. 130. iv. William, b. July, 1795. 131. V. Russell, b. Aug. 13, 1798. vi. Betsey, b. :\IaY 22, 180G; m. Daniel II. Kilpatrick, of Hiram, Me. vii. Sarah, b. Aug. 24, 1808; m. William Knight, s. p. viii. Sylvester, b. May 21, 1815; m. Abigail Mclntyre, of New Hampshire. He was lost at sea. 32 Francis* LeBaeon (James^^, born April 30, 1762, in Middle- boro, Mass. ; died July 3, 1856 ; married April 2, 1788, Jane Has- kell, born Feb. 4, 1769; 'died May 13, 1846. He removed to Calais, Vt., and was buried in Wolcott, Vt. He served in the Revolutionary War from Middleboro. Children : i. Ansel,^ h. July 2, 1789; d. 1812. He served in the War of 1812. 132. ii. Cynthia, b. Sept. 15, 1792. 133. iii. Ira, b. Mar. 29, 1795. iv. Jane, b. Feb. 3, 1797 ; d. Aug. 18, 1801. 134. V. Azuba, b. May 8, 1799. 135. vi. Abigail, b. Oct. 18, 1801. vii. P:iiza, b. Aug. 26, 1805. 136. viii. Francis, b. Oct. 9, 1806. ix. Lorenzo, b. Feb. 11, 1810. 33 Isaac* LeBaron (James^}, born April 20, 1764, in Middleboro, Mass. ; married in 1785, Drusilla Raymond, born Mar. 20, 1765. Fourth Generation. 39 He resided in Montpelier, Vt., where all liis children except the youngest were born ; al)out 1801 he removed to Calais, Vt. Children : i. Hannah/ b. Mar. 31, 1786. ii. Xancy, b. Nov. 7, 1788. iii. Drusilla, 1). Feh. 'I'l, 1791; m. Feb. !26, 1809, David Gray, of Montpelier. 137. iv. Aj^oIIos, b. Oct. 2, 1792. V. James, b. Mar. 9, 1795. vi. Patty, b. Dec. 11, 1796. vii. Lucmda, b. May 22, 1800. 138. viii. Isaac, b. May 9, 1802. 34 Abigail^ LeBaron (James^), born May 17, 1768, in Middle- boro, Mass. ; married June 15, 1785, Isaac Doten, born Feb. 13, 1760, in Carver, Mass. ; died Oct. 3, 1818. He served in the Revolutionary War, and later removed to Pomfret, Vt. Children (Doten) : 139. i. Isaac,^ b. Aug. 7, 1786. ii. Mary (Polly), b. Nov. 26, 1788 ; d. July 22, 1823. UU. iii. Abigail (Nabby), b. Aug. 29, 1790. iv. Zebedee, b. June 8, 1792; d. Sept. 12, 1814, unm. 141. v. Alden, b. Mar. 30, 1794. vi. Edward, b. Feb. 23, 1796; d. Mar. 10, 1801, in Berlin, Vt. 142. vii. Sally, b. Feb. 25, 1798. 143. viii. Betsey, b. Dec. 24, 1799. ix. Lucy, b. Oct. 18, 1801. 144. X. Lelan.l, b. May 30, 1804. 145. xi. Priscinda, b. April 20, 1806. xii. Franklin, b. Dec. 21, 1809; d. Dec. 14, 1811. 35 Lazarus* LeBaron {James^^, born P'eb. 7, 1771, in Middle- boro, Mass. ; died June 1, 1846 ; married Nov. 30, 1797, Abigail Maxim (:\Iaxham), of Rochester, Mass., died Dec. 15, 1854. Res., Middleboro. 40 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Children : 146. i. Thomas M.,'^ b. Sept. 5, 1808. 147. ii. James, b. Nov. 10, 1810. iii. Hannali, b. Dec. 9, 1814. iv. Edmund, b. July 4, 1817 ; m. 1842, Betsey W. Holmes, s.p, 36 Isaac* LeBaron {Joslnufi^, born Sept. 10, 1762 ; died Mar. 30^ 1815; married Lydia, daughter of Dr. Ryan, of Hoosick, N. Y., died May 2, 1828. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Res., Sheffield, Mass. Cliildren : 148. i. Louisa,^ b. . 149. ii. Roderick, b. AprU 7, 1788. iii. Betsey, b. ; m. Israel Fuller; m. (2) WilUam Shears. 150. iv. John R., b. Dec. 25, 1799. V. Mahala, b. Aug. 23, 1805; d. Dec. 16, 1870, unm. vi. Mary, b. ; m. Iliram Thompson. 151. vii. Lj'dia Ann, b. 1809. 37 Japhet B.^ LeBaron (JbsAwa^), born July 10, 1767, in Shef- field, Mass. ; died Feb. 10, 1845, in Hatley, Canada ; married June 10, 1792, Betsey Prouty, born Feb. 1, 1777 ; died Aug. 16, 1811 ; married (2) Sept. 6, 1813, Polly (Maiy) Huntington, born Nov. 21, 1774 ; died July 6, 1850. He moved from Sheffield to Stan- stead CO., Can., and resided in Hatley. Children : 152. i. Rhoda,^ b. Oct. 5, 1795. 153. ii. Richard, b. Aug. 21, 1797. 154. iii. James, b. Oct. 6, 1800. 155. iv. Chauncey, b. Feb. 14, 1803. 156. V. Orrin, b. Sept. 22, 1804. 157. vi. Horace, b. July 14, 1807. 158. vii. Betsey, b. Aug. 6, 1811. 159. viii. Elijah H., b. Dec. 0, 1814. 160. ix. Japhet B., b. May 14, 1817. Fourth Generation. 41 38 Pamelta-1 LeBakon QTo^lma^^.hQxw Dec. 7, 1769; died Feb. 15, 1808; inarried xVmasa Marsh; married (2) Taylor Little, died Feb. 15, 1854, «. p. Res., Hatle}', Canada. Children (Marsh) : i. I*olly,^ b. ; m. Samuel Wadleigli. 161. ii. John, b. . iii. Amasa, b. . 39 John'* LeBarox (Joshmr), born April 20, 1771, in Sheffield, Mass.; died Sept. 6, 1854; married April 2, 1806, Fanny Ludlow, of Moreau, N. Y., born Feb. 22, 1787 ; died April 6, 1867. Res., Moreau. Children : 162. i. Maria,^ b. Dec. 20, 1806. 163. ii. James M., b. Oct. 8, 1811. iii. Jane, b. April 6, 1816, unm. 164. iv. Julia, b. April 9, 1818; V. Jensen, b. April 2, 1820; d. Nov. 12, 1850, unm. 165. vi. Horace, b. Feb. 14, 1831. 40 Jeremiah* LeBaron (Joshua^), born Oct. 5, 1776, in Sheffield, Mass.; married May 10, 1806, Elizabeth Gary, of Moreau, N. Y. Res., Wilton, N. Y. Cliildren : i. Lucy,^ b. July 8, 1807; m. Eorgleston, of West He- bron, N. Y. 166. u. Nelson, b. Oct. 25, 1808. iii. Mahala, b. July 19, 1812; m. Birch. iv. Benjamin, b. Jan. 3, 1815 ; d. July 29, 1894, s. j). ; m. Mary Maxwell. V. Mary, b. June 28, 1817; m. :\riles Hall. 107. vi. James B., b. Feb. 6, 1819. vii. Jane, b. Feb. 18, 1821 ; d. May 12, 1874, unm. 168. viii. Eveline, b. Mar. 29, 1827. 42 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 169. ix. Charles, 1j. .Mar. 6, 1828. 170. X. Amos, b. Feb. 9, 183U. 41 Horace* LeBakox (jloslma^), born Mar. 9, 1783, in Sheffield, Mass. ; married Laura Allen. He was a physician and resided in Troy, Pa. Cliildren : 171. i. Lydia,^ b. Aug. '29, 1814. ii. Horace, b. Jan. 14, 1816; d. April 24, 1826, unm. iii. Frederick, b. Sept. 5, 1818 ; d. Sept. 16, 1833. 172. iv. Laura, b. Mar. 12, 1821. 173. V. Lucy Spalding, b. May 17, 1823. vi. Charles, b. Oct. 13, 1825; d. Aug., 1826. 42 Timothy* Shurtleff (3iar^^), born June 18, 1760 ; died in 1840, in Walden, Vt. ; married June 12, 1783, Eunice* (24), daughter of John LeBaron, born Nov. 4, 1761 ; died May 7, 1795 ; married (2), April 29, 1796, Mar^^ (27), sister of Eunice, born July 9, 1775. Children (ShurtlefP) : i. Bethiab,^ b. Dec. 14, 1783 ; d. April 22, 1792. ii. Zebulon, b. April 23, 1785 ; d. July 10, 1788. iii. Calel), b. AprU 20, 1787 ; d. May 6, 1788. 174. iv. Joshua, twin to Caleb. 175. V. Lydia LeBaron, b. Jan. 2, 1790. vi. Polly, b. May 10, 1792 ; d. April 28, 1793. vii. Mary, b. Mar. 21, 1794; d. in Walden. viii. Eliab, b. April 29, 1798 ; d. in Waldeu. 43 Abikl* Shurtleff (Mary^), born July 1, 1776, in Carver, Mass. : died Oct. 20, 1861 ; married Mar. 12, 1802, in Little Falls, N. Y., Catherine Churchill, l)orn Nov. 18, 1784; died Nov. 8, 1862. Res., Philadelphia, N. Y. Fow'th Generation. 48 Children (Sliurtleff) : i. Nancy/ b. June 27, 1804; m. David Chidester. ii. Isaac, 1). Jan. 25, 18UG; d. June 21, 1844, unih. 176. iii. Milo, h. May 8, 1807. 177. iv. Harriet, b. ^Fay 14, 1809. 178. V. Sophia, b. Sept. 18, 1810. vi. Mary Ann, b. Dec. 29, 1812; d. 1885, unm. 179. vii. Ahneron, b. July 25, 1815. 44 Enoch* Shurtleff (3Tarf), born May 21, 1779; died in 1854, in North Bridgewater, Vt. ; married Jan, 19, 1800, Hannah Boyce, died ]\Iay, 1828 ; married (2), Zilpha Shepherd. Children (Shurtleff) : i. Lydia Boyce Vanlora,'^ b. Nov. 29, 1806 ; d. young, ii. Chester Ballew, b.' Aug. 25, 1808 ; m. jMiranda Hartland. iii. Ursula Hastings, b. April 26, 1810; ni. John Perkins. 180. iv. Martha, b. 1812. 181. V. Minerva, b. Jan. 22, 1814. vi. Arianna, b. ; d. young, vii. Christiana, b. ; m. Joseph Leavitt, of East Hard wick, Vt. viii. Phebe Marcella, b. ; d. when 27 years old. ix. Patience Lu7, 180G. 209. vi. Ly.lia, V). April 30, 18»ts. vii. Abel, b. June 13, 1811; d. Sept. 10, lb73; m. plrs.) E. :\Ie:i.l. 210. viii. Mary, b. .Alay 18, 1814. 211. ix. Julia, b. May 14, 1S17. 51 RuTH^ LeBahon (I)avid% born jNIar. 31, 1779, in Killing- worth, Ct. ; died Sept. 21, 1815; married Nov. 10, 1798, Silas, son of (jideon and Mary (Culver) Fordham. Res., Leroy, N. Y. Children (Fordham) : 212. i. Francis,^ b. Oct. 31, 1800. ii. Albert, b. . iii. Silas, V). . iv. Kuth, b. . 52 Naomi* LeBaron (Bavid^), born April 17, 1781, in Killing- worth, Ct. ; died Sept. 7, 1862, in Ypsilanti, Mich. ; married Daniel Davis, born Feb. 23, 1777. He was killed Sept. 14, 1814, in Can- ada, while serving in the War of 1812. Cliildren (Davis) ; ^ i. Alfi-ed,^ b. June 21, 1801 ; m. Oct. 27, 1825, Tryphena Fowler; m. (2), May 31, 182G, Sophia Arnold. ii. Asher, b. Jan. 15, 1803; d. Aug. 16, 1827. 213. iii. Cynthia, b. April 25, 1805. iv. David, b. Feb. 13, 1807; d. Dec. 22, 1852. V. Leverett, b. June 7, 1809; d. June 10, 1845. 214. vi. Daniel, b. Aug. 25, 1814. 53 Jai^ies'* LeBaiion (David^), born Oct. 12, 1783, in Killingworth, Ct. ; died Feb. 25, 1837 ; married July, 1828, Louisa Adams, of Benson, Vt., born Sept. 12, 1805 ; died Feb. 24, 1849. She mar- ried (2), Dec. 12, 1841, Richard W. Grinnell. Res., Benson. > N > <= O) r- m CD > O ■z o m O) H m > CO c H H O > CO CO J^''ourth Generation. 47 Children : i. James D.,^ b. May "24, 1830; .1. Aug. IG, 1840. ii. Samuel A., b. July 18, 18:51 ; ,1. .luiie 28, 183G. iii. Daniel W., b. Dec. I'J, ls3iJ; d. Oct. 12, 1842. 215. iv. Martha M., b. July 21, 1884. 210. V. David A., b. Mar. 1, 1836. A singular fact in regard to tliis family, is, that the three older cliildren were all killed accidentally; James, by falling from a scaffold in a barn ; Samuel, by being run over by a loaded team, and Daniel, by being tlirown from a horse. 54 Hannah* LeBaron (^Davi(F}, born Nov. 15, 1788 ; died April 25, 18G0 ; married Nov. 19, 1806, Dan Higgins, of Benson, Vt., died Feb. 15, 1859. Res., West Haven, Vt. Cliildren (Higgins) : 217. i. Teraperance,^ b. April 24, 1808. 218. ii. Dan, b. June 11, 1810. 219. iii. James, b. July 21, 1813. 220. iv. Chauncy, b. Aug. 24, 1815. 221. V. Harry, b. Dec. 8, 1817. 222. vi. Alphonso, b. May 11, 1820. vii. Harriet, b. Aug. 5, 1822; unm. 223. viii. Alvarizo, b. Aug. 6, 1824. ix. George, b. Sept. 6, 182G; unm. 224. X. Francis, b. Dec. 11, 1828. 225. xi. Olney, b. April 4, 1832. 55 Lazarus* LeBaron (Lazarus^), born Oct. 10, 1744, in the Barbadoes, West Indies; died Nov. 30, 1827, in Sutton, Mass.; married Mar. 3, 17G7, Susannah Johonnot, born in 1738 : died Aug. 10, 1774, in Boston, Mass.; married (2), May 11, 1775, Hannah Chase, died Feb. 4, 1776; married (3), June 3, 1783, Mary Chase, died April 21, 1800; married (4), Jan, 31, 1802, :Mary Woodbury, died Aug. 28, 1837. 48 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. He spent the early years of his life in the Barbadoes, where his father practiced medicine for a time ; he was sent to Boston to be educated, and later learned the hatter's trade there. His first wife, Susannah Johonnot, was the daughter of Andrew and Susannah (Olivier) Johonnot, both cliildren of Huguenots, who came from Ilochelle, France, and at first settled in Oxford, Mass. They were married in King's Chapel, Boston, and she was buried in the Granary Burying Ground, near the Franklin monu- ment. In 1774 he removed to Sutton, Mass., where he purchased a farm and Ijuilt a house, which is still (1902) standing, and oc- cupied by his descendants. Children : 226. i. Susannab,^ b, Dec. 1, 1767. 227. ii. Hannah, b. Jan. 22, 1776. 56 Sarah* LeBaron QTosepW'), born Feb. 22, 1749, in Plymouth, Mass. ; died April 3, 182-3, in St. John, N. B. ; married July 17, 1764, in Haverhill, Mass., William Hazen, of Newburj-port, Mass., born July 17, 1738; died Mar. 23, 1814. Hon. William Hazen removed to St. John, and there left a large landed estate. Cliildren (Hazen) : 228. i. Elizabeth,^ b. June 28, 1766. 229. ii. William, b. June 28, 1768. 2.S0. iii. Charles, b. Jan. 10, 1771. 231. iv. Robert, b. Sept. 7, 1773. 232. v. Sarah Lowell, b. Oct. 12, 1775. vi. Charlotte, b. May 12, 1778; d. July, 1831; m. Dec. 27, 1805, Gen. Sir John Foster Fitzgerald, vii. George, b. Sept. 22, 1779; d. Dec. 24, 1783. \\\\. Henry, b. Jan. 5, 1781; d. June 16, 1781. ix. LeBaron, b. April 17, 1782; d. Nov. 2, 1800. X. Edwin, b. Aug. 5, 1783; d. Sept. 14, 1818. xi. George Hemy, b. Dec. 27, 1784; d. Dec. 4, 1836; m. 1^^ ranees Cougle. xii. Child, b. Mar. 17, 1780; d. Mar. 17, 1786. xiii. Frances Amelia, b. Julv 17, 1787. SARAH (LeBARON) HAZEN. 1749-1823. Fourth Generation. 49 xiv. Frederick Edwanl, b. Sept. '1% 1788; d. June 24, 1790. XV. Frederick Edward, b. Dec. 25, 1792; d. Jan. 8, 1825. xvi. Sophia, b. Ai)ril 5, 179G; d. July 21, 1812. 57 Nathaniel-* Goodwin {Li/dia^), bom May 21, 1748, in Ply- mouth, Mass.; died INIar. 8, 1819; married June 22, 1769, Mary Jackson, died Oct. 22, 1779; married (2), Oct. 3, 1782, Ruth, daughter of Rev. John Shaw, of 1j ridge water, Mass., died Feb. 10, 1825. In early life Mr. Goodwin, in company with his mother, carried on a large foreign trade under the firm name of " Lydia & Nathan- iel Goodwin." He was early engaged in the Revolutionary War, ranking as Captain in 1776, and Major in 1778. Children (Goodwin) : 233. i. Nathaniel b. April 17, 1770. ii. Hannah J., b. April 28, 1772; d. May 5, 1772. 234. iii. Mary J., b. April 19, 1773. 235. iv. Thomas, b. Mar. 5, 1775. 236. V. Hannah, b. Oct. 21, 1776. vi. Lazarus, b. July 28, 1778; d, young. 237. vii. Lydia, b. Aug. 1, 1779. 238. viii. Ann, b. May 11, 1785. ix. Ezra S., b. Sept. 11, 1787. 58 Lydia* Goodwin (Li/dia^'), born May 10, 1750, in Plymouth, Mass.; died Dec. 11, 1843, in Plymouth; married Jan. 31, 1773, Thomas, son of Col. Isaac and Priscilla (Thomas) Lothrop, of Plymouth, born in 1739 ; died in 1794 ; married (2), Oct. 8, 1817, Dr. P)enjamin Page, of Hallowell, Me. Children (Lothrop) : i. Caleb,^ Feb. 10, 1774; d. July 14, 1817. 239. ii. Harriet, b. April 2, 1776. 59 John* Goodwin (LijcHa^), born Oct. 18, 1751, in Plymouth, Mass.; died April 2, 1829; married May 12, 1774, Hamiah, 50 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Taylor) Jackson, died Jan. 1, 1777; man-ied (2), Dec. 4, 1778, Fear Thacher, of Barnstable, Mass., born Feb. 1, 1749; died Mar. 26, 1829. Res., Plymouth, Mass., and Portland, Me. Cliildren (Goodwin) : i. Hannah,^ b. Sept. 10, 1775; d. 1855, unm. 240. ii. Sally, b. Oct. 23, 1776. iii. Nancy, b. Nov. 23, 1779; d. Jan. 17, 1780. 241. iv. Nancy B., b. Sept. 28, 1781. V. Eliza,' b. Aug. 23, 1783 ; d. Oct. 3, 1847 ; m. WiUiams. 242. vi. Lydia LeBaron, b. Dec. 22, 1785. 243. vii. Emily, b. May 9, 1789. viii. Lucy, b. ^lar. 19, 1792; d. Jan. 8, 1830 ; ra. Judge Henry W. Gurley. ix. John, b. ; m. Dorothy Gibbs, of Sandwich, Mass. 60 Lazarus'* Goodwin (Lydia^'), born Mar. 22, 1753, in Plymouth, Mass. ; died June 27, 1795 ; married April 19, 1779, Eunice, daughter of Col. John Marston, of Boston, who kept the " Bunch of Grapes " Tavern in State St. His widow married (2), April 5, 1796, John Watson, of Clark's Island, died in 1838. Children (Goodwin) : 244. i. John Marston,^ b. Jan. 7, 1780. 245. ii. Harriet Lothrop, b. May 14, 1784. iii. LeBaron, b. ; d. young. 61 William* Goodwin (i^/t^za^), born Jan. 10, 1756, in Plymouth, Mass. ; died July 17, 1825 ; married Oct. 21, 1781, Lydia Gush- ing, daughter of Capt. Simeon Sampson, died Dec. 15, 1815 ; married (2), Mrs. Deborah (Sampson) Briggs, widow of Rev. E. Briggs, and sister of liis first wife, died Dec. 19, 1833. Mr. Good- win held the office of Postmaster in Plymouth for many years,' and was cashier of the Plymouth Bank from the time of its estab- lishment until his death. Fourth Generation. 51 Children (Goodwin) : i. Simeon Sampson,^ b. July •!'.), ITsii; d. July 27, 1847. ii. William, b. Nov. 'I'l, 17^3; d. Dec. 11, lb21, in Havana, Cuba. iii. Son, b. .Vpril 1, 1785; d. young. 246. iv. Isaac, b. June 28, 1786. 247. V. LeBaron, b. Sept. 25, 1788. vi. Charles, b. June 20, 1790 ; d. young. 248. vii. Mary Ann, b. Feb. 22, 1792. viii. Jane Frances, b. Feb. 5, 1794; d. Feb. 28, 1798. 249. ix. Frederick II., b. April 28, 1795. X. Lydia, b. Jan. 22, 1797; d. young. xi. Deborah Cushing, b. Aug. 29, 1798; d. young, xii. Jane Frances, b. Nov. 13, 1799; d, April 5, 1882. xiii. Daughter, b. Oct. 31, 1801 ; d. young. 250. xiv; Nathaniel, b. July 9, 1803. 251. XV. Ilersey Bradford, b. Aug. 15, 1805. 62 Thomas^ Goodwin {Lydia^), born Aug. 31, 1757, in Plymouth, Mass. ; died April 10, 1819 ; married Ai3ril 8, 1778, Desire Ryder, died Sept. 28, 1806. Res., Plymouth. Children (Goodwin) : 252. i. Elizabeth,^ b. Aug. 17, 1779. 253. ii. Mercy, b. July 10, 1781. 254. iii. Lewis, b. April 30, 1783. 255. iv. Thomas, b. July 9, 1786. V. Desire, b. Sept. 28, 1788; m. Nov. 4, 1806, Joseph Drew; m. (2), Maj. Samuel IloUis. vi. Lydia LeBaron, b. Jan. 11, 1791 ; d. young. 256. vii. Charles, b. Aug. 8, 1792. 257. viii. Lydia LeBaron, b. April 9, 1794. ix. Joseph, b. Oct. 30, 1797; m. Sylpha Stetson. 63 Mercy^ ["Marcia"] Goodwin {Lydicfi), born Mar. 22, 1750, in Plymouth, Mass.; died Dec. 31, 1800; married Oct. lo, 1780, 52 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. John, son of Maj. John and Hannah (Goddard) Read, of Roxbuiy, Mass., died Oct. G, 1826, in Roxbiuy. Cliildren (Read) : i. John,^ b. Dec. 10, 1781 ; d. Jan. 10, 1806, imra. ii. Betsey, b. Nov. 7, 1783; d. Aug. 4, 1802, unm. iii. Hannah, 1). Jan. 4, 1785; d. Ajuil 6, ISl'i, unm. 258. iv. Charles, b. Aug. 20, 1787. 259. V. George, b. July 25, 1789. vi. William, 1). April 11, 1791 ; d. in Baltimore, Md. vii. Mary, b. Mar. 9, 1792; d. in Syracuse, N. Y. viii. Joseph, b. Aug. 10, 1793; d. Aug. 14, 1814. 260. ix. Isaac, b. Sept. 5, 1794. X. Frances, b. April 14, 1795; d. inf. 261. xi. Nancy P., b. Jan. 4, 1796. 64 Francis LeBaron^ GooD^yIN (Lydia^')^ born Sept. 29, 1762, in Plymouth, Mass. ; died Feb. 20, 1816, in Frankfort, Me., where he removed in 1791 ; married June 28, 1787, Jane Prince, daugh- ter of Rev. Chandler Robbins, of Plymouth, died July 29, 1801. He was a surgeon in the Revolutionary Army in 1775, and one of the original members of the " Order of the Cincinnati." Children (Goodwin) : 262. i. Francis LeF>aron,^ h. Dec. 18, 1789. ii. Chandler Robbins, b. Feb. 15, 1792; d. July 2, 1817, in the West Indies. iii. Lazarus, b. Mar. 21, 1796; d. Aug. 4, 1818. iv. William LeBaron, b. April 22, 1800; d. Dec. 9, 1858. 65 George* Goodwin (Lydi(^~)^ born Jan. 13, 1767, in Plymouth, Mass. ; died Feb. 8, 1851, in Industry, Me. ; married Nov. 9, 1791, Relief Farwell, of Vassalboro, Me., died Jan. 11, 1850. ' Children (Goodwin) : i. George LeBaron,^ b. July 13, 1794; d. July 16, 1815. 263. ii. John A., b. Oct., 1797. iii. Isaac, b. Jan. 22, 1799; d. young. Fourth Generation. 53 264. ■ iv. Harriet, b. April "28, 1801. V. James, b. Jan. 22, 1804; d. in 1800. vi. James DeW., b. July 19, 1800; d. at sea in 1835. vii. Lytlia LeBaron, b. May 2, 1811; m. Albert Lawson, uf Augusta, Me. 265. viii. Elvira, 1). April 13, 1813. ix. Caroline, b. June 1, 1815; m. AVoods, s. 2^. 66 William^ Bkadford (Mary^'), born Sept. 15, 1752, in Biistol, R. I. : died Oct. 29, 1811 ; married July 11, 1777, Betsey Bloom James, born in England ; died Dec. 17, 1832. Major Bradford held a commission in the Revolutionary Army in 1775, and was Aid to Gen. Charles Lee. Res., Bristol, R. I. Children (Bradford) : 266. i. Mary,6 b. Dec. 30, 1778, in Taunton, Mass. 267. ii. William, b. Feb. 2, 1781, in Rehoboth, Mass. 268. iii. Elizabeth Bloom, b. Feb. 18, 1785, in Rehoboth. iv. Henry, b. Feb. 18, 1787, in Rehoboth; d. at sea in 1808, unm. V. Peter James, b. Feb. 6, 1790, in Ivehoboth; d. at sea, unm. vi. John Willys, b. Dec. 26, 1793, in Rehoboth; d. Oct. 12, 1819. 269. vii. Sai-ah, b. Jan. 29, 1799, in Bristol. 67 Lazaeus LeBaron"* Beadford {Mary^), born May 31, 1754, in Bristol, R. I.; died Sept. 25, 1793; married May 1, 1779, Sarah Davis, of Plymouth, Mass., born June 29, 1754; died Nov. 10, 1821. Child (Bradford) : i. LeBaron,^ b. Dec. 21, 1780, in Warren, R. I.; .1. Nov., 1846. 68 Mary^ Bhadfoud {Mary^), born Sept. 2, 17tiO, in Bristol, R. I. : died Jan. 14, 1834, in Newport, R. I.; married May 20, 1782, Henry (74), son of Benjamin and Hannah (LeBaron) Goodwin, of 54 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Boston, Mass., born April 30, 1760; died May 31, 1789. Mr. Goodwin was graduated from Harvard College in 1778, receiving his jSlaster's degree in course. He studied law with Gov. William Bradford, of Bristol, and was Attorney General of the State of Rhode Island. Children (Goodwin) : 270. i. Mary,^ 1). Jan. 8, 1783. ii. Hannah, b. Jan. 18, 17S4; d. K^xSS. 1, 1849, s. p.\ m. Sim- eon S. Goodwia. 271. iii. Charlotte Patten, b. Nov. 11, 1786. iv. Ilemy, b. Dec. 1, 1789; d. Mar. 8, 1812. 69 Hannah^ Bradford {Mary^), born June 14, 1767 ; died July 6, 1811 ; married Gustavus, son of Nicholas and Abigail Baylies, of Uxbridge, Mass. Mr. Baylies was graduated from Harvard College in 1784, from which he received the degree of A. M. in 1800. He married (2), in 1815, Catherine Bloom, and died Mar. 5, 1834. Children (Baylies) : i. Abby,^ 1). ; m. George Coggeshall. ii. Ann, h. ; d. in 187.5, unm. iii. Mary LeBaron, b. ; d. Dec. 1, 1S7G, unm. iv. Ilersey Branl 7, 1803. ii. Christopher C, b. May 21, 1806; d. Mar. 6, 1897, s.;).; m. Mrs. Hannah Kenyon, d. in 1891. iii. James, b. Nov. 28, 1809; d. Mar. 31, 1895, unm. 81 Ja^ies^ LeBaeon (Bartlett^), born Dec. 10, 1780, in Plymouth, Mass. ; died Dec. 4, 185G, in East Greenwich, R. I. ; mariied Aug. 10, 1811, Mary, daughter of Dr. Caleb Fiske, of Scituate, R. I., died Dec. 24, 1825 ; married (2), Oct. 15, 1828, Lydia Brown, of East Greenwich, died Aug. 6, 1876. He went to Bristol, R. I., when a young man and engaged in the sliipping and whaling bus- iness. In the War of 1812 he was part owner of the privateers "Yankee," "McDonough" and others, wliich inflicted go much damage on English shipping. He was President of the Eagle Bank for several years. Cliildren : i. Oceana Harris,^ b. P'eb. 14, 1813; d. Dec. 24, 1887. 314. ii. Harriet Elizabeth, b. Aug. 21, 1815. iii. Mary Esdale, b. April 29, 1817; d. April 27, 1894. iv. Ann Goodwin, b. July 21, 1819; d. Jan. 30, 1897. 315. V. Sarah Lippitt, b. Jan. 13, 1821. vi. Caleb Bartlett, b. Oct. 6, 1822; d. Mar., 1882. vii. James Francis, b. July 17, 1824; m. May 27, 1857, Sarah F. Hicks; m. (2), June 6, 1894, Alice Mali. viii. George Stewart, b. Nov. 12, 1830. ix. William Henry, b. Aug. 11, 1833 ; d. in 1834. 82 Lucia* LeBaron (Bartlett^), born May 15, 1788, in Plymouth, Mass.; died Feb. 14, 1884, in Boston, Mass.; mariied Thomas Mayo. 60 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Cliikl (Mayo) : 316. i. William Thomas,^ b. (about) 1817. 83 Nancy DeWolf* LeBaron {Bartlett^), born Nov. 19, 1789, in Plymouth, Mass. ; died Mar. 18, 1853, in Woburn, Mass. ; mar- ried April 15, 1811, Philip Taylor, died Oct. 20, 1863, in Francis- town, N. H. Children (Taylor) : i. James PhUip,^ b. June 23, 1812 ; d. May 5, 1818. 317. ii. Esther LeBaron, b. Mar. 15, 1816. 318. iii. Ann, b. Mar. 15, 1818. 319. iv. Philip, b. Feb. 17, 1820. V. James Philip, b. April 9, 1822; d. Oct. 6, 1833. 320. vi. Lydia Bartlett, b. Aug. 27, 1829. 321. vii. Wilham Thomas Mayo, b. Dec. 30, 1831. « 84 Almika* LeBaron (^Bartletfi^, born Jan. 3, 1793, in Plymoutli, Mass.; married Jan. 10, 1809, Lewis Drew, died June 3, 1823. Res., Plymouth. Cliildren (Drew) : i. Lemuel L.,^ b. June 17, 1811; d. Aug. 12, 1811. 322. ii. Lyman L., b. Jan. 27, 1813. iii. Bradford L., b. Oct. 2, 1815. 323. iv. Lydia Ann, b. AprU 1, 1818. 324. V. Almna, b. Dec. 22, 1819. 325. vi. Lucia Thomas, b. Feb. 4, 1823. 85 IsAAC^ LeBaron (Isaac^), born Mar. 11, 1777; died Jan. 29, 1849, in Plymouth, Mass. ; married Aug. 29, 1811, Mary Doane, of Boston, born July 19, 1787 ; died June 18, 1863, in Worcester, Mass. Children : i. Carohne Ehza,^ b. Oct. 16, 1812; d. Feb. 2, 1879, s.p.; m. Gustavus Gilbert. 1 Dr. LeBARON RUSSELL. 1814-1889. Fourth Generation. 61 ii. Isaac Francis, b. Oct. 29, 1814; <]. June 28, 181G. iii. Freaeric, b. Feb. 28, 181G; J. July 5, 1851, at sea. iv. Mary Jane, b. Aug. 12, 1817; d. Nov. 28, \%hh. V. Isaac, b. Dec. 6, 1819; d. Dec. 24, 1853. vi. Anne Doane, b. Nov. 17, 1821; d. Nov. 3, 1895. vii. Francis, b. Aug. 17, 1824; a clergyman. viii. George, b. in 1825; d. in 1825. ix. Martha HoAvland, b. Sept. 16, 1829; d. Nov. 14, 1888, s.p.\ m. Delano A. Goddard, of Boston. 86 Martha Howland^ LeBaron {Isaac^), born June 14, 1778 ; died Aug. 24, 1850; married June 18, 1800, Nathaniel Russell, of Plymouth, Mass., died Oct. 21, 1852. Children (Russell) : 326. i. Nathaniel,^ b. Dec. 18, 1801. ii. Mary Rowland, b. Oct. 22, 1803; d. Jan. 12, 18G2. 327. iii. Andrew Leach, b. May 16, 1806. iv. Mercy Ann, b. Aug. 16, 1809; d. Sept. 18, 1832. V. Francis James, b. Sept. 12, 1811 ; d. Sept. 6, 1833. vi. LeBaron, b. July 29, 1814 ; d. Aug. 19, 1889, in Plymouth ; A. B. Harvard College, 1832, A. M. 1836, and M. D. 1842. Ph^'sician, in ]]oston, Mass. 328. vii. Lucia Jane, b. Nov. 22, 1821. 87 Mary Rowland* LeBaron (Isaac^}, born I\Iay 14, 1786 ; died April 11, 1867 ; married Sept. 11, 1810, John Boice Thomas, born in 1787 ; died Dec. 2, 1852. Mr. Thomas was graduated from Harvard College in 1806, and for maii}^ years Clerk of the Courts of Plymouth co. Res., Plj-mouth, Mass. Cliildren (Thomas) : i. Hannah Stevenson,^ b. Jan. 2, 1815; d. Jan. 13, 1819. 329. ii. Martha LeBaron, b. Sei)t. 2.3, 1816. iii. John Stevenson, b. Nov. 27, 1818; d. April :>(>, 1824. 330. iv. Hannah Stevenson, b. Feb. 25, 1821. 62 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 88 Ammi Ruhamah'* RoBBrss (EUzabeth^^, bom Jan. 3, 1768; died Oct. 29, 1843 ; married Jan. 9, 1791, Salome, daughter of Samuel Robbins, of Canaan, Ct., born Jan. 27, 1773 ; died May 22, 1847. Children (Robbins) : i, James Watson," b. Nov. 18, 1801 ; was graduated at Yale College, 1822, M. D. 1828, and given A. M. in 1850 ; he practiced medicine in Uxbridge, Mass. 331. ii. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 18, 1804. Six others, who died in infancy. 89 Elizabeth* Robbests (Mizabeth^'), born Jan. 8, 1770 ; died Oct. 6, 1815; married Dec. 10, 1789, Grove Lawrence, died Nov. 8, 1805 ; married (2), Nov. 4, 1811, Roswell Grant. Res., Nor- folk, Ct. Cliildren (Lawrence) : 332. i. James Robbms,^ b. Sept. 11, 1790. 333. ii. Eliza, b. May 10, 1793. 334. iii. Grove, b. Mar. 24, 1795. 335. iv. Sarah, b. July 17, 1798. V. WUliam, b. June 28, 1801 ; d. Feb. 22, 1867, s. p.; m. in 1830, Caroline Augusta Rockwell, vi. Francis LeBaron, b. Jan. 9, 1804 ; d. in Canada, s. p. Child (Grant) : vii. Ann E., b. April 12, 1813; unm. 90 Nathaniel'* Robbins (^Ulizabeth^'), born June 18, 1772 ; died Feb. 19, 1841, in Sag Harbor, N. Y. ; married Dec. 2, 1801, Han- nah Tebbets, died Nov. 18, 1811. Res., Norfolk, Ct., and Phila- delpliia. Pa. Children (Robbins) : i. James Ilenry,^ b. in 1802; d. Jan. 31, 1805. ii. John Halsey, b. in 1805. Fourth Generation. 03 % iii. ITeniT, b. in 1807. iv. Jane, b. in 1809. 91 Sarah'^ Robbins (JElizahi'th^), born Aug. 22, 1779; died Sept. 23, 1854; married July 24, 1805, Joseph, son of William and Sarah Buckingham Battell, of Norfolk, Ct., born July 21, 1774; died Nov. 30, 1841. Res., Norfolk. Children (Battell) : i. Josei)b,5 b. April 17, 1806; d. July 8, 1874; he was grad- uated at Middlebury College in 1823, and received A. B. fi'om Yale College the same year. 336. ii. Philip, 1). Nov. 28, 1807. 337. iii. Sarah, b. Mar. 19, 1810. iv. Irene, b. Nov. 14, 1811 ; d. IVIay 6, 1877 ; m. Rev. AVilliara Augustus Larned, A. B. Yale College, 1826; died 1S62; he was Professor of Rhetoric and Ensjlish Literature fi-om 1839, at Yale. 338. V. Urania, b. May 30, 1814. vi. Anna, b. Oct. 14, 1816; d. Dec. 30, 1889, unm. 339. vii. Robbins, b. April 9, 1819. viii. John, b. April 27, 1822; d. Mar. 31, 1892, unm. 340. ix. Ehen, b. Feb. 21, 1825. 92 James Watson'* Robbins (Mizabeth^), born Apiil 19, 1782, in Norfolk, Ct. ; died Mar. 26, 1847; married Aug. 31, 1812, Maria, daughter of Hon. Azariah Eggleston, of Lenox, Mass. She was killed, with her daughter Mary, in a railroad accident at Norfolk, Isiay 6, 1858. He was graduated from Williams College in 1802, where he was a tutor two years ; he received A. M. from Yale College 1800; after a short service in the ministry he was obliged by failure of health, to relinquish it and engaged in busi- ness. Res., Lenox. Cliildren (Robl)ins) : i. James,^ b. May 30, 1813; d. May 9, 1814. 341. ii. James, b. Oct. .8, 1814. 342. iii. :\raria, b. Nov. 14, 181.5. 64 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. iv. Ammi lluhamah, b. Aug. 28, 1817 ; cl. Nov. 15, 1865, unm. V. Thomas, b. Sept. 12, 1820; d. Aug. 17, 1846. 343. vi. George, b. Sept. 15, 1822. vii. Mary E., b. Oct. 14, 1824; d. May 6, 1853. viii. Edward, b. Sept. 30, 1828; d. Feb. 12, 1865; m. Sarah I^eck. ix. Elizabeth, b. May 1, 1832; d. Mar. 4, 1838. 93 Samuel* Kobbins (^EUzahetJfi^, born Aug. 20, 1784 ; died April 6, 1860 ; married May 27, 1817, Fauny Osborne, born Feb. 12, 1796 ; died Oct. 18, 1893. Res., Penn Yan, N. Y. Cliildren (Robbins) : 344. i. IMary Sherwood,^ b. July 25, 1818. 345. ii. Fanny, b. Sept. 20, 1820. 346. iii. Samuel, b. Sept. 2, 1822. 347. iv. Susan, b. Dec. 31, 1824. 348. V. Thomas Burr, b. Jan. 4, 1828. 349. vi. Francis LeBaron, b. May 2, 1830. 350. vii. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 21, 1835. 94 Francis LeBaron* Robbins (^MizabetJfi}, born Dec. 30, 1787, in Norfolk, Ct. ; died April 6, 1850 ; married June 11, 1818, Pris- cilla (LeBaron) Alden, of Fairhaven, Mass. (See 103) ; married (2), Jan. 1, 1848, Hannah S. Cook, of Danvers, Mass., who sur- vived liim. He was graduated from Williams College in 1808 ; studied theology, and was settled over the Congregational Church in Enfield, Ct., from 1816 until liis death in 1850. He was one of the five students whose names are inscribed on the monument at Williamstown, Mass., which commemorates the Missionary Prayer Meeting held under the hay-stack in 1806, out of which grew the American Board of Foreign Missions. 95 Lemuel* LeBaron (Lemitel^^, born Jan. 10, 1780, in Matta- poisett, Mass. ; died Dec. 5, 1843, in Bergen, N. Y. ; married Nov. Fourth Generation. 65 28, 1809, Martha Osgood Kittredge, born Oct. 31, 1778; died Nov. 6, 1839. He was graduated from Brown University in 1799; studied medicine with Dr. Thomas Kittredge, of Andover, Mass., practiced his profession in Jamaica Phiin, Mass., and later in Bergen. Cliildren : i. John K.,'^b. Sept. 14, 1810; d. Dec. 13, 1884, s. p.; ra. iMrs. Phebe jNIunger. 351. ii. WiUiam, b. Oct. 17, 1814. iii. Thomas K., b. June 19, 1819; d. Jan. 1, 1S4U. 96 John Allen"* LeBaron (^Lemuel^), born April 27, 1782, in Mattapoisett, Mass. ; died Oct. 8,1854; married Dec. 10, 1807, Abby riiillips, died May 10, 1815; married (2), July 11, 1819, Harriet Wing, died Mar. 9, 1851. Res., Mattapoisett. Cliildren : 352. 1. Lemuel,^ b. Mar. 28, 1809. 353. ii, James, b. Mar. 25, 1811. iii. Horatio G., b. Mar. 23, 1813; d. Nov. 1, 1881, s.p.; m. April 21, 1844, Martha Bumpus. Res., Winthrop and Auburn, Me. 97 "William^ LeBaron {Lemuel'), born April 27, 1780, in Matt- apoisett, Mass. ; died Aug. 12, 1831 ; married ^lay 16, 1810, Eliz- abeth LeBaron (104), born May 27, 1785; died Oct. 11, 1836. Res., Mattapoisett. Children : i. Sarah Ann,Mx Mar. 26, 1811; d. June 20, 1808, 5.;>.; m. Arvin Cannon ; d. Jul}^ 18, 1885. 354. ii. William Bradfonl, b. Aug. 1, 1814. 355. iii. Eliza, b. Sept. 29, 1816. iv. Thomas Robbins, b. Oct. 30, 1818; d. Aug. 5, 1829. V. Lucy Gibbs, b. July 31, 1821 ; d. Oct. 22, 182i>. 356. vi. Chai-les Henrv, b. Au^. 24, 1823. \ 66 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 98 Lazarus'* LeBaron (Lemuel^'), born July 27, 1789, in ]Matta- poisett, Mass. ; died July 27, 1864, in Turner, Me. ; married July 10, 1816, Priscilla, daughter of Nathaniel and Lucy (Barstow) Hammond, horn Jan. 13, 1795 ; died Mar. 27, 1841 ; married (2), July, 1844, Elizaheth Pope Hammond, sister of Ms first wife. Res., Winthrop and Turner, Me. Cliildren : 357. i. Enoch Ilammond,^ b. April 17, 1817. 358. ii. Jane Barstow, b. June 10, 1819. iii. Lucy, b. Aug. 21, 1822; m, Theron Gurney. 359. iv. Elizabeth A., b. June 28, 18.30. V. Edna, b. Oct. 22, 1850, in Turner, vi. Francis, twin to Edna, vii. Alton S., b. Jan. 10, 1854. 99 Sally Anx^ LeBaron (igwweZ^), born Sept. 11, 1791 : died Nov. 8, 1843, in Mattapoisett, Mass. ; married July 14, 1816, Matthew Mayhew. Children (Mayhew) : i. Elizabeth,^ b. AprU 26, 1819; d. July 4, 1830. ii. Francis LeBaron, b. Nov. 15, 1821 ; d. Oct. 21, 1900, in Brooklyn, N. Y., s. p. ; m. Calista S. Wass. 360. iii. Thomas Bobbins, b. July 18, 1824. iv. John Allen, b. Mar. 30, 1828 ; d. Feb. 10, 1829. V. John Allen, b. May 10, 1830; unm. vi. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 8, 1832; d. July 6, 1901, in Cambridge, : Mass. 100 Sarah^ LeBaron (William^), born Dec. 16, 1776; died Mar. 14, 1836; married April 14, 1805, Thomas Jackson, of Plymouth, Mass. Children (Jackson) : 361. i. Mary Ann,^ b. Sept. 3, 1806. 362. ii. Priscilla Alden, b. July 17, 1809. Fourth Generation. G7 101 Mary-* LeBaron {William^'), born Aug. 27, 1778; died July 19, 1833; married ]Mar. 12, 1810, Wyatt Hammond, of Rochester, Mass. Res., Mattapoisett, Mass. Cliildren (Hammond) : i. William LeBaron,^ b. May 27, 1813; lost at sea. ii. Mary Allen, b. Sept. 26, 1816; d. Nov. 23, 1836, s. p. ; m. Oct. 27, 1834, Hallett Cannon, iii. Ansel, b. May 9, 1822 ; d. at sea. 102 Lucy* LeBaron (William^~), born Aug. 27, 1778; died May 16, 1841 ; married Aug. 1, 1800, Ansel Gibbs, of Fairhaven, Mass., born Feb. 10, 1773, in Wareham, Mass.; died in Fairhaven, June 9, 1835. Children (Gibbs) : 363. i. William LeBaron,^ b. May 16, 1801. 364. ii. Eliza LeBaron, b. Mar. 16, 1804. iii. Ansel, b. June 2, 1806; d. April 28, 1828, at sea. iv. James, b. ]Mar. 16, 1809; d. young. V. Lucy LeBaron, b. Jan. 4, 1813; d. April 8, 1814. 103 Priscilla* LeBxVRON {William^'), born Mar. 8, 1781; died Dec. 24, 1846 ; married Sept. 10, 1803, Gideon S. Alden, of Fair- haven, Mass. ; married (2), June 11, 1818, Rev. Francis LeBaron Bobbins (94), of Enfield, Ct., born Dec. 30, 1787 ; died April 6, 1850, s. jt?. Children (Alden) : 365. i. Francis LeBaron,^ b. Dec. 10, 1804. ii. Gideon A., b. Aug. 9, 1806; d. Mar., 1848, unm. 104 Elizabeth* LeBaron married William LeBaron. See 97. 68 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 105 ** William* Hammatt (PWsci7?rt''^), b. May 15, 1778; died Sept. 24, 1846 ; married Aug. 21, 1806, Esther Pliillips Parsons, of Ply- mouth, Mass. He removed to Bangor, Me., in 1820. Gliildren (Hammatt) : 366. i. William Gushing,^ b. June 14, 1807. 367. ii. Hannah Phillips, b. Mar. 7, 1809. iii. Abraham, b. Jan. 21, 1811 ; d. young. iv. Abraham LeBaron, b. Aug. 25, 1812 ; d. Feb. 28, 1832. 368. V. Esther Jackson, b. Jan, 12, 1817. 369. vi. Anne Frances, b. May 9, 1818. vii. Thompson P., b. Oct. 26, 1821 ; d. Mar. 24, 1832. viii. John llowland, b. Oct. 14, 1824; d. Aug. 15, 1825. ix. Elizabeth Whitney, b. Sept. 6, 1828; d. Mar. 7, 1829. 4 106 Lucia* Hammatt (Priscilla^), born Aug. 20, 1786; died Dec. 7, 1859; married Sept. 11, 1810, William Simmons, of Boston, Mass., born July 9, 1782 ; died June 17, 1843. Judge Simmons was graduated from Harvard College, in 1804, where he received the honorary degree of A. M. in 1839 ; he studied law, and was Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, in Boston. Children (Simmons) : i. William Hammatt,^ b. May 11, 1812; d. Aug. 10, 1841. 370. ii. George Frederick, b. Mar. 24, 1814. in. Henry Howland, b. May 29, 1818 ; d. Dec. 13, 1849. iv. Charles Francis, b. Jan. 27, 1821 ; d. Feb., 1862, lost at sea. V. Martha Ann, b. Jan. 16, 1823 ; d. May 11, 1835. 107 Elizabeth* Hammatt married Isaac Goodwin. See 246. lOS George* Hammatt (Priscilhfi), born Jan. 29, 1793 ; married May 10, 1845, Mary, daughter of Jonathan Farley. Res., Bangor, Me. F'ourth Generation. 69 Children (llammatt) : i. .Alary,' b. I\[ar. 18, 1826; d. July 14, 1895, nnm. 371. ii. Elizabeth Farley, b. July 27, 1829. iii. Lucia .Simmons, b. June 2, 1831 ; d. Sept. 13, 1832. iv. Abraham, b. Oct. 2, 1833; d. Oct. 30, 1833. V. George William, b. April 26, 1835; m. Jan. 3, 1872, Han- nah A. Tyler, s. p. l{es., Frankfort, i\Ie. vi. Charles Ilowland, b. Nov. 14, 1837; unm. Res., ^lorris- town, N. J. vii. Abraham LeBaron, b. Dec. 5, 1840; d. Jan. 28, 1848. 109 CoRBAN* Barnes {Sara¥'), born July 23, 1761 ; died Oct. 31, 1835 ; married July 20, 1783, Phebe Holmes, born April 22, 1766 ; died Oct. 19, 1847. Res., Plymouth, Mass. Children (Barnes) : i. Lemuel,^ b. Jan. 12, 1785 ; d. Feb. 7, 1808. ii. Corban, b. July 20, 1787 ; drowned July 13, 1804. 372. iii. Phebe, b. Sept. 5, 1790. iv. Nathaniel, b. Jan. 21, 1794. V. Betsey, b. May 23, 1796; m. Barnabas Dunham, 5.7). vi. Elkanah, b. Nov. 1, 1799; d. Feb., 1817, in North Caro- lina. vii. Sarah, b. Sept. 8, 1803; m. John Parker Ellis, s. p. 373. viii. Corban, b. Mar. 3, 1805. ix. Joanna, b. Sept. 2, 1808; d. Oct. 13, 1869; m. Joseph Bradford; m. (2), William Nickerson ; d. Jan. 15, 1884. 109a Elkanah* Barnes (^Sarah^), born ; married Eliza Clark. Children (Barnes): 374. i. Elkanah,^ b. . ii. John, b. . iii. Eliza, b. ; m. Bela Cashing. iv. Hannah, b. ; m. Tirrell. 70 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. FIFTH GENERATION. 110 AbizerS LeBaron {John'^), bom about 1779; died April 2, 1843; married Mary Coon, born Sept. 20, 1781; died Mar. 28, 1853. Res., Hoosick, N. Y. Cliildren : i. Elizabeth,^ b. Jan. 22, 1801; d. Sept. 5, 1821. ii. John, b. Oct. 1, 1805; m. Eliza Bazee. iii. William, b. Nov. 23, 1807 ; m. Ruby Bazee. 375. iv. Lyman, b. Jan. 14, 1810. V. Ann Jane, b. Feb. 16, 1812; d. Aug. 14, 1841 ; m. Gilbert Coon, d. Oct. 8, 1877. vi. Eliza, b. July 25, 1815. vii. Julia Ann, b. April 18, 1818 ; m. John Gallagher. 376. viii. Levi H., b. Jan. 22, 1820. Ill Samuel^ LeBaron (Zehdon'^'), born Dec. 27, 1776 ; died Aug., 1848; married Elizabeth Allen, died July, 1869. Res., Union, Broome co., N. Y. Cliildren : i. Allen N.,^ b. ; m. Betsey Mott. 377. ii. Samuel, b. Dec. 11, 1807. iii. John, b. ; m. Hannah Odell. 378. iv. Joseph, b. Sept. 8, 1809. 379. V. Judah Allen, b. Oct. 24, 1813. vi. Zebulon, b. ; m. Lydia Bartlett. vii. AVilliam, b. ; m. Jerusha Decker. 380. viii. Sylvanus, b. about 1816. 381. ix. Sylvester, b. Nov. 6, 1823. 382. X. Levi, b. Mar. 4, 1826. 383. xi. Betsey A., b. Mar. 31, 1828. 112 JoHN^ LeBaron (Zt'vi*), born Oct. 18, 1788, in Middleboro, Mass. ; died July 10, 1879; married Feb. 17, 1811, Sarah Burt, of Fifth Generation. 71 Plymouth, Mass., died Dec. 15, 1811; mairicd (2), Dee. 1, 1814, Bethany Rider, died Nov. 8, 1863. Res., Middleboro. Children : 384. i. Sarah Burt," b. July 13, 1815. 385. ii. John Burt, b. Sept. 19, 1817. ill. Bethany-, b. July 17, 1819; d. May 17, 1823. 386. iv. Ziba, b. Aug. 3,1824. 387. V. r,ethany Weston, b. Mar. 26, 1826. 388. vi. Almeda Allen, b. Aug. 26, 1828. vii. Hannah W., b. Feb. 20, 1833; unm. 113 Waitstill^ LeBaron (Levi^), born Jan. 30, 1792, in :\Iiddle- boro, Mass. ; died Nov. 30, 1868 ; married Feb. 24, 1814, Caleb Thomas, died Sept. 15, 1819; married (2), Nov. 2, 1821, Abisha Wood, died Nov. 18, 1863. Res., Middleboro. Children (Thomas) : i. Caleb," b. Nov. 4, 1815 ; d. young. 389. ii. Lucy, b. Nov. 30, 1816. Childi-en (Wood) : 390. iii. Jacob, b. Aug. 13, 1822. iv. Sylvanus, b. Feb. 28, 1824; d. Dec. 25, 1843. 390a. V. Daniel F., b. Mar. 1, 1826. vi. Lydia M., b. May 4, 1828; d. young. vii. Serena Frances, b. July 6, 1835; d. in 1871, in South America. 114 Joshua^ LeBaeon (Levi*), born Mar. 1, 1794, in Middleboro, Mass. ; died Sept. 26, 1874 ; married Hannah Cushing, died Jan. 3, 1852 ; married (2), July 21, 1853, Rlioda Morse, died Nov. 8, 1893. Res., Middleboro. Cliildren : 391. i. Sarah E.,« b. May 8, 1839. ii. Charles E., b. Dec. 1, 1844; m. Sept. 30, 1890, Sara McKenzie. iii. Mary E., 1). July 11, 1S4)); d. in 1848. iv. Adelaide, b. May 12, 1854; d. Mar. 4, 1^59. 72 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 115 Elizabeth Claek^ LeBarox (ievi*), born Sept. 21, 1798, in :Middleboro, Mass. ; died May 27, 1891 ; married Jan. 27, 1820, Abraham Thomas, died May 16, 1880. Res., Middleboro. Cliildren (Thomas) : 392. i. Eli;cabeth Augusta,^ b. Sept. 8, 1820. 393. ii. Abraham Foster, b. Sept. 14, 1821. 394. iii. Temperance LeBaron, b. Dec. 9, 1824. iv. Cephas, b. Sept. 16, 1827; d. May 10, 18-52, at sea. V. Lucinda Wood, b. Mar. 1, 1830; d. Feb. 12, 1832. vi. Jason Lord, b. Oct. 4, 1832; d. April 16, 1835. 395. vii. Lucinda Maria, b. April 10, 1836. viii. Angela Georgianna, b. Mar. 15, 1838 ; ra. George S. Smith. ix. Franklin HaUett, b. Oct. 9, 1839; d. young. 396. X. George Brightman, b. Oct. 10, 1840. xi. Benjamin F. HaUett, b. Mar. 18, 1844; d. Oct. 14, 1849. 116 Temperance^ LeBaron (ieW"^), born Mar. 31, 1801 ; married July 31, 1823, Davis Thomas, of New Bedford, Mass. Res., Mid- dleboro, Mass. Children (Thomas) : i. Davis E.,« b. AprH 20, 1824; d. Nov. 20, 1825. 397. ii. Davis E., b. May 5, 1827. iii. Caleb, b. Oct. 7, 1829; d. June 19, 1832. iv. Jane F., b. Feb. 1, 1832; d. Aug. 1, 1832. 398. V. Caleb A., b. Sept. 22, 1833. vi. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 14, 1837; d. Aug. 14, 1838. 399. vii. Elizabeth D., b. Oct. 1, 1839. • 117 Joseph^ LeBaron (JixjoAef*), born Aug. 31, 1775 ; died May 9„ 1858; married Aug. 29, 1798, Margaret Morse, born Sept. 20,, 1770; died July 20, 1830. Res., Middleboro, Mass. Children : i. Cynthia,^ b. Mar. 5, 1799. 400. ii. Joanna Adams, b. Feb. 23, 1801. Fifth Generation. 73 401. iii. Mercy :Morse, b. April 27, 1808. iv. Otis, b. June I'i, 1805; d. Aug. 27, 1829. 402. V. CjTus, b. Mar. 31, 1808. vi. Joseph, b. Nov. 25, 1810 ; il. Dec. 1, 1829. 403. vii. Sally Burt, b. Mar. 20, 1812. 118 Japhet° LeBaeon (Japhet^}, born Dec. 13, 1777 ; died Sept. 23, 1847 ; married Nov. 21, 1811, Thankful Macomber, died Feb. 5, 1861. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. Res., Middle- boro, Mass. Children : i. Albert Smitb,^ b. Oct. 10, 1812; d. Oct. 12, 1883, s. p.; m. Xov. 23, 1865, Eraeline (Lovell) Gushing. ii. Marcus Bartlett, b. Feb. 2, 1814; d. Aug. 8, 1877, s.;?. ; m. Martha Robinson, b. May 11, 1830; d. June 10, 1885. 119 Daniel^ Tinkhajvi {MartJia^ born April 30, 1783, in Middle- boro, Mass. ; died Jan. 13, 1867 ; married May 27, 1804, Cassandi-a Downer, born Nov. 1, 1785, in Shaftsbury, Vt. ; died June 15, 1864. He was a Baptist clergyman, and was ordained July 9, 1813. Res., Shaftsbury, Vt., and White Creek, N. Y. Children (Tinkham) : i. Martin,« b. Feb. 24, 1805; d. Jan. 1, 1807. 404. ii. Daniel, b. Sept. 10, 1806. iii. Diantha, b. Nov. 17, 1807; d. Mar. 4, 1863; m. Sept. 10, 1837, Patrick Scully. Res., Lapeer, Mich, iv. John D., b. June 16, 1809; d. Mar. 14, 1881; m. Hannah Harrington ; m. (2), Harriette Gifford. V. Betsey L,, b. Jan. 15, 1811 ; d. Oct. 7, 1825, in Shaftsbury. vi. MjTon G., b. June 21, 1812. 405. vu. Peter Wright, b. May 15, 1814. 406. viii. Juliana, b. Sej^t. 20, 1816. 120 Martha^ Tinkham {Martha'^), horn Sept. 15, 1785; married Mar. 11, 1803, Joseph Stanton. 74 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Cliildren (Stanton) : 407. i. Orrin LeBaron,^ b. Dec. 16, 1803. ii. Daniel Tinkham, b. Aug. 6, 1806. iii. Juliana Edson, b. Feb. 13, 1809. iv. Martha Ann, b. Ajjiil 16, 1820. 121 Hannah^ Tinkham {]Slartlu&^, born Nov. 8, 1787 ; died June 24, 1850 ; married Mar. 11, 1804, Peter Wright, born May 13, 1780 ; died Aug. 23, 1855. Res., Lafayette, 111. Children (Wright) : i. Heman,« b. Dec. 16, 1804; d. Feb. 5, 1805. 408. ii. Lyman, b. Feb. 8, 1806, iii. Harriet, b. Sept. 24, 1807 ; d. April 30, 1875 ; m. Henry Hayes. iv. William, b. July 2, 1809; d. in 1873, or 1874. V. James C, b. May 8, 1811; d. June 20, 1879; m. Carilla Davis, vi. Daniel T., b. June 27, 1813; d. May 9, 1883; m. Sarah Davis, vii. Elizabeth A., b. July 22, 1815 ; d. Feb. 20, 1877 ; ra. Josiah Collins. viii. Maria, b. Sept. 14, 1817; m. Ezra Hines. ix. Isaac G., b. Dec. 21, 1819. X. Deborah A., b. June 14, 1822; d. Sept. 30, 1895; m. Mahaffey. xi. Charlotte, b. July 16, 1823; m. John Bryant. xii. Martha A., b. June 16, 1825; d. May 7, 1887; m. Ford. xiii. Susan S., b. Aug. 29, 1827; d. Nov. 30, 1889; m. John Snyder. xiv. Mary A., b. April 27, 1831 ; d. Jan. 31, 1889. 122 Ann^ Tinkham (Martlm^^, born Aug. 8, 1794 ; died Dec. 27, 1868; married Mar. 10, 1813, Rufus Sweet, born July 27, 1793; died iSIay 15, 1884. Res., Perry, N. Y. , Fifth Generation. 75 Children (Sweet) : i. 3Iilo/^ 1). Dec. 3, 1813; d. Dee. 81, 1813. 409. ii. IMartin, h. Nov. 5, 1814. iii. James M., b. Sept. 17, 1810; d. Oct. 11, 18"20. 410. iv. Martha J., b. Oct. 17, 1818. 411. V. Celema II., b. Nov. 1, 1820. vi. German, b. Dec. 25, 1822; m. Feb. 22, 1854, Emil}- W. Riggs. vii. Daniel T., b. Oct. 10, 1824; d. Sept. 9, 1888; m. Nov. 13, 1850, Harriet Andrus. 412. viii. George A., b. Oct. 24, 1826. ix. Samuel, b. Aug. 29, 1828 ; m. Rebecca Lacy. Res., Perry. X. Ann M., b. July 20, 1830; d. Nov. 24, 1851. xi. Helen, b. Mar. 15, 1833. xii. Charles W., b. Nov. 1, 1835; m. Julia Andrus. Res., Perry. 413. xiii. Desdemona, b. Jan. 16, 1841. 123 Contents LeBaron ( William^}, born Mar. 23, 1786 ; died Oct., 1837 ; married Caleb Simmons ; married (2), Francis D. Cummins. Res., Harrisburg, Pa. Cliildren (Simmons) : 414. i. Elmu-a Adelaide,^ b. Jan. 2, 1807. ii. Lucia Ann, b. in 1810; d. July, 1884; m. in 1848, Thomas H. Wilson. 124 LuCY^ LeBaron ( Tr. ; m. Joseph Sampson. iii. Elizabeth, b. ; m. Carlos Williams. iv. Ellen, b. . V. Flora, b. . vi. Ella, b. . 159 Elijah Huntington^ LeBaron (Japhet B.^), born Dec. 6, 1814 ; died Aug. 14, 1897 ; married :\Iar. 16, 1843, Maria, daugh- ter of Sherburn and Catherine (Dodge) Brown, born Aug. 2, 1818; died ]\Iar. 21, 1892. He settled in Massawippi village in the town of Hatley, Canada. He sustained several offices of responsil>ility and trust, and was actively employed in public affairs. He was much interested in genealogical matters, and is credited by the author of " The History of Stanstead County " with having ren- dered him valuable assistance in the preparation of tliat book. Children : 510. i. Pamelia Adelaide,' b. Feb. 27, 1844. ii. Emeline, b. Oct. 4, 1845; d. May 11, 1846. 511. iii. Henry Herbert, b. May 20, 1847. iv. James M., b. Mar. 7, 1849; d. Jan. 29, 1860. V. William S., b. Feb. 27, 1855; d. July 23, 1868. 160 Japhet B.^ LeBaron (Japhet B.^}, born May 14, 1817 ; mar- ried Aug. 17, 184G, Lucy Wadleigh, b(jrn .May 9, 1823. He wa.'^ a farmer and merchant ; for many years he held the office of mag- 90 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. istrate ; he has been variously engaged in public affairs, and was at one time Mayor of Hatley. Res., East Hatley, Canada. Children : 512. i. Matthew \Yarlleigh,6 b. Jan. 6, 1852. 513. ii. Mary Louisa, b. July 17, 1854. iii. Charles Samuel, b. April 8, 1856; d. June 13, 1856. 161 JoHN^ Marsh (Pamelia^), born . Children (Marsh) : i. Charles,® b. ; d. in California. His widow m. Hon. Lucius Huntington, of New York. ii. Lucius, b. ; m. Jane Vincent, s. p. 162 Maria^ LeBaron {Jo}ir&'), born Dec. 20, 1806 ; died Nov., 1874 or 1875 ; married June 20, 1824, Rev. David Ray, born Sept. 15, 1799; died Sept. 10, 1866. Res., Centralia, lU. Children (Ray) : 514. i. Wesley Peter,® b. Dec. 28, 1825. ii. John LeBaron, b. in 1827; d. in 1867. Served in the CivU War. iii. Charles F., b. m 1829. iv. Elizabeth, b. in 1831 ; d. in 1876. 515. V. William Fletcher, b. July 21, 1833. 516. vi. Mary Jane, b. May 21, 1835. vii. Fannie LeBaron, b. in 1837 ; d. in 1887. 517. viii. Martha, b. July 21, 1839. ix. Maria LeBaron, b. in 1842; d. in 1890; m. Sterling. 163 James M.^ LeBaron {Johi^')^ born Oct. 8, 1811 ; married Oct. 3, 1843, Julia Stanton, died Dec. 18, 1857. Res., Moreau, N. Y. Children : i. Martha,® b. Oct. 28, 1844 ; m. Dec. 10, 1890, William C. Luther, s.p. K n3 /i\ JAPHET B. LeBARON, 1817- Fifth Generation. 91 ii. Lucy, b. Aug. 12, 1846; m, Nov. 14, 1895, George F. Bea- ton, 6\ />. iii. George S., b. Jul}- 4, 1849; d. Jan. 22, 1871. iv. Ella, 1). Ai)ril 18, 1852; d. Mar. 18, 1877. 164 JuLiA^ LeBakox (Johi^), born April 9, 1818 ; married ^lay 22, 1844, Eleazer Strong, died April 6, 1865. Res., Moreau, N. Y. Child (Strong) : i. Fanny,« b. July 10, 1846; d. May 27, 1870; ni. Thomas Smith. 165 Horace^ LeBarox (John*), born Feb. 14, 1831 ; died Feb. 1, 1884 ; married April 30, 1851, Mary Porter, died Jan. 10, 1861 ; married (2), April 10, 1862, Jennie L. Palmer, born Dec. 25, 1845. Res., Saratoga, X. Y. Cliildren : i. Anna,® b. April 9, 1852; m. Clarence Sweet, of Fortsville, X. Y. ii. CaroUne, b. Nov. 10, 1853. iii. George R., b. Sept. 5, 1856; d. Feb. 27, 1883. iv. Jennie L., twin to George R. ; d. Ajiril 11, 1861. V. John, b. Jan. 29, 1859; d. Sept. 1, 1860. 518. vi. Mary Louisa, b. Jan. 18, 1863. vu. Jennie Lenita, b. Feb. 21, 1868; d. Feb. 10, 1887. viu. Frances Adella, b. Oct. 18, 1869. 519. ix. Horace Burton, b. Nov. 27, 1870. 166 Nelson^ LeBarox (Jeremiah*), born Oct. 25, 1808, in Hadley, N. Y. : (lied in 1887 ; married Dec. 1, 1840, Eliza Ann Sher- man, died Sept. 10, 1855. Res., Corinth, N. Y., and Beachburg, Canada. Children : i. Harriet," b. Nov. 21, 1841; ni. Robinson Buhner, of Au- rora. III. 92 Descetulants of Francis LeBaron. ii. George, b. July 10, 1843; m. Lily Troschill. Res., Bur- lington, Iowa, ill. Fannie, b. Sept. 14, 1845; m. John Kerr, iv. Jennie, b. April 7, 1847. 520. V. Delia, b. June 10, 1849. vi. Nelson, b. Oct. 10, 1851. vii. Elizabeth, b. April 14, 1853. 167 James B.^ LeBakon (Jereviia¥'), born Feb. 6, 1819, in Corinth, N. Y. ; died Nov. 2, 1896 ; married Oct. 4, 1854, Mary Sage, born Aug. 25, 1829 ; died Mar. 25, 1873. Res., Brockport, N. Y. Cliildren : i. Emory J.,« b. July 16, 1855. ii. Charles W., b. July 28, 1856. iii. Jane Eliza, b. April 30, 1858 ; m. Oct., 1882, William HUl. iv. Amelia C, b. Nov. 19, 1859; m. Oct., 1885, Neil Swartout, d. Feb. 19, 1897. V. Sara E., b. July 19, 1861 ; m. in 1884, Elmer Cooley. vi. Emma G., b. April 24, 1863; m. in 1887, Louis Bu^^p. vii. Mary H., b. Jan. 29, 1866. viii. Phoebe A., b. Aug. 29, 1867; d. Mar 21, 1868. ix. George B., b. Jan. 6, 1870. X. Burton, b. Mar. 23, 1873; d. Aug. 13, 1873. 168 Emellne^ LeBaron QJeremia¥'), born Mar. 29, 1827 ; died Oct. 4, 1876 ; married Feb. 5, 1851, John Bunce, born Nov. 14, 1825, Sheffield, Mass. Res., Wilton, N. Y. [Her name is incorrectly given as Eveline on page 41.] Cliildren (Bunce) : 521. i. Blanche F.,« b. June 9, 1861. 522. ii. Grace M., b. Mar. 9, 1863. V 169 Charles^ LeBaron (Jeremia¥^, born Mar. 6, 1828; died May 13, 1888 ; married April 6, 1864, Mary Ann Pounder, of Perth, Canada. Res., Westmeath, Canada. Fifth Generation. 93 Children : i. John," b. Jan. 30, 1865. ii. Jeremiah, b. Feb. 9, 1870. 170 Amos° LeBaron QTeremia¥), born Feb. 9, 1830 ; died Oct. 27, 1886 : married Mary Forrest, died Jan. 7, 1803. Res., Beachburg, Canada. Children : i. Jeremiah,° b. Sept. 5, 1864; ra. Xov. 19, 1897, .Alary Ham- ilton, ii. John, b. July 2, 1866. 523. ui. Jessie Mary, b. Sept. 20, 1867. iv. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 25, 1869 ; d. June 1, 1892. V. Amos, b. April 27, 1870. vi. Orville, b. April 30, 1872; d. Xov. 16, 1891. 524. vii. ^largaret Jane, b. jMay 14, 1874. viii. James, b. Aug. 7, 1876. ix. Samuel A. Garfield, b. Sept. 6, 1880. 171 Lydia^ LeBaeon (Horace^), born Aug. 29, 1814 ; died May 10, 1842 ; married April 5, 1835, Benjamin H. Stevens, born April 20, 1805 ; died Mar. 22, 1887. Res., East Troy, Pa. Cliildren (Stevens) : i. Fre^lerick Norton,^ b. Mar. 23, 1836; d. young, ii. Lucina, b. May 22, 1838; d. in 1844. 525. iii. Laura, b. June 16, 1840. 172 Laura^ LeBaron (5brrtce'*), born Mar. 12, 1821: died Dec. 29. 1887; married Nov. 19, 1840, Rullin Sherwood, died Oct., 1895. Res., Hamilton, 111. Children (Sherwood) : i. Horace," b. Dec. 4, 1841. ii. Emma, b. Nov. 3, 1843; d. Sept. 5, 1801, unm. 94 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. iii. Stephen, b. July 20, 1847. 526. iv. Rollin, b. May 7, 1852. 173 Lucy Spalding^ LeBaron {Horace'^'), born May 17, 1823; died July 30, 1849 ; married Aug. 2, 1845, Kev. Aaron B. Stowell, born Sept. 19, 1814, in Windham, Vt. ; died Mar. 23, 1891. Res., Waverly, N. Y. Children (Stowell) : i. Hollis LeBaron,« b. Oct. 20, 1846; m. Mar. 28, 187.3, Hat- tie E. Sager, s. p. Res., EUensburg, Wash. 527. ii. Lucy Allen, b. June 23, 1849. 174 Joshua^ Shurtleff {Thnotliy'^^^ born April 20, 1787, in Mid- dleboro, Mass. ; died about 1865 ; married Mary Wicks. Children (Shurtleff) : i. Joshua,^ b. Nov. 7, 1811; d. Aug. 21, 1820. 528. ii. Timothy, b. Oct. 8, 1812. 529. iii. Eunice, b. Feb. 21, 1814. iv. Emily, b. Mar. 29, 1815; d. July 12, 1898; m. Chester Olmstead ; ra. (2), Truman Crary. 530. V. Lydia E., b. July 16, 1816 or 1817. vi. Lucinda, b. Aug. 31, 1818. vii. Caleb, b. Dec. 18, 1819; m. Jane Rose, viii. Mary, b. ]May 27, 1821 ; unm. ix. Malinda, b. July 1, 1823 ; unm. X. Zenas Warren, b. Feb. 28, 1825; unm. xi. Jane ]\Iahala, b. April 16, 1827; m. Dan Pickett, s. p. xii. Clorinda, b. April 13, 1830; m. Michael Phalen, of Peoria, 111. xiii. Joshua, b, Aug. 21, 1832; unm. 175 Lydia LeBaron^ Shurtleff (Timothif)^ born Jan. 2, 1790; died April 4, 1858 ; married Aug. 15, 1818, George ^Miller, born Mar. 21, 1788, in Quebec, Canada; died July 9, 1862. Res., Walden, Vt. Fifth Generation. 95 Children (^liller) : i. John S.,« b. Nov. 12, 1820; d. April 5, 11521. 531. ii. C4eorge AV., h. Fel). 11, 1822. iii. William, b. April 26, 1824; d. July 29, 1849; ra. Sarah Soper. 532. iv. Timothy, b. Feb. 12, 1820. 533. V. .Alary 8., b. Mar. 31, 1829. vi. Jane, b. May 10, 1832; d. Oct. 19, 1891; m. Francis Isham, d. June 17, 1850; m. (2), Caleb Kichardson, d. Nov., 1896. 176 MiLO^ Shurtleff (^Ahiel^^, born May 8, 1807, in Leray, Jeffer- son CO., N. Y. ; died Mar. 1, 1881, in Pliiladelphia, N. Y. ; married Feb. 22, 1840, Louisa Maria Bentley, born April 27, 1820, in Champion, N. Y. ; died Sept. 12, 1891, in Grand Rapids, ]\Iich. Children (Shurtleff) : 534. i. Nancy Jane,® b. June 1, 1841. u. Abiel, b. Aug. 19, 1843; d. April 30, 1867, unm. 535. in. EUsha Milan, b. May 28, 1845. 536. iv. Kate, b. June 26, 1848. V. WilHani, b. July 15, 1850; d. Feb. 8, 1851. 537. vi. Olive, b. April 15, 1853. vii. Milo, b. Feb. 25, 1855; unm. Res., Park City, Utah. 538. viii. Alice Lula, b. Aug. 8, 1857. 539. ix. Frank Estella, b. July 26, 1859. 540. X. Fred, b. Nov. 4, 1861. 177 Harriet^ Shurtleff {AbieV^^, born May 14, 1800, in Leray, N. Y. ; died June 14, 1892 ; married Jan. 5, 1840, Levi Chase, born Feb. 22, 1808, in Antwerp, N. Y. Children (Chase) : i. Kate,* b. . ii. Amelia, b. . iii. Mary Ann, b. iv. T)elavan, b. — 06 Descenda7its of Francis LeBaron. 178 Sophia^ Shuktleff (^Ahiel^~), born Sept. 18, 1810, iu Lera}^ N. Y. ; died Oct. 9, 1891 ; married July 28, 1830, James Merrill, born Feb. 15, 1805 ; died Oct. 29, 1885. Res., Alexandria Bay, Jefferson co., N. Y. Cliildren (Merrill) ; i. Jerorae,« b. Mar. 22, 1832; d. Mar. 22, 1845. ii. Ann Eliza, b. Feb. 16, 1834; m. Feb. 25, 1857, Willard Wood worth. 541. iii. Catherine, b. Sept. 19, 1835. iv. Jane N., b. Dec. 13, 1836; m. June 13, 1865, William Blevins. 542. V. Hannah E., b. Mar. 26, 1838. vi. James M., b. Mar. 2, 1840 ; d. Mar. 22, 1845. vii. Mary A, b. May 26, 1841 ; d. June 1, 1847. viii. John, b. Mar. 5, 1843; d. May 31, 1847. ix. Harriet, b. Dec. 24, 1844; d. May 31, 1847. 543. X. Sarah S., b. July 31, 1846. xi. William J., b. June 16, 1848; m. Nov. 23, 1876, Agnes King. xii. Mary E., b. Aug. 14, 1849; m. Feb. 20, 1883, Calvin Wilson. xiii. Alice S., b. Feb. 9, 1852; m. in 1879, Goodrich W. Henry. 179 Almeron^ Shurtleff (^Ahiel^), born July 25, 1815, in Leray, N. Y. ; died June 23, 1883, in Theresa, N. Y. ; married Feb. 11, 1846, Ann Maria Fuller, born Nov. 12, 1821, in Saratoga, N. Y. ; died July 7, 1886, in Theresa. Children (Shurtleff) : 544. i. Nancy," b. Mar. 2, 1847. ii. Loren Fuller, b. Sept. 18, 1848; m. Jan. 31, 1881, Mary Walradt, s. p. iii. Martha Ann, b. Sept. 4, 1851 ; unm. iv. Ella, b. May 19, 1855; d. June 23, 1862. V. George Almeron, b. Aug. 15, 1857; d. July 28, 1862. Fifth Generation. 97 180 Martha^ Shurtleff (Enoc¥), born in 1812 ; died June, 1843 ; mariied in 1829, William Bailey, born Oct. 13, 1707 ; died May, 1866. Cliildren (Bailey) : 545. i. Caroline Eliza," b. ISIar. 4, 1S31. 546. u. Matilda Theresa, b. Mar. 14, 1833. iii. Jane C'hristianna, b. Aug. G, 1835; unm. Res., California. 547. iv. Adelaide Augusta, b. Mar. 6, 1841. 181 Minerva^ Shurtleff (Fnoc¥), born Jan. 22, 1814, in Bridge- water, Vt. ; died Nov. 15, 1853 ; married April 21, 1833, Benja- min Maxliam, born Jan. 27, 1810, in Carver, Mass. ; died Nov. 22, 1895. He married (2), Eliza A. Wood. Res., Sherburne, Vt. Cliildren (Maxliam) : 54b. i. Ransom," b. Oct. 17, 1836. ii. Christianna Ruth, b. July 26, 1840; d. July 9, 1885, s.p.; m. Nov. 23, 1857, Pollard Bates. 549. iii. Susan Minerva, b. Aug. 18, 1842. 550. iv. Azro J., b. Nov. 18, 1844. 551. v. Clara, b. Jan 13, 1847. vi. Tola, b. Oct. 17, 1849; d. April 21, 1895, s.p.; m. June 20, 1S7l', Edward J. Doyle, vii. Lora A., b. Mar. 7, 1852; m. July '22, 1896, Pet^jr W. Cain, s.p. 182 Henry Jepiitha^ Shurtleff {Enoeh"^), born July 5, 1827 ; married June 20, 1853, Rebecca Walcli, born Dec. 10, 1825. Res., Cliicago, 111. Children (Shurtleff) : i. Sarah Adelaide," b. April 20, 1854. ii. Rebecca Lydia, 1). Dec. 1, 1856. iii. Eva Anna. ^). June liO, lS5y. iv. Harry Clu-sler, b. Sept. liO, ISHO; d. Sept. 21, \st\\. V. Rutli Elizabeth, i). Dec. 1, Isf.l : d. Fel). 10, l.S(i(i. 98 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 183 JoHN^ LeBaeon {Solomon^^^ born Sept. 15, 1803 ; married June 25, 1835, Jane Holms McCullom, born Aug. 28, 1808. Res., Olive, Mich. Children : 552. i. William,^ b. April 8, 183G. 553. u. Robeit, b. June 27, 1838. iii. Alonzo, b. April 3, 1841. iv. Asher Winslow, b. Feb. 27, 1846; d. Jan. 24, 1864, in Camp Douglas, Chicago. All the sons served in the Civil War. 184 James^ LeBaron {Solomon''')^ born Oct. 1, 1810, in Killing- worth, Ct. ; died May 12, 1886 ; married June 28, 1840, Sarah R. Hull, born Dec. 17, 1812 ; died Nov. 20, 1843 ; married (2), Sarah Rosetta Hull, born Mar. 30, 1821. Children : i. Gustavus,« b. Nov. 25, 1841 ; d. Aug. 27, 1843. 554. ii. Abner, b. July 1, 1843. 555. iii. Emily J., b. June 25, 1845. iv. Cornelia M., b, Oct. 21, 1851; unm. V. Fanny A., b. Sept. 23, 1854; d. Sept. 1, 1861. vi. VUletta J., b. Dec. 8, 1861. vii. Newton, b. May 18, 1864. 185 Uriah^ LeBaron (Francis'^'), born Nov. 10, 1799, in Killing- worth, Ct. ; died April 3, 1874; married Mar. 15, 1832, Lois Shepard. Res., LeRoy, N. Y., and Saline, Mich. Children : 556. i. Charles Shepard,^ b. April 23, 1834. ii. Eugene, b. April 21, 1836; d. Aug. 2, 1874, in Oakland, Cal. iii. William T., b. Aug. 20, 1838. Res., Cavendish, Idaho, iv. Asenath, b. Dec. 27, 1841 ; d. July 22, 1847. Fifth Generation. 99 557. V. Marshall A., b. :\[ay 10, 1845. vi. Emma C, b. Sept. 10, 1847; d. April "2, 1848. 558. vii. Lois Ann, b. Feb. 18, 1851. 186 Leander^ LeBakon (Francis*), born Aug. 21, 1801, in Kill- ingworth, Ct. ; died Apiil 23, 1871 ; married Oct. 10, 1827, Fanny Tracy, died Nov. 10, 1846; married (2), Dec. 8, 18ol, Sally Kel- sey. Res., Lelloy, N. Y., and Saline, Mich. Cliildren : 559. i. Francis E.,° 1). Feb. 3, 1829. 560. ii. Horace T., b. Feb. 1, 1831. 561. iii. James W., b. April 8, 1833. 562. iv. Cornelia, b. Sept. 6, 1835. 563. V. Catherine, b. Feb. 1, 1838. vi. Lucius, b. Aug. 17, 1842; d. Dec. 2, 1842. 564. vii. Adaline, b. May 24, 1844. 565. viii. Adelaide, twin to Adaline. ix. Leander J., b. Feb. '2'2, 1853; d. umii. X. Clara Viola, b. .Jan. 13, 1857; d. Aug. 28, 1863. xi. Alfred F., b. Dec. 11, 1865. 187 Lewis'^ LeBauon (Francis*), born June 14, 1803, in Killing- worth, Ct. ; died Mar. 5, 1801; married Aug. 11, 1830, Nancy Morton, of LeRoy, N. Y., born June 5, 1810; died April 5, 1850. Res., LeRoy, N. Y., and Saline, Mich. Cliildren : 566. , i. Era.stus Morton," b. Sept. 9, 1831. ^ ii. Ann EHza, b. Oct. 16, 1833; d. Feb. 6, 1842. 567. iii. Orilla Morton, b. Dec. 18, 1835. iv. Louisa, b. Feb. 19, 1839; d. Aw- <;, 1^39. \^ V. Demise M., b. Oct. 14, 1842. vi. Lewis C, b. May 31, 1844; d. July 17, 1S5L vii. Myron M., b. Oct. I'J, 1^4.">; d. .Iidy :il, lx5L viii. Christr.pher, b. Sept. 4, 184.8; d. Oct. 10, 1849. L.cfC. 100 Descendants of I^rancis LeBaron. 188 Sylvia^ LeBaron (Frajicis^), born June 10, 1805, in LeRoy, N. Y. ; died Mar. 19, 1855 ; married Jan. 16, 1825, Lyman Carver. Res., Hubbardston, Mich. Cliildren (Carver) : 568. i. Calista C.,« b. Oct. 15, 1825. 569. ii. Harriet E., b. Oct. 17, 1829. 570. iii. Jerome E., b. Mar. 26, 1836. iv. Porter N., Aug. 12, 1842; d. Feb. 1, 1865. 189 Charles^ LeBaron (Fraticis*}, born Sept. 26, 1807, in LeRoy, N. Y. ; died June 18, 1886 ; married June 4, 1839, Polly Wine- gar. Res., LeRoy. Cliildren : i. Sylvia Fidelia,« b. July 15, 1840 ; d. AprU 30, 1842. 571. ii. Amelia Harriet, b. Nov. 2, 1843. 572. iii. Irving Erasmus, b. Jan. 15, 1846. iv. Lafayette, b. Jan. 25, 1848; d. April 10, 1886, unm. 573. V. Angela Elenora, b. Feb. 25, 1850. vi. Henry, b. July 2, 1856; d. May 25, 1877, unm. 190 Eliza^ LeBabon {Francis'^'), born Jan. 31, 1810 ; married Isaac Morton. Cliild (Morton) : 574. i. Harriet,^ b. Sept. 21, 1836; m. Clark Torry, of Flint, Mich 191 Lavinia^ LeBaron (^Fraticis^), born May 19, 1815 ; married Nov. 25, 1834, Benjamin Farley, born Oct. 4, 1810, in Salem. Mass. ; died AjDril 15, 1876. Res., Wilson, N. Y. Children (Farley) : i. Almer,«b. Jan. 5, 1830; d. Oct. 19, 1886; m. Elizabeth Harrington, d. Nov., 1874. ii. Ariette, b. June 16, 1S3S; d. April 21, 1890; m. Myron Pomeroy. Fifth Generation. 101 iii. Jeanette, b. July 26, 1848; m. Dec. lO, 18G8, Joi-l P. Bradley, il. Jan. 9, 1894. iv. Daniel John, b. June 26, 1850; m. Deo. 21, IsTl, Marv K. Bradley, d. June, 1884. V, Francis, b. May 30, 1856; m. Dec. 12, 1885, Kitty Van Wagoner. vi. Carrie L., b. Sept. 17, 1859; m. May 6, 1886, Charles Ilauer. 192 Daniel^ LeBaron (Francis*), born Oct. 29, 1817, in LeRoy, N. Y. ; married April 12, 1842, Hannah Jane Farley, died Mar. 28, 1872 ; married (2), Sept. 22, 1874, Mrs. Martha Gray. Res., Caro, Mich. Children : 575. i. Annette M.,« b. Mar. 3, 1843. ii. Clarence U., b. Oct. 27, 1844. iii. Edna A., b. July 17, 1853; d. Oct. 31, 1860. iv. Edith E., b. Oct. 28, 1864; m. Oct. 23, 1889, Marvin R. Doty. Res., Newark, N. J. V. Burt, b. Sept. 22, 1875. 193 Francis" LeBaron (Francis*), born June 13, 1820, in LeRoy, N. Y. ; died June 20, 1855; married Dec. 9, 1847, Roxana Webb. Res., Micliigan. Childi'en : i. Sabra Lavina,« b. Aug. 8, 1848; d. Jan. 18, 1850. ii. Ella Amanda, b. Jan. 28, 1851. iii. Francis, b, Aug. 6, 1855. 194 Erastus^ LeBaron (Francis*), born Aug. tl, 1822, in LcRoy, N. Y. ; married Dec. 23, 1852, Caroline A., daughter of Stephen and Lucy (Parkhurst) Carpenter, born June 25, 1832. lies., Flint, Mich. 102 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Children : 676. i. Ida A.,^ b. Jan. 30, 1858, in Sacramento City, Cal. ii. Charles L., b. Oct. 14, 1861, in Kelsey District, Eldorado CO., Cal. iii. Ralph W., b. Feb. 14, 1871, in SaUne, Mich. 195 Sabra^ LeBaron (Francis'^'), born Jan. 20, 1825 ; married Sept. 24, 1845, Henry Franklin, bom Oct. 11, 1814, in LeRoy, N. Y. ; died Oct. 8, 1887. Res., Flint, Mich. Children (Franklin) : i. George C.,« b. Aug. 7, 1846; d. Oct. 13, 1897. ii. Ellen L., b. Sept. 2, 1848. iii. Alvira L., b, June 2, 1851. iv. Frank IL, b. Sept. 15, 1856. 677. V. Emma O., b. Oct. 3, 1859. vi. Edna V., b. Feb. 14, 1866. 678. vii. Margaretta P., b. June 4, 1869. 196 AzorS Curtis (Huldah'^), born July 28, 1792 ; died Aug. 5, 1880; married Dec. 20, 1812, Catherine Fowler, died Dec. 23, 1839 ; married (2), Oct. 28, 1840, Eliza Ann Standard, died April 10, 1898. Res., LeRoy, N. Y. Cliildren (Curtis) : i. Hapalona,«b. Oct. 11, 1813; d. Jan. 29, 1839; m. John Lang worthy. 679. ii. Betsey, b. Aug. 3, 1815. iii. Sally, b. Mar. 1, 1817; d. Sept. 10, 1843; ra. B. Ensign. iv. Cynthia, b. Dec. 10, 1818; d. Aug. 8, 1859; m. B. Ensign. V. Alfred, b. Sept. 12, 1820; d. July 4, 1847; m. Diana Farnham. vi. Harriet, b. Aug. 9, 1822. 680. vii. Stephen F., b. Sept. 6, 1824. viii. Emily, b. Oct. 22, 1826; d. Sept. 24, 1855, s.p.; m. Will- iam Palmer. 681. ix. Elsie Berry, b. IMar. 18, 1829. Fifth Generation. 103 682. X. Solomon, b. Dec. 18, iSol. xi. Jane, b. Jan. 16, 1830. xii. John B., b. July 12, 1843; d. June 13, 1896. Served in the Civil War. 583. xiii. Phebe, b. Jan. 1, 1847. xiv. William, b. Sept. 25, 1848. 584. XV. Horace P., b. Jan. 6, 1851. 585. xvi. Mary, b. June G, 1854. xvii. James, b. ^lar. 24, 1858. 197 Faxnv L.'^ Curtis {HuIdaJi^), bom Aug. 7, 17li4 : married Aug. 7, 1816, John Talmadge, died Jan. 23, 1805. Res., Batavia, N. Y. Cliildren (Talmadge) : i. Urie,« b. Aug. 30, 1817; d. Mar. 23, 1834. ii. William, b. Nov. 11, 1819. iii. Melvina, b. Jan. 18, 1822; d. April 10, 1851. iv. AdeUa, b. Dec. 22, 1825. V. Francis, b. June 23, 1830. 198 Catherine^ Curtis (^ffiddah*}, born Nov. 4, 1801 ; married Mar. 25, 1830, James Rowen. Cliildren (Rowen) : i. William," b. Dec. 30, 1831. U. David, b. Sept. 4, 1833. - iii. Azor, b. June 6, 1835. iv. Abgina, b. Aug. 10, 1837. V. Delatiel.l, b. April 24, 1839. vi. Daniel, b. Nov. 19, 1841. vii. Byron, b. Jan 4, 1843. viii. Charles, b. Feb. 11, 1845. 199 Sally Maria-^ Gilbert (^Martha*), born Feb. 24, 1794, in We.str haven, Vt. : died Aug. 17, 1882, in Flint, Micii. : nuirried Aug. 104 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 13, 1815, Elisha Parkhill ; married (2), Oct. 9, 1834, Edward B. Dewey. Res., Westhaven, Vt., and Flint, Mich. Child (Dewey) : 586. i. Gilbert LeBaron Darius,^ b. Feb. 21, 1837. 200 - Benjaimin Fkanklin^ Gilbert (^Marfha'^'), born Sept. 11, 1797, in Westhaven, Vt. ; died Mar. 9, 1888; married Dec. 4, 1833, Emeline Bullard, died May 4, 1883. Res., Westhaven. Children (Gilbert) : i. Willard," b. Jan. 5, 1835; died Jan. 13, 1841. ii. Tilley, b, Jan. 17, 1837; d. Jan. 4, 1877; m, Frances Proctor, iii. Emeline, b. Sept. 20, 1839; ra. Feb. 19, 1890, E. D. Hum- phre}', s.p. 587. iv. Julia A., b. Mar. 21, 1843. V. Benjamin F., b. April 21, 1857. 201 James Jervis^ Gilbert (Martha^), born Mar. 13, 1800 ; died Aug. 26, 1873 ; married Nov. 10, 1823, Mary H. Ruggles, died Nov. 2, 1826; married (2), Sept. 9, 1827, Sarah E. Beach, died April 27, 1872. He was graduated from William and Mary's College, in 1820, and was a Congregationalist clergyman, being pastor of the church in Fairhaven, Vt., for about forty years. Children (Gilbert) : i. WiUiam Tilley,« b. Sei^t. 23, 1824. ii. Martha LeBaron, b. Sept. 3, 1825 ; m. Joseph Pomeroy. iii. Ann Eliza, b. Oct. 6, 1 828 ; d. young. iv. Mary Ilaynes Ruggles, b. Aug. 15, 1829; m. Feb. 22, 1855, Mansel A. Ormsbee, s. p. v. James Jervis, b. Oct. 23, 1830; d. Aug., 1872, s, p.; m. Sarah Stearns. Served in the Civil Wai-. vi. Sarah Elizabeth, b. July 6, 1832; d. Mar. 2, 1872, s. ix ; m. June, 1867, Alonzo Noyes. 588. vii. Benjamin Franklin, b. April 22, 1833. Fifth Generation. 1(^(5 589. viii. Harriet Ashley, b. Oct. o, 1884, —590. ix. Guy Ransom, b. Dec. 26, 1837. — 591. X. John Q. Adams, b. Nov. 2, 1841. 592. xi. Edward Irving, b. Mar. 30, 1845. 202 Martha Washington^ Gilbert (iMartha*), born April 11, 1809 : died June 29, 1839 ; married Hiram K. Hunt. Res., Fair- haven, Vt. Cliildren (Hunt): 593. i. Tilley Gilbert,^ b. Feb. 5, 1836. ii. Helen, b. ; m, John HoAve. 203 Maey LeBaron^ Gilbert (Martha'^), born Dec. 11, 1813, in Fairhaven, Vt. ; died Feb. 26, 1895 ; married Oct. 9, 1834, Ed- ward Warren, son of Rev. William and Sarah (Parkhill) Andrews, of Cornwall, Ct., born July 15, 1811, in Windham, Ct. ; died Sept. 4, 1895. He studied both law and theology, and was the first pastor of the Broadway Tabernacle, New York City, 1841-1844. During the Civil War he was second in command of the defences of Baltimore. After the war he practiced law for a number of years, being attorney for the Baltimore & Oliio R. R., and later returned to the ministry. Cliildren (Andrews) : i. WUliam TUley Gilbert,^ b. July 12, 1835, in Cornwall ; d. Feb. 4, 1856. ii. Sarah Harriet, b. Jan. 23, 1837, in Cornwall ; d. May 27, 1856. iii. Edward LeBaron, b. Oct. 5, 1838, in West Hartford; d. Sept. 10, 1840, in West Hartford. 594. iv. Edward Watson, b. Mar. 5, 1840, in West Hartford. V. Mary LeBaron, b. July 10, 1842, in Cornwall ; .1. Aug. 22, 1894, s. 2). ; m. Col. Charles G. Bartlett, U. S. A. ; m. (2), Dr. Porteus P. Bielby, U. S. N.; m. (3), William Albert Urie. 106 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. vi. Samuel James, b. April 6, 1844, in New York City; d. May 16, 1883; m. Celia Esther King. Res., Washing- ton, D. C. 595. vii. Warren Parkhill, b. Feb. 6, 1846, in Troy, N. Y. viii. Thomas Yail, 1). Sept. 20, 1847, in Cornwall; d. Mar., 1876, in Bay City, IMich. ix. Charles \Yard, b. July 29, 1850, in Cornwall; d. May 27, 1897, in Blnghamton, N. Y. 596. X. Minnie Gilbert, b. July 16, 1852. xi. Franklin Augustus, b. Aug. 29, 1857, in New Rochelle, N. Y.; d. Aug. 7, 1878. 204 Naomi R. H.^ LeBaron {Ttavid^), born Oct. 7, 1815, in LeRoy, N. Y.; died Aug. 11, 1881; married Mar. 24, 1833, James S. Holman, bom Sept. 17, 1805, in Temx3leton, Mass. ; died June 21, 1873. Res., Holden, Utah. Children (Holman) : i. Harriet N.,« b. Jan. 28, 1834; m. B. F. Johnson. ii. James A., b. Sept. 1, 1835. iii. Sarah M., b. Nov. 18, 1837; m. B. F. Johnson. iv. Zilpha, b. Feb. 16, 1840 ; d. Oct. 9, 1840. V. Susan A., b. Oct. 7, 1841 ; m. B. F. Johnson. vi. Sanford, b. June 18, 1844. vii. SUas W., b. Oct. 7, 1846; d. June 1, 1862. viii. Emma J., b. May 14, 1850; m. Sept. 17, 1869, Benjamin Bennett. ix. David E., b. Dec. 30, 1852; d. Mar. 21, 1854. X. Charles S., b. Jan. 7, 1855; d. Jan. 7, 1855. xi. Lydia B., b. Sept. 25, 1856. xii. Isaac L., b. Dec. 21, 1859. 205 Melissa Bloomfield^ LeBaeon (I)avid^^, bom Jan. 28, 1817, in LeRoy, N. Y. ; died Sept. 4, 1860 ; married Dec. 25, 1841, Ben- jamin F. Johnson, bom July 28, 1815. Res., Mesa, Maricopa co., Arizona. I''ifth Generation. 1U7 Children (Johnson) : i. Benjamin F.,« b. Dec. 29, 1842; d. Jan. 23, 1884; m. Dec. 25, 1862, xYvoUne Butlerfield. ii. Melissa A., b. Dec. 11, 1843; m. Jan. 29, 1804, Don Carlos Bal)l)itt. iii. Julia D., b. Sept. 26, 1845 ; m. July 29, 1867, Davi.l J. "Wilson. iv. Esther M., b. Sept. 26, 1847 ; m. Dec. 25, 1863, Samuel Operushaw. V. Dulcena E., b. Xov. 11, 1S49; m. Dec. 25, 18G9, Almon W. Babbitt. vi. Frances B., b. July 10, 1852; d. in 1853. 597. vii. David A., b. Feb. 21, 1856. viii. Leah B., b. Sept. 4, 1860; d. April, 1801. 206 Alonzo Harrington^ LeBarox {Bavid^), born May 18, 1818; died in 1891; married Sarah Jeffs, born in 1824: died July 19, 18G4. Res., Salt Lake City, Utah. Cliildren : 598. i. Sarah Agnes," b. Nov. 18, 1851. 599. ii. David Alonzo, b. Aug. 7, 1854. 600. iii. William Jeffs, 1). June 1, 1856. 601. iv. Daniel M., b. Feb. 22, 1858. 602. V. :\Iary E., b. Xov. 12, 1859. 603. vi. Lydia M., b. Aug. 5, 1861. 207 Electa^ Nettleton (^LT/dia^}, born Feb. 1, 1799, in Killing- worth, Ct. ; died Oct. 31, 1854 ; married Oct. 20, 1819, Stephen P. Wilcox, born May 25, 1796 ; died Mar. 30, 1871. Res., LeRoy, N. Y. Cliildren (Wilcox): i. Araniinta Eliza,^ b. Aug. 2, 1821 ; d. July 22, 1839. 604. ii. Lucius Fitch, b. Aug. 14, 1823. 605. iii. Eunice ^Liretta, b. Aug. 25, 1825. 606. iv. Caroline AmcUa, b. Sept. 3, 1827. \ 108 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 208 Martha^ Nettleton (Lydia'^^^ born Nov. 12, 1802 ; died Nov. 2, 1880 ; married Mar. 9, 1820, Harvey Wright, died July 24, 1885. Res., LeRoy, N. Y. Children (Wiight) : 607. i. Sasan,« b. Feb. 27, 1821. 608. ii. Lydia, b. Jan. 30, 1823. iii. Cornelia, b. Jan. 16, 1825; d. July 18, 1851; m. May 8, 1849, Buell Walker, iv. Julia, b. Mar. 21, 1827. V. Phoebe Ann, b. June 14, 1829. vi. Mary A., b. Dec. 26, 1831 ; d. Aug. 12, 1832. vii. Selah, b. Aug. 9, 1833; m. Sejjt. 15, 1875, Helen Lyman, s.p. viii. Mary M., b. Feb. 4, 1836; m. Sept. 12, 1870, Elias Loof- bourrow, s. j). 609. ix. Pierre, b. Sept. 11, 1838. X. Amanda, b. Dec. 12, 1841; d. Feb. 27, 1863, s.p.\ m. Jan. 19, 1861, Ferdinand Taft. 209 Lydia^ Nettleton (Lydia'^'), born April 30, 1808; died Feb. 28, 1870 ; married Mar. 4, 1830, Jedithan Pierce ; married (2), Ebenezer Stevens, Jr., died about 1875. Res., LeRoy, N. Y. Cliild (Pierce) : i. Caroline,® b. ; d. aged 9. Cliildren (Stevens) : ii. Charles A., b. ; d. aged 37, unm. iii. Clarissa, b. ; d. aged 2. 610. iv. Carohne A., b. April 9, 1845. v. Jay Miles, b. Sept. 18, 1848; d. in 1861. 210 Mary^ Nettleton {Lydia^')^ born May 18, 1814; died Dec. 2, 1884 ; married April 21, 1842, Jonathan Barnes, born Oct. 15, 1815; died Oct. 22, 1844. Res., LeRoy, N. Y. Fifth Generation. 109 Cliildren (Barnes): 611. i. Oscar Kecor. Aug. 7, 1849; d. Nov. 19, 1866. vii. James M., b. :\rar. 19, 1853; d. April 5, 1869. 220 Chauncey^ Higgins (Hcnmah*), born Aug. 24, ISlo ; died Feb. 15, 1892; married Oct. 23, 1844, Emily Root, boru Mar. 18. 1812 ; died July 4, 1897. Res., Du Page, 111. Children (Higgins) : 627. i. Emily Frances,^ b. Sej.t. 22, 1845. ii. James Cliauncey, b. April 8, 1847; d. Aug. ol, 1862. 112 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 628. ui. Daniel F., b. IVfay 2, 1849. 629. iv. Olney E., b. April 16, 1852. V. Charles Sumner, b. May 4, 1857; d. July 30, 1880. 221 Harry^ Higgixs (ITanna^), bom Dec. 8, 1817 ; died Dec. 6, 1852 ; married in 1850, Mary S. Clark, died June 19, 1853. Children (Higgins) : 630. i. Horace Xoble,^ b. June 5, 1851. 631. ii. Mary Olive, b. Nov. 7, 1852. 222 Alphonzo^ Higgins (IIamia¥), born May 11, 1820 ; married June 12, 1842, Harriet Gibbs, died June 29, 1880. Res., Benson, Vt.' Children (Higgins) : 632. i. Edson J.,^ b. June 10, 1843. • ii. Lydia S., b. Feb. 12, 1845; d. Feb. 17, 1870; m. Sept. 30, 1867, Eugene S. Lee. 633. iii. Gilbert A., b. July 2, 1849. 634. iv. David E., b. Sept. 16, 1854. 635. V. George B., b. Sejjt. 14, 1862. vi. Chloe E., b. Sept. 9, 1865. 223 Alvarizo^ Higgins {Hanna¥), born Aug. 6, 1824 ; died Oct. 13, 1897 ; married Feb. 15, 1844, Lucy Brown, died Dec. 4, 1863 ; married (2), Oct. 11, 1867, Elizabeth H. Ward. Res., Greenbush, Wis. Children (Higgins) : 636. i. Elvu-a,« b. June 1, 1845. 637. ii. Mary, b. Nov. 26, 1848. 638. iii. George A., b. Nov. 21, 1851. 639. iv. Koyce E., b. Sept. 11, 1856. V. Franklin A., b. Oct. 28, 1868. Fifth Generation. 1 1 .1 224 Francis^ Higgins (Hannah*), born Dec. 11, 1828; married April 7, 1857, Altha Jenkins. Res., Benson, Vt. Cliildren (Higgins) : i. Francis E.," b. Nov. *23, 1859. 640. ii. Cora A., b. May 11, 1866. 641. iii. Hannah M., b. Aug. 20, 1868. 225 Olney^ Higgins (ffannaM), born April 4, 1832; died Aug. 10, lS7ti : married Jan. 6, 1861, INIaria N. Belden. Cliildren (Higgins) : 642. i. Jessie," b. Dec. 20, 1861. ii. Jennie, b. Aug. 10, 1864. iii. Bayard T., b. Aug. 22, 1866; m. Sept. 30, 1897, Lucie Bacon. Kes., Oshkosh, WLj. 226 Susannah^ LeBaron (Lazarus*), born Dee. 1, 1767, in Boston, Mass. : died Aug. 4, 1811, in Sutton, Mass. ; married Sept. 6, 1790, Dr. Stephen, son of Nathaniel and oNIary (Joles) Monro, born Jan. 4, 1758, in Bristol, R. I. ; died Sept. 10, 1826, in Sutton. Res., Sutton. Dr. Stephen Monro* served in the Revolutionary War, as Surgeon'sv Mate in Col. Crary's Battalion, enlisting from Bristol. See " Civil and Military List of Rhode Lsland, page 3G9." When he was quite young his father moved with his family, to Rutland, Mass.f Children (Monro) : 648. i. .Alary LeBaron," b. April 12, 1791. 644. ii. Susannah Johonnot, b. Aug. 25, 1792. •The name variously spelled by members of the same family, with u or o and with or without final e. + William' Monro, b. in Dundee, Scotland, settled in Boston, Mass. ; his son William- Monro, res. in Cambridge ; his son William'' Monro, b. in IUSI, d. April 20, 1740, m. Mary Lindsey, b. in KlSrj, d. Nov. 8. 1700 ; thoir son Na- thaniel* Monro, b. Oct. 27, 1712, d. May ti, 171*4, m. Dec. 24, 173.'>, Mary Jolos (Jolls), b. Sept. .3. 171.J, d. Aug. 4, 1704 ; their son Stephen^ Mvnro, b. Jan. 4, 17.38. 114 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 645. iii. Margaret Newsorae, b. Jan. 17, 1795. 646. iv. Catherine, b. Aug. 28, 1798. V. Charlotte, b. Sept. 3, 1804; d. Feb. 23, 1805. 647. vi. Alexander LeBaron, b. May 3, 1807. 227 Hannah^ LeBarox (iazarws^), born Jan. 22, 1776, in Sutton, Mass. ; (lied June 30, 1861 ; married April 21, 1796, Israel, son of Tarrant and Priscilla (Baker) Putnam, born May 22, 1767 ; died Feb. 23, 1853. Res., Sutton. Children (Putnam) : 648. i. Hannah,^ b. Mar. 18, 1797. 649. ii. LeBaron, b. Aug. 19, 1799. 650. iii. Tarrant, b. May 18, 1801. 651. iv. Mary LeBaron, b. Nov. 7, 1803. 652. V. Israel, b. Dec. 25, 1805. vi. Edwin, b. Jan. 9, 1808; d. Dec. 20, 1836. vii. Frederick W., b. Aug. 3, 1810 ; d. young, viii. Frederick A., b. May 29, 1813; d. Mar. 27, 1902, in Sut- ton, unm. A physician. Res., New York City. 653. ix. Theodore E., b. Sept. 10, 1815. 654. X. CaroHne P., b. Aug. 3, 1818. 228 Elizabeth^ Hazen (Saral&^^ born June 28, 1766 ; died May 18, 1852; married Ward Chipman, born in 1754; died in 1824, at Fredericton, N. B. He graduated at Harvard College in 1770 ; was one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, and at the time of liis death was Acting Governor of the Province. Res., St. John, N. B. Cliild (Cliix)man) : i. Ward,6 b. in 1789 ; d. Nov. 26, 1851, s. p., at St. John. He graduated from Harvard College in 1805, and received the degree of LL. D. there in 1836; he was a Judge of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, and at the time of his death was Chief Justice. He m. Miss Wright. I^ifth Generation. \ \ 5 229 William^ Hazen {Sarah^), born June 28, 1708; died Feb. U, 1816 ; maiTied May 3, 1796, Deborah, daughter of Col. .John and Deborali (Brinley) ^Murray, of Athol, Mass., born in 1771. Kes., St. John, N. B. Cliildren (Hazen) : i. Tliomas Murray Brinley," h. July 27, 1797. ii. William Francis, b. July liU, 1798; d. June 4, 1799. iii. Sarah Catherine, b. ^Mar., ISUO; d. June 29, 1851, s.p.; ra. Dr. James DeWolfe. iv. Charles, b. Sept. 19, 1801; m. ]\rargaret Anderson, s.p. V. LeBaron, b. Sept. 21, ls03; d. July 5, 1856, unm, vi. Deborah Brinley, b. Mar. 1, 1805; d. Jan. 28, 1878, unm. vii. George, b. Dec. 9, 1806; d. April 9, 1829, unm. 655. viii. Robert Leonard, b. Oct. 15, 1808. ix. Elizabeth, b. April 2, 1813; d. Sept. 14, 1813. 230 Charles^ Hazen {Sara¥^, born Jan. 10, 1771, in Newbury- port, Mass. ; died Feb. 2-3, 1849, in Boston, INIass. ; man-ied Sept. 30, 1811, Elizabeth Brown, of Boston, died Dec. 13, 1822; mar- ried (2), Jan. 26, 1824, Nancy Brown, sister of liis first wife; she died Sept. 13, 1863, in Boston. Cliildren (Hazen) : i. Sophia Ann,« b. Nov. 5, 1812; d. Oct. 14, 1817. ii. Charles Drury, b. Mar. 11, 1814; d. May 7, 1885, in En- gland ; m. Charlotte (Richards) Symes. 