Author Title Imprint 16—47372-3 OPO A LIST OP THK DEACONS, AND MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, IN CONCORD, NEW-HAMPSHIRE, FROM 18 NOVEMBER, 1T30, TO 18 NOVEMBER, 1830. otoncoitr : PRINTED BY ASA M'FART.AND. 1S30, Explanations, Those in italics have, since their admission to this church, become Ministers of the Gospel. Those females having an m. annexed to their names were married, or had been married at the time of their admission ; and those having an m. in the last column againt their names, have married since their admission. Those to whom a star is prefixed have deceased ; those having a |1 prefixed have removed fi-om town, though it does not appear that their connexion has been formally dissolved ; and those with a t have been excom- municated. The names of Pastors are printed in capitals ; Deacons in small capitals. The abbreviations used are rec. for received ; recom. for recommendation ; rem. for removed 5 dism. for dismissed ; ord. for ordained ; excom. for excomnmnicated ; m. for married ; d. for died ; and ae. for aged. IL )ait A LIST PASTORS, DEACONS, AND MEMBERS OF THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, IN CONCORD, N. H. FROM ITS FIRST ORGANIZATION, 18 NOV. 1730, TO 18 NOV. 1830. PASTORS. I. *TIMOTHY WALKER, A. M., a native of Woburn, in Mas;- sachusetts, and a graduate at Harvard College, in 17:25, was ordained 18 November, 1730, and died 1 September, 1782, Mt. 77. II. *ISRAEL EVANS, A. M., a native of Pennsylvania, and a graduate at New-Jersey College, in 1772, was installed 1 July, 1789 ; was dismissed 1 Julv, 179? ; and died 9 March, 1807, iEt. 60. III. *ASA M'FARLAND, D. D., a native of Worcester, Mas- sachusetts, and a graduate at Dartmouth College, in 1793, was or- dained 7 March, 1798 ; was dismissed 23 March, 1825, and died 18 February, 1827, iEt. 57. IV. NATHANIEL BOUTON, A. M., a native of Norwalk, in Connecticut, and a graduate at Yale, College, in 1821, was ordained 23 March, 182o. ' DEACONS. * Names. *JoHN JIeRRILL, *Ephraim Farnum ^Joseph Hall y *George Abbot *JoHN KiMEALL *David Hall *JosEPH Hall ^Jonathan Wilkins Abiel Rolfe *Thomas W. Thompson Nathaniel Ambrose, Nathan Ballard, Jr.§ S-MiTJEL Fletcher Ira Rowell James Mculton, Jr. When elected. 17 December, 1730 August, 1731 September, 1789 September, 1789 September, 17S9 September, 1811 September, 1811 July, July, July, June, Resigned. Died Oct. 1775 Julv, July, 1818 1818 ISlSJ^Tes. 4May, 1825J 1819. 1829 18291 8 April, 1784* 31 Dec. 1817 May, 1821 10 June, 1807 9 March, 1830 1 Oct. 1821 sot 77 78 82 70 73 56 Members consiiluting the Church at its organizalion *TIMOTHY WALKER, from Yf oburn, ^Samuel Eurbank, *Jeremiah Stickney, from Bradford, ^William Barker, from Andover, *David Barker *Aaron Stevens, from Andover, 'John Russ, from Andover, John Merrill, from Newbury. * " Tliiongh life he was a pattern of ho?pila!ify : his hope was founded on Jesu.r andihis confidence in God." — {^Inscription on gravestone.} . t He was SO or upwards. ,- f [ ^ ] MEMBERS WHICH HJIVE BEEN SINCE ADDED. N ames. ♦Ephraim Farnum ♦Edward Abhot *John Chandler *Jame9 Osgood *David Kimball ♦Richard Haseltine *Isaac Walker *Abraham Colby *Jamea Abbot ♦Ambrose Gould *\\Jame$ Scales *George Abbot *Barachias Farnum ♦Benjamin Foster ♦Joseph Hall ♦Isaac Walker, Jr. ♦Henry Lovejoy ♦Nathaniel Abbot ♦Benjamin Abbot ♦ileubea Abbot ♦James Abbot, Jr. ♦William Walker ♦Nathaniel Rolfe ♦Timothy Walker, Jr. ♦Abram Kimball ♦George Hall ♦Seaborne Peters •Thomas Merrill ♦Samson Colby ♦Benjamin Eastman ♦Jonathan Straw ♦Ezekiel Dimond ♦Daniel Carter ♦Thomas Stickoey ♦Lydia Merrill, ♦Lydia Burbank ♦Abigail Eastman ♦Elizabeth Stickney ♦Dorcas Abbot •Martha Barker *Mary Farnum ♦Priscilla Danforth •Sarah Barker *Tabitha Chandler *Mary Kimball ♦ Hannah Osgood ♦Priscilla Russ *Deborah Stevens ♦Apphia Farrington ♦Sarah Haseltine ♦Elizabeth Putney ♦Sarah Walker, Jr. ♦Abigail Abbot When admitted. Remarks, deaths, &c. From Andover, Mass. d. Oct. 1775, do. [SB. 80. do. do. From Andover, Mass. Ord. the 1st minister of Hopkinton, & d. in 1776. From Andover, Mass, do. DeacoH in the church. From Andover, Mass. d. in 1793, in his 79th year. From Andover, Ms. d. 1770, a. 74. From Andover, Mass. From Andover, Mass. & d. in 1822, in his 100th year. From Andover, Mass. From Newbury, Ms. d. 1808, «. 95. d. 5 May, 1822, a;. 85. From Andover, Mass. From Newbury, Mass. d, 7 Febrnary, 1800, m. 75. son of Jeremiah, d. 26 Jan. 1809, in bis 80th year, wife of John Merrill, wife of Samuel Burbank. wife ef Capt. Joseph Eastman, d. 13 March, 1801. aj. 81. wife of Jeremiah Stickney. wife of Edward Abbot, & d. 16 May, 1748. wife of William Barker, & dism. to Ponifret, Conn, wife of Ephraim Farnum. wife of John Chandler, wife of David Kimball, wife of James Osgood, wife of John Russ. wife of Aaron Stevens, wife of Stephen Farrington. wife of Richard Haseltine. wife of Samuel Putney, wife of Isaac Walker, wife of James Abbot. [ 5 ] Names. Vv'heii admitted. Remarks, deaths, &.c. ♦Elizabeth Shule proijably wife of Jacob Shute. *Judith Kimball *Sarah Abbot wife of George Abbot. *||Susannah Scales wife of James Scales. *Hepzibah Faruum wife of Barachias Farnum. ♦Elizabeth Chase *Mary Knowlton wife of Ephraina Knowlton. ♦Abigail Bradley Dismissed. ♦Sarah Foster ♦Deborah Hall wife ofDeac. Joseph Hall, & d. 25 ♦Alice West [Oct. 1801, m. 97. ♦Sarah Walker wife of Rev. Timothy Walker. ♦Ann Colby wife of Lot Colby. ♦Phebe Lovejoy wife of Capt. Henry Lovejoy. ♦Penelope Abbot wife of Nathaniel Abbot. *Mehetabel Abbot 2d wife of Edward Abbot. *HanDah Abbot wife of Benjamin Abbot. *Eiizabeth Faruura wife of James Farniim. *Rhoda Abbot wife of Reuben Abbot. *Sarah Abbot wife of George Abbot. 