ReDort or arrensbii] COM PLI M ENTS OF THE TOWN BOARD Wasrense !GM, N. Y. Cliiss. liook . En^ ^tilJ^ Fiii;.si;.\Ti-:i) hy '^""'"^ ^^^'yp r^' PREFACE The following pages contain a complete report of the proceedings of the War Committee of the Town of War- rensburgh in their work of supplying the quota of men required from the town by the several calls of President Lincoln to suppress the Rebellion of 1861-65 and pre- serve the Union. These records have been carefully preserved by Mr. Henry Griffing, and by him prepared for publication in this form, for their permanent preser- vation and the information of those who may find them of interest. The expense has been provided for by an appropriation from the town funds. Warrensburgh, N. Y., December, 1913. Milton N. Eldridge, Supervisor, Herbert C. Smith, Toivn Clerk, George Hodgson, Justice, J. Freeman Cameron, Justice, John Brown, Justice, Don H. Heath, Justice, Town Board. REPORT OF THE WARRENSBURGH WAR COMMITTEE. On the 15th day of April, 18G1, the President of the United States issued a proclamation calling upon the States to furnish 75,000 volunteers to put down the Re- bellion, to serve for two years. On the 3rd day of May, 1861, President Lincoln issued a proclamation calling upon the several States for an additional force of 42,094 volunteers to put down the Rebellion, to serve for three years. Under the above calls the Town of Warrensburgh furnished the following volunteers, who enlisted with- out any local bounty : Truman H. Burdick. Joseph Turner. Thomas Crandall. Ludwick Turner. George Byron Charette, George Wetmore. Dennis Dennie. John H. Bennett. Frederick Darrow. Thomas Pelletier. Joel Eddy. Warren Pelletier. Charles Farrar. Willard Combs. Alexander Lamb. William E. Brown. Robert McKnight. J. H. Dingman. Nuel Scripter. J. G. Feathers. Andrew Turner. Jacob H. Hazelton. Under a law of Congress of the United States au- thorizing the President to call for 500,000 volunteers for the prompt suppression of the Rebellion, passed July 24, 1861, to serve three years. Under the above call, Governor Edwin D. Morgan issued a proclamation calling for 25,000 volunteers from the State of New York. Dated July 25, 1861. Under the above call the following named volun- teers went from the Town of Warrensburgh without any local bounty. Some, however, received small boun- ties from private sources as relief for their families^ (See statistics of Military Bureau.) Charles H. Burhans. Hiram Bidwell. James Warren Bennett. Leander Bennett. Augustus Bennett. John C. Bennett. Joel Bennett. John Baker. George Brown. Charles Combs. Warren Combs. Frederick Darrow, R. E. James W. Emerson. Eben L. Farrar. Abial Fuller. Warren Fuller. Edward S. Fuller, Jr. William Fitzsimmons. Charles O. Gray. Jamon H. Harrington. John Keays. James Keays. Charles Lamb, James McKey. Samuel B. Moses. Luman G. Norton. Orrin Russell. William Guy Russell. Thomas Sutton. George Smith. Samuel Augustus Stone. Courtenay Sage. John T. Turner. Samuel Woodward. George Young. Uri Young. Benjamin Young. Samuel Taylor. On the 1st day of July, 1862, President Lincoln called for 300,000 volunteers in order to bring the Rebellion to a speedy close. On the 4th day of August, 1862, a call was made for 300,000 men and ordered that each State should fur- nish its quota by the 15th day of August, or a draft would be made to furnish the men from the militia of such States as did not fill its quota by that time. The two calls above written were consolidated and known as the call for 600,000 volunteers. LTnder this call, the quota assigned to the Town of Warrensburgh to furnish was fifty-two men. The following men received a bounty from Warren County of $50.00 per man, also State and part of Na- tional Bounties : Benjamin Baker. Orville Branch.* John Henry Bennett. Samuel CardelLf Dennis Bennett.* Tarquin Chapman. f James Bennett.* M. Nelson Dickinson. J Seymour Bennett.* Thomas Fitzsimmons. Reuben Gleason.* David Gleason.'*' Henry Hill.* Jonathan G. Harrington.* Abram Haight.* Norman Hazelton.f Ira Hill. John Keays.* David M. Woodward. John P. Cole.t Willard Latham. George Harrington.* Lysander Kempt.f William Morehouse. Samuel Maxim. Henry Nelson. Roswell O. Bryant.* Total 43 men. Parker Scribner. Alfred S. Purvee. Lewis Pelot. James W. Reed.f Samuel T, Richards. J Dwight Stone.* Walter Stone.* Frederick B. Stone.* Dennis Stone.f Thomas W. Sutton, R. E.= Judson Smith.* Hyland Thomas.f Philemon Wetmore.f Joel F. White.t Franklin Weaver. Joseph Latham. § On the 18th day of August, 1862, a meeting of citi- zens of the Town of Warrensburgh was held at the Academy in the village, at 7 o'clock p. m. Joseph Wood- ward, Esq., was called to the chair and James Fuller was appointed Secretary. The object of the meeting was then stated by Thomas Cunningham, Supervisor, viz., the raising of money to pay bounties to volunteers. That the county bounty of $50.00 was expended and that as near as could be ascer- * Denotes those men who did not receive the bounty from Warren County, but from other localities. (123rd Regt. N. Y. V.) t Denotes those men who received no local bounties. (5th N. Y. Cavalry.) t Denotes officers who received no bounty. § Ashel BenneU enlisted in the 5th N. Y. Cavalry, under Captain Ryder, and got Joseph Latham to take his place, Latham supposing that he was to receive the bounty of $50.00, but the county had raised $15,000 to assist in recruiting the 118th Regt. from this Senatorial District and consequently none of the Cavalry men could receive it, but the Town Committee gave Latham $25.00. 8 tained we still lacked about twenty-five men to fill our quota. On motion of Mr. Cunningham, it was resolved to borrow the sum of 81,250.00 to be raised on a joint note, signed by citizens of the town, in order to pay each volunteer $50.00. Benjamin P. Burhans agreed to furnish the money on such note. The following note was then drawn up. S1250.00. We jointly and severally for value received, promise to pay to B. P. Burhans or bearer, twelve hundred and fifty dollars, with annual interest, to be paid as follows : One-half of the above sum with annual interest to be paid on the 15th day of February. 1864, the remainder of said twelve hundred and fifty dollars and annual interest to be paid on the 15th day of February, 1865. Dated Warrensburgh, August 18. 1862. Signed by Joseph Woodward and thirty-six other citizens. On motion a subscription was circulated among the young men who were not taxpayers, to raise money to defray the expense of recruiting and procuring vol- unteers. Henry Grillfing and Daniel B. Howard were appointed a committee to collect the money thus subscribed. Henry Griflfing was elected Treasurer to receive the money and pay it to the War Committee. Thomas Cunningham, Esq., Supervisor, by virtue of his ofifice, was Chairman of the War Committee. The following gentlemen were chosen for such committee: Fred O. Burhans George Richards Stephen Grififin, 2nd. Hiram McNutt These were to attend to procuring volunteers to fill the quota. Fred O. Burhans was elected Treasurer of the War Committee and was authorized to receive the money and pay to each volunteer $50.00. No other business appearing, the meeting adjourned. 