.pas- PUBLICATION PUND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. FOR THE PUBLICATION OF ORIGINAL, AND THE REPRINT OF RARE AND VALUABLE WORKS ON STATE AND NATIONAL HISTORY. A payment of tiventy-five dollars obtains the right to receive, during life, a copy of each publication ; for Libraries, t%venty years. Subscriptions may be made to the Librarian, at the Llall of the Society, No. 830 Spruce Street, to the Secretary, or to the Collector. Trustees. JOHN JORDAN, Jr., AUBREY H. SMITH, FAIRMAN ROGERS. Present State of FUND, Interest only used ; 522,500. SUBSCRIBERS PUBLICATION FUND. CALIFORNIA. Lick, John H., San Jose Newell, Samuel Rowland, Joseph Galloway, San Fran- cisco CONNECTICUT. Loper, Richard F., Stonington DELAWARE. Bayard, Thomas F., Wilmington Comegys, Joseph P., Dover Cummins, Alexander G., Smyrna fGorgas, John, Wilmington Gray, Andrew C, New Castle Grimshaw, Arthur H., Wilmington tLatimer, John R., Wilmington tLittell, John S., Wilmington Library, Wilmington Institute, Wil- mington Library, Delaware College, Newark fRobinson, Hanson, New Castle Co. fShipley, Joseph, Rockwood, New Castle Co. ILLINOIS. tBushncll, N., Ouincy , Ellis, Thomas H., Chicago +Cox, John C, Ouincy fHollowbush, Jacob R., Ouincy INDIANA. Hough, Daniel, Indianapolis IOWA. Rorcr, David, Burlington KANSAS. fLarimer, William, Jr., Leavenworth MAINE. Brown, John Marshall, Portland MARYLAND. Abbett, Henry M., Baltimore Logan, J. Dickinson, Baltimore Garrett, T. Harrison, Baltimore Mathias, John T., Baltimore Jacobsen, John J., Baltimore fSmith, William Prescott, Baltimore Library, Peabody Institute, Baltimore MASSACHUSETTS. Amory, Thomas C, Boston Library of State, Boston Browne, Edward I., Boston Perkins, John L., Roxbury Cooper, William Wager, Cambridge Pickering, Henry W., Roxbury Eddy, Richard, Gloucester fWhiting, William, Boston tEverett, Edward, Boston Winthrop, Robert C, Boston fLivermore, George, Boston MICHIGAN. fLloyd, Franklin, Bay City MINNESOTA. Garrard, Lewis H., Westervelt MISSISSIPPI. Duncan, Henry P., Duncansby MISSOURI. Wilson, John H., St. Louis NEW JERSEY. Cooper, Joseph B., Camden Croft, Samuel, Camden Davis, Lemuel H., Riverton Grubb, Edward Burd, Edgewater Hunt, Mordecai, Moorestown Library, Cliosophic Society, Princeton Morris, Anthony S., Pemberton fParrish, George D., Burlington Co. Parker, John B., Mount Holly Parry, Richard Randolph, Woodbury Potts, William John, Camden Scranton, Selden T., Oxford, War- ren Co. fSlack, J. Hamilton, Bloomsbury fVan Rensselaer, Cortlandt, Burling- ton Warrington, Joseph, Moorestown Whitehead, William A., Newark Whitney, Thomas H., Glassboro' NEW YORK. fArcher, Ellis S., City fBarton, Thomas Pennant, City fBradish, Luther, City Bushnell, Charles J., City fChambers, Thomas, City fCogswell, Joseph G., City De V'oe, Thomas F., City Drowne, Henry T., City Duncan, William Butler, City Hayes, J. J., City Johnson, Theodore T., City Lenox, James, City fLudewig, Herman E., City tMcAllister, W^ardale G., City Menzies, William, City Montgomery, Thomas H., City