^w^, SF 259 .ft .B27 CREAM RAISING Copy 1 ^ CENTRIFUGAL AND OTHER SYST.EMS COMPARED AND EXPLAINED WITH A FULL DESCRIPTION OF THE PLANT REQUIRED AND HOW TO USE IT, AND A CHAPTER ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF ICE HOUSES, ROOMS AND CELLARS FOR COLD STORAGE Illustrated with 55 engravings by S. UL. B^E/E/E Professor of Dairying Guelph Agricultural College, Ont. Printed at LE TRAVAILLEUR Office, Worcester Mass. iS^q — i * — && Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/creamraisingbyceOObarr OF 8T. LAMBERT. This extraordinary Jersey cow, owned by Mr V. E. Fuller, of Hamilton, Ontario, gave 36 lbs. and 12 ounces of butter in 7 days, and 867 lbs. and 14 ounces in 11 months and five days. CREAM RAISING 1SY THE CENTRIFUGAL AND OTHER SYSTEMS COMPARED AND EXPLAINED WITH A FULL DESCRIPTION OF THE PLANT REQUIRED AND HOW TO USE IT, AND A CHAPTER ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF ICE HOUSES, ROOMS AND CELLARS FOR COLD STORAGE Illustrated with 55 engravings iBir s. nun. :b.^:r,:r,:e Professor of Dairying Guelph Agricultural College, Out. Printed at LE TRAVAILLEUR Office, Worcester Mass. \ Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1885, by Ferdinand Gagnon, in the oilice of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. Cr«» INTRODUCTION. This pamphlet has been written to meet not only the requirements of dairy men, but also of the general public. For this reason we have been at considerable pains to make it as clear and comprehensive as possible. There is no doubt that with the new and improved methods, coming into general use, the butter industry is destined to great development. Capitalists and dairy investors will find it to their advantage to have a book by means of which it is possible to form an accurate idea of the present state of the industry. From the numerous tables given in this work, it will be easy to determine the different yields of different methods, and ascertain which to use in given circumstances. This work is divided into five parts. The first part defines and classifies the different methods. It contains a description of the plant necessa rj for each, with instructions how to use it. — The second compares the different systems and contains remarks on their relative value. — The third is devoted to the cen- trifugal and contains a mass of practical information difficult to obtain elsewhere. — The fourth treats of what to do with the skim milk. — The fifth treats of the con- struction of ice houses, rooms, and cellars for cold storage and freezers, and of the storing and keerjing of ice or snow. We cannot conclude without offering our sincere- thanks to Messrs. H. C. Petersen & Co. of Copenhagen, J. D. Fredericksen of Littlefalls, N. Y., Henry Wade, Secretary of the Agricultural Bureau of Ontario, the Knickerbocker Ice Co. of Philadelphia and W. G-. Walton of Hamilton, Ont. who have kindly placed the material collected by them at our disposal. Cream Raising by the Centrifugal and other systems, MILK. " Milk is a fluid in which float about numbers of globules : these consist of fat. "When milk is suffered to remain at rest some hours, a large proportion of the fat globules collect at the surface into a layer of cream/' (1) CREAM. The cream or butter globules come to the surface ? because they are lighter than the watery fluid in which they float. HEAVY MILK, Heavy milk is milk in which the cream rises but very slowly, and in which a large proportion of the cream does not come to the surface at all. The cream from such milk is very thin, and there is no distinctly marked line between it and the skim milk. It is not to be wond- ered at, that such skim milk, does not look blue, there is often a larger quantity of cream mixed with it than has risen to the surface. In some cases as much as 75 o/o of the cream of heavy milk remains in the skim milk. Heavy milk is generally obtained from cows that have calved since a long time, or that are running dry through being in calf, or through other causes. Milk always becomes " heavy " though in a lesser degree, when it is allowed to cool before setting. WHOLE MILK. This is milk from which the cream has not been ex- tracted. (1; Fowne's Elementary Chemistry. SKIMMING-. In every 100 lbs. of milk there is on average 3f lbs. of butter fat. (1) The great art of skimming consists in being able to extract from the milk all the butter fat, or any proportion desired, and this without injuring its quality in the least. METHODS. Many different methods are recommended by dairy- men, but all can be classified under two distinct heads : lo. The natural ; 2o. The mechanical. THE NATURAL PROCESS. This process consists in employing changes of tempera- ture, to hasten and complete the separation of cream from milk. It is an admitted fact, that the cream rises while the temperature of the milk is falling. The greater the fell I of temperature, the greater the quantity of cream which rises. The one point upon which dairymen are unanimous, is that milk should be set as soon as possible after the milking (that is when it is still at blood heat), and then cooled down. There is a difference of opinion as to the temperature to which it should be cooled, but the best practical butter makers agree, that it should be just short ot the freezing point, 32o Fahrt. RULE. Set the milk as soon after milking as possible, and cool it down just short of 32 c Fahrt. (I) We say butter fat designe lly. If we were to say cream, it would be necessary to make a distinction between thick and thin cream. REQUISITES OF THE NATURAL METHOD OF SKIMMING, The requisites of this method are : lo. Milk vessels. 2o. Refrigerating tanks. 3o. Ice, or ordinary spring or well water. DESCRIPTION OF THESE REQUISITES. 1ST MILK VESSELS. They are divided into two classes : shallow pans, and deep cans. SHALLOW PANS. The shallow pans, as the name indicates, are shallow vessels from 4 to 6 inches deep. They are made oi any length and breadth to suit the requirements of the dairy- man. The newest of these are, in reality, double pans be- tween which water is constantly allowed to flow. DEEP CANS. There are many good utensils of this form in the market, but we recommend a round or oval shaped deep can, such as can be had at a low price, at any tin shop, and upon which there is no royalty whatever to be paid. They are of different sizes. DIMENSIONS OF DEEP CANS GENERALLY USED. OVAL SHAPED. Table No. 1. Contents. Height, Length, Width. 40 lbs. 50 " 60 " 65 " 80 " 17 inches. 21 " 18 " 27 " 20} " 16 inches. 15 " 18} " 15} " 20 " 6 inches. 5J " 6J " 1 " 1 " I recommend for small dairies, 1st. the oval 40 lbs. can ; 2nd the 50 lbs. 20 inches high by 8 inches diameter, round shaped. Both ihese cans are easily handled. They should be made of strong material, have only one smoothly soldered seam in order to facilitate wash- ing. The bottom of these cans rests on a perforated iron hoop, to allow the water or ice to penetrate under- neath. The oval can is the most effective. It offers a larger cooling surface. It is estimated that an oval can will cool 70 lbs. of milk, in the same time that a round can would take to cool only 50 lbs. Fig. t. — The deep round can. k~= zxz======*\ Fig. 2. — The deep oval can, The deep can used in Denmark has neither covers nor taps, (1) Skimming from the bottom with a tap is not practised in Denmark. A can having no faucet or tap is easier to clean. A tap, placed in a position so as not to hinder the easy cleaning of the milk vessel, is not strictly objectionable. (1) A cover in not objectionable when the manner of using it is properly understood. 10 THE STRAINERS. The strainers are of wire cloth, and made to fit the cans. (See fisrs. 3. 4 and 5.) Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5 REFRIGERATING TANKS We give below a description with wood cuts, of such tanks or refrigerators. Pi*. 6. Fig. 6 represents a smal size cooling tank containing milk cans set in ice. DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING COOLING TANKS. These tanks may be made of wood with double sides, and 2 or 3 inches of space left between the sides, filled with charcoal, cut straw, saw dust or chaff. Charcoal is th.) best. If straw b3 used, it is necessary that the tank be watertight, or damp proof, because if the water were to leak through, it would soon cause a disagreable smell. 11 Otherwise make a water tight box. Bind and steady the angles with iron plates. Line with zinc or tin if convenient. If you do not line, a coat of varnish or paint, should be given inside, as is done with brewer's vats. This precaution makes them easier to clean. Tanks No. *7 and 8, could also be adapted to the use of running water, and are provided with inflow and outflow pipes, to allow a constant stream of water around the milk cans. In the case of a tank for cooling milk to 33 Q Fahrt. with water and ice, an outflow tap at the top and ano- ther at the bottom, to be used for cleaning purposes, are all that is necessary. SIZE OF TANKS. The size of tanks should be adapted to the number and form of cans to be used. The tank should be 4 inches (inside measure) higher than the cans used. It should be 4J inches (inside mea- sure) wider than the cans used ; there should be a space of 5 inches between each can, and between the last two cans and the extremities of the tank. RULE. To find the height of a tank, add 4 inches to the height of the cans to be used. To find the width of a tank add 4J inches to the width of the can. To find the length of the tank multiply the longest diameter of the can, by the number of cans which the tank is to contain, and to the product add 5 as many times, and one more, as the tank is to contain cans. Supposing that six 40 lb. oval cans, are to be used. 12 An ovai can 17 inches high, 16 inches long- and 6 inches wide, will hold 40 lbs. of milk. 11 f 4=21 inches = Height of the tank. 16 f-4J = 20J " = Width " 6<6 = 36 '• 36 + (1 x 5) = 11 inches length of tank. Fig. 7 represents a horizontal view of a tank containing milk can- Fig. 8 represents a sectional view of same ta::k. 13 The tanks may be covered or not. It depends on the room in which they are placed. In a cool room where the air is pure and temperature uniform a cover is not strictly necessary. Otherwise it would be advisable to use a cover over the tanks. In any case the use of a cover saves ice SKIMMERS. Skimming from the top. necessitates a specially made Fig. 9. skimmer. The skimmers, are round or oval (see fig. 9). They are generally made of enameled iron. CREAMERS OF DIFFERENT DESCRIPTION. CABINET " OR BOX " CREAMERS There is a great variety of cabinet or box creamers, all being modifications of the deep and shallow setting methods. They consist in general of cooling pails set in a box surrounded by water, some submerged, as in the Cooly plan, and others arranged so as to be surrounded with ice and water, or to have ice at the top. Amongst these we find the following : THE HARDIN. Mr. L. S. Hardin is probably the first man who used deep setting in the United States. In his method the 14 cans are set in a box with doors in front like a cupboard. It has a shelf on which the ice is placed over the milk, Fig. 10.— The Hani in Creamer. and a sink on which the cans are set, and which holds the water dripping from the melted ice. The cooling medium is cold air. (See iig. 10.) THE COOLY CAN. The Cooly is a round shaped can with a cover projecting Fig. 11.— The Coolv Milk Can. outwards, and so arranged that the whole may be placed under water. It has also a specially constructed tap. 15 This can is extensively used in the United States and Canada. Fig. 12.— The Cooly Creamer. THE FERGUSON. Ferguson's Bureau Creamer raises the cream on the shallow pan system. Ice is used on a rack in the uppei part for the purpose of maintaining a uniform tempe- rature. The arrangement for drawing out the pans tc skim is handy, THE LITTLE GEM. In this, the cover of each milk vessel is provided with an opening or ventilator. Openings corresponding to those in the covers of the It) milk * SB Is, are made in th r of the box, in •: to allow the "animal odor to esca] 3 .._ '. : - U —The 1 Le . d . THE KELT. -. osistfi r tank, wh h. is divi : wo tmentg an apj i . :. 1 .. '. w i one. The lower - . 14.— The Kellog ? i Mie ifi filled abort | its I pth with pure 11 clean ice. The upper is then filled with milk to the depth of 4 or 5 inches. The skim milk can be drawn by a tap at the bottom. "We also find the " Mosely and Stoddard Cabinet," the " Wooster perfection creamery," the " Excelsior creamer " " Dripp milk cooler and creamer," " Butler's Cabinet creamery," " Clark's Revolving pan " and many others. The latest plan is to have the cans dropping or han- ging into a lower chamber, thereby avoiding lifting and slopping. This is a novelty in construction. The milk is cooled by pumping cold air through it and this is effected in warm weather by drawing the air from a well through rubber pipes attached to the pump. The air tight com- partment, where the milk is is then closed, and the air ex- hausted by the pump so that the cream is raised in vacuo. THE " MARQUIS PAN " This is another more recent apparatus for raising cream on the deep setting principle. In its general appearance it is an oblong vat with rounded bottom, with a cylindrical tube of tin passing lengthwise from end to end through the middle. The cylinder is placed below the cream line. This cylinder has an inner cylinder and pipe for carrying off water. Cold water is forced by a pump through this cylinder and the refrigeration of the milk is of course rapid. This vat, or one similar to it in construction is used in a great number of creameries. 