9 Report of War Committee. The War Committee of the Town of W'arrensburgh would respectfully report as follows, that they have recruited and got mustered in the United States ser- vice eighteen men, to wit : Harlan Wood. Charles H. Mosher. Benjamin Weaver. James Combs. Myron Buttles. Daniel Keenan. Seymour Knickerbacker, J0rry Lyons. 2nd. James H. Farrar. William R. Harrington. Patrick Heffron. Sela E. Knickerbacker. Hartwell S. Farrar. Cyrus Twiss. Charles Wright. Edwin Bennett. George Crandall. John Langdon. Total raised, 18 men. By which we have under this call for volunteers, 600,000. Men By total raised by Senatorial Committee 43 By total raised by Town Committee 18 Making number raised 61 Dr. To quota assigned to Town 52 Leaving the surplus of 9 (See Adjt. Genl's. Report 1863, Pg. 1172.) Which nine men should be credited to this Town on the next draft for men. (See President's Proclamation Oct. 17, 1863.) Treasurer's Report of the Warrensburgh War Committee. Dr. Fred O. Burhans. To cash from Burhan's note $900 00 To cash from Henry Griffing fund for ex- penses, etc 72 50 $972 50 10 Cr. By paid 18 men $50.00 bounty each $900 00 Paid Warren Potter 7 50 Paid extra bounties to recruits 36 50 Paid Jos. Latham 25 00 T. Cunningham bill 2 00 Horse to Glens Falls 1 50 $972 50 B. P. Burhans endorsed on the note given to him for $1250.00, $350.00 making the note for $900.00. Fred O. Burhans, Treas., War Committee. On the 8th day of July, 1863, a draft was made for 300,000 men in order to suppress the Rebellion. The following named persons were drafted from the Town of Warrensburgh and entered the service of the United States : Anson Bennett. James W. Bennett.* Joseph Hockaday. Daniel Bennett. The following named persons paid commutation: Charles Braley. James Collins. Michael Reardon. Jerome Chapman. Isaac Woodward. Charles Bidwell. Robert Hall. Men Total that entered the service 4 Total that paid $300 commutation 7 Whole number credited 11 On the 17th day of October, 1863, the President, Abraham Lincoln, issued a proclamation calling upon the States to furnish 300,000 volunteers to serve for three years to reinforce our victorious armies then in '•' Deserted but was afterward retaken and credited to Town. 11 the field, and in case each State did not furnish its quota under this call, a draft would be made from such State for the deficiency on the oth day of Janu- ary, 1864. The time for the above draft was postponed from time to time, the National Bounties being continued, and volunteering went on slowly. On the 12th day of December, ISCiS, a meeting of the Citizens and Taxpayers of the Towm of Warrensburgh was held at the home of Lewis Persons for the purpose of devising a plan to raise the quota of men called for under the above call of the President October 17, 1863, which the town had to fill to avoid the draft of Janu- ary 5, 1864. Duncan Griffin, Supervisor, took the chair ; Fred O. Burhans was elected Secretary. The Chairman then briefly stated the object of the meeting and that the quota for the town to fill was twenty-two men or thereabout as near as could be ascertained. After a general discussion and interchange of views, it was finally Resolved, That the Supervisor be authorized to bor- row the sum of $5,000 on a town note for the purpose of paying bounties to volunteers to fill the quota of the toW'U and report at ne«t meeting. Resolved, That the War Committee is authorized to pay each volunteer the sum of $300 on proof being given that they are credited to this town. The Chair- man then appointed the following named gentlemen to assist him in raising the men : Stephen Griffin, 2nd. Joseph Woodward. George Richards. E. W. Howard. Fred O. Burhans, Thos. Cunningham then said it might be well to state here that the amount of money, $5,000, was not enough to pay twenty-two men v$300 each, but the War Committee were expecting to get credit for the nine men excess furnished in August, 1862, and might perhaps .find more men to our credit who had enlisted at other points. 12 No other business appearing the meeting- adjourned to meet at the same place December 16, 18G3. Duncan Griffin, Supvr., Fred O. Burhans, Secy. Warren SB URGH, December i6, 1863. An adjourned meeting of the citizens of the Town of Warrensburgh at the home of Lewis Persons ; Duncan Griffin, Chairman, Wm. B. FarHn was appointed Sec- retary. The following report was then read : (Copy.) The undersigned appointed a committee to negotiate for five thousand dollars to be used in paying bounties to volunteer recruits from the said tow^n of Warrens- burgh to fill the quota of town under the last call of the President of the United States for 300,000 volun- teers, hereby reports that he has procured a promissory note (herewith presented) to be made and signed by many of the citizens of the said town for the payment of five thousand dollars ; that Peletiah Richards upon delivery of said note to him proposes to loan the said town tlie sum of five thousand dollars, with said note as security, and that the said amount of money is ready to be paid on such terms of payment as specified in said note. Duncan Griffin, Supvr. Copy of Richard's Note. Warrensburgh, Dec. 14, 1863. $5000. For value received, we jointly and severally promise to pay to the order of Duncan Griffin, Supvr., five thousand dollars, payable with interest from date, the said interest annually and the said principal in three equal annual installments, the first installment to be paid in two years, the second in three years and the third in four years after date, and the said principal may be paid and will be received in whole or \n part, at the option of the makers before the time above stipulated, in which case the interest on so much as shall be paid of said principal shall cease from the time of such pay- 13 ment, and the balance of principal, if any, shall be paid pro- portionately at the time and in the manner herein stipulated, and all payments to be made at the Glens Falls Bank in Glens Falls, Warren Co., N. Y. Signatures. On motion of George Richards the report of the Supervisor was accepted and Duncan Griffin was au- thorized to deliver the note and receive the money. On motion the War Committee was authorized to pay a bounty of $300 to all men who shall have been en- listed on or after the 14th inst., when such volunteer shall have been mustered into the United States service. Adjourned to meet at same place Dec. 17, at 7 p. m. W. B. Farlin, Secy. December 17, 1863. Adjourned meeting of Citizens of the Town of War- rensburgh met at the house of Lewis Persons pursuant to call. On motion, Resolved, That the War Committee ap- pointed by the Supervisor at a previous meeting, be empowered to receive the funds raised for procuring volunteers and are instructed to use their own discre- tion as to the manner of disbursing the same to pro- cure volunteers and they are also to attend to the look- ing up of credits and to ascertain what men from this town have enlisted elsewhere. No other business appearing, meeting adjourned sine die. Duncan Griffin^ Chairman, Fred O. Burhans, Secy. At a Committee meeting held at the home of Lewis Persons on the 9th day of January, 1864. D. Griffin, Supvr., in chair. It was Resolved, To pay the bounty of $300 to veteran soldiers who should re- enlist for three years in the field and should be placed to the credit of this town, George Smith, Wm. Guy Russell and John T. Turner, of the 93rd Regt. N. Y. V., applied for the bounty. 