Moreau, John B., City Packer, E. A., City fPutnam, George P., City fReed, William B., City Sabin, Joseph, City tWard, Richard Ray, City Welsh, John, Jr., City Wight, Andrew, Jr., City DePeyster, J. Watts, Tivoli, Duchess Co. Diven, Alexander S., Elmira Helfenstein, William L., Mott Havei Munsell, Joel, Albany Read, John M., Jr., Albany Sanford, E. S., Brooklyn, L. L fWetmore, Henry C, F"ishkill NORTH CAROLINA. Salem Female Academy, Salem, renewed OHIO. Buchanan, R., Cincinnati fClements, Richard, Gambia Jones, John D., Cincinnati Library of Cincinnati, the, Cincinnati fResor, Jacob, Cincinnati OREGON. Arnold, Frederick K., Portland Davis, Thomas A., Portland Library Association, Portland Schuyler, P. C, Jr., Portland PENNSYLVANIA. Allegheny County. fBrereton, Thomas J., Pittsburg Brunot, Felix R., Pittsburg Darlington, W^illiam M., Pittsburg tDenny, William H., Pittsburg Haven, William S., Pittsburg Irwin, John, Pittsburg fKramer, Allen, Pittsburg fMc Henry, Isaac, Pittsburg Murray, James B., Pittsburg Schwartz, Jacob E., Pittsburg Shea, C. B., Pittsburg Tibby, John, Pittsburg Thaw, William, Pittsburg 4 Beaver County. Agnew, Daniel, Beaver Court House Q"^y. Matthew S., Beaver Court fBaker, R. L., Economy House Berks County. Baer, George F., Reading fKeim, George M., Reading Ermentrout, Daniel, Reading Keim, Henry M., Reading Hagenman, Jeremiah, Reading Muhlenberg, Hiester H., Reading Hiester, Williain M., Reading Smith, Frederick L., Reading tjones, J. Pringle, Reading Woodward, Warren J., Reading Keim, De B. Randolph, Reading Bucks County. fCoryell, Lewis S., New Hope Snowden, James Ross, Hulmeville Davis, W. W. H., Doylestown Watson, Richard, Doylestown Ely, Richard Elias, New Hope Wiggins, Benjamin, Pineville Kirk, Harriet E., Davisville Carbon County. Albright, Charles, Mauch Chunk Chester County. Cope, Gilbert, West Chester fMeconkey, David, West Chester Futhey, J. Smith, West Chester Miller, John, Oxford Library, Athenaeum, West Chester Passmore, Benjamin W., Westtown fMcCall, George A., West Chester Boarding School McFarland, David M., West Chester Steele, Hugh E., Coatesville Clearfield County. Bigler, William, Clearfield. Clinton County. Mayer, C. A., Lock Haven. Columbia County. John G. Freeze, Bloomsburg. Crawford County. Huidekoper, Alfred, Meadville Tyson, James, Titusville Huidekoper, Frederick, Meadville Cumberland County. fHamilton, James, Carlisle Ross, Andrew, New Cumberland Murray, Joseph A., Carlisle. Dauphin County. Dauphin County Historical Society, Library of State, Harrisburg Harrisburg Linn, John B., Harrisburg Lamberton, Robert A., Harrisburg Dela\A^are County. Askin, J. Henry, Radnor Library, Delaware County Institute Broomall, John M., Chester of Science, Media Crozer, J. Lewis, Upland Library of Swarthmore College fCrozer, John P., Upland Pennock, Mrs. Caroline, Howellsville fFallon, Christopher, Shaffer, Charles, Concordville Felton, S. M., Chester Whitney, John R., Glen Brook Farm, tKelly, Charles, Kellyville Bryn Mawr Ward, William, Chester Franklin