• fax ■tfrr / 3& REPORT Xo. 539. t66 T H Congress,) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, f £d Session. ' j ( APPOIXTIXG A COMMISSION TO REPORT OX COXDITIOXS IX THE YIRGIX ISLAXDS. January 12. 1920. — Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be printed. Mr. Campbell of Kansas, from the, Committee on Rules, submitted the following REPORT. [To accompany S. J. Res. 69.] The Committee on Rules, to which was referred S. J. Res. 69, 'entitled "•Joint resolution appointing a commission to report on conditions in the Virgin Islands.*' herewith report the resolution to the House with a favorable recom m endation and recommend its passage with the following amendments, to wit: 1. That the resolution be changed from a joint resolution to a concurrent resolution. 2. Strike out all after the resolving clause, and in lieu thereof insert the following: That a joint commission to consist of three Members of the Senate and three Members of the House of Representatives, to be appointed by the Vice President of the ITnited States and the Speaker of the House, respectively, is hereby created to visit the Virgin Islands and to report fully to Congress as to existing conditions in the said islands, and particularly to report and recommend action by Congress, if need there be there- for, -Kith reference to whether the present government under executive direction should be superseded by a civil government provided by Congress as contemplated by the act of March 3. 1917 I 39 Stat. 1132 ), said government being now only tempo- rary in character and by order of the President being now vested in officers of the 2\avy: also, as to whether Congress should at this time provide for a civil government of the islands by an organic act: also what, if any. legislation is necessarv pending the forma- tion and adoption of an organic act. and as to the general conditions existing in the islands; said report to be "filed at the earbest date practicable and during the Sixty- sixth Congress. Thar the expenses of said commission in carrying out the provisi - of this resolution shall he paid in equal proportions from the contingent funds of the Senate and the House of Representatives, upon the audit and order, respectively, of the ranking Senate and House Members of said commission, the total amount not to exceed the sum of 82.500. - o *7 a * -'• / Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/appointingcommisOOunit LIBRARY OF CONGRESS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiL 015 995 970 3 ~ Coocervatiou Resources Ug-Free* Type I Pb 85, Buffered