BookJlil PRESENTED Eft" MAINE : SOCIETY : OF : THE SONS : OF : THE : AMERICAN REVOLUTION : CONSTITUTION ROLL : OF : MEMBERS : ETC : 97 a: O X 7-1 kM r^ w ^ > h-J ^ "^ > W Oi :z: < u HH oi « IS < w K H fa CA! Iz; C/3 w I Ph < —* 1^-4 r. ^ 2 ^ l—H -.- CO 3 z MAINE : SOCIETY : OF THE : SONS : OF : THE AMERICAN : REVOLUTION OFFICERS : OF : THE : SOCIETY, : OR- GANIZATION : OF : THE : SOCIETY, CONSTITUTION : OF : THE : SOCIETY, ROLL : OF : MEMBERS, : OFFICERS OF : NATIONAL : SOCIETY, : CONSTI- TUTION : OF : NATIONAL : SOCIETY PORTLAND BROWN : THURSTON : COMPANY 1893 r/ \^ p. A ' 1 ' h or. 22Ja '04 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. OFFICERS OF THE MAINE SOCIETY: PRESIDENT. John E. DeWitt, Portland. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Edward P. Burnham, Saco. George F. Talbot, Portland. Edward A. Butler, Rockland. John C. Talbot, East Machias. James P. Baxter, Portland. Joseph Williamson, Belfast. SECRETARY. Henry S. Burrage, Portland. TREASURER. Eben Corey, Portland. REGISTRAR. Josiah H. Drummond, Portland. HISTORIAN. William B. Lapham, Augusta. CHAPLAIN. Francis B. Denio, Bangor. COUNCILORS. Warren H. Vinton, Gray. Marquis F. King, Portland. William A, Goodwin, Portlai^d. Brown Thurston, Portland. Zebulon K. Harmon, Portland. SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. ORGANIZATION OF THE SOCIETY. A preliminary meeting with reference to the organiza- tion of a Maine Society of the Sons of the American Rev- olution was held in the Library Room of the Maine His- torical Society, in Portland, February 21, 1891. Among those present were Hon. George F. Talbot, Hon. Josiah H. Drummond, Hon. Warren H. Vinton, Hon. E. P. Burnham, Hon. Marquis F. King, Major Charles H. Boyd, Mr. Eben Corey, Wm. M. Sargent, Esq., Mr. H. W. Bry- ant and Rev. Henry S. Burrage, d.d. After consideration of the objects and work of the proposed Society, commit- tees were appointed to examine and report upon applica- tions for membership ; to draft a Constitution and By-Laws; and to nominate officers. At an adjourned meeting held at the same place February 28, the Committee on Consti- tution and By-Laws reported a draft of the same, which was laid upon the table for future action. The Committee on Membership then reported. At an adjourned meet- ing, held March 14, also at the same place, the pro- posed Constitution and By-Laws were taken from the table and, after discussion and amendment, were adopted. On the 28th day of March, the organization of the Society was completed by the election of officers, who were duly chosen to serve until February 22, 1892. THE MAINE SOCIETY. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. NAME. Section i. — The name of this Society shall be the Maine Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. ARTICLE II. NATIONAL SOCIETY. Sec. 2.— This Society is a part of the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. It recognizes all State Societies of Sons of the American Revolution as co-equal and entitled to receive from this Society such assistance and information as may best pro- mote the objects for which these Societies have been or- ganized. ARTICLE III. object. Sec. 3. — The objects of this Society are to perpetuate the memory and the spirit of the men who achieved American Independence ; to encourage historical research in relation to the American Revolution ; to provide for the preservation of documents, relics and records of the indi- vidual services of Revolutionary soldiers and patriots ; to promote the celebration of patriotic anniversaries ; and by these and other means to impress upon the present and future generations the patriotic spirit which actuated our ancestors and established the Republic of the United States of America. 6 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP. Sec. 4 — Any man resident in Maine and not less than twenty-one years of age, who is descended from an ances- tor who was either a military or a naval officer, soldier, sailor or official in the service of the original thirteen Col- onies or States, who assisted in establishing American Independence in the War of the Revolution, shall be eligi- ble for membership in this Society ; and any man, wherever resident, who is descended from a Maine Revolutionary ancestor who performed like service, shall also be eligible. Sec. 5. — For the purpose of making more perfect the records of our Revolutionary ancestors and their descend- ants, any woman of Revolutionary ancestry may file a re- cord of her ancestor's services and of her line of descent with the Registrar of this Society, who shall send a dupli- cate to the Registrar-General. Sec. 6. — All applications for membership in this Soci- ety shall be made in duplicate, upon blank forms furnished by the Society. They shall be signed with the full name and address of the applicant, and shall also be signed by at least one member of the Society nominating and recom- mending the applicant. ARTICLE V. OFFICERS. Sec. 7. — The officers of this Society shall be a Presi- dent, Vice-Presidents not exceeding sixteen, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Registrar, a Librarian, a Historian, a Chaplain, and five Councilors, all of whom shall be citizens of this State ; and these shall be a Board of Managers whose duty THE MAINE SOCIETY. / it shall be to conduct the affairs of the Society. Five of this board shall constitute a quoriim for doing business. The Board of Managers shall have power to fill any vacan- cy occurring among the officers of this Society or delegates to the National Society; and officers so appointed shall serve till the next annual meeting. ARTICLE VI. TERMS OF OFFICE. Sec. 8. — All officers shall be elected for one year, and shall continue in office until their successors are elected. ARTICLE VII. MEETINGS. Sec. 9. — a meeting for the election of officers and the transaction of business shall be held annually in the City of Portland, on the 22d day of February, or if said day falls on Sunday then the following day. At each annual meeting, there shall be elected one delegate at large and one delegate for each one hundred or fraction of one hun- dred exceeding fifty members ; said delegates, together with such officers as are provided for by the Constitution of that body, shall represent this Society at all meetings of the National Society. Sec. 10. — Seven shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Society. Sec. II.— The hour for holding the annual meeting, and the time and place for holding any special meeting, shall be designated by the Board of Managers. Sec. 12. — Special meetings of the Society shall be called by the President, when directed so to do by the Board of Managers, or whenever requested in writing by fifteen 5 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. or more members, on giving fifteen days' notice, specifying the time and place of such meeting and the business to be transacted. Sec. 13. — Special meetings of the Board of Managers may be called by the President at any time, and shall be called upon the request of five members of the Board made in writing. Sec. 14. — General business may be transacted at any special meeting of the Board of Managers, or of the Society. ARTICLE VIII. AMENDMENTS. Sec. 15. — This Constitution may be amended or re- pealed, provided written resolutions to that effect are first presented to and approved by a majority of the Board of Managers, present at any meeting of said Board ; provided said amendments are subsequently approved by a majority of the members present at any meeting of the Society ; and provided, further, that whenever this Constitution is to be amended, repealed, or in any way changed, notice thereof, specifying said changes in full, shall be sent to each member of the Society at least ten days before such action is to be taken. THE MAINE SOCIETY. BY-LAWS. FEES AND DUES. Section i. — Applicants elected shall become members of this Society upon payment of the membership fees and dues for one year. The membership fee shall be two dol- lars, and the annual dues one dollar. Annual dues shall be payable to the Secretary on the 22d day of February in each year. A member who shall remain in arrears for dues for three months after notice of his indebtedness has been mailed to him, directed to his last known residence, may be dropped from the rolls by the Board of Managers, and may be re-instated in his membership by said Board upon payment of his indebtedness to the Society. The payment of fifteen dollars by an active member at any one time, shall constitute the person paying such sum a life member, and such person shall thereafter be exempt from payment of annual dues. Members may be elected by the Society or by the Board of Managers. MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS. Sec. 2. — The regular meetings of the Board of Man- agers shall be held on the day of the annual meeting of the Society, and on the third Tuesday of September in each year, PRESIDING OFFICER. Sec. 3. — The President, or in his absence one of the Vice-Presidents, or in their absence a chairman pro tern., shall preside at all meetings of the Society and of the lO SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Board of Managers, The presiding officer shall preserve order and shall decide all questions of order, subject to appeal to the meeting. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY. Sec. 4. — The Secretary shall receive all money from the members, and shall pay it over to the Treasurer, taking his receipt for the same. He shall conduct the general corres- pondence of the Society; shall notify members of their elec- tion and of such other matters as the Society may direct. He shall have charge of the seal and such records of the Society as are not herein given especially in charge of other officers of the Society, and together with the presid- ing officer shall certify all acts and orders of the Society. He shall, under the direction of the President or acting President, give notice of the time and place of all meetings of the Society and of the Board of Managers, and shall give such notices of the votes, orders and proceedings of the Society, as the Society or Board of Managers may direct. DUTIES OF THE TREASURER. Sec. 5. — The Treasurer shall have charge of the perma- nent funds of the Society, and he shall receive all the mon- ey from the. Secretary, and give his receipt for the same, which money he shall deposit in the name of the Society and shall pay out for the benefit of the Society only, in such sums as the Society or Board of Managers may direct and upon the order of the Secretary, countersigned by the President. He shall keep a true account of his receipts and disbursements, and at each annual meeting shall make a full report to the Society. The books of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be open to the inspection of the Presi- dent and Board of Managers at all times. THE MAINE SOCIETY. II DUTIES OF THE REGISTRAR. Sec. 6. — 'The Registrar shall receive all applications and proofs of membership. He shall examine the same, and report his opinion thereon to the Board of Managers. Im- perfect and incorrect applications may be returned to the applicant for correction or completion. After applications have been passed upon by the Board of Managers, he shall if the applicant is accepted, forward one copy to the Reg- istrar-General of the National Society. DUTIES OF THE LIBRARIAN. Sec. 7. — The Librarian shall have the custody of all his- torical, geographical and genealogical books, papers, man- uscripts, and relics of which the Society may become pos- essed. BOARD OF MANAGERS. Sec. 8. — The Board of Managers shall judge of the qual- ifications of applicants for membership, and shall have control of the affairs of the Society. They shall appoint an Auditing Committee. The Board of Managers shall have power to suspend or expel any member of the Society for sufficient cause by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the Board present at any regular meeting, provided that at least two weeks' notice of such proposed action shall have been given to such member by notice mailed to him at his last known address. A member so suspended or ex- pelled shall have the right to appeal to a meeting of the Society from the action of the Board of Managers. DUTIES OF THE HISTORIAN. Sec 9. — The Historian shall keep a record of all facts in connection with the Society, which he may judge to be 12 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. of historic value, and shall make a report in writing in at each annual meeting. DUTIES OF THE CHAPLAIN. Sec. 10. — The Chaplain shall perform such devotional and religious duties as may be called for by the President in the course of business or exercises of the Society. amendments. Sec. II. — These By-Laws shall not be altered, amended or repealed, unless said alteration or amendment shall have been proposed in writing at a previous meeting of the Board of Managers, and entered upon the records, with the name of the member proposing the change, and also adopted by a majority of the members present at a regular meeting of the Society, or at a special meeting called for that purpose. THE MAINE SOCIETY. 13 ROLL OF MEMBERS. Henry Sweetser Burrage, Portland, Me. (i) Son of Jonathan and Mary Thurston (Upton) Burrage, grandson of Thomas and Abigail (Fairbanks) Burrage, great-grandson of William and Phebe (Barrett) Burrage. William Burrage served as a private in Capt. Nathaniel Carter's Co., Col. Abijah Steam's Regt., raised in Worcester County, Mass., and marched with his Com- pany from Leominster at the Bennington Alarm, August 1777. (2) Son of Jonathan and Mary Thurston (Upton) Burrage, grandson of Joseph and Susan (Thurston) Upton, great-grandson of John and Abigail (Low) Upton. John Upton served as Sergt. in Capt. John Dix's Co., Gen. Lovell's Brigade, in Rhode Island, in August and September, 1778. (3) Son of Jonathan and Mary Thurston (Upton) Burrage, grandson of Joseph and Susan (Thurston) Upton, great-grandson of Dea. John and Esther (Wood) Thurston. Dea. John Thurston was a private in Col. John Whitcomb's Regt. of " Minute Men," who marched from Fitchburg to Cambridge, April 19, 1775. (4) Son of Jonathan and Mary Thurston (Upton) Burrage, grandson of Thomas and Abigail (Fairbanks) Burrage, great-grandson of Joseph Fairbanks, who was a private in Capt. Joel Fletcher's Templeton Co., Col. Ephraim Doolittle's Regt., April 19, 1775, Lexington Alarm. He also served in Capt. Josiah Wilder's Co., Col. Nathan Sparhawk's Regt., Bennington Alarm, Au- gust, 1777. I4 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 2. Charles Harrod Boyd, Portland, Me. Son of William and Susan Dayton (Harrod) Boyd, grandson of Charles and Hannah Rolf (Dayton) Har- rod, great-grandson of John and Susan Barker (Higgins) Dayton, great great-grandson of Elias and Hannah (Rolf) Dayton. General Elias Dayton was appointed, at the commencement of hostilities, a member of the Committee of Safety, and in 1776 he was commissioned Colonel and assigned to the command of the 3d New Jersey Regt., in which he served until he was promoted to Brigadier General and the command of the Jersey Brigade. He was President of the New Jersey Society of the Cincin- nati from its formation until his death, Oct. 2, 1807. 