18 THE CREAM G-ATHEBING- SYSTEM. The main feature of this system is that each farmer sets the milk, in vessels of uniform size and shape, in his own dairy. It is skimmed by the cream gatherer, who is employed, and sent out daily by the creamery. VESSELS REQUIRED TO SET THE MILK. Bound, oval or conical shaped deep cans may be used. But farmers sending cream to one creamery should all have vessels of same size and form. In the side of the Fig. L5. can two or three inches from the top, is lixed a glass graduated scale. This scale graduated in inches and parts of inches, indicates the dividing line between the cream and the skim milk, and enables the cream gatherer to see at a glance the thickness of cream, and to measure the quantity to be credited to the account of each farmer. (See fig. 15.) 19 ICE BREAKEKS. Fig. 17. — The Greasey hand Ice breaker. 29 The main parts of the Creasey ice breaker consist oJ an iron box. placed in an inclined position, over a revolving cylinder, to which steel knives are riveted. Its operation is so simple thai the cui is almost all thai is necessary to explain its working. The block of ice is placed in the box. it slips uown slowly towards 'Volvinir cylinder, and the steel knives break it ofi'into small piece* e <>i which i^ further regulated by a " comb cast in a'." through which the ice falls. (See ii- IT and Is.) As the knives follow each other cioseiy. a iarLEK. For eoolimr crean ig's. - 7 and >b a rat us has been constructed by Prof. Fjord. DEscinrTK >x. A tin vessel is placed inside another, leaving a spa< e to be idled with ice. From the bottom of the inm I a tube extends through the side of the other. On the partial cover inner can a funnel is placed so as to revolve easily around a delicate spindle at its lower ex- tension (See flu' 88.) The iVmne] whi< h is solid ! bottom is pro- 45 vided with tour discharge pipes extending clo«e to the circumference of the can, and bent at the ends as shown in section, fig. 37. The cream drops from the skim- ming pipe of the separator, which, if necessary, may be 'extended above the machine (see fig. 22) into this Fig. 38.— Fjord's Gream Cooler Tunnel, and flowing through the four tubes, it makes the funnel go round, distributing the cream around the sides of the can. Flowing down in a very thin sheet, along the wall of the can, it is cooled to a temperature below 50° Fahrt. before reaching the bottom. A similar appa- ratus may be used for cooling the skim milk.. 46 PROF. FJORD'S MILK CONTROLLER FOR TESTINO MILK. This instrument is destined to render great services to our cooperative dairies, for it can in a few minutes show precisely the richness of from 12 to 24 samples of milk. It consists of a scalloped disk of copper which can be made to revolve upon the spindle of a large size centrifu- Controller for testing milk. o*al, or on any other rapidly revolving vertical pivot. To this disk can be hooked from 2 to 24 copper tubes. la these tubes are placed graduated bottles holding samples of milk (see fig, 39) When at rest, these tabes assume a perpendicular position and hang down, but when in motion they fly out and become horizontal, like vhe two at the right of fig. 39. 47 Each bottle has on its neck a scale divided into units and halves, from to 12 to indicate at the end of the ope- ration, the quantity of cream in the milk. These bottles are numbered so that they may be identified. The separation takes place by centrifugal force in the milk bottles, the cream accumulating in the neck. MODE OF OPERATION. The bottles are first half filled with the milk to be tested, (a mark on the outside indicates the half). The remaining space is then filled up with hot water to the mark in the neck, and the whole is heated up to 90* Farht. When the milk has attained the required tempe- rature the bottles are placed in the metal tubes, at the bottom of which rubber is placed to prevent breakage. The disk is then made to revolve. Mr Fjord estimates that 40,000 revolutions are/required to completely separate the cream. This apparatus should not be made to go faster then 1200 revolutions per minute. EULE. Allow for the time which the disk takes to reach the maximum speed one half the number of revolutions per minute that is counted when it has attained the highest speed. EXPLANATION. For the first four minutes, while the machine is ac- quiring the required speed, we count GOO revolutions per minute ; this gives for these four minutes 2400 revolu- tions. There now remain 40.000 revolutions, less 2400 to be made, equal to B1.GQ0. The machine having acquired 13 its speed is then mi 1 200 revolutions a minute Therefor, the numbe, - which 87,600 will co.it.uii 1200 is exactly the number of * wh:eh it will take' is i« 81*. Ami ■ i red. .[dilutes the time 4tf Value of different systems of skimming. In Denmark where the importance of the dairy industry is well understood, the government keeps a staff of experts of great capacity, constantly employed in testing new systems, as they appear, in comparing them with the old and giving to the country at large the benefit of their experiments, and of the knowledge thus acquired. It is true that the country is obliged to expend a considerable sum of money for this purpose* but there is no doubt that it is a profitable investment ; Danish farmers and dairymen don't invest in inventions and improvements, until they have ascertained their exact value from the government reports. When the Cooly can first made its appearance in Denmark, and the claim was made that it could raise all the cream between milkings, or in 10 hours with water at 46° or 50° Fahrt., the Danish government ordered Prof. J. N. Fjord, the greatest living dairy ex- pert, to investigate this claim and report on it. When the centrifugal at first made its appearance, Prof. J. N. Fjord was commissioned to examine it, and to let the public know its value. COMPARISON OF THE COOLY WITH OTHER SYSTEMS. We give below the result of the experiments then made, showing the comparative butter yield of the fol- lowing systems : the " Centrifugal ", the " Ice 12 h©urs ", the u Ice 24 hours ", the " Water at 46° Fahrt. 12 hours 4 50 and 24 hours", the " Water at 40° Fahrt. 12 hours and 24 hours", and the "Cooly". The size of the Cooly can used in these experiments was equal to that of the ordinary deep can. Both the " Cooly " and the ordinary cans were placed in the same cooling vessel, and left at the same temperature, the same length of time, so that ail the conditions of skim- ming with the use of these different methods were per- fectly identical. The results are about similar to those obtained in preceding experiments, and prove once more that THE LOWER THE TEMPERATURE, THE LARGER THE YIELD. TABLE No. 2 "3 be a s Ice 32° Fahrt. Water at 46° Fahrt. 12hrs setting 24 hrs setting 12 hours setting. 24 hours setting. o 5 • c c =§8 O s- o 6 § Z. 3 45 lb. miik cans Proportionate yield of butter. Lbs. ol milk to a lb. of butter... 30 lb. milk cans Proportionate yield of butter Lbs. of milk to a lb. of butter 115.8 27 118 27.2 115 27.2 114.5 27.4 96 32.7 96.7 33.3 96.8 327 96 32.6 100 31.6 100 32.2 100 31.5 100 31.3 79 9 39.6 80.7 39.9 SO 1 39.5 80.8 39.8 89 9 35.2 90.2 35.1 Water at 40° Fahrt. 45 lb. milk cans Proportionate yield of butter Lbs. of milk to a lb. of butter 30 lb. mi'.k cans Proportionate yield of butter. ..... Lbs. of milk to a lb. of butter... 91.0 34.6 25 33 9 91.1 34.6 92.7 33.8 96.2 32.7 96.3 327 The milk from Danish cows is somewhat poorer than that from Canadian cows. 51 It is easy from this table to determine the value of these methods. When from a certain quantity of whole milk the u Centrifugal " extracted 115.8 lbs. of butter, the " Ice 24 hours " extracted from the same quantity of whole milk of the same richness, 100 lbs. ; and the " Ice 12 hours" extracted 96 lbs., and " Water " (according to the can used and the number of hours of setting) produced T9.9, 80.1 lbs. ; 89.9, 90.2 lbs. It is thus seen that using the " Centrifugal " it takes 2*7 lbs. of whole milk to make 1 lb. of butter. Using " Ice 24 hours " it takes 31.6 ; " Ice 12 hours " requires 32.7 lbs. to make a lb. of butter, &o. Another series of experiments was made by Prof. Fjord at the experimental farm of Ourupp. The object of these experiments, which continued during 12 months, from April. 1881, to March, 1882, was to ascertain the relative butter yield of the following six systems : " ICE, 10 HOURS ; " " ICE, 34 HOURS ; " " WATER AT 50* FAHRT, 34 HOURS ; " "SHALLOW PANS 34 HOURS;" " CENTRIFUGAL ; " "CHURNING OF MILK." Each experimental day, 609 lbs. of milk were used, divided in the following manner : 50 lbs. for each trial by the " Ice, " the " Cold water " and the " Pan " systems ; 400 lbs. for the " Centrifugal, " and 9 lbs. for the " Churning of milk, " methods. The milk was cooled to 33° Fahrt by the "Ice system*" By the " Cold water " system, setting in deep cans, the 52 milk was maintained at a uniform temperature of 50° Fahrt. The thickness of the milk in the "Low pans" ran up to two inehes,and the milk was maintained at atempe- raturesuthently low, tokeep it peri'e< tly sweet during 34 hours, even in the hottest days of Summer. Kadi 50 lb., experiment with the " ice, " " Cold water, a! id " Low pan " systems gave about 9 lbs cream , and each portion of cream was churned separa- tely. One-eight of the cream (or nearly lbs.) obtained through the centrifugal proi ess I heated again, acidulated and finally churned. tion had preceded the churning of the ( .> lbs, of wh During the period above mentioned. : miments, divided into two series, were executed : ih; ries was made with milk from cows and ' T with milk bought from sever;!! f Lor the " low pan *' experiments, the milk was kept at a lower temperature (5° nearly) than that which is generally found in ordinary dairies or bur. consequently, the butter yield w generally obtained in the" low p We give the results in tabu! information of such of our readers as have neither time nor inclination to go over the tables, we give the aver- ages in larger type. Note. — TT" third and fourth to not a 1 ar in the column ibk'S, but they are reckoned ii il averages, S3 er» 5 O ~i C trcg I> : '< : c p < o S ft S * tc • «< pa ft Jt- CO Oi >C OC CC »-;: co Ice, 10 hou 1 Ice 34 hours fO N3 CO CO CD O cn oo as bo co CO — CO CO CO CO CO JO fO o o co I> — so bo CO Cn CO -~J OS — OS Water at 50° Fahrl 34 hours. CO CO CO CO CO CO CO ^ Cn '--} 00 Cn rfs. en 1-0 <— OS rfs- C' CD CO Low Pans 34 hours rfs- CO *> |^> CO CO CO Centri- fugal. CO rfi- bo h- CO o CO CO CO CO CO CO CO Churn - ing of Milk. ^J Cn CO Cn us 00 OS *> co CO ■^ bo 00 — OvlCOO*- Ice tO hours ?o oo co to ^^ Ice 34 hours CO CO CO Cn co i*0 be cn CO O CO 00 O CO O' CO O Water at 50° Fahrt 34 hours t 3 >o >o O Cn cn k> ~-J bs 5° P° CD *- Cn C CO OS GO Low Pans 34 hours. co *o ^^ hr >o >o k> jo k> CC Cn pi >!>■ CO Cn O' »•£ © O O *■ *Cn OS Centri- fugal. OS 4s. CO fC *« -^ OS K> CO Churn- ing of Milk. lt> *> »p- £> *> 00 rfs» Number of Experiments 00 I oo oc Temperature of Milk at the time of setting. 54 oq? \b -3(fl jj jo ajnyRiafTuiax ■SlUGUiuodxjj jo J3 C-* c-* CO CO CO CO CO CO I ~J "WW J° auiujnqo CO 03 I CM C* ^ O* O CO 0C t- lO i gj ^-^^-*cocococo ^ •s.moq ^g Slltf^ A\07 cocococococococo •s.moq T:g SO lO CO qqo ir? £ 3? § » ,g ^*J5 5 s s ST " <= 55 'WM CO r- c-< 00 co co o& CO CO (N 3 jo Sui CO O GO O irt CO CO QQ 0- : c> CO t^ X) QQ © -u.inqo rH •SJn q ^g ffl (>• c « ■* 10 00 CD 00 co CO (NO^ CO SUCJ AV07 00 ~--OniO _J 006 (-5 SJiioq ££ iC (C <^ f i O 05 !N (M «* GO O -* co 10 rj< cd II!W oc -» in -* cN c c ^ 9 05 0-* ^1 jo S 11 co co c,; SUBrf «« c-' ai 3> 00" 00' — 1 8 10 r CO co' co' co' CO 2 S O O O OS O O C iO - 3 2 OOO AYoq ^H — — 1 c ■^ ,— «- rH •sanoq^g ■>* — O 00c 2 a i-, CD > < 90J rH pH rH •sjnoqoi t> -* co <* c: CO CO c 2 co iO CO *- 1 I> ci -* -■*" co -5P co' — CO s^' c-i c 801 0* t- c a OOO >» >> '3 3 en K CD m -0 a> > "c3 d 5 cd «! -3 2^ CD < 3 O &q 2; & > :— 1 > r> a > c c_ a £ a 7= c " C 2 '- > C 55 1 ! c a c > cd G > C X O S- 56 I o "WW OC t- # <"' c~i "S _ G •be ° 3 '- 1 •sjnoq w iC CO c< • o> t-; ; r-^ — ■ ; — « O «o | X ; c< « ' J llU\[ t— oc >o — co' CO CO iO lO CD OC 1 S 3 jo Suiujnqo oo>o , o o o — — — *- o Is as eo to • ^!0(Opiuo3 eo — ' c» : — — o • C5 — ■ i>-' O OS CO* O o cn h»* o6 : t-' t-' CN C5 ~ O — C 1 © 1® ■Sfl SUGJ avot c: O: O ; SffiOOOCOO •SJiioq \£ — t- co • •o -_ co >n - t^ <■ r^ loo *■" C/J 'WM oO'l — — ■ o : cc «!