:- •^* «'*■ »»:^% O,. *..'•* ^0 ' I • °» «>«. ''^ .i.:^'* '<^ *o.c ^ *.-^7r»' A ^ ^0-n^ :. '-^Ao^ o, >' ..' .. -^^/ ^'^'"'"^ °-%p** /%. •-'W^/ ^^ :, \ "oV" •=Co. t'^' ^^0^ «. •^^0^ .^*^°- v'^-,/ "o^*^-%o'> V^^\/ "°^*^-'%o' V^^*\/ V^-%°' "<^. ,v;^'"'e.. o°^.^i'/°o .**\c:;;^. ^-e.. c°^.t^%>o ..^^\c:^/"-. /.'^>"°o .- r M fUNDAMENTAL^fRINCIPLES^ l^^ACONIAN^ flPHERS^ AND 'APPLICATION-To. BOOKS 'OF' THE' 'SIXTEENTH-AND-SEVENTEENTH 'CENTURIES' ^ 'C OMPIILED'^BY'^ ^Wi IMM^ -COPYRIGHT- I9IU«ted ia 1662. Xa 1A40 (^bart lata iswad the firat Aiifliifa tmiOatiaa af Pa *MBaaptia» ■ny thlak it Saaaa*a original e«pf hmmim «a ara told tha aerfc aaa ariitaa la AigUA aad tnauiUtad into Lotia ^by tha holp of mm goad pna** Xa thia tha ooKOii^a ara in italie aaripi lite tiatt ia tha aaiOy Latia a«ttiona« (Saaf^ to ) A portleularly fina aad alow iUuatratlai is in J«aa apaidii«*a trwa» latiaa af tho vork, aid alao ia thia Latin oditiMi* Ihaaa ara show ia tha aaeoad aidiibit* (pp. ta } fhaaa aSx pagaa of introduclioa Aow an^irahMial^ly BaaMi*a •m idaaa of tha Mothad af aatag tad tiaa paaaibiUUao iavolvad ia tha Bi^diterol cipher, aad tha inquiriag stadwt ia r i mi awa J i il ta raad thai aarafully at tha o«taat» lAih a via* to infoniag ktaaalf af tha esaval priaaiplaa that Baasa hteaalf haa ^van ua tns -tta aid)|aet» la printed asttor tha Bi^-litoral Cipiiar, 4ti«h c^tght mee mirrtc*^ ba tanvd tha Bii-^oraad Ciphar, aa ita aaM i^^ia% d«panda utpoR tha uaa of taa diffaraaty but oloaely atiailar foraa w "foata** af ;ype. tar aamanlaaaa thaoa ara tanoad tha "a* font and tiie "b" f ora* ia» f irat atip iaml^ aa noalnitiM af aaah lattar ta datandaa ahathar it baloaga to tha "a* fara or the '*b'* fon:v «f aritiag b aa aath it tha ^ or tho J^ oe dataradaad bf aoiah m N O ~5 _i t« if 3 U ^ i— > CQ o r. a! I < -3 :: -I ?. S s ^ y u - o ^ •D i u. r 3 c •- S o s - "S -c '-^ >- > »» 5 _2 13 ■J i.i CO « ^^ z ' o < t~ aa o -I H Z ul o z < > Q < ul a H ti< O ^0 » ^ ^ t^ I ^ 4 ^ bs v4 ^3 2 A St- is' ^ SCO i-s i-S ll^-f 1 J ':S -f 5 5 ^ ^vi ^ "oPrrS"'-'^*' fe .a 'c ■" ., ° -c y ;? ■>: x5 u ^ ^ s -^ « g „, •I ^5:1 ^l ^^^v^ ^ ^ ^1^^ ^3 03 "5i ^■^ ^ ^ f > O < ^ .3 C C ^ ?| 5= o ' <;-: "^ ^ ^ 1 .'^ ■I ^ ,>S ^ \lo ^, ^ ^ i &. s s ^ r^ i^ ■^ •^■S ^ 4-1 2 'a h z '^ z n UJ ^^ (- z u z < Q < s K a, O X5 ^4i rS ^; w r^ 4J aj 3 O W O i> O - §^ .«^ IS =a 5 ■5 -C •" hM ^ C/> S S " S S rt > R *— < ftj 5 ? *-• "Q-j ^28 "3 ■I ^ a -« s ^ i.2 .S ^:§ g o > g C tj u >?^ — ""5 c Ji O rt c 2 f^ « -S .y 43 i v " - K C o 1* "S i ^ ^ 8 i "-0 c bo ^ S c c .j: s S'i " 2 s; c > w J & -o -*3 U< tU ^ ?^ ^^ aj ■•-* $ ijl\ .5J C o M 'OL, US u M •J^ — a >-! "i a 3 r« O (Xi •c '>^ e.s < _c i^ fe 5 IS s i $ CC o S to 5 I c u o 00 o 0. £ ■ri S S £ *> I 03 '/> • — t c % X •■ 3 •" 'A 3 ~ '/J ii S ^ a ^ .s i A o s .-^ ^ "^ ij r^ -ij o '^ 5 r< •|| 2 4. S > S 2 ■? o . j: >- - S O — ^ Er « 3 "^ r '3 £ c q -n S ^- O s - .5 S o S S' ^ S 2 £ .- 3 s " Tj a - y - X _ 'i M .~ =-.i o « £ 5 a £ o ^ C ~ "P c< c- . -^^ o 3 Tj <«/ £ -^ 5 *^ ** -K -J 3 i- .3 a 03 2 = « « , 3 ^ C -^ 3 3 -2 3 S a ^ '■ s — 3 «- to C 3 i. o c - c* > CL" 3 • 3 O "3 . b -^ 2 ~ 3 3 ^ = C - c ^ — o |-f 5 CS X ^ * 3 J- o C<-3 a E « .to 3 2 s a: ? - ^ S ^ s * ^ ^ '-'■' |c J •§- d:; - — t . - c ~ gel c5 £, -: !i<-^ -? o f_| X 5 ::r X CO C rrj to 3 o . > ^ s 2 53 c 4, ^ i ts ec — .0 '^^ ^ o ;-5 .2 •• c = .£- 3 = ^ !• c — " = 5 o a o - £ he tc.o 3 3 3 e -5 3 3 -c o 5 -a •I ^t -a o 2 13 C s S'S o i2 - C t. M «- » i ■> e £ 6 c .H . ^ .r c .0 £ * c . I ^1 ^3 '^ jc 6 t = /2Q a i ft; C c *i ta- i ! E i 3 . 3 " ft. : £ S i> a c c !^£- Sri ■C ^ « ^ V 5 c - 'Is''- •£-5 3 ? ^ -9 'n -a I -I HE b-E-S ^ * urn it tr o I: o o < CD O o ^ tfc- i B oo — f> O •■" o o a »j c 2 1-1 « « * ^ 2 § Si 1^* ±: S . — a o c - «— c a i s* N- i« . O ,5) T! a "7 •: = a ^ "S w ^ .t: • - o b- ^^ ^ ^— .— >*- - • t! ^ a -i s u l-^-l a "" s 1— 1 ~ i: a ^ a = i; o ■= *- o s ^ 2 « :a ^ t; « = >. 2 « »5 X — - J - t: -= ~ = t: :^ J! «- 1^ '/> « ^ ° o- - 5 § .i -a P w tc j; -5 S --' O , ;s •— ^ a ^ a »; u m V u a7 o J3 o O '3 a (U is 3 I- ♦j* V rf n t- a n J3 a c« r hH a a tc o m a CI a a o 4) S to 1 a -a is a o a a o a S O c4 S G g i ?> ^ T V' I'- -p ^ -^ '^ "1^ - a O ' OS J3 u •- # — JO tt o 5; K 1 'is V •: "5 5 — e -^ 5 a : S 4< "" - ^ H .L a's " •>. « S o u j= 5 - ■^ a a i: = ti. -5 •• J: S ■X .= £ is - o tc « j: as .= •= ^ ■= " S -a -- 5 rt 3 - 2 a o e4 a a V a 2 S ScS i-.a ;_ a U « to fe ^ a a — « o 2 « o g « £i 1^ ij a S a a. s fe, 4^ 4 1 St .2 S ■" a ^ o a "^ J! I- a t2 O " -a c a a ?5 3 a t^ a i. " a CJ & V «! - o o 5^ •« a, ^ :^ ^ •= 2 a •£ = to 2 a Tl „ a 1? o o a h o -a !i5 fc P»,^-5 5 00 cc o r z: o u < oa Q or O _l Ll O -W-i- .. O -f ^ a tg K 3 t», ■■■ a c - = 2 9 . - '^ ~ '-s ~ Kb u ■" to ■" •n 3 -e .2 o ♦J is o ~ a* J= a 3 to a .a o 4< .- — ■:S P t2 o c -a c C 1 to i o s a "a* a a to o » 'i =5 a 1 t) -a -tr ■_ X C — -J o ai .— "5 a = JS a ^ - -J 4 = u - 8 S g a .i" u .- *» » ._ •»' — i; o te ■»■ - -^ . . ■to' ~ » < cc IS O h o I T' >- ^ — ~ -a -3 !;C u 3 X a ;i i: cr ^ .: ■^ 1= ff ^ a .= a = _ •3 C" a jK t 5 ~ a ,u T^ ._ ** > a fc- "*" S a •— a a ,u a. — a ~ = "- a >> 5^ a i -r ^•_ a it - •- .r- J ^ o ^- ■- > "c — . 'f. ~ - c i: ~ -c u '— .— ~ •- ^ a -= ^ i< U C S — w „ a i:. 5 «; 5 ■= 0) ^ ♦- - -^ ■^ c -a to ~ r :; E ^ ■- = a._a-f— 2 _ > a a >..a a - T ^ — ^ > ^ O -,-> — . ? — - . C t .^ ^ c. c i t < "^ _ ^ , £ -^ - _:: = o c .= O 7- r: — Q Ul W o a LlI cl w w < > J o > "^ ^ ^ ^ yi ■. « - -^ -f- -^ o c i J, .-tf i ~ "^ _!. 2 JJ TT •<■.■—.-— >. '^' -4- . - ^. 2 ~ s ~ — ^ <-» a ■5; rt I. «2 .2 0) « to u la o V ■^ ,0 » e a «: « i; <3 .~ -i? ■5 ~- J^ «) .^ - ■S * ^ "a 5 o o ii ■ o - " i o =- S tfc. .25 -M. -7. '/v or:: s o »> ^ a r* S S"^ i -s i -f be 2 o o s Si ft ^ ^ g sf s* ^ i •- 5 o -^ !^ ri "^i^ ■12 .^ ■^ ^ ^ « ^ J^ c w '3 »5 C I 5 Z -a O 'S SD O .S — 5 o ^ o bij ♦- -t; r B g f5 S =1 ii — • X ■^ = ?v. re T. r o _ - 'Jt n C — S u c :; — >-. o ^ a w o S i- f, '^ 'ft 3 <]J •^ n-1 aj ^ U-, a 0, .a a> Q^ 3 ^ cr;j2 a to J3 ^ a a -^ n ■■e^ a ^ J3 e3 £ o - 2 ^ ^ 3 l«i « 'W 4) (h ■a ti O 1) = a c " 7: ^ o o ^ o >. a s -^ hH U) o _- -a ^ A o ur, a M^^ bC§ o a. o ift o .- ^ c ^ ~ w -^^ -^- ■*— *- - = 5 o li 2 13 a, OT o ** *^ o c -^ 2 «> "^ .1 a o « ■'" 'u "^ i •- -I £^ c 2 > 2 ^ § -S ♦^ a — -a a 3 <= => a •a w ^ i » ~k j3 a ^ tj S S ^ E (^ a^ fc- tO -t: ,0 o ^ a, CO E-is, e ofe,s;5a,&5 six, . ■« -«i'>i-5J-^s>V.»!S{N s "«CJ 1 1 B a; <; te: v; cs; lii t<; j^ B ^ ^3 bo-*; « ^ ». S B'« tos^ S *••.- g -C '^ Cj i^ fe; c/(> ^ B ^C;C;!u;<;^f,b S^ l-s t4 c bl bill pist ext ■^ ■^ -M (1 to cxtei t-1 S i 3 ^ s ^ „ a) 'Z. ^ -C a 1. '- .,S ■" a a *j t- a *^ ■k^ 1.% u a cS a tJ -^ "^ ^^ -W a - a iS 3 ^ — ' u a a.! X ■^ Cj tL a: o t- o '5 00 X cc o w z o < CD o o _l o o a UJ W ^ '" ^ > o Q UJ CL W UJ ^ I*, <■: ■^ ca .3 « B fc) >« •s c- >, "^ -3 "tl t*^ a B ^ sc >> u u •tJ Ci >^ c a a i*-, p •-^ r3 " ,~ ^ s5 tt> > r- 7- '^ .^ iAaahhccddeeffgghh iijllmmnnoop pqqrrJfjlJffisiAy'Vvuu.xxyyZj^J^'- JV OT P 9jQJ(Ji S S' TT'V vxxyYZ z 6'ao IMM del Gr^o due cfcrmia Trarij Lucas HSn- £iCadndfcAno ":iii/i:j> : MiAi ipie nunqtiam satisfucio. Tanta est iniiii mai/iiitiulo liienin i run ■ tm* mtritortim, ut quoiiiam tit, nisi perfecta re, de me iioii eiiii/ii:(':i.-i ; 4^0, quia non idem in tua causa efjuio, vit,im mibi essf aeir!\;ri [•iil,"i. In eauta iteciUftt: Ammouiiis reijis leyatus aperte pcciitii.i lu-i 171- fnptat: res agitur per eosdem eretlitorej per quos eitm tu .-.Mr.a luiihn- tun regis causa si qui sunt qui velint, qnipauei sunt, omnes ,id l\iii- friltm rem deferri volunt : senatus reliyisnis eiduriniatn, t:on rtli(j:.i:e tli malevoltntia, tl iUius regiae largitiunis ineidij comprelxit, .Si-. Do not ffo till In all duty or rather piety totcards you J satisfy every body cwejit myielf. Myself I never satisfy. For so great are the services trlrUb you have rendered me, that seeing you did not rest in your end-^vonrs on my behalf till the thing was done, 1 feel as if life tad lost all its sweetness, because I cannot do as much in this cause of yonn. The necMions are these : Ammonius the King's ambassador openly besieges as with money : the business is carried on through the same creditors whs were employed in it when you were here, Sfc, a b a b a n b a b a b a b A A a a B b b C C c e D D d d E E e e F F f f G G q g H H h b I 7 1 t K K h k L L I I M M m m N N n n F P P P Q a 9 f s R r r S S s s T T t t. V U u u V V \V IV w to X Z X z X z Y Y y y \1t . - inJ :".-um T 1 LORD BACON'S ORIGINAL EXAIffLE OF HIS BI-LITERAL CIPHER Taken from Gilbert Wats' Edition "Advancement of Learning" 1640 zt'go'omni officio, acvotiu^ftdait etna. t& « cadzris scOi/acio otmwm: Jmkitjistmmfi dUOMSatisfado . JMniH utemmmaani- ituloiuormti cmO' mt inmhrtmiyifimumv^ omitLy nislf^cta re, Ho (&nM ^^enei^'^ I ^n Example of a 'BifomeJ Alphabet. , a. h.n.b, 'd, b. no « btiftf acla7.atHr}r pmb l&fnrtod 2ii t?») :>nateiSt»r3r 9q0M mi the 1623 StBlii £^^^xm of fbsie»apMaee* a twrks* i^ibDuei} uaoi23«r pMM «• ty t* BtoBM -mm ^nwsrs «} ths «■» iiage ia Utc erigizml* tte "l^iU Fmi^ laa faiMB tik«i as «w bMis ftf the inuetratiao sf ih» al]*ir« iwi Umun it :i«Bids iiMlf any aoM iiaeily to tlw purpoasi but bo«iitfw of its broviiy, ac cuuix^rud tfi fttlicir poMBgtts* jOm mmm^o «nfoXdod in tha Pwbo is eonjplate in itsolf, :aid is siOMd by ills author* Ihs Uluatrotione arc ril«>ta0P^E>hi(i copiss takan fMis the 1623 JReXio i& the Uavbany Ubraty ooUeoiioQ^ miimpii liic Slx-'jb illti8trM3 ^ and ]l 'oro offered by ^um way be ataAlei in -U^ 'TisaEiplo of a Bi-fe«a^ Aliihobet" gives «i>p* • Ou tiie eiP9e*> site hi4f ef 'ttaia pege «ilX be feaad hybrid lettere or vorictitE^ (mMh ^iH tke aaae ef the aapital ^ the left hand tap of aiiiah haa the tfiaraat«riatio8 of tho ^ fon% ood the rigM^ hand toD the aharaateriatlie ef the j^ foatt.) Aa iMoit three ill«»tra^one of iim seriaa (p9» ) praent |4iot^pr iaU«8 inAoront In tlio foniN :EIw thpoo ?