656. in. Elizabeth Chipman, b. Nov. 22, 1816. iv. Mary Anna, b. April 27, 1819; d. Aug. <1, ISSiJ, at Little Boar's Head, X. II., ,s\ ],.; m. Aug. IC, 1S49, Rev. VA- mund Farwell Shifter, D. D., of ilostuii, a graduate of Dartmouth in 1840, and an Epi.scopal clergyman. V. John Prince, b. Oct. 16, 1821; d. .May 9, 1S52; m. June 13, 1850, Emily Eugenie Rossiter, of New Vork. Child : jSarah liossiter,' b. ; m. Alfred Reckham Rerrv. 116 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 231 ROBEKT^ Hazen (Sara}&^, born Sept. 7, 1773 ; died July 17, 1813 ; married Mary Jarvis, of St. John, N. B. He was Major in H. M. 60th Rifles. Cliild (Hazen) : 657. i. Robert Fraser,« b. April 19, 1803. 232 Sakah Lowell^ Hazen (Sara¥'), born Oct. 12, 1775 ; died May 4, 1850; married Thomas Murray, born about 1774; died May 3, 1797 ; mariied (2), in 1802, William Botsford, born April, 1772, in New Haven, Ct. ; died in 1864. He was graduated at Yale College in 1792. Res., St. John, N. B. Cliild (Murray) : 658. i. John Thomas,^ b. in 1797. Cliildren (Botsford) : ii. WilUam Hazen, b. July 13, 1803; d. in 1861; m. Jane Cornwall, iii. Amos Edwin, b. Sept. 25, 1804; d. in 1894, unm. He was a Senator of the Dominion of Canada, iv. Charles, b. April 29, 1806; d. in 1893. 659. V. George, b. Dec. 28, 1807. 660. vi. Chipman, b. Sept. 25, 1809. vii. LeBaron, b. June 26, 1812; d. Jan. 31, 1888, s. p.; m. July 22, 1837, Margaret Maine. He was a prominent physician in St. John. 661. viii. Bliss, b. Nov. 26, 1813. 662. be. Sarah Ann, b. April 22, 1815. See 655. X. EUza, b. May 19, 1817 ; d. Dec. 15, 1841. 663. xi. Blair, b. Jan. 5, 1821. 233 NATHANIEL'^ GooDWiN (^Nathaniel'^) , born April 17, 1770, in Plymouth, Mass. ; died Feb. 13, 1857 ; married Nov. 16, 1794, Lydia Gardner of Nantucket, Mass., died Aug. 24, 1842. Res., Plymouth, where he was cashier of the Plymouth Bank, from 1825 to\845. SARAH L. (HAZEN) BOTSFORD. 1775-1850. i '•^-^^ ^^^5t- •<.• <, lsu3; d. July "J:^, l^'Jl. ii. Deborah, b. Dec. 2, 1M04; d. Jan. 18, 1H47. 079. iii. Sarah [Sally] Gorliain, h. Aug. 13, 1800. 680. iv. Eveline Goodwin, 0. Aug. 6, 1809. 681. V. Samuel Salisbury, b. Oct. 4,^811. 682. vi. William Hall, b.^Aug. 25, 18i;J. vii. Sahsbury, b. May lii, 1S17; d. Dec. '.K 1840. 120 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 241 Nancy B.^ Goodwin (Johi^'), born Sept. 28, 1781 \ died Sept. 8,1828; married Nov. 13, 1802, Thomas Clark, born June 16, 1780, in Roxbury, Mass.; died Feb. 15, 1852. Res., Portland and Paris, Me. Children (Clark) : i. Thomas,6 b. Feb. 25, 1804; d. Sept. 6, 1804. ii. Sally, b. June 10, 1805; d. Oct. 18, 1806. 683. ill. Louisa, b. Feb. 28, 1807. iv. John Goodwin, b. Mar. 21, 1808; d. Mar. 24, 1808. V. Nancy Goodwin, b. April 22, 1810; d. Jan. 4, 1836, 5. jt?., in Paris ; m. Asa A. Ward. 684. vi. Emily Poor, b. Dec. 13, 1811. vii. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 28, 1814; d. Mar. 29, 1834. 685. viii. Ezekiel Whitman, b. Dec. 1, 1815. 686. ix. James Thacher, b. Mar. 13, 1818. X. Marcia, b. Aug. 24, 1819; d. Sept. 2, 1819. xi. Martha, twin to Marcia; d. Sept. 16, 1819. 242 Lydia LeBaron^ Goodwin (JoAw*), born Dec. 22, 1785 ; died Jan. 18, 1854 ; married Dr. John Revere, of Boston, Mass., son of Paul Revere of Revolutionary fame, died April 29, 1847. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1807, studied medicine, and received liis M. D. in Edinburgh, Scotland ; he was a professor in New York University, and in Jefferson Medical College, Pliila- delphia. Cliildi-en (Revere) : i. Helen Louise,^ b. Feb. 22, 1809, in Portland, Me. ; d. Aug. 15, 1885, m Morristown, N. J. 687. ii. Joseph Warren, b. May 17, 1812, in Boston. iii. John Frederick, b. Sept. 7, 1815, in Boston; d. May 2, 1817, in Portland, iv. Frederick Balestier, b. Oct. 27, 1823, in Baltimore, Md. ; d. Oct. 6, 1873, s. ^).,in Tours, France; m. June, 1866, Mrs. Sarah (Smythe) Pancoast. Fifth Generation. 121 243 Emily^ Goodwin (John^), burn May 0, 1780; died Dec. 19, 1836 ; married Dec. 21, 1806, Daniel Adams, son of Daniel and Hannah (Frye) Poor, of Andover, Mass., died July 5, 1844, in Andover. He was a teacher in Salem and Andover. Cliildren (Poor) : i. Jane Catherine,*' b. Dec. 7, 1807 ; d. May 3, 1810. ii. Emily Elizabeth, b. Sept. 17, 1809; d. Mar. 1, ls90, unm. iii. Maria Louisa, b. Nov. 20, 1811; d. July 11, 1838. iv. Jane Catherine, b, Sej^t. 7, 1814; d. May 13, 1889. 688. V. Helen Kevere, b. Dec. 16, 1816. 689. vi. Margaret Ann Gurley, b. July 16, 1819. vii. John Goodwin, b. Dec. 30, 1823; d. June 1, 1824. viii. Lydia R., b. Feb. 11, 1831 ; d. young. ix. Lucy G., twnn to Lydia R. ; d. young. 244 John ]NL\rston^ Goodwin (Lazanis^), born Jan. 7, 1780 ; died Nov. 25, 1845 ; married July 23, 1832, Emeline Connor, daughter of Rev. Calvin and Elizabeth (Wheeler) Philleo, of Pawtucket, R. L, died May 5, 1885. He was at one time Supeiintendent of the Massachusetts General Hospital, where he died. His widow manied (2), Clmrles King Whipple, of Boston, ^lass. Cliildren (Goodwin) : 690. i. John Marston,« b. Nov. 30, 1833. 691. ii. Elizabeth Wheeler, b. July 20, 1835. 692. iii. Le Baron, b. Aug. 10, 1838. 693. iv. Francis, b. Mar. 13, 1845. 245 Harriet Lothrop^ Goodwin (Lazarus^}, born ALay 14, 1784; died Mar. 24, 1853; married Aug. 24, 1812, Winslow Watson, a master mariner, died in 1816, at sea. Children (Watson) : i. Winslow Marston,« b. July 26, 1813; in. Aug. 9, 1852, Louisa Esther Gibbons, of Albany, X. Y. ii. Elizabutli Gray, b. Nov. 2, 1814. 122 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 246 ISAAC^ Goodwin ( William^), born June 28, 1786 ; died Sept. 17, 1832 ; married Sept. 11, 1810, EUzabeth Hammatt (107), bora Jan. 10, 1789 ; died April 12, 1877. He studied law with Judge William Thomas, of Pl3'mouth; resided in Sterling and Worces- ter, Mass., in wliich latter place he died. Children (Goodwin) : 694. i. Lucy Lothrop,« b. July 4, 1811. 695. ii. Elizabeth INIason, b. Jan, 13, 1813. ill. William Hammatt, b. April 24, 1815; d. Dec. 7, 1862. iv. Francis Henry, b. June 12, 1817 ; d. May 13, 1832. V. John Emery, b. Aug. 14, 1820; d. Mar. 24, 1822. 696. vi. John Abbott, b. May 21, 1824. 697. vii. Mary Jane, b. Feb. 25, 1831. 247 LeBaron^ Goodwin ( WiUiaiJi'^'), born Sept. 25, 1788 ; died June 15, 1838 ; married Nov. 16, 1811, Sarah Thomas, of Plymp- ton, Mass., died Dec. 10, 1828 ; married (2), 1830, Mary Leggett, born Oct. 4, 1800 ; died June, 1880. Children (Goodwin) : i. Sarah LeBaron,« b. May 20, 1822. u. Henry Gushing, b. June 25, 1824; d. Nov. 12, 1860. iii. Jane Frances, b. Sept. 9, 1835; m. Oct. 29, 1859, Thomas F. Withrow, d. Feb. 3, 1893. 248 Mary Ann^ Goodwin ( William'^}, born Feb. 22, 1792 ; died April 22, 1872; married Jan. 14, 1814, Thomas Russell, of Ply- mouth, Mass., died Sept. 26, 1855. He was State Treasurer 1842-3 and 1844-5. Res., Plj^mouth. Children (Russell) : 1. Elizabeth,^ b. June 28, 1815; d. Dec. 20, 1900, in Ply- mouth, unm. 698. ii. Lydia Cushing, b. July 4, 1817. 699. iii. Mary, b. Jan. 9, 1820. 700. iv. Wilham Goodwin, b. Nov. 18, 1821. Fifth Generation. 123 701. V. Thomas, b. Sept. 2G, 1825. vi. Jane Frances, b. Sept. 14, 1827; d. Oct. IG, 1884; m. Abraham Futh, d. s. p. 249 FREDERICK H.^ Goodwin {William^), born April 2S, 1705; died July 3, 1835, in New Orleans, La.; married Oct. 11, 1824, Juliet Almy, daughter of Hon. Asher Robbins, of Newport, R. I., born in 1791 ; died Oct. 20, 186G, in Newport. Children (Goodwin) : i. William Frederick,^ b. May 12, 1827; d. Aug. 10, 1827. 702. ii. .Alaria Ellery, b. May 19, 1828. ill. ^Villiam LeBaron, b. Nov. 23, 1829. iv. Juliet Hunter, b. Sept. 26, 1831. V. Isaac Bradford, b. Jan. 29, 1833; d. Nov. 10, 1855. 250 Nathaniel^ Goodwin {William^), born July 9, 1803; married Deborah Gushing, born Aug. 28, 1807, in Plympton, Mass. ; died Feb. 8, 1852, in Homer, N. Y. ; married (2), Feb. 9, 1853, Hester "Werner, died Sept. 8, 18G8 ; married (3), April 22, 1869, Sarah Kelley. Cliildi-en (Goodwin) : i. Ilersey Bradford," b. Mar. 11, 1833. ii. Thomas Russell, b. Dec. 27, 1854. 251 Hersey Bradford^ Goodwin (^William'^'), born Aug. 15, 1805; died July 9, 1836, in Plymouth, Mass. ; married June 1, 1830, Lueretia, daughter of Benjamin Mai>>ton and Lucretia (Sturgis) Watson, of Plymouth, died Nov. 11, 1831; married (2), June 16, 1834, Amelia Mackie, of Boston, Mass. Mr. Goodwin was gnidu- ated from Harvard College in 1826; entered the ministry, and wiuj settled in Concord, Mass. Cliildren (Goodwin) : 703. i. William Watson," b. Nov. 9, 1831. ii. Amelia, 1). Oct. 28, 1835; unm. 704. iii. Hersey Bradford, b. Oct. 30, 1836. 124 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 252 Elizabeth^ Goodwin {Thomas'^'), born Aug. 17, 1779: mar- ried April 20, 1805, Joshua Bartlett, of Plymouth, Mass. Child (Bartlett) : i. Lucy Torrey,« b. Nov. 23, 1806; d. Nov. 23, 1818. 253 Mercy^ Goodwin {Thomas^'), born July 10, 1781 ; died Oct. 2, 1822; married Nov. 11, 1801, Joseph Churchill, of Plymouth, Mass. He married (2), Lydia^ LeBaron Goodwin (257), died April 28, 1875. Captain Churchill sailed from Boston, Mass., Nov., 1836, in the brig Plymouth Rock, of Plymouth, for Rochelle, France, and was never heard from. Children (Churchill) : i. Joseph L.,« b. Aug. 21, 1805; d. Aug., 1812, at sea. ii. Amelia, b. Feb. 7, 1807; d. Sept. 12, 1807. iii. Edward, b. Dec. 13, 1808; d. Jan. 8, 1809. iv. George, b. Aug. 2, 1811 ; d. Oct. 21, 1811. V. Gustavus, b. Dec. 27, 1814. vi. Marcia, b. June 15, 1817 ; d. May 2, 1839. vii. Charies Thomas, b. AprU 21, 1820 ; d. Sept. 13, 1825. 254 Lewis^ Goodwin {Thomas^), born April 30, 1783 ; died April 28, 1836, in Plymouth, Mass. ; married Nov. 19, 1804, Ann Lucas, ,died Aug. 10, 1838, in Cambridge, Mass. Cliildren (Goodwin) : i. Anna Lewis,« b. May 31, 1808 ; d. Sept. 26, 1808. ii. Lewis, b. Sept. 2, 1809 ; d. Sept. 2, 1809. 705. iii. Lucia Ann, b. Sept. 28, 1811. 706. iv. Horatio L., b. Dec. 27, 1813. 707. V. Isabella Frances, b. April 12, 1816. vi. Lorenzo, b. July 13, 1818 ; d. Oct. 1, 1818. 255 Thomas^ Goodwin (T/wmas*), born July 9, 1786; lost at sea, Oct., 1831; married Oct. 19, 1809, Abigail T. Torrey, died May 11, 1864. Res., Plymouth, Mass. 'iiMiii' I Fiftfi Generation. 12;") Cliildren (Goochvin) : i. Betsey Thomas, « 1). July 10, 1810; .1. in Issi, ... ^,. ; ,„. Caleb C. Bradfoi-a. 708. u. Abby, b. Nov. 10, 1811. 709. iii. Lydia, b. July 20, 1813. 710. iv. Georere Torrev, b. July 18, 1815. V. Desire, b. :\rar. li>, 1820; d. April 30, 1823. vi. Ileverland T., b. July 16, 1822; d. Jan. 12, 1823. vii. Desire, b. June 24, 1824; d. Dec. 22, 1898; ni. William H. Tribble, of I'h-mouth ; d. in 1887. Child (Tribble) : Alice^' b. in 1856; d. in 1S61. 711. viii. EmUy F., b. Dec. 21, 1825. ix. Ileverland T., h. .^lar., 1830; d. June 10, 1830. X. Charles T., twin to Ileverland T. ; d. P'eb. 7, 1831. 256 Charles^ Goohwis {Tliomas^), born Aug. 8, 1702: married Hannah Harlow. Cliildi'en (Goodwin) : i. Hannah,^ b. Aug. 26, 1816; m. Benjamin Bramhall. ii. Harriet, b. May 30, 1819; m. Benjamin B. Gooding. 257 Lydia LeBaeon^ Goodwin married Joseph Churchill. See 253. 258 Charle.s^ Read Qlercf Q-oodioin), born Aug. 20, 1787 ; died Dec. 16, 1827; married June 19, 1811, Eliza Wornnvell, of Portr land, Me. Childi-en (Read) : 712. i. Francis LeBaron,' b. Mar. 7, 1812. 713. ii. George William, b. June 25, 1818. 259 George^ Wkxt) {Mercy^ Goodwin), Ijorn July 2."), 1789; died Mar. 27, 1856, in Roxbury, Mas.s. ; married Dec. 2, 1819, RelK'cca Peirce, of Newbur>iiort, Mass., died May 9, 1834. 126 Desceyidimts of Frayicis LeBaron. Children (Read) : i. Caroline,^ b. Nov. 29, 1820 ; ra. Jan. 6, 1842, George Drew, ii. George P., b. May 10, 1822; d. Sept. 24, 1823. 714. iii. Mary E., b. April 2, 1824. 260 IsAAC^ Read Qlercy^ Goodwin}, born Sept. 5, 1794; died Mar. 2, 1832, in Boston, Mass. ; married June 13, 1819, Rachel Fox, died Oct. 5, 1856. Children (Read) : i. William Augustus,^ b. Feb. 18, 1820. ii. Samuel Fox, b. Aug. 2, 1822; d. Oct. 15, 1822. 715. iii. Anna Maria White, b. Oct. 20, 1826. 261 Nancy P.^ Read {Mercy^ G-oodivin), born Jan. 4, 1796 ; died Dec. 20, 1874 ; married June 20, 1815, Nathan Viles, of Boston, Mass., died Mar. 16, 1865. Cliildren (Viles) : i. Caroline E.,« b. Feb. 11, 1816; m. Joseph B. Norris, d. Sept. 9, 1868, s.^j. ii. Joseph H., b. Nov. 9, 1818; d. Dec. 20, 1864, unm. 716. iii. Wilham A., b. April 14, 1820. iv. Nathan, b. June 9, 1822; d. Mar. 2, 1860. 717. V. Fannie H., b. Aug. 14, 1824. 262 Francis LeBaeon^ Goodwin (^Francis LeB.^), born Dec. 18, 1789 ; died Nov. 4, 1863; married Feb. 27, 1814, Hannah B&rclay Dean, at Hampden, Me. Cliildren (Goodwin) : 718. i. Jane Robbins," b. Jan. 3, 1815. 719. ii. Lydia Wiswell, b. Feb. 18, 1816. 720. iii. Chandler Bobbins, b. May 11, 1818. 721. iv. Francis LeBaron, b. June 20, 1820. V. William Bradford, b. Sept. 9, 1825; d. Oct. 9, 1856. 722. vi. Seth Curtis, b. Sept. 28, 1831. vil Charles Carrol, b. May 27, 1837; d. Dec. 26, 1837. .&k\ Fifth Generation. \r; 263 John A.^ Goodwin (Geon/e^}, born Oct., 1707 (?), in Vassal- boro, Me.; died Oct. 12, 18G3 ; m. Mary Ann Wells, l)orn May, 1811, in Mount Vernon, Me.; died Sept., 18")4. Children (Goodwin) : 7*23. i. Mary Elizabeth," b. Oct. i», 18o4. 7'24. ii. Ainancbi Isadore, b. Oct. 19, 183G. iii. Levi Alonzo, b. ; m. Ellen Keene. iv. Charles DeWolf, b. ; ni. Idella Young. V. George LeBaron, b. ; d. young. vi. Olive Frances, b. ; d. unni. vii. Lorinda Wells, b. ; m. Winfield S. Goodrich. 264 Harriet" Goodwin {George"^), born April 23, 1801 ; died Aug. 19, 1887 ; married Aug. 26, 1824, Ruel Goodwin, born Jan. 29, 1799 ; died Oct. 29, 1891. Res., Hallowell and Industry, Me. Children (Goodwin) : i. :\[artha Louisa,^ b. Sept. 18, 1825. 725. ii. John Henry, b. April 8, 1827. iii. Hannah Palmer, b. Xov. 19, 1828; d. Oct. 11, 1856, s.p.; m. Xov. 10, 1849, C}tu8 N. Ilulchins. iv. Benjamin Franklin, b. Aug. 12, 1830; d. Feb. 26, 1833. V. Harriet Frances, b. Aug. 11, 1832; d. April 7, 1857; m. June '21, 1854, Warren N". Willis. 726. vi. Alonzo, b. July 22, 1834. vii. Charles Browning, b. Feb. 19, 1836; m. Ellen M. buee ; he served in the Civil War and wa.s killed at Baton Rouge, Aug. 5, 1862. viii. George Ruel, b. April 2, 1848; m. Lizzie Knowlton. Res,, California. 265 EL^^RA5 Goodwin ((reor^e^), born April 13, 1813; died Feb. 20, 1883; married Dec. 28, 1837, Charles K. Allen, died June 22, 1872. Kis., Augusta, Me. Children (Allen) : i. Harriet F.," b. .June 7, 1840. 128 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. ii. George Edward, b. Mar. 14, 1843; d. Feb. 19, 1894. He served in the Civil War. 727. iii. Nellie R., b. Nov. 15, 1848. 266 Mary^ Bradford {William% born Dec. 30, 1778; died July 6, 1850; married Mar. 28, 1799, Elijah Willard, died Aug. 7, 1825. Children (Willard) : i. William Henry,® b. June, 1801 ; d. April 17, 1821, at sea. 728. ii. Mary B., b. Jan. 30, 1803. 729. iii. Hezekiah, b. Xov. 13, 1805. 780. iv. George Lawton, b. Sept. 11, 1808. V. Elizabeth Bloom, b. April 21, 1813; d. Oct. 30, 1814. 267 William^ Bradford (William'^'), born Feb. 2, 1781; died April 23, 1851 ; married Feb. 1, 1804, Mary, daughter of Nathan- iel and Parnell Smith, born Dec. 10, 1782; died Nov. 6, 1869. Res., Bristol, R. I. Children (Bradford) : i. William Parnell,® b. May 29, 1805; d. Feb. 7, 1872, s.^p.; m. Aug. 2, 1827, Rebecca G. Nooning, d. April 20, 1887. ii. Edward James, b. Sept. 29, 1806; d. Nov. 23, 1822. 731. iii. Allen Taylor Smith, b. Sept. 2, 1808. 782. iv. Nancy Smith, b. April 7, 1811. 733. V. Mary, b. June 29, 1818. 734. vi. Peter James, b. Dec. 31, 1815. 26S Elizabeth Bloom^ Bradford (^WiUiam'^^, born Feb. 18, 1785; died April 30, 1850, in Providence, R. I. ; married Feb. 9, 1808, Golden Dearth, born Feb. 22, 1785, in England ; died Nov. 12, 1834, in Taunton, Mass. Children (Dearth) : 735. i. Henry Bradford,® b. Jan. 2, 1809. ii. Elizal)eth Bradford, b. in 1811 ; d. Mar. 17, 1892. 736. iii. John Willis, baptized June 12, 1817. PiftJi Generation. 1*29 269 Sarah^ Bradford (William*), l)om Jan. 29, 1799, in Bristol, R. L: died Feb. 6, 1871: married Aug. 10, 1830, Horace Sey- mour, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Children (Seymour) : i. Horace William,^ b. Nov. 24, 1832; d. Nov. 1, 1S.50. ii. Elizabeth James, b. Oct. 18, 1834; d. Dec. 29, 183G. 737. iii. Elizabeth Bradford, 1). Nov. 27, 1839. 73>^. iv. Julia Griswold, b. Oct. 15, 1842. 270 Mary^ Goodwin {Mary* Bradford), born Jan. 8, 1783, in Taunton, Mass.; died Mar. 29, 1868, in Newport, li. 1.; married Dec. 11, 1803, Charles DeWolf, of Newport, born July 3, 1780, in Dighton, Mass. ; died Nov. 5, 1834, in Cuba, where he resided. Childi-en (DeWolf) : i. Mary Taylor,*" b. Nov. 11, 1804; d. Mar. 3, 1895, unm. 739. ii. Charles Henry, b. Mar. 8, 1806. iii. Allan Munroe, b. Mar. 11, 1808; d. Mar. 22, 1838, in Cul)a. 740. iv. Abby Bradford, b. Feb. 6, 1810. 741. v. Martha Green, b. Sept. 6, 1811. 271 Charlotte Patten^ Goodwin {Man/ Bradford), born Nov. 11. 1786, in Rehoboth, Mass,; died June 5, 1857, in Patei-son, N. J. : married Oct. 17, 1804, George DeWolf, of Bristol, K. 1. : died June 7, 1844. He resided in Bristol, K. I., Cuba, and Dorchester, Mass. Cliildren (DeWolf) : 742. i. George B.,« b. Oct. 26, 1805. ii. Henry G., b. Dec. 26, 1808; d. Oct. 7, 1833, unm. iii. Marianna, }). July 5, 1811; d. Oct. 10, 1859, s.j).; m. Juno 6, 1831, Charles 11. DeWolf, (73'J) ; ni. (2), Felj. 5, 1855, Samuel Barton, iv. Walter, b. July 30, lsi8; died Aug. 0, li<13. v. Charlotte G., b. Ai.ril 3, ISI^; m. Aug. 15, 1854, E. V. Goocie, s. }>. 130 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 743. vi. Theodora G., b. Oct. 12, 1820. 744. vii. Isabella, b. Sei^t. 3, 1822. viii. Julia B., b. Oct. 17, 1824; d. Nov. 28, 1825. ix. Sutherland D., b. May 4, 1826; unm. 272 Ann^ ["Nancy"] Bradford (Jo/m-*), born Aug. 16, 1795; died Sept. 29, 1889; married Oct. 22, 1815, Nicholas Peck, born July 13, 1789; died Jan. 28, 1838. Children (Peck) : i. John B.,« b. July 21, 1816; d. April 8, 1817. ii. Benjamin Bradford, b. May 9, 1818. iii. John N., b. Mar. 15, 1821 ; d. Feb. 26, 1897, s. p.\ m. Mary T. Rimeais. « iv. Nancy B., b. Sept. 26, 1823; d. Oct. 11, 1890, unm. V. Henry W., b. Feb. 21, 1830. vi. WUliam DeWolf, b. Feb. 21, 1832. vii. Elizabeth S., b. May 19, 1837; d. Sept. 20, 1838. 273 Benjamin Wardwell^ Bradford {Johi^^, born June 24, 1797; died in 1840, in Cuba; married Oct., 1821, Jemima Gor- ham Peck. Children (Bradford) : 745. i. Elizabeth Eandall,^ b. Sept. 19, 1823. ii. LeBaron, b. July 16, 1824; d. Aug. 24, 1824. iii. Henry FeHx, b. Feb. 16, 1830; d. Nov. 16, 1854. iv. Mary Frances, b. June 15, 1831. 274 Mary LeBaron^ Bradford (Jokn-^'), born June 18, 1801 ; died Aug. 25, 1883; married Aug. 27, 1820, Josiah Rowland, born Mar. 24, 1800; died Sept. 25, 1821; married (2), Dec. 28, 1823, John S. Pearce, died Mar. 23, 1857. Res., Bristol, R. I. Child (Rowland) : 746. i. Mary Eleanor,^ b. June 17, 1821. Cliildren (Pearce) : ii. Harriet B., b. ; d. Nov. 25, 1829. iik.1 Fifth Generation. 131 iii. Catherine DeWolf, b. . iv. Cornelia !>., b. ; m. Samuel Sj)ink. V. Harriet B., b. ; m. Alexander G. Sanford, of Warren, K. I. vi. John B., b. ; m. Mar. 20, 18G0, Kachel Norris. vii. Isabella L., 1). . viii. Bradford, 1). ; d. April 12, 1838. ix. LeBaron, b. ; d. June 6, 1843. X. Isabella F., b. ; m. Samuel S]nnney. xi. Benjamin Bradford, b. ; d. July 2, 1847. 276 Eleanor^ Bradford {John^), born Dec. 18, 1804 ; died Aug. 19, 1873 ; married June 1, 1823, Thomas Church, born Nov. 9, 1800; cUed Oct. 20, 1837. Chikli-en (Chureli) : 747. i. LeBaron Bradford,' b. June 26, 1824. ii. Benjamin Thomas, b. Jan. 8, 1827; <1. Sept. 27, 18G2, .>{. p. ; m. May 12, 1852, Almira G. Wardwell. 748. iii. William Bradford, b. April 24, 1829. iv. Eleanor Bradford, b. June C, 1831 ; d. June 27, 1851. V. Elizabeth Gibbs, b. Feb. 27, 1835; d. May 23, 1889. vi. Mary Thomas, b. June 20, 1839; d. Aj.ril 14, 1864; m. July 5, 1859, John N. Dimond. 276 Lydia^ Bradford (^John*'), born Feb. 9, 1806 ; married Aug. 7, 1825, Capt. AV illiam Hatch, died April 22, 1835, off the coast of Africa. Res., Bristol, R. I. Children (Hatch) : i. Isabella," b. abt. 1828; d. (burial) May 10, 1832. iL Jemima W., b. Feb. 22, 1830; m. Jan. 18, 1850, Elkanah French, iii. William, b. June 14, 1833. 277 Harriet DeWolf^ Bradford {John*), born Jidy 3, 1814: died April 24,1895; married Sept. 1, 1833, William R. Taylor, l)om Aug. 25, 1811 ; died April 30, 1890. 132 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Children (Taylor) : i. John Bradford,^ b. Oct. 14, 1834; d. July 1, 1897; m. June 3, 1858, Harriet E. Norris. ii. Harriet Frances, b. Oct. 1, 1836. iii. Sarah LeBaron, b. Aug. 20, 1838; d. Aug. 20, 1842. iv. Jemima Bradford, b. June 16, 1841; d. Aug. 18, 1842. v; Wilham Russell, b. Oct. 24, 1843; m. Dec. 25, 1868, Mary C. Walsh. vi. Mary Russell, b. Oct. 16, 1845; d. Dec. 23, 1881. vii. Emily Wilhams, b. Oct. 16, 1847; d. July 6, 1852. viii. Hannah Bradford, b. Oct. 1, 1849; d. Mar. 31, 1853. ix. Fannie Pierce, b. Sept. 23, 1852 ; d. Sept. 4, 1887. X. Francis LeBaron, b. Aug. 3, 1855; m. Oct. 1, 1879, Kathe- rine E. Patten. 278 James^ DeWolf (^Ann B.'^ Bradford}, born Oct. 10, 1790 ; died Feb. 27, 1845; mariied May 15, 1815, Julia Lynch Post, born in 1797 ; died in 1878. He was United States Senator 1821- 1825. Child (DeWolf) : 749. i. Julianna,^ b. in 1816. 279 Mary Ann^ DeWolf (^Ann B^ Bradford), born April 14, 1795; died July 14, 1834; married May 16, 1814, Raymond Henry Jones Perry, born Feb. 11, 1789; died Mar. 12, 1826. Children (Perry) : 750. i. James DeWolf, « b. Sept. 2, 1815. ii. Raymond Henry, b. July, 1817 ; d. July, 1817. iii. Nancy Bradford, b. Jan. 13, 1819; d. July 12, 1883, s.]^; m. Aug. 29, 1847, Robert Lay, b. Sept. 14, 1822; d. May 1, 1862. 751. iv. Alexander, b. May 4, 1822. 280 Francis LeBaron^ DeWolf (Ann BJ^ Bradford^, born Dec. 2, 1797 ; died Sept., 1825 ; married Eleanor Post, died Feb., 1870. Mrs. MARY A. (DeWOLF) PERRY. 1795-1834. I'^ifth Generation. 138 Children (DeWolf) : i. Francis LeHaron/ b. June, 1^21 ; il. Sept. 14, \><'1'1. Toii. ii. James F., b. April 10, 1823. 281 Makk Antony" DkWolf {^Ann B.^ liradfunl), Wmv Si-pt. 28, 1799 : tlied Mar. 21, 1851 ; married Oct. 10, 1821, Sopliie Cathe- rine Virtjinia, daughter of Leon and Bridget (Coleman) Chajipotin, of Providence, R. I., born July 8, 1802, in lirooklidd. N. II.; died Jan. 10, 1879. Res., BristiJ, R. I., and Cuba. Children (DeWolf) : i. -Alark Antony," b. Nov. 5, 1822; .1. Aurn May 15, 1802: died Nov. 15, 1853; married Dec. 18, 1823, Sai-ah Ann, daughter of William and Susaimah (Mai-sh) Rogers, bom Aug. 27, 1802, in Burlington, N. J. Childi-en (DeWolf) : 754. i. P.osalie," b. in 1826. 755. ii. William Henry, b. in 1828. 75G. iii. Sarah Ann, b. in 1833. iv. William Rogers, b. in 1833; d. in IHTO, uiiiti. V. :\Iary, b. in 1835; m. John II. Wheeler. M. T). 757. vi. Katherine Dodge, b. Dec. 24, 1830. 758. vii. Madeline, b. in 1838. 283 Nancy Bradford^ DeWolf (Ann B.^ Bradford), \)on\ July 3, 1808, in Bristol, R. I.; died Nov. 10, 1850; married April 29, 1828, Fitz-IIenr}- Homer, Ix^rn May 9, 1799; died June 1. 1850. Res., Boston, Ma.ss. Children (Homer) : 759. i. J<.sephine Maria DeWolf,' b. Mar. 12, is^l. 700. il. Isabel, b. Nov. 0, l.s43. 134 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 284 William Bradford^ DeWolf <^Ann B.^ Bradford}, born Oct. 30, 1810 ; died Jan. 16, 1862 ; married Maiy Russell Soley, daugh- ter of Hon. John and Rebecca (Tyng) Soley, of Charlestown, Mass. Mr. Soley was a prominent Free Mason, and Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, 1827-29. Res., Bristol, R. I. Cliildren (DeWolf) : 761. i. ITarriette Prescott," b. Sept. 27, 1835. ii. Charles Russell, b. ; d. Mar. 14, 1844. iii. Mary Louisa, b. in 1837; d. Mar. 13, 1840. 762. iv. William Bradford, b. Dec. 7, 1841. V. Mary Louise, b. . vi. Mark Antony, b. Dec. 15, 1845 ; unm. 285 Josephine Maria^ DeWolf (Ann B^ Bradford), born Sept. 4, 1812; died Oct. 30, 1901, in Springfield, Mass.; married Nov. 18, 1836, Charles Walley Lovett, born Dec. 10, 1801 ; died Nov. 5, 1873. Res., Boston, Mass. Children (Lovett) : i. Charles Walley,6 b. Sept. 24, 1837; d. in 1890, s. p.; m. June 1, 1877, Alice Beck. 763. ii. Anne DeWolf, b. Dec. 6, 1839. 764. iii. Josephine Elizabeth, b. April 23, 1842. 765. iv. James DeWolf, b. May 31, 1844. 766. v. Harriette Hall, b. Jan. 2, 1850. 286 Caroline^ Collins (Lydia"^ Bradford), born Jan. 27, 1801 ; died Dec. 10, 1856; married Oct. 5, 1826, Joseph W. Torrey, died Nov. 4, 1844. Res., Flushing, L. I. Child (Torrey) : i. Lydia Bradford,^ b. Mar. 23, 1830 ; unm. 287 Charlotte Goodwin^ Collins {Lydia^ Bradford), born Aug. 30, 1803; died Feb. 9, 1888; married Oct. 2, 1826, William Robert Prince, of Flushing, L. L Fifth Generation. 135 Children (Prince) : 7G7. i. Cliarlotte Collins," b. July 12, 1S-J7. u. Seraphine Collins, 1.. Ni.v. ii9, 1829; d. Aug. 31, 1S70, s. p.\ 111. .Tan. 10, IST)?, Henry F. Cox, of Haoine, Wi.s. iii. William, 1). July '.», is:;:; ; ,1. Dec. is, ISSO, unni., in Wash- in"j; married Mar. 9, 181.3, Col. Ninian Pinkney, born in Maryland; died Dec. 16, 1^2.5 ; he was appointed Ist Lieutenant in the 9th Infantry, 136 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. U. S. A., Jan. 8, 1799, and advanced by promotion until May 13, 1820, he became Colonel of the 6tli Infantry, and June 1, 1821, was transferred to the command of the 3d Infantry; she married (2), Mar. 26, 1827, Arcliibald Watt, of New York, died Feb. 27, 1867, in Harlem, N. Y. Children (Pinkney) : i. Mary,^ b. ii. Antoinette, b. ; d. Cliildren (Watt) : ill. Thomas, b. . iv. Grace, b. . 291 Nancy° Goodwin (Joseph'), born Sept. 22, 1793; died Feb. 27, 1867; married Feb. 24, 1818, Capt. Henry Whiting, of the U. S. Army, born in Kinderhook, N. Y. ; died Sept. 16, 1850, in Lisle. Cliildren (Whiting) : i. Henry Goodwin,^ b. in 1819; d. in 1849. ii. Charles, b. in 1821 ; d. in 1857. 773. iii. Charlotte, b. Nov. 3, 1823. iv. Ann, b. Aug. 25, 1825; d. Dec. 17, 1890; m. Edward E. Morrell, b. Aug. 27, 1820; d. Aug. 26, 1888. V. George, b. in 1828; d. June 11, 1878. vi. Harriet, b. ; d. Dec. 28, 1862. vii. Josei^h, b. Mar., 1836; d. Nov. 10, 1877. 292 Mary^ Goodwin (WilUam^), born Mar. 20, 1790; died Feb. 9, 1854 ; married Nov. 10, 1811, Elijah M. Paddleford, of Taunton, Mass., died Feb. 13, 1823, in East Taunton, Mass. He studied medicine and practiced liis profession in East Taunton. Cliildren (Paddleford) : 774. i. Elizabeth M.,« b. Dec. 4, 1812. 775. ii. Sally Atwood, b. Nov. 4, 1815. Fifth Generation. 137 293 Charles" Goodwin ( William^), born Oci. ;J1, 1701 ; died .Mar. 23, 1878 ; married in 1825, Sarah Pickens, of Midilleboro, Miuis., died Jan, 9, 1827, aged 28 ; married (2), Harriet (Knight) Hliodes, of Providence, R. I. : married (3), Sylvia ^loss. He wa.s a physi- cian. Cliild (Goodwin) : 77B. i. Sarah Pickens,' b. Dec. 2s, IHiiti. 294 Nancy^ Goodwin (^Willidm^}, born Mar. 22, 17*J4 ; died July 4, l>;tI2 ; married James Murdock, born July 10, 1803. Cliildren (Murdock) : i. Cecilia,M). ; d. Dec. 17, 18'J8; m. Aug. S, IbGl, iu Boston, Mass., WiUiam M. Robinson. ii. Charles, b. ; d. June 14, 1898, in Taunton, Mass., aged 67. 295 Daniel LeBakon^ Goodwin {Baniel^), born July 28, 1800, in Easton, Mass. ; died Dec. 25, 1867 ; married Dec. 12, 1825, Re- becca Wilkinson, of Providence, R. I., born April 23, 1801 ; died May 12, 1890. ^Ir. Goodwin was ordained in the EpiscopjU Church, May 3, 1825 ; was Rector of St. John's Church, Wilkin- 8on\'ille (Sutton), Mass., for nearly thirty yeare, and for some time City Missionary in Providence. Children (Goodwin) : i. Sarah Wilkinson,' b. Aug. lU, 1828. ii. Marj' Briggs, b. Nov. -Jo, 183U; d. Feb. 7, 1833. iii. Elizabeth Learned, b. Mar. 16, 1S33; d. July 6, 1S34. iv. Daniel, li. Mar. I't, is;;;'); m. Jiiru' 1, l^T's llaniiali A. Eldred ; iii. (li). Fell. 17, IssC*, Ailaline K. \'au<4hn. He is a gra54. iii. Lucmda Harriet, b. Oct. 17, 185G. iv. John ("hristler, b. Feb. 10, 1859. V. Charitv Abbv Hannah, 1). Jan. 14, ISO'J. vi. James Abraliani Lincohi, b. .Mar. 11, 1SG5. vii. Daniel Leliaron, b. x\prLl 13, 1808. 299 Edward Bvam^ Goodwin {Daniel^), born Jan. 5, 1810; died May 26, 1888 ; nianied Nov. 14, 1837, Mary Wardwell, died Dec. 14, 1869. Res., Manstield, Mass. Children (Goodwin) : i. .Martlia Wardwell,* b. Aug. 22, 1838; d. Jan. Id, 1»9G, unm. ii. Edward Allen, b. July 13, 1840; d. Ai.ril 16, 1862, at Newbern, X. C. He served in the Civil War. iii. Mary Josejihine, b. June 13, 1842. 784. iv. Harriet Louisa, b. Sept. 27, 1843. V. Ellen Constance, b. Oct. 28, 1845. vi. George Homer, b. May 8, 1848; d. Aug. 15, 1853. 300 Benjamin Lewis^ Goodwin (^i>(/«u7'), born Aug. 28, 1819; died Sept. 7, 1852, in California; married July 9, 1843, Abl)y Ann Whiting. Cliildren (Goodwin) : 785. i. Nathan W..« b. Fel). 22, 184(;. 786. ii. Susan A., b. April 19, l!S5u. iii. LewLsanna, b. Feb. 21, l!^53; d. April lu, 1864. 301 Geougp:^ WiiKAToN (Hannah L<-B.^ Goodwin), Ixirn May 10, 1796; died Nf.v. 9, 1^26; married June 17, 1820, Fmnces (Hodges), undow of Dr. Abijah Willard, of Uxbridge, Miu>s.. Ixirn 140 Descendants of J^rancis LeBaron. May, 1789 ; died Aug. 14, 1861. He was graduated from Har- vard College ill 1814, and practiced law in Taunton, Mass. Cliildren (Wheaton) : i. Hannah LeBaron,« b. April 23, 1821 ; d. Jan. 23, 1842. ii. Georgianna, b. Sept. 5, 1823; unm. 302 Hannah LeBaron^ Wheaton (Jlamuih LeBJ^ Goodwin), born Mar. 8, 1798; died Dec. 27, 1879; married Nov. 14, 1821, Dr. Samuel, son of Elijah and Irene Deans, born Aug. 27, 1794 ; died April 22, 1872. He practiced medicine in Easton, Mass. Children (Deans) : i. Elizabeth Wheaton,*^ b. Dec. 8, 1822; d. Oct. 15, 1870. ii. Fidelia Anna, b. Dec. 14, 1824; d. Feb. 8, 1826. 787. iii. George Wheaton, b. May 29, 1827. iv. Charlotte DeWolf, b. Jan. 7, 1829; d. May 29, 1832. 788. V. Charles Henry, b. May 2, 1832. vi. Anna LeBaron, b. April 19, 1834. 303 Henry Goodwin^ Wheaton (^Hannah LeB.^ Goodwin'), born Dec. 13, 1799 ; died Aug. 25, 1865 ; married Nov. 6, 1825, Rachel Lush, of Albany, N. Y., died Dec. 31, 1857. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1820, practiced law in Albany, and in 1852 removed to New York. Children (Wheaton) : i. Joanna,^ b. Dec. 10, 1826. u. Lydia Warlield, b. Jan. 1, 1828. iii. Gertrude, b. July 30, 1829. iv. Samuel Lush, b. Feb. 6, 1834; d. Aug. 6, 1855. 304 Marianna^ Wheaton (^Hannah LeB.^ Goodzvin), born Oct. 26, 1802 ; died Oct. 12, 1855 ; married Sept. 2, 1834, Jesse B. Smith, of Taunton, Mass., died Sept. 20, 1867. Childi-en (Smith) : i. Mary Goodwin," b. June 21, 1835; d. Oct. 18, 1855. Fifth Generation. 141 789. ii. Cornelia Wheaton, b. June 10, 1837. iii. Jesse Wheaton, b. May 30, 1844; <1. . 305 Daniel U/' Wheaton {Hannah Lili.^ Gvothvin), honi Keli. 20, 1813: (lied Jan. It'., 1894; miimed May 28, 1837, Ilarnel IVrry Guild, of Eastou, Mass., died Sept. Jt, 1803. Res., Newport. K. I. Cliildren (Wheaton): i. George Henry,*' b. June 8, 1838; d. Nov. 14, 1839. ii. Harriet Guil.l, b. Nov. 5, 1839; d. Nov. 12, 1839. iii. Daniel Henry, b. June 19, 1843; d. Auor. -29, 184(5. iv. Frederick Guild, b. Aug. 10, 1851; m. Dec. 31, 1874, Hat- tie Loui.se Holmes, d. Feb., 1898, s. p. 306 Deborah^ Ham:mond (^Betsei/^), born Jan. 9, 1793: died in 1886. in Brattleboro, Vt. : married Daniel Hastings. Res., Boston, Mass. Children (Hastings):. i. Francis E.," b. . ii. Daniel, b. . iii. Louise W., li. . iv. Horace, b. . V. Emilv, ti. . vi. Lsal)ella, b. . 307 ^LvRY^ Hammond (Betsei/*), born Dec. 1, 1795; married July 19, is:]2, Mo.ses H. Davis; married (2), James Hammond. Children (Davis) : i. Lemuel,* b. . ii. Thomas, b. . iii. .Marv Eli/.al)eth, b. . 308 I^KliAUoN'' H.V.M.MOND (^Betset/*), \h)VU Feb. 14, ITl''.'; died Dec. 4, 187lt: married May 22, 1832, Maria, daughter of Homtio and 142 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Rachel (Jones) Weed, of New York City, boru Apiil 13, 1811; died Oct. 19, 1888. Res., Brooklyn, N. Y. Cliildi-en (Plammond) : 790. i. Emily Attaline," b. April 27, 1833. 791. ii. Marie Louise, b. Feb. 8, 1835. iii. Mary Eliza, twin to Marie Louise ; unm. iv. Ann Augusta, b. Feb. 7, 1838; m. Aug. 7, 1866, Stephen M. Ostrander, s. j). V. Josei)hine, b. May 7, 1840; d. Jan. 25, 1842. vi. Rachel Frances, b. Oct. 25, 1841; unm. 792. vii. George LeBaron, b. Jan. 24, 1843. viii. WiUiam Henry, b. Dec. 12, 1845; d. Aug. 8, 1847. ix. Harriet Almka, b. Nov. 12, 1847; d. Sept. 22, 1855. 793. X. Georgianna Weed, b. Mar. 15, 1850. xi. Ella Elizabeth, b. May 12, 1852; unm. xii. Caroline Adelaide, b. July 1, 1854; m. Oct. 10, 1877, Frank W. Chadsey, d. July, 1898, s. j-:*. 309 Ebenezer Rogers^ Hamisiond (^Betsey^'), born Mar. 6, 1801 ; married Lovica Jenney, born in 1814 ; died May 31, 1862. Res., Fairhaven, Mass. Child (Hammond) : i. George Frank,« b. Dec. 11, 1831. 310 Andrew Craigie^ Hainemond {Betsey^'), born April 5, 1808; died Mar. 3, 1889 ; married Aug. 13, 1837, Eliza J. Henderson, died in 1868. He resided in the earlier part of his life in New Bedford, Mass., and New London, Ct., and later in Cincinnati, Ohio. Children (Hammond) : i. ElizabetlV b. Sept. 14, 1838; d. Sept. 17, 1839. u. Horace H., b. Mar. 23, 1841 ; d. Feb. 22, 1849. iii. Charles F., twin to Horace H. iv. Albert F., b. Dec. 2, 1842; d. Feb. 2, 1849. V. Frederick, b. June 26, 1844; d. July 10, 1845. Fifth Generation. 148 vi. Cornelia E., 1). Dec. 14, 1S47; .1. .July 11, 1848. vii. Horace A., h. July *2, 1852; .1. M.ir. 1, 1885. 311 FuEDEUK'K H.'^ IIammdni) (Bctsci/^), born Jnnc lo, islii; died Jnlv ;', lSo9; miirried M;irv Ann Pierce, of Lynn, Ma.^s. ; married (2), Sarah Kednian Pratt, of Maiden, Mass. Kes., Kast liiiston and Maiden. Children (Hammond) : i. Franklin Henry," h. .Alay 28, 1S54. ii. Frederick, 1). June 10, 185(t; d. June 10, 1856. iii. Samuel Winsx, h. Oct. 18, 1857. 312 Hakkikt \V.' Hammond (^B>'f>fi/^), horn Scpi. J, Isir,: nuir- ried April 21, 1855, Marshall Howes. Res., MatUipoisett, Ma.ss. Children (Howes) : 794. i. Frank Le Baron,* 1». . ii. Harriet Emma, h. ; m. James Jay. lte.s., New Hed- fonl, Mass. 313 Joseph Fisk^ LeBaron (John*), Iwrn April 7, 1803 ; died May Iti, 1885: married in 1832, Phelje Lord Smith, of Ellsworth, .Me., horn June 26, 1805: died Ajtril !•!, 18t;2. Res., Lexington, Mass. Cliildren : 795. i. Ilepsibah F.," 1). .May -^4, 1S33. 79(i. ii. Lucy S., h. Sept. 8, 1835. 797. iii. Jorjeph F. S., h. Jan. 15, 1837. iv. Louisa S., h. Nov. s, 1S39; d. Aui?. 2;'., 1^4ii. 79S. V. John S., h. Jan. 22, 1S43. 799. vi. William II., ).. Oct. 4, 1S44. son. vii. PheI.e L., h. Sept. 21, ls4(;. viii. Harvey E., I». July 31, ls5'> ; ni. Feb. 13, 1*^72, (ieorpanna I.. Hunt, 1.. April 2(», 1X47. 314 ILm:i:ii:t Eliza I!Kth' Li:liAi:nN marrieil (ieorge I .wt..ii Wil- lard. S,-.. 730. 144 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 315 Sarah Lippitt^ LeBakon (^James^'), born Jan. 13, 1821 : died July 24, 1897 ; married May 1, 1857, Rev. Thomas Drumm, born May 19, 1824; died Oct. 26, 1896. Cliildren (Drumm) : i. Sarah LeBaron,« b. Nov. 26, 1858. ii. James F. LeBaron, b. June 18, 1860; m. .June 2.3, 1891 Katherine Kidder, iii. Annie N., b. June 22, 1862. iv. jVIary LeBaron, b. Feb. 26, 1864; d. Nov., 1864. 316 William Titomas° Mayo (^Lucia'^), born about 1817 ; died Sept. 6, 1892, in New Oiieans, La. ; married Aug. 14, 1832, Try- phosa Colton Fessenden, of Sandwich, Mass., born Dec. 2, 1810; died May 6, 1894, in New Orleans. Chiklren (Mayo) : i. Martha LeBaron,® b. ; d. young. ii. WilUam Thomas, b. ; d. young. 801. iii. Nancy Nye, b. Oct. 9, 1840. 317 Esther LeBaron'^ Taylor {Nancy DeW.^), born Mar. 15, 1816, in Boston, Mass. ; died July 20, 1855 ; married Feb. 3, 1837, in South Boston, James Sullivan Burton. He married again, and died Mar. 1, 1868. Children (Burton) : i. Esther Franceha,'' b. Jan. 3, 1838; d. Aug. 16, 1838. ii. James Sullivan, b. April 24, 1839; m. Almira Perkins, iii. William Thomas, b. Aug. 31, 1840. iv. John Bartlett, twin to William Thomas. V. Joseph LeBaron, b. Sept. 17, 1842; d. July, 1864, in An- dersonville Prison, during the Civil War. vi. Edwin Scott, b. Dec. 30, 1845. vii. Lydia Ann, b. Dec. 23, 1847 ; m. Sidney Gray, viii. E.sther Frances, b. Sept. 23, 1850; m. Lester Austin. Fiftit Gtittnitioit. 14.", ix. Hannah Scott, b. Oct. 8, lJ
    .)ni April 3, 1824; died Nov. 1, iS'.Mi, j,, Woburn, Ma.s.s. Res.. New London, Ct. Children (Kichaitlson) : i. Mary Abbie," l». April 16, 1855. (iraduated from i In- state Librarv School, Albanv, N. '\'., l>»^'.i; I.ibr.irian of I'ubli,- Library, New Lomlon, ls91-ll»ol. 146 Descendants of J'^ancii LtBaron. 808. ii. Ernest Gushing, b. Feb. 9, 1860. iii. Ella LeBaion, b. May 3, 1862; d. May 27, 1896. iv. Alice Marion, b. July 23, 1867 ; graduated from Wellesley College, 1890. 321 WiLLiAiM Thomas Mayo° Taylor {Nancy DeTF".*), born Dec. 30, 1831, in Plymouth, Mass. ; died July 15, 1866, in Boston, Mass. ; married in Woburn, Mass., Laura Lavinia INIcKeon, of Wasliington, N. H. ; died Dec. 5, 1876, in Boston ; interred in Woburn. Children (Taylor) : i. Anna Cora,*' b. Nov. 1857. ii. Frances Elmer, b. Oct. 19, 1861. iii. Lillian Effie, b. .Alar. 8, 1866. 322 Lyman L.^ Drew (^Almircc^^^ born Jan. 27, 1813 ; died Sept. 25, 1853, in New Orleans, La. ; married H. Maria Coffin ; married (2), May 11, 1850, Julia S. Drew. Child (Drew) : 809. i. Lewis Lyman,*"' b. July U, 1841. 323 Lydia Ann^ Drew (^Zwim^), born April 1, 1818 ; died Oct. 24, 1894 ; married Jan. 20, 1844, William Guild, died Sept. 5, 1893. Children (Guild) : i. WiUiam LeBaron,« b. in 1845 ; d. in 1850. 810. ii. Gertrude Maria, b. Dec. 10, 1846. iii. Flora Ann, b. Feb. 6, 1848. iv. Lucia Drew, b. June 13, 1856. 811. V. William Hyde, b. July 19, 1858. 324 Almira^ Drew (^Almira^'), born Dec. 22, 1819, in Plymouth, Mass. ; died Oct. 15, 1870 ; married Aug. 31, 1849, John H. Macomber, of Newport, N. S. F'ifth Generation. 147 Child (Macomber) : i. Lucia V.,* b. Nov. 2;"), ISdO, in Carabritlgeport, Mass.; m. July 7, 1874, E. II. Kimball. lies., North East Harbor, Me. 325 Lucia Thomas^ Drew {Ahnim^), born Feb. 4, 1823 ; m.irrii'd Oct. 6, 1859, Jacob Quiiicy Kettelle, died Dec. 3, 1865. He was a lawyer, and resided in Boston, ]\Iass. Children (Kettelle): 812. i. Emma LeBaron,« b. Sept. 18, 1860. 813. ii. Frederick Walter, b. Sept. 23, 18(32. 326 Nathaniel^ Russell {Martha //.*), born Dec. 18, 1801 : died Feb. 16, 1875 ; married June 26, 1827, Catherine Elliott, born May 21, 1807 ; died July 26, 1841. He was graduated from Har- vard College in 1820 ; was engaged in the manufacturing of iron in Plymouth; June 7, 1827, he was commissioned paymaster in the 1st Regt., M. V. M. Res., Plymouth, Mass. Children (Russell): 814. i. Elliott,' b. May 3, 1828. ii. Martha LeBaron, b. July 27, 1830; d. Jan. 1, 1834. 815. iii. Francis Henry, b. Aug. 3, 1832. iv. Anna, b. May 10, 1835; m. Oct. 21, 1878, Alexander M. Harrison, d. Jan. 11, 1881. V. Nathaniel, b. June 13, 1837; d. Mar. 25, 1><62, in Accomac, Va. ; he was graduated from Harv.ard College in 1858, an xi. Ellen Janette, b. Sept. 9, 1858. xii. Laura Dewey, b. Dec. 29, 1860 ; d. Jan. 18, 1865. 330 Hannah Stevenson^ Thomas {Mary //.■*), born Feb. 25, 1821 ; died Nov. 7, 1900; married Nov. 19, 1845, Charles Gideon Davis. He was gmduated from Harvard College in 1840, and is Judge of the Tliird District Court, Plymouth, Miiss. Kes., Plymouth. Children (Davis) : i. Charles nowland,'b. April 8, 1853; d, young. 827. ii. Joanna White, b. Aug. 10, 1855. 828. iii. Charles .Stevenson, b. Jan. 1, 1858. iv. Edward Grenville, b. April 1, 1860; d. Oct. 21, 1869, in Munich, Bavaria. 331 Elizabeth^ Robbins {Ammi RJ),hovn Mar. 18, 1804; died Dec. 28, 1891 ; married July 2, 1826, Lewis Allen, of Colebrook, Ct., born Aug. 30, 1801; died Sept. 2, 1848. Children (Allen) : i. James Robbins,* b, June 26, 1827; d. Jan^ 5, 1855. 829. ii. Henry Lewis, b. Nov. 10, 1831. iii. Caroline Elizabeth, b. Feb. 25, 1834; «1. Jan. 7, 1845. 830. iv. Ammi Ptobbins, b. Aug. 13, 1841. 332 James Robbins^ Lawrence (EUzaheth* Robhins), born Sept. 11, 1790; died Mar. 27, 1874; married Feb. 8, 1810, Christine McLaren, lx)rn May 2, 1792, in Edinburgh, Scotland ; died Mar. 25, 1835; married (2), Aug. 10, 1841, Eureka SpolTord, died April 29, 1869. He received the honorary degree of A. ]NL from Union College in 1825 ; was a commissioned officer in Uio New York State militia, and at one time Brigadier (lenend. He held the office of U. S. Attorney for the Northern District of New York under President Taylor. Res., Syracuse, N. Y. Cliildren (Lawrence) : 831. i. Elizabeth,' b. May 30, 1812. ii. Finley, b. Sept. 29, 1814; d. Jan. 7, 1S32. 150 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 832. iii. Margaret, b. Aug. 24, 1818. iv. James, b. Jan. 23, 1820; d. April 3, 1821. 833. V. James Robbins, b. Aug. 20, 1821. vi. Christine, b. Feb. 18, 1824. vii. Irene Battell, b. Feb. 25, 1827; d. Jan. 20, 1874; m. in 1850, Edward F. Pratt, d. in 1886. 834. viii. Sarah Urania, b. Feb. 6, 1829. 835. ix. Agnes, b. April 2, 1832. 836. X. Eureka Spofford, b. June 7, 1842. xi. Ida, b. Nov. 3, 1844; d. Aug. 16, 1846. 887. xii. William Horatio, b. June 24, 1847. 838. xiii. Mary Florida, b. Sept. 4, 1849. xiv. Samier, b. Oct. 19, 1851 ; d. Aug. 9, 1852. 333 Eliza^ Lawrence (^EUzaheth'^ Robbins'), born May 10, 1793 ; died July 6, 1850 ; married Henry Olmsted, died Oct. 25, 1814 ; married (2), Nov. 27, 1823, Timothy Jones Gridley of Amherst, Mass., died Mar., 1852. He was graduated at Yale in 1808 ; re- ceived M. D. from Dartmouth in 1812, and from the University of Vermont (honorary) in 1839. Child (Olmsted) : 839. i. Elizabeth,^ b. Jan. 4, 1814. Cliildren (Gridley) : 840. ii. Sarah Battell, b. Nov. 19, 1824. 841. iii. Jane Lawrence, b. June 10, 1829. 334 Grove^ Lawrence (^Ulizabet¥ Robbins), born Mar. 24, 1795 ; died Dec. 9, 1866 ; married Jan. 15, 1818, Sarah Bennett. He was Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Onondaga Co., N. Y. Res., Syracuse, N. Y. Children (Lawrence) : 842. i. Charlotte E.,« b. Oct. 18, 1818. ii. Caroline L., b. July 10, 1820 ; d. Oct. 4, 1820. iu. Maria Louisa, b. Sept. 14, 1821 ; d. Oct. 9, 1845. 4 Fifth Generation. 151 335 Sarah^ L^wry.^CE. {Elizabeth Rohhins), bom July 17, 1798; died April 17, 188G ; manied Sept. 19, 1822, Rev. Eber I.. Clark, of Winchendon, Mass., born Mar. 23, 1785, in Mansfield, Ct. ; died Feb. 23, 1857, in Becket, Mass.; he was graduated from Williams College in 1811, and had been pastor of churches in Cliatham and Granbv, Ct., before lie settled, Oct. 18, 1820, in Winchendon; married (2), Mar., 1859, L. Z. Newconib, of Belchertown, Ma.ss. Cliild (Clark) : 843. i. Elizabeth LeBaron," b. Aug. 24, 1833. 336 Philip^ Battell (Sarah* Robfnns), born Nov. 28, 1807 ; died Dee. 1, 1897 ; married Nov. 11, 1836, Emma H., daughter of Gov. Horatio Seymour of Vermont, died Nov. 3, 1841, at Middlebury, Vt. He was graduated from Middlebury College in 1820, and took the corresponding degree at Yale the same year. He was a lawyer. Children (Battell) : 844. i. Emma Seymour,* b. Sept. 5, 1837. ii. Joseph, b. July 15, 1839. 337 Saraii^ Battell (SaraM Eobbiyis), born March 19, 1810 ; died June 6, 1878; manied Oct. 12, 1836, Rev. Joseph, son of Joseph and Deboi-ah (Hamlin) Eldridge, born July 8, 1804 ; died Mar. 31, 1875. He was graduated from Yale in 1829 ; received D. D. from Marietta College in 1856 ; he was settled for forty-two years as pastor of the Congregational church in Norfolk, Ct. Cliildren (Eldridge): i. Sarah," b. Sept. 11, 1837. 845. ii. Irene Battell, b. July 27, 1840. iiL Marv, b. Mav 14, ls42. iv. Jo.'^eph Battell, b. Mar. 6, 1845; d. Nov. I'J, UmH, in Nor- folk, Ka.s. V. iHaliella, b. April in, 1848. 846. vL Alice Bradford, b. Oct. 22, 1850. 152 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 333 Ukania^ Battell {Sarah^ Bobbins}, born May 30, 1814; died Nov. 19, 1887 ; married Oct. 11, 1836, James, son of Rev. Heman Humphrey, D. D., President of Amherst College, 1823-1840, born Oct. 9, 1811, in Fairfield, Ct. ; died June 18, 1886, at Brooklyn, N. Y. He was a lawyer, residing in Brooklyn, and was at one time a Member of Congi-ess. Children (Humphrey) : 847. i. James,« b. Dec. 3, 1837. ii. Hem-y M., b. Jan. 22, 1841 ; d. Feb. 15, 1843. iii. Ellen, b. April 17, 1844; d. Feb. 25, 1874, s. p.\ m. Jan- 17, 1872, Charles Upham Shepard, who was graduated A. B., from Yale, 1863; received the degree of M. D., at Gottingen, Germany, in 1867 ; he was Prof, of Chem- istry in South Carolina Med. Coll. iv. Anna Battell, b. Mar. 15, 1846; d. Dec. 3, 1880, s.jy.\ m. Clarence Deming. 339 Bobbins^ Battell (Sarah^ Rabbins}, born April 9, 1819: died Jan. 26, 1895 ; married Aug. 15, 1849, Ellen Ryerson, daughter of George S. and Elizabeth Ryerson Mills, died Mar. 19, 1851. He was graduated from Yale College in 1889. Mr. Battell was a " banker, philanthropist, and musician." With his sister. Miss Anna Battell, he founded and maintained at Norfolk, Ct., the Bobbins School, a classical preparatory school. He had an especial love for music, and was the author of several musical compositions. Bells were his delight, and he gave peals of bells to Yale University, Williams College, Northfield Seminary, Beloit College, and other institutions of learning in various parts of the country. He was a colonel of the Connecticut State militia, and sat a number of times in the Legislature of the State ; in February, 1861, he was one of the delegates to the Peace Commission in Wasliington, and in 1866 he was elected State Comptroller. He was President of the Connecticut Historical Society, and for eighteen years was one of the Corporate members of the American Board of Com- 4 ROBBINS BATTELL. 1819-1895. L Fifth Generation. 153 missioners for Foreign Missions. He resided in New York City, and Norfolk, Ct. Cliild cBattell) : 848. i. Ellen Mills," 1.. Mar. 10, 1851. 340 Ellen^ Battell {Sara¥ Bobbins'), born Feb. 21, 1825 ; died Oct. 5, 1893 ; miirried June 20, 1849, Rev. Azuriuh, son of Joseph and Deborah (Hamlin) Eldridge, born Feb. 7, 1820, in Yarmouth, Mass ; died Oct. 1, 1888, in Yarmouth. He was graduated from Yale in 1841, and from the Yale Divinity School in 1845 ; tutor Yale, 1845-1847 ; received D. D. from Hamilton College in 1803. He was ordained pastor of the Congregational Church in New Bed- ford, 1847, and of the Presbyterian Church, Detroit, Mich., in 1858 ; he was in charge of the American Chapel in Paris, France, 1866-1808 ; was nominated for Congress by the Republicans of his District in 1875 ; and was a delegate to the Natioiml Conven- tion, Cliicago, 111., in 1884. Cliild (Eldridge): i. Anna Battell," b. Jan. 22, 1«59 ; d. Aug. 18, 1801. 341 J,A3rES° ROBBINS (Jctmes W.^), born Oct. 3, 1814 ; died May, 1870 ; married Oct. 1, 1838, Sophia Dunning Dix. Children (Robbins) : 849. i. Sarah Maria," h. Aug. 18, 1841. ii. James Egleston, b. Aug. 9, 1843. 342 MAiiiA"^ RoHBiNS (Janieis W.^), Unn Nov. 14, 1815: married Oct. 20, 1842, John Stillwell Schanck, died Dec. 16, 1898; he received the degree of M. D. from the Univei-sity of Peinia., 1843, and that of LL. D. from Lafayette College in 18«56 ; ho wiw Pit>- fe.ssor of Chemistry and Nalund History, in the College of New Jersey Cnow Princeton Univei'sity). 154 Descendajits of Francis LeBaron. Children (Schanck) : i. James Robbins,« b. April 8, 1844; d. Sept. 13, 1865. He was graduated from Princeton in 1865. ii. Joseph Still well, b. April 27, 1846. iii. Mary Bobbins, b. April 2.5, 1848 ; d. April 19, 1856. iv. Elizabeth LeBaron, b. July 22, 1850. V. Edgar, b. Nov. 15, 1852 ; d. Aug. 4, 1853. vi. Ammi Robbins, b. April 8, 1854. vii. Maria, b. Mar. 17, 1857 ; d. Mar. 19, 1858. 343 GeoeCtE^ RoBBrN-s {James TK*), born Sept. 15, 1822 ; died May 30, 1901 ; married Oct. 28, 1847, Jane S. Collier, died Dec. 12, 1900. Res., Warren, Mass. Children (Robbins) : i. Mary E.,^ b. July 20, 1849 ; d. April 5, 1865. 850. ii. James W., b. May 2, 1857. 344 Mary Sherwood^ Robbins {Samuel^'), born July 25, 1818 ; married Sept. 3, 1846, Rev. James Hatch Kasson, born Feb. 16, 1817, in Sherborn, Mass. ; died Nov. 27, 1872. He was graduated from Hamilton College in 1843, and from Auburn Theol. Seminary in 1846. Res., Des Moines, Iowa. Children (Kasson) : i. Fanny,« b. Nov. 10, 1847; d. May 3, 1848. ii. Joseph Robbins, b. Aug. 7, 1849; d. Dec. 5, 1889. 851. iii. Frank Hatch, b. June 14, 1852. 852. iv. LeBaron James, b. Feb. 1, 1856. 345 Fanny^ Robbins (Samuel^}, born Sept. 20, 1820 ; died Mar. 26, 1886 ; married Sept. 16, 1847, Rev. William Willshire Robin- son, died Nov. 14, 1850. He was graduated from Yale College in 1842. Res., Penn Yan, N. Y. Cliildren (Robinson) : 853. i. Ellen,« b. Sept. 26, 1848. 854. ii. Frances, b. Aug. 5, 1850. FiftJi Generation. 155 346 Samuel^ Robbixs {Samuel^), bom Sept. 2, 1822 ; died June 8, 18G9 ; married June 29, 1858, Elizabeth M. Oliver. He was graduated from Yale College in 184G, studied medicine in New York, where he received M. D. in 1852, and in Paris, and settled in Glendale, Oliio, where he died. Cliildren (Robbins) : i. Oliver P.,« b. Aug. 5, 1861; d. Oct. 19, 1865. ii. Chandler Osborne, b. Nov. 20, 186.3; d. Oct. 19, 1865. iii. Irene Battell, b. Aug. 12, 1866; d. Jan. 26, 1867. 347 SUSAN^ Robbixs (Samuel^), born Dec. 31, 1824; died Aug. 31, 1873 ; manied Sept. 15, 1853, Rev. Charles Little, born in 1818, in Columbia, Ct. ; died 1892. He was graduated from Yale College in 1844, and from Auburn Theological Seminary; he was for a time a missionary of the American Board in India, and after- wards was pastor of churches in INlanlius, N. Y., Cheshire, Ct., and Woodbury and Lincoln, Neb. Cliildren (Little): 855. i. Samuel Robbins,^ b. Sept. 21, 1855, in Madura, India, ii. Amelia Newton, b. Mar. 2, 1857 ; d. young. iii. Charles Newton, b. May 19, 1858; m. Aug. 5, 1886, Rose Funke. 856. iv. Elizabeth LeBaron, b. Jan. 12, 1862. 348 Thomas Burr^ Robbixs (Samuel"^), born Jan. 4, 1828 ; married May 25, 1850, Alice Brockway, died Jan. 15, 1859 ; married (2), Sept. 17, 1861, Marianne Haight Welles, of Penn Yan, N. Y. Children (Robbins) : i. William Brockway,« b. Jan 11, 1852; m. Sept. 13, 1877, Rose Bignall. ii. Francis LeBaron, b. Sept. 3, 1855; m. May 18, 1882, Helen Gill, Steubenville, O. iii. Edward Thomas, b. Aug. 26, 1857; d. June 11, 1860. 156 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 857. iv. Henry Welles, b. July 31, 1870. V. Bertrne, b. July 2, 1873; d. Mar. 9, 1871 349 Fkancis LeBaron° Robbins (^Samuel^'), born May 2, 1830 ; married Oct. 1874, Lucy Morton Hartpence, born Oct 13, 1856, in Naslndlle, Tenn. He was graduated from Williams College in 1854, and from Auburn Theological Seminary in 1857 ; he was ordained to the ministry in the Presbyterian Church, in 1860 ; he became pastor of the Congregational Church, Columbus, O., in 1857, and of that in Walnut Hills in 1858 ; removing to Pliiladelpliia he was a minister in Girard Avenue Presbyterian Church in 1859 ; of the Green Hill Presbyterian Church, 1860-1867 ; of the Oxford Presb}i;erian Church, 1868-1883, and for several years later, of the Beacon Presbyterian Church, all of that city, and was actively interested in the formation of the last two. He received the degree of D. D. from Delaware College in 1877, and from Union College in 1878. He now (1903) resides in Greenfield, Mass. Children (Robbins) : i. Eleanor Hartpence,^ b. July 4, 1875; d. April 4, 1878. ii. Howard Chandler, b. Dec. 11, 1876; he was graduated from Yale in 1 899 ; student in the Episcopal Theological School, Cambridge, in 1902. iii. Helen Morton, b. Nov. 4, 1878 ; d. May 28, 1891. iv. Margaret Bradford, b. Sept. 11, 1881. V. Mary Alice, b. Dec. 19, 1882. vi. Francis LeBaron, b. May 3, 1884; student at Williams, 1903. vii. Dorothea LeBai'on, b. Nov. 16, 1889. 350 Elizabeth^ Robbins (^Saniuel^'), born Feb. 21, 1835 ; died April 13, 1896; married Aug. 25, 1864, Rev. James Marshall Anderson, born 1827, in Kilmarnock, Scotland. He was grad- uated from Williams College in 1854, and from Princeton Theolog- ical Seminary in 1864 ; he was ordained April, 1865, in Cincin- nati, Ohio. He was for several years engaged in teaching, and was Professor of Music and Modern Languages in Tuskegee 1- D O CO < 1- 1- Q UJ LLl 0. CO Z) O o < o 1- >- 1- w < q: s Ll. = . z z: o O < CO OD tu z _l < _l 5 UJ 3 Q 2 _) LLI O _l ~ >" UJ LLI cc X 1- > Q UJ H O UJ o: Fifth Generation. 157 College, Ala., 1858-1861 ; President Ohio Fenmle College, 1864- 1868; Professor of Mathematics at Williams, 1868-1869. Since that date he has been settled as pastor of various Presb}'terian Churches in New Jersey, and since 1888 in Bismarck, North Dakota. He was jSIoderator of the North Dakota Presbytery in 1890. Res., Bismarck. Cliildi-en (Anderson) : i. Jessie M.,« b. May 6, 1865; m. Sept. 15, 1897, Robert Savage Chace. She was graduated from Smith College in 1886. ii. Elizabeth Marshall, b. Aug. 22, 1866. iii. Agnes, b. Oct. 6, 1868. iv. Robbins Battell, b. June 15, 1877. He was graduated from Yale University in 1899. 351 WiLLiA^si^ LeBaron (^Lemuel^'), born Oct. 17, 1814 ; died Oct. 14, 1876 ; married June 9, 1841, Sarah Jarvis Carr, of Bangor, Me., died Mar. 27, 1884. He was graduated from the Harvard Medical School in 1837, and removed to Geneva, 111., in 1844. In 1870 he was appointed State Entomologist. Children : i. Francis,^ b. Mar. 31, 1842. 858. ii. Wilhara, b. Oct. 2, 1843. 859. iii. Maria C, b. Feb. 13, 1845. iv. Eugene, b. Aug. 6, 1846; d. June 25, 1865. He served in the Civil War. 860. v. Mary K., b. Nov. 5, 1849. 861. vi. Johii K., b. Dec. 30, 1855. V 352 Lemuel^ LeBaron {John J..^), born Mar. 28, 1809; died Jan. 14, 1892 ; married Sept. 12, 1836, Lydia, daughter of Josiah and Betsy (Clark) Holmes, died Jan. 31, 1894. Res., Mattapoisett, Mass. Cliild : 862. i. Harriet Wing,^ b. Dec. 12, 1837. 158 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 353 James^ LeBaron {John A.^^, bom Mar. 25, 1811 ; died Mar. 3, 1881 ; married Nov. 1, 1832, Sarah Ann Atsatt. Res. Matta- poisett, Mass. Cliildren : i. John Allen,*' b. Oct. 24, 1831. ii. Abby Phillips, b. July 5, 1836 ; d. Feb. 19, 1891, s. p. ; m. Wilhara LeB. Hubbard (355, i.). 863. iii. Edward S., b. Oct. 28, 1838. iv. Mary Purrington, b. Nov. 9, 1841; m. Alfred K. Crosby; m. (2), Wilham LeB. Hubbard (355, i.). 864. V. William H., b. Sept. 18, 1845. vi. Thomas B., b. Sept. 1, 1850 ; d. young. 865. vii. James B., b. Dec. 10, 1855. 354 WiLLiAi^i Bradford^ LeBaron ( William'^'), born Aug. 1, 1811 ; died Oct. 7, 1886 ; married Sept. 2, 1839, Jerusha Drisco. Res., Oneida, 111. Cliildren : i. Elizabeth,^ b. AprU 17, 1841 ; d. Dec. 27, 1902, unm. ii. Mary D., b. April 26, 1848. iii. Sarah Ann, b. Dec. 15, 1853, 355 Eltza^ LeBaron (William^}, born Sept. 29, 1816; married Sept. 9, 1831, Pliilip G. Hubbard. Child (Hubbard) : i. William LeBaron," b. June 29, 1835; d. Jan. 13, 1898; m. Abby P. LeBaron, s. p. (353, ii.) ; m. (2), Mary P. (LeBaron) Crosby, s. p. (353, iv.). Resided in Chicago, 111. 356 Charles Henry^ LeBaron {William^'), born Aug. 24, 1823; married Jan. 15, 1857, Adeline Lamb Ward, born Jan. 14, 1835. Res., Chicago, 111. Fifth Generation. 159 Children : i. Arvin Cannon," b. Dec. 28, 1858; m. July 4, 1882, Ara^ bella Rakestone. ii. Frances, b. July 6, 1860. 866. iii. William Bradford, b. April 15, 1862. iv. Chai-les Henry, b. Feb. 18, 1866; m. May 14, 1896, Emma Reynolds Hicks. 357 Enoch H.ajnoiond'^ LeBaeon {Lazarus^}, born April 17, 1817 ; died Mar. 9, 1892; married Oct. 18, 1840, Florilla F. Taber. Res., Mattapoisett, Mass. Children : 867. i. Frederick Loring,« b. Oct. 6, 1841. ii. Joseph Taber, b. AprU 6, 1844; d. Feb. 24, 1862. iii. Edgar M., b. Sept. 26, 1846 ; d. Oct. 15, 1848. 868. iv. Sarah M., b. April 8, 1849. 869. V. Alonzo T., b. Aug. 11, 1852. vi. Enoch H., b. Oct. 4, 1854; d. July, 1874. vii. Charles S., b. July 14, 1857. 870. viii. Jane T., b. May 25, 1865. 358 Jane Barstow^ LeBaron {Lazarus'^'), born June 10, 1819; died May 11, 1861; married July 3, 1838, Thomas Lord Sanders. Cliildren (Sanders) : 871. i. Thomas Bradford,^ b. in 1841. ii. Adaline, b. in 1856; unm. 359 Elizabeth A.^ LeBaron {Lazarus'^'), born June 28, 1830 ; died Sept. 16, 1865 ; married Lewis Phillips, born July, 1813 ; died Oct. 28, 1869. Res., Auburn, Me. Children (Pliillips) : i. Irving C.,« b. June 28, 1851; ra. Dec. 18, 1879, Ida Whitney. luO Descendants of Francis LeBaron. ii. Edna LeB., b. May 5, 1854 ; m. Oct. 22, 1873, Benjamin C. Bradbnrv. iu. Le^-is L., b. Feb. 19, 1857; m. AprU 10, 1888, Emma L. Whiting. 360 Thomas Robbins^ Mayhew {Sally Ann'^'), born July 18, 1824 ; married Nov. 26, 1846, iSIargaret Bassett. Res., Oberlin, Oliio. Children (iSIayhew) : i. Alexander N.,« b. Mar. 19, 1848; unm. ii. Matthew LeBaron, b. Jan. 26, 1851 ; d. Aug. 1, 1891, s.p. ; ra. Mar. 9, 1877, Emma Maison. iii. John Allen, b. Sept. 11, 1853; unm. iv. Benjamin Bassett, b. Oct. 24, 1855 ; d. Oct. 3, 1856. 361 Mary Ann^ Jackson (SaraTi^^^ born Sept. 3, 1806 ; died Sept. 1, 1852 ; married July, 1829, Nathan Cannon, born July, 1804 ; died Oct. 17, 1865. Res., Mattapoisett, Mass. Children (Cannon) : i. Sarah LeBaron," b. Jan. 2, 1831 ; d. Mar., 1891 ; m. Ajml, 1853, Eben R. Ililler. 872. ii. Thomas Jackson, b. Jan. 22, 1883. iii. Priscilla Alden, b. Dec. 5, 1835. iv. Nathan, b. Oct. 20, 1837. V. Frederick Jackson, b. Oct. 28, 1845; d. Jan. 17, 1867. 362 Priscilla Alden^ Jacksox (^Sara¥}, born July 17, 1809 ; - ' died Dec. 9, 1856 ; married Mar., 1837, Thomas Jefferson South- worth, died 1846 ; married (2), 1854, Richard Barstow, died 1856. Res., Mattapoisett, Mass. Child (Soutlnvorth) : i. Louise Everett,^ b. Dec. 6, 1837; d. May 28, 1850. 363 William LeBaron^ Gibbs QLhci/^), born May 16, 1801 ; died April 28, 1882 ; married June 26, 1832, Adeline, daughter of JF'i/th Generation. 161 Rowland Gibbs, bom May 29, 1805 ; died May 23, 1841. Res., Fairhaven, Mass. Cliildi-en (Gibbs) : i. Lucy Frances," b. Xov. 7, 1833; d. Mar. 19, 1853. ii. Clara Elizabeth, b. Aug, 15, 1836. iii. Adeline Rowland, b. Dec. 21, 1839. 364 Eliza LeBaeox^ Gibbs (Zmc/), born Mar. 16, 1804; died Aug. 14, 1880 ; married Dec. 13, 1827, William Proctor Jenney, died Mar. 7, 1881. Res., Fairhaven, Mass. Cliildren (Jenney) : i. Ansell Gibbs,« b. Mar. 11, 1831 ; d. Jan. 10, 1832. 873. ii. William LeBaron, b. Sept. 25, 1832. 874. iii. Ansell Gibbs, b. Aug. 15, 1835. 875. iv. Herbert, b. Aug. 2, 1839. V. Adeliza Tisdale, b. June 18, 1842. vi. James Lindsey, b. May 19, 1845; d. Mar. 31, 1847. vii. Walter Proctor, b. Jan. 11, 1849; m. Aj^ril 20, 1892, Mary Patience Hopperton. Res., Dead wood, South Dakota. 365 Francis LeBaron^ Aldex (Priscilla^), born Dec. 10, 1804 ; died July 12, 1842 ; married 1828, Eudora, daughter of Zabdiel Sampson, of Plymouth. Res., New Bedford, Mass. Children (Alden) : i. Priscilla,® b. . ii. Eudora, b. . iii. Laura, b. . 366 WiLLiAJNi CusHiXG^ H^oniATT (William'^}, born June 14, 1807, in Plymouth, Mass. ; died Dec. 6, 1876 ; married Feb. 12, 1881, Mary Anne Parsons, died Sept. 21, 1847 ; married (2), Silence Thomas. Res., Bangor, Me. Cliildren (Hammatt) : i. William," b. Xov. 12, 1831; d. Feb. 7, 1854. ii. Thompson Phillips, b. May 20, 1833; d. Sept. 1834. 162 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. iii. Abraham LeBaron, b. Nov. 3, 1834; d. Jan., 1835. iv. Esther Phillips Parsons, b. Dec. 29, 1835; m. 1878, John Estes. V. John Ilowland, b. Dec. 17, 1837 ; d. Feb., 1838. 876. vi. Lucia Simmons, b. Jan. 5, 1839. 877. vii. William Walter Parsons, b. Nov. 19, 1840. viii. Anne Frances, b. Mar. 19, 1843. 878. ix. Abraham, b. May 19, 1844. X. Mary Eli^abeth,^). Sept. 17, 1845 ; d. Dec. 6, 1848. xi. Silence Thomas, b. ; d. young. 367 Ha2^nah Phillips^ HajVimatt ( TFtZZi'am^), born Mar. 7, 1809, in Plymouth, Mass.; died Mar. 26, 1889; married June 2, 1829, Hazen Mitchell. Res., Bangor, Me. Children (Mitchell) : 879. i. Maria Elizabeth," b. April 16, 1830. u. William Walter, b. Oct. 9, 1831 ; d. Aug. 23, 1832. iii. Anna Russell, b. June 2, 1833 ; d. in 1900. iv. Frances, b. June 10, 1835; d. Aug. 26, 1836. V. Frances, b. May 30, 1837. vi. Marion Parsons, b.. Mar 20, 1840; d. Oct. 8, 1885. 880. vii. Alice Bradford, b. Feb. 14, 1842. ,viii. Esther Hammatt, b. April 28, 1844; d. Nov. 26, 1867. 368 Esther Jackson^ Ha^imatt (WiUiam'^), born Jan 12, 1817, in Plymouth, Mass.; died May 1, 1885; married Sept. 25, 1833, Joseph Carr; died Jan. 31, 1889. Res., Bangor, Me. Child (Carr) : i. Mary Tufts,« b. Feb. 18, 1839; m. in 1862, Elias Miller StUlwell, of Lancaster, Mass. 369 Anne Frances^ HAivmATT ( William^), born May 9, 1818, in Plymouth, Mass.; died Mar. 22, 1901; married July 7, 1845, Edward Fuller Hodges, born Jan. 3, 1816, in Clarendon, Vt. ; died Feb. 28, 1883. He was graduated from Middlebury College in Fifth Generation. 163 1835 ; first practiced law in Rutland, Vt., and in 1840 removed to Boston, Mass., where he died. Children (Hodges) : i. William Hammatt,^ b. June 1, 1846; d. April 11, 1872, in Milan, Italy. He was graduated fi-om the Harvard Medical School in 1871. ii. Edward Arthur, b. Jan. 9, 1848; d. Sept. 26, 1848. iii. Edward Harry, b. Jan. 29, 1850; d. June 9, 1850. 881. iv. Edward Francis, b. Aug. 1, 1851. V. Harry, b. Jan. 19, 185.3; d. Mar. 2, 1858. vi. Anna Fuller, b. May 29, 1856; d. Feb. 10, 1858. vii. George Clarendon, b. Oct. 14, 1857. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1879. Lawyer, practicing in Boston. Res., Lincoln, Mass. 882. viii. Harry Foot, b. Feb. 25, 1860. 370 George Frederick^ Si:Nr:Moxs (Lucia^ Hammatt'), born ;Mar. 24, 1814 ; died Sept. 5, 1855 ; married Oct. 16, 1845, Mary E., daughter of Rev. Dr. Samuel and Sarah Alden (Bradford) Ripley, of Concord, Mass., born Nov. 19, 1820. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1832, and was a clergyman in Springfield, Mass. Children (Simmons) : i. Elizabeth Ripley,« b. AprU 9, 1847. ii. William Hammatt, b. Dec. 27, 1848; m. Aug., 1872, in Vienna, Austria, Anna Schneider. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1869, and was a member of the tirst ILarvard crew which crossed the ocean to race with the English Universities. He is a physician, and resides in Bangor, Me. 883. iii. Edward Emerson, b. Oct. 27, 1852. iv. Lucia Hammatt, b. Feb. 15, 1855; d. Aug. 8, 1860. 371 Elizabeth Farley^ Hammatt (G-eorge^'), born July 27, 1829; married July 7, 1857, Ichabod Daniel Bartlett, of Bangor, Me. 164 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Child (Baitlett) : 884. i. Charles Hammatt,'' b. Dec. 4, 1858. 372 Phebe^ Barnes (Corban'^), born Sept. 5, 1790 ; died Oct. 10, 1860 ; married Nov. 18, 1807, Seth Paty, born July 3, 1787 ; lost at sea about 1820; she married (2), Mar. 18, 1838, James G. Gleason. Res., Plymouth, Mass. Children (Paty) : 885. i. Eliza,« b. Feb. 12, 1809. ii. Deborah, b. Aug. 18, 1811. ill. Seth, b. Oct. 5, 1818 ; lost at sea in 1827. iv. Lemuel, b. June 14, 1816; d. Oct. 13, 1892. 373 CORBAN^ Barnes (Corbayi"^), born Mar. 3, 1805; died Nov. 9, 1896 ; married Jan. 2, 1831, Susan Bradford Tillson, born Jan. 20, 1807 ; died Feb. 5, 1835 ; married (2), Nov. 7, 1836, Mary (Holmes) Davie, born Aug. 6, 1808. Res., Plymouth, Mass. Cliildren (Barnes) : i. Corban,« b. Feb. 17, 1882 ; d. Feb. 20, 1882. 886. ii. Susan Elizabeth, b. Jan. 7, 1884. iii. Albert Corban, b. Mar. 8, 1838 ; d. in 1848. iv. Corban, b. Dec. 11, 1839; d. Sept. 21, 1841. v. Lemuel, b. July 20, 1841 ; d. June 16, 1842. vi. Mary Ann, b. Feb. 4, 1848; d. Oct. 18, 1844. vii. Mary Chilton, b. Oct. 19, 1844; m. Amos Locke. 887. viii. Frances Sophia, b. Oct. 11, 1846. ix. Albert Corban, b. Sept. 30, 1848. Res., Plymouth. X. George Bradford, b. July 11, 1851. x-i. Corban, b. July 14, 1853 ; m. Lizzie McDonald. 374 Elkanah^ Barnes {Elkanah% born : married in 1813, Cynthia Davis, daughter of Lemuel Simmons, born May 19, 1794 ; died in April, 1883. ' Sixth Generation. 165 Chilcben (Barnes) : 888. i. Alexina Carlowitz,« b. Dec. '25, 1813. 889. ii. Levonzo D., b. July, 1816. 890. iii. Katheriue Harriet, b. Dec. 14, 1818. 891. iv. Charles Elkaiiah, b. Sept. 15, 1820. V. George R. S., b. ; m. Sarah Meyer. 892. vi. Moses Simmons, b. Jan. 1, 1835. 893. vii. Fraucillia A., b. July 1, 1837. SIXTH GENERATION. 375 Ly:sia:s^ LeBaron (Abizer^), bom Jan. 14, 1810, in Hoosick, N. Y. ; died Oct. 5, 1874 ; married Phebe Thornton, died Sept. 26, 1874, in Pittstown, N. Y. Res., Hoosick. Children : i. Sidera P.,^ b. Jan. 4, 1837 ; d. May 4, 1837. 894. ii. Phebe Ann, b. Feb. 23, 1838. iii. Kate, b. Jan. 8, 1840; d. Oct. 15, 1874. 895. iv. Lyman Prosper, b. Aug. 7, 1841. 896. V. George A., b. AprH 24, 1843. vi. Hattie E., b. Sept. 4, 1844. vii. Andrew H., b. Dec. 15, 1846; d. Feb. 18, 1852. 376 Levi H.^ LeBaron (Abize)^), born Jan. 22, 1820; died Oct. 28, 1874 ; manied Feb. 22, 1845, Eliza Griffin, born April 15, 1825 ; died Dec. 3, 1901. Res., Hoosick, N. Y. Children : 897. i. Amanda J.,'' b. July 29, 1846. 898. ii. George, b. Mar. 11, 1848. iii. Frances E., b. Jan. 29, 1850 ; m. Sept. 9, 1896, Israel Bovie, d. April 1, 1897. iv. Martha, b. Nov. 18, 1852; d. Nov. 4, 1856. 899. v. Mary E., b. Sept. 24, 1854. 900. vi. Alice, b. Aug. 30, 1856. 901. vii. Estella, b. May 13, 1858. 166 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. viii. Theodore C, b. Jan. 10, 1861 ; d. Nov. 21, 1889, imm. 902. ix. Hai-vey W., b. April 10, 1863. 903. X. Henry, twin to Harvey W. xi. Ruth,' b. June 18, 1865 ; m. Oct. 22, 1884, Joseph S. Wil- cox, b. Sept. 20, 1856. 377 Samuel^ LeBaeon (^Saynuel^), born Dec. 11, 1807 ; died Mar. 10, 1875 ; married in 1833, Caroline, born July 13, 1815, daughter of George and Elizabeth (Smith) Keeler. Res., Union, N. Y. Children : 904. i. Elizabeth,^ b. Jan. 22, 1834. 905. ii. George, b. Nov. 19, 1837. iu. Sophia, b. April 22, 1839; d. Aug. 31, 1880. 906. iv. Sarah A., b. May 17, 1842. V. Smith, b. April 15, 1844. vi. Antoinette, b. Feb. 10, 1847 ; d. Sept. 14, 1848. 907. vii. Jesse E., b. Jan. 26, 1852. viii. Henry, b. AprU 15, 1856; d. Nov. 15, 1878. 908. ix. Frederic S., b. May 1, 1857. 378 Joseph^ LeBaron (Samuel^), born Sept. 8, 1809, in Dutchess CO., N. Y. ; died Sept., 1882 ; married in 1828, Mary Ami Hicks. Children : 909. i. Ann Eliza,^ b. Mar. 12, 1830. ii. Judah, b. Dec. 8, 1832. iii. Elias, b. in 1835; d. in 1840. iv. Mary E., b. Aug. 31, 1837; d. Sept. 9, 1839. 910. V. Lydia, b. Jan. 25, 1840. vi. Catherine, b. Mar. 18, 1842; m. Sylvester Turner, vu. Wilson, b. Oct. 2, 1844. viii. Butler, b. Feb. 28, 1847. 911. ix. Maryetta, b. May 28, 1849. 379 JuDAH Allen^ LeBaron (Samuel^), born Oct. 24, 1813 ; died Aug. 31, 1853 ; married Leah Elizabeth Twining, died Jan. 25, 187'9. I Sixth Generation. 167 Cliildreu : 912. i. Asyl M.," b. Nov. li, 1839. 913. ii. Alviu D., b. in 1843. 914. iii. Aully E., b. May 18, 1846. There was also a James in this famih-. 380 Sylvanus^ LeBarox (Samuel^), bom about 181G ; married Harriet Finchout, died in 1884. Res., BingliaLatou, N. Y. Children : i. Lorenzo," b. Nov. 25, 1844; d. in 1865, in the Civil War; he was a soldier in Co. E, 5th Regt., N. Y. Vols. 915. ii. Mary Elizabeth, b. July 27, 1847. iii. Sylvanus, b. ; m. Barlow. iv. Clarence Raymond, b. ; m. Margaret Taylor. v. Sarah, b. ; m. Zachary T. Austin. vi. Harriet Loretta, b. April 6, 1861 ; d. in 1883, unm. vii. Ida Augusta, b. May 3, 1864; m. Oct. 31, 1882, George Peabody, d. s. ]). viii. Jennie, b. Feb. 10, 1866; d, in 1885, unm. ix. Rose Ardelia, b. April 6, 1868; d. in 1874. 381 Sylvester^ LeBaron (Samuel^), born Nov. 6, 1823, in Chat- ham, N. Y. ; married June 3, 1846, Huldah, daughter of Samuel and Sopliia (Gibbs) Crawford, born Oct. 27, 1823, in Union, N. Y. ; died Feb. 18, 1895. Res., Union Center, N. Y., and Brockton, Mass. Children : 916. i. Delia A.,^ b. June 6, 1851. 917. ii. Jesse F., b. Sept. 4, 1857. 382 Levi^ LeBaron (Samuel^}, born Mar. 4, 1826, in Broome co., N. Y. ; married Jan. 80, 1850, Hannah M. Holes, born April 15, 168 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 1828; died July 13, 1892; married (2), Oct. 14, 1897, Mrs. Sarah E. Miller. Res., Coalport, Pa. Children (by adoption) : i, Charles W. Norton,^ b. Y%\i. 15, 1850 ; m. Catherine More, ii. Alice C. Haines, b. ; m. Samuel Shore. 383 Betsey Ann^ LeBakon (SamueV'')^ born Mar. 31, 1828 ; died Mar. 8, 1893 ; married April 20, 1856, Marcus Bedell. Res., Bing- hamton, N. Y. ■ 1 Child (Bedell) : 918. i. kV h. July 11, 1859. 384 Sarah Burt^ LeBaron {John°^, born July 13, 1815, in ^lid- dleboro, Mass.; died Feb. 17, 1883; married Nov. 26, 1837, Dennis W. Cushman, born Nov. 19, 1812 ; died July 23, 1860. Cliildren (Cusluuan) : i. Dennis W.,'' b. May 3, 1842; d. Jan. 8, 1851. ii. Son, b. and d. Feb. 3, 1851. iii. Delany W., b. Mar. 3, 1854; d. May 1, 1860. I 385 John Burt^ LeBaron (Jokn^), bom Sept. 19, 1817 ; died Mar. 1, 1884, in Middleboro, Mass. ; married Aug. 16, 1841, Keziah Baylies, born June 9, 1818 ; died Oct. 10, 1861 ; married (2), July 3, 1865, Mary J. (Chace) Rose, born Dec. 22, 1823 ; died Feb. 28, 1896. Res., Middleboro, Mass. Childi-en : i. Adelaide,' b. May 19, 1842; d. Dec. 8, 1843. 919. ii. John BayUes, b. Jan. 24, 1845. 920. iii. Maria C, b. Jan. 18, 1847. 921. iv. Eugene P., b. Jan. 16, 1849. V. Charles IL, b. Sept. 14, 1851 ; d. July 31, 1853. 922. vi. Clara J., b. Jan. 7, 1855. vii. Harriet J., b. Dec. 2, 1857 ; d. July 30, 1860. JOHN BURT LeBARON. 1817-1884. i Sf'.rt/i Genri'ittiiin. IG? 386 ZiiJA'' I.kUakon {John''), Ix.ni Aiii;-. -"l, iSJI, in .Middlcliurn, Miiss. : (lied Mar. o, 1881; nuuiied April 21, 184"), Sarah l>. SLaw. Res., Middleboin. Childi'eii : i»-_>;-5. i. Sanih A.," b. >May o, 1840. ii. Ilenrv J.., 1). Jan. oO, 1848; lu. Doc. 15, 1874, Eva G. Smith, iii. ^larcus S., h. June 11, 18;')(l ; th. Oct. ol, 1872, Annie Wheelan. iv. Alice r>., b. Feb. 11, 1852; in. July 28, 188U, David A. Hart; d. June 6, 1884, a. p. !t24. V. Herbert E., b. April 23, 1854. i)25. vi. Everett F., h. May 2, 1858. 387 Bethany Weston** LeBakon (John-'), hmi Mar. 2fi, 182b, in Middleboro, Mass. ; married Aug. 18, 184b, Charles W. Bradford. Res., Middleboro. Cliild (Bradford): i. Lena,' b. Dec. '20, 18(t7. f 388 Al.mkda -Vllkn** I^eBauon (John^), lun-n Aug. 2b, 1828, in Middleboro, Mass.; nuirried June, 185."), Thomas Freeman Atkins, died Mar. 22, 1896. Res., Sandwich, Afass. Cliildren (Atkins) : Oiif). i. (Jeorge," b. Xov. 26, 1856. ii. .b)lm, b. April 22, 1861; d. Mar. lu, 1881. ^ 1>-J7. iii. William, b. Dec. 27, 1868. iv. .Mary, b. April 29, 1869; d. Mar. 8, 1884. 389 LUCY*^ TiioM.vs ( WaltHtill''), born Nov. 80, 1816: died May 8, 1872: married June 2, 1845, Rev. (leorge If. Winchester, i\'i Stoughton, Ma.ss., died Nov. 6, liSSo, 1V0 Descendants of Frunci.^ LeBaron. Cliildrcii ( Winchester) : 1>-J8. i. Caleb Thoiiia«," b. Jan. 18, 1847. ii. Edward H., b. July 7, 1848 ; d. young, iii. Charles W., b. Sept. 27, 1849; d. young, iv. Lucy ]M., b. June 29, 1851 ; d. young. V. Lucy Frances, b. April 24, 1853. vi. George Fletcher, b. Feb. 17, 1855. vu. Edward Olin, b. Jan. 10, 1859 ; <1. April 28, 1882. 390 jAroB<5 Wood {Waitstill^), born Aug. 13, 1822; nianicd Sept. 0, 1867, Auna M. Mitchell, born Aug. 20, 1848. Re«., Middle- boro, Mass. Children (Wood) : i. Foster A.,^ b. June 2U, 1809. ii. Lena F., b. Feb. 18, 1877. in. Herbert L., b. Nov. 21, 1878. iv. George L., b. June 26, 1880. 390a Daniel F.'^ Wood (Waitstill^), born Mar. 1, 1X26: married July 3, 1849, Sarah Elizabeth Tinkham, died Jan. 4, IHiyo ; married (2), Garafelia Antoinette Webb. Children (Wood) : i. William Miller," b. Oct. 4, 1868. ii. George M., b. Dec. 4, 1870; d. July 11, 1891. iii. Wasliington Irving, b. Jan. 4, 1873; m. Dci-. 9, 1890, Eliza A. Lemar, of Medford, ^lass. Res., Marion, Mass. Child : i. Ruth LeBaron,« b. Nov. 30, 1899. " iv. Percy LeBaron, b. Aug. 20, 1877. V. Thomas, b. Jan. 8, 1881. vi. Clarence, b. May 21, 1884. 391 Sarah E.*^ LeBauon {Joshua^), born May 8, 1839 ; married July 2, 1859, Peter, son of Ichahod and Mercy Cornish (Swift) Shurtleff. Res., Fairhaven, Mass. Sixth Generation. 171 Children (Shurtlefe) : 929. i. Herbert Peter/ b. April 11, 1860. 931). ii. Lewis Thomas, b. May 18, 1862. 931. iii. Xelson LeBaron, b. Dec. 17, 1866. iv. Mp-a Gertrude, b. Oct. 1, 1870; m. Jan. 3, 1894, Jeremiah R. Kelley, of Fairhaven. V. Annie Elizabeth, b. Jan. 10, 1875; m. Nov. 13, 1895, Wil- Ham Francis IlambHn, of New Bedford, vi. Charles Weldon, b. Jan. 15, 1878. 392 Elizabeth Augusta^ Thomas (Elizabeth 0.^), bom Sept. 8, 1820 : died Oct. 14, 1897 ; married Dec. 24, 1843, Ichabod Loriug Thomas. Res., New Bedford, Mass. Child (Thomas) : i. Lizzie Loring," b. April 'll, 1851 ; m. Oct. 8, 1885, John S. Tilhnghast, of New Bedford. 393 Abraham Foster^ Thomas (Elizabeth C.^), born Sept. 14, 1821, in Middleboro, Mass. ; married in 1849, Caroline A., daughter of Gen'l Charles Clark and Almira (Coon) Burdick, born Jan. 19, 1831, in Hopkinton, R. I. Res., San Bernardino, Cal. Child (Thomas) : 932. i. Charies Foster,^ b. May, 1850. 394 Temperance LeBaron^' Thomas {Elizabeth C.^), born Dec. 9, 1824, in Middleboro, Mass.; married in 1840, Bradford Bright- man: died Sept. 7, 1875. Res., Fall River, Mass. Children (Brightman) : i. Phebe Augusta,^ b. Feb. 6, 1841; d. Feb. 26, 1863. ii. Abraham Shacbach, b. Nov. 30, 1843; d. in 1862, or 1863, in a Rebel prison, during the Civil War. iii. Lizzie Thomas, b. Aug. 12, 1845; d. young. 933. iv. Ellen Minerva, b. Mar. 10, 1847. 934. V. Etta Temperance, b. June 30, 1849. 172 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 395 LuciNDA Maria^ Thomas {Elizaheth C^), born April 10, 1836, in Middleboro, Mass.; married July 19, 1855, Francis Marion Sherman. Res., Middleboro, Mass. Children (Sherman) : 935. i. Arthm- Franklin," b. Dec. 21, 1859. 936. ii. Mary Everett, b. Dec. 28, 1867. iii. Grace lima, b. May 26, 1882. 396 George Brightman'^ Thomas {Elizabeth C'.^), born Oct. 10, 1840 ; married Mary Osborne Clark, born May 6, 1844. Children (Thomas) : 937. i. Nellie Frances,^ b. Aug. 16, 1865. 938. ii. Cephas Foster, b. Sejit. 10, 1867. iii. George Loring, b. Feb. 20, 1870. iv. Lily Mary, b. July 26, 1873. V. Cindia Augusta, b. Nov. 20, 1875. vi. Fred Arnold, b. July 10, 1878. vii. Abbot Elmer, b. April 9, 1880. viii. Carl Bertram, b. Mar. 24, 1886; d. May 26, 1887. 397 Davis Erastus^ Thomas {Temperaiiee^^, born May 5, 1827 ; married Jan. 24, 1851, Harriet A. Richmond, born Dec. 29, 1832, in Providence, R. I. Res., Mt. Ayer, la. Cliildren (Thomas): i. John C. Richmond,^ b. Feb. 24, 1852, in New Bedford, Mass. ; died Oct. 28, 1873. ii. Harriet Ann, b. May 4, 1861, in Iowa; d. April 17, 1863. iii. Lucy M., b. May 24, 1864, in Iowa; d. Sept. 24, 1865. iv. Lois E., b. Nov. 4, 1807, in Iowa; d. July 5, 1892; m. Mar. 1891, Nathan Rose. V. Ira LeBaron, b. July 1, 1869, in Iowa; d. Aug. 12, 1870. 398 Caleb A.^ Thomas {Temperance^), born Sept. 22, 1833 ; mar- ried Nov. 29, 1854, Hepsie Davis; died Jan. 1, 1896. iSixt/t Getieration. 173 Child (Thomas) : 939. i. Martha Frances," b. Jan. 13, 1858. 399 Elizabeth D.^ Thomas (Temperance^), born Oct. 1, 1839; died Dec. 6, 1866 ; married Mar. 23, 1858, George S. Bowen, born Jan. 17, 1831. Res., New Bedford, Mass. Cliiklren (Bowen) : 940. i. Charles Thomas,^ b. Dec. 6, 1858. ii. Edward LeBaron, b. Mar. 17, 1861 ; d. May 21, 1865. iii. Laura Haile, b. Mar. 15, 1864; m. Sept. 11, 1894, William H. C. Taylor, of New Bedford. 400 Joanna Adams^ LeBakon (JosepJi^), born Feb. 23, 1801 ; died Dec. 24, 1825 ; married Jan. 17, 1822, as liis first wife, Luther Tillson, died Oct. 8, 1853 ; he married (2), Mar. 1, 1827, her elder sister Cynthia LeBaron, born Mar. 5, 1799 ; died Feb. 5, 1886. Children (Tillson) : 941. i. WilUam F.,^ b. Nov. 16, 1822. ii. Joanna A., b. Feb. 22, 1824; d. Jan. 26, 1873. iii. Maria L., b. Dec. 11, 1827; d. May 20, 1851, 5. p.; m. Dec. 29, 1848, Thomas Weston. 942. iv. George L., b. Mar. 27, 1829. V. Lucius, b. Mar. 17, 1831. 943. vi. Cynthia F., b. Oct. 10, 1833. vii. Charles O., b. May 13, 1836; d. Mar., 1871, a soldier in the Civil War. viu. OUver A., b. Feb. 2, 1839; d. Nov. 10, 1874, a soldier in the CivU War. ix. P. Bradford, b. Nov. 3, 1843; died May 30, 1893. 401 IMeecy Morse^ LeBaron (Joseph^), born April 27, 1803 ; died Oct., 1874 : married John Cole ; died May, 1886. Res., Middle- boro, ^Nlass. 174 Descendants of I^rancis LeBaron. Children (Cole) : i. John Francis,' b. Aug. 12, 1834; d. Dec. 13, 1853, at sea. ii. Isaac, b. Feb. 28, 1836; m. in 1867, Hannah Sears, s. ly. 944. iii. Theodore Williams, b. June 20, 1838. iv. Jane, b. June 21, 1840 ; d. July 14, 1861. 945. V. Joseph LeBaron, b. Mar. 26, 1845. 946. vi. Sarah Helen, b. July 26, 1847. 402 ;, Cyrus^ LeBaron {Joseph^'), born Mar. 31, 1808 ; died Feb. 20, 1897 ; married Mar. 13, 1834, Angeline Thomas : died Mar. 2, 1897. Res., Middleboro, Mass. Cliildren : i. Daughter,^ b. May 5, 1835; d. young. 947. ii. Wilham O., b. Aug. 27, 1837. 948. iii. Cyrus A., b. Mar. 19, 1839. iv. Eldora A., b. Jan. 3, 1846; d. Oct. 8, 1847. V. Sylvanus T., b. Feb. 9, 1848; m. Dec. 30, 1874, Elizabeth C. Gushing. 403 Sally Burt^ LeBaron (Joseph^'), born Mar. 20, 1812; mar- ried Nov. 29, 1834, Lewis Dunham. Res., Brooklyn, N. Y. Children (Dunham) : i. Lucretia,' b. Aug. 10, 1836. ii. Henry L., b. Nov. 4, 1839. iii. Melvin, b. Dec. 6, 1849. iv. Marietta, b. Jan. 1, 1852. 404 Daniel^ Tinkham (^Daniel''), born Sept. 10, 1806; died July 30, 1881; married Oct. 10, 1830, Cliloe Draper, born :Mar. 20, 1800 ; died July 21, 1878. Res., Shaftsbury, Vt. Children (Tinkham) : i. Editha,^ b. Dec. 21, 1831 ; d. Sept. 9, 1837. 949. ii. Oceanah, b. Jan. 25, 1833. Sixth Generation. 17.5 950. iii. Sorell, b. Dec. 18, 1833. 951. iv. Daniel, b. Jan. 1, 1835. 952. V. Ann, b. Jan. 10, 1836. 953. vi. Elmer C, b. Feb. 4, 1837. vii. Duane, b. Jan. 31, 1838; d. Aug. 15, 1840. viii. Roseltha, b. Mar. 19, 1839; d. Oct. 13, 1845. ix. Myron, b. Nov. 19, 1840; m. Dec, 1869, Martha Jones. 405 Peter Weight^ Tixkham (Daniel^), born May 15, 1814, in Clarendon, Vt. ; died Mar. 18, 1880 ; married Sept. 2, 1845, Har- riet Rice Dewey, born Oct. 8, 1817, in Wliite Creek, N. Y. ; died July 15, 1896. Res., Wliite Creek and Perry, N. Y. Child (Tinkham) : 954. i. H. Daniel,^ b. Dec. 24, 1850. 406 Juliana'' Tinkham (Daniel''), born Sept. 20, 1816, in Shafts- bury, Vt. ; died Jan. 1, 1880 ; married Dec. 27, 1840, Abner, son of Isaac and Rebecca (Slocum) Brownell, of Westport, Mass., born Aug. 14, 1810; died Aug. 8, 1894. Res., Wliite Creek, N. Y. Ciiildren (Brownell) : i. Penina,^ b. Dec. 1, 1841 ; m. George H. Wright, s. p. ii. Harriet, b. in 1843; d. in 1844. 955. iii. Myron C, b. May 20, 1844. 956. iv. Isaac W., b.-July 8, 1847. 