3. Eben Corey, Portland, Me. (i) Son of John and Mary (Ward) Corey, grandson of Ebenezer and Anna (Richards) Corey, great-grandson of Ebenezer and Hannah (Smith) Corey. Ebenezer Corey was a private in Capt. Moses Whitney's Co., Col. John Greaton's Regt, enlisting April 19, 1775, and serv- ing 28 days. (2) Son of John and Nancy (Ward) Corey, grandson of Samuel and Mary (Sampson) Ward, great-grandson of Capt. Samuel and Elizabeth Ward. Capt. Samuel Ward commanded a company in Col. Solomon Lovell's regiment, who marched with his company, March 4, 1776, and took possession of Dorchester Heights. Nov. 6, 1777, he was instructed to hire men to guard prison- ers ; and Mar. 16, 1778, the town of Weymouth voted to raise ^612 for the purpose of paying men with Capt. Ward guarding stores in or near Boston. In the town records of Weymouth, Mass., is the notice of his death. Major Samuel Ward died Dec. 18, 1778. The MAINE SOCIETY. I^ JosiAH Hayden Drummond, Portland, Me. (i) Son of Clark and Cynthia (Blackwell) Drum- mond, grandson of John and Damaris (Hayden) Drum- mond, great-grandson of Josiah and Silence (Howard) Hayden. Major Josiah Hayden, of Bridgewater, com- manded a company of " Minute Men " in Col. Bailey's Regiment. He marched with his Company fromBridge- water on the 19th of April, 1775, and served twelve days. He commanded a Company in Col. John Thomas's Regiment from May i, 1775 to January i, 1776, when he was commissioned Major of the 23d Regt., Col. John Bailey. He commanded the Regt. in the Battle of Harlem Heights, September 16, 1776, and retired after serving as Major a year. Walter Henry Sturtevant, Richmond, Me. (i) Son of William and Eleanor Clarke Tallman (Smith) Sturtevant, grandson of Horatio and Eliza Sophia (Tallman) Smith, great-grandson of Ebenezer and Jennet (McKown) Smith. Ebenezer Smith enlisted in September, 1775, as a private, was promoted to Ser- geant; Sergeant Major until July I, 1777, when he was commissioned Lieutenant in Capt. John Bailey's Co., Col. Michael Jackson's 8th Mass., Continental Regt., He served with his regiment at Cherry Valley and Fort Stanwix, and under Gen. Gates at Stillwater and Sara- toga in Battles of September 19, and October 7, 1777. After Burgoyne's surrender October 17, 1777, he joined the army under Gen. Washington in Pennsylvania, was at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-78, was transferred to Capt. John Burnham's Co. same Regt., and was com- missioned Captain in same Regt. September 16, 1780. His company was disbanded in June 1783, when he joined the 4th Regt. Col, Henry Jackson, which regiment l6 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. was disbanded in December 1783. He became a mem- ber of the Mass. Society of the Cincinnati in August 1783. (2) Son of William Henry and Eleanor Clarke Tall- man (Smith) Sturtevant, grandson of Horatio and Eliza Sophia (Tallman) Smith, great-grandson of Peleg and Eleanor (Clarke) Tallman. Peleg Tallman served as boy seaman and petty officer on the Privateer Sloop " Beaver, " Capt. Havens of New London, Conn. ; Pri- vateer " Rover, " Capt. William Dennis ; Privateer " Rat- tle Snake, " Capt. Freeborn ; Frigate "Trumbull, " Capt. James Nicholson; a Privateer of 16 guns, name unknown; another Privateer of 20 guns, name not given, com- manded by Capt. Rathbone. He was several times cap- tured and imprisoned, and was pensioned. 6. Marquis Fayette King, Portland, Me. (i) Son of Samuel Hall and Eliza (Shaw) King, grandson of Capt. Samuel and Sally (Hall) King, great- grandson of Sergt. George and Betty (Shaw) King, great- great-grandson of Lieut. Benjamin and Abiah (Leonard) King. Benjamin King was a delegate to the Provincial Congress and a member of a Committee of Safety. Five of his sons served in the War of the Revolution. (2) Son of Samuel Hall and Elizabeth (Shaw) King, grandson of Capt. Samuel and Sally (Hall) King, great- grandson of Sergt. George and Betty (Shaw) King. Sergt. George King was in the Company of Minute Men, commanded by Capt. James Williams, Jr., which marched from Taunton to Roxbury, April 20, 1775, and served twelve days. He also served in Capt. Josiah Crocker's Co., Col. Carpenter's Regt., under Gen. Sullivan in the Rhode Island campaign. THE MAINE SOCIETY. 1/ (3) Son of Samuel Hall and Eliza ( Shaw) King, grand- son of Gilbert and Silence (Cole) Shaw, great-grandson of Eleazer Cole, who on April 19, 1775, went to Boston in Capt. Josiah Hayden's Co. as drummer and was later sergeant under same commander. (4) Son of Samuel Hall and Eliza (Shaw) King, grandson of Gilbert and Silence (Cole) Shaw, great- grandson of Abner and Abigail (Eaton) Shaw. Abner Shaw was a corporal in Capt. James Perry's Mansfield Co., Col. Paul D. Sargent's Regt. ; also a private in Capt, Joshua White's Co., Lt. Col. Ebenezer Sprout's Regt. ; also in Capt. John Dean's Co., Col. Isaac Dean's Regt. 7. Edward Anson Butler, Rockland, Me. Son of Anson and Annah (Hunstable) Butler, grand- son of James and Mary (Gray) Butler, great-grandson of John and Lucy (Robbins) Butler, great-great-grandson of Phinehas and Bathsheba (Graves) Butler. Phinehas Butler was corporal in Capt. J. Holden's Co., Col. Nix- on's Regt. (6th continental), and served from March 25, 1777 to December 31, 1779 '■> ^'^^ ^^ ^ private soldier in Capt. Clay's Co., same Regt., from January i, to Decem- ber 31, 1780. 8. Albert Wheaton Butler, Rockland, Me. Brother of Edward Anson Butler. See No. 7. 9. Edgar Foster Davis, State College, Center Co., Penn. Son of Frederic and Elizabeth (Foster) Davis, grand- son of Nathan Webber and Mehitable Foster, great-grand- son of Samuel and Comfort (Scott) Foster, great-great- grandson of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Scott) Foster. Benjamin Foster, of Machias, organized a party and cap- tured, on June 12, 1775, the " Margaretta," an armed schooner of one hundred tons sent to Machias to con- l8 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. voy the vessels sent there to procure lumber for the British Army in Boston. The party received the thanks of the Provincial Congress on the 26th day of June fol- lowing. It was subsequently engaged in other captures and in the defense of Machias against the squadron of Sir George Collier. 10. John Cofkin, East Machias, Me. Son of John Coffin and Mary (Foster) Talbot, grand- son of John and Phebe (Burr) Foster, great-grandson of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Scott) Foster. For 15enjamin Foster's services see No. 9. 11. HuniJARD WiNSLOw Bryant, Portland, Me. Son of David and Abby Young (Dyer) Bryant, grand- son of John and Sarah (Whitney) Bryant, great-grand- son of Jesse and Mary ( Sawyer) Whitney. Jesse Whit- ney was a private in Col. Ebenezer Francis' Regt., in 1776, also enlisted and served under General Wads- worth in 1780. 12. Gideon Stinson Smith, Wayne, Me. Son of Samuel and Lydia (Farnham) Smith, grandson of Ebenezer and Susan (Stinson) Smith. For services of Ebenzer Smith see No. 5, (i). 13. John Brooks Thornoikk, Portland, Me. Son of William and Margery (Dyer) Thorndike, grand- son of Robert and Abigail (Hadley) Thorndike. Robert Thorndike was a seaman on board vessels in the Conti- nental service, among them the privateer Fox fitted out at Falmouth. He was a pensioner. John Brooks Thorndike died May 6 1893. 14. John Evert DeWitt, Portland, Me. (i) Son of Cornelius W. and Charity H. (Van Gaas- beck) DeWitt, grandson of John H. and Cornelia (Wyn- THK MAINE SOCIETY. I9 koop) DeWitt, great-grandson of Henry and Margaretta (Schoonmaker) DeWitt, great great-grandson of John and Anna (Prescott) DeWitt. John DeWitt was First Lieut, of Charlotte J'recinct, Nov. 4, 1778. He was also a signer of the Articles of Association. (2) Son of C'ornelius W. and Charity H. (Van Gaas- beck) DeWitt, grandson of Thomas and Catharine (Hoornbeck) Van Caasbeck, great grandson of y\braham and Annatje (Ten Hroeck) Van Caasbeck, great-great- grandson of benjamin and Catharine (Jansen) Ten Broeck, grcat-great-great-grandson of Johannes and Anna (Schepmoes) Jansen. Johannes Jansen was Major and Lieut. Col. 4th Ulster County Regt. ; also a signer of the Articles of Association. (3) Son of Cornelius W. and Charity II. (Van Caas- beck) DeWitt, grandson of Thomas and Catharine (Hoornbeck) Van Caasbeck, great-grandson of Cornelius P. and Charity (Hasbrouck) Hoornbeck, great-great- grandson of Philip and Maria (Schoonmaker) Hoorn- beck. Philip Hoornbeck was First-Lieut, ist Co., Township of Rochester, New York ; also a signer of the Articles of Association. (4) Son of Cornelius W. and Charity H. (Van Caas- beck) DeWitt, grandson of Thomas and Catharine (Hoornbeck) Van Caasbeck, great-grandson of Abraham and Annatje (Ten IJroeck) Van Gaasbeck. Abraham Van Gaasbeck was cornet and 2d Lieut. October 23, 1778 ; also a signer, of the Articles of Association. He was de- scended from Egbert Van Borsum, whose marriage with Annatje Hendricks is the first one recorded in New Ams- terdam. (5) Son of Cornelius W. and Charity H. (Van Gaas- beck) DeWitt, grandson of Thomas and Catharine 20 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. (Hoornbeck) Van Gaasbeck, great-grandson of Cornelius P. and Charity (Hasbrouck) Hoornbeck, great-great- grandson of Jonas and Catharine (DuBois) Hasbrouck. Jonas Hasbrouck was one of the signers of the Articles of Association. (6) Son of Cornelius W. and Charity H. (Van Gaas- beck) DeWitt, grandson of John H. and Cornelia (Wyn- koop) DeWitt, great-grandson of Evert C. and Rachel ( Hardenbergh) Wynkoop, great-great-grandson of Jacob Rutzen and Dinah (Van Bergh) Hardenbergh. The Brit- ish offered a reward of one hundred pounds for the ap- prehension of Rev. Jacob Rutzen Hardenbergh, d.d., on account of his patriotism. It is said that he always slept with a loaded musket in his room, and was often obliged to leave his home and roam about the country, to pre- vent being seized by the Tories. (7) Son of Cornelius W. and Charity H. (Van Gaas- beck) DeWitt, grandson of John H. and Cornelia (Wyn- koop) DeWitt, great grandson of Evert C. and Rachel (Hardenbergh) Wynkoop, great-great-grandson of Jacob Rutzen and Dinah (Van Bergh) Hardenbergh, great-great- great-grandson of Johannes and Maria (DuBois) Hard- enbergh. Johannes Hardenbergh was a member of Colonial Assembly from 1737 to 1743 ; also of the First Provincial Congress which met at New York, May 23, 1775. He was Colonel of Ulster County first regi- ment, October 25, 1775, and for upwards of twenty years held the post. He was a member of the Fourth Provin- cial Congress which assembled at White Plains, in West- chester county. New York, July 9, 1776, when the Dec- laration of Independence was immediately adopted ; also of State Legislature 1781-S2. When Gen. Washington visited the county, in June, 1783, Col. Hardenbergh en- THE MAINE SOCIETY. 21 tertained Mrs. Washington, with Governor and Mrs. Clinton, at his house in Rosendale. (8) Son of Cornelius W, and Charity H. (Van Gaas- beck) DeWitt, grandson of John H. and Cornelia (Wyn- koop) DeWitt, great-grandson of Henry and Marga- retta ( Schoonmaker) DeWitt, great-great-grandson of Peter and Jannatje (Van DeMark) Schoonmaker. Peter Schoonmaker was captain of Rochester Co., October 19, 1779 ; also a signer of the Articles of Association. (9) Son of Cornelius W. and Charity H. (Van Gaas- beck) DeWitt, grandson of John H. and Cornelia (Wyn- koop) DeWitt, great-grandson of Evert C. and Rachel (Hardenbergh) Wynkoop, great-great-grandson of Cor- nelius E. and Cornelia (Mancius) Wynkoop. Corne- lius E. Wynkoop was 2d Major of the Northern Regi- ment of Minute Men, also signer of the Articles of Asso- ciation. Gen. Washington visited at his house on his return from Newport. (10) Son of Cornelius W. and Charity H. (Van Gaas- beck) DeWitt, grandson of Thomas and Catharine (Hoornbeck) Van Gaasbeck, great-grandson of Abraham and Annatje (Ten Broeck) Van Gaasbeck, great-great- grandson of Benjamin and Catharine (Jansen) Ten Broeck. Benjamin Ten Broeck was a signer of the Articles of Association. 15. William Augustus . Goodwin, Portland, Me. Son of James Scamman and Hannah (Gookin) Good- win, grandson of Ichabod and Molly (Wallingford) Goodwin. Ichabod Goodwin was a member of the Pro- vincial Congress at Watertown, Mass. He was also Lieut. Col. of one of the two regiments of troops guarding Burgoyne's captured army at Winter and Prospect Hills, Cambridge, Mass. 22 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. i6. Edward Payson Burnham, Saco, Me. (i.) Son of Owen and Eliza (Smith) Burnham, grandson of Seth and Lydia (Lassel) Burnham, great- grand-son of James and Grace (Dalzel ) Burnham. James Burnham was a delegate to Faneuil Hall Convention in Sept. 1768. He was also one of a Committee of Inspec- tion chosen by the town December 27, 1774. Five of his sons, James, Samuel, Jacob, Forest and Seth, rendered military service in the Revolution. (2.) Son of Owen and Eliza (Smith) Burnham, grandson of Seth and Lydia (Lassel) Burnham. Seth Burnham was a militia man, and was engaged in the attack on an English brig of war, Aug. 8, 1782, in Cape Porpoise Harbor. Capt. James Burnham, a brother of Seth, was killed in this action. (3.) Son of Owen and Eliza (Smith) Burnham, grandson of Robert and Lydia (Hovey) Smith, great- grandson of John and Mary (Barter) Hovey. John Hovey was a representative to the General Court of Massachusetts in 1775, 1778, 1780, 1782. He was a member of the Committee of Inspection, Correspondence and Safety, and a Delegate to the Provincial Congress, 1775- 17. George Foster Talbot, Portland, Me. Son of John Coffin and Mary (Foster) Talbot, grandson of John and Phebe (Burr) Foster, great grandson of Benjamin and Elizabeth ( Scott) Foster. For Benjamin Foster's services see No. g. 18. WiiJJAM Freeman, Cherryfield, Me. (i.) Son of William and Frances (Clarke) Freeman, grandson of Samuel and Mary (Fowle) Freeman, great grandson of Enoch, and Mary (Wright) Freeman. Judge THE MAINE SOCIETY. 23 Enoch Freeman was chairman of the first convention of Cumberland county, Sept. 21, 1774, chairman of the Committee of Safety and Inspection, and member of the Committee of Correspondence. He represented Falmouth in the ist Provincial Congress, and was colonel of a regi- ment of militia. (2.) Son of William and Frances (Clarke) Freeman, grandson of Samuel and Mary (Fowle) Freeman. Sam- uel Freeman was a member of the Committee of Safety and Inspection, a delegate to the second Provincial Congress, also the third. He was secretary of the third, member of the House of Representatives 1775, 1776 and 1778, and clerk of the body. According to William- son he was clerk of the House in 1780. (3.) Son of William and Frances (Clarke) Freeman, grandson of Thomas and Sally (Conant) Clarke, great- grandson of Jonas and Lucy Hancock (Bowes) Clarke. Jonas Clarke was a delegate from Lexington to the Con- vention which formed the Constitution in 1779. He was a clergyman in Lexington, an intimate friend of Samuel Adams and John Hancock, and saw the fight of April 19^ 1775- 19. Warren Howard Vinton, Gray, Me. Son of Warren and Margery Bessey [name changed to Vinton], grandson of Joseph and Lydia Bessey. Joseph Bessey was a private soldier in the Massachusetts line and a pensioner. 20. David Sutherland Hibbard, East Sumner, Me. Son of Moses and Jane Eliza (Sutherland) Hibbard, grandson of Aaron and Sarah (Merrill) Hibbard. Aaron Hibbard enlisted as fifer in April, 1777, and served three years. He was in the battles of Germantown, and 24 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Monmouth and at Valley Forge through the winter of 1777 and 1778. Twice after his three years' service he re-enlisted for a short period. He was a pensioner. 21. JosiAH Hayden Drummond, jr., Portland, Me. Son of Josiah Hayden and Elzada Rollins (]5ean) Drummond, grandson of Clark and Cynthia (Blackwell) Drummond, great-grandson of John and Damaris (Hay- den) Drummond, great-great-grandson of Josiah and Silence (Howard) Hayden. For Major Josiah Hayden's services see No. 4. 22. Thomas Fillebrovvn, Portland, Me. Son of James Bowdoin and Almira (Butler) Fille- brown, grandson of Thomas and Elizabeth Bancroft (Cheever) Fillebrown. Thomas Fillebrown enlisted March, 1778 in Capt. Mayo's Company, Col. Gerrish's Regt. ; also enlisted in 1780, in Col. William Hull's Regt., in the Continental Army, and served six months. Jan. i, 1781, enlisted in Capt. Amos Lincoln's Co., Col. Craft's Regt. Artillery and served until the army was disbanded in 1783. 23. John Warren Perkins, Portland, Me. Son of Lafayette and Dorcas (Abbott) Perkins, grand- son of William and Abigail (Cox) Perkins. William Perkins was Lieut, in Callender's Co. at Battle of Bun- ker Hill, afterwards captain of same company. . He was Capt. in Knox's Regt. of Artillery, ist January, 1776, in Crane's Regt. Artillery, January, 1777 ; commissioned Major of same, September 12, 1778 ; was at Valley Forge 1777-78 ; commanded the " Castle " in Boston Harbor till ceded to LTnited States in 1798, with rank of Lieut. Col ; was member of the Massachusetts Society of the Cincin- nati. THE MAINE SOCIETY. 2$ 24. Luther Farrar Pingree, Cape Elizabeth, Me. (i) Son of Hoyt and Sarah (Turner) Pingree, grand- son of Stephen and Ruth (Hoyt) Pingree. Stephen Pingree was a private soldier in the Continental Army and a pensioner. (2) Son of Hoyt and Sarah (Turner) Pingree, grand- son of Isaac Turner, who served three years in the Con- tinental Army and was a pensioner. Luther Farrar Pingree died April 18, 1892. 