ci-. «? '"fe ^*" .A> ■^. DICTIONARY OF ELEVATIONS AND CLIMATIC RECtTSTER (^F TJrK UNI T E D S T A T E S ; CONTAINING, IN ADDITION TO ELEVATIONS, THE LATITUDE, MEAN ANNUAL TEMPERATURE, AND THE TOTAL ANNUAL RAIN FALL OF MANY LOCALITIES; WITH A BRIEF INTRODUCTION 0.\ TlIK OUOliltAPHIC AND OTHKR PHYSICAL PKCUUAKITIES OF NORTH AMKRICA. PiY J. m; toner, m. d. NEW YORK:^ D. VAN NOSTRAND, PUBLISHER, 23 MURRAY AND 27 WARREN STS. 1874. E.NTERKD AoCOnDINR TO AcT OP CONGRESS, IN THE YeAU 1874, By J. M. TONER, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. ^ ( To Prop. JOSEPH HENRY, L. L. D., Secretary of the Smlthsoiiiaii Institution, Who by his important discoveries in electricity and magnetism, by a life devoted to science, and by constant aid and encouragement to others, in the discovery of new truths and their dis- semination among mankind, is entitled to the highest regard of the people of the United States and of men of science through- out the v^orld, THIS WORK IS KESPBCTFULIiY DEDICATED BT THK AUTHOR. PREFACE. The title, *' Dictionary of Elevatious," seems appropriate for tlie fol- lowing work, as the height in feet above sea level is given of all the cities, towns and localities in the United States, that the complier has been able to find a measurement of. Thvitb greater ability and better opportunities to give the public something more extensive and satisfactory. The Avork of compilation has been a labor of love, and undertaken chiefly for the purpose of placing within reach of the Medical profession a record that may enable and induce professional men in different local- ities of the United States to observe, record, and contrast the influence of elevation, if it has any, on health and disease. Hitherto latitude and lon- gitude have been the chief and almost the only conditions modifying climate, that have been taken into account in considering the influence of localities on health. Physicians and travelers have observed in all ages and in different parts of the world, that particular diseases are much more prevalent in certain cities and countries than in others, and that diseases common in the low lands with a high temperature arc almost unknown at high ele- vations with a low temperature in the same latitude. These facts sug- gest that altitude to some extent controls the type of diseases. Of course it is necessary for the observer to keep in view the influences not onh'- of latitude and longitude, but also of a diy or a humid atmosphere, and of a high or a low barometer. When it is considered how completely altitude in every part of the world controls the natural productions of a region, and modifies or limits the types and species of animals and plants that exist and thrive there, it will not be thought strange, that elevation should powerfully effect the health, vigor, habits, pursuits and longevity of man. Heights of localities may be determined proximately by any person with the aid of a barometer, as the mercury in it falls about one inch for every nine hundred and forty feet of elevation above the level of the sea, • or by boiling water, which at sea level boils at 212°, but owing to the lessened weight of atmosphere, as you ascend, boils at the rate of one degree less for every 450 feet of perpendicular ascent. The thermome- phf;fa(;k. . \\\ ter, too, registers in almost any locality one degree lower temperature for about every 300 feet of perpendicular height above the level of the sea. These conditions or laws of the ocean of atmosphere in which we live *(has a depth estimated at 45 miles, and weight of 15 pounds to the square inch, are nearly constant, and with tiie known purity of the free circu- lating air and the great abundance of electricity and ozone Avhich con- stantly pervades elevated localities, are elements too potent not to exercise an important influence on man's well being. Dr. T]. M. iSnow, of Provi- dence, II. I., lias called my attention to the fact that the table of cities :ind towns of over 5000 inhabitants is incomplete, as regards Rhode Island. The same may apply to other States, but the table is, errors ex- cepted, as complete as the data in the census office can make it, for the reason that tlie population of many of the more important towns were returned by tlie mai-shals, along with a part or the whole of a town- ship or county, ignoring town and corporate limits, in one general enu- meration. The compiler is sensible that corrections of many of the elevations given will become necessary, and proposes at once to commence collecting data for additional localities, and re-examining those presented in tin- list, and earnestly solicits from all persons in possession of information as to elevation of localities in the more thickly settled parts of the United States, to furnish them to the author, and also where available, the ex- tremes and average temperature of the seasons and annual rain fall, to be used in a future addition, should one be called for. J. M. TONER, 015 Lmihlana Avenue, Wa-'^hinrjinn, D. C. Jiiiiiidry, 1)^74. INTRODUCTION. The work, to which this is a brief introduction, furnishes a list of the altitudes of so many cities and localities throughout the United States, that an idea may thence be readily formed of the topography and gen- eral elevation of the whole country. It is not designed, however, in any sense as a systematic treatise on the physical geography of North Amer- ica ; but it is believed to contain information that may be serviceable in various studies. In connection with the physical peculiarities of the United States, it may not be uninteresting to take a brief glance into past history, to see where the human family has been disposed to chose its residence in differ- ent epochs of the world, with a short reference to the causes which seem to have determined the selection. In the dawn of post-diluvian history we find the family which then constituted the human race, moving westward down the slopes of the great table land of Iran, and encamping on the banks of the broad Eu- phrates, on the rich alluvial soil of Shinar, and seeking there to found for themselves permanent homes around the mighty Tower, which they are said for forty years to have reared in defiance of Heaven. The influen- ces were then at work, that have ever since impelled the masses of man- kind in all ages to seek the lowlands, to build their towns and cities, and erect their empires on the shores of seas and lakes, and on the banks of navigable streams. History and tradition coincide in showing that the cradle of our race was located among those highlands of Central and Southern Asia, which spread out from the base of the great chain of Cau- casus or Ararat, and comprise an area estimated at upwards of 1,700 square miles. This region has an elevation varying from 4,000 to 7,000 feet above the level of the sea ; and the mountain peaks soar to a great altitude above the plain. Thence the forefathers of the Aryan race went forth to people the lowlands and the valleys ; for it is a remarka- ble fact, that in the lowlands, not the highlands, of the world, the seats of population and power have nearly always been found. A zone or section of country averaging 600 miles in breadth from north to south, and extending from the Atlantic ocean on the west to the deserts of Mongolia and the mountain regions of Thibet on the east, a distance of about 4,000 miles, may be said to have included all the seats of civilization, population, and empire of the ancient world, from the epoch of the dispersion of mankind after the deluge to the Christian l\ INTRODUCTION. era, and even down to the fifth century. All the great cities of the an. ciciit world ; all those mighty empires, which extended the shadow of their power and influence over the civilized portions of the earth ; all those states, whose eminence in art, science, literature, or political econ- omy, have aflected the human race in all succeeding ages ; all the centres even of' religious propagandism, have originated or have been located within this favored region. This zone comprises the basin of the Mediterranean sea on the west, and the table land of Iran or Persia in the east. The Sahara or Libyan desert and the mountainous shores of the Indian ocean bound it on the south, and on the north it is sharply defined by an almost continuous chain of mountains, commencing at Corunna, in the northwest corner of Spain, and traversing the continents of Europe and Asia under the vari- ous names of the Pyrenees, the Cevennes, the Al]»s, the Bolkan, the Taurus, the Caucasus, and the Pnrapomisus or Hindoo Koosh mountains, until we reach those central highlands of the Asiatic continent, whence modern ethnologists deduce the early population of the world, and where the great ridge separates and divides itself into four vast branches. These are the Altai, running northward and eastward between China and Sibe- ria to Behring Strait, where they may be said to effect a junction with the American mountain system; the Thian Shan, or Celestial Mountains, forming the back bone of the continent and losing themselves in the wilds of Mongolia; the Kucn-Lun, which traverses Thibet, and the giant Himalayas, the culminating summits of the earth, which sliut out the northern blasts from India, and sink into the Pacific ocean at the end of the peninsula of Malacca. Singularly enough, only two great rivers, the l^ile and the Eui)hrates, are found in the zone in question ; but it is characterised by small streams, bays, gulfs, and inlets, and by a diversity of climate, soil, and agricultural products, favorable to man's existence, unparalleled anywhere on the surface of the globe. On the boundary betAveen the eastern and Avestern division of this zone, in the great Mesopotamian plain watered by the Euj^hrates and the Tigris, arose Babylon and Nineveh, the first great monarchies of anti- quity. In the long and narroAv valley of the Nile, peculiarly fortified and defended by nature from fiireign invasion, the kingdom of Egypt was established, and flourished for two thousand years under tlie long line of the Pharaohs. For nearly two thousand years almost all that we know of the human race, and of its transactions, occurred in the region between the Tigris and the Nile. Here Ni«ius and Semiramis, Sesostris and Osy- mandias, Moses and Joshua, David and Solomon, Sardanapalus and Nabuchadnezzar, struggled and contended for good or for evil, for em- pire or for religion. AVithin this comparatively narrow sphere, all that INTRODUCTION. iu constitutes the history of that period may be said to have been enacted. Outside of its limits, clouds aud darkness rested upon the world ; l)arba- rian hordes roamed, aud vast forests covered the ftice of the earth ; and if, in some quarters — China, for example — some rays of civilization illumined the scene, our vision of the fact is too indistinct to convey any definite idea to the mind. The most remarkable revolutions of the ancient world were due either to the efforts of ambitious leaders within the " zone of civilization" to extend their dominion beyond its barriers, or to the counteracting im- pulses of the barbarian tribes eager to overrun their borders and pos- sess themselves of the spoils of the more cultivated nations. Thus, in the sixth century before the Christian era, the nomadic hordes of Turkes- tan and Mongolia came down upon Southern Asia for the first time within the authentic period of history, though no doubt they had often come down before; and a century later, the Aryan races, under Cyaxares and Cyrus, overturned the Semitic and Hamite monarchies of Babylon, Syria, and Egypt. The southern line of the zone, which we have mentioned, is of so pecu- liar a character as almost to preclude the possibility of incursions of bar- barous tribes from that quarter iu sufficiently formidable numbers to affect seriously the condition of the civilized world. Often, indeed, did the Ethiopians of Abyssinia, and from the fountains of the Nile, descend along that famous river on the strongholds of Egypt. But these Etliio- piaus were scarcely less civilized than their Egyptian neighbors, and tlie influence of their invasions were scarcely felt beyond Kgypt itself. Once only, and that at a time subsequent to the period of which we spoke in the beginning, (namely, in the seventh century of our era,) did the tide of what is usually denominated barbaric conquest roll over the civilized world from the south. We refer to the extraordinary phenomenon of Mohammedanism, under the influence of which the fanatical tribes of Arabia reared an empire greater than that of the Coesars. The course of barbarian invasion and conquest has geuerally been directed from the north to the south. Beyond the mountain barrier, (which, indeed, has never proved a barrier at all,) already mentioned as constituting the northern boundary of the zone of population, stretches what may be considered a vast plain, of which the western portion was in ancient times covered Avith vast forests, and the eastern was composed of boundless plains, extensive pasture lands, aud sandy desei'ts, peopled by nomadic tribes, whose only or principal occupation was war or the chase. In the eastern portion of this region, on the borders of China, commenced, in the second c(;ntiiry of onr era, that movement of the bar- barian hordes which, surging westwards like a tidal wave, forced itself \ iy INTRODUCTION. into Southern Asia and Europe, threatened Constantinople in the fourth century, and in the fifth utterly overthrew the Roman Empire of the West. But to this very overthrow is in some measure due the extension of population, civilization, and empire beyond its ancient boundaries, culminating iu the discovery of the New World. Although much of the population of the ancient civilization, so briefly sketched, resided on relatively high table-lauds, the most important seats of government were in the lowlands. All, or nearly all, the great powers of the ancient, as well as of the modern world, manifested their greatness upon the waters, on the seashore, and on the banks of mighty rivers. In fact, a great city not built upon the seacoast, or upon the banks of some navigable lake or large stream, is almost an anomaly in history. The waters of the great deep, and of its tributary rivers, furnished the very life-blood in the veins of Babylon, Nineveh, Thebes, Memphis, Alexan- dria, Sidon, Tyre, Carthage, Rhodes, Athens, Byzantium, and Massilia, in ancient times, as they do now, or have done more recently, of Venice, Genoa, and London ; and the thousand multitudinous municipalities that dot the modern earth, have grown up on the banks of the great natural arteries which traverse their territories as rivers or inlets of the sea. Of great cities containing over fifty thousand inhabitants, it may be safely asserted that there were not ten in ancient times which were not built in the immediate vicinity of navigable waters, and the number in modern tinjes is proportionately not much greater. But the exceptions to what may be admitted to be the rule in this matter are suflScieutly re- markable to deserve special notice. The storied splendor of Persepolis, the ancient capitol of Persia, is fully proved by its ruins yet visible ; but Persepolis was situated in a vast plain, amid high and arid table-lands, far removed from any con- siderable stream or body of water. Boeotian Thebes and Libyan Cyrene were somewhat similarly circumstanced. Jerusalem and Samaria, in Palestine, the former 2,666 feet above the level of the sea, and Baalbec and Palmyra, in Syria, were built among rugged hills or arid deserts, with only small springs or doubtful mountain streams to supply them with water ; yet they became seats of religion, civilization, and empire, and hav€ perpetuated their influence through all time. In modern times, when the Saracens swept forth from their deserts and bore the conqueriug banner of Islam to the banks of the Ganges and the shores of the Atlantic, Mecca and Medina became populous centres of poww and influence. The Turk and the Tartar came down from the wild steppes of the North ; and KarakOrum, the city camp of Genghis Khan, arose, like an exhalation of the night, in the plains of Mongolia, but almost as rapidly disappeared. Madrid and Granada owe their INTRODUCTION. V origin to the same Semitic race which built Jerusalem, Baalbec, and Medina, and which, it may be observed, never possessed the commercial instincts of the races descended from Ham and Japhet. In Mexico under the Toltecs and the Aztecs, in Peru under the Incas, and in both under their successors, the Spaniards, the anomalous specta- cle has been presented of empire and population forsaking the low coast regions and constructing their cities on the high table-lands, far from the rivers and the seashore, and wholly independent of the commercial in- fluences, which govern the human race in this matter of the selection of its habitations. We suppose it will be admitted, without question, that in general the elevated regions of the world — the hills, the forests, and the high plateaus, and the mountains in the temperate and torrid zones — are more salu- brious than the low, alluvial and tide-water plains, and contribute more to the strength, vigor, hardihood, and, we might add, happiness of our race. Yet many of the causes which have located population and em- pire on the low lands, and on the borders of navigable streams, are easily enough assignable. It may safely be asserted that, if any one element is more necessary to man than another, it is that of water. A lone spring in a desert or on a highway might suffice to minister to the needs of a traveler or a single family. A small mountain stream might adequately supply wandering tribes and detached hamlets or settlements ; large aggregations of men require more copious supplies ; hence towns and cities are of necessity built where this essential is abundant. So, when nations, in the devel- opment of their resources, aspire to further commercial pursuits, they turn their attention at once to such harbors and locations for their cities as will best collect supplies and accommodate their shipping. Of the four great branches under which all the industries of the world may be grouped — namely, agriculture, manufacture, mining, and com- merce — only one, (mining,) is peculiar to the high lands, and is or may be to a very considerable extent independent of water. Manufactures may exist and flourish in the present age, owing to improved machinery, with very limited supplies of water ; but how much the increase and profitable development of manufacturing interests depend on the vicinity of navigable water, needs but to be remarked in order to be appreciated. Agriculture alone, of all the industries, is intended to be, and is, in a manner, universal, embracing high land and low land alike within its sphere. Agriculture, however, builds no large cities and requires none; and whde it is essential to empire and permanent national greatness, as the foundation of all independence and substantial power, it does not im- mediately supply that intimate aggregation and association of individuals, vi INTRODUCTION. on which the structure of ordinary power and dominion is usually reared. It is commerce, mainly, that requires great cities for its purposes ; and commerce, although it built Petra and Palmyra, and possibly aided Moscow, is yet so intimately linked with the low lands and navigable waters that it is difficult to conceive of its existence elsewhere to any great extent. The exigencies of commerce, too, determine the location of cities, and consequently the central seats of the development of civili- zation and power. It would seem that the preservation of health and the culture of phy- sical energy have ever been a secondary and subordinate consideration to man, and that he rarely selects his home in the first instance with any special reference to salubrity and climatic influence. Cupidity and pleasure in their various ramifications are potent to induce him to en- counter danger and immediate physical discomfort, and are more power- ful than the apprehension of death or the considerations conducive to the preservation of health. Hence, in the pursuit of wealth, he will brave the pestilential swamps of Java, the malarial exhalations of the Gold Coast and the Spanish Main, the impure atmosphere of the mine, and the poi- sonous air of the over-crowded workshops and centres of great cities. For the gratification of pleasure and in pursuit of gain, man will sacrifice com- fort, freedom, health, and ultimately, to use an apparent paradox, happi- ness itself. In large cities, where wealth and power are concentrated, health and happiness are recklessly squandered by the millions ; and as such cities exist only on great navigable water-courses and at the sea- coast, and their populations are constantly recruited by emigration from the rural districts and the uplands and from foreign nations. It is very questionable whether, without this constant accession from external sources, the population of cities could be maintained; and certainly, without such accession and without an occasional recurrence by the denizens of cities to the purer fountains of health, the vigor of ifrban populations would soon be lost. But while power and enipire, as we have seen, have generally been located in the lowlands, there has always been manifested a tendency on the part of lowland populations to annex the highlands from which their resources are drawn, as there has been a tendency on the part of the highland populations to swoop down from time to time and despoil the cities by the sea of their accumulated wealth and hoarded luxuries. A claim of superiority in physical vigor and sturdy independence of character is made for the highland populations of the world, and seems to be supported on fact. Energetic and high-spirited races of freemen have become conspicuous on tlie plains of Lorabardy, Poland, Hungary, and the sca-v ashed Netlierlauds ; but freedom, courage, simplicity, and INTRODUCTION. yii virtue have found their noblest ilhistrations among the mountains and the mountain valleys of Andorra,* San Marino,f Switzerland, Wales, and Scotland. The bracing air and freedom of movement peculiar to to the highlands, are eminently conducive to health and to the develop- ment of the vital forces of our physical nature ; while crowded cities, devoted to manufacture and commerce, and filled with the poisonous ex- halations emanating from their factories and Avorkshops, their narrow streets and unclean by-ways, aud the ill-ventilated homes of their poor, are to much disposed too neglect the sanitary measures, which are essenti- ally necessary for their purification and their continued aud safe exist- ence. There is one remarkable circumstance in connection with this subject that deserves notice. Religion builds by preference on the high places of the earth, and its most favored resorts and its most honored sanctuaries have been upon the hills and mountains. Jerusalem, Medina, aud Baal- bec became gi-eat cities in consequence and by virtue of the temples and sacred associations attached to their respective localities. The shrine of Apollo established the city of Delphi ; and although the throne of the Cresars has crumbled long ago, Rome has remained a populous city by virtue -of her religious characteristics. Thus the finer feelings of our nature combine with the dictates of hygienic law to direct man to the selection of purer habitations than those rendered expedient by the exi- gencies of our more selfish instincts. On the American Continent the remains of a former extensive civili- zation and population are found at numerous points all along the high fertile table lands, from South America to New Mexico. Indeed, traces of this civilization are found on the plateau at different places in all the States bordering on the Mississijipi valley. These are the most noted remnants, of a former and extinct civilization, known to history. The fact, too, that vestiges of these extensive cities were built with so much elaborate architectural ornamentation, and that they are all at considerable elevations aud remote from the sea-shore or large water-courses, excites an inquiry as to the reason for their location. * Andorra, a small, independent republic, is situated in the Pyrenees mountains. Its existence as a state dates back to the year 809, in the time of Charlemagne. It is surrounded by high mountains, with a cool climate, not favorable to the production of grain. The population does not reach 10,000 ; but they are hardy, intellectual, peaceable and brave. f The little republic of San Marino, founded in the year 441, is the smallest and most ancient state in Europe, situated in a cragpry mountain, between 2,000 and 3,000 feet above the sea. It has a territory of about five miles square, and a population of less than 10,000. It is chiefly interesting in history for its antiquity and republican form of government, the industry, intelligence, and fine physical condition of the people. Viii INTRODUCTION. The cause, it is probable, is to be found in the instincts of the race, their religion, and the fact that they were not a commercial people. It is evident that these nations were, in this respect, an exception to the rule, and that the wealth, power, and population of ancient Mexico or Anahuac, had its most favorite abode on the high table lands. It is true, the great cities of Mexico and Tezcuco were built on the shores of a lake ; but Tlascala had no such reason for its locality, nor have the present cities of Guadalupe and Guanajuata, and others of the interior Mexican plateau. The mineral wealth of this country and " the land of gold " may have exercised some influence in the location and growth of their cities. It is also possible that the population both in the Aztec and Spanish period may have been deterred from the seacoast, from the insalubrity which exists in these regions. The seashore of Peru is to a great extent a barren waste of sand. Lima is a modern city built on the only river, a very small one at that, which flows from the Cordilleras into the Pacific ocean within that region. From consideration of fertile land and healthfulness the people occupy the high table lands of the Andes. It is a remarkable fact, that though the Spaniards have overrun so large a portion of the earth, they have never become a commercial people, and perhaps this may in part account for the fact, that their largest cities are far removed from the seashore and water courses. Madrid occupies the greatest altitude of any capital in Europe, and is nearly in the center of the kingdom. It would be easy to enumerate a long list of the many visitations of plagues and pestilential epidemics that at times have visited the countries and nations and cities alluded to in this sketch, and particularly those having dense populations and large military camps. Long prior to the Christian era, 1491 B. C, Egypt, on the occasion of the exodus of the Israelites, was visited by a decimating pestilence. These early epidemics were destructive of human life to a degree that amazes the reader, numbering its victims by the ten thousand daily, and in a season often aggregating hundreds of thousands. We feel assured that, owing to the advance and difl'usion of medical knowledge and sani- tary science and preventive means of the present day, epidemics of such magnitude could not occur or proceed unchecked in any part of the world. An important fact in the consideration of this question of population, is, that many of the larger cities of the Avorld owe their origin not to the indigenous races of the country where they are located, but to colonists and emigrants from other nations. These colonists, for various and obvi- ous reasons, settled on the seacoast, and on its large rivers their new homes often grew into places of power and importance. INTRODUCTION. ix Athens, Byzantium, Syracuse, Carthage, Utica, Cadiz, Barcelona, Marseilles, Gtmoa, and other cities that might be mentioned, derived their existence from this source, and became great marts from the advan- tage of their location and influences already assigned. The exceptions to this theory are sufficiently remarkable to merit some special consideration. We think they are largely due to the three fol- lowing causes : 1st. Religion. 2d. The exigencies of barbaric military power. 3d. Certain temporary and sporadic demands of commerce. When the priest-king, Melchisedech, reared the mysterious altars of the true God on the heights of 8alem, and David and Solomon made the place under its later name (Jerusalem) the metropolitan city of the God of Israel, the instinctive sentiment began to operate which also caused the rise of Baalbec around the cyclo[xedian Temple of the Sun, God, and drew a multitudinous people around the barren rocks of Sion and Moriah, and made even Aramon habitable amid the wilds of Sahara. The same sentiment built Mecca and Medina in the sandy wastes and granite hills of Arabia, and brought pilgrims to Delphi and Dodoua, as well as to Loretto and Compostello, and has retained Rome in the ranks of great cities when all that was Rome had departed forever. The shrines of religion are more likely to be permanent than the mili- tary camps and fortifications of feudal power, or the marts of commerce ; and if they are less numerous, they are equally or even more potent to conserve great aggregations of society in their immediate vicinage. From time immemorial religion has sought the high places of the earth as the best suited for the adoration of Divine Power, and histor}'- shows that the mountains and uplands bave been regarded as the region of vigo- orous health, the abode of peace, and the appropriate seats of religion. When we survey the traces of man's abode upon earth, and see that the most populous, the most prosperous and successful nations, of both ancient and modern times, have had, almost without exception, their seats of commerce and political power in the lowlands, and have crowded on the seashore or along the course of bays and navigable streams, we are forced to conclude that there are other factors entering into theselec. tion of the site of his abode than obedience to the supreme command that man shall earn his bread by the sweat of his brow. The impression is almost universal that a residence in a moderately elevated region either in the tropical or temperate zone, anywhere be- tween a few hundred feet above the level of the sea and a line that marks Alpine vegetation, is healthier than the tide-water lands. It is in this intermediate strata of climatic and barometric influence that the human race attains its uob.lest physical development. Here the lands produce in the greatest abundance the essentials for the support of animal life. X INTRODDCTION. and here are stored tlie mineral deposits which with labor and skill insure wealth and greatness to nations. That the mountains were so frequently selected as the place for the manifestations of divine power and the providence of God over his peo- ple can hardly be deemed an accident, but had uo doubt a special sig- nificance. Sacred history informs us that the ark that preserved a chosen remnant of all living creatures from the deluge rested on Mount Ararat. From the peaks of Mount Sinai the law was first communicated by God to his chosen people. And on Mount Nebo's " lonely peak," Moses, the great- est leader of antiquity, met with his mysterious death, as did his brother on Mount Hor. On Mount Moriah did the proffered sacrifice of Isaac symbolize the offering that should take place on the same range of hills, making the name of Christ great among the Gentiles. Mount Horeb is famous in the history of both Moses and Elijah. Mount Carmel was the residence of or much frequented by the Prophets Elijah and Elisha. It had an eleva- tion of over 2,500 feet, with the Macedonian coast on one side and an extensive plain on the other. "VVe might mention many other mountains recorded in the Bible as the scenes of divine manifestations to man, but the reader will readily recall them. The pilgrimage of our Saviour led him constantly to the mountains. Mount Tabor, the scene of his transfiguration and Calvary the mountain of mountains, forming a trinity with Olivet, from which he ascended from earth. Jerusalem, the chosen seat of God's people, was built on what the Psalmist calls the " holy hills of Zion." Not to the Jews alone Avere the high places appropriated as the seats of religion and feeling. The polished Greeks chose the mountains not only as the fancied abode of their Parnassian seutinents, but their oracles perched upon rocky hills gave decrees to their people. Rome from her seven hills ruled the world. Mahommet chose the hills when he retired from the world for meditation and prayer. The grand Lama from his home among the Himalaya mountains, rules spiritually many thousands of the human race. The ancient Gauls deemed the lofty Alps the dominion of God, and called them "Jura;" and the Peruvians built the seat of their untutored religion among the heights of the Andes. Republics are now so common that they attract but little attention, but for ages Switzerland looked down from her alpine hills and saw the whole of civilized Europe under the dominion of tyranny. INTRODUCTION. ;jj The Saracens, invading Spain in the eight century, compelled the Christian inhabitants to seek refuge in the mountains, where they main- tained their indenpedence for many years, but when their posterity became numerous and powerful they descended into the plains and wrested from the grasp of the invaders the lower country; and for future protection constructed forts, which in Spanish are termed " Castillos ; " and hence it is that the appellation of " Castile " is given to a portion of this rescued territory. It is not claimed that the mountains shelter only the good and the brave. The bandit thieves find cover in the fastnesses of the hills. The feudal robbers of the middle ages established their castles or camps and built their castella or little forts on the mountains : and so the strono-- holds of military chieftains, more frequently in Asia however than in Europe, have developed into cities of more or less magnitude. The American continent comprises one of the grand divisions of the Globe, and is bounded on each side by the greatest of the oceans. The territory of the United States now extends from about 25° n. lat, to 62°, or within the Arctic Circle ; from the Arctic ocean nearly to the Ti'oi)ics, and has within its boundaries nearly every conceivable climate and soil, and is capable of producing in abundance almost every thing that man's comfort, luxury or taste can desire ; and capable of sustaining a more numerous and vigorous population than has ever existed on earth at one time under any nation. It must suffice our purpose for the present, to allude to the character- istics of the mountains, the elevated plains, and the rivers and lakes of the United States. ^Mountain ranges of great magnitude and continuity extend unbrokn along the Pacific coast of both North and South America. These ranges of mountains, in passing through the narrow neck of land known as the Isthmus of Panama, which connects the two continents, rise only a moderate height. But after passing this narrow neck and attaining great width the mountains swells into a broad table laud of upwards of 6,000 feet in altitude, converting the tropical lauds of Guatemala and Mexico by its elevation into a temperate climate. From this high plane shoot up mountains to a much higher altitude, some of which are vol- canic, and the tops of others are covered with perpetual snow ; among which we may name Orizaba, Toluca, and Popocatapetl. Beyond Mex- ico this elevated table-land is prolonged in the great chain of the Rocky mountains, nearly parallel with the Pacific ocean ; and, although there are some very lofty peaks, as Mt. Elias, they do Jiot rise so high as those of the Andes, which range from 12,000 to 19,000 feet. There is also a coast range of bluff and precipitous moiiutains running the >yhole length of California, rising from 7,000 to 9,000 feet, interspersed xii INTRODUCTION. with exceedingly fertile valleys lying between it and the Sierra Nevada and Rocky mountains, some of which are low, and others at considerable elevations. These mountains are cut transversely by but two streams, the Sacramento and the Klamath. In the Colorado region a portion of the Mojave Basin, " called death valley," is estimated to be 375 feet below the level of the sea. The Sierra Nevada runs parallel with the coast range, but rises somewhat higher, rearing its crests into the regions of perpetual snow, which is reached at an altitude of about 10,000 feet. In some of the deep ravines, at an elevation of but 6,000 feet, frost ap- pears every month of the year, owing to the cold air settling down along them, from the snow-covered mountains. The Rocky mountains rise still higher than either the coast range or the Sieri-a Nevada, They all attain such an elevation as to condense the moisture from the rain-bearing currents of air, as they pass from the Pa- cific, which leaves the interior plateau, comprising the States and Terri- tories of the United States lying east of the Sierra Nevada and west of the Missouri river, with little or no rain fall. To this fact is largely due the dry and treeless plai»s which give these sections the name of Ameri- can deserts. High mountains running along the seacoast are a continental character- istic to be found in South America and Asia. These mountains do much to modify climate and determine the direction of the currents of winds and rain fall. The following is the elevations given by Humboldt of 22 cities on the high plateau, from the city of Mexico to Santa Fee, New Mexico. The elevations do not entirely agree with later measurements, but they are in the main correct, and show the character of the country : Mexico 4,9?>0 feet. El Paso del Norte 3,812 feet. Tula 6,733 '' SiinU Fee 7,047 " San Jaan t>,490 " Zat-atecfts 8,040 " Queretaro 6.363 " Frcnsillo 7,244 " Cclaya G,017 " Dunuigo G,848 " Salamanca 5,761 " P:irrfis........ , 4,985 " Guanazuata 6,836 " Saltillo 5,240 " Silao 5,910 " r. . 1 T7 • • ) 3,837 " VilladeLeon 6;i33 - Bolso de Mapin,i |^;^^g ,, Lagos 6,376 " Chihuahua 4,638 " Aguas Calientes 6,261 " Co3U]viiiiaul»i 6,273 " San Louis Potosi 6,090 " The Apallachian or Allegheny range of mountains, extend in a south- westerly course nearly parallel with the Atlantic coast, from Maine to Alabama. It is not characterized by any great number of high peaks, rarely rising higher than 3,000 feet, with an average elevation of about 2,400, the highest peaks being at the southern and northern extremities ; INTRODUCTION. xiii Mount Mitchell, in North Carolina, 6,732, and Mount Washington, one of the White mountain peaks of New Hampshire, 6,226 feet. The great interior plateau, declining gradually to the southwest into what is known as the Mississippi valley, drained by the Mississippi river and its many great tributaries, the Rocky mountains on one side, the Allegheny on the other, the British possessions on the north, and the gulf of Mexico on the south, has in the main an elevation below 1,000 feet, and with but few exceptions and for limited areas, rises over 2,000 feet above sea level. The States bordering on the Atlantic coast as a general fact are low. Fully one-half of the surface territory of Maine, New Hampshire, Mass- achusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Georgia has an elevation of less than 300 feet above the sea. No portion of Florida rises as high as 800 feet. The parts of the Atlantic States that rise above 500 feet of elevation are the rolling uplands, the spurs and broad foot hills and the Apallachian chain of mountains. Although the Sierra Nevada and the Rocky Mountains, to a great ex- tent, by their elevation and direction, determine the climate and rain-fall of the interior of the country to the Mississippi river, the Apallachian range of mountains does not rise high enough to exercise any very marked influence over the climate or productions of the adjacent country. The climate and productions of the Allegheny mountains partake but slightly of an Alpine character. The mountain ranges of this chain have dif- ferent and local names in different States. As these mountains rise in height they have a cool atmosphere and greener verdure during the sum- mer months, the result of greater precipitation, than in the plains and the adjacent low lands. The lowest vallies or lands in proximity to high mountains in the At- lantic States, are to be found along the Kanawha river, in West Vir- ginia, and the Lake Champlain region of Vermont. The climate and products of these valleys are but little if at all affected by the high mountains in their vicinity. The chief factors that determ- ine and modify climate are, latitude, altitude, distance from the seacoast, mountain ranges, and inland lakes. These are positive elements, and nearly regular in their influence. It is generally accepted, that as we ascend above the sea level, the temperature of the air falls at the rate of about one degree for every 300 feet of ascension. Thus 300 feet of elevation effects a change of climate equal to a geographic degree farther north. Even under the Equator the perpetual snow line is reached at about xiv INTRODUCTION, 16,000 feet. There are certaia variations to this rule of low temperature by elevation. If the elevations are on broad table lands, the temperature will be higher than on peaks of equal altitude, rising from sea level. Thus the Salt Lake valley of over 4,000 feet (4,435) has an average an- uual tern perature of 52°, which is about what is obtained in the same latitude at some places on the Pacific coast at sea level. The cereals will grow on the north side of the Himalayas at an eleva- tion of over two thousand feet higher than on the south side, though there is a difference of some two degrees of latitude. This is owing to the fact of the high table lands on one side and the more abrupt descent to the sea on the other. In winter, low and narrow valleys are colder than broad and open ones, because the heavier, damp cold air seek them. In an agricultural point of view a knowledge of the extremes of the range of the thermometer is more important than the average or mean. Some of our most valuable crops being annuals, care but little for the extreme of cold in winter, providing they have the required amount and duration of heat in summer for ripening ; and in any region where the summer heats rise high enough for about four months, valuable spring crops of wheat, corn, oats, and potatoes can be raised. To elucidate with more distinctness the climatic and physical peculiar- ities and elevations above sea-level of each State and territory of the United States, I have constructed Table I, which is made from calcula- tions of actual elevations of one or more points in nearly every county throughout the whole country. It also gives the number of square miles and aggregate population of each State and Territory and the population in 1870 living in cities of over 5,000. It is almost impossible to make satisfactory calculations and estimates of the average altitudes of California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska, but it is believed that the figures given will approximate very closely to their actual average elevation. This table also exhibits at a glance the population of our country that are living in towns and cities. It will be observed, that the great pro- portion of the population of our country are in States with an average elevation below 1,100 feet above sea level. It will be seen by examining table No. I, that over 20 per cent. (21.92) of the whole population of the United States is living in cities and towns of over 5,000 population. But 22 of these cities are located at elevations of 1,000 feet and over above the level of the sea, their aggregate popu- lation being 182,798. The Census for 1870 shows that the real and personal estates in the United States are valued at S30,068,ol8,507, and of this, .$13,2?.5,61 8,976 is in farms at cash value, their annual products, and live stock. INTRODUCTION. XV The agricultural interests therefore serve to distribute the wealth of the nation over its territory, and control to some extent its concentration in cities and commercial centres. Fully thirty per cent, of the male inhabitants of the United States over the age of fifteen are engaged in agricultural pursuits and in curing and handling its products. It has been estimated that nine-tenths of the fixed capital of all civilized nations are employed in agriculture. This branch of industry alone adds annually $2,447,538,658 of wealth to our country. In the State of New York, with the enormous wealth of its metropolis, the agricultural interests are said to pay fovir-fifths of the taxes. It will also be observed that the most productive States with the largest population and with the greatest aggregate wealth, are to be found among those having an average elevation above the sea of from 400 to 1,000 feet. Already the hardy pioneers and agriculturists are settling the fertile table lands along the streams flowing out from the Rocky mountains, and civilization is gradually reaching the western verge of the elevated and most extensive agricultural plateau of North America, and perhaps in the world, embracing 2,250,000 square miles, extending from the gulf of Mexico to the Arctic ocean. The great bulk of the cereal grains, and particularly of wheat and corn, the two most important for man and animals produced in the United States, is grown in States occupying a zone that crosses the continent be- tween the B4th and 48th degree of latitude, but chiefly east of the 95th degree of longitude, and at an elevation ranging between 250 and 1,000 feet above the sea. These grains will of course grow both at higher and lower elevations, but the fact is apj^arent that they are produced at pres- ent in the greatest abundance and perfection between the regions men- tioned. Wheat does not do well in lands best adapted to rice, cotton, and sugar cane ; corn grows at a slightly lower elevation than wheat, and in greater quantity in the more southern States, as will be shown in table No. II. The part of the country lying west of the 95th parallel, which includes the vast table lauds and high mountains of the interior and Pacific coast region gives an average elevation of 2,848 feet. If we take those States lying east of the 95th line of longitude and group them together, we find, that it would give for all these an average elevation of 607 feet. It is readily seen, that when these tvv'o sections, namely, the eastern and western, divided by the 95th parallel, are taken together, a lower average (2,125 feet) for the whole United States results. XVI INTRODUCTION. Table I of the approximate Average Elevation above Sea-level of each State and Territory in the United States, and an average elevation of the United States, u'ith the number of Square Miles in each State and Total Population by States, and the number of inhabi- tants living in cities with a population of 5,000 and over in 1870. States and Terri- tories. Wyoming Colorado Arizona Idaho Utah Nevada New Mexico Montana California Oregon Dakotah Nebraska Kansas Washington Minnesota West Virginia Alaska Indian Territory Iowa Wisconsin Missouri Michigan New York Pennsylvjinid Ohio Virginia Indiana Illinois New Hampshire Tennessee Vermont , Kentucky Georgia North Carolina Texas Massachusetts Maine Maryland Alabama South Carolina Arkansas Connecticut Mississippi New Jersey Rhode Island District of Columbia Dchiwiire Louisiana Florida Average elevation of the U. States..., Average altitude of State. 7,200 6,500 6,000 5,800 5,500 5,400 5,300 4,500 2,500 2,000 1,850 1,700 1,350 1,250 1,100 l,05o 1,000 950 900 850 800 800 800 750 700 700 675 625 625 600 600 600 575 550 450 400 375 375 375 350 300 300 275 200 125 115 100 75 60 2,125 Square miles. 97 104 lt3 86 84 104 121 143 188 95 150 75 81 69 83 23 577, 68 55^ 53 65 56 47 46 39 38 33 55 9 45, 10 37 58, 50 274 7 35 11 50 34 52 4 47 883 500 916 294 476 125 201 776 981 274 932 995 318 994 531 000 390 991 045 924 350 451 100 000 964 348 809 410 280 600 212 680 000 704 356 800 000 124 722 000 198 750 156 320 306 64 120 346 2G8 3,603,884 Persons to square miles. 0.09 0.38 0.08 0.17 1.03 0.41 0.76 0.14 2.29 0.95 0.09 1.62 4.48 0.34 5 26 19.22 21.69 19 56 26.34 20.97 93.25 76.56 66 69 31.95 49.71 45.84 34.30 27.60 32.37 35.33 20.42 21.13 2.98 186.84 )7.91 70.20 19.66 20.75 9.30 113.15 17.56 108.91 166 43 2057.81 58.97 17.58 3.17 Total popu- lation. 