407 Orrin LeBaron*^ Stanton (^Martha° Tinhham'), born Dec. 16, 1803 ; died April 4, 1883 ; married May 4, 1826, Betsey Gardner, born July 20, 1809 ; died Mar. 4, 1876. Res., Oxford, Mich. Ciiildren (Stanton) : i. Daughter,^ b. Aug. 25, 1827 ; d. Aug. 29, 1827. ii. Charles C, b. July 4, 1828; d. Feb. 25, 1839. iii. Martha X., b. 3Iar. 14, 1830. iv. Jcsepli L., 1). April 13, 1832. 17<' Descendants of Francis LeBaron. V. Marcus DeL., b. IVFay 8, 1834; d. Sept., 1836. vi. Twin daughters, b. Feb. 22, 1886; d. Feb. 22 and 23, 1836. vii. Amanda, b. Jan. 22, 1837. viii. Juliana PI, b. Aug. 22, 1839. ix. Samuel B., b. Aug. 20, 1840; d. Oct. 16, 1849. 957. X. Betsey A., b. Feb. 28, 1846. 958. xi. Oren E., b. Sept. 16, 1849. 959. xii. George A., b. May 3, 1853. 408 Ly:man^ Wright (Hannalv' Tinkham), born Feb. 8, 1806 ; died June 23, 1898 ; married Feb. 23, 1837, Hannah Brockett, born Feb. 27, 1804 ; died Oct. 1, 1884. Res., Galway, N. Y. Children (Wright) : i. Charles W.,' b. Nov. 9, 1840; m. Aug. 30, 1869, Sarah J. Hall, d. Sept. 1, 1872; m. (2), Sept. 9, 1873, Kate Hall, " d. May 2, 1895 ; m. (3), Dec. 5, 1896, Emily A. Carpenter. 960. ii. IMary A., b. April 23, 1«48. 961. iii. Harriet A., b. July 15, 1844. 409 Martin^ Sweet {AnnP Tinkham), born Nov. 5, 1814 ; married April 11, 1844, Aurelia Lacy, born Oct. 2, 1816 ; died Nov. 6, 1869 ; m. (2), Dec, 1870, Electa Lacy, born July 13, 1824 ; died Sept. 6, 1888. Res., Perry, N. Y. ' Children (Sweet) : i. Alice E.,^ b. Oct. 3, 1849; m. Jan. 1, 1880, B. N. Prindle. 962. ii. Myron S., b. July 21, 1855. 410 Martha J.*^ Sweet (^Ann^ Tinkham^, born Oct. 17, 1818 ; died April 9, 1901 ; married June 1, 1848, Edmund C. Bills. Res., Dowagiac, Mich. Childi-en (Bills) : 963. i. Seward Adelbert," b. Aug. 9, 1856. ii. Fremont, b. Dec. 13, 1860. iii. Wilmont, b. May 2, 1862. Sixth Generation. 1 I I 411 Celema H.'^ Sweet (Ann^ Tinkham'), bom Nov. 1, 1820 ; died May 3, 1873 ; married Jan. 21, 1846, Alva Lacy, bom Dec. 25, 1819 : died Mar. 23, 1859. Children (Lacy) : i. Edwiu,^ b. May 10, 1847 ; d. May 12, 1847. 9G4. ii. Everett Alva, b. July 12, 1848. iii. Mary Aurelia, b. Feb. 17, 1851 ; d. April 15, 1852. iv. George Thomi)son, b. July 10, 1853; m. Jan. 20, 1885, Alice T. Gibler. 412 Geokge A.^ Sweet (^Amv' Tinkhani), bom Oct. 24, 1826 ; mar- ried Nov. 3, 1853, Adeline Egelstou. Res., Warsaw, N. Y. Cliild (Sweet) : i. Mary Helen," b. Oct. 18, 1857 ; m. June 16, 1886, A. Henr}^ Fullington. 413 Desdemona^ Sweet QAn7i^ Tinkhani), born Jan. 16, 1841 ; died July 22, 1870 ; married Jan., 1864, Mortimer Summy. Children (Summy) : i. Clara E.,' b. Oct. 4, 1864; d. Aug. 15, 1879. ii. Charles D., b. May 28, 1867. iii. Desdemona, b. Jul}' 9, 1870; d. Sept., 1870. 414 Elmira Adelaide^ Slmmons (^Content^'), bom Jan. 2, 1807; died Feb. 6, 1886 ; married in 1834, Lieut. Seneca G. Simmons, U. S. A., bom Dec. 27, 1808 ; died July 1, 1862. Lieut. Sim- mons was graduated from West Point in 1834 ; Jie served in the Civil War, having been commissioned as Colonel June 21, 1861. He died from the effects of a wound received June 20, 1861, at White Oak Swamp, before Richmond, Va. Res., Harrisburg, Pa. Children (Simmons) : i. Charles F.," b. Dee. 21, 1835, in Augusta, Me.; d. Mar. 16, 1856, unm. 178 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. ii. Frederick D., b. , at Fort Gibson, Indian Ter. ; d. Sept., 1860, unm. iii. Edward C, b. , at Fort Gibson; d. in 1845. iv. Elmii-a A., b. Dec. 27, 1842, at Fort Pike, La.; m. Dec. 23, 1886, Daniel J. Attick, of Ilarrisburg, Pa. 415 Ann Maria^ Peeine (iw(?t/°), born Nov. 5, 1820, in Wliite Creek, N. Y. ; died Mar. 14, 1900 ; married Dec. 22, 1843, Henry Jocelyn Brown, born Aug. 31, 1822; died May 15, 1893. Res., Buffalo, N. Y. Cliildren (Brown) : i. Elma Maria,^ b. Mar. 23, 1846. ii. Louise, b. July 19, 1847 ; d. Aug. 23, 1848. iii. Ellen Georgiana, b. July 8, 1851 ; d. Feb. 14, 1854. iv. Charles Henry, b. Oct. 31, 1853; d. Jan. 2, 1854. V. Elsie LeBaron, b. Feb. 12, 1859. 965. vi. Marion Louise, b. Nov. 27, 1863. 416 Edward Morris^ Perine (iwc^°), born about 1829 : died Feb., 1854 ; married Jane Wilson, died June 11, 1856. Children (Perine) : 966. i. Sullivan Clarence,^ b. June, 1850. ii. Stanley, b. Oct. 20, 1851; d. Jan. 14, 1852. 967. iii. Elva Katherine, b. Dec. 27, 1854. 417 Persis M.^ Perine (Jjucif)^ born July 15, 1831 ; died April 11, 1901 ; married Sept. 16, 1858, Henry Huntington Otis, born Feb. 4, 1834. Res., Buffalo, N. Y. Children (Otis) : 968. i. Charies Carlton^ b. Oct. 24, 1859. ii. WilUam Hill, b. Nov. 8, 1861; m. Oct. 1, 1884, Lizzie Morgan. )!^ixth Generation. 179 418 Albert S.^ Pool {Maria Theresa^}, born Sept. 12, 1822; died May 2, 1857 ; inarried April 5, 1846, Lucretia J. Liitz, born April 5, 1828; died Mar. 9, 1808. She married (2), Jan. 21, 1861, Joseph Ball. Res., Harrisburg, Pa. Children (Pool) : i. Lucretia Matilda,^ b. May 30, 1848; d. Feb. 22, 1849. ii. John 3[artin, b. Jan. 25, 1850; d. Dec. 11, 1868. 969. ui. Mary Ashburn, b. Oct. 28, 1852. iv. Annie LeBarou, b. Oct. 13, 1855; d. July 18, 1857. 419 A^■XIE LeBakon*^ Eichholtz (3Iaria Theresa^'), born May 28, 1833 ; married Henry A. Wells, born April 18, 1810 ; married (2), July 4, 1865, Henry A. Moltz, born Mar. 26, 1841; died 1896. Child (Wells) : i. Marie LeBaron," b. Aug. 9, 1853; m. Dec, 1875, J. W. Pahmeyer. 420 Sarah L.^ LeBaron (Sullivan B.''), born Nov. 20, 1837 ; mar- ried Sept. 29, 1855, David E. Townsend. Res., Weedsport, N. Y. Child (Townsend) : 970. i. Charles Francis," b. Oct. 7, 1857. 421 Maria Louise^ LeBaron (Flhanan W.°'), born 1832; died May 13, 1871 ; married Nov. 23, 1848, Levi Morton, died Jan. 26, 1897. Res., Northampton, Mass. Children (Morton) : 971. i. Emma Gertrude,' b. May 9, 1850. 972. ii. Charies Wallace, b. Aug. 1, 1852. iii. Arthur, b. Sept. 27, 1854; d. Aug. 5, 1855. iv. Ilattie, b. June 17, 1856; d. Aug. 5, 1856. v. Hattie Maria, b. Aug. 14, 1858; d. Sept. 21, 1859. vi. Frank, b. April 27, 1870; d. May, 1870. k-' 180 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 422 William Wallace^ LeBaron {Ellianan TF.°), bom April 29, 1834, in Houlton, Me. ; died Jan. 8, 1877 ; married Nov. 1, 1854, Mary Ann Smith, b. Aug. 22, 1833, in Hinsdale, N. H. Res., Northampton, Mass. Cliildren : 973. i. Wallace Elhaaan," 1). Sept. 22, 1855, in Northampton, Mass. ii. Arthur Thomas, b. Nov. 30, 1857 ; m. Nov. 27, 1878, Ida Bardwell Curtis, of Whateley, Mass., b. Mar. 2(3, 1854. 974. iii. Elsie Maria, b. Aug. 2, 1859. iv. Hattie Martina, b. Mar. 4, 1869, in Springfield, Mass. ; m. Nov. 7, 1899, Frank B. Clark. Res., Northampton, Mass. 423 DeLoss C.6 LeBarox (Sirrell C.^), born July 15, 1839; married May 18, 1869, Pauline M. Wilson, of Harrisburg, Pa. Res., Toledo, Oliio. Children : i. Mary Florine,' b. July, 1870 ; d. Feb. 8, 1879. ii. Charles Wilson, b. Dec, 1875 ; d. Feb. 2, 1879. iii. Charlotte Bidwell, b. Aug., 1880; d. June 7, 1889. 424 Florine L.6 LeBaron (^Sirrdl C.% born Dec. 30, 1842 ; died April 11, 1871 ; married Aug. 14, 1862, William H. Waring. Cliildren (Waring) : i. Willie LeRoy,^ b. Jan., 1864; d. Feb., 1865. 975. u. Herbert Sirrell, b. Feb. 20, 1866. 425 Betsey LeBaron^ (^James^), born Aug. 17, 1806, in Rome, Me. ; died in 1891 ; married in 1826, Simeon Leighton, born July 16, 1792; died in 1866. Cliildren (Leighton) : i. James C," b. Feb. 20, 1827. ii. Silas, b. Jan. 24, 1829. iSixt/i Generation. ISl iii. Lydia, b. Sept. 5, 1833. iv. Aaron, b. Xov. 1, 1834; m. Dec. 17, 1863, Lizzie Wilkia- son ; m. (2), Sept., 1878, Ruth Foss. Res., Augusta, Me. V. Ira, b. April 29, 1842. vi. Frank H., b. May 26, 1846. vii. Jane B., b. Aug. 5, 1847. 426 Sajiuel^ LeBaron (James^), born July 16, 1812, in Rome, Me. : died Mar. 24, 1891 ; married Dec. 2, 1835, Miranda Robin- son, born Dec. 6, 1815 ; died Feb. 10, 1894. Res., Rome, Me. Children : i. James," b. July 16, 1837; d. Aug. 1, 1856. 976. ii. Roxana, b. Dec. 12, 1839. 977. iii. Nancy M., b. May 8, 1841. iv. Fanny, b. in 1843 ; d. in 1845. 978. V. Levi, b. Sept. 16, 1844. 979. vi. Mary Ann, b. July 4, 1846. vii. Melvina, b. in 1847 ; d. in 1856. viii. Rhoda, b. in 1855; died May 15, 1873. 427 WiLLi^LM B.6 LeBaron (William^), born April 29, 1829, in Lovell, Me. ; married July 21, 1855, Melissa, daughter of Jolin and Clarinda (Stanley) Fox, born Nov. 28, 1833. Res., Lovell, Me. Children : 980. i. Roscoe,' b. Sept. 7, 1858. 981. ii. Herbert A., b. May 23, 1860. iii. Lincoln, b. July 29, 1863 ; drowned, July, 1886, in Oregon, iv. Mandal A., b. Feb. 19, 1865. 982. v. John F., b. Mar. 26, 1870. vi. Roy, b. Sept. 12, 1875. 427a Nathaniel*^ LeBaron {Eussell^}, born Mar. 1, 1820, in South Paris, Me.; died Jan. 7, 1902; married Nov. 5, 1843, Sarah Palmer Hicks, bom Sept. 19, 1817; died Aug. 4, 1899. He 182 Descendants of Frcoicis LeBaron. served in the Civil War in the ITtli Regt., Me. Vols. Res., South Paris, Me. Children : i. Helen Maria/ b. Sept. 19, 1844; m. May 21, 1873, William A. Child, of Boston, Mass.; d. Nov. 20, 1893. ii. Damon, b. Jan. 22, 1846; d. Aug. 31, 1864. He was a soldier in the Civil War. iii. Nathaniel Luther, b. May 14, 1849; d. July 30, 1850. 983. iv. Eda JMay, b. May 2, 1851. V. Minnie F., b. July 9, 1861 ; d. Nov. 20, 1874. 427b E^nLY* LeBaron (^RusseW), born May 3, 1822, in Lovell, Me. ; died Nov. 7, 1891 ; married Dec. 31, 1846, Eben S. CasAvell, b. Mar. 15, 1815, in Harrison, Me. Res., Bridgton, Me. Children (Caswell) : 984 i. Melissa J.,' b. Nov. 3, 1849. ii. Ellen M., b. Dec. 10, 1851; m. Oct. 29, 1871, Albert L. Bangs, s. J)- 985. iii. James F., b. July 7, 1853. 986. iv. Edgar M., b. Aug. 9, 1854. 987. V. Atley M., b. April 1, 1857. 988. vi. Ida E., b. Jan. 22, 1859. 989. vii. Lillian, b. Aug. 21, 1863. 428 Russell^ LeBarox (Russell^), born July 3, 1824; died Oct. 18, 1883; married July 6, 1851, Adaline Wentworth, born Nov. 29, 1831. Res., Hingham, Mass. Cliildren : 990. i. Lydia A.,'' b. Jan. 19, 1853. ii. Frank R., b. in 1856. in. Nellie M., b. Nov. 4, 1859; d. Sept., 1860. 991. iv. Addie W., b. Feb. 17, 1862. V. George L., b. Feb. 10, 1864; m. Nov. 26, 1890, Etta Bur- bank. Res., Brockton, INIass. vi. WilUam H., b. Feb. 16, 1871. Res., Duluth, Minn. Sixth Generation. 1^3 429 \Vi[,LiA.M I''i;ki)i:iji(k" LkI>ai;«»n {/{iissr//''), Ijoni A[)nl 17, 1S2(;. ill All.aiiN. Me.; dit-d Mar. 12, 18('>T, in Coliasst'l, Mass.: iiiiinied Mar. 8, 18oo. Harriet E., daughter of Lewis and .leniiina (Paekard) Smitli, honi Jan. 2, 1882; died Sept. 14, 18oU ; mai- ried (2), Jan. 1, 18(10, Sophia (Daws) Simpson, di(>d Sept. 2o, 188(i, in Bethel, Me. She married, as her third husband. Allied Estes. Cliildren : i. Harriet Ehzabeth,' b. ; died wlien ahniu two years of age. 0'J2. ii. Emma Frances, )>. April 27, 1859, in Harrison, Me. 430 •l.VMEs''' LKJiAituN (Russell'^), born July 31, 1882, in T>ove]|, Me. ; married Aug. 12, 18(>0, Eliza J. Jordan, of Bethel, Me. : died (X-t. 28, 1871 : married (2), May 14, 1878, Almira H. Buck, of Ho])kinton, Mass. Res., Hinghara, Mass. Children : i. Arthur Lin.lell,^ b. June 17, 1874, in Hopkiiiton. ii. Gertrude Maria, b. Nov. 12, 1875, in Hopkinton. iii. Edith Louise, b. May 27, 1880, in Hingham ; d. Oct. 2, ISSO. 431 David .].'> LkBau(>n (Jlussell^), Ixun Jan. 11, 1885; married May 12, 1860, Adelaide V. Winch, of Natick, Mass. lies., Eram- iugham (Saxonville), Mass. Cliildren : 5»93. i. CHiarles Payson," b. Oct. 7, 1867. ii. Walter J udson, b. ; d. young. iii. Cora Erauces, b. ; d. young. iv. Etta Louise, b. ; d. young. 432 Kmr- LkILvijon {lUaseW'), horn July Hi, Ii6<>, in Ilaverlull, Mass. 1)90. ii. Ma May, b. May 'I'l, 1865, in Philadelphia, Pa. 433 AiJKiAiL LEliAuuN" (lOVK {Cynthia''), born Aug. 17, 1824, in Montpelier, Vt. ; died Jan. 1:5, 1894; married Oct. 2, 1842, Har- mon Chirk, Jr., born Oct. 28, 1818, in Shrewsbury, Vt. Res., Rutland, Vt. Cliildren (Clark) : i. Mile E.,' 1). Dec. 24, 1844; .1. June 28, 18G8. 'M^. ii. George Ezra, b. Mar. 12, 1849. iii. Francis LeBaron, b. Nov. 2«5, 1851 ; m. June 1, 1881, Lucy C. Wood, b. Nov. 8, 1855. iv. Charles H., b. Dec. 3, 1855 ; d. 8ept. 27, 1870. V. Mmuie E., b. June 14, 186(3; m. Nov. 18, 1885, Edgar C. Maybury, b. Feb. 22, 1865. 434 Emeline H.'' LeBaron (/m^), born Aug. 7, 1824 : niaiTJed Jan. 5, 1849, Pliny D., son of Luther and Abigail Ward, born Jan. 22,4824. Res., Barnard, Vt. Childi-en (Ward) : 997. i. George Luther,' b. Feb. 25, 1850, in Washington, Vt. 998. ii. Emogene Abigail, b. May 18, 1851, in Vei-shire, Vt. 999. iii. Perkins Johnson, b. July 26, 1852, in Vershire. 1000. iv. Louisa Mary, b. Feb. 5, 1856, in Vershire. 435 William^ LeBaron (^Ira^^, bom Jidy 22, 1828, in Calais, Vt. : married Rebecca Lindsey, born Oct. 27, 1830: died Jan. 14, 1889. Res., Orange, Vt. Children : 1001. i. Arthur William," b. Feb. 14, 1 StU, in IJarre, Vt. 1002. ii. Walter Jolm, b. Feb. 20, 1S66, in liarre. iii. Jessie Lillian, b. Nov. 2<;, 1 S69, in Orange: d. Dee. 19, 1884. Si:cth Generation. 185 436 Augusta A.^ LeBakon (/m^), born April 18, 1830, in Calais, Vt. : married Sept. 10, 1847, Charles H. King, born in Marl- borough, Vt. Res., West Hebron, N. Y. Cliildren (King) : i. George Francis,'' b. Oct. 25, 1848 ; d. in infancy. ii. William Albert, b. Jan. 26, 1851. iii. Almon, b. April 25, 1853. iv. Ira, b. .June 22, 1855. V. Charles H., b. Aug. 14, 1857; d. in infancy. vi. Hattie, b. Mar. 12, 1859. vii. Charles H., b. Sept. 16, 1860. viii. Libbie J., b. April 27, 1862. ix. Fred, b. AprU 22, 1864. X. Emma C, b. Feb. 22, 1866. xi. Jesse, b. Nov. 7, 1868. xii. Stella, b. Dec. 14, 1872. 437 Lydia Jane^ LeBaeon (/m°), born April 9, 1833, in BaiTe, Vt. ; mari-ied Oct. 22, 1852, George Henry Wright, born Feb. 22, 1827, in Lowell, Mass. ; died Dec. 6, 1892. Res., West Burke, Vt. Children (Wright) : 1003. i. George Henry,^ b. Feb. 18, 1854. ii. Lilia Jane, b. May 28, 1862; m. Nov. 14, 1883, Chas. B. Davis. Res., Morrisville, Vt. iii. Minnie Etta, b. Sept. 2, 1871. Res., Morrisville. 438 Ira^ LeBaron (/m^), born July 3, 1836 ; married Ellen Cope- land, born Sept. 3, 1836 ; died Jan. 19, 1867 ; married (2), ]\Iary Ellen Boynton, born Mar. 31, 1848 ; died July 21, 1874 : married (3), Mary Baker. Children : i. Etta Jane,^ b. Mar. 12, 1860; d. June 23, 1862, ii. Laura Emma, b. Jan, 25, 1862; m. Daniel Wells. iii. Frederick Irving, b. Sept. 16, 1864. 186 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. iv. Olin Wesley, b. Nov. 21, 1870; d. Jan. 10, 1895, unm. V. Ira Washington, b. Dec. 25, 1872. vi. Paul Keith, b. May 12, 1885. vii. Mabel Ruth, b. Dec. 29, 1886. viii. Bessie Morton, b. Oct. 21, 1888. ix. Benjamin Harrison, twin to Bessie Morton ; d. May 27, 1894. 439 George Fkancis^ LeBaron (Ira^ born Feb. 28, 1839, in Montpelier, Vt. ; married Feb. 9, 1863, Charlotte Scobie, born Sept. 8, 1843, in Paterson, N. J. Res., Sanbornton, N. H. Children : i. Fred A.,^ b. Jan. 1, 1865; d. Feb. 12, 1866. 1004. ii. Etta L., b. Mar. 13, 1869. iii. George M., b. Feb. 16, 1875 ; ra. June 4, 1897, Lizzie Young, of Meredith, N. H. 440 LuTHERA^ Smith (^Azuha^^, burn Mar. 11, 1841, in Barre, Vt. ; died May 4, 1899; married July 15, 1861, Samuel Pliillips Ross, born June 24, 1837, in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; died Jan. 12, 1888. Res., Brooklyn, N. Y. Children (Ross) : 1005. i. Josephine," b. May 1, 1862. 1006. ii. Frederic Albert, b. July 31, 1863. 1007. iii. Jessie, b. Aug. 7, 1865. iv. Arthur Percival, b. Sept. 9, 1869. V. Edwin Freeman, b. Dec. 24, 1870; m. Nov. 20, 1901, Margaret Helena Terhune. 1008. vi. Walter Stayley, b. Mar. 22, 1873. 1009. vii. Lilian, b. Sept. 12, 1874. viii. Alice, b. July 24, 1876. ix. Lulu, b. Jan. 5, 1878; d. Oct. 2, 1878. 441 Haskell Z.« Merritt (Ahigail^y, born Sept. 17, 1829 ; married May 10, 1860, Harriet M. Williams. Res., New Bedford, Mass. Sixth Generation. 187 Cliildreu (Merritt) : i. George H.,' b. Nov. 28, 1861; m. Mar., 187G, Cynthia A. Tripp. Kes., New Bedford, ^Mass. lOlU ii. Harriet WUliams, b. Sept. 11, 1864. 442 Teuman Francis^ LeBaron {Franci^}, born April 14, 1831, in Calais, Vt. : died April 14, 1897 ; married Feb. 28, 1858, Laura E. Pray, born April 4, 183G. Res., Calais. Children : 1011. i. Ellen E.,' b. Mar. 19, 1859. ii. Francis Truman, b. Feb. 24, 1869; m. May 1, 1898, Josie Maud Teachout. 443 Sarah Axn^ LeBarox (Francis^), born Mar. 17, 1834 ; died Sept. 19, 1885 ; married July 15, 1853, Ephraim Pray. Res., Calais and North ]Montpelier, Vt. Cliildren (Pray), all born in Calais : i. Ephraim," b. P^eb. 16, 1855. ii. Alice C, b. Mar. 17, 1857. iU. Truman L., b. July 22, 1859 ; d. July 13, 1863. iv. George L., b. Dec. 21, 1862. V. Edgar E., b. April 25, 1865. vi. Sarah M., b. June 13, 1871. vii. Blanche B., b. Sept. 13, 1874; d. Dec. 30, 1895; m. Dec. 2, 1891, Ernest Ainsworth ; d. Mar. 8, 1896. 444 Maeilla^ LeBarox (Francis^), born July 4, 1836; died Dec. 9, 1891; married Mar. 13, 1854, Jasper M. Gale; manied (2), July 4, 1868, Elisha Gove, of oNIontpelier, Vt. Child (Gale) : i. Frank X.," b. Mar. 20, 1856; d. Mar. 21, 1881; ra. May I, 1880, Emma Peck. Cluld (Gove) : ii. :\ryrtie .AI., b. Sept. 26, IbTl; m. Fel>. 26, 1896, Charles II. Ormsby. 188 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 445 George W.« LeBaron (Francis^), born Feb. 28, 1838, in Calais, Vt. ; married Sept. 29, 1858, Elizabeth Smith, born Sept. 30, 1833, on the Isle of Wight, England. Res., Jeffersonville, Vt. Cliildren : 1012. i. Alice M.,^ b. Sept. 19, 1859, in BerUn, Vt. ii. Agnes S., b. April 29, 1861, in Calais. 1013. iii. George J., b. April 29, 1864, in Montpelier, Vt. iv. Fred, b. Sept. 16, 1867, in East Montpelier, Vt. ; d. .Jan. 16, 1870. V. Cora, b. Mar. 16, 1869, in Marshfield, Vt. vi. Fred, b. Feb. 24, 1871, in West Bramtree, Vt. vii. Nettie, b. April 12, 1874, in East Granville, Vt. viii. Elmer C, born Dec. 5, 1875, in Calais. ix. Bertie, b. April 4, 1878, in Wolcott, Vt. 446 Cynthia^ LeBaron (Francis^), born May 2, 1839 ; died Dec. | 27, 1879 ; married Aug. 21, 1858, Fitch E., son of John J. and | Lucy (Clark) Willard, born April 14, 1835. Res., Calais, Vt. j Children (Willard) : :> i. Abbie A.,^ b. Dec. 19, 1859; d. Jan. 3, 1860. ? ii. John Jay, b. Sept. 14, 1862; d. Mar. 29, 1898, in Pueblo, <; Col. M. D., Univ. of Vt., 1887. Physician. 1014. iii. Lucy AmeHa, b. Dec. 27, 1863. iv. Leon Fitch, b. Aug. 11, 1866; d. (drowned) July 17, 1871. 1015. V. Abbie May, b. Sept. 22, 1868. 1016. vi. Ruth May, b. Mar. 16, 1870. vu. Rodney Fitch, b. Jan. 22, 187-i. M. D., Univ. of Vt., 1897. viii. Cynthia Sophia, b. Dec. 18, 1875; ra. June 1, 1896, James William Warhurst. ix. Nora Bell, b. April 9, 1877; d. AprU 19, 1877. X. Mabel Victoria, b. Dec. 18, 1879; m. Feb. 15, 1899, Walter Albert Sprague. /Sixt/i Generation. 189 447 LrviA^ LeBaron (Francis^), born May 23, 1843 ; married Jan. 1, 1862, George W. Chase. Res., North Montpelier, Vt. Children (Chase) : i. Elmer George,'' b. April 25, 1863; d. Feb. 11, 1873. ii. Allie May, b. Jan. 2, 1869; m. Mar. 11, 1891, Evi A. Wheeler, of "Worcester, Vt. iii. Sarah Belle, b. Feb. 8, 1878. iv. Daisy Ann, b. July 20, 1883. 44S RuFUS OzRO^ LeBaron {Apollos'^), born Mar. 4, 1826, in Montpelier, Vt. ; married Feb. 20, 1856, Pauline F. Harvey, born June 29, 1837, in Lyndon, Vt. Res., West Mitchell, la. Cliildren : i. Charles R.,' b. Dec. 21, 1856, in Zanesville, Wis. ; d. Mar- 7, 1871. 1017. ii. William E., b. Jan. 1, 1859, in Mitchell, Iowa. lOlS. iii. Lemuel O., b. May 16, 1867, in Mitchell. 449 Drusilla^ LeBarox (Apollos^), born Dec. 8, 1827 ; died April 29, 1891 ; married Aug. 10, 1851, Benjamin Greenbank, born June 14, 1825, in England. Res., Enfield, N. H. Children (Greenbank) : 1019. i. George William,'^ b. April 20, 1852. 1020. ii. Matthew Byron, b. April 19, 1854. iii. Benjamin Franklin, b. Maj' 16, 1856; m. Oct. 31, 1878, Julia A. Cook. iv. Mahnda D., b. May 8, 1861 ; d. June 18, 1861. 450 Lucy Olive''' LeBaron (Apollos^), born Oct. 2, 1829 ; died June 21, 1895 ; married Sept. 22, 1850, George Washington Page, born July 9, 1829. Res., Baraboo, Wis. Cliildren (Page) : i. Isaac Emerson,^ b. Aug. 23, 1851 ; d. Aug. 2, 1852. KfJ]. ii. Fanny Jane, b. May 20, 1853. 190 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 1022. iii. Ella Cora, b. June 15, 1856. iv. Ida May, b. June 24, 1859. V. Benjamin Franklin, b. Oct. 13, 1802; d. Oct. 20, 1865. vi. Jessie Marie, b. Feb. 20, 1865; d. April 13, 1868. 451 Samuel THOMrsoN*^ LeBahon QAjjoUos^}, born Jan. 28, 1835, in Calais, Vt. ; married Sept. 10, 1863, Elmira Jane McVeau, born Sept. 20, 1842 ; died May 9, 1892. Res., Cleveland, Ohio. Child : i. Harold Samuel," b. Sept. 24, 1872; m. Aug. 6, 1896, Mary H. Wright, b. Sept. 15, 1873. 452 ISxVAC Newton*^ LeBaron (ApoUos^^, born April 30, 1839, in Calais, Vt. ; married June 19, 1861, Maria J. Barrows, born April 28 1842, in Morrisville, Vt. Mr. LeBaron has held the office of selectman and has been superintendent of schools in Morrisville ; in 1888 he was representative to the Vermont Legislature from that town. Res., Morrisville. Cliildren : i. Dana Freemans,^ b. Feb. 22, 1862; m. Nov., 1884, Mary Badger. Res., Newport, Vt. ii. Eva Jane, b. Mar. 10, 1863. iii. Ada Celia, b. Mar. 16, 1865; d. Sept. 5, 1875. 1023. iv. Inez Hattie, b. Oct. 10, 1867. V. Daisy Maria, b. Oct. 23, 1871. vi. Washington Irving, b. July 22, 1877. vii. Isaac Newton, b. Mar. 3, 1879. Teacher. 453 Elvira Ellen« LeBaron (Apollos^), born Jan. 20, 1841; married Dec. 8, 1864, diaries F. Badger, born July 29, 1838. He served thi-ee years in the Civil War, being a member of Co. G, 4th Regt. Vt. Vols. He was twice wounded, and was discharged Sept. 30, 1864. Res., Danville, Vt. I iSixth Generation. 191 Children (Badger): i. Jennie P.," b. Sept. 5, 18G5 ; d. Feb. 8, 1876. ii. Charles II., b. June 28, 18G7. iii. Linnie D., b. June 14, 18G9; d. Feb. 9, 1876. iv. Minnie J., b. Nov. 23, 1870; m. Dec. 7, 1892, Fred Gadapee. 454 Caroline E.'^ LeBaron (Jsaac°), born Mar. 1, 1830 ; died Dec. 23, 1897 ; married Mar. 24, 1850, Charles S. Bennett, born Sept. 17, 1825, in Calais, Vt. Res., Calais. Cliildren (Bennett) : 1024. i. Ellen Celeste,^ b. Nov. 13, 1850. ii. Charles Edwin, b. Sept. 18, 1852 ; d. IMar. 27, 1853. 1025. iii. Corrie E., b. Feb. 20, 1854. 1(126. iv. Charles Cassias, b.'Feb. 4, 1856. V. Elia Nettie, b. Oct. 15, 1857; m. Mar. 17, 1885, Frank J. Parkes. 1027. vi. Ella Hattie, b. April 30, 1860. 102S. vii. Carrie Etta, b. Aug. 24, 1862. viii. Ina Belle, b. Sept. 5, 1864; m. June 19, 1895, Edgar E. Prey, ix. Burt, b. Feb. 11, 1867; d. April 8, 1870. X. Van G., b. AprU 16, 1872. 455 Franklin^ Doten {Isaac^), born Oct. 8, 1812; died Feb. 1, 1898, in Barre, Vt. : married Dec. 17, 1839, Orinda Leonard, born Jan. 15, 1812, in Royalton, Vt. ; died Aug. 22, 1887, in Ran- dolph, Vt. ; married (2), Feb., 1890, Elvira Averill. Cliildren (Doten) : i. Howard L.,^ b. Nov. 22, 1840; d. Sept. 19, 1853. ii. Newell Franklin, b. Nov. 26, 1843 ; d. Oct. 22, 1864, in New York City; he served in the Civil War, in Co. G, 10th Regt. Vt. Vols. 1029. iii. Cassias ^Marcus Clay, b. Oct. 6, 1845. iv. Mervin N., b. June 7, 1848; d. in 1881. 1030. V. F. Alice Orinda, b. May 17, 1850. 192 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 456 Hareiet^ Hunting Harding (^AUgail^ Boteii)^ born Aug. 26, 1815; died Sept. 18, 1888; manied Jan. 12, 1840, Frederick Da^^s, born May 18, 1814; died Feb. 6, 1888. Cliildren (Da\as) : 1031. i. Sarah Atlinette," b. Jan. 18, 1843. 103-J. ii. Alonzo B., b. Oct. 9, 1853. 457 LuciNDA Sophia^ Harding {Abigail^ Boten}, born Oct. 22, 1817, in Pomfret, Vt. ; died Mar. 6, 1887 ; married June 17, 1839, George Sumner Wood, born Nov. 1, 1817, in Halifax, Mass. ; died Dec. 21, 1884. Res., South Boston, Mass. Cliiklren (Wood) : 1033. i. Milton George,'' b. Sept. 29, 1840. 1034. ii. Mary Abby, b. May 28, 1845. 1035. iii. Nelson Henry, b. Oct. 6, 1847. iv. William Clarence, b. Sept. 25, 1850; m. Aug. 29, 1883, Mary Maria Parkis. Res., Dorchester, Mass. I 458 Mary Abby^ Harding (Abigail^ Doteii), born Aug. 29, 1819; died Mar. 9, 1886 ; married Jacob B. Gibbs. Child (Gibbs) : 103G. i. Oscar D.," b. Mar. 21, 1858. 459 Melissa*^ Harding (^Abigail'' Doten}, born June 26, 1821 ; died Feb. 10, 1877 ; married June 27, 1847, Zophar Vinton, born July 6, 1822, in Braintree, Vt. ; died May 25, 1889. Cliild (Vinton) : 1037. i. Ella Melissa," b. Oct. 21, 1855. 460 Franklin Benjamin'^ Harding (Ahigail^ Boten'), born April 28, 1824 ; died Dec. 1, 1876, in Needham, Mass. ; married Sept. Sixth GeJieratio7i. 193 15, 1851, Tiyphena Waldo, born April 15, 1828 ; died Dec. 30, 1803. Children (Harding) : i. Georgina Grace,^ 1). .Alay 16, 1852; m. Sept. 18, 1887, Charles E. Baldwin. Kes., Cable, Mont, ii. Laura Caroline, b. May 28, 1854; d. July 4, 1862. ill FrankUn Wesley, b. April 16, 1858; d, :May 9, 1889; m. May 1, 1881, Sophia Parker. Child : Nathan P. Harding,^ b. July 28, 18S2. _ 461 LrcL\ Ann« Harding (Abigail^ Doten), born Sept. 29, 1825 ; died Feb. 29, 1892; married Mar. 5, 1856, Stillman L. Maxham, born May 19, 1820 ; died Nov. 1, 1897. Res., Bridgewater, Vt. Cliildreu (Maxham) : i. SuUivan," b. Oct. 30, 1857. ii. Frank Benjamin, b. June 5, 1861 ; m. Sept. 14, 1886, Ida M. Marcey of Hartland, Vt. Res., Bridgewater. 462 RoMAXCEY A.6 DoTEN {Alden^), born May 14, 1822 ; died Nov. 14, 1883 : married June 2, 1847, Algernon S. Cutler, born May 22, 1817 ; died Jan. 28, 1853. Res., East Montpelier, Vt. Cliildren (Cutler) : 1038. i. Carlos L.," b. Mar. 5, 1848. 1039. ii. Nathaniel A., b. Dec. 23, 1850. iii. Viola A., b. Nov. 22, 1852; m. June 4, 1872, Lucius Bar- nett. Res., Deny, N. H. 463 Katherine Elizabeth^^ Dotex {Aldeiv>^, born : married in 1850, Lemuel Wing. Res., Berlin, Vt. Children (Wing) : i. Curtis L.,^ b. in 1855; d. in 1898, unm. ii. Lucia M., b. in 1856; in. Harry Stearns. iii. Frank D., b. in 1857; m. Alice Straw. 194 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 464 Alden^ Doten (^Alden^')^ Ijorii : married Sarah J. Aldrich. Res., Berlin, Vt. Cliildren (Doten) : i. Chester," b. .; m. Anna Page; ra, (2), Amy Gray. ii. Fanny, b. ; ni. Frank Smith. ill. Julia E., b. ; m. Eri Gunnison. iv. Sarah J., b. ; m. Herbert Iladlock. V. .Carrie E., b. ; m. Algernon Andrews ; m. (2), Wil- bur Lawrence. vi. Frank, b. ; m. Cora, dan. of Lafayette LeBaron. vii. Leonard, b. ; m. Ilattie Lawrence. viii. Gerald, b. ; m. Etta Brooks. 465 Mary Doten*^ Chandler (Sallif Doteii), born Dec. 16, 1819; died May 17, 1895; married April 8, 1842, Dexter Trow, of Barre, Vt., died in 1896. . Children (Trow) : 1040. i. Mary Adele,^ b. Jan. 30, 1843. 1041. ii. Emma Samantha, b. Sept. 6, 1846. iii. Bosahnd, b. Sept. 1, 1852; m. Nov. 4, 1874, Byron Phelps. 1042. iv. Edgar Milton, b. Aug. 17, 1858. 466 Abby Doten^ Chandler {Sally^ Doten'), b. Nov. 3, 1829 ; died Dec. 31, 1855 ; married Dec. 15, 1848, James H. Dawes, of Dux- bury, Mass. He married (2), Lydia J. (Sampson) Bradford. Children (Dawes) : 1043. i. John Chandler,^ b. June 20, 1850. ii. Sceva, b. Feb. 7, 1852; d. June 7, 1855. 1044. iii. Flora Louise, b. Mar. 5, 1854. 467 Rebecca DARLiNCr*^ Chandler (^Sally^ Doten), born Dec. 14, 1832; died Feb. 24, 1901; married Aug. 27, 1849, in Barre, Vt., Sixth Generation. 195 Joseph Holmes, of Kingston, Mass., born Sept. 8, 1809 ; died July 5, 1896. Children (Holmes) : 1045. i. Sarah Saraantha,^ b. Aug. 1, 1850. 104(). ii. John Tilden, b. Dec. 7, 1852. iii. Frank Doten, b. Sept. 10, 1855; d. Nov., 1855. 1047. iv. Harriet Farnhara, b. May 1, 1858. 1048. V. Albert Edson, b. Nov. 2S, 1861. vi. Rebecca Chandler, b. Oct. 17, 1863. 1049. vii. Clara EHzabeth, b. April 7, 1865. viii. Joseph Byron, b. April 23, 1867; m. June 1, 1897, Lilla M. Baker, of ^larshfield, Mass. 468 Alantha Axn^ Chandler {Sally^ Doteri), born Nov. 19, 1835 ; married Aug. 27, 1860, Albion F. Evans, M. D., died April 9, 1863: married (2), June 21, 1866, Salmon W. Davis. Res., Coiinth, Vt. Cliildren (Evans) : i. John Fenelon,^ b. Aug. 15, 1861 ; d. Aug. 16, 1862. ii. Albion Franklin, b. Jan. 9, 1863 ; d. Dec. 13, 1890. Children (Davis) : , 1050. iii. Earl Russell, b. Oct. 14, 1867. 1051. iv. Wilbur Kimball, b. Dec. 14, 1871. 469 Jerusha Louisa^ Doten {Leland^), born ]Mar. 2, 1829, in Barnard, Vt. ; died June 10, 1877, in Hanover, Vt. ; married May 16, 1847, Orrin W. Brown, of Bradford, Vt. ; married (2), :Mou1- ton Rugg. Children (Brown) : 1052. i. Celia F.,^ b. IMar. 27, 1848. ii. Charles Henry, b. Aug. 22, 1849; d. Sept. 26, 1864. 1053. iii. Clara Bell, b. Mar. 16, 1851. iv. Chauncey L., b. Oct. 4, 1852. 1054. V. Corrie Angle, b. Aug. 31, 1854. 196 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 1055. vi. Chester P., b. July 7, 185G. vii. Clemmie L., b. Nov. 22, 1857 ; m. Harris Adams, of Phelps, N. Y. 1056. viii. Jennie N., b. Nov. 18, 1859. ix. Ella F., b. Sept. 28, 1861 ; d. Aug. 8, 1863. 470 Edward Sylvester^ Doten (^Leland^^^ born June 3, 1831 ; married May 20, 1852, Ann E. Colby; married (2), Melissa H. Harrington; married (3), June 3, 1863, Sarah Frances Burdeck. Cliildren (Doten) : 1057. i. Edward Ilenry,^ b. Aug. 25, 1853. ii. Sarah, b. , ill. Edward Sylvester, b. Sept. 27, 1872; m. April 27, 1896, Lena A. Lilly, iv. Leland Franklin, b. Aug. 25, 1874; ra. June 22, 1898, Grace E. Wright. 1058. V. Anna Belle, b. April 5, 1877. vi. Frank Burdeck, b. April 7, 1879. 471 Philena® Dotex (^Leland'"), born Dec. 5, 1834; died Oct. 11, 1896 ; married July 5, 1849, John D. Nichols, born Aug. 21, 1824. Res., Wolc(5tt, Vt. Cliildren (Nichols) : 1059. i. Jane S.,^ b. Jan. 22, 1852. 1060. ii. Emma B., b. Feb. 16, 1860. 472 William Edwin^ LeBaron (Thomas M.^}, born Sept. 21, 1834 ; married July 2, 1859, Eunice Stott Morse, born June 11, 1839. Res., Rochester, Mass. Children : i. Nellie Florence," b. April 4, 1860, in Middleboro, Mass.; d. Sept. 3, 1891, s. ]).; m. April 26, 1881, Joseph B. C. Tuell. ii. Anna Stott, b. Aug. 24, 1862, in Middleboro; d. Nov. 18, 1864. Sixth Generation. 197 473 Emily D.^^ LeBaron (Thomas 31.^), born July 12, 1836; died Jan. 5, 1897 ; married Sept. 1, 1859, Joseph T. Hathaway. Res., Sandwich, Mass. Children (Hathaway) : 1061. i. Joseph H.,'^ b. Oct. 13, 1860. ii. Harry C, b. Sept. 12, 1869; d. Nov., 1869. 1062. iii. Sai-ah T., b. Nov. 28, 1871. 474 Simeon Morse« LeBaron (Thomas M°), born Nov. 12, 1840 ; married in 1860, Sarah E., daughter of Benjamin and Betsey Mor- ton. Res., Middleboro, Mass. Cliildren : i. Herbert Andson,^ b. Jan. 22, 1861; m. June 30, 1896, Mary King Leonard, of Bridgewater, Mass. ii. Elmer Francis, b. Mar. 13, 1864; m. Jan. 6, 1892, Eliza Matilda (Laughlin) Gorham. 1063. iii. Frederick Thomas, b. Oct. 6, 1866. 475 Theophilus B.6 LeBaron (Thomas M.^), born July 29, 1844 ; died Oct. 10, 1876 ; married in 1866, Louisa F., daughter of Sam- uel and Mary Ryder. Res., Middleboro, Mass. Children : 1064. i. Emily D.J b. Feb. 14, 1867. ii. Louis C, b. Dec. 24, 1871; m. Nov. 23, 1896, Lutie Morse, iii. Ida B., b. Nov. 24, 1872; ra. Dec. 24, 1892, Watson Cobb. iv. Harrison 0., b. Feb. 9, lb74. 476 Thomas J.« LeBaron (Thomas 3/.^), born April 1, 1848 ; mar- ried April 8, 1879, Sylvia A. Morse, of Wareham, Mass., born May 27, 1854. Res., Middleboro, Mass. t^ 198 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Children : i. Ralph J.,' h. Jan. 4, 1882. ii. Roy 31., b. Nov. 22, 1887. iii. William E., b. Aug. 28, 1893. 477 James S.*^ LeBaron (James^), horn Aug. 3, 1829 ; married May 3, 1857, Lucy C. Holmes, died June 16, 1866 ; married (2), July, 1867, (Mrs.) Charlotte McManus. Res., White River Junc- tion, Vt. Children : i. Eddie C.,^ b. May 5, 1859 ; ra. Ola Gould. Res., White River Junction, ii. William G., b. Mar. 27, 1861. 1065. iii. Ella F., b. June 3, 1863. iv. Hattie M., b. July 6, 1865 ; m. Moses Campbell. 478 Abigail^ LeBaron (^James^), born Jan. 5, 1832 ; married Feb. 16, 1851, Joseph G. Morse. Res., Fairhaven, Mass. Children (ISlorse) : 1066. i. Thomas Franklin,^ b. Aug. 11, 1852. ii. Joseph Warren, b. Nov. 27, 1854; d. in South America. 1067. iii. Abby Janette, b. Dec. 8, 1856. iv. Leonora Frances, b. Oct. 23, 1861; m. Feb. 9, 1886, George C. Church, of New Bedford, Mass. V. Annie Lucinda, b. Mar. 17, 1865; ra. Sept. 14, lss9, Col. Geo. L. Montague, of New York, vi. Albert Swift, b. April 2, 1873; he was graduated from Brown L^niversity in 1895; instructor there in 1897. 479 Phineas S.^ LeBaron (James^), born Sept. 11, 1834 ; died Jan. 23, 1892 ; married in 1864, Eliza A. Hale, of New Bedford, Mass. Res., Mansfield, Mass. Childi'en : i. Clara L.," b. Mar. 4, 1866; m. Dec. 25, 1888, Robert H. Dunbar. Sixth Generation. 199 ii. Annie E., b. April 26, 1868. iii. Ella M., b. :\Iay 13, 1872. 480 Harriet E.<5 LeBaron (James^), born Nov. 16, 1842, in Ro- chester, INIass. ; married Nov. 29, 1864, James H. Ricketson, died ^ in 1865, in California: married (2), May 20, 1874, George H. Randall. Res., Rochester, Mass. Cliild (Ricketson) : i. Ilattie J.," b. Aug. 21, 1865. Children (Randall) : ii. Philip C, b. Mar. 18, 1875. ^ iii. Bernice C, b. Mar. 27, 1877; d. June 18, 1879. iv. Edgar F., b. AprU 10, 1883. 481 Betsey Warren^ LeBaron (James^), born Jan. 16, 1847; (^ married Dec. 31, 1866, William, born July 10, 1841, son of Har- rison and Mary P. Fuller. Res., Mansfield, Mass, Cliildren (Fuller) : , 106^. i. EvangeHne LeBaron,^ b. Oct. 14, 1868. 1069. ii. William Henry, b. Aug. 16, 1870. iii. Aklen, b. June 11, 1875. 482 George Boutwell^ LeBaron (James^'), born Nov. 22, 1852, in Rochester, Mass. ; married Feb. 29, 1880, Nellie May Jordan, , born May 7, 1856, in Plainfield, N. H. Res., Greenfield, Mass. Cliildren : i. George Irving,^ b. Aug. 27, 1881, in l*lainfield. ii. Eva ]\lay, b. April 22, 1884, in Plainfield. iii. Emma, b. twin lo Eva IMay, in Plainfield ; d. Oct. 16, 1884. iv. Harry, b. May 1, 1889, in Brattleboro, Vt. 483 Mary Ann^ Fuller (Louise^}, born April 2, 1826 ; died Dec. 6, 1874 ; married Ransom Comstock, born Dec. 31, 1822 ; died in 1884. Res., West Stockbridge, Mass. 200 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Child (Comstock) : 1070. i. Eva Gertrude,'' b. June 25, 1858. 484 Ellen Janett^ LeBarnes [LeBaron] (JoAw^), born Feb. 21, 1826, in Sheffield, Mass. ; died Nov. 22, 1851 ; married Nov. 10, 1846, Marcus R. Canfield, born Aug. 23, 1824, in New Marlboro, Mass. Children (Canfield) : i. Henry Gideon,^ b. May 2, 1849; d. Aug. 19, 1887, s.^.; m. Anna Bell, ii. Edward, b. Aug. 11, 1851; d. Aug. 12, 1851. 485 Alice Allen^ LeBarnes [LeBaron] {Johv''), born Nov. 28, 1831, in Sheffield, Mass.; married Sept. 18, 1850, Edward N. Masters, born Jan. 8, 1821, in Rupert, Vt. ; died Jan. 22, 1896. Res., Montrose, Col. Children (Masters) : i. William Bliss,^ b. Feb. 26, 1852; d. July 23, 1861. ii. Alice Adelaide, b. July 4, 1854. 1071. iii. Mary Elizabeth, b. Dec. 16, 1856. iv. Ellen Maria, b. Dec. 26, 1859; d. Sept. 4, 1861. v. Anna Maria, b. Oct. 5, 1862; d. Sept. 14, 1868. vi. Edward B., b. Feb. 4, 1865 ; m. May 14, 1886, Martha M. Hitter. 1072. vii. John Augustus, b. May 30, 1867. viii. Marshall Albert, b. April 9, 1869; m. Sept. 26, 1895, Virginia F. Wright. 486 Grace LeBaron*^ Washburn (Lydia A?^, born Sept. 5, 1847, in Lenox, Mass. ; married June 1, 1870, John H. Manning, born July 23, 1846, in Ellington, Ct. 'Res., Pittsfield, Mass. Cliildren (Manning) : 1073. i. Love LeBaron,^ b. Nov. 11, 1871. FRANKLIN WASHBURN MANNING. 1874-1898. Sixth Generation. 201 ii. Franklin Wasliburn, b. July 28, 1874; d. Aug. 17, 1898. Student in Phillips Amlover, 1895. The Pitt.sHeld City Government pa.ssed resolutions, Aug., 189S, from which the following is taken: "Franklin Waslilmrn Man- ning, late of Co. M, 2nd Regt. Mass. Militia, was born in Pittslield, July 28, 1874, and died on the transport Mobile, en route for Montauk Point, Long Island, Aug, 17, 1898. Surviving the hardships and dangers of the battles on the soil of Cuba, in which he fought as becoraeth a man and a soldier, he at length succumbed to disease contracted in his country's service, and was buried at sea. He was the lirst fi*ora our city to make the great sacrifice in the war with Spain, and the city of Pittslield will cherish his memory, and his name will be added to our list of heroes." iii. Anna Parker, b. Nov. 25, 1876. iv. John Parker, b. Mar. 23, 1879. 487 George^ Sampson (RlwdaP^, born Jan. 24, 1823 ; married June 13, 1854, Julia Catherine, daughter of Charles L. and Maiy (Hayks) Powell, born Mar. 4, 1830. Res., Hatley, P. Q., Canada. Children (Sampson) : i. Mary J.," b. April 5, 1855 ; d. Feb. 8, 1876. ii. Kate R., b. July 9, 1856; d. Sept. 5, 1875. 1074. iii. Betsey, b. Feb. 4, 1858. 1075. iv. Emma, b. Nov. 1, 1861. V. Jessie L., twin to Emma; m. Frank Beattie, Steven's Point, Wis. Child (Beattie) : Ruth^, b. Jan. 14, 1895. vi. George H., b. Nov. 6, 1864; d. Oct. 24, 1895 ; m. Eunice Johnson, vii. Charles S., b. June 9, 1868 ; d. Feb. 23, 1899, in Steven's Point, unm. viii. Joseph G., b. Aug. 14, 1870; m. Feb. 8, 1900, Fanny McNeil. L\. Mouhon, b. Dec. 9, 1872. 202 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 488 Sarah Jane^ Sampson (^Bhoda^'), born Dec. 7, 1826 ; married June 25, 1850, Osmond Wadleigh, died Feb. 14, 1851; married (2), Dec. 22, 1853, Moses Perkins, born Aug. 20, 1818; died Mar. 26, 1885. Res., Steven's Point, Wis. Children (Perkins) : i. Edna,' b. Jan. 15, 1860; m. Dec. 22, 1881, Henry Wal- lace, of Steven's Point. ii. Walter, b. Sept. 18, 1861. Res., Sutton, Wash. iii. Sherman, b. July 25, 1865; m. Lila Peabody. Res., Everett, Wash. 489 Charles^ Sampson (Rhoda^), born Jan. 28, 1828 ; died Sept. 26, 1897; married Sept. 29, 1851, Hattie Davis, died July 14, 1865 ; married (2d), Nov. 21, 1865, Fedora E. Ried ; married (3d), Aug. 9, 1877, Helen B. Glen, born Oct. 2, 1851. Res., Hatley, Canada. Children (Sampson) : 1076. i. Charles Wright," b. Mar. 4, 1853. ii. George Walter, b. Feb. 29, 1855. iii. Margaret A., b. Sept. 7, 1857. iv. Marilla, b. Mar. 2, 1859; d. Mar. 17, 1860. V. Ida Jane, b. Aug. 7, 1861. vi. Harriet, b. July 14, 1865 ; m. July 1, 1884, Robert Ben- nett. Children (Bennett) : i. Frederick Arthur^, b. April 19, 1885. ii. Ray, b. May 9, 1887. iii. Charles William, b. Oct. 25, 1888. iv. Etta Mabel, b. April 22, 1891. V. CT/ril, b. Oct. 5, 1893. vi. Grace Jane, b. Mar. 20, 1901 : d. July 1, 1902. vii. Thomas Morton, b. June 17, 1867 ; d. Sept. 7, 1888. viii. Annie Helen, b. May 11, 187s ; uu June 26, 1901, Dr. C. L. Brown. Child : i. Marguerite^, b. July 22, 1902. ix. Roy Glen, b. Aug. 10, 1880. X. Winfred Orr, b. Oct. 20, 1888. Sixth Generation. 203 490 HoEACE^ LeBarox {Richard^), born Nov. 3, 1829; clied Aug. 29, 1892; muiTied Feb. 13, 1858, Heniiette Josepliine Wallace, bom June 11, 1833. Children : i. Richard Prouty," b. Sept. 27, 1855; d. Jan. 19, 1857. 107". ii. Eva Amanda, b. Aug. 11, 1858. 107>. iii. Ella Louise, b. Dec. 6, 1859. 1079. iv. Richard Merritt, b. July 21, 1864. 10n(|. v. irorace Frederick, b. Sept. 25, 1869. 491 Ellex« LeBaron (Jcnnes^), born Jan. 18, 1831 ; died Dec. 12, 1899: married July 26, 1849, Luther, son of Abiel and Grace (Hitchcock) Abbott, born Nov. 12, 1821; died May 5, 1889; married (2d), John D. Moore. Res., Magog, P. Q., Canada. Child (Abbott) : 1081. i. Ella Grace,' b. May 16, 1853. 492 Louise Stephens^ LeBarox (James^) born Feb. 22, 1835, in Barnston, Province of Quebec, Canada; married Sept. 17, 1861, George Ayer, of Hatley, Canada, born Jan. 22, 1837. Res., Sher- brooke, P. Q. Cliildren (Ayer) : 10^<2. i. Alta Louise,^ b. April 19, 1863. 1083. ii. Kate Ellen, b. Dec. 2, 1864. 493 Russell A.« LeBarox (James^), born Dec. 31, 1838; mar- ried July 23, 1872, Eliza B. Potter, s. p. Res., Holyoke, Mass. Cliildren (by adoption) : i. Bertha M., b. May 30, 1873. ii. E.hvard A., b. Oct. 19, 1874. 204 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 494 Nelson J.^ LeBaron (Jamea^^^ born Jan. 4, 1840 ; married Aug. 15, 1867, Emma S. Colby, born June 30, 1850; died Aug. 18, 1871 ; married (•2d), June 15, 1874, Mary M. Thwaites, born May 24, 1852. Res., Barnston, P. Q., Canada. Cliildren : 1084. i. Eugene,^ b. Oct. 7, 1868. ii. AnnLs L., b. Oct. 11, 1882. 495 Lestina Eunice^ LeBaron (^Qhauncey°') born June 1, 1831; married June 4, 1849, Samuel Bean, born Mar. 27, 1825. Res., Hatley, P. Q., Canada. Children (Bean) : i. Alpheus Wright,'' b. May 6, 1860; m. Mar. 18, 1872, Elizabeth Bourke. 1085. ii. Arvilla Eunice, b. Mar. 23, 1852. 1086. iii. Ferdinand Ludovico, b. Jan. 6, 1855. 1087. iv. Leslie Chauncey, b. Oct. 4, 1860. 1088. V. Archie Leighton, b. July 8, 1869. 496 Benjamin^ LeBaron ( Qhcmncerf^^ born Nov. 23, 1832 ; married April 6, 1857, Almira Achsa Huntington, born Jan. 7, 1838. Res., Sherbrooke, Canada. Children : 1089. i. Wright Benjamin,^ b. Aug. 5, 1858. ii. Mary Pamelia, b. June 2, 1866; d. Nov. 23, 1866. iii. Son, b. Aug., 1868; d. Aug., 1868. 1090. iv. Mary Ellen, b. Sept. 9, 1874. 497 Alexander Plumley^ LeBaron {Chauncey^^^ born Nov. 14, 1834, in North Hatley, Canada; married July 3, 1859, Caroline Marilla Jackson, born Dec. 4, 1841. Res., North Hatley. Sixth Generation. 205 Children : i. Admond Cyrii," 1). Ai-iil 4, iSdO; m. INfary !M. Aldrit-li, h. Jan. 14, 18()0. lU'Jl. ii. Klora Etta, I). Feb. H, ISfJ'J. 1092. iii. C'liauiH-ey Hubert, b. May 20, 1866. 498 Fedora*' LeBaiion {Chauticcf/'), born Fel). 1, l, 1S71, in Barnston. 499 HiUAiSi Nelson^' LeBaron (Chaunce/'), Innw .Ian. lo, 1888; married May 23, 18(38, Emily A. Sweeney, born Nov. 10, 1847. Res., North Hatley, Canada. Cliildrcii : i. Jean Brant,' b. Mar. 25, 1869. ii. Georgianua, b. Fob. 29, 1876. iii. Susie Lestina, b. Dec. 12, 1880. * 500 1Iai;uison Mklvin^ LeBaron (Chaunee/'), born Oct. 23, 1842; inan-icd Sept. 1, 1870, Sarali i'^mily Palmer, born in New Jersey; died April :50, 1001 ; married (2), Aut,n 28, 1002, Char- lotte Helen (LeBaron) Davis, danghter of Horace'' LeBaron (157). He is cashier of the " Dairymen's Baidc " in Valley Ford, Cal. Cluldren : i. Chauncey Arthur," ]>. June 6, 1880. ii. Monta Ray, b. May 4, 1882. iii. Bert Everett, 1). Oct. 21, 1884. iv. Clyde Lesley, b. Aug. 9, 1889. V. Harrison Melvin, b. June 29, 1892. vi. Chester, 1). April 2;'), 1S96; d. Jutie L'), ISOC. vii. Everill Merrill, I). A|.ril 19, 190 1. 206 Descendants of Prancis LeBaron. 501 Betsey Jane*"' I^eBaron (Chauncei/), bom April 20, 1840; married Aug. 2, 1869, John W. Ganisby, tlied Dec. 23, 1890, aged Gl years. Res., Huntingville, Canada. Children (Gamsby) : i. Isabella Jane," b. Aug. 24, 1872; ra. Dec. 10, 1895, Byron F. Wilson. ii. Kate Augusta, b. Nov. 14, 187o; d. May 16, 1885. iii. Jessie May, b. Feb. 24, 1876. iv. Donna Minnie, b. April 12, 1878. 502 HoLLis Weight^ LeBaron (Chmineei/'), born Nov. 21, 1851 ; married Sept. 14, 1876, Lillias J. Johnson. Res., Santa Rosa, Cal. Children : i. Adelbert John,' b. Jan. 9, 1879, in Canada. ii. Grace Eleanor, b. June 24, 1883, in Canada. iii. Laura Mabel, b. Sept. 25, 1885, in Canada, iv. I<1a Beryl, b. Sept. 11, 1894, in Califorma. 503 George ALBbiRT^ LeBaron (Ohmmcei^^), born May 26, 1854; married Mary Fish. Res., Sherbrooke, P. Q., Can. Children : i. Alberta M.,' b. July 26, 1887. ii. Reginakl L. L., b. Jan. 29, 1889. 504 WiLFORD Eugene^ LeBaron {Chaunce/'), born Mar. 23, 1857 ; married Dec. 17, 1889, Nellie Blossom, born Mar. 20, 1862, in Compton, Can. Res., Hatley, P. Q., Can. Child : i. Elgie Cordelia," b. Feb. 23, 1891 ; d. Sept. 12, 1893. 505 Ai LkBaron^ {Orrin^), l).)rn Oct. 15, 1838; died Aug. 4, 1899; married Sept. 1, 1862, Maria E. Beau. Res., Hatley, P. Q., Can. Sixth Generation. 207 Children 1093. i. Ertie M.,^ b. Aug. 80, 1863. 1094. ii. Wilbert, b. Feb. 14, 1805. iii. Onie, b. June 7, 18G8 ; m. Mar. 13, ISIK], Anna Cass, iv. Bertie I>., b. Mar. 17, 1S77. 506 Aylmer C.*^ LeBaron (Orrin^'), born April 5, 184(;, in North Ilatley, P. Q., Can.; married June 4, 1870, Fy Ann Salisbury, born May 29, 184G, in Sharon, Wis. Res., Sharon. Children : 1095. i. Leon Courtland,^ b. Jan. 2, 1872. ii. Merton Aylmer, b. June 1, 1877. iii. Roy Manly, b. Mar. 30, 1882. 507 Utherta^ LeBaron (Orrin^), born Nov. 14, 1853; married Aug. 21, 18(38, Charles Dizan. Res., Barnston, P. Q., Can. Children (Dizan) : i. Henrietta," 1>. .Tuly 8, 1870; m. Eugene Garceau. 109G. ii. Mary Agnes, b. Jan. 16, 1872. iii. Clara Elvira, b. ; d. . iv. Charles, b. . 508 Ei)SON« LeBaron ( Orrin^), born Jan. 31, 18r)(> ; married Luella Ellen, daug'hter of Leroy and Lucy (Salisbury) Culver, born Nov. 26, 1862. Res., Mayfair, Chicago, 111. Cliildren : i. Alice May," 1). Mar. 17, 1883. ii. Ethel Lucy, b. June 1, 1894. iii. Ralph Edson, b. May 13, 1898. 509 Cifarles Ouvtlle'' LeBaron (//omt'e'^), born \u-\>. 1:1, ls;5;i: married May 17, 1863, Nancy Rebecca Demary, born Aug. 17, 1840. Res., West Hatley, P. Q., Can. 208 Dexcendant.'i of Prancis LeBaron. Children : i. Sarah Charlotte,' b. July 18, 1864; d. Nov. 22, 1888. ii. Alice Louise, b. June 24, 1866; ni. Jan. 14, 1897, Ste))lien Horner Dunton. lies., Aanandale, Minn. 1097. iii. IJertha Helen, b. iMay 31, 1868. iv. Horace Cutler, b. Aug, 30, 1870. V. Annie Ohve, b. Sept. 26, 1874. vi. Charles Orville, b. June 1, 1879. 509a T^ouiSA J.^ LeBaron {Horace^'), born May 2, 1840, in Hatley, P. Q., Can.; died Feb. 27, 1895; married Mar. 17, 18G3, Henry Hunting, born April 13, 1830; died Dec. 13, 1896. Res., Hunt- ingville, P. Q., Can. Children (Hunting) : i. Charles,' b. Feb. 18, 1864; m. AprU 23, 1894, Cora Hunt- \n. V. Jennie, b. Nov. 28, 1804; m. July 18, 1804, Edward K. liarroil. Res., Colfax, Wash, vi. Iliatt, b. Oct. 10, 180(3. vii. Mary, b. Feb. 15, 1809; d. Dec. 13, 1870. viii. Harmon V., b. Nov. 30, 1870. ix. Adelaide, b. Mar. 13, 1873 ; d. Aug. 24, 1874. X. Flora M., b. Feb. 24, 1875; m. Dec. 8, 1897, Chauncey II. Moore. Res., Colfax, xi. Robert L., b. Dec. 7, 1870. xii. ]\Iaud E., b. Mar. 20, 1S79. xiii. R. Delos, b. Oct. 24, 1881. 518 MAiiV Louisa'^ LeBaron {fforace^), born Jan. 18, 1803, in Saratoga co., N. Y. ; married June 17, 1886, A. W. Reddish, M. D., lx)ni Dec. 30, 18r>!>, in Sidney, Ohio. Res., Sidney. Children (Reddish) : i. Helen Lenita,^ b. July 13, 1887. ii. Fannie Louise, b. April 11, 1892. 519 lIouAci-: RuirroN'' LeHaron (Horace^), Imrn Nov. 27, 1870, in Saratoga co., N. Y. ; married Nov. 28, 188.S, (Carrie Ball; died April 20, IS!),"). Children : i. George II.,' h. Jan. 30, 1890. ii. Harold, b. July 13, 1«91. 212 Descendants of 1^'^rancis LeMaron. 520 Delia'^ LeBaron (Ndson^^^ l)()ni Jiiiu! 10, 1S4!I; inarned Dec, 1874, Charles VVliile. Res., lieadil.nri^r, Caiiadu. Cliildi-eii (White) : i. George,'' b. in 1^75. ii. Hattie, b. Nov. 12, 1879, 521 Blanche F.^ Bunce (Emelme^), ]n>v\\ .Innc !>, 1861 ; married Frank 1). Roods, born Jan. 18, 1859. Res., Wilton, N. Y. Cliildren (Roods) : i. Amos J.,^ b. Sept. 23, 1882. ii. Mau.l Lela, b. Oft. 11, 1S84; d. Fel>. 22, 1880. iii. Mabel M., b. Oct. 17, 1887 ; d. Jan. 1 1, 1S89. iv. Ira F., b. Nov. 27, 1890. V. Flossie, b. Aug. 1, 1896. 522 Grace M.^ Bunce {Emeline^}, born Mar. 0, 18(53 ; married July 3, 1884, George T. Ellsworth, born Sept. 13, 181)2. Res., Saratoga, N. Y. Cliildren (Ellsworth): i. Clara A.,' b. Feb. 4, 188(). ii. Lyman J., b. Aug. Ki, ISSi). 523 Jessie Maky'' LeBauon (jimos-'), born Sept. 20, 1807; mar- ried April 13, 1803, William Nelson, of Beachburg, Canada. Cliildren (Nelson) : i. Lily May,^ b. Fel). 22, 1894. ii. Margaret Ethel, b. May 23, 1896. 524 Margaret Jane*^ LeBaron (Amos^), born May 14, 1874 ; mai'ricid June 27, 1894, Samuel Ifaniilton, of Bromley, Canada. Children (Hamilton): i. David Orville,' b. Sei)t. 9, 1895. ii. Sainuel Forrest, b. Aug. 4, 1897. Sixth Generation. * '213 525 Laura^ Stevens (Li/dia^'), born June 16, 1840 ; nianied Sept. 26, 1866, Allen Bovier, died Feb. 1, 1876; married (2d), Nov. 15, 1881, Timothy Giistin. Res., Coryland, •Pa. Child (Bovier) : 1100. i. Hattie S.,^ b. July 27, 1867. 526 RoLLi^'*^ Sherwood (Laura^'), born May 7, 1852, in Bradford CO., Pa. ; married May 22, 1873, Rosanna Smith, born 1853, in Sonora, 111. ; died Sept. 14, 1897. Res., Hamilton, 111. Cliildren (Sherwood) : i. Flora,' b. Jan. 4, 1874. ii. Ross T., b. May 30, 1881. iii. Verna L., b. Aug. 7, 1890. 527 Lucy Allen^ Stowell (Lucy S.^}, born June 23, 1849, in Waverly, N. Y. ; married Mar. 8, 1869, De LaFayette Snyder, of Waverly, born April 8, 1847, in Athens, Bradford co., Pa. ; died May 6, 1898, in the City Hospital, Boston, Mass. Res., Waverly. Children (Snyder) : i. DeLean," b. April 15, 1870. ii. Minnie, b. June 29, 1871 ; d. Mar. 5, 1893. iii. Aaron B., b. Feb. 10, 1873. Res., Waverly. 528 Tenigthy* Shurtleff (Joshua^}, born Oct. 8, 1812 ; died Mar. 12, 1892 ; married Sally (Bradley) White, born in 1806 ; died June 23, 1892. Res., Potsdam, N. Y. Childi-en (Shurtleff) : i. Harriet L.,' b. Mar. 24, 1836; d. Feb. 28, 1898; raarrie.l J. A. Hale. 1101. ii. Electa Melvina, b. Mar. 13, 1838. 214 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 529 Eunice^ Shurtleff {Joshua^^^ bom Feb. 21, 1814 ; died Oct. 15, 1851 ; married Feb. 20, 1838, Galusha Foster, died April 9, 1853. Res., Potsdam, N. Y. Children (Foster) : 1102. i. Henry," b. Jau. 28, 1839. 1108. ii. Carlos, b. Aug. 13, 1840. 1104. iii. Mary, b. Oct. 31, 1841. iv. Alice, b. Oct. 3, 1844 ; m. June 3, 1874, Edwin Abbott, s.x>. 1105. V. Caroline, b. Nov. 10, 1846. 1106. vi. Ebenezer, b. July 17, 1849. 530 Lydia E.^ Shurtleff (^Joshua^), born July 16, 1816 (or 1817), in Walden, Vt. ; died Sept. 16, 1892 ; married in 1840, James Martin Pickett, born Jan. 17, 1819, in Essex co., N. Y. ; died May 3, 1893. Res., Peoria, 111. Children (Pickett) : i. Stillnian," b. Jan. 19, 1849. ii. Jennie M., b. May 14, 1850 ; d. Mar. 14, 1886, s. p. ; m. in 1875, McDare Hewitt, iii. Galvin James, b. May 1, 1855; m. Oct. 3, 1876, Josephine Miller, iv. Lavinia C, b. Feb. 6, 1857; d. Mar. 26, 1895, 6\ ^x ; m. 1888, Wesleyan Jacol). Eight other children died in infancy. 531 George Washington^ Miller (^Lydia LuBJ" Shurtleff), born Feb. 11, 1822, in Walden, Vt. ; died Aug. 15, 1899; married July 11, 1847, Eliza Ann Parker, born April 14, 1826, in Rumney, N. H. Res., Charlestown and Lowell, Mass. Cliildren (Miller) : 1107. i. Mary Eliza," b. Sept. 2U, 1848, in Charlestown. 1108. u. Ella Maria, b. May 29, 1855, in Charlestown. iii. George L., b. Aug. 7, 1861, in Chelsea, Mass.; d. May 19, 1872. Sixth Generatio7i. 215 532 ToioTHY« Miller {Lydia LeBJ' Shurtleff), born Feb. 12, 1826 ; died June 1, 1898 ; married Sept. 5, 1847, Lavinia H. Hubbard, born Feb. 3, 1823 ; died Sept. 26, 1897. Res., Hardwick, Vt. Cliildren (Miller) : i. Harry T.,^ b. July 4, 1848; d. Mar. 26, 1852. 1109. ii. Carrie II., b. May 21, 1859. 1110. iii. Adin T., b. Nov* 12, 1862. 533 Mary Shurtleff^ Miller (^Lydia LeB.^ Shurtleff), born Mar. 31, 1829, in Walden, Vt. ; married June 12, 1850, Obadiah Smith Edgerly, born Sept. 17, 1826, in Center Harbor, N. H. ; died May 27, 1883, in Boston, Mass. Res., Roxbury, Mass. Cliildren (Edgerly) : 1111. i. Jane Elizabeth," b. Sept. 11, 1851. 1112. ii. Peter, b. June 19, 1853. 1113. iii. Lydia Kozella, b. Mar. 19, 1855. iv. Norma Asenath, b. Aug. 9, 1856. 1114. V. Esther Parker, Jan. 25, 1858. vi. Emma Alice, Mar. 14, 1859. vii. George, b. Jan. 30, 1861 ; d. Oct. 12, 1864. viii. Mary, b. Nov. 1, 1862; m. Mar. 20, 1884, Alonzo Wesley Bragg, b. Oct. 29, 1842, in Mount Vernon, N. H. 534 Nancy Jane« Shurtleff (M7o°), born June 1, 1841 ; married Mar. 29, 1871, Cornelius Clark, born July 21, 1835. Res., Grand Rapids, Mich. Cliildren (Clark) : i. Fred Gardner,' b. Dec. 2, 1872. ii. Frank Milo, b. Jan. 30, 1876. iii, William James, b. Mar. 10, 1879. 535 Elisha Milan^ Shurtleff {Milo^}, born May 28, 1845 ; mar- ried Feb. 15, 1876, Emily J. Baker, born Mar. 21, 1848. Res., Philadelphia, N. Y. 216 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Cliildren (Shurtleff) : i. Francis E.,' b. Aug. 12, 1880. ii. Lloyd P., b. May 8, 1884. iii. MUo Earl, b. July 2, 1888. 536 Kate'' Shurtleff (^Milo^^, born June 26, 1848 ; married Nov. 24, 1870, Pitt M. Strickland, born Feb. 10, 1848. Child (Strickland) : i. Lucy S.,' b. June 10, 1874; d. May 4, 1896. 537 Olive^ Shurtleff (Milo^'), born April 15, 1853 ; married Sept. 9, 1882, John J. Strickland, born Oct. 21, 1852. Res., Philadel- phia, N. Y. Children (Strickland) : i. Abiel U.,' b. Aug. 31, 1886, in Antwerp, N. Y. ii. Aheen N., b. Sept. 26, 1888, in Denmark, N. Y. 538 Alice Lula^ Shurtleff (i!^f^7o^), born Aug. 8, 1857 ; married Dec. 31, 1879, Frank Sherman Ward, born Aug. 19, 1856. Res., Philadelphia, N. Y. Children (Ward) : i. Charles Abiel,' b. Feb. 28, 1882. ii. Colette Louisa, b. Oct. 9, 1883. 539 Frank Estella^ Shurtleff (^Milo^), born July 26, 1859 ; died Feb. 28, 1881 ; married Feb. 16, 1879, James Wilson Lawton, Lorn Sept. 12, 1858. Res., Philadelpliia, N. Y. Child (Lawton) : i. Edwin Wilson,' b. April 21, 1880. 540 Fred'^ Shurtleff (Milo^), born Nov. 4, 1861 ; married June 3, 1883, Anna Eugenie Cheney, born Jan. 9, 1865, in Antwerp, N. Y. Res., Philadelphia, N. Y. Sixth Generation. 2 1 7 Chikhen (Sliurtleff) : i. Grace Louisa/ b. Sept. 9, 1884. ii. Elmer liiirtis, b. Sept. 18, 1892. 541 Catherine*^ Merrill {Sophia^ Shurtlejf'), born Sept. I'J, 1835 ; mnrried Jan. 25, 1855, George A., son of Alexander Dean and Elizabeth (Ilallett) Peck, born in 183;5 ; died June 19, 1884. Res., Tracy, Minn. Cliildren (Peck) : i. George Melvin,^ b. Sept. 21, 1857; d. Sept. 23, 1881. ii. Mary Sophia, b. June 17, 18G2; m. Mar. 1, 1885, James Sewall Price. 1115. iii. John Henry, b. Dec. 20, 18G3. 111(3. iv. Alexander Dean, b. Oct. 7, 18(58. V. Cora Alice, b. Nov. 14, 1870. 542 Hannah E.*^ Merrill {Sophia^ Shurtleff), born Mar. 26, 1838 ;. married Jan. 1, 1866, Peter Patterson, born 1835 ; died Oct. 28, 1896. Res., LeMars, Iowa. Cliildren (Patterson) : i. LmV b. Aug. 12, 1867 ; m. in 188G, George Tlirsche. ii. Flora, b. Aug. 22, 1868; d. Nov.' 23, 1873. 543 Sarah S.^^ Merrill (Sophia^ Sliurtleff), born July 31, 1846 ; married Sept. 15, 1870, Loren M. Parker, born Jan. 27, 1846. Res., Redwood, N. Y. Children (Parker) : i. Frank L.,^ b. Sept. 30, 1871. ii. Grace, b. June 11, 1891. 544 Nancy''^ Shurtleff (Almeron^'), born Mar. 2, 1847 ; married Oct. 24, 1865, Dorman Walradt, born Dec. 29, 1844, in Cherry Valley, N. Y. 218 Descemlants of J^rancis LeJBaron. Children (Walradt) : 1117. i. George Dornian,' h. Aug. 20, 1866. ii. James Herb-^.t, b. April 27, 1870. 545 Caroline Eliza^ Bailey {Martha^ Shurtleff), born Mar. 4, 1831, in Greensboro, Vt. ; married May 2, 1851, Nathaniel E. Drew, born Jan. 31, 1826, in Durham, N. H. Res., Providence, K. I. Childi-en (Drew) : 1118. i. P'rank H.,' b. Sept. 1, 1855, in Chicopee, Mass. 1119. ii. Melvin W., b. Sept. 26, 1858, in Newmarket, N. H. iii. Harvey W., b. Sept. 1, 1860 ; d. July 22, 1886. iv. Charles W., b. Dec. 11, 1862; d. Dec. 19, 1885. V. Delbert E., b. July 22, 1865; m. Mar., 1891, Elizabeth Thomson, vi. Carrie E., b. Nov. 19, 1868. 1120. vii. Edna A., b. May 23, 1871. vui. Myra B., b. Nov. 4, 1877. 546 Matilda Theresa^ Bailey (Martha^ Shurtleff}, born Mar. 14, 1833 ; married Dec. 16, 1851, Andrew Jackson Roberts, born Mar. 24, 1827. Res., Chicago, 111. Children (Roberts) : 1121. i. Francis Eugene,' b. Sept. 6, 1852. ii. Alice Ann, b. June 1, 1855. iii. Clarence Verdine, b. Feb. 12,1859; ra. May, 1886, Helen Buzzell ; he was graduated from Brown University in 1886. 1122. iv. Nellie Adelaide, b. July 4, 1863. V. Herbert Samuel, b. June 21, 1865. vi. Dora Matilda, b. Aug. 24, 1870. 547 Adelaide Augusta^ Bailey {Martha^ Shnrtleff'), born Mar. G, 1841, in Greensboro, Vt. ; died July 13, 1893 ; married in 1874, Robert Terrell, born May 14, 1821 ; died May, 1884. Sixth Generation. 2 1 1) Children (Terrell) : i. IJlanche,'' 1». July 26, 1875. ii. IJailey, I). May 5, 1878. iii. Mabel Clara, b. Aug. 4, 1880; d. Aug. 24, 1883. 548 Ransom^ Maxiiam (Minerva^ Shurtleff), bom Oct. 17, 1836; married May 25, 1865, Mary Jane Hartley. Res., Howard, Ala. Children (Maxham) : i. Mary Olive,'' b. July 5, 1866. ii. William Ransom, b. Oct. 4, 1868. iii. Benjamin Franklin, b. Aug. 27, 1 874. 549 Susan Minerva^ Maxham (Minerva^ Shurtleff), born Aug. 18, 1842 : married Hosea II. Spaulding, born June 4, 1833. Res., West Bridgewater, Vt. Cliildren (Spaulding) : i. Wilbur Arthur," b. May 1, 1858 ; m. May 1, 1883, Athelia Pinny. 1123. ii. Warren Ransom, b. July 5, 1859. 1124. iii. Minnie Eliza J., b. Sept. 19^ 1860. 1125. iv. Ina Maud, b. Aug. 22, 1868. 550 AzRO J.*^ Maxham (Minerva^ Shurtleff), born Nov. 18, 1844, in Sherburne, Vt. ; married Mary E. Baker. Res., Wasliington, D. C. Child (Maxham) : 1126. i. George A.,^ born June 25, 18G9, in Rutland, Vt. 551 Clara^ Maxham (Minerva^ ShnrtUff), born Jan. 13, 1847; married Sept. 7, 1870, Edwin S. Col ton. Res., Ludlow, Vt. Cliildren (Coltou) : i. Veriia lola,^ b. Sept. 29, 1872; married in 1896, Walter D. Taylor. 220 Descendants of Fraticis LeBaron. ii. Grant Edwin, h. June 20, 1879. iii. Floyd Harry, b. Sept 13, 1880. 552 William^ LeBaron (John^), born April 8, 183G ; died Jan. 4, 1888 ; married Feb. 21, 1867, Cornelia Burtch, l)orn Aug. 27, 1844. Res., Alpine, Kent co., Mich. Children : 1127. i. Arthur,' b. July 9, 1868. ii. Charles, b. July 21, 1874. iii. Edith, b. Dec. 19, 1877; m. Nov. 6, 1895, Delos Ander- son, a civil engineer of Fremont, Mich, iv. Edward, twin to Edith. 553 Robert^ LeBaron (John^), born June 27, 1838 ; married Oct. 13, 1869, Mary Blake Foster. He was graduated M. D. from the University of Michigan in 1861, and was a surgeon in a Michigan regiment in the Civil War. Res., Pontiac, Mich. Children : i. Edith Haye,' b. Nov. 15, 1871. ii. Mary Foster, b. Oct. 10, 1874. iii. Robert Owen, b. Oct. 17, 1876. 554 Abner^ LeBaron (James^), born July 1, 1843 ; married Nov. 22, 1876, Emily Grosvenor. Cliildren : i. Bertha Hull,' b. Feb. 7, 1879. ii. Grace Cornelia, b. Sept. 28, 1882. 556 Emily J.^ LeBaron (James^), born June 25, 1845; married June 18, 1870, Perry J. Doane. Cliildren (Doane) : i. Frank WUlis,' b. Nov. 11, 1871; m. Dec, 1896, Grace Coe. ii. John Sereno, b. Oct. 1, 1875; d. Feb. 10, 1876. Sixth Generatian. 221 iii. Perry Edward, b. April 2, 1878. iv. llerbie A., b. May 2, 1879; d. April 19, 1881. V. Ervie N., twin to llerbie A. ; d. April 25, 1881. vi. Olive I.Ulian, b. Feb. 13, 1886. 556 CnARLES Shepard^ LeBaron (^UriaM), born April 23, 1834; married April 3, 1860, Rebecca Bigham, born April 22, 1835. He was graduated at the Michigan Normal School, and is a teacher. Res., Dwight, Mich. Children : i. Burt Bigham,^ b. May 1, 1862; d. Oct. 7, 1864. 1128. ii. Alfred Charles, b. AprU 7, 1864. iii. Eugene Uriah, b. Oct. 6, 1865 ; he was graduated at Maryland University, Baltimore, and is a physician, in Cuernavaca, Mexico. 557 Marshall A.^ LeBaron (Uriah^}, born May 10, 1845; mar- ried May 30, 1877, Lizzie C. Clark, born Sept. 28, 1853. Res., Dwight, Kas. Children : i. Carrie Clark,' b. April 28, 1878. ii. Norabel, b. April 10, 1880 ; d. July 8, 1880. iii. William Styles, b. July 8, 1881. iv. Benjamin Charles, b. Oct. 22, 1883. v. Robert Alvin, b. Oct. 25, 1885; d. Sept. 20, 1886. vi. Anna, b. Dec. 28, 1887. vii. Marshall Roy, b. Feb. 14, 1889. viii. Francis Hamilton, b. Dec. 1, 1890. ix. Lizzie Irene, b. Mar. 20, 1894. 558 Lois Ann^ LeBaron {Uriah^), ])orn Feb. 18, 1851; married May 20, 1874, Jolin F. Avery. Res., Ann Arbor, Midi. Children (Avery) : i. Lura,' b. June 2, 1875; d. Aug. 17, 1895. ii. Lois, b. Jan. 19, 1877. in. John, b. Feb. 15, 1883. 222 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 559 Francis Edwin'' LeBakon {Leander^'), born Feb. 3, 1829 ; married Oct. 2, 1864, Sarah Ann Clark, born Feb. 25, 1838. Res., D wight, Kas. Childi-en : 1129. i. Fanny,^ b. Nov. 12, 1865. ii. Clark, b. May 4, 1867; m. in 1894, Mae Hale. iii. Ernest, b. Oct. 9, 1871. iv. Bertha Lavina, b. May 6, 1878. 560 Horace Tracy^ LeBaron {Leander^'), born Feb. 1, 1831 ; married July 4, 1856, Melissa Kelsey, born Aug. 22, 1835. Cliildren : 1130. i. Cora Hannah,' b. June 21, 1860. 1131. ii. Wht James, b. Dec. 22, 1864. 561 James William^ LeBaron (Leander^), born Apiil 8, 1833 ; married Jan. 1, 1858, Eliza Jane Jackson, died Dec. 20, 1859 ; married (.2d), Mar. 2, 1862, Emma Jane Brown. Res., Butler, Day CO., So. Dak. Cliildren : i. Edgar James,' b. Sept. 23, 1859 ; m. Oct. 4, 1885, Florence J. Barrett. ii. Chauncey Hiram, b. April 20, 1863. 1132. iii. Theda Ann, b. Sept. 9, 1869. 562 Cornelia^ LeBaron {Leande?^), born Sept. 6, 1835 ; died Sept. 5, 1863 ; married Oct. 25, 1855, Moses Kelsey. Child (Kelsey) : i. FrankUn," b. July 4, 1857 ; m. Ona Isabel On-. 563 Catherine'' LkBaron (^Leavider'}, born Feb. 1, 1838; died Nov. 30, 1865 ; married Dec. 31, 1858, Christopher Lasher. iSixth Generation. 223 Cliild (Lasher) : i. Frances," b. Mar. '24, 18G9. 564 Adaline^ LeBaron (Lea^ider^), bom May 24, 1844, married Sept. 15, 1861, William Crosby, died Dec. 12, 1877 ; married (2d), June 1, 1886, James Green. Res., Stockbridge, Mich. Children (Crosby) : 1133. i. William Arzie," b. Oct. 21, 1862. ii. Ashford Leander, b. Jan. 4, 1870; d. Aug. 13, 1873. 1134. iii. Estella Florence, b. Dec. 3, 1872. iv. Fanny, b. Jan. 27, 1875; d. Mar. 20, 1875. 1135. V. Adaline LeBaron, b. Oct. *14, 1877. 565 Adelaide^ LeBaron {Leandei-^}, born May 24, 1844 ; died April 29, 1872 ; married Feb. 27, 1868, Jerome Lasher. Cliild (Lasher) : i. AchUles Blanch,' b. Jan. 23, 1870; d. Dec. 17, 1871. 566 Erastus Morton^ LeBaron {Lewis^), born Sept. 9, 1831 ; ^ died Dec. 11, 1871 ; married Oct. 7, 1852, Phebe Ann Wright. Childi'en : i. Arthur Morton,' b. Dec. 22, 1853. ii. Clarence, b. Aug. 20, 1855. iii. Lillian, b. May 6, 1862; d. Aug. 27, 1863. . iv. Lillie Ann, b. Dec. 2, 1864. V. Claude May, b. Nov. 22, 1866. vi. Maud, b. Aug. 3, 1870. 567 Orilla Morton^ LeBaron {Lewis^), bin-n Dec. 18, 1835 ; married Nov. 22, 1857, Russell Brown. Children (Brown) : i. Jane Eliza,' b. Oct. 10, 1859. ii. Anna, b. Aug. 2, 18(52. iii. Lewis Russell, b. April 19, 18G5. 224 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 568 Calista C.^ Carver {Sylvia^), born Oct. 15, 1825 ; married May 21, 1851, William Repiolds, died Dec. 5, 1886. Res., Hub- bardston, Mich. Children (Reynolds) : 113G. i. Clarence C.,' b. Oct. 11, 1853. ii. Charles D., b. April 14, 1859; d. Feb. 2, 18G1. iii. Harriet C, b. Jan. 12, 1866; d. Sept. 6, 1866. 1137. iv. William J., b. Ai)ril 18, 1868. 569 Harriet E.*^ Carver {Sylvia^'), born Oct. 17, 1829; died Sept. 27, 1852; married Oct. 31,-1849, Peter Cook. Child (Cook) : 1138. i. Ella Virginia,^ b. Nov. 21, 1850. 570 Jerome Eugene^ Carver {Sylvia^), born Mar. 26, 1836 ; died Sept. 27, 1880 ; married Sept. 24, 1861, Sarah Ann Reynolds. Res., Fentonville, Mich. Cliild (Carver) : i. Sylvia Maria,' b. Aug. 19, 1866. 571 Amelia Harriet^ LeBaron (Charles^), horn Nov. 2, 1843; married Oct. 9, 1867, William Newton, born July 15, 1840, in England. Res., Bloomer, Cliippewa co., Wis. Childi'en (Newton) : 1139. i. AUce,' b. Nov. 24, 1868. ii. Frank LeBaron, b. Jan. 15, 1871; in. Nov. 28, 1896, Anna Rasmus, iii. Wilbur, b. Oct. 7, 1878. iv. Kenneth, b. Feb. 22, 1880. 572 TiiViNO Erasmus*^ LeHauon (^Charles''), born Jan. 15, 1846 ; married Nov. 12, 1879, Margaret Robb, born Dec. 23, 1848, in Fife, Scotland. Res., Brockport, N. Y. Sixth Getteration. 225 Cliildren : i. Edna Angle,' b. Aug. 21, 1880. ii. Nettie, b. Oct. 30, 1881. iii. Orpha May, b. April 6, 1883. iv. Charles Kobb, b. Nov. 28, 1884. V. William Irving, b. Jan. 10, 1886; d. A})ril 1, 1895. vi. Arthur Lewis, b. Feb. 2, 1888. vii. Cora Helen, b. July 7, 1890. viii. Aimer Thomas, b. Sept. 11, 1892. 573 Angela Elenoea^ LeBaron (Charles^^, born Feb. 25, 1850; married Nov. 17, 1881, John Parmelee. Cliildren (Parmelee) : i. Harry A.,' b. Aug. 9, 1882. ii. Walter C, b. Aug. 14, 1883. iii. Roy S., b. Dec. 26, 1890. 574 Hakriet<5 Morton (Eliza^), born ;* married Clark Torry, . born Sept. 21, 1836 ; died May 1, 1897. ^ Cliildren (Torry) : i. George,' b. July 17, 1867. ii. Florence, b. Oct. 4, 1870. 575 Annette M.« LeBaron (Daniel^), born Mar. 3, 1843 ; married Oct. 23, 1860, Hiram Mason Lazelle. Res., Caro, Mich. Cliildren (Lazelle) : 1140. i. Daniel LeBaron,' b. Nov. 27, 1864. ii. Frank, 1). May 20, 1 866 ; m. June 19, 1895, Electa Imerson. 1141. iii. Edna Emily, b. Dec. 15, 1868. iv. Willie, b. Nov. 15, 1871; d. Dec. 11, 1874. V. Or{)ha, b. Nov. 26, 1879. 576 Ida A.^^ LeI^aron (Erastus^), born Jan. 30,1858; married Oct. 25, 1882, Willis D., son of Jackson and Melissa A. (Bush) Fox, * On page 100, the date of Jior liusbaml's birtli was erroneously assigned to Harriet M. 226 Descendants of Fra^icis LeBaron. born July 21, 1857, in Genesee, N. Y. Res., West Bay City, Mich. CMldren (Fox) : i. Carrie M.,' b. June 12, 1885. ii. Erma M., b. Jan. 29, 1888. iii. L. Curtis, b. Nov. 11, 1890. iv. Erwnn J., b. Sept. 7, 1894. 577 Emma O.^ Franklin {Sahra^), born Oct. 3, 1859 ; married Oct. 18, 1893, Frank W. Goodenow, born Sept. 5, 1853. Res., Flint, Mich. Child (Goodenow) : i. Reginald M.,^ b. Feb. 18, 1895. 578 Margaretta P.*^ Franklin {Sabra^), born June 4, 1869 ; mar- ried Jan. 11, 1893, William J. Gage, born May 25, 18G2. Res., Flint, Mich. Cliild (Gage) : i. Rupert FrankUu,' b. Dec. 28, 1893. 579 Betsey^ Curtis (Azor-), born Aug. 3, 1815; died Oct. 22, 1840; married Dec. 12, 1833, Asa Currier. Cliildi-en (Currier) : 1142. i. Charles E.,^ b. Sept. 21, 1834. ii. Theodore S., b. Dec. 23, 1835. 1143. iii. Myron M., b. Dec. 3, 1838. 1144. iv. WUUam II., b. Oct. 21, 1840. 580 Stephen'' Fowler Curtis (Azor^}, born Sept. 6, 1824 ; mar- ried April 23, 1846, Sally Louise Stevens, born May 7, 1829. Res., LcRoy, N. Y. Cliildren (Curtis) : i. Marion Eleanor,' b. Mar. 12, 1847 ; d. Dec. 12, 1858. ii. Louisa Josephine, b. Nov. 8, 1849. Sixth Generation. 227 1145. iii. Elsie Catherine, b. May 22, 1854. iv. Earl Stephen, h. Oct. 7, 1856; d. April 17, 1871. V. LeKoy Gaines, b. June 19, 18(51; d. Aui?. 9, 1801. 581 Elsie Bekuy^ Curtis (Azor^), bum Mar. 18, 1829 ; nuiniuJ Jan. 11, 1855, LeUoy Hart Kimberly, born Dec. 28, 182(3. Child (Kimberly) : 114G. i. Harriet Curtis,^ b. July 21, 1864. 582 vSoLOMON^ CuKTis (A2or>), boHi Dec. 18, 1831 ; died Aug. 4, 1894 ; married Nov. 14, 1855, Mary J. Pugsley. Res., LeRoy, N. Y. Cliildren (Curtis) : i. Charles E.,' b. Nov. 12, 1856. 1147. ii. Addie M., b. Nov. 27, 1859. iii. Marion E., b. Mar. 2, 1871. 583 Phebe^ Curtis (Azot^), born Jan. 1, 1847 ; married Jan. 15, 1879, J. H. Brundidge, born April 17, 1837. Res., Minneapolis, Minn. Cliildren (Brundidge) : i. Harrison J.,^ 5. June 20, 1882. ii. Eugenia M., b. Nov. 22, 1889. 584 Horace Palmer^ Curtis (^Azo^-^), born Jan. 6, 1851 ; married Sept., 1873, Katheiine Taaffe. Res., LeRoy, N. Y. Cliil(h-en (Curtis) : 1148. i. William N.,' b. May 11, 1874. ii. May E., b. Oct. 28, 1875. iii. Stephen V., b. July 4, 1882. iv. Heatriee E. H., b. July 15, 1884. V. Mildred I*., b. .Mar. 14, 1888. 228 Descendants of Francis LcBaron. 585 Mary* Curtis (^zor^), bora June 6, 1854; married July 26, 1877, John Pitlier, bom April 9, 1852. Res., Data via, N. Y. Children (Pither) : L Hattie M." b. June 8, 1879. ii. John, b. Feb. 14, 1884. 586 Gilbert LeHaron Darius^ Dewey {Sally M.^ Gilbert), born Feb. 21, 1837, in Rutland, Vt. ; married Sept. 24, 1862, Helen Mary Woodford, born Sept. 23, 1839. Res., Mt. Morris, Mich. Cliildren (Dewey) : i. Ellen Maria,^ b. Aug. 6, 1863. ii. Mary Charlotte, b. June 15, 1865. iii. Harriet Meeker, b. April 9, 1868; m. Sept. 1, 1898, Edwin Cranson Litchfield. iv. George Meeker, b. May 31, 1874. V. Gilbert Woodford, b. May 31, 1878; d. Mar. 8, 1880. vi. Sara Woodford, b. Feb. 14, 1882. 587 JcTLiA A.^ Gilbert {Benjamin F.^), born Mar. 21, 1843 ; mar- ried Aug. 22, 1865, David K. Graves. Res., Fair Haven, Vt. Children (Graves) : 1149. i. Gilbert Henry," b. Mar. 26, 1867. ii. Gertrude, b. Mar. 21, 1869; d. Mar. 13, 1874. 1150. in. Willard, b. May 31, 1873. iv. Minnie, b. Sept. 28, 1874; d. Oct. 29, 1874. V. Mabel JuUa, b. Oct. 12, 1876. vi. Arthur Franklin, b. Mar. 3, 1883. 588 Benjamin Franklin* Gilbert (James J.^), born April 22, 1833 ; died Oct. 1, 1862, in the U. S. Hospital in Nashville, Tenn. ; married Aug. 24, 1854, Mary E. Ormes, of Hampton, N. Y. Cliildren (Gilbert) : i. Kate A.," b. Aug. 20, 1855, in Flint, Mich. Sixth Generation. 229 1 151. ii. Carrie M., b. Oct. 22, 1857, in Flint. -+152. iii. Charlen F. Dewey, b. Aug. 24, 18G0, in Boston, Mass. 589 Harriet Ashley*^ Gilbert (James J.^}, born Oct. 3, 1834, in IMiillipsburg, Canada; died July 5, 1888, in St. Johnsbuiy, Vt. ; married Oct. 17, 1860, Palmer E. Paine. Children (Paine) : 1153. i. Sarah Nellie,' b. Oct. 19, 1861. 1154. ii. Frankhn Adams, b. Nov. 8, 1862. 1155. iii. Frederick Irving, b. April 10, 1804. 1156. iv. Harriet Matilda, b. Dec. 14, 1866. V. Willard Austin, b. April 14, 1872; d. Aug. 16, 1872. 590 — Guv Ransom^ Gilbert {James J.^), born Dec. 26, 1837; mar- ried Feb. 12, 1867, Jennie Beattie McKercher, born Dec. 13, 1843, in Flint, Mich. He served in the Civil War. Res., Sioux City, Iowa. Children (Gilbert) : i. Irving McKercher," b. Aug. 28, 1868; m. Sept. 5, 1900, El Dora L. Bridgmau. ii. Sarah Jennie, b. Dec. 27, 1870 ; d. Oct. 26, 1884. iii. Florence Augusta, b, Feb. 9, 1874. iv. Guy TUly, b. Nov. 17, 1876 ; d. Feb. 22, 1878. V. Grace May, b. Feb. 4, 1879. vi. Darwin Raskins, b. Oct. 2, 1882; d. Oct. 16, 1884. 591 John Q. Adams^ Gilbert (James J.^), born Nov. 2, 1841 ; married Nov. 14, 1871, Charlotte Augusta Girdon, died Nov. 25, 1880, «. p. ; married (2d), June 5, 1882, Ella V. Pierson ; married (3d), Aug., 1896 (Mrs.) Mary Cooper, ». p. He served in the Civil War. Res., Sioux City, Iowa. Cliildren (Gilbert) : i. Flora C.,' b. May 30, 1883; d. May 1, 1884. ii. James Pierson, b. Oct., 1884. 230 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 592 — Edward Irving^ Giltjert (James J.^), ])orn Mar. 30, 1845 ; iiiairied Dec. 25, 1868, Addie Rogers Griinville. Res., Sioux City, Iowa. Cliild (Gilbert) : i. Jennie,^ 1>. July, 1878 ; .1. 1.S95. 593 Tilly Gilbert*^ Hunt {Martha W.^ Giilhert), born Feb. 5-, 1836 ; married Mar. 15, 1870, Lucinda McFarren, born April 6, 1810. Res., Fairliaven, Vt. Child (Hunt) : i. Tilly Gilbert," 1). April 5, 1871 ; d. Aug. 7, 1871. 594 Edward Watson^ Andrews (Mary LeB.^ Gilbert^, born Mar. 5, 1840; married Martha A. Fogle ; married (2d), July, 1871, Louisa McLauglilin, born Oct. 1, 1843. He served in the Civil War with the rank of captain. He resides at the National Home, Wis. ; the cliildren in Detroit, Mich. Children (Andrews) : i. Dollie,^ b. May 1, 1872; d. Oct., 1872. ii. Edward Gilbert, b. July 25, 1873. iii. Minnie, b. Dec. 30, 1874. iv. Augustus Warren, b. Mar. 22, 1876. V. George Watson, b. Feb. 22, 1878. vi. Marie LeBaron, b. Sept. 14, 1880. vii. Harriet, b. Mar. 14, 1882. viii. Peari Bardine, b. Mar. 10, 1888. ix. Russell Alger, b. in 1887; d. Aug. 15, 1889. X. Helen, b. in 1889. 595 Warren Parkhill^ Andrews (Mary LeB.^ Gilbert}, born Feb. 6, 1846; married Dec. 3, 1881, Sophia Willis Maybury, of Parkersburg, W. Va., born Sept. 11, 1856; died Mar. 23, 1892; married (2d), April, 1893, Rosa C. Scovie. Sixth Generation. 231 Children (Andrews) : i. Paul Fearing,^ b. Nov. 29, 1882. ii. Maiie LeBaron, b. Nov. 21, 1880. 596 Minnie Gilbert" Andrews (^Mary LeB.^ Gilbert), bom .July 1(5,1852; nnirried Dec. 23, 1872, Henry Stanley Sprairue, born Mar. 22, 1845; married (2d), Dec. 24, 1892, Prof. Merwin Marie Snell, born Aug. 2, 1862. Res., St. Louis, Mo. Childrcii (.Sprague) : i. Thomas Spencer," b. April 27, 1876. ii. Edward Stanley, b. July 27, 1880; d. July 23, 1897. 597 David A." Johnson {Melissa B.^), born Feb. 21, 1856 ; mar- ried Sept. 13, 1878, Cluistina Maria Jensen. Res., Mesa, Maricopa CO., Aiizona. Cliildren (Johnson) : i. Julia Maria," b. Aug. 24, 1879. ii. Adelia Jane, b. Dec. 29, 1881 ; d. Oct. 17, 1882. iii. David Albion, b. Oct. 30, 1884. iv. Melissa Bloorafield, b. Jan. 28, 1886. V. Thomas Samuel, b. Dec. 22, 1887. vi. Walter, b. Mar. 20, 1889; d. July 6, 1889. vii. Martha Janette, b. May 14, 1890. viii. Laura Theresa, b. Aug. 27, 1892. ix. Esther Dulcena, b. July 23, 1894. X. Lelaad Franklin, b. Aug. 11, 1897. 598 Sarah Agnes^ LeBaron (Alonzo H.^), born Nov. 18, 1851 ; married April 7, 1874, William W. Hutchings, born Nov. 23, 1851. Res., Beaver City, Utah. Cliildren (Hutchings) : i. Sarah Eliza,^ b. Jan. 9, 1875. ii. Matilda Ellace, b. Dec. 4, 1876. iii. Lydia Maria, b. Feb. 10, 1878. 232 Descendants of Francis LeBarov. iv. Mary Emeline, b. Mar. 2, 1881. V. Julia Tanner, b. Aug. 25, 1883. vi. Emma Jane, b. July 28, 1885. vii. Edna, b. July 21, 1887. viii. Effie Lucille, b. Feb. 12, 1891. ix. Susie Baldwin, b. Nov. 13, 1894. X. William LeBaron, b. April 24, 189G. 599 David Alonzo^ LeBaron {Alonzo 11.^}, born Aug. 7, 1854 ; married Nov. 23, 1877, Louisa Beanny, born Nov. 27, 1859, in T^ondon, England. Res., Florence, Arizona. Children : i. Eleanor,'' b. Aug. 6, 1878; d, April 9, 1889. ii. Harriet, b. April 9, 1880; d. Ai)ril 18, 1880. iii. Edith Ellis, b. July 23, 1881. iv. Lola Viola, b. Feb. 28, 1883. V. Mary Gertrude, b. Aug. 18, 1884; d. Feb. 10, 1886. vi. Ethel, b. June 28, 1887. vii. Grace, b. Feb. 14, 1889; d. Feb. 15, 1891. 600 William Jeffs^ LeBaron (^Alonzo J7.^), born June 1, 1856, in Salt Lake City, Utah ; married Jan. 31, 1888, Maria L. Mes- senger, born Mar. 24, 1867, in Fillmore, Utah, Res., Florence, Arizona. Cliildren : i. William LeRoy,^ b. Jan. 29, 1889, in Mesa, Ari. ii. George Erie, b. May 12, 1891, in Mesa. iii. Edward Austin, b. June 21, 1892, in JNfesa. iv. Grace, b. Mar. 19, 1897, in Kenihvorth, Ari. 601 Daniel M.^ LeBaron (Alonzo H.^), born Feb. 22, 1858 ; mar- ried Feb. 26, 1895, Catherine J. Reil, born Dec. 26, 1879. Res., Humboldt co., Nevada. Child: i. Daniel Luther,' b. July 3, 1896. Sixth Generation. 238 602 Mary E.*^ LeBakon (^Alonzo ///•), born Nov. 12, 1850; inarriod Feb. 12, 1878, J. H. Ilolgate ; married (2), Williain .Schmidt, bom Jan. 3, 1855. Res., Florence, Arizona. CliiUhvn (Holgate): i. John H.," h. i\rar. 1, 1879. ii. Joseph A., b. Nov. 22, 1881. iii. Nellie, b. Jan. 29, 1888. iv. Benjamin, b. Mar. 31, 1886. Cliildren (Schmidt) : V. William II., Mar. 25, 1891. vi. Frank L., b. Jan. 2, 1808. vii. Amelia S., b. Nov. 13, 1804. viii. Alonzo C, b. Jan. 31, 1807. 603 Lydia M.6 LeBaron (^Alonzo H.^), born Aug. 5, 1861 ; married Sept. 2, 1881, Charles M. Button, born July 9, 1861. Res., Circle- ville, Utah. Children (Button) : i. Jutson R.,^ 1). July 4, 1882. ii. William Jeffs, b. Aug. 31, 1884. iii. Florence, b. Sept. 28, 1886. iv. Daniel (\, b. Aug. 29, 1888. V. Ralph, b. Sept. 1, 1890. vi. Cora Jane, b. July 15, 1893. vii. Grant Stanley, b. Jan. 4, 1896. 604 Lucius Fitch® Wilcox {Electa Nettleton'), born Aug. 14, 1823 ; married June 21, 1853, Ellen Maria Belden. Res., LcRoy, N. Y. Cliildren (Wilcox): i. Stephen Jared,'' b. Mar. 18, 1854; d. Oct. 3, 1882. 1157. ii. Clarence Eugene, b. Oct. 24, 1855. 1158. iii. (George Abel, b. Feb. 14, 1858. 1150. iv. Mark Stuart, b. Sept. 8, 1860. 234 Descendants of J^raticis LeBaron. V. Horace Beac-li, b. Sept. t>0, 1862; ra.Dec. U, 1897, Lottie May Ward. 1160. vi. Edith May, b. Mar. 4, 1867. 1161. vii. Henry Wells, b. Dec. 9, 1870. viii. Coral Guy, b. July 14, 1875. 606 Eunice Maretta^ Wilcox (Electa^ Mttleton'), born Aug. 25, 1825: married Mar. 7, 1853, Richard L. Seldon, born Sept. 18, 1827. Res., LeRoy, N. Y. Children (Seldon) : i. Clara Virginia," b. Sept. 3, 1854. ii. Herbert Ck k. .. Mar. 10, 1857 ; d. April 4, 1858. 1162. iii. Claudius Hubert, b. Mar. 4, 1859. iv. Mary Electa, b. April 21, 1861. V. William Augustus, b. Mar. 17, 1867. 606 Caroline Amelia^ Wilcox {Electa^ Nettleton^, born Sept. 3, 1827; married Jnne 17, 1857, George A. Belden, born Mar. 22, 1829. Res., LeRoy, N. Y. Children (Belden) : 1163. i. Lucius EdMan," b. Feb. 21, 1859. ii. Alice Maretta, b. April 20, 1862. iii. Eugene Eliot, b. Sept. 26, 1864. 1164. iv. Mary Georgianna, b. July 30, 1869. 607 SuSAN^ Wright (Martha^ Nettletoii), born Feb. 27, 1821 ; died July 23, 1861 ; married Feb. 8, 1844, Joseph Beecher, died Dec. 4, 1892. Child (Beecher) : 1165. i. LeRoy,^ b. Sept. 28, 1851. 608 Lydia^ Wright {Martha^ Nettleton), born Jan. 30, 1823: mar- ried Sept. 21, 1844, Orison Stevens, died Sept. 26, 1879. Sixth Generation. 235 Cliildrcn (Stevens) : IKiO. i. Aleula/ b. Oct. 21, 1845. 1107. ii. Ewdora, I.. INIay 7, 1S49. 1168. iii. Albertus, b. Feb. 26, 1852. lltiO. iv. IJurdette, b. April 27, 1856. 609 I' IKK HE'"' Wright {Martha^ Nettlcfoti), born Sept. 11, IS.'^S; inarricd 1859, Ilortense Lyman, died Sept. 2o, 1875. Cliildren (Wright) : i. Lester Pierre,^ b. A))ril SO, I860. ii. Ernest Eastman, b. Ecb. i), 1S(;5 ; d. Feb. ,3, ISIKJ. iii. .Alartlia Cornelia, b. .Inne 14, 1868. iv. Mary Ann, b. July 6, l^lO ; ni. Oct. 12, I8li6, George Putnam. V. IJattie Irene, b. Dec. 28, 1872. vi. Helen Amanda, b. Sept. 25, 1874. 610 Caroline Annktte" Stevens (LydUv' NeUlcl»n), born April 9, 1845: married Nov. 10, 1865, Herbert W. Fanium, Ixn-n Nov. 8, 1841. Cliildren (Farnnm): i. Nellie L.,' b. Oct. 21, 1867 ; d. Aug. 10, 1869. ii. Helen Eend, Ind. iii. Lillian Louisa, b. Jan. 2, 187;>, in South llend. iv. Charles Herbert, b. JNLar. 4, 1876, in Sturgis, Midi.; d. Feb. 27, 1880. V. William Orrin, b. June 14, 1882, in Mem])his, Tenn. 611 Oscar Record"^ Barnes {Man/ Nettleton), born June 22, 1843 ; married Jan. 7, 1863, Lavinia Chappel, born May 22, 1S|9. Res., LeRoy, N. Y. Children (Barnes) : i. Cora A.,^ b. Dec. 12, 1864; m. T. P. Herron. ii. Elliott O., b. Nov. 30, 1866 ; m. Jennie McNider. 236 Descendants of J^ra/icis LeBaron. iii. Robert N., b. May 14, 1872; d. Oct. 20, 1872. iv. Ethel, b. July 3, 1885. V. Lois, b. Dec. 3, 1890. 612 Alice Electa*^ Barnes (Mary^ Nettletori), born May 22, 1845 ; married Nov. 4, 1874, Marenus Gilbert Easton, born Dec. 12, 1836 ; died Oct. 25, 1883. Res., Flint, Mich. Cliildren (Easton) : i. Blanche E.,^ b. Sept. 20, 1875. ii. Oscar M., b. May 4, 1877. ui. Elma E., b. May 10, 1881. 613 Alvah D.6 Simons {Julia^ JSfett.lefon'), born July 20, 1847 ; married Feb. 18, 1879, Josepliine Wood, born Feb. 8, 1849. Res., Rochester, N. Y. Children (Simons) : i. Millie I.,^ b. Mar. 4, 1880; d. Mar. 25, 1891. ii. Arthur R., b. Nov. 28, 1881. 614 Araminta G.*^ Simons (Julia^ Nettleton), born Oct. 11, 1850; married Jan. 14, 1872, Seth J, Carver, born July 8, 1843. Res., Clinton, Mich. Children (Carver) : i. Elbert D.,^ b. Oct. 11, 1872. ii. Lula M., b. JVfar. 21, 1883. iii. Bessie L., b. Jan. 8, 1886. 615 Mary E.^ Simons (JuUn^ Nettleton), born Sept. 30, 1852 ; mar- ried Dec. 13, 1871, Dennis Derrick, born Aug. 14, 1848. Res., Wheeler, Steuben co., N. Y. Children (Derrick) : i. Ilenry,^ b. Aug. 8, 1872; m. Mar. 1892, Kittie Stuart, ii. Frank, b. June 10, 1874. Sixth Generation. 237 iii. William, b. Nov. 1, 1876. iv. Deborah, b. Aug. 28, 1878; d. Dec. 28, 1881. V. Kate, b. July 11, 1882. vi. Lulu, b. July 22, 1885. vii. Spencer, b. Feb. 25, 1889. 