'Elizabeth Walker wife of William Walker. *Mehetiibel Dresser probably wife of Jeremiah DrcBser. *Abiah Bradley wife of Timothy Bradley. *Grace Trumbull wife of Judah Trumbull. *Jane Webster wife of John Webster. *Apphia Farrington *Martha Walker wife of Timothy Walker, Jr. *Mary Peters probably wife of Seaborne Pet«rs. *Phebe Merrill ♦Elizabeth Colby *Marjory Walker daughter of William Walker. *Sarah Abbot wife of James Abbot, Jr. *Rebecca Abbot *Sarah Gray wife of Samuel Gray. ''"Martha Carter 'Dorothy Eastnoan *Anna Stickney wife of Col. Thomas Stickney, d. 20 *Benj. Eastman's wife [Jan. 1802, w. 70. *Jona. Straw's wife ♦Susanna Carter wife of Daniel Caster. *Miriam Dimoud wife of Ezekiel Dimond. ICP" The preceding Hst of names is all the record of admissions to the church made by Rev. Mr. Walker, during a ministry of nearly 62 years. The notices at the end of the names have been supplied by town records and other sources of information. [ Q J JYOTE. — There is a chasm in the Church Records of Concord, from about the year 1754, to the settlement of the Rev. Dr. M'Far- LAND, during which lime there is no account of the admissions to the church, or the dismission of members to other churches. It is, there- fore, impossible to give a perfect and correct list of those who were admitted to full communion during this period ; but an attempt has been made to recover as many names as possible, by making inquiries of some of the most aged of the present members of the church, and from such loose papers and memoranda as had been kept by the late Deacon John Kimball, and the result is given as follows ; being an alphabetical arrangement of the names of members admitted from the time vvhen the Rev. Mr. Walker's records terminate, to the settlement of the Rev. Dr. M'Farland, including the whole ministry of the Rev. Israel Evans. Persons admitted to CGmmxinion from. 175o, to 1798. Names. *Amos Abbot ^Rebecca Abbot, ?n *Benjamin Abbot ^Hannah Abbot, ??i *Daniel Abbot *Rachel Abbot, ?ra *Edvvard Abbott ^Deborah Abbot,m Ezra Abbot *Betty Abbot,m Ezra Abbot, Jr. Mary Abbot, m *.Tabez Abbot *Hepzibah Abbot,?« *Jesse Abbot ■•ilebecca Abbot, ?» Joseph Abbot *Fhebe Abbot, ??i *Josliua Abbot *Elizabeth Abbot,?Ji *Nathan Abbot '■Eelsey Abbot, ??i *Nathaniel Abbot ^Miriam Abbot,??^ ^Stephen Abbot *I\Irs. Ambrose *Mary Baker, m Nathan Ballard *IIannah Ballard, ?;? *John Blanchard *Samuel Butters *Haunah Bradley ,w( *Mary Buswell.w?. *Mary Calfe,??i§ ''■Ezra_ Carter •••Phebe Garter,;?! ^Hannah Carter,w When admitted. Members in 1786 Members In 17S6 Members in 1786 Members in 1786 Members in 1786 2 August, 1789 2 August, 1789 Members in 1786 Jlember in 1786 As early as 1786 As early as 1786 Members in 1786 Members in 1786 Member in 1797 Remarks, deaths, &c. BIcmbcr in 1796 Member in 1786 Member in 1797 Members in 1786 Member in 1798 d. December, 1821, a;. 93. d. 13 February, 1803, je. 86. d. 8 March, 1794, ae. S3, d. 27 July, 1786, vn. 70. d. 11 June, 1804, ts. 76. d. 15 September, 1801, as. 71. d. 1817. d. 25 Angust, 1794, ee. 32. id. 1798. d. 1804. d. 1817. d. April, 1803. d. 4 January, 17S9. d. 1815, a;. 75. d. 27 May, 1S12. d. 1S05. d. 1S21. born 10 March, 1726, d. 1S06, k 80. d. 1811. d. Mav, 1811, £c. 67. d. 1818. d. 1823, aj. 8.>. d. 14 June, 1812. d. 10 August, 1817, BP. d. 1819. 99. wife of Joseph ; d. in Lyiideborc' ^A \ He was the first male child born in this town after its settlement by white people.— [CoMmr o/^V. H. of Sept. 17, 1801.] § She was the widow of Jonathan Bradley, who was killed by the Indians, 11 August, 1746. Her last husband was Richard Calfe, of C\\si\.cr.— {Annals of Concord, ;». 25.] ^ . , Z' ^ y/c^i u ^* j<\yt~*^ C-' 7 J is ames. *Molly Carter,??! *VVidow Carter *Sarah Cavis,»?t '^Joseph Cleasby Benjamin Clark ll*Susanna Clark,m ^Elizabeth Chandler nVilliani Coffin *Sarah CoSin,ni *Mrs. Currier ,??t Mrs. Colby ,'/?i Nathan Chandler *Lucy Chandler ,?« *Robert Davis *Sarah Davis, ?» ■^Timothy Dix *Mrs. DixjjK !l*Do]ly Duncan, 7?i *Hannah Eastman, ??i *Mehetabel Eastmanjm *Mrs. Eastman,Hi *Sarah Emery *Sarah Emery *Widow Eastman *Mrs. Eastman, 7?i *ISRAEL EVANS Huidah Evans,7?i ^Benjamin Farnum *Anna Farnum,??z *Ephraim Farnum ^Judith Farnum, »?i *Josiah Farnum *Mehetabel Farnum,wi *Mrs. Flanders *Peter Green *Ruth Green ,?tt Anna Green, ?7^ Daniel Hall ='=Deboiah Hall *David Hall *Rnth Hall,TO *Ebenezer Hall *Dorcas Hall,??i *JosEPH Hall *Robert Harris *Joseph Haseltine Elizabeth Haseltine,w *Richard Haseltine *Hepzibah Haseltine *Mrs. Heard ,m *Hannah Herbert, to Jonathan Herbert *Sarah Hoit,??j llSusanna Haseltine ^Charlotte Kent,7»i When admitted. Member in 1797 Member in 1794 Member in 1794 do do Member in 1786 Member in 1791 Member in 1786 Blember in 1794 Member in 1794 Members in 17S6 Com'cants in 17S6 Member in 1786 21 Jan. 1790 Member in 1786 Member in 1786 Member in 1792 Member in 1786 1789 Members in 1796 Member ia 1786 IS Oct. 1789 do. Member in 1786 do do do do do do do do do 1797 Admitted in 1755 Admitted in 1755 Member in 1786 do do do do do 1786 1797 1792 Remarks, deaths, &c. belonged to Bov/. d. 1805. removed to Orford. m Mr. Ward; d. 20 March, 1830, ss : d. 1815. d. 26 May, 1829, je, 91, d. 1827, 32. 