25. Nathan Goold, Portland, Me. (i.) Son of William and Nabby Tukey (Clark) Goold, grandson of Seth and Nabby (Tukeyj Clark, great-grand- son of Ezra jr., and Sarah (Howe) Clark and great-great- grandson of Col. Samuel and Hannah (Smith) Howe. Col. Samuel Howe, a veteran of the war of 1755 and 1758, was a member of the Provincial Congress in 1774 and 1775, from Belchertown, Mass. ; Committee of Safety, in 1775 ; selectman and chairman of Committee, in 1780, to consider the Constitution of Massachusetts ; Colonel of the 4th Hampshire Regiment and credited with twenty- three months' service. His four sons and two brothers served in the army. (2.) Son of William and Nabby Tukey (Clark) Goold, grandson of Seth and Nabby (Tukey) Clark, great-grand- son of Stephen and Hannah (Gushing) Tukey. Ste- phen Tukey was a private in Capt. Joseph Noyes' com- pany six months and two days, in 1775 ; also in Capt. Abner Lowell's Matross company seven months in 1776 and 1777, and was 2d Sergt. in Capt. Peter Warren's Co., Col. Jonathan Mitchell's Regt. in the Bagaduce Expedition in 1779, taking part in the assault on the British works. His three brothers served in the army. 26 SONS OF TllK AMERICAN REVOLUTION. (3.) Son of William and Nabby Tukey (Clark) Goold, grandson of Nathan and Betsey (Gowen) Goold, great- grandson of Henjamin and Phebe (Noble) Goold, great- groat-grandson of Nathan and Mary (Gray) Noble. Nathan Noble, a veteran of the wars of Loiiisburg [1745] and of 1758 and 1759, served two months in Capt. Win- throp Boston's company at the seige of Boston in 1776. lie enlisted January 6, 1777, for three years, as private in Capt. John Skillins' company in Col. Ebenezer Francis' nth Regt. of Mass. Bay Forces, participating in the battles of Hubbardstown, Stillwater, and was killed in the battle of Saratoga, October 7, 1777, in the 55th year of his age. His two sons served in the army. (4) Son of William and Nabby Tukey (Clark) Goold, grandson of Seth and Nabby (Tukey) Clark, great-grand- son of Ezra Jr. and Sarah (Howe) Clark, and great- great-grandson of Ezra and Martha (Phelps) Clark. Ezra Clark was one of the "committee of fifteen in the Revolution '^ at Northampton, Mass., and his five sons served in the army. (5) Son of William and Nabby Tukey (Clark) Goold, grandson of Seth 'and Nabby (Tukey) Clark, great- grantlson of Ezra Jr. and Sarah (Howe) Clark. Ezra Clark, Jr., served in Capt. Oliver Lyman's company dur- ing the "Bennington Alarm," in August, 1777, and " marched io l^ast Hoosuk." 26. Jamks WASHiNr.roN PLAtsrED, Portland, Me. (i) Son of Samuel Pomeroy and Sabrina (Perkins) Plaisted, grandson of Benjamin Garland and Frances (Cushing) Perkins, great-grandson of Richard and Abi- gail (Ciarland) Terkins. Richard Perkins enlisted in Mav. 1775, in Capt. Hubbard's Co., Col. Scamman's Regt., for eight months, was also in Capt. Newell's Co., THE MAINE SOCIETY. 2/ Col. Wm. Prescott's Mass. Regt. In spring of 1777 he enlisted in Capt. Grant's Co., in Col. Story's Regt. He was a pensioner. (2) Son of Samuel Pomeroy and Sabrina (Perkins) Plaisted, grandson of Benjamin Garland and Frances (Gushing) Perkins, great-grandson of Ezekiel and Fran- ces (McCobb) Gushing. P^zekiel Gushing served in Capt. White's Co., Col. Tupper's Regt. (3) Son of Samuel Pomeroy and Sabrina (Perkins) Plaisted, grandson of Benjamin Garland and Frances (Gushing) Perkins, great-grandson of Ezekiel and Fran- ces (McCobb) Gushing, great-great-grandson of Loring and Mary (Parker) Gushing. Loring Gushing served in Capt. White's Co., Col. Tupper's Regt., from January ID, 1777, to October 9, 1777, at which date he died in the service. Loring Gushing, jr., served in Lt. Col. Sprout's regiment 1778, 1779 and 1780, and was a pen- sioner, (4) Son of Samuel Pomeroy and Sabrina (Perkins) Plaisted, grandson of Samuel and Susan (Hight) Plaisted, great-grandson of Samuel and Elizabeth (Hart) Plaisted, great-great-grandson of Samuel and Elizabeth (Lambert) Hart. Samuel Hart was a private in Capt. Titus Salter's Co. of Artillery, serving at Fort Washing- ton, near Portsmouth, N. H. ; was in service in 1775, 1776 and 1777, (5) Son of Samuel Pomeroy and Sabrina (Perkins) Plaisted, grandson of Samuel and Susan (Hight) Plaisted, great-grandson of James and Dorcas (Mills) Hight. James Hight was a private in Capt. Titus Sal- ter's Co. of Artillery, serving at Fort Washington, near Portsmouth, N. H. ; was in service in 1775, 1776 and 1777. 28 SONS OK TIIK AMICUICAN KKVOLUTION. 27. Edwin Siankisii Drakk, Portland, Me. (i) Son of Levi l''airl);ink.s and Hannah (Fobes) Drake, <;randson of Alpheus and Sybil (Fairbanks) Drake, j;roal-grandson of Ebenezer and Martha (Gur- noy) Drake. Ebenezer Drake was a private soldier in thr Massarhusells Eine and a pensioner. Served through the war. (2) Son of Levi Fairbanks and Hannah (Fobes) Drake, grandson of Alpheus and Sybil (Fairbanks) Drake, great-grandson of Ebenezer and Martha (Gur- ney) Drake, great-great-grandson of Zachariah and Mary (Ames) (^.urney. Zachariah Gurney was 2d Lieut, of Capt. josiah Hayden's Co., Col. Bailey's Regt., April •9' 1775 '- was ist Lieut, of Capt. Josiah Hayden's Co., Col. John Thomas' Regt., August i, 1775; was ist l,iout. C.ipt. Henry Prentiss' Co., Col. Marshall's Regt., July 5, 1776; was ist Lieut. Capt. Edward Cobb's Co., April 21, 1777; was ist Lieut. Capt. Calvin Partridge's Co., Col. Sanuiel Pierce's Regt.. January ist, 1779. (3) Son of Levi Fairbanks and Hannah (Fobes) Drake, grandson of Seth and Rachel (Eames) Fobes, great-grandsiMi of Nathaniel and Katharine (^Rice) Eames. Nathaniel Eames enlisted Dec. 2, 1774, in a company of "Minute Men " in Farmington, Mass., and was in the fight at Concord and Lexington, April 19, 1775. under Capt. Micajah Gleason. (4) Son of Levi Fairbanks and Hannah (Fobes) Drake, grandson of Seth and Rachel (Eames) Fobes. great-grandson of Nathaniel and Katharine (Rice) Eames, great-great-grandson of Nathaniel jr. and Rachel (Lovell) Eames. Nathaniel Eames jr. was at Concord and Lexington, April 10. 1775. under Capt. Jesse Eames. THE MAINE SOCIETY. 29 (5) Son of Levi Fairbanks and Hannah (Fobes) Drake, grandson of Seth and Rachel (Fames) Fobes, great-grandson of Nathaniel and Katharine (Rice) Fames, great-great-grandson of Jonathan and Ruth (Fames) Rice. Jonathan Rice served in Capt. Simon Fdgell's Co., Col. Wylly's Regt., at Roxbury, June 19 to December 2, 1776; in Capt. Henry Prentiss' Co., Col. Marshall's Regt. ; also in Col. Nathan Thayer's Regt. in 1779. Died in the service. 28. JosEi'H Williamson, Belfast, Me. (i.) Son of Joseph and Caroline (Cross) Williamson, grandson of George and Mary (Foster) Williamson. George Williamson enlisted at Charlestown, Mass., Feb. I, 1776, in Capt. John Vinton's Co., Col. Sargent's regi- ment and served till December. He was in the battle of White Plains, October 28, 1776, and received a pen- sion. (2.) Son of Joseph and Caroline (Cross) Williamson, grandson of William and Ruth (Stacey) Cross, great- grandson of Ralph and Miriam (Atkinson) Cross. Ralph Cross was commissioned as Lieut. Col. of the Fssex (Mass.) Regt., commanded by Col. Johnson of Andover. In the absence of Col. Johnson he commanded his regi- ment in the engagement, which resulted in the surrender of Gen. Burgoyne. 29. Francis Brigham Denio, Bangor, Me. (i.) Son of Horace and Elzina Salome (Williams) Denio, grandson of Ira and Harriet (Carpenter) Denio, great-grandson of Seth and Rebecca (Allen) Denio. Seth Denio was a private soldier in 1776 and 1777, in Capt. Samuel Taylor's Co., Col. Nicholas Dike's Regt., and in Capt. Hugh McLellen's Co., Col. David Wells' Regt. 30 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. (2.) Son of Horace and Elzina Salome (Williams) Denio, grandson of Benjamin B., and Hepzibah (Taylor) Williams, great-grandson of Benjamin and Hepzibah (Brown) Williams. Benjamin Williams was Orderly Sergeant in Capt. Ezra Town's Co., Col. James Reed's Regt. at the battle of Bunker Hill. He was Ensign in Capt. Stephen Parker's Co., Col. Moses Nichol's Regt. at the battles of Bennington and Stillwater. 30. Georc.e Doane Rand, Portland, Me. Son of John and Caroline Dunton (Doane) Rand, grandson of Isaiah and Maria (Dunton) Doane, great- grandson of Isaiah and Hannah (Bartlett) Doane, great-great-grandson of Elisha and Hope (Rich) Doane. Elisha Doane was a delegate to the Boston Convention, representative to the General Court of Massachusetts in 1 78 1 and 17S2, and colonel of militia. 31. Charles Porter Clapp, Portland, Me. Son of Charles Barnard and Mercy Porter (Swan) Clapp, grandson of Joel and Abigail (Peckham) Clapp, great-grandson of Joshua and Nabby (Barnard) Clap. Joshua Clap was commissioned Lieutenant Jan. i, 1777, in 8th Regt. Mass. Line, Col. Jackson. He was severe- ly wounded at Stillwater. Afterwards he was in Wes- son's 9th Regt., as Lieutenant and Quartermaster. 32. James Alfred Spaldin(;, Portland, Me. Son of Lyman Dyer and Susan Parker (Parrott) Spald- ing, grandson of Lyman and Adelaide (Cones) Spalding, great-grandson of Dyer and Elizabeth (Parkhurst) Spald- ing. Dyer Spalding served several years as Captain, Major, Quartermaster and Lieutenant Colonel. He was present at the capture of Fort Ticonderoga in 1775 and at Burgoyne's surrender in 1777. THE MAINE SOCIETY. 3 1 33. Isaac Sparrow Bangs, Waterville, Me. (i.) Son of Isaac Sparrow and Lucina (Barrett) Bangs, grandson of Dean and Eunice (Sparrow) Bangs. Dean Bangs was a private in Capt. Abijah Bangs' Co., Col. Dike's regiment. He also served as a privateersman. (2.) Son of Isaac Sparrow and Lucina (Barrett) Bangs, grandson of Dean and Eunice (Sparrow) Bangs, great-grandson of Elkanah and Susannah (Dillingham) Bangs. Elkanah Bangs of Harwich (Brewster), Mass., served on a privateer in 1777, was taken prisoner. His neighbors captured at the same time, were exchanged, returned to Harwich, and reported that the British refused to exchange Elkanah Bangs on account of the value of his services as a ship carpenter. Whether he served as such or died in the prisonship is unknown. He was never afterwards heard from by his friends. 34. Dennis Milliken Bangs, Waterville, Me. Son of Isaac Sparrow and Hadassah Jane (Milliken) Bangs. See No. 23- 35. George Roscoe Shaw, Portland, Me. (1.) Son of Eleazer Cole and Polly Niles (Kinsley) Shaw, grandson of Azel and Polly (Niles) Kinsley, great- grandson of Azel and Martha (Howard) Kinsley. Azel Kinsley was in Capt. Matthew Randall's Co., Col. Geo. William's Regt., as fifer in Capt. Ebenezer Dean's Co., Col. Thomas Carpenter's Regt., also in Col. John Dag- gett's Regt., also in Capt. Hodge's Co., Col. Hathaway's Regt. July I, 1780 he enlisted for six months in the Continental army, and was discharged at West Point. (2.) Son of Eleazer Cole and Polly Niles (Kinsley) Shaw, grandson of Gilbert and Silence (Cole) Shaw, great-grandson of Eleazer and Lucy (Shurtleff) Cole. See No. 6 (3) for services of Eleazer Cole. 32 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 2,6. George Edwin Brown, Portland, Me. Son of Asa and Elvira (Bird) Brown, grandson of Seth and Elizabeth (Sawin) Bird, great-grandson of Benjamin and Mary (Prentiss) Bird. Benjamin Bird was in Capt. Theophilus Lyon's Co., Lieut. Col. Samuel Pierce's Regt., Mass. Line, March i, 1778. 37. James Phinney Baxter, Portland, Me. Son of Elihu jr. and Sarah (Cone) Baxter, grandson of Elihu and Tryphena (Taylor) Baxter. Elihu Baxter was enrolled April 4, 1776, in Capt. James Osgood's Co., Col. Bedel's Regt., New Hampshire troops. Septem- ber, 1777, he re-entered the service in Col. Peter Olcott's Regt., in Gen. Gates' Army. 38. William Berry Lapham, Augusta, Me. (i) Son of John and Lovicy (Berry) Lapham, grand- son of Abijah and Abigail (Buck) Lapham, great-grand- son of John and Bathsheba (Eames) Lapham. John Lapham had served in the French and Indian wars in 1755-60, and he and his son, John Lapham jr., enlisted for the Rhode Island campaign of 1778. John Lapham was in the service nearly a year. John Lapham jr. died in the service in 1778. (2) Son of John and Lovicy (Berry) Lapham, grand- son of Abijah and Abigail (Buck) Lapham, great-grand- son of John Buck jr., who enlisted and served in and about Ticonderoga. He re-enlisted and served in Capt Enoch Page's Co., Col. Senter's Regt., in the Rhode Island campaign. (3) Son of John and Lovicy (Berry) Lapham, grand- son of Levi and Lusannah (Bryant) Berry, great-grand- son of William and Joanna (Doane) Berry. William Berry enlisted and served for a few months around Kit- tery and Portsmouth, N. H. THE MAINE SOCIETY. 33 (4) Son of John and Lovicy (Berry) Lapham, grand- son of Levi and Lusannah (Bryant) Berry, great-grandson of Solomon Bryant who served in Capt. Lemuel Curtis, Hanover (Mass.), company one year and was also in the Massachusetts Line, served in 1776, 1777, 1779 and 1780. 39. Frank Roundy Ashton Pingree, Boston, Mass. Son of Luther Farrar Pingree. See No. 24. 40. Harrison Bird Brown, Portland, Me. Brother of George Edwin Brown. See No. ^6. 41. RuFus King Dunham, Bryants Pond, Me. Son of Ransom and Susan (Jackson) Dunham, grand- son of James and Mary (Ransom) Dunham. James Dun- ham was enrolled April 20, 1775, in Capt, Harlow's Co.; was also in Capt. Edward Sparrow's Co., Col. Danforth Keys' Regt., December, 1777. 42. Brown Thurston, Portland, Me. (i.) Son of David and Prudence (Brown) Thurston, grandson of David and Mary (Bacon) Thurston. David Thurston was a private soldier in the Mass. Line at vari- ous dates from April 19, 1775, to September, 4, 1778. (2.) Son of David and Prudence (Brown) Thurston, grandson of Benjamin and Prudence (Kelley) Brown. Benjamin Brown was a private soldier in the 2d Co., ist New Hampshire Regt, Col. Joseph Cilley, commanding ; also in Col. McClary's Regiment. 43. Edwin Howard Vose, Calais, Me. Son of Peter Thatcher and Lydia Cushing (Buck) Vose, grandson of Thomas and Mehitable (Hayden) Vose, great-grandson of Josiah and Silence ( Howard) Hayden, For services of Major Josiah Hayden, see No. 4. 3 34 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 44. Malcolm Cameron Pingree, Portland, Me. Son of Luther Farrar Pingree. See No. 24. 45. Lauriston Ward S^LVLL, Brooklyn, N. Y. (i.) Son of Humphrey and Sarah (Libby) Small, grandson of Henry and Elizabeth (Dam) Small, great- grandson of John and Mary (McKonney) Small, great- great-grandson of Samuel and Anna (Hatch) Small. Saniuel Small, though seventy-five years of age in 1775, was active on the Committees of Correspondence, In- spection and Safety. He made the record of the Dec- laration of Independence in the Scarboro clerk's book. (2.) Son of Humphrey and Sarah (Libby) Small, grandson of Henry and Elizabeth (Dam) Small. Henry Small was a private soldier in the Massachusetts Conti- nental Line, and received a pension. (3.) Son of Humphrey and Sarah (Libby ) Small, grandson of Harvey and Sarah (Small) Libby. Harvey Libby was a private soldier in the NLxssachusetts Conti- nental Line, and received a pension. 46. Ykvvz Hf.kmaxn Jordan, Portland, Me. ( i) Son of Winthrop Stan wood and Elizabeth Sophia (Merrill) Jordan, grandson of Rishworth and ISLiry (Tones) lordan, great-grandson of lieniamin and Han- nah (Weiman) Jordan, l^enjamin Jordan served as a Lieutenant in Capt. David Strout's Co., and was sta- tioned in Cape Elizabeth and Scarboro. He also served at intervals during the war. (2) Son of Winthrop Stanwood and Elizabeth Sophia (Merrill) Jordan, grandson of Rishworth and 'Mary (Jones) Jordan, great-grandson of Dr. Nathaniel Jones. Dr. Jones was surgeon of Col. Jonathan Mitchell's Regt. which had a part in the Bagaduce expedition. As THE MAINE SOCIETY. 35 a result of exposure on the retreat he contracted a fever which caused his death, Sept. 4, 1779. (3) Son of Winthrop Stan wood and Elizabeth Sophia (Merrill) Jordan, grandson of Thomas and Sophia (Smith) Merrill, great-grandson of Levi and Mary (Smith) Merrill. Levi Merrill was 3d Sergt. in Capt. David Bradish's Co. in 1775. 47. John Conant SrEWAur, York Corner, Me. Son of Duncan and Margaret(Ritchie) Stewart, grand- son of Allan and Mary (Miller) Stewart, great-grandson of Allan and Mary (Berry) Stewart. Allan Stewart was a private soldier in Col. Cilley's Kegt., New Hamp- shire Line, and a pensioner. 