616 Alice M.^ Simons {Julia^ Nettleton), born July 4, 1854 ; married Nov. 28, 1878, Frank Daboll, born Aug. 4, 1858, died July 5, 1888. Res., Prattsburg, N, Y. Cliildren (Daboll) : i. Frank Leon,' b. July 28, 1885. ii. Henry Ackerson, b. Sept. 15, 1887. 617 Esther C.*^ Fordham (Francis^), born Dec. 26, 1834 ; married 1853, James P. (^uackenbush, born Nov. 13, 1831. Res., Batavia, N. Y. Cliild (Quackenbush) : i. Wilbur F.," b. Aug. 26, 1866; d. July 26, 1891 ; m. Oct. 2, 1888, Christie Shardlow. 618 ILvRLAN<^ Fordham {Francis^}, born Aug. 4, 1837; married .Ian. 5, 1869, Sarah Seely, born Dec. 6, 1839. Res., Bergen, N. Y. Children (Fordham) : i. Ruth," b. July 24, 1871. ii. Orwell, b. Jan. 2, 1877. 619 Sahrina Emogene^ Fordham (Frauds'^}, born May 26, 1840; married Nov. 6, 1856, Henry J. Boved, born Nov. 27, 1837. Slie is a physician. Res., Kansas City, Mo. Children (Bovee) : i. Caroline I^ b. Dec. 22, 1857; m. Dec. 22, 188 4, Dr. Kd- mund Longley. 238 Descendayits of Francis LejBaron. ii. Wayland II., b. Oct. 24, 18G0; m. Feb., 1889, Susan Hauke. iii. Lunetta, h. Oct. 29, 1863; in. Dec. 31, 1892, James G. Chapman, of Denver, Col. 620 ALFiiKD Eugene^ Pekkv {Cynthiw' Davis}, born Oct. 15, 1823 ; niarried May 10, 1848, Susan Welsh, born Feb. 25, 1825. Res., Fliisliing, Mich. Children (Perry) : 1170. i. Arthur Eugene,^ b. July 27, 1850. 1171. ii. Walter Leverett, b. Sept. 17, 1854. 1172. iii. Ednmnd Horace, b. Jan. 10, 1856. 1173. iv. Addie Loretta, b. June 12, 1858. V. Minnie E8tel]e,b. Sept. 16, 1861 ; m. July 24, 1886, P>yron (4reen. 621 Cynthia Adelaide*' Perhy (Ci/ntJiia^ Davis'), born June 10, 1836 ; married Mar. 30, 1862, Stephen H. Dodge. Res., Ypsilanti, Mich. Children (Dodge) : i. David B.,' b. Nov. 18, 1863. 1174. ii. Loretta J., b. April 7, 1865. 1175. iii. Eugene, b. Oct. 15, 1867. iv. John, b. May 19, 1873. V. Susan, b. April 30, 1875. 622 JwVDiA** Martin (^Temperance'' Hiij(jins), born Dec. 15, 1833; married June 4, 1857, Volney N. Forbes. Res., West Haven, Vt. Children (Forbes) : i. Coorge Isaac," b. Nov. 22, 1865; m. May 2, 1896, Ilattie Katherine Andrews. lie was gra. ; m. Jan. 2, 1851, Hon. John D. McCrate, d. Sept. 11, 1879. Res., Sutton, ii. Joanna LeBaron, b. May 1, 1820; d. Mar. 30, 1852, s. ]■>. ; m. Oct. 9, 1844, Rev. John Pierpont, Jr., graduated from Harvard College in 1840 ; d, in 1879. 1182. iii. John Monroe, b. July 7, 1822. iv. Frances Lydia, b. Feb. 22, 1824; d. Oct. 20, 1827. V. Mary LeBaron, b. Mar. 16, 1826; d. June 3, 1830. vi. Henry Jay, b. Ai)ril 21, 1828; d. Sept. 17, 1889, s.p.\ m. Sejjt. 25, 1878, Mary Hutchinson. vii. Frances Mary, b. Aug. 29, 1830 ; d. Nov. 10, 1900, s. p. ; m. Jime 26, 1867, Hon. James W. Stock well, Sec. State Board of Agriculture, 1899-1903. viii. Margaret Louise, b. Oct. 26, 1832; d. Jan. 29, 1836. 646 Catherine^ Monroe {Susannah^}, born Aug. 28, 1798, in Sutton, Mass. ; died Jan. 4, 1870, in Framingham, Mass. : married Sept. 18, 1815, Dr. David, son of Jacob* and Eleanor (Moore) March, born Jan. 29, 1785, died May 13, 1829. Dr. March was gi'aduated from Brown University in the class of 1811 ; he received * See note under 043. 246 Descendants of Francis LeBoron. M. D. there in 1816, and was a surgeon in tlie U. S. Army in the War of 1812. Res., Sutton. Chiklren (March) : 1188. i. Catherine Monroe,' b. June 28, 1816. ii. iVui^nista, b. May 11, 1819; <]. .Tan. 10, 1802, unni., in P^'ramingliam. 1184. iii. Emily iSusannab, b. Sept. 10, 1825. 647 Alexander LeBaeon*' Monroe (Susannah^), born May 3, 1807, in Sutton, Mass.; died Feb. 20, 1879; married Oct. 2,1834, Louisa Barber, of Med way, Mass., died June 2, 1836 ; married (2), Nov. 10, 1837, Miriam (Chirk) Hawes, died Nov. 20, 1881. Dr. Monroe studied medicine with Drs. March and TuUy of Albany, N. Y., and received the degree of M. D. from Yale College in 1.S31. He served as surgeon in the Civil War, from May to July, 1861, in response to a call, in an emergency, by the Surgeon General of Massachusetts ; and was present during the seven days' fights at- tending the retreat of the army from before Richmond. Res., Granby and Med way, Mass. Cliildren (Monroe) : 1185. i. Francis LeBaron,' b. Mar. 20, 1836. ii. Alexander, b. Dec. 1, 1838; d. A])ril 15, 1842. 1186. iii. Sarah Louisa, b. May 23, 1842. 648 Hannah^ Putnam (ILrnnah^), born Mar. 18, 1797 ; died April 2, 1875; married Jabez Hull, died 1844. Res., Millbury, Mass. Child (Hull) : i. Caroline Hannah,' b. Oct. 6, 1822; d. June, 1845. 649 LeBahon'5 Putnam (Hannah^), born Aug. 19, 1799, in Sutton, Mass.; died Nov. 9, 1869; married Oct. 21, 1821, Ann Braman, of Millbury, Mass., died Aug. 21, 1870. Res., Sutton. Children (Putnam) : 1. Henry,' b. Dec. 4, 1823; num. Sixth Generation. 247 ii. George F., b. Aug. 2t>, IS'Jfi; nnin. iii. P'raiu'is, b. July "J, 1829; unni. 650 Takrant*' Putnam {Hanna¥), bom May 18, 1801, in Sutton, Mass. : died June 6, 1870, at his residence 315 Madison Ave., New York City ; married Cornelia Titus Van Nortwick, born Nov. 2, 1810, in NeAv York; died Feb. 24, 18G4, at her residence 222 Fifth Ave., New York. He was a merchant. Children (Putnam) : 118(Ja. i. William Bruce,^ b. July 19, 1829. ii. Emma Lel^aron, b. Mar. 27, 1831 ; d. April 29, 1837. 118. iii. Caroline IMonroe, b. Oct. 27, 1832. iv. Frederick Tarrant, b. June 11, 183G; d. Oct. 3, 1838. v. Edwin Tarrant, b. April 2, 1839 ; d. July, 1894 ; m. Sept. 14, 1871, Maria C. Quimby. vi. LeBaron, b. May 30, 1841; d. Sept. 12, 1842. 651 Mary LeBaron^ Putnam {Rmmah^}, born Nov. 7, 1803 ; died Sept. 4, 1894; manied Nov. 15, 1831, Dr. Leonard Pierce, died Aug. 30, 1843, in Canton, 111. Res., Sutton, Mass., and Canton. Cliildrcn (Pierce): i. Mary P>ances,' b. May 10, 1834; d. May 9, 1891 ; unm. 1187. ii. Ellen D., b. Nov. 9, 183G. 652 Israel^ Putnam (Hannah^), born Dec. 25, 1805 ; died June 26, 1870; married Sarah E. Frost, born June 25, 1812, died Sept. 21, 1898. He was graduated A. B. from lirown University in 1827, and M. D. from Bowdoin College in 1830, and practiced medicine in Bath, Me., of winch city he was mayor from 1859 to 1807, being its " War Mayor." He was for years one of Bath's most distin- guished citizens. Cliildren (Putnam) : 1188. i. William LeB.," b. May 20, 1835. ii. Hannah A., b. April 3, 1H37; d. Mar. 3, 1873. 248 Descendants of Francis IjcBaron. 1189. iii. Edwin, b. Sept. 28, 1840. 1190. iv. Octavia McK., tr. Jan. 12, 1845. 653 Theodoue Elijah^ Putnam {Hannah^), born Sept. 10, 1815 ; died Jidy 4, 1885 ; married May 18, 1842, Mary Ann Woodhead, of New York City. Res., New York City and Sutton, Mass. Cliild (Putnam) : i. Theodore Albertus," b. in 1843. 654 Caroline Priscilla*5 Putnam (^Hannah^), born Aug. 3, 1818 ; died May 1, 1895 ; married Nov. 29, 1839, Dr. Nehemiah Chase Sibley; married (2), April 25, 1849, Stephen Merrihew, died Dec. 20, 1895. He was a lawyer in New York City. Cliildren (Merrihew) : i. Caroline,' b. May 22, 1850. ii. Theodora, b. Aug. 81, 1853; m. April 8, 1886, James G. Rieck, d. Jan. 29, 1903. iu. George W., b. Sept. 17, 1856. Res., New York City. 655 RoiJEKT Leonard*^ Hazen ( William^), born Oct. 15, 1808 ; died Aug. 15, 1874 ; married Sept. 29, 1837, Sarah Ann^ Botsford (662), born April 22, 1815. Mr. Hazen was one of New Brunswick's ablest lawyers, holding many judicial offices in the Province, and at the time of his death was a member of the Senate of the Dominion of Canada. Res., St. John, N. B. Children (Hazen) : i. Sarah Elizabeth,' b. Aug. 7, 1843; d. Nov. 25, 1870, s.p.; m. Aug., 1869, Charles Upham Chandler, ii. WiUiam IMurray, b. May 29, 1849; d. at three years of age. iii. Francis Brinley, b. Sept. 18, 1852; d. in 1888, s./).; m. Miss Ferguson. Sixtti Generation. 240 656 Eliza Bi'yrn Ohipman*' Hazen (Charh's''), boni Nov. 22, 1810; died April 23, 18U5 ; iiuiiTit'd Saiiuiel Fox Dorr. Res., New York. Children (Dorr): i. Samuel," l>. June 11, 183G; graduated from Harvard l^ni- vt'r,sity, IS;")?, ii. llazon, b. Nov. 30, 1837; d. June 7, ISf)!*, in C'amluidge, Mass. ill. Margaret Ann Sophia, b. . iv. Johannah Robinson, I). . 657 RoHKHT Fraser^ Hazen {Uohcrt'"), born Ai)ril 1*,), 1803; died April 25,1874; married Johannah Robinson. He was mayor of St. John, N. B., in 1837. Cliildren (Hazen): 1191. i. Robert Morris,'' b. Sept. 27, 1829. 1192. ii. William, b. July 4, 1831. 1193. iii. Susan Frances, b. Aug. 11, 1830. iv. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Mar. 23, 1841; umii. 1194. V. Margaret Ann, b. Mar. 18, 1843. vi. Johannah Robinson, b. Aug. 17, 1845 ; m. William Ritchie ; m. (2), Col. Edward Street. 658 JoHX Thomas^' Murray {Sarah L.^ Ilazeii), born in 1797 ; died Sept. b, 1834 ; married July 9, 1827, Hari'iet Letitia Despard, born April 7, 1800; died Aug. 4, 1807, in Newport, R. T. Res., St. John, N. B. Cliildren (Murray) : i. Frances E.,' b. Jan. 14, 1S30; d. Fel». 13, 1901. -She \\;is probably the foremost woman in St. John in all matters pertaining to the betterment of humanity : she was prominent in local and national councils of women, and numbered close friends amonliss liotsford was at oin' tinu! SpcMkcr of the New lirunswick legislature, and subseciuently .liidnf nf the Supreme Court. Kes., I\I. V. Florence Murray, b. Ajn-il ;}(), 1854. 662 Sarah Ann*^ Botsford married Robert Leonard*' Hazen. See 655. 663 Blair** Botsford (Sarah LJ' Ilazen), Ixu-n Jan. 5, 1821 : died April 7, 1887 ; married Jan. 12, 1848, Sarah Cogswell. R(!S., St. Jolni, N. B. Clrildren ( Botsford) : i. Sarah PVances,' b. Jan. 17, 1849. ii. Le Baron, b. Sept. 22, 1850. iii. Mary, b. Sept. 22, 1852. iv. Elizabeth Dorr, b. Sept. 22, 1.S59. V. Maud, b. July 11, 18G1. vi. WilHaui Murray, b. Aug. 10, 1864. vii. Aliee, b. INlar. 19, 18(>6. 664 LvDiA ("oKKiN*^ (tOODWIN (N(tlhantel''), born Aug. 22,1800; died Dec. 29, 1888 ; married Sept. 2, 1824, Tluunas, .son of I'.arnnbas and Eunice (lUirr) Hedge, of IMymouth, Mass., born Oct. 22, 1800 ; died July 1 1, 18H5. Res., Plymouth. 252 JJescemlants of 2'V")irii> J^eUaron. Children (Hedge) : 1200. i. Mary Ellen,' 1). May 12, 1825. 1201. ii. Al)by Burr, b. Sept. 17, 1827. iii. Edward G., b. Nov. 15, 1828; d. Oct. 22, 1869. iv. Thomas 15., b. June 6, 1830; d. Mar. 21, 1886. 1202. V. Albert G., b. May 19, 1832. vi. Lydia G., b. Jan. 24, 1834; m. Oct. 13, 1857, Joshua Rich Lothrof), who was gi'aduated from Dartmouth in 1844; M. D. Harvard Univ., 1852; d. July 22, 1893, 5. p. vii. Thomas B., b. July 6, 1838 ; m. Helen Mitchell. 1203. viu. William, b. Feb. 26, 1840. See 816. 665 Albert Gardner^ Goodwin (Nathaniel^), horn May 18,1802; married April 6, 1831, Eliza, daiighter of Paul and Judith (Gardner) Hussey, of Nantucket, Mass. ; died Jan. 16, 1839 ; married (2), June 3, 1840, Eliza Ann, daughter of Capt. Joseph Bartlett, of Plymouth, Mass., died Nov. 18, 1870, in Boston, Mass. Children (Goodwin) : i. Nathaniel,' b. Nov. 27, 1832; d. Mar. 19, 1849. 1204. ii. Eliza Ilussey, b. April 14, 1841. 666 Nathaniel^ Goodwin {Nathanieil/'), born July 31, 1809 ; died Oct. 13, 1894; married April 30, 1833, Arabella, daughter of William and Fanny (Gibbs) White, of New Bedford, Mass., born Aug. 20, 1808; died Feb. 16,1869; married (2), 1889, Laura Parker, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Captain Goodwin commanded a ship in the China trade for a number of years. Cliildren (Goodwin) : 1205. i. Ezra Shaw,' b. Mar. 27, 1834. 1206. ii. Fanny Gibbs, b. June 10, 1836. iii. Mary Ann, b. in 1838; d. Feb., 1872. iv. WiUiam White, b. Jan. 19, 1840; d. Oct. 13, 1849. Drowned in Plymouth Harbor, Mass. I iSixt/i Generation. 'iS:] 667 Philander^ Cokkin (^Blary JJ' Goodwin), \nnn .July l:i, 1804, in Niintucket, Miuss. ; died Mar. 4, 1842; niaiTicd .July 1, 1824, Mary Ceely, born May 11, IcSOf); died April 24, lS8o. Res., Nan- tucket. Children (Collin) : lii(l7. i. Laban," b. April 17, 1«25. 12U.S. ii. Caroline, b. Dec. 5, 182G. iii. Mary J., b. Dec. 18, 1828; m. ]\lay lil, IS IS, llar/.illai Ray, s. ]>. lies.. Pacific Grove, Cal. iv. Elizaljeth C, b. Oct. 22, 1830 ; d. April 2.S, 1848, in Monterey, Cal. V. Philander, b. Mar. 1(5, 1833; d. Aug., 1858. 120t). vi. Sarah C, b. Nov. 30, 1834, . vii. David C, b. Aug. 10, 1836; d. Aug. 30, 1837. viii. Emily A., b. Aug. 20, 1838 ; d. Sept. 23, 1840. ix. William E., b. July 8, 1840; d. Sept. 28, 1841. X. Ezra G., b. Feb. 24, 1842; d. Jan., 1845. 668 Thomas J.^ Coffin (^Mary J.^ G-oodwin), born July 15, 1810, in Nantucket, Mass. ; died Dec. 12, 1887, in San Jose, Cal. ; mar- ried in 1836, Luraua M. Fisher; married (2), Deborah C Cole- man, born Oct. 3, 1824 ; died July 1, 1894. Children (Coffin) : 1210. i. AureHa,' b. Nov. 25, 1843. ii. Lizzie T., b. June 14, 1848; ra. April 22, 1882, Peter E. Ilamm, of C-hicago, 111. 669 Gardner'' Cofftn (Mary J:' Goodtoin'), born Nov. 29, 1812, in Nantucket, Mass. ; died Mar. 1(5, 1809 ; married Nov. 28, 1837, Phebe Ann Chase, born April 17, 1820. Cliildren (Coffin) : i. William C.,^ b. ; d. young. 121 1. ii. L^'dia Tic.e, b. April 4, 1844. iii. Addie Worth, b. Sept. 0, IS.'").^); m. Aug. 'JU, ISTI, , 186(). 1217. xi. John (ioodwin, I). Aug. 22, 1868. 672 Albert'^ Locke (^ILmnah^ G-oodioin), horn Oi-.l. 21, 1807; died Sept. 20, 1840; married Mar. 1, 1837, Mary Ann" (074), dau«,ditor of .Iud^;e Joseph Locke of Lowell, Mass., born Mar. 11, 180'.>; died ill 1874. He was graduated from ILirvard C!ulle_i^e in 182U, studied law with his father, and resided in Lowell, Mass. Child (Locke) : i. Josejih Albert," b. Oct. ol, 1889. 673 Il.MJiirET*' Locke (Li/dia^ Goodwin'), born Nov. 12, 1807; mar- ried May 2, 1888, John Donaldson Locke, of l.«ouisville, Ky., born Aug. 1, 1701. Res., Louisville, Ky. Cliildreu (Locke) : i. Julia Dalton," b. Mar. 20, 1839 ; d. Jan. 29, 1842. ii. Joseph Henry, b. Feb. 12, 1841. iii. Lydia Goodwin, b. Feb. 1, 1843. 674 Mary Ann^ Locke married Albert*^ Locke. See 672. 675 Hanxah Goodwin^ T.,o('ke (^Lijdhv' G-oodwiu'), born Dec. 24, 1815; died Mar. 25, 1893; married May 26, 1846, William 11. Foster, of Boston, Mass., born Jan. 9, 1810; died OcL 30, 1894. Res., Dorchester, Mass. Children (Foster; : 1218. i. John IlarnxV b. April 27, 1847. ii. Mary Haven, b. Dec. 19, 1848. 1219. iii. Cliark^s, b. Mar. 6, 1850. iv. William, b. Nov. 12, 1851. 122U. v. Joseph Locke, b. Nov. 14, 1853. 250 iJescendants of Francis LeBaron. 676 Charles Otis*' Bott^telle (^Aniv" G^oodumi), bom Aug. 4, 1813, in Lexington, Mass.; died July 22, 1888, in Hampton, Va. ; mar- ried in Cainl)ridge, Mass., Louisa Bartlett, a granddaughter of Dr. James Thaclier, tlie liistorian of Plymoutli, Mass. In 1842 be was empb)yed as an engineer in tiie liorden survey of Massachusetts; liis work there led to liis appointment on the U. S. Coast Survey. During the Civil War liis services were of great value ; he accom- panied Dupont in the attack on Port Royal, and piloted the fleet ; and discharged a similar duty at Charleston ; he remained on the Southern coast as fleet hydrograpber, serving witli credit under Admiral Dablgren, and receiving tlie personal thanks of his com- manding officers. After the close of the war he was appointed Inspector of Liglithouses on tlie Southern Atlantic Coast, and for a number of years was one of the Harbor Commissioners for the improvement of the port of Norfolk, Va. In recent years he had charge of nil tlu; trigonometrical work in the States, conducted by the Coast Survey, until failing health compelled liim to relinquish further duty. Children (Boutelle) : 1221. i. Charles Borden," b. May 14, 1843. ii. James Thaclier, b. Jan. 6, 1845; iii. Lucia Frances M. Fenner. lie is a j)liysician. IJes., Hampton, Va. iii. Ezra S. Goodwin, b. ; d. young. 1222. iv. John Bartlett, b. Dec. 14, 1849. V. Anna Lincoln, twin to John Bartlett, <1. young. 1223. vi. Helen Louise, b. . vii. Henry Prince, b. . 677 William Hen'Ry'^ RoiiUiNS {Harriet^ Lathrop), born Oct. 22, 1795; died Mar. 20, 1848; married June 28, 1832, Henrietta K. Pritchard, b(U-n (^ct. 3, 1812. Res., Cheraw, So. Car. Cliildren ( Robbins) : i. Henrietta Kelsall," h. April 30, 1833; d. Aug. 3, 1835. 1224. ii. Henrietta Kelsall, b. Oct. 19, 1835. Si.rt/i Getterud'on. 257 1225. iii. Josephiiu' Elizabeth, b. June 19, 1837. iv. Chandler, h. Nov. 15, 1841; d. Autr. 1, ls42. 678 Ckandlkk*^ Robhins {IlarriH^ Lothrop), born Aug. 21, ITltT ; (lied May 24, isaij : married May 22, 1825, Eunice 1)., daugiiter of IJarnabas and Eunice (Bun) Hedge. Dr. Roblnn.s was graduated from Bowdoiii in 18ir), and from Harvard Medical College in 1818. Res., Boston, Mass. Children ( Robl)ins) : i. IlarrieV b. Mai-. 20, 182G; unm. ii. William Henry, b. May 27, 1828; d. Nov. 26, 1888. iu. Ellen, b. Ai)ril 29, 1831 ; d. Sept. 4, 1883. iv. Chandler, b. Dec. 5, 1834; ra. Helen Julia WilcockH, s. p. Merchant. Res., New York City. 679 Sauah [Sally] (ioiiHAM'' Jackson QSally-' Goodwin^, born Aug. 13, 1806; died April 30, 1893; married Jan. 27, 184G, William Kapser. Child (Kapser) : i. John Pickering," b. Jan. 3, 1847 ; d. Dec. 2, 1847. 680 Eveline Goodwin'^ Jackson (^Sall^ Goodwin), born Aug. (i, 1809; died Oct. 18, 1803; married Dec. 21, 1884, Eleazer S. Bartlett, of Plymouth, Mass. Res., Laurel, Amie Arundel eo., Md. Cbihlren (Bartlett): 1220. i. Francis Jackson," 1). July 5, 1838. ii. Mar}' Louisa, b. Sept. 7, 1840. iii. Evelina Stephens, b. Mar. 29, 1846; <1. Feb. 7, IS49. 681 Sa.miki, Salishukv'' Ja(;ks<)N {,S'{[ iJrigade, 2d Div., 8d ('orps, Iroiii which he was transferre'd Lo Uic 2(1 Prigade ol the same disision. lies., Morri.s- town, N. J. 2G0 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Children (Revere) : i. John," 1). Nov. 2G, 1844, in Boston, Mass.; d. April 2'2, 1849, in New York City. ii. Frances Jane, b. Mar. 2G, 1849, in New York City; d. Sept. 25, 1859, in Morristown. iii. Thomas Duncan, b. Nov. 22, 1S58, in Morristown; d. 8ei)t. 18, 1856, in Morristown. iv. Paid, b. Sept. 28, 1856; d. Nov. 10, 1901, in Morristown, unm. V. Augustus Lefebvre, b. Aug. 8, 1861, in Morristown. 688 Helen Revere*^ Poor {Umily^ G-oodwin'), born Dec. 16, 1816 ; died Oct. 4, 1803 ; married Jan. 25, 1854, Erastus Day Smith, died Oct. 4, 1861. Res., Chelsea, Mass. Children (Smith) : i. Helen Thacher,' b. Nov. 10, 1854. ii. Winfield Scott, b. Sept. 11, 1860; d. in 1890; m. Mar- garet Galvin. 689 Margaret Ann Gurley^ Poor {^Emibf Goodwin^, born July 16, 1819 ; married June 30, 1846, John Patch, died Sept. 9, 1887. Mr. Patch was graduated from Bowdoin College in 1831 ; he was a lawyer and studied his profession at the Harvard Law School. Res., Ipswich, Mass. Children (Patch) : 1230. i. John Francis LeBaron,^ b. Sept. 28, 1847. ii. Emily Goodwin, b. June 12, 1859. iii. Estelle Corning, b. Aug. 21, 1863. 690 John Marston^ Goodwin {John M.^), born Nov. 30, 1833; died Oct. 27, 1891, in Sharpsville, Pa.; married June 20, 1853, Fanny Doane Hurlburt, of Middletown, Ct., died Nov. 8, 1855 ; married (2), Helen Louisa (Van Pelt) Greenhalgh, of Toledo, Ohio. He was a civil engineer. Res., Sharpsville. Sixth Generntion. 2(51 Children (Goodwin) : Vl)\\. i. Kmeline PhilleoJ b- Auor. 28, 1862. 1282. ii. John Marstou, b. Aui?. 11, 1863. iii. Eunice Clieever, 1). Dec. IS, lS6f> ; m. Dr. James ]\f. Sco- ville. lies., Warren, Oliio. iv. Van Pelt, b. July, 1H(>9; il. in infancy. V. Edward Watnon, b. Ana;. 7, l!S72; ni. May lt>, 1M)3, Grace I. Darling, of Brooklyn, N. Y. 691 Elizabetfi Wheeler^ Goodwin (./o/m 71/.''), born July 20, 1835: died Jan. 18, 1900; married Dec. 24, 1854, Francis Charles, son of Charles and Lucy Cotton (Jackson) Browne, of Plymouth, Mass., born Nov. 21, 1829 ; died Jan. 9, 1900. Mr. lirowne was graduated from Harvard College, in 1851. Res., Framingham, Mass. Child (Browne): i. Fanny IJurlburt Goodwin," b. Mar. 8, 1856. 692 LeBakon*^ Goodwin (^John M.^), born Aug. 10, 1838 ; died Dec. 5, 1888; married 1801, Mary Elizabeth Pierce, of Duxbury, Mass. Res., Boston and Duxbury, Mass. Cliildren (Goodwin) : i. Harriet Watson," h. Dec. 31, 1864; d. Mar. 27, 1892. ii. Mary Elizabeth, b. April 16, 1868; m. June If), 1896, P^rnest Grant Lewis. Res., Denver, Col. ChiUlren (Lewis) : i. John,^ h. July 29, 1898. ii. Mary LeBaron, h. Fob. 17, 1902. ^ 693 Francis" Goodwin (John MS'), boin Mai-. 13,1845: died Scjit. 26, lS!t5, in Framingliani, Mass. ; married Jan. 23, 1875, Laura Hastings, of lirandon, Vt, born Dec. 20, 1854 ; died Nov. 2:;, 1876. He was engaged in trade in th(^ East Indies: he resided in the latter part of his life in Franiinghani. 262 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Cliildreii (Goodwin) : i. Laura IlastintfB," li. Nov. 1o, IST'i; d. I*\;l). 27, IS79. 694 Lucy Lothkoi*''' Goodwin (/saac''), born July 4,1811; died Jiiii. 0, 1872; married Oct. 24, 1835, Thomas Aurelio, of Fayal, Azores, born June 17, 1811 ; died Fel). 11, 18(;2. Cliildren (Aurelio): i. Felicia Goodwin," b. Dec. 26, 1836; died Dec. 9, 1842. ii. Lucia Goodwin, b. Jan. 15, 1838; d. Feb. 25, 1839. iii. William Goodwin, b. Jan. 31, 1839. 1233. iv. Thomas Goodwin, b. Mar. 14, 1840. V. George Goodwin, b. July 8, 1842; d. Oct. 1, 1843. vi. Elizabeth Goodwin, 1». Dec. 20, 1843; d. Oct. 2, 1844. vii. Sara Goodwin, b. Oct. 1, 1848; d. July 27, 1865. viii. Marianne Goodwin, b. April 3, 1850; d. Sept. 24, 1850. 695 Elizabeth Mason^ Goodwin (/saac^), born Jan. 13, 1813, in Sterling, Mass.; died Nov. 5, 187»5 ; married Nov. 2, 1834, in Boston, Mass., John Henry Francis Graeter, born June 9, 1797, in Wiirtemburg, Germany : died July 30, 1861. Res., Germany, since 1842. Children (Graeter) : 1234. i. Albert,^ b. Sept. 26, 1835, in Boston. 1235. ii. John Benignus, h. May 12, 1838, in Boston. iii. liiiniaiiuel, b. .Fan. 10, 1S41, in Ncav York; m. Henrietta Kalm, .s. j>. 1236. iv. Lewis Michael, h. Dec. 15, 1843, in Stuttgart, Germany. V. Anna, b. Aug. 3, 1848, in Wtirtemburg ; d. Oct. 7, 1848. vi. Victor, b. Mar. 26, 1850; d. in 1883. Professor of Lan- guages. vii. Otto, b. May 30, 1852; <1. Aug. 9, 1855. viii. lM-i\w of liis hiter and best known works. In 187G lie wrote "a tiue story" entitled "The First of the LeBarons,"" which was publishi'd in " Tiie Old Ladies' Piece Bag," a magazine issued for the benefit of "Tlie Home for Aged Women," in Lowell, Mass. The account which he gives in this differs decidedly from that of his sister's, Mrs. Austin, in her " Nameless Nobleman.'" Tliis story is to be found in the appendix. Child (Goodwin ) : i. William Bradford,' b. June 22, 1858. 697 Mai;v Jane*^ Goodwin {Isnac^'), born Feb. 25, 1831 ; died Mar. 30, 1894 : married June 24, 1850, Loring Henry Austin, born Dee. 7, 18111: died Feb. 21, 1892. Mr. Austin was graduated from Harvard College in 1839, and resided in (yoncord, Mass. Mrs. Austin was a well known writer of fiction; two of her books, " The Nameless Nobleman," and " Doctor LeBaron and his Daugh- ters," being of special interest to descendants of Dr. Francis LeBaron. Children (Austin) : 1237. i. Lilian Ivers,^ b. June 7, 1851. 1238. ii. LeBaron Loring, b. Mar. 31, 1S53. iii. Isabella Trecothic, b. Oct. 15, 1854; d. Mi\y 21, 1855. iv. Itose Stanili, b. iii. Julia lluid, b. — iv. Lydia Ritssell, b. 699 Mary^ Russell {^Mary Ann^ Goodumi), born Jan. 9, 1820; married Jan. 11, 1846, Benjamin Marston Watson, of Plymouth, Mass., horn Jan. 18, 1820 ; died Feb. 19, 1896. Mr. Watson was graduated from Harvard College in 1839. Res., Plymouth. Children (Watson) : i. Benjamin Marston," b. Nov. 24, 1848. ii. Thomas Russell, b. July 17, 1850; m. July 25, 1901, Frederica Davis, iii. Lucretia Sturgis, b. Dec. 22, 1851. 1289. iv. Edward Winslow, b. Sept. 20, 1853. v. Ellen, b. Nov. 5, 1857. 700 William Goodwin^ Russell (Mary Amv" Groodwhi)^ born Nov. 18, 1821 ; died Feb. 6, 1896 ; married Oct. 6, 1847, Mary Ellen- Hedge (1200), born May 12, 1825; died Sept. 18, 1886. lie was graduated from Harvard College in 1840, and from the Harvard Law Scliool in 1845. He was a lawyer with a large practice in Boston, Mass., President of the Bar Association of Suffolk co., and an Overseer of llnixard for many ycais. He was offered the Sixth Generation. liO;') ])Osition of Justice of tin' Suprcnu^ C(Hirt ol tin- Statu by (iov. llussell, Iml declined the honor. N^M-y full and a[)prec'iative no- tices of liis life and character appeared in the jiapers of the day, at tiie time of his death. Children (Russell) : 1240. i. T.ytlia Goodwin,' I). Sept. 3, 1854. 1-^41. ii. Tliumas, I). June 17, 1S58. [■J. [-2. iii. .Marion, b. July 11, 1805. 701 'rm».M.\s'^ Russell (^Mary Anic' Groodwin), born Sept. 26, 1S25; died Feb. 0, 1887 ; married June 4, 1853, Helen, daughter of Rev. Kdward Taylor (" Father Taylor,'' the well-known preacher to sailors), of Boston, Mass. Mr. Russell was graduated from Har- vard College in 1845, studied law, and was at one time Judge of the Superior Court. He was U. S. Collector of the Port of Bos- ton, under President Grant. Children (Russell) : 1243. i. Ellen Taylor," b. Jan. 23, 1854. ii. Mary Anne, b. Jan. 20, 1855; d. May G, 181)4, in Munich, Bavaria, iii. Dora Walton, b. Aug. 31, 1861. 702 M.\i;i.\ Flleuy'^ Goodwin (Frederick H.^}, born I\hiy l:>, 1828; mariied Nov. 17, 1853, James MacKaye, of New York. Rs., Newport, R. I. Child (MacKaye) : 1244. i. Ilemv Goodwin,' b. Mar. 16, 1857. 703 William Watson" Goodwin ( Mv-svy B.^), born Nov. 0, 18:U ; married Feb. 1864, Fmily Hav(!n Jenks, of New York, died July 8, 1874; married (2), June 6, 1882, Ellen Adelaide Chandler, of Boston, Mass. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1851, 266 Descendants of Francis LeBaro7i. where he received the degree of LL. D. in 1801 ; the same honor has been conferred upon him by Anilicrst, Columbia, the Univer- sities of Cambridge, England, and of Edinburgh, Scotland; Oxford University gave him the degree of D. C. L. in 1890, and Gottingeii that of Fh. D. in 1855. He has been Eliot Professor of Greek in Harvard for many years, and is ^videly known as the author of a Greek Grammar, which is a standard text-book in many colleges and preparatory schools. He is a Fellow of the American Acad- emy of Arts and Sciences, a menil^er of the Massachusetts His- torical Society, and of many learned societies at home and abroad. He has been made a Knight of the Order of the Saviour, by the King of Greece. Children (Goodwin) : i. Horace Howard,^ b. Dec. 8, 1864; d. Nov. 1, 1865. ii. Charles Haven, b. Nov. 25, 1866; d. July 9, 1889. 704 Hersey Bradford^ Goodwin {Ilersey B.^^, born Oct. 30, 1836; married June 29, 1871, Ellen C. Hopkinson. Res., Cam- bridge, Mass. Children (Goodwin) : i. Amelia Mackay," b. June 5, 1872. ii. Elliot Hersey, b. Jan. 6, 1874. iii. Grace Mary, b. Feb. 4, 1876; m. Oct. 21, 1897, Juhu Bertram Head, iv. Frances Barnard, b. July 19, 1885. 705 l^uciA Ann'^ Goodwin (Lnvis^), born Sept. 28, 1811 : died Oct. 18, 1889 ; married Mar. 2, 1835, Timothy, son of Major IMish, of Barnstable, Mass., born June 20, 1805; died April 7, 1841, in Cambridge, Mass. Children (Blish): i. Ariadne," b. Dec. 2, 1835. ii. Frederick W., b. ]>ec. 28, 1838; d. Oct. 8, 1839. Sixth Generation. '2G7 706 II(ti:.\Ti() L." Goodwin (Lcwis^), boni Dec. i!7, ISIo; died Oci. 1.'). iHAi; maiTifd May D, 1844, Maria '1\ Maisliall. ("liild (OoodwiiO : i. Horatio L.," h. July 1(1, 184(1; d. April 13, 1H(;8. 707 Isabella Frances^ Goodwin (Lewis'^), bom April 12, 181(»; died Aui^. (>, 1S02: married April 28, 1837, Simeon Dike, died .hiiu' 18, 1857, ill Callao, So. America. Res., Plymouth, Mass. Children (Dike) : i. Edward Goodwin," I>. Fel». Ui, 1888; d. Oct. 10, 1880; m. Dec. 27, 1866, Kate Thomas, d. Oct. 27, 1887. ii. Charles Burton, b. May 80, 1851 ; ni. Julia E. Coleman. Res., Washington, D. C. 708 Abry^ Goodwin (^TJio)nas^), born Nov. 10, 1811, in Plymouth, Mass.; married Oct. 27, 1838, George Soiile, born Jan. 21, 1806; died April 12, 1845. Res., Duxbury, Mass. Children (Soule) : 124.^.. i. George W.,^ b. JNIar. 17, 1836. 1246. ii. Nathan T., b. May 22, 1840. 709 Lydia« Goodwin (Tliomm^), born July 20, 1813; died May 0, 1886; married Dec. 28, 1836, Willard Clark, died Oct. 18, 1885. lios., Duxbury, Mass. Children (Clark): i. Louisa A.," 1). Oct. 3, 1837. 1247. ii. Adeline AVillard, b. April 19, 1839. iii. \Villard, 1). Feb. 14, 1843. iv. Emma G., b. June 29, 18-19; d. IVFay 15, 1868. 710 Gkoijck 'rni:i:v*' GoODWTN {Thmiiif'), lnun .Inly IS, 1815; died Feb. 5, 188^; married Oct. 14, 1840, Marlha Waill, died May 18, 1886. Res., Mod ford, Mass. 268 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Children (Goodwin) : i. Winthrop Thomas/ b. April 10, 18-42; d. INIar. 27, 1849. 1248. ii. James Otis, 1). April 20, ls44. iii. Mary Ellen, L. Mar. 24, 1846 ; m. Jacob Baird ; .s. p. iv. George Tony, b. Feb. 20, 1848; d. Nov. 22, 1870. V. Evelyn Augusta, b. Sept. 21, 1851. 711 Emily F." Goodavin (Thomas^'), born Dec. 21, 1825; married in 1847, Hira Bates. Res., Plymouth, Mass. Cliildren (Bates) : i. Charles C.,' b. in 1851 ; m. in lb05, Elvira Woods. 1249. ii. Carrie G., b. in 1855. 712 Francis LeBaron^ Read (Charles^}, born Mar. 7, 1812; died Oct. 11, 1897 ; married Mary Manly, burn May 13, 1819. Res., Minot, Me. Children (Read) : i. Charles Francis,'' b. April 25, 1841. ii. Mary Eliza, b. Aug. 1844 ; m. Charles Beals, of Dorchester, Mass, 713 George William*^ Rkad ( C//a?7r./'), burn June 25, 1818 : mar- ried Oct. 26, 184G, Eliza Aim, daughter of Jonathan and Nancy (Beeswell) Sargent, born Dec. 29, 1822. Res., Levant, Me. Children (Read) : 1250. i. Charles William,^ h. July 27, 1847. 1251. ii. George Edwin, b. Sept. 7, 1850. iii. Nancy Eliza, b. Sept. 30, 1858. 714 Mary Elizahetii'^ Read {(reorfje^), horn A-pril 2,1824:-, mar- ried Dec. 14, 1848, George Weld, of lioxbuiy, Mass., died Dec. 21, 1855; married (2), July 6, 1859, Paul Willard, died Aug. 15, 1868. Res., Roxbury. ^il iSixth Generation. 269 Child ion (Wold) : i. George IJ.,' I». ; ^\'IN (Francis LeBJ''), born June 20, 1820 ; lost at sea, in 1868 ; married April 18, 1850, Mary M. Lull. Children ((rood win) : i. Francis LeBaron," b. in 1852; m. iMar. 7, 1883, Sadie Aistrope. ii. Cliarles LeBaron, 1). in 1854; d. Oct. 13, 1895; ra. Aug. 14, 1878, Anna F. Evans. 722 Seth Curtis*^Goodwin (Francis LeB.^), born Sept. 28, 1831 ; died Jan., 1885; married Mar. G, 1856, Susan ILimiltoii. Children (Goodwin) : i. William Henry,^ b. in 1863; m. July 2(1, 1S84, Lulu E. Bodge. Sixth Generation. -11 1 723 Makv Elizauetii'"' Goodwin (-/oAh ^.^), born Oct. 9, 1834; niaiTied Mar. i), 185(3, Hiram W. Huzzell, born Mar. 28, 1811) ; died June 24, 1896. Res., Skowliegan, Me. Cliildren (Bnzzoll) : i. Warren II.,' b. May 13, 1857; d. May (i, iSSl. ii. Mary Ann, b. Sept. 18, 1859; d. July 4, ISlil. iii. Faustina, b. Oct. 10, 18G1 ; d. Dec. 19, ISO;}, iv. Celia May, 1>. :May 28, 1804; d. May 18, is'l-j. V. Frank Howard, b. Feb. 3, 18G7. vi. Ualpb Alton, b. Sept. 7, 1872. 724 Amanda Isadore'^ Goodwin {John A?), born Oct. 19, 183G, in Mt. Vernon, Me. ; married Aug. 7, 1869, James F. Carson, boin Oct, 25, 1842. Res., Grand Meadows, Minn. Cliildren (Carson) : i. Osborn J.,^ b. May 14, 1S7(); m. Oct. 2, 1895, Susie N. Mark. ii. Eftie May, b. :\rar. 14, 1875; d. Sept. 12, 1875. iii. Leona A., b. Oct. 21, 1877; m. Nov. 2(>, 189(), Patrick McDonougli. 725 John Henry'^ Goodwin {Harriet^ G-oodtvin), born April 8, 1827 ; married Feb. 22, 1852, Caroline A. Luce, born Oct. 8, 1835. He served in the Civil War. Res., Farmington Falls, Me. Cliildren (Goodwin): i. CjTus llutchinvb. Feb. 21, 1853. ii. Jobn Franklin, b. June 12, 1854. iii. Hue! Wcndall, I.. Sept. 7, 1857; in. Clara ilixi)y Manlor. iv. Junetto Maria, )>. Oct. (1, 18(11; in. Charles Herbert King. V. Charles IJrowiung, b. Nov. 15, ls(;;{; ni. i'.crnice Sawyer, vi. Evangeline Belle, b. Nov. 20, 18(J9; ni. .lacnh Kcinbli', d. Jan. 18, 1897. 272 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 726 Alonzo^ Goodwin {Harriet^ G-oodivin), born July 22, 1834; died April 15, 1891 ; luariied Sept. 4, 1855, Lydia S., daughter of Jolui and Elizabeth Kice, boru Dec. 10, 1835. Res., Auburn, Me. Children (Goodwin) : 1201. i. Ernest Alfred,' b. Sept. 20, 1857. 1262. ii. Harriet Elizabeth, b. Aug. 10, 1859. 1263. iii. Nellie Scott, b. June lU, 1862. 727 Nellie R.*^ Allen {Elvira^ Goodwhi), born Nov. 15, 1848; married Jan. 3, 1877, Peter J. Rorabeck. Res., Albany, N. Y. Child (Rorabeck) : i. Grace Goodwin,' b. Dec. 25, 1877. 728 Mary B.*^ Willard {Mary^ Bradford), born Jan. 30, 1803; died Feb. 17, 1883 ; married Sept. 27, 1821, Capt. John Gladding. Res., Bristol, R. I. Children (Gladding) : 1264. i. Elizabeth,' b. AprU 28, 1822. ii. Mary Ann, b. June 5, 1825 ; d. in 1826. iii. Emily, b. in 1828; m. W. Winslow. 729 Hezekd^h*^ Willard {Mar^ Bradford), born Nov. 13, 1805; died Dec. 6, 1849 ; married Sept. 27, 1828, Maria West, born May, 1808. Res., Biistol, R. I. Cliildren (Willard): i. Ann INIaria,' b. May 8, 1833 ; d. in infancy. 1265. ii. Jerome, b. June 5, 1839. 730 George Lawton*^ Willard (Mary^ Bradford), born Sept. 11, 1808, in liristol, R. I.; died April 16, 1888, in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; married in Bristol, May 7, 1833, Harriet Elizabeth (314) LeBaron, born Aug. 21, 1815, in Fiskeville, R. I.; died July 29, 1881, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Sixth Generation. ^ 278 ChiUlren (Wilhml): i. James l^eBaron," b. Mar. 1, 1834; iii. May S>, 1S(>0, Afary IJryar, N. y. He is a Cotton-goods IJix)k('r in Now ^'^^k City, lies., Brooklyn. I'iUG. ii. Charles Frederick, h. Fel). lio, IX'Mh iii. William Henry, 1). Aug. 14, 1841; d. June 10, 1842. iv. Mary LeBai'on, b. Dec. 2, 1844 ; d. April 29, 1851. 12(;7. V. Edward Augustus, b. May 28, 1846. vi. Harriet Elizabeth, b. Oct. 11, 1847 ; d. April 30, 1851. vii. George Lawton, b. July 31, 1849; d. April 29, 1851. viii. Francis Arthur, b. Aug. 6, 1851; d. Feb. 12, 1S95. i.\. Annie Louise, b. Jan. 28, 1853. X. Henry Bradford, b. June 28, 1855; m. June G, 1883, .Alary T. Hatch, xi. Gordon Lewis, b. Aug. G, 1857 ; d. Mar. 14, 1861. 731 Allen Taylor Smith^' Bradford {Willianv'), born Sept. 2, 1808; died April 7, 1852; married Aug. 26, 18:33, MarirareL I)i- maii, died April 30, 1804. Res., Bristol, R. L Cliildren (Bradford) : 1208. i. Mary Abby,' b. July 7, 1835. ii. Sarah, b. Aug. 25, 1837. iii. Allen Taylor, b. Aug. 5, 1840; d. Aug. 14, 1857. 1269. iv. Margaret Diman, b. May 13, 1843. 732 Nancy Smith** Bradford {Willianv'), born April 7, 1811; died Aug. 31, 1878; married April 11, 1830, Leonard Wright, born Nov. 21, 1802. Res., Bristol, R. I. Children (Wright) : i. Edwar.l Allen," b. July 27, 1831 ; <1. in is:)(;. ii. Charles Leonard, b. Oct. 13, 1835; d. in |s;;(;. 1-J7n. ill. Leonanl Bradford, b. July 4, 1837. iv. Alfred, 1). Jan. 4, 1S4I. 1271. V. John Henry, b. Se].t. 10, 1.S43. vi. William Fdwin, b. April 4, 1845; ni. Fallen C«»llin. vii. Amos, b. Sept. 8, 1850. •274 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 733 Maiiv Bradford*^ (William^), born June 29, 1813; married Sept. 1, 1881, Albert Smitli I'earse. Res., Bristol, R. I. Children (Pearse) : i. Williani Bradford,' h. Sej)!. 80, 1832; d. Sept. 23, 1845. ii. J\rari()n, 1). Nov. 11, 1834; d. Dec. 11, 1835. ill. Marion Kogerson, b. Mar. 5, 1837; ra. Oct. 23, 1872, Ed- ward Wriglit Bobbins, s. p. iv. Albert Smith, b. May 15, 1840. 1272. V. Edward Bradford, h. Fel). 1, 1843. vi. Frederick Pitkin, b. Aug. 11, 1848 ; d. Dec. 30, 1881, s. p. ; 111. July 19, 1873, Ellen Wilson. 1273. vii. .lohii Russell, b. Dec. 30, 1850. 734 Peter Jambs'^ Bradford {William^'), born Dec. 31, 1815; married June 16, 1839, Lucretia Smith Coit, died June 0, 1887. Res., Bristol, R. I. Cliildren (Bradford) : 1274. i. William James,^ b. Dec. 19, 1840. 1275. ii. Mary Elizabeth, 1). June 11, 1843. iii. Edward James, b. Mar. 28, 1859; d. Mar. 28, 1859. 735 Henry Bradford'' DKAirrn {Ulizaheth B? Bradford), born Jan. 2, 1809 ; died Aug. U, 1849 ; married Abby Taylor. Child (Deartli) : 1276. i. William Griswold,' b. May 27, 1834. 736 John Willis*^ Dearth {Mizaheth B.^ Bradford), baptized June 12, 1817; died April 2, 1875; married Aug. 30, 1887, Mary G. Richmond, died Nov. 30, 1842 ; married (2), Ruth S. Marshall, died Aug., 1864. Children (Dearth): i. Mary Willis," b. ; m. Oct. 0, 1862, Lieut. S. Dana Greene, U. S. N. 1277. ii. Annie Herbert, b. .Tan. 28, 1848. Si;i-th Generation. liTTt 1-J7S. iii. Al)l)y Taylor, I). .I:in. -JC, lsr)0. iv. Charles Willis, h. June 4, IS;")."); m. ,l:iii. li, 1SS4, Kilif .1. Mallory, *-. j>. V. Henry (loMen, h. April '2'2, ISC.l ; m. I-\i.. -Jii, islif), Cor- nelia \ an Kensselaer \'ail. 737 Klizahicth F.iiadford*' Seymour (^Snrali-' Bradford), horn Nov. 27, lS:V.t: nuirneil Xn\ . !•'), 1S(;4, Ferris Young, |{t's., Mil- waukee, Wis. C'hikl (Young) : i. Jessie Seymour,' b. Sej)t. 1, 1865. 738 JiMA (iuiswoLiV^ Seymour (Saralfi Bradford), horn ( )ct. lo, 1842; married Dec. 12, 1800, Alfred Weller. Ues., Milwaukee, Wis. Cldldren (Weller): 1271>. i. Harry Seymour," h. Aug. ol, ISGii. 1-jsu. ii. William Bradfonl, b. Dec. 20, 1S04. 739 Charles IIenry*^ DeWolf (^Marif Goodwin), born Mar. 8, 1800, in Bristol, \l. I.: died Dec. 19, 1840, in Cuba ; married June G, 18::J1, Marianna, daughter of George and ('harlottt^ P. ((ioodwin) DeWolf (271); married (2), in 1844, Sarah Fales llazanl, born June 10, 1814; died June 2o, 18!»3. Children (DeWolf;: i. Charles Henry," 1). Feb. 25, 1845; d. Sept. 21, isO-J. 1-isi. ii. Mary Hazard, b. July IH, 1840. 740 .VlU'.V l>UAl»l'rn Jan. 1.'), 17!I0, in Walpole, N. 11.: dii'. vi. Samuel Pomeroy, •>. Jan. 10, 1S52. 744 Isabella" DeWolf (Charloiti' P.^ G-oodwiu), Imhii SfpL. ;>, 1S:>2; (lied Sept. 7, 185() ; umiTied April 22, 184'.>, Absalom 15. Woodruff. Cliildren (Woodruff) : i. Howard DeWolf,^ h. ; d. , unni. \'2[M'). ii. Theodora DeWolf, 1>. . iii. IJuutou DeWolf, b. ; d. , unin. 745 1Clizai;i:tii Kanhall'' Bradkoim) (^Benjamin WJ')., bom Sept. 10, 182-]; married William Page, of Cambridgeport, Mass. Children (Page) : i. Alice Bradford,' b. Aug. 29, 1851; d. in I85:i. ii. William Carey, b. June 25, 1859; d. in 1861. 746 Mary Eleanor^ Rowland (^Mary LeB.^ Bradford^, born June 17, 1821; married April 14, 1889, Joscplms, son of Josiali and Nancy (Smith) Gooding, born Mar. 17, 1817. Res., Bristol, K. I. Cliildi-en (Gooding) : i. Emily Grafton,' b. Dec. 17, 1840. 1291. ii. Charles Ilowland, b. Oct. ol, 1842. 1292. iii. Helen Frances, b. lAIay 17, 1846. iv. Gertrude, b. July 15, 1855. She is a physician in Bristol, R. I. 1293. V. Mary Bradford, b. Nov. 20, 1860. 747 LeBaron Bradford'^ CnuitcH (^Eleanor'' Bradford), born June 2G, 1824, ill Bristol, R. I.: died May 27, 1806 ; married Oct. IT,, 1845, Anna Dean, i)i.rii Oct. 2, 1827, in T;niiil..ii, Miiss. Res., Taunton. Child (Church): 1294. i. Thomas U-lJaron,' b. Au--. 1:J, 1846. 278 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. \ 748 \Vii,LiAM liitADFOKD*'' Churcii ( Eleauo'T* Bradford^, bom April 24,1829; niairiud Dec. H, 1853, Hannah E. Munroe, born Aug. 27, 182! ». lies., ^raunton, Mass. Children (Church) : i. William 15raaron, b. Eeb. I'i, 1 sril). iii. Kllen Augusta, b. Aug. 7, lS(il ; d. l-'cb. t(>, 1865. iv. Erederick Wardwell, b. l^ec. 8, 1868; d. Eeb. 5, 1865. 1295. V. Henry Hall, b. Mar. 19, 1867. vi. Mary E., 1). .Tan. 2, 1869. 749 Juliana^ DeWolf (James^), born in 1816 ; thed in 1891 : married Oct. 26, 1836, Robert Livingston Cutting, born in 1812; died in 1887. Children (Cutting) : 1296. i. Robert Livingston," b. in 1837. ii. James DeWolf, b. in 1839; d. in 1885. 1297. iii. Walter, b. in 1841. iv. Juliana, b. in 1843; d. in 1885. 750 James DeWolf*^ Perry (Man/ DeWolf), born Sept. 2, 1815 ; died Sept. 9, 1876 ; married Mar. 3, 1836, Julia Sophia, daughter of Abel and Julia .b.nes, born Mar. 22, 1816; died June 23, 1898. Children (Perry) : 1298. i. Raymond Ik-iiry .Junes,' h. Oct. 2, 1836. 1299. ii. James DeWolf, b. Dec. 22, 1838. 1300. iii. Calbraith Lourn, b. Sei)t. 23, 1S46. iv. Julia Bourn, b. July 6, 18.^)0; d. June 19, 1857. 1301. V. Charles Varn urn, h. .July IS, 1853. vi. Oliver IFazard, h. Oct. 22, 1859; d. Dec. 2, 1867. vii. William Wallace, 1.. Nov. 7, 1862. Sixth Generation. 1>79 751 Alexandkk" Peiiiiv (Man/ A.^ DfWo/f), Ih.id May-^, 1><--; (lit'd Nov. '.•,1888; maiTied May <>, 1847, Laxinia ("audd): i. William Henry DeWolf," b. April 5, 1858; d. Feb. 16, 1891. ii. diaries Annis, b. Dec. 28, 1859; m. Sept. 7, 1889, ^Nfary Jacques Good. 1308. iii. Nellie Coward, b. July 10, 1^70. 758 Madeline*^ DeWolf (William II?), born in 1838; married Benjamin Franklin Smith. Cliildren (Smith) : i. Warren Weston," b. ; m. Louise . 1309. u. Frank DeWolf, b. . iii. ^Madeline DeWolf, b. ; ra. Taylor; m. (2), Sir Austin l^ee. Secretary of British Legation at Paris. ■itA Sixth Generation. 281 759 .loSKl'llINK MakIA I)k\V()1-K'^ llo.MKK {Nunrij />'.•' /),■ \V"/f ), Ihmii Mar. 1'2, I80I ; iiuinicd iMar. 2, 1850, Ileiiry liudlow, ol" Newpnil, K. I. Cluldreii (IUmLIow): i:]l(). i. llarriette Hall," 1). Dec-. 18, l.sr)U. ii. Alice rrescott, li. April 21, 1852; 111. William II. .Mayor, Newport, II. I. 760 IsAiiKL*^ Homer (^Nancy B.^ Be Wolf"), Ijoni Nov. (1, 184^3, in iioston, Mass.; died Oct. 10, 1802; married Nov. :], 1804, John (;ond)e Pegrani, born Aug. 2<), IS 12, in Kentucky. Kes., Provi- dence, \\. I. Children (Pegrani) : i. Isabel llonier,^ b. Jan. :51, lS(i7. ii. Virginia, 1). April 2, 1808; d. :May 3, 1892; m. April 30, 1890, Herbert Austin. Res., Uoston. i:;i 1. iii. John Combe, b. July 20, 1870. iv. Nancy DeWolf, b. May 30, 1872; m. June G, IsOO, Bruce Clai'k. 761 II \i;i;ii:i TK Pkescott" DkWolf (William B.^), born Sept. 27, is;;.-) ; (IuhI Aug. 13, 1888 ; married April IG, 1856, Lloyd Aspin- wall. Chihlren (Aspinwall) : i. William," b. Oct. 12, 1857. 1312. ii. Lloyd, b. Sei)t. 14, 18G1. iii. IJussell DeWolf, b. June, 1871 ; d. May 13, 1874. 762 William I]i;Ani-<>i;i)" DkWoi-f (WiUium B!'), born Dec. 7, 1841 ; died Mar. 11, 1002; married Marion L Mora. Children (DeWolf): i. (Gertrude Bradford,' b. . ii. Harriet Louise, b. . 282 Descendants of Francis LcBaron. iii. Marion Irene, 1). iv. Mark Antony, •>• V. Mary Russell, b. 763 Anne DeWolf^ Lovett (Josephine M.^ DeWolf), l)()ni Dec. ('», 1830; married Nov. 18, 1863, Franklin Gil)l)s, of Uoston, Mass., died June 1, 1877. Children (Gibbs) : 1313. i. Julia DeWolf," b. Feb. 2-1, 1866. ii. Bradford, b. Oct. 21, 1873; d. Mar. 12, 1884. 764 Josephine Eltzabetm^ Lovett (Josqyhine M.^ iJrWolf), born April 23, 1842; married July 22, 18()4, Charles DeWolf Gibson, died Feb. 20, 1890. Res., Flushing, L. I. Children (Gibson) : 1314. i. Langdon,' b. Jan. 5, 1866. 1315. ii. Charles Dana, b. Sept. 14, 1867. iii. LeBaron, b. Nov. 29, 1870; d. Sept. 2, 1872. iv. Elizabeth Langdon, b. July 4, ls7.^> ; m. April, l!MM», Harold Seymour Fairchild. V. Anne DeWolf, b. July 3, 1878. vi. Josejihine, b. Feb. 10, 1883. 765 James DeWolk^ Lovett {Josephine M.^ DeWoff), born May 31, 1844; married Josephine M. Sumner, died Sept. 8, 1877; iiiai-ried (2), June 21, 1884, Almira Barrows, of Providence, R. L, born Nov. 16, 1855. Res., Brooldine, Mass. Cliild (Lovett) : i. Alice Bradford," b. June 4, 1886. 766 Harriette Hall'* Lovett {Josephine M.^ Be Wolf), l)oni Jan. 2, 1850 ; married Oct. 5, 1876, Rev. John Cotton Brooks (a younger brother of Bishop Phillips Brooks) ; he was educated at the Mt Sixth (j eneration. 283 Boston Liitiii ScIh^oI and was j^radiiated Irom Harvard ('ollei^c in ISTl*. Kt'ctor of Christ Chnrdi, Spriiiofu-ld, M;,ss. ( 'liiltlrcn ( IJi'ooks) : i. .lusej.liine I k^ Wolf," h. Aug. 13, 11^77. ii. Mariamie Pliillips, 1.. ,I:ui. 24, 1 S7'.» ; d. in IST'.I. iii. llarricttc Lovell, 1>. Dec. 25, ISSl. 767 ("iiAKi.oTTK Collins" 1'imnce {^(Jkarloflc GJ' Co/lins), Imhh .Inly 1:.', lS-_'7: married Mar. 10, 1H.'')3, Edwin Hciuy of Clicster, N. v., lu.ni Nov. 10, l.S:24; died Sept. 2:], l.S^r)7. iii. Cornelia (MiarloUe, Ii. Od. 21», ISIJC. ; d. Nov. 2-1, ISD4. 768 LkIJakon Rradkoud'^ I'iunoe (Charlotte (J.^ Collitia), born .Inly a, 1840, in Flushing, N. Y. ; married Dec. 1, 187'.), Hattie Estellc Cliilds, of Saratoga, N. Y. ; died Feb. 2 ; married April 3, I'Sod, .lames Montgomery. (Miildren (Montgomery) : i. Caroline Collins,^ b. Nov. 12, 185«; d. Nov. 13, 1873. ii. William Bradford, b. Feb. 17, 18G2; d. June 12, 1S81». 284 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 770 Sarah Goodwin*^ Stark (^Saralfi G-oodivhi), born Sept. 7, 1811 ; died Oct. 21, 1873; married Mar. 26, 1838, George Lee, of New Orleans, La. Children (Lee) : i. Goodwin,^ b. Nov., 1839; d. . ii. Haywood, 1>. Jan. 8, 1841 ; in. June 20, 18G6, Emma Dillaway, of Roxbury, Mass., ^^ }y. 1318. ill. Viri^inia, b. Jan. 30, 1843. iv. Douglas, b. Aug. 12, 1845 ; d. Oct. 2, 18(35. V. Rose Georgiana, b. Aug. 31, 1849. 771 Juliette Hannah*^ Starr {S'(ira¥ Goodivin), born in ISK'*; married Richard Perkins Dana, of New York. Children (Dana) : 1319. i. Ricliard Starr,^ b. May 23, 1836. ii. Juliette Henrietta, b. Jan. 27, 1838; m. Gen. Egbert L. Viele, s. ^>. iii. William Starr, b. April 20, 1843; m. Frances Smith, s. ]). 772 Mary Cordelia^ Starr {SaraJt!" Goodwin), born Aug. 17, 1818 ; died Nov. 8, 1902, in Sherborn, Mass. ; married Oct. 31, 1843, Frederick Camerden, of New York, born Aug. 27, 1817. Res., Baltimore, Md. Children (Camerden) : i. Mary Emma,' b. Jan. 14, 1846. ii. Frederick Starr, b. May 14, 1848. iii. Anna Starr, b. April 11, 1850; m. George M. Armstrong, of Rome, N. Y. iv. Frank Starr, b. Sept. 15, 1853; d. June 25, 1855. 1320. V. Helen Starr, b. Sept. 5, 1857. vi. Walter Starr, b. Jan. 24, 1859. 773 Charlotte^ Whiting (^Naney^ Goodtvin), born Nov. 3, 1823; died Jan. 5, 1897; married P.rewster; married (2), Mar. 2, 1853, in Lisle, N. Y., B. C. Johns(m. Res., San Francisco, Cal. Sixth Generation. 285 Children (Johnson) : 1321. i. Benjamin F.," b. Nov., ISoii, in Lisle, N. Y. ii. Joseph, b. Mar. 2(5, 1SG7 ; d. .May 1, 1891. 774 Elizabeth M.'' Paddlefoud {Mar/' Q-oodwlii), born Dih;. 4, 1812; died Nov. 10, 1872; married June IG, 1840, Joseph SUi- ples, died April ll>, 18*1"). Res., Taunton, Mass. Child (Staples) : 1322. i. Eliza Arnold,^ b. Mar. 31, 1844. 775 Sally Atwuod'^ Paddlefoud {Mar/ G-oodwin), born Nov. 4, 1815; died Dec. 18, 1871; married May 27, 1840, Lewis Kellen- berger. Res., Alton, 111. Cliildren (Kellenberger) : 1323. i. Mary Elizabeth," b. Mar. 3, 1842. ii. Charles Lewis, b. Aug. 30, 1845; m. Mary Freeman. 1324. iii. Emily Jane, b. April 20, 1848. 1325. iv. Edward Padelford, b. July 15, 1850. 1326. V. Arthur Jordan, b. Aug. 11, 1853. vi. Harry Goo. July 25, ISdCi. ii. Rebekah LeBaron, b. July 11, isfiS; .1. Oct. 11, 1S71. '2S(j Descendants of Francis LeBaron. iii. John Temple, b. May 26, 1870; m. Jan. 4, 1900, Helen F. Ahbott, of Dedliam, Mass. iv. Mary IJho.les, b. Jan. 20, 1872. V. Gertrude Dayton, b. Sept. 22, 1873. vi. Hannah LeBaron, b. Aug. 4, 1875. vii. tSamuel Smith, b. Oct. 19, 1878. 778 Fanny Archer^ Goodwin {Frederick i>.^), born Dec. 13, 1838; married July 24, 18(32, Dr. William 11. Ribble. Res., Wytheville, Va. Children (Ribl)le) : i. Kathleen Anderson,' b. June 24, 1863. 1327. ii. William Henry, b. Nov. 8, 1864. 1328. iii. Frederick Goodwin, b. April 15, 1807. 1329. iv. John Francis, twin to Frederick G. V. Arthur LeBai'on, b. Sept. 25, 1870. vi. Mary Archer, b. Jan. 6, 1872. vii. George Wallace, b. Feb. 2, 1874. viii. Fannie Lewellyn, b. Aug. 8, 1877. ix. Ella Sylvester, b. Dec. 15, 1879. 779 FiiEDERTCK LEBAROxf' GooDWiN {Frederick Z).^), born July 20, 1840; married Maggie Livier, died in 1867; married (2), Oct. 20, 1870, EUa McMeans. Children (Goodwin) : i. Vernon,' b. Dec. 18, 1871. ii. Bessie, b. Nov. 4, 1873. 780 John Franois" Goodwin {Frederick i).^), born Sept. 2, 1842; died Aug. 8, 1893; married July 14, 1868, Lettie Rutherford. Cliildvon (Goodwin): 1330. i. William Archer Rutherford,' 1). June 18, 1869. ii. John Francis, b. July 17, 1872; d. yoimg. iii. Fannie Rutherford, b. July 25, 1874. k:iixth Generation. 2S7 iv. Mary Lacy, 1). Jan. 'if), 1S77 ; uckingham conn Lies. Cliildren (Lacy) : i. Mary Goodwin," b. Jan. 14, 1875. ii. Ellen Lane, b. May 2, 1870. iii. Frances Eppes, b. Mar. 8, 1879. iv. Josephine Wales, b. Nov. G, 1881 ; ," 1). Dec. 15, 1879. ii. Robert Archer, 1). Nov. 1, 1880. iii. Conrad Harrison, b. Aug. 17, 1887. iv. Mary Ambler, b. Jan. 6, 1890. 783 Edward Lewis" Goodwin {Frederick IJJ'), born Jan. 23, 1855; married Jan. 11, 1881, Maria L. Smith, di.'d in lsii2. He is a clergyman. Res., Chaiieston, S. C (Hiildren (Goodwin): i. Margaret Lewis,^ b. Oct. 15, 1881. ii. Mary Frances, 1). June 27, 18S:}. iii. Maria Lee, b. Aug. 9, ISS4. iv. Edward Lei>aron, 1). Sept. 25, ISSC. V. David, b. Sept. 20, 1887; d. in infancy, vi. Frederick Deane, b. Nov. 5, 1888. 288 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 784 •Harriet Loulsa*^ Goodwin (^Edward B.^), born Sept. 27, 1843 ; married May 23, 1865, Ebenezer Tiffany, born Feb. 16, 1836; died Jan. 8, 1800. Kes., Harrington, R. I. Children (Tiffany) : i. George Edward,^ b. Feb. 11, 1867; d. Mar. 6, 1868. ii. Ebenezer, b. April 7, 1869. ill. Jessie Goodwill, li.July 4,1872; she was graduated from Brown University in 1897. 785 Nathan Whiting^ Goodwin (Benjamin L.^), born Feb. 22, 1846 ; married Mar. 14, 1876, Ella J. Ii. Woodward, born May 22, 1852. Res., Detroit, Mich. Children (Goodwin) : i. Lewis LeBaron,' b. Nov. 1, 1877. ii. Carrie, b. May 1, 1882. iii. Helen, b. Sept. 8, 1884. iv. Nathan B., b. Aug. 22, 1886. V. Henry Brown, b. Aug. 19, 1892. 786 Susan A.*^ Goodwin {Benjamin L.^), born April 19, 1850 ; mar- ried Nov. 18, 1873, John Sands Morgan, born May 25, 1844 ; died Mar. 1, 1801. Res., Groton, Ct. Children (Morgan) : i. Clara LeBaron,' b. Feb. 5, 1876. ii. A son, b. May 19, 1881 ; d. Aug. 15, 1881. 787 Gkoroe Wheaton^ Deans {Hannah LeB.^ Wheaton), born May 20, 1827; died Oct. 0, 1888, in Jacksonville, Fla. ; niaiTied Jan. 25, 1855, Nancy Shaw Richards. He gradnated from Har- vard Law Schtiol in 1848 ; was a merchant in Boston, residing in Dedham, Mass., and later practiced law in Jacksonville, Fla. ^ixth Generation. 'jsu CliiMrcn (Deans) : i. Annah Lel5aron," 1). Fel). 17, I8rj(>; d. Aiij^. 10, isr»7. ii. (George DeWolf, h. July I'J, 1858. iii. Sarah Fiilk'r Kichards, 1». June U, iMdl; d. April 17, ISGo. 788 Chaules Henry*' Deans {Hannah LeB.^ Whcaton), born May 2,183-2: niarried Nov. 21,1801, Mary M. Harris, ol" VVestboro, Mass. He is a lawyer, residing in Medway, Mass. Children (Deans) : i. Harris Wheaton," h. Oct. 29, 1862; lu. Oc-t. 11, 181)2, Charlotte W. Ellis, of Woburn, jVIass. ii. Anna LeUaron, b. Mar. 21, 1865. 1:{:U. iii. Harriet Elizabeth, b. Feb. 27, 1869. iv. (Gertrude Agnes, b. Nov. 1, 1871. V. Mary Elvira, b. July 16, 1877. 789 Cornelia Wheaton'^ Smith (^Marianna:' TFAea^o/i), born June 10, 1837 ; died Aug. 21, 1885 ; married June 10, 1809, Charles Baylies, of Taunton, Mass. Children (Baylies) : 1332. i. Frederick Wheaton," b. Oct. 15, 1871. ii. Mary Jessie, b. Sept. 2, 1873. i:^33. iii. Alfred, b. Dec. 21, 1875. 790 Emily Attaline'^ Hammond {LeBaron^}, born April 27, 1833 ; niarried May 2, 18r>r), John W., son of Jolni Haskins, born Aug. 27, 1830. Res., East Orange, N. J. C'hildrcii (Haskins): i. John Wesley," b. Oct. 17, 1 ^-V.) ; d. .\iig. II, Isiiii. ii. Miiuiie Louis(!, It. i'^clt. -, IxC)'-'). iii. Josephine Wec«l, b. Jan. 5, I SCO; d. Dec. liS, |S74. iv. Florence LelJaron, b. Sept. 13, lS(i7; in. Oct. II, Is'Jl, Wilson Howe Toll. 290 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 791 Marie Louise^ Hammond (^LeBaron^'), born Feb. 8, 1835 ; died July 13, 1880; married June 1, 1858, Jeremiah V. Spader. Res., Brooklyn, N. Y. Children (Spader) : i. Annie Vanderhih," b. Mar. 30, 1859; <1. June, 1860. 1334. ii. Louise Ilannnond, b. Feb. 26, 1862. iii. Nelly Vanderbilt, b. Dec. 6, 1863. iv. Charles Furnian, b. June 8, 1865. 1335. V. Willard Burtis, b. May 23, 1870. 792 George LeBaron^ Hammond (ieiJaron^), born Jan. 24,1843; married Oct. 22, 1867, Jennie Eiseidiart. Res., Brooldyn, N. Y. Cliildren (Hammond) : i. George Lelioy,^ b. Sept. 26, 1878 ; d. June 29, 1882. ii. Edna Virginia, b. Nov. 30, 1882; d. Nov. 29, 1890. iii. Jessie LeBaron, b. Mar. 19, 1885. 793 Georgianna Weed^' Hammond (^LeBaron^^, born Mar. 15, 1850; died Jan. 22, 1880 ; married April 20, 1871, Tennis D., son of J. Madison and Mary E. (Dimon) Hunting, born Sept. 22, 1848. Res., Brooklyn, N. Y. Cliildren (Hunting): i. Grace Madison,' b. April 10, 1874; d. July 26, 1874. ii. Ethel LeBaron, b. June 13, 1878 ; d. Aug. L5, 187H. iii. George Hammond, b. Jan. 3, 1880. He was graduated at Columbia University. 794 Frank LeBaron" Howes {Harriet W.^ Hammond), born ; married June 24, 1879, Sarah Crapo, born Feb. 14, 1860. Res., New liedfcn-d, Mass. Children (Howes) : i. Edwin," b. . ii. Harry, b. . ii /Sixth Generation. -J HI iii. Annie Uuggles, h. Ocl. IS, iSSii. iv. llattie, b. . V. Charles Crapo, h. Sept. T), 1885. 795 1If,I"ZIi;aii F." LkBaiion (Joseph F/'), Ix.iii May 24, 1«83, in Lexington, Mass.; died Feb. 24, l!t()2; niarried Feb. 1.;, Is.M, Harvey (J. Fnieison, born Feb. 14, 1oston, Mass. He served in tlie Civil War in the 5tb Ueg't Mass. Vols. lies., Arlington, Mass. Children: i. bilHette,' b. .May 11, 1S5S; d. Aug. :in, ISSS!; ,,1. ('(.nra.l Kohsel. ii. Ifeuben Will.'.v, b. Aui,'. 20, JsTd. iii. .Mary Fstlier, b. < Kt. 2, 1S74; ni. Oct. 12, JSIK!, Tbcseus J. llubbins. 292 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. iv. Josie Emily, b. Aug. 14, 1876; d. June 27, 1902. V. Francis ITenry, b. Aj.ril 12, 1879. 798 John S.^ LeBauon {Joseph F.^'), born Jan. 22, 1843 ; died Mar. 8, 1901, in Saugus, Mass. ; married Sept. 28, 1864, Eliza M, Usher, of Boston, Mass., born Nov. 23, 1847. He served in the Civil War in the 5th and 11th Reg'ts Mass. Vols. Res., Everett, Mass., and Saugus. Children : i. Albert L.,' b. July 9, 1866; ra. May 24, 1893, Helen G. (Bean) Brown, ii. Albion D., b. Nov. 30, 1868 ; m. Jan. 31, 1900, Katherine Isabel Vincent. 1337. iii. Edward, b. Jan. .5, 1873. 799 William H.*^ LeBaron {Joseph FJ"), born Oct. 4, 1844 ; died May 16, 1901 ; married Nov. 14, 1868, Ella D. Wood, born April 14, 1849. He served in the Civil War in. Co. K, 89th Reg't Mass. Vols. Res., Woburn, Mass. Childi-en : i. Herbert 11.,^ b. May 29, 1869; m. Feb. 25, 1892, Carrie L. Sweet, ii. Edith E., b. Mar. 1, 1873. iii. Myrtle J., b. July 23, 1875; m. Oct. 23, 1895, Arthur P. Clarridge, of Woburn. iv. Wilbur D., b. Aug. 30, 1885. 800 PiiEBE L.'' LeBaron {Joseph F.^), born Sept. 21, 1846; died Oct. 15, 1875 ; married Nov. 27, 1868, Albert L. Wood, born Aug. 21, 1840, in Groton, Mass. He resides in Hyde Park, Mass. Cliildreu (Wood): i. Leonard Albert," b. Nov. 6, 1869 ; m. Mar. 29, 1893, Hattie E. Ilutchins. 1338. ii. Arthur Chandler, b. July 5, 187:}. iii. Mary Louisa, 1). Oct. 3, 1875. I Sixth Generation. 293 801 Nancy Nvk'' Mayo (William T.^), bom Oct. '.», 1.S40; diVd Juiu! 14, 1S72, ill Boslou, Mass.; inarried Nov. 2!*, ISdC, llolicrl McMillan, <»r Mol)ile, Ala. Res., New Orleans, La. ('hildivM (McMillan): i. William,^ 1.. Au<,^ ii4, 1807; d. Au<^. 1*5, ISC,?, li. Tlioinas Mayo, 1). Aug. 25, 1808; d. Dec. 0, 1808. iii. Tryphosa Mayo, b. . 802 RLnKiDGK I^eBaron'^ Khnt (Ann^ Tai/for), boi-n Se[)t. HO, 1838, in IJoston, Mass. ; married Nov. 2G, 1.858, Diantha Thoniitson Tidd, born Oct. 20, 1833, in Wcdjurn, Mass.; died Nov. 27, 1870; mar- ried (2), Dec. 7, 1880, Emma Ardtdle Foye, liorn Aug. 5, 1853. Children (Kent) : 1331*. i. Florena Diantha,^ b. Feb. 8, 1800. loU). ii. Charles Thompson, b. Mar. 15, 1802. ui. Edward Elbridge, b. Sept. 2, 1803. 1341. iv. ]\Iary Lillian, b. Oct. 12, 1805. v. Grace P:thelwyn, b. Oct. 10, 1881 ; d. April 14, ISUO. vi. Clarence Francis LelJaron, b. Aug. 2, 1888. vii. Arthur Stevens, b. 8ei)t. 22, 1888. 803 Claka LorisA*^ Kent {Ann-' Taylor^, born Nov. 2G, 1844; died Jan. 8, 1882, in Lawrence, Mass.; married Sept. 25, 1877, George Herbert Fuller,boni Aug. 29, 1852, in Templetoii, N. IL Cldld (Fuller) : i. George Wadsworth," b. vVpril 14, 1879. 804 CiiAULES Edwin'' Kent (Ann-' Taijlor), born Dec. 10, ls4l>; died May 28, 1802: married Nov. 10, 1872, Ilattie M. Wiggin, born April 12, 1851, in llenniker, N. IL: (bed M:n. 1, 1SS7, in Lawrence, Mass. Children (Kent) : 1342. i. Minot Luckniaii,' b. Sept. 4, 1S73. ii. Jonathan Page, b. Nov. 10, 1874. 294 Descendants of JFrancis LeBaron. iii. flerbert Viiu-enl, h. May 11, 1870; m. Aurr. 27, 1001, Elizabeth Agues Wriglil, b. May 31, 1S74. iv. Kstlier IJell, b. Jan. 24, 187'J. V. ..Vsti, V>. Jan. 11, 1S.S5. 805 Albert Lohenzo*^ Kent (Ann^ Tmjlor), ])oni Aug. 18, 1854, in Wiliuiiigtoii, Mass. ; inarried June li, 1875, Ella Gertrude Davis, l)uni June 12, 1853; (li*(l Dec. 23, 1885, in Beverly, Mass.; mar- ried (2), Nov. 1, 1887, Clara Rebecca Atwood, born Mar. 2(1, 186 0, in Mirnieapolis, Minn. Res., Campbell, Cal. Children (Kent) : i. Carlie May,' I). Aug. 80, lS7i li.' T1, isAT. He was i;ratluated trom Anilicist Collogc, in 1H(S0, and I'loni Ihuiroid 'l'ht'oh)i^ieal Seminary, in 188o. lie is now Lihrarian at rrinceloii University. Child (Richardson): i. Mary Ely," b. Nov. 8, 1900; d. July 0, I'.MII, at Lyme, C't. 809 Lkwis Lyman*^ Drew {Lyman L.^), born July 14, 1841 : died Sejit. 7, 18(»2, in the U. S. Hos])it;d, at Newbcrne, N. C, wliile serving in tlie Civil War; niaiTied Jan. 4, 1801, Harriet F. Weeks. Child ( Drew) : 1844. i. Louis Lyman," b. Juno liS, 186"J. 810 (ii:i;Ti;ri)K Mauia" CiriLD {Jyi/diti A.^ Ihrio), honi Dw. lU, ls4»;: niairied Mar. 23, 187(1, All>ert Ililler Koffe, born Sept. 1'2, 1844. He received the degree of Ph. li. from Yale College in 18(!4. lies., Newton, Mass. Childieii (Roffe) : i. (iertrude Ililler,' b. Sept. 14, 1.S79. ii. Helen Elizabeth, b. Aug. 7, l!SSl. 811 William Hyde^ Guild (Li/dia A."" Ifrew), born July 10, 18r)8 ; niairied in 1888, Isabella Grant. Res., Newton, Mass. Child (Guild): i. William Valentine,' b. Nov. 21, 1802. 812 Emma Li:I>ai:(»n'' Kkttkllk {Lucia TJ' iJrc.w), born Sept. 18, 1800; married Nov. 14, 1888, Charles Wendell, son of Charles E. and Relief (iould (FairbaulvS) Tilton, born Jan. o, iSliO. Res., Brooldine, .Mass. 296 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Chil(UTilton): i. Constance,'' b. Jan. 20, 1899, in Roxbury, Mass. 813 Fredekick Walter*' Ki<:ttelle {Lucia T.-'' i>re%'), born Sept. 23, 1862; married June 13, 1895, Edith, daugliter of Jabez H. and Aclisah M. Merrill. Res., Roxbury, Mass. Child (Ivettelle) : i. John DunBter,' b. June 3, 1896. 814 Elliott*' Russell (NathmiieP), b(»rn May 3, 1828, in Plym- outh, Mass. ; died Jan. 18, 1894 ; married Feb. 9, 1860, Sarah Lincoln Tinkliam. lie was graduated from Harvard College in 1848. Cliild (Russell) : i. Catherine Elliott," b. Nov. '20, 1860. 815 Francis Henry^ Russell {Nathaniel^), born Aug. 3, 1832, in Plymouth, Mass. ; married Nov. 10, 1858, Emily Stevens, born Dec. 11, 1835. lie was graduated from Harvard College in 1853. Cliild (Russell) : i. Mary Howland,^ b. Sept. 1, 1860. 816 Catherine Elliott*^ Russell (^NnthanieV''), born Feb. 23, 1840; married Oct. 11, 1871, William Hedge (1203), born Feb. 26, 1840. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1862, and received LL. !>., in 1866. He was 1st Lieutenant of Co. C, in the 44th Mass. Vols., during the Civil War. He is a lawyer. Res., Plymouth, Mass. (^■liildrcn (Hedge) : i. Lucia IJussell," \). Dec. 14, 1872. ii. WilHam Russell, b. Jan. 18, 1876. iii. Henry Rogers, twin to William Russell. Sixth Generation. 297 817 CiKour.K liRir.Gs'^ RiJSSKLL {Andrew L/^), hom Scj)t. 21, 1843; tn.iirit'd April 29, 1873, Jane Elizabeth, daughter of Gen. C. C. Augur, born Nov. 2G, 1850. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1865, and received A. M., in 186i). Colonel iiussell entered service in the 38th Reg't Mass. Vols., in 1862, .served through the War as Lieutenant and Captain, and was severely wounded at Port Hudson in 1863. He was brevetted Major and Lieut.-Colonel, for gallant conduct, entered the regular army as Captain in 1866, and was in service as* Major and Lieut.-Cohmel until retired in Mar., 1808, for " wounds and ilisaliility incurred in the line of duty." Res., Jamaii.'a Plain, Mass. Children (Ru.ssell) : i. Andrew LeBaron," b. April 13, 1875, in Texas. ii. Augur, b. Jan. 14, 1878, in Mass. ; d. July, 1K78. iii. Laura llowland, b. June 26, 1879, in Kentucky; ni. Oct 7, 1901, John Allen, lies., Chicacro. iv. George, b. July, 1881, in Texas; d. April, 1882. V. Christopher Atigur, b. June 29, 1883, in Texas, vi. Annis Augur, b. June, 1886, in Wyoming; d. Oct., 1888. 818 George Russell*^ Briggs (Lucia J.° Russell), born June 8, 1853; married June 8, 1802, Helen Thornton Taber. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1874. Children (Briggs) : i. Itose Thornton,' b. May 26, 1893. ii. George Russell, b. Aug. 29, 1895. 819 LkBakox Russell*^ Briggs (Lucia J.^ JRnssell), born Dec. 11, 1855; married Sept. 5, 1883, Mary Frances DeQuedville. Dr. Briggs was of the class of 1875 at Harvard College, and reciaved the honoraiy degree of A. M., in 1882, and sul)se(iuently that of LL. I). He was Dean of the University for many yeai"s, and in 1003 was elected President of Radcliffe College. h 298 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Children TBriggs) : i. John iJcQucdvilk;/ b. IVIar. 14, 1885. ii. Lucia Russell, b. Dec. 3, 1887. iii. LeBaron Russell, b. April 6, 1895. 820 John Thomas*^ Stoddard {Martha LeB.^ Thomas'), born June 24, 1838; married Oct. 19, 1864, Elizabeth, daughter of Jeremiah Farris, of Plymouth, Mass. He was graduated from Harvard Col- lege in 1858. Res., Plymouth. Children (Stoddard) : 1345. i. Henry Farris,' b. P'eb. 5, 1860. 1346. ii. Mary LeBaron, b. May 11, 1867. 821 FiiANCis RussELi/ Stoddard (Martha LeBJ" Thomas), born Jan. 26, 1844, in Boston, Mass.; married April 8, 1868, Mary F. Baldwin. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1866, and received A. M., in 1870. Res., Boston. Children (Stoddard) : 1347. i. May Baldwin," b. Jan. 22, 1870. ii. Martha LeBaron, b. Sept. 6, 1871; d. May 2, 1890, in Florence, Italy, iii. Francis Russell, b. July 26, 1877. 822 ' William Prbscott*^ Stoddard (Martha LeB.^ Thomas), born Mar. 26, 1846 ; married April 21, 1870, Annie Carver Farris, born Aug. 1, 1846. He was graduated from Harvard College in 186t). Res., Plymouth, Mass. Cliildren (Stoddard) : i. Prescott Farris,' b. April 19, 1871 ; d. Aug. 19, 1872. ii. Mary Carver, b. June 25, 1873. iii. Elizabeth Farris, b. Oct. 23, 1876. iv. Ellen Jenette, b. Sept. 1, 1880. v. Annie, b. June 26, 1884; d. June 27, 1884. Sixth Generatiou. 299 823 ArAiiY" Stoddaui) (Martha Lrfi:' Thonuis), bom Nov. !!•, ISl.S ; • lii-d July ;"), 1902; uiamed Oct. "(), 1S70, Churlcs (J. Iliilliuway. lies., Riuidolpli, Mass. riiild (llatliaway): i. i.oHaronJ 1.. July 1'J, 1S71. 824 Mai; tiia'"' Stoddard (Martha LcBJ' Thomax), Ixun Oct. .">, 1S")(): inaiTied Nov. 15, 1870, Dr. James Bartlett Hrewstcr, born April 1, 1842. Res., Plymoiitli, Abiss. Children (Brewster) : i. Laura Stoddard,' h. Jan. ;n, 1872. ii. William, b. June 9, 1878. 825 Anna Thomas*' Stoddard (Martha LeB/' Thomas), born Feb. 15, 1853; married April 15, 1874, William Skinner, son of Jolin and Mary Morissey, born Nov. 2, 1848 ; died June 10, 1900. b'es., Plymouth, Mass. Child (Morissey): i. Edith Stoddard,' b. Oct. 23, 1877. 826 Geohge Rowland^ Stoddard (Martha LeBJ" Thomas), born Aprill, 1855 ; married May 5, 1884, Eoline Sheffield, born Oct. 30, 1804, in Virginia. Res., Boston, Mass. Childien (Stoddard) : i. Yvonne,'' b. July 19, 1890, in Boston, ii. Margaret, b. Jan. 2G, 1894, in Boston. 827 Joanna White'' Davi.s (Hannah SJ' Thoman), l)orn Aul;. 10, 1>^55; married Richard H. Morgan, of New licdfoid, Mass. Children (Morgan) : i. Charles Davis,' b. July 14, 1SH4. ii. Caroline, twin to Charles Davis. 300 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 828 Charlks Stevenson'^ Davis (Hannah SJ' Thomaa), born Jan. 1, 1858; married Lydia llvissell. lies., Plymouth, Mass. Children (Davis) : i. Carl 8.,' h. June 30, 1888. ii. Helen D., b. July 11, 1H94; d. April 10, 1895. iii. Ifussell, b. May H, 1X98. 829 Henry Leavis^ Allen (Elizabeth^ Rohhins), born Nov. 10, 1831 ; married Sept. 8, 1856, Alice B. Chapin, born Dec. 25, 1835. Res., West Winsted, Ct. Cliildren (Allen) : i. Jessie Lilian," 1). April 1, 1857 ; d. Dec. 20, 1858. ii. Minnie Kobbins, b. Dec. 'J7, 1859; d. Jan. 15, 1878. iii. Carrie Elizabeth, b. Mar. 15, 1862; d. Sept. 13, 1871. 1348. iv. AUce Isabel, b. Aug. 19, 1864. 830 Ammt Robuins*' Allen {EUzaheth^ Rohhins), born Aug. 13, 1841 ; married June 10, 1875, Mary Eunice Butler, born Sept. 17, 1841. Res., Colebrook, Ct. Children (Allen) : i. James Warren Robblns,^ b. Oct. 26, 1879. ii. Grace Irene, b. Jan. 30, 1881. iii. Lewis Timothy, b. Sept. 18, 1884. 831 Elizabeth*^' Lawrence (James .R.^~), born May 30, 1812; mar- ried June 30, 1841, Daniel Tyrell Jones, born Aug. 17, 1802; died Mar. 25, 1861. Res., Syracuse, N. Y. Children (Jones) : i. Lawrence Tyrell," b. April 30, 1850. He is a lawyer in Syracuse, ii. Virginia Lawrence, b. Mar. 25, 1854. jSiict/i Generation. 80 1 832 Makgakkt'' l.AWKKNCE (^Jami'S R.^), bom Aug. 24, 1818; died June 4, 1874, in Syracuse, N. Y. ; married Feb. . April 16, 1870. 842 Charlotte Elizabeth^ Lawrence (Grove''), born Oct. 18, 1818; died Jan. 17, 1880; married Feb. 19, 1845, Thomas A. Smith. Res., Syracuse, N. Y. Children (Smith) : i. Louise Lawrence,'' b. July 22, 1846. ii. Sarah Elizabeth, b. May 15, 1858; m. April 18, 1888, James E. Higgins. 843 Klizaheth LeBaron^ Clark (Sarah^ Lawrence), born Aug. 24, 1833, in Winchendon, Mass. ; married Aug. 21, 1862, as Ids second wife. Rev. D wight Whitney Marsh, born Nov. 5, 1823, at Dalton, Mass.; died June 18, 1896, at Amherst, Mass. He was graduated from Williams College in 1842, where he received 1). I)., in 1875 ; graduated from Union Theological Sennnary in 1849, and went at once as a missionary of the " American Board " to Mosul, Turkey. He returned to America in 1869, aii< gratluated A. B. from Columbia College in 1891, and M. 1). in 1894. Physician. ii. James LeBaron, b. Aug. 17, 1870. iii. Anne Charity, b. Sept. 7, 1873. 850 Jamks Watson*"' Rohmins ((r/'or///*), boin May 2, 1857 ; mar- ried June 24, 1879, .Myrtie C. Jones. ("liil. ii. Stanley Uol)inson, b. P'eb. 13, 1SS4. iii. William Chester, 1). Auo^. 9, 1889. 855 ISamukl RoiuuNs'^ Little {Susan^ Rohhin^), horn Sept. 21, 1855; died Dec. 18, 1888, in Pasadena, Cal. ; married Sej)(. D^, 1882, Catheiine Hqwena Mitchell. Child (Little) : i. Robbius," b. Jan. 27, 1887. 856 Elizabeth LeBaron*^ Little QSusan^ Robbinn), born Jan. 12, 1862; married Dec. 15, 1892, William J. Adamson. Res., Lin- coln, Neb. Child (Adamson) : i. Dorothy,' b. Mar. 18, 1890. 857 Henry Welles*^ Robijins (Thomas B.^), horn Jnly 31, 1870; married June 6, 1894, Elizabeth Kemp Riitton. Child (Robbins) : i. Thomas Burr,' b. Oct. 6, 1890. 858 William'^ LeBarun (Willianv'), born Oct. 2, 184:5; marriud in 1888, Evelyn VanDyke Sleight. Res., Cliicago, 111. Cliild : i. Laurence," b. May 23, 1890. 859 Maria Cummins*"' LeBar, ISSf). 865 Jamks B.*^ LeBakun (Jamcs^), born Dec. 10, 1.^55; manird Api-il 20, 1877, Hattie Tripp. Children : i. William II.," I.. Feb. 3, 1878; d. April ;;(', ls04. ii. EmmaE., b. April 1, 1881. iii. Alfred C, b. Feb. 13, 1883. iv. Philip G., b. June 13, 1887. V. Frank U., twin to Philip G. vi. Sarah L., b. Dec, 1888. vu. Lemuel, b. Oct. 10, 1892. viii. Ralph W., b. Mar. 1, 1805. 866 William Bradford^ LeBaron (Charles II/'), born April 15, 1862 ; married Oct. 2, 1881, Mary Ann Sanborn. Hes., Chicago, 111. Children : i. Alonzo,^ b. Nov. 5, 1882; d. Dec. 31, 1882. ii. Irene, b. June 14, 1884. iii. Adaline, b. June 30, 1887. iv. William P., b. April 10, 1889; d. Dec. 20, 1803. V. Alma Isabel, b. July 13, 1S02. 867 FuKDKUicK Loui.vc'' Li-:iiA i;« -N (Enorh II.-'), born Oct. . « H.t. 21>, 1 sT I : n. O.-t. •_":{, isOf), Charles Kicharurl)aiik. lies., Attleboro, Mass. Children (Burbank) : i. Anna Melvin,^ h. -Ian. 24, 1S76. ii. Charies LeBaron, b. Oct. 23, 1879. iii. .Tames 8., b. Oct. 23, 1882. iv. Sarah Louise, b. April 20, 188S. 869 Alonzo T.*^ LeBaron {Enoch HJ'), born Aug. 11, 1852; mar- ried Doc. 20, 1874, Sara E. Denham. Res., New Bedford, Mass. Child : i. Harrison Denham,'' b. Aug. 4, 1884. 870 Jane Taber^ LeBaron {Enoch H.^), born May 25, 1865 ; mar- ried Oct. 29, 1887, Edwin C, son of Edwin and Ellen (Faunce) Winslow. Res., Mattapoisett, Mass. Cliildren (Winslow) : i. Enoch LeBaron,'' b. Sept. 3, 1889. ii. Wilham Hallett, b. Mar. 13, 1891. iii. Raymond Elliott, b. Aug. 17, 1892. 871 Thomas Bradford^ Sanders {Jane B.^), born in 1841 ; married Aug. 1, 1877, Bessie, daughter of Eliliu Gunnison and Ada R. (Stanton) Collins. Res., Washington, D. C. Children (Sanders) : i. Francis LeBaron", b. .July 1, 1878; d. young, ii. Charles Bradford, b. Feb. 20, 1884. 872 Thomas Jackson^ Cannon {Mary AJ' Jackson), born Jan. 22, 1833; died Aug. 29, 1898; married Aug., 1864, Eliza Jane, tit tSixth Generation. 31 1 dauii^htrr of Geor<(e and Sylvia riiiriiiL,4oii. lu-s., Uridj^Twatcr, Mass. Children (Cannon) : lofiM. i. Olivia Purrin^ton,' It. May '20, isOC. ii. IMary Ann Jackson, b. Jan. 8, 1S(>9. iii. Ilallett Mitchell, h. Oct. :n, ISTI ; .1. Si'pi., IM)-^. iv. Alice LelJaron, b. Ault. IT), 1S74. 873 William LeBaron*^ Jenney {Eliza LeBfiGibha), born Sept. ^f), 1832; married May 8, 18G7, Lizzie Hannali Cobb, of Cleveland, Oliio, born Oct. 3, 1847. He was a civil eni^inccr and served on the staffs of General Crant and General Shciinan, in tlic (^ivil War. Res., Chicago, 111. Children (Jenney) : 18.^)4. i. Max,'' 1). May '2, ISOH. 1355. ii. Francis LeBaron, b. Dec. 15, 1869. 874 Ansel Girhs*^ Jenney (Eliza LiB:' Gihlis), born Aug. 1.5, 1835; died June 29, 1895; married Sept. 25, 1800, May Louise Church, born Nov. 9, 1835. Res., Cincinnati, Ohio. Children (Jenney) : i. Lyman,^ b. Aug. '29, 18G1. 1356. ii. Bessie Russell, b. Mar. 12, 1869. iii. William Church, b. Jan. 18, 1871. . iv. Eliza LeBaron, b. Nov. 11, 1875. 875 IlEiirjEirr'' Jenney (Eliza LeB/' Gil»l>s), born Aug. 2, 1830; married Feb. 21, 1871, Mary Perry, born Dec. 4, 1845. He is a lawyer aiul resides in Cincinnati, Oliio. Childien (Jenney) : i. Perry Williams," b. Dec. ^i.*, J.s72; «1. April '^5, 1S79. ii. Mariraret, b. Dec. 1 «, 1874; d. June 2, lss:{. iii. Herbert Russell, b. Nov. 29, 1^77 ; he w;us graduated tioui Yale in 190(1. iv. Bertha, b. Jan. 11, lss-1. 312 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 876 LuniA Stmmoxr^ Hammatt (William C.^), ])()rn Jan. 5, 1830; died Nov. 25, 1870; married Oet. 21, 1807, Henry M. Hideout, died Feb., 1805. Child (Hideout) : i. Marian Ilainniatt,'' b. Oct. 14, 1809. 877 William Walter Parsons^ IIaiMimatt ( William C'.''), born Nov. 19, 1840; died Sept. 5, 1873: married April 3, 1872, Sara Allen. He served in the Civil War. Child (Hammatt) : i. William Cashing,'' b. Mar. 14, 1873. 878 Abraham^ Hammatt ( William C.^), born May 10, 1844 ; died May 26, 1880; married Sept. 15, 1872, Maria B. Crosby. He sei'ved in the Civil War. Children (Hammatt) : i. Theodore Dudley,' b. Aug. 16, 1873. ii. Daniel Crosby, b. April 5, 1879. 879 Maria Elizabeth^ Mitchell (Hannah P.^ Hammatt), born April 16, 1830 ; married Aug. 21, 1848, Jotham Donnell. Children (Donnell) : 1357. i. William Gushing,^ b. Oct. IS, 1849. ii. Benjamin Woodbridge, b. Fob. 18, 1855; d. June 29, 1856. 1358. iii. Anna Jane, b. June 15, 1857. iv. Francis Mitchell, b. June 26, 1861; d. Oct. 23, 1892. * 880 Alice Bradford*' Mitchell (Hannah P." Hammatt'), born Feb. 14, 1842; married Oct. 4, 1864, Watson Emery Plummer ; married (2), Oct. 12, 1878, Charles Pond Wiggin. Sixth Gtnenition. 813 Children (Plmnmei): i. Harry Walter," 1>. Se})!. 1, ls»i5. 1359. ii. Hazen Mitchell, b. June 9, 18G7. Child (Wiggin): iii. Marion Mitchell, 1). -May 'I'l, 1888. 881 Edward Francis^ Hodges {Anne F.° Hammatt), hom Aug. 1, 1851: married Oct. 25, 1877, Laura Fletcher. He was gradu- ated from Harvard College in 1871, and from Harvard Mfdical School in 1877. Res., Indianapolis, Ind. Children (Hodges) : i. Fletcher," b. Aug. 8, 1878. ii. Harry, b. Nov. 29, 1879; d. Jan. 20, 1885. iii. Ruth, b. Jan. 3, 1881. iv. Edward, b. Dec. 15, 1888; d. Dec. 15, 1883. 882 Harry Foot^ Hodges (^Anne F^ Hammatt), born Feb. 25, IS'^iO: married Dec. 8, 1887, Alma (L'Hommedieu) Raynolds. He was graduated from West Point in 1881, and is a Major of Engineers, U. S. A., and was Colonel of a regiment of Volunteer Engineei-s in the Spanish War. Res., Washington, D. C. Children (Hodges) : i. Antoinette," b. Jan. 3, 1892, at West Point, N. Y. ii. Frances, b. April 9, 1893, in Cincinnati, Ohio, iii. Alma Louise, b. Oct. 31, 1894, in Sioux City, Iowa, iv. Duncan, b. Sept. 29, 189, 11^38 ; died Aug. 19, 1863; married (2), Dec. 21, 1864, Mercy L. Row- land, born Jan. 26, 1839 ; died Oct. 3, 1866 ; married (3), Oct. 6, 1867, Lucy M. Carpenter, born June 4, 1843. Res., Hoosick, N. Y. Cliild : i. -Mary E.,» b. May 21, 186(>; m. Oct. IS, 1885, Albert A. Hall. 896 George A.' LeBaron (^Lpnan^), born April 24, 1843 ; mar- ried Dec. 13, 1864, Jane Card, born Jan. 7, 1848. Res., Hoosick, N. Y. Children : i. Elmer S.,« b. Jan. 17, 1868; m. Dec. 24, 1889, Jessie Humison, b. June 1, 1870. Children: i. Lcna,^ b. July 26, 1891. ii. Helen, b. Sept, 24, 1S92. iii. George Elmer, b. Nov. 23, 1896 ; d. Jan. 4, 1897. iv. Theodore Hobart, b. Jan. 8, 1898. ii. Frank, b. Nov. 1, 1871; ra. Feb., 1899, Ella Philpot. iii. Effie, b. Jan. 7, 1873; m. April 29, 1895, Clarence Hall. iv. Ernest G., b. Dec. 2, 1876; m. Mar. 18, 19U2, Norah B. O'Neil. V. Ruth B., b. July 23, 1881 ; in. April 5, lidiu, Herbert Guile. vi. Cecil B., 1). Feb. 15, 1888. vii. Cortland J., b. Oct. 7, 1889; d. Aug. 9, 1890. viii. Harry D., b. Oct. 7, 1891. 897 Amanda J.' LeBaron {Levi H.''), born July 29, 1846; mar- ried Nov. 26, 1868, George A. Thompson, born June 30, 1847. Children (Thompson) : i. William U.,' I). Mar. 15, 187(I; ni. June 14, 1888, Lottie Smith. Children: i. A'a//,'-* b. April 25, 1889. ii. Jofiie, b. Dec. 14, 1891. iii. George, b. May 1, 1893 ; d. July 2, 1893. iv. Ruth, b. Oct. 16, ls04. 318 Descendants of JFrancis LeBaron. ii. George E., b. Jan. 14, 1 872. iii. Jay L., b. May 13, 1874. 898 George" LeBaron {Levi Hf'), born :\Iar. 11, 1848; married Aug. 16, 1885, Mary Dean, born June 15, 1863. Cliiklren : i. Dean,* b. Oct. 22, 1886. ii. Forest, b. Nov. 24, 1894. 899 Mary E." LeBaron (^Levi Hf'), born Sept. 24, 1854: married June 4, 1873, Gilbert Carpenter, born Feb. 20, 1853. Cliildren (Cai^enter) : i. Sarah E.,« b. AprU 23, 1878. ii. George O., b. June 18, 1884. 900 Alice" LeBaron {Levi H.^), born Aug. 30, 1856 ; married in 1877, Wliitman Carpenter, born Nov. 30, 1857. Cliildren (Carpenter) : i. Walter,* b. Mar. 2, 1878; in. Jan. 4, 1899, Sarah :\IcKean. ii. William, b. June 26, 1880. iii. Lee, b. Sept. 17, 1883; d. Feb. 5, 1884. 901 EsTELLA^ LeBaron (Levi H}'), born May 13, 1858 ; mariied April 11, 1877, Myron Cottrell, born April 11, 1849. Children (Cottrell) : i. Julia E.,* b. July 7, 1878; m. Jan. 10, 1899, James Ilig- ojins. ii. Myron N., b. July 1, 1882. iii. Edward H., b. July 2, 1900. Seventh Generation. 819 902 Hakvev W.' LkBauon (^Levi H."^), born April 10, 18G3: died May -21, 18:i2: married Nov. 24, 1887, Estella i^apins, Ix-m Sept. 10, istic. Children : i. Frances E.,nj. P^el>. 1, lssi». ii. Theodore J., b. Ajiril 7, 181:11. 903 IIeniiv" LeBakon (^Levi iT.^), born April 10, 18G3 ; married Ang. 5, 188t), Lucy Williams, b0. Re.s., Pownal, Vt. Children : i. Hazel Leah,^ b. Sept. 29, 1887. ii. Alice, 1). Nov. "J, 1S89. 904 Elizabeth" LeBaron {Samuel^), born Jan. 22, 1834 ; married N«)v. 24, 1853, John, son of Robert and Polly (DePew) Crawford, Ixjrn April 8, 1830. Res., Union, N. Y. Children (Crawford): i. Samuel,^ b. April 14, 18o.5. ii. Caroline, b. . iii. Sarah, b. May s, 1872. 905 GeokgE' LeBakon (SamueV''), born Nov. 11', 1837: married Nov, 3, 1861, Mary C, daughter of Frederick N. and Julia (Mer- ritt ) Andrews, born June 6, 1837. Res., Union, N. Y. Children : i. Merritt D.,*' b. Feb. 14, 1S(;8; d. Sept. 20, 1S83. ii. Scott, b. May 29, 18(14 ; d. July 10, isc.;".. iii. f4eori4e P.urdett, b. Mar. S, 1800; m. FeO. \'l. l^^lt, Paiiie- lia Swartoiit. Cliild : i. Leon ii.,- 1). May 28, ISO.'). 320 l>escendunts of Francis LeBaron. iv. Julia M., b. Dec. 24, 1870. V. Sidney G., 1). ]\[ay 18, 1872; m. Oct. 6, 1897, I3ertha Wheeler, b. Mar. 20, 1874. vi. L. Henry, b. Dec. 27, 1876. vii. Mary S., b. July 26, 1879. 906 Sarah A.' LeBahun {Samuel^^, born May 17, 1842 ; married Sept. 1, 1864, Peter C. Mercereau, born in 1843 ; died in 1867 ; married (2), June, 1880, Christian F. Goeller, born May 1, 1848 ; died Jan. 7, 1898. Res., New York City. Children (Goeller) : i. Henry 'Christopher,^ b. April 14, 1882; d. April 15, 1891. ii. Charles, b. Feb. 21, 1891. 907 Jesse E.' LeBakon (Samuel*''), born Jan. 26, 1852 ; married July 17, 1875, Emma, daughter of Adam and Mary (Bailey) Wagner, born Aug. 13, 1851, in Harveyville, Pa. Res., Union, N. J. Child : i. Samuel J.,« b. April 2, 1879 ; m. Dec. 14, 1898, Inez M. Pierson. 908 Frederic S.' LeBaron (^Samuel^}, born May 1, 1857; married Mar. 10, 1880, Fanny, daughter of William and Betsey (Hickock) Nichols, born Aug. 6, 1860. Res., Boulder, Col. Childi'en : i. Stella,^ b. Aug. 3, 1882. ii. Grace K., b. Dec. 13, 1884; d. Nov. 13, 1896. iii. Leon, b. Nov. 26, 1886; d. Oct. 8, 1889. 909 Ann Eliza^ LeBaron (Joseph*^), born Mar. 12, 1830, in Union, N. Y. ; married Jan. 1, 1849, John Bovee, born May 11, 1824; died July 29, 1881. Res., Hector, Minn. Seventh Generation. 3*J1 Cliildieii (^liovee) : i. Henry Deloss/ 1.. May 1', 1854; •!. April 25, 1855. ii. Mary IJusilia, I.. Aug. liJ, lt<5(i; m. Delfcnl H. Ilalloway. iii. C\)ra liell, I.. April -J, ls5(>; ni. William Doilge. iv. LiM)ie E., 1). Dec. '25, l:S()(l; . April -JO, 1868; in. William (lark,.!, in 1898. vi. Henry Hurr, 1.. June 25, 1805; m. Amelia Thirley. vii. Ifachel E., I.. June 14, iSfiG; m. PVank Hooker, viii. Ira John, 1.. Mar. 4, 1^7(i; m. in 1898 Mary E. Norton, ix. Ina Mai. 914 AuLLV E." LkBakon (^Juihih .!.'■), b(jru May 18, lS4 ; married Imogene Hatch. Children (Atkins) : i. John Bradford,^ b. Aug. 25, 1881. ii. George Everett, b. Dec. 29, 1882. ^ 927 1 William" Atkins (Almeda A.^), born Dec. 27, 1863 ; married Oct. 13, 1891, Isabella Turpie. Seventh Generation. 307 Childien (Atkins) : i. Willai-a Eutrene,^ b. July 28, 1895. ii. Mary Isal)ella, b. April 10, 1898. 928 Caleb Thomas' Wixchesteu {Lu,-ij'' Thuniua), horn .Ian. 18, 1847 : luarried Dec. 25, 1872, Julia S. Smith, died June 25, 1877 ; married (2), April 2, 1880, Alice G. Smith. Child (Winchester) : i. Julian Caleb,* b. June "Jo, 1877. 929 Hehbert Peter" Shuktleff (Sarah EJ'), born April 11, 18»!0: married Nov. 24, 1884, Clara Maria Brown of New Bedford, Mass. (^hild (Shurtlefl') : i. Charles Edward," b. in 1887, in Fairhaven, jMass. 