County. Chambers, Benjamin, Chambersburg fChambers, George, Chambersburg Lancaster County. Baumgardner, Thos., Lancaster City tjacobs, Samuel F., Churchtown Haldeman, Paris, Chickies Furnaces Steinman, Andrew J., Lancaster Citv Lebanon County. Coleman, G. Dawson, Lebanon McCauley, Edwin H., Lebanon Hammond, D. S., Lebanon Mish, John Weidman, Lebanon Killinger, John W., Lebanon Weidman, Grant, Lebanon Lehigh County. Jones, D. D., Slatington McDowell, Robert, Slatington fLongnecker, Henry C, Allentown Thomas, David, Catasauqua Luzerne County. Boies, Henry M., Scranton Pardee, Ario, Hazleton fConyngham, John N., Wilkes-Barre Parrish, Charles, Wilkes-Barre Coxe, Eckly B., Drifton, Jeddo P. O. fRoss, William S., Wilkes-Barre Darling, E. P., Wilkes-Barre Scott, E. Greenough, Wilkes-Barre Dickson, Thomas, Scranton fSlocum, J. J., Wilkes-Barre fDrake, Charles B., Wilkes-Barre Swoyer, J. H., Wilkes-Barre fMaxwell, Volney L., Wilkes-Barre Welles, Edward, Wilkes-Barre fMiner, Charles, Wilkes-Barre McKean County. Kane, Thomas L., Kane Mifflin County. Bucher, John C, Lewistown Monroe County. Croasdale, Miss Susan, Delaware Water Gap. Montgomery County. Buck, William J., Jenkintown Jones, J. Aubrey, Wynnewood Emory, John, Chelten Hills Lardner, Richard Penn, Graydon Fisher, Henry M., Alverthorpe Mellor, Thomas, Chelten Hills fFisher, J. Francis, Alverdiorpe. Tyson, James L., Penn Llyn Heacock, John, Jenkintown Union Library Company, Hatboro Hunsicker, Henry A., Freeland fWitte, William H., White Marsh Kent, Rodolphus, Gwynedd fYost, J. S., Pottstown Montour County. Maus, Philip F., Danville Northampton County. Bleck, Ernest F., Bethlehem fMichler, Peter S., Easton Firmstone, William, Easton Moravian Seminary Library, Bethle- Henry, Granville, Nazareth hem, renewed Jones, Maurice C, Bethlehem Nazareth Hall Library, Nazareth, re- fLeibert, James, Bethlehem newed Library of Lafayette College, Easton Roepper, William T., Bethlehem tMaxwell, Henry D., Easton Northumberland County. Greenough, William J., Sunbury Rockefeller, William, Sunbury Packer, John B., Sunbury Wolverton, S. P., Sunbury fPriestly, Joseph R., Northumberland Potter County. tjoerg, Edward, Kettle Creek Schuylkill County. Atkins, Charles M., Pottsville Sheafer, Peter W., Pottsville Brown, David P., Pottsville Snyder, George W., Pottsville Hughes, Francis W., Pottsville Washburn, Daniel, Ashland Kaercher, George R., Pottsville Wetherill, J. Macomb, Pottsville Keim, George de B., Pottsville White, J. Claude, Swatara Passmore, J. A. M., Pottsville Somerset County. Ross, Moses A., Addison Union County. Dill, Andrew H., Lewisburg Linn, J. Merrill, Lewisburg Warren County. Irvine, William A., Irvine fNewbold, Thomas A., Irvine Library Association, Warren Wayne County. fDickson, James R., Honesdale ffreston, Paul S., Stockport Preston, Miss Ann, Stockport York County. fWagner, Samuel, York Philadelphia. Adams, Robert Aertsen, James M., Germantown Allen, Samuel Allen, William H. Allibone, Thomas Alter, Solomon Altemus, S. T. Anspach, John, Jr. fArmstrong, Edward, Germantown