>9Si« followiiig (fp* ) Aow t2»o typiml lotfcora of tho op- ftoite foni to tlHEt ovor tAlsK ooi^ io oloMd* ttio lo done for tho r»«l»so of «otttraol» to om^o tho otudnit oaotly tt aoto tlM dlf (ovonooo bot«OM iim too f OHM* TO f <»io the aoECt page (>• ) oU tho Xottoro of tho •I.H. 9m^ tewe %9m Asselfied oooording to tholr reoipoeUvo fonM is alplMtot&ea ao^Miwi^ oad Ift tiM order of their rooputlvo oooormoo la the tost* Iteoe unamfeBd boloat; to tte it f eras thooe deelgwttod by / are of tho j^ f om» IV of thia gro«? ^roamte all tho lottoro of the poon in alplaatefcUai. lafMooo and In tlw anst orAwr of their oooonPSiUMb irreapaat.^tH> of the fom to ^^<^ tiiey t>olang* Ifaooe boXwi^lag to ilw j^ fom are iaMH%e4{ thooo in tie p^ olaaa hawe tJia / !i oao nt h> mt fiunl iUuotrtitio}! of this group (p* ) j lt iM l rti « «K>pgr of tho "t*"- Foon" vlth ito lottcre oariGed to mm yimUmr it ie of tho s^ «r b fom la aneordmee otth Hm >roecdSMe pagBO* mm 9^^ l&u%ot atioee to lAiSfik oloae it belontre^olther ^ or ^ ft faoiUtate the mwdtng ot V» deeipHemint roiuiting fmn aoeh aMurtdj^ tbe ril^" («? t^-> v>»aM tta«e boon dlvldo!! teto j r eiye of flw^ with Vhb reaUit t^t oimm* t>f auob ^mvpe i-^tfroasKio «ao oir Vie eoabittoiioi^a of jj^ and J^ to bo found in the BiMoaian Cipher Cede €knnfy ^von ea^ ALPHABET A-tiCLa&o- C-acxab a. D-a.aa.b b C-a o-b CLO. r-a abctb G-aab b o, H-o-ab b b I - Q,b aaoL K-a b a 0L.b L-o. ba b ol, M»OLb o.b b N- o. b b a CL 0-abbab P-abb bo- a-abbbb R- b o-ctcxa. S - b cxocixb T- b a u.b Q, V-bent'ft hut forth To enter Sfith appUufe'. An AEUrs Art^ Qan dye, and Hue, to oHe afecondpcirt. That's hut an Exit ofMortalitie ; This, a ^-entrance ton TUudite. To thememorie ofM'Jf^.Sba^.Jpea're. Jkit i but a/i¥.Xlt ofMo)t.i!)tir - / — / '- /-I /-// X-b' \T'elsthySpeBatorSjthatthou'toent'ftWffort¥W 1 / /////// / / / / / / e e / tf /, f n & A \ To enter Vithapplaufe: AnABor^t, "^^^^Mi!^ //// /'/ /^/ C i/ 4 / e. tf 4 r ( i/ ?i ^ [ frfw dye, and liue^to aSie a fecond part.^ / / / / // / // h s t E t M" t '/" e I ThatshutanF^XitofMortalitie- / / / / //// // is e t 71 t T I Ti^^dTj a %e-entr4na to ^ 'Phudlte, ' N°l-COnPARISON WITH TYPICAL LETTER OF SANE FORM. COPYRIGHT 1916 ^^ RIVER8ANK COMPANY. "I. M: POEM. o e m i f 5, {^ p r To the memorie of M. JV Shake ^fpe^re. \ B 0. r S k p r fy i n n f a e \l\/^E E wondred (Shake-fpeare) that thm werifflfofoone ij oh 'b d t e t G u T i r m Frm the Worlds-Stage jto the Grku^^T'yring-room^ | e h g i % ^ u h h n t i» t Wee thought ihee4ead, hut this thy prmtff%orthy ^ -J // /// /////// / //// e t S B 1). t t o' eft t r Teh thy SpeBatorSjthat thouTijent'Jjj^f^irfori^^ t n r t p a e Inn To enter %ah appUiife', ^ AFiors '^rt, '^^^ ''""'''^"'??^^^'^:| a y tt i t B f a p t ** (^andyeyandHueytoaBeafecondpart. ^ - -^?^| a % a X & oat That's hut an 'BsitofWortalitie ^ /// / ////// T a en c I This y a %e-entr4nceto«. Tlauditg, / / / / / / // N^S-COMPARISON WITH TYPICAL LETTER OF SAME FORM. COPYRIGHT 1916 njj' RIVER8ANK COMPANY. >'^'^ I. M. POEM. ^ o e M h e To theiiiemorie oWL.lV.Shake'fpt I e I W- i i 6 i m % ■ ^/ ' / / ////// /' /" / -"7 '//^ / / ' ■ i 1 I i d^ i i ^ /// / ^ / / / I ^'_|^f^ i -gj ^ ^ I i S ^ 5f -I jWU^^S^Batorsjthat thou Ibent^JijS^for^ / ////// / s t ^ ^ To enter %nhappidujei JnJFhr^-t^^ / ^ / / / ^ /' / _ ^ /" / W f^ d it a |i»^ (/?« dyej^an^lme^a§^^co}idpart . "^1 ii ip^ii ?.-j^'^ That's hut an'Rxit of Mortalities / / / / //// // ^ (^ M tf e / ith appiaufe: An A^ors Art^ ■^^i-^m / / / / / / / / ...*.^,:;tr.^-i&5^ ':. 13 .,^£2t;M. C^aleaaci^Th Qan dye, and liue,toaBea/econdpart. ■/ / / j^ J/ // / // h 's t t M t t % That's hut an Exit ofMortalitie ^ is e t n t T This, a %e-entrdnce to ^ TUudite* I / / / / / // N°4-C0NTRA5T WITH TYPICAL LETTEf? OF OPPOSITE FORM. COPYRIGHT 1916 'f^}^^ RIVERBANK COMPANY '^i- 1^ ii LM.POEM. o e m I S r TotheinemoneofMj/^.5/;^;^e-;^^^rf. I b or b k p r h I u n f e XT' VTB Etpondred (Shake-fpeare) that thou went'Jlfofoone J /? rf t ^ r Cr « i / r m e h ^ t e a ^ h h r t m t Wee thought thee dead, hut this thy printed ft^orth, > . J| ^etSfiotto e Jl t r Teh thy SpeBatorSjthat thout^en/^h^^fortJf T n r t p a e Jl r f^ To enternptth applaufe: An Aclors Art, a y n 'i t Si J p t Qan dye, and liue,to aBe afecondpart,; ■'^ '/ / / ' '/ ///// aba at 10 Vli^ftSK:*-;^ ■ That's hut an Exit ofMortalitie . T a e r c I Thi6y a %e-entrance to a ^PUudite, N°5-[0NTRA5T WITH TYPICAL LETTER OF OPPOSITE FORN. COPYRIGHT 1916 ^i?)^ RIVERBANK COMPANY. ^ ii m:poem. "h ■jh^ ri-i'-aaiii" '-ex t m o e f^ e. e e. ^ To the tnemorie of M. IV Shake ^fpe0re\ I 'V''\r:EK«'p«^re u ■% ^B s t To enter Ti?ithapplaufe: AnABorsArt^ ' "^ ' , ^,; 1 n e ^ u a e e n a (^andye,andliuejtoa&eafecondparti T t u n i 'f r I i That's hut an^Xit of Mortali tie ' ;, tS ' ; "^1 /// / ////./../ h ^7^ « d £? 4 a _____ „ Thi4ya%e-entr4nce'tO€'PUudtte^ ,v':^ ,^^^ ^Siff 1 / / / / / / // 'n^5-C0NTRA5T with TYPICAL LETTER OF OPPOSITE rORM. COPYRIGHT 1916 '\)!p'^'l RIVERBANK COMPANY. ' ^ '-. i»^» «r,r.'> ■'. V'--^ -^ ELIZABETH WELLS GALLUP TESTED AS A DECIPHERER By James Phinney Baxter To thememorie ofM.H^.Sha^^Jjfeare* VrVTBE K»o«le« No example , Has a nearly even curve .Mi.'- ,■' in the top at the right* No example No example Curved top. A tall, well-made letter^ Large size type, narrow head and wide base* No example U W w ^^ B Form The typical letter is plalni with a curved or sltmting bar, ae seen in the alphabet. No example* Top and bottom lines paralleQ.; the kern on the base line slender and slanting* Top heavy and slants parall*! to seriph of base* The short line slants toward the base* Kern short, straight, and blunt at the right* Third line shaded from top* Seriphs at bottom level* No example. Top forms a segment of a circle at the left. Upright does not reach the top* Erect; round curves* No example. The heavy, blunt letter with short connecting line is the h-torm' It is accented and therefore marked a-form. No example ir \fell-nade letter in large size type ; points sharp. LOVER CASE ITALIC LETTBRS "THE I. U. POEIJ" A Form' Typical a form io well-r.ad.e; the oval ususlly shows angle or shoulder and rounds gradually to the line of writing, making the letter soraewhat v.dder at the have than the corresponding letter in the ^ forn} aleo the oval has the appearance of a complete o^ placed in :-aich a way that a part of one side side rests on the upright and often projects sufficiently to give the stem the appearance of tending outward near the center. Oval pointed at top and narrow at base* M ■^\ h if^\ TSs B Form Somewhat narrov^r at base than the a form; oval pointed; upright is often either uniform or slightly heavier at top. Letter slanted. Oval rounded at top; upright straight nearly to the base. Roundness coraraences near top; curve at base usually wide. c % Roundness commences near center of back; curve at base usually narrow. Stem has no wave line, but sometimes turns slightly to the left at top; toe upturned; loop leave B stem and rejoins it at a somewhat obtuse angle. I V/ave line in stem, angle between stem and top of oval acute; point of jointure below, somewhat high on stem. A line drawn through the loop of this letter beginning at the left of the oval where it leaves the stem and running through the opposite point of the oval, in- tersects the lino of the end of the curve of the base produced either above or below the line of v/riting. ,*i. . or. Letter slanted; straight top, Lf curved, shov.dng a small neck at left. A linb drawn through the loop of this letter beginning at the left of the oval where it leaves the stem and tunning through the opposite point of the oval, will run parallel to the line of the end of the curve of the base produced. Letter stands nearly erect; top curved. URGE LOVER CASE ITAl.IC LET7ER3 i:: "iiii'. 