930 i.Ewrs Thomas" Shurtleff (Sarah E.^), born May 18, 18(i2; married Jan. 19, 1887, Carrie Estelle Jenney of Fairhaven, Mass. Cliildren (Shurtleff) : i. Elljcrt Harrison,- b. in 1887. ii. Ruth, b. in 1892. iii. Catherine, b. in l.s9o. 931 Nelson LeBai:un' Shurtleff (Sarah E.''), born Dec. 17, 186t) : married in 1897, Julia Catherine Meigcrs of Bristol, R. I. Child (Shurtleff) : i. Mertice Byron,^ b. in 1897. 932 Chaiiles Foster" Thomas (Alu-aham /V'), born May, 1850; married Aug. 16, 1873, Harriet M. Taylor. Res., San Bernardino, Cal. 328 Descendants of JFrancis Leliaron. Children (Thomas) : < i. George A.,* b. Nov. 14, 1874. ii. Charles Foster, b. Oct. 13, 1876. iii. LilUan B., b. June 4, 1878; m. Richard Henry Waycott of Colorado City. Child : i. Carrie A.,^ b. in 1S90. iv. Elmer, b. Oct. 13, 1884. V. Otto, b. Nov. 12, 1886. 933 Ellen Minerva" Brightman {Temperance LeB.^ Thomas), born Mar. 10, 1847: married Sept. 27, 1863, Marcus A. Gurney : married (2), June 27, 1881, William Jeff. Cliildren (Gurney) : i. Abram Shedrach LeBaron,* b. Feb. 24, 1866; m. in 1889, Etta Gifford Stanton. Children (Gurney) : i. Stanton Gifford,^ b. ; d. in infancy. ii. LeBaron iVilbur, b. Aug. 7, 1896 ; d. Aug. 11, 1896. ii. Lenny Bradford, b. Oct. 24, 1868 ; d. Mar. 15, 1888. iii. Nellie Prince, b. Mar. 1, 1871 ; d. May 9, 1887. Children (Jeff) : iv. Harry, b. Aug. 6, 1882. V. Gordon Peter, b. Jan. 12, 1884. 934 Etta Temperance^ Brightman (Temperance LeB.^ Thomas), born June 30, 1849 ; died April 13, 1896 ; married Oct. 1, 1865, Gustavus LeRoy Barrows. Children (Barrows) : i. LeRoy,^ b. ; d. young. ii. Phebe Lillian, b. Dec. 22, 1868 ; m. in 1887, Gardner L. Bradford. Child (Bradford) : i. Nellie,^ b. in 1888. 935 Arthur Franklin" Sherman (Lucinda M.^ Thomas'), born Dec. 21, 1859; married April 18, 1882, Mabel Snow. Child (Sherman) : i. Arthur Gordon,* b. Feb. 18, 1894. ^ Seventh Gefteratio7i. 329 936 Makv Everett" Sherman {Lucinda M.^ Thomas), bom Dec. 28, 1867 ; mumed April 4, 1888, George H. MiUiken. Child (Milliken) : i. lima xVnna,^ b. Mar. 24, 1889. 937 Nellie Frances" Thomas (George B.^}, born Aug. 16, 1865 ; married Jan. 5, 1892, Charles Threshie. Children (Thresliie) : i. Charles,«b. April 5, 1893. ii. ^Margaret Chevillon, h. Oct. 2, 1894. 938 Cephas* Foster" Thomas {George B.^), born Sept., 10, 1867; married Helen Fairfield Ciiziier. Res., Middleboro, Mass. Children (Thomas) : i. Earl,« b. July 7, 1888. ii. Elizabeth LeBaron, b. May, 1891. iii. Helen Maria, b. Aug. 4, 1894. iv. Mary Adelaide, b. June 1, 1897. 939 Martha Frances' Thomas (Caleb A.^), born Jan. 13, 1858 ; married Charles R. Tripp, born June 1, 1853. Cliild (Tripp) : i. Arthur,^ b. Jan. 23, 1876. 940 Charles Thomas" Bowen (Elizabeth D.^ Thomas), born Dec. 6, 1858; married Jan. 13, 1880, Julia C. Swenson, born Feb. 20, 18r»l. Res., Rochester, Mass. (Uiildren (Rowen) : i. Elizabeth Thc.mas," b. Sei)t. 10, 1880. ii. Edward LeBaron, b. Oct. 14, 1885. iii. Evan Albert, b. Sej.t. 15, 1896. 330 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 941 William F." Tillson (Joanna A.^), born Nov. 16, 1822 ; mar- ried Lucy Shurtliff, born Mar. 5, 1830 ; died May 11, 1850 ; married (2), Oct. 8, 1854, Olive F. Weston, born Feb. 9, 1830 ; died Sept. 2, 1861. Cliildren (Tillson) : i. Lucy S.,8 b. Dec. 10, 1855. ii. William W., b. Feb. 5, 1860. Kes., South Carver, Mass. 942 George L." Tillson (Joanna A.^')^ born Mar. 27, 1829; died July 28, 1895 ; married May 7, 1854, Beulah S. Weston, born Dec. 2, 1832. Kes., South Carver, Mass. Children (Tillson) : i. Joseph E.,» b. June 12, 1861 ; d. Oct. 6, 1868. ii. Granville E., b. Aug. 10, 1872 ; ra. April 7, 1896, Sarah O. Morse. He is cashier of the National Bank in Middle- boro, Mass. Children (Tillson) : i. Ehoood 3{orse,^ b. Feb. 23, 1897. ii. Roger Weston, b. Sept. 2, 1898. iii. George LeBaron, b. Jan. 24, 1900. 943 CvNTHiA Frances" Tillson (Joanna A.^}, born Oct. 10, 1833 ; married Feb. 14, 1858, Daniel Hamilton Kendrick, born Aug. 10, 1826 ; died Aug. 3, 1879. Res., Waltham, Mass. Children (Kendrick) : i. Florence May,* b. May 2, 1864; m. May 5, 1886, AVilliam A. Gove. Children (Gove) : i. Laura Frances,^ b. Aug. 20, 1888. ii. William Hamilton, b. Nov. 22, 1891. ii. Fred Hamilton, b. Jan. 30, 1866; m. Dec. 25, 1893, Jen- nie H. Lord. 944 Theodore Williams" Cole (Mercy 31.^), born June 20, 1838; married Nov., 1866, Abbie T. Jenney. Res., New Bedford, Mass. /Sevejith Generation. 881 (Cliildivii (Cole) : i. K'uth Louise/ b. Sept. 19, 1807. ii. Mary .Morse, h. Aj)ril 1, IbTO. iii. Lottie Taber, b. Oct. 28, 1873; m. Feb. 5, 18'J2, Charles Allen. Children (Allen) : i. Roger LeJiaron,^ b. June 30, 1893. ii. ^f(n•io1}. b. Jan. 29, 1S97. iv. Knima Philips, b. Aug. 21, 1875. V. Katie .leniiey, b. July 30, 1878. vi. Theo.lore Williams, b. July 25, 1882. 945 JosEPJi LeHahon" Cole {Mercy M.^), born Mar. 20, 1845; niiirried Feb. 22, 18t)H, Eunice Purrington. Res., INIattapoisett, Mass. Children (Cole) : i. Jennie Purrington,^ b. Dec. 1, 1806; d. in 1868. ii. Eliza Purrington, b. .Tune 7, 1809. iii. Grace LeHaron, b. June 4, 1875. 946 Sauah Helen" Cole (3Ierci/ 3i.^), born July 20, 1847 ; mar- ried Jan. 18, 1806, Henry Nye. Res., Marion, INLiss. Child (Xye) : i. Helen,' b. June 26, 1886. 947 William O." LeBaron (Ci/rus*"), born Aug. 27, I8:i7 : mar- ried April 24, 1877, Mary J. Maynard. Res., Middlebon*, Mass. Child: i. William A.,« b. Sej.t. 2ii, 1878. 948 Cvuis Allen' LeBakon {Ci/ru/''), burn Mar. 11*, 18;)9 ; mar- ried Mar. 13, 1860, Lucy Stevens. Res., Middlelx^ro, Ma.ss. Child : i. Lottie Angelina,* b. July 31, 1872; ni. July 16, 1893, John L. Feltch. Child (Feltch) : i. Mlhlrc'l A.," ]>. Sept. 28, 1890. 332 Descendants of JFrancis LeBaron. 949 Oceanah" Tinkham {Daniel^), born Jan. 25, 1833 ; died June 9, 1882 ; manied Jan. 28, 1857, H. D. Niles. Res., Shaftsbuiy, Vt. Children (Niles) : i. Xapoleon B.,* b. Feb. 16, 1858. ii. Joseph W., b. Aug. 8, 1859. iii. Bertrand D., b. Mar. 1, 1862. iv. Bertha, twin to Bertrand D. V. Isabelle V., b. Jan. 30, 1876. 950 SoRELL' Tinkham (Danid^'), born Dec. 18, 1833; married Sarah Rice. Res., Bainbridge, N. Y. Children (Tinkham) : i. Lena,^ b. Dec. 29, 1875; m. Arthur Spaulding. ii. Adella, b. Jan. 23, 1882. 951 Daniel' Tinkham {Daniel^}, born Jan. 1, 1835 ; married Feb. 21, 1866, Huldah Bates. Res., Bennington, Vt. Children (Tinkham) : i. Ada L.,» b. Mar. 21, 1871. ii. Orson N., b. May 8, 1873. iii. Harlow B., b. July 5, 1875.* 952 Ann^ Tinkham {Daniel^}, born Jan. 10, 1836; married Nov. 8, 1862, James T. Matteson. Res., Shaftsbury, Vt. Child (Matteson) : i. EHza A.,» b. Nov. 5, 1863 ; m. Grant W. Percy. 953 Elmer C' Tinkham {Daniel^}, born Feb. 4, 1837 Oct. 16, 1867, Frances Percy. Res., Bennington, Vt. Children (Tinkham) : i. Russell E.,8 b. Oct. 29, 1876. ii. Etta M., b. Aug. 21, 1883. married Seventh Generaticm. 333 954 H. DANIEL' TiNKHAM {Peter W.^), born Dec. 24, 1850; mar- ried Jan. 7, 1875, Laura L. Royce, born Aug. 30, 1843. Res., Perry, N. Y. Cliildren (Tinkhani) : i. Hattie E.,^ b. Dee. 20, 1875; d. Mar. 31, 1^79. ii. Dorr L., b. Mar. 30, 1882. 955 MvuuN C.' Brownell (Juliana'^ Tinkhayn), born May 20, 1844 ; married Oct. 27, 1870, Margaret, daughter of Robertson and E. Chi-istina Edie, born Aug. 30, 1848. Res., Wliite Creek, N. Y. Cliildren (BroAvnell) : i. Clark Tinkham,^ b. Aug. 16, 1871. He was graduated from Colgate Theological Seminary, ii. Palmer Edie, b. Mar. 16, 1873. iii. Nina M., b. Mar. 31, 1875. 956 Isaac W." Brownell {Juliana*^ Tinkha7Ji), born July -8, 1847; married Sept. 13, 1877, Harriet E. Gifford, born May 22, 1854. Children (Brownell) : i. Duane G.,* b. Mar. 3, 1880. ii. Elmer C, b. April 26, 1883. iii. Florence I., b. April 26, 1892. 957 Betsev a.' Stanton (Orrin LeB.^), born Feb. 28, 1846 ; mar- ried Jan. 1, 1868, Edmond C. Parker, born May 8, 1846. Res., Muskegon Heights, Mich. Child (Parker) : i. Herl)ert S.," b. Mar. 20, 1869; m. Fel). 11, 1S91, Theresa V. Erickson. Children (Parker) : i. Edmond C.,^ b. Aug. 19, 1S92. ii. liesHie A., b. .Mar. 2.3, 1894. iii. Cyrus A., b. .Jan. 22, 1896. 334 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 958 Oren E." Stanton {Orrin LeB.^), born Sept. 16, 1849; mar- ried May 31, 1869, Harriet A. Barber, born July 10, 1850; died Sept. 23,1896; married (2), Feb. 8, 1898, (Mrs.) Kate Sutton. Res., Oxford, Mich. Children (Stanton) : i. Eva,8 b. Sept. 20, 187U; d. May 23, 1872. ii. Nellie, b. April 15, 1872 ; d. Feb. 15, 1875. iii. Jessie, b. July 27, 1874 ; m. Nov. 24, 1897, John G. Kessell. iv. Julia, b. Oct. 15, 1876; m. Jan. 14, 1895, Addison Brooks. 959 George A.' Stanton (Orrin LeB.^}, born May 3, 1853: mar- ried in 1886, Ida Anderson, born in Sweden. Res., Delvalb, 111. Children (Stanton) : i. G. Raymond,^' b. Dec. 21, 1890. ii. Guy LeBaron, b. Aug. 9, 1892. 960 Mary Augusta' Wright (Zyman^), born April 23, 1843 ; died Oct. 14, 1895; married Mar. 21, 1866, William Moslier, died May 17, 1894. Res., Eagle Harbor, N. Y. Children (Mosher) : i. Augusta Mariab,^ b. July 28, 1867; m. Mar. 20, 1895, William Leonard Bennett. Children (Bennett) : i. Elma BiUh,^ b. Dec. 26, 1895. ii. Earl Mosher, b. Dec. 1, 1896 ; d. Feb. 19, ISUl. ii. Edah,b. Nov. 20, 1S74; m. June 6, 1895, Albert J. Erhardt; d. Dec, 1896. 961 Harriet A.' WRiCiHT (Lyman^}, born July 15, 1844, in Am- sterdam, N. Y. ; married Oct. 11, 1865, John II. Seabury, born April 30, 1845. Res., Galway, N. Y. Children (Seabury) : i. Anna L.,« b. Nov. 14, 1866. ii. Irving II., b. Jan. 81, 1868; m. Aja-il 8, 1891, Cornelia Smith. .AkI Seventh Generation. 335 iii. Emma l^, I.. April 14, 1S72; d. May 6, 1877. iv. S. Adella, b. July 17, 1870. V. MollieE., b. April 11, 1SS2. 962 Myron S." S\vki:t (Martin^), Lorn Jiily^21, 1855 ; marned Oct. -21, 18S5, Mary I. Hewlett, born Sept. 21, 1855. Children (Sweet) : i. Helen A.,« b. Jan. 23, 1895. ii. Sarah A., b. April (>, 1896. 963 Seward Adeluert" Bills (^Martha J.^ Sweety, born Aug. 9, 1856 ; married Sept. 24, 1879, Ida May Bedell, born June 20, 1862. Res., Bancroft, Mich. Cliildren (Bills) : i. Parley L.,« b. April 28, 1881. ii. Earle Leroy, b. June 12, 1884; d. Sept. 8, 1884. iii. Ruby Irene, b. Oct. 9, 1895. 964 Everett Alva' Lacy (^Celema H.^ Sweet}, born July 12, 1848 ; married Oct. 20, 1870, Mary Catherine Port, born Feb. 22, 1852; died Nov. 16, 1893. Res., Toledo, Ohio. Cliildren (Lacy) : i. Georgia Gertrude,^ b. April 5, 1876. ii. Carrie Belle, b. Aug. 26, 1881. 965 Marion Louise" Brown {An7i M.^ Ferine'), Inn-w Nov. 27, 1863; married Nov. 19, 1888; George F., son of James Alfred Jarrett, born Oct. 28, 1865. Res., Buffalo, N. Y. Cliildren (Jarrett) : i. Willis Odell,^ b. Dec. 7, 1895 ; d. Dec. 9, isy5. ii. Roger Perine, b. Aug. 8, 1898; d. April 2, 1899. iii. Dorothy Eloise, b. Dec. 7, 1900; d. Feb. 14, 1901. 336 DescenfJants of Francis LeBuron. i 966 Sullivan C-lakkncp:- Peuine {Edward 31.^), bora June, 1850 ; died Aug. 21, 1886 ; married Dec. 2, 1877, Louisa Swaltz, bora in Germany. Re.s., Minneapolis, Minn. Children (Ferine) : i. Edward (irandley,^ b. Mar. 20, 1879. ii. Florence May, b. Sept. 24, 1880; d. Aug. 15, l.*^sl. 967 Elva Katherine' Ferine (^Edivard M.^), bora Dec. 27, 1854 ; married Oct. 15, 1873, Himan Grandley Darrow, bom July 10, 1849. Res., Minneapolis, Minn. Children (Darrow) : i. Mabelle Carolyn,' b. Sept. 30, 1878. ii. Marjorie King, b. Oct. 30, 1889 ; d. Dec. 28, 1890. 968 Charles Carlton' Otis {Fersis M.*^ Ferine'), born Oct. 24, 1859 ; married June 3, 1885, Donna Durand. Res., Buffalo, N. Y. Child (Otis) : i. Nina Durand,« b. July 24, 1886. 969 Mary Ashburn" Pool {Albert S.^}, born Oct. 28, 1852 ; died Aug. 23,1883; married Mar. 19, 1870, John C. Stooss. Res., Harrisburg, Pa. Children (Stooss) : i. Lillie LeBaron,« b. Dec. 30, 1871 ; in. Ai)ril 5, 1«92, J. Wilson Walck. Children (Walck) : i. Flora Minerva,^ h. Feb. 16, 1893. ii. Sirrell LeBaron, b. Mar. 29, 1897. ii. Lucretia J., b. July 30, 1874. 970 Charles Francis^ Townsend (Sarah L.^), born Oct. 7, 1857; married Aug. 15, 1882, Mary Blaikie, of Sterling Valley, N. Y. lies., Weedsport, N. Y. y Seoenth Generation. 337 Children (Towiiseud) : i. Earl I^.,;^ h. Jan. 2, 1884. ii. Fred. B., 1). Nov. 1, 1885. iii. Lynn C, b. Nov. '21, 1892. 971 Emma Gertrude" Morton (3Iaria Louise^), born May 9, 1850 ; nuuried in 1872, George Strong, died in 1887 ; married (2), in 1889, Edward G. Loomis, of Westfield, Mass. Children (Strong) : i. Ella Frances,^ b. April 15, 1877. ii. .^laria Louise, b. May 15, 1879. She is a graduate of Smith Collesre. 972 Charles Wallace' Morton (Maria Louise'^), born Aug. 1, 1852 ; married Aug. 1, 1882, Frances E., daughter of John and \^^^ Annie (Lyman) Woodruff, born Feb. 14, 18(30; died Feb. 18, 1898. Res., Northampton, Mass. Children (Morton) : i. Maria Louise LeBaron,« b. May 18, 1883 ; d. April 1, 1898. ii. Charies, b. July 19, 1886. i- iii. Annie, b. Oct. 10, 1888. 973 Wallace Elhanan- LeBaron ( William Wallace^}, born Sept. 22, 1855, in Northampton, Mass. ; married Nov. 8, 1888, Lillie M. Chapman, born Jan. 13, 1860, in Greencastle, Ind. Res., Pitts- burg, Kas. Children : i. Arthur,^ b. May K', 1^91, in Kansas City, Mo. ii. Francis W., b. Aug. 29, 1897, in Pittsburg; d. Sept. 25, 1897. 974 Elsie Maria" LeBauon {William Wallace'^}, born Aug. 2, 1859, in Northampton, Mass. ; married Dec. 24, 1877, Charles 338 Descendants of Frtincis LeBaron. Arthur Wright, born Feb. 2, 1854, in New Haven, Ct. Res., Eastliampton, Mass. Child (Wright): i. Wallace Hervey,* b. Oct. 22, 1889, in Easthainpton. 975 Herbert Sirrell" Waring {Florine i.^), born Feb. 20, 1866 ; married May 4, 1887, Winnifred Isadore Rogers, born Feb. 6, 1865. Res., Tecumseh, Mich. Children (Waring) : i. Roger LeBaron,^ b. April 21, 1890. ii. Lester, b. Nov. 21, 1898. 976 Roxana" LeBaron (J^amud^')^ born Dec. 12, 1839; married Mar. 15, 1858, Cyrus Stilson Foster, born Nov. 18, 1835. Res., Rome, Me. Children (Foster) : i. Elbridge Tracy,« b. Oct. 19, 1860; m. Jan. 15, 1882, Alice Mabel Tracy. Child (Foster) : i. Elsie Mahel,"^ b. Feb. 17, 1888. ii. Albert Sewell, b. Nov^4, 1864; m. Aug. 29, 1883, Mary Adelaide Tracy. Children (P^'oster) : i. Arthur LeRoy,^ b. .June 6, 1884. ii. Angle Roxa, b. Dec. 22, 1893. i 977 Nancy Mosher' LeBaron (^Samuel^), born May 8, 1841, in Rome, Me.; married Nov. 19, 1860, Hartley Estes, born Nov. 26, 1836. Res., Rome, Me. Children (Estes) : i. Everett Edward,^ b. Aug. 11, 1861; m. June 23, 1882, Rose Einma French. Children (Estes) : i. Maude Evelyn,'^ b. July 12, 188:3. ii. Chester Arthur, b. Feb. 14, 1885. iii. Ola Emma, b. Feb. 5, 1895. ii. Cecil Lament, b. July 14, 1884. /Seventh Generation. Ji39 978 Levi' LeBakon (Samuel^), born Sept. 16, 1844, in Konu', Me.: married Feb. 12, 18G4, Angelina Ellis, born May "27, 1M-|."). Ives., Rome. Children : i. Cai-rie Isabel,* b. June 28, 1869; iii. Jan. 1, 1890, Charles Kelsey Alien. Child (Allen) : i. Ethel 3/«?/,'J b. Mar. 22, 1891 ; d. Jan. 3, 1SU2. ii. George Herbert, b. Sept. 18, 1872; m. Jan. 3, 1898, Alida Belle Wright. ChiM : i. Geneve Tlelen,'^ b. Aug. 18, 1890. iii. Ethel Sarah, b. Oct. 8, 1878; d. Sept. 15, 1881. iv. Angle Peai'l, b. July 28, 1889. , 979 Maky Ann' LeIjAROn (&'amuel^), born July 4, 1846: married Sept. 20, 1864, Baxter C. Mosher, born April 16, 1835. Res., Manchester, Me. Children (Mosher) : i. Livonia,^ b. Sept. 27, lJ>65; d. Dec. lU, 1896; ni. Feb. 12, 1886, Amos Berry. Child (Berry) : i. Sadie,^ b. xMar. 24, 1887. u. William, b. Mar. 1, 1872; m. Feb. 15, 1898, Lidii M. Spenser, lies., Augusta, Me. iii. Bertha, b. Aug. 2, 1880; m. Nov. 30, 1896, William Saw- yer. Child (Sawyer) : i. Lillian Mmj,'^ b. Jan. 9, 1898. 980 RoscoE' LeBarox {William B.^), born Sept. 7, 1858; married May 1, 1880, Lucy McArster, born April 24, 1858. Cliild : 1. Orris L.,' b. Sept. '^4, 1885. 981 Herbert A.' LeBaron (William B.^'), born May 23, 1860; married Dec. 24, 1882, Mabel Foss. Res., Mexico, Me. 340 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. ■ * i Children : i. Lena A.,« b. Feb. ix, 1884. ii. Everett, b. Aug. 9, 1886. 982 John F.' LeBaron (^William B.^'),\)Qxrs. Mar. 26, 1870; mar- ried June 12, 1894, Carrie B. Logan. Res., Dubois, Pa. ? Child : i. HaroId,« b. Aug. 9, 1895. 983 Eda May" LeBaron {NathanieV^), born May 2, 1851, in South Paris, Me. ; died Dec. 25, 1875 ; married Aug., 1874, Maurice Cummings. Res., Locke's Mills, Me. Child (Cummings) : i. May Isabelle,** b. Sept. 14, 1875; m. Mar. 17, 189-2, Frank L. Dow. ChUdren (Dow) : i. Lafayette Frank,^ b. Oct. 27, 1893, ii. Arthur Greenleaf, b. July 23, 1896. 984 Melissa J.' Caswell {Emily'^), born Nov. 3, 1849; died May 14, 1872; married July 28, 1867, Ancel Harmon, born in 1846. Child ( Harmon) : i. Willis E.,8 b. April 17, 1872; m. July 28, 1895, Millie F. Ryerson. Child (Harmon) : i. Wendell A.,'^ b. Feb. 22, 1897. 985 James F." Caswell {Emily^), born July 7, 1853 ; married April 11, 1888, Florence Wood. Res., Woodville, Mass. Child (Caswell) : i. Milton Wood,« b. May 13, 1889. 986 Edgar M." Caswell {Emily*^), born Aug. 9, 1854, in Harri- son, Me.; married Oct. 6, 1875, Emma Haven, of Hopkinton, Mass. Res., Framingham, INIass. Seventh Generation. 341 Children (Caswell): i. Herbert Edgar,' b. July 30, 1876. ii. Edith Sarah, b. Mar. 6, 1879. iii. Harry Haven, b. Dec. 11, 1881. iv. T.illiaii :\Iay, b. April 15, 1884. V. Florence Emma, b. Jan. 5, 1889. 987 Atlev M." Caswell {Emily*^), born April 1, 1857 ; married May 10, 1884, George Y. Jones, of Yarmouth, Me. Res., Bridg- ton, ]Me. Child (Jones) : i. Emily May,« b. Sept. 27, 1891. 988 Ida £.' Caswell {Emily^), born Jan. 22, 1859; married April 4, 1881, John ]\I. Long. Res., Bridgton, Me. Children (Long) : i. Willfred,8 b. Nov. 8, 1882. ii. Atley, b. Mar. 17, 1885. iii. Laura, b. Mar. 28, 1894. 989 Lillian' Caswell (Umili/^}, born Aug. 21, 1863 ; died June 10, 1885; married Aug. 29, 1881, D. Franklin Gustin. Res., Cumberland Mills, Me. Cliild (Gustin) : i. Elwood,8 b. Oct. 28, 1883. 990 Lydia a." LeBakox (Russell'^), born Jan. 19, 1853, in New- ton, Ma.ss. ; married July 10, 1878, Sion R. Wentworth. Res., Duluth, Miim. Cliild ren (Wentworth) : i. Ethel Russell,' b. April 10, 1879. ii. llarland, b. May 9, 1882. iii. Helen Antoinette, b. April 3, 1889. 342 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 991 Addie W.' LeBaron {liusseW), born Feb. 17, 1862; died Aus^-. 28, 1889 ; man-ied James Stone. Child (Stone) : i. LeBaron,* b. Jan. 1, isST ; d. Aug. 18, 1«87. 992 Emma Frances' LeBaron {William F.^), born April 27, 1859, in Harrison, Me.; married Oct. 12, 1881, Arthur Eli Ilersom, born May 30, 1857, in Boston, Mass. Res., Dorchester, Mass. Children (Hersom) : i. Fred Arthur," b. July 9, 1882; d. Jan. 1, 1888. li. Edith Frances, b. Sept. 7, 1883. ill. Gladys LeBaron, b. May 1, 1891; d. Aug. 27, 1892. iv. Ellsworth Fogg, b. May 28, 1893; d. May 28, 1894. 993 Charles Payson' LeBaron {David J.^), born Oct. 7, 1867 ; married Oct. 15, 1890, Susie M., daughter of Edward Gleason of Framingham, Mass., born Sept. 6, 1868 ; died Aug. 19, 1892 ; mar- ried (2), June 5, 1895, Edna M. Burrows. Res., Framingham, Mass. Children : i. Paul B.,» b. Oct. 8, 1896. ii. Marion, b. April 20, 1898. 994 Nellie Frances' Morse (Rut¥), born Jan. 27, i860, in Haverhill, Mass. ; married Oct. 14, 1880, George R. Pearse. Res., Wakefield, R. I. Children (Pearse) : i. LeBaron," b. May 14, 1881 ; d. Aug., 1881. ii. George Mertin, b. May 17, 1882. iii. Mary Frances, b. Feb. 1, 1884. iv. Ruth LeBaron, b. Mar. 6, 1886. V. Margueritte, b. Dec. 4, 1888. vi. Katherine, b. in 1898. ^ Seventh Generation. 343 995 1 1. A May" Morse {Rut¥), born May 22, 18Go, in Philadelpliiii, Pit.; mairied Dec. 14, 1882, in Wakefield, K. I., John Mertin Soutlnvick. Res., "Wakefield. Children (SouthAvick) : i. .Mertin Russell,* b. iMar. 29, 1885. ii. Gleason, b. Aug. 6, 1898. 996 George Ezra' Clark {Ahiyail LeB.^ G-ove'), born Mar. 12, 1849, in Rutland, Vt. ; married Oct. 12, 1870, Emma Jane, daughter of John and Eliza J. ( Eggleston) Cleaveland, born Mar. 18, 1853. Res., Rutland, Vt. Children (Clark) : i. Stella Jane,« b. Aug. 27, 1875; ra. Dec. 29, 1896, William Boynton of Northiield, Vt. ii. Blanche Abigail, b. July 7, 1884. 997 George Luther' Ward {Emeline K^}, born Feb. 25, 1850 ; married Nov. 27, 1878, Louisa Hannah Gibbs, born Sept. 5, 1855. Res., Barnard, Vt. Child OVard) : i. Victor Vernly,^ b. Nov. 16, 1880. 998 Emogene Abigail' Ward (Emeline HS'), born May 18, 1851 ; married April 15, 1871, Gardner Asa Adams, born May 25, 1849. Res., Barnard, Vt. Children (Adams) : i. Gertrude Louisa," b. April 25, 1875; m. April 'J, 1893, P^rank Ferris Jones, ii. Ernest Gardner, b. June 1, 1878. iii. Ora Clorinda, 1). Sept. 30, 1885; d. Oct. 30, 1887. iv. A son, h. Mar. 31, 1892; d. April 4, 1S9-J. 844 Descendants of F'rayicis LeBaron. 999 Perkins Johnson' Ward {Emeline R.^}, born July 26, 1852 ; married Jan. 6, 1877, Amanda Hannah Evans, born Feb. 4, 1848. Res., Barnard, Vt. Children (Ward) : i. Kate Amanda,® b. Sept. 30, 1877; ra. June 16, 1897, Jus- tin B. Martin. ii. LUlia Luetta, b. Sept. 16, 1882. iii. Erwin Perkins, b. Feb. 18, 188 8, 1000 Louisa Mary' Ward (Emeline iT.^), born Feb. 5, 1856; died Aug. 22, 1895 ; married Jerry Alonzo Heath, died Nov. 5, 1894. Res., Montpelier, Vt. Children (Heath) : i. Ida Louisa,* b. Jan. 14, 1878; m. Oct. 15, 1895, C4erald Francis Burnell. ii. Herbert Alonzo, b. Oct. 10, 1880. iii. Austin Grant, b. July 25, 1883; m. June 1, 1896, Mary Adeline Brubeust. 1001 Arthur William' LeBaron ( William^), born Feb. 14, 1864, in South Barre, Vt. ; married April 8, 1885, Emma Braman, born Jan. 3, 1854. Res., Orange, Vt. Child : i. Lynn Clyde,« b. April 13, 1887. 1002 Walter John" LeBaron ( William^), born Feb. 20, 1866, in South Barre, Vt. ; married April 2, 1892, Delia Nichols, born Sept. 7, 1870. Res., Orange, Vt. Children : i. Walter Roy,» b. Aug. 8, 1893. ii. Kathleen Nichols, b. Aug. 19, 1897. Seventh Generation. 345 1003 George Henry' Wright {Lt/dia Jane*^}, l)orn Feb. 18, 1854, in Stockbridge, Vt. : inarried Jan. 9, 1881, Sarah Abbie Chirk, born May 23, 1860, in Topslield, Mass. He is a clergyman. Cliiklren (Wright) : i. Warren Ilenry,^ b. April 8, 1883, in Lynn, Mass. ii. Mary Abbie, b. Aug. 28, 1884, in Wolcott, Vt. iii. William Kenney, b. Aug. 25, 1885, in Wolcott. 1004 Etta L.' LeBaron {George F.^), born Mar. 13, 1869, in Hyde Park, Vt. ; died Sept. 23, 1897: married Dee. 28, 1887, William .M. Glines, born Mar. 11, 1868, in Northfield, N. H. Res., Tilton, N. H. Children (Glines) : i. Ervin M.,* b. Jan. 81, 1889. ii. Elsie E., b. Mar. 12, 1891. iii. George B., b. Aug. 9, 1893. 1005 Josephine" Ross (Luthera^ Smith), born May 1, 1862; married Nov. 9, 1880, Howard W. Foote. Children (Foote) : i. Shirley,^ b. Aug. 10, 1881. ii. Lancel Ross, b. Feb. 17, 1884. iii. Marguerite, b. Sept. 18, 1887. iv. Frederic LeBaron, b. Oct. 2, 1894. V. Kenneth, b. Aug. 26, 1897; d. May 22, 1898. 1006 Frederick Albert' Ross {Luthera^ Smith), born Jnly 31, 1863 : married Sept. 20, 1888, Mary Seymour Raymond. Children (Ross) : i. Raymond Frederick,^ b. June 27, 1889. ii. Howard Seymour, b. Jan. 30, 1891. iii. Helen, b. P'eb. 9, 1893. 346 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 1007 Jessie" Ross {Luthera^ Smith), born Aug. 7, 1865 ; married Oct. 31, 1889, Augustus V. Heely. Children (Heely) : i. Stafford Ross,^ b. May 4, 1892; d. Aug. 13, 1894. ii. Laurence Sturdivant, b. May 14, 1894. iii. Allan Vanderoef, b. Feb. 2, 1897. 1008 Walter Stayley' Ross {Luthera^ Smith), born Mar. 22, 1873 ; married April 25, 1899, Elizabeth A. Newman. Child (Ross) : i. Kathryn Louise,^ b. July 27, 1900. 1009 Lilian" Ross (Luthera^ Smith), born Sept. 12, 1874 ; married Dec. 16, 1897, Arthur P. Daggett. Child (Daggett) :. i. Ross LeBaron,^ b. Feb. 6, 1902. 1,010 Harriet Williams" Merritt {Haskell Z.^), born Sept. 11, 1864 ; married Feb. 20, 1895, William Andrew, son of William and Laura A. (Hamblin) Childs, born Aug. 12, 1868, Res., Wor- cester, Mass. Child (Childs) : i. Alice Merritt,^ b. Mar. 30, 1897, in New l^edford, Mass. 1011 Ellen E." LeBaron {Truman F.^), born Mar. 19, 1859, in Calais, Vt. ; married May 15, 1878, Victor Templeton. Children (Templeton) : i. Lucy Maud,« b. Mar. 20, 1879. ii. Arthur Truman, b. April 7, 1881. iii. Carl Victor, b. June 5, 1887. Seventh Generation. 347 1012 Alice M." LeBaron (G-eorge W.*"), born Sept. 19, 1859, in Berlin. Vt. ; married Leroy S., son of Ira and Huldah (Ainsworth) Morise, born Nov. 16, 1858, in Woodbury, Vt. Res., Jefferson- ville, Vt. Children (Morse) : i. Pearl Elizabeth,* b. Nov. 16, 1886, in Woodbury, ii. Ira George, b. Sept. 16, 1891, in Wolcott, Vt. 1013 GfioKGE J." LeBaron (George If.^), born April 29, 1864, in , IMontpelier, Vt. ; married Olive I\I. Powers. Res., Wolcott, Vt. Children : i. Flora Lena,» b. Aug. 20, 1888. ii. Agnes L., b. Jan. 3,' 1890. iii. Archie G., b. Jan. 2, 1892. iv. Alice M., b. iVIar. 24, 1895. 1014 LugV Amelia' Willard (Cynthia^'), born Dec. 27, 1863; mar- ried Nov. 29, 1882, William Hazen Arbuckle. Res., Middlesex, Vt. Child (Arbuckle) : , ^ i. John Willard,8 b. Oct. 24, 1889. 1015 Abbie May' Willard (CyntJiia^^, boyn Sept. 22, 1868 ; mar- ried Jan. 1, 1889, Edward Bennett Arbuckle. Res., East Mont- pelier, Vt. Child (Arbuckle) : i. Edna Bernice,* b. Aug. 1, 1896. 1016 RuTN May" Willard {Cynthia^}, born Mar. 16, 1870: married Dec. 17, 1889, Hiram L. Templeton. Res., East IMontpelier, Vt. Cliikben (Templeton) : i. Ilallie Ruth,* b. Aug. 23, 1891. ii. Alice .Mav, b. Dec. 27, 1893. 348 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 1017 William E." LeBakon (^Riifus 0.*"), born Jan. 1, 1859, in Mitchell, Iowa; married July 1, 1879, Rhoda M. Rocheleau, born Sept. 18, 1858. Res., Lyle, Minn. Children, the first five born in ^Mitchell : i. Alma Fanny,' b. Sept. 11, 1880. ii. Jessie Lenore, b. i\Iar. 4, 1883. iii. Edna Aurelia, b. Dec. 17, 1884. iv. Carroll Allan, b. Dec. 23, 1888. V. Francis Rocheleau, b. Aug. 22, 1890. vi. Herbert Ezra, b. Sept. 21, 1897, in Lyle. 1018 Lemuel O." LeBaeon (Eufiis C.^), born May 16, 1867, in Mitchell, Iowa; married April 11, 1888, Lily Decker. Res., Minneapolis, Minn. Cliildren : i. Jessie Gale,^ b. Aug. 27, 1889. ii. Vernon Decker, b. May 29, 1896. 1019 George William'' Greenbank {Drusilla^'), born April 20, 1852, in Danville, Vt. ; married June 26, 1876, INIartha Wasliing- ton, daughter of Frederick W. and Eunice (Stanton) Green, born Jan. 1, 1852, in Danville; died April 10, 1883; married (2), Oct. 21, 1884, Katie Calista, daughter of William M. and Julia (Weeks) Dole, born Nov. 23, 1859, in Danville. Res., Buckland, Ct. Children (Greenbank) : i. Glen Walker,« b. May 10, 1877. ii. Laura Frances, b. Aug. 30, 1879 ; d. April 29, 1893. 1020 Matthew Byhox" Greenbank (Brusilla*''), born April 19, 1854, in Danville, Vt. ; married May 21, 1878, Gertrude, daughter of Oliver and Philena (Foster) Clifford, born Sept. 6, 1855, in Danville. Res., Danville. Children (Greenbank) : i. Linn Clifford,* b. .Alar. 11, 1880. ii. Benjamin Matthew, b. June 26, 1881. Seventh Generation. 349 iii. Susan Lena, 1>. May 19, 1S87. iv. Kayniond (4eorge, b. Mar. I'J, 1889. V. Foster, 1). May 7, 1891. 1021 Fanny Jaxh" Page {Luci/ 0.*^), born May 20, 1853, in Spring- tield. Mass. ; manied May 20, 1874, Levi Woodworth. Res., liar- al)0(i, Wis. Cliildren (Woodworth) : i. Jesse,* b. July 1, 1878. ii. Lucy Maud, b. Dec. 12, 1879. iii. Frank, b. Jan. 31, 1882. IV. Zella, b. Mar. 6, 1884. V. Charles, b. Dec. 16, 1886. vi. Ada, b. July 8, 1895. 1022 Ella Cora' Page (Lucy 0.^), born June 15, 1856, in Cleve- land, Oliio ; married Jan. 10, 1878, Charles Henry, son of Leverett and Nancy (Whiteliill) Page. Res., Baraboo, Wis. Cliild (Page) : i. Nellie Olive,^ b. Jan. 23, 1881. 1023 Inez Hattie' LeBaron (Isaac N.^), born Oct. 10, 1867 ; mar- ried Thomas Jefferson James, son of Eben and Susan (Houston) Stewart, born Sept. 1, 1854, in Lowell, Mass. Mr. Stewart is a teacher, and resides in Morrisville, Vt. Cliildren (Stewart) : i. Clarence Lee,* b. June 1, 1890. ii. Daisy Eva, b. Dec. 16, 1892. iii. Florence June, b. June 5, 1894. iv. Susan Beryl, b. July 2, 1896. 1024 Ellen Celeste" Bennett (Caroline S.^), born Nov. 13, 1850, in Calais, Vt. ; married Mar. 6, 1872, Fred. M. Swan, born Aug. 10, 1845, in East Montpelier, Vt. Res., East Montpelier. 350 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Children (Swan) : i. Kuby Bassett,^ b. Jan. 29, 1877; m. June 16, ls97, WU- liam A. Kelley. ii. Kuth Caroline, b. Feb. 1, 1881. 1025 CoRKiE E." Bennett (Caroline E.^'), born Feb. 20, 1854, in Calais, Vt. ; married Sept. 3, 1873, Larned Coburn. Res., Fulda, Minn. Children (Coburn) : . i. Fred,8 b. Sept. 23, 1875, in Barre, Vt. ii. Blanche, b. Nov. 21, 1878; m. May, 1896, Fu-man Wilson, iii. Cassius Lee, b. Nov. 2, 1886; d. April 15, 18S7, in Fargo, Dakota, iv. Annie Bessie, b. June 28, 1887, in Fulda. V. Flora L., b. Jan. 3, 1892, in Fulda. 1026 Charles Cassius^ Bennett (Caroline E.^), born Feb. 4, 1856, in Calais, Vt. ; married Sept. 22, 1884, Helen Frances Taber, born in East ]Montpelier, Vt. He is president of the First National Bank in Pierre, S. D. Children (Bennett) : i. Richard Taber,^ b. April 21, 1887, in Pierre, ii. Charles Raymond, b. June 30, 1892, in Pierre. 1027 Ella Hattie' Bennett (Caroline E.*^}, born April 30, 1860, in Calais, Vt. ; married April 11, 1883, Clarence V. Templeton. Res., East Montpelier, Vt. Cliild (Templeton) : i. George Bennett,* b. Nov. 20, 1887. 1028 Carrie Etta" Bennett (Caroline E.% born Aug. 24, 1862, in Calais, Vt.; married May 14, 1884, George H. Clark. Res., East Montpelier, Vt. I Seventh Generation. 351 Children (Clark) : i. Merle,« b. Oct. 17, 1885. ii. Rufus Lynn, b. Aug. 13, 1887. 1029 Cassius Marcus Clay" Dotex {Franklin^), ])orn Oct. 6, 1845, in Royalton, Vt. ; died x\iig. 14, 1896; married Dec. 27, 1867, Clara Wheeler Chaffin, born April 22, 1849, in Clinton, Mass. ; died Aug. 16, 1896. He was a member of Co. F, 10th Reg't Vt. Vols., in the Civil War. Res., Barre, Vt. Cliildren (Doten) : i. Ella Arvilla,* b. Nov. 23, 1868, in Kandolph, Vt. ; m. Harry Seth Perkins. Children (Perkins) : i. Ernest Frank, ^ b. Aug. .25, 1892. ii. Eldon Arthur, b. Jan. 14, 1894. ii. Frank Chaffin, b. Aug. 12, 1870, m Barre, Vt; d. Oct. 1, 1890, in Waltham, Mass. iii. Edith Clara, b. Aug. 30, 1885. 1030 F. Alice Orinda' Doten (Franklin^), born May 17, 1850 ; died Mar. 2, 1897 ; married Chester Bickford. Res., Randolph, Vt. Children (Bickford) : i. Xewell Doten,« 1). Dec. 13, 1873. ii. Earl Chester, b. Mar. 27, 1876. iii. Guy Carleton, b. Sept. 4, 1878. iv. Clarence Howard, b. June 15, 1881. 1031 Sarah Atlixette" Davis (Harriet H.^ Hardini/), born .Ian. 18, 1843, in East Bethel, Vt. ; married Mar. 17, 1864, Orville Edwin Moore, born Sept. 29, 1840, in Brookfield, Vt. Res., Hani- monton, N. J., and Dorchester, Mass. Children (Moore) : i. Kate May,« b. Aug. 23, 1867; d. Aug. 21, 1869. ii. Carl Edwin, b. Aug. 4, 1809; d. Aug. 8, 1891. iii. Victor P>ed, b. Feb. 24, 1876. iv. Ora Edna, b. Xov. 29, 1881. 352 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 1032 Alonzc* B." Davis {Harriet H.^ Harding^, born Oct. 9, 1853; married Ishxy 20, 1877, Emma P., daughter of Elliott J. and Elea- nor P. (Pay) WooUey, born Sept. 18, 1855. Res., Hammonton, N. J. Children (Davis) : i. Katie U.,« b. April 7, 1880. ii. Bertha, b. June 5, 1885 ; d. July 30, 1886. iii. Elliott M., b. May 7, 1888. iv. Carrie I., b. Jan. 11, 1890; d. Sept. 21, 1897. V. Eleanor, b. July 24, 1891 ; d. Oct. 29, 1891. vi. Byron A., b. Nov. 10, 1892. 1033 Milton George' Wood (^Lucinda S.^ Hay-ding'), born Sept. 29, 1840, in Bridgewater, Vt. ; died June 14, 1887, in South Boston, Mass. ; married Jan. 1, 1865, Betsey Gould, daughter of James Madison and Harriet (Wheeler) Currier, born Aug. 27, 1843, in Berlin, Vt. Cliildren (Wood) : i. Harry Milton,« b. Oct. 9, 1866. ii. Lena Bell, b. Aug. 28, 1869. iii. George Madison, b. Oct. 28, 1872. 1034 Mary Abby' Wood (^Lucinda S.^ Harding'), born May 28, 1845, in Pomfret, Vt. ; luarried May 28, 1868, INIyron Smith, son of Asahel Clark and Lucy (Seaver) Glidden, born July 25, 1844, in Crown Point, N. Y. ; died Nov. 4, 1882, in Putnam, Ct. ; married (2), Dec. 24, 1888, Thomas Arthur, son of Thomas Arthur and Annie L. (Buckner) Kelley, born Jan. 29, 1847, in Newcastle-on- Tyne, England; died Dec. 25, 1891, in Dorchester, Mass. Children (Glidden): i. George Clark,^ b. Feb. 26, 1869; m. Mar. 29, 1897, Bar- bara Ross Kelley. Child (Glidden) : i. Katherine Maij,^ b. July 18, 1S9S. f i I /Seventh Generatio7i. 353 ii. Ernest Myron, b. Aug. 28, 1872; m. Nov. 8, 1897, Cora Belle Bovie. iii. Willie AVinfred, h. Dec. 18, 1874; m. July 14, 18U7, Alice Florence Cunimings. Child (Glidden) : i. Charles Myron^'^h. Mar. 27, 1898; d. Jan. 12, 1809. iv. Edna May, h. April 15, 1881. 1035 Nelson Hp:nry" Wood (^Lucinda S.^ Harding}, born Oct. 6, 1847, in Bridgewater, Vt. ; married Susan E. Prouty ; married (2), June 3, 1894, (]\Irs.) Nellie Rose. Res., Creston, Iowa. Children (Wood): i. Ethelind Gertrude, b. Oct. 8, 1878 {adopted Oct. 10, 1878). ii. Ruth Edna,« b. June 19, 1895. 1036 I Oscar Daniel' Gibbs (^Mary A.^ Harding}, born Mar. 21, 1858 ; married Aug. 1, 1883, Luna J. Briggs, born Aug. 1, 1858. Res., Plymouth, Vt. Children (Gibbs) : i. Abbie Mahala,» b. April 17, 1884. ii. Ralph Jacob, b. Sept. 29, 1891. 1037 Ella Melissa' Vinton (Melissa^ Harding), born Oct. 21, 1855 ; married Nov. 28, 1878, Walter Scott, son of Aaron and Ann Sor- den, born Dec. 16, 1856. Res., Elm, N. J. Children (Sorden) : i. Florence May,» b. Mar. 5, 1880. ii. Grace Altheria, b. July 14, 1882. iii. Walter Scott, b. Feb. 3, 1885. iv. Horace Greely, b. Jan. 10, 1888. V. Caurie Melissa, b. Oct. 11, 1890. vi. Annie E., 1). Nov. 11, 1892; d. in infancy. 354 Descendants of Fraticis LeBaron. 1038 Carlos L." Cutler (Romancey A.^ Doten), born Mar. o, 1848 ; married April 12, 1877, Ellen C. Bruce. Res., Derry, X. H. Child (Cutler) : i. Bertie A.,^ b. April 17, If 1039 Nathaniel A.' Cutler (^Romancey A.^ Boteti), born Dec. 23, 1850, in East Montpelier, Vt. ; married Sept. 22, 1874, Addie Fay Smith, born Nov. 18, 1854 ; died Feb. 13, 1895. Res., East Mont- pelier. Cliildi-en (Cutler) : i. Gertrude Viola,^ b. Mar. 8, 1876. ii. George A., b. Sept. 30, 1880. 1040 Mary Adele" Trow {Mary D.^ Chandler'), born Jan, 30, 1843 ; married Mar. 24, 1866, John W. Averill. Res., Barre, Vt. Cliildren (Averill) : i. Edith Weston,« b. Dec. 7, 1867. ii. Flora Ethel, b. Jan. 23, 1870. iii. Merry Christmas, b. Dec. 25, 1872. iv. Bessie Emma, b. Oct. 25, 1874 ; m. Ira Lawrence. V. Milton Ellsworth, b. Aug. 21, 1878 ; d. June 28, 1889. vi. John Trow, b. June 3, 1882. vii. Adele Maude, b. Oct. 8, 1885. 1041 Emma Samantha" Trow {3Iary DJ^ Chandler), born Sept. 6, 1846 ; married Mar. 4, 1867, James W. Averill. Res., Otis\411e, Mich. Children (Averill) : i. May Mercy,« b. .Alar. 28, 1868; m. Oct. 2, 1885, Charles A. Barden. Children (Barden) : i. Fred Charles,^ b. June 2, 1888. ii. Jessie May, twin to Fred Charles, iii. Alta Bell, b. Oct. 12, 1889. iv. Joltn James, b. Sept. 1, 1892. Seventh Generation. 355 ii. Weston Hanson, b. Aug. 10, 18G9; m. Oct. 1:2, 1>^90, Susie Stimson. Chihlren (Averill) : i. Ethel Mar'jiterite,'^ h. July 27, 189.5, ii. Gladys Stimson, b. Mar. 25, 1S97. iii. Nellie James, b. Nov. 23, 1870; m. April 26, 1889, Wil- liam Barden. C'hildren (Barden) : i. Earl Edgar:' b. Feb. 23, 1890. ii. Hazel Emma, b. Oct. 13, 1891. iii. James Aitfjiistits, b. Feb. IS, 1897. iv. Donald Jay, b. June 26, 1898. iv. Bertha Bradford, b. Dec. 8, 1872 ; m. Oct. 23, 189(1, Ed- gar Stimson. Children (Stimson) : i. Ralph James,'^ b. July 7, 1891. ii. Lois Eunice, b. Jan. 10, 1893. iii. Floy Irene, b. Feb. 20, 1895. iv. Boris Elsena, b. Oct. 22, 1896. V. Averill Lahcrne, b. Oct. -SO, 1898. V. :Milton Trow, b. April 9, 1876 ; d. Sept. 6, 1876. vi. Morton Edmond, b. April 3, 1880. vii. Grace Lillian Dickey, b. Sept. 23, 1885. 1042 Edgaii Milton" Trow (3/ary B.^ Chandler}, born Aug. 17, 1858; married April 30, 1881, Clara Richardson. Res., Barre, Vt. Child (Trow) : i. .^laurice Edgar,^ b. June 8, 1882. 1043 John Chandler" Dawes {Ahhi/ B.^ Chandler}, born June 20, 1850; married Sept. 8, 1878, Mary S. Whitman, of Pembroke, .Mass. Res., Kingston, Mass. Child (Dawes) : i. Theodore F.,« b. Oct. 22, 1881. 1044 Floua Louise" Dawes {Ally D.^ Chandler), born ^hir. 5, 1854: married April 17, 1873, George D. Bartlett. Res., Ply- mouth, Mass. 1 356 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Children (Bartlett) : i. Fred W.,^ b. Nov. 30, 1873. ii. Edith R., b. Oct. 26, 1875. iii. Arthur J., b. Jan. 26, 1885. 1045 Sarah Samantha' Holmes (^Rebecca DS" Chandler), born Aug. 1, 1850, in Kingston, Mass. ; died May 30, 1902 ; married Nov. 18, 1869, Joseph Chamberlain, son of Joseph C. and Matilda (Alden) Norton, born Jan. 8, 1845, in Bridgewater, Mass. Res., Lynn, Mass. Children (Norton) : i. Mabel Holmes,* b. Oct. 1, 1871, in Kingston; d. June 27, 1872, in Lynn, ii. Charles Ayer, b. Dec. 18, 1875, in Lynn. Res., Westerly, R. L iii. Flora Barry, b. Sept. 7, 1879. 1046 John Tilden^ Holmes (^Rebecca D.^ Chandler), born Dec. 7, 1852; married April 29, 1874, Olive M. Collingwood. Res., Plymouth, Mass. Cliild (Holmes) : i. Harry Leslie,^ b. Sept. 19, 1875 ; d. Feb. 21, 1876. 1047 Harriet Farnham" Holmes (^Rebecca I).^ Chandler), born May 1, 1858 ; married July 9, 1879, Charles H. Drew. Res., Kingston, Mass. Children (Drew) : i. EmUy Fuller,^ b. April 10, 1881. ii. Clarence Robbins, b. Dec. 4, 1883. ' 1048 Albert Edson" Hol.mes {Rebecca D.^ Chandler), born Nov. 28, 1862;* married Nov. 25, 1885, Louisa R. Hatch, of Marshfield, Mass. Res., Kingston, Mass. * Incorrectly given on page 195. Seventh Generation. 357 Children (Holmes) : i. Albert IIatch,« b. Oct. 27, 1886. ii. Ralph Allen, b. :Mar. 19, 1889. iii. Roland Tilden, b. April 20, 1892. iv. George Palmer, b. April 8, 1900. 1049 Clara Elizabeth" Holmes (^Rebecca JD.^ Chandler}, born April 7, 1865 ; married Aug. 25, 1886, Henry F. Breach. Res., Kings- ton, i\Iass. Children (Breach): i. John Ilolmes,^ b. July 27, 1888. . ii. Ethel Warren, b. Mar. 7, 1892. 1050 Eael Russell" Davis {Alantha A.^ Chandler), born Oct. 14, 1867 ; married in 1895, Lois Salome Hillary. Children (Davis) : i. Paul Hillary,* b. Dec. 27, 1895; d. May 10, 1899. ii. Ralph Lloyd, b. May 25, 1897. iii. Raymond Earl, b. April 17, 1898. iv. Dean Chandler, b. Nov. 7, 1900. 1051 Wilbur Klmball" Davis {Alantha A.^ Chandler), born Dec. 14, 1871; married March 22, 1894, Effie Maud F^arnham. Cliildren (Davis) : i. Bernard Lathan,* b. Sept. 5, 1895. ii. Bernice Lila, b. April 9, 1898. iii. Josephine Evelyn, b. Jan. 21, 1901. iv. John Leland, b. Oct. 31, 1902. 1052 Celia F." Brown (Jeriisha L.^ Doten), born Mar. 27, 1848 ; died July 2, 1876 ; married Oct. 29, 1871, in Hartford, Ct, Daniel Bidwell Johnson. See 1054. 1 358 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Children (Johnson) : i. Minnie Frances,^ b. June 14, 1872; ra. Oct. 23, 1889, William W. Munson. Res., New l?ritain, Ct. Children (Munson) : i. Florence Helena,'^ b. Oct, 16, 1892. ii. Ethel May, b. April 10, 1894. iii. Alice May, b. May 27, 1897, ii. Charles Brown, b, June 23, 1876, 1053 Clara Bell' 6rown {Jerusha L.^ Doten'), born Mar. 16, 1851 ; married Dec. 17, 1875, David H. Tenney, born April 27, 1839, in Hanover Centre, N. H. Res., White River Junction, Vt, Cliildren (Tenney) : 1. Maud L.,8 b. Nov. 14, 1876. ii. Ava Belle, b. April 16, 1879. iii, Lizzie A,, b. Sept. 26, 1881. 1054 CORRIE Angie' Brown (Jerusha L.^ Doteii), b. Aug. 31, 1854, in Bradford, Vt. ; married Aug. 3, 1876, Daniel Bidwell Johnson, born June 27, 1842, in Middletown, Ct. Res., JNIeriden, Ct. See 1052. Children (Johnson) : i. Lillian Cora,« b. Oct. 29, 1877. ii. IMaud Louisa, b, April 30, 1879. iii, Daniel Bidwell, b. Nov, 5, 1880. iv. George Henry, b. Oct. 27, 1882. V, William Everett, b, Dec, 18, 1883; d. May 7, 1885. vi. Yelma Leafy, b. July 2, 1894. vii. Ruble Irene, b. Oct. 14, 1895. 1055 Chester P." Browx (Jenisha L.^ Doten), born July 7, 1856, in Bradford, Vt. ; married Mar. 26, 1881, in Lancaster, N. H., Abbie W. Garland. Res., Lancaster. Children (Brown) : i. Walter C.,« b. Aug. 4, 1882. ii. Harris E., b. Mar. 6, 1885. I Seventh Generation. 859 1056 Jennie N." Brown (Jerusha L.^ Doten), born Nov. 18, 1859, in Bradford, Vt. ; married Feb. 17, 1878, Alexander H. Kimpton, born Jan. 28, 1857, in Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Res., Hampton, Va. Children (Kimpton) : i. Fannie L.,« b. Nov. 10, 1880. ii. Lena Pearl, b. Oct. 31, 1882. iii. Chester A., b. April 20, 1885; d. May 25, 1885. 1057 Edward Henry" Doten (Edwaj-d S.^), born Aug. 25, 1853, in Bradford, Vt. ; married May 2, 1878, Ella Esther Carr, born Feb. 23, 1860, in Woodbury, Vt. Res., Calais, Vt. Children (Doten) : i. Marian EUzabeth,^ b. Mar. 5, 1881. ii. Lucia Ella, b. Sept. 28, 1885. iii. Forrest Lemuel, b. Oct. 7, 1888. iv. Cecil Herman, b. Jan. 15, 1895. 1058 Anna Belle- Doten (Udivard S.*^}, born April 5, 1877 ; mar- ried April 25, 1895, Harry N. Graves. Cliild (Graves) : i. Harry Edward,* b. May 18, 1897. 1059 Jane S.' Nichols {Philena^ Doten), born Jan. 22, 1852 ; mar- ried May 8, 1879, Bennett P. Clark. Res., Wolcott, Vt. Cliildren (Clark): i. Ellsworth G.,^ b. May 28, 1881. ii. Ernest L., b. Feb. 11, 1888. 1060 Emma B.' Nichols (Fkilena'^' Doten), b. Feb. 16, 1860 ; mar- ried Mar. 4, 1877, Herman H. Carr. Child (Carr) : i. Arthur P..,' b. Oct. 16, 1880. 360 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 1061 Joseph HJ Hathaway {^Emily D.^), born Oct. 13, 1860; married May 11, 1885, Maiy E. Gerrard, died Oct. 18, 1889; mar- ried (2), June 29, 1891, Martlia Putnam. Child (Hathaway) : i. Eleanor M.,« b. Jan. 10, 1888; d. young. 1062 Sarah T.' Hathaway {Emily JJ.^), bom Nov. 28, 1871 ; mar- ried April 28, 1891, Walter G. Hamlen. Res., New Bedford, Mass. Children (Hamlen) : i. Carleton LeB.,« b. Feb. 1, 1892. ii. Emily R., b. Feb. 24, 1893 ; d. Oct. lU, 1897. iu. Willard M., b. AprU 3, 1895; d. Oct. 15, 1897. 1063 Frederick Thomas' LeBaron (Simeon M.^), born Oct. 6, V 1866 : married Aug. 12, 1890, Josepliine Keith. Cliild : i. Harry Keith,« b. May 10, 1895. 1064 . Emily D.' LeBaron (Theophilus 5.^), born Feb. 14, 1867: married June 4, 1887, William W. Bearse. Children (Bearse) : i. Ernest C.,^ b. April 17, 1889. ii. Ida Louisa, b. June 15, 1892. 1065 'Ella F.'' LeBaron (James S.^), born June 3, 1863 ; married April 6, 1886, John Bradbury Jewett. Res., Laconia, N. H. Children. (Jewett) : i. J. Richard,8 b. Dec. 18, 1887. ii. Edward, b. June, 1889. iii. Forest, twin to Edward; d. Jan. 1, 1890. Seventh Generation. 361 1066 Thomas Franklin" Morse (AIn(/'uP), born Aug. 11, 1852; inarried in 1871, Maria T. Besse, born July 22, 1851. Kes., Ply- mouth, Mass. Children (Morse) : i. Adelaide Frances,** b. June 17, 1872; d. 3Iar. 1, 1875. ii. John Hesse, b. Nov. 10, 1873 ; m. July 4, 1896, Eliza- beth Etta Thom]»son. iii. Sarah Jeanette, b. Nov. 21, 1875; d. Aug. 4, 1884. iv. Maria Thomas, b. Aug. 19, 1877. V. Franklin Alden, b. July 21, 1879. vi. Joseph Grant, b. Dec. 2, 1880. vii. Frederick Warren, b. June 25, 1882. viii. Anna LeBaron, b. June 28, 1885. ix. Paul Gibbs, b. Aug. 31, 1887; d. May 25, 1889. X. Horace Hibbard, b. Dec. 31, 1890. xi. Abbie Gibbs, b. Dec. 19, 1894. xii. Lurana Frances, b. April 23, 1896; d. Nov. 15, 1897. 1067 Abby Janette' Morse (Abigail^}, born Dec. 8, 1856 ; married in 1892, Asa Ebeu Paull. Res., Fairhaven, Mass. Child (Paull) : i. Anne Church,^ b. Mar. 13, 1897. 1068 Evangeline LeBaron' Fuller {Bdsey TFi^), born Oct. 14, 1868 ; married Oct. 14, 1889, Robert E. Parker. Res., Mansfield, Mass. Child (Parker) : i. Ruth Emily,« b. May 6, 1892. 1069 William Henry'^ Fuller {Betsey TF.«), born Aug. 16, 1870; married Oct. 2, 1891, Bertha Maude Weeks. Res., INIansfield, Mass. 362 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Children (Fuller) : i. Mabel Gertrude,* b. Nov. 23, 1894. ii. Marion Esther, b. Nov. 23, 1894. iii. Maude Bertha, b. Nov. 23, 1894; d. Jan. 28, 1895. iv. F'lorence Bertha, b. Mar. 25, 1897. 1070 Eva Gertrude" Comstock {Mary Ann^ Fuller), born June 25, 1858 ; married Mar. 18, 1875, Henry Allston Cooke, of Pitts- field, Mass., died Feb. 10, 1885; married (2), July, 1887, William Harwood Connor. Res., Wyoming, Ohio. Cliildren (Cooke) : . i. Royal Alston,^ b. Jan. 31, 1876. ii. Elizabeth LeBaron, b. Oct. 10, 1878. 1071 Mary Elizabeth" Masters {Alice A.^ LeBames), born Dec. 16, 1856; married Oct. 27, 1882, Sterling S. Sherman, of Salem, N. Y. Res., Montrose, Col. Children (Sherman) : i. Sterling S.,'' !». Sept. 22, 1883, in Lake City, Col.; d. Jan. 17, 1890. ii. Edward Masters, b. Dec. 15, 1885, in Delta, Col. iii. Henry Sterling, b. July 7, 1895, in Montrose. 1072 John Augustus^ Masters {Alice A.^ LeBames'), born May 30, 1867; married Oct. 28, 1897, Carrie, daughter of William and Flora Dunning, born May 8, 1877, in Wauzeka, Wis. Child (Masters) : i. Mildred LeBaron,« b. Aug. 17, 1898. 1073 Love LeBaron" Manning {Grace LeB.^ Washburn), born Nov. 11, 1871; married Oct. 5, 1892, George C. Hubbell, born June 1, 1870, in Pittsfield, Mass. Res., Pittstield. Child (Hubbell) : i. Iluelat NeA\-ton,* b. Nov. 6, 1894, in Torrington, Ct. Seventh Generation. 363 1074 Betsey" Sampson {George'^), born Feb. 4, 1858; married Dec. 23, 1879, Elliott A. Fish, born June 23, 1855. Res., Ayers Flat, Hatley, P. Q., Canada. Children (Fish) : i. George Gartield,^ b. Dec. 16, 1882. ii. Olin,^b. May 22, 1884. iii. Leonard Wellington, b. Sept. 27, 1886. iv. Charles Nelson, b. Jan. 19, 1888. V. Helen Grace, b. Dec. 14, 1894. vi. Muriel, b. April 14, 1900. 1075 EM>rA' Sampson {George^}, born Nov. 1, 1861; married Mar. 3, 1883, Nelson Fish, born Oct. 15, 1860. Children (Fish) : i. Jessie,^ b. April 12, 1886. Two d. in infancy. • ii. Laura, b. ■May 8, 1895. iii. Lloyd, b. Oct. 2, 1899. 1076 Charles Wright' Sampson {Charles^), born Mar. 4, 1853; married Hattie Tyler, of Barnston, P. Q., Canada, born Mar. 18, 1869. Children (Sampson) : i. Myron,» b. July 23, 1888. ii. Morton, b. Jan. 29, 1891. 1077 Eva Amanda' LeBaron {Horace^), born Aug. 11, 1858; mar- ried Dec. 14, 1875, Henry A. Hovey. Res., Pittsfield, Mass. Childi'en (Hovey) : i. Roy Henry,8 b. Oct. 2, 1878. ii. Bernice Amanda, b. Jan. 10, 1881. 3G4 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 1078 Ella Louise" LeBaron (Horace^^, born Dec. 6, 1859 ; mar- ried Sept. 16, 1885, William Wightman. Res., Spiingfield, Mass. Cliildren (Wightman): i. Nellie LeBaron,' b. Xov. 11, 1888. ii. Josephine Montenaud, b. June 2, 1895. 1079 Richard Merritt' LeBaron {Horace^'), born July 21, 1864 ; married May 4, 1892, Alice G. McCornell, born Mar. 9, 1868. Res., North Hatley, P. Q., Canada. Child : i. Helen Flossy,* b. April 1, 1893, in Clinton, Mass. 1080 Horace Frederick^ LeBaron {Horace^'), born Sept. 25, 1869 ; married Oct. 12, 1893, Bertha Helen LeBaron (1097), born May 31, 1868. Cliild : i. PauUne Maria,* b. Dec. 9, 1894. 1081 Ella Grace' Abbott (Ullen*'), born May 16, 1853 ; manied July 30, 1874, Eugene Nevoir St. Dizier, born June 5, 1842. Res., Massawippi, Hatley, P. Q., Canada. Children (St. Dizier) : i. Eugene Abbott,* b. Mar. 24, 1875. ii. Talcott Nevoir, b. Feb. 11, 1877. iu. Winfred WilHara, b. Sept. 3, 1878. iv. Blanche Melvina, b. Feb. 25, 1880. 1082 Alta Louise' Ayer (Louise ^'.^), born April 19, 1863 ; mar- ried Nov. 12, 1891, Robert E. Bradley, born Jan. 24, 1847, in Durham, Quebec. Res., Sherbrooke, P. Q., Canada. Children (Bradley) : i. Pauline Ayer,* b. Mar. 23, 1893. ii. James Rupert, b. Mar. 17, 1896; d. July 17, 1896. iii. Alta Roberta, b. Nov. 2, 1901. Seventh Generation. 365 1083 Kate Ellen" Ayek (Louise S.^), born Dec. 2, 1804 ; married Mar. 23, 1886, Robert J. Grey, born in Bur}-, P. Q., Canada; died April 21, 1895. Res., Bury. Children (Grey) : i. George Gilbert,^ b. May 6, 1887. ii. Alta Louise, b. Mar. 18, 1889 ; d. July 4, 1889. iii. Maud Alta, b. May 3, 1890. iv. Ernest, b. Aug. 12, 1892. 1084 Eugene" LeBakon (^Nelson J.^), born Oct. 7, 1868 ; married in 1889, Florence L. Clark, born April 14, 1867. Res., Barnston, P. Q., Canada. Child : i. Ida Emma,* b. Nov. 12, 1889. 1085 Arvilla Eunice' Bean (Lestina U.^), born Mar. 23, 1852 ; died July 31, 1894; married Nov. 9, 1868, Willis John Gage, born May 16, 1848. Res., Lake Village, N. H. Children (Gage) : i. George Gilmore,'^ b. July 16, 1871 ; m. Dec. 3, 1896, Tilly B. Mallay, b. Nov. 22, 1869, in Liverpool, England. ii. Carrie Eunice, b. Nov. 26, 1874; ra. Feb. 13, 1895, John B. Frappied. Child (Frappied) : i. Lestina Eunice,^ b. July 13, 1896. iii. Lestina Philena, b. Sept. 9, 1876; d. Nov. 18, 1889. 1086 Ferdinand Ludovico' Bean (Lestina E.^), born Jan. 6, 1855 ; married Feb. 17, 1882, Elizabeth Laflamrae, born Sept. 28, 1862. Children (Bean) : i. Lucy Louise,^ b. Aug. 23, 1883. ii. Lottie May, b. June 4, 1885. iii. Harold Samuel, b. Nov. 11, 1890. 366 Descendatits of Francis LeBaron. 1087 Leslie Chauncey" Bean (^Lestina E.^^, born Oct. 4. 1860; married Oct. 4, 1883, Elizabeth Gautery, born Feb. 1, 18B5, in Cambridgesliire, England. Children (Bean) : i. Clifford Jaraes,« b. Oct. 7, 1884. ii. Arvilla Elizabeth, b. AprU 16, 1887. 1088 Archie Leighton" Bean {Lestina U.^), born July 8, 1869; married Nov. 27, 1891, Lulu F. :Murray, born May 19, 1872, in Boston, Mass. Res., Laconia, N. H. Child (Bean) : i. Vera Tyrone,^ b. July 21, 1892 ; d. Aug. 20, 1892. 1089 Wright Benjamin'^ LeBaron {Benjamin^')^ born Aug. 5, 1858 ; married Sept. 10, 1884, Laura Helen Shurtleff, born Aug. 22, 1859. Children : i. Wright Raymond,^ b. Sept. 16, 1885 ; d. Nov. 8, 1887. ii. Maida Almira, b. April 26, 1881. iii. Karl Shurtleff, b. Sept. 10, 1897. iv. Kathlyn Helen, b. April 15, 1899. 1090 Mary Ellen' LeBaron {Benjamm^'), born Sept. 9, 1874 ; married May 23, 1892, Archie Charles Jackson, born Dec. 14, 1872. Child (Jackson) : i. Harold Charles,^ b. Feb. 13, 1894. 1091 PYoRA Etta^ LeBaron (Alexander P.^), born Feb. 11, 1862; married Dec. 27, 1881, Frederic Hovey, born ^Nlay 28, 1860. Res., Sherbrooke, P. Q., Canada. i '■y . * I Seventh Generation. 3g7 Children (Hovey) : i. Carrie Helen,' b. Aug. 81, 18S-2, in SpringHeld, .Alass. ii. Arthur LelJaron, )). Jan. 17, 1887, in San Jose, Cal. iii. John Alonzo, b. Feb. 13, 1893, in North Ilatley, P. Q., Canada. 1092 Chauncev Hubert" LeBaron {Alexander P.^), born May 20, 1866; married May 20, 1893, in Framingham, Mass., Hannah Delia Kezar, born Nov. 7, 1873, in Magog, P. Q., Canada. Res., Hatley, P. Q., Canada. Children : i. Grant Elby,^ b. P'eb. 3, 1895. ii. :\ruriel :\[arilla, b. Feb. 22, 1897. 1093 Effie M." LeBaron {Ai^), born Aug. 30, 1863 ; married Sept. 10, 1887, P. E. Sheldon. Child (Sheldon) : i. Alfred Orrie,« b. Mar. 1, 1889. 1094 Wilhert" LeBaron {Ai^), born Feb. 14, 1865; married Oct. 4, 1884, Lillie V. Randall. Children : i. Katie May,** b. May 31, 1885. ii. Aylraer O., b. July 8, 1892. iii. Adelbert, b. Xov. 29, 1895. 1095 Leon Courtland' LeBaron (Aylmer C.^), born Jan. 2, 1872: married Oct. 18, 1895, Mamie McRoberts, born Aug. 17, 1874. Res., Sharon, Wis. ' Children : i. Reginald Leon,^ b. June 12, 1896. ii. Neale Courtland, b. Jan. 7, 1898. 368 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 1096 Mary Agnes" Dizan (Utheria^), born Jan. 16, 1872; married Arthur Yetter. Res., Coaticooke, Canada. Children (Yetter) : i. Lula irelen,^ b. Jan. 9, 1888. ii. Ilarokl Arthur, b. Nov. 20, 1890. ill. Ernest Eugene, b. May 21, 1896. 1097 Bertha Helen' LeBaron (^Charles 0.^). See 1080. 1098 Williaim' Hunting (Louisa .7.6), born Aug. 23, 1865 ; mar- ried Jan. 24, 1895, Bertha Lothrop, born Aug. 29, 1871. Res., Huntingville, Canada. Child (Hunting) : i. Norreys Allen,^ b. Jan. 14, 1896. 1099 Evelyn' Hunting (Louisa J.^), born May 19, 1870 ; married May 15, 1889, Harry Hunting, born Nov. 17, 1863. Res., Massa- wippi, Hatley, P. Q., Canada. Children (Hunting) : i. Grace,« b. Dec. 28, 1889. ii. Elmer, b. Jan. 6, 1892. iii. Helen, b. April 9, 1895. iv. Marguerite, b. Nov. 26, 1897. 1100 Hattie S.' Bovier {Laura^ Stevens'), born July 27, 1867 : mar- ried in 1883, L. McClure. Res., Coryland, Pa. Child (McClure): i. Daisy,8 b. Jan. 16, 1884. 1101 « Electa Melvina' Shurtleff {Timothi/), born Mar. 13, 1838, in Canton, N. Y. ; married ]\Iar. 20, 1853, Nathan Fifield, died I Seventh Generation. 369 Mar. 13, 1881: married (2), in 1884, Martin Ferry. Res., llau- nawa Falls, N. Y. Children (Fitield) : i. William Pitt,* b. Jan. 17, 1^54, in I'ieriiont, N.V.; in. Dec. 24, 1879, Katie F. Gleason, h. Aug. 10, 1860. Res., West Potsdam, N. Y. Children (Filield) : i. Nellie May,^ b. June 20, ISSl. ii. Henry Gleason, b. Sept. 7, 1SS3. iii. Lola Elizabeth, b. Jan. 13, 1896. ii. Mary, b. Mar. 16, 1866; ra. May 7, 1878, Ralph Avers, b. July 7, 1853. Children (Ayers) : i. Etir/ene,^ h. Sept. 13, 1874. ii. Nathan, h. June 5, 1876. iii. Louisa, b. Aug. 14, 1878. iv. Anna, b. Oct. 13, ISSO. V. William, b. Sept. 18, 1882. iii. Maurice Luraan, b. Mar. 13, 1858; d. Dec. 27, 1891; ni. Feb. 2, 1882, Jennie Randall, b. Jan. 22, 1863. Chil- dren (Fifield) : i. Perley,^ b. Dec. 17, 1882. ii. Grace, b. Dec. 21, 1885. iii. Nettie, b. April 2, 1891. iv. Aaron Adelbert, b. Dec. 19, 1863; m. Dec. 28, 1887, Miriam Letty ]\Iyers, b. May 17, 1869. Res., Potsdam, N. Y. Child (Fifield) : i. Glenn Aaron,^ b. Nov. 25, 1895. V. Charles, b. May 1, 1867 ; d. May 11, 1878. vi. Myron, b. Aug. 24, 1869; m. Sept. 26, 1894, Gertie Perrigo. vii. Arthur, b. July 23, 1876. 1102 Henry' Foster (JSunice^ Shurtleff), born Jan. 23, 1839 ; mar- ried Jan. 23, 1864, Susan, daughter "of Demarquis and Jane (Cox) Parmeter. Cliildren (Foster): i. Edith,^ b. April 7, 1S65; d. Feb. 5, 1866. ii. Clara J., b. Oct. 26, 1866; m. June 10, 1895, Frank Wol- cott. 370 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. iii. Hetlie, b. June 15, 18(j8; ra. :Mav. 29, 1889, Lindon Ilazen. iv. Minnie, b. P'eb. 20, 1^70; m. May 23, 1893, James D. Fenton. Children (Fenton) : i. Ethel May,^ b. May 11, 1894. ii. Dorothy E., b. June S, 1896. iii. Laiorence, b. Jan. 24, 1898. V. Geneva, b. Feb. 16, 1873. vi. Herbert, b. April 4, 1875; d. Feb. 12, 1876. vu. Anna, b. Feb. 4, 1878. viii. A son, b. Nov. 5, 1885; d. Nov. 10, 1885. 1103 Carlos' Foster {Eunice^ Shurtleff), born Aug. 13, 1840 ; died Aug. 18, 1874 ; inanied Oct. 10, 1859, Mary L., daughter of Dr. George and Martha (Worthington) Howe. Children (Foster) : i. Carrie M.,« b. Sept. 16, 1860; d. Jan. 29, 1875. ii. George W., b. Aug. 2, 1864; m. Jan., 1894, NelUe Ginn. 1104 Mary^ Fostp:r {Eunice^ Shurtleff), born Oct. 31, 1841 ; mar- ried April 23, 1873, Andrew, son of Mitchell and Maria (Phillips) Frenette. Res., Norwood, N. Y. Children (Frenette) : i. Jessie M.,« b. Nov. 26, 1875. ii. Minnie A., b. Nov. 22, 1877. 1105 Caroline" Foster (Eunice^ Shurtleff), born Nov. 10, 1846 ; married Dec. 31, 1865, Ira D., son of Rev, Isaac and Melinda (Ford) Banister. Cliildi'en (Banister) : i. Mary L.,*^ b. Ai)ril 29, 1867; m. Aug. 28, 1888, Edson H. Senter. Child (Senter) : i. Carrie L.,^ b. Aug. 27, 1892. Seventh Generation. 371 ii. Mina C, b. Sept. o, ISTU; m. Nov. li, 1S98, William Bishop. Children (Bishop) : i. OUte F.:-' h. Oct. 2ti, 1S94. ii. Ora ^r., b. June 19, 1890. iii. Otto ir., b. Oct. 30, 1898. iii. Eunice M., b. Sept. 5, 1873. iv. Inah E., b. Aug. 26, 1876. V. Ira F., b. May 24, 1881. vi. I. Jesse, b. Aug. 24, 1885. 1106 Ebenezer" Foster {Eunice^ Shurtleff), born July 17, 1849; married July 15, 1875, Eliza J., daughter of Richard and Jane Jones. Child (Foster) : i. Ida M.,' h. Jan. 1, 1877. 1107 Mary Eliza" Miller {George Tr.^), born Sept. 20, 1848, in Charlestown, Mass. ; died :May 19, 1877 ; married in 1870, Charles Osgood. Res., Lowell, Mass. Cliildren (Osgood) : i. Minnie M.,« b. Sept. 26, 1872. ii. Lottie May, b. April 20, 1876; d. Aug., 1876. 1108 Ella Maria" Miller {George W.^), born May 29, 1855, in Charlestown, Mass. ; married Se^Jt., 1872, Edward Willoughby, of Lowell, Mass., died Oct. 20, 1889. Children (Willoughby) : i. Inez May,^ b. May 25, 1875; m. June 8, 1896, Charles D. Worden. ii. G. Ernest, b. Nov. 5, 1876. 1109 Carrie 11.' Miller {Timothy''), born May 21, 1859; married June 9, 1878, Adin A. Hastings, of Sherburne, Vt. Res., East Cambridge, Mass. 372 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Children (Hastings) : i. Etta D.,8 b. Mar. 6, 1879, in Sherburne, ii. George F., b. May 20, 1881, in Sherburne. 1110 Adin T." Miller (Timothf), born Nov. 12, 1862; married Sept. 14, 1881, Eliza Lawrence, of Saranac, N. Y., born Oct. 28, 1857. Res., East Hardwick, Vt. Children (Miller), the last three born in East Hardwick: i. Arthur T.,« b. June 29, 1884, in Greensboro, Vt. ii. Alice L., b. Sept. 3, 1886. iii. Carrie M., b. Mar. 20, 1894. iv. Carrol G., b. Julj^ 25, 1896. nil Jane Elizabeth" Edgerly (Mar i/ S.^ Miller}, born Sept. 11, 1851, in Hartford, Pa.; married Aug. 26, 1869, Valentine R. Bridgham. Res., Brighton, Mass. Child (Bridgham) : i. May Belle,** b. May 28, 1870, in Boston, Mass. 1112 Peter" Edgerly (Mart/ *S'.« Miller), born June 19, 1853, in Charlestown, Mass. ; married Aug. 20, 1879, Adaline Fall. Res., Boston, Mass. Children (Edgerly) : i. Edith Louise,^ b. Oct. 17, 1880. ii. Etta May Parker, b. Feb., 1882. iii. Harry Smith, b. Aug., 1884. 1113 Lydia Rozella" Edgerly {3Iari/ S.*^ Miller), born Mar. 19, 1855; married Dec. 28, 1879, Waldo Emerson Nutting, born Aug. 14, 1848. Res., Dracut, Mass. Child (Nutting) : i. George Edgerly,"* b. June 22, 1883. Seventh Generation. 373 1114 Esther Parker" Edgerly {Mary S.^ Miller), born Jan. 25, 1858 ; married John W. Anderson. Res., Providence, R. I. Child (Anderson) : i. John Allen Rae," b. Mar. 20, 1887. 1115 John Henry" Peck {Catherine'^ Merrill), born Dec. 20, 1863; married in 1893, Jennie May Page. Child (Peck) : i. George Warren,« b. Sept. 24, 1894; d. June 24, 1895. 1116 Alexander Dean' Peck {Catherine^ Merrill), born Oct. 7, 1868: m. Feb. 12, 1896, Edith Page. Children (Peck) : i. Merrill Scott,« b. Jan. 30, 1897. ii. Clifford Alexander, b. Mar. 8, 1898. 1117 George Dorman' Walradt {Nancy^ Shurtleff), born Aug. 20, 1866 ; married Nov. 3, 1886, Ida Laura Peck, born Aug 5 1866. ' Child (Walradt) : i. Cecil Edmund,* b. Sept. 20, 1898. ^^ 1118 Frank H." Drew {Oaroline E.^ Bailey), born Sept. 1, 1855, in Chicopee, Mass.; died March 12, 1886; married Nov. 25, 1880, Mehitable Ewell, of Mai-shfield, Mass. Res., Providence, R. I. Childi-en (Drew) : i. Frank,* b. ; d. in infancy. ii. Herbert, b. ; d. in infancy. iii. Gertrude L., b. Oct. 9, 1883. 374 Descendants of Francis LeBarox. 1119 Melvin W.' Drew (^Caroline E.^ Bailey), born Sept. 2(5, 1858, in New Market, N. H. ; married June, 1880, Annie Flynn, lioni in Webster, Mass. Res., Pro\-iclence, R. I. Children (Drew) : i. Florence,® b. ; d. in infancy. ii. Walter E., b. Feb. 25, 1883. iii. Maybelle, b. May 17, 1887. 1120 Edna A." Drew {Caroline E.^ Bailey), born May 23, 1871, in Providence, R. I. ; married Mar. 17, 1894, Herbert H. Knowlton, born Aug., 1860 ; in New Market, N. H. Res., New Market. Child (Knowlton) : i. Frank Herbert,® b. Aug. 6, 1896. 1121 Francis Eugene- Roberts {Matilda T.^ Bailey), born Sept. 6, 1852; married April 6, 1873, Lorinda, daughter of Stephen S. and Caroline (Stevens) Buffum, born June 27, 1850. Res., Chicago, 111. Children (Roberts) : i. Mary Alice,® b. June 14, 1874; d. June 15, 1874. ii. Francis Eugene, b. April 23, 1875 ; m. Oct. 12, 1898, Nellie Paulina Hutchinson, iii. Charles Henry, b. April 23, 1878. iv. Stella Maud, b. Dec. 12, 1885; d. Dec. 29, 1886. V. C\vril, b. Nov. 22, 1887 ; d. AprU 7, 1890. vi. Albert Edward, b. Sept. 19, 1889. Ii22 Nellie Adelaide" Roberts {Matilda T.^ Bailey), born July 4, 1868; died (3ct., 1891 ; married Mar., 1880, Willis E. Webster. Children (Webster) : i. Ernest E.,® b. in 1881 ; d. in 1887. ii. Clarence, b. Mar., 1883. iii. Ifavniond, b. July, 1886. Seventh Generation. 375 1123 Warren Ransom" Spaulding (^Susan M.^ Maxham), Un-n July 5, 1859: niarried Sept. 20, 1894, Nettie Piiiney, born Aug. 26, 1868. Res., Bridgewater, Vt. Child (Spaulding) : i. lua Sarah,« b. May 14, 1898. 1124 Minnie Eliza J.' Spaulding {Susan M.^ Maxham'), born Sept. 19, 18r.O; married Mar. 9, 1879, Le\d D. Wilson, born Sept. 11, 1849. Children (Wilson) : i. Mertie E.,« b. Sept. 13, 1882, in Sherburne, Yt. ii. Ruby I., b, Sept. 10, 1887, in Sherburne. iii. Susie U., b. Mar. 8, 1892, in Rutland, Vt. 1125 Ina Maud' Spaulding (Susan M.^ Mazham), born Aug. 22, 1868 ; married Jan. 2, 1895, Ernest G. Chase, of Brentwood Cor- ners, N. H., born June 22, 1867. Child (Chase) : i. Frances,^ b. May 10, 1897. 1126 George A." Maxham {Azro J.^), born June 25, 1869; mar- ried Mar. 25, 1891, Leonora Kelley, born May 18, 1871. Res., Concord, N. H. Children (Maxham) : i. Editha L.,« b. May 6, 1894. ii. Azro G., b. May 18, 1897. 1127 Arthur" LeBaron (William'^), born July 9, 1868; died Aug. 12, 1891 : married June 4, 1890, Elsie Corbin. Res., Croton, Mich. Chihl : 1. Earl,« b. June 8, 1>!91. f 376 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 1128 Alfred Charles" LeBaron (^Cliarles S.^'), born April 7, 1864 ; married Oct. 17, 1893, Catherine Mason Barry. Children : i. Mason,^ b. April 28, 1895, in Los Angeles, Cal. ii. Louis Ulrich, 1). Dec. 27, 1897. 1129 Fanny" LeBaro>' (^Francis E.^}, born Nov. 12, 1865 ; married Feb. 14, 1892, George Dasher. Child (Dasher) : i. Sidney,^ b. Jan. 13, 1893. 1130 Cora Hannah" LeBaron (^Horace T.^), born June 21, 1860 ; married May 14, 1884, John G. Gooding. Child (Gooding) : i. Mabel Melissa,* b. May 11, 1885. 1131 Wirt James" LeBaron {Horace T.^'), born Dec. 22, 1864; married Dec. 16, 1891, Mary Alma Sangree. Children : i. Tracy C.,« b. June 9, 1893. ii. Bruce Mason, b. June 25, 1894. iii. Esther Marie, b. June 19, 1895. iv. Rachel Bernice, b. Sept. 7, 1896. 1132 Theda Ann" LeBaron {James TFi^), born Sept. 9, 1869 ; mar- ried Nov. 11, 1885, George Orton Hollingsworth, born Jan. 23, 1863. Cliildren (Hollingsworth) : i. Glen Orton,s b. Sept. 25, 1886. ii. Eva Lenoie, b. Aug. 7, 1889. iii. Florence Emma, b. Sept. 22, 1891. iv. Jennie Ray, b. Oct. 13, 1892. Seventh Generation. 377 1133 William Ai;zie" Crosby {AdaUne^^,hovn Oct 21, 1862; mur- ried Feb. 27, 1883, Tillie Sliumaker. Cliildieii (Crosby) : i. William Cleraens,^ b. May 28, 1884; d. Feb. 15, 18S5. ii. Willard Roy, b. Nov. 3, 1886; d. Feb. 25, 1887. iii. Frances Mary, b. May 7, 1888; d. May 7, 1.S97. iv. Ruth Jenett, b. Oct. 2, 1891. V. Perry Yale, b. May 3, 1897. vi. Louis, b. Nov. 4, 1900. 1134 . EsTELLA Florence^ Crosby (Adaline^), born Dec. 3, 1872 ; married Sept. 18, 1887, Fred Haas, died Nov. 1, 1897 ; married (2), Dec. 20, 1899, Joseph Edwin Gilbert. Res., Dansville, Mich. Cliildren (Haas) : i. Hettie Eliza,^ b. Aug. 14, 1891. ii. Lottie Adaliiie, b. Oct. 25, 1892. iii. Peari LeBaron, b. Mar. 11, 1895 ; d. Aug. 28, 1895. iv. Eari Fred, b. Aug. 11, 1896; d. Sept. 21, 1896. Cliild (Gilbert) : V. Clifford, b. Sept. 20, 1900. 1135 Adaline LeBaron' Crosby {Adaline^), born Oct. 14, 1877; married Jan. 22, 1896, Beverly A. Halstead. Res., Perry, Midi. Child (Halstead) : i. William Iloward,^ b. and d. in 1897. 1136 Clarence C.' Reynolds {Calinta C.^ Carver}, born Oc^t. 11, 1853 ; married May 3, 1873, Ida May Babcock. Cliild (Reynolds): i. Porter Bennett,'* b. Aug. 5, 1879. 378 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 1137 William Jerome' Reynolds (^Calista C.^ Oarver)^ born April 18, 18G8 ; married Mar. 5, 1800, Bina Cranson. Child (Reynolds) : i. Marie,8 b. July 26, 1895. 1138 Ella Virginia' Cook (^Harriet EJ^ Carver^, born Nov. 21, 1850; married Nov. 23, 1876, George Cobb. Res., Grand Rapids, Mich. Children (Cobb) : i. Maxwell Peter,^ b. Sept. 17, 1879. ii. Ward Gartield, b. May 14, 1882. ui. Gertrude Ella, b. Dec. 16, 1888. 1139 Alice' Newton (^Amelia iT.^), born Nov. 24, 18G8 ; married Mar. 29, 1891, Charles Bitney, born Nov. 18, 1863. Res., Cart- wright, Wis. Children (Bitney) : i. Claude,^ b. Dec. 31, 1891. ii. Kenneth, b. Mar. 22, 1895. 1140 Daniel LeBaron' Lazelle (^Annette M.^'), born Nov. 27, 1804 , married July 19, 1893, Leona Randall. Res., Caro, Mich. Children (Lazelle) : i. Daniel Randall,^ b. Sept. 2, 1894. ii. George Mason, b. Aug. 20, 1896. 1141 Edna Emily' Lazelle (^Annette M.^), born Dec. 15, 1868 ; married July 1, 1891, Freeman S. Morningstar. Res., Grand Kapids, Mich. Child (Morningstar) : i. LueUle Victoria,^ b. April 17, 1S94. Seventh Generation. 379 1142 Charles E.' Currier (^Betseif Curtis), bom Sept. 21, 1834 ; maiTied May 25, 1856, ; she died Jan. 29, 18(3(3. Res., Omaha, Xeb. Ghiklren (Currier) : i. Anna Bell,^ 1). July 5, 1857. ii. Dora Ameha, b. Dec. 24, 1859; m. Fred. A. Gould, of louia, IMich. 1143 Myron M." Currier (Betsef Curtis}, born Dec. 3, 1838 ; married April 21, 1866, Ellen R. Colton, born Aug. 8, 1837. Res., Ionia, Mich. Child (Currier) : i. May E.,M). Dec. 5, 1871. 1144 William H." Currier (Betsef Curtis), born Oct. 21, 1840 ; died Mar. 8, 1869 ; married Oct. 16, 1864. Cliild (Currier) : i. Charles A.,« b. Aug. 23, 1865. 1145 Elsie Catherine' Curtis (Stephen F.^), born May 22, 1854 ; died .Mar. 23, 1889 ; married June 28, 1881, Alva Lewis. Children (Lewis): i. Virginia May,* b. in 1 882. ii. Josephine Louisa, b. in 1886. 1146 Harriet Curtis" Klmberlv (JElsie B.^ CurtisJ, born July 21, 1864; married Aug. 31, 1892, Chester Tyler Sherman, born Dec. 24, 1863. Res., Washington, D. C. Children (Sherman) : i. Marion Chariotte,^ b. Oct. 25, 1893. ii. Sidney Lei toy, b. June 1, 1895. iii. Chester Tyler, b. June (3, 1896; d. June 6, 189(3. 380 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 1147 Addie M.' Curtis (^Solomon^^, born Nov. 27, 1859 ; married Oct. 23, 1883, George E. Marcellus, born July 20, 1860. Res., LeRoy, N. Y. Children (Marcellus) : i. May C.,» b. Oct. 6, 1884; d. Mar. 8, 1890. ii. Reid, b. Aug. 2, 1892. ill. Charles E., b. Aug. 28, 1895. 1148 William N.' Curtis {Horace P.^), born May 11, 1874; mar- ried Dec, 1892, Daisy May Tompkins. Res., Naples, N. Y. Cliild (Curtis): i. Carl William Tompkins,^ b. Sept. 28, 1894. 1149 Gilbert Henry" Graves {Julia A.^ Gilbert^, born Mar. 26, 1867 ; married May 18, 1892, Harriet Merriam. Child (Graves) : i. Asbury Merriam,^ b. Oct. 5, 1893. 1150 Willard'^ Graves {Julia A.^ G-ilberf), born May 31, 1873; married July 25, 1894, Grace May Ormes. Child (Graves) : i. Emeline," b. July 24, 1896. 1151 Carrie M.^ Gilbert {Benjamin F.^), born Oct. 22, 1857, in Flint, Mich. ; married June 30, 1887, George S. Knapp. Res., North Attleboro, Mass. Children (Knapp) : i. Marion F.,^ b. May 1, 1888. ii. Dora M., b. Mar. 11, 1890. iii. Grace W., b. Mar. 8, 1892. /Seventh Generation. 3H1 1152 " Charles F. Dewey" Gilbert (Benjamin F.^'), Ixn-n Aii^'. 24, 1800, ill Ho.stDii, Mass.; iiiamed in 1884, liclla .1. McCiregor. Res., Ploramer, Algoma, Out. Children (Gilbert) : i. Jessie Frankliii,^ b. Nov. 28, 188G. ^ ii. Elbert Benton, b. July 13, 1889. 1153 Sarah Nellie" Paine (Harriet AS' Gilberf), horn Oct. 10, 1861 ; married Jan. 15, 1882, Orville J. Ainsworth, of Woodhnry, Vt. Children (Ainsworth) : i. Ivan Kay,» b. ]\Iar. 30, 1884. ii. Arthur Lee, b. July 19, 1886. iii. Earl Paine, b. April 22, 1888. iv. Marjorie Alice, b. May 12, 1890. V. OrvUle Bernard, b. Mar. 4, 1895. 1154 Franklin Adams'^ Paine (Harriet AS Gilbert)^ born Nov. 8, 1802 ; married April 17, 1888, Margaret Alice Tubman. Res., St. Johnsbury, Vt. Children (Paine) ; i. Albert Palmer,^ b. Jan. 21, 1889. ii. Ralph Henry, b. Oct. 18, 1894. iii. Margaret Isabel, b. Dec. 19, 1896. 1155 Frederick Irving' Paine (Harriet AS Gilbert^, born April 10, 1804; married Jan. 2, 1888, Kate Nelson, born at Newcastle- on-the-Tyne, England. Res., St. Johnsbury, Vt. Cliildren (Paine) : i. Frederick Irving,* b. Mar. 17, 1890; d. Mar. 17, 1890. ii. Wendell Oliver, b. July 30, 1892. 382 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 1156 Harriet Matilda^ Paine {Harriet A.^ Gilbert), Ixirn Dec. 14, 186(1 ; married Mar. 24, 1894, William Church. Res., Dan- ville, Vt. Child (Church) : i. Marion Clara,^ b. Oct. 26, 1894. 1157 Clarence Eugene'^ Wilcox (Lucius F.^), born Oct. 24, 1855 ; married Nov. 11, 1880, Mary Elizabeth Smith, born Oct. 20, 1860. Res., LeRoy, N. Y. Children (Wilcox) : i. Janet,« b. Feb. 22, 1882. ii. Horace Ray, b. Dec. 12, 1884. iii. Dean, b. Mar. 14, 1891. iv. Lucius, b. Dec. 25, 1893. 1158 George Abel' Wilcox (Lucius F.^), born Feb. 14, 1858 ; married Mar. 28, 1882, Emma Gayton. Res., LeRoy, N. Y. Children (Wilcox) : i. Ila Maria,8 b. Jan. 20, 1884. ii. Neva Estelle, b. Mar. 18, 1889. iii. Hazel, b. May 17, 1893. 1159 Mark Stuart^ Wilcox (Lucius F.^), born Sept. 8, 1860 ; married Dec. 23, 1886, Margaret Preston. Res., Caledonia, N. Y. Children (Wilcox) : i. Margaret Maria,^ b. Nov. 22, 1887. ii. Earl Preston, b. Dec. 18, 1895. 1160 ' Edith May" Wilcox (Lucius F,^), born Mar. 4, 1867 ; mar- ried Mar. 21, 1804, John Ellison. Res., LeRoy, N. Y. Children (Ellison) : i. Grace Ellen,* b. AprU 16, 1895. ii. Charlotte Martha, b. Oct. 25, 1896. Seventh Generation. 383 1161 Henkv Wells' Wilcox (Lucius FJ'}, born Dec. 9, 1870: mar- ried Dec. 14, 1896, Mary Bloom. Res., LeRoy, N. Y. Child (Wilcox) : i. Harold Roy/ b. Sejit. 17, 1897. 1162 Claudius Hubert' Seldon (Eunice M.^ Wilcox), born Mar. 4, 1859: married Mar. 12, 1885, Anna Sopliia Wliite, born May 22, 1863. Re«., LeRoy, N. Y. Cliildren (Seldon) : i. Elma Sophia,* b. Aug. 9, 1887. ii. Arthur Eliot, b. June 14, 1891. 1163 Lucius Edwin' Belden (Caroline A.^ Wilcox), born Feb. 21, 1859; married June 3, 1890, Anna Laura Hooker. Res., Madison- ville, Ohio. Children (Belden) : i. Helen Eugenia,^ b. Mar. 26, 1891. ii. Elsie Hooker, b. Nov. 4, 1897. 1164 Makv Georgianna" Belden (Caroline A.^ Wilcox), born July 30, 1869; married Dec. 15, 1896, Charles H. Syler. Res., Lud- ington, Mich. Child (Syler) : i. Carolyn Fay,« b. Sept. 25, 1«97. 1165 LeRdv' Beecher (Susan^ Wright), born Sept. 28, 1851 : mar- ried Mar. 4, 1874, Maud Kelly, born June 6, 1855. Childi-en (Beecher) : i. Grace M.,^ b. Nov. 28, 1874; m. Sept. 1, 1S97, Wilbur C. Wright, ii. Daisy, b. July 3, 1877. 384 Descendants of J^rancis LeBaron. iii. Joseph M., b. Aug. 10, 1880. T\'. LeRoy, b. May 10, 1884. V. Susan, b. Mar! 8, 1888. 1166 Aleida" Stevens (Lydia^ Wright), born Oct. "21. 1845; died July 2, 1888; married April 7, 1868, Frank Chaddock. Children (Cliaddock) : i. Nellie,* b. ; d. young. ii. Ada, b. June 7, 1879. 1167 Eudora" Stevens (Lydia^ Wright), born May 7, 1849 ; mar- ried April 7, 1874, Summers Walker. Children (Walker): i. Mark,« b. May 19, 1877. ii. Frank, b. Sept. 29, 1878. 1168 Albertus' Stevens {Lydia^ Wright), born Feb. 26, 1852 ; married Oct. 5, 1872, Ida Besmck. Children (Stevens) : i. Fred,8b. April 1, 1874. ii. Ethel, b. Jan. 7, 1877. iii. Roy, b. Oct. 30, 1882. iv. Yerna, b. Nov. 13, 1884. V. Burdette, b. Jan. 3, 1887. 1169 Burdette" Stevens (Lydia^ Wright), born April 27, 1856 ; died April 17, 1890 ; married Nov. 28, 1888, Kittle Reynard. Child (Stevens) : i. Ada K.,* b. Aug. 30, 1889. 1170 Arthur Eugene" Perry {Alfred E.^), born July 27, 1850 ; married April 9, 1878, Clara Hunt. Seventh Generation. 385 Children (Perry): i. Dare Eugene,^ b. June 2, 1880. ii. Arthur Eugene, b. May, 1893. 1171 Walter Leverett" Perry {Alfred E.^), born Sept. 17, 1854 ; married in 1880, Inez F'rench, died Jan., 1884 ; married (2), April 26, 1885, Myrta Smith. Children (Perry) : i. Day,« b. Jan. 10, 1681 ; d. July 20, 1889. ii. \Yalter Lyle, b. Xov. 25, 1890. iu. Aubrey Lynn, b. May 7, 1895. 1172 Edmund Horace" Perry {Alfred U.^), born Jan. 10, 1856 : married Jan. 9, 1883, Sarah Parmelee. Child (Perry) : i. ."Muda Emogene,8 b. Nov. 10, 1883. 1173 Addie Loretta' Perry {Alfred US'), born June 12, 1858; married May 2, 1882, Fred L. Graham. Children (Graham) : i. Max Eugene,^ b. Mar., 1885. ii. Susie Loretta, b. Dec. 22, 1887. 1174 Loretta J." Dodge {Cynthia A.^ Perry), born Aprir7, 1865 ; married May 10, 1886, James Mc Vicar. Children (Mc Vicar) : i. Malcolm D.,^ b. Feb. 22, 1887. ii. Adelaide P., b. July 22, 1889. iii. Stephen J., b. Aug. 2, 1894. 1175 Eugene" Dodge {Cynthia AS Perry), born Oct. 15, 1867 ; mar- ried June 30, 1892, Susan Saunders. 386 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Child (Dodge) : i. Josephine 8.,^ b. July 3, 1894. 1176 Meda :\Iay' Forbes {Harriet L^ Martin'), born July 16, 1869 ; married Sept. 11, 1889, Arthur Mason. Res., Buffalo, N. Y. Child (Mason) : i. Marion M,«b. Dec. 22, 1891. 1177 Helen P." Gibbs (Selucia H.^ Higgins), born Feb. 8, 1860; married Nov. 9, 1880, Charles E. Towne. Res., Granville, N. Y. Children (Towne) : i. Willie C.,« b. Jan. 5, 1882; d. Nov. 21, 1882. ii. Helena A., b. Sept. 17, 1883. iii. Mabel G., b. Sept. 13, 1885. iv. Harold E., b. Aug. 13, 1887. V. Bertha II., b. Nov. 16, 1889. vi. Mary E., b. May 21, 1892. • 1178 Charles Edsqn" Higgins {Edwn J.^), born Aug. 24, 1868 ; married Aug. 2, 1888, Docia Garnett, born Sept. 29, 1868. Res., Bolivar, Mo. Children (Higgins) : i. Mary Emogene,* b. July 20, 1891. . ii. Julia Allien, b. Aug. 11, 1895. iii. Mildred Chloe, b. Dec. 2, 1896. 1179 Emma M." St Clair {Elvira^ Higgins), born April 2, 1872; married May 2, 1891, Ernest S. Backus. Res., Putnam, N. Y. Children (Backus) : i. Richard G.,^ b. Mar. 2, 1892. ii. Ina May, b. Oct. 10, 1893. iii. Ernest E., b. Sept. 15, 1895. iv. Royce V., b. Sept. 2, 1897. i /Seventh Generation. 387 1180 Susan LkHahon" Maiicii {Mary LeB.^ Monroe), born Sept. 7, 1812, in Sntton, :\Iass. ; died April 13, 1894, in Providence, R. I. ; married Oct. 4, 1836, Amos Wriglit, son of Amos and T^iicy (Blanchard) Stockwell, born June 10, 1808, in Sutton; died Mar. 10, 1853, in Chicopee, Mass. Mr. Stockwell was graduated from Amliei-st College in 1833, and practiced law in Worcester and Chicopee. Cliildren (Stockwell) : i. Thomas Blanchard,* b. July G, 1«89, in Worcester ; m. May 15, 1866, Harriet Emerson, daughter of Rev. Emerson and Mary Mayhew (Folger) Davis, of West field, Mass., b. Aug. 7, 1839. He was graduated from Brown University, in 1862; Commissioner of PubHc Schools, State of Rhode Island from 1875 to the pres- ent time. Res., Providence. Children (Stockwell) : i. Frederick Emerson,^ h. Jan. 2.3, 1868; m. Dec. 5, 1899, Fay May, daughter of Henry Mitchell MacCracken, D. D., LL. D. (Chancellor of Xew York University), and Catherine (Hubbard) MacCracken. Ho was grad- uated from Brown University, in 1890, and Union Theological Seminary, in 1898; Pastor of the Presby- terian Church, in Beverly, N. J. Child (Stockwell): Catlierino MacCracken, i*^ b. Sept. 5, 1901. ii. Alice Blanchard, b. Mar. 4, 1869; d. July 25, 1869. iii. Arthur Mayhew, b. Jan. 26, 1875. iv. Edward A)nos, b. Nov. 6, 1877. He was graduated from Brown University, in 1899. Lawyer in Providence. ii. Florence Davis, b. July 24, 1848; d. July 6, 1853. iii. Frank March, b. Nov. 19, 1851 ; ra. Dec. 23, 1880, Mary LeBaron Esty. See 1184. 1181 Maky Charlotte" March {Mary LeB.^ Monroe^, born Sept. 9, 1816, in Sutton, Mass. ; married Sept. 24, 1840, Austin Green Fitch, horn Oct. 15, 1813; died July 13, 1801, in Watcrtown, Mass. 388 TJescemlants of Francis Le Baron. Children (Fitch) : i. Mary lMonroe,« b. Oct. 7, 1841. ii. Emma Ahnira, h. July IG, 1843 ; ra. Nov. 13, 1871, George E., son of WilUara and Irene (Williston) Jepson. Mr. Jepson served three years in the Civil War, in Co. A, 13th Regt. Mass. Vols. Children (Jepson) : i. William Austin,'^ b. Aug. 10, 1872, in Detroit, Miun.; m. Mar. 28, 1894, Grace Elizabeth Stone, of Watertown. ii. Florence Marion, b. Nov. 19, 1873, in Detroit, iii. Emma Irene, b. Mar. 10, 1875, in Detroit; m. July 4, 1903, Theodore Gordon Cutler Walker. iv. Charlotte March, b. Oct. 2, 1870, in Dorchester, Mass.; m. Feb. 27, 1900, George Thomas Pratt Thompson. V. George Williston, b. Jan. 9, 1878, in Dorchester; m. Anna Furber. vi. Catherine Monroe, b. Dec. 1, 1880; d. April, 1884. vii. Paul Revere, b. Mar. 23, 1883. iii. Chai'lotte Augusta, b. July 5, 1845. iv. WiUiam Austin, b. Sept. 27, 1847; m. April 15, 1873, Eleanor Thayer Perry, b. July, 1850 ; d. Feb. 26, 1895. Res., Watertown. Children (Fitch) : i. Lillian,^ b. Aug. 12, 1874; d. Aug. 12, 1874. ii. Lois Gertrude, b. July 28, 1877; m. Jan. 30, 1902, Edward William Capen. Res., Wollaston, Mass. iii. Fred Monroe, b. July 16, 1879; m. Nov. 20, 1901, Annie Louise Keefe. Served in the Spanish-American War, in the 5th Regt. Mass. Vols. iv. Ethel Perry, b. Mar. 13, 1882; m. May 16, 1901, Leonard Dixon Dodge. V. Harriet March, b. July 24, 1849 ; m. April 5, 1871, George Clark Travis, b. Aug. 19, 1847, in Ilolliston, Mass. He was graduated from ?Iarvard College in 1869, and was for several years Assistant Attorney-General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; at present he is counsel for the Boston Elevated Railroad. Res., New- ton, Mass. Children (Travis) : i. Harold Fitch,^ b. June 30, 1872; m. Oct. 7, 1901, Florence LaBree Henderson. He is a lawyer in Boston, ii. Walter C, b. Mar. 16, 1875; d. April 20, 1876. iii. Helm March, b. May 22, 1877; d. May 12, 1879. iv. Jloicard C, h. Mar. 18, 1879. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1902. Seoenth Generation. 389 1182 John Moxkoe' Sibley {Margaret N.^ Monroe^, born July 7, 1822, ill Sutton, Mass. ; died June 4, 1900, in Sutton ; married Sept. 6, 1848, Experience C. Wlieelock, of Warwick, Mass. He was graduated from Yale College, in 1843, and was for many years a teacher in the High School in San Francisco, Cal. ' Child (Sibley) : i. John Pierpont,* b. July 4, 1849; m. April 26, 1876, Ida Eugenia Yeaw. 1183 Catherine Monroe' March {Catherine^ Monroe'), hovw June 28, 1816, in Sutton, Mass. ; died Sept. 14, 1893, in Framingham, Mass. ; married Mar. 24, 1842, James Wilson, son of Peter and Elizabeth (Wilson) Clark, b. April 13, 1802, in Hopkinton, Mass. ; died June 5, 1892, in Framingham. Mr. Clark was a merchant in Boston, residing in Framingham. Children (Clark) : i. Edmund Sanfoi'd,® b. May 21, 1843, in Boston, Mass. ; m. April 15, 1869, Mary Brainard, of Ilai-tford, Ct. ; m. (2), June 23, 1892, Emma Angeanette (Harding) Otis. He fitted for college at Phillips Andover Academy, and was graduated from Trinity College, in 1865 ; he is a merchant in Boston. Res., Framingham. Child ( Clark): i. Charles Brainard,^ h. Mar. 19, 1874. ii. Catherine Elizabeth, b. July 23, 1844; d. Dec. 15, 1849. iii. Emily Johouuot, b. Dec. 15, 1846; m. April 3, 1872, Charles Dudley, son of William Gustavus and Mary Ann (Dudley) Lewis, b. Sept. 26, 1844, in Roxbury, Mass. Res., Framingham, Mass. Children (Lewis) : i. Jiimea WilHon Clark,^ h. April 27, 1875. ii. Williavi Giistavus, b. .July 24, 1876. iii. Katherlne LeBaron, b. Sept. 2(5. 