67. d. August, 1823, IS. 89. d. April, 1824, ae. 87. Afterwards of Boscawen wife of Slaj. Wm. Duncan; d. in Ohio widow of Richard Eastman wife of Stilson Eastman first wife of Benjamin Emery d. 1811 ; wife cf Benjamin Emery d. 9 March, 1807, ae. 60. widow of Rev. Israel Evans d. 18 March, 1812, ts. 72. d. 7 March, 1803, a;. 60. d. 8 May, 1827, a;. 93. wife of Ephraim F.; d. 13 July, 1809. d. 1809, A communicant, although his relation was not tranferred to this church. He died 31 March, 1S2S, vz. 82. d. April, 1819, a;. 70. wife of Jacob, dism. to Bow, and rec. again 6 June, 1830. dism. to Dunbarton ; rec. again 19 April, 1816. do. Oct. 1822, 3E. 65. Deacon of the church ; d. May, 1821, d. 1 February, 1810, £©.'66. [k. 82. d. 24 March, 1801, ae. 80. d. 28 Sept. 1797, aj. 67. elected dea 1789; d. 10 June, 1807, d. Aug. 1822, ffi. 86. [ce. 70. d. 30 May, 1798, re. 67. born 1 July, 1733, O. S. oldest mem- ber of the church living d. 21 Aug. 1817, aj. 75. d. November, 1817, re. 71. d. 1819, je. 91. d. Aug. 1825, a;. 90. wife of Jedidiah, d. 1815. [N. Y. m Ephr. Moore; rem. to Plattsburgh, wife of Wm. A. Kent, Esq. ; d. 6 May, 1820, ae. 52. [ s 1 iS'ames. When admitted. Remarks, deaths, ^c. *Mary Kent,OT widow of Capt. Ebenezer Kent ; d. 5 Dec. 1827, se. 90. *J0HN KlMBAH. *AnnaKimball,7/» Members in 1786 d. 31 Dec. 1817, se. 78. d. 1819. *Reuben Kimball d. 1814. *Miriam Kimball.m d. 17 Feb. 1792. *Mehetabel Kimball 11 Mrs. Knowles.wi *Sarah Livermore.m Member in 1794 wife of Maj. Daniel Livermore. *Widovv Lock As early as 1800 d. 1805. *Henry Marjin Member in 1786 d. 1821. Esther Martin, m do 1792 *Susanna Osgood do 1786 wife of Hazen Osgood. *Lydia Potter do do wife ot Richard P. ; d 1824, jb. 92. *Kathaniel Kolfe IS Oct. 1789 d. 1807, aj. 94. *Hannah RoIfe,7« *Judith Roire,m Members in 17S6 d. 1806. wifeofNath'l Rolfe, Jr. ; d. 1806. *Ruth RoweII,H» IMember in 1792 d. 10 March, 1801 *Mrs. Sargent, ?Ji d. 1793. *Mose.s Scales *Mrs. Scales *Dan Stickney Members in 1786 d. 22 May, 1808, re. 65. *Susanna Stickney ,»n 10 August, 1788 d. 13 Jan. 1796, x. 46. *Hannah Story, 7« a. widow Story d. 1820, *Sarah Thompsou,m1: Member in 1786 d. 19 Jan. 1792, te. 53. Mary Thorndike,??i do 1797 widow of Dr. John Thorndike, and now wife of Abiel Walker *Dorcas Virgin,ra do 1797 wife of Ebenezer Virgin [ae. 82. *Susanna Walker,m do 1786 wife of Judge W. ; & d 28 Sep. 1828. •^Ruth Walker,m do 1797 wife of James W.; & d. 1817, a;. 79. ^Jonathan VVilkins do 1797 d. 9 March, 1830, a?. 75. *Sarah Wilkins,?n d. 16 Feb. 1826, a;. 55. [1796, ge. 44. *Mary Wilson, »i do 1786 wife of Thomas Wilson ; d. 7 Jan. *ASAM'FARLAND March, 1798 d. 18 Feb. 1827, a3. 57. t She was a daughter of Rev. Mr. Walker, and wife of the afterwards Count Rumford. Her first husband was Benjamin Rolfe, Esq. MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH ADMITTED UNDER REV. DR. M'FARLAND. JVames. When admitted. Reniarks, deaths, &c. II Margaret Adams,»n 6 May, 1798. wife of Dr. Samuel Adams ; rem. to Boston *Phebe Hutchins,m - wife of Levi Hutchins ; withdrew to Friends, & d. 2 April, 1829, ce. 63. Mary Carter,w 3 June, ♦Ruth Emery 1 Sept. - d.1801. Mary Souther,m 18 Nov. - wife of John Souther, now wife of John Odlin, Esq. Jacob Abbot, Jr. 4 Aug. 1799 dism. to Ilallowrll, Me. 30Aug. 1830. Betsey Abbot, m - do do do Ruth Chandler,/?! 25- HSarah Maxfield.m 30 Nov. - rem to Bradford ■fEdmund Leavitt ISOO e.xcom 29 June 1820 ♦Jacob Abbot.m - dism to Brunswick Mc 30 Aag IS 10 ; _ d 3 March, 1S20, jp. 74. *Lydia Abbot,m ditto ditto Mary-.'Xnn Slickney,?n 2 Nov. - wife of Thomas Stickney . *Rhoda Farnum.m - - d 180S 'IBetsey ("lea6by,m - rem. to ITooksett / [ » ] Names. When admitted. 16 Aug. 1801 Remarks, deaths, &c. *Mary G. Green,m wife of Samuel Green, Esq. ; d. 27 Aug, 1806, 33. 30. Sarah Farnum,m 6 Aug. - Hannah Ballard, m 37 Jan. 1S02 wife of Dea. Nathan Ballard, Jr. Hannah Kimball 7 Feb. — m Rev. Sylvester Dana, and dism. to Orford, 1806. I\Iartha Green 2 May, - WEphrahn Abbot — — ord. at Greenland, 27 Oct. 1813 ; now at Westford, Ms. Abiel Rolfe _ - elected deacon, 6 Sept. 1811. Haanah Paiae,m 6 June, — wife of Benj. Paine, and now of Mr. Sargent ; dism. to Hopkinton, 1818. *Lucinda J. Hough, jw 25 - - wife of George Hough ; d. 26 Sept. 1S26, a;. 64. lIHezekiah Hutching 8 Aug. - rem. to Rumford,Me. Elizabeth Kimball - - m Dr. Samuel Morril, of Epsom, now of Concord. Nathan Abbot 15 - - Rhoda Abbot,m 15 - - Lydia Abbot 5 Sept. 1802 m a Hall. *Betsey Ferrin 19 - - 11 June, 1826, ae. 70. Ebenezer Hall 17 Oct. - Prudence Knowles,??i 7 Nov. - *Aquila Ferrin 1803 d. 17 April, 1825,88. 