•< — n d c '^ oo 1 •"■ ' 5 >» cc oc oc ; oc oc oc r~ t^ t- x r- CO ID .101 RAV o o o • oooocooo lo > •sjnoq ^g — ooj o o o : 000=0000 1 o •* O "<* \ «N«*iOon «< •SJiioq 01— o?] CO r>* <& '. d o as : CCOCJ05C>0 1 d 1® 1 : 1 ^ ^ 1 as 1 H > r 1 h 'x > >5 i § g .a £ 3 <3 ? f ' I "2 i c > Cu cd IS — ;bc a.2 > o £ ^ '- < ^ -» ^ 35 ° 03 * « ,P -P er© o _ £ c p 2 „ Methods. ^ p • *.5 P .i .2 p P 5-= 5 e *.s -2 («•- c •- E S p" ® p o I^Ss .2 jm .S .* © 5 ■- ^ |3a £S g I'gJS Mi H j& Sj ozs. of butter nearly Ice 34 hrs 5 6/io ozs. of butter ... i/io b 92/ 100 Ve Shallow-pans 34 hrs. 6 Vio " V9 10 ^3/ 100 Vb Centrifugal 16/25 « 1 /87 2 4/ 10 1/23 Thus we can see at a glance, what the different methods can do and should do, when used to their utmost capacity. We find that in Danemark with the " Ice method 34 hours," £ of all the butter fat is left in the skim milk, with the Shallow pans 34 hours, J of the butter fat remains in the skim milk and, that the " Centrifugal" leaves about ^\. This shows that the Danes find it advantageous to skim the milk very elosely. 63 CONCLUDING REMARKS ON THE DIFFERENT SYSTEMS (1). . lo. Advantages and disadvantages. 2o. Appreciation of the quality of butter produced by each system. 3o. "When and how to use them. THE SHALLOW PAN SYSTEM. ADVANTAGES. lo. When large pans are used, it requires less labor than the deep setting in cans, and the first cost of the plant is less than that of the centrifugal. 2o. It may be used with advantage in the treatment of heavy milk. DISADVANTAGES. In some countries where butter making is well un- derstood and well practiced, the shallow pans are rapidly disappearing out of small private dairies, where ice can be had. They are also superseded by the centrifugal separator in large and cooperative dairies. Good butter can be made from milk set in shallow pans, but this system offers the following disadvant- ages: lo. It requires very much time. 2o. an abundance of running water. 3o. li much space. 4o. a cool specially constructed and well aired room, and a uniform temperature. (I) Shallow pans, deep setting in cold water, deep setting in ice, and the centrifugal systems, are now in use in Canada Deep setting in cold water (45 to 55 © Fahr.) is most in use in our private dairies. 64 5o. It exposes the milk tc atmospheric changes, and to the absorption of impurities from the surrounding air. 60. In hot weather, cream from the shallow pans is apt to be cheesy, and the quality of the butter generally lacks uniformity. Yo. The cream is apt to over ripen. 80. During the heat of summer even when milk can be kept sweet during 34 hrs., this mode of skimming gives less butter than deep setting in ,; Ice " 84 hrs. 9o. In hot weather it leaves the skim milk in a bad condition. lOo. It is not very well adapted to cooperative dairies, because it requires the transportation of milk twice a day. The shallow pan system may be used with advant- age, in places, where no other cooling medium than cold air or cold running water is to be had, and also in the treatment of heavy milk, HOW TO USE THE SHALLOW PANS. Milk should be set to the depth of from 2 J to 4 inches,( i) immediately after each milking, at a temperature of about 55" Fahrt. (2) and kept sweet 36 hours before skimming. The best time to skim is, when the milk is yet sweet. If the operator desires to see if the cream has completely risen, he should make a streak with a spoon across the surface. If this streak remains visible for a little while* after it is made, the cream has finished rising. (1) According to the temperature of the place where it is set, and the time of the milking period. (2) If the temperature of the room is kept below 57° the milk will remnin sweet 36 hours. If the temperature ranges from 57° to 63° the milk will remain sweet from 30 to "24 hours. In any case it should be- skimmed bel'ore acidulation takes place. 65 DEEP SETTING; ADVANTAGES OF DEEP SETTING. lo. It saves space. 2o. It saves water. 3o. If proper means are taken it will keep milk free from atmospheric impurities. Deep setting in water at 50° Fahrt. According to the result of Prof. Fjord's experiments, deep setting at 50 Q Fahrt. gave the poorest yield of any system of skimming. It gave something like 40 o/o less butter than the centrifugal. It may be used in small dairies, where the only cool- ing medium to be had is cold or spring water. Milk should remain in the vessels at least 36 hours. Importance of using ice with the deep setting SYSTEM. In order to give the farmer a practical illustration of the advantage of using ice, in a country like this, where any quantity is furnished every winter by nature, let us give some figures in this connection. According to Prof. Fjord's experiments and those of other dairy scientists, the ice system, 34 hours gives from 11 to 1Y per cent, more butter than cold water at 50° Fahrt. 34 hours — average 14 per cent Thus if we obtain 100 lbs. of batter out of 2500 lbs- of milk cooled to 33° Fahrt., we will get only 86 lbs. out of the same quantity cooled to 50° Fahrt. Loss 14 lbs- at 25 cts. : $3.50. Supposing that a farmer keeps 10 cows, and obtains 5 60 from them a yearly average of 3750 lbs. of milk, or about 150 lbs. of butter. The loss on 150 lbs. is equal to $5. 2c multiplied by 10 equal $52.50. Prof. Fjord calculates that to every 100 lbs. of milk 1£ lbs. of ice are required for every degree of heat to be expelled. The quantity varies with the time the milk stands, the form of the milk can, the kind of refri- gerator or cooling tank used, and also the temperature of the milk room. To bring 100 lbs.of milk just short of freezing point with single sided tanks, with 24 hours setting, it would re- quires says Mr. Fjord from 65 to 70 lbs. of ice a day average 67| lbs. between May and September, and 42 lbs. during the remainder of the year. A cubic foot of of ice weighs about 45 lbs. Thus to cool 3750 lbs. of milk (or about the milk of one cow) to 32o Fahrt., it would require in summer 2531 lbs. or about 1\ tons of ice per cow, giving about 150 lbs. of butter (56 cubic feet of ice). (1) From the figures given above, any one can see the advantage of using ice. ADVANTAGES OF "DEEP SETTING" IN ICE. lo. It gives a perfectly sweet cream. 2o. It gives a product of uniform qualify. 3o. The best butter makers of the world regard deep setting in ice, as one of the best means of obtaining the finest and longest keeping butter. 4o. It keeps the skim milk sweeter than any other system. (1) 56 cubic feet of ice is a block of about 3 ft. 10 inches long, 3 ft. 10 inches wide, and 3 ft. 10 inches thick. C7 DISADVANTAGES. lo. Towards the end of the milking period, when milk is heavy % it will not make a sufficient quantity of th> cream rise and therefore it must be discarded. (1) Tha proper method of treating heavy milk, is by shallow pans (small or large), or by the churning of whole milk, or still better by using a centrifugal separator. 2o. Some people seem to think that the necessity of losing ice is a disadvantage, but it is nothing of the kind the superior yield, more than makes up for any extra trouble. We consider this the best system of milk setting for the average private dairy of Canada. HOW TO USE THIS SYSTEM. When milking use a covered milk pail provided with a strainer. (2) Immediately after milking, while the milk is still warm, strain it directly into the cans, and place the cans in the tank which has been previously half filled with cold water. Place a small temporary wooden cover over each separate, can, in order to prevent any ice from failing into the milk, while the operator is shovel- ing it into the tank. The ice should be broken to the size of large nuts, and enough of it should be used to fill the tank up, to it) It is not strictly necessary to discard the vessels provided, milk is s et in them to a depth of 2 or 3 inches only, during 3i hours at. 55° FabrU (2) There are several pails of this kind in the market. A covered milk- pail has a cover with a hole in it, through which a funnel provided will* a strainer is run or otherwise fixed. G3 about the level of the milk in the cans. After a little while, when the milk in cooling has melted, a small portion of the ice, the overflow tap of the tank is opened, a little water runs out, and the tank is filled up again with ice to the same height as before. (1) The covers are then taken off the cans, and the milk remains exposed to the action of pure cold air, which carries off the animal odor and other impurities of the milk. When covers are used (and they should be used in all dairies when the air cannot be kept perfectly pure, and when the conditions as regards cleanliness are not excel- lent), they should not be placed on the cans, until the temperature of the milk has reached the temperature of the dairy. If the cans a~e covered before this, thecowey odor will remain in the milk. If, on the contrary, they are left uncovered after this, the milk will absorb any bad smell, that there may be in the dairy. The most economical plan is to leave the cans un- covered, but to cover the tanks. By this means, one cover does for all. This gives less trouble, costs less, and takes less ice than if the tanks are left uncovered. With the deep setting, the cream is " thin," but let it not be supposed that this makes it more di ffi.eu.lt to com- pletely skim the milk, for the coating of cream is easily removed from the skim milk. Still care must be taken The cream is taken off with the skimmer until the blue milk appears. After some practice, a person can skim a can in one or two minutes. By skimming from the top of the can, one is sure of getting pure cream, which has not been mixed (1) Tho water should be changed often enough to keep it perfectly pure and odorless. 69 with, impurities, such as are often found round the sides and the bottom of the cans. CABINET CREAMERS, VATS, PANS, Etc. As regards the great variety of cabinet or box creamers, vats and pans, constructed on the deep and shallow set- ting plan, we may state that some of them are very handy devices, but as we do not know that they have been scien- tifically tested by disinterested parties, we are in no posi- tion to express an opinion as to their respective value* THE CREAM GATHERING SYSTEM. ADVANTAGES. 1 Q It is very economical, as it saves the drawing of milk to and from the creamery. 2° The creamery building need not be expensive. 3° The cream can be collected over a much larger ter- ritory, than it would be possible to carry the milk, if delivered at one factory. The dairyman or farmer generally realizes conside- rably more than he would, were he to manufacture but- ter on the farm, and sell it on his own account, DISADVANTAGES. 10. The cleanliness and temperature of 300 (and even more) dairies are not generally uniform. Again some dairies will use ice, while others will use water at vary- ing degrees of temperature, as cooling mediums. There- fore the milk set in all these dairies is set in different conditions. This want of uniformity injures the quality and diminishes the quantity of the butter. 70 2o. In the best circumstances that is when all the farmers use ice water at 33° Farht., and the milk is set 34 hours, this system gives about 14 per cent, less butter than the centrifugal — (see table No. 6 of Prof. J. N" Fjord's experiments, page 56). 3o. Owing to the milk being set in different condi- tions as to temperature, &c, the cream so obtained varies very much in density, therefore it is very difficult to measure it accurately, and do justice to the patrons. 4o. In the fall of the year, when milk is heavy, this system offers difficulties not generally understood. As already explained in the article on " Heavy milk " (1) there is sometimes no distinctly marked line between the cream and skim milk, consequently its mea- surement would be a difficult}/ of the most serious kind. Again, according to the result of Prof. Fjord's expe- riments (see page 53 table No. 3) from 50 to 75 per cent, of the cream would remain in the " heavy " milk if the deep setting were persevered in ; if the deep setting were superseded by shallow-pans, it would require two sets of vessels. It is true that his difficulty can be over- come to a certain extent by using the deep cans even for " heavy " milk, setting milk in them only to the depth of four inches. In this case it would be necessary to provide them with an extra gauge near the bottom. The cream gattering system may be used in thinly settled section, and sections where the herds are small. MANNER OF WORKING. Milk should be set in ice 33° Fahrt. at least 24 hours For details see page 67, on deep setting in ice. (I) This peculiarity of milk is found on one farm to day, and on the next to-morrow, &c. 7*1 THE CHUBNING- OF WHOLE MILK. ADVANTAGES. lo. The butter yield by this system is second only to that of the centrifugal. 2o. It may also be used with advantage in the treat- meat of heavy milk. DISADVANTAGES. lo. The churning of whole milk requires too much work to be of any practical value, where large quanti- ties of milk are handled. 