48. Vincent Moses, Patten, Me. Son of Hiram and Jletsey (Campbell) Moses, grand- son of John and Abigail (Barlow) Campbell. John Camp- bell, a private in the Massachusetts Line, served at three different times. He was at West Point in 1781. He also served on a privateer near the close of the war, and was taken prisoner with his brother, Vincent Camp- bell. 49. Zkiuji.on King Harmon, Portland, Me. (1) Son of Daniel and roily (True) Harmon, grand- son of William True. William True was ist Sergt. of Capt. Morrill's Co., Col. Caleb Cushing's Regt. of Massachusetts Militia, in 1775, ^^^ Lieut, in Capt. Ben- jamin Evans' Co., in 1776. (2) Son of Daniel and Polly (True) Harmon, grand- son of Daniel and Mary (York) Harmon. Daniel Har- mon was Corporal in Capt. Samuel Whittemore's Co., Col. Reuben Fogg's Regt. Mass. Bay Militia, and served at Peekskill, N. Y. 36 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 50. George Willard True, Portland, Me. Son of Moses and Lois (Knowles) True, grandson of John Knowles, who was a private soldier in the New Hampshire Line, and was one of the guards of Major Andre prior to his execution. 51. George Foster French, Portland, Me. Son of Nathaniel Waldo and Catherine (Gates) French, grandson of Samuel jr. and Jerusha (Clark) Gates, great-grandson of Samuel and Lucretia (Williams) Gates. Samuel Gates was a private soldier in the Con- tinental army, was at White Plains, Saratoga and Val- ley Forge, and was a pensioner. 52. Nelson Sargent Allan, Dennysville, Me. Son of Theophilus Wilder and Martha R. (Sargent) Allan, grandson of Mark and Susan (Wilder) Allan, great- grandson of John and Mary (Patten) Allan. At the out- break of the Revolution in 1775, John Allan held a seat in the Parliament of Nova Scotia. In the summer of 1776 he decided to join the colonies. Assembling the Indians near Chediac, Sept. 19, 1776, he explained to them the diif erences between the colonies and the northern country ; and having laid before Congress his plans for defending the eastern frontier, he received a commission as col- onel. At Machias, in August 1777, he repulsed the British, 53. Alfred Thomas Small, Yarmouthville, Me. (i) Son of Daniel and Johanna (Soule) Small, grandson of Edward and Sarah (Mitchell) Small, great- grandson of John and Sarah (Atkins) Small, great-great- grandson of Samuel and Anna (Hatch) Small. For services of Samuel Small see No. 45. THE MAINE SOCIETY. 37 (2) Son of Daniel and Johanna (Soule) Small, grandson of Edward and Sarah ( Mitchell) Small. Edward Small was a private soldier in Capt. John Wentworth's Company, whose mileage to Fort Edward is given on the roll in the office of Secretary of State, Boston, as four hundred and thirty-four miles. 54. EsREFF Hill Banks, Biddeford, Me. (i) Son of James and Ruth (Merrill) Banks, grand- son of Samuel and Anna (Eaton) Merrill, great-grand- son of Lieut. Samuel and Elizabeth (Bradbury) Merrill. Samuel Merrill served from May 3, 1775, in Capt. Hill's Co., Col. James Scammon's 30th Regt. (2) Son of James and Ruth (Merrill) Banks, grand- son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Bradbury) Merrill. Sam- uel Banks served as a private soldier in Capt. Hill's Co. 55. Edward Breck Robinson, Portland, Me. Son of Stephen and Hannah (Withington) Robinson, grandson of Ebenezer and Mary (Preston) Withington. Ebenezer Withington was " assistant" in Capt. Edward Boylston's Co., division of artificers under Maj. Joseph Eayres, Oct. 1778. He also saw other service and was a pensioner. 56. Edward Withington Robinson, Boston, Mass. Son of Edward Breck and Julia (Barber) Robinson. See No. 55. 57. Percy Clements Smith, Litchfield Corner, Me. Son of William Henry and Almira Moulton (Smith) Smith, grandson of Horatio and Eliza Sophia (Tallman) Smith, great-grandson of Ebenezer and Jennet (Mc- Kown) Smith, his 2d wife. See No. 5, (i), for services 38 SONS OF THK AMKKICAN KFVOI.UTIOX. of Ebenozer Smith .\iui Xo. 5. i,j\ tor services ot Peleg- T.Ulman. Porov t^'loments Smith died Nf.iv 17, 1S9::. 5S. Fkkokkio LiNOOix TowKK. Portland. Me. \^it Son of Fr.inois W. P. -ind M.uietta T. ^GilH Tower, grandson of Washington and Rebecca Thayer (French^ To\Yer, great-grandson of Gideon and Elizabeth i^Cox") Tower. Gideon Tower was a private in Capt. Eliphalet S.nvon's Co.. March 4. 1776. {2) Son of Francis ^V. 1\ and Marietta T. (Gill) Tower, grandson of Jason and Mary A. (Talbot ^ Gill, great-grandson of Elijah and Rebecca (Hawes") Gill, great-great-grandson of Elijah and Abigail (Fisher) Gill. Elijah Gill enlisted as a private in Capt. Theophilus Lvon's Co.. Col. Benjamin Gill's Regt.. March 2::. 1776. (0 Son ot" Francis W. D. and >[arietta T. (GilH Tower, grandson of Jason and Mary A. (Talbot") Gill, great-grandson of Isaac and Betsey (Bird) Talbot, great-great-grandson of Isaac and Susan (Turner 1 Tal- bot. Isaac Talbot enlisted as a private in Capt. Peter Talbot's Co., April ui. 1775 and February 17, 1777. He also served in Capt. Wm. Brig^-s' Co., Col. Joseph Read's Regt. 59. EvKRETT RicHARi-> DRUMMOxn. Watexville, Me. Brother of Tosiah Hayden Drummond. See Xo. 4. 60. Gkorgk Hexrv Luuiv. Portland. Me. Son of John W. and Jane R. (Bolton) Libby. grandson of Caleb and Sanih (^Webster) Libby, great-grandson of Samuel and Abigniil (Graffam'^ Libby. Samuel Libby served with Capt. Benj. Larrabee, in Col. Fogg's Regt.; also on the Bag";^duce Expedition in 1779. THE MAINE SOCIETY. 39 6i. George Herman Allan, Portland, Me. (i) Son of George Washington and Mary J. (Moore) Allan, grandson of John Crane and Achsah (Sawyer) Allan, great-grandson of John and Mehitable (Crane) Allan, great-great-grandson of Col. John and Mary (Patten) Allan. For service of Col. John Allan, see No. 52- (2) Son of George Washington and Mary J. (Moore) Allan, grandson of John Crane and Achsah (Sawyer) Allan, great-grandson of John and Mehitable Crane Allan, great-great-grandson of John and Mehitable (Wheeler) Crane. John Crane was Captain of Gridley's Regiment, Massachusetts Artillery, May 3, 1775 ; Major of Knox's Regiment Continental Artillery, Dec. 10, 1775 ; wounded at Corker's Ilook, Sept. 14, 1776; Colonel 3d Continental Artillery, Jan. i, 1777 ; transferred to corps of Artillery, June 17, 1783 ; Brevet Brig. General, Sept. 30, 1783 ; served to Nov. 3, 1783. He was a member of the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati. 62. Charles James House, Augusta, Me. Son of Charles and Margaret (Pennell) House, grand- son of William and Lucy (Johnson) Pennell, great-grand- son of James and Hannah (Bates) Johnson. James Johnson enlisted May 17, 1775, in Capt. James Curtis' Co., Harpswell, and served three months. 63. Joseph Addison King, Portland, Me. (i) Son of Alonzo and Miranda (Prentiss) King, grandson of Samuel and Sally (Hall) King, great-grand- son of George and Betsey (Shaw) King. For services of George King, see No. 6, (2). (2) Son of Alonzo and Miranda (Prentiss) King, grandson of Samuel and Sally (Hall) King, great-grand- 4© SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. son of George and Betsey (Shaw) King, great-great- grandson of Benjamin and Abiah (Leonard) King. For services of Benjamin King, see No. 6, (i). 64. John Ulmer Chandler, Machias, Me. Son of John and Susan Ulmer (Wilson) Chandler, grandson of John and Mary (Ulmer) Wilson, great- grandson of George Ulmer who enlisted March 5, 1776, in Capt. Benjamin Plummer's Co., at St. George and served six months. From 1777, he served thirty-one months and fourteen days in Capt. Hunt's Co., ist Regt.; June I, 1780, was Lieut, in Col. Prime's Regt.; Nov. 25, Adjt. on Col. Prime's staff; May 20, 1781, Adjt. on Col. Sam- uel McCobb's staff; March 7, 1782, he was Capt. in Col. James Hunt's Regt., and was pensioned in 18 18. 65. Charles Folsom Jones, Skowhegan, Me. (i) Son of Luther and Joanna Weeks (Folsom) Jones, grandson of Jeremiah and Octavia (Howe) Fol- som, great-grandson of Levi and Joanna (Weeks) Fol- som, great-great-grandson of Jeremiah and Mary (Hersey) Folsom. Jeremiah Folsom was Capt. in 1775, and Lieut. Col. in 1776; also a member of the Fourth Provincial Congress. (2) Son of Luther and Joanna Weeks (Folsom) Jones, grandson of Jeremiah and Octavia (Howe) Fol- som, great-grandson of Levi and Joanna (Weeks) Fol- som. Levi Folsom served as a private soldier and re- ceived a pension. 66. George Edwin Allen, Sanford, Me. Son of Emilus and Sarah (Hanson) Allen, grandson of Elisha and Harriet (Nason) Allen, great-grandson of Samuel and Joanna (Moulton) Nason. Samuel THE MAINE SOCIETY, 4I Nason was Quartermaster in Col. James Scammon's Regt., was commissioned Captain of a Matross Co., Dec. g, 1777, and was a delegate to the Constitutional Con- vention in 1780. 67. Prentice Cheney Manning, Portland Me. Son of Franklin and Sophia (Cheney) Manning, grandson of William and Tryphena (Hatch) Cheney, great-grandson of William Cheney, of Marlow, N. H. William Cheney served in Capt. Samuel Canfield's Co., in July 1777. In September and October in the same year, he served in Capt. Oliver Ashley's Co.; July 16, 1779, he enlisted for one year in Col. Benjamin Bellows' regiment. 68. Joseph Porter Thompson, Portland, Me. (i) Son of William Lord and Olive (Mitchell) Thompson, grandson of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Huff) Thompson, great-grandson of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Lord) Thompson. Benjamin Thompson was in Capt. Salter's Co., in 1775, and in 1776 in Capt. Tobias Lord's Co. He served at West Point in Capt. James Perkins' Co., Col. Frost's Regt., and in 1777 was in Capt. Joshua Nason's Co., at Saratoga. (2) Son of William Lord and Olive (Mitchell) Thompson, grandson of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Huff) Thompson, great-grandson of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Lord) Thompson, great-great-grandson of Tobias and •Jane (Smith) Lord. Capt. Tobias Lord commanded a company of Infantry at Falmouth in 1776. He had five sons in the service, Lieuts. Tobias and John and privates Daniel, Dominicus and Nathaniel. (3) Son of William Lord and Olive (Mitchell) Thompson, grandson of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Huff) 42 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Thompson, great-grandson of Charles and Grace (Smith) Huff. Charles Huff served in Capt. Tobias Lord's Co., at Falmouth in 1776. 69. Clinton Aaron Woodburv, Deering, j\Ie. Son of Aaron and Sarah Peabody (Lewis) Woodbury, grandson of George and Ruth (Lincoln) Lewis, great- grandson of George and Mary (Bacon) Lewis. George Lewis was a private in Capt. Timothy Langdon's Co., in 1775; under Capt. Elisha Nye in 1776; in Col. Free- man's Regt. in 1777 ; Capt. of company in 177S ; later a Major. 70. Edwin Faxon Vose, Portland, Me. Son of Henry C. and Rachel Wild ( Faxon) Vose, grandson of Joseph and Deborah (Churchill) Vose, great-grandson of Jeremiah and Hannah (Holmes) Vose. Jeremiah Vose was a private in Capt. Peter Talbot's company from Stoughton, and was in the fight at Lex- ington, April 19, 1775. He was also Corporal in Capt. Simon Leach's Co., Col. Benjamin Gills" Regt., and assist- ed in erecting the fortifications on Dorchester Heights. 71. Charles Ford Dam, Portland, Me. Son of Leader and Mary Jane (Brown) Dam, grand- son of Samuel and Miriam (Fernald) Dam, great-grand- son of Hercules and ^liriam (Purcelly) Fernald. Her- cules Fernald was a private in the Massachusetts line and a pensioner. 72. Charles Scott Fobes, Portland, Me. (i) Son of Charles and Hannah (Webster) Fobes, grandson of Amasa and Anne (Fames) Fobes, great- grandson of Nathaniel and Kata (Rice) Fames. See No. 27, (3), for Nathaniel Fames' services. THE MAINE SOCIETY. 43 (2) Son of Charles and Hannah (Webster) Fobes, grandson of Amasa and Anne ( Eames) Fobes, great- grandson of Nathaniel and Kata (Rice) Eames, great- great-grandson of Nathaniel jr., and Rachel (Lovell) Eames. See No. 27, (4), for the services of Nathaniel Eames jr. (3) Son of Charles and Hannah (Webster) Fobes, grandson of Amasa and Anne (Eames) Fobes, great- grandson of Nathaniel and Kata (Rice) Eames, great- great-grandson of Jonathan and Ruth (Eames) Rice. See No. 27, (5), for Jonathan Rice's services. 73. Leander Webster Fobes, Portland, Me. Brother of Charles Scott Fobes. See No. 72. 74. Daniel Goodhue, Portland, Me. Son of Richard Shatswell and Sarah W. (Quincy) Good- hue, grandson of Daniel jr. and Hannah (Shatsvi^ell) Goodhue. Daniel Goodhue jr. served in Capt. Abram Dodge's Co., Col. Moses Little's Regt., also in Nathan Wade's Co., same Regt., also on board privateer brigan- tine Fancy. He was captured Aug. 7, 1777 and impris- oned at Plymouth, Eng., until the end of the war. 75. Fred Newton Mayberry, Portland, Me. (i) Son of Benjamin B. and Eliza Ross (Linscott) Mayberry, grandson of Francis and Susanna (Stewart) Mayberry, great-grandson of William and Rebecca (Bodge) Mayberry, great-great-grandson of Richard and Martha (Bolton) Mayberry. Richard Mayberry was Captain of the Fifth Co., Eleventh Mass. Regt., Col, Benjamin Tupper. He was in the battles at Saratoga, at Monmouth and at Hubbardstown. (2) Son of Benjamin B. and Eliza Ross (Linscott) Mayberry, grandson of Francis and Susanna (Stewart) 44 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Mayberry, great-grandson of William and Rebecca (Bodge) Mayberry. William Mayberry was a private in his father's company, and served from Jan. i, 1777 to Dec. 31, 1779. (3) Son of Benjamin Bodge and Eliza Ross (Linscott) Mayberry, grandson of Francis and Susanna (Stewart) Mayberry, great-grandson of Joseph and Hannah (Smal- ley) Stewart, great-great-grandson of Wentworth and Su- sanna (Lombard) Stewart. Wentworth Stewart was Cap- tain in Col. Phinney's Regt., i8th Massachusetts. He was a representative in 1773 and 1774, and died at Brookline while in service April 17, 1776. 76. Henry Robert Taylor, Machias, Me. Son of Denzil and Ann D. ( Morse ) Taylor, grandson of Hezekiah and Sarah ( Frost) Taylor. Hezekiah Tay- lor was a member of the " Committee of Safety," and was enrolled a member of Lieut. Park's Co., " Minute Men." 77. James Keazer, Portland, Me. (i) Son of David and Caroline (Mitchell) Keazer, grandson of Reuben and Mary (York) Keazer, great- grandson of Reuben Keazer, who, previous to Sept. 20, 1777, served two months in Capt. Ebenezer Webster's Co., Col. Stickney's Regt., in Gen. Stark's Brigade. Enlisted July 13, 1782 for three years, or during the war. (2) Son of David and Caroline (Mitchell) Keazer, grandson of Benjamin and Sarah (Fogg) Mitchell. Benjamin Mitchell served at Falmouth in Capt. B. Mor- ton's Co., from Jan. 4, 1776, to November ; also in Capt. Benjamin Larrabee's Co., Col. Jonathan Mitchell's Regt. ; also under the same captain, in Col. Freeman's Regt., and in Capt. W. Swift's Co., Col. Freeman's Regt., be- THE MAINE SOCIETY, 45 tween November 1776, and Sept. 6, 1778, at Falmouth. He also served from July 31, to Sept. 26, 1781, on the sloop Defense, Capt. James Nevins, Commander. 78. Walter Bosworth Maling, Portland, Me. (i) Son of Henry M. and Ernestine L. (Perkins) Maling, grandson of Clement and Lucinda (Fairfield) Perkins, great-grandson of William and Mary (King) Fairfield. William Fairfield was a soldier in the Mas- sachusetts Line and was a pensioner. (2) Son of Henry M. and Ernestine L. (Perkins) Maling, grandson of Thomas and Mary L. (Howard) • Maling, great-grandson of Moses and Elizabeth (Whit- ten) Howard, great-great-grandson of Joseph and Anne (Burnham) Whitten. See No. 89, (3). (3) Son of Henry M. and Ernestine L. (Perkins) Maling, grandson of Thomas and Mary L. (Howard) Maling, great-grandson of Moses and Elizabeth (Whit- ten) Howard, great-great-grandson of Joseph and Anne (Burnham) Whitten, great-great-great-grandson of John and Ruth (Merrill) Whitten. See No. 89, (i). (4) Son of Henry M. and Ernestine L. (Perkins) Maling, grandson of Thomas and Mary L. (Howard) Maling, great-grandson of Moses and Elizabeth (Whit- ten) Howard, great-great-grandson of Joseph and Anne (Burnham) Whitten, great-great-great-grandson of James and Grace Dazell Burnham. S^e No. 89, (2). 