84. Elizabeth M'Farland,m 1804 rec. by recom. from Old South chh Boston. Polly Eliot 20 Jan. _ do. Rumford, Me. Hannah Hall, 7?i 6 Apr. _ ^Abigail Abbot,??* 27 May, - d. in Plaistow. Abigail Farnum,«» _ _ llSarah Ua\],m. _ _ removed to Boston. Thomas Abbot _ _ William Fisk Margaret Fi3l<,m 6 Jan. 1805 Sarah Farnum 4 Aug.- _ Lydia Farnum,m 12 Nov. rec. by recom. from South chh. An- dover, Ms. dism. to Hopkinton, 12 Jan. 1817 ; m Joshua JMorse ; rec again 15 June, 1823. Lydia Walker,m 1 June, 1806 rec. by recom. from Woburn, Ms. Ephraim Farnum, Jr. 3 May, 1807 Chloe Abbot - - dism. to Rumford, Me. 1812; ?ji Jed- idiali Farnum. lIFrances C. Silsby,j?J 5 June, - wife of Ozias Silsby ; rem. to Hills- borough. WGeorge H. Hough - _ Bapt. Missionary in Burmah. Hannah Farnum, m 2 Aug. _ *Dorcas Virgin May, 1808 d 1S08 Elizabeth Wheeler,ni _ belonging to Bow. *Christopher Rowell 30 June, - rec. by recom. from Newtown ; d. 1812, 86. 80. Mehetabel Ambrose,?K 9 Aug. _ II Mary Virgin _ _ rem. to Rumford, Me. Richard Flanders 6 Nov. ISOS Mary rianders,??^ _ _ John Eastman _ _ llSusanna Brown, m _ _ rem. to Boscawen. *Mary Baker, w _ _ d. 1822. Susanna Garvin 1S09 rec. by recom. fro.n Pembroke. Betsey Abbot, w a wife of Nathaniel Abbot. [ lo ] l\ames. Lydia Eltiot,w *Dorcas Elliot, ??i *Martlia Farnum,?yi Phebe Fariuim,?u Abigail Eastman, ?w Sabra Bradley Esther Farnum,m Hannah Blanchard,??i *ThOS. W.THOMPSONt *David Eastman *Mrs. Eastman Esther Emery,™ *Dinah Abbot,w Phebe Slann *Aaron Abbot Lydia Abbot, ?« *John Thorn Mary Abbot,m Sally Wheeler,7?i Lydia Wheeler *Chandlcr Lovejoy tEbenezer Lovejoy Frederick Elliot ]\ David Kimball *Susannah LoveJ0y,TO Abigail Lovejoy, ??t Sarah Thorn, ?» Mehetabel Uran,OT Phebe Elliot, ??i Sarah Ayer Osgood, ??j Rebecca Rolfe * Joseph Elliot ^Jonathan Johnson Rhoda Johnson, ?« Rhoda Johnson Winthrop Elliot Hannah Elliot,™ Nancy Elliot,m Judith Colby *Dorcas Colby Hannah Blanchard,m ^Hannah Hoit When admitted. 1S09 6 Aug. 5 Nov. 7 May, IS 10 28 June, - 2 Sept. - 7 Oct. 1 Nov. - 4 - April, 1811 8 - 4 May, 2 June, 1811 7 July, Remarks, deaths, &c. d. Aug. 25, 1825, 86. 82. dism. to Canterbury, 6 June, 1830 ; m Aaron Sargent. rec. by recom. from Dunbarton. rec. by recom. from Salisbury ; d. 1 Oct. 1S21, ffi. 56. d. at Loudon, 1824. rec. by recom. from Andover, Ms. South chh. ; d. 11 Mar. 1826, re. 94. dism. to Orford, 1811 ; m George H. Hough, rec. by recom. from Fryeburg, Me. do. do. d. 1812. rec. by recom. from Boscav;en, 1st church. d 30 Oct. 1826, ED 86. excom. 1 Oct. 1813 Settled at Martinsburg, N. Y. d. 18Q5. dism. to China, N. Y. 4 Oct. 1829. dism, to Boscawen, 1st chh. 17 Dee. 1826 dism. to Boscawen, 2 Nov. 1820 ; m Timothy Abbot dism. to Boscawen 1st chh. 1 Feb 1829 ; m Benj. Elliot. widow of David Blanchard ; m Rev Samuel Hal), Rumford, Me. d 1822, se 29. t Hon. Thomas W. Thompson, son of Deacon Thomas Thompson, was born in Boston, in March, 1765, graduated at Harvard College in 1786, settled in practice of Law at Salisbury, in 1791, from whence he removed to Concord, in 1809. He ■was elected a member of the ninth Congress in 1805, and from 1814 to 1817, was a Senator of the United States. He was often a member of the Legislature of New-Hampshire, and presided as Speaker of the House in the years 1813 and 1814. He wa.s also a Trustee of Dartmouth College. [ il ] Names. Vv'hen admitted. Remarks, deaths, &c. *Azubah Graham, wt 7 July, ISU Widow, m Chandler Lovejoy ; d 23 July, 1S29, 03 91 Mary Emery ,m - - Henry Rolfe 4 Aug. - *Charles Herbert - - d 26 Aug. 1829, re 50 * James Walker 11 Aug. - d. 1821. Mary Colby 8 Sept. - Abigail Colby - - dism to Boscawen, July 1817 Dorcas Sherburne, w» - - widow of Joseph Sherburne. Sarah Farnum - - Timothy Abbot - - dism to Boscawen, 2 Nov. 1S20. Jedidiah Farnum - - dism to Ruinford, 1S12. Elizabeth Thompson,??! 6 Oct. — wife of Hon. Thos. W. Thompson ;. dism to Plymouth, May, 1830 ^Jonathan Virgin - d 1813 *Sarah Virgin, ?« _ Janette Webster,?» - - dism to Salisbury, 20 March 1825.^ *Hepzibah Abbot - _ d 1817 *Joseph Colby 3 Nov. - d 1822, a; 73 llRuth Simpson,m — — removed to Boscawen Rhoda Kimball,?;2 - - wife of Benjamin Kimball *Dorca3 Farnum, w — _ d 14 Oct. 1830, aj 49 ^Benjamin Swain - - Nathan Chandler, Jr. — _ Lucy Abbot - _ II Mary Abbot,»z 24 - — wife of John S. Abbot ; m Nathan Kelly Susanna Weeks, f?i - _ wife of John W^eeks WJoshna T. Russell - _ settled in Pennsylvania * Jonathan Worth 29 Dec. _ Amos Abbot, Jr. 1S12 John Dane 22 March J _ dism to Rumford, Me. 1814 *Sybil Eastman ,?w 26 April, - wife of Capt Johi-i Eastman ; d 8 Ju^ ly, 1827, SB 67 Sarah Sutton - - dism to Rumford, Me. 1811 ; m John Dane Naomi Baker,m 3 May, _ Abigail Herrick 7 June, 1S12 widow of IMr Hilton, and wife of Asa Herrick 11 Abigail Hilton - - m Isaac Long, of Kopkinton Joseph Morse _ _ dism to Canaan, 15 June, 1817 Mrs. RIorse _ _ do do Jeremiah Glines - - do Rumford, Me. 4 Feb. 1816 ; set- tled in Lunenburg, Vt. *Mary Hoit - _ d 1812 *Widovv Hoit 5 July, _ d May, 1824, re 87 m Eleazer Davis *Hannah Dow - _ *Rebecca Hoit _ _ d in 1819 Nancy Abbot _ _ m. James Hoit Sarah Runnels _ _ *Sarah Abbot _ _ d 1 May, 1823, re 33 Betsey Dow - - dism. to Albany, N. Y. 7 Jan 1827 ; m Jedidiah Hoit Moses Abbot 2 Aug. _ Mary Abbot.w _ *Parny Baker - - m a Gill and Isaac Dow, and died IC June, 1825, je 31. Sarah Hoit _ _ dism to Wilmot, 4 July, 1830 *Ruth Emerson _ _ m Richard Kimball llPolly Abbot - - m Calvin Abbot, rem. to Barnard, Vt. r 1^ ] JVames. Nathan Abbot Phebe Abbot,7n Marj Corli3,7?i Deborah Coilis,w Lydia RoberlsonjWi llSally Virgin Charlotte Herbert Nathan Ballard, Jr, t*Joseph H. Wilkins Mary Green Rebecca Chandler,?