14 On motion Fred. O. Burhans was elected Treasurer of the War Committee and was requested to draw the money, $5,000, from Peletiah Richards. Adjourned. On the 1st day of February, 1864, President Lincoln ordered a draft for 500,000 men — draft to take place on the 10th of March, 1864. This draft includes the call of Oct. 17, 1863 for 300,000 men together with 200,000 additional. A Committee meeting held at Mr. Cunningham's office on the 4th of March, 1864. Thos. Cunningham, Esq., Supvr., by virtue of his office, took the chair. Duncan Griffin, ex-officer, was appointed one of the War Committee. On motion, Mr. Cunningham was appointed a com- mittee to inform the Provost Marshall Geo. Clendon as to our situation in regard to volunteers furnished and endeavor to obtain the credits for 9 men enlisted in 1862 and not credited to the Town, and to obtain all credits for men furnished by the Town since the Re- bellion broke out. Fred O. Burhans was appointed an associate with Mr. Cunningham. It was suggested that Duncan Griffin should go with the committee to Albany to assist in looking over the Muster Rolls, as he had been there before on a county committee on similar business. Ad- journed. F. O. BuRHx\Ns, Secy. Committee meeting March 17, 1864, at Cunningham's office (Supervisor Report 1864, Pg. 6-7-8). Mr. Cunningham reported what the committee that went to Albany to look after the credits had done, which was substantially as follows : They had examined the Muster Rolls of all the companies into which any of the men from this town had enlisted so far as they knew of. They were unable to get credits for the surplus 9 men claimed for 1862. They procured certifi- cates of credits of all they could from the Adjutant General's Office. On motion P'red O. Burhans was appointed a commit- tee to enlist 7 men and he was also instructed to get the 15 $10.00 on new recruits and $15.00 on veterans gov- ernment bounty, as far as practicable and to use the same for recruiting purposes. Adjourned. On the 14th day of March, 1864, President Lincoln issued a call for 200,000 men in addition to the last call of 500,000 men and ordered if not raised before the 15th day of April, 1864, the draft would take place on that day or as soon after as practicable. At a meeting of Citizens and Taxpayers of the Town of Warrensburgh on the 25th day of March, 1864, at the house of Lewis Persons, to consider the propriety of raising an additional sum of money to hll the quota of men required from this town under the last calls of the President of the United States. Thos. Cunningham, Supvr., in the chair. Fred O. Burhans, Secy. On motion, Resolved, That a note be made signed by Taxpayers of the town for the sum of $1700 to pay bounties to volunteers, said note to be legalized at a future town meeting. Samuel T. Richards then agreed to furnish the money and pay it over to the Treasurer of the War Committee. The following is a copy of S. T. Richards' note. Warrensburgh, N. Y., Mar. 25, 1864. $1700. Thirty days after date for value received, we jointly and severally promise to pay to Samuel T. Richards or order, seventeen hundred dollars, for the purpose of paying bounties to volunteers. Signed by Stephen Griffin, 2nd and 16 others. Under the last three calls of the President of the United States, viz., Oct. 17, 1863 for 300,000. Feb. 1, 1864 for 500,000. 200,000 additional. March 14, 1864 for 200,000. The following named persons were enlisted in the 2nd Veteran Cavalry at Glens Falls but received no local bounty. Adjusted by Supervisors of County. (See Supervisor's Report, 1864, Pg. 8.) 16 Names of men : Walter J. Lockhart. Michael Harris. Ludwick Turner. Joseph Turner. Total 7 men. Names of men : John Bender, Charles Lamb. George Turner. The following named men received the town bounty oi $'MH) per man. Abyron Scripter. William J. Russell. George Smith. John T. Turner. George B. Robertson. Nathan W. Wallace. Jesse M. Sexton. Nelson Fuller. Alfred H. Smith. Charles F. Farrar. Asa Felky. Total 22. Charles F. Judd. Wallace W. Harrington. Truman H. Burdick. Charles H. Hogan. Henry Gates. C. F. Duell. Sylvester Latham. Rodney Richardson. Martin J. Hayes. Hiram Knickerbacker. Jonathan Rist. Recapitulation. Men Under draft July 8, 1803 11 2nd Veteran Cavalry N. Y. V 7 Received $300 bounty from town 22 Total to There was also two men credited to this town as its proportion of the overplus of men raised in the district which will make the total number of men credited to the town of Warrensburgh amount to 42 men. On the 5th day of January, 1864, Samuel Chever, 16th artillery, was mustered into the service and credited to this town. He received no town bounty, making 43 men raised by the town under the draft and last three calls. 17 -j^gg^ Treasurer's Report. Dr. Fred O. Burhans. Jan. 9. To cash from Peletiah Richards.. $300 00 11. Peletiah Richards 1,200 00 Mar. 3. Peletiah Richards 1,000 00 Apr. 2. Peletiah Richards 2,500 00 2. To cash Samuel T. Richards 2. By Isaac S. Woodward 300 00 8. S. T. Richards 1,400 00 $6,700 00 By paid 22 men $300 each (vouchers) $6,600 00 Paid expenses of the Com. to Albany and back 41 15 Capt. Warren Luce expenses on men 37 00 Pd. T. Cunningham expenses to Plattsburg and back 21 85 $6,700 00 Fred Q. Burhans, Treas., War Com. Warrensburgh, May i, 1864. On the 18th day of July, 1864, President Lincoln called for 500,000 volunteers, for the respective terms of 1, 2 and 3 years' service and it was ordered that if the men were not furnished by the 5th day of Septem- ber, 1864, a draft would be made to fill any deficiency that might be in any city, town or ward. The town clerk soon after this call made a call for a special town meeting, which was held on the 9th day of August, 1864, at the house of Duncan Griffin, to raise $8,000 to pay volunteers to fill the quota of the town, under the call of the President of the L^nited States for 500,000 men. The whole number of votes cast was seventy-five and the number of votes cast for raising v$8,000 was 63, whole number cast against rais- ing $8,000 was 12. On motion it was Resolved, That the Board of Town Auditors of town of W^arrensburgh be and they are hereby empowered 18 and authorized, pursuant to Sec. 22, Chapter S, Laws of 18G4, to raise such sums as they may deem neces- sary, not exceeding $8,00() upon the credit of said town for the sole use of said town in paying bounties to volunteers and to persons furnishing substitutes and to all persons who shall enter the military service of the United States and be credited toward the filling of the quota of said town and for paying the incidental ex- penses of such volunteering and of raising such money, and that such sums be raised and