2o. The butter, from churned milk, contains a little more cheesy substance than that obtained by other systems. HOW TO CHURN THE WHOLE MILK. The milk should stand at a high temperature, until slightly sour (artificial means may be taken to produce this effect), and churned at about 68 Fahrt. THE CENTEIFUOAL SYSTEM. ADVANTAGES. The centrifugal system offers the following advan- tages : lo. It allows of the transportation of milk to THE FACTORY, BUT ONCE A DAY. THUS HALF THE COST AJSTD TROUBLE OF MILK TRANSPORTATION IS SAVED. 2o. IT SAVES SPACE. The space covered by a centrifugal is very small, not on an average more than 20 inches x 6 feet for the small sizes and 3J ft. x 8 for large sizes. 3o. It SAVES TIME. 72 By this system 10,000 lbs. of milk will yield its cream in 4 or 5 hours. While by any other system, to yield considerably less cream it would require from 24 to 36 hours. 4o. It saves water and ice. With this system, water is used only for washing butter, cleaning purposes and for the engine. It must be remembered that with this system only the cream is cooled, while with other systems, the whole mass of milk and cream has to be cooled. Instead of cooling 100 lbs. of milk the dairyman cools 20 lbs. of cream only. 5o. By it the milk is saved from exposure to im- pure AIR, AND TO ATMOSPHERIC CHANGES. 6o. It saves labor. 7o. It gives a perfectly sweet cream in large quantities (two milkings can be skimmed at a time). This cream uniformly fresh, can be soured to suit the taste of the butter maker. 8o. It gives a greater yield of butter. The latest experiments of Mr Fjord, show that the centrifugal system gave during 12 months, an aver, age of 23 per cent, more butter than the " Ice 10 hours " 14 per cent, more than the "Ice 34 hours, 41 percent more than the " Water at 50 Fahrt. ", 14 per cent, more than the " Pans 34 hours " and 7 per cent, more than the 1 Churning of milk ". 9o. It gives a better quality of butter. However carefully the milking and straining have been done, the centrifugal extracts from the milk and cream, and consequently from the butter, a large amount of impurities, (1) which older methods could not remove* (1) Often as much as 0.15 per cent, of th j weight of new milk. 73 Therefore, centrifugal butter is sweeter and purer. It has also a higher melting point, (1) consequently it ought to keep longer than the ordinary product. lOo. It leaves the skim milk sweet for the CALVES AND SWJNE. DISADVANTAGES. It requires more outlay for plant. "When large cen- trifugal separators are used (or two small ones) and steam power is required, the running expenses are somewhat greater than with older methods. The larger the dairy, the less expense comparatively speaking. For very large cooperative creameries, the running expenses are not greater than by other methods, (if we except the cream gathering system.) Therefore, this system is the best adapted to large private, and to cooperative or public dairies. For comparative value of all the systems see tables of averages, Nos. 5 and 6, pages 55 and 56. (1) Melting point of centrifugal butter 98° Fahrt. " « m ordinary butter 94° Fahrt. Difference 4 Fagi Milk Separator:. SPKEI The --■ - : . - I .."- - the I quai; : m ilk i if a skim per hom -mall quan-; in the skim _ r : - $ in 1 b Thus a ma 7 can ring 1 it a minimum of : k ..: Z :.- - '. -"-.. - 1 l ii the inflow oi milk - line inning at minute, and at th: - Lsca] skimming - hour. If through uishes th . .'.: \ t be com LA part kim milk liminutk bntter 1 m milk. ... s$ .. I take p] ..--- the -peed dim: ifng the inflow of milk instead of 4a lbs-, the h Ise 1 n lbs., main a mnch 1 _ -kim m: : A. e Les of expei m le to find th< fa between speed and inflow. The following law was dis' covered : The inflow should vary as the square of the speed. AVhen the number of revolutions which a given cen- trifugal must make, to completely skim a certain quan- tity of milk, is known, the number of revolutions, which it should make to skim any other quantity, is found by the following rule : Multiply the given number of pounds by the square (1) of the required speed, and divide the product by the square of the given speed. EXAMPLE. A dairyman having a centrifugal capable of skimming 450 lbs. of milk per hour, when running at a speed of 2,400 revolutions per minute, desires to know how many lbs. he can skim when running at 3,000 revolutions per minute. SOLUTION. As 2,400 2 : 3,000 ? :: 450: y 2,400 2 = 5,760,000 3,0, 2 = 9,000,000 5,760,000 : 9,000,000 :: 450 r x 9.000,000 x 450 = 703 lbs. 5,760,000 In the above problem the given number of pounds was 450. The required speed was 3,000. of which the (t) The square of a number is obtained by multiplying it by itself; thus the square of 3 is 9, of 4 is 16, of 5 is 25, of 6 is 36, etc. 77 THE QUESTION OF SPEED IS OP GREAT IMPORTANCE. For example, with a milk flow of 435 lbs. per hour, the small size Burmeinster & Wain's separator left a minimum of 2 ounces of fat in the skim milk, but the quantity increased to 5J ounces, when the speed of the machine fell from 2,410 to 2,28^7 revolutions per minute and to a maximum of 6 J ounces, when the speed was still further reduced to 2,257 revolutions per minute. When is it advisable to buy a Centrifugal Milk Separator, and what size is it advisable to buy ? It is not, at present, advisable to buy a Centrifugal Separator for a dairy of less than twenty cows. Size. The question of size depends on the quantity of milk to be skimmed and on the time which the dairyman can afford for this operation. In large public dairies the time allowed for skimming should not exceed from four to six hours. In private dairies the work should be finished in from one to three hours. It is desirable to have at least one large size Separator in every creamery of any importance. Prof. Fjord's con- trol centrifugal for telling the amount of cream, in milk brought to the creamery, is adjustable to large Separa- tors only. No well managed public creamery can do without this instrument. Table showing the number and size of Separators ne- cessary to skim a given quantity of milk. Table 12. Creameries receiving daily from 4 to 5,000 lbs. of milk 6 to 8,000 " 9 to 12,000 13 to 15,000 16 to 20,000 Number and size of Separa- tors necessary. 2 small Separators. 1 small and 1 large Sepa- rator. 2 large Separators. The largest Separator will skim from 12 to 1600 lbs per hour. The small Separator from 4 to 700 lbs. If a small Separator will do the work in a reasonable time get a small one. If a large one will do, it is preferable not to try a large one, but rather to buy two small ones. For if one gets out of order, the second can be made to do all the work while the first is being repaired. This rule does not apply to large establishments ; it is better to have two or three large Separators, than four or six small ones. We give below our reasons. lo. It takes less power to drive two large Separators than four small ones. 2o. Four small Separators will require far more care in regulating the milk flow, than two large Separators. 3o. Four small Separators will require far more care in regulating the speed, in looking after, in oiling, in cleaning, than two large Separators. 4o. Four small Separators will cost more to buy, to set up, to keep in order, and to run than two large Separators. 19 5o. Four small Separators require more space than two large ones. ADYICE TO INTENDING PUECHASEES OF THE CENTEIFUGAL. Some one asks which Centrifugal to buy ? We say buy a good one. Points of a good Centrifugal Separator. lo. A good Separator should be safe and strong, and its workmanship perfect. 2o. Its motion should be easy and steady. 3o. The foundation should be solid, and the revolving parts well protected. 4o. It should require but a moderate degree of power in proportion to the work done. 5o. It should be easy to take apart and to clean. There should be but few pieces to take apart. 60. Its construction should be simple and plain, and the manner of working readily understood. To. It should be built so as to regulate the density oi cream (getting thin or thick cream), while in operation. 80. It should thoroughly skim the first and last milk contained in the drum. 9o. The separated liquids should be discharged in good condition. lOo. The machine should be cheap in the first cost, and cheap to put up. But the main point is that the machine be good, for a poor troublesome Separator, even cheap, will be more expensive in the long run, than a good one at a higher price. 8Q DEFECTS TO BE GUARDED AGAINST IN CENTRIFUGAL SEPARATORS. lo. Liability to lose speed through any cause, shak ing for instance. (This is a very serious defect.) 2o. Sprinkling of milk and cream, 3o. Suction of cream by air into the skim milk. 4o. Loss of oil and heating, through imperfect means oi oiling the bearings. POWER REQUIRED TO RUN CENTRIFUGAL SEPARATORS. It is often supposed that centrifugal separators re- quire much power to run them. This is a mistake. It takes less than three horse power to start the largest separators. Having reached full speed it requires much less power to keep it agoing. For f his reason, several machines can be run by a power little greater than that which is necessary to start one or two large ones. Of course, in this case, the machines are not all started together. The first is set going, and is got well under- way before the second is started ; when these two have reached the highest speed a third is set going, etc. In dairies where two small separators are used the dairyman should provide 3 or 4 horse power. This is more than the power absolutely necessary, but it is always wise to have some spare power. In large creameries from 6 to 10 horse power is required. 81 REMARKS ON THE USE OF ANIMAL POWER IN RUNNING- CENTRIFUGAL SEPARATORS. In using a horse to run a separator, it is well to re- member that the strain on the animal depends : 1. On the speed of the separator. For example a horse could easily run a churn containing from 60 to 80 lbs. of cream and a small Burmeinster & Wain separator, at a speed of about 2200 revolutions per mi- nute, while the same horse would have all he could do to drive the same separator at a speed of 3000 revolu- tions per minute. 2o. On the time required to perform the day's work. Some farmers have milk for an hour daily. Others have milk enough for two or three hours, work. The less milk, the shorter is the time of the operation, and the more strain the horse could stand. 3o. On the kind of horse-gear used. 4o. On the speed at which the horse is made to go (1). In order to diminish the strain, use a larger pulley and decrease the speed of the horse. With a sweep power, the horse's pace should be regulated so as to cover lees than three feet of ground per second. Prof. Fjord's experiments with the small separator of Burmeinster & Wain gave the following results : With 2000 revolutions a minute and to skim from 2 to 300 lbs. per hour it requires J horse power ; (1) It must not he forgotten that the speed of the separator, and the speed of the horse are two different things. The horse may be and should be (if the work is to last a long time) traveling very slowly, while the machine is working very rapidly. 6 82 With 2400 revolutions a minute and to skim from 3 to 400 lbs, per hour it requires j horse power . With 2800 revolutions a minute and to skim from 3 to 400 lbs. per hour it requires 1 horse power. THINGS TO BE REMEMBERED IN USING A MILK SEPARATOR. lo. Start the machine slowly, skim the first and last contents according to directions given on page 28. 2o. Let the speed be constant. For this purpose, every centrifugal milk separator should be provided with : lo A speed indicator attached to the spindle (1) so that the operator may ascertain the actual number of revolutions of the drum ; 2o A belt strainer, to be used when the machine is losing sp.?ed. So. Let the inflow be constant. For this purpose some means of controlling the inflow should be adopt- ed. Prof. Fjord's controlling funnel is the best means we know of (see description, page 26). 