■*.-> J) >0} )ri>::>»:>^^ ^3i^ :» 3^r»> Oj aiBRARY OF CONGRESS. t^ # G ^|hs|.brii'.9|opgrigw|o _ I I ^^^a.4/ I I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. | || ■is'^ >:>2X> 3 !>:> iL> ^^5-i -^^^y^ ^-^^ Tir>:>3>r5> pj:M^ '>j:>y>yyi r>L^^»^ ACROSS THE CONTINENT. ^.^\ ^- DISTUBNBLL'S DISTANCE TABLES; OB, GIVING THE Great Lines of Travel Across the Continent. ALSO, CONTAINING A LIST OF ALL THE RAILROADS IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA, "WITH OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION RELATING TO STEAMSHIP LINES, TELEGRAPH LINES, ETC. C^f CO? y ^'3^ PHILADELPHIA: ::'-'-'^ PUBLISHED BY W. B. ZIEBER, io6 South Third Street, And for Sale by the AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, 121 Nassau Street, New York, and Booksellers and News Agents. 1871. TO THE PUBLIC. \^ This Work is prepared and presented to the Public, owing to the great im- portance of the Line of Railroads crossing the Continent from different points of our extended country. The completion of the Union Pacific Railroad and Central Pacific Railroad, in May, 18(39, forming a Through Line of Travel from Ocean to Ocean, wiis a bright event that will be forever remembered by the Ameri- can jmblic. Since that period, the Southern Pacific Railroad and Northern Pacific Railroad, have both been commenced, the one to terminate at the Pacific Ocean in Southern California, and the other to extend from the head of Lake Superior to Puget Sound, in Washington Territory — thus atiording an International communication from Ocean to Ocean, via the St. Lawrence Eiver. The Eastern Cities tliat are mostly interested at this time in these great Avorks, and from whence connecting Railroads diverge, are Baltimore, Washington, Phila- delphia, New York and Boston; while other cities in the Valley of tlie Mississippi and on the shores of the Great Lakes, will be alike benefitted. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Pennsylvania Central Railroad, Erie Railway of New York, the Boston and Albany, and New York Central Railroads, and the Grand Trunk P^ailway of Canada, and their connections, form the first great links in this Continental Line of Travel, extending from the Atlantic to Chica(40, St. Louis and Omaha, and from thence, crossing the Rocky Mountains, to the Pacific Ocean. The recent completion of the Kansas Pacific Railroad, extending Westward to Denver, Colorado, forms another great Through Route of Travel. From the principal Seaports on both Oceans, Lines of Steamers run to Europe on the East, and Asia on the West, thus encircling the World as with a band of iron — carrying civilization and commerce to every part of the inhabitable globe. These modes of communication, in connection with Ocean Lines of Teleg-raph, form the most important era in the World's history, and will, no doubt, tend to civilize and benefit the whole human family. TO THE MANAGERS OF RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Your favorable attention is respectfully called to the above Work -niiich contains much valuable information required by the Travelling Public, giving reliable DISTANCE TABLES on all the TRUNK RAILWAYS extending from the Atlantic to the Pacihc Ocean, and a Complete List of RAILROADS in the UNITED STATES and CANADA, Etc. The Work will appear early in March, 1871, and be Revised from time to time, as New Editions are called for. It contains about 150 pages, and will be neatly bound in muslin; Eetail Price, 50 Cents, from which a liberal deduction will be made when ordered in large quantities, either for sale or distribution. No better Advertising medium for Railroad Companies, Steamship Companies, and Land Agencies can be desii-ed,— -PWce per J*age, Twentij Dollars. Address, J. DISTUBNELL, • ' , :?^o. 1^ Soil til fSi^ctix street, (up staix'S,) ■y Entered, accordins to Act of Congress, in t7ie year 1S71, by yOHN DISTURNELL, in the OJ/ice of the Librarian of Congress, at WasJiington. COE^TENTS, PAGE. Trunk Railways 5-6 Distances from New York & Washiugton.... 7-8 Distances to Foreign Ports 9 Distances from Chicago & St. Louis 10 Distances Around the World 11 Table of Altitudes and Distances Across the Continent 12 Condensed Tables of Distances. Baltimore to St. Louis, S. Francisco, &c. 13 Baltimore to Chicago, Omaha, &c 14 Philadelphia to Chicago, S. Franc'o, &c. 34 Philadelphia to St. Louis, Denver, &c.. 14 N. York to Pittsburgh, S. Francisco, &c. 15 N. York to Chicago, S. Francisco, &c... 15 New York to Buffalo, St. Louis, &c 16 Boston to Chicago, San Francisco, &c. 17 Boston to Chicago, Puget Sound, &c... 17 Northern Pacific Railroad Route 18 Lake Superior to Puget Sound 18 Portland to Montreal, Chicago, &c 18 Washington to Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Portland, &c 19-20 Washington and Baltimore to St. Louis, &C.21-22 St. Louis to Kansas City, Denver, &c 23-24 Denver to Chej'enne, Wyoming Territory, 24 Baltimore to St. Louis, Kansas City, &c 25-26 Baltimore to Pittsburgh, St. Louis, &c 27 Philadelphia to Indianapolis, St. Louis, &c. 28 Philadelphia to Chicago, Omaha, &c 29-30 Philadelphia to Columbus, St. Louis, &C...31-32 New York to Pittsburgh, Chicago, Omaha, &c. — Allentown Line, 33-34 Philadelphia to Erie, Duluth & St. Paul, via Lakes Huron and Superior 35-36 New York to Buffiilo, Niagara Falls, &C...37-38 New York to Toledo, Quincy, St. Louis, &C..39-40 New York to Williamsport and Erie, Pa... 41 New York to Detroit, Chicago, &c 42-43 PAGE. New York to Indianapolis and St. Louis... 44 St. Louis to Spriugfield, State Line and Fort Scott, Kan 45 St. Louis to Kansas City, Ottumwa and Omaha 46-47 Boston to Detroit, Milwaukee, &c 48-49 Boston to Detroit, Chicago and Omaha 50-51 Omaha to Cheyenne, Utah, S. Francisco, &C.52-53 Central Pacific Railroad 54 Boston to Butfalo, Toledo, Chicago, Omaha and San Francisco 55-56 Buffalo to Toledo and Cliicago 57 Cleveland to Columbus, Cincinnati, Indian- apolis and St. Louis 58-59 Toledo to Quincy, St. Louis and Keokuk... 60 Hannibal and Quincy to St. Joseph and Kansas City 61 Chicago to Alton and St. Louis 62 Chicago to Quincy and St. Joseph 63 Chicago to Burlington and Omaha 64 Chicago to Cairo and St. Louis 65 Cairo to Dubuque, &c., via Illinois Central Railroad 66 Chicago to Dubuque and Sioux City, Iowa. 67 Chicago to Madison and St. Paul 68 Milwaukee to Prairie du Chien, St. Paul, &c. 69 Cincinnati to Indianapolis and Chicago 70 Portland to Montreal, Quebec, Toronto and Detroit 71 Buffalo to Goderich, Can 72 St. Louis to Dubuque, St. Paul, «fec., via Mississippi River 73-74 Railroads in the United States and Canada — Finished and in Progress of Construction 75-88 Tonnage of the United States 89 Variation of Time in Crossing the Conti- nent 90 3 CONTENTS. PAGE. Commencement of Railroads in the Uni- ted States— Earl y History, Ac 91-92 Railroad Statistics— Length, Cost, &c 93 Railroad System of the United States AND Canada— Great Trunk Railways 94 Baltimore and Ohio— Pennsylvania Central— Erie Railway 94 Hudson River— New York Central- Boston and Albany 95 New York and Oswego Midland.. «.. 95 Chesapeake and Ohio 95 Grand Trunk of Canada 95 Trunk Railways— Union Pacific, &c. 96 Toledo, Wabash and Western— Chi- cago, Burlington and Quincy 96 PAGE. Trunk Railways— Continued. Burlington and Missouri River — Chicago and Northwestern— Chi- cago, Rock Island and Pacific 97 Pacific— North Missouri 98 Atlantic and Pacific— Kansas Paci- fic, &c 99 Union Pacific— Denver 14 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. No. 4. ^^OM. TO. RAILROADS. MILES. Baltimore to Pittsl>llF^ll, via Northern & Penn. Central R E. 334 Pittsburgh to Chicago, via Pittsburgh, F. W. & Chicago Railroad 468 Chicago to Omaha, via Chicago, Eock Island & Pacific" Eailroad 494 Omaha to Ogden, Utah, via Union Pacific Railroad 1 032 Ogden to Sacramento, via Central Pacific Railroad '743 Sacramento to San. Francisco, via Western Pacific Railroad 138 Total Miles ; 3~209 Washington to San Francisco, via same Route 3,1^49 Miles No 5. ''"O'^- ■'"O- RAILROADS. MILES- Pllilactelplaia to Pittsburgh, via Penn. Central Railroad 354 Pittsburgh to Chicago, 111., via Pittsburgh, F. W. & Chicago R. R 468. Chicago to Davenport, Iowa, via Chicago, R. I. & Pacific Railroad.... 183 Davenport to Omaha, Neb., via " " " .... 3II Omaha to Ogden, Utah, via Union Pacific Railroad „.[ 1 032 Ogden to San Francisco, via Central Pacific Railroad '881 Total Miles 3 3^9 New York to San Francisco, via same Route 3,317 Miles. "^ No. 6. FROM. TO. RAILROADS. MILES. PlBilacIelpliia to Pittsbwrgli, via Penn. Central Railroad 354 Pittsburgh to Indianapolis, via Columbus, Ohio 381 Indianapolis to St. Louis, via Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad 262 St. Louis to Kansas City, via North Missouri Railroad 272 Kansas City to Denver, Col., via Kansas Pacific Railroad 638 Denver to Cheyenne, Wyoming Ter., via Denver & Pacific Railroad... 106 Cheyenne to Ogden, Utah, via Union Pacific Railroad 516 Ogden to San Francisco, via Central Pacific Railroad 881 Total Miles 3,410 No. 7 f'ROM. TO. RAILROADS. MILES. Pliilaclelpllia to Pittsblirgll, via Penn. Central Railroad 354 Pittsburgh to Columbus, Ohio, via Pan Handle Route 193 Columbus to Indianapolis, " " " 188 Indianapolis to Peoria, 111., via Ind., Bloom. & Western Railroad 212 Peoria to Burlington, Iowa, via Chicago, Quincy & Bur. Railroad.... 96 Burlington to Omaha, Neb., via Burlington & M. River Railroad 293 Omaha to Ogden, Utah, via Union Pacific Railroad 1,032 Ogden to San Francisco, via Central Pacific Railroad 881 Total Miles 3,349 CONDENSED TABLES. 15 No. 8. FROM. TO. RAILROADS. MILES. WewYork to Pittsbwrgll, via Allentown Koute & Penn. E. E 432 Pittsburgh to Chicago, via Pittsburgh, F. W. & Chicago Kailroad 468 Chicago to Burlington, Iowa, via C. B. & Q. Railroad 207 Burlington to Omaha, Neb., via Bar. & Missouri River Railroad 293 Omaha to Ogden, Utah, via Union Pacific Railroad 1,032 Ogden to San Francisco, via Central Pacific Railroad 881 Total Miles 3,313 No. g. FROM. TO. RAILROADS. MILES. New York, to Harrlsburg, Pa., via Allentown Route 182 Harrisburg to Pittsburgh, via Pennsylvania Central Railroad 249 Pittsburgh to Chicago, via Fort Wayne Route 4G8 Chicago to Davenport, Iowa, via Chicago, Rock Is. & Pacific R. R.... 183 Davenport to Omaha, Neb., " " " " " 310 Omaha to Ogden, Utah, via Union Pacific Railroad 1,032 Ogden to San Francisco, via Central Pacific Railroad 881 Total Miles 3,306 Boston to San Francisco, via same Route 3,540 Miles. No. 10. FROM. TO. RAILROADS. MILES. New York to Cleveland, Ohio., via Erie Railroad 605 Cleveland to Chicago, via L. S. & Michigan Southern Railroad 357 Chicago to Omaha, via Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad 493 Omaha to Ogden, via Union Pacific Railroad 1,032 Ogden to San Francisco, via Central Pacific Railroad 881 Total Miles 3,388 No. II. FROM. TO. RAILROADS. MILES. ^K'ew York to AIl>any, N. Y., via Hudson River Railroad 145 Albany to Suspension Bridge, via New York Central Railroad 304 Suspension Bridge to Detroit, via Great Western Railroad 230 Detroit to Chicago, via Michigan Central Railroad 284 Chicago to Omaha, via Chicago & Northwestern Railroad 491 Omaha to San Francisco, via Union Pacific & Central Pacific R. R 1,913 Total Miles 3,367 16 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. No. 12. FROM. TO. RAILROADS. MILES. Wew York to Buffalo, via Erie Eailway 423 Buffalo to Toledo, via Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad.... 296 Toledo to Chicago, via Southern Michigan Eailroad 244 Chicago to Omaha, via Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad 493 Omaha to Ogden, Utah 1,032 Ogden to San Francisco 881 Total Miles 3,369 No. 13. FROM. TO. RAILROADS. MILES. "New York to Bllffklo, via Erie Railway 423 Buffalo to Toledo, Ohio, via Lake Shore Railroad ^ 296 Toledo to St. Louis, via Toledo, Wabash & Western Railroad 432 St. Louis to Kansas City, Mo., via North Missouri Railroad 272 Kansas City to Denver, Col., via Kansas Pacific Railroad 638 Denver to Cheyenne, Wyoming Ter., via Denver Pacific 106 Cheyenne to Ogden, tjtah, via Union Pacific 516 Ogden to San Francisco, Cal., via Central Pacific 881 Total Miles 3,464 No. 14. FROM. TO. RAILROADS. MILES^ New York to Cleveland, via Erie Railway 605 Cleveland to Toledo, via Lake Shore Railroad 113 Toledo to Hannibal, via Toledo, Wabash & Western Railroad 464 Hannibal to Moberly, via Hannibal & Moberly R. R. (New Road)... 70 MoBERLY to Kansas City, via North Missouri Railroad 126 Kansas City to Denver, via Kansas Pacific 638 Denver to Cheyenne, via Denver & Pacific 106 Cheyenne to Ogden, via Union Pacific 516 Ogden to San Francisco, via Central Pacific 881 Total Miles 3,519 No 15. FROM. TO. RAILROADS. MILES. 'New York to Cleveland, Ohio, via Erie Railroad 605 Cleveland to Toledo, via Lake Shore Railroad 113 Toledo to Quincy, III., via Toledo, Wabash & Western Railroad 476 QuiNCY to Kansas City, via Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad 226 Kansas City to Denver, Col., via Kansas Pacific 638 Denver to Cheyenne, Wyoming Ter., via Denver Pacific 106 Cheyenne to Ogden, Utah, via Union Pacific... 516 Ogden to San Francisco, Cal., via Central Pacific 881 Total Miles 3,561 CONDENSED TABLES. 17 No i6. FROM. TO. RAILROADS. MILES. Ilo«^toil to Albany, New York, via Boston & Albany Eailroad 200 Albany to Suspension Bridge, Can., via N. York Central Eailroad... 304 Suspension Bridge to Detroit, Mich., via Great Western Eailroad.... 230 Detroit to Chicago, via Michigan Central Eailroad 284 Chicago to Omaha, via Chicago & N. W. Eailroad 491 Omaha to Ogden, t'i'a Union Pacific 1,032 Ogden to San Francisco, via Central Pacific 881 Total Miles 3,422 No 17. FROM. TO. RAILROADS. MILES. Boston to Buffalo, via Albany, New York 498 Buffalo to Toledo, via Cleveland, Ohio 29G Toledo to Chicago, via Michigan Southern Eailroad 244 Chicago to Omaha, Neb., via Chicago Eock Is. & Pacific Eailroad 496 Omaha to Ogden, Utah, via Union Pacific 1,032 Ogden to San Francisco, via Central Pacific 881 Total Miles 3,447 No 18. FROM TO. RAILROADS. MILES. Boston to Alhany^via Springfield, Massachusetts 200 Albany to Detroit, via Suspension Bridge 534 Detroit to Chicago 284 Chicago to St. Paul, via Prairie du Chien 448 St. Paul to Georgetown, Minnesota, (Eed Eiver of the North) 260 Georgetown to Missouri Eiver, Dakota 252 Missouri Eiver to Cadott's Pass, Montana 630 Cadott's Pass to Columbia Eiver, Idaho 440 Columbia Eiver to Seattle, Puget Sound 220 Total Miles 3,S68 No 19. NEW YORK to ST. LOUIS, via Great Broad Gauge Route, Erie, Atlantic and Great Western Railway. FROM. TO. RAILROADS. MILES. New York to Salamanca, via Erie Eailway 413 Salamanca to Cincinnati, via Erie Eailway 447 Cincinnati to St. Louis, via Ohio & Mississippi Eailroad 340 Total Miles 1,300 2 18 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. No 20. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD ROUTE. FROM. TO. RAILROADS. MILES. New York, to Chicago, via Pittsburgh, Pa 900 Chicago to 8t. Paul, via Prairie du Chien 448 8t. Paul to Georgetown, on the Red K. of the N., via S. P. & P. R. R. 260 Georgetown to Missouri Eiver, via Northern Pacific 252 Missouri Eiver to Big Horn River, Montana 340 Big Horn River to Cadott's Pass, Montana 290 Cadott's Pass to Spokane River, Idaho 290 Spokane River to Columbia River, Idaho 150 Columbia River to Seattle, Puget Sound 220 Total Miles 3,150 No. 21. LAKE SUPERIOR TO PUGET SOUND, via Northern Pacific R. R. FROM. TO. ALTITUDE. MILES. Dllluth (L. S.) to Red River of the North 985 feet 232 To Missouri River, Dakota 1,800 " 253 485 « To Cadott's Pass, Montana 6,1G7 " 730 1,115 " To Columbia River, Idaho 330 " 440 1,555 " To Snoqualmie Pass, Washington Ter 3,030 " 139 1,094 " To Seattle, Puget Sound " 81 1,775 Portland Branell, Missouri River to Portland, Or.. ..1,100 Miles. Puget Sound Braiicll, Portland Or. to Puget Sound.. 140 " No. 22. PORTLAND to CHICAGO, via Montreal and Toronto. FROM. TO. RAILROADS. MILES. Portland to Montreal, Canada, via Grand Trunk Railway 297 Montreal to Toronto, " " " " S33 Toronto to Detroit, Michigan, " " " 231 Detroit to Chicago, 111., via Michigan Central Railroad 284 Total Miles 1,145 Quebec to Chicago, by same Route 1,020 Miles. WASHINGTON TO NEW YORK, BOSTON, AND PORTLAND, Me., Via MOST DIRECT ROUTE. Baltimore tC Ohio Railroad, MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 40 WA§III:J¥0T0X, D.C. 34 Bladensburg, Md 6 32 Paint Branch 2 8 28 Beltsville 4 12 25 White Oak Bottom 3 15 23 Laurel 2 17 21 Savage 2 19 20 Annapolis Junction 1 20 17 Jessnp's 3 23 15 Dorsey's 2 25 13 Hanover 2 27 10 ElkEidge 3 30 9 Eelay House 1 31 4 Camden Junction 5 36 BAI.TIM$>KE 4 40 '^^ Connects at Baltimore with the Northern Central Railway. JPhiladelphia, Wihnington <& JBaltiniore Railroad, 98 BAI.TIMOME 40 89 Stemmer's Kun 9 49 83 Chase's 6 55 79 Magnolia 4 59 77 Edgewood 2 61 74 BushEiver 3 64 71 Ferryman's 3 67 67 Aberdeen 4 71 64 Oakington 3 74 62 Havre DE Grace 2 76 {Susquehanna Hiver.) 61 Perryville 1 77 58 Principio 3 80 55 Charlestown 3 83 52 North-East 3 86 46 Elkton 6 92 40 Newark 6 98 34 Stanton 6 104 32 Newport 2 106 * Dining MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 30 New Castle Junction 2 108 28 Wilmington^ Del.... 2 110 26 Ellerslie 2 112 23 Bellevue 3 115 22 Holly Oak 1 116 20 Claymont 2 118 18 Linwood 2 120 16 Thurlow 2 122 15 Lamokin 1 123 14 Chester 1 124 11 Lazaretto 3 127 2 Grav's Ferry 9 13G PltlI.Al>EJLI*MIA 2 138 JS^^ Connects at Philadelphia with the Pennsylvania Central Railroad. Neiv Yoric and RhiladelpJUa Railway Line, 90 West Pliilaclelpliia 138 80 Mantua Junction 1 139 81 Frankford 8 147 79 Tacony 2 149 67 Bristol 12 161 64 Tullytown 3 164 58 Morrisville 6 170 {Delaware River.) 57 . TIlE]VTOX, N. J 1 171 47 Princeton Junction 10 181 46 Plainsboro' 1 182 41 Monmouth Junction 5 187 32 :M"ew Briiaiswicli.... 9 196 27 Metuchin 5 201 23 Uniontown 4 205 20 Eahway 3 208 15 Elizabeth 5 213 9 ]^ewarl£ 6 219 1 Jersey City 8 227 {Hudson River.). XEWTORM 1 223 Stations. 20 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. JSr, York & N, Haven 11 340 118 Windsor 6 346 112 Windsor Locks 6 352 110 Warehouse Point 2 354 107 Thompson ville 3 357 102 Long Meadow 5 362 98 SPm]V€lFIEIiI>*. 4 366 Boston <£• Albany Mailroad. 98 SFRI]^«FIEi:.I> .. 866 92 Lidian Orchard 6 372 89 Wilbraham 3 875 83 Palmer 4 381 79 Brimfield 4 885 * Dinin MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 73 Warren 6 391 69 West Brookfield 4 395 67 Brookfield 2 897 57 Charlton 10 407 53 Rochdale 4 411 44 Worcester 9 420 38 Grafton 6 426 32 Westboro' 6 432 28 Southville 4 436 24 Ashland 4 440 21 South Framingham... 3 443 5 Brighton 16 459 ROSTOIV. 5 464 Jg@" Connects with Eastern Railroad of Massachusetts, forming a through line of travel to Portland, Me. Boston <£• 3Iaine Railroad, 112 BOSTOX 464 108 Medford Junction 4 468 107 Maiden... 1 469 105 Melrose 2 471 100 Reading 5 476 91 Ballardville 9 485 89 Andover 2 487 86 South Lawrence 3 490 85 North Lawrence 1 491 84 North Andover 1 492 80 Bradford 4 496 79 Haverhill 1 497 75 Atkinson 4 501 71 Newton 4 505 62 Exeter 9 514 55 New Market 7 521 50 Durham 5 526 44 I>over,N.H 6 532 41 Rollinsford 3 535 88 South Berwick 3 588 34 North Berwick 4 542 23 Kennebunk 11 553 15 Biddeford 8 561 13 Saco 2 563 6 Scarsboronch 7 570 POKTI.ANI> 6 576 Stations. 21 FROM WASHINGTON AND BALTIMORE TO CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. Bcdtiniore <& Ohio MailroacL 405 WASIIIXCJTOX... 384 Annapolis Junction 21 374 Eelay House 10 31 383 KAI.TOIOKE 374 Washington Junction.... 9 368 EllicottCity 6 15 363 Elvsville 5 20 356 Mariottsville 7 27 351 Svkesville 5 32 340 Mount Airy 11 43 333 Monrovia 6 50 325 Frederick Junction 8 58 Frederick (Br. B.B.) 4 62 319 Adamstown 6 64 314 Point of Kocks 5 69 304 Hagerstown Junction.. ..10 79 303 Sandv Hook 1 80 302 Harper's Ferry... 1 81 g^^Connects with Winchester and Potomac Railroad. 296 Duffield's 6 87 291 Kearneysville 5 92 283 Martinsburg* 8 100 270 Cherry Run 13 113 ■ "'" 122 228 133 205 261 Hancock, Md 9 255 Sir John's Run 6 250 Willett's Run 5 226 Little Cacapon 24 157 213 Patterson's Creek 13 170 Ciimberlaiid* 8 178 jg@°' Connects with Pittsburgh and Connellsville Railroad. MIELS. STATIONS. MILES. 198 Brady's Mill 7 185 182 ^^ewCreek 16 201 177 Piedmont 5 206 175 Bloomington 2 208 169 Frankville 6 214 163 Swanton 6 220 160 Altamont 3 223 157 Deer Park 3 226 151 Oakland 6 232 141 Cranberry Summit 10 242 130 Rowlesburg 11 253 123 Tunnelton 7 260 117 Newburg 6 266 110 Thornton 7 273 104 Grafton* 6 279 (To WSieeling, 100 Miles.) PARKERSBURG DIVISION. 100 Webster 4 94 Flemington 6 87 Bridgeport 7 82 Clarksburg 5 78 Wilsenburg 4 68 Salem 10 58 Smithton 10 54 West Union 4 42 Pennsboro 12 37 Ellenboro 5 32 Cornwallis 5 29 Cairo 3 22 Petrolium 7 20 L. F. Junction 2 15 Walker's 5 10 Kanawha 5 7 Claysville 3 Parkersburg 7 283 289 296 301 305 315 325 329 341 346 351 354 361 363 368 373 376 383 {Ohio River.) Note.— Twenty-two miles further from Washington, D. C, from all the Stations after leav- ing the Relay House. * Dining Stations. 22 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. Marietta and Cincmnati Railroad, MILES. STATIONS. 205 Belpre, Ohio.. MILES. 383 MARIETTA. .12 395 196 Scott's Landing 9 186 Vincent's 10 179 Cntler 7 170 New England 9 166 Warren's 4 160 AtlieilS 6 153 Marshfield 7 140 Zaleski 13 129 Hamden 11 118 Kaysville 12 111 Londonderry 7 106 Schooley's 5 99 CliillicoOie* 7 86 Frankfort 13 75 Greenfield 11 69 Monroe 6 63 58 51 Lexington 6 Vienna 5 Martinsville 7 42 Blanchesteb 9 32 Spence's 10 26 LOVELAND 6 21 Montgomery 5 25 Madisonville 6 8 C. H. and D. Junction... 7 cinci:n]vati 8 392 402 409 418 422 428 435 448 459 470 477 482 489 502 513 519 525 530 537 546 556 562 567 573 580 588 Ohio & Mississippi Itailroad, 340 Ci:^CIXXATI 588 331 Delhi. 9 597 327 North Bend 4 601 320 liawrenceb'g I'd.. 7 608 Junction Indianapolis and Cincinnati Bailroad. 316 Aurora 4 612 314 Cochran 2 614 298 Milan 16 630 288 Osgood 10 640 278 Nebraska 10 650 267 North Vernon 11 661 LOUISVILLE DIVISION. N. Vernon to Louisville, 53 Miles. 253 l^eymour 14 675 Junction Jeff. Mad. and Ind. R. R. 234 Medora. 29 694 213 Mitchell ...21 715 Junction Louisville^ New Albany and Chicago Railroad. 201 Huron 12 727 182 Loogootee 19 746 167 Washington 15 761 148 Viiieeiuaes 19 780 Junction Evansville and Craufords- ville Railroad. 139 Lawrenceville 9 789 127 Hadley 12 801 117 Olnev 10 811 102 ClayCitv 15 826 86 Xenia...' 17 843 64 Odin 21 864 Crossing Chicago Branch Illinois Cen- tral Railroad. 60 ^aiidoTal 4 868 Junction Illinois Central Railroad. 30 Trenton 30 898 1 Ka^t l^t. I^oiiis. ST. I.OUIS 29 . 1 927 928 Jg^^°" Connects with the Atlantic and Pacific, 3Iissouri Pacific, and North 3Iis- souri Railroads; also, with Steamers running on the Lower and Upper Mis- sissippi, to New Orleans, St. Paul, &c. Dining Stations. 23 ST. LOUIS TO KANSAS CITY, TOPEKA, DENVER, &c. Missouri Paci/ic Railway, MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 330 ST.I.OUIS 325 Cheltenham 5 222 Laclede 3 8 320 Webster 2 10 316 Kirkwood 4 14 314 Barrett's 3 16 311 Meramec 3 19 304 Glencoe 7 26 300 Eureka 4 30 293 Franklin* 7 37 Junction Atlantic and Pacific Railway. 285 Labadie 8 45 282 Augusta 3 48 278 SouthPoint 4 52 275 Washington 3 55 268 Newport 7 62 263 Miller's Landing 5 67 260 Etlah 3 70 255 Berger 5 75 249 Hermann 6 81 242 Gasconade 7 88 237 Morrison 5 93 230 Chamois 7 100 225 St. Aubert 5 105 218 Bonnot's Mill 7 112 213 Osage 5 117 205 Jefferson City 8 125 198 Scott 7 132 196 Elston 2 134 190 Centretown 6 140 180 California 10 150 174 Moniteau 6 156 168 Tipton 6 162 162 Syracuse 6 168 155 Otterville 7 175 149 Smithton 6 181 141 Sedalia* 8 189 135 Dresden 6 195 123 Knobnoster 12 207 112 Warrensburg ..11 218 * Diniug MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 105 Centreview 7 225 98 Holden 7 232 93 Kingsville 5 237 82 Pleasant Hill 11 248 76 Greenwood 6 254 65 Little Blue 11 265 58 Indepentlenee 7 272 48 MA:^iSAS CITY 10 282 Junction Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Railroad. 