APR -I (9ld ©GI.A494396 1 -Vi^ ] > So a flilnrr faun glimpap& at IrarktnumoD on tljr iRuHHtan Siopr I hear your loved voice calling; me, Your laughter sets a-qiiiver The hidden chords of love in me At stai'-timc on the river. The camp-hre flings its golden stars To night-stars silver bine: My fai]'y-star of memory Smiles down the Past to yon. Oh, Heart-of-Life, I love you still. And distance cannot sever True heai"ts, for still I dream of yon At star-time on the river. My heart is yours, my soul is yours, My dreams are yours forever. My life breathes through God's night to you At star- time on the river. Far out upon the river's breast There smiles a shadowed star, So all the glory of your love Thrills my heart from afar; 1 long to float along the deep. Low-breathing purple river: To float v/ith this sweet dream of you, Adowii the stai'-lit river. Between the foi'est aisles of shade, Out to that sea, Forever — And thus. Beloved, find you, dear. At star-time on the river. 3ln llip Ip^wdo^h The rivt'i' far below, The breathing redwoods tall, And depths of azure sky Echo a call To depths that live in me. I know, some future day, When from Eternity I hear yoii call, My soul's desire will break Earth's fetters for your sake. And winging far and free To Heaven's boundary Answer vour call. So timid that you dare not speak, You press your cheek against my cheek, Then passionate, my lips you seek, This hour beside the river. Here, where its shifting jewels shine, I kneel, with your dear hand in mine. Before an undiscovered shrine. This hour beside the river. A power holy as the dawn Comes close a moment, and is gone. Love's votive taper still burns on This hour beside the river. The sunset flowers as you leave; With tears of Passion, heart, I grieve, Such sorrow can the soul receive One hour beside the i-iver. I pray all other hearts that ache May be as happy though they break. As my heart, fainter for your sake, This hoiu' beside the river. The f-ainp-five is dying, The tmliglit is gray, And my heart is sighing: My love is astray With some forest maiden In yon shady dell, And where she will lead him. Ah, I eannot tell. The night-stars are silver; The orescent moon glows, Its silver smile gleaming On yon sleeping rose. My love is retnrning Through yon misty dell: His eyes glow with love-light Mv song cannot tell. ®l|p 3For?0t ICab A lad bedecked in ragged green, Like verdure of the forest places, He gathei's leaves from golden vines To fling adown the sunlit spaces. I hear him laugh along the stream; His love-song down the canyon breathing Thrills through my blood like amber wine. \Vh(M'e now the crimson vines are wreathing He hides, when sunlight gems the brake With evanescent jewels gleaming. I see his shadow on the lake; Sometimes I glimpse his eyes deep dreaming. I wish that I might seize and hold The vision of his fairy graces. And so forever call my own The secret of the forest places. Nurturnp Over ))atlis that ave dappled with silver moonlight, Through the misty spaces of silver-blue, My soul is calliug to you, my lover — Through the night of mystery to you. By a pool vi^here the tawny lilies shiver. In a crying wind that is lost from sea, A waiting faun easts a trembling shadow On a path of carven ivory. Through the silver night I can glimpse the river. Like a ghost in gray, where 'it wanders far, And I hear tlie hiss of a silver wavelet Fall on the soul of a drowning star.