79. Elijah Gushing Wilder, Calais, Me. (i) Son of Gushing and Alice (Crane) Wilder, grand- son of Theophilus 2d, and Hannah French (Waterman) Wilder, great-grandson of Theophilus and Lydia (Gush- ing) Wilder. Theophilus Wilder was commissioned Lieut, Sept. 26, 1776 in Capt. Stephen Penniman's Regt., 46 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Captain Dec. i, 1776 in Col. Nicholas Dyke's Regt., and July 27, 1780 in Col. Eben Thayer jr.'s, Regt. He was in the seige of Yorktown, and at the surrender of Lord Cornwallis' army. (2) Son of Cushing and Alice (Crane) Wilder, grandson of John and Mary (Wheeler) Crane, great- grandson of John and Mehitable (Wheeler) Crane. For John Crane's services see No. 61, (2). 80. MiAL MosMAN, Union, Me. Sonof Aaron jr., and Echsa Mosman, grandson of Aaron and Hepzibath Mosman. Aaron Mosman served four years and eight months under Gen, Lincoln in Morgan's Corps, and was in the battle of Bennington and at the capture of Burgoyne. He was also a pensioner. 81. Herbert Harris, East Machias, Me. (i) Son of Peter Talbot and Deborah (Longfellow) Harris, grandson of Josiah and Lucy (Talbot) Harris, great-grandson of Peter and Lucy (Hammond) Talbot, great-great-grandson of Peter and Abigail (Wheeler) Talbot. Peter Talbot commanded the company which marched from Stoughton at the Lexington Alarm, April i9» 1775- (2 ) Son of Peter Talbot and Deborah (Longfellow) Harris, grandson of Jacob and Tahpenes (Longfellow) Longfellow, great-grandson of Nathan and Tahpenes (Huntley) Longfellow. Nathan Longfellow served as a Corporal in Capt. Smith's Co., at Machias, four months, two weeks and one day, from Aug. 26, 1775 ; as Second Lieutenant July 11, 1776; was in Capt. Reuben Dyar's Co., in expedition against enemies of America at St. Johns; Lieut. June i, to Aug. i, 1777 ; also Aug. i, to Dec. 13, 1777. THE MAINE SOCIETY. 47 82. Charles Lathrop Drummond, Portland, Me. Brother of Josiah Hayden Drummond. See No. 4. 83. Appleton Heath Plaisted, Waterville, Me. Son of Aaron Appleton and Emily Carleton (Heath) Plaisted, grandson of Solyman and Emily (Redington) Heath, great-grandson of Asa and Mary (Getchell ) Red- ington. Asa Redington was in Col. Peabody's N. H. Regiment in 1778, under Gen. Sullivan. In the spring of 1780, he served under Col. Millen. March, 1781, he en- listed for three years in Col. Alexander Scammell's regi- ment. July I, 1783, he was appointed Corporal of Capt. • Howe's Co., Washington's Life Guard. 84. Francis Loring Talbot, East Machias, Me. (i) Son of Francis Loring and Mary Gushing (Bad- ger) Talbot, grandson of Micah Jones and Betsey (Rich) Talbot, great-grandson of Peter and Lucy ( Hammond) Talbot, great-great-grandson of Peter and Abigail (Wheeler) Talbot. For Peter Talbot's services see No, 81,(1). (2) Son of Francis Loring and Mary Gushing (Bad- ger) Talbot, grandson of Nathaniel and Jane (Owen) Badger, great-grandson of Philip and Joanna (Thomp- son) Owen. Philip Owen served four years as a private soldier in the Continental army. He was in the battle at Hubbardstown, Stillwater and was at the surrender of Burgoyne. He was also a witness of the execution of Maj. Andre: 85. Austin Harris, East Machias, Me. Brother of Herbert Harris. See No. 81. 86. John Olin Rice, Portland, Me. Son of Rev. John and Mary Terrill (Hunt) Rice, 48 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. grandson of George and Hannah (Hanscom) Rice, great- grandson of Lemuel and Anna (Stone) Rice. Lemuel Rice was in Capt. John Rice's Co., Col. Edmund Phin- ney's regiment, 31st Regt. Foot, Gen. Heath's Brigade, Major Gen. Putnam's division, at the investment of Bos- ton. Enlisted May 15, 1775, served eight months in 1776, served five days as private in Capt. David Chad- wick's Co., also in Capt. John Skillings' Co., Col. Eben- ezer Francis' Regt; enlisted Jan. g, 1776, mustered at Bennington, served fifty-nine days ; also in Capt. John Wentworth's Co., Aug. 20, 1776, discharged at Fort Edward from Capt. John Wentworth's Co., Col. Wil- lard's Regt., at once re-enlisting in the Continental ser- vice as a private in Capt. Clark's Co., Eleventh Mass. Bay Regt. (Continental Army), Col. Benjamin Tupper; enlisted Jan. i, 1777 and was discharged Dec. 31, 1779; served three years. 87. Sheridan Plaisted, Waterville, Me. Brother of Appleton Heath Plaisted. See No. S3. 88. David Dana Spear, Freeport, Me. Son of William and Emily (Bridge) Spear, grandson of Franklin and Elizabeth (Curtis) Bridge, great-grand- son of Caleb and Hannah Curtis. Caleb Curtis was a soldier in the Massachusetts Line, also a pensioner. 89. Henry Martyn Maling, Portland, Me. (i) Son of Thomas and Mary L. (Howard) Maling, grandson of Moses and Elizabeth (Whitten) Howard, great-grandson of Joseph and Anne (Burnham) Whit- ten, great-great-grandson of John and Ruth (Merrill) Whitten. John Whitten was a member of the Committee of Safety and Defense in Arundel. THE MAINE SOCIETY. 49 (2) Son of Thomas and Mary L. (Howard) Maling, grandson of Moses and Elizabeth (Whitten) Howard, great-grandson of Joseph and Anne (Burnham) Whit- ten, great-great-grandson of James and Grace (Dalzell) Burnham. James Burnham was a delegate from Arundel to the Fanueil Hall Convention Sept. 1768 and a member of the Committee of Inspection 1774. He had five sons in the Continental army. (3) Son of Thomas and Mary L. (Howard) Maling, grandson of Moses and Elizabeth (Whitten) Howard, great-grandson of Joseph and Anne (Burnham) Whitten. Joseph Whitten was a private soldier in the Mass. troops. 90. Frank Burr Moody, Deering, Me. Son of Franklin Crosby and Julia Frances (Burr) Moody, grandson of Lemuel and Emma (Crosby) Moody, great-grandson of Enoch and Ann (Weeks) Moody. Enoch Moody was chairman of Committee of Corres- pondence and Inspection, and was private in Capt. David Bradish's Co., Col. Phinney's Regt., April 21, 1775. 91. Charles Edward Banks, Portland, Me. Son of Edward Prince and Ellen P. E. (Soule) Banks, grandson of Charles and Phebe (Bartol) Soule, great- grandson of George and Jane (Soule) Bartol. George Bartol was a private in Capt. John Gray's Co., Col. Jon- athan Mitchell's Regt, in the Penobscot Expedition, 1779. 92. Charles Church Larrabee, Cincinnati, Ohio. (i) Son of Charles Weston and Eliza Sophia (Smith) Larrabee, grandson of Horatio and Eliza Sophia (Tall- man) Smith, great-grandson of Ebenezer and Jenet (McKown) Smith. For services of Ebenezer Smith, see No. 5, (i). 4 50 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. (2) Son of Charles Weston and Eliza Sophia (Smith) Larrabee, grandson of Horatio and Eliza Sophia (Tall- man) Smith, great-grandson of Peleg and Eleanor (Clarke) Tallman. For services of Peleg Tallman, see No. 5, {2). 93. John Piper Marston, Biddeford, Me. (i) Son of Abraham F. and Catharine R. (Piper) Marston, grandson of John L. and Mary (Fogg) Mars- ton, great-grandson of Abraham and Elizabeth (Leavitt) Marston. Abraham Marston was a private soldier in the Continental army and a pensioner. (2) Son of Abraham F. and Catharine R. (Piper) Marston, grandson of Jonathan and Polly (Burbank) Piper, great-grandson of Silas and Sally (Barker) Bur- bank. Silas Burbank was captain in the 12th Massa- chusetts Bay Regt. 94. John Milton Adams, Deering, Me. (i) Son of Nathan jr. and Susan (Merrill) Adams, grandson of Nathan and Betsey (Poor) Adams. Nathan Adams was a Lieutenant June 26, 1780, in a company raised in Andover, Mass. (2) Son of Nathan Jr., and Susan (Merrill) Adams, grandson of Ezekiel and Sarah (Emery) Merrill. Ezekiel Merrill enlisted April 19, 1775, as Corporal in Capt. William Rogers' Co., in Col. Gerrish's Regt., was July 1776, in Capt. David Quimby's Co., Col. Joshua Win- gate's Regt., and was a private in Capt. Amos Gage's Co., Col. David Moor's Regt., Sept. 29, 1777, and also in Capt. Benjamin Whitten's Co., Col. Jacob Gale's Regt., Aug. 5, 1778. THE MAINE SOCIETY. 5 1 95- Seth Francis Clark, Deering, Me. (i) Son of Isaac Fowle and Julia C. (Winslow) Clark, grandson of Isaac Fowle and Louisa Ann Cushman (Marston) Clark, great-grandson of Seth, and Nabby (Tukey) Clark, great-great-grandson of Ezra Jr., and Sarah (Howe) Clark, great-great-great-grandson of Col. Samuel and Hannah (Smith) Howe. For services of Col. Samuel Howe, see No. 25, (i). (2) Son of Isaac Fowle and Julia C. (Winslow) Clark, grandson of Isaac Fowle and Louisa A. C. (Marston) Clark, great-grandson of Seth, and Nabby (Tukey) Clark, great-great-grandson of Stephen and Hannah (Cushing) Tukey. For services of Stephen Tukey, see No. 25, (2). (3) Son of Isaac Fowle and Julia C. (Winslow) Clark, grandson of Isaac Fowle and Louisa A. C. (Marston) Clark, great-grandson of Seth and Nabby (Tukey) Clark, great-great-grandson of Ezra Jr., and Sarah (Howe) Clark, great-great-great-grandson of Ezra and Martha (Phelps) Clark. For services of Ezra Clark, see No. 25, (4). (4) Son of Isaac Fowle and Julia C. (Winslow) Clark, grandson of Isaac Fowle and Louisa A. C. (Marston) Clark, great-grandson of Seth and Nabby (Tukey) Clark, great-great-grandson of Ezra Jr., and Sarah (Howe) Clark. For services of Ezra Clark, Jr., see No. 25, (5). (5) Son of Isaac Fowle and Julia C. (Winslow) Clark, grandson of John Tolman and Mary K. (Noyes) Win- slow, great-grandson of James L., and Mary (Stevens) Noyes, and great-great-grandson of Moses and Nabby (Lock) Noyes. Moses Noyes served in Capt. Abner Lowell's Matross Company at Falmouth, in 1777; in Capt.. Jesse Partridge's Co., in Col. Greaton's Regt., 52 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. pay roll dated Oct. 3, 1778; in Capt. William Cobb's Co., as Sergeant, in Col. Jonathan Mitchell's Regt., in the Bagaduce Expedition in 1779, service two months and seventeen days ; in Capt. Joseph Pride's Co., in Col. Joseph Prince's Regt., in 1780, service seven months and nine days ; and in Lieut. Joseph McLellan's Co., from Dec. 6, 1780, to May i, 1781, service four months and twenty-five days. 96. Ivory Franklin Frisbee. Lewiston, Me. (i) Son of Joseph and Lydia (Phillips) Frisbee, grandson of Darius and Dorothy (Gerrish) Frisbee, great-grandson of James Frisbee. James Frisbee signed the agreement of citizens, Portsmouth, N. H., Aug. 14, 1776, to defend the liberties of the inhabitants of the United colonies. (2) Son of Joseph and Lydia (Phillips) Frisbee, grandson of Darius and Dorothy (Gerrish) Frisbee. Darius Frisbee signed the Agreement of Citizens, Ports- mouth, N. H., Aug. 14, 1776. 97. Franklin Herbert Hazelton, Portland, Me. Son of Ivory Jr., and Sarah Tukey (Richards) Hazel- ton, grandson of Ivory and Hannah (Thompson) Hazel- ton, great-grandson of Jonathan and Miriam (Bean) Hazelton. Jonathan Hazelton was a private in Col. Badger's New Hampshire Regt., in 1778. 98. William Henry Smith, Raymond, Me. Son of Henry and Jane E. Smith, grandson of John Kilby and Sally Smith. John Kilby Smith was 2d Lieut, in Col. Whitcomb's Regt., at the siege of Boston ; was commissioned Lieut, and Adjt. of Col. Wiggles- worth's 13th Regt.; Jan. i, 1777, commissioned Capt.; THE MAINE SOCIETY. S3 was at the battle of Monmouth, commanded Col. Shepard's Regt., and was Brigade Major; served in Lt. Infantry at Yorktown, and was aid to Gen. Lafayette ; was a mem- ber of the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati. 99. Samuel Thurston, Portland, Me. Brother of Brown Thurston. See No. 42. 100. Frank Eugene Sleeper, Sabattus Me, Son of Ebenezer Herrick and Sarah (Nash) Sleeper, grandson of Nathan and Mary (Ham) Sleeper, great- grandson of David and Ruth (James) Sleeper. David Sleeper and two of his sons were in the battle of Bunker Hill, under Col. Prescott. One son died from a wound received there. He later enlisted in Capt. Edward Everett's Co., Col. Bedel's Regt., served through the war and reached the rank of Captain. 1 01. Henry Knight Bradbury, Hollis, Me. Son of John and Ann Maria (Knight) Bradbury, grandson of Elijah and Sarah (Lane) Bradbury. Elijah Bradbury was a private in Col. Scammon's Regt., enlist- ed in Buxton, in 1775, and was later under Gen. Stark, at Bennington ; joined army under Gen. Washington, and was at the battle of Long Island and Trenton and at Valley Forge ; also at Eutaw Springs, Guilford Court House, Cowpens, and finally at the siege of Yorktown. 102. Charles Quincy Goodhue, Portland, Me. Brother of Daniel Goodhue. See No. 74. 103. Melvin Porter Frank, Portland Me. Son of Alpheus and Naomi (Stimson) Frank, grandson of James and Roxalana (White) Frank. James Frank enlisted in Falmouth, in May, 1775, in Capt. Samuel Noyes' Co., Col. Phinney's Regt; in 1776 served under 54 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Capt. Daniel Merrill ; in 1777 under Capt. Ellis; in 1779 under Capt. William Cobb. He was also a pensioner. 104. Arthur Elbridge Forbes, Paris, Me. (i) Son of Elbridge and Angeline (Thayer) Fobes, grandson of Seth and Rachael (Eames) Fobes, great- grandson of Nathaniel and Katharine (Rice) Eames. See No. 27, (3), for services of Nathaniel Eames. (2) Son of Elbridge and Angeline (Thayer) Fobes, grandson of Seth and Rachael (Eames) Fobes, great- grandson of Nathaniel and Katharine (Rice) Eames, great-great-grandson of Nathaniel Jr., and Rachael (Lov- ell) Eames. See No. 27, (4), for services of Nathaniel Eames Jr. (3) Son of Elbridge and Angeline (Thayer) Fobes, grandson of Seth and Rachael (Eames) Fobes, great- grandson of Nathaniel and Katharine (Rice) Eames, great-great-grandson of Jonathan and Ruth (Eames) Rice. See No. 27, (5), for services of Jonathan Rice. 105. Marshall William Wood, Fort Preble, Me. Son of Benjamin and Eunice Augusta (Greenleaf) Wood, grandson of Thomas Lee and Sarah (Marshall) Greenleaf, great-grandson of Joseph and Louisa (Ed" wards) Marshall. Joseph Marshall enlisted in 1775, and served one year under Capt. Well's, Col. Richmond's R. I. Regt. ; in 1777 he served six months under Capt. Fay, Col. Toppin's R. I. Regt.; in 1777, served three months under Capt. Hewitt, Col. Latimer's Conn. Regt. ; in 1779 served four months under Lieut. Wait Burdock. He was also a pensioner. 106. Joseph Edes Davis, Freeport, Me. Son of William and Desiah R. (Soule) Davis, grandson of Andrew and Mahala (Porter) Soule, great-grandson THE MAINE SOCIETY. 55 of James and Martha (Curtis) Soule. James Soule en- listed Jan. 4, 1776, in Capt. Jere Hill's Co., Col. Edmund Phinney's Regt. He was at Fort George, Dec. 8, 1776, and was a pensioner, 107. Alfred King, Portland, Me. ( 1 ) Son of Marquis Fayette and Frances Olivia (Plais- ted) King, grandson of Col. Samuel Hall and Eliza (Shaw) King, great-grandson of Capt. Samuel and Sally (Hall) King, great-great-grandson of Sergt. George and Betty (Shaw) King. For services of Sergt. George King, see No. 6, (2). (2) Son of Marquis Fayette and Frances Olivia (Plais- ted) King, grandson of Col. Samuel Hall and Eliza (Shaw) King, great-grandson of Capt. Samuel and Sally (Hall) King, great -great-grandson of Sergt. George and Betty (Shaw) King, great-great-great-grandson of Lieut. Benjamin and Abiah (Leonard) King. For services of Lieut. Benjamin King, see No. 6, (i). (3) Son of Marquis Fayette and Frances Olivia (Plais- ted) King, grandson of Col. Samuel Hall and Eliza (Shaw) King, great-grandson of Gilbert and Silence (Cole) Shaw, great-great-grandson of Eleazer Cole. For services of Eleazer Cole, see No. 6, (3). (4) Son of Marquis Fayette and Frances Olivia (Plais- ted) King, grandson of Col. Samuel Hall and Eliza (Shaw) King, great-grandson of Gilbert and Silence (Cole) Shaw, great-great-grandson of Abner and Abigail (Eaton) Shaw. For services of Abner Shaw, see No. 6, (4). (5) Son of Marquis Fayette and Frances Olivia (Plais- ted) King, grandson of Samuel Pomeroy and Sabrina (Perkins) Plaisted, great-grandson of Benjamin Garland 56 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. and Frances (Gushing) Plaisted, great-great-grandson of Richard and Abigail (Garland) Perkins. For services of Richard Perkins, see No. 26, (i). (6) Son of Marquis Fayette and Frances Olivia (Plais- ted) King, grandson of Samuel Pomeroy and Sabrina (Perkins) Plaisted, great-grandson of Benjamin Garland and Frances (Gushing) Perkins, great-great-grandson of Ezekiel and Frances (McGobb) Gushing. For services of Ezekiel Gushing, see No. 26, (2). (7) Son of Marquis Fayette and Frances Olivia (Plais- ted) King, grandson of Samuel Pomeroy and Sabrina (Perkins) Plaisted, great-grandson of Benjamin Garland and Frances (Gushing) Perkins, great-great-grandson of Ezekiel and Frances (McGobb) Gushing, great-great- great-grandson of Loring and Mary (Parker) Gushing. For services of Loring Gushing, see No. 26, (3). (8 ) Son of Marquis Fayette and Frances Olivia (Plais- ted) King, grandson of Samuel Pomeroy and Sabrina (Perkins) Plaisted, great-grandson of Samuel and Susan (Hight) Plaisted, great-great-grandson of Samuel and Elizabeth (Hart) Plaisted, great-great-great-grandson of Samuel and Elizabeth (Lambert) Hart. For Samuel Hart's services, see No. 26, (4). (9) Son of Marquis Fayette and Frances Olivia (Plais- ted) grandson of Samuel Pomeroy and Sabrina (Perkins) Plaisted, great-grandson of Samuel and Susan (Hight) Plaisted, great-great-grandson of James and Dorcas (Mills) Hight. For James Hight's services, see No. 26, (5)- 108. Frederick Neal Dow, Portland, Me. Son of Neal and Maria Gornelia Durant (Maynard) Dow, grandson of John and Mary (Durant) Maynard, great- THE MAINE SOCIETY. 