^ Lydia Rowell,?w Sarah Burbank Polly Howe ilPolIy Elliot Lydia Davis, m IlPhebe Sutton,m China Bullen,m llJudith Waite,w * Joshua Abbot Eliza Abbot, m Martha Swain,??i Sarah Thorndike Esther Abbot *Sarah Parker,m Hannah Walker Andrew Lydstone *Betsey Paige II Mary Pierce,m John Evans Martha Evans,??i =*^Samuel M'Clure When admitted. Remarks, deaths, Stc. 6 Sept. 1812 4 Oct. 1 Nov. 7 Feb April 4 July 5 Sept 3 Oct 1813 1 April, 1814 7 Aug 4 Sept *Hannah Bradley, ?» 6 Oct Le.Tiuel Barker 24 Jan *iMary Barker,Hi - Nancy Herbert April WSamuel G. Tenney 5 April Richard Trow Sarah Trow,?ra 5 May James Hall - Ruth M. Hall,n?. - Israel E. Herrick - llSeney Herrick - Sally Barker - Betsey Barker - Betsey Ayer . *Eliza Green - 11 William Clark . Daniel Hall, Jr. - llCaroline Giles - Sarah B. Hall - 2 Oct 4 Nov 27 - 1 June, 1815 1816 wife of James Cerlis wife of John Corlis ni James Whittemore of Lyndeboro' m & rem to North wood excom dism to Bristol, 4 March, 1821 M. H. Bradley, of Bristol m dism to Boston, Old South Church, 12 Oct. 1823 do do July, 1824 m Dr Andius ; rem. to Manchester. rem to Rumford, Me. wife of Moses Bullen. rec by recom from Ipswich, Mass. d in Norfolk, Va. 28 Sep. 1824 ; eb 42 wife of Benjamin Swain. dism to Pittsfield, 4 Oct. 1827 d 1816 dism to A.mherst, 18 Feb. 1821 ; m Hon Wm. Fisk, Amherst, rec by recom from IJopkintoa ; dism to Litchfield, 2 Nov. d Aug 10, 1828,33 46 rem from town rec by recom from Pembroke ; dism to Boston, Park St. 30 Aug. 1820. do do rec by recom. from Chh. near Dart. Coll. ; d 1815. wife of Hon. John Bradley ; d 1817 rec by recom from Alstead do do d at Chester received by recom from By field, Ms.; settled in Lyndon, Vt. dism to Dunstable, 31 Dec. 1826. do do dism to Hopkinton, 26 June, 1823 m Walter French, Hopkinton dism. to Canterbury, Conn. 7 May, 1826 ; m. Solomon Paine dism. to Epsom, 7 June, 1818 ; m. Rev Jonathan Curtis m. Richard Bradley m.AsaphEvans; d.24 April, 1830, ae 37 ord. at Wells, Me. Feb. 1829. dism. to Rumford, Me. 1 June, 1828 m. Elisha Turner ; rem. to Boston [ 13 ] Names. lILois Elliotj Samuel Evans *Margaret B. Evans,OT Benjamin Abbot Dorcas Abbot,m Matilda Wilkins,ni Enoch Long Mary Long,?w Samuel Fletcher. II Mary C. Green Nancy Farnum II Sarah T. Russell Betsey Whitney Mercy G. Robinson Betsey Robinson Charlotte Howe Mary Kent ||*Lucia K. Thompson Harriet Wiggin Sarah Shute,m II Harriet Chamberlain II Mary Bigelow II Henry Todd Nathaniel Evans Joseph Robinson Lucy Robinson, m II Mary Hersey Philbrick Esther Wiikins t*Deborah Hall "Samuel S. Blanchard Henry Wood Aaron Ordvvay 11 Abraham Chase Theodore Abbot *John Shute Joseph Potter Anna Potter,??! Isaiah S. Robinson Sarah Eastman Sally Chamberlaia *Harriet Kimball Roxana Wellington Achsah Baker Lucretia Kimball JISapphiraMero Abiel Eastman *Sally Eastman, m Nathan'l Ambrose Sarah Ambrose, m George W. Rogers Lucy Rogers UPersis Eastman,?;! IWhen admitted 2~June^ 1816 ~ 7 July, 4 Aug. 2 Sept 3 Nov Remarks, deaths, Sec. rec. by reconi. from Rumford, Me. ; living in Boscawen dism. to Dunbarton, 30 April, 1820 ; rec. again in June, 1825. do do d. Sept. 1823, aj 34 do Hartland, Vt. 2 Nov. 1820 do do. wife of Robert B. Wiikins rec. by recom. from Hopkinton, and dism. at large, IS Feb. 1821 do do elected Deacon m. Nath'l W. Appleton removed from town dism. to Pembroke, 9 May, 1819; m. Isaac A. Porter m. Rev Thomas J. Murdock m. Nathaniel Evans, and dism. to Keens, 3 Jan. 1828. m. rem. to Vermont rem. to Pembroke dism to Keene, 3 Jan. 1828 m. John Haines ; rem. to Lancaster m. Dudley S. Palmer, Esq. excom. 4 Oct 1822 d. Oct. 1818 dism. to GofFstown, 25 May, 1826 ; ord. at Goffstown, May, 1S26 dism. to Salem, Ms. 4 June, 1819 dism. to Greenland, 20 Jan. 1823 d. Feb. 1829, ae 96 dism to Barnet, Vt. 15 Nov 1S29 1818 [1824 dism to Boscawen 1st chh 18 April, dism to Newport, 17 Dec 1826 ; m Rev John Woods disra to Bradford, Ms. 2 Nov 1820 d. 9 May, 1828, ae 51 elected Deacon dism to Alfred, Me. Oct 1822 do do [ 14 ] JSames. Harriet Kimball Nancy Emerson Nancy Tuttle Ruth Abbot IJudilh Chandler *George Hough Asaph Evans tJosiah Robinson Thomas Chadbourne Jacob Averill Potter t "Joseph H. Walker tThomas W. Thorndike *Lois Coffin, m Lucy W. Downing,??