REPRESENTiTlYE ^ mmikM, BID&RAPHICAL SKETCHES DF MEN NDW IN PUBLIC LIFE •o^o- WITH PDRTRAITS, •0'^0« BY H^, W, j; HAM, •O'O-O' SRMRNNRH : MDRNINE NEWS PRINT. S II I'i 'of i)eo[)le of tl>e State are indel)ted for the saving of many thousands of dollars, Avhich but for it would have been wrung from their hard earnings. Retiring some years since; from active participation in j)oli- tics. Col. Kibbee devoted himself to the practice of his profes- sion. More than once enthusiastic friends have i)ressed his claims for Congressional honors, but wedded to his profession u REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. he has not sought preferments outside of such as it might offer. He was elected by the General Assembly in 1^ t/ yt^-C-ty^ REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 63 HON. A. S. CLAY, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF COBB, AND SPEAKER PRO TEM, OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Few men are lilessed with a happier foculty of making strong fi"iends and holding them than the suhject of this sketch. The strong personahty of the man, his high sense of hdnor, combine with genial social traits that make him a prime favorite with all with whom he comes in contact. A. S. Clay is the son of a farmer, W. J. Clay, and Ann Clay. Was born September 25th. 1858, near Powder Spring, in Cobb connty. He remained npon the farm nntil the age of sixteen, when he went to Palmetto and attended school for two years. He then taught a year, went to Hiwassee College. Tennessee, for three years, graduating in 1875. Having borrowed money to complete his education, he taught for two years and repaid it. reading law at nights and spare moments during the time, and had two hundred dollars left. He was admitted to the bar in the fall of 1877, and entered at once upon the practice. As is the case with most young barristers, practice came slowly at fii-st, but he worked and waited, and in the course of two or three years prospects brightened and business came to seek him. From then to now this has constantly increased, until he now enjoys a large and lucrative, as well as constantly growing practice. He has accumulated a handsome little property by his practice, and bids fair to become wealth5\ Mr. Clay's first office was councilman of Marietta, to which he was elected in 1880, and re-elected at the expiration of his first term, but resigned. He was nominated to represent his 64 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. county in the Legislature in 1884, and was elected by large a majority. In 1886 he carried every militia district in the county, and was unarumously nominated for re-election by the county convention, A. S. McClesky being nominated as his colleague. The Knights of Labor put out two candidates, and after a spirited contest both nominees were elected, Mr. Clay leading the ticket by a large majority. Just after his nomina- tion to the House the Senatorial convention of the Thirty-fifth District met in Atlanta and remained in session a whole week. On the 1200tli ballot Mr. Clay was unanimously nominated. He declined the nomination on the ground that he had already accepted a nomination to represent the people of his county in the House. In November, 1881, Mr. Clay was married to Miss Fannie White; two bright boys, one five and the other one year old, are the fruits of the happy union. He is a member of the Methodist church, has a happy home, and the future which stretches before him lures him on to a life of honor, usefulness and happiness. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 65 HON. JAMES H. BLOUNT, MEMBER OF CONGRESS FROM SIXTH DISTRICT. Few men in Georgia are better known than Hon. James H. Blouxt, Member of Congress from the Sixth District. He has been continuonsly in public life for nearly fourteen years as the incumbent of his present seat, and has become widely and favorably known not only throughout Georgia but all over the entire countr3^ Mr. Blount was born in Jones county, Georgia, September 12, 1837. His earl}^ life and education was that of most young men of the time, and upon attaining his majority he entered upon the practice of law at Clinton, in the county of Jones. After a number of years successful practice at the bar, he removed to Macon, and rapidly won his way to the top of a bar known and admired throughout the State for the ability of its members. Mr. Blount was first elected to the Forty-third Congress, being, if we mistake not, the first Democrat elected and allowed to take his seat from that District after the war. He was re- elected to the Forty-fourth, Forty-fifth, Forty-sixth, Forty-sev- enth, Forty-eighth and Fort^'-ninth Congresses, and was last year again chosen by his people and will take his seat in the Fiftieth Congress, and should he live to finish the term will have completed sixteen years of Congressional service. There are only two or three men in the National House who outrank him in the number of years of continuous service. Mr. Blount's record in Congress is well known througliout the Union. He has always been a strict economist, and the 66 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. unrelenting foe of wasteful expenditure and jobs of all kinds. So stringent has he been on this line as to frequently subject him to harsh criticism, which, however, in no wise altered his course or purpose. Since the elevation of Hon. John G. Car- lisle to the Speakership of the House Mr. Blount has been one of his most trusted advisers, and is a recognized leader on the Democratic side. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 67 HON. JAMES S. BOYNTON, JUDGK SUPERIOR COURTS FLINT CIRCUIT. Judge BoYNTON was born in Henrj^ county, Georgia, May 7, 1833. He was the son of Elijah S. Boynton, wlio came origi- nally from Vermont, and of Scotch descent. His mother's maiden name was Elizabeth Moffet, who was of French ex- traction and belonged to an old South Carolina family. Judge Boynton had few advantages in early life. His early, and indeed only education, was derived from a few months' attendance in each year on the exercises of the "old field school " of those days, and the remainder of the time was spent in manual labor upon the farm of his father. One of his early aml)itions was to enter upon a military career, and he went so far as to prepare himself to enter West Point, but the death of his father, and subsequentlj^ his guardian, upon whom he relied for aid, made this course impossible and forced him to turn his attention to other pursuits. Choosing law as a profession, he entered upon tlie study at McDonough, Georgia, and in seven weeks mastered it suffici- ently to be admitted to the bar. In 1852 he began practice at Monticello, Jasper county, where he remained until 1858, when he removed to Jackson, Butts county, and formed a partner- ship with Col. James R. Lyons. In 1860 he was elected Ordi- nary of Butts county. At the outbreak of the war he enlisted as a private in the Thirtieth Georgia Regiment. He was elected Major of the regiment from the ranks, and laid down his musket to take up a sword. He was promoted first to Lieutenant Colonel and afterwards to Colonel ; was severely 68 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. wounded at Decatur on the 22d of July, 1864, returned to his regiment as soon as able, and remained with it to the end. In 1866, having removed his family to Griffin during the war, and making that his home afterward, he was elected Judge of the County Court. He \Yas Mayor of Griffin from 1869 to 1872. In 1880 he was elected to the State Senate, and upon the organi- zation of that body was unanimously elected President, thus becoming ex-offieio Governor of the State. Upon the death of Gov. Alexander H. Stephens he succeeded to the office, and held it until the election of Hon. Henry D. McDaniel, when he retired to private life and the practice of his jjrofession. In 1886, upon the resignation of Hon. John D. Stewart, Judge of the Superior Courts of the Flint circuit. Gov. Boynton was ap- pointed to hold until the meeting of the Legislature. That body elected him without opposition to fill Judge Stewart's unexpired term, and also for the full term following, which will expire January 1, 1891. Gov. Boynton was married to Miss Fannie Loyall, Decem- ber 2, 1852, just after his admission to the bar. She bore him two sons, and died in 1877. He was married the second time, April 30, 1883, to Mrs. Susie T. Harris, of Walton county, a charming and most estimable lady. 70 REPRESENTA TIVE GEOR GIANS. HON. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, REPRESENTATIVE CHATHAM COUNTY. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 71 HON. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF CHATHAM. No more refined, cultured and honorable constituency in the State of Georgia has representation in the General Assembly than the county of Chatham, of which the old city of Savannah is the social and political centre. To be chosen as one of her Representatives is an honor of which any man might well feel proud. Of her present representation, Hon. Philip M. Russell is in appearance one of the most venerable men in tlie House, and owing to his long and honorable public service is widely known and universally respected. He is a son of Isaac Russell, Esq., and Perla Sheftall Russell, and was born in Savannah, De- cember 17, 1815. His ancestors came to this country with Oglethorpe, and were among the first settlers of the State, and honorably identified with the history of the War of Indepen- dence. Of a delicate temperament in his earlier years, Mr. Russell failed of a rudimentary education, but the will and energy of his nature made up in after years for what he failed to gain in childhood, and in 1833 he commenced the study of law with his uncle, Hon. Mordecai Sheftall, Sr., a leading member of the bar, and for several years Judge of the Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer of the City of Savannah. September 15, 1834, Mr. Russell, the subject of this sketch, was married to Miss Elizabeth C. Ferre, of Philadelphia, a descendant of Commodore Springer, U. S. N. In the same year he accepted the appointment of Collector for the Savan- 6 72 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. nah, Ogeechee and Altamaha Canal Company, In 1835 he held his first office, being elected Constable of his district, and served in this capacity, acting in the meantime incidentally as Depnty HherifF, and also as Deputy United States Marshal. In June, 1843, he was elected Sheriff of the city of Savannah, in 1844 Justice of the Peace. While holding this office he was appoint- ed Collector of Customs. In 1846 he was again Justice of the Peace, and while holding this office was elected Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer. In 1853 he was elected City Marshal of Savannah, and filled that office with credit for two years. In 1855 he continued the study of law, meanwhile acting as Clerk of the United States Courts, and in 1856 was elected Clerk of the City Court of Savannah. Mr. EussELL has always taken a warm interest in military affairs, and became a member of the famous " Republican Blues" in 1833. At the organization of the State forces by Governor Brown he was commissioned as Captain, and assigned to Har- kie's Regiment, Harrison's Brigade, where he served until in- capacitated from typhoid fever and discharged. In 1863 he was elected to the Legislature, and re-elected in 1865. Being disfranchised under the Reconstruction Acts, he resumed his position as Clerk of the City Court. He was admitted to the bar in 1871, and subsequently the Supreme and United States Courts. In 1876 he received thirty-nine of the forty-two votes present in the County Democratic Convention, and was again elected to the Legislature, leading his ticket by seventy-two votes, and was re-elected in 1877 by a majority of two hundred and ninety- nine over his highest opponent. In November, 1886, he was again elected to the Legislatui-e by a majority of one hundred and ninety-four over the highest candidate on the opposition ticket, and is a member of the present House. Such is in brief the history of a man who has devoted almost an entire lifetime to politics, and sei'ved his people with con- spicuous ability and untiring energy. He has been Clerk of REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 73 the City Court of Savannah for about thirty-four years, finding time meanwhile for the other duties we have mentioned. He has always been a staunch and unflinching Democrat, com- manding the confidence of his fellow-citizens, evidenced by the fact that whenever he has been the nominee of his party he has received the highest vote cast for the ticket. He has repre- sented his party in numerous conventions, and was chairman of the committee which notified the late Alexander H. Ste- phens of his nomination for Governor, and is now a member of the Democratic Executive Committee of his county. Mr. Russell is a Hebrew in religion, and his whole political course has been in the direction of the amelioration of the con- dition of the laboring classes, among whom he is a prime favor- ite. He is personally sociable, easy of approach, generous to a fault, and always ready to aid, with purse, hand and brain, the cause of the needy, the poor and oppressed. 7^ REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. ALFRED HOLT COLQUITT, UNITED STATES SENATOR FROM GEORGIA. The historian who essays to give anything like a complete history of Georgia from 1845 to the present time will have much to do with Alfred H. Colquitt. He has been a promi- nent actor in so many scenes, including the stirring events of the late gigantic civil war, that to write a complete history of him would be to write much of the history of Georgia. Senator Colquitt was born in Walton county, Georgia, April 20, 1824. Of the splendid ancestory from which he sprang there is no space in this article to speak. Suffice it to say that there was much in it of which he might be proud. He received his education at Princeton College, from which he graduated in 1844. He at once studied law, and was admitted to the bar immediately upon reaching his majority, in 1845. In 1847, upon the breaking out of the Mexican war, he volunteered for the defence of his country, and served as a staff officer with the rank of Major during the two years of that contest. After the Mexican war he was nominated and elected to the Thirty-third Congress. At the expiration of his term he de- clined a renomination, and retired to private life. At the solici- tation of his fellow-citizens he accepted a seat in the Georgia Legislature in 1859. He was a Presidential elector on the Breckknridge ticket in 1860. He was a member of the seces- sion convention of Georgia, and upon the secession of the State from the Union again took up arms, and entered the Confed- erate service as Captain. Subsequently he was chosen and commissioned Colonel of the Sixth Georgia Infantry, later REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 75 Brigadier General, and at the close of the war was Major Gen- eral of infantry. At the blood}' battle of Olustee, Florida, he behaved with such conspicuous gallantry as to challenge the admiration of the Confederacy, and was known afterwards as "the hero of Olustee." After the close of the war Gen. Colquitt returned to agri- cultural pursuits, and was for a number of j'cars President of the iState Agricultural Society. In 1876 he was elected Gover- nor for the term of four years. In 1880 he was again elected, after a hard-fought campaign in which he was opposed by Hon. Thomas M. Xoravood, for a term of two j^ears, upon the ex- piration of which he was elected to the United States Senate for a term of six years, which will expire March 3, 1889. Such is a brief condensation of the more salient points in Senator Colquitt's political career. Of his charming family, happy home life, prominence in church and temperance work in his own State and throughout the Union we have not space here to speak. They are part of the history of the times, and familiar to most readers of the public press. 76 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. MARK A. HARDIN, CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 77 HON. MARK A. HARDIN, CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. William Hardin was a prominent and well-known citizen of old Cass, now Bartow county, in his day and generation. He was originally of Henry count3% and was sent to Cherokee count}^ by Jackson to aid in removing the Indians, having accomplished which, he settled in Cass county. He was the first Democrat ever elected from Cass to the General Assembly, to which he was repeatedly sent as a Senator. He was Presi- dent of the Western Bank of Georgia. Mark A. Hardin is the son of William Hardin. His mother was before her marriage Miss Cloud, of Putnam, and was at one time a pupil of Wii-liam H. Seward, when that afterwards famous man wielded the birch in a country school-house in that countJ^ The subject of this sketch was born in McDonough, Heniy county, September 21, 1830. His education began in the county schools, after which he attended for four years the Couaseen High School. In 1848 he was appointed to West Point, but after eighteen months in that institution he resigned and returned home. In 1851 he was married to Miss Emma Sullivan, of Greenville, S. C, and tliere have been born to them seven children — five daughters and two sons. Mr. Hardin was elected to the General Assembly and served during the sessions of 1859-60. In 1862 he entered the Con- federate army as a Captain in the famous Morgan's cavalry. He was captured in 1863 and sent to Fort LaFayette, and subse- quently transferred to Fort Warren, where he remained until 78 REPRESENTA TIVE GEOR GIA NS. the close of the war, being the first prisoner discharged from that institution after the cessation of hostilities. For several years after the war Mr. Hardin devoted himself to agricultural pursuits. In 1868 he was the Davis-Hall caucus nominee for Clerk of the House of Representatives, and was elected, but was turned out in 1870, under the reorganization had under the reconstruction acts. In 1877 he was Assistant Secretary of the Constitutional Convention, and in 1878-9 was Assistant Clerk of the House of Representatives. In 1880 he was elected Clerk of that body, and has held the position con- tinously since that time. Few men in the State have as wide a personal acquaintance, and none have more friends. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 79 HON. .^XEAS STACY WAY, RErRESEXTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF LIBERTY, This gentleman enjoys the distinction of being one of the fe^v Democratic Representatives fi-om his connty since the war. The colored population are largel}" in the majorit}^, and having heretofore voted the Republican ticket almost solidly, have been enabled to send a man of their own color to represent them in the legislative halls, save when, from irregularities in the elec- tion, some of the votes were throAvn out as illegal. In the con- test for his present seat Mr. Way had a clear majority of nearly two liundred, having polled the full vote of his party, and drawn largely from the other side. Mr. Way is yet quite young, having been born in Liberty county August 22, 1857, being the fourth son of William J. and J AXE A. AVay. His father — left as were most Southerners — in straightened circumstances, was unable to educate, as he desired, his large family of children; so the subject of this sketch, by diut of his own exertions, worked out an education. He read law and was admitted to the bar in 1879, since which time he has diligently pursued the practice of his profession with gratifying success. In 1884 Mr. Way's county sent liim as a delegate to the Con- gressional Convention of the First District, with instructions to present the name of its favorite son — Capt. S. D. Brauwell — to that bod}^ as its choice for this office. A •"de^ldlock" ensued for several days, during which young Way measured swords with the trained political managers of this famous old district, and bv his lovaltv to his friend, and his fidelitv totlie trust confided ^80 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. to him by his people, won the admiration of the people — not only of his own county, but the entire district. His speeches during those days attracted the attention of all who heard or read them. This proceeding was repeated again in 1886, and again Mr. Way bore himself in such a manner as to add new laurels to those already won. In 1885 the State Agricultural Society invited Mr. Way, through its Executive Committee, to address that body, and his effort attracted wide attention. In the last election Mr. Way was put forward as the standard- bearer of his party and elected, as already noted. In the Gen- eral Assembly, while he has been modest, he has not hesitated to express pronounced views upon such legislation as commended itself to his consideration, and has made a punctual, painstaking, industrious and efficient member. Mr. AVay is at yet unmarried, and has ahead of him a career that promises to be long and useful. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 81 HON. WILLIAM HENRY ATWOOD, SENATOR FROM THE SECOND DISTRICT. (BY H. A. DUNWOODY.) If called upon to answer the question, "Who is W. H. Atwood ?" the writer, who has known him from boyhood, would answer: "Capt. Atwood is a true and typical Southern gentleman, of the old reghnej who lives near Darien, Ga. No title of nobility, no spurs of knighthood, no decoration bestowed by crowned heads upon the proudest scion of nobility implies such nicety of honor, such social refinements, such warm-hearted hospitality, as are expressed in these words. They describe a race peculiar to the coast of the Southland in ante- beUum days, not inaptly called ''the cavaliers of the South." Born in the county of Mcintosh in 1836, where for genera- tions his ancestors had held the highest social position, and nurtured amid the refining influences peculiar to the wealthy planter of the South before the war, and carrying in his veins the blood of that noble band of Highland Scots who settled that portion of our State, it is no wonder that Mr. Atwood should bear the impress of the true gentleman, and charm all who know him by his genial manners and versatile accomplishments of his nature and education. On the paternal side he is descended from one of the oldest Connecticut families; his father, fresh from his Alma Mater, having cast his fortunes with the South, and wooed and won Miss McIntosh, a descendant of the clans of McCoy, McKenzie and McIntosh, warmed for generations under a Southern sky. It is no wonder that such a union should have resulted in a 82 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. chivalric and noble race, of which the subject of this sketch is the oldest surviving male representative. He was but just across the threshhold of manhood, when an- swering his country's call, he went to the front as Captain of a troop of kindred spirits in the famous Fifth Georgia Regi- ment, remained true to his manhood and his country through the j^ears of "war's dread strife," and surrendered at its close his stainless sword and the few bleeding survivors who had followed him. Without idle repining he accepted the fiat of defeat, and set about repairing his personal fortunes and the rehabilitation of his section. Having married the daughter of Mr. James R. Butts, of Macon, he made his home in the country of his birth. Not seeking preferment, unassuming and modest, his fellow- citizens brought him from his retirement and sent him to the Lower House of the GeneralAssembly in 1876. In 1886 he was their choice for State Senator, and has discharged the duties of both positions with an ability and devotion to duty character- istic of the man. I I 81 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. ALLEN D. CANDLER, MEMBER OF CONGRESS NINTH DISTRICT. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 85 HON. ALLEN D. CANDLER, ^IE^[BER OF CONGRESS FROM THE NINTH DISTRKT, Allen D. Candler, of Gainesville, Hall county, member of Congress from the Ninth Di^rict of Georgia, was born in Lumpkin county, Georgia, November 4th, 1834. In his boy- hood he attended the common schools of tlie country, and sub- sequently attended Mercer University, where he graduated in 1858. He read law, but never practiced, devoting himself to teaching for a year or two, until the outbreak of the civil war, when he enlisted as a private in the Confederate army. He was subsequently elected a Lieutenant, Captain, Lieutenant Colonel, and Colonel, and was engaged in many a bloody battle during the long years of that terrible strife. At the blood}- battle of Jonesboro he was severely wounded in the head, losing an eye. After the war Col. Candler resumed the profession of teach- ing, first in Monroe Female College and subsequently as Presi- dent of the Sam Bailey Institute, at Griffin, Georgia. His health breaking down in this sedentary employment, in 1870 he gave up his position and removed to Gainesville. Seeking active out-door employment, he entered upon the milling and building and contracting business, and the proud young city of Gainesville, the Queen City of the Mountains, owes much of its rapid progress and wonderful development to his busy brain and activity and energy. During the years he was engaged in business in Gainesville he found time to serve as Mayor, build a street railroad system, and set on foot many enterprises that have contril)uted to the growth and prosperity of the city. The 86 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. most important of these, perhaps, is the Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern Railroad, of which he was elected President at a time when the enterprise seemed sleeping the sleep that knows no waking. There was not a cross-tie or a rail, or a right of way, or a dollar in money, hut, undismayed, he entered upon the task of building the road with the vigor and energy which has ever characterized him, and in two years had the line built, equipped and in operation. In 1872 his fellow-citizens elected him to represent them in the lower House of the General Assembly, which position he held until 1877. In that year he framed and introduced the bill calling a constitutional convention for Georgia, and cham- pioned it to its passage, against heavy odds. At the first elec- tion under the new constitution he was chosen a State Senator, and served two years and retired without asking a re-election. In 1881 Col. Candler was unanimously nominated for Con- gress without opposition by the Democi-atic party of the Ninth District. The outlook was most discouraging. The party in the district had been rent asunder, and in two previous cam- paigns Hon. Emory Speer had run as an Independent, and de- feated, first, Hon. Joel A. Billups, of Morgan, a most accom- plished gentleman, and in the second Hon. Hiram P. Bell, a former Eepresentative in Congress and one of the ablest and most popular men in the district, by a majority of nearly 5,000. Young, active, eloquent, aggressive, flushed with two victories, ■feeling secure in his position, he waited for the Democratic nominee like Goliah waited for David between Shochoh and Azekah, In such a crisis the party made Col. Candler its nominee. Without hesitation he accepted the party standard, and went into the conflict. It was one of the most memorable that has ever occurred in the State. The nominee forced the fighting from the start, and the old Ninth was one grand bonfire of en- thusiasm from the heights of Rabun to the valleys of Morgan, The Independent champion was thrown on the defensive early REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 87 in the campaign, and Candler gained strength every day. When the end came he reversed Mr. Speer's majority, and was elected to the Forty-eighth Congress by a majority of over 2,600, thus redeeming the district and restoring it to the Democracy. He was re-elected to the Forty-ninth Congress, and has been again re-elected to the Fiftieth, without opposition. His present term will expire March 3, 1889. REPRESENTA TIVE GEOR GIANS. HON. J. S. DAVIDSON, PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 89 HON. JOHN S. DAVIDSON, PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE OF GEORGIA. Our engi-aver lias succeeded in giving us a fine portrait of the subject of this sketch, admittedly one of the finest presiding officers who wields the gavel of any deliberative body, as well as one of the most cultured and genial gentlemen native to a State which boasts a citizenry unsurpassed anywhere in the chivalry and manliness of her sons. John S. Davidson is a typical Georgian. He was born in Augusta, Georgia, his present home, and, contravening the maxim that "a prophet is not without honor, save in his own country," has never lived anj^where else, but has grown up and made his way in the world among the people in the city of his birth, who now delight to honor him, and appreciate and re- ward his efforts in their behalf. His mother was a Treat — a lineal descendant of Robert Treat, the "Charter Oak Gov- ernor" of Connecticut, who was Lieutenant Governor and Gov- ernor of that State for twenty-five years, and of Robert Treat Paine, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and long Attorney General of Massachusetts. His father, Wil- liam D. Davidson, was descended from Gen. William David- son, of North Carolina. Mr. Davidson's education was obtained at Augusta schools and at the Aubury Institute, in Twiggs county. He left school in the latter part of 1S64, and some years after th(^ war was as- sociated with James R. Randall in the editorial department of the Augusta Constitutionalist. After this he studied law, and is at present engaged in its practice with gratifying success. 90 REPRESENTA TIVE GEOR GIANS. Several years since Mr. Davidson was elected from the floor Grand Master of the Masons of Georgia, one of the largest and most intelligent deliberative bodies in the State. Such an elec- tion, never having held any other office in the Grand Lodge, has only occurred once before (United States Senator W. C. Dawson being elected in the same way) in the one hundred and fifty years of the existence of the Grand Lodge. In 1884 Mr. Davidson was unanimously elected to the Senate and served as chairman of the Finance Committee of that body. His committee never lost a report during the session, something which has rarely if ever occurred before in the his- tory of the Georgia Legislature. In 1886 he was re-elected to the Senate by a large majority, and unanimously chosen Presi- dent of the body. He is President of the Board of Education of Richmond county, and City Attorney of the city of Augusta. He is unmarried. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 91 HON. TALBOT CARLETON BELT, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF BURKE. Talbot Carleton Belt, of Beltwood, Burke county, was born at Wrightsboro, Columbia county, Georgia, June 4, 1849, and is the eldest son of Dr. Lloyd Carleton Belt and Elizabeth Talbot Belt. On his father's side he is descended from Dr. Lloyd Belt, of Maryland, and is a great-grandson of John Berrien, of New Jersey, who was on George Washing- ton's staff. He is a great-nephew of Hon, John McPherson Berrien, one of the greatest of Georgia's great. On his mother's side he is purely Southern. His mother traces her lineage back through a long line of noble names to the colonial families of Virginia, William Jones, of the cele- brated '' Hanover Militia," the first troops raised in 1776, being her great grand-father. She is a grand-daughter of Gov. John Talbot, of Virginia. He and John Lynch, of ''Lj'nch Law " fame, signed, side by side, the first Declaration of Independence, in June, 1774, he being then a member of the House of Bur- gesses of Virginia. Previous to this King George III. had given to him a grant of land in Wilkes county, Georgia, to which he removed in 1785, subsequently representing his county in the Legislature at Savannah for several years. He died in 1795, leaving two sons, Mathew and Thomas, whose services to the State are part of her history. From such a line is the subject of our sketch descended. His father. Dr. Lloyd Carleton Belt, was among the first to offer his services to his country during the late war, and with a com- panj' of one hundred men, uniformed by his wife, took commis- 92 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. siou in tlie Confederate service March 27, 1861, in the Ninth Georgia Regiment as its color company. He went with his relatives, Bartow and Bee, to Virginia in May following. He was wounded at Dam No. 1, Yorktown, April, 1862, and died in Richmond on May 14 following. Talbot Carleton Belt, the eldest son of Dr. Belt, educated at Sparta and Athens, left school, with his mother's consent, at sixteen, and volunteered in the service. He fought in the trenches around Atlanta as a private, was offered a place on Gen. Smith's staff, and was finally promoted to the position of Sergeant in the ordnance department. He was promoted to a Lieutenancy and placed on the staff of Gen. Reuben W. Cars- well, worked in the lead of Sherman's march to the sea, and when Savannah was evacuated was among the last to cross the pontoon bridge, and surrendered with the remnants of Johns- ton's shattered army. On his return home Mr. Belt, barely yet having reached his majority, entered upon agricultural pursuits, was married to Miss Ella Inman, and at Beltwood has a lovely home, where the visitor is always made welcome. He is a member of the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of his county. He has held many positions of trust, and was elected last year to represent his people in the General Assembly, where he has made an industrious, useful and popular member. ^•\'-^ REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. JUDSON C. CLEMENTS, MEMBER OF CONGRESS FROM THE SEVENTH DISTRICT. Few men in Georgia are better known than Judson C. Clem- ents. A few years ago the Seventh District of Georgia was represented in the National Honse by Dr. William H. Felton, who had succeeded, as an Independent candidate, in defeating the Democratic nominees, among the best and strongest men in the district, in three campaigns. He had become to be re- garded as ahnost invincilile, and was reported to be the pro- prietor of a certain "hallelujah lick" that struck terror to the hearts of his opponents, and swept everything before it. In such a crisis, when the Democratic nomination almost went begging, Mr. Clements accepted it, defeated Mr. Felton and restored the district to the Democracy. JuDsoN C. Clements was born in Walker county, Georgia, February 12, 1846. He received a common school education and went to the Cumberland University Law School at Lebanon, Tennessee. Upon his return and admission to the bar, in 1869, he entered upon the practice of his profession at LaFayette, Walker county, where he yet lives, and has built up a large and lucrative practice in all that section of the State. In 1872 Mr. Clements first entered into politics and was elected a member of the Lower House of the General As8embl3\ His record here was so satisfactory that he was returned in 1874. In 1877 he was elected to the Senate for the term of two years, and it was while serving in this body that he attracted the attention which gave him the nomination for Congress in 1880. The campaign alluded to above followed, and attracted H REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. great interest in all parts of the State. At its close he was tri- umphantly elected — as stated — to the Forty-seventh Congi-ess. In the National House Mr. Clements made a most creditable record, and was returned to the Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth Congresses, and has been re-elected to the Fiftieth Congress. During the last Congressional session Mr. Clements was happily married to Miss Dulaney, of Louisville, Ky., has a happy home, and is in all respects a "Representatative Georgian." i I 96 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. CHARLES Z. McCORD, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF RICHMOND. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 97 I HON. CHARLES Z. McCORD, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF RICHMOND. Ill tlie past history of the State Richmond county has always contributed an able delegation to the councils of the common- wealth. The culture, refinement and abilit}' of its citizenry has always afforded her people ample material from which to select a representation that not onl}^ reflects credit upon her, but proves of benefit to the people of the whole State. Her present representatives amply maintain the prestige of the past. Of the three gentlemen who at present illustrate the old county in the lower House, the subject of this sketch is, if we mistake not, the youngest. He is native, "to the manor born," of the county which lionors herself and him by sending him to represent her. His father, Hon. Z. McCord, President of the National Bank of Augusta, and one of the foremost merchants of the city, is a native of Lincoln county, but has been for manj^ years identified with Augusta and all that has tended to her up])uilding. His palatial home, in the most charming sec- tion of this most beautiful city, is a veritable paradise of gener- ous hospitality, filled with all that can minister to the most cultivated taste, and redolent with that subtle air of refinement and chivahy that is found nowhere in such perfection as in the Southern cities of the olden time. The presiding {)riestess of this ''Castle Bountiful" is a fit helpmeet to its lord. She was before marriage Miss Harriet A. Walton, of the grand old county of AVilkes, and belonged to one of its earliest and most prominent families. 98 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. In such a home, and of such a parentage, comes the subject of this sketch. Few men have so much for which to be envied. In the pure atmosphere and amid the soft, refining influences of the home we have described he has been born and reared, and, being yet unmarried, finds in the sacred precincts of the parental roof-tree all that can be desired. He is a worthy scion of the House. Educated at the University of Georgia, where he graduated with high honors, he for a short time engaged in mercantile pursuits with his father, but, his mind tending in the direction of the law, he studied that science at Columbia University, graduated with honor, was admitted to the bar, and entered at once upon a lucrative practice, which grows with the passing years. Mr. McCoRD is a consistent member of the Baptist Church, and his popularity in this denomination, coupled with his fit- ness for the place, made him a trustee of Mercer University. His zeal in educational matters attracting public attention, re- sulted in placing him on the Board of Trustees of the State University, and he is the youngest member of that body. In 18S6 Mr. McCord was elected to the House of Eepresenta- tives, leading his ticket, after a heated contest. In the House he has left the impress of his character, and made many warm friends. With a peculiarly analytical mind, forceful in his oratorical efforts, rising oft to the truly eloquent, he has few equals and no superiors on the floor of the House in debate. While earnestly devoted to the interests of his immediate con- stitutents, he has as well that broader conception which enables him to look away from localities to the interests of the whole people. His labors in the various directions in which his com- mittee positions have placed him have been zealous and untir- ing, and these combine with the excellent record he has made on the floor to lay the foundation of a political career the suc- cess and usefulness of which will only be measured by the op- portunities which his life may in the future present. ct e' 100 REPRE8ENTA TIVE GEOR GIANS. HON. ALLEN FORT, JUDGE SUPERIOR COURTS, SOUTHWESTERxN CIRCUIT. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 101 HON. ALLEN FORT, JUDGE SUPERIOR COURTS, SOUTHWESTERN CIRCUIT. Allen Fort, of Americus, Ga., Judge of the Superior Courts of the Southwestern Circuit, is the son of James Akthur Fort, his mother's maiden name having been Mary A. Beacher. His grandfather, Arthur Fort, was a brother of Hon. Tomlinson Fort and Judge Moses Fort, both prominent and well-known Georgians. His great-granfather, also named Arthur Fort, was a member of the first Executive Council in Georgia in 1777, and signer of the Constitution of 1798, and was for many years afterwards a State Senator. Judge Fort is descended (it will be seen) from a long line of prominent Georgians. Allen Fort was born near Lumpkin, Stewart county, Geor- gia, July 14, 1849. His education was begun in the common schools of the country, but in 1866 he went to the University of Georgia and graduated in 1867, sharing the first honor of his class with Samuel Spencer, then of Columbus, but now Super- intendent of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company. In 1869 the University conferred on Mr. Fort the degree of A. M. After leaving college Mr. Fort settled in Americus and read law in the office of Judge Willis A. Hawkins, and was ad- mitted to the bar and commenced practice in May, 1868. In 1872 he was elected to the Lower House of the General Assem- bly, and during his service passed the bill which gave Americus her admirable system of public schools. At the end of his term he declined, on account of ill-health, to be a candidate for re- election. In 1876 he was sent as a delegate from Georgia to the National Democratic Convention, which met at St. Louis 102 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. and nominated Tilden and Hendricks, and was Georgia's rep- resentative on the committee to notify them of their nomina- tion. He performed this duty, meeting Mr. Tilden at Gram- mercy Park, New Yorkj and Mr. Hendricks at Saratoga. Before reaching home from this mission his friends had again put him forward for the Democratic nomination to the Legisla- ture. He reached home but a few days before the meeting of the Convention, and without time for a canvass, received the nomi- nation and was elected, and served in the Legislature, which passed and submitted to the people the ordinance calling the Constitutional Convention of 1877. Under the new Constitution, framed by that Convention, he was again elected to the Legis- lature and served 1878-79-80. In the Legislature of 1878-9 he was Chairman pro tern, of the Committees on Railroads and Judiciary and Chairman of the Special Committee on the Macon and Brunswick Railroad — framing, introducing and pressing to passage the bill providing for its sale. He was also the author of two supplemental bills authorizing payment for the road to be made in registered United States bonds, provided State bonds could not be secured, thus saving to the State a large amount of money. In this Legislature, also, came up the famous impeachment case of The People of Georgia vs. John W. Renfroe, State Treasurer. Mr. Fort was elected a member of the Board of Managers on the part of the House, and made the opening argu- ment for the People before the High Court of Impeachment. In this Legislature he was, also, very active in support of the measure of State regulation of railroads, and was the joint author with Mr. W. R. Rankin, of Gordon county, of the bill which passed the House, known as ''the Fort-Rankin bill," and which, with Senate amendments, is to to-day the Railroad Commission law of Georgia. In this work Mr. Fort was active, tireless and energetic, and won many encomiums upon the abilty with which he managed to overcome the organized and powerful opposition which fought the measure at every step. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. J 03 Gen. Toombs — the great tribune of the people — admh-iug the strength and completeness of the law, which he had numerous occasions to test in the courts, having himself championed in the Constitutional Convention the ordinance authorizing such legislation, wrote Mr. Fokt an autograph letter, in which he said: ''Our work will not die yet, if ever. The country is greatly indebted, to yourself especially, and other members of the House, for the zeal, energj'^ and abilit}' which you displayed in this great battle for the rights of the people against the public plunderers." Now that this "noblest Roman of them all" has passed to his reward, Mr. Fort cherishes this commendation as a precious memento of one of the grandest men Georgia ever produced. Retiring from the Legislature at the end of his term Mr. Fort resumed the practice of his profession, and in November, 1S82, was elected Judge of the Superior Courts of the South- westei-n Judicial Circuit, to fill an unexpired term caused by the resignation of Hon. Charles F. Crisp. In 1884 he was re-elected — without opposition — for a term of four years. On the bench he has made an upright, fearless and able officer. With all his successes, perhaps the happiest event of ]\Ir. Fort's life was his marriage, December 13, 1876, to Miss Floyd HoLLis, of Buena Alsta, Marion county, a young lady of regal beauty, queenly presence, brilliant intellect, and all the qualities of head and heart to render his home a paradise and furnish a never-ending inspiration for his noblest efforts. 8 10 J, REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. W. G. BRANTLEY, SENATOR FROM THE THIRD SENATORIAL DISTRICT, W. G. Brantley was born at Blackshear, Pierce countj^, Geor- gia, September 18, 1860, and is therefore at this writing only twenty-seven years of age. Few men have achieved so envi- able a success, or laid the foundation for a successful business, professional and political career, at so early an age. Mr. Brantley was educated in the common schools of his na- tive town in the elementai-y branches, until qualified to enter the University of Georgia, where he received the finishing touches of that education which stands him in such good stead now. Upon leaving the University, Mr. Brantley entered upon the practice of law in 1881 and was at once drawn into local poli- tics. He was elected Mayor in 1882, and at the end of his term of service was nominated and elected to the House of Represen- tatives in 1884. In 1886 he was nominated for the Senate from the Third Senatorial District, composed of the counties of Pierce, Appling and AVayne, to which position he was elected and now holds. His course in both the House and Senate has been such as to stamp him a fair type of the active, brainy, en- ergetic young Georgian now coming so largely to the front in public affairs. In the Senate he is Chairman of Committee on Banks, and a member of those on Judiciary, Education, Rail- roads and Lunatic Asylum. Mr. Brantley has been successful in the practice of his chosen profession, the law. He was for three years in partnership with Hon. John C. Nicholls, M. C, but the copartnership was dis- solved recently by mutual consent. Mr. Brantley is pers(mally a social, genial gentleman, has a charming wife and a happy home, and his future is one of much promise. 106 BEPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, SECRETARY OF THE SENATE OF GEORGIA. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 107 HON. WILLIAM A. HARRIS, SECRETARY OF THE SENATE OF GEORGIA. I Anj^ book essaying to deal witli the public men of Georgia which left out the subject of this sketch would be wofully in- complete. Few, if anj' men in Georgia know more j)eople, or are more universally popular than he. Bluff, hearty and gen- erous, loyal to his friends always, and fighting his enemies with unfaltering courage and audacit}", be they personal or political, he has become known throughout the State. WiLLAiM A. Harris, of Worth county, was born in Milledge- ville, Georgia, in 1830. He is the eldest sou of the late Hon. IvERsoisr L. Harris, Judge of the Supreme Court of the State for many years, and one of the ablest jurists who have ever graced that bench. William A. had good educational advan- tages. He was a pupil of the celebrated C. P. Beeman, a teacher of State wide reputation in those days. Entered old Oglethorpe College at the age of thirteen, afterwards spent two years under Rev. T. M. CooLEY, LL. D., at Granville, Mass., and finally finished under the late Bishop Stephen D. Elliott, at Mont- pelier Springs. In 1846, though a mere boy, Mr. Harris left school to enlist in the United States Army for service in Mexico, under Henry R. Jackson, Colonel commanding Georgia volunteers. He was in Qx'^itman's division of General William Worth's brigade, and went through that struggle. Returning from the Mexican war young Harris read law in the office of his father, was admitted to the bar, and removing to Irwin county, commenced the practice of liis profession. 108 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. Soon thereafter the county of Worth was made and the part taken from Irwin inckiding Mr. Harris he was elected to the Legislature to represent the new county. He was State Senator for twenty years. At the outbreak of the civil war he entered the Confederate service as Captain and was successively elected Major and promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. After the war Col. Harris married Miss Gussie Ford and settled down to the practice of his profession. His fellow-citi- zens, however, would again bring him into public life and he was sent to the State Senate. Subsequently, when his term ex- pired, he was elected Secretary of that body and has served in that capacity for seven or eight sessions, being unanimously re-elected at every meeting of the General Assembly without opposition. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 109 HON. CHARLES F. CRISP, MEMBER OF CONGRESS FIFTH DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. Yet comparatively a young man, Mr. Crisp has forged his way so well to the front as to be one of the most prominent, as well as promising of the bright, Ijrainy young men of whom the commonwealth hopes for so much in the coming future. Mr. Crisp escaped being born in America by his parents making a visit to England, where, at Sheffield, on the 29th of January, 1845, he first saw the light. Upon their return to this country Mr. Crisp, yet an infant, was brought to America, and has since been a citizen of the Republic. Mr. Crisp received a common school education at Savannah and Macon, Georgia. He entered the Confederate army in 1861, when under seventeen years of age, and followed the flag of the Confederacj^ until it went down in the gloom of defeat. He was a Lieutenant in C'ompany K, Tenth Virginia Infantry, and in 1864 was made a prisoner of war and immured in Fort Delaware until June, 1865. Upon his release from prison Mr. C^risp returned to his home at Ellaville, Schley county, and shortly thereafter read law at Americus, and, completing the course, was admitted to the bar and commenced practice in 1866 at Ellaville, having but just reached his majority. In 1872 Mr. Crisp was appointed by Gov. James M. Smith Solicitor General of the Southwestern circuit, and in 1873 was re-appointed for a term of four years. In 1877 he was ap- pointed Judge of the circuit. The next year he was elected by the General Assembly, under the new constitution, to the same 110 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. office, and in 1880 was re-elected for a term of four years, re- signing in September, 1882, to accept the Democratic nomina- tion for Congress. He was elected, practically without opposi- tion, to the Forty-eighth Congress, re-elected to the Forty -ninth and again chosen to the Fiftieth. Of his work in the National House the limits of this article will not allow us to speak in extenso. He was promptly recog- nized on that arena as a man with pronounced convictions, quick and sure to grasp public questions and prompt to give utterance to his views. He has enjoyed the esteem of his fel- low members, has had excellent positions on important com- mittees, and had much to do with shaping legislation. By reason of his position on the Committee on Commerce he was in charge of the Inter-State Commerce bill, and carried that measure through the House and the conference committees, and put it on the statute books. Personally Mr. Crisp is a gentleman of fine presence, and socially is genial, companionable, and consequent!}^ very popu- lar, not only among his immediate constituency, but through- out the State. His future is bright with promise. 112 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. J. M. TERRELL, REPRESENTATIVE FROiM THE COUNTY OF MERIWETHER. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 113 HON. JOSEPH M. TERRELL, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF MERIWETHER. Hon. Joseph Meriwether Terrei,l was born in Greenville, Georgia, June 6, 1861, and is now serving his second term as Representative fi-om Meriwether count}' . Mr. Terrell is descended from excellent parentage on both sides, his father, the late Dr. J. E. G. Terrell, being one of the most skillful and popular physicians in Western Georgia, while his mother is the oldest daughter of Dr. J. W. Anthony, who was also a distinguished practitioner of medicine. His grand- parents all belonged to leading families of Wilkes county. Dr. William Terrell, formerly Congressman from Georgia, was a near relative. Mr. Terrell was educated entirely in the schools at Green- ville, having been for half a dozen j-ears under the instructions of Hon. William T. Revill, a most successful teacher. At school he was the youngest member in his classes, always stand- ing at the head of his classes, and being frequently promoted to the higher grades in advance of his classmates, so that at the age of fourteen he was a fine mathematician, an excellent Latin and Greek scholar. At this early age his schoolboy days ended, he was placed by his father in charge of a plantation a few miles from town. Here he succeeded well, as he has always done, developing a remarkable fondness for and success in agricul- tural pursuits. After five years of farm life at the age of twenty Mr. Ter- rell left the plantation and entered the law ofiice of Major lU REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. John W. Park. Making rapid progress in his legal studies, he was admitted to the bar in February, 1882, before reaching his majority. At the bar his career has been a brilliant success. Possessing a thorough mastery of the law controlling his cases, gifted with a ready command of language, always forcible and never redundant, going at once into the merits of his clients' rights, and sifting the testimony so completely as to bring out its true meaning, he exercises a marked and controlling influ- ence on courts and juries. Courteous and social in the court- room and in the everyday walks of life, he is a favorite with the bar and the people. In 1884, when only twenty-three years of age, Mr. Terrell was nominated by a Democratic county convention on the first ballot, by more than a two-thirds vote, as a candidate for the Legislature. He was elected by an overwhelming majorit}^, and, though the youngest member of the body, was appointed by Speaker Little a member of the leading House committees, viz.: General, Judiciary, Banks and Banking, Local Bills, and Asylum for the Blind. At once he took a high stand as a de- bater and legislator, being strong, convincing and conciUatory in presenting his arguments, and broad, catholic and states- manlike in his ideas. Re-elected in 1886, Mr. Terrell was appointed third on the Judiciary Committee, also a member of committees on Banks, Penitentiary, the special committee to investigate the conduct of the convict lessees, and chairman of the important Commit- tee on Counties and County Matters. He takes a leading part in all subjects before the House, and is always heard with re- spect and attention. Often called to preside over the body, he wields the gavel with rare grace, ability and dignity. For one so young the subject of this sketch enjoys an ex- tensive acquaintance with the leading men of the State, both in and out of public life. Gifted, polished, affable and cultured, he is steadily increasing his reputation for legal ability' and sound, conservative statesmanship, and his friends predict that REPRESENT A Tl VE GEOR GIANS. 115 his State will ere long demand his services in broader and yet more enlarged fields of usefulness. In early life Mr. Terrell united with the Baptist Church in Greenville, and has ever taken an active interest in the affairs of his church and the general advancement of Christ's King- dom. In October, 1886, immediately after his second election, he was most happilj- married to Miss Jessie Lee Spivey, a lovely and accomplished lady. Happ}- in his domestic relations, honored in public and respected in private life, Hon. J. M. Terrell is one of Georgia's noblest specimens of a true man. 116 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. HENRY G. TURNER, MEMBER OF CONGRESS SECOND DISTRICT. The subject of this sketch is everywhere acknowledged to be one of the foremost Representatives in the National House. He is a sound lawyer, an able parliamentarian, a finished orator and debater, and a cultured and modest gentleman. The latter quality makes this sketch far more barren of facts than the author would wish. Even the official Congressional directory gives nothing bej^ond the mere statement that he was born in North Carolina, March 20, 1839, and was elected to the Forty-seventh, Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth Congresses, and has been returned to the Fiftieth. Previous to his election to Congress Mr. Turner was a mem- ber of the Georgia House of Representatives, and was chair- man of the Committee on Elections, and in this and other im- portant positions rendered valuable service to the common- wealth. He was a member of the Legislature that called the Constitutional Convention of 1877, and was a warm and earn- est advocate of that important measure. In the Forty-eighth Congress Mr. Turner was appointed by Speaker Carlisle chairman of the Committee on Elections, the same position he had held in the Georgia House. In that Con- gress there came up the celebrated contested election case of HuRD vs. RoMEis. The argument of Mr. Turner in this case was universally conceded by those who heard it to be one of the ablest ever delivered on the floor of the House. Mr. Turner has a charming family, is exceedingly domestic in his tastes, and is entirely free from any effort at displa3^ Personally his quiet, undemonstrative manners sometimes cause him to be misjudged, but his warmest friends are among those who have known him longest and best. I J REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. IT, HON. SIGN WILLIAM HAWKINS, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COLNTY OF NEWTON. We do not know better how to introduce this witty, erudite and humorous editor and abk^, energetic legislator to our read- ers than with the following pen picture drawn by himself: " Born in the lap of luxury, rocked in a cradle of ease and plenty, turned loose upon the stormy sea of adversity, drifting into the paths of dissipation and wickedness, and then awaken- ing to the realities of life and its duties, he swore off from most of his vices, and is now endeavoring to lead an honest and in- dustrious life, so far as the rascality of this time and age will permit." Of course, though in his own words, the picture is overdrawTi, so far as his previous short-c3miugs are concerned, for he is and has always been a genial and popular gentleman, fond of life and gaiety, brim full of that honhomme that makes him popular with every one with whom he is associated, and, better than all, a sturdy, reliable business man. Whether leading and direct- ing public opinion as an editor, or, as the champion of the inter- ests of his constituentvS on the floor of the House of Representa- tives, he has shown himself capable, honest, fearless and always reliable. Mr. Hawkins is the son of Mr. John T. Hawkins, late of Walton county, Georgia. His mother was Miss Elizabeth H. Henderson before marriage, and daughter of Jamf^s Hender- son, Esq., we believe of the same place. He was born September 2*J, 1S49, and his boyhood days were spent, as those of many who adopt as a business the art preser- 118 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. vative, in many different localities. His educational advan- tages were such as are usually acquired in the common schools of the country, supplemented by knowledge obtained in a printing office. He settled permanently in Covington, Ga., in 1859, and has remained there ever since, being at present the editor of the Enterprise, one of the best and most influential weeklies in the State. As an evidence of the estimation in which he is held in the city of his residence, he has served as a member of its Coun- cil, and his selection to represent his county in the General As- sembly over formidable opposition attests the confidence his people have in his ability and political integrity. A true Demo- crat, he maintains the time-honored principles of his party with pen and voice, in a manner that is felt and recognized by his contemporaries. He was married May 5, 1874, to Miss Camilla P. Cal- loway, daughter of Thomas P. Calloway, Esq., of Lexington, Ga. True as steel to his convictions of duty, with clear percep- tions of right and thoroughly conscientious, he is faithful to the trusts reposed in him, and makes a legislator useful to his State and of whom his constituents are justly proud and in whom they implicitly rely. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. IJf) HON. JESSE R. LUMSDEN, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTV OF WHITE. Jesse R. Lumsden, the present Representative in the lower House of the General Assembly from the county of White, was born in that county, April 17, 1848. He received such educa- tional training in his boyhood as was afforded by the common schools of the country, and subsequently attended the Collins- wortli Institute, at Hayesville, North Carolina. Giving up his studies, young Lumsden entered the Confeder- ate army in 1864, at sixteen years of age, and was engaged in the battles around Atlanta. He was subsequently discharged on account of ill health, and in the modesty of his nature de- clares that he has no war record. Those, however, who par- ticipated with him in the arduous Atlanta campaign ai'c dis- posed to differ with him on this subject. Mr. Lumsden has, since the war and his arrival at manhood, pursued the business of agriculture and mining. He owns the famous Lumsden mine, from which some of the largest finds in the shape of nuggets ever taken out of the Georgia gold fields liave been secured. Within the last few years two nuggets, one weighing three hundred and seven and the other three hmidred and forty-one pennyweights, have been found on his place. In addition to these pursuits Mr. Lumsden has found time to serve as Slieriff of his county, and devote much time to all enter- prises looking to the upbuilding of his county and section. Mr. Lumsden was elected to the Legislature in 1886, and has made a i)rompt and efficient member of the House. He is on the committees on Mining, Agriculture, and Journals, and on 120 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. all has performed his duties in a way to prove his fitness for the position to which his people have called him, and vindicate the wisdom of their selection. ' Mr. LuMSDEN was married in 1873 to Miss L. N. AVilliams, a most charming and cultivated lady of a prominent and wealthy family, and has four bright children to bless his home. Per- sonally he is affable, pleasant and genial, and makes fi'iends of all with whom he comes in contact. He has not seen the last of political promotion, nor will this be his last opportunity to render valuable service to the people of his section and of the State. r 122 REPRESEK TA TIVE GEOR GIANS. HON. A. P. ADAMS, JUDGE OF THE EASTERN CIRCUIT. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 1^3 HON. A. P. ADAMS, JUDGE SUPERIOR COURTS OF THE EASTERN CIRCUIT. Georgia is remarkable for the number of young men who fill positions of honor and trust in the State government. Our people are prompt to recognize merit and ability, and, unlike some commonwealths, it is not necessary for a man to grow gray before he can realize the rewards that are the just meed of those who spend themselves in the service of their fellow- citizens. Judge Adams is an illustration of the truth of this statement. Though yet a young man his merit and qualifications have won for him a proud place among the Judicial officers of the State. The Eastern circuit, containing as it does many of the pro- foundest and ablest lawyers in the State, is rich in material fit to fill this high and responsible position. That so young a man as Judge Adams should have been twice elected to this position is a compliment of which any man might be justly proud. A. P. Adams was born in Savannah, Georgia, February 20, 1852, and has lived there ever since. He had liberal educa- tional advantages, and graduated at the University of Georgia in 1869. He read law, was admitted to the bar, and began practice in January", 1870. After the adoption of the con.stitu- tion he was elected to the lower House of the General Assem- bly, and represented Chatham county in 1877, 78 and '79. Upon the impeachment of W. L. Goldsmith, Comptroller Gen- eral, before the General Assembly, in 1879, he was elected one of the managers on the part of the House in that historic trial. 12 Ji. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. and made one of the arguments for the people before the High Court of Impeachment. In November, 1882, Mr. Adams was unanimously elected b}^ the General Assembly Judge of the Eastern circuit, to fill the unexpired term of Judge W. B. Fleming, and at the end of this term was unanimously re-elected for the full term. He has made an exceptionally strong and able officer, and given uni- versal satisfaction in the discharge of the onerous duties of his position. He is unmarried. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 125 HON. THOMAS J. CHAPPELL, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF MUSCOGEE, Few of the younger men in the General Assembly, and there are many of rare gifts and much promise, have made a more useful and valuable member of the House of Representatives tlian Hon. Thomas J. Chappell. He is a thinker and worker, rather than a talker, but is not without facility in the ex- pression of his views upon questions with whicli he is familiar, and he does not obtrude them upon any others. He is thor- oughly familiar with the rules and precedents governing the conduct of the business of the House, and possesses the happy faculty of knowing the thing to be done and how to do it. The ])ent of his mind is toward the practical, and in this direction lies his value as a representative. Mr. Chappell is a native of Muscogee county, which he now in part represents, his colleague being Hon. W. A. Little, the Speaker of tlie House, and is a son of Hon. Absalom H. Chap- pell, a prominent and well-known citizen of Columbus, liis mother, previous to her marriage, having been a Lamar. Mr. ( 'happell received his education in primary schools and at the l^niversity of Georgia, shortly after leaving which he entered upon the practice of law in Columbus, which he continues to follow with success. In local politics Mr. (Jhappell has been more or less active, but sought no political preferment for him- self. In 1884 he was first elected to the House of Representatives, and served through the two"'sessions of that body. He was chairman of the Committee on Enrollment, a most onerous and 126 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. responsible position, and discliarged its duties with marked in- dustry and fidelity. In 1886 he was returned, and in the present House is chairman of the important Committee on Railroads, as well as a member of several others. In the dis- charge of the duties devolving upon him on all these he is careful, painstaking and untiring, and is rendering his con- stitutents and the State at large valuable service. Mr. Chappell is an exceedingly modest gentleman. A sample of it is found in his reply to a request for his picture to accompany this sketch. He said: '' I have no likeness of my- self, and those I have had in the past are so severely just that they would add nothing to the pictorial feature of your work." He is social and genial in his personal intercovirse with his friends, courteous and even-tempered even in the heat of de- bate, generous to a fault, and, of course, popular with all who know him. Although never forward in pressing his claims, his people know his worth and appreciate his ability, and the future has higher honors yet in store for him. 128 REPRESENT A TIVE GEOR GIANS. \^^-l^cy^O<:/ REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 129 HON. HENRY H. CABANISS, ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE SENATE. Perhaps no man in Georgia of his age has a wider circle of acquaintances in the State or more warm friends than the sub- ject of this sketch. Genial and social in liis nature, true in his friendships, companionable and pleasant always in his inter- course with those among whom he may be thrown b}^ official duties or business intercourse, he is universall}^ and deservedly popular among all classes of his fellow-citizens. Mr. Cabaniss is the son of Hon. E. G. Cabaniss, a prominent citizen of Middle Georgia. He was for many years Judge of the Superior Courts of his circuit, and was elected, after the war, a member of Congress, but was not allowed to take his seat, on account of the Reconstruction acts. His wife, the mother of the subject of our sketch, was, before marriage to . Judge Cabaniss, Miss Sarah Chipman, of Elbert county. H. H. Cabaniss was educated at the University of Georgia, at Athens, graduating in the noted class of 1869, with Judge Emory Speer, B. H. Hill, Jr., Hon. Howard Van Epps, and many other distinguished young Georgians, who have since made name and fame in the history of the State. Mr. Cabaniss defrayed the expenses of his education by his own personal efforts, and in the same way has worked out his own career, and achieved a success in life as enviable as it is creditable to the energy and perseverance of the man. He was the editor and proprietor of the Monroe Advertiser, one of the ablest weekly papers in Georgia, from 1875 to 1882, when he sold that enterprise to take a position in the Franklin 130 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. Printing House, of Atlanta, with the Christian Index. He re- tained this place until a few months since, when, in connection with other gentlemen, he purchased the Atlanta Journal, of which he is the Business Manager. In 1879 he was chosen Assistant Secretary of the Senate, and has held that position continuously up to the present, making a popular, efficient and painstaking officer. In 1870 he was married to Miss Sallie Royston, has three children— two girls and one boy — and his home is the abode of modest luxury. He is a consistent member of the Baptist Church, a synonj-m of strict integrity in his dealings, and has before him as promis- ing a future as any man of his age in the State. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 131 HON. MARTIN LUTHER MAIJNEY, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF UNION. ^ Martin Luther Mauney was born in Cherokee county, North Carolina, December 4, 1856. He left the Old North State in his boyhood, and settled in Union county, where he has since resided. He received the rudiments of an education in his native county, but after he came to Georgia he attended the North Georgia Agricultural College at Dahlonega, and there prepared himself for teaching, which profession he followed for some time with pronounced success. In 1881, Mr. Mauney was chosen by his fellow-citizens Clerk of the Superior Court, and served in that office for two years, making an excellent record. In 188(5, he was selected b}' the Democratic party as their standard bearer in the Legislative campaign against a strong Republican opponent, and was elected bj* a handsome majority-. He has made an efficient and useful member of the House, discharging with promptitude and fidelity all the duties of his position. Mr. Mauney is the son of S. Mauney, and his mother before marriage was Miss Hill, a daughter of F. W. Hill, Esq., and his parents are yet living in Marion county beloved and respected hy their neighbors. Both are members of the Baptist church. The subject of our sketch was married January 26, 1882, to Miss Ella H. McCombs, of Cherokee county, North Carolina. They have two daughters and one son. Mr. Mauney is domes- tic in his tastes, and is possessed of a cheerful nature, and many social traits which make him quite popular among his friends. 132 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. JOHN W. MADDOX, JUDGE SUPERIOR COURTS ROME CIRCUIT. John W. Maddox, the present Judge of the Superior Courts of the Rome Circuit, was born in Chattooga county, Georgia, June 3, 1848. He is the son of Dr. G. B. T. Maddox, and his mother before marriage was Miss Sarah A. Dixon, of DeKalb county. Before reaching manhood, at the outbreak of the civil war the subject of this sketch volunteered in the Sixth Georgia Regiment and served throughout the war. His father's prop- erty all swept away by the war, and he dying soon after, the care of three younger Ijrothers and a sister devolved upon young Maddox. Manfully and uncomplainingly he entered upon the task. Devoting himself to agricultural pursuits for a time he eventually entered upon the study of law, and was admitted to the bar and began practice. In 1878 Mr. Maddox was Mayor of Summerville and declined a re-election at the end of his term, refusing also a candidacy for the Legislature which his friends urged upon him. He served in 1879-80 as a Commissioner of Roads and Revenues of his county. In 1880 he was elected to the House of Repre- sentatives, having consented to run at the urgent request of his friends. His record was so satisfactory that at the end of his term he was re-elected. In 1884 he was nominated and elected to the Senate from the Forty-second District. During his legislative career Mr. Maddox was an energetic and untiring worker, and distinguished himself as an exception- ally strong debater, deep thinker, and fearless champion of that REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 133 which commended itself to his judgmeut. In 1886 he was, after a spirited contest, elected to his present position over one of the ablest and most popular judges in the State, and is making a fine record as a Judicial officer. Judge Maddox was married August 15, 1872, to Miss Bettie Edmondsox, and has growing up around him sons and daugh- ters to bless and brighten the happ}' home in which by reason of his strong domestic tastes Judge Maddox takes great delight. He is a sample of the rising self-made young men of Georgia, and his success simply shows what can be accomplished in the face of disadvantageous circumstances by brains, energy, and tireless industr3^ m REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 4 HON. DANIEL N. SMITH * SENATOR FROM THE TWENTY-FIRST DISTRICT. Daniel N. Smith, son of D. N. and Mary Griswold Smith, and the present Senator from the Twenty-first Senatorial Dis- trict, composed of the comities of Wilkinson, Jones and Twiggs, was born in Jones county, October 5, 1851. He is a fair sample of the men who rise by their own exertions to posi- tions of honor and trust and usefulness in the world. Mr. Smith has not had the advantages of collegiate training, nor was he born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His educa- tion, so far as books go, was acquired in the common schools of the community. This he has supplemented by a wide range of reading, and the absorption by this process, and contact with the busy duties of life, has given him a store of wisdom which, while it may not be classical, is yet extremely practical, and within easy reach of his ready and active mind whenever he finds occasion to use it, either in private or public affairs. Mr. Smith, having been reared on a farm, has made that the business of his life, and has been successful in this calling. So completely has he devoted himself to his home affairs that he has never before sought public office. His fellow-citizens, how- ever, know and appreciate his sound sense, practical knowledge and political consistency, and so when he became a candidate for his present position, although with strenuous and powerful * Since the above sketch was written Senator Smith has passed from life to the great beyond, thus ending a career that promised to be long and useful. The sketch is left in the book, as a feeble tribute by the autlior to the worth of the man. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 135 opposition, they rallied about him, and gave him a handsome majority. In the Senate he was placed on the Committees on Internal Improvements, Agriculture, Lunatic Asylum, Academy for the Blind, and Engrossing, and has made a vigilant, active and painstaking member, and his record will compare favorably with that of any of his colleagues. The father of Senator Smith represented the same district in the Senate twentj- years ago, and his brother, Hon. Madison G. Smith, represented his county in the lower House a few years since. In 1874 Senator Smith was married to Miss Lillian C. Stubbs, and they have one child, a son, named in honor of his grand-father, Edgak B. Smith. Mr. Smith is a genial, social gentleman, and has made manj^ fi-iends in public life. 10 136 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. W. F. JENKINS, JUDGE SUPERIOR COURTS OCMULGEE CIRCUIT. 3 Hon. W. F. Jenkins was born in Sumter county, Georgia, March 26, 1845. His mother and father were born, reared, and were married in Putnam count}^, but soon after their marriage removed to Sumter county, and there the subject of this sketch first saw the light. They remained there for several years, during which time Mr. Jenkins represented that county in the Legislature, but returned to their native county, Putnam. J^dge Jenkins descends from illustrious families, on both sides. His maternal grand-father, Irby Hudson, was for a number of years Speaker of the Georgia House of Representa- tives, and was also at one time a State Senator. He was each time elected from Putnam county. His maternal grand-mother was a Flournoy, descended from the old Virginia family of that name. Judge Jenkins had early and excellent educational ad- vantages, but while pursuing his studies the tocsin of war startled the land. Laying down his Latin and mathematics, he entered the Confederate service as a private in June, 1861, when but sixteen years of age, and served through the war, surrendering with Lee's hungry and ragged veterans at Appo- mattox. He was a member of the Putnam Light Infantry, Twelfth Geoi-gia Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia, and followed the immortal Stonewall Jackson on all his famous marches. He was wounded four times — twice at Slaughter Mountain, and twice, severely, at the second Manassas. The two latter wounds disabled him for active service in the ranks, REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 137 and he afterwards 'served as ordnance Sergeant of Dale's brigade, commanded, after the death of that officer, by gaHant Phil Cook. Returning from the war, Mr. Jenkins resumed his studies, and, after thorough preparation, went to the University of Vir- ginia, where he took the full law course, two years, and received the degree of Bachelor of Laws. Returning home, he was ad- mitted to the bar, September, 1868, and entered at once upon tlie practice, in which he has amassed a reasonable competence. In 1872 Mr. Jenkins was elected to the House of Representa- tives, and served in the sessions of 1873-4. He was again chosen, and served in 1884—5, in both of which services he made an excellent record. At home he took a warm interest in local affairs, and was for several years chairman of the Board of Countj' Commissioners, held several minor offices, and acted as chairman of the County Democratic Executive Com- mittee. He was elected Judge of the Ocmulgee Circuit in Ko- vember, 1886, for a term of four years from January 1, 1887. Judge Jenkins was married to Miss Leila Hood, of Wood- lawn, Webster county, May 11, 1870, a most gifted and ac- complished lady, a graduate of Furlow Female College, and also of Yassar. The union has been blessed with three chil- dren — two sons and a daughter. He is a member of the Bap- tist Church, in which he is a deacon, and holds to the good old rule, " Pay up as you go up, and pay down as you come down," never having bought anything on credit in his life. He is mak- ing a fine record on the bench. 