F158 ,N8N8 W;# /^\ -.^j^ff/ ^'%^ '-^S^Y^' o/\ ■¥^- .V o > :^ .0 xO-ni '0^ '^.^^ -A": %/ -"^fe- "-^ '•^. -0^ ^^ A ^ <. ,^^- * o , o ' ^vi ^xk( of title A TRACT OF LAND, SIXLATK IK NOETII PENN TOWNSHIP, In the County of Philadelphia, (•(l^T.\l^l^G auolt SEVENTY-FIVE AC1IE8 AND THIKTY-EIOHT PERCHES. IJKI.OMil.NO TO NOKTH PENN VILLAGE ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA: FROM BRYSON'S PRINTING ROOMS. 1862. x'nf of Sitk. I5CiUL — Swan Swanson to John Hood, in fee for two hundred acres of land in the Northern Liberties. Recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book E. 2, Vol. 5, pao-e 834, &c. ICOt). .rnly e; 170S. JiCCrt. — John Hood to his son Thomas Hood, in o,'t!"i. fee for the said two hundred acres of land. Recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book H. Vol. 7, page 109, &c. iti'iU of Thomas Hood, whereby he did give and octt devise unto liis daughter, Sarah Morgan, and the heirs of her body {i7iter alia), five acres of land, to be laid out contiguous to and on the south-easterly side of the fence at the further or upper end of his large meadow, and along the line of Mifflin's land there, together with two acres of said meadow next adjoining to the said five acres. And he did thereby give and devise unto his son, Thomas Hood, and the heirs of his body, all the rest, residue, and remainder of his said plantation, with all the new and other buildings thereon, with the appurtenances not thereinbefore devised. Proved June the 8th, 1757, and Recorded at Philadelphia in Will Book K. page 534, &c. Common recovery suffered by Thomas Hood, to pj,; Term, bar the entail of the premises devised to him by the said will, in the Com't of Common Pleas for the County of Philadelphia. .Tuners: ^C^tl-^oU. — Samucl Morris, Esquire, Sheriff, to John Liikens, in fee for a tract of land containing 109 acres, ]oart of the plantation above men- tioned. Acknowledged in open Court of Common Pleas, December 8, 1759, and entered among the records thereof, and also recorded in Deed Book H. Vol. 17, page 448, &c. 1759. June IC. i7i;2. '•lav 17. 17^:!. MiiVJO. JjfCd. — John Lukens and Jane his wife, to Thomas Hood and Rebecca his wife, their heirs and assigns forever, for said tract of land, containing 109 acres. Recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book II. Vol. 17, page 446, &c. 'Btti\, — Thomas Hood and Rebecca his wife, to Michael Clingman, in fee for a tract of land situate on the southerly side of a road leading from the AVissahiccon Road, in a north-easterly direction, containing seven acres, part of said 1 09 acres. Recited in the following; deed. y\J^^). J|C(U. — Michael Clingman, by the name of John Michael Clingman, and Elizabeth his wife, to Peter Turner, in fee for (mter alia) said tract of land, con- taining seven acres. Recorded at Pliiladelphia, in Deed Book T. No. 1 5. page 858. licrd-pl^Oll. — WiUiam Will, Esquire, .Sheriff, to Frederick Dauber, in fee for the said tract of land, containing 7 acres sold as the property of Peter 'I'urner, deceased. Acknowledged in open Court of Common Pleas, June 5, 1788. and entered among the records thereof ^Ui\. — Thomas Hood and liebecca his wife, to ^[^;" Frederick Tauber, in fee for a lot' or piece of land, situate on the northerly side of .said road, leading from theWissahicconlload, containing 5 acres, part of said 109 acres. Recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book A. AV. M. No. 88, page 154, &c. -^iUil of Frederick Dover, whereby he did give and irss. ti" bequeath to his only son, Frederick Dover, all his real estate, to Avit: House, out-buildings, and land, said real estate to be appraised by men six weeks after his death, and then to be divided, according to that appraisement, into five equal parts, and Fred- erick Dover to pay each of his (the testator's) daughters their shares, &c. Proved September 6, 1788, and recorded in tlie Registes's Oihce at Philadelphia. Aug. 17 ^le(Jtl-^* 12 "'t D©©d. — AVilliam Woodward and Lydia his wife, to William Standloy. in fee for said piece of land last mentioned. Recorded at l^liiladelphiu. in J)e('d Book No. 22. pa2:e 402. etc. .