57 grandson of William, and Mary (Pepper) Maynard. William Maynard was Sergeant in a Framingham Co. of " Minute men " at Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775, and was commissioned Lieutenant in Capt. Drury's Co., Col. Gardiner's Regt., May, 1775, and was wounded in the hip at the battle of Bunker Hill. June 1779, he was transferred as Captain to the Invalid Regt. 109. Edmund Pratt Soule, Freeport, Me. Son of Joshua and Rachel (Pratt) Soule, grandson of James and Martha (Curtis) Soule. For James Soule's services, see No. 106. no. Parker McCobb Reed, Bath, Me. Son of Andrew and Beatrice (McCobb) Reed, grand- son of Samuel and Rachel (Denny) McCobb. Samuel McCobb was a member of the Provincial Congress also of the Committee of Safety and Correspondence many years ; commanded a company enlisted at Georgetown, June, 1775 ; marched to Cambridge and was in the battle of Bunker Hill ; joined Arnold's Expedition to Canada ; after his return, was made Colonel of Militia, in Lincoln Co.; went with his regiment to Cambridge in 1776; ordered to Rhode Island; at the close of term of enlist- ment the regiment was disbanded ; commanded his regiment at the Bagaduce Expedition ; and after abduc- tion of Gen. Wadsworth, was appointed Brigadier Gen- eral, in command of the Eastern division of Maine. III. Archie Lee Talbot, Lewiston, Me. (i) Son of Charles Johnson and Delphinia Shaw (Robbins) Talbot, grandson of Asa Jr., and Hannah (Shaw) Robbins, great-grandson of Abraham and Han- nah (Miller) Shaw. Abraham Shaw was a private in the Second Minute company of Middleborough, Mass., 58 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. and at the Lexington Alarm, April 19, 1775, he marched with his company to Marshfield. He was in the battle of Bunker Hill, in Capt. Isaac Wood's Co., Col. Theophi- lus Cotton's Regt. He was Sergeant in Capt. Amos Washburn's Co., Col. Ebenezer Sprout's Regt., from Mid- dleborough, in muster of Dec. 8, 1777, caused by ene- mies' invasion of Rhode Island ; Sergeant in the same company and regiment at the alarm at Dartmouth, Mass., Sept. 1778; also Sergeant in Capt. Amos Washburn's Co., Col. Ebenezer White's Regt. of Militia that went to the defense of Rhode Island, on the alarm by order of the council, July 22, 1780. He was Captain of the Seventh Company (Middleborough and adjoining towns), from July 1,1781 to 1787. (2). Son of Charles Johnson and Delphinia Shaw (Robbins) Talbot, grandson of Asa Jr., and Hannah (Shaw) Robbins, great-grandson of Asa and Olive (Clark) Robbins. Asa Robbins enlisted July, 1776 for five months in the Massachusetts Regiment commanded by Col. Brewer, Capt. Samuel Cowan's Co. ; a private in the Independent Co., of Medway (drafted from 4th Regiment of Militia and served twenty-two days in Dec. 1776, at Warwick R. I.), under command of Capt. Joseph Lowell ; a private in Col. Benj. Hawes' Regt., Capt. Oliver Clap's Co., expedition to Rhode Island from Sept. 22, to Oct. 28, 1777 ; a private in Col. Benj. Hawes' Regt., Capt. Oliver Clap's Co., of Walpole, April 20, 177S ; drafted to replenish the Continental army for nine months from arrival in compliance with resolve of the General Court, passed April 20, 1778; arrived at Fish- kill, N. Y., June 14, 1778, and served in the Massachu- setts Regiment commanded by Col. Brewer, in Capt. Brewer's Co., in the Continental line. Samuel Talbot, nineteen years of age, and Joseph THE MAINE SOCIETY. 59 Talbot seventeen years of age, both of North Yarmouth (now of Freeport, Me.), soldiers of the Revolution, were older brothers of Asa Talbot, great-grandfather of Archie Lee Talbot. 112. Henry Freeman Rice, Gray, Me. Brother of John Olin Rice. See No. 86. 113. Frank Haskell, Westbrook, Me. Son of James and Mary (Poole) Haskell, grandson of Josiah and Rachel Barber (Tarr) Haskell, great-grand- son of Daniel Barber and Rachel (Davis) Tarr. Daniel Barber Tarr was Orderly Sergt. in Capt. Rowe's Co., 6th Mass. Regt., at the battle of Bunker Hill, and was afterward a Lieutenant. 114. Edwin James Haskell, Westbrook, Me. Brother of Frank Haskell. See No. 113. 115. Isaac Franklin Quinby, Westbrook, Me. Son of Joseph and Eliza (Bailey) Quinby, grandson of Joseph and Azubah (Partridge) Quinby. Joseph Quinby was a private in Capt. Jeremiah Hill's Co., Col. Vose's Regt. He served a year and a half. 116. Joshua Osgood Cook, Portland, Me. (i) Son of George Henry and Selina A. (Aiken) Cook, grandson of Charles and Elizabeth ( Burbeck) Cook, great-grandson of Capt. Edward and Jane (Milk) Burbeck, great-great-grandson of Col. William and Abi- gail (Shute) Burbeck. William Burbeck was commis- sioned Lieutenant Colonel of Col. Richard Gridley's Artillery Regt., June 21, 1775. Soon after he was ap- pointed Colonel, but declined and strongly recommended Henry Knox who was appointed. He remained connec- 60 SOXS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. ted with the army until 1776. cind then returned to the ordnance department of Massachusetts in which he had done ser\-ice before the war. In 17S3 he was appointed to the command of Castle William. {2) Son of George Henry and Selina A. (^Aiken) Cook, grandson of Charles and Elizabeth (Burbeck) Cook, great-grandson of Capt. Edward and Jane (Milk) Burbeck. Edward Burbeck was Captain in the Gridley- Knox Regt., of Artiller}- from May 1775 till the close of 1776. 117. Isaac Fowle Clark, Deering. Me. {1) Son of Isaac Fowle and Louisa A. C. ^Marston) Clark, grandson of Seth and Xabby t^Tukey) Clark, great-grandson of Ezra Jr., and Sarah (Howe") Clark, great-great-grandson of Col. Samuel and Hannah (Smith) Howe. See Xo. 25. t^i), for the services of Col. Samuel Howe. (2) Son of Isaac Fowle and Louisa A. C. (Marston) Clark, grandson of Seth and Xabby (Tukey) Clark, great-grandson of Stephen and Hannah (Cushing) Tukev. See X'o. :;5. 1,2), for the services of Stephen Tukey. (3) Son of Isaac Fowle and Louisa A. C. v Marston) Clark, grandson of Seth and Xabby (Tukey) Clark, great-grandson of Ezra Jr.. and Sarah (Howe) Clark, great-great-grandson of Ezra and Martha (Phelps) Clark See Xo. 25, (^4). for the services of Ezra Clark (4^ Son of Isaac Fowle and Louisa A. C. (^Marston) Clark grandson of Seth and X''abby (Tukey) Clark, great-grandson of Ezra Jr., and Sarah (Howe) Clark. See No. 25. (5), for the services of Ezra Clark Jr. THE MAINE SOCIETY. gj ii8. Henry Moses Russell, Portland, Me. Son of Moses and Nancy (Hoyt) Russell, grandson of James and Joanna (True) Russell, great-grandson of William and Susan (Brown) True. William True was a private in Capt. John Gray's Co., Col. Jonathan Mitchell's Regt., inthe Penobscot Expediiion, July 7, 1779; also served as Corporal in Capt. Isaac Parson's Co., in a battalion commanded by Maj. Philip Ulmer, at Thomas- ton, July to Dec. 1780. He was a pensioner. 119- Joseph Alvah Locke, p„,tl,^^^^ ^,j^_ Son of Stephen and Lucinda (Clark) Locke, grandson of Charles and Elizabeth (Patterson) Clark, great-grand- son of Abraham and Sarah (Sawyer) Patterson. Abraham Patterson was in Capt. John Elden's Co., which assisted in fortifying Dorchester Heights, on the night of March 4, 1776 ; also a member of Capt. Nathaniel Cousin's Co., in the Penobscot Expedition. 120. Ira Stephen Locke, Deering, Me. Brother of Joseph Alvah Locke, No. 119. 121. Nathaniel Willis Staples, Portland, Me. Son of Hiram and Cordelia (Jordan) Staples, grand- son of William and Emily (Stanford) Jordan, great- grandson of William and Catharine (Mitchell) Stanford, great-great-grandson of John and Elizabeth (McCaffery) Stanford. John Stanford enlisted about Jan. i, 1777, at Cape Elizabeth, for "during the war, " and served in the 13th Regiment, Col. Joseph Reed. He was a pensioner. 122. Benjamin Nourse Goodale, Saco Me. Son of Stephen Lincoln and Prudence Aiken (Nourse) Goodale, grandson of Enoch and Lucy (Lincoln) Good- ale, great-grandson of Stephen and Lydia (Foster) Lin- 62 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. coin, great-great-grandson of Ebenezer ]r., and Hannah (Parlin) Foster. Ebenezer Foster Jr., served three months in the Continental army, as a guard over British prisoners at Rutland, Mass., in 1779. 123. Vaknum Richardson Foss, Portland, Me. (i) Son of Thomas Clarkson and Elizabeth Loring (Cobb) Foss, grandson of Ebenezer and Isabella Par- sons (Millett) Cobb, great-grandson of Zebulon Millett, great-great-grandson of Thomas Millett. Thomas Mil- lett served in Capt. Daniel Strout's Co., Col. Enoch Freeman's Regt.. at Falmouth, in November 1775. -^^ served eight months under command of Capt. Bradbury Sanders. He served in the Penobscot Expedition in Capt. Nathan Merrill's Co.. under Col. Jonathan Mitch- ell; also shipped April 1777, on board the Continental ship Hancock, Capt. Manly, and was captured by the British. He was exchanged Sept. 177S. and enlisted July S, 1779; discharged at Falmouth Sept. 25. 1779- He was a pensioner. (2) Son of Thomas Clarkson and Elizabeth Loring (Cobb) Foss, grandson of Walter and Dorcas (Morrison) Foss, great-gxandson of Uriah and Sally (^Goodrich) Foss, great-great-grandson of Levi Foss, who served in Capt. Jeremiah Hill's Co., Col. Edmund Phinney's Battalion, as a Corporal, from x-\ug. i, 1776, to Dec. S, 1776 ; also in Capt. Hancock's Co., as a Corporal. Col. Vose's Regt. from Jan. 10, 1777 to Jan. i. 177S. 124. ALvRK Ferxald Wentworth, Kitter}', ]Me. Son of John and Betsey (Fernald) Wentworth, grandson of Andrew P. and Sarah. (^ Weeks) Wentworth, great- grandson of John and Hannah (Fernald) Wentworth. John Wentworth commanded a company in Col. Aaron THE MAINE SOCIETY. 63 Willard's Regt., at Fort Edward, N. Y., in 1776; also commanded a company in Col. Peter Noyes' Regt., at Cape Elizabeth, also a company of guards at Cambridge in Col. Gerrish's Regt., guarding troops captured with Gen, Burgoyne. 125. Charles Frederic Morse, Portland, Me. Son of Charles Augustus Bachelder and Mary Merri- man (Chase) Morse, grandson of Daniel and Mary (Chase) Morse, great-grandson of Rev. Joshua and and Mary (Stocker) Chase, great-great-grandson of Mar- shall and Annie (Newell) Stocker. Marshall Stocker • was a private in a Company of " Minute Men " com- manded by Capt. Mathias Hoit, from Amesbury, Mass., on April 19, 1775; also in Capt. Jonathan Evan's Co., Col. Nathan Wade's Regt., at North Kingston, R. I., from July i, 1778 to Jan. i, 1779 ; also in Capt. Jeremiah Putnam's Co., Col. Nathan Taylor's Regt., from July 20, 1779 to Jan. I, 1780; also served six months in the Continental army in 1780. 126. Seth Chase Gordon, Portland, Me. (i) Son of Stephen and Lydia B. (Chase) Gordon, grandson of Thomas and Chase, great-grandson of Josiah and Mehitable (Frye) Chase, great-great-grand- son of Joseph Frye, who was appointed Major General June 21, 1775, by the Provincial Congress. Elected Brigadier General, by Congress, Jan. 10, 1776. (2) Son of Stephen and Lydia B. (Chase) Gordon, grandson of Thomas and Chase, great-grandson of Josiah and Mehitable (Frye) Chase. Josiah Chase served as Surgeon's Mate of Col. John Starks' Regt., New Hampshire Line, from May 23, to Dec. 1775 ; Surgeon's Mate, 5th Continental Infantry, Jan. i, 1776, to Dec. 31 64 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 1776 ; served subsequently as Surgeon in the New Hampshire Militia. 127. George Milton Howe, Lewiston, Me. (i) Son of Daniel Milton and Harriot (Woodbury) Howe, grandson of Daniel and Marj- (Burge) Howe, gTeat-grandson of Daniel and Eunice ( Chase) Howe. Daniel Howe was a private in the Massachusetts Troops at Fort Ticonderoga. He served from June i, to Sept. 30, 1776. He died of camp fever, at Fort Ticonderoga in 1 7 70, probably Sept. ^o. (2) Son of Daniel Milton and Harriot (Woodbury) Howe, grandson of Daniel and Mary (Burge) Howe, great-grandson of Daniel and Eunice (Chase) Howe, great-great-grandson of Capt. Nathan and Hepzibah (Taylor) Howe. Nathan Howe was a Lieutenant and commanded his company in Col. Job Cushing's Regt., at the construction of the fortifications at Dorchester Heights in 1776. 12S. Charles Cobb Harmon, Portland, Me. (i) Son of Zebulon King and Harriet A. (Davis) Harmon, grandson of Daniel and Mary (True) Harmon, great-grandson of Daniel and Sarah (York) Harmon. For the services of Daniel Harmon, see No. 49. (2). (2) Son of Zebulon King and Harriet A. (Davis) Harmon, grandson of Daniel and Mary (True) Harmon, sjeat-grrandson of William True. For the services of Wil- liam True, see No. 49, (i.) 129. Lerov Harmon Tobie, Portland, Me. Son of Edward P. and Jane E. (Harmon) Tobie, grandson of John and (Riggs) Harmon, great-grand- son of Daniel and Sarah (York) Harmon. For the ser- vices of Daniel Harmon, see No. 49, (2). THE MAINE SOCIETY. 65 130. Merriciv Sawyer, South Thomaston, Me. Son of Jacob and Esther (Hebbard) Sawyer. Jacob Sawyer was a private in Capt. Daniel Strout's Co., stationed at Cape EHzabeth and Scarborough from July 19, 1775, five months and twenty-five days; also in Capt. William Crocker's Co., at Falmouth, March i, to Nov. 23, 1776, eight months and twenty-three days; also in Capt. Joshua Jordan's Co., Col. Jonathan Mitchell's Regt., in the Penobscot Expedition from July 7, to Sept. 25? 1779- His widow was pensioned. 131. James Hebbard Sawyer, Hernion, Me. Brother of Merrick Sawyer. See No. 130. 132. David Blethen Sawyer, Lewiston, Me. Brother of Merrick Sawyer. See No. 130. 133. William Henry True, Portland, Me, Son of Solomon and Mary N. (Morse) True, grand- son of Joseph and Mary (Purington) Morse. Joseph Morse served as Corporal, in Capt. Nathan Watkins' Co., in Col. Edmund Phinney's Regt., for one year from April 15, 1776; also served as Corporal in Capt. J. Holden's Co., Col. Nixon's Regt., from Feb. 28, 1777, thirty-four months and three days. He was wounded at Saratoga and lost a leg. 134. William Henry True Jr., Portland, Me. Son of William Henry True. See No. 133. 135. Abiel Carter, Portland, Me. (i) Son of Jacob and Caroline Ramsdell (Stocking) Carter, grandson of Jacob and Sarah (Eastman) Carter, great-grandson of Moses and Elizabeth (Kimball) East- man. Moses Eastman was Sergt. in Capt. Baldwin's 5 66 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Co., Col. Stark's Regt. ; 2d Lieut, in Capt. Benjamin Emery's Co., N. H. Militia, and as a private in Capt. Joshua Abbott's Co., Lt. Col. Henry Gerrish's Regt., in the Northern Continental army. (2) Son of Jacob and Caroline Ramsdell (Stocking) Carter, grandson of Jacob and Sarah (Eastman) Carter. Jacob Carter served as drummer in Capt. Joshua Abbott's Co., Col. John Stark's Regt., from April 24, 1775, eight months; also in Capt. Benjamin Emery's Co., Col. Nahum Baldwin's Regt., in 1776; also served as a drummer in Capt. Joshua Abbott's Co., Lt. Col. Henry Gerrish's Regt., at Saratoga. 136. John William Dodge Carter, Portland, Me. Brother of Abiel Carter. See No. 135. 137- John Gushing Merrill, Portland, Me- Son of Jonathan C and Sarah (Joy) Merrill, grandson of Roger and Dorothy (Gushing) Merrill. Roger Mer- rill served as a private in Capt. John Pearson's Co., Lieut. Col. Putnam's Regt., from Sept. 2, to Dec. 8, 1781. 138. Albion Keith, Portland, Me. Son of Freedom and Sarah (Chandler) Keith, grand- son of Isaac and Betsey (Keith) Keith. Isaac Keith enlisted for the war as a private soldier in the 8th Mass. Regt. 139. Frank. Willard Palmer, Portland, Me. Son of John Emery and Ann Irene (McDaniel) Pal- mer, grandson of Benjamin and Nancy (Fogg) McDan- iel, great-grandson of Samuel and Ruth (Lane) Fogg. Samuel Fogg was a private soldier in Capt. Mark Wig- gin's Co., Col. Long's Regt.; and enlisted Sept. 30, 1775. Nov. 22, 1775, he was mustered at Portsmouth, N. H., THE MAINE SOCIETY. 