1877. iv. Frances Wilson, b. Oct. 19, 1879. V. Margaret Dudley, b. April 21, 1882. vi. Charles Dudley, b. Oct. 12, 1884; d. April 14, 1890. vii. Edmund 8anford, b. June 7, 1887. viii. Mary Elizabeth, b. April 20, 1890. ix. LeBaron, b. Oct. 10, 1892: .1. July 1, 1893. 390 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. iv. Frances Augusta, b. 8ept. 12, 1848; d. Feb. 27, 1858. V. James Wilson, b. Aug. 31, 1850; m. Jan. 16, 1873, Sibyl Gary, daughter of Frank B. and Rebekah L. (Bridges) Fay, of Chelsea, Mass. He is a merchant. Res., New York City. Children (Clark) : i. Elsie Fay,^ b. Oct. 1.5, 1874; d. Mar. 13, 1890, in Fram- ingham. ii. Catherine March, b. Oct. 7, 1877. iii. Elizabeth Wilson, b. Dec. 3, 1884. vi. Arthur March, b. Aug. 3, 1853. lie was a student in Trinity College and is a clergyman. Res., Dubuque, Iowa. 1184 Emily Susannah' March (^Catlierine^ Monroe^, born Sept. 10, 1825, in Sutton, Mass. ; married Oct. 18, 1849, Constantine Cana- ris, sou of Dexter aud Mary (Rice) Esty, born Dec. 26, 1824, in Framingham, Mass. He was graduated from Yale College in 1845, and is a lawyer. Res., Framingham. Cliildren (Esty) : i. Mary LeBaron,« b. Aug. 19, 1850 ; m. Dec. 23, issO, Frank March Stockwell. See 1180. ii. Frederick March, b. July 27, 1852; m. June o, 1878, Georgie Grace, daughter of John McNair and Lucy Jane (Warren) Harrington, b. Oct. 30, 1857. He was graduated from Phillips Andover Academy, in 1S69; he is a lawyer, and a court officer in the Probate Court of ^Middlesex Co., Cambridge. Res., Framingham. Children (Esty) : i. Grace LeBaron,^ b. April 5, 1879. State Normal School, Frainiughain. ii. Emily Harrinr/ton, h. May 23, 1880. Mount Holyoke College, 1903. iii. Charles Alexander, b. Mar. 31, 1883. Yale College. 1904. iv. Margaret Monroe, b. June 1, 1887. iii. Charles Canaris, b. Oct. 29, 1855. iv. Catherine Monroe, b. Dec. 8, 1857 ; m. June 1, 1897, Harry Dean, son of Henry E. and Emeline Augusta (Hall) Eastman. Res,, Framingham. Child (Eastman) : i. Henry Esty,^ b. May 2, 1898. Seventh Generation. 391 V. Alexander Nickerson, h. Auu". ICi, ISOO; m. Oct. 14, 1S97, Alice II. (Wilkiiis) Smith. 1185 Francis LeBakon' Monroe {Alexander LeB.^), bom Miir. 20, 183G, in Medway, Mass.; manied Jan. 7, 1878, Tauison Lavinia Barrows, of Meriden, N. H., born Nov. 29, 1845. He was gradu- ated from Williams College in 1857, and M. D., from Harvard Col- lege in 18G1 : he was an Assistant Surgeon in the 1st, and Surgeon in the 15th Regt. Mass. Vols., from Aj^ril, 18G1-18G6 ; Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A., 1867-1876. Res., Meriden. Cliildren (Monroe) : i. Mu-iam Clark,^ b. Nov. 28, 1881. ii. Annie Barrows, b. Aug. 19, 1885. 1186 Sarah Louisa^ Monroe (^Alexander LeB.^'), born May 23, 1842, in Granby, Mass. ; married Sept. 17, 1874, William Coit Huntington, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Cliildren (Huntington) : i, LeBaron Monroe,* b. July 1, 1875. ii. Albert Tracy, b. Mar. 8, 1878. 1186a William Bruce" Putnam {Tarrant^), born July 19, 1829, in New York City; died June 27, 1885, at his residence, 117 East 72d Street, New York City; married April 8, 1851, Emma H. Winslow. Children (Putnam) : i. Tarrant,* b. ; ni. Ada Woodhull. ii. Clifford Winslow, b. July 7, 1855. iii. Emma A., b. Dec. 15, 1868; d. Dec, 1889. 1186b Cai'vOLINk Monuoe' Putxa.m (Tarrant*'), Unn Oct. 27, 1832, ill New York City; married Dec. 3, 1856, in Now York C'itv, Joseph Banium, son of Odlc and Maria (Haniiini) Lockw 1. 392 Descendanta of I^\anciH LeJBaron. Children (Lockwoodj : i. Joseph B.,« b. Jane 7, 1858. ii. Tarrant Putnam, b. Nov. 26, 1862; d. June 28, 1864. iii. Cornelia Putnam, b. July 8, 18G6 ; m. Nov. 10, 1897, Alfred Lee Manierre. Children (Manierre) : i. Tluth Lockwood,^ b. Feb. 20, 1899. ii. Benjamin Franklin, b. July 30, 1900. iv. Maria Louise, b. May 4, 1870; d. June 12, 1903. 1187 Ellen D.^ Peirce {Mart/ LeB.^ Putnam'), born Nov. 9, 183G ; married Nov. 16, 1864, Marius Milner Hovey, died Feb. 16, 1898. Children (Hovey) : i. John Winiam,« b. Aug. 24, 1865; d. Jan. 13, 1889, while a student in Harvard College, ii. Marius Milner, b. June 15, 1875; m. May 1, 1899, Annie Louise Hall. 1188 William LeBaron" Putnam {Israel^}, born May 26, 1835 ; married Octavia Bowman Robinson, of Augusta, Me. Judge Put- nam was graduated from Bowdoin College in 1855, and was Mayor of Portland, Me., in 1869. In 1887 President Cleveland appointed him a commissioner on the part of the United States, to negotiate a settlement of the rights of Americans in the territorial waters of Canada and Newfoundland. In 1891 he was made Judge of the U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, by President Harrison. No chil- dren. 1189 Edwin''' Putnam {Israel^), born Sept. 28, 1840 ; married Dec, 1870, Annie M. Salter. He served in the U. S. Navy in the Civil War and has been Paymaster; he was retired Sept., 1902, with rank of Rear Admiral, U. S. N. He was stationed for many years in the Portsmouth and Brooklyn Navy Yards. Res., Ports- mouth, N. H. Child (Putnam) : i. Alice,^ b. ; d. in infancy. WILLIAM LeBARON PUTNAM. Seventh Generation. 393 1190 OcTAViA McKken" Putnam (Israel^), born Jiiii. 12, 1>>4.') : married Oct. 26, 1871, Gen. Charles K. Thompson, born Fel). 24, 1840, in Batli, Me.; died Oct. 3, 1894, at Agnew, Cal. (ien. Thompson served in the Civil War, enlisting as 1st lieutenant in a regiment which was recruited in St. Louis, Mo.; N(»v. 14, lSi;2, he was promoted to be captain and aid-de-camp on the staff of Gen. Rosecrans ; Aug. 17, 1863, he was appointed Colonel of the 12th Regt. U. S. Colored Infantry, and was later brevetted Brig- adier-General of Volunteers. He was honorably mustered out of service Jan. 16, 1866, and later engaged in the banking business in New York City and San Francisco, Cal. Children (Thompson) : i. WilUam Putnam,* b. April 26, 1873. He is a lawyer in Boston, Mass. ii. Edwin LeBaron, b. Dec. 17, 1881. 1191 Robert Moreis' Hazen {Robert F.^}, born Sept. 27, 1829; died in 1865; married Mary Grant of St. Andrews, N. B. He was Captain in H. M. 60th Rifles, and died in Burmah, India. Children (Hazen) : i. Robert Morris Robinson,^ b. Feb. 19, 1855; d. in 1858. ii. Sophia Frances, b. Dec. 12, 1859; m. George Carter Coster, Barrister-at-Law, St. John, N, B. iii. Marion Arbuthnot, b. Sept. 11, 1862. iv. Lilian, b. Aug. 30, 1S64. V. Ethel, b. Oct. 17, 1865. 1192 William' Hazen (Robert FJ'}, born July 4, 1831, in St. John, N. B. ; died June 11, 1881 ; married June, 1856, Annette Swynmer, born Feb., 1830; died Mar. 23, 1860. He married (2), Mar. 9, 1865, Elizabeth J. Bartlett, born Sept. 6, 1838, in Annapolis, N. S. Res., St. John, N. B. 394 Descendants of I^rancis LeBaron. Children (Hazen) : i. William,'* b. May 24, 1857 ; d. June, 1885. ii. Cecilia Elizabeth, b. Oct. 24, 1858; m. in 1882, Ralph Tatham. Res., Madras, India. Children (Tathara) : i. Daisy,^ b. in 1887, in England, ii. Elsie, b. in 1888, in India, iii. Faith, b. in 1891, in India. iii. Robert Parker, b. Dec. 12, 1865. Res., Boston, Mass. iv. Harriet Susan, b. May 12, 1867. Res., Newport, R. I. V. Arthur Prissick, b. Sept. 26, 1868. Res., New York, vi. Hugh Tremaine, b. Mar. 14, 1870; m. Nov. 18, 1896, Eleanor Cecilia McGoey. Res., Ottawa, Canada. Child (Ilazen) : i. Elizabeth Eleanor,^ b. Sept. 13, 1897. vii. Johanna Uxbridge, b. Sept. 25, 1871; d. Sept. 15, 1893; m. Sept. 9, 1891, Artliur F. S. Moren. viu. LeP>aron, b. Mar. 29, 1873; d. Dec. 16, 1889. ix. Ward Chipman, b. Mar. 4, 1875. X. Laura, b. Nov. 23, 1877. 1193 Susan Frances" Hazen {Robert F.^^, born Aug. 11, 1836; married Oct. 8, 1861, Thomas Butterworth Prissick. Children (Prissick) : i. Charles Dunlop,^ b. Aug. 28, 1863. ii. Frances Hazen, b. April 18, 1865. iii. Mary Johnson, b. Feb. 13, 1867. iv. Thomas Hazen, b. Sept. 25, 1868. V. Robert Morris Hazen, b. Nov. 5, 1869. 1194 Margaret Ann" Hazen (Robert F.^}, born Mar. 18, 1843; married Oct. 25, 1866, Arthur Clifton Hausard, Lieutenant in H. M. Royal Artillery. Children (Hausard) : i. Richard Massey,' b. Sept. 16, 1867, in Ceylon, India, ii. John St. Leger, b. Sept. 29, 1868, in Ceylon. Seventh Generation. 395* iii. Hugh Ilazen, b. Oct. 6, 1869, in Ceylon. iv. Ethel Maiul, b. . V. Constance ^larguerite, !>. . 1195 Hahhv Gordon" Botsford (^G-eorge^), born Mar. 23, 1860; married Dec. 15, 1897, Maude Alecia, daughter of S. Knox Poor, of Boston, born June 17, 1872. Res., Dorchester, Mass, Cliildreu (Botsford): i. Harry Gordon,* b. Jan. 22, 1.S99. ii. Beatrice LeBaron, b. Nov. 15, 1900; d. Jan. 17, 19Ul. iii. Eleanor Warren, b. Feb. 14, 1902. 1190 Sarah Lowell' Botsford {Bliss^), born Oct. 27, 1844 ; mar- ried Oct. 7, 1869, William Jones Crossdale, born May 5, 1827. Children (Crossdale) : i. George Finch,^ b. July 12, 1870; m. Lilian Eda Toombs. ii. Anna Fonshaw, b. Mar. 3, 1872. iii. Helen Bliss, b. June 16, 1874. iv. Muriel Agatha, b. May 4, 1875; m. Harold McClellan. V. Kathleen, b. June 14, 1877. vi. Ada Louise Neville, b. Oct. 29, 1883. vii. Emily Edwina, b. Oct. 10, 1887. 1197 Eliza" Botsford (BUss^), born May 12, 1847; married Oct. 1, 1867, George Clopper Peters, born Sept. 7, 1844. Children (Peters) : i. Louise Jane,® b. June 28, 1868; m. June 3, 1890, John Balsom McGee. Children (McGee) : i. Marjorie,^ b. April 25, 1892. ii. Maurice Balsom, b. Dec. 10, 1893. iii. Bessie Louise, b. Dec. 14, 1897. ii. Bliss Botsford, b. Feb. 21, 1870 ; ni. Aug. 10, 1899, Flalia Corbell. iii. Florence Ethel, 1). .f;in. 4, 1872. 396 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. iv. Marguerite Clopper, b. Nov. 22, 1873. V. Claude Walker, b. June 4, 1876. vi. Brooks Crossdale, b. July 29, 1878. vii. Agnes Queen, b. April 11, 1882. viii. Fanny Coster, b. June 3, 1885. ix. Mary Dickson, b. Sept. 10, 1888. X. Edward Byron Winslow, b. Dec. 6, 1890. 1198 Robert Leonard' Botsford (Bliss^), born Aug. 27, 1851 ; married April 16, 1879, Emily Christina Cowell, born Oct. 24, 1856 ; married (2), in 1894, Ella May Newman, born May 19, 1859. Child (Botsford) : 1. Blanche Wentworth,^ b. May 31, 1880. 1199 Florence Murray" Botsford (BUss^}, born April 30, 1854; married Sept. 30, 1877, Thomas Byers, born Feb. 22, 1852; died Aug. 29, 1881. Child (Byers) : i. Francis Lester,^ b. Oct. 25, 1878; d. Aug. 30, 1898. 1200 Mary Ellen" Hedge married William G. Russell. See 700. 1201 Abby Burr" Hedge (^Lydia 0.^ G-oodwhi), born Sept. 17, 1827 ; died Aug. 12, 1894; married Nov. 19, 1849, William Thomas Davis, born Mar. 3, 1822. Mr. Davis was graduated from Harvard College, in 1842, is a lawyer residing in Plymouth, Mass., and is the author of " Landmarks of Plymouth." Children (Davis) : i. Abby Warren,^ b. Mar. 24, 1854; m. Oct. 13, 1881, Alex- ander Jackson. /Seventh Generation. 897 ii. Howlaml, 1». July -JS, 185.' ; m. .June o, 1885, Anna Eliza- beth Sliij»|ieii. C'liihlren (Davis) : i. Iloioland,'^ b. Sept. 5, 1880. ii. Hester L2((llow, b. April 20, 18S8. iii. Ihith Gardner, b. Nov. 2(i, 1880. iv. Anna Sliippen, b. Mar. IS, 1891; d. Oct. 17, 1890. V, mUiam Shippen, b. Sept. 8, 1892. vi. Sibi/l mrde, b. Nov. 5, 1893. vii. Wendell, b. Sept. 10, 1898. iii. Catherine W., b. Mar. "2, 1859. iv. Alice W hit worth, b. Dec. 18, 18(i4; m. Sept. lil, 1896, Dr. Henry Russell Hitchcock, of Ilyde I*ark. 1202 Albert Goodwin' Hedge {Lydia C.^ Goodwin), born May 19, 1832; died June 8, 1895; married in 1851, Georgiana Barnes. Cliildren (Hedge): i. T.ucy Southworth,* b. April I'i, ISo'i ; d. voum'. ii. Edward, b. July 22, 1854; ra. Dec. 13, 1873, Olive Doty, iii. Georgiana J>., b. Aug. 18, 1860; m. John Xewcomb; m. (2), Ethan Allen Rich. iv. ^Nfabel Lothrop, b. ; m. William Summers. V. Albertha 1'homas, 1». ; in. Fred Porter Bailey. vi. Ethel T.inwood, b. . 1203 William- Hedge married Catheiine Elliott Russell. See 81G. 1204 Eliza ilus.sEv" (iooDWiN (Albert G.^), born April 14, 1841 ; died Dec. 20, 1895; manied June 10, 18(12, Charles H. Frothing- ham, of Boston, born Feb. 1, 183G ; died May, 1889. Chikben (Frotliingham) : i. Anna Sprague,'' b. July 2S», 1808; m. (^ct. 17, Hidl, .Fohii OviattDeWolf. ii. Winthrop, b. Aug. 30, 1809 ; d. Oct. 18, 1870. iii. Albert Goodwin, b. Sept. 17, 1871. iv. Louisa l^artlett, b. Dec. 19, 1874. 398 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 1205 Ezra Shaw- Goodwin {Nathaniel), bom j\Iar. 27, 1834 ; died Jiiii., 1895; married Susan S. Palmer, of New Bedford, Mass. Children (Goodwin) : i. Fanny Koss,^ b. April, 1862 ; m. in 1883, James E. Ham. Child (Ham) : i. James Goodwin,^ b. Aug. 12, 1885. ii. Susan Palmer, b. Nov., 1863 ; d. Mar., 1888. iii. Aral)ella White, b. Jan., 1865; d. Dec, 1883. 1206 Fanny Ginns" Goodwin (Nathaniel^'), born June 10, 183G; married July 29, 1862, Horace Watson Bates; died Feb. 14, 1901. Res., Kiverton, Ky., and Cincinnati, Ohio. Children (Bates) : i. Alice,» b. Fel>. 19, 1865; m. Sept. 2, 1901, Joseph K. Pollock, ii. Sturgis Goodwin, b. July 17, 1868; m. Nov. '^8, 1899, Sallie Russell Biggs. 1207 Laban" Coffin {PJiilandey-^'), born April 17, 1825, in Nan- tucket, Mass.; died Dec. 6, 1890, in Portland, Oregon. He went to California, in 1851, on the clipper ship " Flying Cloud," and married Oct. 4, 1851, on board ship, in the harbor of San Francisco, Sarah B. Lyon, of Dedham, ]Mass. Children (Coffin) : i. Nellie,^ b. . ii. Henry, b. . iii. Arthur, b. . iv. Annie, b. . V. Lester, b. . vi. Stanlev, b. . 1208 Caroline' Coffin (Philander^), born Dec. 5, 1826, in Nan- tucket, Mass. ; niariied Aug. 20, 1848, Reuben Burdett, born Mar. 19, 1828. Res., San Jose, Cal. Seventh Generation. 399 Cliildren (Burdett) : i. George Laban," b. May 18, 1849. ii. Ella, b. May 15, 1853; d. July 3, 1876; m. May 13, 1875, Frank M. Thomas, iii. Ilattie, b. May 10, 1858. 1209 Sarah Ceeley" Coffin (Fhilander^), born Nov. 30, 1834, in Nantucket, :Mass. ; died Mar. 21, 1892; married Aug. 17, 1851, George Rand, born Aug. 31, 1831 ; died Nov. 22, 1856 ; married (2), Oct. 14, 1857, John Harper Pease, born Jan. 24, 1826. Child (Rand): i. Etiiily Cartwright,8 b. Sept. 22, 1855, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; m. Aug. 7, 1872, Roland Coleman Remsen, b. June 20, 1845, in Nantucket, Mass.; d. June 4, 1891. Res., Oakland, Cal. Children (Remsen), born in San P^ran- cisco, Cal. : i. Roland Coleman,^ b. Sept. 24, 1873. ii. George William, b. Feb. 13, 1875. iii. Arthur, b. Mar. 13, 1876; d. Oct., 1882. iv. Herbert, b. Mar. 4, 1877. V. Matie S., b. July 29, 1878; d. Sept. 2, 1878. vi. Chester Abbott, h. Oct. 27, 1880. vii. May, b. May 7, 1883. viii. Eldred, b. April 8, 1886. ix. Son, b. June, 1887; d. June, 1887. X. Marguerite, b. Aug. 23, 1891, in Claremont, Cal. Childi-en (Pease) : ii. Arthur Coffin, b. Nov. 10, 1859, in San Pablo, Cal. iii. John Harper, b. Feb. 6, 1861, in San Pablo. iv. Ahee, b. Feb. 24, 1865, in Sebastopol, Cal.; m. Sept. 18, 1882, Eron Cannon, b. June 3, 1857, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Res., Oakland. Children (Cannon) : i. Ray,^ b. Nov. 7, 1883, in San FrancLsco. ii. Myrtle, b. Sept. 23, 1890, in Oakland. 1210 ^AuRELiA' Coffin {Thomas J.% born Nov. 25, 1843; died Nov. 27, 1889; married in 186^, Parker Hinkley, died Jan. 31, 1897. 4(JU Z>esce))(7ants of Francis LeBnron. Children (Hinkley) : i. Fred,* b. Dec. 24, 1869. ii. John, b. Feb. 2, 1875. iii. Walter, b. Dec. 12, 1876. 1211 Lydia Tice" CoFFtx {G-ardnei^'), bom April 4, 1844; married June 30, 1864, William Chase Russell. Res.,- Everett, Mass. Children (Russell) : i. Annie Cook,^ b. April 30, 1865; d. Mar. 2, 1867. ii. Frank Worth, b. July 30, 1808; m. Jan. 25, 1893, Mercy A. Page. Child (Russell) : i. Borris Marjorie,^ b. Nov., 1895. iii. Eva, b. Jan. 8, 1871. iv. Charles Gardner, b. Sept. 4, 1873. V. Grace Lillian, b. May 14, 1880. vi. Lillian Currier, b. Mar. 23, 1882; d. Aug. 12, 1882. 1212 Harriet- Folger {Harriet G-.^ Ooffin), born Aug. 22, 1845; married John D. Collins. Res., San Jose, Cal. Children (Collins) : i. Mary Elizabeth,^ b. Oct. 4, 1874. ii. Bessie Folger, b. Nov. 1, 1876. 1213 Jane Ermina" Locke {John G'.^}, born May 17, 1840; died Nov. 6, 1863, in Boston, Mass.; married July 28, 1857, James Milnor Robinson, died Dec. 6, 1873, in Canaan, N. Y. Children (Robinson): i. Hannah Milnor," b. Nov. 13, 1858; m. Carl Oolof Axel Ljungstedt, Washington, D. C. ii. Abbie Erraina Loring Locke, b. Sept. 18, 1861; d. July 16, 1862. 1214 Mary Haven" Locke {John G.% born June 22, 1843 ; mar- ried Nov. 20, 1867, Rev. Samuel Edwards Evans, of Chelsea, Mass.; died in 1891. He was graduated from Harvard College, Seventh Generation. 401 in 1863, and from Cliicago Theological Seminary, in 1867 ; manied (2), June 8, 1892, Henry R. Thompson. Res., Newtonville, Mass. Children (Evans) : i. Maud Mary," b. Aug. 9, 1868; m. July 5, 1X00, Herman (). Webster, of Alstead, N. IT. Children (Webster) : i. Iluiih Leliaroii,^ b. April 25, 1S!)1. ii. Mui/, b. Aug., 1892. iii. Mariini Lota, b. Jan., 1895. iv. Henri/ Oliver, b. June, 1896. ii. Grace Ermina, b. April 19, 1870; m. April 30, 1895, Her- bert Stone James, of Brockton, Mass. Child (James) : i. Locke LeBaron,^ b. Mar. 24, 1897. iii. Kenneth Edward, b. Jan. 28, 1875; m. Oct. 12, 1897, Elizabeth MacSkinnon. He was grraduated from Ban- gor Theological Seminary, in 1897, and was Pastor of the Unitarian Church in Danvers, Mass., in 1898. 1215 Alice Elizabeth' Locke (John G-.^), born Feb. 2, 1861 ; mar- ried Sept. 27, 1884, Dean William Park, of Boston, Mass., born Sept. 14, 1862. Res., Coulterville, Cal. Children (Park) : i. Carl Joseph,'^ b. Oct. 13, 1885, in Georgetown, Col. ii. Harriet, b. Feb. 7, 1887, in Denver, Col. 1216 Helen' Locke (John G.^), born May 6, 1866 ; married April 6, 1892, Rev. Robert Edwards, son of John and Elizabeth Farrier. Res., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Children (Farrier) : i. Ednah Crosby,^ b. June 23, 1893. ii. Robert Locke, b. Dec. 3, 1894. iii. Helen EUzabeth, b. Dec. 16, 1896. iv. Gordon LeBaron, b. Oct. 12, 1899. 1217 John Goodwin' Locke (John (r.^), born Aug. 22, 1868, in Boston, Mass. ; married Feb. 6, 1894, in Houston, Texas, Augusta Jones, born Sept. 14, 1867, in Illinois. Res., New York City. 402 Descendants of JF'rancis LeBaron. Child (Locke) : i. John Goodwin,* h. May 13, 1895, in Houston. 1218 John Hakkod" Foster (Hannah Gf' Locke), boni April 27, 1847, in Dorchester, Mass. ; married. Dec. 12, 1872, Mary Gardner Churchill, born April 4, 1847. Res., Baltimore, Md. Children (P'oster) : i. John Harrod,* b. Sept. 2U, 1875. ii. Reginald, b. . iii. Helen Mason, b. Jan. 11, 1880; d. May 2, 1884. 1219 Charles^ Foster (Hannah G.^ Locke), horn Mar. 6, 1850, in Dorchester, Mass. ; married Dec. 10, 1884, in Taunton, Mass., Elizabeth Yonge Andros, born June 12, 1852. Res., Norton, Mass. Children (Foster) : i. Elizabeth Andros,* b. Sept. 20, 1885, in Taunton. ii. Richard Andros, b. Nov. 18, 1887, in Taunton. iii. Goodwin LeBaron, b. June 4, 1891, in Calcutta, E. L iv. Sibyl, b. Nov. 30, 1892, in Calcutta. 1220 Joseph Locke" Foster (Hannah G.^ Locke), born Nov. 14, 1853, in Dorchester, Mass. ; married Oct. 8, 1878, in Hingham, Mass., Elizabeth Luther Harlow, born Oct. 26, 1855. Res., New- ton (Centre), Mass. Child (Foster) : i. Margaret Harlow,* b. Aug. 9, 1881. 1221 Charles Borden" Boutelle (Charles 0.^), born May 14, 1843; married June 23, 1871, Adeline M. Smith; married (2), June 23, 1887, Delia Esther Skelski, born June 16, 1872. Res., Jersey City Heights, N. J. Children (Boutelle) : i. Charles Otis,* b. May 10, 1872; d. Dec. 30, 1872. ii. Charles Otis, b. April 20, 1889. I i Seveyith Generation. 403 iii. James Thatcher, 1>. Mar. "JO, ISUI. iv. Helen Louise, b. June "20, 1893. V. Cora Fre.la, b. Nov. 9, 1895. 1222 Joirx Bartlett" Boutelle {^Charles 0.*^), born Dec. 14, 1840; married Sept. 2;"), 1875, Marianna Hedge Faulkner, of Plymouth, Mass.; died Oct., 1876; married (2), Mar. 9, 188(s Emiiie Carl- Xm\ Chase. Res., Wasliington, D. C. Child (Boutelle): i. Marianna Iledge,^ b. July 7, 1^7ti, in Spartanburg, S. ('. 1223 Helen Louise" Boutelle (^Charles 0.*^), born ; died June 7, 1899, in Norfolk, Va. ; married April 23, 1878, William Thomp- son Barron, born July 14, 1854, at Gosport Navy Yard. Res., Norfolk. Children (Barron) : i. Charles Otis,' b. Oct. 4, 1S79. ii. Doris, b. Sept. lU, 1886; d. July '2, 1888. 1224 Henrietta Kelsall' Robhins (William HJ'), born Oct. 19, 1835; died April 11, 1878; married Aug. 7, 1858, Francis Marion Mclvor, died Sept. 1, 1876. Child (Mclvor) : i. Nicholas Williara,M). April 30, IH;")!*; m. Sept. C, lsi>o, Elizabeth Greene. lie is City Attorney- in Cedar Rajnds, Iowa. Children (McTvor) : i. Ifclen Elizabeth,^ b. June 24, 1891, in Cedar Rapids, ii. Henrietta Frances, b. Oct. 20, 1802, In Cedar Rai>ids. iii. Carlisle Chaniller,h. Sept. 27, 1800, in Yokoliama, .Fapan. 1225 Josephine ELiz.\nETH" Roiuuns (^William IL"), born June 19, 1837; married Mar. IS, lS(i2, James Harrington Powe. Res., Cheraw, S. C. 404 Descendants of Francis LeJBaron. Children (Powe) : i. Harriet Caroline,' b. Jan. 30, 1863 ; m. Gen. James Can- ning Lynch. She was graduated from Wellesley Col- k'ge in 1885. Res., Phila., b. April 29, 1878. iii. Henry L., b. May 26, 1880. Seventh Generation. 4Q5 ii. Alice Gertrude, b. Sej)t. 21, 1857, in Portland; d. Nov. 18, 1859. iii. Henry Revere, b. June 15, 1861, in New Bedford, iv. Frances Watson, b. Jan. (>, 1864, in New Bedford: ni. Nov. 25, 1897, Charles Frank Burns. V. Minnie Louise, b. Feb. 19, 1874, in New Bedford; ni. Nov. 3, 1897, Henry Albert Osgood. 1228 Frederick Courtney Alverton" Shaw (^Emily P.^ Clark), born Feb. 18, 1842, in Dixfield, Me. ; married May 26, 1867, Kate M. Divine, of Leesbiirg, Va. Children (Shaw) : i. George Francis,8b. Dec. 11, 1867 ; m. June 9, 1890, Helen C. Bassett, of Washington, D. C. Children (Shaw) : i. Edna Frances,^ b. Mar. 26, 1892. ii. Helen Lilian, h. April 11, 1897. ii. Kate Louise, b. Sept. 4, 1869; ra. Sept. 24, 1890, Joseph S. Church, d. Dec. 1, 1894; m. (2), Nov. 3, 1897, Dr. Israel Wartield. Child (Church) : i. Frederick Courtney William,^ b. Feb. 25, 1892. 1229 Harriet Elizabeth' Clark (James T.^), born July 27, 1841 ; married Sept. 25, 1863, Thomas Merrill Crocker, born Jan. 1, 1833, in Pari.s, Me. ; died Feb. 20, 1893. Children (Crocker) : i. Thomas Stowell,^ b. Nov. 25, 1864; ra. Sept. 29, 1891, Rose Lunt Pratt. Child (Crocker) : i. Arline Dorothea,'^ b. Feb. 25, 1896. ii. Harriet Clarissa, b. May 2, 1866. 1230 John Francis LeBaron- [Patch] {Margaret A. G.^ Poor), born Sept. 28, 1847, in Boston, Ma.ss. ; married Nov. 28, 1872, Mary Brown Kinsman, born Mar. 9, 1848: died Sept. 19, 1883: I 406 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. married (2), Dec. 26, 1885, Philomena Euphemia Mauncie, born Dec. 22, 1857. He is a civil engineer. Res.,.Chardon, Ohio. Children (LeBaron*) : i. Ernest Thatcher,^ b. Oct. 3U, 1873 ; ra. Sept. 1.5, 1898, Sadie Raymond Saras, ii. Rudolph Wendell PhUlips, b. Dec. 30, 1880. iii. Hattie ]Marie, b. Sept. 16, 1883. iv. Joanna Frances, b. Nov. 6, 1887. 1231 Emeline Philleo" Goodwin {John M.^), born Aug. 28, 1862 ; died Jan. 11, 1902 ; married Jan. 20, 1897, Joseph Thayer Gilman. Child (Gilman) : ■ i. Joseph Thayer,8 b. Mar. 19, 1898. 1232 John Marston" Goodwin (John M.^}, born Aug. 11, 1863 ; married Nov. 16, 1892, Eugenie Richter. He is President and General Manager of the Goodwin Car Co. Res., New York City. Children (Goodwin) : i. Celestine Richter,^ b. Sept. 20, 1893. ii. Emeline Philleo, b. June 7, 1896. iii. John Marston, b. Nov. 16, 1897. iv. Francis LeBaron, b. Mar. 18, 1903. 1233 Thomas Goodwin' Aurelio (Lkci/ L.^ G-oodwin), born Mar. 14, 1840; married Jan. 7, 1865, in Fayal, Charlotte Geraldina De Silva, born Oct. 31, 1842 ; died Dec. 5, 1880 ; married (2), Oct. 19, 1884, Maria Brum, born Aug. 19, 1848. Res., Willimantic, Ct. Children (Aurelio) : i. Lucy Goodwin,^ b. Nov. 28, 1865; m. in 1887, Joseph J. Fields, of Norwich, Ct. ii. Sara Goodwin, b. Nov. 3, 1867 ; m. in 1888, Frank J. Fields. * His name was changed by the Probate Court of Essex County, Mass., May 5, 18G8 (before marriage), to John Francis LeBaron. i Seventh Generation. Id" iii. Charlotte Goodwin, b. Sept. 14, 1869; m. in 1890, Joseph Francis Joseph. ChiUlren (Joseph) : i. Charlotte 7i.,» b. Feb. 1(5, 1892. ii. GeraldiJie B., b. Sept. 23, 1896. iv. WilUam Goodwin, b. July 19, 1871 ; d. June 22, 1872. V. Henry Goodwin, b. Oct. 21, 1872 ; m. Martha Glendeming. 1234 Albert' Graeter (Elizabeth M.^ G-oodwin}, born Sept. 26, 1835, in Boston, Mass. ; married July 4, 1871, Eliza Campiche, of Canton de Neuchatel, Switzerland, born June 13, 1835. He re- sides in Basle, Switzerland, where he is a teacher of languages. Children (Graeter) : i. Victor Albert,* b. May 27, 1872. He holds the degree of Ph. D. ii. Charles, b. Feb. 8, 1874. He has the degree of M. D. iii. Paul, b. Sept. 23, 1875. iv. Edward, b. Jan. 3, 1881. 1235 John Benignus" Graeter (^Elizabeth MS- Goodwin), born May 12, 1838, in Boston, Mass.; died Feb., 1895, in Esslingen, Wur- temburg, Germany; married Jan. 10, 1867, Matilda Frommel, born Oct. U», 1839; died Oct. 10, 1872; married Sept., 1874, Bertha Schueie, born Dec. 22, 1844. Children (Graeter) : i. Ifudolf,** b. June 20, 1870. A clergyman in Wurteniburg, ii. Matilda, b. Sept. 11, 1875. iii. Adelaide, b. in 1882. iv. William, b. in 1885. 1236 Lewis Michael" Graeter {Elizabeth M.^ Goodivhi), born Dec. 15, 1843, in Stuttgart, Germany; married Jan. 11, 1870, Ursula Beusing, born Jan. 4, 1845, in Wurteniburg, Germany. Kes., Esslingen, Wurteniburg. Children (Graeter) : i. Samuel,^ b. Oct., 1870; d. in lst90. ii. Joanna, b. Jan., 1878. 408 Descendants of Francis LeJBaron. iii. Martha, b. April, 1874. iv. Elizabeth, b. July, 1S75. V. Irene, b. . vi. Christian, b. . vii. Pauline, b. . viii. Mary, b. . ix. Reinhokl, b. X. Matilda, b. - 1237 Lillian Ivers" Austin {Mary J.^ Goodivhi), born June 7, 1851 ; married April 25, 1876, Albert de Silva, born in F^iyal. Res., Koxbury, Mass. Children (de Silva) : i. Albert LeBaron Aastin,^ b. Oct. 17, 1878; d. Aug. 11, 1879. ii. Paul Austin, b. April 3, 1881. iii. Mark Trecothic, b. May 20, 1885. iv. Joan Marie, b. Jan. 13, 1890. 1238 LeBaron Loring^ Austin {Mary J.^ Goodwin), born Mar. 31, 1853, in Lincoln, Mass.; married Feb. 13, 1876, Elizabeth George Haskins, born in Buffalo, N. Y. Res., Chicago, 111. Children (Austin): i. Jane Cameron,* b. May 11, 1877, in Burlington, Iowa, ii. Loring LeBaron, b. Aug. 12, 1881, in Burlington, iii. Elizabeth Caryl Cameron, b. Sept. 26, 1892, in Chicago; d. Mar. 21, 1893. 1239 Edward Winslow" Watson (Mary^ Russell}, born Sept. 20, 1853 ; married Nov. 27, 1890, Anna Johanna Johnson, born Sept. 29, 1869. Res., Plymouth, Mass. Cliildren (Watson) : i. Mary Russell,^ b. May 24, 1892. ii. Ellen Marston, b. June 2, 1898. iii. Anna Christine, b. Feb. 20, 1901. Seventh Generation. 409 1240 Lydia Goodwin" Russell (^William. G-J^), horn Sept. 3, 18o4; murriecl April 20, 1876, Roger Newton Allen. Res., Boston, Mass. Cliildren (Allen) : i. William Russell,** 1.. Sept. 17, 1^<7S; d. Mar. 17, 1S79. ii. KosaTuoiid, b. Nov. 17, 1S79. iii. William Goo.hvin Russell, !>. May 11, 1882. 1241 Tho^fas' Russell (William ^.^), born June 17, 1858; married Sept. 19, 1894, Laura Loring Parker. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1879, and received the degree of LL.H., in 1882. Cliild (Russell) : i. Barbara,^ b. Aug. 23, 1898. 1242 Marion" Russell ( William G.^), born July 11, 1865 ; married Oct. 20, 1897, William S. Townsend. Children (Townsend) : i. Elizabeth,^ b. June 25, 1898. ii. Rose, twin to Elizabeth. 1243 Ellen Taylor' Russell (Thomas'"), born Jan. 23, 1854; mar- ried Mar. 16, 1877, at St. Thomas, W. I., Gen. Alejandro Ybarra, of Caracas, Venezuela. C'hildren (Ybarra) : i. Alejandro Tomas,« b. Oct. 8, 1880, in Boston, Mass. ii. Leonor, b. May H, 1885, in Caracas, iii. Alejandro, b. Feb. 16, 1890, in Caracas. 1244 HiCNKY Goodwin' MacKave (Maria ES' Goodwin), Ixaii .Mar. 16, 1857; married Jan. 18, 1887, Ellen I., daughter of William Bailey, born Nov. 28, 1861, in Middletown, R. I. He is a phy- .sician. Res., Newport, R. I. 410 Descendants of Francis Le Baron. Cliildreu (MacKaye) : i. Elizabeth Ellery,« b. Nov. 30, 1888. ii. Mary Goodwin, h. July 12, 1892. iii. Dorothy Bailey, b. Nov. 21, 1898. 1245 (xEORGE W.' SouLE {^Ahlyif Groodiviu'), bom Mar. 17, 1836; married Nov. 19, 1862, Martha Storrs Waterman, born Dec. 28, 1836. Res., Meriden, N. H. Children (Soule) : i. Martha Maude,'^ b. Aug. 25, 1866, on board ship at Hong- kong; m. Oct. 27, 1889, Edmund J]. Hunt. Children (Hunt) : i. Georye Edmund,^ b. Dec. 6, 1890. ii. Mildred Lucile, b. Jan. 14, 1892. iii. Leigh, b. Sept. 21, 1893. iv. Olive Louise, h. Oct. 22, 1894. V. Cyril Thomas, b. June 9, 1896. ii. George W., b. Aug. 13, 1868, on board ship at San Fran- cisco, Cal. ; d. May 11, 1875. 1246 Nathan T." Soule (Ahhf Goodunn), born May 22, 1840 ; married Dec. 25, 1888, Lillian, daughter of William T. and Ede R. (Child) Hanchett, born Sept. 27, 1859. Res., Duxbury, Mass. Child (Soule) : i. Cora,^ b. in 1890. 1247 Adeline Willard' Clark (^Lydia^ G-oodivin'), born April 19, 1839 ; married Sept. 9, 1862, James F. Harlow. Res., Medford, Mass. Children (Harlow) : i. Enima,» b. Sept. 26, 1872. ii. Olive, b. May 7, 1878. Seventh Generation. 411 1248 Ja.mes Otis" Goodwin ( G-eorgc T.*^), born April 26, 1844 ; married Nov. 13, 1867, Emma W. Wild, of Medford, Muss. Children (Goodwin) : i. Alice,'' I). Oct. 9, 1869; d. .Tan. 19, 1S71. ii. Mabel Wild, b. June 17, 1871 ; m. Nov. 2, 1897, William Arthur Lincoln. Child (Lincoln) : i. AUr<',^ b. Sept. lit, 1898. iii. Clara Wild, b. Sept. 14, 1875; m. Oct. "2, 1900, Henry Clinton Jackson, iv. Winthrop Otis, b. Dec. 29, 1886; d. Mar. 18, 1887. 1249 Carrie G.' Bates {Emily F.^ Goodzvin'), born in 1855 ; mar- ried in 1878, Harvey Bartlett; manied (2), in 1884, Frank H. R. Prentiss. Children (Prentiss) : i. Charles G.,^ b. in 1885. ii. Pearl D., b. in 1888. iii. Leslie H., b. in 1890. 1250 Charles William" Read {George W.^), born July 27, 1847; married May 29, 1880, in Asliland, Mass., Anna Bell Hewes, of Bangor, Me. Child (Read): i. Albert W.,^ b. Aug. 3, 1882, in Ashland. 1251 George Edwin" Read {George TF.*^), born Sept. 7, 1850 ; mar- ried in 1872, Frances Ellen Clark, of Levant, Me. Child (Read) : i. Frank LeBaron,* b. Oct. 15, 1872. 412 Descendants of Fraticis LeBaron. 1252 James H.' Beals (^Anna 31. W.^ Read), born Nov. 14, 1849 ; married Jan. 1, 1872, Mary Frances Warren, born April 12, 1852. Children (Beals): i. Annie Read,* b. Dec. 14, 1872, in Brookline, Mass. ii. Harry Warren, b. Ajiril 12, 1875, in Brookline. iii. Florence, b. Oct. 27, 1881, in New York City. iv. Harold, 1). Nov. 3, 1885, in New York City. 1263 Dora Anita" Beals (Aniia M. W.^ Read), born June 19, 1855; married Oct. 2, 1880, George W. Bogman, born Sept. 24, 1852. Cliildren (Bogman) : i. George W.,** b. Oct. 21, 1889. ii. James Henry, b. Jan. 27, 1895. 1264 Annie Read' Beals {Anna M. W.^ Read), born June 19, 1855 ; married July 2, 1878, W. Arthur Roberts, died in 1888, in Boston, Mass. Child (Roberts) : i. William Willard," b. Mar. 26, 1879. 1255 Florence Melvina' Beals {An7ia M. W.^ Read), born Mar. 7, 1857 ; married Sept. 16, 1880, Charles Hendrix Dolbeer, born Jan. 22, 1841. Res., Batavia, N. Y. Cliildren (Dolbeer) : i. Florence Beals,^ b. July 19, 1883, in Little Rock, Ark. ii. Caroline, b. Feb. 11, 1880, in Little Rock. 1256 William Walter- Viles (William A.^), born Aug. 7, 1846; married June 3, 1868, Clara A. Whittemore, died Sept. 27, 1879; Seve7ith Generation. 413 married (2), Cleora O. Kilbreth, of Livermore, Me., died July 20, 1896. Res., Harvard, Mass. Child (Viles): i. Fanny Tompkins,^* h. Nov. 12, l.s,s:{. 1257 Florence Peiikins' Viles (William A.''), bum Aug., 18.50; married Nov. 13, 1873, Louis Seymour Hodges, lies., Attleboro, Mass. Children (Hodges) : i. John Adelbert,* b. April 1, 187G. ii. Louis Seymour, b. Sept. 14, 1878 ; d. Jan. 10, 1887. 1258 Lizzie Walter" Viles (William A.^), born Jan., 1853 ; mar- ried Aug. 10, 1876, Frank A. Richards, died Mar. 4, 1895. Res., Arlington, Mass. Children (Richards) : i. Frank Albert,^ b. July 8, 1877; d. Jan. 6, 1882. ii. ITenry William, b. Jan. 4, 1880; d. June 13, 1881. iii. Percy Allan, b. Sept. 12, 1881. iv. Helen Frances, b. Sept. 2, 1894. 1259 Hannah Jane- Baker (Jane E."^ Goodwin), born about 1838 ; married June 8, 1856, Alfred W. Stubbs. Cliildren (Stubbs) : i. Hiram Norton,^ b. June 21, 1857; ni. Oct. 29, 1881, Clara A. Stubbs. Children ( Stid^bs) : i. Olive Hannah,^ b. Aug. 7, 18S5. ii. Effie Clara, b. Aug. .5, 1SS8; d. Sept. 5, 188S. iii. Frank Edward, b. Dec. (i, 1890; d. Aug. 21, 18!)1. ii. Lydia Jane, b. Feb. 24, 1859; m. April 20, 1879, Warren K. Knowles. lies., Bangor, Me. Children (Knowli-s) : i. Lida Muy,'^ b. May 1(5, 1880. ii. Oncar Warren, h. Oct. 2, 1881; d. Dec. 25, 1883. iii. liena Josephine, b. Dec. 25, 1885; d. April Ki, 18S1). iv. Jane liohbins, b. Oct. 30, 1896. 414 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. iii. Effie May, b. Mar. 10, 1862; m. June 15, 1885, Edgar L. Brown. Children (Brown) : i. Edunn Ihnry,'^ b. Mar. 19, 1886: d. Mar. 22, 188H. ii. Winjield Call, b. Nov. Ih, 1888. iii. Scvmll Cronby, b. Aug. 7, 1891. iv. Marston Rich, b. July 9, 1867; m. Dec. 15, 18s7, Susie M. Quimby. 1260 Delphina Frances^ Goodwin {Chandler /?.^), born Dec. 3, 1850 ; married Dec. 31, 1870, Frank W. Haley. Children (Haley) : i. Millie C.,« b. Jan. 19, 1873. ii. Charles Merritt, b. Nov. 1, 1874; d. April 13, 1896. 1261 Ernest Alfred" Goodwin {Aloyizo^^, born Sept. 20, 1857; married June 15, 1889, Lavonia Gilman. Res., Boston, Mass. Child (Goodwin) : 1. Otto Carlyle,« b. May 16, 1895. 1262 Harriet Elizabeth' Goodwin {Alonzo^'), born Aug. 10, 1859; married Feb. 14, 1884, Joel Melvin Wheeler. Res., Phillips, Me. Children (Wheeler) : i. Prince Albert,** b. Dec. 9, 1888. ii. Harold William, b. Nov. 29, 1890. 1263 Nellie Scott" Goodwin {Alonzo^'), born June 10, 1862: mar- ried July 8, 1887, diaries S. Rice. Child (Rice) : i. Barbara Goodwin,*^ b. Dec. 25, 1889. 1264 Elizabeth^ Gladding {Mary B.^ Willard), born April 28, 1822; died May 29, 1859; married' Sept. 13, 1840, Capt. Nelson Waldron, born Aug. 24, 1814 ; died Aug. 23, 1885. Seventh Generation. 415 Children (Waldion) : i. Elizabeth X.,» b. Oct. 'io, 1842; m. Jan. 22, 18(57, Ilai-ri- son I.. .Alarcy, b. Au^-. 1, 1S:{8. lies., Windsor, V't. Children (Marcy ) : i. Lena Louise,^ b. 8ept. 18, 1872; in. June 7, IS't;), Frank L. Cone. ii. ^f(ly Elizabeth, b. Mar. 17, 1S74. ii. Mary Anna, b. April 19, 1848; m. Aug. 4, 187U, James P^rsyth, b. Nov. 23, 1842. Res., Acworth, N. H. Children (Forsyth) : i. AliceA.,^h. Dec. 17, 1874; m. Dec. 25, 189"), John H. Fiske, of Charlestown, N. H. ii. Arthur W., b. Mar. 16, 1887; d. Dec. 13, 1888. iii. Francis Ilobart, b. Fel*. o, 1853; d. Sept. 16, 1869. iv. Charles Bowditoh, b. May 7, 1855 ; d. June 25, 1859. V. Emily Ilowland, b. Feb. 18, 1857; ra. Dec. 6, 1879, William W. Trendell, b. Jan. 1, 1856. Res., Windsor. Children (Trendell) : i. Fanny Isabel,^ b. Jan. 8, 1884. ii. Clarence Herbert, b. Dec. 12, 188!>. iv. Harriet Leonard, b. June 24, 1858; d. Dec. 22, 1869. 1265 Jerome- Willakd (Hezekiah^), born June 5, 1839; married Mar. 16, 1861, Mary A. Gladding, born Nov. 23, 1841. Kes., Warren, R. I. Children (Willard) : i. Ilezekiah,^ b. June 14, 1862. ii. Grace, b. May 16, 1866; d. July 18, 1.892; in. John New- man. Children (Newman) : i. Charleii Harold,'^ b. Feb. 10, IS'.K). ii. Willard Gladduvj, b. .June 2t», isicj. iii. Jerunic, 1>. Jan. 29, 1869; in. Dec 6, 1S9;J, Sarali l^ii/.a Smith, of Bristol, R. I. Res., Jamaica I'lain, Mass. Child (Willard) : i. Herbert Lawrence,'* b. Sept. 20, 1804. iv. Henry Gladding, b. Aug. ijn, 1876. 416 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. 1266 Charles Fkederick" Willarij (^George Z/.*^), burn Feb. 23, 1836; died Mar. 28, 1899; married May 20, 1863, Mary C, daughter of John T. Moore, of New York, born July 30, 1847. Wlien the Civil War broke out, he enlisted in the 13th N. Y. Regt. Vols. He later entered the Navy and served as ensign on the Iroquois, being with Farragut at New Orleans. After the war he became a broker in New York. Res., Brooklyn, N. Y. Children (Willard): i. Edward Moore,'* b. Jan. 9, 1864; d. Oct. 9, lb64. ii. Harriett LeBaron, b. Jan. 2, 1869; d. Sept. 6, 1871. iii. William Bradford, b. June 26, 1873; m. Dec. 17, 1902, Ellen Paulding. iv. Gladys, b. June 17, 1877. 1267 Edward Augustus" Willard (^George i.^), born ]\iay 28, 1846 ; married Feb. 2, 1869, Caroline Holt, daughter of John Middagh Sands, of Brooklyn, N. Y., born April 24, 1849. Children (Willard) : i. Maud,« b. Dec. 20, 1869; m. Oct. 19, 1892, Buel Havens Hemeinvay, of Watertown, Ct. Children (Hemenway) : i. Madeline,^ b. Sept. 20, 1893. ii. Buel Havens, b. Aug. 24, 1895. ii. Edward Augustus, h. Feb. 22, 1871. iii. Caroline Sands, b. Jan. 7, 1873. iv. Marion Bradford, b. July 28, 1874; d. June 10, 1908; m. Oct. 15, 1902, Dr. John Egerton Brandt, of Nice, France. V. P^ugene Sands, I). July 24, 1875; ni. April 27, 1903, Ella Fuller Guthrie, vi. LeBaron Sands, b. July 4, 1883. vii. John Middagh, b. July 29, 1884. viii. Bradford Holt, b. Feb. 26, 1888. 1268 Mary Ablsv^ Bradford {Allen T. *S'.^), born Jidy 7, 1835; married Dec. 5, 1854, A. Winsor Gooding. Res., Bristol, R. 1. Seventh Generation. 417 Child (Gooding) : i. James .AI./ h. .Alar. 27, 1857; ni. Oc-t. 18, 1885, Lily .M. Wall. Children (Gooding): i. William Bradford,'^ b. Aug. 0, ISSG. ii. ^[lH■, ls98. ii. Archie Walthahl, b. Feb. lli, 18;:2; married Nov. 29, 1884, George D., son of Joseph and Joanna Selden, born April 21, 1847. Res., Erie, Pa. Cliildren (Selden) : i. Marie Louise,^ b. Nov. 27, 1886. ii. George Dudley, b. April 4, 1889. 1335 WiLLARD BuRTis" Spader {Marie L.^ Hammond), born May 23, 1870; married April 20, 1892, Fannie, daughter of John C. and Annie Bertliolf, born in 1868. Cliild (Spader) : i. Helen,* b. Jan. 4, 1894. 1336 Walter J.' Emerson (Hepzibah F.^), born Feb. 5, 1862 ; mar- ried Jan. 4, 1883, Martha E. Henry, born May 8, 1858. Child (Emerson) : i. Roland H.,« b. June 29, 1888. 1337 Edward" LeBaron {John iS'.^), born Jan. 5, 1873 ; married Sept. 14, 1898, Helen Elizabeth Schrow. Child : i. Grace,* b. July 5, 1899. 1338 Arthur Chandler' Wood (Fhebe L.^), born July 5, 1873, in Hyde Park, Mass. ; married April 18, 1896, Theresa Hart, born Jan. 27, 1873, in Newfoundland. Res., Hyde Park. Child (Wood): i. Bertha Leonora,** b. Aug. 31, 1898. 1339 Florena Diantha' Kent {Elbridge LeB.^), born Feb. 8, 1860 ; married April 2, 1884, Lonzo Searle Crosby, born July 2, 1858. Res., Lawrence, Mass. i Seventh Generation. 435 Children (Crosby) : i. Elizabeth Kent,» b. Sept. 13, 1885. ii. Howell Thompson, b. Mar. 15, 1888; d. Nov. "JT, ls;cj. iii. Helen Lihan, born April 28, 1890. iv. Mahel Jewett, b. Jnly K-i, 1892. V. :Mil/i. 441 ('liildroii rOrifliiO : i. William K.,^ 1). Dec. 'I'l, 1870; .1. Auj,'. :5, isTl. ii. Klla II.. I.. .Vpril I'.i, IS?:*.; in. .Vi-ril 'J'.i. ISiM). Willi.iin II. 1366 Claua C' ii.viiNKs (^rostpft . iii. II:u-oM Bertram, 1.. Feh. 'Ii, 1888; d. .ruly !'.», 1S.S8. iv. Laurence Viles, h. ,l\dy S, 1889. V. Elliott Barnes, b. Oct. 17, 1890. vi. Clifton Francis, b. Jan. 28, 1892; d. ^far. 1.'.. L^i»2. vii. Charlotte liertram, b. Sept. 2, 189(1. A I'l'ENDTX. (A) As was stated on page 10, the compiler jtroposes to give in this .Appendix some of the varying traditions concerning the first Francis LeBaron, ])articularly in regard to his religions faith (regarding which, as already mentioned, different branches of the families of his descen- dants have held different theories), and brief notes on the accounts of his first appearance in America. It is not proposed to advocate the correctness of either of the divergent accounts, but only to state some of their various j)hases. These have been gathered fi-om diverse [Sources, and we give the authorities on which they are based. That F'rancis Lel^aron was a surgeon on a French privateer, and wrecked on the New England coast, has been persistently believed Ijj' all who have given attention to his history. However far family tra- ditions may wander, in their version of some interesting incident, fi'om the original or correct account of Avhat actually took ])lace, it has been found that they generally have some basis of trutli on which to rest, '{''his particular story of a l^'i-ench ])rivateer, for example, has been constantly preserved by those who have forgotten, if they ever knew, that just at the time she is said to have been Avrecked, the war between William III, king of England, and Louis XIV of P^rance, which fol- lowed soon after the accession of the former, hale proof, and needs no further comment; while the story of the dress-aword, such as might be worn by au officer of his reputed . ippc/if7i.r, 443 rank, the ownership of which is traced with cerlaitity tlirectlv to Francis \>\ a lineal descendant, affords what may l)e fhoM<;ht cumulative testi- mony on this ))oint. Tn a letter written in ISTO, by Sirrell C". I.eliaron, ul" Tccuniseh, Mich., a orreat-grandson of .lames (2), son of Francis, occurs the follow- ing in<|uiry: — Did you st;e in the inventory any ineiitiaron Monroe, Avho was a grandson of Lazarus' LeBaron (05), and Susannah Johonnot, of Boston, daughter of Andrew and Susannah (Olivier) Johonnot, both of Huguenot descent, in a letter written in 1870, said : "It is interesting to know that the blood of the CathoHe LeBaron, the Huguenot Johonnot, both from Rochelle, France, and of Warren, the Pilgrim, from F^ngland, should so eai-ly be mixed on the shores of New England." The legend which has come down in the family of Lazarus^ LelJaron (55) of Sutton, Mass., agrees with the story as told by Mr. Goodwin, in nearly every particular, and probably was the source of his version. This Lazarus was twenty-nine years old when his grandfather, Dr. Lazarus^ LeBaron (3), died, and forty when his father Lazarus,^ the second of the name, died. He was the only child of the eldest child of Dr. Lazarus, and spent many of his early years in Plymouth. Dr. Lazarus" (10) was sixteen when his grandmother, Mary (Wilder) Le- Baron, died, and he lived on the same street with her. 'I'hese facts liave furnished the strongest arguments for that form of the tradition Avhich has come down through the line of Lazarus. Without further ])reliminary we shall first give Mr. Goodwin's story, following it with versions from other sources. * Mr. John Abbott Goodwin was a descendant of Francis^ in the sixth generation : see p. 268 {(51)0) : for his sister, Mrs. Mary Jane (doodwin) Austin^ see (097). They were also of tlie fiftli, througli their mother (see 107 and 24(>). Appendix. 44r) THE FIIJST OF THE LkRAHONS. " A TRUK STOKV." Louis Pecton had been a surgeon in the French armies. As poi)ular |treju(life wouM not allow of dissections in civil life, and as Harvey's discoveries were written in English, few French jjractitioners then knew as nnich of tlieir ]»rofession as did the old women who actetl as nurses, or the harbers who nionoj)olized the use of the lancet. In his army ))ra<-tice, young Pecton had abundant opportunits- for (hssections, and for making the accjuaintance of English surgeons. When, tlierefore, lie went to take possession of his jiatrimon^- in a suburb of Jjorileaux, he was a surgeon of far greater skill and knowl- edge than was common at that day. He had married some years before; the parents of the parties had arranged the matcli, the bride and bridegroom knowing or caring little about each other, as was cus- tomary. On settling down at Bordeaux, it was witli a sort of agreeable surprise that the young couple found themselves exceedingly well mateiit richly fhased gold t-ross attached to an emljiuidered ri)>bon. A long, whispered consultation followed ; the result was that the doctor, after conferring with his wife, accepted the trust imposed, hut declaring that the little stranger should take the place of his own deceased darling, and should he made his heir, unless reclaimed by his father. The stranger sadly i'e])lied : '• No ! my double benefactor, that will never be. I am a doomed man, in spite of disguises and stratagems. Tf \ am alive you shall hear from me in just one year; if you do not, you may know that I no longer live." 'J'he stranger departed, and the doctor never heard of him again. The child arrived mysteriously, and the family adapted itself to its new circumstances without attracting outside attention. Soon after, it moved to the opposite side of the city, among strangers, who neither knew nor cared whether little Francis Pecton was the son of his nom- inal parents or not. At twenty-one, Francis had a tine education as the times went, and his training had been such as his father had recpiested. lie was the embodiment of health and good spirits, the only grief of his life having been the recent death of his supposed inother. His guanlian had given liim rare instruction in surgery, and had al)andoned his medical ])ractice to him, which the young man was following up with enthu- siasm. Ill l()9;i, when Francis was twenty-five years old, J^r. Pecton lav on his death-bed. In a long, last interview he revealed to his ward such portions of his history as he knew. Soon after, he departed, leaving Francis heir to his little estate. The latter, now doubly an orphan, never recovered his former light-heartedness. Something he had learned from the doctor, which cast a shadow over his spirit for life. His hereditary cross seemed now doubly j)recious to him, and was seldom long out of his hand. At length, his old home becoming insupportable, he invested a part of his funds in the city; a j>art he distributed among the poor of his neighborhood, and with the rest he bought a share in the privateer L'Aigle. Then, assuming the name of LeIJaron, as surgeon of his ship, he started out to tight the battles of l^ouis XH' against AViUiam and -Alary, l^ike most privateers, L'Aigle won many ignolile victories and made some very gallant failures. At length, in KilMi, while running along the New England coast, she took a look into l>uzzard\s Huy, and Appeii(J!.i\ 447 beinw caught ihere by a south-west wind, she never looketl further. To bear u)i was impossilile, and to bear away was destruction. She came to anchor, but soon the storm tore lier h>ose and drove her upon the west coast of Kahnouth. Her crew all landed safely, but the inhabi- tants leathered about thorn with extremely hostile indications. They had mistaken L'Aiule foi' a pirate, and were disposed to exterminate her crew at once. After some hours of threatening, .Afajor liourne, a magistrate, arrived and took com)nan/ /'V/nxis LcBarou. go with Leliaron to l>oston, and :isk tluit he might Hve in Fahnouth, on parole, until exclianged. Early one morning Major IJonrne, w ith Wilder anut while this feeling made him ready to abjure his native land and all connected with it, he held steadfastly to his religion, wearing his o-olden cross night and day, and providing that it should not be removed at his death. Many of his new neighbors were greatly troubled that their doctor should be a devotee of IJome, and this fact much injured his inrtueni-e. Indeed, he was often charged with a lack of cordiality and sociability. l>ut the poor found him a true follower of the noble- hearted l^ecton. For them his gentlest mannei-s and most earnest efforts were ready. Tlie remnants of his French property were re- claimed and formed into his i)rivate charity fund, and when his sur- vivors opened his will, they found that he had bequeathed the town of Plymouth ninety acres of land for the saine ])nr])Ose. The pros- perous complained of Ids Virusqueness, but the weak and friendless blessed the sound of his approaching footsteps ; — with them he was never imjtatient or indifferent, though they were sometimes ungrateful to him. With the aged he was tender, as they reminded liim of his adopted father and mother. Ks])ecially was he affected when, in 1(599, he soothed the last moments of .Mary Allerton Cushman, who as a girl of ten years had landed from the Mayflower, and now at the age of 90 was the sole survivor of that immortal corai)any. That the orphan \ i r.^ GRAVESTONE OF FRANCIS LeBARON. . \ppendi.r. ^^y of r>orench ancestor, ananci.s,J Dr. Lemuel' LelJaron (IS), written on his eighty-third birthday — Sept. \'2 (X. S., or 1, O. S.), I80O, — and giving the tradition as he had received it. He hehl the opinion that his ancestor was a member of the Roman church : "It maybe some gratification to families wliidi bear the name of LeIJaron to know something about their descent. *Mr. Goodwin was mistaken in tliis statement. A certain C. I-. TeRaron was wrecked on the coast of Florida in tlie latter part of the isth century, and has de.scendaut.s living in Mobile, Ala., and vicinity. We also find in lC>:i4-'), "a young man. named I A-Haron " was with a party of .Jesuit Fatliers, wlio were estabii.sliing missions among the Hurons. See " The .Jesuit Kela- tions and Allied Documents."' Then- is however ru.tliing to kIiow llmt he remained iu America, or married here. 4r)(» Desce/ulff/its of PraiiciK LeBuron. "The first of the name known in this country was Franc-is LeBaron, who was the surgeon of a French ])iivateer in the war whicli existed in the reign of William and Mary, of England, and Louis XIV, of France, which terminated in the peace of Ryswick, 1(198, after having raged eight years. The ))rivateer, through stress of weather or some otlier cause, fell into Buzzard's Bay, and was shipwrecked on a ledge of rocks near the western shore of the town of Sandwich ; the ship was lost, the crew saved. This took place about the year 1G9G. "The event alarmed the adjacent towns. 'The French are lauding,' was the cry. The militia and a mixed multitude, armed and unarmed, ran tu the spot; the}^ saw the French drawn up on the shore, com- pletely armed, who made signs of surrender, hut were not understood until a clergyman appeared, who pinned a white handkerchief to his cane and, lifting it up, marched toward ihe armed host. lie was soon met by a Hag; good treatment was promised, a surrender took place, and the cajjtives were marchej)0sed that the surgeon would have needlessly offended the feelings of those who were sincei'ely attached to liim, by a constant reminder of that " which they abhorred: " — m CO O -n CO m JO > CD O CD > JO O [ < -• 00 Tn w OJ m tNI U5 < r- m c m r~ m R ^ V V \ # MARTHA H.dEBARONi GODDARD. 1829-1888. AppetnJt.i'. l.'il •' Dr. Framis Leliaron, a native of Vratu-e, in tlie year ItiiHi, was siu'treon to a privateer, fitted out of Intnleaux, oruisintj on the American coast, which was wrecked at nuzzanVs Hay. The crew were carried prisoners to lioston. The suri^eon, the subject of tliis notice, came to Plymouth, and liavinu; performed a surijical operation, and the town being at tliat time destitute of a physician, tlie selectmen petitioned the executive, T.ieutenant-(TOvernor Stoughton, for his liberation, that he might settle in the town. This was granted, anaron dietitioned Lieut. -(iov. Stuugh- ton, the acting (Governor, that Dr. LeIJaron might be '•|)ermitled to tarry in the town of Plymouth.'' The petition was granted, ami he ]»racticed medicine and surgery there till his death. He wa.s a I{<»man Catholic, and alwa3's wore a cross uj»on his l)rea.st * If Mrs. Goddard i.s correct in her account, that part of the tradition wliich .says tlie privateer sailed from liordeaux (and wliicli is iiftcn rcpiMifd), reijuires that the evidence wliidi sustains it should be cited. Nunc Ims bfcn addui:ed, to our knowledt^c, nor do wc know of anytliinjjr to show that Kruncia was of Kuchellu, us is sometimes claimiil. 452 Descendants of Francis LelUiron. "There is no record or even tradition of his life before his arrival in Plymouth. No record can l)e found of the ])rivateer, or of the port from which she sailed ; only the fact of the shi|)wreck and of the liiyhlv educated Frenchman, of peculiar and decided character, who tarried in the little Pilgrim town, where he was an alien in speech, and an alien in religion, for less than ten years, and then died A cloud of mystery and romance surrounds his life." Mr. Phili])^ Battell (:^>36), a grandson of Elizabeth* (LelJaron) Rob- bins (17), herself a daughter of Dr. Lazarus- LelJaron, in reply to the ]»receding article, wrote as follows, under date of April 19, 1871 : " 1 have noticed Mrs. Goddard's ai-ticle in the 'Hist. (Ten. Register,' giving Ihe lirst three generations of the LeBaron famil3^ T do not accede to the idea of there being no tradition of the history of the first ancestor, before his arrival in Uuzzard's Bay. \\\\\\ us, the tradition of his ))revious condition was always familiar, — in fact, the main thing about him ; the story closing u]), as to our interest, with his establish- ment at Plymouth. " His religious style is not to be implied, without evidence, fi'om an ap])arently popular statement, like Thacher's. Ilis ])Osition seems natu- ral to me, as Protestant, without his making a ])rofession : the same, prol>ably, Avith that of many other business persons of the time, of lineage and social position. "The romance attacliing to him is that of the Huguenots, and his personal qualities theirs." In a letter written to Ca]jt. NathanieP Goodwin (G66), Mr. Battell discussed the matter more at length : this is printed below : — "MinDLET'.uRY, Vt., May 2, 1S71. "JW// Dear ^ir, — "S'our letter has just taken my attention, and given me much gratification The point is, not to reconcile the truth with inferences of ingenuit}^ which discredit if, but with the facts related to it. It is quite easy to see that a statement imi)arted to Mr. Cotton, merel}^, might survive the French ]»hysician, even outside his own family line, and drop into it again, even through the ministerial succession of Dr. Robbins Appenfh'.r. 4nJ> "Of course a fact of that kind, — yon see T am supposintr you to have the tradition, — might be otherwise transmitted to the refuj^ee's wife or other mtiniates: hut only a share of the community woidil apprehend it so as to retain it. How many ])eopk' now understand that Louis XIV allowed the imprisonnient of Protestant youth, and their contiiiement in schools and convents, to be e(hicated as Catholics; that the atrocious Mortara system was the rule of administration in his davV T venture to say, not half a dozen, from IJu/zard's Hay to Pro- vincetown. Less, at the time, would retain an impression of such a fact after one generation, or comjtrehend an incident related to it. A few possibly would, and in a single line of transmission the incidental circumstances might come to the light. " I knew a French physician in Shetheld, a marketl man in his way. Poj)ularly, we did not know his story. His name is now scarcely remembereIace, with the evident favor of the clergy, and the j)robable connivance of the Government, he was permitted to stay ; and if afterwards, as you suppose, in correspondence with his friends, his secret might remain undisturbed, as his seclusion would remain perpetual The cross is no bother. The illiber- ality of party was long passed with cultivated Puritans " Smiles's book on the Huguenots is a pleasant one, and gives a good background to our LeBaron tradition. He mentions a Prof. Baron, a Huguenot, early, from Etampes, near Paris.f The name might be the same, de-Gallicized. I think French works on biography or gen- ealogj% — possibly of Huguenot history, — might show the family locality. " If you have not immense leisure as well as immeasurable patience, you will wish the emigrant's line had failed in me at 80 ! . . , ,"" Under date of October 21, 1871, Mr. Battell wrote again : — " The question in dispute between the family tradition and the pujnilar impression of his religious attachments, as Thacher records it, is a less delicate one in our time than it may have been when h'rst presented. But its more romantic character, in the original form, tallies certainly with the Huguenot history of the period, and is sustained by the j)rol»- abilities of the case, in his losing all pajjal affinities so readily in an ab- sorption among strangers." * Dr. .James Kobbins, of Uxbridge, should be an exception to this. — P. B. t " Baron, Peter — Professor in the University of Cambridge about 1575. He was originally from Ktampes, France, and tied to England after the mas- sacre of St. Bartholomew [Aug. 24^, 1572]. lie died in England, leaving behind him an only son, Samuel, who practiced medicine and died at Lyme-Regis, Norfolk." (From "The ITng\ionots," by Smiles, p. -398: Harpers. Nev\' York. 1868). Appendix. 455 In a "Note" made by the Huguenot Society of New York to the article above, on « LeBaron Family," by Mrs. Martha LeBaron God- dard, from the N. E. Hist. Gen. Register, quoting what Mrs. Goddard says ["He was a Roman Catholic"], the writer goes on to remark: " This is a mistake, as the best known writers say that he was a Hu- guenot, and was a prisoner on the ship. He was buried in the Huguenot burial-ground, and there is no cross above his grave. Had he been a Roman Catholic, he would not have been allowed to be buried in ' unconsecrated ground.'* Baird, Potter and Russell give him as among the Huguenot refugees." The secretary of the French Huguenot Societ}^, when in this country in 1885, at the bi-centennial of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, said that LeBaron was a wholly Huguenot name. That Francis was a physician is established by the following extract : "At A town Meeting held Att plimouth Sept. 14th 1696 — At this Meeting the town Agreed upon the Raising of Moneys for the defi-av- ing the town Charges which is as folloAveth In prirais for — ■' To ffrench doctor for Care of Hunters wife . . 05 : 00 : 00 " [Becords of Tovm of Plymontli.] " In 1694 there was no surgeon in Plymouth, and the wife of Good- man Hunter is said to have been in much suffering for want of one. A French privateer had just been wrecked in Buzzard's Bay ; and her * It is but fair to say that the force of this note is not strengthened by its reference to "unconsecrated ground," for at the time of his death there had been no jjossibility of consecrating ground in Plymouth in accordance with the Pioman ritual. On the other hand, had Francis been generally known as a Roman Catholic, some of his fellow-citizens might perhaps have objected to his interment beside their relatives ; however this may be, there was no clergyman of the Roman Church to "allow" or object to his burial there, and moreover " Burial Hill " was not " the Huguenot burial ground," but the ancient cemetery of Plymouth, open to all its citizens, and consecration was a ceremony unknown to the residents. We know of no writer who mentions "a cross above his grave;" his mysterious cross, it is said, was buried with him. The statement that he was "a prisoner on the sliip " lacks confirma- tion ; it seems to be a modification of the tradition that he was made a prisoner on landing, with the rest of the crew, and "the best known writers " have no positive evidence to confirm or disprove their theory. 456 Deuce) idfnttx of J^rcmcis^ LeBaron. accora})lished surgeon, only twenty-six years old, was Francis LeBaron, su))i)Osecl to be the scion of some Muguenot family then in disfavor, and })earing an assumed name. While in Plymouth, on his way to Boston as a prisoner-of-war, he heard of Goodwife Hunter's case, and treated it with great success. The selectmen procured his release by Lieuten- ant-Governor Stoughton, and his settlement at Plymouth as their sur- geon. He married Mary WiMer of Hingham, September, 1695, and died nine years later at Plymouth, where his quaint headstone on Burial Hill is remarkable for its beautiful finish and preservation."* [Pilgrim Rejmhllr^ by John A. Goodwin.] " The arrival [of Francis] at Plymouth could not have been earlier than 1694 ; for it was in that year that Sir William l^hipps was removed from the office of Governor, and Lieut.-Governor Stoughton placed in power. Nor could it have been later than January, 1695, for in that month Dr. LeBaron appears in the records as the witness to a deed from Thomas to William Clark." t [BoKton Advertitifr, Ajnil, 1881, signed by the initials of W. T. Davis, Plymouth.] "Elizabeth [grandchild of Francis^ LeBaron] who married Ammi Ruhamah Robbins, of Norfolk, Ct., was often heard by her grandchild, Mrs. James Humj>hrey, of Brooklyn, N. Y., now living (1883), to say that Francis was a Huguenot." [Aucleat Laiuhnarh-s of Plymouth, Davis.] The question has l»een asked, as if to discredit the tradition. How could Francis l^eBaron, whether only passing through Plymouth, or even if a resident there, have met Mary Wilder in that town, when she was of a Hingham family ? Tt may be said in reply, that her parents had been dead for some years jMevious to her marriage ; but two of her elder sisters had married and Avere settled in Plymouth,^ and it is quite probable that Mary was also living there, in the family of one of these. * Mr. Goodwin in this work took the opposite vieAv, as to the faith of Francis, from that which he lield when his story was written, many years before ; he liere gives the conclusions he had reached after a more careful study. 1 William Clark was husband of Abia, sister of Mary Wilder. X See note on p. 9, stqyrd. Appe7idix. 457 (B) LkBARON estates IX PLYMOUTH. We give liere some information gleaned from "Davis's Ancient Landmarks," and notes fiom Mrs. Austin, relating to LeBaron property in Plymouth : The lot on which Davis Hall stands was conveyed in 1697 by Wil- liam and Joseph Bradford, sons of Gov. Bradford, to Nathaniel TIow- land, and in the same year by him to Dr. Francis LeBaron. After his marriage in 1721, Francis, the youngest son of Dr. Francis, occupied the house Avhich his father built upon this lot, till the time of his death in 1731. In 1733 Samuel Bartlett and Lazarus LeBaron, administra- tors on his estate, sold it to his widow, Sarah LeBaron, who afterward married Joseph Swift, and she lived there till 1763. [Ancient Landmarkti.] The lot on which the Baptist church, on Leyden Street, stands, was sold in 1703 by William Shurtleff to Francis LeBaron, who, before his death in the next year, built what was later known as the " Old Tavern House." It afterwards came into the possession of Lazarus LeBaron, son of Francis, who sold it in 1765 to his son-in-law, Nathan- iel Goodwin. It remained in the Goodwin family till 1857. In the next foAV years it changed hands a number of times until, in 1865, the present Baptist church was built upon it. [Ayicient Landinarks.'\ In 17'J5 Dr. Lazarus LeBaron bought the old Cotton parsonage lot and house, corner of LeBaron Alley and Leyden Street, of Ids step- father, Retui'n Waite Lazarus took down the Cotton house and built himself a new one, to which he moved, on selling the Tavern House to Nathaniel Goodwin. Old Dr. Lazarus died in the house which he built. LeBaron Alley was laid out by Lazarus LeBaron and James Rickard, each giving half of the land. [From notes made by Mrs. Jane (Toodwin Austin.] Lazarus LeBaron, in 1738, bought land north of what is now Samoset Street, holding it until his death in 1773, when, in the division of his 458 Descendants of Prancis LeBaron. estate, that jcul which is now occupied by the Samoset House was set oft" to his son Williatn, and tlie remainder, inchiding Cushman Street and all lots on both sides of it, to his son Isaac. \^Ancient Landmarks.] The New England Historic Genealogical Register (IV : 367) men- tions that on the tirst celebration of the lauding of the Pilgrims at Plyiiiouth, Dec. 2*2, 1770, Dr. LeBaron of that town presented to the Old Colony Club a large and venerable chair, formerly possessed by Gov. William Bradford, in which the President was seated. This chair is now in the possession of IVIr. William Hedge, of I'lymouth, both he and his wife being of the LeBaron descendants. [From an old Day-Book.] Lazarus Lebarron. Dr. July 27 — 1771 £ s. d. To pr shoes frself — 8 — Oct. 10, Tt) pr shoes for quash — (i — 8 To pr shoes for Silvey — — "Quash " was the manumitted slave of Dr. LeBaron. He, with other freedmen, lived about four miles from Plymouth, at a settlement called "New Guinea." (C) lebakons in the revolution. 1778. "To Deertield came three Tories from Boston, ]\forton, Drury and LeBarron, and a conference was held with the Deertield Tories at the tavern of Lieut. Seth Catlin, which held on until two o'clock in the morning." * [History of Deerfield, George Sheldon, II: G75.] [As copied from the Records at the State House, Boston, Mass.] Abizp:r LkBaeon, private, Capt. Shaw's co. Lexington Alarm Call — ."> days. AiNDKEW LkBaiion, res. Plympton, 22 years of age. Mustered in Ply- mouth, April 9, 1777 — H years. * "Hutchinson was justly alarmed at the doings of the Boston to wn-moet- ing, and in 177o sent his ]>artisans o\er the coimtry to countet-act its effect.'' Appendix. 459 Elijah LeBaeron, frdin Middlcboro, private. Service at Rhode Island, Dec, 1776 — s days. FiiAisrcis LkBakon, private, Capt. Natlian Smith's co. 1 month. FKANCif^ LkBakon, private, Capt. Edward Sparrow's co. July 2:;, 1780- Oct. 27, 17S0. Francis Lp:Bai!ON, Capt. Peirce's Co. Isaac LeBaron, "from town of Sheffield." Capt. Roswell Downing's co. (3 months. James LeBaron, Capt. Henry Peirce's co. Boll dated April 10, 17S2. James LkBaron, Jr., private, Capt. Churchill's co. 9 days — Sej)t., 1778. Japhet LeBarron, private, from Middleboro. Rhode Island, Doc. 8- Dec. 10. Japhet LeBarron, fiom Middleboro, Capt. Peirce's co. Japhet LeBaron, corporal, Capt. Churchill's co. Aug., 1780 — 9 days. John LeBae — , cabin boy. John LeBaeon, private, Capt. Churchill's co. days — Sept., 1778. Joshua Lebaron, private, Capt. King's co. 10 days. Rev. Lemuel LeBaeon, chaplain. Lexington Alarm Call — 4 days. Xero LeBaron,* muster and pay roll of officers and crew of the ship "Mars" (commanded by Simeon Samson). 9 mos. 10 ds. Enlisted June 2, 1780. Peter LeBarron, on wage account for 1778-1782. William LeBaron, private, from Middleboro. Oct. 7, 1775 — 3 mos. 'i ds. WiLLL\:\i LeBaeeon, Middleboro, Capt. Bicknell's co., Capt. Shaw's co. William LeBaron, 1st lieutenant. Col. Putnam's regt , at West Point. Zebedee LeBaeron, from Middleboro. Col. Carpenter's regt. Enlisted July 20, 1777. 1 mo. 6 ds. Zebulon LeBareon, (probably) corporal. Col. Robinson's regt. 1777 — o mos. * Probably a former slave of Dr. Lazarus LeBaron. See Inventory of his estate, page 21, I INDEX. The numbers against the names refer to tbe paf;es where the names occur. A name has but a sinj^le reference to the page ou which it appears, though it may be repeated tliere ; care should therefore be talien to loolc for such repetition. Middle names are indicated by initials only (for example, Mary Amelia and Mary Anna are both indexed under Mary A.) ; when given in full, they show tbe surname (maiden or otherwise) at the time of marriage ; where the context shows that this surname is the maiden name, it is parenthesized ; otherwise the parentheses are omitted. Abbott, Abiel 203 Alice (Foster) 214 Edwin 214 Ella G. 203, 364 Ellen (LeBaron) 203 Grace (Hitchcock) 203 Helen F. 286 Luther 203 Adams, Cliloe A. Ill Clemmie L. (Brown) 196 Cora A. (Higgins) Adams 243 Cora M. 243 Emogene A. (Ward) 343 Ernest G. 343 Frances E. 239 Gardner A. 343 George P. 243 Gertrude L. 343 Hannah L. (Martin) 239 Harris 196 Harry J. 239 Hattie M. 239 Henry J. 239 Louisa 40 Maud A. 243 Ora C. 343 Samuel 239 William 243 William F. 243 Adarason, Dorothy 307 Elizabeth LeB. (Little) 307 William J. 307 Addison, Daniel D. 429 Julia D. 429 Julia DeW. (Gibbs) 429 Marianne B. 4i:9 Ainsworth, Arthur L. 381 Blanche B. (Prav) 1S7 Earl P. 281 Ernest 187 Huldah 347 ivan K. 381 Marjorie A. 381 Orville B. 381 Orville J. 381 Pauline 80 Sarah N. (Paine) 381 Aistrope, Sadie 270 Albert, August F. 421 Catherine 421 Clara V. 421 Frederick W. 421 Georgiana F. (DoWolf) 421 Ida H. 421 Isadore L. 421 Lida E. 421 Mary DeW. 421 William 421 Alden, Eudora 161 Eudora (Sampson) 161 Francis LeB. 67, KU Gideon A. 67 (jrideon S. 67 Ijaura 161 Lucy 57 Matilda 356 Priscilla 161 Priscilla (LeBaron) (54, 67 Aldrich, Mary M. 205 ' Sarah J. 194 Alger, Frederick M, 304 Mary E. (Swiit) 304 Alger, Russell A. 304 Allen, Alice B. (Chapin) 300 Alice I. 300, 437 Ammi R. 149, 300 Carrie E. 300 Caroline E. 149 Carrie I. (LeBaron) 3.">9 Charles 331 Charles K. 127, 339 Elizabeth 32, 70 Elizabeth (Robbins) 149 Elvira (Goodwin) 127 Ethel M. 339 George E. 128 (^race I. 300 Harriet F. 127 Henry L. 149, 300 James R. 149 James W. R. 300 Jessie L. 300 John 297 Laura 42 Laura H. (Russell) 297 Lewis 149 Lewis T. 300 Lottie T. (Colo) 331 Lydia G. (Russell) 409 Marion 331 Mary E. (Butler) 300 Minnie R. 300 Nellie R. 128, 272 Roger LeB. 331 Roger X. 409 Rosamond 409 Sara 312 William G. R. 409 William R. 409 462 Descenddids of Fraucls LeBaron. Ames (see Eaines), Abbic 1). 430 Authony 9 Bradford 430 Fisher 430 Rosalie 430 Virginia (Lee) 430 Anderson, Agnes 157 Delos 220 Edith (LeBaron) 220 Elizabeth M. 157 Elizabeth (Bobbins) 156 Esther P. (Edgerly) 373 Ida 334 James M. 156 Jessie M. 157 John A. E. 373 John W. 373 Margaret 115 Bobbins B. 157 Andrews, Algernon 194 Augustus W. 230 Carrie E. (Dotenj 194 Celia E. (King) 106 Charles W. 106 Dollie 230 Edward G. 230 Edward LoB. 105 Edward W. 105, 230 Franklin A. 106 Frederick N. 319 George W. 230 Harriet 230 Hattie K. 238 Helen 230 Julia (Merritt) 319 Louisa (McLaughlin) 230 Marie LeB. 230, 231 Martha A. (Fogle) 230 Mary C. 319 Mary LeB. 105 Mary LeB. (Gilbert) 105 Minnie 230 Minnie G. 106, 231 Paul F. 231 Pearl B. 230 Rosa C. (Scovie) 230 Russell A. 230 Samuel J. 106 Sarah H. 105 Sarah (Parkhill) 105 Sophia W. (Maybury) 230 Thomas V. 106 Warren P. 106, 230 William 105 William T. G. 105 Andres, Elizabeth Y. 402 Audriis, Harriet 75 Julia 75 Arbuckle, Abbie M. (Wil- lard) 347 Edna B. 347 Edward B. 347 John W. 347 Lucy A. (Willard) 347 William H. 347 Archer, Archibald W. 426 Archie W. 427 Charles H. D. 427 Ellen D. 427 Ellen P. (DeWolf) 426 Fanny B. 427 Florence J. 427 Francis LeB. 427 James DeW. 427 John M. 427 Mary F. 138 Raymond P. 427 Robert 138 William 427 Argo, Louisa 111 Armstrong, Anna S. (Cam- erden) 284 George M. 284 Arnold, Sophia 46 Aspinwall, Beatrice 429 Cornelia G. (Sutton) 429 Harriette P. (DeWolf) 281 Lloyd 281, 429 Russell DeW. 281 William 281 Atkins, Alraeda A. (Le- Baron) 169 George 169, 326 George E. 326 Imogene (Hatch) 326 Isabella (Turpie) 326 John 169 John B. 326 Mary 169 Mary I. 327 Thomas F. 169 Willard E. 327 William 169, 326 Atsatt, Sarah A. 158 Attick, Daniel J. 178 ElmiraA. (Simmons) 178 At wood, Abby 56 Clara R. 294 John (Wood) 17 Mary 17 Augur, (Gen.) C. C. 297 Jane E. 297 Aurelio, Charlotte G. 407 Charlotte G. (DeSilva) 406 Elizabeth G. 262 Felicia G. 262 Aurelio, (George G. 262 Henry G. 407 Lucia G. 262 Jjucy (J. 406 Lucy L. (Goodwin) 262 Maria (Brum) 406 Marianne G. 262 Martha (Glendeming) 407 Sara G. 262, 406 Thomas 262 Thomas G. 262, 406 William G. 262, 407 Austin, Elizabeth C. C. 408 Elizabeth G. (Haskins) 408 Esther F. (Burton) 144 Herbert 281 Isabelle T. 263 Jane C. 408 LeBaron L, 2()3, 408 Lester 144 Lilian I. 263, 408 Loring H. 2()3 Loring LeB. 408 Mary J. (Goodwin) 263 Rose S. 263 Virginia (Pegram) 2Sl Zachary T. 167 Averill, Adele M. 354 Bertha B. 355 Bessie E. 354 Edith W. 354 Elvira 191 Emma S. (Trow) 3.54 Ethel M. 355 Flora E. 3.54 Gladys S. 355 Grace L. D. 355 James W. 354 John T. 3.54 John W. 354 Mary A. (Trow) 354 May M. 3.54 Merry C. 354 Milton E. 354 Milton T. 355 Morton E. 355 Nellie J. 355 Susie (Stimson) 3.55 Weston H. 355 Avery, John 221 John F. 221 Lois 221 Lois A. (LeBaron) 221 Lura 221 Ayer, Alta L. 203, 364 George 203 Kate E. 203, 365 Index. Am Ayer, Louise iS.( LeBaron) 20o Ayers, Auiia :^6!l Eugene oliO Louisa oOy Mary (Fi field) 809 Nathan ;]09 Ralph 'im William 869 Babbitt, Almon W. 1U7 Don Carlos 107 Dulcena E. (Johnson) 107 Melissa A. (Johnson) 107 Babcock, Ida M. 377 Backus. Emma M. (St. Clair) o8G Ernest E. 38(3 Ernest S. 38(J Ina M. 380 Richard G. 38(i Royce V. 386 Bacon, lAicie 113 Mary M. 291 Badger, Charles F. 190 Charles II. 191 Elvira E. (LeBaron) 190 Jennie P. 191 Linnie D. 191 Mary 190 Minnie J. 191 Bailey, Adelaide A. 97, 218 Albertha T. (Hedge) 397 Arthur 314 Caroline E. 97, 218 Ellen I. 409 Fred P. 397 Jane C. 97 Martha (Shurtleff) 97 Mary 320 Mary F. (Hayden) 314 Matilda T. 97, 218 . William 97, 409 Baird, Jacob 268 Mary E. (Goodwin) 268 Baker, Elizabeth O. 302 Elizabeth (Olmsted) 302 Emily J. 215 Hannah J. 270, 413 Jane R. (Goodwin) 2t)9 Lilla M. 195 Mary 185 Mary E. 219 Mary H. 117 Nathan 269 Osmyn 302 Priscilla 114 Balch, Adeline (Collin) 117 Balch, Eli C. J 17 Simeon 117 Sophronia (< 'offin) 117 Baldwin, Charles E. 193 Georgina G. (Harding) 193 Mary F. 298 Ball, Carrie 211 Josej)!! 179 Lucretia J. (liUtz) Pool 179 Sarah 313 Bangs, Albert L. 182 Ellen M. (Caswell) 182 Banister, Caroline (Fos- ter) 370 Eunice M. 371 I. Jesse 371 Inah E. 371 Ira D. 370 Ira F. 371 Isaac 370 Mary L. 370 Melinda (Ford) 370 Mina C. 371 Bannister, Edward 70 Rachel A, (Hill) LeBaron 76 Barber, Harriet A. 334 Louisa 246 Barden, Alta B. 354 Donald J. 355 Earl E. 355 Fred C. 354 Hazel E. 355 James A. 355 Jessie M. 354 John J. 354 May M. (Averill) 354 Nellie J. (Avery) 355 William 355 Barlow, 167 Barnard, Grace I. 440 Joseph 440 Katherine H. (Faunce) 440 Barnes, Albert C. 164 Alexina C. I(i5, 314 Alice E. 109, 236 Alice M. 440 Allan P. 440 Annie A. 31(! Betsey 34, 69 Betsey E. (Brown) 315 Charles E. 165, 315, 316, 439 Charles S. 316 Clara C. 316, 441 Clara S. 316 Cora A. 235 Barnes, Corban 34, (iO, 164 Cynthia D. (Simmons) 164 Dorcas 34 Edgar S. 440 Eliza 69 Eliza (Clark) 34, 69 Elizabeth (Ishmael) 315 Elizabeth T. 315, 440 Elkanah 34, 09, 164 Ella F. 315, 440 Elliott O. 235 Ethel 230 Frances S. 164, 314 Francillia A. 165, 310 Frank A. 315, 439 George B. 164 George R. S. 165 Georgiana B. 397 Hannah 69 Isaac 34 James E. 440 Jean L. 440 Jedidiah (Harlow) 34 Jennie L. (Murk land) 440 Jennie (McNider) 235 Joanna 69 John 33, 69 John M. 440 Jonathan 108 Katherine H. 165, 315 Lavinia (Chappel) 235 Lemuel 33, 34, 69, 164 Levonzo D. 165, 315 Lizzie (McDonald) 164 Lois 236 Louisa W. (Burgess) 316 Lucy A. 439 Lucy K. (Hall) 440 Lucy R. (Bonney) 315 Lurana P. (Noyes) 439 Mary A. 164 Mary C. 164 Mary (Holmes) Davie 164 Mary (Nettletou) 108 Mary S. (Schellinger) 439 Moses S. 165, 316 Nathaniel 69 Oscar R. 109, 235 Phebe 69, 164 Phebe (Holmes) 69 Robert N. 236 Sarah 33, 69 Sarah (LeBaron) 33 Sarah (Meyer i 165 Susan B. (Tillsou) 164 Susan E. 164, 314 William M. 315, 440 Baruett, Lucius 193 Viola A. (Cutler) 193 464 Des<:en,d(i)iU t)f T^rancis LeSaroit. Hanmiu, Mavia .'JUl Hanoi t, Floreuce ,J. I'l'-i JJarrington, Clai-euce H. John W. 435 Kendrick P. 435 Mary L. (Kent) 435 Kntii K. 435 Barroll, Edward R. 211 Jennie (Smith) 211 Barron, Charles O. 403 Doris 403 Helen L. (Bontelle) 403 William T. 403 Barrows, Almira 282 Edwin A. 422 Etta T. (Brightman) 328 Gustavus LeR. 328 LeRoy 328 Maria J. 190 Phebe L. 328 Tarason L. 391 Theodora 422 Theodora L. (Colt) 422 Barry, Anna J. 31(> Catherine M. 376 Barstow, Priscilla A. (Jackson) South worth 1(50 Richard 160 Bartholomew, Benjamin F. 244 Bessie M. 244 nannah M. (Higgins) 243 Lemon 243 Bartlett, Arthur J. 35(i Carrie G. (Bates) 411 Charles D. 314 (!harles G. 105 Charles H. 164, 314 Clara C. 404 Edith R. 356 Eleazer S. 257 Eliza A. 252 Elizabeth F. (Hammatt) 163 / Elizabeth (Goodwin) 124 Elizabeth J. 393 Evelina S. 257 Eveline (i. (Jackson) 257 Flora L. (l)awos) 355 Francis J. 257, 404 Fred. W. 356 George D. 355 Harvey 411 Helen's. 404 Henrietta C. (Shipley) 404 Ichabod I). 163 Joseph 16, 22, 252 Bartlett, Joshua 124 Louisa 256 Lucy T. 124 Lydia 16, 70 Lydia (Griswold) 16, 22 Marie E. (Victor) 404 Mary E. 404 Mary L. 257 Mary LeB. (Andrews) 105 Robert 16 Samuel 22 Sarah 22 Virginia D. (Hight) 314 Barton, Marianna (De- Wolf) DeWoIf 129 Samuel 129 Baskins, Clara M. 308 Eugene L. 308 Mary K. (LeBaron) 308 Oliver 308 Bassett, Helen C. 405 Margaret 160 Batchelder, Lvdia 45 Bates, Alice 398 Carrie G. 268, 411 Charles C. 268 Christianna R. (Max- ham) 97 Eleanor M. (LeBaron) 322 Elvira (Woods) 268 Emily F. (Goodwin) 268 Fanny G. (Goodwin) 398 Hira 268 Horace W. 398 Huldah 332 Pollard 97 Sallie R. (Biggs) 398 Sturgis G. 398 William E. 322 Battell, Anna 63, 152 Ellen 63, 153 Ellen M. 153, 305 Ellen R. (Mills) 1.52 Emma H. (Seymour) 151 Emma S. 151, 304 Irene 63 John 63 Joseph 63, 151 Philip 63, 151 Bobbins 63, 152 Sarah 63, 151 Sarah B. iSi Sarah (Bobbins) 63 Urania ('>3, 152 William 63 Baylies, Abby 54 Abigail 54 Alfred 289, 433 Ann 54 Baylies, jjclsey 54 Catherine (Bloom) 54 Cecil LeB. 433 Charles 289 Cornelia W. (Smith) 289 Frederick W. 289, 433 Gustavus 54 Hannah B. 54 Hannah (Bradford) 54 Hersey B. 54 Jane 54 Keziah 168 Leonora W. (Estes) 433 Lucy E. (Boardman) 433 Mary J. 289 Mary LeB. .54 Miriam 433 Nicholas 54 Thelma 433 Bazee, Eliza 70 Ruby 70 Beach, Sarah E. 104 Beale, Mary G. 433 Beals, Anna M. W. (Read) 2()9 Annie R. 269, 412 Charles 268 Dora A. 269, 412 Florence 412 Florence M. 269, 412 Harold 412 Harry W. 412 James H. 269, 412 Mary E. (Read) 2()S Mary F. (Warren) 412 Bean, Alpheus W. 204 Archie L. 204, 366 Arvilla E. 204, 365, 366 Clifford J. 366 Elizabeth (Bourke) 204 Elizabeth ((iautery) 366 Elizabeth (Laflamme) 365 Ferdinand L. 204, 365 Harold S. 365 Helen G. 292 Leslie C. 204, 366 LestiuaE. (LeBaron) 204 Lottie M. 365 Lucy L. 365 Lulu F. (Murray) 3(i6 Maria E. 206 Samuel 204 Vera T. 366 Beanny, Louisa 232 Beardsley, Mary C. B. 283 Bearse, Emily D. (Le- Baron) 360 Ernest C. 360 Ida L. 360 I Index. 465 13ear.sc, William W. ;i()0 Beattie, Fraulc 201 Jessie L. (Sampson) 201 Euth 201 Beck, Alice lo4 Bedell, Betsey A. (Le- Baron) 168 Ida 168, 324 Ida M. 335 Marcus 168 Bedlow, Alice P. 281 Harriette H. 281, 428 Henry 281 Josephine M. DeW. (Ho- mer) 281 Beebe, Lucy 85 Beecher, Daisy 383 Grace M. 383 Joseph 234 Joseph M. 384 LeRoy 234, 383, 384 Maud (Kelly) 383 Susan 384 Susan (Wright) 234 Beeswell, Nancy 268 Belden, Alice M. 234 Anna L. (Hooker) 383 Carolina A. (Wilcox) 234 Ellen Maria 233 Elsie H. 383 Eugene E. 234 George A. 234 Helen E. 383 Lucius E. 234, 383 Maria N. 113 Mary G. 234, 383 Bell, Anna 200 Benjamin, Harriet 37 Bennett, Augusta M. (Moslier) 334 Benjamin 106 Burt 101 Caroline E. (LeBaron) 191 Carrie E. 191, 350 Charles C. 191, 350 Charles E. 191 Charles R. 350 Charles S. 191 Charles W. 202 Corrie E. 191, 350 Cyril 202 Earl M. 334 Ella H. 191, 350 Ellen C. 191, 349 Elia N. 191 El ma R. 334 Emma J. (Ilohuan) 106 Etta M. 202 Frederick A. 202 Bennett, Grace J. 202 Harriet (Sampson) 202 Helen f . (Taber) 350 Ina B. 191 Lurany 37 Ray 202 Richard T. 350 Robert 202 Sarah 150 Van G. 191 William L. 334 Bensing, Ursula 407 Benson, Martha 16 Benton, George F. 91 Lucy (LeBaron) 91 Bentley, Louisa M. 95 Bergen, Eleanor 280 Berry, Amos 339 Livonia (Mosher) 339 Sadie 339 Bertholf, Annie 434 Fannie 434 John C. 434 Besse, Maria T. 361 Beswick, Ida 384 Bickford, Chester 351 Clarence H. 351 Earl C. 351 F. Alice O. (Doten) 351 Guy C. 351 Newell D. 351 Bielby, Mary LeB. (An- drews) Bartlett 105 Porteus P. 105 Biggs, Sallie R. 398 Bigham, Rebecca 221 Bignall, Rose 155 Bills, Earle L. 335 Edmund C. 176 Fremont 176 Ida M. (Bedell) 335 Martha J. (Sweet) 176 Purley L. 335 Ruby I. 335 Seward A. 176. 