^an* n The said William Standley became thus seized in fee of and in a ti-act of land situate on both sides of said road, leading from the Wissahiccon Road, con- taining about seventy-five acres and thirty-eight perches. 780T ^t^iU of William Standley whereby he did give and devise the residue of his estate, including the said tract of land, containing about seventy-five acres and thirty-eight perches, unto his daughter, Sarah Twells, in fee. Proved August 15th, 1807, and filed in the Regis- ter's Office at Philadelphia. i^i^. Bd@d, — Edward Lowber, administrator, &c. of .ifuin nn. ^Q^Yah Twells, deceased, to Standley Twells, in fee for the said last-mentioned tract of land, sold by virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, made May 15th, 1829. Confirmed June 19th, 1829. Recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book G. W. R. No. 32, page 397, &c. ^ttd. — Standley TweUs and Elizabeth his -svife, to Joseph Swift, in fee for the same premises, sub. ject to a mortgage, for $5,000. Recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book A. M. No. 57, page 500, etc. 13 Jecrt. — Joseph Swift and Eliza M. his wife, to .T„lf.^2n. Rebecca H. Wining, in fee for the same premises, in trust as therein mentioned, witli a proviso that it should be lawful for the said trustee, her heirs and assigns, at any time or times when thereunto re- ( [nested by said Eliza M. Swift, to bargain, sell, and absolutely dispose of said premises, and to sign, seal, (execute, acknowledge, and deliver all such deed or deeds of conveyance as might be necessary to vest the same in the purchaser or purchasers thereof, &c. Subject to said mortgage for $5,()0(), and also to a mortgage for §15,000. Recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book A. M. No. 64. page 571. etc. ^tXll. — Rebecca H. \^^illing, trustee, at the re- rJtf;'4 quest of Eliza M. Swift, to Charles W. Smith, Jacob R. Smith, and James Brown Smith, in fee as tenants in common for the same premises. Subject to the said two mortgages, for §5,000 and §15,000 respec- tively. Recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book R. L. L. No. 26, page "213, &c. ^i*iU of James Browne Smith, wherein and where- by he directed his executors to divide the remainder of his estate, including his one undivided third part of the premises above mentioned, into six equal parts, one of which sixth parts he did give and be- queath unto his brother Charles W. Smith, one other sixth part thereof unto his brother Jacob Ridgway Smith, one other sixth part thereof unto his brother Joseph Pancoast Smith, one other sixth part thereof unto his brother John Pancoast Smith, one other sixth part thereof unto his niece Emily Sophia Smith, and the other sixth part he directed to be divided into four equal parts, one part of which he did give and bequeath unto his sister Sally F. Smith, one part thereof unto his sister Rebecca D. Smith, one part thereof unto his sister Hetty F.AVistar, wife 1812. Dec. 27. !=■•<■: CK-t. 'J3. 14 of Dr. Wistar, and the remaining one part thereof unto his niece Margaret W. White. Proved Xovember 18th, 1843, and filed in the Register's Office at Philadelphia. Will of John Pancoast Smith, wherein and where- by he did give and devise the remainder of his pro- pert}', real and ]jersonal. inchiding his interest in tin- said premises, unto liis brother Joseph Pancoast Smith. Proved September Gth, 1844, and filed in the Registers Office at Philadelphia. j^)rt' JtCtl. — Jose])h Pancoast Smith and Mary E. his wife, Emily Sophia Smith, Sally F. Smith, Rebecca D. Smith, Mifflin Wistar and Hetty F. his wife, and George FI. White and Margaret his wife, to Charles W. Smith and Jacob R, Smith, in fee in equal moieties as tenants in common, for all tlieir estate in said premises, subject to the payment of the bal- ance remaining due of said two mortgages, which had then been reduced to the aggregate sum of ^12,950. Recorded at Philadelphia, in 1)(mh1 Book A. A^'. M. No. 31, page 8, &c. 5»i7. Will of Charles W. Smith, whereof he appointed his brothers Jacob R. Smith and Joseph P. Smith, and his friend Samuel W. Jones, the executors, and he did thereby fully authorize and empower his said executors, and the sur\i\ ors and survivor of them, to sell and dispose of the whole or any part of his real estate, and to grant and convey the same to the pur- chaser or purchasers in fee simple, without any liability on the part of any purchaser in regard to the application or misap Aication of the purchase- money, or any part thereof, after payment of the same to said executors. Proved September 22d, 1847, and filed in the Register's Office at Philadelphia. 