Armstrong, William G. Arnold, Simon W. Arrott, William fAshbridge, William Ashhurst, Henry Ashhurst John Ashhurst, John, Jr. t Ashhurst, Richard Ashhurst, Richard, Jr. Ashhurst, Richard L. fAshmead, Samuel B. Ashton, Samuel K., Germantown Atlee, W^ashington L. Audenreid, J. Thomas fAudenreid, Lewis Austin, John B. fBache, Franklin fBackus, F. R. Bailey, E. Westcott Baird, Alexander Baird, Henry C. Baird, John Baird, Matthew Baird, William M. Baker, Joseph B. Balch, Thomas Bald, J. Dorsey fBalderston, Jonathan tBaldwin, Matthias W. Ball, George W. fBarton, Isaac Bates, Joseph William Bates, Jos. Wm., Jr. fBeck, Charles F. Bell, Miss Helen Benners, William J., Germantown fBenson, Alexander, Jr. Benson, Gustavus Besson, Charles A. Bettle, Samuel Bettle, William fBetton, Thomas F., Germantown Biddle, Alexander fBiddle, Charles J. Biddle, Clement Biddle, Craig Biddle, Edward C. Biddle Henry D. Biddle, James S. Biddle, Thomas A. fBlanchard, William A. Blight, Atherton Boardman, Henry A. Boker, Charles S. Boiler, Frederick J. fBond, James Bond, L. Montgomery Borie, Adolphe E. Borie, Charles L. Bourquin, Frederick Bowen, Ezra Boyd, W. Stokes fBrady, Patrick fBreck, Samuel Brewster, Benjamin Harris Brick, Samuel R. Bringhurst, John H. Brock, John P. Brockie, William, Germantown Brotherhead, William Brown, David S. fBrown, Frederick fBrown, John A. fBrown, Joseph D. fBrown, Washington f Browne, N. B. IBrowning, Edward fBuck, Francis N., Chestnut Hill Bullitt, John C. fBunting, Jacob T. f Burgin, George H. Burnham, George Burns, Robert Burroughs, Horatio N. Burt, Nathaniel Busch, Edward f Butler, John M. Cabeen, Francis von A. Cadwalader, John Cadwalader, Richard M. fCadwalader, William fCaldcleugh, William George Caldwell, James E. fCampbell, Archibald, Germantown jCannell, S. Wilmer, Beechwood Carey, Henry C. Carpenter, Edward Carpenter, J. Edward Carpenter, Joseph R. tCarpenter, Samuel H. jCarpenter, Samuel H., Jr. Carson, Joseph Carter, William T. Carver, Alexander B. Cassatt, Alexander J. Cassatt, Robert S. Cassidy, Lewis C. Castle, James H. Cavender, Thomas S. Chambers, Harmon A. Chandler, James B. Chew, Samuel, Cliveden, Germant'n Childs, George W. Christian, Samuel J. Claghorn, James L. fClaghorn, John W. Clark, Clarence H. Clark, Edward W. fClark, Elisha W. Clarke, Edward S. Clayton, John Coates, Benjamin Coates, Benjamin H. Cochran, Travis Cochran, William G. Coffin, Arthur G. fColes, Edward tColladay, George W. fCollins, T. K. fColwell, Stephen Comegys, B. B. Comly, Franklin A. Conarroe, George W. Conner, Philip S. P. Conrad, Thomas K. Cooke, Jay Cooke, Jay, Jr. Cooley, Aaron B. fCooper, Lewis fCope, Alfred, Fairfield Cope, Caleb Cope, Francis R. Cope, Thomas P., Jr. Corlies, S. Fisher Coxa, Brinton tCrabb, William A. Craig, Andrew C. Cramp, Charles H. Cramp, Henry W. fCraven, Thomas Cresson, Charles C. fCresson, John C. Cresson, William P. fCrissy, James fCroasdale, Jeremiah fCroasdill, Charles W. Cummins, D. B. Curtis, Joseph Cushman, Herbert fDa Costa, John C. Darley, Francis