1...;. i^oi;;.;" A-» .Forn Slanting, somevmat wide at the base. 4 3 For m IIo example. If the end cf the curve of the base line were produced it would not form a perfect o* e e. I If the end of the curve of the base line were produced ii ..oulc for.Ti a perfect o* Someuriiat slender; the loop is nar-row at the top and pointed' No exa'nole. Slender and delicate; the queue not widely spread at "Dase« No exa-nple- The loop is narrow in the bottom part. No example* Somewhat broad at the top; both kerns are rounded. No example. Long, well-mado letter; the Btem is a wave line. No example. LOWER CAS: ITALIC LETTERS LN "THE I. U. PQEJJ" A Forra The lower loop Is at- tached to the center of the oval; the connecting line usually hea\7' and angular. Ttio stem of this letter is not characteristic, unless perhaps slightly pointed at the base; a line drawn upward through the loop so as to in- tersect it at the middle of the upper part of the curve tends only slightly toward the right . In the typical letter of this class the base is usually rounded; the keras do not correspond, that is, one will be straight and the other curved. B Form The lower loop is at- tached a little to the left of the center of the oval; the connecting line is usxiCLly thin. The stem of the letter is characteristic; a line drawn upward through the loop bo as to intereect it at the middle of the upper part of the curve tends pronouncedly toward the right. In the typical letter of this class the kerns at the ends, whether curved or straight show a correspondence with each other. The typical letter of this class usually shows a slight wave line in the stem. The angle made by the kom and the stem is large. Double letters ore gov- erned by the law of digraphs, not by that of single letters. The second loop shorter at top and turns slightly to the right; width of loops nearly equal at base; top kern inclined to sharpness; kern at base usually close. m m m The typical letter of this class has the character- istic stem rounded into a anall, close kern* Nearly even at top; second loop wider at base than the first; top kern rounded, and corresponds to the kern at the base. LOWER CASE ITALIC LETIERS IN "THE I. II. POSU" A Fona Letter slemtingj top kern inclined to sharpness; kern at base usually clear. The loop tends toward the right at the top in the same manner as that of the second loop in the e^ foi>m of m n B Form Nearly erect; top kern usually rounded; the two kerns correspond. The letter 3ho\7s a wideness at the base correspond- ing to that of the second loop in the b form of m« There are many varieties of small 0^ and it is difficult to assign them to their proper classes. The a form letters show the slant characteristic of that form and are best classified by comparing them with the capital letter, iiriiich is less symmetrical than the b form. S^ If a line were drawn lightly along the inside of the capital 0^ of the ^ form it would show almost perfect symnietry. This appears also in all the well- printed lower-case letters of this form. Stem of nearly uniform thiclcness throughout, or slightly shaded below the line of writing; loop shows only slight narrowiiig toward the base, but slants downward where joined to the upright. Stem often thick at top; loop joins the upright almost at a right angle. The letter has the slant that is characteristic of the a foirm. The first kern is anall and tends to sharpness; the second kern ia roundel. There is us- ually a greater breadth at the top in the a f oi-m than in the Jb f oi*m. ■ .+ ',.-.v' i=?; 3#- m The left kern is usually diatiiict and strong; the two differ only slightly. The up- ward stro'/.e of the letter i^ usually atr ng and di stinct • Tne letter is usually somewhat naiTow at the top- There are long ajid short letters in both forms. The base ixi either case is nearly horizon- tal. The long _s of the a form is more slanting than that of the b form« The long ^ of tiie ^ form is usually upturned at the base and the slant of the letter is not marked. The short letter has the fflme characteristics. 1^:. LOWER CASE ITALIC HITTERS IN "THE I. M. PGEii" A Form The a-form letter has a base like the small 1_ of this class; the stem has the same slant as the !• t B Form The characteristic b_-form letter is well-made; the kern at base free and clear* The typical letter of this class has the slant of the a- form; the first kern straight; the second curved, or vice versa* The connecting line between the uprights is lower than in the b— form* The rounded base is typical of both upper and lower-case form* letters of this First point of base sliarp, second point blunt* The letter is flat topped. Harrow at top; second stroke bends toward the first- v^; U 'r'y.jr Jl Letter nearly erect; the kerne correspond with each other* The connecting line joins the second upright at a higher point in the b-form than in the ^form« The angular letter, like the second half of the toll w, is the typical letter in the b-form* Both points of base sharp; first and third stroke on the left extend in curves above the level of the body of the letter. r.o example. vs DESCRIPTION OF THE DIGRAPHS IN "THE I. U. POEM". Thff union of a 8l anting £ that shows an angle in the base, with a t that comes well down to the lin"e of writing with the slant of the a form, gives the conbination "aa". No example. The union of a slanting c_ that shows en angle in the base, with a t_ that approachee the _c at the base, s-nd has a cr08s>ber that thickens toward the right gives the combination "ab". a'^i^y The union of _c well-rounded at the base with a % that coDea well donti to the line of writing with the slant of the a form, gives the combination "ba"» The union of a short, well- rounded ^ with an b_ narrow in the head and'anguler in the base gives the combination "aa". iS No example. No exaiiq>le. is The union of a somewhat large i, the kern and base corresponding, with an 8__ narrow in the head gives the combination "ba"* The union of a long £ having a wide curve at the topf with e t having a slanting bar and Booawhat wide angle between the foot and the stem gives the combination "aa". No example. v V ALPHABET A. • ao-aaa B- ■OLa.aa.b C- •aaab a. D- •CLCLCXb b E- • a. o.bcLo. F- •a abckb &. aabb 0. H- •a,abb b 1- 'O/b aaa. K- 0. b aa.b L- ctbabcL M«o.b abb N- 'CL b b a a. 0- >a b b ab P- a b b b a. a- ■abbbb R- 'b aao-o. s- ba.orth, Teh thy SpeSiatorsjthat thouMfent'jl but forth To enter Ttfith appUufei AnAEicrs Art, Qan dye, and liue,toaSkafec(mdfart. That's hut an Exit ofMortalitie ; This, a ^-entrance tos TUuMte. JJljjhy ^pefiatorsAat thou yentjl but forth ij<:>}teiy^tthamauf^. ^n ABoj< An. Cah dye ixni liue,to at]e a Tccan'fp.i, t. i hat s but an hxit ofAiortahnr T^l"^' ''fk" ' ' ■''-'''.' -/«f -'-,-" i luSfd ^-entrance to* Tuudite. -'■"'^''-' ''^' I. M. SHAK!:SPEARE FOLIO 162 J-MI^~1J-:'.' rn-'. 1. i;. ros:'. TothB menor leof'f vShak OBpc- re ijC wondr edsha kespe oreth attho uwont staas »»nt? baaab aabaa aaaaa booae aaaba aabbb aabab abbob baaaa abaab aabaa babba aabaa baaab r*oth e>Vsrl daSta r.>t*t haCra ueaTy rlngr senie./ sotho ughtt heede adbirt thlrt hyprl baaba aabbb aabaa aabbb aabaa *"^^« aaabb aba^a abbaa aabba baaab abbab b**'^^ banba ntedv orthT alsth ySp«c tatar athat thauw entat butft rthX* antAr vitha pplau acAaA aabbb aabaa aaaba abbab ababb aabaa aaabb abaaa aabaa baaab aabab baaaa aaaaa abbaa etare ArtOa ndyoa ndllu etoac tease cond;) art.h atsbu tanZz ItaTf artal Itiei' hlsaR aaaba aba^a baaab ^^■■w^V' wannn bar.aa abbab abbaa abbab anh^h baabb ftwib*^* baaaa baabb eentr ancet oaila udlia lU ababa aaoaa ababV ieu-ch for keyas, I'le hfdinrs o- Vne Coaedies. 210 aari croup (pp« ) has for ito first illuotrotioB a pv^MU Mpgr 9t the Qiggts p«<» (a n»pr*Ai9ii(» !• oq ^ ) plaoeU bam to tfwv thd ••wto Af tte tot a^piMbtto #ilth «r» iUustrotod ou p* feU«*« toe* TlititnUly foIXwioc is found a dMi^shMnatet of ite p««a to cvtmpt •£ fiv8 bttMWrth vhioh is the tratnfloriptioo renaiiiog thsrvfraau M. tiie end of t!iis gr**^ (pp. } xAXl ba fowid full toaortjptiaM «f thD •liarriot«'icU6a of (tmik Viifial lottor of both fo«»% md Alto of t.^ir reR)fc>cti-M toriafttoto LeiUrii ti^ileh o«m.ir but «»»• «v« BofcumOly tnitied tnn %hi.9 list* 111* tii«d«ni is rettUNintod to refor to tistt Otatrip^ton as % rvaoio of fnn.Ulr>j>i2ing hktmU «lto the tlid}«ib«4 eni with ttie ty^ fori iOluotrotod to tho r^up* (fip* )• 5 K^ K TO IHE MEMORIE of the dcceafed Authoiir Maifter W. Shakespeare. fHake-fpearCj at length thy pious fdkwes pue' \The world thy Workes : thy WorkeSyhy which, mt 'Hue *Thy Tombe, thy name mujl • when thatjione is rent^ AndTmediffoluesthyStridoTdMonimentt tJerifte al'me fI)aS jthinke all is prodegie That is not Shake-fpearcs ; eury Line,each^erfi HerefhaUreuiueyedeeme thee from thy Herfe. ISlor Fire^nor canhrtng Age^as Nz{o /aid, OfhiSjthy^it'fraught ^ookejhall once inuat^, Norjhall I ere beleeue, or thinkethee dead ; (ThoughmiJl)''vntiU our hankront Stage hefpei 0mpofsfhle) with feme ne'^finu^t'out'd^. ^a/siom ofln\ict,and herKoOKo 4 , Or tiU Jheare a Scene more nobly /s»^<^ .. . \Theft Hfhen thy half Sword parlyingVLmvm^ff3.! lOTilK 'il-'ioa lEoft hedec eased Autho urMai sterW oH/JCE 3fE.iVH EiHak esp«a reatl enpth aaLab b3,aan oaaaa abbaa aaaba sbaaa baeab abbab aabab baabb aabaa ba&na baabb obaba thypi ousfe llowo sgiue Thewo rldth y*orlc esthy «crke eby^ icheu tliue ThyTo mbeth aaaaa ababb abaaa baaab aoaaa baabb baaba aabbb abbab baaaa abbab aabab aaaaa ababa ynane riustw honth atsto neiar ontAn dTime aieso luest hyotr atfor dlloni laanti: are*e nbata baaba aabbb aaba°. abbba ababa aaaaa babba baaab aabbb aabaa baaaa aabaa baaba allue shall vietrt heest lllTh isBeo kei?he nBras seand Uarbl efada shall siaket haelo abbab aabab abbab b aa ^ n aabat abbba baabb aaaab abaha abaaa baaab aabbb aabaa aaabb •keyj- sahto allAg esvhe nPost eriti eJial Heat h«hat anewt hinke alii 9 prcde Eie'^i aaaab babba ababb aaaaa baaaa ababa abbab babaa aabaa aabba baaaa aabaa aabaa abbaa atiai etaia keape areno uryLi neeac hVera eHere ahall reulu erede eneth eefre arthyH aabaa abbba aabaa aabaa ababa aabaa baaab aabbb ■"^q»^fl abaab aabaa baaab abbba aabaa erseJi orFir enorc ankri ngAge aaNas osald Ofhia thywi tfrau ghtB* ekeah alien ceinu aaaaa baaaa nabaa aaaaa abbaa aaabb abbab auibab baaba aabbb aabaa baaba babaa abbab adoJIo rahal llore belee ueort hinke theed tadiTi euphm istTn tille urban kreut 3taee aaaaa abbaa aaabb baaba babaa aabaa abbaa baaba babba abbaa abbab babaa abbba baabb boape dJapo ssibl ffwith aemen ewstr alnet eutde Paeai onsef lulle tandh erFlem eeOrt baaba abbeb baabb baaba aabab abbab baaaa baaba aabbb aabaa aabab abaaa baaau baaab llljh earea U:ene noren oMyt akelTi en'wfao nthyh alf jw erdpa rlyin gHema naepa keTil baaba baaba abaaa ababb aabaa baaab abbab ababb aabaa ■"■'"'^ baaaa aabaa aaaaa ababa Itheo etill 9nyef thyVo luraes reat: hallw Itiime peflr enore feell ngboe xpree tCeau baaba aabaa baaaa aaabb baaba abbab aaaba abbab abbaa baaba abaaa abbaa baabb aabaa reeur -Jiolce spear ethou cuist neuer dye.