any part thereof as may be deemed necessary, upon the negotiations and sale of bonds to be issued by said Board of Town Auditors in the name of said Town, such bonds shall not bear more than 7% interest and the same shall not be negotiated less than par. On motion it was Resolved, That the following com- mittee is hereby appointed, to wit: Thomas Cunning- ham, Fred O. Burhans, Hiram McNutt, Samuel T. Rich- ards and Henry Herrick, whose duty shall be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to borrow said money upon the bonds aforesaid and to disburse the same, to fix the amount of said bounties, to make all proper efifort in filling the quota of said town and to use wise and proper discretion in effecting the object of their said appointment and to report to the Board of Town Auditors at their annual meeting. Resolved, That the said bonds shall be made payable at the Supervisor's office of said town on the 1st day of Feb., 1865, with interest, to wit: One-half of the amount aforesaid voted to be raised, i.e., $4,000 or any part of the said one-half so used as aforesaid, the balance so used over and above the said one-half, be made payable at the same place with interest on the 1st day of Feb., 1866. Henry Herrick, Toivn Clerk. The Committee appointed at the foregoing Town meeting, at once entered upon their duties and used their best endeavors to procure volunteers for three 19 3^ears and their efforts might have been crowned with success had not the neighboring towns and counties raised their bounties larger than the committee felt they could, without further instructions from taxpayers in the town and 5, 6, 7 and 900 dollars were being offered for volunteers to serve for one year. The Com- mittee had offered $300 for three years and had pro- cured some volunteers with the understanding that if the town should pay any more under this call, such volunteers should receive the same. The time for the approaching draft was drawing near, the young men, or a few of them, began to feel a desire to travel and see more of the w^orld than w^as located in Warren County, but not caring to go south generally took the opposite course on the compass and in a very short space of time their friends had the pleasure of hearing from them in a country called Canada, on the other side of the River St. Lawrence and they told such won- derful stories, how the people there received their wages in gold and silver and how they traded with the same precious metals, which by the way was not at all plenty in the County of Warren, and greenbacks were looked upon by the Canadians, much as Paul was regarded by the Athenians, with suspicion. By such representations and not being able to pay over $300 bounty, the committee, nearly disheartened, concluded to request the town clerk to call another special town meeting and lay the matter again before the taxpayers and citizens. Accordingly on the 29th of August, 1864 (see town book), a special town meeting was held at the house of Duncan Griffin. Thomas Cunningham ad- dressed the people, telling them how the committee was situated and what the prospect was for obtaining volunteers. The meeting was called to vote on the question whether the town would vote an additional sum of $12,000 or not. The whole number of votes cast was 158, the whole number for raising $12,000 was 149 and the number against raising $12,000 was 9. Resolved, That the money $12,000 voted this day to be raised shall be made payable as follows, to wit: 20 In three equal installments, in February, 1867, 1868, 1869, and the interest paid on the whole amount annually. Resolved, That the town pay a bounty of $800 to each person credited to the town under the last call of the President for 500,000 men. Kenry Herrick, Town Clerk. The War Committee then enlisted the following named men : and instructed the Treasurer to prepare town bonds and procure money on same and pay to tSLchr man $800 after enlisting and having been mus- tered in the United States service for a period of one year. Senaca W. Tripp. Dennis Palmer. Ira Tucker. Charles Everts. George W. Alger. Silas Baker. William H. Ingraham. George Brown. Elisha Parker. Charles H. Baker. John H. Maxim. Duncan Everts. Dallas Varnum. John Kenyon. James Hammond. Cyrus D. Pasko. Myron A. Duell. Orlin Smith. James W. Middleton. John Henry Peers substitute for Fred O. Burhans. Hiram E. Gebo substitute for Henry Herrick. Benjamin Cilley substitute for Henry Griffing. Thornton Robliert substitute for Thomas Chadwick. Marshall L. Brown representative for S. T. Richards. Total 24 men. These 24 men all received from the town $800 each, v/ith the exception of the following who received more, Myron A. Duell received $900 for this reason, the com- mittee had been told by persons not liable to the draft, that they would give $100 to have a representative put into the service for them, thus making a greater induce- ment for a man to go and consequently the committee offered Duell the extra money, but as the arrangenient about representatives was not completed, the committee 21 had to pay the extra money. James W. Middleton and Odin Smith also received $900 each, they both had enHsted for the $300 bounty and then went to Wash- ington County, where they were to get $900. The committee had to take them at that price to fill the quota, as no more time could be spent in looking up recruits, as the time for the draft had come and men were worth $1,000 then. Treasurer's Report, Warrensburgh War Committee. 1864. Dr. Fred O. Burhans. To cash proceeds from bonds issued by order of town Aug. 9, 1861 $8,000 00 By order of town Aug. 29, 1864 12,000 00 To cash from town of Bolton, expense on 4 volunteers credited to said town of Bolton 100 00 To cash received from State, as bounty on recruits, $10, on new recruits, 10 in num- ber 100 00 $15 on veterans, 2 in number 30 00 $20,230 00 Cr. By paid 24 men $800 each (vouchers) $19,200 00 3 men $100 each (vouchers) 300 00 Expense in getting men to Plattsburgh (vouchers) 253 30 Thomas Cunningham (vouchers) 89 10 Samuel T. Richards (vouchers) 13 00 Fred O. Burhans (vouchers) 25 00 Henry Herrick (vouchers) 5 00 Duncan Griffin (vouchers) 11 60 Warren Potter (vouchers) 16 00 Revenue stamps (vouchers) 2 00 By cash on hand 15 00 John Hayes (vouchers) 300 00 $20^230 00 To cash on hand, $15. 22 The above report is respectfully submitted to the Board of Town Auditors, with the vouchers for the same. The Treasurer w^ould state that John Hayes was mustered into the United States service for 2 years ; the expense of getting him to Plattsburgh was paid by John McKnight and John Mixter. Fred O. Burhans, Treas., War Committee. Warrensburgh, December 31, 1864. Report. 1865. Dr. Cash April To cash on hand $15 00 July To cash from State by S. T. Richards, County Treasurer 400 00 $415 m Cr. July 18. By paid Mixter and McKnight. . . $100 00 18. By paid D. Griffin 8 00 18. Thomas Cunningham 20 82 18. Thomas Cunningham, Supvr 286 18 $415 00 A call was made by the President of the United States on the 19th day of December, 1864, for an addi- tional force of 300,000 more men, the quota for the town of Warrensburgh under said call was 21 men. The said town had already 4 excess of men on former calls and 6 excess of years' service which left 17 men to be raised from the town. The order was to raise 75%, leaving 13 men to be raised. The following men were then raised to fill the quota r Names of Men. Names of Regiments. John Hayes, 2 yrs. 93rd N. Y. V. James Cavanaugh. 