4o. When the speed decreases, diminish the in- flow ; WHEN THE SPEED INCREASES INCREASE THE inflow. A decrease of 10 °/ , 20 p /o, 30 °/ in the given speed of the Burmeinster & Wain separator, must be at- tended by a decrease of 20 °/ OJ 35 / o , 50 Q / in the milk inflow per hour. An increase of 10 °/ , 20 e / , 30 °/ in the speed must also be followed by an increase of 20 °/ 0l 40 Q / , 10 °/ in the quantity of milk worked per hour, if the same amount of butter is expected from a given quantity of milk. (I) We say spin lie and not the main shaft, advisedly, because the revolutions of the latter do not represent accurately the revolutions of the drum. 83 5o. Skim: the milk while waem. Tf this be inconve- nient, the milk can be warmed to 88° Fahrt. before skim- ming. 60. For cold milk let the inflow be J less than the inflow for warm milk. If a machine skims 300 lbs of hot milk in an hour, it will skim 200 lbs of cold milk in an equal time. •70. Keep working parts very well oiled. Use for this purpose the best lard oil or neat's foot. 80, clean immediately after using. EELATIYE VALUE OF DIFFERENT CENTRI- FUGAL SEPARATORS. In determining the comparative value of rival Separa- tors, it is necessary lo. to determine what good skim- ming is; 2o. to ascertain how large a quantity of milk each Separator can skim when leaving a given quantity of butter fat in the skim milk ; 80. to see how long these can be run at their highest speed. In Denmark the standard for average skimming by the Centrifugal is, to leave 0.15 of a pound of butter fat in the skim milk. (This is equal to a trifle less than 2£ ounces.) In Germany it is 0.35. (This is equal to a trifle more than 5 J ounces.) We believe that between 0.20 and 0.25 is the proper standard — that is to say between 3 and 4 ounces. As some of our readers may think that there is not a great difference in the value of two machines, which, when skimming, the same quantity per hour leave, the one 2 J ounces [.15] and the other 5 J ounces [.35] of but- ter fat in the skim milk, it is well to remark that in some cases, if the inflow into the machine which is lea- 84 ving 2J ounces were increased so as to leave of ounces ; the inflow would be increased between 300 and 400 lbs- an hour. This is a very important consideration and should not be lost sight of in buying. We give below the result of a series of experiments made by Prof. J. N. Fjord to ascertain the exact capa- city of the four undermentioned Separators in the fol- lowing circumstances. [The Burmeinster & Wain small and large sizes, the Neilsen & Petersen and the De Laval Separators.) lo. When each of the four Separators is extracting from the milk an equal quantity of cream of the same richness, [that is containing the same percentage of butter fat] and leaving the same quantity of fat in the skim milk. 2o. When it is desired to leave a still larger propor- tion than 3 or 4 ounces of butter fat in a 100 lbs. of skim milk. On page 85 we give the result of these experiments in table No. 13. We see that during the period from April to July, and for the smallest quantity of milk worked per hour, the dif- ferences between the "minimum" and the " maximum"(l) quantities of butter fat, left in the skim milk, amount to 1, f v ozs. and to T 9 ^- and if ozs. during the month of September. This comparatively small difference shows the uni- form reliability of the Centrifugal Milk Separator when properly used. (I) The figures in the column of averages are not obtained from the figures of the minimum and maximum only, but from a whole series oT experiments. 85 TABLE No. 13. Note. — In order to avoid large fractions, we have prefixed to the number of ounces the sign minus, when the proper figure is a trifle less than the given one. We have used the sign plus when the proper figure is a trifle more. April nncl July 1882. A Burm. & Wain's centrifugal ismall size) 1. 290 lbs. of milk skimmed per hour 2. 435 lbs. do do do B De Laval's centrifugal 1. 300 lbs. of milk skimmed per hour 2. 450 lbs. do do do C Nielsen & Petersen's centrifugal 1. 49:; lbs. of milk skimmed per hour 2. 810 lbs. do do do D Burmeinster & Wain's centrifu- gal (large size) 1. 870 lbs. of milk skimmed per hour , 2. 1280 lbs do do do September 1882 a Burmeinster & Wain's separator (small size) 1. 290 lbs. of milk skimmed per hour 2. 435 lbs. do do do 3. 580 lbs. do do do 4. 720 lbs. do do do b Burmeinster & Wain's milk sepa- rator (large size) 1. 780 lbs. of milk skimmed per hour 2. 1580 lbs. do do do 02 S 2410 6000 1490 1950 2410 1800 Percentage of butter fat left in the skim milk. —2 4 6 14/2 1 1 9 /25 V5 S-j -n -2i 2 2/25 3 9/25 + 11 2 1^/25 It 3 9/25 I! + 3| 6 2/ 25 — 10| 2 14/25 9 7/->5 II •A ° H 6* 2 2/ 25 3 1/5 -n 6| ' —2 -4| + 7i 1216/23 3 1/2 1216/25 Q S + 1 l 13/25 i 89/100 8 /l0 16/25 '100 1 21/50 239/iQO 12 /25 3 9/25 With a milk flow of 435 lbs. per hour, the small size Burmeinster & Wain Separator left a " minimum " of 2} ozs. and a " maximum " of 6J ozs. of butter fat in the skim milk. With a milk flow of 1,280 lbs. per hour, the large size Burmekister & Wain Separator, leit a. tk minimum " of 3^ ozs., and a " maximum " oi GJ ozs. of butter fat in the skim milk. Vv r ith a milk flow of 1,580 lbs. per hour, J .he same size Separate! jeft a minimum of 9ts ozs. and a maximum of l£jj o/.s loosely packed ; or at 50 cubic feet to i he ton, about 40 lbs to the cubic foot. Cubic fe^t 270 540 810 1080 1350 1620 1800 '2 1 GO 2430 2700 5400 Ton* 6 300 12 600 18 900 O ', 1200 30 1500 36 1800 42 2 1 00 48 240 i 54 2700 60 3000 120 6000 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 120 In order to find out the storing capacity of an ice house multiply the length, width and height together, the result is the capacity in cubic feet. By dividing the number of cubic feet by 45 or 50, the capacity in tons is obtained. Thus a house 10 feet long, 10 feet wide and 12 feet high = 1200 cubic feet. This divided by 45 or 101 50 according as the ice is closely or loosely packed gives 26f or 24 tons. Other things being equal, the higher an ice house is built, the better the ice keeps. We give below a few figures on the dimensions of ice houses. We do not advise to build an ice house smaller than 8 x 8, 10 feet high, inside measurement. Storing capacity of ice houses of different sizes. Length, width, height, in feet. Capacity in cubic feet and tons. Cubic feet. Tons. 10 x 10 x 10 12 x 12 x 13 12 x 15 x 15 12 x 18 x 16 20 x 20 x 16 1000 1872 2700 3456 6400 22 411 60 77 142 SHRINKAGE. In deciding the question of size one important thing must be considered, that is the waste known as shrink- age. The larger the ice house, the less waste in proportion. In a well constructed ice house of 165 tons capacity or 7500 cubic feet, the waste should not be greater than 15 per cent, or 25 tons. In one whose capacity is only 28 tons or 1250 cubic feet, the waste should not exceed 25 per cent, or 7 tons. In building an ice house, build it rather too large than too small. 102 SITE AND DRAINAGE The house should stand, as much as possible, by it- self, in a. high, airy, and sunny position (1) because such a site requires but little drainage. "When such a position is not to be had. and when the soil is not of a sandy, gravelly or otherwise porous nature, the drainage should receive the builder's most careful attention. On porous soil, an outside ditch is all that is necessary. Loamy and heavy land should be thoroughly under- drained. In the case of small houses, these drains should be round the outside of the buildings. In large ice houses, and when the land is very wet, it is sometimes necessary to carry the drains under the buildings. What are known as " French drains " (see fig, 40, 41 and 42) trenches filled with stones, answer admirably, and are cheap besides. These trenches should be dug across the place where the ice house is to be built, with a grade of descent of at least one quarter of an inch to the foot. They should (1) This exposure to the sun and air, will not be detrimental, as many suppose, for if the house is properly constructed and the ice sufficiently protected, the heat cannot penetrate it to any great extent, whilst the ex- posure will serve to absorb vapor and dampness, which are more detri- mental than the heat outsi le of the house. 103 be two feet. wide (or more), filled with small stones up to within three inches of the level of the ground, which three inches should be filled with shavings or some other material that will keep the dirt out. The end of the drain should be carried a fair distance from the building. Tiles or wood may be used for the same purpose, but in this case the drain should terminate by a pipe shaped like a Y, to form a trap. This to a certain extent prevents the air from entering. BEST MATERIAL FOR AN ICE HOUSE. Wood is the cheapest and best material for building an ice house. Its porous character is favorable to free evaporation, and evaporation is the key to the secret of keeping any building dry. The most porous wood is the best. The kinds most in favor are hemlock and the three branches of the pine family, namely spruce and white and yellow pine. The main points aimed at in the selection is their relative durability. Stone or brick retains the vapors and causes sweat- ing, which melts the ice. THE BOTTOM OF AN ICE HOUSE. The bottom of an ice house should be as dry as pos- sible, and at the same time impervious to heat, air, damp- ness and water, for if through defective drainage, the ice is constantly immersed in water, the waste will be much greater at the bottom of the ice house, from this cause, than at the top from the heat of the sun. It would therefore, hardly be possible to give the subject of drain- age and construction of the bottom too much attention, when houses are first built. 104 FOUNDATIONS Large houses should stand on a stone foundation, al- though it is the custom with many builders to do away with the wall, and rest the sills directly on the ground. In low places the sills rest on piles. "When they rest on the ground, the sills should be of cedar or white pine. If a stone foundation be laid, it should be of masonry of the best description; it should be carried below the line of frost, and one foot above the surface of the ground. "When a stone foundation is laid, the sills may be of the same material as the rest of the building. THE FLOORING OF AN ICE HOUSE. The drain and foundation having been constructed, level the ground inside. If there be any slope, let it be towards the drain. Cover the ground to a depth of at least 10 inches, with a bed of fine gravel, cinders, shavings, tan or sawdust. ("We prefer cinders.) Lay stringers 4x4 about 3 feet apart, and fill and pack well between stringers with cinders or sawdust. Over these stringers nail 2 inch boards. They should neither be tongued and grooved nor tightly fitted together. This is to allow the water to trickle down between them, and thus escape. A TIGHT FLOOR. When ice houses are built in connection with dairies etc. and it is desirable to utilize the drippings, a tight floor is put in. This can be made of tongued and grooved boards closely fitted together, after the bottom has been prepared in the manner previously described. Asphalt, cement or concrete floors may also be constructed. 105 A tight floor should slope from two sides to the middle. A small groove, along the middle of the floor, receives the water, and conducts it to an end ol the building from which a pipe carries it to the cold room or dairy. The end of the pipe should be bent in the form of a Y, so as to prevent the air from entering. WALLS. The best ice houses have three shells, an inside, a middle, and an outside shell. The space between the inside and the middle shells varies, with the size of the ice house. The smaller the house, the greater should be the inner space. The smaller and lower the ice house, the less should be the outer space, or draught cham- ber. HOW TO PUT UP THE WALLS. FOR LARGE HOUSES. The uprights should consist of stout 8 x 10 posts around the outside, at intervals of 12 feet placed on sills 6 x 10. On these posts, the frame work and rafters of the roof will rest. Immediately on the inside line of these posts 3x6 studdings, should be firmly placed at a distance of 3 feet apart. Commencing about 3 inches from the bottom, (so as to leave an open space) nail weather boards on the outside of the posts, (not to the studs) up to the eaves. Commencing close at the bottom, nail to the posts and studding on the inside, tongued and grooved boards. They should be fitted as closely as possible. Upon the inside of this wall stretch a sheating oi felt. (1) \l) Common roofing felt, or better Sackelt's sheeting consisting of a layej of cement between two layers of manilla paper. It costs $ ct. a square- foot. 106 Then place against this papered wall studs of 3 x 8 at the same distance apart as the first. From stud to stud, stretch another course of manilla sheating, and over this commencing at the bottom, nail tongued and grooved boards. They sho >ld be joined as closely as possible. The space between the two interior walls.known as the packing chamber,should be filled (when convenient) (1) with dry saw-dust very -tightly packed. If sawdust can- not be had use dry tan, shavings or chaff. The outside space, called the draft chamber (fig. 48) which is in this ease about 10 inches, has an opening at the bottom to allow the air to enter and at the top, to allow it to escape. Its purpose is : to prevent the rays of the sun from striking directly on the walls ; to pro- tect the walls from rain and to afford better ventilation. Some of the largest Canadian builders construct their walls in the following simple manner : They place on the sills, uprights 3 or 4 inches by 10 or 12 inches from 3 to 4 feet apart. Over these they nail rough boards and fill in with saw-dust. In many cases the draught chamber is dispensed with. When this is done, the space between the walls of the packing chamber should be at least 18 inches. WALLS FOR SMALL HOUSES. The walls for these, should be built upon the same plan as ior large houses, (smaller timber should be used than for large houses.) The difference is that the space for the packing