-u tcrow nd^t hl.a»r ellll ueeie mall yli)iE aabbb abaaa baaab aabbb rbaaa biiaab baaba abbab baaaa babba aabab baaab baaba COS ?r-ir.ci3 of YemlM is auther of all the playa heretofore published by Uarlewe, Greene, ?eele, Jh:i:<.eapeare, and of the t«»-and-ta«nty nev put out for the first time. Oeme are alter'd to continue hia listory. y. ST. A. of %im tfi««a«erl0ti«a •f the '^a" ani «V fom Uttwv tt» l«ttflx>o ftfflxed l)f WQr ©f iUuatratioa hsw bMB ttm%oi^9f»»d tnm tte 1623 if^iio fa ths Ba^mji OftUMUm aB4 bam Um mOmtgU to ti»«« eat oM^hird Urn dlMBaUM •€ tteft orieijKa, to f^»ilitate ifa* atu^ of tTioir chftfattfHPlsUA*. >to a dsavljrtlaB of ti« rorjEm lottery tfedek ocour rolaUwly infirvquently, cud of ahld» thim ia oftan hvA ann ilXutitr'-vtioa on a pe^pit tho rtndont it nfofTvd to tiM Aawirtli^ iter* «u the i>eom 2«ttars uaed ia the I.H. ai« ti» 9igm» pmml tli» PreXeea^ tiie Ca*«l«gtt% 4n4 «» IteM of th« Prlncl ,au Aowihaw teen eaneataed. ^ UPPER CASE ITAI.IC LETTERS IN "TIJE L. DIGkffiS POEM" A Form Tne typical letter is plain with high, straight bar. A kern or a dot in the letter chajiges it fron a to b_ or vice versa. A A B Form The typical letter is plain wi'fti a curved or slanting bar, as seen in the alahabet. Base tends sliglitly upward at left, or is level. Width in the upper p.&rt less than in the b-form. i Base tends downward at left. Width of upper part greater than in the a-fonn. Top line slender and only slightly slantii-ig; not parallel to seripb of base. No example Resembles roraan type; heavy and wide at the top with level soriphs and level bar. ti No example Plain, resembling roman type. Curved top and curved stem with kern at base and a cross-bar. / Some\n;at heavier than the b-form. The b&so line is nearly uniform tiiroughout; is not as well drawn as in the b-fom. Tall and slender. The base line thickens gradually toward the right. UPPER CASE ITALIC LETSRS IN "THE L. 0ICK3SS POE^r A Forni Curved kern at the right* Third line light. Seriphs at top and bottom of first line parallel; seriph at right slants downward. M M B Forn No examole* Connecting line sliort. The letter differs from the romaji letter by the slant, and by rounded kerns on the heavy line. Letter slanting, oval distinctly pointed at the base. 'N No example. No example* Has a nearly even curve in the top at the right. e. V/ide at top; a well-made letter. ITALIC DIGRAPHS IIJ "THE DIGCEES PGE!.:" A Form '0 exanple- The union of a short, v/ell- made i^ with an ^ that is very an- gular at the base gives the combi- nation "aa" . The union of an _i vrell-round- ed at the base vri.th an j having a long top and narrow base gives the combiriation "eh"' The union of a delicate, well- made e_ that is well-rounded at the top with an ]i also delicate that has a narrov/ loop, gives the combination, "aa". The union of a delicate, long ^ well-rounded at the top with an h which shov/s a distinct wideniiig of the loop at the ndddle point gives the combination "ab". is ts :.o example- :.'o exanple The union of a delicate, long _a having a wide curve ai the top, with a t, having a slanting bar and some- Mihax vdde angle betv/een the foot and the sten, gives the combination "aa"- **' having a T.dde curve at the top, with a ^ having a bar nearly horizontal a foot soraev.'hat closer t'lan the one juct described above, gives the com bination "ah". Jf If hft Ji ^ Form T^. ,.;ion of on f_ having f. curved vop with an i having e rounded base and a sharp head, gives the combination "ba" • The union of a sharply pointed ± with an ^ having a long top and narrow base, gi\'6s the combination "bb". The union of a sharply pointed ± with an _s narrow at the base gives the combiriatio»i "ba". The union of aii _s having a flat top with an h that show* widens ss at the middle of the loop, gives the combination "bb". The union of an ^ shov^'.r^ ^c~f>\^at more strength than tht preceding, and having a flat top with an h that has a narrow loop, gives the combi- nation " ba" . The union of two long _s's each having an upturned foot gives the combination "pp"/ llie union of the long _s having a foot turning upward with one having an horizontal foot gives the combination "ba" The union of a long s_ having a narrow, curved head v/ith a t_ having a nearly hor- izontal bar gives the combina. tion "bb". The union of a somev/ha-: strong letter ^ having a col ■ . paratlvely narrow, curved to^ with a t^ having base, gives the "ba". an angular combination tt» foUniag group (yp* ) voniUt* of a, ^Jtotc 7^ ..^ ilc ai>;:i!y ti liio i^r«y.flgui% di»MK Tiiwnw ill* pl99' of *'X)P»UiMi add Care»«lA»'^ vm n»t f««MVi»tod ia tte ColalAf^^* & th« mm wmum " as In tha pVBeaftIng eret^ thiu croi^ ia amngad la tlw ordnr «f (1) ISm PnlU&m^ <2) the 3a>'v>l)at« (3) tiie Oocipltoirv i ^ . .„ M i3m taaA of tltit sronp (9P* ) «ill ^ fomi « fun d»«ri|iUMi of thf» rtMBfttfirtdbaa Af taAh ^rpitnl IrlrUnp of ^^T> f ornu^ snd aloo of their rst^iMtlvB mriiiuf* Iiottar* nideh oeour but aa«« ere oaturoUjr oaittod firon tilt UU^ Hm ■tiMliili !• rtnnwr—iltil to r^«r to this te«ari|itiaB «• « umm ftf taoillarlaiac kteMlf «ith tlw AflHtet «id «ith the typo fans illttstiracltd in Ute group, (rip. ^ r "'i r-' INTroji there lyes'pUp Scene: From lies of Greece The 'Princes OrgtHmSj their high blood chafd' HaM to the f art of Athens Jhit their Jhippes Fraught with theminijlers and injlrumcnts Ofcruell Warre : Sixiyand ?iine that wore Their (^rownets l^cgall^frotn th' Athenian Uy Tut forth to^l^ard Thrygta, and their 'Vo'^ is made To ranftcke Troy , y^ithin whofeftrong eniures Therauip/dHcUn, Menelaus Queene, TVith wanton ?^n$fleepeSj and that's the QuarrelL To Tenedos they come. And the deepe'draTi^i^ig Barke do there dijgorge Their Tp ar like fraut age : now on Varddn Tlaines Thefrep) andyet wnhruifed Greekes do pitch Their hraue'Pauillions.Vnzms fix'gated Qty, .. Dardan and Tinibria, Helia5> Chetas, Troi^^ And AntcnoriidvLS Ti?ithmafsieStaples ^v And correfponjiue andfidfillin^^idtf4 > ^^'Jt'-t^^ - «>;,'. . StirrervptheSOmtfsMf^oy.f -^ 4'-^'r'^!04M^^V-':i^^^^^ ' '- Ko-^ ExpSB4timickhx skntiff^f^'ltiy On one ani other Jide^Troian And Greektf Sets altonha^d. And htiher ^Jfcome^ ATr9lo»tejf^'d^i>jii7iQti^ OfAuthoripen, or^Al^orsvtyiei hut fitted Jnlikec dd ee hh ii 11 ^ M^o ftr s^ Ct uo / / / / / / / / / / / -JA F>^" />>.•<.: ■• --t-^.i 00 fr / / / / EXA MPLES OF LETTE RS CHANGEDjB YJDOTS. — THE ALPHABETS.— COPYRIGHT 1916 RIVERBANK COMPANY. uO :V' vV-^' SHAKE SPEAHE POUO 1623 Theft- ologu er.TT oyThe relye rtheS cenaF romll esofG reeco ThePr iaces Oreil loust aabab baaaa aaaaa abbaa aaaba abaaa baaab baaab baaba aaaaa ababa aaaab aaLa abbC heirh ighbl oodch ardHa uetot hePor tofAt henas enUh eirsh iooes ?raug htwit h^hen aaabb aabaa baaab aaaia aabaa abbaa aaabb aabaa aaabb aabab baaaa ahhS ababb baaba inisit ersaa dinrt rumen tsOfc ruell larre Sixty andnl netha t«re Ihair Crown etsOe aaiDb aabaa ababb abaaa aabba aabbb baaba babba aabbb aabaa baaaa abbab aabaa baaab gallf ronth Athen ianba yPutf ortht oward Phryg laand their vowis made" orans ackeX abbab aabab baaba baaaa abbab babba ababa abbab baabb abaaa abbaa aabba f^'^'\ nn abbaa roywi thinw hoses trong enrure slher auiah dHele nilene laus^ ueene Withw anton Paris aaabb baaaa aabaa baabb aabaa baaaa abaaa abbaa aabba baaba aabbb aabaa baaab aabaa sleep eaand thate the>iu arrel IToTe nedos theyc omeAn dthed oeped rawin gBark edoth abbaa abbab aaaab ababa aabaa aaaaa abbaa aaaba aabaa baaab baaba abbab baaaa baaab eredi agorg eThoi rwarl ikefr autag enovo nDard anPla ineaX hefre shand yetvn bruie aabbb abaaa aaabb abaaa abbaa aabbb abaaa baaab babaa baaaa abaaa baaba abaaa abbaa edGre ekesd opitc hlhei rbrau ePaui llion sPria mssix gated CityD ardtm andTl mbria aabba baaab aabbb abbab ababb aabaa baaaa baaab abaaa ababa ababa abaaa >*»»»» , aaabb Helia sChei aeXro ienAn dAnte nonid uswit famass ieSta plea\ ndcor respo nsiue andfu