T. S. fDavids, Hugh fDawson, Josiah tDawson, Mordecai L. Dawson, William fDay, Alfred Derbyshire, Alexander J. Dick, Franklin A. Dickinson, Mahlon H. fDickson, Levi Dickson, L. Taylor Disston, Hamilton Dougherty, Daniel Dreer, Ferdinand J. Drexel, Anthony J. Duane, William tDulty, William fDundas, James Dungan, Charles B. tDunlap, Thomas Earl, Harrison Earle, James M. Early, William fEckert, George N. Edwards, Richard S. Eisenbrey, Edwin T. Eisenbrey, William Harrison Eldridge, G. Morgan Elkin, Solomon fEUiott, Isaac fEllis, Charles Ellmaker, Peter C. Elwyn, Alfred Langdon fEly, John Ely, Miss Louisa Ely, William . Emery, Titus S. Emley, Gilbert Emory, Charles fErrickson, Michael Evans, Horace Y. Evans, Joseph R. fEvans, J. Wistar, Germantown Fagan, George R. fFagan, John fFahnestock, B. A. tFahnestock, George W. Fallon, John Farmer, James S. fFarnum, John Fav, William A. tFell, Franklin Fell, J. Gillingham fFenimore, Jason L. Fernon, Thomas S. Field, Francis K. Fish, A. J. fFisher, Charles Henry, Brookvvood fFisher, Miss Elizabeth R., Wakefield, Germantown Fisher, George Harrison Fisher, J. B. Flanagan, James M. Flanagan, Stephen Fitler, Edwin H. fFoster, William B., Jr. fFoulke, W^illiam Parker Foust, Robert M. fFox, Charles P., Champ-lost Fox, Miss Mary D., Champ-lost Fox, Philip L. Fox, William Logan Fraley, Frederick Franciscus, A. H. Freas, P. R., Germantown Freeman, Chapman French, Samuel H. Fritz, Horace tFuller, Henry M. fFullerton, Alexander Furness, Horace Howard Gardette, Emile B. Garrett, Thomas C, Germantown Garrett, Walter Garrett, William E., Jr. fGaul, Frederick Gaw, Alexander G. fGerhard, Benjamin Gerhard, John S. Gibbons, Charles Gibson, Henry C. tGilbert, David Gilbert, John fGilpin, Henry D. Goforth, John fGordon, N. P. Gowen, Franklin B., Mount Airy Graff, Frederick Grant, Samuel, Jr. Grant, William S. tGratz, Robert H. Greble, Edwin fGreeves, James R. JGries, John M. Griffiths, William F., Jr. tGrigg, John Grout, Henry T. Grugan, Charles C. Gulager, William fHacker, Isaiah fHacker, Jeremiah fHacker, William E. fHaines, Ann, Germantown Hammersly, George Hammond, Charles, Jr. Hand, James C. fHarlan, Charles Harmar, James Lanman fHarmar, Charles, Harmar's Retreat Harris, Franklin M. Harrison, Alfred C. Harrison, George L. tHarrison, Joseph, Jr. Harrison, William Henry Hart, Abraham Hartshorne, Edward Harvey, Alexander E. fHaseltine, John Haseltine, Ward B. Haupt, Herman Hay, Miss Mary fHazard, Erskine fHazard, Samuel JHeazhtt, Charles F. Heberton, G. Craig Henry, Morton P. Henszey, William C. Hering, Constantine Hildeburn, Henry M. tHill, Marshall Hilles, Nathan, Frankford fHodge, Hugh L. Hoffman, Francis S. fHollingsworth, Thomas G. JHolsman, Daniel fHone, Isaac S. Hood, Samuel, Mount Airy Hoopes, Penrose R. Hopkins, Edward M. lO fHorstmann, Sigmund H. fHorstmann, William J. Houston, Henry H., Germantown Howard, James W. tHoward, N. G. Huddy, Benjamin F. Huff, John W. tHumphreys, Charles Hunt, Benjamin P. Huntington, L. C. L. Hutchinson, Charles Hare Hutchinson, Emlen