chamber, should be considerably greater, and that for the draught chamber considerably less. For an ice house 15 feet high, the draught chamber should be from 2 to 5 inches. (I) When it is not convenient to fill the space, be careful in boarding ap to make it as air tight as possible, this is known as a dead air chamber. iot Thus in a small building, the packing chamber should be about 14 inches and the draught chamber five. ROOF AND VENTILATORS A good water-tight roof of reasonable pitch should be placed over the walls, Wx>d and shingles are the best materials to use. For those desiring a model roof see fig. 48 with description. When no air chamber is constructed, two small doors in the gables placed as near to the top of the roof as pos- sible will help to ventilate. These doors should be Fig 4 J. Fig. opened during cool nights to let out the warm air, which may have accumulated during the day. One style of ventilator consists of an opening at the ridge pole, running the whole length of the roof. It is. covered with a box-shaped cap, open at the extremi- ties. (See fig. 48.) Another style of ventilator is very simple and effective (see fig. 43 and 44). It consists of 4 boards out of which a U shaped piece is cut. These boards are nailed together, and, a roof shaped cover, projecting at least 3 inches, is fixedatthe top. Four pieces of wood 2x3 inches, having the underneath beveled, are nailed to the sides of this 103 ventilator. This gives it a better shape, and increase the current. The roof of the ventilator, should extend well over the under piece to prevent the rain from entering. The size of box ventilators should be made in propor- tion to the length and breadth of the building. The smaller the ice-house the larger the ventilator should proportionately be. For an ice house 10 x 10 ft., the ventilator should be 4 square inches to the square foot. Thus, it should have a surface of 20 x 20 inches. For an ice house of 20 x 20 feet, the ventilator should be 3J square inches to the square foot. This would give a ventilator of 36 x 36 inches. For an ice house 50 x 60 the ventilator should be 1J square inches to the square foot of surface. This would give a ventilator of about 36 x 120 inches. If a square box ventilator is used the sides should be of lattice, like window blinds. A LOFT FLOOR. In good ice houses, a loft floor is generally made. It is more necessary in small ice houses then in large ones. This floor should be covered with saw dust,hay or straw to the depth of from 10 to 12 inches. If the house is to be frequently opened, lengthwise, along the middle of the floor, an opening should be left for ventilation. Its extremities should be about 2 J feet from the gables. The width will depend on the width of the ice house. It is a safe rule to allow 3 inches for every foot in the width of the building. For instance an ice house 12 x 10 feet inside measure, would have an opening 3 feet wide. Lengthwise on 109 each side of the opening is fixed, with good stout well varnished hinges, a trap. When one of these traps is clo- sed, one half of the opening is covered. "When the two are closed, the whole is covered. To the upper side of these traps, is fastened a stout rope, which is passed through a short piece of tube (1) running through the floor, for that purpose. By this Fig. 45. — Ice house and dairy.— MM, Openings for filing the house B, Ice box. C, Shaft. F, Entrance. means the trap can be raised or lowered at will from below. Thus any desired degree of ventilation is ob- tained. At the back of these traps, there should be fixed to the floor a piece of wood, sufficiently high to keep the trap in such a position, that it will close by its own weight, when the rope is loosened. (1) A tube is used to prevent the dunnage from falling through the floor. 110 If the house is not to be opened frequently, or in small ice houses, a small box ventilator larger at the top then at the bottom is sufficient, It should be made to project 5 or 6 inches above the loft floor and be provided with a cover. 1XCB : LLUXL Where there is a double roof as in fig. 48 the air current from the air chamber, instead of going out under the eaves, should find its way between the double roof into the ventilator at the to . Ill In the case of a single roof, the air from the draught chamber should go out under the eaves. In fig. 45 we have a loft floor differently constructed. In this case it is above the eaves, and offers more store room. It is laid on the collar beams. That part of the roof which extends from the eaves to the collar beam is pro- vided with an outside shell filled with dunnage. The space filled with saw-dust, is of the same thickness as the walls. In the centre of the loft floor is an opening for ventilation. (See fig. 45.) THE DIVISION OF ICE H >USES. Large ice houses should be divided into two or four compartments according to the size (see fig. 46.) These di- visions offer the double advantage of preventing draughts of warm air from spreading all over the house, and also of removing the insolating material from a section when necessary. A house 50 feet long should be divided into two sec- tions, and 100 feet long into four sections. The division wall should be double and filled with sawdust. OPENINGS. Openings in the building for the deposit and removal of ice should be as few as possible. Too many of them weaken the structure whilst they afford additional faci- lities for the entrance of warm air and moisture. Large houses. In large ice houses one opening 4 feet wide, extending from the top to the bottom of the building should be made. This should be arranged so as to open in sections, 112 oommencing at the top. The smaller these sections, the less the waste of iee. According as the house is filled, these sections which are like the wall, double, are filled in with saw dust. Small houses. For small houses an op ming, the top of which should be on a level with the loft floor, and the bottom *s far as e house with outside porch. — G, Ice house. F. Porch. possible from the ground should be made. (See fig. 47.) It should be provided with double doors. When the ice house is not very high, a good porch should be cons- tructed. (See F, fig. 47. and D, fig. 51.) Thus with the construction of a porch as shown in fig. 47 and 51, it is necessary to open three doors before entering the ice house. The first one is fixed on the inner edge of the opening made in the wall of the ice house. The second is hinged on the outer edge of the same opening. B >th of these doors open outwards. The third one closes the porch. 113 d5 i. & & 5" CO p. 114 ICE HOUSES WITH INCLINED PLANED ELEVATOKS. On page 113 we give a cut of an ice house, with in- clined plane elevator. A represents the unfilled space of the outside wall ; B the filled space of the inside wall ; C the covering on ihe loft floor ; D the main rafter on which the double roof boarding is placed; E the floor of the ice house; F she embankment of dirt around the sill of the house, one foot above the level, to exclude air; G outside sheating of lap boards (part way up, show- ing the middle boarding P) ; H shingle roof; I Ventilator running the length of the peak of the roof, with opening ; K stone foundation ; L a filling of three inches of charcoal or sawdust under the floor; M plates placed edgewise on the outside upright to allow the air to pass freely from the bottom of the outside wall of house to the ventilator at peak of the roof, and give additional strength : O openings between each upright to admit cool air at bottom and drive out the warm ; P middle^sheating of grooved or worked boards ; R open end, showing inside sheathing ; S doorway boarded up ; U raised roof at. eaves by purlines placed on rafters; T pur- lines placed on rafters ; W projection of roof, to prevent rain beating against sides of house. Arrows show the current of air passing from openings at the bottom through unfilled space A to ventilator at peak of roof. (I) We give below a description with cut of the ice house, of Mr. W. G-. Walton of Hamilton, which is one of the best in the Dominion. It stands at the water edge of Burlington bay, near G-. T, R. Depot in the city of Hamilton, with siding from main line of G-. T. R., for shipping purposes. It is 120 x 100 x 41 ft. high and has a storing capa city of about 12,000 tons. It is divided into four com- partments, and provided with a steam elevator and gal- leries, extending the whole length and height outside of the building. The elevator is driven by a 12 horse power engine. For filling this house a field of from J to j of a mile square extending from the shore in deep, clear water is at hand. The ice is plowed into blocks 22 x 30 inches (l) From the Ice Journal, Philadelphia 115 and towed down to the elevator by horses in large rafts of 500 to 1000 blocks each, through a channel cut in the ice. It is then broken off, in single blocks, caught and carried up by the elevator. The elevator, galleries, and skids are so arranged that the ice is elevated to any gallery desired, and distributed to any room, and to any part of each room, without being handled until it is placed in position by the men 116 Cars can be loaded directly from the ice field, by the elevator and galleries, Thus from one to two hundred tons of ice per hour, ran be stored, or loaded ready to ship when desired. The house is also provided with of automatic gigs for lowering the ice into cars or wagons. (1) LINED FLAXES. ELEVATORS, SKIDS, AND HOISTING TONGS. ELEVATORS. The rule is to use inclined planes with elevati fig. 48 and 49) for filling, whenever the storage cap sds 2000 tons. The planes can be mad.' to suit the capacity filled, and to be run by ho power. The former is often resorted to in smaller h< Tally in cold climates, where there is ample for harvesting. The i"i o fall is to have the base 50% mon the height. If th< of the would be T from the house, and by running it 5 feet into the water, the required fall would be given and ample water to float the ice to the chain. By this means, several hundred tons of ice can be lifted 30 f« an hour. SKIDS. Le mon of large experience use for handling ice in large ice houses, specially constructed skids or runs, for moving ice during the summer and for loading it on us, cars or ships. ce house, which we visited and examined by Mr. W. G. Walton. m The skids may run in any direction in the ice house ; so that the furthest blocks from the outside opening- may be run along the skids as well as those close to it. The ice can be lowered in self acting baskets or gigs, and emptied on the skids, which are so arranged as to reach the bottom of a car or the hold of a ship. By this means the ice is moved and loaded by its own weight, without any handling. This method effects a great saving of time and labor, and reduces the breakage of the ice. HOISTING- TONGS. In smaller ice houses, hoisting tongs fixed to a rope and pulley, are used for hoisting and lowering the ice. The pulley is strongly fixed over the opening of the ice house. They can be worked by a horse. DAIRY ICE HOUSES. For convenience, of late years ice houses have been built close against dairies or creameries in order to uti- lize them for cold storage. In this case, the building should be put up towards the East or South East of the dairy, as the morning sun will absorb the dampness of the air. Ice houses for dairy purposes are constructed on the same plan as those already described. The only things calling for remark are. 1st. The manner of entering. 2d. The using o^' the meltage from the ice. 3d. The manner of utilizing the ice for cold storage. 