^^-^^^ ,^" ,■■. lP ^• .\^ V-^ / J" \^ 'X, V^*'=T^'\^^ /6 < V- 0^ ^ A^ 'H-,*^'' .'"' '■^^'. u *^ •>"■■'■■- ■%. .<^* •'-"'*^- •^^ ^-^ •;- ''^i¥s /"■%. '•-^^,-' ^■^'■^ v*'^!'^;-' /""% '-.^ ^W.^:; ^-.^,/ /Jife\ ^^^ .V ,v^-- ^^ 'o^-b- v^^ * ^°-;^ f: r- 0^ * COLONEL WILLIAM W. JENNINGS, HISTORY OF THE 127th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers FAMILIARLY KNOWN AS THE "DAUPHIN COUNTY REGIMENT" Authorized by the Regimental Association and Prepared by its Committee Press of Repobt Publishing Company liKBANON, Pa. Vol 6>f Vr DEDICATION. Affectionately dedicated to the cherished memories of our departed comrades. PREFACE. THIRTY-EIGHT years is a long time to wait in describ- ing successive facts, occurring daily, and indeed hourly, during a period of nearly a year. Memory is treacherous, and diaries begun by the hundreds, were neglected, lost, and when required for reference, but four were found which could render historical aid, and those four were made and preserved by Major Rohrer, Comrade D. C. Reinohl, Comrade John Reinoehl and Lieutenant Fager. To them we are under many obligations in fixing dates and getting at accu- rate details. For equalizing honor and labor, the work was apportioned among the committee, — the chairman taking on himself the prep- aration of the First chapter, on the Formation of the Regiment. The other chapters were assigned as follows, namely: Chapter 2, on the Formation of Companies, — Company "A," Captain F. Asbury Awl; Company "B," Lieutenant A. J. Fager; Company "C," Comrade Levi F. Heicher; Company "D," Captain James B. Keene; Company "E," Comrade Cyrus R. Lantz; Company "F," Lieutenant Thomas G. Sample; Company "G," Corporal Henry A. Swartz; Company "H," Major J. Rohrer; Company "I", Corporal S. G. Stevens; Company "K," Sergeant Henry J. Euston. Chapter 3. on the Marches, Lieutenant A. J. Fager. Chapter 4, on the Battle of Fredericksburg, Comrade George D. Rise. Chapter 5, on the Camps of the Regiment and Camp Life, Senator C. R. Lantz. Chapter 6, Battle of Chancellorsville, Ma- jor J. Rohrer. Chapter 7, Ofificers, Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. Alleman. Company 8, Return of the Regiment, Comrade John Reinoehl. Chapter 9, Incidents of the Service, and Chapter 10, Regimental Association, assignments were disregarded, so the matter was prepared by the sub-committee. The two most important chapters, relating to the battles in which the regiment participated, gave the committee the great- est concern, as accuracy was demanded; and the colonel during his lifetime, fearing that full justice might not be done to the regiment, appealed to the lieutenant-colonel in the spring of 1893 to carefully prepare historical sketches of both battles. This was done, and he afterwards referred them to the regimental historian, who submitted them to Colonel Jennings afterwards, which he approved; and papers on them, later on, were read before the Association. Comrade Rise, as the regimental his- torian, prepared an account of the Battle of Fredericksburg; and Major Rohrer made copious notes from his diary, and after- wards wrote out his version of both battles. While these dif- ferent accounts tallied in the main, they differed from the several standpoints at which the respective writers viewed the situa- tion; so it was concluded best to strike out the repetitions, and compile one account of each battle from the separate accounts, which, it was concluded, would result in greater satisfaction to the reader. Invitations were freely extended to the surviving comrades to send in contributions of their recollection of the service, and incidents of the several companies and regiment. Captain Keene. of Company "D," Corporal Swartz, of Company "G," and others responded, so that manuscript of some 1,500 pages accumulated, all of which were carefully examined and scrutin- ized by the committee, condensed and purged, to the extent which was concluded would be the most acceptable to the sur- viving comrades of the regiment. H. C. Alleman, Chairman, J. Rohrer, C. R. Lantz, A. J. Fager, D. C. Reinohl, John Reinoehl, George D. Rise, Thos. G. Sample, Committee. On the death of Comrade George D. Rise, Comrade D. C. Eein- oehl was chosen to fill the vacancy. CONTENTS. CHAPTEE I. FORMATION OF THE REGIMENT.— Roster of the Field and Staff Officers— Permanent Eegimental Detail— Drum Corps and Band 9-22 CHAPTER IT. COMPANY ORGANIZATIONS.— Company "A"- Roster of Company "A"— Company "B"— Ros- ter of Company "B"— Company "C"— Roster of Company "C "—Company "D"— Roster of Company "D"— Company "E"— Roster of Com- pany "E"— Company "F"— Roster of Company "F"— Company "G"— Roster of Company "G" —Company "H"— Roster of Company "H"— Company ' ' I ' ' —Roster of Company " I " — Com- pany "K"— Roster of Company "K" 23-101 CHAPTER III. MARCHES 102-115 CHAPTER IV. BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG 116 145 CHAPTER V. CAMPS AND CAMP=LIFE.— Camp Curtin-Camp Welles — Camp Boas — Camp Jennings — Camp Dauphin — Camp Alleman — Cam.j) Rohrer — Camp J. Wesley Awl 146-163 CHAPTER VI. BATTLE OF CHANCELLORSVILLE 164-179 CHAPTER Vii. OFFICERS.— Field Officers— Staff Officers— Non- commissioned Staff— Officers of Company "A" —Officers of Company "B"— Officers of Company "C" -Officers of Company "D"— Officers of Company "E"— Officers of Company "F"— Offi- cers of Company "G"— Officers of Company "H"— Officers of Company "I"— Officers of Company " K " 180-196 CHAPTER VIJI. RETURN OF THE REGIMENT.— SUMMARY. . . 197 205 CHAPTER IX. INCIDENTS OF THE SERVICE.— A Commuted Sentence— Tiie Vicissitudes of a Soldier— My First Experience on Picket Duty— Incident of the Bat- tle of Fredericksburg — Anecdotes — Occurrences — Camp Fires — Forlorn Hope — Gratitude — Obedi- ence to Orders- What is Camp Life?— My Person- al Experience as a Wounded Soldier — Incidents of Camp Life— Frank — Fatigue Duty — Corporal Lemuel Moyer— From Major Rohrer's Diary 206-298 CHAPTER X. THE 127th REGIMENTAL ASSOCIATION.— Address of Colonel W. W. Jennings — Address of Dr. Simeon H. Guilford— Address of Colonel J. Wesley Awl— Address of Major J. Rohrer— Ad- dress of Colonel H. C. Alleman — Address of Hon. Thomas G. Sample — Address of Adjutant Augustus L. Chayne— Address of Major John T. Ensminger — Address of Comrade C. R. Lantz — Address of Comrade William H. Siple— Greeting of Comrade John L. Whisler — Address of Comrade Levi F. Heicher— Address of Lieutenant Albert J. Fager— Address of Captain Henry T. Euston— Eulogy on the Death of Col. Wm. W. Jennings. . . 299-335 PORTRAITS. • Page ^Col. Wm. W. Jennings, in 1862 Frontispiece v'Lt.-Col. H. C. AUeman, in 1862 9 V Maj. Jere. Rohrer, in 1862 19 -^ Capt. F. Asbury Awl 24 -/ Lieut. John T. Ensminger 30 / Capt. J. Wesley Awl 34 Capt. Jas. Henderson 42 V Capt. Jas. B. Keene 49 Capt. Lorenzo L. Greenawalt 61 Lieut. Joseph A. Bowman 63 V Capt. W. H. Hummel 69 Capt. John J. Ball 76 ^ Capt. John K. Shott 82 Capt. C. A. Nissley 93 \/' Comrade Cyrus E. Lantz 146 V Camp Boas ^^^ : Comrade John Reinoehl 199 , Corporal Henry A. Swartz 217 \y' Comrade Geo. D. Rise 245 V Comrade Benj. Brandt, Treasurer 299 '/ Col. Wm. W. Jennings, in 1893 304 Dr. Simeon H. Guilford 306 / Maj. Jere. Rohrer, in 1902 314 V Hon. Thos. G. Sample 320 V Adjutant Augustus L. Chayne 321 / Maj. John T. Ensminger 322 v' Hon. Cyrus R. Lantz, in 1902 323 /■ Comrade Wm. H. Siple 325 Comrade John L. Whisler 326 Comrade Levi F. Heicher 327 v' Lt. Albert J. Eager 328 / Capt. Henry T. Euston 329 V Hon. H. C. Alleman, in 1902 330 Presidents of 127th Pennsylvania Volunteers Association. 1889 Col. W. W. Jennings 1889-1890 Dr. Simeon H. Guilford 1890-1891 Col. J. Wesley Awl 1891-1892 Maj. Jeremiah Eohrer 1892-1893 Col. H. C. AUeman 1893-1894 Hon. Thomas G. Sample 1894-1895 Adjt. A. L. Chayne 1895-1896 Maj. John T. Ensminger 1896-1897 Hon. Cyrus R. Lautz 1897-1898 Com. Wm. H. Siple 1898-1899 Com. John L. Whisler 1899-1900 Com. Levi F. Heicher 1900-1901 Lieut. Albert J. Fager 1901-1902 Capt. Henry T. Euston CHAPTER I. Formation of the Regiment. HE result of the first fifteen months of the great Civil War, proved to be very unsatisfactory to the Government at Washington; but little headway was made, and the Confederates were becom- ing aggressive; so the authorities at the Capital concluded to call for more troops, and on the 7th of July, 1862, President Lincoln issued his Proclamation, calling for 300,000 more volunteers to serve for "three years, or during the war." Recruiting had become languid, a draft was imminent, and the designated officers, authorized to raise regiments, were meeting with indifferent success. It was apparent that the men did not care to volunteer for so long a temj as three years, notwithstanding the inducement of liberal bounties offered. The great War Governor of Pennsylva- nia, joined by the Governors of the other States, made an appeal to the President to accept the required quotas from their respective States for a shorter term of service, and the consent of the War Department was reluctantly se- cured, accepting a limited number of regiments for a term of nine months. Governor Curtin issued his proclama- tion under date of July 21, 1862, appealing to the patriot- ism of the people of Pennsylvania, and eloquently urging them to fill up the quota requirement of the Keystone State, to serve for nine months. It was generally sup- posed that this privilege of entering the service for the 10 MEMORIAL HISTORY designated comparatively short period would be kept open during the summer; but after sixteen Pennsylvania regi- ments were recruited, orders from Washington were sud- denly issued, refusing to accept any more men for a shorter term than three years, or during the war. Soon after the muster-out of the Lochiel Grays of Har- risburg, of which William W. Jennings was first lieu- tenant, he was appointed by the Adjutant General of Pennsylvania, Adjutant of Camp Curtin. In this posi- tion he developed executive ability of a high order, and became ambitious to fill a more prominent position. He applied to the Governor for authority to raise a regiment under the proclamation of the President ; and later on, on the proclamation of the Governor, he received assurances, from both the Governor and Adjutant General Russell that, on raising the required ten companies, he would be commissioned colonel of the regiment. Captain W. H. Hummel and Lieutenant Thomas G. Sample, of Harrisburg, were recruiting a company for the nine months' service, and they tendered the captaincy of the company to Adjutant Jennings, who at once accepted the offer, and the company by consolidation was soon filled to the maximum. With this company as a start, he went to work to secure additional companies, inducing Captain John J. Ball, who was then drill master of Camp Curtin, to raise a company. On securing official assurance that he would be ap- pointed colonel of a regiment, Colonel Jennings assumed that he was fully authorized to nominate his associate field officers, together with the adjutant and quartermaster ot the regimental staff. He immediately called at the law office of H. C. Alleman, Esq., in Harrisburg, and intro- duced himselfj — for up to this time they were personal I27TII REGIMENT, P. V. II strangers to each other, — stating that he had a very lively experience and kindly recollection of a friendly act per- formed in April, 1861, and that, as an evidence of his grateful appreciation of that kindness, he tendered him the position of lieutenant-colonel of his regiment. The re- cipient of this unexpected favor expressed both surprise and delight, and after thanking the embr\^o colonel, in- quired what would be expected of him in assisting to raise this regiment ? Colonel Jennings replied that it was usual for a lieutenant-colonel to bring in two, three or four companies, and added : "But I will not require that of you." Mr. Alleman then replied, "as little as I can do will be to raise one company, and I shall start in at once with . the determination of securing a company without unneces- sary delay." This pleased Colonel Jennings, and within an hour of the interview a printed call was nailed upon his office shutter calling for recruits; and in the course of a few days he marched his company into Camp Curtin, and was commissioned and mustered into the United States service as captain. During the interview it was concluded that the posi- tion of major should be left open for the present; Colonel Jennings proposing to consult with Captain Alleman freely in the selection of the major, the commissioned and non- commissioned staff officers of the regiment. In a subsequent interview. Colonel Jennings reported that he had the offer of three companies from the Cumber- land Valley, two of which hailed from Carlisle, and all of them were particularly friendly to Captain John Lee, who aspired to be major of the regiment to which they would be attached. As Captain Lee was a personal friend of both Colonel Jennings and Captain Alleman, they agreed to make this offer an accomplished fact. 12 MEMORIAL HISTORY Captain Jennings having authorized Captain John J. Ball, of Harrisburg, and also Dr. James Henderson, of Hummelstown, each to recruit a company, with his own, and Captain Alleman's company, he virtually controlled four prospective companies from Dauphin county, and with the proposition from Captain Lee for three com- panies from the Cumberland Valley, three additional companies were suggested from the northern portion of the State, whose captains proposed to join the organization for the respective regimental positions of adjutant, quar- termaster, and sutler. These arrangements were speedily consummated, and the roster of ten companies was sub- mitted to the Adjutant General to be formed into one reg- iment, of which Colonel W. W. Jennings was designated as colonel; Captain H. C. Alleman as lieutenant-colonel, and Captain John Lee as major. The general policy of the State administration, in the formation of these new regiments, was in the direction of local organization ; and, as much as possible, the companies of a county and adjoining counties to the number of ten companies were required to form a regimental organiza- tion. There were exceptions to this rule, and Colonel Jennings felt that he had some reason to be favored in the exception. In the meantime some decided opposition was manifest- ed, and new candidates presented themselves for promo- tion. The contest necessarily delayed the organization of the regiment, and time only intensified the contest. An enforcement of the general policy of the administration was demanded, and, notwithstanding the friendliness of both the Governor and the Adjutant General, it was deemed expedient to enforce the rule. Governor Curtin proposed a compromise, suggesting I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 13 that he would at once commission Jennings as colonel of the regiment, and would direct the Adjutant General to issue an order empowering the captains of the respective ten companies to elect the other two field officers ; Colonel Jennings to preside at the election. This proposition from the Governor required seven Dauphin county companies to form a regimental organization to be designated the "Dau- phin County Regiment," and it then became simply a question of what other three companies should become part of the organization. Cumberland county is con- tiguous territory, and if the three companies from Cum- berland county had been required, or permitted, to join m the formation of the regiment, the same result of the ros- ter formation would have been accomplished; but other influences were at work, resulting in an order from the Adjutant General's office requiring the seven companies from Dauphin county, with the companies of Captain Greenawalt, of Lebanon county ; Captain Fox, from Schuylkill county, and Captain Shipley, from Adams county, to form the organization. The proposition of the Governor took the forni of an order, after the likelihood of an amical)le agreement seemed to be entirely out of the question. Notices were sent out to each of the nine cap- tains to meet at the office of Captain Alleman forthwith, and go ir.to an election for field officers. Colonel Jennings was ordered to hold the election. At a late hour on Sat- urday night, the i6th of August, 1862, all of the captains reported and were present except Captain Fox, who had gone to Schuylkill county for recruits to fill his company. Colonel Jennings called the meeting to order, and inform- ed the captains of his order from the Governor requiring him to preside at the election for the two remaining field officers of the regiment ; and stated further that he had concluded not to vote in the election of these officers. 14 MEMORIAL HISTORY The result of the first and only ballot for lieutenant-col- onel showed a majority in favor of Captain H. C. Alle- man, who was duly declared, by Colonel Jennings, elected lieutenant-colonel of the regiment. A number of ballots were then cast for major, result- ing in a tie vote, and Colonel Jennings was appealed to, to cast the deciding vote, which he declined to do. Finally a majority of the votes were cast for Captain Jeremiali Rohrer, and he was declared duly elected major of the regiment. A certificate of election was prepared after midnight, and certified to the Governor, who, however, took no ac- tion until the following Monday. In the meantime, Colonel Jennings received orders to take his regiment to Washington ; and about nine o'clock on Sunday morning, the 17th of August, 1862, nine com- panies of the regiment were on their way to the front. But for the controversy for field officers, the regiment would have been numbered 122, instead of 127, as it was entitled by seniority to that number. Immediately after the election on Sunday morning — for it was past midnight when the election poll closed^ — an order from General Wool, commanding the Depart- ment, was received by Captain F. Asbury Awl, detaching his company — the First City Zouaves — from the regiment, and assigning it for special duty within the department. A copy of this order was duly received by Colonel Jen- nings. This detail continued until February, 1863, when, on an urgent appeal to the War Department, Captain F. Asbury Awl was ordered to join his regiment, which was then in the front, on the Rappahannock, near Falmouth, Virginia. He proceeded with his company to Washing- ton City, and reported to General Heintzelman for trans- I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 1$ portation to the regiment; but an inspection of the com- pany was reported to headquarters, which showed tlie company to such admirable advantage, that the General, instead of furnishing the requested transportation, order- ed the captain with his company to CHffburn Barracks, with instructions to report to the Governor of the District. The company was kept in Washington, and its vicinity, until the expiration of its term of service; and, notwith- standing the urgent appeals of the captain to join the regi- ment, and be mustered out with it, the company was or- dered to Harrisburg, and mustered out of the service on the 8th of May, 1863. While there were regrets expressed by both the officers and men of the regiment that one of the companies of the organization was detached — and probably there were also some regrets felt and expressed by the detailed company — • yet they remembered that it was the first duty of a soldier to obey orders, and they consequently submitted to the "fate of war." It was, nevertheless, a source of constant annoyance in regimental drill, and regimental details, that the awkward number of nine companies only, appeared in regimental formations; and this reduced number im- posed additional burden for picket and fatigue duties, as the regiment was charged with its full complement of ten companies. While the regiment was formed with celerity, and was on its way to the front before the meridian of the day of its formation, hundreds upon hundreds of the relatives and friends of those patriotic lads assembled at Camp Curtin on that memorable Sunday morning to bid them "good-bye," — perhaps forever, — and witness their depart- ure to the sunny, but inhospitable, fields of the South ; and with streaming tears and earnest prayers; with patriotic l6 MEMORIAL HISTORY cheers and fervent blessings, they wafted the parting cry, "God bring you safely home again with victory and with honor." The regiment ordered off so suddenly, before commis- sions were issued to the field officers, the lieutenant-colonel and the major retained the command of their respective companies ; but when the regiment reached Camp Welles, in the defences of Washington, a telegram announced that commissions were signed and forwarded to each of the field officers, in accordance with the election. So on the following day the three commissions arrived, when Colonel Jennings and Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman rode to Washington, and were accordingly sworn into the United States service, respectively as colonel and lieutenant- colonel of the 127th Regiment, leaving the major in com- mand of the regiment. A few days later, Major Rohrer, accompanied by Adjutant Orth, went to Washington City, and were duly sworn into the United States service, re- spectively as major and adjutant of the regiment. The three field officers, although personally unac- quainted with each other until a few days before the or- ganization of the regiment, worked together harmoniously and there never was the slightest official difference or fric- tion between them. They became firm and fast friends during life. Colonel Jennings was the executive officer; Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman was the administrative offi- cer; while Major Rohrer was the emergency officer, and, as the third member of the board of field officers, was con- sulted from time to time ; and it was understood between them, that if any differences of policy or judgment should arise between the colonel and the lieutenant-colonel. Major Rohrer should cast the deciding vote. Although Captain F. Asbury Awl's company was de- 12/ Til REGIMENT, P. V. 17 tached from the regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman insisted that his company should be given the post of hon- or on the right of the regiment, and, in alphabetical for- mation, be designated Company "A" ; and that Captain J. Wesley Awl's company should be given the second post of honor, on the left of the regiment, and designated Company "B," which was agreed to and named accord- ingly. Colonel Jennings nominated Captain Henderson's company for the color company, and it was designated Company "C." Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman's old com- pany was named Company "D"; Captain Greenawalt's company became Company "K" ; and Colonel Jennings' old command was made Company "F"; Captain Ball's company was named Company "G" ; Captain Rohrer's old command was made Company "H," while Captain Ship- ley's company became Company "I," and Captain Fox's company was named Company "K." Colonel Jennings stated in conference that he had prom- ised Captain Henderson one of the staff offices of the regi- ment, so Lieutenant John F. Orth was designated as ad- jutant. The lieutenant-colonel claimed one of the staff officers for his old company, and Frederick R. Gilbert, of Millersburg, Pa., was named as quartermaster. These two nominations were certified to the Governor, and they were promptly commissioned and mustered. The surgeon, the two assistant surgeons and the chap- lain were appointed by the Governor, and this completed the commissioned regimental staff". Colonel Jennings claimed for his company the position of sergeant-major, and Charles H. Small was accordingly appointed sergeant-major of the regiment. In compli- ment to Captain J. Wesley Awl, Clement B. Care, of Com- pany "B," was made commissary-sergeant of the regi- l8 MEMORIAL HISTORY ment; and on the personal request of Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman, Washington Porter Oglesby, of the same com- pany, was honored with the position of hospital steward of the regiment. Major Rohrer claimed for his company one of the non-commissioned Staff, and David Campbell, of Company "H," was made quartermaster-sergeant. This completed the non-commissioned staff officers of the regiment. Quartermaster Gilbert, after serving a while, expressed a decided preference for the position of sutler; so he re- signed his position as quartermaster, and was appointed by the regimental board sutler of the regiment. Adju- tant Orth then resigned his position as adjutant of the regiment, and was commissioned quartermaster of the regiment ; while Second Lieutenant Augustus L. Chayne, of Company "D," was promoted to adjutant of the regi- ment. This regimental formation continued until the muster- out of the 127th Regiment. There were but a few changes in the staff ; and this was one of the very few Pennsylva- nia regiments where no changes were made by the vicissi- tudes of war among the field officers ; who were mustered out with the regiment, as they were mustered in ; and for more than a generation after their term of service, ap- peared at the annual reunions of the regiment to gpreet their old surviving comrades. JEREMIAH ROHRER. Mnjor 127tli Regiment, P. V, MiiUiletown, Va. 12/711 REGIMENT, P. V. IQ Roster of the Field and Staff Officers. Name. Rank. Remai'ks. William W. Jennings Colonel Mustered in as Captain, Aug. 6, 1862; mustored out as Captain, Aug. 15, 1862. Promoted from Captain Co. F, Aug. 16, 1862. Wound- ed Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Mustered out with the Regiment, May 29, 1863. Re-entered the service as Colonel of the 26th Regt. P. V. M. Died at Harris- burg, Feb. 28. 1894, and buried in Harris- burg Cemetery. Hiram C. Allemau Lieut.-Col Mustered in as Captain, Aug. 5, 1862; mustered out as Captain, Aug. 15, 1862. Promoted to Lieut. -Colonel, Aug. 16, 1862. Wounded Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 15, 1862. Wounded Battle of Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Re-entered the service as Colonel of the 36th Regt. P. V. E.. and was the Mil- itary Governor of the Gettysburg Battle Field. Jeremiah Rohrer Major Mustered in as Captain, Aug. 12, 1862; mustered out as Captain, Aug. 18, 1862. Promoted to Major, Aug. 19. 1862. Mustered out with the Regiment, May 29, 1863. John F. Orth Adjutant Mustered lu as First Lieutenant and Adjutant, August 19, 1862. Augustus L. Chayne Adjutant Promoted from Second Lieutenant Co. D, to First Lieutenant and Adjutant, Oct. 13, '62. Wounded Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Mustered out with the Regimeut, May 29, 1863. Died, and Buried in Har- risburg Cemetery. Frederick R. Gilbert Quarter- Joined, Aug. 16, 1862. Mustered in, Aug. 16, master 1862. Resigned, Sept. 12, 1862, and ap- pointed Sutler of the Regiment. John F. Orth Quartermaster Promoted from Adjutant, Oct. 13, 1862. Mus- tered out with the Regiment, May 29, 1863. James R. Reily. .(Surgeon) Major Joined, Sept. 4, 1862. Mustered, Sept 4, 1862. Relieved at Camp Alleman. Transferred to 179th Regt. P. V. Edw. H. Horner. . (Surgeon) Major. . ..Joined and mustered, Aug. 15, 1862. Promoted from Assistant Surgeon, Feb. 24, 1863. Mus- tered out with the Regiment, May 29, 1863. Re-entered the service as Surgeon of the 26th Regt. P. V. M. Jacob H. Vastine .... (Assistant. .. .Mustered into the service, Aug. 15, 1862; but Surgeon).... only joined the Regiment at Camp Boas, First Lieut.... early in September, and mustered out June 8, 1863. John C. Gregg (Chaplain) Joined, Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered out with the Captain Regiment, May 29, 1863. Deceased. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Charles H. Small Sergt.-Maj Mustered. July 31, 1862. Promoted from Private Co. F, Aug. 18. 1862. Wounded Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Mustered out with the Regiment, May 29, 1863. Washington P. Oglesby .. Hospital Mustered, Aug. 8, 1862. Promoted from Prl- Steward vate, Co. B. Aug. 26, 1862. Mustered out with the Regiment, May 29, 1863. Clement B. Care.... Com. Sergt. .. .Mustered, Aug. 8, 1862. Promoted from Private Co. B. Aug. 26, 1862. Mustered out with the Regiment, May 29, 1863. Re-entered the service as Captain 36th Regt. P. V. E. Died, and burled at Llnglestown, Pa. 20 MEMORIAL HISTORY David Campbell Q. M. Sergt. .Mustered, Aug. 12. 1862. Promoted from Pri- vate, Co. H, Dec. 1, 1862. Mustered out with the Regiment. May 29, 1863. Died at Reading, Pa., April 2, 1900. Permanent Regimental Detail. Name. Rank. J. William Bush Musician . , James A. Drain Musician . . Horace B. Jones Private . , Irvine S. Boas Musician., Cyrus McLaughlin Private. . Jacob S. Schaeffer Private., Detail Duty. ..Company G, detailed as Drum-Major of the Regi- ment. .Company G, detailed as Fife-Major of the Regi- ment. ..Company "F", detailed as Regimental Clerk. ..Company F, detailed as Clerk at Headquarters. ..Company K, detailed as Orderly to the Colonel. ..Company I. detailed as Orderly to the Lieuten- ant-Colonel. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 21 DRUM CORPS AND BAND. A drum corps, comprising a fifer and a drummer from each company of the regiment, was formed, who were in- structed and led by drum major J. William Bush, and fife major James A. Drain, both of Company "G," and they were both skilled musicians. The dnmi corps was carefully instructed, required to practice the full drill hours, and being apt and ambitious, they were not long in reaching a degree of proficiency; so that by the time they reached the Rappahannock, in the Army of the Poto- mac, they soon acquired a reputation as one of the best drum corps in the Second Army Corps. Immediately on the organization of the regiment, ap plication was made to headquarters by a number of musi- cians from the several companies to form a brass band. The application was granted, on condition that there would be no expense to the Government, or to the regiment, in pro- curing instruments. Some of the boys sent home for their instruments, while others were procured by a voluntary contribution fund made up by the officers, resulting in a well equipped band, which was taught and led by Mr. Augustus Ball, and under his daily instructions, and much practice, they too acquired a good reputation as musicians, and when they reached headquarters on the Rappahannock, created a sensation, after serenading the commanding General of the Second Army Corps. Mr. Augustus Ball was the son of Captain John J. Ball, of Company "G." and was indefatigable in his efforts for success ; and being an excellent musician, and an able instructor, and withal, ambitious, he had the proud satis- faction, long before the muster-out of the regiment, of 22 MEMORIAL HISTORY acquiring a wide-spread reputation as a successful and an accomplished band-leader. The band acquired a high degree of proficiency, and was a great acquisition to the regiment, making the dress parades attractive, and, while on the marches, and in the evenings, they made themselves useful in cheering their comrades and enlivening the camp by the sweet strains of their harmonious and enjoyable music. CHx^PTER II. Company Organizations. C^^ OMPANY "A" was the one company of the regi- , ment which had a separate and distinctive sphere ^^ of operations; and as a consequence, its history- was distinctively and wholly its own. While it was of, and officially a part of the organization, it was at no time subject to regimental control, or under regimental orders ; although borne upon the regimental roster. Its dis- tance and isolation from the regiment necessarily gave it a different status, and a separate history; while the other nine companies which were at the front from the date of their regimental formation, and during their entire term of enlistment, and always together, lost much of their indi- viduality or company identity, while acting in concert, and were absorbed in the greater organization as a regiment, in which this combination united in making regimental history. COMPANY "A," 127th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. HIS company, known officially on the military records of the late Civil War, as Company "A," 127th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, was also known, locally, as the "First City Zouaves," of Harrisburg, Pa. It was organized in the spring of 1861, and having 23 24 MEMORIAL HISTORY been armed and equipped by the authorities of the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania, and being part of its militia system, regularly performed the duties incident thereto. When General Banks was driven across the Potomac in the early spring of 1862 under the combined attacks of Jackson's and Ewell's divisions of the Confederate army, and sudden fear had seized the people of the North, par- ticularly of Pennsylvania, of a threatened invasion, the War Department of the Government issued a hurried order on May 25, 1862, calling for the enlisting of all vol- unteer militia. The services of the First City Zouaves were offered on the same day, and with full ranks were mustered into the United States service. Two days later, the order of the War Department was rescinded, setting forth that the "threatening aspect of affairs was no longer alarming," and the company was regularly mustered out on May 2J, 1862. It is a notable fact that this company, although large numbers of militia organizations through- out the State had offered their services, was the only one actually mustered in by the United States authorities un- der that call, as the muster rolls on file will attest. When Governor Curtin issued his proclamation on July 21, 1862, calling for the organization of volunteer regi- ments of nine months' troops, under the general call of the President of July 7th, 1862, for 300,000 men, the services of the First City Zouaves were tendered on the same day of its issuance, and promptly accepted. Five days later — July 26 — the company was mustered into the service of the United States by Captain William B. Lane, 3d U. S. Cavalry, mustering officer. The existing officers, F. As- bury Awl and John S. Bitzer, were commissioned as cap- tain and first lieutenant, respectively, and John T. Ens- minger as second lieutenant, in lieu of the officer F. ASBURY AWL. apt I.; Mill 1 il.. ( :■". ••A." ll'Tlli Ucuii •"Iniirl 201st K,-iiji,.,it, It. P. V r. V. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 2$ holding that rank, who was found to be physically dis- qualified. As this was the first company mustered in, un- der that call of the Governor, and as its commander was the ranking ofificer, he was ordered to proceed to the fields north of Camp Curtin, and established a camp suitable for the accommodation of troops that were expected to arrive in large numbers at the seat of government, and to take temporary command of the same. The camp was established and named "Camp Sim- mons," in honor of Colonel Seneca G. Simmons, 5th Pennsylvania Reserves, then recently killed in action be- fore Richmond, Subsequently it was merged with Camp Curtin, and its distinctive identity lost. It was expected that company organizations, as rapidly as they arrived in camp and were duly examined, mus- tered in and fully armed and equipped for the service, would be placed into regimental organizations, officered and sent forward ; but the State authorities directed that all regiments should be made up along county lines or contiguous territory. This order held the First City Zouaves in a state of expectancy for the best part of a month, until August i6th, when the 127th, or Dauphin county regiment, was formed, and to which it was as- signed as Company A. Meanwhile the ''Zouaves" had been detailed specially for provost duty in and about the City of Harrisburg. Immediately upon the regimental assignment, an order was received from General John E. Wool, headquarters Baltimore, commanding the Department, "detaching Company A from the regiment, for special duty within the Department." After the departure of the nine months' troops from Camp Curtin, the company was ordered to establish its 26 MEMORIAL HISTORY quarters at some point in Cumberland county, adjacent to Harrisburg. A camp, called "Camp Dodge," was pitched on the high hill above Bridgeport, which the next year, (1863), during the Gettysburg campaign, was forti- fied and named Fort Washington. This was occupied until the cold weather made it necessary to go into winter quarters. Barracks were established in the company's armory. During a period of over six months of the term of service, until the middle of March, 1863, the duties performed were varied in character, and full of adventur- ous incidents, but at the same time extremely vexatious and annoying, and devoid of that glory which goes down into history. Such duties as the guarding of public and private prop- erty, receiving and distributing military prisoners to Fort Delaware and other places of confinement, arresting de- serters, assisting the provost marshals of Dauphin, Berks Lancaster, York and neighboring counties in enforcing the draft, holding in check the turbulent element of Southern Pennsylvania, who were disposed to resist the law, etc., fell to the lot of Company A, and whilst it nec- essarily broke up the company into fragments, neverthe- less excellent discipline was maintained throughout the command. In early February, 1863, the captain, recognizing the fact that but three months more remained of the com- pany's term of service, and that they had not yet been or- dered to the field, and as all indications pointed to an early advance movement of the Army of the Potomac, forwarded an urgent request to the War Department that "his company be ordered to join its regiment, then at the front, near Falmouth, Va." This communication was referred back "for remark" I27TH REGlMEiNT, P. V. 2^ through the regular channels to the commandant at Har- risburg, who disapproved the same. A local incident oc- curred about a month later which changed the opinion of the commandant, who issued peremptory orders "for the command to proceed at once to Washington, and upon ar- rival there to report to General Heintzelman, who will furnish the necessary transportation to the regiment." Report was made to General Heintzelman, as per orders, but instead of "furnishing the necessary transportation," an inspecting officer was sent, who inspected the com- pany at the Soldiers' Rest, where it was quartered. No orders were received for nearly two days. At the close of the second day, the company was ordered to appear at his headquarters, situated near the White House. By in- vitation, the company now had the pleasure of drilling be- fore President Lincoln. General Heintzelman then or- dered the captain to proceed with his company to Cliff- bum Barracks, on the outskirts of the city, and to report to General Martindale, Governor of the District, for as- signment to duty. Then began another tour of provost duty in and about Washington City, at the Old Capitol Prison, Aqueduct, Chain Bridge, and various other points, and so it continued until the expiration of its term of ser- vice. The company was mustered out at Harrisburg, May 8, 1863. Events seem to have been so ordered, that Company A was deprived during its entire term of service of the pleasure of association with the other nine companies of the regiment, and its worthy field, staff and line officers, and to share in their glories on the field of battle. With what credit Company A performed the duties as- signed it, however, may be best judged from the accom- panying copies of official documents : 28 MEMORIAL HISTORY (Extract from official report of the Adjutant General.) Harrisburg, Pa., December 31, 1862. "Company A, 127th Regiment, commanded by Capt. F. Asbury Awl, are thoroughly drilled and disciplined, and in maintaining the good order of the city, guarding the State Arsenal and the Hospitals established here, and protecting both public and pri- vate property, have rendered most valuable service, although active service in the field would have been preferable to the duties assigned them. (Signed) "A. L. Russell, "Adjutant General." "U. S. Mustering and Disbursing Office, "Harrisburg, Pa., March 20th, 1863. "Capt. F. Asbury Awl, "Comd'g Co. A, 127 Regt. P. V. "Sir: On the eve of your departure for Washington en route to join your regiment, I desire to thank you and your command for the very valuable service you have rendered the government authorities in preserving good order and enforcing law. You have a company of which you may feel justly proud. I know of none better drilled and disciplined outside the regular army. (Signed) "Rich'd I. Dodge, "Capt. 8th U. S. Infantry. "Comd'g Post." "Headquarters Defences of Washington, "Washington, May 5, 1863. "Capt. F. Asbury Awl, Commanding Co. A, 127th Regt. Penn'a Vols., will proceed at once with his command to Harris- burg, Pa., to be mustered out, by reason of expiration of term of service. "The commanding General desires to express his high appre- ciation of the efficient manner this company performed its duties while connected with this department. "By command of (Signed) "S. P. Heintzelman, "Maj. Gcn'l U. S. Vols." I27Tn RECIMENT, T. V. ^g After muster out, the company was temporarily dis- banded, and almost all its members went into various regimental organizations in the field for the balance of the war. An incomplete roster shows that it gave to the service of the country two colonels, one lieutenant-colonel, one brigade inspector, one adjutant, three majors, eight cap- tains, eight first lieutenants, ten second lieutenants, six first sergeants , seventeen sergeants, and fourteen cor- porals. Upon the conclusion of the war, in 1865, the First City Zouaves again took its place in the militia of the State of Pennsylvania. A few years later, the old Zouave unifonn was discarded, a gray one substituted, and the name changed to "City Grays." The company has just com- pleted the fortieth year of its age. Since the close of the Civil War its history has been a remarkable one, and well worthy of publication, but that is not to the purpose of the foregoing sketch. June I, 1901. F. AsBURY Awl. 30 MEMORIAL HISTORY Roster of Company "A. Name. Rank. Muster Awl, F. Asbury Captain Aug. 1, Bltzer, Johu S 1st Lieut July 30, Ensmlnger, John T. 2d Lieut Aug. 1, •Maloney, Tboa. P. 1st Scrgt.. July 26, Babb, Charles H Sergt July 26, ♦Fitzpatrlck, Peter Sergt.. July 26, LaRue, Lemer Sergt July 26, ♦Adams, William J... Sergt July 26, Gratz, Simon Corp July 26, ♦Bence, George W Corp July 28, Bell, John Corp July 26, Thomas J. Mantelle. . .Corp. . July 26, Zollinger, Louis F Corp.. July 26, ♦Sweeney, John H Corp.. July 26, ♦Dougherty, Osceola Corp.. July 26, Pllkay, Joseph J Corp Aug. 1, ♦Wheeler, Wm. H Mus July 26, ♦Wheeler, John C Mus July 30, Atticks, Oliver Private July 26, ♦Balthaser, Edw. . .Private July 26, Beinhauer, David . . . Private July 28, Beinhauer, Peter. . .Private July 28, ♦Bernheisel, J. H.. Private July 30, Bordner, Wm. H Private Aug. 2, ♦Brandt, John B Private July 26, Brown, Charles E.. Private July 26, ed in. Remarks. '62 Re-entered the service as Colonel of the 201st Regt.. P. V. '62 Re-entered the service as First Sergeant, Unassigned Infantry Company, Emergency, 1863. '62 Re-entered the service as Captain in the 201st Regt., P. V. '62 Re-entered the service as Captain 201st P. V. Deceased. '62 Re-entered the service as First Lieutenant, 12th Pa. Cavalry. '62 .... Re-entered the service as Ser- geant, 78th Regt., P. V. De- censed. '62 Re-entered the service as Ser- geant, Dnasslgned Company, Emergency, 1863. '62 Re-entered the service as First lieutenant, 201st P. V. De- ceased. '62 Re-entered the service as Cap- tain, 4th U. S. Colored Vols. '62 Re-entered the service as Private, 77th P. V. Deceased. '62 Re-entered the service as Cap- tain, 194th P. V. and 77th P. V. '62 Re-entered the service as Second Lieutenant, 20th Pa. Cavalry. '62 Re-entered the service as Ser- geant, 20th Pa. Cavalry. '62 Re-entered the service as Cor- poral, Unassigned Company, Emergency, 1863. Deceased. '62 Re-entered the service as Ser- geant, 12th Pa. Cavalry. De- ceased. '62 Re-entered the service as Cor- poral, Unassigned Company, Emergency, 1863. '62 Re-entered the service as Musi- cian, 201st P. V. Deceased. '62 Re-entered the service as Musi- cian, 194th P. V. Deceased. '62 Re-entered the service as Ser- geant, 78th P. V. '62 Re-entered the service as Cor- poral, 4th D. S. Infantry. Deceased. '62 Re-entered the service as Cor- poral, 201st P. V. '62 Re-entered the service as Ser- geant, 201st P. V. '62 Re-entered the service as Pri- vate, 1st U. S. Cavalry. De- ceased. '62 Mustered out with his Company. '62 Re-entered the service as First Sergeant, 20th Pa. Cavalry. Deceased. '62 Deserted December 29, 1862. JOHN T. ENSMINGER, J.;ili' MMJcir l.ii'iili'iiMiil C... -A. Mild A. I). C. nil P.i-k iL'Tlli Ui'.uiliii'iit. V. V. ■■ •Jn\^\ Ki-iiiiciil, r. V. (lii>r-(ii-ii(.T;il TlidS. J. .Innhiirs Stuff. I-iite Miijiir iiiid A. D. C. lUi ni-i};iul!i'i-(;L'iii'i-iil J. K. .Sicgfriod's Staff. T27Tn REGIMENT, P. V. 3I Roster of Company "A," (Continued). Name. Rank. Mustered In. Remarks. Carberry, Wm. H.. Private Aug. 1, '62 Re-entered the service as Second Lieutenant, 201st P. V. Cash, Mark T Private Aug. 1, '62 Re-entered the service as First Lieutenant, 201st P. V. Charles, Carrol C. Private July 26, '62 Re-entered the service as U. S. Government transport service, 1863-4. Chester, Louis P... Private July 20, '02 Re-entered the service as First Sergeant, 194th P. V. ♦Chester, Luther R. Private July 26, '62 Re-entered the service as Ser- geant, 194th P. V. Deceased. •Cook, Henry H... Private July 28, '62 Re-entered the service as Pri- vate, 45th P. V. Deceased. Core, John Private July 28, '62 Re-entered the service as Pri- vate, 93d P. V. ♦Culp, James D. . .Private. . .Aug. 5, '62 Died shortly after muster-out. Honorably discharged. Clendennin, V. C. Private July 31, '62 Re-entered the service as Pri- vate, 20th Pa. Cavalry. •Dailey, Benj E. . Private July 30, '02 Re-entered the service as Ser- geant, 192d P. V. Deceased. Day, Peter Private July 28, '02 Re-entered the service as Pri- vate, 12th Pa. Cavalry. Demming, Henry C. .Private July 20, '02 Re-entered the service as First Lieutenant and Quartermas- ter, 194th P. v., and First Lieutenant, 77th P. V. Denning, Samuel A. Private.. J"ly 20, '02 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Deceased. Ditty, William H.. Private.. Aug- 6, '62 Re-entered the service as Pri- vate, 201st P. V. Demars, Cornel's K. Private.. July 26, '62 Re-entered the service as Cor- poral, 194th P. V. 'Ewing, Wilbur F. .Private. ..•• -July 20, '62 Re-entered the service as Pri- vate 1st U. S. Cavalry. De- ceased. ►Fagan, William H. Private.. July 26, '62 Re-entered the service as Pri- vate, 10th U. S. Infantry. Deceased. ►Fenn, George W.. Private.. July 26, '62 Re-entered the service as Cap- tain, 201st P. V. Deceased. fisher Charles Private.. July 26, '62 Re-entered the service as Pri- vate, 10th U. S. Infantry. •Fought, J. Edw. .Private. . July 26, '62 Re-entered the service as Cor- poral, 201st P. V. Deceased. •Garman, Samuel G. Private. . July 26, '62 Re-entered the service as Pri- vate, 18th Pa. Cavalry. De- ceased. ►Gilchrist, H. J Private. . July 26, '62 Re-entered the service as Ser- geant, 20th Pa. Cavalry. De- ceased. 'Gowan, Thad. T.. Private.. ■^'^^y 26, '02 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Deceased. jross, Wendell Private. .••• •■'^^^* ^' '''2 Re-entered the service as First Lieutenant, 201st P. V. *Hamill, Samuel M. .Private. .••• -July 20, '62 Re-entered the service as Second Lieutenant, 201st P. V. De- ceased. Elantch, Walter E.. Private.. July 20, '62 Re-entered the service as Pri- vate, 201st P. V. •Heicher, Ira D. .. .Private. .••• -July 29, '62 Re-entered the service as Pri- vate, 20th Pa. Cavalry. De- ceased. 32 MEMORIAL HISTORY Roster of Company "A," (Continued). Name. Rank. Mustered iu. Remarks. Heller, George W . . Private July 26, Hippie, William H.. Private July 29, Hoffman, C. B Private July 26, *HosaD, Henry Private Aug. 2, Hoy, Francis H Private July 26, Hyers, George A . . . Private Aug. 6, Jack, Joseph D Private.. July 31, Jones, Lemuel M. . .Private. . July 29, •Lehman, Christian. .Private. . July 29, Loy, Albert Private July 28, •McClain, Theo Private July 26, McClure, John Private.. July 26, MeCurdy, Robert. . .Private. . July 29, McGowan, Geo. W.. Private.. July 31, ♦McManus, Wm. H. .Private July 26, •Machlin, John W . . Private . . July 26, Marquett, John A.. Private.. Aug. 6, ♦Miller, Samuel C. .Private.. •• -July 26, Maler, Christian Private . . July 26, Miller, John P Private . . July 29, •Olewlne, Albert Private.. July 28, Olewine, George Private July 28, Ol3en, John S Private Aug. 6, Parthamore, Matth's. .Prlv July 28, Patterson, Levi H.. Private Aug. 5, Pipher, Henry Private July 28, Redlf er, Wm. S Private Aug. 5, Reed, John F Private July 25, Relnhold, Henry L.. Private Aug. 6, Rhodes, Joseph E . . Private July 28, Rudy, Jonas Private July 26, '62 Re-entered the service as Cor- poral 77th P. V. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. 'C2 Re-entered the service as Pri- vate, 79th P. V. '62 Re-entered the service as Pri- vate, 79th P. V. Deceased. '62 Re-entered the service as Ser- geant, 201st P. V. '62 Re-entered the service as Ser- geant. 195th P. V. '62 Re-entered the service as Second Lieutenant, 201st P. V. '62 Re-entered the service as Ser- geant, U. S. Signal Corps. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. '62 Re-entered the service as Cor- poral, 201st P. V. '62 Re-entered the service as Pri- vate, 3d U. S. Cavalry. De- ceii.sed. '62 Re-entered the service as Pri- vate, 91st P. V. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. '62 Re-entered the service as Ser- geant. 77th P. V. '62 Re-entered the service as Pri- vate, 20th Pa. Cavalry. De- ceased. '62 Re-entered the service as Second Lieutenant, 20th Pa. Cavalry. Deceased. 'C2 Re-entered the service as Pri- vate. 93d P. V. '62 Re-entered the service as Ser- geant, 78th P. V. Deceased. '62 Dishonorably discharged October 22, 1862. '62 Deserted August 2, 1862. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Deceased. '62 Re-entered the service as Pri- vate, 201st P. V. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. '62 Re-entered the service as Cor- poral. 201st P. V. '62 Re-entered the service as Ser- geant Major, 192d P. V. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 'C2 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Re-entered the service as First Lieutenant, 194th P. V. '62 Re-entered the service as Cor- poral, 20th Pa. Cavalry. I27TH REGIMENT, P, V. Roster of Company "A," (Continued). 33 Rank. Mustered in. Name. •Raudbaugh, Geo. H. Private July 26, Remarks. Rudolph, John Sample, Alex, M.. Sandles, Wm. A.. Scheffer, B. Frank. Shuman, Luke..... '62 Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, April 10, 1863. Also, Private, 7th Pa. Cavalry by re-entry Into service. De- ceased. '62 Deserted August 2, 1862. 'C2 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Re-entered the service as Ser- geant Major, 4th Pa. Cavalry. '62 Re-entered the service as Cor- poral, 77th P. V. '62 Re-entered the service as Third Assistant Engineer, U. S. Navy. '62 Served full term. Honorably di8- charged. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Deceased. '62 Re-entered the service as Cap- tain, 78th P. V. Deceased. '62 Re-entered the service as Ser- geant, 20th Pa. Cavalry. '62 Re-entered the service as Ser- geant Major, 201st P. V. ■Re-entered the service as Pri- vate, Ind. R. R. Pa. Cavalry. '62 Re-entered the service as Ser- geant, 19th Pa. Cavalry. De- ceased. 62 Re-entered the service as Cor- poral, 201st P. V. Deceased. ■Re-entered the service as Second Lieutenant, 194th P. V. •Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. •Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. ♦Deceased. Company A was mustered out of service at Harrlsburg, Pa., on the expiration of its term of enlistment. May 8, 186,3. Note. — A number of the members of Company A, 127th Regiment, Pa. Vols., who had Joined short-term regiments after muster-out in May, 186.'i. upon the expiration jf the term, again re-entered the service in "Veteran Volunteer" and other regiments, and attained rank different and higher than noted in the foregoing "remarks." The "deceased" list is reported up to June 1, 1901. As the dates of death and places of burial, in many instances, are not sufficiently well authenticated, they are all purposely omitted. Snoddy, John •Snyder, George N. •Swartz, John A . . . Swope, Andrew C . Vaughn, Robert V. Wanger, Heury H . ♦Whiteside, J. Elton ♦Windsor, Jesse. . . YIngst, Fred'k W. Zelgler, Francis A. Zimmerman, J. K. .Private.. Aug. 1, .Private July 28, .Private July 28, .Private July 31, .Private July 28, .Private July 31, .Private July 28, .Private July 26, .Private July 22, .Private July 31, .Private July 29, .Private Aug. 5, .Private July 26, .Private July 26, .Private Aug. 1, .Private.. Aug. 6, '62. •62. •62. COMPANY "B." THIS company, designated on the military records of the late Civil War as Co. "B," 127th Regi- i^^ ment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, was known at home as the "Harrisburg Fire Zouaves/' On the 5th of August, 1862, J. Wesley Awl, Esq., a prominent attorney of the city of Harrisburg, opened a recruiting station at his office on the west side of North Third street in Harrisburg, and the rolls began to fill up immediately. By Wednesday, August 6th, forty-two (42) men had signed the roll; on Thursday, eighty-two (82) men had enlisted, and on Friday, August 8th, seven- ty-six (76) men were mustered into the U. S. service in South Market Square. On that evening, (in the rear part of Brandt's Hall), an election of officers was held, which resulted in the election of J. Wesley Awl as cap- tain, A. J. Fager as first lieutenant, and William McCar- roll as second lieutenant. On Saturday, August 9th, seventy-six (76) men were marched out to Camp Curtin, and there pitched their tents. On the afternoon of the 9th, fifteen more men were ad- ded and sworn into the service of the United States. On Friday, August 15th, the new men were given their uni- forms; and on the i6th received their guns and accoutre- ments, and were afterwards designated Company "B" of the 127th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, having been mustered into the U. S. Service for nine months. Company "B" was composed of a stalwart lot of men, most of them from the city of Harrisburg, and others from the country surrounding Harrisburg. They were 34 J. WESLEY AWL. ('.•iiihiiii Co. ■■]!.•■ li'Trli Ki^yiniciil. r. V. I.iitc Liciili'iiuiil-Ciliiiicl liolsl Itcyi lit, I". V. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 35 more like a picked body of patriotic men, than a lot of men taken haphazard; and during their term of service performed their duties willingly and strictly, giving the officers very little trouble as regards their discipline; while each and all took an interest and pride in the service, and an especial pride in the company organization. Captain J. Wesley Awl had seen service as a second lieutenant of Company "E/' First Regiment, Pennsylva- nia Volunteers, in the three months' service in 1861, and was a well-drilled, and very efficient officer. First Lieutenant A. J. Fager, although not in active service previous to this enlistment, had been a member of a military company since he was thirteen years old, and had drilled Company "G" of the Bucktails, while they lay in Camp Curtin in 1861, and received their thanks by the unanimous vote of the company. Second Lieutenant William McCarroll was an ex-regu- lar U. S. soldier, understood the duties of a soldier, and had been in active service in the West amongst the In- dians, was liked by the men of Company "B," and com- manded the respect of his fellow-officers in the company and regiment. Company "B"' did its whole duty during its term of ser- vice; and was justly considered a model company by its officers, and stood second to none in the estimation of the regimental officers. It was selected upon several occa- sions, with its officers, to perform arduous and adventur- ous duty, and Company "B" always did it well. It was noted for its proficiency in guarding Chain Bridge ; and in handling the heavy artillery in Fort Ethan Allen. The company performed its full share of picket and fatigue duty, and never shirked, or even complained of any dvity, either in the camp, on the charge, or steady 36 MEMORIAL HISTORY firing line. Discipline for shirking duty, or insubordina- tion was almost unheard of in Company "B," and it was the rarest thing to find a member of Company "B" in the guard-house. While the officers were strict disciplinar- ians, the rank and file were gentlemen, requiring no co- ercion. There were many conspicuous acts of bravery per- formed by this company, and by individual members of the company. Among others Private John Y. Bell, dur- ing the battle of Fredericksburg, while standing in a fur- row that had been washed out by the rain, saw a wounded comrade of the First Minnesota Regiment, who was so badly disabled that he was unable to use his musket any longer; and as Private Bell had exhausted his cartridges, he begged the cartridges from his wounded comrade, which were generously given up, and Private Bell used every one of them in firing at the enemy. A. J. Fager. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. Roster of Company "B." 37 Name. Rank. Mustered Awl, J. Wesley Captaiu Aug. 9, Fager, Albert J 1st Lieut Aug. 9, McCarroU, William. .2d Lieut Aug. 9, Bell, Robert F 1st Sergt Aug. 8, Chandler, Geo. P Sergt Aug. 8, Groff, Jacob Sergt. Aug. 8, Carsou, William D Sergt Aug. 8, Hynieka, John M Sergt Aug. 9, Hyers, William H Sergt Aug. 8, McComos, Johu Corp Aug. 8, Martin, David C Core Aug. 8, Miller, William G Corp Aug. 8, Gettys, William Corp Aug. 8, Stoufer, David G Corp Aug. 8, Rhoades, John Corp Aug. 8, Rapp, William R Corp Aug. 8, Finnegan, Patrick Corp Aug. 8, Wireman, Samuel F Corp Aug. 8, Glover, Edward W. .Aug. 8, in. Remarks. '02 Re-entered the service as Lieut. - Colonel, 201st Regt., P. V. Died at Harrlsburg, March 2, 1894, and buried in Har- rlsburg Cemetery. "62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died 1878. Buried in Harrisburg Cemetery. 'G2 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '61: Promoted from Corporal, October 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably discharged. '62 Promoted from Corporal, October 13, 1862. Wounded Battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Deceased. '62 Promoted to Corporal, October 13, 1862; to Sergeant, No- vember 6, 1862. Served full term. Honorably discharged. '62 Discharged by special order, Oc- tober 14, 1862. '62 Promoted to Corporal, October 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably discharged. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died 1879. Buried in Cumberland County. '62 Died of wounds received in ac- tion at ChaucellorsvlUe, May 4, 1863. '62 Promoted to Corporal, January 30, 1863. Served full term. Honorably discharged. Died September, 1892. '62 Promoted to Corporal, October 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably discharged. Min- ister of the Gospel in Illinois. 'C2 Promoted to Corporal, November 9, 1862. Served full term. Honorably discharged. Died and buried in Philadelphia, July, 1896. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died August 7, 1898. Buried iu Cumberland County. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged May 9, 1863, on ex- piration of term. '62.. .Promoted to Corporal, October 13, 1862. Died at Washing- ton, D. C, January 30, 1863, of wounds received at Battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Burled In Military Asylum Cemetery. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Entered West Point Military Academy, 38 MEMORIAL HISTORY Roster of Company "B," (Continued). Name. Rauk. Mustered in. Remarks. Felix, Mordecai Mus Aug. Bell, John Y Private Aug. Bender, Jacob M Private Aug. Bernhisel, John Private Aug. 5, Bleyer, Abraham Private Aug. 8, Buck, David Private Aug. Burnite, David C Private Aug. Buck, David J Private Aug. Case, William Private Aug. Caselow, John H Private Aug. Chaffinch, Samuel E. . .Private Aug. Creamer, Charles Private Aug. Creamer, John Private. • • • • Aug. Care, Clement B Private Aug. Davis, John W Private. Aug. Davis, Joseph Private. • ■ • ■ Aug. Dickey, Harry Private. ■ • • ■ Aug. DeHaven, Wm. H Private. Aug. Eisely, Thomas J Private Aug. Gnger, Joseph. ...... .Private. . . . .Aug. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died at Harrisburg. Buried Harrisburg Cemetery. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died at Harrisburg, 1873, and buried in Harris- burg Cemetery. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died February 4, 1897. Buried in Harrisburg Cemetery. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died at Harrisburg, 1875. Buried in Harrisburg Cemetery. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died in New York, August 12, 1887. Burled in Harrisburg Cemetery. 62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died at Harrisburg, 1886, and buried in Harris- burg Cemetery. '62 Accidentally killed in Camp, Oc- tober 1, 1S62. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died December, 1880. Buried in Harrisburg Ceme- tery. '62 Served full tei'm. Honorably dis- charged. Deceased. '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Died at Harrisburg, August 11, 1888. '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. '62 Promoted to Com.-Sgt., August 26, 1862. Re-entered the serv- ice as Captain. Died and buried at Linglestown, Pa. '63 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died March, 1890, and buried in Harrisburg Cemetery. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, February 16, 1863. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died at Harrisburg. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. Roster of Company "B," (Continued). 39 Name. Bank. Faster, Daulel Private. Mustered in. Aug. 9, Forney, John C Private. .... Aug. Frank, Charles Private. . Gardner, Peter Private.. .Aug. , . Aug. Gra.v, William M Private Aug. 8. Hants, Loldeman Privatf Aug. 8, Heuning, John H Private Aug. 8, Hobbs, Wm. P. H Private Aug. 8, Horuiug, John H Private Aug. 8, Hocker, Martin Private Aug. 8, Jack, James A Private Aug. 8, Johnson, Wm. H Private Aug. Kissel, Kerper, Solomon B. ...Private Aug. John F Private Aug. Remarks. '02 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December la, 1862. Served full term. Hon. discharged. 'G2 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died at Harrisburg, 1894. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Deceased. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December lo, 1862. Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, February 14, 1863. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died at Rich Island, Ills. '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg,- December 13, 1862. Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1S62. Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died in California. '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg. Dec. 13, 1862. Served full Honorably discharged. Battle Chancellorsvllle, 3, 1863. Served full Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Deceased. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Deceased. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Lescure, Edward P. . ..Private. ■ • ■ -Aug. 8, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Dead. Buried In Harrisburg Cemetery. Loy, Christian Private Aug. 11, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died, March 21, 1899. Buried in Harrisburg Cemetery. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died. March, 1890. Burled in Harrisburg Ceme- tery. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died, 1888. Burled in Harrisburg Cemetery. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Krider, Frank Private Aug. Lamm, Audie Private. ■ • ■ .Aug. Leaman, Nathaniel. . .Private. Lebo, John Private. Lebo, John R Private. ...Aug. 8, ...Aug. 8, ...Aug. 8, term. '62 Wounded May term. Lemen, John B Private. Aug. 11, Maddock, Thomas. . . .Private. • • • .Aug Mather, Francis R... Private Aug, Megaughey, Theo Private Aug. Meredith, Ross, Jr... Private Aug. 9, 40 MEMORIAL HISTORY Roster of Company "B," (Continued). Mustered in. Remarks. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died at Columbus, 1898. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died, April 17, 1901. Buried in Uarrisburg Ceme- tery. Miller, John W Private Aug. 8, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Mytinger, John Private Aug. 8, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died 1888. Buried In Harrisburg Cemetery. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died in Indiana, 1876. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg. December 13, 1862. Served full term. Hon. discharged. Oglesby, Wash. P Private Aug. 8, '62 Promoted to Hospital Steward, August 26, 1863. Served full Name. Rank. Myers, Marcus Private Aug. Miles, George W Private Aug. Miller, John H Private Aug. Neuer, George H Private Aug. Oglesby, Joseph J Private Aug. Orth, John Private Aug. Parsons, LeRoy Private Aug. Pray, George K Private Aug. Probst, John Quigley, Albert S. .Private Aug. .Private Aug. 8, Reel, Adam Private. . Ritner, John Private. . Rogers, Charles M Private.. . Aug. 8, .Aug. 8, .Aug. 8, Rudy, Darius E Private. Aug Rupp, Jacob Private Aug. 8, Saul, Joseph M Private Aug. 8, Sawyer, John W Private Aug. 8, Seltzer, Peter E Private Aug. 8, Shiffler, John Private. Shoop, Barney J Private Aug. 8 Shriver, Cornelius Private Aug. 8; Siders, John W Private Aug Smith, Jacob Private Aug Suydam, Charles A . . . Private Aug term. Honorably discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Killed on railway at Lancaster, December 16, 1899. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served full term. Hon. discharged. •62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died, 1897. Buried in Harrisburg Cemetery. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. '62 Served full term. charged. '62 Served full term. charged. .Aug. 8, '62 Served full term. charged. Died, December 22, 1894. Buried in Harrisburg Cemetery. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died, 1897. Buried in Harrisburg Cemetery. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died December 30, 1894. Buried in Harrisburg Cemetery. •62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served full term. Hon. discharged. •62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Honorably dis- Honorably dis- Honorably dis- 8, I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. Roster of Company "B," (Continued). 41 Name. Stetzel, David. Rank. Mustered In. .Private Aug. 8, '62 Discharged Sollers, CbarlGS H. Seguer, Aaron .Private Aug. 8, .Private Aug. Thomas, Theo. G. Trout, John F Vandiver, Jesse M. . Varnlck, Charles R. Waggoner, Wm. H. Walters, George L Private Aug. 8, Walters, David... Wennel, Wm. H. Remarks. on Surgeon's certifi- cate, November 20, 1862. De- ceased. '62 Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, March 26, 1863. De- ceased. '62 Honorably discharged. May 7, 1863, expiration of term. Died at Lykens, 1878. Burled there. Private Aug. 11, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Deceased. Private Aug. 5, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Deceased. 62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served full term. Hon. discharged. 62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died in Chicago, 1886. Private Aug. 8, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Private Aug. 8, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died in Chicago, 1877. , .Private Aug , .Private Aug . .Private Aug 8, The officers and men of Company "B' out of the service May 29th, 1863. were mustered COMPANY "C. T' HE proclamations of the President and the Gov- , ernor excited intense interest in Derry and Han- J^Mb over townships, and the young farmer boys were clamorous for Dr. James Henderson, of Hum- melstown, to lead them. The Doctor was in the full tide of a lucrative practice. He had the respect of the entire community, and the strong appeals made to him from the young men of the village and the surrounding country determined him to give vent to his own patriotic feelings ; and, when Colonel Jennings re- quested him to raise a company, he, without hesitation, promised to do so, and accepted the leadership, and with it the responsibility. The young men from the neighbor- hood flocked to his standard, and in a very short while he enrolled i8o names, enabling him to make choice for the full quota of his company. He was delighted with his success, and went to Har- risburg and reported to Colonel Jennings, and together, they visited the office of Captain Alleman, who was then recruiting a company for Colonel Jennings' regiment. Captain Henderson stated that he could give Captain Alleman all the men he wanted to fill up his company, so it was agreed that the men should be sworn into the United States service the following day, and all over the maximum of a company should be turned over to Captain Alleman, to make up the deficit of his company. Very much deference was paid to the judgment of Cap- tain Henderson in the selection of the subordinate officers in the organization of the company. His choice fell upon 42 I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 43 Christian A. Nissley and William R. Orth as first and sec- ond lieutenants, respectively, although Charles D. Wise and David Hummel, Jr., had friends supporting their can- didacies. Captain Henderson felt that he had some claims upon Colonel Jennings in the organization of the regiment, and suggested that the quartermaster, or adjutant of the regiment should be chosen from the Derry Guards, or named by him. There being some understanding of that kind, the friends of John F. Orth and Charles D. Wise and David Hummel, Jr., were willing that the one should have a regimental position, and the other two positions as first and second sergeant, with the prospect of early pro- motion; so the company was duly organized, and on the morning of the 5th of August, 1862, Lieutenant H. C. Alleman, who had been appointed second lieutenant in the Regular Army, went to Hummelstown to muster in Cap- tain Henderson's company, and did so to the number of 148 men. This created great excitement, and the whole neighborhood flocked in to witness the ceremony. While Lieutenant Alleman made no hesitation in mustering in the full body of men, he informed Captain Henderson that the maximum number of his company was one hun- dred, but the additional forty-eight men insisted upon tak- ing their chances of enrollment and muster into the ser- vice after passing their physical examination, and taking the places of the rejected, or those found to be physically disqualified. Lieutenant Alleman received a telegram from Colonel Jennings ordering Captain Henderson to report himself and company at Camp Curtin forthwith. So transporta- tion was secured, and the excitement was great. It was not expected that the company would be required to go 44 MEMORIAL HISTORY into camp for some days; but on the assurance of Cap- tain Henderson that furloughs would be granted them to return home and say "good-bye" to their families, they expressed themselves satisfied. The 148 sworn men took the train for Harrisburg, and marched into Camp Curtin with Captain Henderson in the lead ; and Lieutenant Alle- man taking charge of the overflow, with those of his com- pany, who were at the station to meet them, followed into camp. The company was composed of good material, and gave a good account of themselves, Levi F. Heicher. 127TII REGIMENT, V. V. Roster of Company "C." 45 Niime. Rank. Mustered iu. Henderson, James. .. .Captain Aug. 9, '62... Douti-ich. Jacob Sergt. Aug. 9, Landls, Levi F Sergt. Aug. 9, Greenawalt, Geo. F Sergt. Aug. 9, Groffe, Wm. H. D Corp. Aug. Buser, Geo Corp. • • • • Aug. Bale, John Corp. Aug. EUinger, John Corp. .... Aug. Gramm, Jonathan Corp. • ■ • -Aug. Krlser, Amos Corp.- • • -Aug. Shapley, Rufus E Corp. Aug. Shellehamer, G. W Corp Aug. Bowman, Geo. H Corp Aug. Nissley, Christian A. 1st Lieut. Aug. 9, 'G2. Orth, Wm. R 1st Lieut Aug. 9, '152. Wise, Charles D. ..1st Lieut Aug. 9, 'G2. Hummel, David, jr.. 2d Lieut. Aug. 9, '62. Bowman, Henry 1st Sergt Aug. 9, 'G2. '62. '62. '62. Greenawalt, Samuel ...Sergt. Aug. 9, '62. '62. '62. '62. '62. '62. '62. '62. '62. Remarks. .Wounded Battle of Fredericks- Imrg. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. Died. Buried iu Hummelstown Cem- etery. .Promoted to Captain of Company I, October 13, 1862. .Promoted from Second Lieutenant, October 13, 1862. Died Feb- ruarj' 23, 1863, from wounds at Battle of Fredericksburg. Buried iu Hummelstown Cem- etery. .Promoted from First Sergeant to Second Lieutenant, October 13, 1862; to First Lieutenant, February 24. 