11,518 47,164 41,710 20,583 99,581 58,711 111,303 39,895 582,031 101,883 40,501 129,322 373,299 37,432 446,056 442,014 70,446 68,152 1,194.320 1,064,985 1,721,295 1,187,234 4,387,464 3,522,050 2,665,260 1,225,163 1,680,637 2,539,891 318,300 1,158,520 330,551 1,321,011 1,184,109 1,071,362 818,899 1,457,351 626,915 780,894 996,992 705,606 484,471 537,454 827,922 906,096 217,353 131,700 125,015 726,915 188,248 38,925,598 Population living in cities of 5, 000 and over. 12,854 7,048 207,530 8,293 22,133 39,037 45,301 24,826 118,138 148,339 383,939 197,384 2,025,896 1,192,003 580,057 125,224 188,382 509,521 64,825 80,866 14,387 167,408 83,624 27,085 35,456 619,430 113,228 295,459 49,106 58,254 12,380 176,077 21,500 359,739 81,425 120,583 30,841 197,916 6,912 8,452,315 WTRODUCTIOX. xvii It has been observed that the greatest aggregate productions of the cereal grains is in the middle States enjoying a medium average altitude. The semi-tropical features of the gulf States is particularly exhibited by their staple productions of sugar cane, cotton, tobacco, corn, rice, &c. But as an equable and rather high temperature with an abundance of moisture are the chief essentials for these productions, they may, owing to the cur- vatures of the isothermal lines, be grown in favorable seasons in many localities in the Northern, Middle, and Western States, and even at con- siderable elevations. New Mexico may be instanced as a very marked example of a locality where these products may be profitably cultivated at an elevation of over 5,000 feet, and in the Navahoe country at an elevation still higher. All the food plants and cultivable grains either possess originally, or acquire a capacity to grow under a wide rauge of climatic variations. Coi-n and the potatoe, the two most valuable food plants contributed by the New World, are now extensively cultivated in almost every part of the civilized world, and under a great diversity of climatic influences. The potatoe on the Andes, its native climate, is produced in great abundance and perfection at an elevation of from 9,000 to 13,000 feet. It is success- fully cultivated in the notch between the Peaks of Otter, in Virginia, at an elevation of over 8,000 feet above the sea. On Chimborazo the palms, bananas, and oranges grow at five thousand feet, at ten thousand feet Indian corn and wheat, at fifteen thousand feet barley and the more hardy grasses, and above this perpetual frost. New Mexico occupying, as she does, an elevated plateau which is tra- versed by high mountains, her valleys are protected from the bleak cold winds, and are comparatively well supplied with moisture. In this regard her climate is more favored than much of the country between the Sierra Nevada mountains and the JNIissouri river. The precipitation, however, is insufficient for ordinary agriculture in much of the territory between the 21st to the 41st degree of longitude west from Washington, and from the 30th to the 46th latitude. The following are the ranges of the growths of the indigenous plants in the warm, temperate zone, given by Prof. Meyers. At an elevation of 2,000 feet above the sea the deciduous trees are found, and a mean annual temperature of 57°. At 4,000, the coniferous trees grow, and the mean and temperature is about 52°. At 6,000 the rhododendra grows, and the mean and temperature is about 44i°. At 8,000, the Alpine herbs are found and an average temperature of from 38° to 39°. The following table shows the rank in altitude, the rank in population, the rank in square miles, rank in acres under cultivation, with the rank each State enjoys in wealth, and her rank in the gross productions of the chief annual crops in each State and Territory of the United States, as exhibited in the Census report for 1870. xvin INTUODUCTIO.V TABLE TI, shotvs the Rank the different States and Territories of the United States bear to each other in average elevation above sea level, the aggregate in square miles of Terri- tory, value of Real and Personal property for 1850, 1860, and 1870, and value in Gross Products of the Soil for 1870. STATES. Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Calorado Connecticut Dakota Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia. Idaho Illinois Indiana Indian Territory... Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine , Maryland Massachusetts .... Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire.. New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina .. Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina .. Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia ... Wisconsin Wyoming 16 40 44 26 24 43 25 43 35 34 33 12 48 4 6 41 11 29 8 21 23 20 7 13 28 18 5 46 36 42 31 17 37 1 14 O 38 2 32 22 9 19 39 30 10 47 27 15 49 28 1 7 27 3 9 46 4 47 49 20 21 12 24 23 18 25 15 37 31 38 41 45 22 14 30 19 5 16 8 42 44 6 29 34 36 11 32 48 39 13 43 35 17 40 26 10 < 16 49 45 29 12 40 31 43 34 46 33 11 44 1 5 Heal and per- sonal property 28 9 26 21 22 30 15 25 17 7 42 35 41 24 27 38 2 14 O 32 4 36 18 10 20 39 19 8 39 23 13 48 11 30 14 26 28 23 14 42 41 26 20 8|33 33J37 40130 38j38 24 27 44 42 31 34 14|2l 41 31 9 19 30 Pota- toes. 28 35 47147 41 32I28 10 23:18 18 34J37I40 26115 38 [42 31|29 45143 39I44 22;34 40*41 11 4 10 9 7 32 10 37 21 34 36 25 27 11 16 3 19 6 45 20 13 30! 28 1 39 29:29 12J11 35 43 17 22 5 17 M :Eh 37 20 39 17 11 Su- gar. 10 23 123 7 28 46 14 10 6I33 III3I 40. 24 I2I 6 34138 23,32 29141 13|19 I7I26 43130 20 IN.TRODUCTION. xix The table of the rank of the different States in a general way point out the states and regions of the country 'in which wealth and population is accumulating, and where the staples that are essential to the greatness of a nation are being produced in the largest quantities. If we take a group of the fifteen States producing the largest quantities of wheat and contrast them with the fifteen producing the largest quanti- ties of corn, Ave will find that as corn requires a somewhat warmer climate for its production, five States that lead in the production of wheat drop out, namely Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, Michigan, and Mary- land. Those taking their place in the group as larger corn producing States, though not ranking so high for wheat, are Alabama, North Caro- lina, Georgia, Kansas and Texas. There is less change in both, in the group and rank of States producing oats, taking wheat as the standard, than is noticeable in corn and rye, Kansas and New Jersey displacing California and Maryland, and rank respectively as fourteen and fifteen in the production of oats. A kind of corroboration is given to the belief, that rye is a somewhat hardier grain than wheat, by the fact that the States that lead in the pro- duction of this grain, takes place in States having a poorer soil and a less genial climate than those that are dropped out of the group leading in the production of wheat. The fifteen States producing the largest quantities of rye, as compared with the same number that produce the greatest quantities of wheat, make a change in the group of five States, namely, Minnesota, California, Mich- igan, Tennessee, and Maryland, are dropped, and give place to the follow- ing States, New Jersey, North Carolina, Connecticut, West Virginia and Massachusetts. That region of the United States known as the alkaline plains, begins about the 21st degree of longitude from Washington extending to the Pacific coast, and in a belt of variable width and intensity within the bounds lying between the 32d and 45th degrees of latitude. The soil in this zone attains its maximum of aridity and saltiness between the 35th and 39th lines of parallel, which also corresponds with the region of least precipitation ; a fact which favors the deduction, that the excess of alkali depends in some way upon the small amount of rain fall. Much of this region is cultivable, and capable of producing good crops if irrigation can be supplied. The want of moisture alone prevents a luxuriant natural vegetation. An idea of the elevation of this great interior table land west of the 21st line of longitude, from Washington may be had, by noting the elevations given in the reports of the various lines of surveys across the continent. XX INTRODUCTION. TABLE III, shoios the elevation in feet and breadth of the Plateau on which the Rocky Mountain Ranges rest, and the height of the Lowest Passes above the Ocean, from the 32d parallel to the 5lst parallel, north latitude, made vpfrom different reliable surveys. 32d parallel 35th parallel 38th and 39th parallels.. 41st and 4'2d parallels... 47th and 49th parallels.. 49° 30° Kntanie S. 1° 10' Vermillion. .. . Breadjth and Elevation of Plateau between the 32d and 49th parallels. o o ? Breadth in nffles 170 185 143 160 130 o o g o o 2 o o _ Breadth in miles 503 160 725 580 97 o o g o o ii lireadth in miles 60 303 284 285 28 o o " '=' ^ ?. o o .i o o g Ir- CO CJ Breadth Breadth Breadth in miles in miles in miles o o ._;; GO 05 0) o o •» o o ^ Breadth in miles 235 110 270 95 155 107 80 20 20 ■SrS ° h9 5.717 7.472 10.032 8.372 6.044 6.000 4.944 These plateaus are almost wholly unwooded, and except close along the mountain ranges and foot hills, poorly watered. There are a number of points of similarity in the higher mountain table lands of America, to those of Asia, where a system or series of plateaus or basins, starting from the head of the Red Sea, northward to the Caspian and Aral Seas, form- ing a part of the /?reat interior table lands of Chinese Tartary, and differ- ing but little, either in general configuration or climatic conditions from those of the United States. The Asiatic is of course much more extensive. The valleys in the Mongolian basin are as high as those in the vicinity of the great Salt Lake in Utah, large, and without outlet. The great Rocky Mountain plateau may be estimated as having an average altitude of 6,000 feet, with an extent of 5 degrees in length, and a breadth of 2i degrees. The elevation of the San Luis valley is estimated at 7500 feet. The district usually denominated the American desert, is characterized by sandy plateaus, that are arid, treeless, and saline. But it is believed that the genius of American people, will in time be equal to making this region, capable of supporting a considerable population, and to some extent become an agricultural and grazing country. A further similarity of American with Asiatic and European countries, are the saline plains, the salt and brackish lakes or basins without any outlet, as Salt Lake, and Humboldt Sink, which are counterparts of the Dead Sea, and other salt lakes of Asia. Arabia is drier than Persia or Turkey, and India and China are not INTRODUCTION. xxi less copiously watered than Siberia, the latter having respectively smaller territory compared to the surrounding and interior water basins. In the most elevated parts of Western Asia ai'e situated the brackish lakes of Van and Urnia. In Syria, there are several lakes of this char- acter along the plateau of the Libanus and Anti-Libanus. The most celebrated is the lake Asphaltites, or the Dead Sea in Palestine whose waters are bituminous. All the lakes of Arabia are formed from precipitation and springs, and are generally lost or absorbed in the sands. The deserts of Persia have similar lakes to those Arabia, but they are larger. That of Zeic covers an extent of 1074 square miles. The western side of the plateau of Tartary is also interspersed with salt lakes without outlets. The Caspian Sea covers an extent of 120,000 square miles, and is the largest salt lake known. The Lake or Sea of Aral contains 9,600 square miles. The salt lake between the Aral and Caspian sea are Aksakol and Telegul, Balkashi, or Palcati, and a num- ber of smaller ones. The northern declivity of the plateau of Tartary also contains numer- ous lakes, and like those on the west have no outlet, and are all brackish or salt. We might enumerate others, but they all seem to conform to a general law, that where there is a large territory, with aridity of the soil, remote from sea coasts, to the windward of high mountains, with small precipitation, salt Ukes will form, as in evaporation the saline par- ticles are alone left behind. It is stated by careful observers who have resided for years on the elevated plains of the United States, that they have frequently noticed speedy and marked improvement there in the health of soldiers and officers Avho had been suffering from bronchial and pulmonary troubles, when at posts along the Atlantic coast. Albuquerque, Santa Fee in New Mexico and other points in that vicin- ity, have been specially noted in the reports of medical officers as affi^rd- ing prompt and permanent relief to persons suffering from pulmonary difficulties. The important question of where to send patients suffering with pulmo- nary diseases, and indeed the question of whether a change of residence does afford any permanent relief in such diseases, has long engaged the serious attention of medical men in every country. The question at present has so far undergone investigation, that an analysis of the views appears to increase the want of confidence in tlie curative influence of the seashore and the low and damp coast of the tropical islands so extensively patronized in the past. xxii INTRODUCTION. Very naturally tkis distrust in low lands and tropical climates has led to a very thorough investigation of the influence of high altitudes upon this class of patients. Suitable patients are now in great numbers an- nually sent to the elevated interior and sheltered mountainous regions rather than to the sea shores because of the pure, dry air. The admirable report made by Dr. H. I. Bowditch of Boston, to the Massachusetts Med- ical Society upon the subject of, the "Frequency and cause of Consump- tion, in the State of Massachusetts," has shown very conclusively that residences in a region where the earth is damp, and where the soil is con- stantly saturated with moisture by springs and small lakes, and where fogs form and linger, are those most favorable to the production of this malady. The apprehension that high elevations, because of the lessened barom- etric pressure, may induce hemmorhages where the lungs are weakened by disease, has not, so far as I am informed, proved to be well founded. Hemmorhages often occur in this class of diseases in every locality, but they do not seem to be more frequent in the elevated portion of our coun- try, to which this class of patients have been sent, than elsewhere. From the testimony of disinterested army officers and other parties, given not to support any theory, but recorded as interesting facts obser- ved, it IS rendered probable, and leads us to surmise that there may be found a region in some part of New Mexico, perhaps as favorable for pa- tients suffering from Phthisis, as can be found within the boundaries of the United States. Here at an elevation of 6,000 feet and over, the air is dry and the climate mild, and equable winds are freighted with the pure air from the high mountains by which they are sheltered, but where the inhabit- ants can enjoy an almost perpetual summer. It is one of the anomolies in climate that here the high table lauds should have as mild and equa- ble a temperature as many places on the Pacific coast. But as it is not my purpose to recommend any particular section of the country as either exemjit from disease or especially salubrious or curative in its character, I will not dwell farther on this subject. We have computed a table which gives the per centage of deaths to whole population for the three last decades, and the relative frequency of consumption to total deaths in each of the States and Territories of the Uni- ted States, as returned in the census of 1860 and 1870, it will be observed that those States, as a general rule, presenting the lowest elevations and greatest area of ponds, lakes, rivers, and wet lands, to their whole area, have the largest number of deaths from diseases affecting the various organs. Of course these figures can only be taken as approximating the whole number that die, but they nevertheless give a general and very fair indication of the frequency of these diseases. INTRODUCTION. xxiii TABLE IV, shows the per cent, of Deaths in each State and Territory of the United States, to the total population in each for 1850, 1860, and 1870; tlte per cent, of deaths from Consumption in each for 1860 and 1870, and the per cent, of deaths from diseases of the Nerious and Respiratory Systems, as deduced from the United States Census Returns for 1870. STATES. Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Dakota Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Indian Territory Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont , Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Average. i = 2 < 375 1000 6000 300 2500 6500 300 1850 100 115 60 575 5800 625 675 950 900 1350 600 75 375 3 400 800 1100 275 800 4500 1700 5400 625 200 5300 800 550 700 2000 750 123 350 600 450 5500 600 700 rz50 1050 850 7200 1.18 1.44 2.10 1.00 1.34 0.95 1.39 O iO '" « a . fe-§S P4 PtT centage of deaths to pop- ulation, lS6i). 1.18 1.32 1.44 2.03 0.98 0.98 1.56 1.33 0.08 1.32 l.ll 1.64 1.71 1.06 1.26 1.10 1 21 1.38 1.13 1.29 1.14 1.06 1.08 1.46 1.53 1 42 2.31 1.74 1.30 1 21 1.65 1.07 1.95 1.73 1.14 0.99 0.48 0.64 1.44 1.54 1.80 1.50 1.32 1.33 1.37 1.32 1.12 1.88 1.40 1.47 1.21 1.17 1.27 1.46 1.06 035 0.57 1.23 1.04 i.52 1.42 1.20 1.39 1.37 1.55 0.93 1.06 1.41 0.43 0.92 2.61 1.26 1.61 0.94 1.26 U.71 1.25 1.53 1.21 1 15 0.33 1.33 1.05 0.81 1.25 1.09 2.00 1.23 1.24 1.77 0.94 80 1.11 1.63 0.90 0.81 1.45 1.35 1.17 1.28 1.58 0.98 1.11 0.69 1.49 1.26 1.05 1.13 1 37 1.03 1.07 1.24 0.93 0.91 0.94 0.81 •a 9i ;, ic o g o~-^ "2=1 = r; o o ° s j: i -.s S 2 4.67 3.71 14.14 20.67 00.00 16.13 19.86 5.48 3.83 10.09 11.77 10 30 7.34 10.57 6.84 28.48 16 23 22.74 16.03 13.61 4.53 7.37 7.34 26.02 17.94 2.60 17.63 6.03 14.13 10.00 16.57 22.87 4 01 9.50 4.47 4.81 23 21 9.38 16.00 12 74 1.25 1.28 12.45 '^ fz a ■• m 19.0^ 17.46 24.12 9.46 12.80 10.83 13.86 14.47 11.76 17.00 16.51 2.00 13 36 14.20 11.55 16.76 15.50 12.93 9.06 13.77 10.80 9.16 6.80 18.61 11.42 4 86 12.40 11.21 10.86 11.62 13.64 12.22 13.02 11.19 9 80 10.46 8.53 15.31 15.84 18.04 12.12 11.91 15.01 10.72 13.28 8.21 16.21 XXIV INTRODUCTION. We think it exceedingly probable that health and diseases of various types are as much affected by climatic influences, induced by altitude, as by latitude and longitude. At all events, altitude cannot be omitted in studies relating to the healthfulness of a locality. A very convincing in- dication as to climatic influence is to be found in the natural productions of a region An elevated situation in the tropics even may enjoy a tem- perate climate, v Our country has been admirably mapped out isothermally by Prof. Lorain Blodget, in his " Chimatology of the United States," a work of great merit, and which is dererving of careful study by every one inter- ested in these investigations. We will instance one disease that is controled by elevation. Yellow fever, although perhaps never originating in the United States, when pre- vailing in our sea-coast cities rarely ever extends in an epidemic form to elevated and inland localities away from navigable waters, connecting directly with the Gulf of Mexico. It has perhaps never reached a higher elevation than 460 feet in the United States, and rarely above Vicks- burg (175) and Memphis (262) on the Mississippi River, unless we accept the statement, which is disputed, of its being at Gallipolis on the Ohio, in 1796, and some other interior towns not well authenticated. It has never attained to any considerable elevation in Mexico or in the West Indies. At Xalapa, Mexico, which is in the same latitude with Vera Cruz, and less than a degree of longitude distant, but elevated 4340 feet above the sea, yellow fever has never prevailed. We would particularly recommend to the student of medicine, a care- ful examination of the admirable maps sliowing the relative frequency of consumption, and other diseases, accompanying the United States census report for 1870. There is thought by many, to be a region along the coast, and extending for miles inland, where the salt water of the ocean and the fresh water from the mountain and upland mingle, that is more insalubrious than the interior of the country. In a hygienic sense it is to be regretted that our larger commercial cities do not occupy more elevated sites. There is a no- ticeable peculiarity in the location of our American cities, at or near the mouth of rivers emptying into the Atlantic ocean, in the fact that they are all situated on the left bank. And farther, there is scarcely an excep- tion to the fact, that to the south of all of these cities there are large marshy flats over which the prevailing winds blow and carry the miasm directly across the cities. We have no reliable statistics as yet, relative to physical developement, longevity, and the state of health of our difl'ereut States and city popu- lation by which we can make satisfactory contrasts of the relative health IXTRODTTCTION'. XXV aud lougfevity iu oue State, city and section of our country with another. A few of the States only have any system of registration of births, mar- riages and deaths. It is to be hoped, how^ever, that some systematic mode of registration and the collection of vital statistics may be authorized by Congress that will be general and uniform in scope and character in each State throughout the whole country, and include all matters compre- hended under the term of State medicine. AVe may here refer to some further fjicts of a statistical character de- rived from the records of the Provost INfarshal General's office, and ascer- tained by an examination of the drafted men and substitutes, that were examined and rejected on account of physical disability from phthisis, which gives some idea of the relative prevalence of this disease in differ- ent sections of our country. The following facts are furnished me by Dr. Baxter of the United States Arniy: Dividing the United States into three sections, the oue lying east of the Apallachian range, the Apallachian range itself, and the country west of the mountains. These examinations show that in the division east of the mountains, that 26.346 were found in every 1,000 disabled from this disease. In the .second division, that of the Apallachian range itself, 21.375 were found disabled in every 1,000. In the country west of the Apallachian range, but 15.772 were found disqualified in every 1,000 from this cause, or, examin- ing this question of frequency of pulmonary troubles, in different sections, as shown by the records of that office, and dividing the United States into seacoast, in which there w^ere 27.549 in each 1,000 disqualified from phth- isis ; inland, there were 19.455 disqualified ; along the lake shores, 16.772 ; and in the Mississippi valley 13.050 in each 1,000 rejected, or, dividing the States into sections, as the New England, Middle and Western States. In the first, 27.i57 in each 1,000 exempt on account of pulmonary dis- eases. In the Middle States there w^ere found to be 22.991 in 1,000 ; and in thcfWestern States 12.778 in each 1,000 of those rejected from pulmon- ary diseases. In the new as in the old world, we find that nearly all the large cities are located upon the seacoast or on the lakes and navigable rivers. To give defiuiteness to this part of the study we have constructed the follow- ing table, based upon the actual elevation and number of inhabitants of the cities and towns in the United States with a population of over 5,000. The data for the elevation above sea level assigned the different cities is derived from reported surveys, the highest and lowest elevation in the majority of each having been ascertained. A line of average density of population has been deduced from careful estimates of the density of the population, living within the highest and lowest areas of the cities. 4 XXVI IXTnoDUCTlUX, TABLE V gives the average elevation above sea level^ of the sites and den- sity of population within corporate limits of each of the Cities and Towns of the United States, of over 5,000 inhabitants, ivith their actual jjopula- iionin 1870. Also the number of persons to a dwelling, and the number of 2^erso7is to a family, in fifty of the Most PopidoMS Cities, arranged ac- cording to rank in popxdation. Average ele- No. of Per- No. of Per- City and State. vation iu Population. sons in a sons in a feet. dwelling. family. New York, N. Y, 35 942,292 14.72 5.07 " Philadelphia, Pa., 85 674,022 6.01 5.28 Brooklyu, N. Y., 40 3!»6,090 8.64 4.95 Saint Louis, ]\[o., 475 310,864 7.84 5.23 (,'hicago, Ills., 5S5 298,977 6.70 5.03 Baltimore, jMd., GO 267,354 6.63 5.35 Boston, Mass., 40 250,526 . 8.46 5.20 (Jineinnati, 0., 575 216,239 8.81 5.04 New Orleans, La., 10 191,418 5.69 4.89 San Francisco, Cal., 50 149,473 5.77 4.89 Buffalo, N. Y., 580 117,714 6.44 5.27 Washington, D. C, 45 109,199 5.59 5.12 Newark, N. J., 30 105,059 7.32 4.86 Louisville, Ky., 450 100,753 6.87 5.25 Cleveland, 0., 625 92,829 bM 5.04 Pittsburgh, Pa., 800 86,076 6.05 5.32 Jersey City, N. J., 3U 82,540 8.37 4.95 Detroit, Mich., 580 79,577 5.42 5.09 Milwaukie, Wis., 620 71,440 5.48 5.02 Albany, N. Y., 85 69,422 7.94 4.92 Providence, R. L, 60' 68,904 7.46 4.66 Rochester, N. Y., 275 62,386 5.36 5.11 Alleghany, Pa., 760 53,180 6.37 5.24 Richmond, Va., 50 51,038 6.35 5.21 New Haven, Conn., 40 50,840 6.28 4.85 Charleston, S. C, 8 48,956 l.U 5.38 Indianapoli.s, Ind., 680 48,244 6.17 5.24 . Troy, N. Y., 40 46,465 7.88 5.00 Syracuse, N. Y., 400 43,051 6.07 4.96 Worcester, Mass., 480 41,105 8.35 4.m Lowell, Mass., 80 40,928 6.43 5.35 Memphis, Tenn., 260 40,226 6.28 5.14 Cambridge, Mass., 20 39,634 6.24 5.02 Hartford, Conn., 30 37,180 5.56 5.01 Scranton, Pa. 740 35,092 6.21 5.28 Reading, Pa., 260 33,9^0 5.39 4.89 Paterson, N. J., 280 33,579 7.22 4.76 Kansas City, Mo., 700 32,260 5.95 5.78 Mobile, Ala., 20 32,034 5.58 5.08 Toledo, 0., 600 31,584 5.20 4.89 Portland, Me., 80 31,413 6.50 4.74 Columbus, 0., 700 31,274 6.24 5.40 Wilmington, Del., 30 30,841 5.71 5.31 INTRODDCTION. xxvn Average ele- No. of Per- No. of Per- City and State. vation in Population. sons in a sons in a feet. dwelling. faHiily. Dayton, Ohio, 750 30,478 5.43 4.99 Lawrence, Mass., 70 28,921 8.40 5.47 Utica, N. Y., 450 28,804 6.00 4.97 Charlestowu, Mass., 30 28,823 6.44 4.60 Savannah, Ga., 20 28,235 6.19 5.68 Lvnn, ^lass.. 110 28,233 6.10 4.63 Fall River, Mass., 50 26,766 9.96 5.13 City and State. Springfield, Mass., Nashville, Tenn., Covington, Ky., Salem, Mass., Quincy, 111., Manchester, N. H,, Harrisburgh, Pa., Trenton, N. J., Peoria, 111., Evansville, Ind , Atlanta, Ga., New Bedford, Mass., Oswego, N. Y., Elizabeth, N. J., Hoboken, N. J., Lancaster, Pa., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Camden, N. J., Davenpoi't, Iowa, St. Paul, Minn., Erie, Pa., St. Joseph, Mo., Wheeling, West Va., Norfolk,''Va., Bridgeport, Conn., Petersl)urg, Va., Taunton, Mass., Chelsea, jNIass., Dubuque, Iowa, Bangor, Me., Leavenworth, Kan., Ft. Wayne, Ind., Springfield, 111., Auburn, N. Y., Newburgh, N. Y., Norwich, Conn., Grand Rapids, Mich., Sacramento, Cal.. Average elevrttin in feet. 50 540 550 10 464 870! 250 1 lOi 440 ! 360 1050 1 50 1 250 1 30 10 3i0 Popu- lation. 26,708 25,865 24,505 24,117 24,052 23,536 23,104 22,874 22,849 21,880 21,789 21,820 20,910 1' 0,832 20,297 20,233 City and State. 50 20,U80 20 1 20,045 690 20,038 800 20,080 60019,646 950 19,5651 675 19,-^80 15 19,229 10118,969 25! 18,950' 42118,629 3f': 18,547: 675 18,434! 50! 18,289 800 17,873 650! 17,71 8 600 651 » 80 17,364 17,225 17,014 30 1 16,653 675 16,507 25 16,283 Terre Haute, Ind., Omaha, Neb., Willianisport, Pa., Elmira, N. Y., New Albany, lud., Augusta, Ga., Cohoes, N. Y., Newport, Ivy., New Brunswick, N.J, Burlington, Iowa, Lexington, Ky., Bloomington, 111., Burlington, Vt , Allentown, Pa., Galveston, Tex., Lewiston, Me., Alexandria, Va., Lafayette, Ind., Wilmington, N. C, Haverhill, Mass., Minneapolis, Minn., [ Sandusky, Ohio, Salt Lake, Utah, Keokidc, Iowa, : Foil du Lac, Wis., Yonkers, N. Y., I Binghampton, N. Y., I Springfield, Ohio, iOshkosh, Wis., Newburyport, Mass., , Newi)ort, R. I., ■ Vicksburg, Miss., Lock port, N. Y., i Pottsville, Pa., I Little Rock, Ark., San Antonio, Tex., Concord, 5^. H., Norwalk, Conn., j elevati'u | in feet, liltion. Popu- 350 253 5 450; 16,103 900 16,083 580 16,030 860: 15,863 350! 15,396 185(15,389 30 15,357 500:1.'3,087 9:> 1 15,058 940 14,930 944114,801 620 14,590 14,387 I3,X84 3,818 30 13,600 25 1 13,570 620 13,506 15!l 3,446 35|13,092 820| 13,066 610:13,000 4850' 12,854 950 12,766 775 12,764 30 12,733 580 12,692 956 12,652 750 12,663 40 12,.595 30 '12,521 175 12,443 565 12,426 580 12,384 350 12,380 600 12,256 250 12,241 20 12,191 xxviu INTRUDUUTION. City aud State. Average elevatrn in feet. Popu- liUioii. City and State. Avenige elevatru in teet Popu- hition. Des Moiues, Iowa, 800 12,035 Chillicothe, Ohio, 620 8,920 Jackson, Mich., 810 11,447 ; Janesville, Wis., 750 8,7^9 Georgetown, D. C, 50 11,384 Knoxville, Tenn., 1000 8,682 East Saginaw, Mich., 600 11,350 Alton, 111., 575 8,665 Aurora, 111., 690 11,162 Canton, Ohio, 1000 8,660 Hamilton, Ohio, 550 11,081 Titu.sville, Pa., 1050 8,639 Rockford, III, 750 11,049 Hudson, X. Y., 1100 8.615 Schenectady, N. Y., 350 11,020 Birmingham, Pa., 725 8,603 York, Pa., ' 373 11,003 Frederick, Md., 550 8,526 liome, N. Y., 400 11,000 Ithaca, N. Y., 400 8,462 Easton, Pa., 50 10,987 Adrian, Mich., 1200 8,438 Waterbury, Conu., 360 10,826 Danville, Pa., 550 8,436 Macon, Ga., 450 10,810 Lawrence, Kas., SOU 8,320 Norristown, Pa., 140 10,753 Portland, Oregon, 50 8,293 Madison, Ind., 450 10,709 Belleville, 111., 500 8,146 West Troy, N. Y., 30 10,693 Steubenville, Ohio, 650 8,107 Altoona, Pa., 1220 10,610 Youngstown, Ohio, 800 8,075 Portsmouth, Ohio, 450 10,592 Cumbei'land, Md., 660 8,056 Montgomery, Ala., 150 10,588. Mansfield, Ohio, 1140 8.029 Nashua, K H., 150 10,543 Rock Island, 111, 525 7,890 Oakland, Cal., 15 10,500 Freeport, 111., 825 7,889 Portsmouth, Va., 15 10.492 Augusta, Me., 60 7,808 Biddeford, Me., 40 10,282 Raliegh, N. C, 300 7.790 Wilksbarre, Pa., 475 10,174; La Crosse, Wis., 640 7.785 Galesburgh, 111., 7H0 10,158 Ottawa, Ills., 5U0 7,736 Hannibal, Mo., 450 10,1251 Saratoga Springs, N.Y 950 7,516 Roundout, N. Y., 20 10,114 New Brighton. N. Y., 20 7,495 Ogdensburgh, N. Y., 230 10,076 Saginaw, Mich., 620 7.460 Stockton. Cal., 30 10,066 Columbus, Ga., 400 7,401 Council Blutfs, Iowa, 1200 10,020 Bath, Me., 40 7.371 Zanesville, Ohio, 700 10,0111 Ann Arbor, Mich., 850 7,363 Ackron, Ohio, 950 10,00G Joliet, 111., 35 (■ 7,263 Kaciue, Wis., 600 9.880; Jefiersonville. Ind., 441 7,254 Stamford, Conn., 10 9,714 South Bend, Ind., 600 7.206 East Burmingham,Pa. 725 0.488' Winona, i\Iinn., 1501) 7.192 Chester, Pa., 50 9,485 Decatur, III., 685 7,101 Richmond, Ind., 750 9,445 Meadville, Pa., 1000 7,103 Houston, Tex., 50 9,382 Rockland, Me., 75 7,074 Orange, N. J., 185 9.3481 Bay City, Mich., 590 7,064 Watertown, N. Y., 370 9,336! Atchison, Kas., 1000 7,054 Columbia, S. C, 175 9,298, Virginia, Nev., 6200 7.048 Dover, N. H., 150 9,294 Galena, 111., 668 7,019 Portsmouth, N. H., ' 40 9.211 Lockhaven, Pa., 250 6,980 Jacksonville, 111., 672 9,203! Middletown, Conn., 175 6,923 Kalamazoo, ^lich.. 801) 9,181! Jacksonville, Fla., I4i 6.912 Madison, Wis., 1050 9,176 Paducah, Kv., 550! {]Sii6 Sau Jose, Cal., 400 9,089 Bridgeton, N. Y., , 50' 6,830 Natchez, Miss., 150 9,057 Lynchburo'h, Va., i 525: 6,825 LogiUlspoit, /fjr/., 625 8,9;,0 Corry, Pa., 1100 6,S(t(» INTRODUCTION. XXIX City and State. Pittstoi), Pa., Lebanon, Pa., Muscatine, Iowa, Newark, Ohio, Carlisle, Pa., La Porte, Lid., Peekskill, N. Y., Danbury, Conn., Baton Rouge, La., Selma, Ala., Columbia, Pa., Carboudale, Pa., Vallejo, Cal., Port Jervis, N. Y., Xenia, Ohio, Lansingburgh. N. Y., Kingston, N. Y., Stonington, Conn., Chambersburgh, Pa., Cairo, 111., Rahwav, N. J., Flushing, N. Y., Auburn, Maine, New Castle, Pa., Clinton, Iowa, Millville, N. Y., Chattanooga, Tenu., Nebraska City, Neb., Middletowu, Is^. Y., Johnstown, Pa., Muskegon, Mich., Port Huron, Mich., Piqua, Ohio, Taniaqua, Pa., Calais, Me., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, Seneca Falls, N. Y., New Berne, N. C, Battle Creek, Mich., Ponieroy, Ohio, Burlington, N. J., Topeka, Kas., Hagerstown, Md., Annapolis, Md., Los Angeles, Saint Clair, Pa., Ashland, Pa., Pekin, 111., Average elevati'u in leet. Popu- lation. 525 460 570 800 460 825 75 370 50 200 230 965 20 455 924 30 150 20 600 332 20 20 183 875 630 251 640 lOOOj 560J ]200 633 620 800 675 75 705 600 450 40 800 350 50 850 500 40 450 650 985 467 City and State. 6,760 6,727 6,718 6,698 6,650 6,5S1 6.560 6,542 6,498 6,484 6,461 6,393 6,391 6,377 6,377 6,372 6,315 6,313 6,308 6,267 6,258; 6,223 6,169 6,164 6,129 6,101 6,093 6,050j 6,049 i 6,028 1 6.002 i 5.973! 5.967! 5,960i 5,944! 5,940j 5,914' 5.890 i 5,849 J 5,838 5,824 5,817 5,790 5,779 5,744 f,728 5.726 5,714 5,696 Iron ton, Ohio, Tiffin, Ohio, East St. Louis, 111., Delaware, Ohio, Westchester, Pa , St. Charles, Mo., Springfield, Mo., Parkersburg, W. Va. Mahoney, Pa., Geneva, N. Y., Ypsilanti, Mich., Fremont, Ohio, Elgin, Ills., Vincinnes, lud., Amsterdam, N. Y., Wooster, Ohio, Circleville, Ohio, Frankford, Ky., Little Falls, N. Y., Flint, Mich., Watertown, Wis., Jamestown, N. Y., Sheboygan, Wis., Phoenixville, Pa., Belfast, Me., Lansing, Mich., Dunkirk, N. Y., Marrietta, Ohio, Otturawa, Iowa, Astoria, N. Y., La Salle, Illinois, Massillou, Ohio, Manitowoc, Wis., Plattsburg, N. York, Staunton, Va., Plaintield, N. J., I Monroe, Michigan, ! St. Anthony, Minn., Total population in cities, 8,452,315 AVhich is 21.91 per cent, of the whole population of the Unitefl States. Average! elevati'n in feet. Popu- lation. 600| 5,686 750! 5,648 475! 5,644 1000! 5,641 400j 5,630 525 5,570 1360 5,555 700 5,546 1200 5,533 550 5,521 585 5,471 700 5,455 777 5,441 800 5,440 325 5,426 850 5,419 650 5,407 300 5,396 330 5.387 850 5,386 750 5,364 1350 5,336 650 5,310 350 5,292 40 5,278 927 5.241 665 5,231 575 5,218 600 5,214 20 5,204 ! 500 5,200 900 5.185 650 5.168 150 ; 5,139 1350 i 5.120 100 j 5,095 560 5,086 795 5,013 :!cxx INTRODUOTIUX. This table of 311 towns, makes it apparent at a glance that the vast majority of the denizens of our large American cities are living at an ele- vation of but a few hundred feet above tide water. And a sunnnary of the table shows, that there are eighty cities situated at an elevation of less than one hundred feet above sea level, witli a combined population of 4,868,107. Seventeen situated at an elevation between one and two hundred feet, with an aggregate population of 163,676. One hundred and ninety-two at an elevation of two hundred and less than one thousand, with a population of 3,237,743, and twenty-two cities at an elevation of 1000 feet and over, having a combined population of 182,789. We are not aware that the site of a single city in the United States has been selected because of the special salubrity of the locality. The data is perhaps not yet available for the formation of a very accu- rate hypsometric map of the earth's surface, but the following is Hum- boldt's estimation of the average elevation of the different countries above the sea : Asia, 1132 feet, South America 1152 feet, Europe 671 feet France 111 feet, and North America 748 feet. It will be seen that if the determinations of the altitudes of different localities and for the whole United States given in this work a})proximate the truth, the average elevation assigned to North America by Humboldt is much too low. Our purpose in this work lias been to furnish exact data, and as far as practicable to call the attention of tlie profession and of scientific observ- ers to the influence of altitude upon the natural productions and the cul- tivable crops and fruits and upon human health, and have therefore carefully avoided obtruding any theories of our own. The spirit of inquiry, so characteristic of the present age, will not rest satisfied without questioning the wisdom of every usage and condition, that in any way afi'ect man's well being. We opine that there are no fields more worthy of study and promising in important results, than those that have for their aim the prolongation of human life. The future of the medical profession is largely identified with measures that can in any way prevent disease. We feel hopeful that as the knowledge and means multiply for im- proving the sanitary conditions of cities and rural habitations, and of contrasting the birth rate and the death rate of difterent localities with each other, increased longevity will be more and more marked. Wiiere • . . . the population, the altitude of places, and their physical and hygienic surroundings that in any way modify climate and salubrity, are known, the problem of improving the public health will make much more rapid strides than it has in the past. Hygienic improvements affecting a na- INTltOlHICTION. xxxi tion are to be made through the accumuhition of facts and vital statistics, so presented as enables the minds of tlie many to contrast the conditions and treasure the results obtained in one j^lace with those of another. To collect these facts and arrange them in a comprehensive form is the duty of the scientific and educated who really desire to benefit humanity. In concluding this article, we deem the question of the location of cities of sufficient interest to arrange a table showing the geographical position and elevation above sea level of the capital cities of the leading nations of the world. TABLE VI sJioivs the Geographical Position and Elevation in feet above sea level, of the chief Capital Cities of the World. Capital. Country. Elevation. Latitude. Longitude. Buenos Ayres Argentine Republic Austria 20 637 193 15 8370 1800 100 3772 20 9500 120 115 50 393 4900 30 30 170 40 20 7450 20 34° 35' S. 48° 12' N. 50° 51' N. 22° 24' S. 17° 27' S. 33° 35' S. 39° 54' N. 9° 54' N. 55° 41' N. 0° 14' N. 48° 80' N. 52° 30' N. 51° 30' N. 37° 58' N. 14° 40' N. 21° 16' N. 18° 35' N. 41° 54' N. 35° 40' N. 6° 18' N. 19° 30' N. 52° 4' 20" N. 12° 25' N. 25° 16' S. 12° 3' S. 38° 43' N. 59° 56' N. 40° 25' N. 59° 21' N. 46°56'53"N. 41° 7' N. 4° 35' 48" N. 34° 54' S 10° 3' N. 36° 47' N. 22° 38' N. 5U° 05' N. 58° 22' W Vienna 16° 22' E Brussels Belgium 4° 22' E Rio de Janeiro Br^izil 43° 16' W Cochabamba 65° 46' W Santiago Pekin Chili China Costa Rica 70° 43' 38" W. 116° 26' E San Jose 84° 06' W. Copenhagen Quito Paris Denmark 12° 33' E. Ecudor France 78° 46' W. 2° 20' E Berlin... London German Empire Great Britain 13° 3' E. 0° 5' W. Athens 23° 50' E. Guatemala Guatemala 90° 28' W Honolulu .• Hawaiian Islands... Havti jlaiv 157° 59' W Port au Prince 72° 18' W Rome 12° 25' R Yeddo 139° 40' E. Monrovia Liberia 10° 48' W. Mexico Mexico 99° 1 ' W Hague Netherlands ... 4° 18' 40" B. Leon 86° 57' W. Assuncion Paraguay 262 564 321 20 2080 128 1856 160 8863 32 2923 65 83 620 57° 41' W. Lima Peru 77° 8' W. Lisbon Portugal 9° 8' W. St. Petersburg Russia 30° 19' E. Madrid 3° 45' W. Stockholm Sweden Switzerland Turkey U. S. of Columbia.. Uruguay 18° 04' E. Berne Constantinople 7° 26' 15" E. 28° 59' E. Bogota 74° 13' 45" W. Montevideo 56° 13' W. 60° 55' \Y. Algiers Algiers India 3° 5'E. 88° 20' E. Prague 16° 46' E. DICTIONARY OF ELEVATIONS. EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS WORK. For States and Counties, the ordinary abbreviations, e., following figures, represents elevation in feet above sea level. Za<. and Mn., latitude and longitude. ^, represents mean annual temperature, r.f. iiunual rain fall P., peak of volcano or mountain. jlf2'., mountain or mountains. iZ. .K., railroad. K. K. (., Railroad track. A. ABBEVILLE, Abbeville co., S. C. 430 e., 34° 13^ n. lat, 82° 28^ Ion., 29.58 r. f. ABBOT VILLAGE. Maine, 442 e. ABILINE, Kan., 1057 e. ABINGDON, Va., 2071 e. ABINGTON, Pa., 1185 e. ABIQUIN, N. Mcx., 6500 e. ABSECON, N. J., e. ACADIA COLLEGE, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, 80 e., 45° 06^ n. lat,> 64*' 25' Ion. w. ACCOTINK, Fairfax co., Va., 150 e. ACKLEY STATION, Iowa, 1144 e. ACONCAGliA, Chili, 23910 e., 32° 38' s. lat. ACQniA CREEK, Va., e. ADAMS, Jefl'erson co., N. Y., 670 e. ADAMS CENTRE, N. Y., 6C1 e. ADAMS MILLS, Muskingum co., Ohio, 900 e., 40° 5' n. lat., 82 ° Ion. w. ADAMSVILLE, N. Y., 206 e. ADEL, Iowa, 1074 e. ADIRONDACK MT., N. Y., 1000 to 6000 e. ADRIAN, Lenawee co., Mich., 1240 e., 41° 57' n. lat., 83° 57' Ion. w. AETNA, Sicily, 10936 e. AFTON, Union co., Iowa, 1223 e. AFTON, Washington co., Minn., 950 e., 44° 50' n. lat., 93° 00' Ion. w. AFTON, N. Y., 774 e. AGAMENTICUS MT., York co.,Me.,6r3 e. AGATE HARBOR, Lake Sup., Mich., 600 e., 47° 30' n. lat., 88° 10' Ion. w., 41' t. AGENCY STATION, Iowa, 782 e. AGUAS CALIENTES, Mexico, 6260 e. AGUA V0L('ANO p, Guatemala, 13758 e., 14° 15' n. lat. AIKEN, Barnwell co., S. C, 563 e., 33° 32' n. l;.t., 81° 34' Ion. w., 51.47 r. f, AILS A ROCK, Scotland, 11003 e. AIREY'S, Md., 17 e. AKJaHDAGH, Asia Minor, 10000 e. AKRON, .summit Co., Ohio, 965 e., 41°6' n. lat. AKUTAN, Akutan Isl., Alaska, 3332 e.- ALAIS. France, 437 e., 44° 8' n. lat., 2° 54' Ion. w., 36.02 r. f. ALAMEDA HILLS, Alameda co., CaL, 800 e ALAMOSA, N. Mex., 4200 e. ALBANY, N. Y., e., 42° 39' n. lat., 73° 45' Ion. w., 48°. 28 t, 36.45 r. f. ALBANY ACADEMY, N. Y., 130 e. ALBANY, Oreg., 600 e., 44° 22' n. lat., 123° 00' Ion. w. ALBEMARLE, Stanley co., N. C, 850 e. ALBEMARLE CO., Va., (highest point,) 450 e. ALBION, Noble co., Ind., 979 e. ALBION MINES, Nova Scotia, 120 e, 45° 34' n. lat., 62® 42' Ion. w., 42° t , 43 r. f. ALBION, Oswego co , N. Y., 928 e., 43° 15' n. lat., 78° 15' Ion. w., 46°.80 t. ALBUQUERQUE, N. Mex., 5«32 e., 35° 06' n. lat., 106°38'lon.w.,56°.32 t.,8 r.f. ALCATRaZ ISLAND LIGHT, Cal., 162 e., 37° 49' n. lat., 122° 24' Ion. w. ALDA, Neb., 1907 e. ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, 43 e., 31° 13' n. lat., 29° 48' Ion. w. ALEXANDRIA, Mo., 471 e. ALEXANDRIA, Va., to 50 e., 38° 48' n. lat., ?7° 01' Ion. w., 55° t., 34.90 r. f. ALFRED SUMMIT, N. Y., 1780 e., 42° 15' n. lat., 78° 06' Ion. w. AL(iONA, Kossuth co., Iowa, 1500 e., 43° 01 'n. lat., 94° 04' Ion. w., 30.60 r. f. ALKALI, Neo , 3038. e. ALLEGHANY ARSENAL, Pittsburgh, Pa. 704 e., 40° 29' n. lat., 79° 59' ion. w., 35.23 r. f. ALLEGHANY MT. RANGE, Va. and Pa., 3 to 4200 e. ALLEGHANY MT., Va. and Tenn. R. R. Crossing. Va., 2049 e. ALLEGHANY TUNNEL, Va., 2065 e. ALLEGHANY RIVER, head of in Potter CO., Pa., 1878 e. ALLEGHANY RIVER, 2d Creek, Green- brier CO., Va., 2315 e. ALLENTTOWN, St. Louis co., Mo., 452 e., 38° 29^ n. lat., 90° 45' Ion. w. ALLENTOWN, Pa., 253 e. ALL SALXTS, S. C, 20 e.. 33° 29' n. lat, 79° 17' Ion. w., 43.82 r.' f. ALMAGUER, New Granada, 7440 e. ALPENA, Alpena co., Mich., 574 e., 45° 32' n. lat., 83° 05' Ion. w. ALPLXE, Iowa, (522 e. ALSTON, Fairfield co., S. C, 257 e. ALTA, Cal.. 3625 e. ALTAMONT, Md , 2620 e. ALTON, III., 650 e., 38° 57' n. lat., 90° 14' Ion. w., 40.50 r. f. ALTOOVA, Pa. R. R. track, 1208 e. ALTOONA, Pa., (hill back of.) 1G20 e., 40° 37' n. lat., 78° 22' Ion. w. AMBALA, India, 1000 e., 30° 25' n. lat., 76° 45' Ion. e. AMANOOSUC RIVER, head of N II., 6000 e. AMARO MT., Appennines, 9131 e. AMBAl HAI, Abyssinia, 15000 e. AMBOY, Oswego co., N. Y., 350 e. AMECAMECA, Mex., 8929 e. AMKLIA C. H., Va., 357 e. AMENIA, Duche--s co., N. Y., 540 e., 41° 48' n. lat., 73° 36' Ion. w. AMES, Iowa, 734 e. AMES, Story co., Kan., 790 e, 42° 00' n. lat., 93° 30' Ion. w. AMHERST, Mass., 267 e., 42° 22' n. lat., 72® 31' Ion . w., 46°.7 t., 44 r. f. AMHERST 0. H., Va., 686 e. AMHERSTBURG, Can., 505 e., 42° 05' n. lat., 82° 58' Ion. w., 48° t. AMILPAS, Guatemala, 13160 e., 15°10' n. lat. AMSTERDAM, Wis., 650 e. AMORA. Ind., 480 e. ' AMOR.^, 111., 696 e. ANACAP A ISLAND, Cal., 930 e., 34°01' n. lat., 119° 22' Ion. w. .VNAHNE PLATEAU, Mex., 6 to 8000 e. ANCOIIUMA, Andes Mts., 21043 e., 15° 5'.' s. lat., 68° 33' Ion. w. ANDALUSIA, 111, 528 e. ANDERSON, N. J., 64 o. ANDERSON, Pa., 488 e. ANDERSON, Anderson co., S. C, 732 e. ANDERSONTOWN, Ma.lisoii co., Ind., 822 e. AN DOVER, Mass., 150 e., 42° 40' n. lat., 71° 08' Ion. w., 47°.40 t. ANGELICA, N. Y., 1500 e., 42° 15' n. lat , 78°01' Ion. w. ANGEL ISLAND, (^al., 771 e. ANGEL P., Andes .Mt?., 19060 e., 16° 10' 8. lat., 68° 14' Ion, w. ANGOLA, Steuben co., Ind., 1215 e. ANNAPOLIS, Md., e., 38° 58' n. lat.. 76° 20' Ion. w., 55°. 40 t., 50.34 r. f. ANN ARBOR, Washtenaw co., Mich., 891 e., 42° 17' n. lat., 83° 43' Ion. w.. 46° 40 t., 36.48 r. f. ANTELOPE, Neb., 4712 e. ANTHONY MT., Vt., 2505 e. ANTHONY'S CREEK, Va., 1779 e., 37° 50' n. lat., 79° 55' Ion. w., 36.96 r. f. ANTHONYS NOSE, Putnam co., N. Y., 1228 e. ANTISANA, Quito, S. A., 19150 e. ANTRI.M COAL MINE, Tioga co., Pa., 1838 e. ANTWERP, N. Y., 512 e. APPLETON, Wis., 800 e., 44° 10' n. lat., 88° 35' Ion. w.. 31.06 r. f. ARARAT .MT., Asia, 17323 e., 39° 42' u. lat., 43° 38' Ion. e. ARBER, Bavaria, 4613 e. ARBIZIN P., Pyrennes Mts., 8344 e. ARCADE, Cal., 76 e. ARCADIA, Lincoln co., Ky., 900 e., 37° 34' n. lat., 84° 30' Ion. w. ARCHER, Wyo., 6000 e. ARDENIA, Putnam co., N. Y., 180 e., 40° 20' n. lat., 73° 53' Ion. w. AREQUIPA, Peru, 7797 e. ARE(,)UIPA VOLC. Andes Mts., 20300 e., 16° 19' s. lat., 71° 23' Ion. w. ARGAEUS MT!, Asia Minor, 13000 e. ARGENTA, Nev., 4575 e. ARGENTINE PASS, Colo., 13100 e. ARGYLE, N. Y., 290 e., 43° 18' n. lat, 73° 20' Ion. w. ARKADELPHIA, Ark., 200 e. ARKA^^SAS CANAL, Tex., 15 e., 27° 47' n. lat., 97° 08' Ion. w. ARKANSAS RIVER, Source of in Rocky Mts., 10,000 e. ARKANSAS RIVER, Mouth of Ark.. 162 e., 33° 54' n. lat, 97° 10' Ion. w. ARLINGTON, Vt., 575 e. ASCAN'QM, Drake co., Ohio, 1080 e. ASCUTNE Y MT., Windsor co., Vt, 3320 e. ASHBURNHAM. Mass , 1041 e. ASHEVILLE, Buncombe co., N. C, 2250 e., 35° 27' n. lat, 82° 29' Ion. w. ASHLAND, Schuylkill co.. Pa., 1005 e., 40° 51' n. lat, 78° 20' Ion. w. ASHLAND, W. Va., 600 e., 38° 34' n. lat, 82° 10' Ion. w., 58° t, 39.40 r. f. ASHLAND GAP, Pa., 860 e. ASHLAND, Wis., 600 e., 46° 33' n. lat.. 91° Ion. w , 41° t, 46.45 r. f. ASPEN, Wvo., 7835 e. ASPEN SPRING. Ariz., 7381 e., 35° 17' 31" n. lat, 112° 12' 24" Ion. w. ASPINWALL, Cenir. Amer., e., 9° 23' n. lat, 79° 53' Ion. w., 121.44 r. f. ASTORIA, Greg., e., 46° II' n. hit., 123° 49' Ion. w., 52° t, 86.35 r. f. ATCHISON, Kan., 1000 e., 39° 42^ n. lat,, 95° Ion. w. ATCO, Camden co., N. J., 130 e. ATHABASCA LAKE, Alaska, 700 e., 58° 43^ n. lat., 111° 48 Ion. w. ATHENS, Ga., 870 e., 33° 57^ n. lat,., 83° la' Ion. w., 62° t., 36.54 r. f. ATHENS, Til., 800 e., 39° 52^ n. lat., 89° 56^ ion. w., 53°. 9 t., 39.62 r. f. ATHENS, Mo., 482 e., 40° 30' n. lat., 91° 45' Ion. w., 33.33 r. f. ATHENS, Pa., 776 e. ATHOS MT., Greece, 6778 e., 40° 16' n. lat., 24° 10' Ion. e. ATITLAN VOLCANO, Guatemala, 12506 e. ATLANTA, Ga., 1050 e., 33° 45' n. lat., 84° 18' Ion. w., 58.43 r. f. ATLANTIC (MT7, Wyoming, 7666 e. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., e. ATLAS MT., Africa, 13000 e. ATRISCO, Bernalillo co., N. Mei., 5033 e. ATSUMA, Fla., 35 e. ATTAWAY HILL, N. C, 850 e, 35° 25' n. lat., 80° Ion. w. ATTOCK FORT, Hindostan, 799 e. AUBURN, Cal., 1176 e. -AUBURN, Me., 183 e. AUBURN, De Kalb co., Ind., 1015 e. AUBURN, Caynga co., N. Y., 650 e., 42°55' n. lat , 76° 38' Ion. w., 66°.62 t., 34.42 r.f. AUBURN, Oregon, 3350 e., 41° 45' n. lat., 118° 15' Ion. w. AUOENRKID, Pa., 1735 e. AUDUBON, Minn., 1400 e. AU'iUSTA, Me.,0 e. AUGUSTA, Ga., 600 e., 33° 28' n. lat., 81° 53' Ion. w., 64° t., 24 20 r. f. AUGUSTA, 111., 500 e., 40° 12' n. lat., 90° 58' Ion. w., 50°.50 t., 39.14 r. f. AURORA, Cal., 7468 e., 38° 19' n. lat.. 119° 00' Ion. w. AURORA, Esmeralda co., Nev., 7450 e. AURORA, 111., 696 e., 41° 48' n. lat., 88° 22' Ion. w., 34.89 r. f; AURORA, Ind., 480 e., 39° 04' n. lat., 84° 54' Ion. w., 40.80 r. f. AUSTIN, Tenn., 2000 e., 36° 20', 86° 20' Ion. w. AUSTIN, Travis co., Tex., 200 e., 30° 15' n. lat., 97° 46' Ion. w., 67° t., 31.10 r. f. AUSTINSBURG, Ohio, 816 e , 41° 54' n. lat., 80° 51' Ion. w., 39.85 r. f. AVALANCHE LAKE, Esse.x co , N. Y., 2900 e. AVON, Kan., 775 e., 38° 05' n. lat., 95° 35' Ion. w. AVON, Ohio, 840 e., 41° 27' n. lat, 82° 04' Ion. w., 41.54 r. f. AVONDKLL, Pa., 515 e. AVOYELLES, Red River, La., 50 o., 31° 10' n. lat., 92° Ion. w., 65° t. AWATSCHA, Kamschatka, 9600 e., 52° 51' 45" n lat., 158° 46' 45" Ion. w. AZTALAN, Wis., 830 e., 43° 04' n. lat., 88° 12' Ion. vv'., 46°.15 t. B. BABCOCK GROVE. 111., 727 e. BAILEY'S, Pa , 375 e. BAKE OVEN KNOB, Pa., 1560 e. BAKKR'S MILLS, N. J., 52 e. BAKER'S RANCH, Placer CO., Cal., 3285 e. BALD KNOB, Ohio, 1370 e. BALD MT., Vt., 3124 e. BALDWIN, Me., R. R. t, 323 e. BALDWINSVILLE, Mass., 847 e., 42° 37' n. lat., 72° 05' Ion. w., 40.36 r. f. BALDWINSVILLE, N. Y., 500 e., 43° 04' n. lat., 76° 41' Ion. w., 45°.78 t. BALLARDSVILLE, Ky., 461 e., 38° 26' n. lat., 85° 31' Ion. w., 45.25 r. f. BALLSTAR SPRING, N. Y., 277 e. BALSAM CONE, N. C, 6671 e. BALTIMORE,Md.,0to 250e., 39°l7', 76° 37' Ion. w., 55° t., 44.48 r. f. BAINBRIDGE. N. Y.. R. R. t., 988 e. BANCROFT, Me., R. R. t., 337 e. BANGALL, N. Y., 435 e. BANGOR, Me., R. R. t., 340 e. BANNERVILLE, Schoharie co., N. Y.. 1200 e., 42° 38' n lat. BANDS, Peru, 10000 e. BAPTIST POND, Newton, Mass., 137 e. BARABOO, W^is., 800 e., 43° 29' n. lat., 89° 44' Ion. w., 45°.29 t.. 33.21 r. f. BARDSTOWN, Ky., 550 e., 37° 52' n. lat., 85° 18' Ion. w., 50° 23 t., 49.97 r. f. BARKER'S MT., Oxford co.. Me., 2551 e. BARMARE'S, Anderson co., S. C, 718 c BARNAUL, Siberia, 400 e., 53° 20' n. lat., 81° 37' Ion. e. BARVET, Vt., 952 e., 44° 18' n. lat., 72° 05' Ion. w. BARNET, Pa., R. R. t.. 1367 e. BARNESVILLE, N. Y., 1200 e. BARNSTABLE, Mass., to 20 e., 41° 21' n. lat., 70° 23' Ion. w. BARRANCAS BARRACKS, Fla., 20 e., 30° 20' n. lat., 87° 8' Ion. w., 63.78 r. f. BARRATSVILLE, S. C, 500 e., 34° 10' n. lat., 82° 20' Ion. w., 56 68 r. f. BARRE FORGE. Pa., R. R. t., 714 e. BARRELL SPRINGS, Wyo., 6414 e. BARREN IIILL, Pa., 2150 e. BARTON, Neb., 3421 e. BARREY^'S PEAK, Colo., 13133 e. BARR1NGT0N,R. I., 25 e. BARTHOLOMEW BAYOU, Ark., 93 e. BASKET, Erie R. R., N. Y., 831 e. BAS LIGHTHOUSE, France, 223 e., 48° 44' 48" n. lat., 4° 1' 30" Ion. w. BATAVFA, 111., 636 e.,4I° 52' n. lat., 88° 20' Ion. w., 36.08 r. f. 8 BATAVIA, Iowa, 621 e. BATAVIA, N. Y., 889 e., 42° 59^ n.?lat., 18° 13^ Ion. w. BATH, Me., e., 43° 50' n. lat., 69° 52' Ion. w., 44°.50 t., 37.08 r. f. BATHDRST MT., Australia, 4000 e. BATON ROUGE, La., e., 30° 26' n. lat., 91° 18' Ion. w., 68°.14 t., 62.10 r f. BATTERY CAMERON, Md., 275 e., 38° 54' 50" n. lat., 77° 04' 59" Ion. w. BATTERY KEMBLE, Md., 387 e., 38° 45' n. lat., 77° 05' Ion. w. BATTERY MARTIN SCOTT, Md., 132 e., 38° 55' n. lat., 77° 00' Ion. w. BATTERY PARROTT, Md., 342 e., 38° 55' n. lat., 77° 05' Ion. w. BATTERY VERMONT, Ya., 237 e., 38° 56' n. lat., 77° 06' Ion. w. BATTLE CREEK, Mich., 800 e., 42° 20' n. lat , 85° 15' Ion. w., 47°.8 t., 32 r. f. BATTLE MT., Nev , 4534 e. BAXTER, Wvo., 6300 e. BAXTER SPRINGS, Cherokee cc, Kan., 817 e. BAYFIELD, Wis., 600 e., 46° 45' n. lat., 91° 00' Ion. w., 40° t. BAYLIES HILL, Bridgewater, Yt., 1537 e. BEACON, Duchess co., N., Y., 1685 e. BEALSE'S ROCKS DIGHTON,Bristol co., Mass., 213 e. BEAR MOUNT, Orange co.,N. Y., 1350 e., BEARONS, Iowa, 1238 e, BEAR POND. Me., 143 e. BE ATTY'S, Westmoreland co.,Pa., 1074e. BEAUFORT, S. C, e., 32° 26' n. lat., 80° 41' Ion. w., 40.03 r. f. BEAUREGARD, Copiah co.. Miss., 415 e. BEAVER, Winona co., Minn., 1600 e. BEAVER BAY, Minn., 1270 e., 47° 12' n. lat., 91° 18' Ion w., 27.20 r. f. BEAVER CREEK, N. Y., 700 e., 41° 20' n. lat., 74° 50' Ion. w. BEAVER DAM AQUEDUCT, (James Riv- er and Kanawha Canal,) Va., 143 e. BEAVER LAKE, N. Y., 1409 e. BEAVER MEADOW, Carbon co., Pa., 1600 e. BEAVER STATION, Iowa, 1039 e. BEDFORD COURT HODSE.Lawrence co., Ind , 680 e. BEDFORD, Pa., 1027 e., 40° 01' n. lat., 78° 30' Ion. w., 52°.37 t., 30.17 r. f. BELAIR, Fla.. 70 e. BELFAST, Iowa, 516 e. BELFA.