138 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. WILLIAM L. PEEK, SENATOR FROM THE TWENTY-SEVENTH DISTRICT. William L. Peek, of Conyers, Rockdale county, Senator from the Twenty-seventh District, was born in Newton, now Rockdale county, July 31, 1837. His father before him, yet living, in the enjoyment of a green old age, was a farmer, and the son follows in his footsteps, and has made a success of the business of agriculture. Mr. Peek enjoyed only such educational advantages as were afforded by the common country schools. He entered the Con- federate army at the outbreak of the civil war, and served through to the end of that terrible struggle as a private soldier. After the war he returned to agricultural pursuits, to which he gave his entire attention for a number of years. Finally his fellow-citizens drew him from his retirement, and sent him to represent them in the lower House of tlie General Assembly. His record was so satisfactory that he was twice re-elected to the House, serving in that body for six years. He was then elected to the Senate, without opposition. In the Senate, as in the House, he has always taken high grounds on all public questions, and has made a most credit- able record as a careful, conscientious and painstaking repre- sentative of the interests of the people. Modest and retiring, making no effort at display, nor seeking to use his position as a stepping-stone to further personal ambitions, he has contented himself always with the performance of the duty that lay nearest to him to the very best of his ability. In religion he is a Presbyterian, and is a strong prohibitionist, from principle. I REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 139 He was married to Miss Susan Smith, February 20, 1861, and seven cliildren have been born to tliem. He has a happy home: an interesting- family, and is surrounded by the comforts of life. Social in his nature, his intercourse with friends is unaf- fected, open and disengenuous, and he enjoys the esteem and confidence of all who know him. UO REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. If. H. CARLTON, MEMBER OF CONGRESS FROM THE EKJHTH DISTRICT. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. lJ+1 HON. H. H. CARLTON, MEMBER OF CONGRESS FROM THE EIGHTH DISTRICT. At the opening of the Fiftieth Congress, Hon. H. H. Carlton will take his seat as Representative from the Eighth Georgia District. Though new to Congressional life Capt. Carlton is a veteran Legislator, and has made an honorable name and fame throughout his State. At the outbreak of the late civil war Capt. Carlton was a physician in active practice, but answering promptly his coun- try's call, laid down the scalpel to take up the weajjons of offense and defense, and entered the Confederate service as Lieutenant of the famous Troup Artillery. He was soon elected Captain of the battery. He was successively tendered commissions as Colonel of Cavalry, Major of Artillery, and Surgeon with the rank of Major, but declined them all to remain w ith his command. Throughout the long and arduous struggle he served with the men who had honored him by making him their leader, surrendered with them, and came home when they did. He bears upon his person the marks of the wounds which attest his loyalty to country and to duty. For a time after the war Capt. Carlton essayed the prac- tice of his old profession, but compelled by wounds and ill health to give up medicine, he entered journalism in 1872, and for six years was the editor and proprietor of the Athens Ban- ner. In the same year in which he entered journalism he was elected to the General Assembl}^ from Clarke county and served continuously in the House of Re[)resentatives until 1877. He was offered the Speakership of that body but declined it, and IJ^ REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. was made Chairman of the Finance Committee and Speaker pro tern, in 1877. During his service in the House Capt. Carl- ton introduced and passed the bill providing for a geological survey of the State, and rendered much other valuable service to the State and people. Retiring of his own volition from the House at the end of his term Capt. Caklton entered upon the practice of law, for which he had been preparing himself for several years. In 1884 his fellow-citizens of the Twenty-seventh Senatorial Dis- 1 1 trict elected him to the Senate, and he was chosen the presiding officer of that body. At the conclusion of his term he was solicited by many friends to make the race for Governor, but I declined to do so, preferring to make the race for Congress in his own district. In 1886 he received the nomination for Congress in the Eighth District, and was elected to the Fiftieth Congress. His term will expire March 3, 1889. lU REPEESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. ~~~Z^xZ^^ REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. U5 HOX. RICHARD BREVARD RUSSELL, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE rOUNTY OF CLARKE. Georgia is peculiarly fortunate in the number of young men wlio in the last few years have forged their way to the front in all the professions, industrial enterprises and political contests in the State. They are men of high ambitions, noble purpo'fees, indomitable energy, and are among the most potent forces that are to-day pressing the State forward toward the proudest place in the Southern galaxj' of grand and noble commonwealths. Ranking among the first of these is the subject of this sketch, Richard Brevard Russell. Mr. Russell, though an old legis- lator, this being his third term in the House, is yet a young- man, being less than twent^^-seven years of age. Mr. Russell has a lineage to be proud of. His father, Mr. William J. Rus- sell, is a native of Libert}' county, whose ancestors came over in the Mayflower. His mother, formerl}^ Miss Harriet Brumby, is a descendant of the French Huguenots, and is the grand-daughter of Ephraim Brevard, the author of the Meck- lenburg Declaration of Independence. Her father, Prof. R. T. Bruiniby, made the investigation of the Alabama coal fields, which has resulted in the Avouderful tale of Southern progress now told every day, and was for fifteen years professor of geology and chemistry in the I'niversity of Alabama, and for nine years in the University of South Carolina. Mr. Russell received his education at the University of Georgia, which he entered in 1870, having been prepared there- for by his mother. He graduated with the second honor of a remarkably able class in 1879, with the degrees of A. B., B. 146 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 1 Ph., and LL. B. Of college honors as debater in his societies, and other distinctions, he received a large number. Entering at once upon active business life, he was for two years associate editor of the Athens Chronicle, and left this to commence the practice of law in 1880, which profession he still follows, with pronounced success. He was for a time associate editor of the Banner- Watchman, but gave it up to devote his entire time to his profession. In the General Assembly Mr. Russell has, in all his three terms, been an active, energetic and painstaking Representa- tive. He secured in 1884 a $5,00(J appropriation for the Uni- versity, passed a free-school bill for Athens, gave them a vote on .prohibition, and chartered a street car line, now in success- ful operation, as is the free school system which he inaugurated. In the present house he is chairman of the Committee on Banks, and a member of those on Railroads, General Judiciary, Education, Penitentiarj^ and Rules. He has always been a strong friend to education, and is a member from the city at large of the Athens Board of Education. Mr. Russell, was married May 13, 1883, to Miss Minnie Tyler, of Barnesville, Georgia. She was a gifted and beauti- ful woman, keenly appreciative of her Ijrilliant young luisband and loyally attached to him and his interests. Earth has held few brighter pictures than their home life painted on the can- vass of the years, but January 6, 1886, she was called hence, and the wing of woe hung low its sable sliadow athwart the hearthstone at which he had found his purest and sweetest pleasures and highest inspiration., It is the fashion in these days to say of men that tliey are self-made, but this can l)e said of a truth of the subject of this sketch. He has earned every dollar he has ever had. and fought his own way to the front. He was far the youngest member of the General Assembly of 1882, being barelj^ twenty-one when elected. His success in politics has been phenomenal. In his last race he beat the combined opposition of two factions in REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. W his eoiiuty b}' a round majority, and has never been defeated in any contest before the people. Personally Mr. Kussell has most winning manners, a charm- ing presence, and many social gifts. Few men are more popu- lar among their associates. A fluent, graceful, and eloquent speaker, and well equipped in the knowledge of public affairs, a long; and useful career stretches before him.. U8 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. i HON. THOMAS CRAWFORD GIBSON," REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF GLASSCOCK. Among tlie popular young bachelors of the present House of Representatives the subject of this sketch takes a foremost rank, and is withal a practical, level-headed, painstaking legis- lator, who looks faithfully after the interests of the constitu- tency which honored him with their suffi'ages. Thomas Crawford Gibson was born - in Warren county, Georgia, December 28, 1855. He is the second of a family of six sons born to Cicero Gibson, his mother, previous to her marriage, having been Miss Adkins, a daughter of Mr. Aaron A. Adkins, a prominent and popular citizen. Both were con- sistent memi)ers of the Methodist Church. Mr. Cicero Gibson was honored by his fellow-citizens with a seat in the Legisla- ture in 1861 and 1862, and now his son occupies the same posi- tion. Mr. Gibson was sent to school first to Augusta, and subse- quently to Athens, where he graduated in 1875, taking the agri- cultural medal. In 1876 he entered upon farming operations, which he has followed with energy and made a success. He makes an independent living, lays by something for a rainy day, and is in all respects a fair sample of the educated, intel- ligent young farmei'S of the new regime in the Sunny South. In i)olitics Mr. Gibson is, and has alwaj^s been, true to Demo- cratic faith and principles. In 1871) he was commissioned Notary Public and ex-officio Justice of the Peace. He was a member of the County Board of Education in 1882, and was County School Commissioner in 1884, giving much time and REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 149 labor to the cause of education, of which lie is a strong advo- cate and ardent champion. He won his present seat over two strong opponents, there being no party nominations. In the House he is on the Committees on Education, Agri- culture, Enrollment, Emigration and Journals, and is prompt and industrious in the discharge of the duties they impose. He is a young man of sound judgment, strict integrity, and is an honor to his count3^*and State. 150 REPRESENTA TIVE GEOR GIANS. HON. PARISH CARTER TATE, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF TATE, REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 151 HON. FARISH CARTER TATE, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF PICKENS. In nothing is Georgia, the Empire State of the South, greater and her future more promising than in the number, character and ability of the young men who must, in the nature of things, come in a few years to manage her affairs and control her destiny. Among those for whom the near future has in store high honors and important trusts is the subject of this sketch. Hon. Farish Carter Tate, son of William and Mary M. Tatj:, was born in Pickens county, Georgia, November 20, 1856. He grew up, as most country boys, busied about the labors of his father's farm, and incidentally thereto received such educational advantages as were aftbrded by the country schools in the neighborhood. Subsequently he went to college, and graduated in 1874 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 171 HON. HENRY WILKES JONES HAM* REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF HALL. In this volume of brief pen pictures of Georgia's representa- tive men now in public life this sketch of its author would not appear did the task of writing it and the responsibility of pub- lishing it devolve upon him. A friend has assumed the duty of preparing it, and though conscious of his inability to discharge it satisfactorily to himself or the public he, in cdmmon with Mr. Ham's many friends, insists on its admission. Hexry AVllkes Jones Ham was born in Burke county, Ga., July 3, 1851. His father, John D. Ham, was a native of the same county, and though a man of limited means, and in humble cir- cumstances, he was noted for his many estimable traits of charac- ter, prominent among which was his devotion to the tenets of the Baptist Church, of which he was long a consistent member, and his faithful adlierence to Democratic principles, as taught by Jefferson and held and expounded by Calhoun. His mother was IVIiss C. S. A. Davis, by birth a ISTorth Carolinian ; she was also a devoted member of the church to which lier husband be- longed. Being an only child, Mr. Ham was sedulously guarded by his fond parents from evil communications and carefully trained to fear God. With such examples and precepts con- stantly impressed upon him, as was to have been expected, he has strictly adherred to the church in which he was brought up. In those days educational facilities were limited, and the sub- *For this all too partial sketch the compiler is indebted to his friend, Hon. J. H. Butt, tlie editor of the Gainesville Ea'jh;. 172 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 1 ject of our sketch only went to school about eighteen months, at odd times, between the 7th and 18th years of his age. The balance of his early life was spent at hard work on the farm. Naturally bright, intellectually, and ambitious to rise in the world, he made such good use of his brief time at school and the few books that fell in his way, that by the time he reached early manhood he had fitted himself for admission to the bar, which profession he followed some four or five years. His tastes, however, were decidedly literary, and from 1874 to 1881 he devoted himself to journalism and was during that time con- nected with several leading newspapers in this and other States. His fluent, gracefiil and attractive style made him considerable reputation as a writer, while his versatility of genius, constant flow of humor and sparkling wit, won for him the respect, ad- miration and warm friendship of his contemporaries and readers. He retired from journalism in 1881 and engaged in other pur- suits. He was journalizing clerk of the House of Representa- tives during the session of 1877. In 1882, '83 and '84, he held the office of Messenger of the National House of Representa- tives. Since then he has resumed the practice of the law, but the trend of his mind being still in the direction of literary pur- suits, he devotes much of his time to public speaking, particu- larly on literary and moral subjects, to extensive miscellaneous reading and to frequent contributions to the press. Being a Democrat of the strictest school, well informed on political affairs and skilled in party management, the people of his county in order to avail themselves of such valuable services as he was so well calculated to render them elected him to the present General Assembly. From his first entry into the House of Representatives he has held a high position and is regarded as one of the most efiicient and useful members of that body. His constituents are satisfied with the manner he has repre- sented them, as his course as a legislator is equally as honor- able to them as it has been creditable to himself. I REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 173 I On November 13th, 1878, Mr. Ham was happily married to Miss Anna E. Cook, in Jefterson county, Ga. Their union has been blessed with five bright and promising children — Lillian Eliza and Anna Lucille, girls, and Walter, Jones and Lamar, boys. Domestic in his habits, he makes a model hus- band and father, and finds his purest joj^s around his own hearthstone and in the bosom of his o^\^l family. Socially Mr. Ham is generous, affable, witty and always enter- taining, and makes a fine impression on all whom he meets. Taken all in all he is a fine specimen of a representative Georgian. 