Hutchinson, John N. Ingersoll, Charles flngersoll, Joseph R. Ingram, Harlan flngram, Thomas R. Iseminger, Charles F. Jackson, Charles M., Germantown Jacobs, William Boyd James, John O. tjames, Thomas C. Jamison, B. K. Janney, George Jayne, E. C. tjayne, David W. Jenkins, Jabez, Jr. Jenks, Barton H. Jenks, John S. Jenks, William H. Jenks, William P. Jennings, N. A. Johnson, John G. tjohnson, Lawrence Johnson, R. Winder tjohnston, Alexander Johnston, William Stoddart Jones, Caleb [ones, Horatio Gates, Roxborough "Jordan, Edgar F. Jordan, Francis Jordan, John, Jr. Justice, Philip S. Kane, Robert P. Kay, J. Alfred Keating, William V. Keith, Charles Penrose Kelley, William D. Kemble, William H. tKempton, James C, Manayunk Kent, William C. Kern, William H. Kessler, John, Jr. Keyser, Charles S. fKeyser, Peter A. tKimball, Stephen Kimbcr, Thomas, Jr. tKing, C. Murray King, D. Rodney fKing, Robert P. Kirkbride, Thomas S. fKirkham, William Kirkpatrick, Edwin Kirtley, Thomas H. Kneass, Strickland Kneedler, J. S. Knight, Edward C. Knowles, Daniel W. Knowles, George L. Koecker, Leonard R. tKuhn, Hartman JKuhn, J. Hamilton Lambdin, James R., Germantown Lambert, John Landreth, Oliver Laux, James B. Lea, Henry C. Lea, Isaac Lee, George F. Leedom, Benjamin J., Germantown Lehman, W. H. Lejee, William R. fLennig, Frederick JLevering, Lemuel S. fLevy, Lyon Joseph fLewis, Ellis Lewis, George T. Lewis, Henry Lewis, John T. fLewis, Mordecai D. fLindsay, John Lippincott, J. B. Littell, C. Willing, Germantown Locke, Zebulon Long, James Longstreth, William C. Lovering, Joseph S., Oak Hill fLowry, Robert O. Library, Athenaeum Library, Carpenters' Company Library Company, Philadelphia Library of the Grand Lodge of Masons of Pennsylvania Library, Presbyterian Historical Soc'y fLukens, Casper P. Lucas, John McAllister, John A. McArthur, John, Jr. McCall, Harry McCall, John C. 1 1 McCammon, David C. fMcCanles, John Mclntyre, Archibald fMcKibben, WilHam C. McKean, H. Pratt, Gennantown McMahon, George W. McMichael, Morton fMacalester, Charles fMaceuen, Malcolm Mackellar, Thomas M addock, Edward Magarge, Charles, Germantown Magee, James tMalone, Benjamin Manderson, Andrew Mann, William B. fMarkley, Edward C. Marsh, Benjamin V. tMarshall, Benjamin fMartin, George H. ' Martin, John Hill Mason, Samuel tMassey, Robert V. Maule, Edward Megargee, Sylvester J. fMeredith, William M. JMercer, Singleton A. fMerrick, Samuel V. Messchert, M. H. Michener, Israel Michener, John H. Mickley, Joseph J. tMiddleton, E. P. Middleton, Nathan fMiles, Edward Harris fMiller, Andrew Miller, E. Spencer Miller, J. Christian Milliken, James Miskey, William F. Mitchell, James T. Mitchell, John C. fMitchell, John K. tMitchell, Thomas S. Mitchell, William A. Monges, Gordon Moore, Bloomfield H. Morris, Casper Morris, Charles M. Morris, Israel fMorris, Jacob G. Morris, Wistar Muirheid, Charles H. fMyers, Joseph B, Neill, John Newbold, James S. Newbold, John S. fNewbold, William H. Newhall, Thomas A., Germantown fNewkirk, Matthew Newland, Edward Newton, Richard