Glass BXm Book . L-. Gop)7ight N? COPYRIGHT DEPOSST. --'J l.',! I l!li.|.| : ;M i ,' ; . -..i; .- : ,! i . : ! i ■: ! -i , .■ ! :l .: i ! ,! I!.; , i I ; ; :i .■!- !■ .: I : i I -I :- : I.. ' I'l , i.;. i.!: ■ .■ : '-.I .^ l.'l 'hi 'i ; :. 'i---: mit g>tufaieg By Rev. PHILIP H. CLIFFORD Minister of the Gravesend Reformed Church Organized 1655 BROOKLYN, N. Y. New York CHARLES C. COOK 150 Nassau Street ^ii^'ijijfiiaiWi _, !■":;■;.:; ;:; r .:' ,\\ .'.■■'."; :■; ' ;j. :v. wi ^WMM i .Co Copyright, 1914, bt PHILIP H. CLIFFORD. 1914 * sT 'CI.A371185 ®0 W&t i>tetoric Cfjurtfj m which I am privileged to minister, and to all lovers of God's Word, are these lessons cheerfully inscribed. ^JH ^KH^^L. itife BSj^' ~~~ '*&£$ — 9Ll_'>-^!p |n l« ^1 I GRAVESEND REFORMED CHURCH FOUNDED 1655 PREFACE THESE lessons had their origin in a desire to help the teachers and members of my Sunday Schools to a study that would deepen their knowledge of God's Word and increase their love and reverence for its wondrous truths. In spite of all the good credited to the work of the Sunday School, it is a deplorable fact that it has more graduates who know little or nothing of what they studied than any other known educational system. The testimony of the membership of Bible Classes, which it has been my privilege to teach in various places, encourages me to prepare these lessons in response to the need felt by my own people for a change from the Quarterlies generally used. The lessons are simple and far from exhausting the prac- tical contents of Matthew, but I trust they will be found helpful in instructing the mind and heart re- garding the great purpose of the Gospel account and its vital relation to all other books of the Bible. I have endeavored to make the lessons so that the average teacher, as well as the average child, will v VI PREFACE find them interesting, and be compelled to handle and become familiar with their Bibles. For each lesson there is assigned a certain portion of Scripture, which contains the truth and practical lessons of the study. In the reviews, the Scripture assigned brings out more clearly the fact that Jesus is the Christ, and presses home the truth of the Kingship of Jesus as taught by Himself and the prophets and the presentation of which is the pur- pose of Matthew. Multitudes of cases prove that the present system of Bible study in the Sunday Schools lacks contin- uity. I pray that these lessons may be used of God's Spirit to give continuity to our study. For over twenty years I have read and studied many books about the Bible, and I gratefully ac- knowledge my indebtedness to the writers. Cheerfully yours, Philip H. Clifford. SEVEN GREAT LAWS. 1. The Law of the Teacher. The teacher must know that which he would teach. 2. The Law of the Learner. The learner must attend with interest to the fact or truth to be learned. 3. The Law of the Language. The language used in teaching must be common to teacher and learner. 4. The Law of the Lesson. The truth to be taught must be learned through truth already known. 5. The Law of the Teaching Process. Excite and direct the self-activities of the learner, and tell him nothing that he can learn himself. 6. The Law of the Learning Process. The learner must reproduce in his own mind the truth to be acquired. 7. The Law of Review. The completion, test and confirmation of teach- ing must be made by reviews. Note: These seven laws are taken from John M. Gregory, LL.D., in his excellent book on teaching. JESUS THE KING 9 LESSON 1. SCRIPTURE: PSALM 1. Question : Why should we study the Bible? Answers : Psalm 119: 105 ; Hebrews 4: 12. II Timothy 3 : 16-17 ; Hebrews 1 : 1-2. Psalm 119: 11; Psalm 19: 7-11. Learn : 1. The Bible is the crown of all study. 2. The Bible is God's love-letter to man. 3. The Bible should be searched for truth and not for statements to justify our creedal opinions. 4. Creeds are human versions of the truth. They may be right; they may be wrong. 5. The great subject of all Scripture is the Lord Jesus Christ. (Luke 24: 25-27.) 6. The Bible is the greatest English classic — hav- ing a vocabulary of about 7,000 words. 7. The students of the Bible have been the best men in every age — Paul, Augustine, Luther, Glad- stone, Lloyd George, Washington, Lincoln, Roose- velt, Wilson, are a few examples. 8. The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible. (Psalm 119: 11.) 10 BIBLE STUDIES LESSON 2. SCRIPTURE: LUKE 24: 13-35. Question : How should we study the Bible? Answers : 1. If you will to do God's will, you shall know the teaching. (John 7: 17.) This verse is the challenge of Jesus to all who question His Word. In this verse we have the secret to the highest spiritual education. 2. Obey the truth as it is shown to you. Obedi- ence is the law of growth in the spiritual life. 3. Think on the things you read in God's Word. (Philippians 4: 8.) Thinking results in doing. Think with God and you work with God. Think with the forces of evil and you commit evil. 4. Be ready to accept the truth, but test all you hear by honestly searching the Scriptures to ascer- tain whether these things are so. (Acts 17: 11.) 5. Pray for wisdom and understanding. (James 1:5-7.) 6. Study to be approved of God. (II Timothy 2: 15.) 7. Remember — John 16:7-15. 8. Pray for divine illumination. (Psalm 119: 18.) 9. Ponder the truths learned. (Psalm 119: 97.) JESUS THE KING 11 10. Compare Scripture with Scripture. (I Corin- thians 2: 13.) LESSON 3. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 15:1-20. Question : What are some of the wrong ideas about the Bible? Answers : 1. Some think it is an out-of-date book; while it is increasingly demanded. (Matthew 24: 35.) The Bible has been translated into nearly all known lan- guages, and each year more Bibles are printed and sold than any other book. 2. Some judge it in the light of what they read in other books instead of judging it by its own light. (Matthew 15: 9.) 3. Some think that in order to believe the Bible, reason must be ignored and crucified; while the Bible invites the use of reason. Whenever reason gives the Bible an honest and impartial study, the soul is led into the joy and acceptance of its divine teachings. (Isaiah 1: 18.) 4. Some think the Bible is a mere book of rules ; while it is a book of principles. When Jesus washed the disciples' feet ; when He said "if a man take away 12 BIBLE STUDIES thy coat, let him have thy cloak also," He was lift- ing up principles, not laying down rules. 5. Some people judge the Bible by their own ex- perience, instead of judging their experience by the Bible truth. 6. Some have the Bible in the home, but never read it. 7. Some think it a guide in time of death, but neglect it in their daily living. 8. The Scripture lesson to-day illustrates how one may read the Bible in the light of accepted opinions, and fail to grasp the true meaning of God's Word. We should test opinions by comparing Scripture with Scripture. It is written, but it may be written again. (Acts 17: 11 with Matthew 4: 6-7.) LESSON 4. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 5 : 1-30. Question : What arc some of the facts we should keep in mind when studying the Bible? Answers : 1. The bad characters spoken of in the Bible are not held up for our example, but to warn us against evil and its results. JESUS THE KING 13 2. The speech of wicked, worldly and worldly-wise men recorded in the Bible is there that we might learn the folly of human wisdom which thinks apart from God. 3. When we read of the wrong things in the lives of those called servants of God, we should remember that those things are recorded that we might avoid the ditches into which they fell. 4. When God writes a man's biography he tells the whole truth, and we learn the weakness as well as the strength of the best servants of God. We all have a weak side. (Romans 3: 23.) 5. When reading your Bible, it is well to note who is speaking, to whom the words are addressed and the effect produced upon them. 6. The morals of Scripture are binding upon all in every age. Ceremonial laws were crutches for the lame. Because we are all lame, we need the ceremony of the Sabbath day, of the Lord's supper, of baptism. They help us to be true to the principles of God's Word; but many of the ceremonies which were bind- ing upon the Israelites are not for us. Their sacri-^ fices, new moons and sabbaths were observed by direct commandment of God. Christians are guided not by ceremony, but by principle. The Scripture lesson to-day makes clear statements regarding these things. 14* BIBLE STUDIES LESSON 5. SCRIPTURE: PSALM 119:153-176. Question : What are some of the proofs of the unity of the Bible? Answers : 1. The Bible is divided into the Old Testament, containing thirty-nine (39) books; and the New Testament, containing twenty-seven (27) books. They were written by different men, living in differ- ent ages, under different circumstances. Among the writers are kings, princes, shepherds, tradesmen, fishermen and physicians. All of these deal with the one central theme of God's plan and purpose for man, and man's duty to God. Not one of them contradicts any of the others. All spoke and wrote as moved by the Holy Spirit. (II Peter 1 : 21 ; II Timothy 3: 16-17.) From first to last, the Bible is a progressive revelation, a gradual unfolding of the truth. 2. Some things predicted by the early writers were fulfilled hundreds of years afterwards. All that Jesus did and said was foretold by the prophets. 3. Here are a few illustrations of the Bible as a progressive revelation. Job 19 : 25 speaks of resur- rection. Paul completes the teaching of this subject JESUS THE KING 15 in I Corinthians 15. God revealed to Moses how the seed of the woman, Messiah, would bruise the serpent's head; to Abraham, that in his seed, Mes- siah, all nations would be blessed; to David, that Messiah would be born of his household and be God's King forever ; to Isaiah, that Messiah would be born of a virgin; to Micah, that Messiah would be born in Bethlehem; and to Daniel, the time of Messiah's birth. 4. Jesus Christ showed how all things, spoken of Him by the prophets ; were, or were to be, fulfilled. (See Luke 24: 25-27.) 5. These few facts are from thousands which abso- lutely settle the Divine origin and unity of the Bible. (II Timothy 3 : 16-17 ; I Peter 1 : 25 ; II Peter 1 : 19-21.) 6. Opinions of men are constantly changing, but God's Word abideth forever. (Matthew 24: 35.) LESSON 6. SCRIPTURE: I CORINTHIANS 2: 1-16. Question : What are some of the helps we need in Bible study? Answers : I. Dependence upon the Holy Spirit. An ignorant man, reading the Bible in humble dependence upon the Holy Spirit, will receive light; while a learned 16 BIBLE STUDIES man, reading in the conceit of his acquired knowledge, will be left in darkness. (I Corinthians 2 : 14.) 2. The name Bible comes from the Greek word "Biblos," meaning — "The Book." It was first ap- plied to the Scriptures in 400 A. D. Our Bible was originally written in Hebrew, Greek and a little Chaldaic. For the great scholars, a knowledge of these languages is essential. Because the translations are so excellent , one, though having little advantages in learning, may, by concentration of mind and in humble dependence upon the Holy Spirit, become a very wise Bible student. 