17 J^ REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. GEORGE R. BROWN, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF CHEROKEE. Unless present indications fail of their legitimate fruition, and his record should entirely belie present premise and the history of the name he bears, Georgia and the country are des- tined to hear much in the future of the young gentleman whose name heads this sketch. The author of these biograpliies has studiously avoided any- thing that might savor of extravagant encomium, and in his anxiety to have the work free from cheap clap-trap and multi- plicity of commendatorj'^ adjectives, has perhaps erred in the other direction, and made it painfully matter-of-fact. It will be understood, therefore, that when we say that Mr. Bkown will not owe whatever he may achieve in the future to the fact that he is the son of Judge James R. Brown, or the nephew of Senator Joseph E. Brown, but to his own genius, application, studious habits and personal energies, we but voice the convic- tions formed from a more or less intimate acquaintance with the subject of our sketch. We can imagine few things more embarrassing to an earnest, ambitious and self-reliant young man than to have the shadow of a famous lineage and connection continually dwarf his own personality. "I am only the son of Stephen A. Douglass," said the scion of that nature's nobleman, almost with bitter- ness, "and whatever I may do or be my own effort is over- shadowed by his name." REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. And so it is witli earnestness and sincerity of conviction that tlie writer records the fact that the subject of our present sketch woukl be what he is, and achieve what he will, were his ancestry unknown to fame. George R. Brown was born at Roland Springs, Bartow county, Georgia, November 13, 1861. He received first a primary school course at Canton, Cherokee county, the home of his father. Judge James R. Brown, and entered the North Georgia Agricultural College, at Dahlonega, in 1878. After a year here he entered the University at Athens, Georgia, in 1879, and, keeping up his studies during the full course in that institution, graduated in the famous class of 1881. Leaving college with the honors of that alma mater, he entered upon the study of law in the office of his father, completed the course, and was admitted to the bar November 14, 1882, just one day after reaching his majority. Five days afterward, t3-wit, November 19, 1882, he was married to Miss Fannie McAfee, of Canton, Georgia, thus acquiring his profession and a wife in one and the same week, and fitting himself to meet and grapple with the problems of life. Two children are the fruits of the union. Entering at once upon the practice of his profession, Mr. Brown devoted himself with unflagging energy to that jealous mistress, the law, until 188(i, when, at the solicitation of his fellow-citizens, he became a candidate for the Senate. After a warm primary canvass, his opponents all having withdrawn and left him a clear field, it was discovered that at the date when the election would take place he would be too young, by ten days, to be eligible to a Senatorial seat. Upon the an- nouncement of this fact his fellow-citizens of his own county sent him as their representative in the lower House. In that body he has made a quiet, undemonstrative, but industrious and energetic member. Gifted with genius, the polish and suaviter in modo of the scholarly gentleman, and the charm and grace of the orator, he is yet modest and retiring in 176 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. his nature, and does not court notoriety by artificial methods. These qualities, supplemented by a classical education and a wide and comprehensive reading, give him a mental equipment equalled by few men of his age in the State. Should he live to work out his destiny he will be heard from in the coming years. REPRESENTA TIVE GEOR GIANS. HON. AUGUSTUS M. FOUTE, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF F.ARTOW REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 179 HON. AUGUSTUS M. FOUTE, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF BARTOW. Augustus M. Foute was born in Roane county, East Ten- nessee, November 16, 1838, and is the sixth child of William L. Foute, a native of Dandridge, Jeflterson county, Tennessee, an industrious farmer, staunch Democrat and exemplary mem- ber of the Presbyterian Church, a combination that never fails to produce a good citizen. His mother's maiden name was Martha L. George, a daughter of Samuel George, of Louis- ville, Blount county, Tennessee. Mr. Foute was reared on his father's farm, received a com- mon school education, and was graduated at Ewings- Jefferson C'Ollege. After completing his course he entered upon mercan- tile pursuits, but gave them up to enter the army, and was mustered in on Independence Day, July 4, 1861, and went through the four years of the war between the States. From a private in the ranks he was promoted to the Adjutancy of the Twenty-sixth Tennessee Regiment, and left his right arm on the bloody field of Kennesaw Mountain, July 22, 1864. Unable at the close of the war to follow manual labor, he taught school while preparing himself for the bar, to which he was admitted in Fulton Superior Court in April, 1868. He at once commenced the practice of his profession at Cartersville, Bartow county, which has since been his home. Mr. Foute lias filled numerous important county offices in his county, and in 1886 was elected one of the Representatives from his county to the lower House of the General Assembl}'^, his colleague being Hon. William H. Felton, formerly a mem- 180 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. ber of Congress from the Seventh District. In the House Mr. FouTE has made an industrious, painstaking legislator, and in committees and on the floor has had an eye single to the wel- fare of the people, not only of his own county or section, but the entire State. In 1875 Mr. Foute was married to Miss Laura Anderson, a daughter of Mr. O. D, Anderson, now a prosperous merchant of Apopka City, Florida. They have an interesting family of three daughters and one son, and their home in the beautiful little city of Marietta is a gem, in its way, in which happiness and comfort reign supreme. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 181 GEN. E. P. ALEXANDER, CAPITOL COMMISSIONER. Gen. E. P. Alexander was born in the year 1835, at Wash- ington, Georgia. At the age of twenty-two he graduated at West Point, and it was there that he learned to such perfection the science of warfare by which he became so distinguished as an artillery officer in the late war. He served in the United States Engineer Corps as instructor in engineering at West Point, on the Utah expedition, and in California and Washing- ton Territory until 1861, when he entered the Confederate army as Captain of Engineers, and served on the staifs of Gens. Beauregard, Joseph E. Johnston and Lee until November, 1862, and as Colonel of Artillery until February, 1864, being then promoted to the rank of Brigadier General of Artiltery in Longstreet's corps until the surrender at Appomattox in 1865. He served with great distinction throughout the war, and was rapidly promoted for gallant service rendered in the thick- est of many a hot-fought and bloody field. The same dis- tingu^ished abilities which he so signally displayed upon the battlefield have marked his career in the quieter but no less victorious fields of civic life. The exercise of his commanding abilities has been mostly confined to extensive railway enter- prises and their management, as a brief review of his employ- ment since the war will show. In 1866 he was elected to the chair of mathematics and engi- neering in the University of South Carolina, and filled that position until 1869, when he resigned, and a year later became President of the Columbia Cotton Seed Oil Mill. 182 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. In 1871 he was elected Superintendent of the Charleston, Columbia and Augusta Railroad, In 1872 he was elected President of the Savannah and Mem- phis Railroad. From 1875 to 1878 he was General Manager of the Western Railroad of Alabama. From 1878 to 1880 he was President of the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company. From 1880 to 1882 he was Vice President of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad. In 1887 he was elected President of the Central Railroad of Georgia. He is a member, by appointment, of the United States Com- mission on Pacific Railroads. Gen. Alexander is a type of the true Georgia gentleman, and is the personal friend of almost every public man in the State. His services as a Commissioner have been important, and his opinions upon all matters which come before the Board are the outcome of the most thoughtful investigation. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 183 HON. A. L. MILLER, CAPITOL COMMISSIONER. Hon. A. L. Miller was born in Richmond county, Georgia, near Augusta, on the sixth day of November, 1848. The greater portion of his youth was spent in the vicinity of Au- gusta and Charleston, in both of which cities some of the most distinguished citizens are his relatives. He graduated at the South Carolina College in 1869. On attaining his majority he removed to Houston county, where he completed his law studies, and was admitted to the bar in Perry, in 1871. In 1872 he located in Fort Valley, where he engaged in the suc- cessful practice of law. Col. Miller represented Houston county in every term of the Legislature from 1876 until 1882, when he declined a re-election. He is regarded as one of the most brilliant and clear-headed men in Georgia, and occupies a high place among the dis- tinguished men of the State. He is of the average height, and is finely proportioned. He has a rather fair complexion, dark hair and eyes, and he usually wears a small moustache and goatee. There are few handsomer men than Col. Miller to be found in Georgia. He has a more than ordinarilj^ distinguished appearance, and in a body of men would naturally attract the eyes of an observer. He has always been an earnest Demo- crat, and the Democracy of his county and State have always found in him a faithful friend, and earnest advocate of its principles and a wise counselor in all its (!onditions. Much of his life lias been devoted to hard study, and he is one of the l)est informed men on law. State history, State and national 18 18 J^ REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. politics and on general topics to be found in Georgia. He is modest and retiring in his manner, and, in the common ac- ceptation of the term, has never " pushed " himself, but has risen to his present enviable position as a public man wholly and entirely on account of his merits and high personal quali- fications. He was married October 26, 1876, to Miss Katie D. Hurt, a daughter of Mr. Joel Hurt, of Edgewood, near Atlanta. He has three children, who brighten his plantation home near Perry, Georgia. He was selected as a Capitol Commissioner on account of his peculiar fitness for the place. He made considerable reputa- tion as a member of the Finance Committee of the House of Representatives, and rendered, during his entire service as a legislator, eminent services as a member of this committee. Such a man deserved appointment on the Commission of which he is a valuable member. His friends predict for him a still more brilliant connection with the future history of the State. 186 REPRESENTA TIVE GEOR GIANS. HON. HIRAM WARNER HILL, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF MERIWETHER, REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 187 HON. HIPvAM WARNER HILL, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF MERIWETHER. Hon. Hiram Warner Hill, of Greenville, Meriwether county, was born July 18, 1858, near Greenville. He is the second of nine children of Mr. A. F. Hill, a successful planter and prominent citizen of the county. His mother was the daughter of the late Hon. Hiram Warner, for many years Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Georgia, for whom the subject of this sketch was named. The boyhood days of Mr. Hill were spent on his father's farm in the emplojanents incident to the life of a farmer's boy. Part of the time he attended the common schools of the coun- tiy. In 1877 he entered Emory College, Oxford, Georgia, and remained until 1879, when he left to take charge of a flourish- ing school near Liberty Hill, Heard county. Having deter- mined, however, to make the law his profession, he gave up this position at the instance of his grandfather, Judge AVarner, and entered the law school of Harvard University, which he attended 1880-81, and was admitted to the bar in November of the latter year. He entered upon the practice of his profes- sion at Greenville, and has since devoted himself to it with gratifying success. Mr. Hill was a member of the State Democratic Convention which nominated Hon. Alexander H. Stephens for Governor, and again when Hon. Henry D. McDaniel was nominated. He takes an active and prominent interest in the local politics of his county. In 1880 he was elected to the lower House of the General Assembly over several popular and worthy com- 188 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. petitors. Owing to a long and severe illness he was not present in the sessions of the last House except for a few days when the body first met. Mr. Hill was married September 24, 1884, to Miss Lena Harris, the youngest daughter of Hon. Henry R. Harris, then a member of Congress from the Fourth Georgia District, but now Third Assistant Postmaster General of the United States. Miss Harris was a charming and accomplished lady, and now blesses and brightens the home of the talented young Representative from Meriwether. -^-t-i^- 190 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. WILLIAM YATES ATKINSON, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF COWETA. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 191 HON. WILLIAM YATES ATKINSON, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE t'OUNTY OF COWETA. AViLLiAM Yates Atkinson, son of John Pepper Atkinson and Theodora Phelps Atkinson, was borii at Oakland, Meri- wether county, Georgia, November 11, 1854, the year of the family's removal from A'^irginia, the home of his ancestors since before the Revolutionary war. His great-grandfather, John Atkinson, came from Ireland. He is of Scotch and Irish descent. Mr. Atkinson is one of four brothers, T. A. Atkinson a law- 3'er and ex-representative from Meriwether county, T. E. Atkinson, and R, J. Atkinson, prominent and successful busi- ness men, being the other three. In 1880 Mr. Atkinson was married to Miss Susie Cobb Milton, a granddaughter of Ex- Governor John Milton of Florida, and a daughter of Hon. AV. H. Milton, a distinguished lawyer of that State. Mr. Atkinson has three children, John Pepper, Lucy Belle, and William Yates, Jr. Mr. Atkinson completed his education at the University of Georgia where he graduatcid in 1877, and in 1878 located in Newnan, Coweta county, Georgia, and entered the practice of law. Within six months after commencing practice Mr. At- kinson was ai)pointed by the Governor C-ounty Solicitor. His ability, energy and eminent success in this office attracted pub- lic attention and promptly brought him a large and lucrative practice. He is a talented public speaker, strong advocate, and a well read successful lawyer. He is a man of strong personal 192 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. attachments, and in politics, preferring to be Warwick to King, has devoted most of his efforts to the advancement of his friends. The present is the first office he ever asked of the people, and in the nominating convention composed of one hundred and thirty-three delegates, he received the votes of one hun- dred and nine on the first ballot. In the present House Mr. Atkinson is Chairman of Com- mittee on Internal Improvements, and member of those on General Judiciary, Banks and Banking, and Privileges and Elections,, on all of which he has done splendid work. He takes an active part in the debates in the House, is a vigorous thinker, and a potent factor in shaping legislation. He is lucid, logical and eloquent, generally deliberative, but at times as nervous in thought and impetuous in delivery as Curran. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 193 HON. PHILIP COOK, CAPITOL COMMISSIONEK. Among the best and truest, as well as among the bravest men in Georgia, is General Philip Cook, the "old war-horse'' of Sumter. He is the senior member of the Commission, and his long experience in public affairs peculiarly fit him for the posi- tion. General Cook was born at his father's plantation, in Twiggs countj'^, Georgia, twelve miles below Macon, in the year 1817. His father. Major Cook, was an officer in Eighth United States Infantry, and was stationed for a long while at Fort Hawkins, near Macon, in the year 1812, and Major General Twiggs, who at the beginning of the late war was the oldest officer in the Federal army, was a young captain in Major Cook's regiment at that time. The greater portion of the early years of General Cook's life was spent on a farm, but at the age of sixteen was sent to the University of Virginia, where he devoted himself to his studies, chief among which was that of law. After spending four years at the university he returned home on account of the death of his father. In 1840 he commenced the practice of law in Forsj'tli, having as his partner Colonel Zack Harmon, a distinguished lawyer of that period. After three years of successful practice in his pro- fession, he left Forsyth and purchased a farm in Sumter county, near Americus. Shortly after his removal to Americus he was elected to represent Sumter county in the Senate. At that time each IH REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. county in the State had its own Senator, and Gen. Cook voted to have the number of senatorial districts reduced — -first to 33 and then to 44. Gen. Lawton was a member of the Senate at that time, and he and Gen. Cook are supposed to be the only survivors of that Senate. At the beginning of the war General Cook belonged to a vol- unteer military company in Macon county. He entered the Confederate service with his company in 1861, and was mus- tered in by Senator Joseph E. Brown and Col. Jack Jones, at Augusta. There were about twenty companies of soldiers in Augusta at the time and they were organized into the Third Georgia regiment, under command of Col. Eanse Wright, and the Fourth Georgia regiment under Col. Dole. General Cook's compau}^ was assigned to the Fourth Georgia regiment, which went at once to Norfolk. After the company had been in the service a short while General Cook was appointed Adjutant of his regiment. He made a good soldier, and after the seven days' battle around Richmond he was, upon the recommendation of all except one officer in the regiment, appointed to the office of Lieutenant Colonel. This was done in recognition of his personal bravery displayed upon the battlefield. It will be observed that he was promoted from the position of Adjutant to that of Lieutenant Col- onel, a matter wliich is regarded as quite a distinguished honor. After the promotion of Col. Doles, General Cook was made Colonel of the regiment, and when Col. Doles, then Gen. Doles, was killed at Manassas, General Cook was, upon the endorse- ment of Generals Early, Rhodes and others, promoted to the position of Brigadier General. He took part in all the principal battles engaged in by the Army of Northern Virginia. At Mal- vern Hill he was severely wounded in the body. At Chancel- lorsville he was wounded in the leg, and all the physicians (with the exception of Dr. Philpot, of Talbot county, and Dr. Etheridge, of Putnam,) advised amputation. The two phy- sicians nientioned, however, thought they could save the limb. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 195 and his case was turned over to them, and they were successful not onlj" m saving the General's life, but in causing the wound ito heal and amputation was not necessarj'. He was also wounded at Petersburg, and was left on the field and captured by the enemy. He was then sent to prison, where with other officers he was detained until the last day of Jul}', 1865, when he was paroled. Upon his return home he was elected to the constitutional convention of 1865, and voted for the constitution adopted by that convention. He was elected to represent the Third Congressional District in the -l:2d Congi-ess, but was denied the right to his seat under the then existing constitution of the United States. His politi- cal disabilities, however, were removed by the general amnesty act of 1872, and he was elected to and took his seat in the 43d Congress. He afterwards served in the 44th, 45th, 46th and 47th Congresses. In 1859 the death of his estimable wife occurred, and he never married again. He has two children, the oldest of whom is Mrs. Lucy Peel, of Atlanta. The youngest child is a noble son, who bears his distinguished father's name. He also resides in Atlanta. • General Cook's war record is one of whicli any man in either army might well be proud. On going into battle he was always at the head of his command, and his men were read}' to foll(jw wherever he led the way. He had several horses killed beneath him, and when in close quarters he often used his revolvers with good effect. He occupies a position among the most highly esteemed citi- zens of Georgia, and his place in the Capitol Commission could not have been filled by one more patriotic and painstaking. 