Nicholson, James B. Nicholson, Richard L. fNorris, George W. Norris, Isaac fNorris, Samuel JNotman, John Ogden, Charles S. Ogden, John M. Okie, J. Brognard fOrne, James H. Packer, Asa Palmer, Jonathan Parrish, Dillwyn Parrish, Samuel Parry, Charlas T. Paschall, Robert S. Patten, William Patterson, Robert Patterson, Robert Paul, Bettle Paul, James Paul, James W. Pawson, James fPaxton, Joseph R. Peace, Edward Peirce, William S. Pemberton, Israel Pennypacker, Samuel W. Pepper, George S. fPepper, Henry Pepper, Lawrence S. fPeters, Francis Phillips, Henry M. Phillips, Horace Phillips, Moro Phillips, Samuel R. tPlatt, William, Jr. fPleasants, Samuel fPlitt, George Porter, William A, Potts, Joseph D. Powell, Washington B. Powers, Thomas H. Price, Eli K. Price, J. Sergeant fPrice, Richard fPrimrose, William fPringle, James S. 12 Purves, William Ouccn, Frank fRandall, Josiah Randall, Robert E. fRandolph, Edward T. Randolph, Evan fRandolph, Nathaniel Rau, Edward H. Rawle, William Brooke Rawle, William Henry Reeves, Samuel J. P>.emington, Thomas P. fRepplier, George S. Repplier, John G. fRepplier, Joseph M. Rice, John Richardson, Richard Richardson, Thomas Ritchie, Craig D. fRitter, Jacob B. Robbins, John f Roberts, Algernon S. Roberts, Charles Roberts, George H. Roberts, Solomon W^. Roberts, William R. Robins, Thomas f Rogers, Alfred W. Rogers, Charles H. Rogers, Fairman fRowland, William Rupp, J. Daniel f Rutter, Robert L. f Ryerss, Joseph W. f Sargent, Winthrop Scattergood, George J. Scott, James P. Scott, Lewis A. Scott, Thomas A. Scull, David, Jr. Scull, Edward L. Seal, Joseph H. Sellers, David W. Sellers, John, Jr. Sellers, William Seltzer, J. H. Sergeant, J. Dickinson f Sergeant, Thomas f Sergeant, William Sexton, John W. Sharp, Joseph W. f Sharpless, Henry H. G. Sharpless, Samuel J. Sharswood, George Sheafer, William H. Shelton, F. R. Sheppard, Furman Sherman, Roger Shipley, Augustus B. fShippen, Franklin fShippen, William Shober, Samuel L. Simons, Henry Sinclair, Thomas Singerly, Joseph Smedley, Samuel L. Smith, Aubrey H. Smith, A. Lewis f Smith, Beaton Smith, Benjamin R. Smith, Charles E. Smith, Davis R. Smith, Elwood M. Smith, James C. Smith, Jesse E. Smith, John F. Smith, Joseph P. Smith, Lewis Wain Smith, Newberry A. Smith, Richard Smith, Richard S. Smith, Robert Smith, Robert P., Germantown Smith, Samuel Grant Solms, Sidney J. Sower, Charles G. Spademan, John B. Spangler, C. E. f Sparks, Thomas Sparks, Thomas W. Speel, Joseph A. Spencer, Charles, Germantown Spencer, Howard Spooner, Edwin f Sproat, Harris L. Steele, James L. fSteever, Henry D., Germantown fStevens, James E. P., Germantown Stille, Alfred Stille, Charles J. Stocker, Anthony E. Stokes, William A. Stone, Frederick D. Stone, James N. Stone, William E., Germantown Stuart, George H. Stoddart, Curwen Struthers, William f Sully, Thomas Swift, Joseph 13 Taggart, William H. Tasker, Stephen P. M. Tasker, Thomas T. Tasker, Thomas T., Jr. Taylor, Samuel L. Taylor, Stephen Thomas, George C. fThomas, John Dover fThomas, Joseph M. fThomas, Martin