-^T, N. Y., 1315 e. BELFAST, Me., e., 44° 24' n. lat., 69° Ion. w. BELGRADE, Me., R. R. t., 265 e. BELLKFONTAINE, Richland Co., Ohio, 1040 e., 40° 21' n. lat., 83° 40' Ion. w., 43.02 r. f. BELLEFONTE, Pa., 737 e.,40° 55' n. lat., 77° 49' Ion. w., 49°.60 t. BELLE PLAIN, Iowa, 831 "e, BELLOWS FALLS, Vt., 265 e. BKLLPORT, N. Y., 15 e., 40° 44' n. lat., 72° 54' Ion. w., 45.42 r. f. BELLVILLE, N. Y., 300 e., 43° 45' n. lat., 76° 10' Ion. w., 46°.92 t., 29.52 r. f. BELLVILLE, Republic co., Kan., 1540 e, BELLTON, W. Va., 886 e. BELMONT FARM, Collin co.,Tex., 722 e. BELOIT, Wis , 750 e., 42° 30' n. lat., 89° .4' Ion. w., 47° t., 48.36 r. f. BELVIDERK, lU., 810 e., 42° 15' n. lat., 88° 47' Ion. w. BELVIDERE. N. J., R. R. t., 266 e. BELTON, Anderson co., Va., 880 e. BKN ABOURD, Scotland, 3940 e. BEN ACHONZIE, Scotland, 3028 e. BEN ARDLANICH, Scotland, 3500 e. BEN AVON, Scotland, 2920 e, BEN BEAUCHONZIE, Scotland, 2923 e. BEN BEINGLO, Scotland, 3725 e. BEN CLACH, Scotland, 2359 e. Bh;N CHOACAN, Scotland. 3000 e. Bi-N CRUOCHAN, Scotland, 467o,e. BENICIA, Cal., 64 e., 38° 03' n. lat., 122° 08' Ion. w., 29° t., 15.05 r. f. BEN IVAS, Scotland, 4000 e. BEN LAWRES, Scotland, 3944 e. BEN LEDI, Scotland, 2863 e. BEN LOMOND, Scotland, 3195 e., 56° 16' 57" n lat , 31° 17' 4" Ion. w. BEN LUI, Scotland, 3651 e. BEN MACDHUIE, Scotland, 4305 e. BEN MORE, Scotland, 3870 e. BENNETT, Nebf'., 4580 e. BEN NEVIS, Scotland. 4358 e. bENNlNGTON, Vt., 850 e. BENTONSPORT, Iowa, 566 e. RENTONVILLE, Ark., 1520 e. BENT'S FORT, N Mex., 3942 e. BI'^N VOIRLICH, Scotland, 3207 e. BENWOOD, Va., R. R. t., 648 e. BEN WYVIS, Scotland, 2720 e. BENZOIA, BONZIE co., Mich., 018 e., 44° 31' n. iHt., 86° Ion. w. BEOWAWE, Nev., 4717 e. BEREA, Cuyahoga co., Ohio, 741 e. BERGEN, Erie R. R., N. Y., 32 e. BERGEN'S RANCH, Colo., 7752 e. BERKLEY, S. C, 100 e., 33° 16' n. lat,, 80° Ion. w., 64° t. BERKELEY SPRINGS, Va., 600 e. BERLIN, N. J., 162 e. BERLIN, Prussia, 115 e., 52° 45' n. lat, 13° 24' Ion. w. BEKLIN FALLS. Coos co., N. H., 1055 e. BKRMUDA, Roy. Nav. Hosp., Bermuda, e , 32°23' n. lat.,64°40' lon.w., 49.05 r.f. BERNE, Camden co., Ga., 25 e. HERXINA ALPS, Switzerland, 7670 e. BERNVILLE, Pa., 290 e. BERRYVILLE, Va., 575 e., 39° 13' n. lat., 77° 56' Ion. w., 37.48 r. f. 9 BERTHOUD PASS, Colo., 10896 e. BERWICK, Pa , 583 e., 41° 05' n. lat., 76° 15' Ion. w., 56.32 r. f. BETHANY, Pa., 1400 e. BETHRL, Ct.,R. R. t., 380 e. BETHEL, Me., 650 e., 44° 20' n. lat., 70° 51' Ion. w. BETHEL, Clearmont co.. Ohio., 555 e., 39° 00' n. lat., 84° 00' ion. w., 47.08 r. f. BETHEL, Vt.,561 e. BETHLEHEM, Pa., 231 e. BETHEL SPRINGS, McNairy co., Tenn., 623 e. BEVERLY, N. Y., 180 e., 41° 22' n. lat., 73° 57'«lon. w., 48.20 r. f. BEVERLY, Mass., 24 e. BEYRUUT, Syria, 50 e., 33° 47' n. lat., 35° 20' Ion. e. 15HADRINARTH P., Himalayas, 23441 e., 30° 42' s. lat., 79° 15' Ion. e. BIDDEFORD, Me., 46 e., 45° 30' n. lat., 70° 27' long, w., 49.75 r. f. BIG BEAVER (mouth of), Pa., 691 e. BIG BEAVER DAM, Anderson co., S. C, 720 e. BIG CANON, Arizona, 1426 e., 35° 45' n. lat., 113°24' Ion. w. BIG CREEK, Iowa, 590 e. BIG MOUND SUMMIT, Iowa, 719 e. BIG POND.Siacre Station, Wyo., 6541 e. BIG ROCK, Ark. Riv., near Little Rock, Ark., 680 e. BIG SPRING, Neb., 3325 e. BIG STONE LAKE, Maine, 966 e. BIJOU, Colo., 5105 e. BILL MERRILL MT. , Cornish, Me., 1 750 e. BILL WILLIAMS' FORK (mouth of), Ariz., 465 e., 34° 18' n. lat., 114° 06' Ion. w. BILL WILLIAMS' MT., Ariz.. 6620 e., 35° 15' n. lat.. 112° 19' Ion. w HINGHAMPTON, Broome co., N. Y., 852 e. BIRD, Vt., 2500 e. BIRDSBORO', Bucks co., Pa., 182 e. BISCAYNE, Dade co., Fla., 12 e., 25° 45' n. lat., 80° 16' Ion. w. BITLIS, Asiatic Turkey, 5156 c. BITTKR ROOT, Mont, 2480 e., 47° 18' n. lat., 115° 44' Ion. w. BITTER CREEK, Union Pac. R. R., Wyo , 6464 e. BLACK BUTTES, Wyo., 6600 e. BLACK CREEK JUNC, Pa., 1015 e. BLACK DOMK, N. C, 6707 e. BLACK HAW^K, Colo., 7543 e. BLACK MOUNTAIN, N. C. 6476 e., 35° 40' n lat. BLACK RIVER FEEDER, N. Y., 1126 e. BLACK RIVER P. 0., N. Y., 788 e. BLACK STONE, Mass., 192 e. BLACKWELL ISLAND, N. Y., 29 e., 40° 45^ u. lat., 73° 57' Ion. w. BLADENSBURG, Md., to 105 e., 38° 57' n. lat., 76° 58' Ion. w., 39.27 r. f. BLADEN STATION, N. C, 105 e. BLAIRSTOWN, Iowa, 850 e. BLAIRSVILLR, Indiana CO., Pa., 1120 e. BLAKE'S HILL, Woodstock, Vt., 1419 e. BLANCHARD, Me., 414 e. BLANVELTVILLE, N. Y., 162 e. ■ BLAUEN, Baden, Ger., 3850 e. BLENCOE, Iowa, 1057 e. BLOCK ISLAND, L.Island, N. Y., e., 41° 13' n. lat., 71° 35' Ion. w. BLOODY RUN, Huntington and Broad Top R. R., 1166 e. BLOOMFIELD, Greene co., Ind., 467 e. BDOOMFIELD, Walworth co. Wis., 600 e. BLOOMFIELD, N. J., 120 e., 40° 49' n. lat., 74° 8' Ion. w., 50° t., 42.38 r. f. BLOOMINGDALE, Ind., 600 e. BLOOMINGDALE, N. J., 265 e. BLOOMINGTON, Munvoe co., Ind., 771 e. BLOSSBURG, Tioga R. R., Pa., 1338 e. BLUE BRANCH, Burleson co., Tex., 600 e., 30° 27' n. lat., 97° 26' Ion. w. BLUE CANON, Cal., 4700 e. BLi E CREEK, Utah, 4360 e. BLUE HILL, Me., 925 e. BLUE RIDGE MT., Ga., 4000 e. BLUE RIDGE, Harper's Ferry, Va., 1800 e. BLUE RIDGE, Orange and Alex. R. R. Tunnel, Va., 1646 e. BLUE RIDGE, Summit, Rock Fish Gap, Va., 1996 e. BLUFF P. 0., Fayette co., Tex., 180 e., 30° n. lat., 97° Ion. w. BLUFF AND PRAIRIE LEVEL, St. Paul, Minn., 850 e. BLUFFTON, "Wells co., Ind., 825 e. BOGOSLOVA VOL , Alaska, 1000 e. BOGOTA, South America, 8863 e. BOILING SPRINGS, Erie R. R., N. J., 50 e. BOIS FRANCS, Minn., 1238 e. BOLAN PASS, Beloochistan, Asia, 5793 e. BOLIVAR, Westmoreland CO., Pa., 1121 e. BOLIVAR, Polk CO., Mo., 1000 e., 37° 30' n. lat., 91° 20' Ion. w. BOLTON SUMMIT, Conn., 589 e. BONAPARTE, Iowa, 542 e. BONHAM, Tex., 435 e., 33° 40' n. lat., 96° 13' Ion. w. BONNEVILLE, Utah, 4310 e. BON SECOUR, Ala., 12 e., 30° 25' n. lat.. 87° 50' Ion. w. BOONE, Iowa, 951 e BOONESBORO, Boone co., Iowa, 1160 e., 42° n. lat., 93° 14' Ion. w. BOONEVILLE, N. Y., 1120 e. BOONVILLE, Cooper co., Mo. 530 e., 38° 57' n. lat., 92° 41' 30" Ion. w. BOONTON, N. J., 484 e. BOONTOWN FALLS, Morris Canal, N.J., 80 e. 10 BORDEAUX, France, 50 e., 44° 50' n. lat., 0° 34^ Ion. w. BORDENTO WN, Burlington co., N. J., 65e. BOSTON, ifes, to 224 e., 42° 22^ n. lat., 71°04^ Ion. w., 45°.90 t., 43.38 r. f. BOSTON STATE HOUSE (foundation), Mass., 1 10 e. BOSTON, Mass., Parker's hill, highest pt., 224 e. BOTTETOURT SPRING, Bottetourt Co., Va., 230 e. BOTTLE HILL, El Doradoco., Gal., 2389 6. BOUCKVILLE, N. Y., 1127 e. BOULDER PASS, Colo., 11670 e. BOWDOINHAM, Me., 9 e. BOWEN'S PRAIRIE, Jones co., Iowa, 800 e., 42° 15' n. lat. BOWLES CREEK, Minn., 650 e. BOWLING GREEN, Wood co., Ohio, 700 6., 41° 22' n. lat., 83° 40' Ion. w., 60.41 r. f. BOX ELDER, Cal., 1430 e. BOYERS FERRY, Va., 970 e. BOYERSTOWN, Bucks co., Pa., 385 e. BOYLSTON, Oswego co., N. Y., 750 e. BOZEMAN'S, Anderson co., S. C, 381 e. BOZEMAN'S, Gallatin co., Mont., 4655 e. BRADFORD, N. H., 670 e. BRADY ISLAND, Neb., 2637 e. BRAINBRD, Minn , 1205 e. BRANDON, Vt., 460 e., 43° 45' n. lat, 73° Ion. w., 44°.53 t., 36.57 r. f. BRANDON MT., Ireland, 3126 e. BRATTLEBORO,V t., 190 e. BREAKNECK, Orange co., N. Y., 1187 e. BRECKENRIDGE, Minn., 996 e. BRECKNOCK, S. Wales, 2861 e. BRECKSVILLE, Ohio, 800 e., 41° 23' n. lat., 81° 40' Ion. w. BREMEN, N. Germany, 50 e., 53° 4' n. lat., 8° 49' Ion. e. BRKMEN, Auglaize co., Ohio, 831 e. BRESLAU, Suffolk co., N. Y , 13 e. BRESLAU, Prussia, 409 e., 51° 6' 57" n. lat., 17° 2' 23" Ion. e. BREWSTER'S, N. Y., 412 e. BRIANCON. France, 4284 e. BRICK CHURCH, Morris and Essex R. R., N. J., 182 e. BRICK CHURCH, Woodstock, Vt., 689 e. BRICK HOUSE, Edgefield co., S. C, 478 e. BRICKSBURG, N. J.. 50 e. BRIDLEMAN'S CREEK, Morris Canal, N. J., 100 e. BRIDGERS' FORT, Utah, 7800 e. BRIDGERS' PASS, 4th Bridge, Wyo., 7453 e. BRIDGEPORT, Pa., 67 e, BRIDGEPORT, Ct., e. BRIUGETON, N. J., 52 e. BRIDGEVILLE, N. J., 386 e. BRIDGEWATER, Mass., 150 e., 42° n. lat., 71° Ion. w., 37.44 r. f. BRIDGEWATER, Oneida co., N. Y., 1286 e., 42° 55' n. lat., 75° 17' Ion. w., 42° 66 t., 64.03 r. f. BRIDGEWATER, Vt., 1076 e. BRIGHTON, Mass., 24 e. BRIGHTON, N. Y., 471 e. BRISTOL, Ct„ 337 e. BRISTOL, N. H., 218 e. BRISTOL, Bucks co., Pa., 40 e. BRISTOL, Bristol co., R. I., e. BRISTOL, Va., 1678 e. BROAD MT., Pa., (R. R. t.) 1657 e. BROAD TOP CITY, Pa., 1860 e. BROADAVAY CREEK, Anderson CO., S. C, 730 e. BROAD RIVER, at Alston, Fairfield CO., S. C, 220 e. BROADWAY. N. J., 376 e. BROCKEN, Germany, 3690 e., 51°48'29" n. lat, 20° 36' 35" Ion. w. BROCK'S CROSSING, Me., 94 e. BROOKFIELD, Fairfield co.. Conn., 100 e., 42° 27' n. lat., 73° 35' Ion. w. BROOKFIELD, Vt, 1000 e., 44° 02' n. lat., 72° 35' Ion. w. BROOK HAVEN, Lincoln co.. Miss., 430 e., 31° 37' n. lat, 90° 15' Ion. w. BROOK HAVEN, N. Y., e., 40° 49' n. lat, 72° 36' Ion. w., 54.67 r. f. BROOKLINE, Mass., 40 e. BROOKLYN, Iowa, 818, e. BROOKLYN, Kings co., N. Y., to 125 p. BROOKLYN HEIGHTS, N. Y., 70 e. BROOKLYN, Mich., 1020 e., 42° 06' n. lat, 83° 35' Ion. w., 39.17 r. f. BROOKS, Me., 377 e. BROOKVILLE, Franklin co., Ind., 598 e. BROOKVILLE, Kan., 1250 e. BROOKVILLE, Pa., 1480 e., 41° 12' n. lat, 79° 08' Ion. w. BROOME AND SUSQUEHANNA CO. LINE, Alb. & Susqu. R. R., N. Y., 912 e. BROWNFIELD, Me., 397 e. BROWN'S, Nev., 3955 e. BROWNSON, Neb., 4200 e. BROWNSVILLE, Pa., 733 e. BROWNSVILLE, Union co., Ind., 874 e. BROWNVILLE, Jefferson co., N. Y., 309 e, BROWN SUMMIT, Iowa, 833 e. BROWNSVILLE, Tex., 50 e., 25° 54' n. lat., 97' 26' Ion. w., 73° t BRUCE, 111., 550 e. BRi CE MINES, Can. West, 576 e., 46° 15' n. lat, 84° Ion. w., 40° t. BRULE, Neb , 3266 e. BRUMSBURG, Bohemia, 5007 e. BRUNSWICK, Glynn co., Ga., 10 e. BRUNSWICK, Me., 74 e., 43° 54' n. lat., 69° 57' Ion. w., 44.68 r. f. BRUSH CANON BRIDGE, Placer co., Cal., 1947 e. 11 BRUSH CANON HILL, Placer co., CaL, 2230 e BRUSHv'lLLE, N. Y., 796 e. BRUSSELS, Belgium, 270 e., 50° 51' n. lat., 40° 70^ Ion. e. BRYAN, Williams co., Ohio, 773 e. BRYAN, Wyo., 6340 e. BUAHAT MTS., Abyssinia, 14364 e. BUCHANAN, Va., 828 e. BUCHANAN, Lake Superior, Minn., 600 e., 47° 33^ n. lat., 92° Ion. w., 37° t. BUCHAREST, Wallachia, 200 e., 40° 27' n. lat., 26° 06' Ion. e. BUCKHORN, Pa., 260 e. BUCK MT., Pa. 1460 e. BUCKSPORT, Me., 90 e., 44° 34' n. lat., 68° 47' Ion. w., 44 36 r. f. BUCKSVILLE, Ohio, 8-00 e., 41° 15' n. Int., 81° 30' Ion. w. BUFA DE ZACATECAS, Mex., 8294 e. BUFFALO, N. Y., 600 e., 42° 53' n. lat., 78° 56' lion, w., 46°.25 t., 38.80 r. f. BUFFALO BARRACKS, N. Y., 660 e. BUFFALO CREEK, Woodson co., Kan., 1000 e. BUFFALO, Pa., 1000 e. BUFFALO, Kan., 2678 e. BUFFALO SPRINGS, Tex., 1800 e. BUFORD, Wyo., 7780 e. BULLARD'S POND, Needham, Mass., 104 e. BULL HILL, Putnam co., N. Y., 1586 e. BURKEVILLE, Va., 519 e. BURLINGAMB, Kan., 800 e., 38° 42' n. lat, 95° 45' Ion. w., 30.46 r. f. BURLINGTON, N. J., 60 e., 40° 05' n. lat., 75° 10' Ion. w., 52° t, 46.64 r. f. BURLINGTON, Rush co , Ind., 941 e. BURLINGTON, Iowa, 486 e., 40°49'n. lat., 91° 07' Ion. w. BURLINGTON, Coffey co., Kan., 825 e., 38° 08' n. lat., 95° 27' Ion. w. BURLINGTON, Minn., 645 e., 47° 01' n. lat., 92° 30' Ion. w., 40.35 r. f. BURLINGTON, Vt., 350 e., 44° 29' n. lat., 73° 11' Ion. w., 45° t., 34.15 r. f. BURNES SUMMIT, N. C, 800 e. BURNHAM, Me., 159 e. BURNING MT., Brisbane co., Australia, 1500 e., 21° 55' s. lat, 150° 56' Ion. e. BURNT CABINS, Pa., 881 e. BURRVILLE, N. Y., 1222 e. BURTON, Ohio, 1160 e. BURTON, W. Va., 1069 e. BURTON'S TANK, Newberry co., S. C, 502 e. BUSH RIV., Newberry co., S. C, 462 e. BUSHNELL, Neb., 4860 e. BUCHEST, Wallachia, 6816 e. BUCHEST, Carpathian Mt, Transylvania, 8695 e. BUTLER, Pa., 850 e., 40° 54' n. lat., 79° 50' Ion. w., 51° t, 36.06 r. f. BUTTER HILL, Orange co., N. Y., 1529 e. BUTTE-head of South Sierra Nevada Fork, Cal., 9000 e. BUZZARD'S PEAKS, Va., 2442 e. BYBERRY, Pa., 70 e. c. CABIN POINT TUNNEL, B. & 0. R. R., 950 e. CABOOL, N. Afghanistan, 6396 e., 34° 30' n. lat, 69° 6' Ion. e. CACACA, Andes Mt, 18210 e., 16° 25' s. lat., 68° 58' Ion. w. CADIZ, Ind., 1060 e., 39° 55' n. lat, 85° 2G' Ion. w., 42.25 r. f. CADER IDRIS, Wales, 2914 e., 52°42' 2" n. lat, 4° 28' 3" Ion. w. CADOTTE'S PASS, N. Mex., 6044 e. CAHAWBA, Ala., 160 e. CAHIRCONREE, Ireland, 278; e. CAHTO, Mendocino co., Cal., 2000 e., 40° n. lat., 125° Ion. w. CAIRNGORM, Scotland, 4080 e. CAIRNSMUIR, " 2597 e. CAIRO, 111., 322 e. CAJON GAP, Head of, Cal., 283 e. CAJON RANCH, Cal., 412 e. CALBY ISLAND LIGHT HOUSE, Wales, 210 e., 51° 37' 56" n. lat, 4° 40' 57" Ion. w. CALDWELL, Warren co., N. Y., 534 e., 43° 24' n. lat, 72° 46' Ion. w. CALIFORNIA JDNC, Iowa, 1018 e. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., 71 e., 42° 23' n. lat, 71° 07' Ion. w., 36.40 r. f. CAMBRIDGE, Md., 56 e. CAMBRIDGE, Washington co., N. Y., 500 e., 43° 01' n. lat, 73° 23' Ion. w., 45° t., 37.23 r. f. CAMBRIDGE, Vt, 410 e. CAMDEN, Ark., 123 e., 33" 32' n. lat., 92° 48' Ion. w. CAMDEN, N. Y., 501 e. CAMDEN, S. C, 250 e., 34° 17' n. lat, 81° 33' Ion. w., 61° t, 50.56 r. f. CAMDEN, N. J., e. CAMEL'S HUMP, Green Mts., Vt, 4083 e. CAMELTON, Perry co., Ind., 400 e. CAMPAGNA DI ROMA, Italy, (highest point) 200 e. CAMP CONCORDIA, Tex., 3600. CAMP DATE CREEK, Ariz. ,3726 6. CAMP DOUGLASS, Utah, 4800 e., 40° 39' n. lat, 111° 40' Ion. w., 20.57 r. f. CAMP FAR WEST, Cal., 175 e., 39° 07' n. lat, 121* 18' Ion. w., 20.60 r. f. CAMP FLOYD, Utah, 4860 e., 41° 13' n. lat, 112° 18' lon.w., 48° t, 7 r. f. CAMP GAW, N. J., 382 e. 12 CAMP HALLECK, Nev., 5600 e. CAMP INDEPENDENCE, Cal., 4800 e., 36° 50^ n. lat., 118° 11^ Ion. w. CAMP McDERMOTT, Nev., 4700 e., 41° 58^ n. lat., ] 7°40'' Ion. w. CAMP McGARRY, Nev., 6000 e., 41° 40^ n. lat., 119° Ion. w., 17.94 r. f. ■ CAMP McPHERSON, Ariz., 3726 e., 34° 45^ n. lat., 112° 18^ Ion. w. CAMPO BELLO, N. Brunswick, (fixed light), 60 8., 44° 47' n. lat., 66° 58' Ion. \v. CAMP PICKETT, Wash. Ter., 150 e. CAMP SALUBRITY, La., 80 e. CAMP SEMIAHMOO, Wash. Ter., 11 e., 49° 01' n. lat., 122° 46' Ion. w., 33.60 r. f. CAMP SKULL VALLEY, Ariz., 5000 e., 34° 45' n. lat., 112° 30' Ion. w. CAMPTONVILLE, Yuba cc, Cal., 2388 e. CAMP UNION, Cal., 54 e., 38° 32' n. lat., 121° 28' Ion. w. CAMP VERDE, Tex., 1400 e., 30° n. lat., 99° 10' Ion. w., 30.65 r. f. CANAAN, N. H., 700 e. CANA *", N. Y., 867 e. CA>' .i.v, Ct., 624e. C^j..^AAN SUMMIT, N. Y., 954 e. CAFAJOriARlE, Montgomery co., N. Y., 284 e., 42° 53' n. lat., 74° 35' Ion. w. ' CANANDAIGUA, Ontario co., N. Y., 813 e., 42° 50' n. lat., 77° 15' Ion. w., 45° 73' t 37.92 r. f. CANASTOTA, N. V., 427 e. CANRBRAKB CANON, N. Y., 252 e. CANE CREEK, Picliens co., S. C, 750 e. CANNEL, Me., 175 e. CANNELTON, Ind., 380 e., 37° 57' n. lat., 86° 41' Ion. w., 55° t., 36 r. f. CANNON, MT. P., White Mts., N. H. 4U00 e. CANOBLAS, MT. Australia, 4610 e. CANNONSBURG, Pa, 850 e., 40° 17' n. lat., 80° 10' Ion. w. 36.71 r. f. ('ANTAL MT., Auvergne, 6093 e. CANTERBURY, N. H. 363 e. CANTON, Conn., 750 e., 14° 49' n. lat., 72° 54' Ion. w., 54. 85 r. f. CANTON, III., 678 e. CANTON, Mass., 90 e, 42° 12' n. lat., 71° 08' Ion. \T. CANTON, N. Y., 304 e., 44° 38' n. lat., 78° 15' Ion. w. CANTONMENT JORDAN Mont., 2990 e., 47° 22' n. lat., 112° 19' Ion. w. CANTONMENT LOIilNG, Idaho Ter., 4700 e. CANTONMENT STEVENS, Wash. Ter., 3412 e. 46° 20' n. lat, 113° 55' Ion. w., 47° t. CAPE CHARLES, Va., 20 e., 37° 12' n. lat., 76° 2' Ion. w. CAPE COD LIGHT HOUSE, (Fixed Light) Mass., 200 e.,42° 2' 24" n. lat., 70° 4' 18" Ion. w. CAPE DISAPPOINMENT, Wash. Ter,, 30 e., 46° 17' n. lat., 124° 2' Ion. w., 74.90 r. f. CAPE ELIZABETH, Me., 24 e. CAPE MAY, N. J.. e., 38° 55' [44" n. lat., 74° 58' 30" Ion. w CAPE VILLE, Northampton CO., Ya.j'O e. CAPE VINCENT, N. Y., 235 e. CAPITAN GRANDE, Cal., 730 e. CAPTON, Pa., 1268 e. CARACAS, Venezuela. 2923 e., 10° 3' n, lat, 66° 55' Ion. w., 37.41 r. f. CARBON, Wyoming, 6750 e. CARBONDALE, Pa., 965 e. CARDONA, Salt Mt, Spain, 500 e. CARLIN, Nev., 4930 e. CARLISLE, Pa., 498 e., 40° 12' n. lat,, 77° 12' Ion. w., 51° t., 36.50 r. f. CARLOWVILLE, Ala., 400 e., 32° 10' n. lat., 87° 15' Ion. ^y., 55.66 r. f. CARLTON, Orleans co., N. Y., 250 e. CARMEL, Me., 175 e.,- 44° 47' n. lat, 69° Ion. w., 41° t. CARNETHY, Scotland, 1700 e. CARN TUAL, Ireland, 3404 e. CAROLINA CITY, N. C.,0 e. CARP LAKE MINE. Mich., 1440 e. CARROLL, Iowa, 1272 e. CARROLLTON, Carroll co.. Ark., 1412 e. CARROLLTON, La., 15 e. CARTER, Wyo., 6550 e. CARTER FELL, Scotland, 2020 e. CARTHAGE, 111., 625 e., 40° 23' n. lat., 91° 17' Ion. w. CARTHAGE, N. Y., 721 e. CARTHAGENA, Mercer co., Ohio, 898 e. CASA CANCHA, Peru. 14500 e. CASCADE MT. SUMMIT PASS, Or., 5595 e. CASCADE, Wis., 750 e. i CASEY, Iowa, 1208 e. CASHMERE, Asia, Plateau from 5 to 6000 e. CASTINE, Me., 40 e., 44° 23' n. lat, 68° 41' Ion. w., 43°.4 t. CASSVH^LE, Mo., 3000 e., 36° 41' n. lat, 93° 56' Ion. w. CASTALIAN SPRINGS, Sumner co., Tenn., 500 e. CASTLE PEAK, Cat, 13000 e , 38° 10' n. lat. CASTLE ROCK, Wyoming City, 6201 e. CASTLE ROCK, Utah, 6290 e. CASTLETON, Rutland co., Vt, 490 e. CASTROGIOVANNI, Sicily, 4000 e. CATARACT CANON, Ariz., 5935 e., 36° 05' n. lat., 112° 48' Ion. w. CATASAQUA. Pa., 301 e. CATAWBA RIVER (mouth of), Va., 886 e. 13 CATHEDRAL PEAK, Maripoosa, Cal., 11000 e. CATHLAMET, Wahkia co., Wash. Ter., 40 e., 46° 15^ n. lat., 123° 30^ Ion w. CATONSVILLE, Md., 500 e. CATORGE, Mex., 8788 e. CATSivILL MT. RANGE, N. Y., 3 to 3800 e. CATSKILL MTS., west of the Hudson, N. Y., 3000 6. CATTARAUGUS LAKE, N. Y., 16G5 e. OAWIAH MT., Cal., 14000 e., 30° 20' n. lat. CAW-SAND BEACON, Englaud, 1549 e. CAYOTB, Neb., 2440 e. CAYUGA LAKE, N. Y., 387 e. CAYUGA ACADEMY, Cayuga co., N. Y., 447 e., 42° 43^" n. lat., 76° 37' Ion. w., 49°. 16 t. CAZENOVIA, N. Y., 1260 e., 42° 55' n. lat., 75° 46' Ion. w., 43».63 t., 38.84 r.f. CAZENOVIA LAKE, Madison co., N. Y., 900 e. CEBOLLETA, New Mex., 6200 e., 35° 15' n. lat., 107° 20' Ion. w. CEDAR BLUFFS, Cedar co., Ind., 700 e. CEDAR CREEK, Iowa, 616 e. CEDAR FALLS, Iowa, 878 e. CEDAR GROVE, Sheboygan co., Wis., 665 e. CEDAR GROVE, Tex., 60 e. CEDAR ISLAND, Sag Harbor, L. I., 32e., 41° 2' 15" n. lat., 72° 16' Ion. w. CEDAR KEYS, Fla., 35 e., 29° 07' u. lat., 83° 03' Ion. w., 69° t., 48 50 r. f. CEDAR POINT, Cal., 5614 e. CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa, 705 e. CKDAR RIVER, Iowa, 699 e. CELAYA, Mex., 6020 e. CELINA, Mercer co., Ohio, 952 e. CENTRAL BRIDGE, N. Y., 600 e. CENTRAL CITY, Colo., 8043 e. CENTRaLIA, Pa., 1484 e. CENTRAL MINE, Keneenaw co., Mich., 1177 e., 47° n. lat., 87° 54' Ion. w. CENTRAL PARK, New York co., N. Y., 97*6., 40° 45' n. lat., 73° 54' Ion. CENTREVILLE, N. Y., 958 e. CENTREVILLE, Pa., 1465 e. CERALOS, Mex., 1006 e. CERES, Iowa, 825 e. CERES, Pa., 1440 e, 42° a. lat., 78° 25' Ion. w., 54.78 r. f. CERESCO, Wis., 917 e., 43° 50' n. lat., 88° 57' lon.w. CERRO DE LA GIGANTA, Cal., 4900 e. CERRO DEL MERCADO, Mex., 7923 e. CERRO DE AJUSCO MT., Mex., 15800 e. CERVIN MT., Pennine Alps, 10938 e. CHACHACUMANI, Andes Mt., S. A,, 20235 e., 16° 0' s. lat., 68° 25' Ion. w. CHELSEA, Iowa, 798 e. CHADD'S FORD, Pa., 168 e. CHALYBEATE SPRINGS, Lawrence co., Mo., 1300 e. CHAMAHON, 111., 630 e., 41° 15' n. lat., 88° 16' Ion. w. CHAMARCILLE, S. A., 3860 e. CHAMBERLAIN LAKE, Me., 926 e. CHAMBERSBURG, Pa., 618 e, 39° 58' n. lat., 77° 45' Ion. w., 41.48 r. f. CHAMPION, Ohio, 905 e. CHAMOUMI, Switzerland, 3367 e, CHANDLER HILL, Worcester, Mass., 748 e. CHAPEL HILL, N. C, 570 e., 35° 54' n. lat., 79° 17' lon.w., 59° 30' t., 42.71 r.f. CHAPMAN'S, Neb,, 1760 e. CHAPPEL, Neb., 5702 e. CHAPPEL'S, Newberry Co., S. C, 395 e. CHAPPEL HILL, Tex., 542 e , 30° 15' n. lat., 96° 70' Ion. w. CHARDON, Geauga co., Ohio, 600 e. CHARITON, Iowa, 1011 e. CHARLES CITY, Iowa, 1037 e. CHARLES RIVER, Boston and Worcester R. R. crossing, Mass., 63 e. CHARLESTON, Vt , 375 e. CHARLESTON, S. C, to 20," ' 32° 47' n. lat., 79° 56' Ion. w., 66° t.,'4't^-/>-'-. f. CHARLESTON, W. Va., Rive;- at, udo e. CHARLESTOWN, Mass., 60 e., 42°'21'n. lat., 71° 03' Ion. w., 35.83 r. f. CHARLOTTE, Mecklenburg co., N. C, 769 e. CHARLOTTE, N. Y., 273 e., 43° 13' n. lat., 77° 51' Ion. w., 29.91 r. f. CH ARLOTTESVILLE, Va., 407 e., 38° 01' n. lat., 78° 26' Ion. w., 55°.73 t., 38.51 r. f. CHARLOTTESTOWN, Prince Edward Is., e., 46° 15' n. lat., 63° Ion. w., 40° t. CHARLTON, Mass., 915 e. CHAS^ERON P., France, 5280 e. CHATAUQUA CO., N. Y., highest points, 1800 to 2000 e. CHAUTAUQUE LAKE, N. Y., 1291 e. CHATEAUGAY SUMMIT, N. Y., 1050 e. CHATFIELD. Minn., 900 e., 43° 50' n. lat., 92° 25' Ion. w., 43.36 r. f, CHATHAM, N. J., 231 e. CHATHAM, N. Y., 460 e., 42° 26' n. lat, 73° 30' Ion. w. CHATHAM CENTRE, N. Y., 305 e. CHATHAM LIGHTS, Cape Cod, Mass., 70 e., 41° 40'20" n. lat., 69°57'r2" Ion. w. CHATAHOOCHEE ARSENAL, Gadsden CO., Fla., 180 e., 30° 48' n. lat., 84° 48' Ion. w. CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., 643 e. CHAUMONT, N. Y., 276 e. CHEAT RIVER VALLEY R. R. t., W. Va.. 1375 e. CATAWISSA, Pa.,491 e. 14 CHELSEA HOSPITAL, Mass., 40 e., 42° 25' n. lat., 71° Ion. w., 31.30 r. f. CHEMUNG RIV., Elmira, N. Y., 833 e. CHRQUAQDE, Iowa, 586 e. CHENANGU CO., N. Y., highest P., 13 to 1500 e. CHEXANGO AND BROOME CO. LINE, Alb. and Susque. R. R., N. Y., 1006 e. CHERAW, Chesterfield co., S. C, 144 e. CHERRY VALLEY, 111., 755 e. CHERRY VALLEY, Otsego co., N. Y., 1335 e., 42° 48' n. lat., 76° 47' Ion. w., 44° t., 40.84 r. f. CHES. AND OHIO CANAL, proposed tunnel, Allegheny Mts., Pa., 1898 e. CHKS. AND OHIO CANAL, Potomac Riv. at dam No. 6. 424 e. CHES. AND OHIO CANAL, Great Oapa- pon Riv., Va., 528 e. CHESTER, Rich, and Peters. R. R., Va., 151 e. CHESTER, Erie R. R., N. Y., 460 e. CHESTER, Host, and Albany R. R., Mass., 602 e. "CHESTER VALLEY, Penna. Centr. R. R., Pa., -.^51 e. CHESTER, Vt., 610 e. CHESTERTOVVN, Md., 80 e., 39° 13' n. lat., 76° 03' Ion. w., 42.87 r. f. CHESNUT RIDGE, Westmoreland co., Pa., 1450 to 1600 e. CHESNOT HILL, Phila. and Reading R. R., Pa., 405 e. CHEVOIT P., Scotland, 2684 e. CHEYEXNB, Wyo., 6041 e. CHEYENNE PASS, Wyo., 8523 e. CHICAGO, Lalie Michigan, 111., 578 e., 41° 53' n. lat., 87° 37' Ion. w., 47° t. CHICKAHO.MINY RIVER, (surface of). Rich, and York R. R., Va., 45 e. CHICO, Butte CO., Cal., 193 e., 39° 44' n. lat., 121° 44' Ion. w. CHEAT RFV., (head of) Va., 2400 e. CHIHUAHUA, Mes., 4640 e., 28° 38' n. lat., 106° 35' Ion. vv., 25.44 r. f. CHILESBURG, Ky., 850 e., 38°04' n. lat., 84° 06' Ion. w., 46.75 r. f. CHILICOTHE, Ohio. 626 e., 39° 20' n lat., 82° 45' Ion. w., 57°. 92 t. CHILTERN HILLS, England, 905 e. CHIMBORAZO, Andes Mt., S. A,, 21440 e. CHIMNEY ROCKS. Va., 2943 e. CHIN OF MANSFIELD MT., Vt., 4548 e. CHIPIOANI, Andes Mt., S. A., 19740 e., 17° 43' s. lat., 69° 47' Ion. w. CHOCORUA, Carroll co., N. H., 3358 e. CHRISTIANA, Phila. and Erie R. R., Pa., 484 e. CHRISTIANSBURG, Va., 2041 e. CHRISTIE, Ohio, 691 e. CHROMKDALE, Pa., 196 e., 39°35'n. lat., 75° 27' Ion. w., 44.18 r. f. CHUB CREEK, Va., 774 e. CHUB LAKE, N. Y., 1599 e. CHOQUIASCA, Bolivia, 9000 e. CHURCH BUTTES, Wyo., 6317 e. CHURCHILL, Miss., 250 e., 31° 50' n. lat., 91° 25' Ion. w., 45.97 r. f. CIBOLO RIV., Kendall co., Tex., 50 e. CINCINNATI, Ohio, 550 e., 39° 06' n. lat., 84° 29' Ion. vv., 54° t., 42 88 r. f. CISCO, Cal., 5911 e. CITY POINT, Belfast, Maine Centr. R. R.' Me., 30 e. CLAREMONT, N. H., 539 e., 43° 22' n. lat., 7.2° 21' Ion. w., 43.69 r. f. CLAREMONT, Newberry co., S. C, 155 e. CLARENDON, Vermont Centr. R. R., Vt., 700 e. CLARINDA, Page co., Iowa, 1044 e. CLARK'S, Nev., 4290 e. CLARK'S, Neb., 1610 e. CLARK'S GAP, Va., 578 e. CLARK'S MT., Cornish, Me., 1000 e. CLARKSVILLE, Tenn., 496 e., 36° 29' n. lat., 89° 13' Ion. w. CLAUSEVILLE, Pa., 660 e. CLAUSTHAL, Hanover, Germany, 1740 e. CLAY HILL, San Francisco, Cal., 457 e. CLAYTON, 111., 480 e. CLAYTON, Contra Costa co., Cal., 76 e., 37° 56' n. lat., 121° 40' Ion. w. CLAYTON, Raburn co., Ga., 1875 e. CLAYTON, N. Y., 2 20 e. CLEARFIELD, Pa., 1067 e. CLEARFIELD CREEK, summit at the head of. Pa., 2014 e. CLEARMONT, Warren co., Tenn., 1000 e. CLEARWATER, Minn., 975 e. CLEARWATER HARBOR, Fla., 25 e. CLEVELAND Ohio, 625 e., 41° 42' n. lat., 81° 36' Ion. w., 45°t., 32.36 r. f. CLIFTON, N. Y., 1123 e. CLINTON, 111., 430 e. CLINTON, Iowa, 630 e., 41° 40' n. lat., 90° 15' Ion. w. CLINTON, Maine Centr. R. R., Me., 134 e. CLINTON, Mass., 316 e., 42° 25' n. lat., 71° 42' Ion. w. CLINTON CO., N. Y., average, 3 to 4000 e. CLINTON, N. Y., 600 e., 43° 03' n. lat., 75° 22' Ion. w., 46° t., 41.69 r. f. CLINTON ACADEMY, Suffolk co., N. Y., 16 e., 41° n. lat., 70° 19' Ion. w. CLINTON, Hamilton College, N. Y., 1127 e, 4.3°03' n. lat., 75°25' Ion. w., 33.89r.f. CLYDE, N. Y., 390 e. COALMONT, Pa., nil e. COALVILLE, Summit co., Utah, 5600 c. COATBSVILLE, Pa., 372 e. COATOPA, Ala., 350 e. COBBLE HILL, Milton, Vt., 912 e. COBBLER, Scotland, 2359 e. 15 COBLESKILL, N. Y., Alb. and Susque, R. R., 898 e. COCHABAMBA, Bolivia, 8370 e. COCHECTON, N. Y., 748 e. COESSE, Whitaey co., lud., 883 e. COFRE DE PEROTE, Mex., 13415 e. COFFEE RUN. Pa., 871 e. COKESBURY, Abbeville co.,S. C, 707 e. COLDEN LAKE, Essex co., N. Y., 2851 e. COL DE TENDE, Alps, 5890 e. COLD MT., N. C, 6003 e. COL DOGE ANT, Pennine Alps, Savoy, 11146 e. COLEBROOK, Litchfield co., N. H., 1023 e., 42° n. lat., 73° 3^ Ion. w. COLE'S LANDING, N. J., 50 e., 39° 54' n. lat., 75° 02' Ion. w., 47.07 r. f. COLFAX, Cal., 3448 e. COLFAX, Iowa, 753 e. COLLEGE CORNER, Butler co., Ohio, 985 e. COLLEGE HILL, Highland co., Ohio, 800 e., 39° 07' n. lat., 84° 35' Ion. w., 48.08 r. f. COLLIERS, N. Y., 1113 e. COLLINGWOOD, Can, West, 576 e., 44° 30' n. lat., 80° 20' Ion. w., 44° t. COLLINSVILLE, C. T., 314 e. COLO, Iowa., 1055 6. COLOLO, Andes Mt., 17930 e., 14° 57' 8. lat., 69° 10' Ion. w. COLONA, El Dorado co., Cal., 835 e. COLORADO PLATEAU, Ariz., 5673 e., 35° 43' n. lat., 112° 49' Ion. w. COLORADO SPRINGS, El Paso co.. Col., 5775 e. COLORADO VALLEY, foot of, Cal., 282 6., 33° 10' 26" n. lat., 114° 40' 49" Ion. w. COLTON, Neb., 4022 e. COLUMBIA, Pa., 237 e. COLUMBIA, S. C, 200 e., 33° 59' n. lat., 81° 02' Ion. w., 60° t., 47.17 r. f. COLUMBIA, Va., 178 e. COLUMBIA, Tuolumne co., Cal., 2314 e. COLUMBIA BRIDGE, N. H., 1008 e. COLUMBIA CITY, Ind., 863 e., 41° 10' n. lat., 85° 25' Ion. w., 44.87 r. f. COLUMBIA COLLEGE, N. Y., 100 e., 40° 43' n. lat., 74° 05' Ion. w., 35.79 r. f. COLUMBUS, Miss., 227 e., 33° 30' n. lat., 88° 28' Ion. w., 57.13 r. f. COLUMBUS, Neb., 1432 e. COLUMBUS, Ohio, 740 e., 39° 57' n. lat., 83° 3' Ion. w., 52° t., 41.75 r. f. COLUMBUS, Tex., 250 e. COLUNA, Mex., 12034 e. COVIO, Wyo., 6680 e. CO MORN, King George co., Va., 100 e. COMSTOCK, Iowa, 684 e. CONCORD, Mass., 140 e. CONCORD C. H., N. C, 684 e. CONCORD DEPOT, N. C, 614 e. CONCORD, N. H., 30G e., 43° 13' n. lat.. 71° 29' Ion. w., 44°.50 t. CONEMAUGH, Cambria co., Pa., 1226 e. CONEMAUGH RIV., mouth of, N. Branch, Pa., 1556 e. CONFERENCE SEMINARY, Madden co., N. Y., 260 e., 42° 55' n. lat., 75° 46' Ion. w., 43°. 65 t., 38.30 r. f. CONN. AND MASS. STATE LINE, N. Y. and Best. R. R., 500 e. CONN. AND MASS. STATE LINE, Conn. and West. R. R., 276 e. CONNECTICUT LAKE. N. H., 1600 e. CONNECTICUT RIV., mouth of Quechee Riv., Windsor co., Vt., 305 e. CONNERSVILLE, Fayette co., Ind., 826e. CONNELSVILLE, Pa., 870 e. CONSTANTIA, N. Y., 424 e., 43° 17' n. lat., 76° 04' Ion. w. . CONTOOCOCK, N. H., 365 e. CONTOOCOOKVILLE, Merrimack co., N. H. 450 e. CONWAY CENTRE, Carroll co., N. H., 416 e. COOCHECOPA PASS, N. Mex., 10000 e. COOPER, Mich., 699 e., 42° 20' n. lat., 85° 31' Ion. w., 46.94 r. f. COOPERSBURG, Pa., 480 e. COOPER'S LAKE, Wyo., 7044 e. COOPER'S POINT, N. J., 11 e. COOPERSTOWN, Otsego co., N. Y., 1300 e., 42° 50' n. lat., 74° 54' Ion. w. COOPER UNION, New York co., N. Y.. 46 e. COPLAY, Pa., 310 e. COPPER FALLS MINES, Mich., 1230 e., 47°25' n. lat., 88°16' Ion. w., 41.91 r. f. COPPER HARBOR, Lake Sup., Mich.. 620 e., 47° 30' n. lat., 88° Ion., 41» t. CORAZON, Ecuador, 15795 e. CORCO'VADO P., Brazil, 2000 e. CORDILLERA, Paraguay, 9000 e. CORDOVA, Mex., 860 e., 19° 26' n. lat.. 97° 51' Ion. w., 112.08 r. f. CORINNE, Utah, 4294 e. CORNING, Steuben co., N. Y., 921 e. CORNING, Iowa, 1108 e. CORNISH, Me., 780 e., 43° 40' n. lat., 70° 44' Ion. w., 47 85 r. f. CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex., 20 e , 28° 05' n. lat., 97° 27 Ion. w., 70' t, 37.77 r. f. CORTLAND ACADEMY, Cortland co., N. Y., 1096 e., 42° 38' n. lat, 76° 11' Ion. w., 44°.48 t. COSTIGAN, Me., Ill e. COSHOCTON, Ohio, 765 e., 40° 18' n. lat.. 81° 53' Ion. w. COTEAU DES PRAIRIES, average eleva- tion, 1500 e. COTE RONDE, Mo., 732 e. COTOPASI MT., Quito, S. A., 18890 e. COUDERSPORT, Pa., 1649 e. COTLTER FELL, Scotland, 2440 e. 16 COEUR D'ALENE MISSION, Idaho, 2280 e., 47° 3-y n. lat., 116° 20' Ion. w. COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa, 1250 e., 41° 30' n. lat., 95° 48' Ion. w., 49°.30 t. COUNCIL BLUFFS, (Islands 3 miles be- low,) Iowa, 1023 e., 41° 28' n. lat., 95° 45' Ion. w. COUNCIL GROVE, Kans., 1000 e., 38° 42' n. lat., 96° 32' Ion. w. COVE, Pa., 334 e. COVERVILLE, Or., Alex, and Manass. R. R., Va., 815 e. COVERT, N. Y., iTOOe. COVILHAO, Portugal, 7254 e. COVINGTON, Va., 1250 e. COVINGTON, Tioga R. R., Pa., 1172 e. COWAN'S GAP, Pa., 1167 e. CRACK WHIP, W. Va., 1720 e. CRADLK MT., S. Wales, 254 e. CRAFTSBURY, Orleans co., Vt., 1100 e., 44° 40' n. la'., 72° 30' Ion. w., 39.24 r. f. CRAIGSVILLE, N. Y., 448 e. CRAIGSVILLE, Va., 1576 e. CRANriERKY LAKE, St. Lawrence co., N. Y., 1570 e. CRANBERRY, Va., 2523 e.'' CRANE CREEK, Richland CO., S.C, 173 e. CRANE MT., Warren co., N. Y., 3000 e. CRAWFORD HOUSE, Carroll co., N. H., 903 e. CRAWFORDSVILLE 0. H., Montgomery CO., Ind., 744 e. CRAWFORDSVILLE, Iowa, 710 e. CRESCO, Howard co , Iowa, 1858 e. CRESCENT CITY LIGHT-HOUSE, Cal., 80 e., 41° 44' n. lat., 124° 11' Ion. w. CRESCENT CITY, Cal., 12 e., 41° 45' n. lat., 124° 11' Ion. w. CREST BROAD MT., Pa , 1721 e. CRESTLINE, Ohio, 1265 e. CREST LOCUST MT., Pa., 1587 e. CRESTON, Wvo.. 7030 e. CRICHTON'S STORE, Va., 500 e., 36° 40' n. lat., 77° 46' Ion. w., 36.38 r. f. CRIF FELL, Scotland, 1831 e. CRISFIELD, Md., e. CROCKER, Pulaski co., Mo., 1120 e. CROMWELL, Iowa, 1201 e. CRONEdT MT , N. Y., 1428 e. CROOKED LAKE, Yates co, N. Y., 718 e. CROSS GLOCKNER, Austria, 12780 e. CROSS ROADS, Tex., 072 e., 30° 21' n. lat., 97° 31' Ion. w. CROTON, Iowa, 521 e. CROTON FALL, N. Y., 354 e. CROWDER'S KNOB, King's Mt., S. C, 3000 e. CHOW'S NEST, Orange co.,N. Y., 1418 e. CROW RING RIVER, mouth of, Fort Ripley, Minn., 1130 e. CSABI, Carpathian Mt., Australia, 8312 e. CUBA, N. Y., 1502 e., 42° 15' n. lat., 78° 30' Ion. w., 42°.46 t., 34.73 r. f. CUBA, 111., 678 e. CUEECA, Peru, 8640 e. CULBORNE, Somerset cc, Eng., 1300 e, CULLODEN, Ga., 825 e., 32° 51' n. lat. 84° 13' Ion. w., 64.24 r. f. CULNAI, Peru, 10000 e. CULPEPER C. H., Or., Alex, and Manass. R. R., Va., 402 e. CUMBERLAND, Md., 634 e. CUMBERLAND HOUSE, Huds. Bay Ter., 900 e., 53° 57' n. lat., 102° 20' Ion. w., 230 t. CUMBERLAND JUNC, Me., 58 e. CURTIS CORNER, Me., 330 e. CUSHION HILL, Pa., 1065 e. CUYLERVILLE, N. Y., 564 e. CUZCO, Peru, 11250 e, D. DABBLING, Thibet, 920 e., 31° 45'' 78° 37' Ion. e. DA COSTA, N. J., 90 e. DAKOTA, Nebr., 1090 e. DALLES, Columbia River, Oreg., 200 e. 45° 36' n, lat., 14.32 r. f. DALTON, Ga., 775 e., 34° 50' n. lat., 85" Ion. w. DAMBOOLAGALLA, Ceylon, 550 e. DANA, Wyo., 6875 e. DANA MT., Cal., 13500 e., 37° 53' n. lat- DANBURY, Conn., 370 e. DANBURY, N. H., 574 e. DANBY, 111., 760 e. DANFORTH, Me., 379 e. DANSVILLE, N. Y., 714 e., 42° 38' n. lat., 77° 46' Ion. w. DANVILLE, Iowa, 696 e. DANVILLE, Va. 408 e. DANVILLE, Boyle co., Ky., 950 e, 37° 40' n. lat., 84° 30' Ion. w., 45.63 r. f. DANVILLE, Me., 195 e. DANVILLE, N. C, 407 e. DARBY CAPE, N. W. coast of Amer., Oe., 64° 21' n. lat., 163° 0' Ion. w. DARGAL MT., Australia, 5490 e. DARIEN, Mcintosh co., Ga., 130 e. DARIEN LIGHT, Mcintosh co.,Ga., 74 e., 31° 33' n. lat., 81° 15' Ion. w. DARTFORD, Wis., 850 e., 43° 30' n. lat., 89° 25' Ion. w. DARTMOOR, Devonshire, Eng., (highest p.,) 1500 e. DAUPHlxN, Pa., 348 e. DAVENPORT, Iowa, (bluflF near,) 693 e. DAVENPORT, Iowa, 737e., 41031'' n. lat., 90° 40' Ion. w., 39 46 r. f. DAVIDSON, N. C, 850 e., 35° 30' n, lat., 80° 54' Ion. w., 45.58 r. f. DAVIS CREEK, Iowa, 649 e. DAVY, Pa., 120 e., 39° 55' n. lat., 70» 17' Ion. w.. 42.70 r. f. 17 DAYTON, Ohio, 860 e., 39* 44^ n. hit , 84° 11^ Ion. w. DAYTONIA., Volusia co., Fla., 10 e. DAYVILLE, Conn., 282 e. DEANSVILLE, N. Y., 775 e. DEATH VALLEY, Mohave Basin, CaL, 375 e. DECATUR, IlL, 685 e. DECATUR, Adams co., Ind., 820 e. DEDHAM VILLAGE, Mass., 84 e. DEEP RIVKR, Anderson co., S. C, 654 e. DEER CREEK AGENCY, Wyo., 5000 e., 42° 49^ n. lat., 106° Ion. w. DEER LODGE CITY, Deer Lodge co., Mont., 4240 e., 46° 45' n. lat., 112° 40^ Ion. w. DEER TRAIL, Colo., 5087 e. DE GRANO, Pa., 716 e. DE KALB. N. Y., 424 e. DELAFIELD, Wis., 780 e. DELANO, Pa., 1665 e. DELAVAN, Wis., 957 e., 42° 39' n. lat., 88° 37' Ion. w., 32 01 r. f. DELAWARE ACADEMY, Delaware co., N. Y., 1384 e., 42° 16' n. lat., 74° 58' Ion. w., 46°. 66 t. DELAWARE BRIDGE, Central R. R., N. J., 65 e. DELAWARE CITY, N. J., 70 e. DELAWARE RIVER, Del., Lackawanna and West. R. R., Pa., 293 e. DELHI, N. Y., 1384 e , 42° 16' n. lat., 74° 58' Ion. w., 47° t., 37.16 r. f. DELMAR, Del., 51 e. DELMAR, Md., 32 e. DELORAlNE, Huntco., Texas, 960 e. DEMING'.s LAKE, Mt. Desert, Me. 88 e, DENNISON, Iowa, 1269 e. DENT DE BRENLAIRE P., Switzerland, 7723 e. DENT DE FOLLIGRAN P., Switzerland, T716 e. DENVER, Arrapahoe co.. Col., 5350 e., 39° 47' n. lat., 105° 05' Ion. w. DENVILLE, N. J., 522 e. DEPAUVILLE, Jefferson co., N. Y., 350 e., 44°10' n. lat., 76°03' lon.w., 48.1 7r.f. DEPOSIT, N. Y., Erie R. R., 1008 e. DEPOSIT SUMMIT, N. Y., 1373 e. DERBY, Vt., 975 e. DERBYSHIRE, Pennine Mt., Eng., 1809 e. DES CHUTES, upper basin, Oreg., 4000 e. DESERT VALLEY, mouth of canon, Cal., 1920 e, DES MOINES, Iowa, 830 e., 41° 35' n. lat., 93° 37' Ion. w., 23.94 r. f. DES MOINES RIVER, Keokuk, Iowa, 922 e., 40° 21' n. lat., 91° 32' Ion. w. DE SOTO, Iowa, 868 e. DE SOTO, Washington co., Nebr., 1100 e., 41° 50' n. hit., 96° 40' Ion. w. DES PLAINS RIVER, Chic, and N. W. R. R., 111., 630 e. DETROIT, Wayne co., Micb., 597 e., 42° 24' n. lat., 82° 58' lou. w., 47° t,, 48.18 r. f. DEVIL'S GATE, Utah, 4870 e. DEVIL LAKE, St. Joseph co., Ind., 701 e. DEWITTS, Mass., 265 e. DERRY, Westmoreland co.. Pa., 1173 e. DEXTER, Iowa, 1128 e. DEXTER, Me., 700 e., 44° 55' n. lat., 69° 32' Ion. w., 38.72 r. f. DEXTER'S, Nebr., 3000 e. DHAWALGIRI P., Himalaya Mt , Asia, 28000 e. DIAMANTINA, Brazil, 5700 e. DIANA P., St. Helena, 2692 e. DICES HEAD, Castine Harbor, Me., fixed light, 116 e., 44° 28' n. lat., 68° 45' Ion. w. DILLENGERSVILLE, Pa., 750 e. DILLERVILLE, Pa., 350 e. DINaRA p., Dalmatia, 6040 e. DISCOVERY PORT, N. W. coast of Amer., e., 48° 2' 30" n. lat., 122° 37' 41" Ion. w. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, average 275 e., 38° 57' n. hit., 76° 55' Ion. w., 35 t., 36.58 r. f. DIX PEAK, Essex co., N. Y., 5200 e. DIXON, 111., 800 e. DIXON, Pulaski CO., Mo., 1181 e. DOG ISLAND LIGHT, St. George's Sound, Fla., 50 e., 29° 43' n. lat., 84° 41' Ion. w. DOLE, France, 5412 e. DONALDSOxWILLE, Abbeville co., S. C, 750 e. DONNERSBHRG, Bavaria, 2300 e. DOORA GHAUT, Himalaya Mt., Asia, 17750 e. DOUBLE SPRING MT., N. C, 6380 e. DOUD'S, Iowa, 600 e. DOUGLAS'S ftUMMIT, Bost., Hart., and Erie R. R., Mass., 626 e. DOVER, Kent co., Del , 40 e., 39° 10' n. hit., 75° 30' Ion. w. DOVER STATION, Piscataquis co., Me., 375 e. DOVER, N. H., 150 e. DOVER, N. J., 652 e., 40° 54' n. lat., 74° 32' Ion. w. DOVER, Harlem R. R., N. Y., 422 e. DOVER AQUEDUCT, Jas. River and Ka- nawha canal, Va., 143 e. DOVVNIEVILLE, Cal., 2200 e , 39° 27' n. lat. DOVVNIEVILLE BUTTES, Cal., 8840 e,, 39° 40' n. lat. DOWNING, Iowa, 665 e. DOWNINGTON, Phila. and Erie R. K.^ Pa., 260 e. DOYLESTOWN, Bucks co., Pa., 600 e. DOG .MOUNTAIN, Me., 683 e. DRACHENf ELS, Prussia, 10560 e. DRAKESVILLE, Morris Canal, N. J., 60 e- 18 DRESDEN, Muskingum co., Ohio,-779 e. DRIFTSDUE, Norway, 2457 e. DRUM BARRACKS, Cal , 32 e , 33° 49' n.. lat., 118° 15' Ion w., 11.83 r. f. DRY CREEK, Iowa, 1003 e. DDANESBURG, N. Y., 181 e. DDBUQllE, Iowa, 680 e., 42° 30' n. lat., 90° 50' Ion. w., 48° t., 32° 24' r. f. DUDLEY, Pa., 1448 e. DUG POND, NATICK, Mass., 133 e. DUIDA P., Venezuela, 8500 e., 3° 10' n. lat., 66° 10' Ion. w. DULUTH, Minn., 601 e. DUMPLIN ROCK LIGHT, Dumplin Rocks, Mass., 43 e., 41° 32' n. lat., 70° 55' Ion. w. DUNBAR, Pa., 940 e. DUNBAKTON, Merrimack co., N. H., 750 e., 43° 06' n. lat., 71° 35' Ion. w. DUNCANNON, Penn. Centr. R. R., Pa., 345 e. DUNCAN'S ISLAND, Pa., 332 e. DUNDEE, Mo., 536 e., 38° 33' n. lat., 91° 10' Ion. w. DUNHAM'S Hill, Bridgewater Vt. 1659 e. DUNKIRK, Chatauque co. N. Y., 665 e. DUNLAP, Iowa, 1109 e. DUNMORE, Pa., 890 e. DUNRICH HILL, Scotland, 2421 e. DD PAGE RIV., Chicago and N. W. R. R., 111., 704 e. DU PONT, Del., 295 e. DURA^'GO, Mex., 6850 e., 24° 25' n. lat., 103° 34' 37" Ion. w. DURANT, Iowa, 714 e. DURHAM DEPOT. N. C. 400 e. DUTCHESS ACADEMY, Kutchess co., N. Y., 769 e., 41° 41' n. lat., 75° 51' Ion. w. DUTCH FLAT, Cal., 3425 e. DYBERRY, Pa., 1050 e. DYERSVILLE, Iowa., 955 e. E. EAGLE PASS, Tex , 800 e., 28° 42' n. lat., 100° 30' Ion. w., 70°.09 t. EAGLE HARBOR, Lake Sup., Mich., 47° 28' n. lat., 88° 08' Ion. w., 41° t. EAGLE RIVER MINE, Mich., 627 e., 47° 20' n. lat., 88° 02' Ion. w. EARLHAM, Iowa., 1088 e. EARLVILLE, Madison co., N. Y., 1089 e. EARLY GROVE, Marshall co., Miss., 484 e., 35° n. lat., 90° loii. w. EAST ALBANY, N. Y., 23 e. EAST ANDOVKR, N. H., 409 e. EAST BOYLSTON, N. Y., 1234 o. EAST CLEVELAND, Ohio, 653 e.,41°31' n. lat., 81° 38' Ion. w , 30.70 r. f. EAST DOUGLASS, Mass., 513 e. EAST EXETER, Me., 190 e. EAST FAIRFIELD, Ohio, 1152 e. EAST FOXBOROUGH, Norfolk co., Mass., 330 e. EAST GREEN RIVER CITY, Wyo., 5617 e EAST HAMPTON, Middlesex co., Conn., 398 e. EAST HAMPTON, N. Y., 16 e., 40° 58' n. lat., 72° 28' Ion. w., 37.29 r. f. EAST LIVERMORE, Me., 326 e. EAST LIBERTY, Ohio, 1125 e. EAST MONTPELIER, Vt., 540 e., 44° 20' n. lat.. 72° 38' Ion. w. EAST MOWEE, N. Pacific ocean, 10000 e. EAST NEW MARKET, Md., 42 e. EASTONf, Md., 25 e. EASTON, Pa., 320 e., 40° 43' n. lat., 75° 16' Ion. w., 45.56 r. f. EAST ORANGE, N. J., 156 e. EAST PASCAGOULA, Miss., 10 e., 30° 20' n. lat., 88° 42' Ion. w. EAST PEAK VOLCANO, Al.tska, 8500 e. EASTPORT, Me., 40 e., 44° 54' n. lat., 66° 59' Ion. w., 43° t., 40.09 r. f. EAST RANDOLPH, Vt , 750 e. EAST THOMPSON, Conn., 479 e. EAST TYRONE, Pa., 919 e. EAST WESTMORELAND, N. H., 762 e. EAST WOBURN, Mass., 38 e. EAST WORCESTER, N. Y., 1433 e. BATON, Ohio, 1200 e., 39° 50' n, lat., 84° 26' Ion. w. EATON'S NECK, Long Island, fixed light, 134 e., 40° 59' n. lat., 73° 24' lon.w. EBENSBURG, Pa., 1500 e., 40° 31' n. lat., 78° 45' Ion. w. ECHO, Utah, 5315 e. ECKLEY, Pa., 1713 e. EDEN, N. Y., 700 e. EDDYVILLE, Iowa, 655 e. EDGE HILL, Pa., 279 e. EDGERTON, Rock co.. Wis., 1700 e., 42° 30' n. lat., 89° Ion w. EDGERTON, Williams co., Ohio, 831 e., 41° 32' n. lat., 83° 45' Ion. w. EDGINGTON, 111., 686 e., 41° 25' n. lat., 90° 46' Ion. w. EDINBURG, Va , 827 e. EDINBURG, Ohio, 520 e., 41° 20' n. lat, 81° Ion. w., 48.81 r. f. EDINBURGH, Johnson co., Ind., 655 e. EDISTO ISLAND, S. C, 23 e., 32° 34' v. lat., 80° 18' Ion. w. EFFINGHAM, Effingham co., 111., 592 e., 39° 03' n. lat., 88° 05' Ion. w. EGBERT, Wyo., 5272 e. EGG HARBOR, N. J., 45 e. EGG ISLAND POINT, Del. Bay, fixed light, 40 e., 39° 24' n. lat., 75° 4' Ion. w. EGGNOG HILL, Pa., 1532 e. EGYPT, Pa., 450 e. EISTHALERSPITZE P., Austria, 8521 e. ELBA ISLAND, Tuscany, highest point, 3134 e. 19 ELB-BRUNNEN, Germany, 4500 e. EL CHINO, San Bernardino co., Cal., 636 6. ' ELDON HILLS, Scotland, 1634 e. ELDORA STATION, Iowa, 1022 e. ELDORA VILLAGE, Iowa, 1052 e. ELGIN, 111., 777 e.,42° 03^ n. lat., 88° 16' Ion. w., 37.71 r. f. ELIZABETH DEPOT, Central R. R., N. J., 31 e. ELIZABETHPORT, N. J., e. ELIZABETHTOWN, Carter co., Tcnn., 1500 e., 36° 25' n. lat., 82° 15' Ion. w. ELIZABETHTOWN DEPOT, N. J. R. R., N. J., 25 e. ELIZABETHTOWN, Pa., 449 e. ELKADAR, Iowa, 746 e. ELKHORN, Nebr., 1150 e. ELK, MT., Elk co., Pa., 2000 e. ELKO, Nev., 5030 e. ELK RUN, Ohio, 1152 e., 40° 41' n. lat., 80° 40' Ion. w., 36.64 r. f. ELKTON, Md., 40 e., 39° 38' n. lat., 75° 58' Ion. w. ELLEA, Winona co., "Minn., 1600 e. ELLICOTT CITY", Balto. and Ohio R. R., Md., 141 e. ELLICOTTVILLE, N. Y., 1580 e. ELLIOTT'S CREEK,mouth of, Va., 1399 6. ELLIS, Kans., 2019 e. ELLISBURG, N. Y., 280 e., 43° 45' n. lat., 76° 90' Ion. w., 46°.80 t. ELLIS RIVER, Carroll co., N. H., 515 e. ELM CREEK, Iowa, 1094 e. ELM CREEK, Nebr., 2241 e. ELMER, N. J., 113 e. ELMIRA, Morris co., N. Y., 860 e., 42° 05' n. lat., 76° 53' Ion. w., 25.88 r. f. ELMIRA, Stark co., III., 505 e., 41° 12' n. lat., 90° 15' Ion. w., 36.87 r. f. ELMORE, 111., 612 e., 40° 56' n. lat., 90° 04' Ion. w., 37.07 r. f, ELMWOOD, Ohio, 900 e. EL PASO, New Mex., 3940 e., 32° 03' n. lat., 61.08 t., 12.04 r. f. ELWOOD, N. J., 91 e. EMANS, Pa., 400 e. EMERALD GROVE, Wis., 986 e., 42° 39' n. lat., 88° 54' Ion. w., 45° t. EMERSON, Otoe co., Nebr., 1300 e. EMERSON RIVER, Maine Central R. R., Me., 110 e. EMIGRANT GAP, Cal., 5300 e. EMMETSBURG, Frederick co , Md., 498 e. EMMONS, N. Y., 1122 e. EMMONS, Hamilton co., N. Y., 4000 e. EMPORIUM, Pa., lOlI e. ENFIELD, Me., 188 e. EOLA, Polk CO., Greg., 500 e., 44° 37' n. lat., 12S° 05' Ion. w. EOLUS, Vt., 3148 e. EPHRATA, Pa., 378 e., 40° 08' n. lat., 76° 14' Ion. w., 41 44 r. f. EQUINOX MT., Manchester, Vt., 3706 e. ERASMUS HALL, King's co., N. Y., 40 e., 40° 37' n. lat., 73° 58' Ion. w., 51.62 t. ERIE, Ala., 200 e., 32° 40' n. lat., 88° Ion. w., 65°.02 t. ERIE, Pa., 640 e., 42° 08' n. lat., 80° 12' Ion. w. ERIE CANAL, crossing Mohawk river, N. Y., 25 e. ERIGAL MT., Ireland, 2462 e. ESCANATA, Green Bay, Mich., 578 e., 42° t. ESCHOLZMATT, Switzerland, 3000 e. ESPERANCE, Alb. and Susqu. R. R., N. Y., 764 e. ESSEX JUNCTION, Vermont Central R. R., Vt., 337 e. ESTAUBE, Pyrenees Mt. range, 8402 e. ETNA, Me., 250 e. EUFAULA, Barbour co., Ala., 200 e. EUREKA, Humboldt co., Cal., e. EUREKA VALLEY, Mich., 800 e., 47° n. lat., 88° Ion. w. EUTAW, Ala., 200 e., 32° 46' n. lat., 88° 04' Ion. -w., 63.42 t. EVANS MILLS, N. Y., 392 e. EVANSTON, Utah, 6870 e. EVANSTON, 111., 614 e., 42° 03' n. lat., 87° 38' Ion. w., 24.78 r. f. EVANSVILLE, Vanderburg co., Ind., 390 e., 38° 08' n. lat., 87° 29' Ion. w. EXETER, Me., 190 e., 44° 57' n. lat., 68° 59' Ion. w. EYJAFJALLA, Jokull, Iceland, 5579 e. F. F ACTOR YVILLE, Del., Lack, and West. R. R., Pa., 917 e. FAIRFAX, Iowa, 780 e. FAIRFAX C. H., Fairfax co., Va., 500 e., 38° 53 n. lat., 77° 21' Ion. w. FAIRFAX C. H. RIDGE, Alex, and Or. R. R. Va. 419 e. FAIRFIELD ACADEMY, Herkimer co., N. Y., 1185 e., 43° 05' n. lat., 74. 55' Ion. w., 43.26 t., 36.60 r. f. FAIRFIELD, Iowa, 940 e., 41° 01' n.Iat., 91° 57' Ion. w., 47.94 r. f. FAIRMONT, Va., 877 e. FAIRPORT, N. Y., 462 e. FAIRVIEW, Fla., 152 e FAIRVIEW, Wyoming Mt., Pa., 1675 e. FAIRWBATHER'S ISLAND, Black Rock Harbor, fixed light, Conn., 45 e., 41° G6' n. lat., 73° 13' Ion. w. FALKNER'S ISLAND, Guildford Harbor, Conn., 75 e., 41° 12' 36" n. lat., 72° 08' 42" Ion. w. FALL BROOK, Tioga co.. Pa.. 1950 e. FALL RIVER, Bristol co., Mass., to 200 e., 41° 43' n. lat., 71® 09' Ion. w. FALLS, Lehigh Valley R. R., Pa., 590 e- FALLSINGTON, Bucks co., Pa., 30 e., 40° 12^ n. lat., 74° 48^ Ion. w. FALLS OF ST. CIIOIX, Wis., 660 e.,45° 30^ n. Lat., 92° 40^ Ion. w. FALLSTON, Harford co., Md., 300 e., 39° 30^ n. lat. FALMOUTH, Va., 350 e. FALMOUTH, Mass., 20 e., 41° 33^ n. lat., 70° 37^ Ion. w. FARALLONES ISLANDS, Cal., 340 e. FARGO, Pembina co., Dak., 900 e. FARLEY JUNCTION, Sioux City and Du- buque R. R., Iowa, 1141 e. FARM POND, Framingham, Mass., 149 e. FARMKR'S HALL, Orange co., N. Y.,425 e., 41° 20^ n. lat., 74° llMon. w., 47° t., 33.94 r f. FARMINGDALE, Queens co., N. Y., 102 e., 41° 40^ 40^^ n. lat., 73.30 Ion. w. FARMINGTON, Iowa, 1128 e. FARMINGTON, Me., 441 e., 43° 20' n. lat., 71° 07Mon. w. FARM RIDGE, 111., 600 e. FAR N' WORTH, Carroll co., N. H., 450 e. FAYETTE VILLAGE, Iowa, 1000 e., 42° 5F n. lat., 91° 51' Ion. w. FAYETTEVILLE, Ark., P. 1^ m. east of, 1940 e. FAYETTEVILLE, Washington co., Ark., 1350 e. FAYETTEVILLE, Vt., 280 e., 42° 56' n. lat., 72° 40' Ion. w., 55.17 r. f. FAYETTEVILLE, Iowa, 1000 e. FEDERAL POINT LIGHT-HOUSE, Cape Fear river, N. C, 48 e. FEDERALSBURG, Dorches. and Del. R. R., Md., 15 e. FELDBERG, Baden, Germany, 4675 e. FELLOWSHIP, Jasper co., Miss., 285 e., 32° n. lat., 85' Ion. w. FELT'S MILLS, N. Y., 609 e. FEMALE ACADEMY, Rich, and Danville R. R., Va., 849 e. FERGUSON MT., Rich, and Danville R. R., Va., 874 e. FERNANDINA, Fla., e., 20° 05' n. lat., 81° 30' Ion. w., 69°.80 t. FILLMORE, Wyo., 6885 e. FINDLAY, Hancock co., Ohio, 773 e. FINSTEKAARHORN, Alps, 14026 e. FISHER'S sun MIT, Pa., 973 e. FISHEliVlLLE, Ches. and Ohio R. R., Va., 1321 e. FISHKILL LANDING, N. Y., 42 e., 41° 31' u. lat., 73° 59' Ion. w., 49.74 t., 39. 