196 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. THOMAS M. NORWOOD, MEMBER OF CONGRESS FROM THE FIRST DISTRICT. The subject of this sketch, Hon. Thomas M. Norwood, of Savannah, is one of the best known men in Georgia. For many years one of the foremost members of the bar of a State distinguished for its judiciary and the eminent talents of its legal profession, he has filled high trusts with such conspicuous efficiency and ability as to mark him one of the representative citizens, lawyers and politicians of the Empire State of the South. ^ Thomas M. Norwood, at present a member of Congress fi'om the First District, was born in Talbot county, Georgia, April 26, 1830. He received an academic education at Culloden, Monroe county, and subsequently graduated, at the age of twenty, at Emory College, Oxford, Georgia. Having studied law, he was admitted to practice upon attaining his majority, in 1852, and in March of that year removed to Savannah, where he has since resided and practiced his profession. In 1861 Mr. Norwood was elected to the Legislature, the first political office held by him, and served a term of two years. He took an active part after the war in every election for President, and in 1868 and 1872 and 1876 made speeches at many places throughout Georgia. In November, 1871, he was elected by the General Assemblj^ of Georgia United States | Senator for the term of six years. His seat was contested by Foster Blodgett, in which contest he was successful, and was awarded his seat December 19, 1871, and served out liis term, REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 197 which expired March 3, 1877. In 1874 he delivered his famous civil rights speech, which brought him a national reputation. At the end of his term he was defeated for re-election, after a long and spirited contest before the Legislature, by Hon. Benjamin H. Hill, and remained in retirement until 1880, when, the State Democratic Convention having adjourned without making a nomination, he became a candidate against Gov. Colquitt. The contest was an exceedingly exciting one, and Gov. Colquitt was re-elected. In 1884 Mr. Norwood was nominated for Congress from the First District, and defeated Pleasant, Republican, by a ma- jority' of nearly 5,000. In the House he has taken high rank, and during the Forty -ninth Congress made a speech in reply to an attack upon the South by Mr. Henderson, of Iowa, that was pronounced by many the equal of his famous speech above alluded to. In debate he is humorous, sarcastic and eloquent. Personally he is gifted with many social traits that win and hold strong friends. He has been re-elected to the Fiftieth Congress without opposition. 198 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANJS. HON. W. H. HARRISON, ASSISTANT SECRETARY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. W. H. Harrison is the oldest son of Burwell R. Harrison, deceased, and was born and raised in Lumpkin, Stewart county, Georgia. In 1858, at the age of fifteen, he was appointed to the United States Naval Academy, by tlie late Judge Martin J. Crawford, who was at that time a member of Congress from the then Second District. He remained at Annapolis un- til March, 1860, when he resigned on account of the death of his father, and returned home and went into the business of keeping books for Boynton & Chamberlin, merchants, then located at Lumpkin. When the war came on young Harrison raised a company of boys and entered the service as First Lieutenant of Company E, Thirty-first Georgia Regiment. He was promoted to the Captainc^^, and served under Col. Clement A. Evans, in Lawton's (afterwards Gordon's) brigade. He served and took part in all the campaigns in Virginia fi-om the battle of Coal Harbor, June 27, 1SG2, to that of Monacaey, Maryland, July 9, 1864, where he was wounded in the side and left in the hospital at Frederick, Maryland. Subsequently he was carried to Fort McHenry, thence to Fort Delaware. He remained a prisoner of war until June 19, 1865, when he was paroled and sent home. Soon after his return home he was elected Clerk of Stewart Superior Court, and served one term. In 1869 he was admitted to the practice of law, and opened an office at his old home. He was sent to the Legislature in 1878, and during the sessions of 1878-9 represented his constituents faitlifully, serving on the Judiciary, Local and Special Bills, and REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 199 Printing Committees ; also, as chairman of the special com- mittee to investigate the public printing. During the Forty-sixth Congress Mr. Harrison served as Clerk of the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, of which Commissioner Philip Cook was chairman. He served the committee in a most acceptable manner, and l)rought with him on his return to Geoi-gia the plaudits of those with whom he had come in contact. In 1880-81 and in 1882 he was Assistant Clerk of the House of Representatives, under Col. Mark Hardin, and performed his duties well. When Gov. McDaniel was made Governor he appointed Mr. Harrison Clerk of the Executive Department, which position he now fills, performing the duties of minute and warrant clerk. He is also Secretary of the Capitol Com- mission, in which position he has rendered valuable service to the Commission and the State. Capt. Harrison is fortj-two years old, five feet eight inches high, weighs 158 pounds, and has dark hair and eyes. He was married in 1869 to Miss Clara Rockwell, of Lumpkin, who presides over his household, " doubling his joys and his cares dividing." He is the father of three bright boys, aged fifteen, thirteen and seven years, and one daughter aged ten. From 1872 to 1882 Capt. Harrison was proprietor and editor of the Lumpkin Indejiendent, and in every campaign battled manfully for the Democracy and her nominees. Since he has been acting in the capacity of Secretary of the Commission he has performed his duties in a most thorough and satisfactory manner. The compilation and .publication in book form of the action of the Commission during the first year of its existence was a laborious work, requiring careful thought and exactneas. He performed it in a most creditable manner, and with the method and regular order which seems to be a part of his life. 14 200 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. He is well educated, and is accused of having upon the tip of his tongue as many statistics as are usually contained in the average census report. Being a most admirable conversation- alist, and full of anecdotes, he is a most agreeable companion, and enjoys the friendship and high esteem of a large number of friends, not only in Atlanta, but among the public men of the State, with the personnel of which no man is more familiar than he. In the discharge of his official duties he is polite and accommodating, often going out of his way to oblige those with whom he comes in business contact. He is a favorite with all the State House officials and department clerks. When Gov. Gordon came into office he retained Capt. Harrison, and the public service has no more capable or efficient officer than the subject of this sketch. 202 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. P. J. FRANKLIN, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF THOMAS. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 203 HON. P. J. FRANKLIN, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF THOMAS. It is one of the proudest boasts of the American system of government that the highest station is open to tlie humblest citizen. Here, as uowhere else in the world, is proven the truth of the lines : "It is not rank, or birth, or state, But noble deeds that make men great." No finer illustration of the possibilities of American citizen- ship can be adduced than that of men, who, coming up from the lowest walks of life, fi-om the forge, and the plow, and the mechanics' bench, rise by dint of labor, and toil, and energy, to occupy the highest positions and wear the highest honors of an appreciative people. The subject of the present sketch is a case directly in point. Hon. Parnell James Franklin was born in Thomas count}-, Georgia, in 1858. His father was a farmer, poor in this world's goods, and as soon as he was large enough young Franklin was put at work on the farm and went through all the labor and drudgery incident to such a life. Under the circumstances of course educational advantages were few, and the boy, thirst- ing for knowledge and anxious to acquire it pored over his l)Ooks l\y night, and at such other times as he could snatch "from the monotony of his daily employments on the farm. Finally a way was opened and he was sent to school for a while at Thomasville and took a course at the South Georgia College. 204 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. He was studious, thoughtful and fired with an honorable ambi- tion to be something better than the common herd, and hence made the most of his meagre educational opportunities. At the close of his school days Mr, Franklin taught school for a year, devoted some little time to mercantile pursuits, but having fixed his eye on the bar as the goal of his ambition, used other employments merely as means to an end and finally found himself admitted to the bar and his life-work fairly open- ing out before him. He has devoted himself to his profession with that ability, energy and tenacity that compels success, and has a large, lucrative and constantly growing practice, by which he has amassed a reasonable share of this world's goods and is now in easy circumstances. He had strong opposition for his present seat, but was elected by a handsome majority. In the House Mr. Franklin has been noted for his strict attention to every detail of legislation, nothing escaping his watchful eye, and the careful and painstaking manmer in which he performs every duty to which he is assigned. He is a mem- ber of the Committees on Special Judiciary, Education, Banks, and Privileges of the Floor. At least three of these are busy Committees and the duties are onerous. Mr. Franklin never misses a meeting and whenever he speaks it is at once appa- rent that he has given careful study to the subject in hand. He was appointed chairman of the special committee to devise a Savings' Bank system for the State, and has bestowed much thought and labor upon the question and hopes to pass through tlie present Legislature a law that will meet all de- mands of the case. The importance of a practical law on this subject cannot be over estimated. Mr. Franklin also has a bill pending to print all bills in the General Assembly, and have the same read only twice, thus saving much time and a heavy expense to the State. It is in such practical common sense lines as these that he finds most congenial fields for the exercise of his talents. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 205 Personally modest and unobtrusive, Mr. Franklin is yet easy of approach and social and genial with his friends. The wi'iter has had the pleasure to become intimately associated with him in the labors of the committee room and on the floor, and is gratified to be able to thus bear testimonj^ to the modest worth of this truly self-made man. 206 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. C. J. WELLBORN, JUDGE SUPERIOR COURTS, NORTHEASTERN CIRCUIT. C J. Wellborn, Judge of the Superior Courts of the North- eastern Circuit, was born in Union county, Georgia, in 18.36. He received a common school education. In 1858 he was appointed State Librarian by Hon. Joseph E. Brow^n, when that gentleman became Governor. He read law while occupy- ing this position and was admitted to the bar in 1859. He was commissioned Captain of State troops by Governor Brown and as such served in the Confederate army. In 1867 he was elected Senator from the Fortieth District as a Democrat, and served out his term in that body. In 1873 he was appointed by Governor James M. Smith Solicitor General of the Blue Ridge Circuit, but resigned that position in 1874. In 1873-4 he was Assistant Secretary of the Senate. Upon tlie creation of the Northeastern Judicial Circuit in 1881 he was elected Judge and held that position until 1883, when he was succeeded by Hon. John B. Estes. In 1886 he was again elected Judge for a term of four years commencing January 1st, 1887. On the bench Judge Wellborn has made an enviable record as a patient, painstaking, fearless and upright officer, and is an ornament to the judiciary of the State. 208 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. PAUL FAVER, SENATOR FROM THE TWENTY-SIXTH DISTRICT. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 209 HON. PAUL FAVER, SENATOR FROM THE TWENTY-SIXTH DISTRICT. Paul Faver, son of Mr. John Faver of Fayette county, and ]\[artha a. Faver, formerly Lumpkin, and the present Senator fi'om the Twenty-sixth Georgia District, was born in Oglethorpe county, September 2, 1845. Few men in the Georgia Legislature have made more friends than Dr. Faver. Genial, whole souled, generous and social, he attracts strangers at once, and an acquaintance once begun ripens by reason of the sterling qualities of the man into a lasting friendship. Consequently, as much by reason of this happ3^ faculty, as well as by his ability and earnestness in whatever he undertook, he acquired a widespread influence among his colleagues both in the Senate and House, and ])t'r- forms valuable service not only for his immediate constituents but for the State at large. Notably is this the case in his efforts in l)ehalf of the unfor- tunate class whose misfortunes make them inmates of the State Lunatic Asylum. Dr. Faver is Chairman of the committee on this institution and has been zealous and untiring in his efforts to secure such legislation as will in his judgment pro- mote the comfort and welfare of the inmates. Likewise on the Penitentiai-y Committee he is the same zealous advocate of all reforms that tend to the amelioration of the condition of con- victs, and the carrying out in a just and humane manner the sentences of the law. Dr. Faver was educated partially at the Georgia Military Institute, at Marietta, and left that institution upon Siier- 210 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. man's invasion of Georgia and served with distinction as Lieu- tenant of Cadets until the close of the war. Since then he has read medicine, and adopted the practice of that profession in which he has achieved a pronounced success. He has never had anything to do with politics on his own account until the canvass for his present seat in which he was victorious b}' a handsome majority. Dr. Faveb is as yet unmarried, and our artist has given us in his portrait above some slight idea of how handsome a man he is. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 211 HON. JOSEPH R. LAMAR, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF RICHMOND. Joseph Rucker Lamar, one of the able delegation fi'om the county of Richmond in the present House of Representatives, a son of Rev. Joseph S. Lamar, was born in Ruckersville, Georgia, in 1857. He enjoyed fine educational advantages, having attended the State LTniversity at Athens, Bethany College, West Virginia, and AVashington and Lee University. Being of quiet habits and a studious mind he made the most of his opportuni- ties, and no man of his age in the State surpasses him in the completeness of mental equipment for the duties of life. After leaving college, having determmed to make the law his profession, he entered upon the study, mastered it and was admitted to the bar in 1880. He formed a copartnership with Hon. H. Clay Foster, of Augusta, whicli has continued up to the present time, and the firm is one of the most popular, suc- cessful and prosjierous in that city, noted for the exceptional brilliancy and ability of its bar. It goes without saying that in politics Mr. Lamar is a Demo- crat of the straightest sect, else he would not be the Representa- tive of Richmond county in the General Assembly. Though never having before held office Mr. Lamar has been always a close observer of political affairs, and loyal to his party affilia- tions. Mr. Lamar was elected to the General Assembly, the first officie he has ever held, in 1880, over strenuous opposition. In the House and on the Conunittees on Railroads, (Jeneral Judici- ary and Banks, he at once took liigh rank as a careful, conser- 9A2 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. vative and able legislator. Few new members have made so many friends or rendered more valuable service to the State. Personally he is modest and unobtrusive, almost to a fault, yet firm and unyielding in his convictions when his mind is made up. He is courteous and polished in manner, and has generous social endowments and graces, that make him a prime favorite with all who know him. Mr. Lamar was married in 1879 to Miss Pendleton, a daughter of Dr. W. K. Pendleton, the President of Bethany College, West Virginia. Two manly boys are the fruit of the union. Young, talented and amply equipped for the battle of life, the future holds forth much promise, and his friends predict for him a career of honor and usefulness in the service of his people. 2U REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. ROBP]RT J. POWELL, SENATOR FROM THE TWENTY-SECOND DISTRICT. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 215 H(3N. ROBERT J. POWELL, SENATOR FROM THE TWENTY-SECOND DISTRICT. Robert J. Powell, of Barnesville, Pike count}", Senator from the Twenty-second District, is one of the notable men in that body. As chairman of the Finance Committee of the Senate he has been charged with the weightiest responsibilities, and has met and discharged them in a manner that has demon- strated the wisdom of his selection for the place. Every item connected with the finances of the State receives his most care- ful scrutiny, and he is earnest and laborious in all the details of his duties as a committeeman and Senator. His record will compare favorably with that of any man who has ever held this position in the Georgia Legislature. Mr. Powell was born in Monroe countj^, on a farm in tlie countr3\ He enjoyed liberal "old field" educational advan- tages, which, having a thirst for knowledge and a naturally studious mind, he improved to the utmost. Left by the death of his father charged with the care of his younger brothers and sisters, just as he was at the threshold of manhood, he de- voted himself to them with jealous care until they were edu- cated and able to take care of themselves. He employed him- self in teacliing and mercantile pursuits. Just after his mar- riage to the beautiful and accomplished Miss Mitchell, of Griffin, the war cloud gathered over the land, and, leaving his business interests and his young wife, Mr. Poa^t^xl went to the front, at his country's call. He served with the artillery brancli of the service in the Army of the Cumberland. At the battle of Chicamauga he was severely injured by his horse fall- 15 216 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. ing on him, but, refusing to go to the rear, was assisted to his saddle, and led the charge into the thickest of that bloody bat- tle. At the battle of Resaca h*e was so severely injured as to necessitate his retirement fi'om the field. As soon as he could walk without crutches he again reported for duty, was assigned to a Virginia battalion, and served until the close of the war. Returning home broken down in health, and fortune gone, the indomitable spirit of the man would not down. Wasting no time in idle repining he set about the work of recuperation. Such a man could but succeed, and he has prospered as such men always do. To-day he is comfortable so far as this world's goods goes, is President of the Barnesville Savings Bank, and a recognized authority upon financial affairs throughout the State. Though always warmly interested in political affairs, Mr. Powell has never sought preferment for himself. His fellow- citizens twice made him Mayor of Barnesville, and he is Presi- dent of the Board of Trustees of Gordon Institute, President of the County Board of Education, and has held many other posi- tions of trust in church and State. He is the present Treasurer of the Georgia State Agricultural Society. He is a prominent Mason, has been Grand Director of the Knights of Honor of the State, and represented the State in the Supreme Lodge of the United States. He is a member also of the Royal Arcanum and at present Grand Vice Regent of that order. In every business, society or order with which he has been connected, he has, seemingly without effort and as if by right, gone squarely to the front. Personally Mr. Powell is a gentleman of winning address, easy mann-ers, modest and i-etii-ing, but always courteous and pleasant. In all the relations of life he has been successful and proven himself a fair type of the cultured and genial Southei-n irentleman. 