^ Thomas Potter Comfort Potter,??i John Wheeler George Hutchins Jane Johnson Hutchins Ezra B. Worthen William Lynn *Nathan Burnham Mary Parker ' Sally Parker Moses Kimball IIEbenezer Chamberlain tAbel E. Salter *John Dimond Thomas B. Sargent Samuel Goodwin Simeon Virgin Mary Farnum,w Damaris Adams,??! John P. Rand Betsey Hoit,J7i tSally Chickering,m *Lucretia P. Walker Susanna Virgin, ??? Almira B. Dearborn William Abbot Rebecca Abbot, ni llCharles Colby Timothy Carter Judith Carter,™ Deborah Rolfe,m Ruth Wilson Eleanor Johnson Sally Shnte,??? llSamuel Parker Sally Buswell,m William B. Paine A Lucia-Ann Farrand When admitted.! Remarks, deaths, &c. 3 Nov. 1816 15 Dec 12 Jan. 1817 26 Jan. 4 April, 1 May 6 July 4 Aug. 9 Nov. 5 Jan. 1818 7 June, 2 July, 1818 7 March, 1819 4 April, 4 July 15 Au2. m William Green, and dismto Plym- outh, 16 Nov. 1828. dism to Candia, July, 1817 dism to Salem, Ms. July, 1824 ; ra Joshua Grant withdrew to Friend's Society; excom d. 8 Feb 1830, EB 73 [3 Aug 1820 excom 24 Nov 1820 dism to Conway, 28 Oct 1827 ; [rec again excom 31 Aug 1826; d. soon after withdrew to Friend's Society; excom 1 Sept 1818 wife of Enoch Coffin; d. 21 Dec 1820 wife of Lewis Downing dism. to Rumford, 18 Feb. 1821 m. Col Robert Ambrose dism to Salem, 9 Feb. 1825 dism. to Manchester 6 Aug 1826 ,d. in Exeter dism. to Andover Theol. Ins. 20 Jan. 1828 ; Licentiate for the Ministry rem. to Q,uiacy, Ms withdrew to Friends Soc. ; ex. 30 April, 1818 rec. by recom. from Hopkinton ; d. 14 Jan. 1830, ae 66 dism to Alfred, Me. Oct. 1322 wife of William Hoit, Jr. excom. 29 Sept. 1826 dism. to New-Haven, Conn. 2 Nov. 1820 ; m. S. F. B. Morse, & d. in 1825 m. Robert Davis rec. by recom. from South Church, in Andover, Mass. do do do do m. Elliot Chickering rec. by recom. from Pembroke removed from town dism. to Chester, 26 Jan. 1823 m. George Kent, Esq. [ 15 ] Names. Almira Silsby *Jedidiah Hoit Sarah B. Tucker Mary Hutchins,ni Cynthia Kimball, ??i Nancy Fletcher,??} *Rebecca Long,m tDavid Parker JUane Parker,/?^ JVIoses Swealt Samuel Dow t James Carter Elliot tyloses Powell Judith Elliot Clarissa Baker Mary Collins Elliot Eleanor Simpson *Charlotte Elliot Charles Elliot Carter Elliot John Johnson Sophia Johnson, ??i Clarissa D. Green Betsey Souther Ann Stickney *Lydia Baker, ni JiBarnes Ilaseltine Jonathan Ambrose Nathaniel Abbot ijNathan Kelly Samuel Runnels *ir\nna Runnels,??! Priscilla Runnels Moses Long Dorcas Ballard Chandler Susanna Abbot Anah Abbot Jacob Abbot Mary Farnum Ruth Johnson Samuel Knowlton Sarah Knowlton,??i Nabby Clement,??^ Mary Lang Betsey Abbot Joseph Eastman Judith Eastman,??» John Shuts *Timothy Dow Margaret Dovv,m tJonathan Uran James Eastman Hannah Ambrose, ??i Mehetabel A. Palmer,«i ilRuth Carter.w When admitted. 3 Oct 1819 7 Nov. 2 Jan 1S20 12 March 7 3Iay Remarks, deaths, &c. rec by recom from Hopkinton d. in New- York m. George Ilutchins rec. by recom. from Sanboniton; wife of Charles Hutchins wife of Dea. S. Fletcher ; rec. by recom. from South Reading, Ms. wife of Dr Moses Long ; do. from South Reading, Ms. ; d. 1823, ?e 36 e.xcom. Jan. 10, 1822 ' e.KCom. 29 June, 1827 excom. 31 Aug. 1826 m. George Eastman m. Jesse Durgin m. Benjamin Morril, Jr d. March 1824 dism. to Boscawen, 12 Sept. 1824 do do m. Thomas Chadbourne, M. D. m. Benj. Bordman ; dism. to Con- way, June 6, 1830 rem. to Groton removed from town d. 1823, SB 51 dism. to Goffstown, 1 Feb. 1829 m. Samuel Runnels, Jr rec. by recom. from Pembroke rec. by recom. from Boscawen ; m. Jeremiah Pecker m. Amos Hoit d. 1823, ffi 39 excom. 1 May, 1823 wife of Stephen Ambrose, Esq dism. to Corinth, Vt. 12 Sept. 1824 ; rec. again removed from town [ 16 1 JN ameB. When admitted. Remarks, deaths, &c. Thomas Drake Potter 7 May, 1820 Jane Morrill Stevens - - Sarah Emmons,??i - - wife of Jacob Emmons Dorcas Carter,m - - Isaac Dow, Jr. - - Anna Runnels - - tHannah Powell - - excom. 31 July, 1828 Hazen Runnels - - Jaiijes T. Sleeper - - tSamuel Uran - - excom. 3 Jan. 1829 *Sarah Shute - - m. James Straw; d. Oct. 8,1825, bb 29 Lucretia Ambrose - - dism. to Rutland, Vt. June 30, 1825 ^ m. Rev. Chas. Walker, Rutland, Vt^ IIBarnard Sargent > - Samuel Runnels, Jr. - - Dorcas F. Runnels - - , Isaac Runnels 4 June - ^ Lucretia Brown, w - - wife of Olando Brown tNancy Chandler - - excom. 8 July, 1824 llJohn P. Miller - - llElizabeth Miller,m - - Martha Eastman - - Betsey Eastman - - Mary Ambrose ' - dism. to North Yarmouth, Me. 9 Aug 1829 ; m. Philip Eastmaa 11 Sarah W. Waldron - - ra. Stephen Lang ; rem. to Boston JEliza Eastmaa - - dism. to Loudon Mills, 10 Aug, 1828; m. Joshua Emery Sally Eastman - - *Martha; Lamson,wi 6 Aug - Priscilla Eastman 8 Sept - m. Stephen Perrin Sarah Basford - - ♦Susanna Stickney,JM 1 Oct - wife of Wm. S. ; d. June, 1821, se 61 llOlcott Morey 5 Nov - rem. from town, and now of Boston Samuel JMonil 12 - ■ rec. by recom. from Epsom ; deacon of the church in Epsom Anne M. Morril - - rec. by recom. from do. *Anna Sargent 4 Slarch, 1821 d. Oct. 1822, 03 77 Edward Philbrick - - *Mary D. Haseltine 6 April - d. 1822, ffl 19 Abigail Ward _ - dism. to Plymouth, May, 1830 *Ann Walker,m 31 May - rec. by recom. from BoscaweUj 1st chh. ; d. 1824,32 38 Sarah FIanders,m 28 June . do. from Guildhall, Vt Nancy Flanders - - do do Susannah West,m 4 Nov - wife of John West Sarah Dearborn,m Dec - wife of Trueworthy G. Dearbora Hannah Ambrose '6 Jan 1822 Eunice Potter,m 28 Feb - rec. by recom. from Chichester Abigail Kimball,m 4 May - Reuben Abbot - - *Elizabeth Bnllen,m 7 July - d. 1822, Je 71 Asa French 29 Aug - rec. by recom. from Weare INIary French,??! - do do lIMoUy