93 r. f. FITCHBURG, Mass., 484 e., 42° 35' n. lat., 71° 50' Ion. w., 43.07 r. f. FITZWILLIAM, N. H., 1063 e. FLATKUSH, Kings co., N. Y., 54 e., 40° 37' n. lat., 74°33'lon.w., 51°t.,43.52r.f. FLEMING CENTRE, Pa., 780 e., 40° 55' n. lat., 77° 53' Ion. w., 42.41 r. f. FLEMINGTON, N. J., 112 e. FLIPPENS BARRENS, Ark., 1000 e, FLORENCE, Idaho, 8000 e, FLORIDA, Mass., -^500 e. FLORONA, Vt., 1035 e. FLOID'S BLUFFS, Iowa, 1199 e. FLOYD STATION, Iowa, 1125 e. FOGELSVILLE, Pa., 480 e. FONTENELLE, Nebr., 1000 e., 41° 31' n. lat., 96° 45' Ion. w. FOOSIYAMA P., Japan, 11000 to 12000e. FORDHAM, N. Y., 147 e., 40° 54' n. lat., 73° 57' Ion. w. FORKED LAKE, Hamilton co., N. Y., 1704 e. FOREST, Hardin co., Ohio, 928 e. FORK RUN SUMMIT, Va., 2325 e. FORKS, N. Y., 881 e. FORKS HOUSE, Placer co., Cal., 3622 e. FORREST HILL, Boston and Prov. R. R., Norfolk CO., Mass., 42 e. FORRESTVILLE, Lake Huron, Mich., 674 e., 43° 40' n. lat.. 82° 34' Ion. w., 45° t. FORT ADAMS, R. I., 40e.,41° 29' n. lat, 71° 20' Ion. w., 51.45 r. f. FORT ALBANY, Va., 150 e., 38° 51' n. Int., 77° 03' Ion. w. FORT ANN, N. Y., 1430 e., 43° 03' n. lat., 73° 46' Ion. w. FORT ARBUCKLE, Ind. T., 1000 e., 34° 27' n. lat., 97° 09' Ion. w., 60 t., 30.57 r. f. FORT ARMSTRONG, 111.., 530 e., 41° 30' n. lat., 90° 40' Ion. w., 50' t. FORT ATKINSON, Kans., 2330 e., 37° 47' n lat., 100° 14' Ion. w., 54° t. FOKT ATKINSON, Iowa, 700 e., 43° n. lat., 92° Ion. w., 46° t., 39.74 r. f. FORT BAKER, Md., 289 e., 38° 51' 31" n. lat., 76° 57' 52" Ion. w. FORT BARNARD, Va., 203 e., 38° 50' 54" n. lat., 77° 05' Ion. w. FORT BARRANCAS, Fla., 20 e.. 30° 2K n. lat., 87° 18' Ion. w., 57.20 r. f. FORT BAYARD, New Mex., 4450 e., 32° 40' n lat., 108° 25° Ion. w. FORT BAYARD, Md., 344 e., 38° 57' n. lat., 77° 05' Ion. w. FORT BELKNAP, Tex., 1600 e., 33° 08' n. lat., 98° 48' Icn. w., 64 t., 28.05 r. f. FORT BELLINGHAM, Wash. Ter., 88 e., 48° 45', 122°30' Ion. w., 29.67 r.f. FORT BENNETT, Va., 1G8 e., 38° 53' n. lat, 77° 04' Ion. w. FORT BENTON, Mont., 2780 e., 47° 49' n. lat., 110° 36' Ion. w., 48° t. FORT BERTHOUD'S PASS, Colo., 9325 e. FORT BIDWELL, Cal., 4680 e., 41° 51' n. Idt., 120° 06' Ion. w., 32.91 r. f. FORT BLISS, Tex., 3830 e., 31° 47' n. lat., 106° 30' Ion. w., 9.56 r. f. FORT BRADY, Mich., 600 e., 46° 30' n. lat., 84° 43' Ion. w,, 30.32 r. £ 21 FOHT BRIDGER, Wyo., 6656 e , 41° 20' n. lat., 110° 23^ Ion. w., 6.12 r. f. FORT BROOKE, Fla., 20 e., 28° n. lat., 82° 28^ Ion. w., 72°.48 t., 55.57 r. f FORT BROWN, Tex., 50 e., 25° 54' n. lat., 97° 26' Ion. w., 74° t., 33.65 r. f. FORT BUCHANAN, Ariz., 5330 e.,31°40' n. lat., lll°35'ion.w.,58° t., 23.11 r.f. FORT BUFORD, Dak., 1900 e., 48° 01' n. lat., 103° 58' Ion. w. FORT BUNKER HILL, Md., 248 e., 38° 56' n. lat., 76° 59' Ion. w. FORT CALHOUN, Nebr., 1327 e. FORT CANBY, Aiiz , 6500 e. FORT CARROLL, Md., 173 e., 38° 50' n. lat., 77° Ion. w. FORT CASCADES, Wash., 50 e., 45° 39' n. lat, 121° 50' Ion. w., 49°.68 t., 64.57 r. f. FORT CASS, Va., 237 e., 38° 53' n. lat., 77.04 Ion. w. FORT C. F. SMITH, Va., 234 e., 38° 54' n. lat., 77° 05' Ion. w. FORT CHADBOURNE, Tex., 2120 e., 32° 02' n. lat., 100° 05' Ion. w., 62°.38 t., 22.89 r. f. FORT CHEPWYAN, Huds. Bay Ter., 700 e., 58° 43',lll°48' Ion. w., 32° t. FORT CHURCHILL, Nev., 4284 e., 39° 17' n. lat., 119° 19' Ion. w., 5.67 r. f. FORT CHURCHILL, Huds. Bay Ter., 20 e., 59° n. lai.,93° 10' Ion. w., 19° t. FORT CLARK, Tex., 1000 e., 29° 17' n. lat., 100° 25' Ion. w., 62° t., 22.38 r. f. FORT CLARK, Dak., 1876 e. FORT COLUMBUS, N. Y., 23 e., 40'* 41' n. lat., 74° 01' Ion w., 53° t., 43.24 r. f. FORT CONRAD, New Mex., 4576 e., 33° 34' n. lat., 107° 09' Ion. w., 59° t., 6.76 r. f. FORT CONSTITUTION, N. H., 40 e., 43° 04' n. lat., 70° 42' Ion. w., 45°.52 t., 35.58 r. f. FORT CORCORAN, Va., 175 e., 38° 53' n. lat., 77° 04' Ion. w. FORT COULOGNE, Ottawa, Can., 250 e., 45° 50' n. lat., 77° 52' Ion. w., 41°.08 t. FORT CRAIG, Va., 203 e., 38" 52 n. lat., 77° 04' Ion. w. FORT CRAIG, New Mex., 4576 e., 33° 26' n. lat., 107° 08' Ion. w., 11.67 r. f. FORT CRAWFORD, Wis., 640 e., 43° 65' n. lat., 91° w. Ion., 47° t., 31.40 r. f. FORT CRITTENDEN, Utah, 4860 e. FORT CROGHAN, Iowa, 1250 e. EORT CROGHAN, Tex., 1000 e., 30° 40' n. lat, 98° 31' Ion. w.,65° t., 36.56 r.f. FORT CROOK, Cal., 3390 e., 41° 61' n. lat , 121° 25' Ion. w., 23.68 r. f. FORT CROSS, Md., 322 e., 38° 57' 77° 07' Ion. w. FORT DALLAS, Fla., 20 e., 25° 55' n. lat., 80° 20' Ion. w., 74° t., 21.74 r. f. FORT DALLAS, Oreg., 350 e., 45° 36' n. Int., 120° 55' Ion. w., 52° t., 21.74 r. f. FORT D. A. RUSSELL, Wjo., 6455 e. FORT DAVIS, Md., 336 e., 38° 69'n.Iat., 77° 07' Jon. w. FORT DAVIS, Tex., 4700 e., 30° 24' n. lat., 103° 37' Ion. w., 18.7 r. f. FORT DEFIANCE, New Mex., 6500 e., 35° 43' n. lat., 109° 1«' Ion. w., 46 t., 14.21 r.f. FORT DELAWARE, Del., 10 e., 39° 35' n. lat., 75° 34' Ion. w., 55° t., 29.21 r.f. I-ORT DENVER, Colo., 5000 e. FORT DE RUSSY, Md., 354 e., 38° 57' n. lat., 77° 02' Ion. w. FORT DErf MOINES, Iowa, 780 e., 41° 32' n. lat., 93° 38' Ion. w., 49° t., 26.56 r. f. FORT DODGE, 111., 944 e., 42° 28' n. lat., 94° 03' Ion. w., 47° 4 t., 26.82 r. f. FORT DUNCAN, Tex., 1460 e. FORT EDWARD, N. Y., 150 e , 43° 13' n. lat., 73° 42' Ion. w., 45°'08 t., 59.73 r. f. FORT ELLIS, Mont., 4800 e. FORT ELLSWORTH, Va., 149 e., 38° 48' n. lat., 77° 05' Ion. w. FOKT ENTERPRISE, Huds. Bay Ter., 800 e., 64° 28' n. lat., 113° 06' Ion. w., 14° t. FORT ETHAN ALLEN, Va., 285 e., 38° 55' n. lat., 77° 07' Ion. w. FORT EWKLL, Tex., 200 e., 75° 05' n. lat., 98° 57' Ion. w., 70° t., 34.58 r. f. FORT FAIRFIELD, Me, 415 e., 46° 46' n. lat., 67° 49' Ion. w., 38°.10 t. FORT FANNING, Fla., 50 e., 29° 35' n. lat., 83° Ion. w., 70° t. FORT FETTERMAN, Wyo., 5012 e. FORT FILLMORE, N. Mex., 3937 e., 32° 14' n. lat., 106° 11' Ion. w, 63°.90 t., 8.42 r. f. FORT FRANKLIN, Huds. Bay Ter., 500 e., 65° 12' n. lat., 124° Ion. w., 17 t. FORT GAINES, Md., 403 e., 38° 56' n. lat., 77° 04' Ion. w. FORT GARLAND, Colo., 8365 e., 37° 32' n. lat., 105° 40' Ion. w., 6.11 r. f. FORT GAMBLE, Fla., 50 e. FORT GARY, Huds. Bay Ter., 760 e., 50° 15' n. lat.. 97° Ion. w., 36° t. FORT GATES, Tex., 1000 e., 31° 26' n. lat., 97° 49' Ion. w., 66°.12 t. FORT GEORGE, Duval co., Fla., 10 e. FORT GKORGE, Wash., 100 e., 46° 18' n. lat., 123° Ion. w., 51° t. FORT GIBSON, Ind. T , 560 e., 35° 47' n. lat , 95° 10' Ion. w., 60° t., 36.46 r. f. FORT GRAHAM, Tex., 900 e., 31° 56' n. lat., 97° 26' Ion. w.. 65° t., 40.58 r. f. FORT GRATIOT, Mich., .598 e., 42° 59' n. lat., 82° 25' Ion. w., 46° t, 32.34 r. f. FORT GREBLE, Md., 178 e., 38° 29' n. lat., 77° Ion. w. FORT HAILEE, Fla., 50 e. 22 FORT HALL, Idaho, 4500 e., 43° 01^ n. lat., 112° 29^ 54^^ Ion. w. FORT HALLEOK, Wyo., 7800 e. FORT H A.MER, Fla., 20 e. FORT HAMILTON, N. Y., 25 e., 40° 36^ n. lat., 74» 02^ Ion. w., 42.55 r. f. FORT BARKER, Kans., 1484 e., 38° 43^ ' n. lat., 98° 15'' Ion. w. FORT HAYS, Kans., 2107 e., 38° 59' n. lat., 99° Ion w , 50°.96 t. FORT HEILOVIAN, Fla., 25 e. FORT HENDERSON, Fla., 25 e. FORT HOLMES, Fla., 50 c. FORT HOWARD, Wis., 620 e., 44° 30' n. lat , 88° 05 Ion \v.,44°.92 t., 34.62 r. f. FORT HUMBOLDT, Cal., 50 e., 40° 45' n. lat., 124° 10' Ion. w., 51°.40 t., 35.92 r. f. FORT LVDEPENDENCE, Mass., 50 e., 42° 20' n. lat , 71° Ion. w., 48 t., 39.14 r. f. FORT INGE, Tex., 845 e., 29° 10' n. lat., 99° 47' Ion. w., 67° t., 25.46 r. f. FORT JACKSON, La., 10 e. FORT JEFFERSON, Fla , 11 e. FORT JESUP, Va., 80 e., 31° 35' n. lat., '93° 47' Ion w., 68°.03 t. FORT JONES, Cal., 2570 e., 41° 36' n. lat., 122" 52' Ion. w , 51°.40 t., 21.70 r. f. FORT J')H.VSTON,N. C.,20 e., 34° n. lat., 78° 05' Ion. w., 65°.68 t , 46.01 r. f. FORT KEARNEY, Md., 304 e., 38° 57' n. lat , 77° 03' Ion. w. FORT KEARMEY, Nebr., 2360 e., 40° 38' n. lat., 98°57' Ion w., 48° 50t., 25.25 r.f. FORT KEARVEY, Wye, 6000 e. FORT KENT, Me., 575 e., 47° 15' n. lat., 68° 35' Ion. w., 37° t., 36.46 r. f. FORT KERBY, Md., 337 e., 38° 57' n. lat., 77° 07' Ion. w FORT KING, Fla., 50 e., 29° 10' n. lat., 82° 10' Ion. w., 70° t. FORT KLAMATH, Oreg., 4200 e., 42° 40' n lat , 121° 54' Ion. w. FORT LANCASTER, Tex., 2350 e., 30° 42' n. lat., 101° 25' Ion. w., 26.25 r. f. FORT LANE, Oreg., 2000 e., 42° 24' n. lat., 122° 30' Ion. w. FORT LARAMIE, Nebr., 4519 e., 42° 12' n. lat., 104° 31' Ion. w.,50°t , 15.18 r.f. FORT LARNED, Kans., 1932 e., 38° 10' n. lat., 98° 57' Ion. w., 52°.38 t., 24.88 r. f. FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kans., 896 e., 39° 21', 94° 48' Ion. w.,92°.78 t., 31.74 r. f. FORT LIARD.Hiids. Bay Ter.,500 e., 59° 30' n. lat., 121° Ion. w., 30° t. FORT LINCOLN, Md., 218 e., 38° 55' n., lat., 76° 57' Ion. w. FORT LYON, Cal., 4000 e.,38°08', 10i° 50' Ion. w., 12.09 r. f. PORT LYON, Va., 170 e., 38° 47' n. lat., 77° 04' Ion. w. FORT McHENRY, Md., 36 e., 39° 16' n. lat., 76° 35' Ion. w., 54°.36 t., 41.10 r. f. FORT McINTOSH,Tex., 806 c.,27° 30' n. lat., 99° 29' Ion. w., 17.84 r f. FORT McKAVETT, Tex., 2060 e., 30° 55' n. lat., 100°05'loii. w.,63° t., 22.79 r.f. FORT MACKINAC, Mich., 728 e., 45° n. lat., 84° 33' Ion w., 41° t., 23.87 r. f. FORT MACON, N. C, 20 e., 34° 41' n. lat., 76° 40' Ion. w., 62°. 23 t. ' FORT McRAE, N. Mcx., 4500 e., 33° 18' n. lat., 107° 03' Ion. w. FORT MADISON, Iowa, 600 e., 40° 37' n. ' lat., 91° 28' Ion. w., 51° t., 42 r. f FORT MAHAN, Md., 170 e., 38 53' n. lat., 76° 56' Ion. w. FORT MANSFIELD, Md., 305 e., 38° 57' n. lat., 77° 05' Ion. w. FORT MARCY, N. Mex., 6846 e., 35° 41' n. lat., 106° 02' Ion. w., 16.65 r. f. FORT MARCY, Va., 275 e., 38° 56' n. lat., 77° 07' Ion. w. FORT MARION, St. Augustine, Fla., 2.". e., 29° 54' n. lat., 81° 18' Ion. w., 72°. 66° t., 31.8 r. f. FORT MARTIN SCOTT, Tex., 1300 e., 30° 10' n. lat., 99°45' Ion. w., 62° t., 32.53 r.f. FORT MASON, Tex., 1200 e., 30° 50' n. lat., 99° 10' Ion. w., 29 r. f. FORT MASSACHUSETTS, Col., 8365 e., 37° 32' n. lat., 105° 23' Ion. w. 41" t., 17 r. f. FORT MEADE, Fla., 80 e., 28° 01 n. lat., 82° Ion. w., 71° t., 39.90 r. f. FORT MERRILL, Tex., 150 e., 28° 17' n. lat., 98 Ion. w., 71.°04 t., 29.53 r. f. FORT MEIGS, Md., 304 e., 38° 52' n. lat., 76° 55' Ion. w. FORT MIFFLIN, Pa., 20 e., 39° 52' n. lat., 75° 12' Ion. w., 53° t., 45.41 r. f. FORT MILLER, Cal., 402 e., 37° n. lat.. 119° 40' Ion. w., 66° t., 19 r. f. FORT MILLER, N. Y., 131 e. FORT MOJAVE, Ariz., 604 e., 35° 06' n. lat., 114° 35' Ion. w., 2.51 r. f. FORT MONROE, Va., 10 e., 37 n. lat., 76° 18' Ion. w., 59° t., 45.18 r. f FORT MORGAN, Ala., 20 e., 30° 14' u. lat., 88° Ion. w., 67° t. FORT MORGAN, Col., 4500 e., 40° 15' n. lat., 103° 46' Ion. w. FORT MOULTRIE, S. C, 25 e., 32° 44' n. Iat.,79°5l'lon. w.,65°.78 t., 45.5 r, f. FORT MYERS, Fla., 50 e., 26° 38' n. lat., 82° Ion. w., 75° t., 56.55 r. f. FORT NIAGARA, N. Y., 262 e., 43° 15' n. lat., 79° 08' Ion. w., 30.75 r. f. FORT NORMAN, Brit. Amer., 200 e., 64° n. lat., 124° Ion. w. FORT NORTH, Tex., 1100 e. FORT ONTARIO, N. Y., 310 c, 43° 20' n. lat., 76° 40' Ion. w., 30.51 r. f. FORT ORFORD, Oreg., 50 e., 42° 44' n. lat., 12° 40' 29" Ion. w., 53° t., 70.59 r. f. 23 FORT OWEN, Mont., 3284 e. FORT PHIL KEARNEY, Mont., 6000 e., 44° 30^ n. lat., 106° 50' Ion. w. FORT FIEiiCE, Fla., 30 e., 27° 30' n. lat., «0° -i^' Ion. w., 63° t., 73 r. f. FORT PIERRE, Dak, 1456 e., 44° 23' n. lat., 100° 12' Ion. w., 57°. 9 t., 13.51 r. f. FORT PIKE, La., 10 e., 30° 10' n. lat., 89° 38' Ion. w., 69.86 t., 70.92 r. f. FORT PLAIN, Erie Canal, N. Y., 301 e. FuRT PLEArfANT, Fla., 50 e. FORT POINT LIGHT-HOUSE, Cal., 53 e., 37° 48' u. lat., 122° 27' Ion. w., 25. 68 r. f. FORT POLK, Tex., 15 e. FURT PORKE, N. Y., 660 e. FORT PRWBLE, Me., 31 e , 43° 39' n. lat., 70° 13' Ion. w., 46°.67 t., 45.14 r. f. FORT QUITMAN, Tex., 3710 e., 30° 40' n. lat., 105° Ion. w., 70° t., 6.26 r. f. FORT RANDALL, Dak., 1245 e., 43° 01' n. lat , 98°i2 Ion. w.,46°.80 t, 16.51 r.f. FORT READI>1G, Cal., 674 e., 40° 30' n. lat., 112° 5' Ion. w., 62° t., 29.11 r. f. FORT RELIANCE, Huds. Bay Ter., 600 e., 62° 46' a. lat., 109° Ion. w. FORT RENO, Md., 429 e., 38° 57' n. lat., 77° 04' Ion. w. FORT REYNOLDS, Va., 207 e., 38° 50' n. lat., 77° 05' Ion. w. FORT RICHARDSON, Va., 225 e., 38° 51' n. lat., 77° 04' Ion. w. FORT RICKETTS, Md., 294 e., 38° 51' n. lat., 76° 58 Ion. w. FORT RIDGLEY, Minn., 1230 e., 44° 15' n. lat., 94° 45' Ion. w., 43°.82 t. FORT RILEY, Kans., 1300 e., 39° n. lat., 96° 30' Ion. w., 52°.70 t., 23.63 r. f. EORT RIPLEY, Minn., 1130 e., 46° 10' n. lat., 96° 24' Ion. w., 40° t., 25.11 r. f. FORT ROSS, Cal., 50 e., 38° 35' n. lat., 123° Ion, w., 57° t. FORT RUBY, Nev., 5922 e., 40° Ol'n. lat., 115° 35' Ion. w., 17.27 r. f. FORT RUSSELL, Fla., 50 e. FORT SABINE, La., 9 e., 29° 45' n. lat., 93° 50' Ion. w , 66° t. FORT ST. PHILIP, La., e., 29° 25' n. lat., 89° 30' Ion. w., 70° t. FORT SANDERS, Wye, 7163 e. FORT SAN DIEGO, Cal., 150 e., 32° 42' n. lat., 117° 14' Ion. w., 9.16 r. f. FORT SARATOGA, Md., 186 e., 38° 15' n. lat., 76° 88' Ion. w. FORT SCOTT, Kans., 1000 e,, 37° 45' n. lat., 94° 45' Ion. w , 56° t., 42.15 r, f. FORT SCOTT, Va., 166 e., 38° 50' n. lat., 77° 03' Ion w. FORT SEDGWICK, Colo., 3600 e. FORT SEVERN, Md., 20 e., 38° 59' n. lat., 76° 29' Ion. w., 55° t., 48.61 r. f. FORT SHANNON, Fla., 25 e., 29° 34' n. lat., 81° 39' Ion. w., 47.68 r. f. FORT SHAW, Mont., GOOO e. FORT SIMMONS, Md., 305 e., 38° 57' n. lat., 77° 05' Ion. w. FORT SIMPSON, Huds. Bay Ter., 400 e., 61° 50' n. lat., 121° 57' Icn. w., 26° t. FORT SLEMMER, Md., 328 e., 38° 56' n. lat , 76° 59' Ion. w. FORT SLOCUM, Md., 376 e., 38° 57' n. lat., 77° 06' Ion. w. FORT SMITH, Ark., 460 e., 35° 23' n. lat, 94° 29' Ion. w., 60° t., 40.36 r. f. FORT SNELLING, Minn., 820 e., 44° 53' n. lat., 93° 10' Ion. w., 44°.54 t., 25.50 r.f. FORT SNYDER, Md., 180 e., 38° 50' n. lat., 76° 59' Ion. w. FORT STAMBAUGH, Wyo., 7684 e. FORT STANTON, N.Mex., 5000 e.,32° 29' n. lat., 105° 38' Ion. w., 54° t., 20.35 r.f. FORT STEELE, Wyo., 6840 e. FORT STEILACOOM, Wash., 300 e , 47° 10' n. lat., 122° 25' Ion. w., 49°.29 t., 43 98 r. f. FORT STEVENS, Md., 321 e., 38° 57' u. lat., 77° 01' Ion. w. FORT STOCKTON, Tex., 4950 e., 30° 20' n. lat., 102° 30' Ion. w. FORT STRONG, Va., 238 e, 38° 53' n. lat., 77° 05' Ion. w. FORT SULLIVAN, Me., 70 e., 44° 54' n. lat., 66° 59' Ion. w., 42°. 95 t., 39.41 r. f. FORT TEJOU, Cal., 3240 e., 34° 55' n. lat., 118° 53' Ion. w., 57° t., 19.53 r. f. FORT TERRETT, Tex., 1320 e., 30° 23' n. lat., 100° 16' Ion. w., 27.10 r. f. FORT THAYER, Md., 151 e., 38° 55' n. lat., 76° 57' Ion. w. FORT THORN, N. Mex., 4500 e., 32° 47' n. lat., 107° 21' Ion. w., 59° t., 14.63 r. f. FORT TILLINGHAST, Va., 241 e., 38° 52' n lat., 77° 04' Ion. w. FORT TONGASS, Alaska, 20 e. FORT TOTTTEN, Md., 321 e., 38° 56' n. lat., 76° 59' Ion. w. FORT TO WNSEND, Wash., 135 e., 48° C5' n. lat., 122° 45' Ion. w. FORT TOWSON, Ind. Ter., 300 e., 34° n. lat., 95° 33' Ion. w., 61°.69 t., 51.08 r.f. FORT TRUMBULL, Conn., 23 e., 41° 22' n. lat., 72° 05' Ion. w., 55° t., 44.69 r. f. FORT UMPQUA, Oreg., 8 e., 43° 42' n. lat., 124° 10' Ion. w., 51.20 t., 67.41 r. f. FORT UNION, Dak., 2000 e., 48° n. lat., 104° Ion. w., 46° t. FORT UNION, N. Mex., 6670 e., 35° 54' n. lat., 104° 57' Ion. w., 49° t., 21.88 r. f. FORT VANCOUVER, Wash., 50 e., 45° 40' n. lat., 122° 30' Ion w.,52°t.,38.84r.f. FORT WACAHOOTEE, Fla., 50 e. FORT WAGNER, -Md., 289 e., 38° 51' n. lat., 76° 57' Ion. w. FORT WALLA-WALLA, Wash., 999 e., 46° 03' n. lat., 1 18°20' Ion. w., 19.48 r. f. 24 FORT WARD, Va., 285 e., 38° 49^ n. lat., 77° 05^ Ion. w. FORT WASHINGTON, Md., 60 e., 38° 43^ n. lat., 77°06Mon. w.,57°.80t.,45.2r.f. FORT WASHINGTON, Pa., 162 e. FBRT WASHITA, Ind. Ter., 645 e., 34° IV n. lat., 96° 38^ Ion. w., 62°.21 t., 41. 66 r. f. FORT WAYNE, Allen co., Ind., 800 e., 41° n. lat., 85° Ion. w. FORT WEBSTER, N. Mex., 6350 e., 32° 48' n. lat., 108° 05' Ion. w., 54°.80 t., 19.46 r. f. FORT WEELOCK, Fla., 50 e. FORT WHIPPLE, Ariz., 6000 e., 34° 27' n. lat., 117° 11' Ion. w., 22.56 r. f. FORT WILKINS, Mich., 630 e., 47° 30' n. lat., 88° Ion. w., 41° t. FORT WILLIAM, Lake Sup., 620 e., 48° 23' n. lat., 89° 27' Ion. w., 36 t. FORT WINNEBAGO, Wis., 770 e., 43° 31' n. lat., 89° 28' Ion. w., 45° t., 27.49 r. f. FORT WOLCOTT, R. I., 20 e., 41° 30' n. lat., 71° 18' Ion. w., 56°.6 t. FORT WOOD, La.. 20 e., 30° 01' n. lat., 89° 51' Ion. w., 69 t. FORT WOODBURY, Va., 236 e., 38° 53' n. lat., 77° 04' Ion. w. FORT WORTH, Tex., 1100 e., 32° 40' n. lat., 97° 25' Ion. w., 63° t., 40.86 r. f. FORT WORTH, Va., 267 e., 38° 48' n. lat., 77° 05' Ion. w., 63° t. FORT YUKON, Alaska, 412 e., 66° 30' n. lat., 145° Ion w. FORT YUMA, Cal., 200 e., 32° 44' n. lat., 114° 36' Ion. w., 74° t., 3.46 r. f. FOSTER'S BAR, Yuba cc, Cal., 1371 e. FOSTORIA, Blair co.. Pa., 1049 e. FOULA MT., Shetland Islands, 1369 e., 60° 08' n. lat , 2° 6' Ion. w. FOUNTAIN, El Paso co., Cal., 5400 e. FOUNTAIN MILLS, Westmoreland co.. Pa., 10 6 6. FOURCHE RENAUD, Washington co., Mo., 986 e. FOXBORO SUMMIT, Bost. and Prov. R. R , Mass., 325 e. FRAMINGHAM, Mass., 150 e., 42° 18' n. lat., 71° 27' Ion. w. FRANKFORT, Erie Canal, N. Y., 424 e. FRANKFORT, Mich., 614 e., 44° 28' n. lat., 86° 14' Ion. w. FRANKFORT, Pa., 30 e. FRANKLIN, Mass., 288 e. FRANKLIN, N. H., 110 e. FRANKLIN, Ohio, 960 e., 39° 30' n. lat., 84° Ion. w. FRANKLIN, Franklin co., N. Y., 703 e., 44° 50' n. lat., 74° 23' Ion. w. FRANKLIN, Venano;o co., Pa., 980 e., 41° 24' n. lat., 79° 55' Ion. w., 50°.41 t., 31. 59 r. f. FRANKLIN, Vt., 433 e. FRANKLIN, Wis., 697 e. FRANKLIN, Steuben co., N. Y., 1494 e., 42° 34' n. lat., 77° 20' Ion. w., 49°.43 t., 32.98 r. f. FRANKLIN ISLAND, St. George's river. Me., fixed light, 50 e., 45° 51' n. lat., 60° 10' Ion. w. FRANKLINVILLE,N. Y., 1425 e. FRANK'S ISLAND, light-house. Miss, riv., 78 e., 29° 08' 30" n. lat., 89° 01' 24'^ Ion. w. FRANKSTON, Pa., 910 e. FREDERIC, Iowa, 716 e. FREDERICK, Md., 550 e., 39° 24' n. lat., 77° 18' Ion. w., 55° t., 48.7 r. f. FREDERICKSBURG, Va., 40 e., 38° 34' n. lat., 77° 38' Ion. w. FREDEDERICKTOWN, Madison co., Mo., 756 e., 37° 34' n. lat. FREDERICKTOWN, New Bruns., 50 e., 46° 03' n. lat., 66° 08' Ion. w., 42° t. FREDONIA ACAEDMY, Chautauque, N. Y., 715 e., 41° 26' n. lat., 79° 24' Ion. w., 48° t., 36.68 r. f. FREEDOM, Ohio, 1100 e., 41° 13' n. lat.', 81° 08' Ion. w., 49.35 r. f. FREEMANSBURG, Pa., 219 e. FREEPORT, IIL, 825 e. FREEPORT, Pa, 1000 e. FREEPORT, Me. Central R. R., Me., 126 e. FREIBURG, Germany, 920 e. FREMONT, Nebr., 1176 e. FREMONT CENTRE, 111., 736 e. FREMONT'S P., Rocky Mts., 13470 e. FREMONT'S PASS,Blue Mts., Cal., 7200 e. FRENCHTOWN, N. J., 84 e. FRENCHTOWN, Pa., 694 e, FRESNILLO, Mex., 7240 e. FRIEDENSVILLE, Pa., 430 e. FROG LEVEL, Newberry co.,S. C.,550e. FROSTBURGH, Md., 1792 e. FRYBURG, Me., 424 e., 44° 03' n. lat., 70° 58' Ion. w., 45.11 r. f. FLLTON, S. C.,150e., 33° 40' n. lat., 80° 31' Ion. w., 54.31 r. f. FULTON, Ark., 242 e. FULTON, N. Y., 345 e. FULTCN, Penn , 960 e. FULTON, Iowa, 741 e. FULTON LAKES, (3, 4 and 5), Herkimer co.,N. Y., 1645 e. FULTON LAKES, (6, 7 and 8), Hamilton CO., N. Y., 1776 e. FULTONVILLE. N. Y , 295 e. G. GA.INES, Orleans co., N. Y., 757 e., 43° 17' n. lat, 78° 15' Ion. w., 46°.7l t., 33.50 r. f. GAINES LANDING, Chicot co., Ark., 149 e. 25 GAINESVILLE, Fla., 184 e., 29° 35^ n. lat., 82° 26' Ion. w., 44.91 r. f. GAJ.ENA, III., 668 e. GALESBURG, 111., 795e., 40° 45' n. lat, 90° 10' Ion. w., 35.4 r. f. GALESBURG UNIVERSITY, Wis., 775 e. GALLIPOLIS, Ohio, 520 e., 39° n. lat, 82° 01' Ion. w., 38.35 r. f. GALT, Cal., 73 e. GALVESTON, Tex., to 5 e., 29° 18' n. lat, 95° 01' Ion. w., 74° t. GAMBIER, Knox co., Ohio, 1000 e., 40° 20' 311" n. lat. GANGES RIVER, source of, Hindostan, 15000 e., 31° n. lat., 7° Ion. e. GANNETT, Nebr., 2752 e. GAP SUMMIT, Penn., 560 e. GARDEN PRAIRIE, 111., 804 e. GARDINER, Kennebec co., Me., 76 e., 44° 11' n. lat., 69° 46' Ion. w., 42.09 r. f. GARDNER, Kans., 800° e., 38° 47' n. lat, 95° Ion. w. GARDNER, FitchburgR.R., Mass., 1014 e. GARLICK, Mich., 1440 e. GARLUVIPI P., Austria, 9587 e. GARRETTSVILLE, Ohio, 900 e. GARRETSON'S STATION, Richmond CO., N. Y., 25 e. GARRISON'S, Putnam cc, N. Y., 157 e. GARVIN HILL, Hartland, Vt., 1802 e. GASTON, N. C, 575 e., 36° 02' n. lat, 77° 45' Ion. w., 59° t, 43.40 r. f. GAVARNIE P.,PyreneesMtrange,7654e. GEDEH P., Java, 9856 e. GELSH P., Abyssinia, 9700 e., 11°, 36° 55 Ion. e" GENARO MT., Italy, 4185 e. GENESEE RIVER, head-waters of, Pot- ter CO., Pa., 1912 e. GENEVA, N. Y., 567 e., 42° 53' n. lat, 77° 02' Ion. w., 31.72 r. t. GENEVA LAKE, Switzerland, 1230 e. GENITO MILLS, Va., 200 e., 36° 30' n. lat., 77° 30' Ion. w., 47.85 r. f. GEORGE'S, Westmoreland co.. Pa., 1200 e. GEORGETOWN, Fairfield co.. Conn., 300 e.,41° 15' n. lat, 73° 25' Ion. w. GEORGETOWN, D. C , highest point, 320 e., 38°55' n. lat, 77°04' lon.w., .39.58r f. GEORGETOWN, Mass., 225 e., 42° 42' n. lat, 71° Ion. w. GEORGIA GULCH PASS, Colo., 11487e. GEORGETOWN, Colo., 8245 e. GEORGETOWN, Del., 48 e., 38° 43' n. lat, 75° 22' Ion. w., 46.14 r. f. GEORGETOWN, Conn., 307 e. GEORGETOWN, El Dorado co., Cal., 2433 e. GKRASA, Syria, 2000 e., 32° 20' n. lat., 36° 03' Ion. e. GERMAN FLATS, N. Y., 385 e. GERMANTOWN, Ohio, 720 e., 39° 30' n. lat, 84° 20' Ion. w., 34.75 r. f. GERMANTOW'N, Pa , 100 e., 40° 03' n. lat., 7.^° 10' Ion. w., 52° t, 44.18 r. f. GETTYSBURG, Pa., 624 e., 39° 49' n. lat., 77° 18' Ion. w., 50° t , 38 89 r. f. \ GIBBON, Nebr., 2046 e. GIBRALTAR, top of the rock, Spain, 1439 e. GIBSONBDRG, Luzerne co., Pa., 938 e. GIFFORD'S STATION, Richmond co., N. Y., 75 e. GILA RIVER, mouth of, N. Mex., 254 e. GILBERT. 111., 920 e. GILBERT'S PEAK. Wyo., 13182 e. GILBERT'S TRADING POST, Wyo., 7400 e., 42° 25' n. lat, 108° 40' Ion. w. GILMER, Upshur co., Tex., 950 e., 32° 46' n. lat , 94° 51' Ion. w. GILMt iRE, Nebr., 976 e. GILMORE, TuscarMwas co., Ohio, 1 180 e., 40° 18' n. lat. 81° 18' Ion. w. GIRARD, Pa., 875 e. GIVEN, Iowa, 499 e. GLADE SPRING, Va. and Tenn. R. R., Va., 2078 e. GLASCO, N. Y., 150 e. GLASSBORO, West. Jersey R. R., N. J., 150 e. GLATZ, Prussian Silesia, 971 e. GLEN CARBON, Phila. and Reading R. R., Pa., 1158 e. GLENDALE, Iowa, 706 e. GLENDALB, Nebr., 1300 e., 40° 55' n. lat., 96° 05' Ion. w. GLEN'S FALLS, N. Y., 282 e. GLEN FALLS FEEDER, N. Y., 150 e. GLEN GARDNER, Hunterdon co., N. J,, 450 e. GLEN HOUSE, N. H„ 1632 e. GLENWOOD, Tenn., 481 e., 36° 28' n. lat, 87° 13' Ion. w., 56° t., 46.63 r. f. GLENWOOD, Iowa, 960 e. GLIDDEN, Iowa, 1238 e. GLOUCESTER. Mass., 45 e. GLOVER'S GAP, W. Va., 1145 e. GLYNDON, Minn., 827 e. GOAT FELL, Isle of Arran, Scotland, 2865 e. GOAT ISLAND, Cal., 340 e. GODERICH, Can. West, 576 e., 43° 44' n. lat, 81° 43' Ion. w., 45° t. GODWINSVILLE,ErieR. R.,N.Y., 137 e. GOLCONDA. Nev., 4419 e. GOLDEN CITY, Jefferson co., Cal., 5240 e., 39° 45' n. lat, 105° 20' Ion. w. GOLD HILL, Colo., 8636 e. GOLD RUN, Cal., 3245 e. GOLDSBORO, N. C, 102 e., 35° 20' n. lat, 77° 51' Ion. w., 56.32 r. f. GOLIAD, Tex., 50 e., 28° 35' n. lat, 97° 15' Ion. w., 25.13 r. f. GONZALES, Tex., 150 e., 29° 28' n. lat, 97° 39' Ion. w., 36 r. f. GOOTY, Brit. Ind., 2171 e. 26 GOOD HOPE, Milwaukie co., Wis., 690 e. GOPHER, Kan., 3220 e. GORDON, Pa., 802 e. ' GORDON'S GAP, Orange and Alex. R R , Va., 740 e. GORDONSVILLE, Orange co., Va., 408e. GORELOI P., Burned Island, Alaska, 8000 e GORIIAM, N. H., 833 e. GRAHAM LAKE, Minn., 1403 e. GORTON, Minn., 1008 e. GOSHEN, Ind., 625 to 700 e. GOSHKN, N. Y., 425 e., 41° 20^ n. lat., 74° 11' Ion. w., 47° t., 33.30 r, f. GOSHEN, Windham co., Conn., 561 e., 41° 47' n. lat., 72° 07' Ion. w. GOSPORT, Owen co., Ind., 593 e. GOTTLAND, Sweden, 2 to 300 e. GOUSTA, Norway. 6000 e. GOUVERNKUR, St. Lawrence co., N. Y., 400 e., 44° 25' n. lat., 75° 35' Ion. w., 43°.95 t., 27.61 r. f. GOWDEYSVILLE, Union co., S. C., 600 e., 34° 50' n. lat., 81° 36' Ion. w. GRAFTON, W. Va., 987 e. GRAFTON, Mass., 367 e. GRAFTON, Ozaukee co.. Wis., 748 e. GRAHAM, N.C., 670 e. GRAMPIAN HILLS, Pa., 1400 e., 41° n lat., 78° 40' Ion. w., 47.62 r. f. GRANBY, Hartford co.. Conn., 182 e. GRANDFATHER MT., Yancey co., N. C, 5556 e. GRANDFATHER MT., Summit, N. C, 5897 e. GRAND HAVEN, Mich., 588 e., 43° 05' n. lat , 86° 13' Ion. w., 46° t., 26 r. f. GRAND ISLAND, Nebr., 1850 e. GRANITE UANON, Wyo., 7298 e. GRAND FALLS PORTAGE, Wis., 1066 c. GRAND MONADNOCK SUMMIT, N. H., 5450 e. GRAND PORTAGE, Minn., 1200 e., 47° 50' n. lat., 90° Ion. w., 37° t. GRAND RAPIDS, Kent co., Mich., 780 e., 43° n. lat., 85° 40' Ion. w., 45° t., 39 65 r. f. GRAND TRAVERSE CITY, Mich., 612 e. GRAN(iER, Wyo., 6270 e. GRaNITKVILLE, Middlesex co., Mass., 247 e GRANTS SUMMIT, Mass., 918 e. GKANTVILLE, Kans., 779 e. GRANTVILLE, Mass., 140 e. GRANVILLE, N. Y., 250 e., 43° 20' n. lat., 73° 17' Ion. w ,31.52 r. f. GRANVILLE, Ohio, 995 e., 40° 03' n lat., 82° 34' Ion. w ,48.62 r. f. GRANVILLE PASS, Green Mts., Vt., 2340 e. GRASMERE FELL, Cumberland co.,Eng,, 2756 e. GRASS LAKE, Jackson co., Mich., 076 e. GRASS VALLEY, Nevada co , Gal., 2090 e. GRAUN, Austria, 4500 e. GRAY'S P., Colo.. 14145 e. GRAY'S FERRY.'Pa., 29 e. GRAY'S SUMMIT, Franklin co.. Mo. ,666 e. GRAY, Maine Centr. R. R., Me., 105 e. GRAYLOCK MT., Mass., 3600 e. GREAT BEND, Susqu. Riv., Pa., 315 e. GRKAT BEND, Erie R. R , N. Y., 884 e. GREAT CANON, Table Land, Colo., 7000 e. GREAT CANON, top of, Wyo., 6367 e. GREAT CANON, foot of, Wyo., 5745 e. GREAT DOG LAKE, Wis., 1311 e. GREAT FALLS, N. H., 250 e., 43° 17' n. lat.. 70° 32' Ion. w. GREAT KANAWHA RIV., mouth of, Ft. Pleasant, Ohio, 522 e. GREAT MEADOW, Morris Canal, N, J., 58 e. GREAT PISGAH MT., N. C, 5757 e. GREAT SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, 420(t e., 40° 46' n. lat., 112° 06' Ion. w., 53° t., 23 85 r. f. GREAT OR SANDY POINT, fixed light, Nantucket Island, Mass., 70 e., 41°23' 20" n. lat , 70° 23' Ion. w. GREEN BAY, Brown co.. Wis., 584 e , 44° 30' n. lat., 88° 06' Ion. w., 44° t., 31.82 r. f. GREENBRIER RIVER, mouth of, Va., 1371 e. GREENBRIER RIV., near Droop Mt., Va., 1986 e. GREENBRIER CO., Va., 1500 to 2000 e. GREENBUSH, West. R. R., N. Y., 26 e. GREENBUSH, Me., 121 e. GREENBUSH, Sheboygan co., Wis.,830e. GREENCASTLE, Putnam co., Ind., 834 e., 39° 39' n. lat., 86° 46' Ion. w. GREENCASTLE, Franklin co.. Pa , 650 e., 39° 4;)' n. lat., 77° 30' Ion. w. GREENE SPRINGS, Ala., 500 e., 32° BO' n. lat., 87° 46' Ion. w., 48.78 r. f. GREENE, N. Y., 924 e. GREENE, Androscoggin co,, Me., 292 e. GREENFIELD, Mass., 182 e. GREEN/IELD. Wis., 750 e. GREEN LAKE, Wis., 800 e., 43° 48' n. lat., 88° 56' Ion. w., 46°.03 t. GREEN LANE, Pa., 230 e. GREEN MOUNTAIN, Me., 1762 e., GREEN MOUNTAIN, N. H., 5600 e. GREENPORT. SiiflFolk co., N. Y., 5 e. GREEN RIDGE, Luzerne co.. Pa., 710 e. GREEN RIVER CANON, Wyo., 6134 e. GREEN RIVER CITY, Wyo., 6316 e. GREENSBORO, Ala., 350 e.,32°40'n. lat.. 87° 34' Ion. w., 55.57 r f. GREENSBORO, N. C, 843 e. GREENSBORO, Vt., 1504 e. GREENSBURG, Decatur co., Ind., 913 f. 27 GREENSBURG, Westmoreland co., Pa., 1 136 6 GREEN'S MILLS, Morris Canal, N. J., 44 e. GREEN SPRING FURNACE, Washing- ton CO., Md., 500 e. GREENVILLE, Greenville co., S. C, 1050 e. GREENVILLE C. H., Greenville co., S. C , 1500 e. GREENVILLE, N. C, 829 e. GREENVILLE, Mercer co.. Pa., 985 e. GREENVILLE, Drake co., Ohio, 1033 e. GREENVILLE, Wyo., 6560 e. GREY'S CREEK, Cole co., Mo., 531 e. GREENWOOD, Carroll co.. Miss., 140 e. GREENWICH, Cumberland co., N. J., 30 e., 39° 20' n. lat., 75° 25Mon. w., 39.13 r. f. GREENWOOD, Erie R. R., N. Y., 519 e. GREENWOOD, Greenville co., S. C, 6l5e. GRENADA, Grenada co.. Miss., 225 e. 6RIES MT. PASS, Alps, Svrhz., 7821 e. GRINNELL, Kans., 2806 e. GRINNELL, Iowa, 993 e. GROTUN, Conn., 20 e., 41° 3V n. lat, 72° 12' Ion. w., 46.83 r. f. GROTON, Middlesex co., Mass., 239 e. GROTON, Tompkins co., N. Y., 987 e. GROVE CITY, Iowa, 1253 e. GKUNESEESPITZE P., Austria, 8203 e. GDADKLUPE PASS, Tex., 5717 e. GflADUAS, New Granada, 3765 e. GUHLATIERI VOLC, S. A., 22000 e., 20° 13' s. lat., 69° 17' Ion. w. GUALILILLAS, Bolivia, 14200 e. GUAN.JUATO, Mex., 6840 e. GIUTAVITA LAKE, New Granada, 8700 e. GUATEMALA, Table Lands, Centr. Am., 5000 e., 14°40' n. lat., 90° 30' Ion w., 54.67 r. f. GUILD HALL, Vt., 835 e. GUILDERLAND, Alb. and Susqu. R. R., N. Y., 323 e. GUILFORD STATION, Piscataquis co., Me., 400 e. GUIONA MT., Greece, 8240 e. GUN KEY LIGHT, Fla., 80 e., 25° 34' n. hit. 79° 18' Ion. w. GUTHRIE, Iowa, 1251 e. GUTHSVILLE, Pa., 348 e. GUTTEN BERG, Clayton co. , Iowa, 690 e. , 43° n. lat., 90° 50' Ion. w. H. HACKENACK RIV., Erie R. R. Crossing, N. J., 14 e. HACKE TTSTOWN, N. J., 567 e., HaDDONFIELD, N. J., 73 e. HADbEY, N. Y., 625 e. HaGAR STATION, Iowa., 1045 e. HAGERSTOWN. Md., 502 e. HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, 20 e., 44° 39' d. lat., 63° 57' Ion. w., 45° t. HALLE' K, Nev.,5220 e. HALLOWELL, Kennebec co., Me., 53 e. 44° 17' n. lat., 69° 50' Ion. w. HALLVILLE, Wyo., 6590 e. HAMBURG, Pa., 362 e. HAMEY DEPOT, Wash. Ter., 260 e. HAMILTON Can. West, 275 e., 43° 15' n. lat,., 79° 57' Ion. w., 48° t. HAMILTON ACADEMY, Madison co,, N. Y , 1127 e., 42o 29' n. lat., 75° 34' Ion. w., 44.82 r. f. HAMILTON, Cal., 260 e. HAMILTON, Butte co. Ohio, 592 e. HAMILTON, Va., 454 e. HAMMONTON, N. J., 84 e. HAMPDEN, Me., 180 e., 44° 44' n. lat., 68° 50' Ion. w., 41° t. HAMPTON SUMMIT, Bost. and N. Y. R. R., N y., 656 e. HAMPTON, Elizabeth City co., Va., 5 e., 37° 5' n. lat., 76° 20' Ion. w. HAMPTON, Wyo., 6500 e. HAMSBURG, Dauphin co., Pa., 308 e. HANCOCK, Md., 416 e. HANCOCK, Pulaski co.. Mo., 1104 e. HANCOCK BARRACKS, Me., 620 e., 46° 07' n. lat., 67° 49' Ion. w., 40° t. 36.17 r. f. HANCOCK, N. Y., 923 e, HANCOCK, Va., 414 e. HANGING ROCK, Utah, 5974 e. HANOVER, N. H., 530 e, 43° 42' n. lat., 72° 17' Ion. w., 42° t., 40.37 r. f. HANOVER C. H., Hanover co., Va., 86 e. HANOVER JUNC, Pa., 485 e HANOVER JUNC, Va., 134 e. HARAMUK MT., Asia, 13000 e. HARBOR GRACE, Brit. Amer. Newfound- e. HARDIN'S CREEK, Iowa, 1026 e. HAREBACKE, Norway, 4575 e. HARLEM, 111., 645 e. HARMAR, Ohio, 631 e. HARMONY STATION, Iowa, 1021 e. HARNEY, Wyoming, 7857 e. HARPER'S FERRY, Md., 272 e. HARPERSVILLE, N. Y., 1047 e. HARRINGTON, Del., 58 e. HARRISBURG, Pa., 320 e., 40° 16' n. lat., 76° 50' Ion. w., 49° t. 41.53 r. f. HARRISBURGH, Saline co.. III., 459 e. HARRISON, Cumberland co.. Me., 300 e. HARRISONBURG, La., 67 e. HARRISONBURG, Va., 1282 e. HARRISON'S GAP., Va., 865 e. HARRIS GROVE, Harris co., Iowa, 900 e., 41° n. lat., 95° Ion. w. HART FELL, Scotland, 2635 e. HARTFORD, Hartford co., Conn., 60 e., 41°46' n. lat., 72°41' Ion. w., 43.79 r. f. 2S HARTFORD, Vt., 581 e. HARTWICK, Otsego co., N. Y., 1100 e., 42° 38' n. lat., 75° OK Ion. w., 46° t., 37.38 r. f. HARVARD, Va., 350 e., 38° 15' n. lat., 77° 34' Ion. w., 47.36 r, f. HA RV A RD DEPOT, Worcester co. , Mass. , 278 e. HARVEYRURG, Ind., 3090 e. HATFIKLD, Montgomery co., Pa., 305 e. HATZFIELD, Hesse Darmstadt, 2730 e. HAUSHERG, Hesse Darmstadt, 1755 e. HAUT DE HONEC, France, 4391 e. HAVANA, Hale co., Ala., 500 e., 32° 30' n. hit., 87° 41' Ion. w. HAVANA, Cuba, West Ind,, 50 e., 23°09' n. lat., 82° 22' Ion. w., 78°.08 t., 39.76 r. f. HAVANA, Mason co., HI., 475 e., 40* 20' n. lat., 89° 50' Ion. w. HAVANA, N. Y., 1041 e. HAVERFORD, Pa., 400 e. HAVERHILL, Mass., to 200 e. HAVRE DE GRACE, Md., 27 e. HAWKLNS, N. Y., 803 e. HAWK'S NEST, Fayette co.,Va., lOOOe. HAWLEY, Minn., 1145 e. HAWLEY, Pa., 880 e. HAWLEYVILLE, Conn., 303 e. HAWTHORNE, N. J., 52 e. HAYS, Kans., 1893 e. HAZARD, Wyo., 6325 e. HAZLE CREEK JUNC, Pa., 1325 e. HAZLEHURST, Copiah co., Miss., 415 e. HAZLETON, Luzerne co., Pa., 1800 e. HEBRON, Labrador, 50 e., 58° n. lat., 64° Ion w., 22° t. HEBRON POND, Oxford co., Me., 858 e. HEINGMANSVILLE, Pa., 740 e. HKKLA, Iceland, 3950 e. HELDERBURGH HILLS, N.Y.,8 to 1200e. HELENA, Texas, 600 e., 29° n. lat , 97° 56' Ion. w. HELENA CITY, Mont., 4150 e., 46»45' n. lat, 111° 50' Ion. w., 22 14 r. f. HELLERTOWN, Northampton co.. Pa., 267 e. HELL GATE, Mont., 3318 e., 46° 52' n. lat., 113° 59' ion. w. HEMATIIE, Jefferson co., Nev., 475 e., 38° 11' n. lat., 90° 37' Ion. w. HEMPSTEAD, Queens co., N. Y., 104 e. HENRIETTA, Monroe co., N. Y., 6('0 e., 43°06' n. lat., 77°51' Ion. w., 36.95 r. f. HENRYVILLE, Pa., 715 e. HERAT, Afglianistan, Asia, 2500 e., 34° 50' n. lat., 62° 30' Ion. e. HERBERTVILLE, Amador co., Cal., 980e. HEREDIN, West Ind., 3837 e. HERKIMER CO., N. Y., highest points, 25 1,0 3000 e. HERKIMER CO., 1st of 8 Lakes, N. Y., 1684 e. HERMAN, Gasconade co., Mo., 512 e. HERMIT ISLAND, Pacific Ocean, highest p., 1742e. HERMITAGE, N. Y., 1500 ,e., 42° 45' n. lat., 78° 16' Ion. w., 51.^3 r. f. HERNANDO, Miss., 275 e., 34° 48', 89° 55' Ion. w. HERNDON JUNO., Pa., 423 e. HERON LAKE, Jackson co., Minn., 1361 e. HERRICK, Vt , 2692 e. HESFER, Iowa, 720 e., 43'* 30' n. lat., 91° 46' Ion. w. HIBKRNIA, Fla., 15 e. HICKSVILLE, Queens co., N. Y., 151 e. HICKSVILLE, Ohio, 975 e. HIGH BRIDGE, Hunterdon co., N. Y., 331 e. HIGHGATE, Vt., 160 e. HIGHLAND, Madison co., HI., 600 e., 38° 43' n. lat., 89° 48' Ion. w., 56° t., 42.45 r. f. HIGHLAND LIGHTS, Monmouth co., N. J., 248 e., 40° 23' n. lat., 73° 59' Ion. \f. HIGHLAND, Union co., Iowa, 1280 e. HIGHLANDS, Hudson riv., N. Y., 1000 to 1700 e. HIGH PEAK, Green co., N. Y., 3718 e. HILBERT, Calumet co., Wis., 828 e. HILL SAN PEDRO, Los Angeles co., Cal., 1544 e. HILLSBORO, Ohio, 1120 e., 39°15' n. lat., 83° 30' Ion. w., 50° t., 41.90 r. f. HILLSBORO. N. H., 567 e. HILLSBORO, N. C, 539 e. HILLSBOROUGH, Ga., 566 e., 33° 13' d, lat., 83° 45' Ion. w. HILLSBOROUGH, Pa., 770 e. HILLSBOROUGH, Highland co., Ohio, 1064 e. HILLSDALE, Mich., 1086 e., 41° 52' n. hit., 84° 38' Ion. W. HILLSDALE, N. Y., 669 e. HILLSDALE, Wyo., 5591 e. HILTON HEAD, S. C, 15 e., 32° 14' n. lat., 80° 43' Ion. w., 40.03 r. f. HIMMELBJERG, Denmark, 560 e HINGHAM, Sheboygan co., Wis., 690 e. HINSDALE, Mass., 1360 e. HIRAM, Me., 400 e. HIRAM, Ohio, 1290 e.,41° 20' n. lat., 81' 08' Ion. w , 36.69 r. f. HOBOKEN, N. Y,, 8 e. HOG t'REEK, Hardin co., Ohio, 938 e. HOGLOFSTEG, Norway, 6000 e. HOHENART, Bavaria, 1968 e, HOLBROOK, Suffolk co.,N. Y., 110 e., HOLDEN, Johnson co., Mo., 832 e HOLLAND, Sheboygan co.. Wis., 670 e., 42° 42' n lat., 86° 11' Ion. w., 38.71 r. f. HOLLIDAYSBURG, Pa., 1200 e., 40° 28' n. lat., 78° 23' Ion w., 33.35 r. f. HOLLIS DEPOT, Hillsboro oo., N, H., 205 e. 29 HOLLY, Oakland co., Mich., 931 e. HOLMES HOLE LIGHT HOUSE, Mass., 60 e.,41=29'n. lat., 70° 36M0'^ Ion. w. HOLTON, Jackson Grove, Kan., 1172 e., 39° 27^ n. lat., 95° 10' Ion. w. HOMER, Mich., 1015 e., 42° 07' n. lat., 84° 48' Ion. w. HOMER, N. y., 1095 e., 42° 38', 76° 11' Ion. w., 44° t., 46.98 r. f. H0MER8V1LLE, Clinch co., Ga., 180 e. HOMESTEAD, Iowa, 848 e. HOMEWOOD, Beaver co, Pa., 696 e. HONESDALE, Wavne co.. Pa., 870 e. I^ONEY GREEK STATION, Iowa, 1020 e. HONEY PATH, Anderson co., Ph., 795 e. HOOD RIV.. Wasco co., Oreg., 500 e. HOOSAC TUNNELL, Mass., 838 e. HOOSAG MT., w. summit over tunnel, Mass., 2510 e. HOOSAG MT., e. summit over tunnel, 2270 e. HOOSIER CREEK, Iowa, 685 e. HOPATANG LAKE, N. J., 414 e. HOPBOTTOM, Pa., 890 e. HOPE, Lacondasa riv., N. Y., 763 e. HOPE STATION, Lexington co., S. C., 281 e. HOPE VALLEY, Cal., 7072 e. HOPEWELL, N. Y., 260 e. HOPEWELL, Bedford co., Pa., 897 e. HOPKINSVILLE, Ky., 534 e. HORNELLSVILLE, N. Y., 1159 e. HORSEHEADS, N. Y., 884 e. HOSPERS, Sioux co., Minn., 1438 e. HOSPICE OF GT.ST. BERNARD, Switz., 8400 e. HOSSASOGK MT., Pa., 1383 e. HOT SPRINGS, Hot Springs co.. Ark., 718 e. HOT SPRINGS, Colo., 7725 e. HOT SPRINGS, Nev., 4098 e. HOUGHTON, Mich., 600 e., 46° 40', 88° 30' Ion. w.,41°t. flOULTON, Aroostook co.. Me., 470 e., 46° 07' n. lat., 67° 49' Ion. w., 40° t., 36.07 r. f. HOUSEVILLE, N. Y., 900 e., 43° 40' n. lat., 75* 32' Ion. w., 39.05 r. f. HOUSTON, Harris co., Tex., 50 e., 29°50' n. lat., 95° 30' Ion. w. HOWARD'S CREEK, mouth of, Va., 1689 e. HOWARD'S SUMMlT,Jackson co., 1037 e. HOWARDVILLE, Va., 323 e. HOWE'S GAVE, N. Y., 777 e. HOWELL, Wyo.,7090 e. HUALPAIS SPRING, Ariz., 4258 e., 35° 38' n. lat., 113° 25-' Ion. w. HUDSON, Columbia co., N. Y., 150 e., • 42° 15' n. lat., 73° 46' Ion. w., 48° t., 34.53 r. f. HUDSON, Summit co., Ohio, 1137 e., 41° 15' n. lat., 81°24' lon.w., 49° t. 33.20 r.f. HUDSON RIV, sources of. Adirondack Mt. N. Y., 4000 e. HUECO MOUNTAIN PASS, Tex., 4549 e. HUGO, Col., 4952 e. HUGUENOT STATION, Richmond co., N. Y., 75 e. HUMBOLDT LIGHT-HOUSE, Cal., 53 e., 40° 46' n. lat., 124° 12' Ion. w. HUMBOLDT, Nev., 4262 c. Hi MBOLDT, Tenn., 346 e. HUNDSDORFERSPITZEP.,Aust.,8318e. HUNTER'S POINT, N.Y., 5 e. HUNTERTOWN, Allen co., Ind., 865 e. HUNTINGDON, Pa., 734 e., 40° 35' n. lat., 78° 03' Ion. w., 51° t., 36,12 r. f. HUNTINGTON, Huntington co., Ind., 735 e. HUNTINGTON, N. Y., 119 e. HUNTINGTON, Cabell co., W. Va., 550 e. HUNTLEY, 111., 911 e. HUNTSVILLE, Madison co., Ala., 600 e., 34° 43' n. lat., 86° 46' Ion. w., 60° t., 54.88 r. f. HUTCHISON, McLeodco., Minn., 1050 e. HUYLERS, N. J., 52 e. HYDE PARK,Vt., 560 e. HYDE VILLAGE, Vt, 475 e. HYMETTUS MT., Greece, 2680 e. HYNDSVILLE, N. Y., 1107 e. I. IBARRA, Ecuador, 7572 e. IBERIA, Ohio, 1160 e.,40°46' n. lat., 82° 51' Ion. w. IDAHO, Colo , 7149 e. IDJEUG, Java, 10170 e. ILIAMNA VOLCANO, Alaska, 12066 e. ILINICA P., Ecuador, S. Amer., 17380 e. ILLIMANI, Andes Mt., North P., 21060 e., 16° 30' s. lat., 67° 49' Ion. w. ILLIMANI, Andes Mt., South P., 21149 e. ILLIMANI LAKE, Peru, 15950 e. ILLINOISTOWN, Placer co., Cal., 2234 e. INDEPENDENCE, Buchanan co., Iowa, 850 e , 42° 25' n. lat., 92° 06' Ion. w. INDEPENDENCE, Nev., 6115 e. INDEPENDENCE, W. Va., 1170- e. INDEPENDKNCE MOUNT, Me., 900 e. INDEPENDENCE ROCK, Wyo., 6167 e. INDEPENDENT, Iowa, 614 e. INDIA POINT, Providence, Mass., 15 e. INDIANA, Pa , 1321 e., 40° 40' n. lat., 79° 10' Ion. w., 52° t., 35 31 r. f. INDIANAPOLIS, Marion co., Ind., 698 e., 39°45' n. lat., 86°08' Ion. w., 44.83 r. f. INDIAN KEY, Fla., 10 e., 24° 53' n. lat., 80° 4K loa. w., 38.46 r. f. INDIANOLA, Tex., 25 e. INDIAN VALLEY, Plumas co.,Cal.,3280e. INGLEBOROUGH. Yorkshire, Eng., 2361 e., 54° 10' 04" n. lat., 2°23'18" Ion, w. IONIA, Ionia co., Mich., 638 e. 80 lONTIA, Nebr., 3000 e., 42° 4K, 96° 54'' Ion. w. IOWA CITY, Iowa, 621 e.,41° 3^, 91° 30^ lou. w., 43.12 r. f. IOWA FALLS, Iowa, 1070 e. IOWA HILL, Placer co.. Gal., 3299 e. IRON MT., Mo., r09 e. IRASU VOLCANO, Guatamala, 11478 e. ISLE ROYAL, Lake Sup., 1000 e. ISLETA, New .\lex., 4910 e. ISLIP, Suffolk CO., N. Y., 36 e. ITACOLUMNI, Brazil, 575o e. ITALITZKOI, Siberia, 10735 e. ITA.MBA P., Brazil, 59G0 e. ITASCA, Minn., 856 e.,45°16' n. lat., 93'' 32^ loa. w. ITHACA, Tompkins co.,N. Y.,417 e., 42° 27^ n. lat., 76° 30^ Ion. w., 48 t., 24.71 r. f. ITHACA SUMMIT, N. Y., 969 e. IZTACIHUATL VOLCANO, Mex., 15700 e. IZUZAH LAKE, Minn., 1 186 e., 44° 19^ n. lat., 93° 05^ Ion. w. J. JACKSON, Amador co., Cal., 934 e. JACKSON, Va., 850 e. JACKSON, La., 80 e., 30° 5U n. lat., 91° 09^ Ion. w., 64°.25 t. JACKSON, Miss., 350 e., 32° 23^ n. lat., 90° 08'' Ion. w, 34.60 r. f. JACKSON, Monroe co., Oliio, 540 e., 39° 34^ n. lat., 81° Ion. w., 44.91 r. f. JACKSO>f, Jackson co., Ohio, 666 e., 39° 07^ n. lat., 82° 32^ Ion. w. JACKSON, Nebr., 1470 e. JACKSONHURG, Butler co., Ohio, 1152 e., 39° 30^ n. lat , 84° 17^ Ion. w. JACKSON BROOK, Me., 399 e JACKSONVILLE, 111., 676 e., 39° 30^ n. lat., 90° 06^ Ion. w., 35.35 r. f. JACKSONVILLE, Duval co., Tla., 14 e., 30° 20', 81° 39' Ion. w., 69° t., 52.72 r. f. JACOii'o CREEK, Westmoreland co.. Pa., 840 e. JALAPA, Mex., 4000 e. JAMAICA, Queens co., N. Y., 30 e., 40° 42' n. iat., 73° 50' lon.w., 50° t., 39.07 r. f. JAMES PEAK, Rocky Mts., 11500 e. JAMKSr^OWN, N. Y., 1364 e., 42° 06' n. Irtt., 79° 18' Ion. w., 43.89 r. f. JAMESVILLE, Iowa, 910 e. JAMKSVILLK, Wis., 768 e., 42° 42' n. lat., 89° lou. w., 31.05 r. f. JAY PE.\K, Green Mts., Vt., 4018 e. JEAN.SVILLE, Pa., 1680 e. JEBEL AKHDAR, Arabia, 6000 e., 23° n. lat., 56° 30' Ion. e. JEBEL AKRAB, Syria, 5318 e. JEBEL HABANA, Arabia, 4000 e. JEBEL KHARAY, Arabia, 2085 e., 12° 41' n. lat., 44° 76' Ion. e. JEBEL MANHALI, Arabia. 865 e. JBBEL SERBAL. Arabia, 6760 e. JEDDO STATION, Pa., 15l85 e. JEFFE'iSON, Pa., 615e. JEFFERSON, Colo., 9842 e. JEFFERSON' BARRACKS, Mo., 472 e., 38°28' n. lat., 90°15' Ion. w., 40.88 r. f. JEFFERSON CITY, Cole co., Mo , 650 e., 38° 20' u. lat., 92° Ion. w. JEFFERSONVILLE, Clarke co., Ind.,441 e., 39° 12' n. lat., 85« 36' Ion. w., 60° t. JERSEY CITY, Hudson co., N. J., 55 e JRRSEYVILLE, 111., 650 e. JERUSALEM, Ohio, 1513 e. JOCK'S LAKE, N. Y., 2188 e. JOHNSTOWN, Cambria co.. Pa., 1200 e. JOHNSTOWN, Fulton co., N. Y., 688 e., 43° n. lat., 74° 23' Ion. w., 45° t , 40.37 r. f. JOHNSTOWN ACADEMY, Fulton co.,N. Y., 688 e. JOHNSONTOWN, Northampton co., Va., 40 e., 37° 22' n. iat., 75° Ion. w. JONES' PASS, Colo., 12400 e. JONESVILLE, Mich., 1075 e.. 41° 55' n. lat., 84° 41' Ion. w. JORDAN, N. Y., 407 e.~ JORULLO, Mex., 4265 e., 19° 10' u. lat., 101° 01' 45" Ion. w. JULESBURG,Nebr., 3500 e. JUMNOOTRl, N. India, 25500 e., 30° 52' n. lat., 78° 20' Ion. e'. JUNCTION, Ca!., 189 e. JUNCTION, Minn.. 1080 e. JUNCTION, Md., 158 e. JUNCTION, N. Y., 25 e. JUNGFRAUHORN, Switzerland, 13730 e. JURULLO, Mex , 1683 e. JURUPA, San Bernardino co., Cal., 1000 e., 34° n. lat., 1 17°25' Ion. w., 63°.28 t. K. KAISERSTUHLE, Baden, Ger., 1900 e. KANANASKIS PASS, Brt. Araer., 598.^ e., 50° n. lat. KANAWHA, W. Va., 575 e., 38° 53' n. lat., 81° 25' Ion. w., 53° t. 34.84 r. f. KANAWHA RIV., (Great Falls of,) W.Va., 641 e. KANA.WHA RIV., (head of,) F.iyette co., Pa., 1691 e. KANDILI, Euboea, Greece, 4337 e. KANSAS CITY, Jackson co.. Mo., 710 e., 39° 05' n. lat., 94° 40' Ion. w. KAPITAN MT., Siberia, 4263 e. KARRICK'S KNOB, Md., 1660 e. K.\SOAG, Oswego co., N. Y., 621 e. K.ATZENBUCKEL, Baden, Ger., 2300 e. KEARSAGE MT, N. H., 2460 e. KEARNEY, Nebr., 2106 e. 31 KEENE, N. H., 537 e. KEENB, Jefferson co., N. Y., 432 e. KEENE, Ohio, 1000 e., 40° 23' n. lat., 81° 53' Ion. w., 36.47 r. f. KEITHSBURG, 111., 475 e. KELAT, Beloochiston, Asia, 6000 e. KELLEY'S ISLAND, Erie co., Ohio, 587 e., 41°36'n. lat., 82° 43'lon. w., 33.24 r. f. KELLOGG, Iowa, 821 e. KELL'S RANGE, Galloway, Scotland, 2659 e. KELTON, Utah, 4500 e. KENANSVILLE, Duplin co., N. C, 60 e., 34° 53' n. lat., 75° 03' Ion. w. KENDALL'S MILLS, Me., 123 e. KENDALLVILLE, Noble co., lad , 975 e., 40° 28' n. lat., 85° 13' Ion. w. KENESAW MT., Cobb co., Ga., 1828 e. KENNEBEC, Me., 138 e., 44° 19' n. lat., 69° 46' Ion. w., 34.81 r. f. KENOSHA, Wis., 600 e., 42° 35' n. lat., 87° 50' loii. w., 44° t., 33.47 r. f. KENT, Fairfield co.. Conn.', 130 e. KKNTLAND, Newton co., Ind., 725 e., 40° 56' n. lat., 87° 12' Ion. w. KENTON, Hardin co., Ohio, 543 e. KENTON, Ohio, 1562 e., 40° 06' n. lat., 83° 50' Ion. w. KEOKUCK, Iowa, 952 e., 40° 25' n. lat., 91° 21' Ion. w., 51° t. KESWICK STATION, Albermarle co., Va., 500 e KETCHUM, Nebr., 1272 e. KEYSEIl'S RIDGE, Pa., 2843 e. KEY WEST, Fla., e., 24° 34' n. lat., 81° 48' Ion. w., 76° t., 30.65 r. f. KHOONAWUR MT., Himalaya Mts., Asia, 200U0 e. KHUSTOFF, Alaska, 1873 e. KILBOURNE, Iowa, 591 e. KILLINGTON, Vt., 4221 e. KILLINGTON P., Green Mts, Vt., 3924 e. KINDERHOOK ACADEMY, Columbia CO., N. Y., 125 e., 42° 22' n. lat., 73° 43' Ion. w., 47° t., 35.81 r. f. KIMBERLY, Minn., 1231 e. KING GEORGE C. H., Va., 203 e., 35° 16' n. lat., 77° 10' Ion. w., 26.92 r. f. KINGMANT, Me., 325 e. KINGSTON, Can. West, 294 e., 44° 13' n. lat., 76° 30' Ion. w., 45° t., 27.19 r. f. KINGSTON, Plymouth co., Mass., 60 e., 42° n. lat., 70° 45' Ion. w. KI.VGSTON, Ulster co., N. Y., 188 e., 41° 55' u. lat., 74° 02' Ion. w., 49° t., 37.53 r. f. KINGSTON, Ohio, 693 e., 39° 29' n. lat., 83° Ion. w., 35.68 r. t. KING WOOD, Bait, and Ohio R. R., W. Va., 1777 e. KINIBALOO, Borneo, 13680 e., 6° 8' n. lat., 116° 33' Ion. w. KINSTON, Lenoir co., N. C, 68 e. KIOWA, Colo., 5378 e. KIPPARE, Ireland, 2473 e. KIRKWOOD, S. C, 250 e., 34° 17', 80° 33' Ion. w., 52 r. f. KIRRIGAL POTTA, Ceylon, 7830 e. KIRWAN, Austria, 8029 e. KLAMATH LAKE, Oregon, 4131 e. KNIGHTSTOWN, {lush co., Ind., 800 e.. 39° 46' n. lat., 85° 24' Ion w. KNOCKLADB, Ulster co., Ireland, 1695 e. KNOWERSVILLE, N. Y., 454 e. KNOX HILL, Fla., 148 e., 30° 30' n. lat., 85° 30' Ion. w., 66° t., 44.57 r. f. KNOXVILLE, Tenu., 1000 e., 35° 56' n. lat., 85° 18' Ion. w., 55° t., 37.76 r. f. KONYAKOFS KOCKAMEN P., Ural Mt. range. 5397 e., 60° n. lat. KOSCIUSKO MT., Australia, 6500"*. KOTZEBUE SOUND, Alaska, 15 e. KOYUKUK SOPKA P., Alaska, 1000 e. KREUZBERG, Bavaria, 3000 e. KRONBRUNG, Himalaya Mts., Asia, 18313 e. KUNCHAINYUNGA, Himalaya Mts., Asia, 28178 e. KDSILVAK MT. P., Yukon Valley, Alas- ka, 2500 e. KDTANIE PASS, Brit. Amer., 6000 e., 49° 13' n. lat. KUTAYA, Asia Minor, 4000 e., 39° 24' n. lat., 30° 19' Ion. e. L. LABBADIE, Franklin co.. Mo., 486 e. LACEYVILLE, Wyoming co.. Pa., 663 e. LACKAWANNA June. Lehigh Valley R, R. Pa. 572 e. LACKAWANNOCK MT, Pa., 800 e. LACKAWAXEN, Erie R. R., Pa., 648 e. LACONIA, Harrison co., Ind., 600 e. LACONIA, N. H., 486 e., 43° 39' n. lat., 71° 30' Ion. w., 44.58 r. f. LAC QUI PARLE, Dakota co., Minn., 946 e , 46° n. lat, 76° Ion. w. LA CROSSE, Wis., 639 e. LAC TRAVERSE, Minn., 1000 e. LACY, Ocean co., N. J., 112 e. LAFARGEVILLE, N. Y., 345 e. LAFAYETTE, Ind., 620 e., 40° 25' n. lat., 86° 49' Ion w. LAFAYETTE C. H., Tippecanoe co., Ind., 538 6. LA FOYA MT., Portugal, 4079 e. LAGOS, Mex., 6380 e. LAGRANGE, Troup co., Ga., 764 e. LAGRANGE, Fayette co., Tenn., 480 e., 35° 7' n. lat., 89° 15' Ion. w. LAGOMA, New Mex., 6000 e., 35° 03' n. lat , 107° 14' Ion. w. LAKE, Box Elder co., Utah, 4223 e. LANAMA P., Bolivia, 22350 e., 18° 7' s. lat. 32 LAKE CHAMPLAIN, N, Y., 96 e. LAKE CITY, Columbia co., Fla., 1854 c, 30° 12' n. lat., 82° 37' Ion. w., 78.38 r. f. LAKE COEDR D'ALENE, Wash. Ter., 2000 e. LAKE OF THE CLOUDS, N. H., 5009 e. LAKE GOLDEN, Essex co., N. Y., 2851 e. LAKE CHARLES, La.,_,22 e. LAKE CRYSTAL, Blue Earth co., Minn., 1067 e. LAKE DRUMMOND, Dismal Swamp, Va., 21 e. LAKE ECKFORD, Hamilton co., N. Y., 1791 e. LAKE ERIE, 565 e. LAKE GEORGE, N. Y., 324 e. LAKE HURON, 578 e. LAKE HENDERSON, Essex co., N. Y., 1936 e. LAKE ITASCA, Minn., 1575 e., 47° 13' 35" n. lat., 95° 2' Ion. w. LAKE LUCERNE, Switzerland, 1380 e. LAKE MAHOPAC, Putnam co., N. Y., 660 e. LAKE MICHIGAN, Mich., 578 e. LAKE MINNETONKA, Hennepin co., Minn., 990 e. LAKE ONTARIO, N. Y., 234 e. LAKE PLEASANT, Hamilton co., N. Y., 1706 e. LAKE QDMSIGAMOND, Mass., 361 e. LAKE ST. CLAIR, 570 e. LAKE SANDFORD, Essex co., N. Y., 1826 e. LAKE SEBAGO, Me., 270 e. LAKE SIDE, Minn., 1323 e. LAKE SUPERIOR. 600 e. LAKE TAHOE, Cal.. 6700 e. LAKE TENNSCANNING, Canada, 630 e. LAKEVILLE, Litchfield co., Conn., 725 e. LAKE WINNEBAGO, Wis., 748 e. LAKE WINNEPISEOGEE, N. H., 518 e. LAKE OF ZUG, Switzerland, 1361 e. LAKING, Ford co., Kan., 3037 e. LAMBERTVILLE, N. J., 96 e., 40° 23' n. lat., 74° 56' Ion. w., 51° t., 44. r. f. LAMINE RIV., Cooper co., Mo., 831 e. LAMOKIN, Penn., 38 e. LAMPOO, Celebes Island, Asia, 7000 e. LANCASTER, Worcester co., Mass., 268 e. LANCASTER, N. H., 864e. LANCASTER, Fairfield co., Ohio, 889 e., 39° 40' n. lat., 82° 40' Ion. w. LANCASTER Pa., 350 e., 40° 02' n. lat., 76° 20' Ion. w., 51° t., 38.16 r. f. LANDSVILLE, Lancaster co.. Pa,, 397 e. LANGLEY FACTORY, Aiken co., S. C, 202 e. LANSDALE, Montgomery co., Pa., 359 e. LANSING, Ingham co., Mich., 927 e. LANSINGBDRG, Rensselaer co., N. Y., 30 e., 42° 47' n. lat., 73° 40' Ion. w., 47° t., 33.31 r, f. LANSING KILN, N. Y., 683 e- LAPEER, Lapeer co., Mich., 275 e. LA POINTE, Lake Sup., Wis., 600 e., 46° 45' n. lat., 90° 57' Ion. w., 40° t. LAPWAI, Oregon, 1000 e., 46°27'n. lat., 117° Ion. w., 52° t. LAPWAY, Idaho Ter., 2000 e. LARAMIE, Wyo., 7123 e. LAREDO, Texas, 806 e., 27° 3' n. lat., 99° 30' Ion. w., 73° t. LARISSA, Texas, 755 e., 31° 45' n. lat., 15° 50' Ion. w. LARNED, Pawnee co., Kan., 2021 e. LAS ANIMAS, Col., 3976 e. LASSEN'S BUTTE, Oreg., 9000 e. LASSEN'S P., Shasta co,, Cal., 10577 e, LATHAM, Wyo., 6900 e. LATHROP, San Joaquin co., Cal., 48 e. LATROBE, Westmoreland co., Pa., 422e., 40° 14' n. lat., 79° 29' Ion. w., 55.21 r. i. LAUREL HILL, Pa., 2412 e. LAURENS, Laurens co.,S. C, 595 e. LAURY'S, Lehigh co.. Pa., 326 e. LAVACA, Calhoun co., Tex., 17 e., 28° 30' n. lat., 96° 40' Ion. w. LA VEGAS, New Mex., 6418 e., 35° 55' n. lat., 105° 16' Ion. w., 49° t. LAWOO, Java, 10640 e. LAWRENCE, Douglass co., Kan., 800 e., 38° 58' n. lat., 95° 12' Ion. w., 54°.50 t. LAWRENCE, Essex co., Mass., 133 e., 42° 42' n. lat., 71° 10' Ion. w., 46° t,, 44.96 r. f. LAWRENCE, Wyo., 6200 e. LAWRENCEBURGH, Dearborn co., Ind., 482 e. LAWTON, Van Buren co., Mich., 768 e. LAWRENCEVILLE, Tioga co.. Pa , 983e. LEADHILLS, Scotland, 1280 e. LEARNARDS, Framingham, Mass., 158 e. LEA'S SUMMIT, Jackson co.,Mo., 1032e. LEAVENWORTH, Leavenworth co., Kan., 787 e., 39° 15' n. lat., 94° 52' Ion. w., 53.94 r. f. LEBANON, 111., 500 e., 38° 37' n. lat., 89° 56' Ion. w., 37.93 r. f. LEBANON, Laclede co.. Mo., 1259 e. LEBANON, Hunterdon co., N. J., 296 e. LEBANON, Ohio, 717 e., 39° 28' n. lat., 84° 10' Ion. w., 46,10 r. f. LEBANON, Lebanon co.. Pa., 460 e. LEBANON, Tenn., 480 e., 36° 15' n. lat,, 86° 15' Ion. w., 75° t., 43.46 r. f. LEBANON, Wis., 900 e. LE CANIGOU, Pyrenees Mt. Range, 9137 e. LECOMPTON, Kan., 825 e., 39°03' n. lat., 95° 09' Ion. w. LEDYARD, N. Y., 477 e., 42° 43' n. lat,, 76° 37' Ion. w., 28.82 r. f, LEEDS, Androscoggin co., Me., 268 e. LEEDS CENTRE, Maine Centr. R. R., Me., 284 e. 33 LEEDS DEPOT, Maine Centr. R. R., Me., 265 e. LEESBDRG, Va., 320 e. LEE'S CHAPEL, N. C, 865 e. LEETONIA, Columbiana county, Ohio, 1004 e. LE GRAND, Marshall co., Iowa, 949 e. LEHI, Utah co., Utah, 4584 e. LEHIGH, Pa., 320 e. LEHIGH GAP, Lehigh co.. Pa., 385 e. LEHIGHTON, Carbon co., Pa., 461 e. LEIGHTON, Iowa, 769 e LEMARS, Plymouth co., Iowa, 1328 e. LENTSCHITZ, Austria, 8456 e. LEOMIXSTER, Worcester CO., Mass., 375 e. LE ROY, Dodge co., Wis., 1000 e, LE ROY, Wyo., 7123 e. LEWES, Sussex co., Del., e. LEWLNSVILLE, Va., 180 e., 31° 56^ n. lat., 77° llMon. w., 37.17 r. f. LEWISBURG, Alleghany co., W.Va., 2000 e., 37° .49'' n. lat., 80° 28^ Ion. w., 54° t., 38.75 r. f. LEWISTON, 111., 552 e. LEWISTON, Idaho, 612 e. LEWISTON, Androscoggin co.. Me., 195 e. LEWISTON, Niagara co., N. ¥., 280 e., 43° 09^ n. lat., 79° 10^ Ion. w., 47° t., 23.10 r. f. LEWISTOWN, Miflin co., Pa., 488 e. LEXINGTON, Ky., 944 e., 38° 06^ n. lat., 84° 18^ Ion. w., 59.41 r. f. LEXINGTON, Rockbridge co., Va., 1000 e., 37° 4K n. lat., 79° 25^ Ion. w. LEXINGTON C. H., N. C, 820 e. LEXINGTON DEPOT, N. C, 766 e. LEYDEN, N. Y., 1312 e. LIBERTY, Sullivan co., N. Y., 1474 e., 41°45' n. lat., 74°46^ Ion. w., 44.60 r. f. LIBERTY, Union co., Ind., 973 e. LIBERTY, Bedford co., Va., 949 e. LIBERTY HILL, New London co., Conn., 390 e. LICKSTONE MT., N. C, 5707 e. LIMA, Pa., 196 e., 39° 55^ n. lat., 75° 25^ Ion. w., 51°.46 t. LIMA, Allen co., Ohio, 872 e. LIMERICK, Me., 750 e. LIMERICK, Jefiferson co., N. Y., 310 e. LINCOLN, Placer co., Cal., 161 e. LINCOLN, Lancaster co., Nebr., 1647 e., 40° 55'' n. lat., 96° 52^ Ion. w. LINCOLN, Me., 206 e. LINCOLN, Mass., 211 e. LINCOLN PASS, Green Mts , Vt., 2415 e. LINCOLN, Vt., 4078 e. LINKNEY SPRING, Reading and Colum- bus R. R., Pa., 336 e. LINKSWOOD, Dorchester co., Md., 21 e. LISBON, Noble co., Ind., 1050 e. LISBON, Me., 130 e., 44° n. lat., 70° 04^ Ion. w., 46 r. f. LISCOMB, Marshall co., Iowa, 1015 e. LISCOMB VILLAGE, L.wa, 1025 e. LISTERDALE, Tex., 1000 e. LITCHFIELD, Conn., 900 e., 41° 45' n. lat., 73° 15' Ion. w., 44°.40 t. LITCHFIELD, Hillsdale co., Mich., 1040 e., 42 n. lat., 84° 46' Ion. w. LITTLE BLUE, Jackson co.. Mo., 836 e. LITTLE CAPON RIVER, Va., 821 e. LITTLE COTTONWOOD, Salt Lake co., Utah, 4286 e. LITTLE FALLS, Erie Canal, N. Y., 331 e. LITTLE FALLS, Potomac riv., Md., 37 e. LITTLE FISH LAKE, St. Joseph co., Mo., 878 e. LITTLE GENESEE, Alleghany co., N. Y., 1500 e., 42° n. lat., 78° 20 Ion. w. LITTLE MT., Geauga co., Ohio, 1180 e., 41° 38' n. hit, 81° 16' Ion. w. LITTLE RIVER, mouth of, Va., 1740 e. LITTLE RIVER, Newberry co., S.C, 377 e. LITTLE ROCK, Ark., 350 e., 34° 40' n. lat., 92° 12' Ion w., 62° t. LITTLE SIOUX, Harrison co.,La., 1037 e. LITTLETON, Mass., 233 e. LITTLETON, Richland co., S. C, 213 e. LITTLETON, Va., 943 e. LITTLE VALLEY SUMMIT, N. Y., 1614 e. LITTLE WEST PISGAH MT., N.C., 2542e. LITTLE WILLS CREEK, mouth of, Md , 887 e. LIVERMORE, Alameda co., Cal., 520 e. LIVERMORE, McClain co., Ky., 412 e. LIVERPOOL, N. Y., 368 e. LIVINGSTON, Sumpter co., Ala., 102 e. LIVONIA, Washington co., Ind., 733 e. LLANA ESTACADO, Tex., 4707 e. LOCKE MT., Oxford co.. Me., 1912 e. LOCKHART'S, Saline co.. Ark., 242 e. LOCKHAVEN, Pa., 552 e. LOCKPORT, Erie Canal, N, Y., 565 e. LOCKWOOD, Nebr., 1800 e. LOCUST GAP, Pa., 1027 e. LOCUST SUMMIT, Schuylkill co., Pa., 1238 e. LODGE POLE, Nebr., 3800 e. LODI, N. Y., 1000 e., 42° 37' n. lat., 76° 53' Ion. w., 45° t., 27.35 r. f. LOGAN, Harrison co., Iowa, 928 e. LOGAN, Lawrence co., Mo., 1472 e. LOGAN, Hocking co., Ohio, 772 e. LOGANSPGRT, Cass co., Ind., 625 e., 40° 15' n. lat, 86° 13' Ion. w., 37.34 r. f. LOMMIJAURI LAKE, Lapland, R. A., 2265 e. LOMNITZ P., Austria, 8870 e. LOMO, Sutter co., Cal., 72 e. LOMOND HILLS, Scotland, 1466 to 1721e. LONDONDERRY, N. H., 300 e., 42° 53' n. lat., 71° 20' Ion. w. LONDON RIDGE, N. H., 475 e., 43° 20' n. lat., 71° 25' Ion. w. LONDONVILLE, Ashland co., Ohio, 965 e. LONEIRA, France, 14451 e. 34 LONE MT., San Francisco, Cal., 1000 e. LONE TREE.Nebr., 1686 e. LONG BRANCH, "N. J., 10 e,, 40° 20' n. lat., n° 05' Ion. w. LONG HILL, Woodstock, Vt, 1419 e. LONG ISLAND, N.Y., highest point, 103 e. LONG LAKE, Herkimer co., N. Y., 1575 e. LONG LAKE, Mt. Desert, Me., 357 e. LONG POINT, Tex., 400 e. LONG POND, Natick, Mass., 127 e. LONG'S PEAK, Colo., 11500 e., 40° 30' n. lat. LONG WOOD, Va., 800 e. LONS LE SAULNIER, France, 775 e. LOOKOUT MT., Hamilton co., Tenn., 1626 e., 35° n. lat., 81° 05' Ion. w. LOOKOUT, Wyo , 7169 e. LORAMIE, Shelby co., Ohio, 752 e. LORAY, Elko co., Nev., 5409 e. LORRAINE, N. Y., 937 e. LOS ANGELES, Los Angeles co., Cal., 457 e., 7.7 r. f. LOSSUR, Thibet, 13400 e., 32° 08' n. lat., 78° 05' Ion. 6. LOTHER HILL, Dumfrieshire, Scotland, 2396 e. LOT SUMMIT, St. Helena, 1444 e. LOT'S WIFE SUMMIT, St. Helena, 1423 e. LOUISA C. H., Louisa co., Va., 463 e. LOUISIANA, Mo., 460 e. LOUISVILLE, Ky., 450 e , 36° 10' n. lat, 85° 40' Ion. w., 54° t., 48.12 r. f. LOVELOCKS, Humboldt co., Nev., 4100 e. LOWELL, Mass., 92 e., 42° 38' n. lat., 71° 18' Ion. w. LOWELL, Kent co , Mich., 626 e. LOWER SARANAO LAKE, Franklin co., N. Y. 1527 e. LOWVILLE ACADEMY, Lewis CO., N. Y., 800 e , 43° 47' n. lat., 75° 33' Ion. w., 63° t, 32.69 r. f. LOXA FORESTS, E. of, Peru, 