218 REPRESENTA TIVE GEOR GIANS. HON. MARTIN V. CALVIN, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF RICHMOND. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 219 HON. MARTIN V. CALVIN, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF RICHMOND. If the writer were asked to paint out the most potent and energetic friend of public education in tlie present House of Representatives he would instinctively turn to the subject of this sketch. He is, in many respects, a remarkable man, and, while making no claims to statesmanship, being modest and unobtrusive, he is yet one of the most valuable members of the General Assembly. Mr. Calvin is the son of James B. and Elizabeth Calvin, and was born in Augusta. Georgia, September 23, 1842. He had early and liberal educational advantages in the free schools of that city, under Mr. Thomas Snowden, the classical school of William Ernenputch, and was finally prepared for college by Rev. James T. Lin. Entering the Junior Class of Emory College, he had but just risen Senior when the civil war broke out, and he cast aside his books to take up arms in defence of his country. He entered the Confederate service in 1861, and served throughout the war in the Western army. He was dan- gerously wounded in the left thigh at the battle of Fi-anklin, Tennessee, in November, 18(31, and was captured at Columbia, Tennessee, after the fall of Nashville. Returning home after the war, Mr. Calvin entered journal- istic pursuits and was successively editor of the Augusta Gazette, associate news editor of the Constitutionalist and news editor of the Augusta Chronicle. In 18G7 he was elected Principal of the Augusta Free School, then of the Haughton Institute, and held the like position of the Peabody Institute. During all this time 2m REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. he had battled unremittingly for city and county public schools, and when the same were established he was chosen Superin- tendent. In 1873 the present admirable system of public schools was inaugurated in Richmond county, and Mr. Calvin was elected a member of the Board for a term of three years. There were many applicants for Superintendent, and unable to agree after many ballots among them, Mr. Cvlvin was chosen for three years. He accepted conditionally, organized the system, and at the end of three months resigned, thus giving up a hand- some salary to return to his place on the Board, where he received practically no compensation. In 1871 Mr. Calvin took charge of J. B. Lippincott Co.'s introduction work in the South, and has managed their l)usi- ness continuously since that time. It is a most important posi- tion, requiring judgment and executive ability, and his long continuance in the position shows his value and the esteem in which he is held. He has large discretion, being without limit or instructions in the management of the great business entrusted to his care. While still on his crutches, at the close of the war, Mr. Calvin addressed the St. James Sunday School of Augusta upon the subject of raising a monument to those who had gone out from the school and died in defence of their country. The movement he inaugurated resulted in the handsome cenotaph which now adorns Green street in front of St. James Church. This was in October, 1865, and it is a query whether Mr. Calvin was not the first man in the South to lift his voice to inaugurate memorials of her dead heroes. In 1882 Mr. Calvin was elected as one of the Representatives from Richmond county, was re-elected in 1884, and again in 1886, and is one of only five members in the present House serving their third consecutive term. Upon his entry into the House he was appointed Chairman of the Committee on Educa- tion, and has lield that position ever since, rendering valuable REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 221 service to the cause of education and tlie fi;oueral welfare of the State in manj^ directions. He is an active nienil)er of the Com- mittees on Agriculture, Military Affairs and Internal Improve- ments. In the House of lS84-'85 Mr. Calvin introduced a resolution, suggesting to the Clerk the propriety of employing ladies as clerks in the department of enrolled and engrosssed bills. Mr. Calvtx supported the resolution in an earnest speech and it was adopted and put into execution with the most satisfa(;tory results. This movement had, in the State at large, the effect Mr. Calvin purposed it should have, namely, of directing public attention to the necessity and desirability of opening to women new avenues to honorable living. The same session Mr. Calvin induced the House to order printed dail}^ an abstract of the Journal, which enabled mem- bers, present or absent, quickly to inform tliemselves as to the condition of the work before them. Personally Mr. Calvin is a gentleman of winning address, with a pleasant, intellectual face, and is social and popular. He has been a consistent member of the Methodist Church since he was fourteen j^ears of age. The trend of his mind is in the direction of literature, and linds vent in numerous commu- nications to the press. He is active, practical and vigilant as a Representative and keenly alive to the interests of his city and section, as well as the State at large. REPRESENTA TIVE GE OR GIANS. HON. JOEL C. FAIN, JUDGE SUPERIOR COURTS CHEROKEE CIRCUIT. Hon. Joel C. Fain was born in Floyd county, Georgia, March 21st, 1839. Judge Fain is descended from an illustrious ances- try. On his father's side he is descended from the French Huguenots, who settled first in Ireland, after leaving their native country, and subsequently removed to the United States, making their home in Maryland. All the Fains on this conti- nent have come from this source. Judge Fain's mother was a Lumpkin, a name famous in Georgia history since the earliest days of the commonwealth. In his earlier years Judge Fain received excellent educa- tional advantages. Laying the foundation of his education in the common schools of Cherokee, Georgia, he subsequently graduated at Emorj^ and Henry College, Virginia, read law and. was admitted to the bar in 1801. He had but received his commission as an attorney when he laid down briefs and books and entered the Confederate army. He volunteered as a private in the Second South Carolina regi- ment, which went immediatel}^ to Virginia and was engaged in the first battle of Manassas, where he received two severe wounds. Upon his recovery and return to the field he was elected Captain and transferred to service on the coast of Geor- gia. In the spring of 1862 he was made a captain in the Sixth REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 223 Georgia regiment, transferred to the AVestern army, and served in all the arduous campaigns of that army, was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, wounded at the battle of Chicamauga, again on the retreat from Dalton to Atlanta, from the effects of which several wounds he was discharged from active service December, 1864. Returning to his home in Gordon county after the war Col. Fain began the practice of his profession. In this he was emi- nently successful. In 1866 he was elected Solicitor of the County Court and held the office until it was abolished under the constitution of 1868. In the same year he was elected a State Senator, and in 1870 a member of the House of Represen- tatives from Gordon county. Without opposition he was elected to the Constitutional Convention of 1877. Under the new constitution adopted in 1877 Col. Fain was again elected to the State Senate and served in the session of 1878-79 in that body. He was a member of the Judiciary Committee of the Senate along with Hon. Henry D. McDaniel, and other distinguished Georgians, and was on other important general and special Committees, where he did valuable work for the State. In 1880 Col, Fain was elected by the General Assembly Judge of the Cherokee Circuit. At the end of his four years term he was re-elected in 1884 for another full term. On the bench he has made a record as an upright, fearless and impar- tial Judge, and his administration has been popular with bar and people. Personally Judge Fain is social and genial in manner, with rare conversational powers, a fund of anecdote, keen apprecia- tion of humor, and the bright side of life, and a universal favor- ite among his friends. He has been twice married. His first wife was Miss Jennie S. Black, of South Carolina, to whom he was married in 1864. Two girls and live sons were the issue of this union. Three sons, the two oldest and the youngest, are dead. Their mother passed away July, 1885. In September, 221^ REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 1886, Judge Fain was married a second time to Miss Nannie J. Groves, of Owensboro, Kentucky. At Calhoun, Gordon county, Judge Fain lias a happy home, where he devotes such time as his judicial duties allow to agri- culture, to which he is greatly attached, and the enjoyments of the comforts by which his industry have surrounded him. ^26 REPRESENT A Tl VE GEOR GIANS. HON. W. W. GORDON, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF CHATHAM. REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 227 HON. W. W. GORDON, REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE COUNTY OF CHATHAM. No man in the present General Assemblj^ of Georgia has achieved more prominence as a legislator than the subject of this sketch, Not only because of the prominent position he has occupied, or because of the industry and ability with which he has met the onerous requirements of the place, but the earn- estness and fidelity with which he has discliarged the duties devolved upon him as the chairman of the Finance Committee. The chairmanship of this committee is no rose strewn path of dalliance. On the one hand he is confronted with the financial needs and absolute necessities of the machinery of government. On the other he is met, must encounter and answer, the retrenchment and reform element seeking to reduce expenses to the lowest possible minimum. To provide for the one, and yet lay no unnecessary burdens upon the other, to harmonize conflicting views, and present revenue legislation acceptable to the masses, and yet sufficient to maintain the credit of the State and pay ordinary and extraordinary expenses, requires financial acumen, legislative^ finesse, and complete knowledge of the State's resources and abilities possessed by few men in the commonwealth. To say that Capt. Gordon has discharged the duties of this trying position in an able, conscientious, and successful manner, is to pay him the highest compliment. William W. Gordon was born in Savannah, Georgia, Octo- ber 14, 1834. His grandfather, Ambrosp: Gordon, was a Captain ill Col. William Washington's regiment of diagoons in the Rev- olutionary war. His father, W. AV. Gordon, was one of the 228 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. original projectors of the Central Railroad, the first built in Georgia, and its first president. In the center of one of the beautiful squares in the city of Savannah rises a marble ceno- taph commemorative of the life and character of this one of Georgia's most prominent and public spirited citizens. How little did he think that the enterprise of which he was one of the leading spirits was but the forerunner of a system that should spread and grow and multiply, and at last see its per- fect work, only when almost every hamlet in the State he loved should hear the snort of the iron horse and feel the earth trem- ble beneath his mighty tread. W. W. Gordon, the elder, died in 1834. Notwithstanding all he had done for Georgia, and his prominent position, his family were left in straitened circumstances, and this resulted in their removal to New Jersey. There and in New York State the subject of our sketch laid the foundation of his edu- cation, entered Yale College in 1850, and graduated in 1854. Soon thereafter he returned to Savannah, and entered business as a clerk for Tison & Mackay, prominent cotton merchants of that city. Upon Mr. Mackay 's retirement in 1856, the firm became Tison & Gordon. In 1861 Mr. Gordon entered the Confederate army as sergeant of a cavalry company raised in Savannah, and attached to the Sixth Virginia Cavalry, afterwards becoming a part of the cele- brated Jeff Davis Legion. He was elected second Lieutenant, subsequently promoted to a captaincy, and appointed Adjutant and Inspector on the staff' of Gen. Mercer commanding troops on the Georgia coast. Mercer's Brigade joining the Confed- erate army at Dalton, in 1864, Capt. Gordon served with Ids command throughout the Alanta campaign and Sherman's march to the sea, was then transferred to Anderson's Cavalry Brigade, and surrendered with it at Hillsboro, North Carolina, April, 1865. In the following August the firm of Tison & Gordon re-com- menced tlieir business suspended during the war. The house REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 229 grew and prospered for eleven years. In 1876 Mr. Tison died, and ('apt. (Ioedon taking in otlier partners has continued under tlie firm name of W. A¥. Gordon & Co. to the present time. In 1876, during the famous yellow fever epidemic, Capt. Gor- don was a member of the Benevolent Association, an organiza- tion of citizens who made it their business to systematically care for the sick and destitute. Standing at his post . when thousands were flying the city, and hundreds were dying all around him. he exhibited a moral hei'oism beyond even that shown in battle. That he escaped the dread scourge and came out unscathed is little short of a miracle. In 1884 Mr. Gordon was elected as one of the Representa- tives from Chatham county in the General Assembly. This old and cultivated community has never sent a more able and val- uable member to the House. In 1886 he was re-elected. His service in the House is matter of public history. Of his work on the Finance Committee we have already spoken, and it has been no less valuable and conscientiouslj^ performed in all the scope of his legislative duties. Capt. Gordon was married in 1857 to Miss Nellie Kinzie, of Chicago. Six children are the issue of the marriage. On one of the most charming streets in the beautiful City by the Sea, Savannah, he has a palatial home, in which he dispenses a hos- pitality, as elegant as it is sweet, surrounded by every comfort wealth can procure and a cultivated taste suggest. 230 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. LINTON A. DEAN, SENATOR FROM THE FORTY-SECOND DISTRICT. Of the younger men in the Senate of Georgia who have made a most auspicious opening of a public career which promises to be long and useful is the subject of this sketch. Never having before occupied official position, the high stand he has taken among his colleagues, and the important work he has done, are a high tribute to the ability of the man, and give promise of a brilliant career in the future. Linton A. Dean, of Rome, was born in Chattooga county, Georgia, January 24, 1855. He is the son of Henry Dean, and his mother was before marriage Miss T. Jane Adams, of Hall county, a daughter of Elijah C. Adams, a prominent citizen of that count3^ Young Dean received a primary education in the common schools of Floyd county, after which he entered Mercer University, took the full course, and graduated in 1875. In his university course he took high rank, was a member of the S. A. E. Society, and was elected Anniversarian of the Phi Delta Society to which he also belonged. Leaving college he chose the law as his profession and to fully equip himself took a course at the Columbia University, Washington, D. C. from which institution he graduated in June, 1876, and in the following October entered the practice of law at Rome, Georgia. He formed a copartnership with J. W. EvviNG, and the firm of Dean & Ewing has built up a lucrative and constantly increasing practice in the Hill City. His present seat in the Senate was won over stout opposition by a prominent and popidar gentleman. In that body Ivc is REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 231 the chairman of tlie Special Judiciary Committee, and is a member of other important committees, including Banks, Finance, and Railroads. He has made an enviable record on all of these, and likewise on the floor of the Senate, as a clear tliinker, strong debater, and careful, conservative, and con- scientious legislator. At the earl}^ age of twenty-three Mr. Dean was united in marriage to Miss Agnes Gr. Smith, a charming young lady, daughter of a prominent citizen of Rome, and four children brighten the home in whicli he finds rest, peace, and comfort from the toils and struggles of a busy life. 16 S32 REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. HON. JOSEPH S. JAMES, SENATOR FROM THE THIRTV-SIXTH DISTRICT, Among the younger members of the upper House of the General Assembly who leave their irftpress upon all the legisla- tion of that honorable body is the subject of the present sketch. Though modest and unassuming, and not disposed to push himself into undue prominence, he is yet so earnest and sincere in his convictions upon all public questions which challenge his attention, that he is prone to labor in season and out of season for that line of policy that commends itself to his judgment. He makes up his mind only after mature deliberation, and from positions once taken it is exceedingly difficult to move him. Senator James is descended from the ]N"orth Carolina family of that name, his father, Stephen James, having emigrated to Georgia from the old North State, and married Miss Shippey, who is still living, and has borne her husband thirteen children, of whom the subject of the present sketch is the sixth. In the common schools of Campbell, now Douglass county. Senator James received a common school education, and, read- ing law, was admitted to the bar in 1875. Agriculture, merchandise and law have all claimed liis attention, and he has found time, as well, amid these multifarious pursuits, to take a warm interest in local and State politics, and has been honored by his people with many offices of public trust. As Justice of the Peace, Mayor of his town, Representative in the lower House, and in the Senate he has always given such uni- versal satisfaction that his popularity has been augmented in REPRESENTATIVE GEORGIANS. 233 each successive station to which the suffrages of au intelligent and appreciative constitutency have called him. In the Senate INIi-. James occupies a leading place on the Gen- eral Judiciary Committee, also on Plnance, Railroads, etc., and is chairman of the Penitentiary Committee. He has given much earnest and faitliful work to investigation of the prison system. He is a fluent, cogent and graceful speaker, read^^ in debate, courteous and considerate alwaj^s, and popular in the Senate, as he is at home on his native heath. In October, 18()9, Senator James was married to Miss Anna Maxwell, of Douglass county, a most charming and estimable lady, and three bright girls make sunshine and music in the house where, by reason of liis strong domestic tastes, the Sena- tor finds his highest enjoyment. ?- ^BLmiL^aL. Jt.,^jFt..*I..^Jt.JL,ft,,^Jt.Jt^Ji^,^Jk-^^k^ HUNNICUTT & BELUN&RATH, ^mlW^ i' piumher«?, -t- ^team -t- and <• ({a^ •> Fittei^^, Architectural Galvanized Iron Workers, AND TIN ROOFBRS, ATLANTA. GA. COR. PE.VCHTREE AND WALTON, •AGENTS FOR- Knowles' Steam Pumps, Dunning's Boilers, Morris &, Tasl