Thomas, William B. fThomson, George H., Germantown fThomson, J. Edgar Thompson, E. O. fTliompson, John J. fThompson, Oswald Thorn, George W. Tobias, Joseph F. fToland, Henry Townsend, Henry C. Traquair, James Trautwine, John C. Trotter, Charles W. Trotter, Joseph H. Trotter, Nevvbold H. Trotter, William Henry Trump, Daniel Tucker, John fTurnbull, William P. Turnpenny, Joseph C. Tyler, George F. Tyndale, Hector fiyson. Job R. Valentine, John K. Valentine, Robert fVan Syckel, James J. Vaux, George Vaux, Roberts Vaux, William S. Verree, John P. Von Utassy, A. W., Germantown Wagner, Charles M. Wagner, Mrs. Tobias Walker, Jerry Wallace, John William fWaln, S. Morris Ward, Townsend fWarder, Benjamin H. fWarner, Joseph Warner, Redwood F. Watkins, Samuel P., Jr. Watson, George N. Webster, David Webster, Thomas Weightman, William Welsh, John Welsh, Samuel Westergaard, Lars Westcott, Thompson Wetherill, Samuel fWharton, George M. Wharton, Joseph fWharton, Thomas J. Whitall, John M. White, C. Brooke White, William R. fWhiteman, William A. fWhitney, Asa Wilcocks, Alexander Willcox, Mark Williams, Edward H. Williams, Henry J., Chestnut Hill fWilliams, James W. fWilson, Oliver Howard fWilson, Thomas B. fWilson, William S. Winsor, Henry Wistar, Dillwyn fWistar, Mifflin fWistar, Richard Wister, Casper Womrath, F. K. Wood, George A. Wood, George B. Wood, James F. Wood, Richard Wood, Robert Wood, R. Francis Wood, Walter Woodward, H. C. Workman, Henry Weir fWorrell, James C. fWynkoop, Francis M. Yarnall, Charles fYarnall, Edward Yarnall, Ellis Yarnall, Francis C. Yarrow, Mrs. Matilda Ziegler, George K. RHODE ISLAND. Harris, C. Fiske, Providence. 14 VIRGINIA. tConway, Henry R., Stafford C. H. Foote, William Henry, Romney Daniel, Peter V., Richmond WASHINGTON, D. C. Bancroft, George Pickett, John T. Library of the Department of State Riggs, George W. McElhone, John J. Strong, William UNITED STATES ARMY. Crosman, George H. Gibson, George, Jr. (larrard, Kenner fGraham, James D. UNITED STATES NAVY. Foltz, Jonathan M. Lardner, James L. tGiUis, John P. CANADA. Cawthra, William, Toronto Redpath, Peter, for McGill College, Montreal CUBA. Guitcras, Eusebio, Matanzas Guiteras, Pedro J., Matanzas ENGLAND. Cope, James Biddle, Worcester Col- Schenley, Mary, Prince's Gate, Hyde lege, Oxford Park, London Hunter, John, Liverpool Scull, Gideon D., The Laurels, Houns- McHenry, George, London low Heath Man, William, London Stuart, William, Tempsford Hall, San- fPeabody, George, London dy, Bedfordshire fPenn, Granville John, Pennsylvania Timmins, Samuel, J5irmingham Castle, Isle of Portland FRANCE. Camac, J. Burgess, Dinard, Ille et Stewart, William H., Paris Vilaine Van der Kemp, John J., Paris GERMANY. Freytag, Godfrey Weber, Paul Plate, Theophilus, Jr. Wicht, William V., Nassau 15 HOLLAND. Alofsen, Solomon. ITALY. Wickersham, Morris S., Piacenza. The Fund has received the following BEQUESTS. Tames Hamilton, Carlisle, Pa., S500. Ann Willing Jackson, Phib., ^100. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 206 538 1