6 to 8000 e. LOZERE MT., France, 4884 e. LECIN, Utah 4400 e. LUDLOW, Vt., 890 e. LUDLOWVILLE, N. Y., 600 e. LUMBERTON, N. C, 114 e. LUNENBURG, Worcester co., Mass., 450 e., 42° 35' n. lat., 41° 43' Ion. w. LUNENBURG, Essex co., Vt., 44° 28' n. lat., 71° 41' Ion. w., 39.58 r, f. LDNGAQUILA, Ireland, 3037 e. LYMAN VIADUCT, New London co., Conn., 340 e., 36" 30' n. lat., 79° 07' Ion. w., 57° t. LYNCHBURG, Campbell co., Va., 528 e. LUZERNE, N. Y., 500 e. LYNDE POINT, Conn., 10 e. LYNDON, Vt., 735 e. LYNN, Essex co., Mass., to 230 e., 42° 28' n. lat., 70° 57' Ion. w., 39.58 r. f. LYNNVILLE, Pa., 630 e. LYONS, N. Y.,4l0e. LYONS CITY, Iowa, 630 e., 41° 50' n. lat., 90° 10' Ion. w., 43.72 r. f. LYONS FALLS, N. Y., 734 e. LYON, Lawrence co., Mo., 970 e. M. McADAM, York co., N. Bruns., 435 e. McCONNELL'S, Sacramento co;, Cal., 4922 e. McCONNELLSVILLE, Oneida co., N, Y., 471 e. McGONNELLSTOWN, Huntingdon, co.. Pa., 655 e. McGILLICUDDY'S REEFS, Kerry co., Ire'and, 3404 e. McGRAWVILLE, N. Y., 1450 e., 42° 34' n. lat., 76° 11' Ion. w. McINDOES' FALLS, Vt., 440 e. McKEESPORT, Alleghany county, Pa., 684 e. McKEAN, Pa., 1500 e., 41° 55' n. lat., 78° 26' Ion. w., 35.52 r. f. McKINNY, Collin co., Tex., 700 e. MACKINAC, Mich., 700 e., 45° 51' n. lat., 84° 35' Ion. w., 40° t., 21.05 r. f. McKUNES, Wyoming co.. Pa., 600 e. McLEAN'S LANDING,Crawford co., Ark. , 366 e. McLEANSBOROUGH, Hamilton co., 111., 443 e. McLERANS. Vt., 460 e. McMINNVILLE, Warren co., Tenn., 1000 e., 35° 42' n. lat., 85° 51' Ion. w. McPHERSON, Nebr., 2695 e. McRAVETT, Tex., 2060 e. McVEYTOWN, Pa., 510 e. MADDOX BRANCH. Cass co.. Mo., 860 9. MADELINE ISLAND, Lake Sup., 620 e., 46° 47' n. lat., S0° 33' Ion. w. MADELIA, Watonwan co., Minn., 1122 e., MADISON, Jefferson co., Ind., 450 e. MADISON, Mich., 450 e., 38° 45' n. lat., 85° 20' Ion. w., 57.86 r. f. MADISON, N. J., 245 e. MADISON BARRACKS, N. Y., 262 e., 43° 57' n. lat., 76°15' Ion. w., 33.72 r. f. MADISON, Williams co., Ohio, 650 e., 41° 50' n. lat., 81° Ion. w., 49 r. f. MADISON, Dane co., Wis., 1068 e., 43° 05' n. lat., 89° 24' Ion. w. MADISON, Tenn., 480 e. MADISONVILLE, Ky., 460 e. MADRID, N. Y., 280 e., 44° 43' n. lat., 75° 33' Ion. w., 30.38 r. f. MAGNETIC COVE MT., Ark., 800 e. MAGNOLIA, 111., 300 e., 41° 15' n. lat., 89° 15' Ion. w. MAGUADAVIC, York co.. New Bruns., 365 e. MAHANOY, Scbuvlkill co., Pa., 1214 e. MAHANOY CREEK, (Ashland Gap,) Pa., 860 e. 35 MAHANOY PLAIN, (head of) Schuylkill CO., Pa., 1479 e. MAHONOY PLAIN, (foot of) Schuylkill CO., Pa., 1127 e. MAINE AND NEW HAMPSHIRE STATE LINE, Coos CO., N. H., 733 e. MAKRYNO MT., Greece, 7829 e. MAKUCHIN VOLCANO, Alaska, 569 e. MALONE, N. Y., 645 e., 44° 50' n. lat., 74° 23' Ion. w., 43° t., 31.45 r. f. MALVERN HILLS, En?., 1444 e, MANATEE, Manatee co., Fla., e., 27° 30', 82° 45' Ion. w. MANASSAS, Prince William CO., Va., 317 e. MANASSAS GAP,(Blue Ridge mts.,)Va., 945 e. MANCHESTER, Conn., 108 e. MANCHESTER, 111., 683 e., 39° 33' n. lat., 90° 34' Ion. w., 37.79 r, f. MANCHESTER, Hillsborough co., N. H., 300 e., 42° 50' n. lat., 71° 28' Ion. w., 45.17 r. f. MANCHESTER, Ocean co., N. J., 64 e. MANCHESTER, Pa., 750 e., 40« 32' n. lat., 80° 03' Ion. w., 36.76 r. f. MANCHESTER, Vt., 891 e. MANHATTAN, Riley co., Kan., 1000 e., 39° 13' n. lat., 95° 45' Ion. w., 30.53 r. f. MANISTEE CITY, Mich., 616 e., 44° n. lat., 86° 10' Ion. w. MANITOWOC, Manitowoc co., Wis., 658 e., 44° 07' n. lat., 87° 45' Ion. w., 45° t., 20.29 r. f. MANN, Mexico, 1354 e. MANNINGTON, W. Va., 966 e. MANNSVILLE, Jefferson co., N. Y., 573 e. MANSFIELD, Bristol co., Mass., 206 e. MANSFIELD, Richland co., Ohio, 1141 e. MANSFIELD, Tioga R. R., Pa., 1105 e. MAPLE GROVE, Sheboygan co., Wis., 675 e. MAPLETON, Penn., 581 e. MAPLEWOOD, N. J., 134 e. MARATHON, N. Y., 200 e. MARAVACA P., Brazil, 10500 e. MARBLEHEAD, Mass., e., 42° 30' n, lat., 70° 52' Ion. w. MARIETTA, Ohio, 580 e., 39° 25' n. lat., 81° 29' Ion. w., 50° t., 42.70 r. f. MARION, Lauderdale CO., Miss., 83 e., 32° 25' n. lat., 86° 05' Ion. w, MARION, McDowell co,, N. C, 1430 e. MARION, Ohio, 1077 e., 40° 35' n. lat., 83° 07' Ion. w., 43 r. f. MARION COUNTY, MTS. ON FISHING CREEK, Ohio, 675 e. MARION, Perry co., Ala., 350 e. MARION, Va. & Tenn.,R. R.,Va., 2129e. MARION, Marion co., Ohio, 1000 e. MARKLESBURG, Huntingdon co., Pa., 771 e. MARLBORO, Mass., 383 e. MARLBORO, N. H., 801 e. MARLVILLE, Bladen co.,N. C, 68 e. MARMATON STATION, Bourbon co., Kan., 1029 e. MARQUETTE, Mich., 630 e., 46° 33' n. lat., 87° 23' Ion. w., 41° t., 30.01 r. f. MARQUETTE, Ohio, 850 e. MARSH CREEK, head of Tioga co., Pa., 1171 e. MARSHALL, Iowa, 906 e. MARSHALL, Clark co.. 111., 501 e. MARSHALL, Calhoun co., Mich., 889 e. MARSHALL, Pa., 200 e. MARSHALL, N. C, 1647 e. MARSHFIELD, Webster co.. Mo., 1482 e. MARSTON, Wyo., 6245 e. MARTHA'S VINEYARD, (highest point,) 200 e. MARTINSBURG, Md., 445 e. MARTINSVILLE, Clark co., 111., 530 e. MARY HALL'S HOUSE, Va., 471 e., 38° 54' n. lat., 77° 07' Ion. w. MARYLAND, Otsego co., N. Y., 1215 e. MARYSFORD, Iowa, 1148e. MARYSVILLE, Yuba co., Cal., 80 e., 39° 21'n. lat., 121° 30' Ion. w. MARYSVILLE, Pa., 330 e. MARYSVILLE, Union co., Ohio, 990 e. MASCONTAH, St. Clair co.. 111., 505 e. MASSENA SPRINGS, St. Lawrence co., N. Y., 177 e. MATAMORAS DE AZUCAN, Mexico, 3400 e. MATANZAS, Cuba, 50 e., 23° 02' n. lat., 81° 43' Ion. w., 55.29 r. f. MATLIN, Box Elder co., Utah, 4821 e. MATTAWAMKEAG, Me., 205 e. MATTAWAN, Van Buren co., 850 e. MATTOON, Coles co.. 111., 740 e., 39° 29' n. lat., 45° 20' Ion. w. MAUCH CHUNK, Carbon co., Pa„ 500 e. MAUCH CHUNK, Coal Mines, 936 e. MAA MEADOW, Va. and Tenn. R. R., Va., 2024-e. MEADOW BANK, Europ. andN. Amer.R. R., New Bruns., 73 e. MEADOW CREEK SUMMIT, Va., 2079 e. MEADOW MT., Pa., 2550 e. MEADOW VALLEY, Cal., 4000 e., 40° 20' n. lat., 120° 15' Ion. w., 57.03 r. f. MEADVILLE, Pa., 1088 e., 41° 39' n. lat, 80° 11' Ion. w., 50° t., 40.48 r. f. MECHANICSBURG, Penn., 423 e. MECHANICS FALLS, Maine, 282 e. MECHANICSTOWN. Md., 479 e. MECHUM'S RIVER, Albemarle, co., Va., 490 e. MEDICINE BOW, Wyo., 6550 e. MEDINA, Ohio, 1206 e., 41° 67' n. lat., 81° 42' Ion. w., 43.28 r. f, MEDFIELD, Mass., 150 e., 42° 15' n. lat., 71° 20' Ion. w., 46° t. 86 MEDFORD, Suffolk co., N. Y., 89 e. MEDFORD GATES, Boston and Lowell R. R., Mass., 20 e. MEHOOPANY, Wjoming co., Pa., 636 e. MELROSE, Iowa, 834 e. MEMPHIS, Shelbj co., Tenn., 262 e , 35° 08^ n. lat., 90° Ion. w., 60° t., 49.24 r.f. MENASHA, Winnebagro co., Wis., 1b5 e. MENDOCIA, 111., 439 e. MENDOCIN CAPE, n. w. coast of Amer., e., 40° 29^ n. lat., 124° 29'' Ion. w. MERIDEN, Jefferson co., Kan., 993 e. MENDON, Vt., 3898 e. MENDON PEAK, Bridgewater, Vt., 2552 e. MEQUON, Ozaukee co., Wis., 648 e. MERAMECK RIVER, Franklin co , Mo., 541 e. MERAPE, Java, 9170 e. MERCED, Stanislaus co„ Cal., 171 e. MEREDITH VILLAGE, N. H., 543 e. MERIDA, Yucatan, 25 e., 21° n. lat. MERIDIAN, Lauderdale co., Miss., 319 e. MERON, Sullivan co., Ind., 500 e., 93° 10^ n. lat., 87° 40^ Ion. w. MESADA MT., Andes Mt., 19356 e., 16° 30^ s. lat., 67° 52^ Ion. w. MESCATA, Mex., 1588 e. MESHOPPEN, Wyoming co., Pa., 646 e. METAMORAS, Mexico, 55 e., 25° 52^ n. lat., 97° 27^ Ion. w., 36.74 r. f. MEXICO, Mexico, 7665 e., 19° 30^ n. lat., 99° 01^ Ion. w. MEXICO ACADEMY, Oswego co., N. Y., 331 e., 43° 27^ n. lat., 76° 14' Ion. w., 44° t., 30.78 r. f. MEXICO, Pennsylvania Central R. R., Pa., 422 e. MEZIN MT., France, 5794 e. MICANOPY, Fla., 78 e., 29° 35' n. lat., 82° 31' Ion. w., 70° t., 54.36 r. f. MICHIGAN BLUFFS, Placer co., Cal., 3492 e. MICHIGAN CITY, Laporte co., Ind., 622 e., 41° 44' n. lat., 86° 55' Ion. w., 49° t., 31.70 r. f. MICHICIPOTEN, Can. West, 660 e., 47° 56' n. lat, 85° 06' Ion. w., 38° t, 27.81 r.f. MIDDLEBURG, N. Y., 500 e., 43° 08' n. lat., 78° 20' Ion. w., 46° t. MIDDLEBURG, Md., 485 e. MIDDLEBURG, Ohio, 1152 e. MIDDLEBURG, Addison co., Vt., 398 e.. 43° 39' n. lat., 73° 10' Ion. w., 36.62 r. f. MIDDLEBURG ACADEMY,Wyomingco., N. Y., 800 6., 42° 49' n. lat., 78° 10° Ion. w., 46° t., 30.47 r. f. MIDDLEBURG TURNPIKE, Vermont, 2063 e. MIDDLEFIELD, Hampshire co., Mass., 190 e. MIDDLETON, Iowa, 606 e. MIDDLETOWN, Middlesex co.. Conn., 175 e., 41° 33' n. lat., 72° 34' Ion. w., 46.63 r. f. MIDDLETOWN, N. J., 192 e., 41° 33' n. lat., 72° 39' Ion. w., 53° t., 44.20 r. f. MIDDLETON, Erie R. R., N. Y., 563 e. MIDDLETON, Hardeman co., Tenn.,408 e. MIDDLETON, Newberry co., S. C, 125 e. MIDDLETON, Pa., 276 e. MIDWAY, San Joaquin co., Cal., 351 e. MIER, Mexico, 417 e. MIFFLINTOWN, Pa., 429 e., 40° 34' n. lat., 77° 28' Ion. w., 50° t. MILAN WATER STATION, N. H., 1100©. MILFORD, Kent CO., Del., 25 e., 38° DS' n. lat., 75° 27' Ion. w. MILFORD, N. J., 135 e. MILFORD, Caroline co , Va., 100 e. MILITARY ASYLUM, (near Washington, D. C.,) Md., 328 e., 38° 56' n. lat., 77° 00' Ion. w. MILLBORO, Bath co., Va., 1679 e. MILLBURN, N. J., 147 e. MILLBURY, Worcester co., Mass., 395 e. MILL CREEK, Tioga R. R., Pa., 1042 e, MILL CREEK, Penn. Centr. R. R., Pa., 590 e. MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga., 577 e., 33° 07' n. lat., 83° 20' Ion. w. MILLERSBURG, Ky., 804 e., 35° 40' n. lat., 84° 27' Ion. w , 41.12 r. f. MILLERSBURG, Phila. and Erie R. B., Pa. 375 e. MILLERSTOWN, Penn. Centr. R. R., Pa., 396 e. MILLERTON, N. Y. and Hudson R. B., N. Y., 700 e. MILLIS, Wyoming, 6790 e. MILLSTONE, New Jersey R. R., N. J., 54 e. MILLVILLE, Orleans co., N. Y., 600 e., 43° 05' n. lat., 78° 20' Ion. w., 46° t., 31.52 r. f. MILLVILLE, W. Jersey R. R., N. J., 10 to 50 e. MILO, Bang, and Piscat. R. R., Me,,264«. MILO, Yates co., N. Y., 868 e. MILROY, Penn. Centr. R. R., Pa., 987 6. MILTON, Fayette co., Ind., 800 e., 39" 47' n. lat., 85° 02' Ion. w., 52° t. MILTON, Norfolk co., Mass., 115 e., 42° 14' n. lat., 71° 06' Ion. w. MILTON, N. H., 415 e. MILTON, Northumberland co , Pa., 451 «. MILTON, Vt, 298 e. MILTSEEN MT., Morocco, Africa, 11380 e. MILWAUKIE, Wis., 591 e., 43° 03' n. lat., 87° 56' Ion. w., 46° t, 30.13 r. f. MINATITLAN, Mex., 60 e., 17° 59' n. lat., 94° 07' Ion. w. MINE HILL PLACE, Broad Mt., Penu., 1515 e. MINERAL BAR, Placer co., Cal., 1121 e. 37 MINERAL SPRING, Hampstead co.,Ark., 600 e. MINERAL RIDGE, Boone co., Iowa, 1200 e , 42° 06^ n. lat., 93° 40' Ion. w. MINE RIDGE, Pa., 599 e. MINERSVILLE, Pa., G&5 e. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., 720 to 8.35 e..45° 56' n. lat., 93° IC Ion. w., 27.38 r. f. MINNEASKA, Winona to.. Minn., 1600 e. MINONK, Woodlord co., 111., 748 e. MINSTER, Auglaize co., Ohio, 81.5 e MIRADER, Mex., 2500 e., 19° 15' u. Int., 96° 12' Ion. w., 84.47 r. f. MIRAGE, Churchill co., Nev., 4250 e. MISER, Wyo., 6810 e. MISSION PEAKS, San Francisco. Cal., 1200 e. MISSISSINEWA, Grant co., Ind., 784 e. MISSOULA, Missoula co., Mont., 3900 e., 46° 45' n. lat., 1 13° 45' Ion. w MITCHELL'S, Tioga R. R, Pa., 996 e. MISSOURI CITV, Colo., 9073 e. MISSOURI RIVER, mouth of, St. Louis, Mo., 388 e., 38°50' n, lat., 91°13' Ion. w. MISSOURI VALLEY STATION, Iowa, 1018 e. MITCHELL, Iowa, 1220 e. MITCHELL MT., Australia, 4100 e., 28° s. lat. MITCHELLVILLR, Iowa, 941 e. MIXVILLE LANDING, N. Y., 1152 e. MOBILE, Ala., 30 e. 30° 41' n. lat., 88° 02' Ion. w., 70° t., 64.47 r. f. MOD ALE, Harrison co., Iowa, 1018 e. MODESTO, Stanislaus co., Cal., 91 e. MOHAWK, N. Y., 435 e. MOINGONA, Boone co., Iowa, 919 e. MOJAVE CANON, Colo., 524 e. MOKELUMNE, San Joaquin co., Cal., 5523 e. MOKELUMNE HILL, Calaveras co., G-A., 1681 e. MOLEEN, Elko co., Nev., 4982 e. MOLINO, near El Paso, Texas, 3830 e. MONA VALLAGH, Ireland, 2598 e. MONCEY, N. Y., 557 e. MONDAMIN, Harrison co., Iowa, 1020 e. MONKS HILL, Plymouth co., Mass., 200 e. MONMOUTH, 111., 780 e. MONMOUTH, Kennebec co., Me., 260 e. MONONGAHELA RIV., W. Va. and Pa. State Line, 775 e. MONONOMY POINT LIGHT, Cape Cod, Mass>, 25 e., 41° 33' n. lat., 70° Ion. w. MONROVIA, Md., 380 e. MONROE, Iowa, 924 e. MONROE, La., 88 e. MONROE, Mich., 584 e., 41° 58' n. lat, 83° 22' Ion. w., 32 r. f. MONROE, Union co., N. C, 600 e. MONROE ACADEMY, Monroe co., N. Y., 600 e., 43° 06' n. lat., 77^^ 51' Ion. w., 45.84 t. MONROE, Pa., 1 065 e. MONSON, Piscataquis co., Me., 853 e. MOUNT CENIS, Savoy, (;778 e. MONTE CI.VIONE. Appe nines, 6975 e. MONTE CORNO, Italy, 9519 e. MONTE GENEVRE, Alp,-^. 6560 e. MONTE PEYNINO, Pontifical States, 5250 e. MONTE PERDU, Pyrenees, 11283 e. MONTE ROSA, Alps, 152U8 e., 45° 56' n. lat, 7° 52' 10" Ion. e. MONTE SIB.LLA, Pontifical States, 7210 e. MONTE VELINO, Naples. Italy, 8397 e. MONTE VETORA, Pontifical States, 8133 e. MONTE VISO, Alps, \2fx5 e. MONTPELIER. Vt, 485 ' . MONROEVILLE, Ala., ]->0 e., 31° 53' u. lat, 87° 25' Ion. w., 60.89 r. f. MONTAGUE, Franklin cw , Mass., 130 e. MONTAGUE HILL, Bii Igowater, Vt, 3320 e. MONTELLO, Elko co., N( v., 4800 e. MONTEREY, Cal., 140 e.. 36° 36' n. lat., 121° 52' Ion. w., 56° 30 t. 15.29 r. f. MONTEREY, Mex., 1630 t. MONTROSS, Va., 200 e., 38° 07' n. lat., 76° 14' Ion. w. MONTVILLE. N. J., 316 e. MONTVILLE, Ohio, 1255 e., 41° 07' n. lat, 81° 37' Ion. w., 31. 14 r. f. MONTEZUMA, Tuolumne co., Cal., 1787 e. MONTEZUMA, N. Y., 389 e. MONTGOMERY, Ala., 1<;2 e., 37° 25' n. lat, 86° 22' Ion. w. MONTGOMERY, N. Y., 300 e., 41° 37' n. lat , 74° Ion. w., 48° t, 34.18 r. f. MONTICELLO, Iowa, 800 e., 42° 15' n. lat., 91° 15' Ion. w., 36 r. f. MONTICELLO. Va., 600 e, MONTICELLO, Lawrence co.,Miss., 360 e. MONTROSE, Henry co.. Mo., 934 e. MONTROSE STATION* New Haven co.. Conn., 10 e. MONTREAL, Canada East, 57 e., 45° 30' n lat., 73° 36' Ion. w., 64° t., 41.76 r. f. MONTROSE, N. J., 161 e. MONTROSE, Penn., 1050 e. MONUMENT, Wallace co., Kansas, 3083 e. MONUMENT, Box Elder CO.. Utah, 4290 e. MOOREHEAD CITY WHARF, N. C.,44e. MOORELAND, Pa., 250 e., 40° n. lat, 75° 11' Ion. w., 46.09 r. f. MOOSEHEAD, Clay co., Minn., 803 e. • MOORE'S, Elko co., Nevada, 6166 e. MOORE'S FACTORY, Brit. Amer., 30 e., 51° 15' n. lat, 80° 45' Ion. w., 77° t„ 19.07 r. f. MOORE LAKE, N. Y., 1772 e. MOOSEHEAD LAKE, Piscataquis co., Me., 1038 e. 38 MOOSE MT., N. H., 1000 e. MOOSHELOC MTS., N. H., 4636 e. MOOSIC MTS., Pa., 2000 e. MOOSUP, Ct., 234 e. MOQUIS DESERT, Arizona, 6281 e. MORAVIA, Iowa, 1005 e. MORAVIA, Cayuga CO., N. Y., 721 e. MOREAU CREEK, Cole co., Mo., 501 e. MORGANTOWN, Burke co., N. C, 215 e. MORGANTOWN, Monongahela co., W. Va., 894 e. MORGAN'S CORNER, Phila. and Erie R. R., Pa., 399 e. MORGARBTTA, Erie co., Ohio, 850 e. MORICHES, Suffolk co., N. Y., 13 e. MORNK GAROU P., W. India, 5050 e. MORRIS, Ostego co., N. Y., 1145 e. MORRIS, Stevens co., N. Y., 1117 e. MORRISANIA, N. Y., 150 e. MORRIS PLAINS, N. J., 404 e. MORRISTOWN, Morris co., N. J., 326 e. MORRISVILLE, N. C, 308 e. MORRISVILLE, Pa., 30 e., 40° 13^ n. lat., 74° 50^ Ion. w., 51° t., 43.62 r. f. MORRO DOS CANNDOS, Brazil, 4476 e. MORROW, Warren co., Ohio. 70 e. MORSES' POND, Needham, Mass., 1126 e. MOSCOW, Iowa., 634 e. MOSCOW, Fayette co., Tenn., 352 e. MOSEL, Sheboygan co., Wis., 635 e. MOSCOW, Pa., 1551 e. MOSELLE, Franklin CO., Mo., 933 e. MOSINEE, Marathon co.,Wis., 450 e., 45° n. lat., 89° 30^ Ion. w. MOSQUITO INLET, Volusia co., Florida, 10 e. MOSS GROVE, Pa., 1400 e., 41° 40' n. lat., 79 50'' Ion. w., 37 r. f. MORSE GROVE, Plantation, La., 68 e. MOUNDS, 111., highest land in State, 1100 e. MOULTON, Laurence co., Ala., 643 e., 34° 56' n. lat., 87° 25' Ion. w. MOUND CITY, Pulaski co.. 111., 317 e. MOUNDSVILLE; Va., 637 e. MOUNT ADAMS, Cascade Mts., Oregon, 12,000 e., 46° n. lat. MOUNT ADAMS, Wvthe co.. White Mts., N.H., 5960 8. MOUNTAIN SPRING, Placer co., Cal., •2090 e. MOUNT AIRY, Md., 755 e. MOUNT AIRY RIDGE, Va. and Tennessee R. R. Va. 2594 e. MOUNT ANTHONY, Bridgewater, Vt., 2550 e. MOUNT ARARAT, Pa., 3200 e. MOUNT ATH03, Rumelia, 3353 e. MOUNT AUBURN, Hamilton co., N.Y., 1000 e. MOUNT AUBURN, Beaton CO., La., 873 e. MOUNT AUBURN, Cincinnati, Ohio,8Sl e. MOUNT AUDUBON, Col., 13402 e. MOUNT AUDUBON, (timber line,) Col., 11325 e. MOUNT BAKER, Cascade Mts., Oregon, 14000 e., 48° 40' n. lat. MOUNT BALLEY, Humboldt co , Cal., 6357 e. MOUNT BLACKMORE, Mont., 10134 e. MOUNT BLANC, Switzerland, 15646 e. MOUNT BRADDOCK, Pa., 1050 e. MOUNT BREWER, Mariposa, California, 13,336 e. MOUNT BROWN, Rocky Mts., British Araer., 15,800 e., 45° 20' n. lat. MOUNT BUCKLEY, N. C, 6599 e. MOUNT CALDER PEAK, Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, 9000 e. MOUNT CARBON, Phila. and Reading R. R., Pa., 590 e. MOUNT CARMEL, Wabash co.. 111., 453 e. MOUNT CARMEL, Franklin co., lad., 900 e., 39° IV a. lat., 81° 51'' Ion. w. MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland co., Pa., 1100 e. MOUNT CARTER, N. H., north Peak, 4702 e. MOUNT CARTER, N. H., south Peak, 4830 e. MOUNT CLAY. N. H., 5553 e. MOUNT CLINTON, N. H., 4200 e. MOUNT CRANE, Warren co.,N. Y., 3000 e. MOUNT CRILLON, Peak, Alaska, 3500 e. MOUNT DALLAS,Bradfordco.,Pa.,1036e. MOUNT DANA, Fresno, CaL, 13227 e. MOUNT DELANO, MOnt., 10200 e. MOUNT DESERT, Hancock co.. Me., 80 e. MOUNT DEVASTATION, Peak, Alaska, 5525 6. MOUNT DIABLO, Contra Costa co.,CaI., 3876 e., 37° 50' n. lat. .MOUNT D'OR, France, 6202 e. MOUNT EAGLE, Phila. and Read, R. R., Pa., 1136 e. MOUNT EDGECAULE PEAK, Alaska, 2855 e. MOUNT ELBROOZ, Caucasus mt. range, 18000 e. MOUNT EMMONS, Hamilton co., N. Y., 4000 e. MOUNT FAIRVVEATHER,Alaska,14000 e. MOUNT FLORA, Col., 12878 e. MOUNT FOREST, Ontario co., British America, 450 e. MOUNT FRANKLIN, White Mts., N. H., 4850 e. MOUNT GARFIELD, Idaho, 9704 e. MOUNT GIBBS, N.C., 6591 e. MOUNT GODDARD, Cal., 13000 e., 39"^ n. lat. MOUNT GUYOT, Colo., 13223 e. MOUNT HAMILTON, Santa Clara co., 4450 e., Cal., 37° 20' n. lat. MOUNT HAYDEN, Wyo., 13858 e. 39 MOUNT HARVARD, Col., 14270 e. MOUNT' HODGES, Uintah Mts., 13500 e. MOUNT HOHONILA, Alaska, 1000 e. MOUNT HOLY, N. J., 30 e., 40° n. lat., 74° 43'' Ion. w. MOUNT HOLY, Vt.. 1415 e. MOUNT HOLYOKE, Mass., 1120 e. MOUNT HOOD, Rocky Mts., Idaho, 14000 e., 45° 20'' n. lat. MOUNT HOOD STATION, Wasco co., Oregon, 400 e. MOUNT HOOD, Oregon, 17600 e. MOUNT HOOKER, Rocky Mts., British Araer., 15960 e. MOUNT HOPE, Rush co., Ind., 750 e. MOUNT HOPE, R. L, 198 e. MOUNT IDA, Anatolia, Asia, 4960 e., 36° 12^ n. lat., 26° 54^ Ion. e. MOUNT JACKSON, White Mts., N. H., 4100 e. MOUNT JEFFERSON, White Mt3.,N. H., 5860 e. MOUNT JEFFERSON, Cascade Mts., Or., 12000 e., 44° 30^ n. lat. MOUNT KABBAK, Caucassus Mt.,16000e. MOUNT KATAHDIN, Me., 5200 e., 45° 45'' n. lat. MOUNT KAWEAH, Tulare, Cal., 14000 e. MOUNT KENNICOTT P., Plover Bay, 2343 e. MOUNT LAFAYETTE, White Mts., N. H., 5200 e. MOUNT LINCOLN, Colo., 14173 e. MOUNT LINDBSAY, Australia, 5700 e. MOUNT LYELL, Cal., 13500 e., 37° 45', n. lal. MOUNT McMARTIN, Essex co., N., Y., 5000 e. MOUNT McINTYRE, Adirondack mts., N. Y., 5183 e. MOUNT MADISON, White Mts., N. H., 5415 e. MOUNT MARCY, Essex co., N. Y., 5467 e., 44° 10' n. lat. MOUNT MELIMOYN, Patagonia, 7400 e., 44° s. lat. MOUNT MEZIN, Covennes Mts., France, 5794 e. MOUNT MISERY, St. Christopher Island, 3711 e. \ MOUNT MITCHELL, N. C, 658 e. MOUNT MOLESON, Switzerland, 6583 e. MOUNT MONROE, White Mts., N. H., 5350 e. MOUNT MORRIS, N. Y., 603 e. MOUNT NIPPLE TOP, Essex co., N. Y., 4900 e. MOUNT OLAN, Savoy, 13819 e. MOUNT OLIVE, N. C, 100 e. MOUNT OLYMPOS, Anatovia, Asia, 6500 e. MOUNT OMO A, Honduras, Centr. Amer., 7000 e., 15° 4' n. lat. MOUNT OWEN STANLEY, Papua Is- land 13205 e., 8° 54' s. lat., 147° 30' Ion. e. MOUNT PHAROAH, Essex co., N. Y., 4500 e. MOUNT PIERCE, Humboldt co., Cal., 6000 e. MOUNT PISGAH, Delaware co., N. Y., 3400 e. MOUNT PISGAH, Penn., 1429 e. MOUNT PLEASANT, Martin co., Ind., 584 e. MOUNT PLEASANT, Iowa, 706 e., 40° 58' n. lat., 91° 38' Ion. w. MOUNT PLEASANT, N. H., 4715 e. MOUNT PLEASANT ACADEMY, West- chester co., N. Y., 125 e., 41° 09' n. lat., 73° 47' Ion. w., 47° t., 36.09 r. f. MOUNT PLEASANT, Montgomery co., Pa., 470 e. MOUNT PLEASANT, S. C, 20 e., 32° 47' n. lat., 79° 55' Ion. w. MOUNT PROSPECT, Sierra Nev., Cal , 5000 e. MOUNT RAINER, Cascade Mts., Oregon, 14500 e., 46° 40' n. lat. MOUNT RATTLESNAKE, South Pacific Ocean, 2689 e. MOUNT ROTONDO, Corsica, 9054 e. MOUNT ST. ELIAS, Alaska, 6000 e.,60° n lat., 140° 50' 6" Ion. w. MOUNT ST. ELIAS, Santorini Island, 1887 e., 36° 22' n. lat., 25° 2S' Ion. e. MOUNT ST. ELIAS, Aeffinal3land,1752 e. MOUNT ST. GOTHARD, Alps, 6976 e. MOUNT ST. HELENA PEAK, Cal.. 4343 e. MOUNT * ST. HELENS, Cascade mts., 15500 e., 46° 10' n. lat. MOUNT ST. HELENS, Sierra Nev., Cal., 3500 e. MOUNT ST. MARY'S COLLEGE, Md., 715 e. MOUNT SAN BERNARDINO, Cal., 8370 e. MOUNT SANDAMON, Essex co., N. Y., 5000 e. MOUNT SARMIENTO, South Land,7000 e. MOUNT SAVAGE, Allegheny co., Md., 1130 e. MOUNT SEA VIEW, Australia, 6000 e. MOUNT SERRAT,Catalonia,Spain,3300 e. MOUNT SEVELLAN, Persia, 12,000 e. M0U?4T SEWARD, N. H., 5150 e. MOUNT SEWARD, Franklin co., N. Y., 5100 e. MOUNT SHASTA, Cal., 14500 e., 41° n. lat. MOUNT SHERIDAN, Wyo., 10420 e. MOUNT SHISHOLDEN PEAK, Alaska, 8955 e. MOUNT SILLIM AN, Cal., 11800 e., 36° 40' n. lat. MOUNT STERLING, Brown co., Ill.,525 e V 'o 7 5^ "n^^^; 40 MOUNT SUCKLING, Papua Island, 11226 e., 9° 45^ s. lat., 149° Ion. e. MOUNT TAMALAPJS, Minn co., Cal., 2604 e. MOUNT TAYLOR, Hamilton co., N. Y., 4500 e. MOUNT THOM, Litchfield, Conn., 700 e. MOUNT TOHKWANU, Uintah Mts,13500e. MOUNT TOM, Hampden CO., Mass., 1320 e. MOUNT TOM, N. Peak, Vt., 1351 e. MOUNT TOM, S. Peak, Vt., 1244 e. MOUNT TOPPIN, Cortland co., N. Y., 1700 e. MOUNT TYNDALL, Tulare co., Cal., 14386 e., 36° 4^ n. lat. MOUNT UNION, Penn. Centr. R. R., Pa., 585 e. MOUNT VERNON, Posey co., Ind., 489 e. MOUNT VERNON, Lawrence co.. Mo., 1420 e. MOUNT VERNON, Arsenal, Ala., 200 e., 31° 12^ n. lat., 88° 02' Ion. w., 66.14 r. f. MOUNT VERNON, 111 , 586 e. MOUNT VERNON TOWNSHIP, Fairfax CO., Va., 150 e., 30° 40' n. lat., 77° 15' Ion. w. MOUNT VESUVIUS, Italy, 3978 e. MOUNT VIEW, Va., 521 e., 38° n. lat., 78° 30' Ion. w. MOUNT WASHINGTON, Mass., 1480 e. MOUNT WASHINGTON PEAK, Mass., 2624 e. MOUNT WASHINGTON, N. H., 6293 e., 44° 16' n. lat., 71° 18' Ion. w. MOUNT WASHINGTON & MT. MONROE, Gaj) between, N. H., 5100 e. MOUNT WEBSTER P., N. H., 4000 e. MOUNT WHITE FACE, Essex co., N. Y., 4900 e. MOUNT WHITNEY, Cal., 15086 e., 36° 29' u. lat. MOUNT WILL, Oxford co., Me., 1538 e., MOUNT WILLIAM, Victoria, Australia, 4500 e. MOUNT WRANGLE P., Alaska, 5000 e. MOUNT WRIGHT, Colo., 11,800 e. MOUNT YALE, Col., 14078 e. MOUNT ZION SUMMIT, Blue Ridge, 1244 e. MOURNE MT. RANGE, Ireland, highest p., 2 to 3000 6. MOUTH CHERRY, Dak., 1500 e., 44° 20' n. lat., 100° 10' Ion. w. MUDDY CREEK, Jefferson co., Kansas, 1025 e. MUD CREEK, Manitowoc co., Wis., 816 e. MUD LAKE, N. Y., 1799 e. MUD POND, Ashburnham co., Ct.,1066 c. MUD RIVER, Aiken co., Minn., 1190 e. MUILREA, Ireland, 2733 e. MUIR, Ionia co., Mich., 647 e. MULBERRY HILL, Isle of Wight co., Va., 100 e., 36° 50' n. lat., 76° 50' Ion. w. MULBERRY GROVE, Bond co. , Ill.,543 e. 1 MULEEN, Nevada, 5000 e. ^ MULGRAVE PORT, n. w. Coast of Am., Oe., 59°34'17" u. lat., 139° 42'6' lon.w. MULLANS' PASS, Mont., 5980 e., 46° 38' n. lat., 112° 12' Ion. w. MULLENGAN SUMMIT, Warren co.. Pa., 2470 e. MUNCIE, Delaware co., Ind., 1000 e., 40° 12' n. lat., 85° 16' Ion. w'. MUNCY, Lycoming co., Pa., 504 e. MUNISING, Lake Superior, Mich., 600 e., 46° 20' n. lat., 87° Ion. w.,41° t. MURPHYSBORO, Jackson co.. 111. .540 e. MURRAYSVILLE, Pa., 960 e., 40° 28' n. lat., 79° 35' Ion. w., 40.95 r. f. MURRAYVILLE, 111 . 683 e. MURRO DE BURRAGEIRO, Portugal, . 4296 e. 1 MUSCATINE, Muscatine co., Iowa, 586 e., 41° 26' n. lat., 91° 05' Ion. w., 49° t., 42.88 r. f. MUSKEGON, Muskegon co., Mich., 633 e. MUSTANG SPRINGS, Texas, 1982 e., 32° 04' n. lat. MYRICKS, Depot New Bedford & Taun- ton R. R., Mass., 63 e. MYLES STANDISH HILL, Duxbury, Mass., 150 e. N. NAIN, Labrador, 50 e., 57° 10' n. lat., 61 = 50' Ion. w., 26° t. NANCY'S BROOK, Carroll co , N. H., 1007 e. NANTICOKE MT., Luzerne co.. Pa., 800 e. NANTUCKET, Mass., 30 e., 41° 17' n. lat., 70° 06' lon.w., 50° t., 41.10 r. f. NAPOLEON, Ark., 142 e. NASHUA, Iowa, 993 e. NASHUA, Hillsboro' co., N. H., 159 e. NASHVILLE, Washington co.. 111., 583 e. NASHVILLE, Tenn., 533 e., 36° 10' n. lat., 86° 49' Ion. w., 58° t., 52.02 r. f. NASSAU, West Indies, 80 e., 25° 05' n. lat., 70° 02' Ion. w., 46.75 r. f. NATCHAUG VALLEY, N. Y. and Boston, B. R., Ct., 191 e. NATCHEZ, Miss., 264 e., 31° 34' n. lat., 91° 25' Ion. w., 67° t., 58.32 r. f. NAUVOO, 111., 390 e. NAYATT, R. I., 25 e., 41° 43' n. lat, 71° 20' Ion. w. NAZARETH, Pa., 530 e., 40° 43' n. lat., 75° 21' Ion. w., 43.32 r. f. NEBRASKA CITY, Otoe co., Nebr., 1005 e., 40° 42' n. lat., 95° 45' Ion. w. NEEAH BAY, Wash. Ter., 40 e., 48° 22' n. lat., 124° 37' Ion. w., 123 r. f. NEEDHAM, Mass., 140 e. NEEPIGON, Lake Sup., Can. West.,600 e., 49° n. lat., 88° 30' Ion. w., 36° t. 41 NEGRO MT., Pa., 2825 e. NELSON, Butte CO., Cal., 125 e. NEILGHERRY MT. RANGE, S. India, highest P., 8000 e. NEOSBO, Newton co.,Mo., 1033 e. NEOSHO SUMMIT, Newton cc, Me., 1204 e. NEPHI, Fremont co., Utah, 4938 e. NEPHIN P., Ireland, 2639 e. NESHANIC, Somerset cc, N. J., 88 e. NELTHOU, France, 11168 e. NETTLETON, Pawnee cc, Tex., 2144 e. NEVADA, Nevada cc, Cal., 2500 e. NEVADA, Story co., Iowa, 1013 e. NEVADA, Vernon co., Mc, 850 e. NEVADA BRIDGE, Nevada cc, Cal., 1825 e. NEVADO DE MERIDA,Venezuela,15300e. NEVADO DE SORATA, Chili, 25250 e. NEVADO DE TALUCO, Mex., 14567 e. NEVERSINK MTS., Pa., 804 e. NEVISINK HILLS, N. J., 310 e. NEW ALBANY. Floyd cc, Ind., 353 e., 38°17^ n. lat., 85°45^ Ion. w., 37.€4 r. f. NEWARK, Del., 120 e. NEWARK, N. J., 35 e.,40° 45^ n. Iat.,74° 10^ Ion. w.,50° t., 44.85 r. f. NEWARK, Tioga cc, N. Y., 948 e. NEWARK, Ohio, 825 e., 40° 06' n. lat., 82° 28' Ion. w., 30.66 r. f. NEW BEACON, N. Y., 1685 e. NEW BEDFORD, Bristol co., Mass., 90 e., 41° 39' n. lat., 70° 56' Ion. w., 48° t., 41.42 r. f. NEW BERLIN, Chenango co., N. Y. 1095 e. ' NEWBERNE, Craven cc, N. C, 61 e., 35° 20' n. lat., 77° 51' Ion. NEWBBRN, Pulaski cc, Va,, 2065 e. NEWBERRY, Newberry co., S, C, 502 e. NEW BOSTON, N. H., 513 e. NEW BOSTON, N. Y., 425 e. NEW BOSTON, Pa., 1421 e. NEW BOURBON, Mo., 641 e. NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J., 90 e., 40° 30' n. lat., 74° 27' Ion. w., 43.47 r. f. NEW BUFFALO, Berrien co., Mich., 661 e,, 41° 45' n. lat, 86° 46' lon.w., 44.20 r. f. NEWBURG, Orange cc, N. Y., 150 to 400 e., 41° 31' n. lat., 74" Ion. w., 50° t.. 41.33 r. f. NEWBURG, Clay co., Ind., 636 e. NEWBURY, Mass., 25 e., 42° 45' n. lat., 70° 55' Ion. w. NEWBURY, Vt., 420 e. NEWBURYPOST, Mass., 46 e.,42° 48' a. lat., 70° 52' Ion. w., 47° t., 41.74 r. f. NEW CANTON, Va., 231 e. NEWCASTLE, Placer co., CaL, 920 e. NEWCASTLE, Del, 75 e. NEWCASTLE, Ind., 1000 e., 39° 53' a. lat.,85« 16' Ion. w, 39.21 r. U NEWCASTLE, Me., 88 e. NEWCASTLE, Neb., 800 e. NEWCASTLE, Pa., 876 e. NEWCOMB LAKE, Essex co., N. Y., 1698 e. NEW CREEK, W. Va., 19i e. NEW ENGLAND MILL, Placer co.,Cal., 2280 e. NBWFIELD, Gloucester co., N. J., 180 e., 39° 30' n. lat., 74° 50' Ion. w. NEW GERMANTOWN, N. J., 252 e. NEW GLOUCESTER, Kennebec co.. Me., 108 e. NEW HAMPTON, N. J., 508 e. NEW HARMONY, Posey cc, Ind., 350 e., 38° 108' n. lat., 87° 50' Ion. w., 55° t., 42.85 r. f. NEW HARTFORD, Litchfield co.. Conn., 415 e. NEW HAVEN,Hew Haven co., Conn. ,50 e. , 41° 18' n. lat., 72° 55' Ion. w., 50° t., 44.78 r. f. NEW HAVEN, Aleen co., Ind., 755 e. NEW HAVEN, Ohio, 414 e. NEW HOLSTEIN, Calamet co.. Wis., 855 e., 43° 45' n. lat., 88° 08' Ion. w. NEW IBERIA, Iberia co.. La., 15 e. NEW JEFFERSON, Iowa, 1069 e. NEW LISBON, Ohio, 961 e, 40° 45' n. lat., 80= 45' Ion. w., 36.07 r. f. NEW LONDON, Conn., 90 e., 41° 21' n. lat., 72° 04' Ion. w., 50° t., 44.71 r. f. NEW LONDON, Huron co., Ohio, 988 e. NEW MARKET, Abbeville co., S. C, 622 e. NEW MARKET, Rockingham co., N. H., 47 e. NEW MARTINSVILLE, Witzel cc, W. Va., 922 e. NEW MILFoRD,Ct., 221 e. NEW MILFORD, Penn., 1088 e. NEW ORLEANS, La., 10 e., 29° 57' n. hit., 90° Ion. w., 69° t., 51 r. f. NEWPORT, Ken., 500 e., 39° n. lat., 84° 29' Ion. w., 53° 70 t. NEWPORT, Penobscot co , Me., 194 e. NEWPORT. Luzerne cc. Pa., 500 e. NEWPORT, R. L, 25 e., 41° 28' n. lat., 71° 21' Ion. w., 50° t., 45.37 r. f. NEWPORT, Orleans co., Vt., 750 e., 44° 55' n. lat., 72° 20' Ion. w. NEWPORT BARRACKS, Ky, 500 e., 39"^ 05' n. lat., 84° 29' Ion. w., 45.89 r. f. NEWPORT NEWS, Va., 45 e. NEW PROVIDENCE, N. J., 247 e. NEW SCOTLAND, N. Y., 321 e. NEW SMYRNA, Fla., 20 e., 28° 54' n. lat., 81° 02' lon.w., 7l°60 t. NEWTON, Iowa., 1400 e. NEWTON, Lancaster CO., Nebr., 1103 e. NEWTON, Haney co., Kans., 1448 e. NEWTON, Catawba co., N. C, 1021 e. NEWTON, Manitowoc co., Wis., 653 e. 42 NEWTOWN, Tioga R. R., N. Y , 265 e. NEWTOWN, Va., 715 e. NEW TRIPOLY, Pa , 530 e. NEW ULM, Austin co., Tex., 300 e. NEW ULM, Brown co., Minn.. K=iOO e-, 42° 16^ n. lat., 94° 26' Ion. w., 27.84 r. f. NEW WESTFIELD, Ohio, 692 e , 41° 13' n. lat., 83° 49' Ion. iv. NEW WIED, Texas, 800 e., 29° 42' n. lat., 98° 15' ion. w., 69° t. NEW WINDSOR, Md., 445 e. NEW YORK, N. Y., to 80 e , 40^42' n. lat., 74° Ion. w., 51° t., 43.23 r. f. NEW YORK, Grand Centr. R. R. Depot, N. Y., 50 e. NEW YORK, Inst, for Deaf and Dumb, N. Y., 159 e., 40° 43' n. lat., 73° 53' Ion. w. NIAGARA, Can. West, 270 e , 43° 09' n. lat., 79° 20' Ion. w., 47° t. NICHOLASVILLE, Ky., 940 e , 37° 58' n. lat., 84° 18' Ion. w., 45.35 r. f. NICHOLAS, Placer co., Cal., 289 e. NICHOLS, Neb., 2882 e. NICHOLS, N. Y., 800 e. NICHOLSON, Wyoming co., Pa., 766 e. NILES, Alameda co., Cal., 148 e. NILES, Berrien co., Mich., 671 e. NINETY-SIX DEPOT, Abbeville co.,, S. C. 550 e. NISHNABOTANY, Iowa, 1151 e. NOSE MTS., Mansfield, Vt, 3983 e. N0BLE8VILLE. Hamilton co., Vt., 750 e. NODAWAY STATION, Iowa, 1061 e. NOOSAHELI, Zer.ans Island, Asia, 9750 e. NORCROSS, Gwinnett co., Ga , 1020 e. NORD, Butte co., Cal., 53 e. NORFOLK, Norfolk co.,Va., 25e , 36° 25' n. lat , 76° 25' Ion. w., 60° t., 45. 18 r. f. NORFOLK SUMMIT, Litchfield co , Con., 1335 e. NORRISTOWN, Montgomery co., Pa., 153 e., 40° OS' n. lat., 75° 19' Ion. w., 46.48 r. f. NORRIS CITY, Fulton CO.. 111., 410 e. NORTH ABINGTON, Luzerne co., Pa., 1180 e. NORTH ADAMS, Berkshire, Mass., 7l0e. NORTH arc; YLE, Washington co., N.Y., 290 e , 43° 18' n. lat., 72° 29' Ion. w. NORTHAMPTON, Hampshire co., Mass., 117 e. NORTH ATTLEBORO, Mass., 175 c., 41° 52' n. lat., 71° 23' Ion. w., 46° t., 44.02 r. f. NORTH BEAR CREEK, Iowa Centr. R. R., Iowa, 920 e. NORTH BEND, Ohio, 800 e., 39° 48' n. lat., 84° 35' Ion. w., 40.98 r. f. NORTH BEND, Nebr., 1259 e. NORTH BERWICK, Me., 134 e. NORTHBORO, Mass., 301 e. NORTH BRANCH, N. Y., 1821 e. NORTH BRANCH, Somerset co , N. J., 87e. NORTH BRIDGETON, Me., 300 e , 44° 03' u. lat., 70° 45' Ion. w. NORTH CANAAN, Ct., 670 e. NORTH CONWAY, Carroll co., N. H., 525 e. NORTH FAIRFIELD, Huron co., Ohio, 660 e., 41° 08' n. lat., 82° 40' Ion w. NORTHFIELD, N. H., 411 e. NORTHFORD STATION, New Haven co., Conn., 71 e. NORTH FORK, Va.. 380 e. NORTH GREENFIELD, Ohio 1107 e. NORTH GREENWICH,Fairfiefa co.,Conn., 300 e., 41° 05' n. lat., 73" 41' Ion. w. NORTH LEEDS, Androscoggin co., Me., 275 e. NORTH LEWISBURG, Champaign co., Ohio, 1072 e. NORTH LEXINGTON, Perry co., Ohio, 931 e. NORTH MT. SUMMIT, Augusta co., Va., 2074 e. NORTH NORWICH, N. Y., 1018 e. NORTH PALERMO, Waldo, Me., 600 e. NORTH PARMA, Monroe co., N. Y.,280 e. NORTH PLATTE, Nebr., 2789 e. NORTH PORT, Suffolk co., N. Y., 74 e. NORTHPORT, Leelenaw co., Mich., 592 e., 45° 05' n. lat., 85° 41' Ion. w. NORTH SALEM, Westchester co., N. Y., 361 e., 41° 26' n. lat., 73° 38' Ion. w., 48° t., 42.41 r. f, NORTH SCITUATE, R. I., 300 e., 41° 50' n. lat., 71° 34' Ion. w. NORTH SPRINGFIELD, Greene co.,Mo., 1532 e. NORTH STRATFORD, N. H., 930 e. NORTHUMBERLAND, Pa., 500 e., 40° 15' n lat., 76° 49' Ion. w., 50° t., 39.14 r. f. NORTHUMBERLAND, N. H., 920 e. NORTH UNION, Iowa, 1250 e. NORTHVILLE, Fulton co., N. Y.. 750 e. NORTH VOLNEY Oswego co., N.Y ,350e. NORTH WALES, Montgomery co., Pa., 377 e. NORTH WEST, Brunswick co., N. C, 60 e. NORTHWOOD, Ohio, 1170 e., 40° 28' n. lat., 83° 45' Ion. w.', 39.11 r. f. NORTH WRENTHAM, .Mass., 218 e. NORTON, Ky., 444 e. NORTON, Ohio, 1200 e., 41° 04' n. lat., 81° 39' Ion. w. NORTONVILLE, Ky., 400 e. NORWALK JUNC, Ct., 22 e. NORWALK, Huron co., Ohio, 620 e., 41° 13' n. lat., 82° 43' Ion. w., 34.14 r. f. NORWAY, La Salle co , 111., 808 e. NORWAY, Wis., 753 e., 42° 50' n. lat., 88° 10' Ion. w., 47.54 r. f. NORWICH, Ct., 50 e., 41° 35' n. lat., 72° 07' Ion. w. 43 NORWICH, Chenango co., N. Y., 996 e. NORVYICH, Windsor co., Vt., 720 e., 43^ 42' n. lat., 72° 11' Ion. w. NOTTINGHAM, N. H., 238 e. NUNDA, N. Y., 947 e. NUNIUA, Ottftwa co., Mich., 648 e. NUPPI VARA, Lapland, R. A., 2655 e. NURSERY HILL, Nebr., 1266 e., 40° 40' n. lat., 95° 50' Ion. w. OAKDALE, Worcester co., Mass., 396e. OAK GROYE, Sussex co., Del., 41 e. OAK HILL, Cumberland co., Me., 120 e. OAK LAKE, Becker co., Minn., 1375 e. OAKLAND, Cal., to 100 e. OAKLAND, Iowa, 1174 e. OAKLAND, B. & 0. R. R., Md., 2380 e. OAKLAND, N. Y., 480 e., 42° 33' n. lat., 74° 32' Ion. w., 49° t. OAKLAND, Tenn., 862 e. OAKLEY'S, Del Lack and West R. R., Pa., 942 e. OBERLIN, Loraine co.,Ohio., 800 e., 41° 20',82°15'lon. w., 48''t. ,34.31r.f. OCHSE.VKOPF P., Bavaria, 3397 e. OCRACOKE LIGHTHOUSE, Ocracoke Island, N. C, 75 e., 35° 05' □. lat., 75° 59' Ion. w. ODA, Kent co., Mich., 657 e. OBRAFAJOKULL P., Iceland, 6409 e., 64° 0' 48" n. lat., 16° 45' 31" Ion. w. O'FALLOWS, Neb., 2976 e. OGALALLA, Neb., 3190 e. OGDEW, Utah, 4340 e. OGDENSBURG, St. Lawrence co., N. Y., 232 e., 44° 43' Ji. lat., 75° 34' Ion. w., 44° t., 37.62 r. f. OGLETHORPE BARRACKS, Ga., 40 e., 32°04'n. lat., 81° 06' Ion. w., 51.33 r.f. OHIO CANAL, highest point, Summit co., Ohio. 965 e. OHIO RIV., mouth of Cairo, 111., 275 e. OJO DKL CUERVO, Texas, 2669 e. OKAMANPIDAN LAKE, Minn., 1304 o. OLD ANDOVER, Morris Canal, N. J., 80 e. OLANON, Me., 120 e. OLATHE, Johnson co., Kan., 947 e. OLD BALDY, Mont., 9711 e. OLD BEACON, Putman co., N. Y., 1471 e. OLD FORT, McDowell co., N. C, 1450 e. OLD MAN'S CREEK, Iowa, 591 e. OLD MINE VILLAGE, Washington co., Mo., 828 e., 38° 00^ 57" Ion. w. OLD MISSION, Mich., 600 e. OLD TOWN, Md., 489 e. OLD TOWN, Penobscot co., Me., 88 e. OLEAN, Cattaraugas CO., N. Y., 845 e. CLEAN POINT, Allegheny Riv., Pa , 1403 e. OLIVET, Eaton co., Mich., 968 e., 46° 26' n. lat, 84° 94' Ion. w. OLYMPIA, Wash. Terr., 300 e., 47° n lat., 122° 30' Ion. w , 51° t. OLYPHANT, Luzerne co., Pa., 777 e. OMAHA CITY, Douglass co., Neor., 996 e , 41° 15' 43" n. lat., 95° 55' 14" Ion. W., 49° t., 35.02 r. f. OMAHA, Nebr., 1300 e. OMBE, Box Elder co., Nqv., 4721 e. ONAQUAQA, N. Y., 985 e. ONAWA, Monona co., Ohio, 1000 e. ONEIDA CONFERANOR, Midisoa co., N. Y., 500 e., 43° 41' n. lat., 75° 50' Ion. w. ONEIDA INST., N. Y., 824 e., 43° 08' n. lat., 75° 14' Ion. w., 44° t., 311.19 r. f. ONEIDA LAKE, N. Y., 360 e. ONEONTA, Otsego co., N. Y., 1076 e. ONION RIVER, Sheboygan co., Wi3.,695e. ONONDAIGUA, Onondaigau co., N. Y., 361 e., 62° 59' n. lat., 76° 06' Ion. w., 47° t. ONTARIO, Wayne co., N. Y., 410 e. ONTONAGON, Mich., 630 e., 46° 52^ a. lat., 89° 31' Ion, w., 40° t., 75.79 r. f. OPHIR MT., Malaca, 5693 e., 2° 30' n. lat., 102° 28' Ion. e. OPHIR MT., Sumarra, 13842 e., 0° n. lat., 100° Ion. e. OOSTBURGH, Sheboygan co.. Wis., 639e. ORANGE, Norris and Essex R. R., N. J., 185 e. ORANGE, Orange co., Va., 525 e. ORANGE GROVE, Manatee co., Fla., 10 e., 27° 28' n. lat., 82° 25' Ion. w. OREANA, Nev., 4206 e. OREGON, Holt CO., Mo., 1100 e., 39° 58' n. lat., 95° 10' Ion. w. OREGON CITY, Oregon, 200 e., 45° 20' n. lat., 122° 24' Ion. w., 54° t., 47.61 r.f. OREGON HILL, Yuta co., Cal., 3677 e. OREGON TOWNSHIP, Pa., 1100 e. ORFORD, Tama co., Iowa, 864 e. ORIEN P., Dalmatia, 6332 e. ORISKAMY, N. Y., 427 e. ORISKAMY FALLS, N. Y., 956 e. ORIZABA VOLCANO, Mex., 17500 e., 19° 20' n. lat., 97° 15' Ion. w. ORONO, Penobscot, Me., 134 a., 44° 53° n. lat., 68° 38' Ion. w. ORNEVILLE SUMMIT, Me., 318 e. ORRIVILLE, Wayne co., Ohio, 1049 e. ORSAIA P., Duchy of Parma, 6180 e. ORTLER SPITZE, Austria, 15430 e. ORURO, Boliva, 12000 e. ORVILLE, Ala., 200 e., 32° 24' n. lat., 87° 06' Ion. w. ORWELL, Oswego co., N. Y., 900 e. OSAGE CITY, Osage co., Kan., 1090 e OSAGE RIVER, Osage co.. Mo., 499 e. OSAGE STATION, Iowa, 1196 e. OSBORN HOLLOW, Alb. and Susqu. R, R., N. Y., 1109 e. 44 OSBOEN'S LAKE, Colo. 8821 e. OSCEOLA, 111., 1104 e., 41° 16' n. lat.. 91° 16^ Ion. w. OSCEOLA, N. Y., 982 e. OSIXO, Elko CO., Nev., 5100 e. OSKALOOSA, Mahaska co., Iowa, 736 e. OSSIPEE SUMMIT, N. H., 659 e. OSTEMO, Kalamazoo co., Mich., 952 e. OSWEGO, Oswego co., N. Y., 250 e., 43° 28' n. lat., 76° 54' Ion. w., 46° t., 46.94 r. f. OTEGO, Elko CO., Nev., 6154 e. OTISVILLE, Erie R. R., N. Y., 857 e. OTLEY, Iowa, 895 e. OTTAWA, Can. West, 200 e., 45° 23' n. lat., 75° 42' Ion. w., 42° t. OTTAWA, III., 500 e., 41° 20' n. lat., 88° 47' Ion. w., 50° t., 37.19 r. f. OTTER LAKE, Hamilton CO., N.Y.,2206e. OTTO, Wvo., 6724 6. OTTUMWA, Wappelle co., Iowa, 611 e. OVERTON. Nebr., 2305 e. OVID, N. Y., 800 6., 42° 41' n. lat., 76° 52' Ion. w., 38 r. f. OWASCO, Cayuga co., N. Y., 670 e. OWEGO, Tioga co., N. Y., 808 e. OWENSBORO, Daviess co., Ky., 412 e. OWOSSO, Shawassee co., Mich., 732 e. OXFORD HOUSE, Huds. Bav Terr., 350 e., 54° 55' n. lat., 96° 28' Ion. w., 27° t. OXFORD, Iowa, 702 e. OXFORD, Me., 182 e. OXFORD, Mass., 467 e. OXFORD, Miss., 350 e., 32° 23' n. lat., 90° 48' Ion. w., 54.60 r. f. OXFORD FURNACE, N. J., 530 e. OXFORD TUNNEL, Warren co., N. J., 511 e. OXFORD, Chenango co., N. Y., 961 e., 42° 28' n. lat., 75° 32' Ion. w., 44° t., 36.05 r. f. OXFORD, Butler co., Ohio, 950 e., 39° 30' n. lat., 84° 46' Ion. w. OXFORD, Pa., 575 e,, 39° 50' n. lat., 75° 50' Ion. w. OYSTER BAY ACADEMY, Queen's co., N. Y., 50 e., 40° 50' n. lat., 75° 49' Ion. w., 50° t., 37.74 r.f. P. PACHUA, Mex., 8112 e. PACIFIC SPRINGS, Wyo., 7l44e. PACUANI, Pass of, Bolivia, 15226 e. PADDYTOWN, near Knobby Mt., Va., 1185 e. PAINESVILLE, Lake co., Ohio, 670 e. PALATKA, Fla.,0e. PALERMO, Oswego co., N. Y., 327 e., 43° 25' n. lat., 77° 26' Ion. w., 45.29 r. f. PALESTINE, Anderson co., Tex., 480 e., 31° 40' n. lat., 95° 35' Ion. w. PALISADE, Lander co., Nev., 4841 e. PALMER, Mass., 34G e. PALMYRA, Wayne co., N. Y., 450 e., 43° 05' n. lat., 77° 16' Ion. w., 25.56 r. f. PAMPLONA, N. Granada, 8000 e. PANA, Christian co.. 111., 735 e., 39° 24' n. lat., 89° 06' Ion. w. PANGERANGO P., Java, 9868 e. PANOLA, Union Pacific R. R., Cal.,48 e. PAOLA, Miami co., Kan., 875 e. PAOLI C. H., Orange co., Ind., 599 e. PAOLI, Penn. Centr. R. R., Pa., 527 e. PAPANDAYANG P., Java, 7865 e. PAPOFCAITHNESS, Scotland, 4358 e. PAPILLON, Nebr., 972 e. PARADISE, Cal.,125 e. PARADISE, Coles co., Iowa, 1146 e. PARADISE, Pa., 1520 e. PARAMO P., Ecuador, 15440 e. PARANGLA P., Himalayas Mta., Asia, 18500 e. PARAS, Mex., 4990 e. PARDEE, Atchison co., Kan., 1155 e. PARINACOCHAS LAKE, Peru, 10,000 e. PARINACOTA, Andes Mt., 22030 e., 18° 10' s. lat., 69° 11' Ion. w. PARIS, 111., 600 e. PARIS, Bourbon co., Ky., 810 e., 38° 16' n. lat., 84° 07' Ion. w., 54° t., 41.10 r.f. PARIS, Mo., 700 e., 39° 30' n. lat., 92° Ion. w., 22.45 r. f. PARIS, Henry co., Tenn., 465 e. PARKERSBURG, Butler co.,Iowa, 953 e. PARKERSVILLE, Chester co.,*Pa., 218 e. PARKERSBURG, W. Va., 700 e. PARKTON, North. Centr. R. R., Md., 420 e. PARMA, Jackson co., Mich., 975 e. PARRISH, Oswego co., N. Y., 292 e. PARRY'S P., Summit CO., Colo., 13133 e. PARSON'S SEMI,NARY,Webberviire,Tex., 394 e., 30° 14' n. lat., 97° 34' Ion. w. PARTOVO, Dalmaiia, 5929 e. PASCO, Peru, 14278 e. PASSADUMKEAG, Europ. and N. Am. R. R., Me., 130 e. PASSAIC VALLEY, N. J., 140 e., 40° 53' n. lat, 74° 12' Ion. w. PASS CHRISTIAN, Miss., 20 e., 30° 25' n. lat., 87° 20' Ion. w, PASTO, New Granada, 8577 e. PASTO P., Ecuador, 13450 e. PATCHOGUE, Suffolk co., N. Y., 30 e. PATERSON, Passaic co., N. J., 60 e., 40° 10' n. lat., 74° 52' Ion. w., 45.95 r. f. PATOKA, Dubois co., Ind., 428 e. PATTERSON, Passaic co., N. J., 287 e. PATTONBURG, Va., 806 e. PAWNEE ROCK, Barton co., Kan., 1986 e. PAWTUCKET, Providence co., R. L, 76 e. PAXTON, Ford co., III., 780 e. PAYSON, Utah co., Utah, 4541 e. PEABODY, Marion co., Kan., 1367 e. PEA COVE, Bang. & Piscat.R.R.,Me.,103e. 45 PEACE, Rice co., Kan., 1613 e. PEACH GROVE, Va., 522 e. PEACH GROVE LODGE, W. V., 1100 e., 39° 15^ n. lat , 81° Ion. w. PEACH ORCHARD SPRING, Arizona. 6268 e., 35°-47^ n. lat., 111° 47^ loo. w, PECATONICA, HI., 781 e. PECKVILLE, Luzerne co., Pa., 832 e PECO'S VILLAGE, New Mexico, 6366 e. PEDROTALLAGALLA, Ceylon, 8280 e. PEKIN, Tazewell co., III., 467 e. PEKO, Lander co., Nev., 5204 e. PELL A, Marion co., Iowa, 750 e. PEMBERTON JUNC, Burlington co., N. J., 36 e. PEMBERVILLE, Wood co., Ohio, 705 e. PEMBINA, Pembina co., Minn., 900 e., 48° 56^ n. lat., 97° Ion. w., 39° t. PEMBROOKE, Ky., 568 e. PEMBROKE, Me., 40 e. PENDLE HILL, Lancaster CO., Eng.,1800e. PENDLETON, Anderson co., S. C, 775 e. PENFIELD, Ga., 724 e. PENMAEN MAUR, Caermarvonshire, Wales, 1540 e. PENNA, Duchy of, Parma, 5860 e. PENNA. CANAL, Summit of AUeghenies, above the head of Juniata Riv., 2585 e. PENN HAVEN, Beaver Meadow R. R., Pa., 700 e. PENNSVILLE, Clearfield co.,Pa., 1400 e., 41° n. lat., 78° 40^ Ion. w. PENNVILLE, Ind., 1000 e.,40°35', 85° Ion. w. PENN YAN, N. Y., 740 e., 42° 42' n. lat., 77° 08' Ion. w., 46° t., 28.42 r. f, PENNSVILLE, Ohio, 555 e. PEORIA, Peoria co.. 111., 440 e., 40° 43° n. lat., 89° 30' Ion. w., 35.83 r. f. PENOBSCOT, Me., 161 e. PENOBSCOT, Pa., 1800 e. PENRYN, Placer co., Cal., 624 e. PENSACOLA, Fla., 18 e., 30° a. lat., 87° 13' Ion. w., 68° t., 59.27 r. f. PENTWATER, Oceana co., Mich., 618 e. PEPPERELL, Middlesex co., Mass., 213e PEQUOP, Elko CO., Nev., 6184 e. PERCY, Wyo., 6950 e. PERHAM, Otter Tail co., Minn., 1370 e, PERRY, Ga., 325 e., 32° 31' n. lat., 83° 46' Ion. w., 65° t., 44.12 r. f. PERRY, Iowa, 944 e. PERRY, Me., 100 e., 45° n, lat., 67° 06' Ion. w., 50.29 r. f. PERRY CITY, N. Y., 800 e. PERRY VILLE, Md., 121 e. PERRYVILLE, Pa., 1040 e. PERU, Miami co., Ind., 672 e, PERU PASS, Green Mts., Vt., 2115 e. PETALUMA, Cal., e. PETERSBURG, Pannee co., Kan., 2224 e. PETERSBURG, Diuwiddie, Va., 17 e., 37° 13' n. lat., 77° Ion, w. PETERSBURG, Hardy co., W. Va , 900 e. PETERSBURG, Penn. Centr. R. R., Pa., 663 e. PETERSBURGH, Ky., 410 e. PETERSBURG, 111., 510 e. PETER'S MOUNTAIN, W. Va., 2650 e. PETERSON, Utah, 4963 e. PETTICOAT GAP, North Mt., Va., 895e. PEVBLY, JefiFerson co.. Mo., 430 e. PEWANNO, Iowa co., Mich., 735 e. PHANTOM HILL, Tex., 2300 e., 32° 30 n. lat., 99° 45' Ion. w., 17.22 r. f. PHAROAH, Essex co., N. Y., 4500 e. PHILADELPHIA, Miss., 550 e. PHILADELPHIA, Jefferson co., N. Y., 458 e. PHILADELPHIA, Penn., e., 39° 57' n. lat., 75.11 Ion. w., 52° t., 42.97 r. f. PHILADELPHIA PENN. HOSPITAL, Pa., 50 e. PHILIPSBURG, Warren co., N. J., 220 e. PHOENIX, N.J., 358 e. PHOENIXVILLE, Chester co., Pa., 105 e. PIC DU MIDI, Pyrenees Mt. Range, 9540e. PICKERELTOWV, Ohio, 1380 e. PIC NETHOU, Pyrenees Mount, Range, 11168 e. PICO DE QUINCOA, Mochoan, Hex., 11000 e. PICO D'ORIZAVA VOLCANO,Vera Cruz, 17388 e. PICOLATA, St. John's co., Fla., 10 e, PICO PEAK, Sherburne, Vt., 3935 e. PIEDADE, Brazil, 5830 e. PIEDMONT, Fauquirerco., Va., 900 e., 38° 50' n. lat., 78° Ion. w. PIEDMONT, Mineral co., W. Va., 800 e. PIEDMONT, Wyo., 6540 e. PIEDMONT, Wayne co.. Mo., 495 e. PIERCE CiTY, Lawrence CO., Mo., 1250 e. PIBRCEVILLE, Ford co., Kan., 2800 e. PIERMON'T, N. J,, 10 e. PIERRl<;PORTMANOR,Jeffersonco.,N.y., 617 e., 43° 48' n. lat., 76° 13' Ion. w., 37 65 r. f. PIGEON RIVER, Ottawa co.,Mich., 605e. PIKE'S PEAK, Rocky Mountains, Colo., 12000 e., 38" 30' n. lat. PILATKA, Putnam co., Fla., 152 e., 29° 36' n. lat., 81° 37' Ion. w., 69° t., 48.69 r. f. PILARS, Altai Mt.Range,S5beria,11273 e. PIMOS VILLAGE, New Mex., 1308 e. PINE BLUFF, Wyo., 5026 e., 41° 8' 37" n. lat., 104° 4' 8" Ion. w. PINE GROVE, Schuylkill co., Pa., 511 e. PINE GROVE, Clark co., Ky., 978 e., 38° 04' n. lat. PINE HILL, Ulster co., N. Y., 175 e. PINE HOUSE, Edgefield co., S. C, 648 e. PINE ORCHARD, Green co., N. Y., 3000 e. PINE VALLEY MILLS, Ohio, 1000 e., 40° 20' n. iat., 80° 58' Ion. w. 46 PINNABAR MT., Australia, 4100 e. PINO, Placer co., Cal., 403 e. PIONEER GROVE, Neb., 1400 e., 41° 20^ n. lat., 95° 57^ Ion. w. PIRPANJAL MT., Asia, 15000 e. PISEGO LAKE, Hamilton CO., N. v., 1648e. PISGAII, Vt.,3800 e. PITTSBURG, Pa., 699 to 1312 e. PITTSBURG, Pa., Troy Hill, 937 e., 40° 23^, 80°07''lon. w., 50°t., 47.68r.f. PITTSFIELD, Somerset co., Me., 205 e. PITTSFIELD, Mass., 1069 e. PITTSMELD, N. Y., 469 e. PITTSFORD, N. Y., 463 e. PITTSFORD, Vt., 433 e. PITTSYLVANIA C. H., Pittsylvania co., Va., 625 c. PITTSTON, Luzerne co.. Pa., 572 e. PLACERVILLE, El Dorado co., Cal., 2109 e. PLAINFIELD, Union co., N. J., 103 e. PLAINSBURG, Merced co.,Cal., 209 e. PLAINSFIELD, Hendricks co., Ind.,704e. PLAINSVILLE, Luzerne co.. Pa., 550 e. PLAINVILLB, Hartford co., Ct., 196 e. PLATTEKILL, N. Y., 243 e. PLATTEVILLE, Wis., 800 e., 42° 45^ n. lat.. 90° 45Mon. w., 39.31 r. f. PLATTSBURGH, Clinton co., N. Y., 156 e., 44° 42^ n. lat, 73° 26^ Ion. w., 45° .17 t., 38.09 r. f. PLATTSMuUTH, Cass co.,Nebr., 935 e. PLEASANT GROVE, Huntington co., Pa 732 e. pleasant' GROVE, Utah co., Utah, POi 4555 6 PLEASANT HILL, Oass co.. Mo., 830 e. PLEAS ANTON, Manistee co., Mich., 750e., 44° 25^ n. lat., 86° 10' Ion. w. PLEASONTON, Alameda co., Ciil.,3153e. PLEASANT PLAIN, Clermont co., Ohio, 950 e., 41°07' n. lat., 9I°55' Ion. \v., 36. 81 r. f. PLEASANT PLAINS STATION, Rich- mond CO., N. Y., 30 e. PLEAS.\NT RIDGE, Bureau co.. 111., 550 e., 41° 15' n. lat., 89° 15' Ion. w. PLOMB DE CANTAL, France, 6093 e. PLUM, Douglass co., Colo., 5985 e. PLUMAS CO., Cal., average alt. 4000 e. PLUM CREEK. Nebr., 2370 e. PLYMOUTH, Lynn co., Kan., 1152 e. PLYMOUTH, N. H., 486 e. PLYMOUTH, Conn., 455 e., 41° 45' n. lat., 73° 03' Ion. w., 48.59 r. f. PLYMOUTH, Marshall co., Ind., 847 e. PLY.MOUTH, Barry co.. Mo., 1330 e. PLYMOUTH, Cerro Gordo co., la., 1013e. PLYMOUTH, Richland co., Ohio, 1000 e. PLYMOUTH, Sheboygan co.. Wis., 870e., 43° 44' n. lat., 83°07' Ion. w., 38.60 r. f. POCAHONTAS, Bond co.. Ill , 440 e. POCAHONTAS CO., W.Va., highest p'nt in, 3000 e. PLYNMIMMON MT , Wales, 2463 e., 52° 28' 3" n. lat., 3° 46" 34" Ion. w. POCOPSON, Chester oo.. Pa., 218 e., 39° 54' n. Int., 75° 37' Ion. w., 45.75 r. f. POCONO SUMMIT, Monroe co., Pa.,1970e. POINT ARGNELLO, Cil., 3000 e. POINT BENETA LIGHT HOUSE, Cal., 306 e., 37° 49' n. lat., 122° 30' Ion. w. POINT CONCEPTION, Cal., 2500 e. POINT CONCKPTION LIGHT HOUSE, Cal., 250 e., 34° 26' n. lat., 120° 37' Ion. w. POINT LOMA LIGHT HOUSE, CaL, 450 e., 32° 23' n. lat., 117° 13' Ion. w. POINT OF ROCKS, Md., 220 e. POINT OF ROCK-^, Wvo., 6490 e. POINT PINOS LIGHT HOUSE, Cal., 53e., 36° 37' n. lat., 121° 55^ Ion. w. POINT PLEASANT, W. Va., 480 e., 38° 50' n. lat., 82° 09' Ion. w. POMARAPE, Andes Mt., 21700 e., 18°08' s. lat., 69° 03' Ion. w. POMANA, Newberry co., S. C, 520 e. PO.MATA, Bolivia, 13040 e. POMEROY, Calhoun co., Iowa, 1244 e. POMFRET, Conn., 587 e., 41° 32' n. lat., 72° Ion. w., 47.11 r. f. POMONA, N. J., 65 e. POMONA, Tenn., 2200 e., 36° n. lat., 85° Ion. w. PO.MPEY, Onondaigua co., N. Y., 1300 e., 42°56' n. lat., 76°05' Ion. w., 42°.83 t., 29 46 r. f. POMPEY HILL, Onondaigua CO., N. Y., 737 e., 42° 52' n. lat., 76° 09' Ion. w. POMPTON, N.J., 218 e. PONCE, Porto Rico, W. L, 23 e., 17° 56' n. lat., 66° 35' Ion. w. PONCHATOULA, Parish of Tangipahoa, La., 40 e. POND CREEK, Kan., 3175 e. POND ISLAND, fi.xed light. Me., 52 e., 43° 40' n. lat., 69° 44' Ion. w. PONTIAC, Oakland co., Mich., 927 e. POPDAM, N. Y., 394 e. POPLAN BLUFF, Butler co., Mo., 345 e. POONA, Brit. Ind., 2000 e. POPLAR GROVE, W. Va., 720 e., 38°20' n. lat., 81° 26' Ion. w., 55.84 r. f. POPOCATAPETL VOLCANO,Mex.,l7720 e., 19° n. lat. PORCUPINE MTS., Mich., 2600 e. PORTAGE, N. Y., 1132 e. PORT AU PRINCE, Hayti, 171 e., 18° 32' n. lat., 72° 21' Ion. w., 60.96 r. f. PORT CARBON, Pa., 650 e., 40° 43' n. lat., 76° 06' Ion. w., 48° t. PORT CLINTON, Berks co., Pa., 398 e. PORT CR.INE, Alb. and Susqu. R. R., N. Y., 1035 e. PORT DEPOSIT, Md., 98 e. 47 PORT DOVKR, Can., 619 e. PORTER. Porter co., Ind., 634 e. PORT HURON, Mich., 606 e., 42° 33' n. lat., 82° 24Mon. w., 40°.37 t. PORT JACKSON, Erie Canal, N. Y.,269e. PORT JEFFERSON, Suffolk co., N. Y., 100 6. PORT JERVIS, N. Y., 455 e. PORTLAND, Middlesex co., Conn., 37 e. PORTLAND, Me., 187 e., 43° 38' n. lat., 70° 15' Ion w., 44° t., 48.63 r. f. PORTLAND, Multnomah co., Oregon, 57 to 175 e., 45° 03' 15" n. lat., 122° 26' Ion. w. PORT LEYDEN, N. Y., 892 e. PORT MORRIS, Morris co., N. J., 924 e. PORT MURRAY, N. J., 587 e. PORTSMOUTH, Mass., 11 e. PORTSMOUTH, N. H., 40 e., 43° 04' n. lat., 70° 49' Ion. w., 45° t., 35.57 r. f. PORTSMOUTH, Ohio, 460 e., 38° 44' n. lat., 82° 51' Ion. w., 55° t., 38.75 r. f. PORTSMOUTH, Va., 34 e., 36° 50' n. lat., ■96° 19' Ion. w., 52.20 r. f. PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, W. Ind., 16 e., 10° 39' n. lat., 61° 34' Ion. w. PORT STANLEY, Can., 584 e. PORT TOWNSEND, Wash. Terr., 8 e. PORT WALTHAL, Va., 87 e, PORT WASHINGTON, Ozaukee co.. Wis., 665 e. POST OAK CREEK, Johnson co.. Mo., 862 e. POTATOE TOP, N. C, 6393 e. POTOSI, Bolivia, 13000 e. POTSDAM, St. Lawrence co., N. Y., 394 e., 44° 40' n. lat., 75° 01' Ion. w., 43° t, 28.63 r. f. POTTER, Nebr., 4370 e., POTTSTO WN, Montgomery CO., Pa., 146 e. POTTSVILLE, Schuykill co., Pa., 605 e., 40° 41' n. lat., 76° 24' Ion. w. POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y., to 375 e. POULTENEY, Iowa, 800 e., 42° 40' n. lat., 91° 21' Ion. w., 46° t. POWHATTAN HILL, King George co., Va., 200 e., 37° 33' n. lat., 77° 40' Ion. w., 33.81 r. f. PRAIRIE CITY, Iowa, 935 e. PRAIRIE CREEK, Iowa, 699 e. PRAIRIE DU CHIBN, Crawford co., Wis., 642 e., 43° 03' n. lat., 91° 09' Ion. w. PRAIRIE LINE, Miss., 215 e., 32° 10' n. lat., 89° 10' Ion. w. PRATTSBURG, N. Y., 1494 e., 42° 34' n. lat., 77° 20' Ion. w., 45° t., 32.94 r, f. PRAUW, Java, 9175 e. PRESCOTT CITY, Can. West, 230 e., 44° 42' n. lat., 75° 36' Ion. w., 44° t. PRESCOTT Wis., 800 e. PRESTON, Pa., 2500 e. PRESTON, Grayson CO., Ten., 641 e. PRIEL, Austria, 7000 e. PRINCE OF WALES CAPE, N. W. Coast of Amer., Oe., 65° 45' 30" n. lat., 168° 17' 30" Ion. w. PRINCESS ANN, Somerset co., Md.,14e. PRINCESS BAY STATION, Richmond CO., N. Y., 55 e. PRINCETON, III., 750 e. PRINCETON, Gibson co., Ind., 481 e. PRINCETON, Mass., 1113 e., 42° 26' n. lat., 71° 53' Ion. w., 44.76 r. f. PROMONTORY, Box Elder, Utah, 4943 e. PROSPECT, Me-, 207 e. PROSPECT HILL, Ky., 700 e., 38° 40' n. lat., 83° 33' Ion. w., 47.21 r. f. PROSPECT ROCK, Pa., 1060 e. PROSPERITY, Newberry co., S. C, 550 e. PR0VIDENCE,Providenceco.,R.L,150e., 41° 50' n. lat., 71° 23' Ion. w., 48° t., 41.35 r. f. PROVIDENCE, Luzerne co., Pa., 704 e, PROVO CITY, Utah co., Utah, 4559 e. PUEBLO, Pueblo co., Colo., 4630 e. PUEBLO, Mex., 9000 e. PUGLEY'S, Tompkins co., N. Y., 965 e. PULASKI, Oswego co., N. Y., 370 e. PUNKAPOG POND, Canton, Mass., 147 e. PUNO, Peru, 12832 e. PUTNAM STATION, N. Y. and Boston R. R., Ct., 400 e. PUNT A RUSSA', Fla., 24 e. PUY DE DOME, France, 4858 e. Q. QUA, Guinea, 5000 e.. 5° 12' n. lat., 8° 50' lon.e . QUAKAKB JUNC, Schuylkill co.. Pa., 1320 e. QUAKER RIDGE, Greenwich co., Ct., 510 e. QUAKER RIDGE, Morgan co., Ohio, 555 e. QUAKERTOWN, Bucks co.. Pa., 489 e. QUAKING ASP SPRINGS, Wyo., 7388 e. QUANTICO, Prince William co., Va., Oe. QUASQUETON, Iowa, 888 e., 62° 23' n. lat., 91° 43' Ion. w., 34.24 r. f. QUEBEC, Can. East, 100 e., 46° 49' n. lat., 71° 16' Ion. w., 40° t. QUECHEE RIVER, Sherburn, Vt., 1187 e. QUEENS BURY HILL,Dumfrieshire, Scot- land, 2259 e. QUERETARO, Mex., 6360 e. QUINCY, 111., 464 e. QUINCY, Logan co., Ohio, 1064 e. QUITMAN, Brooks co., Ga., 183 e. QUITO, Mex., 9543 e., 0° 13' 17" n. lat., 78° 45' 15" Ion. w. R. RABUN GAP, Rabun co., Ga.,2044 e. RACHELBERG, Bavaria, 4561 e. 48 RACINE, Lake Mich., Wis., 578 e., 42° 45^ n. lat., 87° 48^ Ion. w., 47° t. RACKET LAKE, Hamilton co., N. Y., 1745 e. RAHWAY DEPOT, N.J. R. R., N. J.,17 e. RALEIGH, Wake co., N. C, 317 e., 36° 37^ n. lat., 78^ 45^ Ion. w., 61° t. RALSTON, North. Centr. R. R., Pa.,865 e. RAMAPO, Erie R. R., N. Y., 318 e. RANCHOS DEL CHINO AND DE JURU- PA, Cal., 1000 e., 34° n. lat.. 117° 30' Ion. w., 63° t., 13.57 r. f. RANDOLPH, Pa., 1720 e., 41° 28' n. lat,, 80° 18' Ion. w. RANDOLPH, Va., 221 e. RANDOLPH, Orange co., Vt., 700 e., 43° 34' n. lat., 73° 35' Ion. w., 32.92 r. f. RANDOLPH CENTRE, Vt., 1100 e. RANDOM LAKE, Sheboygan co., Wis., 870 e. RANSOM, Luzerne co., Pa., 584 e. RANSOMVILLE, Niagara co., N.Y., 325 e. RAPID CREEK, Iowa, 653 e. RAPIDES, La., 20 e., 31° 08' n. lat., 68. 