118 119 ENTRANCE OF DAIRY ICE HOUSES. When ice houses are built close against the dairy or creamery, the entrance may he made in the upper part, by building in the upper story of the dairy a porch joined to a passage opening directly into trie ice house. (See fig. 50.) It will thus be necessary to open two doors before entering the ice house proper. A window in the porch, Fig. 51. — Ice house with porch. will, when the doors are opened, allow the light to pene- trate into the interior. "When the ice house is high, it is convenient to build directly under the opening, between the wall of the ice house, and that of the dairy, a shaft by means of which the ice may be thrown into a box, placed to catch it in- side the dairy. (See fig. 50.) The bottom of the shaft is covered with an iron plate, to protect it against the blows of the blocks of ice. The shaft is closed by means of a trap door. (See fig. 50.) Opposite the shaft, and placed one above the other, / ISO in the walls of the house, are openings through which the ice may be taken out at any height, as the quantity diminishes in the ice-house. ( See fig. 50.) In smaller ice houses, orice houses completely isolated, an outside porch may be built. (See D. C. fig. 51.) MELT AGE. In the chapter on floors, we have already described the method of utilizing the meltage from the ice in the dairy, THE CONSTRUCTION OF COLD STORE ROOMS AND FREEZERS. COLD STORE ROOMS. There are many methods of constructing cold store rooms. We shall describe a few of the best. The in- formation here given has been derived from some of the largest users of cold storage in Montreal and elsewhere, as well as from the best builders and inventors. All cold store rooms are built on the same principle. The differences are differences of detail. This prin- ciple consists in placing the ice overhead, or alonr side of the building ; in some cases in placing it both along side and overhead. Openings are then made either in the ceiling or sides, or both, to create an air current. They are arranged in such a manner that any warm air, which enters the apartment, immediately ascends to the cooling room above, where it is cooled and from which it returns in the shape of cold air. We give below the description of an unpatented cold store room. 121 The cold store room, for an ordinary size creamery, should be from about 12 to 15 feet square, and two stories high. The lower chamber should not exceed 7 feet in height. The top or ice chamber may be of the same length and breadth, but a little higher. In the case of a room 12 x 12 it should be about 8 feet high. Where economy is not a prime consideration, the ice chamber may with advantage be made higher. The walls of such a building are like those of an or- dinary ice house, but somewhat stronger to stand the pressure. MEANS OF PRODUCING THE AIR CURRENTS, In the ceiling of the cold store room, there should be, at right angles with the beams, two openings. "When pos- sible these openings should be, one on the side nearest to the door, and the other on the opposite side. One of these openings is called the hot airflue,the other the cold air flue. In our description, the one nearest the door is the hoi air f.ue. They should be from 5 to 12 inches wide, according to the size of the room, and run the length of the building. They should be provided with traps. Both these traps should be hinged to the sides of their openings farthest from the walls. The one nearest to the door opens upward in the flue, the other one down- ward into the room, and when open is suspended from the ceiling. Along the split between the hinges of this latter on the lower side, nail a narrow strip of soft leather listing or cloth. This is to prevent the warm air Tom ascending between the trap and the ceiling into the cold air flue. These traps are used to regulate the temperature in the cold store room. They should be * provided with cords running through hooks, by 122 means of which, they can be closed or opened, as much or as little as is necessary. (1) It will be easy to understand, how the traps are ar- ranged, when it is remembered that to close the one in the hot air flue, it is necessary to let go the rope, and to close the other it is necessary to pull on the rope. The opening nearest to the door is m-.de to allow the warm air to ascend. On the upper floor, on the inner edge of the warm air flue, construct a double wall, with hollow space of about 6 inches, which should be filled with saw dust. This wall should be carried to within 1 or 9 inches of the top of the ice chamber. If the ice is 12 feet high, the space may be increased to about a foot. Running parallel with the packed wall, lay on the floor, at 15 inches apart, a series of stringers 3 in- ches thick and of decreasing height. The highest, whi m should be 8 inches, is placed along side of the packed wall. The lowest, which never should be less than 3 inches, is placed along the inner side of the cold air flue, aud within a foot of the edge. These stringers should be firmly fastened to the floor, their upper edge should be bevelled so that if a board was laid upon them it would form an inclined plane. Fill in the space between the stringers with saw-dust. Over the stringers lay a flooring of boards. "We now have an inclined floor, the highest part ol which is against, the warm air flue, and the lowest point of which is near the edge of the cold air flue. (1) If the cords from Hie traps are arranged, so that they can be carried to the middle of store room, the circulation can be increased and the room thoroughly ventilated, by seizing these ropes one ineach.hand, and rapidly opening and closing the traps in succession. 123 Cover this with sheets of zinc, thus producing a wa- ter tight floor. The edges of the zinc close to the walls should be turned up about 5 inches. The end nearest to the cold air ilue should form a spout. From this spout a pipe is run to carry off the water. Underneath where the sheets of zinc meet, a slat 1 x 2 inches is placed. The zinc is fastened to this and soldered. Upon this zinc floor, lay another series of stringers at right angles to the wall, cut in the shape of inclined planes ; they should be 3 inches thick and pla- ced 15 inches apart. The larger end (which should be 8 inches high) should be placed farthest from the pack- ed wall, the smaller (which should be 3 or 4 inches high) touching it. Across these, lay 3x4 inch stringers about 3 inches apart. On this bed of stringers, pile the ice. There is now a vacant space over the cold air flue. This space must be arranged so as to allow the ice to be piled above, without closing it up completely, and with- out allowing the meltage to drop into the store room be- low. This is done in the following manner. Upon the beams, which have been uncovered by the opening made in the floor, place on end, against the wall, pieces of wood 3x4 inches and about 14 inches high. Resting on the top of these pieces, and also on the inclined planes, which come directly over the zinc, place on edge pieces of plank 3 inches thick 15 inches high at one end and 14f inches at the other, and 30 inches long, or of less length according to the size of the opening in the floor. Cover the top of this frame work with 3 inch planks, over which sheathe with zinc ; the edges of this zinc 124 should project about 3 inches, so as to allow the meltage to drop into the spout formed by the larger zinc. Fig. 52. (kit No 52 represents a cold store room on another plan. In this the floor of the ice chamber and the cei- ling 1 of the store room are both inclined. This is an ad- 125 vantage. The warm air always seeks the highest part of the room. It is therefore evident, that it will gradu- ally find its way to the warm air flue. On the other hand, the cold air flue is continued to within a few feet of the floor of the store room. This continuation prevents the formation of a double current in the cold air flue, and helps to cause a complete circu- lation. By looking at the figure it will be seen that the cold air flue is carried up to the ceiling. Openings in the side of it allow the cold air to descend. A glance at the figure will make clear the position of the inclined plane stringers, which are placed at right angles to the packed wall, 3 inches apart and serve to form a level surface upon which the ice is piled. Without this precaution much of the weight of the ice would come upon the partition of the cold air flue. In building a floor, such as is seen in figure 52, the beams should be put in as in an ordinary building. We have already described on pages 122 and 123 how the slant is obtained. When the room intended for cold storage is built against the ice house, two openings are made through the walls of the latter, one close to the floor, and the other close to the ceiling of the store room. By this means, cold air is constantly pouring into the store room. The openings are provided with sliding covers by which the current can be increased or diminished at will, thus regulating the temperature. When it is desired to build a cold store room withoui having the ice house over head, and without making openings in the sides of the ice house, proceed in the following manner : Build the room for cold storage as close as possible to 126 tlie ice house. The ice chamber should be considerably smaller than the room to be cooled. Of course, the size depends on the temperature required in the room. For a temperature of about 55° Fahrt, the size of the ice chamber should be about r - of the size of the room to be cooled, but this ice chamber will have to be filled every 10 or 15 days. To cool a room 12 x 12, 7 feet high, the ice chamber would be a box whose length breadth and height, would be 5 feet. It would contain 125 cubic feet of ice. This would take about 2 J tons of ice every 10 or 15 days. The ice chamber should be settled in the same manner as in the store rooms already described. The meltage from the ice may be utilized as a cooling agent for different purposes. Mr Jos Baril. of Montreal, is the patentee of an ex- cellent system of cold storage and freezers. He has already constructed a large number of these for butchers, produce dealers, dairy-men and others. In his system the ceiling is sloped as in fig. 52. There are two cold air flues situated, one at each end of the building, and one hot air flue at one side. The parti- lions of the cold air flues are carried down a certain distance below the ceiling into the store room. The ice chamber is provided with a zinc covered floor slightly inclined. At the inner edges of the cold air flues, an open frame work runs up to the ceiling. This prevents the ice from dropping into these openings, and allow.- the air to circulate freely. This system is very effective. FREEZERS. Freezers are constructed in the following manner: The room should be low, and the smaller the better. 121 The walls should be well built and thick. It should be provided with double doors and an ante-room. The doors should be provided with weather strips. Along" the ceiling*, on at least three sides, make an opening. Above this opening, in the ice chamber, fit a water tight trough, from the bottom of which, at inter- vals, pipes should be run into the chamber below. The diameter of these pipes should be equal to that of an ordinary stove pipe. The lower ends of these pipe? should be conical in form and come close to the floor. They should be connected at their lower extremity with an outlet pipe, to carry off the melt age from the ice. ! The greater the degree of refrigeration required, the greater should be the number of these pipes, and in some cases it is necessary to run a certain number from the midie of the ceiling, as well as those w^e have already described around the walls. The central ones may be, when necessary, much larger and if oval shaped are more effective. The upper chamber should be as low as possible (the lower the better). Into the troughs, which should be provided with packed covers, as well as packed sides, the ice is thrown, after having been broken quite fine and mixed with salt. The quantity of salt is from 8 to 10 per cent, of the quantity of ice. CHEAP ICE HOUSES. A family ice house need not be an expensive struc- ture. It may be built cheaply, and serve its object excellently. A building of 12 feet square and 9 feet high is sufficient for the wants of the most exacting family. It may be a frame building entirely above the surface 123 of the ground (better still if supported on posts elevated a lew inches, to be certain of good drainage,) built of joists 2 or 3 inches, with an outer boarding, having inside another series of uprights, also boarded, from 6 to 10 inches removed from the outer shell, and a solid floor of plank. Fill the space between the two walls with tan bark, saw dust, swamp moss, etc. ; put on a roof of good piteii, and the ice house is complete. A drain for water should be made from the floor, and the pitch of the roof filled with straw, hay or similar dry porous material. On the roof should be a ventilator, the top defended from the rain. The ice should be packed in one solid mass, the sides not reaching the inner walls of the building, but allowing a space of from 12 to 6 inches all round. The top of the ice should be covered with straw, and the doors should be like the sides of the building, or double doors should be made, one in the outer and the other in the inner wall. Two workmen, if not practical carpenters, can put up such a building in one or at most two days. It will prove a useful adjunct to the farm and dairy. It is very useful as a refrigerator on a large scale for preserving food. It costs but a little to build an ice house, that will keep ice the year round, where practical utility only is uimed at, and not elegance of structure. A writer on this subject, thus tells how he constructed an ice house. I set posts in the ground so as to make a house 12 feet square (three posts on each side), then I boarded it up 8 feet high on the outside. I .hen dug out the surface earth 6 inches deep, and filled in with saw dust, one foot deep, making it 6 inches above the level of the earth. 129 I packed the ice carefully, 9 feet square and 6 feet high, leaving a space of 18 inches between the ice and boards, which I closely packed with sawdust. I placed the same thickness of sawdust over the ice. I have a board roof over this ice house, the space above the saw dust is left open so that the air can circulate through. The result is that we have used ice daily and have plenty yet. As to the cost, four men with one team cut, hauled and packed the ice, and filled in the sawdust in less than two days. We had to haul the ice J a mile.