D 639 .P& H3 Copy 1 THE JESSAfiE OF SPIRITDAUSM IN TBE PRESENT CRISIS AN ADDRESS BY mimm daeow qoetz DeKvered before the NATIONAL SPIRITUAUST ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, OCTOBER 22, 1919, at PITTSBURGH, PA. THE MESSAGE OF SPIRITUALISM IN THE PRESENT CRISIS Address Delivered by ELIZABETH HARLOW..GOETZ Before the National Spiritualist Association of America, October 22, 1919, at Pittsburgh, Pa. Reported by I. C. I. Evans PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST ASSOCIATION Copyrightfd, 1919, by E. H. Goetz PRICE, 25 CENTS baltimore, 1919 Press of Fosnot & Williams Company s16 w. franklin street i ^4> DEC -9 I9f9 (0)CI.A535981 ^Ko \^ ir- THE MESSAGE OF SPIRITUALISM IN THE PRESENT CRISIS By Elizabeth Harlow Goetz. The topic which has beeu assigned us is, as you will find upon your program, THE MESSAGE OF SPIRITUALISM IN THE GREAT CRISIS OF THE NOW. Every organization wliicla is effectual, political or other- wise, is being asked today, "what it has to offer in this hour when the world is so disturbed?" Therefore, it is in keep- ing while we are among you as a distinctive body to give our thoughts as to the situation. Dr. Rhodes Buchanan several years since called the at- tention of the world to the law which expresses in all things known as the law of periodicity. It has been questioned by the majority of thinkers, but slowly they are coming to realize it as a fact in life as they have studied it from its various angles and possibilities. The law of periodicity is that which divides for you the running time in life into seasons : it is governed in expres- sion by the plane and its surroundings as to its manifesta- tion. In your Temperate zone you have the four seasons. Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter ; in the Arctic region, light and dark seasons, in Tropical, wet and dry. We find all through life this law expressing itself in some degree, but definite and positive. Mankind is but the product of nature ; the most superior and wonderful of life, portraying the throb- bing powers and laws that govern all things. Man, then, is not exempt from the law of periodicity. You find in the development of man on this plane : In- fancy, Youth, Manhood and Old Age, each independent, yet running silently and systematically into the other. We find not only iu mau pliysically but mentally and spiritually this same law manifesting in even tenor. This body is but the cloak which the real man wears, through which he awakens to individual and collective in- terests. Civilization is man trying to live with his brother. In other words, Civilization is learning how to live together. In this process of men learning how to live together we find this law of periodicity making itself most peculiarly pronounced in the systems of social procedur-?. Thus it is, that we talk of the New Age and of the Past Age, and com- pare one state of society to another — it is but the law of periodicity running out a Springtime, a Summer and Au- tumn, or Winter season as it manifests in the great social structure of human life. It has been at least for a half century the great keynote of society in all its organized manifestations that 'here was to be born a New Era. All of you, it makes no difference what particular ism, cult or religion you subscribe to, you have all become thoroughly acquainted wii:h the one great prophetic affirmation that a New Era is at hand, tliat New Era is being born. You cannot give birth to a newer expression of life in any department without throwing off. stepping out from, leaving behind and entering into new and untried situations, conditions and relationships. A great war was precipitated as from a clear sky ; the declaration of war in 1914 sounded like a thunderbolt from a clear heaven on a beauteous summer's day. It was not Relieved by the world at that time that a war of ajiy serious character could long live: you had grown into the thought that war was a thing of the past — especially on this side of the waters. Peace had become the one accepted condition of society. You did not believe, and the world in general did not believe, that a great, disastrous war of long continuation could pos- sibly live and produce that which has come to pass. But that great procedure, my friends, was the coming of iiie New Era — as terrible, horrible and devastating as it has been — it was the last great struggle of autocracy. Autocracy is the government of the many by one supreme in authority. It is. as, your attorneys in the business sessions have explained, "Autocracy is that authority which comes from above ; Democracy is authority coming up from the people, lifting themselves with it." This war has been the last heart-throb and effort of Au- tocracy to prove that power is right, authorliy Icing anil divine right the all-essential; these are based on the en- slavement of the people. Now then, we are at the close of the tragedy ; all things have been upset by the war, men and women coming into the New Era scarcely know which way to turn or what to do, but they are more alive in the inner chambers of the soul. They who are fully alive in this inner chamber can readily see and appreciate the fact that the old period is finished, the new is being born, and much that you have long felt was a positive necessity you will gradually leave behind, much which has held influence over