15 The said Samuel W. Jones, by \\Tit.ing filed in the Recorder's Office at Philadelphia, renounced the executorship of the said will J)C^d, — Jucol) li. Smith and the said Jacob li. sJp\%. Smith and Joseph P. Smith, executors of the last will and testament of Charles W. Smith, deceased, to Robert Smith, in fee foi- the said tract of land and premises above described, containing seventy-five acres and thirty-eight perclies more or less, subject to the balance remaining duo of said two mortgage debts above mentioned, amoutir-:^ to the sum of $12,000. Recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book A. W. M. No. 83, page 96. Uced.— Robert Smith to Edward S. Jones, in fee ,^"^i for said tract of seventy-f].\c acres and thirty-eight perches more or less, subject to the balance remain- ing due of said two mortgages above mentioned, amounting to $12,000. Recorded at Philadelphia, in Deed Book G. W. C. No. 30, page 530, etc. ^JfieU-^on — or declaration of trust, by the said mo. Edward S. Jones and Martha M. his wife, testifying '^' ** and declaring that he, the said Edward S. Jones, his heirs and assigns, holds the said last-mentioned premises, subject to the payment of said mortgage debts and interest, in trust for the only proper use and behoof of the association of persons called or known as the "North Penn Village,"' for the express purpose of conveying, and by deed or deeds, convey- ance or conveyances good in the law, to sign, seal, execute, and acknowledge, and dehver to each and every, or any person or persons as now are, or who may hereafter become members of said association, such lot or lots of groimd (being part or parts of said large tract or piece of land above described) agreea- bly to a certain plan recently made thereof by Edward L. Spain, Surveyor, as they may become the 16 purchaser or purchasers thereof, liis, her, or their heirs and assigns forever, upon the payment of the purchase-money, or securing the same to be paid by bonds and mortgages of their respective lots or pieces of ground, so as aforesaid conveyed to him, her, or them, freed and discharged from any trust or Hmita- tion whatever, and without any habiUty whatever on the part of the purchaser or purchasers thereof to see to the proper appHcation of the purchase-money, or being answerable for the non-application or mis-ap- plication thereof, and to and for no other use, intent or pui'pose whatever. Recorded April 4th, 1850, in Deed Rook G. W. C. No, 46, page 92, etc. Note. — The following mortgages have been satis- fied of record: — One, Standley Twells to Elizabeth Baker and others, on the 18th of April, 1850, for , . 5,000 OO' Another, Joseph Smft to Standley Twells, by Robert Smith, as- signee, on the 13th Dec. 1850, for 15,000 00 And another, Edward S, Jones to Robert Smith, April 3d, 1 85 1 , for 1 1 ,250 00 I have examined and considered the foregoing Brief of Title to the tract of land mentioned therein, containing seventy-five acres and thirty-eight perches, and am clearly of the opinion that a good title there- to is deduced to " North Penn Village Association.'' CHARLES A. PIJLTE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law\ No. 1 82 Race Street. 3477-251 Lot-3B ^ ^^•n^ f^'' K > Deacidifled using the Bookkeeper proces ■» o.*^ Neutralizing Agent: Magnesium Oxide •^ Treatment Date: PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGIES. L.P Drive PA 16066 WANVvJ » V"*^ -• ^^Ulllll^^ ° r^ n o U7 / X^ PRESERVATION IbCHNUI jS W ♦ ^V •>♦. . ^^6liB^2 « ^S ^\^ j^ A/ t^ 111 Thomson Park Drive ^4 d' ■^ ■»^«KByr» o?^ ci» • /w V»/ Cranberry Township. PA 161 . . * '\ <» *' 7V« * ,G ^ '' (724)779-2111 ■•J^ o V '•^> v^\^'-- \^ ■/-•S' \.>. <* V> .o^.l'^•. -^^ .0 ^"■^^. .'-^i//^^,* ^<^ :;;(^SC^'; ^,^ ;;^