46 Stale I.ine* 2 284 Junction Kansas Pacific Railroad. 44 Wyandotte 2 286 35 Pomerov 9 295 29 Eedmoiid 6 301 21 JLeavenwortli 8 309 18 Fort Leavenworth 3 312 14 Kickapoo 4 316 4 Sumner 10 326 ATCHISO:Si', Kan... 4 330 g^^ At Atchison connects with Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad, running towards Fort Kearny. Kansas Pacific RalUvay, KA:¥SAS city 282 638 Missouri S.r.ine- 2 284 637 Armstrong 1 285 630 Muncy 7 292 625 Edwardsville 5 297 622 Tiblow 3 300 616 Lenape 6 306 607 Fall Leaf 9 315 602 L. & L. Junction 5 320 (To lieaven worth, 34 Miles.) 600 I^awrence 2 322 June. Lawrence and. Galveston R. R. 590 Williamsville 10 382 587 Perryville 3 335 Stations. 24 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 586 Medina 1 336 683 Newman 3 339 578 Grantville 5 344 571 TOFEKA 7 351 561 Silver Lake 10 361 555 Kossville 6 367 548 St. Mary's 7 374 534 Wamego^ 14 388 528 St. George 6 394 520 Manhattan 8 402 509 Ogden 11 413 503 Fort Riley 6 419 500 Junction €Uy 3 422 June. Missouri, Kansas & Texas R. B. 488 Chapman's Creek 12 434 481 Detroit 7 441 476 Abilene 5 446 467 Solomon 9 455 453 Salina-'^ 14 469 444 Bavaria 9 478 438 Beockville 6 484 SMOKY HILL DIVISION. 433 Rock Spring 5 489 420 FortHarker 13 502 415 FJlsworth 5 507 408 Black Wolf 7 514 399 Wilson's Creek 9 523 386 Bunker Hill 13 536 364 Walker's 22 558 350 Hays 14 572 336 Ellis* 14 586 326 Ogallah 10 596 Stages run from Denver to all 316 298 286 274 262 252 240 233 218 209 201 186 176 166 151 139 127 115 104 91 76 72 66 55 43 30 21 9 2 .® cific points STATIONS. MILES. Park's Fort 10 606 Coyote 18 624 Buffalo 12 636 Grinnell 12 648 Carlyle 12 660 Monument 10 670 Gopher 12 682 Sheridan 7 689 Wallace 15 704 Eagle Tail 9 713 Monotony 8 721 Arrapaho 15 736 Cheyenne Wells 10 746 First View 10 756 Kit Carson 15 771 Wild Horse 12 783 Aroya 12 795 Mirage 12 807 Hugo 11 818 DENVER DIVISION. Lake : 13 831 Cedar Point 15 846 Godfrey 4 850 Agate 6 856 Deer Trail 11 867 Bijou 12 879 Kiowa 18 892 Box Elder 9 901 Schuyler.. .._ ...12 913 Denver Pacific Junction. 7 920 I>E:^WER 2 922 Connects with the Denver Pa- Railroad. in Colorado and Kew Mexico. DENVER to CHEYENNE, via DENVER and PACIFIC RAILWAY. 106 I>E:^VER, Col 104 Outer Depot 89 Hughes 15 74 Johnson 15 58 Evans 16 64 Greeley 4 2 17 32 48 52 39 Pierce 15 67 20 Carr 9 86 10 Summit Siding 10 96 CIIEYE]\^]VE,W.T.10 106 Junction Union Facijic Railway, 25 BALTIMORE TO WHEELING, COLUMBUS, INDIANAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS AND KANSAS CITY. Baltunoi^e <& Ohio Railroad. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 379 I5AI.TIMOK1: 370 Washington Junction.... 9 3G4 EUicottCity 6 15 321 Frederick Junction 43 58 (To Frederick, 4 Miles) 298 Harper's Ferry. ..23 81 279 Martinsburg* 19 100 256 Hancock, Md 23 123 201 CwmfoerlaMd* 55 178 173 Piedmont 28 206 147 Oakland 26 232 100 €}raftoii* 47 279 98 Fetterman 2 281 85 Texas 13 294 82 Benton's Ferry 3 297 77 Fairmont 5 302 67 Farmington 10 312 60 Mannington 7 319 42 Littleton 18 337 35 Bellton 7 344 28 Cameron 7 351 11 Moundsville 17 368 4 Benwood 7 375 WMEEIil^O 4 379 {Ohio River.) CENTRAL OHIO DIVISION. Beuwood 137 Bellaire,* Ohio 375 128 Glencoe 9 384 125 Warnock 3 387 119 Belmont 6 393 110 Barnesville 9 402 102 Millwood 8 410 100 Salesville 2 412 93 CampbelFs.. 7 419 85 Cambridge 8 427 76 Concord 9 436 73 Norwich 3 439 66 Sonora 7 446 /1ILES. STATIONS. MILES. 59 Zanesville* 7 453 50 Pleasant Valley 9 462 44 Black Hand 6 468 33 :^ewarli 11 479 27 Union 6 485 22 Kirkersville 5 490 16 Columbia 6 496 10 Black Lick 6 502 COI.UMBUS 10 512 LAKE ERIE DIVISION. 116 ]¥ewarl£ 479 107 Louisville 9 488 102 Utica 5 493 91 84 74 Mt. Vernon 11 Frederick 7 504 511 Independence 10 521 68 Belleville 63 54 Lexington 5 527 532 Mansfielcl 9 541 42 Shelby Junction 12 553 34 Plymouth 8 561 23 Havana 11 572 19 Pontiac 4 576 15 Monroeville 4 680 8 Prout's 7 587 JSandusliy, (L.Erie). 8 595 Columbus & Indiana Central Hallway, 188 COI.UMBUS 512 178 Hilliard's 10 522 170 Pleasant Valley 8 530 160 Milford 10 540 141 Urhana 19 559 130 St. Paris 11 570 115 PiQUA 15 585 105 Bradford Junction 10 595 94 Greenville 11 606 83 New Madison 11 617 Dining Stations. 26 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 68 Kiclmioiid 15 632 53 Cambridge City 15 647 44 Lewisville 9 656 34 Knightstown 10 666 21 Greenfield 13 679 11 Cumberland 10 689 INI>IANAF€>I.I§.11 700 ]^^ Connects with Railroads run- ning to Chicago, Cincinnati, Louis- ville, &G. St. Louis, Vandalia, T. Saute and Indianapolis M* M. 239 I]VI>IANAFOIiIS. 700 230 Bridgeport 9 709 225 Plainfield 5 714 222 Cartersburg 3 717 221 Belleville 1 718 229 Clayton 2 720 214 Arno 5 735 211 Coatsville 3 728 207 Fillmore 4 732 201 C^reeneastle 6 738 199 Junction 2 740 195 Hamrick's 4 744 192 Reelsville 3 747 139 Eagle's 3 750 185 Harmony 3 753 MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 182 Brazil 4 757 180 Newburg 2 759 178 Staunton 2 761 176 Cloverland 2 763 174 Seeleyville... 2 765 166 Terre Haute 8 773 156 Woodville 10 783 149 Marshall 7 790 138 Martinsville 11 891 131 Casey 7 808 123 Greenup 8 816 117 Pleasantville 6 822 103 Teutopolis 14 836 99 Effingham* 4 840 95 Funkhouser 4 844 82 St. Elmo 13 857 76 Brov/nstown 6 863 68 Vaiidalia* 8 871 64 Hagerstown 4 875 58 Mulberry Grove 6 881 50 Greenville 8 889 40 Pocahontas 10 899 86 Oakdale , 4 905 31 Highland 5 908 18 Troy 13 921 12 Collinsville 6 927 1 East, 8t, I.®uis 11 938 ST.I.OUIS 1 939 ST. LOUIS to KANSAS CITY, via NORTH MISSOURI R. R. 272 ST. I.OUIS 267 Bellefontaine 5 257 Bridgton 10 15 251 St. diaries 6 21 238 O'Fallon 13 34 223 Millville 15 49 214 Warrenton 9 58 204 Jonesburg 10 68 195 New Florence 9 77 189 Montgomery 6 83 163 Mexico 26 109 126 Moberly Junction. ...37 146 WESTERN DIVISION. 105 Salisbury 21 167 86 BrHiigwick 19 186 76 Miami 10 196 63 Carrollton 13 209 46 Hardin 17 226 40 E&L Junction 6 232 17 Missouri City 23 255 9 N. Missouri Junction.... 8 263 1 Harlem 8 271 KANSAS CITY.... 1 272 Connects with Kan. Pac. B. B. DISTANCE TABLES. 27 BALTIMORE TO PITTSBURGH, INDIANAPOLIS, ST. LOUIS & CHICAGO, via Pan Handle Route, & Fort Wayne Route. Northern Central Hallway, MILES. STATIONS. 333 BAI.TIMORE 304 Parkton 294 Hanover Junction 18 276 York 18 249 Bridgeport 27 248 HARKISBURG'^ 1 29 47 57 84 85 Pennsylvania Central H. M» 240 Marysville 8 93 220 Newport 20 113 199 Mifflin 21 134 187 Lewistowx 12 146 175 McVeytown 12 158 162 Mount Union 13 171 151 Huntingdon 11 182 131 Tyrone 20 202 116 Altooiia* 15 217 105 Gallitzin 11 228 80 CONEMAUGH 25 253 78 Johnstown 2 255 60 Lockport 18 273 41 Latrobe 19 292 31 Greensburg 10 302 15 Wall's 16 318 PITTSBURGH '-..15 333 )|@=" Connects with P., F. W. & C. B. B. Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis Hail road, 381 PITTSBURGH.... 833 365 Noblestown 16 349 338 376 Stetil>eift ville* 27 320 Bloomfield 18 394 313 Cadiz Junction 7 401 304 New Market 9 410 289 Dennison 15 425 26 447 Oxford 22 257 Coshocton 10 457 243 Dresden 14 471 237 Frazeysbukgh 6 477 229 221 206 195 188 STATIONS. » Hanover 8 IVewark* 8 Pataskala 15 Big Walnut 11 COI.UMBIIS- 7 ^^^ Connects with Railroads Cleveland, Cincinnati, &c. 178 Hilliards 10 160 MiLFORD 18 ITrhsuia" 9 St. Paris 11 PiQUA* 15 Bradford Junction 10 Greenville 11 Ricl!iii$>iacl* 26 Cambridge City 15 Knightstown 21 Greenfield 11 IXI>I A]¥APOI.'S^ 21 141 130 115 105 94 68 53 32 21 St, Louis, Vandalia, T. Ma and Lndianajwlis R, R, 239 221 201 182 166 149 138 123 117 99 82 68 50 31 18 1 I^^»IA]VAPOI.IS- Belleville 18 Greeiieastle 20 Brazil 19 Terre Haute* 16 Marshall. 17 Martinsville 11 Greenup 15 Pleasantville 6 Eflingliam* 18 St. Elmo 17 VaBBclalia* 14 Greenville 18 Highland 19 Trov 13 E?ist St. liOuis 17 ST.r.ouis- 1 485 493 408 419 526 for 536 554 573 584 599 609 620 046 661 682 693 714 ute 714 732 752 771 787 804 815 830 836 854 871 885 903 922 935 952 953 To Clsica^o, via Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne, 802 Miles. 28 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURGH, CRESTLINE, OHIO, INDIANAPOLIS AND ST. LOUIS. JPenusylvania Central tl, R, 355 322 311 286 273 249 221 200 176 151 131 117 78 41 31 STATIONS. PHII.AI>EI.PIIIA downingtown Parkesburg 11 liRiica^ler 25 Mount Joy 13 IlarrisSjurg* 24 Newport 28 Mifflin 21 McVeytown 24 Huntingdon 25 Tyrone 20 Altooiia* 14 Johnstown 39 Latrobe 37 Greensburg 10 PITT^BtIIiGII*..31 JPittsbtirf/hf Fort Wayne Chicago Hailroad, PITT^BlIIiGH*.. eochester .' 26 New Brighton 4 Enon 16 Salem 24 Alliance* 14 Canton 18 Massillon 8 Orrville 14 WOOSTER 11 Mansfield 41 Crestline* 13 396 370 366 350 326 312 294 286 272 261 220 207 33 44 69 82 106 134 155 179 204 224 238 277 314 324 355 and 355 381 385 401 425 439 457 465 479 490 531 544 Cleveland, CoUinihnfi, Cincin- nati <0 Indianapolis M. H* 207 Crestline* 544 202 Galion 5 549 191 Caledonia 11 560 182 Marion 9 569 168 161 151 142 130 120 102 94 85 64 54 36 28 14 La Rue 14 Mt. Victory 7 Rnshsyl vania 10 Bellefontaine 9 Quincy 12 Sidney 10 Versailles 18 Dallas 8 Union 9 Morristown 21 MUNCIE 10 Anderson 18 Pendleton 8 Oakland 14 INI>IA]VAP'I.IS*.14 583 590 600 609 621 631 649 657 687 697 712 723 737 751 Indianapolis and St, Louis Railroad, 262 I:N'I>IA]X'AP0I.IS* 751 250 Avon 12 763 243 Dnnville 7 770 234 Reno 9 779 223 Greencastle 11 790 209 Carbon 14 804 198 Grant 11 815 190 Terre Haute* 8 823 178 Vermillion 12 835 171 Paris 7 842 145 Charleston 26 868 134 Mattoon 11 879 111 Shelbyville 23 902 95 Pana 16 918 67 Hillsboro 28 946 51 Clyde 16 962 37 Bunker Hill 14 976 22 Alton Junction 15 991 10 Nameoki 12 1,003 1 EastSt. I^ouis 9 1,012 ST. I.OUIS* 1 1,013 NoTK.— This Line of Travel connects with Trains at Alliance for Cleveland, and at Crest- line with Trains for Columbus, Cincinnati, &c. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURGH, CHICAGO, AND OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Pennsylvania Central M, M. Pmi.AI>EIiPMIA Mantua Junction 2 Paoli 18 20 Westchester Intersection 2 22 ©owtiingtown* 11 33 COATESVILLE « 6 39 Parkesburg 5 44 Christiana 5 49 Gap 3 52 Leaman Place 6 58 liancaster* 11 69 Dillerville 1 70 Landisville 7 77 Mount Joy 5 82 Elizabethtown.... 6 88 Branch Intersection 8 96 Middletown 1 97 HARKISBUKG*. 9 106 Marysville 8 114 Duncannon 7 121 Newport 13 134 Miifflin 21 155 Lewistown 12 167 Mount Union 25 192 Mimtingdon 12 204 Petersburg 7 211 Tyrone 13 224 Tipton 4 228 AUoona* 10 238 Gallitzin 12 250 Cresson 3 253 Summerhill 13 266 Coiieinaugli 8 274 Johnstown 3 277 * Dining MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 65 New Florence 13 290 54 Blairsville Branch 11 301 41 l,atr©be* 13 314 31 €ireensl»iirg 10 324 22 Irwin's 9 333 14 Walls 8 341 12 Brinton's 2 343 PITTSI$UMCiII*..12 355 '^^ Connects with Pittsburgh, Cin- cinnati and St. Louis R. M. Tittshiirghf Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad. 468 PITTSBUR<5H... 355 450 Economy 18 173 442 KocHESTER 8 381 438 New Brighton 4 385 433 Homewood 5 390 422 Enon H 401 408 Columbiana H 415 398 Salem 10 425 384 Alliaiioe^- 14 439 Junction Cleve'd & Pittsb'gh B. B. 366 Canton 18 457 358 Massillon 8 465 344 Orrville 14 479 333 Wooster H 490 311 Londonville 22 512 292 Mansfield 19 531 279 Crestline* 13 544 Junction a a C. & Ind. B. B. 267 Bucvras 12 556 238 Forest 29 585 215 Lafayette 23 608 207 Lima 8 616 Stations. 30 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. MILE3. STATIONS. MILES. 193 Delphos 14 630 180 VaziWert 13 643 148 FOIiT WAYME*..32 675 J^^°= Connects with Toledo, W. & W. Railroad. 129 Columbia..... 19 694 117 Pierceton 12 706 108 Warsaw 9 715 95 Bourbon 13 728 84 Plymouth* 11 739 53 Wanatah 31 770 44 Valparaiso 9 779 24 Clarke 20 799 7 Rock Island Junction... 17 816 CHICAGO 7 823 g^° Connects at Chicago with the Chicago, Burlington and Qivincy Rail- road; Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, and the Chicago and North- western Railroad, all forming lines of travel to Omaha, Neb. ; there connect- ing with the Union Pacific Railroad. ChicaffOf Hock Island and Pacific Mallroad, 494 CHICAGO 823 487 Englewood 7 830 478 Bine Island 9 839 470 Bremen 8 847 464 Mokena 6 853 454 JoLiET. 10 863 443 Minooka 11 874 433 Morris 10 884 423 Seneca 10 894 418 Marseilles 5 899 410 Ottawa 8 907 400 Utica 10 917 395 LaSalle 5 922 394 Peru 1 923 380 Bureau* 14 937 372 Tiskilwa 8 945 366 Pond Creek 6 951 * Dining MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 358 Sheffield 8 959 348 Annawan 10 9G9 342 Atkinson 6 975 335 Geneseo 7 982 324 Colona 11 993 315 Moline 9 1,002 312 ROCK ISI.A:^1> 3 1,005 [Ilississippi River.) IO\VA DIVISION. 311 BAVEIVPOKT*.. 1 1,006 299 Walcott 12 1,018 295 Fulton 4 1,022 286 Wilton 9 1,031 283 Moscow 3 1,034 278 Atalissa 5 1,039 273 West Liberty 5 1,044 257 Iowa City 16 1,060 242 Oxford 15 1,075 237 Homestead 5 1,080 227 Marengo 10 1,090 215 Victor 12 1,102 207 Beooklyn* 8 1,110 201 Malcolm 6 1,116 192 Grinnell 9 1,125 181 Kellogg 11 1,136 172 Newton 9 1,145 160 Colfax 12 1,157 154 Mitchellville 6 1,163 1.37 I>ES MOINES^...17 1,180 122 Boone 15 1,195 115 DeSoto 7 1,202 102 Dexter 13 1,215 86 Casey 16 ],231 72 Anita 14 1,245 58 Atlantic 14 1,259 39 AvocA^ 19 1,278 31 Shelby 8 1,286 20 Neola 11 1,297 4 Couneil 151«ffs...l6 1,313 ] Missouri River 3 1,316 OMAHA 1 1,317 Stations. 31 PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURGH, COLUMBUS, INDIANAPOLIS AND ST. LOUIS. Pennsylvania Central Kail- road, MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 355 PIIII.AI>Ei:.FIIIA 322 DOWNINGTOWN 33 311 Parkesburg 11 44 286 liancaster* 25 69 273 Mount Joy 13 82 249 HAKIiISBUIIG*.24 106 221 Newport 28 134 200 Mifflin 21 155 176 McVeytown 24 179 151 Huntingdon 25 204 131 Tyrone 20 224 117 AUooiia* 14 238 78 Johnstown. 39 277 41 Latrobe* 37 314 31 Greensburg 10 324 PITTSBUI£GH"..31 355 "^^ Connects with Piltsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicaf/o Railroad, and other Eailroads diverging from Pittsburgh. Pittshurgh^ Cincinnati and St, Louis liailroad, 193 PITTSBUKCJII-.. 355 192 Birmingham 1 356 187 Brodhead 5 361 185 Mansfield 2 363 178 Oakdale 7 370 177 NOBLESTOWN 1 371 170 Bulger 7 378 166 Burgettstown 4 382 161 Hanlin's 5 387 * Dining 157 Collier 4 150 SteMt>eBivslle* O.... 7 142 Alexandria Road 8 138 Smithfield 4 132 Bloomfield 6 130 Unionport 2 125 Cadiz Junction 5 121 Fairview 4 116 New Market 5 110 Bowei'stown 6 101 Dennison 9 100 Uhrichsville 1 97 Trenton 3 89 Port Washington 8 83 New Comerstown 6 79 Oxford 4 75 West Lafayette 4 69 Coshocton 6 59 Adam's Mills 10 55 Dresden 4 49 Frazeysburgh 6 41 Hanover 8 33 :^"ewark* 8 18 Pataskala 15 7 Big Walnut U COI.UMBUS* 7 391 398 406 410 416 418 423 427 432 438 447 448 451 459 465 469 473 479 489 493 499 507 515 530 541 548 ^^ Connects with Cleveland, Co- lumbu^, Cincinnati & Indianapolis Bail- road, and Little Miami Railroad. 188 COI.UMBUS-'^ 448 178 Hilliards 10 558 170 Pleasant Valley 8 566 166 Unionville 4 570 160 Mllford 6 576 155 Woodstock 5 581 150 Cable 5 586 141 tJrImiaa* 9 595 130 St. Paris 11 606 115 Piqna^ 15 621 109 Covington 6 627 Stations. 32 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 105 Bradford Junction... 4 631 101 Gettysburg 4 635 94 Greenville 7 642 83 New Madison 11 653 74 New Paris 9 662 68 Riclmiomr 6 668 63 Centreville 5 673 53 Cambridge City ...10 683 44 Lewisville 9 692 39 Dunreith 5 697 34 Knightstown 7 704 29 Charlottesville 3 707 21 Greenfield 8 715 17 Philadelphia 4 719 11 Cumberland 6 725 I]V1>IA:^AF'I.IS-M1 736 J|^° Connects with Railroads run- ning East, West, North and South. St, Louis f Vandallaf T. Haute and liuUanapoUs It. M, 239 I]VI>IA:N'AP0I.IS* 736 225 Fairview 4 740 230 Bridgeport 5 745 225 Plainfield 5 750 222 Cartersburg 3 753 221 Belleville 1 754 219 Clayton 2 756 214 Amo 5 761 211 Coatsville 3 764 207 Fillmore 4 768 201 Greeiicastle 6 774 199 Junction 2 776 195 Hamrick's 4 780 192 Reelsville 3 783 189 Eagle's 3 786 *Dinin£ MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 186 Harmony 3 789 182 Brazil 4 793 180 Newburg 2 795 178 Staunton 2 797 176 Cloverland 2 791 174 Seeleyville 2 801 166 Terre Haute* 8 809 156 Woodville 10 819 149 Marshall 7 826 138 Martinsville 11 837 131 Casey 7 844 123 Greenup 8 852 117 Pleasantville 6 858 103 Teutopolis 14 872 99 Cttliigliam'' 4 876 June. Illinois Central, Chicago Branch. 95 Funkhouser 4 880 82 St. Elmo 13 893 76 Brownstown 6 899 68 Taiidalia* 8 907 Crossing Illinois Central Railroad. 64 Hagerstown 4 911 58 Mulberry Grove 6 917 50 Greenville 8 925 40 Pocahontas 10 935 36 Oakdale 4 939 31 Highland 5 944 18 Troy 13 957 15 Confidence 3 960 12 Collinsville 3 963 1 East St. liOiiIs 11 974 {3fississippi River.) ST. I.OITIS* 1 975 |:@^ Connects with Railroads at St. Louis, and with Steamers on the Missis- sippi River. Stations, 33 NEW YORK TO HARRISBURa, PITTSBURGH, CHICAGO AND OMAHA, via ALLENTOWN EOUTE. Central New Jersey It, H, STATIONS. 182 NEW YORK From Foot of Liberty Street. 181 Jersey City 1 178 Greenville 3 4 174 Bergen Point 4 8 169 Elizabetli 5 13 167 Roselle 2 15 165 Crawford 2 17 1G2 Westfield 3 20 160 Fanwood 2 22 158 Plainfield 2 24 155 Dunnellen 3 27 151 Bound Brook 4 31 146 SOMERVILLE 5 36 145 Raritan 1 37 141 North Branch 4 41 136 Whitehouse 5 46 132 Lebanon 4 50 130 Clinton 2 52 128 High Bridge 2 54 124 Spruce Run 4 58 123 Junction 1 59 120 Asbury 3 62 118 Valley 2 64 115 Bloomsbury 3 67 113 Springtown 2 69 108 Phillipsburg 5 74 107 EASTOX-Pa 1 75 J^°* Connects with the Lehigh Val- ley Railroad, and Lehigh and Susque- hanna Railroad. * Dining 95 Bethlehem 12 87 90 Alleiitowil 5 92 69 Lyons 21 113 54 Kesuliiig 15 128 26 Lebanon* 28 156 IlARRISBUK€}-=^26 182 g@°^ Connects with the Northern Central Railway. Pennsylvania Central Hail' road, 248 IIARRISBURG^^ 182 240 Marysville 8 190 233 Duncannon 7 197 220 Newport 13 210 199 Mifflin 21 231 187 Lewistown 12 243 175 McVeytown 12 255 162 Mount Union 13 268 151 Huntingdon 11 279 131 Tyrone* 20 299 116 AUooiia* :.15 314 105 Gallitzin 11 325 102 Cresson 3 328" 80 CONEMAUGH 22 350 78 Johnstown 2 352 60 Lockport 18 370 56 Derry 14 384 41 Latrobe* 5 389 31 Greensburg 10 399 15 Wall's 16 415 6 Homewood 9 424 PITTSBURGH*.. 6 430 Stations. 34 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. g@^ Connects with the FUtsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis Bailroad, and with other Railroads diverging from Pittsburgh. JBittshurgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Hallroad, MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 468 PITTSBURGH*.. 430 450 Economy 18 448 442 Rochester ■ 439 New Brighton. ... 8 456 ... 3 459 422 Enon 17 476 405 Leetonia 17 493 398 Salem 7 500 384 Alliance* 14 514 J|@*Connects with Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. 366 Canton 18 532 358 Massillon 8 540 344 Orrville 14 654 333 Wooster 11 565 MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 317 Lakeville 16 581 292 Mansfield 25 606 279 Crestline* 13 619 f^^^ Connects with C. C. C and Indianapolis Railroad. 267 BucYRUs 12 63 250 Upper Sandusky 17 648 238 Forest 12 660 229 Washington 207 193 9 669 Lima 22 691 Delphos 14 705 180 Van Wert 13 718 148 Fort Wayne* 32 750 129 Cokimhia 19 769 108 84 53 Warsaw 21 790 Plymouth* 24 814 Wanatah 31 845 44 Valparaiso 9 854 30 Liverpool 14 868 9 111. Central R. R. Junc..21 889 CHICAGO 9 898 Important to AA/^estern Travellers. ALLE NTOWN LINE. TWO EXPRESS TRAINS run DAILY to and from the WEST by this POPULAR LINE OF TRAVEL. J8^- Passengers hy this Route save 60 to 100 miles, and three hours in time, over other Lines, with but one change of cars between New York and Cincinnati, or Chicago, and but two changes to St. Louis. SILVER PALACE CARS Daily to CHICAGO, on the Evening Train. H. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agent, 119 Ziberty Street, NEW YOJtK. 35 FROM PHILADELPHIA to ERIE, DULUTH and ST. PAUL, via RAILROAD and STEAMBOAT ROUTE, passing through LAKES HURON and SUPERIOR. Pennsylvania Central M, H, MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 451 PHII.AI>EI.PIIIA 417 downingtown'^ 34 381 Lancaster* 36 70 345 Iffarrisbiirg- 36 106 Philadelphia and Erie It, It. 288 SuNBURY 57 163 286 Northumberland 2 165 279 Lewisburg 7 172 276 Catawissa Junction 3 175 275 Milton 1 176 271 Watsontown 4 180 268 Dewart 3 183 264 Montgomery 4 187 260 Muncy 4 191 248 Wiliiamsport*...12 203 Jg^^'Connects with Northern Central Railway. 246 Newberry 2 205 243 Linden 3 208 242 Susquehanna 1 209 236 Jersey Shore 6 215 228 Wayne 8 223 223 Lock Haven* 5 228 218 Farrandsville 5 233 208 Whetham 10 243 199 NorthPoint 9 252 196 Renovo* 3 255 184 Keating 12 267 178 Round Island 6 273 168 Driftwood 10 283 * Dining MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 159 Sterling 9 292 155 Cameron 4 296 150 Emporium 5 301 140 Beechwood 10 311 128 St. Mary's* 12 323 119 Ridgway 9 332 104 Wilcox 15 347 95 Kane* (Alt. 2,008 ft.). 9 356 90 Wetmore 5 361 80 Sheffield 10 371 73 Pattonia 7 378 66 Warren 7 885 61 Irvineton 5 -390 Junction Oil Creek and Allegheny River Railroad. 58 Youngsville 3 393 55 Pittsfield 3 396 45 Spring Creek 10 406 40 Columbus 5 411 38 Corry* 2 413 Junction Atlantic and Great Western Railway. 34 Lovell's 4 417 32 Concord 2 419 27 Union 5 424 19 Waterford 8 432 13 Jackson's 6 438 7 Belle Valley 6 444 ERIE* 7 451 g@°"Connects with Lake Shore R. R. Stations. 3G ACROSS THE CONTINENT. Lake Superior Steamboat Line, MILES. STATIONS. MJLES. 1,140 ERIE, Pa 451 1,045 Cleveland, Ohio.... 95 546 945 Maiden, Canada 100 646 925 Detroit, Mich 20 666 [Lake St. Clair.) 850 Port Huron 75 741 {Lake Huron.) 625 Point de Tour 225 966 {St. Mary's Elver.) 584 Church's Landing... 40 1,006 670 Saut Ste. Marie... 14 1,020 564 Point Aux Pins Can. 6 1,026 530 White Fish Point... 34 1,060 {Lake Superior.) 450 Pictured Kocks 80 1,140 440 Grand Island 10 1,150 400 Marquette 40 1,190 320 Portage Entry 80 1,270 (Houghton AND Hancock, 14 Miles.) 270 Keweenaw Point.... 50 1,320 255 Copper Harbor 15 1,335 239 Eagle Harbor 16 1,351 229 Eagle River 10 1,361 209 Entrance Ship Canal 20 1,381 169 Ontonagon 40 1,421 89 La Pointe, Wis; 80 1,501 86 Bayfield '. 3 1,504 ( Twelve Apostle Islands.) 6 Superior City 80 1,584 DUIilJTH, Min. 6 1,590 Lake Superior and Missis- sippi liailroad, MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 155 BIjXUTH 1,590 151 Oneonta 4 1,594 137 Fond Du Lac 14 1,608 {Dalles of St. Louis.) 129 Thompson 8 1,616 Junction Northern Pacific Railroad. 128 Junction 1 1,617 110 Moose Lake 18 1,635 95 Kettle River 15 1,650 77 Iliuekley-^- 18 1,668 65 Pine City 12 1,680 54 Rush City 11 1,691 42 North Branch 12 1,703 30 Wyoming 12 1,715 25 Forest Lake 5 1,720 17 Centreville 8 1,728 12 White Bear Lake 5 1,733 Junction Stillwater Branch Railroad. ST. PAUL. 12 1,745 *•* GRAND PLEASURE EXCURSION. This Railroad and Steamboat Route forms one of the most healthy and Grand Excursions on the Continent, — passingfrom the Atlantic Cities through Lakes Erie, Huron, and AS«;)erior,— af- fording River and Lake Scenery of the most enchanting character. Steamers of a large class run daily, during the season of Navigation, froni Buffalo, Erie, Cleveland and De- troit, to the Saut Ste. Marie, Marquette and Duluth, Minn. 37 NEW YORK to BUFFALO, NIAGARA FALLS, &c., Via ERIE RAILWAY. MILES. 447 446 437 435 430 425 423 421 419 415 413 411 405 401 399 397 395 393 387 383 380 376 371 359 340 336 330 324 316 311 283 270 254 246 241 232 223 217 210 Erie Railway. STATIONS. MILES. :\EW YOHK ........ Foot of Chambers Street, and Foot of 23d Street. Jersey City 1 Kutherfurd Park 9 10 Pa.ssaic 2 12 Paterson 5 17 Ridgewood 5 22 Hohokus 2 24 Allendale 2 26 Ramsey's 2 28 SUFFERN 4 32 Raraapo 2 34 Sloatsburg 2 36 Southfields 6 42 Newburgh Junction 4 46 Turner's 2 48 Monroe 2 50 Oxford. 