us in the past will never lift its head again. The hour has come when Democracy is being born, not in one locality, not beneath one flag, but in the great heart of the world. It will not express itself in all nations alik(\ It will not have the opportunity to express itself at its best for some time to come. The new born child has to begin in embryo, and it takes time, attention and nursing continu- ously to develop and bring forth the great powei' in human life. And so with democracy we are realizing it as a great basic principle and expression that stands before us today. You ask us as Spiritualists "What have we to say at this hour?"' Our first answer to you is this: We would first tell you to relieve the pain of the world. The world has posi- tively believed in death. Fear of death has been the great dark shadow that has come over all states of human devel- opment and society. Modern Spiritualism is a study of life from its natural basis in a sane and natural manner to dis- cover whether this thought that has been projected in refer- ence to death be true or false, and we find that in all the phenomena of Modern Spiritualism it has answered the question that has held the student and the layman "If a man die shall he live again" — and the answer has come in no unmistakable sound. Seventy-two years ago in that tiny cottage in yonder city there was made a sound, and behind that sound was intelligence conveying its presence, and in that primitive way said to the world "I Live." and no great- er thought, no greater message, no more powerful message can be vouchsafed to human kind than the positive thought that I Live after my physical structure has long since been destroyed. This was like John the Baptist crying in the wilderness that "another greater than I shall come." The greater one is not apart from, but a development of the essential fact I live. We find as we have followed step by step, type by type, year by year, that the message has led us more and more emphatically into life, life varied, wonderful, growing and natural. It teaches us when we stand before the crosses on Fland- ers Field to realize that though they have thrown off the physical form of this life it was not to pass through the dark shadow of death, or separate them from those they love, but was simply saying farewell to the coats they have worn. We have learned to love the coats sweetly and tend- erly, but we know it is not the man. We lift our faces and in looking up with a keener and clearer vision have seen — we know they are not dead, but more alive than ever. The message of Spiritualism to the n-orld' today is "Our Boys are not 'Dead, irrespective of na- tionalities they live." They have only changed the coats they wore and it has been a great awakening to them ; they still live and love you and commune with you, touching your thought and atmosphere. Thus the Spiritualists' message is one of life and not of death or despair. It leads us out over the hills where we see not the debris of these terrible battles, but the change ill life that is taking place. You say to us "civilization has become a failure," but we say to you no, for civilization is but man's attempt to live together. Man cannot be a failure ; he is a God, a God-child, "he is born in its image," the book tells you. Therefore, man cannot fail though he may move in the darkness and set in action the motions of life that will not bring back all that is serene and sweet and beautiful — but yet in the returning touch it brings him to an awakening consciousness that re-asserts him and he finds the better way. Civilization has not failed, but you have reached the climax and the summit of the old procedure from which you have been working. The New Era is born. The newer civilization is not one of Kings and Slaves, but one simply of Humanity. It will not be one where men are preparing to die, but where they are getting ready to live. It will not be based upon degrees and possession and accumula- tion, but upon the principle of service and association. Therefore, my frineds, you can readily see, if you are to be born into a larger expression of Democracy and Civilization you must get out of the old shell that you were in whether it hurts or not. You remember Parker Pillsbury once said "Great Truths are Dearly Bought." The greater the truth, the greater the price. The truths of the New Era have called upon you to pay the price that is born from the depths of your very being. The winter season of the last cycle has been finished and the spring time is upon us. and you remember as we pass from winter into spring how we pass through the stormy, fretful month of March to the uncertain weeks of April. Right now w^e are in the month of March ; you know not what to expect for men have not yet become alive enough to realize what is taking place. The old is still trying to assert itself. Self-domiuancy is uppermost as yet from the old position ; old ideals in a large measure are still dominating, but occasionally there breaks through as in the sunny days of March the newer spring-like touch. Then they stop totlaink and feel and see, and as this goes on you will have passed through this ter- rible period of uncertainty, upheaval and destruction into the warm days of April, where you will begin to get hold of yourself. At present many of you have believed the New Era was coming were not