1863. Served full term. Honorably dis- cliarged. Re-entered service as Captain in Colonel Alle- man's 36th Regiment. Buried in Hummelstown Cemetery. .Promoted from Sergeant to First Sergeant, October 13, 1863; to Second Lieutenant, Febru- ary 24, 1863. Wounded Bat- tle of Chancellorsvllle. Serv- ed full term. Honorably dis- charged. Re-entered service as Lieutenant In Colonel Alle- man's 3t)th Regiment. Buried in Hummelstown Cemetery. •Promoted from Sergeant, February 24, 1863. Served full term. Honorably discharged. •Served full term. Hon. discharged. •Sei'ved full term. Hon. discharged. •Promoted from Corporal, February 24, 1863. Served full term. Honorably discharged. • Promoted from Private, October 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably discharged. • Served full term. Hon. discharged. • Served full term. Hon. discharged. • Served full term. Hon. discharged. .Promoted to Corporal, November 7, 1S62. Served full term. Honorably discharged. .Promoted to Corporal, Novemljer 7, 1862. Served full term. Honorably discharged. .Promoted to Corporal, February 24, 1863. Served full term. Honorablj' discharged. .Promoted to Corporal, October 13, 1862. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. .Promoted to Corporal, Janury 7, 1863. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. .Discharged January 7, 1863. 46 MEMORIAL HISTORY Roster of Company "C," (Continued). Name. Rank. ilusteiod iu. Remarks. Hummel, Jo.s. B. F. . .Musician. Hummel, Christian ..Musician. Alleman, Isaac Pi-ivate- Alleman, Jacob Private- Baum, Abram Private . Brubaker, David Private. Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Oct. 13, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, Blessing, John Private. Beinbower, Adam ....Private. Baer, Andrew Private . Blyer, Henry H Private. Books, Geo. W. Cailey, .John Private . Curry, John H Private. Cammel, James Private . Conrad, Samuel P. . .Private. .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, . Au^ . Aus Aug. 9, Aug. 9, Aug. 9, Aug. 9, Aug. 9, Conrad, John B Private Aug. 9, Curry, Joseph Private. Demmy, David Private . Demmy, Levi Private. Etter, Philip W Private. Elser, Wm Private . Eiseuhour, Elias Private. Ellinger, Geo. W Private. Early, Thos Private. Ebersole, Martin Private . Farusler, Jacob Private . Fox, Grafton Private . .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 11 .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9 .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, Ferrer, Christian L. . . .Private- . . .Aug. 9, Gramm, Samuel Private- .. -Aug. 9, Grundon. John Private • • • • Aug. 9, Gramm, Frederick ... .Private- •. .Aug. 9, Houser, Frederick ... .Private- •. -Aug. 9, Heintz, Geo Private Aug. 9, Hummel, Daniel Private- -- -Aug. 9, Hess, John Private - . - - Aug. 9, Hoover, Henry Private- -. -Aug. 9, Henderson, Jno. W. . .Private- .- -Aug. 9, Heck, Joshua Private .... Aug. 9, '02 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Buried in Hummels- town Cemetery. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Buried iu Hummels- town Cemetery. •52 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served until muster-out of Com- pau.v. Honorably discharged. '62 .Served full term. Hon. discharged. 't>2 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. '(>2 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 'tJ2 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Buried at Steelton. '02 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Honorably dl.s- charged. Burled in Oberland Cemetery. '62 Discharged February 22, 1862, on Surgeon's certificate of disa- bility. '62 Served full term. Hon. di.scharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. lion, discharged. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Buried at Steelton. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Buried at Steelton. '62 Discharged Octoljer 24, 1862. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '02 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. '02 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '02 Served full term. '62 Served full term. '02 Served full term. '62 Served full term. '62 Served f nil term. '62 Served full term. charged. Buried burg Cemetery. '62 pipd November 1, 1802. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Died at Harrisburg, Pa., Novem- ber 8. 1862. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '02 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Buried in Hummels- town Cemetery. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Buried iu Hummels- town Cemetery. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Honorably dis- in Harris- I 27th regiment^ p. v. Roster of Company "C," (Continued). 4; Name. Rank. Heicher, Levi F Private.. Hummel, Ales Private.. Hoerner, Geo. W Private . . Hamberg, Geo. C. ...Private.. Heckamer, Geo. W Private.. Hummel, Solomon Private. . . Mustered in. Remarks. .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, Hoover, Isaac H Private. • ■ Killwell, John H Private.- Kerr, Joseph Private. • . Kriser, Joseph Private. • ■ Kissel, Henry Private. ■ Kurtz, Cyrus Private. • Longenstine, John Private. . .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, Minnich, Samuel Private Aug. 9, Manning, James Private Aug. 9, Matlock, Reuben, Jr. .Private. • Moser, Henry Private. • Marquart, Malone Private. • Manning, John Private. • Michael, William Private- McCloud, Frederick . . . Private. • Parthamore, George. . .Private. • Painter, Jacob Private. • Ranch, Wm. M Private. • Ruth, Jacob K Private.- Spotts, Israel Private.- Sanders, William Private. - Shaffer, Jacob Private.- Spidel, John Private. • Slesser, Christian H.. Private. - Spade, Wm. H Private - .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Wounded Battle of I^redericks- burg. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg. Discharged honorably, for disability, March 28, 1863. '62 Discharged February 17, 1863. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Killed at Battle of Fredericks- burg, December 13, 1862. '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Died March 9, 1803. '62 Killed at Battle of Fredericks- burg, December 13, 1862. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged '62 -Served full term. '62 Served full term. '62 Served full term. '62 Served full term. '62 Served full term. '62 Served full term. '62 Served full term .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, . Aug. 9, Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Honorably dis- charged. Buried in Highspire Cemetery. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Honorably dis- Stickler, Jacob Private Aug. 9, Saltzer, James E Private. Aug. 9, Spring, Henry Private. Aug. 9, Smeltzer, William Private. Aug. 9, Spittler, Jacob Private. Aug. 9, Stoner, Jacob Private. Aug. 9, Tennis, Samuel Private. Aug. 9, Witmer, Eli Private. Wolf, George P Private. Wagoner, John H Private. Yiugst, John Private. .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, .Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. '62 Served full term. '62 Served full term. charged. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '02 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Killed at Battle of Fredericks- burg, December 13, 1862. 48 MEMORIAL HISTORY The company was fortunate in securing some of the regimental honors: while the company became the color company of the regiment, and responsible for the colors consigned to the keeping of the color guard. Company "C" made a good record. Lieu- tenant Christian A, Nissley was promoted to captain of Company "I." Lieutenant John F. Orth was made adju- tant of the regiment, and afterwards promoted to quar- termaster. Sergeants Wise and Hummel were promoted to lieutenancies. The casualties of the company were great, including Lieutenant Orth among the killed. The company was mustered out with the regiment on the 29th of May, 1863. COMPANY "D." DiURING the war of the rebellion there was fully as much intrigue, bargaining and chicanery ^^ practiced in the formation of military companies, and the organization of regiments, as prevails in the present day in political manipulations, and syndicate manoeuvers. There were characteristics about this company, prob- ably not very dissimilar from many, or most other com- panies, yet it had some unique features peculiarly its own, stamping its impress upon the general character of the regiment. Company "D" had its origin in a surprise. On the 26th of July, 1862, H. C. AUeman, Esq., was sitting at his table, in his law office. No. 6, North Third street, in Harrisburg, attending to professional business, and while CAPTAIN JAMES B. KEENE. Captain Co. •■D," 127th Ilryimi'iit. I'. Y, Spriiigfleld, Mass, I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 49 I was painting the front of his office, Adjutant William W. Jennings, of Camp Curtin, entered the office and intro- duced himself. He was the favorite nephew of Colonel F. K. Boas, the personal friend and landlord of Mr. AUe- man. While they knew of each other, they were person- ally unknown the one to the other. Adjutant Jennings stated that he had applied to the Governor for authority to raise a regiment under the 300,000 call from the Presi- dent, and under the proclamation of the Governor, for volunteers to serve for nine months, that he had assur- ances from the State Executive that he would be appoint- ed colonel, on securing ten companies. He said he came directly from the Executive Chamber, where he had a satisfactory interview with Governor Curtin and Adju- tant General Russell, who authorized him to raise a regi- ment; and he came straightway, not only to announce this fact first to him, but to ofifer him the lieutenant-colo- nelcy of the regiment. At this Mr. Alleman very naturally expressed very great surprise; when Adjutant Jennings stated that he had two good reasons for making the ten- der, any one of which should be conclusive. He said he wanted to cancel an obligation for very valued and appre- ciated services rendered him, unsolicited, at the organiza- tion of the Lochiel Grays. He said his second reason was merit, and that he felt that he could fully confide in his good judgment, and his efficiency as an administrative officer. He stated further that his company was growing, and that it would soon be recruited to its maximum. Mr. Alleman after thanking the adjutant for the very high compliment paid him, without a moment's hesitation, accepted the offer, on condition that he could render ade- quate service ; and proposed to start in at once and recruit a company for the regiment. So he wrote a poster an- So MEMORIAL HISTORY nouncing, that, as Captain, he wanted loo men for ser- vice in Colonel Jennings' regiment. The poster was ap- proved, and after discussing the several regimental posi- tions, and laying plans to secure the other eight compa- nies, they went to the office of the "Daily Telegraph," the poster was ordered to be printed forthwith, and after an interview with the editor, they separated to confer later. On that date the "Evening Telegraph" announced that Col. W. W. Jennings had been authorized by the Gov- ernor to raise a regiment for the nine months' service that its formation was an assured success. After making complimentary allusions to the colonel, the editorial stated that H. C. Alleman, Esq., had been appointed a captain, and was recruiting a company at his law office for Colonel Jennings' regiment. The poster was nailed on the freshly painted shutter of the law office that evening, calling for men to enroll under his command. While painting, I read the hand-bill and said, "I'll join you." I was the first to enroll, and the captain made me a recruiting sergeant. I finished the job oi painting, and the next day fell to work recruiting, and by the end of the day four names were enrolled. Colonel Jennings came back to the office daily, and expressed great delight at our progress, for each day showed additional names, and by the 4th of August, 1862, thirty-four ac- cepted men were enrolled. Colonel Jennings brought Captain Henderson into Cap- tain Alleman's office. He stated that his company was more than full, and that he would turn over all the men exceeding the maximum to Captain Alleman. He wanted his "company mustered into service, and as H, C. Alleman had just been appointed second lieutenant. United States Army, mustering officer, he, on the fifth of August went J2/"ni REGIMENT, P. V. 5t to Hummelstown for the double purpose of mustering in Captain Henderson's company, and to secure a batch of men recruited by Captain Henderson, to fill up his own company. Of the i8o men recruited, 148 men were mus- tered into the United States service by Lieutenant Alle- man ; but every one of the Derry boys wanted to serve un- der Captain Henderson. Captain Alleman was greatly disappointed, as he fully expected to fill his company from the overflow of the Hummelstown company. He put his wits to work, made the best of the situation by trying to hide his chagrin, hoodwink the public, and con- cluded to make a bold show of apparent success. He sent two telegrams, one to Colonel Jennings, requesting him to order Captain Henderson to report his company forth- with at Camp Curtin ; the other to me, to report myself and my recruits at the Reading Railway station at Har- risburg on the arrival of the afternoon train. There was no delay in the telegraphic order from Colonel Jennings, which threw Captain Henderson and his men into con- fusion. Captain Henderson consulted with Captain Alle- man, and they at once seized all of the cars and trucks, which, under an order secured from the superintendent, were attached to the afternoon train, and the men arrived in Harrisburg about three o'clock in the afternoon. These 148 recruits were formed into column with the thirty- four recruits in my charge in their rear, and they, in their straggling order looked like a small regiment. Captain Henderson headed the column, and Captain Alleman placed himself opposite the middle of the column, and so marched up Market street, and out Third street, passed the two newspaper offices, making, between the sounds of the drums and the cheers of the enthusiastic recruits, a lot of noise, which attracted the attention of the city edit- 52 MEMORIAL HISTORY ors, who announced in the next issue of their respective papers, that Captain Henderson had marched into Camp Curtin with a full company from Hummelstown ; and that Captain Alleman had secured a body of recruits from the lower end of the county, and that his Harrisburg recruits met them at the station, making his company "about full," and they too had marched into Camp Curtin. "Nothing succeeds like success." Rumors magnified the thirty-four men into three times that number, and the result was that men who wanted to enter the service preferred to join a company which was nearly full, in preference to a skele- ton, so that they would lose no time in getting to the front, which was then considered something desirable. The following day Captain Alleman's company was "full up;" but it was necessary to provide against the contin- gencies of physical rejection by the examining surgeons. Lieutenant Rufus E. Cable, of Kansas, who had just married the daughter of Editor McCurdy, of Harrisburg, was anxious to be a captain. He recruited a squad of men in Dauphin county ; and Lieutenant William B. Oz- mun had a few men, and they both wanted to wear shoul- der-straps. It was an open secret that Captain Alleman would be promoted to field officer on the organization of the regiment; so that ambitious soldiers, looking for speedy promotion, were willing to take subordinate posi- tions, feeling reasonably sure that promotion would come speedily. A dicker was made for consolidation, and Lieu- tenant Cable was satisfied with the present rank of first Lieutenant. Joshua M. Wesitling, Esq., a Harrisburg law- yer, was promised the position of second lieutenant, and Augustus L. Chayne was assured the post of orderly ser- geant. William B. Ozmun was made second sergeant, and I was appointed third sergeant. Marcus Novinger, who I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 53 brought a small squad from Millersburg, was ambitious to be a commissioned officer, and wanted to secure a regi- mental position for his friend, Frederick R. Gilbert, and by his foresight, saw his chance of success by accepting the position of fourth sergeant; so the company was or- ganized, numbering an even hundred, composed of splendid fighting material, and were mustered into the United States service in Camp Curtin on Saturday, the 9th of August, 1862, and became Company D of the regi- ment. 54 MEMORIAL HISTORY Roster of Company "D." Enrolled at Harrisburg, Pa., by Capt. H. C. Alleman. Mustered out of service at Camp Curtln. Mustered Mustered Name. Eank. in. out. Remarks. 1862. 1863. Alleman, Hiram C Captain. . .Aug. 5 Promoted to Lt.-Col. of the Regi- ment, Aug. 16, '62. Cable, Rufus E Captain. Resigned Nov. 29, 1862. Keene, James B Captain. May 29.. Slightly wounded Battle of Fred- ericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Honorably discharged. Cable, Rufus E 1st Lieut. . .Aug. 9 Promoted to Captain, August 19, 1862. Weistling, Joshua M. 1st Lieut. Resigned, Oct. 4, 1862. Osman, William B. .1st Lieut. May 29. .Re-entered service and killed in one of the Battles of the Wilderness. Weistling, Joshua M. 2d Lieut. . .Aug. 9 Promoted to First Lieut. Aug. 19, 1862. Osman, William B...2d Lieut. Promoted to First Lieut., Oct. 13, 1862. Chayue, Augustus L. .2d Lieut. May 29. . Promoted to First Lieut, and Adjutant, Oct. 13, 1862. De- ceased. Novinger, Marcus.... 2d Lieut. ... .May 29. .Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 15, 1862. Honor- ^, ably discharged. Deceased. Chayne, Augustus L. 1st Sergt. . .Aug. 5 Promoted to 2d Lieut. Aug. 19, 1862. Osman, William B. . .1st Sergt. . .Aug. 2 Promoted to 1st Sergt., Aug. 19, 1862, and 2d Lieut., Oct. 4, 1862. Keene, James B 1st Sergt.. .July 29.... Promoted to 1st Sergt., Oct. 12, 1862, to Captain, Dec. 1, X, . 1862. Novinger, Marcus. . .1st Sergt.. .Aug. 7 Promoted to 2d Lieut., Dec 1, 1862. Fisler, Luther 1st Sergt.. .Aug. 8 May 29.. Promoted from Corp., Aug. 19, 1862, to First Sergt., Dee. 1, 1862. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. Oren, Jesse 2d Sergt.. .Aug. 9 May 29.. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Putt, WilUam J 3d Sergt. .. Aug. 9 Promoted from Corporal, Oct. 23, 1862. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. Eckerd, John C 4th Sergt. . .Aug. 8 Promoted from Cornoral, Dec. 1, 1862. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. Hummel, Charles B.. 5th Sergt... Aug. 5 Promoted from Corporal. Dec. 1, 1862. Wounded Battle of Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863, died at Washington, D. C, l^Iay 8th, 1863. Buried, Mt. Kalma Cemetery, Harrisburg, Pa. Felty, Joshua B. ..Q.-M. Sergt. ..Aug. 6 May 29.. Promoted to Quartermaster-Sergt,. Aug. IS, 1862. Served full term. Honorably discharged. Pell, James L 1st Corp. . .Aug. 9 May 29.. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Locker, George W 2d Corp. . . Aug. 5 May 29. .Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. I27Tn REGIMENT, P. V. Roster of Company "D." 55 Name. 1862. Mustered out. 1863. ..May 29. Williamson, Thos. G . . 3d Corp. . . Aug. 7. Lebo, Henry 4th Corp. . .Aug. 5 May 29., y eager, William 5th Corp. .. Aug. 4 May 29. Steever, Wesley ...6th Corp. ..Aug. 8 May 29. Workman, David R.. .7th Corp. . .Aug. 9 May 29. Kutherford, Sam. A. .8th Corp. . .Aug. 8 May 29. Hoffman, John W Fifer...Aug. 8 May 29. Krause, George W. . .Drummer. . .Aug. 8. . . .May 29. Atkins, Robert Private. . .Aug. 8.... May 29. Anderson, John Private. . . Aug. 9 . . . . May 29 . Anderson, Thompson . . Private. . . Aug. 7 . . . . May 29 . Bidding, Henry Private. . .Aug. 8.... May 29. Boylln, James Private. . . Aug. 5 May 29 . Boales, John Private. . . Aug. 6 . . . . May 29 . Bomgardner, David. . .Private. . .Aug. 8.... May 29. Behm, Daniel Private. . . Aug. 9 May 29 . Bitterman, H. Thos. . .Private. . .July 26 May 29. Brambaugh, Jas. A. . .Private. . .Aug. 7.... Carrichner, John Private. . . Aug. 8 May 29 Douglas, Ale.xander. . . . Private. . . Aug. 7 . . . . May 29 Ditry , Conrad Private. . . Aug. 9 May 29 Drissel, Ned Private. . . Aug. 9 May 29 Doubert, John Private. . .Aug. 6 May 29 Emlg, Adam Private. . . Aug. 7 May 29 Frank, Henry H Private. .Aug. 6 May 29 Fisher, William Private. . .July 26 May 29 Remarks. Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 13, 1863. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. .Promoted to Corporal. April 1, 1863. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. .Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 1, 1862. Wounded Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Honorably discharged. .Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 1, 1862. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. .Promoted to Corporal, Aug. 19, 1862. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. .Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. .Served full term. charged. .Served full term. charged. .Served full term. charged. .Served full term. charged. .Served full term. charged. .Served full term. charged. .Wounded Battle Dec. 13, 1862. charged. .Served full term. charged. .Served full term. charged. .Served full term. charged. Died at Washington. D. C, Dec. 1, 1862. Buried Military Asy lum Cemetery. ..Served full term. Honorably dis charged. ..Served full term. charged. . .Served full term. charged. . .Served full term. charged. . .Served full term. charged. . .Served full term. charged. . .Served full term. charged. . .Served full term. charged. Honorably dis- Honorably dls- Honorably dis- Houorably dis- Honorably dis- Honorably dis- Fredericksburg, Honorably dis- Honorably dis- Honorably dis- Honorably dls- Houorably dis- Honorably dis- Honorably dis- Honorably dis- Honorably dis- Honorably dls- Honorably dis- 56 MEMORIAL HISTORY Roster of Company "D," (Continued). Mustered Mustered Name. Rank. in- out. Remarks. 1862. 1863. Foster, Benjamin R. . .Private. . .Aug. 9 Discharged on Surgeon's Certifi- cate, April 27, 1863. Feint, Frantz Private. . .July 31 Discharged on Surgeon's Certifi- cate, April 6, 1863. Good, Jacob Private. . . Aug. 6 May 29. . Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Gallagher, John Private. . .Aug. 8 May 29.. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Hildebraud, Thaddeus. Private. ..Aug. 6 May 29.. Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1863. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Heim, Levi Private. . .Aug. 6 May 29.. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Heilhecker, Louis Private. . .Aug. 7 May 29.. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Heckert, Frederick Private. .. Aug. 9 May 29.. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Hoffman, John Private. . .Aug. 9 May 29.. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Harper, James A Private. . .Aug. 6 Died at Washington of Black small-pox, Sept. 11, 1862. Burled Military Asylum Ceme- tery. Jury, Daniel Private . • Aug. 9 May 29 . . Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Kanerk, Michael Private. •• Aug. 6 May 29.. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Klingler, John Private.- Aug. 9 May 29. .Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Klapp, Henry Private. .. Aug. 9 May 29. .Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Keener, Jacob Private. .. Aug. 7 May 29.. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Leepard, Joseph Private. . .Aug. S May 29. .Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Leepard, Wm. L Private. .. Aug. 6 May 29.. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Lane, Moses Private. . .Aug. 1 May 29.. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Lehman, Emanuel Private. . .Aug. 9.... May 29.. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Lehman, Jacob Private. . .Aug. 9 May 29.. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Leeser, Wilhelm Private. . .Aug. 8 Discharged on Surgeon's Certifi- cate, Feb. 26, 1863. Lentz. John Private. .. Aug 7 Killed Battle Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Burled on battlefield. Leitzel, Elias Private. . .Aug. 9. . . . Died from wounds Battle of Fred- ericksburg, Dec. 17, 1862. Buried Military Asylum Cem- etery, Washington, D- C. Moltz, John J Private. .. Aug. 5 May 29.. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Michael, Lorenzo Private. . .Aug. 8 May 29.. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Miller, Joseph Private. .. Aug. 8 May 29.. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. I27TH REGIMENTj Roster of Company "D," Mustered Mustered Name. Rank. in- out. 1862. 1863. Myers, B. John Private. . . Aug. 9 May 29 . Miller, John W Private. . .Aug. 9 May 29. Messner, David Private. • -A^US- 9 M*y 29. Matter, Peter Private.- -July 31 May 29. Martz, Henry A Private. ■ -Aug. 9 May 29. McFadden, John Private. •• Aug. 1 May 29. McCarroll, Charles Private. - - -luly 28 May 29 . Poist, George W Private, ■ • Aug. 8 May 29 . Polm, Michael Private. - Aug. 9 May 29. Poticher, John Private - Aug. 9 May 29 . Patterson, John R. .. .Private- --^"S- 6 May 29. Potiger, Jonathan Private- -Aug. 8 May 29. Potiger, Daniel Private • - Aug. 6 May 29 . Pyett, James Private - - July 26 Rice, Edward Private - - Aug. 1 May 29 . Rhlnehart, Ephraim . .Private- -Aug. 2 Rlchner, John Private- -Aug- 9 Sneeder, John Private - - Aug. 8 . . . . May 29 . Shepler, Uriah Private- -Aug. 7 May 29. Steele, Joseph Private. -Aug. 7 May 29. Smoke, Jacob Private - - Aug. 9 May 29 . Sleg, Samuel Private- -July 26 May 29. Sieg, Peter Private. .July 28 May 29. Timlney, L. Charles . .Private. .Aug. 6 May 29. Uhler, George Private- -Aug. 8 May 29. Urich, Benjamin Private. .Aug. 8 May 29. Umholtz, Isaac Private. .Aug. 9 May 29. Updegrove, John Private. .July 29 May 29. e P. V. (Continued). 57 Remarks. Fredericksburg, Honorably dis- . Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Honorably discharged. Wounded Battle Dec. 13, 1862. charged. ■Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. ■Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. • Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. ■Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Wounded Battle Chancellorsville, May 3. 1863. Served fuU term. Honorably discharged. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably discharged. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Absent since March 19, 1863. Detailed as teamster, Aug. 18, 1862. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. Killed Battle Fredericksburg, Dec. 13. 1862. Buried on battlefield. Absent since Sept. 29, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Served full term, charged. Served full term, charged. Served full term, charged. Served full term, charged. Served full term, charged. Served full term, charged. Served full term, charged. Served full term, charged. Served full term, charged. Honorably dis- Honorably dls- Honorably dis- Honorably dls- Honorably dis- Honorably dis- Honorably dis- Honorably dls- Honorably dla- 58 MEMORIAL HISTORY Roster of Company "D," (Continued). Name. Walmer, Noah A. Witman, John B. , Witman, Franklin , Bank. in. 1862. . .Private. .Aug. 5 .. .Private. .Aug. 8 .. .Private. .Aug. 9 Mustered Mustered in. out. Yelkey, Charles Private . . Aug. 4 Zitch, Moses Private . . Aug. 6 Remarks. 1863. ..May 29.. Served full term. Honorably charged. ..May 29.. Served full term. Honorably charged. ..May 29.. Served full term. Honorably charged. ..May 29.. Served full term. Honorably charged. ..May 29.. Served full term. Honorably charged. dis- dis- dis- dia- dis- I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 59 Company "D" was fortunate in the distribution of regi- mental prizes, securing the lieutenant-colonel, the adju- tant, and the quartermaster, and afterwards the sutler. There were more promotions in Company "D" than in any other company of the regiment ; and it had the unique distinction of having one of its non-commissioned ofificers make a triple jump over the heads of both lieutenants into the captaincy, without a single protest or even murmur; marking it as a model in military discipline. As a further evidence of its vigilance, discipline and faithfulness in executing orders, wdiile on duty at Chain Bridge, as sergeant of the guard, I was called to decide the case of a soldier on horseback, who appeared without the countersign. The night was dark, the hour late, but the orders were imperative not to allow any one to cross the bridge without the countersign ; so I invited the rider to dismount, which he did with grace and dignity, and was placed under guard, where he remained during the night. In the morning it was discovered that he was a General officer in the Union army, and was accordingly allowed to ride over the bridge and return to his quarters ; yet he never either preferred a charge, or even murmured at his treatment; but on the contrary, complimented the sergeant of the guard for faithfully and indiscriminately executing orders. This company furnished three of the gallant band un- der Porter Buchanan of Company "F", who volunteered and crossed the Rappahannock in boats, and drove the Confederate sharp-shooters from their intrenchments on the southern bank of the river in Fredericksburg. Company "D" suffered in the casualties of war, as much, if not more than any of the regimental companies, 6o MEMORIAL HISTORY and made for itself a proud and enduring military rec- ord. The company was loyal to its officers, and on the mus- ter out of the regiment, its members contributed a hand- some fund, purchased and presented its first captain with a magnificent sword, with a pure Damascus blade, on which is emblazoned the name, "Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. Alleman." The handle of the sword is of solid silver, with a gold guard, and a scabbard of exquisite beauty, with solid gold mountings. On the scabbard is a polished plate, on which is engraved, "Presented to Lieutenant- Colonel H. C. Alleman by the non-commissioned officers and privates of Company "D", of the 127th Regiment, P. v., as a token of esteem." This was presented at Camp Curtin by Lieutenant J. M. Weistling, in the pres- ence of Governor Porter, General Beaver, and a large as- semblage of military officers and distinguished citizens, and the donors expressed the wildest delight in thus hon- oring their old commander. Colonel PL C. Alleman proved himself worthy of the great distinction which was conferred upon him, and performed his duties with marked ability and enviable credit throughout the entire service. His ability as a lawyer eminently fitted him for a wise counsellor, and a just and impartial judge. He was kind and quiet in man- ner; but dignified and invariably strict in discipline. He was brave under fire, and always courageous under the most trying circumstances, which won for him the confi- dence, the esteem and the love of those who were under his command. James B. Keene. CAPTAIN LORENZO L. GREENAWALT, CiililMiii (.'u. -'i;," IJTlli KcgiiiLciU, 1'. V. COMPANY T""^" HE War of the Rebellion had been in progress for ^ more than fifteen months. More men were ^^^ needed to fill up the rapidly depleting ranks of the Union Army, and for this purpose Presiden Lincoln called for more troops. On the 2 1st day of July, 1862, Governor A. G. Curtin issued a proclamation calling on the citizens of Pennsyl- vania for twenty-one more regiments of ten companies each to serve for nine months, making the quota of Leba- non county two companies. Lebanon county had nobly responded to former calls for soldiers, notably the 93rd Regiment, P. V. organized at Lebanon, Pa., eight months previously; others had joined the Pennsylvania Reserves, the 4th Pennsylvania Cavalry, and many other regiments, aggregating at least 1,000 men, but greater sacrifices were still necessary. On Friday morning, August 8th, 1862, S. H. Guilford, Lemuel Moyer, D. W. Miller, S. H. Bentz, J. L. Rise, John Reinoehl and some others, all of Lebanon, started out to raise a company of volunteers, under the above call. They visited Lorenzo L. Greenawalt, a tanner, a native of Leb- anon, in his tannery, and obtained his consent to attend the mass meeting to be held in the Court House on the evening of that day, for the purpose of encouraging en- listments, with a view of making him captain of the pro- posed company, to be known as the Greenawalt Guards. The young men were active the balance of the day in mak- ing the meeting a success, and it was well attended. Rev. Dr. Henry Harbaugh was chosen as the presiding officer of the meeting. Patriotic addresses were delivered by the president, and by L. L. Greenawalt, John T. Schuler, 61 62 MEMORIAL HISTORY Charles B. Forney, and others, calling on the young men of the county to offer their services and their lives to our beloved country, and many signed the roll as recruits. On the following day, Saturday, the roll was signed by more than one hundred, and it was understood that L. L. Greenawalt was to be the captain of the company. The evening train for Harrisburg carried about 132 enlisted men who were willing to form a company. We arrived at Harrisburg and were quartered at the State capitol building, some sleeping in the corridor, some on the steps, and others on the ground surrounding; to most of the boys this was a strange experience. We remained arounc the capitol the next day and night, many attending church service and Sunday-school during the day, and in the evening attended in a body the First Presbyterian church. On the next day, Monday, we marched to Camp Curtin, and preparations were made to form the company organi- zation. Up to this time we had been supplied with pro- visions so kindly furnished by the patriotic ladies of Leb- anon sent to us daily, as we could not yet draw any ra- tions. The physical examinations being very stringent, and also on account of the recruits being under the re- quired age, many were rejected. After being mustered and sworn into the service of the United States by Cap- tain Tarbutton on August 13th, 1862, L. L. Greenawalt was elected the captain of the company, William P. Car- many first lieutenant, and Joseph A. Bowman second lieutenant. These ofificers were elected by acclamation by the company, all seeming to be satisfied that no mistake had been made in the selection of commissioned officers. The regimental organization was formed several days later, and as to subsequent service the history of the regi- ment is the history of the company. LIEUTENANT JOSEPH A. BOWMAN, .Scooiul Licutciiiint Co. '■E," 12Ttli Kegimcul, I". V. Morehaut, Lt'lmiion, I*a, I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 63 Roster of Company "E." Name. Rank. Mustered in. Remarks. Greenawalt, Lorenzo L.. .Capt. .. .Aug. 14, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1862. Musted out witli Company, May 29, 1863. Carmany, Wm. P...l8t Lieut .... Aug. 14, '62 Wounded Battle of Chancellors- ville. May 3, 1863. Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Bowman, Joseph A... 2d Lieut Aug. 14, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Stein, Jacob J. ..1st Sergt Aug. 13, "62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Brooks. John C 2d Sergt Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Kale. John P 3d Sergt Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. LiKht. Jefferson B..4th Sergt Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Allwein. F P 5th Sergt Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Moyer. Lemuel Corp Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Carmany, Adam Corp. Aug. 13, '62 Wounded and Missing in action. Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Probably died on field. Reinoehl, John Corp. Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. George, David S Corp Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Henry, Reuben Corp Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Raber, Samuel P Corp Aug. 13, '62 Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 29, 1862. Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Kleiser. John Corp Aug. 13, '62 Promoted to Corporal. Dec. 29, 1862. Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Bentz, Samuel H Corp Aug. 13, '62 Promoted to Corporal, March 8, 1863. Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Schuler, John L Corp Aug. 13, '62 Discharged on Surgeon's Certifi- cate, Feb. 28. 1863. Buck. Ellas Mus Aug. 13, '62 Promoted to Musician, Sept. 29, 1862. Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Stroh, Philip L Mus Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Albert, John N Private Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Arnold, Anthony S... Private Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Barry. Henry A Private. .. .Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Bender, Rieuben Private. .. .Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Bomberger, John K. .Private. .. .Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Boyle, John Private Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. Brandt, Isaac Private Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. 64 MEMORIAL HISTORY Roster of Company "E," (Continued). Name. Brooks, George T. Rank. . Private Mustered In. Remarks. Brown, Henry A Private Burd, Levi Private Bomberger, Edwin . . Private Byle, Franklin Private Capp, Levi Private Carpenter, Aaron S. ..Private Darkes, Tobias Private Deininger, Jerome B.. Private Dutter, Henry S. . . Private Ebrigbt, Henry Private Eby, Peter Private Fisher, Josiab Private Forster, Howard ....Private Prantz, Cbarles S. ..Private Garrett, Daniel M. . . Private Gasser, Cyrus M. ...Private Gates, James Private George, Cyrus S Private Gerberlcb. Edw. W . . Private Gerberleb, Allen D... Private- Gerhard, John P Private Gilbert, Ephralm O.. Private Groff, John Philip . .Private Gross, John H Private Guilford, Simeon H.. Private Haage, Frederick Private Hanson, Hans P Private Harmon, William F.. Private Hauck, Samuel, Jr Private. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Discharged, March 25, 1863. for wounds received Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. ...Aug. 15, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, 62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, 62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, 62 Accidentally wounded, Dec. 12, 1862. Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, 62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, 62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, 62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, 62 Mustered out with Company, May 29. 1863. ...Aug. 13, 62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, 62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, 62 Discharged on Surgeon's Certifi- cate, March 31, 1863. ...Aug. 13, 62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, 62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 15, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, |62 Died, November 3d, 1862. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29. 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. Roster of Company "E," (Continued). 65 Name. Rank. Hess, George W Private . Hunslcker, John Private. Kleffer, Daniel O Private . Keller, William Private. Keller, Harrison ....Private. Kleeman, John Private. Kalo, Charles Private. Kreider, Reuben ....Private. Krelrter, Uriah Private. Kurtz, John M Private- Lantz, Cyrus R Private • Light, Asaph S Private • Loeb, John H Private • Miller, Andrew S Private- Miller, David W Private . Mutch, John G Private. Moyer, William ....Private- McNair, Franklin, L.. Private. McKnlght, Philip ...Private. Patschke, Charles F.. Private. Peffley, Jacob Private - Peters, Jr., Samuel ..Private- Rise, George D Private - Rise, Jacob L Private. Reinoehl, David C Private . Mustered in. .Aug. 1.3, '62. . Remarks. Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 15, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 15, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1862. Muster- ed out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, 62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1862. Muster- ed out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, 'C2 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1862. Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '02 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dee. 13, 1862. Absent in hospital, at muster-out. Honorably discharged. ..Aug. 13, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862. Discharged on Surgeon's Cer- tificate, April 9, 1863. Died, July, 1901. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. 66 MEMORIAL HISTORY Roster of Company "E," (Continued). Name. Rank. Kedman, Henry Private . Robeson, Augustus ..Private. Schuler, Jacob T Private . Seltzer, John K Private. Shank, Samuel Private. Sherer. Justus Private. SherK, C. Penrose ..Private. Shepps, Nicholas A. ..Private. Shirk, Samuel S Private. Shugar, Baltzar Private. Smith, Jacob F Private. Spangler, John B Private. Strlckler, Peter G Private. Smith, John Private . Thome, Charles V Private. Uhler, John C Private . Umberger, John P Private. Zimmerman, Joseph ..Private. Mustered in. Remarks. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 15, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1862. Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ..Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29. 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29. 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Mustered out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1862. Muster- ed out with Company, May 29, 1863. ...Aug. 13, '62 Died, Jan. 8, 1863 of wounds re- ceived Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1862. 127X11 REGIMENT, P. V. ^y It was very noticeable that there was, at all times dur- ing the service more than ordinary companionship exist- ing between Captain Greenawalt of our company, and Colonel W. W. Jennings of the regiment. We do not claim that the men of Company "E" did more than their duty, but we do claim that that duty was at all times cheerfully and well done. As was demonstrated on the morning of the 5th of May, 1863, while the Union Army was evacuating Fredericksburg, after the battle of Chan- cellorsville, Company "E" was on out-post duty, with Corporal John Reinoehl in charge of Company "E's" Squad of Videttes, while the last of the troops were cross- ing the pontoons at the Fredericksburg crossing, Cor- poral S. H. Bentz, of Company "E" was detailed to with- draw the Videttes in the face of the enemy and bring them across the pontoon, which service he performed without the loss of a man, just reaching the bridge as it was swung loose from the enemy's side of the river. Of Captain L. L. Greenawalt it must be said that he was an ideal soldier, of splendid physique, brave as a lion, gentle and kind as a father to his men. Never on the march or in camp was he known to retire at night until he had first made the rounds among his men to see that they w^ere comfortably situated, or as comfortable as the cir- cumstances would permit. He was a California '49-r, had made the trip overland more than once, and hence knew perfectly the needs of men exposed to the summer and winter exposures of the soldier's life. The boys of Company "E" were mostly under the age of 21 years at the time of the enlistment, free from vices of any kind, and there was not a man of intemperate hab- its in the company. All of the ninety-nine men were resi- dents of Lebanon county at the time of enlistment ; some 68 MEMORIAL HISTORY came from the colleges and schools ; some from the farms and work shops, some from stores and offices, and seven- teen had been engaged in the profession of teaching school. All of them from the best and oldest families in the county. Their character as soldiers may be better un- derstood when the record is examined, showing that there was not a single desertion from the company during their entire service. From the time, (May 6th), the regiment returned to liarrisburg. Company "E" were engaged in provost and guard duty, until May 29th, when they were mustered out of the service, and were paid on Saturday, May 30th, at Harrisburg, and returned to Lebanon the same after- noon, where they were met at the depot by the Union League of Lebanon, headed by the Perseverance band. They marched through the principal streets, and halted in front of the Court House, where an address of welcome was given by Hon. John W. Killinger, and then were taken to the Court House yard, where a fine collation was served by the ladies of Lebanon and the Loyal Union League. After the banquet. Rev. Dr. Harbaugh made an address which was responded to by Captain Greenawalt, followed by six cheers for the captain, and the boys then returned to their homes. C. R. Lantz. :i!?*. n CAPTAIN W. H. HUMM£L. ('.■ipl;iiii Co. "F.-' 127th Kcsinicnl, I'. V. Lniiilii'r Morrliiiiit, Anburu, 111. COMPANY "F: fwTTlHEN the call was issued for men to serve in the I W I army for nine months, a number of members t^^l connected with the Hope Engine Company, No. 2, of Harrisburg, banded together for the pur- pose of organizing a company under that call. W. H. Hummel and Thomas G. Sample were the prime movers, both being members of the Hope Company. Some twenty-eight members of the fire company enrolled, and a recruiting office was opened. In a short time the enroll- ment progressed until nearly its full complement of men were secured, some coming from the other fire companies of the city. The competition for recruits by the different compan- ies organizing at Harrisburg was very keen, as each com pany desired to be the first to secure the maximum num- ber of a company organization. A few days after the recruiting office was opened, John T. Morgan, of West Fairview, Cumberland county, came along with sixteen or eighteen men, expressing a willing- ness to join and fill up the ranks of the company, provides they were given due recognition. Both Hummel and Sample agreed that Morgan should be made second lieu- tenant, and with that agreement, the roster was about filled. A meeting of the company was then held, and by general consent the c;ptcincy was offered to William \^ Jennings, who was then adjutant of Camp Curtin. He accepted and was duly elected captain; W. H. Hum- mel was elected first lieutenant, and John T. Morgan sec- ond lieutenant. Captain Jennings then appointed Thomas G. Sample the first sergeant. The company went into 69 70 MEMORIAL HISTORY Camp Curtin, and was mustered into the United States service on the 6th of August, 1862. At ihe organization of the regiment, Captain Jennings was made Colonel; when Lieutenant Hummel was then elected captain; Second Lieutenant Morgan was elected first lieutenant, and Sergeant Sample was elected second lieutenant of the company. On the alphabetical designation of the several compa- nies of the regiment, this company became officially known as Company "F" of the 127th Regiment; and as Company "A" was detached, it became the right of the regiment, and with Company "D" formed the first division of the regiment. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. Roster of Company "F." 71 Name. Rank. Jennings, Wni. W Capt. Hummel, W. H Capt Morgan, John T....lst Lieut.... Sample, Thos. G 2d Lieut Sauto, Andrew Ist Sergt Mc Williams, John ....Sergt... Smith, Thomas G Sergt McCormick, Alex Sergt. Maglauchlin, W. J Sergt. Reed, Wm. W Sergt. .. . Campbell, P. A Corp. Shanklin, James L Corp. . . , Rupply, Abram Corp. . . Martin, Daniel E Corp. . . McConnell, Isaac Corp. Shamberger, O. F Corp. Powell, Ellis D Corp. Knighton, Wm. C Corp. Boas, Irvine S. .Mus. Krause, William A. ...Mus... Able, Jacob Private . . Albright, John Private.. Alberson, Geo. W. ..Private.. Antes, Emery J Private.. Mustered in. Remarks. .Aug. 6, '62 Promoted to Colonel, August 16, 1862. .Aug. 6, '62 Promoted from 1st Lieut., Aug. 19, 1862. Served full term, and honorably discharged. .Aug. 6, "62 Promoted from 2d Lieut., Aug. 19. 1862. Served full term and honorably discharged. .Aug. 6, '62 Promoted from 1st Sergt., Aug. 19, 1862. Served full term, and honorably discharged. .Aug. 4, '62 Promoted from Sergeant, Aug. 19, 1862. Served full term. Honorably discharged. .July 31, '62 Promoted from Private, Aug. 6, 1862. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. .Aug. 5, '62 Promoted from Corporal, Aug. 14, 1862. Served full term. Honorably discharged. .July 31, '62 Promoted from Corporal, Dec. 14. 1862. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. .Aug. 5, '62 Promoted from Corporal, Aug. 19, 1862. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. Aug. 2, '62 Promoted to 1st Lieut, Company I, Dec. 14, 1862 .Aug. 2, '62 Served full term. Honorable dis- charged. .Aug. 2, '62 Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 24, 1862. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. .July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. .Aug. 5, '62 Promoted to Corporal, Sept. 9. 1862. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. .Aug. 4, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. .July 31, '62 Promoted to Corporal, Oct. 9, 1862. Served full term. Honorably discharged. .July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dls- , charged. .July 31, '62 Promoted to Corporal, March 14, 1863. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. .Aug. 4, '62 Made Regimental Clerk. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. .July 31, '62 Discharged on Surgeon's Certifi- cate, Dec. 17, 1862. .July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. .July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. .July 31, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. .Aug. 5, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13. 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. y2 MEMORIAL HISTORY Roster of Company "F," (Continued). Name. Rank. Mustered in. Remarks. Armstrong, Jas. G. . .Private. .. .Aug. 5, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Able William Private Aug. 5, '62 Discharged on Surgeon's Certifi- cate, Dec. 12, 1862. Buchanan, Porter Private July 31, '62 Served full term. Houorably dis- charged. Bingamon, Abncr Private July 31, '62 Served full term. Houorably dis- charged. Bowsman, Geo. W Private July 31, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Burke, David Private July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Brown, William Private July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Bettleyoun, Eman'l. . .Private July 31, '62 Killed Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Brown George Private July 31, '62 Deserted, September 30, 1862. Carpenter, Jacob Private .... Aug. 1, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Colver John W Private Aug. 2, '62 Wounded Battle of Frederlcks- ^ burg, Dec. 13, 1862. Hon- orably discharged. Conklin, Geo. H Private Aug. 5, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Corl, Geo. V Private Aug. 5, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Crandill, Edwin Private Aug. 4, '62 Died, Dec. 23, of wounds received Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Cummings, John H. ..Private Aug. 2. '62 Deserted, August 30, 1862. Dean, George H Private Aug. 5, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. DeHaven, John Private Aug. 5, '62 Served full term. Houorably dis- charged. Donahower, John F. ..Private July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Donnelly, John A. ...Private July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Dunlap, Samuel R. ..Private July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Dunlap, James G Private Aug. 5, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Elliott, James A Private July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Fanning, Robert G. ..Private Aug. 1, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Forster, Thomas Private Aug. 2, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Forster, James Private Aug. 16, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Floyd, James B Private Aug. 6, '62 Honorably Discharged, Feb. 13, 1863, for wounds received Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Gilman, Jacob P Private Aug. 4, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Gross, John Private Aug 2, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Hebelson, Jacob ....Private Aug. 1, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 73 Roster of Company "F," (Continued). Name. Rank. Mustered In. Remarks. Hebelson, John Private Aug. 5, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Heck, William M. ..Private Aug. 4, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Heck, Andrew J Private Aug. 4, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Henry, William H. ..Private July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Hill, Alexander T Private July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Hogan, James Private. .. .Aug. 1, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Houser, William Private Aug. 4, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Hughes, Matthew Private Aug. 1, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Hunter, John D Private Aug. 2, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Hoover, Benjamin ..Private Aug. 5, '62 Died of wounds received Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Hillyer, Henry Private Aug 2. '62 Died at Harrisburg, Aug. 11, '62. Irvine, James B Private. .. .July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Jones, Richard Private July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Jones, Horace B Private Aug. 2, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Kline, Jacob Private Aug. 2, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Kelley, James F. P.. Private Aug. 5, '62 Discharged, Jan. 27, 1863. Lloyd, Garrett Private July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Lucker, Edward Private Aug. 1, 62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Martin, William H Private Aug. 5, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Maglaughlin, Jac. J... Private Aug. 5, 62 Served full term. Honorably dis- -. , - , „ charged. Meyer, Frantz Private. .. .July 31, 62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Miley, John H Private July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Minich, Henry Private. .. .July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Mitchell, Joseph J. . .Private. .. .Aug. 4, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Montgomery, J., Sr. . .Private. .. .Aug. 2, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Mauikowski, W. V. . .Private. .. -July 31. '62 Discharged on Surgeon's Certifi- , „ cate, Dec. 27, 1862. M Gowan, Henry, Jr... Private.... Aug. 5, 62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Poist. Jacob Private. .. .July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Piatt, Levi Private July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. f 74 MEMORIAL HISTORY Roster of Company "F," (Continued). Name. Rank. Mustered in. Remarks. Rohrer, Abner Private. .. .July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Rowland, Robert B. . .Private. .. .Aug. 2, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Rutter, Jacob Private. .. .Aug. 5, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Swartz Martin Private July 31, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1862. Hon- orably discharged. Santo, John D Private. .. .July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Sanders, Emanuel R.. Private July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Sheafer, Warren J Private Aug. 5, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Sloan, David Private July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. SoUers, James W Private July 31, '62 Wounded battle of Fredericks- burg, Dee. 13. 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Stephens, Dennis Private July 31, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 15. 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Swartz, Andrew Private July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably die- charged. Small, Charles H Private July 31, '62 Promoted Sergt.-Major, Aug. 18, 1862. Schroder, Frantz Private July 31, '62 neserted, August 9, 186Z. Shafer, Henry Private July 31, '62 Deserted, August 9, 1862. Dtzs, John S Private Aug. 4, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Weber, Henry Private July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Wells, Samuel Private. .. .July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Winebrenner, M. H.. Private Aug. 4, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Youse, Henry Private July 31, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Zarker, John B Private Aug. 4, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. 12/TH REGIMENT, P. V. 75 Immediately after the battle of Fredericksburg, in De- cember, 1862, Company "F" was assigned to special duty at General O. O. Howard's headquarters in Falmouth; and it, together with Company "F" of the First Minne- sota Regiment, were under the immediate command of Captain Farrell. It remained on special duty until the 8th of May, '63, when it was relieved at its own request, returned to the regiment, and was mustered out with it at Harrisburg on the 29th of May, 1863. Company "F" furnished the colonel, the sergeant-major of the regiment ; and Sergeant William W. Reed was pro- moted to second lieutenant of Company "I," and Musician Irvin S. Boas was promoted to regimental clerk. This company was distinguished in furnishing Porter Buchan- an as the leader of the volunteers from the regiment oi the "Forlorn Hope," who gallantly drove Barksdale's Bharpshooters from their entrenchments, and enabled the engineers and the pontoniers to complete the pontoon bridges. The casualties of Company "F" were comparatively light. Three were killed, nine were wounded, while sev- eral others of the company were slightly wounded; but remained on duty without reporting any disability. Thos. G. Sample. COIVIPANY "G.' TTIAPTAIN JOHN J. BALL was drill master at ^^ Camp Curtin, and on request of Adjutant Jen- ^^^ nings, he determined to fomi a company for the regiment, which Colonel Jennings was author- ized to raise. So he and Lieutenant George Hynicka erected a tent in Market Square, in the city of Harrisburg, between the two market houses, and went vigorously to work to recruit the "Dauphin Guards,'^ which afterwards became Company "G" of the 127th Regiment. Lieutenant Hudson Denny, of Meadville, Pa., came to Camp Curtin with about twenty men, expecting to raise a company; but he concluded to join forces with Captain Ball, and when the requisite number of men were raised, he was made the second lieutenant of the company. The company was composed mostly of Harrisburg boys, with the exception of Michael Mulverhill, who was a Canadian, and the squad of twenty men brought by Lieu- tenant Denny from Crawford county. They were a fine body of men, and under the skillful instruction of Cap- tain Ball, became one of the best drilled companies in the regiment. Sergeant Henry Davis and Robert Simmers of this company served in the Mexican war, while sergeant Sam- uel Eberly, and Corporals John Culp, George Sininger and Henry A. Swartz, together with J. William Bush, musician, were in the three months' service. During the battle of Fredericksburg, Sergeant Henry Davis and Private Robert Simmers, both deceased, did a conspicuous act of bravery. As the regiment gained the 76 I27TII REGIMENT, P. V. yj top of the hill, just over the crest, a young boy, badly wounded, was appealing for aid and famishing for water. These two comrades gallantly crept over the crest, and dragged the wounded boy back for protection behind the crest ; and while they were performing this humanitarian act, a bullet struck him and killed him instantly. Private John Herman, now deceased, during the battle of Fredericksburg, crossed over the hill as a vidette, and bravely stood under that terrific fire in advance of his company, and was inhumanly run over by the brigade which fell back, crushing everything in their way. Captain Ball was shot in the head, and with the blood streaming from his wound, he refused to leave the field ; but was ordered to the rear by the colonel; and as soon as his wound was dressed, he came back to his company, just in time to see it hurled back by the retreating brigade. There were many other acts of heroism and bravery committed by individual members of this company reflect- ing great credit upon their patriotism and their gallantry. Henry A. Swartz. 78 MEMORIAL HISTORY Roster of Company "Q." Name. Rani:. Mustered iu. Remarks. Ball, John J Captain Aug. 10, 'C2 Wonnded Battle of Frederlcks- liurg, Dee. 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Deceased. Hynlcka, George ..1st Lieut Aug. 10, 'C2 Served full term and honorably discharged. Deunv, Hudson 2d Lieut Aug. 10, '02 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec, 13, 1862. Served full term and honorably dis- charged. Eberly, Samuel 1st Sergt Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Deceased. Kimball, Clifton W Sergt Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. White, Thomas J Sergt Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Davis, Henry Sergt Aug. 9, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Deo. 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Hinkle, Jacob J Sergt Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Walter John B Corp Aug. 13, '62 Wouuded Battle of Fredericks- ' burg, Dec. 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. CulD John Corp Aug. 9, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Sininger, George Corp Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Swartz, Henry A Corp Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Cain, William H Corp Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Kerr Andrew M Corp Aug. 9, '62 Promoted to Corporal, Jan. 12, 1863. Humphries. John J Corp Aug. 9, '62 Promoted ^^o ^. ^-P-L ^O^^^^^ orably discharged. Campbell, James n....Corp Aug. 9, '62 I^'-omoted to Corporal, April 30. ^ 1863. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. Bush, J. William Mus Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Promoted to Drum Major. Drain, James A Mus Aug. 9, '62 Promoted to Fife-Major. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Bechtel, William ... .Private. .. .Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Brightbill, David J. . .Private. .. .Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Boyer, George H Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Burris, Samuel Private Aug. 9, '62 Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, Jan. 31, 1863. Bernard, Aaron A. .. .Private. .. .Aug. 9, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1802. Dis- charged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, Feb. 19, 1863. i27TH REGlMENt, I*. V. ^9 Roster of Company "Q," (Continued). Name. Rank. Mustered in. Remarks. Carson, Franklin ... .Private. .. .Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Cole, Timothy Private Aug. 13, '62 .Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Chambers, Jos. P Private Aug. 13, '62 .Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Cole, Samuel S Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Cotteral, John Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Connelly, James Private. .. ..\ug. 9, '62 Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, March 14, 1863. Cushman, Henry ... .Private. .. .Aug. 9, '62 Transferred to 4th Regiment, Ohio Vol., March 28, 1863. DeHuff, Henry G Private Aug. 9, '62 .Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Fink, Simon C Private Aug. 9, '62 O'ouuded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1862. Hon- orably discharged. Gable, Chas. H. A. .Private. .. .Aug. 9, '62 .Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Grant, Edward C Private. .. .Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Goldsmith, Henry ....Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Gibbs, Edward Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Graves, John Private Aug. 9, '62 W^ounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Gardner, Charles R.. Private Aug. 9, '62 Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, Feb. 24, 1863. Gilmore, Robert ... .Private. .. .Aug. 9, '62 Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, April 3, 1863. Hill, George N Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Hoffman, David R. .. .Private. .. .Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Herman, John Private. .. .Aug. 13, '62 .Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Irvine, James Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Jones, Enoch B Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Jones, James Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Kerr, James Private Aug. 9, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Kerr, William Private. .. .Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Kingport, Abr'm E Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Kelsey, Melvin P Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Kenney, Wm. A Private .... Aug. 9, '62 Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, Dec. 20, 1862. Lovell, Melvin N Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. 8o MEMORIAL HISTORY Roster of Company "G," (Continued). Name. Rank. Mustered In. Remarks. Morris, William Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Mannas, Michael Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Michael, William Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Morton, John B Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Mulverhill, Michael ..Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Morse, John W Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Moughan, Michael Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. M'Dermott, John Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. M'Kee, Andrew J Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. M'Glnnett, John W. .Private. .. .Aug. 9, '02 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. M'Ginnett. Charles . .Private. .. .Aug. 9. '02 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Pearson, Wm. Lyle. .Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Pritz, Benjamin B. .. .Private- •• -Aug. 9, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Page, Daniel A Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Pu^h, William Private Aug. 9, "62 Transferred, Aug. 15, 1862, or- " ' .... ganization unknown. Redifer, Samuel ... .Private- •• -Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Rotherick, Henry ... .Private- •- -Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Snyder, Marcus Private- •• -Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Seldle Simuel Private Aug. 9, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- heldle, hamuel l-iivate b ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Styer, James Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Spahr, Levi Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Stemberger, Daniel ..Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Sanders, John W Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Sergent, Charles W.. Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Snyder, William Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Snavely Martin W.. Private Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dls- ' ' " charged. Southwick, Jas. W..Private----Aug. 9, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Shartzer, John Private Aug. 9, '62 Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, Feb. 23, 1863. 127TH REGIMENT, P. V. 8l Roster of Company "Q," (Continued). Name. Bank. Mustered In. Remarks. Simmers. Robert Private Aug. 9, '62 Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, April 25. 1863 Seber, Bernard Private Aug. 9, '62 Died at Washington, D. C, Sept. 28, 1862. Sehrt, James C Private Aug. 9, '62 Deserted, December 1, 1862. Weltzel, Columbus .. Private .... Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Wingert, Salmon M. .Private. .. .Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Worley, Philip B. .. .Private. .. .Aug. 9, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Wallower, Daniel ... .Private. .. .Aug. 9. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. waiter. Thomas Private .... Aug. 9. '62 Wounded lf^^\^^\J^l^^^^:^^!^ full term. Honorably dis- charged. COMPANY "H." TlHE Susquehanna Rangers, which became Com- ^ pany "H," was recruited at Middletown and vi- ^^M cinity, by Captain Jeremiah Rohrer. Dr. Jacob K. Knisley, a dentist (formerly from Cumber- land county), had been working for several weeks to re- cruit a company for the nine months' service, but secured only a few recruits. The following memoranda from my diary give some interesting details of the formation of the company: "In 1861, when President Lincoln called for three- months men to crush the rebellion, the people, became anx- ious, and their patriotic feelings were aroused. The peo- ple of the State responded at once, and the quota was promptly filled. In many towns, companies were formed called "home guards." It was my pleasure to drill regu- larly twice a week, a company of these "home guards." Amongst them were several, who, years ago, belonged to the same volunteer company with myself. My first squad. Lieutenant Charles Allen, joined Company "G," Sixth Pennsylvania Reserve; and later on, another squad joined the 93rd Pennsylvania Volunteers, Captain Boynton. When the President and Governor A. G. Curtin called for men to serve for nine months, I was from home at the time. (Being hot weather, drill was suspended for the time being. ) On my arrival at home, I learned that Dr. Knisely was recruiting a company for the nine months' service. A meeting was called in Union Hall for Tuesday evening, August 5, 1862, only a short distance from my house. I did not go near, but went up town. On my return, in passing the hall, I found that the meeting had adjourned. 82 JOHN K. SHOTT. CaiilMiii (■.,. ■■II, •■ 127111 Kc-iiiii'iil, P. V. MaimfaeluriT, Middlotowii, I'u. 127TH REGIMENT, P. V. 83 I was hailed and urged to take the lead, so that the com- pany could be raised. Quite a number of prominent men were at this meeting, and several young men from the country, among them Solomon Strickler, and others, who promised to recruit thirty men if I would take the cap- taincy. Other prominent men took part, urging me to head the company, saying it was a shame that Middletown should not raise a full company ; that if I took hold there would be no trouble, for no other man in town, they said, could raise it. This was flattering to me. I replied, "I will go to Harrisburg tomorrow and inquire how matters stand." I told my wife what occurred, and said I would go to Harrisburg next day and learn the situation, but she strenuously objected. If I were a single man I would have gone from the first; but having a wife and four chil- dren I thought it my duty to attend to them. However, next day, Wednesday, I went to Harrisburg and made in- quiry. Came home; boys met me at the train. I told them to go to work ; must report on Saturday, the 9th of August, it being the last day to get into the nine months' service. Confidence shown by my fellow townsmen was very gratifying to me. Middletown having already sent two squads of my home guards to the front, the year be- fore, it was draining the men very close. "Thursday morning, August 7th, Solomon Strickler called at my house with his span of horses, and we drove over the country to the Lancaster county line, but se- cured no recruits, they had joined Colonel Franklin's regiment at Lancaster. Drove around to Hummelstown; saw Captain Henderson, who had just come from Harris- burg. He said, 'T have more men than I can take, but I promised them to Captain AUeman, of Harrisburg." So we came home without any recruits. Ephraim Cobaugh and 84 MEMORIAL HISTORY Samuel Searfoss promised to raise sixty men about Hum- melstown. Cobaugh wanted to be first lieutenant, and Searfoss second lieutenant. Meeting in the evening at Union Hall. I stated my experience during the day, and it looked very blue for a company. With much enthusi- asm the meeting resolved that we could and should raise a company here. I told them I preferred to have the full company from Middletown and vicinity. After patriotic speeches from some of the citizens, it was agreed to meet on Friday night in Union Hall. Much enthusiasm. "Friday evening, August 8th, went to Harrisburg. En- gaged transportation for no men. In the evening met at Union Hall, at 8 p m. Informed the men we must meet there at 8 o'clock next morning (Saturday) to elect offi- cers. "The wife of J. K. Shott was very patriotic. She did not cry, but said it was the duty of every able bodied man to go and fight for the Government. This stimulated her husband to accept the first lieutenancy when it was offered to him. His only child, Frank, also enrolled. This move had a good effect in my family. "Saturday morning, August 9th. Meeting called to or- der at 8 o'clock. First thing in order, election of officers. Jeremiah Rohrer elected captain, unanimously. John K. Shott was elected first lieutenant, and Isaiah Willis second lieutenant. Adjourned to meet at ii a. m., as the train leaves at twenty minutes of twelve. My wife more rec- onciled since Mr. Shott, our next door neighbor and for- mer partner of mine in the door and sash factory, had joined us. "Met at Union Hall at 11 a. m., boys rather slow. Got together, marched past my house ; windows all open ; saw no one. I called "Halt !"' Ran into the house, and upstairs. 