192nd N. Y. V. 23 R. E. Fergason. Sanford Reynolds. George Putney. Charles L. Mullett. John A. Billings, 3 yrs. 192nd N. Y. V. 192nd N. Y. V. 192nd N. Y. V. 192nd N. Y. V. 193rd N. Y. y. Substitutes. Charles H. Burhans sent Luzia Bennett, 3 yrs., 192nd N. Y. V. Thomas Cunningham sent Joseph Bigwood, 1 yr.. 192nd N. Y. V. John H. Stone sent Louis Clooky, 3 yrs. The following men were drafted and sent substitutes as follows : Albert Hall sent Joseph Raymond, 1 yr., 3rd Cavalry. Seth C. Russell sent Jacob Weatherwax, 1 yr. Job Harrington, Jr., sent Henry Nailor, 1 yr., 192nd N.^ Y. V. Total 13 men. Names of Persons Enrolled in the Town of Warrensburgh. 10th Congressional District, New York. Class 1 Ainsworth, Newton, Ainsworth, John. Ainsworth, Nicholas.* Alden, Albert. Burhans, Frederick O. Bennett, Jacob. Braley, Charles. Pd. $300. Barber, Edgar E. Bennett, Sullivan. Bidwell, Hiram. Brown, George. Bidwell, Charles. Pd. $300. Bouvee, Thomas. Bennett, Warren. Service. Bennett, Richard. Bennett, John H.* Bennett, Daniel. Service. Bennett, Dennis. Bennett, Anson. Service. Brown, Elijah. Brown, Elisha. Castle, Earl. Clark, Charles M. Collins, James M. Pd. $300. Chapman, Hiram. Combs, Warren. Chase, Elijah. Cameron, Seth. Carpenter. James H. Collins. Timothy.* Chapman, Jerome B. Pd. $300. Chadwich, Thomas. Chambers, Henry S. Cameron. James O. 24 Darrovv, Frederick. Dewey, Joseph. Duell, Dennis. Duggan, John. Donnovan, Patrick. Dickinson, John E.* Eldridge, Jabez.* Emerson, Albert C. Fuller, Charles H.* Fuller, Nelson. Feathers, Charles. Fuller, Jothan.* Frasier, Charles E. Griffing, Henry.* Grady, Michael* Gleason, David. Grady. Patrick. Gleason, Reuben. Haight, Abram. Hewitt, Ira.* Harrington, Israel. Hammond. O. F.* Howard, Daniel B. Hall, Albert.* Hockaday, John.* Hogan, Charles H. Hall, George. Harrington, Jonathan G. Harrington. Elisha.* Herrick, Halsey.* Harrington, Jonathan. Hill, William H. Hill, Nathaniel. Harrington, Job, Jr. Harrington, Warren. Hall, Robert. Pd. $300. Herrick, Henry. Hockaday. Joseph. Service. Hoag, John L.* Hazelton, Jacob.* Harrington, Joseph. Harrington, Nathaniel. Harrington, Wallace. Hill, Charles. Knickerbocker. Henry.* Langworthy, George. Langworthy, Simon.* Langworthy, Benjamin. Lyons, Jeremiah. March. Benjamin.* Megan, Clark. March, Daniel. Middleton, Elisha. McGann, James. Moulton, George.* Maxim, Horace.* Murray, James. McGann, John. March, John* Middleton, James W. McElroy, John. Moulton, Joseph. Morrison, William.* Morton, Stephen. Norton, John. Noxon, Orrin P. Norton, William. Nelson, Solomon. Pray. Orrin B. Pratt, William.* Pratt, Thomas. Penfield, William D. Parker, John T. Russell, Seth.* Ryan, Patrick. Robertson, James. Reardon, Michael. Pd. $300. Russell, John B., Jr. Russell, Orlin.* Smith, Royal C. Stewart. Robert.* Stone, Norman. Smith, Aaron. Stevens, Salem T. Stanton, Samuel. Scripture. James. Smith, Orlin. Stanton, Orville.* Smith, Sylvanus. Sutton, Thomas. Stewart, Thomas. Stone, John H. Scripture, William B. Sentenne, James H.* Scripture, Levi.* Scripture, Byron.* Smith, Judson. Smith, Isaac. 25 Swan, James Q* Taylor. Wm. Tabor, Charles. Tripp, Henry. Tripp, Augustus. Tabor, Alexander. Turner. George. Tripp, Truman. Tennyson, John. Tucker, Ira. Varnum, Caleb.* Burdick, Mathew W. Bidwell, Lyman. Bidwell. Hiram. Boule. Peter. Colvin, Jonathan. Carpenter, Russell. Clipper, Coonrod. Chadwick, Elbridge. Cunningham, Thomas. Clipper, Adam. Chapman, Henry. Duell, Myron. Degrush, John. Dayton, Leonard. Dickinson, Charles H. Dewey, Horace. Fuller. James. Grady, John. Hayes, Sylvester T. Herrick. James, Jr. Heath, Chauncey. Hilkins. Samuel R. Heath. Joshua C. Herrick, Robert G. Harrington, Thomas E. Hayes. Halsey B. Hall, Edward. Graves, Barnabus. Goodnough, John E. Galusha, Benjamin. Griffin, Duncan. Glynn, Jarvis A. Grady. Patrick. Knickerbocker, Seymour. Keays, Patrick. Lewis, Holden K. Lewis, George M. Varnum, Daniel. Wells, John. Woodward, Leander. Wood. John J. Woodward, Isaac. Pd. $300. Woodward. Samuel. Weaver, Daniel. Wood, Harlin. Wood. Edward. Woodward, Albert. Class 2 McNutt, Hiram. McEwen, Davis. McLaren, John. Moore, Addison. Morehouse, Andrew. Moffit, George. Noble, William. Orcutt, William. Pratt. Levi. Potter, Norman. Pasko, Alexander T. Potter, Warren. Raymond, William. Richards. George. Russell, Jonathan. Rist, Elijah. Straight, Daniel. Stanley, Hiram. Cilley. Elbridge. Swasy, Henry W. Schneider. George A. Stone. Solomon. Smith, Ira. Tripp, William H. Thomas. Miles. Varnum, Daniel. Weaver. George. Weaver, William. Wood. Galusha. White, Harvey L. Worden Isaac. Wilsey, James. Weaver. Henry. Wade, Nelson. Wilcox, Lyman. Watson, Godfrey P. 26 Provost Marshal's Office, 16th Dist., N. Y. November 23, 1863. Notice is hereby given that any person whose name is contained in the above list, may appear before the Board of Enrollment and claim to have his name stricken off the list, if he can show to the satisfaction of the Board that he is not and will not be at the time fixed for the next draft (i.e., Jan. 5, 1864), liable to military duty on account of — 1st, alienage ; 2nd, non- residence ; 3rd, unsuitableness of age ; 4th, manifest permanent physical disability. II. Persons who may be cognizant of any other per- sons liable to do military duty whose names do not appear on the Enrollment List, are requested to notify the Board of Enrollment. III. The Board of Enrollment will hear cases as pro- vided in paragraph 1, until the 20th of Dec, 1863, after which no cases will be heard. Geo. Clendon, Jr., Capt. & Pro. Mar. Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Warren County. A special committee consisting of Messrs. A. J. Cheri- tree and Thos. Cunningham, appointed by the Board at their special meeting on the 22nd day of December, 1863, to obtain the adjustment of credits of persons to the different towns in which they resided, and who volunteered in the Second Veteran Cavalry, and stood credited to the town of Queensbury, reported, and which report was accepted and committee discharged, and the report is on file. Report to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Warren. On the 22nd day of December, 1863, at a special meeting of this Board for the purpose of ascertaining the actual residence of the several men from said county who had enlisted in the Second Veteran Cavalry of New 27 York, and to take measures to obtain proper credits for the several towns, Duncan Griffin and A. J. Cheri- tree were appointed a committee to carry out the ob- jects of such meeting. It appeared that a large number of men, exceeding two hundred, had, between the 7th day of July, 1863, and the meeting of said Board, enlisted in the regi- ment aforesaid, and that such enlistments were all made at Glens Falls, and the enlistment