335 Wilmont 176 Binson, Elizabeth M. (Perry) 426 Lavonia 426 William H. 426 Birch, 41 Mahala (LeBaron) 41 Bishop, Mina C. (Banis- ter) 371 Olive F. .371 Ora M. 371 Otto W. 371 William 371 Bitney, Alice (Newton) 378 Bitney, Charles 378 Claude 378 Kenneth 378 Blaikie, Mary 336 Blake, Frances L. 424 Blanchard, Lucy 387 Blevins, Jane N. (Merrill) 96 William 96 Blish, Ariadne 266 Frederick W. 266 Lucia A. (Goodwin) 266 Timothy 266 Bloom, Catherine 54 Mary 383 Blossom, Nellie 206 Board man, Lucy E. 433 Bodge, Lulu E. 270 Bogman, Dora A. (Beals) 412 George W. 412 James H. 412 Bonney, Lucy R. 315 Boss, Abby B. (DeWolf) 275 Nicholas 275 Bosworth, Lucy A. 291 Botsford. Alice 251 Amos 250 Amos E. 116 Annie 250 Beatrice LeB. 395 Bessie L. 250 Blair 116, 251 Blanche W. 396 Bliss 116, 251 Charles 116 Chipman 116, 250 Edwin 250 Eleanor W. 395 Eliza 116, 251, 395 Elizabeth D. 251 Ella M. (Newman) 396 Emily C. (Cowell) 396 Emily (Cornwall) 2.50 Fanny L. 250 Fanny (Lewis) 250 Florence M. 251, 396 Frances M. (Cloppor) 2.W Frank H. 2.50 George 116, 250 George A. 250 George E. 251 George F. 250 Harry G. 250, 395 Henry 250 Jane (Chapman) 251 Jane (Cornwall) 116 Kate C. 250 LeBaron 116, 251 466 Descendants of Frnnds LeJiaron. Botsfonl, Margaret IT. 2.")0 Margaret M. 250 Margaret (Maine) IIH Marj- 251 Mary E. 250 Mary (i. 250 Maud 251 Maude A. (Poor) 395 Robert L. 251, ;J96 Sarali A. 116, 248, 251 Sarah (Cogswell) 251 Sarah E. 250 Sarali F. 251 Sarah L. 251, 395 Sarah L. (Ilazeu) 116 William 116, 250 William H. 116, 250 William M. 251 Bourke, Elizabeth 204 Boutelle, Adeline M. (Smith) 402 Ann (Goodwin) 119 Ann L. 119 Anna L. 256 Caleb 119 Charles B. 256, 402 Charles O. 119, 256, 402 Cora F. 403 Delia E. (Skelski) 402 Ellen a. 119 Emilie C. (Chase) 403 Ezra S. G. 256 Helen L. 256, 403 Henry P. 256 James T. 256. 403 John B. 256, 403 Louisa (Bartlett) 256 Lucia F. M. (Boutelle) 256 Marianna H. 403 Marianna H. (Faulkuer) 403 Nathaniel G. 119 Bovee, Amelia (Thirley) 321 Ann E. (LeBaron) 320 Caroline L. 237 Charles J. 321 Cora B. 321 Hattie M. 321 Henry B. 321 Henry D. 321 Henry J. 237 Ina M. 321 Ira .J. 321 John 320 Libbie E. 321 IjU netta 238 Mary E. (Norton) 321 Mary K. 321 Bovee, Rachel E. 321 Sabrina E. (Fordham; 237 Susan (Ilauke) 238 Wayland II. 23s William 321 Bovie, Cora B. 353 Frances E. (LeBaron) 1(55 Israel 165 Bovier, Allen 213 Hattie S. 213, 368 Laura (Stevens) 213 Bowen, Charles T. 173, 329 Cynthia A. 87 Edward LeB. 173, 329 Elizabetli I). (Thomas) 173 Elizabeth 'J'. 329 Evan A. 329 George S. 173 Julia C. (Swenson) 329 Laura H. 173 Boyce, Hannah 43 Boyd, Mary J. 423 Boynton, Mary E. 185 Stella J. (Clark) 343 William 343 Bradbury, Benjamin C. 160 Edna LeB. (Pliillips) 160 Bradford, Al^by A. 56 Abigail DeW. 55 Alice (Cari^enter) South- worth 17 Allen T. 273 Allen T. S. 128, 273 Ann 54, 130 Ann B. 29, 55 Anne W. (Nooning) 55 Benjamin 419 Benjamin W. 54, 130 Bethany W. (LeBaron) 1 (i9 Betsey B. (James) 53 Betsey T. (Goodwin) 125 Caleb C. 125 Charles W. KiO David 16, 17 Edward J. 128, 274 Eleanor 55, 131 Elizabeth B. 53, 128 Elizabeth (Finnev) 16 Elizabeth R. 130.' 277 Ezekiel H. 29, 55 (Gardner Ij. 328 Hannah 29, 54, 55 Harriet DeW. 55, 131 Henry 53 llum-'y F. 130 ' i>radford, Ilersey 56 ! Jemima 55, 419 Jemima G. (Peck) 130 Jemima (Wardwell) 54 Joanna (Barnes) 69 John 12, 29, 54 John W. 53 Joseph 69 I^azarus J^eB. 29, 53 LeBaron .53, 54, 130 Lena 1()9 Lucretia S. (Coit) 274 I^ydia 16, 17. 29, 55, 56, 131, 314 Lydia J. (Sampson) 194 M^argaret D. 273, 417 Margaret (Diman) 273 Mary 18, 29, 53, 128, 274 Mary A. 273, 416 Mary E. 274, 418 Mary E. (Goodrich) 418 Mary F. 130, 419 Mary LeB. 55, 130 Mary (LeBaron) 29 Mary (Smith) 128 Nancy 54, 130 Nancv B. 29, 55 Nancy S. 128, 273 Nellie 328 Peter J. 53, 128, 274 Phebe L. (Barrows) 328 Rebecca (t. (Nooning) 128 Samuel 29 Sarah 53, 129, 273 Sarali A. 163 Sarah (Davis) 53 Sarah (Gray) 29 Sarah W. (Macomber) 55 Serajjhina 56 Walter 55 William 17, 29, 53, .55, 128, 418 William J. 274, 418 William P. 128 Bradlev, Alta L. (Ayer) 3(54 Alta R. 364 James R. 364 Jeanotte (Farley) 101 Joel P. 101 Mary R. 101 Pauline A. 364 Robert E. 364 Sally 213 Bragg, Alonzo W. 215 Mary (Edgerly) 215 Brainard, Alice 276 Mary ;{89 Braman, Ann 24(J Index. 467 Braman, Emma 344 Bramhall, Benjamin 125 Hannah (Goodwin) 12o Brandt, John E. 41(5 Marion B. (Willard) 41(i Breach, Clara E. (Holmes) 357 Ethel W. 357 Henry F. 357 John H. 357 Brewster, Charlotte (Whiting) 284 James B. 299 Laura S. 299 Martha (Stoddard; 299 William 299 Bridges, Rebokah L. 390 Bridgham, Jane E. (Edg- erly) 372 May B. 372 Valentine R. 372 Bridgman, Alice B. (Eld- ridge) 304 El Uora L. 229 Eldridge 305 Henry H. 304 Isabella B. 305 Sally M. (Judd) 304 Thomas 304 Briggs, Anna E. 323 — Benjamin C. 323 Charlotte M. 323 Deborah (Sampson) 50 E. 50 George R. 148, 297 George W. 148, 323 ' Helen T. (Tabor) 297 Ida M. (Crandall) 323 John DeQ, 298 - LeBaiv.n R. 148, 297, 298 Lucia J. (Russell) 148 Lucia R. 298 Luna J. 353 Mary F. (DeQuedville) 297 • . Polly 57 Rose T. 297 - Brightman, Abraham S. 171 - Bradford 171 Ellen M. 171,' 328 Etta T. 171, 328 Lizzie T. 171 Phebe A. 171 Temperance LeB. (Tho- mas) 171 Brinley, Deborah 115 Broadley, IJzzie J. 32(i Brockett, Hannah 176 Brockway, Alice 155 Brooks, Addison 334 Etta 194 Harriettell. (Lovett) 282 Harriette L. 283 John C. 282 Josephine DeW. 283 Julia (Stanton) 334 Marianne P. 283 Broughton, Elizabeth 317 Brown, Abbie W. (Gar- land) 358 Agnes (Lawrence) 301 Alice (Dewar) 435 Ann M. (Ferine) 178 Anna 223 Annie H. (Sampson) 202 Betsey E. 315 C. L. 202 Catherine (Dodge) 89 Celia F. 195, 357 Charles H. 178, 195 Chauncey L. 195 Chester P. 196, 358 Clara B. 195, 358 Clara M. 327 Clemmie L. 196 Clinton 301 Corrie A. 195, 358 DeWitt C. 301 Edgar L. 414 Edwin H. 414 Effie M. (Stubbs) 414 Elizabeth 115 Elizabeth IL (Taylor) 294 Ella F. 196 Ellen 421 Ellen G. 178 Elma M. 178 Elsie LeB. 178 Emma J. 222 Harris E. 358 Helen E. 436 Helen G. (Bean) 292 Henry J. 178 Jane E. 223 Jennie N. 196, 359 Jerusha L. (Doten) 195 John S. 294 Joseph S. 301 Delia H. 301 Leonard J. 294, 435 Lewis R. 223 Louise 178 Lucy 112 Lydia 59 Marguerite 202 Maria 89 Marion L. 178, 336 Brown, Mary 240, 294 Nancy 115 Orilla M. (LeBaron) 223 Orrin W. 195 Russell 223 Sewall C. 414 Sherburn 89 Walter C. 358 Winfield C. 414 Browne, Charles 261 Elizabeth W. (Goodwin) 261 Fanny H. G. 261 Francis C. 261 Lucy C. (Jackson) 261 Brownell, Abner 175 Clark T. 333 Duane G. 333 Elmer C. 333 Florence I. 333 Harriet 175 Harriet E. (Giiiord) 333 Isaac 175 Isaac W. 175, 333 Juliana (Tinkhani) 175 Margaret (Edie) 333 Myron C. 175, 333 Nina M. 333 Palmer E. 333 Penina 175 Rebecca (Slocum) 175 Brubeust, Mary A. 344 Bruce, Abby m'. (Crowell) 83 Adeline 83 Betsey (Doten) 83 Ellen C. 354 Elmira 83 Harvey 83 Harvey N. 83 Jane A. (Tinkham) 83 Valeria 83 Brum, Maria 406 Bi'undidge, Eugenia M. 227 Harrison J. 227 J. H. 227 Phebe (Curtis) 227 Bryant, Betsey (Barnes) 34 Caleb 34 Charlotte (Wright) 74 John 74 Ruth 31 Bryar, Mary 273 Buck, Almira H. 183 Buckner, Annie L. 352 Budd, Charles A. 280 David R. 280 Katherine D. (DeWolf) 280 468 Descetidants of Fr6 Bessie L. 2oG Calista C. 100, 224 Elbert D. 236 Harriet E. 100, 224 Jerome E. 100, 224 Lula M. 236 Lyman 100 Porter N. 100 Sarah A. (Reynolds) 224 Seth J. 236 Sylvia (LeBaron) 100 Sylvia M. 224 Cass, Anna 207 Caswell, Atley M. 182, 341 Eben S. 182 Edgar M. 182, 340 Edith S. 341 Ellen M. 182 Emily (LeBaron) 182 Emma (Haven) 340 Florence E. 341 Florence (Wood) 340 Harry H. 341 Herbert E, 341 Ida E. 182, 341 James F. 182, 340 Lillian 182, 341 Lillian M. 341 Melissa J. 182, 340 Milton W. 340 Catlin, Katherine L. 428 Ceely, Mary 253 Chace, Jessie M. (Ander- son) 1")7 Chaddock, Ada 384 Aleida (Stevens) 384 Frank 384 Nellie 384 Chadsey, Caroline A. (Hammond) 142 Frank W. 142 Chaffiu, Clara W. 351 Chandler, Abbv U. 83, 194 Alantha A. S3, 195 Charles U. 248 Clara E. 291 Ellen A. 2(i5 Ephraim 82 Harriet L. 83 John 82 John De LaF. 83 John J. 82 Leonard L. 291 Lillian L. 291 Lucy S. (LeBaron) 291 Maria 83 Mary D. 82, 194 Molly (Doten) 82 Chandler, Rebecca D. -S3, 194 Sally (Doten) 82 Sally S. 82 Sarah E. (Hazen) 248 Chapin, Alice B. 300 Chapman, Ceorgetta 324 James G. 238 Jane 251 Lillie M. 337 Lunetta (Bovee) 238 Chappel, Lavinia 235 Chappotin, Bridget (Cole- man) 133 Leon 133 Sophie C. V. 133 Chase, Allie M. 189 Amelia 95 Daisy A. 189 Delavan, 95 Elmer G. 189 Emilie C. 403 Ernest G. 375 Frances 375 George W. 189 Hannah 47 Harriet (Shurtleff) 95 Ina M. (Spaulding) 375 Jessie M. (Anderson) 157 Kate 95 Levi 95 Luvia (LeBaron) 189 Mary 47 Mary A. 95 Phebe A. 253 Robert S. 157 Sarah B. 189 Chatfield, Martha 27 Cheney, Anna E. 216 Chessman, Alice P. (Mor- ris) 428 Frank B. 428 Chidester, David 43 Nancy (Shurtletf) 43 Child, Ede R. 410 Helen M. (LeBaron) 1S2 William A. 182 Childs, Alice M. 346 Harriet ^V. (Merritt) 346 Hattie E. 283 Laura A. (Hamblin) 34() William 346 William A. 34(i Chipman, Elizabeth (Ha- zen) 114 Ward 114 Christler, (Jharity 138 Church, Almira G. (Ward- well) 131 Church, Anna (Dean) 277 Benjamin T. 131 Bradford LeB. 424 Carrie E. (Canedy) 424 Eleanor B. 131 Eleanor (Bradford) 131 Elizabeth G. 131 Ellen A. 278 Elliott B. 423 Francis LeB. 278 Frederick C. W. 405 Frederick W. 278 George C. 198 Hannah E. (Munroe) 278 Harriet M. (Paine) 382 Henry H. 278, 424 Joseph S. 405 Kate L. (Shaw) 405 LeBaron B. 131, 277 Leonora F. (Morse) 198 Louisa M. (Elliott) 423 Marion C. 382 Mary E. 278 Mary E. (Phillips) 278 Mary T. 131 May L. 311 Morton LeB. 423 Thomas 131 Thomas LeB. 277, 423 William 382 William B. 131, 278 Churchill, Amelia 124 Catherine 42 Charles T. 124 Edward 124 George 124 Gustavus 124 John 32 Joseph 124 Joseph L. 124 Lydia LeB. (Goodwin) 124 Marcia 124 Mary (x. 402 Mercy (Goodwin) 124 Sarah 32 Sarah (Cole) 32 Stephen 23 Clapp, Rosilla 81 Clark, Abigail LeB. (Gove) 184 Adeline W. 267, 410 Annie E. 259 Arthur M. 390 Bennett P. 359 Betsy 157 Blanche A. 343 Bruce 281 Carrie E. (Bennett) 350 Catherine E. 389 470 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. I Clark, Catlieiiue M. 390 Catherine M. (March) 389 Charles B. 389 Charles IT. 184, 259 Cornelius 215 Eber L. 151 Edmund S. 389 Edward 244 Edward St. C. 245 Eliza 34, 69 Elizabeth 120 Elizabeth LeB. 151, 303 Elizabeth W. 390 Elizabeth (Wilson) 389 Ella M. 259 Ellsworth G. 359 Elsie F. 390 Emily J. 389 Emily V. 120, 258 Emma A. (Harding) Otis 389 Emma G. 267 Emma J. (Cleaveland) 343 Ernest L. 359 Ezekiel W. 120, 259 Florence L. 365 Frances A. 390 Frances E. 411 Francis LeB. 184 Frank B. 180 Frank M. 215 Fred G. 215 George 259 George E. 184, 343 George H. 350 Harmon 184 Harriet B. (Clark) 259 Harriet E. 259, 405 Hattie M. (Bovee) 321 Hattie M. (LeBaron) 180 Ida E. 365 James T. 120, 2.59 James W. 389, 390 Jane S. (Nichols) 359 John G. 120 Lizzie C. 221 Louisa 120, 258 Louisa A. 267 Lucy 188 Lucy C. (Wood) 184 Lydia (Goodwin) 267 Marcia 120 Martha 120 Mary (Brainard) 389 Mary O. 172 Mary S. 112 Merle 351 Milo E. 184 Clark, Minnie E. 184 Miriam 246 Nancy B. (Goodwin) 120 Nancy DeAV. (Pegram) 281 Nancy G. 120 Nancy J, (Shurtleff) 215 Teter 389 Rufus L. 351 Sarah A. 222, 259, 345 Sarah (Lawrence) 151 Sarah T. (Robinson) 259 Sally 120 Sally (Curtis) 44 Sibyl C. (Fay) 390 Simeon 44 Stella J. 343 Susannah J. (Monroe) White 244 Thomas 120 Thomas C. 259 Willard 267 William 9, 321- William H. 245 William H. C. 259 William J. 215 Clarridge, Arthur P. 292 Myrtle J. (LeBaron) 292 Cleaveland, Eliza J. (Eg- gleston) 343 Emma J. 343 John 343 Clifford, Gertrude 348 Oliver 348 Philena (Foster) .348 Clopper, Frances M. 250 Harry G. 2.50 Mary (Ketchum) 250 Cobb, Betsey (Tinkham) 36 Daniel 36 Ella V. (Cook) 378 George 378 Gertrude E. 378 Heman 257 Ida B. (LeBaron) 197 Lizzie H. 311 Mary A. 257 Maxwell P. 378 Ward G. 378 Watson 197 Coburn, Annie B. 350 Blanche 350 Cassius L. 350 Corrie E. (Bennett) 350 Flora L. 350 Fred 350 Larned 350 Coe, Grace 220 Lucretia 324 Coffin, Addie W. 253 Adeline 117 Ann G. (Swain) 1 17 Annie 398 Arthur 398 Aurelia 253, 399 Caroline 253, 398 David C. 2.53 Deborah C. (Coleman) 2.53 Edwin 117 Elizabeth C. 253 Ellen 273 Emily A. 2.53 Emily (Swain) 117 Ezra G. 253 Gardner 117, 253 H. Maria 146 Harriet G. 117, 254 Henry 398 James M. 117 Laban 117, 253, .398 Lester 398 Lizzie T. 253 Lurana M. (Fisher) 253 Lydia T. 2.53, 400 Mary 117 Mary (Ceely) 2.53 Mary II. (Baker) 117 Mary J. 117, 2.53, 418 Mary J. (Goodwin) 117 Nelfie 398 Phebe A. (Chase) 253 Philander 117, 253 Sarah B. (Lyon) 398 Sarah C. 253, 399 Sarah (Folger) 117 Sophronia 117 Stanley 398 Thomas'J. 117, 253 William C, 2.53 William E. 253 William G. 117 Coggeshall, Abby (Bay- lies) 54 George 54 Cogswell, Sarah 251 Coit, Lucretia S. 274 Colbe, Ruth 88 Colby, Alonzo87 Ann E. 196 Emma S. 204 Eveline K. (LeBaron) 87 Cole, Abbie T. (Jenney) 330 Eliza P. 331 Emma P. 331 Eunice (Purrington) 331 Grace LeB. 331 Hannah (Sears) 174 Index. 471 Cole, Isaac It^ Jane 174 Jennie P. 3ol John 178 John F. 174 Joseph LeB. 174, ;>31 Katie J. 331 Lottie T. 331 Mary M. 331 Mercy M. (LeBaron) 173 Kuth L. 331 Sarah 32 Sarah H. 174, 331 Theodore W. 174, 330, 331 Coleman, Deborah C. 253 Julia E. 267 Collar, Martha 26 Collier, Jane S. 154 CoUingwood, Olive M. 356 Collins, Ada K. (Stanton) 310 Anna 56 Bessie 310 Bessie F. 400 Caroline 56, 134 Charles 56 Charles B. 56 Charlotte G. 56, 134 Edward 56 Elihu G. 310 Elizabeth A. (Wright) 74 Harriet (Folger) 400 John D. 400 Josiah 74 Julia 56 Lydia B. 56, 135 Lydia (Bradford) 56 Mary E. 400 Seraph ine 56 Colston, Azro 79 Eliza A. ((iove) 79 Colt, Alice (Brainard) 27ti Beatrice 422 Christopher 276 Edward i). 276 Ellen (Brown) 421 Eli7.a DeW. 421 Elizabeth L. 422 Elizabeth M. (Bullock) 422 George DeW. 276, 421 Guv P. 422 Isabella DeW. 270, 421, 422 LeBaron B. 277, 422 LeBaron C. 422 Mary L. (Ledyard) 422 Roswald 422 Russell G. 422 Colt, Samuel P. 277, 422 Theodora G. (DeWolf) 276 Theodora L. 422 Coltou, Clai'a (Maxham) 219 Edwin S. 219 Ellen R. 379 Floyd H. 220 Grant E. 220 Verna I. 219 Comstock, Eva G. 200, 362 Mary A. (Fuller) 199 Ransom 199 Conant, Cliarles 239 Martha E. (Gibb.s) 239 Cone, Frank L. 415 Lena L. (Marcy) 415 Conn, Donald D. 433 George C. 433 Gertrude N. 433 Harriet E. (Deans) 433 Connor, Eva G. (Com- stock) Cooke 362 William H. 362 Cook, Ella V. 224, 378 Hannah S. 64 Harriet PI (Carver) 224 Julia A. 189 Mary 241 Peter 224 Cooke, Elizabeth LcB. 362 Eva G. (Comstock) 362 Henry A. 362 Royal A. 362 Cooley, Elmer 92 George F. 210 Sara E. (LeBaron) 92 Susan (Ray) 210 Coon, Almira 171 Ann J. (LeBaron) 70 Gilbert 70 Jemim?^ 34 Mary 70 Cooper, Mary 229 Mary DeW. (Guild) 276 William S. 276 Copeland, Ellen 185 Corbell, Ulalia 395 Corbin, Elsie 375 Corliss, Albert 209 Belle (Ray) 209 Cornwall, Emily 2-50 Jane 116 Coster, George C. 393 Sophia F. (Hazen) 393 Cottrell, F;dward H. 318 Estella (LeBaron) 318 Julia E. 318 Cottrell, Myron 318 Myron N. 318 Cougle, Frances 48 Cowell, Emily C. 396 Cowles, Sarah F. 304 Cox, Henry F. 135 Jane 369 Seraphine C. ^Prince) 135 (-'rammoud, Maggie 242 Crandall. David E. 323 Ida M. 323 Mary E. (LeBaron) 323 Cranson, Bina 378 Crapo, Sarah 290 Crary, Emilv (Shurtleff) 01m stead 94 Truman 94 Crawford, Caroline 319 Elizabeth (LeBaron) 319 Iluldah 167 John 319 Polly (DePew) 319 Robert 319 Samuel 167, 319 Sarah 319 Sophia (Gibbs) 167 Critcherson, Daniel 314 Frances S. (Barnes) 814 Mary E. 314 Crocker, Arline D. 405 Harriet C. 405 Harriet E. (Clark) 405 Rose L. (Pratt) 405 Thomas M. 405 Thomas S. 405 Crosby, Adaline LeB. 223, 377' Adaline (LeBaron) 223 Alfred K. 158 Ashford L. 223 Elizabeth K. 435 Estella F. 223, .377 Fanny 223 Floreua D. (Kent) 434 Frances M. 377 Helen L. 435 Howell T. 435 Lonzo S. 434 Louis 377 Mabel J. 435 Maria B. 312 Mary P. (LeBaron) 158 Mildred T. 435 Perry Y. 377 Ruth J. 377 Tillie (Shumaker) 377 Willard R. 377 William 223 William A. 223. 377 William C. 377 472 Descendants of Francis LeSaron. Cross, Sarah 70 Crossdale, Ada L. N. 395 Anna F. 395 Emily E. 895 George F. 395 Helen B. 395 Kathleen 395 Lilian E. (Toombs) 395 Muriel A. 395 Sarah L. (Botsford) 395 AVilliam J. 395 Crosswcll, Abigail 117 Crowoll, Abby'M. 83 Crump, Sallie C. 287 Culver, Leroy 207 Lucy (Salisbury) 207 Luella E. 207 Cuiiimings, Alice F. 353 Eda M. (LeBaron) 340 Maurice 340 May I. 340 Cummins, Content (Le- Baron) Simmons 75 Francis D. 75 Cumnock, Arthur J. 424 Juliana (Cutting) 424 Mary C. 424 Currier, Anna B. 379 Asa 226 Betsey (Curtis) 226 Betsey G. 352 Charles A. 379 Charles E. 226, 379 Dora A. 379 Ellen R. (Colton) 379 Harriet (Wheeler) 352 James M. 352 May E. 379 Myron M. 226, 379 Theodore S. 226 William H. 226, 379 Curtis, Addie M. 227, 380 Alfred 102 Azor44, 102 Beatrice E. H. 227 Betsey 102, 226 Carl W. T. 380 Catherine 44, 103 f Catherine (Fowler) 102 Charles E. 227 Clarissa 44 Cynthia 102 Daisy M. (Tompkins) 380 David 44 Diana (Farnham) 102 Earl S. 227 Eliza A. (Standard) 102 Eliza DeW. (Colt) Rotch 421 Elsie B. 102, 227 Curtis, Elsie C. 227, 379 Emily 102 Fanny L. 44, 103 Hapalona 102 Harriet 102 Horace P. 103, 227 Huldah 44 Huldah (LeBaron) 44 Ida B. 180 James 103 Jane 103 John B. 103 Katherine (Taafte) 227 Laura R. 44 LeRoy G. 227 Louisa J. 226 Marion E. 226, 227 Martha 44 Mary 103, 228 Mary J. (Pugsley) 227 May E. 227 Mildred P. 227 Phebo 103, 227 Polly D. 44 Ralph 421 Sally 44, 102 Sally L. (Stevens) 226 Solomon 103, 227 Stephen F. 102, 226 Stephen V. 227 Urie 44 William 103 William N. 227, 380 Cushing, Bela 69 Deborah 123 Eliza (Barnes) 69 Elizabeth C. 174 Emeliue (Lovell) 73 Hannah 71 Cushman, Delany W. 168 Dennis W. 168 Elkanah 17, 18 Lydia (Bradford) 16 •Sarah B. (LeBaron) 168 Cutler, Addie F. (Smith) 354 Algernon S. 193 Bertie A. 354 Carlos L. 193, 354 Ellen ('. (Bruce) 354 George A. 354 Gertrude V. 354 Nathaniel A. 193, 354 Romancey A. (Doten) 193 Viola A. 193 Cutting, James DeW. 278, 424 Judith (Moale) 424 Juliana 278, 424 Cutting, Juliana (De- Wolf) 278 Madeline 424 Maria C. (Pomeroy) 424 Mary P. 424 Robert L. 278, 424 Walter 278, 424 Walter L. 424 William 424 Cuzner, Helen F. 329 Dabney, Ellen i\[. 279, 424 Daboll, Alice M. (Simons) 237 Frank 237 Frank L. 237 Henry A. 237 Daggett, Arthur P. 346 Lilian (Ross) 346 Ross LeB. 346 Dahlman, Georgia L. (Ray) 210 Henry 210 Daily, Emma G. 242 Dana, David T. 430 Florine (Turner) 430 Frances (Smith) 284 Julia 2(!4 Juliette H. 284 Juliette H. (Starr) 284 Richard P. 284 Richard S. 284, 430 Richard T. 430 William S. 284 Darling, Grace I. 261 Darrow, Elva K. (Ferine) 336 Himan G. 336 Mabelle C. 330 Marjorie K. 336 Dasher, Fanny (LeBaron) 376 George 376 Sidney 376 Davie, Esther (LeBaron) 30 Mary (Holmes) 164 Solomon 30 Davies, Cecilia F. 294 Davis, Abbv B. (Hedge) 396 Abby W. 396 Alantha A. (Chandler) 195 Alfred 46 Alice W. 397 Alonzo B. 192, 352 Andrew J. 55 Anna E. (Shippen) 397 Anna S. 397 Index. 4 -TO I O Davis, Aslier 46 Bernard L. 357 Beruice L. 357 Bertha 352 Byron A. 352 Carilla 74 Carl S. 300 Caroline M. (Doten) 82 Carrie I. 352 Catherine H. (UeWolf) Dodge 55 Catherine W. 31)7 Charles B. 185 Charles G. 149 Charles H. 140 Charles S. 149, 300 Charlotte H. (LeBaron) 89, 205 Cvuthia 46, 109 Daniel 46, 110 David 40 Dean C. 357 Earl R. 195, 357 Edward G. 149 Eflfie M. (Faruhani) 357 Eleanor 352 Ella G. 294 Elliott J. 852 Elliott M. 352 Emerson 387 Emma P. (Woolley) 352 Frederica 264 Frederick 192 George 110 Hannah S. (Thomas) 149 Hannah W. 147 Harriet E. 387 Harriet (Graves) 110 Harriet H. (Harding) 192 Hattie 202 Helen D. 300 Hepsie 172 Hester L. 397 Holland 397 Joanna AV. 149. 299 John L. 357 Josephine E. 357 Katie U. 352 Leander 82 Lemuel 141 Leverett 46 Lilia J. (Wright) 185 Lois S. (Hillary) 357 Lydia (Piussell) 300 Martha 110 Mary E. 141 Mary (Hammond) 141 Mary M. iFolger) 387 Moses H. 141 Naomi (LeBaron) 4() Davis, Paul H, 357 Ralpli L. 357 Raymond E. 357 Russell 300 Ruth (L 397 Salmon W. 195 Sarah 53, 74 Sarah A. 192, 351 Sibyl W. 397 Sophia (Arnold) 46 Tliomas 141 Thomas P. 89 Tryphena (Fowler) 46 Wendell 397 Wilbur K. 195, 357 William S. 397 William T. 396 Dawes, Abby D. (Chand- ler) 194 Flora L. 194, 355 James H. 194 John C. 194, 355 Lydia J. (Sampson) Brad- ford 194 Mary S. (Whitman) 355 Sceva 194 Theodore F. 355 Daws, Sophia 183 Day, Lizzie S. 306 Dean, Anna 277 Anne D. (Goodwin) 138 Daniel W. 138 Hannah B. 126 Mary 318 Deans, Anna LeB. 140, 289 Annah LeB. 289 Charles H. 140, 289 Charlotte DeW. 140 Charlotte AV. (Ellis) 289 Elijah 140 Elizabeth W. 140 Fidelia A. 140 George DeW. 289 George W. 140, 288 Gertrude A. 289 Hannah LeB. (Wheaton) 140 Harriet E. 289, 43:! Harris AV. 289 Irene 140 Mary E. 289 Mary M. (Harris) 289 Nancy S. (Richards) 288 Samuel 140 Sarah F. R, 289 Dearth, Abby '\\ 275, 419 Abby (Taylor) 274 Alice S. 419 Annie H. 274, 419 Charles W. 275 Dearth, Cornelia Van R. (Vail) 275 Effie J. (Mallory) 275 Elizabeth B. 128 Elizabeth B. (Bradford) 128 Golden 128 Henry B. 128, 274,419 Henry G. 275 John W. 128, 274 Lizzie B. 419 Mary F. (Bradford) 419 Mary G. (Richmond) 274 Mary W. 274 Rutii S. (Marshall) 274 William G. 274, 419 Decker, Jerusha 70 Lily 348 DeKistelek, Blanche F. (DeAVolf) 421 Francis J. 421 Louis de Levay 421 Delano. Charles E. 302 Charles G. 302 Sarah B. 302 Sarah B. (Gridlev) 302 Winthrop 302 Demary, Nancy R. 207 Deming, Anna B. (Hum- phrey) 152 Charlotte E. 305 Clarence 152 Denham, SaraE. 310 Denton, 54 Betsey (Baylies) 54 DePew, Polly 319 DeQuedville, Mary F. 297 Derrick, Deborah 237 Dennis, 236 Frank 236 Henry 236 Kate 237 Kittle (Stuart) 236 Lulu 237 Mary E. (Simons) 236 Spenser 237 William 237 DeSilva, Albert 408 Albert LeB. A. 408 Charlotte G. 406 Joan M. 408 Lillian I. (Austin) 408 Mark T. 408 Paul A. 408 Despard, Harriet L. 249 Dewar, Alice 435 Dewey Edward B. 104 Ellen M. 228 George M. 228 Gilbert LeB. D. 104, 228 474 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Dewey, Gilbert W. 228 Harriet M. 228 Harriet K. J 75 Helen M. (Woodford) 228 Laura 147 Mary C. 228 Sally M. (Gilbert) Park- hill 103 Sara W. 228 DeWolf, Abby B. 129, 275 Abigail 55 Allan M. 129 Ann B. (Bradford) 55 Anna S. (Frothingham) 397 Blanche F. 421 Bradford C. 421 Caroline D. 279, 427 Caroline M. (Dexter) 279 Catherine H. 55 Charles 129, 421 Charles H. 129, 275 Charles H. D. 279 Charles R. 134 Charlotte G. 129 Charlotte P. (Goodwin) 129, 275 Eleanor (Post) 132 Eliza W. (West) 279 Elizabeth L. (Bui-uess) 421 Ellen M. (Dabney) 279, 424 Ellen P. 279, 426 Francis E. 270, 421, 422 Francis LeB. 55, 132, 133, 279 Francis P. LqE. 279 Francisca 421 Frank 428 George 129, 275 George B. 129, 27(5 Georgiana F. 276, 421 Gertrude 276, 420 Gertrude B. 281 Harriet 55 Harriet L. 281 Harriette P. 134, 281 Henry G. 129 Isabella 130, 277, 421 Isabella DeW. (Colt) 421 Isadora L. 276, 420 James 55, 132, 279 .James F. 133, 279, 427 Jeanne (Dolard) Wood 427 John O. 397 Josephine M. 55, 134 Julia 270 Julia B. 130 DeWolf, Julia L. (Post) 132 Juliana 132, 278 Julius 133 Katherine C. 428 Katherine D. 133, 280 Katherine L. (Catlin) 428 Louise C. 428 Madeline 133, 280 Margaret (Munroe) 280 Marguerite 279, 280 Marianna 129, 275 Marion I. 282 Marion I. (Mora) 281 Mark A. 55, 133, 134, 282 Martha G. 129, 270 Mary 133 Mary A. 55, 132 Mary (Goodwin) 129 Mary H. 275, 420 Mary L. 134 Mary R. 282 Mary R. (Soley) 134 Mary (Smith) 276 Mary T. 129 Nancy B. 55, 133 Nancy B. (Bradford) 55 Nelson S. 279, 427 Paul B. 428 Rosalie 133, 280 Sarah A. 133, 280 Sarah A. (Rogers) 133 Sarah F. (Hazard) 275 Sophie C. V. (Chappo- tin) 133 Sutherland D. 130 Theodora G, 130, 270 Walter 129 William B. 55, 134, 281 William H. 55, 133, 280 William R. 133, 280 DeWolfe, James 115 Sarah C. (Ilazen) 115 Dexter, Caroline M. 279 Clara L. (Hammond) 308 Elisha L. 308 Harriet W. (LeBaron) 308 Lemuel LeB. 308 Dickey, Harriet L. (Chan- dler) 83 Orrin 83 Dier, Capt. 23 Digby, Mary A. 88 Dike, Charles B. 267 Edward G. 267 Isabella F. (Goodwin) 267 Julia E. (Coleman) 267 Kate (Tliomas) 267 Dike, Simoon 267 Dillaway, Emma 284 Dillingham, Caroline B. 270 Dirnan, Margaret 273 Dimock, Isadora L. (De- Wolf) 420 Joseph J. 420 Joseph J. DeW. 420 Judson DeW. 420 Dinion, Mary E. 290 Dimond, JoJin N. 131 Mary T. (Church) 131 Divine, Kate M. 405 Dix, Sophia D. 1-53 Dizan, Charles 207 Clara E. 207 Henrietta 207 Mary A. 207, 368 Utheria (LeBaron) 207 Doane, Emily J. (Le- Baron) 220 Ervie N. 221 Frank W. 220 Grace (Coe) 220 Herbie A. 221 John S. 220 Mary 00 Olive L. 22 1 Perry E. 221 Perry J. 220 Dodd, Elizabeth 85 Dodge, Catherine 89 Catherine H. (DeWolf) 55 Cora B. (Bovee) 321 Cynthia A. (Perry) 238 David B. 238 Ethel P. (FitcJi) 388 Eugene 238, 385 John 238 Josephine S. 386 .Joshua .55 Leonard D. 388 Loretta J. 238, 385 Lucy 33 Stephen H. 238 Susan 238 Susan (Saunders) 385 William 321 Doggett, Lydia (Sargent) 30 Dolard, Jeane 427 Dolbeer, Caroline 412 Charles H. 412 Florence B. 412 Florence M. (Beals) 412 Dole, Julia (Weeks) :'.48 Katie C. 348 William M. 348 Incle.it 475 A. (Ha- Donuell, Anna J. ;]12, 439 Benjamin W. 312 Francis M. 312 Jotliam 312 Maria E. (Mitchell) 312 Murray C. 439 Myra L. (Seeley) 438 Virginia D. 43U William C. 312, 438 Donovan, Alexander C. 250 Mary G. (Botsford) : Dorr, Elizabeth C. zen) 249 ilazen 249 Juhannah R. 249 Margaret A. S. 249 ISamuel 249 Samuel F. 249 Doten, Abigail [Nabby] 39_, 81 Abigail (Goodenougli) 82 Abigail (LeBaron) 39 Adelia 83 Alden 39, 82, 194 Amy (Gray) 194 Ann E. (Colby) 19() Anna B. 196, 359 Anna (Page) 194 Anna (Vaughn) 83 Belle C. 84 Benjamin 81 Betsey 39, 83 Caira (Russell) 82 Caroline M. 82 Carrie E. 194 Cassius M. C. 191, 351 Cecil H. 359 Chester 194 Clara W. (Cliaffin) 351 Cora (LeBaron) 194 Edith C. 351 Edward 39 Edward H. 196, 359 Edward S. 83, 196 Ella A. 351 Ella E. (Carr) 359 Elvira 83 Elvira (Averill) 191 Etta (Brooks) 194 F. Alice O. 191, 351 Fanny 194 Forrest L. 359 Frank 194 Frank B. 196 Frank C. 351 Franklin 39, 81, 191 Gerald 194 Grace E. (Wright) 196 Doten, Hattie (Lawrence) 194 Howard L. 191 Isaac 19, 39, 81 Jerusha L. 83, 195 Julia E. 194 Katherine E. 82, 193 Loland 39, 83 Leland F. 196 Lena A. (Lilly) 196 Leonard 194 Lucia E. 359 Lucy 39 Lucy E. 84 Marian E. 359 Mariette A, 84 Mary (Polly) 39 Melissa H. (Harrington) 196 Mervin N. 191 Molly 82 Newell F. 191 Orinda (Leonard) 191 Orlando 81 Philander 83 Philena 83. 196 Prise inda 39, 84 Romancy A. 82, 193 Rosilla (Clapp) 81 Rosina 83 Sally 39, 82 Sarah 196 Sarah F. (Burdeck) 196 Sarah J. 194 Sarah J. (Aldrich) 194 Stephen F. 82 Zebedee 39 Doty, Edith PI (LeBaron) 101 Marvin R. 101 Douglas, Virginia W. 419 Dow, Arthur G. 340 Frank L. 340 Lafayette F. 340 May I. (Cu minings) 340 Dowdall, Anne 305 Downer, Cassandra 73 Doyle, Edward J. 97 lola (Maxham) 97 Draper, ('hloe 174 Drew, Almira 60 Almira (LeBaron) 60 Annie (Flynn) 374 Bradford L. 60 Caroline E. (Bailey) 218 Caroline (Read) 126 Carrie E. 218 Charles H. 356 Charles W. 218 Clarence R. 356 Drew, Delbert E. 218 Desire (Goodwin) 51 Edna A. 218, 374 Elizabeth (Thomson) 218 Emily F. 356 Florence 374 Frank 373 Frank H. 218, 373 George 126 Gertrude L. 373 H. Maria (Coffin) 146 Harriet F. (Holmes) 350 Harriet F. (Weeks) 295 Harvey W. 218 Herbert 373 Joseph 51 Julias. 146 Lemuel L. 60 Lewis 60 Lewis L. 146, 295 Louis L. 295, 436 Louis R. 436 Lucia T. 60, 147 Lydia A. 60, 146 Lyman L. 60, 14() Maybelle 374 Mehitable (Ewell) 373 Melvin W. 218, 374 Miriam F. 436 Myra B. 218 Nathaniel E. 218 Nellie M. 436 Rosie (O'Riordan) 430 Walter E. 374 Drisco, Jerusha 158 Drown, Mary A. 419 Drum, Arthur J. 323 Aully E. (LeBaron) 323 Cora B. 323 Fannie E. (Ford) 323 James F. 323 Jennie R. (Maycumbcr) 323 Jeremiah S. 323 Leah S. 323 Drumm, Annie N. 144 Clair L. 324 Delia A. (LeBaron) 323 Diana (Lawyer) 323 Ervin E. 323 George 323 George A. 323 James F. LeB. 144 Katherine (Kidder) 144 Mary LeB. 144 Mina L. 324 Romyon G. 323 Sarah L. (LeBaron) 144 Sarah LeB. 144 Thomas 144 -i/i Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Brury, Geitriulo D. 28(j Hannah LeB. USO Hannali W. (Goodwin) 285 Helen F. (Abbott) 280 John T. 28fi Julia C. 285 Mary R. 286 Rebekali LeB. 285 Samuel S. 285, 286 Dudley, Mary A. 389 Dulany, Edna C. 428 Dunbar, Clara L. (Le- Baron) 198 Robert H. 198 Dunham, Barnabas 69 Betsey (Barnes) 69 Henry L. 174 Lewis 174 Lucretia 174 Marietta 174 Melvin 174 Sally B. (LeBaron) 174 Dunning, Carrie 362 Flora 362 William 362 Dunton, Alice L. (LeBar- on) 208 Stephen H. 208 Dui-and, Donna 336 Dwinell, Louisa 79 Dyer, John 23 Fames (Ames), Anthony 9 Elizabeth 9 Eastman, Catherine M. (Esty) 390 Emeline A. (Hall) 390 Harry D. 390 Henry E. 390 Easton, Alice E. (Barnes) 236 Blanche E. 236 Elma E. 236 Marenus G. 236 Oscar M. 236 Edgerly, Adaline (Fall) 372 Edith L. 372 Emma A. 215 Esther P. 215, 373 Etta M. P. 372 George 215 Harry S. 372 Jane E. 215, 372 Lydia R. 215, 372 Mary 215 Mary S. (Miller) 215. Norma A. 215 Obadiah S. 215 Edgerly, Peter 215, 372 Edie, E. Christina 333 Margaret 383 Robertson 333 Egelston, Adeline 177 Eggleston, 41 Azariah 63 Eliza J. 343 Lucy (LeBaron) 41 Maria 63 Eichholtz, Annie LeB. 76, 179 George 76 Maria T. (LeBaron) Pool 76 Marie 76 Eisenhart, Jennie 290 Eldred, Hannah A. 137 Eldridge, Alice B. 151, 304 Anna B. 153 Azariah 1.53 Deborah (Hamlin) 151, 153 Ellen (Battell) 153 Irene B. 151, 304 Isabella 151 Joseph 151, 153 Joseph B. 151 Mary 151 Sarah 151 Sarah (Battell) 151 Elliott, Catherine 147 Louisa M. 423 Ellis, Angelina 339 Charlotte W. 289 John P. 69 Sarah (Barnes) 69 Ellison, Charlotte M. 382 Edith M. (Wilcox) 382 Grace E. 382 John 382 Ellsworth, Clara A. 212 George T. 212 Grace M. (Bunce) 212 Lyman J. 212 Ely, Grace D. 295 Sarah D. 295 Z. Stiles 295 Emerson, Charles H. 291 Harvey G. 291 Hepzibah F. (LeBaron) 291 Martha E. (Henry) 434 Mary C. 291 Roland H. 434 Walter J. 291, 434 Winslow H. 291 Ensign, B. 102 Cynthia (Curtis) 102 Ensign, Sally (Curtis) 102 Erhavdt, Albert J. 334 Edah (Moshcr) 334 Ericksou, Tlieresa V. 333 Esdell, Mary 30 Estes, Alfred 183 Cecil L. 338 Chester A. 338 Esther P. P. (Hamniall) 162 Everett E. 338 Hartley 338 John 162 Lenora W. 433 Maude E. 338 Nancy M. (LeBanm) 338 Ola E. 338 Rose E. (French) 338 Sophia (Daws) Simpson LeBaron 183 Esty, Alexander N. 391 Alice H. (Wilkins) Smitli 391 Catherine M. 390 Charles A. 390 Charles C. 390 Constantino C. 390 Dexter 390 Emily H. 390 Emily S. (March) 390 Frederick M. 390 Georgie G. (Harrington) 390 Grace LeB, 390 Margaret M. 390 Mary LeB. 387, 390 Mary (Rice) 390 Evans, Alantha A. (CJian- dler) 195 Albion F. 195 Amanda H. 344 Anna F. 270 Elizabeth (MacSkiuuon) 401 Grace E. 401 John F. 195 Kenneth E. 401 Mary H. (Locke) 400 Maud M. 401 Samuel E. 400 Ewell, Mehitable 373 Fairbanks, Relief G. 295 Fairchild, Elizabeth L. (Gibson) 282 Harold S. 282 Fall, Adaline 372 Farley, Aimer 100 Ariette 100 Benjamin 100 [ndex. 477 Fai-ley. Carrie L. 101 Daniel J. 101 Elizabeth (Harrington) 100 Francis 101 Hannah Jane 101 Jeannette 101 Jonathan 68 Kittie (Van Wagoner-) 101 Lavinia (LeBaron) 100 Mary 08 Mary R. (Bradley) 101 Farniiam, Diana 102 Effie M. 357 Farnum, Caroline A. (Ste- vens) 235 Charles H. 235 Dorcas (Barnes) 34 Helen E. 235 Herbert W. 235 Jonathan 34 Lillian L. 235 Nellie L. 235 William O. 235 Farewell, Relief 52 Farrier, Ednah C. 401 Elizabeth 401 (Gordon LeB. 401 Helen E. 401 Helen (Locke) 401 John 401 Robert E. 401 Robert L. 401 Farris, Annie C. 298 Elizabeth 298 Jeremiah 298 Faulkner, Marianna H. 403 Faunce, Adriana 315 Arthur E. 315 Betsey (Lucas) 315 Ellen 310 James S. 315 Katherine H. 315, 440 Katherine H. (Bai-nes) 315 Stephen 315 Stephen H. 315 Fay, Frank B. 390 Rebekah L. (Bridges) 390 Sibyl C. 390 Fearing, Israel 9 Featherson, Catherine 322 Feltch, John L. 331 liottie A. (LeBaron) 331 Mildred A. 331 Fenner, Lucia F. M. 250 Fenton, Dorothy E. 370 Fenton, Ethel M. 370 James D. 370 Lawrence 370 Minnie (Foster) 370 Ferguson, (Miss) 248 Ferry, Electa M. (Shurt- leff) Fifield 368 Martin 369 Fessenden, Tryphosa C. 144 Fields, Frank J. 400 Joseph J. 406 Lucy (x. (Aurelio) 400 Sara G. (Aurelio) 400 Fifield, Aaron A. 309 Arthur 369 Charles 369 Electa M. (Shurtleft") 308 Gertie (Perrigo) 369 Glenn A. 309 Fifield, Grace 369 Henry G. 309 Jennie (Randall) 309 Katie F. (Gleason) 369 Lola E. 309 Mary 369 Maurice L. 369 Miriam L. (Myers) 309 Myron 369 Nathan 368 Nellie M. 369 Nettie 369 Perley 369 William P. 369 Finchout, Harriet 107 Finn, Sarah 57 Finney, Elizabeth 10. 17 John 17 Firth, Abraham 123 Jane F. (Russell) 123 Fish, Betsey (Sampson) 363 Charles N. 363 Elliott A. 303 Emma (Sampson) 363 George G. 303 Helen G. 363 Jessie 303 Laura 303 Leonard W. 303 Lloyd 363 Mary 206 xMuriel 363 Nelson 303 Olin 363 Fisher, Lurana M. 25:1 Martha M. 263 Fisk, Hephzibah 59 Joseph 59 Fiske, Alice A. (Forsyth) 415 Caleb 59 John H. 415 Mary 59 Fitch, Annie L. (Keefe) 388 Austin G. 387 Charlotte A. 388 Eleanor T. (Perry) 388 Eliza A. 404 Emma A. 388 Ethel P. 388 Fred M. 388 Harriet M. 388 Lillian 388 Lois G. 388 Mary C. (March) 387 Mary M. 388 William A. 388 Fitzgerald, Charlotte (Ha- zen) 48 John F. 48 Fletcher, Laura 313 Flynn, Annie 374 Fogle, Martha A. 230 Folger, Barzillai 254 Charles 254 Harriet 254, 400 Harriet G. (Coffin) 254 Mary M. 387 Sarah 117 Folsom, George W. 438 Olivia P. (Cannon) 438 Priscilla A. 438 Susan 438 Sylvia P. 438 Foote, Frederic LeB. 345 Howard W. 345 Josephine (Ross) 345 Kenneth 345 Lancel R. 345 Marguerite 345 Shirley 345 Hannah 31 Forbes, Charles C. 110 George I. 238 Harriet L. (Martin) 239 Hattie K. (Andrews) 288 James, Jr. 239 Lucy J. (Martin) 110 Lydia (Martin) 238 Marion M. 238 Meda M. 239, 386 Volney N. 238 William J. 239 Ford, 74 Fannie E. 323 Martha A. (Wright) 74 Melinda 370 478 Descettdants of /''much JjeBaron. Ford, Alary t) Fordham, Albert 40 Caroline (Woodward) 109 Delos 109 Esther C. 109 Francis 4ti, 109 Gideon 46, 109 Harlan 109, 2:^,7 Mariette 109 Mary (Culver) 4(i Newton 109 Orwell 237 Ruth 46, 237 Ruth (LeBaron) 46 Sabrina E. 109, 237 Sarah (Seely) 237 Silas 46 Urseba (Pratt) 109 Forrest, Mary 93 Forster, Thomas 21 Foi-syth, Alice A. 41"} Arthur W. 415 James 415 Mary A. (Waldron) 415 Foss, Mabel 339 Ruth 181 Foster, Albert S. 338 Alice 214 Alice M. (Tracy) 338 Angie R. 338 Anna 370 Arthur LeR. 338 Carlos 214, 370 Caroline 214, 370 Carrie M. 370 Charles 255, 402 Clara J. 369 Cyi-us S. 338 Ebenezer 214. 371 Edith 369 Elbridge T. 338 Eliza J. (Jones) 371 Elizabeth A. 402 Elizabeth Y. (Andros) 402 Elizabeth L. (Harlow) 402 Elsie M. 338 Eunice (Shurtleff) 214 Galusha 214 (ieneva 370 (ieorge W. 370 Goodwin LeB. 402 Hannah G. (Locke) 255 Helen M. 402 Henry 214, 3(i9 Herbert 370 Hettie 370 Ida M. 371 Foster, John H. 255, 402 Joseph L. 255, 402 Margaret H. 402 Mary 214, 370 Mary A. (Tracy) 338 Mary B. 220 Mary G. (Chnnhil!) 402 Mary H. 255 Mary L. (Howe) 370 Minnie 370 Nellie (Ginn) 370 Philena 348 Reginald 402 Richard A. 402 Roxana (LeBaron) 338 Sibyl 402 Susan (Parmeter) 369 William 255 William H. 255 Fowie, Eliza W. 269 Fowler, Catherine 102 Tryphena 46 Fox, Carrie M. 226 Clarinda (Stanley) 181 Erma M. 226 Erwin J. 226 Ida A. (LeBaron) 225 Jackson 225 John 181 L. Curtis 226 Melissa 181 Melissa A. (Bush) 225 Rachel 126 Willis D. 225 Foye, Emma A. 293 Franklin, Alvira L. 102 Edna V. 102 Ellen L. 102 Emma O. 102, 22(i Frank H. 102 George C. 102 Henry 102 Margaretta P. 102, 226 Sabra (LeBaron) 102 Frappied, Carrie E. ((Tage) 365 John B. 365 Lestina E. 365 Freeman, Mary 285 French, Elkanah 131 Inez 385 Jemima W. (Hatch) 131 Rose E. 338 Frenette, Andrew 370 Jessie M. 370 Maria (Phillips) 370 Mary (Foster) 370 Minnie A. 370 Mitchell 370 Frisbie, Louisa J, 241 Frommel, Matilda 407 Frost, Sarah E. 247 Frothingham, Albert G. 397 Anna S. 397 Charles H. 397 Eliza H. (Goodwin) 397 Louisa B. 397 Winthrop 397 Frye, Hannah 121 Fuller, Alden 199 Ann M. 96 Augustus 85 Betsey (LeBaron) 40 Betsey W. (LeBaron) 199 Clara L. (Kent) 293 Delia 85 Eliza M. 85 Evangeline LeB. 199. 36] Florence B. 362 George H. 293 George W. 293 Harrison 199 Henry 85 Isaiah 85 Israel 40 Louisa (LeBaron) S5 Mabel G. 362 Marion E. 362 Mary A. 85, 199 Mary P. 199 Maude B. 362 Rebeccah 19 Robert 85 William 199 AVilliam II. 199, 361 FuUington, A. Henry 177 Mary H. (Sweet) 177 Funke, Rose 155 Furber, Anna 388 Gadapee, Fred 191 Minnie J. (Badger) 191 Gage. Arvilla E. (Bean) 365 Carrie E. 3(j5 George G. 365 Lestina P. 365 Margaretta P. ( Frank 1 in) 226 Rupert F. 22(i Tilly B. (Mallay) 3(!5 William J. 226 Willis J. 3(55 Gale, Emma (Peck) 187 Frank N. 187 Jasper M. 187 Marilla (LeBaron) 187 Gallagher, John 70 Julia A. (LeBaron) 70 Index. 479 Galviu, Margaret 260 Gamsby, Betsey J. (Le- Baron) 206 Donna M. 206 Isabella J. 206 Jessie M. 206 John W. 206 Kate A. 206 Gavceau, Eugene 207 Henrietta (Dizan) 207 Gardner, Betsey 175 George N. 280 John W. 426 Josephine DoW. (Perry) 426 Josephine P. 426 Judith 252 Lillie 426 Lydia 116 Nellie DeW. 280 Sarah A. (DeWolf) 280 Garland, Abbie W. 358 Garnett, Docia 38() Gary, Elizabeth 41 Gautery, Elizabeth 366 Gaytoa, Emma 382 Gerrard, Mary E. 360 (xibbons, Louisa E. 121 Gibbs, Abbie M. 353 Adeline 160 Adeline R. 161 • Anne UeW. (Lovett) 282 Ansel (i7 Bradford 282 Chandler B. 239 Clara E. 161 Dorothy 50 Eliza LeB. ()7, ItU Fanny 252 Franklin 282 Harriet 112 Helen P. 239, 386 Jacob B. 192 .lames, 67 •Julia DeW. 282, 429 Louisa H. 343 Lucy F. 161 Lucy LeB. 67 Lucy (LeBaron) 67 Luna J. (Briggs) 3.53 Martha E. 239 Mary A. (Harding) 192 Oscar D. 192, 353 Ealph J. 353 Rowland 161 Selucia H. (Higgins) 239 Sophia 167 William LeB. 67, 160 Gibler, Alice T. 177 Gibson, Anne DeW. 282 Gibson, Burdett, 429 Charles D. 282, 429 Charles DeW. 282, 429 Elizabeth L. 282 Irene L. 429 Irene (Langhorne) 429 Josephine 282 Josephine E. (Lovett) 282 Katherine M. (Burdett) 429 Langdon 282, 429 Langhorne 429 LeBaron 282 Giftord, Harriet E. 333 Harriette 73 Gilbert, Addie R. (Gran- ville) 230 Alexander H. 45 Ann E. 104 Bella J. (McGregor) 381 Benjamin F. 45, 104, 228 Caroline E. (LeBaron) 60 Carrie M. 229, 380 Charles F. D. 229, 381 Charlotte A. (Girdon) 229 Clifford 377 Darwin H. 229 Edward I. 105, 230 El Doi-a L. (Bridgman) 229 Elbert B. 381 Ella V. (Pierson) 229 Emelino 104 Emeline (Bullard) 104 Estella F. (Crosby) Haas 377 Flora C. 229 Florence A. 229 Frances (Proctor) 104 Grace M. 229 Gustavus 60 Guy R. 105, 229 Guy T. 229 Harriet A. 45, 105, 229 Irving McK. 229 James J. 45, 104 James P. 229 Jennie 230 Jennie B. (McKercher) 229 Jessie F. 381 John Q. A. 105, 229 Joseph E. 377 Julia A. 104, 228 Kate A. 228 Martha LeB. 104 Martha (LeBaron) 45 Martha \V. 45, 105 Mary Cooper (Mrs.) 229 Gilbert, Mary E. (Orraos) 228 Mary H. R. 104 Mary H. (Ruggles) 104 Mary LeB. 45, 105 Sally M. 45, 103 Sarah E. 104 Sarah E. (Beach) 104 Sarah J. 229 Sarah (Stearns) 104 Tilley 45, 104 Willard 104 William S. 45 William T. 104 Gill, Bradford 430 Florence L. (Henry) 430 Helen 1.55 Wilson L. 430 Gillet, Mary O. 241 Gilman, Emeline P. (Good- win) 406 Joseph T. 406 Lavonia 414 Ginn, Nellie 370 Girdon, Charlotte A. 229 Gladding, Elizabeth 272, 414 Emily 272 John 272 Mary A. 272. 415 Mary B. (Willard) 272 Gleason, Edward 183, 342 James G. 164 Katie F. 369 Phebe (Barnes) Paty 164 Ruth (LeBaron) Morse 183 Susie M. 342 Glen, Helen B. 202 Glendeming, Martha 407 Glidden, Alice F. (Cum- mings) 353 Asahel C. 352 Barbara R. (Kelley) 352 Charles M. 353 Cora B. (Bovie) 3.53 Edna M. 353 Ernest M. 353 George C. 352 Katherine M. 352 Lucy (Seaver) 352 Mary A. (Wood) 3.52 Myron S. 352 Willie W. 353 Glines, Elsie E. 345 Ervin M. 345 Etta L. (LeBaron) 345 George B. 345 William M. 345 Goddard, Delano A. 61 480 Descendoiitx <>f Francis LeBaron. (Joddaicl, llaumih Ty> Martha H. (LeBaron) tU (roeller, (;liarles 020 Cliristian F. o20 Henry C. 320 Sarah A. (LeBaron) Mer- cereau 320 Goff, Augusta M. 84 Frances 84 Jonathan B. 84 Priscinda (Doten) 84 llusaliue 84 Good, Mary J. 280 Goode, Charlotte G. (De- Wolf) 129 K. r. 129 Goodenough, Abigail 82 Goodenow, Emma O. (Franklin) 22G Frank W. 22(i Reginald M. 22(i Gooding, A. Wiusor 41t) Abby T. (Dearth) 419 Benjamin B. 125 Charles II. 277, 423 Cora II. (LeBaron) 37<) Elizabeth M. 419 Elnora H. 423 Emily G. 277 Gertrude 277 Harriet (Goodwin) 12r> Helen F. 277, 423 James M. 417 John G. 376 Josephus 277 Josiah 277 Lily M. (Wall) 417 Mabel M. 37(> Marguerite S. 417 Mary A. (Bradford) 41fi Mary B. 277, 423 Mary E. (Howland) 277 Mary J. (Boyd) 423 Nancy (Smith) 277 William B. 417 William J. 419 Goodrich, Amos 85 Anson 85 (Jlarissa J. 85 Lorinda W. ((Toodwin) 127 Louisa C. 85 Lucy (Beebe) 85 Mary E. 418 llhoda (Itaymond) 85 Winfield S. 127 Goodwin, Abigail (C;ross- well) 117 Abigail V. 57 Abigail T, (Torrey) 124 Goodwin, Abby 125, 207 Abby A. (Whiting) 139 Adaiine E. (Vaughn) 137 Albert (J. 117, 2.52 Alice 411 Alice C. 287 Alonzo 127, 272 Alonzo V. 139 Ajuanda I. 127, 271 Amelia 123 Amelia M. 2(i(i Amelia (Mackie) 123 Ann 28, 49, 119 Ann D. 138 Ann (Lucas) 124 Anna F. (Evans) 270 Anna L. 124 Arabella W. 398 Arabella (White) 252 Benjamin 18, 29, 53, 57 Benjamin F. 127 Benjamin L. 58, 139 Bernice (.SaAvyer) 271 Bessie 28t) Betsey T. 125 Caroline 53 Caroline A. (Luce) 271 Caroline B. (Dillingham) 270 Carrie .288 Celestine R. 40(1 Chandler R. 52. 126, 270 Charity A. H. 139 Charity (Christler) 138 Charles 29, 51, 57, 125, 137 Charles B. 127, 271 Charles C. 12(5, 270 Charles DeW. 127 Charles H. 266 Charles LeB. 270 Charles T. 125 Charlotte P. 54, 129, 275 Clara B. (Manter) 271 Clara W. 41 1 Conrad II. 287 Cyrus H. 271 Daniel 30, 57, 137 Daniel LeB. 57, 137, 139 David 287 Deborah C. 51 Deborah (Gushing) 123 Deborah (Sampson) Briggs 50 DelphinaF. 270, 414 Desire 51, 125 Desire (Ryder) 51 Dorothy (Gibbs) 50 Edward A. 139 Edward B. 57, 139 Goodwin, Edward J. 117 Edward I^. 138, 287 Edward LeB. 287 Edward W. 261 Eliza A. (Bartlett) 252 Eliza H. 252, 397 Eliza (Hussey) 252 Elizabeth 51, 124 Elizabeth (Hammatt) 68, 122 Elizabeth L. 137 Elizabeth M. 122, 262 Elizabeth W. -121, 261 Ella H. 287 Ella J. B. (Woodward) 288 Ella (McMeans) 286 Ella R. 138 Ellen A. (Chandler) 265 Ellen C. 139 Ellen C. (Hopkinson) 266 Ellen (Keene) 127 Ellen M. (Luce) 127 Elliot H. 266 Elvira 53, 127 Emeline P. 261. 40() Emily 50, 121 Emily F. 125, 268 Emily H. (Jenks) 2(i5 Emma W. (Wild) 411 Ernest A. 272, 414 Eugenie (Richter) 40r) Eunice C. 261 Eunice (Marston) 50 Evangeline B. 271 Evelyn A. 268 Evelyn (Tanner) 433 Evelyn W. 433 Ezra S. 49, 252, 398 Fannie R. 286 Fanny A. 138, 286 Fanny D. (Hurlburt) 260 Fanny G. 252, 398 Fanny R. 398 Fear (Thacher) 50 Frances B. 266 Francis 121, 261 Francis II. 122 P>ancis LeB. 28, 52, 126, 270, 406 Frederick D. 57, 138, 287 Frederick H. 51, 123 Frederick LeB. 138, 286 (jeorge 28, 52 George H. 139 George LeB. 52, 127 George R. 127 George T. 125, 267, 26s Grace L (Darling) 261 Grace M. 266 Index. 4S1 Goodwin, Hauuali 18, 4ii, 50, 54, 50, lis, 125 Hannah A. (Eldred) VM ITannali B. (Dean) 120 Hannah (Harlow) 125 Hannah J. 49 Hannah (Jackson) 49 Hannah LeB. 30, 57, 58 Hannah (Le Baron) 29, 53 Hannah P. 127 Hannah W. 137, 285 HaiTiet 53, 57, 125, 127 Harriet B. 57 Harriet E. 272, 414 Harriet P\ 127 Harriet (Knight) Rhodes 137 Harriet L. 50, 121, 139, 288 Harriet W. 201 Helen 288 Helen L. (Van Telt) Greenhalgh 200 Henry 20, 53, 54, 57 Henry B. 57, 138, 288 Henry C. 122 Hersey B. 51, 123, 200 Hester (Werner) 123 Heverland T. 125 Horace H. 266 Horatio li. 124, 207 Idella (Young) 127 Isaac 51, 52, 08. 122 Isaac B. 123 Isabella F. 124, 267 James 53 James A. L. 139 James B. 57, 138 James DeW. 53 James O. 208, 411 Jane F. 51, 122 Jane P. (Robbius) 52 Jane R. 126, 209 John 29, 49, 50, 57 John A. 52, 122, 127, 263 John C. 139 John E. 122 John F. 138, 271, 280 John H. 127, 271 John M. 50, 121, 200, 2()1, 406 Joseph 29, 51, 56 Juliet A. (Bobbins) 123 Juliet H, 123 Junette M. 271 Laura H, 262 Laui-a (Hastings) 2(il Eaura (Parker) 252 Lavonia (Gilnian) 414 Lazarus 28, 49, 50, 52 (ioodwin, LeBaroii 50, 51, 121, 122, 261 Lettie M. 287 Lettie (Rutherford) 286 Levi A. 127 Lewis 51, 57, 124 Lewis LeB. 30, 288 Lewisanna 139 Lizzie (Knowlton) 127 Lorenzo 124 Lorinda W. 127 Lucia A. 124, 200 Lueinda H. 139 Lucretia (Watson) 123 Lucy 50 Lucy (Alden) 57 Lucy L. 122, 2(52 Lulu E. (Bodge) 270 Lydia IS, 28, 49, 51, 118, 125. 2(57 Lydia C. 117, 251 Lydia 0. (Samiisou) 50 Lydia (Gardner) 110 Lydia LeB. 50, 51, 53, 124 Lydia (LeBaron) 28 Lydia S. (Rice) 272 Lydia W. 126, 270 Mabel W. 411 Maggie (Livier) 280 Marcia 28 iSIargaret L. 287 Maria E. 123, 205 Maria L. 287 Maria L. (Smith) 287 Maria T. (Marshall) 207 Martha L. 127 jNlartha M. (Fisher) 203 Martha W. 139 Martha (Waitt) 207 jNIarv 54, 5(i, 57, 129, 135, 136" Mary A. 51, 117, 122,252, 287 Mary A. (Harrison) 287 Mary A. (Wells) 127 Mary B. 137, 138, 2S7 Mary (Bradford) 53 ilary DeW. 57 Mary E. 127, 139, 2(il, 2(58, 271 Mary E. (Pierce) 261 Mary F. 287 Mary F. (Archer) 138 Mary J. 49, 117,122,139, 263 Mary L. 287 Mary (Leggett) 122 Mary M. (I-ull) 270 Mary R. 30, 58 (rood win, Marv (Ward- well) 139 Mercy 28, 51, 124 Mercy (Robie) 29 Nancy 50, 57, 136, 137 Nancy B. 50, 120 Nancy W. 30 Nathan B. 288 Nathan W. 139, 28.s Nathaniel 18, 28, 49, 51 116, 117, 123, 252 Nellie S. 272, 414 Olive F. 127 Ott6 C. 414 Polly (Briggs) 57 Rebecca LeB. 138 Rebecca (Wilkinson) 137 Relief (Farwell) 52 Robert A. 138, 287 Robie 28 Rue] 127 Ruel W. 271 Ruth (Shaw) 49 Sadie (Aistrope) 270 Sallie C. (Crump) 287 Sally 50, 119 Sarah 50, 135 Sarah A. 138 Sarah (Finn) 57 Sarah (Kelley) 123 Sarah LeB. 122 Sarah P. 137, 285 Sarah (Pickens) 137 Sarah (Thomas) 122 Sarah W. 137 Seth C. 126, 270 Simeon S. 51, 54 Susan A. 139, 288 Susan A. (Palmer) 138 Susan (Hamilton) 270 Susan P. 398 Susan S. (Palmer) 398 Susan V. 138 Susan W. 138 Susannah 57 Susannah (Keith) 56 Sylpha (Stetson) 51 Sylvia (Moss) 137 Thomas 28, 49, 51, 117, 124 Thomas J, 118 Thomas R. 123 Thomas S. 58 Van Pelt 261 Vernon 286 William 28, 29, 50,51, 57 William A. R. 286, 433 William B. 126, 203 William F. 123 William H. 122, 270 482 iJesreiuh lilts of J'^raiicin Leliaron. (ioodwiu, William LeB. 5ii, 12;] William W. 123, 137, 252, 205 Wiuthrop O. 411 Winthrop T. 268 (xorliam, Eliza M. (Laugh- lin) 197 Gould, Dora A. (Currier) 379 Fred A. 379 Ola 198 Gove, Abigail LeB. 79, 184 Abraham 78 Ansel 79 Azuba (LeBarou) 79 (Jynthia (LeBaron) 78 Klisha 187 Eliza A. 79 Elvira 79 Florence M. (Kendrick) 330 Freeman K. 79 flauuali (Somes) 79 Ira L. 79 Laura F. 330 Lviceua (Hancock) 79 Alar 11 la (LeBaron) 9, 162, 312 Abraham LeB. m, 69,162 Anne F. (i8, 162 Charles H. 33, (59 Consider H. 33 Daniel C. 312 Elizabeth 33, 68, 122 Hammatt, Elizabeth F. 69, 163 Elizabeth W. 68 Esther J. 68, 162 Esther P. P. 102 Esther P. (Parsons) 68 George 33, 68 George W. 69 Hannah A. (Tyler) 69 Hannah P. 68, 162 Henry 33 John H. 68, 1(32 Lucia 33, 68 Lucia S. 69, 162, 312 Maria B. (Crosby) 312 Mary 69 Mary A. (Parsons) 161 Mary E. 162 Mary (Farley) 68 Priscilla 33 Priscilla (LeBaron) :!3 Samuel A. 33 Sara (Allen) 312 Silence T. 162 Silence (Thomas) 161 Sophia 33 Theodore D. 312 Thompson P. 68, 161 William 33, 68, 161 William C. 68, 161, 312 William W. P. 162, 312 Hammill, Charlotte S. 438 Hammond, Abigail (Do- ten) 81 Albert F. 142 Andrew C. 58, 142 Ann A. 142 Ansel 67 Betsey (LeBaron) .58 Bezaleel S. 58 Caroline A. 142 Charles F. 142 Clara L. 308 Cornelia E. 143 Deborah 58, 141 Ebenezer R. .58, 142 Edna V. 290 Eliza J. (Henderson) 142 Elizabeth 142 Elizabeth P. 66 Elizabeth R. 58 Ella E. 142 Emily 58 Emily A. 142, 289 Franklin H. 143 Frederick 142, 143 Frederick H, 58, 143 George F. 142 George LeB. 142, 290 George LeR. 290 484 Descendants of Francis IjeBaroii. Hammond, Georgianna VV. 142, 290 Harriet A. 142 Harriet W. 58, 143 Holmes 82 Horace A. 148 Horace H. 142 .lames 141 Jennie (Eisenhart) 290 Jessie LeB. 200 Josephine 142 LeBaron 58, 141 Lovica (Jenuey) 142 Lucy (Barstow) 6ti Maria (Weed) 141 Marie L. 142, 290 Martha W. 308 Mary 58, 141 Mary A. 07 Marv A. (Pierce) 143 Mary E. 142 Mai'y (Hammond) Davis 141 Mary (LeBaron) O" Nathaniel 06 Noah 308 Priscilla 66 liachel F. 142 Samuel W. 58, 143 Sarah Redman Pratt 143 Timothy 58 William H. 142 William LeB. 67 Wvatt 67 Hanchett, Ede K. (Child) 410 Lillian 410 William T. 410 Hancock, Lucena 79 Hanson, Charles T. 294 Eda (Nixon) 322 Ida B. (Taylor) 294 T. J. P. 322 Harding, Abigail (Doten) 81 Diantha (Ne\vell) 82 Kmeline 82 Kmeline (Howard) 82 Emma A. 389 Franklin B. 82, 192 Franklin W. 193 (reorgina G. 193 Harriet H. 82, 192 Henry W. 82 •fohn W. 82 Laura C. 193 Lucia A. 82, 193 Lucinda S. 82, 192 Mary A. 82, 192 Melissa 82, 192 Harding, Nathan P. 193 Sophia (Parker) 193 Timothy 81 Tryphena (Waldo) 193 Harlow, Adeline W. (Clark) 410 Elizabetli L. 402 Emma 410 Hannah 125 James F. 410 Jedidiah 34 Olive 410 Harmon, Ancel 340 Melissa J. (Caswell) 340 Millie F. (Ryerson) 340 Wendell A. 340 Willis E. 340 Harrington, Elizabeth 100 Georgie G. 390 Hannah 73 Jane (Warren) 390 John McN. 390 Mary 36 Melissa H. 196 Harris, Mary M. 289 Harrison, Alexander M. 147 Anna (Russell) 147 Mary A. 287 Hart, Alice B. (LeBaron) 169 David A. 169 Theresa 434 Hartland, Miranda 43 Hartley, Mary J. 219 Hartpence, Lucy M. 1.50 Harvey, Pauline F. 189 Haskell, Jane 38 Haskins, Elizabeth G. 408 Emily A. (Hammond) 289 Florence LeB. 289 John 289 John W. 289 Josephine W. 289 Minnie L. 289 Hastings, Adin A. 371 Carrie H. (Miller) 371 Daniel 141 Deborah (Hammond) 141 Emily 141 Etta D. 372 Francis E. 141 George F. 372 Horace 141 Isabella 141 Laura 261 Louise W. 141 Rebecca T. 208, 209 Hatch, Imogene 326 Hatch, Isabella 131 Jemima W. 131 Louisa R. 356 Lydia (Bradford) 131 Mary T. 273 William 131 Hathaway, Charles G. 299 Edward R. 404 Eleanor M. 360 Ella G. (Lindsey) 404 Emily D. (LeBaron) 197 Franklin L. 404 Harry C. 197 Henry L. 404 Joseph H. 197, 360 Joseph T. 197 LeBaron 299 Luella (Kingsley) 404 Martha (Putnam) 3(i0 Mary E. (Gerrard) 360 Mary (Stoddard) 299 Sarah T. 197, 360 Hauer, Cai-rie L. (Farlev) 101 Charles 101 Hauke, Susan 2-38 Hansard, Arthur C. 394 Constance M. 395 Ethel M. 395 Hugh H. 395 John St. L, 394 Margaret A. (Hazen) 394 Richard M. 394 Hause, Diana (Sampson) 86 Obadiah 86 Haven, Emma 340 Hawes, Miriam (Clark) 246 Hawkins, Adelia L. (Per- ry) 110 Walter 110 Hayden, Charles F. 314 Charles H. 314 Lydia (Bradford) 314 Mary F. 314 Susan E. (Barnes) 314 Hayes, Harriet (Wright) 74 Henry 74 Hayks, Mary 201 Hazard, Anna (Collins) 56 Martha (DeWolf) 276 Martha G. (DeWolf) 276 Rowland R. 56 Samuel F. 276 Sarah F. 275 Virginia 276 Hazen, Annette (Swyu- mer) 393 Index. 485 Hazen, Arthur P. :'!n4 Cecilia E. 394 Charles 48, 115 Charles D. 115 Charlotte 4y Charlotte ( Richards) Symes 115 Deborah B. \ 15 Deborah (Murray) 115 Eciwin 48 Eleanor C. (McGoey) 394 Elizabeth 48, 114, 115 Elizabeth (Brown) 115 Elizabeth C. 115, 249 Elizabeth E. 394 Elizabeth J. (Bartlett) 393 Emily E. (Rossiter) 115 Ethel 393 Frances A. 48 Frances (Couple) 48 Francis B. 24S Frederick E. 49 George 48, 115 (ieorge II. 48 Harriet S. 394 Henry 48 Hettie (Foster) 370 Hugh T. 394 Johanna U. 394 Johannah R. 249 Johaunah (Robinson) 249 John P. 115 Laura 394 LeBaron48, 115, 394 Lilian 393 Lindon 370 Margaret A. 249, 394 Margaret (Anderson) 115 Marion A. 393 Mary A. 115 Mary (Grant) 393 Mary (Jarvis) 110 Xancy (Brown) 115 Robert 48, 110 Robert F. 116, 249 Robert L. 115, 248, 251 Robert M. 249, 393 Robert M. R. 393 Robert P. 394 Sarah 18 Sarah A. (Botsfonl) 248 Sarah C. 115 Sarah E. 248, 249 Sarah L. 48, 116 Sarah (Le Baron) 48 Sophia 40 Sophia A. 115 Sophia F. 393 Susan F. 249, 394 Hazen, Thomas M. B. 115 Ward C. 394 William48, 115, 249, 393, 391 William F. 115 William M. 248 Heard, Albert E. 208 Albert P. 208 Bertha M. 208 Chester 208 Edgar H. 208 Elvira (Carr) 208 Julia B. 208 Pamelia A. (LeBarou) 208 William E. 208 Heath, Austin 6. 344 Herbert A. 344 Ida L. 344 Jerry A. 344 Louisa M. (Ward) 344 Mary A. (Brubeust) 344 Rosaline (GofE) 84 Salmon W. 84 Hedge, Abby B. 252, 396 Albert G. 252, 397 Albertha T. 397 Barnabas 251, 257 Catherine E. (Russell) 296 Edward 397 Edward G. 252 Ethel L. 397 Eunice (Burr) 251, 257 Eunice D. 257 Georgiana B. 397 Georgiana (Barnes) 397 Helen (Mitchell) 252 Henry R. 296 Lucia R. 296 Lucy S. 397 Lydia C. (Goodwin) 251 Lydia G. 252 Mabel L. 397 Mary E. 252, 264, 396 Thomas 251 Thomas B. 252 William 252, 296, 397 William R. 296 Heely, Allan V. 346 Augustus V. 346 Jessie (Ross) 346 Laurence S. 346 Stafford R. 346 Hemenway, Buel H. 41{) Madeline 416 Maud (Willard) 416 Henderson, Eliza J. 142 Florence LaB. 388 Henry, Alice S. (Merrill) 96 ' Anna C. 283, 430 Charlotte C. (Prince) 283 Cornelia C. 283 Edwin 283 Florence L. 283, 430 Goodrich W. 96 Martha E. 434 Henser, Maggie A. 432 Herron, Cora A. (Barnes) 235 T. P. 235 Hersom, Arthur E. 342 Edith F. 342 Ellsworth F. 342 Emma F. (LeBarou) 312 Fred A. 342 Gladys LeB. 342 Heule, Julius 421 LidaE. (Albert) 421 Hewes, Anna B. 411 Hewitt, Jennie M. (Pick- ett) 214 McDare 214 Hickock, Betsey 320 Hicks, Carrie M. 325 EmmaR. 159 Mary A. 166 Sarah F. 59 Sarah P. 181 Higgins, Alfred X. 240 Allie L. 243 Almon J. 241 Alphonso 47. 112 Altha (Jenkins) 113 Alvarizo 47, 112 Ara B. B. 240 Arthur A. 243 Arthur G. 241 Bayard T. 113 Charles C. 240 Charles E. 241, 386 Charles L. 243 Charles S. 112 Chauncy 47, 111 Chloe A. (Adams) 1 1 1 Chloe E. 112 (;)larence 240 Clinton H. 240 Colin 240 Cora A. 113, 243 Daisy 240 Dan 47, 111, 243 Dan T. 241 Daniel F. 112, 240 David E. 112, 242 Docia ((Tarnett) 386 Edsou J. 112, 241 Edward W. 243 486 Descendaiii^ of Francis Z,eI>aroK. Higgiiis, Klizabclli 11. (Ward) 112 Elva M. 241 Elvira 112, 242 Emily F. Ill, 2;J9 Emily (Root) 111 Einma A. 242 Emma G. (Daily) 242 Ethel B. 240 Everett R. 241 Flora B. 240 Florence D. 240 Francis 47, 113 Francis E. 113 Franklin A. 112 Fred C. 241 (ieorge 47 George A. 112, 24;! George B. 112, 242 George F. 243 Gilbert A. 112, 241 Hannah 111 Hannah (LeBaron) 47 Hannah M. 113, 243 Harriet 47 Harriet (Gibbs) 112 Harry 47, 112 Harrv I- 240 Hattie M. 243 Helen J. 240 Helen (Ward) 243 Horace N. 112, 240 Howard A. 241 James 47, 111, 318 James G. Ill James E. 303 James M. Ill Jennie 113 Jennie E. 241 Jessie 113, 244 John E. 241 Julia A. 38() Julia E. (Cottrell) 318 Katie M. 243 Laura E. 243 Leroy E. 243 Louis H. 243 Louisa (Argo) 111 Louisa J. (Frisbie) 241 Lucie (Bacon) 113 Lucy (Brown) 112 Lyd'iaS. 112 Mabel F. 241 Maggie (Crammoud) 242 Maggie M. 241 Mandie M. 243 Maria N. (Beldeu) 113 Marshall F. 240 Martlia H. 243 Martha R. Ill Higgins, Mary 112, 242 Mary (Brown) 240 Mary (Cook) 241 Mary E. 242, 386 Mary I. (McDonough) 240' Mary J. (Straub) 243 Mary M. 240 Mary O. 112, 241 Mary S. (Clark) 112 Max B. 240 Mildred C. 3,S(; Gluey 47, 113 Olney E. 112, 240 OrlinH. Ill Roy L. 242 Royce E. 112, 243 Sarah (Campbell) 240 Sarah E. (Smith) 303 Sarah M. Ill Sarah (Meek) 111 Seleucia H. Ill, 239 Temperance 47, 110 Temperance E. Ill Hight, Virginia D. 314 Hill, Carlton B. 418 Eber 418 Harold E. 418 Jane E. (LeBarou) li2 Nettie P. (Pearse) 418 Rachel A, 76 Virginia 431 William 92 Hillary. Lois S. 357 Hiller, Eben K. 160 Sarah LeB. (Cannon) 160 Hilton, Anna 80 Jennie T. 210 Hines, Ezra 74 Maria (Wright) 74 Hinkley, Aurelia (Coffin) 399 Fred. 400 John 400 Parker 399 Walter 400 Hirsche, George 217 Lura (Patterson) 217 Hitchcock, Alice W. (Da- vis) ;{97 Cordelia 87 Grace 203 Henry R. 397 Hixon, Sarah 2ti Hodgdon, Geoi'ge 78 Rvith A. (LeBaron) 78 Hodges. Alma L. 313 Alma (L'Hommedieii) Raynolds 313 Hodges, Anne F. (Ham- matt) 162, 163 Antoinette 313 Duncan 313 Edward 313 Edward A. 163 Edward F. 162, 163, 313 Edward H. 163 Fletcher 313 Florence P. (Viles) 413 Frances 139, 313 George C. 163 Harry 163, 313 Harry F. 163, 313 John A. 413 Laura (Fletcher) 313 Louis S. 413 Ruth 313 William H. 163 Holes, Hannah M. 1(57 Holgate, Benjamin 233 J. H. 233 John H. 233 Joseph A. 233 Mary E. (LeBaron) 233 NelHe 233 Holland, James 38 Hannah (LeBaron) 38 Hollingsworth, Eva L. 376 Florence E. 376 George O. 376 Glen O. 376 Jennie R. 376 Theda A. (LeBaron) 376 HoUis, Desire (Goodwin) Drew 51 Samuel 51 Holman, Charles S. 106 David E. 106 Emma J. 106 Isaac L. 106 James A. 106 James S. 106 Harriet N. 106 Lydia B. 106 Naomi K. H. (LeBaion) 106 Sanford 106 Sarah M. 106 Silas W. 106 Susan A. 106 Zilpha 106 Holmes, Addie F. 440 Albert E. 195, 356 Albert H. 357 Betsey (Clark) 157 Betsey W. 40 Clara E. 195, 357 Elizabeth P. 440 Index. 487 Holmes, Elizabeth T. (Barnes) 440 Emma F. (Hall) 440 Frank D. 195 George P. Mo" Harriet F. 195, 85(i Harrv L. 350 Hattie L. 141 Henry F. 440 Herbert W. 440 John T. 195, 356 Joseph 195 Joseph B. 195 Josiali 157 Lilla M. (Baker) 195 Louisa R. (Hatch) 356 Lucy C. 198 Lydia 157 Mary (Atwood) 17 Olive M. (Collingwood) 356 Phebe 69 Balph A. 357 Rebecca C. 195 Rebecca D. (Chandler) 194 Roland T. 357 Sarah 36 Sarah S. 195. 356 Homer, Fitz-Henrv 133 Isabel 133, 281 Josephine M. DeW. 133, 281 Nancy B. (DeWolf) 133 Hood, Albert 302 Alice E. 302 Eureka S. (Lawrence) 302 Jessie L. 302 Hooker, Anna L. 383 Frank 321 Rachel E. (Bovee) 321 Hopkinson, Ellen C. 266 Hopper, Eleanor (Bergen) 280 John 280 Nellie DeW. (Gardner) 280 Rosalie (DeWolf) 280 William DeW. 2S0 Hoppertou, Mary P. 161 Houston, Susan 349 Hovev, Annie L. (Hall) 392"^ Arthur LeB. 367 Bernice A. 363 Carrie H. 367 Ellen D. (Peirce) 392 Eva A. (LeBaron) 363 Flora E. (LeBaron) 366 Hovey, Frederic 366 Henry A. 363 John A. 367 John W. 392 Marius M. 392 Roy H. 363 Howard, Charles H. 314 Eliza A. 314 Eliza (Paty) 314 Emeline 82 Emeline (Harding) 82 Nathaniel 314 William 82 Howe, George 370 Helen (Hunt) 105 John 105 I/aviuia C. 279 Martha (Worthiugton) 370 Mary L. 370 Howes, Annie R. 291 Charles C. 291 Edwin 290 Frank LeB. 143, 290 Harriet E. 143 Harriet W. (Hammond) 143 Harry 290 Hattie 291 Marshall 143 Sarah (Crapo) 290 Howland, Anna C. (Hen- ry) 430 Consider 31 Florence S. 430 Josiah 130 Martha 30 Mary E. 130, 277 Mary LeB. (Bradford) 130 Ruth (Brvant) 31 William 430 Howlett, Mary I. 335 Hoyt, Jonathan 79 Ursula (Gove) 79 Hubbard, Abby P. (Le- Baron) 158 Catherine 387 Eliza (LeBaron) 158 Elizabeth R. (Perry) 425 Lavinia H. 215 Mary P. (LeBai'ou) Cros- by 158 Philip G. 158 Russell S. 425 William LeB. 158 Hubbell, Elizabeth 304 George C. 362 Huelat N. 362 Love LeB. (Manning) 362 Hudson, Adelia (Doten) 83 Joseph W. 83 Hull, Caroline H. 246 Hannah (Putnam) 246 Jabez 246 Sarah R. 98 I Zada43 Humison, Jessie 317 I Humphrey, Anna B. 152 i Augusta V. (Newtou) 437 E. (Deming) ;o Charlotte 305 E. D. 104 Ellen 152 Emeline (Gilbert) 104 Evelyn 437 Heman 152 Henry M. 152 James 152, 305, 437 Urania (Battell) 152 Hunt, Clara 384 Cyril T. 410 Edmund B. 410 George E. 410 Georgianna L. 143 Helen 105 Hiram K. 105 Leigh 410 Lucinda (McFarren) 2 Martha M. (Soule) 410 Martha W. (Gilbert) 105 IMildred L. 410 Olive L. 410 Tilly G. 105, 230 William 35 Hunting, Bertha (Loth- rop) 368 Charles 208 Cora 208 Elmer 368 Ethel LeB. 290 Evelyn 208. 368 Frederick 208 George H. 290 Georgianna W. mond) 290 Grace 368 Grace M. 290 Harry 368 Helen 368 Henry 208 Henry D. 208 J. Madison 290 Louisa J. (LeBaron) 208 Marguerite 368 Mary E. (Dimon) 290 Norreys A. 368 Tennis D. 290 William 208, 368 (Ham- 488 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Ilunl ington, A Ibert T. ;JUl A 1 mini A. 204 LcBaron M. 391 Lucius 90 Polly [Mary] 40 Sarah L. (Monroe) ;)i)l William C. 391 llurd, Elizabeth "210 IJurlburt, Fanny D. 2(i0 II use, Mary 244 Ilussey, Eliza 252 Judith (Gardner) 252 T'aul 252 ilu tellings, Edna 232 ElUe L. 232 Km ma J. 232 .luliaT. 232 LydiaM. 231 Mary E. 232 Matilda E. 231 Sarah A. (LeBaron) 231 Sarah E. 231 Susie B. 232 William LeB. 232 AVilliam W. 231 llutchins, Cyrus N. 12 1 Hannah P. (Goodwin) 127 Hattie E. 2U2 Hutchinson, Mary 245 Nellie P. 374 Imerson, Electa 225 Isham, Francis 95 Jane (Miller) 95 Ishmael, Elizabeth 315 Jack, Pauline (Aius- worth) 80 Jackson, Abby ^V. (Da- vis) 390 Alexander 39() Archie C. 366 Caroline M. 204 Clara W. (Goodwin) 411 Deborah 119 Eliza J. 222 Eveline G. 119, 257 Hannah 49, 50 riarold C. 366 ilai-riet L. 258 Harriet N. (Tenny) 257 Henry C. 411 Louisa 119 Lucy C. 261 ]Mary 49 Mary A. 66, 160 Mary A. (Cobb) 257 Mary E. (LeBaron) 366 Priscilla A. 66, 160 Jackson, Rebecca 258 Rebecca S. (Walker) 258 Salisbury 119 Sally (Goodwiu) 119 Samuel S. 119, 257 Sarah G. 119, 257 Sarah (lieBaron) 66 Sarah (Taylor) 50 Thomas 50, 6(i William H. 119, 258 Jacob, Lavinia C. (Pick- ett) 214 Wesleyau 214 Jacobs, Harvey 80 Jane (LeBaron) 80 James, Betsey Bloom 53 Grace E. (Evans) 401 Herbert S. 401 Locke LeB. 401 Jarrett, Dorothy E. 3:'>5 (ieorge F. 335 James A. 335 Marion L. (Brown) 335 Roger P. 335 Willis O. 335 Jarvis. Mary 116 Jay, Harriet E i43 James 143 Jeff, Ellen M. man) Gurney Gordon P. 328 Harry 328 ^Villiam 328 Jeffs, Sarah 107 Jenkins, Altha 113 Jenks, Emily II. 265 Jeuney, Abby T. 330 Adeliza T. ioi Ansell G. 161, 311 Bertha 311 Bessie R. 311, 438 Caroline A. (Xcwcll) 438 Carrie E. 327 Charlotte S. (Ilammill) 438 Eliza LeB. 31 1 Eliza LeB. ((Jibbs) 161 Ella D. 438 Francis LeB. 311, 438 Herbert 161, 311 Herbert R. 311 James L. 161 Lizzie H. (Cobb) 3 1 1 Lovica 142 Lyman 311 Margaret 311 Mary P. (llopperlou) i<;i Mary (Perrv) 3! ! 1 Max 311, 438 (Howes) (Bright- ;28 Jeuney, Max X. 438 May L. (Church) 311 Perry W. 311 Walter P. KJl William C. 311 William LeB. 161, 311, 438 William P. 161 Jensen, Christina M. 231 Jepson, Anna (Furbcr) 388 Catherine M. 388 Charlotte M. 388 Ei^ima A. (Fitch) 388 Emma I. 3S8 Florence M. 388 George E. 388 George W. 388 Grace E. (Stone) 388 Irene (Williston) 388 Paul R. 388 William 388 William A. 388 Jewett, Edward 360 Ella F. (LeBaron) 360 Forest 360 .]. Richard 360 John B. 360 Johnson, Adelia J. 231 Anna .1. 408 Anne C. 305 Anne (Dowdall) 305 Archie 431 Avoline (Butter field) 107 B. C. 284 B. F. 106 Benjamin F. 106. 107, 285, 431 Celia F. (Brown) 357 Charles B. 358 Charlotte A. 431 Corrie A. (Brown) 35s Charlotte (Whiting) Brewster 284 Christina M. (Janscn) 231 Daniel B. 357, 358 David A. 107, 231 Dulceua E. 107 Edward 305 Esther D. 231 Esther M. 107 Eunice 201 Frances B. 107 George 431 George D. 305 George II. 3-58 Grace 431 Harriet N. (Holman) 106 James fieB. 305 Index. 489 Johnson, Joseph 285 Julia D. 107 Julia M. 231 Laura T. 2.31 Leah B. 107 Leland F. 231 Lillian C. 358 Lillias J. 206 Marguerite H. 420 Martha J. 231 Mary F. 420 Mary F. (Turner) 431 Mary H. (DeWolf) 420 Maud L. 358 Melissa A. 107 Melissa B. 231 Melissa B. (LeBaron) 106 Minnie F. 358 Philip E. 305 Ptubie I. 358 Sarah M. (Holman) 106 Sarah M. (Bobbins) 305 Susan A. (Holman) 106 Theodore P. 420 Thomas S. 231 Velma L. 358 Virginia R, 420 Walter 231 AVilliam E. 358 Willie C. 431 Johonnot, Andrew 48 Susannah 47, 48 Susannah (Olivier) 48 Joles [Jolls], Mary 113 Jones, Abel 278 Antoinette 425 Atley M. (Caswell) 341 Augusta 401 Daniel T. 300 Eliza J. 371 Elizabeth (Lawrence) 300 Emily M. 341 Esther 244 Frank F. 343 George F. 341 Gertrude L. (Adams) 343 Jane 371 Julia 278 Julia S. 278 Lawrence T. 300 Martha 175 Mary 75 Myrtie C. 305 Eachel 142 Richard 371 Virginia L. 300 Jordan, Eliza J, 183 Joan 77 Lydia 78 Jordan, Nellie M. 199 Phebe 77 Joseph, Charlotte B. 407 Charlotte G. (Aurelio) 407 Geraldine B. 407 Joseph F. 407 Judd, Sally M. 304 Kahn, Henrietta 262 Kapser, John P. 257 Sally G. (Jackson) 257 William 257 Kasson, Donald F. 306 Fanny 154 Frances LeB. 306 Frank H. 154, 306 James H. 154 Joseph R. 154 LeBaron C. 306 LeBaron J. 154, 306 Lizzie S. (Day) 306 Mary B. 306 Mary (McFarland) 306 Mary S. (Bobbins) 154 Keefe, Annie L. 388 Keeler, Caroline 166 Elizabeth (Smith) 166 George 166 Keene, Ellen 127 Emma C. 294 Keith, Anna B. (Lovell) 325 Clifford L. 325 Isabel LeB. 325 Josephine 360 Susannah 56 Sylvester H. 325 Kellenberger, Angle R. 432 Arthur 432 Arthur J. 285, 432 Charles D. 432 Charles L. 285 Charlotte 285 Clara I. 432 Clara R. (Valentine) 432 Edward 432 Edward P. 285, 432 Emily J. 285, 432 Harry 432 Harry G. 285 Lewis 285 Lewis C. 432 Mary E. 285, 431, 432 Mary (Freeman) 285 Mary G. (Pickard) 432 Sally A. (Paddleford) 285 Sarah M. Wagonner 285 Kolley, Annie L. (Buck- ner) 352 Barbara R. 352 Jeremiah E. 171 Leonora 375 Lizzie M. 326 Mary A. (Wood) Glid- den 352 Maud 383 Myra G. (Shurtleff) 171 Ruby B. (Swan) 350 Sarah 123 Thomas A. .352 William A. 3.50 Kellogg, Cecilia (Martin) 110 Daniel 26 Delilah 110 Helen D. 110 Henry W. 110 James M. 110 Martha M. (LeBaron) 110 Mary (LeBaron) 26 Walter 110 Kelsey, Cornelia (Le- Baron) 222 Franklin 222 Melissa 222 Moses 222 Ona L (Orr) 222 Sabra 44 Sally 99 Kemble, Evangeline B. (Goodwin) 271 Jacob 271 Kendrick, Cynthia F. (Tillson) 330 Daniel H. 330 Florence M, 330 Fred H. 330 Jennie H. (Lord) 330 Keneston, Charlotte 88 Eli 87 Mary (Sampson) 87 Kent, Albert L. 145, 294 Ann E. 145 Ann (Taylor) 145 Arthur S. 293 Asa 294 Bessie F. 294 Carlie M. 294 Charles E. 145, 293 Charles T. 293, 435 Clara L. 145, 293 Clara R. (Atwood) 294 Clarence F. LeB. 293 Diantha T. (Tidd) 293 Edward E. 293 490 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Kent, Elbridge LeB. 145, 293 Elizabeth A. (Wright) 294 Ella G. (Davis) 294 Emma A. (Foye) 293 Esther E. 294 Florena D. 293, 434 Genevieve C. 294 Grace E. 293 Hattie M. (Wiggin) 293 Helen A. 435 Herbert V. 294 Ida (Sargent) 435 Jonathan P. 145, 293 Josephine L. 435 Mary L. 293, 435 Minot B. 293, 435 Rebecca C. (Liebacli) 435 Ruth S. 435 Viola R. 294 Kenyon, Hannah 59 Kerlinska, Rosa 210 Kerr, Fannie (LeBaron) 92 John 92 Kessell, Jessie (Stanton) 334 John G. 334 Ketchum, Mary 250 Kettelle, Edith (Merrill) 296 Emma LeB. 147, 295 Frederick W. 147, 296 Jacob Q. 147 John D. 296 Lucia T. (Drevr) 147 Keyes, Fannie M. (Le- Baron) 81 Frank 81 Kezar, Hannah D. 367 Kidder, Katherine 144 Kilbreth, Cleora G. 413 Kilpatrick, Betsey (Le- Baron) 38 Daniel H. 38 Kimball, E. H. 147 Lucia V. (Macomber) 147 Kimberly, Elsie B. (Cur- tis) 227 Harriet C. 227, 379 LeRoy H. 227 Kimpton, Alexander H. 359 Chester A. 359 Fannie L. 359 Jennie N. (Brown) 359 Lena P. 359 King, Agnes 96 Almon 185 King, Augusta A. (Le- Baron) 185 Azuba 45 Celia E. 106 Charles H. 185 Emma C. 185 Fred 185 George F. 185 Hattie 185 Ira 185 Jesse 185 Libbie J. 185 Stella 185 William A. 185 Kingsley, Luella 404 Kinner, Charles L. 250 Sarah E. (Botsford) 250 Kinsman, Mary B. 405 Kirkwood, Isabella 418 Kissam, Lelia H. (Brown) 301 William V. 301 Kittredge, Martha O. 65 Knapp, Carrie M. (Gil- bert) 380 Dora M. 380 George S. 380 Grace W. 380 Marion F. 380 Knowles, Jane R. 413 Lida M. 413 Lydia J. (Stubbs) 413 Oscar W. 413 Rena J. 413 Warren K. 413 Knowlton, Edna A. (Drew) 374 Frank H. 374 Herbert H. 374 Kohsel, Conrad 291 Lilliette (LeBaron) 291 Knight, Harriet 137 Sarah (LeBaron) 38 William 38 Knowlton, Lizzie 127 J.acy, Alice T. (Gibler) 177 Alva 177 Aurelia 176 Carrie B. 335 Celema H. (Sweet) 177 Edwin 177 Electa 176 Ellen L. 287 Ethel A. L. 287 Everett A. 177, 335 Frances E. 287 George T. 177 Georgia G. 335 Josephine W. 287 Lacy, Mary A. 177 Mary B. (Goodwin) 287 Mary C. (Port) 335 Mary G. 287 Rebecca 75 Thomas H. 287 Laflamme, Elizabeth 365 Lamb, Edna 80 Rosanna D. 259 Langhorne, Irene 429 Langworthy, Hapalona (Curtis) 102 John 102 Lapins, Estella 319 Larned, Irene (Battell) 63 William A. 63 Lasher, Achilles B. 223 Adelaide (LeBaron) 223 Catherine (LeBaron) 222 Christopher 222 Frances 223 Jerome 223 Laughlin, Eliza M. 197 Lawrence, Agnes 150, 301 Algernon 194 Amelia R. (Woolforth) 302 Caroline A. (Rockwell) 62 Caroline L. 150 Carrie E. (Doten) An- drews 194 Charles McL. 437 Charlotte E. 150, 303 Christine 150 Christine McL. 301, 437 Christine (McLaren) 149 Edith M. 302 Eliza 62, 150, 372 Elizabeth 149, 300 Elizabeth (Bobbins) 62 Eugene W. 437 Eureka S. 150, 302 Eureka (Spofford) 149 Finley 149 Francis LeB. 62 Grove 62, 150 Hattie 194 Helen M. (Wetherby) 301 Ida 150 Irene B. 150 Jacob S. 437 James 150 James G. 301 James R. 62, 149, 150, 301, 302 James W. 301, 437 Margaret 150, 301 Maria L. 150 Mary A. (Sidle) 437 Index. 491 Lawrence, Mary F. 150, 302 Samier 150 Sarah 62, 151 Sarah (Bennett) 150 Sarah U. 150, 301 Wilbur 194 William 62 William H. 150, 302 Lawson, Albert 53 Lydia LeB. (Goodwin) 53 Lawton, Edwin W. 216 Frank E. (Shurtleff) 216 James W. 216 Lawyer, Diana 323 Lay,' Nancy B. (Perry) 132 Robert 132 Lazelle, Annette M. (Le Baron) 225 Daniel LeB. 225, 378 Daniel R. 378 Edna E. 225, 378 Electa (Imerson) 225 Frank 225 George M. 378 Hiram M. 225 Leona (Randall) 378 Orpha 225 W^illie 225 Leach, Anna J. (Barry) 316 Arthur L. 316 Charles A. 316 Charles P. 316 Francillia A. (Barnes) 316 Hattie A. 316 Lucy H. (Marsh) 316 Leavitt, Chiistiana (Shurtleff) 43 Joseph 43 LeBarnes, [LeBarou] Alice A. 86, 200 Charlotte L. 85 Clarissa J. (Goodrich) 85 Daniel W. 85 Edward W. 85 Elizabeth (Dodd) 85 Ellen J. 85 George G. 85 James J. 85 John R. 85 Louisa C. (Goodrich) 85 John W. 86 Miranda VanAlstyne 85 Norman 85 Roderick 40, 85 LeBaron, Abby H. 309 Abby P. 158 LeBaron, Abby (Phillips) LeBaron, Amelia C. 92 65 Amelia H. 100, 224 Abiezer 25, 34, 70 Amos 42, 93 Abigail 26, 38, 39, 80, 84, Andrew H. 165 198 Angela E. 100, 225 Abigail (Mclntyre) 38 Angelina (Ellis) 339 Abigail (Maxham) 39 Angeline (Thomas) 174 Abner 98, 220 Angle P. 339 Ada C. 190 Ann 32 Adelaide 71, 77, 99 Ann E. 99, 166, 320 Adelaide (West) 309 Ann G. 59 Adaline 99, 223, 309 Ann J. 70 Adaline (Morrill) 87 Anna 91, 221 Adaline (Wentworth) Anna (Cass) 207 182 Anna (Hilton) 80 Addie F. 326 Anna M. (Gurney) 322 Addie W. 182, 342 Anna S. 196 Adelaide 168, 223 Anne D. 61 Adelaide V. (Winch) 183 Annette M. 101, 225 Adelbert 367 Annie E. 199 Adelbert J. 206 Annie 0. 208 Adeline L. (Ward) 158 Annie (Wheelan) 169 Admond C. 205 Annis L. 204 Agnes L. 347 Ansel 38, 80 Agnes S. 188 Antoinette 166 Ai 88, 206 Apollos 39, 80 Albert L. 292 Apollos 0. 81 Albert S. 73 Arabella (Rakestone) 159 Alberta M. 206 Archer L. 323 Albion D. 292 Archie G. 347 Alden 34 Armina 76 Alexander P. 88, 204 Arthur 220, 337, 375 Alfred C. 221, 309, 376 Arthur D. 323 Alfred F. 99 Arthur L. 183, 225 Alice 165, 318, 319 Arthur M. 223 Alice B. 169, 326 Arthur T. 180 Alice C, (Haines) 168 Arthur W. 184, 344 Alice G. (McCornell) 364 Arvin C. 159 Alice L. 208 Asenath 98 Alice L. (Vickers) 322 Asher W. 98 Alice M. 188, 207, 347 Ashley M. 209 Alice (Mali) 59 Asyl M. 167, 322 Alida B. (Wright) 339 Augusta A. 79, 185 Allen N. 70 Aully E. 167, 323 Alma F. 348 Aylmer C. 88, 207 Alma I. 309 Aylmer 0. 367 Almeda A. 71, 169 Azuba 38, 79 Aimer T. 225 Azuba (King) 45 Almira 30, 60 Bartlett 17, 22, 30, 58 Almira A. (Huntington) Benjamin 41, 88, 204 204 Benjamin C. 221 Almira H. (Buck) 183 Benjamin H. 186 Alonzo 98, 309 Bennett 37 Alonzo H. 45, 107 Bert E. 205 Alonzo T. 159, 310 Bertha H. 208, 220, 364, Alton S. 66 368 Alvin D. 167, 322 Bertha L. 222 Amanda 84 Bertha M. 203 Amanda J. 165, 317 Bertha (Wheeler) 320 Amasa 80 Bertie 188 492 Descendants of Francis LeJBaron. LeBaron, Bertie B. 207 Bessie M. 186 Bethany 71 Bethany (Eider) 71 Bethany W. 71, 169 Betsey 30, 38, 40, 58, 77, 89, 100 Betsey A. 70, 168 Betsey J. 88, 206 Betsey (Mott) 70 Betsey (Prouty) 40 Betsey W. 85, 199 Betsey W. (Holmes) 40 Bruce M. 376 Burnum S. 209 Burt 88, 101 Burt B. 221 Burton 92 Butler 160 Caleb B. 59 Caroline 91 Caroline A. (Cai'penter) 101 Caroline E. 60, 81, 191 Caroline (Keeler) 166 Caroline M. (Jackson) 204 Carrie B, (Logan) 340 Carrie (Ball) 211 Carrie C. 221 Carrie I. 339 Carrie L. (Sweet) 292 Carroll A. 348 Cass D. 308 Catherine 87, 99, 166, 222 Catherine (Featherson) 322 Catherine J. (Keil) 232 Catherine M. (Barry) 376 Cecil B. 317 Charles 42, 44, .92, 100, 220 Charles E. 71 Charles F. 37, 323 Charles H. 65, 158, 159, 168 Charles I. 209 Charles L. 102 Charles O. 88, 207, 208 Charles P. 183, 342 Charles R. 189, 225 Charles S. 90, 98, 159, 221 Charles W. 76, 88, 92, 180 Charles W. N. 168 . Charlotte B. 180 Charlotte H. 89, 205 Charlotte H. (LeBaron) Davis 89, 205 Charlotte (Keneston) 88 Cliarlottc McManus 198 LeBaron, Charlotte (Sco- bie) 186 Chauncey 40, 87 Chauncey A. 205 Chauncey H. 205, 222, 367 Chester 205 Chloe 25, 35 Christopher 99 Christopher C. 59 Clara J. 168, 325 Clara L. 198 Clara V. 99 Clarence 223 Clarence R. 167 Clarence U. 101 Clark 222 Claude M. 223 Clyde L. 205 Content 37, 75 Cora 188, 194 Cora F. 183 Cora H. 222, 225, 376 Cordelia (Hitchcock) 87 Cornelia 99, 222 Cornelia (Burtch) 220 Cornelia M. 98 Cortland J. 317 Cynthia 38, 72, 78, 80, 87, 173, 188 Cynthia A. (Bowen) 87 Cyrus 73, 174 Cyrus A. 174, 331 Daisy M. 190 Damon 182 Dana F. 190 Daniel 27, 44, 101 Daniel L. 232 Daniel M. 107, 232 Daniel W. 47 David 16, 27, 43, 45 David A. 47, 107, 110, 232 David J. 78, 183 David T. 45 Dean 318 Delia 92, 212 Delia A. 167, 323 Delia (Nichols) 344 DeLoss C. 77, 180 Demise M. 99 DeWitt C. 308 Dorah E. (Moody) 209 Dorcas 77 Dorcas (Trow) 79 Drusilla 39, 81, 189 Drusilla (Raymond) 38 Earl 1 10, 375 Earl VV. 37 Eda M. 182, 340 Eddie C. 198 Edgar J. 222 LeBaron, Edgar M. 159 Edith 220 Edith E. 101, 232, 292 Edith H. 220 Edith L. 183 Edmund 40 Edna 66 Edna A. 101, 225, 348 Edna (Lamb) 80 Edna M. (Burrows) 342 Edson 88, 207 Edward 220, 292, 434 Edward A. 203, 232, 308 Edward S. 158, 308 Effie317 Effie M. 207, 367 Eldora A. 174 Eleanor 232 Eleanor M. 322 Elgie C. 206 Elhanan W. 37, 76 Elias 166 Elijah H. 40, 89 Eliza 38, 44, 65, 70, 100, 158 Eliza A. (Sherman) 91 Eliza B. (Potter) 203 Eliza (Bazee) 70 Eliza (Griffin) 165 Eliza J. (Jackson) 222 Eliza J. (Jordan) 183 Eliza M. (Laughlin) Gor- ham 197 Eliza M. (Usher) 292 Eliza (Short) 80 Elizabeth 22, 25, 31, 32, 33, 37, 65, 67, 70, 92, 93, 158. 166, 319 Elizabeth A. 66, 159 Elizabeth (Allen) 32, 70 Elizabeth (Broughton) "17 Elizabeth C. 35, 72 Elizabeth C. (Cushing) 174 Elizabeth (Gary) 41 Elizabeth (LeBaron) 65 Elizabeth (Lucas) 35 Elizabeth P. (Hammond) 66 Elizabeth (Smith) 188 Elizabeth (Washburn) 37 Ella 91 Ella A. 101 Ella B. 322 Ella D. (Wood) 292 Ella F. 108, 360 Ella L. 203, 364 Ella M. 199 Index. 493 LeBaron, Ella (Pliilpot) 317 Ellen 87, 203 Ellen (Copeland) 185 Ellen E. 187, 346 Eliza A. (Hale) 198 Elmer C. 188 Elmer F. 197 Elmer S. 317 Elmira J. (McVean) 190 Elric H. 324 Elsie 87 Elsie (Corbin) 375 Elsie M. 180, 337 Elton F. 326 Elvira E. 81, 190 Emeline 41, 89, 92 Emeline A. 87 Emeline H. 79, 184 Emeline (Lovell) Gush- ing 73 Emily 78, 182 Emily A. (Sweeney) 205 Emily C. 87 Emily D. 84, 197, 360 Emily (Grosvenor) 220 Emily J. 98, 220 Emma 199 Emma (Branian) 344 Emma C. 99 Emma E. 309 Emma F. 183, 342 Emma G. 92 Emma J. (Brown) 222 Emma R. (Hicks) 159 Emma S. (Colby) 204 Emma (Wagner) 320 Emory J. 92 Enoch H. 66, 159 Erasmus 44 Erastus 44, 101 Erastus M. 99, 223 Ernest 222 Ernest G. 317 Ernest T. 406 Estella 165, 318 Estella (Lapins) 319 Esther 30 Esther M. 376 Esther (Wilsey) 27 Ethel 232 Ethel L. 207 Ethel S. 339 Etta (Burbank) 182 Etta J. 185 Etta L. 183, 186, 345 Eugene 98, 157, 204, 365 Eugene L. 325 Eugene P. 168, 325 Eugene U. 221 LeBaron, Eunice 25, 35, 42 Eunice ( ) 34 Eunice S. (Morse) 196 Eva A. 203, 363 Eva G. (Smith) 169 Eva J. 190 Eva M. 199 Eveline K. 87 Evelyn Van D. (Sleight) 307 Everett 340 Everett A. 326 Everett F. 169, 326 Everill M. 205 Ezra 81 Fannie 92 Fannie M. 81 Fanny 181, 222, 376 Fanny A. 98 Fanny (Ludlow) 41 Fanny (Nichols) 320 Fanny (Tracy) 99 Fedora 88, 205 Flora A. 309 Flora E. 205, 366 Flora L. 347 Florence J. (Barrett) 222 Florence L. (Clark) 365 Florilla F. (Taber) 159 Florine L. 77, 180 Forest 318 Frances 25, 159 Frances A. 91 Frances E. 165, 319 Francis 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 38, 44, 61, 66, 76, 80, 101, 157 Francis E. 99, 222 Francis H. 221, 292 Francis R. 348 Francis T. 187 Francis W. 87, 337 Frank 317 Frank B. 309 Frank R. 182 Fred 188 Fred A. 186 Frederic 61 Frederic N. 325 Frederic S. 166, 320 Frederick 42 Frederick I. 185 Frederick L. 159, 309 Frederick T. 197, 360 Fy A. (Salisbury) 207 Geneve H. 339 George 61, 92, 165, Am, 318, 319 LeBaron, George A. 88, 165, 206, 317 George B. 85, 92, 199,319 George E. 232, 317 George F. 79, 186 George H. 211, 339 George I. 199 George J. 188, 347 George L. 182 George M, 186 George R. 91 George S. 59, 91 George W. 80, 188 Georgetta (Chapman) 324 Georgianna 205 GeorgiannaL. (Hunt) 143 Georgianna (Loring) 325 Gertrude M. 183 Gilbert C. 87 Grace 232, 484 Grace (Bush) 26 Grace C. 220 Grace E. 206 Grace K. 320 Grant E. 367 Gustavus 81, 98 llallie G. 308 Hannah 22, 26, 27, 29, 30, 38, 39, 40, 47, 48, 58 Hannah (Chase) 47 Hannah (Gushing) 71 Hannah D. (Kezar) 367 Hannah J. (Farley) 101 Hannah Keuyon 59 Hannah M. (Holes) 167 Hannah (Odell) 70 Hannah (Turner) 25 Hannah W. 71 Harold 211, 340 Harold F. 308 Harold H. 209 Harold S. 190 Harriet 30, 76, 85, 87, 91, 232 Harriet E. 59, 143, 183, 199, 272 Harriet E. (Smith) 183 Harriet (Finchout) 167 Harriet J. 168 Harriet L. 167 Harriet S. 78 Harriet W. 157, 308 Harriet (Wing) 65 Harrison D. 310 Harrison M. 88, 89, 205 Harrison O. 197 Harry 199 Harry D. 317 Harry K. 360 494 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. LeBaron, Harvey E, 143 Harvey W. 166, 319 Hattie A. J. (Murdock) 325 Hattie B. 308, 324 Hattie E. 165 Hattie M. 180, 198, 406 Hattie (Tripp) 309 Hazel L. 319 Helen 317 Helen D. (Kellogg) 110 Helen E. 325 Helen E. (Sclirow) 434 Helen F. 364 Helen G. (Bean) Brown 292 Helen M, 182. 209 Henrietta S. 78 Henriette J. (Wallace) 203 Henry 100, 166, 319 Henry H. 89, 208 Henry L. 169 Hephzibah (Fisk) 59 Hepzibah F. 143, 291 Herbert A. 181, 197, 339 Herbert E. 169, 326, 348 Herbert H. 292 Hiram N. 88, 205 ' Hullis W. 88, 206 Horace 26, 40, 41, 42, 87, 88, 91, 203, 205; Horace B. 91, 211 Horace C. 208 Horace F. 203, 364 Horace T. 99, 222 Horatio G. 65 Huldah 27, 44 Huldah (Crawford) 167 Ida A. 102, 167, 225 Ida B. 197, 206 Ida B. (Curtis) 180 Inez 322 Inez E. 77 Inez H. 190, 349 Inez M. (Pierson) 320 Ira 38, 79, 185 Ira W. 186 Irene 309 Irving E. 100, 224 Isaac 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26, 30, 31, 38, 39, 40, 60, 61, 81 Isaac F. 61 Isaac N. 81, 190 James 10, 11, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 59. 