7t3 Two Copies Kecerved NOV 10 1904 CoKynem tmry CUSS /V XXc. No: COPY Aj LOS ANGELES OS ANGELES, named Pueblo de la Reina de los Angeles (Town of the Queen of" the Angels) by the Spanish founders in I 78 I, has lost as much and more of the atmosphere of a Spanish town as it has of its original majestic name. To be sure, a small remnant of the descendants of the conquerors of California yet exist, and side by side with the inspiring ex- amples of what American brawn and keen intellect can do in a climate once erroneously referred to as enervating, form a contrast which is one ot the charms of the cit\' to the observing traveler. The early history of Los Angeles is enveloped in romance. The first overland connection with the East, bv wav of the famous Santa Fe trail, aroused the town from the lethargy of Spanish dominion and it rapidly assumed the character of a wild border community with the usual mixture of a highly remunerative trade, abandoned revelry and lawless personal conflict. The progress of the city to its present enviable state has been marked by many notable historical events. It was here that Fremont first raised the Stars and Stripes in California during the war with Mexico in 1846. When Stockton occupied Los Angeles after the battle of the San Gabriel River, the authority of Mexico in this State ceased to exist. Los Angeles is now a type of the modern up-to-date American city in every respect. Evidences of the old Spanish life mav be discovered only in obscure corners. ]t has a population of over I 50,000, the larger part of whom have been recruited from every State and Territory in the Union, and from all the civilized nations of the globe, attracted by the glories and possibilities of the metropolis of Southern California. These additions to the native population are people of culture and refinement. Brilliant writers and artists of world-wide fame have made their permanent home in this city or its beautiful suburbs. Some of the first educators of the countrv are located here, and it is worthv of note that the public and private educational institutions are maintained at the highest standard. Within the city limits are 27,000 acres and as a result of this amplitude combined with the general prosperity which has been shared bv the individual citizens, nearly ninety-five per cent, ot the residents live in separate homes. There has never been any suggestion of a halt to the progress of the city. The millions invested in the various productive enterprises, such as horticulture, mining, the development of petroleum and in manufacturing, continue to yield enormous returns, besides the immense sums expended here by the ever-growing throng of health and pleasure seekers. One of the leading causes of the remarkable growth of Los Angeles may be traced to the fact that so many of her visitors are charmed with the climate, with the air of luxurv and refinement which pervades the permanent residents of the City of the Angels. Published exclusively for E. P. CHARLTON & CO., - LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Copyright, 1904, by L. H. NELSON COMPANY, Portia LOS ANGELES COUNTY COURT HOUSE One of the finest public buildings in Southern Caliform: CITY HALL BRALY BUILDING ANGELUS HOTEL ■WOMAN'S CLUB HOUSE, FIGUEROA STREET STATE NORMAL SCHOOL CASA DE ROSAS" CHURCHES OF LOS ANGELES in the city. The Church of the Guadaloupe is of i The First Methodist is the finest chur SAN GABRIEL MISSION Founded in l77l, is the most celebrated, best'" preserved and one of the oldest of the Missio priests were buried beneath the altar to guard against desecration California. Over 3,000 Indians were baptized here. Si? HOLLENBECK HOME FOR AGED PEOPLE A fine Bpccimen of a noble charity Copyright, 1901, J. T. Pollock LA FIESTA DE LAS FLORES Mr. and Mrs. McKinley at La Fiesta of 1901 SOME BEAUTIFUL RESIDENTIAL The •Bivouac." Wilshirc Boulevard, i: STREETS OF LOS ANGELES tlic home of Brigodier General Oti^ ADAMS STREET VIEWS Showing a few of the many artistic homes The architecture or the mansions of Los Angeles 1 LOS ANGELES HOMES I distinctive character of its own, prcserv flavor of the Spanish in style PANORAMIC VIEW OF IE CITY OF LOS ANGELES SOME RESIDENCES IN HOLLYWOOD has responded bountifully to the influences of VIEWS IN CENTRAL PARK The one green open spot in the heart of the business center, i popular resting place Cacti of all kinds arc srowr EASTLAKt PARK daily adds to the icaiety of this picturesque , ever aglow with flc RANGA AND ELYSIAN PARKS ews of the city and surrounding coun CHUTES PARK CACTI AND ALOE jlies of plants have been subjected the most advanced ideas In modern landscape Kardening : secured— a continual surprise and delight to the Flowers of all 1 FLOWERS IN LOS ANGELES grow here with a profusion surpassed nowhere i THE LEMON IN DUSTRY Thi~ business entails the ureate M caic fio m the time that the trees are first set out, throug great markets of the East irrowinii and nrenniE stage THE ORANGE GROVES groves are world-famous. In many places the be remembered by travelers intersected by the sight of the California is one THE PEANUT INDUSTRY □f the largest peanut-raising st LONG WHARF, SANTA MONICA About twenty miles from Los Angeles. The longest wharf in the world, over one mile in length One of the splendid home SOLDIERS' HOME, SANTA MONICA provided by the erateful Country for its gallant defenders. It is ideally located upon ; I9W