2 52 Grevcourt 2 54 Goshen 6 60 Hampton 4 64 MiDDLETOWX 3 67 Howell's 4 71 Otisvilie 5 76 Port Jervis* 12 88 Shohola 19 107 LaCKA WAXEN 4 111 Mast Hope 6 117 Narrowsburgh 6 123 Cochecton 8 131 Callicoon 5 136 Hancock 28 164 Deposit 13 177 Susquehanna 16 193 Great Bend 8 201 Kirkwood 5 206 Binghamton 9 215 Union 9 224 Campville 6 230 OWEGO 7 237 MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 200 Smithboro 10 247 198 Barton 2 249 191 Waveri.y 7 256 186 Chemung. 5 261 180 Wellsburg 6 267 173 Elmira* 7 274 156 Corning 17 291 ROCHESTER DIVISION, 95 Miles. 154 Painted Post 2 293 145 Addison 9 302 140 Rathboneville 5 307 132 Cameron 8 315 124 Adrian 8 323 119 Canisteo 5 328 115 Hornellsville 4 332 107 Burns' 8 340 103 Canaseraga 4 344 98 Swain's 5 349 91 NuNDA 7 356 89 Hunt's 2 358 85 Portage 4 362 81 Castile 4 366 79 Gainesville 2 368 72 Warsaw 7 375 66 Dale 6 381 61 Linden 5 386 55 Attica 6 392 49 Darien 6 398 43 Alden 6 404 34 Lancaster 9 413 24 BUFFAIiO 10 423 J|@^ Connects with Lake Shore JR. B. 13 Tonawanda 11 434 2 Niagara Falls 11 445 g^^ Connects with N. Y. Cent. B. B. Suspension Bridge 2 447 J5@^ Connects with Great Western Ballway of Canada. To Cliieago via Detroit, by this Route, 960 Miles. 38 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. NEW YORK to DUNKIRK, CLEVELAND. &c. Erie Railway, 460 NEW YORK. 400 Goshen 372 PortJervis^. 60 ...28 88 283 Deposit 89 177 259 Great Bend 24 201 245 BiNGHAMTON 14 215 223 Owego 22 237 186 Elinira* 37 274 169 Corning 17 291 128 Hornellsville 41 332 119 Alfred 9 341 110 Andover 9 350 102 Genesee 8 358 94 Phillipsville 8 366 90 Belvidere 4 370 86 Friendship 4 374 77 Cuba 9 383 65 Glean 12 395 61 Allegany 4 399 52 Carrollton 9 408 49 Great Valley 3 411 46 ISalaiiianea 3 414 g^" Connects with Atlantic & Great Western Railway. 38 Little Valley 8 31 Cattaraugus...., 7 22 Dayton 9 19 Perrysburg 3 12 Smith's Mills 7 8 Forestville 4 ©UNKIRK 8 {Lake Erie.) |@^ Connects with the Lalce Shore Railroad, forming a through line of travel to Cleveland, Toledo, Chicago and St. Louis. To Chicago, via Toledo, by this Koute, 960 Miles. 422 429 438 441 448 452 460 Four Express Trains Daily. BROAD GAUGE, DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between the Atlantic Cities and tiie Sonlliwest, West and Irtliwest. 860 Miles without Cliang'e of Cars, Between New York and Rochester, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Salamanca, Corry, Meadville, Cleveland, Dayton, Hamilton and Cincinnati. Jm- Connects at CINCINNATI with the Broad Gauge OHIO and MISSISSIPPI R. R. 39 NEW YORK TO ALBANY, BUFFALO, TOLEDO, ST. LOUIS, &c., Via TOLEDO, WABASH AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Hudson River & New York Central Railroad, MILES. STATIONS. MILtS. 737 NEWYORK 30th Street. 695 Peekskill 42 664 Poiiglikeepsie*....31 73 622 IIii(l«^oii 42 115 594 AI.BAXY 28 143 577 Seheiiectaerlm 24 648 53 Monroeville 36 684 38 Clyde 15 699 TOLEDO, Ohio 38 737 To Betroit, 65 Miles. * Dining Toledo, Wabash & West, R. R, MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 432 TOL.EBO 737 423 MuumeeCity 9 746 415 Wiiitehouse 8 754 404 Liberty 11 765 397 Napoleon 7 772 382 Defiance 15 787 371 Emerald 11 798 361 Antwerp 10 808 344 New Haven 17 825 338 Fort Wayne 6 831 Junction Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad. 323 Eoanoke 15 846 314 Huntington 9 855 301 Lagro 13 868 296 Wabash 5 873 282 Peril 14 887 275 Waverlv 7 894 266 liOgaiisport 9 903 252 Rockfield 14 917 246 Delphi 6 923 237 Buck Creek 9 932 229 I^afayette 8 940 219 West Point 10 950 208 Attica 11 961 200 West Lebanon 8 969 190 State Line 10 979 182 BaiiYille 8 987 176 Catlin 6 993 169 Fairmount 7 1,000 162 Homer 7 1,007 146 Toloiio 16 1,023 Junction Chicago Division, Illinois Central Railroad. 135 Norrie 11 1,034 129 Bement 6 1,040 120 Cerro Gordo 9 1,049 109 Becatiir 11 1,060 Junction Illinois Central Railroad. Stations. 40 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. ST. LOUIS DIVISION. T.W. (St W.R.R. 109 I>ecatiir : 102 Boody 7 90 Stonington 12 82 Taylorville 8 74 Palmer's 8 69 Morrison 5 61 Raymond 8 49 Litchfield 12 36 Staunton 13 19 Edwardsville 17 1 £aHt St, liouis 18 ST. rOUIS 1 Toledo, Wabash and Western^ [Continued,) 476 TOI.EBO 382 Fort Wayne 94 326 Peru 56 loO 810 LOGANSPORT 16 106 273 rafay ette 37 203 226 Danville 47 250 190 ToLONo 36 286 153 I>eoatiir 37 323 128 Mechanicsbnrg 25 348 314 l§priii;Ei:fie!d 14 362 112 C. & A. Junction 2 364 97 Berlin 15 379 91 Alexander 6 385 80 JaeksoiiTille 11 396 70 Chapin 10 406 62 Bluff's 8 414 To Hannibal, Mo., 50 Miles. 56 Meredosia. 6 420 48 Versailles 8 428 39 Mt. Sterling 9 437 33 Mounds 6 443 28 Clayton 5 448 To Keokuk, Iowa, 42 Miles. 22 Camp Point 6 454 15 Paloma 7 461 9 Cliola 6 467 QUi:SfCY 9 476 {3Iississippi Biver.) It®^' Connects with Hannibal & St. Joseph JRailroacL Keokuk IjrancJi. 42 Clayton 448 35 C. B. & Q. Junction 7 455 27 Bowen 8 463 22 Denver 5 468 13 Carthage 9 477 7 Elvaston 6 483 1 Hamilton 6 489 KEOItUK 1 490 (Mississippi River.) ]^^^ Connects with Des Moines Val- ley Railroad. THE TOLEDO, WABASH AND ^WESTERN RAILROAD, runs from TOLEDO, Ohio, to KEOKUK, QUINCY, HANNIBAL and ST. LOUIS, FORMING A Jl^"- Great Boute of Travel "'^M, TLrougli Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Missouri to Kansas and Colorado, AND FROM thence TO UTAH and CALIFOKlSriA. TABLE OF DISTANCES. 41 NEW YOEK to EASTON, WILLIAMSPORT & ERIE, Pa. Central Neiv Jersey Railroad, 237 225 214 202 192 186 179 171 164 163 NEWYOItK Foot of Liberty Street. Jersey City Elizabeth 12 Plainfield 11 somerville.. 12 Whitehouse 10 Clinton 6 Junction 7 Bloomsbury 8 PniLLIPSBURG 7 EA^T4>3r 1 1 13 24 86 46 52 59 67 74 75 Leliigh Valley Mallroad,* Bethlehem 12 87 Allen to wu..... 5 92 Catasauqua 4 96 Lehigh Gap 14 110 Mauch Chunk 11 121 Penn Haven 7 128 151 146 142 128 117 110 Cataivlssa Railroad, 147 91 Quakake 19 88 Siiinmit 3 150 80 Mahonoy 8 158 75 Kingtown 5 163 68 Beaver 7 170 59 Maineville 9 179 52 Catawissa 7 186 50 Kupert 2 188 43 Danville 7 195 37 Mooresburg 6 201 27 Milton 10 211 22 Watsontown 5 216 16 Montgomery 6 222 WiliiauBsport* 16 238 RJiiladelphia <£' Erie R, R, 248 242 236 223 218 208 199 195 183 178 168 155 149 140 128 118 104 95 79 66 60 54 37 Williaiiisport Susquehanna 6 Jersey Shore 6 Lock Haven 13 Farrandsville 5 Whetham 10 North Point 9 Keiiovo^" 4 Keating 12 Round Island 5 Driftwood 10 Cameron - 13 Emporium 6 Beechwood 9 St. Mary's 12 Ridgway 10 Wilcox 14 Kane* -.. 9 Sheffield 16 Warren.. 13 Irvineton 6 Pittstield 6 €orry 17 June. Atlantic & Great Western Railway. 26 Union 11 460 19 Waterford 7 467 7 Belle Valley 12 479 ERIE....: 7 486 238 244 250 263 268 278 287 292 303 308 318 331 337 346 358 368 382 391 407 420 426 432 449 IjaJae Superior Ziino of Stenmers run daily from Buffalo to Erie, Cleveland, Detroit, Saut Ste. Marie, Marquette and Duluth, Minn., forming a Grand Measure Excursion during tiie summer montlas. * The Lehigh Valley, and the Lehigh and Susquelianna Railroads are competing lines for e business between New Yorlf and Willianisport, Pa., and tlie surrounding country. — \e Lehigh and iShs(j nehannacoMiiQcts with the Central New Jersey Railroad at Phillips- irg, and at Tamaueud, Pa., with the Catawissa Railroad. 42 NEW YORK TO ALBANY, DETROIT and CHICAGO, via NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 143 NEWYOUK (Thirtieth Street.) 138 Manhattan 5 136 Fort Washington 2 7 134 Inwood 2 9 133 Spuyten Duyvil 1 10 131 Riverdale 2 12 130 Mount St. Vincent 1 13 128 YONKERS 2 15 127 Glenwood.... 1 16 124 Hastings 3 19 122 Dobbs Ferry 2 21 120 Irvington 2 23 117 Tarrytown 3 26 113 Scarborough 4 30 111 Sing Sing 2 32 108 Croton 3 35 105 Cruger's 3 38 104 Montrose 1 39 101 Peekskill 3 42 97 Fort Montgomery 4 46 93 Garrison's 4 60 90 Cold Spring 3 53 88 Cornwall Station 2 55 84 Fisltkili 4 59 81 Low Point 3 62 78 New Hamburg 3 65 74 Milton Ferry 4 69 70 Powglikeepsie*.... 4 73 64 Hyde Park 6 79 60 Staatsburgh 4 83 55 Ehinebeck 5 88 49 Barrytown 6 94 45 Tivoli 6 98 39 Germantown 6 104 32 Catskill Station 7 111 28 Hudson 4 115 24 Stockport 4 119 21 Coxsackie Station 3 122 19 Stuyvesant 2 124 * Diuiug MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 13 Schodack 6 130 9 Castleton 4 134 1 East Albany 8 142 AI.BAWY 1 143 (To Troy, 6 Miles.) ^ew York Central Mailroad, 304 AI.BA^N'Y 143 287 f^claeiieetacly 17 160 278 Hoffman's 9 169 271 Amsterdam 7 176 265 Tribes Hill 6 182 260 Fonda 6 187 255 Yost's 5 192 252 Spraker's 3 195 249 Palatine Bridge 3 198 246 Fort Plain 3 201 240 St.Johnsville 6 207 230 liittle Falls 10 217 223 Herkimer 7 224 221 Hion 2 226 218 Frankfort 3 229 209 Utica* 9 238 205 Whitesboro' 4 242 202 Oriskany 3 245 195 Rome 7 252 186 Verona 9 261 182 Oifteula 4 265 177 Canastota 5 270 173 Canaseraga 4 274 171 Chittenango 2 276 167 Kirkville 4 280 164 Manlius 3 283 156 Syracuse 8 291 147 Warner's 9 300 144 Memphis 3 303 139 Jordan 5 308 131 Port Byron 8 316 124 Savannah 7 323 lis Clyde ■: 6 329 Stations. TABLE OF DISTANCES. 43 STATIONS. 112 liyons 6 105 Newark 7 97 Palmyra 8 93 Macedon 4 85 Fairport 8 75 Rochester* 10 65 Spencerport 10 63 Adams Basin 2 58 Brockport 5 54 Holley 4 50 Murray 4 45 AlMoii 5 39 Knowlesville 6 35 Medina 4 31 Middleport 4 26 Gasport 5 19 liockport 7 9 Sanborn. .10 l§iispensioBi Br'g. 9 To iX'iagara Falls, 2 Miles. 335 342 350 354 362 372 382 384 289 393 397 402 408 412 416 421 428 438 447 Crreat Western Mailway of Canada, 230 447 Suspension Br'g. 219 St. Catherine's, Can. ..11 458 187 Hamilton 32 490 168 Harrisburg 19 509 158 Paris 10 519 139 Woodstock 19 538 111 JLondon 28 566 69 BoTHWELL 42 608 46 Chatham 23 631 1 Windsor 45 676 I>ETKOIT 1 677 3Ilchigan Central Railroad, 284^ DETKOIT 281 Grand Trunk Junction... 3 274 Dearborn 7 266 Wayne 8 259 Denton's 7 254 Ypsilanti 5 250 Geddes 4 246 Ann Arbor* 4 241 Delhi 5 237 Dexter 4 229 Chelsea 8 2-18 Grass Lake 11 215 Leoni 3 208 Jai'kson 7 197 Parma 11 188 Albion 9 183 Marengo 5 176 Marsliali 7 171 Ceresco 5 163 Battle Creek 8 149 Galesburg 14 140 Kalamazoo 9 124 Lawton 16 116 Decatur 8 105 Dowagiac 11 93 Niles* 12 82 Dayton 11 66 New Buffalo 16 56 Michigan City 10 44 Porter.. 12 35 Lake 9 14 Calumet 21 CHICAGO 14 677 680 687 695 702 707 711 715 720 724 732 743 746 753 764 773 778 785 790 798 812 821 837 845 856 868 879 895 905 917 926 947 961 CONNECTS WITH ILLINOIS CENTRAL, CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY, CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC, CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN, And other Railroads diverging from Chicago— forming the Great Through Eoutes of Travel to the West and Northwest. 44 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. NEW yOUK TO PITTSBURGH, INDIANAPOLIS, and ST. LOUIS, Via ALLENTOWN ROUTE. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. Central R, M, of New Jersey, 430 ]VEW YORK Foot of Liberty Street. 429 Jersey City 1 427 Elizabeth 12 13 410 Westfield 7 20 406 Plainfield 4 24 399 Bound Brook 7 31 394 somerville 5 36 385 Whitehouse 9 45 378 Clinton 7 52 372 Junction 6 68 June. Dela., Lack. & Western R. R. 364 Bloonisbury 8 66 356 Phillipsburg 8 74 355 EASTO:\*Pa 1 75 Junction Lehigh Valley Railroad. 343 Bethlehem 12 87 338 AUeaitown 5 92 317 Lyons 21 113 302 Beading 15 128 274 Lebanon 28 156 248 MARliISBURCi*.26 182 June. Northern Central Railroad. Pennsylvania Central H, JR, 220 Newport 28 210 199 Mifflin 21 281 151 Huntingdon 48 279 116 Allooim* 35 314 105 Gallitzin 11 325 78 JoHN-STOWN 27 352 41 Latrobe* 37 389 31 OUF.UNSBURG 10 399 l»lTT8IlUItGlI....31 430 MILES. STATIONS. MILES. I*lttshurgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Mailroad, 396 PITTSBURGH... 430 370 KocHESTER 26 456 326 Salem 44 500 312 Alliance^ 14 614 286 Massillon 26 640 272 Orrville 14 554 261 AVooster 11 665 220 Mansfield 41 606 207 Crestline 13 619 Cleveland, Colmnhus, Cincin- nati <£• India^iapolis R, 11, 203 Gallon 4 623 182 Marion 21 644 168 La Rue 14 658 142 Bellefontaine 26 684 119 Sidney 23 707 101 Versailles 18 725 84 Union T 17 742 54 Muncie 30 772 36 Anderson 18 790 21 Fortville 15 805 i:^I>IANAPOI.IS.21 826 Ind, and St. Lonis JR, M, 261 INBIAMAPOL.IS. 826 242 Danville 19 845 222 Greencastle .....20 865 189 Terre Haute 33 898 144 Charleston- 45 943 133 Mattoon* 11 954 94 Pana 39 993 84 Nakomis'^ 10 1,003 36 Bunker Hill 48 1,051 21 Alton Junction 15 1,066 1 Kast St. I^onis 21 1,087 ST. liOUIS 1 1,088 45 ST. LOUIS to SPRINGFIELD, STATE LINE and FORT SCOTT. Atlantic <€• I*acific Mailroad. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 830 ST. I.OUI§ 311 Marameo 19 293 PaeilicCity^ 18 37 288 Catawissa 5 42 286 Calvey 2 44 281 Moselle 5 49 274 St. Clair 7 50 264 Staunton 10 6{j 259 Sullivan 5 71 252 Bourbon 7 78 247 Leasburg 5 83 239 Cuba 8 91 232 Knobview 7 98 226 St. James 6 104 221 Dillon 5 109 216 Rolla* 5 114 206 York's 10 124 204 Arlington 2 126 203 Jerome '. 1 127 192 Dixon 11 138 186 Hancock 6 144 180 Crocker 6 150 174 Woodend 6 156 167 Kichland 7 163 159 Stoutville 8 171 152 Sleeper 7 178 145 Iiet>aiaoii 7 185 Junction Laclede and Fort Scott Futil- road, 110 Miles. 136 Brush Creek 9 194 128 Conwav 8 202 120 Niangua 8 210 113 Marshfield.. 7 217 MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 107 Bunker Hill 6 223 99 Stafibrd 8 231 89 Spriisgfield- 10 241 83 Dorchester 6 247 79 Brookline 4 251 69 Plymouth 10 261 64 Logan's 5 266 57 Aurora 7 273 52 Veeona 5 278 45 Billings 7 285 39 PiEECE City 6 291 Van Bur en Branch, 125 Miles. 34 Berwick 5 296 28 Eitchieville 6 302 23 Granby City 5 807 15 JVeosho 8 815 STATE I.IXE. 15 330 THE ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC RAILROAD, now finished to the Kansas State Line, 330 miles, runs for the most part, through a beautiful country, with a fruitful soil and climate as genial as that of Italy. The mineral wealth of this section of Missouri is immense, abounding in iron, lead and copper. ^^ This is the shortest and cheap- est Koute for Freight and Passengers, to all points in Northern Arkansas, Texas, and the Indian Territory. Stages run from Pierce City to Fort Smith and Fort Gibson. Time from St. Louis, 44 hours. ''Pining Stations. THE ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC RAILROAD will be extended through the Indian Territory, along the 35th parallel of latitude. THE LACLEDE AND FORT SCOTT RAILROAD, when finished, will form a direct route from St. Louis to Ft. Scott, Kan., 255 miles. 46 ST. LOUIS TO KANSAS CITY, OTTUMWA AND OMAHA. N^orth 3Iissouri Hailroad, MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 272 ST. I.OUIS 270 Gambles 2 267 Bellefontaine 3 5 265 Jennings 2 7 261 Ferguson 4 11 259 Graham's 2 13 257 Bridgton 2 15 254 Bonfils 3 18 252 Brotherton 2 20 251 St. Charles 1 21 247 Elm Point Switch 4 25 242 Dardenne 5 30 238 O'Fallon 4 34 234 Perruque 4 38 232 Gilmore 2 40 229 Wentzville 3 43 223 MiUville 6 49 220 Wright's 3 52 214 Warreutoii 6 58 208 Pendleton 6 64 204 Jonesburg 4 68 199 High Hill 5 73 195 New Florence 4 77 189 Montgomery* 6 83 182 Wellsville 7 90 177 Martinsburg 5 95 170 Benton City 7 102 163 Mexico 7 109 158 Thompson 5 114 150 Centralia Junction 8 122 142 Sturgeon 8 130 137 Clark 5 135 132 Kenick 5 140 126 Mol>erly June 6 146 119 Huntsville 7 153 112 Clifton 7 160 105 Salisbury 7 167 98 Keytesv'ille 7 174 94 Dalton 4 178 86 Brunswiek 8 186 *DininQ MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 80 Dewitt 6 192 76 Miami 4 198 70 Wakenda 6 202 03 Carrollton 7 209 54 Norborne 9 218 46 Hardin 8 226 40 K. and L Junction* 6 232 g@f" Connects with the St. Joseph Division. 35 Camden 5 237 29 Orrick 6 243 17 Missouri City 12 255 12 Liberty Landing 5 260 9 North Missouri June 3 263 1 Harlem 8 271 KAIVSAS CITY.... 1 272 J8@°^ Connects at Kansas City with the Kansas Pacific, for all points in Kansas and California; the Missouri River, Fort Scott and Gnlf Railroad, for Fort Scott, &c. ; and the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston Railroad, for Humboldt, &c. NORTHERN DIVISION. 276 ST,1.0UIS 130 Moberly 146 124 Cairo 6 152 118 Jacksonville 6 158 112 Woodswitch 6 164 107 Maeon* 5 168 Junction Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad. 95 Atlanta 12 181 86 La Plata 9 190 79 Millard 7 197 72 Kirksville 7 204 64 Sublett's 8 212 61 Green Top 3 215 57 Queen City 4 219 Stations. TABLE OF DISTANCES. 47 MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 49 Glen wood..... 8 227 41 Coatesville 8 235 34 Moulton 7 242 28 West Grove 6 248 20 Bloomtield 8 256 OUumwa 20 276 ]^^ Connects with the Des Moines Valley Bailroad. ST. JOSEPH DIVISION. 304 ST.T.OtTIS 72 K. and L. Junction 232 67 Eichmond 5 247 62 Swanwick 5 242 57 Foote Station 5 247 53 Vibbard 4 251 48 Lawson 5 256 43 Converse 5 261 38 Latbrop 5 266 34 Lyon 4 270 30 Plattsbury 4 274 25 Turner 5 279 21 Gower 4 283 16 Frazier 5 288 12 Agencv Ford 4 292 7 MatneV 5 297 ST. JOSEPH 7 304 {3Iissouri River.) )g^^ Connects with Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Railroad. Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Mailroad, MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 204 KA]VSAS CITY.... 202 Harlem 2 197 Stonington 5 7 194 Parkville 3 10 187 Waldron 7 17 179 E. Leavenwohth 8 25 173 Beverly 6 31 163 latan 10 41 153 WiNTHROP, op. Atchis'n.lO 51 149 Kushville 4 55 138 Lake Station 11 66 134 Han. & St. Joseph June. 4 70 133 St. Josepll 1 71 124 Amazonia 9 80 120 Kodaway 4 84 113 Forbes 7 91 105 Forest City 8 99 95 Bigelow 10 109 82 Corning 13 122 69 Phelps 13 135 55 Hamburg 14 149 44 East Kebraska C1TY..II 160 38 Percival 6 166 29 Bartlett 9 175 21 Pacific Junction 8 183 18 Pacific 3 186 4 Council Bliifls 14 200 1 Missouri Eiver 3 203 OMAHA 1 204 The Shortest Line from St. Louis to the WEST A]?J"I> ]?r©KTM. Three Express Trains leave St. Louis, Daily, making close connections at Ottumwa, Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs. Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars on the Night Trains. 48 BOSTON to ALBANY, DETROIT and MILWAUKEE, via GEEAT WESTERN RAILWAY OF CANADA. Boston S Albany Railroad, MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 200 BOSTO:^', Mass 195 Brighton 5 179 So Framiiigliaiii.l6 21 176 Ashland 3 24 173 Cordaville 3 27 172 Southville 1 28 168 Westboro 4 32 162 Grafton 6 88 156 WORCESTER... 6 44 155 Worcester Junction 1 45 147 Rochdale 8 53 143 Charlton 4 57 138 Spencer 5 62 133 Brookfield 5 67 131 West Brookfield 2 69 127 Warren 4 73 121 Brimfield 6 79 117 Palmer 4 83 111 Wilbraham 6 89 108 Indian Orchard 3 92 102 SPRIXGEI'IiD* 6 98 100 W. Springfield 2 100 92 Westfield 8 108 84 Russell 8 116 81 Huntington 3 119 74 Chester 7 126 69 Middlefield 5 131 65 Becket 4 135 62 Washington 3 138 57 Hinsdale 5 143 54 Dalton 3 146 49 Pittsfield 5 151 46 Shaker Village 3 154 41 .Richmond 5 159 38 N. Y. State Line 3 162 33 Canaan 5 167 28 East Chatham 5 172 23 Cliatlmm 5 177 19 Chatham Centre 4 181 16 Kinderhook 3 184 8 Schodack 8 192 STATIONS. 1 Greenbnsh 7 199 AI.BANY 1 200 ^eiv York Central Railroad. 804 AI.BAMY, KY.... 287 Sckeiieetacly 17 278 Hofiman's 9 271 Amsterdam 7 260 Fonda 11 252 Spraker's 8 249 Palatine Bridge 3 246 Fort Plain 3 240 St. Johnsville 6 230 l,Ulle Falls 10 223 Herkimer 7 221 Ilion 2 218 Frankfort 3 209 UTICA* 9 205 Whitesboro' 4 202 Oriskany 3 195 Rome 7 186 Verona 9 182 OiBeida 4 177 Canastota 5 173 Canaseraga ...... 4 171 Chittenango 2 167 Kirkville.... 4 164 Manlius 3 156 SYRACUSE 8 147 Warners 9 139 Jordan 8 131 Port Byron 8 124 Savannah 7 118 Clyde 6 112 I^yons 6 105 Newark 7 97 Palmyra 8 93 Macedon 4 85 Fairport 8 75 RO€IIESTER-^-..10 To Buffalo, 69 Miles, TABLE OF DISTANCES. 49 MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 66 Spencerport 9 438 63 Adams Basin 3 441 58 Brockport 5 446 54 Holley 4 450 50 Murray 4 454 45 Albion 5 459 39 Knowlesville 6 465 35 Medina 4 469 31 Middleport 4 473 26 Gasport 5 478 19 liockport 7 485 16 Lockport Junction 3 488 9 Sanborn 7 495 l^uspeii^ioii Br. 9 504 To Niagara Falls, 2 Miles. Great Western {Canada) M, It, 230 SiispeiisioEi Br.. 504 221 Thorold, Canada 9 513 219 St. Catherine's 2 515 213 Jordan 6 521 207 Beamsville 6 527 203 Grimsby 4 531 198 Winona 5 536 193 Stonev Creek 5 541 187 MAMIILTON* 6 547 To Toronto, 39 Miles. MILES. STATIONS. MILES 180 Dundas 7 175 Copetown 5 171 Lynden 4 168 Harrisburg 3 158 Paris 10 June. Buffalo & Goderich B. It. 151 Princeton 7 144 Eastwood 7 139 Woodstock 5 134 Beachville 5 130 Ingersoll 4 120 Dorchester 10 111 LiOBidoil^ 9 101 Komoka 10 96 Mt. Brydges 5 90 Longwood 6 80 Glencoe 10 74 Newbury 6 69 Bolliwell 5 61 Thamesville 8 55 Lewisville 6 46 €haibam 9 32 Baptiste Creek 14 27 Stonev Point 5 18 Belle'Eiver 9 1 Windsor 17 [Detroit River.) BETBOIT, Mich. 1 554 559 563 566 576 583 590 595 600 604 614 623 633 638 644 654 660 665 673 679 688 702 707 716 733 734 DETROIT to GRAND HAVEN and MILWAUKEE. Detroit a; 3IilwaukeeB. M, 274 BETKOIT 270 Grand Trunk Junction.. 248 Pontiac 22 241 Waterford 7 227 Holly 14 June. Flint & P. M. Railroad. 207 Gaines 20 67 196 OWOSSO 11 78 June. Jackson, Lansing & Saginaw R. R. 186 Ovid 10 88 176 St. John's 10 98 167 Fowler 9 107 157 Muir 10 117 150 Ionia 7 124 135 Lowell 15 139 116 Grand Ilapids....l9 158 June. Grand Rapids & Indiana R. R. 107 Berlin 9 167 88 Spring Lake 19 186 87 Ferrvsburg 1 187 85 CJrssnd Haven.... 2 189 {Lake Michir/an.) MII.WAi:KiEE...85 274 Connects with Milvxinkee & St. Paid Railway, and Steamers on L. Michigan. 50 BOSTON to DETROIT CHICAGO AND OMAHA. Jiostoti and Albany Hailroad, MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 734 KOSTON 690 Worcester 44 636 Springfield 54 98 583 PiTTSFIELD 53 151 534 AI.BA1VY 49 2U0 Neiv York Central Hailroad. 517 Schenectady 17 217 439 Utica 78 295 425 Rome 14 309 387 Syracuse 38 347 342 Lyons 45 392 306 Kockester 36 428 250 LocKPORT 56 484 230 Suspension Br'ge 20 504 Great Western Railway of Canada* 187 Hamilton 43 547 158 Paris 28 576 111 I^ondon 47 623 46 Chatham 65 688 1 Windsor 45 733 BETBOIT 1 734 Michigan Central Railroad, 284 I>ETKOIT, Mich 734 281 Grand Trunk June 3 737 274 Dearborn 7 744 270 Inksters 4 748 266 Wayne 4 752 261 Secords 5 757 259 Denton's 2 759 254 Ypsilanti 5 764 250 Geddes 4 768 246 Ann Arbor 4 772 243 Foster's 3 775 241 Delhi 2 777 239 Scio 2 779 237 Dexter 2 781 229 Chelsea 8 789 MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 222 Francisco 7 796 218 Grass Lake 4 800 215 Leoni 3 803 212 Michigan Central 3 806 208 Jackson 4 810 203 Trumbull's 5 815 197 Parma 6 821 194 Concord 3 824 192 Bath Mills 2 826 188 Albion 4 830 183 Marengo 5 835 176 Marshall 7 842 171 Ceresco 5 847 169 White's 2 849 163 Battle Creek 6 855 158 Bedford 5 860 154 Augusta 4 864 149 Galesburg 5 869 144 Comstock 5 874 140 Kalamazoo 4 878 135 Ostemo 5 883 128 Mattawan 7 890 124 Lawton 4 894 122 White Oaks 2 896 116 Decatur 6 902 112 Tietsort's 4 906 105 Dowagiac 7 913 99 Pokagon 6 919 93 IViles 6 925 87 Buchanan 6 931 82 Dayton 5 936 79 Gaiien 3 939 75 Avery's 4 943 73 Three Oaks 2 945 66 New Buffalo 7 952 61 Corvmbo 5 957 56 Michigan City... 5 962 50 Furnessville 6 968 44 Porter 6 974 35 ILake 9 983 29 Tolleston 6 989 14 Calumet 15 1,004 CHICAGO 14 1,018 TABLE OF DISTANCES. 51 Chicago and Noi^thiv ester n Hailroud, LES. STATIONS. MILES. cmcAcio 1,018 Austin 6 1,024 Harlem 3 1,027 Cottage Hill 7 1,034 Lombard 4 1,038 DanbY 3 1,041 Wheaton 2 1,043 Winfield 3 1,046 JllMCtion 2 1,048 Geneva 6 1,054 La Fox 5 1,059 Blackberry 3 1,062 Lodi 7 1,069 Cortland 4 1,073 De Kalb 3 1,076 Malta 6 1,082 Creston 6 1,088 Rochelle 5 1,093 Ashton 9 1,102 Franklin 4 1,106 Nacluisa 5 1,111 I>ix€>M 5 1,116 Nelson 6 1,122 Sterling 6 1,128 Galt...r. 3 1,13] Morrison 11 1,142 Fultoai 12 1,154 (Mississippi Biver.) Cliiitoii, Iowa 2 1,156 IOWA DIVISION. Clinton, Iowa 1,156 Camanche 5 1,161 Low Moor 5 1,166 Malone 4 1,170 DeWitt 5 1,175 Calamus 12 1,187 MILES. 319 314 307 302 290 289 282 273 264 248 243 238 232 222 215 212 203 189 181 174 162 152 140 135 128 122 113 104 96 86 83 68 59 51 41 25 10 4 1 Wheatland 4 Loudon 5 Clarence 7 Stanwood 5 Lisbon 12 Mt. Vernon 1 Bertram 7 Cedar Kapids.... 9 Fairfax 9 Blairstown — '. 16 Luzerne 5 Belle Plains 5 Chelsea 6 Tama 10 Oxford 7 Legrand 3 Marshall 9 State Center 14 Colo 8 Nevada 7 Ontario 12 Hooiie 10 Ogden 12 Beaver 5 Grand Junction 7 North Jeflerson 6 Scranton 9 Glidden 9 Carroll 8 Tip Top 10 West Side 3 I>eiBi^Oil 15 . 