papers being sworn to at Queensbury, and the actual residence of the men not given therein, the town of Queensbury stood upon the books at the Adjutant General's office credited with the whole number, when, in fact, the other towns were entitled to several of them. It was arranged and agreed upon among the several members of this Board as to the actual residence of the men, and a certificate to that effect made by the Board allowing to each town the men belonging thereto. With this certificate the committee, after conferring with the war committee at Glens Falls, proceeded to Albany about the 25th day of December, 1803. Upon an interview with the Adjutant General and a presenta- tion of the proceedings of the Board, the committee were informed that although it seemed just that those proceedings should be adopted and the credits made as therein requested, yet that he had no power or authority to go back to the enlistment papers and change credits, but referred us to the Assistant Provost Marshal, Major Townsend. After some delay, your committee obtained an inter- view with him, and after a presentation of the papers weie informed that a special commission had been ap- pointed by the Provost Marshal General, viz., Major Townsend and Governor Seymour, to regulate the cred- its, and that the credits would certainly be made as agreed upon by the Board, but that they could not act upon the matter till after the 1st of January, 1804, and requested us to hold the papers until we received notice of the time and manner of making such credits. The committee, thus encouraged, returned home. 28 After waiting some time after the first of January, 1864, and hearing nothing upon the subject, one of the committee, A. J. Cheritree, again proceeded to Albany, and on the second day obtained another interview with Major Townsend, and was informed that it was too late to then change credits, and that they could not go back to the enlisted papers. Upon referring the Major, how- ever, to his previous declaration and promise, he prom- ised to counsel the Provost Marshal General and act accordingly. Thus it continued for some time, chang- ing positions and doing nothing until the committee became about disheartened — other interviews having been had at different times with about the same result. Finally, the committee hearing that Saratoga county, which was placed in a similar position to this county, had, through their committee, obtained their credits at Washington ; and having learned from Mr. Cunningham that he had had an interview with Major Townsend, and that a report from Provost Marshal Clendon of our district sanctioning the proceedings of this Board would be sufficient authority for him to allow our credits — Mr. Cunningham, having, in the meantime, been substituted as one of the committee in place of Duncan Griffin, — proceeded once more to Albany with the proceedings of the Board sanctioned by report of Captain Clendon, and accompanied with affidavits, and laid them before Major Townsend, and was informed by him that he had no power to change the credits, but advised the committee to go to Washington personally and lay the matter be- fore the Provost Marshal General, which the committee deemed not advisable, but by a written communication did appeal to him, and addressed communications to our representative, Mr. Kellogg, and obtained a promise from Major Townsend that he would sanction the pro- ceedings of the Board, and favorably therein to his superior. The committee having for so long time ex- perienced the effects of " red tape " returned home with faint hearts, but were rejoiced to afterwards learn, after a long delay, and almost at the latest possible moment before the draft took place, that justice had been done 29 and the credits allowed. In this adjustment Luzerne received credit for 12 men, Caldwell 5, Thurman 2, Stony Creek 2, Johnsburgh 1, and Warrensburgh 5. Many other men had been enlisted in these towns instead of Queensbury, as appeared from the records in the Adjutant General's office at Albany. All of which is respectfully submitted. A. J. Cheritree, Thos. Cunningham, Committee. On motion, the Board adjourned to meet November 17th. Names of Volunteers Enlisted Since the 2nd day of July, 1862, from the County of Warren, State of New York. Allen, Lewis Chester Austin, David T Johnsburgh Aldrich, Lewis Luzerne Andrews, Harry Queensbury Allen, William Queensbury Aikens, Wm. O Queensbury Allen, Mark A Queensbury Austin, Eugene M Queensbury Aiken, Henry Queensbury Anderson, Courtney Queensbury Arnold, Clark Queensbury Albro, George Queensbury Brown, Joel Bolton Brown, Carmi Bolton Bentley, Lemuel Bolton Bartlet, Daniel W Bolton Beswick, Nathan Bolton Beswick, John Bolton Boyd, Robert Bolton Braley, Sewel P Bolton 30 Bentley, Edgar Johnsburgh Bennett, Benjamin F Caldweli Barney, Joseph Caldwell Bates, Royal B Caldwell Bennett, Edgar Caldwell Bennett, George Caldwell Burlingham, Kleeber Caldwell Barton, Lorenzo, Jr Chester Barber, Phineas Chester Barber, William Chester Burge, Cyrus O . Chester Baldwin, William O Chester Boundrye, Charles H Hague Bristol, Samuel Hague Balcom, George W .'Hague Bartlett, Lewis Horicon Bolton, John Horicon Bennett, Royal Horicon Baker, Washington Horicon Brown, Enos Horicon Brown, Hyram Horicon Baxter, Elisha .M Horicon Brown, Orlando Johnsburgh Bird, John Johnsburgh Bills, Smith Johnsburgh Bennett, Jeremiah Johnsburgh Brainard, William Johnsburgh Brooks, Gasker Hague Bennett, Leonard Johnsburgh Barber, William J Luzerne Barber, Edmund Thurman Bennett, Jerry Thurman Bruce, Daniel Thurman Bennett, Edwin Warrensburgh Baker, Amos, Jr Queensbury Blackburn, Robert Queensbury Bennett, Levi Queensbury Bullard, Arnold Queensbury Bullock, William Queensbury Bennett, Charles R. Queensbury 31 Bromigan, Andrew Queensbury Bell, Andrew Queetisbury Brown, Edward gueensbury Baker, Amyle Queensbury Benwin, Owen Queensbury Beach, John, Jr Queensbury Burnett, Alexander Queensbury Benman, Franklin Queensbury Brady, Thomas Queensbury Bennett, B. F Queensbury Branard, Charles M Queensbury Brown, Joseph Queensbury Beadleston, Stephen J Queensbury BfIisI}^ James H Queensbury BrowrT Benjamin Queensbury Braman, Martin Queensbury Baker, Benjamin Warrensburgh Bennett, John Henry Warrensburgh Bennett, Dennis Warrensburgh Bennett, James Warrensburgh Bennett, Seymour Warrensburgh Branch, Orville Warrensburgh Buttles, Myron Warrensburgh Benham, Frank Luzerne Brady, Barney Luzerne Bryant, Roswell O Warrensburgk Bryant, William Luzerne Coloney, James M Chester Clark, George H Chester Carey, George Chester Clark, Abel W Chester Calkins, John Hague Covin, Henry Horicon Chesco, Henry Johnsburgh Cox, William Johnsburgh Cummings, Michael Johnsburgh Coon, Martin V. B Stony Creek Combs, Joshua Thurman Combs, George W Thurman 32 Cronin, James Queensbury Corbitt, Dennis Queensbury Chancey, Dennis Queensbury Conner, John Queensbury Conner, Robert O Queensbury Conner, Thomas Queensbury Carney, Richard Queensbury Cahel, Daniel Queensbury Capron, Edward Queensbury Chamberline, S. E Queensbury Comstock, Edwin Queensbury Cowles, Alonzo C Queensbury