prepared to stand the test which is necessary, and have been in a state of confusion as to the new condition, and you are looking about in a questioning manner. Spiritualism upon this question says to you "Hold Fast." Man cannot fail ; man continually moves forward, but he only does so as he leaves behind him that which hinders him from expressing his greater concept. It has been said to us that religions have failed, that the world has lost its spirituality. No so, my friends ! The world has not lost its spirituality, but the spirituality of the New Era is not the spiritual concept of the past. You have believed in the past that spirituality was but an expression of faith. You have believed iu God, and have murdered your brother. You have believed iu Salvation, and have created Hell. You have believed in death, and have hoped for future life. Spirituality is not belief; it is not faith, it is none of these things. Spirituality is the rising of the soul of man into greater expression. True spirituality is true living. Man is spiritual according to his ability to express the best within him. You have not gone backwai'd, you are not less spiritual. Why are you making ready? Why are you anxiously awaiting to receive the coming King and Queen? Because he forgot his crown, he left l)ehind his throne. He laid away all his trappings of divine rights and went with his people. The great spirit of humanity touched him and the soul of the man superseded the Kingship of his inheritance. That is why you love the King Albert — that is spirituality, and in this great tragedy that has been upon us the ex- pression of the spirit of humanity has been touched as never before. You have come together in common aspirations of life until today you are willing to think of the world, not na- tional, but as a world of humanity. You are growing in spirituality, you have come through a terrible Gethsemane, and it has elevated you ; you have grown stronger and better and more God-like because of your experiences. The world is entering an era of spirituality whereby re- ligion will not be a system of setting men apart in different sects by set definitions, but bringing men together, where you will consider the Fatherhood of God as never before. On the battlefields they did not ask the boy soldier whether he was Jew or Gentile, or whether he belonged to the Mother Church or the Protestant Church ; but in the great hour of suffering they came to the great appreciation of brotherly kinship, and with the voice of kinship you discovered the great brotherhood of life; so that today there is another condition whereby you stand true and you are coming to- gether. The great thought of the hour is stamping out old pro- cedure, it is wiping away National Discriminations in a mar- velous way. While France, Italy, Japan, Russia and all other nations will still have their own home affairs and their own inherited tendencies, their own peculiar methods of carrying out Democracy, Brotherhood and Kinship, yet you will not be setting up statutory distinctions that have been holding you in the past. You have crossed the line where there will be a federa- tion of the countries of the world. Believe what you choose ; criticise whom you please, I am here to say, without feai- or favor, the great New Era is one of association and serv- ice, not alone of men nationally but internationally, reaching from every municipality of the smallest possible form to the largest national concept of the world. This is the message of Spiritualism at this hour. You cannot go backward, you must go forward. The time was when you could not communicate with nations across the sea. The day was when nations were separated by the 10 ocean, but today you step into au airsliip aud in 1(J hours you go from Halifax to Ireland — tile day of separatednes.^ is passed. The inventions giving you the telephone, the telegraph and flying machine have given you the power that you may go where you please, when you please — thus weld- ing mankind together. There are those who say "that men never can and never will live together without war." My friends, the time was when man said that you could not live in cities without walls, because the others would steal upon you at night aud take your possessions. But the walls have faded away and the men in this generation would consider the individual that recommended them disturbed mentally. The day was when you said "That all differences between individuals must be settled by the blood of the individual." But you have grown out of the custom of duelling and you enter the court of justice. The great majority are for peace and order, reason, arbi- tration and consideration. There has grown into your minds demands, not dreams, demands for arbitration of all ques- tions. There was a time when it was thought wonderful for a steamboat or railway train to travel 12 miles an hour. There was a time when automobiles wei-e unthought of, l)ut man has developed and overcome until these apparent dif- ficulties which beset him have faded away, and he has broadened in his individuality and mode of life. You have at last come to the hour where you are devising and work- ing out a system of arbitration of all troubles of the nation aud the worlds-say what you will. The message of Spiritualism goes on to say that we have diascovered that man is not simply bone and muscle, and