3. The best and essential helps in Bible study are : 1. A good reference Bible. 2. A prayerful reading of its pages. (Psalm 119 : 18.) 3. An honest obedience to light received. (I Samuel 15:22.) 4. A communication of what you learn. (Psalm 107: 2.) 5. An appreciation of what others know. (Acts 8: 31: 39.) 6. A sublime reverence and devotion to the truth. (II Timothy 3: 14-15.) 7. A daily bringing of the mind to its pages. (Psalm 1:2.) JESUS THE KIN© 17 LESSON 7. SCRIPTURE: JOHN 1:1-18. Question : What is the object of our study? Answers : To know God and His Word. Psalm 46 : 10 ; John 1 : 18 ; Matthew 11 : 25-27 ; John 5 : 39-43 ; Hebrews 1 : 1-2. Learn : 1. The book of Nature shows God's handiwork. (Psalm 19.) 2. The book of Providence reveals God's sovereign- ty. (Romans 8:28.) 3. The Bible is God's inspired Word which reveals and explains the Divine purpose and plan, and man's duty to God, (II Timothy 3: 16-17.) 4. In all of our study, we trust that each may learn to think in the light of the Bible as a whole so that its truths may be clearly understood by all. (James 1: 5-7.) 5. What is eternal life? (John 17: 3.) 6. How may we know that we have eternal life? (John 5: 24 with John 1: 12-13.) Note: Our Scripture lesson to-day may truly be called the seed plot of the Bible. It shows how God, the Word, became flesh, and reveals to us the secret of living in unbroken fellowship with Himself. 18 BIBLE STUDIES LESSON 8. SCRIPTURE: PSALM 119:1-16. Review : Questions : 1. Why should we study the Bible? 2. How should we study the Bible? 3. What are some of the wrong ideas about the Bible? 4. What are some of the facts we should keep in mind when studying the Bible? 5. What can you tell about the unity of the Bible? 6. What are some of the best helps in Bible study? 7. What is the object of our study? Learn : By recalling and restating what you have read or studied helps to fasten it in the mind. It is an excellent practice to read a chapter and then tell the contents in your own words. LESSON 9. SCRIPTURE: LUKE 2:1-20. Question : Why have ice four Gospels? Answers : 1. In Matthew, we find that the central theme is Jesus ; likewise in Mark, Luke and John ; therefore JESUS is the Gospel. JESUS THE KING 19 2. It is wrong to state we have four Gospels. We have one Gospel and four accounts. JESUS is the Gospel. 3. These four accounts were necessary in that they present Jesus to us in His four-fold relationship to God and man. 4. The four accounts cannot be rightly understood apart from the light of the supreme purpose in each of them. Matthew — presents Jesus as the promised Messiah, the King, the Son of David. (Zechariah 9:9.) Mark — presents Jesus as the Servant of Jehovah. (Isaiah 42: 1.) Luke — presents Jesus as the Son of Man. (Zechariah 6: 12.) John — presents Jesus as the Son of God, the Word made flesh, the God-Man — Emmanuel. (Isaiah 40: 9.) Note : Read carefully and try to commit to mem- ory the following Scripture in connection with the Gospel accounts. Matthew — Jeremiah 23: 5. Mark — Zechariah 3: 8. Luke — Zechariah 6: 12. John — Isaiah 40: 2-3. SJO BIBLE STUDIES LESSON 10. SCRIPTURE: PSALMS 2 AND 24. Study : Facts of the book of Matthew. 1. Author: Matthew, at first called Levi, the Pub- lican. (See Matthew 9: 9; Mark 2: 13-15; Luke 5: 27-29.) It is believed by some that Matthew wrote his Gospel account in Hebrew or Aramaic. 2. Date: When he wrote it is uncertain, probably between 37 and 50 A. D. 3. Historical Occasion : At a time when men were disputing the claims of Christ as the Messiah; Matthew, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote this authoritative statement showing Christ Jesus' rela- tion to the Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah, and fully explaining why Christ did not es- tablish the throne of David, but postponed it till He comes again. (See Matthew 23:37-39.) •i. H elation to other books of the Bible: Matthew, by showing Jesus Christ to be the Messiah, becomes a key to the rest of the books of the Bible. It shows the fulfillment of the Old Testament, and prepares the way for the other New Testament books which set forth the person and work of Jesus. 5. All incidents and sayings in the Gospel account JESUS THE KING 21 of Matthew center about the following seven great facts : I. The King. II. The Kingdom. III. The rejection of the King and the Kingdom. IV. The King rejects Israel after the flesh. V. The mysteries of the Kingdom of the Heavens. VI. The Church which is one of the mysteries of the Kingdom of The Heavens. VII. The Olivet Discourse. LESSON 11. SCRIPTURE: ISAIAH 53: 1-12. Study : Analysis of the Booh of Matthew. SEVEN-FOLD DIVISION. I. Personal and official credentials of The King. Chapters 1-4: 11. II. The King gathers disciples and gives The Laws and Principles of the Kingdom. Chapter 4 : 12-7 : 29. III. The King manifested in grace and power to Israel, but rejected by His own. Chapters 8 : 1-11 : 30. ("He came unto His own and His own received Him not." John 1:11.) IV. The King rejects His rejectors and pro- nounces doom upon apostate Israel. Chapters 12 : 1 to 12 : 50. %% BIBLE STUDIES V. Mysteries of The Kingdom of The Heavens. Chapters 13: 1-13: 58. VI. The King on His way to Calvary. Chapters 14 and 25. VII. The King crucified, buried and risen. Chap- ters 26 and 28. "When looking through my tears one day, I saw Mount Calvary ; Beneath the cross there flowed a stream Of grace enough for me. Grace fathomless as the sea, Grace flowing from Calvary, Grace enough for eternity, Grace enough for me." Note : Isaiah 53 is a great prophecy and its minute fulfillment is God's broad seal on the inspira- tion of Scripture. As we go on with our study, we shall find how Christ Jesus fulfilled these predictions of obscurity, rejection, sorrow, atonement, and the exact descriptions of death and glory. Every Chris- tian ought to commit to memory this chapter, or be able to tell its contents. JESUS THE KING 533 LESSON 12. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW CHAPTERS 1-7. Study : Learn names of Chapters 1-7. CHAPTER DIVISIONS Chapter 1. Genealogy of The King. Chapter 2. Birth of The King. Chapter 3. Anointing of The King. Chapter 4. Testing of The King. Chapter 5. Subjects and Laws of The Kingdom. Chapter 6. Principles governing subjects of The Kingdom. Chapter 7. Source of strength and relation to each other of subjects of The Kingdom. Learn : 1. The naming of chapters helps you to become familiar with the contents. 2. Is it not a great thing to become well acquainted with the records of the life of our Lord Jesus Christ ? 3. In our study we can learn the secret of the uniqueness of Christ's character and conduct. 4. Anything worth while costs labor and sacrifice ; therefore, let each give time and thought to these lessons. (I Corinthians 15: 58.) 5. During the week read all the chapters of the Scripture lesson. 24 BIBLE STUDIES LESSON 13. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW CHAPTERS 8-14. Study : Learn names of Chapters 8-14. CHAPTER DIVISIONS. Chapter 8. King manifested in grace and power to Israel. Chapter 9. Effects of manifestation upon leaders of Israel. Chapter 10. King's special messengers to Israel. Chapter 11. Israel's rejection of The King. Chapter 12. King's rejection of Israel after the flesh. Chapter 13. Mysteries of The Kingdom of The Heavens. Chapter 14. The Kingdom in type. Learn : 1. After all that man has done to the Scriptures, there remains one thing for him yet to do — that is to read them systematically. 2. If each teacher and student will faithfully read the chapters assigned in these lessons, both shall grow in their love of our lessons; and at the close, we shall know our gracious Lord Jesus as He is pre- sented to us in this Gospel account of His Kingship. 3. Read all of the Chapters 8-14. JESUS THE KING 25 LESSON 14. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW CHAPTERS 15-21. Study : Learn names of Chapters 15-21. CHAPTER DIVISIONS. Chapter 15. Israel's leaders after rejecting King. Chapter 16. The Church, one of the mysteries of The Kingdom. Chapter 17. The King transfigured. Chapter 18. Special instructions to King's dis- ciples. Chapter 19. Earthly relationships in the light of The Kingdom. Chapter 20. The Sovereignty of King in awards of The Kingdom. Chapter 21. The King again offers Himself to Israel. Learn : 1. The words of Jesus bleed when you cut them. In our daily life we too should learn to use words which express the feelings and thoughts of the heart. 2. Every day we live we are nearer home and each day ought to have more of the life and love of Jesus Christ. 26 BIBLE STUDIES 3. The Christian life is one of eternal growth and progress. "Build well whate'er you do; Build it straight and strong and true; Build it high and clear and broad; Build it for the eye of God." LESSON 15. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW CHAPTERS 22-28. Study : Learn names of Chapters 22-28. CHAPTER DIVISIONS. Chapter 22. The King appearing in grace and power, but despised. Chapter 23. The King pronounces doom on apos- tate Israel. Chapter 24. The Olivet discourse begins. Chapter 25. The King's second coming. Chapter 26. The King betray .d and denied. Chapter 27. The King crucified. Chapter 28. The King risen and glorified as the All Powerful Emmanuel. Learn : 1. Jesus accepts all who come to Him. Matthew 11: 28-30. JESUS THE KING &7 2. Jesus was crucified by men, but His death was for our sins. I Corinthians 15: 3. 3. Jesus rose from the dead and flooded the grave with Resurrection Light. 4. To believe Him is to trust His Word, and all who trust His Word grow to know Him better day by day. LESSON 16. SCRIPTURE: PSALM 22. Review : 1. How many Gospels have we? 2. What is the Gospel? 3. How many Gospel accounts have we? 4. What is the purpose of each? 5. Who wrote the book of Matthew? 6. What was the historical occasion of the book of Matthew? 7. What is the relation of Matthew to all other books of the Bible? 8. What is the date of Matthew's writing? 9. State some of the things you have learned re- garding Bible study this year. 10. How much time ought each one give to the preparation of the lesson? Note: Psalm 22 is another great prophecy of Messiah. There are some eighteen (18) references go ° BIBLE STUDIES in it to the sufferings of Christ. Find as many as you can. J LESSON 17. SCRIPTURE: PSALM 121. Review : 1. Name the seven great facts about which ever V - tning m Matthew centers. 2. Give an analysis of the book of Matthew. 3. How many chapters in Matthew? 4. How many verses in Matthew? 5. Name the chapters. 6. Is the Bible more interesting to you since tak- ing up this study? 7. Where are the Old Testament verses which are keys to the great thought and purpose of each Gos- pel account? (See Lesson 9.) Note: The Scripture to-day is the expression of the mountain peak trust in God. Dost thou believe God? If so , then be quiet and wait patiently for Him. LESSON 18. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 1 : 1-25. Study : DIVISION OXE. PART I. The Credentials of The King. Chapters 1:1-4-11 Subjects: DUTCH REFORMED CHAPEL SUNDAY SCHOOL AVENUE T AND EAST TWENTY-FIRST STREET JESUS THE KING 29 1. Son of David, Son of Abraham. Verses 1-17. 2. Begotten by the Holy Spirit. Verse 18. 