9 8 10 16 15 6 3 1 Crawford Dunlap. Woodbine Mo. Valley Junction.. Crescent Co^iiietlBliilTs.. Missouri River OMAHA, Neb 1,191 1,196 1,203 1,208 1,220 1,221 1,228 1,237 1,246 1,262 1,267 1,272 1,278 1,288 1,295 1,298 1,307 1,321 1,329 1,336 1,348 1,358 1,370 1,375 1,382 1,388 1,397 1,406 1,414 1,424 1,427 1,442 1,451 1,459 1,469 1,485 1,500 1,506 1,509 1,510 O^iATiA to Ogden, Utah 1,032 Miles Ogdeh to San Francisco, Cal 881 Total, Boston to San Fkancisco, via Chicago 3,423 Miles. 52 OMAHA to CHEYENNE, OGDEN, UTAH & SAN FRANCISCO. Union Pacific Mailroad, MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 1,032 OMAHA, Neb., 1,022 Gilmore 10 1,017 Papillion 5 15 1,003 Elkhorn 14 29 997 Valley 6 35 985 FrciMOiit* 12 47 978 Ketchum 7 54 970 North Bend 8 62 956 Schuyler 14 76 948 Eiehland 8 84 940 Columbus 8 92 933 Jackson 7 99 923 Silver Creek 10 109 911 Clark's 12 121 900 Lone Tree 11 132 890 Chapman's 10 142 878 Grand Island* 12 154 870 Pawnee 8 162 860 Wood Kiver 10 172 849 Gibbon 11 183 841 Kearney 8 191 831 Stevenson 10 201 820 Elm Creek 11 212 811 Overton 9 221 802 Plum Creek 9 230 792 Cayote 10 240 782 willow Island 10 250 772 Warren 10 260 764 Brady Island 8 268 755 McPherson 9 277 741 North Platte* 14 291 733 Nichols 8 299 724 O'Fallon's 9 308 710 Alkali 14 322 700 Koscoe 10 332 690 Ogalalla 10 342 681 Brule 9 351 671 Big Spring 10 361 655 JuLESBURG 16 377 645 Chappel 10 387 635 Lodge Pole 10 397 624 Colton 11 408 618 Sidney* 6 414 609 Brownson 9 423 Potter 10 433 Bennett 9 442 581 Antelope 9 451 569 Bushnell 12 463 559 Pine Bluff, W. Ter 10 473 548 Egbert 11 484 536 Hillsdale 12 496 524 Archer 12 508 616 CHEYEEi-NE 8 516 599 590 To Denver, 106 Miles. 509 Hazard 7 501 Otto 8 496 Granite Canon 5 490 Buford 6 483 Sherman, (Summit) 7 474 Harnev 9 523 531 536 542 549 558 468 Red Buttes 6 564 570 573 581 462 Fort Sanders 6 459 Laramie* 3 451 Howell's 8 445 Wyoming 6 587 430 Cooper's Lake 15 602 426 Lookout 4 606 409 Rock Creek 17 623 394 Como 15 638 384 Medicine Bow 10 648 376 Carbon 8 656 370 Simpson 6 662 363 Percy 7 669 357 Dana 6 675 352 St. Mary's 5 680 344 Walcott's 8 688 336 Fort Steele 8 696 328 Grenville 8 704 Dining Stations. TABLE or DISTANCES. 53 MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 823 Eawlins* 5 709 309 Separation 14 723 295 Creston 14 737 280 Wash-a-kie 15 752 271 Eed Desert 9 761 257 Table Kock 14 775 247 Bitter Creek* 10 785 238 Black Buttes 9 794 234 Hallville 4 798 227 Point of Rocks 7 805 215 Salt Wells 12 817 201 Rock Springs 14 831 187 Green River 14 845 174 Bryan 13 858 156 Granger 18 876 145 Church Buttes 11 887 128 Carter 17 904 119 Bridger 9 913 104 Leroy 15 928 95 Piedmont 9 937 77 Aspen 18 955 75 Evan ston, Utah 2 957 66 Wahsatch* 9 966 57 Castle Rock 9 975 41 Echo 16 991 25 Weber 16 1,007 13 Devil's Gate 12 1,019 8 Uintah 5 1,024 OCjJDE:^ 8 1,032 To Salt Lake City, 37 Miles. Central Pacific Bailroad, 881 OGI>EN 1,032 856 Corinne 25 1,057 820 Promontory 36 1,093 807 Monument' 13 1,106 790 Kelton 17 1,123 759 Terrace 31 1,154 734 Lucin 25 1,179 725 Tecoma, Nev 9 1,188 715 Montello 10 1,198 705 Loray 9 1,208 * Dining MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 696 ToANO 9 1,217 688 Pequop 8 1,225 676 Independence 12 1,237 672 Moore's 4 1,241 668 Cedar 4 1,245 662 Wells 6 1,251 654 Tulasco 8 1,259 642 Deeth 12 1,271 625 Halleck 17 1,288 615 Osino 10 1,298 605 Elko* 10 1,308 593 Moleen 12 1,320 582 Carlin 11 1,331 572 Palisade 10 1,341 554 Beowawe 18 1,359 544 Shoshone 10 1,369 533 Argenta 11 1,380 516 Battle Mountain 17 1,397 502 Stone House 14 1,411 490 Iron Point 12 1,423 478 Golconda 12 1,435 466 Tule 12 1,447 461 WiNNEMUCCA* 5 1,452 450 Rose Creek 11 1,463 440 Ra^spberry Creek 10 1,473 433 Mill City 7 1,480 421 Humboldt* 12 1,492 410 Rye Patch 11 1,503 399 Oreana 11 1,514 388 Lovelock's 11 1,525 372 Brown's 16 1,541 360 White Plains 12 1,553 345 Hot Springs 15 1,568 334 Desert 11 1,579 326 Wadsworth* 8 1,587 311 Clark's 15 1,602 299 Camp 12 1,614 291 Reno 8 1,622 280 Verdi, Cal » 11 1,633 265 Boca 15 1,648 257 Truckee* 8 1,656 242 Summit, Sierras 15 1,671 236 Cascade 6 1,677 229 Cisco 7 1,684 Stations. 54 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 220 Emigrant Gap 9 1,693 215 Blue Canon 5 1,698 206 Alta 9 1,707 204 Dutch Flat 2 1,709 201 GoldKun 3 1,712 191 Colfax* 10 1,722 173 Auburn 18 1,740 168 Newcastle 5 1,745 161 Pino 7 1,752 159 Kocklin 2 1,754 156 June. Oal. cj^ Or. B. B. 3 1,757 146 Arcade 10 1,767 MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 138 SACHAMEl^TO. 8 1,775 112 Gait 26 1,801 91 Stockton 21 1,822 81 Lathrop 10 1,832 74 Bantas 7 1,839 69 Ellis 5 1,844 47 Livermore 22 1,866 41 Pleasanton 6 1,872 29 Niles 12 1,884 6 Oakland 23 1,907 [Bay of San Francisco.) S. FRAl^CISCO.. 6 1,913 THS CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD, The Last Link in the Great chain of Kailroads connecting the ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC OCEANS. CONNECTS WITH THE Union Pacific Railroad at Union Junction, ON THE NORTHERN SHORES OF GREAT SALT LAKE. FROM THIS POINT TO WEB 0'ENTMAE, FAGIFW MAmE&AB Passes over a Eoute which presents the Most Varied and Attractive Scenery on the Continent. The O. P. R. R. is a wonderful achievement of engineering: skill and perfection in Railroad construction. The nnmerons connections of the CENTRAL PAOIPIO RAILROAD by Rail, Steamers and Stages, enables the Traveller to reach any point either in CALIFORNIA, OREGON AND BRITISH AMERICA, OK ACROSS THE PACIFIC OCEAN TO 55 BOSTON TO ALBANY, BUFFALO, TOLEDO, CHICAGO, DAVENPORT, OMAHA AND SAN FRANCISCO, Via UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. Hoston and Alhanij Hailroad, MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 200 BOSTON 179 S. FraMimgliam... 21 156 WORCESTEK 23 44 June. Norwich and Worcester R. B. 131 West Brookfield..25 69 117 Palmer 39 83 102 SPKI]VGFIEIiI>..15 98 Junction Nexo Haven, Hartford and Springfield Railroad. 92 Westfield 10 108 49 Piltsfield 43 151 23 Chatlaam 26 177 AI.BANT 23 200 New York Central Railroad. 298 AliBANY 200 281 Sclienectady 17 217 224 L.ittle Falls 57 274 203 Utica 21 295 188 Rome 14 309 176 Oneida 12 321 150 STRACUSE 26 347 105 I^yons 45 392 69 ROCHESTER 36 428 59 Chili 11 439 55 Churchville 4 443 MILES. STATIONS. MILES, 52 Bergen 3 446 45 Byron 7 453 37 Batavia 8 461 30 Crofts 7 468 25 Corfu 5 473 20 Alden 5 478 17 Wende 3 481 11 Lancaster 6 487 8 Forks 3 490 BUFFAIiO 8 498 Lake Shore Hailroad, 540 BUFFAL.O.. 498 530 Hamburgh 10 508 526 Lake View 4 512 519 Angola 7 519 514 Farnhara 5 524 511 Irving 3 527 509 Silver Creek 2 529 500 Bimkirk 9 538 Jl^^'Connects with Ei^ie Railway. 491 Brocton 9 547 483 Westfield... 8 555 475 Ripley 8 563 472 State Line 3 566 467 Northeast, Pa 5 571 463 Morehead's 4 575 460 Harbor Creek 3 578 456 Wesleyville 4 582 452 ERIE 4 586 J^^'Connects with Philadelphia and Erie Railway. 444 Swanville.. 8 594 441 Fairview 3 597 437 GiRARD 4 601 432 Springfield 5 606 424 Conneaut c 8 614 417 Kingsville 7 621 56 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. STATIONS. 411 406 402 899 396 391 386 379 375 371 366 357 356 344 341 336 331 323 318 313 308 301 297 289 282 273 267 261 257 252 244 Asli^abulsio..... 6 Say brook 5 Geneva 4 Union ville o.... 3 Madison 3 Pelry 5 Painesville 5 Mentor 7 Willougliby 4 Wicklille 4 Euclid 5 €I.E¥EL.AI^1> 9 Atlantic 0 8 627 632 636 639 642 647 652 659 663 667 672 681 682 694 697 702 707 715 720 725 730 737 741 749 756 765 771 777 781 786 794 3Ilchigaii SoufJiet'n Hailroad, 244 TOI.EBO 794 241 Junction 3 797 233 Sylvania 8 805 STATIONS. 226 223 221 217 211 206 200 194 187 183 178 174 168 162 155 145 138 132 127 120 114 109 101 96 90 86 74 73 59 50 47 41 30 23 12 Wood , 7 Eiga 3 Blissfield 2 Palmyra Junction 4 Adrisiii.. 6 Dover T't.. 5 Clayton 6 Hudson 6 Pittsford.... 7 Osseo 4 Hillsdale 5 Jonesville 4 Allen's 6 Quincy 9 Coliiwater 7 Bronson 10 Burr Oak... 7 Sturgis 6 Side Track... 5 White Pigeon 7 Middlebury 6 Bristol 5 £lkhart 8 Osceola 5 Mishawka 6 South Bend 4 TerreC'pe 12 N. Carlisle 1 t«aporte 14 Plolmesviile 9 Selkirk's 3 Chesterton 6 Miller's 11 Pine 7 Ainsworth 10 Englewood 6 CHICAGO 6 812 815 817 821 827 832 838 844 851 855 860 864 870 876 883 893 900 906 911 918 924 929 937 942 948 952 964 965 979 988 991 997 1,008 1,015 1,026 1,032 1,038 Chicago to Omaha, Neb., via Davenport, Iowa, 494 Miles. Omaha to Ogden, Utah, via Union Pacific Kailroad, 1,032 " Ogden to San Francisco, Cal., via Central Pacific Kailroad.. 881 " Total, Boston to San Francisco, 3,445 Miles. TABLE OF DISTANCES. 57 BUFFALO to CLEVELAND, TOLEDO AND CHICAGO, Via LAKE SHOEE AND MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY. BUFFALO AND ERIE DIVISION. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 183 BUFFAI.0 173 Hamburgh 10 169 Lake View 4 14 162 Angola 7 21 157 Farnham 5 26 154 Irving 3 29 152 Silver Creek 2 31 143 I>uiakirli* 9 40 JS®^ Connects with the Erie Railway. 134 Brocton 9 49 126 Westfield 8 57 118 Ripley 8 65 115 State Line 3 68 110 Northeast 5 73 103 Harbor Creek 7 80 95 Erie^ 8 88 Jl^^Connects with Pkila. & Erie B. R. 87 Swanville 8 96 84 Fairview 3 99 80 GiRARD 4 103 75 Springfield 5 108 67 Conneaut 8 116 60 Kingsville 7 123 54 Ashtabula 6 129 49 Saybrook 5 134 45 Geneva 4 138 42 Unionville 3 141 39 Madison 3 144 84 Perry 5 149 29 Painesville 5 154 18 Willonghby 11 165 14 Wicklifie 4 169 9 Euclid 5 174 €IiEVEIiA:sri> 9 183 '^^ Connects with Railroads, and Steamers on Lake Erie. TOLEDO DIVISION. 113 CI.EVEIiAWI> 183 100 Berea 13 196 MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 87 Elyria 13 209 79 Oberlin 8 217 69 Wakeman 10 227 57 Norwalk 12 239 53 Monroe ville 4 243 38 Clyde 15 258 29 Fremont 9 267 13 Genoa 16 283 T01^EI>0 13 296 MICHIGAN SOUTHERN DIVISION. 244 TOI.EBO 296 241 Junction 3 299 233 Sylvania 8 307 223 Riga 10 317 217 Pal mvra Junction 6 323 211 Aclrian 6 329 200 Clayton 11 340 194 Hudson 6 346 187 Pittsford 7 353 183 Osseo 4 357 178 Hillsdale 5 362 174 Jonesville 4 366 162 Quincy 12 378 155 Cold Water 7 385 145 Bronson 10 395 138 Burr Oak 7 402 132 Sturgis 6 408 120 White Pigeon 12 420 114 Middlebury 6 426 101 Elkliari 13 439 96 Osceola 5 4-14 86 South Bend 10 454 73 North Carlisle 13 467 59 Laporte 14 481 50 Holmesville 9 490 41 Chesterton 9 499 30 Miller's 11 510 23 Pine 7 517 12 Ainsworth 11 528 6 Englewood 6 534 CmCAISO 6 540 68 CLEVELAND to COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. Cleveland, Columbus, Cincin- nati & Indianapolis H, H, MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 138 CL.EVEI.ANI> Mahoning Bridge. 125 Berea 13 122 Olmsted 3 16 119 Columbia 3 19 112 Grafton 6 25 108 La Grange 5 30 101 Wellington 7 37 96 Rochester 5 42 90 New London 6 48 83 Greenwich 7 55 77 Shiloh 6 61 71 Shelby 6 67 67 Sharon Siding 4 71 62 CRESTL.I1VE* 5 76 58 Gallon 4 80 52 Iberia 6 86 45 Gilead. 7 93 41 Cardington 4 97 34 Ashley 7 104 30 Eden 4 108 24 I>elaware 6 114 Springfield Branch, 50 Miles. 20 Berlin 4 118 16 Lewis Centre 4 122 14 Orange 2 124 11 Westerville 3 127 8 Worthincrton 3 130 COLUMBUS 8 138 Little Miami Mailroad, 120 COLUMBUS 138 115 Alton 5 143 105 West Jefferson 10 153 100 Glade Kun 5 158 95 London 5 163 89 Florence 6 169 84 South Charleston 5 174 * Dining MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 79 Selma 5 179 73 Cedarville 6 185 69 Pierce's 4 189 65 Xewia 4 193 58 Spring Valley 7 200 56 Clavsville 2 202 51 Corwin 5 207 45 Freeport 6 213 41 Fort Ancient 4 217 36 Morrow 5 222 31 South Lebanon 5 227 27 Foster's 4 231 23 LovELAND 4 235 17 Miamiville 6 241 14 Milford 3 244 9 Plainville 5 249 3 Pendleton 6 255 CI]^CIIVNATI 3 258 INDIANAPOLIS DIVISION. Cleveland, Columbus, Cincin- nati c0 Indianapolis M. M. 282 CLEVELAIVO 257 Grafton 25 215 Shelby 42 67 207 Crestline* 8 75 202 Gallon 5 80 195 Side Track 7 87 191 Caledonia 4 91 182 Marion 9 100 175 Gurleys 7 107 172 Cary's 3 110 168 La Rue 4 114 161 Mt. Victory 7 121 158 Ridgeway 3 124 151 Rushsylvania 7 131 148 Harper 3 134 142 Bellefontaine 6 140 133 De Graff. 9 149 130 Quincy 3 152 126 Pemberton 4 156 Stations. TABLE OF DISTANCES. 59 MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 120 Sidney 6 162 110 Houston 10 172 106 Eussia 4 176 102 Versailles 4 180 97 Johnson's Mills 5 185 94 Dallas 3 188 85 Union* 9 197 81 Harrisville 4 201 75 Winchester 6 207 68 Farmland 7 214 64 Morristown 4 218 60 Selma 4 222 54 MuNciE 6 228 48 Yorktown 6 234 43 Daleville 5 239 41 Chesterfield 2 241 36 Anderson 5 246 28 Pendleton 8 254 21 Fortville 7 261 16 McCord's 5 266 14 Oakland 2 268 10 Lawrence 4 272 I]VI>IA]VAPOL.IS.10 282 Note. — This Railway now compri- ses the Columbus Division, 138 miles; the Springfield Branch, 50 miles, and the Indianapolis Division, 207 miles, — making a total of 395 miles, known as the " Bee Line." Indianapolis <€• St. Louis JR. R, MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 262 I]\^I>IAXAPOI.IS. 282 250 Avon 12 294 242 Danville 7 301 234 Eeno 9 310 223 Greeneaslle 11 321 209 Carbon 14 335 198 Grant 11 346 190 Terre ISjsiile 8 354 178 Vermillion 12 3G6 171 Psuras 7 373 145 CHARLESTON'^ 26 399 140 Stockton 5 404 134 Mattoon* 6 410 122 Windsor 12 422 95 Pana 27 449 83 NoKOMis* 10 459 67 Hillsboro' 18 477 56 Litchfield 11 488 46 Gillespie 10 498 37 Bunker Hill 9 507 28 Moro 9 516 22 Alton Junction 6 522 To Alton, 5 Miles. 1 East ^t. lionis 21 543 ST. JLOVm 1 544 H^"' Connects with the Atlantic and Pacific, Missouri Pacific, and North Missouri Railroads. THIS IMPORTANT LINE OF TRAVEL Forms the most Direct Route to C01L.TJ3J:BTJS and. OIIVCIIVIVIVATI on the SOXJTH, AND TO INDIANAPOLIS and ST. LOUIS in the SOUTHWEST, Connecting with Railkoads running to KANSAS, COLORADO, UTAH and CALIFORKLA.. 60 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. TOLEDO TO QUINCY, ST. LOUIS AND KEOKUK, Via TOLEDO WABASH AND WESTERN RAILROAD. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 476 TOIiEBO 467 Maumee City 9 459 Whitehouse 8 17 448 Liberty U 28 441 Napoleon 7 35 426 Defiance 15 50 415 Emerald H 61 405 Antwerp 10 71 388 New Haven 17 88 382 F®rt Wayne 6 94 1^°^ Connects with Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad. 367 Roanoke 15 109 358 Huntington 9 118 345 Lagro I3 131 340 Wabash 5 136 326 Peru 14 150 319 Waverly 7 157 310 LooANSPORT 9 166 296 Rockfield 14 180 290 Delphi 6 186 281 Back Creek 9 195 273 I^afayeUe 8 203 263 West Point 10 213 252 Attica H 224 244 West Lebanon 8 232 234 State Line 10 242 226 Danville 8 250 220 Catlin 6 256 213 Fairmoimt 7 263 206 Homer 7 270 190 ToLONO 16 286 Junction Illinois Central Railroad. 179 Norrie H 297 173 Beraent 6 303 164 Cerro Gordo 9 312 153 Becatnr* 11 323 ST. LOUIS DIVISION. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 109 I>ecatwr 323 102 Boody 7 330 90 Stonington 12 342 82 Taylorville 8 350 74 Palmer's 8 358 69 Morrison 5 363 61 Raymond 8 371 49 Litchfield 12 383 42 Drummond 7 390 36 Staunton 6 396 19 Edwardsville 17 413 1 East St. liOllis 18 431 ST. I.OUIS 1 432 153 ©ecatiir 323 128 Mechanicsburg 25 348 114 SpringHeld 14 362 112 C. and A. Junction 2 364 97 Berlin 15 379 91 Alexander 6 385 80 Jacksonville 11 396 70 Chapin 10 406 62 Bluff's 8 414 Jggg^ Connects with Hannibal and Naples Branch, 50 Miles. 56 Meredosia 6 420 48 Versailles 8 428 39 Mt. Sterling 9 437 33 Mounds 6 443 28 Clayton 5 448 '^^ Connects with Keokuk Branch, 42 Miles in length. 22 Camp Point 6 454 15 Paloma 7 461 9 Cliola 6 467 QUINCY 9 476 {Mississippi River.) Ig^" Connects at Quincy and Han- nibal, with Han. <& St. Joseph R. R. TABLE OF DISTANCES. 61 HANNIBAL AND QUINCY TO ST. JOSEPH AND KANSAS CITY, Via HANNIBAL AND ST. JOSEPH RAILKOAD. 206 QUINCY 204 West Quincy 2 198 North River 6 8 191 Palmyra Junction*... 7 15 206 HAlVXIBAIi 196 Barkley 10 191 Palmyra Junction 5 15 191 Palmyra Junction* 176 Monroe 15 30 169 Hunnewell 7 37 164 Lakenan 5 42 159 Shelbina 5 47 147 Clarence 12 59 142 Round Grove 5 64 139 Carbon 3 .67 136 Maeon 3 70 Junction North Missouri Railroad. 131 Bevier 5 127 Callao 4 120 New Cambria 7 112 Bucklin 8 106 8t. Catherine 6 102 Brookfield* 4 104 97 Laclede 5 109 90 Meadville 7 85 Wheeling 5 76 Chillicothe 9 71 Utica 5 66 Mooresville 5 61 Breckenridge 5 145 60 Hamilton 11 156 43 Kidder 7 35 Cameron Junction* 8 75 79 86 94 100 116 121 130 135 140 163 171 * Dining MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 29 Osborn 6 177 21 Stewartsville 8 185 12 Easton 9 194 6 ^^axton 6 200 ST. JOSEPH 6 206 {3Tissouri River.) ]^^ Connects at St, Joseph with all the Railroads running South, North and West, — running to Missouri, Kcmsas, In- dian Territory, Nebraska, Colorado, Wy- oming, Utah, Nevada and California. 55 Cameron Junction 171 45 Turney 10 181 39 Lathrop 6 187 32 Holt 7 194 25 Kearnev 7 201 20 Robertson 5 206 15 Libertv 5 211 7 Arnold 8 219 1 Harlem 6 225 KA^^SAvS €ITY.... 1 226 g^^ Connects with Kansas Pacific Railroad, and with Kansas City, ,lSt. Joseph and Council Bluffs Railroad. THREE FAST EXPRESS TRAINS, Crossing the Mississippi at Quincy, and the Missouri at Kansas City, on Iron Bridges, — running Palace Day Coaches, and Pullman's Sleeping Palaces from Chicago and Quincy to St. Joseph, Kansas City and Omaha — without change of Cars. Stations. 62 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. CHICAaO to ST. LOUIS, Via CHICAGO, ALTON & ST. LOUIS R. R. MILES. STATIONS. 281 CHICAGO 278 Bridgeport 276 Brigliton Course 2 269 Summit 7 263 Willow Springs 6 256 Lemont 7 249 Lockport 7 243 Joliet 6 235 Elwood 8 232 Hampton 3 228 Wilmington 4 224 Braidwood 4 220 Braceville 4 215 Gardner 5 212 Grundy 3 207 DwiGHT 5 199 Odell 8 194 Cayuga 5 189 Pontiac 5 178 Chenoa 11 170 Lexington 8 163 Towanda 7 157 Normal 6 155 ISlooiuiugton 2 148 Shirley 7 140 McLean .^ 8 135 Atlanta 5 131 Lawn Dale 4 124 Lincoln 7 117 Broadwell 7 113 Elkhart 4 108 Williarasville 5 103 Sherman 5 96 SPKINGFIEI.I>.. 7 94 Toledo, W. & W. June. 2 87 Chatham 7 81 Auburn 6 75 Virden 6 71 Girard 4 62 Anderson 9 58 Carlinville 4 52 Macoupin 6 47 Plainview 5 3 5 12 18 25 32 38 46 49 53 57 61 66 69 74 82 87 92 103 111 118 124 126 133 141 146 150 157 164 168 173 178 185 187 194 200 206 210 219 223 229 I 234 I MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 43 Shipraan 4 238 38 Miles 5 243 36 Brighton 2 245 30 Godfrey 6 251 24 Alton 6 257 20 Milton 4 261 17 Edwardsville Junction... 3 264 12 Mitchell 5 269 7 Kinder 5 274 5 Venice 2 276 1 EastSt. I.©ms 4 280 ST. I.OUIS 1 281 JACKSONVILLE DIVISION. CHICAGO 180 Bloomington 126 174 Covel 6 132 168 Stanford 6 138 157 Hopedale 11 149 149 Delavan 8 157 144 San Jose 5 162 135 Mason City 9 171 127 Greenview 8 179 119 Petersburg 8 187 112 Tallula 7 194 106 Ashland 6 200 91 Jsaeksonville 15 215 80 Murray ville 11 226 74 Manchester 6 232 70 Eoodhouse 4 236 66 Whitehall 4 240 57 Carrollton 9 249 49 Kane 8 257 44 Jerseyville 5 262 38 Delhi 6 268 29 Godfrey 9 277 23 Alton 6 283 East St. Eoiiis 23 306 !^^ Connects with the Atlantic and Pacific, Missouri Pacific, North Missouri and Iron 3Iountain Railroads; also, with Steamboats of the Memphis and St. Louis Packet Company 63 CHICAGO to QUINCY AND ST. JOSEPH, Mo. Chicago, SarUngtofi and Qitincy liailivay. STATIONS. 12 18 23 29 38 43 4(3 53 57 60 66 73 79 84 263 CHICAGO 251 Kiverside 245 Hinsdale 6 240 Downer's Grove 5 234 Naperville 6 225 Aurora 9 220 Oswego 5 217 Bristol 3 210 Piano 7 206 Sandwich 4 203 Somonauk 3 197 Leland 6 190 Earl 7 184 Meriden 6 179 Mendota* 5 Crossing Illinois Central Railroad. 171 Arlington 8 92 164 Maiden 7 99 158 Princeton 6 105 150 Chicago, K. L, & P. June. 8 113 146 Bnda 4 117 139 Neponset 7 124 131 Kewanee., 8 132 123 Galva 8 140 116 Altona 7 147 112 Oneida 4 151 107 Wataga 5 156 100 Galesburg* 7 163 BURLINGTON DIVISION, 44 Miles. 90 Abingdon 10 173 84 St. Augustine 6 179 80 Avon 4 183 77 Prairie City 3 186 71 Bushnell 6 192 67 Bardolph 4 196 59 Macomb 8 204 STATIONS. 53 Colchester 6 210 51 Tennessee 2 212 45 Colmar 6 218 40 Plymouth 5 223 36 Augusta 4 227 29 La Prairie 7 234 27 Toledo, W. & W. June... 2 236 21 Camp Point 6 242 16 Coatsburg 5 247 13 Paloma 3 250 11 Fowler 2 252 9 Cliola 2 254 QUINCY- 9 263 {Mississippi River.) Hannibal <£• St. Joseph JK. It,, 206 aUIXCY 263 191 Palmyra, Mo 15 278 176 Monroe 15 293 169 Hunnewell 7 300 159 Shelbina 10 310 147 Clarence 12 322 139 Carbon , 8 330 136 Macon* 3 333 131 Bevier 5 338 127 Callao 4 342 120 New Cambria 7 349 112 Bucklin 8 357 106 St. Catherine 6 363 102 Brookfield* 4 367 97 Laclede 5 372 90 Meadville 7 379 85 Wheeling 5 384 76 Chillicothe 9 393 71 Utica 5 398 61 Breckenridge 10 408 50 Hamilton U 419 43 Kidder 7 426 35 Cameron* 8 434 Dining Stations. 64 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. Cameron and Kansas City Branch. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 55 Cameron Junction 434 39 Lathrop 16 450 15 Liberty 24 474 1 Harlem 14 488 ICAMi^AS CITY 1 489 Junction Kansas & Pacific Railroad. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 35 Cameron Junction 434 29 O^borii 6 440 21 Stewartsville 8 448 12 Easton 9 457 6 Saxton 6 463 ST. JOSEPH 6 469 Jg@^ Connects with Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs Railroad. CHIGAGO to BURLINGTON AND OMAHA. C, B, & Q.f mid Bur. <& 3Iis- souri Bailroad, 503 CHICAGO 419 Mendota* 84 340 iirg* 79 163 331 Cameron 9 172 324 Monmouth 7 179 318 Young America 6 185 311 Biggsville 7 192 306 Sagetown 5 197 297 Carthage Junction 9 206 {3fississippi River.) 296 BURIilNGTOIV,!. 1 207 Bur. S Missouri Bitwr It. B. 296 IBUKMMGTON.... 207 287 Middletown 9 216 283 Danville 4 220 277 New London 6 226 268 Mt. Pleasant 9 235 261 Kome 7 242 254 Glendale 7 249 246 Fairfield 8 257 241 Whitfield 5 262 234 Batavia 7 269 227 Agency City 7 276 221 Ottimiwa 6 282 Junction North ^lissouri Railroad. 213 Chillicothe 8 290 205 Frederic 8 298 196 Albia 9 307 188 Tyrone 8 315 182 Melrose 6 321 174 Russell 8 329 166 Chariton 8 337 158 Lucas 8 345 150 Woodburn 8 453 140 Osceola 10 363 130 Murray 10 373 124 Thayer 6 379 116 Afton 8 387 106 Creston 10 397 101 Cromwell 5 402 92 Prescott 9 411 85 Corning 7 418 81 Brookville 4 422 76 Nodaway 5 427 71 Villisca 5 432 63 Stanton 8 440 55 EedOak 8 448 Connects with Nebraska City Branch. 50 Hawthorn 5 453 46 Emerson 4 457 35 Milton 11 468 30 Loudon 5 473 25 Glenwood 5 478 21 Pacific Jiiiictioii. 4 482 To Plattsmouth, 4 Miles. 19 Pacific City 2 484 11 Trader's Point 8 492 5 Council HliiltH 6 498 2 Missouri River 3 501 OMAHA 2 503 TABLE OF DISTANCES. 65 CHICAGO to CAIRO & ST. LOUIS, Via ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. CHICAGO DIVISION. STATIONS. MILES. CHICAGJO Hyde Park 6 Calumet 8 14 Thornton 9 23 Matteson 5 28 Eichton. 1 29 Monee 5 34 Peotone 6 40 Manteno 6 46 Kankakee 9 55 Cheban.se 9 64 Clifton 5 69 Danforth 8 77 GioiAN 4 81 Onarga 3 84 Spring Creek 3 87 Bulkley 5 92 Loda 6 98 Paxton 4 102 Pera 6 108 Rantoul 5 113 Thomasboro' 5 118 Champaign* 9 127 Savov 5 132 ToLONO 5 137 Pe.sotnm 4 141 Tn.scola 8 149 Okaw 8 157 Milton 6 163 Mattoon 9 172 ^tna 7 179 Neoga 5 184 Sigel 6 190 Effifigliam* 9 199 39 £miighaiu 199 35 Funkhouser 4 203 B2 St. Elmo 13 216 ^6 Brownstown 6 222 38 Vsindalia* 8 230 Crossing Main Line Illinois Gen. B. E. 5 MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 64 Hagarstown 4 234 50 Greenville 14 248 40 Pocahontas 10 258 36 Oakdale 4 262 31 Highland 5 267 18 Troy 13 280 12 Collinsvlle 6 286 1 I^ast St. Lioni^ 11 297 ST. I.OUIS 1 298 160 Watson 6 205 154 Mason 6 211 151 Edgewood 3 214 147 Laclede 4 218 143 Farina 4 222 137 Kinmundv 6 228 132 Aim ' 5 233 127 Tonti 5 238 121 Odin 6 244 115 Central Citv 6 250 113 Ceiitralia* 2 252 107 Irvington 6 258 100 Ashley 7 265 92 Dubois 8 273 86 Tamaroa 6 279 79 St. John's 7 286 77 I>H Quoin 2 288 70 p]Ikville 7 295 64 De Soto 6 301 58 Carbondale 6 307 50 Makanda 8 815 43 Cobden 7 822 37 Jonesboro' 6 328 28 Dongola 9 837 25 Wetaug 3 340 21 Ullin 4 844 17 Pulaski 4 348 13 Villa Ridge 4 852 9 Mounds 4 35G CAIKO 9 865 Jg^*" Connects with Steamers on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, m ACROSS THE CONTINENT. CAIRO to DUBUQUE, Iowa, Via ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, Connecting with STEAMERS on the OHIO and MISSISSIPPI RIVER. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 456 CAIRO... 419 jonesboro' 37 399 Carbondale 20 57 380 I>u Quoin 19 76 Junction BellviUe & Illinois Southern Railroad. 358 Ashley 22 98 343 CeiUralia* 15 113 Junction Chicago Branch Illinois Cen- tral Railroad. 337 SiUidoTal 6 119 June. Ohio and 3Iississippi Railroad. 313 Vamlalia* 24 143 Crossing St. Louis, Vandalia & In- dianapolis Railroad. 284 Pana 29 172 Junction Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad. 261 Macon 23 195 251 Becatiir 10 205 Junction Toledo, Wabash & Western Railroad. 230 Cltnton 21 226 207 BloomiiBgtoii^ 23 249 Junction Indianapolis, Bloomington & Western Railroad, MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 190 El Paso 17 266 Junction Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw Railroad. 168 Wenona 22 288 147 La Salle 21 309 Junction Chicago, Rock Island & Pa- cific Railroad. 131 Menclota 16 325 Junction Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad. 115 Amboy 16 341 103 Dixon 12 353 Junction Chicago and Northwestern Railroad. 90 Polo 13 366 67 Freeport* 23 389 Junction Chicago and Northwestern Railroad. 54 Lena 13 402 43 Warren 11 413 Junction Warren & Mineral Point Railroad. 29 Scales Mound 14 427 17 Galena 12 439 1 dunleith 16 455 I>UBrC|UE 1 456 The Main Line of the Illinois Central Railroad connects at Bubuqiie with the Iowa Division, extending to Sioux City, 325 Miles; and with Steamers, running on the Upper Mississippi, to Prairie du Chien, La Crosse, Winona and St. Paul. ^ TABLE OF DISTANCES. 67 CHICAGO to DUBUQUE AND SIOUX CITY, Iowa. Chicago a; Northwestern R. R. STATIONS. 188 182 179 178 172 165 163 160 158 152 149 146 138 133 125 122 116 110 104 95 88 81 74 67 CHICAGO Austin Harlem 3 Cottage Hill 1 Lombard 6 Danby 7 Wheaton 2 Winfield 3 Junction 2 Wayne 6 Clintonville 3 Elgin 3 Gilberts' 6 Huntley 5 Union 8 Marengo 3 Garden Prairie 6 Belvidere 6 Cherry Valley 6 Kockfbrd 9 Winnebago 7 Pecatonica 7 Eidot 7 Freeport 7 10 16 23 25 28 30 36 39 42 50 55 63 66 72 78 84 93 100 107 114 121 Illinois Central Railroad, 67 Freeport 121 59 Eleroy 8 129 54 Lena 5 134 47 Nora 7 141 43 Warren 4 145 37 Apple Kiver 6 151 29 Scales Mound 8 159 24 Council Hill 5 164 17 Galena 7 I7i 8 Menominee 9 180 1 DUNLEITH 7 187 {3lississippi River.) Dubuque 1 188 IOWA DIVISION. "ILES. STATIONS. MILES 325 I>1TBU<|UE 188 315 Julien 10 198 310 Peosta 5 203 302 Farley 8 211 295 Dyersville , 7 218 288 Earlville 7 225 284 Delaware 4 229 278 Manchester 6 235 271 Masonville 7 242 264 Winthrop 7 249 255 Independence 9 258 247 Jesup 8 266 239 Eaymond 8 274 232 Waterloo 7 281 227 June. C. F. & Minn. Div. 5 286 226 Cedar Falls 1 287 216 New Hartford 10 297 208 Parkersburg 8 305 203 Aplington 5 310 193 Arckley 10 320 183 Iowa Falls 10 330 176 Alden 7 337 168 Williams 8 345 163 Blairsburg 5 350 153 Webster City 10 360 145 Dnncorahe 8 368 134 ForlHodg^e 11 379 116 Manson 18 397 108 Pomeroy 8 405 99 Marvin 9 414 91 Newell 8 422 81 Storm Lake 10 432 75 Alta 6 438 68 Aurelia 7 445 60 Cherokee 8 453 53 Hazard 7 460 43 Marcus 10 470 35 Kemsen 8 478 25 Le Mars 10 488 SIOtJXCITY 25 513 {Missouri liiver.) 68 ACROSS THE CONTINENT, CHICAGO to MADISON, Wis., PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, and ST. PAUL. Chicago S JVorthivestern It, M, WISCONSIN DIVISION. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 138 €MICAIS0:^ 10 138 Milwaukee & St, Paul M* M, 313 MAI>I§ON 138 307 Middleton 6 144 299 Cross Plains 8 152 204 Black Earth 5 157 291 Mazomanie 3 160 284 Arena 7 167 277 Spring Green 7 174 270 Lone Rock 7 181 264 Avoca 6 187 258 MuscoDA 6 193 243 Boscobel 15 208 233 Wanzeka 10 218 226 Wright's Ferry 7 225 MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 223 Bridgeport 3 228 215 FrsUriediiChieii. 8 236 {3Iississippi River.) 215 ]^. McGregor 236 209 Giard 6 242 200 Monona ,..,.9 251 189 Postville 11 262 178 Ossian 11 273 172 Calmer 6 279 162 Ridgeway 10 289 153 Cresco 9 298 142 Lime Springs 11 309 137 Chester 5 314 130 LeRov 7 321 119 Adams 11 332 104 AiiHtin 15 347 101 Ramsey 3 350 98 Lansing 3 353 89 Blooming Prairie -9 262 80 Aurora 9 371 71 Owalonna 9 380 Junction Winona & St. Peter R. R. 65 Medford 6 386 56 Faribauet 9 395 45 Dundas 11 406 42 Northfield 3 409 36 Castle Rock 6 415 29 Farming-ton 7 422 22 Rosemount 7 429 9 St. Paul Junction 13 442 8 Mendota 1 443 5 Minne-ha-ha 3 446 Minneapolis 5 451 ST. PAUIi 448 Jl®^ Connects with the St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, and Lake Superior and 3rissis.^ippi Railroad. . TABLE OF DISTANCES. 69 MILWAUKEE TO PRAIRIE DU CHIEN AND ST. PAUL. 3IllwaHkee and St, JPaul R. M. PRAIRIE DU CHIEN DIVISION. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 194 MII.WAUKEE 189 Wauwatosa 5 184 Elm Grove 5 10 180 Brookfield Junction 4 14 Jg^^ Connects with La Crosse Div. ni Forest House 3 17 173 Waukesha 4 21 166 Genesee 7 28 163 North Prairie 3 31 152 Palmyra 11 42 143 Whitewater 9 51 138 Lima 5 56 132 Milton 6 62 Jg^^ Connects with Monroe Br. R. B, 130 Milton Junction 2 64 Junction Chicago and N. W. B. B. 123 Edgerton 7 71 114 Stoughton 9 80 105 McFarland 9 89 98 MADISOX 7 96 Jg^" Connects with Madison Divi- sion, Chicago and N. W. Bailroad. 92 Middleton 6- 102 84 Cross Plains 8 110 79 Black Earth 5 115 76 Mazomanie 3 118 69 Arena 7 125 62 Spring Green 7 132 55 Lone Eock 7 139 49 Avoca 6 145 43 MuscoDA 6 151 28 Boscobel 15 166 IS Wauzeka 10 176 11 Wright's Ferry 7 183 8 Bridgeport 3 186 {Mississippi Biver.) Prairie €lu €hien. 8 194 IOWA AND MINNESOTA DIVISION. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 212 JVorth MeCiregor.. 194 206 Giard 6 200 197 Monona 9 209 193 Luana 4 213 186 Postville 7 220 180 Castalia 6 226 175 Ossian 5 231 169 Calmer 6 237 166 Conover 3 240 159 Ridgeway 7 247 150 Cresco 9 256 139 Lime Springs 11 267 134 Chester 5 272 127 Le Roy 7 279 116 Adams 11 290 101 Austin 15 305 98 Ramsey 3 308 Junction Southern Minnesota B. B. 95 Lansing 3 311 86 Blooming Prairie 9 320 77 Aurora 9 329 68 Owatoiina 9 338 Junction Winona and St. Peter B. B. 62 Medford 6 344 53 Faribault 9 353 42 Dundas H 364 39 Northfield 3 367 33 Castle Rock 6 373 26 Farmington 7 380 19 Rosemount 7 387 6 St. Paul Junction .13 400 Mendota 1 401 Minne-ha-ha 3 404 Minneapolis 5 409 ST. PAUL, 6 406 ^^ Connects with St. Paul and Pacific^ and Lake Superior and 3Iistii6- sippi Bailroads. 70 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. CINCINNATI TO INDIANAPOLIS AND CHICAGO. ludianapollSf CtnciiiuaH and Lafayette Railroad, MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 179 CINCIM^ATI 176 Sedamsville 3 174 South Side 2 5 171 Trautman's 3 8 168 Delhi 3 11 164 North Bend 4 15 163 Cleves 1 16 161 Valley Junction 2 18 159 Elizabethtown 2 20 154 Liawrenceburg 5 25 153 Newtown 1 26 146 Guilford 7 33 145 Hansen's 1 34 139 Harman's 6 ,40 137 Weisburg 2 42 136 Vanwedden's 1 43 128 Morris* 8 51 125 Batesville 3 54 119 New Point 6 60 115 McCoy's 4 64 111 Greensburg 4 68 105 Adam's 6 74 101 St. Paul 4 78 98 Waldron 3 81 95 Prescott 3 84 91 Slielbyville 4 88 Junction Columbus Branch Railroad. 84 Fairland 7 95 80 London 4 99 79 Brookfield 1 100 77 Acton 2 102 73 Gallaudet 4 106 64 IMBIAT^APOIilS 9 115 J5gf Connects with all the Eail- roads running from Indianapolis, — East, West, North and South. MILES. STATIONS. MILES 54 Augusta 10 125 49 Zionville 5 130 43 Whitestown 6 136 40 Holmes 3 139 36 Lebanon 4 143 31 Hazelrigg 5 148 26 Thorntown 5 153 21 Colfax 5 158 12 Stockwell 9 167 8 Culver's 4 171 1 Junction 7 178 L.afayette 1 179 Louisville, Netv Albany and Chicago Railroad* NORTHERN DIVISION. 146 Liafayette 179 140 Battle Ground 6 185 133 Brookston 7 192 129 Chalmers 4 196 123 Reynolds 6 202 115 Bradford 8 210 107 Francisville 8 218 100 Medaryville 7 225 92 San Pierre 8 233 87 Kankakee 5 238 82 La Crosse 5 243 76 Wanatah 6 249 73 Haskell's 3 252 68 Westville 5 257 64 La Croix 4 261 63 Beatty's.. 1 262 56 Micliigan City 7 269 Jg®°" Connects with Michigan Cen- tral Railroad. 35 Lake 21 290 14 Calumet 21 311 CHICAGO 14 325 71 PORTLAND, Me., TO MONTREAL, QUEBEC, AND DETROIT, Midi. TORONTO Grand Trunk JRailivaij, S. STATIONS. MILES, PORTIiA^I> Falmouth 5 Yarmouth 6 11 Yarmouth Junction 1 12 New Gloucester 10 22 Danville Junction 5 27 Oxford 14 41 South Paris 6 47 West Paris 8 55 Locke's Mills 10 65 Bethel 5 70 Gilead 10 80 Shelburne.. 6 86 GORHAM 5 91 Berlin Falls 7 98 Milan 5 103 Northumberland 19 122 Stratford 8 130 Wenlock 12 142 Island Pond* 7 149 Norton Pond 11 160 Coaticooke, Can 15 175 Compton 8 183 Lennox ville 10 193 Sherbrooke 3 196 Windsor 15 211 Richmond 10 221 97 Richmond 221 85 Danville 12 233 72 Warwick 13 246 65 Arthabaska 7 253 56 Stanford 9 262 50 Somerset 6 268 42 Becancour 8 276 21 Black River 21 297 1 Point Levi 20 317 QUEBEC 1 318 76 Richmond 221 66 New Durham 10 231 MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 54 Acton 12 243 42 Britannia Mills 12 255 35 St. Hyacinthe 7 262 22 St. Hiiaire 13 275 15 St. Bruno 7 282 10 St. Hubert 5 287 7 St. Lambert 3 290 MONTREAIi 7 297 (St. Laurence River.) 333 MOIVTREAL. 297 319 Pointe Claire 14 311 312 St. Anne's 7 318 (Ottawa River.) 309 Vaudreuil 3 321 296 Coteau Landing 13 334 279 Lancaster 17 351 266 Cornwall 13 364 256 Dickinson's Landing 10 374 241 Morrisburg 15 389 234 Matilda 7 396 229 Edwardsburg 5 401 221 Prescott 8 409 June. St. Lawrence and Ottatoa R. R. 213 Maitland 8 417 208 Brockville 5 422 June. Brockville and Ottawa R. R. 195 Malorvtown 13 435 178 Gananoque 17 452 161 Mingsion 17 469 146 Ernestown 15 484 136 Napanee 11 495 120 Shannonville 15 510 113 Belleville 7 517 101 Trenton 12 529 92 Brii^hton 9 538 84 Colborne 8 546 77 Grafton 7 553 69 Cobourg 8 661 63 Port Hope 6 567 47 Newcastle 16 583 72 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 43 Bowmanville 4 587 34 Oshawa 9 596 30 Port Whitby 4 600 21 Frenchman's Bay 9 609 17 Port Union 4 613 11 Scarboro 6 619 TORONTO 11 630 Junction Northern Railway and Ham- ilton Branch Railroad. 232 TOROJ^TO 630 224 Weston 8 638 217 Malton 7 645 211 Brampton 6 651 203 Georgetown 8 659 197 Acton West 6 665 191 Kockwood 6 671 184 GuELPH 7 678 174 Breslau 10 688 170 Berlin 4 692 163 Petersbnrgh 7 699 157 Hamburgh 6 705 150 Shakespeare 7 712 144 Stratford 6 718 June. Buffalo and Goderich Division. MILES. STATIONS. MILES. 134 St. Mary's 10 728 124 Granton 10 738 118 Lucan 6 774 112 Ailsa Craig 6 750 104 Park Hill 8 758 95 Widder 9 767 86 Forrest 9 776 77 Camlachie 9 785 64 Sariiia 13 798 Connects with Steamers on St. Clair River and Lake Huron. 62 Port Huron, Mich. 2 800 41 Eidgeway 21 821 35 New Baltimore 6 827 25 Mount Clemens 10 837 8 Milwaukee Junction 17 854 3 Detroit Junction 5 859 DETROIT 3 862 Connects with Detroit and Milwaukee, Michigan Central, and Michigan South- ern Railroad; also with Steamers for Chicago and Lake Superior. BUFFALO TO GODERICH, Canada. 160 BUFFA1.0 158 Fort Erie 2 151 Bertie 7 9 141 Port Colborne 10 19 128 Feeder 13 32 122 Dunnville 6 38 114 Canfield 8 46 101 Caledonia 13 59 84 Brantford 17 76 76 Paris 8 84 68 Drumbo 8 92 63 Bright 5 97 53 Tavistock 10 107 45 IStratford 8 115 Crossing Grand Trunk Railway. 32 Mitchell 128 27 Carron Brook 133 12 Clinton 147 GOI>£RI€II 160 Connects with Steamers run- ning on Lake Huron. 73 ST. LOUIS TO ST. PAUL AND ST. ANTHONY FALLS, Via MISSISSIPPI RIVER. MILES. LANDINGS, &0, MILES. 460 sT.i.oris 454 Venice, 111 6 448 Madison, 111 6 12 440 Mouth Missouri River... 8 20 435 Alton, 111..; 5 25 426 Portage des Sioux 9 34 417 Grafton, 111 9 43 415 Mouth Illinois River 2 45 410 Milan, 111 5 50 395 Cap au Gris, Mo 15 65 383 Sterling, " 12 77 378 Falmouth, " 5 82 374 Hamburg, 111 4 86 358 Clarkville, Mo 16 102 346 Louisiana " 12 114 324 Saverton " 22 136 316 Hannibal " 8 144 Junction Han. & St. Joseph R. B. 306 Marion, Mo 10 154 296 Quincy, 111 10 164 Junction Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad, and ToledOj Wabash and Westei^n Railroad. 284 Langrange, Mo 12 176 274 Canton, " 10 186 254 Alexandria, " 20 206 252 Warsaw, 111 2 208 248 Keokuk, Iowa 4 212 June. Des Moines Valley Railroad. Hamilton, 111 212 Junction Toledo, W. and W. R. R. 242 Sandusky, Iowa 6 218 236 Montrose, " 6 224 234 Nauvoo City, Ul 2 226 LANDINGS, &C. 226 Fort Madison, la.. 8 234 220 Pontoosuc, 111 6 240 218 Dallas City, " 2 242 205 Burlington, Iowa.. .13 255 Junction Burlington <& Missouri River Railroad. 190 Oquawka, 111 15 270 178 Keithsburg, " 12 282 172 New Boston, 111 6 162 Port Louisa, Iowa 10 288 298 144 Muscatine" 18 316 325 336 342 347 135 Fairport, " 9 124 Buflalo, 111 11 118 Rockingham, Iowa 6 113 Hock Island, 111... 5 Crossing Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad. 113 Davenport, Iowa... 347 110 MoLiNE, 111 3 350 95 Le Claire, Iowa 15 365 Port Byron, 111 365 89 Princeton, Iowa 6 371 Cordova, 111 371 79 Camanche, Iowa 10 381 76 Albanv, 111 3 384 70 Clinton, Iowa 6 390 Cross. Chicago, & Northwestern R. R. 68 Fulton, 111 2 392 Lyons, Iowa 392 48 Sabula '' 20 412 44 Savanna, 111 4 416 20 Bellevue, Iowa. 24 440 I>un1eit1i. Ill DUBUQUE, Iowa. ..20 460 Junction Illinois Central Railroad. 74 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. MILES. LANDINGS, &C. MILES. 373 DUBUQUE, Iowa... 460 358 Potisi, Wis 15 475 343 Buena Vista, Iowa 15 490 339 Cassville, Wis 4 494 329 GuTTENBUEG, lowa 10 504 317 Clayton, " 12 516 306 McGregor, Iowa 11 527 Crossing Milwaukee & St. Paul R. B. 303 Prairie du Cliien. 3 530 289 Lynxville, Wis 14 544 273 Lansing, Iowa 16 560 267 De Soto, Wis 6 566 257 Victory, *' 10 576 247 Bad Ax City 10 586 231 BROWNSViLiiE, Minn.... 16 602 219 U.a Crosse, Wis 12 614 June. Milwaukee & La Crosse R. R. 217 La Crescent, Minn 2 616 201 Richmond, " 16 632 196 Trempeleau, Wis 5 637 179 Wiliona, Minn 17 654 Junction Winona & St. Peter's R. R. 167 Fountain City, Wis.... 12 6m 153 Mount Vernon, Minn.... 14 680 149 MiNNEisKA " .... 4 684 135 Alma, Wis 14 698 MILES. LANDINGS, &C. MILES. 125 Wabasha, Minn 10 708 119 Eeed's Landing, Minn... 6 714 117 Foot Lake Pepin 2 716 111 North Pepin, Wis 6 722 105 U.ake City, Minn 6 728 98 Maiden Rock, Wis 7 735 94 Frontenac, Minn 4 739 89 Head Lake Renin 5 744 77 Red Wing, Minn 12 756 49 Prescott, Wis 28 784 Mouth St. Croix River. 48 Point Douglass, Minn... 1 785 45 Hastings, " ... 3 788 Junction Hastings and Dakota R. R. 39 Ninninger, Minn 6 794 13 ST.PAUI. 26 820 8 Mendota 5 825 7 FortSnelling 1 826 5 Falls of Minne-ha-ha 2 828 MI^^EAPOI^IS... 5 833 Falls of St. Anthony. ^^^ The Lake Superior and Missis- sippi Railroad runs from St. Paul to Duluth, Minn., 155 Miles ; and the St. Paul and Pacific Railroad runs to the Red River of the North, to connect with the Northern Pacific Railroad. A Daily liine of Sleanters, of a large class, run from St. Louis to Dubuque and St. Paul, affording a most delightful Summer Excursion. 75 RAILROJ^DS in the united STpS AND CANAD^, FINISHED AND IN PROGRESS OF CONSTRUCTION. 2:T.A.nyEE. IFIi/O^yC TO miles. Adirondack, N". Y Saratoga Springs North River 60 Alabama and Chattanooga Chattanooga, Tenn Green Pond 169 Southern Division* Meridian, Miss Black Warrior 67 Albany and Susquehanna Albany, N. Y Binghamton 142 Alexandria and Fredericksburg* Alexandria, Va... Fredericksburg 40 Alexandria and Washington Alexandria, Va Washington 7 Alleghany Valley Oil City, Pa Pittsburgh 131 Androscoggin Brunswick, Me Farmington 63 Arkansas Central* Helena, Ark Little Rock 100 Ashuelot Keene, N. H South Vernon 23 Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe* Atchison, Kan Emporia 61 Atlanta and Richmond* Atlanta, Geo Charlotte, N. C 250 Atlanta and West Point Atlanta, Geo West Point 87 Atlantic and Great Western Salamanca, N. Y Cincinnati, 446 " « " " Meadville, Pa Cleveland,0 112 Atlantic and Gulf Savannah, Geo Bainbridge 236 Florida Branch Lawton, " Quincy, Fla 156 Atlantic and North Carolina Goldsboro, N. C Morehead City 95 Atlantic AND Pacific St. Louis, Mo State Line 330 Van Buren Branch* Pierce City" Van Buren, Ark....l25 Augusta and Savannah Augusta, Geo Millen 58 Avon, Genesee and Mt. Morris Avon, N. Y Mt. Morris 16 Baltimore and Ohio Baltimore, Md Wheeling, W. Va..379 Washington Branch Relay House Washington, D. C. 31 Annapolis Branch Annapolis Junction. ..Anna])olis 21 Frederick Branch Monocacy Station Frederick 3 Metropolitan Branch* Point of Rocks, Md... Washington, D. C. Washington County Hagerstown, Md Hagerstown June. 25 Winchester and Potomac Harper's Ferry Strasburg, Va 51 Connellsville Branch Cumberland, Md Pittsburgh, Pa 150 Parkersburg Branch Grafton, W. Va Parkersburg 104 Central Ohio Division Bellaire, Ohio Columbus 137 Lake Erie Division Newark, " Sandusky 116 Baltimore and Potomac* Baltimore, Md Potomac River 72 Bangor and Piscataquis OldtoAvn, Me Dover 40 Barclay and Coal Company Towanda. Pa Barclay 10 Baring and Lewy's Island Baring, Me Lewy's Island 17 Baton^Rouge ana Opelousas Baton Rouge, La Lombard 23 Belfast and Moosehead Belfast, Me Burnham 33 Belvidere Delaware Trenton, N. J Manunka Chunk.. 68 Bennington and Rutland Rutland, Vt Chat. 4 Cor'ns 114 * Unfinished Eailroada. 76 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. isT-A-HynE!. ' ^is-onyi: to milks. Blossburg and Corning ..Corning, N. Y Fall Brook 48 Blue Eidge Anderson, S. C..... Walhalla 33 Boston and Albany Boston, Mass Albany, N. Y 200 Brookline Branch Boston, " Brookline 4 Newton Branch West Newton Newton 3 Saxonville Branch ^Natick Saxonville 6 Milford Branch '.Framingham Milford 12 Millbury Branch Grafton , Mill bury 4 Grand Junction Brighton East Boston 9 Boston, Concord and Montreal Concord, N. H Littleton 113 Boston, Clinton and Fitchburg South Framingham. ..Fitchburgh 37 Boston, Hartford and Erie Boston, Mass South Bridge 70 Woonsocket Division Boston, " Woonsocket, R. I... 38 Norwich and Worcester Division. ..New London, Conn Worcester 73 Western Division Moore's Mills, Conn...Fishkill L'g, N. Y. Boston and Lowell Boston Nashua, N. H 40 Woburn Branch " ....Woburn Cen 10 Lowell and Lawrence Lowell Lawrence 13 Stoneham Branch Boston Stoneham 12 Stony Brook Nashua Wilton 15 Salem and Lowell Lowell Salem 24 Boston AND Providence Boston, Mass Providence, R. I... 44 Dedham Branch " « Dedham 10 Stoughton " " Stoughton 18 Mill Village Branch Dedham Mill Village Boston and Maine Boston Portland, Me Ill Reading Branch Boston South Reading Medford Branch Boston Medford 5 Great Falls Branch Rollingsford, N. H Great Falls 3 Brooklyn, Bath and Coney Island Brooklyn, N. Y Coney Island.. .... 8 Brockville and Ottawa Brockville, Can Sand Point 75 Perth Branch Smith's Falls Perth 10 Brunswick and Albany Brunswick, Geo Willicoochie 100 Buffalo and Washington Buffalo, N. Y East Aurora 17 Buffalo, Corry and Pittsburgh Brocton, " Corry, Pa 43 Buffalo, Bayou, Brazos and Col* Harrisburg, Texas Austin 200 Burlington and Missouri River Burlington, Iowa Omaha, Neb 296 " " " « Plattsmouth Lincoln, Neb 65 Nebraska City Branch Red Oak, Iowa East Nebraska 50 Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Minn. .Burlington, Iowa Mankato, Minn....3P.O Burlingtown and Keokuk, Iowa " " Keokuk 43 Cairo and Fulton^^' Cairo Fulton, Ark Calais and Baring Calais, Me Baring fi California and Oregon Sacramento Tehama, Cal 122 California Pacific Vallejo, Cal Sacramento 60 Marysville Branch Davis Junction Marysvillc 43 * Unfinished Railroads. HATLROADS IN THE UNITED STATES. 77 3iT-A.3yrE!. iFILOIvI TO milks. Camden and Amboy South Amboy Camden, N. J 62 " " " New Brunswick Trenton 26 Trenton Branch Trenton, N. J Bordentown 6 Burlington and Mount Holly Burlington, N. J Mt. Holly 7 Pemberton and Heightstown Camden Heightstown 50 Vincentown Branch Vincentown Mount Holly 3 Freehold and Jamesburg Monmouth Junction.. Farraingdale Camden and Atlantic Cooper's Point Atlantic, N. J 61 Canada Central Ottawa Carleton Place 29 Cape Cod Middleboro, Mass Orleans 94 Cape May and Millville Millville Cape May 44 Carrollton and Oneida Carrollton Oneida 12^ Catasauqua and Fogellsville Catasauqua, Pa Alburtis Catawissa, Pa Williamsport Tamaqua 99 Central Georgia Savannah Macon 190 Milledgeville and Eatonton Br Gordon Eatonton 28 Central Iowa* Mason City Mo. State Line 240 Central of New Jersey New York Harrisburg, Pa 182 South Branch Somerville Flemington Central Ohio Bellaire, Ohio Columbus 137 Central Branch Union Pacific Atchison, Kan Waterville 100 Central Pacific Ogden, Utah San Francisco 881 Alameda Branch San Francisco Haywards Oakland Branch Oakland, Cal Brooklyn San Jose Branch San Francisco San Jose 47 Visalia Branch Lathrop, Cal Modesto 20 Central Texas*- Charleston and Savannah Charleston, S. C Coosawatchie 62 Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Charlotte, N. C Augusta, Geo 195 Cheraw and Darlington Cheraw, S. C Florence Chesapeake and Ohio Eichmond, Va White Sulphur Sps 227 Cheshire Fitchburg, Mass Bellows Falls 64 Chester Valley Bridgeport, Pa Downingtown 22 Chicago and Alton Chicago East St. Louis 280 Jacksonville Division Bloomington Monticello, June. ..151 Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Chicago, 111 Quincy 263 Burlington Branch Galesburg Burlington 43 Peoria " " Peoria 53 Rushville " Buda Rushville 110 Batavia and Galena Aurora Galena Junction... Galva and New Boston Galva New Boston 51 Chicago, Cincinnati and Louisville... Laporte, Ind Peru 73 Chicago, Danville and Vincennes Chicago, 111 Momence 53 Chicago and Michigan Lake Shore. ..New Buffalo, Mich Kal. & S. H. June. 61 Chicago and Northwestern Chicago, " Green Bay, Wis.. ..242 Milwaukee Division " " Milwaukee 84 Peninsula Division Escanaba, Mich Negaunee 63 Madison Division Chicago Madison, Wis 138 78 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. 2srJ>k-3ynE. IFItO^yE to milks. Kenosha Division Kenosha Rockford 72 Fox River Valley Elgin Richmond 33 Galena Division Chicago Freeport 121 " " Junction Clinton, Iowa 138 Iowa Division, (East) Clinton Boone, " 202 " " (West) Boone Missouri River 151 Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Chicago, 111 Rock Island 182 Iowa Division, (East) Davenport, Iowa Mitchelville 158 « " (West) Mitchelville Missouri River .153 Peoria Branch Bureau, 111 Peoria 47 Oskalossa Branch Wilton, Iowa Washington 49 Chicago and St. Paul* St. Paul Winona, Minn 105 Chicago and South Western* Davenport, Iowa Leavenworth Cinn., Cumber'd Gap and Charleston. Morristown, Tena Wolf Creek 40 CiNN., Sandusky and Cleveland Sandusky, Ohio Cincinnati 215 Findlay Branch Carey Findlay 16 London " Springfield London 20 Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Dayton and Michigan Cincinnati, Ohio Detroit, Mich 267 Cincinnati and Indianapolis " " Indianapolis 124 Junction Railway Connersville ..Muncey 43 Cincinnati, Richmond and Chicago. ..Hamilton, Ohio Chicago 294 Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley. ..Cincinnati Zanesville 168 Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis Cleveland, Ohio Columbus 138 Indianapolis Division Crestline Indianapolis 207 Springfield Branch Columbus Springfield 50 Cleveland and Pittsburgh Cleveland, Ohio Pittsburgh, Pa 150 Tuscarawas Branch Bayard ISTew Philadelphia. 32 Cleveland, Mt. Vernon and Delaware.Cleveland, Ohio Millersburg 87 Cobourg and Peterboro, Canada Cobourg Peterboro 29 Colebrookdale, Pa Pottstown Boyerstown 8i Colorado Central Denver, Col Golden City 16 Columbus and Hocking Valley Columbus, Ohio Nelsonville 62 Concord, Claremont and Contoocook.. Concord, N. H Bradford 27 Contoocook River Branch Contoocook Hillsboro Bridge... 15 Concord, N. H Nashua Concord 35 Concord and Portsmouth Concord, N. H Portsmouth 69 Connecticut River Springfield, Mass Brattleboro, Vt 60 Chicopee Falls Branch " " Chicopee Falls 5i Connecticut and Passumpsic Rivers.. North Derby, Vt White River Junc.llO Cooperstown and Susquehanna Junction Cooperstown,N. Y. 16 Cumberland and Pennsylvania Cumberland Piedmont 34 Cumberland Valley Ilarrisburg, Pa Hagerstown, Md... 74 Danbury and Norwalk Norwalk, Conn Danbury 23 Danville, Urbana and Pekin Danville, 111 Pekin 117 Dayton and Union Dayton, Ohio Union 47 Dayton, Xenia and Western Xenia, " Richmond 57 RAILROADS IN THE UNITED STATES. 