Moore, ??i John W. Shepard 1823 rem. from town 31 May - rec by recom from Gilmanton ; dism to Portsmouth North chh Eliza Shepard, ?;i - do do Sarah Pearsou - - rec by recom from Pembroke Mary Hall 1 June - [ 1^ ] ]N ames. When admitted. Remarks, deaths, &.c. Sarah Hall 1 June, 1S23 IVancy C. Glover.m 29 - - rec. by recom. from Pembroke John Jarvis 7 Sept. - do do Mary Jarvis,m - - do do Molly Whidden,OT — - Achsah CoffiQ,wi 18 April, 1824 widow of Hon. Beard Plutner, and wifeofCapt. Enoch Coffin Mary Harkness Smiley 1 Aug. - dism. to Danbury, 6 July, 1830 Rachel Lock,??i 19 Dec. ~ rec. by recom. from Epsom Betsey Blake, m - - do do NATHAN'L BOUTON March, 1825 ord. Pastor 23 March, 1S25 MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH ADMITTED UNDER REV. NATHAr.IEL BOUTON. ISamee. Mary Ayer Eleanor Nichols,ni Susan HiII,/7{ Henry S. G. French Samuel Shute James Moultow, Jr. Susan K. M'Farland Sarah K. Morril Ira Rowell Nancy Herbert.m •Harriet S. Bouton,w Josiah Crosby Sarah Colby.m Judith Chandler Eliza Tapley Davis.m Mary West,m *Sarah-Ann Dearborn 11 Louisa Wood,»?i Nancy Page.m Phebe Fisk Sarah B. Fisk Mary-Ann Ballard Hannah Tenney Samuel Mooney Elizabeth Mooney ,m Hannah Ballard Phebe Ballard Rebecca A. Chandler Henry Fisk Alfred K. Gould Horace Sleeper Luther C. Elliot Milton Elliot Samuel B. Kriowles Judith C. Lovejoy When admitted. 1 fliay 1825 6 Nov. 1 Jan. 1826 5 March - 7 May 4 June - 2 July 6 Aug. 1826 lOct. 5 Nov. 7 Jan. 1827 Remarks, deaths, &c. rec. from Epis. chh. ; m Isaac F. Williams do Hopkinton wife of Hon. Isaac Hill ; rec. from Epis. Church member of Yale College elected Deacon, Jalv, 1829 elected Deacon, July, 1829 wife of Capt. Samuel Herbert; rac. by recom. from Andover, PJs. wife of Nathaniel Bouton ; rec. by recom. from Goshen parish, Conn. d 21 May 1821, eb21. rec. by recom. from Epsom j dism. to Lowell, Ms. June, 1823 wife of Col. Robert Daris wife of Joseph C. West d 11 March, 1827, se 27 rec. by recom. from Fitchburg, Ms wife of Amos wood ; r to Keene. wife of Laban Page rec. by recom. from Boscavven, 1st church do do dism. to Yale College chh. ; member of Yale College dism. to Topsham, Vt. do do [ IS J JNames. iWhen admitted. Abigail Dimond Betsey Farnum *Abigail S. Abbot Lucy S. Wood IllizabetU M'Farland Martha O. Fairand Clarissa Farnum??i Abigail Clement il Calvin Page Clarissa W. Emery Susan E. George Delphia Colson Eliza K. Webber Iluldah FlanderSjWi Susan Eastman Eliza Davidson II Ruth P. Batchelder Nancy Blake,??^ Joseph Reynolds Eleanor S. Fisk Mehetabel F. Fisk Abigail Glines,m Mary Holt,m Cynthia Wilkins Daniel Flanders Nathan K. Abbot II Horace Herrick Harvey Fisher Corser Hannah D. Haseltine Louisa W. Bohonnoa Mary S. Dowr Abigail B. Locke Rebecca Shuts Judith Davis Louisa Runnels Harriet W. Davidson Betsey Shnte,m Harriet Sargent,m Grace G. Low,»?i Susan Emery Luther Hall II Eliza S. Henderson Anna Moulton Sarah Hale Haseltina Harriet Abbot II Polly Shaw Hannah C. Bell,7n Lucy P. Reynolds,7?i Sewall Hoit Mary French Hoit Judith Walker Rolfe Rebecca Rovvell,??! Asa Duren Maria N. Duren ,w 7 July, 1827 4 Feb. 1827 6 May 3 June 1 July 5 Aug. 2 Sept. - 6 Jan. 1828 2 March - 4 May, 1828 6 July - 3 Aug. - 2 Nov. 4 Jan. 1829 3 May 5 July Remarks, deaths, &c. d. 6 May 1828, m. 21 dism. to Lowell, Ms. wife of Simeon Farnum rem. to Northfield m Horatio Hill dism. to Campton, Nov. 15, 1829 ; m. a Robinson wife of Jacob Flanders m Dr. Elijah Colby withdrew to Baptist chh. Concord, and relation to us dissolved by vote rec. by recom. from Epsom rec. by recom. from Wilmington, Ma. dism. to Chester, 1 Aug. 1830 member of Dartmouth Collega m Daniel Davis m John C. Ordway Plymouth, 16 Nov. 1828 ; m. Enoa Shattuck withdrew to Baptist chh. Concord, and relation dissolved by vote rec. by recom. from Byfield, Mi. do Bow rec. by recom. from Boston, Hanover St. chh. ;diam. to Chester, 1 Aug.lSSO rec. by irecora. from Pembroke do New-Ipswich do K«ens [ 19 Names. Nathan Walker Mary-Ann P. Bonton,m Judith Farnum John Corlis Moore R. Fletcher Samuel C. Cochran Clarissa Ballard Mary Farley ,m Anna Proctor, ??i John C. Ordway Nancy Philbrick,fre William Sibley Hoit Sybil Blanchard Eliza Jane Morril Clarissa Parker Morril Nancy Farrand Leonard Russell Peter Russell Lydia C. Farnum Nathaniel G. Upham Betsey L. Upham, ?» Elizabeth Baker, 7n Eliza W. Baker Sarah Herbert,m Dolly Chandler,7n Miriam Farnum, wt Susan Dow William Heard Mary Heard ,w Anne True,?7i < Hannah Jackson, »« 5Iary Weeks, »i Jacob Clough Susan Clough,m Samuel Neal Betsey Goodwin, m Judith Story Goodwin Clarissa E. Kimball Comfort Moore Eliza K. Kimball,??* Philip Watson IMary W. Watson, w Joseph Parker Esther Parker,??! Jane Chandler,7/i Sally Clarke,??! Elizabeth K. Fisk,??z When admitted. 