(l) KEEPINGS ICE IN BAENS, SHEDS OH IN STACKS. IN BARNS OR SHEDS. Ice will keep in a barn or a shed, when properly pack- ed. In the first place skids, small stones and sawdust are laid down for foundation and drainage. The ice is piled in a bed of snow to prevent the aii from reaching it. It is then surrounded and covered with 18 inches of well packed sawdust, or three feet of hay or straw. IN STACKS. Construct a pen near a pond, or a stream, where the ice is to be gathered. If such a site is not to be had choose a convenient spot outside of droppings from roofs, always making provision for drainage. The pen may be made of rails 12 feet long or of any desired length. The larger the pen, the better the ice will keep. Lay up two rails upon each of the four sides, make the bottom level, and cover it a foot or more with sawdust, tan or straw etc. (1) Youman's Dictionary of every-day wants. 9 130 Cut tho cakes of ice in the usual manner and pack them closely, filling the interstices with pounded ice. Pack the outside with a foot of straw, saw-dust or other material, and put up the fence as the pile rises. The pile can be conveniently made from 8 to 12 feet high. Cover the ice with at least 18 inches of saw-dust, or two feet of straw or hay trodden down closely, make a roof of boards, or slabs, slanting to the North, sufficiently steep to shed water, and fasten with a few nails. AN ICE BOX. In connection with such a start, a cheap ice box made with double sides, and packed with sawdust will be wanted. The ice chamber should be about 2 feet long, 2 feet deep and 18 inches wide. This will hold a single cake of ice weighing one hundred pounds, cr more and leave room on the top for cold sto- rage. If the stack is not disturbed more than once or twice a week, it will probably supply the family through the summer with an abundance of ice. As the stack diminishes, care must be taken to see that it is kept closely packed. THE OPENING OF AN ICE FIELD. FOR LARGE ICE HOUSES. On running water, cutting a hole in the ice and dump- ing the snow into it, is a very good plan. On still, shallow water it is impracticable as the hole will soon fill up with the sinking of the snow to the bottom If banked up on the field it may, in some places, sink the ice, and let the water on 131 When the snow is loose, it can often be got rid of, by running a V scraper or snow plough, thus throwing the snow into the water. But this method is only available, where there is only one elevator to feed. In very large ice houses it is too slow. A good way, to dispose of this greatest of nuisances, is to run it ashore in scoops made for this purpose. ?( E) s "" S 3 5 7 •* 2 4 6 J h / \a i i—1 . a, Jy Fig. 53. — Tee field marked in blocks. The field is marked with very ingenious ice markers driven by horses. It is then furrowed to a certain depth? with specially constructed ice cutters called ploughs,also driven by horses. FOR SMALL ICE HOUSES. Having chosen a place where the ice is clear and sound clear off the snow. Then with a plank, 12 feet long and 10 inches wide, to serve as a ruler and a chisel^ mark off the field something like a checker board. Ma- king the blocks 20 inches long, by 40 wide. (See fig. 53.) Enough should be marked at a time for a day's work. Having made a hole in a corner with an axe, suffi- ciently large to pass a saw, saw one block, push it STOEEXG OF SNOW. Tn places where ice cannot be conveniently had, snow ma\ be stored, and used as a cooling agent, with ne as much advantage as ice. A cubic loot of snow well packed weig] is lbs. The softest and heaviest snow contains 4 n cooling power than light dry snow. It must. th< r- I gathered when soft and wet, in layers of 4 or 5 inches in thickness, and tramped with the feet, or othei Tramping with the feet is about a means of pressing as any. One man can in a <3 work press about 700 cubic feet. Snow keeps jus well as ice, Cover well with straw 7 , hay, or rushes as in the of ice. Do not use saw-dust for snow. GENERAL REMARKS ON ICE HOE 1st. The ground phould.be banked up round the sic! the houses (about 18 inches high,) that the water iron inav run off, and that the air may not pass uj the walls of the house. (Sec fig. 18.) 2d. A good coat oi lime (whitewash) should be given to the walls and roof. (1) (1) The folio v It is a Slack i .t I iter, keepii in warm v - wai«T. M , an I let it si Keep i put it on a? hot as villi painters or whitewash br 185 3d. See that the ice is kept air tight as much as pos- sible and to effect this, close up any chinks or crannies in the walls or floor, and keep the covering on the ice and floor of the loft. 4th, If the house is not to be opened until the end of ""he season, dispense with ventilation in the ice chamber closing up the aperture in the loft floor, and keep room close. 5th. If the house is opened frequently, supply ice chamber with ventilation, to carry off the moisture produced by the warm air admitted, when it is opened. 6th. Gro over the house carefully from time to time, and see that every thing is right inside, and check anything that may be amiss. y e tne The End. LATEST IMPROVED Any appliance which improves the quality and quantity of the VERY important product of our country, ' CHEESE," should be adopted by all who wish to progress and keep pace with this age of ad ancement. The following articles for use in the handling oi milk by the Dairyman and manufacture of Cheese by the Factoryman, are offered to the Public as an advance on all previous articles used for the purpose, and a trial of same is solicited. MACPHERSON'S PATENT MILK COOLER, ORATOR AND STRAINER Will reduce the temperature of FRESH WARM milk twenty to forly degrees — thoroughly strain — and at the same time thoroughly air the milk, which is one of the most important factors for preserving the milk sweet and pure for delivery at the Cheese Factory or to families in tne city, and at the same time put the milk into the milk cjn. This is all done by one operation, without labour or attention. City milkmen are specially asked to give it a trial. MACPHERSON'S PATENT CURD MILL. A machine taking the precedence of all others, LIGHT RUNNING-. RAPIDITY AND QUALITY OF WORK DONE, all commends itself for approval by practical Cheese Makers. MACPHERSON'S PATENT CURD AND MILK STIRRER A very valuable implement used in the manufacture of cheese for stirring the milk in the cheese vat and curd while heating. Will increase the quantity of curd from o e to three per cent., and give a much better quality. A saving of hundreds of dollars has been effected by its use in one factory. A trial of these articles is solicited, and a sample machine will be sent (on trial) to any part of the country by applying to D. M. MACPHERSON, Proprietor of Allan Grove Cheese Combination* LANCASTER, ONTARIO. TABLE OF CONTENTS. —A— PAGES Ahlborn Milk Heater , 42 Analysis of the Butter Milk 60 Analysis of the Butter 60 Analysis of the Skim Milk 60 Advantages of the Shallow P 1 .n System , 63 " Deep Setting 65 " Deep Setting in Ice 66 " the Cream Gathering System 69 « Churning the Whole-Milk 7l " the Centrifugal System , 7[ Advice to intending purchasers of Centrifugal Milk Separators 79 — B— Burmeinsler & Wain Milk Separator 24 " " " Capacity and Speed 25 " ' " Controlling Funnel 2o " " " Pipe for Lilting Fluid 27 " " " How it Works 27 " " " Where Made , 29 Best Material for an Ice-House 103 Bottom of an Ice-House 103 Cream , , 5 Cans (Deep) 7 Can (the Cooly) , 14 Creamers of Different Description 13 " " " The Hardin 13-14 The Cooly 15 " '* ." The Ferguson Bureau 15 " " " The Little Gem 15-16 tf " " TheHome 17 " " TheKellog., 16 Cream Gathering System (The) 18 Cream Gathering or Fairlamb can 18 Cream Cooler (Fjord's) 44 Centrifugal force (Definition of the) 21 Controlling Funnel (Fjords.) 26 Controller for Testing Milk (Fjord's) 46 138 TABLE OF CONTENTS. -C- PAGES. Comparison of the Cooly with oilier Systems 49-50 Comparison of the Centrifugal with other Systems 51 Concluding remarks on Ihe different Systems 63 Cabinet Creamers. Vats, Pans etc 13-69 Centrifugal Milk Separators 23-74 " " " Advice to those intending to buy 79 " » " Points of a good 79 " " » Defects of 80 « « " Power required to drive 80 « " " Things to be remembered in using 82 " « « Value of different 83 Capacity of Milk Separators 84 Cold Milk (how to skim) 93 Construction of Ice-Houses 99 Construction of cold Store Rooms and Freezers 120 Cutting of Ice (The) 131 Cost of Cutting and Storing Ice 133 — D- Deep Cans " (Oval Shaped) 8-9 « " (Round Shaped) 8-9 Different ways of using the Natural Method 21 Description of Centrifugal Milk Separators.... 23 Dairy experts of Denmark 49 Deep Setting in Water at 50° Fahrt 65 " " (Importance of using Ice) 65 " « (How to use) 67 Disadvantages of the Shallow Pan System 63 « « Deep Setting 67 " " the Cream-gathering System 69 " " the Churning of whole Milk 71 11 " the Centrifugal System 73 Defects of Milk Separators 80 Division of Ice-Houses HI Dairy Ice-Houses H? (Entrance of) 119 Dunnage or Isolating Material 133 -E— Elevators for Ice-Houses 116 Entrance of Dairy Ice-Houses H9 Effects of the heating of milk on the quality of the Butter. 92-93 — F- Ferguson Bureau Creamer Fairlamb Milk Can '& TABLE OF CONTENTS. 139 — F- PAGES. Fesca Milk Separator 35-36 Fjord's Controlling Funnel... 26 Fjord's Cream Cooler * # 44 Fjord's Controller for Testing Milk , " 45 Foundation of an Ice-House 104 Floor of an Ice-House ' ,04 « (a tight) [o4 " (aloft, 108 Freezers (the construction ofi I2g Flues (cold and hot air) ,....121-124 -G- General Remarks on Ice-Houses 134 - H— Heavy Milk. Its causes 5 How to make and where to buy Milk Vessels 8-7 How to work the Burmeinster & Wain Separator 2 7-28 " " « '" DeLaval Separator 32 Henrich Petersen Shale Machine (The) 38 Herman Pape « „ 40 How to use the Ahlborn Milk Heater 42- 'i3 How to use Fjord's Controller for testing Milk 47 " " " the Shallow Pans..., , , 64 " " " the Deep setting Method 67 How to work the Cream Gathering System 70 How to churn the whole Milk 71 How to regulate the Speed and inflow... 75 How to ascertain the capacity of "a Centrifugal Milk Separator, when running at different Speed , ., 75 How much Cream should be left in the Skim Milk when using a Centrifugal Milk Separator 83 How to Skim hot Milk 92 How to Skim cold Milk , 93 Hoisting Tongs 117 How to put up the walls of large and small Ice-Houses 105-106 -B- Ice Breakers 19 " •• (TheCreasey) 19-20 Ice 10 and 34 hours , 21-51 Indicator diagram 58 Inflow and Speed 74-82 Inflow (Its influence on the quantity of fat left in the Skim Milk).. ..86-87 Importance of Speed 77 140 TABLE OF CONTEiMo. PAGES Ice Houses and their construction 99 " " General Principles 99 (Size of) 99 " " Site and drainage of 102 " Best material for 103 The bottom of 103 " " Foundations of 104 " " Flooring of 104 » Roof of 107 " Yentilatorsof 107 <• " (Size of) 108 " «• Loft Floors of 108 " " Division of Ill " " Openings of Ill " " With inclined planed elevators 113-114-115 " <• For the Dairy 117 (Cheap) :. 127 " •• General Remarks on 134 Inclined planed elevators 116 Ice kept in Barns, Sheds or Stacks 129 Ice-Box 130 Ice-Field (the opening of an) 130 Ice (the cutting of) 13! Ice (the storing of) 132 Ice (quantity required to set the milk 100 Isolating Material 133 — K— Kellog Milk Pan (The) , 18 Little Gem Creamer 15-16 Laval Milk Separator (De) 30 Lefeldt Milk Separator ...33-34-35 Loss of butter from heavy Milk, set in deep cans 57 Loss of butter from cooled or transported Milk 57 Milk 5 Milk, heavv, its causes 5 Milk. Whole 5 " When it should beset 6-21 " Vessels 7 " Vessels (how made) 8 ' Pan. The Marquis 17 The Kellog 16 <' « ; The Fairlamb 18 TABLE OF CONTENTS. 141 Milk Heater (Ahlborn's) 42-43 " Separators (Centrifugal), 23-74 The Burmeinster & Wain 24-25 De Laval 30-31 The Lefeldt 33-34-35 The Fesca 35-36 TheNakskov 36-37 TheHenrich Petersen Shale Machine, 38-39-40 The Herman Pape Machine 40-41 Methods of skimming Milk 6 Methods, the Natural used in different ways 21 Mechanical process of skimming Milk (The) 21 Means of producing the Air currents 121 Nakskov Milk Separator 36-37 — o— Openings of Ice-Houses 11 1 — P— Proportion of Butier fat in whole Milk 6 Pipes for lifting fluid , 25-27 Points of a good Centrifugal Separator 79 Power required to drive Milk Separators 80 Power required to drive the Burmeinster & Wain & De Laval Milk Separators 88 Requisites of the Natural Method , 7 Refrigerating tanks (directions for making) 10 Results of Prof. Fjord's Experiments on the Skimming of Milk 53-59 Remarks on the different Systems 63 Remarks on the use of Animal power required in running Centrifugal Milk Separators 81 Roof of an lce-House 107 Remarks on Ice-Houses = 134 -s— Skimming (Different Methods of) 6 " The natural process 6 " The First and Last Contents of the Burmeinster & Wain Milk Separator 28-29 Shallow pans 7-63 s- -V- w- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ~~ II II II III INI Mil III II II 000 891 013 3