12/TJl REGIMENT, P. V. 85 There my wife sat crying with the babe in her arms. I thought I would sink through the floor. If I had acted as I felt, I would have remained at home, but honor and duty prevailed. Started for the station. Marched the boys about and kept them going, halting occasionally for one of the preachers to give them a talk. Then the moth- ers of the boys would come to me and say, "Now, take good care of my boy," the tears running down their cheeks. This was more than I could stand. Ordered "attention" ! and marched them away, for I tried to keep a bold front. Train arrived, and we left for Harrisburg amidst hundreds of our people cheering, and the women, generally crying. "Arrived at Harrisburg; marched to Camp Curtin. Met by Andy Unger on horseback, who led us to our camp- ing ground. Ordered a detail of thirty men to draw tents, and fifteen men to draw rations. Tents put up, rations drawn, then a little drill in facings, — "Right," "Left," etc. Drilled them well, and the boys were ready for sup- per. Slept without blankets. Not a man had a blanket; so we all lay on the grass in the tents. "Sunday morning, August nth. Bright and clear. Ugly weather would have worked disastrously. The men had not been sworn in, and if the weather had been rough, they not being accustomed to it, might have walked home and the company been broken up, for it was composed of just such material. Many of the men were saw-millers and got good wages. After we left Middletown, the saw- mills were shut down. They had been running day and night on government work. They had hard work to get men enough to run in day time. Many persons from T'iid- dletown visited camp on Sunday. Drew one day's cooked rations, and all were supplied with blankets. The com- 86 MEMORIAL HISTORY missary was rushed to its utmost capacity, and sometimes ran short of cooked meat, so that it required time and pa- tience to draw the rations for the men. The cause was the great rush of troops coming into the camp. At sup- per, several men said, "Captain, those fellows are eating all the m.eat, and won't give us any." I then told the boys that they must serve out the rations fairly, and give each one what belongs to him, for there was enough for all. "Monday, August nth. Made arrangements to have the men examined after dinner by Dr. Miller. All passed but two, and they were old fellows with bad eyes. "Tuesday, August 12th. Called the men together and ordered them to remain about the tents. Marched them to quarters of Captain Lane, and had eighty-one sworn into the United States service. I felt much relieved. Sev- eral who were examined did not report, and several were present who had not been examined. Drew kettles, pans, knives and forks, plates and spoons. "Wednesday, Auguest 13th. I was notified to bring my squad to Harrisburg to Captain Lane's office, tO' have them sworn into the United States service as a company. Twelve additional men sworn in, which gave me ninety- three men, rank and file. I was entitled to ninety-eight men, without the commissioned officers, but I took the ad- vice of an officer not to bother about the other five, al- though more than that number wanted tO' join afterwards. I said, "Too much red tape and trouble." If any man felt relieved, I did when the company was mustered in. "Thursday, August 14th. Nothing but drilling in the forenoon, and camp duties. At the request of Mr. Kelker, I marched my company to Harrisburg (about 4 o'clock) to receive a present of fifty dollars for each priv- ate from Dauphin county, voted by the commissioners. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 87 This was unexpected to me, and I believe to all the rest of the company. It certainly was a great help to those who left families or parents at home dependent on them. Halted on the river bank, in front of Mr. Kelker's house, where each member received the gift with thanks. I had the chance to go iiome with J. L Gingrich in a buggy; so I said to Lieutenant Shott, "You take charge of the com- pany, I am going home to settle up my affairs." This is my first visit home since the company came to Camp Cur- tin. Near midnight I heard considerable noise about the street. About one-half of the company were home and having a glorious time. Scarcely twenty men slept in camp. "Friday, August 15th. Fixed and settled my accounts. Returned to Harrisburg at noon, and found my men in camp all right. All the captains of twenty companies were called together by Captain Tarbutton at 5 p. m., and no- tified that they must draw clothing and be ready to march at once. "Saturday, August i6th. Drew uniforms for the men, then marched to Wallower's warehouse at P. R. R., in Harrisburg, and drew our Springfield rifle muskets. Re- turned to Camp Curtin. Boys proud of their new guns and blue clothing. It took considerable swapping until the little fellows got short pants, and the big fellows long ones, so as to fit all around. It was amusing to see a lit- tle fellow with his pants rolled half way up to his knees, and a big fellow with pants six inches too short; same with coats. A bundle of clothes, shoes and all was handed out to each man, and the only way to get some- thing of a fit was to trade with each other. "More trouble. A committee of Company "H" waited on me and stated their grievances. Said it was reported that I 88 MEMORIAL HISTORY was to be major of the regiment ; that they enlisted in my company, and expected that I would be their captain ; and now I was going to leave them. Had they known this, they would not have joined the company. I then told them that if I was major, I could do more for them than if I was only captain; that they would have a good captain in J. K. Shott, and that both of us would have more in- fluence than only one; that we would look to their wel- fare jointly and severally, upon which they could depend. I promised that I never would forsake those whose moth- ers charged me, when we left home, with tears rolling down their cheeks, to take good care of their boys. "All of you I have known, some of you are my neighbors, and all of you are my friends ; others I have known for years ; therefore rest assured, I will act as a father should act for his children." This had a good effect, and I never heard any complaint afterwards. That night, August i6th, midnight, nine captains met in Harrisburg and elected field officers. The regiment was organized, and at 9 a. m. Sunday, August 17th, Company "H" of the regiment was on cars for Baltimore. J. ROHRER. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. Roster of Company "H." 89 Name. Rank. Mustered in. Rohrer, Jeremiah Captain Aug. 14, '62 . , Shott, John K Captain Aug. 14, '62.. Willis, Isaiah 1st Lieut Aug. 14, '62. Schreiner, Jas. R 2d Lieut Aug. 14, '62. Knisley, Jacob R 2d Lieut Aug. 12, '62. Hyde, David 1st Sergt Aug. 12, '62. Cover, Solomon Sei-gt. Aug. 13, '62. Rinehart, Francis J Sergt. Aug. 12, '62. Shaffer, Wm. E Sergt Aug. 12, '62. Roe, Caleb H Sergt Aug. 12, '62. Sanders, Leander Corp Aug. 12, '62. Kleis, John P Corp Aug. 12, '62. WilUs, Henry Corp Aug. 12, '62. Klineliue, John W Corp Aug. 12, '62. Briuser, Abraham F Corp Aug. 12, '62. Fisher, David Corp Aug. 12, '62. Lowman, Robert C Corp Aug. 12, '62. David, James G Corp Aug. 12, '62. g Remarks. .Promoted to Major, August 19, 1862. .Promoted from First Lieutenant, August 19, 1862. Died March 23, 1884. Buried Middletown Cemetery. .Promoted from Second Lieuten- ant, August 19, 1862. Died November 14, 1899. Burled Middletown Cemetery. .Promoted from Private, August 19, 1862. Resigned March 7, 1863. Died June 7, 1877. Buried Middletown Cemetery. .Promoted frjom First Sergeant, March 7, 1863. Wounded Battle Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. Died from wounds, May 15, 1863. .Promoted from Sergeant, March 7, 1863. Died December 29, 1889. .Captured Battle Fredericksburg, December 11, 1862. Deceased. .Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 11, 1862. Returned to duty in March. 1863. Serv- ed full term. Honorably dis- charged. . Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 11, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. .Promoted from Private, January 1. 1863. Served full term. Honorably discharged. Died June 1, 1899. .Served full term. Hon. discharged. • Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Deceased. Buried at Lancaster, Pa. . Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died January 7, 1896. • Promoted to Corporal, November 1. 1862. Served full term. Honorably discharged. • Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1862. Served full term. Honorably discharged. .Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1862. Served full term. Honorably discharged. Died October 14, 1888. .Promoted to Corporal, November 1, 1862. Served full term. Honorably discharged. • Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, February 6, 1863. Died Juno 15. 1883. 90 MEMORIAL HISTORY Roster of Company "H," (Continued). Name. Rank. Mustered in. Remarks. Shott, Frank A Corp Aug. 12, '62 Died November 10, 1862. Buried in Middletown Cemetery. Hippie, Henry Mus Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Ruth. Valentine Mui Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Ackerman, Ansil Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died July 1, 1884. Airgood, Paul Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Atherton, Alonzo Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died December 10, 1883. Arnold. Jonas S Private Aug. 12, '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg. Died from wounds, December 22, 1862. Buried Middletown Cemetery. Beck, William V Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died May 25, 1864. 12, '62 Captured Battle Fredericksburg, December 11, to Company, charged. .Private .\ug. 12, '62 Captured Battle December 11, ed to Company uary 5, 1879. . .Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Brown, Andrew Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full tei'm. Bear, John Private .\ug. 13, '62 Served full terra. Burns, John Private \ug. 12, '62. .... .Served full term. Banzhoff, Heury Private Vug. 12, '62. .... .Served full term. Brandt, Benjamin. . . .Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Beaehler. Jacob Private -Vug. 12, '62 Served full term. Brown. Henry J Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term Brinzer, John Private Aug. 12, '62 Discharged Bancus, Henry Private Aug Bretz, Elias Jacob. Bretz, Benjamin V 1862. Return- Honorably dls- Frederieksburg, 1862. Return- Died Jan- Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Surgeon's certifi- cate, January 22, 1863. Bretz, Daniel Private. • • • • Aug. 13, '62 Died December 31, 1862 (sudden- ly). .Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. .Aug. 12, '62 Captured Battle Fredericksburg, December 11, 1862. Return- ed to Company. Honorably discharged. .Private. ••■ -Aug. 12, '62 Captured Battle Fredericksburg, December 11, 1862. Return- ed to Company. Honorably discharged. Crick, Frank Private. ••• --^ug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Campbell, David Private. -^u&- 12, '62 Promoted to Quartermaster-Ser- geant, December 1, 1862. Died April 2, 1900. Davis, Theophilus Private. -^ug. 12, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died January 29, 1877. .Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. .Aug. 12, '62 Died November 10, 1862, at Wash- ington, D. C. Epler, Richard Private. Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Frantz, William Private. Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Fitzpatrick, Thomas. .Private. Aug. 13, '62 Captured Battle Fredericksburg, December 11, 1862. Return- ed to Company. Died at Mid- dleown. Pa. Jloovcr, Isaac W Private. Aus- 13, "62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Campbell, Alexander. .Private. Cramer, John Private. Coble, Solomon. Davis, Jacob Private. • • Detwiler, Jacob Private. • • I27TII REGIMENT, P. V. Roster of Company "H," (Continued). 91 Name. Hlckeruell, Robert. . Rank. Mustered in. Remarks. .Private Aug. 12, '62 Captured Battle Fredericksburg, Hickernell, David L.. Private. December 11, 1862. Return- ed to Company. Honorably discharged. .Aug. 13, '62 Served full terra. Honorably dis- charged. Died May 2, 186T. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 12, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Buried Middletown Cemetery. Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 12, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died June 16, 1885. 12, '62 Captured Battle Fredericksburg, December 11, 1862. Return- ed to Company at Harrisburg. Honoi'ably discharged. Jones, James Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died August 0. 1864. 62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Houser, Jacob R Herold, Leonard Irely, Samuel. . Irely, John. . . . James, David. .Private Aug .Private Aug .Private Aus Jenkins, Henry S Private Aug Ivoehler, Charles. Keyser, Jacob. . . Lutz, William... .Private Aug. 12, .Private Aug. 12, .Private. Laughuian, Daniel. .. .Private Aug. 12, '62 Miller, James . . . Murphy, Robert. JIanybe(!k, Amos. . . Miller, John McBurron, William. McNeal, George.... McBarrou, John. . . . , .Privjite. • ■ ■ . .Private. . . . '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. .Aug. 12, '62 Captured Battle Fredericksburg, December 11, 1862. Return- ed to Company. Died Feb- ruary 2, 1864. Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, December 30, 1862. Died February 26, 1876. Sept. 10, "62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Knoll, Jacob S . . . Osman, John B. . Phillips. William Buhl, Wllhelm.. . Rehrer, Nicholas. .Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis charged. Died at Middleown. .Private ... .Aug. 12, '62 Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, October 16, 1862. Died October 25, 1862. .Private Aug. 12, '62 Deserted AuguHt 16, 1862. .Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died September 17, 189.5. Private Au" 12 '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- .Liivaii..-. ». charged. Died April 1, 1881. Private ....Aug. 12, '62 Killed Battle Fredericksburg, De- cember 13, 1862. Buried in National Cemetery, Freder- icksburg, Va. (50 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died May 8, 1899. 62 Died April 6, 1863. Buried Mid- dletown Cemetery. .Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. .Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. . Private Aug. 12, '62 .Private Aug. 12, .Private Aug. 12, Wounded Battle Fredericksburg December 13, 1862. Honora- bly discharged. Died July 20, 1893. 62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 62 Ivilled Battle Fredericksburg, De- cember 13, 1862. Buried in National Cemetery, Freder- icksburg, Va. Schreiner, Henry J. ..Private Aug. 12, "62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Rittersbach, Jacob.. Ramsey, Charles J. . Reed, John ..Private Aug. 12, .Private Aug. 12, ..Private Aug. 12, 92 MEMORIAL HISTORY Roster of Company "H," (Continued). Name. Rank. Mustered in. Remarks. Stipe, Andrew Private Aug. Stipe, Andrew J Private Aug. Sheetz, John H Private Aug. Shaffer, Isaac H Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 12, '62 Captured Battle Fredericksburg, December 11, 1862. Return- ed to Company. Died Novem- ber 25, ISSS. Stipe, Jackson Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died December 18, 1881. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 12, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died May 12, 1890. Snyder, Joseph H Private Aug. 12, 'C2 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died March 5, 1882. Snyder. Samuel Private. Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Siple, William H Private. Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Suavely, John W Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Swords, William Private. Aug. 12, '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Honora- bl.v discharged. Singer, Philip Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died August 22, 1876. Sebolt, John Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Stipe, William Private Aug. 12, '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Discharg- ed on Surgeon's certificate, April 1, 1863. Died June 24, 1863. Ulrich, Martin Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Ulrich, Solomon Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Wentllng, John Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Whisler, John L Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Winters, Daniel Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died at Harrisburg. Young, Hiram Private Aug. 12, '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died at Middletown. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 93 Company "H" sustained its full share of the casualties of war,, and it and Company ''K" were the only com- panies in the regiment which had any of their men cap- tured by the enemy. The company was made up of very determined men, who made a good record, and Lieutenant Knisley who was mortally wounded in leading the skir- mish line at the battle of Chancellorsville, was as brave an officer as ever drew a sabre. He had the respect of every man in his command, and the full confidence of the regi- mental officers. The company was mustered out of service, at Camp Curtin, May 29, 1863. COMPANY "I. A LTHOUGH Captain Ira R. Shipley recruited many of his men in Adams county, and the com- pany was usually designated as an Adams county company, it was made up by recruits from other localities. There was a consolidation of squads recruited by Professor James S. Shoemaker in the Lehigh district, with others recruited by Lieutenant Je- rome W. Henry. The company was unfortunate in its early organization, and, notwithstanding the fact that it was composed of good material, it necessarily took its general character, as well as reputation, from its company commanders. Captain Shipley resigned on surgeon's certificate of dis- ability in a very few weeks after his muster into the ser- vice, and it was deemed best for the company that some- one outside of its organization should command it. Lieu- 94 MEMORIAL HISTORY tenant Christian A. Nissley of Company "C" was selected by the colonel as a suitable officer who could give strength and character, and inspire spirit into the company. This promotion was readily endorsed by the other field officers, and he was in due time coinmissioned and mustered in as captain of the company. The sequel showed the good judgment of the colonel, as he made a most excellent company conmiander. While Lieutenant Shoemaker yielded like a good sol- dier to the judgment of his superior officers, he evidently felt some chagrin in having a promotion made over his head, and worked hard to retrieve himself, and unneces- sarily braved danger on the battle field of Fredericksburg to command promotion for his daring heroism. He proved his courage; but unfortunately at the cost of his life. Lieutenant Henry also proved himself a gallant officer at the battle of Fredericksburg, where he was wounded, and was promptly promoted for deserved merit. His promotion made a vacancy, and the colonel again con- cluded to go outside of the company to find a suitable person to fill his place. He selected William W. Reed of Company "F", the regimental clerk, who proved a good selection, as he made a capable and meritorious officer. Both Captain Nissley and Lieutenant Reed were ac- ceptable to the company, and became very popular with their command. These officers took a great pride, not only in their positions, but in their company, and Com- pany "I" under their leadership, made a good record. S. G. Stevens. 127TH REGIMENT, P. V. Roster of Company "I.' 95 Rank. Mustered in. Remarks. Reed, Wm. W 2d Went. Aug. Welsh, Augustus A. .1st Sergt Auj Early, David Sergt. .Aus Name. Shipley, Ira R Captain Aug. 13, '62 Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, October 6, 1862. Nissley, Christian A. .Captain Aug. 9, '62 Promoted from First Lieutenant, Co. C, October 13, 1862. Serv- ed full term. Honorably dis- charged. Buried in Hummels- town Cemetery. Shoemaker, Jas. S... 1st Lieut Aug. 13, '02 Killed Battle Fredericksburg, De- cember 13, 1862. Henry, Jerome W. . .1st Lieut Aug. 13, '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Promoted from Second Lieutenant, De- cember 14, 1862. Served full term. Honorably discharged. '62 Promoted from Sergeant, Co. F, December 14, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Deceased. Miller, Charles G... 1st Sergt Aug. 13, '62 Promoted from Sergeant, Septem- ber 5, 1862. Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. 13, '62 Promoted from Private, October 1, 1862. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. 13, '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Sheaffer, Samuel G Sergt Aug. 13, '62 Promoted from Corporal, Septem- » ber S, 1862. Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. Promoted from Corporal, March 1, 1863. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 'C2 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62. Wounded Battle Fredericksburg. December 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Promoted to Corporal, November 6, 1862. Served full term. Honorably discharged. '62 Absent, sick. at muster-out. Served full term. Honorably discharged. '62 Killed Battle Fredericksburg, De- cember 13, 1862. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. '62 Served full term. '62 Served full term. '62 Served full term. '62 Served full term. '62 Served full term. Segner, John M Sergt Aug. 13, "62 Wolf, George A Sergt Aug. 13, Newhard. Reuben K Corp Aug. 13, Baker, Michael Corp Aug. 13, Stevens, Shade G Corp Aug. 13. Sta mbaugh , Jacob Corp Aug. Early, Joseph Corp Aug. Myers, William S Corp Aug. 16, Forney, William A Corp Aug. 13, Wheeler, Simon Mus Aug. 13, Clark, Edward F. A Mus Aug. 13, Arnold, Eli Private Aug. 13, Alexander, Francis. . .Private Aug. 13, Auge, Valentine Private Aug. 13, Blasser, Andrew Private Aug. 13, Baker, Daniel L Private Aug. 13, Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. 96 MEMORIAL HISTORY Roster of Company "I," (Continued). Remarks. Name. Rank. Mustered in. Black, Jacob Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Becker, Martin Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Bachman, Peter Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Black, Daniel Private Aug. 13, '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericksburg. Discharged for vFounds, Feb- ruary 27, 1863. Hupp, Joseph T Private Aug. 13, '62 Deserted January 27, 1863. Cilley, John Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Day, George Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Davis, James M Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Druckenmiller, A Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Early, Benj. W Private Aug. 14, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Fickle, Thaddeus Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Frantz, Adam Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Fldell, Francis Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. ^ -~ ■-- - Hon. discharged. Gelvin, John Private Aug. Gardner, Theo. F Private Aug. Hansen, Christian Private Aug. Heikes, John B Private Au Jones, Michael Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term 13, '62 Deserted December 16, 1862. 13, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged 16, '62 Served full term. 13, '62 Served full term. Kindt, Anthony Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Livingston, Jas. W. ...Private Aug. 13, ' ~ Livingston, William. . .Private Aug. 13, Loser, Jacob Private Aug. 13, Lentz, Alfred Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term '62 Served full term. '62 Served full term. '62 Wounded Battle December 13, Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Fredericksburg, 1862. Served Honorably dis- full term, charged. 13, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 13, '62 Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, October 4, 1862. Private Aug. 'l3, '62 Died February 16, 1863. 13, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 13* '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. •62 Served full terra. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62. .....Wounded Battle of Fredericksburg and supposed to have died on the field. Myers, Jacob H Private Aug. 13, '62 Died at Washington, D. C, De- cember, 1862. Nipple, Jeremiah Private Aug. 13, '62 .Served full term. Hon. discharged. Lessley, John Private Aug. Lilllenstine, Charles. ..Private Aug. Lentz, Eli Menear, Edward J.... Private Aug. Myers, Daniel S Private Aug. Mumper, Levi Private Aug. Miller, John H Private Aug. Mark, John G Private Aug. Miller, Daniel Private Aug. Myer, Henry Private Aug. Moneghan, John Private Aug. 13, Mondorff, David Private Aug. 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, Neiff , Joseph Private Aug. 1 Norman, Edward Private Aug. 13, Osborne, John H Private Aug. 13, Packham, Bradd Private Aug. 13, Rupp, Henry Private Aug. 13, Robb, John A Private Aug. 13, Rankin, William Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Absent, sick, at muster-out. '62 Deserted August 16, 1862. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Rhodes, Henry Private Aug. 13, '62 Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, December 31. 1863. Stough, Joseph Private Aug. 13, Sheaffer, John W Private .\ug. 13, Sheaffer, Philip S Private Aug. 13, Stevens, Edward Private Aug. 13, Sheaffer, Jacob S Private Aug. 13, Shutt, John H Private Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. '62 Served full term. '62 Served full term. '62 Served full term. '62 Served full term. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. Roster of Company "I," (Continued). 97 Name. Rank. Mustered in. Shultz, John A Private Aug. 13, SheaEfer, Jacob Private Aug. Trimmer, Andrew Private Aug Vernosdale, Uriah Private Aug. 13, Welsh, George W Private Aug. 13, Wendling, Adam Private Aug. Weltmer, Martin Private Aug. Walborn, Elijah Private Aug. Weirman, Joseph E. . .Private Aug. Wilhelm, Lewis Private Aug. Young, James Private. Yann, John Private. .Aug. Remarks. 62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. 13, '62 Discharged April 6, 1863, for wounds received at Freder- icksburg, December 13, 1862. 13, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Wounded Battle of Fredericks- burg, December 13, 1862. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 .Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, February 26, 1863. 13, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, .Aug. 13, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Mustered out D. S. service by Captain William B. Lane, 3d Cavalry, U. S. A., at Camp Curtln, Harrisburg, Pa., May 29, 1863. COMPANY "K. THIS company was recruited principally in Schuyl- kill county, Pennsylvania, by Captain William ^^^. Fox who, living in the South at the time of the secession of States, was conscripted and forced into the Confederate army. He took the earliest oppor- tunity to prove his devotion to his country by escaping through the picket lines, making his way into Pennsylva- nia. He went up into the coal regions and set himself to work to raise men for the service. He brought a number of men into Camp Curtin, and returned to Schuylkill county to recruit his company to its full maximum strength. The men were not all raised in Schuylkill county, a number were recruited in Lebanon county, but the company was generally known in the regiment as the Schuylkill County Company. Both officers and men of this company were composed of good material, and rendered a good account of them- selves during tiieir term of service. Henry T. Euston. 98 I27TII REGIMENT, P. V. Roster of Company "K." 99 Name. Rauk. Mui Fox, WUliam Captain Aug. Doughert.v, Jos. W. . .Captain Aug. Long, David S 1st Lieut Aug. Barr, William J 2(1 Lieut Aug. Downey, Daniel 1st Sergt. .... Aug. Bertolet, Richard Sergt. Aug. Light, Adam J Sergt. .... Aug. Euston, Henry T Sergt. ■•. .Aug. Beehtel, Theodore H... Sergt. Aug Bieher, William Corp. • ■ • • Aug Ramsey, William H. .. .Corp. ■-. .Aug Klock, William A Corp. •.-. Aug Schram, Henry L Corp. . . . .Sept. Bugle, Benjamin Corp.. . . .Aug. Kanton, Charles F Corp Aug. Martry, Samuel Corp Aug. Freck, John L Corp Sept. Hummel, Jacol) Corp Aug. Warbeooke, James Corp Aug. Luckenblll, Robert J Corp Aug. Winters, Thomas Mus Aug. Reldel, Zachariah Mus Aug. Auman, Henry Private Sept. Banks, Paul Private Aug. Lot'C. tered in. Remarks. 14, '02 lilUed Battle Fredericksburg, De- cember 11, 1862. 14, 'G2 Promoted from First Lieutenant, Deoemlier 12, 1862. Wounded Battle of Fredericksburg, Ue- cember i;i, 1SG2. Served full term. Honorably discharged. 14, "62 Promoted from Second Lieutenant, December 12, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. 14, '02 Promoted from Private to Ser- geant, October 1, 1862; to Sec- ond Lieutenant, January 19, 186;?. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. 14, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 14, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 14, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 14, '62 Promoted from Corporal, March 1, 1863. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. 14. '62 Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Died Philadelphia. 14, '62 Promoted to Corporal. October 1, 1862. Served full term. Hon- orabl.v discharged. 14, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 14, '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. 2, '62 Promoted to Corporal, March 1. 1863. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. 14, "62 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1S63. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. 14, '62 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1863. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. 14, '62 Promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1863. Served full term. Hon- orabl.v discharged. 14, '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. 14, '62 Promoted to Corporal, October 1, 1862. Discharged on Surgeon's certificate, February 14, 1863. 15, '62 Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, February 24, 1863. 14, '62 Died at Washington, D. C, De- cember 16, 1862. 14, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 14, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 14, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 15, '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 15, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. 100 MEMORIAL HISTORY Roster of Company "K," (Continued). Name. Rank. Mustered in. Keinarks. Berkheiser, Henry Private Aug. 14, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Brumensteifer, J Private Aug. 14, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Bomberger, Samuel. . .Private Sept. 14, '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Bergal, Franklin Private Aug. 18, '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 15, 1862. Dis- charged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, February 24, 1863. Brown, George Private Sept. 14. '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Dis- charged March 13, 1863. Dougherty, Samuel Private Aug. 14, '62 Wounded Battle Fredwicksburp. December 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served Eckert, Fessler, Benedict Private Aug. 14, Ellis Private Aug. 14, full term. charged. '62 Served full term. '62 Served full term. Feger, Henry Private Aug. 15, Gelger, Charles Private Aug. 14, Gerbill, Benjamin Private Aug. 16, '62 Served full term. Heverllng, Cyrus Private Aug. 14, '62 Served full term. Harpett, Charles Private Sept. 14, '62 Served full term. Button, William L Private Aug. 14, '62 Wounded Battle December 13, Honorably dls- Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Fredericksburg, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Helsey, Daniel P Private Aug. 14, '62 Servetl full term. Hon. discharged. Hoffman, Jacob Private Aug. 14, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Hay, Christian Private Aug. 14, '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. Heckman, Edward A. .Private Aug. 14, '62 Captured at Fredericksburg, De- cember 15, 1862. Returned and honorably discharged. Hobbs, John A Private Sept. 14, '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Hautz, Ellas Private Aug. 15, '62 Discharged April 4, 1863, on ac- count of wounds received at Battle Fredericksburg, Decem- ber 13, 1862. Iba, Frederick R Private Sept. 2, '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served Johnson, Joseph Private Sept. Keller, Frederick Private Aug. Klarke, Franklin Private Aug. Lash, James L Private Sept. Lengel, George Private Aug. Lehman, Amos Private Aug. full term. charged. 2, '62 Served full term. 15, '62 Served full term. 15, '62 Served full term. 14, '62 Served full term. 15, '62 Served full term. 18, Honorably dis- Lessig, Reuben Private Aug. 14, Leidy, Daniel Private Aug. 14, Mayberry , Charles. . . . Private Aug. 14, Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. Hon. discharged. '62 Discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, February 28, 1863. 62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. 62 Deserted January 15, 1863. 62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Minning, Charles Private Aug. 15, '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. Roster of Company "K," (Continued). lOI Name. Rank. Muster Moyer, Reuben Private Aug. 14, Bloyer, Peter Private Aug. 15 McCree, James Private Aug. 14 McLaughlin, Cyrus Private Aug. 14 Pierman, Isaac Private Aug. 14 Raber, Lewis B Private Aug. 14 Ramsey, Rufus Private Aug. 14, Ringle, Franklin E... Private Aug. 15, Rupp, John, Jr Private Aug. 14, Reinoehl. Jacob B.... Private Aug. 15, Raber, George W. .. ..Private Aug. 14, Smith, Arthur F Private Aug. 16, Suavely, William Private Aug. 14, Schreckengast, S Private Sept. 14 Snyder, Jeremiah Private Aug. 14, Spri uger, Charles Private Aug. 14, Stoner, Andrew Private Aug. 14, Strauser, William. .. .Private Aug. 14, Strauch, John Private Aug. 14, Thomas, Joseph R. ...Private Aug. 15, Upchurch, Theo. F Private Aug. 14, Weber, Solomon Private Aug. 14, Weik, Henry Private Aug. 14, Welk, David Private Aug. 15, Whittle, John Private Aug. 14, Williams, Milton Private Aug. 14, War brook, William. . .Private Aug. 15, Warf , Frederick Private Aug. 14, Tecum. Franklin Private Aug. 14 Yost, Lewis M Private Aug. 14 ed in. Remarks. '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Orderly of Colonel W. W. Jen- nings. Served full term. Hon- orably discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Captured at Fredericksburg, De- cember 11, 1862. Returned and honorably discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Wounded Battle Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Served full term. Honorably dis- charged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Discharged January 20, 1863, for wounds received at Battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. '62 Served full term. Hon. discharged. Company "K" mustered out May 29th, 1863. CHAPTER III. Marches. A LTHOUGH not strictly a "march," but properly a ride, the regiment left Camp Curtin at Harris- burg, August 17th, 1862, on its way south to join the army, at 9.30 o'clock a. m., on flat cars on the Northern Central Railway. So many men were forwarded to the seat of war at that time, that passenger cars were a luxury, and even box cars appeared to be very scarce that beautiful Sunday morning; so the 127th Regiment were required to occupy flat open cars, with rough boards laid across them, from side to side, for seats; thus giving the sparks from the locomotive a chance to burn holes in the new uniforms of the men ; and some could show holes as large as if made by bullets. This was the first initiation of the regiment into the rough life of a soldier. The officers had the use of an antiquated passenger car, of ancient date, to ride in; some of them occupied it, while others rode with their men, or boys then, for they were nearly all boys at that time. York was reached about noon, and Baltimore about five o'clock. Here was the first march of the regiment, across the city of Baltimore, to a soldiers' refreshment depot, where they got something to eat. They left the Monu- mental City at 10 o'clock p. m., and reached Washington City, over the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at 1.50 o'clock a. m., Monday August i8th. The regiment marched a short distance to the Soldiers' Retreat, N. W., 102 I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. IO3 of, and only a short distance from, the National Capitol. The men tried to get what sleep they could, on the street, at the Baltimore and Ohio depot. The morning broke clear and warm — in fact it was a very hot day — and the regiment rested, awaiting orders. About II o'clock orders came to march into Virginia; and it took up its line of march by fours, down Pennsyl- vania avenue to Fourteenth street, and then down Four- teenth street to the Long Bridge, crossing that bridge into Virginia. A little digression shows the requirements of adherence to military regulations, and how substitutions are made to meet the exigencies of the service. Lieutenant Orth had been appointed adjutant of the regiment; and Lieutenant Gilbert, quartermaster, but neither of them had received their commissions, so they could not be officially recog- nized, and the Colonel detailed Lieutenant A. J. Fager, of Company "B", as adjutant, and Lieutenant R. E. Cable, of Company "D," as quartermaster, both of whom were commissioned officers, and had been mustered into the service. These detailed officers reported to General Casey at his headquarters near the Long Bridge, and procured the necessary blanks and instructions, and having skil- fully performed their duty, rejoined the regiment. Lieu- tenant Fager continued to act as adjutant of the regiment for about ten days, taking off the first dress parade in Virginia on Tuesday evening, the 19th of August, at Camp Welles, Virginia ; and afterwards, in consequence of the disability of Adjutant Chayne, acted as adjutant at the last dress parade of the regiment in Virginia, besides fill- ing the position at various times during the service, and making a most acceptable substitute. The regiment marched across the Long Bridge into Vir- I04 MEMORIAL HISTORY ginia, and out the Fairfax road some four miles, turning to the right, into a field, where it halted, pitched tents, and designated its new home "Camp Welles," remaining there until Saturday, August 23rd, when it took up its line of march, going northwest towards the Potomac River, along the military road, and halted on a hill, near Fort Ethan Allen, about one mile above Chain Bridge. The regiment was, up to this time, under command of General Whipple, with headquarters at the old General Lee resi- dence, at Arlington Heights. Company "B" was ordered to Chain Bridge for guard duty. The regiment from that time, until December ist did ver>' little marching as a regiment, except to change camps several times ; and in detachments, going on picket duty to Langley's on the Leesburg I'oad ; and out towards Ball's Bluff and Bull Run, and perrorming guard duty at Chain Bridge. The regiment left Camp Dauphin at nine o'clock A, M., December ist, in a rain storm; crossed Chain Bridge, marched to and through Washington City, past the White House, and down Pennsylvania avenue, resting on the Avenue near the Capitol, where Hon. Joseph Casey, the Chief Justice of the Court of Claims, came from his court in the Capitol building, and greeted the officers and men in a most friendly manner; many of them being his former neighbors, and most of them well known to him. The regiment was then marched to the Navy Yard, and crossed the bridge into Maryland. After marching about four miles further, the regiment camped for the night near the Asylum, and for the first time were under shelter tents. The next morning it resumed its march at eight o'clock, reaching the village of Piscataway, where we re- mained over night. We were delayed in our start the I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. I05 next morning; in waiting for our wagon train, which failed to reach us during the night; so we did not move until eleven o'clock, and after a march of thirteen miles, we camped on General Mitchell's farm, three miles from Port Tobacco, shortly after dark. Our brigade numbered about 5,000 men, so that the owner of the mansion, with such a large body of troops surrounding him, can hardly be blamed for showing a nervous anxiety for the safety of his property. To save his fences from destruction, he sent our regiment several cords of hickory wood to build fires for cooking and warmth, but the boys did not seem disposed to cut hickory while board fences were so handy. For policy sake an invitation was extended to some of the officers of the brigade to partake of the hospi- talities of the Mitchell mansion. The invitations were gladly accepted, but the officers after waiting patiently until nearly midnight, were treated to such indifferent and scanty fare, that they felt that it was a studied insult, and did not hesitate to forcibly express their opinions on their return to camp. Certain it is, that the men felt justi- fied in construing the treatment of their officers as an of- fence which required punishment, so they organized for foraging purposes, with evident disastrous results to the owner of perishable property. The following account of the night's work is taken from the diary of Major Rohrer. "'General Mitchell,' as he was called, had several sons in the Confederate army — so it is reported. He asked for a guard for his property, and the 27th Connecticut fur- nished the guard. Sergeant Cover, of Company "H" got up a plan to capture the poultry in the corn-crib, and the pigs in the pen. This was after he learned of the bad treatment of 'General' Mitchell to the invited officers at I06 MEMORIAL HISTORY his house. When this detail, commanded by Sergeant Cover, reached the guard, they were challenged, 'Who comes there?' The reply was, 'Guard of relief/ The pickets were relieved, and the reliefs took their places. How many more were in the plot I never knew; but I think the Jerseys were among the party. At any rate there seemed to be concert of action, and at an agreed time, long after taps, and while the invited officers were famish- ing for the proffered entertainment, and the boys learned of the inhospitable treatment of their officers, a raid, (and probably several of them) was made on the fowls, pigs and hogs of the Mitchell plantation. It was a moonlight night, foggy, very dangerous to be out; the safest place was lying down in quarters. The Minie balls of the Springfield muskets whistled through the air, and the re- port of the Belgian rifles of the Jerseys sounded like small cannon. The hogs running in the field squealed at every pop of the rifle. This was quite interesting — under the circumstances — the balls flying in all directions, similar to a skirmish line. "From the hickory wood sent by General Mitchell, (with the evident purpose of saving his fences), fires were seen all around like bon-fires, and around a good wood fire amongst the men, stood a fine looking young darkey, about twenty years old. I viewed him up and down and said to him, 'How would you like to march along with us in the morning?' He said, 'All right.' I said, 'You be here at this place.' He replied, 'Yes, sah,' laughingly. "December 4th. Last night was lively ; but this morn- ing all was quiet. The adjutant, quartermaster and my- self occupied a Sibley tent, (for the accommodation of sixteen persons). Our tent was full. A dull sound struck the ground in the tent, and a voice said, 'That's 12/711 REGIMENT, P. V. I07 for }ou, Major.' George, our cook, got up early and found a duck in the tent — (dead, of course). He at once took the duck down to the mess-chest and cleaned it. He laid it down to get a knife, and when he returned, the duck was gone. He looked about, saw no one, but swore in Dutch, yet no duck came back. The tents were very close, all around here, hardly a yard apart. Some one was w^atching every movement of the cook, and when his back was turned, the duck disappeared. Of course somebody was spited. At the fire stood the slave. I said, 'Are you ready ? Come on.' Gave him in charge of Lieutenant Schreiner, of Company "H." The regiment marched on. Later on I discovered that this George Washington was not the man I talked with last night. It was his brother. Whether the other fellow, who was older, backed out and got his brother to go, I never knew. 'George Washington' was i8 years old, and remained with me during the service. I took him along home to Middletown, where he worked at the furnace. After I moved to Lancaster, the furnace blew up, and 'George Washington' with it, and was killed. George was a strong boy. He could 'tote,' as they called it, half a bar- rel of water on top of his head, and carry it for a quarter of a mile. His walk was slow; but he took long steps, nearly one yard in length — evidently never ran in his life ! When the regiment left for Fredericksburg, George had my gray mare, with a bag of oats, and went with the wagons. At the Lacy House the cannonading was so ter- rible that 'George Washington' could not stand the noise, so he left on 'vacation.' About two weeks later, he stuck his head in at my tent door and grinned. 'Hello! you black rascal, where were you all this time?' 'Oh, I worked at Acquia Creek.' 'What were you working?' Io8 MEMORIAL HISTORY 'Unloadingf boats.' 'What did you leave for?' 'Oh my! So much shooting; not used to dem big guns. I was nearly skeered to death.' "Just before starting again on our march, General Mit- chell brought a bill to Colonel Jennings for a mile and a half of fence, 7 cords of hickory wood, 45 hogs and pigs, 21 sheep, 3 calves, 100 fowls and 5 slaves. The bill was shown to each of the field officers, and then quietly pock- eted by the Colonel. I do not think that the Colonel ever gave it any further consideration. Certainly it was not approved by him, or by the commander of the 127th Regi- ment." December 4th, the regiment made an early start, marched fourteen miles, and bivouaced for the night. The following morning the regiment broke camp and marched to Liverpool Point on Potomac river, distant about seven miles, in a furious rain and snow storm. A steam trans- port was in waiting, and the regiment embarked and was conveyed down and across the Potomac river near Acquia Creek Landing, where the regiment encamped about one mile from Acquia Creek Station. December 6th, Satur- day, was a very cold day, with snow covering the ground. The regiment waited the arrival of the wagon train, and went through daily dress parade. On the arrival of the supplies and wagon train, the regiment, on the 8th of De- cember, broke camp at eight A. M., and marched about eight miles, (three miles unnecessarily, having missed the right trail), and camped for the night. Our progress was slow in consequence of the great movement of an immense body of troops, which, with the wagon trains, jammed the roads and made marching exceedingly slow work. The regiment had now reached the great body of the Army of I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. IO9 the Potomac. Every hill top and the slopes were dotted with tents, and the country as far as the eye could reach, seemed literally one mass of camps and troops. It was one inspiring scene, and the well-drilled soldier was now made to feel that he would soon have his training practi- cally tested. Rubbing up against the old experienced fighters did the men good, and made them ambitious to practice their courage on the enemy, and show their com- rades-in-arms that they too were fully equal to the occa- sion. December 9th, the regiment broke camp at dawn, and, although the horses had no hay since the regiment crossed the Potomac, "forward'' was the command, and forward the regiment marched until it reached its destination, about noon, when the brigade, which Colonel Jennings had com- manded for nearly four months, was broken up and dis- tributed among the old brigades of the army; and the 127th Regiment, P. V., was assigned to the third brigade, commanded by Colonel Hall, of the Regular Army; in the second division, commanded by Major-General How- ard; in the Second Army Corps, Commanded by Major- General D, N. Couch. We soon learned that the Second Corps was the fighting corps of the Army of the Potomac; and that it was in- variably in the van, and opened battle; or in a retreat, that It was assigned to cover the retreat. After marching three and a half miles, we reached our place of rendezvous and were assigned a scope of ground on a little elevation, on the extreme right of the brigade, about a mile north of the hill overlooking Falmouth, and in full view of the city of Fredericksburg and the Rappahannock river. The ground was covered with an undergrowth, and filled with the stumps of trees, which had been cut by the army for IIO MEMORIAL HISTORY fuel; leaving stumps innumerable from three to four feet in height. This place was named "Camp Alleman," in honor of the Lieutenant-Colonel of the Regiment. Our subsequent marches were comparatively short; but some of them of the most exciting character; while others were full of interesting incidents. The short march, when we were aroused about four o'clock in the morning of December nth, and marched to the rear of the Lacey House, and every one of the regi- ment knew that we were going into an engagement, was memorable, as every man nerved himself for the terrible ordeal. We marched light, that is, we left our tents standing, and everything in camp which we did not abso- lutely need; but weighted down with ninety rounds of ammunition, filling our cartridge boxes, and what space was left, with six days' cooked rations, which more than filled the haversacks, went into the knapsacks. The continued march on and over the pontoon bridge, the field and staff officers mounted, Colonel Jennings and Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman taking the place of the band and drum corps, and leading the regiment, amid the thundering roar of cannon on both sides of the river, with bullets whizzing as thick as hail, from the rifles of the sharp-shooters, was intensely thrilling, and very trying to the nerves ; as not a shot could be fired by our men until the opposite side of the river was reached. The pontoons rocked from the tread of the horses and men ; but the steadiness of the men during this trying experience was truly and eminently praiseworthy. The marches on the Fredericksburg battle field are em- bodied in the thrilling description of that famous battle; and the return march to Camp Alleman was full of mel- ancholy incidents, intensified by the sadness of an en- i27TII REGIMENT, P. V. Ill forced and ignominious retreat. The regiment left camp long before daylight on the nth of December, with full ranks, brim full of enthusiasm, and with laudable deter- mination to fight and win, or bravely die in the attempt. Both officers and men did their full duty ; but the odds of position was too strongly against them, and they were compelled to fall back, or be ruthlessly mowed down, without the shadow of a chance to capture the foes, so strongly entrenched, that their lines were practically im- pregnable. The regiment returned to Camp Alleman on the i6th of December, not in a compact phalanx, as it started, only five days before; but mostly in detachments, squads, in couples and singly. Some were borne on the shoulders of their stalwart comrades; some hobbled into camp as best they could; and when roll-call was sounded, there was ominous silence when the names of the missing, the wounded, the dying and the dead were called; and even those who providentially escaped unscathed, answered to their names in bated breath, as their hearts were saddened and their spirits broken, not only on witnessing the appall- ing scenes of suffering, horror, and death upon the bloody field of Fredericksburg, but the painful knowledge of de- feat made every man a sincere mourner ; and with the en- vironment of distress, he could not escape the feeling of bitter sadness. The marches of the early days in May, 1863, were, only in a less exciting degree, but a repetition of the Freder- icksburg campaign. True, the men profited by the sad, sad experiences of the past, and inured themselves to the hardships of a soldier, determined to do their duty ; but it was the same old, old story, "we buried our comrades on the battle field, and the other absentees are in the hospi- 112 MEMORIAL HISTORY tals." But they bore up better, as the part which they took in the disastrous battle of Chancellorsville was a vic- tory, and they smiled and triumphed over their success. Camp Alleman and Camp Rohrer were successively abandoned; and on the return of the regiment from the Southern shore of the Rappahannock, they formed a new camp, and named it "Camp J, Wesley Awl," in honor of the gallant captain of Company "B." The men felt proud of their record, in engaging the enemy after the term of their enlistment. Although the regiment was formally organized on the i6th of August, 1862, and, as a regiment, its term expired on the 15th of May, 1863, yet the date of muster of the company organi- zations were mostly during the first week in August, while the bulk of the men were mustered into the service the last week in July, and the first two days in August. When the order came to go forth to battle, not an officer or a single man complained, or set up the plea of "term of en- listment expired." After resting in camp, or performing daily picket duty, the following order was read by acting Adjutant A. J. Fager at dress parade on the 13th of May, 1863. "General Orders No. 77. "Headquarters Second Division, Second Corps, "Near Falmouth, Va., May 13, 1863. "The Adjutant-General's office having corrected the date at which the time of the 127th Regiment P. V. ex- pires, and decided, after representations made from the headquarters, that the term expires on the 14th inst. in- stead of the 20th inst., the regiment is hereby relieved from all duty with this army, and will repair to Harris- burg, Penn'a, there to be mustered out of service. 127TH REGIMENT, 1>. V. 1I3 "In bidding farewell to this regiment the General com- manding the Division recalls with pride and satisfaction that, although in it, as well as in several other regiments in the service, a difference of opinion has existed in re- gard to the expiration of the time of the men; this differ- ence has never interfered with their duty as soldiers, and they now can return to their homes with the proud con- sciousness of duty well and faithfully performed. "Your comrades will be glad to welcome you back to their ranks. "By command of Brigadier General Gibbon, "J. P. Wood, Capt. and Asst. Adj't-Gen'l." "Headquarters 3d Brigade Division, "May 13, 1863. "Official. W. R. Driver, Act. Asst. Adj't-Gen'l." An order was issued that same evening to "strike tents" at daylight the next morning; and at 5.30 o'clock the regi- ment was in column and started on the march for Fal- mouth station. There were no stragglers. The whole regiment united in singing "Home, Sweet Home," and on reaching the station, boarded the train in readiness for them, at 7.30 for Acquia Creek, and at 9 o'clock embarked on a steamer, and steamed up the river for Washington City — a very pleasant sail up the Potomac, in strong con- trast to the cold and stormy experience in crossing that river in the previous December. When we passed Mount Vernon, the band played a funeral dirge in honor of the immortal Washington. We arrived at the Sixth street wharf in Washington about two P. M. on Thursday, May 14, and after disem- barking, the regiment marched in four ranks up Sixth 114 MEMORIAL HISTORY Street to Pennsylvania avenue, and out the avenue to the Soldiers' Retreat, in a furious thunder and rain storm; but these veterans marched steadily forward, and paid no more attention to the driving rain and blinding flashes of lightning, as though they were in their natural element. Resting at the Retreat until next morning, transportation was furnished over the Northern Central Railway. Al- though the regiment left Washington for Baltimore on train of open freight cars, fitted with seats formed of rough boards, crossing the sides of the cars, at seven o'clock in the morning, the regiment only arrived in Balti- more at two P. M., where the regiment was detained until eleven o'clock at night ; and day break on Saturday morn- ing found us only five miles north of Baltimore. The train afterwards moved more rapidly, and reached York about ten o'clock, where it was received by a committee of distinguished citizens, who, after giving the regiment a hearty welcome, escorted it to Harrisburg, which was reached about 1.30 P. M. amid the firing of a cannon sa- lute on Capitol Hill, the ringing of bells, and the cheers of tens of thousands of friends, who had gathered to join them in the glad welcome. The regiment was quickly formed into column with Colonel Jennings and Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman mount- ed in the lead ; the band and drum corps in their glory, the regiment to a man in ranks, with Major Rohrer on his horse in place, and as a procession had already been formed and in waiting, under the chief marshalship of Colonel Henry McCormick, assisted by Dr. George Dock, Dr. George Bailey and William C. McFadden as assistant marshals, marched up Market street over the program route to Third, and out North Third street to the front of the Capitol, where an oflicial reception took place. 127X11 REGIMENT. l\ V. 1 15 Colonel Jennings joined Governor Curtin, and turned the command over to Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman, who led the regiment over the further designated route, laid out by the chief marshal ; and on reaching Market Square, gave orders to Adjutant Chayne to permit the captains to grant the men leave of absence, to report in Camp Curtin punctually on Monday morning. He then gave the last regimental command on the march, "Halt!"' when the or- ders were quickly conveyed to each captain, and the men were relieved from duty until the following Monday morning, and permitted tO' go to their homes. On Monday morning, the i8th of May, 1863, the regi- ment assembled informally on State street, without arms, left in front, and marched to the late home of Sergeant Chas. B. Hummel, of Company "D," who was killed at Chancellorsville, whose body was brought to Harrisburg, and the regiment attended the funeral. After the funeral, the regiment marched to Camp Curtin, pitched their tents, and this was the very last march of the 127th Regi- ment of Pennsvlvania Volunteers. CHAPTER IV. TlHREE separate and distinct accounts of the great I battle of Fredericksburg were prepared, the one ^^^1 by Comrade George D. Rise, the regimental his- torian; another at the request of Colonel Wil- liam W. Jennings was prepared by Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. Alleman, which received the approval of Colonel Jennings, and was adopted by the regimental historian; while the third account was taken from the diary of Ma- jor J. Rohrer ; and from these three well prepared sketches the following account has been compiled. BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. When Colonel Jennings' brigade reported at Falmouth, Virginia, December 9th, 1862, his several regiments had the numbers of a veteran Division, and for effective work, those regiments were distributed among the brigades of the Grand Division commanded by Major-General Sumner. The 127th Regiment was assig-ned to the Third Brigade commanded by Colonel Norman J. Hall, a cavalry officer of the Regular Army, and Colonel of the Seventh Michi- gan, of the Second Division commanded by Major-Gen- eral O. O. Howard, of the Second Army Corps, con- manded by Major-General Darius N. Couch — in the Grand Division of Major-General Sumner — of the Army of the Potomac — commanded by Major-General Ambrose E. Burnside. The Third Brigade comprised the 7th Regiment Michi- gan Volunteers, Colonel Norman J. Hall ; 19th Regiment 116 I27TH REGIMENT, P. V, 1 1? Massachusetts Volunteers, Colonel Arthur F. Devereux; 20th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, Colonel George N. Macy; 42d Regiment New York Volunteers, Colonel James E. Mallon; 127th Regiment Pennsylvania Volun- teers, Colonel William W. Jennings ; 59th Regiment New York Volunteers, Colonel Max A. Thornan. The Army of the Potomac was divided into three grand divisions, the Right Grand Division was commanded by Major-General Sumner; the Left Grand Division by Major-General Franklin ; and the Center Grand Division was commanded by Major-General Hooker; while Major- General Sigel commanded a strong force of reserves. The right of the army was at Camp Alleman, one and a half miles north of Falmouth, and within cannon range of the Confederates across the Rappahannock river. The enemy threatened to shell General Couch's headquarters, and gave him twenty-four hours to move his family. During the night of December loth, the engineers com- menced laying pontoon bridges in front of the city of Fredericksburg. Before they reached mid-stream of the Rappahannock river, the workmen were repeatedly driven from the pontoons by the enemy's sharpshooters, concealed in houses along the water's edge ; and about four o'clock on the morning of the nth, they were again compelled to abandon the work. About the same hour, the Third Brigade marched from their respective camps for the scene of the pontoon bridge, reaching there about daybreak. On the loth of December, the 127th Regiment received orders to march at sharp six o'clock on the following morning, with four days' cooked rations in their haver- sacks. A small guard of convalescents were left in charge of the camp ; and the early dawn of that day found Il8 MEMORIAL HISTORY the regiment winding its way along the ravine, until it reached a point directly opposite the center of Fredericks- burg, on the plane of the Lacey House, where it was as- signed to the support of an eight-gun battery of heavy artillery. Before eight A. jM. the cannonading opened. It was a beautiful sight — every road and every hill visible was filled with troops. Defeated in his efforts to build the bridges, General Burnside ordered up his heavy guns, and opened fire upon the city, and during the bombardment, the 127th Regi- ment valiantly performed its assigned duty in support of artillery. The bombardment of Fredericksburg was a magnificent war spectacle; 140 cannon were firing continuously on the city, and on the heights in the rear, where Lee's army was entrenched, and this dreadful artillery duel was kept up incessantly for some eight hours, with no apparent effect. The artificial thunder was terrific, and Fredericksburg seemed doomed to total destruction; but the persistent sheJling did not have the desired effect of dislodging Barksdale's Mississippi sharpshooters, who were securely intrenched in deep rifle pits along the whole front of the city, and occupied the line of houses on the river front, preventing, by their continuous and well-aimed shots, the completion of the pontoon bridges. Many and heroic attempts were made by the engineers and the pontoniers to complete the building of the bridges; but the raking and concentrated fire from the sharpshooters in ambush, swept the half completed bridges, which were occupied with construction parties, who were only partially concealed by the dense smoke which settled; but it had the happy effect of somewhat I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. I IQ veiling the scene, and lessening the sense of actual danger. When it became painfully evident that our heavy can- nonading, and well-directed artillery fire failed to quiet the rifles of the expert sharpshooters, heroic measures were taken to enforce silence. A call was made for three hundred volunteers from the Third Brigade, about three P. M., and scores upon scores of the 127th Regiment vol- unteered for the "forlorn hope"; but only a limited num- ber could be accepted, as the veteran regiments were given the preference; so that but a squad of the 127th Regiment, under the leadership of the intrepid Porter Buchanan, of Company "F," were permitted to join their fellow brigade comrades of the 7th Michigan, the 19th and 20th Massa- chusetts contingent, who, at about 3.30 o'clock P. M., sprang into the few pontoons within reach, poled them- selves quickly across the river, unmindful of the leaden shower of bullets poured upon them, and after a short, but desperate fight at the point of the bayonet, courageously drove the sharpshooters from the rifle pits and their hid- ing places, enabling the engineers and pontoniers in their ninth effort to complete their work before sundown. The "Forlorn Hope," besides accomplishing its mission, captured upwards of fifty prisoners, and brought them across the river. Our Third Brigade was the first to cross the pontoons, the 127th Regiment was on the left of the brigade, in num- bers equal to any three regiments of the brigade. As the 127th Regiment was in readiness to dash across the pontoon bridge immediately on its completion, on the first moment of signal, both officers and men were eager for the fray. On descending the embankment, the regi- ment was saluted by a shower of shells, one of which fell directly under the Colonel's horse, but fortunately did not 120 MEMORIAL HISTORY explode. The regimental band was ordered to take its position at the first pontoon of the lower bridge, and to fall in the rear, and cross with the regiment. Major-Gen- eral O. O. Howard, commanding the Second Division, with his full staff, mounted, were at the end of the bridge to encourage and review the crossing troops. The signal was given, and instantly Colonel W. W. Jennings and Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. Alleman rode side by side at the head of the regiment ; and on reaching the bridge, the band played "Yankee Doodle," the Colonel and Lieutenant- Colonel saluting the General, rode on the pontoon bridge, followed by the regiment, amid volleys of rifle balls from the returned sharpshooters, and an avalanche of shells. Captain Fox, of Company "K,'' was the first regimental victim of the Confederate shells; while another shell passed through the bass drum of the band, and completely silenced "Yankee Doodle" for the remainder of that day. The men naturally dodged their heads as the shells came whizzing — it being their first experience under fire. General Howard sat on his horse at the water edge of the first pontoon, and as the men were dodging, called out to them, "Don't dodge, men, the shells are not half as dan- gerous as they seem." Just then a shell passed over the General's head, and he dodged, when one of the boys of the regiment yelled, "Don't dodge. General, that shell is not half as dangerous as it seems." The General smiled and said, "Dodging appears to be natural." The Third Brigade of the Second Division of the Sec- ond Army Corps reached and mounted the southern em- bankment about five P. M., and it charged upon and drove the enemy from Fredericksburg, clearing one-half of the city before midnight; the 127th Regiment taking an active and most efficient part in the successful charge. The I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 121 regiment was fired on from cellars and from windows in orthodox bushwhacking style. These guerrillas were, how- ever, soon silenced, and the close of the day found Colonel Hall in full possession of one-half of the city, enabling the remaining troops of General Sumner's Grand Division to cross the pontoon bridges in safety. The regiment having satisfactorily completed the duty assigned to it, with some attendant losses, was ordered to the river front, some time after dark, to wait there for further developments. On the bank of the Rappahannock just south of the lower pontoon bridge, stood an old two-story stone house, which had the lower front knocked out of it, together with most of the upper story during the bombardment. The lower corner near the ground was entirely carried away, so that the house was standing on three corners. Quite a number of our men had taken refuge in it, and were eating their rations in the dark. Major Rohrer came along, seeing the danger, said to the boys, "This house stands only on three corners, and is dangerous, so you had better get out." The house was promptly vacated. The cannon balls and shells had crushed in the stone wall, and the large chimney in the center of the house was demol- ished, while upstairs, amongst the debris, were found bodies of twenty-eight dead Confederates ; and one man in the comer, with both legs shot off above the knees, begged to be shot — the poor fellow bled to death in a very few minutes. Shortly afterwards, an order was received detailing Colonel Jennings as provost marshal of Fredericksburg, and L.ieutenant-Colonel Alleman was placed in command of the regiment, with which the Colonel made his head- quarters. About eleven P. M. orders were received to take the i 122 MEMORIAL HISTORY regiment to Caroline street, left in front. Company "D" was placed on a cross street, and Company "H" on the op- posite side of the street, one block further on, for patrol duty. Company "II" detailed Sergeant Cover and eight men of Company "H" with whom were two men of Com- pany "K," to patrol one block. After patrolling it several times, the Sergeant concluded to take his men a square further on, and as they marched through the second square, a patrol of about twenty Confederates — indistin- guishable in the dark — came around the opposite corner. They called, "Halt! who comes there?" Sergeant Cover supposing that they were our men, responded, "Friends without the countersign, advance!" The Confederates advanced — and gobbled up the patrol. They were after- wards paroled and returned home from Libby prison about the same time that the regiment was mustered out of service. The provost marshal and the commandant of the regi- ment took possession of an abandoned, well furnished mansion on Caroline street, and made it their headquarters for the night. The following day, the three field officers, with Adjutant Chayne, Horace Jones and several others of the regiment took possession of the Alsop House, a stately empty corner mansion, one block south of Caroline street, in the aristocratic part of the city. This three-story pretentious building, with a frontage of about fifty feet, had evidently only been vacated that day in frightened haste. The larder was well provided, the officers made themselves comfortable, and did ample justice to the fa- vored opportunity. The regiment was comfortably quar- tered, after a brigade requisition for a strong detail for picket, patrol, and guard duty was duly honored. Early on Saturday morning, a Major-General expressed I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 1 23 a decided preference for this mansion as his headquarters, and it was generously given up to him ; so the field officers vacated and took possession of another well furnished house near the center of the city on Caroline street, and made it the headquarters of the regiment, as well as the office of the provost marshal. The regiment held itself in constant readiness during the I2th to march at a moment's notice, bivouacking in the street. On Saturday morning, the bloody 13th of Decem- ber, an order reached the regiment of its temporary de- tachment from Colonel Hall's brigade, and assignment to the brigade of General Joshua T. Owen. About nine o'clock that morning General Owen, accompanied by sev- eral staff officers, paid an official visit to the regiment, confirming the assignment, and congratulating himself upon securing such a "splendid body of men," as he prop- erly designated the 127th Regiment. He made a short, patriotic speech to the regiment, cheering them, and pro- phetically declaring that the 13th day of December would be a memorable day in American history; and that it would be the "baptismal day in blood of the 127th Regi- ment." He spoke strong words of encouragement, and ap- pealed to the patriotism and courage of the men to stand firm and fight bravely in honor of the flag, and in defense of the Government. The Grand Division of General Sumner occupied Fred- ericksburg, with General Couch's Second Corps on the right, and General Wilcox's Ninth Corps on the left. Gen- eral Hooker's Grand Division supported Sumner with his line extending to General Franklin's Left Grand Division. General Lee had the advantage of position.. The cap- ture of Fredericksburg was comparatively unimportant to him. Longstreet's Corps occupied Marie's Heights, 124 MEMORIAL HISTORY joined on the right by Stonewall Jackson^s Corps. Fred- ericksburg and its approaches were covered by the 300 cannon in position on the Heights ; while the enemy's line, of crescent shape, extended to the river, both above and below the city, enabling them to operate not only