3. Born of a virgin and in Bethlehem. Verses 19-25. Learn : 1. The question of genealogy was all important to the Jew, for if Messiah came He must be of David's family and of Abraham's seed. Therefore, Matthew shows that Christ is the Son of David and Son of Abraham. 2. As the seed of Abraham, in Him all families of the earth are blessed. (See Genesis 12: 1-3.) 3. It is well to make note how Matthew begins at David and goes back to Abraham. As the seed of Abraham, Christ belongs to all humanity. As the seed of David, He is the promised King of Israel. This book of Matthew is the Gospel account of the Kingship of Jesus. 4. Again, see how Matthew proves Christ to be King by showing Him to be begotten by the Spirit; but, according to promise, born of a woman ; and as the seed of a woman, to crush Satan. (Genesis 3: 15.) (Isaiah 7:14. Isaiah 9:6-7 with Micah 5: 2.) 5. God created man out of the dust of the ground ; but to redeem him, it was necessary for God to clothe 30 BIBLE STUDIES Himself as a man born of woman and die for him. (I Corinthians 15: 3.) 6. "Bethlehem" means "house of bread." Out of Bethlehem came the Bread of Life. LESSON 19. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 2 : 1-23. Study : division one. part ii. The Credentials of The King. Chapters 1 : 1-4 : 11. Subjects: 1. Worshipped by the wise men of the East. Verses 1-12. 2. Flight into Egypt. Verses 13-18. 3. Dwelling in Nazareth. Verses 19-23. Learn : 1. Throughout the East (Suetonius tells us) there was a general expectation and settled belief that about this time one would come from Judea who would subdue the world. This may have been the result of the scattered Jews circulating the prophecies of the Messiah. These wise men were acquainted with the prophecies for they ask the question of verse two in to-day's lesson. Thus their minds were pre- pared to follow the light which led them to Bethlehem JESUS THE KING 31 where they found the Star out of Jacob. The com- ing of these wise men fulfilled two prophecies which prove Jesus is the promised King of Israel. (See Numbers 24: IT with Isaiah 60: 1-3.) 2. The flight into Egypt was at God's command which is another proof of how God cares for His own. (See Exodus 2: 9 with Isaiah 54: 17.) Herod may, like Pharaoh of old, propose; but God is Sovereign and disposes. Wherever there is sin, there is suffer- ing and wickedness. 3. Nazareth is the boyhood home of Jesus. He was called a Nazarene. (See Judges 13: 5.) 4. Wise men, philosophers, were the first to come and worship Christ. (Isaiah 60:1-3.) 5. Jesus caught the Magi with a star, the fisher- man with a fish. Note : The coming of the wise men, the flight into Egypt and the dwelling in Nazareth all were fore- told by the prophets, and prove the Kingship of Jesus our Lord. LESSON 20. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 3: 1-17. Study : division one. part iii. The Credentials of The King. Chapters 1:1-4:11. *** bible studies Subjects: 1. Heralded by John the Baptist. Verses 1: 15. 2. Declared by the Holy Spirit. Verse 16. 3. Declared by God the Father. Verse 17. Learn : 1. We cannot now study the character of John the Baptist, the herald of Christ as King, further than to note that his coming was a fulfillment of prophecy, which proves Christ to be the promised King of Israel. (See Malachi 4:5; Isaiah 40: 3-5 with John 1 : 33-34 and John 3 : 27-28.) This great- est of men acknowledged his littleness and pointed to Jesus as the "Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world." (John 1: 15-29.) 2. The sign of the coming of the Holy Spirit upon Christ, in the form of a dove, appealed to the eye ; and, too, was a fulfillment of promise. (See John 1 ■ 32-34.) 3. God breaking the silence of the Heavens to declare His only begotten Son, is strong proof of Christ's Deity. To reject Christ is to insult God. (See Hebrews 2:3-4; Acts 4: 12.) 4. These Divine witnesses— John ; God, the Holy Spirit and God, the Father— establish beyond doubt the Kingship and Deity of Christ Jesus. JESUS THE KING 33 5. True repentance is to do so no more. 6. Repentance means giving up your own way and thought, and accepting God's way and God's thought. Isaiah 55: 7. LESSON 21. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 4: 1-11. Study : division one. part iv. The Credentials of The King. Chapters 1 : 1-4 : 11. Subject : Conflict with Satan. Verses 1-11. Learn : 1. The scene of this conflict was the wilderness, a place of hunger and of wild beasts. (See Mark 1: 13.) Compare this with the Garden of Eden. Adam fell by yielding to temptation in the midst of beautiful surroundings. Christ Jesus resisted temptation and overcame Satan in the wilderness. It is not environment, but manhood virtues that count. 2. The first temptation was to have Christ satisfy a natural appetite. It was suited to a physical con- S4f BIBLE STUDIES dition, the lust of the flesh. It Is essential that a man live physically, but it is more essential that he live spiritually. When it comes to a choice between God and the flesh, we must sacrifice the flesh. "Man shall not live by bread alone." God knows our needs and will supply them at the proper moment. (Matthew 6: 33.) A right end never can justify wrong methods, neither will right methods justify a wrong end. The ti-ue Christian, in God, rules flesh, while the non-Christian is subject to, and enslaved by, his flesh. 3. The second temptation appealed to pride, ambi- tion, to obtain the end of life by Satan's methods. "Thou shaft not tempt the Lord thy God." Obedi- ence to God and not success is what controls true Christians. We should trust God, not test Him. 4. The third temptation was to the lust of the eyes. Some will do anything to gain their ends, even worship Satan. Let us, like Jesus our Lord, be true to God. It is not what we feel ; it is not what we think ; it is not what we see, but rather what is the blessed will of God. (John 7: 17.) 5. If Christ is the true King, He must be a real victor. We serve the victorious Christ. JESUS THE KING 35 LESSON 22. SCRIPTURE: PSALM 23. Review : OF DIVISION ONE. 1. Name division one of our study. 2. What were the required credentials of the Mes- siah? 3. Why did Matthew not trace the genealogy of Jesus back to Adam? 4. Must all be born of the Spirit to become par- takers of Christ's nature? (See John 3: 5-8 with John 1 : 12-13.) 5. Name the great witnesses to the truth that Jesus was the Messiah. 6. How many times did Satan tempt Christ in the great conflict in the wilderness? 7. Name the temptations and tell what they mean. 8. The Scripture to-day is the sublime prayer of faith in the Old Testament. It was a prophecy of Christ acting as our Shepherd, and is fulfilled in the lives of those who trust Him. (Read John 10.) 36 BIBLE STUDIES LESSON 23. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 4 : 12-25. Study: division two. part i. The King gathers disciples and gives laws and principles of the Kingdom. Chapters 4 : 12-7 : 29. Subjects: King begins His public ministry. Verses 12-17. King gathers disciples. Verses 18-25. Learn : 1. It is well to note how Matthew tells us Jesus left Nazareth and came to dwell in Capernaum. The significance of which was that in so doing He fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 9 : 1-2. This is an- other proof of His Messiahship. 2. Capernaum, a privileged city. Here Jesus dwelt, hence it was called His own city. (Matthew 9:1.) Here many miracles were performed. It was here that the Sermon on the Mount was preached, but all to its condemnation. (See Matthew 11: 23.) The more privileges we have, the greater our re- sponsibilities. What is our town, our city doing with its opportunities? What are we making of the golden moments of our every-day life? JESUS THE KING 37 3. These disciples, when called by Jesus, were at their proper work. If you would be called to higher service, be true in the place you now hold. It is not the position or labor which counts, but the kind of a person that fills the position and the spirit in which the labor is done. God help us, young and old, to be true in little as well as big things. 4. It is one thing to receive good, another to be good. Let us submit our lives to the Kingship of Jesus that we may follow His will and live in the light of doing good rather than of receiving. "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Have we left all to follow Jesus? LESSON 24. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 5: 1-16. Study : division two. part ii. The King gathers disciples and gives laws and principles of the Kingdom. Chapters 4 : 12-7 : 29. Subjects : Character of Kingdom citizens. Verses 1-12. Their influence. Verses 13-16. <3o BIBLE STUDIES Learn : 1. Note how great the emphasis Christ Jesus places on character. Blessed are the lowly minded, the pure, the kind, the righteous. It is not — blessed are the rich, the learned and the powerful. What you are before God, not what you seem to be to friends. To live to acquire riches, knowledge or power because of the influence they give, is to miss life's true meaning. It should be the aim of each to be, and in all duties, to seek to develop a true Christ- like character. Character is what you are. Rep- utation is what people say and think about you. 2. What you are is more than what you have. 3. To be true and pure in heart is to be cleansed from sin through faith in Jesus and daily live look- ing unto our Redeemer. 4. A true Christian is a lamp, lighted and fed by God, and he carries the light of Christ's love wherever he goes. 5. The influence of your life when right is both salt and light. 6. Each one makes the world better or worse. 7. Walking with Jesus results in scattering sun- shine and love. Christ is the light which we are to let shine. (I John 1:7.) JESUS THE KING 39 8. You must live in the realm of purity, to see God. 9. Salt to preserve, and light to guide ; both silent in action but great in effect. LESSON 25. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 5: 17-48. Study : division two. part iii. The King gathers disciples and gives the laws and principles of the Kingdom. Chapters 4 : 12-7 : 29. Subjects: Kingdom citizen's relation to God's Lam. Verses 17-20. Kingdom citizen's relation to tradition. Verses 21-48. Learn : 1. God's Law is good and will ever stand. It measures our character and conduct. The Law re- veals our failures in the light of God's holiness, and leads us to the "Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world." (John 1: 17-19.) Because all have sinned, all must repent. The Law shows us our sin, and makes us feel our need of Christ, thus Paul called it a "schoolmaster to lead us to Christ." (Galatians 3: 24.) 40 BIBLE STUDIES 2. Christ in the closing verses of our lesson shows how a Christian is wholly governed by the Word of God rather than by the traditions of man. To be perfect as Verse 48 commands, we must possess Him who gave the command John 1:12. "In Christ is the secret of life." For Christ is the secret of activity. With Christ is the hope of glory. 3. In these verses, we learn that a man's heart may be unclean when his outward life seems pure. How true it is that there may be guests in a house, though they look not out of the windows. 4. The greatest power in this world is the influence of a clean, pure and holy life. LESSON 26. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 6: 1-34. Study: division two. part iv. The King gathers disciples and gives laws and principles of the Kingdom. Chapters 4 : 12-7 : 29. Subjects: Kingdom citizen's motives. Verses 1-18. Kingdom citizen's relation to wealth. Verses 19-34. Learn : Motive is the soul of action. Man's addition or subtraction. JESUS THE KING 41 God sees and hears all we think. Be real, be true, live looking unto Jesus. Hebrews 12: 1-2. "When Ye Pray Say"— "Our Father"— See John 1:12 with I John 5:1. "Who art in the Heavens" — God everywhere present. "Hallowed be Thy Name"— Exodus 20: 7. "Thy Kingdom come" — Romans 14 : 17. "Thy will be done"— John 7 : 17, Matthew 26: 39. "In earth as in the Heaven" — Heaven is a place where God's will meets with no opposition. When the heart is truly subject to God, Heaven comes into the life. "Give us this day our daily bread" — Matthew 6: 33. "Forgive us our debts as we forgive" — He who cannot forgive cuts the bridge over which he him- self must cross. (See Matthew 6: 15.) "Deliver us from the evil one" — Christ alone can deliver us. Matthew 11 : 28, John 6 : 37, John 8 : 24. If we put God first, we shall not live in things but seek to use all we are and have to His glory. Put first things first. Matthew 6: 33. 42 BIBLE STUDIES LESSON 27. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 7 : 1-12. Study : division two. part v. The King gathers disciples and gives laws and principles of the Kingdom. Chapters 4: 12-7: 29. Subjects: Their need of thought fulness. Verses 1-6. Their source of strength. Verses 7-11. Their standard of right. Verse 12. Learn : 1. By looking at home first, we find less cause to be censorious when we look abroad. This command is not that we should not judge, but rather that we should judge wisely so as not to be judged. We are all good in spots, also bad in spots. Because all have sinned, Christ came to save us. (John 1 : 29- 36 and I Corinthians 15: 3.) 2. The great secret of strength is prayer to God. (Luke 18: 1 with Matthew 21: %2.) "Ask and it shall be given Seek and ye shall find Knock and it shall be opened." A boy who honestly and faithfully prays can by JESUS THE KING 43 prayer accomplish more than a preacher who depends upon his learning. "Lord teach us to pray." Luke 11 : 1. 3. This golden rule, Matthew 7:12, was lived by Christ, and failure on the part of others never made Him depart from it. We, too, in Him by grace, can live the life of this verse. 4. When we truly trust Christ, like Him we learn how to go beyond the golden rule, giving all and re- ceiving nothing. LESSON 28. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 7 : 13-20. Study : division two. part vi. The King gathers disciples and gives laws and principles of the Kingdom. Chapters 4 : 12-7 : 29. Subjects: Their need of diligence. Verses 13-14. Their test of teachers. Verses 15-20. Learn : 1. The Christian life is one of daily choice. 2. We must choose between right and wrong. 3. To a question, there is only one true answer — ■ this is the narrow way. 44 BIBLE STUDIES To the same question, there are a hundred false answers — this is the broad way. 4. Anything worth doing requires work; we must be diligent. (John 9:4.) 5. When one takes up a large place in the church and yields no fruit, he is like a wild olive tree, absorb- ing a vast deal of sunlight and soil, but fruitless. 6. True Christian teachers are not fruitless. (Isaiah 55: 11.) 7. Some Christians have their roots in the church, but most of their fruit drops into the world. Are you one of that kind? LESSON 29. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 7:21-29. Study: division two. part vii. The King gathers disciples and gives lazes and principles of the Kingdom. Chapters 4: 12-7: 29. Subjects: Their tests of themselves. Verses 21-29. Learn : 1. Obedience to the known will of God is the true test of your Christianity. 2. We are all in the building business, and we are JESUS THE KING 45 either building upon the rock foundation Christ ; or upon the sand. 3. The most important thing is to build upon the sure foundation. (I Corinthians 3: 11.) 4. The thing next in importance is to use the right building material. (John 15: 5.) (Psalm 127: 1.) 5. "Thy love shall chant its own beatitudes after its own life's working, A child's kiss set on thy singing lips will make thee glad; A poor man helped by thee will make thee rich ; A sick man helped by thee will make thee strong ; Thou shalt be served thyself by every sense of service which thou renderest." (See I Corinthians 3: 12-15.) 6. At the judgment seat of Christ, Christians will either receive a reward or suffer loss. LESSON 30. SCRIPTURE: PSALM 116. review op division two. Questions : 1. Name the second division of our study. 2. Name some, or all, the special characteristics of Christ's followers. Beatitudes — Matthew 5 : 1-12. 46 BIBLE STUDIES 3. Who were the disciples Jesus called as we read in Chapter 4? 4. Unto what is the influence of Christ's follow- ers likened? Matthew 5: 13-17. 5. What is the relation of Christ's followers to law, to tradition and to wealth? 6. What is the great first tiling followers of Christ must seek? Matthew 6: 33. 7. What is Christ's teaching regarding our need of thoughtfulness? 8. What is the golden standard of right? 9. How arc we to test our teachers? 10. How are we to test ourselves? Note : By recalling and restating, we help fasten in our minds what we have studied. All true learn- ing means work. LESSON 31. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 8: 1-34. Study : division* three. part i. The King manifested in grace and power, but re- jected by Israel. Chapters 8: 1-11: 30. ("He came unto His own and His own received Him not." John 1: 11.) JESUS THE KING 47 Subjects : Miracles: 1. Leprosy — healed by touch. Verses 1-4. 2. Paralysis — healed by spoken word. Verses 5:13. 3. Fever — healed by touch. Verses 14: 18. 4. Winds — calmed by word. Verses 23 : 27. 5. Demons — cast out by word. Verses 28: 34. 6. Professed disciples tested. Verses 19: 22. Learn : 1. The miracles of Jesus have a twofold signifi- cance. They attest Christ's Messiahship, and demon- strate His power over all spiritual ailments. 2. Christ spoke such words as never man spoke, and the miracles were correlative works such as man never wrought. For the effect of the miracles upon the people. (See John 7: 31 with John 3: 1-2.) 3. In Matthew 9: 6-7, also verses 12-13, we learn from Jesus' own lips, the spiritual significance of His miracles. All bodily ailments are typical of spiritual sickness and deformity. We see the invisible by means of the visible. (Read Romans 1 : 20.) 48 BIBLE STUDIES 4. Health of soul is more important than health of body. (Matthew 10: 28.) 5. Christ never performed a miracle to show His might, but to express His love and manifest the heart of God toward us. Where there is sin there is suf- fering. Christ came to make atonement for sin, the cause of all suffering. Suffering is due to sin, which explains man's inhumanity to man. LESSON 32. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 9: 1-38. Study: Division three, part II. The King manifested in grace and power, but re- jected by Israel. Chapters 8: 1-11: 30. Subjects: Palsy healed by word. Verses 1-8. The call of Matthew. Verse 9. Jesus and the Pharisees. Verses 10-17. Woman healed by her touch of faith. Verses 18-26. The blind men healed by faith in Christ's touch. Verses 27-31. JESUS THE KING 49 Dumb cured by word. Verses 32-34. Jesus preaches and heals. Verses 35-38. Learn : 1. In the healing of diseases and infirmities, we have another fulfillment of prophecy which attests Christ's claims of Messiahship. (Psalm 103 with Isaiah 53: 4 and Isaiah 35: 5-6.) 2. Note in this lesson, the effect of Christ's mani- festation upon the leaders of Israel. Truth is greater than miracles. If men will not acknowledge the truth, miracles will not help them. "If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be per- suaded, though one rose from the dead." (Luke 16: 81.) 3. In the ten miracles mentioned in the eighth and ninth chapters of Matthew, we have a number of ways in which Christ dealt with disease and infirmity. It is helpful to note that in each case, He adapted the method to the patient's needs. So to-day Christ condescends to our needs. By touch, by word, by promise are the diseases of the soul cured. 4. It might be well for the teachers to make their classes see how, through Christ, by faith, the woman found wholeness. To-day we touch Christ by faith, Believe, obey, trust — in these three words we have the curriculum of the whole Christian life. 50 BIBLE STUDIES LESSON 33. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 10:1-42. Study: division three. part iii. The King manifested in grace and power, but re- jected by Israel. Chapters 8: 1-11: 30. Subjects: The King's Ambassadors. Verses 1-15. How they must conduct themselves. Verses 16-31. What will be their reward. Verses 32-42. Learn : 1. In Chapters 8-9, the King's works are rejected by the leaders of Israel. In Chapters 10-11, the King's messengers and the King are rejected. Verses 5-6 of our Scripture for to-day, name the limited sphere into which the disciples as ambassadors are sent. Verse 7 gives their message. 2. A little thought on the lesson will show that they were not sent to preach the Gospel, but to pro- claim "the Kingdom is at hand." Verses 16-20 tell how the ambassadors would be received. 3. In all of our study keep in mind the purpose of Matthew is to show how Christ is King of Israel, though rejected by His own. (John 1: 11.) Re- member that Israel, having rejected their King, the ambassadors were recalled and sent with the Gospel JESUS THE KING 51 to the Gentiles from whom God, is gathering "a people for His name." When the last person is gathered in, then for a second time, ambassadors will be sent to the Jews; and before they have gone over the cities of Israel, the Son of Man will come. Verse 23 refers to the Second Coming of Christ. Now, Israel is a nation scattered and peeled. (Isaiah 11 : 11-12.) Read Acts 15: 13-18— it further explains these truths. 4. The great principle of dependence upon God, which the ambassadors of Christ were to practice, is the practical lesson which the teachers should press home to their classes. (John 15: 5.) 5. True Christianity is a life of absolute sub- jection to Christ and dependence upon God for all things — knowing, believing Romans 8: 28. 6. This life of dependence means receiving what- ever comes to you as from God, and with it do your best, having the confidence of Paul. (Romans 8: 38-39.) LESSON 34. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 11:1-30. Study : division three. part iv. The King manifested in grace and power, but re- jected by Israel. Chapters 8 : 1-11 : 30. 52 bible studies Subjects: 1. Jesus' testimony to John the Baptist. Verses 1-15. 2. Jesus' testimony of the leaders of Israel. Verses 16-24. 3. Jesus' great invitation. Verses 25-30. Learn : 1. The message of John the Baptist seemingly re- veals doubt to have entered his mind, but this simply shows his human weakness, and recalls the weakness of the brave Elijah. (See I Kings 19: 8-4.) 