Crandall, Abner Queensbury Crannell, Melvin Queensbury Copeland, Charles Queensbury Clunnis, D. D Queensbury Christian, Joseph Queensbury Chitty, Frederick J. P Queensbury Crossett, John M Queensbury Cardell, Samuel Warrensburgh Chapman, Tarquin Warrensburgh Cole, John P Warrensburgh Crandall, George Warrensburgh Combs, James Warrensburgh Clark, Theodore R Queensbury Conklin, Willet Luzerne Drake, Hiram Chester Davis, Reuben I Chester Davis, James P Chester Durkee, Ira Hague Davis, Almyram Hague Dutcher, Richard Horicon Duel, William C Horicon Duel, Oscar Horicon Dugan, Patrick Horicon Danson, John Luzerne Dingman, William H Luzerne Dean, B. P Stony Creek Dow, William Thurman Day, Hosea Queensbury Davis, Marquis Queensbury Docket, Joseph Queensbury Davis, Lemuel Queensbury Deal, William Queensbury Donnegan, William Queensbury Dickinson, Nelson M Warrensburgh Donnegan, John Queensbury Dingman, James H Luzerne Eldridge, Edmonds Johnsburgh Ellis, Harvey Queensbury Ellis, Zabina Queensbury Fuller, George W Chester Fish, Dana Chester Frost, John B Hague Frazier, Henry Horicon Frazier, George Horicon Flansburgh, Henry Johnsburgh Flansburgh, James Johnsburgh Fuller, Levi Johnsburgh Frazier, William Johnsburgh Fuller, Darias Johnsburgh Freeborn, William Johnsburgh Flanders, John J Luzerne Fenton, Charles Thurman Frost, Enos Thurman Foster, Franklin Queensbury Fish, Edward Queensbury Farrell, Patrick Queensbury French, Frederick Queensbury Foster, Leonard Queensbury Ferriss, Ezra Queensbury Farrar, James Warrensburgh Farrar, Hartwell Warrensburgh Fitzsimmons, Thomas Warrensburgh Griffin, Lemuel Bolton Gates, Hiram B Chester Greene, George B Horicon 34 Gregory, Emory Horicon Gebo, Edward Johnsburgh Guyatt, John Johnsburgh Gardiner, Martin Johnsburgh Galusha, Silas Johnsburgh Galusha, James Johnsburgh Galusha, Charles Johnsburgh Guinup, H. P Luzerne Gray, Parley, Jr Stony Creek Goodnew, William Stony Creek Gourley, Norman Queensbury Guyott, Adolphus Queensbury Garrett, James S Queensbury Grace, Charles Queensbury Goodwin, James Queensbury Gilmore, Isaac Queensbury Groom, William H Queensbury Gleason, Reuben Warrensburgh Gleason, David Warrensburgh Grimes, John A Thurman Gamby,. William Thurman Holcomb, Walter Caldwell Hall, Harrison G Caldwell Holbrook, Jeremiah Caldwell Higgins, Joseph H Chester Hewes, James Chester Hotchkiss, Alfred Chester Hill, Ira Chester Higley, Charles W Chester Hays, Jefferson Horicon Hill, Timothy Horicon Hill, Amasa Horicon Hastings, James Horicon Hastings, Joseph Horicon Hawley, Henry Horicon Hill, Lyman Horicon Hall, Gilbert H Johnsburgh Hewitt, Dudley B Johnsburgh Hall, Harrison Luzerne 35 Hoyle, Valentine Luzerne Harriss, Warren Thurman Hillis, Joseph Queensbury Hoag, William Queensbury Hall, Harvey Queensbury Hall, Henry Queensbury Hall, William Queensbury Hazelton, Austin E Queensbury Haywood, John Queensbury Hopkins, Alonzo Queensbury Hubbard, Clifford Queensbury Herbert, Joseph Queensbury Hartwell, William Queensbury Hall, William E Queensbury Hall, John H Queensbury Hall, Henry L Queensbury Hubbell, Allen D Queensbury Hurd, Philander Queensbury Harris, George Queensbury Hillis, Robert Queensbury Hillis, William Queensbury Horton, Covill Queensbury Hurd, Wesley Queensbury Hill, Henry Queensbury Herrington, Jonathan J Warrensburgh Herrington, George Warrensburgh Haight, Abram Warrensburgh Hazelton, Norman Warrensburgh Herrington, William R Warrensburgh Heffren, Patrick Warrensburgh Hill, Ira Warrensburgh Hall, Ebenezar Queensbury Harrington, Wetzel F Luzerne Irish, Eber Caldwell Ingraham, Tarquin Horicon Jenks, Eben N Chester Johnson, Erwin Horicon Johnson. Hollis Horicon 36 Jones, John Johnsburgh Johnson, Franklin Queensbury Johnson, Destaing Queensbury Jordon^ John Queensbury Jones, Anson Queensbury King, Norman H Chester King, John E Chester King, Daniel Horicon King, Norman Horicon Kibber, John Johnsburgh Kenwall, Richard Johnsburgh King, James A Stony Creek Kendall, James Queensbury Ketcham, Joseph Queensbury Knickerbocker, Selah . .Warrensburgh Keenan, Daniel Warrensburgh Knickerbocker, Seymour, 2nd Warrensburgh Keyas, John Warrensburgh Kemp, Lysander Warrensburgh Lazaway, William H Bolton Latham, Willard Warrensburgh Loop, Lydney B Caldwell Laverty, Lewis Hague Lamb, James Horicon Lincoln, Edgar E.. Johnsburgh Lincoln, Charles A Johnsburgh Lapraira, Napoleon Johnsburgh Lackey, Andrew Johnsburgh Lillibridge, James H Thurman Lapoint, Cass, Jr Queensbury Lapoint, Francis Queensbury Lapoint, Charles Queensbury Luther, Joseph Queensbury Lanew, Joseph Queensbury Leary, Dennis Queensbury Lapoint, Cass Queensbury Ladoo, Levi Queensbury LaRose, Lewis Queensbury 37 Little, Stephen B Queensbury Lewis, Henry Queensbury LaRose, Joseph Queensbury Loyal, George Queensbury Light, John Queensbury Latham, Joseph Warrensburgh Langdon, John Warrensburgh Lyon, Jeremiah Warrensburgh Lee, Byron E Queensbury Loop, Haviland G Luzerne Mead, William Caldwell Mead, Charles Caldwell Mead, Israel Caldwell Mead, George W Caldwell May, Horace P Chester Mead. Reuben W Chester Mead, Elias Chester McAuley, Russel Horicon McCormic. James Johnsburgh Monroe, Benjamin F. W Johnsburgh Murray, George Stony Creek McDonald, Sylvester Stony Creek Monroe, James Thurman McCarthy, James Thurman Myers, Andrew Thurman Mosher, George Thurman Mallory, William Queensbury Murray, Daniel Queensbury Morrisson, Joseph Queensbury Mickel, Arad B Queensbury McLaughlin. Thomas Queensbury Morriss, John Queensbury Mehan, John Queensbury Murphy, Patrick Queensbury Murray Lewis Queensbury Madden, Sylvester Queensbury Meldron, James Queensbury Millen, Hiram Queensbury Mehan, Michael Queensbury 38 McGinnis, John Queensbury Morgan, Charles W Queensbury Moss, Daniel R Queensbury Miller, Jacob F Queensbury McLeod, Thomas Queensbury Mosher, Charles Queensbury Mack, Patrick J Queensbury McDonald, William Queensbury Mosher, Charles H Warrensburgh Morehouse, William Warrensburgh Maxum, Samuel Warrensburgh Morse, William Luzerne Norton, Edwin Bolton Newton, William Hague Niel, William Horicon Norton, Joseph L Johnsburgh Nolton, J. C Stony Creek Nolton, Benj. F Stony Creek Needham, Thomas Thurman Norriss, Josiah H Queensbury Norton, Daniel Queensbury Nicholson, Henry S Queensbury Newton, Daniel Queensbury Nelson, Henry Warrensburgh Osborn, Charles Chester Odell, J. W Stony Creek Peer, Charles Caldwell Perry, Benj. P Caldwell Pettis, Eli Chester Prestly, Davherni Chester Perry, David G Chester Parker, Wm. Henry H Chester Putnam, Adam Hague Pitchard, Walter, Jr , Horicon Parks, Ezekiel Horicon Putnam, Henry R Johnsburgh Potter, Franklin Johnsburgh 39 Pasco, Walter Johnsburgh Pasco, Seymour C Johnsburgh Pasco, Leonard Johnsburgh Perkins, Wm. R Stony Creek Perkins, Henry S Thurman Pasco, Truman H Thurman Parkis, Wm. H Thurman Pelot, Alexander Queensbury Pixley, William Queensbury Pierson, Edwin Queensbury Potter, Wm. H Queensbury Potter, George A Queensbury Philo, Isaac, Jr Queensbury Potter, Mandeville Queensbury Putnam, Thomas Queensbury Pierce, Dewitt C Queensbury Parker, Scribner Warrensburgh Purvee, Alfred L Warrensburgh Pelot, Lewis Warrensburgh Peabody, Dudley Luzerne Porteus, James G Luzerne Randall, Selah Bolton Randall, Rufus, Jr Bolton Rattigan, Michael Chester Roberts, David Hague Robbins, Solomen Hague Robbins, Benajar Horicon Remington, Orange Horicon Russell, Martin Horicon Ross, Rodney Johnsburgh Rist, Delius Johnsburgh Rogers, Harmon W Johnsburgh Russell, Marquis Johnsburgh Rist, John C Johnsburgh Raymond, Thomas J Johnsburgh Randall, Silas Luzerne Reed, Joseph Stony Creek Ransom, Charles L Queensbury Royal, John Queensbury 40 Riley. John Oueensbuiy Ring. Daniel Queensbury Reynolds, Michael Queensbury Ro'bbilard, John C Queensbury Reinville. Theophilie Queensbury Riggs. Edward Queensbury Richardson. W'm. A Queensbury Root, Charles E Queensbury Reed, James W'arrensburgh Richards, Samuel T Warrensburgh Ramsey, Robert. 