65, 78, 84, 87, 93, 158, 167, ISl, 183, 309 LeBaron, James B. 41,92, 158, 309 James B. 47 James F. 59 James M. 41, 81, 89, 90 James R. 78, 322 James S. 84, 198 James W. 99, 222 Jane 38, 41, 80 Jane B. 66, 159 Jane (Card) 317 Jane E. 92 Jane H. (McCuUom) 98 Jane (Haskell) 38 Jane (Russell) 38 Jane T. 159, 310 Japhet 25, 36, 73 Japhet B. 26, 40, 89 Jean B. 205 Jennie 92, 167 Jennie D. 322 Jennie L. 91 Jennie L. (Palmer) 91 Jenson 41 Jeremiah 26, 41, 93 Jerusha 26, 43 Jeruslia (Decker) 70 Jerusha (Drisco) 158 Jesse E. 166, 320 Jessie F. 167, 324 Jessie G. 348 Jessie (Humison) 317 Jessie L. 184, 324, 348 Jessie M. 93, 212 Joan (Jordan) 77 Joanna A. 72, 173 Joanna F. 406 John 10, 25, 26, 30, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 59, 70, 91, 93, 98 John A. 32, 65, 158, 308 Jolin B. 71, 168, 324 John C. 324 John F. 181, 340, 405 John K. 65, 157, 308 John R. 40 John S. 76, 143, 292 Joseph 18, 22, 28, 36, 70, 72, 73, 166 Joseph F. 59, 143 Joseph F. S. 143, 291 Joseph T. 159 Josephine 77 Josephine (Keith) 360 Joshua 16, 25, 26, 35, 71 Josie E. 292 Josie M. (Teachout) 187 Judah 166 Judah A. 70, 166 Judith (Moses) 81 LeBaron, Julia 41, 91 Julia A. 70 Julia C. 308 Julia M. 320 Julia (Stanton) 90 Karl S. 366 Kate 165 Kate D. (Littlefield) 326 Katherine I. (Vincent) 292 Kathleen N, 344 Kathlyn H. 366 Katie M. 367 Kesiah (Baylies) 168 L. Henry 320 Lafayette 79, 100, 194 Laura 26, 42, 93 Laura E. 185 Laura E. (Pray) 187 Laura H. (Shurtlefl) 366 Laura M. 206 Laura (Mead) 76 Laurence 307 Lavina 44, 77 Lavinia 100 Lavinia (Simons) 87 Lazarus 10, 11, 10, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 32, 39, 47, 66 Leah E. (Twining) 166 Leander 44, 99 Leander J. 99 Leelah 322 Lemuel 17, 18, 21, 22, 32, 64, 65, 157, 309 Lemuel O. 189, 348 Lena 317 Lena A. 340 Lena M. (Burrell) 323 Leola L. 326 Leon 320 Leon B. 319 Leon C. 207, 367 LeRov S. 77 Lestina E. 88, 204 Levi 25, 70, 167, 181, 339 Levi H. 70, 165 Lewis 44, 99 Lewis C. 99 Lillian 223 Lillias J. (Johnson) 206 Lillie A. 223 Lillie M. (Chapman) 337 Lillie V. (Randall) 367 Lilliette 291 Lily (Decker) 348 Lily (Troschill) 92 Lincoln 181 Lindsey H. 209 Linus 34 r Index. 495 LeBaron, IAt^tXq C. (Clark) 221 Lizzie I. 221 JAzzle J. (Broadlcy) 320 Lizzie J. (Taber) 309 Lizzie M. (Kelley) 326 Lizzie (Young) 186 Llewellyn 88 Lois A. 99, 221 Lois (Shepard) 98 Lola V. 232 Lorenzo 38, 167 Lottie A. 331 Louis C. 197 Louis U. 376 Louisa 40, 85, 99 Louisa (Adams) 46 Louisa (Beanny) 232 Louisa (Dwinell) 79 Louisa F. (Ryder) 197 Louisa J. 88, 208 Louisa S. 87, 143 Louise S. 203 Lucia 30, 59 Lucinda 39 Lucinda (Morton) 84 Lucius 99 Lucy 33, 35, 37, 41, 66, 07, 75, 91 Lucy A. (Boswortli) 291 Lucy C. (Holmes) 198 Lucy G. 65 Lucy M. (Carpenter) 317 Lucy (McArster) 339 Lucy (Morrill) 325 Lucy O. 81, 189 Lucy S. 42, 94, 143, 291 Lucy (Stevens) 331 Lucy S. (Lovell) 324 Lucy (Wadleigh) 89 Lucy (Williams) 319 Lurany 76 Lurany (Bennett) 37 Luther J. 78 Lutie (Morse) 197 Luvia 80, 189 Lydia 16, 22, 27, 28, 30, 42, 45, 93, 166, 321 Lvdia A. 40, 86, 182, 341 Lydia (Bartlett) 16, 70 Lydia (Batclielder) 45 Lydia (Brown) 59 Lydia (Holmes) 157 Lydia J. 78, 79, 185 Lydia (Jordan) 78 Lydia M. 107, 233 Lydia (Ryan) 40 Lydia (Sargent) Doggett 30 Lyman 70, 78, 165 LeBaron, Lyman P. 165, 317 Lynn C. 344 Mabel (Foss) 339 Mabel R. 186 Mae (Hale) 222 Mahala 40, 41 Maida A. 366 Mamie (McRoberts) 367 Mandal A. 181 Marcus B. 73 Marcus H. 326 Marcus S. 169 Margaret 22 Margaret J. 93, 212 Margaret (Morse) 72 Margaret (Robb) 224 Margaret (Taylor) 167 Maria 41, 90 Maria (Brown) 89 Maria C. 157, 168, 307, 324 Maria E. (Bean) 200 Maria J. (Barrows) 190 Maria L. 77, 179 Maria L. (Messenger) 232 Maria P. (Tribou) 77 Maria S. 78 Maria T. 37, 76 Marie (Hallock) 325 Marilla 80, 187 Marion 342 Marion A. 326 Mark 26 Marshall A. 99, 221 Marshall R. 221 Martha 16, 26, 27, 36, 45, 90, 165 Martha (Benson) 16 Martha (Bumpus) 65 Martha (Chatlield) 27 Martha (Collar) 26 Martha Gray 101 Martha H. 31, 61 Martha (Rowland) 30 Martha M. 47, 110 Martha O. (Kittredge) 65 Martha (Robinson) 73 Martin 43 Martin C. 76 Mary 16, 22, 25, 26, 29, 30, '33. 35, 36, 40,41, 42, 67, 87 Mary A. 181, 339 Mary A. (Digby) 88 Mary A. (Hicks) 166 Mary A. (Pounder) 92 Mary A. (Sanborn) 309 Mary A. (Sangree) 376 Mary A. (Smith) 180 LeBaron, Mary B. (Fos- ter) 220 Mary B. (Kinsman) 405 Mary (Badger) 190 Mary (Baker) 185 Mary (Bundy) 308 Mary C. (Andrews) 319 Mary (Chase) 47 Mary (Coon) 70 Mary D. 158 Mary (Dean) 318 Mary (Doane) 00 Mary E. 59, 71, 107, 165, 166, 167, 204, 233, 291, 317, 318, 323, 366 Mary E. (Boynton) 185 Mary F. 180, 220 Mary (Fish) 206 Mary (Fiske) 59 Mary (Forrest) 93 Mary G. 232 Mary H. 31, 61, 92 Mary H. (Wright) 190 Mary (Hamilton) 93 Mary (Huntington) 40 Mary J. 61 Mary J. (Chase) Rose 168 Mary J. (Maynard) 331 Mary J. (Oliver) 322 Mary K. 157, 308 Mary K. (Leonard) 197 Mary L. 90, 91, 209, 211 Mary M. (Aldrich) 205 Mary M. (Bacon) 291 Mary M. (Thwaites) 204 Mary (Maxwell) 41 Mary P. 88, 158, 204 Mary (Porter) 91 Mary (Raymond) 25 Mary S. 320 Mary (Sage) 92 Mary (Wilder) 9, 12, 13, 15 Mary (Woodbury) 47 Maryetta 166, 322 Mason 376 Matthew W. 90, 209 Maud 223 Melissa B. 45, 106 Melissa (Fox) 181 Melissa (Kelsey) 222 Melvina 181 Mercy L. (Rowland) 317 Mercy M. 73, 173 Merritt D. 319 Merton A. 207 Minnie F. 182 Miranda (Robinson) 181 Monta R. 205 Muriel M. 367 496 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. lioBaron, Myra A. (Cap- ron) 308 IVryina A. 322 Myron M. 9!) Myrtie (Lindsey) 208 Myrtle J. 292 Nancy 30, 39 Nancy DeW. 30, CO Nancy M. 181, 338 Nancy (Morton) 09 Nancy R. (Deniary) 207 Naunii 27, 46 Naomi R. H. 45, 100 Natlianiel 38, 78, 181 Natlianiel L. 182 Neale 0. 367 Nellie (Blossom) 206 Nellie F. 196 Nellie M. 182 Nellie M. (Jordan) 199 Nelson 41, 91, 92 Nelson J. 87, 204 Nettie 188, 225 Newton 98 Norabel 221 Norah B. (O'Neil) 317 Oceana H. 59 Ola (Gould) 198 Olin W. 186 Olive 35 Olive M. (Powers) 347 Orilla M. 99, 223 Orin B. 78 Orlando C. 80 Orplia M. 225 Orrie 207 Orrin 40, 87, 88 Orris L. 339 Orville 93 Otis 73 Pamelia 26, 41 Ramelia A. 89, 208 I'amelia (Swartout) 319 Patty 39 Paul B. 342 Paul K. 186 Pauline (Ainswortli) Jack 80 Pauline F. (Harvey) 189 I'auline M. 364 Pauline M. (Wilson) ISO I'ersis 37 Persis (Talhnan) 76 Phebe A. 165, 316 Phebe A. (Wright) 223 Phebe (Jordan) Rand 77 Phebe L. 143, 292 I'hebe (Thornton) 165 Philip G. 309 LeBaron, Philomena E. (Mauncie) 406 Phineas S. 84, 198 Phoebe A. 92 Polly 34 Polly (Huntington) 40 Polly (Winegar) 100 Priscilla 18, 22, 33, 64, 67 Priscilla (Hammond) 66 Rachel A. (Hill) 76 Rachel B. 376 Ralph D. 323 Ralph E. 207 Ralph J. 198 Ralph W. 102, 309 Rebecca 30, 35 Rebecca (Bighani) 221 Rebecca (Lindsey) 184 Reginald L. 367 Reginald L. L. 206 Repentance (Lucas) 34 Reuben W. 291 Rhoda 40, 86, 181 Rhoda G. 81 Rhoda M. (Rocheleau) 348 Rhoda (Morse) 71 Rhoda (Sanger) 80 Rhoda (Tracy) 77 Richard 40. 87 Richard M.' 203, 364 Richard P. 203 Robert 98, 220 Robert A. 221 Robert B. 77 Robert O. 220 Robinson 79 Roderick 40 Roscoe 181, 339 Rose A. 167 Roxana 181, 338 Roxana (Webb) 101 Roy 181 Roy M. 198, 207 Ruby (Bazee) 70 Rudolph W. P. 406 Ruius O. 81, 189 lUissell 38, 78, 182 Russell A. 87, 203 Ruth 27, 46, 78, 166, 183 Ruth A. 78 Ruth B. 317 Ruth (^Colbe) 88 Sabra 44, 102 Sabra (Kelsey) 44 Sabra L. 101 Sadie R. (Sams) 406 Sally 34 Sally A. 32, 66 Sally B. 73, 174 LeBaron, Sally (Kelsey) 99 Sally (McKnight) 80 Salome (Shaw) 78 Samuel 35, 70, 77, 166, 181 Samuel A. 47 Samuel A. G. 93 Samuel J. 320 Samuel T. 81, 190 Sara E. 92 Sara E. (Denham) 310 Sara (McKenzie) 71 Sarah 25, 28, 33, 36, 38, 48, 66, 88, 167 Sarah A. 65, 80, 107, 158, 166, 169, 231, 320, 326 Sarah A. (Atsatt) 158 Sarah A. (Clark) 222 Sarah B. 71, 168 Sarah B. (Shaw) 169 Sarah (Bartlett) 22 Sarah (Burt) 70 Sarah C. 208 Sarah (Churchill) 32 Sarah (Cross) 76 Sarah E. 71, 170 Sarah E. Miller 168 Sarah E. (Morse) 84 Sarah E. (Morton) 197 Sarah E. (Palmer) 205 Sarah F. (Hicks) 59 Sarah (Hixon) 26 Sarah (Holmes) 36 Sarah J. (Carr) 157 Sarah (Jeffs) 107 Sarah L. 59, 76, 144, 179, 309 Sarah (Leonard) 28 Sarah M. 159, 310 Sarah P. (Hicks) 181 Sarah R. (Hull) 98 Scott 319 Sidera P. 165 Sidney G. 320 Simeon M. 84, 197 Sirrell C. 37, 77 Smith 166 Solomon 27, 43 Solon 88 Sophia 166 Sophia (Daws) Simpson 183 Stella 320 Sullivan B. 37, 76 Susannah 48, 113 Susannah (Johonnot) 47 Susie L. 205 Susie M. (Gleason) 342 Sylvanus 70, 167 I Index. 497 LeBaron, iSylvanus T. 174 Sylvester 38, 70, 1G7 .Sylvia 44, 88, 100 Sylvia A. (Morse) 197 Sylvia F. 84, 100 Taylor 88 Temperance 35, 72, 78 Temperance (Morse) 35 Thankful (Macomber) 73 Theda A. 222, 376 Theodore 37 Theodore C. 166 Theodore H. 317 Theodore J. 319 Theophilus B. 84, 197 Theresa 22 Thomas B. 158 Thomas J. 84, 197 Thomas K. 65 Thomas M. 40, 84 Thomas R. 65 Thomas S. 209 Tracy C. 376 Tribou E. 77 Truman F. 80, 187 Uriah 44, 98 Utheria 88, 207 Vernon D. 348 Villetta J. 98 Waitstill 35, 71 Wales 78 Wallace E. 180, 337 Walter A. 322 Walter J. 183, 184, 344 Walter R. 344 Washington I. 190 Wilber A. 322 Wilbert 207, 367 Wilbur D. 292 Wilford E. 88. 206 William 17, 18,22,26,32, 33, 37, 38, 65, 67, 70, 77, 78, 79. 81, 98, 157, 184, 220, 307, 308 William A. 331 William B. 65, 78, 158, 159, 181, 309 William E. 84, 189, 196, 198, 348 William F. 78, 183 William G. 198 William H. 59, 143, 158, 182, 292, 309 William I. 225 William J. 107, 232 William LeR. 232 William O. 174, 331 William S. 89, 221 William T. 98 William W. 77, 180 \ CeBaron, Wilson 166 Wirt J. 222. 376 Wright B. 204, 366 Wright R. 366 Zada (Hull) 43 Zebu Ion 25, 35, 70 Ziba 35, 71, 169 LeBarva, ( ) 27 LeBaron, ( ) 27 Ledyard, Mary L. 422 Lee, Austin 280 Douglas, 284 Emma (Dillaway) 284 Eugene S. 112 George 284 Goodwin 284 Haywood 284 Lydia S. (Higgins) 112 Madeline DeW. (Smith) Taylor 280 Rose G. 284 Sarah G. (Starr) 284 Virginia 284, 430 Leggett, Mary 122 Leighton, Aaron 181 Alfred 77 Betsey (LeBaron) 180 Dorcas (LeBaron) 77 Frank H. 181 Ira 181 James C. 180 Jane B. 181 Lizzie (Wilkinson) 181 Lydia 181 Ruth (Foss) 181 Silas 180 Simeon ISO Lemar, Eliza A. 170 Leonard, Mary K. 197 Nathaniel 28' Orinda 191 Sarah 28 Lewis. Alva 379 C. Dudley 389 Charles D. 389 Edmund S. 389 Elsie C. (Curtis) 379 Emily J. (Clark) 389 Ernest G. 261 Fanny 250 Frances W. 389 James W. C. 389 Jerusha (Tinkham) 36 John 261 Josephine L. 379 Katheriue LeB. 389 LeBaron 389 M. Elizabeth 389 Margaret D. 389 Mary A. (Dudley) 389 Lewis, Mary E. (Good- win) 261 Mary LeB. 261 Reuben 36 Virginia M. 379* William G. 389 Liebach, Rebecca C. 435 Liesenfield, Minnie 145 Lilly, Lena A. 196 Lincoln, Alice 411 Mabel W. (Goodwin) 411 William A. 411 Lindsey, Alice G. 405 Eliza A. (Fitch) 404 Ella G. 404 Frances W. 405 Henry R. 405 Hiram 208 Joseph 258 Louisa (Clark) 258 Mary 113 Minnie L. 405 Myrtie 208 Rebecca 184 Rebecca T. (Hastings) 209 Revere G. 258, 404 Litchfield, Edwin C. 228 Harriet M. (Dewey) 228 Little, Amelia N. 155 Catherine R. (Mitchell) 307 Charles 155 Charles N". 155 Elizabeth LeB. 155, 307 Pamelia (LeBaron) Marsh 41 Robbins 307 Rose (Funke) 155 Samuel R. 155, .807 Susan (Robbins) 1.55 Taylor 41 Littlefield, Kate D. 326 Livier, Maggie 286 Ljungstedt, Carl O. A. 400 Hannah M. (Robinson) 400 Lloyd, John E. 427 Marguerite T. 427 Marguerite (Theobald) 427 Mary E. 427 Lobdell, Mary A. 439 Locke, Albert 118, 255 Alice E. 2.54, 401 Amos 164 Ann (Gowen) Hale 118 Augusta (Jones) 401 Charles H. 118 Charles S. 254 498 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Locke, Frances C. 118 Francis G. 254 George 118 Grace LeB. 254 Hannah G. 118, 255 Hannah (Goodwin) 118 Harriet 118, 255 Harriet B. (Pinkhara) 254 Helen 255, 401 Jane E. 254, 400 Jane E. (Starkweather) 254 John 118, 254 John D. 255 John G. 118, 254, 255,401, 402 Joseph 118, 255 Joseph A. 255 Joseph H. 255 Julia D. 255 LeBaron 255 Lydia G. 255 Lydia (Goodwin) 118 Mary A. 118, 255 Mary C. (Barnes) 164 Mary H. 254, 400 Samuel 118 William 118 Lockwood, Caroline M. (Putnam) 391 Cornelia P. 392 Joseph B. 391, 392 Maria (Barnum) 391 Maria L. 392 Odle 391 Tarrant P. 392 Logan, Carrie B. 340 Long, Atley 341 Ida E. (Caswell) 341 John M. 341 Laura 341 Willfred 341 Longley, Caroline L. (Bov^e) 237 Edmund 237 Loofbourrow, Elias 108 Mary M. (Wright) 108 Loomis, Edward G. 337 Emma G. (Morton) Strong 337 Lord, Jennie H. 330 Loring, Alice M. 326 Carrie N. 326 Charles E. 326 Gcorgianna 325 Grace A. 326 Sarah A. (LeBaron) 320 Lothrop, Ansel 27 Bertha 368 Lothrop, Caleb 49 Harriet 49, 119 Isaac 49 Joshua R. 252 Lydia G. (Hedge) 252 Lydia ((Goodwin) 49 Marv (Thomas) 27 Priscilla (Thomas) 49 Thomas 49 Lovell, Anna B. 325 Carrie M. (Hicks) 325 Clara B. 325 Clifford S. 325 Emeline 73 Lucy S. 324 Maria C. (LeBaron) 324 Olive H. 325 Euth 325 Samuel L. 324 Samuel W. 325 Lovett, Alice B. 282 Alice (Beck) 134 Alraira (Barrows) 282 Anne DeW. 134, 282 Charles W. 134 Harriette H. 134, 282 James DeW. 134, 282 Josephine E. 134, 282 Josephine M. (DeWolf) 134 Josephine M. (Sumner) 282 Lucas, Ann 124 Benony [Capt.] 23 Betsey 315 Elizabeth 35 Repentance 34 Luce, Caroline A. 271 Ellen M. 127 Ludlow, Fanny 41 Lull, Augusta M. (Goff) 84 George 84 Mary M. 270 Lush, Rachel 140 Luther, Martha (LeBaron) 90 William C. 90 Lutz, Lucretia J. 179 Lyman, Annie 337 Helen, 108 Hortense 235 Lynch, Elizabeth II. 428 Harriet C. (Powe) 404 James C. 404 Lyon, Sarah B. 398 MacCracken, Catherine (Hubbard) 387 Fay M. 387 MacCracken, Henry M. 387 MacKaye, Dorothy B. 410 Elizabeth E. 410 ' Ellen I. (Bailey) 409 Henry G. 265, 409 James 265 Maria E. (Goodwin) 265 Mary G. 410 MacSkinnon, Elizabeth 401 Mack, Arthur K. 422 Theodora G. (White) 422 Mackie, Amelia 123 Macomber, Almira (Di'ew) 146 Burt D. 316 Chloe 36 Chloe (LeBaron) 35 Eddie 316 Elijah LeB. 36 Frank 316 Fred 316 Harvey 316 Henry 316 Herbert 316 John H. 146 Joshua 35, 36 Levi LeB. 36 Lucia V. 147 Lucinda 36 Lulu 316 Mary 36 Mary (Milliman) 316 Mehitable 36 Phebe A. (LeBaron) 316 Sarah W. 55 Simeon A. 36 Thankful 73 Mahaffey, 74 Deborah A. (Wright) 74 Maine, Margaret 116 Maison, Emma 160 Mali, Alice 59 Mallay, Tilly B. 365 Mallory, Effie J. 275 Manierre, Alfred L. 392 Benjamin F. 392 Cornelia P. (Lockwood) 392 Ruth L. 392 Manly, Mary 268 Manning, Anna P. 201 Franklin W. 201 Grace LeB. (Washburn) 200 John H. 200 John P. 201 Love LeB. 200, 302 Mantcr, Clara B. 271 Index. 499 Maicellus, Addie M. (Ciir- iis) 380 Charles E. 380 George E. 380 May C. 380 Reid 380 Marcey, Ida M. 193 March, Augusta 24G Catherine M. 246, 389 Catherine (Monroe) 245 Daniel 244 David 245 Eleanor (Moore) 244, 245 Emily S. 246, 390 Harriet 244 Hugh 244 Jacob 244, 245 Mary C. 244, 387 Mary LeB. (Monroe) 244 Samuel 244 Susan LeB. 244, 387 Marcy, Elizabeth N. (Wal- dron) 415 Harrison L. 415 Lena L. 415 Mary E. 415 Mark, Susie N. 271 Marr, Harriet S. (LeBar- on) 78 J. Mandal 78 Marsh, Albertus 321 Amasa 41 Charles 90 Dwight W. 303 Elizabeth L. 304 Elizabeth LeB. (Clark) 303 Emma 321 Flora 321 Florence E. 321 George 321 Helen W. 304 Jane (Vincent) 90 John 41, 90 John D. 437 Lawrence 321 Lillian (Sawyer) 437 Lucius 90 Lucy 322 Lucy H. 316 Lydia (Le Baron) 321 Mary 321 Nora E. (Wills) 321 Ora L. 321 Pamelia (LeBaron) 41 Polly 41 Roy 321 Samuel 321 Walter 322 William 321 Marsh, William D. 304, 437 Winfred 321 Marshall, Caroline 432 Maria T. 267 Ruth S. 274 Marston, Eunice 50 John 50 Martin, Alfred I. Ill Ann 80 Cecilia 110 Elwin S. Ill Frances E. (Adams) 239 Frances T. Ill Hannah L. Ill, 239 Harriet L. Ill, 239 Henry D. 109 Isaac 110 Justin B. .344 Kate A. (Ward) 344 Lucy J. 110 Lydia 110, 238 Marion 110 Mary E. (Perry) 109 Mary G. 239 Orson C. Ill, 239 Samuel I. 239 Temperance (Higgins) 110 Mason, Arthur 386 Marion M. 386 Meda M. (Forbes) 386 Masters, Alice A. 200 Alice A. (LeBarnes) 200 Anna M. 200 Carrie (Dunning) 362 Edward B. 200 Edward N. 200 Ellen M. 200 John A. 200, 362 Marshall A. 200 Martha M. (Hitter) 200 Mary E. 200, 302 Mildred LeB. 362 Virginia F. (Wright) 200 William B. 200 Matteson, Ann (Tinkham) 332 Eliza A. 332 James T. 332 Mauncie, Philomena E. 406 Maxham, Azro G. 375 Azro J. 97, 219 Benjamin 97 Benjamin F. 219 Christianna R. 97 Clara 97, 219 Editha L. 375 Eliza A. (Wood) 97 Maxham, Frank B. 193 George A. 219, 375 Ida M. (Marcey) 193 lola 97 Leonora (Kelley) 375 Lora A. 97 Lucia A. (Harding) 193 Mary E. (Baker) 219 Mary J. (Hartley) 219 Mary O. 219 Minerva (Shurtletl) 97 Ransom 97, 219 Stillman L. 193 Sullivan 193 Susan M. 97, 219 William R. 219 Maxim [Maxham] Abi- gail 39 Maxwell, Isaac 111 Martha S. (Higgins) 111 Mary 41 May, Clara V. (Albert) 421 Henry 421 Maybury, Edgar C. 184 Minnie E. (Clark) 184 Sophia W. 2.30 Maycumber, Jennie R. 323 Mayer, Alice P. (Bedlow> 281 Alice (Sabine) 301 John 301 ^Villiam H. 281 Mayhew, Alexander N. 160 Benjamin B. 160 Calista S. (Wass) 66 Elizabeth 66 Emma (Maison) 160 Francis LeB. 66 John A. 66, 160 Margaret (Bassett) 160 Matthew 66 Matthew LeB. 160 Sally A. (LeBaron) 60 Thomas 17, 19, 21 Thomas R. 66, 160 Maynard, Mary J. 331 Mayo, Lucia (LeBaron) 59 Martha LeB. 144 Nancy N. 144, 293 Thomas 59 Tryphosa C. (Fessonden) 144 William T. 60, 144 McArster, Lucy 339 McClellan, Harold 395 Muriel A. (Crossdale) 395 500 Descendants of J^\ancis Tjeliaron. McCliutock, James 70 Marie (Eichholtz) 70 Mc(Jluro, Daisy 30S Hattie S. (Bovier) 308 L. ;JG8 McCornell, Alice G. 3(i4 McCrato, John D. 245 Susan M. (Sibley) 245 MoCullom, Jane II. 98 McDonald, Lizzie 104 McDonough, Leona A. (Carson) 271 Mary I. 240 Patrick' 271 McElroy, Ellen (Robin- son) 300 Eloise 300 John C. 300 Margaret B. 300 Wni. H. 300 McFarland, Mary 300 McFarren, Lucinda 230 McGee, Bessie L. 395 John B. 395 Louise J. (Peters) 395 Marjorie 395 Maurice B. 395 McGoey, Eleanor C. 394 McGregor, Bella J. 381 Mclntyre, Abigail 38 Mclvor, Carlisle C. 403 Elizabeth (Greene) 403 Francis M. 403 Helen E. 403 Henrietta F. 403 Henrietta K. (Bobbins) 403 Nicholas W. 403 McKean, Laura L. 140 Sarah 318 McKenzie, Sara 71 McKercher, Jennie B. 229 McKesson, Ida L. 420 McKinney, Abner R. 431 George A. 431 John H. 431 Lewis R. 431 Mary E. (Kellenberger) 431 Mary G. 431 Virginia (Hill) 431 McKnight, Sally 80 McLane, Donald B. 307 Frances (Robinson) 30() Stanley R. 307 William C. 307 William W. 300 McLaren, Christine 149 McLaughlin, Louisa 230 McManus, Charlotte 198 McMeans, Ella 280 McMillan, Kancy N. (Mayo) 293 Robert 293 Thomas M. 293 Tryphosa M. 293 William 293 McNeil, Fanny 201 McNider, Jennie 235 McRoberts, Mamie 307 McVean, Elinira J. 190 McVicar, Adelaide P. 385 James 385 Loretta J. (Dodge) 385 Malcolm D. 385 Stephen J. 385 Mead, E. ( ) 40 Laura 70 Meek, Sarah 111 Megroth, Ella 145 Meiggs, Julia C. 327 Mercereau, Peter C. 320 Sarah A. (LeBaron) 320 Merriam, Alfred 424 Frances L. 424 Frances R. (Perry) 424 Harriet 380 Merrihew, Caroline 248 Caroline P. (Putnam) Sibley 248 George W. 248 Stephen 248 Theodora 248 Merrill, Achsah M. 290 Agnes (King) 90 Alice S. 90 ' Ann E. 90 Catherine 90, 217 Edith 290 Hannah E. 96, 217 Harriet 90 Jabez H. 290 James 96 James M. 96 Jane N. 96 Jerome 96 John 90 Mary A. 90 Mary E. 90 Sarah S. 90, 217 Sophia (Shurtleff) 90 William J. 90 Merritt, Abigail (LeBar- on) 80 Ann (Martin) 80 Cynthia A. (Tripp) 187 Eleazar 80 Francis LeB. 80 George II, 187 Harriet M. (Williams) 180 Merritt, Harriet W. 187, 340 Harvey 80 Haskell Z. 80, 180 Julia 319 Lavinia E. 80 Lorenzo L. 80 Messenger, Maria L. 232 Meyer, Sarah 105 . Miller, Adin T. 215, 372 Alice L. 372 Arthur T. 372 Carrie H. 215, 371 Carrie M. 372 Carrol G. 372 Eliza A. (Parker) 214 Eliza (Lawrence) 372 Ella M. 214, 371 George 94 George L. 214 George W. 95, 214 Georgie A. L. 210 Harry T. 215 Jane 95 ' John S. 95 Josephine 214 Lavinia H. (Hubbard) 215 Lydia LeB. (Shurtlelf) 94 Mary E. 214, 371 Marv S. 95, 215 Sarali E. 108 Sarah (Soper) 95 Timothy 95, 215 William 95 Milliken, George H. 329 lima A. 329 Mary E. (Sherman) 329 Milliman, Mary 310 Mills, Ellen R. 152 Elizabeth R. 152 George S. 152 Mitchell, Alice B. 102, 312 Anna M. 170 Anna R. 102 Catherine R. 307 Esther H. 102 Frances 162 Hannah P. (Hammatt) 102 Hazen 162 Helen 252 Maria E. 102, 312 Marion P. 102 William W. 102 Moale, Judith 424 Moltz, Annie LeB. (Eich- holtz) Wells 179 Henry A. 179 Index. 501 Monro, Mary (Joles) 113 Mary (Lindsey) Ho Nathaniel llo Stephen 113 tSusanuali (LeBaron) 113 William 113 Monroe, Alexander 246 Alexander LeB. 114, 246 Annie B. 391 Catherine 114, 245 Charlotte 114 Francis LeB. 246, 391 Louisa (Barber) 246 Margaret N, 114, 245 Mary LeB. 113, 244 Miriam C. 391 Miriam (Clark) Hawes 240 yarah L. 246, 391 ynsannah J. 113, 244 Tamson L. (Barrows) 391 Montague, Annie L. (Morse) 198 George L. 198 Montgomery, Anna H. (VanZandt) 283 Caroline C. 283 James 283 William B. 283 Moody, Dora E. 209 Sarah 244 Moore, Agnes L. (Hall) Walker 301 Carl E. 351 Chauncey H. 211 Eldridge 301 Eleanor 244, 245 Ellen (LeBaron) Abbott 203 Flora M. (Smith) 211 John D. 203 John T. 416 Kate M. 351 Mary C. 416 Ora E. 351 Orville E. 351 Sarah A. (Davis) 351 Victor F. 351 Mora, Marion I. 281 More, Catherine 168 Moren, Arthur F. S. 394 Johanna U. (Hazen) 394 Morgan, Caroline 299 Charles D. 299 Clara LeB. 288 Joanna W. (Davis) 299 John S. 288 Lizzie 178 Richard H. 299 Susan A. (Goodwin) 288 Morkill, Elsie 209 Falshaw \l. 209 James F. 209 Mary L. (LeBaron) 209 Maud M. C. 209 Morley, C. F. 77 Inez E. (LeBaron) 77 Morningstar. Edna E. (Lazelle) 378 Freeman S. 378 Lucille V. 378 Morrell, Ann (Whiting) 136 Edward E. 136 Morrill, Adaline 87 Lucy 325 Morris, Alice P. 428 Edward 37 Elizabeth (LeBaron) 37 Francis 428 Harriette H. (Bedlow) 428 Lewis, 428 Lewis G. 428 Morrissey, Anna T. (Stod- dard) 299 Edith S. 299 John 299 Mary 299 William S. 299 Morse, Abby J. 198, 361 Abigail (LeBaron) 198 Adelaide F. 361 Albert S. 198 Alice M. (LeBaron) 347 Anna LeB. 361 Annie L. 198 Elizabeth E. (Thompson) 361 Eunice S. 196 Franklin A. 361 Frederick W. 361 Horace H. 361 Huldah (Aiusworth) 347 Ida M. 184, 343 Ira 347 Ira G. 347 John B. 361 Joseph G. 198, 361 Joseph W. 198 Leonora F. 198 Leroy S. 347 Lurana F. 361 Lutie 197 Margaret 72 Maria T. 361 Maria T. (Besse) 361 Nellie F. 184, 342 Oscar F. 183 Paul G. 361 Morse, I'earl E. 347 Rhoda 71 Ruth (LeBaron) 183 Sarah E. 84 Sarah J. 361 Sarah O. 330 Sylvia A. 197 Temperance 35 Thomas F. 198, 301 Morton, Annie 337 1;^ Arthur 179 ^ Benjamin 197 v Betsev 197-^ . Charles 337*^ ^^ Charles W. 179, 337 * David 18 v Eliza (LeBaron) 100 Emma G. 179^:^37 *^ Frances E.v^Woodrutf) 337 t- Frank 17{^'^ Harriet 1007225-^ Hattie 179^ Hattie M. 179^ Isaac lOO'"-' Levi 179 "^ Lucinda 84 v Maria L. LeB. 337 ^ Maria L. (LeBaron) 179 w Nancy 99 «- • Sarah E. 197 ^ Moses, Aaron 81 Betsey 81 Judith 81 Mosher, Augusta M. 334 Baxter C. 339 Bertha 339 Edah 334 Livonia 339 Lulu M. (Spenser) 339 Mary A. (LeBaron) 339 Mary A. (Wriglit) 334 William 334, 339 Moss, Sylvia 137 Mott, Betsey 70 Mueller, Albert 421 Isadora L. (Albert) 421 Mundie, Bessie K. (Jenney) 4.38 Elizabeth J. 438 Margaret B. 438 Mary C. 438 William B. 438 Munger, Phebe 65 Muuroe, Hannah E. 278 Margaret 280 Susan W. (Goodwin) 138 Wilfred H. 138 Munson, Alice M. 358 Ethel M. 358 502 TJesceiidtmts of Francis LeBaron. Munson, Florence 11. 358 Minnie F. (Jolinson) 358 William W. 358 Murdouk, Cecilia 137 Charles 137 llattie A. J. 325 James 137 Nancy (Goodwin) 137 Miirkland, Jennie L. 440 Murphy, Daniel D. 302 Isabel B. 302 Lillian E. 302 Mary F. (Lawrence) 302 Murray, Deborah 115 Deborah (Brinley) 115 Ellen 249 Florence 249 Frances E. 249 Harriet L. (Despard) 249 ,!ohn 115 John T. 110, 249 Lulu F. 366 Sarah L. (Hazen) 110 Thomas 116 Myers, Miriam L. 369 Nelson, Jessie M. (Le- Baron) 212 Kate 381 Lily M. 212 Margaret E. 212 William 212 Nettles, Mary J. 79 Nettletou, Abel 46 E. Mead 46 Electa 45, 107 Julia 46, 109 Lydia 46, 108 Lydia (LeBaron) 45 Martha 45, 108 Mary 46, 108 Moses 45 Nancy (Sanborn) 45 Phebe 46 Philemon 45, 46 Newcomb, Georgiauna B. (Hedge) 397 John 397 L. Z. 151 Sarah (Lawrence) Clark 151 Newell, Caroline A. 438 Diantha 82 Nowhall, Allen B. 441 Augusta V. 441 Bertram B. 441 Charlotte B. 441 Clara C. (Barnes) 441 (Jlifton F. 441 Elliot B. 441 Nowhall, Eugene S. 441 Harold B. 441 Laurence V. 441 Marion B. 441 Newman, Charles H. 415 Elizabeth A. 346 Ella M. 396 Grace (Willard) 415 John 415 Willard G. 415 Newsome, Margaret 27 Newton, Alice 224, 378 Amelia H. (LeBaron) 224 Anna (Rasmus) 224 Augusta V. 437 Frank LeB. 224 Kenneth 224 Wilbur 224 William 224 Nichols, Betsey (Uick- ock) 320 Delia 344 Emma B. 196, 359 Fanny 320 Jane's. 196, 359 John D. 196 Philena (Doten) 196 William 320 Nickerson, Etta B. 258 Joanna (Barnes) Brad- ford 69 William 69 Niles, Bertha 332 Bertrand D. 332 H. D. 332 Isabelle V. 332 Joseph W. 332! Napoleon B. 332 Oceanah (Tinkham) 332 Nixon, C. H. 322 Eda 322 Harrison 322 Joseph 322 Maryetta (LeBaron) 322 Nooning, Anne W. 53 Kebecca G. 128 Norris, Caroline E. (Viles) 126 Charles 84 Harriet E. 132 Joseph B. 126 Mariette A. (Doten) 84 Rachel 131 Norton, Charles A. 356 Flora B. 356 Isabella DeW. (V^hite) 422 Joseph C. 356 Mabel H. 356 Norton, Mary E. 321 Matilda (Alden) 356 Sarah S. (Holmes) 350 William L. 422 Noyes, Alonzo 104 Lurana P. 439 Sarah E. (Gilbert) 104 Nutting, George E. 372 Lydia R. (Edgerly) 372 Waldo E. 372 Nye, Helen 331 Henry 331 Sarah H. (Cole) 331 O'Neil, Norah B. 317 O'liiordan, Rosie 436 Odell, Hannah 70 Oliver, Elizabeth M. 155 Mary J. 322 Olivier, Susannah 48 Olrastead, Chester 94 Emily (Shurtleff) 94 Olmsted, Eliza (Law- rence) 150 Elizabeth 150, 302 Henry 150 Openshaw, Esther M. (Johnson) 107 Samuel 107 Ormes, Grace M. 380 Mary E. 228 Ormsbee, Mansel A. 104 Mary H. R. (Gilbert) 104 Ormsby, Charles II. 187 Myrtie M. (Gove) 187 Orr, Ona I. 222 Osborne, Fanny 64 Osgood, Charles 371 Henry A. 405 Lottie M. 371 Mary E. (Miller) 371 Minnie L. (Lindsey) 405 Minnie M. 371 Ostrander, Ann A. (Ham- mond) 142 Stephen M. 142 Otis, Amy 34 Charles C. 178, 336 Donna (Durand) 336 Emma A. (Harding) 389 Henry H. 178 Lizzie (Morgan) 178 NinaD. 336 Persis M. (Ferine) 178 William II. 178 Packard, Jemima 183 Paddleford, Elijah M. 136 Elizabeth M. 136, 285 Mary (Goodwin) 136 Index. 503 Paddleford, Sally A. 136, 285 Page, Alice B. 277 Anna 194 Benjamin 49 Benjamin F. 190 Charles H. 349 Edith 373 Elizabeth R. (Bradford) 277 Ella C. 190, 349 Fanny J. 189, 349 Georo-e W. 189 Ida M. 190 Isaac E. 189 Jennie M. 373 Jessie M. 190 Leverett 349 Lucy O. (LeBaron) 189 Lydia (Goodwin) Loth- rop 49 Mercy A. 400 Nancy (Whitehill) 349 Nellie O. 349 William 277 William C. 277 Pahmeyer, J. W. 179 Marie LeB. (Wells) 179 Paine, Albert P. 381 Franklin A. 229, 381 Frederick I. 229, 381 Harriet A. (Gilbert) 229 Harriet M. 229, 382 Kate (Nelson) 381 Margaret A. (Tubman) 381 Margaret I. 381 Palmer E. 229 Ralph H. 381 Sarah N. 229, 381 Wendell O. 381 Willard A. 229 Palmer, Emily (Curtis) 102 Jennie L. 91 Sarah E. 205 Susan A. 138 Susan S. 398 William 102 Pancoast, Sarah (Smythe) 120 Park, Alice E. (Locke) 401 Carl J. 401 Dean W. 401 Harriet 401 Parker, Bessie A. 333 Betsey A. (Stanton) 333 Cyrus A. 333 Edmond C. 333 Parker, Eliza A. 214 Evangeline LeB. (Fuller) 3G1 Frank L. 217 Gertrude M. 423 Grace 217 Harvey L. 423 Helen' F. (Gooding) 423 Herbert G. 423 Herbert S. 333 Laura 252 Laura L. 409 Loren M. 217 Robert E. 301 Ruth E. 361 Sarah S. (Merrill) 217 Sophia 193 Theresa V. (Erickson) 333 William 10 Parkes, Elia N. (Bennett) 191 Frank J. 191 Parkhill, Elisha 104 Sally M. (Gilbert) 103 Sarah 105 Pai'khurst, Lucy 101 Parkis, Mary M. 192 Parmelee, Angela E. (Le- Baron) 225 Harry A. 225 John 225 Sarah 385 Roy S. 225 Walter C. 225 Parmeter, Demarquis 369 Jane (Cox) 369 Susan 369 Parsons, Esther P. 68 Mary A. Kil Partridge, Amelia (Sim- ons) 89 Levi 89 Patch, Emily G. 260 Estelle C. 260 John 260 John F. LeB. 260, 405 Margaret A. G. (Poor) 260 Patten, Katharine E. 132 Patterson, Flora 217 Hannah E. (Merrill) 217 Lura 217 Peter 217 Paty, Deborah 164 Eliza 164, 314 Lemuel 164 Phebe (Barnes) 164 Seth 164 Paulding, Alexina B. 315 Paulding, Alexina C. (Barnes) 314 Claribel 315 Ellen 416 Frances A. 315 ILarriet E. 315 Herbert S. 315 Sylvanus S. 314, 315 Paull, A. E. 361 Abby J. (Morse) 361 Annie C. 361 Asa E. 361 Pay, Eleanor P. 352 Peabody, George 167 Ida A. (LeBaron) 167 Lila 202 Pearce, Benjamin B. 131 Bradford, 131 Catharine DeW. 131 Cornelia B. 131 Harriet B. 130, 131 Isabella F. 131 Isabella L. 131 John B. 131 John S. 130 LeBaron 131 Mary LeB. (Bradford) Howland 130 Rachel (Norris) 131 Pearse, Albert S. 274 Annie M. 418 Edward B. 274, 418 Ellen (VNllson) 274 Frank B. 418 Frederick J. 418 Frederick P. 274 George M. 342 George R. 342 Isabella (Kirkwood) 418 John R. 274, 418 Katherine 342 LeBaron 342 Mabel R. 418 Margueritte 342 Marion 274 Marion R. 274 Mary (Bradford) 274 Mary F. 342 Mary J. (Coffin) 418 Nellie F. (Morse) 342 Nettie M. 417 Nettie P. 418 Ruth LeB. 342 William B. 274, 418 Pease, Alice 399 Arthur C. 399 John IT. 399 Sarah C. (CoiBu) Rand 399 504 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Pock, Alexander D. 217, Allen 79 Ann (Bradford) 130 Azuba (LeBaron) Gove Smith 79 Benjamin B. 130 Catherine (Merrill) 217 (JlilTord A. 373 Cora A. 217 Edith (Page) 373 Elizabeth (Hallett) 217 Elizabeth S. 130 Emma 187 Ceorge A. 217 George M. 217 (ieorge W. 373 Henry W. 130 Ida L. 373 Jemima G. 130 Jennie M. (Page) 373 John B. 130 John H. 217, 373 John N. 130 Mary S. 217 Merrill S. 373 Mary T. (Kimeais) 130 Nancy B. 130 Nicholas 130 Sarah 64 Sarah P. (Goodwin) 285 Sarah V. G. 285 Viets G. 285 William DeW. 130 Peckham, Carlie M. (Kent) 294 Howard K. 294 Hugh E. 294 Peet, Clara K. 241 Edward W. 241 George R. 241 Harrison A. 241 Mary A. 241 Mary O. (Higgins) 241 Sarah L. 241 Pegram, Elizabeth H. (Lynch) 428 Isabel H. 281 Isabel (Homer) 281 Joiin C. 281, 428 Nancy DeW. 281 Virginia 281, 429 Peirce, Rebecca 125 Pennington, Caroline D. 427 Caroline (Theobald) 427 Charlotte E. 427 Dorothea H. 427 Marjorie I. 427 Robert G. IL 427 Pennington, William C 427 Percy, Eliza A. (Matte sou) 332 Frances 332 Grant W. 332 Perine, Ann M. 75, 178 Benjamin 75 Edward G. 336 Edward M. 75, 178 Elizabeth M. 75 Elva K. 178, 336 Florence M. 336 Jane (Wilson) 178 Louisa (Swaltz) 336 Lucy (LeBaron) 75 Mary (Jones) 75 Persis M. 75, 178 Peter R. 75 Stanley "178 Sullivan C. 178, 336 William LeB. 75 Perkins, Almira 144 Edna 202 Eldon A. 351 Ella A. (Doten) 351 Ernest F. 351 Harry S. 351 John 43 Lila (Peabody) 202 Moses 202 Sarah J. (Sampson) Wadleigh 202 Sherman 202 Tryphena M. (Shurtleff) 43 Ursula H. (Shurtleff) 43 Walter 202 Perrigo, Gertie 369 Perry, Addie L. 238, 385 Adelia L. 110 Alexander 132, 279, 426 Alfred E. 109, 238 Alfred P. 115 Andrew R. 426 Antoinette (Jones) 425 Arthur E. 238, 384, 385 Aubrey L. 385 Basil H. 426 Calbraith B. 278, 425, 426 Charles V. 278, 425, 426 ! Chester 109 \ Clara (Hunt) 384 Cynthia A. 110, 238 Cvnthia (Davis) 109 Dare E. 385 Day 385 Edmund H. 238, 385 Eleanor R. 426 Eleanor T. 388 Perry, Elizabeth M. 279, 426 Elizabeth R. 425 Elizabeth R. (Tyson) 425 Ellen M. (Dabney) De- Wolf 279, 424 Emily T. 425 Frances L. (Blake) But- ler 424 Frances R. 424 George C. McK. 426 Georgina McK. 426 Harriet (Smith) 425 Ida L. 426 Ida L. (McKesson) 426 Inez (French) 385 James DeW. 132, 278, 425, 426 Josephine DeW. 279, 426 Julia B. 278, 425 Julia J. 425 Julia S. (Jones) 278 Lavinia C. (Howe) 279 Leverett 109 Marianne DeW. 279 Mary 311 Mary Ann (DeWolf) 132 Mary E. 109 Mary I. 426 Mary I. (Trotter) 425 Mary N. 109 Minnie E. 238 Muda E. .385 Myrta (Smith) 385 Nancy B. 132 Oliver H. 278, 426 Raymond H. 132 Raymond II. J. 132, 278, 424 Robert S. 425 Sarah (Parmelee) 385 Sarah R. (Uazen) 115 Susan (Welsh) 238 Walter L. 238, 385 Ward T. 425 William S. 279, 426 William W. 278 Peters. Agnes Q, 396 Bliss B. 395 Brooks C. 396 Claude W. 396 Edward B. VV. 396 Eliza (Botsford) 395 Fanny C. 396 Florence E. 395 George C. 395 Louise J. 395 Marguerite C. 396 Mary D. 396 Ulal'ia (Corbell) 395 Index. 505 Phalen, Clorinda (Shiirt- leff) 94 Michael 94 Phelps, Byrou 194 . Rosalind (Trow) 194 Philleo, Calvin 121 Elizabeth (Wheeler) 121 Emeline C. 121 Phillips, Abby Go Baylies F. 431 Carleton W. 431 Edna LeB. 100 Edward M. 431 Edward P. 431 Eliza A. (Staples) 431 Elizabeth A. (LeBaron) 159 Emma L. (Whiting) 160 Grace E. 431 Ida (Whitney) 159 Irving C. 159 Lewis 159 Lewis L. 1(30 Maria 370 Mary E. 218 Millie M. (Warburton) 431 Philpot, Ella 317 Pickard, Mary G. 432 Pickens, Sarah 137 Pickett, Dan 94 Galvin J. 214 James M. 214 Jane M. (Shurtleff) 94 Jennie M. 214 Josephine (Miller) 214 Lavinia C. 214 Lydia E. (Shurtleff) 214 Stillmau 214 Pierce, Caroline 108 Ellen D. 247, 392 Jedithan 108 Leonard 247 Lvdia (Nettleton) 108 Mary A. 143 Mary E. 261 Mary F. 247 Mary LeB. (Putnam) 247 Pierpont, Joanna LeB. (Sibley) 245 John 245 Pierson, Ella V. 229 Inez M. 320 Pinkham, Harriet B. 254 Pinkney, Antoinette 136 Mary 136 Mary (Goodwin) 135 Xinian 135 Pinney, Nettie 375 Pinny, Athelia 219 Pither, Hattie M. 228 John 228 Mary (Curtis) 228 Plummer, Alice B. (Mitchel) 312 Alice H. 439 Anna H. 439 Edith S. 439 Frances B. 439 Harry W. 313 Hazen M. 313, 439 Mary A. (Lobdell) 439 Watson E. 312 Pollock, Alice (Bates) 398 Joseph K. 398 Pomeroy, xVriette (Farley) 100 Joseph 104 Maria C. 424 Martha LeB. (Gilbert) 104 Myron 100 Pool, Albert S. 76, 179 Annie LeB. 179 Jacob 76 John M. 179 Lucretia J. (Lutz) 179 Lucretia M. 179 Lurana A. 76 Maria T. (LeBaron) 76 Mary A. 179, 336 Poole, Addie W. (Coffin) 253 Fedora (LeBaron) 205 George H. 253 Homer P. 205 Mary C. 205 Ozro 205 Poor, Daniel A. 121 Emily E. 121 Emily (Goodwin) 121 Hannah (Frye) 121 Helen R. 121, 260 Jane C. 121 John G. 121 Lucy G. 121 Lydia R. 121 Margaret A. G. 121, 260 Maria L. 121 Maude A. 395 S. Knox 395 Pope, Hannah 16 Port, Mary C. 335 Porter, Mary 91 Post, Eleanor 132 Julia L. 132 Potter, Alice I. (Allen) 437 Arthur H. 437 Eliza B. 203 Potter, Ina S. 437 Pounder, Mary A. !)2 Powe, Annelee (Warren) 404 Charlotte H. 404 Claudia E. 404 Harriet C. 404 Harris L. 404 Henrietta K. 404 James H. 403 Josephine E. (Bobbins) 403 Thomas E. 404 William H. R. 404 Powell, Charles L. 201 Julia C. 201 Mary (Hayks) 201 Powers, Harriet (LeBar- on) 76 Melvin 76 Olive M. 347 Pratt, Edward F. 150 Irene B. (Lawrence) 150 Rose L. 405 Sarah Redmond 143 Urseba 109 Pray, Alice C. 187 Blanche B. 187 Edgar E. 187 George L. 187 Ephraim 187 Laura E. 187 Sarah A. (LeBaron) 187 Sarah M. 187 Truman L. 187 Prentiss, Carrie G. (Bates) Bartlett411 Charles G. 411 Frank H. R. 411 Leslie H. 411 Pearl D. 411 Preston, Margaret 382 Prey, Edgar E. 191 Ina B. (Bennett) 191 Price, James S. 217 Mary S. (Peck) 217 Prince, Charlotte C. 135, 283 Charlotte G. (Collins) 134 Hattie E. (Childs) 283 LeBaron B. 135, 283 Mary C. B. (Beardsley) 283 Seraphine C. 135 William 135 William B. 283 WMlliam R. 134 Prindle, Alice E. (Sweet) 176 B. ^. 176 50G Descendants of I^rancis LeBaron. Prissick, Charles D. 394 Frances H. 394 Mary J. 394 Robert M. H. 394 Susan F. (Hazen) 394 Thomas B. 394 Thomas H. 394 Pritchard, Henrietta K. 25G Proctor, Frances 104 Prouty, Betsey 40 Susan E. 353 Pugsley, Mary J. 227 Purrington, Eliza J. 310, 311 Eunice 331 George 311 Sylvia 311 Putnam, Ada (Woodhull) 391 Alice 392 Alice W. 439 Ann (Braman) 246 Anna J. (Donnell) 439 Anna M. 439 Annie M. (Salter) 392 Caroline M. 247, 391 Caroline P. 114, 248 Clifford W. 391 Cornelia T. (Van Nort- wick) 247 Edwin 114, 248, 392 Edwin T. 247 Emma A, 391 Emma H. (Winslow) 391 Emma LeB. 247 Francis 247 Frank L. 439 Frederick A. 114 Frederick T. 247 Frederick W. 114 George 235 George F. 247 Hannah 114, 246 Hannah A. 247 Hannah (LeBaron) 114 Henry 240 Israel 114, 247 Joe 439 LeBaron 114, 246, 247 Martha 360 Mary A. (Woodhead) 248 Marv A. (Wright) 235 Mary LeB. 114, 247 Octavia B. (Robinson) 392 Octavia McK. 248, 393 Priscilla (Baker) 114 Sarah E. (Frost) 247 Tarrant, 114, 247, 391 Theodore A. 248 Putnam, Theodore E. 114, '^48 William B. 247, 391 William LeB. 247, 392 Quackenbush, Christie (Shard low) 237 Esther C. (Fordham) 237 , James P. 237 ' Wilbur F. 237 I Quimby, Susie M. 414 Bakestone, Arabella 159 Ramsey-Ramsey, Marga- ret M. (Botsford) 250 Robert D. 250 Rand, Emily C. 399 George 399 iSTathaniel 78 Phebe (Jordan) 77 Sarah C. (Coffin) 399 Randall, Bernice C. 199 Edgar F. 199 George H. 199 Harriet E. (LeBaron) Ricketson 199 Jennie 369 Leona 378 Lillie V. 367 Philip C. 199 Rasmus, Anna 224 Rauck, Charles H. 240 Emily F. (Higgins) 239 James F. 240 Joseph 239 Ray, Annette LeB. 210 Barzillai, 253 Belle 209 Charles F. 90 David 90 Elizabeth 90 Fannie LeB. 90 Frank L. 209 Georgia L. 210 Georgie A. L. (Miller) 210 Henry H. 210 John LeB. 90 Joseph H. 210 Lewis B. 210 Maria LeB. 90 Maria (LeBaron) 90 Martha 90, 211 Mary J. 90, 210 Mary J. (Coffin) 253 Susan 210 Susan L. (Tuttle) 209 Wesley P. 90, 209 William F. 90, 210 Raymond, Drusilla 38 Raymond, Mai-y 25 Mary S. 345 Rhoda 85 Raynolds, Alma (L'Hom- medieu) 313 Read, Albert W. 411 Anna B. (Hewes) 411 Anna M. W. 126, 269 Betsey 52 Caroline 126 Charles 52, 125 Charles F. 268 Charles W. 268, 411 Eliza A. (Sargent) 268 Eliza (Worrawell) 125 Frances 52 Frances E. (Clark) 411 Francis LeB. 125, 268 Frank LeB. 411 George 52, 125 George E. 268, 411 George P. 126 George W. 125, 268 Grace M. (Goodwin) 266 Hannah 52 Hannah (Goddard) 52 Isaac 52, 126 John 52 John B. 266 Joseph 52 Mary 52 Mary E. 126, 268 Mary (Manly) 268 Mercy (Goodwin) 51 Xancy E. 268 Xancy P. 52, 126 Rachel (Fox) 126 Rebecca (Peirce) 125 Samuel F. 126 William 52 William A. 126 Reddish, A. W. 211 Fannie L. 211 Helen L. 211 Mary L. (LeBaron) 211 Reeve, Agnes C. 437 Charles I. 437 Charles McC. 437 Christine McL. ( Law- rence) 437 Isaac V. D. 437 Reil, Catherine J. 232 Remson, Arthur 399 Chester A. 399 Eldred 399 Emily C. (Rand) 399 George W. 399 Herbert 399 Marguerite 399 Matie S. 399 Index. 507 Remsou, May 399 Eoland C. 399 Revere, Augustus L. 260 Frances J. 260 Frederick B. 120 Helen L. 120 John 120, 260 John F. 120 Joseph W. 120, 259 Lydia LeB. (Goodwin) 120 Paul 120, 260 Rosanna D. (Lamb) 259 Sarah (Smythe) Pan- coast 120 Thomas D. 260 Reynard, Kittie 384 Rejmolds, Bina (Cranson) 378 Calista C. (Carver) 224 Charles D. 224 Clarence C. 224, 377 George H. 55 Hannah (Bradford) 55 Harriet C. 224 Ida M. (Babcock) 377 Marie 378 Porter B. 377 Sarah A. 224 William 224 William J. 224, 378 Rhodes, Harriet (Knight) 137 Ribble, Arthur LeB. 286 Caroline (Marshall) 432 Ella S. 286 Fanny A. (Goodwin) 286 Fannie L. 286 Frances LeB. 433 Frederick G. 286, 432 George W. 286 John F. 286, 433 Kathleen A. 286, 433 Maggie A. 432 Maggie A. (Henser) 432 Mary A. 286 Mary G. (Beale) 433 Mary (Sayers) 432 Mildred M. S. 433 William H. 286, 432 Rice, Barbara G. 414 Charles S. 414 Elizabeth 272 John 272 Lydia 245 Lydia S. 272 Mary 390 Nellie S. (Goodwin) 414 Sarah 332 Rich, Ethan A. 397 Georgiana B. (Hedge) Newcomb 397 Richards, Charlotte 115 Frank A. 413 Helen F. 413 Henry W. 413 Lizzie W. (Viles) 413 Nancy S. 288 Percy A. 413 Richardson, Alice M. 146 Caleb 95 Charles 309 Clara 355 Ella LeB. 146 Ernest C. 146, 295 Flora A. (LeBaron) 309 Grace D. (Ely) 295 James C. 145 Jane (Miller) Isham 95 Lydia B. (Taylor) 145 Mary A. 145 Mary E. 295 Richmond, Harriet A. 172 Mary G. 274 Richter, Eugenie 406 Ricketson, Harriet E. (Le- Baron) 199 Hattie J. 199 James H. 199 Rideout, Henry M. 312 Lucia L. (Hammatt) 312 Marian H. 312 Ridei-, Bethany 71 Rieck, James G. 248 Theodora (Merrihew) 248 Ried, Fedora E. 202 Riggs, Emily W. 75 Rimeais, Mary T. 130 Ring, Charles H. 271 Junette M. (Goodwin) 271 Ripley, Mary E. 163 Samuel 163 Sarah A. (Bradford) 163 Ritchie, Johannah R. (Hazen) 249 William 249 Ritter, Henry S. 436 James B. 436 James H. 436 Martha M. 200 Mary LeB. (Stoddard) 436 Robb, Margaret 224 Robbins, Albert B. 210 Alice (Brockway) 155 Ammi 18 Amrai R. 31, 62, 64 Robbins, Asher 123 Bertine 156 Chandler 52, 1 19, 257 Chandler O. 155 David S. 210 Dorothea LeB. 156 Edward 04, 210 Edward T. 155 Edward W. 274 Eleanor II. 156 Elizabeth 18, 31, 62, 64, 149, 156 Elizabeth (Hurd) 210 Elizabeth K. (Rutton) 307 Elizabeth (LeBaron) 31 Elizabeth M. (Oliver) 155 Ellen 257 Eunice D. (Hedge) 257 Fanny 64, 154 Fannie B. 210 Fanny (Osborne) 04 Francis LeB. 31, 32, 64, 67, 155, 156 George, 64, 154 Hannah (Foote) 31 Hannah S. (Cook) 64 Hannah (Tebbets) 62 Harriet 2.57 Harriet (Lothrop) 119 Helen (Gill) 155 Helen J. (Wilcocks) 257 Helen M. 156 Henrietta K. 256, 403 Henrietta K. (Pritchard) 256 Henry 63 Henry W. 156, 307 Howard C. 156 Ira B. 210 Irene B. 155 James 63, 153 James E. 153 James H. 62 James S. 210 James W. 32, 62, 63, 154, 305 Jane 63, 119 Jane P. 52 Jane S. (Collier) 154 Jennie T. (Hilton) 210 John F. 210 John H. 62 Josephine E. 257, 403 Juliet A. 123 Lola 210 Lucy M. (Hartpence) 156 Margaret B. 156 Maria 63, 153 Maria (Eggleston) 63 Marianne H. (Welles) 155 508 Descendants of J^rancis LeBaron. Robbins, Marion R. (Pearse) 274 Mary 31 Mary A. 156 Mary E. 04, 154 Mary E. (LeBaron) 291 Mary J. (Ray) 210 Mary S. 04, 154 Myrtie C. (Jones) 305 Nathaniel 31, 62 Oliver G. 305 Oliver P. 155 Philemon 31 Priscilla (LeBaron) Al- den 04, 67 Rosa (Kerlinska) 210 Rose (Bignall) 155 Salome (Robbins) 62 Samuel 32, 62, 64, 155 Samuel E. 210 Sarah 32, 63 Sarah M. 153, 305 Sarah (Peck) 64 Sophia D. (Dix) 153 Susan 64, 155 Susie L. 210 Theseus J. 291 Thomas 32, 64 Thomas B. 64, 155, 307 Wesley R. 210 William B. 155 William H. 119, 256, 257 Roberts, Albert E. 374 Alice A. 218 Andrew J. 218 Annie R. (Reals) 412 Charles H. 374 Clarence V. 218 Cyril 374 Dora M. 218 Francis E. 218, 374 Helen (Buzzell) 218 Herbert S. 218 Lorinda (Buftum) 374 Mary A. 374 Matilda T. (Bailey) 218 Nellie A. 218, 374 Nellie P. (Hutchinson) 374 Stella M. 374 W. Arthur 412 William W. 412 Robie, Marcia 28 Mercy 28, 29 Robinson, Abbie E. L. L. 400 Cecilia (Murdock) 137 Ellen 154, 306 Fanny (Robbins) 154 Fi-ances 154, 306 Robinson, Hannah M. 400 James M. 400 Jane E. (Locke) 400 Johannali 249 Martha 73 Miranda 181 Octavia B. 392 Sarah T. 259 William M. 137 William W. 154 Rocheleau, Rhoda M. 348 Rockwell, Caroline A. 62 RofEe, Albert H. 295 Gertrude H. 295 Gertrude M. (Guild) 295 Helen E. 295 Rogers, Sarah A. 133 Susannah (Marsh) 133 William 133 Winnifred I. 338 Rolfe, Ann (Tappan) 244 Roods, Amos J. 212 Blanche F. (Bunce) 212 Flossie 212 Frank D. 212 Ha F. 212 Mabel M. 212 Maud L. 212 Root, Emily 111 Rorabeck, Grace G. 272 Nellie R. (Allen) 272 Peter J. 272 Rose, Jane 94 Lois E. (Thomas) 172 Mary J. (Chace) 168 Nathan 172 Nellie 353 Ross, Alice 186 Arthur P. 186 Edwin F. 186 Elizabeth A. (Newman) 346 Frederic A. 186, 345 Helen 345 Howard S. 345 Jessie 186, 346 Josephine 180, 345 Kathryn L. 346 Lilian 186, 346 Lulu 186 Luthera (Smith) 186 Marsjaret H. (Terhune) 186"" Mary S. (Raymond) 345 Raymond F. 345 Samuel P. 186 Walter S. 186, 346 Rossiter, Emily E, 115 Marjorie 428 Nellie C. (Budd) 428 Rossiter, William S. 428 Rotch, Arthur 421 Eliza DeW. (Colt) 421 Rowen, Abgina 103 Azor 103 Byron 103 Catherine (Curtis) 103 Charles 103 Daniel 103 David 103 Delafield 103 James 103 William 103 Rowland, Mercy L. 317 Royce, Laura L. 333 Rugg, Jerusha L. (Doten) Brown 195 Moulton 195 Ruggles, Mary H. 104 Russell, Andrew H. 148 Andrew L. 61, 147 Andrew LeB. 297 Anna 147 Annie C. 400 Annis A. 297 Augur 297 Barbara 409 Caira S'' Catherine E. 147, 296, 397 Catherine (Elliott) 147 Charles G. 400 Christopher A. 297 Dora W. 265 Dorris M. 400 Ellen T. 265, 409 Elliott 147. 296 Elizabeth 122 Emily (Stevens) 296 Emily T. (Perry) 425 Eva 400 Francis H. 147, 296 Francis J. 61 Frank W. 400 George 297 George B. 148, 297 Grace L. 400 Hannah W. (Davis) 147 Helen (Taylor) 265 James S. 425 Jane 38 Jane E. (Augur) 297 Jane F, 123 Laura D. 148 Laura (Dewey) 147 Laura H. 297 Laura L. (Parker) 409 LeBaron 61 Lillian C. 400 Lucia J. 61, 148 Lydia 300 Index. 509 Russell, Lydia C. 122, 203 Lydia G. 265, 409 Lydia T. (Coffin) 400 Marion 265, 409 Martha H. (LeBarou) 01 Martha LeB. 147, 148 Mary 122, 264 Mary A. 265 Mary A. (Goodwin) 122 Mary E. (Hedge) 264 Mary H. 61, 296 Mercy A. 61 Mercy A. (Page) 400 Meribah 425 Nathaniel 61, 147 Sarah L. (Tinkham) 296 Thomas 122, 123, 265, 409 William C. 400 William G. 122, 264, 390 Rutherford, Lettie 286 Button, Elizabeth K. 307 Ryan, Dr. 40 Lydia 40 Ryder, Desire 51 Louisa F. 197 Mary 197 Samuel 197 Ryerson, Millie F. 340 Sabine, Alice 301 Joseph F. 301 Margaret (Lawrence) 301 Sage. Jerusha (LeBaron) 20' Mary 92 Simeon 26 Sager, Hattie E. 94 St. Clair, Carlton A. 242 Edith 242 Elvira A. 242 Elvira (Higgins) 242 Emma M. 242, 380 Ernest G. 242 Herbert A, 242 Joseph N. 242 Nelson 242 Nelson A. 242 St. Dizier, Blanche M. 364 Ella G. (Abbott) 364 Eugene A. 364 Eugene N. 364 Talcott N. 305 Winfred W. 304 Salisbury, Fy A. 207 Lucy 207 Salter, Annie M. 392 Sampson, Annie H. 202 Betsey 201, 303 Betsey P. 87 Charles 80, 202 Sampson, Charles S. 201 Charles W. 202, 303 Clara J, (LeBaron) 325 Deborah 50 Diana 80 Emma 201, 303 Eudora 101 Eunice (Johnson) 201 Fanny (McNeil) 201 Fedora E. (Ried) 202 George 80, 201 George A. 325 George H. 201 George R. 325 George W. 202 Harriet 202 Harry LeB. 325 Hattie (Davis) 202 Hattie (Tyler) 303 Helen B. (Glen) 202 Ida J. 202 Jessie L. 201 Joseph 80, 89 Joseph G. 201 Julia C. (Powell) 201 Kate R. 201 Lavina 80 Lydia C. 50 Lydia J. 194 Margaret A. 202 Marilla 202 Mary 87 Mary J. 201 Mary (Simons) 89 Morton 303 Moulton 201 Myron 303 Rhoda (LeBaron) SO Roy G. 202 Sarah J. 80, 202 Simeon 50 Thomas M. 202 Winfred O. 202 Zabdiel 161 Sams, Sadie R. 400 Sanborn, Mary A. 309 Nancy 45 Sanders, Adaline 159 Charles B. 310 Francis LeB. 310 Jane B. (LeBaron) 159 Thomas B. 159, 310 Thomas L. 159 Sands, Caroline H. 410 John M. 410 Sanford, Alexander G. 131 Harriet B, (Pearce) 131 Sanger, Rhoda 80 Sangree, Mary A. 370 Sargent, Eliza A. 268 Sargent, Ida 435 Jonathan 208 Lydia 30 Nancy (Beeswell) 268 Saunders, Susan 385 Sawyer, Bernice 271 Bertha (Mosher) 339 Lillian 437 Lillian M. 339 William 339 Sayers, Mary 432 Schallenberger, Cyrus 313 Sarah (Ball) 313 Vesta 313 Schanck, Ammi R. 154 Edgar 154 Elizabeth LeB. 154 James R. 154 John S. 153 Joseph S. 154 Maria 154 Maria (Robbins) 153 Mary R. 154 Schellinger, Mary S. 439 Schmidt, Alonzo C. 233 Amelia S. 233 Frank L. 233 Mary E. (LeBaron) Hol- gate 233 William 233 William H. 233 Schneider, Anna 103 Schrow, Helen E. 434 Schuele, Bertha 407 Scobie, Charlotte 186 Scofield, Rachel 30 Scovie, Rosa C. 230 Scoville, Eunice C. (Good- win) 201 James M. 201 Scully, Diantha (Tink- ham) 73 Patrick 73 Seabury, Anna L. 334 Cornelia (Smith) 334 Emma R. 335 Harriet A. (Wright) 334 Irving H. 334 John H. 334 Mollie E. 335 S. Adella 335 Searles, Cora B. (Drum) 323 Herbert J. 323 Sears, Hannah 174 Seaver, Lucy 352 Seeley, Myra L. 438 Seely, Sarah 237 Selden, George D. 434 Joanna 434 510 Descendants of I'Vaucis LeBaron. Selden, Joseph 434 Louise H. (Spader) 434 Marie L. 434 Seldon, Anna S. (White) 383 Arthur E. 383 Clara V. 234 Claudius H. 234, 383 Elma S. 383 Eunice M. (Wilcox) 234 Herbert C. 234 Marv E. 234 Richard L. 234 William A. 234 Senter, Carrie L. 370 Edson H. 370 Mary L. (Banister) 370 Seymour, Elizabeth B. 129, 275 Elizabeth J. 129 Emma H. 151 Horace 129 Horace W. 129 Horatio 151 Julia a. 129, 275 Sarah (Bradford) 129 Shadlow, Christie 237 Shaw, Edna F. 405 Elkanah 2(J Emily C. 258 Emily P. (Clark) 258 Etta B. (Nickerson) 258 Frederick C. A. 258, 405 George A. 258 George F. 405 George K. 258 Hannah (LeBaron) 2G Helen C. (Bassett) 405 Helen L. 405 John 49 John G. 258 Kate L. 405 Kate M. (Divine) 405 Mary W. 258 Nancy E. 258 Ruth 49 Salome 78 Sarah B. 169 Thomas E. 258 Shears, Betsey (LeBaron) Fuller 40 William 40 Sheffield, Eoline 299 Sheldon, Alfred O. 367 Effie M. (LeBaron) 367 P. E. 367 Shepard, Charles U. 152 Ellen (Humphrey) 152 Lois 98 Shepherd, Zilpha 43 Sherburne, Harriet L. (Chandler) Dickey S3 Joseph 83 Sherman, Arthur F. 172, 328 Arthur G. 328 Chester T, 379 Edward M. 362 Eliza A. 91 Francis M. 172 Grace I. 172 Harriet C. (Kimberly) 379 Henry S. 362 Lucinda M. (Thomas) 172 Mabel (Snow) 328 Marion C. 379 Mary E. 172, 329 Mary E. (Masters) 362 Sidney LeR. 379 Sterling S. 362 Sherwood, Emma 93 Flora 213 Horace 93 Laura (LeBaron) 93 Rollin, 93, 94, 213 Eosanna (Smith) 213 Ross T. 213 Stephen 94 Verna L. 213 Shillaber. Anna C. 431 Charles P. 430, 431 Helen S. 431 Helen S. (Camerden) 430 Shipley, Henrietta C. 404 Shippen, Anna E. 397 Shore, Samuel 168 Short, Eliza 80 Shortridge, John M. 210 Lola (Robbins) 210 Shumaker, Tillie 377 Shurtleff, Abiel 26, 27, 42, 95 Alice L. 95, 216 Almeron 43, 96 Ann M. (Fuller) 96 Anna E. (Cheney) 216 Annie E. 171 Arianua 43 Bethiah 42 Caleb 42, 94 Carrie E. (Jenney) 327 Catherine 327 Catherine (Churchill) 42 Charles E. 327 Charles W. 171 Chester B. 43 Christiana 43 Clara M. (Brown) 327 Clorinda 94 David 26 Shurtleff, Elbert H. 327 Electa M. 213, 368 Eliab 42 Elisha M. 95, 215 Eliza A. 43 Ella 96 Elmer B. 217 Emily 94 Emily J. (Baker) 215 Enoch 27, 43 Eunice 94, 214 Eunice (LeBaron) 42 Eva A. 97 Francis E. 216 Frank E. 95, 216 Fred 95, 216 George A. 96 Gideon 27 Grace L. 217 Hannah (Boyce) 43 Harriet 43, 95 Harriet L. 213 Harry C. 97 Henry J. 43, 97 Herbert P. 171, 327 Ichabod 170 Isaac 43 James 27 Jane M. 94 Jane (Rose) 94 Joel 27 Joshua 42, 94 Julia C. (Meiggs) 327 Kate 95, 216 Laura H. 366 Levi 27 Lewis T. 171, 327 Lloyd P. 216 Loren F. 96 Louisa M. (Bentley) 95 Lucinda 94 Lydia B. V. 43 Lydia E. 94, 214 Lydia LeB. 42, 94 Malinda 94 Martha 43, 97 Martha A. 96 Mary 42, 94 Mary A. 43 Mary (LeBaron) 42 Mary (Walradt) 96 Mary (Wicks) 94 Mercy C. (Swift) 170 Mertice B. 327 Milo 43, 95 Milo E. 216 Minerva 43, 97 Miranda (Hartland) 43 Myra G. 171 Nancy 43, 96, 217 Index. 511 Shurtleff, Nancy J. 95, 215 Nelson LeB. 171, 327 Olive 95, 216 Patience L. 43 Peter 170 Phebe M. 43 Polly 42 Rebecca L. 97 Rebecca (Walch) 97 Ruth 327 Ruth E. 97 Sally (Bradley) White 213 Sarah A. 97 Sarah E. (LeBaron) 170 Sophia 43, 96 Timothy 26, 35, 36, 42, 94, 213 Tryphena M. 43 Ursula H. 43 William 95 Zebulon 42 Zenas W. 94 Zilpha (Shepherd) 43 Shurtliff, Lucy 330 Richard 26 Sibley, Caroline P. (Put- nam) 248 Experience C. (Wheel- ock) 389 Frances L. 245 Frances M. 245 Henry J. 245 Ida E. (Yeaw) 389 Joanna LeB. 245 John M. 245, 389 John P. 389 Jonas 245 Jonas L. 245 Lydia (Rice) 245 Margaret L. 245 Margaret N. (Monroe) 245 Mary (Hutchinson) 245 Mary LeB. 245 Nehemiah C. 248 Susan M. 245 Sidle, Mary A. 437 Simmons, Anna (Schnei- der) 163 Caleb 75 Charles F. 68, 177 Content (LeBaron) 75 Cynthia D. 164 Edward C. 178 Edward E. 313 Elizabeth R. 163 Elmira A. 75, 177, 178 Frederick D. 178 George B. 313 George F. 68, 163 Simmons, Henry H. 68 Lemuel 164 Lucia A. 75 Lucia H. 163 Lucia (Ham matt) 68 Martha A. 68 Mary E. (Ripley) 163 Seneca G. 177 Vesta (Schallenberger) 313 William 68 William F. 313 William H. 68, 163 Simons, Alice M. 109, 237 Alvah 109 Alvah D. 109, 236 Amelia 89 Araminta G. 109, 236 Arthur R. 236 Betsey (LeBaron) 89 Ella 89 Elizabeth 89 Ellen 89 Flora 89 Josephine (Wood) 236 Julia (Nettleton) 109 Lavinia 87 Linus D. 109 Lowell 89 Mary 89 Mary E. 109, 236 Millie I. 236 Simpson, Sophia (Daws) 183 Skelski, Delia E. 402 Slafter, Edmund F. 115 Mary A. (Hazen) 115 Sleight, Evelyn VanD. 307 Slocum, Rebecca 175 Smith, Abel 79 Addie F. 354 Adelaide 211 Adeline M. 402 Alice G. 327 Alice H. (Wilkins) 391 Alvan LeR. 242 Angela G. (Thomas) 72 Arthur J. 242 Azuba (LeBaron) Gove 79 Benjamin F. 280 Carrie A. 211 Chandler R. G. 270 Charlotte E. (Lawrence) 303 Cornelia 334 Cornelia W. 141, 289 E. Hobart 211 Edward 270 Edward E. 270 Smith, Elizabeth 166, 188 Emma F. 270 Erastus D. 260 Eva G. 169 Fanny (Doten) 194 Fanny (Strong) 91 Flora M. 211 Frances 284 Francis LeB. 270 Frank 194 Frank DeW. 280, 428 Frederick A. 242 George S. 72 Harmon V. 211 Harriet 425 Harriet E. 183 Helen R. (Poor) 260 Helen T. 260 Hiatt 211 James B. 270 Jennie 211 Jemima (Packard) 183 Jesse W. 141 Jessie B. 140 Julia S. 327 Laura 211 Lewis 183 Lottie 317 Louise L. 303 Luthera 79, 186 Lydia W. (Goodwin) 270 Madeline DeW. 280 Madeline (DeWolf) 280 Margaret (Galvin) 260 Maria L. 287 Marianna (Wheaton) 140 Martha (Ray) 211 Mary 128, 211, 276 Mary A. ISO Mary E. 382 Mary G. 140 Mary (Higgins) 242 Maud E. 211 Myrta 385 Nancy 277 Nathaniel 128 Norton G. 242 Parnell 128 Phebe L. 143 R. Delos 211 Robert L. 211 Rosanna 213 Sarah E. 303, 415 Thomas 91 Thomas A. 303 Walter H. 211 Warren W. 280 Winfield S. 260 Smythe, Sarah 120 512 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Snell, Minnie G. (An- drews) Sprague 231 Merwin M. 231 Snow, Mabel 328 Snyder, Aaron B. 213 De LaFayette 213 DeLean 213 Hattie (Clark) 213 John 74 Lucy A. (Stowell) 213 Minnie 213 Susan S. (Wright) 74 Soley. John 134 Mary R. 134 Rebecca (Tyng) 134 Somes, Hannah 79 Soper, Sarah 95 Sorden, Aaron 353 Ann 353 Annie E. 353 Carrie M. 353 Ella M. (Vinton) 353 Florence M. 353 Grace A. 353 Horace G. 353 Walter S. 353 Soule, Abby (Goodwin) 267 Cora 410 George 267 George W. 267, 410 Lillian (Hanchett) 410 Martha M. 410 Martha S. (Waterman) 410 Nathan T. 267, 410 Southwick, Gleasou 343 Ida M. (Morse) 343 John M. 343 Mertin R. 343 Southworth, Alice (Car- penter) 17 Louise E. 160 Priscilla A. (Jackson) 160 Thos. J. 160 Spader, Annie V. 290 Charles F. 290 Fannie (Bertholf) 434 Helen 434 Jeremiah V. 290 Louise H. 290, 434 Marie L. (Hammond) 290 Nelly V. 290 Willard B. 290, 434 Spaulding, Arthur 332 Athelia (Pinny) 219 Hosea H. 219 Ina M. 219, 375 Ina S. 375 Lena (Tinkham) 332 Spaulding, Minnie E. J. 219, 375 Nettie (Pinney) 375 Susan M. (Maxham) 219 Warren R. 219, 375 Wilbur A. 219 Spenser, Lulu M. 339 Spink. CorneliaB.(Pearce) 131 ■ Samuel 131 Spinney, Isabella F. (Pearce) 131 Samuel 131 Spofford, Eureka 149 Sprague, Edward S. 231 Henry S. 231 Mabel V. (Willard) 188 Minnie G. (Andrews) 231 Thomas S. 231 Walter A. 188 Stalker, Fred C. 324 Gershom 324 Harry L. 324 Jessie F. (LeBaron) 324 Lucretia (Coe) 324 Standard, Eliza A. 102 Staudish, Thomas 44 Polly D. (Curtis) 44 Stanley, Clarinda 181 Stanton, Ada R. 310 Amanda 176 Betsey A. 176, 333 Betsey (Gardner) 175 Charles C. 175 Daniel T. 74 Emma B. 417 Etta G. 328 Eunice 348 Eva 334 G. Raymond 334 George A. 176, 334 George F. 417 Guy LeB. 334 Harriet A. (Barber) 334 Ida (Anderson) 334 Jessie 334 Joseph 73 Joseph L. 175 Julia 90, 334 Juliana E. 74, 176 Kate Sutton 334 Marcus DeL, 176 Margaret D. (Bradford) 417 Martha A. 74 Martha N. 175 Martha (Tinkham) 73 Nellie 334 Oren E, 176, 334 Orrin LeB. 74, 175 Stanton, Samuel B. 176 Staples, Eliza A. 285, 431 Elizabeth M. (Paddle- ford) 285 Joseph 285 Starkweather, Jane E. 254 Starr, Eijhraim 135 Juliette H. 135, 284 Mary C. 135, 284 Sarah G. 135, 284 Sarah (Goodwin) 135 William 135 Stearns, Harry 193 Lucia Vl. (Wing) 193 Sarah 104 Sterling, 90 Maria LeB. (Ray) 90 Stetson, Sylpha 51 Stevens, Ada K. 384 Albertus, 235, 384 Aleida 235, 384 Benjamin H. 93 Burdette 235, 384 Caroline 374 Caroline A. 108, 235 Charles A. 108 Charles F. 423 Charles J. 423 Clarissa 108 Ebenezer 108 Emily 296 Ethel 384 Eudora 235, 384 F>ed 384 Frederick N. 93 George G. 423 Grace 420 Ida (Beswick) 384 Kittie (Reynard) 384 Jay M, 108 Laura 93, 213 Lucina 93 Lucy 331 Lydia (LeBaron) 93 Lydia (Nettleton) Pierce 108 Lydia (Wright) 234 Mary B. (Gooding) 423 Mary E. 423 Orison 234 Roy 384 Sally L. 226 Verna 384 Stewart, Anna J. 304 Clarence L. 349 Daisy E. 349 Eben 349 Elizabeth (Hubbell) 304 Emma B. 304 Emma S. (Battell) 304 Index. 513 Stewart, Florence J. 349 Inez H. (LeBaron) 349 Ira 304 John W. 304 Philip 304 Kobert F. 304 Sarah F. (Cowles) 304 Susan B. 349 Susan (Houston) 349 Thomas J. J. 349 Stillwell, Elias M. 102 Mary T. (Carr) 162 Stimson, Averill L. 355 Bertha B. (Averill) 355 Doris E. 355 Edgar 355 Floy I. 355 Lois E. 355 Ealph J. 355 Susie 355 Stocking, Annie H. (Dearth) 419 George A. 419 Herbert A. 419 Matella (Williams) 419 Ruth M. 419 William K. 419 Stockwell, Alice B. 387 Amos 387 Amos W. 387 Arthur M. 387 Catherine MacC. 387 Edward A. 387 FayM. (MacCracken) 387 Florence D. 387 Frances M. (Sibley) 245 Frank M. 387, 390 . Frederick E. 387 Harriet E. (Davis) 387 James W. 245 Lucy (Blanchard) 387 > Mary LeB. (Esty) 387, 390 Susan LeB. (March) 387 Thomas B. 387 Stoddard,Anna T. 148, 299 Annie 298 Annie C. (Farris) 298 Charles B. 148 Elizabeth F. 298 Elizabeth (Farris) 298 Ellen J. 140, 298 Eoline (Sheffield) 299 Francis R. 148, 298 Frank L. (Turner) 436 George H. 148, 299 George N. 148 Henry F. 298, 436 Isaac N. 148 Isabella T. 148 John T. 148, 298, 436 Stoddard, Laura D. 149 Margaret 299 Martha 148, 299 Martha LeB. 298 Martha LeB. (Thomas) 148 Mary 148, 299 Mary C. 298 Mary F. (Baldwin) 298 Mary LeB. 298, 436 May B. 298, 436 Prescott F. 298 Rose S. 436 William P. 148, 298 Yvonne 299 Stoeckel, Carl 305 Ellen M. (Battell) Terry 305 Gustav J. 305 Matilda B. 305 Stokes, Frances B. 404 James M. 404 Mary E. (Bartlett) 404 Stone, Addie W. (LeBar- on) 342 Grace E. 388 James 342 LeBaron 342 Stooss, John C. 336 Lillie LeB. 336 Lucretia J. 336 Mary A. (Pool) 336 Stover, Sarah A. (Clark) 259 William L. 259 Stowell, Aaron B. 94 Hattie E. (Sager) 94 Hollis LeB. 94 Lucy A. 94, 213 Lucy S. (LeBaron) 94 Straub, Mary J. 243 Straw, Alice 193 Street, Edward 249 Johannah R. (Hazen) Ritchie 249 Strickland, Abiel U. 216 Alleen N. 216 John J. 216 Kate (Shurtleff) 216 Lucy S. 216 Olive (Shurtleff) 216 Pitt M. 216 Strong, Eleazer 91 Ella F. 337 Emma G. (Morton) 337 Fanny 91 George 337 Julia (LeBaron) 91 Maria L. 337 Stuart, Kittle 236 Stubbs, Alfred W. 413 Clara A. 413 Effie C. 413 Effie M. 414 Frank E. 413 Hannah J. (Baker) 413 Hiram N. 413 Lydia J. 413 Marston R. 414 Olive H. 413 Susie M. (Quimby) 414 Sturgis, Frederic R. 270 Lucretia 123 Martha DeW. (Hazard) 276 Sullivan, Frank 76 Lurany (LeBai'on) Town- send 70 Summers, Mabel L. (Hedge) 397 William 397 Summy, Charles D. 177 Clara E. 177 Desdemona 177 Desdemona (Sweet) 177 Mortimer 177 Sumner, Josephine M. 282 Surplice, Ella B. (Griffin) 441 William H. 441 Sutliff [Shurtliff], Laura (LeBaron) 20 Richard 20 Sutton, Cornelia G. 429 Kate 334 Swain, Ann G. 117 Emily, 117 James C. 117 Mary J. (Coffin) 117 Swaltz, Louisa 330 Swan, Ellen C. (Bennett) 349 Fred M. 349 Ruby B. 350 Ruth C. 350 Swartout, Amelia C. (Le- Baron) 92 Neil 92 Pamelia 319 Sweeney, Emily A. 205 Sweet, Adeline (Egelston) 177 Alice E. 170 Ann M. 75 Ann (Tinkham) 74 Anna (LeBaron) 91 Aurelia (Lacy) 176 Carrie L. 292 Celema H. 75, 177 Charles W. 75 514 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Sweet, Clarence 91 Daniel T. 75 Desdemona 75, 177 Electa (Lacy) 176 Emily W. (Riggs) 75 George A. 75, 177 German 75 Harriet (Andrus) 75 Helen 75 Helen A. 335 James M. 75 Julia (Andrus) 75 Martha J. 75, 176 Martin 75, 176 Mary H. 177 Mary I. (Hewlett) 335 Milo 75 Myron S. 176, 335 Rebecca (Lacy) 75 Rufus 74 Samuel 75 Sarah A. 335 Swenson, Julia C. 329 Swift, Edward E. 304 Edward T. 304 Florence (Wilson) 304 Irene B. 304 Irene B. (Eldridge) 304 Joseph 22 Mary E. 304 Mercy C. 170 Sarah (Bartlett)LeBaron 22 Swynmer, Annette 393 Syler, Carolyn F. 383 Charles H. 383 Mary G. (Belden) 383 Symes, Charlotte (Rich- ards) 115 Taaffe, Katharine 227 Taber, Florilla F. 159 Helen F. 350 Helen T. 297 Lizzie J. 309 Taft, Amanda (Wright) 108 Ferdinand 108 Tallman, Persis 76 Talmadge, Adelia 103 Fanny L. (Curtis) 103 Francis 103 John 103 Melvina 103 Urie 103 William 103 Tanner, Evelyn 433 Tappan, Ann 244 Tarbox, 43 Eliza A. (Shurtleff) 43 Tatham,CeciliaE. (Hazen) 394 Daisy 394 Elsie 394 Faith 394 Ralph 394 Taylor, 280 Abby 274 Ann 60, 145 * Anna C. 146 Cecilia F. (Davies) 294 Edward 265 Elizabeth H. 145, 294 Elizabeth H. (Hadlock) 145 Ella (Megroth) 145 Elnora H. (Gooding) 423 Emily W. 132 Emma C. (Keene) 294 Esther LeB. 60, 144 Fannie P. 132 Francis E. 146 Francis LeB. 132 Hannah B, 132 Harriet DeW. (Bradford) 131 Harriet E. (Norris) 132 Harriet F. 132 Harriet M. 327 Helen 265 Herbert H. 423 I Herbert L. 294 Ida B. 294 James B. 145 I James P. 60 I Jemima B. 132 ; John B. 132 Katherine E. (Patten) 132 Laura H. (Bowen) 173 Laura L. (McKean) 146 Lillian 146 Louis P. 145, 294 Lydia B. 60, 145 Madeline DeW. (Smith) 280 Margaret 167 Marguerite H. 423 Mary C. (Walsh) 132 Mary R. 132 Minnie (Liesenfield) 145 Nancy DeW. (LeBaron) 60 Philip 60, 145 Sarah 50 Sarah LeB. 132 Timothy D. B. 145 Verna I. (Colton) 219 Walter D. 219 William H. C. 173 I William L. 294 Taylor, William R. 131, 132 William T. M. 60, 146 Teachout, Josie M. 187 Tebbets, Hannah 62 Templeton, Alice M. 347 Arthur T. 346 Carl V. 346 Clarence V. 350 Ella H. (Bennett) 350 Ellen E. (LeBaron) 346 George B. 350 Hallie R. 347 Hiram L. 347 Lucv M. 346 Rutii M. (Willard) 347 Victor 346 Tenney, Ava B. 358 Clara B. (Brown) 358 David H. 358 Harriet X. 257 Lizzie A. 358 Maud L. 358 Samuel 257 Terhune, Margaret H. 186 Terrell, Adelaide A. (Bailey) 218 Bailey 219 Blanche 219 Mabel C. 219 Robert 218 Terry, Charlotte E. (Dem- ing) Humphrey 305 E. LeRoy 305 Ellen M. (Battell) 305 Frederic P. 305 Frederick B. 305 Thacher, Fear 50 James 256 Theobald, Caroline 427 Caroline D. (DeWolf) 427 Edna C. (Dulany) 428 Frances 428 Francis DeW. 428 Marguerite 427 Mary LeB. 428 Nathan M. S. 427 Samuel 427 Thirley, Amelia 321 Thomas, Abbott E. 172 Abraham 72 Abraham F. 72, 171 Angela G. 72 Angeline 174 Benjamin F. H. 72 Caleb 71, 72 Caleb A. 72, 172 Carl B. 172 Index. 515 Thomas,Caroline A. (Bur- dick) 171 Cephas 72 Cephas F. 172, 329 Charles F. 171, 327, 328 Cindia A. 172 Davis 72 Davis E. 72, 172 Earl 329 Elizabeth 72 Elizabeth A. 72 Elizabeth C. (LeBaron) 72 Elizabeth D. 72, 173 Elizabeth LeB. 329 Ella (Burdett) 399 Elmer 328 Frank M. 399 Franklin H. 72 Fred A. 172 George A. 328 George B. 72, 172 George L. 172 Hannah S. 61, 149 Harriet A. 172 Harriet A. (Kichmond) 172 Harriet M. (Taylor) 327 Helen F. (Cuzner) 329 Helen M. 329 Hepsie (Davis) 172 Ichabod L. 171 Ira LeB. 172 Jane F. 72 Jason L. 72 John B. 61 John C. R. 172 John S. 61 Kate 267 Lillian B. 328 Lily M. 172 Lizzie L. 171 Lois E. 172 Lucinda M. 72, 172 Lucinda W. 72 Lucy 71, 169 Lucy M. 172 Martha F. 173, 329 Martha LeB. 61, 148 Mary 27 Mary A. 329 Mary H. (LeBaron) 61 Mary O. (Clark) 172 Nathaniel 12, 13, 15 Nellie F. 172, 329 Otto 328 Priscilla 49 Sarah 122 Sarah (LeBaron) 36 Silence 161 Thomas, Temperance LeB. 72, 171 Temperance (LeBaron) 72 Waitstill (LeBaron) 71 Zenas 36 Thompson, Amanda J. (LeBaron) 317 Charles R. 393 Charlotte M. (Jepson) 388 Edwin LeB. 393 Elizabeth E. 361 George 317 George A. 317 George E. 318 George T. P. 388 Henry R. 401 Hiram 40 Jay L. 318 Josie 317 Lottie (Smith) 317 Mary H. (Locke) Evans 400 Mary (LeBaron) 40 Octavia McK. (Putnam) 393 Ray 317 Ruth 317 William H. 317 William P. 393 Thomson, Elizabeth 218 Thornton, Phebe 165 Threshie, Charles 329 Margaret C. 329 Nellie F. (Thomas) 329 Thvirber, James P. 425 Julia B. (Perry) 425 Russell T. 425 William B. 425 William S. 425 Thwaites, Mary M. 204 Tidd, Diantha T. 293 Tiffany, Ebenezer 288 George E. 288 Harriet L. (Goodwin) 288 Jessie G. 288 Tillinghast, John S. 171 Lizzie L. (Thomas) 171 Tillsou. Beulah S. (Wes- ton) 330 Charles O. 173 Cynthia F. 173, 330 Cynthia (LeBaron) 173 Elwood M. 330 George L. 173, 330 George LeB. 330 Granville E. 330 Joanna A, 173 Joanna A. (LeBaron) 173 Tillson, Joseph E. 330 Lucius 173 Lucy S. 330 Lucy (Shnrtliff) 330 Luther 173 Maria L. 173 Olive F. (Weston) 330 Oliver A. 173 P. Bradford 173 Roger W. 330 Sarah O. (Morse) 330 Susan B. 164 William F. 173, 330 William W. 330 Tilton, Charles E. 295 Charles W. 295 Constance 296 Emma LeB. (Kettelle) 295 Relief G. (Fairbanks) 295 Tinkham, xibisha 36 Ada L. 332 Adella 332 Ann 36, 74, 175, 332 Anson 36 Betsey 36 Betsey L. 73 Cassandra (Downer) 73 Chloe (Draper) 174 Daniel 36, 73, 174, 175, 332 Diantha 73 Dorr L. 333 Duane 175 Editha 174 Elmer C. 175, 332 Etta M. 332 Frances (Percy) 332 H. Daniel 175, 333 Hannah 36, 74 Hannah (Harrington) 73 Harlow B. 332 Harriet R. (Dewey) 175 Harriette (Gifford) 73 Hattie E. 333 Huldah (Bates) 332 Jane A. 83 Jerusha 36 John D. 73 Juliana 73, 175 Laura L. (Royce) 333 Lena 332 Martha 36, 73 Martha (Jones) 175 Martha (LeBaron) 36 Martin 73 Mary (Harrington) 36 Myron 175 Myron C. 73 Oceanah 174, 332 516 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. Tinkhani, Olive (Green) 36 Orson N. 332 Peter W. 73, 175 Kachel (Scholiold) 3(3 Roseltha 175 Russell E. 332 Sarah E. 170 Sarah I.. 206 Sarah (Rice) 332 Sorell 175, 332 Tirrell, Hannah (Barnes) 69 Toll, Florence LeB. (lias- kins) 289 Wilson H. 289 Tolman, Hannah LeB. (Goodwin) 57 Reuben 57 Tompkins, Arthur G. 269 Daisy M. 380 Eugene 269 Fannie H. (Viles) 269 Gertrude (Griswold) 269 Orlando 269 Tomson, Jacob 23 Toombs, Lilian E. 395 Torrey, Abigail T. 124 Caroline (Collins) 134 Joseph W. 134 Lydia B. 134 Torry, Clark 100, 225 Florence 225 George 225 Harriet (Morton) 225 Towne, Bertha H. 386 Charles E. 386 Harold E. 386 Helen P. (Gibbs) 386 Helena A. 386 Mabel G. 386 Mary E. 386 Willie C. 386 Townsend, Charles F. 179, 336 David E. 179 Earl B. 337 Elizabeth 409 Fred B. 337 Henry 76 Lurany (LeBaron) 76 Lynn C. 337 Marion (Russell) 409 Mary (Blaikie) 336 Rose 409 Sarah L. (LeBaron) 179 William S. 409 Tracy, Alice M. 338 Fanny 99 Harriet (March) 244 Tracy, Hiram A. 244 Mary A. 338 Rhoda 77 Travis, Florence LaB. (Henderson) 388 George C. 388 Harold F. 388 Harriet M. (Fitch) 388 Helen M. 388 Howard C. 388 Walter C. 388 Treadwell, Ervin 244 Esther (Jones) 244 Fremont 244 Jessie (Higgins) 244 Oscar 244 Trendell, Clarence H. 415 Emily H. (Waldron) 415 Fanny I. 415 William W. 415 Tribble, Alice 125 Desire (Goodwin) 125 William B. 125 Tribou, Maria P. 77 Tripp, Arthur 329 Arthur H. 325 Charles R. 329 Clara B. (Lovell) 325 Cynthia A. 187 Ilattie 309 Martha F. (Thomas) 329 Troschill, Lily 92 Trotter, Mary I. 425 Trow, Clara (Richardson) 355 Dexter 194 Dorcas 79 Edgar M. 194, 355 Emma S. 194, 354 Mary A. 194, 354 Mary D. (Chandler) 194 Maurice E. 355 Rosalind 194 Tubman, Margaret A. 381 Tuck, Harriet G. (Coffin) Folger 254 Uriah G. 254 Tuell, Joseph B. C. 196 Nellie F. (LeBaron) 196 Turner, Catherine (Le- Baron) 166 Channing 307 Edith 307 Florine 430 Frank L. 436 Hannah 25 LeBaron 307 Maria C. (LeBaron) 307 Mary E. 307 Mary F. 431 Turner, Sylvester 166 Walter D. 307 Turpie, Isabella 326 Tuttle, Joseph 209 Susan L. 209 Susannah 209 Twinging, Leah E. 166 Tyler, Hannah A. 69 Hattie 363 Tyson, Elizabeth R. 425 George 425 Meribah (Russell) 425 Underbill, Maria A. 135 Upham, Grace LeB. (Locke) 254 Henry M. 254 Urie, Mary LeB. (An- drews) Bartlett Bielby 105 William A. 105 Usher, Eliza M. 292 Vail, Cornelia VanR. 275 Valentine, Clara R. 432 VanAlstyne, Miranda 85 Vanderpoel, Abraham B. Harriet (Goodwin) 57 VanNortwick, Cornelia T. 247 VanPelt, Helen L. 260 VanVorce, Anna M. 324 Bessie 324 Cornelius 324 Franklin C. 324 Harry B. 324 Ida (Bedell) 324 James H. 324 Martha (Webster) 324 Mattie S. 324 R. Floyd 324 Van Wagoner, Kitty 101 VanZandt, Anna H. 135, 283 Charles C. 135 Edward 135 Lydia B. (Collins) 135 Maria A. (Underbill) 185 Wynant 135 Vaughan, Anna 83 Vaughn, Adaline E. 137 Vickers, Alice L. 322 Victor, Marie E. 404 Viel6, Egbert L. 284 Juliette H. (Dana) 284 Viles, Alfred W. 269 Caroline E. 126 Clara A. (Whittemore) 412 Cleora G. (Kilbreth) 413 Index. 5r Viles, Eliza W. (Fowle) 269 Fannie H. 126, 269 Fanny T. 413 Florence P. 269, 413 Frank E. 269 Joseph H. 126 Lizzie W. 269, 413 Nancy P. (Read) 126 Nathan 126 William A. 126, 269 William W. 269, 412 Vincent, Jane 90 Katherine I. 292 Vinton, Ella M. 192, 353 Melissa (Harding) 192 Zophar 192 Von der Nahoner, Ernest 421 Mary DeW. (Albert) 421 Wadleigh, Lucy 89 Osmond 202 Polly (Marsh) 41 Samuel 41 Sarah J. (Sampson) 202 Waggoner, Sarah M. 285 Wagner, Adam 320 Emma 320 Mary (Bailey) 320 Waite, Mary (Wilder) Le- Baron 9 Return 9, 18, 22 Waitt, Martha 267 Walch, Rebecca 97 Walck, Flora M. 336 J. Wilson 336 Lillie LeB. (Stooss) 336 Sirrell LeB. 336 Waldo, Tryphena 193 Waldron, Charles B. 415 Elizabeth (Gladding) 414 Elizabeth N. 415 Emily H. 415 Francis H. 415 Harriet L, 415 Mary A. 415 Nelson 414 Walker, Abigail (Doten) Harding 81 Agnes L. (Hall) 301 Artemas 82 Buell 108 Clarissa (Curtis) 44 Cornelia (Wright) 108 Emma I. (Jepson) 388 Eudora (Stevens) 384 Frank 384 John 301 Lawrence 44 Walker, Mark 384 Rebecca S. 258 Sally (Doten) Chandler 82 Summers 384 Theodore G. C. 388 Wall, Lily M. 417 Wallace, Edna (Perkins) 202 Henriette J. 203 Henry 202 Wallingford, Emeline A. (LeBaron) 87 Gilbert 87 Walradt, Cecil E. 373 Dorman 217 George D. 218, 373 Ida L. (Peck) 373 James H. 218 Mary 96 Nancy (ShurtlefE) 217 Walsh, Mary C. 132 Warburton, Millie M. 431 Ward, Abigail 184 Adeline L. 158 Alice L. (Shurtleff) 216 Amanda H. (Evans) 344 Asa A. 120 Charles A. 216 Collette L. 216 Elizabeth H, 112 Emeline H. (LeBaron) 184 Emogene A. 184, 343 Erwin P. 344 Frank S. 216 George L. 184, 343 Helen 243 Kate A. 344 Lillia L. 344 Lottie M. 234 Louisa H. (Gibbs) 343 Louisa M. 184, 344 Luther 184 Nancy (Goodwin) 120 Perkins J. 184, 344 Pliny D. 184 Victor V. 343 Wardwell, Almira G. 131 ] Jemima 54 ! Mary 139 Warfield, Israel 405 Kate L. (Shaw) Church 405 Warhurst, Cynthia S. (Willard) 188 James W. 188 Waring, Florine L. (Le- Baron) 180 Herbert S. 180, 338 Waring, Lester 338 Roger LeB. 338 William H. 180 Willie LeR. ISO Winnifred I. (Rogers) 338 Warren, Annelee 404 James 12 Jane 390 Joseph 9 Mary 16 Mary F. 412 Richard 16 Washburn, Elizabeth 37 Elvira (Doten) 83 Franklin 86 Grace LeB. 86, 200 Lydia A. (LeBaron) 86 Sarah 25 Simeon J. 83 Wass, Calista S. 66 Waterman, Martha S. 410 Watson, Anna C. 408 Anna J. (Johnson) 408 Benjamin M. 123, 264 Edward W. 264, 408 Elizabeth G. 121 Ellen 264 Ellen M. 408 Eunice (Marston) Good- win 50 Frederica (Davis) 264 Harriet L. (Goodwin) 121 John 50 Louisa E. (Gibbons) 121 Lucretia 123 Lucretia S. 264 Lucretia (Sturgis) 123 Mary R. 408 Mary (Russell) 264 Thomas R. 264 Winslow 121 Winslow M. 121 Watt, Archibald 136 Grace 136 Mary (Goodwin) Pinkney 135 Thomas 136 Waycott, Carrie A. 328 Lillian B. (Thomas) 328 Richard H. 328 Webb, Garafelia A. 170 Roxana 101 Webster, Clarence 374 Ernest E. 374 Henry O. 401 Hermon O. 401 Hugh LeB. 401 Marian L. 401 Martha 324 Maud M. (Evans) 401 518 Descendants of Praiicis LeBaron. Webster, May 401 Xellie A. (Roberts) 374 Rayinond 374 Wniis E. 374 Weed, Horatio 141, 142 Maria 141, 142 Rachel (Jones) 142 Weeks, Bertha M. 361 Harriet F. 295 Julia 348 Weld, Clifford R. 269 George 268 (ieorge R. 269 Mary E. (Read) 268 Percy R. 269 Weller, Alfred 275, 420 Catherine M. 420 Douglas McE. 420 Grace (Stevens) 420 Harry S. 275, 419, 420 Julia G. (Seymour) 275 Stevens 420 Virginia W. (Douglas) 419 William B. 275, 420 Wells, Annie LeB. (Eich- holtz) 179 Daniel 185 Henry A. 179 Laura E. (LeBaron) 185 Marie LeB. 179 Mary A. 127 Welles, Marianne H. 155 Welsh, Susan 238 Wentwortli, Adaline 182 Ethel R. 341 Harland 341 Helen A. 341 Lydia A, (LeBaron) 341 Sion R. 341 Werner, Hester 123 West. Adelaide 309 Eliza W. 279 Elizabeth R. (Hammond) 58 Ella M. (Burton) 145 Fannie B. (Bobbins) 210 John 58 John L. 210 Maria 272 William 145 Weston. Beulah S. 330 Maria L. (Tillson) 173 Olive F. 330 Thomas 173 Wetherby, Helen M. 301 Wheaton, Daniel 58 Daniel B. 58, 141 Daniel H. 141 Wheaton, Frances 58 Frances(Hodges)Willard 139 Francis B. 418 Frederick G. 141 George 58 George H. 141 Georgianna 140 Gertrude 140 Hannah LeB. 58, 140 Hannah (LeBaron) 58 Hannah LeB. (Goodwin) 58 Hattie L. (Holmes) 141 Harriet G. 141 Harriet P. (Guild) 141 Henry G. 58, 140 Joanna 140 Langdon B. 419 Lydia W. 140 Marianna 58, 140 Mary A. (Drown) 419 Mary B. 419 Mary E. 418 Mary E. (Bradford) 418 Mary R. (Goodwin) 58 Rachel (Lush) 140 Ruth B. 418 Ruth (Wilkinson) 418 Samuel L. 140 William L. 418 Wheelan, Annie 169 Wheeler, Allie M. (Chase) 189 Bertha 320 Elizabeth 121 Evi A. 189 Harold W. 414 Harriet 352 Harriet E. (Goodwin) 414 Joel M. 414 John H. 133 Mary (DeWolf) 133 Prince W. 414 Wheelock, Experience C. 389 Whipple, Charles K. 121 Emeline C. (Philleo) 121 White, Anna S. 383 Arabella 252 Charles 212 Delia (LeBaron) 212 Ellen A. 422 Fanny (Gibbs) 252 George 212 Hattie 212 Isabella DeW. 422 John 28 Sally (Bradley) 213 White, Sarah (Leonard) LeBaron 28 Susannah J. (Monroe) 244 Theodora DeW. (Wood- ruff) 422 Theodora G. 422 Thomas W. 422 William 252 V^illiam C. 244 Whitehill, Xancy 349 Whiting, Abby A. 139 Ann 136 Charles 136 Charlotte 136, 284 Emma L. 160 George 136 Harold 264 Harriet 136 Henry 136 Henry G. 136 Joseph 136 Julia (Dana) 264 Julia H. 264 Lydia C. (Russell) 263 Lydia R. 264 Nancy (Goodwin) 136 Rose's. 264 William 263, 264 Whitman, Mary S. 355 Whitney, Ida 159 Whiton, Mary 9 Whittemore, Clara A. 412 Wicks, Mary 94 Wiggin, Alice B. (Mitch- ell) Plummer 312 Charles P. 312 Hattie M. 293 Marion M. 313 Wightman, Ella L. (Le- Baron) 364 Josephine M. 364 Nellie LeB. 364 William 364 Wilcocks, Helen J. 257 Wilcox, Araminta E. 107 Caroline A. 107, 234 Clarence E. 233, 382 Coral G. 234 Dean 382 Earl P. 382 Edith M. 234, 382 Electa (Nettleton) 107 Ellen M. (Belden) 233 Emma (Gayton) 382 Eunice M. 107, 234 George A. 233, 382 Harold R. 383 Hazel 382 Henry W. 234, 383 Horace B. 234 Index. 51& Wilcox, Horace K. 382 Ila M. 382 Janet 382 Joseph S. 166 Lottie M. (Ward) 234 Lucius 382 Lucius F. 107, 233 Margaret M. 382 Margaret (Preston) 382 Mark S. 233, 382 Mary (Bloom) 383 Mary E. (Smith) 382 Neva E. 382 Ruth (LeBaron) 16(5 Stephen J. 233 Stephen P. 107 Wild, Emma W. 411 Wilder, Ahia 9 Abigail 9 Anna 9 Edward 9 Elizabeth (Eames) 9 Ephraim 9 Hannah 9 Isaac 9 Jabez 9 John 9 Martha 9 Mary 9, 10 Mehitable 9 Rebecca 9 Thomas 9 Wilkinson, Lizzie 181 Rebecca 137 Ruth 418 Willard, Abbie A. 188 Abbie M. 188, 347 Abijah 139 Ann M. 272 Annie L. 273 Bradford H. 416 Caroline H. (Sands) 416 Caroline S. 416 Charles F. 273, 416 Cynthia (LeBaron) 188 Cynthia S. 188 Edward A. 273, 416 Edward M. 416 Elijah 128 Elizabeth B. 128 Ella F. (Guthrie) 416 Ellen (Paulding) 416 Eugene S. 416 Fitch E. 188 Frances (Hodges) 139 Francis A. 273 George L. 128, 143, 272, 273 Gladys 416 Gordon L. 273 Willard, Grace 415 Harriet E. 273 Harriet E. (LeBaron) 143, 272 Harriett LeB. 416 Henry B. 273 Henry G. 415 Herbert L. 415 Hezekiah 128, 272, 415 James LeB. 273 Jerome 272, 415 John J. 188 John M. 416 LeBaron S. 416 Leon F. 188 Lucy A. 188, 347 Lucy (Clark) Willard 188 Mabel V. 188 Maria (West) 272 Marion B. 416 Mary A. (Gladding) 415 Mary B. 128, 272 Mary (Bradford) 128 Mary (Bryar) 273 Mary C. (Moore) 416 Mary E. (Read) Weld 268 Mary LeB. 273 Mary T. (Hatch) 273 Maud 416 Nora B. 188 Paul 268 Rodney F. 188 Ruth M. 188, 347 Sarah E. (Smith) 415 William B. 416 William H. 128, 273 Williams, 50 Carlos 89 Eliza (Goodwin) 50 Elizabeth (Simons) 89 Harriet M. 186 Lucy 319 Matella 419 Willis, Harriet F. (Good- wan) 127 Warren N. 127 Williston, Irene 388 Willoughby, Edward 371 Ella M. (Miller) 371 G. Ernest 371 Inez M. 371 Wills, Nora E. 321 Wilsey, Esther 27 Wilson, Aunie I. 417 Blanche (Coburn) 350 Byron F. 206 Calvin 96 David J. 107 Elizabeth 389 Ellen 274 Wilson, Firman 350 Florence 304 Isabella J. (Gamsby) 206 Jane 178 Julia D. (Johnson) 107 Levi D. 375 Lucia A. (Simmons) 75 Mary E. (Merrill) 96 Mertie E. 375 Minnie E. J. (Spaulding) 375 Pauline M. 180 Ruby I. 375 Susie U. 375 Thomas H. 75 Winch, Adelaide V. 183 Winchestei', Alice G. (Smith) 327 Caleb T. 170, 327 Charles W. 170 Edward H. 170 Edward O. 170 George F. 170 George H. 169 Julia S. (Smith) 327 Julian C. 327 Lucy F. 170 Lucy M. 170 Lucy (Thomas) 169 Windal, Clarence G. 210 Susie L. (Robbins) 210 Windsor, Gertrude DeW. 420 Gertrude (DeWolf) 420 Jennie D. (LeBaron) 322 Kasson C. 322 John M. 420 John McC. 420 Lillian LeB. 420 Winegar, Polly 100 Wing, Alice (Straw) 193 Curtis L. 193 Frank D. 193 Harriet 65 Katherine E. (Doten) 193 Lemuel 193 Lucia M. 193 Winn, Adeline (Bruce) 83 James 83 Winslow, Edward 19, 21 Edwin 310 Edwin C. 310 Ellen (Faunce) 310 Emily (Gladding) 272 Emma H. 391 Enoch LeB. 310 Isaac 23 Jane T. (LeBaron) 310 Raymond E. 310 W. 272 520 Descendants of Francis LeBaron. V/iiislow, William II. 310 Witlirow, Jane F. (Good- win) 122 Thomas F. 122 Wolcott, Clara J. (Foster) 300 Frank 369 Wood, Abisha 71 Albert L. 292 Anna M. (Mitchell) 170 Arthur C. 292, 434 Bertha L. 434 Betsey G. (Currier) 352 Clarence 170 Daniel F. 71, 170 Eliza A. 97 Eliza A. (Lemar) 170 Ella D. 292 Ethelind G. 353 Florence 340 Foster A. 170 Garafelia A. (Webb) 170 George L. 170 George M. 170, 352 George S. 192 Harry M. 352 Hattie E. (Hutchins) 292 Herbert L. 170 Jacob 71, 170 Jeanne (Dolard) 427 John [Atwood] 17 Josephine 236 Lena B. 352 Lena F. 170 Leonard A. 292 Lucinda S. (Harding) 192 Lucy C. 184 Lydia M. 71 Mary A. 192, 352 Marv L. 292 Mary M. (Parkis) 192 Milton G. 192, 352 Nelson H. 192, 353 Nellie Rose 353 Percy LeB. 170 Phebe L. (LeBaron) 292 Ruth E. 353 Ruth LeB. 170 Sarah E. (Tinkham) 170 Serena F. 71 Susan E. (Prouty) 353 Sylvanus 71 Theresa (Hart) 434 Thomas 170 Waitstill (LeBaron) Thomas 71 Wa.shington I. 170 William C. 192 William M. 170 Woodbury, Mary 47 Woodford, Helen M. 228 Wright, Charles A. 337, Woodhead, Mary A, 248 338 Woodhull, Ada .391 Charles L. 273 Wooding. Charles F. 419 Charles S. 417 Elizabeth M. (Gooding) Charles W. 176 419 Charlotte 74 Herbert M. 419 Cornelia 108 Raymond F. 419 Daniel T. 74 Woodman, Abigail S. Deborah A. 74 (Call) 303 Edward A. 273 Alice B. 303 Elizabeth A. 74, 294 Charles 303 Ellen (Coffin) 273 Charles D. 303 Ellestein L. 417 Elizabeth LeB. 303 Elsie M. (LeBaron) 337 Frances U. 303 Emily A. (Carpenter) 176 George H. 303 Ernest E. 235 George S. 303 George H. 175, 185, 345 Grove L. 303 Grace E. 106 Jane L. (Gridley) .303 Grace M. (Beeclier) 383 Bobbins G. 303 Hannah (Brockett) 176 Woodruff, Absalom B. 277 Hannah (Tinkham) 74 Annie (Lyman) 337 Harriet 74 Bouton DeW. 277 Harriet A. 176, 334 Frances E. 337 Harvey 108 Howard DeW. 277 Hattie H. 417 Isabella (DeWolf) 277 Hattie I. 235 John 337 Helen A. 235 Theodora DeW. 277, 422 Helen (Lyman) 108 Woods, 53 . Hem an 74 Caroline (Goodwin) 53 Herbert B. 417 Elvira 268 Hortense (Lyman) 235 Woodward, Caroline 109 Isaac G. 74 Ella J. B. 288 James C. 74 Woodworth, Ada 340 Jennie G. 417 Ann E. (Merrill) 96 John H. 273, 417 Charles .349 Julia 108 Fanny J. (Page) 349 Kate (Hall) 176 Frank 349 Leonard 273 Jesse 349 Leonard B. 273, 417 Levi 349 Lester P. 235 Lucy M. 349 Lilia J. 185 Willard 96 Louisa B. (Gray) 417 Zella 340 Lucille I. 417 Woolforth, Amelia R. 302 Lydia 108, 234 Woolley, Eleanor P. (Pay) Lydia J. (LeBaron) 185 352 Lyman 74, 176 Elliott J. 352 Maria 74 Emma P. 352 Martha A. 74 Worden, Charles D. .371 Martha C. 235 Inez M. (Willoughby)371 Martha (Nettleton) 108 Wormwell, Eliza 125 Mary A. 74, 108, 176, 235, Worthington, Martha 370 334, 345 Wright, 1 14 Mary H. 100 Alfred 273 Mary M. 108 " Alida B. 339 Minnie E. 185 Amanda 108 Nancy S. (Bradford) 273 Amos 273 Nettie M. (Pearse) 417 Annie I. (Wilson) 417 Penina (Brownell) 175 Benjamin W. 417 Peter 74 Carilla (Davis) 74 Phoebe A. 108, 223 Index. 521 Wright, Pierre lOS, 235 Sarah A. (Clark) 345 Sarah (Davis) 74 Sarah J. (Hall) 176 Selah 108 Susan 108, 234 Susan S. 74 Virginia F. 200 Wallace H. 338 Warren H. 345 Wilbur C. 383 William 74 William E. 273 Wright, William K. 345 Winfield E. 417 Wuerker, Carl A. 432 Edith K. (Hamill) 432 Eobert H. 432 Ybarra, Alejandro 409 Alejandro T. 409 Ellen T. (Russell) 409 Leonor 409 Yeaw, Ida E. 389 Yeomans, George D. 436 Isabella S. 436 Yeomans, May B. (Stod- dard) 436 Yetter, Arthur 368 Ernest E. 368 Harold A. 368 Lulu H. 368 Mary A. (Dizan) 368 Young, Elizabeth B. (Seymour) 275 Ferris 275 Idella 127 Jessie S. 275 Lizzie 186 If, ^/ ^0" ^U '^^Oi^^^ A^ oil = N ° aO ^ * « , 1 ° A<" oil ^ V * /v. '- (> H y^. 0' k- '^. A^ » -^^c^ ::' '• .^' s .\^ .^ V^ .' '^^c. ^ I " ^\ 'o . » '^ .A. ^^ N o "^^n^ 0" ^^^^ « o .s o » a .■V • ^ O K 4 ,0 o o j.^ -^o^ ^^W.' '^ -^ ?^ J^ \ ^^#1^ ^ '^. /^ ^ ^-^ V- ^: <;5^ a -^ ^^-^ v:. /: ^^ ' ° f o N o ^0^ . u ' . o '0^ ?>^ A ^^ *->^.t^ 0^ "^ 'o . . '' A ■' V^-.oO \/^r,.'\/ V^^*/ \'-^ C'? v>> f"^-^ N. MANCHESTER. ^*SSy-"' INDIANA « I 1 ■^ *b v^ ^ff:> „ -r^ « •• if/////: ■^