2. Note John sent directly to the Lord. Christ knew how imprisonment and trial had tested John, so He answered by saying: "Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see." (Verse 4.) What they heard and saw was in fulfillment of the great Messianic prophecy, Isaiah 35 : 5-6. Note, Matthew at every place brings home this fact — that Jesus is the promised King of Whom the Scriptures foretold. How patient Christ is when we allow our- selves to doubt and fear. 3. Jesus' testimony of John in Verses 8-15, deepens the conviction of the purpose of Matthew to present Jesus as the promised King of Israel. 4. The leaders of Israel reject Christ as "a man gluttonous and a wine-bibber." Verse 19. JESUS THE KING 53 5. Having been rejected as the Christ, our Lord now proclaims His world-wide mission to reveal the Father; and as the Saviour and Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world, He gives the great invitation. (Verses 25-30.) 6. Our part is to come to Him. His part is to give rest. Our part is to yield to His yoke. His part is to see us through. Our part is to learn of Him. His part is to teach us to know God. John 14: 6. LESSON 35. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 12:1-21. Study : division four. part i. King rejects Israel after the flesh. Chapter 12. Subjects : Miracles. Pharisees plan to kill Jesus. Verses 1-21. Learn : 1. In this chapter, we come to the great turning point in Matthew's Gospel. Here we see the full manifestation of hatred and rejection by the Israel of the flesh. Jesus and His disciples have declared the Kingdom of Heaven to be at hand. These glad 54 bible studies tidings were backed up by the minute fulfillment of prophecies and signs and wonders. Every miracle and action conclusively proved that Jesus Christ was none other than Jehovah God; but they would have none of Him and their very rejection of Him was a fulfillment of Isaiah 42 : 1-4. 2. Christ, knowing He was rejected, turns from His rejectors to the Gentiles to proclaim how He came as the seed of the woman to crush the serpent's head and redeem mankind. (See Matthew 20: 28 with Genesis 3: 15.) 3. Matthew very clearly shows how Christ offered Himself to Israel, but was rejected by His own. From this point, we walk with Jesus as He travels toward Calvary to die for our sins. (I Corinthians 15: 3.) We have seen the King to be the Christ. Now, we are to learn how the King is the promised Jesus. (Matthew 1: 21, John 1: 29.) 4. Men will be forgiven for speaking against God the Father and God the Son ; but if they refuse the testimony of God the Holy Spirit, nothing more can be done for them and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit never can be forgiven. (Matthew 12: 30-82.) 5. Let us all learn better to yield to the truth as taught by the Holy Spirit in God's word. (II Peter 1: 19-21.) JESUS THE KING 55 LESSON 36. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 12:22-50. Study : division four. part ii. King rejects Israel after the flesh. Chapter 12. Subjects: Miracles and Jesus Pronouncement of woe upon Apostate Israel. Verses 22-50. Learn : 1. Jesus, who knows all men, uncovers the hearts of His rejectors. (See Verses 33-37.) 2. Now that Christ turns from His rejectors, they come asking Him for a sign. "If Thou be the Christ of whom Isaiah said: 'In His name shall the Gentiles trust,' give us a sign." Note the answer of Jesus to this request. (Matthew 12 : 39-40.) 3. Jonah is the only prophet that was sent away from Israel to the Gentiles. Before He reached Nineveh, he passed through the typical experience of death; and from his grave in the great fish, God raised him, as it were, from the dead. At the preach- ing of the resurrected prophet, wicked Nineveh re- pented. This experience of Jonah, Christ says, is a sign of what He Himself would pass through, and 56 BIBLE STUDIES is the only answer that God would give to unbelieving hearts. 4. So Christ would pass through death to make propitiation for the sin of the world, and after the resurrection, in Him would the Gentiles trust. Many conceited wise men of the world are trying to belittle the fact of Jonah's experience and prophecy ; but Christ said it was but the type of His own death and resurrection; and, that as Nineveh repented at the preaching of Jonah, it likewise would come to pass that in Him would the Gentiles trust. (See again Acts 15:13-18.) LESSON 37. SCRIPTURE: PSALM 24. Review : 1. Name the third division of our study. 2. Name the fourth division of our study. 3. Name the miracles in Matthew 9-10. 4. How many disciples are named in Matthew 10 as ambassadors of Christ? 5. What place did miracles have in the ministry of Christ? 6. Which is the greater, a miracle or the truth? 7. What testimony did Jesus give to John the Baptist? JESUS THE KING 57 8. Repeat Christ's great invitation. Matthew 11 : 28-30. 9. What reception did Christ receive from His own nation ? 10. Did Christ reject Israel after the flesh? 11. What great sign did Christ say would typify His death and resurrection? (See Matthew 16: 21.) Note: Our Scripture to-day is the Messianic Psalm of the King of glory. Psalm 2 shows Christ's rejection. Psalm 22, Christ's atonement; Psalm 16, Christ's resurrection ; Psalm 23, Christ, the Shepherd ; Psalm 24, Christ's glory. LESSON 38. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 13:1-23. Study : division five. part i. Mysteries of the Kingdom. Chapter 13. Subject: Parable of the Sower. Verses 1-23. Learn : 1. In this chapter, we are introduced to "the mysteries of the Kingdom of the Heavens," that is to things which have been kept secret from the foun- dation of the world. (See Verses 34-36.) Jesus tells 58 BIBLE STUDIES the disciples that unto them it is given to know, to understand these mysteries. (See Verse 11.) % The Parable of the Sower is one of the mys- teries, and fully interpreted by Christ. Impress upon your mind the exact meaning as given by Jesus. 3. The sower is the Son of Man. The seed is the Word of God. The ground is the human heart. There are four kinds of hearts: 1. The wayside heart. 2. The thorny ground heart. 3. The stony heart. 4. The good ground heart. 4. The unproductiveness of some lives cannot be credited to defect in the seed or the sower. 5. In this parable you have a picture and a prophecy of the way the truth of God has been received in all ages. 6. In these lessons, we are sowing God's truth not man's wisdom. 7. We should sacrifice all things for the truth, and for the life, which is ours in Christ Jesus. (John 5: 24.) LESSON 39. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 13:24-30 AND 36-43. Study: division five. part ii. Mysteries of the Kingdom. Chapter 13. jesus the king 59 Subject: Parable of the Tares. Learn : 1. In our study so far, we have learned how- Matthew records the rejection of the King and the Kingdom. Now, in this thirteenth (13th) chapter of Matthew, we learn from Christ's own lips what is to be after His rejection, and during the time between His going away, Acts 1:11, and His coming back again, John 14: 3. 2. The parable of the tares, also Jesus' inter- pretation of it, agree with the great truth of the parable of the sower. After the good seed has been sown, we learn that the Devil immediately sowed tares, or darnel which looks like wheat. 3. Make note and impress upon your class that Satan began his work of sowing tares in the begin- ning. 4. Press home the fact that Jesus said both would grow together "till the end of the age" — "end of the world" should read "end of the age." (See margin reference.) 5. But this mixed condition will cease when harvest time, "the end of the age," comes. 6. Tares and wheat grow together, but one ripens 60 BIBLE STUDII ^ for destruction, while the other is meat for the in- heritance. To which class do I belong? 7. A time to be born. A time to die. Between those two points a time to sow and reap. Are we serving Christ or Satan? LESSON 40. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 13:31-35. Study : division five. part iii. Mysteries of the Kingdom. Chapter 13. Subject: Parable of the Mustard Seed. Learn : 1. In our chapter there are seven parables, two of which Jesus interprets ; the other five we are to understand in the light of this interpretation. 2. We must never despise the day of small things for small things grow. But we should be very care- ful that we are not encouraging the small things of evil. The seeds of evil grow as well as the seeds of good. "Whatsoever we sow, we shall reap." (Gala- tians 6: 7-8.) 3. Seeds of thought, of looks, of acts grow very rapidly. Let us all learn to hide the Word of God is our hearts. Psalm 119: 11. JESUS THE KING 61 4. Worldliness becomes a great tree in the lives of all who encourage it. Let us enjoy what God has given, but we must be careful not to abuse God's gifts. Food is good and we must eat. That does not mean we must live to eat. The man who is en- slaved by his appetite is a glutton. "Sow an idea and you reap a thought, Sow a thought and you reap an act, Sow an act and you reap a habit, Sow a habit and you reap a character, Sow a character and you reap a destiny." LESSON 41. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 13: 31-35. Study : division five. part iv. Mysteries of the K'mgdom. Chapter 13. Subject : Parable of the Leaven. Learn : 1. The parable of the mustard seed — showing the external growth of the Kingdom of the Heavens — is followed by the parable of the leaven — showing the internal growth of the same. 8. The Kingdom of the Heavens does not mean 62 BIBLE STUDIES the Church nor the preaching of the Gospel. It is the name which Christ here gives to the age dating from His rejection by Israel till He comes again. This age is the one in which Christ's Church is formed. (Matthew 16.) This age is the age of grace, in which the Gospel is preached to all, but with the results as pictured in the parables of the Sower and of the Tares. 3. The mustard seed became a great tree like Christendom has become a great system. A benefit to all the world, even a shelter for the birds, or wicked one, Satan, who interfered with the work of the sower as declared by Christ in His interpretation of the first two parables. 4. Leaven is sour dough, and in all other portions of Scripture, typifies evil. Here it shows the result of the evil one sowing his seed among the wheat, or putting his leaven of evil teaching into the "three measures of meal," truth. The woman represents false teachers, who to-day, and down through the centuries of this age, have put the leaven of their own so-called wisdom and philosophy into the meal of the truth. We are living close to the end, for all of Christendom is well leavened with false teaching. Churches are pestered with those who prefer their own thoughts to those of God. JESUS THE KING t>3 LESSON 42. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 13: 44-52. Study : division five. part v. Mysteries of the Kingdom. Chapter 13. Subject: The Parable of the Hidden Treasure. Verse 44. Learn : 1. The first four parables were spoken to the multitude; the last three to the disciples, to whom it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom. 2. Israel is a peculiar people, chosen of God to teach all men that there is only one God (monothe- ism) ; to demonstrate through them the results of obeying or disobeying the known will of God; to give and preserve through them the oracles of God and, lastly, to give of their seed of the house of David, the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom all nations have been, and are, being blessed. Jesus Himself de- clared "salvation is of the Jews." (John 4: 22.) 