5 July, 1S29 6 Sept. 4 Oct. 3 Jan. 1S30 7 Jlarch - 2 May 4 July 1 Aug. 5 Sept. 30 Sept. 3 Oct. I 7 Nov. Remarks, deaths, &c. rec. by recom. from Deering [from Harvard, Ms. wife of Henry Farley ;rec. by recom. do Hopkinton do Loudon do Epping rec. by recom. from Burlington, Vt. do Bow do do rec. by recom. from Bristol do Kennebunkport, Me. do Pembroke do do widow of Ezra Chandler wife of John Farnum. rec. by recom. from Boston, west chh do do do Hampstead do Canterbury do Epsom wife of Reuben Goodwia rec. from Epis. chh. St. John's rec. by recom. from Green st. chh. do do [Boston do New-Chester do Boscawen 1st chh wife of Daniel Clark rec. by recom. from Lowell, Ms. Simimarij of the foregoing Catalogue. Number at organization of the Church _ - _ _ s Admitted under Rev. Mr. Walker _ _ - _ _ 95 do. do. Rev. Mr. Evans ------ 124 do. do. Rev. Dr. M'Farland - - ... - 429 do. do. Rev. Mr. Bouton 137 Total 793 [ 20 ] The CHURCH COVEJV£JVT eslubUshed at Pennicook, previous io the Ordinalion of the Rcv^d Timothy Walker, You professing a firm belief of the Christian Rehgion, and humble repentance of all your sins, do now in the presence of God and of this assembly, solemnly devote and dedicate yourself and youss to the Lord Jehovah, who is Father, Son and Holy Ghost, in an everlasting Covenant ; freely choosing God for your portion and happiness ; heart- ily embracing the Lord Jesus Christ as your Redeemer, as he is free- ly offered to you in the Gospel, and the Holy Ghost as your Sanctifier ; and promise by divine Grace, that for the future you will endeavor to observe all things whatsoever God iti his Word has commanded you. Moreover you promise, that so long as God shall contiifue you with us, you will submit yourself to the Rules and discipline of the Church of Christ in this place. We then receive you as a Disciple of Christ and Member of the same body in full Communion with ourselves, Promising as God shall enable us to watch over you with patience, meekness and brotherly love, Praying that the God of peace may dwell among us and be glo- rified by us. Now unto him that is able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before his Throne with exceeding joy — To the only wise God our Saviour be Glory and Majesty, Dominion and Power world without end, Amen. Those persons who took the above Covenant upon themselves, instead of declaring as above, [Morcoiier you jiromisCj &c.) made the following Declaration : And in particular you promise to seek after such further evidences of your Christian Qualifications as that you may find your- self disposed to come forward and shew forth the Lord's Death at his Table. The JIRTICLES OF FMTE ami COVEM^JVTmiv used m the First Congregational Church. ARTICLES OF FAITH. You believe, that there is one true God, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost : that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament were given by Divine Inspiration, and contain the only perfect rule of faith and practice : that God maintains a righteous government over all crea- tures : that Man has fallen from the state in which he was originally created, and is by nature entirely destitute of hoHness : that an Atone- ment for sin ha? been made by the Lord Jesus Christ, so that repent- ance and faith arc now the conditions of salvation. You believe in the necessity of our being renewed by the agency of the Holy Spirit ; in the increase in holiness, and perseverance unto salvation, of all who truly believe ; in the doctrine of a general resurrection, and a future judgment; in the everlasting blessedness of the righteous, and the end- less punishment of all the finally impenitent. Thus lou brlieve. [ 21 1 COVENANT. " Acknowledging your infinite obligations to be the Lord's, you pro- fess your desire, in sincerity of heart, and with a deep sense of your unworthiness, to lay hold on his holy and everlasting Covenant. You give up yourself to God the Father, as your God, your Father, and your eternal JPortion. You give up yourself to the blessed JevSus, the Re- deemer and Head of the Church, as your Prophet, Priest, and King, and rely upon Him alone for salvation. You give up yourself to the Holy Spirit, and rely upon Him for sanctification , guidance, and com- fort. Depending on Divine Grace for assistance, you hereby solemnly bind yourself to glorify God, by a faithful discharge ofthe duties of so- briety, righteousness, and godliness, and by a dihgent observance of all his Commandments and Ordinances — You particularly engage to walk with this Church of Christ, faithfully attending the public worship of God, the Sacraments of the New Testament, the Discipline of his Kingdom, and all his sacred Institutions, and watchfully avoiding whatever is contrary to purity, peace and love, as becomes the follow- ers of the meek and lowly Jesus. All this you do, relying on the blood of the everlasting Covenant for the pardon of your sins, and beseeching the glorious God to pre- pare and strengthen you for every good work to do His Will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory, dominion and praise, forever and ever. Thus tou Promise. On your thus professing and promising, we receive you as a Mem- ber of this Church, and admit you to the full enjoyment of all its privileges — promising, through Divine Grace assisting us, to aid you in the duties of the Christian hfe, by our prayers and fraternal watch- fulness — expecting, in return, the same offices from you, that the pur- poses of this holy Covenant may be answered. The Lord make us faithful to Himself and to each other.