41 r. f. RARITAN, Somerset co., N. J., 72 e. RASPBERRY, Humboldt co., Nev., 4354 e. RATON, valley of the. New Mex., 7169 e. RATON MT'S., New Mex., 7754 e., 37° n. lat., 104° 30' Ion. w. RAVEN'S KNOB, N. C, 6260 e. RAWLINS, Wyo., 6732 e. RAWSON, Tehama co., CaL. 228 e. RAWLINS, W. Va., 698 e. RAYADO, New Mex., 6000 e. RAYMOND, Rice co., Kan., 1699 e. RAYMOND, Rockingham co., N. H., 197 e. READFIELD, Me., 320 e. READING, Osage co., Kan., 1082 e. READING, Mass., 108 e. READING, Fairfield CO., Conn., 410 e. READING, Berk's co., Pa., 262 e., 40° 19' n. lat., 75° 56' Ion. w. REAL DEL MONTE, Mex., 9000 e. RBADVILLE, Norfolk co., Mass., 70 e. RECULET DE TOIRY, Jura Mt. Range, France, 5643 e. RED BLUFF, Tehama co., Cal., 308 e. RED BUTTES, Wyo., 7336 e. RED BLUFF, Cal., 307 e. RED CLOUD, Webster co., Neb., 1650 e. RED DESERT, Wyo., 6710 e. REDDING, Conn., 410 e. REDDING, Shasta co., Cal., 566 e. REDFIELD, Oswego co., N. Y.. 1000 e. REDFORD CENTRE, Mich., 650 e., 42° 28' n. lat., 83° 10' Ion. w. RED HILL, Pa., 2437 e. REDHOOK, Duchess co., N. Y., 60 e.,42° 02' n. lat., 73°56'Ion.w.,48°t., 34.73 r.L REDOUBT VOLCANO, Alaska, 11270 e. RED RIVER LANDING, Coupee co.. La., 49 e. RED RIVER, Crossing of St. Paul and Pac. R. R., Minn., 1050 e. RED RIVER, Grayson CO., Tex., 641 e, RED RIVER SETTLEMENT, Brit. Amer., 653 e., 50° 16' n. lat., 97° Ion. w. REDWOOD CITY, San Mateo co., Cal., 11 e. REELSVILLE, Putnam co.. Mo., 599 e. REEDVILLE, Manitowoc co.. Wis., 819 e. REEVES STATION, Butler co.,Mo., 372. REGNOSA, Mex., 104 e. REGOLA, Duchy of Parma, 5773 e. REIDSVILLE, N. C, 828 e. REISTERTOWN, Md., 675 e. RELAY HOUSE, Md., 125 e. REMSEN, Plymouth co., Iowa, 1335 e. RENO. Washoe co., Nev., 4525 e. RENSSELAER, Jasper co., Ind., 725 e., 40° 56' n. lat., 87° 12' Ion. w., 52.18 r. f. RETIRZATH, Carpathian Mt. Range, Austria, 8502 e. RHINELAND, Mo., 800 e.,38° 42' n. lat,, 91° 46' Ion. w. RICEVILLE, Somerset co., N. J., 103 e. RICHINCHA P., Ecuador, 15924 e. RICHFORD, Tioga co., N. Y., 1090 e, RICH LAKE, Essex co., N. Y., 1545 e. RICHLAND, Pulaski co., Md., 1134 e. RICHLAND, Richland co., Ohio, 1190 e. RICHLAND, Washington co., Nebr., 1350 e., 41° 22' n. lat., 96° 12' Ion. w. RICHLAND, N. Y., 505 e. RICHMOND, Ky., 925 e. RICHMOND, Wayne co., Ind., 800 e., 39° 49' n. lat., 84° 46 Ion. w., 37.88 r. f. RICHMOND, Sagadahoc co.. Me., 72 e. RICHMOND, Mass., 1100 e., 42° 23' n. lat., 73° 20' Ion. w., 82.74 r. f. RICHMOND, Henrico co., Va., to 185 e. RICHMOND, Va., 172 e., 37° 32' n. lat., 77° 27' Ion. w., 59° t., 38.29 r. f. RICHMOND, Vt., 332 e. RICHMOND HILL, Ga., 275 e. RICHMOND VALLEY STATION, Rich- mond CO., N. Y., 10 e. RICHMONDVILLE,N. Y., 1134e. RICHVILLE, Maine, 3~16 e. RICHVILLE.St. Lawrence CO., N.Y.,424e, RIDDLESBURG, Bedford co., Pa., 847 e. RIDGEFIELD, Fairfield co., Conn., 685 e. RIEGELSVILLE, N. J., 162 e, RIESENKOPPE, Bohemia, 5400 e. RIGIBERG, Switzerland, 5408 e. RILEY, McHenry co., 111., 760 e., 42° IF n. lat., 88° 33' Ion. w., 39.45 r. f. RINCONADA, Mex., 3380 e. RINGOES, N. J.., 256 e. RINGGOLD BARRACKS, Tex., 521 e., 26° 23' n. lat., 98° 47' Ion. w., 21.32 r.f. RIO GRANDE, Cape May, N. J., 13 e. RIO GRANDE RIVER, El Paso, Texas, 3725 e. 49 RIO PECOS, Tex., 2497 e,, 31° 45^ n. lat. RIO SAN PEDRO, Tex., 4246 e., 31° 39^ n. lat. RIPLEY, Huron co., Ohio, 965 e., 41° n. lat., 82° 30^ Ion. w. RIPLEY, Ohio, 674 e., 38° 47^ n. lat., 83° 31' Ion. w., 48.42 r. f. RIPLEY HILL, Onondaigua co., N. Y., 1981 e. RIPPIN TOR., Devonshire, Eng., 1549 e. RISING SUN, Ohio co., Ind., 550 e, RITANKA PASS, Himalaya Mt., Asia, 13200 e., 32° 34' n. lat., 77° 12' Ion. e. RITCHEY, Newton co.. Mo., 1080 e. RITTERSVILLE, Pa., 380 e. RIVANNA RIVER, Albemarle co., Va., 308 e. RIVERHEAD, Long Island R. R., N. Y., 23 e. RIVER BEND, Douglass co., Colo., 5395e. RIVER VOLCANO P., Alaska, 2500 e. ROAN HIGH KNOB, N. C, 6306 e. ROANE, Yancey co., N. C, 6038 e. ROANOKE RIVER, forlis of, Va., 1178 e. ROBARD'S, Henderson co., Ky., 418 e. ROBERTSON'S MTS., Me., 683 e. ROBERTSVILLE, S. C, 50 e., 32° 40' n. lat., 80° 26' Ion. w.,37.14r. f. ROBLE, Butte co., Cal., 179 e. ROCHESTER, Monroe co., N. Y., 500 e., 43° 08' n. lat., 77° 51' Ion. w., 47° t., 30.07 r. f. ROCHESTER, Beaver co., Pa., 696 e. ROCK, Ga., 833 e., 32° 52' n. lat., 84° 23' Ion. w., 36 23 r. f. ROCKAWAY, Morris and Essex R. R., N. J., 557 e. ROCK BLUFFS, Nebr., 1100 e., 40° 53' n. lat., 95° 54' Ion. w. ROCK CREEK, Jefferson co.,Kan.,1135 e. ROCK CREEK, Wyo.,6690 e. ROCKDALE, Pa., 355 e. ROCKFALL, Middlesex co., Conn., 95 e. ROCKFORD, III., 752 e. ROCKPORD, Jackson co., Ind., 548 e. ROCK HARBOR, Lake Sup., Mich. , 600 e., 48° 08' n. lat., 88° 50' Ion. w., 37° t. ROCK HILL, S. C, 668 e. ROCK HILL SIDING, North. Pa. R. R., Pa., 524 e. ROCKINGHAM, Richmond co., N. C, 210 e. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL, HI., 528 e. ROCKLAND MT., Sulliyan co., N. Y., 2400 e. ROCKLAND, Brown co.. Wis., 639 e. ROCKLIN, Placer CO., CaL, 269 e. ROCK MTS., Ga., 2230 e. ROCK NOIR, Lee CO., 111., 682 e. ROCKPORT, Mass., 56 e. ROCKPORT, Ark., 264 e. ROCKPORT, Ohio, 665 e., 41° 20' n. lat., 81° 40' Ion. w. ROCKPORT, Lehigh co., Pa., 910 e. ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo., 6280 e. ROCKVILLE, Penn. Centr. R. R., Pa., 340 e. ROCKVILLE, Ind., 1100 e., 39° 47' n. lat., 87° 13' Ion. w., 34.56 r. f. ROCKVILLE, N. Y., 1410 e. ROCKY BEND, N. C, 1446 e. ROCKY BRANCH, Carroll co., N. H., 564 e. ROCKY RIDGE, Md., 487 e. ROGERS, Nebr., 1359 e. ROLFE, Pocahontas co., Iowa, 1000 e., 47° 50' n. lat., 94° 34' Ion. w. ROLL'A, Phelps co.. Mo., 950 e., 37° 58' n. lat., 91° 50' Ion. w., 44.83 r. f. ROMANZOFF MT.,Alaska,5000 to 8000 e. ROME, Oneida co., N. Y., 427 e. ROMEO, Mich., 714 e., 42° 44' n. lat., 83" Ion. w., 22.69 r. f. ROMNEY, W. Va., 573 e. RORAIMA MT., Brit. Guiana, 7500 e., 5° 30' n. lat., 61° 10' Ion. e. ROSCOE, Nebr., 3105 e. ROSE CREEK, Humboldt co.,Nev.,4324 e. ROSELLE, Union co., N. J., 79 e. ROSE HILL, Va., 250 e., 38° n. lat., 76° 57' Ion. w., 38.48 r. f. ROSINDALE, Bladen co., N. C, 125 e. ROSSVILLR, Allamakee co., Iowa, 1400 e., 43° 10' n. lat., 91° 21' Ion. w., 37.24 r.f. ROTHVILLE SUMMIT, Lancaster co., Pa., 401 e. ROTHWOOD, Hawkins co.,Tenn.,2000 e. ROUGEMONT, Va., 450 e., 38° 05' n. lat., 78° 29' Ion. w., 50.48 r. f. ROUGH AND READY, Penn., 890 e. ROUND HILL, Frederick co., Va., 900 e. ROUND HILL. Greenwich, Ct., 582 e. ROUNDOUT, Ulster co., N. Y., e. ROUND TOP, Greene co., N. Y., 3804 e. ROWLESBURGH, W. Va., 1392 e. ROXBOROUGH, Pa., 352 e. ROYAL OAK, Oakland co.,Mich., 657 e. ROYALTON, Vt., 476 e. ROZEL, Box Elder co., Utah, 4600 e. RUCKER'S GAP, Franklin co., Mo., 638 e. RUCU DE PICHINCHA, Quito, 15940 e. RUGGLES, Ashland co., Ohio, 1100 e. RDIVO P., Madeira, 5162 e. RUMFORD, Me., 600 e., 44° 30' n. lat., ■ 70° 40' Ion. w. RUMMERFIELD, Bradford co.. Pa., 700 e. RUPERT, Vt., 750 e. RURAL, Wis., 910 e., 44° 15' n. lat., 89<» 45' Ion. w. RUSH CREEK, Greenwood co., Colo., 4146 e. RUSKA POYANA, Austria, 9909 e. RUSSELVILLE, Logan co., Ky., 602 e. RUSSELL, White co.. Ark., 223 e. RUSSELL, Iowa, 998 e. 50 RUSSELL, Russell co., Kaa., 1734 e. RUSSIAN HILL, San Francisco, Gal., 400 e. RYE PATCH, Humboldt co.,Nev.,4257 e. RUSSIAN SETTLEMENT, Bodega Bay, Cal., 110 e. RUTLAND, Vt., 500 e., 43° 37^ n. lat., 72° 58^ Ion. w., 41.17 r. f. s. SABLE CAPE, Florida, e., 24° 50' n. lat., 81° 15Mon. w. SAC CITY, Sac co., Iowa, 900 e., 42° 20' n. lat., 95° Ion. w. SACKETT'S BASIN, N. Y., 557 e. SACKETT'S HARBOR, N. Y., 266 e., 43° 55' n. lat., 75° 37' Ion. w., 45° t., 36.73 r. f. SACO, Me., 69 e., 45° 03' n. lat., 78° 26' Ion. w., 45° t., 45.11 r. f. SACRAMENTO, Cal., 82 e., 38° 34' n. lat, 121° 28' Ion. w., 60° t., 19.56 r. f. SADDLEBACK, Cumberland co., Eag., 2787 e. SADDLEBACK MT., Cornish, Me.,700e. SADDLE PBAK,Sierra Ner., Cal., 7200 e. SADDLE MT., Me., 3505 e. SAEGERSVILLE, Pa., 620 e. SAGER'S, Morris Canal, N. J.. 55 e. SAG HARBOR, Long Island, N. Y., 40 e., 41° n. lat., 77° 20' Ion. w., 43.07 r. f. SAHAMA, Andes Mts., 22350 e., 18° 7' s. lat., 68° 52' Ion. w. ST. ALBAN'S, Vt., 270 e. ST. ANGELO, Lipari Islands, 5260 e. ST. AN^f'S HEAD, S. Wales, 192 e., 51° 41' n. lat., 5° 10' 23" Ion. w. ST. ANSGA, Iowa, 1197 e. ST. ANTHONY, Hennepin co.,Minn.,795e. ST. ANTHONY'S FALLS, Mian., 820 e., 45° n. lat., 93° 15' Ion. w. ST. AUGUSTINE, St. John's co., Fla., 8 e., 29° 54' n. lat., 81° 19' Ion. w., 69° t., 43.16 r. f. ST. CHARLES, Frederick Turnpike, Md., 456 e. ST. CLAIR, Westmoreland county. Pa., 1085 e. ST. CLAIRSVILLE, Ohio, 600 e., 40° 10' n. lat., 80° 55' Ion. w., 50.16 r. f. ST. CLOUD, Stearns co., Minn., 1029 e., 45° 45' n. lat., 94° 23' lou. w. ST. CLOUD, Sheboygan co., Wis., 860 e. ST. CROIX, New Bruns., 373 e. ST. ELMO, Fayette co., 111., 592 e. ST. FRANCIS RIV., source of,St. Francis CO., Mo., 1150 e. ST. FRANCIS RIV., mouth of, Helena, Ark., 200 e. ST. FRANCISVILLE, Laurence co., 111., 447 e. ST. FRANCISVILLE, La., 80 e. ST. FRANCIS XAVIBR'S COLLEGE, N. Y., 113 e., 40° 44' n. lat., 73° 59' Ion. w. ST. GENEIVE, Mo., 372 e., 37° 59' n. lat, 90° 11' lon.w. ST. GEORGE'S, Bermuda, 123 e., 32° 23' n. lat., 64° 40' Ion. w. ST. GOTHARD, Switzerland, 9175 e. ST. HELEN'S MT., Oregon, 13300 e. ST. JACOBS, Madison co., III., 451 e. ST. JAMBS, Wotoman co.,Minn., 1175 e. ST. JAMES, Beaver Island, Mich., 596 e., 4.5° 44' n. lat , 88° 27' Ion. w. ST. JOHN'S, Clinton co., Mich., 758 e. ST. JOHN, New Bruns., 135 e., 45° 17' n. lat., 6(5= 44' Ion. w., 13° t., 51.17 r. f. ST. JOHN, Newfoundland, 170 e., 47° 35' n. lat., 52° 40' Ion. w., 39° t., 58.30 r. f. ST. JOHN, S. C, 50 e,, 33° 18' n. lat., 79° 56' Ion. w., 43.47 r. f. ST. JOHN'S, Clinton co., Mich., 755 e. ST. J0HNS8URY, Vt., 540 e., 44° 25' n. lat., 72° lou. w., 35.50 r. f. ST. JOHN'S RIV., mouth of, Va., 400 e. ST. JO INSVILLE N. Y., 309 e. ST. JOSEPH, xMo., 1500 e., 39° 40' n. lat., 94° 40' Ion. w. ST. LAWRENCE ACADEMY, St. Law- rence CO., N. Y , 394 e., 44° 40' n. lat., 75° 01' Ion. w., 43° t., 28.62 r. f. ST. LOaiS, Mo., 481 e., 38° 57' n. lat., 90° 16' Ion. w., 54° t„ 42.18 r. f. ST. LOUIS ARSENAL, Mo., 450 e., 38° 34' n. lat., 90° 15' Ion. w., 42.63 r. f. ST. LOUIS, College Hill, Mo., 475 e., 38° 40' n. lat., 90° 15' Ion. w., 32.39 r. f. ST. LOUIS RIVER, Grand portage on, Minn., 1066 e. ST. MARTINS, Can. East., 118 e , 45° 32' n. lat., 73° 36' lou. w., 42° t., 53.19 r. f. ST. MARY'S, Camden co., Ga., 15 e., 30^* 40' n. lat., 81° 26' Ion. w. ST. MARY'S, Iowa, 1200 e., 41° n. lat, 95° 45' Ion. w. ST. MARY'S, Utah, 6200 e. ST. MARY'S LIGHT HOUSE, Amelia Island, Fla., 50 e., 30° 40' n. lat., 81° 36' Ion. w. ST. MARY'S COLLEGE, Perry CO., Mo., 626 e., 37° 43' n. lat ST. MARY'S RIVER, Mich., 585 e. 46° 21' n. lat, 84° 10' Ion. w. ST. MARY'S CITY, St Mary's co., Md., 45 e., 38° 10' n. lat., 76° 30' Ion. w. ST. MARY'S, Auglaize co., Ohio, 943 e. ST. MARY'S, Elk co., Pa., 1754 e. ST. MARY'S TBLBGRAPH STATION, Wyo., 6720 e. ST. PAUL, Ramsey co., Minn., 800 e., W^ 55' n. lat, 93°05' Ion. w., 45° t., 25.09 r. f. 51 ST. PAUL'S ISLAND, Alaska, 40 e. ST. PETER, Minn., 793 e. ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, 30 e. ST. PETER'S RIVER, sources of, Minn., 1896 e., 45° 47^ n. lat., 97° 19' Ion. w. ST. PETER'S RIVER, mouth of, Fort Snelling, Minn., 744 e., 44° 52' 46'' n. lat., 93° 41' 54" Ion. w. ST. PIERRE, Switzerland, 5338 e. ST. PILON, Marseilles, 3295 e. ST. VINCENT'S, R. R. T., Westmoreland CO., Pa., 983 e. SAKATAH LAKE, Minn., 932 e., 44°12' 50" n. lat., 93°29'15" Ion. w. SALAMANCA, Hex., 5760 e. SALKM, C. H., Washington co., Ind., 733 6. SALEM, Iowa, 694 e. SALEM, Mass., 10° e., 42° 31' n. lat., 70° 54' Ion. w., 48° t. SALEM, N. J., 5 e. SALEM, N. Y., 600 e., 43° 15' n. lat., 73° 30' Ion. w., 46°.56 t. SALEM, Columbiana co., Ohio, 950 e., 40° 54' n. lat., 81° Ion. \t. SALEM, Luzerne co., Pa., 1600 e. SALEM, Roanoke co., Va., 1014 e, SALEM POND, Vt., 907 e. SALEM, W. Va., 1100 e., 39° 20' n. lat., 80° 01' Ion. w. SALINA, Saline co., Kan., 1127 e. SALINAS CITY, Monterey co., Cal., 42e. SALISBURY, Litchfield co.. Conn., 737 e., 41° 59' n. lat., 73° 18' Ion. w., 45.04 r. f. SALISBURY, Wicomico co., Md., 40 e. SALISBURY, Mass., 26 e. SALISBURY, Merrimack co., N. H., 500 e., 43° 23' n. lat., 71° 20' Ion. w. SALISBURY, Erie R. R., N. Y., 318 e. SALISBURY, Rowan co., N. C, 760 e. SALISBURY C. H., N. C, 801 e. SALMON BROOK, Ct., 225 e. SALMON MT., Klamath co., Cal., 5000 e. SALMON RIVER FALLS, Orwell co., N. Y., 785 e. SALT ASH MT., Vt., 2850 e. SALT CREEK, Iowa, 792 e. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, 4351 e., 62°t. SALTILLO, Mex., 5240 e. SALT WELLS, Wyo., 6360 e. SALT WORKS, Smythe co., Va., 1712 e. SALUDA, Newberry co., S. C, 376 e. SALVIA, Washoe co., Nev., 4177 e. SAN ANTONIO, Bexar CO., Texas, 600 e., 29° 25' n. lat., 98° 25' Ion. w., 69° t., 32. r. f. SAN BERNARDINO, San Bernardino co., Cal., 909 e. SAN BERNARDINO MT., Cal., 8500 e., 30° 20' n. lat. SAN BENITO, Cal., 140 e., 36'> n. lat., 121° 30' Ion. w. SANDAFOR GAP, N. C, 3170 e., SANDAMON MT., Essex co , N.Y., 5000 e. SANDERSVILLE, Washington co., Ga., 495- e. SANDFORDS, Fairfield co., Conn., 470 e. SANDFORD'S CORNERS, Jefiferson co., N. Y., 445 e. SAN DIEGO, Cal., 150 e., 37° 42' n. lat., 107° 14' Ion. w., 62° t. 10.43 r. f. SANDOWN, N. H., 178 e. SAND LAKE, N. Y., 1793 e. SAND PATCH SUMMIT, Pa., 2412 e. SANDWICH, De Kalb co., 111., 665 e., 41° 31' n. lat., 88° 30' Ion. w., 50.17 r. f. SANDWICH, Mass., 00 e., 41° 45' n, lat., 70° 30' Ion. w., 47.99 r. f. SANDY CREEK, Oswego co., N. Y., 541 e. SANDY HOOK PIER, N. J., 5 e., 40° 27' n. lat., 74° 01' Ion. w. SANDY LAKE, Minn., 1450 e., 46° 55' n. lat., 95° Ion. w., 39° t. SANDY POND, Lincoln, Mass., 222 e. SAN FELIPE, New Mex., 5220 e. SAN FELIPE, Austin co., Tex., 2455 e. SAN FERNANDO PASS, Los Angeles co., Cal., 3218 e. SAN FERNANDO, W. L, 554 e., 21° 30' 77° Ion. w. SAN FRANCISCO, CaL, to 450 e., 37° 48' n. lat., 122° 27' Ion. w., 56° t., 21. 52 r. f. SAN FRANCISCO MT., Ariz., 12052 e. SAN GORGONIO, San Benardino co., Cal., 2693 e. SAN GORGONIO MT., Cal., 7000 e., 33° 45' n. lat. SAN JUANISLAND, Wash., 150 e. SAN JOSE, Cal., 114 e. SAN JOSE, Santa Clara co., Costa Rica, Centr. Amer., 3772 e., 9° 54' n. lat., 84° 06' Ion. w. SAN JUAN BAUTISTA, Mex., 40 e., 17° 74' n. lat., 92° 36' Ion. w. SAN JUAN DEL RIO, Mex., 6490 e. SAN JUAN ISLAND, Wash., 150 e., 48° 28' n. lat., 123° 01' Ion. w., 27.53 r. f. SAN LEANDRO, Alameda co.,Cal., 48 e. SAN LORENZO, Alameda co., Cal., 35 e. SAN LUIS OBISPO, San Luis Obispo CO., Cal., 402 e. SAN LUIS PARK, Colo., 7000 e. SAN LUIS POTOSI, Mexico, 6090 e. SAN LUIS REY, CaL, 20 e., 33° 13' n. lat., 117° 25' Ion. w. SAN MIGUEL, San Luis Obispo co., Cal., 616 e. SAN MARCOS PASS, Santa Barbara co. , Cal., 2239 e. SAN PEDRO, Cal., 30 e. SAN PEDRO PASS, Tex., 6251 e. SAN PASQUAL, Cal., 716 e. SAN RAFAEL, Cal., e. SAN SALVADOR, V., Centr. Am., 90C0e. 62 SANTA BARBARA, Cal., 20 e., 32° 24'' n. lat., 119° 42^ Ion. w. SANTA BARBARA LIGHT HOUSE, Cal., 180 e., 34°23'' 35^ n. lat., 119° 42^ 05''^ Ion. w. SANTA CATALINE, Cal., 3000 e., 33° 26° 34^ n. lat., 118° 28'' 45^^ n. lat. SANTA CLARA, Santa Clara co., Cal., 98 e., 37° 20^ n. lat., 122° Ion. w. SAN^rA CROCE, Cyprus Island, Asia, 7000 e. SANTA CRUZ, Santa Cruz co., Cal., 2500 e., 34° 01' n. lat. 119° 40' Ion. w. SANTE FE, New Mex., 6846 e., 35° 03' n. lat., 107° 14' Ion. w., 50° t., 11.83 r. f. SANTA FE DE BOGOTA, New Granada, 8958 e. SANTA FB DE BOGOTA, Mt. behind, New Granada, 10958 e. SANTA ISABELLA, Cal., 3050 e. SANTA ISABEL RANCHO, CaL, 2957 e. SANTIAGO DE CHILE, Chile, 1800 e., 33° 35' s. lat., 70° 43' Ion. w. SAN VINCENTE VOLC, Cent. Amer., 9000 e. SARATOGA, N. Y., 960 e., 43° 06° n. lat., 74° Ion. w., 46.8 t. SARGENT, Ford co., Kan., 3425 e. SARNIA, Can. West., 572 e., 42° 58' n. lat., 82° 25' Ion. w., 46° t SAUQUAY P., Ecuador, 6138 e. SAUGEEN, Can., 587 e. SAUK CENTRE, Minn., 1126 e. SAUKVILLE, Bankee co., Wis., 789 e. SAUQUOIT, Oneida co., N. Y., 845 e. SAUT STE. MARIE, Mich., 600 e., 46° 30' n. lat., 84° 43' Ion. w., 41° t. SAVAGE MT., Pa., 2580 e. SAVANNAH, Ga., to 42 e., 32» 05' n. lat., 81° 05' Ion. w., 67° t., 48.32 r. f. SAVANNAH, Ohio, 1098 e., 40' 12' n. lat., 82° 31' Ion. w., 44.59 r, f. SAVANNAH POND, Ct., 803 e. SAWYER'S RIV., Carroll co., N. H., 867 e. SAXTON, Bedford co., Penn., 882 e. SAYBROOK, Conn., 10 e., 41° 16' n. lat., 72° 20' Ion. w., 48.84 r. f. SAYBROOK, Ohio, 650 e., 41° 50' n. lat., 80° 54' Ion. w. SCHELLMAN HILL, Md., 700 e., 39° 23' n. lat., 76° 57' Ion. w., 53° t. SCHENCKSVILLE, Pa., 600 e. SCHENEVUS, N. Y., 1267 e. SCHENEDTADY, Schenectady co.,N. Y., 300 e., 42° 49' n. lat., 73° 51' Ion. w., 45° t., 38.24 r. f. SCHIHALLIEN, Pertahire, Scotland, 3513 6. SCHNEEBERG, Bavaria, 3481 e. SCHOHARIE, N. Y., 605 e. SCHOHARIE CREEK, N. Y., 291 e. SCHOHARIE AND OTSEGO CO. LINE, Alb. and Susqu. R. R., N. Y., 1388 e. SCHOOLEY'S MT., N. S., 1100 e. SCHDLTZ GAP, Pa., 2226 e. SCHUYLKILL HAVEN, Penn., 512 e. SCHUYLER, Colo., 5238 e. SCHUYLER, Nebr., 1335 e. SCHUYLER LAKE, Ostego co., N. Y., 1200 e. SCHUYLERSVILLE,N. Y., 100 e. SCHWARTZBURG, Milwankeeco., Wis., 644 e. SCIO, Washtenaw co., Mich., 835 e. SCIOTA, Ohio, 468 e., 38° 40' n. lat.,820 49' Ion. w. SCIOTA AND MIAMI RIV., head waters of, Logan co., Ohio, 1344 e. SCOTT'S MT., Cal., 8000 e. SCOTT'S VALLEY, Cal., 3000 e. SCOTTSBORO, Jackson co., Ala., 652 e. SCOTTSVILLE, N. Y., 537 e. SCOTTSVILLE, Va., 275 e. SCRANTON, Greene co., Iowa, 1089 e. SCRANTON, Luzerne co., Pa., 740 e. SCRIBA, Oswego co., N. Y., 280 e. SCUPPERNONG, N. C, 30 e., 35° 50' n, lat, 71° 30' Ion. w., 59° t., 47.31 r. f. SEAFORD, Del, 7 e. SEAVILLK, N, J., 81 e., 39° 20' n. lat., 74° 42' Ion. w. SEBREE, Webster co., Ky., 378 e. SEBAGO LAKE, Cumberland co.. Me., 280 e. SECOND CREEK, mouth of, Va., 1629 e. SECORRO, New Mex., 4560 e., 34° 10' n. lat., 106° 50' Ion. w., 7.86 r. f. SELLERSVILLE, Bucks co.. Pa., 311 e. SELLBERLINGSVILLE, Pa., 820 e. SELMA, Dallas co., Ala., 200 e., 32° 25' n. lat., 86° 51' Ion. w., 62.28 r. f. SEMIROO, Java, 11950 e. SENECA, Newton co.. Mo., 861 e. SENECA FALLS, N. Y., 463 e., 42*' 54' n. lat., 76° 50' Ion. w., 35.41 r. f. SENECA LAKE, N. Y., 447 e. SENECA RIVER,Fickens co.,S. C.,670 e. SEPARATION, Wyo., 6900 e. SERAN, Hindostan, 7280 e. SERGEANT'S BLUFFS, Iowa, 1109 e. SERINAGUR, Cashmere, India, 5500 e., 34° 05' n. lat., 74° 43' Ion. e. SERRAT MT., Catalonia, Spain, 4054 e. SESMA, Tehama CO., Cal., 229 e. SEVEN CRATERS, Semisopochnoi Is- land, Alaska, 3000 e. SEVEN MILE FORD, Va. and Tenn. R. R., Va., 1976 e. SEVILLE, Ohio, 1075 e. SEWARD, Alb. & Susq. R.R., N.Y., 1172e. SEWARD, Franklin co., N. Y., 5100 e. SEWICKLEYVILLE, Alleghany co., Pa., 656 e., 40° 38' n. lat., 80° 14' Ion. w., 45.38 r. f. 5^ SHAKUM, Fnimingham, Mass., 155 e. SHAMOKIN, Northumberland co., Pa., 700 e., 40° 45^ n. lat., 76° 30^ Ion. w., 45.22 r. f. SHARK RIVER STATION, N. J., 107 e. SEELYVILLE, Vigo co., Ind., 546 e. SEDALIA, Pettis co., Mo., 867 e. SENECA, Newton co., Mo., 861 e. SENECA CITY, Oconee co.,S. C, 1015e. SEVILLE, Ohio, 1075 e., 39° 59' n. lat., 81° 47' Ion. w., 30.52 r. f. SHARON, Ct., 200 e., 41° 48' n. lat., 73° 45' Ion. w., 48° t. SHARON, Mass., 256 e. SHARON, N. Y., 1348 e. SHARON SPRING, N. Y., 1113 e. SHARK RIV. STATION, Monmouth co., N. J., 15 e. SHARP MT., Reading R. R.,Pa., 1277 e. SHAWANAW,Shawanawco.,Wis.,815e. SHAWANGUNK MTS., Ulster co., N. Y., 2000 e. SHAWNEETOWN, GalUtin co.,IlI.,426e. SHAW'S FLAT, Tuolumne co., Cal., 2270 e. SHEBOYGAN, Sheboygan co.. Wis., 650 e., 29° 36' n. lat., 52° 44' Ion. w., 45°t. SHEBOYGAN FALLS, Wis., 700 e. SHEERAZ, Persia, 4500 e. SHEIMANSVILLE, Pa., 760 e. SHELBDRN, Coos co., N. H., 700 e., 44° 23' n. lat., 71° 06' Ion. w. SHELBURNE, Vt., 150 e., 44° 23' n. lat., 73° 11' Ion. w , 44.60 r. f. SHELBY, Oceana co., Mich., 833 e. SHELBYVILLE, Shelby co., Ind., 740 e. SHELDON, O'Brien co., Iowa, 706 e, SHENANDOAH CITY, Schuylkill co., Pa., 1244 e. SHERBURNE, Chenango co., N. Y., 1033e. SHERBURNE, Rutland co., Vt., 1252 e. SHERBURNE, Rutland co., Vt., Rock Summit, 1st Ridge, 3385 e. SHERBURNE, Rutland co., Vt., Rock Summit, 2d Ridge, 3541 e. SHERBURNE PASS, Green Mts., Vt., 1882 e. SHERIDAN, Placer co., Cal., 113 e. SHERIDAN, Wallace co., Kan., 3014 e. SHERLOCK, Ford co., Kan., 2925 e. SHERMAN, Wyo., 8242 e. SHERWOOD, Calamet co., Wis., 831 e. SHIMINGTON CREEK, Colo., 3634 e. SHIRLEY'S MILLS, Me., 1059 e. SHIRLEY, Middlesex co., Mass., 287 e. SHIREMANSTOWN, Pa.. 404 e. SHOENERVILLE, Pa., 400 e. SHOSHONE, Lander co., Nev., 4665 e. SHREVEPURT, Caddo co.. La., 229 e. SHREWSBURY MTS., Sherburne, Vt., 4086 e. SHUMALARIA, Himalaya Mt., Asia, 23929 e. SHUMNOR FELL, Yorkshire, Eng., 2329e. SHUTAL PASS, Hindostan, 15500 e., 35° 33' n. lat., 69° 08' Ion. e. SIBLEY, Sibley co., Minn., 960 e., 44°31' n. lat., 94° 21' Ion. w. SIBLEY, Osceola co., Iowa, 1609 e. SIDNEY, Nebr., 4073 e., 41° n. lat., 103° Ion. w. SIDNEY, Alb. and Susqu. R. R., N. Y., 985 e. SIDNEY, Shelby co., Ohio, 985 e., 40°21' n. lat., 84° 11' Ion. w. SIERRA CO., Cal., aver. alt. of, 4000 e. SIERRA DEL ALANOS, Tex., 4804 e. SIERRA DE LOS CORNEDAS, Texas, 4480 e. SIERRA CONCEPCION MT., Cal., 2000e. SIERRA CONCEPCION SPRINGS, Cal., 1200 e. SIERRA MOARE P., Mex., 17000 e. SIERRA MORENA, Cal., 2000 e. SIERRA NEVADA MTS., Cal., 12500 e., 38° n. lat. SIGEL, Douglass co , Kan., 753 e. SIKESTON, Scott co.. Mo., 327 e. SIKESVILLE, Md., 700 e. SIL.AO, Mexico, 5910 e. SILLA DE CARACCA3, Venezuela, 8640 e. SILVER CREEK, Cal., 3700 e. SILVER CREEK, Nebr., 1534 e. SILVER CREEK, Sheboygan co.. Wis., 825^. SILVER CREEK STATION, Iowa, 938 e. SILVER LAKE, Cal., 7000 e. SILVERHEELS, Colo., 13650 e. SILVER STREET, Newberry co., S. C, SIMPLON PASS, Alps, 6592 e. SIMPSON, Wyo., 6898 e. SIMSBURY, Hartford co.. Conn., 182 e. SINDORO, Java, 10155 e. SINCLAIRVILLE, Chautauqua co., N.Y., 1355 e. SINGLEY'S, Newberry co., S. C, 514 e., SING SING, N. Y., 125 e., 41° 09' 73° 56' Ion. w., 36.83 r. f SINKING CREEK, mouth of, Va., 1627 e. SINKING SPRING, Berks co., Pa.,341 e. SINN CREEK, Iowa, 930 e. SINmCMAHANNY SUMMIT, Pa., 1899 e. SIOUX CITY, Woodbury co., Iowa, 1258 e., 42° 35' n. lat., 96° 27' Ion. w., 25.66 r. f. SISTERDALE, Tex., 1000 e., 29° 54' n. lat., 98° 35' Ion. w., 23.50 r. f. SISTERVILLE, W. Va., 540 e., 39° 34' n. lat., 80° 56' Ion. w. SITKA, Alaska, 20 e., 57° 03' n. lat., 135° 18' Ion. w., 42° t., 83.39 r. f. SITKIN VOLCANO, Alaska. 5033 e. SIX CORNERS, Sheboygan co.. Wis., 660 e. 54 SKAGSTOLSTIND. Norway, 8390 e. SKANEATELES LAKE, Onondagua co., N. Y., 932 e. SKIDDAW, Cumberland co., Eng., 3022 e., 54° 39^ 02^'' n. lat., 3° 8'' 9^^ lon.w. SKOGSHORN, Norway, 6000 e. SLAMAT, Java, 12300 e. SLATE HILL, Erie R. R., N. Y., 553 e. SLATINGTON, Lehigh co., Pa., 363 e. SLAUGHTER'S, Webster co., Ky., 391 e. SLIKVE DONARD P., Down co., Ireland, 2800 e. SLINGERLAND, N. Y., 209 e. SLOAN STATION, Iowa, 1087 e. SMITH liOHO, Tioga co., N. Y., 781 e. S.MITHFIELD, Va., lOII e., 37° 02' n. lat., 76° 37' Ion. w., 57° t., 47.15 r. f. SMITHFIELD, Pa., 1262 e. SMITH P., Mansfield Mt., Vt., 3882 e. SMITHPORT, Pa., 1500 e.,41° 54' n. lat., 78° 33' Ion. w., 45° t., 37.82 r. f. SMITHSBURG, Md., 772 e. SMITH'S SUMMIT, Linn co., Iowa, 783e. SMITHTOWN, Suffolk co-, N. Y., 10 e. SMITHVILLB, Ohio, 934 e. SMITHVILLE, Tenn., 1400 e. SMYRNA, Del., 41 e. SMYTHFIELD, Pa., 1405 e. SNAFELL, Iceland, 5965 e. SN AH ATT A, Norway, 8120 e. SNAKE, Vt., 1310 e. SNAKE HILL, Milton, Vt., 827 e. SNICKER'S GAP, Loudoun co., Va., 1084 e. SNEA FELL, Isle of Man, G. B., 2004 e. SNOWDEN MT., Wales, 3571 e., 53° 4' 9" n. lat., 4° 3' 38" Ion. w, SNOW LINE, Andes Mts., 15800 e. SNOW SHOE INTERSECTION, Penn. Centr. R. R., Pa., 716 e. SNOW HILL, Worcester co., Md., 26 e. SNOWVILLE, Pulaski co., Va., 1800 e., 37° n. lat., 80° Ion. w. SOCONASCO, Chiapas, Mex., 8000 e. SOCORRO, New Mex., 4560 e. SOCIAL CIRCLE, Walton co., Ga., 870 e. SODA SPRINGS, near Pike's Peak, Colo., 6515 e. SODAS, Wayne co., N. Y., 427 e. SOHON'S PASS, Idaho, 5100 e., 47" 17' n. lat., 115° 43' Ion, w, SOLED AD, Los Angeles co., Gal., 3213 e. SOLSVILLE, N. Y., 1109 e. SOMBRERO, W. Indies, 45 e., 18° 37' n. lat., 63° 27' Ion. w., 16,84 r. f. SOMERSET, Bristol co., Mass., 87 e. SOMERSET, Pa., 2195 e., 40° 12' n. lat., 79° 03' Ion. w., 47 °t., 38.74 r. f. SOMERSET, Ky., 1050 e. SOMBRVILLE, N. Y., 412 e., 44° 10' n. lat., 75° 25' Ion. w., 30.68 r. f. SOMERVILLE, Mass., 13 e. SOMERVILLE, Somerset c»., N. J., 61 e. SONORA, Cal., 100 e. SONORA, Tuolumne co., Cal., 1971 e. SOOMBING, Java, 10565 e. SOTO, Butte CO., Cal., 186 e. SOUTH ACTON, Mass., 204 e. SOOTH BKND, Cass Co., Nebr., 1003 e. SOUTH BEND, Ind., 600 e., 41° 39' n. lat., 86° 21' Ion. w., 38.78 r. f. SOUTH BERDLE, Isle of Man, 1584 e. SOUTH BERURCK JONC, Me., 91 e. SOUTHBOROUGH, Mass., 261 e. SOUTH BRANCH MT., Hardy co., W. Va , 2000 e. SOUTH CARROLLTON, Muhlenberg co., Ky., 470 e. SOUTH DANBURY, N. H., 479 e. SOUTH DEDHAM, Mass., 137 e. SOUTH DOVER, N. Y., 413 e. SOUTH FARALLONE LIGHT, Cal., 360 e., 37° 41' n lat., 122° 59' Ion. w. SOUTH FRAMINGHAM, Mass., 168 e. SOUTH GARDINER, Kennebec co., Me., 20 e. SOUTH HARTFORD, Washington co., N. Y., 500 e., 43°8' n. lat., 73°2l' lon.w. 42.75 r. f. SOUTHINGTON, Hartford co.. Conn., 157 e. SOUTH LANCASTER, Worcester co., Mass 281 p SOUTH MOUNTAIN, Lehigh co., Pa., 808 e. SOUTH NORWALK, Fairfield co.. Conn., 15 e. SOUTH ORANGE, Essex county, N. J., 360 6. SOUTH PASS, Mew Mex., 7085 e. SOUTH PASS CITY, Wyoming, 7857 e. SOUTH POLENIA PASS, San Luis Obispo CO., Cal., 1756 e. SOUTH RIV., Chea. and Ohio R. R., Va., 1261 e. SOUTH TRENTON, Oneida co., N. Y., 855 e., 43° 10' n. lat., 74° 56' Ion. w., 52.78 r. f. SOUTH TROY, Orleans co., Vt., 740 e. SOUTHWICK, Hampden co., Mass., 265e., 42° 02' n. lat., 72° 48' Ion. w., 46.20r.f. SOUTHWICK PONDS, Hampden cc, M&S9 2 Ld 6 south' WILKESBARRE, Luzerne co.. Pa., 550 6. SOUTRA HILL, Scotland, 1716 e. SPANISH PEAK, Rocky Mts., IIOOO e. SPARTA, Ga., 550 e., 33° 17' n. lat., 83° 09' Ion. w., 64° t., 54.11 r. f. SPARTANBURG, Spartanburg co., S. C, 623 e. SPE ARVILLE, Hodgeman co.,Kan.,24V8e. SPECTACLE POND, Piscataquis co., Me., 1175 e. SPENCBRTOWN, N. Y., 750 e., 42° 19' n. lat., 73° 41' ion. w., 38.65 r. f. J 55 SPICELAND, Henry co., Ind., 1025 e., 39° 48' n. lat., 85° 18 Ion. w., 43.57r.f. SPIRIT LAKE, Minn., 1310 e., 43° 30' n. lat., 95° 6' Ion. w. SPOT POND, Stonehara, Mass., 143 e. SPRING CREEK, Calumet county, Wis., 819e. SPRIiSTGDALE, JeflFerson co., Ky., 570 e., 38° 07' n. lat., 85° 24' Ion. w., 53° t., 48. r. f. SPRINGFIELD, III., 615 e. SPRINGFIELD, Mass., 40 to 170 e., 42° 06' n. lat., 72°36'lon.w.,48°t., 43.19 r.f. SPRINGFIELD, Clarke co., Ohio, 956 e. SPRINGFIELD, Pa., 645 e. SPRINGFIELD, Greene co., Mo., 1360 e. SPRINGFIELD, Tean., 672 e. SPRINGFIELD, Va., 740 e. SPRINGFIELD, Vt., 300 e., 43° 18' n. lat., 72° 32' Ion. w., 43.15 r. f. SPRING GAP MTS., Va., 1510 e. SPRING HILL COLLEGE Ala., 158 e., 30° 41' n. lat., 88° 09' Ion. w. SPRINGTOWN, Warren CO., N. J., 303 e. SPRINGVILLE, Erie co., N. Y., 1065 e., 42° 30' n. lat, 78° 50' Ion. w., 45° t. 37.44 r. f. SPRINGVILLE, St. Clair co., N. Y., 7lOe. SPRUCE CREEK, Pa., 766 e. SQUAW FORK, Iowa, 915 e. STABLER'S, Montgomery co., Md., 570 e. STAFFORD, Conn., 620 e. STALLING'S DEPOT, N. C, 347 e. STAMFORD, Conn., 10 e. STAMFORD, Delaware co., N. Y., 1787 e. STANBRIDGE, Can. East, 222 e., 45° 08' n. lat., 73° 11' Ion. w., 43° t. STANDING STONE, Bradford co., Penn., 706 6. STANDISH, Me., 280 e,, 43° 45' n. lat., 70° 30' Ion. w., 39.42 r. f. STANHOPE, N. J., 889 e. STAPLETON, N. Y., 50 e. STAR CITY, Ner., 7500 e. STARK, N. H„ 992 e, STATE AGRICUL. COLLEGE, Lansing, Mich., 898 e., 42° 42' n. lat., 84° 33' Ion. w., 30,64 r. f. STATE CENTRE, Iowa, 1082 e. STATE LINE, Fountain and Vermillion COS., Ind. and 111., 1049 e. STATE LINE, Defiance and Allen cos., Ohio and Ind., 705 e. STATE LINE, Maine and N. H., Portl. and Ogden. R. R., 455 e. STATE LINE, Mass. and N. H., Cheshire and Ash. R. R., 898 e. STATE LINE, Penn. and Md.,Cumberland Valley R. R., 618 e. STATE LINE, Penn. and N. Y., Tioga co., N. Y., 765 e. STATESVILLE, Iredell co., N. C, 940 e., 35° 30' n. lat , 80° 30' Ion. w. STAUNTON, Augusta co., Va., 1387 e., 38° 8' n. lat., 78° 46' Ion. w. STEAMBOAT ROCK VILLAGE, Iowa, 1058 e. STEEL'S MT., Ohio, 1325 e. STEEP'S FALLS VILLAGE, Cumberland CO., 309 e. STEILACOOM, Oregon, 1300 e., 47° 07' n. lat., 50° t. STEIMSVILLE, Pa., 440 e. STELVIO PASS, Austria, 9100 e. STERLING JUNC, Worcester, Mass., 440 e. STERLING JUNC, Cayuga co., N. Y., 317 e. STERLING, Vt., 3700 e. STERLINGVILLE, N. Y., 563 e. STERLING JUNC, Worces. and Nash. R. R., Mass., 446 e. STEUBEN, Washington co.. Me., 50 e., 44° 31' n. lat., 67° 37' Ion. w. STEUBENVILLE, Ohio, 670 e., 40° 25' n. lat., 80° 41' Ion. w., 51° t. 41.48 r. f. STEVENSON, Neb., 2l70e. STEVENSON, Jackson co., Ala., 602 e. STEVENSVILLE, Pa., 300 e., 41° 45' n. lat, 76° 35' Ion. w. STEWARTSVILLE, N. J., 433 e. STILL RIVER DEPOT, Worcester co., Mass., 253 e. STILLWATER, Minn., 756 e., 45° 04' n. lat., 92° 45' Ion. w. STILLWATER, Hudson Riv., N. Y., 100 e. STOCKBRIDGE, Vt, 1253 e. STOCKl'ORT, Wayne co., Penn., 345 e. STOCKTON, Church co., Ga,, 192 e. STOCKTON, Cal., 46 e., 37° 57' n. lat, 121° 17' Ion. w., 61° t 13.69 r. f. STODDARD, N. H., 1243 e. >■ STONEHOUSE, Humboldt co.. Nev., 4449 e. STONE MOUNTAIN, De Kalb co., Ga., 2226 e. STONER'S SUMMIT, Westmoreland co., Pa., 1165 e. STONINGTON, Conn., 4 e. STONY BROOK, Mass., 96 e. STONY CRKEK, Ches. and Ohio Canal, Pa., 866 e. STORM LAKE, Buena Vista co., Iowa., 1439 e. STOW, Mass., 250 e., 42° 30' n. lat, 71° 35' Ion. w., 39.10 r. f. STRATFORD, Coos co., N. H., 1000 e., 44° 40' n. lat, 71° 34' Ion. w., 39.96 r. f. STRATFORD HOLLOW, Coos co.,N. H., 897 e STRAWBERRY VALLEY, Cal., 3710 e. STRBATORS, La Salle co., HI., 618 e, STRICKLAND'S FERRY, Androscoggin CO., Me., 300 e. STRINGER'S CREEK, N. Y., 663 e. 56 STROUDSBURG, Monroe co., Pa., 422 e., 40° 58' n. lat., 75° 16' Ion. w., 49° t. STURGEON BAY, Door co., Wis., 647 e., 45° n. lat., 87° SC Ion. w. STURMHAUBE, Bohemia, 4756 e. SUCKASUNNY PLAINS, N. J., 727 e. SUFFEEDKOH, Afghanistan, 14200 e. SUFFERN, N. Y., 297 e., 41° 30' n. lat., 74° 30' Ion. w. SUFFOLK, Va.,53 e. SUGAR GROVE, Pa., 1450 e., 42° n. lat., 79° 20' Ion. w. SUGAR ISLAND, Mich., 574 e., 45° 02' n. lat., 83° 09' Ion. w. SUGARLOAF MT., Me., 2000 e. SUGAR LOAF MT., Md., 1300 e. SUGARLOAF MT., N. Y., 806 e. SUGARLOAF PEAK, Nevada co., Cal., 2535 e. SUGAR NOTCH, Luzerne county, Pa., 670 e. SULETINA P., Norway, 6043 e. SULITELMA, Lapland 5910 e. SULPHUR SPRINGS, Jeflferson co., Mo., 403 e. SULPHUR SPRINGS, Wyo., 7690 e. SUMMERVILLE, Charleston co., S. C, 63 e. SUMMIT STATION, Iowa, 1102 e. SUMMIT, bet. Genesee and Alleghany Riv., near Lake Ontario, 1678 e. SUMMIT, bet. Sandusky and Sciota, Ohio, 923 e. SUMMIT, bet. Bear Lake and Lake Erie, 1320 e. SUMMIT, bet. Muskegon & Cuyahoga co., Ohio, 900 e. SUMMIT, Cal., 7042 e. SUMMIT, bet. Connaut Lake and Harbor . of Erie, Pa., 1095 e. SUMMIT, Hart., Prov. and Fishkill R. R., R. I., 471 e. SUMMIT, Morris and Essex R. R., N. J., 386 e. SUMMIT, Nevada co., Cal., 7017 e. SUMMIT, Pike co., Miss., 420 e. SUMMIT, Osage co., Kan., 1049 e. SUMMIT, Catawissa R. R., Pa., 1531 e. SUMMIT, near Brooks, Me., 532 e. SUMMIT LEVEL, Va., 1921 e. SUMMIT, bet. 111. Riv. and Lake Mich., 610 e. SUMMIT, Wis., 780 e., 43° 06' n. lat., 88° 33' Ion. w., 45° t., 34.88 r. f. SUMMIT, West of Ferguson Mt., Va., 870 e. SUMMIT, Wyo., 6821 e. SUMMIT, bet. Millerton and Boston Cor- ner, N. Y., 770 e. SUMMIT, crosses Misopeck Mt., Pa.,l742e, SUMMIT, Susquehanna co.. Pa., 1084 e. SUMMIT, Lexington co., S. C, 644 e. SUMMIT, Mt. Holly, Vt., 1430 e. SUMMIT SIDLING, Nebr., 1142 e. SUMMIT VALLEY, Nevada co., Cal., 6765 e. SUMMIT VILLAGE, Cambria co., Pa., 2570 e. SUNAPEE LAKE, N. H., 1000 e. SUNBURY, Phila. and E. R. R., Pa., 423e. SUNCOOK, Merrimack co., N. H., 235 e. SUNNEVALMT., Lewis Island, Scotland, 2700 e. SUNOE, Alameda co., Cal., 264 e. SUN RIVER, Wyo., 4114 e. SUPERIOR, Wis., 660 e., 46° 46' n. lat., 92° 03' Ion. w., 41° t, 25.64 r. f. SURRY, Me., highest point, 250 e. SURRY, Hancock co., Me., 50 e., 44° 30' n. lat., 60° 30' Ion. w. SUSQUEHANNA RIV., head waters of, Pa., 1945 e. SUTLER, Amador co., Cal., 919 e. SUWANNEE, Gwinnett CO., Ga., 916 e. SWANNANNON GAP, N. C, 2657 e. SWANNANNON TUNNEL, N. C, 2510 e. SWAN RIV., Minn., 1290 e. SWANTON, Md., 2282 e. SWEET WATER BRIDGE, Wyo., 7000 e., 42° 30' n. lat., 107° 25' Ion. w. SYCAMORE, Fresno co., Cal., 302 e. SYKESVILLE, Schellman Hall, Md., 700 e., 39° 23' n. lat., 76° 57' Ion. w., 48. 53 r. f. SYLVANIA, Scott co.. Mo., 339 e. SYOSSET, Long Island R. R., N. Y., 64 e. SYRACUSE, Onondaigua co., N. Y., 400 e., 43° 01' n. lat., 76° 15' Ion. w^ 41° t., 21.75 r. f. SYRACUSE, Ford co., Kan., 3247 e. T. TABACOTES, Chihuahua, Mex., 7739 e. TABERG, Oneida co., N. Y., 404 e. J TABLE HILL, Cal., 2560 e. 1 TABLE LANDS, Oregon, 1500 to 4000 e. ' TABLE MT., Africa, 3816 e., 34° 22' s. lat., 18° 29' Ion. w. TABLE MT., Sierra Nev., Cal., 8000 e. TABLE ROCK, S. C, 700 e. TABLE ROCK, Wyo., 6890 e. TACNA,Peru, 1700 e. TACORA MT., Bolivia, 18890 e. TACORA PASS, Bolivia, 14400 «. TAFTSVILLE, Windsor co., Vt., 624 e. TAGHKANICK MT., Duchess co., N. Y., 1200 e. TAKKATO P., Beloochistan, 11000 e. TAMAQUA, Schuykill co.. Pa., 700 e., 40° 45' n. lat., 76° Ion. w. TAMPA, Hillsborough co., Fla., 30 e. TAMURAC, Placer co., Cal., 6209 e. TANAGA P., Tanaga Isl., Alaska, 3500e. TANGIPAHOA, Tangipahoa parish. La., 175 e. I 57 TANAS CITY, Mich., 583 e., 44° 16' n. lat., 83° 3' Ion. w. TANEYTOWN, Md., 508 e. TANYTOWN HEIGHTS,Westchester co., N. Y., 390 e. TARRYALL, Col., 9943 e. TAOS, New Mex., 8000 e., 36° 30' n. lat., T.48 r. f. TARENTON, Penn., 950 e. TARIFFVILLF, Litchfield co., Conn., 170 e. TASSETT, San Joaquin co., Cal., 83 e. TATOOSH ISL'D., Wash. Terr., 90 e. TAUNTON, Mass., 42 e. TAWAS CITY, Mich., 583 e. TAYLOR, Hamilton co., N. Y.,4500 e. TAYLORSVILLE, Ky., 600 e., 38° n. lat., 85° Ion. w. TEBEANVILLE, Ware co., Ga., 141 e. TECOMA, Elko co., Nev., 4600 e. TECUMSEH, Kan., 1234 e. TEHAMA, Tehama co., Cal., 222 e. TEHACHAPI, Kern co., Cal., 4017 e. TEKONSHA, Mich., 1000 e., 42° 06' n. lat., 84° 56' Ion. w. TELEGRAPH HILL, Cal., 350 e. TEMPLETON, Fitchburg R. R., Mass., 889 e. TEMPLETON, East. Penn. R. R., Pa., 368 e. TENERIFFE P., Canary Islands, 12358 e., 28° 17' n. lat., 16° 39' Ion. \v. TENNESSEE RIDGE, Tenn., 753 e. TENOCHTITLAN, Mex., 7500 e. TERGLAU, Carniola, Austria, 10390 e. TERRACE. Box Elder co., Utah, 4450 e. TERRE HAUTE, Vigo co., Ind., 483 e. TEUTOPOLIS, Effingham co.,Ill., 574e. THARTS LOCATION, Carroll co., N. H., 749 e. THAYERS STATION, Iowa, 1002 e. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, Va., 392 e., 38° 49' n. lat, 77' 05' Ion. w. THERESA, N. Y., 365 e., 44° 12' n. lat., 75° 48' Ion., w., 37.67 r. f. THIENSVILLE, Ozaukee co.. Wis., 666 e. THOMASVILLE, Thomas co., Ga., 252 e. THOMASTON, Ga., 750 e., 32° 56' n. lat., 84° 30' Ion. w., 43.21 r. f. THOMPSON LEDGE, Ohio, 1300 e. THORNDIKE, Waldo co.. Me., 262 e. THRADOS, Cyprus Island, Asia, 7000 e. THREE BRIDGES, Hunterdon co., N. J., 106 e. THREE MILE BAY, Jefferson co., N. Y., 294 e. THREE BUTTES P., Cal., 2483 e. THREE SPRINGS GAP, Pa., 2230 e. THROGG'8 NECK, Westchester CO., N.Y., 44 e., 40° 49' n. lat., 73° 50' Ion. w., 37.42 r. f. THUNDER BAY ISLAND, Mich., 574 e., 45° 49' n. lat., 83° 11' Ion. w., 33.57 r.f. THUNDER MOUNTAIN, Alaska, 5525 e. TICKFAW, Tangipahoaparish, La., 80 e. TIFFANY LANDING, N. Y., 306 e. TINTOC HILL, Scotland, 2306 e. TIOGA, Tioga co., Pa., 1028 e., 41° 53' n. lat., 77° 15' Ion. w., 46° 79 t., 39.59 r. f. TIPTON, Blair co.. Pa., 983 e. TIPTON, Tulare co., Cal., 275 e. TIP TOP STATION, Iowa, 1437 e. TISKILWA, 111., 500 e. TITUSVILLE, Crawford co.,Pa., 1059 e. TITICACA LAKE, Peru, 12795 e. TIVERTON, Newport co., R. I., 366 e. TJERMEI, Java, 9180 e. TOARO, Elko CO., Nev., 5964 e. "TOBYHANNA Pa., 1929 e. TOCCOA CITY, Habersham co., Ga., 1016 e. TOLEDO, Iowa, 827 e. TOLEDO, Lucas co., Ohio, 604 e., 41° 39' n. lat., 83° 32' Ion. w., 50° t., 39.46 r. f. TOLONO, Champaign co , 111., 1068 e. TOLUCA VOLCANO, Mex., 15168 e. TONAWANDA, N. Y., 557 e. TONDANO MT., Celebes Island, Asia, 2000 e. TONGARAGUA.Rlobamba., S. A., 16579 e. TONTO PASS, Ariz., 7889 e. TOPEKA, Shawnee co., Kan., 850 to 932e., 39° 03' n. lat., 95° 39' Ion. w. TOPSIIAM, Sagadahoc co., Me., 38 e., 43° 54' n. lat., 69° 57' Ion. w. TOPTON, Berks co.. Pa., 471 e. TORANDA, Bradford co.. Pa., 738 e. TORONTO, Can. West, 342 e., 43° 39' n. lat, 79° 23' Ion. w.,42° t, 35.17 r. f. TOTAPELLA, Ceylon, 7720 e. TOTTENVILLE, Richmond co., N.Y.,20e. TOURMALET, Pyrenees Mt. Range, 7143 e. TOWANDA, Lehigh Valley, R. R., Pa., 738 e. TOWER GROVE, Mo., 500 e. TOWNER'S, N. Y., and Harlem R. R., N. Y., 430 e. TOWNSEND, Del., 66 e. TRADERS HILL, Charlton, Ga., 140 e. TREMONT, Pa., 758 e. TRENTON, Dade co., Ga., 720 e. TRENTON, Mercer co., N. J., to 20 e., 40° 13' n. lat, 74° 45' Ion. w., 51° t, 51.18 r.f. TRENTON, Butte co., Ohio, 650 e. TREVERTON COLLIERY, Pa., 760 e. TREVERTON JUNC, North. Cent R. R., Pa., 426 e. TREXLERTOWN, Pa., 390 e. TRINIDAD, Las Animas co., Colo., 5820 e. TRINITY, Morgan co., Ala., 634 e. TRINITY, La., 68 e. 58 TRINITY COLLEGE, N. C, 400 e., 34° 45^ n. lat., 18° 30^ Ion. w. TROIS RIVIERES, near Montreal, Can., e. TROUP FACTORY, Troup co., Ga.. 74 e. TUOUT RUN VALLEY, W. Va., 1720 e., 39° 30^ n. lat., 78® 30^ Ion. w. TROY, Pike co., Ala., 450 e. TROY, Madison co., 111., 550 e. TROY, Cheshire CO., N. H., 1011 e. TROY, Rensellaer co., N. Y , 125 to 350 e., 42° 44' n lat., 73° 40' Ion. w., 48° t., 37.55 r. f. TROY, Ohio, 1103 e., 40° 05' n. lat., 84° 06' Ion. w., 52.56 r. f. TROY HILL. Alleghany co., Pa., 937 e. TRUCKEi^;, Nevada co., Cal., 5866 e. TRU8KM0KE P., Ireland, 2113 e. TUBAC, Ariz. Terr , 3000 e. TULA, Mexico, 6730 e. TULARE, Tulare co., Cal., 290 e. TULASGO, Elko co., Nev., 5418 e. TULE, Harnboldt co., Nev., 4315 e. TOLLY LAKE, Onoadaigua co., N. Y., 1200 e. TUNKH ANXOOK, Luzerne co.. Pa., 766 e. TUNNEL, Alb. and Siisqu. R. R., N. Y., 1400 e. TUNNEL CITY, Moaroe co., Wis., 700 e., 43° 45' n. lat., 91° 40' Ion. w. TUPPERS LAKE, Franklin co., N. Y., 1545 e. TURGUR \.GUA P., Ecii.ador, 16424 e. TURKS ISLAND, \V. Indies, 15 e. TURLOCK, Stanislaus CO., Cal., 106 e. TURNAGAIN CAPE, N.W. coast of Amer., e., 68® 18' n. lat., 109° 28' Ion. w. TURNER'S, Erie R. R., N. Y., 553 e. TURNERV[LLE,Tollandco., Conn. , 403 e. TURiVONT, Erie R. R., N. Y., 496 e. TUSCALOOSA, Tuscaloosa co., Ala., 245 e., 33° 12' n. lat., 87° 28' Ion. w. TUSCARORA, Pa., 985 e. TUSCUMBIA, Colbert co., Ala., 463 e. TUXPAN, W. Indies, 12 e. TWELVE PI^fS, Ireland, 2396 e. TWIN LAKES, Litchfield co., Conn., 735 e. TWINSBURG, Ohio, 1050 e. TYBEE ISLAND, Fixed light Tybee Bay, Ga., 80 e., 32° n. lat., 80° 52' Ion. w. TYSARTS VALLEY, W. Va , 1000 e. TYMOCHTEE RIV., head waters of Marion co., Ohio, 925 e. TYRONE, Iowa, 800 e. TYRONE, Blair co , Pa., 901 e. u. UINTAH, Utah, 456 e. ULLAO, Ozankee co.. Wis., 694 e. ULSTER, Badford co.. Pa., 743 e. ULUKUK MT., Alaska, 1500 e. UMBAGOG LAKE, N. H., 1256 e. UMPGUA RIVER LIGHT, Oregon, 100 e., 43° 40' 18" n. lat , 124° 11' Ion. W. UNADILL A, Alb. and Susqu. R. R., N. Y., 1017 e. UNIVERSITY CAMPUS, Iowa, 726 e. UNIVERSITY PLACE, Cumberland Mt., Tenn., 2000 e., 35° 12' n. lat., 86° Ion. w.. 51 r. f. UNION, ni., 857 e. UNIO.N, Hardin co., Iowa., 953 e. UNION, Nev., 616 e., 38° 25' n. lat, 91° 09' Ion. w. UNION ACADEMY, Rich, and Dan., R.R., Va., 837 e. UNION BRIDGE, Md., 400 e. ONION CANAL, Pa., 480 e., 40° 20' n. lat., 76° 30' Ion \v., 33.40 r f. UNION FURNACE, Penn , 789 e. UNION HILL, Texas, 542 e , 30° 11' n. lat., 96° 31' Ion. w., 31.10 r. f. UNION PEAK, Cal., 14000 e., 43° 30' n. lat., 110° 00' Ion. w. UNION POINT, Greene co., Ga., 147 e. UNION SPRINGS, N. Y., 400 e. UNIONTOWN, Pa., 900 e., 39° 54' n. lat., 79° 42' Ion. w., 52° t. UNIONTOWN, Perry CO., Ala., 274 e. UNION VILLAGE, Iowa, 953 e. UNITY Waldo co.. Me., 218 e. UP PARK CAMP, .Jimaica, W. I., 225 e., 17° 59' n. lat., 76^ 56' Ion. w. UPPER ALTON, III , 650 e , 38° 55' n. lat., 90° 10' Ion. w., 28.53 r. f. UPPER BARTLETT, Carroll co., N. H., 664 e. UPPER NORWALK, D.inb. and Norw. R. R., Conn., 10 e. UPPER SANDUSKY, Wyandotte co., Ohio 890 e. UPPER SARANAC LAKE, Franklin CO., N. Y., 1567 e. URBAN A UNIVERSITY, Champagne co. Ohio, 1015 6., 40° 06' n. lat., 80° 43' Ion. w., 40.31 r. f. UTE PASS, Colo. 11.200 e. UTICA, Oneida co., N. Y., 473 e., 43*= 06' n. lat., 75° 13' Ion. w., 45°. 68 t., 40.09 r. f. UXBRIDGB, Worcester county, Mass., 390 e. V. VACAVILLE. Solano co., Cal., 175 c, 38° 21' 21" n. lat., 121° 58' loo. w. VAIL, Iowa, 1372 e. VALLEJO, Cal., e. VAL DE CHINO, Ariz., 5754 e. VALLEY FALLS, Bait, and Ohio R. R., Va. 975 e. VALLEY FORGE, Phila. and Read. R. R., Pa., 89 e. 59 VALLEY HEAD, De Kalb co., Ala., 1060 e. VALLEY OF VIRGINIA, near Potomac River, Va., 800 e. VALLEY OF VIRGINIA, average eleva- tion, Va., 1000 e. VALLE'S LEAD MINES, St. Francis co., Mo., 1126 e. VANCEBORO, Me., 395 e. VANDALIA, Fayette co., 111., 486 e, VANDERBILT LANDING, Richmond co., N. Y., 12 e. VASALIA, Tex., 2500 e. VAQUEZ PASS, Colo., 11500 e. VAUCLUSE SUMMIT, Avignon, France, 2150 e. VAWTER'S GROVE, Adair co., Iowa, 1500 e., 41° 20' n. lat., 94° SO-* Ion. w. VEGAS, village of the. New Max., 64l8e. VELRBICH, Dalraatia, 5439 e. VELIES LAKE, Colo., 13456 e. VERA CRUZ, Mex., 50 e., 19° 12' n. lat., 96° 09' Ion w., 77°.72' t., 205.60 r. f. VERDI, Washoe co., Nev., 4915 e. VERDIGRIS, Ind. Ter., 480 e. VERGEX, Vt., 225 e. VERMILLION, Union co.,Dak., 1200 e. VERMILLION PASS, Brit. Amer., 4944 e., 51° 10' n. lat. VERMILLIONVILLE, Lafayette co.. La., 48 e. VERNAL SPRINGS, New Mex., 6299 e. VERNON, Jennings co., Ind., 639 e. VERNON, Conn., 238 e. VERONA, Lawrence co., Mo., 1300 e. VERPLANK'S POINT, N. Y., 45 e. VERSAILLES, Darke co., Ohio, 1065 e. VETA GRANDE, Max., 9126 e. VEVAY, Switzerland co., Ind., 525 e., 38° 46' n. lat., 84° 59' Ion. w., 52.77 r. f. VICKSBURG, Miss., 50 to 280e ,32° 23' n. lat. 90° 56' Ion. w., 61° t., 55.08 r. f. VICTON, Iowa, 788 e. VIDALEA, La., 200 e. VIELE, Lee co., Iowa, 149 e. VIENNA, Johnson co., 111., 435 e. VIENNA, Fairfax co., Va., 400 e., 38° 53' 39" n. lat., 77° 11° Ion. w. VIGNEM AL, Pvrenees Mt. Range, 10820 e. VILLA DB LEON, Mex., 6130 e. VILLA NOVA, Pa., 412 e. VILLISCA, Iowa, 1059 e. VINA, Tehama co., Cal., 211 e. VINCENMES, Knoix co., Ind., 899 e., 38° 43' n. lat., 87° 35' Ion. w. VINELAND, N. J., 119 e. VINEYARD HAVEN,Dukeg co.,Mas8.,15e. VIRGINIA CANON, head of, Colo.,9690e. VIRGINIA, Cass co., 111., 606 e. VIRGINIA CITV, Mont., 5510 e. VIRGINIA, Nev., 6200 e. VIRGIJ^IA MILITARY INST., Lexington, Va., 1000 e. VIRGINIA & PENNSYLVANIA STATE LINE, Monongahela River, 774 e. VISTA, Washoe co., Nev., 4400 e. VISZOKA, Austria, 8312 e. VOLCANO DE COLUNA, Coluna,.Mex., 12200 e. VOLCANO P., Wrangele's Land, Alaska, 2480 e. VOSBURG, Wvominc co., Pa., 617 e. VOSOLIA SOPKA P., Alaska, 800 e. T'OTOIS VOLCANO, Centr. Amer., 9848e. VSEVIDOFF P., Alaska, 3000 e. w. WABASH, Wabash co., Ind., 633 e. WABASH RIVER, mouth of, Posey co., Ind., 297 e. WABASH RIV., Lafayette, Ind., 492 e. WABASHAW, Minn.,'850 e., 44° 30' n. lat., 92° 15' Ion. w. WACHU3ETT MT., Mass., 2018 e. WADENA, Minn., 1349 e. WADESBORO, Anson co.. N. C, 550 e. WADSWORTH, Washoe CO., Nev., 4104 e. WAGON ROAD, Anderson co., S. C, 774 e. WAHSATCH, Utah, 6879 e. WAHSATCfl PASS, Utah, 7820 e. WAID'S ROAD, Campbell co., Va., 940e. WAKARDSA, Shawnee co., Kan., 930 e. WAKEFIELD SUMMIT, Ports., Gt. Falls and Conway R. R., N. H., 690 e. WALCOTT, Iowa, 741 e. WALCOTT'S, Wyo., 6800 e. WALDEN PASS, Green Mts., Vt., 1615 e. WALDO, Sheboygan co.. Wis., 838 e. WALFVILLE, Nova Scotia, Can., 80 e. WALKER'S, Vernon co., Mo., 966 e. WALLACE, Wallace co., Kan., 3203 e. WALLAPI PASS, Ariz., 3408 e. WALLA WALLA, Oregon, 579 e. WALLA WALLA, Walla Walla county, Wash., 930 e., 46° 05' n. lat, 118° 52' Ion. w. WALAMET, Oregon, 120 e., 44° 56' n. lat., 123° 01' Ion. w. WALLINGFORD, New Haven co.. Conn., 133 e., 41° 27' n. lat., 72° 50' Ion. w. , 52.03 r. f. WALLINGFORD, Vt , 729 e. WALLINGTON, Wayne co., N. Y., 405 e. WALNUT, Crawford co., Kan., 1041 e. WALNUT GROVE, Bellefontaine, Ohio, 1220 e. WALNUT CREEK. Pettis co., Mo., 732 e. WALNUT HILL, Kenebec co., Me., 175 e. WALNUT HILL, Sullivan co., N. Y., 1980 e. WALNUTTOWN, Pa., 419 e. WALPOLE, Cheshire co., N. H., 329 e. WALPOLE CENTRE, Mass., 127 e. WALTHAM POND,Waltham, Mass., 192e. 60 WALTHAM, Middlesex co., Mass., 50 e., 42° 23^ n. lat, 11° 15^ Ion. w. WAMEGO, Pottawatomie co., Kan., 902e. WAMPSVILLE, N. Y., 500 e., 43° 04^ n. lat^ V5° 50^ Ion. w., 47° t., 66.93 r. f. WANSHIP, Utah, 6200 e. WAPSIPINICON BRIDGE, Chicago and N. W. R. R., Iowa. 676 e. WARAJU RIV., mouth of, Minn., 811 e. WARD, Pulaski co.. Ark., 231 e. WARD'S P., Mont., 10371 e. WARNER'S PASS, Gal., 3630 e. WARRKN'S RANCHO, Gal., 3022 e. WARREN, Nebr.,2570 e. WARREN, Ohio, 1187 e. WARHEN, Warren co.. Pa., 1207 e., 41° 57^ n. lat., 79° 14^ Ion. w. WARREN, R. I., e. WARREN, Va., 299 e. WARREN GENTER, Gonn., 900 e., 41°45'' n. lat, 73° 18^ Ion. w., 45° t. WARRENSBURG, Johnson co.. Mo., 852 e., 38° 45^ n. lat., 93° 40'' Ion. w. WARRENSBURGH, Mason co.. 111., 680e. WARRENTON, Mo., 825 e., 35° 37'' n. lat., 91° 15^ Ion. w. WARRIGK, Warrick Valley R. R., N. Y., 527 e. WARRINGTON, N. Yard, Fla., 12 e., 30° 2K n. lat., 87° 16' Ion. w., 61.14 r. f. WARRIOR RUN, Luzerne CO., Pa., 710 e. WARSAW, 111., 550 e., 40° 20' n. lat., 91° 31' Ion. w., 40.18 r. f, WARSAW, Kosciusko co., Ind., 843 e. WASHAKA, Wyoming, 6697 e. .WASHINGTON, Ark., 660 e., 33° 44' n. lat., 93° 41' Ion. w., 54.31 r. f. WASHINGTON, Smith. Inst., D. 0., grade in front ot, 40 e., 38° 53' n. lat., 77°01' Ion. w., 56° t. 41.65 r. f. WASHINGTON, Grade E. front of Capitol, D. C, 90 e., 38° 53' n. lat., 77° 00' Ion. w., 41.22 r. f. WASHINGTON, highest point in city limits, D. C , 126 e. WASHINGTON, Davies co., Ind., 492 e. WASHINGTON, Tazewell co.. 111., 743 e. WASHINGTON, Iowa, 727 e. WASHINGTON, Franklin co., Mo., 487 e. WASHINGTON, Mass., 1494 e. WASHINGTON, Nebr., 1025 e., 41° 22' n. lat., 96° 12' Ion. w. WASHINGTON, Warren co., N. J., 506 e. WASHI.VGTON C. fl., Fayette CO., Ohio, 1016 e. . WASHINGTON SQUARE, Worcester, Mass., 472 e. WASHINGTONVILLE, Erie R. R., N. Y., 311 e. WASHINGTON, Pa., 1406 e. WASHITA RIVER, source of,Ark.,2000 e. WATERBURGH, Tompkins co., N. Y., 800 e., 42° 30' n. lat., 77° 15' Ion. w. WATERBURY, Conn., 363 e. WATER CURE ESTABLISHMENT, Cush- ion Hill, Pa., 750 e. WATERFORD, Mass., 174 e. WATERFORD, N. J., 112 e. WATERFORD, N. Y., 70 e., 42° 47' n. lat., 73° 41' Ion. w., 38.49 r. f. WATER GAP, Monroe co.. Pa., 320 e. WATERLOO, Can. West., 565 e., 42° 55', 79° Ion. w., 47° t. WATERLOO, Blackhawk co., Iowa, 666 e., 42° 30' n. lat, 92° 22' Ion. w. WATER TOWN, Jefferson co., N. Y., 382 e., 43° 56' n. lat, 75° 52' Ion. w., 27.19 r. f. WATERTOWN ARSENAL, Mass., 100 e., 42°22' n. lat, 71°09' Ion. w., 42.08 r. f. WATERVILLE, Kennebec co., Me., 112 e. WATERVILLE, Madison co., N.Y., 1255e. WATERVLIET ARSENAL, N. Y., 50 e., 42° 43' n. lat, 73° 43' Ion. w., 45° t, 34.61 r. f. WATSON VILLE, Santa Cruz co., Cal., 45 e., 36° 36' n. lat. WAUKEE, Dallas co., Iowa, 774 e. WAUKISHA, Shawanaw co.. Wis., 812 e., 42° 55' n. lat, 88° 11' Ion. w. WAUPACA, Waupaca co.. Wis., 900 e., 44° 20' n. lat, 89° 11' Ion. w. WAUTOMA, Waushara co.. Wis., 1200 e., 44° n lat., 89° 20' Ion. w. WAVERLEY, 111., 680 e., 39° 40' n. lat, 90° 05' Ion. w. WAVERLEY, Lancaster co., Nebr., 1088 e. WAVERLEY, Tioga co., N. Y., 823 e. WAVERLEY STATION, Bremer co., Iowa, 960 e. WAVERLEY VILLAGE, N, Y., 1300 e., 42° 22' n. lat, 78° 59' Ion. w. WAYMART, Wayne co.. Pa., 1400 e. WAYNESBORO, Penn., 640 e. WAYNESBORO, Augusta co., Va., 1283 e. WAYNESBURG, Chester co., Pa., 714 e. WAYNESVILLE C. H., N. C, 2756 e. WEAKEFIELD, N. H., 688 e. WEATHERLY, Carbon co.. Pa., 1100 e. WEAVER, Winona co., Minn., 1400 e. WEBBEKVILLE, Texas, 394 e., 38° 14 n. lat, 97° 34' .on. w. WEBER, Utah, 5030 e. WEAER QUARRY, Utah, 5250 e. WEBSTER C H., N. C, 2203 e. WEBSTER CITY, Hamilton co., Iowa, 1500 e. WEBSTER, Monroe co., N. Y., 406 e. WEBSTER, Jackson co., N. C, 2217 e. WEEDIMG'S CROSSING, Sheboygan co.. Wis.. 695 e. WEEDSPORT, Cuyuaga county, N. Y., 405 e. WELCHPIELD, Ohio, 1205 e., 41° 23' n. lnt, 81° 12' Ion. w., 51.94 r. f. WELLBORN, Swannee co., Fla., 200 e. 61 1205 e. 1295e. WELLINGTON, Ohio, 805 e., 41° 48' n. lat., 82° 13' Ion. w. WELLS, Lacondaga Riv., N. Y WELLS, Elko CO., Nev., 5650 e.' WELLSBOROUGH, Tioga co., Pa WELL'S BRIDGE, N. Y., 1044 e. WELL'S BROOK AQUEDUCT, N. Y., 595 e. WELLSVILLE, N. Y., 1480 e., 42° 07' a. lat., 78° 06' Ion. w. WERER, co.,Ia., 151 e. WESCOESVILLE, Pa., 410 e. WESSON, Couiah co.. Miss., 400 e. WEST ACTON, Fitchburg R. R., Mass., 226 e. WEST ANDOVER, N. H., 425 e. WEST BALDWIN, Cumberland co., Me., 368 e. WEST BEDFORD, Ohio, 876 e., 40° IS' D. lat., 82° 01' Ion. w. WEST BOROUGH, Mass., 297 e. WEST BOYLESTON, Worcester county, Mass., 452 e. WEST BROOK, Me., 100 e. WEST CAMDEN. N. Y., 520 e. WEST CANAAN, N. H., 560 e. WEST CHARLOTTE, Chittenden co., Vt., 96 e. WEST CHESTER, Chester co.. Pa., 450 e.,39°59', 75°35'Ion. w , 46.96r.f. WEST CONCORD, Mass., 138 e. WEST CONCORD, N. Y., 2000 e., 42°32' n. lat., 78° 52' Ion. w. WEST CORNWALL, Conn., 1000 e., 41° 50' n. lat., 73° 21' Ion. w. WEST DAY, N. Y., 1200 e. WEST DENNIS, Mass., 25 e., 41° 40' n. lat., 70° 11' Ion. w. WESTERVILLE, Franklin co., Ohio, e., 40° 14' u. lat., 83° 10' Ion. 39.19 r. f. WEST FALMOUTH, Cumberland Me., 38 e. WESTFIELD, Hampden co., Mass., 42° 06' n. lat., 72° 48' Ion. w., 49 48. 