3. This people entered into a special covenant with Jehovah, and in that covenant are many prom- ises, some conditional and some unconditional. A few of the unconditional promises are Ezekiel 37: 19-28; Luke 21: 24 with Matthew 23: 37-39 and Acts 15: 13-18. 64 BIBLE STUDIES 4. According to Luke 21 : 24, the Jews have been scattered and peeled, but they are the seed of God's covenanted people, which are now hidden in the field, and "the field," Jesus tells us, "is the world." It is a mystery, how the Jew, without a government, re- mains a distinctive people. (Matthew 13: 38.) Renan, the historian, said: "The Philosophy of his- tory cannot account for the preservation of the Jew." But unto the followers of Jesus, the rejected King of the Jews, it is given to know that the Jewish nation is the hidden treasure and belongs to Christ. 5. The Gospel is not hidden, and we do not buy salvation. Salvation is free, and the hidden treasure means Israel which shall yet come to know and believe Christ. (Romans 11.) LESSON 43. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 13:44-52. Study : division five. part vi. Mysteries of the Kingdom. Chapter 13. Subject: Parable of the Pearl of Great Cost. Verses 45-46. jesus the king 65 Learn : 1. We have seen how Israel is the hid treasure, now we learn that the Church is the Pearl of Great Cost. By the Church we mean something greater than a church. A church is a body of professed believers in Jesus Christ. The Church is the body of Christ, and is made up of the true hearts of the true be- lievers. (See Ephesians 1: 22-23; Ephesians 3: 9- 10; Romans 16: 25.) 2. Some tell us Christ is the Pearl. Were this true then the sinner would have to buy Christ by selling all that he hath. John 3:16 declares that "God gave His Son." Salvation is not to be purchased by bank- rupt sinners. (I Peter 1: 18-19.) 3. The Church is the Pearl, formed in the wounded side of Jesus Christ. He became poor. (II Corin- thians 8:9.) He died for us who believe in Him. (I Corinthians 6 : 20.) We should serve not men, but Christ. (I Corinthians 7: 23.) 4. The Pearl is a perfect symbol of the true Church. Down at the bottom of the ocean, a little grain of sand comes between the mollusk and its home, which causes a wound in its side, and by accretion, that grain of sand becomes a priceless pearl. The Church is the Pearl purchased at the cost of Christ's own life. 66 BIBLE STUDIES LESSON 44. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 13: 1-52. Study: division five. part vii. Mysteries of the Kingdom. Chapter 13. Subject: The Parable of the Dragnet. Learn : 1. In this parable of the dragnet, we have a pic- ture of the mixture of good and bad to be found at the "end of the age." See how this agrees with the teaching of Christ in both the parable of the sower and that of the tares. 2. The separating day will come and bring char- acter to its true light. We may fool and deceive each other, but "God knoweth the heart." 3. The sea is a type of the world or nations. Christ will come and from the sea lift His Pearl, the Church (see I Thessalonians 4:13-17); then the dragnet will be let down and the good will be sep- arated from the bad. Just now, wheat and tares are allowed to grow together. In the time of the dragnet, judgment, the bad will be cast out and the good preserved. 4. We have learned from these seven parables, the JESUS THE KING 67 mysteries of the Kingdom of the Heavens, showing the condition of affairs from the apostolic days till "the end of the age." LESSON 45. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 13: 51-58. Review : 1. Name the fifth division of our study. 2. Name the seven parables. 3. Do we buy salvation, or is it the gift of God? (John 4: 10 with John 3: 16.) 4. How many of the parables did Jesus speak to the multitudes? 5. How many in private to the disciples? 6. Give Christ's own interpretation of the Sower and of the Tares. 7. What does the parable of the mustard seed signify ? 8. What does the parable of the leaven signify? Learn : In Verses 51-52, Jesus speaks of bringing out of the treasure things new and old. Those of the Old Testament are things old. Those of the seven para- bles are new. Unto Christ's disciples and His true followers in every age, it is given to know the mys- teries of the Kingdom of the Heavens, 68 BIBLE STUDIES In the rest of our study, we shall march with King Jesus to Calvary, and learn how on the way He min- istered to suffering humanity. LESSON 46. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 14:1-36. Study : division six. part i. The King on His Way to Calvary. Cliapter 14-25. Subjects: 1. Herod's Troubled Conscience. Verses 1-14. 2. Jesus Feeds Five Thousand. Verses 15-21. 3. Jesus Walks on the Sea. Verses 22-36. Learn : 1. Herod's power as a king did not protect him from the lash of an evil conscience. Here we find him a prey to consuming fears. To keep your soul's large window pure from wrong is greater than to have wealth, power and worldly influence. Live in the smile of God's approval. 2. This picture of the hungry multitude, the per- plexed disciples, and the mighty Saviour and pro- vider, teaches us to "trust in the Lord and do good, and verily we shall be fed." Psalm 37 : 3. 3. The disciples in danger while Christ is on the mountain is a typical experience of Christians in JESUS THE KING b» trouble to-day. We are here, Christ is there ; but as of old, He is praying for us. He sees all that is happening, and at the proper time, He will come to us, even as He came walking on the sea and spoke peace to the troubled disciples. 4. The three special practical lessons we are to learn are: (a) Herod's conscience illustrates how evil always comes home to roost. (b) Jesus feeding the multitude demonstrates how He is the bread of life. (c) Jesus walking on the sea to the storm-tossed disciples illustrates how, in the path of duty, we may find hardships, but God will see us through. The true King truly serves. See how Christ, as He travels toward Calvary, seeks to do God's will in blessing and helping others. LESSON 47. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 15: 1-39. Study : division six. part ii. The King on His Way to Calvary. Chapter 14-25. Subjects: 1. Jesus rebukes Scribes and Pharisees. Verses 1-20. 70 BIBLE STUDIES 2. Heals woman of Canaan. Verses 21-28. 3. Heals multitudes. Verses 29-31. 4. Feeds 4,000. Verses 32-39. Learn : 1. In Christ's rebuke of the Scribes and Pharisees, we learn that a right moral state is the principal thing in worship. Correct forms of worship become a mockery and an insult to God when the heart of the worshipper is not right. 2. This woman being of the Gentiles had no claim on Christ as the Son of David ; but her faith had a claim on Jesus, the Saviour. Faith made her see with God's eye, and she readily bowed to the truth of Christ's seemingly harsh words, but faith could claim the crumbs. We are saved by faith. 3. The healing of the multitudes and feeding of the 4,000 remind us of our Saviour's compassion and care. 4. The special practical lessons we are to learn from these incidents are: (a) Jesus' rebuke of empty formalism is for all who have a form of Godliness and deny the power thereof. (b) We are not saved because we are worthy, but because we in faith, cast ourselves upon God. (I Peter 5:7.) JESUS THE KING 71 (c) In healing the multitudes, we learn that Christ never turns from those that seek Him. (d) God never fails to provide at the needful time. LESSON 48. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 16: 1-28. Study : division six. part iii. The King on His Way to Calvary. Chapter 14-25. Subjects : 1. Jesus rebukes Pharisaical teaching, likening it to the leaven which a woman hid in the meal. Verses 1-12. 2. Peter's confession and the first mention of the Church. Verses 13-20. 3. The King foretells His death and resurrection. Verses 21-28. Learn : 1. The Pharisees and Sadducees come seeking a sign. They agree together to tempt the Lord. These men could not agree in teaching and in prac- tice ; but they did unite in the movement against Christ. Christ rebukes them and again declares that no sign, other than that of Jonah, will be given. Christ warns the disciples to beware of the leaven 72 BIBLE STUDIES of these hypocrites who would pervert the truth to justif}- their opinions. 2. Peter's confession that Jesus is Christ is a truth which He learned from God. This confession of Christ, the result of a personal revelation from God, is a new departure and here for the first time, we find the mention of the Church. Notice Christ says: "I will build my Church." It is to be a new and future thing; we have here the mystery of the Pearl of great price. Our Lord here foretells what He is going to do with all who like Peter, with a God- given faith, confess Him as the Son of the Living God. They are to be the building material for the Church which is the body of Christ. 3. Christ foretells His death and resurrection. The disciples having come to see Him as the Messiah, He now proceeds to teach them that as the Saviour, He must die and rise again. LESSON 49. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 17: 1-27. Study : division* six. part iv. The King on His Way to Calvary. Chapter 14-25. Subjects: 1. The Transfiguration. Verses 1-13. JESUS THE KING 73 2. The Powerless Disciples. The Mighty Christ. Verses 14-21. 3. The King again foretells His death and resur- rection. Verses 22-23. 4. The miracle of the Tribute Money. Verses 24-27. Learn : 1. The transfiguration is the fulfillment of Christ's words in Matthew 16 : 28. Peter, who was one of the three disciples that went up into the Mount, declares it so. (See II Peter 1 : 16-20.) 2. It is well to consider that Peter says the Word of prophecy is more sure than even his testimony of the transfiguration, and that these prophecies of the Scripture are not of any private interpretation; but "holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." We have learned from previous les- sons that the Christ was born of the Holy Spirit; that Christ was the seed of the woman. (Genesis 3:15); born of the house of David and Abraham; born in the town of Bethlehem ; rejected by His own ; come into the world to save mankind by making atone- ment through death and resurrection; and that dur- ing the time of rejection, He is gathering, from the nations of the world, "a people for His name" ; and that He will come again and set up the throne of 74? BIBLE STUDIES David. In the transfiguration, Ave have a picture of His coming glory. Matthew truly presents to us Jesus in His Kingly character. 3. In Verses 14-21, we have presented two facts — our weakness and God's strength. We can meet the demands of life only in God's strength. (Philippians 4:13.) 4. Make note that Jesus again foretells His death and resurrection. 