79 3sr.A.3yLE. IF'I^.OnVC TO milks. Delaware Wilmington Crisfieldf 135 Smyrna Branch Clayton Smyrna li Delaware and Hudson Scranton, Pa Carbondale 17 Delaware, Lackawanna & Western.. New York Great Bend 196 Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Div. Scranton, Pa Northumberland... 80 Cayuga Division Oswego, N. Y Ithaca 33 Denver" Pacific Denver, Col Cheyenne 106 Denver and Rio Grande* ..Denver, " Colorado City 80 Denver and Santa Fe* Denver, " Santa Fe .'. 430 Des Moines Valley Keokuk, Iowa Grand Junction.. ..211 Detroit and Milwaukee Detroit, Mich Grand Haven 189 Dexter and Newport Dexter, Me Newport 14 Dorchester and Delaware Cambridge Seaford, Md 33 Dover and Winnipissiogee Dover, N. H Alton Bay 28 Dubuque and Southwestern Dubuque, Iowa Cedar Eapids.. 79 Dubuque ANB Sioux Cirr Dubuque, '' Sioux City 325 East Pennsylvania Alleutown Reading 36 East Tennessee and Georgia Chattanooga, Tenn...,Knoxville 110 Dalton Branch Cleveland Dalton East Tennessee and Virginia Knoxville, Tenn Bristol, Va 130 Eastern : Boston, Mass Portsmouth, N. H. 56 Marblehead Branch Salem Marblehead 4 Lawrence Branch Salem Lawrence 21 Saugus Branch South Maiden Lynn 6 South Reading Branch Salem Lynnfield Gloucester Branch Beverly Rockport 20 Amesbury Branch Salisbury Amesbury 5 Eastern Kentucky Hunnewell Riverton.. 13 Eastern Shore Delmar, Del Crisfield 38 Edgefield and Kentucky Nashville Guthrie 47 Erie, New York New York Dunkirk 460 Buffalo Division , Elmira Buffalo 142 Rochester Division Corning Rochester 94 Northwestern Division Hornellsville Buffalo 91 Mahoning Division Cleveland Youngstown 65 Newburgh Branch Greenwood Newburgh 19 Newark Branch Paterson Newark 11 Warwick Branch Greycourt Warwick 10 Montgomery Branch Goshen Guilford....^ 23 Unionville Branch Middletown Unionville 14 Honesdale Branch Lackawaxen Honesdale 25 Bradford Branch Carrollton Gilesville 26 Erie and Pittsburgh Erie, Pa Pittsburgh 14S European and North American, Can.St. John, New B P'nt du CheneJ 108 Western Division St. John, " Maine State Line.. 88 European and North American-^- Bangor, Me Mattawamkeag 58 f Connects with Steamers for Charlottetown and Quebec. X Connects with Steamers running to Norfolk Va. 80 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. 3sr-A.3yEE. IFE/O^^/L TO miles. Evansville and Crawfordsville Evansville, Ind...,.....E,ockville 132 Evansville, Henderson and Nashv'le.Evansville, " Madisonville 61 " " " Guthrie, Ken Hoi:)kinsville 26 Evansville, Terre Haute and Chicago.Terre Haute, Ind Dansville, HI 55 Fairhaven, Mass New Bedford Hyannis FiTCHBUKG, Mass Boston Fitchburg 50 Watertown Branch Boston Waltham lOJ Marlboro' Branch South Acton Marlboro' 13 Peterboro' and Shirley Groton Junction Mason Village 23 Fitchburg and Worcester Fitchburg, Mass Worcester 26 Fleniington Flemington, N. J La:nbertville 12 Flint and Pere Marquette* Holly, Mich Averill's 77 Bay City Branch East Saginaw Bay City 13 Florida Fernandina Florida Keys 154 Florida, Atlantic and Gulf Junction Jacksonville 138 Flushing and North Side Hunter's Point, L. I...Bayside Fort Wayne, Jackson and Saginaw. ..Fort Wayne Jackson 100 Fort Wayne, Muneie and Cincinnati. Connersville Fort Wayne 109 Galveston, Houston and Henderson...Galveston, Texas Houston 50 Georgia Augusta Atlanta 171 Athens Branch Union Point Athens 40 Augusta and Milledgeville Camak Milledgeville Washington Branch Barnett Washington 18 Grand Rapids and Indiana* Fort Wayne Paris, Mich 202 Grand River Valley Jackson, Mich Hastings 62 Grand Trunk, Canada Montreal Portland, Me .297 Quebec Division Richmond Point Levi 96 Riviere du Loup Branch Point Levi Riviere du Loup. ..125 Arthabaska Branch Arthabaska Three Rivers 35 Montreal and Champlain Montreal Rouses P't, N. Y... 49 Montreal, Lachine& Province Line. Montreal Province Line 40 Montreal to Toronto Montreal Toronto 333 Toronto to Sarnia Toronto Point Edward 168 Sarnia to Detroit Fort Gratiot, Mich Detroit 73 Buffalo to Goderich Buffalo, N. Y Goderich, Can 160 Great Western, Canada Suspension Bridge Detroit, Mich 230 Erie and Niagara Line Fort Erie, Can Niagara 31 Toronto Branch Hamilton, " Toronto 39 Guelph Branch Harrisonburg Guelph 28 Sarnia Branch London Sarnia 61 Petrolia Branch Petrolia Wyoming 6 Greenville and Columbia Greenville, S. C Columbia 144 Abbeville Branch Cokesbury Abbeville 12 Anderson Branch Belton Andersonville 9 Hannibal and St. Joseph Hannibal, Mo St. Joseph 206 Quincy Branch Quincy Palmyra, Mo 15 Kansas City Branch Cameron Kansas City 55 Hannibal and Naples Bluffs, HI Hannibal 50 RAILROADS IN THE UNITED STATES. 81 IsT-A-l^E. IF'IS.OIiyi: TO MILKS. Hannibal and Moberly Hannibal, Mo Moberly 70 Hanover Branch and Gettysburg Hanover Junction Gettysburg, Pa 30 Hartford, Providence &: Waterbury.... Providence, E. I Waterbury 123 Hastings and Dakota* Hastings, Minn Lakeville 30 Hempfield Wheeling, Va Washington, Pa... 35 Housatonic Bridgeport, Conn Pittstield, Mass 110 State Line Branch Van Deusenville N. Y. State Line... 16 Houston-Tap and Brazoria Houston, Tex Columbia 60 Houston and Texas Central Houston, " Calvert 130 Hudson River New York Troy 150 Hudson and Boston Hudson, N. Y Chatham 17 Hunnewell Greenupsburgh Cannell Mines 14 Huntingdon and Broad Top Huntingdon Mt. Dallas 44 Broad Top City Branch Saxton Dudley Illinois Central Dunleith Cairo 456 Chicago Branch Chicago Centralia 253 Iowa Division Dubuque, Iowa Sioux City 326 Cedar Falls and Minnesota Cedar Falls, Iowa Mona 75 Indianapolis, Bloomington & WESTERN.Indianapolis Peoria, 111 212 Indianapolis, CiNN. and Lafayette.. .Cincinnati Lafayette 179 Martinsville Division Fairfield Martinsville White Water Valley Division Cincinnati Hagerstown 88 Indianapolis and Vincennes Indianapolis, Ind Vincennes 116 Indianapolis, Peru and Chicago Indianapolis, " Peru 75 Indianapolis and St. Louis Indianapolis, " St. Louis 262 Ionia and Lansing Ionia, Mich Lansing 37 Iowa Falls and Sioux City Iowa Falls Iron, Ohio Ironton Centre 13 Jamestown and Franklin Jamestown Oil City 50 Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw Jackson, Mich Wenona 116 Jetfersonville, Mad. & Indianapolis.. .Jeffersonville Indianapolis 108 Madison Branch Columbus Madison 45 Jeffersonville and New Albany Jeffersonville, Ind New Albany Junction and Breakwater Lewes, Del Harrington 40 Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids Kalamazoo, Mich Grand Rapids 58 Kalamazoo and South Haven Kalamazoo, " South Haven Kansas City, St. Joseph & C. Bluffs..Kansas City, Mo.:... ..Council Bluffs 200 Kansas and Neosho Valley*' Kansas City & Santa Fe Division...Kansa3 City Ottawa, Kan 53 Kansas Pacific Kansas " Dener, Col 638 Leavenworth Branch Junction Leavenworth 31 Kentucky Central Covington Nicholasville 112 Kentucky Improvement Greenupsburgh Coal Mines 16 Keokuk, Iowa City and Minnesota. ..Keokuk Keokuk and St. Paul Keokuk Burlington 44 King's Mountain..... Chester, S. C Yorkville 22 Kingston and Rneky Hill, N. J IMonmouth Junction. .Rocky Hill Knoxville and Charleston Knoxville, Tenn MaryVille 16 82 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. 3sr,A.3yEE. :f'I2-o:m: to miles. Knoxville and Kentucky Knoxville Lake Shore and Michigan Southern. BufFalo and Erie Division Buffalo, N. Y Cleveland, 183 Toledo Division Cleveland Toledo 113 Michigan Southern Division Toledo Chicago 243 Detroit Division , Toledo Detroit, Mich 64 Monroe Branch Monroe Adrian 32 Jackson Branch Adrian Jackson 45 Kalamazoo Division Wliite Pigeon Grand Eapids Lake Erie and Louisville Fremont, Ohio Findlay 37 Lake Superior and Mississippi Duluth, Minn St, Paul 155 Minneapolis Branch "White Bear Lake Minneapolis 14 Stillwater Branch " " " Stillwater 13 Laurel Fork and Sand Hill Volcano, W. Va Laurel Junction... Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galveston.Lawrence, Kan Thayer 94 Lebanon Valley, Pa Eeading Harrisburg 64 Lehigh and Susquehanna Green Eidge Easton, Pa 120 Lehigh Valley & Penn. & N. Y, Canal.Easton, Pa Waverly Junction.206 Mahonoy and Hazleton Branches..Easton, " Mt. Carmel 100 Lexington and Arlington Boston, Mass Lexington 11 Lexington and Big Sandy Bellefont, Ky Buena Vista 10 Little Miami, Ohio Columbus Cincinnati 120 Little Eock and Fort Smith* Little Eock, Ark Fort Smith 160 Little Schuylkill Port Clinton, Pa Tamaqua 20 London and Port Stanley London, Can Port Stanley 24 Long Branch and Sea Shore Sandy Hook, N. J Long Branch 11 Long Island, N. Y Hunter's Point Greenport 94 Sag Harbor Branch Manor, L. I Sag Harbor 35 Louisville, Cincinnati and Lexington. Louisville, Ky Covington 107 Lexington Branch Junction Lexington 66 Louisville, N. Albany and CHicAGO—New Albany, Ind Mich. City, Ind 2S8 Louisville, New Albany & St. Louis*.Louisville St. Louis 250 Louisville and Nashville Louisville, Ky Nashville 185 Bardstown Branch Bardstown Junction...Bardstown 17 Knoxville Branch Bardstown " ...Mt. Vernon 107 Eichmond Branch Eichmond " ...Eichmond 34 Macon and Brunswick Macon, Geo Hawkinsville 50 Macon and Western Macon, " Atlanta 103 Mahanoy and Little Schuylkill Herndon, Pa Tamaqua 62 Maine Central Portland Bangor 138 Manchester and Lawrence Manchester, N. H Lawrence 26 Manchester and North Weare Manchester, " North Weare 19 Marietta and Cincinnati (Cincinnati, ]\Iarietta 199 Hillsboro' Branch Blanchester Ilillsboro' Portsmouth Branch Hamden Portsmouth Marquette and Ontonagon Marquette, Mich Champion 32 Maryland and Delaware Clayton, Del Hillsboro' Massawipi^i Valley North Derby, Vt Lenoxville, Can.... RAILROADS IN THE UNITED STATES. 83 2sr.A.i»d:E. ■f:rOi^ TO MILES. Mauch Chunk and Summit Hill < McGregor and Missouri River Mt Pis"-ah, Pa ..Summit Hill q ..McGregor, Iowa ..Mason City , ..130 McMinville and Manchester ..McMinville, Tenn... ..TuUahoma .. 3-4 Memphis and Louisville ..Louisville, Ky ..Memphis, Tenn... ..377 Memphis and Little Rock , ..Huutersville, Ark.... ..Duvall's Bluff.... ,. 40 Memphis, El Paso and Paciiic* ..Memphis , ,..San Diego, Cal.... .. Memphis and Charlestown , . Memphis, Tenn ..Chattanooga ..309 Florence Branch ..Tuscumbia ..Detroit, Mich ..South Florence... ..Chicago, 111 Michigan Central ..284 Middleburgh and Schoharie ..Middleburgh, N. Y. ..Central Bridge.... ., Middleboro' and Taunton ..Middleboro', Mass.., ...Taunton ..lOi Mill Creek and Mt. Carbon Millstone and New Brunswick ..Trackville ..Millstone, N. J ..New Brunswick.. ]\I 1 Ij ^V V U K E E A N I) S T P A U L ..Milwaukee, Wis ..N. McGregor, Iowa.. ..Prairie du Chien. ..St. Paul, Minn.... , 194 Iowa and Minnesota Division ...212 ..Milwaukee, Wis ..Milwaukee " ..Watertown ..Horicon ..La Crosse ...Portage City ...Sun Prairie ..I9r> .. 96 (( (( .. 26 (( « ..Winneconne ... 58 ..Madison ..Monroe ...Trevorton 4?. ..Milton Junction ..Schuylkill Haven... ., 4.'i Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven.... .. 28 Mineral Point ..Warren, 111 ..Mineral Point,Wis. 32 Mississippi Central ..Humboldt, Tenn , ...Canton, Miss ..253 Mississippi, Gainesville & Tuscaloosa.Gainesville, Ala ..Gainesville June. .. 22 Mississippi and Tennessee Missouri, Kansas and Texas-^-" ..Memphis, Tenn ..Grenada ..11)0 ..Junction City ..Chetopa ..178 Missouri River, Fort Scott and Gulf- •-.Kansas City ..Fontana .. 65 Missouri Valley ..Harlem, Mo ..Savannah .. 84 ..Columbus, Ga ..Mobile, Ala ..Troy S4 Mobile and OHiof , ..Columbus, Ky.... ..472 Columbus Branch ..Artesia ...Columbus, Miss.. .. 13 Mobile and Montgomery ..Montgomery, Ala.... ..Mobile ..186 Montclair, N. J , ..Jersey City ..Greenwood Lake. Montgomery and Decatur ..Montgomery .. Montgomery and West Point ..Montgomery ..West Point .. 88 Columbus Branch ..Opelika ...Columbus, Ga .. 28 Montgomery and Eufala ..Montgomery ...Mitchell's .. Morris and Essex ..New York ...Easton, Pa .. 85 Boonton Branch ..Denville, N. J ..Boonton .. 6 Chester, " ..Dover, " ..Chester .. 13 Sussex, " , ..Waterloo " ..Newton .. 11 Mountain Link & Schuvlkill Valley.Pottsville, Pa ..Tamaqua ..17i Nashville and Chattanooga ..Nashville, Tenn ..Chattanooga ..151 Shelbyville Branch ..Wartrace ..Shelbyville ,, ..Nashville 1?^ Nashville and Northwestern ..Hickman ..170 t Connects by Steamer with Cairo, 111., 20 Miles. 84 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. ItT-A-I/IIE. IFILO^yE TO MILKS. Naugatuck, Conn Bridgeport Winsted 61 Newark and Bloomfield Newark Montclaire 5 Newark and New York " New York 9 New Brunswick and Canada St. Andrew's, N. B Eichmond 89 St. Stephen's Branch Watt's Junction St. Stephens 19 New Bedford & Taunton & Branch. ..New Bedford Providence 55 Newburyport, Mass Boston Newburyport 40 New Haven, Hartford, & Springfield.New Haven, Conn Springfield, Mass.. 62 Middletown Branch Berlin Middletown 10 N. Haven, N. London & Stonington..New Haven, Conn Providence 112 N. Haven, Middleton & Willim'ntic. " " Willimantic 52 New Haven and Northampton " " Williamsburg 84 Collinsville Branch Farmington Collinsviile 8 New Jersey '. New York New Brunswick.... 32 New Jersey Midland* Weehawken, N.J N. York State L... 68 New Jersey Southern Sandy Hook Philadelphia 89 Long Branch Junction ..Long Branch 5 Tom's River Branch Junction Tom's River 8 New Lisbon, Ohio Leetonia New Lisbon 11 New London and Northern New London Grout's Corner 100 New Orleans and Carrollton New Orleans Carrollton New Orleans, Jackson and G. North..New Orleans Canton, Miss 206 New Orleans, Mobile & Chattanooga.New Orleans Mobile 140 N. Orleans, Opelousas& Gt. Westernf.Algiers, La Brashear 80 New Orleans and Ohio Paducah, Ky Union City 62 New York and New Haven New York New Haven 76 New York and Harlem " Rutland, Vt 241 New York Central Albany Buffalo.. 296 " " Rochester Suspension Bridge. 76 " " Troy Schenectady 21 Athens Branch Schenectady ....Athens Auburn Branch Syracuse Rochester 104 Rochester and Charlotte Branch.. ..Rochester Charlotte 6 Canandaigua, Batavia&Tonawa'a.-Canandaigua Towanda 86 Batavia and Attica Batavia Attica 12 Buffalo, Niagara Falls & Lewiston. Buffalo Lewiston 28. New York and Oswego Midland* Oswego, N. Y N. Jersey State L..215 Auburn Branch* Aubm-n " Norwich 65 New Berlin Branch New Berlin" Guilford 22 Delhi Branch Delhi " Walton 15 Ellenville Branch Ellenville " Summitville. ........ 8 Montclair Branch* Greenwood Lake Jersey City 40 Moristown Branch Montclair, N. J Morristown 13 Niles and New Lisbon Niles, Mich New Lisbon 33 Norfolk and Petersburg Norfolk, Va Petersburg 81 North Carolina Goldsboro Charlotte 223 North Easton, S. C Charleston Florence 102 t Connects at Brashear, La., with Morgan's Line of Steamships for Galveston, Texas, 240 Miles. RAILROADS IN THE UNITED STATES. 85 3sr.A-nvcE. :Fi^,0]yn to milks. North Louisiana and Texas* Delta, La Monroe 72 North Missourf Eastern and Western Divisions St. Louis, Mo Kansas City 272 Northern Division Moberly Junction Ottumwa 130 Columbia Branch Centralia Columbia 22 North Pennsylvania Philadelphia Bethlehem 55 Northern Pacific* Duluth, Minn Puget Sound 1,775 Portland Branch* Mississouri River Portland, Or 1,100 Puget Sound Branch* Portland Puget Sound 145 Northern, Canada Toronto Collingwood 94 Northern New Jersey New York Piermont 24 Northern Central Baltimore and Susquehanna D-fv. .. Baltimore, Md Sunbury,Pa 138 Elmira Division Sunbury '. Elmira, N. Y 218 Canandaigua Division Elmira, N. Y Rochester, N. Y.,.. 98 Shamokin Division Sunbury Mount Carmel 28 Wrightsville Branch York, Pa Wrightsville 14 Northern New Hampshire Concord Wells River June. 69 Bristol Branch Franklin Bristol 15 Norwich and Worcester Norwich Worcester 73 Nova Scotia, Canada Halifax Pictou 113 Windsor Branch " , Windsor 45 Ogdensburg and Lake Champlain Ogdensburg, N. Y Rouse's Point 118 Ohio and Mississippi Cincinnati, Ohio St. Louis, Mo 340 Louisville Branch North Vernon Jeffersonvillc 53 Oil City and Pithole Oleopolis, Pa Pithole 7 Oil Creek and Alleghany River Irvineton Corry 95 Old Colony and Newport Boston, Mass Newport, R. I 67 Middleboro and Myrick's Middleboro Myrick's Plymouth and So.uth Braintree South Braintree Plymouth 26 Dorchester and Milton Dorchester Milton 8 Abington and Bridgewater Abington Bridgewater 7 Omaha and Southwestern Omaha, Neb Lincoln 67 Orange, Alexandria & Manassas Washington, D. C Lynchburgh, Va...l78 Manassas Branch Manassas Harrisburg 85 Warrenton Branch Warrenton Junction..Warrenton Oregon and California*...., Oswego and Rome Oswego, N. Y Rome 71 Oswego and Syracuse " " Syracuse 35 Pacific, Missouri St. Louis Atchison, Kan 330 Boonville Branch Tipton Boonville 25 Paducah and Gulf Paducah, Ken Troy 63 Peninsula Climax, Mich Lansing 55 Pennsylvania & New York Canal Waverly Tonawanda 20 Pennsylvania Central.. Philadelphia Pittsburgh 354 Columbia Branch Intersection Rohrerstown SO York Branch Columbia York, Pa 13 Mifflin and Centre County Branch..Penn. Railro'd Dej^ot.Milroy 13 SQ ACROSS THE CONTINENT. 3ort, La Hallsville 56 Southern Pacific* San Francisco, Cal... .Colorado River Southern Trans-Continental* Memphis El Paso South Western Georgia Macon Eufaula 143 " " " " Columbus 100 Spartansburg and Union Spartansburg Alston 68 S|)ringfield and Illinois Springfield Pana 43 Staten Island Vanderbilt Land Tottenville 13 Stanstead, Sheflfbrd and Chambly St. John, Canada Waterloo 43 Sterling Mountain Sterling Junction Lakeville Stonington and Providence Providence New London 62 St. Joseph Valley, Mich Kalamazoo White Pigeon 36 St. Joseph and Council Bluffs St. Joseph, Mo Omaha, Neb 132 St. Joseph and Denver* " *' " St. Lawrence and Ottawa Prescott, Can Ottawa 54 St. Louis and Southeastern East St. Louis Mt. Vernon, 111 70 St, Louis and St. Joseph North Lexington St. Joseph 76 88 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. 2U lilltll, Minn 600 ( Lake Superior.) Main Divide 32 1,158 (Between L.S.& Miss. R.) Mississippi River Ill 1,152 Hauteur des Terres 177 1,479 Red River of the North.. 232 985 Dakota River 335 1,410 Plateau du Coteau 365 2,400 Missouri River 485 1,800 Yellow Stone River 675 2,100 Big Horn River 825 2,250 Point Judith Mountains.. 935 3,495 Missouri River 1,025 3,050 Cadott's Pass* 1,115 6,167 Flathead River 1,225 2,410 Pend d'Oreille Lake 1,355 2,020 Spokane River 1,405 1,720 * Deer Lodge STATIONS. MILES. Walla Walla Columbia River 1,555 Snoqualrnie Pass 1,694 Puget Souiift 1,775 330 3,030 00 The Distance from New York City to Puget Sound, by the navigation of the Erie Canal and Great Lakes, and the Northern Pacific Railroad, is 3,285 miles, being about the same distance as the most direct Route from New York to San Francisco, via the Union Pacific Railroad. The distance from Puget Sound to the mouth of the Amoor River, is about 4,000 miles ; to Hakodadi, Japan, direct, 4,400 miles; and to Shanghai, China, 5,716 miles. Pass, 4,950 feet. RAILWAY SYSTEM OF THE UNITED STATES. 107 Projected Railroad from Cheyenne to Helena, Montana. — The Union Pacific Eaieroad and the Denver Pacific Kaileoad, uniting at Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, has indnced the inhabitants of this new territory to look toward the north with the view of constructing an important Line of Railroad, the extreme northern terminus being Helena, Montana. " The object is primarily to develop a wonderfully rich section of imoccupicd country, and afterwards to give Chey- enne a connection with the Northern Pacific Railroad, rapidly stretching away from Duluth on the East and creeping out from Olympia at the West. The project exhibits the enterpri^^e and wisdom of the inhabitants of Cheyenne, who, in this instance, find their greatest good in assisting to de- velop the country tributary to them. This Indian named town is directly connected with St. Louis by the Kan- sas Pacific and Denver Pacific Rail- roads. The Montana Railroad scheme which is now agitating its citizens, pro- mises abundantly, and there is no rea- son, apparently, why the anticipations of its projectors should not be fulfilled. The proposed Route from Cheyenne — and here our readers are requested to consult their atlases — would extend up the Valley of the Crow Creek to the base of the Black Hills, then turning northward pass along the parallel Valley that seems designed by nature for a Railroad to the Chug Valley; thence down this Valley to some point near its junction with the Big Laramie, thence across the plains to the Valley of the North Platte, and up that stream to the Red Buttes. From this point it will not be difficult, it is claimed, to find an easy Route across the eastern base of the Big Horn Mountains, when it will pass through some of the most fertile and attractive Valleys of the West. The Line should then skirt the base of the mountains and extend to some point on the Yellowstone near the mouth of the Big Horn River. The principal obstacles are here passed, and the connection with the Main Branch of the Northern Pacific will be determined without difliculty. Such a Road, we are informed, would open up to settlement a vast extent of country similar in many respects to the best portions of Colorado, and a section containing hundreds of thou- sands of acres of unclaimed land of the greatest fertility. The climate is so mild, and the season so delightful, that ready credence is given to the statement of the resident Indians, who affirm that the Great Spirit gave them this tract, the best and richest of his possessions, because they are a favored people. Cattle need no other shelter in Winter than the deep valleys afibrd. Iron and copper and magnetic ores abound in the mountains, and undis- covered minerals enrich the earth. Colonization scliemes will be employed to rapidly populate the region, and hasten the development of its wealth." Southern Pacific Rail- road. — This projected Railroad, chartered by the State of Texas, July 27, 1870, to " Incorporate the Southern Trascontinental Railroad Com- pany," with a capital of $30,000,000, will commence at the eastern boundary of Texas, and extend westAvard to El Paso, on the Rio Grande, with a privi- lege to construct Branch Roads, con- necting with the great Railroads termi- nating on the sea-board. The Com- pany is also authorised to purchase the rights, franchises and proj)erty of 108 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. the Memphis and El Paso Pacific Eail- road Company, and of any other Com- pany, incorporated by any other State, or by the United States or any Terri- tory, so that it may have a complete and continuous connection from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. " All the other Pacific Lines are in the hands of Northern and Western men, and are operated ahnost exclu- sively in the interest of the North and West. But here is one entirely South- ern, extending, by its amended charter, from Memphis, Tennessee, to Little Rock, Arkansas; thence to Jefferson, Texas, and thence along the Route above designated to the town and bay of San Diego. Tlie Transcontinental Company is already organized under a State charter, granted by the Legisla- ture of Texas, and will soon begin practical operations through that par- tially undeveloped empire Common- wealth. The Texas Branch is about 800 miles in length. The Company's franchise over this enormous distance is wholly distinct from that of Con- gress, though additional or precedent thereto. It is impossible to over-esti- mate or even to describe the advan- tages of this Transcontinental Rail- road, politically, commercially, and financially. Traversing the moderate zone, where winter is almost unknown, it will open up what many claim to be the richest region of our country, and what all concede to be the most magnificent cotton field in the world. Its wealth in minerals and agriculture; its neighborhood to Mexico, soon to be revolutionized by the arts of peace; its easier and short access to the two Oceans, will speedily arouse a univer- sal interest in its behalf." railroj|d companies UIATVING OFFICES IN^ THE CITY OE I>rETV YOI^K. Allefitown Line, 254 Broadway. Atlantic and Great Western, Ticket Office, 241 Broadway. Baltimore ajid Ohio, Freight and Ticket Office, 229 Broadway. C. W. Perveil, Gen. Agent, N. Y. Burlington atid 3I'issouri River, Ticket Office, 8 Astor House. Camden and Amboy, Pier 1, N. R., and foot of Cortlandt St. Otfice, 111 Liberty Street. Hoyt Sanford, Agent, N. Y. Central, (of New .Terse v,) 119 Lib- erty St. H. P. Baldwin, Gen. Pas- senger Agent, g^" Passengers leave from foot of Liberty St. Central Pacific, 54 William St. C. P. Huntington, Vice President. Chicago and Alton, 12 Wall St. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy, Freight and Ticket Office, 8 Astor House. R. G. Hoyt, Agent. Chicago and Northwestern, Office, 52 Wall St. Chicago f JRocJc Island and Pa^ cific, 13 William St. John F. Tracv, President; John T. Sanford, General Agent. Ticket Office, 257 Broadway. Cleveland, Columbus, Cincin- nati and Indianapolis, 241 Broadway. John J. Hoi lister, Agent. RAILROAD COMPANIES IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 109 Colinnhus, Chicago and In- dianaf 57 Broadway. B. E. Smith, President. Delaivavef Lackaivanna and Wester^i, 26 Exchange Place. Samuel Sloan, President. Detroit and 3IUwankeef Ticket Office, 349 Broadway. C. E. Noble, General Agent. Erie Hailivayf Ticket Office, 241 Broadway, and foot of Chambers St. "VVm. E,. Barr, General Passenger Agent. Passengers leave from foot of Chambers St. and foot of 23rd St. Flushing and North Side, foot of James Slip, E. R., or 34th St. Grand Trunk, (Canada) Ticket Office, 175 Broadway. E. P. Beach, General Agent. Great Soutliern Wail Houte, Ticket Office, 229 Broadway. J. B. Yates, General Agent. Great Western, (Canada) Ticket Office, 349 Broadway. C. E. Noble, General Agent. Hudson JRiver, West 30th St., cor. Tenth Avenue. C. Vanderbilt, Presi- dent ; C. H. Kendrick, General Ticket Agent. Ticket Office, 413 Broadway. Illinois Central, 31 Nassau St., & 9 Astor House. John J. SprouU, General Agent. Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Ticket Office, 247 Broadway. H. C. Barr, Agent. Long Island, Depot, James Slip, E. R. O. Charlick, President. Michigan^ Central^ Ticket Office, 349 Broadway. Charles E. Noble, General Agent. Milwaukee and St, Paul, Office, 25 William St. Ticket Office, 319 Broadway. Joseph W. Prince, Gen- eral Agent. Morris and Essecc, Depot, foot of Barclay St., foot of Christopher St., and Pier 48 N. R. Neivark and New York, foot of Liberty St. Neiv Jersey Railroad and Trans. Coin., Ill Liberty St. and foot of Cortlandt St. A. L. Dennis, President; F. W. Eankin, Secretary. Neiv York Central, Ticket Office, 413 Broadway. R. L. Crawford, Agent. Netv York and Harlem, Fourth Avenue., cor. E. 26th St. C. Van- derbilt, President. Neiv York and Neiv Haven, Depot, Fourth Avenue, cor. East 27tli St. Wm. D. Bishop, President. James li. Hoyt, Superintendent. New Jersey 3Iidland, 25 Nassau Street. Neiv York and Oswego 3Iid' land, 25 Nassau St. Netv York and Flushing, Foot James Slip, E. R. Netv York and PhiladelpMa Line, Passengers leave from foot Cortlandt St. Netv York and Washington Air Line, Ticket Office, foot Cort- landt St. W. P. Smith, Gen. Man- ager, Washington, D. C. Northern Pacific, Office, 120 and 122 Broadway, N. Y. — Land De- partment, 114 South Third St., Phila. 110 ACROSS THE CONTINENT. Ohio and Hississipjn, Office 88 Wall St. JPanama^ 88 Wall St. David Hoad- ley, President. Pe^insylvania Central, Ticket Office, 1 Astor House. J. L. Elliott, Agent. Pittsburgh^ Cincinnati and St. Louis f 526 Broadway. J. L. Miller, General Agent. St. Louis Alton and Terre Haute, Office, 12 Wall St. Charles Butler, President. Staten Island, Foot Whitehall St. J. H. Vanderbilt, President. Toledo, Wabash aiul Western, 254 Broadvv^ay. Union and Central Pacific, 303 Broadway. F. Knowland, Gene- ral Agent. Virf/inia and Tennessee Air Line, 303 Broadway. West Shore Hudson Miver, 33 Broad St. TELEGRAPH COMPANIES IlSr THE CIT^^ OF" N"ET^ YORK. Anglo- AiYieri can, 88 Liberty St. Principal Offices, London, England. Cyrus W. Field, Director. Atlantic and Pacific, 33 Broad- way. A. F. Wilmarth, President. Hankers^ and Pro7cers% 16 Broad, and 4 Hanover Sts. Wm. Callow, President. Erie Hailivay, Eighth Avenue cor. West 2ord St., and 145 Broadway. FranJilin, 11 Broad St. '^^ Ex- tends from New York to Boston, Mass. George H. Ellery, President. French Transatlantic Cable Co., (Limited.) " Societe du Cable Transatlantique Francais."* Gold and Stock, 18 New St. shall Lefierts, President. Mar- Inter national Ocean, 88 Liberty St. W^ Extends from Lake ('ity, Florida, to Havana, Cuba. Wm. F. Smith, President. New York, Newfoundland and London, 88 Liberty St. Jg@^ Ex- tends from Plaister Cove to Heart's Content, N. F., connecting with the Atlantic Cable. Peter Cooper, President. Pacific and Atlantic, 23 Wall St. Western Union, 145 Broadway. William Orton, President; O. H. Palmer, Secretary and Treasurer. This Company reach across the Con- tinent, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, and embraces every State and Territory in the Union but New Mexico and Arizona. They also con- nect with the C-anada Lines of Tele- graph, and with the Atlantic and Cul)a Cahles — having in use 115,000 miles of wire. Merged into the Anglo-American CouiiDany. THE Pennsylvania Central Railroad, And Connectii |alsii lai I And Connecting Lines in Conjunction with the FORMS THE GIEEAT ®VEIEI ROUTE, BETWEEN THE ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC OCEANS. FOR QUICK TIME, SURE CONNECTIONS, AND VARIETY OF SCENERY, TBM M&WTE MA^ M& EgWAM. The Route from New York or Philadelphia to Pittsburgh, passes through the finest farming and grazing land of the East, and througli the vast Coal Fields of Western Pennsylvania. The Road follows the course of the pictu- resque Susquehanna, Juniata and Conemaugh Rivers, and crosses the Alle- gheny Mountains at a height of 2,200 feet above the level of the sea. Passengers desiring to pass through Chicago, the metropolis of the West, will, on reaching Pittsburgh, take the " Fort Wayne Route" to Chicago. From thence to Omaha, the Eastern terminus of the Union Pacific Rail- road, they have a choice of three excellent Routes. From Omaha to San FranciscO; passengers will have but one change of Cars. Passengers wishing to visit St. Louis will take the "Pan Handle Route" from Pittsburgh, and pass through the Cities of Columbus and Indianapolis. From St. Louis, passengers can take the North Missouri R. R., or Pacific Missouri R. R. to the Junction, with the Kansas Pacific R. W. The Kansas Pacific R. W., connects at Cheyenne with the Union Pacific R. R. From Cheyenne to San Francisco there is but one change of Cars. Passengers can also connect at St. Louis with the Railroads for Kansas City, and at Kansas City with the Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs M. i2. for Omaha, and at Omaha with Union Facijic B. B. for San Francisco, 111 Tp PENNSYLVj|NIA CENTRi|L IS THE ONLY ROUTE RUNHING PULLMAN PALACE CARS FROM NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA TO CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS, Without Change. Passengers will please bear this in mind when selecting their Koute SAVE THEM THE TROUBLE AND INCONVENIENCE OF SEVERAL CHANGES OF CARS. TME BAT AMB miQMT €AM& Eun by this Line are THE FISfEST I^N THE COUXTBY, As will be seen by a reference to the views on pages 114 and 115. l^^^'Each Through Car is in charge of a Special Conductor. Ladies travel- ling alone, or families, can go through from Ocean to Ocean without the least fear of trouble or annoyance. This Line is in close working order with the New Steamer Lines running between San Francisco and Australia, New Zealand, Japan and China. 112 wm.mmL T'm'm Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. PASSENGERS FOR PITmBWMGM, FMiliABMLPMMp BAMTIMQEB, MEW T&MM, WASMINm&M, MmT&M^ AND ALL POINTS ON THE ATLANTIC COAST, Should purchase their Tickets via THE P[NNMNII1 CENTl ROUTE By so doing they will THIS IS The Only Route Running Pullman Palace Cars THROUGH FROM CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS TO THE ABOVE POINTS, ^Vitliout Change. The scenery is picturesque and varied. All the modern improvements for the comfort of Passengers are in use on this Line. Passengers have fewer changes of cars than by any other Route. The employees are courteous and attentive. flJTES OF FIBE MMS flS M JS ly iP OTHEIi ROUTE. 113 from: the ATLANTIC OCEAN TO THE PACIFIC OCEAN ■VIA. TKCE Philadelphia and Erie Route. TO PASSENGERS CONTEMPLATING 4 PLEASURE EXCURSION TO T^E Pj|CIFIC CO^ST, THIS ROUTE OFFERS IIipiLlli IlliOlllIf i. PARTIES DESIRING TO AVOID A RAILROAD JOURNEY IN THE SUMMER MONTHS CAN CONNECT AT ERIE WITH A LINE OF Steamers for Lake Superior AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Connecting at DULUTH, with the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. AT DULHTH, THE HEAD OF NAVI&ATION, can resume their Eail journey for St. Paul, at which point they connect for Chicago, via Rail, OR WITH STEAMER LINES, DUBUQUE, CLINTON, ROCK ISLAND, BUELINGTON, ST. LOUIS, AND OTHER CITIES ON THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. 116 PASSENGERS, VIA THE PHILIIDELPHIII m ER![ ROUTE, Can also connect at Erie with the Lake Shore R. R. Line, via Cleveland and Toledo, or with the Lake Shore R. R. Line, and Pittsb\irg-h, Fort Wayne and Chicago R. W., via Cleveland and Crestline, for Chicago; and at Chicago with the Connecting Lines of the U]^IO]?ir PACIFIC RAir,ROAI>. TO THE TOURIST AND PLEASURE-SEEKER, NO COUNTKY IN THE WORLD §ffers m Great ittiartions as Califor nia, PROBABLY THE MOST NOTED AND WONDERFUL OF THESE ATTRACTIONS IS THE iiiiii fiiiir The "YosEMiTE Fall," 2,600 feet in height, is the highest waterfall yet dis- covered in the World. Towering over all, will be seen the lofty summit of South Dome, which rises 6,000 feet above the Valley. ON THE ROUTE TO " YOSEMITE" ARE FOUND THE PIP TPPPP pf PAP/ypPAP' The largest of these is 320 feet in height, and 90 feet in circumference. Among the other noted Points of Interest are THE HOT AND COLD MINERAL SPRINGS. DONNER LAKE. SANTA CLARA VALLEY. THE GEYSERS. AND THE NUMEROUS GOLD, SILVER AND QUICKSILVER MINES. 117 FTIOHJI. TUB Pacific Ocean to tfie Atlantic Ocean, VIA THE PHiliD ELPIIH tup [BI E BflOTf. PASSENGERS FOR THE EAST WILL FIND THIS ONE OF THE BEST BOUTES. At Chicago Passengers connect with the Lake Shore Road, via Toledo, for Erie ; or, with the Pittsburgh, Fort "Wayne and Chicago Rail- way, via Crestline, for Erie. At Erie close Connections are made with Express Trains for PHILADELPHIl, BILTIMORE, NEW YORK, WASHINGTON, AND ALL POtHTS E AST. Passengers taking this Route have an opportunity of inspecting THE GREAT OIL REG-IONS, AND LUMBER DISTRICTS OF PENNSYLVANIA. 118 repot and Ticket Office, foot of Courtland Street, Where Through Tickets and Checks can be procured to all Parts of the WEST, NOETHWEST, SOUTHWEST AND SOUTH. THIS LINE WITH THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD, AND CONNECTIONS, FORMS THE SHOI|TEST, BEST, MOST COMFORT/BLE,/ND MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO Gliicago, St. Louis, Louisville and Ginoinnati. TO ALL OF WHICH PLACES PULLM&IT^S SILVER PALACE CASS RUN THROUGH FROM NEW YORK ^WITHOUT CHANGE. AND WITH THE PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON & BALTIMORE R, R, AND CONNECTIONS, IT FORMS THE Great Through Line to the Southwest and South, Norfolk, Richmond, Charleston, Augusta, Savannah, Fernandina, Jacksonville, Cedar Keys, Pensacola, Mobile, New Orleans, Atlanta, Macon, Montgomery, Memphis and Little Eock, WITH PULLMAN'S SILVER PALACE CARS THROUGH FRDIVI NEW YORK, WITHOUT CHANCE, fa Baltimore, lasMngton aid Ijielibirg. General Passenger il^gent, General Superintendent, NEIV YORK. JERSEY CITY. 119 ITORTHERN Central Hailroad. FOUR PASSENGER TRAINS WEST AND NORTH. Trains leave BALTIM:0RE, four tiiTies Daily, for H4RRISBURG, SUNBURY 4ND WILLIA1\JSP0RT. Twice Daily, for ELM IRA, CANANDAIGUA, ROCHESTER, BUFFALO AND NIAGARA FALLS, Connecting at HARRI8BUR6 with the PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD FOR PITTSBURGH, CHICAGO, &c. The Northern Central Railroad affords the Most Direct and Speedy Eoute from Washington and Baltimore to the Connecting with the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, at Williamspoet, and with the Erie Railway at Elmira, N. Y. FOR TICKETS TO ALL POINTS NORTH AND WEST, APPLY AT CALVERT STATION, BALTIMORE. General Passenger Agent. 120 AliFUEO R. FISKE, Gen'l Superintendent. ILLINOIS CMTRAL RAILROAD. GOING SOUTH. CHICAGO to ST. LOUIS without Change of Cars. im DAILY EXPRESS TRAINS, Morning and Evening. Connecting at St. Louis for Kansas City, Leavenworth, Lawrence, Topeka, Denver and all parts of the West and Southwest. Fare as low and Time as quick as by any other route. CHICAGO to CAIRO without Change of Cars. TWO DAILY EXPRESS TRAINS, Morning and Evening. This is the only direct route from Chicago— it is from 100 to 150 miles shorter, and from 12 to 24 hours quicker than any other to Memphis, Vicks- burg, Mobile, New Orleans and all parts of the South. ST. LOUIS to CAIRO without Change of Cars. TWO DAILY EXPRESS TRAINS, Morning and Evening. This is the only direct route from St. Louis, it is 30 miles shorter and two hours quicker than any other to Memphis, Vicksburg, Mobile, Nashville and all parts of the South and Southeast. DUBUQUE to ST. LOUIS and CAIRO without Change of Cars. TWO DAILY EXPRESS TRAINS, Morning and Evening. This is the only direct route from the Korth and Northwest to St. Louis, Cairo and all parts of the South and Southwest. ELEGANT DRAWING-ROOM SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. Through Tickets and Baggage Checks issued to all Important Points. Fob Through Tickets and Information, apply at Chicago, at the Great Central Depot, foot of Lake Street ; at St. Louis, at the Company's Office, 102 North Fourth Street ; at Cairo and Dubuque, at the Depots. W. P. JOHNSON, M. HUGHITT, Gen'l Passenger Aq't, Chicago. General Sup't, Chicago. 121 ILLINOIS C ENTRAL RAILROAD. GOING KQRTH. CAIRO to CHICAGO without Change of Cars. im DAILY EXPRESS TRAINS, Morning and Evening. Connecting at Chicago with all Eastern and Northern Lines for Niagara Falls, Bufialo, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Milwaukee, St. Paul and all parts of the East and North. This is from 100 to 150 miles shorter and from 12 to 24 hours quicker, from all parts of the South, to Chicago and the East and North. jg^" Only One Change of Cars from Cairo to New York. CAIRO to ST. LOUIS without Change of Cars. TWO DAILY EXPRESS TRAINS, Morning and Evening. This is the only direct route from the South and Southeast to St. Louis, Kansas City, Leavenworth, Denver and all parts of the Northwest; it is 30 miles shorter and 2 hours quicker than any other. ST. LOUIS to CHICAGO without Change of Cars. TWO DAILY EXPRESS TRAINS, Morning and Evening. Connecting at Chicago for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Milwaukee, St. Paul and all parts of the North and East. j|@^Only One Change of Cars from St. Louis to New York. CAIRO and ST. LOUIS to DUBUQUE without Change of Cars. TWO DAIL Y TRAINS leave Cairo and St. Louis, Morning and Evening. Passing through Vandalia, Pana, Decatur, Bloomington, El Paso, La Salle, Mendota, Freeport, Warren, Galena and Dunleith to Dubuque, at which points connections are made with the Iowa Division of the Illinois Central Railroad for Cedar Falls, Independence, Waterloo, Fort Dodge and Sioux City, also with Steamers on the Upper Mississippi, for Prairie I)u Chien, La Crosse, Winona, St. Paul and intermediate points. The Lake Superior and 3Iississippi Railroad runs from St. Paul to Duluth, Minn. W. P. JOHNSON^ M. HUGHITT, Gen'l Passenger Ag't, Chicago. General Sup't, Chicago. 122 CI^ICAGO, KpSAS CITY ^D DENVER TI^ROUGI^ LINE. iCAGO, BURLINGTON AiQUINGY, I^annibal & St. Joseplj and Kansas Pacific Railroads. OA MILES, THE SHORTEST ROUTE ^^ From CHICAGO to KANSAS CITY, FORT SCOTT, LAWRENCE, TOPEKA, AND ALL POINTS IN KANSAS. The only Route Running Pullman's Palace Sleeping Gars through between Chicago, KANSAS CITY AND DENYER, Without Change or Ferry, Connecting with Denver Pacific Bailroad for Cheyenne, Of/den, Salt Lake, Sacramento and San Francisco, nr\ MILES, THE SHORTEST ROUTE ' ^ From CHICAGO to LEAVENWORTH, lATAN, WESTON, •And all Principal Points in Northern Kansas. A\\l MILES, THE SHORTEST ROUTE A A ^ From CHICAGO to Sf . JOSEPH:, ilcaiSOI, IMlBfllll, And all Points on Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad- Passengers should toe particiilar to ask for Tickets via Cliicago, Burling* ton and Q,uincy Railroad. SAM'L POWELL, Gen'l Ticket Ag't, Chicago. E. A. PAEZER, Gen'l West. Pass. Ag't, Chicago. ROBERT HARRIS, General Superintendent, Chicago. 123 Favorite Short Route to California. eHieUGO, BURLINGTON AND MB. RIVl Shortest, Quickest, and only Direct Route from Chicago to Best and Most Desirable Route to COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA, AND ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THE FAR WEST. Direct Connections are made at Omaha with the Union Pacific R. R. for Chey- enne, Denver, Og-den, Salt Lake, Corinue, Elko, Ar^enta, Reno, Yokohama, Japan; Hon^ Kon^, China; and all points on the Pacific Coast. Pullnjan's Palace Hotel and Drawing Roonj Sleeping Cars AEB RUN DAILY ON THIS EOUTE FEOM CHICAQO TO COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA. Be particular to ask for Tickets via Chicago, Burlington and Quinoy R. R. Which can be obtained at all principal Ticket Offices in the East and at the Company's Office, 63 Clark Street, Cliicag^o. The Smooth and Perfect Track, Magnificent Day and Sleeping Cars, and the regularity with which Trains are run, are a sufficient guarantee to Passengers of Safety, Comfort and Speed. FARE ALWAYS AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER ROUTE. Jl^^Bagg-age Checked Through and Handled Free.°=@g ROBERT HARRIS, Gen'l Sup't, Chicago. SAM'L POWELL, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Chicago. E. A. PARKER, Gen'l Western Passenger Agent, Chicago. 124 mm, M lii ii PMC THE DIRECT ROUTE foe Joilst, Morns, Ottawa, La Salle, Peru, Henry, PEORIA, LACON, GENESEO, MOLINE, Rock Island, Davenport, Muscatine, Washing-ton, Iowa City, Grinnell, Newton, Des Moines, COUirCIL BLUFFS & OMAHA, Connecting with Trains on the Union Pacific Railroad, for CHEYENNE, DENYER, CENTRAL CITY, OGDEN, SALT LAKE, WHITE PINE, HELENA, SACRAMENTO, SAN FRANCISCO, And all Points in Upper and Lower California ; and with Ocean Steamers at San Francisco, for all Points in CHINA, JAPAN, SANDWICH ISLANDS, OREGON AND ALASKA. ELEGANT PALACE SLEEPING COACHES Run Through to Peoria and Council Bluffs^ Without Change. B^^Connections at LA SALLE, with Illinois Central Eailroad, North and South ; at PEORIA, with Peoria, Pekin & Jacksonville Eailroad, for Pekin, Virginia, &c. ; at PORT BYRON JUNCTION, for Hampton, Le Claire, and Port Byron ; at ROCK ISLAND, with Packets North and South on the Mississippi River. B^^'For Tliroii^li Tickets, and all desired Information in regard to Rates, Routes, &c., call at the Company's Office, No. 37 South Clark St., Chicago ; or, 257 Broadway, New York. A. M. SMITH, Gen. Pass. Agent. HUOH RIDDLE, Gen. Supt. P. A. HAll, Asst. Gen. Supt. 125 PALACE DAY AND SLEEPING CARS ARE RUN THROUGH TO WITHOUT CHANGE. From New York, Albany, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, Eochester, Syracuse, Buffalo, Oleveland, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Louisville, Detroit, and all Principal Eastern Cities, MAKING CLOSE CONNECTIONS WITH EXPRESS TRAINS, — VIA- - ROCK ISLAMJO BOUTE FOR DES MOINES, COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHjl, m JLL POINTS IN TIE TEieilOIIIES M CALIFOIHU, — VIA — Union mi Gmlml Pacific Railways. B®"" Passengers arriving in Chicago, via Michigan Southern and Lake Shore Railroad, change Cars in the Great Rock Island Depot. FREE TRANSFER TICKETS GIVEN FOR PASSENGERS AND BAGGAGE, TO THOSE HOLDING TNROUGH TICKETS, VIA THIS ROUTE. 126 A. M. SMITH, aen'l Pass. Agent. CmciGO, IIltoh m St. Loyis Riroiid. The Shortest, Quickest, and Best Eoute to JOLIET, BLOOMINGTON, SPI(_INGFIELD, JACKSONVILLE, ALTON, AXD NA/ITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS OR BAGGAGE. THE ONLY RO^D BETWEEN CHICJl^GO i^ND ST. LOUIS RUNNING Pullman's Palace Sleeping and Celebrated Dining Cars. THE ONLY LINE OVER WHICH THREE THROUGH EXPRESS TRAINS Leave Chicago for St. Louis Daily, AND MAKING THE TIMS IN n HQURS> This being the most Direct Eoute, via St. Louis, to all Points in Missouri, Kansas, South and Southwest, Passengers have an assurance of making adver- tised Time and certain Connections which cannot be relied upon by longer and more circuitous Routes. FABE ALWAYS AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHEIt BOUTE. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH FREE OF CHARGE. Ask for and notice that your Tickets read Via Chicago «& Alton Road— the Short Air liine Route I Which can be purchased at all principal Ticket Offices in the United States and Canadas. A. NEW^JAN, Chicago, Geij'l Ticket Ageijt. J. C. ^Jc^ULLIN, Gen'l Sup't. 127 Cljicago & Nortljwestern RaOroad. TWO nhihr traihh Are run on each Division of this Road from CHICAGO to all Points JMORTH, J^ORTHWEgT A]MD WEgT. TIE ONLy MAIL ROOTE FROM CHICAGO TO ALL POINTS IH TRE liOeTRWEST, Shortest Time to OMAHA, and connecting at that Point with the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, for DENVER, SALT LAKE, JSAN FRANCISCO, And all Points on the PACIFIC COAST. PULLMAN PALACE GARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. BAGGAGE CHECKED TO ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS. Through Tickets on sale at all the Principal Offices in the United States and Canadas, and at the Company's Offices, 227 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. AND SOUTHEAST CORNER LAKE AND CLARK STREETS, CHICAGO. H. P. STANWOOD, General Ticket Agent. JOHN C. GAULT, General Sup't. 128 CleifelaniJ, Columbus, Cincinnati, and Indianapolis I R. IF YOU ARE GOING ¥OE.TH A¥B EAST,- Buy your Tickets over the Favorite for sale f§®(Dii§§(D(Of nm wiif mji mnm. The Cleyelaiid, Coliiml)us, Cincinnati & Indianapolis Railway, r«Bee IZP p"*Tr ' ^r,^^T>"'^' O-' through Wellington, New London^ iL J'mm '*^'"?' ^^^'^"l Cardington and Delaware to Columbns, Ohio — Id8 Miles^ from Delaware, Ohio, to Springfield, Ohio,-50 Miles ; from Crestline, Ohio, through Marion, Bellefontaine and sVdney Ohio te Tom: Io5 mier"' '"^""^' ^^ Indianapolis, Indianai-OO? The Indianapolis & St. Louis Eailway, extends from Indianapolis, Indiana, through I>anyille, Green Castle and Terre Haute, Indiana, Charleston S?''?lV '^''r«^V^^."\^^"^^^«^^'' Litchfield, Bunker Hill and Alton, Illinois, to St. Louis, Missouri,— 261 Miles. These Two Important Railway Lines run Three Express Passenger Trains each way Daily, with Direct Connections to and from Buffalo, rri' V /I'- ^^^^?!