1 5 r. f. WEtJTFIELD, Union co., N. J., 130 e. WEST FITCHBURG, Mass., 544 e. WEST HAVERFORD, Pa., 400 e., 40° n. lat., 75° 21' Ion. w., 48.44 r. f. WEST JUNCTION, N. Y., 531 e. WEST LEBANON, N. H., 123 e. WEbT LIBERTINE, Muscatine co., Iowa, 648 6. WEST LIBERTY, Ohio, 1038 e. WEST LYNN, Mass., 10 e. WEST MILAN, Coos co., N. H., 1035 e. WESTMINISTER, Oconee county, S. C, 1110 e. WESTMINSTER, Md., 742 e. WESTMORE, Vt., 1161 e. WESTMORELAND, Cheshire co., N. H., 566 e. 860 180 t., WESTMORE MTS., Vt., 3000 e. WEST MOWEE,N. Pacific Ocean, 6100 e. WEST NEWTON, Middlesex co., Mass., 55 e., 42° 21' n. lat., 71° 17' Ion. w. WEST NEWTON, Westmoreland co.. Pa., 787 e. WEST MISHNABOTANY, Iowa, 938 e. WESTON, Mass., 100 e. WESTON, Lewis co., W. Va., 1002 e. WEST OSSIPEE, N. H., 428 e. WESTOVER, Somerset co., Md., 18 e. V.EST POLNT, N. Y., 167 e., 41° 24' n. lat., 73° 37' Ion. w., 51° t., 47.65 r. f. WEST POINT, hills in rear of, N. Y., from 600 to 1400 e. WEST POINT, Va., e. WEST SIDE STATION, Iowa, 1339 e. WEST SPRINGFIELD, Mass., 300 e., 42° 10' 11. lat., 72° 48' Ion. w., 52.47 r. f. WESTTUWN, Pa., 550 e., 39° 57' n. lat., 75° 34' Ion. w., 51.01 r. f. WEST UNION, Fayette co , Iowa, 1250e.. 42° 38' n. lat., 91° 50' Ion. w. WEST URBANA, 111 , 556 e., 40° 09' n. lat., 88° 17' Ion. w., 36.61 r. f. WESTVILLE, Simpson co., Miss., 450 e. WEST VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND STATE LINE, Balto. and Ohio R. R., 2480 e. WEST WALPOLE, Mass., 207 e. WEST WATERVILLE, Kennebec co., Me., 250 e., 44° 30' n. lat., 69° 40' Ion. w., 39.37 r. f. WEYAUMEGA, Wis., 870 e., 44° 15' n. lat.. 88° 50' Ion. w., 44.25 r. f. WEYMOUTH, Mass., 150 e., 42° 12' n. lat., 70° 36' Ion. w. WHEATLAND, Yuba co., Cal. 84 e. WHEATON, III., 764 e., 41° 49' n. lat., 88° 06' Ion. w., 41.70 r. f. WHEELING, Ohio, 620 e. WHEELING, W. Va., 625 to 840 e., 40°07' u. lat., 80° 42' Ion. w. WHEELING HILL, W. Va., 850 e. WHERNSIDE, Yorkshire, Eng., 2384 e. WHETSTONE, Gaston co., N. C, 1024 e. WHITAKER'S, Cleveland co., N. C, 885 e. WHITCOMB HILL, Peebleshire, Scotland, 2685 e. WHITE EARTH, Minn., 1670 e. WHITEFACE MT., N. Y., 5000 e. WHITEFIELD, N. H., 1332 e. WHITEHALL, Muskegon county, Mich., 618 e. , WHITEHALL, N.Y., 96 e. WHITEHALL, Green co.. 111., 566 e. WHITEHALL, Lehigh co., Pa., 250 e., 40° 44' n lat., 75° 28' Ion. w. WHITE HAVEN, Luzerne co.. Pa., 1 100 e. WHITE HOUSE, Hunterdon co., N. J., 178 e. WHITE HOUSE HOTEL, Neversink Mt., Pa., 410 e. 62 WHITE HOUSE, Rich, and York R. R , Va. 9 e. WHITE ISLAND, fixed light, N. H.,87 e., 42° 58' n. lat., 70° 37' Ion. w. WHITEWASH ISLAND, Ga., 18 e., 32° O3',81°02'lon. w., 65°t., 40.31 r.f. WHITE MAUVAISE'S BLUFF, Wyo., 5418 e. WHITE MOUNTAIN, N. H., 6428 e. WHITE PLAINS, Churchill co., Nev., 3921 e. WHITE PLAINS, Westchester co., N. Y., 273 e., 41° n. lat., 73° Ion. w. WHITK PJV., Madison co., Ind., 822 e. WHITK RIV., Green co., Ind., 467 e. WHITE RIV. JDNC, Vt. Centr. II. R., Vt., 298 e. WHITE ROCKS, Vt, 2532 e. WHITE ROCK STATION, Me., 219 e. WHITESTOWN, N. Y., 824 e. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, Greenbrier CO., W. Va., 1918 e., 37° 45' n. lat., 80° 20' Ion. VT., 37.54 r, f. WHITE TOP P., Va., 6000 e. WHITE WATER, Cape Girardeau co.. Mo., 355 e. WHITE WATER, Franklin co., Ind., 598 e. WHITEWATER, Winona co., Minn., 1500 e. WHITFIELD, Iowa, 038 e. WHITING, Ocean co., N. J., 190 e. WHITING LEICESTER JUNC, Vermont Centr. R. R., Vt , 340 e. WHITNEYS, Ucean co., N. J., 176 e. WHITNEY'S POINT, Broome co., N. Y., 953 e. WILCOX, Wyo., 7033 e. WILD HORSE SPRINGS, Greenwood Co., Colo., 4214 e. WILKESBARRE, Luzerne co., Pa., 500 e,, 41° 14' n. lat., 7.5° 36' Ion. w. WILLARD, Box Elder co., Utah, 4224 e, WILLEY HOUSE, Carroll co., N. H., 1327 e. WILLIAM AND MARY COLLEGE, Williamsburg, Va., 100 e. WILLIAMAUTIC, Windham co., Conn., 224 e. WILLIAMETTE UNIVERSITY, Oregon, 120 e. WILLIAMS, Clay co., Ind., 627 e. WILLIAMS BRIDGE, N. Y. and Harlem R. R., N. Y., 60 e. WILLIAMSBURG, Hampshire co., Mass., 492 e. WILLIAMSBURG, Md., 38 e. WILLIAMSBORG, N. Y., 69 e. WILLIAMSBURG, Va., 100 e., 37° 15' n. lat., 76° 40' Ion. w., 58° t., 47.15 r. f. WILLIAMSON, Wayne county, N. Y., 420 e. WILLIAMS MT., Ariz., 6620 e. WILLIAMSPORT, Md., 355 e. WILLIAMSPORT, Lycoming co.. Pa., 533 e., 41° 19' n. lat., 81° 30' Ion. w. WILLIAMSTOWN, Kan., 915 e. WILLIAMSTOWN, Berkshire co., Mass., 686 e., 42° 43' n. lat., 73° 13' Ion. w., 45° t., 40.51 r. f. WILLIAMSTOWN, Oswego co., N. Y., '625 e. WILLIAMSTOWN, Vt., 1500 e., 44° 07' n. lat., 72° 32' Ion. w., 37° t. WILLTAMSVILLE, Wayne co.. Mo., 303 e. WILLOWCREEK, 111., 1040 e. WILLOW ISLAND, Neb., 251 1 e. WILLS CREEK, Ohio, 1100 e. - WILLS MT., Mo., 1003 e. WILLSEYVILLE, Tioga CO., N. Y.,,913 e. WILMINGTON, Los Angeles, Cal., e. WILMINGTON, Del., 115 e., 39° 41' n. lat., 75° 28' Ion. w. WILMINGTON, Vt., 1200 e. WILMINGTON, N. C, e., 34° 20' n. lat., 46 r. f. WILMINGTON, Clinton co., Ohio, 1053 e. WILMINGTON JUNC, Mass., 83 e. WILSON, Niagara co., N. Y., 299 e.,43°20' n. lat., 78° 5'6' Ion. w. WILSON, N. C, 105 e., 35° 41' n. lat., 77° 47' Ion. w., 56.32 r. f. WILSON, Sheboygan co.. Wis., 680 e. WILSON'S SUMMIT, Pa., 1719 e. WILTON, Fairfield co.. Conn., 190 e. WILTON, Iowa., 654 e. WILTON, N. H., 333 e WINCHENDON, Worcester co., Mass., 991 e. WINCHENDON SUMMIT, Worcester co., Mass., 1018 e. WINCHESTER, Frederick CO., Va., 722 e. WINCHESTER, Mass., 32 e. WINDING RIDGE, Pa., 2534 e. WINDOM, Cottonwood co., Mich., 1450 e, WIND RIV. MTS., timber line, Colo., 10160 6. WINDSOR, Can. East, 288 e. , 45° 21' n. lat., 72° 30' Ion. w., 29.18 r. f. WINDSOR, N. Y., 936 e. WINDSOR, Nova Scotia, 200 e., 44° 59' n. lat., 64° 07' Ion. w. WINDSOR, Vt., 305 e., 43° 30' n. lat., 72° 27' Ion. w., 45°.46 t. WINFIELD, HL, 748 e. WINN, Me., 200 e. WINNEBAGO, 111., 900 e., 42° 17' n. lat., 89° 12' Ion. w., 37.83 r. f. WINNEMUCA, Humboldt co., Nev., 4355e. WINNEPAUK, Fairfield co., Conn., 70 t. WINNEPISEOGEE LAKE, N. H., 496 e. WINNSBORO, Fairfield co., S. C, 545 e. WINONA, Winona co., Minn., 1500 e. WINSLOW, N. J., Ill e. WINSTEAD, Conn., 736 e. WINTHROP, Kennebec co., Me., 215 e. WINTHROP, Buchanan co., Iowa, 1043e. 63 SUPPLEMENT LIST OF ELEVATIONS Above sea-level of localities in the United States, obtained after the main vpork had gone to press. This list of elevations are chiefly of Railroad Surveys and Water Levels of the various localities and the highest and lowest elevations within city limits. ABERDEEN, Miss., 237 e. ABINGTON, 111., 754 e. ABYSSINIAN MTS., Africa, 1500 e. ACAMPO, San Joaquin co., Cal., 59 e. ACTON, Middlesex co., Mass., 204 e. ACTON SUMMIT, Can., 1225 e. ADA, Ohio, Pitts. Ft. W., Chic, R. R., 950 e. ADAMS FORK, Tenn., C. S. R. R., 693 e. ADAMS' GAP, Pa., 2458 e. ADAMS MILLS, Ohio, Pitts., Cinn. & St. Louis R. R., 723 e, ADDIEVILLE, 111., St.L. & S. E. R. R., 458 e. ADGER'S, S. C, Char, and Col. R. R., 543 e. ADIRONDACK MT., N. Y., Culminating point, 5379 e. AGATE STATION, Colo., Kan. Pac. R. R., 5314 e. AGRA, Asia, 657 e., 27° 10' n. lat., 78° K Ion. e. AIKEN, Aiken co., Minn., 1190 e. ALAMO MOCBO, Col., S. P. R. R., 176 e. ALBANY, Ga., S. W. R. B., 232 e. ALBION, Calhoun co., Mich., 933 e. ALDEM, Harden co., Iowa, 1165 e. ALDRICH, Wadena co., Minn., 1323 e. ALEXANDRIA, Warren co.. 111., 648 e. ALEXANDRIA, Douglas co., Minn., 1386e. ALEXANDRIA, Thayer co., Nebr., 1372e. ALEXANDRIA, Va., 2 to 44 e. ALGIERS, Orleans co., La., 15 e. ALICIA, Lawrence co., Ark., 244 e. ALLBRIGHT'S SUMMIT, Pa., 2424 e. ALLEGAN, Allegan co., Mich., 778 e. ALLEGHENY OR APPALACHIAN MTS. 1150 miles long, 150 to 200 miles broad, average height, 2400 e. ALLEGHENY SUMMIT, Montgomery co., Va., 20^9 e. ALLEN, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R. E., 1049 e. ALLENDALE, 111., 452 e. ALLBNSTOWN, Merrimack co., N. H., 335 e. ALLENVILLE, Cape Girardeau co., Mo., 347 e. ALLEYTON, Tex., 222 e. ALLIANCE, Ohio, 1074 e. ALMA, Henry CO., Ohio, 702 e. ALMONTE, Can., 364 e. ALTA, Buena Vista co., Iowa, 1512 e. ALTAMONT, Alameda co., Cal., 740 e. ALTAMONT, Effingham co., 111., 583 e. ALTOONA, Pa., 1200 to 1350 e. AMBALA, Asia, 1026 e., 30° 21' n. lat., 76° 48' Ion. e. AMBOY, 111., 111. Cen. R. R., 735 e. AMERICAN FALLS, Idaho, 4320 e. AMERICAN FORK, Utah co., Utah, 4606e. AMERICUS, Lyon co., Kan., 1177 e. AMES GAP, Orange and Alexandria R. R., Va., 829 e. AMHERST, Wis., Green Bay and Lake Pepsin R. R., 1137 e. AMITE, Tangipahoa parish. La., 130 e. AMITYVILLE, Suffolk co., N. Y., 40 e. ANAHEIM, Los Angeles co., Cal., 262 e. ANDERSON, Shasta co., Cal., 433 e. ANDERSON'S CROSS ROADS, Tenn., 1880 e. ANDES MTS., S. A., extend along the whole western region of the Continent, from north to south, 4500 m., breadth from 40 to 400 m., mean height, 11,800ft. ANGEL'S PEAK, Cal., South Pac. R. R., 1067 e. ANGELICA, Shawanaw co.. Wis., 863 e. ANGOLA, N. Y., L. S. and M. S. R. R., 678 e. ANITA, Butte CO., CaL, 161 e. ANNA, Union CO., 111., 634 e. * ANNANDALE, Hunterdon co., N. J., 346e. ANNADALE, Richmond co., N. Y., 85 e. ANNAPOLIS, Iron co.. Mo., 628 e. ANNAPOLIS, Winds, and Annap. R. R., Nova Scotia, 21 e. ANOKA, Minn., 980 e. ANTILOPE HILLS, Ind. Ter., 2043 e. ANTISANA, Ecuador, 19137 e. ANTON CHICO, New Mex., 5414 e, ANTUCO, Ecuador, S. A., 8918 e. ANVIL ROCK, Ariz., Kan. Pac. R. R., 5170 e. 64 APPLE RIVER, Jo Daviess co., 111., t>75e. APPLETON, St. Clair co., Mo., 978 e. APULIA, Onondaga co., N. Y., 1241 e. ARCADE, N. Y., Buff. N. Y., and Nila R. R., 111., 1457 e. ARCHIBALD, Ohio., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 724 e. ARENZVILLE, Cass co.. 111., 754 e. ARKANSAS RIVER, sources of, 10,000 e., 39° n. lat.. 106° Ion. w. ARKANSAS AND MISSOURI RIVERS, divide between, Crawford co., Kan., 907 e. ARLINGTON, Bureau co., 111., 700 e. ARROYO ESCONDIDE, Tex., 2115 e. ASBURY, Hunterdon co., N. Y., 439 e. ASHLAND, Hanover co., Va., 221 e. ASHLAND, Saunders co., Nebr., 1053 e. ASHLAND, Ky., 541 e. ASHLEY, 111., 633 e. ASHLEY, Ohio, 972 8. ASHVILLE, St. Clair co., Ala., 594 e. ATHENS, Athens co., Chio, 703 e. ATHENS, Tenn., 993 e. ATHRNS, Limestone co., Ala., 711 e. ATKINSON'S GAP, Tenn., 737 e. ATLANTA, Mo., 865 e. ATOKA, Choctaw Nation, Ind. Ten, 574e. ATTALLA, Etowah co., Ala., 530 e. ATTICA, Fountain co., Ind., 534 e. AUBREY, Ford co., Kan., 3135 e. AUBREY VALLEY, Ariz., 5156 e. AUBURN, N. Y., 300 to 350 e. AUBURN, Placer co., Cal., 1357 e. AUBURN, Ala., 821 e., 32° 37^ n. lat., 83° 34^ Ion. w. AUGUSTA, Kennebeck co.. Me., 43 e. AUGUSTA, Wis., W. Wis. R. H., 744 e. AURORA, Nev., 7441 e., 38° 18' 15^' n. lat., 118° 53M5'' Ion. w., AURORA, N. Y., 900 e. AURORA, Ohio, 1165 e. AUSTIN, Pulaski co.. Ark., 238 e. AUSTIN, Nev., 6451 e., 29° 35' n. lat., 116° 40' Ion. w. AVOCA, N. Y., Erie R. R., 1180 e. AVON, 111., 646 e. AXTEL, Kan., St. Joe & Den. R. R., 1316 e. AYER, Middlesex co., Mass., 240 e. AZTEC PASS, Ariz., 6182 e., 34° 56' n. lat., 112° 49' Ion. w. B. BACONBURG, Atl. and Gt. W. R. R., Ohio 955 e. BABYLON, Suffolk co., N. Y., 26 e. BADGLEY, 111., St. L. & S. E. R. R. 525e. BAINBRIDGR, Decatur co., Ga., 119 e. BAINBRIDGE, Ind., Louis, New Alb. and Crans. R. R., 933 e. BAILEYTOWN, Ind., 605 e. BAKER'S, Tenn., 555 e. BALAND, 111., Spring, and 111. S. E. R.R., 760 e. BALD KNOB, White co.. Ark., 212 e. BALD MTS.. N. C, 5550 e. BALD PEAK MT., Ariz., 7558 e. BALDSPOT MT., N. C, 4658 e. BALDWIN, Fla., 82 e. BALDWIN CITY, Kan., 947 e. BALDWIN, Wis., W. Wis., R. R. 910 e. BALDWIN'S, Queens co , N. Y., 33 e. BALLS ISLAND, N. J., 70 e. BALSAM LAKE, Can., 823 e. BALSAM MT., Va., 5700 e. BALSAM TUNNEL, N. C, 3411 e. BALTIMORE, Md., 6 to 233 e. BANCROFT, Mich., 943 e. BANGOR, Franklin co., N. Y., 552 e. BANK LICK DEPOT, Louis., Cin. and Lex. R. R., Ky., 828 e. BANTA, San Joaquin co., Cal., 30 e. BARDOLPH, 111 , 676 e. BARING CROSS, Pulaski CO., Ark., 246 e. BARNARD, Linn co., Kan., 687 e. BAR.N'ESVILLE, Ga., 461 e. BARNU.\I, Webster co., Iowa., 1173 e. BARREL'S STATION, Mo., 512 e. BARRETT'S, Mo. Pac. R. R., Mo., 506 e. BARRY, Mich., 914 e. BARTLETT, Carroll co., N. H., 584 e. BARTON, Mem. and Char. R. R., Ala., 497 e. BASCOMS STONE, Atl. & Pac.,R. R.,290e. BATESVILLE, S. C, Char, and OoL R. R., 670 e. BAYARD, Ohio, 1065 e. BAY BRIDGE, Ohio, L. S. & M. S. R. R., 875 e. BAY CITY, Mich., 650 e. BAYMINETTE, Baldwin CO., Ala., 275e. BAYOU BARTHOLEMEVV, La. 144 e. BAYOU TENSAS, La., 68 e., BAY ST. LOUIS, Miss., N. 0., Mob. and Tex. R. R. 24e. BEAL'S PASS, Ariz., 5127 e. BEAR CREEK, Ellis co., Tex., 420 e. BEAR RIVER, Idaho, 4681 e., 42° 3' n. lat., 110° 11' Ion. w. BEARDSTOWN, 111., 457 e. BEAR WALLOW MT., N. C, 4658 e. BEASON'S CREEK, Grimes co., Tex., 190 e. BEATTIE, Kan., St. Joe & Den. R. R., 1258 e. BEAUCOUP, III., St. L. & S. E. R. R., 130 e. BEAVER, Iowa, 1042 e. BEAVER, Pa., 669 e. BEAVER ROAD, N. S., N. S. R. R., 230e. BEDFORD, Nova Scotia, N. S. R. R., 39e. BEEBE, White co., Ark., 235 e. BEECUER CITY, IlL, Spring. & III. S. E. II. R., 917 e. 65 BELFAST, Me., 5 to 197 e. BELGIUM, Ozankee co., Wis., 731 e. BELL BUCKLE .^UMMIT, N. & C. R. R., Tenn., 916 e. BELLE AIR, Ohio, 648 e. BELLEFONTE, Memph. & CharL R. R., Ala., 639 e. BELLE PLAIN, Scott co., Minn., 818 e. BELLEVILLE, III., 608 e. BELLEVILLE, Ga., Atl. & Rich. R. R., 1342 e. BELLEVUE, Ohio, 740 e. BELL'S GAP, Pa., 2271 e. BELLVIEW, Ala., Ala. Cent. R. R., 250 e. BELMONT, Putman co., Ohio, 724 e. BELMONT, Mississippi co., Mo., 308 e. BELTON, S. C, 880 e. BELVIDERE, Neb., St Joe. & Den. R. R., 1468 e. BELVOIR, Douglass co., Kan., 777 e. BEMER, 111., Tol. Wab. & West. R. R., 805 e. BENCHLEY, Robertson co., Tex., 306 e. BENSON, Minn., St. P. & Pac. R. R., 1037 e.' BENTLEY, 111., Tol. Wab. & West. R. R., 790 e. BENTON, Mo., Mo. Pac. R. R., 470 e. BENTON, Ark., 287 e. BENT'S OLD FORT, Colo., 3772 e. BENT'S CANON RANCHE, New Mex., 4820 e. BEREA, Ohio, 768 e. BERENDA, Fresno co., Cal , 256 e. BBRGER, Mo., Mo. Pac. R. R., 515 e. BERKSHIRE, N. Y., 979 e. BERKSHIRE HILLS, Mass., 1500 e. BERLIN, Canada, 1097 e. BERLIN, Worcester co., Md., 50 e. BERLIN, Ohio, 941 e. BERLIN DEPOT, Wis., 760 e. BERTRAND, Mississippi co., Mo., 317 e. BERZELIA, Richmond co., Ga., 517 e. BESSVILLE, Bollinger co., Mo., 535 e, BEST'S STATION, Wayne co., N. C, 87e. BIG BEND SHOALS, Tenn., Miss. Cent. & Miss. & Tenn. R. R., 354 e. BIG BERGER'S CREEK, Franklin co.. Mo., 474 e. BIG BLUE RIVER, Jackson co., Mo., 692 e. BIG BOEUF CREEK, Franklin co., Mo., 460 e. BIGBY SUMMIT, Tenn., 597 e. BIG CABIN CREEK, Ind. Ter., 533 e. BIG CONTEE, Mont., 2863 e. BIG DARBY, Ohio, Atl. & Gt. West. R. R., 1024 e. BIGGS, Butte co., Cal., 124 e. BIG HOUSE CREEK, S. C, Char. & CoL R. R., 200 e. BIG LICK, Roanoke co., Va., 919 e. BIG LOGAN, Cal., S. P. R. R., 70 e. BIG MUDDY RIVER, Jackson co., IlL, 384 e. BIG RIDGE TUNNEL, N. C, 2567 e. BIG SPRING, Montgomery co., Va., 1258e. BIG SPRING GAP, Pa., 2597 e. BIYKNDANTE, N. Mex., Kan. Pac. R. R., 5406 e. BILLINGS, Christian co.. Mo., 1375 e. BIRCH RIDGE TUNNEL, N. C, 2220 e. BIRD CREEK, Ind. Ter., 490 e. BIRD CREEK, Atl. & Pac, R. R., Mo., 510 e. BIRD POINT, Colo., 2020 e. BIRMINGHAM, Jefferson co., Ala., 580 e. BISHOP, Elko CO., Nev., 5423 e. BISMARCK, St. Francois co.. Mo., 1017 e. BLACK HAWK, Gilpin co., Colo., 7920 e., 39° 48^ 24^^ n. lat BLACK LAKE, Muskegon co., Mich., 583 e. BLACK OAK RIDGE, summit of Tenn., 1070 e. BLACK RIV., Wis., Green Bay & Lake Pepsin R. R., 892 e. BLACK RIVER, mouth of, 223 e. BLACK ROCK, N. C, 4364 e. BLACK'S, York co., S. C, 772 e. BLACKS FORK, Wyo., 6110 e. BLACKSTOCKS, S. C, Char. & Col. R. R., 625 e. BLACKSHEAR, Pierce co., Ga., 67 e. BLAOKVILLE, Barnwell co., S. C, 296 e. BLACK WALNUT, Wyoming co., Pa., 653 e. BLACKWELL, Washington co.. Mo., 583 e. BLAIR, Washington co., Nebr., 1107 e. BLAIRSBURG,Hamiltonco., Iowa, 12306. BLAIR'S GAP, Pa., 2339 e. BLISSFIELD, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 679 e. BLODGETT'S MILLS, N. Y., Syrac. & Ring. R. R., 1080 e. BLOOMINGTON, McLean co.. 111., 826 e. BLOOMSBDRG, Columbia co.. Pa., 495 e. BLOOMSBURG, Hunterdon co , N. J., 336 e. BLUE ISLAND, 111., 593 e. BLUE MESA MT., Ariz., White Mesa Line, 8677 e. BLUE MOUND, Iowa co., Wis., 1704 e. BLUE MT., East base of Oreg., 3831 e. BLUE MTS., Me., 2700 e. BLUE RIDGE MT., highest, Ga., 1734 e. BLUE SPRING, Tenn., E. T. & Va. R. R., 1279 e. BLUE SPRING SUMMIT, Tenn., E. T. & Va. R. R., 1368 e. BLUFF SPRINGS, 111., Spring. & HI. S. E. R. R., 815e. BOB'S CREEK GAP, Pa., 2496 e. BOCA, Nevada co., CaL, 5533 e. 66 BOEUF STATION, Teneborne co., La, Ge. BOGUE CHITTO, Lincoln co., Miss., 375 e. BOiS DES SIOUX, Dak., 1039 e. BOLETER, Wyo., 4325 e. BOLIVAR, Miss., 470 e. BOLIVAR, Tenn., Miss. Cent. & Miss. & Tenn. R. R., 430 e. BOLOR TAGH, Centr. Asia, 19000 e. BOLSON DE MAPINI, N. Mex., 3785 e. BOLTON", Chittenden co., Vt., 335 e. BOMBAY, Asia, 38 e., 18° 53' n. lat., 72° 49' Ion. ■w. BONNOT'S MILLS, Mo. Pac. R. R., Mo., 542 e. BOONE, Iowa, 1154 e. BOONE CREEK, Crawford co.,Mo., 949e. BOONE RIVER, Hamilton co., Iowa, 1032 e. BOONVILLE, Pueblo co., Colo., 4381 e. BORDEN, Fresno co., Cal., 172 e. BOSLAND, Ellsworth co., Ga., 1586 e. BOTKINS, Shelby co., Ohio, 1006 e. BOTTSVILLE, Mo., Ham. & St. J. R. R., 763 e. BOURBON, Atl. & Pac; R. R., Mo., 933e. BOULDER, Boulder co., Colo., 5250 e., 40° n. lat., 105° 10' Ion. w. BOUND BROOK, Somerset co., N.J.,31e. BOURBEUSE CREEK, Crawford co.. Mo., 987 e. BOUTTE, St. Charles co.. La., 5 e. BOVINE, Box Elder co., Utah, 4347 e. BOWERSTOWN, Ohio, Cinn. Pitts. & St. Louis R. R., 821 e. BOWLING GREEN, Ky., 586 e. BOX ELDER, Arapahoe co.,Colo., 5430e. BRACEVILLB, Ohio, Atl. & Gt. W. R. R., 891 e. BRADFORD, White co.. Ark., 232 e. BRAINTREE, Orange co., Vt., 773 e. BRANCH VILLE, Orangeburg co., S. C, 141 e. BRANCHVILLE, Fairfield co., Conn., 345 e. BR ASHE AR, St. Mary co., La., 7 e. BRASHER FALLS, Lawrence co., N. Y., 280 e. BRAZIL, Clay co., Ind., 602 e. BRAZOS BOTTOM, Grimes co., Tex., 186 e. BRECKENRIDGE PASS, Parkco , Colo., 11240 e. BREMARD, Robertson co., Tex., 460 e. BRENTWOOD, Suffolk co., N. Y., 83 e. BRENHAM, Washington co., Tex., 350 e. BRIAR CREEK, Navarra co., Tex., 378 e. BRIDGEPORT, Conn., 6.} to 69 e. BRIDGETON, Nova Scotia, 25 e. BRIER HILL, Ohio, Atl. & Gt. W. R. R., 903 e. BRIGIIAM, Box Elder co., Utah, 4226 e. BRIGHTON, Sacramento co., Cal., 53 e. BRIGHTON, Macoupin co., 111., 1017 e. BRIMFIELD, Ind., L S. & M. S. R. R., 679 e. BRISTOL, Sullivan co., Tenn., 1678 e. BRISTOL, Ind., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 769e. BROADHEAD, Wis., 799 e. BROCTON, N. Y , L. S. & M. S. R. R., 680 e. BROMPTON FALLS, Can., 406 e. BRONCO, Nevada co., Cal , 5341 e. BRONSON, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 900 e. BRONTE, Canada, 330 e. BROOKFIELD, Mo., Ham. & St. J. R. R., 748 e. BROOKFIELD, Nova Scotia, N. S. R. R., 98 e. BROOKFIELD, Ohio, 1145 e. BROOKLINE, Atl. & Pac. R. R., Mo., 1281 e. BROOKVILLE, Ohio, 624 e. BROOKVILLE, Pa., 1265 e. BROOKVILLE, Addison co., Vt., 290 e. BROWNHELM, Ohio, L. S. & M. S. R. R., 631 e. BROWNING, Schuyler co.. 111., 405 e. BROWNSBORO, Madison co., Ala., 631 e, BROWNSTOWN, Fayette co.. 111., 520 e. BRUNSWICK, Mo., St. L. Kan. City & N. R. R., 692 e. BRUSH CREEK, Atl. & Pac. R. R., 1350e. BRUSH'S MILES, Franklin co., N. Y., 417 e. BRYAN, Brazos CO., Tex., 371 e. BUCHANAN, Berrien co., Mich., 722 e. BUCKHEAD DEPOT, Ga. R. R., Ga., 641 e. BUCKLAND, Atl. & Pac. R. R., Mo., 889e. BUCYRUS, Ohio, Pitts. Flor. & Ohio R. R., 1000 e. BUDA, 111., Chic. Burl. & Quincy R. R., 766 e. BUFFALO, N. Y., 565 to 1252 e. BUFFALO BAYO.V, Tex. & Hous. Cent. R. R., Tex., 37 e. BUFORD'S DEPOT, Bedford co., Va., 1009 e. BULL RUN, Tenn. & Pac. R. R., Tenn., 790 e. BULL RUN CREEK, Knox. & Ky. R. R., Tenn., 828 e. BULLS GAP, E. T. & Va. R. R., Tenn., 1214 e. BUNKER HILL, Russell co., Kan., 1766 e. BUNTYN, Tenn., 303 e. BUREAU, 111., 473. BURGHILL, Ohio, Atl. & Gt. W. R. R,, 1048 e. BURGIN TUNNEL, N. C, 2495 e. BURGOON'S GAP, Pa., 2363 e. BURKE, Franklin co., N. Y., 855 e. BURLINGTON, Wis., 755 e. BURNS, Wis., 863 e. 67 BURNETT, Wis., 866 e. BURNS, Miss., Mem. & Char. R. R., 463e. BURNSIDE, 111., 561 e. BURNSVILLE, C. H., N. C, 2840 e. BURROCH, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 881 e. BURTON, Washington co., Tex., 435 e. BURTON'S GAP, Ind., 932 e. BUSHNELL, McDonough co.. III., 672 e. BUTLER, Ind., L. S. & M. S. R. R.. 850 e. BUTT MT. GAP, N. C, 2168 e. BUTTS GAP, Tenn , 1214 e. BYRAM, Hinds co.,Miss , 250 e. BYRON, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 734 e. c. CABELL C. H., Cabell co., Va., 566 e. CABOT, Pulaski co.. Ark., 279 e. CACAPON SPRINGS, W. Va., 1320 e. CADDO, Choctaw Nation,Ind. Ter., 723 e. CADET, Washington co.. Mo., 805 e. CADIZ JUNCTION, Harrison co., Ohio, 1056 e. CESAR'S HEAD, S. C, 2500 e. CAIRO, Allen co., Ohio, 806 e. CAJON PASS, Cal., 4670 e. CAJON GAP, Outlet of, Cal., 101 e. CALAMUS, Iowa, Chic. & Mo. R. R., 720e. CALAMET, Cook co.. 111., 594 e. CALDWELL, Chio, 725 e. CALEDONIA, IlL, 918 e. CALEDONIA, Iowa, 1089 e. CALHOUN, Henry co.. Mo., 884 e. CALHOUN, Madison co., Miss., 315 e. CALIFORNIA, Moniteau co., Mo., 864 e. CALVERT, Robertson co., Tex., 338 e. CAMACK, Georgia, 495 e. CAMAROONS, Africa, 13129 e. CAMBRIDGE, 111., 857 e. CAMBRIDGh:, Mass., 10 to 87 e. CAMBRIDGE, Ohio, 939 e. CAMDEN, Ind., 662 e. CAMERON, Mo., Ham. & St. Joe R. R., 1013 e. CAMP BABBITT, CaL, 384 e., 36° 22' h. lat., 119° 16' Ion. w. CAMPBELL, Jackson co.. Ark., 223 e. CAMPBELL CK., Robertson co., Tex., 293 e. CAMPBELL PASS, New Mex., 7132 e. CAMPBELLSBURG DEPOT, Cin., Louis. & Lex. R. R., 896 e. CAMP CRILEY, Pawnee co., Kan., 2106 e. CAMP POINT, 111., 741 e. CANADA DE LOS DIEGOS, N. Mex., 6145 e. CANADA GAVIOTA, Santa Barbara co., Cal., 90 e. CANADIAN RIV., Tex., 2392 e. CANADIAN RIV., source of, Colo., 6000e. CANADIAN VALLEY, Ind. Ter., 1519 e. CANARAGA, N. Y., N. Y. Cent. R. R.,409e. CANDOR, Tioga co., N. Y., 877 e. CANFIELD, Ohio, Atl. & Gt. W. R. R., 1152 e. CAMILLA, Mitchell co., Ga., 190 e. CANON BLANCO SUMMIT, N. Mex., 6917 e. CANON DIABLO, Ariz., 4765 e. CANOE STATION, Escambia co., Ala., 285 e. CANON CITY, Fremont co., Colo., 5442 e. CANNONS, Fairfield co.. Conn., 225 e. CANON VERDE, Atl. & Pac. R. R., 430 e. CANTON, Madison co., Miss., 320 e. CAPE DIAMOND, Quebec, Can., 230 e. CAPE HORN MILLS, Placer co., Cal., 2692 e. CAPULLINE SUMMIT, Kan. Pac. R. R., N. Mex., 7030 e. CARBON, Mo., Ham. & St. Joe R. R., 813e. CARBONDALE, Jackson co.. 111., 579 e. CARBONDALE, Osage co., Kan., 1089 e. CARDINGTON, Ohio, 997 e. CARLINGTON, Ohio, CoL & Spring. R. R., 997 e. CARLETON, St. John co.. New Bruns- wick, 10 e. CARLILSE, Warren co., Ohio, 692 e. CARLISLE, Ind., L. S. & M. S. R. R. 773 e. CARLTON, Thayer co., Nebr., 1518 e. CARLTON HOUSE, Brit. Amer., UOOe., 106° 13' Ion. w. CARLTON PLACE, Can , Brockville & Ott. R. R., 335 e. CARROLL HOUSE, N. H., 1428 e. CARROLLTON DEPOT, Ky., Cin. Louis. & Lex. R. R., 464 e. CARROLLTON, Carroll co., Ga., 1064 e. CARROLLTON, Montgomery co., Ohio, 711 e. CARR STATION, Den. Pac. R., R., Colo. 5869 e. CARSON CITY, Nev., 4720 e., 39° 10' 30" n. lat., 119° 45' Ion. w. CARTHAGE, Hale co., Ala., 150 e. CARTHAGE, Hamilton co., Ohio, 498 e. CARTLETTSBURG, Ky., 538 e. CASADAGA LAKE, Chautauque co., N. Y., 1299 e. CASCADE, Placer CO., Cal., 6541 e. CASCADE, Iowa, Dav. & St. P. R. R., 752 e. CASEY, Cumberland co., HI., 608 e. CASEYVILLE, St. Clair co., 111., 420 e. CASKEY, Christian co., Ky., 595 e. CASSVILLE JUNC, Oneida co., N. Y., 1235 e. CASTILLO CHICO, Panama, 6340 e. CASTRO C'K., Atl. & Pac. R. R., 150 e. CASTROVILLE, Monterey co., Cal., 20 e. CATALUCKE MT., N. C, 6159 e. CATAWBA RIVER, York co., N. C, 544 e. 68 CATAWISSA, Pa., 491 e. CAT FACE MT., Tenn., 4713 e. CATLIN, 111., Tol. Nat. & West. R. R., 644 e. CATO, Cayuga co., N. Y., 418 e. CAVENDISH, Windsor co., Vt. 840 e. CAWONEH, N. C, 1818 e. CAYAMBE, Ecuador, S. A., 19535 e. CEDAR, Elko co., Nev., 5976 e. CEDAR CREEK, Austin co., Tex., 191 e. CEDAR CREEK, Navarro co., Tex., 425 e. CEDAR CREEK CANON, Ariz., White Mesa Line, 5579 e. CEDAR HILL, Tenn., 672 e. CEDAR NARROWS, Ohio, 627 e. CEDAR POINT STATION, Kan., Kan. Pac. R. R., 5614 e. CEDAR SWAMP GAP, Pa., 2443 e. CEDARSBURG, Wis., Mil. & North. R. R., 769 e. CEDAR SPRINGS, Utah., 5131 e., 39° 05° n. lat, 112° 23^ Ion. w. CEDAR SWAMP GAP, Pa., 2457 e. CEMPOALTEPEC, Mex., 11100 e. CENTRAL CITY, Iowa, 986 e. CENTRAL CITY, Gilpin co., Colo., 8389 e., 39° 49^ n. lat. CENTRAL DEPOT, Montgomery co., Va., 1780 e. CENTRALIA, Marion co.. 111., 497 e. CENTRALIA DEPOT, Kan., Un. Pac. R. R., 1508 e. CENTRETOWN, Cole co., Mo., 856 e. CENTREVIEW, Mo. Pac. R. R., 875 e. CENTREVILLE, Davis co., Utah, 4233 e. CENTREVILLE, Manitowoc co., Wis., 632 e. CENTREVILLE, Clinton co., N. Y., 370 e. CEYLON, Ohio, L. S. & M. S., 600 e. CHACAHONTA STATION, Teneborne CO., La., 5 e. CHAGRIN FALLS, Cuyahoga co., Ohio, 1082 e. CHABABO RIV., Ala., Ala. Cen. R. R., 209 e. CHAMBERS' CREEK, Navarro co., Tex., 357 e. CHAMOIS, Mo., Mo. Pac. R. R., 531 e. CHAMPAIGN, Champaign co., 111., 735 e. CHAMPION, Mich., 1500 e. CHAMPLAIN L., N. Y., 600 sq. m., 90 e. CHAMPLAIN, Clinton co., N. Y., 173 e. CHANDLERSVILLE, 111., 537 e. CHAPIN, Morgan co.. 111., 583 e. CHAPPEL HILL, Washington co., Tex., 334 e. CHARLESTON, Mississippi co , Mo., 319e. CHARLESTON, Tenn., 723 e. CHARLESTOWN DEPOT, Va., 375 e. CHARLOTTE, Mich., Grand Riv. Valley R. R., 1009 6. CHATAM, Canada, 587 e. CHATAWA, Pike co., Miss,, 265 e. CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., 643 e. CHAWALLA, Tenn., Memp. & Char. R. R., 408 e. CHECKTOWAGA, N. Y., Erie R. R.. 652e. CHEF MENTEUR, La., N. 0. & Lex. R. R., 9 e. CHKHAW, Ala., 312 e. CHELSEA, Ind., 509. CHELSEA, Washtenaw CO., Mich., 903 e. CHELTENHAM, Mo. Pac. R. R., Mo., 458 e. CHEMENVIS PASS, Cal., 6875 e. CHENANGO FORKS, Broome co., N. Y., 892 e. CHEROKEE, Cherokee co., Iowa, 1204 e. CHERRY CREEK DIVIDE, Douglass co., Colo., 7575 e. CHERRY MOUNTAIN, 3670 e. CHERUBUSCO SUMMIT, Clinton co., N. Y., 1133 e. CHESAPEAKE & OHIO CANAL, water in, at Wash. Aqueduct at Gt. Falls, 164e. CHESHIRE, New Haven co., Conn., 171 e. CHESNUT HILL, Philadelphia, Pa., 404e. CHESNUT HILL SUMMIT, Lancaster co.. Pa., 582 e. CHESNUT RIDGE SUMMIT, Tenn.,1147e. CHESTER, Chester co., S C, 539 e, CHESTER, Delaware co.. Pa., 23 e. CHESTERTON, Ind., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 641 e. CHESTERTOWN STATION, Kent cc, Md., 35 e. CHETOPA, Labette co., Kan., 851 e. CHEYENNE MILLS, Greenwood co., Colo., 4179 e. CHICAGO, 111., 687 to 616 e. CHICAPEE, Mass., Conn. Riv. R. R., 79 e. CHICHESTER, Merrimack co., N. H., 372 e. CHILICOTHE, 111., 477 e. CHILTON, Calamet co.. Wis., 847 e. CHIMERA MT., Col., general elevation of top of, 7800 to 8500 e. CHIMNEY KNOB, N. C, 5588 e. CHINA RANCHE, Placer co., CaL, 4413 e. CHOUTEAU STATION, Creek Nation, Ind., Ter., 646 e. CHIPPEWA, Wis., W. Wis. R. R., 545 e. CHIPPEWA AND POMME DE TERRE RIV'S., summit bet.. Minn., 1278 e. CHIPPEWA FALLS, Wis., 797 e. CHIRIQUI PICO, Panama 1265 e. CHONCfllLLA CK., Atl. & Pac. R. R., 3 e. CHORE CK., Atl. & Pac. R. R., 70 e. CHRISTISONS SUMMIT, 1080 e. CHUPAYNAS SUMMIT, Kan. & Pac. R. R., N. Mex., 6264 e. CHUQUIBAMBA, Peru, S. A., 21000 e. CHURCHILL RIV., Brit. Amer. 700 e., 36° n. lat., 105° Ion. w. CIMARRON, Ford co., Kan., 2655 e. CIRCLEVILLE, Pickaway co., Ohio, 664 e. CISNEE, 111., Spring. & 111. R. R., 767 e. CITADEL, Colo., Den. & Rio Grande R. R., 6070 e. CITLALTEPETL, Mex., 17374 e. CITRONELLE. Ala., 338 e. CLARANCE, Mo., Hann. & St. Joe R. R., 813 e. CLAREMONT DEPOT, Vt, 473 e. CLARENDON, Queens co., New Bruns- wick, 174 e. CLARION SUMMIT, Pa., Phila. & Erie R. R., 2006 e. CLARKES, Ky., Mays. & Lex. R. R., 717e. CLARKSBURG, Mich., 1445 e. CLARKS FORKS OF COLUMBIA, Or., 2100 e., 47° 30^ u. lat , 115° Ion. w. CLARKSTON, Oakland co., Mich., 1005 e. CLARK'S SUMMIT. Luzerne co.. Pa., 1239 e. CLARKSVILLE, Ind., 822 e. CLARKSVILLE, Pa., 937 e. CLARKSVILLE, Tenn., 481 e., 36° 28' n. lat., 87° 13' Ion. w. CLAYTON, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 883 e. CLEAR CREEK, Shasta co., Cal., 464 e. CLEAR CREEK, Austin co., Tex., 205 e. CLEAR FORK, Tenn., Tenn. & Ky. St. Line, 962 e. CLEAR FORK, Trinity, Tex., 1369 e. CLEAR LAKR, Canada, 750 e. CLEARWATER RIV., Brit. Araer., 900 e., 56° 43' n. lat., 109° 59' Ion. w. CLEAVELAND, N. Y., 568 to 572 e. CLEVELAND, Tenn., 878 e. CLIFF MINE, Houghton co., Mich., 993 e. CLIFTON FORGE, Alleghany co., Va., 1047 e. CLIFTY, Ind., Jeff., Mad. & Ind. R. R., 882 e. CLINCH RIVER, Tenn., Tenn. & Pac. R. R., 778 e. CLINTON, Tenn., 814 e. CLINTON, Douglass co., Kan., 762 e. CLINTON, Henry co.. Mo , 917 e. CLIPPER GAP, Placer co., Cal., 1759 e. CLOCKVILLE, Madison co., N. Y., 637 e. CLOVERLAND, Clay co., Ind., 638 e. CLOVER PATCH, Pa., 2202 e. CLURO, Lander co., Nev., 4785 e. CLYDE, Ohio, L. S. & M. S. R. R., 682 e. COAL MINE, 111., St. L., Van. & T. H. R. R., 712 e. COAL MINE, N. S., N. S. R. R., 75 e. COATSBURY, 111., 768 e. COBHAM, Pa., Oil Ck. & All. Riv. R. R., 1120 e. COCHRAN, Pulaski co., Ga., 300 e. COCK RUN GAP, Pa., 2228 e. CODDERSTACK, N. C, 4607 e. COCUR D'ALENE PASS gUMMIT, Idaho, 6089 e. COHOES, N. y , 20 to 221 e. COLCHESTER, 111., 698 e. COLCHESTER, Chittenden CO., Vt.,3315e. COLD SPRING, Ind. Ter., 4250 e. COLDWATER, Mich , L. S. & M. S. R. R. 965 e. COLEMAN'S, Ohio, Atl. & Gt. W. R. R., 830 e. COLORADO RIV., Ciil., 1140 e., 35° 9' n. lat. COLERADO CHIQUITO, Ariz , 4773 e. COLERAINE, Neb., St. Joe & Den. R. R., 1518 e. COLFAX, Placer co., Cal., 2422 e. COLLIERS GAP, Ky., 1329 e. COLLIERVILLE, Shelby co., Tenn., 379e. COLLINS MT., N. C, 6188 e. COLLINSVILLE, De Kalb co., Va., 720 e. COLLINSVILLE, Madison co., HI., 411 e. COLLINSVILLE PLANK ROAD, 111., St. L., Van. & T. H. R. R., 658 e. COLMAR, 111., 560 e. COLONA, III., 592 e. COLUMBIA, Pa., Oil Ck. & All. Riv. R. R., 1053 e. COLUMBIA, Ga., 270 e. COLUMBIA DEPOT, C. & S. R. R.,Tenn., 657 e. COLUMBUS, Muscogee co., Ga., 264 e. COLUMBUS GROVE, Putman co., Ohio, 759 e. COLUMBUS JUNG., Louisa co., Iowa, 543 e. COMING, Randolph co.. Ark., 280 e. COMMANCHE SPRING, Tex., 2874 e. CONCORD, Morgan co.. III., 564 e. CONCORD, Cass co., Nebr., 952 e. CONCORD, N. H., 250 to 400 e. CONESVILLE, Ohio, Pitts., Cin. & St. Louis R. R., 730 e. CONFLUENCE, Somerset co.. Pa., 1370e. CONGAREE RIVER, Orangeburg co., S. C, 127 e. CONNECTICUT & MASSACHUSETTS, State line between Norwich & Worces- ter R. R., 400 e. CONNECTICUT & WILLIAMANTIC RIV'S., highest point between. Conn., 490 e. CONNELLY'S GAP, N. C, 1269 e. CONNEWANGO & LAKE ERIE, Summit, between, N. Y., 1320 e. CONNERSVILLB, Ohio, 819 e. CONRAD GAP, Ky., 1207 e, CONROY, Ohio, Pitts., Ft. W. & Olii. R. R., 784 e. CONSTANTINE, Mich., L. S. &. M. S. R. R., 800 e. CONWAY, Atl. & Pac. R. R. 1400 e. COOKERVILLE STATION, Tenn., Mc- Minn., Manches. & S. W. R. R., Ill« e. COOK'S WELL, Cal., S. P. R. R., 210 e. COOKVILLB, Tenn., 1135 e. 70 COPETON, Canada. "734 e. COPPER MINES, N. M., 6200 e. COPPER RIDGE, Tenn., 1189 e. COOPERSVILLE, Ottawa co., iMich., 637 e. CORINTH, Alcorn co., Miss., 434 e. CORNCROSS C'K, S. C, Atl. & Rich. R. R., 721 e. CORNER KNOB, N. C, 5246 e. CORNING, 111., Cairo & Fulton R. R., 280e. CORNWALL'S, S. C, Char. & Col. R.R., 638 e. CORRY, Pa., Oil C'k & All. Riv. R. R., 1420 e. CORSICANA, Navarra co., Tex., 427 e. CORTLAND, Ala., Memp. & Char. R. R., 562 e. CORTLAND, 111., 897 e. CORTLAND, Cortland co., N. Y., 1124 e. CORTLAND FLATS, N. Y., 1100 e. CORUNNA, Mich., Del. & Mil. R. R., 767 e. COSNINO CAVES, Ariz., Kan. & Pac. R. R., 6190 e. COSTILLO PASS, Cal., 9500 e. COTTONWOOD, Chase co., Kan., 1192 e. COTTONWOOD, Shasta co., Cal., 423 e. COTT(JN WOOD C'K, Ellis co., Tex., 425 e. COTTONWOOD STAT'N, Atl. & Pac. R. R., 216& e. COUGHLENS, Ohio, Atl. & Gt. W. R. R., 949 e. COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa, 1000 to 1250 e. COUNCIL GROVE, Morris co., Kan., 1257 e. COURT HOUSE STATION, Richmond co., N, Y., 55 e. COURTLAND, Lawrence co., Ala., 560 e. COURTNEY, Grimes co., Ga., 191 e. COVERO, N. Mex., 5880 e. COVINGTON DEPOT, Ga., Ga. R. R., 762 e. COWANS, Ky., Mays. & Lex. R. R., 91 le. COWEE TUNNEL, N. C, 2268 e. COXTOWN, Pa., 438 e. COYOTE, Kan., 2492 e. CRAB ORCHARD, Tenn., 1325 e. CRAB TUEE, Bald Mt , N. C, 6336 e. CRANBERRY LAKE, Wis., 847 e. CRANBERRY SUMMIT, W. Va., Bait. & Ohio R. R., 2530 e. CRATER PASS, San Bernardino co., Cal., 2088 e. CRATER STATION, Colo, 1000 e. CRAWFORD, Union co., N. J., 74 e. CRAWFORD'S RIDGE, Ind., St. Louis, New Alb. & Crawf. R. R., 774 e. CRETE, Saline CO., Nebr., 132& ©. CRIDENSVILLE, Auglaize co., Ohio, 879 e. GRISTLAKE, Douglass co., Colo., 7186 e. CROOKED LAKE, Wis., 866 e. CROSS KNOB MT., Tenn , 5931 e. CROSS MT, Ariz., Kan. Pac. R. R., WWe; CROSS MOUNTAIN, Tenn., Knox. & Ky. R. R., 1265 e. CROSS MT. GAP, Tenn., 2875 e. CROW & CHIPPEWA RIVERS, Summit bet., Minn., 1383 e. CRYSTAL SPRINGS, Copiah co.. Miss., 450 e. CRYSTAL LAKE, Minn., St. P. & Sioux City R. R., 1057 e, CUBA SUMMIT, N. Y., N. Y. & Erie R. R., 1699 e. CUMBAL, Columbia, S. A., 15620 e. CUMBERLAND HOUSE, Brit. Amer., 900 e., 53° 57^ n lat., 102° 20^ Ion. w. CUMBERLAND, 111., St. L., Van. & T. H. R R., 875 e. CUMBERLAND GAP, Tenn., 1636 e. CUMBERLAND MTS., first bend, Tenn., 1477 e. CUMBERLAND MTS., second bend, Tenn., 1831 e. CUMMINGS, Atchison co., Kan., 1015 e. CUMMING'S CREEK, Navarro co., Tex., 357 e. CUPULLEN MT., Colo., 8000 e. GUSHING SUMMIT, Indiana co., Pa., 1601 e. CUTTINGSVILLE, Rutland co.,Vt.,1000e. CUVERE, N. Mex., 5870 e. CUYAHOGA FALLS, Ohio, 437 e. CYNTHIANA, Ky., 758 e. CYPRESS, Harris co., Tex., 156 e. CYPRESS STATION, lU., Spring. & 111. S. E. R. R., 670 e. D. DAHLGREN, 111., St. L. & S. E. R. R. 500 e. DALLAS, Dallas co., Tex., 467 e. DALTON, Bladen co., N. C, 105 e. DAMASCUS, Ohio, Pitts., Ft. W. & Chi. R. R., 1121 e. DANVILLE, Vermilion co.. III., 936 e. ' DARJILING, Asia, 7168 e., 27° 3' n. lat., 88° 15^ Ion. e. DARLBY, Mo., Mo. Pac. R. R., 557 e. DARLINGTON, Wis., 632 e. DARWIN, Minn., St. P. & Pac. R. R., 1122 e. DARWIN M'T, Terra del Fuego, S. A., 6800 e. DAVENPORT, Thayer co., N«br., 162T e. DAVIDSON'S FARM, Brown co., Wis., 743 e. DAVISBURGH, Mich.* Det. & Mil. R. R., 949 e. DAW PEAK, Utah, 13300 e. DAWSON, Pa., Oil C'k 4 All. Riv; H. R:, 1063 e. DAY'S MILL, Brown co,, T16 es DAYTON, 111., 610 e. DAYTON, Berrien co., Mich., TOStr. n DAYTON, Nev., 4490 e. DEAD FALL, S. C, Char. & CoL R. R., 165 e. DEAN'S BRANCH, Mo., Mo. Pac. R. R., 1205 e. PEARBORNE, Wayne co., Mich., 603 e. DEBEC, Can., N. B. & Can. R. R. 545 e. DECATUR, Morgan co., Ala , 573 e. DECATUR, Van Biiren co., Mich., 770 e. DECATUR, Ga., 1109 e. DECHERD STATION, Winchr. & Ala. R. R., Ala., 593 e. DECKKR'S CROSSING. Ozaukee co., Wis., 732 e. DECOTO, Alameda co., Cal , 68 e. DE CRANE, Pa , Phila. & Erie R. R., 716 6. DEER CREEK, Ind., Logans., C. & S. W, R. R., 500 e. DEERFIELD, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 671 e. DEERFIELD, Vernon co.. Mo., 901 e. DEETH, Elko CO., Nev., 5340 e DELAFIELD, 111., St. L. & S. E. R. R., 419 e. DEFIANCE, Defiance co., Ohio, 711 e. DELANO, Wright CO., Minn., 918 e. DELAPHAINE, Randolph co., Ark., 268e. DE LASSUS, St. Francois co., Iowa, 1068 e. DELAVAN, Iowa, 111. Cent. R. R., 636 e. DELAWARE, Delaware co., Ohio, 970 e. DELPHI, Ind., 602 e. DELTA, Ohio, L. S. & M. S. R. R., 712 e. DEM A VEND, Persia, 15000 e. DENI80N, Grayson co., Tex., 741 e. DENNISON, Ohio, Pitt., Cin. & St. Louis R. R., 847 e. DENNISON, Collin co., Tex., 739 e. DENTON, Md., 40 e. DENTON, Lancaster co., Nebr.. 1199 e. DENVER, 111., ToL, Wab. & West. R. R , 791 e. DEPERB, Brown co., Wis., 587 e. DE RUYTER, Madison co., N. Y., 1304 e. DESERT, Lyon co., Nev., 4018 e. DESKRT LAKE, Colo., 2388 e. DE Soto, Jefferson co., Mo., 494 e. DETROIT, Becker co., .Minn., 1365 e. DEVIL'S LAKE, Dak., 1467 e. DEVIL'S COURT HOUSE, N. C, 6049 o. DE WITT, Iowa, Chic. & N. W. R. R., 698 e. DE WITT, Saline CO., Nebr., 1255 e. DEXTER, Washtenaw co., Mich , 847 e. DEXTER CITY, Ohio, Marietta & Pitt. R. R., 698 e. DEXTERVILLE, Wis., Green Bay & Lake Pepsin R. R., 1008 e. DICKSON, Ala., 487 e. DICKS RIVER, Ky.. 907 e. DILLMAN'S CROSSING, Milwaukee co., Wis., 664 e. DILLAN, Atl. & Pac. R. R., 1074 e. DITNEY RIDGE, III., Spring & 111. S. E. R. R., 805 e. DOAN BROOK, Ohio, 591 e. DOAN MT., Wvom., 10118 e. DOCTORTOWN, Ga., 80 e. DODGE CITY, Ford co., Kan., 2516 e. DOKO, S. C, Char & Col. R. R., 465 e. DONALDSONVILLE, Ascension Parish, La., 30 e. DORCHESTER, Saline co.. Nebr., 1453 e. DOHEN, Mo., Mo. Pac. R. R., 870 e. DORNVILLE, Ga., Atl. & Rich. R. R., 1098 e. DORR, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R R., 693 e. DOUGHERTY'S SHOALS, Ind., 480 e. DOUGLAS, Tex., Internal. R. R., 305 e. DOVER, Craven co., N. C , 54 e. DOOREFIELD, Norway, 7620 e. DOWAGIAC, Cass co , Mich., 750 e. DOZIER, Mo., Mo. Pac. R. R., 455 e. DRAPER, Salt Lake co., Utah, 4511 e. DRAYTON PLAINS, Mich., Det. & Mil. R. R., 969 e. DRESDRN, Pettis co., Mo., 806 e. DRIFT WOOD, Elk co.. Pa., 2200 e. DRIVERS, 111., St L. & S. E. R.R., 435 e. DROWNVILLE, R. I., 25 e. DRUNKELIN SUMMIT, Mo., 440 e. DRY CANON, Ariz., Kan. Pac. R. R.. 1810 e. DRYDEN, Tompkins co., N. Y., 1079 e. DRYDEN SUMMIT, South. Cent. R. R., N. Y., 1217 e. DRY GAP, Pa., 2350 e. DRY LAKE, Cal., 4008 e. DRY POINT STATION, 111., Spring. & 111. S. E. R. R., 908 e. DRY POND, Ga., Atl. & Rich. R.R., 1032 e. DUCK CREEK, Brown co.. Wis., 578 e. DUCKTOWN, Tenn., 2000 e. DUDLEY, Ohio, Mar. & Pitts. R. R., 698 e. DUDLEYS, Pa., 1445 e. DULUTH, Ga.. Atl. & Rich. R.R., 1107 e. DUNCOMHE, Webster co., Iowa, 1111 e. DUNDAS, Calamet co.. Wis., 748 e. DUNELLEN, Middlesex co., N. J., 56 e. DUNKIRK, Ohio, Pitts., Ft. W. & ChL R. R., 932 e. DUNKIRK, Wis.. 581 e. DUNLAPS, Ind., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 778 e. DUNLEITH, Jo Daviess co.. 111., 612 e. DUPONT, 111., JeflF., Mad. & Ind. R. R., 781 e. DU QUOIN, HI., HI. Cent. R. R., 561 e. DYSART, Tama co., Iowa, 438 e. £. EAGLE, Ky., Cin., Louis. H Lex. R: R., 465 e. EAGLE, Wis., 836 e'. 72 RAGLE LAKE, Tex., 208 e. EAGLES, Putman co., Ind., 637 e. EAGLE TOP, N. C, 5433 e. EAST ALBANY, Ga., 207 e. EAST AURORA, N. Y., Buff., N. Y. & Phila. R. R., 900 e. EAST HAMPTON, Hampshire co., Mass., 170 e. EAST HEMDERSON, Minn., St. P. & Sioux {;ity R. R., 795 e. EASTMAN, Dodge co., Ga., 400 e. EAST ORANGE, Sioux co., Iowa, 605 e. EAST PENNA. JUNCTION, Lehigh co., Pa., 247 e. EAST PLATTSMOUTH, Iowa, Burl. & Mo. Riv. R. R., 924 e. EATON, N. Y., N. Y. & Oswego R. R., 1248 e. EATON'S RAPIDS, Mich., 995 e. EATON SUMMIT, N. Y., N. Y. & Oswego R. R., 1281 e. EATONTOVVN JUNC, Monmouth co., N. J., 20 e. EAU CLAIR, Wis., W. Wis. R. R., 614 e. EDEN, Ohio, Col. & Spring. R. R., 959 e. EDENVILLE, Ohio, Pitts., Ft. W. & Chic. R. R., 921 e. EDGEFIELD .JUNC, Tenn., 426 e. EDINBURGH, Pa., 1185 e. EDISTO BRIDGE, Orangeburg co., S. C, 119 e. EDMONTON HOUSE. Brit. Amer., 1880 e., 53° 40^ n. lat., 113° Ion. w. ' EDWARD3VILLE, Henry co., HI., 709 e. EDWINTON, North Pac. R. R., 1645 e. EHLEIS CROSSING, Ozaukee co., Wis., 649 e. EICIARIO, Tex., 3607 e. ELDORADO, HI., 378 e. ELDORADO, Neb., St. Joe & Den. R. R., 1693 e. ELECTRIC PEAK, Idaho, 10992 e. ELEDA, Ohio, Pitts., Ft. W. & Chi. R. R., 791 e. ELEROY, Stephenson co., HI., 905 e. ELGIN, Bastrop co., Tex., 600 e. ELIASTON, 111., Tol., Wab. & West. R. R., 790 e. ELIZABETHTOWN, Ky., 806 e. ELIZABETHTOVVN, N. Mex., 8200 e. ELK GAP, Tenn., Knoxv. & Ky. R. R., 1681 e. ELK GROVE, Sacramento co., Cal., 53 e. ELKHARTS, Ind., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 749 e. ELKHART LAKE, Sheboygan co., Wis., 940 e. ELK MOUND, Wis., W. Wis. R.R., 704 e. ELK POINT, Union co.. Dak,, 1180 e. ELLETSVILLE, Ind., Louisv., N. Alb., & Cran. R. R., 667 e. ELLINWOOD, Barton co., Kan., 1759 e. ELLIOT'S KNOB, Va., North Mt., 4443 e. ELLIOTT'S KNOB, Augusta co., Va., 4475 e. ELLIS, San Joaquin co., Cal., 75 e. ELLIS, Ohio, Cin. & Musk. R. R., 796 e. ELLISTON, Lou., Cin. & Lex. R.R., 585 e. ELLSWORTH, Ellsworth co., Kan., 1440e. ELM C'K, Tex., Hou. & Tex. R. R., 416 e. ELM FORK, Trinity, Tex., 1602 e. ELMORE, Ohio, 605* e. ELMS D.\LE, N. S., Nova Scotia R. R., 55 e. ELMWOOD, 111., Chi., Burl. & Qm'ncy R. R., 648 e. EL PASO, 111., 111. Cent. R. R., 744 e, EL PASO DEL NORTE, N. M., 3814 e. EL RITO, New Mex., 5784 e. ELSTON, Mo., Mo. Pac. R. R., 715 e. ELWOOD, Doniphan co., Kan., 775 e. ELY, Mo., Haun. & St. Joe R. R., 677 e. ELYRIA, Ohio, 721 e. ELYTON, Jefferson co., Ala., 570 e. EMIGH'S GAP, Pa., 2043 e. EMIGRANT P., Wyo., 10629 e. EMINENCE, Ky., 910 e. EMORY'S RANCH, N. Mex., 5680 e. EMPORIA, Lyon co., Kan., 1169 e. ENDFIELD, 111., 546 e. ENFIELD, N. S., Nova Scotia R. R., 46e. ENGELS BLUFF, Idaho, 6300 e. ENGLEWOOD, 111., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 595 e. ENGLEWOOD, Tex., Internat R. R.,420e. ENNIS, Ellis CO., Tex., 547 e. ENON, Ohio, Atl. & Gt. West. R. R.,858 e. ENON, Pa., Pitt., Ft. W. & Chic. R. R., 985 e. ENOS PLOT MT., N. C, 6097 e. ENOSBURGH FALLS, Franklin co., Vt.. 505 e. ENOTA,N. C, 4811 e, ERBS HILL, Canada, 1421 e. ERIE, Whiieside co., HI., 544 e. ERIE L,, N. Y. & Pa., 5G6 c, area 5900 sq. miles. ESCANATA, HI., 583 e. EUCLID, Ohio, 623 e. EUREKA, Woodford co., HI.. 728 e. EUREKA, Harris co., Tex., 69 e. EVANS, Weld co., Colo., 4870 e., 40° 23^ n. lat., 104° 36^ Ion. w. EVANSVILLE, Ind., 270 to 280 e. EVERGREEN, Conecuh co., Ala., 225 e. EVONA, Union co., N. J., 78 e. EWINGTON, 111., St. L., Van. & T. H. R, R., 798 e. F. FAIRBANKS, Iowa, Iowa & Minn, R, R., 1083 e. FAIRBURY, Neb., St. Joe & Den. R, R., 1278 e. FAIRCHILD, Wis., W. Wis. R, R., 845 e. 73 FAIRFIELD, Neb., St. Joe & Den. R. R., 1748 e. FAIRFIELD, Somerset co , Me., IIY e. FAIRFIELD, Clay co., Kan., 1744 e. FAIRMONT, Fillmore co.. Neb , 1608 e. FAIRPLAY, Park co., Colo., 10040 e. ~ FAIRVIEW, Mo. Pac. R. R., Mo., 977 e. FAIRVIEW, Ohio, Pittsb.. Cin. & St. L. R. R., 993 e. FAIRVILLE, St. John co., New- Bruns- wick, 78 e. FALL C'K, Wis., W. Wis. R. R., 711 e. FALL RIVER, Clear Creek co., Wyo., 7526 e., 39° 46^ n. lat. FALLS CITY, Richardson co., Neb., 806e. FANLEN A, Ind., Ind. & Cin. R. R , 1428 e. FANWOOD, Union co., N. J., 158 e. FARLEY Dubuque co , Towa, 1 110 e. FARLEY P. O., Kent co., Md., 75 e FARMER'S CITY, Pettis co.. Mo., 885 e. FARMER CITY, 111., Gil., Clint. & Spr. R. R., 424 e. FARMINGDALE, Monmouth co., N. J., 70 e. FARMINGTON, Davis co., Utah. 4296 e. FATHERS OLD FIELD, N. C, 6045 e. FAYETTE & EFFINGHAM CO. LINE, 111., St. L., Van. & T. H. R. R., 857 e. FAYETTE, Howard co., Mo., 767 e. FAYBTTKVILLE, N. C, 150 to 250 e. FENTONVILLE, Mich., Det. & Mil. R. R., 896 e. FENTONVILLE, Chautauque co.. N. Y., 123 e. FERNANDINA, Fla., 7 e. FERRISBURG, Addison co., Vt.. 165 e. FKRRYSBURG, Mich , Det. &. Mil. R. R., 596 e. FIELDS GAP, Ga., 1371 e. FINDERNE, Somerset co., N. J., 81 e. FINELLAY, Hancock co., Ohio. 785 e. HRKPLACE, SufiFolk co., N. Y., 32 e FISH POND STATION, San Bernardino CO., Cal., 1900 e. FITZ WILLI AM SUMMIT, Cheshire co., N. H., 6151 e. FLAGGTOWN, Somerset co., N J., 129e. FLATHEAD LAKE, Mont., 2820 e. FLATHEAD PASS, Mont., 7600 e. FLAT M'T, Wy., 9704 e. FLETCHER'S, N. S., Nova Scotia R. R., 75 e. FLORA, 111., Spring. & 111. S. E R. R., 802 e. FLORENCE, Marion co., Kau., 1363 e. FLORIN, Sacramento co., Cal.. 42 e. FLOWERFIELD, Mich.. L. S ife M. S. R. R., 855 e. FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga.. All. & Rich. R. R., 1132 e. FLOYD HILL, Clear Creek co.. Colo., 7100 e., 39° 43^ 30'^ n. lat. FOLSOM CITY, Cal., 180 e. FONDA, Montgomery co,, N. Y., 292 e. FONTERA, Tex., 3796 e,, 31° 49^ n. lat., 106° 33^ Ion. w. FOREST LAKE DEPOT, Minn., L. S. & Miss. R. R., 904 e. FOREST MINE, Ontonagon co., Mich., 1099 e. FOREST DEPOT, Bedford co., Va., 869e. TOREST JUNC, Calamet co.. Wis., 1018e. FORRESTON, Ogle co., III., 940 e. FORSYTH, Ga., 321 e. FORT BASCOM, New Mex.,. 3726 e. FORT BOISEE, Idaho, 2100e. FORT CHIPPEWA, Brit. Amer., 600 e., 58° 43' n. lat., 111° 48' Ion. w. FORT COLLINS, Larimer co., Colo., 4815 e.,40° n. lat. FORT DEPOSl r, Lowndes co., Ala., 520e. FORT DODGE, Webster co., Iowa, 1024e. FORT MADISON, Iowa, 484 to 664 e. FORT MILLS, S C, Char. & Col. R. E., 634 e. FORT MOTTE, S. C & C R. R., 125 e. FORT OKOXAGON, Or., 810 e. FORT RESOLUTION, Brit. Amer., 500 e., 61° 10'' n. hit., 113° 5K Ion. w. FORT ROCK SPRING, Ariz., Kan. Pac. R. R., 4972 e. FORT SIMPSON, Brit. Amer., 400 e., 61° 5K n. lat., 121° 51' Ion. w. FORT TAOS, N. M , 8000 e. FORT UNION, Dak., 1970 e. FORT UNION, Mo., 2022 e. FORT VALLEY, Ga., S. W. R. R., 525 e. FORT WALLACE DEPOT, Kan., Kan. Pac. R. R., 3203 e. FORT WHIPPLE, Va., 232 e. FORT WINGATE, New Mex., 6622 e. FOSTORIA, Seneca co., Ohio, 820 e. FOUNTAINE QUI BOUILLE, Colo.,4718e. FOURTH LAKE, Dane co.. Wis., 788 e. FOWLER, Mich., Det. & Mich. R.R., 751 e. FOX RIV., Brown co , Wis., 584 e. FOX RIVER, Winnebago co.. Wis ,731 e. FRANCARIA NOTCH, N. H., 1974 e. FRANCISCO, Jackson co., Mich., 1006 e. FRANCISCO PASS, Colo., 8625 e. FRANKFORT DEPOT, Kan., Union Pac. R. R., 1394 e. FRANKLIN, Heard co., Ga., 639 e. FRANKLIN, Ky., 809 e. FRANKLIN, Mich., Marq. & Onton. R. R., 1985 e. FRANKLIN SUMMIT, N. Y., N. Y. & Os- wego R. R., 1285 e. FRAZEE, Minn. North. Pac. R. R., 1408 e. FHAZEYSBURG, Ohio, Pittsb., Cin. & St. L R. R., 743 e. FREDERICK, Md., 250 e. FRRDKRICK, Schuyler co.. 111., 397 e. FREDERICKSBURG, Iowa, Iowa & Minn. R. R., 1185 e. FREDONI A. Chautauque co., N. Y., 820 e. 74 FREDONIA, Ozaukee co., Wis., 784 e. FRKEMINGTON, 111., St. L., Van. & T. H. R. R , 8:U e. FREEl'OllT, Queens eo., N. Y., 35 e. FREMONT STATION, Sandusky co., 0., 585 e. FRESNO, Fresno co., Cal., 292 e. FRIDEXSHURG, Ohio, 965 e. FRIENDSHIP, N. Y., 1536 e. • FROG M'T, Tenn., 4226 e. FRONT LAKE, Wis., 1539 e. FROST CREEK, Limestone co.,Tex., 440e. FULLERS, Ti-nn., E. T. & Va. R.R., I489e. FULTON, III., 590 e. FULTON, Tex., 242 e. FULTON MINE, Houghton co., Mich., 1154 e. FOTUT, Asia, 1 1838 e., 27° 13-' n. lal., 87° 59^ Ion. w. G. GADSDEN, Ala., 396 e. GADS HILL, Wayne co.. Mo., 840 e. GAFFNKYS, Spartanburg CO., S. C, 786e. GAINES, Mich., Det. & Mil. R. R., 861 e. GAINESVILLE, Ala., 178 e. GAINESVILLE, Ga., Atl. & Rich. R. R., 1227 e. GALESBURG, Kalamazoo co., Mioh.,779e. GALION, Ohio, 1155 e. GALLAHEI{, Mo., Mo Pac. R. R., 785 e. GALLINAS RIY., New Mex., 5000 e. GALT, Canada, 630 e. GALVA, 111., Chic, Burl. & Quincy R. R., 849 e. GARIBALDI, Gaston co., N. C, 687 e. GARLU'KS STATION, Can., Ott. & Pres R. R , 292 e. GARNER, White co., Ark., 211 e. GAR.VKT, Kas., 970 e. GASCONADE, Mo., Mo. Pac. R. R., 483e. GASS' BLACKSMITH SHOP, Col. S. P. R. R., 2510 e. GASSETTS, Windsor co., Vt., 645 e. GASTONIA, Gaston co., N. C, 832 e. GENESSEE AND ALLEGHANY RIV'S., Summit bet., 1678 e. GENEVA, Ohio, L. S. & M. S. R. R., 659 e. GENEVA, 111 , 713 e. GENEVA, Switzerland, 1335 e., 46° 12^ n. iat., 6° 9^ Ion. e. GENOA. 