5. The tribute money meant the temple tax, a voluntary offering for the temple such as your church offering. Peter had confessed Jesus to be the Christ, hence Christ's questions in Verse 25. It is beautiful to note that Christ avoids giving unnecessary offence, and bids Peter to cast his hook for the fish, in whose mouth the needed amount is found. This was a demonstration of the Master's omnipotence, and teaches us how God will always provide for our needs. LESSON 50. SCRIPTURE: PSALM 16. Review : 1. Name division six of our t tudy. 2. How many subjects have we studied in this division? Name them? 3. Repeat some of the special lessons we learned in connection with each incident. JESUS THE KING 75 4. How many times thus far has the King fore- told His death and resurrection? 5. What do you think about this method of study? Learn : Do not answer question five by stating "it is hard." Tell whether these lessons make you think ; and if, as the result of your studying, you feel that you are getting better acquainted with God's Word. Our Scripture for to-day is one of the great Mes- sianic Psalms. It predicts the resurrection of Mes- siah. As a prophet, David understood that when Christ came He would be rejected and die and be raised. (See Acts 2:25-31.) LESSON 51. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 18: 1-35. Study : division six. part v. The King on His Way to Calvary. Chapter 14-25. Subjects : 1. The greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Verses 1-10. 2. The lost sheep, and the seeking Shepherd. Verses 11-14. 3. Law of dealing with each other. Verses 15-21. 76 BIBLE STUDIES 4. The Constitution of a Church. Verse 22. 5. Forgiveness. Verses 23-35. Learn : 1. This whole chapter teaches how men should deal with men, in the light of God. 2. The greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven is known by lowliness, littleness, dependence, such as characterize a child; with these characteristics, one may grow into an intellectual and spiritual giant, but humbleness of mind and self-forgetfulness stand out always in his life. In answer to verse one, Jesus speaks Verses 2 to 10. 3. In exposition of Verse 11, Jesus speaks Verses 12 to 14. None shall perish that trust Christ. 4. Verses 15-21 give to us what should be the true method of discipline in every Christian Church organization. Verse 22, teaches the place and power of prayer in all things. A Christian on his knees can see more than a worldly-wise man on his tip-toes. 5. Forgiveness must be as big, and bigger, than repentance. 6. We are living in the light of unbelief, but travel- ing toward the eternal day. Through faith in Christ, we have been saved from darkness; therefore, we should bring the light of love, forgiveness and patience into the lives of all who do not trust Christ. JESUS THE KING 77 LESSON 52. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 19:1-30. Study : division six. part vi. The King on His Way to Calvary. Chapters 14-25. Subjects: Relations of men in the light of God to the ques- tions of: 1. Marriage. Verses 1-12. 2. Children. Verses 13-15. 3. Wealth. Verses 16-26. 4. Rank. Verses 27-30. Learn : 1. In this division of our study, we find the teach- ings of the King regarding the relations of men to these practical every-day questions. 2. Christ advocated divorce, but denounces re- marriage of divorced persons. 3. Little children cannot be kept from Christ's blessing. It seems to me that because Jesus said: "Suffer little children to come unto Me: for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven," we find in His statement God's explanation why so many little ones die. Little children that die are God's spring flowers. In human life, they break ground, blossom and pass away. 78 BIBLE STUDIES 4. It is not wrong to be rich, if riches are obtained honestly. It is wrong and wicked to be controlled by riches. To possess wealth is one thing; to be possessed by wealth is another. 5. If we serve men, we will receive a reward. If we serve God, we will receive a reward. But it is what we are, and what we are in the dark that deter- mines our rank. God will not make a mistake in judging us. LESSON 53. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 20: 1-34. Study : division six. part vii. The King on His Way to Calvary. Chapters 14-25. Subjects: 1. Parable of Laborers in the Vineyard. Verses 1-16. 2. Jesus again foretells His death and resurrection. Verses 17-19. 3. James and John seeking pre-eminence. Verses 20-28. 4. Healing of two blind men. Verses 29-34. Learn : 1. The great teaching of this parable is that by the grace of God we are saved and given the life JESUS THE KING 79 and the right to labor in God's vineyard ; but in our labor, we are not to be hirelings but servants of God, who serve because of our love to Him. God has three kinds of servants: (a) Those who serve from a sense of fear — slaves. (b) Those who serve for wages — hirelings. (c) Those who serve as sons in love — Sons. God is sovereign, and He will do right, rather than what the sinful mind of man dictates. "The first shall be last, and the last first." 2. For the third time, Jesus speaks of His death and resurrection. "He died for our sins." (Isaiah 53 : 6 with I Corinthians 15 : 3.) 3. All the apostles learn with James and John that the only true pre-eminence worth having is to make your life spell fidelity to God and man. (Matthew 20:28.) 4. The opening of blind eyes ever speaks of our need to be made to see spiritually. LESSON 54. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW CHAPS. 21 AND 22. Study : division six. part viii. The King on His Way to Calvary. Chapter 14-25. 80 bible studies Subjects : 1. The Triumphant Entry. Chapter 21 : 1-11. 2. Purification of the Temple. Chapter 12-17. 3. The fig tree cursed. Chapter 18-22. 4. Jesus' authority questioned. Chapter 23-27. 5. Parable of the two sons. Chapter 28-32. 6. Parable of the Householder. Chapter 33-46. 7. The marriage feast and questions of Christ's enemies. Chapter 22. Learn : 1. In fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9-10, Christ pre- sented Himself as the King of Israel. Because "His own received Him not" the King could not fulfill Zi chariah 9:10; but when He comes again (Acts 1 : 11 with Revelation 19), it will be fulfilled. Blind- ness having taken hold of Israel, the real hope of the nation is postponed till Christ returns a second time. (Matthew 23:37-39.) 2. Christ was angry at turning the Temple, dedi- cated to worship, into a money-making exchange. He is not less angry with some of the things carried on in houses dedicated to the worship of God to-day. 3. If we make a loud profession and have "noth- ing but leaves"; we, like the fig tree, will be rejected. Israel is a type of the fig tree and this casting of JESUS THE KING 81 the tree aside typifies Christ's rejection of His re- jectors. 4. These two parables set forth the attitude and wickedness of the chief priests and rulers of Israel toward Christ. They understood Christ's meaning in speaking thus, but fearing men, not God, they are prevented from killing their Messiah then and there. 5. How wicked is the human heart, which is set on having its own way. God save us all from wanting to rule or ruin. LESSON 55. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 23 : 1-39. Study : division six. part ix. The King on His Way to Calvary. Chapters 14-25. Subjects : Jesus' pronouncement of woe upon false leaders and lament over Jerusalem. Verses 1-39. Learn : The Scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees were sects, and their leaders were held responsible for the false teaching of the people. Christ in this chapter pro- nounces woes upon them, which apply to false leaders and teachers in every century of the age. 82 BIBLE STUDIES To-day, the true Shepherd is not one who is guided by his love of the sheep, but by His devotion to Jesus Christ, the great Shepherd of the Sheep. A true minister and a true Christian seek only to do that which is God's will. Sometimes it means setting aside personal feelings and opinions. When anger and hatred fill the heart because your suggestion was not carried out, or because you were not more appreciated, it is a true sign of yet being carnal. The servant of God knows and believes and rests in the truth of Isaiah 55: 11, also I Corinthians 15: 58. Verses 37- 39 teach that Israel as the chosen people of God, shall yet welcome the Christ whom they rejected in time past. (See also Acts 15:13-18.) LESSON 56. SCRIPTURE: ROMANS 11:1-36. Review : 1. Name Division Six. 2. What is the method of dealing with those who offend us as taught by Jesus in Chapter 18? 3. Is it wrong to be wealthy ? 4. Why did Christ command the rich young Ruler to sell all that he hath and give it to the poor? 5. What verse in Chapter 18 is the Constitution of a Church? JESUS THE KING 83 6. How far must forgiveness reach? 7. How many kinds of servants are there? (See Lesson 53.) 8. Why did Christ make a royal entry into Jerusa- lem? (See Lesson 54.) 9. Should the Church be kept sacred from all worldly, empty, selfish doings? 10. What will empty profession bring? Note: The Scripture to-day teaches the future of Israel. Read carefully. LESSON 57. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 24: 1-26. Study : division six. part X. The King on His Way to Calvary. Chapters 14-25. Subject: The Olivet Discourse. Chapters 24-25. Learn : 1. The destruction of the Temple foretold. Verses 1-2. These words in Matthew no doubt refer to a future crisis in Jerusalem during the visitation, which Christ states will precede His second coming. The passage in Luke 21:20-24 refers to the destruction of the 84 BIBLE STUDIES Temple which was fulfilled by Titus, A. D. 70, and is known by the sign of the City being compassed by armies, since which time Gentiles have ruled over Jerusalem. 2. Keep in mind that Matthew's purpose is to present Jesus as the promised Messiah, and to show that after His rejection, the Kingdom of the Heavens was given into the hands of men, during which time the Church is being gathered out from the nations. (Acts 15:13-18.) 3. One of the facts in prophecy which would bother the then converted Jews was that this tribulation period did not take place following Christ's rejection. Matthew shows that the mystery of the Pearl, the church has intervened; and when that has, in the purpose of God been fully formed, it will be taken, and then shall come to pass the prophecy of Daniel. (Matthew 24: 15.) 4. After the tribulation, Christ will come and es- tablish the throne of David. 5. Verse three records the threefold question of the disciples: "When shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of Thy coming? and the end of the age?" 6. Christ answers the questions by showing the course of the age, ending in the great tribulation. JESUS THE KING 85 Verses 4-26- From Verses 27-51, we have declared the signs of the second coming of Christ. 7. Be patient, if you do not clearly understand this chapter, but learn this great truth — that God has a plan and purpose which He is working out. 8. The most essential thing for the true Christian is that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, he make his life spell fidelity to God in the place which has fallen to him. LESSON 58. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 24: 27-51. Study : division six. part xi. The King on His Way to Calvary. Chapter 14-25. Subjects : The Olivet Discourse. Chapters 24-25. The Return of the King. Verses 27-51. Learn : 1. In Matthew 23:37-39, Christ stated that the time would come when Jerusalem would say: "Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord." In our verses to-day, we learn that after the great tribulation, Christ will come; but "no man knoweth the day nor the hour." True servants will be looking 86 BIBLE STUDIES for Him, and Jerusalem will be saying what Christ prophesied above. 2. Matthew sticks to his great purpose to show Christ is King and His past, present and future rela- tion to Israel. The Olivet Discourse is an epitome of Revelation, Chapters 4-19. 3. Clouds may obscure my vision of the stars, but that they shine just the same is truth. Likewise, clouds of opinion, feelings and things may obscure my vision of what God's Word teaches, but God's Word is truth. When we yield to the truth, we find the clouds shortly pass away and we behold the glories of God's Word. (Philippians 3:20 with John 17:17.) LESSON 59. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 25 : 1-46. Study : division six. part xii. The King on His Way to Calvary. Chapter 14-25. Subject : The Olivet Discourse. Chapters 24-25. Learn : 1. In the Parable of the Virgins, Verses 1-13, we learn the King's test of profession. All of these JESUS THE KING 87 virgins were alike in profession. Those who were true had oil in their lamps. Oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, and "if a man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His." (Romans 8:9.) What you pro- fess and what you possess may be different. To empty profession, Christ says : "I know you not." Such words can never be spoken by Christ to those who truly believe and trust Him. % This Parable of the Talents, Verses 14-30, is the King's test of servants. God does not give us gifts to abuse but to use. A true man finds his life's nourishment in his life's work. Lift up your heart to God, and lay out your talents for those who need you. Use what you have in your hand. It will be time enough for you to use what you hope for, when you get it. It is not what I would like to do; but what I can do. 3. This judgment is of the living nations, Verses 31-46. Notice there is no resurrection of the dead here. It is the living nations judged because of their attitude towards Christ's Brethren, who are the Jew- ish Remnant that will have preached the Gospel of the Kingdom to all nations during the tribulation period. (Isaiah 1:9.) It will take place on earth at the second coming of Christ. (See Verse 31.) (Read Isaiah 2:1-5.) 88 BIBLE STUDIES LESSON 60. SCRIPTURE: ISAIAH 55: 1-13. Review : 1. In what division of our study is the Olivet Dis- course found? Name it. 2. What was the threefold question of the disciples which resulted in the Olivet Discourse? (Matthew 24:3.) 3. Does any man know just when Christ will re- turn? (Matthew 24:36.) Can we discern its near approach? (Matthew 24:32-33.) 4. Will the Jews ever come to the place where they will say : "Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord ?" ( Matthew 23 : 39. ) 5. What is now happening in the world? (Acts 15:13-18.) 6. When the outgathering is finished, what will happen? (See I Corinthians 15:23-25, also Verses 51-53 with I Thessalonians 4: 13-17.) 7. What is the true test of profession? (Romans 8:9.) 8. When Christ comes will He judge the living nations ? ( Matthew 25 : 31-46. ) Note : Isaiah saith : "Who hath believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? JESUS THE KING 89 (Isaiah 53 : 1.) Our lesson to-day shows how all who will may freely drink of the water of Life. Now we go with the King up Mount Calvary where He as "The Lamb of God took away the sin of the world." Having made known the plan and purpose of God to His disciples, Jesus, the Good Shepherd, "lays down His life for the sheep." (See John 1 : 29 ; 10 : 11, with Matthew 20 : 17-19.) LESSON 61. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 26: 1-75. Study : division seven. part i. The King Crucified, Buried, Risen. Chapters 26-28. Subject : Incidents preceding the Kmg's Crucifixion. Verses 1-75. Learn : 1. For the last time, the King predicts His death, Verses 1-5. Christ knew what was before Him. In the calm of the conquering Son of God, He speaks these words and bows His head to the will of the Father, who sent Him into the world. 90 BIBLE STUDIES 2. Mary, in anointing her Lord for burial, gives us a hint that while sitting at His feet in the home of Bethany, she learned and entered fully into the meaning of His life. This act is the expression of her heart's love and devotion to her Saviour, Lord and King. Verse 13 teaches us that what we in hon- est devotion give to Christ is not overlooked by Him and though others may find fault, He knows. 3. Judas sold His Saviour for silver, denied his Lord because of his selfish and empty ambition. Judas' life is a red light, which bids us be careful not to sell or betray our Christ. How is it with us? Are we willing to lose all for Jesus, or would we give up Christ and our faith in Him for the things of the world? 4. Christ in Gethsemane is a most solemn portion of God's Word. It is here that Christ Jesus fought the battle and won the victory of Calvary. On the cross, we see Him in the calm of the conquering Son of God. It was here that His perfect manhood and hoi}' will were laid upon the altar to make atonement for our souls. "Behold the Lamb of God." (John 1:29.) 5. In the institution of the Lord's Supper, we have a memorial which looks back to Calvary where Christ finished the work of redemption, and forward "till JESUS THE KING 91 He come" to set up the Kingdom, which has been postponed because of His rejection, and the mystery of the outgathering of His Church. LESSON 62. SCRIPTURE : MATTHEW 27 : 1-66. Study : division seven. part ii. The King Crucified, Buried, Risen. Chapters 26-28. Subject: The K'vng Tried, Crucified and Buried. Verses 1-66. Learn : 1. In Verses 63-65 of the previous chapter, we learn from Christ Jesus' lips that He is the Christ, the Son of God, and that at a future date His persecut- ing enemies will see Him coming in the clouds of Heaven. (See also Revelation 1:7.) 2. Sad is the record of Peter's denial, but it warns us against self-confidence. What we need is not more self-confidence, but God-confidence. The safe and true life is that which is spent in absolute dependence upon God and lives in the confidence of God's Word. 3. Every one should become familiar with the 92 BIBLE STUDIES incidents of Jesus' trial, His rt-ath and His burial. The meaning of His death may be learned from the following Scriptures : John 3:14; John 1 : 29 ; also Chapter 10 ; Romans 5 : 1-11 and I Corinthians 15 : 3 with I Peter 3: 18 and Hebrews 9: 24, 26, 28. 4. In Isaiah 53 ; Psalm 22 ; Daniel 9 : 26 ; Genesis 3:15; we have a few examples of the prophecies re- garding the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. 5. Messiah has been cut off but not for Himself. His rejection was foretold by Zechariah 11:1-14. 6. Matthew truly reveals Christ as the King, the Son of David, Seed of Abraham, "in whom all na- tions have been blessed," and shows how Christ will come again to establish the throne of David even as the Angel declared to the Virgin Mary. (Luke 1:32.) LESSON 63. SCRIPTURE: MATTHEW 15: 1-20. Study: division seven. part iii. The King Crucified, Buried, Risen. Chapters 26-28. Subjects: The King Risen. Verses 1-15. JESUS THE KING 93 The King's Command to His Disciples. Verses 16-20. Emmanual. Verse 20 with Matthew 1 : 23. Learn : 1. Christ's resurrection is God's amen to all of His work. The resurrection dispels dark clouds and floods with light the grave. When a loved one in Christ falls asleep, we can truly say : "Good-night, we shall see you in the morning." 2. The historical data of Christ's resurrection is greater than any other known fact in history. We are nineteen centuries away from it, and over 300,- 000,000 people believe it. 3. (a) We believe Christ's resurrection because of the historical data. (b) We believe Christ's resurrection because of His now manifested power and presence. (c) We believe Christ's resurrection because in Him we have received a resurrection life and hope. (d) I Corinthians 15 is the unanswerable and in- disputable resurrection philosophy inspired of God. (e) Matthew opens with the name Emmanuel and closes with Emmanuel's promise, "Lo, I am with you alway." 4. Christ's command is that we "Go into all the world with His message of love and truth." God 94* BIBLE STUDIES had only one Son, and He sent Him on a foreign mission. "Christ died for our sins." 5. We as Christians are sent to make Christ known, as the Saviour of the world. (John 3: 16.) 6. Christ commands that we perform the ordinance of baptism. (Matthew 28: 19.) LESSON 64. SCRIPTURE: I CORINTHIANS 15:20-34. Review : 1. Name division seven of our study. 2. How many times did Christ foretell His death? Where are the verses found? 3. Name as many proofs as you can recall from our study which show Jesus Christ to be the Prom- ised King of the Jews. 4. Have you learned why the Kingdom was not established when Jesus lived upon the earth? 5. What is the Church? 6. Israel, or the Jews, will yet turn to Christ and say : "Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord." Where do we find grouird for this teaching? 7. For whom did Christ die? 8. What are some of the proofs of His resur- rection? JESUS THE KING 95 9. What two ordinances did Christ command us to observe? 10. Would you like to re-study these lessons? LESSON 65. SCRIPTURE: REVELATION 22: 1-21. Question : What does the Bible teach about the Second Com- ing of our Lord Jesus Christ? Answers : 1. The Old Testament speaks of Messiah as com- ing to suffer and coming to reign. In our studies, we saw how Christ came and suffered as the "Lamb of God" to take away the sin of the world. He will come again to sit on the throne of David. (Luke 1:32.) 2. In the New Testament, there are 261 chapters in which we have 318 verses that teach the literal, personal return of Christ Jesus. 3. Before Christ literally comes a second time to the earth, He will first descend from the Heavens in the air, and His Cnurch, the living and dead, will be caught up together "to meet Him in the air." (See I Thessalonians 4 : 13-17 with I Corinthians 15 : 51- 53.) "Christ, the first-fruits, then they that are 96 BIBLE STUDIES Christ's; then cometh the end." (I Corinthians 15:23-26.) 4. The hope of Christ's appearing (Parousia), is a purifying hope. (See I John 3:1-3.) It is an inspiring motive. (See Titus 2: 11-13. Read Philip- pians 3 : 20 and I John 2 : 28.) 5. When Christ comes to judge the nations and sit upon the throne of David, He will come in mighty power and "every eye shall see Him." (See Revela- tion 1 : 7 with Matthew 2-i : 27 also Acts 1:11.) 6. The Church, which is Christ's Bride, will be translated. At the end of the Tribulation period, Christ will come in glory and with Him bring His Church. (II Thessalonians 2:1-2.) "Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the ages." (Acts 15:18.) 7. Three appearings of Christ: He once appeared — atonement — Hebrews 9 : 26. He now appears — advocacy — Hebrews 9 : 24. He shall appear — advent — Hebrews 9 : 28. Deacfdified using the Bookkeeper process. Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: July 2005 PreservationTechnologies