^nf Crestline, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Columbus C ncinnati, Indianapolis, Louisville, Terre Haute, Pana, Mattoon, Alton and fet. Louis, and throng-Ji those places with the entire country— ^ik@^^ ^mmmw^^ m^mT-'m, M^mis^ eoiTT^. E. S. FLINT, S. F. PIERSON, Gen'l Superintendent, General Ticket Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. CLEVELAND, OHIO. E. A. FORD, Cjen'l Pass. Agent, CLEVELAND, OHIO. 129 BURLINQTON RAILROAD ROUTE, THE BURLINGTON & MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD, Starting from Burlington, Iowa, is a tree wliose trunk forks into three branches, for it has three Western termini, each one of which is the represen- tative of a distinctive class of Business, or separate class of Travel. Its first terminus is at COilNCiL BLbWS, OR OMAHA, where it connects with the Union Pacific Eailroad, for all points on the Pacific Koads and Pacific Coast, and it is now generally conceded that this is the best Koute to these points. Its next terminus is at Ij I isT o o L isr, the capital of Nebraska, fifty-five miles West of the Missouri Kiver, (crossing the River at Plattsraouth,) opening up a rich country lying South of the Platte, where half a million dollars worth of Railroad Lands were sold last summer, and being indeed the only Direct Route thereto. Its third terminus is at HAMBURG AND NEBRASKA CJTY. At Hamburg, its Passenger Trains, (two each way, daily,) make close connec- tions with the trains of the KpSAS CITY & COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROJ^D, for St. Joseph, Leavenworth, Kansas City, and all points in the Territories. In this regard it may be truly said that the passenger travelling from the East to Kansas, via Burlington, obtains advantages that he can find on no other Line, for he not only travels over a First-Class Road, splendidly equipped, where he is sure of safety and comfort while en route to his destination, but he has an opportunity of viewing the richest portions of Illinois and Missouri, as well as several hundred thousand acres of Railroad Land in Southwestern Iowa, just now coming into market at low prices and long credit. ig^* To passengers bound Westward, for any of these points, no better advice can be given than "Take the Burlington Route." 130 HORTH MISSOURI RAILROAD. THE SHORT LINE from Si loiiis TO Oiium, Kiisis Cm, Si km AND OOUNOIL BLUPFS, AND ALL POINTS WEST. EXPRESS TRAINS LEAVE ST. LOUIS DAILY, On arrival of Trains from the EAST and SOUTH, and from CHICAGO. Made in Union Depot, Kansas City, with all Trains of Western Eoads. The only Line running Through Cars from St. Louis to Ottumwa, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs. THE ONLY LINE RUNNING PWE^MANm FALAQE B^EEPIMG- &AMM FROM ST. LOUIS TO OTTUMWA, Kansas City, Leavenworth, Atchison, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs, WITHOUT CHAHGE. Ask for Tickets " Via North Missouri Railroad," which can be had at all Regular Ticket Offices, and in ST. LOUIS at the Offices of the Company, 113 North Fourth Street, (under the Planters' House,) Al\/D AT B I DOLE STREET, AND NORTH MARKET STREET DEPOTS. FARE AS LOW AS BY OTHER ROUTES. JAMES CHABLTON, W. R. ARTHUR, Oeueral Pesseuger and Ticket Agent, GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT, ST. LOUIS. ST. LOUIS. 131 NORTH MISSOURI RAILROAD. THE SHORT LINE feom TO KANSAS, COLORADO AND OALIFOHNIA, ^ CONTINUOUS J^OUTE, UNDER pNE yVlANAGEMENT, FROM To CoMliia, Mo., Ottuinfa, Iowa, CMllicotlie, Mo., Lexington, Mo., Kansas €iiy. Mo., and ISt. Joseph, Mo. THE GREAT IRoFbRIDGE ACROSS THE MISSOURI AT ST. CHARLES Is now completed, making an unbroken Connection by THIS SHORT ROUTE from ST. LOUIS TO ALL POINTS WEST AND NORTH. NO TRANSFERS! NOFEHHIES! AND NO OHANaE OF CABS! 65 Miles the Shortest Line from St. Louis to Macon. 72 " " St. Louis to Chillicothe. II " " St. Louis to Kansas City. 15 " " St. Louis to Leavenworth. 10 " " St. Louis to Atchison. 50 " " St. Louis to St. Joseph, COUNCIL BLUFFS, AND OMAHA. ONLY THREE CHANGES OF CARS, (One at St. Louis, one at Omaha, and one at Union Junction, Central and Union Pacific Kailroads) between New York and all important Eastern and Southern Cities and San Francisco, by this Koute. Run from New York to St. Louis, St. Louis to Omaha, and Omaha to Union Junction by this Route only. JAMES CHARLTON, W^. R. ARTHUR, Qeneral Passenger and Ticket Agent, General Superintendent, ST. LOUIS. ST. LOUIS. 132 Pacific Railroad of Missouri, PASSING THROUGH JEFFERSON CITY. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Kansas^ Colorado, Utalj and Califorijia, CONNECTING WITH THE KANSAS PACIFIC BAILROAD. THE ONLY ROAD FROM PASSING THROUGH ]S:a:^!SA^ City a]¥i> IjEAvei^worth, ^WlTHOUT CHANGE OF OARS. Two Daily Trains, Morning and Evening, LE4VE ST. LOUIS FOR KANSAS CITY, &c. Ticket Office, 115 North Fourth Street, St. Louis, AND AT DEPOT, CORNER SEVENTH AND POPLAR. W. B. HALE, T. McKISSOCK, Ge&eral Fassesger and Ticket Agent. General Superintendent. 133 MW HOUTI TO CALIFORNIA, VIA KANSAS PACIFIC RAILWAY. TRAINS LEAVE KANSAS CITY On arrival of Trains of Hannibal & St. Joseph, North Missouri and Pacific Railroads, as follows : — Leave Kansas City. " Lawrence " TOPEKA " Wamego " Manhattan " Junction City " Abilene " Solomon " Salina " Brookville " Ellsworth " Hays City " Carson " Hugo ARRIVE AT DENVER CJlieyeniie Ogden San Francisco MILES. 38 67 104 118 138 163 173 185 200 223 289 487 534 639 745 1261 2143 11.00 P M. 1.00 A .M. 2.30 4.15 4.55 5.50 6.55 7.20 8.25 9.25 10.30 1.40 P M. 11.30 u 1.45 A. M. 7.00 a 1.20 P M. 1.20 a 6.00 11 9.50 A. M. 11.55 " 1.30 P. M. 3.40 " 4.23 " 5.23 " 6.35 " 7.00 " 8.15 " 9.00 " Connecting at Denver with the PeiiYer Pacific Railway for Cheyenne, where close Connections are made with the Union Pacific Railroad for Ogden, Salt Lake, Corinne, Eeno, Battle Mountain, Elko, Colfax, Sacramento, Marysville, San Francisco, AND ALL POINTS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Making close Connections, Daily, at Denver, for Central City, Georgetown, &c. ; at Kit Carson, with Southern Overland Mail and Express CoJs Daily Line of Coaches for Pueblo, Trinidad, Las Vegas, Sante Fe, Las Cruces, and all Points in Southern Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. TICKETS FOR SALE AT ALL PRINCIPAL TICKET OFFICES. f ASSENGER AND jpREIGHT ^.ATES AS j^OSI^ AS BY ANY OTHER JR.OUTE. BEVERLY R. KEIM, T. F. OAKES, A. ANDERSON, Qen'l Ticket Agent. Gen'l Freight Agent. Cfen'l Superintendent. 134 Meilli MI1W1¥, RUNNING THBOUGH LAWRENCE, TOPEKA, &C., TO DENVER, COL., FIFTY MILES THE SHORTEST ROUTE FROM NEW lORK, PHILADELPHIA, TO DENVER. NEW ALL RAIL ROUTE TO CALIFORNIA. CHICAGO TO DENVER WITHOUT CHANGE. ST. LOUIS TO DENVER WITH ONE CHANQE. PULLT^AN'S Pi^LACE CiJRS ON i^LL THROUGH TRAINS. The Kansas Pacific Railway Company have for Sale 5,000,000 ACRES OF LAND along the Line of this Road, at from $2 to $6 per Acre. For particulars inquire of J. P. DEVEREUX, Land Coramissiouer, Lawrence, Kansas. 135 lilli if Ml IN CENTRAL /ND SOUTHWEST MISSOURI, Offered for Cash, or on Seven Years Credit, at FROM $3.00 T0 $15.00 PEE ACRE, — BY THE — ATLANTIC & PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, EMBRACING THE SOUTH PAOIFIO RAILROAD. The State of Missouri, more than any other in the Union, contains the ma- terials that constitute wealth. It is one-and-a-half times the size of the State of New York, and more than eight times that of Massachusetts. It is in the centre of the Mississippi Valley, near the heart of the Continent, and its metropolis, St. Louis, naturally, the half-way station between the Oceans. The Climate is the golden mean of the Temperate Zone ; its salubrity is pro- verbial — especially in the centre and southwestern portions — where the elevation above the ocean produces all the vitality of a more Northern latitude, while none of the Southern advantages are lost. Consumption and asthmatic com- plaints seldom or never originate here, but are often cured by this climate. The Easterly portions of the State, through which the Railroad passes, including the Ozark range of hills, is broken, but of good soil, and has many excellent farms in the valleys, with extensive ranges for flocks and herds upon the higher land. This extends over 100 miles from St. Louis, when small prairies and a smoother country begin to appear. The Central and Southwestern portion of the State, extending about 150 miles, easterly and westerly, cannot be excelled in beauty and fertility. The 136 dead level of trackless prairies is not found here, nor stagnant creeks and muddy pools. Instead of these are hill and dale and rolling prairies, frequent streams, and rapidly running water, over rocky bottoms, with numerous water- falls and springs of clear, pure water. The principal productions are corn, wheat, rye, barley, oats, flax, hemp, sorghum, tobacco, cotton, vegetables, and an abundance of all kinds of fruit. The Southwestern portion of the State, with its mild Winters, late Falls, and early Springs, is peculiarly adapted to Stock-Kaising of all kinds ; blue grass grows spontaneously, and all tame grasses rapidly, and in abundance. By the aid of the Eailroad, cattle in the Western counties are now worth within four dollars a head of what they are worth in St. Louis. The production of wool is large, and increasing with marked rapidity. Woolen factories would be a profitable investment upon the water powers now unoccupied. Missouri can challenge the World in variety, value, and extent of mineral wealth. A long catalogue would alone suffice to enumerate the difierent metals. Tliey pervade more or less the whole State. Timber is abundant, and so accessible as not to be extremely costly at any point. As to Schools, few States are more awake than Missouri, and none more amply supplied with pecuniary provisions. HOW TO EEAOH THESE LANDS. From St. Louis, Southwest Missouri and the Lands offered for Sale, may be reached by the Atlantic and Pacific, otherwise called the SOUTH PACIFIC RAILROAD. Jg@°"All Station Agents on the Eoad are authorized to show the Company's Lands. At St. Louis, Descriptive Pamphlets and all needed Information can be obtained at the Land Office, or received elsewhere, upon request, in letters ad- di-cssed to ^lycos tuck:. Land Commissioner, Atlantic & Pacific Railroad Co,y 523 Walnut Street, Saint Lottis, Mo, 137 The Union and Central Pacific R. R. Line FORMS DIRECT CONNECTION AT WITH EVERY RAILROAD IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADAS Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific R. R. Chicago and Northwestern R. R. Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs R. R. and Burlington and Missouri River R. R. WITH THEIR CONNECTIONS Forming a Through Line of Travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Passengers -will choose their own Route and all Connecting Lines will receive impartial representation. ALL FIRST-CLASS PASSENGER TRAINS ARE ACCOMPANIED BY Palaoe Dmwing-Rooin and Sleeping Cars. Fare $2.00 Each Day and Each Night. J8^^ Sleeping Berths or Sections can be secured upon application to the Sleeping Car Conductor on the Train, at the Eailroad Ticket OflBces, or by Telegrapli, to L. M. be:^nett, Oeneral Superintendent Pxillman Pacific Car Company, Omalia. I^'Conductors on this Line are instructed to Telegraph for Sleeping Berths for Passengers, by any Eoute they may choose, FREE OF EXPENSE. 138 DENVER PACIFIC RAILROAD FORMING A JUNCTION WITH THE Union Pacific Railroad AT IS NOW OPEN, AND TRAINS RUN REGULARLY IN CONNECTION WITH TRAINS ON THE U. P. E. E. AT Cljeyenije, for Deliver, Saijta Fe, AND ALL POINTS IN €01.0RAI>0 A]5ri> UTEir MEXICO. OEY 110 MILES FROM CHEYENNE TO BEPER. The Eoad runs along the Platte Eiver at the base of the Mountains, which furnish the grandest scenery on the Continent. Long's Peak and Pike's Peak, 65 miles off the Line, seen so distinctly through the clear atmosphere of these mountain districts, appear to be not ten miles away. From Denver, as a centre, the Tourist is able to reach all the Interesting Points in the interior by easy and short journeys by Colof ada Ceitral 1. 1, mi fmt itigee. Visiting the Mountain Towns, Central City, Georgetown, and also the mag- nificent NATUEAL PAEKS, so often described by travellers and writers, who count among the Wonders of the World, the Great North Park, Middle Park, Central Park, San Luis Park, Garden of the Gods, and num- berless smaller Natural Parks, filled with game, trout streams, medicinal springs, natural groves and pastures, — presenting the richest and most varied scenery. The high-lying valleys of Colorado having an altitude of 4,000 to 6,000 feet afford a climate unexcelled even by Italy, either for a summer or winter resi- dence. This promises to be one of the most attractive districts for Tourists. Passengers on the U. P. E. E. having Through Tickets, can, on application to the Conductor, stop over at Cheyenne and visit this delightful country. Passengers or Emigrants wishing to go only to Points in Colorado or New Mexico, should purchase Through tickets, via OMAHA and CHEYENNE. 139 The Utah Central Railroad FORMING A JUNCTION WITH THE ONION PACIFIC RAILROAD AT IS NOW COMPLETED AND THREE DAILY TRAINS RUN REGULARLY BETWEEN 06DEN AND SALT LAKE CITY, ON THE Passengers have now the opportunity to visit that Without, as formerly, enduring a tedious Stage ride. Only 37 Miles from Ogden to Salt Lake City. Fare $2.00— Time 2 Hours. Route through Magnificent Scenery and over a good Railroad. THROUGH PASSENG-ERS are allowed to stop over at OGDEN for rest, and to make this delightful Excursion to the Capital of Utah, which is the principal city in this great interior country. THE MOST COMFORTABLE ACCOMMODATIONS Are Furnished by the Hotels at Salt Lake, FOR TOURISTS, As well as for those who wish to make a longer stay in this Curious and Interesting Locality. THE MEDICINAL WATERS AND HOT SPRING BATHS OF THIS ISTEiaiiBOI^tlOOI^ Are a great attraction to Pleasure-Seekers as well as to Invalids. «@^The Finest Fruits Grow in Profusion in this Highly Cultivated Valley. 140 NoRTi^ERN Pacific Ri|iLROi^D. UEW 7-30 GOLD LOAIT OF THE ABOVE COMPANY Secured by Fii|_st Moptgage on Railroad and Land Grant. Bmie / PrQiMmMe / Peemmmemt I "We oflfer for sale, at Par and accrued Interest, THE FIRST MORTGAGE LAND GRANT GOLD BONDS OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. THEY ARE FREE FROM UNITED STATES TAX, AND ARE ISSUED OF THE FOLLOWING DENOMINATIONS : Coopons, $1110, Ul and $100, $500, $1000, $5000, and $10,000. With the same entire confidence with which we commended Government Bonds to Capitalists and People, we now, after the fullest investigation, recommend these Northern Pacific Railroad Bonds to our friends and the general public. GOLD PAYMENT.— Both prin- cipal and interest are payable in American gold coin, at the ofiice of Jay Cooke & Co., New York City,— the principal at the end of 30 years, and the interest (at the rate of seven and three-tenths per cent, per annum) half-yearly, first of January and July. PERFECT SAFETY.— The Bonds we are now selling, are secured by a first and only mortgage on all the property and rights of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, which will embrace on the completion of the work : — 1. Over Two Thousand Miles of Eoad, with rolling stock, buildings, and all other equipments. 141 2. Over Twenty-two Thousand Acres of Land to every mile of fin- ished road. This land, — agricultural, timbered and mineral, — amounting in all to more than Fifty Million Acres, consists of alternate sections, reaching twenty to forty miles on each side of the Track, and extending in a broad fertile belt from Wisconsin through the richest portions of Minnesota, Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Oregon and "Washington, to Puget Sound. While the Government does not directly guarantee the Bonds of the Eoad, it thus amply provides for their full and prompt payment by an un- reserved grant of land, the most valu- able ever conferred upon a great National improvement. THE MORTGAGE.— The Trustees under the Mortgage, are Messrs. Jay Cooke of Philadelphia, and J. Edgar Thompson, President of the Pennsyl- vania Central Railroad Company. They will directly and permanently represent the interests of the First Mortgage bond-holders, and are re- quired to see that the 'proceeds of land sales are used in purchasing and cancel- ling the Bonds of the Company, if they can be bought before maturity at not more than 10 per cent, premium; otherwise the Trustees are to invest the proceeds of land sales in United States Bonds or Real Estate Mortga- ges for further security of Northern Pacific bond-holders. Also, that they have at all times in their control, as security, at least 500 acres of average 142 land to every $1,000 of outstanding First Mortgage Bonds, besides the Rail- road itself, and all its equipments and franchises. PROFITABLENESS.— Of course nothing can be safer than the Bonds of the United States, but as the Govern- ment is no longer a borrower, and as the Nation's present work is not that of preserving its existence, but that of DEVELOPING A CONTINENT, we remind those who desire to increase their income and obtain a more . per- manent investment, while still having a perfectly reliable security, that : — United States 5-20's at their average premium yield the present purchaser less than 5J per cent, gold interest. Should they be redeemed in five years, and specie payments be resumed, they would really pay only 4f per cent., or if in three years, only SJ per cent., as the present premium would mean- while be sunk. Northern Pacific 7-30's, selling at par in currency, yield the investor 7-^Q per cent, gold interest, absolutely, for thirty years, free from United, States tax. $1,100 currency, invested now in United States 5-20's, will yield per year in gold, say, $62.00. $1,100 cur- rency, invested now in Northern Paci- fic 7-30's, will yield per year in gold, $80.30. Here is a difference in annual income of nearly one-third, besides a difference of 7 to 10 per cent, in prin- cipal, when both classes of Bonds are redeemed. THE ROAD NOW BUILDING.— Work was begun in July last on the eastern portion of the Line, and the money provided, by the sale to stock- holders of some six millions of the Company's Bonds, to build and equip the Eoad from Lake Superior across Minnesota to the Eed River of the North— 233 miles. The grading on this division is now well advanced, the iron is being rapidly laid ; several thousand men are at work on the Line, and about the first of August next this important section of the Road will be in full operation. In the meantime, orders have been sent to the Pacific coast for the commencement of the work on the western end, in early spring, and thereafter the work will be pushed, both eastward and westward, with as much speed as may be consistent with solidity and a wise economy. RECEITABLE FOR LANDS.— These Bonds will be at all times re- ceivable, at 1.10, in payment for the Company's lands, at their lowest cash price. BONDS EXCHANGEABLE.— The registered bonds can be exchang- ed at any time for coupons, the cou- pons for registered, and both these can be exchanged for others, pay able — prin- cipal and interest— at any of the prin- cipal financial centres of Europe, in the coin of the various European countries. HOW TO GET THEM.— Your nearest bank or banker will supply these Bonds in any desired amount* and of any needed denomination. Persons wishing to exchange stocks or other bonds for these, can do so with any of our agents, who will allow the highest current price for all market- able securities. Those living in localities remote from banks, may send money, or other Bonds, directly to us by express, and we will send back Northern Pacific Bonds at our own risk, and without cost to the investor. For further in- formation, pamphlets, maps, etc., call on, or address the undersigned, or any of the banks or bankers employed to sell this Loan. FOR SALE BY JA."^ COOKE & CO., Fiscal Agents Northern Pacific Kailroad Co., 114 South Tl^ird St., PHILADELPHIA. Cor. Nassau arjd Wall Sts., NEW YORK. 452 Fifieeijth Street, WASHINGTON, D.C. By National Banks, and by Brokers generally throughout the Country. 143 'nvo 144 TO SEEKERS OF HEALTH AND PLEASURE. isurfiQii \m Hi \m>m cl 1811 — FROM — BUFFALO, ERIE, CLEVELAND AND DETROIT, TO DyLliTH ANG ST. PAHL^ PASSING THROUGH To PONTINUE DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS. A Daily Line of Steamers will run from BufiEalo, Erie, &c., to Saut Ste. Marie, Marquette and Duluth,— Connecting with Cars on the Lake Superior & Mississippi Railroad, running to St. Paul, Minn. From St. Paul Steamers run Daily on the Mississippi River, during the season of Navigation, to La Crosse, Prairie du Chien, Dubuque and St. Louis, — Connecting with the Lines of Railroad running to Mil- ■waukee, Chicago and Detroit, — thus furnishing a Round Trip of over two thousand miles, by land and water, through one of the most healthy and interesting regions on the Continent. NEW ORLEANS TO QUEBEC, VIA ST. P^UL po DULUTH. This New and Health-Restoring Line of Travel, by means of the Lake Superior & Mississippi Railroad, 155 miles in length, Connects the waters of the Great Lakes of America with the noble Mississippi River at the head of Navigation,— thus afibrding an extended Excursion of over three thousand five hundred miles, from New Orleans to Quebec, Can., — passing up the Mlssissippi and through the Great Lakes to the Falls of Niagara, the Thousand Islands, and the Rapids of the St. Lawrence — forming altogether the 10 145 mm..^mm ?ir STOPPING PLACES and OBJECTS OF INTEREST IN THE ROUND TRIP FROM BUFFALO TO DULUTH, ST. PAUL, &c. DISTANCES PORTS, ETC. MILES. BUFFAT.O, N. Y. Dunkirk 42 FlilF, Pa 48 90 Ashtabula, Ohio 41 131 CLFVIULAND, Ohio 54 185 MAI.DEN, Can 100 285 jy^TltOIT, Mich 20 305 Lake St. Clair 7 312 I'ort Huron 68 380 Point an Barque and Light 70 450 Tliunder Bay and Light 75 525 De Tour, Mich 85 610 Church's Landing 41 a51 Saiit Ste. Marie 14 665 White Fish Point and Light .40 705 Pictured Rocks 80 785 MA.liQJIFTTE 50 8:S5 Portage Entry 80 915 (Houghton, 14 Miles.) Keweenaw Point 50 965 Copper Harbor 15 980 Eaglk Harbor 16 996 Eagle River 10 1,006 PORTS, ETC. Ontonagon, 60 La Points, Wis 80 Hay field 3 Superior City 80 DULUTH, Minn 6 Lake Superior & Mississippi Railroad. Fond du Lac 16 (Dalles of the St. Louis River.) Thomson 8 June. Northern Pacific R. R 1 Ilinchlei/ 53 Wliite Bear Lake 65 ST. FA^UL 12 Lake Pepin 66 Lake City 25 Winona 75 La Crosse, Wis 40 frairie dti Cliien 84 DUBUQUE opp. Dunleith 70 Freeport, 111 68 CHICAGO 121 Michigan City, Ind 55 DFTIiOIT. 229 MILES. 1,066 1,146 1,149 1,229 1,235 1,251 1,259 1,260 1,313 1,378 1,890 1,4.56 1,481 1,556 1,596 1,670 1,740 1,808 1,929 1,984 2,213 STESMST m BmLeOJO eOUTES COaiECTIIIE TIE yPPEB LM ES WITH lUE MISSISSIPPI BIfEII. This Grand Excursion embraces 1,585 Miles of Lake and River Navigation and 628 Miles Railroad Travel. p.ETURNING VIA THE ^MISSISSIPPI JllVER TO pUBUqUE. RAILROAD CONNECTIONS, &c. From Marquette the Peninsula Division of the Chicarfo & Kortlnvesfern Rail- road convey Passengers, via Green Bay, to Chicago, St. Louis, &c. From Duluth the Northern Pacific Mailroad will convey Passengers to the Mississippi River, 100 miles, there Connecting with a Steamer on the Upper Missis- sippi, above the Falls of St. Anthony,— making another Grand Excursion of great interest,— ascending the Mississippi to Pocagoma Falls, or descending to the Falls of St. Anthony. Usual Through Fare $64, from which a deduction will be made for Through Tickets, embracing the Round Trip during the Season of 1871. CITIES, ETC. MILES. PhUndrlpliia to Cleveland, Ohio, via Pennsylvania Central Railroad 505 Piiilad<'lj}Jt>a to Frie,I'ti., via Philadelphia & Erie Railroad 451 Kar York to JJrie, Pa., via Catawissa Route 486 New TitrJc to Cleveland, Oliio, via AUentown Route 581 New YorU to Jiujf'nlo, via Erie Railway 423 Nerv York to Buffalo, via New York Central Railroad , 443 Boston to Buffalo, via Boston & Albany li. R. and New York Central R. R. 498 146 icai :aAM€M^ JEFFERSON AVENUE, DETROIT, MICHIGAN. EDWARD LYON, | proprietors. F.A.RTsrHAIVr LYO]Sr, This is a large and well-kept HOTEII^, situated near the Steamboat Landings. AiERieAN Hotel, diestnut Street, OPPOSITE OLD INDEPENDENCE HALL, PHILADELPHIA. S. M. HEULINGS, PROPRIETOR. Carriages run from the Hotel to the Railroad Depots. Everett House, Foiirtli Street, SJ^in^T LOTJIS, MISSOURI. This HOTEL extends from Olive to Locust Street, and is centrally, located near the Post Office and Places of Amusenmit. 147 SHERMAN HOUSE, QmtiQAm>; m± ^1^ %^^>^>:^: ^xm>::yr^ ^^ f>>'zy» 2>^lr> ^ r^ lJ^''-' -' ■ JL> zaKi-jg? ^ .y>- I»^:> >> :/s>^" :i>3 >> '>::>-^ ::ai>"S6>;: ^^^ I^i>'"?> -^tm ^^lEJi^: !:fc3i^c ^Br -^"^^^^^mm