from the Heights, but from both the right and left flanks. The morning was foggy and the air was crisp. Neither army was visible to the other by reason of the fog. About ten o'clock, however, the heavy fog began to lift, and shortly afterwards active preparations were plainly visible on Marie's Hill for hot work during the day. Desultory firing had been heard all morning, and by eleven o'clock the cannonading was general on both sides. General Franklin, commanding the left Grand Division, was ordered to cross the Rappahannock at Deep Run, or Belle Plain, and was expected to open the engagement, and turn Lee's right wing, when he would be compelled to evacuate his stronghold on Marie's Heights. For some reason or other, General Franklin did not seem to under- stand it that way. The Left Grand Division crossed the river the preceding day and night on two pontoon bridges, and the last of the Grand Division to cross those tempo- rary bridges were the "Pennsylvania Reserve Corps." General Franklin had been re-enforced by two divisions from General Hooker, so that his force numbered about 54,000 men. General Meade, in command of the Pennsyl- vania Reserves, supported by Generals Gibbon and Doubleday, aggregating a force of 16,000 men, made an advance. They passed on through, opened the fight, crossed five rifle pits, down the plain and back of a wood across the railway, up to Lee's military road, so that the first Confederate line was actually pierced; and if it had been properly supported, Meade would have accomplished I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. I25 the purpose of the attack. But Stonewall Jackson turned the left wing of the Pennsylvania Reserves, and got in their rear. The Confederates were re-enforced, and Ewell's division of Early's coqDs was hurled against Meade's forces, compelling him to fall back with heavy loss; and, although Birney, who came to his assistance, and made a gallant charge, and turned the tide of battle, yet the increasing forces of the enemy were too great to withstand, and their over-powering numbers compelled Meade, who was practically unsupported, to retreat with his gallant force, so that all the advantages of the recon- noisance in force were lost. Had they been properly sup- ported, as intended, the battle of Fredericksburg might have been won. Just why the bulk of the Grand Division were permitted to quiescently look on, allowing the Re- serves to be slaughtered has never been satisfactorily ex- plained, although it is well understood that General Franklin had orders which were conditional in character, and those conditions, it appears, were not fulfilled. Colonel Jennings requested to be relieved as provost marshal. His request was granted, and he afterwards led the regiment in a quick march out Hanover street, and into Telegraph road, leading directly in the face of the enemy, who were strongly entrenched on Marie's Heights. In strict requirement of special orders, none of the Field officers of the brigade were mounted. Shortly before noon. General Owen rode up to the regi- ment and said, "Colonel Jennings, your regiment is now wanted." The command was given, "Attention, left in front, two ranks." General Owen then addressed the men in riding along the line of the regiment, "Men, if you will leave your knapsacks and store them in some building, it will relieve you very much." Accordingly many of the men placed their knapsacks in an empty house at hand. 126 MEMORIAL HISTORY The 127th Regiment moved out on the street of many churches and the Richmond pike and on a double quick. They passed through frightful scenes, which stamped themselves indelibly upon the memories of each and every one in that column. On our left the artillery was strung along the curbstone, ready to take position. Shells were flying over our heads and among us continuously ; horses were cut up by shells, and the dead men were lying pro- miscuously over the ground; while wounded men were brought in on the sidewalks from the field; but the men had no time to meditate, they hurried on, nearly out of breath, up the street, and, on the outskirts of Fredericks- burg, were confronted by a deep water mill-race, fully ten feet wide seemingly imgassable, except at a broken or torn up bridge, the planks and the flooring all removed, which, notwithstanding the scathing fire in front, was crossed single file on the stringers, all the while exposed to the furious fire of artillery from the Heights, supple- mented by a flank fire operated from a deflection in the high grounds to the right. Both officers and men were obliged to wade or cross on these slender stringers to get over the mill-race. There was a high board fence at the fork of the Telegraph road beyond the mill-race. The regiment was marched by the flank, and was deployed to the left, down along the mill-race about one hundred yards. Repeated attempts were made to pierce the center, and carry the Heights by direct assault, which were made first by the Division of General French, and then followed by General Hancock with his Division. These failing, Gen- eral Howard, with the Second Division of the Second Army Corps made a determined and desperate effort to accomplish the pet idea of General Burnside, and make I27TII REGIMENT, P. V. 1 27 a lodgment on Marie's Hill. These repeated attempts were made after the lifting of the fog; but each of these three desperate and determined assaults unfortunately failed. General Owen formed our men in line of battle, the 127th Regiment on the left of the io6th Pennsylvania. The command was given, "forward, right shoulder shift, double quick, march." The line charged to the front, and in the best possible order, went over, through and under the high board fence, saluted by a furious storm of leaden hail, varied by bursting shells, over, around and among them, seemingly drawing the concen- trated fire of the enemy as it marched up the hill in ad- mirable dress parade alignment. Shoulder to shoulder the gallant men quickly closed up the ranks as their com- rades fell bleeding and dying. Here was heroism exem- plified in the unflinching devotion to duty — braving inevi- table death while making the memorable, but desperate charge, on, up to within seventy-five yards of the enemy's line. The advance of those gallant men was the perfection of discipline and patriotism ; they faced death like heroes. It is difficult to picture the thrilling scenes; and words fail to adequately describe the fearful carnage and the dreadful slaughter in that superb charge on the slope of Marie's Heights. The officers who commanded, as well as the men, well knew that the charge was into the very jaws of death; yet they gallantly pressed forward, un- mindful of anything but duty. On they rushed, line after line, and column after column ; and the ground seemed to swallow up the brave men as they were ruthlessly shot down from the terrific fire of the enemy, who handled their cannon with skill, and did most effective work at close range; but our brave boys stood up, and gallantly 128 MEMORIAL HISTORY advanced, only to be mowed down in death. Here was fought probably the hottest fight of one of the fiercest battles that ever raged. In ten minutes, during that mag- nificent charge, the Union troops lost upwards of 2,000 men in killed and wounded. They marched up grade about 800 yards, a small brick house to the right served as a rallying point for the at- tack. The fork in the road, and the brick house were less than 150 yards from the stone wall. A little in advance of the brick house, there was a rift in the ground, afford- ing a slight protection to men, lying down, against the musketry from behind the stone wall ; but not against the converging fire of the artillery on the heights. At this time Generals Couch and Howard, who had climbed the steeple of the court house, got a clear view of the field from above the haze and smoke which had shrouded the entire slope. General Howard exclaimed, "Oh, great God ! see how our men, our poor fellows are falling." General Couch in his report states, "The whole plain was covered with men, prostrate and dropping; the live men running here and there, and in front closing up- on each other; and the wounded coming back. I have never seen fighting like that; nothing approaching it in terrible uproar and destruction. There was little cheering on the part of our men ; but a stubborn determination to obey orders and to do their duty." The Confederate General McLaws in his report says, "My line of defence was a broken one, running from the left along the sunken road near the foot of Marie's Hill, where General Cobb's brigade was stationed. During the 1 2th, the defences of this line had been strengthened be- yond the hills by an embankment thrown up to protect the right from sharpshooters, as also to resist assaults that I27Tri REGIMENT, P. V. 1 29 might be made from that direction ; and then the line was retired a hundred or more yards to the foot of the hills in the rear, along which was extended Kershaw's brigade of South Carolina troops, and General Barksdale's Mis- sissippians, from left to right, the brigade of General Semmes being held in reserve. The Washington artil- lery, under Colonel Walton, were in position on the crest of Marie's Hill, over the heads of Cobb's men, and two brigades under General Ransom were here held in reserve. The Heights above Kershaw and Barksdale were crowned with eighteen rifle gims and eight smooth bores belonging to batteries, and a number of smooth bores from the re- serve artillery. The troops could not be well seen by the Union forces, and the artillery on my rear line was mostly concealed, some covered with brush. The Union troops, from their position, could not see the sunken road near the foot of Marie's Hill, nor do I think they were aware, until it was made known to them by our fire, that there was an infantry force anywhere except on top of the hill, as Ransom's troops could not be seen in reserve, and the men in the sunken road were visible at a short distance only from it." General Longstreet, the Confederate corps commander, in his report of the masterly charge made by the Union troops states that the gaps torn in our lines could be dis- tinctly seen in his position a mile away, caused not only by the artillery fire, but at the base of Marie's Hill there was a stone wall, behind which were entrenched a strong force of Confederate infantry, from which withering musketry firing poured its leaden hail, tearing great gaps in our ranks. He further reported, "With each charge on Marie's Hill the Federals came nearer than before, but were forced to retire before the well directed fire of 130 MEMORIAL HISTORY Cobb's and Kershaw's brigades and of our artillery. By the end of the fifth charge, the ground was so thickly strewn with dead that the bodies seriously impeded the approach of more troops. After the sixth charge and repulse, night put an end to the conflict and the dreadful carnage, and the Federals withdrew, leaving the battle field literally heaped with the bodies of their dead. Our musketry alone killed and wounded at least 5,000; and these, with the slaughter of the artiller}^, left over 7,000 killed and wounded before the foot of Marie's Hill. The dead were piled, sometimes three deep, and when morning broke, the spectacle that we saw upon the battlefield was one of the most distressing that I ever witnessed. The charges had been desperate and bloody, but utterly hopeless. I thought, as I saw the Federals come again and again to their death, that they deserved success if courage and daring could entitle soldiers to victory." The incessant showers of leaden hail were here and now beyond human endurance, and the general order came, "Drop prostrate upon the ground and protect yourselves;" so the men endeavored to screen themselves from the deadly balls and shells by crouching behind the dead bodies of men and horses, lying thick all over the field. This was the only possible hope of avoiding instant death ; and in this perilous position nearly sixty rounds of am- munition were fired by our regiment at the enemy, when Colonel Jennings gave the command, "Cease firing." The mud was several inches deep from the melting of the snow; but we were compelled to lie in that mud or be destroyed. In this exposed position the regiment remained for five hours, resisting as best they could, a pitiless fire of mus- ketry and artillery. Cannonading was deafening, and play- I27TII REGIMENT, P. V. I3I ed havoc both from the enemy's guns in the front, and from ours in the rear, while every head raised a few inches from the ground was a target for the sharpshooters, perched in trees, and more or less shielded within the en- emy's lines. Lieutenant Shoemaker, unguardedly lifting his head to take an observation, received a Minie ball in the forehead, killing him instantly. The regiment held its respective positions unflinchingly for those deadly five hours, suffering severely, and chaffing for an opportunity to do retributive damage. This splendid heroism failed to meet its purpose. The triumphant Confederates, safe in their rocky shelter, shouted and yelled in their triumph; while our men felt that they were targets for the merciless enemy's balls and shells, without being able to make any impression upon the foe. To lie still and tamely submit tO' be shot at, was a terrible strain to the strongest nerves, and a trying or- deal to the bravest of the brave. Shortly before five o'clock, the Third Brigade of the Second Division of the Second Army Corps, to which the 127th Regiment belonged, but from which it was tempo- rarily detached for this battle, made a charge, with the 19th and 20th Massachusetts regiments on the right, and the 42d New York, or Tammany, regiment, on the left, passing through and over our line. They endeavored to form a section of an advance line, on reaching which, however, they were met by a terrific fire. In charging through our line, they said, "Lie still, boys," and passed through, cheering. The 42d New York came back al- most instantly in great confusion, and then the Massachu- setts regiments, crying "Retreat ! Retreat !" In their de- moralized condition they broke, rushed back, trampling on our men, and in the confusion forced a great portion of the regiment out of their position, carrying some of it, in 132 MEMORIAL HISTORY the sweep, with them. Company "B," being on the ex- treme left, was not reached, and so was luckily saved from being forced out of its place. This retreat gave encour- agement to the enemy, and the fearful fire which was poured into the front line, which stormed the stone wall, drove them back in confusion, carrying the remnant of the regiment with them. As the men hearing the order, "re- treat," concluded that it was given by authority, they acted accordingly, and some of them got mixed up among the brigade. The Colonel was with the color bearer. Ser- geant Schaefifer, who held the colors when the bulk of the regiment fell back, but when it was reformed by the Lieu- tenant-Colonel and the Major at the base of the hill, im- mediately joined them. It was utterly impossible to live or stand up under such a murderous fire. The line was reformed along the mill-race, in good order, in readiness to renew the charge; but under instructions, they re- mained in line, holding themselves in readiness for the ex- pected order to again advance. It was there that Colonel Jennings was slightly wounded — a shell splinter pene- trated his boot and entered his instep. A section of artillery was brought in front of our battle line on our right, and after firing only a few shots, most of its men were killed or wounded. All of the horses were killed, and the guns were, later on, drawn away by the men. What the object was in bringing the artillery in front of the battle line where even infantry could not live, seemed inexplicable. Just as the sun was lowering over Marie's Heights, a Division, led by Major-General Howard on horse-back, came on the field cheering, but those cheers were very short lived. The whole range of Confederate artillery was put to work on this daring division, and notwith- I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 1 33 Standing the gallantry of the officers in urgently rallying the men, they were so badly cut up, that the regiments could not be held together. General Meagher's brigade suffered severely. There was terrible slaughter, and noth- ing beyond brave acts of heroism was gained. The ground, as far as the eye could reach, was thickly strewn with the dead and the dying; and the heart-rend- ing shrieks and moans of the sufferers struck terror into the most callous hearts, causing a sickening sensation, and, intensifying through the ear, the ghastly horrors everywhere visible to the eye. While the explicit orders from General Owen, our tem- porary brigade commander, prohibited officers taking their horses on the battle field, like orders were either not issued to other brigades, or else were unscrupulously dis- regarded ; for hundreds of dead and wounded horses were manifest over the field ; and, painfully sickening as were the cries, the shrieks and the agonizing groans of the wounded men : they were not comparable to the frightful, nerve-distracting dying agonies of the wounded horses, which were heard and readily distinguishable over and above the human voices, even above the rattle of musketry and the terrible thunders from both mortars and cannon. Appalling as were the casualties, and the record of the dead and wounded for the day showed that the 127th Regiment suffered severely, and was entitled to rest; yet it remained on the field and ready for another charge until long after hostilities ceased, and hours after dark, when it was relieved, and then only, returned to its improvised quarters on Caroline street, better satisfied with its per- formed duty, than with the result of an ill-advised and badly planned, or wretchedly executed plan of battle. Both officers and men lay on their arms that night, in 134 MEMORIAL HISTORY readiness for a renewal of the engagement. Darkness only put an end to the dreadful slaughter of that mem- orable day of horrors. Major W. Roy Mason, Confederate, writes, "The day after the battle, Sunday, I witnessed with pain the burial of many thousands of Federal dead that had fallen at Fredericksburg. The night before, the thermometer must have fallen to zero, and the bodies of the slain had frozen to the ground. The ground was frozen nearly a foot deep and it was necessary to use pick-axes. Trenches were dug on the battlefield, and the dead collected and laid in line for burial. It was a sad sight to see those brave soldiers thrown into the trenches, without even a blanket or a word of prayer, and the heavy clods thrown upon them; but the most sickening sight of all was when they threw the dead — some four or five hundred in number — into Wallace's empty ice house, where they were found, a hecatomb of skeletons, after the war." The knapsacks, as well as their blankets and belongings, which the boys stored, were stolen. There was nothing left of their efifects but what they had on their backs, and it took some ten days to get out a complete outfit for them again. This, too, in the rigors of winter. Although Colonel Jennings was one of the youngest Colonels, if not the youngest regimental commander, in that memorable battle, besides being the first time that he was under fire, he displayed remarkable coolness, great tact and conspicuous courage. He ordered the colors of the regiment to be kept flying, and bravely stood by them, with field glasses in hand, calmly surveying the field be- fore him, and deliberately issued his orders, regardless of the fact that he made a target of himself for sharpshoot- ers, and necessarily drew the fire of the enemy. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 135 Marie's Heights is about a mile in the rear of Freder- icksburg; is a fine elevation of farm land, comprising a range of hills, studded with fine brick buildings, facing the city, with lofty trees along its front edge, and around the houses, which were owned by the wealthy citizens at that time, and was considered a very desirable locality for private residences. These Heights extended up the river beyond, opposite Falmouth, where they make a turn to the Rappahannock ; then extend southeast, below the city, wdiere a turn is made, nearly at right angles to the south- west, some distance, to a ravine, near the base of a blufif. A stone wall is built at the edge of the hill, running for miles above and below the city. The Richmond pike fol- lows this wall to the end. These Heights now belong to the United States Government, which converted the grounds into a National Cemetery, where there are now collected and buried over 15,000 Union dead, of which number over 12,000 are marked "unknown." This is ac- counted for, principally, by the robbery of the clothing and equipments of the Union dead, thus destroying all means of identification. These celebrated Heights were occupied by General Lee, with an army of about 79,000 men; and to storm them direct, or pierce the center on the Napoleonic idea, seemed like madness, without operating a large force of the army upon the right and left flanks of the enemy. From the stone wall, the ground rises gradually to the top. On the slope were two lines of rifle pits, dug all along the ridge, one above the other, which were well manned during the engagement. On the summit, siege guns and hundreds of other artillery pieces were placed in position to defend the entrenched, and annihilate those attacking their position. The Army of the Potomac faced 136 MEMORIAL HISTORY those works in the middle of December, 1862, and again on May 3d, 1863. During Sunday, the 14th of December, there was quiet along the line. It was cold and foggy. A truce was de- clared for the purpose of burying the dead. Corporal Adam Camiany, of Company "E," was known to have been severely wounded in front of the stone wall at Ma- rie's Hill during Saturday afternoon; so permission was granted members of Company "E" who went in a fur- ther search for Corporal Carmany's body ; but were unable to find him. The official records report him "Wounded and missing in action," but he undoubtedly died within a few minutes after receiving his wound, which was con- sidered mortal. During the early morning, the enemy had stripped all of the Union dead of their clothing, which added to the difficulty of identifying any corpse. This is confirmed by the Century War History, which reports, "Nearly all of the dead were stripped entirely naked by the enemy. A woman who lived in one of the houses in front of the stone wall related, 'the evening after the battle, the field was blue with bodies ; but the morning after the battle, the field was white.' " Shortly after sun down, an order came to Lieutenant- Colonel Alleman, in command, to march the 127th Regi- ment back upon the battlefield, and place it in position on the advance line, relieving the 6th United States Regulars. When taps were sounded, it was presumed that the regi- ment would be rested for the night; but it was quickly formed in column and marched out the same street it had traversed the day before ; but the caution order was given for no man to speak above a whisper, and to march as quietly as possible. When the regiment reached the edge I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 137 of the city, it was temporarily halted. To our left was a large frame house, set back a short distance, which was converted into a hospital. Here the surgeons cut off the arms and legs of the wounded by the cart loads. The cries of the patients were heart-rending, sounding like running the gamut, commencing in a high key, and gradually going down, down, until the voice was inaudible. It required nerve to hear all this, not knowing how soon we might be in the same hospital, or dead upon the field. Colonel Alleman gave the command, "Forward, March!" and leading the regiment, it picked its way through the darkness, over the old battlefield ; but a little more to the right, which line rested on the Richmond pike. The hill seized was somewhat higher than the one we occupied on the previous day, affording just a little better protection. When we relieved the regulars, the officers advised us to protect ourselves, as the reported casualties during the day was 130, from sharpshooters. Picks and shovels were brought out, and the vidette pits were dug in front of each Company formation, for two men each to occupy. These excavations or vidette pits were dug at the top edge of the hill, and during the day the men crawled in and out of them prostrate. They were relieved every two hours by the Reserves in the rear. These videttes were required to watch the enemy, and to protect our line from surprise. Vigilant activity was required all night long ; while vidette and picket firing was the prevailing rule. Just after midnight. Lieutenant George Hynicka, of Company "G," who was on the "look out," reported to Colonel Alleman (who was then in consultation with Ma- jor Rohrer and Lieutenant Wise, then acting adjutant,) that a man came to the edge of the hill, wearing a broad brimmed hat, stopped for a moment, about faced, and 138 MEMORIAL HISTORY went away. This indicated that he was probably a spy, so an extra vigilance was ordered. Soon afterwards, a force of the enemy advanced on our immediate front, with the evident intention of feeling our strength; but they were met with repeated volleys from the whole line of the regiment ; repulsed and driven back in confusion. At this time, General Howard was on an inspection of the picket line; but when the firing commenced, he hurried back to headquarters with the probable intention of giving neces- sary orders ; fearing a general attack by the army of Gen- eral Lee. An investigation showed that a detail of the Confederates had been sent to feel our line, and ascertain whether we maintained our position, or whether we had retreated. They opened fire on us, but evidently got the worst of it, fell back, and we had comparative quiet the remainder of the morning. All possible precaution was taken to guard the front of the line, but daylight of the 15th revealed the alarming fact that the enemy had also been vigilant during the night. Newly made earthworks were seen on the right of Telegraph road, commanding a full sweep of the plain oc- cupied by our picket line. The nature of the earthworks could not be seen, and did not manifest itself until about the middle of the afternoon. The orders given Colonel Alleman were to hold the line, and require the regiment to remain prostrate. About three o'clock in the afternoon, smoke was seen belching from the enfilading battery con- cealed by these new earthworks. The field officers were on a gum blanket, Lieutenant- Colonel Alleman on the right, Major Rohrer on the left, with Acting Adjutant Wise between them — in the imme- diate rear of the center of the regiment, which was in line of battle two deep. A Shrapnell shell struck the ground I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 139 about three yards from Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman, bounding over the three officers, and striking the ground again just beyond them. Fortunately it did not explode; but a lot of dirt was thrown over the officers. All eyes were now turned to the right. There was another show of smoke, then another shell struck the ground, a few inches nearer from where the first shell struck, passing over the officers as before. Then the artillery got the range of the men, and raked the line from right to left. There was no shelter anywhere on the line except what was occupied by Company ''B ;" to remain there was certain death. Company "F'' moved along the Richmond pike for shel- ter, where there was a low stone wall ; but the shells or balls struck the stones, making their position untenable. There was absolutely no protection at all for eight com- panies of the regiment ; and in a dozen or more rounds, the enemy succeeded in getting the exact range of the line occupied by the 127th Regiment — being a gentle slope to the right, extending to the Telegraph Road — enabling the artillery to pick off every man upon it. Confederate sharpshooters were posted in a frame building on the Tele- graph Road, within easy range of our line ; so that when- ever a head was raised, it was almost sure to dearly pay for its temerity. To remain there seemed like unjustifiable des- peration ; and certain death would be the inevitable result, A hasty conference of the officers was held, and it was concluded that a retreat to the town was the only possible way of sparing the lives of the command. Lieutenant- Colonel Alleman reluctantly yielded to the unanimous voice of his associate officers, first, however, satisfying himself that the videttes were comparatively safe in their pits, and that the vidette cordon preserved the line of ad- vance pickets. The reserves then fell back, retreating to 140 MEMORIAL HISTORY the outskirts of the city. Captain Greenawalt marched his men up to General Howard's headquarters, and bold- ly told the General that he did not want his men slaugh- tered ; and after telling his story, General Howard said: "Why don't our artillery silence them?" The line was held by Company "B" and the videttes. The nature of the ground protected them, the company being safer there than to retreat over an open field. Just as the Major was wading through the mill-race he heard a shell coming, and stooped. The shell struck the bank and burst about fifteen feet from him, the pieces fall- ing all around. The balls were flying faster than a man could count. Just as the Major turned to enter a house, a Minie ball struck the shield of his cap, raising it. Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman turned the command over to Major Rohrer, hastened to headquarters, and reported at once in person to Major-General Hooker, who was then in command in Fredericksburg. ' Colonel Alleman made his statement, to which General Hooker listened atten- tively, and after sharp and close inquiries. General Hook- er remarked, that while it was unfortunate that the picket line was impaired, he could see no possible cause, or the slightest excuse for censuring either the officers or the men of the regiment for retreating under such a murder- ous fire; unhesitatingly concluding that the retreat was not only justified, but that it was an absolute and impera- tive necessity, and that there could be no possible reflec- tion upon the courage and bravery of the officers and men of the regiment. He then ordered the Lieutenant- Colonel to visit the videttes, strengthen them, if neces- sary, and report their condition to him. Colonel Alleman, m full uniform, displaying his rank, at once returned to the broken line, going up the hill three-quarters of a mile in I27TII REGIMENT, P. V. I4I constant full view of the enemy, under a heavy fire from both sharpshooters and from the battery which hurled a number of shells at him. The following account of this venture is taken from the diary of Major Rohrer : "I was in command of the several companies which fell back, and kept them in position, ready for any emergency in the outskirts of Fredericks- burg, protected by the buildings. Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. Alleman did what few men would do, unless ordered to do so by his superior officer. He voluntarily said, 'I must go out on the picket line, and look after my vi- dettes.' General Hooker said, 'Wait until night,' but Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman said, 'No, I will go out now, and look after Company "B" and the videttes.' And I saw him march straight out over the battlefield to the picket line, and then to the left where Company "B" was. All this time the sharpshooters were firing at him, and shells were thrown, and the only thing that saved the life of the Lieutenant-Colonel was, that he was not tall, but slim, and the sharpshooters conld not hit him. He seemed to have a charmed life. He afterwards returned, as a tar- get again for the sharpshooters and shells that were fired at him." Colonel Alleman reached the line safely, and entered each of the several vidette pits, found them all properly manned; gave the necessary instructions; visited the re- serves, leaving instructions with them, and then returned to make his report in person to General Hooker, again un- der a galling fire, and was struck by a piece of exploding shell, on the right knee, which, in the hurry and excite- ment he did not mind at the time. He reported within two hours, to the expressed astonishment of General Hooker, who stated that he did not expect the order to be 142 MEiMORIAL HISTORY executed until the dusk of the evening, and remarked that "it was a most daring act to go up and down that long hill, in broad sunshine;" and that his escape alive was "abso- lutely marvelous/' After complimenting him, he directed that the remnant of the regiment should be marched back to the outer line, under the cover of darkness, and re-oc- cupy the former position ; or else, acting upon his best judgment, form and hold a section of an advance line. The order was promptly executed, and Colonel Alleman, although limping from his slight wound, marched the reg- iment up the hill, and placed his men on the outer line in battle array, facing the enemy, which line was maintained until the regiment was relieved about ten o'clock that night, by the 53d Pennsylvania Regiment, commanded by Colonel John R. Brooke, our old brigade commander, who afterwards became the Senior Major-General of the United States Army. The regiment returned to camp as veterans, feeling however, that its heavy losses of both officers and men were unnecessary sacrifices, caused by apparent blunder- ing in high quarters ; and the great battle, with its tremen- dous list of casualties, was an unfortunate defeat, instead of a well earned victory. The gory field of Fredericks- burg proved to be a veritable slaughter pen. This was the bloodiest and most disheartening battle up to this period of the great war of the rebellion. The tremendous and unavailing slaughter, with its frightful loss of brave Union soldiers had the same depressing ef- fect upon the morale of the army, as it had upon the great loyal North. Although the Grand Army of the Potomac failed to accomplish a result which was confidently ex- pected, and richly deserved, in its heroic struggle with the veterans of the South, and the flower of Lee's great army, I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 143 both officers and men nobly maintained their reputation for bravery and heroism. Burnside was confronted by the ablest military tacti- cian of the Confederacy ; while Lee was aided by the most persistent fighters of the Southern army. The plan of battle was the Napoleonic idea and purpose of piercing the center, and the magnificent, but fruitless assault on the Heights of Fredericksburg was a signal demonstration of the courage of the Northern soldiers. The troops who charged again and again, in well pre- served lines of battle, in face of the awful and deadly fire from Marie's Heights on the 13th of December, 1862, were the equals in bravery and discipline of the soldiers of any age. Alexander's chosen Phalanx ! Caesars Tenth Legion! Napoleon's Old Guards! Wellington's House- hold Troops ! or the immortal Three Hundred at Balak- lava did not excel these Federal stalwarts in gallantry, steady persistency and unflinching courage. That Burn- side failed, was no fault of the noble citizen soldiers' whom he commanded. It appears from an examination of the accepted reports, that the 127th Regiment suffered as great, if not a greater loss than any other regiment in the engagement. There were 203 killed and wounded, and 54 additional wounded who did not report in either the hospital or to the adju- tant, making a total of casuahies 257, being nearly one in three of every officer and man of the regiment engaged in battle. The battle of Fredericksburg, Va., w^as fought Decem- ber 13-15, 1862. 144 MEMORIAL HISTORY Oboanization. Killed Wounded Missing Total. 2ad Army Corps Right Grand Division 420 3,270 490 4 180 9th " " " " " 111 1,067 152 1,330 3rd " " Centre " " 145 832 202 1,179 5th " " " " " 207 1,669 300 2,176 Ist " Left " 347 2,428 561 3,336 6th " " " " " 54 332 70 456 Total Losses 1,284 9,598 1,775 12,657 Strength of the Union Army Strength Losses Per Cent. Right Grand Division 2nd Corps 16,000 5,180 32>^ it 9th 18,000 1,330 7'A Centre 3rd " 16,000 1,179 8 " 5th " 16,000 2,176 13>^ Left 1st 18,5(X) 3,329 18 " 6th 19,000 456 2'A Cavalry 9,500 113,000 7 13 657 Confederate forces engaged 78,513, killed 668, wounded 4,116, missing 653. Total Confederate losses 5,377. Only about 20,000 Confederates were actively engaged. General Burnside has been sharply and severely crit- icised about the Fredericksburg campaign. If the theory is correct, that the original plan of battle was to flank the enemy, it was certainly a well planned battle; but if, on the contrary, it was his intention to carry the Heights by piercing the center, (and the result indicated a plan of that kind), then the sequence shows that he minimized both the force and the stronghold of the enemy, and reck- lessly consigned his army to slaughter and inglorious de- feat. In his defence it is claimed that his subordinate of- ficers either did not carry out his orders, or that they plead a misunderstanding of them, which is something in his favor; and it must also be taken into consideration, that he was in the enemy's county, with a deep river behind him, and whatever he lacked in both the plan and execu- tion of the battle, he is certainly entitled to the credit of a masterly retreat. By placing artillery on the left of the city in broad day- I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. I45 light, in full view of the enemy, he made a bold show of a determination to renew the attack; and coupled with the fact that he poured a large body of fresh troops over the pontoons before dusk, was confirmation of his intention to renew the engagement. This, however, was only strat- egy, as those fresh troops were massed along the banks of the Rappahannock, and in the darkness of the night, after the pontoons had been well sanded, to prevent or deaden the sound of a tramping army, they were rushed back across the river on the upper pontoons, enabling the demoralized troops, whose ranks had been unmercifully thinned during the engagement, to retreat to the northern bank of the Rappahannock, under cover of night. This strategic movement was so cleverly carried out, that dur- ing the night of the 15th of December, 1862, the whole of the Burnside army escaped, and day light of the morning of the 1 6th found the city of Fredericksburg completely evacuated, and the pontoons floating down stream, with the remnant of the Army of the Potomac safe on the northern banks of the Rappahannock. CHAPTER V. Camps and Camp-Life. ITH all the attending hardships, privations and sufferings, there is a fascination about camp life which endears it to the memory of an old sol- dier, notwithstanding the monotony of regular routine duty, varied with picket duty, fatigue duty, patrol duty and special detail duty. There was something in the association of comrades, which makes pleasing the remin- iscences of home in camp, and they have all the attractions of beautiful oases in the desert of the term of enlistment. No difference how luxurious the life of a soldier may have been as a civilian, he soon toned down to the neces- sities of the situation, and became accustomed to the rough but substantial fare doled out to him by his Govern- ment; and his appetite was sharpened by daily drill, po- lice, guard and fatigue duty, with other requirements in his role as soldier, and intensified by the unctuous odors from the Dutch oven of the company cook, making him relish his "salt horse,'' his "hard tack,'' his bean soup, his "flap-jacks" and his sugared coffee, as much, relatively, as the epicure relishes his dainty bill of fare at Delmonico's, or the Waldorf-Astoria. The life of a soldier in camp was something of an indo- lent life, particularly when he got into the guard-house, or played "old soldier," or "hospital bummer." He was not required to do much, if any thinking for himself, as his officers were expected to do that for him. He was simply expected to act a good deal as an automaton; so that his 146 PRIVATE CYEUS RESSLEY LANTZ. Co. ■•E.-- 11:7th Krgiment, P. V I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. l4j^ brain was never burdened about "manoeuvres," "ad- vances," "retreats" and "strategy;" but he was simply expected to act when required, and to obey orders. The members of a company were as one family; while the other companies of the regiment were close and inti- mate neighbors of that family ; and while the greater inti- macy existed between the members of the company, yet there was a strong fraternal tie, and firm bond of union between each and every member of the regiment. Most, and probably all of the members of the "Dauphin County Regiment" saw their first service as servants of "Uncle Sam" in Camp Curtin. Here the men and line of- ficers were mustered into service, and here too, after the expiration of their terms of enlistment, they were mustered out of service and received their "honorable discharge." They strolled singly, or were marched into camp in squads, or as separate companies ; and while they were in- spired by patriotic feelings, and enthused by martial music, they soon learned, after passing the sentinels in Camp Curtin, that they were under restraint ; so the first thing they were required to learn was obedience to orders, and subjection to discipline. They found that they were unable to leave camp without a pass, and they were re- quired to be punctual, and respond with promptitude to the tap of the dnmi. The order of an officer was absolute law, required to be obeyed without question, or suiTer the penalty of disobedience, and the soldier soon learned that he was no longer permitted to exercise the pleasure of his own "sweet will," and, however restraining this seemed to be at first, he soon found that it was good policy to bow to the inevitable. 148 MEMORIAL HISTORY CAMP CURTIN. Camp Ciirtin was his first and last camp. Here he un- derwent a physical examination ; it was here where he first slept in his blanket upon some meagre straw, or on the bare hard ground; it was here where he first learned to take a meal in a primitive fashion ; where he received his first training in the manual of arms; and where he be- came isolated from his friends, his family and his old as- sociates. It was a new and untried experience ; deprived at most times of newspapers and the current news of the world, he became dependent mainly upon the gossip of the camp for news. But he had plenty of time to think of the dear ones he had left behind him, and it was these thoughts which frequently produced "home sickness," and made him feel that "life was not worth living." How- ever, the association of one hundred men brought together as a company is recruited, necessarily developed many dif- ferent characters and dispositions, which eventually somewhat assimilated ; but those who were so happily con- stituted as good story tellers, soon became the popular fa- vorites of the company. Short as camp life was at Camp Curtin, there was a general feeling of expressed delight when the orders came to cook provisions 'and fill their haversacks with five days' cooked rations, "strike tents," which they seemed to know by intuition meant a change of base ; so there were no ex- pressed regrets at leaving Camp Curtin, which was named after the great war Governor of Pennsylvania. The gen- eral inquiry was, "Where are we going?" and the imagin- ation of each and every one was exercised tO' its fullest ex- tent ; but the great bulk of them guessed that they were going immediately to the front, and that it meant fight, for which each and all nerved themselves. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. I49 The railway ride from Harrisburg to Washington was a sort of a general picnic ; but when the march was made across the Long Bridge into Virginia, they began to feel that they were approaching the country of the enemy. CAMP WELLES. All of the subsequent camps of the regiment were of regimental formation, and the next camp located was in the line of fortifications back of Arlington, and was named "Camp Vv'elles," in honor of the Secretary of the Navy. It was here that the boys wrote home that they were expecting daily to meet the enemy, and they no doubt wrote brave words of what they would do, when the op- portunity would present itself, of meeting a "Gray Back" face to face. This was the first camp in the front, and here all sorts of rumors of expected battles were rife, so that the boys were kept on the qui vive, generally jump- ing to the conclusion that the next order would be a march to the battlefield. On the very first day that the regiment occupied this Camp, an order came from Major-General Whipple, at Arlington, requiring the Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel to report at headquarters for orders; the result of which placed Colonel Jennings in command of a brigade, and Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman in command of the regiment. In this camp, which was not particularly inviting, nearly the entire time of the men was occupied in squad and com- pany drills. Major-General Whipple visited Camp Welles and the surrounding camps, selecting regiments to join General McClellan in his march through Maryland, to intercept Lee, who was threatening an invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. While the selection of green 150 MEMORIAL HISTORY troops was made, General Whipple was careful to retain some of the best material for the defences of Washington ; and among others he selected the 127th Pennsylvania Regiment, and assigned it to duty near Fort Ethan Allen ; in charge of Chain Bridge, and in emergency, to man the Fort — commanded by Colonel Doubleday, of Fort Sump- ter fame — in the Division of General Abercrombie, about six miles northwest of this camp. The few days' stay in Camp Welles, although the first in the life of the regiment near the front, made no partic- ular impress upon the men, because of its brevity and comparative quiet ; so that when the orders came to "strike tents," the boys felt that it was a relief, although they knew not where they were marching, and expected to go with McClellan to participate in the pending great battles, which culminated at Antietam and Short Moun- tain. CAMP BOAS. Colonel Jennings selected the knoll of a hill to the right of Fort Ethan Allen, immediately opposite division head- quarters, for the new camp, and named it "Camp Boas," in compliment to his patriotic uncle. Colonel F. K. Boas, of Harrisburg. He laid out the camp in one of the most uninviting places in that entire neighborhood, in close proximity to Chain Bridge ; and yet, after the camp was formed, the good judgment of the Colonel was developed, and it was made an exceedingly attractive place, and was, without exception, the most delightful camp of the regiment during its entire term of service. The grounds sloped in three directions, but mostly south, towards General Abercrombie's headquarters, only distant m ill* '^^^W^ "WJ- II. .spit M. SiirK.-nii. 1,1. c ,,1. 127th Regiment, P. \'., on Dress Pjidc, i I Mill lir, .l.iliii !•'. ni-lli; Sure 1 MmJiiI'. (Iuii'Iin II. Siiiiill; I'.niiiiii.ssiir.v Scrt'iiiil. Cli'iin-iit It. Ciiri-; (^ii:irli'riiiiisi.-i a o — " ~ ~ _• o 'Z . ■' " o — 3 w: '• o > - = _■ * • "" T . o s -J -J - o = J j; o . a ^ i t) c = = - " r V £ >. Oil 111.- l.fl. I'.irl Klh.ni AIl.ii. Tli<- liousr in fr.iiil, (Ji-ii'l AlMTrr.iiiilil The Kirst ItrlKiidi- oiuislstiil iif IlITlh Ur;:liiiiiil, I'. V.. 27tli Cciiiik'cIIouI. 24IIi iiikI itii 111.' .sill of I>,..-.MiilMr. Im:l*. Ilic Thinl llrl^'iiilc .•..iislsl.d nf Ttli Ml«lii;:!iii. IJitli nil IHi till- lllh "f I».<- •iiiliiT, l.S(i2, till- Tlilnl ItrlBiul.' pliufil iiikI iriiS8<-,i 2 Ml, I if, >^:^ ^^^^p^ f ^^ ?i|Je, Camp Boas, Va., September, 1862. .\!:i.j(.|-, .Iciciniuli Kuhrcr. ■U II. Ilnrn..!-: .Vssist,.nl S»,-^v,„u .I.i.-. 1. ||. V;,siln,.: ClinnlMii, I.,1,m <■ ' -. ;int, I). CinnplM.II: lIuspiiMl St, ■«,■,, i. \v. P. ()j;|,s!,.v <;i-.-s,'k: S(Tjri..-iMt '-' P .■ t--T a '.- --v. < ■_", d — ■ ^ ~ sz ■x = ;^ o ^- " ''■ ~ -. 1 1 ^li£ - - '> "^ ^ E = - _■ _- _^ " ~ 7Z — ^ I! — ' _ — w 1-5 >-: w i^.^P.2 U] 11 ill tors. For Fort M:iri-y in front. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. I5I about three hundred yards, and in full view. There was no camp in the near neighborhood of the Fort which was as attractive, or commanded the same general attention. The streets were laid out with mathematical precision; there was a grand parade ground, with a flag staff in the center. The eminence commanded a splendid view of the country for many miles around; it was a camp of natural drainage, beautified by the pride of the officers and men; and there was probably no camp during the entire term of service of the regiment which promised more pleasant associations, and stamped themselves so strongly upon the memory. As it was only six miles distant from Washing- ton, it was visited by friends of the officers and men of the regiment, and was honored among the rest, with a visit from the Secretary of War, who' felt a pride in the regiment from his own county, and who dined quietly with the Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel. His son. Ma- jor Brua Cameron, U. S. Paymaster, visited the camp a number of times, and declared that he felt more at home in this camp than with any other regiment. The associations of the officers at the Fort, as well as division headquarters, made it exceedingly pleasant for the officers of the regiment, and here both officers and men lived in more luxurious style than in any of the other camps. This camp was visited by a great many ladies, as it always presented a clean, neat and attractive appear- ance, impressing itself favorably upon its many visitors. Considerable taste had been displayed in beautifying both headquarters and the quarters of the field officers, staff and line officers. It was a very high compliment to the regiment that it was selected from among upwards of one hundred new regiments, as the one best fitted for the care- ful and vigilant duty required in guarding an avenue into 152 MEMORIAL HISTORY Virginia, and in performing picket duty, with Stuart's Cavalry in the front. The requirements of the regiment while in Camp Boas were to guard Chain Bridge; man Fort Ethan Allen, (with its sixty-four-pounders) in emergencies, perfom» picket duty from Langley to the Potomac River ; dig rifle pits and entrenchments; devoting all possible time each day to squad, company, regimental and brigade drill. As the 127th Regiment was composed of intelligent men, and was well officered, during its stay in this camp it became, by its daily practice and strict discipline, a thoroughly well drilled regiment. Many of the officers and men saw service in the first call for troops ; others were proficient in company drill as home guards, and this experience, with the daily drill practice, produced satisfactory results. Both the Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel were first lieu- tenants, and the captain of Company "A" was an adju- tant, the captain of Company "B" a second lieutenant, in the three months' service, while the captain of Company "K" was a conscript in the Confederate army. There was a school at headquarters for officers almost every night. With the instructions in the school and the regular daily practice in drill, the 127th Regiment was considered pro- ficient in company, battalion, regimental and brigade drill before it left this camp, and well fitted for active field service. The regimental parade was in full view of division headquarters, and the regiment was a favorite with Gen- eral Abercrombie. He frequently sat in front of his head- quarters watching the field officers take oiif dress parade. There were few regiments in the ser\ace of its size — nine hundred men of nine companies — that could compare with it. One day the colonel of the 127th New York Regiment, I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 1 53 and Colonel Jennings met at General Abercrombie's head- quarters, when the question was put to Colonel Jennings, "In what time can you form dress parade?" Without hesitation, Colonel Jennings replied, "In two minutes." The Colonel of the 127th New York said, "I'll bet you a box of cigars that you can't do it." "All right," said Colonel Jennings, who, on his return to the regiment in- structed the captains of each company to be ready to double-quick punctually at the first tap of the drum. The regiment formed on Captain Henderson's color company, and when the adjutant called out "guides post," the time was found to be one minute and thirty seconds. This was a surprise to the New York Colonel, and the bet was won by thirty seconds, to the admiration of division headquar- ters, and the discomfiture of the New York Colonel. The regiment remained in Camp Boas upwards of two months, and every one connected with the regiment be- came very much attached to this camp. Photographs were taken, and plates made of this delightful camp, from which copies were made and liberally distributed, and these are now preserved as souvenirs of the war. CAMP JENNINGS. For a change, sanitary reasons, and probably with some expectation that the regiment would remain in winter quarters in the defences of Washington, a new locality was selected on Miner's Hill, about three miles south of Fort Ethan Allen, where the regiment marched on the 17th of October, 1862. This camp was named by the ad- jutant in honor of the Colonel, "Camp Jennings." For some reason or other, this camp was very short 154 MEMORIAL HISTORY lived ; and after a stay of only four days, it was concluded to form a new camp near Fort Ethan Allen. But little preparation was made for permanency, and there was nothing particularly attractive about this camp to stamp recollections of it upon the memory of those who occupied it. It was altog-ether probable that General Ab- ercrombie preferred having this regiment near his head- quarters, as he was fond of saying that he could always depend upon its officers and men. He had experience with other officers and other regiments, but they did not seem to come up to his expectations, and he openly ex- pressed a decided preference for the 127th Pennsylvania Regiment, which moved and encamped about a mile near- er Fort Ethan Allen. CAMP DAUPHIN. This camp was named by Colonel Jennings, "Camp Dauphin," in honor of the county home of the great ma- jority of the regiment. It was pleasantly located in a young peach orchard, on level, or slightly sloping ground, and was an ideal spot. Both officers and men got the im- pression that this would be a permanent camp for the win- ter, and they immediately fell to work to build spacious log cabins, and were on a fair way to make this a very comfortable and attractive, as well as a desirable camp. The Colonel and the Lieutenant-Colonel contented themselves in their wall tents, while the Major, the Adju- tant and the Quartermaster went to Washington and se- cured lumber with which they built commodious and rath- er pretentious winter quarters. When completed, and hearing these officers loudly boast of their "palatial" quar- I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. I55 ters, the Lieutenant-Colonel paid them an inspection visit. After looking them over, both on the outside, and inside, he said, "Major you seem quite satisfied, and even proud of your quarters ; I will bet you a big apple that you have a better pig-sty at home for your porkers than this shanty.'^ The Major admitted the fact, and refused to take the bet, and yet he was happy with such shelter. It was here that the colors were officially presented to the regiment. The sudden and hasty departure of the regiment for the front, without State colors, while awkward, could not be avoided. Governor Curtin made it his duty to present officially each regiment with a superb silk flag, bearing the coat-of-arms of the Commonwealth. He was always happy in the brilliancy of those presentation speeches, v/hich were usually made before the regiment left the State, and mostly in camp. Even when regiments were ordered off before their colors were ready, he would fol- low them up and present them, in person, on the march, in camp, or on the field. By reason of the great pressure of official duties, he was unable to go to Virginia in October, when the stand of colors was ready, to present them to the 127th Regiment, so he sent Colonel Thomas, one of his aides, to represent him. Without notice, he appeared in Camp Dauphin on the 22nd of October, with the standard, taking the regi- ment, and particularly the field officers, by surprise. Many of the men were on picket, while a strong detachment was ofif on fatigue duty ; nevertheless those in camp were has- tily called together and formed in dress parade, and at II a. m. were formed in a hollow square, facing inward. Colonel Thomas was introduced by Colonel Jennings, and said in part : "I have a special message for you, from His 156 MEMORIAL HISTORY Excellency, the Governor of Pennsylvania, that he deeply regrets his inability to perform, in person, the ceremony of presenting to you the stand of colors provided by the Legislature; particularly so, as he feels much interest in the Dauphin county regiment, and would have been most happy to pay you an official visit, greet you and your offi- cers in person, in your pleasant camp, named after your native county. He delegated me to present to you in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, those em- blems of both National and State authority, which he feels confident that you will safely guard, and honor them as worthily representing the Keystone State, in the group of States, in the rigid enforcement of law and order, and the supremacy of the Nation. "With the Governor's message and good will, and all good wishes to you, his expectations are for your success, with honor upon the battlefields. I present these im- maculate and beautiful colors to you, and in the name of the great State which you now represent, I bid you carry them, cling to them, guard them, march under them to battle with the enemy ; protect them, and never surrender them to the foes of your country, or permit them to be captured, or polluted by traitorous hands. They repre- sent your loyal and great home State ; and the govern- ment of the Nation. With full confidence in your loyalty, your patriotism, your gallantry and your honor as citizen soldiers. I confide these emblems of State sovereignty and National supremacy to your faithful keeping. Your dear old State will watch your movements with anxiety, your battle record with interest, and will rejoice with you; and if weep she must, she will weep in sympathy with you; but she confidently trusts to your power, and in your honor, in the fond hope that you will return with these I27TU REGIMENT, P. V. 157 colors to your native State, crowned with the laurels of victory, and with martial glory." The band played the Star Spangled Banner, and the regiment gave three cheers for Governor Curtm, and three cheers for his representative. Colonel Thomas. The State flag is of dark blue silk, fringed with yellow silk The coat-of-arms of Pennsylvania is surrounded by thirty-four stars, and occupies the prominent center posi- tion On a red band, scrolled at each end in gilt letters are the words, -127th Regiment, Penna. Vols." This flag which cost $157-00, is of the best material, and of superb finish. -J uT • t. Colonel Jennings received the flag, and said, Lieuten- ant-Colonel Alleman will speak for me, and for the regi- ment." , ^^^,^, , r. Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman responded: "When we left Camp Curtin, we felt that there was something wanting; but we well knew that the great war Governor of Pennsyl- vania could be confidently relied on to make that some- thing good, and that too in good time. We left our peace- ful avocations and our happy homes, with the dear, dear ones we love so well, at the call of our country, in her peril and in her extremity, to assist in compelling the res- toration of those wrested States to their proper places m the bond of Union. We are here to do our duty and faithfully obey orders. We have voluntarily and cheer- fully offered ourselves as sacrifices upon the altar of our country; and if our blood is required to appease the tur- bulence of treason, we are both willing and ready to pour it out as a libation, that our country may profit by those sacrifices in a restored Union, with all of those rebellious sister States returned, regenerated, and in full communion with the loyal States of the North. 158 MEMORIAL HISTORY "In the name of Colonel Jennings, I accept, for the regi- ment, this beautiful stand of colors, which represent the integrity of the Nation, and the sovereignty of our great Commonwealth. The azure banner with the escutcheon of the State of Pennsylvania emblazoned upon it, will be a constant reminder to us of the State motto which means so much, and guarantees the word of honor spoken by its first and greatest citizen. The other lovely and proud emblem of our nationality is typical of national power in the past; an assurance for the present, and a guarantee for the future. These alternating folds represent sacri- fice and purity, — are commemorative of the thirteen origi- nal colonies; emblematic of the struggle and the bond of unity; while the clustered galaxy of glittering stars sym- bolize the sovereign States, clothed with authority and ad- mitted into the Union, forming one compact whole, unit- ed, cemented and enshrined; one and inseparable! now and forever, as one great, free and independent Nation. All deference and all honor to the United States flag, which will be our mascot ! "Under these beautiful emblems of National honor and State sovereignty, we have buckled on our armor to com- pel the restoration to the Union of all the States, at any and every sacrifice. With these treasured flags floating over us, we will wield the sword, use the musket, and if nec- essary employ the bayonet in enforcing submission to the supremacy of the Government of the United States. These flying colors will be our constant reminder of our honor to our State, and our duty to the Nation. They will be our inspiration, our faith, and our baptism. Yes, we will guard, protect and defend them with our sacred honors, and with our lives. "Tell Governor Curtin that one and all of the members l27tH kEGIMENT, P. V. 159 of the 'Dauphin County Regiment' will be true to their solemn oaths of allegiance, true to their honor as citizens of the State, and of the Nation, and that they are devoted to the faithful performance of their duty as soldiers in up- holding and maintaining the integrity of the Nation at all hazards, and regardless of consequences, and that they will not permit the proud escutcheon of the great Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania to be sullied, or tainted with dishonor. As Pennsylvanians we are justly proud of our State ; but as American citizens, and volunteer soldiers of the United States Army, we are prouder yet of our citi- zenship of the great Republic of free speech, free schools and free men, which a merciful and just God will not per- mit to be permanently disrupted, and perish from the face of the earth." The regiment gave three cheers for Colonel Alleman, and three times three cheers for the Union, and the band played "Yankee Doodle" and "America." After a few weeks, when the log cabins presented a cosy and homelike appearance, the order come on the 30th of November to move to the front, and the men commenc- ed growling and vowing that they would never make an- other attempt at trusted permanency ; for just when they were becoming comfortable, after hard labor in lugging logs and building their new homes, they were compelled to leave them amidst the cold blasts of winter, for im- promptu quarters, and go on a march to the north bank of the Rappahannock. The march through Maryland and into Virginia in a terrific snow storm, with the thermometer down to about zero, without wood to build fires, compelling both men and officers to bivouac, and march through the snow down to the Rappahannock, is one of the unpleasant memories of l6o MEMORIAL HISTORY our advance to the changing front. It was on this march that the coveted refuge of the field officers occupy- ing a deserted pig-pen for their quarters, and their deHght in having this miserable hut to shield them from the in- clement weather, is one of the varied memories treasured up. But through this terrible snow storm and intensely cold weather they reached the north bank of the Rappa- hannock opposite Fredericksburg, pretty well hardened in their early life as soldiers. CAMP ALLEMAN. The next camp was pitched in what was once a dense wood, but with all the trees cut for miles around, leaving nothing but thick undergrowth, and stumps about three and four feet high, in one of the most forbidding and des- olate regions of Virginia, with the village of Falmouth about a mile and a half to the south, in full view of the Rappahannock river, the city of Fredericksburg and the formidable Confederate camps on Marie's Heights. The new camp was laid out and christened by Adjutant Chayne, in honor of the lieutenant-colonel, "Camp Alle- man." Time, and the necessity of some voluntary impro- vised comfort, made this a noted camp ; and here the regi- ment lived longer than in any other camp during the en- tire term of service. The weather, for Virginia, was in- tensely cold, and in order to reach some degree of com- fort, the boys, while out on picket duty, discovered a south- ern Methodist church a few miles distant, which they ap- propriated because the congregation were secessionists, and the late pastor deserted it for a chaplaincy in the Con- federate Army. They tore it down brick by brick, carry- 127TH REGIMENT, P. V. l6l ing those bricks to camp and utilizing them for chimneys, which they built in or at the end of their tents ; and in lay- ing small pavements in front of their quarters to protect them from the Virginia mud of memorable sticking qual- ity. In those chimneys, which they speedily erected, com- modious fire-places were built, su that the tents became measurably comfortable, notwithstanding the frigid in- tensity of the weather during the winter of '62 and '63 in old Virginia. From this camp the regiment marched to Fredericksburg and had their baptism of fire. On the retreat, the regiment returned to this camp and remained until the latter end of April, frequently under marching orders — notably, with "Burnside stuck in the mud" expe- ditions, performing picket duty, acting as scouts, and al- ways in readiness for the projected attack on Lee's army. Although the stay in Camp Alleman was somewhat pro- tracted, life in it was to a degree monotonous. The regi- ment finally broke camp on the 27th day of April, 1863, marched to Falmouth, in readiness to cross the Rappa- hannock to join Hooker in dislodging General Lee. CAMP ROHRER. On leaving the old camp, which was the extreme right of army encampments, the regiment bid farewell to Camp Alleman, although in expectation of returning after the pending battle. The regiment bivouacked in Falmouth and established a temporary camp, which was named after the Major, "Camp Rohrer." The initiation of this camp made an impression upon each and every officer and man of the regiment, for rank made no difference, as each and all were compelled to lie upon the hard ground the first night l62 MEMORIAL HISTORY without any shelter, and in the morning they found them- selves covered with several inches of new snow. Soldier- like, they made the best of the situation and got all of the enjoyment out of this camp that was possible. It only lasted five days, and from this camp, the regiment, on the third day of May, recrossed the Rappahannock, re-entered Fredericksburg, marched out to and over the old battle- field of Fredericksburg, on and over Marie's Heights, rendering efficient service in the great battle of Chancel- lorsville. The regiment returned to Fredericksburg, but were finally in turn driven out by the enemy, and under cover of a dense fog recrossed the pontoon to the north bank of the Rappahannock back to the Lacey House. Here the regiment formed a new camp, which was named "Camp J. Wesley Awl," in honor of the captain of Company "B." CAMP J. WESLEY AWL. Little or no effort was made for either beautifying this camp or making it even comfortable, as the term of ser- vice of the regiment had expired, and it was waiting or- ders from headquarters for either fighting duty or a re- turn home. The order for discharge came in about a week, and when the regiment broke camp, it was the last camp of the regiment of its own formation. The regi- ment marched gladly and joyously to Aquia Creek, sing- ing "Home, Sweet Home;" was transported up the Poto- mac, reached Washington, was officially received at York, and soon returned to Camp Curtin, where it was mustered out of service — perhaps a little prematurely, as the sequel proved. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 163 The daring invasion of tlie State by Lee and his army made it the patriotic duty of those honorably discharged veterans to defend the integrity of their native common- wealth, and to utilize their well-trained experience in up- holding the honor of the general government. The three ex-field officers, as a committee, waited on Governor Cur- tin and tendered the united services of each and every sur- viving officer and man of the old 127th Regiment, to the State of Pennsylvania, to assist in repelling Lee's invas- ion. They not only tendered their services, but strongly urged upon the Governor the importance of its immediate acceptance, and further stipulated to recruit the decimated ranks with desirable volunteers without unnecessary de- lay. The Governor refused the offer, and doubtless greatly erred in judgment in doing so, for the old organi- zation, with its long, well-tried and successful experience, was worth a dozen of green regiments for immediate fighting. To the credit of those unselfish patriots let it be known, and not forgotten, that almost to a man they re- entered the military service in other organizations, or re- cruited new regiments, and did their duty as good soldiers and loyal patriots, in not only assisting their comrades-in- arms, already in the field, in driving out the invading hordes from the sacred soil of the Keystone State; but many of them re-entered the United States service and did valiant duty as soldiers till the end of the great Civil War. M CHAPTER VI. AJOR ROHRER was assigned to prepare a chap- ter on the part taken by the 127th Regiment in the celebrated engagement, historically desig- nated the ''Battle of Chancellorsville ;" and Lieu- tenant-Colonel Alleman having prepared a general ac- count of that battle, the two sketches were found suscep- tible of consolidation. BATTLE OF CHANCELLORSVILLE. Two of the bloodiest battles of the middle period of the great Civil War were stubbornly fought at Fredericks- burg and Chancellorsville ; in both of which great battles the 127th Pennsylvania Regiment took a prominent part, and distinguished itself. The memorable battle of Chancellorsville was fought during the first three days of May, 1863. General Hooker commanded the Federal Army, numbering 130,000 troops ; while General Lee reported the Confederate forces under his command at but 62,000, which were, since the great battle in December, entrenched behind Fredericks- burg. General Hooker's plan of battle was a bold, ofifensive movement across the Rappahannock, at two points, about ten miles apart, turning the flanks of the enemy, and crushing them between two fires. It was Napoleonic in conception, but in execution it turned out to be a sad and disastrous failure; if not a series of stupendous blunders, 164 I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 165 caused by detached actions and cross-purposes, resulting, to some extent, from want of proper support by corps commanders, and culminating, at the critical hour, in the commander's disability, and practically leaving the arm5; without a head. General Hooker crossed the river at Kelly's Ford, with the right wing of the army, comprising the 5th, nth and 1 2th Army Corps, commanded respectively by Generals Meade, Howard and Slocum, on the 29th of April, 1863 ; leaving General Couch with the ist and 3rd Divisions of the 2nd Army Corps to cover Bank's Ford ; while a bri- gade and battery of artillery were placed at United States Ford to facilitate the crossing. The left wing of the army, as originally planned, com- prising the 1st, 3rd and 6th corps, commanded respec- tively by Generals Reynolds, Sickles and Sedgwick, was ordered to cro'ss the river below Fredericksburg, and await results of the attack of the right wing of the army, and of orders from the General-in-chief. Afterwards, however, the 1st and 3rd Corps were withdrawn, and ordered to join the right wing of the army, leaving General Sedg- wick, with the 6th corps, supported by the 2nd Division of the 2nd Army Corps, to deal with the enemy in the vicinity of Fredericksburg. The 2nd Division of the 2nd Army Corps, com- manded by General Gibbon, was left at Falmouth, to make an independent crossing at Fredericksburg, upon an agreed signal to be given, and then join General Sedg- wick. Th 127th Regiment broke camp on the 27th of April, and with six days' cooked rations in their haversacks, and ninety rounds of ammunition, bivouacked at Falmouth, ready to march at a moment's notice. l66 MEMORIAL HISTORY During the night there was a snow storm, and on the following morning the regiment, including both officers and men, found themselves, on awakening, covered with a blanket of four inches of snow. The expected marching orders were not received, and on the prospect of remain- ing here awhile, a camp was formed, and in honor of the Major, was named "Camp Rohrer." On the morning of the 2nd of May, Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman. who was detailed as General Officer of th* picket line for the 2nd Division of the 2nd Army Corps : and Major Rohrer, who was detailed as commandant of the line, both reported to General Gibbon for instructions. The General particularly impressed upon them the im- portance of their detail, and the very great responsibility which he confided to their keeping. He then said, "The 1st and 3rd Divisions of the 2nd Army Corps went to the right, and our line here is very weak, and Gen- eral Lee knows it ; so both of you will be held responsible if you allow yourselves to be surprised ; and if it would re- sult in the capture of our stores at Falmouth Station and Acquia Creek, you will be held liable, and will certainly be shot." He then instructed the General Officer to go over the line twice during the day, and at least once after midnight, and instructed the commandant to go over the line continuously both day and night. At Falmouth the river is comparatively shallow in some places in dry weather, being the head of tide water, and can sometimes be forded. The three brigades of the division were posted along the Rappahannock from the extreme left of the line, to the right, about six miles. Troops were passing to the right all day, and General Doubleday's division passed about noon. He had some new troops in his rear, and it being warm, they threw I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 167 away their overcoats and blankets. As they had been sta- tioned about Washington, this was evidently their first march. The plain about the Lacey House was literally covered with thrown-away clothing and blankets. Old soldiers were too wise to do such a foolish thing, as ex- perience taught them to hold on to^ their belongings. The 1st and 3rd Divisions moved to Bank's Ford, about four miles above. Everything passed off well on the picket line. During the day strenuous efforts were made to throw a pontoon bridge across the river at Fredericksburg. The enemy was well fortified on the Heights, behind the city ; while sharpshooters were strongly entrenched along the southern bank of the river, and kept up an incessant fire upon our men, who were engaged in building the pontoon bridge. Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman took observations from the top of the Lacey House, and communicated direct with General Hooker on the right, and General Sedgwick on the left. In the evening he reported the absence of many camp fires, surmising the evacuation of the main body of the Confederate camps, and the withdrawal of the bulk of the enemy. Later on, while riding along the picket line on the Rap- pahannock, he was overtaken by an aid-de-camp, with orders to report immediately to General Gibbon at division headquarters. On reporting, General Gibbon said, "I have sent for you. Colonel Alleman, to fill a very important gap. Two officers of rank in the construction of the pontoon bridge have been killed today, — you will be the third. 1 want you to take immediate charge, and expect the bridge to be completed by daylight tomorrow morning." The re- sponsibility was great, and gloomy as the proposition was, l68 MEMORIAL HISTORY it was cheerfully received, and the Lieutenant-Colonel asked for detailed instructions, which were promptly given. He then requested a detail of three hundred men. "All right,"' said the General, "I will order a detail from the Philadelphia brigade." The Lieutenant-Colonel rode over to General Owen's headquarters, presented the order requiring 300 men for special duty. The General inquired the nature of the duty required. He then unhesitatingly said that he would gladly furnish the detail, when Colonel Alleman responded that he would prefer to have the men volunteer. The General then ordered out the brigade, and made a short, fervent speech to his men, introducing the Lieutenant-Colonel, who spoke briefly. "Boys, I want 300 volunteers for a "Forlorn Hope"! I am a total abstainer myself; but I promise you as much whiskey as you can drink — or at least as much as is good for you !" His ap- parent sacrifice of moral principle seemed justified in a merciful effort to deaden the sense of danger, where there was no chance either to defend or retaliate. A previous detail had been made of three companies of the 127th Regiment,' namely Company "D," Captain Keene; Company "H," Captain Shott, and Company "K," Captain Nissley, to assist in putting down the pontoons. Most of the men at once stepped out of the ranks, and the 300 were soon chosen, while the rejected volunteers were loud in their expressions of disappointment. A requi- sition was made on the commissariat for two barrels of whiskey, and the men were marched to the Rappahan- nock and placed in three reliefs. On the arrival of the whiskey the barrels were placed one on each side of the first pontoon. Tlie Lieutenant-Colonel seizing an axe broke in the heads of the two barrels. The first relief was marched to the first pontoon, and ordered to fill their can- I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 1 69 teens with whiskey. There was a strong rivalry for the first reHef ; while the order to fill canteens was obeyed with amusing alacrity. The bridge was completed by three o'clock in the morn- ing, although many of the men were fatally shot, some drowned, and many were wounded. The losses were great; but the order was executed, and the bridge com- pleted before daylight. The Lieutenant-Colonel reported his success to General Gibbon, and an order was issued for the entire 2nd Division of the 2nd Army Corps to im- mediately cross the river for active duty against the enemy. On reporting to General Gibbon, the successful pontoon bridge builder received his congratulations and thanks, and was at once tendered a position on his staff. This Colonel Alleman declined, preferring to rejoin his own regiment and participate with it in the pending battle. Without delay he reported to his own regiment, and by daylight the 127th Regiment was on the march, and before sunrise, they crossed the pontoon bridge, and again en- tered the familiar city of Fredericksburg. General Sedgwick, in reconnoitering, discovered a very considerable force of the enemy behind the breastworks, in the rear of Fredericksburg. It became necessary to dislodge them from their stronghold, which had been found impregnable at the battle of Fredericksburg. The enemy held a strong position at Marie's Heights, and for- tified themselves behind the deadly stone wall, which was so repeatedly assaulted without success, on the historic 13th of December, 1862. General Sedgwick found it necessary to form a storm- ing party, which was divided into two columns, under the immediate command of General Newton. One column 1 170 MEMORIAL HISTORY passed out the Plank Road, while the other marched out the Telegraph Road. The 2nd Division of the 2nd Army Corps, com- manded by General Gibbon, in which the 127th Regiment held the extreme right, marched out through the west end of Fredericksburg, and up the slope, with the intention of flanking the enemy on the left. Out near the stone wall, Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman was struck by the rebound of a cannon ball, falling from his horse. The beast, evidently frightened, ran up the hill, and made a distinctive mark, and was plainly visible from the opposite side of the river. Major Rohrer, on his return fiwm the right of the line, met Quartermaster Orth, and both rode to the pontoon bridge. The Major not having been relieved as command- ant, and seeing the troops charging up the slope of Marie's Heights, recognized the dui^ horse of the Lieuten- ant-Colonel. Quartermaster Orth said, "Look there! Colo- nel Alleman fell off his horse, and the horse is running away.'' Major Rohrer then said, 'T am not relieved from picket duty ; but you take my horse and I will join the regiment." He hurriedly crossed the pontoon bridge on foot, hastened to the right, near the river until opposite the 127th Regiment, then hurried straight up to his place and post in battle line. The cannon balls from the cele- brated Washington Battery, of New Orleans, flew thick, bouncing like gum balls all over the field. In front there was a stone wall ; and from the slope up to the summit, two rifle pits, one above the other, well manned, on the summit or heights above, the artillery operated vigorously. A skirmish line was formed in charge of Lieutenant Knis- ley, of Company "H," which advanced in splendid forma- tion. In a short time Lieutenant Knisley was shot in the 12/Jll REGIMENT, P. V. I7I groin, and fell fatally wounded ; but while lying on the ground he bravely waved his sword, urging his men on, regardless of his death wound and inability to further lead them. When General Lee withdrew to confront General Hooker on his left at Chancellorsville, he left Early's Di- vision and Barkesdale's Brigade, comprising a force of about 10,000 men to hold Fredericksburg and Marie's Heights. This force, with the protection of the strong works, and supported by what was considered an abun- dance of artillery, was deemed sufficient to resist any at- tack which would likely be made by the remaining Union forces left by General Hooker. The assaulting columns made repeated assaults, and finally, about 1 1 o'clock in the morning, succeeded in scal- ing the stone wall and driving the enemy in confusion be- fore them. The advantage was followed up, and the regi- ment with the vim of well-disciplined veterans, behaved splendidly. The regiment manoeuvred as a feint, and about noon the 127th Regiment moved by the right flank up the river as if to turn the Confederate left. Their artillery on the hill limbered up and moved to our right to head us ofif. When they had unlimbered, and were ready for work, our regiment about-faced, and marched back to its old position. Then the enemy's artillery again limbered up and galloped at full speed to resume their former position, and about the time they were ready for hot service, the 127th Regiment again moved to the right, when the Con- federate artillery again galloped back to our right. This manoeuvring of ours was done repeatedly to keep the enemy from working their guns on the 6th Corps, who were forcing their way in the rear of the enemy. 172 MEMORIAL HISTORY Two sections of a Rhode Island battery had taken posi- tion on the left of Company "B" of our regiment; and up in front, some distance along the slope of the hill, near the Plank Road, they worked to great disadvantage, one wheel of the gun carriage being about one foot higher than the other wheel, apparently hanging on the side of the hill, firing on the flank of the enemy's artillery, and doing good work. Some of the enemy's guns were dis- abled, while the loss of the Rhode Island artillery, at this point, was eleven men and seventeen horses killed. Again the T27th Regiment moved up, and took posses- sion of the heights. The battery of six pieces also moved up, and took position at right angles on our left and front, and entertained the enemy's battery in their front and on our right flank until a number of the enemy's guns were disabled, while the others were withdrawn from that por- tion of the field. Major-General Sedgwick had crossed the river with his forces on the ist and 2nd of May, below the city, at Deep Run or Belle Plain. His corps numbered about 23,- 000 men at that time. Their skirmish line had been ac- tive for two days, and moved up to the city, operating in the rear and flank of the enemy, with the intention of compelling them to evacuate, and to enable General Sedg- wick's command to join Hooker at Chancellorsville. Sunday, the 3rd of May. was the culmination of the operation on the right by General Hooker, and on the left by General Sedgwick. The distance between the two ex- tremes of our line was upwards of ten miles. Sedgwick moved up to the city and out the Plank Road leading to Spottsylvania Court House, to meet General Hooker at Chancellorsville, and as soon as General Sedgwick's com- mand had fought its way over Marie's Heights and fol- I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 1 73 lowed the enemy on the run. General Sedgwick consider- ed it prudent to send back a force and hold Fredericks- burg at all hazards ; so Colonel Hall, commanding the 3rd Brigade, — of which the 127th Regiment was a part, — was ordered back in the afternoon to hold that city, pro- tect the pontoon bridge, and keep open the line of commu- nication to Acquia Creek, as well as the Plank Road to the summit of the ridge. The 127th Regiment then filed to the right on the heights, and formed into battle-line in a wheat field, parallel with the river. The ground was well covered with conical shells, thrown there by our artillery on the 13th and 15th of December, 1862. Our artillery formed at right angles to our left of line. Cannonading was lively from both sides. The Confederates took posi- tion some distance to the right and front of our line, and the manoeuvreing was interesting for a time; but when their shells came closer, bouncing over our line and among us, it became sort of monotonous. The enemy finally withdrew. We were under fire from 6 a. m. to 2 P. M., and about 3 p. m. the 127th Regiment, in obedi- ence to orders, marched back to Fredericksburg to do vigilant patrol duty. The 6th Corps with General SedgAvick marched out of sight, and later in the day became hotly engaged with Stonewall Jackson's old troops, re-enforced by Lee's army ; and as a consequence, from lack of support, Sedg- wick was beaten back to Bank's Ford, where he moved for re-enforcements. While General Sedgwick, holding the left, fought his army splendidly, and succeeded most admirably, he was not properly supported, as he had a right to expect, by the army of General Hooker on the right. Instead of Hooker advancing his army toward Fredericksburg, and 174 MEMORIAL HISTORY crushing his enemy between two fires, he returned to his old position at Chancellorsville ; and Sunday, the 3rd of May, while promising a glorious victory at Fredericks- burg, became an ignoble defeat at Chancellorsville. Gen- eral Sedgwick met with a heavy loss, 5,000 of his army were taken prisoners by the enemy. The battle of Chan- cellorsville, (on our right), so well planned by General Hooker, and stubbornly fought, was lost earlier in the day. Then Lee could spare his forces to fall on Sedgwick and crush him. If Sedgwick's force could have reached Hooker, or if Hooker had gone to the relief of Sedgwick, the result might have been reversed. Stonewall Jackson was killed in this battle, and reports differ as to how he lost his life. When Sedgwick's command went to the right, our 2nd Division of the 2nd Amiy Corps became the extreme left of the line — which was a very important and responsible position to hold. Colonel Hall held Fredericksburg, notwithstanding the attacks which were made upon his forces by invading par- ties on the three sides of the city, requiring the whole of his command to be on constant picket, skirmish and ac- tive duty, as his pickets were constantly fired upon by the enemy attempting to force their way into the city. Colo- nel Jennings was in charge of the main body of the regi- ment, in the cemetery, while Major Rohrer had command of the pickets at the railway and eastern section of the city. The 127th Regiment quartered in the streets of Freder- icksburg, the officers taking possession of a vacant house. About ten o'clock on Sunday night an order came, "Colo- nel Jennings, you take your regiment to the left and sup- port the 20th Massachusetts Regiment.'' Lieutenant-Colo- I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 1/5 nel Alleman suffering and incapaciated from his woiuid was unable to join us, so Colonel Jennings said, "Major, you know who goes." We marched to the left, below the city, and supported the 20th Massachusetts Regiment, with Company "H," Captain Shott ; Company "C," Cap- tain Henderson, and Company "D," Captain Keene. Company "B," commanded by Lieutenant A. J. Fager, guarded the corral to the rear of us. At early dawn, on May 4th, Colonel Jennings said, "Major, I am going for my breakfast, if any one comes, say I went to see Com- pany "B" at the corral." A little later on a faint voice was heard in the distance, "Bring over that regiment," and a man was seen approaching on a double quick, and beck- oning urgently with his hand, repeating, "Bring over your regiment, the Rebs are coming back." Just then Colonel Jennings returned, and an orderly rode up with an order to bring half of his regiment to the right, and use the other half to- man the rifle pits on the other side of the creek, close by the railroad. Colonel Jennings then said, "Major Rohrer, you take Company "B" and Company "I" across the creek and man the rifle pits." The Colonel marched his four companies to the right, near Mrs. Washington's tomb. Major Rohrer's command crossed the creek and the railroad, there being an excavation of about twelve feet, the table land being so much higher than the railroad. At the edge, facing west, there was a basin about thirty feet deep, and flat surface, to Marie's Heights. It was about two hundred yards wide, and seemed to have been the bed of a lake or river, with a lit- tle creek, as an outlet to the river below. Captain Awl had been detailed as provost marshal, and was in the perform- ance of his duty at Fredericksburg, so that Company "B" was in command of Lieutenant Fager, and his company 176 MEMORIAL HISTORY occupied the right of the pit, and Company "I," Captain Nissley, the left of the pit. The rifle pits were dug by the Confederates to protect themselves against us; yet there was enough earth thrown up to protect our heads. The pickets that supported the 20th Massachusetts joined our left at right angles to the river. A fine strip of oak wood was in their front, while the Confederate cavalry occupied the wood further south. Our picket line consisted of five companies of the 127th Regiment. The Confederates were filling up the rifle pits across the way on Marie's Heights. An officer, riding a white horse, entered the trench at the south end, and the men followed in single file into the pits, filling them. On the top of the ridge some half dozen officers, mounted, were taking a survey of the situation. The enemy sent out a skirmish line from the first rifle pit, which advanced to the outer edge of the Richmond pike, when Companies "B" and "l" opened a livelv fire upon them. The enemy retired to the rifle pits in quick order, remaining there the balance ot the day. Their dead were left upon the field all day in the hot sun, as they evidently did not care to risk their lives for their recovery. Their wounded crawled back of the stone wall for protection. The officers on the hill could not stand our Minie balls, so they, in great haste, gal- loped to the rear. While Monday, the 4th of May, was a sort of watch day for both armies, General Hooker on the right, had. de- termined to recross the river to the north bank, and so notified General Sedgwick, ordering his retreat ; but Mon- day was a day of watchful vigilance on the extreme left, in the endeavor to hold Fredericksburg. Sully's brigade was on the extreme right of our divis- ion line, on top of Marie's Heights, near where we were 127TH REGIMENT, P. V. 177 engaged the day before. Opposite to us, and to the left, the hill sloped south gradually, the hill farther south slop- ing north, making a broad ravine. In this ravine the Confederate infantry were stationed for hours, and about 5 o'clock the enemy marched up the ravine to the top of the hill, making a wheel to the right, and cheering in their peculiar way. Here they met the 15th Massachusetts Reg- iment of Sully's Brigade, resulting in a beautiful face to face fight. The two lines fired and loaded ; but at last the reinforcements of the enemy outnumbering the 15th Massachusetts, they prudently fell back in beautiful order. The Massachusetts Regiment fired and fell back of the rear line; the second line fired and fell back of the first line, a short distance, reloading on the way back ; then the first line fired again, and so alternated. It was a fine sight, one line firing and falling back, and then the other line repeating the same tactics, which was the masterly way of covering a retreat. In front, and immediately below us, a company of Con- federates were lying in ambush among the undergrowth of brush all day, without our knowing it. Corporal Mil- ler, of Company "B," went out on a reconnoitering expe- dition. On the right of Company "B" was a narrow path leading down the side of the hill, which Miller followed ; and on reaching the bottom, he was shot and instantly killed by a captain of the hiding company. This was evi- dently done for self-protection, for had Miller been per- mitted to return and report the presence of the enemy, a fight would have been the inevitable result. On our right flank, beyond the creek, the 42nd New York Regiment of our brigade was on picket duty along the bank of the rail- road, while the remainder of the brigade was nearer to town. Colonel Mallon, of the 42nd New York, was 1/8 MEMORIAL HISTORY officer of the day. At dark the picket lines were drawn to the edge of the city, forming a continuous picket line from the railroad to the Rappahannock River. Major Rohrer s two companies were formed, Company "B" on the right of the country road, joining the picket line on the right, and Company "I" on the other side of the road, towards the river. From our left, on the other side of a swamp, the 20th Massachusetts Regiment completed the line to the river. Sometime during the night both officers and men, tired and drowsy, some one on our right, said to be the "officer of the day," fired a revolver. One of the boys in his ex- cited confusion ran to Colonel Jennings and reported that the major and his two companies were captured. This was about three o'clock in the morning. Colonel Jen- nings immediately sent Company "B," Captain Greena- walt, and Company "G," Captain Ball, to fill the reported gap. These two companies reported to the major at his post, who utilized them by forming them into a reserve line. At early dawn, on the fifth of Alay, 1863 an Aide of the Commanding Officer delivered an order to ]\lajor Rorer, instructing him to go to the 20th Massachusetts Regi- ment, take charge, bring them in and rush them across the pontoon bridge as quietly as possible, while the Aide took charge of the four companies of the 127th Regiment and guided them to the bridge where they were met by Col- onel Jennings and Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman. The rest of our regiment had already crossed with the division, the w'hole army having retreated during the night. ]\Iajor Rohrer, in charge, by order of the 20th Massachusetts Regiment, crossed the pontoon bridge and reported at the Lacey House. The 20th Massachusetts went their way. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. I79 Major Rohrer reported to Colonel Jennings. Lieutenant- Colonel Alleman said, "Major are you sick? You look so pale." Major said, "No, but I am exhausted." The Major went to the rear, and after taking strong coffee and hard tack felt much stronger. The pontoon bridge drifted to the left bank of the river without a mishap, or the loss of a man in all this move- ment. A heavy fog was in our favor. The enemy pur- suing, and a river at your back, is a serious position for an army. Such was our position on December 15th, 1862, and on May 5th, 1863. In both instances the retreat and crossing were well managed, and with great success. Continuously, both day and night, from May 2nd to the 5th, the regiment was on picket, on the skirmish line or in battle, with almost no rest, sleep or nourishment, reaching the limit of human endurance. CHAPTER VII. Officers. FIELD OFFICERS. Colonel William W. Jennings was only twenty-four years of age when he was authorized to raise a regiment. His youth was strongly urged against his appointment; but he proved himself old enough to handle, not only a regiment, but a brigade, with credit to himself, and re- nown to his command. He had a clear head, displayed excellent judgment, was serene, watchful and undisturb- ed under fire, and marched his men on a gallant charge, with shot and shell hurled at them thick and fast, as calmly as on dress parade. He was courageous, without being rash; and always handled his command with marked ability, securing their full confidence, and ac- quired the confidence of those higher in rank. He was a good disciplinarian, and an intelligent instructor, always presiding at the officers' school, demonstrating the com- pany and regimental moves by blocks; and answered questions intelligently without the slightest hesitation- elucidating his propositions with both ease and perspi- cuity. There was none of the martinet about him, and yet he always commanded respect. He was always cour- teous to his associate officers, kind and considerate to his subordinates, and was devoted to the regiment, which he made a part and parcel of himself. He was in turn be- loved by his regiment, and each and every man was as proud of his colonel, as Colonel Jennings was proud of the 127th Regiment. He was exemplary in conduct, ap- 180 I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. l8l proachable, and no man could truthfully complain of any wilful oversight or neglect on his part. He grew each day in the respect and affection of his command, and no offi- cer was more popular than he on the muster-out of the regiment. He re-entered the service as Colonel of the 26th P. V. M. Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. AUeman was the administra- tive officer of the regiment, was an able assistant to Col- onel Jennings, and while in command of the regiment, proved himself a strict disciplinarian, but coupled always with considerate kindness. When he issued an order, or gave a command, he was rigid in its enforcement. He was always courteous, but never lost sight of the dignity of his position, and always aimed high, both for himself and his command. While he was delicate in physique, he hardened himself to the trials oi camp life, the exposures of picket duty, and was always considerate in the care of his men. He was so thoroughly abstemious, that he never permitted whiskey rations to be issued to the regiment; and on one occasion, when he was peremptorily ordered in arrest by General John R. Brooke for his refusal to draw whiskey rations, he surrendered his sword, rather than violate his moral principle. He told General Brooke that he was responsible for the discipline and conduct of his men, and felt that they would be ungovernable under the influence of liquor, and wanted to avoid even the tempta- tion. He said he was willing to surrender his sword, but not his moral conviction, and never his honor! General Brooke generously returned his sword, and promptly can- celed the whiskey ration order. He remained with his command, and never applied for leave of absence during his term of service. His popularity was evidenced by a l82 MEMORIAL HISTORY magnificent sword, presented to him at Camp Curtin on the return of the regiment. He re-entered the service as Colonel of the 36th Regi- ment, P. V. E., and was the Military Governor of the Get- tysburg battlefield. c. r. lantz. Major Jeremiah Rohrer was the ideal Major. Under- standing his duties, he performed them with superior in- telligence, and always with good grace. He was a picture for a painter on horseback. He was a commanding figure on foot, but appeared to the greatest advantage mounted. He was a good judge of horse flesh, and would only be satisfied with the very best in the market. There was a dignity in his manner, and a consciousness of power, which made him self-reliant. This feature was so well understood at headquarters, that when he was selected for any special work, the details were left entirely to his judgment, and he never failed to meet the full expecta- tions of his superior officers. Whatever he did, was well and gracefully done. He could dignify the most objec- tionable work ; and the men obeyed his commands, feeling that they were dignifying themselves in its performance. While he sometimes assumed a stern look, he had a big and kind heart, which was always throbbing in unison with his command. He was popular in the regiment, and his two assistant field officers had not only full confi- dence in him, but they had the highest admiration for his manliness, his willingness, and the admirable manner in which he always performed his duties. He was brave in action ; and at the battle of Chancellorsville, he volun- tarily abandoned his detail when he saw Lieutenant-Col- onel Alleman shot from his horse, and hastened to the reg- iment, rendering gallant service during that memorable battle. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 183 STAFF OFFICERS. Adjutant Augustus L, Chayne was promoted from Company "D," was its first orderly sergeant, and pro- moted to second lieutenant, and afterwards, when a vacan- cy in the captaincy occurred, he was tendered that posi- tion; but he wisely declined, preferring to retain the post of adjutant, for which he was admirably suited, and con- ducted its multitudinous afifairs with marked ability and good judgment. He was prompt, methodical and of even temperament ; and had the happy faculty of expressing firmness in an easy manner. He was genial, companion- able, never in a hurry, yet always on time. He was slightly wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg, and behaved gal- lantly in both of the great battles in which the regiment was engaged. Lieutenant Frederick R. Gilbert made a creditable rec- ord for the short time that he filled the post of quarter- master. His mercantile training and methodical business habits enabled him to quickly grasp the requirements, and he was equal to the occasion. The profits of a sutler were alluring, and he exchanged the complex duties of quarter- master, for the prospective gains of the sutlership; but when the regiment moved to the front, he concluded that the hazardous risk would not sufficiently compensate him in life and property, so he voluntarily retired from the ser- vice. Lieutenant John F. Orth found the duties of quarter- master much more congenial to him than the red tape de- tails of the adjutant's ofiice, and soon settled into his new duties with a feeling of mastership of the situation. Dur- ing the service, he was aided by experienced assistants, enabling him to get along without difficulty ; but on mak- 184 MEMORIAL HISTORY ing his final reports, there was an tindiscoverable error of a few cents, which got him into a long and irritating con- flict with the War Department, and at the personal cost to him of nearly his entire salar\-. He made a good officer, and went to much trouble to gratify, as much as possible, the unreasonable importunities of persons in the regiment whom it seemed almost impossible to satisfy. Dr. Tames R. Riley was commissioned surgeon of the regiment, and reported early in September. He managed to get into altercations with his superior ofl&cers. and was soon placed and kept in arrest. Finding his career of usefulness in the regiment ended, he managed to have himself transferred to another regiment, to the \ery great relief of the field officers. Dr. E. H. Homer joined the regiment on its organi- zation as assistant surgeon, and when the longed-for va- cancy of surgeon was made, he was promptly appointed. He was ver\- quiet in his manner, attended faithfully to his duties, and exhibited professional ability and tender care, which endeared him to his fellow comrades. He re- entered the sen-ice as the surgeon of the 26th P. \ . M., under Colonel Jeimings. Dr. Jacob H. \'astine was mustered into the service and joined the regiment at Camp Boas early in September. His easy manners, pleasant ways and skill as a surgeon, made him quite popular, and but for the fact of his ab- sence on leave, when the vacancy of surgeon took place. he doubtless would have been promoted. He was the last person in the regiment to be mustered out of the service. Chaplain John C. Gregg, like the surgeon and assistant surgeons, was assigned to the regiment -wnthout any voice from the officers. He had his good qualities ; but his good nature subjected him to many impositions. He was earn- I2/TH REGIMENT, P. V. 185 est, patriotic and anxious to discharge his ftill duties. He was very proud of his position, and like most of his cloth, was not troubled with modesty in seeking his own per- sonal comfort. He took very kindly to the performance of additional duties which were assigned him. He was unfortunate in boasting of his courage, which was severe- ly tested at the battle of Fredericksburg : but he fully re- deemed himself at the battle of Chancellorsville, and se- cured respect for his subsequent braver}- and usefulness. NON=CO.MMISSIONED STAFF. Sergeant-^Iajor Charles H. Small was promoted from the rank of Company "F,*' and was wounded at the bat- tle of Fredericksburg, incapacitating him for duty, during most of his remaining term of service. Clement B. Care was promoted from the ranks of Com- pany ■"B,*' to commissary-sergeant of tne regiment. He was industrious, careful and devoted to the duties of the commissariat. His position was at all times ver}- tr%-ing; as he had a good many grumblers to satisfy; but he exer- cised good judgment, and with his even temperament and Christian character, he made a splendid record as a faith- ful, honest and trusted commissary-. He re-entered the ser\-ice as captain of a company in Colonel Alleman's reg- iment. David Campbell, of Company "H,"' was promoted to quartermaster-sergeant, and gave unmistakable evidence that he felt the honor of preferment. He asserted himself, and made a good assistant to the quartermaster. Washington Porter Oglesby was promoted from the ranks of Company "B,"' and made hospital-steward of the l86 MEMORIAL HISTORY regiment. He was intelligent, applied himself assiduously to his hospital duties, and made a most excellent officer — popular alike with the patients in the hospital, as well as with his medical superiors. He was warmly commended for the intelligent and assiduous manner in which he per- formed his official duties. OFFICERS OF COMPANY "A." While Company "A" was officially of, it was never with, the regiment. Its reputation was made entirely upon its independent record. Captain F. Asbury Awl, of Company "A," entered the service as a college graduate, with military training. He was adjutant of Colonel Richard Coulter's regiment in the three months' service. His ability as an accom- plished officer enabled him to re-enter the service as colonel of the 201st Regiment, P. V. Lieutenant John S. Bitzer, served during his term as first lieutenant of Company "A," and after muster-out, re-entered the service again as a lieutenant. Lieutenant John S. Ensminger made a good record, and when his company was mustered out, he found no dif- ficulty in raising a company, and he re-entered the service as captain of Colonel Awl's 201st Regiment, P. V. OFFICERS OF COMPANY "B." Captain J. Wesley Awl, of Company "B," was one of the most accomplished officers of the regiment, and a Christian gentleman. He was able, active and a thorough I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 187 disciplinarian. He exercised tact, good judgment, and was a very superior officer. His company idolized him, and he was immensely proud of his men, who belonged to good families and made a good record for themselves. He was amiable, but firm, dignified, without being haughty, and conscious of his power, relied upon himself. The field officers had implicit confidence in him, and he proved himself eminently worthy of their highest esteem. Lieutenant Albert J. Fager, of Company "B," had mili- tary training, and experience as a military instructor. He always showed a pride in his men, and in his position. He was ever ready, and obeyed an order with alacrity and with intelligence. Both his Captain and his men placed every confidence in him. He was courageous, manly and proved himself an excellent officer. Lieutenant William McCarroll, of Company "B," was quiet, unobtrusive, but a faithful and efficient officer. He had seen active service in the Regular Army, fought the Indians, and was every inch a soldier. OFFICERS OF COMPANY "C." Dr. James Henderson, Captain of Company "C," was an intelligent, brave and excellent officer. He guarded the health of his men with professional care, and was very de- servedly popular with his men. He was always ready for any emergency, energetic and efficient in the discharge of his official duties. He guarded the colors of the regiment with the pride of a true patriot, and returned them unsul- lied, although tattered and torn by missiles of treason. His faithfulness and efficiency were properly appreciated at headquarters. l88 MEMORIAL HISTORY Lieutenant William R. Orth, of Company "C," was a collegian, a close student, and a painstaking officer. He gloried in the performance of his official duties, and per- formed them admirably. He was dauntless and patriotic, and was mortally wounded at the battle of Fredericks- burg. He cheered his men, and bid them leave him to his fate. He met death like a hero, without a groan, lamented not only by his company, but by the whole regiment Lieutenant Charles D. Wise, of Company "C," was reg- ularly promoted for merit. He was fearless, active and zealous, and discharged his regular or assigned duties well and faithfully. He was genial, but unflinching in strict performance of his allotted work. His men admired him, and he had the profound respect of his superior of- ficers for his bravery, and the energetic manner in which he performed his every duty. After his term of service he readily raised, and was Captain of a company in the 36th Regiment, commanded by Colonel H. C. Alleman. Lieutenant David Hummel, Jr., of Company "C," was wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg on the advance battle line. He was devoted to his men, brave and scru- pulous in the performance of his official duties, and made a good record both for himself and for his company. He re-entered the service as First Lieutenant in Colonel Alle- man's 36th Regiment. OFFICERS OF COMPANY "D." Captain Rufus E. Cable resigned at Camp Dauphin, two days before the regiment marched to the Rappahan- nock and joined the Army of the Potomac. Captain James B. Keene, of Company "D," had the I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 189 proud distinction of a triple promotion, and over the heads of two lieutenants, from a non-commissioned officer, to the captaincy of the company. He was chosen for merit, and proved himself entirely worthy of the great confidence which was placed in him. He took the very best care of his men, and, while mild, he was strict in discipline, and was always prompt in executing orders. He was a gallant officer, and was slightly wounded at the battle of Freder- icksburg, while bravely leading his men in battle. He was faithful and true, beloved by every one in his company, and had the full confidence of his superior officers. Joshua M. Wiestling, Esq., was First Lieutenant of Company "D," and gave encouraging promise of military distinction. He was, unfortunately, invalided and com- pelled to leave the service, from disability, much to his re- gret, and the united regret of his associate and superior officers. Lieutenant William B. Osman, of Company "D," smarted under the promotion which was made over his head, and profited by the rebuke. When the regiment was mustered out of service, he lost no time in re-entering the service, determined to die or make a distinguished record. Unfortunately, he was killed in one of the great battles of the Wilderness. Lieutenant Marcus Novinger, of Company "D,'^ made a creditable record and was a worthy officer. He was courageous and assertive, and always took a very great in- terest in his men, and was prompt, intelligent and faithful in the discharge of his official duties. He was wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg, but returned to his com- mand at the very earliest possible opportunity, and be- haved gallantly at the battle of Chancellorsville. 190 MEMORIAL HISTORY OFFICERS OF COMPANY "E." Captain Lorenzo L. Greenawalt, of Company "E," was a quiet, but most determined man. He walked from his home in Central Pennsylvania to California, simply by force of his indomitable will. He was of fine physique, great strength, characteristically mild and gentle, but al- ways firm, and of scrupulous integrity. He acted like a father to his command, and was greatly beloved by every man in his company. He was absolutely without fear, al- ways ready, and performed his official duties with exact- ing care and punctuality. He behaved with cool and ad- mirable courage in battle, and was slightly wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg. He was a trusted officer at headquarters, made an enviable reputation as captain, and knowing his duty, he performed it with credit to himself, and honor to his government. He again entered the ser- vice as major of Colonel Jennings' 26th Emergency Regi- ment. Lieutenant William P. Carmany, of Company "E," like Captain Greenawalt, was devoted to his men, and seemed happy in the performance of his military duties. Com- pany "E" was fortunate in its selection of officers, and they in turn were proud of the splendid material compos- ing the rank and file. Lieutenant Carmany was a capable, industrious and successful officer, and was slightly wounded at the battle of Chancellorsville. Lieutenant Joseph A. Bowman, of Company "E," was the reflex of the strong man at the head of the company. The officers acted in harmonious unison, and the company was a model in intelligence, morality, patriotism, and in the faithful performance of their duty. Lieutenant Bow- man richly deserved the great respect shown him by his company. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. I9I OFFICERS OF COMPANY "F." Captain W. H. Hummel, by reason of the detachment of Company "A," held the important and responsible po- sition of commander of the right division of the regiment until after the battle of Fredericksburg, when he and his company were assigned to duty at the headquarters of General Howard. He was popular with his men, as he always had a care for them, and he had the respect of regimental headquarters, and the confidence of division headquarters. While he was not assertive, he was thor- oughly reliable, and always ready to obey an order. He maintained his position with credit to himself, and re-en- tered the service as a Captain of Cavalry. Lieutenant John T. Morgan recruited a number of his workmen and neighbors at Fairview, in Cumberland county, and joined forces with Captain Jennings in form- ing Company "F." He was a popular officer, looked carefully after his men, made a good record for himself, as well as for the men he commanded. He was always ready for duty, and always discharged it with an intelligent zeal that made him popular both with his com- pany and his superior officers. Lieutenant Thomas G. Sample, of Company "F," was the most aggressive officer in the company. While he was never charged with any attempt to shirk duty, he was em- phatic in maintaining his rights, and he became noted in the regiment as the one officer who would not allow him- self to be "left." He was the very antipodes of Captain Hummel, who was proverbially noted for his modesty, while Lieutenant Sample made no pretensions in that di- rection. He was the youngest officer in the regiment. 192 MEMORIAL HISTORY OFFICERS OF COMPANY "G." Captain John J. Ball, of Company "G," was a model drillmaster, without being an offensive martinet. He was of a genial disposition, kind-hearted, but soldierly and commanding in manner and appearance. He was devoted to drill, and Company "G" marched, acted and manoeu- vred as one man. Captain Ball made an excellent record, was wounded at the battle of Fredericksburg, had the full confidence of his superior officers, and was beloved by every man in his command. Lieutenant George Hynicka, of Company "G," was al- ways light-hearted and cheery. He took good care of the boys, was proud of their military accomplishments, and rendered a good account of himself. He was brave in ac- tion, alert in camp, and was an all-round popular officer. Lieutenant Hudson Denny, of Company "G," was a faithful assistant to Captain Ball. He was an intelligent, industrious officer, took good care of his men, and performed his duties with credit to himself, and to the satisfaction of his superior officers. He was a gallant of- ficer, was wounded at the Battle of Fredericksburg, and made a creditable record as a brave and accomplished officer. OFFICERS OF COMPANY "H." Captain John K. Shott, of Company "H," was elected First Lieutenant, and almost immediately promoted to a captaincy, without any previous military experience or advantages of mastering the details of subordinate posi- tions before assuming the command of the company. He was a quiet, unobtrusive business man of the strictest in- tegrity, of fine social position, and enjoyed the profound- I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 193 est respect of his neighbors in Middletown. He had char- acter, business abiHty, the highest moral habits, and was in every respect an exemplary citizen. He keenly felt the death of his son, Corporal Frank A. Shott, and after burying him at home, returned to Camp Dauphin very much broken, and was left in charge of the invalids and in command of the camp, reporting and re- suming command of his company early in January. He was looked up to by his men, whom he always watched with fatherly care, and was indefatigable in his endeavors to master the requirements of his official sta- tion. He secured the aftections of his men, and the re- spect of his superior officers. Lieutenant Isaiah Willis, of Company "H," was a capa- ble and vigilant officer. He established a respectable record for himself, and while in command of his com- pany, displayed ability which secured him the confidence of his men and the respect of his superior officers. Lieutenant James R. Schreiner, of Company "H," was tried at the battle of Fredericksburg, found wanting, and permitted to resign. Dr. Jacob R. Knisley made strenuous efforts to recruit a company, and succeeding only in securing a few men, he was made orderly sergeant of Company "H,^' and on the resignation of Lieutenant Schreiner, was promoted to Sec- ond lieutenant of the company. He was one of the best subordinate officers in the regiment. He was brave, dis- played good judgment, and remarkable coolness upon the battlefield. He was selected to command the skirmish line at the battle of Chancellorsville, and gallantly led his men forward. After receiving a mortal wound, and while prostrate on the ground, he waved his sword, gallantly urging his men forward, and showed them how a brave man could die in the full discharge of his official duty. 194 MEMORIAL HISTORV OFFICERS OF COMPANY "I." Captain Ira R. Shipley, of Company "I," was in the service too short a time to make a record for himself, and by reason of physical disability, resigned on the 6th of October, 1862. Captain Christian A. Nissley was promoted and trans- ferred to succeed Captain Shipley. He at once gave tone to the company, and proved himself a very efficient com- mander. He was industrious and zealous, took great pride in his company, and worked it up to a high standard. He was a refined gentleman, kind and considerate to his subordinate officers and men, a good disciplinarian, digni- fied and commanding, without the slightest show of of- fensiveness ; so he became, by genuine merit, the pride of his company, and a trusted officer by his superiors in rank. He was as courageous in battle as he was the affectionate master in camp, and made a brilliant name for both him- self and his company. Prof. James S. Shoemaker became, by consolidation of his following with the Adams county company, the First lieutenant of Company "I." He was a gentleman of cul- ture, and worked hard for a military record. He was brave and met death like a hero at the battle of Freder- icksburg, where he was instantly killed, and afterwards identified by the burying party. He was buried where he fell, deeply lamented by his associate officers, and by the men he so gallantly led in the brilliant charge on the 13th of December, 1862. Lieutenant Jerome W. Henry, of Company "I," was the second youngest officer in the Regiment. His youthful ap- pearance gave no indication of the sterling stuff of which he was made. His gallantry at Fredericksburg nearly cost I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 105 him his life. He was severely woimded, and was pro- moted for his bravery. Lieutenant William W. Reed was transferred from Company "F," and promoted to Second Lieutenant of Company "1." He, too, had a very youthful appearance, but dignified, polished in manners, energetic, and made a good officer, greatly esteemed by his company officers and men, and respected at headquarters for his manliness and soldierly qualities. OFFICERS OF COMPANY "K." Captain William Fox, of Company "K," was the only man in the regiment who had seen service in the Confed- erate army. He had been drafted, but took the first oppor. tunity to escape, entered the Federal lines, went to Schuyl- kill county, Pennsylvania, and raised a company for the Union service. He was the first man in the regiment to fall in battle. He was afifable, companionable, intelligent, and intensely patriotic. He was greatly beloved by his men, and esteemed by every officer and man in the regi- ment. His sad death was deeply mourned, as he gave much promise of a brilliant military record. Captain Joseph W. Dougherty, of Company "K," was promoted immediately on the death of Captain Fox. He was distinguished, not only for his natty appearance, self- reliance and military accomplishments, but he was par- ticularly brave and collected, and handled his men on the battlefield with consummate ability and good judgment. He made a splendid record, and was popular with his command. Lieutenant Daniel S. Long, of Company "K," was pro- moted by seniority of rank, and proved himself a good T96 MEMORIAL HISTORY officer. Esteemed by his men, and respected by his su- perior officers, he caught the inspiration of his captain and behaved bravely in battle. Lieutenant William J. Barr, of Company "K," was pro- moted from non-commissioned officer, and displayed abil- ity as an officer, and conducted himself with coolness and tact in battle. Like his fellow officers, he made a good military record for himself and for Company "K." CHAPTER VIII. Return of the Regiment. WHILE the regiment occupied a special train of the ^_____, Northern Central Railway at Baltimore, early ^H^, on Saturday, the i6th of May, 1863, a telegram to that effect was despatched to Harrisburg, when the committee of twenty-one leading citizens of the capital and vicinity were summoned in accordance with previous arrangement, to meet at the ringing of the court house bell. This committee, of which Senator David Mumma was chairman, had been appointed at a mass meeting, to give the 127th Regiment a home greet- ing and public reception. The committee went to York in the performance of their official duty. They had neglected tO' provide them- selves with official badges; and as they learned that the special train bringing the boys would not reach York for a full hour, the committee authorized its chairman to pur- chase red, white and blue ribbons, to decorate and dis- tinguish themselves; not knowing at the time that their chairman was color-blind, and he, either not aware of the fact, or disregarding it, went to a store in York, and bought a quantity of ribbons of all possible colors and hues; and by the time he reported, there was no time left for exchange, so the committee was decorated in ribbons of a motley variety ; but notwithstanding the singular in- congruity, this was not particularly observable, as the en- thusiasm of the committee, at the sight of their returning 197 198 MEMORIAL HISTORY friends — like charity — covered up all defects and over- sights. On the arrival of the special train at York, the commit- tee gave the regiment a hearty and generous welcome, took it into their charge, and escorted it home ; and on the departure of the train, wired that fact to Harrisburg, where the firing of a signal gun on Capitol Hill announced to the citizens that the regiment was speeding from York. The Harrisburg morning newspapers had announced that the regiment would leave Washington City early in the morning, and that it might be expected to reach Har- risburg shortly after noon ; so the streets commenced fill- ing up early in the day with the friends and neighbors of the returning troops; and as the citizens universally decorated their houses in honor of the 127th Regiment, Harrisburg put on a gay, patriotic and holiday appear- ance, each neighbor vieing with the other in the profusion and elaboration of the outside decorations. About every house displayed the American flag, and some were profusely and handsomely decorated with' bunting and flowers, while the streets had banners and streamers displayed in lavish extravagance. Some of the banners crossing the streets had brave words of greeting to the gallant boys of the Dauphin county regiment. "Welcome home brave 127th Regiment." "Welcome! welcome home our gallant citizen soldiers." "A hearty welcome to the brave boys of the 127th regiment." "We honor our boys for their gallant bravery." "The 127th Regiment forever." "Our boys are heroes." "Home Again." "Home, Sweet Home," and many other suitable and inspiring mottoes were hung across the streets ; while every window on Market street, Third street, State street, and Second street, along the line of march, was filled with CORPOEAL JOHN REINOEHL. Co. "E," V2-n\ llrgiinciit, I'. V. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. I99 persons, chiefly ladies, waving handkerchiefs, swinging hats or flags, and demonstrating in every conceivable way their unbounded delight at seeing their relatives or old friends return, covered all over with military glory. The shops and stores were closed in honor of the occasion. Not only the sidewalks, but the streets were thronged with the mass of people who had gathered from far and near to welcome back the gallant boys who had so promptly re- sponded to the call of the Government. When the train reached the Cumberland end of the bridge, a salute of seventeen guns was fired from Capitol Hill ; and simultaneously the court house bell, the church bells, the fire engine bells, the factory bells, and in fact all of the bells of the city commenced pealing, and continued ringing; while the factories, locomotives and engines whistled and shrieked, and this ringing and incessant shrieking, and thundering clatter was kept up until the regiment disembarked at the station ; when the wildest cheers were given by thousands upon thousands of the assembled crowd, who pressed forward to grasp the hands of the boys as they briskly stepped from the train. The regiment was soon formed, with Colonel Jennings and Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman on their horses in the front, preceded by the committee; — and Major Rohrer in his place on the flank, — followed by the regimental band, the drum corps, and the survivors, all fresh from the battle- field. Many of the men late of Company "A," fell in the rear of Company "B," and participated in the grand and last march of the organization. The contrast between those boys when they left for the front, the previous August, and on their return, was marked in tlie very strongest manner. They started with bright uniforms, pale faces, and inexperienced ; but with a 200 MEMORIAL HISTORY determined look to do their duty. They returned bronzed, hardened, bearded, dirty ; but they marched with the pre- cision of trained, well-disciplined soldiers; weighted down, but agile, with their blankets, their knapsacks, their cart- ridge boxes, and their trusted musket upon their shoul- ders. There were some with their heads bandaged, some with their arms in slings, others limping from wounded feet and legs, while those, less fortunate in their wounds, were conveyed in ambulances which brought up the rear. They went out with full ranks — they returned with deci- mated ranks, but covered all over with manly honor. As they briskly stepped forward, marching with the steadi- ness of experienced veterans, they were cheered to the echo by thousands upon thousands, as they were sev- erally recognized ; and Harrisburg never before witnessed such spontaneous and generous greetings of welcome as were given to the brave boys of the 127th Regiment. Fathers and mothers, wives and children, sisters and brothers, sweethearts and friends, seemed wild in their en- thusiasm at the sight of those returning heroes, who had so grandly and so nobly defended the flag and the honor of their country. The regiment marched out Market street, over other streets, and up Third street, and halted in front of the capitol, where they were received by Gov- ernor Curtin and his cabinet, the State officers, the Judges of the Supreme Court, the Judges of the Common Pleas Court, the Mayor and the Councils of the city, and passed in review before them. They were welcomed by General A. L. Roumfort, the Mayor of the city of Harrisburg, in the following grace- ful and eloquent speech : "Nine months ago, at the call of your country, you promptly rallied around the standard of your regiment. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 201 and marched to the post of danger. Since that period you have endured, with heroic fortitude, the toils, the hard- ships and the dangers of an active campaign, in defence of your Government, and the integrity of the Union. You forgot every privation, every personal danger, and hailed with joy the thunder of battle, which to your fearlessness was but a relief from the monotony of the bivouac. You have proved yourselves true, devoted, patriotic soldiers, worthy of the noble old State of Pennsylvania, which in war as well as in peace, has ever proved herself the sheet- anchor of our republican institutions. "Soldiers of the 127th Regiment ! Every drop of blood you have shed, every life you have lost upon the field of honor, shall henceforth stand as a lasting record of your patriotism and military fame. Whilst away on the tented field, many a heart in this city throbbed with anxiety for your welfare, and your safety ; and now, that you have re- turned to our midst, to the enjoyment of your hearth- stones, and the genial influence of your household gods, I, in the name of an unanimous population, greet you with a most hearty welcome. "The services which you have rendered to your country have fervently strengthened the ties which unite you to this community ; and the laurels which you have won, will be ever green in the hearts of your grateful fellow citizens. "Once more, welcome to your homes, brave soldiers of the I27tli Regiment! When your first military obligations have been fulfilled, your fellow citizens hope to meet you at the festive board, where they may express to you their personal esteem, and enjoy with you the "feast of reason and the flow of soul." To this beautiful and deserved tribute of praise. Colonel W. W. Jennings replied briefly, but tersely; and the regi- ment responded by three times three cheers. 202 MEMORIAL HISTORY The Governor grasped each officer by the hand and bade him a hearty welcome home, assuring them that they more than fulfilled his great expectations, and that he was proud of the gallant services which had been so bravely per- formed by the patriotic heroes of the I27tli Regiment. Harrisburg had witnessed many demonstrations of re- turning troops from the Warof 1812; the Indian Wars, and the Mexican War, and of the tens of thousands of troops of the great Civil War, but the demonstration on behalf of the "Dauphin County Regiment," exceeded them all in spontaneous outbursts of genuine welcome, and in enthusiastic demonstrations of the wildest joy. The boys were given a furlough until Monday, to re- port in Camp Curtin, where the muster-out rolls were pre- pared; and, on completion, the men and officers were paid, mustered out of the United States service, and each received his honorable discharge on the 29th day of May, 1863. , ^ Summary. jHE following summary was prepared by Comrade George D. Rise, in his notes and historical sketch I of the regiment. The 127th Regiment was complimented by Major-General Abercrombie, in whose Division it servea for nearly four months, as one of the best drilled and most orderly regiments in the service ; and far above the average in intelligence, education and moral deportment. Like high encomiums were pronounced upon it by Major- General D. N. Couch, our venerated Corps Commander. In discipline it had no superior, for wdiich great credit is due to our grand colonel, W. W. Jennings, a strict dis- ciplinarian, but lovable and kind, and beloved by every member of the regiment. A like credit is due to both Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. Alleman, and Major J. Rohrer, who so ably assisted him, and who were each highly esteemed by the whole regiment for their sterling qualities and devotion to their official duties, knowing them, they performed them unhesitating- ly, intelligently and in the most commendable manner. Each, at various times, commanded the regiment, and proved themselves eminently worthy of that great honor and fearful responsibility. The line officers deserve much praise for the admirable manner in which they so ably and willingly performed their company duties. Their correct deportment, and sol- dierly conduct, reflected their character upon their respec- tive commands. They obeyed and carried out their orders with scrupulous care, and without a murmur, suffering 203 204 MEMORIAL HISTORY the privations, the fatigues and the exposures of the ele- ments on the marches, the picket Hne, and assigned duties, and never shirked the dangers of the battlefields. The non-commissioned officers were selected for merit, and were intelligent men, who obeyed and carried out their instructions punctually, intelligently and creditably, al- ways with good cheer, and in a patriotic spirit. The rank and file of each company were very far supe- rior to the ordinary run of the common soldier. They came from good families, were educated, and, besides be- ing able-bodied, they were imbued with high moral prin- ciples, and were thoroughly patriotic in feeling. They felt a pride in both their company and regiment; while their earnest friendship and good feeling for each other was rather remarkable. They exhibited not only respect, but profound esteem — bordering on affection for their of- ficers — who relied implicitly on them; and in the many severe tests and terrible ordeals through which they pass- ed, found that their confidence was not misplaced. For superior intelligence, a high sense of honor, a dig- nity of character, and excellent discipline, the 127th Regi- ment stood second to none in the figthing Army of the Potomac. The official decision fixed the expiration of service on May 14th, 1863, and, in pursuance of orders, the regi- ment was relieved, and ordered to report at Harrisburg, to be mustered out of the service. During its term of service, it did much arduous picket duty; great and valuable fatigue duty, and was engaged in two battles — unsurpassed in severity — and lost an ag- gregate of four officers killed and mortally wounded, thirty-nine men killed and died of wounds ; thirteen officers and 264 men wounded, besides fifty-four slightly wound- I27TH REGIMENT, P. V, 205 ed, who failed to go to the hospital, or report disability to the adjutant; sixteen men died in hospitals; thirty-eight men were discharged, and eleven men were captured. Four officers resigned; one officer and three men were trans- ferred, and twenty-seven officers were promoted. CASUALTIES. Killed,— 4 officers 39 men Wounded, — 13 officers 318 Died in hospital,. . 16 Discharged 3^ " Captured, 11" Loss 17 officers 422 men Resigned, — 4 officers. Transferred, — i officer and 3 men. Promoted, — 2^ officers. CHAPTER IX. INCIDENTS OF THE SERVICE. MANY happenings clnring the term of the regiment i^^___^ occurred, of more or less interest, and some of ^^^ them of sufficient importance to become matters of record ; and as some of these were prepared by comrades and afterwards read at the annual reunions of the Association, or narrated at the annual campfires, it was concluded to embody a few of them in a separate chapter as "Incidents of the Service." A COMMUTED SENTENCE. When the regiment left Washington, it was followed by a couple of detectives, and, on reaching Camp Welles, one of the men was arrested for desertion and repeated bounty- jumping. He was court-martialed, convicted and sentenced to be shot. The severity of the sentence in- duced the Lieutenant-Colonel, who was then in command of the regiment, to prepare an application to have the sen- tence commuted; and after signing it, in. order to avoid the usual delays in forwarding it through the regular channels, he secured the approval of Colonel Jennings, who was in command of the brigade, of General Aber- crombie, who was in command of the division, and so on up to the commander of the Army of the Potomac. He went to Washington, called on General McClellan, and after some difficulty, secured a personal interview. He 206 i27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 207 made a strong appeal to the General, who listened patiently and attentively, and then asked the question, "Have you any doubt in your own mind of the guilt of this man?" The lieutenant-colonel replied frankly, "None in the least." General McClellan then expressed with some warmth : "And you, Colonel Alleman, have the assurance, being fully satisfied of this man's guilt, to ask me to com- mute his sentence? The court-martial evidently wished to make an example of this man, and he surely deserves the punishment of his sentence." The lieutenant-colonel replied, "The poor devil may deserve the sentence' — he is not a Pennsylvanian, he is only a foreigner — but I am not pleading for him, and candor compels me to admit that I keenly feel the disgrace which the deserting bounty- jumper has cast upon his fellow comrades — but I am pleading for his one thousand Pennsylvania comrades — all brave and true men ; I am pleading for the honor and good name of the regiment! If this sentence should be carried out, the news would be heralded all over the coun- try that a member of the 127th Regiment has been shot for desertion and bounty- jumping." The earnestness of the lieutenant-colonel made a strong and favorable impres- sion, and General McClellan took up the paper, and wrote, "Sentence commuted to three years imprisonment with ball and chain, in the Dry Tortugas," and handed the pa- per to the lieutenant-colonel, who, on reading it, exclaim- ed, "My God, General ! that is as bad as the sentence, as it is certain death." With a smile the General then said, "Write what you want." The lieutenant-colonel then wrote, "Sentence commuted for daily police duty, and confinement in the guard house of his regiment for the term of his enlistment." The General good-naturedly smiled and stated, "That is no punishment commensurate 2o8 MEMORIAL HISTORY with the crime;" but the lieutenant-colonel argiied that it was "hell upon earth," as it would be a daily mortifica- tion to be so humiliated in the daily presence of his com- rades. The change was made and officially signed, and the prisoner was returned to his regiment to have the changed sentence executed. When he was brought before the commander of the regiment, and his commuted sen- tence read to him, he prostrated himself and licked the boots of the lieutenant-colonel, to show him the gratitude he felt for saving his life. He was ordered to the guard- house, after a gentle admonition to do his duty and ah would be well. THE VICISSITUDES OF A SOLDIER. BY CAPTAIN JAMES B. KEENE. There is a vast difference between a fire in camp, a "campfire," and a fire at home. A fire always creates ex- citement. The destruction of business enterprises, and the desolation of homes, excite a universal sympathy ; and when an appeal is made, substantial aid is almost invari- ably the consequence from a generous public; but on the tented field, the result is different. While there is no lack of excitement, and really no lack of sympathy, a conflagra- tion in camp is a calamity, notwithstanding the fact that the destroyed temporary home is only a little white tri- angular A house of canvass, and sometimes only a shelter tent, of but trifling intrinsic value, but it deprives the sol- dier of his shelter, and the result is calamitous, and it is almost always caused by carelessness in the use of matches, or of sparks from the pipe, while the soldier is enjoying the luxury of a smoke. 127th regiment, p. v. 209 When the chilly atmosphere renders a fire necessary, he sometimes indulges in a stove, but the stove of a soldier is very primitive in character, consisting of a hole dug in the ground about a foot deep, at the rear end of the little tent, upon which is placed two or three barrels, if the same happen to come in the way of the confiscator. These barrels are placed on top of each other, and plastered in- side with mud. Barring the discomfiture of occasional volumes of smoke which adverse winds would drive back into the limited quarters, causing the emblems of sorrow to trickle down the brawny cheeks of the occupants, and not infrequently driving them into the open air, a good deal of warmth comes from a fire built in this improvised stove, making the occupants comparatively comfortable. This stupendous chimney would frequently catch fire, and sometimes, when least expected, and even while the occu- pants were interested in a social game or chat, a cry of "fire" would arouse the camp, and bring to the scene a host of volunteer firemen; and notwithstanding their sympathy, they would always express the greatest delight in assisting to prevent the destruction of these soldier chimneys, which were not so tall, but that the top could be reached without the aid of a ladder. Old Wilhelm Leiser, of Company "D," was a character in his way, and enjoyed the distinction of having served in the Prussian army — a distinction of which he was ex- ceedingly proud. His manner and habits gave unmistak- able evidence of thorough discipline and soldierly training, which was at all times particularly noticeable in the care of his person, uniform, equipments, and particularly of his gun, which he always presented to the inspector with a look of unbounded satisfaction, and assurance that not a single fault could be found under the scrutinizing eye of 210 MEMORIAL HISTORY the inspecting officials. But poor Wilhelm came to grief one day. He was off duty, strolling leisurely about the camp, and by some misfortune, his tent, which contained all of his earthly treasures, caught fire and was mostly consumed. The amateur firemen as usual, were on hand, and the fire was extinguished, but not before the soldierly Wilhelm's polished gun stock was entirely ruined. With a forlorn look of despair, and eyes filled with tears, he stood embracing his ruined pet. He, of course, had the sympathy of his comrades, for he was a kind-hearted old fellow, with a very limited command of the English tongue, which made his utterances difficult of comprehen- sion ; but in his mother tongue, he was very voluble, and would, in his natal language, spin yarns by the hour of his many and thrilling experiences in the Prussian army ; and as he approached Captain Keene and unburdened his woes, he expressed his great, great grief sorrily; but in broken English, very difficult to understand, "Mein Gott, keptang, mein peutiful gun ish tet kilt, and I ish yust so gut as kilt too. Dot fire dun de pizness; vot shall I do, vot shall I do? I don't got no gelt to get me annutter gun, and I might yusht so good be det myself ennymore." Insurance agents were conspicuous in camp by their absence, and the question with poor Wilhelm was one of compensation for his pet, or a substitute which he could burnish and equally prize. His captain solved the problem and made it all right, to the delight of the victim, by re- quiring Uncle Sam to pocket the loss. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 21 1 MY FIRST EXPERIENCE ON PICKET DUTY. BY MAJOR J. ROHRER. (Delivered at our reunion at HarriBburg.) The regiment had only occupied Camp Boas a few days when an orderly rode np to Colonel Jennings' tent and delivered a sealed message, which read : "Headquarters, Abercrombie's Division, August 29th, 1862. Major J. Rohrer, 127th Regiment, will report at these headquarters at nine A. M. tomorrow for instructions, with a detail of two companies for picket duty. "J. A. Slipper, Capt. and A. A. Gen'l, "Abercrombie's Division." At 9 A. M, I reported at headquarters for duty. Captain Slipper gave me orders to take the two companies to Langley, and run a picket line from Langley to the Potomac river; to be on the alert, as spies are passing through the hills constantly. I said, "Where is Langley?" Pie said, "You go out the Leesburg pike about three miles and you will find Langley." The two companies detailed were Company "H," Captain Shott, and Company "E," Captain Greenawalt — two good companies for any duty — even for foraging ! We took up our march, and after pro- ceeding a mile, an orderly came galloping toward us. I called, "Can you tell me where Langley is?" He replied, "Don't know," and went on. We continued our march. The farm houses on both sides of the pike were set back some distance, and about half a mile apart, but some clos- er. I called "Halt !" to rest. On a road leading south- west to our left, and at a distance, cavalry horses were seen tied to the fence. I rode up and found it was General Sigel's headquarters, in a large frame house, painted 212 MEMORIAL HISTORY white, which could be seen for miles from its high eleva- tion. I came back, and we marched on; met another or- derly coming towards us. I inquired, "Can you tell me where Langley is?" "Don't know," and like the other, never stopped his speed. The march was resumed, and after marching about five miles (as I thought), we dis- covered that the houses were much closer, and in front of us was a cross road, and beyond was a toll gate on the right of the road ; near the cross-roads was a house with porch and a jib door from corner room to the porch, which I inwardly concluded suited us for headquarters. I said to Captain Shott, "This must be Langley." My instructions were to take posession of any house or room for headquar- ters that suited me. We marched up the lawn (through rows of locust trees), to the house; the boys enjoyed the shade, for it was a very hot day in August. I said to Captain Shott, "Come, we will make inquiries ; this I think is Langley." We stepped to the dining room door, and a lady appeared. I said, "Who lives here?" She said, "Mr. Hodges (from York State)." I said, "We would like to take a look at that corner room." She said, "Oh, my, that's Mr. Crook Shank's parlor." "Where is Mr. Crook Shank?" "He lives in Georgetown." "Oh, well we won't hurt the parlor or furniture ; where is the key to this door?" "I don't know," she said. "All right, we will open the door. Captain Shott pry open that door." (This was the inside door leading to the parlor.) "Oh my, don't do that!" She then called, "Margie, Margie! do you know where the key is to Mr. Crook Shank's parlor?" "Yes, m'am, here it is." Margie was the daughter, and when she saw so many soldiers coming up the lawn, she fled upstairs. We entered the parlor, opened the jib door to the porch. I said, "This suits us; Mrs. Hodges, you I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 213 lock this door and keep the key for we have no use for it." The door was locked, and I never afterwards knew it to be unlocked. During all this excitement, I forgot to ask ]\Irs. Hodges where Langley was, for had I done so, we would have probably moved farther on. This was a beautiful location for headquarters. The parlor had mat- ting on the floor, walnut table, a very wide settee, which suited me to lie on, a few chairs of walnut, that never had been varnished (just oiled). The picket line was then established. Captain Slipper sent me the password sealed ("Delhi"). Company "E," Captain Greenawalt, took the cross-road leading north to- wards the Potomac, until they came near to Mr. Reed's farm, about half a mile from the pike. Here the road turned at right angles, west to another Reed — they being brothers. The line took in the first Reed between the house and spring-house. So the Reeds' could not get to the spring-house, unless the captain of the guard was called. The boys kept a good watch on the house, and a better watch on the spring-house, by night and day. (I rode past that spring-house many times afterwards ; after mid- night alone, on guard rounds; it was built of stone and near a run. I was told that the water in that spring-house was the best in the world, and the milk and cream also; even the butter was very good.) Company "H," Captain Shott, joined picket on Company "E's" left to Leesburg pike, and west to toll gate, and the reserve at headquarters. The line was finished, over hills and hollows, through timber and brush. It was just such a country where spies could stay, and get all the information from the sympa- thizers they wanted. The next morning (Sunday) Cap- tain Greenawalt reported his experience. After midnight, a lantern was swaying to and fro from an upper window. 214 MEMORIAL HISTORY or from the house top ; this was from the upper Reed, out- side our line. (These houses had flat or gravel roofs.) The swinging of the lantern was a signal to spies who frequented these places. It was reported that the Reeds liad sons or sons-in-law in the Confederate army. Captain Greenawalt took a detail of pickets and marched over to Reed's house, knocked at front door; no answer; went to rear door; knocked, no answer; all dark and very quiet. Captain Greenawalt then called aloud. "If any more dem- onstrations here tonight, I will arrest the whole house- hold." The line was then extended beyond this house, so both the Reeds were inside of our lines. Xo doubt the Reeds had communicated with our enemies all the time, for it was a countrv just suited for such purposes. Sun- day morning Captain Shott and I walked out the pike to the gate house, and examined the line. I saw beyond, about one-third of a mile, a village. "What town is that?" I asked. Some one answered, "Langley.'' "Langley? I thought we were at Langley.'" We then walked to Lang- ley and took a survey of the country. Langley is a village of about eighteen houses, mostly one story, old and ding}' looking, except a large frame house, said to have been a hotel. At this house a road turned south towards Louins- ville (three miles distant), called the Louinsville road. Louinsville is a better town than Langley, better houses. more of them and a fine church (stone), large grave-yard with stone walls around it : cavalry horses grazing in the grave-yard. Of course the horses took good care not to break any of the marble tomb stones, for they were quite numerous. Retired to headquarters; this was about 9 A. M. Captain Slipper arrived about 10 a. m., rode over the line with him to the Potomac and back ; told him what had occurred, and that I had trouble to find Langley, and I27Tn REGIMENT, P. V. 21 5 only found it this morning. W'e then rode to Langley; he said, "Better extend the line to here on the pike, and hereafter we will run from Langley over the hill to the Potomac." We then returned to headquarters. He said, "Good quarters here, better hold on to them; no better quarters around here."' The captain then left and said, "Everything done appears all right." After dinner the first Reed called on me (in company with a soldier in our uniform; the soldier said he was sick and boarded there). Reed complained that the soldiers had taken his chickens that morning. I had heard the story in the morning ; the boys told me before Reed came, that he had hundreds of chickens and would not sell them any, and I know the boys told the truth. It was in this way: On Sunday morning the Reeds fed their chickens early, and our boys looked on; hundreds of fine pullets just ready for chicken corn soup, for the corn was then fine, like sweet corn ; they talked this over, and their mouths began to water, so they proposed to buy some pullets, but no, he wouldn't sell any. Money was no inducement. One of the boys had a stick in his hand, and bang went the stick on the nearest chick- en's head. Then there was a general raid on the flock. I never heard how many chickens were confiscated, but I believe some of Company "E" ate com soup and stewed chicken for several days. The green corn in that vicinity had to suffer very much — and the boys afterward ! I told Reed "we came here to put down the rebellion; we left our homes and families to sustain the Government, and you people are against the Government. Now my men wanted to buy your chickens, but you would not sell them at any price; they then confiscated the pullets, and the)^ had a grand feast, which they greatly enjoyed in old \^irginia. Now I want to say to you, that the least said 2l6 MEMORIAL HISTORY about this matter the better; we did not come here to protect enemies' property, and if I had my own way of doing things I would confiscate the property of enemies, and the leaders I would punish according to the rules of war." Reed said to his man in blue, "Come, we can't get justice here," and they left even without saying goodbye. About 4 p. M., whilst sitting on the porch, a man six feet high at least, and very fat, wore a white stiff felt hat (and several other men following) came running from Langley and blowing, and puffing, the perspiration run- ning to his boots — all out of breath — after a time he said, "Rebs are coming in on the pike." I called the reserves together, marched to the pike to receive the Rebs. Sure enough there was a cavalry company coming, dust so thick you could not tell who they were, friend or foe, covered with dust. But it was one of our cavalry companies going towards our headquarters, or to Washington. The man with the white hat was hid behind the house peeping around the corner; after the cavalry passed, this man said, "Gad, I thought they were the Rebs." It must have taken him twenty-four hours to cool off. Everything passed off well during the night ; went over grand rounds after mid- night on foot, accompanied by Captain Shott, when we passed down the line about half a mile. We came to a picket posts, where there were three of Company "H's" men posted. Instead of at least one man standing guard, all three had put their guns against a white oak tree, and the three were lying (on a gum blanket) backs up and fast asleep. It was a beautiful moonlight night, the post was at the foot of the hill. When we saw the glittering of the guns and bayonets against the tree ; we looked and found the post fast asleep. Captain Shott drew his sword, and with the flat side brought it down heavily on the fleshy CAPTAIN HENRY A. SWARTZ. I,:ltc <'.l|-linLMl Cn. ■■{■,." V^Tlll Uc^ lUlC'l 1 1 . 1'. V . ('Mlilniu Il.-iirisliiiry Zimnvrs. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 21/ part of the three sentinels ; at same time we made consid- erable noise, and brandishing our swords in the moonlight. They jumped up dazed, and stood like statues. Tliey were told the penalty was death for sleeping on a picket post, in face of the enemy. As the regiment was new, and this being the first ofifense, the matter was overlooked, and not reported, but the regiment was carefully instructed in all their duties and warned of the penalties. Monday morning, ii a. m. The relief came, and we marched for Camp Boas, fully satisfied with our forty- eight hours of picketing among the hills of the Potomac. A man may play soldier about home a long time, and even may think he "knows it all," but when he is brought to the front in active service, he soon finds that he has yet much to learn in the art of warfare. INCIDENT OF THE BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. BY CORPORAL HENRY A. SWARTZ, OF COMPANY G. When the 127th Regiment, at the battle of Fredericks- burg, emerged from the town, on that fatal morning of the 13th of December, 1862, they marched up the hill with ranks lined, as in dress parade, under that terrible holc^- caust of iron hail and death, and laid down under the com- mand of the Colonel, on the crest of the hill, with the Irish Brigade only a few feet in front. In a few moments it was blown back on us, trampling us under foot, and carrying the regiment back with them in their mad rush to the rear. I was there, I saw Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman and Major Rohrer doing all that was possible for officers to do. I still hear their clarion voices far above the din of 2l8 MEMORIAL HISTORY battle, urging, entreating and commanding the men, "Steady, men! in the name of God don't retreat ! rally here!" But down the hill they went, over the dead and wounded, and it was only at the foot of the hill that these gallant officers were able to rally their command. The whole regiment was not carried back by this retreating Irish Brigade, for up on the hill lay Company "B," none of its officers were wounded, and the company clung to what they had won. But Colonel Jennings took them back to the foot of the hill, joining the rallied men, formed along the mill race. Here he was slightly wounded in the foot; but after nightfall, he marched the regiment back to its old quarters in Fredericksburg. He was disabled for duty, so that when the regiment was ordered on the battlefield again, twenty-four hours later, Colonel Alleman took command of the regiment, and marched them over the same ground and in advance of the line occupied on the previous day, and placed the men in position on the advance battle line, a little more to the right, resting on the Richmond pike, relieving the 6th United States Infantry. Although an attack was made on our front, during the night, our men fired vigorously, and the enemy retreated ; and we laid in position without any further attack, beyond continuous shots from sharpshoot- ers, whenever any man attempted to raise his head. Colonel Alleman had vidette pits dug during the night along our entire line, each occupied by two videttes, who were relieved at short periods. About the middle of the afternoon the enemy opened fire from siege guns on our right, and getting the range of our line, were enabled to pick off every man. Colonel Alleman called a conference of the officers, who decided that it was certain death to re- rnain in their present position. So he, after strengthening I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 219 the videttes and making Company "B" the reserves, per- mitted the captains to take their commands to the rear, and the Heutenant-colonel reported in person to the com- manding General. Company "B" of the regiment was sheltered, and the only company of the regiment which had the least protec- tion, so they remained in position. There were also a few men of company "G" in line, of which I had command, as its officers — Captain Ball and Lieutenant Denny were wounded — had left the field. From my position, I had a full view along the line where the regiment had laid, and saw a thin line of the other companies ; but whether they were wounded or dead, I could not tell, as they lay mo- tionless. About an hour afterwards, Colonel Allenian performed an act of heroism and bravery unchallenged. He calmly returned to the broken line, walking up the hill, which was thickly strewn with dead and wounded; regardless of the many Minie balls fired at him by the sharpshooters, or the whizzing shells hurled at him by the belching bat- tery. I could not see another single officer or man in an upright position. Even the stretcher bearers were gone, and nothing but the dead and wounded were to be seen stretched out on that slope, three-quarters of a mile in length. He walked up to the crest of the hill looking up at those terrible heights, and down at the sunken road, and turning to the left, came down to where Sergeant Groft, of Company "B," and myself were lying. Colonel Alleman in a gentle voice said, "Boys are you still alive; I am afraid the day is lost." I got up on my knees, and caught his hand, and pulled him down, saying, "Lie down here, or you will surely be shot." Just in front of us lay a dead man, the bullets striking his knapsack every mo- 220 MEMORIAL HISTORY ment. On our right lay a dead horse, the bullets coming through his body, showing how close we were to the en- emy. Every few minutes Colonel Alleman bobbed his head up to look and view the situation, and then I would give him a dig in the ribs to make him lie down. This sounds strange in after years, and the future soldier will say, "it looks like poor discipline, for striking your su- perior officer means death." Yes, but we were right in it, death was all around us. I was in command of what was left of Company "G," and I was not taking any chances for my small command, or any risk for my superior officer. It was nearly dark when I called Colonel Alleman's at- tention to a number of soldiers a few hundred feet below on the hill, who came from the town, and were robbing the dead. He commanded us to "fire at the fiends," who then ran — what was left of them ! Colonel Alleman remained on the line until dark, then went back to the hospitals to look after the wounded, and find what was left of the regiment. We were relieved at midnight, and fell back to the town, when we were told to make no noise. We remained until three o'clock in that town, and then those who were sleeping in the houses were awakened, and we were hurriedly rushed to the pontoons. The ropes were cut, and the bridge floated to the Falmouth side, leaving behind us many brave boys in blue. The survivors rested in an open field until morning, and then marched back to Camp Alleman. During all the years that have passed, I have often won- dered whether Colonel Alleman thinks of that dreadful day, and of his comrades who shared the dangers with him ! I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 221 ANECDOTES. Captain Ball, of Company "G," was fond of a practical joke. He secured a small piece of the thin end of a liver, and meeting one of the colored servants, who prided him- self upon his pomposity, as well as his full negro blood, saluted the captain, who stopped and appeared to get into an altercation with him. He suddenly pulled a knife out of his pocket, opened the blade, and pressed the back of the blade against the end of the darkey's ear, at the same time pinching it, and dexterously held up the piece of liver, wdiich was an exact imitation of the lower end of his ear. The darkey yelled, and raised up his hand to his ear to wipe off the blood, feeling sure that the captain had drawn blood and had a part of his anatomy in his hand. The captain enjoyed the joke hugely; but the poor darkey walked away without a word, feeling mortified at his im- aginary loss of a portion of his ear. The adjutant remarked the expressed anxiety of the boys at guard mount to be detailed as orderly at headquar- ters while the lieutenant-colonel was in command. The requirements were a white collar, blackened shoes, well brushed clothes, wath clean hands and face, in order to secure the detail. Each morning there were several anx- ious candidates for the place, and it became a matter of curiosity to the adjutant why this place was so anxiously sought. Of course, there was but little to do, and the or- derly had the advantage of hearing a good deal of news at headquarters, and in the absence of newspapers, a little news went a great way; but yet that did not seem a suffi- cient reason for the scramble to be orderly at the lieuten- ant-colonel's quarters. It was finally ascertained that the 222 MEMORIAL HISTORY boys learned the fact, that although the lieutenant-colonel was a total abstainer, he required all the confiscated liquor taken at Chain Bridge to be delivered to him, and he was careful not to entrust it to any one else. Instead of open- ing the flasks and demijohns, and allowing the contents to run out, he placed them under his bunk, and indulged in daily whiskey abkitions, and when assured of any officers who would use the whiskey outside instead of inside, he was generous in distributing the spirits among them; but only for ablution purposes. Sometimes, on the return of the lieutenant-colonel to his quarters, he would notice that the orderly was either sleeping, or in a drowsy condition, but he was always as- sured by the orderly that he was "sick," but never com- plained enough to be released from duty. As this was of frequent occurrence, the lieutenant-colonel concluded that there must be some first cause, and could not understand why an orderly in seeming first-rate health in the morn- ing, should almost invariably be ill before the relief hour at night. He at last ascertained that the orderly discov- ered the whereabouts of the spirits, and learned that they considered it a great waste of the raw material to use it for bathing purposes, when they could enjoy drinking it. On this discovery, the lieutenant-colonel instantly refused to house any more of the spirits, and ordered all confis- cated liquors thereafter to be emptied on the ground, and from that time forward, there was no further illness among the orderlies at headquarters. Shortly after the regiment encamped at Fort Ethan Al- len, the colonel, who was then in command of a brigade, the lieutenant-colonel being in command of the regiment, and the major were chatting together at headquarters, 127TH REGIMENT, P. V. 223 when Chaplain Gregg, arrayed in a new uniform, with prominent shoulder straps, a regulation hat with a golden circlet, and a gold cord, sashed, belted and spurred, and with a sword dangling at his side, was seen approaching headquarters, but was then to them a stranger. Lieuten- ant-Colonel said, ''What damn fool is that ?" He stepped up to the Colonel and announced himself as "Chaplain Gregg," and presented his commission as chaplain of the 127th Regiment. He was full of enthusiasm, and run- ning all over with patriotism. He announced that he in- tended preaching three sermons every Sunday, and one every evening, and was determined to convert the whole regiment. The lieutenant-colonel quietly remarked, "You will be devilish lucky if the regiment doesn't convert you before the end of the service." He evidently set the lieu- tenant-colonel down in his mind as a hardened sinner, who required the full effort of his official ministerial duty to bring him up to his Christian standard. The lieutenant- colonel then instructed him to visit the hospitals frequent- ly, take charge of the mail matter, and do his preaching when it would interfere as little as possible with the com- pany and regimental duties. The colonel and major ac- quiesced in this setting down, and the chaplain seemed to be glad to get away from officers who seemed to have so little respect for his official importance, or sympathy with his unbounded enthusiasm. The Chaplain was in the habit of saying in his sermons that he would both preach and fight, and that it would go hard with the Rebels when he met them. His bravery was put to a test at the battle of Fredericksburg. He appeared on the northern bank of the Rappahannock, mounted, and in full sight of Captain Fox, who was mortally wounded by a Rebel shell ; and as those shells came thick 224 MEMORIAL HISTORY and fast, the horse wheeled suddenly to the rear, and gal- loped off at full speed, over hill and dale. Chaplain Gregg afterwards declared that he lost control of his horse, who ran away with him, so that the chaplain did not return to camp for a day or two after the regiment had returned from the battlefield. He was never heard to boast after- wards of what he would do with the "Rebels," but seemed to have made up his mind that he would live down the cowardly act of his horse; and at the battle of Chancel- lorsville, he gallantly shouldered a stretcher, and carried it to the relief of the Lieutenant-Colonel, and assisted in carrying off the wounded, and proved himself a useful, brave and patriotic citizen soldier. Captain Nissley, of Company "I," received a box of provisions from home, when he was recovering from an attack of camp fever, which notoriously creates an abnor- mal appetite. He ordered his cook to make him apple dumplings, and twenty were placed before him, not large, but yet they were all well formed dumplings. After eat- ing nineteen of them, he observed the cook give a longing, lingering look at the single dumpling left. He then very considerately inquired how many dumplings were made, and when the cook declared that every one had been placed before him, he generously directed the cook to remove the remaining dumpling, and eat it himself; but at the same time declared that he had capacity and appetite enough for the other one. While the regiment was at Camp Boas, and just before leaving for Camp Jennings, frequent complaints were made that some of the boys came into camp intoxicated. It was at first supposed that the girls and women who I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 225 peddled pies and cakes, surreptitiously carried and sold liquor to the boys ; so they were closely watched, and their wares searched. Captain Greenawalt finally reported that he had discovered that some of the boys were getting liquor at the sutler's. Colonel Jennings quietly organized a raid upon the sutler, with Captain Greenawalt in com- mand. The captain was so fully determined on the suc- cess of his mission, that he gutted out the entire establish- ment, and the sutler was ordered to leave camp forthwith, which he did without hesitation, upon notice from Captain Greenawalt, that if he was seen in camp after daylight, that he must take the consequences of the severest pun- ishment. Captain Greenawalt was a very determined man, and when he set himself about to do a thing, he al- lowed nothing to prevent its accomplishment. The chaplain, like all Methodist preachers, was fond of a good meal, and did not scruple or hesitate to invite him- self whenever a favorable opportunity presented itself. One morning he looked into the dining tent at head- quarters, while the colonel and lieutenant-colonel were at breakfast. The colonel gave the lieutenant-colonel the wink, so that the chaplain was not invited to join them; but the lieutenant-colonel said, "Chaplain, I am awfully sorry that you were not here a little earlier to say grace." The chaplain replied, 'Tt is not too late to say grace yet." The colonel replied that he was never in the habit of hav- ing grace said after he commenced his meal. The chaplain looked at the breakfast, and his mouth evidently watered. He said, "You live well, what a nice breakfast you have." The colonel replied, "We always have a nice breakfast when we can manage to get nice things to eat." Then the chaplain commenced to enumer- 226 MEMORIAL HISTORY ate what was on the table. "You have roasted oysters, stewed chicken, flannel cakes, fried eggs on both sides, Saratoga chips, and grapes." The lieutenant-colonel said, "Chaplain, you are as good as a menu." All this time the colonel and lieutenant-colonel were doing full justice to their breakfast, and the chicken was disappearing rapidly, while the eggs were diminishing in quantity. The chap- lain said, "How do you manage to have flannel cakes?" The colonel said, "Jim bakes them." The colonel then asked how many flannel cakes there were, and the lieuten- ant-colonel said there were about a dozen. The colonel then said, "I can manage half or two-thirds of them easily enough," and yet the chaplain waited. He said, "The eggs are very nicely browned on both sides, and I like eggs fried in that way. I am very fond of roasted oysters, and I am passionately fond of stewed chicken; but oh, I am so fond of flannel cakes." All this time the two offi- cers were despatching their breakfast with avidity, and the chaplain remained until the plates were emptied, when he was invited to "return thanks ;" but the chaplain replied that as for himself, he saw nothing for which to return thanks, and then with a downcast look walked away, evi- dently very much disgruntled that he was not invited to a place at the board. Lieutenant Reed, of Company "I," always felt very grateful for his promotion, and after he was mustered out of the service, prepared a bowl of egg-nog, holding fully two gallons, which for safety was delivered at the office of Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman, on Third street, Harris- burg, intended for the Colonel and the Lieutenant-Colonel. As the Lieutenant-Colonel was a total abstainer, the Colo- nel had the full benefit of the egg-nog which he very gen- I27TII REGIMENT, P. V. 227 erously distributed to some of his friends. The bowl re- mained in his office for a couple of days, and the Colonel said that he felt entirely secure in leaving this precious delicacy with him, as he knew that Colonel Alleman was so scrupulously abstemious, that he would not even taste egg-nog when it had but a bit of spirits in it. Colonel Jennings ordered a lofty guy-horse built close by the guard-house as a punishment to evil doers. The man who constructed the torture, while building it, laugh- ingly expressed a curiosity to see the first occupant. He was the first occupant, and the only man condemned to sit the buck. OCCURRENCES. (Taken from Major J. Rohrer's Diary.) September 29th, 1862. Detailed for picket duty, as offi- cer of the day. Went to Langley with Company "H," Captain Shott, 127th Pennsylvania Regiment; Company "F," Captain Cook, 127th New York Regiment; Com- pany "C," Captain Stokes, 40th Massachusetts ; J.W. Gun- ney, 127th New York. Pickets posted. Went over line about six miles, returned and had apple dumplings and short cakes for supper. Retired early (on the floor). Got up at 12.30 A. M., made grand rounds; returned at 4.30 A. M. and laid down until 7 o'clock. Wednesday, October ist. Two prisoners brought in, one 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry (no horse), the other 4th New York Cavalry (with horse). Examined, both dis- charged. At 9.30 A. M. Lieutenant-Colonel Alle- man and Chaplain J. C. Gregg, 127th Regiment P. V. called. They wanted to see the country about here. 228 MEMORIAL HISTORY Chaplain Gregg lead, my horse ready, and we followed the chaplain. He rode down the cross roads from Hodges, about half a mile, then turned towards the Louinsville road, among briars and bushes, the chaplain well in the lead. Cavalry vidette appeared, saluted us, stated that Captain Page, of the loth New York Cavalry, was on the hill and would be glad to see us. Colonel Alleman re- plied that we were only going down the road and would stop on return. The orderly rode off, then captain and an- other vidette appeared. We halted on the road and wait- ed their arrival. We saluted each other, exchanged com- pliments and became acquainted. Captain invited us to go to Louinsville, headquarters of his cavalry. We start- ed for Louinsville. Chaplain Gregg, who was some dis- tance ahead, taking in what was going on among us five. Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman said to Captain Page, "Yon- der is our chaplain ; send your men to arrest him." Cap- tain Page immediately dispatched his two videttes to ar- rest the chaplain. They started at full gallop, arrested the parson and ordered him to "surrender." He nervously said, "I will," watching us with a troubled look. As we approached him we all burst out laughing, and the secret was out. The chaplain rode ahead, stopped at a farm- house, Miss Crocker's. Only one girl there. Crossed the field, where there were three girls. Both families from Pennsylvania; former from Bradford county, latter from Blair county. After talking and joking about the Metho- dists (for Chaplain Gregg was a Methodist), Captain Page said that his parents were determined to make a Methodist preacher of him, but he was determined not to be one. He said his parents were of the old-time Methodists, who sing and pray all over the house. I no- ticed that the girls talked more to the Chaplain than to I27TH REGIMENT, P. V, 229 anyone else. One of them turned to me and said, "Your chaplain is very sociable." I said, "Do you know him?" "Oh, yes, he comes out here to Langley and has services in the church." I was astonished that he would venture outside of our picket line. After a good country dinner, made for the chaplain, we left for Louinsville, leaving the chaplain to make his "church arrangements." Met major of the loth New York Cavalry, and after taking a drink — of water, etc., we left for Langley, the chaplain joining us on our return. Returned 2 p. m. Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman and Chaplain Gregg (both bachelors), left for Camp Boas. After stewed chicken dinner, passed over picket line to the Potomac, on foot, tired of riding, accom- panied by Captain Shott and Lieutenant Schreiner. Cap- tain Page, loth New York Cavalry, with two orderlies, galloped to my headquarters, and wanting to know where our picket lines commenced. After a few words, a drink — of pump water, etc., they galloped away. Countersign, "Rome." Made the grand rounds at midnight, return- ing at 4 A. M. Saturday, October 4th. Reported to General Aber- crombie at 9 a. m. Took charge of the 400 men. All supplied with axes, pick-axes, and such tools as are neces- sary for the work. Two hundred men for digging out Atumps and clearing away brush, and two hundred for felling trees. Small trees cut off four feet from ground, large trees about two or three feet from ground. This is military rule and is done for the purpose of preventing cavalry and artillery passing through the line. Returned to camp at 4 p. m. and assisted raising a pole eighty feet long at Colonel Jennings' headquarters. Sunday, October 5th. Flag raising at 10 a. m. Regi- ment formed into hollow square, facing inward. Band 230 MEMORIAL HISTORY played, after which Lieutenant-Colonel AUeman made a very appropriate speech. Then the band played "The Star Spangled Banner." The flag was raised to the breeze, and when at half-mast, three cheers were given. The chap- lain closed the ceremonies with a prayer. At i p. m. Colonel Jennings, Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman and my- self rode to Fort Alexandria in Maryland, several miles up the river. Paid our respects to the lieutenant-colonel and major, the colonel being absent, and returned to camp. Dress parade at 5 p. m. October 7th. As usual, I took my fatigue party to work. Six hundred men. Major Brua Cameron and wife, Captain Shott's wife, and several others visited camp. Mrs. Shott remained until next day. Major Cam- eron (paymaster) and wife left for Washington. After leaving camp, near Chain Bridge, Major Cameron sud- denly took sick. Our surgeon was on hand and so the Major was soon on his way rejoicing. Artists on the ground taking a photograph of Camp Boas. October 8th. Took my fatigue party to work' as usual. We have completed over three thousand yards of rifle pits. About 10 A. m. an elderly Virginian, in company with another man, probably his son, called on me. He said he was told that his wood about the house was to be cut down. I said, "Where is your house?" (W^e were then standing in Fort Marcy.) He pointed diagonally across the Leesburg pike, about three-fourths of a mile from where we stood. I told the man that I had not heard and know nothing about it. He said he had protection from General Wadsworth, of Washington; that he had three and one-half acres and would not take $3,000 for it. He evidently was dressed for the occasion, wearing a blue swallow-tail coat, high collar, and brass buttons. He I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 23I talked like the old stock of Virginians, as if he had his mouth full of mush. I told him I had no orders to cut his trees, but if I received such orders I would certainly cut them down, for we must obey orders. He left in dis- gust. In the evening the lieutenant of engineers, in charge of this work, called at my tent. He said, "Major, the general-in-chief of engineers was here today and said, 'There is that wood still standing, which I three times or- dered cut down. Now, if it is not cut down by the next time I come here, I will know why.' " I told him about the old Virginian who called on me today, what was said, etc. "Well, you cut that wood down. Back of it is a high hill, clear, and if the enemy should get on that hill their artillery could command Fort Marcy and Fort Ethan Al- len." I replied, "All right, I will cut it down tomorrow." That evening Lieutenant Morgan and Lieutenant Sample, of Company "F," called on me, that company being de- tailed for tomorrow. Lieutenant Morgan said, "I heard that wood out there at the old Sesesh is to be cut down. Now, you give us charge of that job. I will take Company "F" and we will clean it up." Lieutenant Sample said, "We will do it right." October 9th. Next morning, as usual, took the men on fatigue duty. I gave the woodland in charge of Lieuten- ant Morgan, Lieutenant Sample and Company "F." Men all at work on pits, stumps, felling trees, etc. If I had the same men to work with every day, it would save much labor and time for me, but every morning I have different men from different regiments. About 11 o'clock all were at work. I looked across the country and saw trees fall- ing at a lively rate about my friend's house, and Lieuten- ant Sample was the progressive officer making things de- cidedly lively. I rode over (no fences anywhere along 232 MEMORIAL HISTORY the road). When I came near the house the old man was there, but walked away when he saw me, looking as sour as vinegar, for Lieutenant Sample felled a tree across the corner of his house, and spoiled the coveted shade for many years to come. October loth. On fatigue duty, as usual. Only 350 men today. Fortieth Massachusetts Regiment struck tents and left for Miner's Hill. Cut heavy oak timber around the old man's house. The women cried; no mat- ter, the orders must be obeyed. I have not been well for some days. Had charge of this fatigue party for two weeks, until the i8th of October, when I was too sick for duty. I reported to General Abercrombie and asked to be relieved until I get better; that I was too sick to work. He said, "You are relieved until you get better, then re- port." But I never reported. When I got better the regi- ment was somewhere else. I had much experience in building rifle pits. A rifle pit is dug two feet deep and twenty inches wide, the earth being thrown on a bank fac- ing the enemy. This bank is called the parapet. From the bottom of the ditch to the top of the parapet is three feet eight inches, so that the rifle-men can rest on their knees and fire at the enemy over the parapet. The back of ditch is sloped from bottom up, so the men can lie back to load their guns. A rifle pit may be dug on level ground, but better on high ground, the slope of a hill, or on the sum- mit of high ground. If on the side of a hill, drains can be made to drain out the water, for it is very unpleasant, after a rain, to be in a pit of water a foot deep. How many hundreds of acres of timber were cut down I never estimated. But what a sight ! So much timber cut down, and all the stumps, from three to four feet high, standing long after the timber was removed ! I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 233 CAMP FIRES. BY CAPTAN JAMES B. KEENE. Whether on the march, in camp, or on picket, the "camp fire" was the "corner grocery," or the "club" of home Hfe, where the comrades would meet, gossip and enjoy them- selves, as soldiers only, know how to accommodate them- selves to circumstances. They would cluster around the camp fire, and discuss the problems of the day, the mistakes of the past, and the hopes of the future. They would sing old songs, and were particularly happy when they could find new songs in which to indulge their musical tastes. They would enter at times into heated discussion, and state their opin- ions freely, regarding the best methods of planning and executing army movements to bring about the best re- sults. They were very free in condemning the mistakes of superior officers, and never scrupled to state, that if they had occupied those superior posts of duty, many dis- asters might have been averted, and many victories have taken the place of inglorious defeat. At times, the more forcible debaters grew positively eloquent, and displayed more than ordinary wisdom and tact, which would have done credit to those higher in authority. It should be borne in mind, that most of the men who carried muskets during the late Civil War, were men of superior intelligence, who left the busy walks of life to discharge a duty which they owed to their government, and involved the life of a great nation ; and they did it at the expense of everything that was near and dear to them in life. Many of those comrades were well educated, and the rank and file bristled with those whose influence in the P 234 MEMORIAL HISTORY peaceful avocations of life was only excelled by their ability. These comrades could be heard discussing their home environments, and going minutely into the details of their past experience; laying out plans for the future, swapping stories, smoking pipes, or boiling their cup of coffee. Such were some of the scenes in active service around the camp fires at the front, when the boys were young. Though years have passed, the "camp fire" con- tinues to burn sanctified by. all the hallowed memories of those never-to-be-forgotten days which "tried men's souls," surrounded by the survivors, though many of them are growing old and gray ; but age has no tendency to diminish the enjoyment of these camp fires, where they can recall the past, and live over the active and thrilling life in the early sixties. Comrades are passionately fond of relating and hearing the old, old stories ; and singing the old, old songs, which used to enthuse and brace them up on their weary marches, and when time hung heavily upon them while in camp, and they felt blue on thinking of the dear ones they left behind them. Time mellows the acerbity of youthful indiscretions, and cools the passions of younger days ; so the comrades meet, forgetful of their past differences, and remember only the bright side of army life, and the pleasant company and regimental associations when they daily answered roll-call. FORLORN HOPE. During the bombardment of Fredericksburg, December nth, 1862, a hurry call was made on the 3rd Brigade of the 2nd Division of the 2nd Army Corps for "vplunteers" 127TII REGIMENT, P. V. 235 to man pontoons to cross the Rappahannock and silence sharpshooters who were firing upon the pontoniers and preventing the completion of the pontoon bridge. If the call had been made on the 127th Regiment, they would probably have volunteered to a man ; but it ended with the 7th Michigan Cavalry of the brigade, so that only a few men from the regiment were permitted, through their persistency, to join in the "forlorn hope." Of these volunteers were three men of Company "D," Henry Bidding, John Lentz and Elias Leitzel — the two latter of whom where killed in battle two days later. These brave men. accompanied by a few others of the regiment, were led by the gallant Porter Buchanan, of Company "F," who, having been successful in their heroic mission, returned and were wildly cheered by the whole brigade. Henry Bidding secured a bouquet of artificial flowers in the raid on Fredericksburg, and presented it to Lieuten- ant-Colonel Alleman, who rode along the lines exhibiting it as a trophy of the heroism of those brave boys who vol- unteered and accomplished the silencing of the Mississippi sharpshooters, to inspire their fellow comrades in like acts of braverv. GRATITUDE. On the first night that Colonel Jennings, as provost marshal, and Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman in command of the regiment, occupied a mansion on Caroline street, in the city of Fredericksburg, they were quietly enjoying a much needed sleep, occupying sofas in the parlor, which was on the first floor. Shortly after midnight a patrol brought in an old man, with a young girl clinging to his 236 MEMORIAL HISTORY arm. The guard awakened Colonel Jennings, and the case was stated to him. The noise awakened Colonel Al- leman, who listened attentively to the charge, and noted the distress of the young girl. Either his judgment, that the case had no merit, or a sympathy for the young lady in distress, prompting him, he volunteered to defend the old gentleman, and did so successfully, inducing the pro- vost marshal to discharge him. The young lady, who was very comely in appearance, and refined in manners, simply gave Colonel Alleman a cold slight bow, and left the par- lor, holding on to the arm of her father. Colonel Jen- nings remarked the coldness and apparent ingratitude of the young lady, and said, "Colonel Alleman, you got scant courtesy for your success, and evidently made no impres- sion upon the young lady," laughing at the same time; but Colonel Alleman made no response, beyond saying that he simply did his duty, and he wanted no thanks. When the discharged prisoner passed the guard, the young lady inquired the name of the provost marshal and the officer who spoke in her father's defence. Their names and rank were noted, and the party passed on. The offi- cers were worn out, and almost immediately fell asleep. Early in the morning, probably an hour before daylight, a young slave brought a note to headquarters with in- structions to deliver it to Colonel Alleman "in person." The note was from the young iady, daughter of the dis- charged prisoner, inviting Colonel Alleman to breakfast that morning, with request to bring with him Colonel Jen- nings, provost marshal. After reading the note, he handed it to Colonel Jennings, who, reading it said, "What do you intend doing?" Colonel Alleman replied, "I move that we accept the invitation." To which Colonel Jennings re- plied, "Agreed;" but how to get there was the question. I27TII REGIMENT, P. V. 237 The young slave replied, "Misses' compliments, I am to show you the way to the house." Both officers followed the slave, who took them to a rather pretentious house, which had been severely damaged by the Federal shells during the bombardment, several of them passing through the stone walls, causing great disorder; and they learned, on presenting themselves, that the family had taken re- fuge, during the bombardment, in the cellar of the build- ing. The young lady hostess received the officers in a very cold but dignified manner, and stated that she wanted to show her gratitude for voluntary kindness rendered; and while she was unable to provide a suitable breakfast, she ordered one prepared, which was the best that the house could afford — at the time. It was a plain break- fast, and the hostess did not preside at the table ; but dis- missed the servant, and stated that she would wait upon her guests, which she did with infinite grace, coupled how- ever, with a very great deal of haughtiness. Her two sis- ters were present; but she did not introduce the officers to them. After they finished their breakfast, they were very warm in their praise and thanks for the tendered hos- pitality; and each extended his hand, and the young lady said, "Gentlemen, I will be very glad to have you call and see me when you come to Fredericksburg again ; but I tell you frankly, that I hope you will never be able to en- ter Fredericksburg again." The officers bowed them- selves out, the young slave guided them back to their headquarters, which they reached before daylight. In a few hours afterwards they were in the thick of the battle; and all recollection of this little episode was completely knocked out of their memories. On the 3rd of May following, Colonel AUeman, suffer- ing severely from fractured ribs, from a wound received 238 MEMORIAL HISTORY in battle that day, was carried back from the battlefield to the city, and a vacant cottage was seized, where he was made as comfortable as possible, refusing to be taken to a hospital, or carried across the river. During the after- noon, while seated in an arm chair on the front stoop, and suffering intense pain, he glanced diagonally across the street, and noticed a fine stone building, which was evi- dently the home of well-to-do people. He noticed persons peering through the slats from the parlor windows, and afterwards an old gentleman came out of the house, crossed the street, bowed to him, and inquired whether he had the honor of addressing "Colonel Allen." Colonel Alleman in his agony replied, "That is not my name." He bowed himself away, returned to the house, and noticed again the moving of slats, and an apparent conference. After a little while the old gentleman reappeared, and stated that he was possibly mistaken in the name, but that his daughters thought that they recognized his face as the same gentleman whom his elder daughter entertained at breakfast on the morning of the great battle. The recol- lection of the circumstance immediately flashed across his mind, and he admitted that he and Colonel Jennings were entertained by a young lady ; but said he did not recollect the name of his hostess. The old gentleman then stated that he was the prisoner, and that through the kind inter- vention of Colonel Alleman he had been discharged. He then bowed across the street, the shades were drawn up, and three young ladies stood at the windows and bowed to him. He reciprocated the kind recognition with a mil- itary salute, and the old gentleman asked to be excused for a moment, and returned to the house. In a very few minutes he came back with a message of compliments from his daughter, and requested that he permit himself t27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 239 to be carried over to the house and made their guest. This he decHned with thanks, stating that he was made as com- fortable as possible under the care of his orderly, and servant, and in charge of his surgeon; but thanked him very kindly for their generous offer of hospitality. The old gentleman then returned, and asked permission to have some delicacies brought over, which would be pre- pared by his daughter, which he also declined ; but finally agreed that if he felt well enough on the following day, to be carried over to the house, that he would be only too pleased to dine with them. The next morning at early dawn he was carried out again on the stoop. In the mean- time his horse was saddled and bridled, and brought up to his quarters by his orderly, who was also mounted. In looking down the street, he observed the glitter of mus- kets, to which he called the attention of his orderly, and inquired whether he could distinguish whether they were friends or foes? He however satisfied himself that they were Confederates, and requested to be placed upon his horse at once, ordering his orderly to mount, and servant to follow him ; and, although suffering great pain, he put spurs to his horse, and with the enemy only two squares away, galloped at full speed down the street, and down upon the pontoon bridge, with his orderly and servant, and finding the last of the 127th Regiment already upon the pontoon bridge before him, notified them that the enemy were pursuing them, ordered the cables to be cut ; and just then a dense fog enveloped them, so that it was impossible to recognize anything a few feet distant. The pontoon floated down the river, with the tide, and the whole party were safely landed on the northern bank of the Rappahannock. When the fog dispelled, great forces of the enemy were seen on the south side of the Rappahan- 240 MEMORIAL HISTORY nock, looking with apparent amazement at the escape of the invaders. The hasty exit prevented the fulfiHment of the engagement; saved his capture, and the Lieutenant- Colonel never having visited the city of Fredericksburg afterwards, greatly to his regret, was unable to pay his respects to the young ladies, who showed him such marked evidences of appreciated gratitude. OBEDIENCE TO ORDERS. We guarded Chain Bridge, which was considered an important post, as travel west and south had to pass over it into Virginia. On one occasion General Abercrombie, in command of our division, accompanied by several gen- tlemen, wanted to cross Chain Bridge tO' Washington, without a pass. The orders were imperative that no one should be allowed to pass over the bridge unless they had a pass from the proper officer. The General said, "Don't you know your General?" The sergeant said, "We don't know any one. General or no General, unless he has a pass." "Is it possible that I must go back and get a pass from my adjutant?" He did go back about a mile, and when he returned with his adjutant's pass he was allowed to cross the bridge. None of the party wore uniforms. This evidence of faithful obedience to orders brought the Regiment up to standard reputation. Full confidence was placed in us. We found out afterwards that troops which had a good record were always selected for dangerous and important work. They, and only regiments with good records are selected to open the battle; and cover the re- treat ; and covering a retreat is of the greatest importance and sometimes more dangerous even than opening the fight. I2/'TH REGIMENT, P. V. 24l WHAT IS CAMP LIFE? BY MAJOR J. ROHRER. It is generally supposed by those who never had any practical experience in a regimental camp, in active ser- vice, that the soldier has about nothing to do but lie about in his tent and kill time. It is well to disabuse the minds of those who have had no active camp experience. An explanation will show what a soldier must do. A sol- dier's life is a busy one, often busy day and night, without interruption. First, at early dawn, in camp, the reveille is sounded by the drum major and the fife major. This is to awaken the regiment, and is the call for duty. At the termination of the reveille, the men fall in company line, and the or- derly sergeant of each company calls the roll and reports to the adjutant of the regiment, the number answering the roll call; absentees marked, and also those on detail duty, such as picket or fatigue duty, sick in quarters, etc. From these reports the adjutant makes out a roster of the regiment, showing the number of men on active duty, the number sick in camp or hospital, and the number on picket or fatigue duty. The adjutant makes up his report from the company reports, which is sent to headquarters. After breakfast, the next in order is guard mount. Every regiment has a guard posted outside of camp, who are relieved every two hours. The officer of the day is de- tailed the night previous, and in rank is a captain or lieu- tenant commanding a company. He has charge of the camp until relieved next morning. The adjutant selects a certain number of men from each company, for guard mount, who appear at the call of the drum and fife. They 242 Memorial history stand up in line, are inspected, their gxms examined, and regular guard mount follows. The adjutant then turns the guard over to the officer of the day, and they are marched to their posts, relieving those on duty. The re- lieved fall in the rear of line. The guards are on continu- ous duty until relieved next morning. Next in order is picket and fatigue duty. Notice re- ceived by the Colonel the day previous : "One hundred and twenty men for picket or fatigue duty at 8 a. m. to- morrow;" or it may be two companies, or more; some- times even a regiment, with all of the officers. The adju- tant is notified, the colonel handing the notice to him, which is recorded in a book kept for that purpose. The adjutant then serves notice on each captain to detail, say, fourteen men from each company, for picket or fatigue duty, 8 A. M. tomorrow. The orderly sergeant se- lects the detail in order of his muster roll. At the call of the drum and fife major, the pickets form into line and are inspected by the adjutant; and passing inspection, they are marched off by the captain and lieutenants — for every detail must have some commissioned officers to take the command — two sergeants, four or more corporals, similar to an organized company. At 8 a. m. the detail re- ports at the place designated, and are formed into line, with about six hundred from other regiments. A regular guard mount then takes place. The general officer of pickets, and commandant of the line, lead the men to their posts. The General officer is in chief command, and goes over the line twice in day time, and once after mid-night. The commandant goes over the line every two hours, day and night. This keeps the line in good order. Pickets change every two hours. All pickets are given the pass- word, or countersign, and no one can pass through the 127TH REGIMENT. P. V. 24^ line without the countersign. The General officer, and commandant are halted just the same as any other man. When the word "Halt!" is given, the command must be obeyed at once ; for the picket has a right to shoot. Then you hear the words, "Who comes there ?" The answer by the officer is, "Grand Rounds." The picket replies, "Ad- vance, Grand Rounds, and give the countersign." The of- ficer, (mounted), leans forward and gives the word over the point of the bayonet. The word found correct, the officer goes on to the next post ; and so witii the whole line. Three men form a post, thirty to fifty yards apart, ac- cording to the topography of the country. It is risky to lean over the point of a bayonet, with the loaded gtm in the hands of a careless soldier, for some of uiem cock their guns at the approach of any one. After the pickets and fatigue detail have gone, and the camp is properly guard- ed, the officer of the day calls on the adjutant for men for police duty. A certain number are detailed, say five or ten from each company, whose duty it is to police the company streets and camp, remove all garbage, look after the sinks, and cleanse the grounds and surroundings. If wood is needed, another detail is made to go to the woods with the wagons and cut and haul it in ; each company be- ing supplied with axes and hatchets. If roads need fixing, or corduroy roads are to be built, or repaired, men are de- tailed for that purpose. Details are made to dig rifle pits, build fortifications, fell trees, make roads, cut wood, etc. All this is done l)y the soldier, and it is doue without a murmur, although some of the men never had a shovel or axe in their hands at home. Those who do guard duty during the day and night are exempt from picket duty, or any manual labor or other duty during the following day, except company or regimental drill and dress parade. 244 MEMORIAL HISTORY Every man must clean his gun and keep it clean, both in- side and outside, ready for inspection. Company drill at lo a. m. Dinner 12 to i o'clock. Battalion drill at 2 p. m. Dress parade at 5 p. M. Supper at 6 o'clock. Taps at 8 p. m. Brig- ade drill once a week, and inspection and reviews when the weather is fair — the last two, often, even the day be- fore going into action. Previous to the opening of a campaign, orders come from headquarters, "Are your men supplied with knapsacks? Draw by requisition." Next day another inquiry comes, "Do your men need clothing? If so, draw at once." Next, "Draw shoes if in want." The last was, "Are your men in want of shoe strings? Draw at once." This shows how carefully every detail is watched, so that the army can march at a moment's notice. The next order : "Three days' cooked rations in haversack, and five days' in knapsack, with sixty rounds of cartridges." The last order, "Move at 6 A. M. tomorrow." Pontoon boats, pontoon bridges, and pontoon wagons are an absolute necessity to a marching army. A pontoon boat is about eighteen or twenty feet long, five feet six inches wide, with sides two feet high ; made like a scow, or flat boat. These boats are carried on a wagon for that purpose, with six horses or mules hitched to each wagon. To make a bridge, the boats are put into the river, an- chored against the current of the stream, at regular dis- tance apart. Long stringers of wood are laid from one boat to another, and lashed fast, so as not to move, probably five or six making the width of the bridge. When the stringers are laid, the men carry the planks or boards, whichever are used, and place them across the stringers. If boards are used, two layers are placed. As fast as the COMKADE GEORSE D. RISE. Cn. ■•K.' ii:tiii Ur-iniriir, r. v. Uc^iiiiculMl Ilislni-iaii. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 245 engineers put down and anchor the boats, the stringers are placed, and the boards are put down, and when the last boat is fastened to the opposite shore and stringers and plank, and securely cabled, the bridge is done and ready for use. MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE AS A WOUNDED SOLDIER. BY PRIVATE GEORGE D. RISE, COMPANY E, I27TH REGIMENT, PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. As a proud member of our beloved company, my daily life was uneventful, except for the various duties of camp life, drill, guard duty, picket duty, parades, etc., until the memorable battle of Fredericksburg. December nth, at day-break, our regiment reached the banks of the Rappa- hannock River, at the Lacy House, directly opposite the upper end of the town of Fredericksburg, having made most of the march from the camp at Falmouth on the double-quick. We had expected to be ordered into imme- diate action, but on our arrival, the engineers who were building the pontoon bridge had been interrupted, when only half way across with their work, by fierce and effec- tive rifle firing from sharpshooters concealed in the houses on the opposite side, and in rifle pits along the river bank. Finding it useless to continue sending men down to the bridge to their certain death. General Burnside, who was on his horse close by us, ordered a bombardment of the town and the heights beyond. For over eight hours, until nearly four o'clock in the afternoon, there was witnessed one of the most magnificent spectacles of modern times — a bombardment by 140 cannon, with occasional replies b> 246 MEMORIAL HISTORY the enemy. We, as spectators and supporters of some of the batteries, would sometimes crowd up pretty close to the bank of the river, but shots from the sharpshooters opposite would cause us to "skedaddle" to safer quarters without orders. These efforts also proved useless in ac- complishing anything towards the completion of the bridge, and about 3 o'clock p. m. General Bumside called for volunteers to cross in boats, as a "forlorn hope," and drive the sharpshooters from the immediate vicinity. Nearly our entire brigade volunteered ; of whom but about 400 men were selected from the 7th Michigan, 19th and 20th Massachusetts, including about a score of the 127th Regiment. In a few minutes they slid the boats down into the water, jumped in, rowed across, and in ten minutes most desperate fighting with Barksdale's sharp- shooters, drove the enemy away from the banks of the river, and brought back over fifty prisoners — hardly two of whom were dressed alike — ragged and desperate look- ing. In less than an hour after their return, our ponton- iers had the bridge completed, and our brigade had the honor of being the first to cross. The old regiments of the brigade went right up into the town, and with desperate fighting drove the enemy out of the houses, assisted by our regiment, which was afterwards placed in reserve on the bank of the river, protected by the rising ground from the effects of the firing. While this fighting was going on, several of the Michigan soldiers came running down the street, calling, "For God's sake. Colonel Hall, send us up some more men ; they have killed all our men." Some of the 127th Regiment dashed up into the fight without orders. I had started to go along with Simeon Guilford, when we saw a wild-eyed soldier come running down the 127TH REGIMENT, P. V. 247 hill directly towards us, head thrown back, and stagger- ing, fell right at our feet. We picked him up at once, but he was stone dead, and our surgeon, who arrived at the moment, insisted that the man had been dead while he was still running. He had been shot in the arm, and was run- ning down the hill towards us for assistance, when an- other shot struck him in the spinal column, and the doctor said that the muscular action carried him to us. At II o'clock that night we marched up into the town, and were put on guard duty, to stop the looting which was already going on. We had half of the city, and the rebels had the other half. I was on guard, at the comer of two streets, with some members of Company "H," at the comer next beyond me. About midnight I saw a body of men come from the opposite direction towards those of Company "H," and then all went back together. I did not know, however, until we were relieved, that the Com- pany "H" men had been captured by the rebels from the next street. All day Friday we were in line of battle on Caroline street, together with four other lines of battle, the entire width of the street being occupied with troops, ours being on the southern pavement. The older troops, knowing that it was our first experience under fire, commenced chafifing us, saying that we would- dodge when the shells commenced to fly. Well, during the morning, and all day, the rebel shells did fly — not at us — but over us, to- wards the river, where our troops were still crossing. Sometimes the shell would seem to come in a direct line towards us, and then ensued the amusing spectacle of see- ing every man along the entire lines of battle look up into the air, and, as the shell seemed to draw nearer and nearer, he would draw back, duck his head, and as the shell pass- 248 MEMORIAL HISTORY ed on, he would again straighten up, and with an air of relief, look after the faint line which the missile seemed to leave in the air. There was no more chaffing, as all, old and new men, were in the same boat. Night came without any further developments. On Saturday morn- ing, December 13th, about nine o'clock, we heard rifle fir- ing, and knew that the great battle was on. We again formed in line of battle on Caroline street, and about noon were ordered into action. We marched down Caroline street, to Hanover street, and there we all threw our blankets, overcoats and knapsacks in a heap on the pave- ment, then marched out Hanover street. As we went out this street, the shot and shell came thick and fast, but there was no more dodging. Every man seemed to be anxious to get up to the front. After going two blocks, we were halted to allow some troops to cross a street di- agonal to Hanover. While we halted. Captain Greena- walt leaned against a low fence between two houses at the right of the street, and a shell came screaming, and struck between the two houses, shattering both walls. Captain Greenawalt did not even change his position, but calmly turned his head to look at the result. We then continued our march out the Telegraph Road, crossed the canal or mill ditch as well as we could, climbed a board fence, and formed in line on the second ridge of Marie's Hill. The line was formed as for dress parade, and Colonel Jen- nings was just getting ready to give order to charge, when I seemed to feel a shell coming right towards me. I "ducked" and it passed over my head, the wind of it nearly blowing off my cap. This shell burst just back of me, and an iron canister shot from it struck me in the center of the back of the fleshy part of the right thigh. It was Shrapnell shell, usually loaded with about seventy I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 249 such balls. I did not, for a moment, know that I had been hit, although the ball had gone nearly through the leg to the front, and through the muscles. An order came, im- mediately, to march, and as I tried to step forward with the rest of the men, my leg seemed paralyzed and fastened to the ground. The blood rushed down my leg in a stream and filled my shoe. I saw the boys about to leave me. I dropped my rifle, clasped my hands to my thigh to stop the blood, and yelled, "I am hit." Several of the men ran back to me, but Samuel S. Shirk, of our company reached me first, and started to take me off the field. I did not fall and had no pain, but was already weak from the great loss of blood. Comrade Shirk took my arm, and we slowly made our way back, getting over the ditch with some diffi- culty. After we had got back to the Telegraph Road, ana over the little bridge, we heard cheering, and stopped to look back. It was our splendid regiment going up the hill towards the stone wall. As we stood there, a small piece of shell passed through my coat, and we thought it time to go. I had been unable to pick up and take along my rifle, and as we went back into the city, I became very thirsty, I presume from the loss of blood, and begged water from soldiers with canteens every few minutes. Arriving in Caroline street, I was taken into a two-story brick house, evidently a school house, which had been selected as a hos- pital for our wounded. We found gathered there the members of the band of our regiment, who took my en- trance as the signal, and they all started for the field to help bring back the wounded. Dr. Horner, our assistant surgeon, took me in charge, and wanted me to wait for Dr. Reily, the surgeon, to extract the ball. I insisted on immediate action, and Dr. Horner said he would do it if I would assume the responsibility. I said, "Go ahead/' q 250 MEMORIAL HISTORY Stripped and laid down on the floor, a dozen standing around. The doctor made a cut an inch deep and two inches long on the front of the thigh, and tried to reach the ball, but without success. He then made a deeper cut, and caught the ball with the forceps, but it slipped off for him. until the third trial. It proved to be an iron ball, which I still have in my possession. During the operation the men about me winced and groaned, but I did not have a particle of pain, as the flesh seemed to have been dead- ened by the shock of the impact. Xo anaesthetic was used. After the wound was dressed. I was put on the floor in the front room. Comrade Shirk again went to the assistance of others, and to join the regiment. In the evening the regi- ment returned to its position in Caroline street: just in front of this building, they baked some flap-jacks over the gutter, gave me some, and they tasted very good. I laid there without any further attention until Monday after- noon, when my cousin. Jacob L. Rise, also a member of Company "E." came in and said we had to be moved across the river, as the rebels were going to shell the city. He and Jacob Reinoehl, of Company "K,** lifted me to my feet. and with my anus around their necks, we made our way down to the river, across the pontoon bridge, and up the bank. As we were crossing, the rebels commenced shell- ing us at a very lively rate." although the hospital flag was up. The enemy afterwards made the excuse that they were shelling some of our cavalry north of the river bank. In this way we made our way for nearly two miles. Com- rades Jacob Rise and Reinoehl showing great considera- tion in staying with me. I was laid down in a woods, and a shelter tent put up for me and for John K. Seltzer, who was wounded in the hand, and the two comrades went back to help others across the river. From that time I I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 25 1 was unable to get up again, and during the night a ter- rible storm arose, blowing away our shelter tent, and I was nearly drowned in the water of the storm, until Com- rade Seltzer pulled me to a little higher ground. The next morning I was picked up by strangers, put on a stretcher, and carried into a hospital tent, and my wet clothes left to dry on me. On Wednesday afternoon I was carried on a stretcher from the hospital tent to Falmouth Station — only a plat- form without any buildings. While I was carried down, we passed a hospital tent where amputations were going on, and a pile of arms and legs was outside of it about four feet high, and even as I was carried past, a leg was thrown out on the pile which did not seem to be so badly shattered as to necessitate amputation. It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon when I was laid on the platform, bitterly cold, December i6th, and a very cold wind blowing. As I was brought there a freight train was just ready to leave, and all the wounded who could help themselves got on board, while a few of us helpless ones were left lying there in that bitter cold for five long hours, until seven o'clock, before the next freight train came. By that time I was frozen blue, unable to speak or move anything except my eyes. Fortunately the conductor happened to be on the car which stopped closest to me. and noticed my condition. That car was loaded with hay, and he had it hurriedly un- loaded, with the help of wounded men, leaving a few inches of hay in the bottom of the car, they had me care- fully carried in and ordered some of the men to lie close up to me and "thaw me out." We started at eleven o'clock for Acquia Creek, reaching there after midnight. Two men pulled me to the door of the car, made a seat of their hands, and carried me to the ferry boat, reaching Wash- 252 MEMORIAL HISTORY ington early next morning, and placed me in an ambu- lance. Another wounded soldier in the same ambulance happened to be Jerome Strohm, also a Lebanon boy, wounded in the foot. We were taken to Trinity church, in Georgetown, D. C, which had been turned into a hos- pital, by building a floor over the seats, and each aisle of ten cots was divided into two wards. I was placed in the middle bed of the worst ward of cases. I saw the others all die, one having cut his knee with an axe, and contracted gangrene, extending through his whole leg. He died Christmas morning. The next died that night, the second bed left of me. He had been shot in the middle of the back by a piece of shell, and as he lay with his back to- wards me, I saw his life-blood stream out in great jets. The man on the right of me had his foot taken off, gan- grene developed, and he died next morning. The second on the right had his foot amputated, gangrene showed slightly, amputation again at the knee, slight signs of gangrene again in the stump, a third amputation at the thigh, and death on the operating table. I was then alone in my ward, except that Bob Strohm and other wounded men would come and help to spend the time pleasantly. I had a good nurse, a Miss Mitchell, who read to me and furnished me many delicacies. I was getting along nicely until December 27th, when the nurse lost my sponge, went for a new one, which happened to be a washed one. That day I got gangrene, the wound sloughed open the arteries, and that night I had two severe bleeding spells, the sec- ond of which had to be stopped by putting a roll of band- age over the artery, then a strap and buckle tight around the leg, and a screw above the roll, fastening it down to the artery. The next day gangrene developed, and by the 28th it had greatly extended, my right side, from the knee I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 253 to the ribs being entirely black. The surgeon then de- cided on amputation, but I argued with them that I was al- ready so weak from loss of blood that I could not stand an operation ; that the gangrene being way up to my ribs, an amputation at the hip would be sure death. I was con- vinced that they wanted to dissect me, as otherwise I was healthy. I had written to my mother, and expected her soon. Bob Strohm and Paul Knox came up to see what was the matter, and after I explained to them, and showed them my condition, Paul Knox, a New York soldier, brought two revolvers, and threatened to shoot any one who would touch me before my mother came. The nurses were taken away from me, and these two brave fellows took care of me until my mother came, two days after. By that time the gangrene was reduced, and was confined only to the inside of the thigh, a piece of flesh sloughing out an inch deep, and the size of a whol^^ hand, leaving the muscles and nerves exposed. This commenced healing again in a few days. When I was near death, I had asked Strohm not to allow the negro attendants to wait for me, to die, at the foot of my bed, to carry me out to the dead- house, as they did for the others. In the beginning of January this hospital was closed, and we were removed to Columbia College Plospital, where the doctors took half of our rations and sold them, the nurses paid us no attention, and my mother went out to buy food for me and some others. On the 15th of Jan- uary, 1863, I was strapped down on a board, and after a number of trials and tribulations, finally got to Harris- burg — my bed across the tops of the car seats. There were no passenger cars then on Sundays, but Mr. Artemus Wil- helm, who met us in Washington, had a passenger car at- tached to the freight train, and arrived in Lebanon just as 254 MEMORIAL HISTORY Sunday-schools were dismissing. ]\Ien insisted on carry- ing my bed on their shoulders, and in this way I was taken home, followed by great crowds of people anxious to hear from their own boys. On April 9th I was ordered to rejoin my regiment, but I w'as still on crutches, and very weak. I went to Harris- burg to report myself to the provost marshal, who at once g-ave me my discharge. I went to Harrisburg again to meet Company "E," when it returned from the service, re- gretting that I had not been able to continue with them and be mustered out with them. INCIDENTS OF CAMP LIFE. (From Major Rohrer's Diary.) The Fredericksburg campaign was not a success, but proved a failure. Major-General Bumside was not dis- heartened at the result, but made haste to replenish, and put the Army of the Potomac on solid war footing. Or- ders received constantly, and reports sent to headquarters daily. On the 20th of January, 1863, the Left Grand Di- vision (General Franklin) commenced to move to tne right, and at sunset the rear of his division rested about half a mile to our right, and rear of the 127th Regiment. Raining ! raining ! General Bumside's plan of action was to move up the Rappahannock some miles, cross the river, and get in General Lee's rear, then Lee would evacuate Fredericksburg (his stronghold, or Gibraltar), and come out of the trenches and fight another battle. But the ele- ments were against Bumside; rain and cold. Our divi- sion received orders to be ready, with three days' cooked rations in haversacks, to march early in the morning. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 255 January 21st. Troops moving slowly. Mud! mud! The Center Grand Division, General Joe Hooker, com- menced to move; in the morning the Right Grand Divi- sion would move ; but the pontoons, artillery and wagons were swamped in the mud. Such a sight I never beheld. January 23rd. Troops coming back; no let up in the fall of rain. We did not move. Lucky boys we were! Colonel Jennings sent Cyrus McLaughlin, his orderly, for my horse. He wanted to ride over and see the artillery, pontoons, etc. — in the mud. Of course he got the horse, as his two horses were nearly played out. In less than half an hour my horse came back, without the rider, snort- ing and blowing as if he enjoyed a good run. As the colonel was galloping along, the horse al30Ut-faced very quickly, and Colonel Jennings lay in a mud-hole. What a sight to see 175 pounds avoirdupois crawling out oi that mud-hole, which was large and deep, and such a splash that several officers who were going the same way halted, and asked, "z\re you hurt, colonel?" After the colonel had emptied his mouth of the muddy water, he said, "No, I think not." The officers did not laugh loud until after- wards, for the spectacle was ridiculous. A pontoon-wagon with boat had been drawn out of the same ditch that morn- ing by twenty horses. After dress parade the colonel came to me, (not laughing), but with a twinkle in his eye, and said, "That's a great horse of yours, major!" "Yes, he is the best in the regiment," I said. "If he belonged to me I would shoot him," said the colonel. I said, "What's the matter with the horse ?" "What's the matter? You know ! Such a horse !" "Yes, I heard of the accident. Are you hurt?" "No, only jarred some." "Well, colonel, I am sorry that the accident occurred; it might have been worse. Suppose your neck had been broken; that would 256 MEMORIAL HISTORY have been awful. It is well the mud was so soft, or there might have been a real accident. Do you know, that horse taught me to ride? His worst habit was to lope along, and in a moment he about-faced — that is, he turned his head where his tail should be — and the rider, if not on his guard, went over his head. He threw me twice on the pommel of the saddle, and you know that's harder than mud. Colonel, this is the best horse I have, and any time I don't use him, you can have him, for you can't kill him." He replied, "Thank you ; I don't want him any more, as I have no use for that sort of a horse." Now as to that horse of mine. He was a bay, a well put up horse, heavily built, large breast and strong legs; the best horse in the regiment for all purposes, being careful of himself, thoroughly selfish, and always having an eye on the lookout. He was a natural trotter, and had some speed. I was told he could trot one mile in two minutes, or two miles in one minute, I forget which ; for I never tried his speed. But any man who rode him five miles on a trot would feel as if he had his liver jolted out of him. I found that out when I first rode him. Horse- back riding is recommended for dyspepsia, and one ride on this horse was a sure cure for the malady, and I was not troubled with it. Now, to teach him to lope was a ques- tion. He could trot and walk, but nothing else, and he would not be led. I gave him to David Campbell (quar- termaster-sergeant) to break him, as he had business in Washington every day. (This was while we were at Camp Boas.) In about a week, after breaking a pair of spurs, the horse could lope, but he never made a loper. It was hard work for him to get out of his natural gait. This horse was always fat. Sometimes he had no hay for a week; and at other times no oats or corn for days, and 12/711 REGIMENT, P. \'. 257 often a week or more at a time. But when he fasted too long, and the bark eaten from the stumps, he would get loose and go foraging, generally to the 59th New York, across the way. They had altogether about eight horses. My horse would go over and force nimself among the horses, for rations, and salute them with his hind legs: then a free fight took place. After kicking some of them loose, and out of the shed, he helped himself to what was left. Then the guards gathered up the stray horses and drove mine home. It was dangerous for a horseman to ride past him fast. He would let drive with those heavy hind legs of his, and if he struck, great damage would oc- cur. Coming from picket one morning, after reporting to General Howard, I was galloping along slowly. I no- ticed my horse kept looking back with one eye, and his left ear would waggle, and I knew something was coming on behind. In a moment an orderly, or aide, came up on a full run; without stopping, my horse let drive at the rider as he passed. I thought he knocked the orderly's leg off, but I never heard what, if any damage was done. x\fter Burnside's "stick in the mud" we built stables. Quarter- master Orth and I built on posts, the front, sides and roof being closed, and open behind. Another stable was put up by Colonel Jennings, Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman, Chaplain Gregg, and I think John, the sutler. (Where the boards came from I don't know; probably our teams brought them from Acquia Landing. All officers must buy their horses, and put up stabling at their own ex- pense.) This new stable was built at the end of our sta- ble, and extended back at right angles. The chaplain's horse was third, and about opposite the rear of our stable. When all was completed, I walked up to see the improve- ments. I noticed, above the trough, a wide board was left 258 MEMORIAL HISTORY off, SO the horses could look out, and also see what kind of feed they were getting. I also noticed the chaplain's horse would put his head out of the opening sideways and reach toward my horse, playfully. Of course my horse was of a playful nature, especially with his hind legs. As the chaplain's horse came nearer, my horse backed slowly, until within reach, when he let drive with a right-hander at the head of the chaplain's horse; but the head was drawn in very abruptly. A few days later, the chaplain came to see me. He was very much excited. "Major, your horse is a vicious horse; he kicked my horse about the head so that he fell back on his haunches, and broke the halter in several places." "When did this happen?" I said. "J"st a while ago. and I don't like it at all." I re- plied, "I am sorry, and hope your horse escaped injury. You know, chaplain, horses are playful, and they were just playing.'' "That's all right, but I don't like that kind of playing." "Well, what's to be done? Suppose you have Jim nail a strip across the opening. That will stop it. You brought my horse with yours from Harrisburg, and they are old friends, and only mean play." "Yes, great play that is !" The chaplain and I were good friends. The first month in service he. Quartermaster Orth, and myself messed together, but the chaplain complained about the expense of the table, that he had an old mother to sup- port, and could not afford it, etc. One day I got tired of this complaining and told him to take Jim (his darkey) and keep house. He (Jim) has nothing to do but attend to the horse and do your cooking. We dissolved and took Adjutant Chayne in our mess. No more grumbling af- terwards. Shortly after the horse fracas, after midnight, there was a free fight at the 59th New York stables. The horses I27TII REGIMENT, P. V. 259 got loose and squealed, and such a kicking against the boards that awakened the neighborhood. Presently my horse came running home with great speed, snorting and kicking, as if to finish up the spree. Our guards called "Ho! ho!" but he would take another run and report to the guard again, who would call "Ho! ho!" One guard said, "Whose horse is this?" The answer was, "The ma- jor's." I got up and opened the door. I never saw a darker night in my life than this one. Very cold and raining. I was satisfied not to go out ; so I let the horse go. But in the morning he was at his post, none the worse for the carousal. The guards about the stable knew him well ; he never kicked any of them, but scared a few who did not know of his tricks. We had some good riding horses in the regiment. Among the best riders were Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman, and nis cream-colored horse, being a pretty horse, was a good and fast loper. Quarter- master Orth's gray, single-footed racker, was another fine saddle horse. On solid road you could hear his horse coming along, "clippe-clappe," "clippe-clappe." He was fast, and you rode as easy as in a rocking chair. Chap- fain Gregg had a pretty bay horse, and often talked about selling him and buying a cheaper horse, which would answer his purpose just as well. About this time the chaplain knew of all the horses that were for sale or trade in the Army of the Potomac. His time was mostly occu- pied in riding from regiment to regiment and talking "horse" with the clergy. Some of them called on him nearly daily, so he could tell you where a horse could be had and at what price. At one time the chaplain talked very bravely. He showed me two revolvers one day, and said, "Major, the first battle we get in I will take these re- volvers and get behind a tree and bang away at the 26o MEMORIAL HISTORY enemy/' But when the first battle, or any other danger was at hand, the chaplain had much business with the teams and hospitals. I was satisfied that a chaplain in a regi- ment is about as much good as five wheels to a wagon. P. S. — About eighteen years later, who should walk into my store, at Lancaster, but Chaplain J. C. Gregg, as big and fat as ever. "Why, chaplain, where do you hail from? I have not seen you for so many years." ' wn, I have lived here for six months. I have charge of the Second Methodist church, down South Queen street." "Is that so? I did not know that." "Yes, I have a good congrega- tion. Come and see me." Some time afterwards, a friend of mine and I passed the church, just as the people were going in for the evening service. I said to my friend, "Let us go in and hear Chaplain Gregg preach. He was chaplain of my regiment, but I don't think I ever heard him preach." We took seats pretty well front, in an outer tier of pews, next to the aisle. In front of me sat Mr. Cookson, a large man, having no hair on his head except about his ears. The chaplain preached loud, and with force. When about half through, he touched on military experiences, pointed directly toward me, and said, "You know, major, how we suffered. You know, major, how so and so." The congregation looked to where he pointed. I never was so much ashamed in my life; but the people did not know me, and they looked at the bald head in front of me, same as I did. In about a week the chaplain called at my store, grinning all over his face. I greeted him, "Chaplain, I never was as much ashamed in my life as I was the other night. I never will go to your church again." He laughed heartily. The chaplain had a large congre- gation, was a good beggar, and collected and paid the debts of the church and the parsonage. He did a great I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 261 deal of good in the few years he was in Lancaster. Peace to his ashes ! FRANK. Frank was neither an officer nor an enhsted private, and yet he was a feature, if not an important factor of the 127th Regiment. He was the favorite of the trio, endowed with a su- perior instinct, bordering very closely upon intelligence; and as he is well remembered by each and every member of the regiment as the Dun, with white mane, feet, and star on his forehead — playfully named "butter and cream," a few incidents connected with the service, in which he was the central figure, might be worth recounting. Like a dog, he was warmly attached to human beings, and showed this part of his nature by refusing to tread upon the body of a human being, whether dead or alive ; and in galloping over the battlefield, he would pick his way, in order to avoid treading upon a human corpse. He was ot an affectionate nature, and gentle as a lamb; but withal, a nervous and spirited animal ; and was, to his master, what Bucephalaus was to Alexander the Great. If he was timid or cowardly, he never gave any evi- dence of such weakness; he seemed to be fearless — with bullets whistling past him, at the roar of cannon, or the bursting of shells — he neither faltered, flinched nor quiv- ered. He even had no fear of crossing a pontoon bridge. Alongside of Colonel Jennings on his horse, he headed the regiment in crossing the Rappahanock at the battle of Fredericksburg, and seemed to enjoy the thundering roar of cannon, the rattle of musketry, and the frightful noises incident to a terrific battle. 262 MEiMORIAL HISTORY At the battle of Chancellorsville, when his rider was un- horsed by a shot from the enemy, he galloped over the field, and returned to the regiment, as if in search of his fallen master. It was at this time that Major Rohrer, who was on picket duty, and knew nothing of the regiment having suddenly crossed the Rappahanock on the morning of the 3rd of May, 1863; on hearing the roar of cannon and the incessant sharp cracks of musketry at Fredericks- burg, and the Heights beyond, from his line of pickets on the northern side of the Rappahanock, leveled his field glasses on Marie's Heights, where the battle was raging, and saw Frank running up the hill riderless, with the sad- dle stirrups flying in the air. He quickly recognized the horse, and at once joined his regiment, which was then en- gaged in the great battle. On one occasion, while Frank's master was General ofiicer of the picket line, in the wilds of Virginia, going his rounds, on a dark and dreary night, while wolves were howling, and there was danger from their attack, his mas- ter, while approaching the sentinels was in each case halted and ordered to dismount and give the counter-sign to the vigilant sentinels. As the horse was trained and accustomed to stand without being hitched, he unhesita- tingly dismounted, leaving Frank standing alone, while he approached the sentinel, gave the proper counter-sign, made the necessary inspection and then returned; but on one occasion unfortunately he was unable to find his horse, as Frank took it into his head to make an independent in- spection, on his own account, and took to his heels. The sentinel very kindly offered to go in search of the horse, and the rider took the musket and stood sentinel for up- wards of an hour, before the sentry returned with his horse. This long delay naturally enraged his master, who, I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 263 on the impulse of the provocation, deliberately kicked the horse, which affront Frank remembered, and at the very first opportunity which presented itself, he made a des- perate attempt to kick his master, in evident reciprocity, fortunately, however, without success; but this was the only time his master can recollect of his ever showing the slightest feeling of resentment, and never afterwards made any attempt to revenge himself for the impulsive injury. Frank was exceedingly fond of music, and was happiest when he could follow the drum corps or regimental band ; and would keep step to the music with unfaltering precis- ion, and sometimes even danced playfully when certain musical airs seemed to please or excite him. Frank had wonderful powers of endurance, and was al- ways ready for the march, happy under the saddle, and seemed happiest with his master in the saddle. While on special service, and after a very fatiguing journey of up- wards of eighty miles, with the master continuously in the saddle for fifteen hours, both the horse and the rider were worn out, hungry and sleepy. The master dismounted, bid his horse lie down, and Frank seemingly comprehend- ing the command, laid down by the roadside, stretched himself upon the ground, and his master laid down by the horse, using Frank's neck for a pillow. Both being com- pletely exhausted, they fell simultanteously asleep. For hours they slept without waking, and when the master awoke and rose to his feet, and not until then, Frank raised himself, neighed with delight at a recognition from his master, and seemed refreshed, when they resumed their journey. This was only one of many instances when Frank and his master slept side by side with the master's head rest- ing on the horse's neck ; and never once did this gentle 264 MEMORIAL HISTORY beast ever disturb his masters slumber, or attempt to raise his head while his master was resting by his side, and using his neck for a head-rest. Sometime after the return and muster-out of the regi- ment, his master being too fond of him to think for a mo- ment of selling him, presented him to a friend, who prom- ised to take good care of him for life. The wami attach- ment between master and horse was manifested upon an occasion a few months subsequent to his disposal. His master was promenading on Third street in the city of Harrisburg, with his friend, Major Detweiler, when he was suddenly surprised by a horse's head rubbing up against his shoulder, and a horse neighing in a most de- lighted manner. He looked around and recognized Frank, who had refused to obey the guiding reins of the boy on his back, when he recognized his former master, and springing to the sidewalk, came gently up behind him, and affectionately rubbed his head against his master's cheek ; and when his master petted him and called him by name, he danced for joy, and gave every exhibition of un- bounded delight; while the unbidden tears coursed down the master's cheeks, at this remarkable demonstration of devoted affection. H. C. Alleman. FATIGUE DUTY. Each and all of the field officers were subject to detail duty of various kinds, including picket duty, court-martial duty and fatigue duty. While each of the officers of the 127th Regiment was both willing and ready for duty at all times, the orderly from Division Headquarters never I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 265 made his appearance in camp without some little flutter or anxiety, to see wnat the little three-cornered billet detail meant. Ofiicers detailed for special duty were exempt from regimental duty during the term of the detail, and sometimes it was very pleasant to be assigned to court- martial duty; and while it meant exposure and great re- sponsibility, no objection was made for picket duty, not- withstanding the fact, that while the picket line was some- times as much as five miles long, requiring the officer in charge to go over its entire length and inspect it closely three times in each twenty-four hours, twice during the day, and once after midnight, this duty was generally looked upon as a compliment showing the confidence of the Major-General commanding. But of all the detailed duty imposed upon field officers, fatigue duty was considered the most onerous, and the least in the line of dignity and soldierly qualification. Ma- jor Rohrer seemed to have his full share of this detail, not, however, because it was inferior or looked upon as objec- tionable and disagreeable ; but because of the high compli- ment which was paid him, as the best field officer in the brigade for handling working parties, and superintending the work of digging trenches, building embankments, clearing hill tops and all that sort of thing in the line of civil engineering. He was not only proficient, but a genius in this line of duty, and his work was so thoroughly mas- terly that he was continued week in and week out in com- mand of a large working force ; and he continued to do his work so thoroughly well, and with such good cheer, that General Abercrombie came to look upon him as about the only officer in the brigade who could intelligently master this sort of work. He was not only thoroughly competent, but he took a very great interest in the work ; and while he r 266 MEMORIAL HISTORY was exacting, no complaints were made by his men, be- cause they felt that while they were doing hard manual labor, the Major was constantly busy in superintending the work, and intelligently instructing the men in the per- formance of their duties. Without complaining, and never once entering a protest against this constant detail for special duty, he at last, from constancy and over-work became prostrated, and not until then, was he relieved of this onerous duty; but he was very highly complimented by the commanding Gen- eral for the admirable, intelligent and uncomplaining man- ner in which he performed the duty assigned him. CORPORAL LEMUEL MOVER. Among the many acts of heroism performed by both officers and men on the thirteenth of December, 1862, on the bloody field of Fredericksburg, the gallantry of Cor- poral Lemuel Moyer, of Company "E," stands out in bold relief. In the panic, caused by the retreat of the Tammany Regiment in their wild rush to the rear, crying, "Retreat !" "Retreat!" "the whole of Lee's army is charging us." They carried with them a portion of the 127th Regiment, who were forced by them to the rear. The color sergeant was shot down while carrying and bravely maintaining the flag. Corporal Moyer, observing the absence of the flag, voluntarily ran up the declivity, to the position which had been occupied by the regiment, searched out the dead color sergeant, seized the flag where it had fallen, and in tri- umph brought it back to the color guard. It was a bold and daring act, reflecting the highest credit upon him for his stalwart heroism and patriotism. I27TH REGTMENT, P. V. 267 FROM MAJOR ROHRER'S DIARY. December i6th, 1862. Back to our old camp. Received orders to be ready for inspection at 8 o'clock. Many of our men lost their tents, blankets, etc., by putting them in a house, and when they came back they were gone. Also many guns broken by shot and shell. Inspected by Gen- eral Howard, who said the 127th Regiment, on Saturday, made the charge towards jMarie's Heights as straight as in dress parade. Disturbed about midnight. Order came for sixty men and two lieutenants to bury the dead. Re- quired to report at headquarters at 4 a. m. December 17th. Colonel Jennings, Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman, Adjutant Chayne and myself reported to Gen- eral Sully's headquarters explaining why the 127th Regi- ment fell back, without orders, on the 13th. Colonel Jen- nings and Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman gave testimony, and the regiment was exonerated from blame. General Howard said no regiment in the field did better than the 127th, up to 4 p. M., when the 42nd Regiment of New York, and 19th and 20th Massachusetts passed through our line, and shortly came back pell-mell over our line, tramping our men and crying "Retreat ! Retreat" ! The men were misled by these cries as orders, and were carried away but at the foot of the hill formed into line again for action. December 19th. Last night a detail of 100 men was called to load pontoon boats. The men returned to camp at daylight. December 20th. Cold, clear morning. No horse feed. Lieutenant J. Hoyer, of regular cavalry (nephew of Gen- eral Simon Cameron) called on us. Quite a number of offi- cers from other regiments were to see us. Got horse feed 268 MEMORIAL HISTORY at last; had no hay for a week. It is reported that our loss on Saturday, the 13th of December, was 13,505 killed and wounded. December 22nd. Started on picket (the whole regi- ment) about two miles to the line near the Rappahan- nock river. Our line rtui from the Harwood road to the river. Headquarters at Rev. Greeves' house. Rev. Greeves was dead. Had willed his property of 300 acres to his son (about i/ years old), and a negro slave. The boy said the Confederate cavalry ate all his com, 500 bar- rels, which is five bushels shelled to a barrel, worth $10 per barrel, before the Federal army came to Fredericks- burg. Flour $20 per barrel. December 23rd. We expected to be relieved at 9 a. m., but it was dark before we were relieved, and we had a rough time before we reached camp. December 24th. Received orders to be ready for in- spection by 9 A. M., and review at 10.30 o'clock. Inspected by the colonel of the 59th New York. Reviewed by Gen- eral Sumner and his grand division officers. General Sumner complimented us, saying the 127th Regiment was a fine, stout set of men, and would be able to do some- thing. Made particular inquiry about our wants. Said we can have fresh beef three times a week, and ordered General Howard to give it to us. To-morrow is Chris- mas, and nothing but hard-tack and fat flitch. We had no bread for a month. Bad cold ; made a hot punch, and re- tired. December 25th, Christmas. Hard-tack and salted pork for breakfast, as usual. I was invited to dine with the chaplain. December 26th. Chaplain Gregg, Quartermaster Orth and myself rode over to the 122nd Regiment, P. V., Colo- I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 269 nel Franklin, of Lancaster. Met Andy Thomas, Colonel Franklin, Major Stevens and other officers. Returned home and had a good supper : fried onions, boiled rice and cold flitch. Met at Colonel Jennings' tent in the even- ing, and passed resolutions on the death of Captain Fox, Lieutenant Shoemaker, and the soldiers who were killed and died on the field of battle. Before retiring, concluded to have a few songs. Found the note book. Adjutant Chayne sang treble, Colonel Jennings tenor, and I bass. Sang quite a number of pieces. Retired. December 27th. Altering camp; tents torn down and rebuilt. Mr. Small, of Harrisburg, paid us a visit. He is in search of his son, Charles, who was wounded at Fred- ericksburg. Nothing new. Very short of rations. All officers must buy their own rations. Can't buy anything to eat in this country. Sunday, December 28. Chaplain Gregg preached this morning. General Howard came riding up just as the chaplain closed, and he made a few remarks. He had been, or wanted to be, a preacher at one time, after grad- uating at West Point. The General then visited our hos- pital. December 29th. All hands putting up winter quarters. January ist, 1863. On picket as general officer, in charge of 42nd New York. Slept in a bed for the first time since in service. Relieved the io6th Regiment, P. V., Colonel Morehead. Relieved by Colonel Suther, 34th New York, and the 19th Maine. On my return I learned that Daniel Bretz was suddenly taken ill on the thirty-first of December and died at 3.30 same day. Just buried on my arrival at camp. Nothing occurred today, except the chaplain wanted to trade a revolver for my watch. I made him an offer; he will think about it. Colonel Jennings 270 MEMORIAL HISTORY came to my tent, and the trio had a few songs, in cele- bration of the new year. January 2nd. Brigade drill at 11 a. m. Returned by i p. M. General Howard drilled the 127th Regiment in manual of arms. Well pleased ; said did splendidly. This has been a day like May. Charges brought against Dr. Reilly for neglect of duty to Private Bretz, and others. Large siege guns are brought to Falmouth Station. January 5th. Regiment started for brigade drill at 10.30 A. M. Afterwards reviewed by General Howard, in the presence of General Sedgwick. Colonel Jennings took command of the regiment. At 2 p. m. Colonel Jennings drilled the regiment in the manual of arms. Finished our quarters. Chimney smoked and choked us out. January 6th. Chimney torn down and rebuilt by cor- poral of Company "K." It does admirably now. Had grand review at 11 a. m. by General Sedgwick. Rain- ing and blowing. Good dinner ; short-cakes and boiled po- tatoes. Best meal our mess had for a week. Colonel Jen- nings, Adjutant Chayne and myself had a good singing spell for an hour, then finished on hot whiskey punch, and adjourned. January 8th. Early this a. m. I heard voices outside of our tent door, reading and laughing. When we arose there was a large hand-bill on the door, calling us the "Chayne Gaities," which caused some amusement. At dress parade Lieutenant-Colonel AUeman notified the offi- cers that the "Chayne Gaities" had closed for the season. Colonel Jennings called at the Temple (which is my tent), and we had a good sing. So the gaities will still be open ! Orderly arrived; gave notice that the 127th Regiment goes on picket in the morning. Sunday, January nth. Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman is l27tH kEGlMENT, P. V. 2/1 sick. The regiment is turned over to my care by Lieuten- ant-Colonel Alleman, Colonel Jennings at brigade head- quarters. John F. Orth, quartermaster, has been sick for two weeks, but is now convalescing. January 12th. Our sutler came today. He paid fifty dollars to have his wagon ferried over the Potomac at Acquia Creek. No sutler since December ist. Colonel Jennings took command of the regiment. Dr. Alleman visited his brother, the Lieutenant-Colonel, today. January 15th. Dr. James R. Reilly left the 127th Regi- ment to report to the 179th Pennsylvania militia. Brigade drill at 2 p. m. Colonel Brooke commander. Spent the evening with Captain Shott and his officers. Lieutenant Schreiner will resign. January 17th. The 127th Regiment marched for grand review. Thousands of infantry. General Burnside re- viewing officer and commander of the Army of the Po- tomac. Received orders to report to General Howard's headquarters at 8.30 a. m. tomorrow for picket duty. January 19th. Relieved by the 34th New York Regi- ment. Reported to General Howard and then to camp. Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman is still quite sick. Sick in hospital, 10; in quarters, 75. Many reports as to moving. The three grand divisions have marching orders. January 20th. Orders to be ready to move at an early hour to-morrow morning. Also order No. 7, that we are about to give the enemy another battle, and hoping that the officers and men would do their duty to the Constitu- tion and the Union. The order was read to the regiment by Colonel Jennings, and was heartily cheered, for the re- marks he made relative to the duty and conduct of the 127th Regiment at Fredericksburg. General Franklin's grand division has been marching to our right all the af- 272 MEMORIAL HISTORY temoon, part of his men resting near our rear, or right flank. Many of their men called and remained with our boys all night. It rained heavily since dark, and is cold. Troops no shelter. Our haversacks full, January 21st. Cold and raining all the night. Frank- lin's division exposed to all the elements, and the rain still pouring down. Our quartermaster's Sibley tent blown down this morning; all the inmates in bed were exposed to the cold rain. Ten a. m. troops moving slowly on ac- count of the mud. Pontoon wagons stalled in the mud. The 127th Regiment did not move today. Still raining at taps. We expect to move in the morning. Nine p. m., cold and raining. January 22nd. The Army of the Potomac as organized at present, commanded by Burnside : Right grand di- vision commanded by Major-General E. V. Sumner; com- posed of the 2nd Corps, commanded by Major-General D. N. Couch, and the 9th Corps, commanded by Major-Gen- eral William F. Smith. Center grand division, command- ed by Major-General Joe Hooker, composed of the 3rd Corps, commanded by Brigadier George Stoneman, and the 5th Corps commanded by Major-General George G. Meade. Left grand division, commanded by Major-Gen- eral William B. Franklin, composed as follows: ist Corps commanded by Brigadier-General John F. Reynolds, and the 6th Corps commanded by Major-General John Sedgwick. Reserve grand division, com- manded by Major-General Franz Sigel, composed of the nth Corps commanded by Major-General Stahl, and the I2th Corps commanded by Major-General H. W. Slocum. The Second Brigade, 2nd Corps, was composed of the fol- lowing regiments : Seventh Michigan, 19th and 20th Massachusetts, 42nd (Tammany) and 59th New York, 127th regiment, p. v. 273 and the 127th P. V. The Third Brigade at this time was commanded by Colonel Jno. R. Brooke, of the 53rd P. V. The Second division by General O. O. Howard. January 23rd. Rained all day yesterday and last night. The 127th Regiment did not move as anticipated. About 10 A. M. troops are going back to their old quarters, some going the nearest route. The roads impassable. Thous- ands of men detailed to make corduroy roads, to get the artillery out of the mire. Twenty horses to a single caisson or cannon, and that many men, could not move them. The wagon train which was probably ten or twelve miles long, had moved out the Harwood Road, ahead of the army. The soil of Virginia is the worst kind of soil; considerable mica in it, and a rain ruins the roads. You drive along the road after an ordinary rain, and it looks all right, but it is full of holes, and the wagons or artillery will sink in the mud up to the axles. No man can have the remotest idea of how the roads looked when the pontoon wagons and ar- tillery were to be taken out of the mud. Hundreds of mules were killed. A mule, when the mud is deep, will not pull, but will lie down, it matters not how much the driver beats him. There they lay dead, eyes beaten out and heads mashed; some buried on the spot, in the road, with their legs sticking out, and teams drive over them. Pontoon wagons with tongues broken off, run to a side. The supply wagons had gone ahead before the rain, but it took two weeks before all got back. Some artillery was brought back about three weeks later. This was called "Burnside's stick in the mud." General Burnside con- templated making a bayonet charge on the enemy with his whole army and leave the artillery back, (for artillery could not be moved), but this was abandoned. The army settled back to its old quarters to recuperate. Our Right 274 MEMORIAL HISTORY Grand Division was the right of the army. When the move was made, the Left Grand Division moved from the left of the army to the right, passing us about half a mile on our right and rear. Then the Center Grand Division followed. Next would have been our turn to move (Sumner's Grand Division), but the rain stopped that move, and we were not sorry. January 26th. Pretty good living since our sutler is here: Ham, 25 cents per pound; cheese, 50 cents per pound ; onions, $3 per bushel. More rain. Lieutenant- Colonel AUeman resumed command of the regiment. January 28th. Raining and snowing. The 127th Regi- ment goes on picket duty. We relieved the 72nd P. V., Baxter's Zouaves, of Philadelphia. Stationed the line. Colonel Jennings and myself started over the line just be- fore dark. The weather was terrible; snowing and blow- ing all the day. Company "B" had made a hollow square of saplings and sat on the poles, facing inwards towards the fire. They said this was Valley Forge. It was in the woods and the snow did not strike them, the trees holding it ofif, while outside, the snow was about a foot deep. We invited Captain Awl and the captains nearest to go along to headquarters. Lieutenant Wise, acting adjutant, had caught a rabbit on our arrival in the morn- ing, and we had it cooked for supper. Colonel Jennings, Captain Awl, Captain Greenawalt, Lieutenant Wise, and myself ate the rabbit. The party was delighted with the feast, it being the first fresh meat we had for a month. When you eat hard-tack and salt-flitch for a month, three times a day, you get very tired of it, and want a change. January 29th. Captain Greenawalt came this morning, as usual, for his breakfast, for he never carries any rations along. He stated that the snow was sixteen inches deep, 127TH REGIMENT, P. V. 275 and it stopped snowing at daylight. Captain Greenawalt was one of four who travelled through to California on foot in 1849. He was a powerfully built man, and feared nothing human. At home, when he drank too much lem- onade with a stick in it, he was a terror to all bystanders, and many were the pieces of furniture lying about. Mr. Greaves, in his life-time, built a brick church along the Harwood Road for his congregation. The church was quite large, two stories high. The lower part for Sab- bath-school and lectures; the upper room for preaching, etc. The church was built quite up-to-date in appearance, and apparently new. When we first picketed on this farm we could not walk through the woods of pine. The soil at one time had been farmed. The furrows of land, as farmers call it, sixteen paces apart, were there. When too poor the land was untilled, and pine grew up ; saplings, and some trees about ten inches in diameter. From near the ground up to eight or nine feet high dead limbs stuck out two or three feet from every tree. These dead limbs were removed and used for firewood. This made an ave- nue six feet wide from the Harwood Road, through the woods, to the field next the house. The men were well sheltered, for the heavy snow bent the green pine foliage over so it formed a canopy. V^ery little snow fell to the ground, hardly enough to cover it. Young Greaves wanted to learn to play cards. Our reserves were stationed about headquarters, and they had possession of a large kitchen, or diningroom, where card playing was going on ; euchre or seven up. Greaves was taking les- sons. The darkey man Avas busy in an out kitchen baking pone in tin dishes, the size of a pie-plate. The boys paid twenty-five cents for each pone. At last a banter was made to put up twenty-five cents against a cake. Greaves, who 276 MEMORIAL HISTORY was learning fast, took the offer. That twenty-five cents was up all night and never lost once. The boys had plenty of pone and some left for breakfast. The negro nearly worked to death filling orders, and coining money as he thought; but Greaves got little money, and so the slave was no wiser. Greaves had lots of instructors telling him how to play ; but no use, he lost all the time. This church was torn down to the foundation and carried away by General Sigel's men for quarters, but before all was car- ried away, I think our wagons went out to get a few bricks to build an oven. Relieved by the 34th New York Regiment. Two of Company "B's" men hurt their backs by jumping across the run. Colonel Jennings, on our way to camp, said, "Major, by tomorrow half of our men will be sick." At every step the snow and slush filled their shoes, as they went in up to their knees, and they were all wet below our knees from slush, and above with perspir- ation. No drill today. Sunday, February ist. Nothing but camp duties the last two days. Our mess had roast beef, dried apple dumplings and wine sauce for dinner. Quartermaster John F. Orth joined the regiment, just from home on leave. No dress parade. Rainy and muddy. February 2nd. Colonel Jennings has this day been appointed commander of the 3rd Brigade, until Colonel John R. Brooke returns from leave of absence. This places me in command of the regiment, as lieutenant-colo- nel Alleman is yet an invalid. A rigid examination of all fit for duty, and those sick in quarters, was made today. Colonel Jennings left for Falmouth to take charge of 3rd Brigade. I gave Captain Henderson, of Company "C," a pass to take the band and officers to Falmouth to serenade Colonel Jennings this evening — not to exceed twenty men. I27TH REGIMENT, P. \^ 277 Splendid evening; boys full of fun. Orders for inspection at 10 A. M. tomorrow. February 3rd. Terribly cold, and snowing. Major Roberts of the 72nd Regiment, P. V. (Baxter's Zouaves, Philadelphia), came to inspect the 127th Regiment. It was so cold and damp that the inspection took place by com- panies. Company "B" was inspected first, etc. At 4 p. m. Lieutenant-Colonel Deveraux, of the 19th Massachusetts Regiment, was to come and drill the regiment. Major Roberts remained to see the dress parade. When the time arrived, the dress parade was formed. I had Major Rob- erts by my side. When we were nearly through (includ- ing loading twelve times), Lieutenant-Colonel Deveraux came riding up the road, he having a full view of the regi- ment. Major Roberts told Lieutenant-Colonel Deveraux that the 127th Regiment was in splendid condition in everything; better than any regiment he inspected down here. We had a number one report by the officers above named. February 4th. Very cold. Not well, being out all day inspecting the regiment, etc. Caught a bad cold. Quar- tennaster Orth and myself rode to- Falmouth to see Colo- nel Jennings. He felt lonely, being away from the regi- ment. At my request, Captain J. W^esley Awl, Company "B," took ofif dress parade, and drilled the regiment ac- cordingly. February 5th. Snowing terribly. Part of Sigel's Corps is moving today to Brooks' Station. Fine day for a march. Orders for 127th Regiment to go on picket at 9 A. M. to-morrow. Raining hard to-night. February 7th. Major of the 19th Maine remained with us until this morning. Beautiful morning, the sun shin- ing. We straightened up the line. Met General Sickles' 278 MEMORIAL HISTORY Brigade (New York) coming from a reconnoissance. Re- lieved by the 34th New York Regiment. Paymaster coming tomorrow, good news. Reported the 9th Army Corps moved to Fortress Monroe. At 9 p. m. an orderly ar- rived : a detail of 200 men, regularly officered for picket duty, to report at the Lacy House opposite Fredericksburg to-morrow (Sunday) at 9 a. m. I appointed Captain Awl, Company "B," commander of the battalion. Sunday, February 8th. Captain Awl and his battalion feft for their destination, the Lacy House. Orderly ar- rives with orders detailing me to attend a court-martial, to convene at or near Brig.-Gen. Owens' headquarters. Col- onel Jennings was to see us in camp today. He said the 127th will be moved to Falmouth in a few days. The enemy had built several bridges six or eight miles above here. Sickles' reconnoissance destroyed the bridges and partly burned them. General O. O. Howard and a lady visited our hospital today; also the 59th New York, across the way. The companies sent to the Lacy House for picket duty were companies "B," "G," "K" and "E," and five men each from Campanies "H," "C," "I" and "D." I feel very unwell. Took nine grains of blue mass at noon and a dose of cathartic at bedtime — passed the Guard-House. February 9th. I felt better. Attended court-martial. Adjourned at 12 noon, having disposed of one case. The four companies on picket returned to camp, ankle-deep in mud. February loth. A spring morning. Started for court- martial. Detailed Jim Miller as orderly. Disposed of two cases. Heavy picket force moved up the road, about five regiments. February nth. Commenced to snow and rain briskly and continued until midnight. I27TII REGIMENT, P. V. 2/9 February 12th. I gave the necessary orders in camp and appointed Captain Awl commander, then reported to court-martial. Returned to camp at 10 a. m. Colonel Jennings in camp. Sauer kraut for dinner. It was ele- gant. Colonel Jennings suggested to have the quarter- master's tent moved out of the mud; also an oven to be built, to bake bread for our officers and men. Good move. Captain Awl drilled the regiment in the manual of arms. Judge Felix Nissley and Thomas Moore, from Dauphin county, visited our camp this evening. They came by way of the Lacy House, and saw the Rebs on the other side. I don't think Judge Nissley slept much. He lay between the adjutant and myself. The knots on the hoop poles in the center of the bed protruded, and the Judge being a skinny man, felt the effects at once. At four o'clock in the morn- ing he said he would get up, if I had no objections. I made none. He afterwards said that was the hardest bed he ever slept in. In the evening arrangements were made to take them over to the station. No persuasion would keep the judge here to see an army. He was nervous at what he saw, so we shipped them to the station at 6 a. m. February 13th. I left for court-martial. Colonel Jen- nings arrived bag and baggage. Colonel Brooke arrived and took charge of the brigade. Lieutenant Henry, Com- pany "1," arrived in camp. He recovered from his wound at battle of Fredericksburg. February 14th. Nothing new. A fine view of the enemy digging rifle-pits and other fortifications. Four com- panies for picket duty tomorrow. February 15th. Raining all the morning. Companies "D," 'T," "C and "H" started for picket duty along the Rappahannock. Captain James Henderson officer of the day. Colonel Jennings on a visit to camp. I took off 28o MEMORIAL HISTORY dress parade. The lieutenant-colonel again on duty in command of the camp. February i6th. Quite a number of furloughs granted, and all start tomorrow. Colonel Jennings goes on leave of absence tomorrow morning; also Lieutenant Willis, Company "H." February 17th. Returned from court-martial. Tried two, one a lieutenant of the 71st P. V., Philadelphia. The 59th New York and some of our boys had a snow-ball match. Of course the forces increased all the time. Some had bloody noses, etc. The major of the 59th New York ordered his men to quit, telling them they are brave. Ad- jutant Chayne received a box from home, so we (our mess) had a feast. Order for pickets. February i8th. Rain. One hundred and twenty-five men, two captains, five lieutenants, twelve corporals, and four sergeants started for picket duty. Paymaster ar- rived (Major Gould) and commenced to pay off. Terri- ble mud. We were paid up to December 31, 1862. February 19th. Rained all night, and our pickets had a terrible time. They arrived in camp about noon, soak- ing wet. Captain Awl will leave for home with the money of the officers and men. Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman sent an inquiry if I could furnish bed for paymaster. Sent word, no bed. He sleeps in his- trunk, and no room for two. February 20th. Captain Awl left for Harrisburg with more than $30,000 for the families of the soldiers and officers. Lieutenant WilHam Orth is worse. His brother, the quartermaster, is trying to get his discharge by to- night, so as to get home tomorrow. Court-martial ad- journed sine die. February 21st. The papers of Lieutenant Orth did not I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 281 come last night. He would not be fit to go, being too sick. Lieutenant Wise returned from Falmouth with mail, on horseback, and most gloriously happy. No drill to-day. A general cleaning of the camp ; moving of hos- pitals and stables to better positions. February 22nd. This is Washington's Birthday. Blow- ing and snowing most terribly, and most of the night pre- vious. The snow being dry, blows into every little crevice, My tent was shoveled out the second time. Snow a foot deep on the boxes and stool in our front office this morn- ing. Our sleeping tent was dry. This is the coldest morning. Twelve o'clock, noon, a salute of thirty-four guns has just been fired from our brigade. Salutes of large guns fired all over the army, in honor of George Washington. Order for 145 men for picket duty to-mor- row, 8.30 A. M. Companies "H," "C," "I" and "D," Cap- tains Shott, Henderson, Dougherty and Keene, five lieu- tenants, four sergeants, and nine corporals. February 23rd. Sunshine, but very cold. The pickets started ofif at 8.30 a. m. Lieutenant W. Orth died at 9 A. M. His remains will be sent home to-morrow morning. Several lemon pies, half baked, were finished on a spade over the fire; but baked black, not fit to eat. Ouarter- Master Orth got the pass to take the remains of his broth- er home ; also pass for Captain Henderson for six days. February 24. The funeral party left at 5.30 a. m. Very cold. Pickets coming in ; they had a cold time of it. Quite an excitement. The 59th New York commenced snow- balling our men ; our boys pitched in and defeated them. The 42nd New York and Rhode Island Battery had a match, drawn up in line of battle, about equal in numbers. The battery men gave way, then the 42nd New York came to help the 59th New York. They brought their colors into our camp as far as my tent-door. The boys of the 282 MEMORIAL HISTORY 127th Regiment pitched in and soon drove them out of camp faster than they came in. Many bloody noses on both sides. Our baker still experimenting baking bread. The first bread baked in that oven was about two inches high and harder than a grindstone. February 25th. Sun shining. Commenced building another oven to bake bread. Hospital tents all moved to new location. Order for detail of 151 men, two captains, five lieutenants, four sergeants and nine corporals, to re- port at 8 A. M. tomorrow. February 26th. Raining most beautifully. The pickets started. Water running through my tent. Had a canal dug, so the water comes in on one side and runs out on the lower side. The officers of the guard of the 59th New York came to my tent and reported that firing was heard on our right. Reported that 5,000 Rebel cavalry had crossed about eight miles above, and the river had risen, so they could not recross. That 3,000 of our cav- alry and Humphrey's Division followed up the enemy, and a skirmish ensued. Result not known yet. February 27th. Clear morning. Colonel Jennings and David Campbell returned from home. The regiment mus- tered for two months' pay tomorrow. I was detailed as General officer of pickets, to report at 8.30 tomorrow morning, with the right wing of the regiment. February 28th. Reported to General Howard's head- quarters for instructions. Started for picket line. Met the right battalion of the 127th, part of the 59th New York, and part of the 42nd New York, going for the out- posts along the Rappahannock. Relieved Captain Stetson, io6th P. V. Our posts on this side of the river, and the Rebs on the other side in full view, but no picket shooting. 10 P. M. Rained until morning. Stood on my feet all night ; no shelter. IZyjli REGIMENT, P. V. 283 Sunday, March ist, 1863. Rainy morning. Last night I spent the longest night I ever spent. Reported at head- quarters of General Howard and relieved. Captain Wit- telsy, assistant adjutant general, of Howard's staff, told me my application was approved. He sent it up for leave of absence for ten days. This will let me go home in a day or two. Just received my papers to go home ; expect to go in the morning. March 2nd. Started at break of day for Falmouth Sta- tion and home. March i6th. Arrived from Harrisburg twO' days ago. Not so well since I left on the second. Nothing of note occurred but the routine of camp and picket duty. Colonel Jennings reported to General Couch's headquarters as corps officer. Our pickets returned to camp at 11 o'clock. D. Campbell purchased one gallon of oysters at Stone- man's Landing. We had a big mess about 9 p. m. March 17th. St. Patrick's Day. The Irish Brigade, General Meagher, are having a good time. Our band has been hired for the day. High mass at 8 a. m., all the country being there. A shaved pig (greased) will be one of the feats ; also a greased pole, with a bottle of whiskey at the top. The man wdio catches the greased pig and holds it will get fifteen days' furlough, and fifteen dollars. The man who climbs the greasy pole gets the whiskey, etc. Three p. m. Horse-racing. Generals Hooker, Couch, Howard, French, many brigadiers, and thousands of spec- tators were present. One horse fell and broke his neck; and the rider's neck also broken. Four p. m. heavy can- nonading heard about ten miles on our right. General Meagher told the boys, "Now boys, go to your regiments and get your sticks, for there will be other fun ahead for you to do." There was a general stampede for the different 284 MEMORIAL HISTORY camps. The cannonading was kept up until near sunset. At dress parade the assistant adjutant-general of Meagh- er's staff came and told our band to come over, and they would have more fun for the boys tonight, as they heard of the extent of the firing. Thus ended the 17th, St. Pat- rick's Day. March i8th. The left battaliou of the regiment goes on picket at eight-thirty this morning. About twenty-five rebel prisoners (Stuart's Cavalry) brought in, and quite a number of horses. Our cavalry made a raid on them, on our right, and beat them back. An order that I am to act as General officer of the corps; to report at 9 a. m. to-mor- row to General Couch for instructions. March 19th. I reported to General Couch at 8.30 A. M. The staff ofificer said, "Are you in command ol your regiment?"' I said, "No, the colonel and lieutenant- colonel are on duty." He then said, "None but brigadiers and colonels in command of regiments can serve as corps officers. There is some mistake ; I will report to General Couch." The staff ofificer returned, and said, "You being a major, could not order your superior officers. The Gen- eral appoints you on his staff for to-day. You then say to your superior officers, 'By request of General Couch, etc' '' I then reported to the Lacy House and relieved the colonel of the 69th P. V. Took an orderly and started over the reserve line, about two miles below the Lacy House. I then commenced on the left of line to carry out the orders I was instructed in. All pickets, in daytime, to be with- drawn from the river two or three hundred yards, so they could not talk across the river. At night the pickets to be advanced to the river bank, but no talking across, etc. The river here was about sixty yards wide, but very deep. The bank on our side was about fifty yards back from the I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 285 river, leaving a flat surface to the water's edge. I rode down to the edge of the water, (my red scarf across my shoulder, as officer of the day), and ordered the men, who were fishing along the river, back, also the pickets, just so they could see the river. The bank on the other side was probably forty feet high, level on top, having quite a num- ber of cabins, wiiere General Barksdale's Division, of Mississippi, camped. While I was giving orders and the men began to move, the Johnnies came out of the cabins and stood with folded arms, gazing at me, and at the movement of the men vvho were falling back to the ridge as directed. I sat on my horse admiring the fine, tall-look- ing men opposite. About thirty or more stood like statues, not knowing what it meant. I then followed the line up the river ordering the pickets to fall back. The rebel pick- ets on the other side took it all in as the line fell back. The river being narrow, so much talk across it could not be prevented unless such a change was made. Arrived at the Lacy House at noon, where I met David Campbell, our quartermaster-sergeant, who said there was a mistake made. You were to go on division picket. General Owens will relieve you, and you report to General How- ard. General Howard said, "It was a mistake on our part. You go to our second division pickets." Reported at the grand reserves at about 2 p. m. Met Major Roberts, of the 72nd P. v., commandant of the line, and officers of the 71st P. V. (ist California), and io6th P. V., Colonel Morehead's regiment. I then passed to the left of line near Falmouth, and took supper at Mr. Bryins, the very place my brother, George F. Rohrer, of Harrisburg, and myself visited in i860. Bryins is from Maryland, and his wife from Philadelphia. She was a tall, fine looking woman. Major Roberts and I went over the picket line. 286 MRMORIAL HISTORY Returned and slept in Ivir. Bryins" parlor. SnOiwing and cold. Our supper cost fifty cents each, and a mighty poor one at that. These people being between the two lines, could get nothing from either side, so they often lived very poorly. March 24th, 1863. Since my last date nothing occurred but the daily routine of picket duty and regular camp duty. Today it is ten years since I was married. I wrote home to know if my wife still remembers the date. The 130th P. V. bought a sword, belt and sash for Lieutenant- Colonel John Lee of the same regiment, to be presented to him at dress parade. Colonel Jennings, Lieutenant-Colo- nel Alleman and myself were invited to be present at the evening festival. Colonel Jennings came from Falmouth, he being relieved as commander of the Third Brigade by our old commander, Colonel Hall, of the 7th Michigan. Colonel Jenniiigs and myself started for the 130th P. V.; raining briskly. We had a good reception, the tent being crowded with officers. The first thing was whiskey, — plain. Next, draft ale, a large bucket full. Next, cheese and bread, etc., and to finish we had milk-punch. A num- ber of the of^cers were quite lively, particularly those ol the 14th Connecticut, — from a temperance State. We re- turned to camp at 10.30 p. m., in fine condition ! and health. Raining fast, and dark. Wednesday, March 25th. Captain Shott started a sub- scription among the officers for a sword, belt, spurs and sash for Colonel Jennings, as a token of esteem. Raised $167 b}' noon. No drill. Boys blacking up their belts and equipments for inspection. Governor Curtin expected to- morrow, he being on a visit to the Pennsylvania regiments, March 26th. Sent Quartermaster-Sergeant D. Camp- bell over to the 130th Regiment for one gallon of ale at one dollar a gallon. While Campbell was talking with the I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 287 purveyor, the ale all leaked out — or in — so another gallon was bought. David Campbell started for Washington to purchase the equipment to be presented, (unknown), to Colonel Jennings. The Army of the Potomac was reor- ganized. Major-General Burnside was relieved from the command, and joined his old corps, the 9th. Major-Gen- erals Sumner and Franklin relieved. Fighting Joe Hook- er took command of the Army of the Potomac. General Howard took command of the nth Corps. General Gib- bons took command of the 2nd Division, 2nd Corps. Gen- eral Hooker said the 127th Regiment P. V. was the best disciplined of all the nine-month men in service. I bought a kit of mackerel for the mess from the purveyor of the 130th P. V. Colonel Jennings came to the Temple tor a sing. The trio sang, then finished with hot commis- sary. Very good for a bad cold ; also a preventative. March 27th. Half the regiment gone on picket. Cap- tain Awl officer of pickets. I bought a pair of chickens for one dollar from the purveyor of the 130th P. V. ; will have pot-pie for dinner. Colonel Jennings and self rode over to the 27th Connecticut Regiment. Their numbers have de- creased very much by desertions — high bounty fellows. Towards evening we saw quite a gathering; it was the Philadelphia Brigade, General Owens. Colonel Jennings, Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman, Quartermaster Orth, and myself rode over. It was Governor Curtin reviewing the 2d Brigade, (Owens), from Philadelphia. We heard the Governor make a fine speech, and he was cheered most heartily. We talked with him and invited him to our camp, but as we were the only regiment from Pennsylva- nia in the brigade, he did not have time to call. Must re- view another brigade in the morning, then go tO' our left and review General Reynolds' division. Comments from 288 MEMORIAL HISTORY officers of other States, that we had the right kind of a Governor. He looks after his soldiers, and takes an in- terest in their welfare. Met at the Temple. Colonel Jen- nings, Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman, Surgeon Horner, Dr. Vastine, and other officers discussing what the next move will be, and general topics. March 28th. Raining and thundering. Inspection at 10 A. M. dispensed with, on account of the rain. Captain Ball returned from home. Detail for picket tomorrow at 8.30 A. M., forty-five men and our band, to form on grounds near Owens' Brigade, a regular grand guard mount of 600 men. Sunday, March 29th. Beautiful morning, but cold. Pickets start; also band. Inspected by companies. The inspector inspected all the companies and the regimental books to-day. Captain John Caslow, quartermaster-general on Meade's staff at Stoneman's Switch, was to see us ; also his brother, William, both schoolmates of mine; and the captain's son. Invited us over to dinner. They left for the 132nd P. V. General Howard and his brother visited our hospital. David Campbell returned from Washing- ton without sword or belt which was to be presented to Colonel Jennings. He said while on the boat, the money fell from his pocket into the water. Very funny, indeed ! As the three grand divisions were broken up, and General Hooker took command, the Army of the Potomac was re- organized, as follows: ist Corps commanded by Major- General John F. Reynolds, 2nd Corps by Major-General Couch, 3rd Corps by Major-General D. E. Sickles, 5th Corps by Major-General George G. Meade, 6th Corps by Major-General Sedgwick, nth Corps by Major-General O. O. Howard, 12th Corps by Major-General Slocum. The 9th Corps, Burnside's, left for Newport News. As I27TH REGIMENT, P. VV 289 Stated before, D. Campbell returned from Washington without sword, belt, sash or spurs. Everything could be had except the sword, — unsatisfactory quality, and none purchasable short of Philadelphia. So no purchase was made, and he returned to Acquia, where he let his pocket book fall into the river, losing the $167. What the officers will say about the loss remains to be seen. March 30th. Colonel Hall, of the 7th Michigan, and commander of our brigade, paid us a visit. He is a very pleasant man, and very much of a gentleman. Lieutenant Jones, of the ist Minnesota Regiment, played a game of chess with me. By hard work, I won the game. I had given Colonel Jennings, Adjutant Chayne and Lieutenant Wise, some lessons on chess at the Temple. Of course they would have enjoyed it if I had been beaten. No laugh this time. The officers met at the Sibley, (Quarter- master Orth's, Commissary). Captain John K. Shott stated to the meeting the case relative to the money which had been collected for the sword, belt, sash and spurs, and which was lost by D. Campbell. All felt disappointed, but it was decided that the proceedings rest for the pres- ent. Several games of chess played by Colonel Jennings and Adjutant Chayne. Eleven p. m. Adjourned. March 31st. Raining, and three inches of snow. Our pickets left. Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman is General Field officer of the day, and has gone. Colonel Jennings dined with me; we had meat-pie. Captain Nissley is sick, and Lieutenant Wise has gone on picket, in his place. April 1st, 1863. Considerable stir and noise. Four a. M. an orderly opened my door and notified me to be ready to fall in at a moment's notice ; the Rebs on the Harwood Road. Got up; found all the companies in a stir. Un- easy about the lieutenant-colonel, who is on picket. Our companies all formed and ready in company streets; 290 MEMORIAL HISTORY stacked arms and retired for an hour. The batteries ready to pull out. Very cold ; ground frozen hard. After drink- ing a cup of coffee I retired for an hour, first having my horse fed and cleaned. Our detail of pickets start to the front. Ten a. m. All quiet; the battery horses un- hitched. My horse feed stolen last night. The Rebs mov- ing some on the other side of the Rappahannock. Deser- tions nearly every day from the Rebs. The other day one swam the river. He said they had only one pint of flour and a quarter-pound of fliich a day, and were miserably clad. About six Rebs were crossing in a boat, to desert, but were fired upon, and compelled to go back. The Tem- ple full to-night; chess and cards. April 2nd. All quiet along the line. Exceedingly warm and sultry. Sudden changes hard on our men. Pickets, as usual, gone, and those out returned to camp. Colonel Jennings and myself visited the 24th New Jersey ; the regiment was out on picket. Went on the parade ground and saw the 28th New Jersey drill. They drilled very badly, but better than any time before. Pontoon wagons moving last night and to-day hauling planking, headed up the river. Notified that Major Rohrer of the 127th Regiment, will report at these headquarters as com- mandant of division pickets at 8.30 to-morrow. April 3rd. The quartermaster bought two shad for one dollar at Acquia Creek, yesterday; so we had shad for breakfast. I reported to the picket post, 468 privates, seven sergeants, twenty-six corporals, thirteen line ofK- cers, one commandant of pickets, one division field officer, and one corps officer, who has supervision of the whole corps. I passed over the line from 12 to 4 p. m. Sent the grand guard out at 9 p. m. to relieve the others. I put my gum blanket on the ground and my I27'in REGIMENT, P. V. 29 1 Other blanket on top, and tried to sleep in the open air. Heard a noise, saw a horse coming down the hill right for my head. Got up; horse stops. It was my horse; I caught him. Tried to sleep ; getting colder. April 4th. Could not sleep. Got up at 2 a. m. and rode over the line (very cold for April), and returned at 4 A. M. I sat by a poor fire, perfectly chilled, until daylight. The relief came at 9.30 a. m. The ma- jor of the 34th New York relieved me, and Colonel Jen- nings relieved the division officer. I returned to camp. The regiment reviewed at 3 p. m. Cold and stormy. A. A. I. General, Lieutenant Casto, came and inspected the regiment. Review and inspection satisfactory ; so re- ported. About dusk a terrible snow storm. Lieutenant- Colonel Alleman's chimney blew down, falling oti his tent, but did not break through. Other chimneys and tents blown down. The whole camp aroused. Some fires among the tents, but not serious. Sunday, April 5th. This morning there was six inches of snow in front of my tent. Our sleeping tent all right. All our mess are away; so Lieutenant Reed, acting adju- tant, is my bed fellow. Easter Sunday. Still snowing. Our pickets came to camp ; they suffered much. No fires allowed on picket line. April 6th. Lieutenant Reed detailed for court-martial. Colonel Jennings and Lieutenant Colonel Alleman started to see the review of cavalry by President Lincoln. I did not go ; had a bad cold and felt very unwell. A fine show ; about 15,000 cavalry reviewed. The Rebs were on top of the hills looking at the review, opposite Fredericksburg, (but back from the river). It was expected some shells would be thrown across among the cavalry, but they were not molested. Had they fired shells among the troops, hot 292 MEMORIAL HISTORY shot would have been fired into the city and the town burned. To-morrow 80,000 infantry will be reviewed. John Osman, Campany "H/' died this morning from ty- phoid fever. Orders came for review to-morrow, and one meal in haversack for dinner; also a detail of fifteen men and one officer to report at corps headquarters at 6 A. M. to-morrow. April 7th. Not well, but rode to brigade headquarters to get a furlough for John McDermit, of Company "G," to take the dead body of John Osman home. Waited until Colonel Hall came at 11 a. m. He was acting corps officer. Accomplished my object, reported to General Gibbon. He not being there, left the paper with Major Whittelsy, then rode over and saw Colonel Walker, of Couch's staff", and returned to camp. April 8th. Colonel Jennings received orders at i a. m. this morning to appear on review with the regiment at 9.30 a. m. The regiment left for review, but I was not well enough to go. Company "H" started on picket. Captain F. Asbury Awl, Company "A," (at Washington), is here on a visit to the regiment, to visit his brother. Cap- tain J. Wesley Awl, of Company "B." The furlough for McDermit arrived in the morning. He will take the corpse home. President Lincoln, General Hooker, and a host of Generals reviewed about 300 regiments, in all about 82,000 men. It was a brilliant afifair. Mrs. Lincoln, and other ladies were there. Young Lincoln, about twelve years old, rode along with his father. Cold and cloudy. Colonel Jennings detailed for corps officer. Thursday, April 9th. Shipped the body of Osman off for Harrisburg. Colonel Jennings started for picket. Company drill forenoon and afternoon. Company "H" returned from picket. Company "D" goes on picket to- morrow. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 293 April loth. Spring morning. Company "I" and part of Company "B" go on picket. Colonel Jennings returned from picket. Rebs called over that we have Charleston. Another says, "You got rats at Charleston." Lieutenant Driver, acting assistant adjutant-general of our brigade, came to inspect the adjutant's books. Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman is mustering the regiment, (as to numbers), to report to Attorney-General at Harrisburg, to be enrolled with the militia of the State for draft. Saturday, April nth. Quartermaster Orth and I took a ride, being a fine morning. We rode all around General French's Division. Called on 130th P. V. Met Lieuten- ant-Colonel Lee ; he set up the commissary. Then rode over to the Harwood Road, looked at a battery drill, rode through General Owens' brigade, and left for Falmouth. Met Colonel Jennings. His horse made a sudden stop, and the colonel fell plump on his hind quarters, not hurt, but shook up some. Returned to the regiment; very hot. Sunday, April 12th. Inspection of the regiment at 2 p. M. At 4 p. M. Captain Nissley, Quartemiaster Orth, Lieutenant Reed and myself rode to Stoneman's Switch. Called at headquarters of General Meade, on Captain John Caslow, quartermaster of corps. The cap- tain treated to ale. Returned by way of General Howard's headquarters. Commenced to rain ; arrived at camp after dusk; quite damp. Captain Caslow told us that 10,000 cavalry men would move in the morning; also the ist and 3rd Coqjs, and artillery. April 13th. The troops, as stated yesterday, are in mo- tion. It is reported that Stuart's cavalry are traveling to- wards Pennsylvania, and that our troops are going after Stuart. Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman detailed as division officer for pickets, at 8.30 to-morrow morning. Re- 294 me:morial history ported Lee's army is moving- towards Winchester. Or- ders to iiave three days' rations drawn. I was just detailed as commandant of pickets, to report at 8.30 a. m. to-morrow. This is unusual, two field officers from same regiment at one time, for same picket line. Another order to draw five days' more rations, three cooked ; in haver- sack, and five in knapsack. April 14th. Pine morning-. Lieutenant-Colonel and myself left for picket post with 500 men. Rebs sent over a little boat rigged with rudder, with some Richmond pa- pers. General Couch anxious to hear from Charleston. It was rumored that our iron-clad had been repulsed, and also our land forces. Company "B" and part of Company "D" are on picket. April 15th. Our regiment and the whole army ordered to be ready to move at 9 a. m. Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman started for camp ; first reported to headquarters. Raining, raining! I returned to camp at 11 a. m. well soaked with rain. By an order, all the supplies and baggage, even the blankets of the men, were to be sent off for Washington, all to be ready for march with eight days' rations. The field officers to carry eight days' feed (oats, etc.) , on their horses. Reported that the cavalry force had returned, and most of the 400 wagons had returned also. A game of euchre at the Temple ; Captains Shott, Hender- son, Nissley and myself were the players. April 1 8th. Company "H ' gone on picket. Paymaster Walker arrived at the 59th New York and paid them ofit ; arrived at our camp at 8 p. m. and paid ofif five com- panies. We made milk-punch for the paymaster, and our gang at the Temple; condensed milk, commissary, boiling water and sugar; very good for a bad cold, you know. Colonel Jennings gave his bed to the paymaster, then I shared half of my bed wilh him. 12'/Tll REGIMENT, P. V. 295 Sunday, April 20th. Company "I" goes on picket, Cap- tain Nissley, at 8 a. m. Raining. Quartermaster Orth left for Acquia Station to express the officers' money home. It is reported that President Lincoln and General Halleck visited General Hooker last night. Quartermas- ter Orth returned from expressing our money, and brought two shad and three rock fish. What a feast we had ! Still raining. April 2 1 St. Shad and shad eggs for breakfast; high living, when we got it. Company "C" and part of Com- pany "B" go on picket. Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman took off dress parade. Chess at the Temple, Colonel Jennings three games behind. April 22nd. Our pickets gone as usual. Colonel Jen- nings and Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman rode over to Colo- nel Allebaugh's brigade. The news is that a move will be made in a few days. Colonel Jennings and self rode over to the 130th P. v., and then to the 132nd P. V., and re- turned to camp. Retired at ten o'clock. I took a blue pill. This is the greatest country to get bilious I ever knew. Since General Hooker has command of the Army of the Potomac, he has given plenty of work for the cavalry on our right. General Stoneman has been making raids all the time. General Hooker said he never saw a dead cav- alryman, and gives them plenty of w^ork to do. April 23rd. Raining hard; small streams swollen, and the Rappahannock is high. Word from tlie War Depart- ment that the expiration of the nine-month men would be reckoned from the time the last company was mustered into the United States service. Colonel Jennings and self played three games of chess, the Colonel winning two out of the three. He would not play any more that night, but he played with Captain Greenawalt. Not feeling well, I retired and left them playing. 296 MEMORIAL HISTORY April 24th. Camp and picket duty, as usual. Dress parade at 5 p. m. Colonel Jennings and self had an in- vitation from Lieutenant-Colonel Thoman, of the 59th New York, to spend the evening with him, which we did. Several glasses of egg-nog, several games of chess, and a parting salute. We returned to our camp ; distance to our camp fifty feet. j\Iet at the Temple and sang several pieces of music before retiring; our voices so clear and sweet after drinking the egg-nog. Saturday, April 25th. Sold my gray mare ; she is nearly played out. Just notified to go on picket as general officer oi division and report at headquarters of General Gibbon at 8.30 A. M. tomorrow. Our band plays every evening in front of Colonel Jennings' headquarters. Of course every one can listen to the sweet music, and we all enjoy it. April 26th. Fine cool morning. Started for picket line, first reporting at headquarters. Relieved Colonel More- head, of the io6th P. V. Colonel Cane, of the 69th P. V., corps officer. Arrested Captain S. S. Chase and his ser- geant, of the 1 2th New Jersey, also a private of the 34th New York, they being caught in the act of sending a small boat with papers, (called "Christian Banner"), across the river to the Rebs, by the commandant of pickets, Captain Downing, 42nd New York (Tammany), and sent them to me. I then sent the prisoners to division headquarters with an escort of sergeant and six men. Took supper at Bry- ins' and slept in their parlor. Major-General Hooker vis- ited the left and center of my line, with his staff. The General is one of the finest looking men, on horseback, I ever saw, and the best rider in the army, so it is said. April 27th. Returned to camp. Sent my written re- port to headquarters. Several days ago a discovery was I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 297 made in f^almouth, of a submarine cable or telegraph across the Rappahannock, where the Rebs got all the news from our side as fast as we got it. Several men were caught in the act of telegraphing, in a brick house near the river. They were arrested, and on Saturday General Hooker had the old man shot, and his son put in irons. Orders to be ready to move at a moment's notice. Eight days' rations and horse feed, etc. Colonel Hall, of the 7th Michigan, and commander of our 3rd Brigade, called on Colonel Jennings and ordered the Regiment to move at 9 p. M., (after taps), with everything. Company "H," Captain Shott, remains in camp to guard the baggage, etc., also the camp of 59th New York. The regiment moved to Falmouth and encamped on the plain near the town, and bivouacked for the night, without tents, a bright moon- light night. Snow towards morning. April 28th. Men ordered to put up shelter tents. Quar- termaster Orth and self rode up to our camp, (Alleman), all the camps around had left except our division. Trains of baggage and army wagons going out the Harwood Road, up the river. The field officers' tents were put up. Dress parade at 5 p. m. This camp named Rohrer. Strict orders from headquarters to be ready to move at a moment's notice. Our band serenaded Colonel Hall, com- manding our 3rd Brigade. April 29th. Damp morning. Distant firing of cannon heard. Artillery moving. Troops crossed three miles be- low Fredericksburg, Sedgwick's corps of 23,500 men. Thursday, April 30th. Rained during the night, and still raining. Part of our camp drowned out ; we will look for a better locality. Took a look, from the hill, at the Rebs and Sedgwack's skirmish line on the other side of the river. Our balloons are up on the right and left. This t 298 MEMORIAL HISTORY is, by President's proclamation, Thanksgiving Day. Five p. M. Major-General Hooker just rode by our camp with his staff of lancers. Report of artillery on our left. Our regiment mustered for pay today. Seven p. m. Ordered to be ready to move at break of day. General Hooker is- sued a circular, that the enemy must evacuate or come out of their trenches and fight. General Hooker is a good or- ganizer. The army never was better equipped in every respect than now ; not even a shoe-string was wanting. May 1st. Arose at 2.30 a. m. Ate breakfast at 3.30 A. m. Ready to march at break of day. The news quite flattering of yesterday's work on the right. General Hooker issued a circular, that we had the enemy, that they must either flee or come out of their entrenchments and fight, and if they do so, we will annihilate them. One p. m. Heavy firing of cannon on our right. One hundred and eighty prisoners just brought through Falmouth from our right. I was detailed to go on picket in the morning as commandant of the line. Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman was also detailed as General officer of pickets for to-mor- row at 8 A. m. May 2nd. Lieutenant-Colonel Alleman and self re- ported to General Gibbon for instructions. For some days previous, our cavalry had crossed the river and made a raid down near Richmond, destroying railroads and all communications with General Lee. Some of the cavalry came east of Fredericksburg and the Potomac river, des- troying all communication with Lee. They made a com- plete circuit. BENJAMIN F. BRANDT. I'riv.ilc f.i. •II," 127th Uc^'iniuiit, I'. V, Trcasiiri 1 Kc.uiniciitjil A-^Sdi-iiition. :\liil(!lc(nui!. P:|. CHAPTER X The 127th Regimental Association. /Tf^lT WAS a quarter of a century after the muster- MiL^ J °"^ ^^ ^^^ regiment, that an organized Associa- i^^^ tion of the survivors of the 127th Regiment was formed. Considering the strong company attachments, notably in Companies "B" and "E," and to a considerable extent m Companies ''C" and "H," with more or less company ties in each of the other companies, and withal, the bond seasoned with pride of the regimental ties, it seems strange that what was accomplished at that late day, should not have been effected earlier. Generally, those ties of broth- erhood assert themselves in the early stages after regi- mental dissolution, as they are then considered strongest and most forcible, — certainly stronger in numbers, as each year decimates the ranks, and years, presumably, weaken the ardor. It is sure that some of the comrades favored such an organization from the date of honorable dis- charge; but while the war was prolonged, many, and in- deed most of the members of the regiment entered the service in other companies, and other regimental or- ganizations, forming later camp and field ties ; while the general excitement incident to the war diverted the thoughts, and made the reminiscences of '62 and '63 but a mere shadow of the actuality; but after peace had been as- sured, and the comrades returned to civil life, and had ample time to think over their experience in the 127th 299 300 MEMORIAL HISTORY Regiment, the surprise heightens that such an organiza- tion was not formed in the middle of the sixties. Some ex- pression was given to that idea; but Colonel Jennings frowned upon it, and without his full co-operation, such an undertaking would have been considered injudicious. Comment was freely made upon the fact that the three field officers, each and all with splendid military records, should have entirely eschewed military display, and fame in that line, after the war. Notwithstanding the fact that both the Colonel and the Lieutenant-Colonel recruited emergency regiments, and again entered the service, re- spectively as Colonels of those regiments, yet neither of the field officers, after the termination of hostilities, con- nected themselves with the militia, or showed the slightest wish or pleasure in "Sunday soldiering." They made their military records on the bloodiest fields of battle fought in the great Civil War, and they rested upon their laurels, content with the military fame which they then and there acquired. The same feelings prevailed generally among the staff and line officers. It is a notable fact, which redounds to the honor and glory of the 127th Regiment, that, notwithstanding the reality, that so many of the officers and men of this regi- ment served subsequently, in other regiments, until the termination of the war, that their hearts seemed to be with the "Dauphin County Regiment;" and they manifested their love for it, in giving it their preference in the forma- tion of regimental associations. While Colonel Jennings yielded to the persistent en- treaties of his old command, and concluded, after so many years of separation, to call the boys together, its popu- larity was manifest, as the response was general and hearty. Even though they had scattered all over the I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 3OI country, they came together to do honor to their old com- manders, and grasp their fellow comrades by the hand again. At the first meeting, under the call of Colonel Jennings, he was unanimously selected as President of the Associa- tion. A committee on constitution and by-laws was ap- pointed, and it was agreed that regular annual meetings should be held thereafter, during the life-time of the sur- vivors, on the 3rd of May, — the anniversary of the battle of Chancellorsville. At the meeting of the comrades, which was held at Har- risburg on the 3rd of May, 1889, the committee appointed at the former meeting, reported a constitution and bylaws, embodying the primogeniture feature of the Loyal Legion, with rules governing the Association, and naming the or- ganization "The 127th Regiment Association." Colonel Jennings refused to permit his name to be used again as President of the Association ; so Dr. S. H. Guil- ford, of Philadelphia, late of Company "E," was elected President ; Colonel W. W. Jennings, President of the First National Bank of Harrisburg, was elected first Vice-Pres- ident; Colonel J. Wesley Awl, a lawyer, of Harrisburg, late captain of Company "B," was elected second Vice- President ; and Colonel H. C. Alleman, of New York, late Lieutenant-Colonel of the regiment, was elected third Vice President; and Major J. Rohrer, of Lancaster, was chosen as Marshal. Comrade George D. Rise, of Lebanon, late of Company "E," was elected Historian and Treasurer; Major Chas. H. Small, of Harrisburg, late sergeant-major of the regi- ment, was elected Recording Secretary; and Lieutenant Albert J. Eager, alderman of Harrisburg, was elected Cor- responding Secretary. 302 MEMORIAL HISTORY The following executive committee was elected : Com- rades LeRiie Lemer, Company "A;" John F. Kerper, Company "B;" George C. Buser, Company "C;" Captain James B. Keene, Company "D;" S. S. Shirk, Company "E;" Andrew Santo, Company "F;" Samuel Eberly, Company "G;" H. H. Brandt, Company "H;" David Early, Company "I ;" and Sergeant Henry J. Euston, of Company "K." This launched the 127th Regimental As- sociation, which has since become the pride of each and all of the surviving comrades. Comrade Rise filled his dual position with very great credit to himself, and to the entire satisfaction of the As- sociation, for several years. He made a statement at one of the meetings of the Association that he thought it only fair that the honors should be divided ; sO' he voluntarily resigned the office of Treasurer, and continued to act as the historian of the regiment up to the time of his death. Comrade Benjamin Brandt, of Middletown, late of Company "H," was elected Treasurer, and has continued to fill that position very creditably, and his re-election each year is the best indication of the appreciation of his fel- low comrades. These Regimental reunions, or annual meetings of the Association are held alternately at Harrisburg, Lebanon, Hummelstown, Middletown and Steelton on the 3rd of May in each year. It is the custom of the President of the Association to deliver an address on taking the chair, after which there is roll-call, and reports are noted by the Secretary of the deaths from each company during the past year. After the election of officers for the ensuing year, and the transac- tion of routine business, an adjournment takes place for a banquet ; and in the evening a camp-fire is held, at which 127TH REGIMENT, P. V. 3©^ set Speeches are made, and each and all of the comrades have the privilege of the floor, and they invariably manage to thoroughly enjoy themselves. As the several comrades successively reached the Presi- dency of the Association, the following addresses were re- spectively delivered by them : ADDRESS OF COLONEL W. W. JENNINGS. Before the Association, at Its First Reunion at Harrisburg. While the regiment was in the military service, I was in the habit of relying upon my Lieutenant-Colonel to make speeches ; but now, since I am out of the service, I am compelled to rely on myself. Making speeches is not in my line; but I have never yet refused to respond to a call, and I am not in the habit of refusing to discharge a duty. I hesitated a long time about calling my surviving com- rades together, and only concluded to obey your bidding after receiving appeals from many of you, strongly urging me to do so; and now that we have come together, I rejoice with you, and trust that our annual reunions will be enjoyable and profitable. Surely the older we grow, and the oftener we meet in these annual reun- ions, the interest will necessarily be increased from time to time. It is always a pleasure to me to meet the officers and men whom I have commanded, and I have no doubt that the feeling is more or less reciprocal. I have always felt proud of having commanded the 127th regiment, which should have been numbered the 122nd, as we were the first ten companies recruited and 304 MEMORIAL HISTORY accepted; but the fight which was made on the organiza- tion of the field officers kept us back, and we lost five num- bers through that delay, in settling the controversy. It was a matter of regret that only nine companies went to the front; and it is consoling at this late day that we acted like soldiers and obeyed orders without questioning the propriety of those orders ; and I have always felt that the men were not to blame, and should not be held ac- countable for the disintegration, caused by the detail of Company "A" during our entire term of service. It has always been a feeling of pride to me that the regi- ment, or nine companies which saw active service in the front, received the high praise in ''general orders" at the termination of our service ; and too much praise cannot be bestowed upon you for your manliness and your patriot- ism in going into the last battle which we fought, really after your term of ser\'ice had expired. The question was not raised, and not a single objection was made to me, and I never heard even a murmur that was ever made by any officer, non-commissioned officer or private against going into battle, simply because of the expiration of our term of service. We would have been entirely justified in re- fusing to obey an order to march in the face of the enemy under such circumstances, and disregarding such an order was clearly our right ; but on the contrary, instead of dis- obeying orders, or even feeling inclined to do so, every man seemed eager and anxious to march against and fight the enemy, notwithstanding the fact that the term of our enlistment had expired, which is very much to the credit of the 127th Regiment, and every officer and man con- nected with it. I feel a greater pride in this fact than in any other, as it shows conclusively that the 127th Regi- ment was made up of patriotic material, and was entitled COLONEL WILLLAM W. JENNINGS. Late SheriCE of DauMliiii Ci'Uiity. rn-sidont First National Bank. Prcsiilcnt Comnionwealth Trust and S. D. Co. Harrisluirg. Pa. Diud February 2-ltli, 1S04. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 30$ to the very highest praise, fully justified by general orders, issued by General Gibbon in May, 1863. I congratulate you on so large an attendance, and while we cannot expect subsequent meetings to be as large, there is no reason why they should not be fully as enthusiastic, and as thoroughly enjoyable, with a less number of our survivors meeting from time to time. ADDRESS OF DR. SIMEON H. GUILFORD, Of Philadelphia, Late of Company "E," on His Election as President of the Association. We rejoice that after the lapse of more than a quarter of a century, so many of us are able to be present and take part in the celebration of this, our second reunion. It is eminently fitting that our gathering should be held in this city, for it was here that the regiment was organ- ized, and here too, that it was mustered out of service. More than this, it was in large measure a "Dauphin County Regiment," for this city and county not only fur- nished four-fifths of the rank and file, but also supplied all of the regimental officers except one. A new class of men promptly came forward and offered their services. Students fresh from college; young men pursuing their professional studies; teachers in educa- tional institutions ; men from the bank and counting-house and railroad office; lawyers, physicians, merchants and clergymen came forward in response to the call, and were mustered into the service. Of such men as these, for the most part unused to manual toil or hardship, who were accustomed to labor with their brains rather than with their hands, were our ranks largely made up. 3o6 MEMORIAL HISTORY They were not carried away by exuberance of patriot- ism begotten of the drum-beat or bugle-call, but they went calmly, actuated only by the sternest sense of duty to their country. Our regiment was singularly fortunate in having among its ofBcers and privates so large a proportion of men of liberal education and refinement. Equally fortunate were we in the personnel of the line and stafif, for they were gentlemen of the highest type; vipright, honorable and brave, who knew, not only how to preserve the dignity of their own manhood, but also how to care for the comfort and well-being of those whom they commanded. Not one of them sullied his reputation or lessened his influence by dishonorable act ; and none flinched in the try- ing ordeal of battle. Some had considerable experience in military affairs; others were men whose rare intelligence and experience in the world well fitted them for the posi- tions they held; while others, by their lack of fear, in- spired and encouraged those whom they led. Of our commanding officers we also had reason to feel proud. Our young and gallant colonel — long may he live! — was the possessor of many qualities that admirably fitted him for the position he held. Well versed in the handling and training of men in camp, he entered upon his first field service with the ability and confidence of a veteran. Strict and stern when on duty, he was at other times on companionable terms with every member of the regiment, the private receiving as much consideration at his hands as the officer. Kind, gentle, dignified and brave, he easily won the love and re- spect of all. Assigned to duty with the Army of the Potomac, our 127TH REGIMENT, P. V. 307 regiment experienced the same vicissitudes during our term of service, as fell to the lot of the army in general. We marched hundreds of miles, garrisoned forts, guarded bridges, and participated in two of the bloodiest battles of the war. We suffered at times from the heat of southern suns and winter's cold ; from hunger and thirst and sick- ness. We experienced the varying sensations of victory and defeat, and were made fully acquainted with the hor- rors of battle, and the hardships of army life. We honor- ably and faithfully performed all duties assigned us with credit to ourselves and the satisfaction of those under whom we served. Who could do more ? We are not here today, however, to laud ourselves and tell of all we did. We have come, instead, to meet one an- other, and renew the acquaintance of twenty-five years ago. Some of us have met in the intervening time, but most of us have been as strangers since the day of our disbandment. To-day we come together virtually for the first time as survivors of an organization, and as hand clasps hand, and eye meets eye, long trains of memories will start un- bidden from the dark and hidden recesses of the brain, and stand forth illumed as in the day of their creation. Scenes and incidents of camp, and picket, and march, and battle, will be recalled, and youth will be temporarily renewed in their recital. Strange and yet not strange, is that unde finable bond of sympathy and friendship that ex- ists among comrades of a once great army. Thrown to- gether as strangers at a time of life when the affections are fresh and new, and friendships easily formed, the intimacy of camp life, conjoined with community of interest, and common sense of danger, bring about new associations that grow in strength as the days go by. 308 MEMORIAL HISTORY To drill side by side in the same company or regiment, to bunk in the same mess, to march over the same ground, to fight in the same line, and drink from the same canteen, must necessarily result in that intimacy which is often the forerunner of true friendship. Friendships formed under such circumstances can never die, though they may long [ie dormant underneath the cares and responsibilities of civil life. The renewal and quickening of these old friend- ships will constitute the chief pleasure of our assembling on this occasion, and as we recall the jovial incidents of camp, or picket, or march, or the more serious ones of bat- tle, heart will go out to heart, and the bonds of sympathy be strengthened. Who of us can ever forget our first experience in battle ; the deafening roar of 175 pieces of our artillery as their 9,000 shot and shell rained down upon the doomed city of Fredericksburg? After that the crossing of the volunteers in the open boats; the completion of the bridges; our march to the other side under the fire of scores of batter- ies determined to prevent our crossing. Then our skirmish through the city, by night, fired upon at every step from rifle pit, and cellar, and garret, our way lighted by the lurid flames of the burning buildings, and our subsequent seeking of rest in house or stable, or on side walk. Can we ever forget how, a day later, we were formed in line in one of the streets and marched out upon the field of battle, the greater portion of our way exposed to a terrific fire of shot and shell and bullet ; how, once there, we were quickly formed in line of battle and ordered to advance upon the enemy's works, all bristling with cannon and gleaming with bayonets; or how, after a vain attempt to gain our point in the face of a leaden hail, we were forced to retire and occupy a less murderous position, while other I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 309 troops, division after division, were in like manner re- pulsed ? How can the scenes and occurrences of that fate- ful afternoon in December, 1862, ever be effaced from our memories ? Occupying, as we did, the most deadly posi- tion of the entire line, which has since been designated the "slaughter pen," our ranks decimated in the first attack, we were destined to witness, during the five hours we were in the conflict, some of the most terrible scenes of carnage and destruction that war can produce. Hard fighting, gallant charges and unexampled bravery had failed to accomplish the impossible, and the result of the day's fighting on our side could only be seen in the thousands of our comrades' bodies that covered the bloody field. Toward midnight of Sunday we were again noiselessly marched out and placed in our old position on the field to await the renewal of the fight which came with the early dawn. In that second day's fight the scenes of Saturday were repeated, though in less degree, until the hopeless- ness of our attempt becoming apparent to the command- ing General, we were withdrawn and ordered to our old camps among the Stafford Hills. Disappointed and disheartened, we passed the succeed- ing months in our winter quarters, the monotony of camp life only relieved by picket duty on the river's bank where we could plainly see, and at times converse, with the enemy's picket on the opposite shore. One more battle awaited us early in May. General Hooker, having been appointed to the command of the Army of the Potomac, determined to march on Richmond, partly by way of Fredericksburg, and it again fell to our lot to occupy the old city and attack the heights beyond. 310 MEMORIAL HISTORY Those eventful days of the 3rd and 4th of May, 1863, we shall never forget. The gathering of the troops of the Center Division at the Lacy House about midnight; crossing the pontoon bridge at daybreak ; marching through the city to a plain at its western end ; the hot shelling that greeted us as we made the feint of an attack at that point ; our withdrawal to the city and march southward along the old plank road covered with the dead and dying of the 6th Corps who had just fought over this ground and captured the heights; our further march of four miles in the burning sun, to old Salem church, on the way to Chancellorsville, and then, when our further movement was prevented by Jackson, our return to Fredericksburg under orders to- hold the city and await developments. Then, though weary and exhausted, we were again marched out upon the picket line to spend the night on duty instead of in rest. After guarding the city for an- other day, we re-crossed the river in the dead of night, for defeat had followed close upon the heels of victory. A few weeks later we parted with the army and returned to our homes, our term of service having expired. We did not return, however, as we went out. No regi- ment ever does. There were many who started with us never to return, and in our welcomings and rejoicings to- da}' they must not be forgotten. Some, bearing in their systems the hereditary taint of that dread disease, consumption, had it developed so rap- idly through exposure and hardship, that they were hur- ried home to die ; others not hardy enough to stand the or- deal of soldier life, were stricken down with feverand died in camp ; while others still, and by far the larger portion, yielded up their lives upon the field oi battle. All these I27TH REGIMENT, P. V, 3II we miss today. They, with the hundreds of thousands of others who met the same fate during the four years of war, died that the country might Hve. Brave men all, who made the greatest sacrifice that men can make. Some sleep their last sleep in the quiet church-yards of their boyhood homes, while many lie in the long rows of graves in the National Cemeteries, their last resting place marked by a head-board, inscribed, "Unknown." Peaceful be their rest until they are called to receive the reward of their brave deeds and noble sacrifice. Let us remember that they have but "gone before," and we are slowly following them to that "bourn from whence no traveler returns." Many, unharmed in war, have since passed away, and others will rapidly follow. A quarter of a century has left its time-marks on each of us, and another term of equal length will find but few remaining. ADDRESS OF COLONEL J. WESLEY AWL, As President of the Regimental Association. (Simply an account of the address was published, and no notes of it were found among the papers of Colonel Awl, after his death ; so that the report of this address is made entirely from memory.) My two ranking officers have precedence ; but as one of them moved, and the other seconded the motion for my election, and their choice was unanimously confirmed by you, I see but one thing to do, comrades, submit grace- fully and make your pleasure my duty. These annual gatherings are pleasing reminders of our early association in camp, on the march, on picket and in battle. 312 MEMORIAL HISTORY I often wondered, in reading graphic accounts of great battles, how it was possible to describe the manoeuvres, the advances, the charges, and the retreats in detail, with any degree of accuracy; taking it for granted, that the nearer the describer was to the scene, the better and the more accurate would likely be his description; and then recollecting from my personal and official experience in the engagements in which I, with my company partici- pated, when I was unable to give any satisfactory accounts of the battles, much, if any beyond what pertained to my own command, only increased my wonder at the marvel- ous accounts which correspondents gave, and seemed able to give, of what they saw and heard. But after the capture of Marie's Heights, and the re- turn of the regiment to Fredericksburg; and while I was in charge of the pontoon bridge, I felt curious to get a glimpse oi the battlefield, and if possible, of the trail of the pursuing army, after the retreating enemy. So after giv- ing specific instructions to the lieutenant, whom I left in charge, I walked over the pontoon-bridge, across the plain to the Lacey House, which, from its locality, and height, commanded a fine view of Fredericksburg and the country in the rear. I went to the top of the house, and was not long in taking in the situation. It was a magnificent sight. I could see the great battlefield over which we had fought the previous day; and could, in my own mind, imagine how a person at that distance, with good field glasses, could readily distinguish divisions, brigades and regiments ; and could also readily see where advantages are taken, and po- sitions secured ; and as men dropped, how the ranks would be closed up, presenting a solid phalanx, diminishing each time in its company or regimental front. This solved in my mind a problem, that while "distance lends enchant- I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 3I3 ment to the view," it also concentrates the scope, enabling one to grasp an accurate view in a diminished picture; and I concluded that what had heretofore seemed to me an ut- ter impossibility, might be a certain fact. I could have looked upon the scene for some time with interest; but a new scene developed, which became not only interesting, but rather appalling. I saw the returning army of Gen- eral Lee marching back into their old quarters, and regi- ment after regiment filing into positions, which they evi- dently previously occupied. The 3d Brigade had been ordered back to Fredericks- burg to hold the city. I saw at once the impossibility of our brigade holding the position any length of time against the large bodies of the enemy, apparently getting ready to either capture us, or force our speedy retreat ; so while I enjoyed the reverie, I felt it my duty to return without delay, and report the result of my observation. This observation experience was to me a revelation, and dissipated doubts which had previously troubled me, and went very far in strengthening my faith in the accuracy of history. As we helped to make history, this little experience of mine may be no less interesting to you, than gratifying to me. Thanking you for your courtesy, we will now proceed to business. ADDRESS OF MAJOR J. ROHRER, At Its Fourth Reunion, on His Election as President of the Association. Comrades : — You have chosen me as your President for the ensuing year. I thank you for the compliment, and I 314 MEMORIAL HISTORY hope to fill the office without prejudice or partiality. There is a tie of good feeling and friendship towards each other in this Association, which has also prevailed in the regi- ment, and now, that we are free citizens, let that same feel- mg still pre\-ail amongst us; let us cherish and cultivate that feeling until we meet no more. I can only say, what I have often said before, that it always gives me so much pleasure to meet my comrades at our re-unions, and shake hands with them all. It brings back old recollections of the past, when you faced the elements in doing your duty, through snow, rain, and mud, without a murmur. You have faced the cannon's mouth like men. You stood on the picket post, in face of the enemy, the rain coming down in torrents, or the snow and storm beating your unpro- tected bodies. All these you have endured for the love of your country. I again thank you. ADDRESS OF COLONEL H. C. ALLEMAN, President of the Association. On the 3rd of May, 1893, the Association held its an- nual reunion at ]\Iiddletown, Pa., which was the last meet- ing attended by Colonel W. W. Jennings. The chief burgess made the speech of welcome, and handed over the keys of the treasur}^ welcoming the sur- vivors of the 127th Regiment to the freedom of the bor- ough. Colonel H. C. Alleman, the President of the Asso- ciation, responded as follows : "It joys the hearts and thrills the souls of old soldiers to witness spontaneous outbursts of patriotism, and be greeted with such a genial, such a generous, and such a gracious welcome. It makes us feel that the Union vet- MAJOR JEREMIAH ROHRER. L.-itt' Kc^^isti'i- of Laiu-iistiT fimuiy. Mei'pliant. Lancaster, Pa. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 315 eran has not yet been wholly relegated to the shades of ob- livion, or ingloriously shelved, and labeled a "far back number." "On behalf of my surviving comrades of the 127th Reg- iment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, I thank you, sir, the first citizen and chief magistrate of this progressive bor- ough, for the happy thoughts and beautiful manner in which you have so admirably expressed the kindly wel- come to us ; and I voice the unanimous sentiment of those comrades, in thanking one and all of the people of Middle- town for the flattering compliment of this superb recep- tion. We gladly accept your proffered hospitality with the genuine warmth, and enthusiastic gratitude of sol- diers ; and while we beg to assure you of our grateful ap- preciation of this distinguished honor, we at the same time want you to feel, that in your admiration for the citizen soldiers who nobly fought, as patriots, to uphold the su- premacy of the general government, and maintain the in- tegrity of this glorious Union, you have, by your grand demonstration to-day, tenderly touched a sympathetic chord in our hearts, which vibrates in harmonious unison with your own patriotic and generous impulses. "When Comrade Brandt, of Company "H," one year ago, generously invited the 127th Regimental Association to hold its fifth re-union at Middletown, some fears were expressed, and yet greater fears entertained, that but lit- tle interest would be manifested in our anniversary meet- ing by either the boys of Major Rohrer's old company, or by the citizens generally of your historic borough. We have all, however, learned to know from practical experi- ence, that it is the easiest thing in the world to be mistak- en. I had full confidence in the manliness of Company "H," and from personal and long experience, I well know 3l6 MEMORIAL HISTORY that your substantial citizens never did things by halves, or grudgingly, and that they are a whole-souled, big- hearted and liberal-minded people; so I had no phantom apprehensions, and accordingly voted for Middletown, and I am supremely proud to-day of that vote. "Wherever we hold our reunions, we are greeted by kind friends, and are treated with marked respect and distinguished courtesy. Harrisburg led off with a grand banquet. Lebanon followed, capturing our hearts with their bountiful hospitality and prodigal entertainment. Even the reconstructed people of the classic fields of Fredericksburg were severely reminded that we command and enforce respect. Hummelstown received us with open arms, and in brotherly love treated us splendidly. But Middletown is unique in giving us the first public and official reception, tendering us the freedom of the borough, and welcoming us by its distinguished burgess and honor- able council. I think I unmistakably echo the exuberant feelings of my comrades, when I assert and emphasize the patent fact that without disparaging any of the amenities and courtesies which have heretofore been graciously showered upon us ; that for patriotic manifestations, ar- tistic decorations, genial enthusiasm, official recognition, and graceful hospitality, the public spirited people of Mid- dletown have certainly won the distinctive merit of lead- ing all of the hospitable hosts before them. Like the self- asserting, meritorious wine at the marriage feast of Cana in Galilee, the "best" has cleverly been reserved for the "last.^^ "In passing through your gayly decorated streets today, beautifully festooned with "Old Glory," that patriotic in- spiring banner of freedom seems to have been unfurled from every house-top, and streaming from every window, I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 31/ reminding one of our own dear, dear flag. When we entered the mihtary service of our country, the grand old War Governor of this Commonwealth presented tO' us a stand of colors, in the name of the Keystone State. Those beau- tiful stars and stripes, whose clustered galaxy embody the unity idea of the States; and whose white and red folds are typical of the crests of victory, and the blood of sacri- fice, all symbolic and emblematic of one united and insep- arable great nationality, constitute the American flag. That flag was our pride and our constant admiration. We carried it in triumph through every battle in which we participated. We brought back that flag, bullet-ridden, torn, tattered, and in shreds from the burning, devastat- ing missiles of treason, it is true; but untarnished, un- scathed and gloriously free from even the taint of dis- honor. I wish that idol which we worshipped in earlier years were here to-day. That flag was never sullied, pol- luted or touched by Rebel hands ; it was never trailed or lowered ; and no true soldier believes in humbling, or low- ering the great American flag. "As Company "H" has been an important factor in mak- ing this re-union a memorable success, notwithstanding the fact that only a squad remains of the hundred Middle- town boys who enrolled themselves, and were mustered with us into the United States service nearly thirty-one years ago; I can do no less upon this public occasion, in the presence of their comrades, and of their neighbors, than add my tribute of praise to their well-earned and de- serving recognition. "Thirty years ago to-day. Lieutenant Knisley, as brave, as manly, and as gallant an officer as ever faced the deadly fire of treason, fell, covered with mortal wounds, upon the battle-field, while leading his men on a skirmish advance. 3l8 MEMORIAL HISTORY He knew when he received his orders from Colonel Jen- nings to command the skirmish line, that he would march directly into the very jaws of death ; and yet he never mur-' mured, he never faltered, he never even quailed. He was a soldier, and knowing the inflexible duty of a sol- dier to 'obey orders,' regardless of consequences, he never shrank from any imposed responsibility ; he never shirked, and never evaded duty, even at the risk oi life. He marched out on his 'forlorn hope' with a detail of his gallant com- pany, with the steady tread of a hero, brandishing his sword in the face of the enemy, in encouragement of his men. He fell proudly, with his face to the foe, pouring out his heart's blood on the gory field of Fredericksburg. He died, riddled with bullets, but covered with glory, in defending that grand old star-spangled-banner, and in preservation of the Union and the Nation, that we might live to enjoy the beneficence of the best, the freest and the noblest government on the face of the earth. "Middletown made many valuable contributions to the army during the War of the Rebellion, and offered up many sacrifices upon the altar of her country; and Lieu- tenant Knisley was but one of those valuable offerings, and he was but a single one of her many sacrifices. "There was an honored custom among some ot the an- cients of antiquity, to sit in judgment on the living records of the distinguished dead. Long after the retirement of great officials, or upon the death of recognized leaders, or those who unselfishly oft"ered themselves as State victims for sacrifice; the people in their strength assembled in grand communions; or their fellow associates of the Na- tion's Tribunal met and sat in solemn conclave, discussed, considered and scanned the virtues and the public acts of deceased mortals deserving a proud nitch in the colossal T2|rTH REGIMENT, P. V. 319 tower of immortality. The results of those conferences were announced in proclaimed verdicts, which became the accepted judgments of the whole community. "After the lapse of a generation, when history can be honestly written with an impartial pen, a verdict upon the military service of your citizen soldiers who were part and parcel of the 127th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, can safely be rendered. Those who had the best means of knowing, sat in judgment upon the military records of those veterans, gave the whole matter careful considera- tion, and formulated a verdict ; while here, and now, is an appropriate and fitting occasion to promulgate it. 'Com- pany "H," of the 127th Regiment did their duty, their whole duty to their country in its life and death struggle for existence, and they did it well.' What a glorious ver- dict ! And what a noble tribute to patriotic duty ! And now, that the verdict is pronounced, and judgment en- tered without appeal, their children, and their children's children have succeeded to the noblest inheritance; richer and greater than wealth; proud and enduring as fame; and priceless, and of inestimable value ; while you, and the entire community must necessarily feel a glowing pride in the splendid luster which their patriotism reflects upon the whole people." ADDRESS OF HON. THOMAS Q. SAMPLE. Late Lieutenant of Company "F," 127th Regiment, on Taking the Chair as President of the Regimental Association. "Comrades : — I want to assure you that I appreciate, to the fullest extent, the honor that you have conferred upon 320 MEMORIAL HISTORY me, in electing me President of the Association of the old regiment. "We are all now on the Western side of life, and as we stop for a moment and take a retrospective glance of the time that has elapsed since we 'drank from the same con- teen,' we must all feel honored, that in our youthful days we marched, bivouacked, and fought for the greatest country, and the proudest flag of the nations of the world. " 'Old Father Time' has not dealt very gently with the boys of the 127th Regiment; many have been mustered out finally in these piping days of peace, and those of us who are struggling along through life feel more acutely the days as they come and go. But comrades, what signi- fies that ? We stand to-day as a part of the remnant of the grandest army that the world ever knew; and when you and I and the rest of the boys who followed 'old glory' shall have passed away, the record made by the Union volunteer soldier from '61 to '65 will then become the choicest possession of this great American nation. "The old 127th did its full duty; and when the regiment was finally mustered out, many of the boys, keeping alive the patriotic spirit that animated them in its ranks, drifted into other commands, and were in the war at the finish. "No grander sight was ever witnessed than the superb charge of our regiment at the battle of Fredericksburg; and the same unbroken line at Chancellorsville ; and while many of our comrades gave up their lives, and others car- ried the battle-marks upon their persons, we have the proud consolation of boasting that the 127th Regiment was among the very last, in both these great engagements, to leave the field. "The record of the regiment has been made, and the proud facts of the gallantry displayed, and the honors HON. THOMAS G. SAMPLE, Sf:ilc SuiMTiiiti'iiilc'Ht nf I'l-inl hij;. ADJUTANT AUGUSTUS L. CHAYNE. Adjiit:iiit lliTUi Ucgimoiit, 1'. V. Jlerehaut, Harrisburg, Pa. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 321 achieved, go down into history to your credit, and to the honor and glory of this great nation. "Again thanking you for the distinguished honor you have conferred upon me ; and properly appreciating the very high compliment thrust upon me, it will be my duty, and my very great pleasure, to endeavor to serve you to the best of my ability." ADDRESS OF ADJUTANT AUGUSTUS L. CHAYNE, As President of the Association. "Fellow Comrades : — ^While I am sorry that your par- tiality has made me your choice for the presidency of the Association during the coming year, I have never yet faltered when 'under orders,' and I shan't show the 'white feather' in the 'sere and yellow leaf of life.' "There is one thing of which I am always fond of boasting — the pride I felt in Company "D;" and the yet greater pride I always felt, feel now, and will feel during life, in the 127th Regiment. I had great opportunities of knowing, next to the field officers, as much about the regi- ment, because of my official position, as any officer or man in it; and I want to say to you, comrades, that I have no fault to find with any officer connected with the regiment ; and I voluntarily place my testimony on record, knowing what I do, and being fully conversant with the history of the regiment from its organization, to its honorable dis- charge, that both officers and men made an exceptionally good record, of which they have a right to be proud ; and my pride is in the fact that I was Adjutant of the 127th Regiment; and if I had the choice in the selection of any inscription upon my tomb-stone, it would be 'In memory 322 MEMORIAL HISTORY of Augustus L. Chayne, late Adjutant of the 127th Regi- ment, Pennsylvania Volunteers.' That would be my pride, and that would be my glory. 'T thank you, comrades, for your kind distinction ; and trust that we may repeat these pleasant re-unions many more times." ADDRESS OF MAJOR JOHN T. ENSMINGER, Late Lieutenant of Company "A," as President of the Regi- mental Association. "Comrades : — I appreciate the honor of an election as President of our Association, and feel particularly hon- ored in being the first of Company "A" for that distinc- tion. "While Company "A" was detached from the regiment during its entire term of service, both the officers and men of that company longed to join their comrades in the front, and take their proper position on the right of the regi- ment. If we had been given our choice, the regiment would have been complete in the field. We entered the service as soldiers, determined to obey orders. Our orders were for the performance of detached duty, which we per- formed creditably and honorably. That we did not see ser- vice together during our entire term, was a matter of very much regret on the part of Company "A," who feel an equal pride with each and every company of the regiment in the good record which was made by the 127th Regi- ment in the front ; but as a part of the organization we felt strongly attached to the regiment, to which we were as- signed, and we have always felt, and feel now a becoming pride as a part and parcel of the 127th Regiment. My MAJOR JNO. T. ENSMINGER. Prt'sulciit i)f ]i;7tli H('i;iineatiil Association. HON. CYRUS RESSLEY LANTZ. Attonu'.v-at-Liiw, Lebanon, Pa. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V, 323 election as your presiding officer is evidence of a strong fraternal feeling, and this compliment will be the means of cementing, more firmly. Company "A" with the other companies of the regiment. Each and every member of the 127th Regiment has a right to feel proud of the record which has been made, and in our annual re-unions, we want it distinctly understood that Company "A" is loyal and true to the regiment, and as a company, did its duty faithfully and without a murmur. "Again I thank you comrades for the partiality of your expressed confidence.'" John T. Ensminger, Lieutenant Company "A," 127th Regiment, P. V. ADDRESS OF COMRADE C. R. LANTZ, Delivered in the City of Harrisburg at tlie Re=union of the 127th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Upon His Election as President of Said Organization, "Comrades : — You have kindly selected me as your pre- siding officer for the ensuing year. I thank you very heartily for this honor conferred upon me — an honor that is worthy to be bestowed upon any soldier that has worn the blue. Our meeting is fraught with many historical, memorable and pathetic reminiscences of the great civil struggle between the North and the South. "Vividly, to-day. the scenes of our enlistment in the ser- vice of Uncle Sam, here are brought before us. The lov- ing adieu of parents, sweethearts and friends come dis- tinctly into our minds. The 'Old Oaken Bucket' by the well, and the 'old homestead,' generally, are still near and dear to us when we remember the time we left them for 324 MEMORIAL HISTORY the seat of war. Tlie place of our meeting to-day is fraught also with wonderful scenes of military eclat and excite- ment in city and camp life. Here, in the city of Harris- burg, all the regiments of that magnificent army of the Keystone State soldiery were convoked, equipped and organized. Here vividly to our minds come before us the figure of that great War Governor, Andrew G. Curtin, and the athletic, stalwart personality of our late distin- guished Colonel W. W. Jennings ; here we call to remem- brance the first acquaintanceship of the gallant line officers of our regiment ; here we remember the old Camp Curtin, where we first donned the blue uniform, and put on the army shoes; here we first became acquainted with the camp-kettles, and rations of the soldier; and here we en- joyed the applause and patriotism of the people, of not only this particular locality, but of the entire State of Pennsylvania. We rejoice and congratulate our regiment that we meet to-day in the same old city of Harrisburg. Many of our comrades are not with us, their bodies lie mouldering in and on the plains of Fredericksburg. I cannot recount specifically the acts, triumphs, bravery and heroism of the regiment upon the field of battle, on the bivouac, march and campaign. Sufficient to say that the 127th Regiment has gained an enviable reputation in the history of the war, and shines as a glittering star in that great contest between the North and the South, in the in- terest of the emancipation of a down-trodden and forlorn race, and the perpetuity of our government. We rejoice in the propriety of our government's great triumph, and the success of our army in the interest of freedom and civilization, the result of that great contest, and we deplore the great sacrifice and loss of life and treasure in the accomplishment for that purpose. We revere and re- COMRADE WILLIAM H. SIPLE. Co. ■■II," 127tli KruiiiKMit, 1'. V. Liiuilwr Mi'i-fliiiiit. rittsburg, I'a. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 325 gret the loss of many brave friends and comrades of our regiment, and we pray that the soothing hand of Provi- dence may abide with the widows and orphans that are left still to mourn their loss. We rejoice in the develop- ment of our national prosperity, and implore Divine Prov- idence that He may continue to bless this united and re- stored glorious country. Henceforth we shall know no distinction between the North and the South; and as one united people we shall go forward to still greater national and individual prosperity, 'a government of the peo- ple, by the people, and for the people, which shall never perish from the earth.' ''Comrades, I bespeak much interest, happiness and pleasure in our deliberations. I desire your co-operation in the affairs of our organization, and pray that you will aid your presiding officer in discharging his duties to your in- terest, your judgment, and for the advancement, enlarge- ment and continuance of our organization until the last comrade has answered the roll-call at Reveille." ADDRESS OF COMRADE WILLIAM H. SIPLE. As President of the Association, "Dear Comrades : — I thank you for the confidence and honor conferred on me, in elevating me to the presidency of the Regimental Association, and let me assure you that I thoroughly appreciate it, and feel dignified by the fur- ther fact that I was only a private in the service, and I am consoled by the great fact that the post of private was the post of honor. "It is delightful to meet together in these annual re- unions. Our ranks are decreasing each year, and in a 326 MEMORIAL HISTORY very few years the announcement will be made that the last member of the 127th Regiment has joined the ma- jority. Let us hope that such time is far, far distant, and while we have the opportunity, let us embrace the advant- age of greeting each other fraternally in our annual re- unions. "I again thank you for the honor of your confidence." At the annual reunion of the Association at Hummels- town in May, 1898, Comrade John L. Whisler, of Middle- town, Pa., late of Company "H," was elected president of the Association for the ensuing year. Unfortunately, when the annual meeting of the Association was held at Middletown in May, 1899, he was incapacitated from oc- cupying the chair on account of severe illness, very much to his regret, and that of his fellow comrades. On learning of the illness of Comrade John L. Whisler, who had been elected as the eleventh President of the As- sociation at Hummelstown, Col. AUeman and Comrade Siple, as a Committee of the Association, visited him at bis Middletown home, and found him confined to his bed with acute inflammatory rheumatism ; but he dictated this message : — QREETINQ OF COMRADE JOHN L. WHISLER, As President of the Association. "Comrades of the 127TH Regiment: "Profoundly grateful for the distinguished honor which you conferred on me in elevating me to the highest position in your gift, as an Association, it is with very great regret that I am compelled to forego the pleasure of JOHN L. WHISLER. I'livati' I'll. •■II," 127tli Ki'uiiiii'iit, r. V. Midillftowii, I'M. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 327 occupying the chair to-day and presiding at your dehbcr- ations. My heart and soul are with you, the spirit is will- ing; but the flesh is too weak to permit my presence to- day. "I feel a very great interest in the Association, and it seems to me that the older I grow, the fonder I become of each successive reunion, when I can meet my comrades face to face, and grasp the welcome hand. "I know that you will excuse me from fulfilling my duty in the face of an absolute impossibility to leave my bed, much as I would like to do so, to fill the chair which is the height of my ambition. "Wishing you all good cheer, and trusting to be with you at your next re-union, I shall think of you kindly, and only, as one comrade can think of his fellow comrades." ADDRESS OF COMRADE LEVI F. HEICHER, As President of the Association, "Comrades : — While I am not a candidate for the pres- idency of the Association, your unanimous vote calling me to the chair makes it obligatory upon me to accept the honor, for I am too good a soldier to disobey orders. "I am glad to meet you again, and I know that I express the sentiment of each and all of you in declaring that 'it is good for us to be here.' These reunions are delightful, and bring back some of the pleasant reminiscences of by- gone days. It is true that we had privations, that we en- dured hardships, and that we suffered pains and aches; but we tried to do our duty ; and now have the proud con- sciousness of being 'honorably discharged' soldiers of the great Civil War. 328 MEMORIAL HISTORY "Comrades, I thank you for your confidence, and trust to merit your expectations as your presiding officer. I shall rely upon your generous assistance, and it will be my aim to follow closely in the footsteps of those illustrious comrades who have graced the chair before me ; and I as- sure you that when you meet with the comrades in Steel- ton, you will be met with a hearty welcome by them, and the citizens in general. "May our meetings in the future be many, and our comradeship grow stronger." ADDRESS OF LIEUTENANT ALBERT J. FAQER. As President of the Association, "Comrades of the 127TH Regiment: — It is a distin- guished honor to be President of this Association, and I appreciate that distinction very much, as it is an honor that is made more prominent by an unwritten law of this organization, that, passing the chair, fills the measure of compliment and dignity which this Association is able to confer. "I am happy, comrades, to welcome so many of you this afternoon to this thirteenth reunion of the survivors of our old regiment; and am particularly pleased to learn from the adjutant, in advance of his report, that death has treated our comrades so lightly during the past year. "Thanking you one and all for your generous partiality in raising me to the chair; and as your presiding officer, you have my solemn assurance that I properly appreciate the great honor conferred upon me, and with your help, m the future, as you have given it in the past, I will take pleasure in doing my utmost to further the interests of the LIEUTENANT ALBERT J. EAGER. First Lieutfiiaiit Co. ■T.," 127tli lic.uiincnl. I'. V. Aklermiin, Hunisbmg-, I'a. CAPTAIN HENRY T. EUSTON. Serjeant Co. ••!<;, " 127th Rfgimeiit. P. V. Sup(>i-iiit('iiili'iit, Lcliaimii, I'a. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 329 Association. I will try to preside over your deliberations with the same impartiality which has so uniformly charac- terized the rulings of my predecessors." ADDRESS OF CAPTAIN HENRY T. EUSTON, Late Sergt. of Company "K," as President of the Associa= tion. My comrades did me the honor of electing me Presi- dent of the Association in my absence, which fact only adds to the pleasure of feeling the kindness of their par- tiality. I fully endorse the action of the Association in conclud- ing to prepare and publish a history of the 127th Regi- ment; and without making any invidious distinction, our regiment made a creditable record, equal to any, and second to none of the short term Regiments — having par- ticipated in two of the greatest battles of the late Civil War, — the Regiment is entitled to historical recognition; and the gallantry of its brave boys deserves to be spread upon the records of the country for the gratification of the surviving participants, their families, and their friends, and for the information of the general public. That work has been completed under the careful pre- paration of the Committee, and the Association has no cause to blush for the significant part which they took in the great struggle for the restoration of the seceded States back into the Union. The history adds lustei to the reputation of the Com- rades, who made so many sacrifices in their youthful days for the preservation of the Government, and we all feel proud that we made our individual contribution to that grand record. 330 MEMORIAL HISTORY EULOGY ON THE DEATH OF COL. WM. VV. JENNINGS, And His Deceased Comrades, Delivered By Colonel H. C. Alleman, at the Sixth Reunion, Held at Steelton, Pa., in May, 1894. "The beautiful theory has been advanced, that spirits of the departed may return and enjoy, unseen, the places fa- miliar to them in life. If that be true, — and I have heard no reasonable refutation of that doctrine, — then we have with us to-night as honored, though unseen guests, a host of our beloved comrades — 700 strong, — marshaled and led by their gallant commander in life, enjoying with us, the sixth re-union of the Association, commemorative of the thirty-first anniversary of our second entry into Freder- icksburg, and the Sunday battle of Chancellorsville. What an interesting and inspiring picture it would make ! How we all wish that it could be plainly materialized ! How charmingly it would remind us of 'Auld Lang Syne !' Thirty-five score and more familiar faces of our old com- panions, many of whom have been hidden from us, lo ! these many years. 'Tn the van, leading our comrade heroes, we would see the manly form of the gallant Colonel who twice led us into battle, and brought us out safely; not without danger ; not without casualties, — great and irreparable ; but with both honor and glory. "Now let us view this grand panorama poetically before us ! Here is the familiar face of Colonel William W. Jen- nings, though etherealized and spiritualized, it has plainly stamped upon it the impress of his noble traits of character ; calm, cool and collected ! Brave without being impetuous ; courageous without being either unwary or obdurate; self-reliant and assuming re- HOJ^. h. c. alleman. liUto Military (icvenior. Cottysburg Cat 1 1.^lirid. Uopi'osentative ami r. S. District Att(jnhy. I'rt'Sidciit Alli'iuan i.aw (■..nipaiiy. New York. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 33 1 sponsibility, without egotism, or without ignoring the counsels of his associate officers; a clear brain, a sound judgment; a splendid, if not unique example to his fellow officers and men ; having the courage of his convictions, but subordinate to his superior officers ; thoroughly patriotic, and imbued with his duty to his gov- ernment; without ostentation, or the semblance of dema- gogy; with a religious reverence for his flag; a fa- therly care and deep concern for each and every man in his command — knowing his duty, he performed it ably, conscientiously and faithfully. "His life was gentle, and the elements So mix'd in him that Nature might stand up And say to all the world, 'This was a man.' " "He had the united and loyal confidence of his officers ; the respect and affection of his men, and by his superior ability, and by the force of his indomitable will, he remov- ed obstacles, and conquered opposition. Is it in the least marvelous that such a born leader of men should be suc- cessful, or accomplish the wholesale capture of the hearts in his command ? "None knew him, but to love him; None named him, but to praise." "With him, wx see the intrepid Awl, calm, dignified, self-possessed, fully aware of his resourceful powers, he felt himself equal to any emergency. His example of the Christian soldier inspired his men with confidence and courage, making him the appropriate idol of Company "B." "There is Chaplain Gregg, cheery as of yore, asserting himself, and always ready to preach a sermon to the boys. 332 MEMORIAL HISTORY carry their letters, visit them in the hospitals, or ac- cept the hospitality of a good dinner. "There, too, is the genial and heroic Captain Fox, be- loved by all who knew him, and the first victim in the reg- iment of the enemy's shells. "Here is the big-hearted Captain Ball, with the regula- tion military salute; and a kind word for everyone. As a drill-master he had nO' superior, and but few equals. "There is Captain Henderson, always loyal and true, not only to his friends, but to the sacred colors of the regi- ment, which were confided to his keeping, and returned without a stain. With him is the courteous and gentle- manly Captain Nissley, looking every inch the soldier, which he proved himself to be. He was Nature's noble- man. "There, too, is Captain Shott, always distinguished for his quiet and unobtrusive manner; and with him is the heroic Knisley, as brave a soldier as ever breathed the breath of life. Here come Lieutenant Shoemaker, Lieu- tenant Orth, Lieutenant Reed, Lieutenant Novinger, Lieutenant Carmany, Lieutenant Osman, Sergeant Hum- mel, Orderly Boas, and the many, many others whom we loved so well in life, and whose memories we honor in death. "Their numbers are annually increasing; while ours are correspondingly decreasing. They are anxiously looking for us to join them, answer roll-call again, and show the 127th Regiment full and complete; — they knowing, as do we, that we are all numbered for enrollment with those of our brave comrades who have 'gone on before.' "Our re-unions are positively refreshing, and joy tne hearts of every attendant. The fraternal greeting, the kind and friendly word exchanged, the hearty grasp of the I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 333 hand, are all thoroughly relished by every comrade. But, while we think so kindly of the living, we do not forget that we are all old soldiers, and we have a lively recollec- tion of the hardships and privations which we endured, the pains and aches which we suffered on the tented and on the battlefields; but our liveliest and fondest recollec- tions are of the dead comrades whom we shall never see again as mortals; whose cherished names, and affection- ate memories are indelibly stamped upon our grateful hearts, and will continue to feed our hungry thoughts to the latest moments of our prolonged existence. "It is one of the constitutional features of a soldier's composition to stand, or fall, with his comrades. While we live, whether in the joys of prosperity, or the throes of adversity, nothing will tempt us to forget our duty to- wards the dead ; and the time will never come, my com- rades, when we will permit to fade from our loyal hearts, into the depths of ignoble obscurity, the honored name, the immortal fame, and the beloved memory of Colonel William W. Jennings. "From time immemorial, it has been the beautiful cus- tom to mingle with tears for the beloved dead, eulogies of their eminent virtues and of the noble acts of their well- spent lives. The Greeks worshipped the memory of their illustrious dead in classic elegies; the Romans immortal- ized their heroes in superb orations, — which, for eloquence and elegance of diction has never been excelled, — while many of the great poets like Shakspeare, Milton, Dante, Tennyson and Longfellow, seemingly by inspiration, have beautified and emphasized the heavenly truth of Bible teaching, that there is a higher life; that while selfishness is human, living for and loyalty to others, is the highest type of refined greatness, and reaches the pinnacle of the God-like. 334 MEMCUIAL HISTORY The soldier hero has in all ages, appropriately com- manded the admiration of the world. His bravery, his courage, and his heroism have inspired the silver tongue of the orator, and the facile pen of the poet, from the earli- est days to the present. The savage chief measures great- ness by the number of scalps dangling from the belt; while the Koran impressively teaches the follower of Moham- med the prophet, that death upon the battle-field is an ab- sokitely sure passport to the realms of everlasting bliss. "When I was a lad of seven or eight years, I found a singular picture in the street. It represented, in bright colors, the antipodes — Heaven and Hell — with two great processiojis of humanity, the one ascending, and the other descending. ]\Iy eye quickly caught the figure of a soldier in uniform, and riveted my attention. My judgment was that he was misplaced — as he was in the downward stream — while I concluded that he should be conspicuous in the upward column, as I had been taught, and felt, that a sol- dier who devoted his life to his country was entitled to the rich reward of eternal happiness. Angered at what I thought a very great injustice to the soldier, I indignantly tore the picture into shreds, and proudly scattered the fragments to the fovir winds of heaven. Comrades ! let me say just here, that I am not sure that I have changed my opinion, or belief. The patriot who voluntarily sacri- fices his life, and all that he holds dear, upon the altar of his country, will not likely be sacrificed by a just and mer- ciful God in the great hereafter. His reward is the greeting of the Great Judge — "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou intO' the joys of thy Lord." "How well we all remember the last time our beloved Colonel met with us at our fifth reunion at Middletown. I27TH REGIMENT, P. V. 335 He was late, and we halted for him. He received an ova- tion, and walking next him, he expressed to me his de- light at the spontaneous and gracious greeting with which he was saluted. He was unusually cheerful, and said that his attachment to the old regiment was growing on him; and that his interest in the Association was greater than ever. How well he spoke when we called for a speech ; and none of us then for a moment thought that it was his last, his farewell speech. We then boasted that the three original field officers who were mustered in together were yet alive, and in the best of health, promising many long years of usefulness ; but little did we think that at the next re-union we would mourn the loss of our gallant leader. "There is a vacuum on this platform. Yonder vacant chair appeals silently and painfully to our hearts, and breathes volumes of eulogium. It speaks with a fervid eloquence, surpassing the beautiful imagery of the best chosen words. I believe in the 'eternal fitness of things,' and were I to consult my feelings and the sacredness of the moment, — silence would reign supreme, as the sol- emnity of the occasion both justifies and sanctifies the bated breath in this, the virtual presence of the immortal dead. If I had my choice, in solemn silence. I would let the agonized hearts of my fellow comrades thrill the bit- terness of their anguish; and I would allow only the in- spired pen to write the praises, w-ell deserved, of Colonel William W. Jennings." 105 79 O * O M 4> o'^- -^.- .<■ ..0 'b V^ ^ ^°-"^. ^'t^S^ ?." ?y^ "^^ o V -^^0^ *\^n1?7^. -^ " o « o ' -s-^ i" TV '<^^ o -^ ^\> <^. a\ S * * /. ^^ v•^. .^^ '^ "^ '-^^^^^