6/ as a soldier in Capt. Stephen Clark's Co., New Hamp- shire Line. July 21, 1777, he was in Capt. Stephen Dear- born's Co., Col. Thomas Stickney's Regt., which joined Gen. Stark's Northern Continental army. April i, 1778, he enlisted in Capt. Ezekiel Worthen's Co., Col. Stephen Peabody's Regt., and served in Rhode Island until Dec. 30, 1778. 140. Fred Howard Palmer, Portland, Me. Brother of Frank Willard Palmer, see No. 139. 141. Frank Mayhew Talbot, Tacoma, Washington. (i) Son of John Coffin and Clara Antoinette (Wass) Talbot, grandson of John Coffin and Mary ( Foster ) Tal- bot, great-grandson of John and Phebe (Burr) Foster, great-great-grandson of Benjamin Foster. For Benja- min Foster's services, see No. 9. (2) Son of John Coffin and Clara Antoinette (Wass) Talbot, grandson of John Coffin and Mary (Foster) Tal- bot, great-grandson of Peter and Lucy (Hammond) Tal- bot, great-great-grandson of Peter and Abigail (Wheeler) Talbot. For services of Peter Talbot, see No. 81, (i). 142. George Francis Thurston, Portland, Me. Son of Brown and Harriet (Chapman) Thurston. See No. 42. 143. Frederic Brunel, Portland, Me. (i) Son of Alphonso and Lydia (Gorton) Brunei, grandson of Daniel and Lydia (Peirce) Gorton, great- grandson of Aaron and Hannah (Greenwood) Peirce, great-great-grandson of James and Lydia ( King) Green- wood, great-great-great-grandson of Daniel and Sarah (Adams) Greenwood. Daniel Greenwood was a mem- ber of committee to propose measures in opposition to 68 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. the Stamp Act and other grievances ; also a member of committee to pay the soldiers of the Continental army. (2) Son of Alphonso and Lydia (Gorton) Brunei, grandson of Daniel and Lydia (Peirce) Gorton, great- grandson of Aaron and Hannah (Greenwood) Peirce, great-great-grandson of Dea. Ebenezer and Mary (Stowe) Peirce. Dea. Ebenezer Peirce was a member of the committee to consider grievances imposed by British Parliament ; a member of the Committee of Safety and Correspondence ; a member of the committee to pay soldiers of the Continental army ; and a member of the Committee on Articles of Confederation. (3) Son of Alphonso and Lydia (Gorton) Brunei, grandson of Daniel and Lydia (Peirce) Gorton, great- grandson of Aaron and Hannah (Greenwood) Peirce, great-great-grandson of James and Lydia (King) Green- wood, great-great-great-grandson of Capt. Henry and Abigail (Greene) King. Capt. Henry King was a repre- sentative to the General Court and a delegate to the Provincial Congress. His son served in the Continen- tal army. (4) Son of Alphonso and Lydia (Gorton) Brunei, grandson of Daniel and Lydia (Peirce) Gorton, great- grandson of Aaron and Hannah (Greenwood) Peirce, great-great-grandson of Capt. James and Lydia (King) Greenwood. Capt. James Greenwood was a member of the committee to care for families of Continental sol- diers ; a member of the Committee of Correspondence Inspection and Safety; also a member of the committee to raise troops for the Continental army. 144. Elias Francis Goff, , Portland, Me. Son of Barzillai and Lydia (Humphrey) Goff, grand- son of William and (Muchniore) Goff, great-grand- THE MAINE SOCIETY. 69 son of William and Anna (Morse) Goff. William Goff participated in the battle of Bunker Hill, using a musket which he used at Quebec, in the British service, in Sept. 1759, He subsequently enlisted for three years, and was killed Oct. 4, 1777, while serving in Capt. Hancock's Co., of Col. Vose's Regt. 145. Algernon Martin Roak, Auburn, Me. (i) Son of William D. and Ann S. (Wagg) Roak, grandson of William and Mercy (Davis) Roak, great- grandson of Martin and Elizabeth (Lawrence) Rourke. Martin Rourke enlisted early in the Revolutionary war and served as a private and a Sergeant. His widow received a pension for his services. (2) Son of William D. and Ann S. (Wagg) Roak, grandson of William and Elizabeth (Miller) Wagg, great- grandson of James and Rhoda (Gould) Wagg. James Wagg served as a private in Capt. Hart Williams' Co., Col. Edmund Phinney's Regt., enlisting Jan. i, 1776. 146. Harry Morris Gardner, East Machias, Me. Son of Cyrus S. and Abigail S. (Harmon) Gardner, grandson of Ebenezer and Sally ( Albee) Gardner, great- grandson of William and Ellen ( Dillaway) Albee. Wil- liam Albee was Third Lieutenant in a company of Artil- lery commanded by Capt. John Preble and connected with Col. John Allen's Regt., and served at Machias from May 18, 1777, to May i, 1781, and possibly to July 11, 1783, when Col. Allen was mustered out. 147. Frederick Bradford Sands, Lewiston, Me. (i) Son of James and Caroline (Bradford) Sands, grandson of William and Eunice (Clark) Bradford, great- grandson of William and Hannah (Parker) Bradford, "JO SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. great-great-grandson of Samuel and Grace (Ring) Brad- ford. Samuel Bradford of Duxbury, Mass., was Capt. of the Duxbury company of militia, in Col. Warren's Regt., at the Lexington Alarm, April 19, 1775. He also commanded a company in Col. Cotton's Regt., at the battle of Bunker Hill, and served until Oct. 7, 1775. He was also in the battle of Trenton and Princeton, and re- turning home on account of impaired health, he died Feb. 17, 1777. (2) Son of James and Caroline (Bradford) Sands, grandson of William and Eunice (Clark) Bradford, great- grandson of William and Hannah ( Parker) Bradford. William Bradford, born Nov. 25, 1775, served in his father's company. 148. Edwin Martin Foster, Oakland, Me. Son of Martin Andrew and H. Posilla (Marrow) Fos- ter, grandson of Oliver and Lydia (Perkins) Foster, great-grandson of Stewart and Jerusha (Wadsworth) Foster. Stewart Foster was in Oliver Colburn's Co., Col. Arnold's Regt., enlisting July 25, 1775. He was taken prisoner and confined on an English prison ship, but escaped. 149. Edward Shirley Erving McLellan, Portland, Me. (i) Son of Jacob and Mary Jane (Ilsley) McLellan, grandson of William and Anna Choate (Burnham) McLellan, great-grandson of Capt. William McLellan. Capt. William McLellan was one of the Committee of Correspondence and Inspection at Falmouth in 1775, and Captain of the transport-sloop Centurion, that car- ried Capt. Peter Warren's Falmouth Company to the Penobscot River, in the Bagaduce Expedition in 1779. His brother, Joseph McLellan, was also one of the Com- mittee in 1775, and was the Commissary of Supplies in THE MAINE SOCIETY. 71 the Bagaduce Expedition. His son, Hugh McLellan, was a corporal in Capt. Peter Warren's Company. (2) Son of Jacob and Mary Jane (Ilsley) McLellan, grandson of Henry and Elizabeth R. (McLellan) Ilsley; great-grandson of Daniel and Mary (Jones) Ilsley. Daniel Ilsley was a member of the Committee of Cor- respondence and Inspection at Falmouth in 1775, He was in command at Falmouth in 1775 ; also served as Major under Col. Jonathan Mitchell and Gen. Frye, and was mustering officer until at least 1780. He was a delegate to the Convention of Massachusetts that adopt- ed the national Constitution ; a representative to the General Court in 1793 and 1794: and in 1806 was chosen a representative to Congress from the District of Maine. His father, Isaac Ilsley, was in the Louisburg Expedition. [50. Charles Freeman Libby. Portland Me. (i) Son of James Brackett and Hannah Catharine (Morrell) Libby, grandson of Moses and Mary (Wise) Morrell, great-grandson of Daniel and Hannah (Hub- bard) Wise. Daniel Wise was a seaman on board sloop of war Ranger, Capt. John Paul Jones, during Capt Jones' celebrated cruise in the British Channel. When Capt. Jones was transferred to the Bon Homme Richard. Daniel Wise remained in the Ranger, now commanded by Capt. Elijah Hull, of Portsmouth. He served also on a privateer, and received a pension for his services. (2) Son of James Brackett and Hannah Catharine (Morrell) Libby, grandson of Moses and Mary (Wise) Morrell, great-grandson of Daniel and Hannah (Hub- bard) Wise, great-great-grandson of James Hubbard. Capt. James Hubbard was chosen a member of the Com- mittee of Correspondence at Wells, May 24, 1773 ; also 72 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Mar. 21, 1774, he was appointed a member of a Com- mittee to consider " our relations with England." He commanded a Company raised in Kennebunk for eight months' service. The Company marched to Cambridge, and Capt. Hubbard died there while in command of his Company. 151. LoRA Daniel Dennett, Saco. Me. Son of Daniel and Abigail (Gilpatric) Dennett, grand- son of Clement and Mar\- i Lea\-itt) Dennett, great- grandson of David and Dolly (Downing) Dennett. David Dennett enlisted at Falmouth as a private sol- dier, Feb. I, 1776, in Capt. Hoopers Company, and served until his death, August 20, 1777. 152. Frederick Julian Ilslev, Portland, Me. Son of Frederick and Charlotte A. (Gordon) Ilsley, grandson of Henry and Elizabeth R. (McLellan) Ilsley, great-grandson of Daniel and Mary (Jones) Ilsley. For the services of Daniel Ilsley, see No. 149 (2 ). 153. William Goodwin Davis, Portland, Me. Son of William and Marj- (Waterhouse) Da\-is, grand- son of Nicholas Da\'is. Nicholas Davis enlisted as a private in Capt. Jeremiah Hills' Co., Col. Edmund Phin- ney's Regt., Massachusetts Bay Forces, Jan. i, 1776, and re-enlisted Dec. i, 1776. He received a pension nnder the act of iSiS. 154. Joshua Davis, Portland, Me. Brother of William Goodwin Davis. See 153. 155. John Haskell Fogg, Portland. Me. Son of Daniel and Joanna (Files) Fogg, grandson of Moses and Hannah i^Libby) Fogg. Moses Fogg served THE MAINE SOCIETY. 73 as a Lieutenant in Capt. Benjamin Larrabee's Company of Massachusetts Militia in Oct. 1776, employed in building a fort at Falmouth under the supervision of Col. Jonathan Mitchell ; and performed other services, for which his widow received a pension. 156. Albert Staples Mitchell, Portland, Me. Son of John and Lydia (Mitchell) Mitchell, grand, son of Job and Sarah (Stanford) Mitchell. Job Mitchell served as a private in Capt. John Wentworth's Co., Col. Peter Noyes' Regt., eight months in 1777, a part of the time at Cape Elizabeth, and afterward in connection with the capture of Burgoyne. His widow received a pension. 157. Charles Baker Mitchell, Portland, Me. Son of Albert Staples Mitchell. See No. 156. [Errors and desired changes in the Roll of Members should be reported to the Secretary.] SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. OFFICERS OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY: PRESIDENT GENERAL. General Horace Porter, 15 Broad Street, New York City. VICE-PRESIDENTS GENERAL. Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, ll.d., New York City. Hon. Henry M. Shepard, Chicago, 111. Gen. J. C. Breckinridge, U. S. A., Washington City. Hon. Henry C. Robinson, Hartford, Conn. Col. Thomas M. Anderson, U. S. A., Oregon. SECRETARY GENERAL. Franklin Murphy, Newark, N. J. TREASURER GENERAL. C. W. Haskins, 2 Nassau Street, New York City. REGISTRAR GENERAL. A. Howard Clark, Smithsonian Institution, Washington City. HISTORIAN GENERAL. Henry Hall, New York City. CHAPLAIN GENERAL. Rt. Rev. Chas. Edw. Cheney, d.d., Chicago, 111. CONSTITUTION. (As amended at the Congress of the National Society, at Chicago, June 16,1893.) ARTICLE I. NAME. The name of this Society shall be " The Sons of the American Revolution." ARTICLE IL OBJECTS. The objects of this Society shall be to perpetuate the memory of the men, who, by their services or sacrifices during the war of the American Revolution, achieved the Independence of tlie American people; to unite and pro- mote fellowship among their descendants ; to inspire them and the community at large with a more profound reverence for the principles of the government founded by our fore- fathers ; to encourage historical research in relation to the American Revolution ; to acquire and preserve the records of the individual services of the patriots of the war, as well as documents, relics and landmarks ; to mark the scenes of the Revolution by appropriate memorials ; to celebrate the anniversaries of the prominent events of the war ; to foster true patriotism ; to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom ; and to carry out the purposes expressed in the Preamble to the Constitution of our Country and the injunctions of Washington in his fare- well address to the American people. yS SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP. Section i. — Any man shall be eligible to membership in this Society, who, being of the age of twenty-one years or over, and a citizen of good repute in the community, is the lineal descendant of an ancestor, who was at all times unfailing in his loyalty to and rendered actual service in the cause of American Independence, either as an officer, soldier, seaman, marine, militiaman or minute man, in the armed forces of the Continental Congress or of any one of the several Colonies or States ; or as a Signer of the Declaration of Independence ; or as a member of a Com- mittee of Safety or Correspondence ; or as a member of any Continental, Provincial or Colonial Congress or Legis- lature ; or as a civil officer, either of one of the Colonies or States or of the National Government ; or as a recognized patriot who performed actual service by overt acts of resistance to the authority of Great Britain. Sec. 2. — Applications for membership shall be made to any State Society, in duplicate, upon blank forms pre- scribed by the General Board of Managers, and shall in each case set forth the name, occupation and residence of the applicant, his line of descent, and the name, residence and services of his ancestor or ancestors in the Revolution, from whom he derives eligibility. The applicant shall make oath that the statements of his application are true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. Upon the ap- proval of an application by the State Society, to which it is made, one copy shall be transmitted to the Registrar Gen- eral of the National Society, who shall examine further the eligibility of the applicant. If satisfied that the member THE MAINE SOCIETY. 79 is not eligible, he shall return the application for correc- tion. No election of a new member shall be valid, unless his eligibility shall be approved by the Registrar General. Sec. 3. — A State Society may provide for life member- ships by the payment into its treasury of a sum, in com- mutation of actual dues, not less than fifty dollars. Sec. 4. — The official designation of the members of the Society of the Sons of the American Revolution shall be " Compatriots." ARTICLE IV. NATIONAL AND STATE SOCIETIES. Section i. — The National Society shall embrace all the members of the State Societies of the Sons of the Amer- ican Revolution, now existing or which may hereafter be established under this Constitution. Sec. 2. — Whenever in any State or Territory, in which a State Society does not exist, or in which a State Society has become inactive or failed for two years to pay its annual dues to the National Society, fifteen or more per- sons duly qualified for membership in this Society may associate themselves as a State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, and organize in accordance with this Constitution, they may be admitted by the General Board of Managers to the National Society as "The Society of the Sons of the American Revolution," and shall there- after have exclusive local jurisdiction in the State or Terri- tory or in the district in which they are organized, subject to the provisions of this Constitution ; but this provision shall not be construed, so as to exclude the admission of members livins: in other States. 