111., 587 e. GAVIOTA PASS, Santa Barbara co., Cal., 1009 e. GEORGETOWN, Canada, 329 c. GEORGETOWN, Clear Creek co., Colo., 8403 e., 39° 77^ 20^^ n. Iat. GEORGETOWN, Neb., St. Joe & Den. R. R., 1808 6. GEORGEVILLE, Ohio, Col. & Spring. R. R., 803 e. GEORGIA, Franklin co., Vt., 354 e. GEORGIANA, Butler co., Ala., 302 e. GERVIANTOWN, Tenn., 377 e. GERMANY M'T, Ohio, Col. & Spring. R. R., 775 e. GIANT'S STAIRS, 3500 e. GIBBON'S FORK, Wyo., 6808 e. GIBSON, III., Gil., C'int. & Spring. R. R., 687 e. GIBSON STATION, Creek Nation, Ind. Ter , 551 e. GIDDINGS, Washington co., Tex,, 536 e. GILMAN, Iroquois co.. 111., 555 e. GILROY, Santa Clara co., Cal., 193 e. GIRARD, Ohio, Atl. & Gt.W. R. R., 875 e. GLADE SPRING, Washington co., Va., 2078 e. GLADSWORTH, Ohio, Atl. k Gt. W. R. R., 1107 e. GLASGOW, Ky., 618 e. GLASGOW, .Mo , La. & Mo. R. R., 170 e. GLENCOE, Ky., Lou., Cin. & Lex. R. R., 541 e. GLEN ALLEN, Bollinger co., Mo., 452 e. GLEN DALE, Miss., Mem. & Char. R. R., 494 e. GLENDALE, Mo., Mo. Pac. R. R., 568 e. GLENDALE, Hamilton co., Ohio, 628 e. GLENGARY, N. S., Nova Scotio R. R., 391 e. GLOVERSVILLE, Fulton co., N. Y., 792e. GODWINS, Ga., Atl. & Rich. R R., 975 e. GOLDSBY'S STATION, Ala., Ala. Cent. R. R., 273 e. GOODLETTSVILLE, Davidson co., Tenn., 448 e. GOOSE LAKE, Minn., L. S. & Miss. R. R., 886 e. GORDON I) ^II'OT, Ga. C. R.R., Ga., 343 e. GORDONSVILLE, Tenn , 951 e. GORHAM. Wayne co., N. Y., 890 e. GORTON, Minn., St. P. & Pac. R. R., 1012 e. GORYALAYA M'T, Alaska, 11270 e. GOSFORD M'T, Me., 1600 e GOSHEN, Tulare co., Cal , 286 e. COSSETS, 111., 454 e. GOVERNMENT SIDING, Pawnee co., Kan., 2070 e. GRAFTON, Fillmore co., Nehr., 1663 e. GRAFTON, Ohio, 788 e. GRANBY, Atl. & Pac. R. R., Mo., 1319 e. GRANDE GLAISE, Jackson co.. Ark., 212 e. GRAND JUNCTION, Hardeman co., Tenn. 575 e. GRAND JUNCTION, Green co., Iowa, 760 e. GRAND JUNCTION, Van Buren co., Mich., 708 e. GRAND LAKE, N. S., Nova Scotia R. R., 49 e. GRANDMOTHER M'T, N. C, 6787 e. 76 GRAND RIV., Ind. Ter., 650 e. GRAND RIV., N. Mex., 4410 e., 39° n. lat., 108° 40' Ion. w. GRANDVILLE, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R.R. 640 e. GRANITE PASS, San Bernardino co., Cal. 3955 e. GRANITE POINT, Humboldt co., Nev., 3915 e. GRANITEVILLE. S. C, 254 e. GRASSHOPPER,' JeflFerson co., Kan., 908 e. GRASSHOPPER BRIDGE, Kan., 862 e. GRAVILLA, Conecuh co., Ala , 402 e. GRAYSON, Ky., 901 e. GRAYTOWN, Ohio, L. S. & M. S. R. R., 592 e. GRAYVILLE, HI., 381 e. GREAT BEND, Barton co., Kan., 4226 e. GREAT FROG M'T., Tenn., 4226 e. GREAT MIAMI & ST. MARY'S RIV'S., Summit between, Shelby co., O., 942 e. GREELEY, Weld co., Colo., 4861 e., 40° 25' 30'' n. lat.. 104° 36' 26" Ion. w. GREENBRIER, Tenn., 838 e. GREENFIELD, Green co.. 111., 550 e. GREENFIELD'S LANDING, Mississippi co , Mo., 320 e. GREEN M'T., Average highest P., Vt., 4000 e. GRKEN M'T., Culminating Pt., Vt , 4430e. GRKENRIDGE, Pettis co., Kan., 1013 e. GRKEN RIV., N Mex., 3873 e., 39° n. lat., 110° 40' Ion. w. GREEN RIV., Utah, 6230 e., 41° 47' n. lat., 111° 5' Ion. w. G'^EKNUP, Cumberland co., HI., 515 e. GREENVILLE, Bond co., HI., 504 e. GREENVILLE, Butler CO., Ala., 470 e. GREENVILLE, Va., 82& e. GREENWICH, Ohio, 1025 e. GREENWICH CKNTRE, Ohio, 1047 e. GREENWOOD, Mich., Marq. & Onton. R. R., 1424 e. GREENWOOD, Mo., Mo. Pac. R. R., 907e. GREENWOOD, Cass co., Nebr., 1092 e. GRENTA STATION, Jefferson co.. La., 6 e. GREY'S PEAK, Clear Creek co., Colo., 14251 e. GRIDLKY, Butte co., Cal., 97 e. GRIERS, Greenville co., S. C, 985 e. GRIFFIN DEPOT, Ga., Macon. & W. R. R., 975 e. GROKSBECK, Limestone co.,Tex., 481 e. GROVE CREEK, Ellis co., Tex., 421 e." GROVE HILL, Clark co., Ala., 512 e GROVELAND, Tazewell co., HI., 763 e. GUADULUPE PASS, Tex., 5717 e., 31° 5' n. lat., 104° 5' Ion. w. GUELPH, Canada, 831 e. GUM I8TAND, Harris co., Tex., 95 e. GUNTERVILLE, Ala., 699 e. GUSTONIA, N. C, Atl. & Rich. R. R., 852 e. GUTHRIE, Todd co., Ky., 536 e. H. HACKLEY M'T., N. C, 6599 e. HAGBR^TOWN, Ohio, 660 e. HAMBURG, S. C, Col. & Char. R. R., 169 e. HAMBURG, Hardin co., Tenn., 387 e. HAMER'S GAP, Pa., 2460 e. HAMILTON, Allegan co., Mich., 728 e. HAMILTON, Harris co , Ga., 789 e. HAMILTON, Park co., Colo., 9943 e. HAMILTON MINE, Ontonagon co., Mich., 1513 e. HAMLIN, Kan., St. Joe & Den. R. R., 1193 e. HAMMOND, Robertson co., Tex., 410 e. HAMMOND, Wis., W. Wis. R. R., 878 e. HAMMOND'S RANCH, Atl. & Pac. R. R.. Mo., 350 e. HAMMONDVILLE, Ohio, 677 e. HAMPTOV, Tenn., 1798 e. HAMP WHITE'S RIDGE, 111., Spring. & 111. S. E. R. R., 630 e. HAMRICK'S, Putnam co., Ind., 668 e. HANNEWKLL, Mo., Han. & St. Joe R. R , 740 e. HANNIBAL, Oswego co., N. Y., 340 e. HANOVER, Washington co., Kan., 1192e. HANOVER M'T., Tenn., 3300 e. HARLEM, Mo., St. L., Kan. City & N. P. R. R., 728 e. HARMONY, Clay co., Ind., 633 e. HARPERSFIELD, Ohio, 675 e. HARPETH RIV., Tenn., C. & S. R. R., 104 e. HARRINGTON, Kent co., Del., 61 e. HARRISBURG, Can., 482 e. HARR:SBURG, Tex., 38 e. HARRISON, McClennan co., Tex., 526 e. HAIJRISONVILLE, Ohio, 678 e. HARRISVILLE, Ohio, 922 e. HA'^TLAND, Wis., Mil. & North. R. R., 835 e. HARTSVILLE, N. Y., 540 e. HARTFORD, Lyon co.,Kan., 1106 e. HARTFORD, Conn , 12 to 110 e. HARULLO PASS CROSS ROADS, Ala., Ala. Cent. R. R., 282 e. HARTFORD, Wis., 1078 e. HARVARD, 111., 788 e. HARVARD, Clay co., Nebr., 1766 e. HARVEY, York co.. New Bruns., 480 e. HASTINGS, Mich., Grand Riv. Valley R. R., 879 e. HASTINGS, Minn., Mil. & St. Paul R. R., 802 e. HASTINGS, Adams co., Nebr., 1900 e. HAWKINS GAP SUMMIT, Tenn., 704 e. HAW KNOB, Tenn., 5300 e. 76 HAWTHORNE, 111., St. L. & S. E. F. R., 387 e. HAYENSVILLE, Me., North Aroostock R. R., 369 e. HAYTON, Wis., Mil. & North. R.R., 818 e. HAZARD, Cherokee co., Iowa, 1405 e. HAZLKHURST, Appling co., Ga., 250 e. HAZLEHURST, Miss., 450 e. HEALDVILLE, Rutland co., Vt., 1330 e. HEARNE, Tex., luternat. R. R., 310 e. HEMPFIELD DEPOT, Va., 643 e. HRNDERSON, 111., 804 e. HENRICO SUMMIT, Va., Rich. & York R. R., 165 e. HENRY'S LAKE, Wyo., 6433 e. HENRY M'T, Tenn., 6373 e. HEPLER, Crawford co., Kan., 1112 e. HERMAN, Washington co., Nebr., 1067 e. HERMITAGE, Mo., Atl. & Pac. R. R., 1037 8. HIAWASEE, Tenn., 684 e. HIAWATHA, Brewer co., Kan., 1058 e. HIBERNIA, Mo., La. & Mo. R. R., 400 e. HICKORY M'T, Tenn., McM., Man. & S. W. R. R., 1400 e. HICKORY RIDGE, Tenn., 772 e. HIGGINS CREP]K SUMMIT, Tenn., Mob. & Ohio R. R., 520 e. HIGGIVSON, White co.. Ark., 210 e. HIGH BLUFF M'T, N. 0., 4703 e. HIGHLAND, Lancaster co.. Neb , 1380 e. HIGH PINNACLE M'T, N. C, 5699 e. HIGHWAY CUMB'D MILLS, Westbrook CO., Me., 72 e. HIGHWAY GAMBO FALLS, WMndham CO., Me., 163 e. HIGHWAY LITTLE FALLS, Windham CO., Me., 137 e. HIGHWAY MALLISON FALLS, Wind- ham CO., Me., 112 e. HILLSDALE, Rock Island co., III., 542 e. HILLYARD, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 714 e. HINCKLEY, 111., Chi & Iowa R.R., 744 e. HINCKLEY, Minn., L. S. & Miss. R. R., 1023 e. HOBART, Otter Tail co., Minn., 1385 e. HOCKLEY, Harris co., Tex., 225 o. HOGAN'S MT., Iron co , Mo., 980 e. HOLLAND, Ottawa co., Mich., 643 e. HOLLAND, Pulaski co , Ark., 243 e. HOLLAND, N. Y., Buff., N. Y. & Phil. R. R., 1278 e. HOLLENBURG, Kan., St. Joe & Den. R. R., 1222 e. HOLLISTER, Monterey co., Cal , 284 e. HOLSTON RIV., Va., Seven Mile Ford in, 1914 e. HOMINY TUNNEL, N. C, 2688 e. HONEY SPRINGS, Creek Nation, Ind. Ter., 508 e. HOOKER, Tehama co., Cal., 543 e. HOOSIER PASS, Park co., Colo., 11025 e. HOPEFIELD, Ark., 294 e. HOPE VALLEY, Cal., 7072 e., 38° 47' n. lat., 119° 54' long. w. HOPEWELL, N. S., Nova Scotia R. R. 195 e. HOPEWELL SUMMIT, Washington co., Mo., 977 e. HOPKINS, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R R , 699 e. HOPKINS, S. C, S. C. R. R., 170 e. HORICOV JUNCTION, Wis., 709 e. HORN LAKE, Miss., 210 e. HORNEWOOD, Pa., 938 e. H(JRT0N, Lyon co., Kan., 1204 e. HOUGHTON'S MINE, Ontonagon co., Mich 1255 e. HOUSATONIC* RIVER, Litchfield co., Conn., 645 e. HOWARD, Knox co., Ohio, 878 e. HOWARD LAKE, Minn., St. P. & Pac. R. R., 1044 e. HOWARD'S POINT, 111., St. L., Van & T. H. R. R., 780 e. HOWARD'S SPRINGS, Tex., 1562 e. HOWARD'S SUMMIT, Mo. Pac R. R., Mo., 1059 e. HOWE, Collin co., Tex., 859 e. HOWELL GAP, Va., 960 e. HUBBARD, Ohio, Atl. & Gt. W. R. R., 893 e. HUDSON, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 922 e. HUDSON, Wis., W. Wi?. R. R., 479 e. HUERFANO JUNG., Colo., Kan. Pac. R. R., 4563 e. HUGHES STATION, Colo., Den. Pac. R. R., 5150 e. HUGHES SUMMIT, N. C, 1716 e. HUGO STATION, Kan., Kan. Pac. R. R., 4937 e. HUMBIRD, Wis., W. Wis. R. R., 707 e. HUMBOLDT, Allen co., Kan., 954 e. HUMBOLDT, Richardson co., Tex., 887 e. HUMBOLDT RIV. VALLEY, source of, Utah, 6506 e. HUMBOLDT RIVER VALLEY, Lowest point, Utah, 4200 e., 118° 30' Ion. w. HUNT'S, Ohio, All. & Gt. W. R. R., 934e. HUNTSVILLE, Ohio, 1215 e. HURLOCK'S, Dorchester co., Md., 47 e. HURON, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 578e HUTCHINS, Dallas co., Tex., 470 e. HUTCHISON, Reno co., Kan., 1500 e. I. ICUTU M'T, Venezula, 7500 e. IDA, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 633 e. IDAHO, Clear Creek co., Colo., 7400 e., 39° 44' n. lat. ILLINIZO, Ecuador, S. A., 17,380 e. ILLINOIS RIVER, Lasalle co., 111., 513 e. ILLION, N. Y., 424 e. 77 ILYAMfNSK M'T, Alaska, 12066 e. INDEPENDENCE, Iowa, 111. Cent. R. R., eu e. INDEPENDENCE, Mo. & Pac. R.R., Mo., 980 e. INDEPENDENCE DEPOT, Louis., Cin. & Lex. R. R., 752 e. INDEPENDENCE, Iowa, 934 to 97T e. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., 662 to 726 e. INDIAN GAP, N. C, 5317 e. INDIAN LAKE, 111., St. L., Van. & T. H. R. R., 634 e. INKA, Miss., 554 e. INDIAN PRAIRIE SUMMIT, 111., Spring. & 111, S. E. R. R., 776 e. INDUSTRY, Pa., 689 e. INKA, Tisbonnugo co., Miss., 555 e. INLAND, Adams co., Nebr., 1845 e. lOLA, Kan., 854 e. IOWA POINT, Doniphan co., Kan., 749 e. IOWA RIV., Hardin co., Iowa, 1106 e. IRONA, Clinton co., N. Y., 625 e. IRON POINT, Humboldt co., Nev., 4375e. IRONTON, Iron co., Mo., 912 e. IRVINETON, Warren co.. Pa., 1152 e. ISLAND LAKE, Carlton co., Minn., 13006. ISLAND BEND, Grand Trunk R. R., N. H., 1170 8. ISLAND POND STATION, Vt., 1170 e. ISPENNING, Marq. & Onton. R. R., Mich., 1443 e. ITABIRA M'T, Brazil, S. A., 5250 e. J. JACKSON'S SUMMIT, Tenn., Mobile & Ohio R. R., 499 e. JACKSONVILLE, Tex., Internat. R. R., 527 6. JACKSOXPORT, Jackson co.. Ark., 214 e. JACKSONVILLE, Pulaski co., Ark., 273e. JAMESYILLE, Onoudagua co., N. Y., 601 e. JAMESON'S, S. C, S. E. R. R., 330 e. JANESVILLE, Wis., 797 e. JASPAR, Fla., 155 e. JEDDO STATION, Luzerne co., Pa., 1518 e. JEDDO, Jefferson co., Ohio, 683 e. JEFFERSON, Wis., 764 e. JENNING'S GAP, Va., North Mt., 2011 e. JESUP, Buchanan co., Iowa, 980 e. JESUP, Wayne co., Ga., 130 e. JEWETT, Cumberland co., 111., 530 e. JEWETT, Tex., Internat. R. R., 527 e. JOHNSONBURG, Pa., 1470 e. JOHN.-ON'S SUMMIT, Ohio, Atl. & Gt. W. R. R., 1098 e. JOHNSON STATION, Colo., Den. Pac. R. R., 5006 e. JOHNSTON, Nova Scotia, N. S. R. R., 136 e. JOHNSTON'S DEPOT, S. C, Char. & Colo. R. R., 687 e. JONESBORO, Ala., Memp. & Chas. R. R., 506 e. JONESBOROUGH, Tenn., E. T. &; Va. R. R.. 1734 e. JONES STATION, Ala., Ala. Cent. R. R. 299 e. JORDAN, N. Y., 406 e. JORNADA DEL MUERTO, N. M., 4452 e. JOSLYN, Rock Island co., HI., 543 e. JUDA, Wis., 822 e. JUDSONIA, White co., Ark., 209 e. JUGERSOLL, Canada, 872 e. JULESBURG, Weld co., Colo., 3660 e., 40° 59' n. lat., 102° 47' Ion. w. JULIEN, Dubuque co., Iowa, 845 e. JUNCTION, Carlton co., Minn., 1080 e. JUNCTION CITY, Davis CO., Kan., 1101 e. JUNIATA, Adams co., Nebr., 1936 e. JUSTON, Pa., 889 e. K. KALADGHI, Asia, 1744 e., 16° 12' n. lat., 75° 25' Ion. w. KALAMA, Wash. Terr., Nor. Pac. R. R. 45 e. KALISPELM L., Idaho, 2093 e. KAMOKA, Can., 792 e. KANISKUESAHKWUT L., Idaho, 2431e. KANKAKEE, Kankakee co.. 111., 629 e. KANSAS, Ohio, L. S. & Louis. R.R., 720 e. KANSAS PRAIRIE, Utah, 6319 e. KASKASKIA, Fayette co.. 111., 477 e. KAUKAUNA Outagamie co.. Wis., 648 e. KEATING SUMMIT, Pa., Buff,, N. Y. & Phila. R. R., 1334 e. KECHE, Tex., Internat. R. R., 285 e. KELLOGG, Minn., Mil. & St. P. R. R., 795 e. KEMPERVILLE, Can., 226 e. KENESAW, Adams co., Nebr., 2015 e. KENNER, La., 800 e. KENNED YVILLE, Kent co., Md., 61 e. KENSETT. Cairo & Fulton R.R.. 111., 256e. KENT, Ohio, 1040 e. KENTON. Ohio, 945 e. KENTVILLE, N. S., Winds. & Annap. R. R., 44 e. KERBY, Ohio, Pitts., Ft. W. & Chi. R.R., 875 e. KETTLE RIVER DEPOT, Minn., L. S. & Miss R. R., 1112 e. KIEL, Manitowoc co.. Wis., 911 e. KILHUCK & BLACK RIV., Summit be- tween, Miama co., Ohio, 901 e. KILIMANDJARO, Africa, 21000 e. KILLGORE, Tex., Internat. R. R., 371 e. KILLI ANS, S. C, Char. & Col. R.R., 330e. KIMBERLY, Aiken co., Minn., 1205 e, KIND ALL'S SUMMIT, Ariz., 5930 e. KINDERHOOK, Ohio, 916 e. 78 KING FISHER, Ind. Ter.,950 e. KING'S MT., Cleveland co., N. C, 992 e. KING'S RIVER, Fresno co., Cal., 300 e. KINGSTON, Luzerne co., Pa., 551 e. KINGSTON, Somerset co., Md., 11 e. KI.NGSTON, Can., 275 e. KINGSTON RIV., Tenn., C. S. R.R., 506e. KINGSTOWN, N. S., Winds. & Annap. R. R , 44 e. KINGSVILLE, Mo. Pac. R. R., Mo., 924 e. KINGSVILLE, Ohio, 647 e. KINMUNDY, Marion co , 111., 628 e. KIOWA CREEK BRIDGE, Colo., Kan. Pac. R. R., 5347 e. KIPTON, Ohio, L. S. & M. S. R. R., 834 e. KIRKSVILLB, Mo.. 939 e. KIRKWOOD, Mo. Pac. R. R., Mo., 636 e. KISKIMINITAS, Armstrong co , Pa., 815 e. KIT CARSON, Greenwood co., Colo., 4191 p. KITTANNING GAP, Pa., 2358 e. KNAPP, Wis., W. Wis. R. R„ 700 e. KNIGHTSVILLE, Clay co., Ind , 635 e. KNOBEL, Randolph co.. Ark., 271 e. KNOB LICK, St. Francois co.. Mo., 922e. KNOBNOSTER, Mo. Pac. R. R., Mo., 822e. KOSATA, Minn., St. P. & Sioux City R. R., 857 e. KOSSE, Tex., 503 e. KRFKSMAN'S GAP, Ga., 1691 e. KRUSETT, White co., Ark., 216 e. KUEN LUN, Thibet, 18000 e. L. LA BELLE LAKE, Wis., 851 e. LABETTE, Labette co., Kan., 883 e. LAO DKS CHATS, Can., 233 e. LAC DES CHENES, Can., 183 e. LACLEDE, Mo., Uann. & St. Joe R. R., 776 e. LA CRESCENT, Minn., Mil. & St. P. R. R,, 742 e. LAC TALON, Can., 622 e. LAC VIBUX DESERT, Wis., 1529 e. LA CYGNE, Kas., 725 e. LADiJGA, Ind., Louisv., New Alb. & Crans. R R., 807 e. LADORE, Neosho co., Kan., 928 e. LADUE, Henry co.. Mo., 855 e. LA GRANGE, Wyoming co.. Pa., 600 e. LAGRO, Ind., Tol., Wab. & West. R. R., 690 e. LA.JA SUMMIT, Ariz., 62S3 e. LAKE, 111, St. L., Van. & T. H. R. R., 707 e. LAKE, Tex., Internal. R. R., 315 e. LAKE CITY, Minn., Mo. & St. P. R. R., 806 e. LAKE ECKLESON, Minn., North. Pac. R. R., 1415 e. LAKE GLENEIDA, Putnam co., N. Y.. 505 e. LAKE HORICON, Wis., 868 e. LAKE HURON. Mich., 25,000 sq. m., 578e. LAKE KACHESS, Wash'n Ter., 2158 e. LAKE KITCHELUS, Wash. Ter., 2388 e. LAKEMAN, Hann. & St. Joe R. R., Mo., 728 e. LAKE MICHIGAN, 22,400 sq. m., Mich., 574 e. LAKE MINSIGAMOND, Mass., 360 e. LAKE NIPISSINGOE, Can., 632 e. LAKE PEMIDJO, Minn., 1456 e. LAKE PEPIN, Wis., 714 e. LAKE ST. CROIX, Wis., 450 e. LAKE SHOTEK, Minn., 1578 e., 44° 10^ n. lat., 95° 42^ Ion. w. LAKE SIMCOE, Canada, 708 e. LAKE SUPERIOR, 32,000 sq. m., 600 e.. Mich. LAKE TRAVERS, Minn., 1456 e. LAKE VIEW, N. Y., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 700 e. LAKEVILLE, Ohio, 901 e. LAKE WILLAILOOTZAS, Wash'n Ter.. 2940 e. LAKE WOOD STATION, 111., Spring. & 111. S. E. R. R., 925 e. LAMBERT LAKE, Washington co.. Me., 414 e. LA MONTE, Nor. Pac. R. R., Mo., 878 e. LAMSON'S, Onondagua co., N. Y., 389 e. LANE, 111., 798 e. LA PLATA. Mo., 898 e. LARAMIE PLAINS, Wyo., 7500 e. LARAMORE RIDGE, lU., Spring. & 111. S. E. R. R., 929 e. LARKiNS, Tenn., Memp. & Chas. R. R., 620 e. LARKINS'^URG, HI., Spring. & 111. S. E. R. R., 82(5 e. LASALLE, Lasalle co., HI., 513 e. LATROBE, Cal., 771 e. LATROKE, Westmoreland co., Pa. 922 e. LATHROP, Mo,. St. L., Kan. City & N. R. R., 1051 e. LAUREL GAP, Pa., 2505 e. LAUREL HILL, W. Va., 2412 e. LAUREL M'T, Va., 394 e. LAUREL RIVER, Ky., R. R. grade, 918 e. LAUREL TOP, N. C., 5922 e. LAURINBURG, Richmond co., N. C, 230 e. LAWRENCE, Ohio, AtL & G. W. R. R., 958 e. LAWREYSVILLE, Pa., 339 e. LAWSONS, Ala., 246 e. LAVITTSBURG, N. Y., 325 e. LAWRENCE, Cal., 66 e. LAWRENCE, Lawrence co., N. Y , 293 e. LAW'S CUT, Jo Daviess co., 111., 1042 e. LAWTON, Ga., 180 e. LEASBURG, Atl & Pac. R. R., Mo ,1022 e. 79 LEAVENWORTH, Kan., 729 to 844 e., 39° 21^ n. lat., 44° 44^ Ion. w. LEBANON, Ky, 771 e. LEBANON, Grafton co., N. H., 566 e. LECONTE, N. C, 5694 e. LEDBETTER, Favette cc.Tex., 464 e. LEECH LAKE, JHnn., 1330 e. LEEDSVILLB, Randolph co., W. Va., 1900 e. LEE'S SUMMIT, Mo. Pac. R. R., Mo., 1051 e. LEESVILLE, S. C, Char. & CoL R, R , 680 e. LEGONIER, Ind., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 882 e. LEH, Asia, 11,532 e., 34° 8^ n. lat., 77° 14^ Ion. e. LEICESTER, Addison co., Vt, 340 e. LEIDERT'S GAP, Lehigh Co., Pa., 808 e. LEIFSIC, Putnam co., Ohio, 753 e. LE JARRA, New Mex., 6942 e. LEMAR'S, Plymouth co., Iowa, 1238 e. LENA, 111., 955 e. LENAPE, Kas., 765 e. LENNOXVILLE, Vt., Grand Trunk R. R., 485 e. LEONI, Mich., 980 e. LEON SPRING, Tex., 2807 e. LEROUZ SPRING, Ariz., 719 e. LE SUER, Le Suer co., Minn., 835 e. LE TARTS SHOALS, Ohio, 555 e. LEWIS, Henry co.. Mo , 895 e. LEWIS, S. C, Char. & Col. R. R., 569 e. LEWIS CENTRE, Ohio, 927 e. LEWIS LAKE, Wyo., 7828 e. LEXINGTON, Ga., Ga. R. R., 788 e. LEXINGTON DEPOT, S. 0., Char. & Col. R. R., 401 e. LIBERTY, Cin., Louis. & Lex. R.R., Ky., 486 e. LICK LOG TUNNEL, N. C, 2443 e. LIMESTONE, S. C, Atl. & Rich. R. R., 1 787 e. LIMESTONE GAP, Choctaw Nation, Ind. Ter., 663 e. LINCOLN, Lancaster CO., Xebr., 1115 e. LINDEN, Ala., 185 e, LINDEN, Mich., Det. & Mich. R. R., 877 e. LISBON, Lawrence co., N. Y., 313 e. LITTLE BACKBONE SUMMIT, Md., 2372 e. LITTLE BLUE RIV., Mo. Pac. R.R., Mo , 755 e. LITTLE COLORADO RIV.. N. M., 5012 e., 34° 53^ n. lat. LITTLE HORSE CREEK. S. C, Char. & Col. R. R., 170 e. LITTLE MUNROE, N. H., 5204 e. LITTLE SAVAGE SUMMIT, Md., 2535 e. LITTLE TOBY SUMMIT, Elk co., Pa., 1807 e. LITTLE WABASH RIV., Effingham co., HI., 514 e. LIVERPOOL, Ohio, 682 e. LIVINGSTON STATION, Tenn., McMinn. Man. & S. W. R. R., 966 e. LLANO E3TACAD0, Tex., 2500 e. LLANO ESTACADO, Tex., highest point, 4707 6. LLANO ESTACADO, Tex., E. Margin, 4430 e. LLANO ESTACADO, Tex., W. Margin, 4144 e. LOCKHART'S GAP, W. Va., 890 e. LOGAN M'T, Brit. Amer., 3768 e. LOGAN'S STATION, Ala. Cent. R. R., Ala., 225 e. LOGAN'S SUMMIT, Pa., Phila. & Erie R. R., 552 e. LONDON, Canada, 820 e. LONDON, Ohio, Col. & Spring. R. R., 1010 e. LONDON, Tenn., E. T. R.R., 814 e. LONGVIEW, Tex., Tex. Internat. R. R., 336 e. LONGVIEW, Tex., Tex. & Pac. R.R., 143e. LORAG, Elko co., Nev., 5597 e. LOST RIVER, Hardy co., W. Va., 1400e. LOUISVILLE, 111., Spring. & III. S. B. R. R., 787 e. LOUISVILLE, Ind., 277 e. LOUISVILLE, Cass co., Nehr., 992 e. LOVELAND, Ohio, Atl. & Gt. W. R. R., 1020 e. LOVELY'S SUMMIT, Pa., 1183 e. LOWELL, Kearney co., Nebr., 1037 e. LOWELL, Mass., 42 to 280 e. LUCAS, Iowa, BurL & Mo. Riv. R. R., 857 e. LUCKY GAP, Colo., 1500 e. LUFTEE KNOB, N. C, 6220 e. LUMBER CITY, Telfair co., Ga., 150 e. LUNENBURGH, Vt., 1210 e., 4I°.72 t., 41.11 r. f. LUZERNE, N. Y., 625 e. LYLE, Minn., Iowa & Minn. R. R., 1306e. LYNCHBURG, Va., 507 to 814 e. LYNDON, Whiteside co.. 111., 566 e. LYNN, Mass., o to 230 e. M. McALISTER, Choctaw Nation, Ind. Ter, 702 e. McALMONT, Pulaski co.. Ark., 263 e. McCOMB CITY, Pike co., Miss., 410 e. McCOY'S STATION, Ohio, Cleve. & Pitts. E. R., 677 e. McDADE, Bastrop co., Tex., 587 e. MACHIAS, N. Y., Buff., N. Y. & Phil. R. R., 1705 e. McKINNEY, Collin co., Tex., 615 e. McGHEES, Ala., 242 e. McLELLAN SUMMIT, Tenn., 972 e. McMillans, Tenn., E. T. & Va. R, R., 868 e. 80 MACOMB, III., 704 e. MACON, Bibb co., Cal., 450 e. MACON, 111., 707 e. MACON, Mo., St. L., Kan. City & N. R. R., 865 e. McQUADES RIDGE, Con., 354 e. McGUIRKS, Mo. Pac. R. R., Mo., 585 e. MADDOX SUMMIT, Mo. Pa. R. R., Mo., 1005 e. MADELON PASS, Cal., Sierra Nev., 5667 e. MADISON, Madison co., Ala., 573 e. MADISON, Ark., 283 e. MADL^ON & BOND CO. LINf], 111., St. L., Van. & T. H. R. R., 762 e. MADRY HILL, Tenn., C. S. R. R., 924 e. MAGNOLIA, Pike co., Miss., 300 e. MALPAIS SINK, Colo., 1900 e. MALVERN, Ohio, 987 e. MANCHESTER, Delaware co., Iowa, 944 e. MANEWA, Wis., Green Bay & Lake Pep- son R. R., 839 e. MANITOU SPRINGS, El Paso co., Colo., 6315 e. MANITOWOC RAPIDS, Manitowoc co., Wis., 638 e. MANKATO, Minn., 896 e. MAN PATCH GAP, N. C, 439 e. M-ANSFIELD, Alleghany co., Pa., 819 e. MANTUA, Ohio, 1191 e. MANVILLE, Kan., St. Joe & Den. R. R., 936 e. MAPLE GAP, Pa., 2222 e. MAPLES, Ohio, Pitts., Ft. W. & Chi. R. R., 796 e. MAQUON, 111., Chic, Burl. & Quincy R. R., 827 e. MARBLE HILL, Bollinger CO., Mo., 411 e. MARENGO, 111., 819 e. MARIETTA DEPOT, Ga., Ga. R. R., 1132 e. MARION, Minn., 1260 e. MARION, Alameda'co., Cal., 74 e. MARION STATION, Somerset co., Md., 12 e. MARKSBURG, Ohio, Mar. & Pitts. R. R., 669 e. MARLIN, Falls co., Tex., 394 e. MARQHAND, Madison co., Mo., 564 e. MARQUEZ, Tex., Internat. R. R., 407 e. MARSHALL, Iowa, 650 to 750 e. MARSHBANK'S SUMMIT, Tenn., McM., Manchester & S. W. R R., 1162 e. MARTIN, Ohio, L. S. & M. S." R.R., 597 e. MARTINSVILLE, Ohio, 662 e. MAKYSVILLE, Marshall co., Kan., Il20e. MaSSEIRI, Asia, 6590 e., 30° 27^ n. lat., 78° 30Mon. e. MASSEY'S cross ROADS, Kent co., xMd., 69 e. MASSELLON, Ohio, Pitts., Ft. W. & ChL R. R., 941 e. MASTER KNOB M'T, Tenn., 6013 e. MASTERVILLE, Ohio, Pitts., Cin. & St. Lou. R. R , 926 e. MAX MEADOWS, Va., 2024 e. MAYFIELD, Cal., South. Pac. R.R., 34e. MAYSVILLE, Ky., 49 e. MEADOW M'T SUMMIT, Md., 2654 e. MEASLES CREEK, Navarro co., Tex., 370e. MEDON, Tenn., Miss. Cent, and Miss. & Tenn. R. R., 420 e. MEINLAN, Wis., Green Bay & Lake Pep- sin R. R., 942 e. MELISSA, Collin co., Tex., 690 e. MELROSE. Alameda co., Cal., 18 e. MENOMINEE, Wis., W. Wis. R. R., 653 e. MENTUR, Ohio, L. S. & M. S. R. R., 642 e. MEP.AMEC, Mo. Pac. R. R., Mo., 435 e. MERGENCE STATION, Mo., 419 e. MERLYTOWN, Pa., 437 e. MEHRILONE, Wis., W. Wis R. R., 709 e. MESA GAP, Ariz., 6029 e, MESHAWAKA, Ind., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 721 e. MEXIA, Limestone co., Tex., 537 e. MEXICO, Mo., 790 e. MICHIGAN CENTRE, Mich., 942 e. MIDDLE BIJOU BRIDGE, Colo., Kas. Pac. R. R., 5060 e. MIDDLEBROOK, Iron co., Mo., 1144 e. MIDDLEBURY, Tenn., Miss. Cent, and Miss. & Tenn. R. R., 537 e. MIDDLEPORT, 111., 612 e. MIDDLESEX, Washington co., Vt., 530 e. MIDDLETON, Tenn., Mem. & Char. R.R., 407 e. MIDDLETOW!^, Butler co., Ohio, 647 e. MIDDLEVILLE, Md., Grand Rir. Valley R. R., 818 e. MILFORD, Del., 20 e. MILFORD, Pecobscot co., Me., 115 e. MILL CITY, Humboldt co.. Mo., 4225 e. MILL CITY, Clear Creek co., Colo., 7826 e., 39° 47^ n. lat. MILLEN, Ga., 157 e. MILLER, Dallas co., Tex., 508 e. MILLERSBURG, Ind., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 882 e. MILLERS GAP, Va., 1600 e. MILLERS LANDING, Mo., Mo. Pac. R. R., 508 e. MILLERSVILLE, lU., Spring. & S. E. R. R., 949 e. MILLIC.AN, Brazes co., Tex., 300 e. MILL M'T , Va., 2134 e. MILL SPRING, Wayne co., 432 e. MILTON, Chittenden co., Vt., 351 e. MILTON JUNCTION, Wis., Chic. & N. W. R. R., 866 e. MILLVILLE, N. J., 10 to 50 e. MINCHINMAVIDA, Chili, S. A., 8000 e. MINERAL POINT, Washington co., Mo, 855 e. f 81 MINERAL POINT DEPOT, Wis.. 978 e. MINERS RIDGE, 111., Spring. & 111. S. E. R. R., 949 e. MINER STATION, Ala.; Ala. Cent. R. R., 209 e. MINERVA, Ohio, 1040 e. MINGO STATION. Ohio, Pitts., Gin. & ' St. Lou. R. R., 659 e. MINI WAKAN L., Dak., 1476 e. MINNEISTA, Minn., Mil. & St. P. R. R., 764 e. MINNEQUA SPRINGS, Bradford co., Pa., 1500 e. MINTURN, Lawrence co., Ark., 251 e. MISSOURI & SNAKE RIVERS, Sources of, 50006., 44° 30^ n. lat , 1 1 1° 30^ Ion. w. MISSISSIPPI CITY, Miss., N. 0., Mob. & Tex. R. R., 10 e. MlTCHfiLL'S, Alameda co., Cal., 15 e. MITCHELL, Mitchell co., Iowa, 1195 e. MITCHELL, Ind., Louisv., New Alb. & Cnm. R. R., 661 e. MOARK, Randolph co.. Ark., 287 e. MOBERLY JUNC, Randolph co., Kan., 978 e. MOBILE, Ma., 50 ft. above to 1 ft. below. MOMENCE, 111., Plym., Kanka. & Pac. R. R., 621 e. MONA, Iowa, 111. Cent. R. R., 868 e. MONEE, Will CO., IlL, 799 e. MONETEAN, Mo. Pac. R. R., Mo., 904 e. MONOTARY DEPOT, Colo., Kas. Pac. R. R., 3676 e. MONROE, Mo., Haun. & St. Joe R. R.,740e. MONROE, Wis., 1078 e. MONROE'S FARM, Brown co., Wis., 675 e. MONROEVILLE, Ohio, 705 e. MONTE, Cal., 354 e MONTE DIABLO, Cal., Coast Range, 3856 e. MONTE DIABLO, base of Cal., 215 e., 37° 54M5^''n. lat., 121° 59^ 24^^1on. w. MONTGOMKRY, Mo., 790 e. MONTGOMERY, Tenn., 1039 e. MONTGOMERY GAP, Tenn., 1365 e. MONTICELLO, Fla., 200 e. MONWATE SPRINGS, Tenn , 1293 e. MOOREFIELD, W. Va., 800 e. MOOREHEAD, N. Pac. R. R., 903 e. MOOREHEAD, Pa., L S. & M.S. R.R.,759e MOORES, Ala., Mem. & Chas. R.R., 601 e, MOORFIELD,' Hardy co., W. Va., 844 e. MOQUOKETA RIV.', Delaware co., Iowa. 943 e. MORGAN, Marq. & Outon. R. R., Mich , 1230 e. MORICE, 111., 1097 e. MORISSON, Mo., Mo. Pac. R. R.. 522 e. MORLEY, Scott co., Mo., 338 e. MORO PASS, summit of, San Luis, Obispo CO., Cal., 1477 e. MORRILL'S CORNER, Cumberland co., Mo., 56 e. MORRIS, Minn., St. P. & Pac. R.R , 1117e. MORRIS, 111., 518 e. MORRISTOWN, Tenn., E. T. & Va. R.R., 1283 e. MORONGO BASIN, Cal., 1500 e. MORONGO CANON, Cal., head of, 1677e. MORONGO PASS, Cal., 2327 e. MORROW, Ohio, Cin., Miss. Valley R.R. 583 e. MORROW, Ohio, 365 e. MORROW, N. C, Char., Col. & Aug. R. R., 571 e. MORROWS, S. C, Char. & Col. R. R., 571 e. MOSCA PASS, N. Mex., Kan. Pac R. R., 9577 e. MOSER STATION, III., St. L. & S. E. R. R., 465 e. MOTLEY, North. Pac. R.R.. Minn., 1220e. MOTZINGER'S RIDGE, Louis., New Alb. & Gran. R. R., Ind., 819 e. MOUNT AGASSIZ, Ariz., 7510 e. M(JUNTAIN TOP, Md., 2657 e. MOUNT ALEXANDER, N. C, G447 e. MOUNT BECKLER, Utah, 9716 e. MOUNT CARLOS, Cal., Coast Range, 4977 e MOUNT CLAY & W.ASHINGTON, N H., Gap between, 5417 e. MOUNT COLLINS, Tenn,, 6188 e. MOUNT COOK, New Zealand. Oceanica, 13200 e. MOUNT CURTIS, Tenn., 6568 e. MOUNT DAVIDSON, Cal., Humboldt Ranjre, 7827 e. MOUNT D. DANS, Wyo., 10118 e. MOUNT DECEPTION, 2449 e. MOUNT DELANO, Idaho, 10200 e. MOUNT EGMONT, New Zealand, Ocean- ica, 8270 e. MOUNT ELIAS, Brit. Amer., 17,900 e MOUNT ELLIS, Idaho, 8419 e. MOUNT EREBUS, Oceanica, Victoria Land, 12367 e. MOUNT EVEREST, Himalaya Range, 29002 e MOUNT GILEAD, Ohio, CoL & Spring. R. R., 1085 e. MOUNT HENRY, N. C, 6373 e. MT. HOLLY, Knox co., Ohio, 847 e. MOUNT HOTHAM, Australia, 7500 e. MOUNT HOUGHTON, Houghton co., Mich., 1472 e. MOUNT KASSOUMBO, Oceanica, Sum- atra, 15000 e. MOUNT KINI BALU, Borneo, Oceanica, 13698 e. MOUNT KOSCINSKO, Australia, 7285 e. MOUNT LE COMPTE, Tenn., 6612 e. MOUNT LIBERTY, Knox co., .Ohio, ilS8 e. MOU.NT LOVE, Tenn., 6443 e. MOUNT MENGERS, N. C , 3694 e. 82 MOUNT MORIAH, 4653 e. MOUNT MORRIS, III., Chic. & Iowa R. R., 904 e. MOUNT PUTNAM, Idaho, 8854 e. MOUNT RESOLUTION, 3400 e. MOUNT SAFFORD, Tenn., 6535 e. MOUNT ST. ELIAS, Rocky Mountains, 17900 e. MOUNT SCOTT, Towa, 1135 e. MOUNT STERLING, Ky., 961 e. MOUNT UMDIKE, N. S., N. S. R.R., 507e. MOUNT VERNON, Ohio, 963 to 1165 e. MOUNT VERNON, Jefferson co., Colo., 6050e.,39°40M7^^n. hit., l05°8Mon.w. MOUNT VERNON, Knox co., Ohio, 963e. MOUNT VERNON, centre of public sq., Knox CO., Ohio, 1000 e. MOUNT WASHBURNE, Wyo., 10575 e. MOUNT WASHINGTON, Timber Lino, North side, 4150 e. MOUNT WILLARD, 2570 e. MOWNA KEO, Sandwich Is., 13950 e. MUD LAKE, Nev., 4079 e. MUD SPRINGS, Atl. & Pac. R.R., 680 e. MUMFOrlD, N. y., Roch. & State Line R. R , 580 e. MUM FORDS VILLE, Kv., 688 e. MURCHISTON M'T, Rocky Mountains, 15789 e. MURPHY, N, C, 1566 e. MURRAY, Iowa, Burl. & Mo. Riv. R. R., 1183 e. MURTA, Lawrenr-e co.. Ark., 261 e. MUSCOTAH DrtPOT, Kas., Union Pac. R. R., 1213 e MUSCONTAH, 111., St. L. & S. E. R. R., 415 e. MUSKINGUM & CUYAHOGA, Summit between, Ohio, 090 e. MUSKCDA, N. Pac. R. R., Minn., 1082 e. MUSKRAT LAKE, Can., Brock. & Ott. R. R., 390 e. MYERS' STATION, Ky.,Mays. & Lex. R. R., 597 e. N. NACHESS PASS, 4890 e.. Wash. NAGOWICKA LAKE, Wis., 882 e. NAPOLEON, Holmes co., Ohio, 854 e. NASHOTAH, Wis., 868 e. NASHUA, N. H , 122 to 245 e. NASHVILLE, Mich., Grand Riv. Valley R. R., 909 e. NAVAJO PASS, N. Mex., 7177 e. NAVAJO SPRINGS, Ariz., 5626 e. NAVASOTA, Grimes co., Tex., 219 e. NKBO M'T, Utah, 12000 e. NEBRASKA MINE, Ontonagon co., Mich., 1378 e. NECHES, Tex., Internal. R. R., 413 e. NECHES RIV., Tex., Internat. R.R., 269e. NEELYVILLE, Butler co.. Mo., 298 e. NEGAMEE, Mich , Marq. & Ontan. R.R.; 1375 e. NEGRO M'T SUMMIT, Md., 2826 e. NEIGHBOR M'T, Tenn., 5771 e. NEMAHBIN LAKE, Wis., 867 e. NEOSHO FALLS, Woodson co., Kan., 999 e. NEOSHO RAPIDS, Lyon co., Kan., 1094e. NEVADA, Ohio, Pitts., Ft. W. & Chi. R. R.. 925 e. NEVADA CITY, Nevada, 6205 e. NEVADO DE TOLIMA, AndesMts,18360e. NEWARK, Licking co., Ohio, 794 e. NEWARK, N. J., to 213 e. NEWBURGH, Orange co.,N.Y., to 400e. NEWBURG, Ohio, 800 e. NEWBURY, .S. U., 502 e. NEWBURY SUMMIT, Merrimack co., N. H., 1162 e. NEW CHICAGO, Neosho co., Kan., 933 e. NEW FOUND LAKE, N. H., 584 e. I NEW GLASGOW, N. S. N. S. R. R., 27 e. NEW HAMPTON, Iowa, Iowa & Minn. R. R., 1269 e. NEW HAVEN, Conn., 4 to 140 e. NEW HAVEN, Addison co., Vt., 280 e. NEW HOLLAND, Ga., Atl. & Rich. R. R., 1182 e. NEW JUDSON, Ind., Plym., Kanka. k Pac. R. R.. 677 e. NEW LEXINGTON. Ohio, Cin. & Mus. R. R.,814e. NEW LONDON, Ohio, 970 e. NEW LONDON, Wis., Green Bay & Lake Pepin R. R., 774 e. NEW MADRID, Mo., 530 e. NEWMAN, Ga., Atl. & West Point R. R., 986 e. NEW MARKET, Ohio, Pitts., Cin. & St. Louis R. R., 95 1 e. NEW MEMPHIS, 111., St. L. & S. E. R. R., 402 e. NEW PASS, California, 3164 e., 34° 30' n. lat., 118° 04' Ion. w. NEW PHILADELPHIA STATION, Ohio, 877 e., Cleve. & Pitts. R. R. NEWPORT, Jackson co.. Ark., 218 e. NEWPORT, Luzerne co.. Pa., 1024 e. NEWPORT, Sullivan co., N. H., 788 e. NEWPORT, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R. R.. 583 e. NEWPORT, Mo. Pac. R. R., 482 e. NEWPORT, N. S., N. S. R. R , 56e. NEW SALISBURY, Ohio, 745 e. NEWTON'S GAP, N. C, 1953 e. NEW WOODSTOCK, Madison co., N. Y., 1309 e. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y., Canan. & N. F. R. R., 568 e. NIANGUA, Mo., Atl. & Pac. R. R., 1420e. NILES, Ohio, Atl. & Gt. W. R.R., 901 e. NILES VALLEY, Pa., Wells. & Lawrence R.R., 1168 e. 83 NIPPONVA CREEK, San Luis Obispo co., Cal., 201 e NORA, 111., 1000 e. NORMAN, North. Pac. R. R., Minn., 1332e. NORMANHY, Tenn., N. & C. R.R., 834 e. NORTH BRANCH, Minn., L. S. & Miss. R. R , 883 e. NORTH CALEDONIA, Wis , 927 e. NORTH CLEMSFORD, Mass., B. L. & N. R. R., Ill e. NORTH CUNERSTOWN, Ohio, Pitts., Cin. & St Louis R. R., 788 e. NORTH EAST, Pa., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 796 e. NORTH FERRISBURG, Addison co., Vt., 120 e. NORTHFIELD, Washington co.,Vt., 728 e. NORTH HARFORD, N. Y., 1144 e. NORTH HARTLAND, Windsor co., Vt., 377 e. NORTHPORT, Wis., Green Bay & Lake Pepin R. R. 784 e. NORTH SHELDON, Franklin co.,Vt.,479e. NORTHVILLE, Kj., Louis., Cin. & Lex. R. R., 478 e. NORTH WESTERN MINE, Houghton co., Mich., 1193 e. NORWALK, Ohio, 705 e. NORWAY, Kan., St. Joe & Den. R. R.. 1004 e. o. OAKFIELD, N. S., Nova Scotia R. R., 70e. OAK HARBOR, Ohio, L. S. & M. S. R. R., 587 e. OAK HILL, 111., Chic, Bur. & Quincy R. R., 595 e. OAKLAND, Cal., to 123 e. OAKLAND, Miss., 424 e. OAKLAND, Mo., Mo. Pac. R. R., 611 e. OAK PATCH M'T., N. C, 4700 e. OAKVILLE, Canada, 301 e. OaKWOOD CANON, head of, Cal., 2985e. OAKWOODS, Tex., Internat. R.R., 277 e. OCEAN SPRINGS, Miss., N. 0., Mob. & Tex. R. R., 10 e. OCONEE LUFTEH TUNNEL, N. C, 1942 e. OCONOMEWOC LAKE, Wis., 860 e. ODELL LAKE, Ohio, 924 e. ODIN, 111., 842 e. OFFICE CREEK, Ind., Logans., C. & S. W. R. R., 465 e. OGDEN, Mo., 500 e. OGDEN DEPOT, Kas., 1067 e. OGDENSBCRG, Wis.^ Green Bay & Rake Pepin R. R., 872 e. OHIO & MICHIGAN, State Line, L. S. & M. S. R. R., 581 e. OHIO CITY, Mo., 505 e. OHIO RIV., Average height of sources, 1300 e. OIL CITY, Ohio, 797 e. OIL CITY, Oil C'k. & All. Riv. R. R., Pa., 994 e. OIL MILL SWITCH, S. C, Char. & Col. R. R., 199 e. OJO ESCONDIDE, Tex., 2311 e. OKAW, 111 , 963 e. OKAWVILLE, 111., St. L. & S. E. R. R., 442 e. O'KEAN, Randolph co.. Ark., 261 e. OLEOPOLIS, Pa., Oil Creek & All. Riv. R. R., 1019 e. OLMSTEAD, Ohio, Col. & Spring. R. R., 773 e. OLYMPUS M'T, Wash., 6150 e. OLYPHANT, Jackson co.. Ark., 215 e. OMAHA, 111., Spring. & 111. S.E. R.R.,676e. ONEIDA, Ohio, 1004 e. ONONDAGO, Mich., Grand Riv. Valley R. R., 1006 e. ONTARIO, Ohio, At!. & Gt. W. R. R., 1367 e. ONTARIO LAKE,N. Y., 6000 sq. m. area, 234 e. ONUSQUETON, Iowa, Iowa & Minn. R. R., 999 e. OPELIKA, Ala., 812 e. OPELOUSAS, La., 60 e. OQUIRRH M'TS., Pass of, Utah, 4657 e. ORANGE, Ohio, 945 e. ORANGEBURG, Orange co., S. C, 270 e. ORANGE SUMMIT, Grafton co., N. H., 1016 e. ORANGEVILLE, Pa., 935 e. OREGON, HI., Chic. & Iowa R. R., 702 e. ORION, HI., 757 e. ORRVILLE, Ohio, 1049 e. OSAGE CITY, Mo., 541 e. OSAGE MISSION, Neosho co., Kan., 1000 e. OSBORN, Mo., Hann. & St. Joe R. R., 1033 e. OSBORN, Ohio, Atl. & Gt. W. R. R., 815e. OSCEOLA, Ind., L. S. & M. S. R.R., 736e. OSCEOLA, Iowa, 1099 e. OSGOOD, Ind., 992 e. OSSEO, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 1103 e. OSWAYA RIV., Mouih of, N. Y., 1419 e. OSWEGO. Labette co., Kan., 914 e. OSYKA, Pike co.. Miss., 250 e. OTSEGO, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R.R., 705 e. OTSEGO LAKE, Otsego CO., N.Y., 1193 e. OTTAWA, 111., 678 e. OTTAWA, Minn., St. P. & Sioux City R. R., 851 e. OTTAWA, Putnam co., Ohio, 720 e. OTTERVILLE, Mo., Mo. Pac. R.R., 695 e. OVERTON, Tex., Inte'rnat. R. R., 509 e. OVERTON'S GAP, Tenn., T. & A. R. R., 621 e. OVID, Mich., Det. & Mil. R. R., 738 e. OWANECO, 111., Spring. & III. S. E. R. R., 923 e. 84 OWASCO LAKE, N. Y., 691 e. OWATONA, Minn., Mil. & St. Paul R. R., 1204 e. OXFORD, ALa., 540 e. OXFORD, 111., 829 e. OXFORD, Mass., Norwich & Worcea. R. R., 300 e. P. PACHECO PASS, summit of, Santa Clara and Merced counties, Cal., 1335 e. PACIFIC CITY, Atl. & Pac. R. R., Mo., 449 «. PADDYS RIV., Va., Head of, 2009 e. PADRE CANON, Ariz., 6358 e. PAIGK, Bastrop co., Tex., 573 e. PAINESVILLE, Ohio, 626 e. PAINT ROCK, Ala., Memp. &Chas. R.R., 595 e. PAJARO, Monterey co., Cal., 22 e. PALATINE, N. Y, N. Y. Cent. R.R., 296e. PALMYRA, Mo , Hann. & St. Joe E. R., 640 e. PALMYRA, Pa., 443 e. PALO ALTO, Tenn., 600 e. PALOMA, 111., 744 e. PANOCHE PASS, summit of, Monterey and Fresno counties, Cal., 2120 e. PANTHER PATH, N. C, 4516 e. PARIS, Can., 832 e. PARKER, Morris co., Kan., 921 e. PARKERSRURG, Wood co., W. Va., 650 to 700 e. PARKS FORT, Kan., 2347 e. PARK SPRING, Ariz., 7199 e. PARKVILLE, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 835 e. PARR'S RIDGE, Md., 639 e. PARSONS, Labette co., Kan., 366 e. PAYANDA, Kan. Pac. R. R., N. Mex., 4833 e. PEACH CREEK, Robertson co., Tex., 256 e. PEACH ORCHARD, Randolph co., Ark., 276 e'. PEACOCK SPRING, Ariz., 3170 e. PEAKS OF OTTER, Va., 4100 e. PEARL SPRING, Ariz., Kan. Pac. R. R., 5315 e. PEARSALL'S CORNER, Queeris co., N. Y., 32 e. PECK'S PEAK, N. C, 5232 e. PENEL PASS, Colo., 9600 e. PENOKEE M'T., Mich., 1840 e. PENSACOLA, Fla., 8 to 62 e. PEORIA, 111., 425 to 550 e. PERDIDO, Baldwin co., Ala., 215 e. PERRY, Ohio, 682 e. PERRY, Falls co , Tex., 483 e. PERRYBURG, Wood co., Ohio, 629 e. PERRY'S MILLS, Clinton co., N. Y., 170 e. PERRYVILLE, Choctaw Nation, Ind Ter., 528 e. PERRYVILLE, Madison co., N. Y., 1037 e. PERSIMMON TUNNEL, N. C, 1948 e. PET CENTER, Pa, Oil. C'k.&All. Rir. R. R., 1076 e. PETERSBURG, Can., 1246 e. PETERSBURG, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R.R., 670 e. PETITE NATION. Can., 280 e. PEWAUKEE LAKE, Wis., 841 e. PEWADKEE SUMMIT, Wis., 894 e. PHILADELPHIA, 111., Spring. & 111. S. E. R. R., 923 e. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., to 440 e. PHILIPSBURG, Centre co.. Pa., 1411 e. PHILO, 111., Toledo, Wab. & West. R.R., 725 e. PH(ENIX MINE, Houghton co., Mich., 837 e. PICKENSVILLE, S. C, Atl. & Rich. R.R., 1094 e. PICTON, N. S., N. S. R. R., 6 e. PIEDMONT, Wayne co.. Mo., 495 e. PIEDRO PUNTA, Tex., 744 e. PIERCE CITY, Lawrence co.. Mo., 1203 e. PIERCE STATION, Colo., Den. Pac. R. R , 5107 e. PIERCEVILLE, Ind., 1010 e. PIERSON'S GAP, Ga., 1455 e. PIGEON LAKE, Can., 791 e. PIKETON, Ohio, 578 e. PILLAGER, Minn., North. Pac. R. R.. 1199 e. PINE, 111., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 589 e. PINE CITY, Minn., L. S. & Miss. R. R., 944 e. PINE MT., Summit Harris co., Ga., 1 059 e. PINE OAK CREEK, Robertson co., Tex., 294 e. PINTE PASS SUMMIT, Colo., 2579 e. FIQUA, Miami co., Ohio, 856 e. PITTSBURG, Ark., 418 e. PITTSBURGH, Pa., 740 to 1312 e. PITTSFIELD, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 1087 e. PITTSFIELD, Ohio, Col. & Spring. R. R., 821 e. PLAINFIELD, Conn., 157 e. PLAINWELL, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 734 e. PLANO, Collin co., Tex., 667 e. PLATTSBURG, Mo., St. L., Kan. City & N. R. R., 914 e. PLAYA DE LOS PIMAS, Ariz., 4149 e. PLEASANT GROVE, Tenn., C. & S. R. R., 739 e. PLEASANTON, 111., 571 e. PLEASANTVILLE, 111., St. L., Van. & T. H. R. R., 820 e. PLOVER, Wis., Green Bay & Lake Pepin R. R., 1089 e. »5 CREEK, Limestone co. , 655 e. 111., St. L. Van. & T. H. Tenn., Mem. & Char. 200 e. I'LtTMMER'S Tex. 468 e. PLYMOUTH, 111 POCAHONTAS, R. R., 739 e. POCAHONTAS, R. R., 394 e. POINT 1R0QD1S, Mich, 977 e, POINT JACKSON, Clark co., Ala POINT ROCK M'T, N. C, 1261 e. POINT TUNNEL, N. C, 1622 e. POLE CAT CREEK, Limestone co., Tex., 436 e. POLK, Ohio, Atl. & Gt. W. R. R., 1232 e. POLLARD, Escambia co., Ala.. 68 e. POLLY BOY, Nova Scotia, N. S. R. R., 36 e. POLO, m. 111. Cent R. R., 851 e. POLVERO, Colo., 700 e. POMME DK TERRE & BAS DE SUNA RIV'S, Summit bet., Minn., 1274 e. POPLAR BLUFF, Butler co.. Mo., 345 e. PORPHYRY BUTTE, Cal., 1140 e. PORTAGE CITY, Wis., 773 e. PORTAGE SUM.MIT, Pa., 1899 e. PORT ALLEGHANY, Pa., 1469 e. PORT CREDIT, Can., 253 e. PORT HOMER, Ohio, 687 e. PORTLAND, Me., 57 to 175 e. PORTLAND, Ohio, 667 e. PORT LEVI, Can., Grand Trunk R. R., 384 e. PORT ROYAL, Va., 32 e. POST STEVENS SURVEY, Idaho, 1630e., 48° 16' n. lat., 116° 30' Ion. w. POTOMAC RIV., at Little Falls, 37 e. POTOMAC RIV., Gr«de line of Washing- ton Aquaduct at Gt. Falls of, 146 e. POTOMAC RIV., at Great Falls, 146 e. POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y., to 375 e. POWDUNCK, Ohio, Pitts., Ft. W.&Chic. R. R., 775 e. PRAIRIE CITY, 111., 665 e. PRAIRIE LAKE, Dak., 1978 e. PRAIRIE LAKE, Mont., 3558 e. PRATTS, Whiteside co., 111., 550 e. PRESIDO DEL NORTE, Tex., 3000 e. PRIESTS GAP, Kmu. Pac. R. R., N. Mex., 6156 e. PRIMARY HILLS, Madison co., Mo., 1046 e. PRIOR'S CREEK, Ind. Ter., 560 e. PROCTORSVILLE, Windsor co., Vt., 840 e. PROVENJER RANCH, New Mex., 6505 e. PROVIDENCE, R. I., to 200 e. PRYOR'S C'K, Atl. & Pac. R. R., Mo., 580 e. PUERTO DEL DADE, Summit of, Ariz., 3183 e. PUNA, Asia, 1746 e., 18° 30' n. lat., 73° 52' Ion. w. PURACE, Colombia, S. A., 17034 e. PURE CREEK SUMMIT, Pa., 2330 e. PUTNAM, Conn., 282 e. PYRAMID LAKE, Utah, 4890 e, 40° n, lat, Q. QUEENS LAKE, 111., St. L. & S. E R.R., 399 e. QUINCY, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R.R., lOlle. QUINCY MINE, Houghton co., Mich., 1100 e. QUIQUALMINGO, Cal„ 1084 e. QUITMAN, Miss., 240 e. QUITO, Ecuador, 9543 e., 0° 13' 17" n. lat., 78° 45' 15" Ion. w. R. RABBIT RUN, Minn., St. P. & Pac. R. R., 972 e. RACCOON CREEK, Ind , Logan? , C. k S. W. R. R , 560 e. RACCOON MTS., Tenn., 1900 e. RANDOM, Tex., 147 e. RATON MT'S., at head of Lang's Canon, Col , 8150 e. RATON PASS, Col., 7705 e. RATTLESNAKE CREEK, Ind., Logans., C. & S. W. R. R., 485 c. RATTLESNAKE POND, Brownfield, Me., 367 e. RAVENNA, Portage, CO., Ohio, 1125 e. RAVEN ROCK, Va., 1396 e. RAWSON, Ohio, L. E. & Louis. R. R., 810 e. REAGAN, Falls co., Tex., 375 c. REAM'S VALLEY, Choctaw Nation, Ind. Ter., 628 e. RED BLUFF, Cal., 370 e., 40° 10' 5" n. lat., 122° 14' 8" Ion. w. RED CREEK, Wayne co., N. Y., 329 e. RED MARBLE TUN MEL, N. C, 2686 e. RED OAK C'K, Hous. & Tex. Cent. R. R., Tex., 402 e. RED RIVER, Hous. & Tex. Cent. R. R., Tex., 560 e. RED RIVER, Source of, 24.i0 e. RED RIVER CITY, Tex., Hous. & Tex. Cent. R. R., 572 e. REED'S MILL, Pitts., Cin. & St. Louis 11 R., 893 e. REMANCES, N. Mex., 6185 e. RENO, Ohio, 999 e. REPUBLIC, Ohio, 875 e. REPUBLICAN RIVER BRIDGE, Kan., 1072 e. REYNOLDS, Pa., 672 e. REYNOLDS, Tex., Internat. R. R., 421 e RHODE ISLAND SUMMIT, Conn., near State Line, N. York & Bos. R.R., 300 c. RICE, Navarra co., Tex., 473 e. RICE CREEK, Minn., L. S. & Miss. R. R , 916 e. 86 RICE LAKE, Can., 599 e. RICHARDSON, Dallas co., Tex., 643 e. RICHARDVILLE, Pa., 1550 e. RICHFORD, Franklin co., Vt., 5.39 e. RICHLAND, Shawnee co., Kan., 807 e. RICHLAND CREEK, Hous. & Tex. Cent. R. R., Tex., 3.34 e. RICHMOND, Can., 364 e. RICHMOND, N. S., N. S. R. R., 10 e. RICHMOND, Va , 7 to 185 e. RICH'S MILL POND, Standish, Me., 309 e. RICHWOOD, Ohio, Atl. & Gt. W. R. R., 934 e. RIDGE, N. Y., Roches. & State Line R.R., 1425 e. RIDGE, Wis , W. Wis. R. R., 1040 e. RIDGKFIELD, Conn., 372 e. RIDGE SPRING, Ind., Char. & Colo. R.R., 663 e. RTDGEWAY, S. C, Char. & Colo. R. R., 625 6. RIDGWAY, Pa., 1318 e. RIDGEWAY, Osage co., Kan., 903 e. RIDWOOD CITY, Cal., South Pac. R. R., 10 e. RIGOLETS, La., N. 0., Mob. & Tex. R. R., 9 e. RILEY'S SUMMIT, Cal., S. P. R. R., 1499 e. RINARD, 111., Spring, k 111. S. E. R. R., 764 e. RINCON, Cal., S P. R. R., 2050 e. RIO BLANCO, Tex., 720 e. RIO CONCHAS, New Mex., 3872 e. RIO FRIO, Tex., 722 e. RIO LIMPA, Tex., 3674 e. RIO NUECOS, Tex., 685 e. RIO PECOS, New Mex , 4934 e. RIO PUERCO, New Mex., 4904 e. RIO PUERCO, Mouth of, Ariz., 3225 e., 34° 53^ n. lat., 110° Ion. w. RIO SABINAL, Tex., 714 e. RIPLEY, N. Y.. L. S. & M. S. R. R., 741e. RIPLEY CROSSING, N. Y., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 727 e. RIVER CREDIT, Can., 817 e. RIVERS DALE, N. S., Nova Scotia R. R., 310 e. RIVIERE A JACQUES, Dak., 1350 e. ROACH'S, ni., St. L. & S. E. R. R., 423 e. ROAD GAP SUMMIT, Tenn., 5271 e. ROBERTS, 111., Gil., Clin. & Spring. R. R., 473 e. ROBERTS, Wis., W. Wis. R. R., 815 e. ROBERTSON'S FORK, Tenn., C. & S. R. R., 716 e. ROBINSON, Ohio, Pitts., Ft. W. & Chic. R. R., 1066 e. RICHELLE, 111., Chic, k Iowa R. R., 805e. ROCHESTER, Minn., 1002 e. ROCHESTER, Ohio, Colo. & Spring. R.R., 925 e. ROCK CASTLE, Kj., K & Ky. R.R., 866*. ROCK CREEK, Ind., Logans'., C. & S. W. R R., 540 e. ROCKFISH, Va., 1898 e. ROCKFORD, Wis , 712 e. ROCK HILL, S. C, Char., Col. k Aug. R. R., 668 e. ROCK ISLAND STATION, Tenn., McM., Manches. & S. W. R. R., 906 e. ROCKPORT, Ohio, 764 e. ROCK RIDGE, Can., 1050 e. ROCK RIV., Source, Wis., 894 e. ROCKTON, 111., 565 e. ROCKVILLE, Ind., Logans., C. & S. W, R. R., 390 e. ROCKVILLE CENTRE, Queens co., N.Y., 33 e. ROCKVILLE, Bales co.. Mo., 811 e. ROCKY BALD, N. C, 5323 e. ROCKY LAKE, N. S., Nova Scotia R. R., 129 e. ROCKY M'TS, Ore., 8000 e., 115° Ion. w. ROIX ROAD, Can., N. B. & Can. R. R.. 180 e. ROLLING PRAIRIE, Ind., L. S. & M. S. R. R., 817 e. ROSCOE, 111., 555 e. ROSEHILL. Mo. Pac. R. R., Mo., 595 e. ROSEVILLE, III., 1149 e. ROUSEVILLE, Pa., Oil C'k & All. Rir. R. R., 1024 e. ROVES, S. C, S. 0. R. R., 172 e ROWLETTS C'K, Hous. & Tex. Cent, R. R., 591 e. ROY ALTON, Wis., Green Bay k Lak« Pepin R. R., 829 e. RUDD'S, Wis., W. Wis. R. R., 751 e. RUNNING WATER GAP, Racoon Mt., Ala., 1028 e. RUSH CITY, Minn., L. S. & Miss. R. R.. 908 e. RUSHFORD, Minn., 717 e. RUSH RIV. STATION, Ohio, Pittsb. k Cleve. R. R,, 667 e. RUSHVILLE, 111., 694 e. RUSK, Wis-, W. Wis. R. R., 937 e. RUSSELL'S TANK, Ariz., Kan. Pac. R. R., 5285 e. RUSSELLVfLLE, Ky., 671 e. RUSSELLVILLE, Tenn., E. T. k Va. R. R, 1260 e. RYAN, Kan., St, Joe & Den. R. R., 855 e, s. SABINA, Ohio, Cin. & Miss. Valley R, R., 982 e. SACCENDAGA JUNC, N. Y., 536 e. SACKETTS WELLS, Cal., S. P. R. R., 312 e. SACRAMENTO, 111., Spring, k 111. S, E, R. R., 720 e. 87 SACRAMENTO SPRINGS, Colo., 1159 e. SAGER, Asia, 1880 e., 23° 50^ n. lat., 78° 43^ Ion. e. ST. ANDREWS STATION, N. B. & Can. R. R., 14 e. ST. AUBERT, Mo. Pac. R. R., Mo., 527 e. ST. CATHERINES, Can., 336 e. ST. CHARLES, Can., Grand Trunk R.R., 313 e. ST. CHARLES, St. Charles Par., La., 2 e. ST. CHARLES, Minn., 1975 e. ST. CLAIR, Atl. & Pac. R. R., Mo., 751e. ST. CLAIR & MADISON CO. LINE, HI , St. L., Van. & T. H. R. R., 700 e. ST. CROIX RIV , Moutli, Wis., 729 e. ST. FRANCIS, Kan., St. Joe & Den. R.R., 906 e. ST. FRANCIS LAKE, Can., 140 e. ST. HILIARE, Can., 25 e. ST. HYACINTHE, Can., 66 e. ST. LOUIS LAKE, Can., 57 e. ST. MARTINSVILLE, La., 20 e. ST. MARY'S, Mercer co , Ohio, 843 e. ST. MARY'S DEPOT, Kas., 974 e. ST. MARY'S VIADUCT, Can., 1039 e. ST. PASCAL, Can., Grand Trunk R. R., 200 e. ST. PAUL, Mo. Pac. R. R., Mo., 428 e. ST. PETER, Minn., 1600 e. ST. PETER'S RIV., Wis., Mouth, 744 e. ST. ROCH, Can., Grand Trunk R.R., 134e. ST. THOMAS, Can., G. Trunk R. R., 60e. ST. THOMAS, Can., Lond. & Port Stan- ley K. R., 755 e. ST. VRAINS PASS, Wyom., 8000 e. SALAMANDA, N. Y., Roches. & State Line R. R., 1367 e. SALEM, Richardson co.. Neb., 817 e. SALISBURY, Addison co., Vt , 335 e. SALMON RIV. M'T, Or., 5000 e. SALON, Ohio, Atl. & Gt. W. R.R., 1022e. SALT BASIN, N. Mex., 6417 e. SALUBRITY, S. C, Atl. & Rich. R. R., 1006 e. SALUDA, 111., 770 e. SAN BENITO PASS, summit or", Monte- rey and Fresno cos., Cal., 2986 e. SAN BUENA VENTURA, Los Angeles CO., Cal., 12 e. SAN BRUNO, Cal., S. Pac. R. R., 16 e. SANDOVAL, 111 , 111. Cent. R. R , 496 e. SAND PATCH TUNNEL, Somerset co.. Pa., 2260 e. SAND SPRINGS, Iowa, Dav. & St. P. R. R , 920 e. SANDUSKY & SCIOTO, Ohio, Summit bet., 923 e. SANDY RIDGE, Va., 1896 e. SANDY SUMMIT, Ohio, Ohio & Gt. W. R. R., 1177 o SAN FERNANDO PASS, CaL, 1748 e., 34° 21^ n. lat., 1 18° 25' Ion. w. SAN FRANCISCO FOREST, Ariz., 7415e. SAN FRANCISCO PASS, Ariz., 7472 e. SAN FRANCISCO PfiAKS, Ariz., Limit of Pine growth, 11547 e. SAN FRANCISCO PRAIRIE, Ariz.,7l97e. SAN FRANCISCO RIDGE, Ariz., 7194 e. SANGRE DU CHRISTO PASS, N. Max., 9852 e. SAN ISABEL FALLS, Cal., S. Pac. E. R., 1910 e. SAN ISABEL RANCHE, Cal., S.P. R.R., 2957 e. SAN ISABEL VALLEY, Cal., S. P. R. R., 2985 e. SAN ISABEL GULCH, Cal., S. P. R. R„ 2342 e. SAN LUIS PASS, summit of, San Luie Obispo CO , Cal., 1725 e. SAN MATEO, Cal., 23 e. SAN PEDRO, Cal., 00 e. SAN PIERRE, 111., Plym., Kanka. & Pac. R.R., 613 e. SANTA CLARA, N. Mex., 6511 e. SARDINIA SUMMIT, N. Y., BufiF., N. Y. & Phila. R. R., 1301 e. SAUGMONT,Boulden co., Colo., 5030 e., 40° 10' 24'' n. lat. SAUK RAPIDS, Minn., 1148 e. SAULSBURG, Tftin., Mem. & Chas. R.U., 535 e. SAVANNA, 111., West. Un R. R., 590 e. SAVONA,N. Y., 1033 e. SAYBROOK, Ohio. 649 e. SCANDINAVIA, Wis., Green Bay & Lake Pepin R. R., 942 e. SCHELL CITY, Vernon co.. Mo., 864 e. SCHOODIC LAKES, Me., 382 e. SCHOOLCRAFT, Mich., L. S. & M. S. H. R., 867 e. SCIOTA & SANDUSKY RIV'S, Summit bet., 918 e. SCOTT'S, Mo. Pac. R. R., Mo., 622 e. SCOTT'S MILLS, Ala., Mem. & Chas. R. R., 651 e. SCRANTON, Wis., Green Bay & Lake Pepin R. R., 969 e. SCREVEN, Ga., 107 e. SEARCEYS GAP, Ga.. 1579 e. SECO, Tex., 689 e. SEDALIA, Pettis co., Mo., 1017 e. SEETOHATCHEE, Lowndes co., Ala., 300 e. SRLMA, Ala., 206 to 216 e. SENECA, Nemaha co., Kan., 1118 e. SENECA CITY, S. C, Atl. & Rich. R.R., 954 e. SERRA DOS ORGAOS, Brazil, 7500 e. SEVERANCE, Kan., St. Joe & Den. R.R., 866 e. SEYMOUR, Ind., 605 e. SHAKOPEE, Minn , 845 e. SHARON, Windsor co.. Vt., 496 e. SHAWAN'S LAKE, Wis., Mil. & North. R. R., 799 e. SHEEP SPRINGS, N. Mex., 5310 e. SHEFFIELD, Pa., Phila. & Erie R. R., 1324 e. SHELBINA, Mo., Hann. & St. Joe R. R., 664 e. SHELBY, Ohio, 1073 e. SHEPARDSVILLE, Mich., Det. k Mil. R. R., 753 e. SHERMAN, Collins co., Tex., 745 e. SHINGLE SPRINGS, Cal., 1422 e. SHINING ROCK, N. C, 5988 e. SHOSHONE GEYSER BASIN, Wyo., 7880 e. SHUBENACADIAC,N S.,N. S. R.R , 75e. SICOTTE, Minn., North. Pac. R R., 1265e. SIDNEY, 111., ToL, Wab. & West. R. R., 655 e. SIDNEY, Shelby co., Ohio, 942 e. SIDNEY CENTRE, N. Y., N. Y. & Oswego R. R.. 1413 e. SIDNEY PLAINS, N. Y., N. Y. & Oswego R. R., 1413 e. SIERRA DE LA GIGANTEA, Cal., 3 to 4000 e. SIERflA DEL COBRE, Cuba, 6890 e. SIERRA DE SAN LAZARO, Cal., 6000 e. SIERRA MARSTRA, Cuba, 6890 e. SIERRA NEVADA, Cal., broad plain east side of, 5250 e. SIERRA NEVADA, Cal., broad plain west side of, 5289 e. SIERRA NEVADA, Venez., 15346 e. SIERRA NEVADA DE SANTA MARIA, Columbia, S. A., 17000 e. SIGNAL HILL, Ariz., 5512 e. SILVER LAKE, Wis., 856 e. SIMLA, Asia, 7057 e., 31° G^ n. lat., 77° 7^ Ion. e. SIMPSON'S, S. C, Char. & Col. R. R., 625 e. SINDBURY, Pa., 429 e. SKELLEY'S, Ohio, Pitts., Cin. & St. Lou. R. R., 833 e. SKIDDY, Davis co., Kan., 1245 e. SKILLET FORK BOTTOMS, 111., Sprin. & 111. S. E. R. R., 685 e. SKIOTAH PEAK, Mont., 6860 e. SKOMEKAN M'T., Wash., 8400 e. SLEEPER, Atl. & Pac. R. R., Mo., 1201e. SMITH, S. C, Char. & Col. R.R., 570e. SMITH'S FERRY, Pa , 682 e. SMITHTON, Mo. Pac. R. R., Mo., 888 e. SMOKY DOME, N. C, 6660 e. SNAKE CREEK SDMMIT, Tenn., Mobile & Ohio R. R., 583 e. SNAKE RIV. VALLEY, Or., 3138 e., 114° 30^ Ion. w. SNAKY M'T., N. C, 5195 e. SNICKERSVILLE, Loudoun co., Va., 810 e. SNOQUALAIRE PASS, N. Mex., 3000 e. SNYDER'S Ohio, Atl. & Gt. W. R. R., 876 e. SODA LAKE, Cal., 1116 e. SOLOMON CITY DEPOT, Kans., 1077 e. SOUTH BEND, Minn., St. P. & Sioux City R. R., 870 e. SOUTH CONWAY, N. H., 450 e. SOUTH COVINGTON DEPOT, Ky., Lou. Cin & Lex., R. R., 528 e. SOUTH HARFORD, N. Y., 1089 e. SOUTH POINT, Mo. Pac. R. R., Mo., 510 e. south" TABLE M'T., Colo., 5830 e. SPADRA, Ark., 408 e. SPAMIS CHURCH, S. C, Chas. & Col. R. R., 694 e. SPANISH RANGE M'TS, general eleva- tion of parks at east foot of, from Span- ish Peaks to Moreno Valley, Colo., 7800 to 8200 e. SPANISH TRAIL, Utah, 4231 e., 38° 49' n. lat., 109° 57^ Ion. w. SPARTA, Ky., Louis., Cin. & Lex. R. R., 497 e. SPARTA STATION, Tenn., McMinn., Manch. & S. W. R. R., 945 e SPOKANE PLAIN, Wash. Ter., 2182 e.. 47° 30^ n. lat., 117° 30' Ion. w. SPRING C'K., Mo. Pac. R. R., Mo., 427e. SPRING CREEK, Robertson co., Tex., 296 e. SPRINGDALE, Ky., 570 e., 38° 07' n. lat., 85° 24' Ion. w. SPINGERTON, 111., Spring. & 111. S. E. R. R., 689 e. SPRINGFII'XD, Mass., 40 to 170 e. SPRINGFIELD, Tenn., E. & Ky. R. R., 659 e SPRING HILL STATION, Tenn., T. k A. R. R., 770 e. SPRING LAKE, Mich., Det. & Mil. R. R., 760 e. SPRING VALLEY, Iowa, Dav. & St. P. R. R., 1218 e. SPURGEON HILL., Ind., Louis., N. Alb. & Craw. H. R.., 862 e. SQUAW SUM., San Bernardino co., Cal., 1782 e. STAMP HOUSE M'T., S. C, 1586 e. STANDING ROCK, Pass of the, Idaho, 5516 e. STANDING STONE, Tenn., 1876 e, STANFORD, Ky., 960 e. STANLEY, Ohio, Marietta & Pitts. R. R., 671 e. STANTON, Atl. & Pac. R. R., Mo., 859 e. STANTON, Iowa, Burl. & Mo. Riv. R. R., 1004 e. ST AN WOOD, Iowa, Chic. & Nev. R. R., 802 e. STARLING MT., N. C, 5852 e. STATE HILL, N. Y., 553 e. STEEL'S CREEK, Limestone co., Tex., 438 e. 89 STEELE CITY, Kan., St. Joe & Den. R. R., 1230 e. STERLING. Johnson co., IlL, 1087 e. STEKLLNG^ Whiteside co., 111., 688 e. STEWART, Oil C k. & All. Riv. R. R., Pa., 1033 e. STEWARTSVILLE, Hann. & St. Joe R. R. Mo. 955 e. STEWIACKE, N. S., N. S. R. R., 78 e. STILL HOUSE GAP, N. C, 1355 e. STILLWATER, N. S., N. S. R.R., 412 e. STOCKTON, Minn , 1600 e. STOCKTON, Mo., Hann. & St. Joe R. R., 849 e. STORE'S M'T, Patagonia, S. A., 6400 e. STONE MOUNTAIN DEPOT, Ga., Ga. R. R., 1054 e. STONINGTON, Conn., 6 to 40 e. STONEY BROOK, 111., Tol., Wab. & W. R R., 556 e. STRATFORD, Can., 1083 e. STRAWBERRY PLAINS, Tenn., E. T. & Va. R. R., 906 e. STRAWBERRY POINT, Iowa., Dav. & St. P. R. R., 1200 e. STRAWBERRY VALLEY, CaL, 5707 e., 38° 49'' n. lat., 120° 7' Ion. w. STRIPED CANON Ariz., 851 e., 34° 12^ n. lat., 113° 35' Ion. w. STUMP HOUSE M'T, S. C, Anderson k Rabun Gap R. R., 1586 e. STURGEON LAKE, Can.. 795 e. STURGIS, Mich., L. S. & M. S. R.R , 899e. STYKER, Ohio., L. S. & M S. R.R., 908e. SUGAR CREEK, Ind., Logans., C. & S. W. R R., 550 e. SUGAR RUN GAP, Cambria co., Pa., 2283 e. SULLIVAN, Atl. & Pac. R. R., Mo., 959e. SULPHUR DEPOT, Louis., Cin. & Lex. R. R., 683 e. SULPHUR FORK, Tenn., E. T.