has a soul that will live hereafter, but he is a soul now, aud notv possesses his spiritual body. Our mediums often see them ; yoiT have often felt them and wondered what it was. It is a growing fact that we are coming to realize that man is not a spirit product ready to be plucked or to be pun- ished, but he is a potential quantity that is unfolding and 11 growing into expi'ession as opportunity and environment make way for liim. We haA^e discovered tliat men grow only as they are better situated and environed here on the earth plane, by coming to realize that man is essentially divine instead of evil, essentially strong instead of weak, we shall cease praying to God on Sunday to save him and begin to create environments for liim on Monday that will appeal to the aspirations of the soul instead of weakness of the physical. When you begin to change the general environments of society with this undei'stauding you will need to pray less and greater works will follow. Men only grow strong, use- ful and good in freedom. Some have said that the world already has too much freedom. Phillips Brooks was once asked what he would recommend when men had too much freedom, and he calmly replied "Give them more freedom." He was then asked his definition of freedom, and he said : "An opportunity for man to do his best." The New Era will be an era of creating environments that will recognize and bring forward more of man that he may do his best. This economic situation that faces the world today will be based upon a new redemptive power. You may not realize it, but the world is now in debt to herself. It is not Russia indebted to America, or England indebted to her, but the world in debt to herself, and you will never be able to rise from the situation through the present processes based on competition. The old economic basis was based upon commodity values which fluctuated with the rise and fall of commodity uses. The system was one of accumulation, possession and compe- tition. The new consideration is that man is that redeeming power economically. A mountain of gold without brains and muscle to use it is but an object. Man, with his brain and muscle, is a vital power of creative wealth. Thus we begin to realize that man is the redeeming power. The new system of economic procedure will not be for accu- 12 mulation, possession and power, but one to develop the brain and muscle of all nations in such manner that the race will grow into a real human being. The basis of action will be service and association with the one vision that the individual is a part of the state, and anything that injures or hinders its growth hinders and in- jures the state. The New Era is to be one of character, and it is developed only through opportunities that give ex- pression to the higher qualities, economic and otherwise. Thus an opportunity for men to do his best, economically as well as morally and intellectually. That is why America has stood at the head in this world crisis ; America has done more for her common people than any other nation. Therefore, the message of Spiritualism is that' the New Era in all things will be based upon the recognition of a Spiritual basis in all life, and that life is a process of growth. The keynote will be education in all departments, and as man comes to know he will learn how to live with his neighbor, locally or world-wide, in a tolerant and peaceful manner. Ignorance is the greatest danger there is in the universe. The New Era is to be one of Enlightenment, the new savior Education. Education that adds to man and prepares him for the spiritual and Immortal as well as the Mortal. You will then begin to realize what is meant by really laying up treasures, both on earth and in heaven. You do not take your gold and silver and other furnishings into the next life, but simply that which you have become. The wealth of the future is the real development of men. My friends, the future will be more beautiful and civilized, more spiritual and wonderful because you have come to realize and recognize and pay attention to life's greatest qualities. Spiritualism came not alone to demonstrate continuity of life, and that your loved ones can communicate with you. but to purify and uplift while here. It came to wash away the tears and help you over the barriers and to tell the story that man in his spiritual nature is infinite. 13 You are filled with life's .possibilities now. You are living Gods in the eternal home of the now. You have learned how to pray togetlier, you must now learn how to live to- gether, and all evil will be overcome. You are to find the angel that is in man and let him go forth. I must now be leaving you, but I wish to say, the message of the hour is one of Life, touched with all the immortal glories that lead you up from the dark spheres and the night of misunderstanding to supernal day of real human rights, where the growing throbbing life in each individual and in all nations shall manifest. Not simply beneath the Stars and Stripes, but among the steppes of Russia, in the sunny vales of Italy; across the vivacious heart of France lifting poor Belgium to her feet. Across the sturdy strength of England, home again to the Stars and Stripes bringing all the world of men to the one great federation of the world (Long, loud applause.) LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ^ 020 934 963 2