80 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Sec. 3. — Each State Society shall judge of the qualifi- cations of its members and of those proposed for member- ship, subject to the provisions of this Constitution, and shall regulate all matters pertaining" to its own affairs. It shall have authority to establish local chapters witliin its own jurisdiction and to endow the chapters with such power as it may deem proper, not inconsistent with this Constitution. It shall have authority, after due notice and impartial trial, to expel any member, who. by conduct unbecoming a gentleman, shall render himself unworthy to remain a member of the Society. Sec. 4. — Each State Society shall submit to the Annual Congress of the National Society a report, setting forth by name the additions, transfers and deaths, and any other changes in the membership and progress of the State Society during the preceding year, and make such sugges- tions, as it shall deem proper, for the promotion of the objects of the whole order. Sec 5. — Whenever a member, in good standing in his Society, changes his residence from the jurisdiction of the State Society of which he is a member, to that of another, he shall be entitled, if he so elects, to a certificate of hon- orable demission from his own State Society, in order that he may be transferred to the State Society to whose juris- diction he has changed his residence ; provided, that his membership shall continue in the former until he shall have been elected a member of the latter. Each State Society shall, however, retain full control of the admission of members by transfer. Sec 6. — Wherever the word "State" occurs in this Constitution, it shall be held to include within its meaning the District of Columbia and the Territories of the United States. THE MAINE SOCIETY. 83 2. The President and Senior Vice-President of each State Society. 3. One delegate at large from each State Society. 4. One delegate for every one hundred members of the Society within a State and for a fraction of fifty or over. ARTICLE VIII. AMENDMENTS. This Constitution may be altered or amended at any meeting of the Congress of the National Society, provided that sixty days' notice of the proposed alterations or amendments, which shall first have been recommended by a State Society, shall be sent by the Secretary General to the President of each State Society. A vote of two-thirds of those present shall be necessary to its adoption. THE MAINE SOCIETY, 8l ARTICLE V. OFFICERS AND MANAGERS. Section i. — The General Officers of the National So- ciety shall be a President General, five Vice-Presidents General, a Secretary General, Treasurer General, Registrar General, Historian General and Chaplain General, who shall be elected by ballot by a vote of the majority of the members present at the annual meeting of the Congress of the National Society and shall hold office for one year and until their successors shall be elected. Sec. 2. — The General Officers, together with the Presi- dents of the State Societies ex-officio, shall constitute the General Board of Managers of the National Society, which Board shall have authority to adopt and promulgate the By-laws of the National Society, to prescribe the duties of the General Officers, to provide the seal, to designate and make regulations for the issue of the insignia, and to trans- act the general business of the National Society during the intervals between the sessions of the Congress. Meet- ings of the General Board may be held, after not less than ten days' notice, at the call of the President General, or, in case of his absence or inability, at the call of the Senior Vice-President General, certified by the Secretary General. Meetings shall be called at the request of seven members. At all such meetings, seven shall constitute a quorum. Sec. 3. — An Executive Committee of seven, of whom the President General shall be the Chairman, may be elected by the Board of Managers, which Committee shall, in the interim between the meetings of the Board, transact such business as shall be delegated to it by the Board of Manaerers. 82 SONS OF TllK AMERICAN KICVOLUTION. ARTICLE VI. DUES. Ivich State Society shall pay annually to the Treasurer General, to defray the exjienscs of the National Society, fifty cents for each active member thereof, unless inter- mitted by the National Congress. All such dues shall be paid on or before the first day of April in each year for the ensuing year, in order to secure representation in the Con- gress of the National Society. ARTICLE VII. MEETINGS AND ELECTIONS. Section i. — The annual Congress of the National Society for the election of the General Officers and for the transaction of business, shall he held on the 30th day ot AjM-Jl, or on the first day of May, in every year. The time, hour and place of such meeting shall be designated by the Board of Managers. Sec. 2 — Special meetings of the Congress may be called by the President General, and shall be called by him when directed so to do by the Board of Managers or whenever requested in writing so to do by at least five State Societies, on giving thirty days' notice specifying the time and [ilace of such meeting and the business to be transacted. Sec. 3. — The following shall be members of all such annual or special meetings of the Congress and shall be entitled to vote therein : I. All the officers and the e.x-Presidents General of the National Society. THE MAINE SOCIETY. Palmer, Palmer, Perkins, Pingree, Pingree, Pingree, Plaisted, Plaisted, Plaisted, Frank Willard Fred Howard John Warren Luther Farrar Frank R. A. Malcolm Cameron Appleton Heath James Washington Sheridan Quinby, Isaac Franklin Rand, George Doane Reed, Parker McCobb Rice, Henry Freeman Rice, John Olin Roak, Algernon Martin Robinson, Edward Hreck Robinson, Edward W. Russell, Henry Moses Sands, Frederick Bradford Sawyer, David Blethen Sawyer, James Hibbard Sawyer, Merrick Shaw, George Roscoe Sleeper, Frank Eugene Small, Alfred Thomas Small, Lauriston Ward Smith, Gideon Stinson Smith, William Henry Soule, Edmund Pratt Spalding, James Alfred Spear, David Dana Staples, Nathaniel Willis Stewart, John Conant Sturtevant, Walter Henry T'albot, Archie Lee Talbot, Francis Loring Talbot, Frank Mayhew Talbot, George Foster Talbot, John Coffin Taylor, Henry Robert Thompson, Joseph Porter Thorndike, John Brooks Thurston, Brown Thurston, George Francis Thurston, Samuel Tobie, Leroy Harmon Tower, Frederic Lincoln True, George Willard True, William Henry True, Wm. Henry jr. Vinton, Warren Howard Vose, Edward Faxon Portland Portland Portland Cape Elizabeth Boston, Mass. Portland Waterville Portland Waterville Westbrook Portland Bath Gray Portland Auburn Portland Portland Portland Lewiston Lewiston Hermon South Thomaston Portland Sabattus Yarmouthville Brooklyn, N. Y. Wayne Raymond Village Freeport Portland Freeport Portland York Corner Richmond Lewiston East Machias Tacoma, Wash. Portland P^ast Machias Machias Portland Portland Portland Portland Portland Portland Portland Portland Portland Portland Gray Portland 87 No. 139 140 23 24 39 44 87 "5 30 no 112 86 145 55 118 147 132 131 130 35 100 53 45 12 98 108 32 88 121 47 5 III 84 141 17 10 76 68 42 142 99 142 129 58 50 ^33 134 19 70 88 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Vose, Edwin Howard Wentworth, Mark Fernald Wilder, Elijah Gushing Williamson, Joseph Wood, Marshall William, Woodbury, Clinton Aaron Calais Kittery Calais Belfast Fort, Preble Deering No. 43 124 79 28 69 REVOLUTIONARY ANCESTORS. Name. Born. Birthplace. No. Adams, Nathan 1751 Ipswich Mass. 94(0 Albee, William 1745 i< 146 Allen, John 1746 Edinburgh, Scotl'd 52 Bangs, Dean 1756 Brewster Mass. 33 U) Baxter, Elihu Norwich Vt. 37 Bartol, (leorge 1750 Freeport Me. 91 Bessey, Joseph Middleborough Mass. 19 Bird, Benjamin Watertown " 36 Bradbury, Elijah 1750 Buxton Me. lOI Bradford, Samuel 1730 Duxbury Mass. 147(1) Brown, Benjamin 1751 Rowley " 42(2) 93(2) Burbank, Silas Scarborough Me. Burnham, James 1710 Wells " 16(1) Burrage, William 1731 Leominster Mass. 1(1) Butler, Phinehas 1732 Framingham " 7 Campbell, John 1762 Norton Mass. 48 Carter, Jacob Concord N. H. 135 (2) Chase, Josiah 126 (2) Cheney, William Marlow N. H. 67 Clap, Joshua 1752 Hardwick Mass. 3\ . Clark, l<:zra 1716 Northamj)ton " 25(4) Clark, Ezra jr. 1745 Northampton " 25(5) Clarke, Jonas 1730 Lexington « i«(3) Cole, Eleazer 1747 Bridgewater " 6(3) Corey, Ebenezer 1756 West RoxI:)ury " 3(0 Crane, John •744 Milton " 61(2) Cross, Ralph 1738 Newliuryport " 28(2) Curtis, Caleb '755 Topsham Me. 88 Cushing, Ezekiel 1749 Falmouth " 26(2) Cushing, Eoring 1721 Provincetown Mass. 26(3) Dayton, Elias 1737 Elizabeth N.J. 2 Davis, Nicholas 153 Denio, Seth 1736 Deerfield Mass. 29(0 De Witt, John 1718 Kingston N. Y. 14(0 Doane, Elisha 1725 Weil fleet Mass. 30 Drake, Ebenezer 1734 Bridgewater " 27(0 Dunham, James 1754 Bridgewater " 41 LofC. MEMBERS. Adams, John Milton Allan, Geo. Herman Allan, Nelson Sargent Allen, Geo. Edwin Bangs, Dennis Milliken Bangs, Isaac Sparrow Banks, Charles Edward Banks, Esreff Hill Baxter, James Phinney Boyd, Charles Harrod Bradbury, Henry Knight Brown, George Edwin Brown, Harrison Bird Brunei, Frederic Bryant, Hubbard Winslow Burnham, Edward Payson Burrage, Henry Sweetser Butler, Albert Wheaton Butler, Edward Anson Carter, Abiel Carter, John W. D. Chandler, John Ulmer Clapp, Charles Porter Clark, Isaac Fowle Clark, Seth Francis Cook, Joshua Osgood Corey, Eben Dam, Charles Ford Davis, Edgar Foster Davis, Joseph Edes Davis Joshua Davis William Goodwin Denio, Francis Bridgham Dennett, Lora D. DeWitt, John Evert Dow Frederick Neal Drake, Edwin Standish Drummond, Chas. Lathrop Drummond, Everett Rich'd Drummund, Josiah Hayden Drummond, Josiah H., jr. Dunham, Rufus King Fillebrown, Thomas Fobes, Charles Scott Fobes, Leander Webster Forbes, Arthur Elbridge Deering Portland Dennysville Sanford Waterville Waterville Portland Biddeford Portland P'ortland Mollis Portland Portland Portland Portland Saco Portland Rockland Rockland Portland Portland Machias Portland Oak dale Oakdale Portland Portland Portland State College, Pa. P'reeport Portland Portland Bangor Saco Portland Portland Portland Portland Waterville Portland Portland Bryant's Pond Portland Portland Portland Paris No. 94 6 1 52 66 34 33 91 54 37 2 lOI 36 40 143 II 16 I 135 136 64 31 117 95 116 3 71 9 106 154 153 29 151 14 108 27 82 59 4 21 41 22 72 73 104 86 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Foss, Varnum Richardson Foster, Edwin Martin Frank, Melvin Porter Freeman, William French, George Foster Frisbee, Ivory Franklin Gardner, Harry Morris Goff, Elias Francis Goodale, Benjamin Nourse Goodhue, Charles Quincy Goodhue, Daniel Goodwin, William Augustus Goold, Nathan Gordon, Seth Chase Harmon, Charles Cobb Harmon, Zebulon King Harris, Austin Harris, Herbert Haskell, Edwin Tames Haskell, Frank Hazelton, Franklin Herbert Hibbard, David Sutherland House, Charles James Howe, George ^iilton Ilsley, Frederick Julian Jones, Charles Folsom Jordan, Fritz Hermann Keazer, James Keith, Albion King, Alfred King, Joseph Addison King, Marquis Fayette Lapham, Wm. Berry Larrabee, Charles Church Libby, Charles Freeman Libby, George Henry Locke, Ira Stephen Locke, Joseph Alvah MaUng, Henry Martyn Maling, Walter Bosworth Manning, Prentice Cheney Marston John Piper Mavberrv, Fred Newton Mc'Lellah, Edward S. E. Merrill, John Gushing Moody Frank Burr Morse, Charles Frederic Moses, Vincent Mosman, Mial Portland Oakland Portland Cherrytield Portland Lewiston Portland Saco Portland Portland Portland Portland Portland Portland Portland East Machias East Machias Westbrook Westbrook Portland East Sumner Augusta Lewiston Portland Skowhegan Portland Portland Portland Portland Portland Portland Augusta Cincinnati, Ohio Portland Portland Deering Portland Portland New York, N. Y Portland Biddeford Portland Portland Portland Deering Portland Patten Union No. 123 148 103 146 144 122 102 74 IS 126 1 28 49 8S 81 114 113 97 20 62 127 152 138 107 63 6 38 92 150 60 120 119 S9 78 67 93 75 149 137 90 125 4S So THE MAINE SOCIETY. 89 Name. Born. Birthplace No. Eames, Nathaniel 1747 Framingham Mass. 27(3) Eames, Nathaniel jr. 1703 Framingham " 27(4) Eastman, Moses 1732 Concord N. H. 135(1) Fairbanks, Joseph Templeton Mass. 155 I (4) Fairfield, William 1752 Kennebunkport Me. 78(1) Fernald, Here ides New field Mass. 71 Fillebrown, Thomas 1763 Woburn " Folsom, Jeremiah 1719 New Market (t 65 (I) P'olsom, Levi 1753 New Market (( 65(2) Foss, Levi Saco Me. 123 (2) Fogg, Moses >55 Fogg, Samuel Raymond N. H. 139 Foster, Benjamin 1726 Greenland " 9 Foster, Ebenezer jr. 1733 Brookfield Mass. 122 Foster, Stewart I7S7 Attleborough " 18 (I) Frank, James 1751 Falmouth Me. 148 Freeman, Enoch 1706 Eastham Mass. 103 Freeman, Samuel 1743 Falmouth Me. 18(2) Frisbee, James 96(1) Frisbee, Darius 96 (2) Frye, Joseph Andover Mass. 126(1) Gates, Samuel 1760 Marlborough Mass. 51 Gill, Elijah 58(2) Goff, William 144 Goodhue, Daniel jr. 1759 Ipswich Mass. 74 Goodwin, Ichabod 1743 Berwick Me. 15 Greenwood, Daniel Sutton Mass. 143(0 Greenwood, James 1730 Sutton " 143 (4) Gurney, Zachariah 1729 Abington " 27 (2) Hardenbergh, Johannes 1706 Kingston N. Y. 14(7) Harmon, Daniel Scarborough Me. 49(2) Hart, Samuel 1741 Portsmouth N. H. 26(4) Hasbrouck, Jonas 1736 New Platz N. Y. 14(5) Hayden, Josiah 1734 Braintree Mass. 4 Hazelton, Jonathan Sanford Me. 97 Hibbard, Aaron 1761 Woodstock Conn. 20 Hight, James Portsmouth N. H. 26(5) Hoornbeck, Philip 1747 Kingston N. Y. 14(3) Hovey, John 1738 Cambridge Mass. 16(3) Howe, Daniel 1751 Shrewsbury " 127 (I) Howe, Nathan 1730 Shrewsbury " 127 (2) Howe, Samuel 1719 Rutland « 25(1) Hubbard, James 150(2) Ilsley, Daniel 1740 Falmouth Me. 149(2) Jansen, Johannes 1696 Kingston N. Y. 14(2) Johnson, James Harpswell Me. 62 Jones, Nathaniel Cape Elizabeth " 46(2) Jordan, Benjamin 1738 Cape Elizabeth " 46(1) Keazer, Reuben 7 Colebrook N. H. 77(1) 90 SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Name. Born. Keith, Isaac 1755 King, Benjamin 1720 King, George 1744 King, Henry Kingsley, Azel Knowles, Jolin Lapham, John 1730 Lewis, George 1741 Libby, Samuel 1759 Lord, Tobias 1724 Marshall, Joseph '759 Marston, Abraham i759 Mayberry, Richard 1735 Maynard, William 1745 McCobb, Samuel i744 McLellan, William 1736 Merrill, Ezekiel I749 Merrill, Levi Merrill, Roger Merrill, Samuel 1728 Mitchell, Job Millett, Thomas Moody, Enoch 17 13 Morse, Joseph Mosman, Aaron 17 59 Nason, Samuel Noble, Nathan 1722 Owen, Philip 1756 Patterson, Abraham Peirce, Ebenezer 171 1 Perkins, Richard 1755 Perkins, William 1742 Pingree, Stephen 1752 Quinby, Joseph Redington, Asa 1761 Rice, Jonathan 1725 Rice, Lemuel 1756 Robbins, Asa i7S9 Rourke, Martin 1760 Sawyer, Jacob Schoonmaker, Peter 1760 Shaw, Abner 1751 Shaw, Abraham 1757 Sleeper, David 1721 Small, Samuel 1700 Smith, Ebenezer 1752 Smith, John Kilby 1753 Birthplace. Raynham Raynham Sutton Bridgewater Scituate Barnstable Scarborough Arundel Stonington Hampton Marblehead Framingham Georgetown Falmouth Newbury Cape Elizabeth Durham Salisbury Gloucester Newbury Falmouth Sudbury York New Milford Falmouth Biddeford Sutton Jefferson Boston Methuen Westbrook Boxford Framingham Scarborough Walpole No. Yarmouth Cape Elizabeth Kingston Middleborough Middlebo rough Kingston Kittery Woolwich Boston Mass. Mass. Me. Conn. N. H. Mass. Me. Mass. Me. Mass. Me. Mass. Me. Conn. Me. Me. Mass. N. H. Mass. Me. Mass. Me. Mass. Me. Me. N. Y. Mass. Me. Mass, No. 138 6(1) 6(2) 143 (3) 35(1) 50 38(1) 69 60 68(2) 105 93 (') 75(1) 108 no 94 (2) 149(1) 137 46(3) 54(1) 156 123(1) 90 133 80 66 25(3) 84(2) 119 143(2) 26 (t) 23 24 (j) "5 83 27(5) 86 in(2) 145(1) 14(8) 6(4) iii(i) 100 45(1) 5(0 98 LBde '04 THE MAINE SOCIETY. 91 Name. Soule, James Spalding, Dyer Stanford, John Stewart, Allan Stocker, Marshall Talbot, Isaac Talbot, Peter Tallman, Peleg Tarr, Daniel Barber Taylor, Hezekiah Ten Broeck, Benjamin Thompson, Benjamin Thorndike, Robert Thurston, John Thurston, David Tower, Gideon True, William True, William Tukey, Stephen Turner, Isaac Ulmer, George Upton, John Born. 1732 1755 1744 1716 1764 1754 1748 1753 1761 1757 1751 1752 1737 1754 1744 1758 Van Gaasbeck,Abraham 1753 Vose, Jeremiah 1747 Wagg, James Ward, Samuel 2d 1725 Wentworth, John 1736 Whitney, Jesse 1757 Whitten, John Whitten, Joseph ^753 Withington, Ebenezer 1751 Wilder, Theophilus 1740 Williams, Benjamin 1744 Williamson, George 1754 Wise, Daniel 1761 Wynkoop, Cornelius E. 1746 Birthplace. Plainfield Conn. Cape Elizabeth Me. Invemesshire Scotl'd Amesbury Mass. Stoughton Dorchester Tiverton Gloucester Grafton Mass. R. I. Mass. Me. Kennebunk Falmouth Rowley Mass. Rowley " Randolph " Salisbury " North Yarmouth Me. Falmouth " Ulm, Germany Fitchburg Kingston Stoughton Gorham Weymouth Kittery Gorham Salisbury Arundel Dorchester Hingham Concord Middletown Berwick Kingston Mass. N. Y. Mass. Me. Mass. Me. Mass. Me. Mass. Me. N. Y. No. 106 32 I2t 47 125 58(3) 81(1) 5(2) "3 76 14(10) 68(1) 13 M3) 42(1) 58(1) 49(0 118 25(2) 24(2) 64 1(2) 14(4) 70 145(2) 3(2) 124 II 89(1) 89(3) 55 79(1) 29(2) 28(1) 150 14(9) DEC 3" i-^«" LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 460 078 7