ba£U.b nnnnn abbaa aaabb abbab aaabb babba baaab baaab aabaa babba abaaa abbaa aaaba Ifill ingBo ItsSt irrev ptheS onnea ofTro yJIo* xpect ation tickl ingok ittis hspir abaaa abbba aabbb aabaa baaaa babaa abaaa baaba aabbb baaba aabbb aabaa aaaaa aabaa itsOn onean dothe raide Troia nandO reeke Getea llonh aiard Andhi thera mJcom eAPro abbaa aabaa abaaa aaabb abbab aabab baaba aabbb aabaa abbaa abbab aaaab ababa aabaa lofiue arradb utnot incon fiden ceOfA uthor openo rActo rsvoy cebut suite dJnli kecon baabb abaaa baaaa aabba abaia ababa abbba baaaa abaaa abbaa aaaba aabaa abbab aabab ditio naaso urArg uraent Totel lyouf aireB ehold ersth atour PlayL eapea oreth ovaun ababa aaaaa baaba abaaa abbaa abbba abbab aabaa baaba baaab abaaa abbaa baaab aaaba tandf irstl ingso fthoe ebroy lesBe ginni ngint hemid dlest artin gthen ceawa yTowh baaaa abaaa nanab abaaa abbaa aabba baaba aabbb aabaa ababa aabaa baaba baaba aabaa atmtiy bedig ested inaPl ayLik eorfi ndefa ultdo asyou rplea svu-ee oroUo wgood orbad baaaa baaab baaba abbab aabaa ababa abaaa babbb aaaaa annnb aabaa baaba aabbb baaaa tisbu tthec hance ofWar re aabab baaab baaba eiaaaa Deciphered Llesaa^e Francis 3t. Alba^i, descended from the nighty heroes ef Troy, lovin-; and revering; these i.o le ancestors, hid in his witinga Honer'a Illiado and Odyssey (in Cipher), with the AEneid of tl.e i.oble Virgil, prir.ce of Latin poets, inscribing tr^ letters to Zlizabeth, R* T. 55t. A. 9SSCRIPTZ0NS •f the chax>aeieri8ilc8 of the "a" and •*b" form letters SB rOS PaOLOGUE" Qw letters affixed by way of illustration have been i^otographed from the 1623 Folio in the Newberry Collection and have been enlarged to three and one-third the dimensions of the original, to facilitate the study of their eharacterietioe* For a description of the rosEin letters, vfaich occur relatirely infrequently, -aid of ^diich there is often but one illustration on a page, the student is referred to the Appendix, where all t}\e ronian letters used in the I*M. sad the Dlgges peeB% the Prologue, the Catalogue, and the Nioaes of the Prineipall Actors, have been asseabled. UPPER CASE ITALIC LETTERS IN A Form The typical letter is plain with high, straight bar- A kern or a dot in the letter changes it from a to b or vice versa. Baee tends slightly upward at left or is level. Width in the upper part less than in the b-f orm. • "THE PROLOGUE" jii !B B Form The typical letter ie plain with a curved or slanting bar, as seen in the alphabet* Base tends downward at left^ Width of upper part greater than in the a«^orm> A long letter extending below the line* Mo example Curved top and level base* E No exaniple Hie line at the top hori- zontal and not parallel to the base. The kern nearly vertical and heavy* Top line slender and only slightly slanting; not parallel to the aeriph of the base. The ahort upright line is nearly vertical. No example* '— *! No example. Top heavy and slants paralldl to the seripb of the base* The short line slants toward the base* Slants and is light at left side. Left upper aeriph slants upward slightly, the right wriph a little downward. Plain, resembling rooan type. Ciurved top and curved stem with kern at base and a cross- bar. Tall and slender. The base line thickens gradually toward tlM right. Some«*iat heavier than the &-forT3. The baae line is nearly uniform throughout; la not as «*11 drawn as in the ••form. A Form Connecting line short* The letter differs from the roman letter by the slant, eind by rounded keras on the heavy line Letter slantiiig, oval distinctly pointed at the basei Slightly narrower than the b-fona; has a nearly even curve in the top at the right • Top ovEil pointed; long queue turns upward and is more grace- ful than in the b-form- Level top, extending well to the left, ending in a rovind- ed kern. Upright reaches to the top of the letter. Wide; slaiiting; flat carves. Curved top UPPER CASE ITALIC LETTERS IN "THE PROLOGUE" B Form N Connecting line long and extends below the line of writing. This is the distinct- ive difference between the two forms. Oval top and bottom only slightly pointed. Letter well.^s^e and neeirly erect. Near the middle of the loop the b-forra is wider than the a-form, but the curve at the right flattens near the top. Top oval broad; long queue somewhat awkwardly attached and turns downward at the left. No example. Erect; round curves. Straight top; form resembles roman typo. Erect; second and fourth strokes light; first and third heavy. ir w A tall, well-made letter. LOVER CASE I'l'AIJC IJ-VllERS IN 'TiJE PROLOGLE TO TROILUS AliD CRES5IDA" A Form B Form Typical a.-form is v/ell-made; the oval usually sliows an angle or shoulder, and rounds gradually to the line of v/riiing, making the letter somewhat wider at the base than the corresponding letter in the b^-forrn; also the oval has the appearance of a complete o^ placed in such a v?ay that a •oart of one side rests on the upright, and often projects sufficiently to give the stem the appearance of bending outward near the center. Oval rounded at top; up- ri£;ht straight nearly to the base* Roundness commences near top; curve at base usually wide. U 4 h Somewhat narrower at base than the ^-form; oval pointed; upright is often either uniform or slightly heavier at top. Letter slanted* Note: The classification of the a in "slx-g«ted" (line 15) has to be decided by the context. Oval pointed at top and narrow at base. Roundness commencec near center of back; curve at base usually narrow. Stem has no v,rave line, but sometimes turns slightly to the left at the top; foot upturned; loop leaves stem and rejoins it at a somewhat obtuse angle. A line drawn through the loop of this letter beginning at the left of the oval where it leaves the stem and running through the opposite point of the oval, intersects the line of the end of the curve of the base pro- duced either above or belov/ the line of writing. Letter slanted; straight top, or, if curved, showing a saall neck at left. d ei / 7 Wave line in stem; arAgle between stem and top of oval acute; point of jointure below somewhat high on stem. A line drawn through the loop of this letter beginning at the left of the oval where it leaves the stem and running through the opposite point of the oval, will run parallel to the line of the end of the curve of the base produced. Letter stands nearly erect; top curved. LO'AER CASE ITALIC 1£TTERS IN "THE PROLOGUE TO TROILUS AJ-T) CRESSIDA" A Form Tne lower loop is attached to the center of the oval; the connecting lino usually heavy arid angular" £ S B Form The lower loop ia attached a little to the left of the . center of the oval; the connect- ing line is usually thin* The stem of this letter is characteristic; a line drawn upward through the loop so as to intersect it at the middle of the upper part of the curve tends pro- nouncedly tov/ard the right* In the typical letter of this class the base is usually rounded; the kerns do not correspond, that is, one will be straight and the other curved| The typical letter of this class has the characteristic stem of the ai-form, is broad and 3pr*ading at the Vasa; the loop angular. The letter is usually broad and heavier than the ^- form of Jc- The typical letter of this class has the characteristic a- form stem rounded into a small, close kern* The second loop shorter at top and turns slightly to the right; v/idth of loops nearly equal at base; top kern inclined to sharpness; kern at base usually close* H h t t k A n rh m The stem of this letter is not characteristic, unless, per- haps, slightly pointed at the base; a line drawn upward through the loop so as to inter- sect it at the middle of the upper part of the curve tends only slightly toward the right* Tn the typical letter of this class, the kerns at the ends, unlike tho se o f the a-f onn, whether curved or straight, show a correspondence with eeujh other* The typical letter of the ^-form is somewhat light, narrow at base; the loop is slender and rounded; queue shows a wave line* The typical letter of this class usually shows a slight wave line in the stem. The angle made by the kern and the stem is leu*ge* Double letters are governed by the law of digraphs, not by that of single letters* Nearly even at top; second loop v/ider at base than the first; top kern rounded, and corresponds to the kern at the base* LO'iiER CASE ITALIC LETTERS DJ "THE PROLOGUE TO TROILUS AND CRESSIDA" A Form Letter slanting; top kern inclined to sharpness; kern at base usually clear* The loop tends toward the ti£;ht at the top in the sa-ne manner ob that of the second loop in the &-iorm of m. There are many varieties of small o_ and it is difficult to assign them to their proper claeees. The a-form letters show the slant characteristic of that form and are best classified by conparing them v.dth the capital letter, which is less synnnetrical than the ^-form. Stem of nearly uniform thicknesr throughout, or slightly shaded beloy; the line of writing; loop shows only slight narrowing towsTd the base, but slants down- ward where joined to the uptight. Letter has the slant that is characteristic of the ^-fona« The first kern is snail and tends to sharpness; che second kern is rounded. There is usually greater breadth at the top in the ^-f orm than in the b_-form- The two forms may be compared in "warre", (line 5). There are long and short letters in both forme. The base in either case is nearly horizontal The long s of the ^-form is more slanting than in the ^-f orra. n p p r s B Form Nearly erect; top kern usually rounded; the tv/o kerns correspond. The letter shows a wideness at the base correspond ing to that of the second loop in the b-fom of m« If a line were drawn lightly along the inside of the capital ^ of the ^-fonn it would show almost perfect symmetry. This appears also in all the well- printed lower-case letter? of this form. Stem often thick at top; loop joins the upright almost at a right angle. The left is usually distinct and strong; the two differ only slightly. The upward stroke of the letter is usually strong and distinct. The letter is usually somewhat narrow at the top. The long s of the ^-form is usually uptunied at the base and the slant of the letter is not marked. The short letter has the same characteristics. r^ LOWER CA^ ITALIC USnSRS IN "THE PROLOGUE TO TROILUS AND CRESSIDA* A Form The ^-form letter has a base like the small 1^ of this class; the stem has the same slant as the !• B Form The characteristic ^-form letter is well-made; the kern at the base is free and clear* The typical letter of this class has the slant of the a-form; the first kern etraight; the second curved, or vice versa * The connecting line between the uprights is lower than in the Jb-f orm« The rotmded base is typical of both upper and lower-case letters of this form* First point of base sharp, second point blunt* The letter is flat topped* - L, w Letter nearly erect; the kerns correspond with each otho** The connecting line joins the second upright at a higher point In the ^-f orm than in the a* The angular letter, iTke the second half of the tall w, is the typical letter in the ^- form- Both points of base sharp; first and third strokes on the left extend above the line of the body of the letter* Wide; the kerns at the top i and bottom of the light stroke _ are rounded* J/Cl V/ide at top; a vrell-made letter in this form* X: y Narrower than the a form; the left kern at the base is not thick and rounded like the a form, but leaves the line at a somewhat sharp angle* Narrow at top; second stroke bends toward the first* No example K. V/ide with long queue. ITALIC DIGRAPHS IM "Tffi PROLOGUE" The union of a having a sharp base v/ith ^ having a narrow top, gives the combi- nation "aa«" dS JIo examole The union of a round backed £ having a somswhau angular base, with a t^ that comes well down to the line with the sLant character- istic of the ^form, gives the combination "aa»" ct B The union of a narrow £ round- ed at base; with _t that bends slightly, gives the combination •bb." A well-made f, having the slant of an ^-form letter, joined at the bar with an _i that is thick at the base, gives the combination "aa." fi No examole A well-formed _f having the f^ slant of the letter just described .^V^ above, joined \7ith a tall, angular » f If gives the combination " ab" t fi fi The union of an _f more erect than the foregoing, having a head that bends well dovmward, with an i that is thick at the base, gives the combination ba »' The union of a v;ell-made jL rounded at base, with an _s having a nai'row top gives the combination PS is JJo example Ihe union of an ^ rounded at base with an _s haviiig a long ton, gives the combination "ab" u 1b L'o examp).e ITALi: DIGRAPHS IN "THE FHOLOGUE" The inion of a delicate well-made a that is v?ell round- ed at the top with an h also dal- isate that has a narrow loop givas the corabination"aa". No exa^npl e The union of a delicate long _s well-rounded at the top with sn h ths.t shows a distinct widening of the loop at the middle point, gives the combi- nation "ab". The union of a long ^ reach- ing well out at the top, with an 1 of nearly uniform thickness throughout and a free foot, gives. the conibination "ab" . P The union of an ^ showing somewhat more strength than the preceding and having a flat top with Eui h that has a narrow loop, gives the combination " ba". No exarapl e The union of a long _s having the slant of the _a-form and a •vide top, with a' £ having a irell- rouhded loop, gives the combination aa« The union of a long _3 having a wide top with £ that has a loo] very narrow at its base, gives ti oo:rroination "ab". No example. No example* The union of a delicate long _s having a wid,e curve at the top with a t having a slanting bar and 6o:'\er:'''vit wide angle between the fo t and the stan, gives the combi' nation "aa" . The union of a delicate lont; 8 imving n wide curve at the top, with a t having a :s.r near'' y horizontal and a foo- son.ewhftt closer than the one desoribeil above, gives tie co:;itin--ition "ab" . ft n S -a/ ^ " bb' The union of a long s havinr a narrow, curved head, with a _t having a nearly hori- zontal bar gives the combination "bb". The union of a somewhat strong letter _e having a oomparitively narrow curved top, with a ^ having an angular base, gives the combination "ba" . The union of a u having blunt kerne with an ^ well- rounded at top and flat at base. Q HS H MfM In tills 0pe^p (pp. ) jU givm a iilio^agn^ltis Mpgr of IHw CaMLAgw^ pieisad at this pariloid«r pcfaii k«eauM of the Inf onnstl«n dorlA»d Dm th* dnM-phtroiBt of th« —fipi csf olded. Ibo wtiiw •etoKUac Xnnti« BaMs la maartlag to tte tiM «f a alpter 1* djaaoribad ia hla am aarda* It la not dlffiault ta wd artt— d bam a youth of ol^teao, bomiag alth a ana* af ta» iaalostlaa af a 4salal of the ri^ghta ta alULi^ hla rt^ftO. «Bttraatian antltlad hi% aMdd reaort to the isMtatlim and uoe of a (^iilMr f Ufe ttlCh^ 9f iBrmif, So .JuMMIiaiMi ii^OtlLitmli^hiiit m "A catalocve: : c H j; ^dd ee f hh li 11 mm nn oo^rr ss f ttfu-ftf A C D EE G H I M OO RR SST^ / / / / / a cc (id ee gghhiiJl mffilnn oo ss ttte /// //// / / / f ' 10 U li 13 ^^ SS cc DD EE FE GG HH IJX^ ////// //// zo aa hb cc dd ee ff ^^ hh il kk II mm'^ / / / /// ///// / ^ %i^ nn 00 p^ n ss ff tt uu myo xx yy ' /////il// / / // ^ ftftftfi ^^ ^^^ / // // // / // — THE ALPHABETS.— COPYRIGHT 1916 ^-^^^T RIVERBANK COMPANY. ^ CATALOGUE OF 'IHE SHAKESPEARE PLAYS IX)LIO 1623 ACATA LOCtVE ofthe seuer allCo medie sHist ories andTr agedi escon ■talne dinth isVol abbbb baabb aabaa aabaa abbaa aabaa aabaa ababa abaaa babbb q««qq «««wVi aabaa baaba vmeCO LEDIE STHeT enqpos tFoli oThet woGen tleme nofVe ronaT helier ryffiu esofrt indso aabbb abaaa baaab ababb babba baaba baaaa baabb aabaa ababb abbab baaba aabbb aabeia rMeae urefo rMeae urern eCome dyofE rrour siJuch adooa boutM othln gLoue sLabo urlos baaaa w^^^qp abbaa. aaabb abaaa nanan ababb baaba aabbb aabaa ababa aaaaa babaa aabab tllida oiamer Night sDrea meThe Uerch antof Venio eAsyo uLlke itEie Tamin ^ofth eShre baabb ababa ababa aabbb labaa abaaa baaaa aabaa baaba abbab baaba aabbb aabaa baaba wAlli swell thaXE ndsWe llTwe IfeNi ghtor \riiaty ouwil ITheW inter sTale HISTO RIEST aabbb baaaa abbab eibbaa aabaa Eiabab abaaa abbaa aaabb aabaa baaba aabbb aabaa annba heLif eandD eatho fKinc JohnT olThe life* death ofRic hardt he sec ondTh eFira tpart babba abbba aabbb aabaa baaaa baaab baaba abbab baaaa abaaa aabaa ababb babba aaaab of Kin gHenr ythef ourth TheSe condp artof KHenr ythef ourth TheLi feofK ingHe nryth abbab abbab abaab aabaa baaab aaaba abbab abbaa baaba aaaaa abaaa abbaa aabaa abaaa eFift TheFi rstpa rtofK ingHe nryth eSixt TheSe condp artof KincH enthe SixtT heThi baaba baaba aabaa ababa ababa baaab aabba baaaa aabaa aa^icui baaba baaab aabaa aaaba rdpar tofKi ngHen rythe SixtT heLif e4Dea thofR ichar dtheT hirdT heLif eofKi ngHen baaaa aabaa baaba baaab aabaa baabb aabaa baaaa babba abbab abbaa aabaa abbab aabab rythe Eif:ht TRACE DIEST heTra gedyo fCori olanu sFolT itusA ndron icusR oraeon ndJul babaa aabbb abaaa aaaba aabbb abaaa aabab abeuia ababb abbba wa w n H baaaa banba aabaa lofi'i monof Athen s'JheL ifean ddeat hof Ju liusC oesar TheTr a^ edy ofUac bethT he'Kpa aaabb abbab abbba aabaa abbaa ababa babba babaa abbab baabb ababa aaabb aabab abbab gedyo fHaral etKin gLoar Othel lothe Uoore ofVen iceAn thony andCl eopat crCym bolin baaaa aabab aabaa abaaa baaba ababb babba eibaba abaaa aabetb aabaa aabab o n nnb a a nna eKing ofBri taine aaaba abbab abbaa Deciphered Llessage i^ueeneElizabeth is ray true notlier, and I a-n xhe lavfull heiiTpto the throne. ?inJe tlie Cypher atorie ray bookes contr.ine; it tells greit secrets, every one of which (if I'nparted openly) would forfeit -.y life. »BSCIIlPTX0li8 of the tf)Mra0terlsUe« of t?» -a* «d "V» itm lAttors fh» X«it«ra af f ixs4 by vsy of iUnttto^tttM » piMt«t«ra9li»d fipQB the U23 JAili« ia the JH ^.^ GeUoottiMi «B« ham bMn flBl«8«d to ^jtm and «w.tldrA tfao i Wimlwi of tbo orleliniy to f aoilitata tho giufy of ti»ir '^ -.^— - --.- Fbr a atte«p3ptlrolo^:uo, tim C«t i ia < g i % and tto BSBM of tte Prtfi«&{Mai \etor% ba«» bMB awMcAaod* UPPER CASS IT.U,IC LE3TRRS "k CATALOGUE" A Form First stroke longer than second, with slaj'iting ser- iph; cross-bar straight* No example :^ong letter \7ith straight top and long, curved base extending below line of \sriting» Kern at top of stem slants outurai'd; base nearly level; kern at base slants dotvnward* The line at the top is horizontal airid not parallel with the base* Top slanting and not parallel with seriph of base. J A E ■:r-:o^1 c D T) F B Fona No example Kem at top of stem slants dovmward; top narrow and loop slightly rounding. Base level, or turns slightly upward. Short letter with short, curved top» The letter gradual- ly rounds toward base^ ending in short curve on the level of the line. Kem at top of stem slants downward; base narrow and slanting; kern at base nearly straight . Top and base lines parallel; the kem on the base line slender and slanting outward. Top heavy and slants parallel with the seriph of the base. The sr.ort upright line is nearly vertic^u. G No example Resembles rpman ype; ser- iphs nnd crc.s-bai- level. llo exaiTiple Slants more tlian the ^ form and is somewiat taller. Seriphs not level. Curved top and curved stem with keim at base and a cross-bar. UPPER CASE ITALIC LETZERS "A CATALOGUE" A Form The queue gradually thickens and curves as it leaves the stem, ending in a sliarp kern turning slightly upv/ard. The letter is tall and heavy, v?ith stem more slant- ing thaii the ^ form. The base is somewhat narrow near the stem, and slants slightly upward. Curved kern at third li:ie light; top and bottom ol not parallel. i^ K the right; seriphs at first stroke M M B Form 7ne queue is of nearly uni- form thickness ending in a blunt and nearly level kern. Tall and lightj the base line thickens gradually toward the right, with lower edge level. Kern short, straight, and blunt at the right. Seriphs at top and base of first stroke parallel. Connecting line short. The letter differs from a r«man letter by the slant, and by rounded kerns on the heavy line. No example n 'ij " Y Level top, ending in a <^- ^ rounded kern. Upright reaches ^\^ to the top of the letter. Y/ide; slanting; flat curves. S. Mo example- Slant sj top and base nearly uniformly curved. No example. No example. Top and base not parallel. r r Top and base are parallel; rounded kern at right of top is either raised upright on a small stem or lies flat. f i UPPER CASE ITAI,1C UlTIERS "A CATALOGUE." A Form Curved; often described as bowl shaped' V. B Form No examtjle Slightly slanting; second and fourth strokes light; fourth stroke slightly curved and ending in heavy slanting seriph First and third heavy. Second stroke joins heavy strokes at a point higher than in the ^ form. \W H ir. Saall and b owl- shape d.vdth straight bar at the left ai;d curved at the right. ^ T Letter erect; second and fourth strokes light; fourth stroke straight, ending in straight seriph. No example LOTSER CAS: ITALIC LET3ERS "A CATALOGUE" A Form B Form Well- made; the oval usually showe ton angle or shoulder and rouiids gradually to the line of writing, makirg the letter some- what wider at the base than the corresponding letter in the b_- form; also the oval has the appear- ance of a complete ^ placed in such a way that a part of one side rests on tiie upright and often projects sufficiently to give the stem the appearance of bending outwai'd near the center. it, The ^-form is somewhat narrow- er at base than the a-fom; oval pointed; upright is often either of uniform thickness or slight- ly heavier at top. Letter slant- ed. Oval pointed at top and narrow at base. S-i-^ No example Roundness commences near center of back; curve at base usually narrow. c Roundness commences near top; curve at base usually wide. Stem has r.o wave line but sometimes turns slightly to the left at top; toe upturned; loop leaves stem and rejoins it at somewhat obtuse c^gle. d. Wave line in stemj angle between stem and top of oval acute; point of jointure below, somewhat high on stem. If the end of the curve of the base were prolonged, it would pass ir:cade or outside the loop. e If the end of the curve of the be-se were prolonged it would form a perfect oval. Letter slanted; straight top, cr, if curved, shov/ir.£ a small nee/, at left. /■/ The letter stands nearly erect; top cuiTved. LOVJER CASE ITALIC LETTERS "A CATALOGUE" A Form The lov/er looj; is attached a little to the left of the center of the oval; the connect- ing line is usually thin. g ^ (T B Fora The lower loop is attached to the center of the oval; the connecting line is usually heavy and angular. The stem of this letter is characteristic; a line dratm upward through the loop, so as to intersect it at the middle of the upper part of the curve, tends pronouncedly toward the right* Has the characteristic a - fora stem rounded into a small, close kern. t h The stem of this letter is not characteristic, uiilese perhaps slightly pointed at the base; a line drawi upward through the loop, so as to intersect it at the middle of the upper part of the curve, tends only slightly tovrard the right. The kerns at the ends, vriiether curved or straight, shoir a corres- pondence with each other. Has the cliaracteristic stem of the a-form; loop angular. It is broad, spreading at the base, and heavier thaa the ^-• fom< Usually shows a slight wave line in the stem. The angle macie by the kern and the stem is large. No example. The typical letter of this class has the characteristic stem rounded into a small, close kern. m The second loop short at top and turns slightly to the right; width between the downward strokes nearly equal at base; top kern inclined to sharpness; kern at base ueueJly close. m m Nearly even at top; second space between the downward strokes wider at base tlian the first; top kern rounded, and corresponds to the kern at base. ?la.'.ting; top kern inclined to sharpness; kern at base usually clear; loop tendp to the right at the top ii'i sKmfi mtudier as that of the secoj-.d loop in a-form m. n n Nearly erect; top kera usually rounded; the two kems correspond. the letter shows a wideness at the base corresponding to that of the second loop in b-form m. LOViER CAa; ITALIC LETTERS "A CATALOGUE" & r. A Fp_nn_ There are many varieties of small jO, hence difficult to classify. The slant is charac- teristic of the a form letters. Best classified by conparison vidth the capital letter, which is less syinmetrical than the b- forni' Stem often thick at top; loop joins the upricht nearly at rig:ht angle. The slant is characteristic of the ^-fonn; the first kem is small and tends to sharpness; the second kern rounded- There is usually greater breadth in the ^-fona thar. iii the b^-form. The"e ^xe long aiid short letters hi both forms. The base ir, eit}:er casse is nearly hori- zontal. The long ^ of the ^- form is more slanting than the ^- fcnr. Has a " ase like the tK!p.ll _1 of this clasB, and stem of the sarr.e slant* Has the clant of the ^-form; ^^■^ fir^ kern strai£;ht, second curved, ^ i; or vice ver:3a; connecting lirie tw : betv,-een xne uprights lower than in '•*■, the ^-form. The rounded base is '. '^ typical of both upper and lower / cat-.e letters. a r Flat top; first point oi a-.arp, second blunt- case tP *io example* A vrell -iade letter, wide at V top. ¥ u X y B Form If a line ?/ere drawn li£-ht2y along the inside of the capital Oi of the ^-forni, it v/ould show almost perfect symmetry. This is the case al so h: all the v.-ell- printed lower case letters of this form. Stem of uniform thicknesr, throughout, or slightly shaded below the line of writing; loop becomes narrovrer^ as it slaiits to join the upright. Dotted. The letter is somewhat narrow at the top. The kerns differ slightly; both are usually strong and distinct. The long _s of the ^-form is usually upturned at the base and the slant of the letter is not marked. The short letter has the same characteristics. Well made; kem at base free and clear* Letter nearly erect; kerns correspond. Connecting line joins the second upright at a higher point than in the a-form» The angular letter is like the second half of the tall w. Both points of base sharp; firet and third strokes long and extend well to left* Narrow; the left kern at base is not thick and rounded as in the ^-form, but somewhat sharp. Narrow; second stroke curves. ITALIC DIGRAPHS TJ "A CATALOGUE" The union of a small bu-i prominent loop of an a with a well-f onned _e, gives the coabination "ab .' 4 No example. The union of a well- made long _a with the slant of the a form letters and a t_ following a line paralle to the body of this letter and having a sliarp foot, gives the combination "aa •" ' ft ft I The union of a long _s perceptibly thickened in the lower half and a X likewise shaded, gives t)ie combination "bb" The union of a long _s having the slant of a form letters and ^ that is somewhat heavy at top and is more nearly erect than the ^ gives the combination 'ab i' No example /, V. / The union of a wide topped _u with a somewhat narrow s, gives the combination "aa. us No example There is also the union a short _8 very narrow at top of and with a well- shaded and well> rounded % that also gives the c omb ination "bb ." The union of the tall and narrow u with an ^ somewhat broad at the top and rounded, gives the combination'bb." No example r«- m ! A somewhat narrow \x joined 5 with an ^ having the same characteristic, gives the combi- nation "ba* im SftMBS or XHE PRZRGIPAL AdtmS CROIT* 1^ 9 aoBtaiSn&«g Urn Bamn of the Prinol vtl Aotort 10 jsmtaniit^d of ti» fast that it la printed ia typo of a ilse difforant Aran tlKt •a -ttw pag»8 |^«M4lag« A* typ« hero is lattgw aad oImmt vut^ aai tte imlipwil of tlie letters to their ro^pMtiv» gtemp» &• Itonmfaro aa !■ this sroi^ wUlB* tiioM iihioh |iwn»li» M» 4Mi|tan«iA I* tto •todtattt is rMBiiwiiMqrtiig iil]
  • • tending below the line of writing* No example f 1 Well made, with horizontal seriph s. Plain, resembling the roman letter except that it is slanting* Well made and someviiiat delicate* The queue starts from the right up- per stroke, at a point near but not touching the upright* UPPER CASE ITALIC LETTERS IN •THE NAMES OF THE PRIMCIPALL ACTORS." A Form Well made, with the base and ••riph parellel. No example A very regular oval, shaded more heavily on the left side* Hie top ie curved, and the letter reeembles the upper pturt of capital |^ of this form. Has the characterictic top of E^ and P. The queue is short- er then the b_ form and not sharply upturned. Narrower at the top than the b fori!:. B Foirm No example top. Broad and very flat at the A very graceful letter, with a long upturned queue* No example No example I )u.;.i;/i,'-^'^lN(^ Has a flat line at the top; the ' queue is long and tuimed upward. Has a wider and more angular top than the a form* Not so wide as the ja form, and a more delicate letter. Bov/1 shaped. No example V/ell maie end sharply noil. ted. IV 7; No example .- * ^<^. SUALL UPPER CASB ITALIC LETTERS 114 "THE NAUES OF THE PRI14CIPALL ACTORS." A Form The left side of the letter cor/mencea in a amall^ curved kern and ends in an upturned foot; bar slightly slanting* The top is long and only slightly curved; the base narrow; the seriph on the short upright extends well beyond the line* The long form extend- ing below the line of writ- ing, and having a cross-bar and a curved top. B Form A No example G 3 No example No example No example L A delicate letter, wide at the base, the seriph and base not parallel. This is -^he short form of the letter. The connecting line between. t;i..i uprights ends in short, curved kerns* No example No example The letter is a perfect oval, and has the slant char- acteristic of the b fora* Ihe top commences iii a. rounded kern and is nearly horizontal. The stem extends to the top of the letter; the queue ends in a short foot, some distance below the line of writing. No exa-iple L0\7ER CASE ITALIC LETTERS IK "THE KAIjES of the PRIIJCIPALL ACTORS." A Form Slantlr.g, somewhat wide at the base • a ' a B Form Shows a distinct shoulder at the top, and the oval makes an acute angle where it joins the stem. Has the slant of the a fonn letters; the oval is rounded at the top* Stands more nearly erect than the a foirm; the oval has a somewhat pointed top. Well-rounded; if the lower line were produced to aeet *-he top it would form a perfeci. ^. Well-made. The loT?er part of the stem and the oval make a somewhat sharp angle, the foO'. close. The stem is usually etraicht until it reaches the line of writing. J Stands more nearly erect than in the a form and is narrow at the bottom. Has a wide loop and the angle between the loop and the stem is greater than in the ji form. The stem turns slightly to the right at the base, and the foot is free* If the end of the curve of the base line were produced it would not form a perfect ^. e e If the end of the curve of the base line were produced it would form a perfect ^. Has a well^-sade _o at the top 8.>id a large kern. The lower part is attached at the i-aiddle poiiit of this oval. Some\^^iat slender; the loop is narrow at the top and poijited' Shorter and wider than the fi form, and less regular. Less delicate; the loop ie somewhat wide at the too. The kerns at top a;id base corresoond. I The kerns at top and base do not correspond. )lR^'i»HaflilradHfiKlllHRlDint2»^ UmR CASE ITALIC I2TIERS IN "THE NAMES OF THE PRINCIPALL ACTORS." A Fora Slender and delicate; the queue not widely spread at base* Shows a thickness in the aiea extending to the kern at the base* Usually a delicate letter; the right loop is not quite so high as the other* B Form m: m Shaded from the top and in the queue. It is a somewhat heavy letter* The stem becomes quite narrow before rounding into the kern at the base* Has level loops; the kei% at the base close* ^'-:«r«s^' Somewhat wide; the kern at the base free* .;?w*'*';'-^| m ' n Well-made; the kern at the base close* Usually well*^ade, shaded slightly more on the left than on the right* The loop is ncu-row in the bottom part* a ° .iC-. Hf^ Less regular, the top and base usually differing. The stem is narrow at the top and widens slightly toward the base; the loop is broad at the top. Somewhat broad at the top; both kerns are rounded. There are long and short forms of this letter. The long fonn is not well made; the stem ia a wave line. The short form is curved at the top and nearly straight at the bottom. r' % ^ Not wide, and the kerns do not corresoond* /ii- The long form has a wide head and distinct foot. The letter is slanted* No exajnple of the short form« ^p LOV£R CASE ITALIC LETTERS Hi "THE iNA:,!ES OF TliE PRIi.'CIPALL ACTORS." A Form B Form The stein is a wave line, the foot free. t t. The stem is sliaded from the top. The letter stands nearly erect. Has corresponding kerns. The base of the letter is wide. M U Has the first point narrow, the second wide at the base* ^ The loop is rounded. The letter is somewloat narrow at the base. No example No example. Has ar. ooer. toa. J J A narrow letter with heavy- Kerns at the base. Has the second stroke curved toi.vara the first. mnig-iBCTCWM WISB ITALIC DIGRAPHS IN "THE NAiiES CF THE PRINCIPALL ACTORS." The union of a narrov a, pointed at base, with an _8 having a round head and nearly horiiontal base, gives the combination "aa". M as No example* as No exanqple* The union of a rounded a not sharp at base, with an £ having a round head and 7lat base, gives the combination «ba". No example. fl f^ttt-'/. A well-formed ^ slanting very little, the greater- part" of its lengthy joined with a delicate i with pointed base, gives the combination "ba"« The union of a delicate, well- formed long _8 with a •omewhat heavier £ with a rounded loop givee the cocbination "ab". fi No example* No example. The union of two long ^s's slanting very little the greater part of their length and ending in distinct marks gives the combination "bb". The union of a delicate long £ having the slant of the a form letter and a Blender pointed t slantlrig in the same direction, gives the conbication "aa". The union of a somewhat heavy s having a distinct foot, with a ^ rounded and wide at base, gives the combination "bb"« The union of a long s like tr.e one just deacrited, end a well-rounded t gives tne c n' ""'">■■ ^ <" " " i^, b" c No example. "THE NAIffiS OF THE PRlHCIPAIi ACTORS" Arranged for Application of the Bi-literal Cipher TbeWD rkeso fT>lll iamSh akesp earec ontai ninga llhie Corned iesHi stori esand Trage diesT ruely setfo rthac cordi ngtot heirf irstO RJGJH ALLTh eName softh ePrin cipal lActo reina lithe sePla yesWI lliam Shake spear eRich ardBu rbadg eJohn Hemmi ngsAu gusti nePhi llipe VAlli aniKem ptTho masPo opeGe orgeB ryanH enryC ondel 11H.11 iamSl yeRic hardC owlyj ohnLo wineS amuel ICros seAle xande rCook eSamu elGil burne Rober tArmi nWill iamOs tlerl! athan Field JohnU nderw oodlli ohola bTooI eyWil liamE ccleo tone J oeeph Taylo rRobe rtBen field Rober tGoug heRic hardR obins onloh nShan ckelo hnRic e It i« hopad tiiat tho gesaea^iioa 02 t^ia 131-JLiteraL Gipbor ia ttw yroMidim iMit>^ ihwfhiig tia «ail>Un<» la ite pafoa af tlia 1623 FoUo Editl«i» and af 1^ neaoiMr of lie daoiptenNBt will not ba aoafoaad altfa tha dla» avoditod " di a aaif a ri* fc^ Tgwtitwi Itaaaally* I^iatius SmmuHlj profaaaad ta follav tiio dlraaiiotoa laid do«i t!y B«a«i la implying a f adaptation. FLY aa bab ab abab a bba D(» not go till I come. I add another larjje e.\ami)lc of the .same cipher — of the writintj of anything by anything. The interior epistle, for which I have selected the Spartan dispatch, formerly rent in the Scylale : .ill is lost. JMinilanis is kil/cul. 'J'lic solJicis vaiil fooil. We cat! innther get Jieitte nor stay longer here. The exterior epistle, taken from Cicero's first letter and containing the Spartan dispatch within it: Jn all iliitv or rather piety touuirds yon I satisfy cver^'hoily except myself. Myself f ne''er satis fv. Ear so great are the services 7ohieh you hai'e rendered me^ that, seeing von did not rest in your endeavors on my behalf till the thing 7oas done, I feel as if my li fe had lost ALL its sweettiess, beeanse I cannot do as much in this cause of yours. The occasions are these : Ammonius the iing's ambassador openly iesieges ns vith iiionev, the business IS carried on through the same creditors who 7vere employed in it :, 'Inn yon toere here, etc. I have here capitalized the words