2nd Luzerne Shed. H. O Bolton Saxton, James E Bolton Saxton. Charles C Bolton Smyth. Sylvanus Bolton Stebbins. Julius Caldwell Smith. Stephen H Caldwell Stanton, Ransom H Caldwell Stannard. William H Chester Smith, John H., Jr Chester Southwick, Albert A Chester Shaw. John C Chester Sexton, E. ]^I Horicon Smith. Richard P Horicon Smith. Charles Horicon Sherman, George Horicon Sherman. Samuel Horicon Smith, Jones Horicon Smith, Samuel Horicon Smith, Abel Horicon Smith, Sylvanus Horicon Stover, \Vm. H Johnsburgh Schermerhorn, Edward L Johnsburgh Sanders, George Johnsburgh Sargent. Elias H Johnsburgh Shaw. Henr>' Luzerne Smead, Wilson Luzerne Stevens, Elihue Stony Creek: Stevens, Wm. C Stony Creek I 41 Streeter, Joel Oueensbury Stoddard, Addison Oueensbury Sherman, Augustus Queensbury Sherman, Martin Queensbury Shaw, Frederick W Queensbury Supernaut, Gaunannis Queensbury Shipley. John Queensbury Simpson, Alonson Queensbury Swears, Jonathan H Queensbury Smith, Benjamin F Queensbury Sherman. Reuben Queensbury Smith, John Queensbury Swan, Henry Queensbury Shifters. W'm. H Queensbury Scovill, Anson A Queensbury Smith, Seneca B Queensbury Sullivan, William Queensbury Stevenson, Wm. H Queensbury Smith, George R Queensbury Smith, Chanceller G Queensbury Sheldon, Davis G Queensbury Stover, George Queensbury Stone. Dwight Warrensburgh Stone. Walter Warrensburgh Stone. Frederick Warrensburgh Stone. Dennis Warrensburgh Sutton, Thomas W Warrensburgh Smith. Judson U'arrensburgh Spaulding, Nathan Luzerne Tripp. Lorenzo Bolton Thomas. Truman X Bolton Thayer, George R Caldwell Thayer. Jeremiah Caldwell Thayer. Wm. W Caldwell Taylor, Alvah B Chester Tyrell, Alonzo Horicon Tyrell, George Horicon Tripp, Mallory Horicon Turner. Richard H Johnsburgh 42 Trumbull, Alexander, Jr Johnsburgh Taylor, Wm. S Luzerne Tripp, Thomas H Stony Creek Tucker, Edward Thurman Tucker, James R Thurman Thayer, Wm. W Queensbury Thayer, George Queensbury Tanner, Wm Queensbury Taylor, Thomas Queensbury Threehouse, Paul Queensbury Thomas, Highlan Warrensburgh Twiss, Cyrus Warrensburgh Tyrell, Oscar Chester Tyrell, Daniel R Chester Underwood, Charles Chester Underwood, Allen S Queensbury Vanderburgh, George Johnsburgh Vanderburgh, Garritt Johnsburgh Van Vraken, Henry Queensbury Vaughn, Job Queensbury Van Tassel, Samuel Queensbury Vaughn, Derelance Queensbury Vaughn, Orville Queensbury Van Dusen, George Caldwell Walker, Leonard Bolton Williams, John H Caldwell West, William D. Caldwell Wilkie, Weston J Caldwell Wickham, Warren S Chester Whitehead, John , Chester Wallis, Norman Chester Wallis, Daniel Chester Wallace, William Hague Wood, Henry Horicon Waldron, Josiah Horicon Waters, Howard S Horicon Waters, Richard S Horicon Washburn, Wm. H Johnsburgh 43 Williams, George Johnsburgh Waldron, Jacob Johnsburgh Whipple, George Johnsburgh Walsh, Roswell Stony Creek Wood, Gilbert Thurman Wilcox, William Thurman Wing, Edgar M Queensbury Wells, George Queensbury Wright, Charles E Queensbury Whipple, Holdridge Queensbury Wing, Henry G Queensbury Wescott, George Queensbury Wilson, Albert Queensbury White, Abram Queensbury Warren, George Queensbury White, George Queensbury Whitney, Edward Queensbury White, John Queensbury Walkup, James M Queensbury Wilson, William Queensbury Wetherbee, James Queensbury Wetmore, Phileman Warrensburgh Wright, Charles Warrensburgh White, Joel F Warrensburgh Woodward, David M Warrensburgh Weaver, Franklin Warrensburgh Weaver, Benjamin S Warrensburgh Wood, Harlin Warrensburgh Wall, John Thurman Williams, Josiah Luzerne Wilcox, Job A., Jr Luzerne Yandell, Crawford Queensbury The foregoing is a true list of the names of the vol- unteers who have enlisted since the 2nd day of July, as reported by the several towns and allowed by the Committees. Thos. S. Gray, Chairman, 16th Senatorial Dist. 44 Distinguished Service. The following have been selected from the foregoing list as worthy of special mention owing to the distin- guished service they rendered their country: Charles O. Gray, aged twenty-three years, enrolled at Plattsburgh, N. Y., November, 1861, to serve three years. Mustered into service as Lieutenant-Colonel of the 96th New York State Volunteers March 5, 1862; commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel March 26, 1862, with rank from March 5, 1862; original Colonel October 13, 1862, with rank from September 25, 1862, vice James Fairman, resigned. Killed in action at the Battle of Kingston, North Carolina, December 14, 1862. From the official report of Major-General John G. Foster: " Colonel Gray fell at the head of his regiment while bravely and splendidly leading it to a successful charge." Charles H. Burhans, aged twenty-five years, enrolled at Plattsburgh, N. Y., December 11, 1861, to serve three years. Mustered in as Captain of Company I, 96th Regiment, New York State Volunteers, December 11, 1861. Commissioned Captain March 27, 1862, with rank from December 11, 1861 ; original Major October 13, 1862, with rank from May 7, 1862, vice J. E. Kelly, killed in action. Recruited Company I, 96th New York State Volunteers, at his own personal expense. Headquarters 96TH N. Y. Vols., Near Suffolk, Va., September 25, 1862. Captain Charles H. Burhans, Captain : In pursuance of that policy which is required by my sense of justice, as well as the interest of the service, I hereby formally tender you my testimony of your gallantry and fidelity as a soldier, and would particularly mention your conduct in the face of the enemy at the Battle of Fair Oaks as worthy of the highest commendation. James Fairman. Colonel 96th N. V. Vols. 45 Myron Nelson Dickinson, enrolled August i, 1862. Mustered in as private Company G, ii8th Infantry, New York State Volunteers, August 20, 1862; commissioned Second Lieutenant September 10, 1862, with rank from August 20, 1862; commissioned First Lieutenant Janu- ary 12, 1863, with rank from November 20, 1862. Wounded and captured in action October 2^, 1864, at Fair Oaks, Virginia; paroled, no date. Discharged for wounds. May 3, 1865. March 16, 1866, Brevet Captain. Samuel T. Richards, enrolled at New York city August 21, 1862, to serve three years. Commissioned Colonel of the ii8th Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, September 2, 1862, with rank from August 21, 1862. Discharged for disability July 8, 1863. I I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS