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Lucy Palmer (Brown) Armstrong New London, Conn. / BROWN GENEALOGY OF MANY OF THE descendants of Thomas^ John, and Eleazer Brown SONS OF Thomas and Mary (Newhall) Brown OF LYNN, MASS. 1628 — 1907 BY CYRUS HENRY BROWN (#260) BOSTON THE EVERETT PRESS COMPANY 1907 To My Only Surviving Aunt LUCY PALMER (BROWN) ARMSTRONG (258) This Volume is Affectionately Dedicated By the Author , (^^^,/p^r^-^^^-^^Z^, PREFACE. The study of family history is a subject growing in importance and in- terest from year to year, as the Hnes become more widely separated, and the individuals from whom reliable data may be obtained drift apart, and the "old homestead" becomes a memory of the past. Family traditions are easily lost in this era of hustling commercialism, and in order to pre- serve for future generations the records of the past and present the Familv Record has become a necessity, and well-nigh indispensable as a source of information. No one unacquainted with the detail of such an effort can fully appreciate the labor and time involved in the undertaking. Twelve years ago the compiler became much interested in collecting family records of the Brown family, with no thought of going further back than his great-grandfathers. As the work grew and others became inter- ested, -a starting-point was made with Thomas Brown, born in 1628, and his wife Mary Newhall, born in 1637, both of Lynn, Mass. Three of their sons, Thomas, John, and Eleazer, came to Stonington, Conn., about 1688. The town of Stonington was divided in 1807, ^-ud North Stonington was set off, with 2,700 inhabitants. The three brothers were in the southern part of North Stonington. From Wheeler's "History of Stonington" are taken four hundred numbers of the early descendants of the Brown family, taken from the town records of Stonington. There were many others also whose identity is lost, not being found on the Stonington town records. The de- scendants of these three brothers lived for about one hundred years in Stonington, removing to other towns adjacent in Connecticut and espe- cially New York State, which at that early date was comparatively a wilder- ness. While the greatest care has been taken to avoid errors, some undoubtedly have crept in, owing in part to the illegibility of some letters received; but subscribers may rest assured that the lines of descent are accurately given in all cases, and none has been inserted without proof. It is hoped that the volume will help to promote our family associations and bring in closer touch those of our kindred who are far aw'ay — and those near us, but still unknown. Some have written portions of the work in full; many have furnished facts and statistics that have been wrought into it. The author has been PREFACE assisted in this work by many, among whom should be mentioned Charles N. Brown, Esq., of Madison, Wis., who has been willing to sacrifice time and money in the effort to collect records and materially assist to complete the same for publication. His data begin with number 1216 and cover 443 pages of typewritten records which he has furnished gratuitously for this Genealogy. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Armstrong, of New London, Conn., in 1895 suggested the compiling of these records, and have furnished financial aid towards the success of this work, and to them much credit is due. Mr, . S. Eugene Brown, of Poolville, N. Y., has rendered valuable assistance. Mr. Herbert F. Bennett, Bristol, R. I.; Mr. Hosmer A. Brown, Brownsdale, Minn.; Mr. John Wheeler Brown, Blue Mound, 111.; Miss Sarah A. Deni- son. Mystic, Conn.; Miss Ellen R. Baldwin, Westerly, R. I., formerly of Brookfield, N. Y.; James R. W^alsh, Esq., St. Paul, Minn., have rendered financial support. Space forbids mentioning by name the hundreds who have furnished records of one or several families. Many who look through this Record will be transported on the silent wings of memory to the home of their youth, with kindred and friends around them, and live over again those days they will never forget. ABBREVIATIONS. b., born. d., died. dau., daughter. m., married, m. (i), married first; m. (2), married second, etc. res., resides, or residence. unm., unmarried. Wheeler, Wheeler's "History of Stonington." There are other abbreviations in the book, but well known to everybody EXPLANATIONS. After the name of a parent \vill follow their original number in paren- theses; by turning backward, his or her number will be found with their parents. The children of parents who have numbers in parentheses at the right of their names can be found by corresponding numbers carried forward. After the name of the parents of the head of a family there will follow in brackets the names of the ancestors in genealogical order. The larger part of these records was obtained by correspondence, but town records, family Bibles, and tombstones have contributed much to these data. The Brown Genealogy. I. Thomas Brown, b., Lynn, Mass., 1628. His father was Nicholas Brown, who mentions his wife Ehzabeth and Brother Preserve in his will. Nicholas was the son of Edward Brown and Jane Leids, of Inkborrow, Worcestershire, England. Mary Newhall, the wife of Thomas Brown, was the dau. of Thomas Newhall, of Lynn, Mass. Her father was one of the earliest settlers in Lynn, and lived on the east side of Federal Street, a few rods south of the mill brook, owning all the land on that side between the turnpike and Marion Street. [Lynn, Lewis & Newhall, p. 482.] Mary Newhall, b. about 1637, m. Thomas Browne, of Lynn, who was b. about 1628, according to his deposition taken July 11, 1666. [Essex Co. Court Papers, B. XHL, L. 62.] He d. Aug. 28, 1693. His widow, Mary, was appointed admin- istratrix, Oct. 9, 1683, on the same day the nuncupative will of Thomas Browne was taken down (on file in the office of the Register of Probate in Salem). He names his eldest son, Thomas, and his sons Joseph, John, Daniel, and Ebenezer, and dau. Norwood. Two depositions cited by Waters, pp. 15 and 16, show her age. Her name first appears in records as wife of Thomas Browne in 1658. "Her husband was a dish-turner and was said to be of Grawton, Middlesex, in June, 1663, when he bought of William Longley his house lot (6 acres), bounded E. with lands of Richard Haven, W. with land of John Newhall, S. by Mill Street, and N. by the common." — Woters, p. 16. The Norwood referred to in the will of Thomas Brown was his dau. Mary (9), who m. Thomas Norwood, Aug. 24, 1685, and had six children: Francis, Ebenezer, Mary, Thomas, Mary, and Jonathan. Their children, b. Lynn, Mass.: 2. Thomas, Jr., b. 'Lynn; m. there Hannah Collins, Feb. 8, 1677, and soon after moved to Stonington, Conn. 3. Mary, b. Feb. 10, 1655; d. Lynn, May 18, 1662. -'-^==~-- 4. Sarah, b. Aug. 20, 1657; d. Aug. i, 1658. -V;^ 5. Joseph, b. Feb. 16, 1658; m. Sarah Jones, Jan. 22, 1680. 6. Sarah, b. Sept. 13, 1660; d. Apr. 2, 1662. >-^ 7. Jonathan, b. and d. Apr. 12, 1662. '^*^ 8. John, b. date unknown; when a young man came to Stonington. THE BROWN GENEALOGY g. Mary, b. July 26, 1666; m. Thomas Norwood. 10. Jonathan, b. Feb. 11, 1668. 11. Eleazer, b. Aug. 4, 1670; came to Stonington at maturity. 12. Ebenezer, b. Mar. 16, 1672; d. in the year 1700. >., 13. Daniel, b. Apr. 24, 1673; d. young. "<. ■ [ twins, b. Feb. 4, 1674; both d. Feb. 7, 1674. YX' 15. Grace > 16. Daniel, b. Feb. i, 1676; bought out the rights of his three brothers, who came to Stonington and lived and died on the old Brown homestead in Lynn. Eight of this family of children died young and unmarried. Seven of them reached maturity. Four of them remained in Massachusetts, while three of them came to Stonington, Conn., before 1688. They purchased and received large tracts of land, most of which was located in the present town of North Stonington, bounded as follows: the western boundary was nearly all on Ossekonk Swamp, the northern bounds of which extended from the Ossekonk brook on the west to Shunnock River on the east, joining on the north the lands of the late Stephen Avery and lands of the Main family, to lands of the Randall family; easterly on the Randall land to the Richard- son's possessions; on the south by the Palmer family land and Miner terri- tory; and on the west by the Wheeler family land up to the said Ossekonk Swamp. Subsequent sales and purchases made by the Brown brothers, and the distribution of these lands as they and their successors have de- parted this life, have greatly changed their original possessions, and other families now dwell upon the same. John Brown (8) located his residence west of the site of the old Roswell Brown tavern years before the New London and Providence turnpike was built. On the above tract of land described is one of the oldest burying-grounds in the town, on the south of the cedar swamp from which this burying- ground takes its name. Before the New London and Providence turnpike was built a road passed by this ancient burying-ground, but after the building of the "pike" it was discontinued, making it one of the most se- cluded places that can be found to bury the dead. No interments have been made here for many years. Here are interred many of the early settlers, without headstones, and without any doubt two-of the pioneers, Thomas (2) and John (8), though it is to be regretted no headstones mark their last resting-place. This burying-place is on lands they originally purchased. Here are interred Ichabod Brown (309) and his wife Lucy (Palmer) Brown and many of their children, and all marked with marble headstones; also THE BROWN GENEALOGY. Roswell Brown (171), who m. Esther Williams (31); Thatcher Brown (175), who m., after the death of his brother Roswell, his widow Esther Brown, nee Williams; Jedediah Brown (238) and his three wives. The name Williams, that of the great-grandmother of the compiler, is perpetuated by her de- scendants through many families down to Number 697. The remains of many have been removed to the Union Cemetery, and to Elm Grove Cemetery, Mystic, Conn.; and it is hoped that all others that are marked with headstones will be removed at no distant day to the Union Cemetery. Thomas Brown (2), son of Thomas Brown and Mary Newhall, of Lynn, Mass., b. Lynn. He d., Stonington, Dec. 27, 1723; interred at the Cedar Swamp, on lands first purchased by the three Brown brothers, and probably was among the first who were interred there. The grave is unmarked. He m. Hannah Collins, Feb. 8, 1677. He built his house about forty rods north- west of the " Pond Place" house on the Anguilla Road and thirty rods west of the road. The cellar is filled six feet above the ground with a large quan- tity of stones; and down the hill is a fine living spring of water, a natural place for a pioneer to build his house. His ten children, without doubt, were born here. Twenty-one months before his death he deeded to his son Daniel (24) a large tract of land one mile east from his homestead. [Copy of Will, Appendix II. Copy of Deed to his son Daniel (24), Appendix III.] Children: 17. Samuel, b. Dec. 8, 1678. 18. Hannah, b. Dec. 5, 1680. ^ 19. Mary, b. May 26, 1683; m. Thomas York (404i-404q; see also 1216-1224). 20. Jerusha, b. Dec. 25, 1688. -^ X^o mrt. -i Cdu.'<^ ^^^ ~ 21. Sarah, b. July 11, 1689. , 22. Thomas, b. Feb. 14, 1692; m. Deborah Holdredge. . 23. Elizabeth, b. May 9, 1694. m .:Ta.vw.es pe>vAl-£tcrvv 24. Daniel, b. Oct. 9, 1696; m. Mary Breed (54-61). 25. Priscillah, b. Jan. 30, 1699. 26. Humphrey, b. Sept. 16, 1701; m. Tabitha Holdredge. John Brown (8), son of Thomas Brown and Mary Newhall his wife, b., Lynn, Mass., 1664; m., Stonington, Oct., 1692, Elizabeth Miner, b. Apr., 1674; dau. of Ephraim and Hannah (Avory) Miner and granddau. of Lieut. Thomas and Grace (Palmer) Miner. Note. — General and President Ulysses S. Grant was a lineal descendant of Thomas Miner and wife, Grace Palmer, dau. of Walter Palmer, who were among the most prominent early planters of Stonington, as follows: theirtson John Miner, b., Charles- THE BROWN GENEALOGY town, Mass., 1636, m. Elizabeth Booth, Oct. 14, 1658; their dau. Grace Miner, b. Sept. 20, 1669, m. Samuel Grant, Apr. 11, 1688; their son Noah Grant, b. Dec. 16, 1693, m. Martha Huntington, June 12, 1717; their son Noah Grant, Jr., b. July 12, 1718, m. Susannah Delano, Nov. 5, 1746; their son, Noah Grant, 3d, b. June 20, 1748, m. Rachel Kelly, Mar. 4, 1792; their son Jesse Grant, b. Jan. 23, 1794, m. Hannah Simpson, June 24, 1821; their son Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, b. Apr. 27, 1822, m. Julia B. Dent. Aug. 22, 1848. He d. July 23, 1885. — Wheeler. John Brown (8) built his house on the west portion of the lands purchased by the three Brown brothers. The well is still to be seen, one hundreds rods south of the George Wheeler house, where the compiler was born seventy- six years ago. He was a carpenter. Children: 27. John, b. July, 1693; d. Apr., 1694. 28. Jonathan, b. Mar. 15, 1695; ™- Hannah Richardson, Oct. 5, 1718. 29. Elizabeth, b. Mar., 1697; m. Samuel Miner, Dec. 3, 17 19. They had nine children. 30. Hepsibeth, b. Sept., 1699. 31. John, 2d, b. 1 701; m. (i) Elizabeth Chase, Oct. 4, 1726; m. (2) Abigail Randall, Oct., 1729. 32. Ichabod, b. Mar. 12, 1704; m. Sarah Chapman (i 19-127). [Also her Will, Appendix VIL] 33. Prudence, b. Apr. 28, 1707; m. William Hilliard, June 5, 1728. 34. Jedediah, b. Apr, 28, 1709; m., Nov. 27, 1728, Abigail Holmes, b. Feb. 28, 1703. [Note 79, 80.] 35. Mahitabel, b. Aug., 1712; m. (i), Stonington, June 13, 1731, Nathaniel Swan, b., Stonington, Apr. 13, 1709. They had seven children. She m. (2) Joseph Hewitt, b. May 2, 1731. 36. Marv, b. Aug., 1716; m. Mathew Beeton. Eleazer Brown (11), son of Thomas Brown and Mary Newhall, of Lynn, Mass., b., Lynn, Aug. 5, 1670; d., Stonington, Conn., now No. Stonington, Nov. 30, 1734; m. Ann Pendleton, Oct. 18, 1693, dau. of Capt. James and Hannah (Goodenow) Pendleton; b., Westerly, R. I., Nov. 12, 1667; d. aged sixty years. His house stood in the eastern part of lands purchased by the Brown brothers, about twenty-five rods south of the Brown Cemetery, and north of the Miner Meeting-house. Headstones were erected to their graves by the late Daniel Brown (386). Probably these were the first interments in these grounds. He was a farmer and stock-raiser. [His Will, Appendix IV.] Children: 37. Jonathan, b. July 12, 1694. f. 5*33 38. James, b. July i, 1696; m. Elizabeth Randal (69-77). 39. Eleazer, b. May 4, 1698; m. Temperance Holmes (137-147). Site of P^leazer Brown's (11) House, witli the Brown Cemetery in the Background In this quiet place, above the ashes of the lontr-tinie dead are the tablets and monuments of many of the descendants of Eleazer Brown (II) and Ann Pendleton, his wife; and James Brown (38) and Elizabeth Randall, his wife. The monument of Elder Simeon Brown, reminding the passer-by of his long ministerial service, also serves as a reminder of the obligations which an illus- trious ancestry imposes upon their descendants, even to remote lands and to remote generations. Here are interred the children of Elder Simeon, except Elder Simeon, Jr., who is interred in Brookfield, N. Y.; James Brown and wife, and a number of his children and grandchildren ; Dolly Brown and husband, Asa Baldwin ; Jeptha Brown, wife and children ; Dea. Josiah and wife, Deborah Griffin, and many of their descendants; Mathew Brown and wife, Elizabeth, and their son Mathew and wife, Lucy A. Denison ; also Elder Eleazer Brown, pastor of the First Baptist Church ; and many others of lineal descent. Burrows Homestead Mystic, Conn, THE BROWN GENEALOGY 40. Annah, b. Feb. i, 1700; m. Dea. Thomas Main (804-812). 41. Ebenezer, b. June 28, 1702; m. Elizabeth Main (795). 42. Mary, b. Nov. 28, 1703; m. Elder Wait Palmer (813-819). 43. Hannah, b. Dec. 12, 1705; m. William Wilcox (819a). 44. Patience, b. Dec. 28, 1704; m. Clement West, Dec. 17, 1735. 45. Abigail, b. June 3, 1712; m. James Pendleton, Mar. 22, i73i.j!c».A>v 46. Ruth, b. June 30, 17 14; m. Benj. Randall, at Stonington, 1733. Thomas Brown (22), son of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown, b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 14, 1692; m. Deborah Holdredge, Oct. 4, 1715. Children: 47. Thomas, b. Apr. 15, 1717. 48. William, b. July 9, 17 19. 49. Deborah, b. May 30, 1721. 50. Dorothy, b. Feb. 20, 1724. 51. Jesse, b. Aug. 18, 1731. 52. Samuel, b. July 14, 1734. 53. Lois, b. Sept. i, 1736; mi Israel Palmer (820,821). Daniel Brown (24), son of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown, b., Stonington, Conn., Oct. 9, 1696; d. Aug. 30, 1771, in the seventy-fifth year of his age. Interment on the Christopher Brown farm, two miles south of Pendleton Hill. M., first, Mary Breed, dau. of John and Mary (Palmer) Breed, June 21, 1721. She d. 1744. The marriage certificate says: "Mar- ried, June 21, 1 72 1, by Rev. Hezekiah Lord, Pastor of the Church in Preston, Conn." M., second. Prudence, who d. Dec. 2, 1768, aged sixty- nine years. She had no children. In 1722 his father, Thomas (2), deeded to his son a tract of land about one mile east from his homestead [see origi- nal Deed, Appendix II.], nine months after his marriage to Mary Breed. Here Daniel and Mary built their house. The original site of the house is seen by the cut, where on the same spot Nathan (60), his son, erected a new house. -^^ We find that Daniel (24) removed to the north part of the town, near his son Capt. Christopher (59). He was active in church work, living in the immediate vicinity where the First Baptist Meeting-house was built; in Stonington he and Thomas Holmes gave the land on which it was erected. The church was organized in 1743. Probably the first interments on the Christopher Brown farm were his first wife, Mary (Breed) Brown, in 1744; afterwards, his second wife. Prudence, in 1768; Daniel, in 1771. Their headstones were imported from England. This burying-ground is enclosed by a heavy stone wall. Years ago this enclosure of the dead is said to have 13 THE BROWN GENEALOGY been well kept; at present the grounds need attention, where these honored dead rest. Children: 54. Samuel, b. Oct. 14, 1722 (184-189). 55. Daniel, b. Mar. 20, 1725 (i78-i83f). 56. Walter, b. Feb,. 21, 1728; m. Elizabeth. She d. June 15, 1768, aged thirty-eight years. 57. Amos, b. Oct. 28, 1730 (4006-4019). 58. Desire, b. July 5, 1733. ^ P^. ,10^0^ 59. Christopher, b. Mar. 12, 1736; m. Margaret Holmes (104-111). 60. Nathan, b. June 20, 1738; m. Lydia Dewy (200-209). 61. Nehemiah, b. July 11, 1740; m. Rebecca Lewis, of Westerly (112- 118). Jonathan Brown (28), son of John (8) and Elizabeth (Miner) Brown, b., Stonington, Conn., Mar. 15, 1695; m., Stonington, Oct. 5, 1718, Hannah Richardson, b. Aug. 30, 1695; dau. of Samuel and Anna (Cheseborough) Richardson and granddau. of Amos and Mary Richardson, of Boston and Stonington. Children: 62. Nathaniel, b. Aug. 28, 17 19 (96-103). 63. Jonathan, b. Aug. 14, 1721. 64. Stephen, b. Sept. 5, 1723; d. Aug. i, 1725. 65. Hepzabeth, b. May 8, 1726. 66. James, b. Jan. 28, 1728; m. Abigail Utley (353a-353h). 67. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 26, 1730. 68. Jonathan, b. June 24, 1732. James Brown (38), son of Eleazer (11) and Ann (Pendleton) Brown, b, Stonington, Conn., July i, 1696; d. Feb. 2, 1750, aged fifty-five years; m. Elizabeth Randall, May 5, 17 18, by Rev. James Noyes, of Stonington. She was b. July 4, 1696; d. Aug. 25, 1786, aged ninety-one years. Interment in Brown Cemetery. His wife Elizabeth was the dau. of John Randall and Abigail , whose family name and birth does not appear on record. She was the granddau. of John Randall, the progenitor of the Randall family of Westerly, R. I., and Stonington, Conn. His name first appears at New- port, R. I., from which place he came to Westerly as early as 1667, where the remainder of his life was spent. The Randall land was about four miles northeast of Stonington Borough, known as Angwilla and considered the finest land of the tow^n. These lands join on the north the lands of Thomas Brown (2), and have been in the Randall name as late as 1875. These 14 THE BROWN GENEALOGY farms now, in 1906, are mostly owned by Elias Miner (1164) and his sons. The Randall families were highly respected and progressive, ranking high in moral character, and prominent citizens of the town. Children, b. Stonington: 69. James, Jr., b. Jan. 29, 1719; d. Dec. 24, 1741. 70. Dau. (twin), b. and d. Oct. 22, 1720. 71. Thankful (twin), b. Oct. 22, 1720; m. Jeremiah Main (822-828). 72. Simeon, b. Jan. 31, 1723; m. Dorothy Hern (275-281). 73. Ann, b. Mar. 23, 1728. 74. Zebulon, b. Nov. 20, 1730; m. Anna Main (373-382). 75. Elizabeth, b. July 31, 1732; m. Timothy Main (829-836). 76. Abigail, b. Apr. 23, 1737. 77. Joshua, b. Apr. 8, 1740; m. Joanna Rogers (282-290). Ebenezer Brown (41), son of Eleazer (11) and Ann (Pendleton) Brown, b., Stonington, Conn., June 28, 1702; d. Mar. 4, 1725; m. Elizabeth Main (795)> Apr. 5, 1723. Son: 78. David, b. Feb. 23, 1724. Jedediah Brown (34), son of John (8) and Elizabeth (Miner) Brown, b. Apr. 28, 1709; d. Jan. 15, 1732; m., Nov. 27, 1728, Abigail Holmes, b. Feb. 28, 1703; d. June 6, 1732. She was the dau. of Joshua Holmes, b. Aug. 20, 1678, who lived with his father's family in Westerly, R. I. During his youth and young manhood, and before he reached his majority, he be- came acquainted with Miss Fear Sturgess, of Yarmouth, Mass., whose house he often visited with increasing pleasure, until they were married, Nov. 21, 1698. Miss Sturgess was the dau. of Edward Sturgess, who came to this country from England to Charlestown, Mass., in 1634, and settled in Yarmouth. Mr. Holmes bought large tracts of land in Stonington, Conn., now No. Stonington, near Wyassup Pond, upon which he built a dwelling- house which he occupied during life. They had nine children. Thomas Holmes, their son, is mentioned with Daniel Brown (24) as giving the land for the First Baptist Church, now No. Stonington. Children of Jedediah and Abigail (Holmes) Brown: 79. Jedediah, Jr.,^.b. Mar. 14, 1729 (168-177). 80. Lucian, b. Oct. 20, 1730. Humphrey Brown (26), son of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown, b., Stonington, Conn., Sept. 16, 1701; m. Tabitha Holdredge, July 22, 1724. Children: 81. Humphrey, b. Aug. 13, 1725. IS THE BROWN GENEALOGY 82. Tabitha, b. Nov. 23, 1727. 83. Gershom, b. Aug. 29, 1729. 84. Mary, b. Sept. 24, 1731. 85. Content, b. Aug. 20, 1733. ' • 86. Eunice, b. July 26, 1736. 87. Reuben, b. Aug. 20, 1738 (3885-3891). Thomas Brown (22), son of Thomas (2) and Hannah (ColHns) Brown, b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 14, 1692; m. (i) Deborah Holdredge, Oct. 4, 1715; after the death of first wife, m. (2), Mar. 29, 1753, Sarah Randall. Children by second m. : 90. Wealthy, b. Oct. 19, 1753. 91. Lucy, b. Mar. 9, 1755. 92. Samuel, b. Nov. 16, 1757. 93. Sarah, b. Oct. i, 1758. 94. Perez, b. Oct. 2, 1760. 95. Abel, b. Aug. 7, 1762. Nathaniel Brown (62), son of Jonathan (28) and Hannah (Richardson) Brown, b. Aug. 28, 1719; m. Elizabeth Brown, 1742. Children: 96. Anna, b. 1743; d. May 31, 1755. 97. Rufus, b. 1745. 98. Hannah, b. 1747. 99. Henry, b. May 3, 1750. 100. Nathaniel, b. Feb. 7, 1754. loi. Charles, b. July 15, 1757. 102. Esther, b. Aug. 18, 1760. 103. Cyrus, b. Jan. 13, 1765. Captain Christopher Brown (59), son of Daniel and Mary (Breed) Brown [Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Mar. 12, 1736; d. Oct. 20, 1820, in the eighty-fifth year of his age; m., Stonington, Dec. 25, 1763, Margaret Holmes, b. Apr. 19, 1742; d. Nov. 4, 1799. She was the dau. of Thomas Holmes and Margaret Frink, his wife. Daniel Brown (24) and Thomas Holmes gave the land for the First Baptist Church, two miles south of Pendleton Hill. Thomas Holmes was the son of Joshua Holmes. [See note under 34, Abigail Holmes.] Daniel (24) and his two wives, Chris- topher (59), wife and dau. Patty, were interred on the Christopher Brown farm, two miles south of Pendleton Hill. [Military order. Appendix V. His Will, Appendix VI.] 16 5 Pi ^ ^"' w b/C ce G '"^ ">^-. § s -^s ^ o , ^c m ,^ § '^ -u >. &C en 3 ■^ -^ ;m M 1 T3 o Corner of Burying-groand on the Farm of Asa Brown (l~'?) Brookfield, X. Y. When his grandson sold the farm in lS(i+ this plot of groinid was reserved ;nid carefully tV-need, but it has tirown up to trees and the fence has disappeared jB^^^^S^B^k^^^^^^^ ' " ^V^; «i^^^^^EipiPiH £ ^ -ymf ■ ^^. "wB^^^^^K^fu. • - 'l^fM^.. . HH ^wHr'": -^Hi 1 . '-'^■Wtt^^^^BESsjBiii^^^^^^^ k^'^^u Homestead of Asa ( 1 "i'A), Williams ( 1 35), and Rober* Brookfield, N. Y. THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 104. Molly, b. Aug. 29, 1766; m. David Coats (731-737). 105. Lois, b. July i, 1768; m. Shubael Holmes. 106. Peggy, b. Mar. 4, 1772; m. Prentice Hewitt. 107. Christopher, Jr., b. Jan. i, 1774; m. Charlotte Pendleton (763- 770). 108. Phebe, b. June 16, 1776. 109. Patty, b. June 28, 1778; d. June 20, 1837, aged fifty-nine years; unm. no. Eunice, b. June 2, 1780; m. Joshua Babcock (788-792). 111. Betsey, b. Aug. 9, 1782. Nehemiah Brown (61), son of Daniel and Mary (Breed) Brown [Thomas (2), Thomas] b., Stonington, Conn., July 11, 1740; m. Rebecca Lewis, of Westerly, R. I., May 11, 1766. Children: 112. Rebecca, b. Mar. 12, 1767. 113. Nehemiah, b. July i, 1768 (880-887). 114. Mary, b. Jan. 2, 1770. 115. Prudence, b. May 14, 1772. 116. Keturah, b. Jan. 28, 1774. 117. Esther, b. Nov. 22, 1777. 118. Lewis, b. Oct. 9, 1778. Ichabod Brown (32), son of John and Elizabeth (Miner) Brown, b., Stonington, Conn., Mar. 12, 1704; m., Stonington, May 30, 1731, Sarah Chapman, b., Stonington, Nov. 25, 1710. [Sarah (Chapman) Brown's Will, Appendix VII.] Children, b. Stonington: 119. Ichabod, b. Feb. 4, 1732; m. Thankful Baldwin (306-316). 120. Elias, b. Feb. i, 1734. 121. Stephen, b. June 22, 1736. 122. Sarah, b. July 27, 1738. 123. Asa, b. July 29, 1740. 124. Jonas, b. Dec. 23, 1742. 125. Micah, b. May 12, 1746. 126. Andrew, b. Nov. 22, 1748 (161-167). 127. Katurah, b. Aug. 30, 1752 (1280-1289). Asa Brown (123) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. July 29, 1740; m., Feb. 12, 1767, Deborah Grant, b. June 6, 1746; dau. of Oliver Grant, of Stonington, and his wife. Silence Williams. [For her ancestry see the sup- 17 THE BROWN GENEALOGY. plement to the Grant Genealogy, "Grant Family Magazine," p. 774. The facts as to her descent were not ascertained at the time of the publication of the original volume, but have been conclusively established since.] Asa Brown served in the Revolutionary War. He was a private in Capt. James Arnold's company, the Ninth Continentals, and in Col. David Wooster's regiment. This regiment was raised in April and May, 1775, marched to New York in June, and encamped at Haarlem Sept. 28. Later it was in the Northern Department, operating along Lakes George and Champlain, assisted in the reduction of St. Johns in October, and afterwards proceeded to Montreal. He was discharged Nov. 28, 1775. He removed to Brook- field, Madison County, New York, about 1800, and settled on the farm afterwards owned by his son Williams. He d. Jan. 15, 1818, and his wife, Nov. 25, 1816. Both are buried in the private burial-lot of the family on the old homestead, as is also their daughter Silence. The dates of their deaths are taken from their tombstones. Children, all b. in Stonington, Conn.: 128. Asa, b. July 13, 1768; d., Brookfield, Jan. 23, 1861 (2852- 2862). 129. Oliver, b. Dec. 17, 1769; d. Oct. 29, 1849 (3046-3054). 130. Deborah, b. Jan. 26, 1772; d. Feb. 11, 1832 (3162-3171). 131. Eunice, b. Nov. 6, 1774; d. Dec. 28, 1839. When about forty years of age she m. Daniel Hawley, a well-to-do farmer at Richfield Springs, N. Y. Removed to Hastings, N. Y., where both died. No children. 132. Grant, b. May 15, 1777; d. July 31, 1864 (3323-3332)- 133. Silence, b. Jan. 13, 1779; d. July 22, 1816. 134. Miner, b. Feb. 4, 1781; d. Aug. 6, 1861 (3367-3373)- 135. Williams, b. Feb. 9, 1783; d. Oct. 5, 1867 (3432-3439). 136. Martha, b. Feb. 20, 1786; d., Stonington, Nov. 27, 1799. 136a. Noah, b. Dec. 10, 1788; d. Sept. 30, 1854 (3462-3470). Eleazer Brown (39), son of Eleazer and Ann (Pendleton) Brown, b., Stonington, Conn., May 4, 1698; m. Temperance Holmes, 1723. Children : 137. Nathan, b. July 17, 1724. 138. Mary, b. Jan. 26, 1726. 139. Eleazer, b. June i, 1728; m. Annie Green. 140. Temperance, b. May 15, 1731. ,;■ 141. Joannah, b. May 12, 1733. 142. Rebecca, b. Jan. 19, 1735. 143. Phebe, b. July 4, 1737. THE BROWN GENEALOGY 144. Timothy, b. June 7, 1739. 145. John, b. Aug. 10, 1741. 146. Peleg, b. Sept. 26, 1746. 147. Ruth, b. June 27, 1749. Elder Eleazer Brown (139), son of Eleazer (39) [Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., June i, 1728; d. July 11, 1795 (tombstone), sixty- eighth year of his age and twenty-seventh of his ministry; m., Oct. 16, 1755, Anne Green, of Hopkinton, R. I., b. 1735; d. Sept. 15, 1803, sixty-ninth year of her age. [A sketch of Elder Brown's ministry and of the First Baptist Church will be given in the Appendix VIII.] Children: 148. Eleazer, b. July 4, 1757. 149. Anne, b. Feb. 6, 1759. 150. Rebecca, b. Apr. 8, 1761. 151. John, b. Jan. 31, 1763. 152. Benjamin, b. Feb. 20, 1765. 153. Luther, b. Dec. 11, 1766. 154. Hulda, b. Mar. 3, 1769. 155. Mary, b. Feb. 29 1771; m. Laban Main (837-841). John Brown (145), son of Eleazer (39) and Temperance (Holmes) Brown [Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 10, 1741; m. Mary (Holmes) Brown, of Stonington, July 2, 1767. Children: 156. John, b. Oct. 30, 1768. 157. Clark, b. May 25, 1771. 158. Molly, b. Jan. 9, 1773; d. Oct. 8, 1777. 159. Noyes, b. Mar. 13, 1775. 160. Sanford, b. May 2, 1777. Andrew Brown (126), son of Ichabod (32) and Sarah (Chapman) Brown [John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Nov. 22, 1748; m., Stonington, Sarah Cobb, b., Stonington, Sept. 30, 1750. Children : 161. Edward, b. Nov. 30, 1771. 162. Stanton, b. Apr. 17, 1774. 163. Sarah, b. Feb. 19, 1776. 164. Allen, b. Apr. 19, 1778. 165. Henry, b. Jan. 9, 1781; m. Elizabeth Chapman. 166. Ezra, b. Jan. 16, 1785; d. Mar. 7, 1785. 167. Paul, b. Jan. 5, 1787. 19 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Jedediah Brown, Jr. (79), son of Jedediah (34) and Abigail (Holmes) Brown [John (8), Thomas], b., Slonington, Conn., Mar. 14, 1729; d. Oct. 31, 1 791; m. Mrs. Anna Holmes, Dec. 19, 1751. Children, b. Stonington: 168. Jedediah, b. Dec. 15, 1752; m. Sarah Wheeler (216-224). 169. Lucy, b. Oct. 28, 1754. 170. Shubael, b. Oct. 5, 1758; d. Aug. 18, 1806, aged forty-seven years. 171. Roswell, b. Aug. 27, 1760; m. Esther Williams (231-235). 172. Taloo, b. Oct. 13, 1762. 173. Abigail, b. July 31, 1764. 174. Martha, b. Aug. 3, 1766. 175. Thatcher, b. 1768; m. Mrs. Esther Brown, nee Williams (236- 239)- 176.. Ephraim, b. Aug. 28, 1770. 177. Desire, b. July 26, 1772. Capt. Daniel Brown (55) [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Mar. 20, 1725. Resided in Stonington until his removal to Brookfield, N. Y. By some of his descendants he is said to have been a Quaker; by others, to have been a British officer. It is quite certain that neither of these conditions is correct. In Oct., 1763, the Assembly of Con- necticut among its acts established:" Mr. Daniel Brown, jun., to be Lieuten- ant of the 6th company or trainband in the town of Stonington." [XII. Conn. Col. Rec, p. 195]. In Oct., 1769, the Assembly estabhshed him as captain in the same company. [XIII. Conn. Col. Rec, p. 244.] No other person is known who could have been the person referred to in the acts in question. He is referred to as Capt. Daniel in the records of those families who have N the tradition that he was a Quaker. No record exists of any service in the / Revolutionary War. He was the first settler in the town of Brookfield, Madison County, N. Y., locating there in 1791, his house having been com- menced on July 4 of that year. An account of Capt. Daniel Brown and his family will be found in "The History of Chenango and Madison Counties," edited by James H. Smith and published by D. Mason & Co., of Syracuse, 1880, and in Mrs. Hammond's "History of Madison County." He m., first, in Stonington, Theody Park, of Groton, Conn., by whom he had two children: 178. Daniel, b. Feb. 17, 1751. He removed to Genesee, Allegany County, N. Y. 178a. Theody, b. May, 1752; m.; went to Vermont. Residence of B. A. Armstrong (592) New London, Conn. Site of Ihonias lirowij ('ij House North Stonington, Conn. Residence of Hibbard Brown (il.'>9) His mother in chair at left Residence of Lot Kimball Brown (414.3) Preston, Conn. He is sitting in chair THE BROWN GENEALOGY He m., second, Abigail Crarey, by whom he had twelve children, three sons and nine daughters. Such was their extraordinary stature that it was said that Capt. Brown had "sixty feet of daughters." One of his waggish descendants used to say, by way of explanation, that Capt. Brown had six daughters^ each ten feet in height. Tales are still told among their descend- ants of the wonderful strength of Isaac and of the wonderful vitality of Nathan. On one occasion Nathan was caught under a fallen tree. His brother alone lifted the tree which five men were unable to move, and Nathan, although terribly injured, and given up by the doctors, was out in six weeks. A tall clock which certainly belonged to Nathan, and probably belonged to his father, is in the possession of Ralph W. Brown, of Norwalk, O. One of the descendants, being asked as to the religious beliefs of the family, says: "Few of the family have connected themselves with any spe- cial church denomination. But the one motto which has passed from father to son down through the years, painted on a silver background with letters of gold, set with diamonds, rubies, and precious stones, is, ' Do unto others as ye would others should do unto you.' Impressed on the mind, and in- stilled in the heart, this makes a pretty good religion." Children, all b. in Stonington: 179. Abigail, b. Feb. 11, 1754; d. Feb. 18, 1810; m. a Coats. 180. Desire, b. July 21, 1755; d. July 8, 1847; did not m. 181. Eunice, b. May 21, 1757; m. and d. in Stonington. i8ia. Lucy, b. Apr. 11, 1759; did not m., but joined the Jemima Wilkinson Community. 182. Susannah, b. Sept. 3, 1760; m., Stonington, a Mr. Robinson, and went to Genesee. 183. Temperance, b. Apr. 14, 1763; d. Jan. 14, 1852; did not m. 183a. Jabish, b. Aug. 25, 1765; d., Brookfield, N. Y., July 18, 1843 (2130-2136). 183b. Anna, b. Jan. 17, 1767; d. May 31, 1823 (2137-2145). 183c. Nathan, b. Feb. 23, 1769; d. Nov. 16, 1853 (2146-2152). 183d. Fanny, m. George Palmer (2153-2158). i83e. Isaac, b. Feb. 10, 1773; d. May 3, 1840; Leonardsville, N. Y. (2159-2163). i83i. Catherine, b. June 15, 1775; d. Dec. 9, 1851 (2164-2169). Nehemiah Brown (61) [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], m. Barbara Stewart, sister of Nathan Stewart, who m. Capt. Daniel Brown's dau. Anna (163b). THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: i83g. Cromwell, m. Brown. 18311. Prudence, m. George Bosworth. 183!. Pitts, m. White. 183 j. Martin. 183k. Noyes. 183I. Alpha, b. 1786; d. young. 183m. Phoebe, b. 1789; m. Ben Adam Williams. i83n. Priscilla. Another record, found on the Stonington town records: Nehemiah Brown and Barbary Steward, both of Stonington, m., Sept. 19, 1790, by Eleazer Brown, Elder. Children: Oliver Cromwell, b. Mar. 14, 1791. Prudence, b. Dec. 8, 1792. Martin, b. Nov., 1797. Samuel Brown (54), son of Daniel (24) and Mary (Breed) Brown [Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Oct. 14, 1722; m.. Little Compton, R. I., May 12, 1743, Phebe Wilbur. Children : 184. Mary, b. June 11, 1749. . 185. Phebe, b. June 16, 1751; m. Amos Palmer. 186. Samuel, b. June 8, 1753. 187. Anne, b. Apr. 21, 1757. 188. David, b. Mar. 18, 1762. 189. Edith, b. Apr. 30, 1766. Stephen Brown (121), son of Ichabod (32) and Sarah (Chapman) Brown [John (8), Thomas], b. June 22, 1736; m., Stonington, Conn., Nov. 2, 1758, Abigail Palmer. Children: 190. Abigail, b. June 30; d. in infancy. 191. Stephen, b. Aug. 10, 1760. 192. Abigail, b. Jan. 22, 1762. 193. Lucy, b. Sept. 29, 1763. 194. Luther, b. Aug. 21, 1765. 195. Sarah, b. Aug. 28, 1767. 196. Abel, b. Oct. 3, 1769. 197. Katurah, b. June 28, 1771. 198. Jedediah, b. May 21, 1773. 199. Roswell, b. Dec. 19, 1774. THE BROWN GENEALOGY Nathan Brown (60), son of Daniel (24) and Mary (Breed) Brown [Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., June 20, 1738; d. Nov. 3, 1831, aged ninety-one years; m., Stonington, Sept. 17, 1761, Lydia Dewey, b. Apr. 23, 1744; d. May 19, 1800; dau. of David and Deborah (Tracy) Dewey; m. by Elder Wait Palmer. Nathan Brown, the great-grandfather of the compiler, removed the old house built by his father, Daniel (24), where he was born, using portions of the timber for rebuilding the present house on the same site. It is four miles from Westerly, R. I., on the No. Stonington road. This house and farm have always been occupied by some member of the Brown family, and were a part of the original purchase, and deeded by Thomas (2) to his son Daniel (24). [Appendix III.] Here on this farm he spent his whole life, ninety-one years. About a mile distant, in full view from this house, is the Union Cemetery, where he and his wife and manv of the branches of the family are interred'. Children: 200. Lydia, b. Mar. 8, 1762. 201. Nathan, b. June 18, 1765 (4i4a-4i4e). 202. Charles, b. Feb. 6, 1767. 203. Esther, b. May i, 1771. 204. Deborah, b. Aug. 14, 1773. 205. Dudley, b. Dec. 16, 1776 (415-423). 206. Joseph, b. Mar. 16, 1778. 207. Avory, b. May 28, 1780. 208. Theda, b. Apr. 16, 1786; m. Cyrus Williams Brown (231) (253- 258). 209. Polly, b. Feb. 7, 1789. Amos Brown (57), son of Daniel (24) and Mary (Breed) Brown, b., Stonington, Conn., Oct. 28, 1730; m. Eunice Turner, June 5, 1757. Four- teen children, six b. Stonington, eight b. Preston, Conn. [Not ascertained till 1906; record omitted here; carried to 4006-4019.] Jedediah Brown (168), son of Jedediah (79) and Mrs. Annah (Holmes) Brown [Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b. Dec, 17, 1752; m., Stonington, Conn., June 30, 1778, Sarah Wheeler, dau. of Jeremiah Wheeler and Mrs. Anna Pellet Wheeler, widow of Richard Wheeler. His Revolutionary War record: Upon examination of the records of Con- necticut men in the military and naval service during the war of the Amer- ican Revolution, from 1775 to 1783 inclusive, as compiled by authority of the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, under the supervision and direction of the Adjutant-General thereof, published in the year 1889, and of the town records of Stonington, Conn., we learn that Jedediah Brown, 23 THE BROWN GENEALOGY of Stonington, in said State, b. Dec. 17, 1752, son of Jedediah (79) and Annah Holmes, as above, served in the army of the American Revolution, in Capt. Oliver Smith's regiment of Connecticut militia, in the campaign at New York, in the year 1776, from Sept. 8 to Nov. 17 of that year, when Mr. Jedediah Brown and the company with which he served as aforesaid were honorably discharged. Mr. Brown survived till the close of the Revolutionary War and the adop- tion of the Constitution of the United States. Interred, with his family, in Union Cemetery, No. Stonington. Children, b. Stonington: 216. Jedediah, b. Apr. 20, 1778; was called Dyre Brown; d. Sept. 6, 1855, aged seventy-six years. 217. Wheeler, b. Dec. 5, 1779. 218. Russell, b. Jan. 29, 1782. 219. Rowland, b. Feb. 7, 1784. 220. Sally, b. Mar. 31, 1787. 221. Shepard, b. Apr. 21, 1790. 222. Coddington, b. Apr. 24, 1792. 223. Patty, b. Feb. 19, 1794. 224. Nancy, b. Sept. 2, 1799. Shubael Brown (170), son of Jedediah (79) and Mrs. Annah Holmes [Jed- ediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Oct. 5, 1758; d. Aug. 18, 1806; m., 1785, Lydia Palmer, b. 1764; d. Aug. 15, i8i5;dau. of Ichabod Palmer, who was b. Aug. 8, 1730; m. Mary Grant, b. July 9, 1737. Inter- ments in Elm Grove Cemetery, Mystic, Conn. Children, b. Stonington: 225. Philura H., b. Aug. 23, 1787 (634-636). 226. Nancy, b. Aug. 14, 1790; m. Roswell Brown (232) (240, 241). 227. Polly, b. June 11, 1794; d. Aug. 7, 1840. 228. Roxanna, b. June 17, 1798 (637-644). 229. Shubael, b. Mar. 4, 1799. 230. Betsey, b. June 30, 1801, second wife of Roswell Brown (232) (242-244). Roswell Brown (171), son of Jedediah (79) and Mrs. Annah Holmes [Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 27, 1760; d. Oct. 27, 1799; m., Stonington, by Eleazer Brown Elder, Sept. 6, 1786, Esther Williams (31, Williams family), b. Dec. 10, 1768. [See Appendix I.] Two elderly ladies now living, in 1906, remember her as a stately and hand- some woman of strong personality and superior executive ability. From 24 THE BROWN GENEALOGY this can be inferred — and it is believed the inference is right — that she was a very superior woman in intellect and sweetness of disposition. No ordinary woman could have left after her death that secret and potent in- fluence which keeps a name alive in a family through so many generations. The occurrence of the name in so many families is the very strongest evi- dence of her great worth, her marked individuality and character. Her blood flows in her descendants, and they recognize and glory in the fact by preserving her maiden name. It is noticeable, as it appears even to the present time. Children, b. Stonington: 231. Cyrus Williams, b. Nov. 30, 1788 (253-258). 232. Rosw,ell, b. Mar. 13, 1790 (240-244). 233. William, b. June 5, 1792 (714-716). 234. Elias Williams, b. Aug. 18, 1794 (245-252). 235. Esther, b. June 15, 1796; m. Capt. Sylvester Baldwin. Thatcher Brown (175), son of Jedediah (79) and Mrs. Annah Holmes [Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b. 1768, Stonington, Conn.; d. Mar. 13, 1815; m., after the d. of his brother Roswell (171), his widow, Mrs. Esther Brown, nee Williams, Aug. 15, 1800. Children, b. Stonington: 236. Thatcher, b. Aug. 31, 1801 (502-510). 237. Rhodia Ann, b. Jan. 15, 1803 (526,527). 238. Jedediah, b. June 20, 1805 (535-55o)- 239. Katurah, b. Oct. 18, 1807 (564-569). Roswell Brown (232), son of Roswell (171) and Esther (Williams) Brown [Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b. Mar. 13, 1790; d. Aug. 29, 1842; m., Stonington, Conn., Apr. 7, 1814, Nancy Brown (226), b., Stonington, Aug. 14, 1790; dau. of Shubael and Lydia (Palmer) Brown; d. July 24, 1818. Children: 240. Nancy Mary, b., ; m. (i) Wm. Burrows, (2) Amos Hull, (3) Nelson Woodard, who d. in Westerly, R. I. 241. Lydia Esther, b. ; d. 1903; m. Simeon Haley, Jr., who was lost at sea. Roswell Brown (232), after the death of his wife Mrs. Nancy Brown (226), m. her sister Betsey Brown (230), Jan. 26, 1820; she d. July 26, 1839. Children, b. Stonington: 242. Roswell, b. July 14, 1821 (269-273). 243. Shubael, b. Apr. 26, 1826; unm. 244. Thomas Wattles, b. Mar. 22, 1830 (244a-244d). 25 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Thomas Wattles Brown (244), son of Roswell (232) and Betsey Brown (230) [Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b. Mar. 22, 1830; d. Dec. 7, 1863; m. Mary Abbie Clarke, b. Jan. 26, 1835; ^• Apr. 19, 1876. Children: 244a. Nellie, b. Aug. 9, 1856, Mystic, Conn. 244b. Sidney A., b. June 24, 1858, Groton, Conn. 244c. Roswell, b. May 20, i860; d. June 22, 1871. 244d. Hannah Clarke, b. Jan. 23, 1862, Mystic. Nellie Brown (244a), dau. of Thomas W. and Mary Abbie (Clarke) Brown, b. Aug. 9, 1856; m.. Mystic, Conn., May 14, 1874, Thomas J. Col- lins, b., Mystic, Sept. 2, 185 1; son of James L., b. Mar. 25, 1827, of New London, and Isabelle May (Talcott) Collins, b., Wethersfield, Conn., Nov. 23, 1835. He is a machinist, and both are members of the Baptist Church. Res., 1905, Mystic, Conn. Children, b. Mystic: 244e. William T., b. Nov. 6, 1875; ^-j Mystic, Nov. 12, 1902, Flora Crouch. Dau.: Mabel Geneva, b. Jan. 31, 1904. 244f. Mary I., b. Nov. 9, 1876. 244g. James L., b. Jan. 25, 1878; m. Margaret Armstrong, of New- foundland, in New York, Sept. 19, 1900. Dau. : Dorothy May, b. July 15, 1902. Res., 1905, 38 Felix St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 244h. Frank N., b. July 12, 1879; m- Arvilla Ackly, of Ledyard, Conn., Oct. 14, 1903. Son: Franklin Lawrence, b. Aug. 26, 1904. 2441. Carrie G., b. Sept. 12. 1880. 244J. Thomas B., b. Aug. 10, 1883; m., Westerly, R. I., Feb. 8, 1901, Lillian Stott. Son: Harold Stott, b. Feb. 13, 1904. Sidney A. Brown (244b), son of Thomas W. and Mary Abbie (Clarke) Brown [Roswell (232), Roswell (171), Jedehiah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Groton, Conn., June 24, 1858; m.. New London, Conn., Oct. 15, 1884, Ella E. Hawkins. Two children d. young. Mr. Brown is sheriff of New London County, Conn. Res., 1905, New London, Conn. Hannah Clarke Brown (244d), dau. of Thomas W. and Mary Abbie (Clarke) Brown [Roswell (232), Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Mystic, Conn., Jan. 23, 1862; m.. Providence, R. I., Feb. 20, 1886, Charles S. Williams, b., Mystic, Conn., Aug. 7, 1862; son of Charles and Julia (Lewis) Williams, of Mystic. Hotel clerk. Dau.: Ella Brown Williams, b.. Mystic, Apr. i, 1893. Res., 1905, New London, Conn. 26 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Elias Williams Brown (234), son of Roswell (171), and Esther (Williams) Brown [Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., No. Stoning- ton, Conn., Aug. 18, 1794; m., No. Stonington, Jan. 5, 1815, Martha Miner, dau. of Elder Asher Miner and wife Lucy (Spalding) Miner. He was a cabinet-maker, and is remembered as a man of commanding appear- ance and fine physique. Children: 245. Elias F., b. May 10, 1816; drowned May 31, 1816. 246. Eliza Ann, b. Mar. 22, 1818; m. Daniel Rodman (462-469). 247. Martha Esther, b. May i, 1820; m. Rouland Coon (470-475). 248. Lucy M., b. Sept. 15, 1822; d. Apr. 6, 1890. 249. Abby Smith, b. Sept. 20, 1825; d. Dec. 24, 1893. 250. AsherJVIinejr, b. Feb. 14, 1827. . ' ■' 251. Mary Hoxie, b. June 16, 1830; d.. Providence, R. I., unm., Apr. 29, 1899. 252. Joseph Page, b. Mar. 4, 1832; d. Apr. 16, 1886. Cyrus Williams Brown (231), son of Roswell (171) and Esther (Williams), Brown [31 Williams family, Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Nov. 30, 1788; d.. No. Stonington, Aug. 18, 1861; m., No. Stonington, Theda Brown, b. Apr. 16, 1786; d. Nov. 30, 1863; dau. of Nathan (60) and Lydia (Dewey) Brown [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas]. He was a farmer in No. Stonington and Chesterfield, Conn. Cyrus W. Brown was in the War of 181 2, and responded to the call for the defence of Stonington Aug. 9 and 10, 1814, in the Third Company — Jesse Breed, Captain; Wm. Frink, Lieutenant; Dudley Brown (205), Ensign. Company consisted of forty men, officers and privates. For his services he received a United States land warrant of 160 acres of land. Children, b. No. Stonington: 253. Cyrus Williams, Jr., b. Mar. 11, 1806 (259-268). 254. Esther, b. Apr. 2, 1808 (583-586). 255. Lydia, b. May 24, 1814. No issue. 256. Polly or Mary, b. Mar. 25, 1817 (588-590). 257. Benadam, b. Jan. 12, 1819; d., Oct. 14, 1822, from burns received, in the fourth year of his age. 258. Lucy Palmer, b. Feb. 26, 1822 (591, 592). Dea. Cyrus W. Brown, Jr. (253), son of Cyrus W. Brown (231) [Ros- well (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas] and Theda Brown (208) [Nathan (60), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Mar. 11, 1806; d. Nov. 30, 1875; "''•' ^*^- Stonington, 27 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Dec. 12, 1826, Elizabeth Stewart Babcock [49 Babcock Record], b., No. Stonington, Dec. 28, 1806; d., No. Stonington, Sept. 22, 1886. She was an affectionate mother and a most estimable woman, and was loved by all who had her acquaintance. Dea. Brown spent his whole life in his native town, and was a farmer and tradesman, dealer in poultry and wool. The townspeople found in him an honest, trustworthy man from whom to purchase their products. His busi- ness also took him beyond the limits of the town, thus he was universally known in adjacent towns. In 1857 and i860 he was chosen to represent the town in the General Assembly of the State. He was also on the Board of Selectmen of the town; deacon of the Second Baptist Church of his native town, and a zealous Christian worker; a man of strong character, high ideals, and unwavering devotion to duty, generous and charitable. Among the last acts of his public duties were to assist in putting in the bank wall and hanging the gates in front of the Union Cemetery, which is the place of in- terment of many of the descendants of the three Brown brothers. Children, b. No. Stonington: 259. Emily Elizabeth, b. Jan. 16, 1828 (476). 260. Cyrus Henry, b. Nov. 24, 1829 (477-482). 261. Louisa A., b. Mar. 21, 1832 (483-485). 262. Gideon Perry, b. Aug. 3, 1834 (486-488). 263. Benadam Williams, b. Apr. 4, 1836 (489-491). ^ 264. Thomas Shaler, b. June 28, 1838 (492, 493). 265. John Babcock, b. Feb. 3, 1841 (494-496). 266. Sarah Ellen, b. May 23, 1843 (497)- 267. Wm. S., b. July 11, 1845 (498-500). 268. James S., b. Mar. 2, 1848 (501). The Revolutionary War record: Nathaniel Babcock, Jr. (36), son of Nathaniel (6) and Sarah (Billings) Babcock, b., Stonington, Conn., Jan. 24, 1735; i^M Dec. I, 1756, Mary Larrison, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Landphear) Larrison; b., Stonington, 1741; d. Oct. 15, 1801. — From Babcock Genealogy. Children, b. Stonington (Pendleton Hill): 42. Jonas, b. 1 75 7 ; d. in Army, near Lake George. 43- Mary, b. 1759. 44. Stephen, b. June 13, 1765; m. (i) Mary Hinckley. [For chil- dren by first wife, see Babcock Genealogy, Nos. 45-48.] The Revolutionary War record of Nathaniel Babcock (36), as recorded by the Adjutant-General's Report, Hartford, Conn., in 1889, reads: "Nathaniel Babcock, Serg't in Capt. Thomas Holmes Co. of the 8th 28 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Reg't of Conn. Militia, Col. Oliver Smith. Enlisted Sept. 8, discharged Nov. 17, 1776. At New York, 1776, he again enlisted in Capt. Squire Hill's Co., of Col. Samuel McLellan's Reg't of Militia, to serve one year. He arrived in Camp July i, 1778. The reg't served in Tyler's Brigade under Sullivan in Rhode Island August and September, 1778." Stephen Babcock (44), after the death of his wife Mary (Hinckley) Bab- cock, m. (2) Elizabeth Stewart, of Voluntown, Conn. Dau. by second m. : Elizabeth Stewart Babcock, who m. Cyrus Williams Brown, Jr., of No. Stonington, Conn. [See Babcock Genealogy, Nos. 62-71. Also Brown Genealogy, Nos. 259-268.] After the death of his wife Elizabeth (Stewart) Babcock, m. (3) Mercy Davis, of Preston, Conn. [For children, see Bab- cock Genealogy, Nos. 49-53.] Mercy Ann Babcock (50) m. Thomas M. Brown, and they had four sons. [See Babcock Genealogy, Nos. 72-75. Also Brown Genealogy, Nos. 427-430.] The foregoing record establishes the descendants of Nathaniel Babcock, Jr. (36), by his wife Mary (Larrison) Babcock, Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution. Esther Brown (235), dau. of Roswell and Esther (Williams) Brown, b. June 15, 1796; d. 1845; "^- Capt. Sylvester Baldwin, who d. (date un- known), about thirty years old. Children: 268a. Sylvester Baldwin, d., Mystic, Conn., leaving two children, a son and dau., who live, 1904, in Brooklyn, N. Y. 268b. Capt. Roswell Baldwin, d. Brooklyn; has one son living, 1904, in Brooklyn. 268c. Mary Esther, m. a Mr. Brightman; d. in Key West, Fla., leaving one child, a son. Roswell Brown (242), son of Roswell (232) and Betsey Brown (230) [Ros- well (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., July 14, 1821; d., Mystic, Conn., Oct. 20, 1895; m., Groton, Conn., Mar. 17, 1844, Catherine W. Chesebro, d.. Mystic, Mar. 28, 1896. A man highly esteemed, a kind husband and affectionate father. Children: 269. Roswell C, b. Sept. 13, 1845; ^- ^^^Y 6, 1858. 270. Daniel C, b. Feb. 24, 1850 (457-459). 271. Charles E., b. Sept. 30, 1852; d. July 8, 1853. 272. James E. F., b. Nov. 19, 1861 (460, 461). 273. Rossie E., b. Apr. 19, 1863; d. Mar. 28, 1896; m., iSIay 14, 1887, Ida M. Sisson. 2q THE BROWN GENEALOGY Elder Simeon Brown (72), son of James (38) and Elizabeth Randall [Eleazer(ii), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Jan. 31, 1723; d.. No. Stonington, Conn., Nov. 24, 1815; m., Westerly, R. I., Mar. i, 1743, Dor- othy Hern, b.. Westerly, Feb. 14, 1728; d. Jan. 16, 1810. Elder Brown was the first pastor of the Second Baptist Church, No. Stonington, for fifty years and eight months. [Appendix IX.] Children: 275. Simeon, Jr., b. Dec. 4, 1746 (888-894). 276. James, b. Dec. 5, 1752 (1091-1100). 277. Dorothy, b. Aug. 2, 1755; m. Asa Baldwin (1049-1055). 278. Jeptha, b. July 20, 1758 (1107, 1108). 279. Josiah, b. May 30, 1761; d. July 27, 1852 (300-305). 280. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 5, 1766; m. Mathew Brown (383-385). 281. Martha, b. Apr. 14, 1769. [After diligent search find no record.] Joshua Brown (77), son of James (38) and Elizabeth (Randall) Brown [Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Apr. 8, 1740; m., Dec. 24, 1761, (i) Joanna Rogers; m. (2) Mrs. Lydia Stanton, nee Hewitt; no issue by second m. His Revolutionary record: Mr. Joshua Brown was a Lieutenant in Capt. Thomas Holmes' Company of the 8th Regt., Col. Oliver Smith com- manding; Brigadier-Gen. Saltinstall's Brigade. He enlisted Sept. 8, 1776; discharged Nov. 17, 1776; in the campaign around New York. Joshua Brown (77) bought his farm of Robert Williams in 1786, and from the north part of the town came here to live, with his family. There was only a partially built house on the farm. The east half was used for a dwelling; the west part, not completed, sheltered the cattle in cold weather. This part, later, was finished with two stories in front and a slanting roof on the back. Some time later, the rear was built up to compare with the front, as seen in the picture. In this house lived their son Randall (289), who m. Sally Palmer; and a few years later his son Randall, Jr. (3837), who m. Mary A. Holmes, went to housekeeping here. The name Randall has come down from one generation to the next from Elizabeth Randall, b. July 4, 1696, the mother of Joshua Brown. This house was removed in 1878, and a house with all modern improvements adorns this beautiful location. On this farm have lived the direct descendants of Joshua and Joannah (Rogers) Brown for one hundred and twenty years. The present owners and occu- pants, in 1906, are Jeremiah (Jerry) H. (3846), Fanny Ella (3849), who m. Charles B. Palmer, also the widow of Frederic H. (3850), Mrs. Amelia (Shaffer) Brown. Joshua Brown and his son Randall had slaves on this farm, and they cleared a piece of land and walled it in for a garden that was 3° THE BROWN GENEALOGY given the slaves to cultivate; it is seen at the northeast of the house, some distance away. Children, by first m. : 282. Joshua, Jr., b. Oct. 4, 1764; m. Eunice Palmer (291-299). 283. Rogers, b. July 11, 1766; d. Jan. 27, 1795. 284. Joanna, b. July 23, 1768; d. Dec. 21, 1825; m. Col. Thomas Wheeler. No children. 285. Martha, b. Sept. 20, 1770; d. 1862; m. Elnathan Sweet. 286. Adam, b. Oct. 26, 1772; d. July 27, 1845 (3800-3807). 286a. Prudence, b. June 10, 1776; m. James Dean (3822). 287. Anna, b. July 9, 1778 (3832-3836). 288. Margaret, b. Dec. 25, 1780; d. May 23, 1837. 289. Randall, b. June 20, 1783; m. Sally Palmer (3837-3842). 290. Delia, b. Apr. 9, 1786; d. May 22, 1803. Joshua Brown, Jr. (282), son of Joshua (77) and Joanna( Rogers) Brown [James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Oct. 4, 1764; m. Eunice Palmer, of Stonington, Apr. 9, 1785. He owned lands near Miner Meeting-house, opposite the Union Cemetery, west of the road, called "Master Josh Farm." After the death of his wife, Dec. 30, 1837, — aged seventy-four years, — he went to Stephentown, N. Y., with his son Hosea (299); d. and interred at Stephentown, Nov. 21, 1846, aged eighty-four years. His wife interred in Brown Cemetery, No. Stonington. Children: 291. Eunice, b. Sept. 27, 1786. 292. Esther, b. Aug. 19, 1789. 293. Joshua, b. Feb., 1791. Tombstone says Capt. Joshua d. Sept. 10, 1828; interred in Brown Cemetery. 294. Sylvia, b. July 14, 1793. 295. Joanna, b. Feb, 18, 1796. 296. Charles, b. Jan. 27, 1799; m. Rhodia A. Brown (526, 527). 297. Giles, b. Feb. 8, 1802; d. Jan. 18, 1839; interred in Brown Cemetery. 298. Dolly, b. Sept. 21, 1804. 299. Hosea, b. May 7, 1804; d. Mar, 4, 185 1; unm. ; interred Stephen- town, N. Y. Several of the daus. of this family removed to Stephentown. Dea. Josiah Brown (279), son of Elder Simeon (72) and Dorothy (Hern) Brown [James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn,, May 30, 1761; d., No. Stonington, July 27, 1852, aged ninety-two years; m., Feb, 23, 31 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1786, Deborah Griffin, b. Oct. 6, 1763; d. Mar. 8, 1856, aged ninety-three years.* Children: 300. Deborah, b. Oct. 9, 1787; d. June 29, 1792, in the sixth year of her age. 301. Nancy, b. Dec. 8, 1789; d. Oct. 28, 1824. 302. Josiah, b. Apr. 15, 1793; d. Dec. 18, 1793. 303. Simeon, b. Mar. 8, 1795; ^- ^^E- 8; 1823/ aged twenty-eight years. 304. Josiah, Jr., b. Sept. 11, 1797 (390, 391). 305. Deborah, b. Sept. 12, 1802; d. Feb. 20, 1816. Nancy Brown (301) m. Chandler Maine; issue: 305a. Chandler Dean, who after the death of his father and mother went to live with his grandparents, Dea. and Mrs. Josiah Brown. Chandler D. Maine m.. No. Stonington, Conn., Frances Almira Clapson; he d. May 16, 1859, aged thirty- seven. Issue: dau. Frances (Maine) Rogers (iio6d). Ichabod Brown (119), son of Ichabod (32) and Sarah Chapman [John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 14, 1732; d., Stonington, May 25, 1797; m., Stonington, Mar. 17, 1757, Thankful Baldwin, b. Jan. 26, 1739; dau. of Theophilus and Sarah (Lamb) Baldwin, of Stonington. Capt, Brown served in the Revolutionary War and was Lieut, in Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Company, 8th Regiment Militia from the State of Con- necticut. He enlisted Sept. 8, 1776. While in Capt. Thomas Wheeler's Company he was stationed at New York, from date of enlistment to Nov. 17, 1776. He was commissioned Captain the sixth day of March A.D. 1781. His commission was signed by Jonathan Trumbull, Governor. This makes all his descendants Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution. Children: 306. Sarah, b. July 15, 1758; m. Nathan Breed. 307. Priscilla, b. Sept. 17, 1760. 308. Thankful, b. Nov. 25, 1762; m. Ephraim Miner, 1780. 309. Ichabod, b. Dec. 10, 1764; m. Lucy Palmer, June 8, 1788. 310. Eunice, b. Feb. 15, 1767; m. Nathan Brown, 1786. 311. Cynthia, b. Feb. 25, 1769; m. Adam States, 1790. 312. Polly, b. July 15, 1771. 313. Betsey, b. Nov. 7, 1772; m. Asa Weaver, 1792. 314. John, b. Dec. 5, 1774 (597-600). *The compiler well remembers these old people, who occupied a square pew at the foot of the pulpit stairs in the old Miner Meeting-house before 184s.' [Prov. 3-2.] 32 THE BROWTST GENEALOGY 315. Joseph, b. Aug. 13, 1776. 316. Benjamin, b. Dec. 25, 1778. Ichabod Brown (309), son of Ichabod (119) and Thankful Baldwin [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Dec. 10, 1764; d. Dec. 24, 1825, aged sixty-one years; m., June 8, 1788, Lucy Palmer, b. Sept. 7, 1761. He built what is called the Nelson Brown house, on the turn- pike, on a portion of the original purchase of land by the three Brown brothers. He lived ten years in this house, where a number of his children d., aged from seventeen to twenty-six years. Interments in Cedar Swamp Cemetery. Children : 317. Ichabod, b. Sept. 4, 1789. 318. Lucy, b. Jan. 19, 1791. 319. Palmer, b. Oct. 4, 1792; d. Dec. 20, 1836, aged forty-four years. 320. Nelly, b. Apr. 15, 1794. 321. Sally, b. Sept. 17, 1795. 322. Martha, b. May 30, 1797. 323. Nelson, b. Feb. 13, 1799; m. Anna York (331-337). 324. Prudence, b. Oct. 9, 1800; d., aged twenty-six years. 325. Stiles, b. Sept. 13, 1802. 326. Edward, b. May 17, 1804; d., aged twenty-one years. 327. Smith, b. Nov. 25, 1805; d., aged twenty-two years. 328. Erastus, b. Apr. 23, 1807; d., aged twenty-one years. 329. Francis, b. Nov. 28, 1810; d., aged seventeen years. 330. Almira E., b. Mar. 8, 1814; d. Mar. 20, 1839; m. John A. Morgan, b. Mar. 15, 1809; d. Jan. 6, 1883. He m. (2) Susan A. Pendleton. No issue by first m. Nelson Brown (323), son of Ichabod (309) and Lucy (Palmer) Brown [Ichabod (119), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 13, 1799; d.. No. Stonington, Mar. 22, 1865; m.. May 23, 1843, Anna York, b.. No. Stonington, 1817; d. Sept. 7, 1875. They lived in the house built by his father (309); was in process of building Sept. 23, 181 5, and was blown down in the "great September gale." South of this house, near the " Pond Place " on the Angwilla road Thomas (2) built his house. [See Deed of Thomas Brown to his son Daniel (24), Appendix III.] Children, b. No. Stonington: 331. Nelana, b. July 27, 1844. 332. Nelson A., b. Feb. 16, 1847 (703-706). 333. Welcome P., b. Mar. 8, 1849 (7o7~7i3)- 33 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 334. Celifa, b. Sept. 8, 1851 m., Newport, R. I., Aug. 27, 1881, Edwin F. Thompson, b., Stonington, Dec. 12, 1859. No issue. Res., 1904, Providence, R. I., where he is in the drug j business, at 280 Broad St. 335. Ellen, b. Sept. 7, 1854; d. Apr. 10, 1901. 336. Heman, b. Apr. 11, 1857; unm. Res., Nebraska. 337. Charles P., b. July 27, 1861; d. Jan. 15, 1899. Jesse Brown (51), son of Thomas (22) and Deborah (Holdredge) Brown [Thomas (2) Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 18, 1731; m. (i), Groton, Conn., Feb. 12, 1752, Hannah Leeds. Children: 338. Jesse, b. Jan. 16, 1753; d. young. 339. Israel, b. Sept. 28, 1754. 340. Mary, b. Aug. 30, 1757. .341. Nathan, b. Mar. 3, 1759. J 342. Elisha, b. May 25, 1761. ' Mrs. Hannah Brown, nee Leeds, d., after which her husband m. (2) Lydia Brown, in 1764. Children by second m. : 343. Abigail, b. Oct. 25, 1766. 344. Anne, b. July 3, 1768. 345. Jabez, b. Dec. 5, 1769. 346. Lydia, b. May 23, 1772, 347. Jesse, b. Nov. 14, 1773. 348. Polly, b. Feb. i, 1776. 349. John, b. Jan. i, 1778. 350. Sanford, b. Apr. 9, 1780. 351. Betsey, b. Sept. 26, 1782. 352. Phebe, b. Sept. 17, 1784. 353. Eunice, b. Mar. 4, 1787. James Brown (66), son of Jonathan (28) and Hannah (Richardson) Brown [John (8) Thomas], b. Jan. 28, 1728; m., by Elder Wait Palmer, June 2, 1748, Abigail Utley. Children: 353a. Abigail, b. Jan. 8, 1749. 353b. Prudence, b. Dec. 27, 1751. 353c- Jonathan, b. Dec. 20, 1753; d. June 11, 1836. 353d. James, b. May 2, 1756. 3536. David, b. July 2, 1758; m. Lydia Miner, Jan. 8, 1786. 34 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 353f. Hannah, b. May ii, 1761. 353g. Mary, b. Feb. 22, 1765. 353h. Robert, b. May 22, 1767. The following obituary notice of Jonathan Brown (353c) was copied from the Albany Argus, Wednesday, June 15, 1836: DEATH OF A REVOLUTIONARY PATRIOT. Died at his residence in Pittstown, N. Y., on Saturday the nth day of June, inst., of apoplexy, Jonathan Brown, Esq., aged eighty-three years, a venerable patriot of the Revolution and one of the earliest settlers of Rensselaer county. Judge Brown was a native of Stonington, Conn., and emigrated at an early period to the State of New York, and settled in Pittstown, in this county, previous to the Revolutionary War. When this eventful and glorious struggle commenced which resulted in the estab- lishment of our national independence, he did not hesitate to serve his country in the capacity of a soldier. When he entered the army he held an ensign's commission in a company attached to the regiment commanded by Col. Anthony Van Schaik, stationed during Burgoyne's celebrated campaign, in 1777, on Van Schaik's Island, near the confluence of the Hud- son and Mohawk rivers, opposite the village of Lansingburgh. In the month of Au- gust of that year liis command was ordered to aid General Stark, and he had the good fortune to be present at the battle of Bennington. He was also present at the battle of Bemis Heights, and the surrender of Burgoyne, which occurred during the same cam- paign. At the close of the war he received a Major's commission by the recommenda- tion of General Washington. Judge Brown held the office of Sheriff of Albany county under the old organization of counties. He afterwards repeatedly represented the county of Rensselaer in our State Legislature, and was many years Judge of our County Courts. He was also for a long period the agent of General Ten Broek and General Rensselaer for the sale of manor lands. David Brown (3536), son of James (66) and Abigail (Utley) Brown [Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b. July 2, 1758; d. Sept. 14, 1825; m., Jan. 8, 1786, Lydia Miner; d. Sept. 23, 1854, aged ninety-five years. He was a Revolutionary soldier; his widow received a pension. [Records of birth and death taken from the Roads Church and Cemetery.] Children : 354. Abigail, b. Sept. 22, 1786; unm. 355. Elijah, b. Mar. 14, 1789; m. Mary Saunders (361-368). 356. Ehsha, b. June 20, 1791; m. Desire Miner (369-372). 357. Betsey, b. Aug. 15, 1793; m. John Reynolds (357a-357h)- 358. Mary, b. Mar. 22, 1796; m. Mr. Holloway. 359. Delilah, b. Jan. 22, 1800; m. Edward H. Ball, Nov. 7, 1824. 360. Rebecca, b. Jan. 16, 1803; ^- Joshua Haley (36oa-36og). Elijah Brown (355), son of David (3530) and Lydia (Miner) Brown 35 THE BROWN GENEALOGY [James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Mar. 14, 1789; m., Preston, Conn., July 16, 1826, Mary Saunders, b. 1808; she was granddau. of Levi Standish, of Preston, and a direct descendant of Miles Standish the Pilgrim. Children, b. Stonington: 361. David Franklin, b. June 3, 1827; m. Sarah Frances Church. 362. Betsey, b. Sept. 13, 1828; m. (i) John Faulkner, (2) Capt. Samuer Clark. 362a. Henry, b. Jan. 19, 1832; drowned when young, at Deans' Mills. 262b. Lydia, b. Jan. 4, 1834; m. Oliver Tuttle, of E. Hartford, Conn. 363. Charles Henry, b. Sept. 29, 1837; m. Parthenia Eaton, of An- sonia. Conn. 364. Geo. Washington "l 365. John Madison -triplets, b. Jan. 4, 1839, Westerly, R. I. 366. Wm. Jefferson j Geo. Washington (364) m. EHza S. Bearse, Chatham, Mass. (364a-364c). John Madison (365) d. in the South after the war; unm. Wm. Jefferson (366) m. Elizabeth Buckingham, of Ansonia. He was killed in the Civil War, July 20, 1864. These three and two other sons served their country through the Civil War; also two sons-in-law. 367. Edward, b. July 2, 1841; m. Susan Yeager, of Stryker, O.; both d., leaving a son: Marcus. 368. Mary Jane, b. 1845; <^-' ^Qo^; rn- Wm. Rugg, of Nawbuc, Conn. He was in the Civil War; now, 1905, in the Soldiers' Home, Norton, Conn. David Franklin Brown (361), son of Elijah (355) and Mary (Saunders) Brown [David (3536), James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b. June 3, 1827; m., Oct. 10, 1848, Sarah Frances Church, b. Mar. 4, 1831. Children: 368a. Frances, b., E. Hartford, Conn., Mar. 27, 1850; d. July 4, 1850. 368b. Frances Wilhelmina, b., Ansonia, Conn., Aug. 19, 1852; m., Southbm-y, Conn., Nov. 17, 1870, Charles Thompson Downes, b. Oct. 2, 1843 ; ^on of Daniel and Louisa (Thompson) Downes. Children: Frederick Almon, b., Southbury, Jan. 20, 1872; Charles Daniel, b., Southbury, Feb. 4, 1874. Res., 1905, 2754 Broadway, New York City. 368c. Franklin Fremont, b., Ansonia, Sept. 10, 1857; d. Mar. 15, 1858. 36 Monument to Elder Simeon Brown (7^i) Brown Cemetery, North Stonington, Conn. Joshua BruAvn (77) House Stonington, Conn. 1^ i ?Tf fc' B> 7 ,'ir •' ^ i Christopher Dewey and Margaret Brown (S889) House North Stonington, Conn. THE BROWN GENEALOGY Betsey Brown (362), dau. of Elijah (355) and Mary (Saunders) Brown [David (353e), James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b. Sept. 13, 1828; m. (i) John Faulkner, of Stonington; (2) Capt. Samuel Clark, of Stonington; both deceased. No issue. Her res., 1905, 20 Diving St., Ston- ington, Conn. George W. Brown (364), son of Elijah (355) and Mary (Saunders) Brown [David (353e), James (66), Janathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b., Westerly, R. L, Jan. 4, 1839; d., Ansonia, Conn., Mar. 4, 1897: m., Birmingham, Conn., Apr. 11, i860, Eliza S. Bearse, b., Cumberland, Me., Jan. 12, 1840; dau. of Lothrop L. and Sally (Hallett) Bearse, of Chatham, Mass. He was in the Civil War; occupation, carpenter; a Republican, and both attended the Baptist Church. Her res., 1905, Waterbury, Conn. Children, b. Ansonia: 364a. Lutie A., b. May 14, 1867; d., Ansonia, May 24, 1889. 364b. Joseph L., b. Aug. i, 1870. 364c. Geo. A., b. Jan. 20, 1880. Lutie A. Brown (364a), dau. of the preceding, m., Ansonia, Conn., Feb., 1887, William Larkin. Dau.: Essie Brown Larkin, b. May 20, 1889. Joseph L. Brown (364b), son of Geo. W. and Eliza S. (Bearse) Brown, m., Jan. 22, 1896, Jennie Norton. Res., 1905, Waterbury, Conn. George A. Brown (364c), son of Geo. W. and Eliza S. (Bearse) Brown, m., Sept. 10, 1900, Jennie Batrick. Dau.: Ethel Corinna, b. July 6, 1904. Res., 1905, Waterbury, Conn. Elisha Brown (356), son of David (3536) and Lydia (Miner) Brown [James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., June 20, 1791; m., Stonington, Feb. 14, 1816, Desire Miner, b. Dec. 17, 1787; dau. of Wm. and Abigail (Haley) Miner. Wm. Miner was in the war of the Revolution, and d. Feb. 25, 1833. Children, b. Stonington: 369. Lydia M., b. Aug. 17, 1817; d. Nov. 15, 1830. 370. John H., b. June 20, 1823. 371. Abby E., b. Sept. 4, 1825. 372. William M., b. Jan. 20, 1828; d., Stonington, Feb. 18, 1893; unm. John Henry Brown (370), son of Elisha (356) and Desire (Miner) Brown [David (3536), James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b. May 28, 1822; d. Sept. 29, 1904; m. Mrs. Rebecca Champlin, nee Haley, widow of 37 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Benadani Champlin, b. June i, 1824; d. Jan. 9, 1904; dau. of Joshua and Rebecca Haley. Children, b. Mystic, Conn.: 370a. Wm. Henry, b. Mar. 2, 1854. 370b. Edward Haley, b. ; d. about 1871. 370c. Benj. Champlin, b. Feb. 15, 1861. 37od. Thaddeus W., b. July 8, 1863. 37oe. Lydia Miner, b. Jan. 28, 1866; d. Sept. 25, 1901. Abby Brown (371), dau. of Elisha (356) and Desire (Miner) Brown [David (3536), James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b. Sept. 4, 1825; d. 1858; m. Russell Davis, d. 1898. Dau.: Mary Abby Davis, b. . Res., 1905, No. Stonington, Conn. Wm. Henry Brown (370a), son of John H. (370) and ^Irs. Rebecca (Champlin, nee Haley) Brown [Elisha (356), David (353e), James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b. Mar. 2, 1854; m., Westerly, R. I., Mar. 23, 1881, Mary Elizabeth Champlin, b. Dec. 13, 1859; dau. of Charles W., b. Aug. 24, 1818, and Harriet L. (Caswell) Champlin. No issue. Res., 1905, Stonington, Conn. (Quiambogue). Benj. Champlin Brown (370c), son of John H. (370) and Mn. Rebecca (Champlin, nee Haley) Brown, b. Feb. 15, 1861; m., Stonington, Conn., Dec. 8, 1885, Hannah Sabrina Champlin, b. Sept. 11, 1863; d., Stonington (Quiambogue), June 8, 1901; dau. of Charles W. and Harriet L. (Caswell) Champlin. No issue. His res., 1905, Stonington, Conn. (Quiambogue). Thaddeus W. Brown (37od), son of John H. (370) and Mrs. Rebecca (Champlin, nee Haley) Brown [Elisha (356), David (3536), James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b. July 8, 1863; m., Stonington, Conn., Apr. II, 1894, Ella M. Staplin, b., Stonington, Nov, 14, 1870; dau. of Robert and Sarah (Gardner) Staplin. Dau.: Delia Rebecca, b. July 24, 1897. Occu- pation, machinist; both are members of the Baptist Church. ■ Res., 1905, Stonington, Conn. Lydia Miner Brown (37oe), dau. of John H. (370) and ^Irs. Rebecca (Champlin, nee Haley) Brown [Elisha (356), David (353e), James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b. Jan. 28, 1866; d. Sept. 25, 1901; m., Stonington, Conn., July 3, 1887, Wm. Nelson Clark, b. Oct. 26, 1867; son of Wm. Henry and Hattie M. (Guile) Clark. Children, b. Stonington (Quiambogue): Angeline Brown, b. July 7, 1888; Harriet Rebecca, b. Aug. 29, 1901. 38 THE BROWN GENEALOGY BETSEY BROWN AND JOHN REYNOLDS' DESCENDANTS GIVEN CONTINUOUSLY. Betsey Brown (357), dau. of David Brown (3536) and Lydia Miner [James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 15, 1793; m. John Reynolds, son of Thomas and Sarah (Clark) Reynolds. Children : 357a. John H., b. Oct. 27, 1813; m. Prudence Latham; they lived in Ledyard and Preston, Conn. 357b. Wm. F. Reynolds, b., Stonington, Aug. 27, 1816. 357c. Sally A. Reynolds, b., No. Stonington, Apr. 10, 1819. 357d. Abbie Reynolds, b., No. Stonington, Mar. 7, 1823. 3576. Betsey (twin), b.. No. Stonington, Dec. i, 1828. 35 7f. Thomas (twin), b.. No. Stonington, Dec. i, 1828; d. young, or about eighteen years. 3S7g. Denison P., b. Sept. 18, 1825 (357ga-357ge). 357h. Mary Ellen, b., Stonington, Aug. 8, 1835 (357ha-357hc). Wm. F. Reynolds (357b), son of John and Betsey Brown (357) [David (3536), James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 27, 1816; d. Jan. 26, 1882; m., Stonington, May 22, 1842, Lucretia Wilcox. Children, b. Stonington: 357ba. Lucretia A., b. July 19, 1845. 357bb. Wm. Henry, b. ; m. . No issue. 357bc. Annie E., b. June i, 1850. 357bd. Thomas W., b. Aug. 31, 1854. Lucretia A. Reynolds (357ba), dau. of the preceding [Betsey Brown (357), David (3536), James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b., Stoning- ton, Conn., July 19, 1845; "^^ ^^ Stonington, Oct. 12, 1867, Warren P. Thompson, son of Joseph L. Thompson; b. 1840; d., E. Greenwich, R. I., Oct. 12, 1895. He was educated in the public schools and was in the Civil War, in Co. H, 26th Conn. Vol.; railroad conductor, and both are members of the Baptist Church. Children, b. Stonington: Wm. R., b. Nov. i, 1868; Albert \V., b. Feb. 22, 1870. Her res., 1905, E. Greenwich, R. I. Annie E. Reynolds (357bc), dau. of Wm. F. and I^ucretia (Wilcox) Reynolds [Betsey Brown (357), David (3536), James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., June i, 1850; m., Davisville, R. I., June 13, 1870, Frank N. Nichols, b.. No. Kingston, R. I., Sept. 10, 1845; son of Benj. P. and Ruth A. Nichols. He was educated in the pubhc 39 THE BROWN GENEALOGY schools, and was in the Civil War, in Co. D, ist R. I. Cavalry; a Republican, dealer in horses, and both are members of the Baptist Church. Children : James E., b., Stonington, June 13, 1873; Louis D., b., Stonington, May 15, 1876; Rodman L., b., E. Greenwich, Aug. 28, 1878, Res., 1905, E. Green- wich, R. I. Thomas W. Reynolds (357bd), son of William F. and Lucretia (Wilcox) Reynolds [Betsey Brown (357), David (3536), James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b. x\ug. 31, 1854; m., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 24, 1881, Mary E. Chesebro, b., New York City, Jan. 31, 1862; dau. of Enoch and Margaret Chesebro. He is in the employ of the Standard Oil Co. Res., 1905, Westerly, R. I. Sally A, Reynolds (357c), dau. of John Reynolds and Betsey Brown (357), dau. of David Brown (3536) and Lydia Miner [James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Apr. 10, 1819; d.. Westerly, R. I., May 16, 1905; m., Stonington, Hazard Holmes, b., Stonington, Jan. 23, 1818; d.. Westerly, July 24, 1890; son of Hazard Holmes, Sen., and Fanny Denison, of Stonington. He was an engineer, a Republican, and both were members of the Baptist Church. Children, b. Stonington: 357ca. Sarah E., b. Mar. 18, 1844. 357cb. Chas. Henry, b. Sept., 1847; d., Stonington, 1850. 357CC. Frank W., b. Feb. 10, 1853. 357cd. Bessie W., b. May 29, 1857. 357ce. Fannie Denison, b. May 19, 1859; unm. Res., Westerly, R. I. 357cf. Hattie, b. Nov., 1862; d., Stonington, June, 1864. Abbie Reynolds (357d),dau. of John Reynolds and Betsey Brown (357) [David (3536), James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Mar. 7, 1823; m., Stonington, May 28, 1843, Denison Wilcox, b., Stonington, Sept. 19, 1816; d. Stonington, May 12, i860. He was a seafaring man, a Republican, and both Baptists. Her res., 1905, New London, Conn. Dau.: 357da. Abbie Wilcox, b., Stonington, Oct. 27, 1845; ""i- Noyes Bar- ber, b., Groton, Conn., Feb. 5, 1844; d. 1900. Children: (i) Herbert, b. May 5, 1869; d. Jan. 13, 1900. (2) Bessie Barber, dau. of the preceding, b., Stonington, May 9, 1874; m.. New London, Sept. 10, 1893, W. E. Fisher, b., New 40 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Haven, Conn., Mar. 2, 1870. He is a railroad engineer; both are members of the M. E. Church. Children: Edward H., b. Feb. 17, 1895; Olga M., b. May 7, 1897. Res., 1905, 683 Howard Ave., New Haven, Conn . (3) Clara Barber, dau. of Noyes and Abbie (Wilcox) Barber, b., Stonington, Apr. 4, 1876; m., New London, June 11, 1896, Robert A. Korb, b., New London, May 4, 1865. He is a shipping clerk; both are members of the M. E. Church. Res., 1905, 13 Front St., New London, Conn. Betsey A. Reynolds (3576), dau. of John Reynolds and Betsey Brown (357), who was the dau. of David Brown (3536) [James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn,, Dec. i, 1828; m., Stonington, Oct. I, 1848, Silas Beckwith, b., New London, Conn., Jan. 8, 1827; d.. Westerly, R. I., Jan. 23, 1886; son of Charles Beckwith, of New London. He was a marble cutter; both are members of the Baptist Church; he was a deacon. Her res., 1905, Westerly, R. I. Children, b. and d. Stonington: 357ea. Charles L., b. Sept. 8, 1850; d. Oct. 12, 1861. 357eb. Mary Ella, b. Aug. 2, 1858; d. Nov. 14, 1861. Denison P. Reynolds (35 7g), son of John Reynolds and Betsey Brown (357) [David (3536), James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Sept. 18, 1825; d.. Providence, R. I., May 24, 1884; m., Stonington, Feb. 10, 1850, Jane Elizabeth Wilcox, b., Stonington, Oct. 9, 1831; d.. Providence, Jan. 15, 1904; dau. of Asa Wilcox and Sally Tinker, of Stonington. He was a carpenter, and both were members of the M. E. Church. Children, b. in Providence, except the first: 357ga. Sarah J., b., Stonington, Jan. 12, 1851; d., Stonington, Jan. 26, 1873. 357gb. Mary E., b. May 17, 1856; d., Providence, Sept. 6, 1858. 357gc. Hattie S., b. Aug. 22, 1858; d., Providence, May 14, 1884. 357gd. Lulah L., b. Oct. 7, i860; d., Providence, Feb. 9, 1897. 357ge. Prescott D., b. Apr. 8, 1869. Prescott Denison Reynolds (357ge), son of Denison P. (357g) and Jane EHzabeth (Wilcox) Reynolds [Betsey Brown (357), David (3536), James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b., Providence, R. I., Apr. 8, 1869; m., Providence, Sept. 28, 1898, Maud Hortense Perrin, b., Pawtucket, R. I., May 19, 1872; dau. of Henry Otis and Ella Hortense (Beach) Perrin, of Pawtucket. No issue. Occupation, decorative upholsterer; Republican; 41 THE BROWN GENEALOGY both members of the M. E. Church. Res., 1905, 378 Carpenter St., Provi- dence, R. I. Mary Ellen Reynolds (357h), dau. of John Reynolds and Betsey Brown (357) [David (353e), James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 8, 1835; ^-j Stonington, Apr. 29, 1899; m., Stoning- ton, June,' 1857, Charles Edward Randall, b., Stonington, Dec. 5, 1831; d., Stonington, July 28, 1899. He was a carpenter. Children, b. Stonington: 357ha. Kate W., b. Dec. 23, i860. 357hb. Charles H., b. . Res., 1904, Stonington. 357hc. Fannie, b. ; d. young. Kate W. Randall (357ha), dau. of the preceding, b. Dec. 23, i860; m., Stonington, Nov. 15, 1888, Edward E. Billings, b., No. Stonington, July 3, 1847. He was in the Civil War, and is a member of Budlong Post, G. A. R., of Westerly, R. I. Republican, and a farmer. Children, b. No. Stonington: Edna Louise, b. Apr. 21, 1891; Ruth Annie, b. Sept. 18, 1893; Edward E., Jr. b. Jan. 28, 1898. Res., 1905, Westerly, R. I. (Lower Pawcatuck). Sarah E. Holmes (357ba), dau. of Hazard and Sally A. (Reynolds) Holmes [Betsey (357), David (353e), James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Mar. 18, 1844; m., Stonington, Nov. 19, 1868, Edward W. Doty, b., Stonington, July 23, 1840; son of Orren and Hannah (Hancock) Doty, of Stonington. He is a marble cutter; his father also was in the same business. A Republican, and both are members of the Baptist Church. Children, b. Stonington: S. Louise, b. Nov. 26, 1870, d. May 23, 1884; Frank B., b. Dec. 10, 1872, d. May 22, 1874; Harry H., b. Apr. 20, 1874; Bessie E., b. July 7, 1877, d. Jan. 16, 1903. Res., 1905, Stonington, Conn. Frank W. Holmes (357bc), son of Hazard and Sally A. (Reynolds) Holmes [Betsey (357), David (353e), James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 10, 1853; m.. Providence, R. I., Dec. 19, 1882, Emma A. Taft, b.. Providence, June 26, 1857; dau. of Alanson and Maria (Branch) Taft, of Providence. He is a cashier American Woolen Co., 16 Dike St., Providence. Republican, and both are church-members. Dau.: Mabel T., b. Oct. 2, 1883. Bessie W. Holmes (357bd), dau. of Hazard and Sally A. (Reynolds) Holmes [Betsey (357), David (353e), James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., May 29, 1857; m., Westerly, R. I., Oct. 25, 1887, Frank W. Coy, b., Westerly, July 2, 1856; son of Woodbury and Sarah 42 - - THE BROWN GENEAI.OGY E. (Crandall) Coy, of Westerly. Real-estate dealer and other industries. He is a Republican, and both are Baptists. Children, b. Westerly: Ed- ward Brown, b. May 3, 1889; Arthur Holmes, b. Sept. 30, 1890; Sally Eliza- beth, b. Sept. 6, 1892; Louise Crandall, b. Oct. 8, 1894. Res., 1905, Wes- terly, R. I. Rebecca Brown (360), dau. of David (35 3e) and Lydia (Miner) Brown [James (66), Jonathan (28), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Jan. 16, 1803; i^-> Stonington, Nov. 29, 1821, Joshua Haley, of Stonington, b. Mar. 15, 1795, son of John and Priscilla (Fellows) Haley. Children: 360a. Joshua, b. Sept. 5, 1822; m. Matilda Williams. 360b. Rebecca, b. June i, 1824; m., Nov. 28, 1844, Benadam Champlin. 360c. Mary, b. Jan. 2, 1826; d. 1827. 36od. Jane, b. June 8, 1827; m. James Norman. 3606. Mary E., b. Mar. 10, 1828; d. 1831. 36of. Harriet, b . 36og. John, b. Dea. Zebulon Brown (74), son of James (38) and Elizabeth (Randall) Brown [Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Nov. 20, 1730; d. July 14, 1814, aged eighty-four years; m., Stonington, Dec. 20, 1749, Anne Main, b. July 31, 1731; d. Dec. 24, 1822, aged ninety-one years; dau. of Dea. Thomas Main, whose wife was Annah Brown (40), dau. of Eleazer (11) and Ann (Pendleton) Brown. [See 808.] Interments in Brown Cemetery. Deacon Brown was one of the first deacons of the Second Baptist Church, No. Stonington, when his brother, Elder Simeon, was pastor of the same church. Children, b. Stonington: 373. Anne, b. May 3, 1751. 374. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 15, 1752. 375. Marvin, b. July 4, 1754. 376. Zebulon, b. May 20, 1756 (1191, 1192). 377. James, b. Mar. 19, 1758. 378. Oliver, b. Feb. 9, 1760. 379. Hannah, b. June 15, 1761. 380. Nabbe, b. Dec. 11, 1762. 381. Thomas, b. Nov. 26, 1764. 382. Mathew, b. 1766. 382a. Phebe, b. 1770; m. Elias Miner (1155-1160). 382b. Katurah, b. 1775; m. Isaac Miner (1148-1155). 43 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Mathew Brown (382), son of Dea. Zebulon (74) and Anne (Main) Brown [James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., 1766; d. Apr. 9, 1800, of twelve days' quinsey; m., Stonington, by Elder Simeon Brown, May 25, 1788, Elizabeth Brown (280), b. Aug. 5, 1766; d. Nov. 12, 1853, aged eighty-eight years; dau. of Elder Simeon and Dorothy (Hern) Brown. Interments in Brown Cemetery. Children: 383. Betsey, b. Apr. 10, 1789 (i 161 -i 167). 384. Matilda, b. Mar. 10, 1791 (11 75-1 183). 385. Mathew, b. Sept. 5, 1793 (386-389)- Mathew Brown (385), son of Mathew (382) and Elizabeth Brown (280), dau. of Elder Simeon and Dorothy (Hern) Brown [Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], was called Esq. Mathew^ and was a man of marked abilities and sound judgment; b., Stonington, Conn., Sept. 5, 1793; d.. No. Stonington, Apr. 28, i860. He was in the War of i8i2,and re- sponded to the call for the defence of Stonington Aug. 9 and 10, 1814; in the Seventh Company — Daniel Miner, 2d, Captain; Amos Holmes, Lieutenant; Phineas Wheeler, Ensign; Thomas Partelo, Chandler Maine, Jesse Maine, Sergeants; Joshua Brown, Avory Brown, Prentice Holmes, Benadam Palmer, Corporals; Arnold Crumb, Drummer; with twenty-nine privates. He received a land warrant for services. He m. Lucy Ann (Denison) Brown,* July 4, 1816; b., Stonington, Feb. 18, 1799; d. July 20, 1848. Children: 386. Daniel, b. May 23, 18 17 (393-400). 387. Andrew Denison, b. Sept. 24, 1818 (401-404). 388. Lucy E., b. May 16, 1823 (405-407). 389. Hosmer A., b. Sept. 7, 1830. Dea. Josiah Brown, Jr. (304), son of Josiah (279) and Deborah (Griffin) Brown [Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stoning- ton, Conn., Sept. n, 1797; d.. No. Stonington, Jan. i, 1841; m.. No. Ston- ington, Mar. 6, 1823, Rebecca (Blivin) Brown. Children: 390. Ira, b. Sept. 21, 1823 (408, 409). * The compiler remembers well, in the spring of-1848, Mrs. Brown's patience in suffering, when she quoted from Job, "All the clays of my appointed time will I wait till my change come." This highly esteemed and beloved wife and mother was a Christian woman, a loving friend and neighbor, whose voice was often heard in the Old Mmer Meeting-house before 184s, when, in the summer of that year, it was torn down and a new house erected on the same lot. The old house was the scene of many revivals and large ingatherings to the church, m which this good woman, a saint of God, by her spiritual gifts, had an active part The homestead, beautiful for situation, should be rebuilt, and the grandchildren come back from the cold North- west and make glad these hills and valleys as in days gone by. 44 Tombstone of Nathan Bri)Avn (()0) and wife Union Cemetery, North Stonington, Conn. Matliew Brown (.'58,")) House This house in North Stonington, Conn., doubtless was built by Dea. Zebulon Brown (74), oecupied by his son Mathew (.^8-2), and by Mathew, his son ( 3S5 ), later by his daughter Luey ( 388 ), who married Dea. Reuben W. York THE BROWN GENEALOGY 391. Jerusha Ann, b. Jan. 16, 1826 (393-400). 392. Angeline, b. Dec. 31, 1828 (410-414). After the death of Josiah Brown, Jr., his widow, Rebecca Brown, nee Blivin, m. David Stillman; she d. Jan. 31, 1879. Son: Geo. C. Stillman. Res., 1904, Providence, R. I. Daniel Brown (386), son of Mathew (385) and Lucy A. (Denison) Brown [Mathew (382), Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., May 23, 1817; d. Jan. 3, 1889; m., No. Stonington, Apr. 8, 1842, Jerusha A. Brown (391), dau. of Josiah (304) and Rebecca (BHvin) Brown [Dea. Josiah (279), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas]. Mr. Brown set the headstones to the graves of his great-great- great-grandfather Eleazer (11) and wife Ann (Pendleton) Brown; was a progressive farmer, owning a large, productive farm between Westerly, R.I., and Stonington. Children: 393. Delos E., b. 1844; d. Apr. 10, 1870. 394. Arabella N., b. 1845; d. Aug. 2, 1877. 395. Lucy A., b. 1847; d- Dec. 25, 1873; ^^- Hermon C. Brown (444). 396. Infant, b. 1850; d. Dec, 1850. 397. Frank L., b. 1853; d. Mar. 6, 1875. 398. Mathew, b. 1857; d. Dec. 22, 1857. 399. John, b. 1862; d. Jan. 19, 1866. 400. Daniel, Jr., b. July 14, 1864. Daniel Brown, Jr. (400), b. July 14, 1864; m. IMary A. Taylor, Mar. 21, 1894; b. Dec. 23, 1859. They live, 1904, on the homestead, two miles west of Westerly, R. I., on the Stonington road, on the farm that was his father's. Children: two boys, d. in infancy; Mabel Irene Brown, b. Apr. 8, 1896. Andrew Denison Brown (387), son of Mathew and Lucy A. (Denison) Brown [Mathew (382), Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Sept. 24, 1818; m. (i), Greenfield, Mass., Sept., 1855, Adehne Partelo, d. 1868; dau. of Jonas and Phebe Partelo, of No. Stonington; m. (2) Melisse Bacon, 1872. His res., 1904, Brownsdale, Minn. Children by first m. : 401. Lillian G., b. i860. 402. Florence E., b. Aug. 10, 1861. Children by second m., b. Brownsdale: 403. Winifred L., b. 1873; ^^- Louis Powers. 404. Hosmer D., b. 1885. 45 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Lillian G. (401), dau. of Andrew D. and Adeline (Partelo) Brown, m., ,| Dec. 17, 1884, Thomas E. Doolittle, Brownsdale, Minn. Res., 1904, No. ' Platte, Neb. Children, b. in Atkinson, Neb., except the first : 404a. Milton E., b., Illinois, Oct. 7, 1885. 404b. Warren Andrew, b. Aug. 18, 1887. 404c. Thomas P., b. July 18, 1890. 404d. Florence Adeline, b. Dec. 2, 1892. 404e. Emily Jane, b. June 17, 1899. Florence Evelyn Brown (402), dau. of Andrew D. and Adeline (Partelo) Brown, m., Aug. 14, 1889, Charles D. Holbrook, Brownsdale, Minn. Res., 1904, 305 Third St., So. MinneapoHs, Minn. Children, b. Minneapolis, Minn.: 404f. De Witt, b. Aug. 21, 1891. 404g. Adeline Olive, b. Nov. 19, 1893. 404h. Howard Andrew, b. Aug. 30, 1898. Lucy Elizabeth Brown (388), dau. of Mathew (385) and Lucy (Denison) Brown [Mathew (382), Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., May 16, 1823; d. Dec. 16, 1885; m.. No. Stonington, Oct. 8, 1840, Reuben W. York, b.. No. Stonington, Jan. 22, 18 19; d. June 9, 1897; interment in Union Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. York occupied, during nearly all of their married life, the homestead of Mathew Brown, and were devoted members of the Second Baptist Church; he was for many years a deacon. Children, b. No. Stonington: 405. Lucy E., b. Oct. 28, 1841. 406. Reuben Oscar, b. Apr. 21, 1843. 407. Sarah Alice, b. July 22, 1845. Dea. Reuben W. York, who m. Lucy E. Brown, was the son of Nathan and Martha, or Pattie, (Breed) York. Nathan b., Stonington, Conn., Sept. 8, 1771; son of Jesse and Anna (Breed) York. Jesse b. Aug. i, 1740; son of Thomas and Deborah (Brown) York. Thomas b. Jan. 24, 17 14; his father was Thomas York, b. Oct. 14, 1676, who m. Mary Brown (19), Jan. 9, 1704; dau. of Thomas Brown (2) and Hannah Collins. Children of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (1216-1224): William, b. Oct. 3, 1705; Mary, b. Oct. 17, 1710; Thankful, b. Apr. 23, 1712; Thomas, b. Jan. 24, 1714; John, b. Mar. 16, 1716; Joseph, b. Jan. 22, 1718; Deborah, b. Jan. 23, 1720; Collins, b. 1722; Bell, b. 1725. Lucy E. York (405^ b. Oct. 28, 1841; m. George H. Blivin, who d. 46 THE BROWN GENEALOGY soon after m., and later Mrs. Bliven removed to Pasadena, Cal., to live with her sister, Sarah A. (Brown) Douglass; d., Pasadena, Dec. 4, 1897. Reuben Oscar York (406), son of Reuben W. and Lucy E. (Brown) York, • b., No. Stonington, Conn., Apr. 21, 1843; ^-i Feb. 17, 1874, Sarah E. Stanton, b., Voluntown, Conn., Aug. 9, 1845; dau. of Gen. William C. Stanton, b., Voluntown, 1807, and Mary A. Chesebro, b., Stonington, Conn., Sept. 29, 181 1 ; d. Nov. 30, 1905. He is a farmer. Res., 1905, Brownsdale, Minn. Dau.: Jennie Alice York, b., Brownsdale, Feb. 3, 1875; ^-j Oct. 14, 1903, James H. Smith. Res., 1905, Udolpha, Minn. Sarah x\lice York (407), b., No. Stonington, Conn., July 22, 1845; "!•» No. Stonington, June 26, 1877, Rev. C. T. Douglass, pastor of the Second Baptist Church in No. Stonington, who later removed to Pasadena, Cal., and is now, 1905, corresponding secretary of the Southern California Baptist Convention, liaving held this position for several years. Son, b. in New Jersey, Feb. 13, 1884; student at Stanford University, Cal., in 1904. Hosmer A. Brown (389), son of Mathew and Lucy (Denison) Brown [Mathew (382), Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Sept. 7, 1830; m., St. Paul, Minn., Jan. i, 1869, Mary L. Frink, b.. No. Stonington, May, 1840. They both received common- school educations in their native town. Miss Frink completed her educa- tion at the Connecticut I>iterary Institution, SufiEield, Conn. She united with the Third Baptist Church in her native town at the age of si.xteen and never changed her membership. After their marriage they went to Browns- dale, Mower Co., Minn., to live, where she d. Aug. i, 1900. Appended is a copy of one of her many poems. Mr. Brown went with his brother Andrew to what is now known as Brownsdale in 1855, and preempted a large tract of land, using in the pay- ment a Land Warrant which was granted his father (385) for services at Stonington, Conn., in the War of 1812. When they came to this wild coun- try there were but two settlers for miles around. Putting in a sawmill, they cut hundreds of acres of timber for lumber, and from this beginning sprang the beautiful village of Brownsdale. For two terms Mr. H. A. Brown has represented his district in the State Legislature of Minnesota. Res., 1905, Brownsdale, Mower Co., Minn. MEMORIES MRS. HOSMER A. BROWN I 'm sitting to-night in my prairie home, And the purple twilight flings Its dusky folds round the sadden'd soul Where memory sits, and sings 47 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Of the days of my sunny-hearted youth, That passed on downy wings. She brings me dreams of my far-off home: The tree close up by the door; I bend my ear to catch the sound Of the waterfall's muffled roar; And watch, where the lilies at anchor ride, For the dip of the flashing oar. I forget that beneath the homestead roof Stranger voices the echoes awake. 'T is a dream — the loved and the lost are there. With heart too full to speak, Again I kiss the lines of care On brow and furrowed cheek. My brother, with his golden hair Swept back from a brow like light; How plain, across the mists of years, He rises to my sight! His Hps still wear their olden smile. His eye its sunny Ught. One night his feet grew weary. He closed his earnest eyes; And when morning walked the hilltops He was singing in Paradise. And echoes roll round my haunted soul From out the starry skies. And one — Oh! softly speak her name, .\nd reverently, and low; She walks upon eternal hills Where stainless hlies blow; But just within the pearly gates She waits for me, I know. Her saintly face shines on me still Through the twilight calm and clear; I bend my ear to the sighing wind. Her voice I seem to hear; It whispers "Peace" to my waiting soul. And I know that she is near. Ah well, I shall meet them all again When I reach that shore unknown. With its wondrous city, pearly gates. And everlasting throne. Ira Brown (390), son of Josiah and Rebecca (Bliven) Brown [Josiah (279), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Sept. 21, 1823; d.. No. Stonington, Sept. 21, 1861; m.. Mar. 21, 1859, Frances A. Slocum. Res., 1904, New London, Conn. Children : 408. Frances L., b.. No. Stonington, Mar. 12, i860. 409. Ira J. B., b., Hopkinton, R. I., Jan. 24, 1862. After the death of Ira Brown (390), his widow m. (2), Hopkinton, R. I., 48 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Mar. 25, 1866, A. T. Anderson. Children: Willie F., b. June 6, 1868, d. July 27, 1890; Christine F., b. Nov. 6, 1876. Frances L. Brown (408), dau. of Ira and Frances A. (Slocum) Brown, m., New London, Conn., Apr. 16, 1884, W. Edward Smith, b., Meriden, Conn., July 31, 1857. Children: Harold A., b. May 15, i887;Iola Willimina, b. June 13, 1891. Res., 1904, 9 Colman St., New London, Conn. Ira J. B. Brown (409), son of Ira and Frances A. (Slocum) Brown, m., New London, Conn., 1881, Matilda Bromell, d. May 12, 1898. Children, b. New London: Ira B., b. Feb. i, 1882; Ruby, b. Aug. 30, 1885; Ivers, b. Nov. 26, 1889; HoUis, b. May 22, 1895. Jerusha A. Brown (391), dau. of Josiah and Rebecca (Bliven) Brown, m. Daniel Brown (386) (393-400). Angeline Brown (392), dau. of Josiah and Rebecca (Bliven) Brown [Josiah (279), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Dec. 31, 1828; m., by Rev. A. G. Palmer, Stoning- ton, Nov. 29, 1849, Charles W. Vincent, b. June 12, 1816. Mr. Vincent has always resided in his native town, is highly esteemed and respected, and in his younger days was engaged in the manufacture of sash and blinds; he owned a sawmill and did a thriving business. His mind is unclouded, and he is as active as a man many years younger. He is the son of William Vincent, b. Dec. 8, 1787, and Freelove Pendleton, b. Feb. 20, 1796. Mr. Wm. Vincent owned the house that was Jeptha Brown's, but a few rods from his son Charles W., where he lived, and d., Feb. 8, 1874, aged eighty- seven years. Children, b. No. Stonington; four d. young: 410. Georgianna H., b. 411. Nellie A., b 412. Herbert Brown, b. Nov. i, 1863; m., Apr. 5, 1896, Anna Lena Partelo (871), dau. of Eleazer and Phebe (Bailey) Partelo. 413. Frank P., b. 414. Charles F., b ; m. Adelaide Blanchard, From the Stonington town records: These may certify that Nathan Brown, Jr., and Eunice Brown presented, before me and was joined in marriage; Stonington March ye 29, 1786. [Signed] Simeon Brown, Elder. Nathan Brown, Jr. (201), son of Nathan (60) and Lydia (Dewey) Brown [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. June 18, 1765; m., Stonington, Conn., Mar. 29, 1786, Eunice Brown. 49 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 414a. Nathan, b. Sept. 22, 1786. 414b. Eunice, b. Jan. 22, 1789. 414c. Patty, b. Feb. 17, 1791. 4i4d. Sally, b. Mar. 27, 1793; d. Sept. 13, 1794. 4i4e. Alfred, b. Jan. 22, 1795. Dudley Brown (205), son of Nathan (60) and Lydia (Dewey) Brown [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Dec. 16, 1776; d. Aug. 24, 1856, aged eighty years; m. Phebe Miner, b. Nov. 4, 1781; sister of Elder Asher Miner; she d. June 29, 1868. Dudley Brown was in the War of 18 12, and responded to the call for the defence of Stonington Aug. 9 and 10, 1814; in the Third Company — Jesse Breed, Captain; Wm. Frink, Lieutenant; Dudley Brown, Ensign. Children, b. No. Stonington: 415. Dudley, Jr., b. 1804; m., Sept. 21, 1829, Al)by \V. Leray, of Stonington; had three children. Mr. Brown, soon after his m., moved to Norwich, Chenango Co., N. Y. Both d., and the children d. soon after. 416. Charles Sidney, b. 1806; unm.; d. June 18, 1866. 417. Mary P., b. Dec. 13, 1808; d. July 18, 1889; "^- Bradford Phillips. 418. Emma, b. Jan. 12, 181 1; m. Thomas D. Ball. 419. Nathan, b. Apr. 29, 1813; m. Emily B. Crary. 420. Thomas M., b. Apr. 12, 1816; m. Mercy A. Babcock (427-430). 421. Silas, b. 1818; d., aged nineteen years. 422. Phebe Esther, b. 1820; m. Maxson T. Kenyon. 423. Sarah (or Sally) W., b. 1822; m. Orren Bromley; d. Sept. 5, 1850, aged twenty-eight years. Two children, d. young. Emma Brown (418), dau. of Dudley and Phebe (Miner) Brown, b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Jan. 12, 181 1 ; d. May 5, 1859; m., Mar. i, 1847, Thomas D. Ball, b. Dec. 4, 1815; d., Mystic, Conn., Nov. 23, 1897; interment in Road Church Cemetery. Child: 423a. Martha Ball, b.. Mystic, June 19, 1849; m., Jan. 31, 1884, Geo. H. Stinson. Children: Phoebe Miner, b. Dec. 5, 1884; Jesse Ball, b. Feb. 27, 1889. Res., 1904, Mystic, Conn. Nathan Brown (419), son of Dudley and Phebe (Miner) Brown [Nathan (60), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Apr. THE BROWN GENEALOGY 29, 1813; d. July 17, 1859; m., No. Stonington, July 17, 1842, Emily Brown Crary, b. Apr. 16, 181 2; dau. of Nathaniel M. and Prudence (Peabody) Crary, dau. of Thomas Peabody. Nathan Brown was a ship-carpenter and farmer. Children, b. No. Stonington: 424. Ellen Phelps, b. Jan. 23, 1844; d. July 23, 1866; m.. May, 1866, Israel F. Stickle. 425. Margaret A., b. Jan. 12, 1849; rii-) Feb., 1889, Henry Clinton Stanton. No issue. 426. Lucy Crary, b. July 25, 185 1; m.. No. Stonington, Nov. 23, 1887, Roland Smith Miner, d. Aug. 29, 1896. Lucy C. Brown was left an orphan at the age of nine years, and went to live with her uncle, Thomas Crary, in Preston, Conn. She received her education in the schools of her native town, Preston, and in E. Greenwich, R. I. Six years later she be- gan teaching in the public schools of Stonington, Griswold, Montville, and Preston, Conn., and continued teaching both summer and winter for ten years. She purchased the farm and repaired the homestead built by her great-grandfather Nathan (60), where she res. in 1906. This homestead has been occupied for six generations successively, one hundred and eighty-five years. Children: Hattie Maria, b. July 27, 1889; William Henry, b. Feb., 1893. Thomas AI. Brown (420), son of Dudley and Phebe (Miner) Brown [Nathan (60), Daniel (24), Thomas (2) ,Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Apr. 12, 1816; d. (drowned) Apr. 5, 1850; m., No. Stonington, Mercy Ann Babcock (50 Babcock Record), b. Dec. 8, 1815; d. Sept. 20, 1845; "!•> No. Stonington, by F. Bestor. Children: 427. Thomas Harrison, b. Oct. 16, 1839 (431-440). 428. Wm. Ellsworth, b. July 13, 1841 (441-443). 429. Hermon Clinton, b. Jan. 22, 1843 (444~'447)- 430. Stephen Edwin, b. May 27, 1845; ^- ^^^- ^7, 1895 (448-456). Phebe Esther (422), dau. of Dudley and Phebe (Miner) Brown [Nathan (60), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., 1820; d. Aug. 8, 1877; m.. No. Stonington, Maxson T. Kenyon, d. July 6, 1896, aged seventy-nine years. He was a farmer, and lived in the house built by Nathan Brown, Jr., three miles north of Westerly, R. I. Child: Mary Ann, b. Nov. 27, 1856; d. Oct. 15, 1865. 5i THE BROWN GENEALOGY Thomas Harrison Brown (427), son of Thomas M. (420) and Mercy Ann (Babcock) Brown (50 Babcock Record) [Dudley (205), Nathan (60), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Oct. 16, 1839; m. Amanda A. Wilbur, Jan. i, 1870. Mr. Brown was in the Civil War; enlisted in the 26th Connecticut Infantry Regt., Sept.1,1862; mustered into the United States service Nov. 10, 1862, in Company H, Daniel Chap- man, Capt. He was in the engagements at Port Hudson, May 27, 1863, and June 14, 1863. He was discharged Aug. 17, 1863. Res., 1904, Wes- terly, R. I. Children (Babcock Record 72): 431. Carrie Evilena, b. Jan. 22, 1873; ^'^■y ^^'^- ^Q' 1900, Frank I. Dawley. 432. Annie Viola, b. Apr. 3, 1874; m.. Westerly, R. I., June 28, 1899, Wilfred H. Nye., Res., 1904, No. Stonington, Conn. 433. Charles Ross, b. Nov. 6, 1875; ^'^•i ^^8- ^j 1898, Martha (Midwood) Brown. Children: Gladys Evelyn, b. July 8, 1900; Charles Wilbur, b. Aug. 16, 1902. 434. Agnes Ethel, b. Nov. 15, 1876; m., Sept. 7, 1898, Louis Hohn. Child: Louis Elliott, b. May 2, 1904. Res., 1904, New London, Conn. 435. Winnie Etta, b. July 3, 1878. 436. Thomas Henry, b. Nov. 2, 1879. 437. Bessie May, b. Apr. 13, 1882. 438. Mabel Ray, b. May i, 1884. 439. Alzero Fisk, b. Feb. 16, 1888. 440. Edith Idaline, b. Oct. 8, 1889. Wm. Ellsworth Brown (428), son of Thomas M. and Mercy Ann (Bab- cock) Brown (50 Babcock Record) [Dudley (205), Nathan (60), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., July 13, 1841; m., Mont- ville, Conn., Mar. 16, 1864, Ellen Augusta (Darrow) Brown, b. Apr. 16, 1842. Res., 1904, Bank St., New London, Conn. Children : 441. Walter Edwin, b. Apr. 22, 1865. 442. Addie Mabel, b. Aug. 23, 1867; m., Aug. 18, 1890, Joseph S. Collins. Child: Harold Wm., b. Dec. 15, 1899; d. Aug. 5, 1900. 443. Frank L., b. Feb. 25, 1872. Herman Clinton Brown (429), son of Thomas M. and Mercy Ann (Bab- cock) Brown (50 Babcock Record) [Dudley (205), Nathan (60), Daniel (24), 52 Children of Cyrus W. Brown t^-'.'H) were born in this house North Stonington, Conn. t Nathan Brown ((iO) House North Stonington, Conn. THE BROWN GENEALOGY Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Comi., Jan. 22, 1843; "i- (i)> No. Stonington, Mar. 16, 1868, Lucy A. (395), dau. of Daniel and Jerusha A. Brown; b., No. Stonington, 1847; d. Dec. 25, 1873. Children: Lucy M., d., aged six years; Herbert D., d., aged four years; Frank, d. in infancy, M. (2), Stonington, Conn., June 5, 1879, Sarah J. Miner, b. Oct. 13, 1858; dau. of Dea. Erastus and Phebe J. (Breed) Miner. Mr. Brown is a success- ful farmer. Res., 1904, Stonington, Conn. P. O., Westerly, R. L Children by second m., b. Stonington: 443a. J. Ethel, b. Mar. 29, 1880; d. Jan. 29, 1887. 444. Howard C, b. May 9, 1881. 445. Lewis H., b. Jan. 16, 1883. 446. Sarah Emma, b. Jan. 3, 1887. 447. Carl Wilson, b. Jan. 10, 1895. Stephen Edwin Brown (430), son of Thomas M. and Mercy Ann (Bab- cock) Brown (50 Babcock Record) [Dudley (205), Nathan (60), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., May 27, 1845; d. Oct. 27, 1895; ^-^ Stonington, Sept. 3, 1865, Mary G. Green, dau. of James M. and Susan (Gardner) Green; b. Aug. 8, 1846; d., No. Stonington, May 31, 1889. Children, b. No. Stonington: 448. Nellie, b. Dec. 8, 1865. 449. Mary A., b. Mar. 25, 1867; unm. Res., 1904, Westerly, R. I. 450. Thomas E., b. Aug. 30, 1868. 451. Williani E., b. Feb. 2, 1870. 452. James M., b. Jan. 21, 1875; unrn. 453. z^ngie B., b. June 16, 1878. 454. Susie A., b. Feb. i, 1879. 455. Hattie M., b. July 3, 1883. 456. Stephen E., b. July i, 1888. Nellie Brown (448), dau. of Stephen E. and Mary G. (Green) Brown, m.. Providence, R. I., June 29, 1889, Irving H. Champlin, son of Henry and Mary (Horton) Champlin; b.. Westerly, R. I., Sept. 12, 1864. No issue. Res., 1904, Westerly, R. I. Thomas E. Brown (450), son of Stephen E. and Mary G. (Green) Brown, m.. No. Stonington, Conn., Feb. 9, 1890, Nellie M. (Pitcher) Brown, b. May 23, 187 1. No issue. Res., 1904, No. Stonington, Conn. Wm. E. Brown (451), son of Stephen E. and Mary G. (Green) Brown, m., No. Stonington, Conn., Sept. 22, 1897, by Richard Kemp, Catherine 53 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Mannix, b. Feb. 20, 1874; he d. Apr. 11, 1906, by a fall from a window while in the act of putting in window-screens. He was well and favora- bly known in Groton, Conn., where he removed soon after his marriage and had lived for nine years; he was making rapid advances financially, being honored, trusted, and faithful. He was a member of Fairview Lodge, No. loi, I. O. O. F., of the Loyal Protective Legion, and Home Re- bekah Lodge. Interment in Ledyard Cemetery, south of Groton Monu- ment. Child: Maud Edna, b. July 20, 1898. Angie B. Brown (453), dau. of Stephen E. and Mary G. (Green) Brown, m., No. Stonington, Conn., Sept. 11, 1895, Latham Hull, b.. No. Stoning- ton, Feb. 6, 1870; son of William B. and Susan E. (Wattles) Hull. Child: Ethel L. Hull, b. Apr. 26, 1896. Res., 1904, No. Stonington,- Conn. Susan A. Brown (454), dau. of Stephen E. and Mary G. (Green) Brown, m., Griswold, Conn., Nov. 29, 1900, Andrew Tillinghast. Child: jNIarion Louise, b. Sept. 20, 1905. Res., 1906, Mystic, Conn. Hattie M. Brown (455), dau. of Stephen E. and Mary G. (Green) Brown, m.. Westerly, R. I., May 13, 1903, W'illard Hall. Res., 1904, Westerly, R. I. Daniel C. Brown (270), son of Roswell and Catherine W. (Chesebro) Brown [Roswell (232), Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. Mystic, Conn., Feb. 24, 1850; m., June 18, 1874, Syblie Halstead. Res., 1904, Mystic, Conn. Children, b. Mystic: 457. Roswell J. P., b. May 22, 1878. 458. Daniel P., b. May 4, 1884. 459. James H., b. Oct. 25, 1889. James E. F. Brown (272), son of Roswell and Catherine W. (Chesebro) Brown [Roswell (232), Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Mystic, Conn., Nov. 19, 1861; m. (i), Oct. 27, 1881, Annie E. Sisson, d. Feb. 22, 1886; m. (2), Mystic, Oct. 24, 1888, Mary S. L. Brown, b. July 29, 1864; dau. of Joseph and Mary (Cady) Brown. Res., 1904, Mystic, Conn. Children: 460. Frank Harris, b. Aug. 20, 1890. 461. Albertus B., b. Dec. 18, 1893. Rossie E. Brown (273), b. Apr. 19, 1863; d. Mar. 28, 1896; m.. May 14, 1887, Ida M. Sisson. .'>4 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Eliza Ann Brown (246), dau. of Elias W. (234) and Martha (Miner) Brown, dau. of Elder Asher Miner and Lucy Spalding [Roswell (171), Jede- diah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b. Mar. 22, 1818; m., So. Kingstown, R. I., Nov. 26, 1835, Daniel Rodman, Sen., b., Wakefield, R. I., Aug. 3, 1805; d. Aug. 5, 1880; son of Clark Rodman, b. Feb. 16, 1781, and Mary A. Gardner, b. Jan. 19, 1781. In his youth Daniel Rodman was en- gaged in farming, but during the winter months he gave his time to learning the processes of woolen manufacture. In 1843 ^e purchased his estate of "Mooresfield," where he settled for life, and carried on the manufacture of kerseys in his two mills, one at Mooresfield and one at Glenrock. Here at Mooresfield, in his quiet and secluded but beautiful home, Mr. Rodman spent the last forty-six years of his life. He owed his success in business to his industry, perseverance, and economy, coupled with these two precepts: "What little you'do, do well." " Be careful in making business engagements; be more careful in fulfilling them." Children, b. So. Kingstown: 462. Daniel Brown, b. Jan. 7, 1837 (462a-462d). 463. Mary Eliza, b. Dec. 10, 1838 (463a-463d). 464. Henry Harrison, b. Apr. 4, 1841 (464a-464d). 464a. Martha Ann, b. Dec. 8, 1843; ^- J^rie 7, 1844. 465. Martha Ann, b. June 4, 1845 (465a-465c). 466. Arabella, b. Aug. 16, 1847 (466a-466c). 467. Alida, b. July 23, 1849; d. Feb. 19, 1869. 468. Abbie Hull, b. Apr, 4, 1852; d. Mar. 28, 1880. 469. Almira Williams, b. Feb. 22, 1855. Daniel Brown Rodman (462), son of Daniel and Eliza A. (Brown) Rod- man [Elias (234), Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b. Jan. 7, 1837; d., Glen Rock, R. I., Jan. 19, 1896; m. (1), Dec. 12, 1858, Sarah Card; (2), May 29, 1867, Martha Helen Green; (3), Sept. 25, 1876, Mrs. Hannah Pendleton. Children: 462a. Frederick Elmer Rodman, b. Oct. 8, i860; m., Nov., 1881, Ella Bryden. Son: Thomas Clarke, b. Oct. 7, 1883. 462b. Martha Percy, b. Sept. 22, 1870; d. Apr. 14, 1892. 462c. Mary Helen Brown, b. Jan. 17, 1876. 462d. James Bagley, b. Jan. 19, 1879; d. Sept. 29, 1883. Mary Eliza Rodman (463), dau. of Daniel and Eliza Ann (Brown) Rod- man [Elias (234), Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b. Dec. 10, 1838; d. Mar. 5, 1895; m., Nov. 24, 1859, Charles D. Kenyon, d. Apr. 8, 1895. 55 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 463a. Henry Rodman Kenyon, b. Mar. 28, 1861; m., June i, 1899, Caroline Savary. 463b. Emma Louisa, b. Apr. 17, 1863; d. Apr. 17, 1865. 463c. Walter Sumner Kenyon, b. June 15, 1865; m., Jan. 26, 1892, Jessie Louise Rouse. Son: Wallace Dudley, b. Dec. i, 1892. 463d. Charles Francis, b. Aug. 10, 1870; d. Dec. 25, 1890. Henry Harrison Rodman (464), son of Daniel and Eliza A. (Brown) Rod- man [Elias (234), Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah, (34), John (8), Thomas], b. Apr. 4, 1841; d. Mar. 27, 1902; m., Nov. 23, 1864, Sarah E. Champlin. He built his house a few rods from the paternal homestead, and improved the farm; he was highly esteemed, kind, and much beloved. Children, b. So. Kingstown (Mooresfield), R. I.: 464a. Henry Champlin Rodman, b. Feb. i, 1868; d. July i, 1896; m. Susanna Segar, Oct., 1890. Son: Daniel, b. Apr., 1896. 464b. Alida, b. May 29, 1869. 464c. Geo. Albert Rodman, b. June 12, 1875; ^''•' ^^t. 15, 1903, Susan Isabelle Cornell, dau. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cornell, of Woonsocket, R. I. 464d. Edith S., b. Jan. 26, 1883. Martha A. Rodman (465), dau. of Daniel and Eliza A. (Brown) Rod- man [Elias (234), Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b. June 4, 1845; ^-j Oct. 20, 1869, George Sanderson, son of Albert R. and Sarah (Stone) Sanderson, of Newton, Mass. He was a baker and successful in business. Res., 1905, 27 Adams St., Charlestown, Mass. Children: 465a. Cora Downer, b. Sept. 30, 187 1; d. Apr. 22, 1891. 465b. Edith Rodman, b. Mar. 19, 1875. 465c. William, b. Nov. 17, 1881; d. Nov. 24, 1881. Arabella Rodman (466), dau. of Daniel and Eliza A. (Brown) Rodman, b. Aug. 16, 1847; ni-. June 16, 1870, John R. Nichols, son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Brown) Nichols. He was a grocer; went to Alaska. Res., 1905, Portland St., Providence, R. I. Children, b. Providence: 466a. Albert Rodman Nichols, b. May 11, 1871; m., Jan. 2, 1901, Susan Avory Tillinghast. 466b. Geo. Brown Nichols, b. Apr. i, 1879; n^-. Nov. 6, 1905, Ethel Harrison. 466c. Maud Bixby Nichols, b. Nov. 30, 1884. 56 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Almira Williams Rodman (469), dau. of Daniel and Eliza A. (Brown) Rodman, b. Feb. 22, 1855; m., Oct. 6, 1880, Edmund Walker, son of James and Elizabeth (Rose) Walker. Res., 1905, Wakefield, R. I. Children: 469a. Daniel Rodman, b. Sept. 5, 1881; d. Sept. 2, 1882. 469b. James Barrows, b. May 6, 1883; d. Jan. 20, 1901. 469c. Bessie, b. June 8, 1886. 469d. Robert Rodman, b. Jan. 8, 1889. Martha Esther Brown (247), dau. of Elias Williams and Martha (Miner) Brown [Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b. May I, 1820; m.. No. Stonington, Conn., Jan. 9, 1839, Rowland Coon, b. May 17, 1809; d.. No. Stonington, Apr. 27, 1887; interment in Ashaway, R. I. Mr. Coon made farming his business, and was in comfortable cir- cumstances. Children, b. No. Stonington: 470. Maria Elizabeth, b. Nov. 24, 1839; m., Hopkinton, R. I., Oct. 12, 1872, Edward A. Brewer, b. Dec. 14, 1843. ^o issue. Res., 1904, Westerly, R. I. 471. Mary Louise, b. Dec. 23, 1841; m., June 18, 1886, Dr. B. F. Arnold, b. Jan. 26, 1829; d.. Westerly, Sept. 10, 1902. Dr. Arnold was a successful dentist in Westerly, and member of the Calvary Baptist Church. 472. Alonzo F., b. Dec. 4, 1845; ^- ^^g- 6, 1878. 473. Frances Adelaide, b. Sept. 12, 1848; m., No. Stonington, Nov. 27, 1867, D. Frank Maxson, b. June 26, 1836. Dau.: Mabel W. Maxson, b., Cameron, Mo., Dec. 21, 1870; m. Arthur L. Barber, July 18, 1893. Son: , b. Feb. 19, 1906. Res., 1904, Westerly, R. I. 474. Herbert E., b. May 25, 1851; m., Kingston, R. 1., Dec. 24, 1873, Susan Holesworth. Children: Frank Edwin, b., Wes- terly, Sept. 16, 1874; Everett G., b., No. Stonington, Apr. 27, 1882; Walter H., b., No. Stonington, Jan. 25, 1892. Res., 1904, No. Stonington, Conn. P.O. address, Ashaway, R.I. 475. Charles F. Coon, b. Sept.- 23, 1856; m. Emma Hempstead. Have two sons: Arthur and Lyle. Res., 1904, No. Stonington, Conn. P. O. address, Ashaway, R. I. Emily Elizabeth Brown (259), dau. of Cyrus W. and Elizabeth S. (Bab- cock) Brown (49 Babcock Record) [Cyrus (231), Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Jan. 16, 57 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1828; d., No. Stonington, Jan. 29, 1905; m., No. Stonington, Nov. 7, 1844, Thomas W. Wheeler, b. Oct. 20, 1822; d. Oct. 12, 1900; son of Jesse and Nancv (Peckham) Wheeler. Mrs. Wheeler passed all of her life in her na- tive town, residing at the Wheeler homestead from the time of her marriage, she being the last of the Wheeler family. John Owen Wheeler, never mar- ried, always made a pleasant home with this family; he passed away July3o, 1900. Much could be said of his brotherly kindness. All were members of the Third Baptist Church, contributing for more than fifty years to the music of the church, both vocally and instrumentally. Mrs. Wheeler in her will left all of her real estate in the village, consisting of land and two houses, to the Third Baptist Church. Interments in River Bend. Dau.: 476. Nancy Mary Wheeler, b.. No. Stonington, Sept. 2, 1847; d., No. Stonington, Jan. 5, 1902; m.. No. Stonington, Dec. 3, 1878, Dea. Wm. Horace Hillard, b., No. Stonington, Aug. 8, 1826. Res., 1904, No. Stonington, Conn. Mr. Hillard has been a merchant in his native town. Judge of the Covirt of Probate, has represented the town in the State Legisla- ture, Postmaster, and Deacon of the Third Baptist Church. Cyrus Henry Brown (260), son of Cyrus W., Jr., and Elizabeth S. (Bab- cock) Brown (49 Babcock Record) [Cyrus W. (231), Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Nov. 24, 1829; m., Ashaway, R. I., Mar. 23, 1856, Sarah Catherine Maxson, b., Ashaway, Mar. 4, 1837; d.. Westerly, R. I., Oct. i, 1897; dau. of Horace and Lovina (Lamphear) Maxson. Her ancestry is traced to the first white child born on the island of Rhode Island. She was educated in the public schools of Ashaway and the Young Ladies' Seminary at De Ruyter, N. Y. She was greatly beloved as wife, mother, and Christian woman. Her chil- dren and grandchildren were the crowning glory and dearest solace of her life, and her last words, as she was thinking of them, were: "I must leave them, but I have led them aright" — parting words never to be forgotten. [Continued with No. 753.] Cyrus H. Brown, compiler of these records, was educated in the public schools of his native town, and in private schools for three years, taking a preparatory course for teaching at the Connecticut Literary Institution at SufBeld. He taught for six years in the public schools of Connecticut and Rhode Island. In 1856 moved with his wife to Brighton, Mass.; was a mer- chant in Boston and Brookline, Mass., till 1897. Both were members of the Brighton Ave. Baptist Church, Boston; also their six children; superin- S8 THE BROWN GENEALOG^ tendent of the Sunday school for twenty-two years. Removed to Westerly in 1897, continuing the writing of "Brown Genealogy," which now, Sept., 1906, is near completion. Children: 477. Elizabeth Lovina, b., Brighton, June 15, 1858 (683-686). 478. Henry Edwin, b., Brighton, Apr. 5, 1861 (687, 688). 479. Katherine Mabel, b., Brighton, Nov. 5, 1865 (689, 690). 480. Wilfred Merrill, b., Brighton, Apr. 4, 1870 (690a). 481. Horace Clifford, b., Boston, June 22, 1873 (690b). 482. Grace Emily, b., Boston, July 19, 1881. Louisa A. Brown (261), dau. of Cyrus W., Jr., and Elizabeth S. (Bab- cock) Brown (49 Babcock Record) [Cyrus (231), Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., No. Stonington,Conn., Mar. 21, 1832; d., Westerly, R. I., Apr. 11, 1888; m.. No. Stonington, Dec. 17, 1850, Dr. Edwin Ransom Lewis, b., Hopkinton, R. I., Jan. 31, 1827; d., Wes- terly, June 13, 1887; son of Dea. Christopher C. and Wealthy (Kenyon) Lewis. Dr. Lewis was not only a physician of renown, but the "beloved physician," and as a man and neighbor he was above reproach, kind and benevolent; his home was radiant with good cheer and sunshine. He was of commanding presence, his fine face expressing his strength of character and keen intellect. His wife was educated in the public schools, and in Miss Whiting's School for Young Ladies, in Charlestown, Mass., and the Connecticut Literary Institution at Sufifield, Conn. She was a true, loving companion, that "looked well to the ways of her household." In person she was very erect, with a graceful form, her hair untouched by age; unsel- fish in character, noble and consistent. Above all, both were earnest Chris- tians, members of the Seventh Day Baptist Church of Westerly. They passed away ten months apart, the community sustaining an irreparable loss. Children, b. Westerly: 483. Henrietta Louisa, b. Dec. 8, 1854 (691). 484. Edwin Ransom, Jr., b. June 5, 1863 (692). 485. Hannah Browning, b. June 6, 1870; d. Nov. 4, 1876. Gideon Perry Brown (262), son of Cyrus W., Jr., and Elizabeth S. (Bab- cock) Brown (49 Babcock Record) [Cyrus (231), Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Aug. 3, 1834; d., Boston, Mass., May 26, 1898; m., Brighton, Mass., Dec. 16, 1862, Mary Luella HoUis, dau. of Albert E. and Mary (Palmer) Hollis; b., Brighton, Apr. 2, 1838; d., Brighton, Feb. 14, 1870. 59 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Dau.: 486. Marion Luella, b., Boston, Sept. 30, 1865 (693). Mr. Brown m. (2), June 4, 1873, Martha Corrina Mollis, sister of first wife; b. July 27, 1850. He was a wool merchant of Boston. Interments in Mount Auburn. Children by second m. : 487. Adelaide Corrina, b., Boston, Mar. 5, 1874 (694). 488. George Winslow, b., Boston, Nov. 29, 1876; unm. Benadam Williams Brown (263), son of Cyrus W., Jr., and Elizabeth S. (Babcock) Brown (49 Babcock Record) [Cyrus (231), Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Apr. 4, 1836; m., Hartford, Conn., Sept. 19, i860, by D, Henry Miller, D.D., Almira M. McGlaflin, b., Windsor, Conn., Sept. 22, 1842. Farmer and other important industries. Res., 1904, Prairie City, la. Children: 489. Lee Everett, b., Hartford, July 22, 1863 (695). 490. Minnie Laura, b., Fairmount, la., Dec. 19, 1870 (696). 491. Benjamin Williams, b., Fairmount, Oct. 21, 1880 (696a). Thomas Shailer Brown (264), son of Cyrus W., Jr., and Elizabeth S. (Bab- cock) Brown (49 Babcock Record) [Cyrus (231), Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., June 28, 1838; m., Brighton, Mass., Apr. 24, 1866, Mary A. Colby, b., Brighton, July ID, 1840. He was superintendent of the Brookline, Mass., Baptist Sunday school for a number of years; both members of that church. He was a merchant in Brookline and now has other industries. Res., 1904, Dover, Mass. Children: 492. Annie Belle, b., Brookline, Aug. 15, 1868. 493. Thomas Colby, b., Brookline, Dec. 15, 1870. John Babcock Brown (265), son of Cyrus W., Jr., and Elizabeth S. (Bab- cock) Brown (49 Babcock Record) [Cyrus (231), Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Feb. 3, 1841; m.. Canton, Conn., Oct. 15, 1865, Lavinia Richardson, b., Windsor, Conn., June 19, 1845; dau. of John and Emily (Marble) Richardson. Mr. Brown was for a short time after marriage on his father's farm; then re- moved to Westerly, R. I., and for a number of years was engaged in mer- cantile business. Previous to this and before marriage he enlisted in the Civil War. Both are members of the Calvary Baptist Church of \\'esterly. 60 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 494. Cyrus Williams, b., No. Stonington, Sept. 23, 1866 (697-699). 495. Lovinia Louise, b., Westerly, Sept. 12. 1870(700). 496. John Howard, b., Westerly, Dec. 29, 1872; unm. Army record of John B. Brown: Enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, No. Stoning- ton, Co. G, 2ist Conn. Regt. Vol.; mustered into United States service at Norwich, Conn., Sept. 5, as 2d Sergeant. Regiment assigned to 9th Army Corps Oct. 9, at Pleasant Valley, Md. Oct. 28 the long march from Pleasant Valley to Falmouth, Va., began (175 miles in twelve days). Without tents during the entire winter, exposed to terrible storms, and lying at night on the frozen ground or in the mud of Virginia, with no covering other than blankets, very scanty and thin, was an experience which tested the mettle and tried to the utmost the endurance of every man — and planted the seeds of disease and death which produced such a harvest on the plains of Falmouth, and gave to its camp the appropriate name of "Camp Death." He participated in the battle of Fredericksburg Dec. 13, 1862. Promoted to ist Sergeant Mar. 6, 1863; was in the siege of Suffolk, Va., Apr. 11 to May 4. In June the regiment joined the expedition to White House Land- ing, and on its return he was assigned to provost duty at Portsmouth, and later at Norfolk, Va., covering about five months in the two cities. Being relieved from duty, the regiment was ordered to Newport News, Va., on Jan. 24, 1864. Mr. Brown was one of a detail which made a successful raid upon Brandon Farms, on the James River, capturing and destroying large quantities of Rebel supplies. Feb. 3 the regiment took transports for More- head City, N. C, and thence to Newport Barracks and Little Washington, N. C. After aiding in repelling the enemy in these localities, it was ordered to Newbern, N. C, where it remained until April, and then was ordered to Portsmouth, Va.; thence to Bermuda Hundred on the James River, and on May 16 it participated in the battle of Drewry's Bluff, Co. G being ordered to the picket line at 4 o'clock a.m. At this time the total number of officers and men for duty was twenty-nine. Upon the regiment devolved the duty of holding in check the massed forces of the enemy at a critical point in the battle, and it was under a constant fire for six hours, which cost the company sixteen officers and men killed, wounded, and missing. May 31, Mr. Brown was promoted to 2d Lieutenant, and participated in the battle of Cold Harbor; also at the commencement of the battle of Peters- burg. He was honorably discharged June 14, 1864. Sarah Ellen Brown (266), dau. of Cyrus W., Jr., and Elizabeth S. (Bab- cock) Brown (49 Babcock Record) [Cyrus (231), Roswell (171), Jedediah 61 THE BROWN GENEALOGY (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., No. Stonmgton, Conn., May 23, 1843; n^-' No- Stonington, Nov. 29, 1863, Allen Barber, b.. Westerly, R. I., June 12, 1841; son of Thomas James Barber, b., Hopkinton, R. I., June 13, 1807, and Roxy Amy Lewis, b., Voluntown, Conn., Jan. 4, 1818, who were m., Voluntown, Mar., 1840; he d.. Westerly, Sept., 1853; interred in River Bend Cemetery, Westerly; she m. (2), Lincoln, Neb.; d., Lincoln, Sept., 1897. Allen Barber and wife were educated in the public schools, and both attended the Westerly High School. After their marriage they moved to Hartford, Conn., and remained till 18C5; then to Galesburg, 111., in 1866 to 1872, and again removed to Lincoln, Neb., in 1873, where they purchased 240 acres of valuable land within the city limits. At Havelock, two miles from their res., the Burlington R. R. located their locomotive-shops, em- ploying over 600 men, with a monthly pay roll of $30,000. Mr. Barber is a farmer and stock-raiser, assisted by his son; Republican; attends the Baptist Church. Res., 1906, Havelock, Neb. Children, b. Galesburg: Alice Gertrude, b. Aug. 6, 1868; d. Dec. 8, 1868. 497. Allen Lincoln, b. Apr. 28, 1871; unm. Wm. Stuart Brown (267), son of Cyrus W., Jr., and Elizabeth S. (Bab- cock) Brown (49 Babcock Record) [Cyrus (231), Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., July 11, 1845; n^-» Brighton, Mass., Dec. 27, 1870, Carrie L. P. Colby, b., Brighton, Oct. 16, 1850; d., Washington, D. C, May 28, 1891. Children, b. Brookline, Mass.: 498. Wm. Stuart, Jr., b. July 4, 1873; d. Feb. 26, 1895. 499. Carrie Louise, b. Jan. i, 1875 (7oi) 702). 500. Arthur Webster, b. Oct. 14, 1878; m. and divorced. James Stone Brown (268), son of Cyrus W., Jr., and Elizabeth S. (Bab- cock) Brown (49 Babcock Record) [Cyrus (231), Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Mar. 2, 1848; m.. Westerly, R. I., Apr. 29, 1872, Mary Elizabeth Brayton, b.. Wes- terly, Sept. 14, 1847; dau. of James W. Brayton, b., Coventry, R. I., Sept. 24, 1815, d.. Westerly, Aug. i, 1905, and Lucy Pendleton, b.. Westerly, Apr. 20, 1813; d. Apr. 20, 1883. Children: Dau., b. No. Stonington. 501. Ethel Irene Brown, b. Dec. 3, 1874. [Of these twenty-six grandchildren, twenty-three are living in 1906.] 62 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Thatcher Brown (236), son of Thatcher (175) and Esther (Williams) Brown, widow of Roswell Brown (171), his brother [Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Aug. 31, 1800; d. Aug. 27, 1879; m.. No. Stonington, Oct. 3, 1821, Eunice Spalding, b. Feb. 7, 1805; d. Sept. 28, 1892. Children, b. No. Stonington: 502. Thatcher E., b. Sept. 14, 1822; d. Mar. 16, 1900; unm. 503. Eunice S., b. June i, 1828; d. Dec. 30, 1833. 504. Amanda, b. Feb. 3, 1831; unm. Res., 1904, No. Stonington, Conn. • 505. Daniel S., b. Feb. 12, 1834; d. Sept. 23, 1836. 506. Leland S., b. Oct. 22, 1836; d., Grand Detour, 111., P>b. 5, 1870; unm. 507. Wm. B., b. June 24, 1838. 508. John S., b. June 13, 1841. 509. Eunice Victoria, b. Mar. 26, 1846. 510. Lucy A., b. Oct. 9, 1848. Wm. Burrows Brown (507), son of Thatcher (236) and Eunice (Spalding) Brown [Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., June 24, 1838; m. (i). No. Stonington, Sept. 22, 1863, Phebe E. Collins, b.. No. Stonington. Mar. 11, 1839; d. Apr. 9, 1903; he m. (2), Chicago, 111., July 16, 1904, Mrs. Sarah Gifford Miller, nee Hazen, b., Franklin, Conn., May 25, 1846; dau. of Henry H. and Betsey W. Hazen, of Franklin. Mr. Brown removed with his family to Grand Detour, 111., Mar., 1868; he was a farmer, but has retired from business. Res., 1905, Rock Falls, 111. Children, by first m. : 511. John B., b., No. Stonington, Oct. 25, 1864. 512. Charles R., b.. No. Stonington, July 22, 1866. 513. George T., b.. Grand Detour, May 13, 1868. 514. William J., b.. Rock Falls, June 21, 1870. 515. Sarah L., b.. Rock Falls, Sept. 3, 1873. 516. Nellie F., b.. Rock Falls, Oct. 26, 1875. John Spalding Brown (508), son of Thatcher (236) and Eunice (Spalding) Brown [Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., June 13, 1841; m., Dixon, 111., Feb. 11, 1864, Cornelia Eveline Turner, b.. Grand Detour, Ogle Co., 111., Dec. 19, 1844. Res., 1904, Rock Falls, Whiteside Co., 111. 63 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 517. Daniel E. Brown, b., Grand Detour, Mar. 26, 1866. 518. Frank Turner, b., Dixon, Lee Co., 111., Mar. 20, 1868. 519. Walter B. Burrows, b., Dixon, Apr. 23, 1874; m., Paris, France, Jan. 23, 1906, Antoinette Mae Farren. Res., 1904. Chicago Heights, 111. 520. Fred Arthur, b., Coloma, 111., Aug. 8, 1880; unm. Eunice Victoria Brown (509), dau. of Thatcher (236) and Eunice (Spald- ing) Brown [Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Mar. 26, 1846; m., No. Stonington, May 9, 1867, George Edwin Grinnell, b., Mystic, Conn., Sept. 20, 1844. Mr. Grinnell has been connected with the Standard Machinery Co. for thirty-three years. Res., 1904, Mystic, Conn. Children, b. Mystic: 521. Eliza S., b. June 23, 1871; d. Apr. 20, 1876. 522. Charles Edward, b. July 10, 1873. 523. George Victor, b. May 11, 1878; m., Mystic, June 9, 1904, Eva Leonora Collins, b. Mar. 11, 1879; dau. of Daniel Col- lins, b. Stonington, and Isabel (Murphy) Collins, b. Mystic. Lucy A. Brown (510), dau. of Thatcher (236) and Eunice (Spalding) Brown [Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Oct. 9, 1848; m.. No. Stonington, July 8, 1868, Charles S. Ryon, b., Groton, Conn., Apr. 13, 1844. He is a prosperous business man of Stonington. Res., 1904, Stonington, Conn. Children: 524. William E., b., Rock Falls, 111., July 10, 1869; m., Stonington, Oct. 19, 1892, Eva Pearl Roe, b., Willimantic, Conn., June 7, 1870. Children: Edw^ina P., b. May 25, 1895; Charles O., b. Jan. 14, 1898; William E., Jr., b. Apr. 20, 1900; George R., b. Mar. 20, 1903. Res., 1906, Stonington, Conn. 525. Frank E., b., Stonington, Mar. 26, 1875; n^-> New York City, June 26, 1904, Kathryn Frances Roesner, b.. New York City, Oct. 26, 1886. John Burrows Brown (511), son of Wm. B. and Phebe E. (Collins) Brown [Thatcher (236), Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Oct. 25,' 1864; m., Roseville, War- ren Co., 111., June 5, 1890, Edna Bell Smith, b., Monmouth, Warren Co., 111., Nov. 16, 1867; dau. of Edwin and Irene E. (Eldridge) Smith. Mr. Brown graduated from the High School of Rock Falls, 111., June, 1880; from Knox College, Galesburg, 111., June, 1886; Principal of schools in Ston- 64 THE BROWN GENEALOGY ington, Conn., 1886-1888; in Columbia Law School, 1888, 1889; admitted to bar of Illinois May, 1889; practised at Minneapolis, Minn., 1889-1891; since practised at Monmouth; Master of Chancery of Circuit Court of Warren Co., III., 1897-1905. No children. He is a Republican, and both are members of the Congregational Church. Res., 1905, Roseville, III. Charles Roberts Brown (512), son of Wm. Burrows and Phebe E. (Col- lins) Brown [Thatcher (236), Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. New London, Conn., July 22, 1866; m., Spokane, Wash., June 2, 1900, Myrtle Montgomery, b., Uniontown, Wash., Apr. 14, 188 1. Children, b. Spokane: Pearl Elizabeth, b. Aug. i, 1901; Ruby Annette b. June i, 1903. Res., 1905, Spokane, Wash. George T. Brown (513), son of W^m. B. and Phebe E. (Collins) Brown [Thatcher (236), Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. Grand Detour, 111., May 13, 1868; m., Spokane, Wash., Sept. 4, 1895, Josephine Alberta (Young) Brown, b., Walkerton, Ontario, Canada, Oct. 31, 1876. Son: Richard Stuart Brown, b. Sept. 21, 1902. Res., 1904, Spokane, Wash. Wm. Jasper Brown (514), son of Wm. B. and Phebe E. (Collins) Brown [Thatcher (236), Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. Rock Falls, III., June 21, 1870; m., Spokane, Wash., July 9, 1895, Mary Agnes (Parker) Brown, b. Dec. 14, 1879. Dau.: Ruth Elizabeth Brown, b. Apr. 17, 1896. Res., 1904, Spokane, Wash. Sarah L. Brown (515), dau. of Wm. B. and Phebe E. (Collins) Brown [Thatcher (236), Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Rock Falls, 111., Sept. 3, 1873; m., Rock Falls, Feb. 10, 1892, E. L. Atkins, d., Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 3, 1902. Children: Edwin Lawrence, b. July 10, 1893; Madeline, b. Dec. 9, 1901. Her res., 1904, Rock Falls, III. Nellie F. Brown (516), dau. of Wm. B. and Phebe E. (Collins) Brown [Thatcher (236), Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. Rock Falls, III., Oct. 26, 1875; m., Rock Falls, Oct. 7, 1891, Walter Murray. Children: Elva Elizabeth, b. Oct. 7, 1892; Paul W'arren, b. June I, 1902; Virgil Omer, b. Feb. 10, 1904. Res., 1904, Rock Falls, III. Daniel E. Brown (517), son of John S. and Cornelia E. (Turner) Brown [Thatcher (236), Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. Grand Detour, Ogle Co., 111., Mar. 26, 1866; m. (i). Rock Falls, III, Apr. 20, 1887, Linnie May Landis, d.,Beardstown, 111., July 25, 1895; i""^- (2), Galesburg, III., July, 1897, Frances Stanley. No issue. Res., 1904, Deadwood, So. Dak. 65 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Frank Turner Brown (518), son of John S. and Cornelia Eveline (Turner) Brown [Thatcher (236), Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Dixon, Lee Co., 111., Mar. 20, 1868; m., Rockford, 111., Mar. 15, 1893, Katherine Buchanan Robb, b., Rockford, June 23, 1869. Children, b. Coloma, 111.: John Bernis Brown, b. Dec. 25, 1893; Ella Agnis and Alice Eveline, twins, b. Oct. 3, 1897; infant son, b. Feb. 27, 1904. Res., 1904, Coloma, Whiteside Co., 111. Charles Brown (296), son of Joshua, Jr. (282), and Eunice (Palmer) Brown [Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Jan. 27, 1799; m.. No. Stonington, 1821, Rhoda Ann Brown (237), b.. No. Stonington, Jan. 15, 1803; dau. of Thatcher (175) and Mrs. Esther Brown, nee Williams [Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas]. They lived on what was called the " Master Josh Farm," a few rods south of the Miner Meeting-house on the west side of the road — a commanding elevation; beautiful and picturesque scenery. After his death the house was torn down, being very old, and the farm divided, and in 1904 is owned by Chas. W. Vincent and Richard B. Wheeler. Charles Brown inherited this farm from his father, and here his two children were born. Children: 526. Charles Lothrop, b. Oct. 27, 1823. 527. Frances Elenor, b. Jan. 8, 1832. Charles Lothrop Brown (526), son of Charles and Rhoda Ann Brown [Joshua, Jr. (282), Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Oct. 27, 1823; d.. No. Stonington, Jan. 11, 1890; m., Stephentown, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1856, Margaret H. Reynolds, d. Mar. 3, 1894; interments in Union Cemetery, No. Stonington. Children: 528. Charles H., b. Oct. 28, 1857. Wm. L., b. Jan. 28, i860; d. Aug. 11, i860. 529. Frank R., b. Mar. 2, 1861; d. Apr. i, 1893; m. Janetta Lille- bridge, June 26, 1884. Frances Elenor Brown (527), dau. of Charles and Rhoda Ann Brown [Joshua, Jr. (282), Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Jan. 8, 1832; d. Apr. 10, 1894; m., Stephentown, N. Y., May 26, 1853, Rufus Sweet, b., Ste])hentown, Nov. 11, 1828; d., Stephen- town, Oct. 15, 1858; interment in Stephentown Baptist Cemetery. Children : 530. Charles R. Sweet, b., Stephentown, Jan. 29, 1854; unm. Res., 1904, Stephentown, N. Y. 66 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 531. Ella Frances Sweet, b., Stephentown, Mar. 12, 1856; d., Will- son, Niagara Co., N. Y., Aug. 25, 1895; "^v Willson, Mar. 3, 1876, Geo. A. Sherman. Children: M. Maud, b. July 8, 1878; Harry W., b. Apr. 22, 1884; Frances D., b. Nov. 17, 1891. 531a. M. Maud Sherman, m. \Vm. Simmons, Jan. 9, 1901. Res., 1904, Willson, Niagara Co., N. Y. Charles H. Brown (528), son of Charles L. and Margaret H. (Reynolds) Brown [Charles (296), Joshua, Jr. (282), Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Oct. 28, 1857; m.. No. Stoning- ton, Sept. 9, 1879, Mary Alice Maine, b., No. Stonington, Feb. 14, 1857; dau. of Jesse M. and Hannah (Partelo) (852-854) Maine. Res., 1905, Hope Valley, R. I. Children: 532. Lillian Alice, b., No. Stonington, Aug. 14, 1880; m.. Provi- dence, R. I., Sept. 27, 1900, W^m. H. Avery, b.. Mystic, Conn., Sept. 9, 1876. Children: Laura Frances, b., Provi- dence, July 22, 1901; Helen Brown, b. Aug. 15, 1902. Res., 1904, 23 Pierce St., Providence, R. I. 533. Charles H., Jr., b. June 27, 1882; d. May 22, 1901. 534. Margaret Hannah, b. Mar. 15, 1886. Jedediah Brown (238), son of Thatcher (175) and Esther (Williams) Brown, widow of Roswell Brown (171) [Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., June 20, 1805; ^- (i)' F^b. 23, 1823, Amy Irish, b. 1807; d. Sept. 28, 1834; m. (2), Ledyard, Conn., Mar. 13, 1836, Eunice, dau. of Elijah (Fanning) Bailey, b., Ledyard, Apr. 23, 1814; d. Apr. 2, 1874; m. (3), Aug. 10, 1875, Angeline Tourgee. He d.. No. Stonington, Oct. 28, 1884, aged seventy-nine years. He hved on a portion of the lands purchased originally by his great-great-grandfather, John Brown (8), nearly all his life, and is interred on the farm, at the " Cedar Swamp," with his father and mother and the grandparents named above. Children by first m. : 535. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 20, 1824; d. Sept. 6, 1825. 536. Emily, b. Feb. 20, 1826; d. July 6, 1854. 537. Betsey, b. Oct. 11, 1827; d. Aug. 3, 1837. 538. Jedediah, Jr., b. Nov. 27, 1829 (552). 539. Sally M., b. Oct. 30, 1831 (553, 554). 540. Obadiah M., b. June 20, 1834; d. Mar. i, 1872 (555-558). 67 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children by second m.: 541. Elizabeth E., b. Feb. 23, 1837; d. Aug. 19, 1842. 542. Lucius D., b. May 21, 1839; d. Apr. 9, 1897. 543. Almeda H., b. Feb. 3, 1842 (559). 544. Abby Jane Hazard, b. Feb. 10, 1845; ""*• ^^ '^- L- Rose, July 14, 1864. 545. Governor Howard, b. Jan. 12, 1848. Res., W. Main St., Nor- wich, Conn. R. F. D. 2. 546. Ann Eliza, b. Dec. 31, 1850; d. June, 1900. 547. Margaret F., b. Aug. 13, 1852; m. Steven R. Wilcox, Mar. 3, 1871. 548. Charles N., b. Mar. 30, 1856. 549. Daniel M., b. Sept. 6, 1859 (562-562C). 550. Mary F., b. Dec. 30, 1862 (563). Emily Brown (536), dau. of Jedediah and Amy (Irish) Brown [Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Feb. 20, 1826; d. July 6, 1854; m. (i). No. Stonington, Mar. 10, 1845, Aaron Pierce, b., Rehoboth, Mass., Sept. 11, 1810; d.. Westerly, R. I., Mar. II, 1898; m. (2) Francis Bailey [Aaron Pierce (27), Aaron (26), Nathaniel (25), Joseph (24), Azrekim (23), Ephraim (22), and Michael (21), who came from Bristol, England, in 1645, and settled in Scituate, Mass. Michael is twenty generations removed from his ancestor Morfield de Percy, a Danish chieftain, A.D. 912.] Son, by first m.: 551. Curtis Irish Pierce, b.. Westerly, May 18, 1850; unm. Mr. Pierce is assistant pastor of the Christian Church. Res., 1904, No. Westport, Mass. Jedediah Brown, Jr. (538), son of Jedediah and Amy (Irish) Brown [Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79^ Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Nov. 27, 1829; d.. Westerly, R. I., Jan. 17, 1868; m.. Westerly, Dec, 3, 1851, Sarah Macdonald, b. Dec. 18, 1833. Children: Ambrose F., b.. Westerly, May 9, 1853; d., aged eight years. 552. Sarah Emily, b.. Westerly, June 11, 1854; m.. Westerly, Charles A. Brown, b., Erie, Penn., 185 1; inspector of ma- sonry for N. Y., N. H., and H. R. R. Res., 1904, Dartmouth Ave., Providence, R. I. 552a. Walter Ambrose Brown, son of the preceding, b., Providence, R. I., Jan. 13, 1873; i^-j Boston, Mass., Dec. 6, 1896, Edith 68 THE BROWN GENEALOGY B. Hollis, b., So. Weymouth, Mass., Apr. 7, 1873; dau. of Bradford Taylor Hollis, b., So. Weymouth, Apr. 2, 1853, and Lydia Almeda Hollis, b., So. Weymouth, Feb. 12, 1854. No children. Mr. Brown is inspector of bridge-work on railroads. Res., Waterbury, Conn. Sally ^I. Brown (539), dau. of Jedediah and Amy (Irish) Brown [Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Oct. 30, 1831; d. July 25, 1861; m., Jan. 17, 1851, John McDonald, b., Fishkill-on-the-Hudson, Dutchess Co., N. Y., Jan. 8, 1829. Res., 1904, Moss St., Westerly, R. I. Children; Eugene, d. young. 553. Albertus, b.. Westerly, June 17, 1852 (563a-563e). Mary, b.. Westerly, i860; d. 1871. 554. Georgianna, b.. Westerly, Mar. 14, 1855 (563f-563h). Obadiah M. Brown (540), son of Jedediah and Amy (Irish) Brown [Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., June 20, 1834; d., Sesma, Tehama Co., Cal., Mar. i, 1872; m.. Red Bluff, Tehama Co., Cal., July 16, 1862, Almira A. Briggs, b., Jordanville, N. J., July 13, 1842. Children, b. Red Bluff, Cal.: 555. Abby Jane, b. May 13, 1863; d. Dec. 5, 1867. 556. Charles Eugene, b. July 3, 1864. 557. Harry Sherley, b. Dec. 17, 1865. 558. Obadiah M., Jr., b. Aug. 29, 1867; unm. Mrs. Almira A. Brown, nee Briggs, after the death of her husband, m. (2), Geo. H. Williams, June 18, 1873. Her res., 1904, Tehama, Tehama Co., Cal. Dau. by second m.: Alice Brown Williams, b. Oct. 18, 1876; m., Tehama, Geo. H. Storrs. Charles E. Brown (556), son of Obadiah M. and Almira A. (Briggs) Brown, b. July 3, 1864; d.. Red Bluff, Cal., Apr. 21, 1901; m., June 18, 1887, Mary Price, b., Woodland, Cal., Dec. 18, 1864. No children. Harry Sherley Brown (557), son of Obadiah M. and Almira A. (Briggs) Brown, b., Red Bluff, Cal., Dec. 17, 1865; m., Tehama, Tehama Co., Cal., Jan. 26, 1893, Minnie Pearson, b., Fall City, Neb., Oct. 25, 1868. He is in- terested in the stock business. Children: Florence Lovina, b. June 14, 1894; Ruth Almira, b. Aug. 29, 1895. R^s., 1904, Tehama, Tehama Co., Cal. 69 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Lucius D. Brown (542), son of Jedediah and E^unice (Bailey) Brown, [Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., May 21, 1839; d., No. Stonington, Apr. 9, 1897; m., Westerly, R. I., Dec. 25, 1867, Mary Eliza Sisson, b., Westerly, Feb. 2, 1846. No issue. Interment in Union Cemetery. Mr. Brown at the time of his death was a large landholder in No. Stonington, owning many large farms in different parts of the town. He owned the lands on which John (8) first settled, and his descendants have owned and occupied portions of it ever since. Her res., 1904, No. Stonington, Conn. Ahnedia H. Brown (543), dau. of Jedediah and Eunice (Bailey) Brown [Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Feb. 3, 1842; d., Sept. 9, 1865; m.. Mar. 29, 1861, Joseph Abner Geer, b. Sept. 19, 1839; son of Joseph and Sophia (Dewey) Geer. His res., 1905, Noank, Conn. [See 3907.] Dau.: 559. Mary Etta Geer, b., Stonington, May 6, 1863; m. Horace Smith Corey, of Hopkinton, R. I., salesman for Singer Machine Co. Res., 1906, Providence, R. I. Children, the last four b. Westerly, R. I.: Howard Abner, b.. No. Stoning- ton, July 3, 1887; Joseph Geer, b. May 20, 1890; Almedia Brown, b. Oct. 21, 1892; Horace Edmund, b. Aug. 12, 1899; Juliett, b. July i, 1902. Howard Abner began to learn printing in the Westerly Daily Stm office; is now, 1906, a compositor on the Providence Journal and Bulletin. Abby Jane Brown (544), dau. of Jedediah and Eunice (Bailey) Browai [Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Feb. 10, 1845; "^-j No. Stonington, July 14, 1864, William L. Rose, b., Lisbon, Conn., Nov. 18, 1833. No issue. Res., 1904, 34 Broadway, Norwich, Conn. Governor Howard Brown (545), son of Jedediah and Eunice (Bailey) Brown [Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Jan. 12, 1848; m.. No. Stonington, Feb. 13, 1870, Betsey Hull, b.— ; dau. of Amos and Nancy Mary (Brown) Hull. Two chil- dren, d. in infancy. Res., 1904, W. Main St., Norwich, Conn. Ann Eliza Brown (546), dau. of Jedediah and Eunice (Bailey) Brown, b., No. Stonington, Conn., Dec. 31, 1850; d., Bridgeport, Conn., June, 1900; m.. New York, July 4, 1879, Henry M. Copp. No issue. 70 I THE BROWN GENEALOGY Margaret F. Brown (547), dau. of Jedediah and Eunice (Bailey) Brown [Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Aug. 13, 1852; m.. Westerly, R. I., Mar. 3, 1871, Stephen R. Wilcox, b., Stonington, Aug. 26, 1852. Res., 1904, WiUimantic, Conn. Son: 560. Lucius H. Wilcox, b., Stonington, Nov. 10, 1876; m., Bridge- port, Conn., Jessie Earl. Charles N. Brown (548), son of Jedediah and Eunice (Bailey) Brown [Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Mar. 30, 1856; m. (i), Lydia A. Doherity; m. (2), No. Stonington, Aug. 26, 1903, Iphegenia Whitford. Res., 1904, No. Stoning- ton, Conn. Dau.: 561. Annie Brown, b. June 27, 1877. Res., 1904, Westerly, R. I. Daniel M. Brown (549), son of Jedediah and Eunice (Bailey) Brown, b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Sept. 6, 1859; m., Brooklyn, Conn., Feb. 28, 1876, Mary E. Ellis. Res., 1904, No. Stonington, Conn. Dau.: 562. Ida May, b.. No. Stonington, Apr. 17, 1877; m.. Westerly, R. I., Jan. 13, 1892, Joseph W. Smith, b. Oct. 24, 1869. Res., Stonington, Conn. P. O., Westerly, R. I. Children: 562a. Geo. W., b. Mar. 22, 1894. . 562b. Governor F., b. Aug. 24, 1896. Daniel A., d. in infancy. 562c. Abbie May, b. Mar. 18, 1903. Mary F. Brown (550), dau. of Jedediah and Eunice (Bailey) Brown, b., No. Stonington, Conn., Dec. 30, 1862; m., New Haven, Conn., Sept. 19, 1881, Charles W. R. Dow. Res., 1904, Anthony, R. I. Dau.: 563. Annie E. Dow, b. 1884. Albertus McDonald (553), son of John and Sally M. (Brown) McDonald, b.. Westerly, R. I., June 17, 1852; d. July 3, 1905; m., Narragansett Pier, R. I., 1871, Olivia Theresa Hazard, b.. Providence, R. I., Dec. 4, 1853; d. Aug. 14, 1S98. Children: 563a. Mary Florence, b.. Providence, Dec. 27, 1871; m., Newport, 71 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Dec. 7, 1897, James H. Barney, Jr. Res., 1904, 26 Mann Ave., Newport, R. I. 563b. Lottie Clark, b. Aug. 6, 1874; m., Newport, Apr. 23, 1902, J. William Brown, of Middletown, R. I.; b., Newport, Dec. 2, 1870. Res., 1904, 26 AyruLilt St., Newport, R. I. 563c. Hattie, b. June 26, 1877. 563d. Lila, b. Nov. 8, 1880. 563e. Albert Leslie, b. May 30, 1882. Georgianna McDonald (554), dau. of John and Sally M. (Brown) McDonald, b., Westerly, R. I. (Pawcatuck), Mar. 14, 1855; m. (i), Westerly, July 9, 1877, Wm. S. Bryer, b., Newport, R. L, July 9, 1854; d. Mar. 10, 1887. She m. (2), Westerly, Nov. 2, 1891, Jabez F. West, b. June 14, 1861. Res., 1904, 13 Moss St., Westerly, R. I. (Pawcatuck). Children, by first m., b. Newport: 563f. Arthur, b. Mar. 25, 1878. 563g. George Gardner, b. Apr. i, 188 1. 563h. Phillip Gladding, b. July 24, 1886. Katurah R. Brown (239), dau. of Thatcher (175) and Mrs. Esther Brown, nee Williams [Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Oct. 13, 1807; d.. Mystic, Conn., Oct. 16, 1863; m., Stonington, Dec. 30, 1828, Charles S. Pendleton, b. Mar. 3, 1798; d., Noank, Conn., Sept. 14, 1845; ^^^ ^^ -^^bel and Abigail (Stanton) Pendle- ton, of Stonington. Farmer; wife a member of Baptist Church. Children: 564. Abby Stanton, b. Mar. 22, 1830. 565. Charles Phelps, b. Mar. 25, 1832; unm. Res., 1905, Methow, Okanogan Co., Wash. 566. Abel, b. Dec. 8, 1834; d., Mystic, Jan. 31, 1858. 567. Mary A., b. July 23, 1837; m. William Cann. 568. Wm. W., b. Oct. 24, 1839; m. Adelaide Denison. 569. John, b. Dec. 25, 1841; d.. Mystic, Aug. 6, 1871. Abby S. Pendleton (564), dau. of ihe preceding, b. Mar. 22, 1830; m., July 26, 1864, Frederick Wilhelm Punch, b., St. Thomas, Danish West Indies, July 26, 1816; d.. Mystic, Conn., Nov. 10, 1882; son of John Punch, of St. Thomas, W. I., and Maria Marchay. Mariner and confec- tioner; both members of Episcopal Church. Dau. : 570. Eliza W., I). Apr. 11, 1865. p THE BROWN GENEALOGY Mary A. Pendleton (567), dau. of Charles S. and Katurah R. (Brown) Pendleton [Thatcher (175), Jededlah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Noank, Conn., July 23, 1837; m., Mystic, Conn., Mar. 28, 1855, William Cann, b., Sidney, Cape Breton, Feb. 27, 1831; son of Samuel and Christina (Gregory) Cann; d.. Sailors' Snug Harbor, June 27, 1906. She received her education at the Mystic High School and the Young Ladies' Academy. He made long voyages on the high seas, to China, Cali- fornia, and many other places; was a ship-carpenter; both attended the Baptist Church. Res., 1906, 70 Washington St., New London, Conn. Children, b. Groton: 570a. Mary A., b. July 21, 1858; d. Dec. 27, 1862. 571. Caroline P., b. Dec. 5, x86o. 572. Emma, b. Mar. 25, 1862. 573. Adelaide, b. Nov. 30, 1864. 574. Martha L., b. May 2, 1867. 575. William A., b. Sept. 25, 1871. William Williams Pendleton (568), son of Charles S. and Katurah R. (Brown) Pendleton [Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b. Oct. 24, 1839; d.,Somersville, Conn., July 12, 1904; interred. Mystic, Conn.; m.. Mystic, Nov. 24, 1868, Adelaide Denison, b.. Mystic, July 6, 1849; d^u- of Stephen and Elizabeth Denison, of Mystic. Her res., 1906, 28 Julius St., Hartford, Conn. Children, b. Mystic: 576. Charles W., b. June 25, 1870; d. Feb. 19, 1895. 577. Marion Keeney, b. Sept. 6, 1872. 578. Frank Denison, b. Oct. 28, 1874. 579. Grace Elizabeth, b. Mar. 18, 1877. 580. Flora Abbie, b. Apr. 3, 1879. 581. Maud Stella, b. July 25, 1881. 582. Alice Elizabeth, b., Somersville, June 2, 1888. Eliza W. Funch (570), dau. of Frederick W. and Abby S. (Pendleton) Funch, b. Apr. 11, 1865; m., Mystic, Conn., June 24, 1889, George H. Deneke, b., Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1864; son of Ferdinand and Augusta (Barber) Deneke. They attend the Episcopal Church. Children, b. Mystic: Edith N., b. Aug. 11, 1890; George Henry, b. Jan. i, 1892. Res., 1905, Mystic, Conn. Caroline P. Cann (571), dau. of William and Mary A. (Pendleton) Cann [Katurah (239), Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Groton, Conn., Dec. 5, i860; m.. New London, Conn., Sept. 73 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 13, 1879, Clarence J. Gates, b. Jan. 22, 1856; son of Jabez C. and Anna G. (Fanning) Gates, of New London. Carpenter; attend the Methodist Church. Children, b. New London, except the second: Curtis Frederick, b. May 27, 1881; George Hay, b. July 7, 1883, Newark, N. J.; Clarence Jabez, b. Feb. i, 1887; Bessie Swan, b. June 13, 1889; Graydon Murray, b. Nov. 13, 1891, d. Nov. 6, 1900; Emmet Rogers, b. Apr. 18, 1895; Ray Lewis, b. Feb. 16, 1897, d. Dec. 4, 1900; Burton Thompson, b. Feb. 25, 1899; Thelma Francis, b. Sept. 21, 1900; Elmer Caulkins, b. Sept. 20, 1901, d. Aug. 4, 1902. Res., 1906, 318 Huntington St., New London, Conn. Emma Cann (572), dau. of Wm. and Mary A. (Pendleton) Cann [Katurah (239), Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Groton (Mystic), Conn., Mar. 25, 1862; graduate of the Mystic High School; m.. New London, Conn., Jan. i, 1884, Manning M. Thomas, b., Powhatan, Md., Aug. 24, 1862; son of Elias and Katherine Louise (McKnew) Thomas. Provision dealer; Republican; both members of the Baptist Church. Children, b. New London; Abbie Pendleton, b. Apr. 18, 1885; Carrie May, b. Aug. 31, 1886; Manning Mason, Jr., b. Nov. 18, 1888; Irving C, b. Oct. 5, 1891; Annie Louise, b. May 21, 1894. Res., 1906, 308 Broad St., New London, Conn. Adelaide Cann (573), dau. of Wm. and Mary A. (Pendleton) Cann [Katurah (239), Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Groton (Mystic), Conn., Nov. 30, 1864; m.. New London, Conn., Aug. 23, 1883, George W. Maxson, b., New York City, July 12, 1859; son of George W. and Sarah (Horton) Maxson, of New York City, Night watchman; Republican; both members Episcopal Church. Children, b. New London: Charles Lafayette, b. July 7, 1886; Mary Abbie, b. June 15, 1887, d. June 20, 1887; Harold George, b. Oct. 11, 1889; Florence Adelaide, b. Feb. i, 1890; Errentz William, b. Nov. 21, 1903. Res., 1906, Norwood Ave., New London, Conn. Martha L. Cann (574), dau. of Wm. and Mary A. (Pendleton) Cann [Katurah (239), Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Groton (Mystic), Conn., May 2, 1867; m.. New London, Conn., May 19, 1888, Wm. F. M. Rogers, b., Toledo, O., Oct. 2, 1861; son of Gilbert and Delia (Black) Rogers, of Waterford, Conn. Practising lawyer; Republican; Judge of Probate 1887-1892; Prosecuting Attorney 1903-1905; both are members of the Episcopal Church. He served seven years on General Frost's staff of the C. N. G. and as Capt. of the Signal Corps. Served during the Spanish-American War, and was in Gen. Erntz' 74 THE BROWN GENEALOGY command at Porto Rico, in the 5th Army Corps, as ist Lieutenant. Res., 1906, New London, Conn. William A. Cann, Jr. (575), son of Wm. and Mary A. (Pendleton) Cann [Katurah (239), Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Groton (Mystic), Conn., Sept. 25, 1871; m.. New London, Conn., Oct. 25, 1898, Mabel L. Cone, b.. Providence, R. I., Dec. 25, 1879; dau. of Robert D. and Laura (Randall) Cone, of New London. He was educated in the public schools of New London; plumber; RepubHcan; at- tends the Baptist Church. Children, b. New London: Arline May, b. Jan. 7, 1901; Mildred L., b. Oct. 25, 1903. Res., 1906, 15 Norwood Ave., New London, Conn. Charles W. Pendleton (576), son of Wm. Williams and Adelaide (Deni- son) Pendleton [Katurah (239), Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b. June 25, 1870; d. Feb. 19, 1895; "''•) Somersville, Conn., Aug. 23, 1893, Gertrude Irene Hulburt. Marion Keeney Pendleton (577), dau. of Wm. Williams and Adelaide (Denison) Pendleton [Katurah (239), Thatcher (175), Jedediah (79), Jede- diah (34), John (8), Thomas], b. Sept. 6, 1872; m., Somersville, Conn., Jan. I, 1895, Stafford Edward Wallace Drew, son of Frances and Margaret (Maclnnes) Wallace, of New York City. After the death of his parents he was adopted by Miss Anna M. Drew, of Staten Island, who d. Jan. 7, 1906. He is a silver and gold engraver; both members of the Central Con- gregational Church. Children, b. Rochester, N. Y.: Charles Wallace, b. Apr. 30, 1896; Marguerite Pendleton, b. Feb. 13, 1898. Res., 1906, 2621 Swain St., Philadelphia, Penn. Esther Brown (254), dau. of Cyrus Williams and Theda Brown [Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.,No. Stonington, Conn., Apr. 2, 1808; d. Nov. 8, 1894; m., Norwich, Conn., Apr. 26, 1836, John Baldwin Brown, b.. No. Stonington, Aug. 13, 1798; d., Waterford, Conn., Mar. 26, 1874; son of Jonas Brown, whose father was Jonas Brown; his mother was Polly Williams, b., Stonington, 1775; d., aged eighty-two years; she was the dau. of John Williams, of Stonington, and Katurah Randall. [See Williams Family, Nos. 29-38. Also Appendix I.] Jonas Brown d., aged twenty-eight years, when his son J. B. Brown was about three years old; interred in the old New London Cemetery. Jonas Brown, grandfather of J. B. Brown, m. Clark, dau. of Ebenezer Clark, of Griswold, Conn. After the death of Jonas Brown, his widow, Mrs. Polly Brown, nee Williams, m. for her second husband, Henry Pal- 75 THE BROWN CxENEALOGY mer. When J. B. Brown was twelve years old he moved with the Palmer family to Preston, Conn., and lived there till he was twenty-three years old, when he moved to Montville, Conn.; he was the second child; the oldest was Charles, who settled in Ohio and in 1885 lived there. J. B. Brown had three own brothers, four half-brothers and two half-sisters by the name of Palmer. Children: 583. Elizabeth West, b., Montville, May 28, 1837; m., Norwich, Nov. 20, 1853, Charles H. Fargo. No issue. Res., 1905, Colchester, Conn. 584. Theda Ann, b., Montville, Feb. 22, 1839. Jonas Sanford, b., Montville, Nov. 14, 1842; d. in infancy. 585. John Franklin, b., Montville, Oct. 5, 1844. 586. Olivia I., b., Norwich, Apr. 17, 1851; d. Sept. 2, 1881. Theda Ann Brown (584), dau. of Esther and John B. Brown, b., Mont- ville, Conn., Feb. 22, 1839; m. (i), Andover, Conn., Nov. 20, 1858, Oliver Giddings, who was a soldier in the Civil War, of the 25th Conn.\'olunteers; was twice wounded, and d. in 1879. She m. (2), Henry Frank Lewis; res., 1904, Willimantic, Conn. She d. Sept. 26, 1898; interred Willimantic. Son, by first m. : 587. Charles H. Giddings, b., Andover, Dec. 21, 1859; m. Lucy Palmer. Children: Florence B., b. Feb. 16, 1884; Alice P., b. Mar. 15, 1887; Ella P., b. Feb. 4, 1891, d. Jan. 31, 1901; Henry, b. Aug. 5, 1892; Elisha, b. Sept. 15, 1S93, d- Feb. i, 1901. Res., 1904, No. Franklin, Conn. John Franklin Brown (585), son of Esther and John Baldwin Brown [Cyrus (231), Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Montville, Conn., Oct. 5, 1844; m.. New London, Conn., Mar, 23, 1875, Lucy C. Tomkins, b.. New London, Nov. 14, 1850; dau. of Lorenzo Dow Tomkins, b. Mar. 8, 1823; d., Norwich, Conn., June 14, 1904. Lo- renzo Tomkins' wife, Eliza Morgan, b. about 1829. Res., 1905, Montville, Conn. Mr. Brown was educated in the schools of Norwich, and in his na- tive town, and at the Connecticut Literary Institution. For twentv years he has been a successful teacher in the public schools of New London, Conn. He is a man of ability, held in high esteem by the people of his na- tive town; both are members of the Baptist Church. Dau.: Lucv E., b. Feb. 10, 1876; d. in infancy. Lydia Brown (255), dau. of Cyrus \\. and Theda Brown [Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., 76 THE BROWN GENEALOGY May 4, 1814; d., Yantic, Conn., Dec. 19, 1880; m., July 4, 1833, Dyer Arm- strong, b. Nov. 14, 1808; d., Bozrah, Conn., Feb. 6, 1876; interment in Yantic Cemetery, Norwich Falls, Conn. No issue. Mary D. Brown (256), dau. of Cyrus W. and Theda Brown [Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Mar. 25, 181 7; m., Chesterfield, Conn., Wm. Brockway, of Lyme, Conn. Children: 588. Cyrus B., b. July 17, 1836. 589. Orimel J., b. Mar. 8, 1839. Two d. in infancy. She m. (2), Chesterfield, Apr. 16, 1853, Henry Whaley, b., England, Sept. 12, 1813; d., No. Stonington, Oct. 17, 1880; she d., No. Stonington, Aug. 22, 1888; interred Union Cemetery. Children: 590. Harris H., b. Mar. 14, 1858. James, b. Mar. 29, i860; d. 1865. Harris H. \\Tialey (590), b., Waterford, Conn., Mar. 14, 1858; m., No. Stonington, Conn., Nov. 21, 1880, Mary C. Duro, b., Sutton Flat, Canada East, Mar. 23, 1866. Res., 1904, 594 Alain St., E. Norwich, Conn. Children, b. No. Stonington: , 590a. James H., b. Oct. 20, 1881; m., No. Stonington, Oct. 20, 1903, Bessie R. WTiitlock, b., New Milford, Conn., Oct. 11, 1879. 590b. Franklin E., b. Oct. 16, 1888. Lucy Palmer Brown (258), dau. of Cyrus Williams and Theda Brown [Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas; on the maternal side, Nathan (60), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Feb. 26, 1822; m., Chesterfield, Conn., Mar. i, 1840, Charles Armstrong, b., Norwich, Conn., Apr. 14, 1813; son of Martin Dyer Armstrong, who was killed in the battle at Chippewa, Canada, July 5, 1814; he m. Sophia Latham, Oct. 9, 1801. Res., 1905, New London, Conn. To-day (Oct., 1905) her mind is perfectly clear, memory perfect, keen and bright, and takes an active part in all matters of general interest and the news of the day. She has materially assisted the compiler of this volume. Children: 591. Charles Latham, b., New London, Oct. 8, 1840; d., New Lon- don, Jan. 22, 1857 — a young man of great promise, highly esteemed, and greatly beloved by all his companions and 77 THE BROWN GENEALOGY friends. That pleasant smile still lingers with the writer, though nearly fifty years have passed. "None knew him but to love him, None named him but to praise." 592. Benjamin A., b. Dec. 10, 1843. Benjamin Adam Armstrong (592), son of Charles and Lucy P. (Brown) Armstrong [Cyrus (231), Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. New London, Conn., Dec. 10, 1843; "^1., Frankhn, Conn., Oct. 22, 1868, Louise Augusta Smith, b., Franklin, Nov. 5, 1844; dau. of Prentice Orrin Smith, b., Ledyard, Conn., Aug. 3, 181 7, and Eliza Jane (King) Smith, b., Cazenovia, N. Y., Mar. 30, 1819, who were m. Apr. 29, 1840, and celebrated their golden wedding in 1890. Mr. B. A. Armstrong was educated in the public schools of New London, his native city. At the age of twenty-four years he established the business now carried on by the Brainerd and Armstrong Co., Silk Manufacturers of New London, Conn., and for the past thirty-seven years has been both president and treasurer of the company. This company enjoys the reputation of being one of the most successful of the many engaged in this important industry in the United States, its annual production amounting to nearly three million dollars. He is one of the principal owners and one of the managing directors of the Nono- tuck Silk Co., of Florence, Mass., this company doing a business of about six million dollars per annum; also of the Corticelli Silk Co., Limited, at St. Johns, Province of Quebec, Canada, having their own stores in Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, and Sidney, Australia. He is president of the G. M. Williams Co., a successful business enterprise located in New London, Conn.; president of the New London Real Estate and Improvement Co., of the same city; he was one of the incorporators of the Memorial Hospital Association, and its first president; president of the Brainerd Lodge Corpo- ration; vice-president of the National Bank of Commerce for ten years; July, 1904, by unanimous vote chosen president; was president of the New London and Groton Steam Ferry Co. for ten years, during which time the old steamer Uncas was discarded and replaced with the modern steamer Colonel Ledyard, now running between New London and Groton. He is said to be the largest owner of real estate in the city of New London. He has been president of the Board of Water Commissioners for the past eighteen years. Under his administration large reservoirs have been built and the entire system of water supply has been enlarged and improved, until New London has to-day one of the best in the entire country. He en- joys vigorous health, that has enabled him to carry on all these important 78 B. A. Armstrong (39-2) JuIdi Biinows Hrowii (311) Attoriuy-at-Law Monmouth. 111. THE BROWN GENEALOGY enterprises successfully for so many years. In politics he is a Republican, and has refused all political honors repeatedly offered by his party; both are members of the Congregational Church. Res., 1904, New London, Conn. Children: 593. Benjamin Latham Lloyd, b. May 27, 1870. 594. Luella Shapley, b. Jan. 26, 1873. 595. Marion Prentice, b. June 27, 1880; d., New London, June 22, 1884. 596. John Phelps Taylor, b. July i, 1882. Benjamin Latham Lloyd Armstrong (593), son of B. A. and Louise A. (Smith) Armstrong, b., Lafayette, N. J., May 27, 1870; m.. New London, Conn., Sept. 15, 1897, Elizabeth Haven Chapell, b.. New London, Apr. 5, 1870; dau. of Richard H., b., Waterford, Conn., Feb. 17, 1826, and Cornelia B. (Wetmore) Chapell, b.. New York City, Sept. 11, 1832. He graduated from the schools of New London, and from Yale College in the class oi 1892; engaged with his father in the manufacture of silk, and other important industries. Since 1904 has been on the Board of Aldermen, keeping posted on municipal matters, and gaining a clear insight into how the city business had been done — and, to his mind, how it had been overdone and undone. At the municipal election Oct. i, 1906, he was chosen, against strong Democratic opposition, the Republican mayor of New London. Children, b. New London: Elizabeth Wetmore, b. July 18, 1898; Angela Lloyd, b. May 8, 1901 ; Benjamin Latham Lloyd, Jr., b. Dec. 8, 1904. Res., 1906, New London, Conn. Luella Shapley Armstrong (594), dau. of B. A. and Louise A. (Smith) Armstrong, b., New London, Conn., Jan. 26, 1873; m.. New London, Oct. 22, 1895, Walter C. Noyes, b., Lyme, Conn., Aug. 8, 1865; son of Richard and Katherine Noyes. Mr. Noyes is Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, since 1895. Children, b. New London: Marion Armstrong, b. Oct. 15, 1896; Richard, d. in infancy; Catherine Chadwick, b. May 9, 1900; Dorothy Grifi&n, b. Mav 15, 1903, d. in infancv. Res., 1906, New London, Conn. ' ' a-l3i^-^^ John Phelps Taylor Armstrong (596), b.. New London, Conn., July i, 1882; m., New London, Sept. 6, 1905, Clara Prentis, b.. New London, Sept. 30, 1881; dau. of Edward and Harriet (Norkett) Prentis, of New London. After graduating from the schools of his native city he entered Yale College, and graduated in the class of 1904. Now, 1905, assisting his father in the silk business in New London. 79 THE BROWN GENEALOGY John Brown (314), son of Ichabod (119) and Thankful (Baldwin) Brown [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Dec. 5, 1775; m. Sally Denison, dau. of Andrew and Sally (Williams) Denison; b. July 10, 1789; d., Stonington, 111., Jan. 12, 1877. He d., No. Stonington, Conn., Jan. 2, 1866, aged ninety-one years and six months; interred on the home- stead. Mr. Brown in his younger years learned the saddler business, and did in those days an e.xtensive and thriving business. Taking a full sleigh- load of saddles, he journeyed extensively through the country in the winters, selling the saddles, and was known as "Saddler John." Later in life he quietly attended to his farm. Children, b. No. Stonington, Conn.: 597. John Denison, b. Mar. 23, 1809. 598. Sally Ann, b. Oct. 9, 1814. 599. Benjamin Franklin, b. Aug. 14, 1816. 600. Stephen A., b. Aug. 6, 1834. John Denison Brown (597), son of John and Sally (Denison) Brown [Ichabod (119), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Mar. 23, 1809; m.. No. Stonington, Mar. 17, i8'36, Mary Ann Wheeler, b. Apr. 7, 1814. Children: 601. John Wheeler, b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Sept. 17, 1838 (607- 610). ■;» 602. Mary Desire, b., Stonington, 111., May 26, 1842 (611-613). 603. Sally Ann, b., Stonington,' 111., Jan. 23, 1851 (614-616). Sally Ann Brown (598), dau. of John and Sally (Denison) Brown [Icha- bod (119), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Oct. 9, 1814; d. May 22, 1842; m.. No. Stonington, Oct. 13, 1834, Benjamin B. Hewitt, b. Oct. 27, 181 1. Children, b. No. Stonington: 604. Herbert I. Hewitt, b. Aug. 8, 1837; d. Apr. 29, 1862. He studied medicine, and six weeks after receiving his diploma he d., of quick consumption. 605. Oscar W. Hewitt, b. July 18, 1840; fell in the battle of Antie- tam, at Sharpsburg, Md., Sept. 17, 1862. He was a corporal in Co. G, 8th Regt. Conn. Vols. Res., Stonington, Conn. Date of muster Sept. 21, 1861. This was taken from cata- logue of Conn. Vols, organizations to July i, 1864. Com- piled from records in the Adj. -General's Office, and pub- lished by order of Legislature in 1864. Thomas D. Sheffield 80 THE BROWN GENEALOGY I St Lieutenant, promoted to Captain. Andrew M. Morgan, I St Sergeant. Frank H. Crumb, Musician. James Alden Peabody, Wagoner. 606. Sarah Brown Hewitt, b. May 19, 1842; d. Jan. 13, 1870; m.. No. Stonington, Oct. 13, 1863, Franklin Dye, b., Middlesex Co., N. J., Apr. I, 1836. Res., 1904, 421 Monmouth St., Trenton, N. J. Children, b. Trenton: 606a. Annie Denison Dye, b. Dec. 9, 1864; d. Aug. 18, 1866. 606b. Jennie Denison Dye, b. Mar. 25, 1866; m. Arthur P. Smith. They have two children. Res., 1904, Springfield, Mass. 606c. Sarah Fanny, b. Sept. 16, 1867, m. Frank H. Barr. They have two children. Res., 1904, Hightstown, N. J. Benjamin Franklin Brown (599), son of John and Sally (Denison) Brown,\ b. Aug. 14, 1816. He was in the Mexican War, and was interpreter for General Taylor; he had three horses shot from under him. After the war he settled in Texas and married a Spanish girl; changed his name to Rowan; had a fine family of children; was killed by one of his sheep herders, near Corpus Christi, Tex. His home was in Laredo, Tex. When his father's will was probated a sum of money was set aside in a Norwich, Conn., Savings Bank for the absent son Frank, which his children after many years received. Stephen A. Brown (600), b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Aug. 6, 1834; d. July 3, 1865; m., No. Stonington, Lovisa K. Crary, b. Apr. 19, 1837. She m. (2), Feb. 19, 1871, Dea. Nelson A. Brown. She lived at the John Brown homestead, and d. there Aug. 9, 1900 (703-706). John Wheeler Brown (601), son of John Denison and Mary Ann (Wheeler) Brown [John (314), Ichabod (119), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Sept. 17, 1838; m., Stonington, 111., Sept. 30, 1862, Rebecca T. Catherwood, b. Oct. 14, 1840; d., Blue Mound, 111., Oct. 2, 1896; interment in Stonington Cemetery, 111. When very young, John W. Brown removed with his parents to Stonington, 111., and grew up with the country when comparatively new; now, 1904, is president of the banking firm of J. W. Brown & Co., Blue Mound, Macon Co., 111. Children: 607. Mary Ann, b. Aug. 28, 1863 (617-627). 608. Lydia Grace, b. Sept. 29, 1867 (628-632). 609. Sally Agnes, b. Apr. 6, 1870; unm. Res., 1904, Blue Mound, 111. 610. John Arthur, b. July 29, 1875 (^35)- THE BROWN GENEALOGY Mary Desire Brown (602), dau. of John Denison and Mary A. (Wheeler) Brown [John (314), Ichabod (119), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, III, May 26, 1842; m., Stonington, Feb. 10, 1864, Edward Forrester. Res., 1904, Taylor\-ille, 111. Children: 611. Kate Forrester, b. June 19, 1868; d. Apr. 26, 1894; m. Jacob Couzine, Apr. 26, 1889. Had three children: May, Ruth, and Katie. 612. James Henry Forrester, b. Nov. 24, 1870; County Judge of Christian Co., 111.; unm. 613. Clara Augusta Forrester, b. Sept. 24, 1875; graduated from Conservatory of Music, Galesburg, 111.; m. Dr. Mallery, Galesburg, 111. Sally Ann Brown (603), dau. of John D. and Mary A. (Wheeler) Brown, b., Stonington, 111., Jan. 23, 1851; d., Taylorville, 111., May 28, 1895; ^• T. J. Mulberry, Oct. 6, 1875. Children: 614. Nancy Desire, b., Farmersville, 111., Sept. 10, 1877; m. Elbridge Bond, Jan. i, 1903. Res., 1904, Oklahoma City, Ok. 615. Grace Pearl, b. Feb. 19, 1881. Res., 1904, Taylorville, 111. 616. Frank Brown, b. May 4, 1882. Res., 1904, Taylorville, 111. Mary Ann Brown (607), dau. of John W. and Rebecca T. (Catherwood) Brown [John (597), John (314), Ichabod (119), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, 111., Aug. 28, 1863; m., Stonington, Mar. 21, 1883, James Riley Anderson. Res., 1904, Taylorville, Christian Co., 111. Children: 617. Ralph, b. Jan. i, 1884. 618. Bess, b. Nov. 28, 1885. 619. Eva, b. Oct. 13, 1887; d. Oct. 4, 1891. 620. Roscoe, b. Aug. 29, 1889; d. Mar. 26, 1895. 621. Essie, b. July 25, 1891; d. Feb. 17, 1895. 622. James Cyrus, b. Nov. 27, 1893. 623. John Wheeler, b. Nov. 25, 1895. 624. Anna C, b. Dec. 3, 1897. 625. Howard, b. Nov. 18, 1899. 626. Ruth, b. Nov. 14, 1901. 627. Thomas Russell, b. Dec. 13, 1903. Lydia Grace Brown (608), dau. of John W. and Rebecca T. (Catherwood) Brown [John (597), John (314), Ichabod (119), Ichabod (32), John (8), 82 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Thomas], b., Stonington, III., Sept. 29, 1867; m., Stoninglon, Dec. 25, 1889, Oreson E. Briggs, b. Sept. 6, 1863. Res., 1904, Stonington, 111. Children: 628. Glen Brown, b. June 26, 1891. 629. Mabel Esther, b. Sept. 22, 1893. 630. Harley O., b. Mar. 28, 1896; d. Oct. 21, 1898. 631. Ralph, b. Mar. 28, 1898. 632. Mary, b. Aug. 11, 1902. John Arthur Brown (610), son of John Wheeler and Rebecca T. (Cather- wood) Brown, b., Stonington, 111., July 29, 1875; "^-j Evanston, 111., June 27, 1901, Cora L. Hubbard, b., Corydon, Wayne Co., la., June 20, 1874. He is associated with his father in banking business. Res., 1904, Blue Mound, 111. Son: 633. John Hubbard, b. Aug. 15, 1903. Philura H. Brown (225), dau. of Shubael (170) and Lydia (Palmer) Brown [Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., No. Stoning- ton, Conn., Aug. 23, 1787; d., Mystic, Conn., July 22, 1869; m. Ambrose Hilliard Grant, b. June 9, 1787; lost at sea Sept. 10, 1818. Children: 634. Lura Ann, b. June 8, 181 2; d. Oct. i^,, 1875; "^- John Sabin, b., Pomfret, Conn., Oct. 2, 1799; lost at sea, Aug. 9, 1837. No children. 635. Ambrose Hilliard, b. 1815; d. Jan. 10, 1859; m. Mrs. Mary Davis, nee Heath. No children. 636. William Noyes, b. Mar. 31, 1817; d. Sept. 18, 1842; m. Peace Partridge Leeds. Children, b. Mystic: (i) Ambrose Hilliard, b. Apr. 21, 1838; d. Feb. 9, 185^. (2) Julia Ann, b. Sept. 13, 1839; d. Dec. 12, 1842. (3) William Shubael Grant, b. Feb. 3, 1842; d., Chicago, 111., Apr. T 7, 1891 ; m. Isabella Critcherson, b.. New York City, Jan. 16, 1844; dau. of Samuel W. and Mary A. (Tinker) Critcherson. Son: William Noyes, b. Dec. 8, 1867; d.. Mystic, June 25, 1874. Her res., 1906, Mystic, Conn. Roxanna Brown (228), dau. of Shubael (170) and Lydia (Palmer) Brown [Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Jan. 17, 1798; d.. Mystic, Conn., Feb. 20, 1878, aged eighty years; 83 THE BROWN GENEALOGY m., Groton, Conn., Aug. 23, 1821, John Burrows, b., Groton, Oct. 28, 1798; d. Mar. 28, 1872; son of Elam, b. Sept. 6, 1773, and Sarah (Denison) Burrows, b. Apr. 9, 1778. He inherited the Burrows Farm, on the west side of Mystic River, which belonged to Robert Burrows, the first Burrows who came to this country. For his services in the War of 181 2 he received a land warrant from the United States Government. The winters of the early part of his married life he spent in mercantile pursuits in Key West, Fla., while the summers were spent on his farm. John and Roxanna were bap- tized in the spring of i860, and united with the Baptist Church in Mystic. Interment in Elm Grove Cemetery. Children, all b. in Groton (Mystic): 637. Eunice Eldridge, b., Apr. 3, 1823 (645-653). 638. Frances Eleanor, b. May 23, 1825 (654-659). 639. Mary Esther, b. Apr. 29, 1827; d. June 15, 1827. 640. Mary Elizabeth, b. July 12, 1828 (660-662). 641. Lydia Esther, b. June 20, 1831; m., Dec. 25, 1861, Daniel Morgan, b., Groton, Apr. 13, 1830; son of Sanford and Harriet (Edgecomb) Morgan, of Groton, who were m. Dec. 20, 1828. No children. Res., 1906, Poquonoc, Conn. 643. Sarah Jane, b. Apr. 15, 1834 (663). 644. John, b. July 21, 1836; d. Aug. 18, 1836. Eunice Eldridge Burrows (637), dau. of John and Roxanna (Brown) Burrows [Shubael (170), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Groton, Conn., Apr. 3, 1823; d., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 16, 1861; m., May 10, 1843, Isaac Wheeler Denison, b., Stonington, Nov. 20, 1817; d., Stonington, Nov. 29, 1895. H^ ^^- (2). July 15, 1862, Mrs. Julia M. Wilbur. Mr. Denison in early life was a carpenter and contractor, afterwards in the mercantile business; one of the incorporators of the Groton Savings Bank; director in the Mystic River National Bank; a member of the Union Bap- tist Church; was one of the solid, influential men of Mvstic. Children : 645. Ann Boradel, b., Stonington, Feb. 9, 1844 (664-667). 646. Hannah Burrows, b., Stonington, Aug. 19, 1845 (668-670). 647. Sarah Aborn, b., Groton, Aug. 16, 1847; unm. Res., 1904, Mystic, Conn. 648. Lavinia Fish, b., Groton, Aug. 29, 1850; unm. Res., 1904, Mystic, Conn. 649. Charles, b., Groton, Sept. 18, 1852; d. June 12, 1853. 650. Edward Payson, b., Groton, May 19, 1854. 84 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 651. Frederic, b., Groton, Apr. 16, 1856 (671). 652. Emily Frances (twin), b., Stonington, Jan. 3, 1859; unm. Res., 1904, Mystic, Conn. 653. Eliza Fanny (twin), b., Stonington, Jan. 3, 1859; d., Stoning- ton, Mar. 27, 1884. Frances Eleanor Burrows (638), dau. of John and Roxanna (Brown) Burrows [Shubael (170), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Groton, Conn., May 23, 1825; d., Groton, Aug. 9, 1873; rn^ Groton, Oct. 25, 1848, Horace H. Clift, b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 8, 1821; d., Groton, Feb. 15, 1884. Children, b. Groton (Mystic): 654. John Burrows, b. Oct. 10, 1849 (672, 673). 655. Wm. Horace, b. Jan. 6, 1852 (674-680). 656. Henry Mallory, b. Jan. 4, 1854 (681, 682). 657. Fanny, b. Mar. 6, 1856; d. Aug. 28, 1885 (682a, 682b). 658. Mary Elizabeth (twin), b. June 24, 1858; unm. Res., 1904, Port Chester, N. Y. 659. Walter (twin), b. June 24, 1858 (682c, 682d). Mary Elizabeth Burrows (640), dau. of John and Roxanna (Brown) Burrows [Shubael (170), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Groton, Conn., July 12, 1828; d., Norwich, Conn., Jan. 16, i860; m., Groton, May 10, 1853, John Ledyard Denison, b., Stonington, Conn., Sept. 19, 1826. Res., 1904, 26 Huntington St., Hartford, Conn. Children, b. Norwich: 660. Edwin C, b. May 19, 1855; d. Oct. 21, 1861. 661. John Burrows, b. June 29, 1857; d. June 21, 1864. 662. Marion Burrows Denison, b. Jan. 11, i860; m. (i), Oct. 27, 1883, Mrs. Emma Wells Flaigh, d. Apr. 3, 1902; m. (2), Nov. 5, 1903, Edith M. Harrington. Adopted dau. : Marie L. Denison. Res., 1904, 283 Sargent St., HartforcJ, Conn. Sarah Jane Burrows (643), dau. of John and Roxanna (Brown) Burrows [Shubael (170), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Groton, Conn., Apr. 15, 1834; m., Nov. 26, i860, Samuel H. Buckley, b., Backothomoss, near Heywood, Lancashire, England, Jan. 8, 1833. Res., 1904, Mystic, Conn. Son: 663. Frank Burrows Buckley, b., Groton, Conn., June 16, 1865; m., Mar. 4, 1891, Annie Mallory Tift, b., Groton, Dec. 25, 1863. Res., 1904, Mystic, Conn. 85 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Ann Boradel Denison (645), dau. of Isaac W. and Eunice E. (Burrows) Denison and granddau. of Roxanna (Brown) Burrows, b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 9, 1844; m., Mystic, Conn., Sept. 19, 1865, John Holdredge Cranston, b., Groton, Conn., Sept. 12, 1836; son of Christopher Helme and Priscilla (Niles) Cranston. Res., 1904, 198 W. Thames St., Norwich, Conn. Children: 664. Frances Denison, b., Groton (Mystic), June 7, 1866; m., Norwich, June 2, 1903, James Adrian Parsons, b., New- burgh, Me., Nov. 9, 1866; son of Geo. W. and Emehne (Prescott) Parsons. Res., 1905, 75 Beacon Ave., Providence, R.I. 665. Herbert, b. Dec. 20, 1868; d. Aug. 4, 1869. 666. Fredrick Holdredge, b., Norwich, Oct. 27, 1872; m., Norwich, June 19, 1895, Grace A. Lester, b., Norwich, Nov. 8, 1872; dau. of Daniel M. and Mary (Dawley) Lester. Instructor Norwich Free Academy, Manual Dept., Norwich. Res., 1904, 31 Freeman Ave., Norwich, Conn. 667. Mary, b. Aug. 7, 1875; ^- Sept. 28, 1875. Hannah Burrows Denison (646), dau. of Isaac W. and Eunice E. (Bur- rows) Denison and granddau. of Roxanna (Brown) Burrows, b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 19, 1845; "^•' Stonington, July 27, 1869, Jefferson B. Meservey, b., Bradford, Me., Oct. 27, 1829; d., E. Bridgewater, Mass., May 9, 1883. Her res., 1904, Whitman, Mass. Children: 668. Charles Denison, b., Abington, Mass., Sept. 29, 1873; unm. 669. Edward Bethel, b., E. Bridgewater, Dec. 2, 1876; d. July 10, 1888. 670. Louise Burrows, b., E. Bridgewater, Dec. i, 1879; m., Oct. 30, 1900, Preston Gilbert Barber, b. July 13, 1871. Son: Ed- ward Hobart, b. Oct. 14, 1903. Res., 1904, Whitman, iSIass. Edward Payson Denison (650), son of Isaac W. and Eunice E. (Burrows) Denison and grandson of Roxanna (Brown) Burrows, b., Groton, Conn., May 19, 1854; d., Providence, R. I., Mar. 11, 1894; m.. Providence, Jan. 18, 1876, Ella L. Garfield, b.. Providence, May 15, 1852; d., Providence, Feb. 28, 1898. Frederic Denison (651), son of Isaac W. and Eunice E. (Burrows) Denison and grandson of Roxanna (Brown) Burrows, b., Groton, Conn., 86 Children of S. Eujjfene Brown Wm. Clift and wife — in lf)()() Mr. Clift is an cng-jneer. He volunteered at the eall of President MeKinley for men, and served as chief machinist on the V. S. S. Pnii/ir during the Spanish-American war, after whic-h he rec-cived an honoralile discharge. He is a man of sterling worth, highly esteemed and of much promise, and character irreproachable. Mrs. Clift is an aeeomplished pianist. THE BROWN GENEALOGY Apr. i6, 1856; m., Mar. 8, 1882, Mary F. Brown, b., Mystic, Conn., May 28, 1857; dau. of Elias B. and Eliza (Avory) Brown. Dau.: 671. Eliza Frances Denison, b. Apr. 22, 1884. He was a machinist in Norwich, Conn., and afterwards went into the mercantile business with his father, and conducted the business after his father's death. He is a director in the Mystic River Savings Bank. Res., 1904, Mystic, Conn. John Burrows Chft (654), son of Horace H. and Frances E. (Burrows) Clift and grandson of Roxanna (Brown) Burrows, b.. Mystic, Conn., Oct. 10, 1849; m. (i), Groton Heights, Conn., Feb. 8, 1882, Anna Douglass, d. Aug. 18, 1882; m. (2), San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 25, 1884, Cora Bell Van Shaick, b., Johnstown, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1865; d., Tacoma, Wash., Nov. i, 1901. Capt. J. B. Clift has held many offices of trust in the Marine Bureau; now, 1904, surveyor to the Board of Marine Underwriters of San Fran- cisco, New York, and Wheat Tariff Association; also surveyor to the British Corporation Registry; agent American Bureau of Shipping. Res., 1904, 15 15 N. Seventh St., Tacoma, Wash. Children: 672. Anna, b. at sea, lat. 10° south, long. 110° west. South Pacific Ocean, July 16, 1885. 673. Helen Miller, b., Mystic, July 16, 1889. Wm. H. Clift (655), son of Horace H. and Frances E. (Burrows) Clift and grandson of Roxanna (Brown) Burrows, b., Mystic, Conn., Jan. 6, 1852; d., Tylerville, Conn., Jan. 26, 1901; m., Brooklyn, N. Y., Mar. 9, 1877, Catherine Harvey, b., Chicago, 111., Apr. 3, 1858. Res., 1904, Ty- lerville, Conn. Family Cemetery, Shailerville, Conn. Children: 674. Wm. Clift, b., Brooklyn, Jan. 14, 1878; m., Brooklyn, June 27, 1899, Ola May Tucker, b., Hartford, Conn., Ffeb. 28, 1879; dau. of Wm. E. and Jennie M. Tucker. Res., 1904, 5104 Sixth Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. 675. Louisa M., b., Astoria, L. I., N. Y., June 28, 1880; m., Great Neck, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1901, Bertrand A. Ray, b., E. Had- dam. Conn., Feb. 5, 1865. Son: Wm. Clift Ray, b., Tyler- ville, Apr. 21, 1903. Res., 1904, Brooklyn, N. Y. 676. Henry Mallory, b., Astoria, Nov. 25, 1882. 677. Mary Esther Clift, b., Brooklyn, Jan. 9, 1884; m., Tylerville, June 22, 1903, Frederic S. Peck, b., E. Haddam, Apr. 27, 1881. Res., 1904, Middletown, Conn. 87 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 678. Horace Hatch, b., Chester, Conn., Feb. 29, 1888; d. May 3, 1890. 679. Frances Eleanor, b., Chester, Dec. 25, 1889. 680. Eunice EHzabeth, b., Chester, Aug. 15, 1894. Henry Mallory CHft (656), son of Horace H. and Frances E. (Burrows) CHft and grandson of Roxanna (Brown) Burrows, b., Groton (Mystic), Conn., Jan. 4, 1854; d., Elkader, la., Sept. 16, 1904; m., Elkader, June i, 1887, Annetta M. Thompson, b., Elkader, July 24, 1863; dau. of John and Hannah (Fosgate) Thompson. Children, b. Elkader: 681. Chester Sager, b. Mar. 19, 1888. 682. Frances Burrows, b. Dec. 26, 1889; d., Elkader, Jan. 22, 1901; interred Elm Grove, Mystic. Fanny Clift (657), dau. of Horace H. and Frances E. (Burrows) Clift and granddau. of Roxanna (Brown) Burrows, b., Groton, Conn., Mar. 6, 1856; d., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 28, 1885; m.. Mystic, Conn., Oct. 23, 1878, Elias B. Hinckley, b., Stonington, Feb. 19, 1852; Judge of Probate, Town Clerk, and Treasurer. Res., 1904, Stonington, Conn. Children: 682a. Elinor, b., Westerly, R. I., Aug. 29, 1880; teacher at Stonington. 682b. Hobart, b., Stonington, Aug. 19, 1882; d., Stonington, Aug. 20, 1890. Mr. Hinckley m. (2), Stonington, Dec. 20, 1893, Grace Maud (Levey) Hinckley, b., Stonington, Oct. 24, 1869. Children, b. Stonington: Thelma Clift, b. Jan. 8, 1895; Prudence Mary, b. June 11, 1899. Walter Clift (659), son of Horace H. and Frances E. (Burrows) Clift and grandson of Roxanna (Brown) Burrows, b., Mystic, Conn., June 24, 1858; m., Beulah Junction, la., Sept. 8, 188 1, Margaret R. H. (Packer) CUft, dau. of James and Mary Ann Packer. In early life Mr. Walter Cliffs home was with his grandmother until her death. At the age of twenty-one he located in Iowa, in mercantile business; in 1895 ^'^'^i^t to No. Yakima, Wash., and is superintendent of the Selah Valley Co., furnishing water for irrigation. Res., 1904, No. Yakima, Wash. Children: 682c. Joseph L., b. July 3, 1885. 682d. Ruby M., b. Dec. 2, 1891. Elizabeth Lovina Brown (477), dau. of Cyrus H. and Sarah C. (Maxson) Brown, b., Brighton, Mass., June 15, 1858; m., Boston, Mass., May 19, THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1880, George Herbert Utter, b., Plainfield, N. J., July 24, 1854. Res., 1904, Westerly, R. I. He was the son of George Benjamin Utter, b., Plain- field, Feb. 4, 1819; d.. Westerly, Aug. 28, 1892, who was the son of Wm. Utter, of Hopkinton, R. I., and wife Dolly Wilcox, of Whitesborough, N. Y. ; m., De Ruyter, N. Y., May 24, 1847, Mary Starr Maxson, b., De Ruyter, 1825; d. 1868; dau. of John and Mary (Starr) Maxson. Elder Geo. B. Utter, in 1844, joined with others in establishing a religious newspaper, called The Sabbath Recorder, which soon became the recognized organ of the Seventh Day Baptist denomination. For more than twenty-five years he edited and published that paper and had the oversight of the monthly and quarterly periodicals and books and reports of various kinds published for circulation in and by that denomination. He became interested in the Narragansett Weekly in 1859, a paper published in Westerly, but did not remove to Westerly with his family until Jan., 1862; he was proprietor and editor of the paper until his death, in 1892. George H. Utter was educated in the schools of Westerly and at Alfred Academy, Alfred, N. Y., until 1873, when he entered Amherst College and graduated therefrom in the class of 1877; then immediately came to the assistance of his father on the weekly paper, which had a wide circulation. In 1893 the Westerly Daily Sun was established, and the Weekly was con- tinued as its weekly edition until 1897, when it was discontinued. The Daily Sun is a bright, progressive paper, having the largest circulation in Washington Co. His son George Benjamin, after his graduation from Amherst College in 1905, came upon the editorial staff, and is a valuable assistant in the conduct of the paper. Geo. H. Utter was aide-de-camp on the staff of Governor Bourne, May, 1883 — May, 1885; member of the Rhode Island House of Representatives, May, 1885 — May, 1889, and the last year was chosen Speaker. He became a member of the Rhode Island Senate, May, 1889 — May, 1891; then served as Secretary of State, May, 1891 — May, 1894; was chosen Lieutenant-Governor in Jan.,j904, serving to Jan., 1905; was elected Governor in Nov., 1904; took office Jan. 3, 1905; Nov., 1905, was re-elected Governor, and now, 1906, holds that office. Alfred University conferred on Mr. Utter, in June, 1906, the de- gree of LL.D. Children, b. Westerly: 683. George Benjamin, b. Apr. 11, 1881; graduated from the mil- itary school at Riverview, N. Y.; from Amherst College, June, 1905; and is associate editor and manager of the West- erly Daily Sun. 684. Henry Edwin, b. Apr. 9, 1883; was educated in the schools of THE BROWN GENEALOGY Westerly and was two years at the military school at River- view, N. Y.; graduated from Amherst College, June, 1906; entered Columbia University, Sept., 1906, and is in the De- partment of Physicians and Surgeons. 685. Mary Starr, b. Feb. 21, 1890. 686. Wilfred Brown, b. Sept. 13, 1894. The Revolutionary War record of Jesse Starr: Mary Starr Maxson, b., Homer, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1825; m., May 24, 1847, George Benjamin Utter, b., Plainfield, N. J., Feb. 4, 1819; d.. Westerly, R. I., Aug. 28, 1892; she d., Westerly, Mar. 24, 1868; dau. of Dea. John Maxson, of Newport, R. I., and wife Mary Starr, b., Groton, Conn., Sept. 2, 1791; d. July 27, 1859; m., Feb. 13, 1816; dau. of Jesse and Mary (Dewey) Starr. Jesse Starr was b. Nov. 23, 1753; enlisted June i, 1775, at Groton, Conn. On June 7, 1782, the vessel on which he sailed was taken by the British ship Belisarius and all impressed into the British service. He was released Aug. 20, 1783, and his widow drew a corporal's and a set-geant's pension while she lived. Jesse Starr was the son of Vine Starr, b., Groton, Jan. 17, 1716; d. Nov. 25, 1799. He was a' Sergeant in the Regiment of Artificers. His taxes were abated, as his house was destroyed by the British during the Revolutionary War. Henry Edwin Brown (478), son of Cyrus H. and Sarah Catherine (Max- son) Brown [Dea. Cyrus (253), Cyrus (231), Roswell (171), Jedediah (79), Jedediah (34), John (8), Thomas], b., Brighton, Mass., Apr. 5, 1861; m., Boston, Mass., Dec. 3, 1890, Caroline Campbell Rollins, b., Brighton, June 23, 1868; dau. of Lot M. and Delia S. (Campbell) Rollins. Since graduating from the schools of Boston, has been in the hardware business in Minne- apolis, Minn., and Boston, with his brother, Fred M. Brown (480). Res., 1905, AUston, Mass. Children: 687. Catharine Rollins, b., Minneapolis, Feb. 9, 1893. 688. Frances Campbell, b., Boston, Mar. 3, 1903. Katherine Mabel Brown (479), dau. of Cyrus H. and Sarah Catherine (Maxson) Brown, b., Brighton, Mass., Nov. 5, 1865; m., Boston, Mass., Oct. 23, 1895, John Lewis Howard, b.. So. Boston, Apr. 30, 1866; son of John Henry Howard, b. Boston, and Georgianna M. (Packard) Howard, b.. No. Bridgewater, Mass., Jan. 30, 1841. Mr. Howard is civil engineer for the city of Boston. Res., 1906, 58 Crescent Ave., Melrose, Mass. Children, b. Melrose: 689. EHzabeth, b. Oct. 13, 1897. 690. Helen, b. Nov. 29, 1902. 90 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Wilfred Merrill Brown (480), son of Cyrus H. and Sarah C. (Maxson) Brown, b., Brighton, Mass., Apr. 4, 1870; m., Stonington, Conn., Sept. 11, 1906, Annie Cutler Bradley, b., Stonington, Dec. 18, 1883; dau. of Edward E., b. Nov. 29, 1857, and Lois Chadwick (Gates) Bradley, b. Oct. 10, 1861. Edward E. was. the son of Almenus Dickerman and Amanda M. (Parks) Bradley, b. Russell, Mass. Mr. Bradley is a member and director of the Atwood-Morrison Company, of Stonington, manufacturers of silk-machin- ery which is used in all the principal silk-mills in the world; the Atwood whir spindle is the only kind used in the spinning of silk the world over. Mrs. Brown was educated in the public schools of Stonington; two years at the Eversley House School, Southport, England; four years at the Emerson College of Oratory, Boston, Mass.; taught physical culture for one year, 1905-1906, in State Normal School at Mankato, Minn. Both are mem- bers of the Baptist Church; he graduated from the schools of Boston in 1889; his business, hardware. Res., 1906, Boston. Horace Clifford Brown (481), son of Cyrus H. and Sarah C. (Maxson) Brown, b., Boston, Mass., June 22, 1873; m.. Westerly, R. I., Dec. 30, 1902, Aldeane Kilmer, b., Meriden, Kan., Oct. 17, 1881; dau. of Richard P. and Caroline A. (Cutler) Kilmer. Mr. Kilmer was b., Syracuse, N.Y., Mar. 21, i84i;d., Garden City, Kan., Apr. 3, i886;hisw'ife w-asb., Stonington, Conn., May 19, 1845. •^^- Brown received his education in the public schools of Boston, and after his graduation, until Apr., 1905, was with Dame, Stoddard & Co., Boston, in the hardware business; soon after, he became a member of the firm of T. F. Tuttle & Co., Silversmiths, 21 Bromfield St., Boston. Res., 1906, Melrose, Mass. Son: 690a. Horace Clifford, Jr., b. Jan. 8, 1906. Henrietta Louisa Lewis (483), dau. of Dr. Edwin R. and Louisa (Brown) Lewis, b., W'esterly (Niantic), R. L, Dec. 8, 1854; m.. Westerly, Dec. 30, 1879, Henry Martin Maxson, b., Stonington, Conn., Mar. ^, 1853; son of Jonathan Maxson, b.. Westerly, Jan. 26, 1816, d. Nov. 12, 1899, and Matilda Mandana W^ilcox, b. Nov. 13, 1819. His grandfather also was Jonathan Maxson, b. July 4, 1782, Newport, R. I.; d.. Westerly, Jan. 22, 1853. His grandmother was Nancy Potter, dau. of George Potter and Mary Stillman, b.. Potter Hill, R.I., Mar. 12,1781; d. July 10, 1862. He attended the public schools of W^esterly, and Alfred Academy, New York; graduated from Amherst College in 1877; taught two years in the common schools of Rhode Island; ten years in Attleboro, Mass., as teacher and superintendent; four years as superintendent in Pawiucket, R. I.; and thirteen years as su- perintendent in Plainfield, N. J.; in 1906 holds that office. 91 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Dau., b. Westerly, R. I.: 691. Ruth Potter, b. Feb. 10, 1881; graduated from Smith College, June, 1905. Edwin Ransom Lewis, Jr. (484), son of Dr. Edwin R. and Louisa (Brown) Lewis, b., Westerly, R. I., June 5, 1863; m.. Westerly, Feb. 27^ 1889, Mary Townsend Babcock, b.. Westerly, Mar. 26, 1867; dau. of Horace and Harriet B. (Cross) Babcock. He is a practising physician in Westerly. Res., 1904, Westerly, R. I. Son, b. Westerly: 692. Edwin R., Jr., b. Mar. 21, 1890; d. Oct. 27, 1890. Marion Luella Brown (486), dau. of Gideon P. and Mary Luella (Hollis) Brown, b., Brighton, Mass., Sept. 30, 1865; m. (i), Boston, Mass., Mar. 19,. 1890, Virgil M. Richards; divorced. Son, b, Boston: 693. Norman M., b. June 23, 1894. She m. (2), Boston, Apr. 5, 1898, Albert Thornton Thompson, b., Maple- wood, Mass., Jan. 19, 1857. Res., 1906, Boston. Adelaide Corrina Brown (487), dau. of Gideon P. and Martha Corrina (Hollis) Brown, b., Boston, Mass., Mar. 5, 1874; m. (i), Boston, Oct. 14, 1896, Herbert Watson; he d.. City of Mexico, Jan. 15, 1904. Mr. Watson was a wool merchant of Boston. Dau., b. Boston: 694. Corrina Adelaide, b. Oct. 28, 1897. Mrs. Adelaide C. Watson, nee Brown, m. (2), Boston, Mar. 3, 1905, Dr. Fred Drew, b., Alfred, Me., Dec. 18, 1866; son of Ira S. and Lydia A. (Starr) Drew. Res., 1906, Boston. Lee Everett Brown (489), son of B. W. and Almira M. (McGlafiin) Brown, b., Hartford, Conn., July 22, 1863; m., Newton, la., Feb. 8, 1888, Lena (McGregor) Brown, b., Newton, Nov. 24, 1869. Mr. Brown is cashier of the National Bank of Newton. Res., 1904, Newton, la. Son, b. Newton: 695. Charles Milton, b. Aug. 17, 1892. Minnie Laura Brown (490), dau. of B. W. and Almira M. (McGlaflin) Brown, b., Fairmont, Jasper Co., la., Dec. 19, 1870; m., Prairie City, la., Nov. 27, 1895, Joseph L. Freeman, b.. Lone Rock, Wis., June 24, 1864; son of Henry and Clara (Ballard) Freeman, m., Madison, Wis., Dec. 24, 1859. Res., 1904, Prairie City, Li. Dau., b. Prairie City: 696. Myra Josephine, b. July 30, 1899. 92 TJ p^ p Residence of Henry Irving Brown (9() I) Near Ponee, Neb. Henry I. Brown and wife ; Bessie Adda (9(JS), daughter ; Hunter and Eugene, sons. S. Eugene Brown (fl5S) sitting at left THE BROWN GENEALOGY Benjamin Williams Brown (491), son of B. W. and Almira M. (McGlaflin) Brown, b., Fairmont, la., Oct. 21, 1880; m., David City, Neb., Feb. 12, 1902, Winifred Earl (Ball) Brown, b., David City, Jan. 22, 1881; dau. of Curtis M., b., Wisconsin, Sept. 2, 1849, and Nancy (Brammer) Ball, b. Dec. 20, 1856, in Kentucky. Res., 1904, Prairie City, la. Dau.: 696a. Ruth McGlaflin, b., Prairie City, June 27, 1905. Annie Belle Brown (492), dau. of Thomas S. and Mary A. (Colby) Brown, b., Brookline, Mass., Aug. 15, 1868; m., Brookline, Nov. 11, 1896, Geo. McClellan Brooks, b., E. Boston, Mass., Sept. 10, 1863; son of Wm. F. and Mary (Snow) Brooks; he is a stock broker, Boston, Mass. Res., 1904, Arlington, Mass. Thomas Colby Brown (493), son of Thomas S. and Mary A. (Colby) Brown, b., Brookline, Mass., Dec. 15, 1870; m., Boston, Mass., Apr. 6, 1898, Dora (Damon) Brown, b., Freehold, Penn., Apr. 4, 1875. M^- Brown is a provision merchant, Brookline. Res., 1904, Dover, Mass. Cyrus Williams Brown (494), son of John B. and Lavinia (Richardson) Brown, b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Sept. 23, 1866; m., Westerly, R. I., Nov. 26, 1890, Grace Louise (Davis) Brown, b., Westerly, Nov. 17, 1872. Mr. Brown resembles and has the characteristics of his great-grandfather (231); is in the coal and real-estate business. New London, Conn. Res., 1904, New London, Conn. Children : 697. Cyrus Williams, Jr., b., Stonington, Conn., Oct. 26, 1896. 698. Helen Davis, b., Westerly, Apr. 11, 1900. 699. Stuart Romeyn, b., Westerly, Mar. 19, 1902. Lavinia Louise Brown (495), dau. of John B. and Lavinia (Richardson) Brown, b.. Westerly, R. I., Sept. 12, 1870; m.. Westerly, Oct. 19, 1892, William Dixie Hoxie, b., Gravesend, L. I., N. Y., July i, 1866; son of John Hoxie, b., Charlestown, R. I., 1827, d.. New York, 1882, and Isabella Dick- inson, b.. New York, Sept. 29, 1835; d.. Westerly, Oct. 20, 1906; dau. of J. Jeffreys Dickinson, b. Charleston, S. C, 1796, d., New York, 1862, and Isabella Knowles, b., Liverpool, England, 1805; d.. New York, 1865; in- terment in Greenwood, Brooklyn, N. Y. Res., Brooklyn, N. Y.; summer res., Westerly, R. I. Dau.: 700. Isabella Hoxie, b., New York, Nov. 12, 1893. Wm. D. Hoxie received his education in the common schools of Brooklyn, N. Y.; also in the Stevens School of Technology, which he entered in 1885, 93 THE BROWN GENEALOGY graduating in 1889; then spent a year in the machine-shops of Ridon and Marsh, at the same time carrying on experimental work for Mr. Stephen Wilcox, devoting his whole time to that work. In 189 1 he became asso- ciated with the Babcock and Wilcox Company, manufacturers of Water- tube steam boilers, with a capital of $3,000,000. This company built and installed the Babcock and Wilcox Marine Boiler, in 1894, and is continuing to develop the same. Mr. Hoxie came on the Board of Directors in 1896; the year following was chosen second vice-president; in 1897 and 1898 was chosen first vice-president of the company. This company enjoys a repu- tation that is world-wide, manufacturing at Bayonne, N. J.; Renfrew, Scotland, near Glasgow; Paris, France; Oberhausen, Germany; with offices in the principal cities on the globe. Carrie Louise Brown (499), dau. of Wm. S. and Carrie L. P. (Colby) Brown, b., Brookline, Mass., Jan. i, 1875; ^-i Auburn, Me., Sept. 23, 1896, Osroe L. Knight, b., Peru, Oxford Co., Me., Aug. 19, 1857. Res., 1904, W. Peru, Me. Children: 701. John Leighton, b., Waltham, Mass., Mar. 10, 1899. 702. Ralph Gerrish, b., Peru, Dec. 9, 1902. Blanche Emily, b. Sept., 1904. Dea. Nelson A. Brown (332), son of Nelson and Anne (York) Brown [Ichabod (309), Ichabod (119), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Feb. 16, 1847; m.. No. Stonington, Feb. 19, .1871, Mrs. Lovisa K. Brown, nee Crary, b., No. Stonington, Apr. 19, 1837; d. Aug. 9, 1900; dau. of Nathaniel M. and Rebecca (Stewart) Crary. Children, b. No. Stonington: 703. Herbert F., b. Dec. 30, 1871; m.. No. Stonington, Mar. 29, 1905, Eunice J. Bromley, b., No. Stonington, Dec. 12, 1879; dau. of H. D. and Hannah (Kenney) Bromley. Mem- bers of Baptist Church, Preston, Conn. Res., 1905, Preston, Conn. 704. Annie S., b. Mar. 29, 1874; d. June 24, 1885. 705. Jennie C, b. Jan. 14, 1876; d. May 13, 1885. 706. Ida L., b. Apr. 24, 1879; d. Apr. 25, 1885. Welcome P. Brown (333), son of Nelson and Annie (York) Brown [Icha- bod (309), Ichabod (119), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas), b., No. Ston- ington, Conn., Mar. 8, 1849; "!•» Nebraska, Nov. 27, 1884, Viola I. (McCor- mick) Brown, b., Ladoga, Montgomery Co., Ind., Mar. 19, 1864. Res., 1904, Mondamin, Harrison Co., la. 94 THE BROWN GENEAT.OGV Children: 707. Burns B., b. Nov. 25, 1885. 708. Nelson Andrew, b. Apr. 23, 1887; drowned Jan. 5, 1904. 709. Dixon P., b. Aug. 18, 1888. 710. Annie C, b. Aug. 14, 1890. 711. Josie I., b. May 16, 1893. 712. Lula E., b. Oct. 7, 1895. 713. Nora J., b. Apr. i, 1900. Wm. Brown (233), son of Roswell and Esther (Williams) Brown, b. June 5, 1792; d., Stonington, Conn., Mar. 22, 1829, aged thirty-five years; m., Stonington, Nancy (Dickinson) Brown, b. Apr. 21, 1796. Children: 714. Wm. D.,b. Sept. 11, 1829; d. Aug. 20, 1883; m., Mystic, Conn., Nancy M. (Crandall) Brown, dau. of Ethan and Eunice (Babcock) Crandall; d. Apr. 11, 1894. Son: Wm. E., b., Mystic, Oct. 2, 1849; ^- M^ay 18, 1870, by explosion on board steamer in Southern waters; unm. Interments in Elm Grove, Mystic. Mary, b. . Leonard W., b. , MAXSON ANCESTRY SPECIAL NO. 715. FROM 260 AND 477 SARAH C. MAXSON, WIFE OF CYRUS H. BROWN 715. Elder John Maxson, b., Newport, R. I., 1639, is said to be the first white child b. on the island of Rhode Island. Before he was b. his father was killed by the Pequot Indians. He was second pastor of the Second Seventh Day Baptist Church in America, at Hopkinton, R. I.; removed to Wes- terly, R. I., 1661; d.. Westerly, Dec. 17, 1720; interred Hopkinton Cemetery. He was ordained to the office of Elder when he was about seventy years old, in 1708. He m. Mary Mosier, b., Newport, 1640; d., Westerly, Feb. 2, 1718. 716. Elder John Maxson, Jr., b., Westerly, July, 1666; d., Westerly, 1747; m., Jan. 19, 1687, Judith Clark, b. Oct. 12, 1667. He was a zealous worker in the church, and succeeded his father as pastor in 1 720-1 747. His property consisted mainly of real estate, he having purchased in one lot 2,684 acres; his family consisted of ten children. 717. Elder Joseph Maxson, brother of John Maxson, Jr., became pastor of the same church, 1747-1750. He was b. 1672; d. Sept., 1750; m. Tacy Burdick. 95 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 718. Capt. John Maxson, b. ; d. ; m., 1717, Hannah Max- son, his cousin. 719. Sylvanus Maxson, b. May 3, 1735; d. ; m. Lydia Lewis, Dec. 21, 1769. He assisted in establishing American inde- pendence, in the capacity of ist Lieutenant, ist Company of Mihtia of Hopkinton, in 1777. His brother Jesse Maxson was Lieutenant-Colonel, commanding ist Regiment of Militia of Washington County, R. I., for several years. He was a member of the Legislature at the time of the adoption of the Rhode Island Constitution. 720. Nathan Maxson, b. Oct. 5, 1777; d. Dec. 16, 1824, aged forty- seven years; m., Apr. 28, 1800, Ruth Crandall, d.. Ash- away, R. I., Mar. 20, 1864, aged eighty-six years; dau. of Rogers Crandall, who d. Mar. 9, 1814, in the forty-second year of his age, and Lucy Crandall, who d. June 28, 1807, in the thirty-seventh year of her age. Nathan Maxson served in the War of 18 12, as Capt. of Militia, in Hopkinton, R. L Children, b. Hopkinton: 721. Nathan, Jr., b. ; d. Jan. 20, 1825, aged nineteen years. 722. Rogers C, b. ; d. Oct. 29, 1827, aged twenty-one years. 723. Horace, b. May 17, 1813; d. Feb. 14, 1888. 724. Lydia Wells, b. Oct. 22, 1816; d. Dec. 15, 1899. 725. Susan, b. June 17, 1820; m. Willard F. Prosser. Horace Maxson (723), son of Nathan and Ruth (Crandall) Maxson, b. May 17, 1813; d. Feb. 14, 1888; m. (i), Nov., 1835, Lovina Lamphear, d. Sept. II, 1846, aged thirty-three years; dau. of Joseph Lamphear, d. Dec. 20, 1816, in the thirty-second year of his age, and Sally Greenman, b. Oct. 22, 1794; d. July 27, 1853, aged fifty-nine; dau. of Silas Greenman and Mary, or Polly, Stillman. Interments in Hopkinton Cemetery. Mr. Max- son was a man of even temperament, thoughtful, greatly beloved, highly esteemed, and both were members of Seventh Day Baptist Church, and faithful in service. He invented, in i860, a device for making all kinds of fish-lines, which proved a valuable invention, and has been used by all line-makers down to 1906. Children : 726. Sarah Catherine, b., Hopkinton, R.I., Mar. 4, 1837; d. Oct. i, 1897; m., Hopkinton, Mar. 23, 1856, Cyrus H. Brown (477-482). Harriet Lovina, b. May 19, 1846; d. Sept. 7, 1846. 96 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Horace Maxson m. (2), July 5, 1847, Sarah C. Coon, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1826. Children, b. Ashaway, R. I.: Child, b. ; d. June 8, 1849. 727. Clarence Horace, b. Aug. 29, 185 1; m., Potter Hill, R. I., Mar. 25, 1873, Alice Josephine (Austin) Maxson, b., Potter Hill, Apr. 10, 185 1 ; dau. of Charles William Austin, b.. Wes- terly, R. I., Sept. 3, 1820, and Emma A. Blivin, b.. Westerly, Aug. 31, 1825; m. Apr. 25, 1844. Hed., Potter Hill, Sept. 14, 1877; interment in River Bend. Her res., 1906, Potter Hill, R. I. Children, first three b. Potter Hill; the others, Stonington, Conn.: (i) Ramond Dana, b. Mar. 9, 1874; m.. Bellows Falls, Vt., Feb. 18, 1899, Edith Parrutt, b.. Crown Point, N. Y., Mar. 8, 1880. No issue. He is a machinist. Res., 1906, Porterdale, Ga. (2) John Morey, b. Sept. 6, 1876; m., Stonington, Oct. 27, 1897, Alice Gertrude Butterfield. Child: Ruth Mabel, b., Stoning- ton, Mar. 2, 1901. (3) Charles Clarence, b. Aug. 14, 1878; m., No. Walpole, N. H., May 8, 1900, Mary A. Shaughnesy, b., Bellows Falls, Aug. 21, 1874. He is a machinist at No. Walpole. Children, b. No. Walpole: James, b. Jan. 3, 1901; Alice Josephine, b. July 28, 1902; Ruth Elenore, b. Aug. 17, 1904; Margaret N., b. July 27, 1906. (4) Ruth, b. ; d. , aged six years. (5) Amy Ann, b. Oct. 14, 1885. (6) Alice Josephine, b. Jan. 14, 1887; d. May 24, 1901. 728. Annette, b. Mar. 30, 1855; m., Ashaway, May 10, 1879, Thomas Taylor Larkin, b., Hopkinton, May 15, 1856. Children: (i) Alice Annette, b. May 17, 1881; graduated from^he Ashaway High School, June 23, 1898. (2) Albert Clarence, b. June 10, 1885; d. Sept. 14, 1899. Lydia Wells Maxson (724), dau. of Nathan and Ruth (Crandall) Max- son, b., Hopkinton, R. I., Oct. 22, 1816; d. Dec. 15, 1899; m., Aug. 11, 1836, Franklin Barber, b., Westerly, R. I., Nov. 9, 1814; d., Mystic, Conn., Feb. 29, 1856. Children, b. Hopkinton: 729. Oscar Maxson Barber, b. June 25, 1837; unm. Dr. Barber 97 THE BROWN GENEALOGY has been for many years a successful physician at Mystic, Conn,, his res. in 1906. 729a. Horace FrankUn, b. Nov. 18, 1840; d. Apr. 22, 1846. 730. Leander, b. Aug. 4, 1844; ^- Mary F. (Burdick) Barber, Nov. II, 1869. He was a line-maker at Mystic. Res., 1906, Mystic, Conn. Children, b. Mystic: Nellie Maxson, b. Oct. 22, 1873; Oscar Franklin, b. Jan. 2, 1882; Abbie Eliza- beth, b. Apr. 15, 1885. Nellie Maxson Barber, dau. of the preceding, m., July 16, 1896, Henry E. Raymond, d., New York City, Nov. i, 1904. Son: Philip Howard, b. Sept. 8, 1897. Since the death of her husband she has given her attention to the study of music, in Germany and New York. Res., 1906, Mystic, Conn. Susan Maxson (725), dau. of Nathan and Ruth (Crandall) Maxson, b. June 17, 1820; d. Dec. 12, 1896; m., Hopkinton, R. I., 1841, Willard F. Prosser, d. Sept. 20, 1896. Mr. Prosser was a skilful overseer in the manu- facture of woolen goods in Ashaway, R. I., and Mystic, Conn. Children, b. Hopkinton: (i) Harriet J., b. Mar. 28, 1842; d. July 3, 1890; m. Charles H. Moore, d.. Providence, June, 1906. (2) Charles O., b. Dec. 28, 1844; d.. Mystic, May 20, 1893; m., Westerly, R. I., Dec. 9, 1868, Emma Barber, b.. Westerly, Nov. 27, 1846; dau. of George Perry and Emily (Clark) Barber. Molly Brown (104), dau. of Christopher (59) and Margaret (Holmes) Brown [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 29, 1766; m.. No. Stonington, Conn., by Elder Eleazer Brown, June 29, 1788, David Coats, b. Dec. 17, 1766; son of John Coats, of Stonington, and Anna Gray, of Little Compton, R. I. Anna's Gray ancestry is traced back to the Mayflower, as follows: William Mullens, his wife Alice (maiden name un- known), their dau. Priscilla, also John Alden, were among the number who came to America in the ship Mayflower, which landed at Plymouth, Mass., Dec. 21, 1620. Later, John Alden m. Priscilla Mullens. Their dau., Eliza- beth Alden (2), m. William Pabodie (spelled now Peabody). William Pabodie (3), Jr., son of William and Elizabeth (Alden) Pabodie, m. Judith (maiden name unknown). Elizabeth Pabodie (4), dau. of William Pabodie, Jr., and his wife Judith , m. Edward Gray. Anna Gray (5), their dau., b., Little Compton, R. I., Mar. 14, 1731, m. John Coats, of Ston- 98 I THE BROWN GENEALOGY ington, Dec. 14, 1749, by Jonathan Ellis. Children: (i) Thomas, (2) Ed- ward, (3) Asail, (4) Betsey, (5) Rebecca, (6) Amos, (7) Ruble, (8) David, (9) Oliver, (10) Russell, (11) Lucretia. Children of David Coats and Molly Brown, b. No. Stonington: 731. David, Jr., b. Jan. 4, 1789. 732. Asher, b. Oct. 28, 1790. 733. Ansel, b. Mar. 4, 1794 (748-752). 734. Polly, or Mary, b. Feb. 28, 1799 (753-759)- 735. Clarissa, b. June 16, 1801; unm. 736. Lucy P., b. July 22, 1806. 737. John Calvin, b. Nov. i, 1811 (762). Capt. David Coats, Jr. (731), son of David and Molly (Brown) Coals [Christopher (59), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Jan. 4, 1789; d. Dec. 18, 1834; m., No. Stonington, Oct. 14, 1824, Susan (Main) Coats, b. May 24, 1806; d. Jan. 28, 1892, aged eighty-five years and eight months; dau. of Amos and Susan (Wheeler) Main; inter- ment in \Vheeler Cemetery, No. Stonington. Children, b. No. Stonington: 738. Mary Ann, b. Mar. 24, 1826; d. May 14, 1906; m., No. Stoning- ton, Dec. 15, 1846, Allen Wheeler, Jr., b. Aug. 8, 1823; son of Dea. Allen and Jemima A. Wheeler, both of No. Stoning- ton. No issue. Res., 1904, No. Stonington, Conn. 739. Ralph Coats, b. Apr. 30, 1828; d., Tuckahoe, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1897; m., Norwich, Conn., May 18, 1856, Sarah Miner, nee Crandall, dau. of Beriah Crandall; b. Apr. 30, 1823. Mr. Coats removed to Tuckahoe, and was superintendent of the farm of A. T. Stewart, the merchant prince of New York City. Children, b. No. Stonington: (i) Walter Arnold, b. July 15, 1857, d. Mar. 4, 1874; (2) Maria May, b. Apr. i, 1859; m., Tuckahoe, Feb. 26, 1884, W. R. S.^Bates; they have five children. Res., 1904, So. Norwalk, Conn. 740. Elizabeth Coats, b. July 28, 1832; d. Jan. 28, 1886; m., No. Stonington, Dec. 29, 1852, Ephraim Wheeler, b. Jan. 3, 1831; d. Sept. 23, 1897; son of Ephraim and Bridget (Ayer) Wheeler. Children, b. No. Stonington: 741. Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 21, 1854; d. Feb. 3, 1877; m., June 18, 1872, Nathan G. Wheeler, d. Mar. 22, 1882. Children: 741a. Lucy M. Wheeler, b., Stonington, May 29, 1874; graduated 99 THE BROWN GENEALOGY from Smith College 1898; m. James F. Brown, Jr., son of Colonel James F. Brown, of No. Stonington, Nov. 29, 1899. Children: Dorothy W., b. Nov. 23, 1900; Elizabeth, b. Sept. 24, 1902. Res., 1904, No. Stonington, Conn. 741b. Perez Wheeler, son of Nathan G. and Mary Elizabeth Wheeler, b. Feb. II, 1876; d., Stonington, Dec. 10, 1901; m. Hattie Brown, b.. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 9, 1874, dau. of Col. J. F. Brown. Son: Ralph Perez, b., Stonington, Feb. 16, 1897. Mrs. Hattie Wheeler, nee Brown, m. (2) Isaac Becket. Res., 1904, Savannah, Ga. 742. Martha Hull, second dau. of Ephraim and Elizabeth (Coats) Wheeler, b. Oct. 8, 1856; m., No. Stonington, Jan. 5, 1876, Charles Edwin Williams, b., Stonington, Conn., Jan. 26, 1850. Res., 1904, 225 Main St., Northampton, Mass. Children, b. Stonington: 742a. Harriet Atwood, b. May 30, 1877; graduated from Smith Col- lege 1898; m., Northampton, July 23, 1904, Charles Anthony De Rose, b., Amherst, Mass., Feb. 17, 1878. Res., 1904, Northampton, Mass. 742b. Nathan, b. Nov. 16, 1878; unm. Dentist; graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, May, 1903. Res., 1904, North- ampton, Mass. 743. Ephraim, 3d, b. Apr. i, 1861; d. Feb. 20, 1862. 744. Delia A., b. Oct. 8, 1865; unm. Res., 1904, No. Stonington, Conn., with her aunt Mary A. (Coats) Wheeler. Asher Coats (732), son of David and Molly (Brown) Coats [Christopher (59), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Oct. 28, 1790; m. (i), No. Stonington, Mar. 27, 1817, Lucy, dau. of Capt. John Holmes; m. (2), Apr. 18, 1826, Lucy, dau. of Gilbert and Lucy (Swan) Billings, b. June 30, 1798. Children: 745. Charles, b.. No. Stonington, Mar. 22, 1821; m. Mary Main, dau. of Rufus and Sabra (Wells) Main; they lived in New York. He d. July 20, 1855, in New York City, leaving no children. 746. Lucy Ann Coats, dau. of Asher and Lucy (Holmes) Coats, b., No. Stonington, Dec. 5, 1823; d., Lockport, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1901; m.. No. Stonington, Sept. 15, 1847, Charles Tracy Richards, b., Preston City, Conn., Aug. 23, 1820; d., Albion, N. Y., about 1900. THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 746a. Charles Hamilton, b., Noank, Conn., Aug. 16, 1849; ^- May 16, 1877; unm. Dr. Richards was a practising physician at Syracuse, N. Y. 746b. Edward Tracy, b., Preston, Conn., Apr. 21, 185 1; d., Phil- adelphia, Penn., June 7, 1875, while attending medical school; unm.; interment in Albion. 747. Harriet Coats, dau. of Asher and Lucy (Holmes) Coats, m., Apr. 14, 1845, ^^- William Avery Babcock, b. (Pendleton Hill), No. Stonington, Sept. 4, 1817. In early married life they moved to Onarga Hill, Iroquois Co., 111., where he d., Apr. 7, 1875. Dau.: Georgiana Babcock, b. Aug. 23, 1846; m., 1876, Ezra D. Durham. Their dau.: Hattie, b. Mar. 16, 1880. Res., 1904, Onarga, Iroquois Co., 111. Ansel Coats (733), son of David and Molly (Brown) Coats [Christopher (59), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Mar. 14, 1794; d., No. Stonington, Jan. 10, 1861; m., Stonington, Conn., Jan. 18, 1826, Eunice Randall, b. Mar. 28, 1806; d. Mar. 28, 1861; dau. of Hon. Wm. Randall and Mrs. Wealthy Hewett, nee Avery, widow of Darius Hewett. Mr. Coats was a quiet, unassuming man, excellent neighbor, and highly respected; Baptist, and a farmer. He was in the War of 181 2, and responded to the call for the defence of Stonington, Aug. 9 and 10, 1814, in the Fourth Company — John W. Hull, Captain; Silas Chesborough, Ensign; Henry Grant, Russell Wheeler, Elias Hewitt, Jr., Sergeants; David Coats, Gilbert Miner, John D. Gallup, Corporals. Children: 748. Asher, b., No. Stonington, Mar. 6, 1827; m.,Binghamton, N.Y., June 24, 1874, Phebe A. Bartlett, b., Salisbury, Conn., July 14, 1828; d., Binghamton, June 29, 1893; dau. of Loring and Phebe (Everett) Bartlett. No issue. Mr. Coats was a successful school-teacher in his native town, also in Charles- town, R. I. He was a much-respected companion of the compiler of these records. Res., 1904, 12 Morgan St., Binghamton, N. Y. 749. Wm. Randall, b.. Great Barrington, Mass., May 16, 1831; d., Dayton, O., aged sixty-one years; m., Montrose, Penn., Jan. I, 187 1, Nettie Grove. No issue. Mr. Coats was a soldier in the Civil War, and enlisted in Co. G, 22d Regt. Conn. Vol.; date of muster, Aug. 15, 1862. THE BROWN GENEALOGY 750. Roswell Randall, b., No. Stonington, July i, 1835; "^-j Morris, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1864, Julia E. Green, b., Oneonta, N. Y., May 19, 1844; d. July 11, 1906. Mr. Coats is connected with the mercantile business at Binghamton. Res., 1904, Binghamton, N. Y. 751. George F., b.. No. Stonington, Apr. 7, 1841; m. Freddie M. Koopman, Feb. 2, 1863; dau. of Capt. James Koopman and Ann Esther Bentley, dau. of Daniel and Esther (Wheeler) Bentley. Res., 1904, No. Stonington, Conn. Son: 751a. George D., b. July 14, 1864; m., No. Stonington, Mar. 16, 1886, Fannie W. (Main) Coats, b. Sept. 30, 1867; dau. of John S. and Frances (Wheeler) Main; granddau. of Dea. Allen Wheeler. Son: Allen Ansel, b. Dec. 19, 1889. Res., 1904, No. Stonington, Conn. 752. John Coats, b.. No. Stonington, May 9, 1842; m., Hartford, Conn., June 22, 187 1, Laura Josephine (Walker) Coats, b., E. Windsor, Conn., Nov. 7, 1844; dau. of Rev. Wm. C. Walker, b., Warwick, R. I., Dec. 24, 18 18; d., Andover, Conn., Oct. 28, 1866; m.. No. Stonington, Nov. 28, 1839, Almira L. Palmer, b.. No. Stonington, Apr. 19, 1818; d., New Britain, Conn., May 14, 1897; dau. of Israel and Lucy (Rockwell) Palmer. Mr. Coats was educated in the public schools of his native town, and took a preparatory course for college at the Connecticut Literary Institution in Sufl&eld; there enlisted in Co. G, 2 2d Regt. Conn. Vol., for nine months' service in the Civil War. After his discharge, re- turned to his studies at Suffield, in 1863. Graduated from Yale College in 1868. Returned to Suffield as teacher, but in 1869 began the study of law, entering Columbia College Law School, and graduating in 187 1; admitted to the bar in Hartford, Conn., Sept., 1871. He practised law in Chicago, but after the great fire returned to Suffield as vice-principal, continued teaching there and at Windsor Locks till 1885. Elected Representative of Windsor Locks to the Connecticut Legislature in 1884. In 1894 appointed Judge of Probate Court for that district, and held that office vmtil 1903. He was appointed Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Hartford Co., taking office Oct. i, 1901; in 1904 still holds that office. No children. Res., New Britain, Conn. 102 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Polly, or Mary, Coats (734), dau. of David and Molly (Brown) Coats [Christopher (59), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Feb. 28, 1799; d., Rochester, N. Y., Mar., 1850; m., No. Stonington, 1817, Cyrus Swan, b., No. Stonington, 1793; d., Niagara Falls, N. Y., 1865. Children, b. No. Stonington, except last two: 753. Cyrus W., b. 1818; d. Oct. 31, 1890. 754. Mary Esther, b. 1820; m. Abram Wheeler, of Nunda, N. Y., 1843; d- Nov. 6, 1847. No issue. 755. Susan Cordelia, b. Oct. 10, 1825; d. Jan. 14, 1861; m. Noah G. Archer, 1855. 756. Frank W. Austin, b. Apr. 21, 1827. 757. Lucy Ann, b. 1830; d. Mar., 1854. 758. Geo. H., b., Rochester, 1838. 759. Addie, b. Nunda, Livingston Co., N. Y., July 20, 1844. Cyrus W. Swan (753), son of Cyrus and Polly (Coats) Swan and grandson of David and Molly Brown Coats [Christopher (59), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., 1818; d. Oct. 31, 1890; m.. May 24, 1842, Mary Babcock, dau. of Joseph Babcock; she d. Oct. 25, 1884. Children : 753a. Mary v., b., Rochester, N. Y., May 28, 1843; m., Jan. 5, 1880, Joseph Hurd, of Bennington, Vt. No issue. Res., 1904, Brookline, Mass. 753b, Georgia, b., Rochester, Dec. 23, 1845; unm. Res., 1905, 30 Poplar St., Rochester, N. Y. 753c. David Ansel, b., Rochester, Sept. 23, 1847; enlisted in the Civil War when sixteen years old; d., Baltimore, Md., Mar. 30, 1864. 753d. George B., b., Niagara Falls, N. Y., Mar. 17, 1855; m. Lillie (Harmony) Swan, Dec. 10, 1879. Son: Harold Orrin, b., Mattoon, 111., Nov. 24, 1890. Res., 1904, Mattoon, 111. 753e. S. Josephine, b., Wilson, N. Y., May 10, 1858; m. Albert Dixson, Mattoon, 111., Feb. 7, 1900. No issue. Res., Roch- ester, N. Y. 753f. Lucy Adelaide, b. Wilson, Mar. 9, 1863; m., Columbus, O., Jan. 31, 1895, Samuel Olvis, a soldier in the regular army. Children: Herbert Swan, b., Wilson, May 18, 1896; Kenneth Samuel, b., Jamestown, N. Y., July 14, 1898; Josephine Helen, b., Wilmington, O., Mar. 29, 1901. Res., 1904, Winona, Minn. 103 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 753g, Flora Elbertine, b., Wilson, Mar. i, 1866; m. Willis E. Gifford, Apr. 27, 1892. Children: Willis Lorraine, b., Augusta, Mich., Oct, 31, 1899; Dixson, b., Madison, Wis., Jan. i, 1903. Res., Madison, Wis. Frank W. Austin Swan (756), son of Cyrus and Mary, or Polly, (Coats) Swan and grandson of David and Molly (Brown) Coats [Christopher (59), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Apr. 21, 1827; d., Niagara Falls, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1901; m., Rochester, N. Y., 185 1, Elizabeth Douglass. Children: 756a. Geo. D. Res., 1904, Niagara Falls, N. Y. • 756b. Charles G. Res., 1904, Esconaba, Mich. 756c. Marcus E. Res., 1904, Baker City, Ore. 756d. Gayton H. Res., 1904, Niagara Falls, N. Y. 756e. Mrs. Frances E. Buell. Res., 1904, Chicago, 111. 756f. Mrs. Mary C. Heighton. Res., 1904, Des Moines, la. 756g, Louis W. Res., 1904, Buffalo, N. Y. Lucy Ann Swan (757), dau. of Cyrus and Polly (Coats) Swan and grand- dau. of David and Molly (Brown) Coats [Christopher (59), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. 1830; d. 1854; m. Noah G. Archer, 1851. Son: George H., b. Sept. 10, 1852; d. Dec. 24, 1874. After the death of his wife, Mr. Archer m. (2), 1855, her older sister, Susan Cordelia Swan, b. Oct. 10, 1825; d. Jan. 14, 1861. No issue. George Henry Swan (758), son of Cyrus and Polly (Coats) Swan and grandson of David and Molly (Brown) Coats, b., Rochester, N. Y., 1838; d. July 4, 1866. Mr. Swan enlisted at the beginning of the Civil War; was made Lieutenant, and for bravery on the field of battle was promoted to Captain. Addie Swan (759), dau. of Cyrus and Mary, or Polly, (Coats) Swan and granddau. of David and Molly (Brown) Coats [Christopher (59), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Nunda, Livingston Co., N. Y., July 20, 1844; m., Niagara Falls, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1867, Louis De Staebler, b., Paris, France; d., Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1872. Mrs. Addie De Staebler was edu- cated in the public schools of Rochester, N. Y.; afterwards was a teacher in the union schools at Niagara Falls. She is a member of the First Baptist Church, Rochester, and for seventeen years has been Police Matron of the same city. When appointed she was the second one in the State, and after proving her qualifications by a civil service examination, was appointed to 104 f THE BROWN GENEALOGY that position; in 1904 still fills this important office. Dau: Addie B. De Staebler, b., Buffalo, Apr. 29, 1870; m., Rochester, June 24, 1896, Henry H. Yawger. Son: Foster C, b. Apr. 3, 1897. Res., 1904, Rochester, N. Y. Clarissa S. Coats (735), b. Jan. 16, 1801; unm. She lived at the home- stead a number of years; was a faithful member of the Third Baptist Church of her native town for many years. The last part of her life was spent with her niece, Mrs. Lucy Ann (Coats) Richards (784), at Albion, Orleans Co., N. Y., where she d.. May 14, 1893, and was there interred. Lucy P. Coats (736), dau. of David and Molly (Brown) Coats [Christo- pher (59), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., July 22, 1806; d., Albion, N. Y., May 10, 1893; m., No. Stonington, Feb. 9, 1843, Austin Wheeler, b.. No. Stonington, June 15, 1816; d., E. Gaines, N. Y., June 30, 1858. Children, b. Mystic, Conn. 760. John Austin, b. Apr. 7, 1844; killed in the Civil War July 9, 1864. 761. M. Anna, b. May 29, 1846; d. Oct. 10, 1905; m., Nov. 12, 1866, William C. Barber, d. Oct. 25, 1905. Children : 761a. John Wheeler, b., E. Gaines, Aug. 28, 1867; is an undertaker in Chicago; has been for many years; unm. 761b. Mae Coats, b., Knowlesville, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1871; m., Apr. 12, 1899, Wilford Lyman Hakes. No issue. Res., Albion, N. Y. P. O., Gaines, N. Y. 761C. Lula Anna, b., Knowlesville, Jan. 12, 1874; graduated from Brockport Normal School; has been a teacher for eight years; unm. Res., Albion, N. Y. 76id. P2dward Richards, b., Knowlesville, Feb. 9, 1878; graduated from Syracuse University; was a teacher; d. Mar. 10, 1904. 7616. William Austin, b., Albion, Oct. 28, 1880; is ancelectrician, Washington, D. C, 1904; unm. 76if. Grant Oliver, b., Albion, Dec. 21, 1884. John Calvin Coates (737), son of David and Molly (Brown) Coates [Christopher (59), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Nov. i, 181 1; d. Oct. 30, 1896; m., Preston, Conn., Sept. 3, 1854, Mary E. (Gates) Coates, b. July 17, 1822. He was the living exponent of kindness, active in church work, constant in attendance, retiring, having many warm friends, beloved by all; he served the Third Baptist Church for forty-nine years as its faithful church clerk. THE BROWN GENEALOGY Dau.: 762. Alison Eliza, b., No. Stonington, Sept. 5, 1855. Miss Coates is an easy and graceful writer of prose and poetry, and her literary contributions are well appreciated and have earned for her a high reputation. She received her education from the common schools of her native town, a private school for girls at Norwalk, Conn., and the high school of Westerly, R. I. A CLEAR CASE. On ancestry the talk had turned, And some their record clear discerned Back to that noble company Who bravely crossed a stormy sea, Defying doubt, all fear above. To found the land we know and love; Another, proud descent could trace From knight, and lady fair of face; Another, lineage make known From one who sat upon a throne. Cried Jack, "You 're all so very new. Awfully verdant is your hue; Straight came I from the primal pair Who dwelt in Eden blest and fair! How do I know it? Oh, 't is clear: Just by the way their traits appear — Sure my people all have had 'em; Full am I of that old Adam ! " Nov', 24, 1904. Alison E. Coates. Christopher Brown, Jr. (107), son of Capt. Christopher (59) and Mar- garet (Holmes) Brown [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], who was the only son of ten children, b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Jan. i, 1774; d. Sept. 10, 1830, in the fifty-seventh year of his age; m. Charlotte Pendleton, b. Oct. 24, 1784; d. Apr. 9, 1857; dau. of Nathan and Amelia (Babcock) Pendleton, of Westerly, R. I. Interments on the Christopher Brown homestead, two miles south of the Pendleton Hill Meeting-house and half a mile west of the road. Here also are interred Daniel Brown (24) and his two wives, (i) Mary Breed, (2) Prudence; also Capt. Christopher (59) and his wife Margaret Holmes; and many others of these families in unmarked graves. Children, b. No. Stonington: 763. Charlotte, b. Aug. 27, 1807; d. July 16, 1808. 764. Christopher Franklin, b. Jan. 12, 1808. [After diligent search, no trace of him is found.] 765. Ralph Isham, b. Nov. 20, 1810; d., Pawtu.xet, R. I., Nov. 3, 1833- 766. Mary Breed, b. Oct. 15, 1812; m. Marcus B. Young. 767. Lucy Amelia, b. Dec. 16, 1818; m. Benj. Niles Harris. 106 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 768. Clarissa Charlotte, b. Aug. 14, 1820 (778-780). 769. Sarah, b. Dec. 16, 1822. 770. Nathan W., b. Feb. 26, 1825 (786, 787). Ralph Isham Brown (765) lived on his father's farm, attending the dis- trict school in the winter, and while very young he taught two or three terms in the common schools. In the spring of 1822 there was a powerful revival of religion in No. Stonington, Conn., during which hundreds were brought to a knowledge of the truth. In this revival Ralph became converted and joined the First Baptist Church, at the age of eleven years. The meeting- house was only half a mile from his home, of which more will be said in an- other part of this book. He was studious, improving his mind with what books he could get. Eight years after his conversion he related his views of duty to the church and was granted a license to preach the gospel early in 1830, when about eighteen years of age. He spent only a few months in the vicinity of home, preaching with great acceptance, and then went to the Baptist Literary and Theological Seminary, Hamilton, N. Y., to prepare for the ministry. Rev, Bradley Miner said of him that he was a young man of deep piety, highly esteemed by all who knew him; and at the age of twenty-two years he had preached one hundred and twenty-five times, in connection with his studies and teaching. While teaching at Norwich, N. Y., he wTites to his mother, under date of Feb. 12, 183 1; at this time his father had passed away, five months before. The following is a short ex- tract from this letter: "The scenes of my childhood are fresh to my recollection, and time will not easily efface them. In my imagination I am transported to the home of my youth, and seated around the fireside with those whom I shall never forget. But, oh ! recollection soon assumes her empire, and I find myself far away from home, immured within the walls of a schoolhouse, and surrounded by a number of mischievous scholars. My mind often lingers upon those happy seasons when we surrounded the family altar, read a portion of God's Holy Word, and joined in humble prayer. At such times the Holy Spirit was there, and I often felt myself filled with love divine. Oh, tell me not that happiness is a resident in scenes of merriment — in walls of worldly pleasure!" Two years pass away at school in Hamilton, and he had planned six years more of study; but in order to pay his expenses he must teach a portion of the time. In the summer of 1833 ^^- Brown was invited to become the Principal of the Seminary for Young Ladies in Pawtuxet, R. I., which was then about to be opened. He consented, with the understanding that he 107 THE BROWN GENEALOGY should continue to occupy that situation for one year only, when he ex- pected to resume his studies. In two short months he was stricken with a fever and passed away. His mother and sister Mary were at his bedside in Pawtuxet, There was great lamentation for him in Pawtuxet, in Hamilton, and in his native town, that one of so much promise had been so suddenly taken away. " Time, like an ever-rolling stream, Bears all its sons away; They fly, forgotten, as a dream Dies at the opening day." Mary Breed Brown (766), b. Oct. 15, 1812; m. Marcus B. Young, and soon after passed away, leaving no issue. Lucy Amelia Brown (767), dau. of Christopher, Jr., and Charlotte (Pen- dleton) Brown [Christopher (59), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Dec. 16, 1816; d., Waterville, Me., July 26, 1859; m., Apr. 3, 1838, Benjamin Niles Harris. She was the first woman to grad- uate from the Boston Medical School, and was one of the pioneer women physicians of New England, practising in Rockport and Boston, Mass., and Waterville, Me. Children: 771. Mary Brown, b., No. Stonington, Apr. 21, 1839; d., Winslow, Me., July, 1864. 772. Susanna Pendleton, b., No. Stonington, May 26, 1841; m., Freedom, Me., Sept. 27, 1863, Selden R. Fuller. Son: Charles Harris Fuller, b., Freedom, Nov. 11, 1864 (m. 784). 773. John Niles, b., Boston, Mass., June 15, 1843; m., Salem, Mass., Sept. 25, 1878, Rie J. Lloyd, d. . Children, b. Free- dom: Jennie Fuller Harris, b. Sept. 9, 1879, m.. Mar. 19, 1904, Earl Owen; Harry Lloyd Harris, b. Nov. 12, 1892. 774. Sarah Whitcomb, b., Boston, Mar. 27, 1845; "^-j Jasselboro, Me., Sept. 28, 1868, John F. Fry. 775. Charles Franklin, b., Rockport, Mass., Sept. 16, 1847; d., Rockport, 1848. 776. William Johnson, b., Waterville, Feb. 7, 1856; m., Freedom, June 15, 189 1, Harriet Banton. Children: Hazel Hudson Harris, b., Hudson, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1892; Violet P. Harris, b., Boston, Oct. 4, 1895. 777. Benjamin Franklin, b., Waterville, July 16, 1859; d., Winslow, Nov. 25, 1864. 108 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Clarissa Charlotte Brown (768), dau. of Christopher, Jr., and Charlotte (Pendleton) Brown [Christopher (59), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Aug. 14, 1820; d.. Providence, R. I., Aug. i, 1853; m.. No. Stonington, Oct. 21, 1839, Bela Whipple Potter Bennett, b., Cranston, R. I., Apr. 3, 1819; d., Providence, Nov. 19, 1895. He was the son of Reuben Sharp Bennett, b., Killingly, Conn., Aug. 14, 1793; d.. Cen- tral Falls, R. I., Aug. 8, 1871; m., Uxbridge, Mass., Aug. 10, 1816, Anna Hicks, dau. of David Hicks, of Uxbridge; d. June 8, 1867. Children: 778. Cornelia Ann, b., No. Stonington, Aug. 5, 1841 (781-784). 779. Herbert Franklin, b., No. Stonington, Mar. 18, 1844 (785, 785a). 780. Reuben Potter, b. Oct. 5, 1846; d. Oct. 10, 1848. Cornelia Ann Bennett (778), dau. of Bela W. P. and Clarissa C. (Brown) Bennett [Christopher, Jr. (107), Capt. Christopher (59), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Aug. 5, 1841; m., Fox- boro, Mass., by Rev. E. C. Hodgeden, Nov. 24, 1859, Charles A. Winslow, b., Taunton, Mass., Jan. 13, 1838; d., Pawtucket, R. I., Dec. 30, 1873. Mr. Charles A. Winslow enlisted as Private Sept. 30, 186 1, in the Civil War; made Corporal Mar. 14, 1862; Sergeant, Oct. 6, 1862; ist Sergeant, June I, 1863; wounded severely, July 2, 1862, at Gettysburg, Penn.; 2d Lieutenant, Oct. 14, 1863; assigned to 14th Regt. R. I. Vol. Oct. 16, 1863; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps Feb. i, 1864; mustered out Sept. 30, 1864, on account of physical disability. Children : 781. Annie Charlotte, b., Fo.xboro, Feb. 10, 1862; d., Pawtucket, Apr. 15, 1873. 782. Ruth Frances, b., Providence, R. I., June 23, 1865. 783. Herbert, b. Dec. 27, 1867; d. Feb. 8, 1868. 784. Esther C, b., Valatie, N. Y., Apr. 30, 1869. Ruth Frances Winslow (782) m., July 10, 1882, Fred Warren Baxter, of Pawtucket, R. I. Children: (i) Ernest Winslow, b., Pawtucket, Apr. 9, 1883; (2) Carriebell Warren, b., Central Falls, R. I., Aug. 13, 1885; (3) Ruth Spencer, b., Pawtucket, Apr. 4, 1893; (4) Charles Warren, b., Paw- tucket, Jan. 4, 1895. Esther C. Winslow (784) m. (i), Apr. 12, 1886, Wm. F. Worger, of Paw- tucket, R. I.; he d. Feb. 22, 1895. Son: William Russell Worger, b. June 23, 1893; d. Jan. 22, 1894. Esther C. Worger, nee Winslow, m. (2), Norridge- wock, Me., Sept. 29, 1896, Charles Harris Fuller, b.. Freedom, Me., Nov. II, 1864 (772). 109 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Herbert Franklin Bennett (779), son of Bela W. P. and Clarissa C. (Brown) Bennett [Christopher, Jr. (107), Capt. Christopher (59), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Mar. 18, 1844; m., Providence, R. I., Oct. 19, 1870, Emma Sophia (Gilmore) Bennett, b.. Providence, Feb. 8, 1848. Res., 1904, Bristol, R. I. Herbert F. Bennett enlisted from Providence, Sept. 30, 1861, to serve three years, and was mustered into the United States service on the same day and place, as a Private of Captain George E. Randolph's Battery E, ist Regt. R. I. Vol. Light Artillery, Col. Charles H. Tompkins command- ing. Battery E was enlisted in Providence, and had its first encampment at Camp Green. During his connection with the battery was engaged in the following battles: Yorktown, Williamsburg, Fairoaks, Charles City, Cross Roads, Malvern Hill, Second Battle of Bull Run, Chantilly, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Glendale, Wilderness, and a number of minor engagements and skirmishes. Re-enlisted at Brandy Station, Va., Feb. 3, 1863; was mustered into the United States service, Feb. 8, 1864, as 2d Lieutenant, assigned to Co. L, 14th Regt. R. I. Heavy Artillery, and stationed at Fort Banks, La. Discharged at Providence, Oct. 2, 1865, by reason of close of the war; was Commander of Babbitt Post No. 15, G. A. R., from 1887 to 1890; held the positions of Junior and Senior Vice-Commander of the De- partment of R. I., G. A. R. Dec. 2, 1903, was elected a member of the Com- mandery of the State of Massachusetts Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Mr. Bennett was elected Representative to the General Assembly from the town of Bristol, R. L, in 1881 and 1882. Apr. 8, 1882, was elected Town Clerk, and by subsequent re-elections lias served the town in that capacity to the present time, 1906. Children: 785. Emily Deming Bennett, b., Bristol, Jan. 15, 1875; m., Bristol, June 14, 1900, Benjamin M. MacDougall, b., Bristol, Sept. 7, 1871. Both born in same house. Children: Janet and Jessica, twin daughters, b., Bristol, Jan. 11, 1902 — Janet b. 8.30 o'clock A.M.; Jessica, at 4 o'clock p.m. 785a. Edith Gilmore Bennett, b., Bristol, Apr. 23, 1881 ; d. in infancy. Sarah Brown (769), dau. of Christopher and Charlotte (Pendleton) Brown, b. Dec. 16, 1822; d. Apr. 16, 1849; ^-^ No. Stonington, Conn., George A. Stanton, of Charlestown, R. I. Interments in Charlestown. Nathan W. Brown (770), son of Christopher, Jr., and Charlotte (Pendle- ton) Brown [Christopher (59), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Herbert F. Bennett (779) Bristol, R. I. Roxie F. Randall (U().j) Olean, N. Y. THE BROWN GENEALOGY Stonington, Conn., Feb. 26, 1825; d., Westerly, R. I., Apr. 9, 1896; m. (i), Richmond, R. I., Sept. 26, 1852, Abby Segar, b. Feb. 9, 1834; dau. of Francis and Susan Segar. Dau.: Susan Charlotte, b. Aug. 12, 1853; d. in infancy. Nathan W. Brown m, (2), Hopkinton, R. I., Oct. i, 1866, Annie E. (Chapman) Brown, b. July 11, 1845; ^^^- of Israel Clark Chapman. Children, by second m.: 786. Annie Elizabeth, b. Sept. 30, 1867; d. May 28, 1899; m.. Wes- terly, Wm. C. Heath. 787. Frank E. Brown, b.. Westerly, July 19, 1877. The only repre- sentative by the name of Brown to bear up the name of Capt. Christopher and Christopher, Jr. Res., 1904, Westerly, R. I. Eunice Brown (no), dau. of Christopher (59) and Margaret (Holmes) Brown [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Dec. 2, 1780; d., Unadilla Forks, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1855; m. Joshua Babcock, son of Joshua Babcock, b.. No, Stonington, June 5, 1743; d-, No. Stonington, Oct. I. 1810; m. Elizabeth Palmer, of Lisbon, Conn., b. Mar. 15, 1750; d., No. Stonington, Nov. 7, 1818. Joshua, Sen., was a farmer and a merchant For about thirty years he was deacon of the First Baptist Church in his na- tive town, located two miles south of Pendleton Hill, Conn., and for about twenty-seven years was Justice of the Peace, by virtue of his oflSce solem- nizing many marriages. His son Joshua and Eunice (Brown) Babcock re- moved from No. Stonington to the town of Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y.,in i8or. He held many offices in the gift of the people; was for many years Justice of the Peace, served as County Judge, and was twice a member of the Legisla- ture, (about) 1821-1823, [See Appendix VI.] Children: 788. Elizabeth Palmer, b. July 11, 1804; m. Ephraim B. Crumb. 789. Henry H., b. Nov. 28, 1806; m. (i) Tammison Rogers; (2) Catherine G. Rowell; (3) Laura N. Huntley; (4) Mary J. Penny. 790. Eunice Evangeline, b. Mar. 2, 1812; m. Rowland Gardner. 791. Lucy Palmer, b. July 19, 181 7; unm. 792. Joshua Franklin, b. Sept. 9, 1823; m. Elizabeth Bassett. Elizabeth Pahner Babcock (788), dau. of Joshua and Eunice (Brown) Babcock, b., Paris, N. Y., July 11, 1804; d., Unadilla Forks, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1889; m., Unadilla Forks, Mar. 10, 1825, Ephraim Crumb, b., Stephentown, N. Y., June 22, 1800; d., Unadilla Forks, Feb. 26, 1850. Children: (i) Eunice Elizabeth, b. Oct. 28, 1827; d. 13, 1850; unm. THE BROWN GENEALOGY (2) Lucius Henry, b. July 4, 183 1; unm. (3) Maria Louise, b. May 9, 1833; d. June 30, 1866; unm. (4) Lucy Eleanor, b. Apr. 12, 1836; unm. (5) Mary Angeline, b. Apr. 19, 1840; unm. (6) Franklin Everett, b. Oct. 29, 1843; unm. (7) Wallace E., b. Dec. 17, 1846; unm. Henry H. Babcock (789), son of Joshua and Eunice (Brown) Babcock, b., No. Bridgewater, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1806; m. (i), Massachusetts, May 10, 1831, Tammison W. Rogers; m. (2), Hamilton, N. Y., May 4, 1846, Cath- erine G. Rowell; m. (3), Plainfield, N. Y., Apr. 25, 1850, Laura W. Huntley; m. (4), Unadilla Forks, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1867, Mary Jennie Penny. Children by first m. : (i) Helen, b. Mar. 12, 1832; d., aged fifteen years. (2) Juliet, b. Feb. 5, 1835; m. George Strickland. (3) Mary Tammison, b. Oct. 3, 1837; m. W. L. Bassett. (4) H. Lee, b. Jan. 11, 1840; m. Elizabeth Chapman. Dau. by second m. : (5) EllaC.,b. Sept. 6, 1848; m., Sept. i, 1870, Clark Brown. No issue. Children by third m.: (6) Herbert Huntley, b. May 15, 1854; unm. (7) James Joshua, b. Nov. 9, 1859; d. young. (8) Fannie, b. July 6, 1864; d. young. Dau. by fourth m.: (9) Laura, b. Oct. i, 1873. Eunice Evangeline Babcock (790), dau. of Joshua and Eunice (Brown) Babcock [Christopher (59), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. Plain- field, N. Y., Mar. 2, 1812; d., Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1852; m., Unadilla Forks, N. Y., Rowland Gardner. Children: (i) Victor, b. , d., aged twenty-one years, m. Georgia Taylor, no issue; (2) Charles; (3) Jane, d. young. Joshua Franklin Babcock (792), son of Joshua and Eunice (Brown) Bab- cock [Christopher (59), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Unadilla Forks, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1823; m., Kendall, N. Y., Dec. n, 1851, Elizabeth Bassett. Res., 1904, Unadilla Forks, N. Y. He was a prominent promoter of the Babcock annual gathering, known as the Babcock Cousins Party, held during Christmas week. The custom has been kept up for fifty years, and was participated in by many of the families THE BROWN GENEALOGY from far and near. This party was discontinued at their golden wedding, Dec. II, igoi. Children: (i) Mary Eva, b. Mar. 13, 1853; unm. (2) Irving, b. June 28, 1855; d. Mar. 29, 1863. (3) Eunice Cornelia, b. Aug. 8, 1858; d. Sept. 23, 1863. (4) Edith May, b. July 17, 1864; d. Apr. 28, 1867. (5) Victor, b. July 4, 1866; unm. Jeremiah Main, son of Ezekiel Main, who d. June 19, 17 14, m. Ruth Brown (widow), Oct. 11, 1699. He d. Nov. 11, 1727. Children: 793. Thomas, b. July 19, 1700; m. Annah Brown, 40. 794. Hannah, baptized May 17, 1702. 795. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 22, 1702-3; m. Ebenezer Brown, 41 (78). 796. Lydia, b. Apr. 19, 1705. 797. Sarah, b. May 19, 1706. 798. Jeremiah, b. Apr. 10, 1708; m. Thankful Brown, 71. 799. Hepzibah, b. Mar. 24, 17 10. 800. Nathaniel, b. Aug. 4, 17 14. 801. Anna, b. Aug. 21, 1715. 802. John, b. May 20, 1716; m. Sarah Morgan. 803. Peter, b. Aug. 5, 1718; m. Mary Egglestone. -^ Annah Brown (40), dau. of Eleazer (11) and Ann (Pendleton) Brown, b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. i, 1700; m., Stonington, Apr. 20, 1720, Dea. Thomas Main (793), son of Jeremiah Main. Children: 804. Thomas, b. Feb. 12, 1721; m. Mary Pendleton. 805. Andrew, b. Aug. 5, 1723; m. Fear Holmes. 806. Timothy, b. Apr. 8, 1727; m. Elizabeth Brown (75). 807. Josiah, b. Apr., 1729; m. Rachael Peckham. 808. Anne, b. July 31, 1731; m. Dea. Zebulon Brown (373-382). 809. Jonas, b. Feb. 7, 1735. 810. Elizabeth, b. ; d. young. 811. Ezekiel, b. July 8, 1742. 812. Phebe, b. Nov. 16, 1747. Mary Brown (42), dau. of Eleazer (11) and Ann (Pendleton) Brown, b., Stonington, Conn., Nov. 28, 1703; m. Elder Wait Palmer, 1727. Elder Wait Palmer was the first pastor of the First Baptist Church, (now) No. Stonington. [For a sketch of his life see Appendix VHI.] "3 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children, b. Stonington: 813. Wait, b. May 5, 1728. 814. Israel, b. Jan. 16, 1731; m. Lois Brown, 53. 815. Isaac, b. Feb. 15, 1732. 816. Mary, b. Feb. 14, 1735. 817. Content, b. Jan. 27, 1737. 818. Ebenezer, b. Jan. 31, 1739. 819. Elihu, b. Mar. 10, 1741. Hannah Brown (43), dau. of Eleazer (11) and Ann (Pendleton) Brown, b., Stonington, Conn., Dec. 12, 1705; d. Jan, 4, 1727; m., Mar. 24, 1725, William Wilcox, b. June 3, 1703; d. Dec. 27, 1757. Dau.: 819a. Hannah, b. Dec. 24, 1726; d, young. Lois Brown (53), dau. of Thomas (22) and Deborah (Holdredge) Brown [Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Sept. i, 1736; m. Israel Palmer (814), Oct. 28, 1753; son of Elder Wait and Mary (Brown, 42) Palmer. Children : 820. Jessie, b. July 20, 1754. 821. Margaret, b. Apr, 2, 1756. Thankful Brown (71), dau. of James (38) and Elizabeth (Randall) Brown [Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Oct. 22, 1720; m,, Stonington, Apr. 26, 1742, Jeremiah Main (798); she was his second wife; he was b. Apr. 10, 1708; son of Jererniah and Ruth (Brown) Main. Children: 822. James, b. Jan. 27, 1743. 823. Lydia, b. Apr. 11, 1745. 824. Thankful, b. Jan. 14, 1748; m, Edward Thurston. 825. Bridget, b. June 14, 1749. 826. David, b. Aug. 26, 1752. 827. Nathan, b. 828. Daniel, b. Jan. 26, 1761. Elizabeth Brown (75), dau. of James (38) and Elizabeth (Randall) Brown [Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., July 31, 1732; ra,, Stonington, Jan. 27, 1750, Timothy Main (806), b, Apr. 8, 1727; son of Dea. Thomas and Annah (Brown, 40) Main, dau. of Eleazer (11) and Ann (Pendleton) Brown. 114 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 829. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 2, 1750. 830. Timothy, b. Apr. 7, 1752. 831. Nathaniel, b. July 12, 1754. 832. Lydia, b. Aug. 31, 1756. 833. Rufus, b. Nov. 15, 1758. 833a. Grace, b. Apr. 22, 1761. 834. Laban, b. Jan. 27, 1764. 835. Luther, b. Apr. 18, 1766. 836. Lucy, b. Dec. 9, 1768. Mary, or Polly, Brown (155), dau. of Elder Eleazer (139) and Ann (Green) Brown [Eleazer (39), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 28, 1771; d. 1855; m., Stonington, Oct. 19, 1794, Laban Main (834), b. Jan. 27, 1764; d. 1842; son of Timothy (806) and Elizabeth (Brown, 75) Main. Children: 837. Mary, or Polly, b. Jan. 12, 1795; "^- John Partelo. 838. Harry, b. 1797; unm. 839. iSIaranda, b. 1799; unm. 840. Alfred, b. Apr. 26, 1804; m. Samantha Stillman (847-851). 841. Erastus, b. 1806; m. Dorcas Perry. Children: Lucien, b. about 1837; Edward and Edgar, twins, b. about 1839; Alice, b. 1842; John, b. 1845. Mary, or Polly, Main (837), dau. of Laban (834) and Mary, or Polly, (Brown) Main, b., Stonington, Conn., Jan. 12, 1795; d.. No. Stonington, Jan. 20, 1866; m., 1820, John Partelo, son of Ezeriah and Nabby (Main) Partelo; b., Stonington, Aug. 29, 1796; d., No. Stonington, Mar. 31, 1891, aged ninety-five. Children, b. No, Stonington: 842. Hannah M., b. Feb. 10, 1821 (852-854). 843. Nancy, b. June 18, 1825 (855-857). ^ 844. John Hamilton, b. Aug. 29, 1829 (858-862). 845. Rebecca, b. Oct. 18, 1834 (863-867). 846. Eleazer Brown, b. May 17, 1839 (868-873). Alfred Main (840), son of Laban (834) and Mary, or Polly, (Brown) Main, b. Apr. 26, 1804; d. Oct., 1882; m. Samantha Stillman. Children : 847. Alexander Hamilton Main, b., Edmeston, N. Y., June 22, 1824; d., Madison, Wis., Jan. 9, 1896; m. (i), Wirt, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1852, Mary Cottrell, b., Scott, N. Y., July 7, 1831; "5 THE BROWN GENEALOGY d., Sun Prairie, Wis., Feb.,' 1862; dau. of John B. Cottrell and Eunice Babcock. Children : (i) Willet Eugene, b. Mar. 14, 1855; m. Jennie Noble. (2) Ernest Alfred, b. Jan. 8, 1859; d., Cincinnati, O., Oct. 8, 1868. After the death of his wife, Mr. A, H. Main m. (2), Sept. 16, 1863, Emma Cottrell, b. Jan. 21, 1836, sister of first wife. Children, b. Madison: (3) George Carpenter, b. Mar. 21, 1865; m., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Mar. 15, 1898, Cornille Cleaveland. (4) Edward Stillman, b. June 27, 1869; m. Etta Doyon, Madison, Jan. 24, 1900. Children: Elizabeth, b. July 11, 1901, Chi- cago, 111.; Jeannette, b. June 29, 1904. (5) Mary Hamilton, b. Sept. 15, 1871. (6) Royal Cottrell, b. Feb. 23, 1875; "^- Maude Kinsley. (7) Fanny Cecelia, b. Nov. i, 1879. 848. Willett Stillman Main, b., Edmeston, Aug. 15, 1828; d., Madi- son, July 5, 1902; m. (i), June 6, 1855, Eliza Anne Jenison, b., Indianapolis, Ind.,Aug. 21, 1834; d., Cleveland, O., Jan. 15, 1866. Children: 848a. Hamihon Wingate Main, b. May 3, 1858; m. Lily Corell. Child: Elyda, b. Nov. 20, 1893. 848b. Frank Jenison, b. Apr. 21, 1864; m. (i) Delia (Oilman) Lyman; (2) Henrietta Phillips. Willett Stillman Main (848) m. (2) Sophia L. Smith, June 18, 1867, in Madison. Children: 848c. Eliza, b. Oct., 1869; d. Feb., 1877. 848d. Susan, b. Dec. 21, 1870; m. Chas. P. Spooner. Dau.: Dorothy. 848e. Anne Elizabeth, b. Feb. 6, 1874; m. Rev. A. J. Kempton. Chil- dren: Willett Main and Elizabeth. . 848f. John Smith, b. Nov. 23, 1875. 848g. Lois Williams, b. Oct. 8, 1882. 849. Amelia Angeline Main, b., Edmeston, Oct. 30, 1832; m., Madison, Oct. 30, 1850, James Hopkins. Children, b. Madison: 849a. Frances Ellen Hopkins, b. Aug. 29, 185 1 ; m. John K. Wetherly. 849b. Annie Louise, b. June 22, 1854; m, W. R. B. Smythe. Children : (i) Fanny, m. Herbert Snow; (2) Lena, (3) Ralph. 116 Second Baptist Church, North Stonington, Conn. Organized 17(5.5 Elder Simeon Brown, pastor from 1T65 to IHIj House Built by Elder Simeon Brown (T-i) Near the Second Baptist Church, North Stonington, Conn. This house appears the same as it did in 1836, when Josiah (-^79) and his wife lived here with his son. Josiah, Jr. (304). Afterwards owned hy Ira (390). Now, August, 1907, it is owned by Angehne (Brown) Vincent (39-2) -; z ■I HE BROWN GENEALOGY 849c. Edward Clayton, b. Oct. 25, 1856; d. young. 849d. Alfred Ashman, b. May 15, 1859; m., Hudson, Wis., Jessie Koons. Children: Robert and Alfred. 8496. Arthur Hamilton, b. Aug. 15, 1861; m., San Claire, Wis., Elizabeth Clarke. Children: Clarke and Arthur. 849f. Charles Henry, b. May 26, 1865. Alma Elizabeth Main, b. ; d. young. 850. Frances Alma Main, b., Clarksville, N. Y., May 9, 1839; m., Madison, Feb. 15, i860, (i) Russell Ashmun Vilas, b., Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1833; d., Ogdensburgh, 1884. Children, b. Madison: 850a. Anne Ashmun Vilas, b. Mar. 22, 1861. 850b. George Stillman Vilas, b. Apr. 19, 1862; d. Oct. 12, 1864. 850c. Percival Madden Vilas, b. Aug. 23, 1869; m.. Concord, Mass., Dec. 20, 1897, Katharine M. Garland, b. Mar. 24, 1875. Son: Wm. H. Vilas, b. May 19, 1900. Mrs. Frances Alma Vilas, nee Main, m. (2) T. L. Haecker, Oct. 23, 1888. Res., 1905, 1205 Raymond Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 851. Ann Elizabeth Main, b., Clarksville, Nov. 9, 1842; m., 1868, John C. Spooner, b., Madison, Jan., 1841. Mr. Spooner (in 1905)13 serving his second term in Congress as United States Senator from Wisconsin. Children, b. Madison: (i) Charles Philip, b. June 5, 1869; m. Susan W. Main; he is a lawyer in Milwaukee, Wis. (2) Willett Main, b. 1871; m., Oshkosh, Wis., Kate Noyes. (3) John Coit, b. ; d. young. (4) Phillip Loring, b. Hannah M. Partelo (842), dau. of John and Mary, or Polly, (Main) Partelo (837), b. No. Stonington, Conn., Feb. 10, 1821; m., No. Stonington, Nov. 26, 1837, Jesse M. Main, b. 18 16. Mr. Main was a soldier in the Civil War, enlisting at Norwich, Conn., Sept., 1862, in Co. G, 21st Regt. Conn. Vol., and d. in the Ninth Army Corps Hospital, Knoxville, Ind., Nov. 20, 1862; interred in Union Cemetery, No. Stonington. Children: 852. Mallory O. Main, b.. No. Stonington, Sept. 10, 1848; m., No. Stonington, Dec. 31, 1868, Mary L. Clark, b. May 25, 1850. Children: two d. young; Wilfred A., b. Nov. 6, 1878; Harold E., b. Mar. 10, 1888. Res., 1904, Canonchet, R. I. 117 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 853. Eddie, b. Apr. 10, 1851; d. Sept., 1868. 854. Mary Alice, b. Feb. 14, 1857; m. C. H. Brown (530-532). Nancy Partelo (843), dau. of John and Mary, or Polly, (Main) Partelo (837), b.. No. Stonington, Conn., June 18, 1825; m., No. Stonington, Dec. 22, 1852, Amos H. Allen, b. Jan. 15, 1825. Both are members of the old Second Baptist Church organized by Elder Simeon Brown in 1765; for many years was leader of the church music, as early as 1850. Res., 1906, No. Stonington, Conn. Children, b. No. Stonington: 855. Henry L., b. July 29, 1853; m., Hopkinton, R. I., Apr. 12, 1879, Elizabeth Champlin, b., Hopkinton, June 6, i860; dau. of Elijah and Fally A. (Lewis) Champlin. Both are members of the Second Baptist Church; he also is a most ex- cellent singer, assisting in evangelistic services. Children: Charles Henry, b. Apr. 27, 1881; Harold De Vere, b. June 24, 1891. Res., 1906, Westerly, R. I. 856. Frances Adelaide, b., No. Stonington, Mar. 9, 1855; m.. Wes- terly, Dec. 24, 1873, Nelson J. Lyon, b., New London, Conn., July 19, 1853. Res., 1904, Waterford, Conn. Children: (i) Robert Allen, b.. New London, June 15, 1877; m., Waterford, Nov. 4, 1899, Mary Ann Gates, b., Waterford, Aug. 5, 1880. (2) Everett Nelson, b., Waterford, Sept. 30, 1892. (3) Nancy Allen, b., Waterford, Jan. 26, 1895. 857. E. Gertrude, b.. No. Stonington, Mar. 11, 1858; m., Stonington, Jan. 7, 1879, E. Everett Watrous, b., Stonington, May 6, 1856. No issue. Res., 1904, Westerly, R. I. John Hamilton Partelo (844), son of John and Mary, or Polly, (Main) Partelo, b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Aug. 29, 1829; m., Exeter, R. I., Nov. 27, 1851, Hannah H. Bailey, b., Warwick, R. I., Oct. i, 1835. She was a pupil of the compiler of these records in 1848-49, in Exeter; her husband afterwards taught the same school, and in the public schools of Connecticut and Iowa, teaching forty-nine terms; also many terms in grammar schools. Res., 1906, Boone, Boone Co., la. Children: 858. Ella J., b., Westerly, R. I., July 24, 1854; m. Jarhes Lewellen. Have seven children: Edgar, Hattie, Elsie, Laura, Harry, Ernest, Ray. Res., 1904, Myrtle Point, Coos Co., Ore. 859. Hannah E., b., No. Stonington, Oct. 10, 1857; d. Nov. 29, 118 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1897; m. Samuel F. Barger. Children: (i) Pearl, m. Frank Voas; (2) Grace, m. Will Sherley; (3) Ernest. Res., 1904, Minburn, Dallas Co., la. 860. Joseph H., b., No. Stonington, Aug. 29, 1861; m, Lenora Nicholas. Have six children: Lloyd, Holmes H., Arthur, Hattie, Dewey, Pearl. Res., 1904, Boone, la. 861. Charles A., b., Ledyard, Conn., May 4, 1867; m. Nellie Hutton- how. Have three children: Alfred, William, and Tressie. Res., 1904, Boone, la. 862. Lillie B.,b., Boone, la., Feb. 5, 1873; m. Frank C. Little. Son: George Little. Res., 1904, Boone, la. Rebecca Partelo (845), dau. of John and Mary, or Polly, (Main) Partelo, b,, No. Stonington, Conn., Oct. 18, 1834; m.. No. Stonington, Nov. 13, 1855, Joseph Woolhiser, b.. New York, Sept. 17, 1833. Res., 1904, Boone, Boone Co., la. Children, four b. No. Stonington: 863. Mary E., m. H. A. Barger. 864. Frederica, m. G. M. Weston. 865. Kate I., m. L. L. Springer. 866. Carrie T., m. A. Turner. 867. Joseph H., b. Boone, la.; m. Jessie Bailey. [These four daus. and one son have twenty-seven children.] Eleazer Brown Partelo (846), son of John and Mary, or Polly, (Main) Partelo, b.. No. Stonington, Conn., May 17, 1839; ^-j Ashaway, R. I., Sept. 28, 1861, Phebe R. Bailey, b., Warwick, R. I., Oct. 9, 1841; dau. of Joseph and Hannah (Tibbetts) Bailey. Children : 868. Minnie F., b. Apr. 5, 1863; m. James E. Sheffield. Children: Phebe Bailey, b. Jan. 25, 1890; Grace, b. Dec. 22, 1891. 869. Lillie Lenora, b. July 17, 1865; unm. 870. William Henry, b. June 22, 1868; unm. 871. Anna Lena, b. June 18, 1870; m. Herbert B. Vincent (412), son of Charles W. and Angeline (Brown) Vincent. Res., 1904, No. Stonington, Conn. 872. Phebe Adelaide, b. Apr. 7, 1872. 873. Frank Mason, b. Aug. 4, 1874; m. Olive Merrell. Res., 1904, No. Stonington, Conn. Nehemiah Brown (113), son of Nehemiah (61) and Rebecca (Lewis) 119 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Brown [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., July i, 1768; m. Barbara Stewart, b. July 5, 1771. Children: 880. Cromwell, m. Brown. 881. Prudence, m. George Bosworth. 882. Pitts, m. White. 883. Martin. 884. Noyes. 885. Alpha, b. 1786; d. young. 886. Phoebe, b. 1789; m. Benadam Williams. 887. Priscilla. Simeon Brown, Jr. (275), son of Elder Simeon (72) and Dorothy (Hern) Brown [James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Dec. 4, 1746; d., Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1826; m., Stonington, Oct. 22, 1767, Ruth York, b., Stonington, May 14, 1748; d., Brookfield, Feb. 20, 1820; dau. of Bell and Ruth (Main) York. Record of marriage from the Stonington records: Simeon Brown, Jr., Oct. 22, 1767, to Ruth York. Married by me, Simeon Brown Elder. Elder Brown, as he was afterwards called, moved with his family, in May, 1792, to the wilderness of New York. The year previous he went on horse- back to Albany, N. Y., and procured a deed of land in the town of Brook- field. During the summer he made a clearing and built a log house, and in the autumn returned to his family in Stonington. The following May, with his wife and children in an ox-cart and he on horseback, they began their long and perilous journey to Brookfield. [For further account, and history of the Church of Brookfield, N. Y., see Appendix XI.] Children, b. Stonington: 888. Ruth, b. 1768; d. July 26, 1836. 889. Thankful, b. Sept. 30, 1769; d. Mar. 15, 1838 (895-901). 890. Polly, b. 1 771; d. Nov. 29, 1865 (924-937). 891. Lucretia, b. 1773; d. July 6, 1823. 892. Simeon, b. 1776; d. 1813 (938-942). 893. Justus H., b. May, 1782; d. Feb. 15, 1833 (990-999). 894. Phebe, b. Dec. 23, 1787; d. Apr. 23, 1875 (1056-1060). The early training of these children was in their New England home in Stonington — not only from father and mother, but also from grandfather and grandmother, for this indefatigable man of God had not only gathered a church, but built a house of worship, largely by his courage and energy and with his own hands. Here these grandchildren listened to the gospel as THE BROWN GENEALOGY it fell from his anointed lips. This fact must not be forgotten, for Ruth, the oldest, was twenty-four years old, and Phebe, the youngest, was five years old, when they emigrated to Brookfield. Thus in their childhood days began the development of Christian life and character which continued, with in- creasing activities, in their new pioneer home and is characteristic of their descendants to the present time. Ruth Brown (888), dau. of Elder Simeon (275) and Ruth (York) Brown, b., Stonington, Conn., 1768; d., Brookfield, N. Y., July 26, 1836. She never married; lived in Brookfield, and had for her share of the home farm the part lying south of the turnpike, on which was a living spring of water called "Aunt Ruth's Spring" long after her death. In her young woman- hood she was surrounded by an atmosphere of Christian love and fellow- ship, and in maturer years her home was full of sunshine and good cheer, and her name has been perpetuated from generation to generation, until descendants by the name of Ruth are counted by the score. Thankful Brown (889), dau. of Elder Simeon, Jr., and Ruth (York) Brown [Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stoning- ton, Conn., Sept. 30, 1769; d. Mar. 15, 1838; m. James Rogers, b., Stoning- ton, May 13, 1769. They had seven children. Interred Brookfield. Children, b. Brookfield: 895. James Rogers, Jr., b. Aug. 24, 1797 (902, 903). 896. Thankful Rogers, b. June 10, 1800 (904). 897. Elizabeth Rogers, b. June 10, 1802 (905-908). 898. Ruth Rogers, b. Mar. 10, 1804 (909-913). 899. Ritee Rogers, b. Sept. 2, 1806 (921). 900. Thomas Rogers, b. Aug. 26, 1808 (922). 901. Phebe Rogers, b. June 24, 18 10. (No children lived.) James Rogers, Jr. (895), son of Thankful Brown and James Rogers [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. Aug. 24, 1797; d. Sept. 14, 1835; ^- Lucinda Whitford, dau. of Wm. Whitford, a Seventh-day Baptist deacon and near neighbor of Elder Simeon Brown, Jr. Children: 902. Lucinda Jane Rogers, b. ; m. Thomas Ellison. Son: Lee Ellison. 903. James Delos Rogers, b, , 1833; m. Cynthia Palmiter, d. Sept., 1902. They had five children. He was a Seventh-day Baptist deacon; d., Brookfield, N. Y., 1899, about sixty- seven years old. THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: (i) Frank Rogers, b. Sept. 29, 1857; d. June 16, 1861. (2) Geno C. Rogers, b. Aug. 28, 1859; m., Oct. 9, 1885, Ivaloo Huntington; was a teacher. Children: (i) Harold, b. 1889; (2) Donald, b. 1895. Res., 1905, Oneonta, N. Y. (3) Elmer Rogers, b. Aug. 24, 1861; d. Feb. 12, 1883. (4) George Rogers, b. Dec. 25, 1864; m., Dec. 25, 1887, Bertha Langworthy, b. 1868. Had three children: (i) Edna, b. 1889; (2) Bernice, b. 1891; (3) James, b. 1904. (5) Nellie Rogers, b. June i, 1876; m., 1900, Emet Stevens. Dau.: Mary, b. 1902. Res., 1905, Plainfield, N. Y. Thankful Rogers (896), dau. of Thankful Brown and James Rogers [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. June 10, 1800; m., Jan. 24, 1819, Gilbert Putnam, b. 1797, who had nine children. Soon after m. they began pioneer life in Stockton, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., and in advanced life d. there. Details of them not known. Their youngest son, Delos Putnam, b. July 14, 1836; m., 1862, Annanette Schofield; d. June 19, 1901, leaving three brothers and one sister surviving; also his wife and one only son. Son: 904. Fay Putnam, b. ; lives on the old homestead occupied by the Putnams over eighty years; they were much respected there, both for their practical virtues in private life and va- rious official positions. Elizabeth Rogers (897), dau. of Thankful Brown and James Rogers [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. June 10, 1802; d. Oct. 7, 1866, in Brookfield, N. Y.; m., Feb. 27, 1823, Denison A. Main, d. Jan. 9, 1854. Children: 905. Elizabeth Main, b. Apr. 11, 1825; d., Pennsylvania, Dec. 22, 1904; m.. May 16, 1847, Hezekiah Hibbard, d. about 1901. Both were teachers. Children : (i) Deveer Hibbard, b. 1848; m. and wife d. 1905. He is M.D. at Olean, N. Y. Has one child. (2) Hattie E. Hibbard, b., Belvidere, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1854; m., Coryville, Penn., Aug. 16, 1876, Rev. Andrew V. Crumb, of Brookfield, N. Y.; they started, Oct. 20, 1876, from New York, as qualified Baptist missionaries from the Brookfield THE BROWN GENEALOGY First Day Baptist Church, to Burmah, arriving safely at Toungu, Jan. 27, 1877, where she d. July 17, 1877; ^^ is still, 1905, an active missionary in India. (3) Minnie M. Hibbard, b. Apr., 1858. Res., 1905, Mt. Jewett, Penn. 906. Retee Main, b. Mar. 13, 1828; m., Feb. 22, 1858, David Ver- milye, of Iowa; she d., near Dubuque, la., Sept. 12, 1867, leaving a little son, David Vermilye, who now (1905) resides there with his family. 907. Avery Main, b. Dec. 26, 1830; d. Feb. 20, 1904; m., Oct. 10, 1869, Frances L. Fish, b. Dec. 8, 1841. They had one dau., Eliza Main, b. Apr. 14, 1872;^?!. (i), July 28, 1897, Scott W. Kellogg, d. Jan. 27, 1901; m. (2), Sept. 22, 1903, Irving D. Edgarton. Son: Fay A., b. Feb. 10, 1905. 908. Don F. Main, b. May 12, 1835; ^-y Dec. 13, 1857, Josephine Chesebro, b. Mar. 30, 1838. Res., 1905, Brookfield, N. Y. Dau.: D. Inez Main, b. Dec. 29, 1858; d. June 2, 1903; m,, Nov. 24, 1878, Frank D. Gould. Children: (i) Don M. Gould, b. Jan. 26, 1881; m., Apr. 26, 1906, Olive Mae Jones, b., Madison Co., N. Y., May 30, 1884. He is a physi- cian and surgeon, in Bridge water, N. Y. (2) Fay D., b. Apr. 25, 1888. (3) Roy D., b. Feb. 26, 1890. (4) Reta U., b. Nov. 3, 1892. Ruth Rogers (898), dau. of Thankful Brown and James Rogers [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Mar. 10, 1804; d., Mar. 2, 1855, ^g^^ fifty-one years; m. Kilburn Cran- dall, d. Dec. 27, 1863, aged sixty-two years. Children: "^ 909. James Albert Crandall, b. Mar. 30, 1824. 910. Thomas A. Crandall, b. Jan. 9, 1826. 911. Ruth Jane Crandall, b. May 31, 1828 (916, 917). 912. John Jay Crandall, b. 1831 (918-9196). 913. Delia Ann Crandall, b. 1834 (920). James Albert Crandall (909), son of Kilburn and Ruth (Rogers) Crandall, b. Mar. 30, 1824; d. Sept. 30, 1859; m. Cynthia Brown. Children : 914. J. Arthur Crandall, b. Oct. 25, 1850; m. Izora Crandall. 123 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: (i) Grace L., b. Oct. 5, 1874; d. June 20, 1904; m., Mar. 5, 1902, Lee Brazie. (2) James A., b. Mar. 20, 1878; m., Feb. 5, 1902, Carry Link. Children: (i) Stuart L., b. 1902; (2) Paul A., b. 1904. (3) F. Ethel, b. Mar. 18, 1880; m., June 15, 1902, Samuel Baum- ler. Dau.: Ruth, b. 1903. 915. Charles L. Crandall, b. Mar. 9, 1855; ^- Oct., 1901; unm. Thomas A. Crandall (910), son of Kilburn and Ruth (Rogers) Crandall, b. Jan. 9, 1826; m. Jane Spencer. He was a lawyer and later a banker at Brookfield, N. Y.; d. there Sept. 25, 1895. No children. Ruth Jane Crandall (911), dau. of Kilburn and Ruth (Rogers) Crandall, b. May 31, 1828; m., Brookfield, N. Y., Apr. 20, 1849, Edwin Whitford, b., Brookfield, Dec. 29, 1825; son of Wm. and Hannah (Clarke) Whitford. Wm. Whitford, son of Joshua and Phebe (Palmer) Whitford, b., Peters- burg, N. Y., 1782; moved to Brookfield in 1794; d., Brookfield, 1850; m. Hannah Clarke, b., Hopkinton, R. I., 1786; she came to Brookfield in 1792; d. in i860. Hannah (Clarke) Whitford was the dau. of Nathan and Sarah (Maxson) Clark, of Hopkinton, R. I. Nathan was a drum-major in the Revolutionary War. This makes all of their descendants Sons and Daugh- ters of the American Revolution. Res., 1905, Leonardsville, N. Y. Children: 916. Abert, b. Feb. 26, 1850. 917. Allie A., b. Aug. 31, 1863. Abert Whitford (916), son of Edwin and Ruth Jane (Crandall) Whitford, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1850; m., Brookfield, Jan. 16, 1872, Ella M. Edwards, b. Mar. 2, 1850. Mr. Whitford lived in Brookfield and Leonards- ville, N. Y., and for several years was in the milling and lumber business; active and efficient in church and Sabbath-school work; moved to Westerly, R. I., in 1902, where he resides in 1905; supt. of Seventh Day Baptist Sun- day school. Children: (i) Ernest Clark, b. Feb. 2, 1873; "^- Lela Humphrey. Children: (i) Myron H., (2) Eugene. Res., i905,Unadilla Forks, N. Y. (2) O. Benjamin, b. Oct. 19, 1874; m. Mabel Crandall. Son: Harold C. Res., 1905, Plainfield, N. J. (3) Edwin, Jr., b. Aug. 28, 1877; "^- Vernie E. Santee. Dentist in Westerly, R. I. (4) Paul Albert, b. Sept. 12, 1883. (5) Lucy Helen, b. Nov. 24, 1894. 124 1 1. Daughter of Henry I. Brown 2. Oldest son, Frank 3. Charles Williams Brown (9j()) 4. S. Eugene Brown (95S) 5.-6. Joshua P. Brown (959) and wife Residence of Joshua P. Brown (959) Florence, Neb. Mr. Brown in early manhood taught school; later engaged in various kinds of business in diflFerent States, of a public and private nature, in the pioneer de- velopment of the West. He assisted in the construction of the Union Pacific R. R. When the government needs were urgent, he was selected to make a personal inspection and report of the road, walking eleven hundred miles armed and equipped to encounter the dangers and hardships of that time. He was positive, sincere, and courageous by both nature and practice. He m. (2), Mar. 11, 187S, Lena Cerney, of Vienna, Austria. Children, b. Florence, Neb. Res., 1907, Florence. 967a. Frank P., b. Aug. 13, 1H79; m., June 14, 1905, Maud Johnson, of Omaha, Neb. Dau.: Maudie, b. Mar. 2-2, 1906. 967b. Ray C, b. Oct. 3, 1S85; m., Oct. 31, 1905, Metta Folke. 967c. Irving W., b. May 25, 1888. S. Eugene Brown (f)58) and Wife THE BROWN GENEALOGY Allie A. Whitford (917), dau. of Edwin and Ruth Jane (Crandall) Whit- ford, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1863; m. W. E. Phillips, Aug. 31, 1883, He is a printer and paper-box manufacturer. Children; Ruth Lorana, b. Mar. I, 1890; Kent Whitford, b. Apr. 22, 1892. Res., 1905, Oriskany Falls, N. Y. John Jay Crandall (912), son of Kilburn and Ruth (Rogers) Crandall, b. 1831; d. 1899; m. (i) Sedenna Fuller, d. 1874. Children : 918. Ada Crandall, b. 1854; m. Romain Risley. Children: Clella, b. Nov. II, 1884; Austin, b. Sept. 11, 1887. 919. Clair Crandall, b. about 1863; m. Matie Parks. Dau.: Sedenna, b. about 1891. Res., 1905, Leonardsville, N. Y. John J. Crandall, after the death of his wife, m. (2) Ida Starkweather. His business, farmer and a town officer. Her res., 1906, Portage, Wis. Children : 919a. Foy, b. about 1879; ^- Emma Allen, about 1903. 919b. Dennie May, b. Oct. 11, 1881. 919c. Cleon, b. 1883; m. Bessie Smith. Dau.: Alice Margaret, b. 1904. gigd. Ora L., b. 1889. 9i9e. Margaret, b. 1896. Delia Ann Crandall (913), dau. of Kilburn and Ruth (Rogers) Crandall, b. 1834; d. Oct. 15, 1857; m. F. Hawley Clark. Son : 920. Fred Hawley Clark, b. 1856; has been three times m.; lived in Chicago, 111.; was a lawyer and, later, a travelling salesman. Res., 1906, Milwaukee, Wis. Retee Rogers (899), dau. of Thankful Brown and James Rogers [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11,), Thomas], b., Sept. 2, 1806; d. June i, 1858; m. Thomas W. Church, b. Jan. 20, 1808; d. Mar., 1876. Son: 921. Rita B. Church, b., Brookfield, N. Y., June 14, 1841; M.D. at Elmira, N. Y., 1905; unm. Thomas Rogers (900), son of Thankful Brown and James Rogers [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. Aug. 26, 1808; d. Apr. 2, 1847; ^- (i) Maria Randall, b. June 14, 1807; d. Sept. 13, 1842. Had four children, three of whom d. in childhood. THE BROWN GENEALOGY Son: 922. John T. Rogers, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1832; d., Nor- folk, Va., May 6, 1901; m., Dec. 25, 1853, Belinda R. Talbot, b. June 5, 1833; her father was akin to Lord Talbot of Eng- land, and her mother a sister of Stephen W. Taylor, founder of Hamilton University, New York. Children: (i) L. De Forest, b. Sept. 5, 1854; d., Brookfield, Jan. 28, 1863. (2) Delia D., b. Oct. 10, 1855; d., Brookfield, Jan. 8, 1863. (3) Birdie May, b. July 15, 1866; m., Oct. 12, 1880, L. Edmond Shepherd, M.D., of Toronto, Canada. Children: (i) L. Van Norman, b., Richburg, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1882; (2) Ethel M., b., Detroit, Mich., Sept. 19, 1886; d., Norfolk, July 13, 1893. 923. James Robert Rogers, b. Mar. 9, 1839; d. Nov. 4, 1839. Two infant children, b. Nov. 3, 1840; d. Brookfield. Thomas Rogers (900), after the death of his wife Maria (Randall) Rogers, m. (2), Dec. 25, 1843, her sister, Harriet S. Randall, dau. of Robt. and Eunice (Brown) Randall. Harriet S., after the death of her husband, who d. Apr. 2, 1847, m. (2), Oct. 14, 1856, Justus R. Brown, as his third wife; she d. Nov. 25, 1891. [See 990.] Phebe Rogers (901), dau. of Thankful Brown and James Rogers [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. June 24, 1810; d., Brookfield, N. Y., 1836; m. Joseph Mott. No children that lived. [Here end the records of Thankful Brown and James Rogers.] Lucretia Brown (891), dau. of Elder Simeon, Jr. (275) and Ruth (York) Brown (1253) [Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., 1773; d., Brookfield, N. Y., July 6, 1823; m., Brook- field, Thomas Breed, b. 1769; d., Brookfield, July i, 1855, aged eighty-six years. No issue. Polly Brown (890), dau. of Simeon, Jr. (275) and Ruth (York) Brown (1253) [Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stoning- ton, Conn., i77i;d., Brookfield, N.Y., Nov. 29, 1865; m., Stonington, 1790, Thomas Griffin, Jr., b., Stonington, Oct. 12, 1766; d., Brookfield, July 19, 1844; son of Thomas Griffin, b., Stonington, Nov. 27, 1730, O. S.; m., Stonington, Sept. 20, 1753, Jerusha Chipman, b., Sept. 10, 1730, O. S. [To preserve this record their children are inserted here.] 126 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : (i) Ann Griffin, b. Oct. 22, 1755. (2) Mary, b. May 13, 1758. (3) James Chipman, b. Oct. 28, 1760. (4) Deborah, b. Oct. 6, 1763. (5) Thomas, Jr., b. Oct. 12, 1766. Thomas Griffin, Jr., was in the War of the American Revolution; sta- tioned at Fort Griswold, Groton, Conn., when it was captured by the British in Sept., 1781; but in some way he marvellously escaped when nearly the whole garrison was massacred. He m. after the war, and in the year 1800 moved with his family to Brookfield, Madison Co., N. Y. The colony that emigrated at that time consisted of twelve or more families. Simeon Brown, Jr.'s, family preceded this colony to the same town by eight years. The common phrase then was, " Going out West," which was to the "wilderness" of the great State of New York. W^ien No. Stonington, Conn., was set off from Stonington, in 1807, there were in the north town 2,700 inhabitants; now (1905), 1,200. Thomas Griffin, Jr., and his wife attended the Second Baptist Church in No. Stonington, Elder Simeon Brown, pastor; and, after the year 1800, the Baptist Church in Brookfield, Elder Simeon Brown, Jr., pastor. [See Appendix, for both churches.] From the Stonington town records: Thomas Griffin and Mary Brown married, Stonington, Nov. 3, 1790; by Simeon Brown, Elder. Children, the first five b. at Stonington; the others at Brookfield: 924. Polly, b. Oct. 2, 1791. 925. Thomas, b. Oct. 17, 1793; d., Otselic, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1872 ('925a-925p). 926. Anna, b. Aug. 22, 1795; d., Brookfiel9, Jan. 5, 1881. 927. Simeon B., b. Oct. 8, 1797; d. Apr. 8, 1838; unm. 928. Avery, b. Aug. 19, 1799. 929. Nathan B., b., Brookfield, Feb. 20, 1801; d. Mar. 29, 1879. 930. Phoeby, b. Oct. 2, 1802; d. Dec. 25, 1804. 931. Lucretia, b. June i, 1804; d. Apr. 25, 1895; i-ii^^n- 932. James C, b. Feb. 28, 1806; d., Brookfield, Dec. 23, 1880. 933. Jerusha, b. Apr. 27, 1808; d., Brookfield, Sept. 4, 1891. 934. Albert, b. July 29, 1810; d., Brookfield, Aug. 20, 1814. 935. Ashbel H., b. May 18, 181 2; d., date unknown; m., Worden. 936. Samuel C, b. June 28, 1814. 937. John B., b. July 31, 1817; d. Aug. 22, 1819. Polly Griffin (924) d. Feb. 15, 1886; m. Saunders Langworthy. Children: Mary, m. Ensign Fish; Helen, m., David Gates. 127 ^THE BROWN GENEALOGY Thomas Griffin (925), son of Thomas and Polly (Brown, 890) Griffin [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Oct. 17, 1793; d., Otselic, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1872. He was three times m. His first m. was to Polly Truman, in 1815. Children: Q25a. Laurana, b. June, 1817; m. a farmer at Freeborn, Minn. 925b. Cyntha, b. 18 18; d. when about nineteen years old. 925c. Child, b. ; d. young. His second wife was Sally Olin; m. about 1833. Children: 925d. Sarah Ann, b. July 26, 1834; m. William Finks, of Sherborne, N. Y.; farmer, living at Breckenridge, Mo. Have a dau. m., who has three children there. 925e. Mary Ann, b. July 29, 1835; ^'^- Lee Caulkins of Smyrna, N. Y.; she d. Feb. 7, 1864, leaving one child, that d. young. 925f. Thomas H., b. Nov. 5, 1836; m. Fanny E. Brown, dau. of James Brown, of Otselic. They have three sons and one dau. m., and all living at Clinton Falls, Minn. 925g. Arsenal H., b. Feb. 14, 1838; killed at Gettysburg in 1863; a soldier in New York Heavy Artillery. 925h. Nathan A., b., Otselic, Nov. 5, 1839. 9251. William S., b. Sept. 6, 1841; d. in the army at Yorktown, Va.; soldier in the 6ist Regt. of N. Y. Vol.; he was m.; had two children d. in infancy; the mother d. in 1842, as reported by Devere Griffin. His third wife, Mrs. Guthrie, nee Phebe Martha Tripp, b., Rhode Island, Jan. 25, 181 7; dau. of Job and Amy Wilcox Tripp. By Devere's report, they had nine children; this also was her second m. Her third m. was to Jad Reynolds. Children, b. Otselic, Chenango Co., N. Y.: 925J. Son, b. ; d. in infancy. 925k. John N., b. Mar. 19, 1847. 925I. Charles P., b. Mar. 27, 1849; ™-) 1874, Sarah Prosser; d., Utica, N. Y., Apr. i, 1889. He was a carpenter and builder. No issue. 925m. Genovice, b. Apr. 14, 185 1; d. Sept. 6, 1866. 925n. Phebe Janette, b. July 14, 1853. 9250. T. Devere, b. Dec. 31, 1854; unm. Res., 1905, Leonardsville, N. Y. 925P. Otis S., b. Feb. 9, 1858. 128 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Anna Grifi&n (926), dau. of Thomas (Jr.) and Polly (Brown) Griffin [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. Aug. 22, 1795; d. Jan. 5, i88i;m. Thomas York, son of Yeomans York. Children: (i) Mary Ann, (2) Thomas, (3) Deborah, (4) Ruth. Mary Ann York m. George Langworthy, and they had three children: (i) Althea, (2) Bert, (3) Arlowine. Althea (i) m. Orren Denison; both d. many years ago. Geo. Langworthy, after the death of his wife Mary Ann (York) Lang- worthy, m. (2) her sister Deborah. x'Vvery Griffin (928), son of Thomas, Jr., and Polly (Brown) Griffin, b. Aug. 19, 1799; d. Sept., 1894; m. and had four children. He lived and died in Mexico, N. Y. Nathan B. Griffin (929), son of Thomas, Jr., and Polly (Brown) Griffin [Elder Simeon (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1801; d. Mar, 29, 1879; ^- (i) Hepzibah Mathews: m. (2) Mary Church. Children: 929a. Lucretia, m. Edson Widnu. Children: Charles and Adell. 929b. Albert M., b. Apr. 8, 1827. 929c. Louisa, m. Orsen Barber. No issue. They lived in Los Angeles, Cal. 929d. Arvilla, m. Benj. Coon. Child: A. B. Coon. They lived in California. 929e. Charlotte, m. Charles Reed. Children: Herbert and Louis. 929f. Harriet, m. Chauncy Pridmore. Son: Charles. Albert M. Griffin (929b), son of Nathan B. (929), son of Thomas, Jr., and Polly (890) [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Apr. 8, 1827; d., Utica, N. Y., June6, 1905; m., Dec. 25, 1854, Eliza Hewitt. Res., 1905, Jay St., Utica, N.Y. Children : (i) Mary E., b., Albion, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1855; m. (i) James Bassett, They had one child: Bertha. M. (2) Phillip Horninghouse. Res., 1905, Dolgeville, N. Y. (2) William A., b., Utica, June 28, 1857; m., Utica, Aug. 18, 1882, Louise Pinguetz, b., Utica, Jan. 10, 1861. No issue. Res., 1905, 48 Eighth Ave., New York City. (3) Gertrude A., b., Leonardsville, N. Y., May 12, 1868; m. Benj. F. Fauks, Sept. 11, 1895; ^^ ^- Feb. 12, 1902. Dau.: EUza- beth, b. June 23, 1896. Her res., 1905, 251 Jay St., Utica, N. Y. 129 THE BROWN GENEALOGY James C. Griffin (932), son of Thomas, Jr., and Polly (Brown) Griffin (890) [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer(n), Thomas], b. Feb. 28, 1806; d., Brookfield, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1880; m. Delight Denison. Children: Edwin or Albert, Ray, Norman, Simeon B., and Tyler. They removed to a Western State. Jerusha Griffin (933), dau. of Thomas, Jr., and Polly (Brown) Griffin (890), b., Apr. 27, 1808; d., Brookfield, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1891; m. Tyler Brown. They adopted a child named Mary. Samuel C. Griffin (936), son of Thomas, Jr., and Polly (Brown) Griffin (890) [Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. June 28, 1814; d. Oct. 30, 1904; m. Emeline Smith. They had no children. Lived near Bridgewater, N. Y.; moved to Oneida, N. Y.; both d. at Old Couples' Home, Utica, N. Y. Nathan A. Griffin (925h), son of Thomas (925) and Sally (Olin) Griffin [Polly Brown (890), Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Otselic, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1839; m., Columbus, Chenango Co., N. Y., Aug. 19, i860, Olivia E. House, b., Otselic, Nov. 29, 1840; dau. of Hazen and Hannah (Marsh) House, of Forestville, N. Y. They both were educated in the public schools of Otselic, Chenango Co., N. Y. In i860 they moved to North Brookfield, N. Y., where he learned the wagon trade; in 1866 he removed to Forestville, where he continued the same business for eleven years; then to Wincoma, Fayette Co., la.; then to Fort Atkinson, Winnishick Co., same State. In 1884 purchased the furni- ture and undertaker business at Lime Springs, Howard Co., la. In 1900 re- moved to Waukegan, Lake Co., 111., and is now engaged with his two sons in the Buffalo Casket Co., Buffalo, N. Y. He was Mayor of the city of Lime Springs; alderman in the city of Waukegan, also school director in the same city; in politics. Republican, casting his first vote for Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 5, i860, and for every President since, except Grover Cleve- land. He has been active in the Baptist Church since childhood, and is a deacon; his familv also active in the same church. Res., 1905, Waukegan, 111. Children: 925ha. Althea Hannah, b. Nov. 5, 1864. 925hb. Earl, b., Forestville, Oct. 24, 1868; d., Forestville, Feb. 28, 1872. 925hc. Herbert Hazen, b., Forestville, Apr. 16, 1872; unm. 925hd. Harry House, b. Nov. 16, 1875. 130 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Althea Hannah Griffin (gasha), dau. of Nathan A. and Olivia (House) Griffin, b., Smyrna, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1864; d., Waukegan, III., Aug. 28, 1899; m., Lawler, la., Aug. 29, 1883, Willis Strows, b.. Fort Atkinson, la.; son of Samuel and Mary A. Strows. He is a fruit-grower; a Republican; both members of the Baptist Church. Res., 1905, Watkins, N. Y. Harry House Griffin (925hd), son of Nathan A. and Olivia (House) Griffin (gash) [Thomas (925), Polly (Brown) Griffin (890), Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Forest- ville, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1875; "^-i Waukegan, 111., Nov. 2, 1898, Cora E. Yager, b., Waukegan, Aug. 27, 1878; dau. of John and Eliza (Brochon) Yager. Occupation, casket manufacturer, Buffalo, N. Y., with his brother, Her- bert H.; Republican; both are members of the Baptist Church. Res., 1905, 16 Carroll St., Buffalo, N. Y. John N. Griffin (925k), son of Thomas (925) and Sally (Olin) GriflSn [Polly Brown (890), Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. Mar. 19, 1847; ni., Plymouth, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1867, Mary Louisa (Levisee) Griffin, b., Palm\Ta, Wis., Sept. 29, 1848; dau. of Isaac Levisee, b., Otselic, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1819; m., Otselic, Luransa A. Higgins, June 8, 1842. Mr. Levisee was educated in the public schools of Otselic, and the schoolhouse is called "Levisee Schoolhouse." His brother was a Baptist minister, graduate of Colgate University. Mr. Isaac Levisee moved with his family to Palmyra; he enlisted in the Civil War; was in the battle of Pittsburg Landing, was seriously wounded, and d. in the Evansville Hospital, in 1862. His widow and children returned to Otselic on account of Indian troubles and the Minnesota Massacre; on the farm they sacrificed has sprung up the city of Plainfield, Wis. John N. Griffin has in his possession an old hall clock owned by his grandparents Thomas and Polly (Brown) Griffin, which was bought at the birth of their dau. Anna Griflan (926), Aug., 1795. He is a carpenter and builder. No issue. Res., 1905, Sherburne, N. Y. Phebe Janette Griffin (925n), dau. of Thomas (925), and Sally (Olin) Griffin [Polly Brown (890), Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. July 14, 1854; m., Dec. 17, 1879, Charles Avery Frost, b., Augusta, Oneida Co., N. Y., Sept. 16, 1855. Business, painter. Res., 1905, Binghamton, N. Y. Children: (i) Devere V., b., Sherburne, N. Y., Mar. 15, 1881; d. 1899. (2) Clarence Theodore, b., Binghamton, Aug. 22, 1882. (3) Orlo Henry, b., Binghamton, Nov. 30, 1885. 131 THE BROWN GENEALOGY (4) Clayton Herbert, b., Binghamton, Mar. 7, 1889. (5) Ruby Genevieve, b. Dec. 25, 1902; was legally adopted from the Susquehannah Valley Home, Binghamton, Oct. 21, 1904. Her name at the Home was Adams. T, Devere (9250), son of Thomas (925) and Sally (Olin) Griffin [Polly Brown (890), Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. Dec. 31, 1853; unm. Res., 1905, Leonardsville, N. Y. Otis S. Griffin (925P), son of Thomas (925) and Sally (Olin) Griffin [Polly Brown (890), Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. Feb. 9, 1858; m. (i), Nov. 25, 1879, Hannah Wagner, b Jan. i, 1856; d., Brookfield, N. Y., Mar. 8, 1886; she was brought up by Mathew Miner; her parents d. before her recollection. [See 1 1 77.] Children, b. Brookfield: two b. , d. in infancy; Zelpha Mary, b. Sept. 17, 1880. He m. (2), Oct. 27, 1888, Leone Ellen Brown, b., Brook- field, July 3, 1853; dau. of Oliver Mark Brown, of Brookfield. Res., 1905, West Edmeston, N. Y. Simeon Brown (892), son of Elder Simeon, Jr., and Ruth (York) Brown, [Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., 1776; d. Feb. 19, 1813, aged thirty-seven years; m., when about twenty-two years old, Anna York, b., Stonington, Feb. 15, 1773; d. Nov. 2. 1858, aged eighty-six years; dau. of Bell and Anna (Brown) York. Children, b. Brookfield, N. Y.: 938. Simeon, b. Oct. 28, 1798 (943-947). 939. Joshua, b. Feb. 29, 1800. 940. Lucus, b. June 27, 1803 (956-961). 941. Nelson, b. Aug. 19, 1807 (972-977). 942. Dolly Ann, b. 181 2. Simeon Brown (938), son of Simeon (892) and Anna (York) Brown [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1798; d. Mar. 14, 1871; m., Feb. 13, 1847, Emily Jaquay, b. Feb. 13, 1819; d. Jan. 24, 1885, aged sixty-six years. Children: 943. Simeon, b. Nov. 12, 1849. 944. Emily Ann, b. Feb. 2^, 1852. 945. George H., b. Mar. 17, 1855. 946. Joshua Peter, b. Jan. 16, 1857; d. Apr. 11, i860. 947. Samantha, b. June 8, 1859. 132 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Simeon Brown (943), son of Simeon and Emily (Jaquay) Brown, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1849; m., Brookfield, Dec. 29, 1874, Mary A. Beecher, b. . Mr. Brown lives, in 1905, on the farm of 325 acres that was his father's and grandfather's. Children : 948. Linnie Mabel, b. Feb. 16, 1876; m. Alfred Reese, Nov. 3, 1897. Children: Leslie Alford, b. Apr. 20, 1900; Rachael Clara, b. Jan. 6, 1906. 949. Leon Simeon, b. Feb. 6, 1878; m. Florence Booth, Oct. 12, 1904. Son: Simeon, b. Sept. 22, 1906. 950. Leslie Beecher, b. Apr. 8, 1882. 951. Lilla Odessa, b. Mar. 26, 1886. 952. Lisle Joshua, b. Oct. 27, 1891. Emily Ann Brown (944), dau. of Simeon and Emily (Jaquay) Brown, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1852; m., Feb. 23, 1881, Thomas Dye, b. Oct., 1844. Farmer. Res., 1905, Bridgewater, N. Y. Son: 953. Shirley Cecil, b. ]\Iay 14, 1882. George H. Brown (945), son of Simeon and Emily (Jaquay) Brown, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Mar. 17, 1855; m. Lena Ford, 1876. Children: Flora, b. ; d. in infancy. Ada, b. ; d. young. 954. Edna, b. about 1885; living near Churchville, N. Y., 1905. Samantha Brown (947), dau. of Simeon and Emily (Jaquay) Brown, b., Brookfield, N. Y., June 8, 1859; m., Oct. 23, 1878, Mott M. Marsh, d. Nov. 4, 1882. Teacher. Her res., 1905, Bridgewater, N. Y. Son : 955. Orma Neil Marsh, b. Dec. 10, 1880; graduated from Colgate University, class of 1903; in 1905 entered Columbia Univer- sity to do postgraduate work, and received the degree of A.M. In 1906, professor in the St. John's Military Training School, at Manlius, N. Y. Joshua Brown (939), son of Simeon (892) and Anna (York) Brown [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Polder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 29, 1800; unm.; lived wath his brother Simeon nearly all his life; d. July 2, 1876, aged seventy-six years. 133 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Lucus Brown (940), son of Simeon (892) and Anna (York) Brown and grandson of Elder Simeon, Jr. (275) [Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., June 27, 1803; d., Brookfield, Nov. 6, 1887; m., Brookfield, Apr. 29, 1835, Sophia Williams, b., Brookfield, Jan. 9, 1807; d., Brookfield, Mar. 5, 1876; dau. of Wheaton H. and Katurah (York, 1282) Williams, of Stonington, Conn. In her early womanhood was one of the six successful school-teachers in her parents' family of eight chil- dren; supposed to be a descendant of Roger Williams of Rhode Island. Mr. Brown's active life was mostly passed at Brookfield, farming, with fair success. Children, b. Brookfield: 956. Charles W., b. May 27, 1836; unm.; in early manhood went West and taught school. Res., 1905, Valparaiso, Neb. 957. Anna S., b. Sept. 26, 1837; preceptress in New Jersey; resigned on account of sickness; d. Sept. 17, 1859. 958. S. Eugene, b. Aug. 19, 1839. 959. Joshua P., b. Oct. 31, 1841. 960. Ruth M., b. May 10, 1844; d. Sept. 17, i860, aged sixteen years. 961. Henry Irving, b. Mar. 27, 1847 (968-971). S. Eugene Brown (958), son of Lucus and Sophia (Williams) Brown [Simeon (892), Simeon, Jr. (275), Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1839; m., Nebraska, Jan. 6. 1871, Ella B. Hazzard, of Saunders Co., Neb.; b., Lee Co., la., Nov. 15, 1849; only dau. of David G. and Elizabeth (Elnore) Hazzard, formerly of Kentucky. The Hazzard family have a printed record extending back to 1433, with many worthy descendants in England and in this country. Mr. Brown, with his family, resides, in 1905, at Brookfield, N. Y., on the home- stead, where he was b. and- has passed most of his life; has extended ac- quaintance and business interests elsewhere. Children, b. Brookfield: 962. J. Anna, b. Jan. 15, 1872. 963. Frankie E., b. Dec. 19, 1873; d., Brookfield, Feb. 16, 1906; she was a young lady that was widely known, highly esteemed, worthy, cultured, and talented. A poem written by her in 1903 reflects the beauty and loveliness of her Christian char- acter and is a monument to her memory; it is herewith tran- scribed. God knows our inmost lives and thoughts, The longings of our throbbing hearts; The joys, the sorrows, of our life. The many conflicts in the strife; 134 Henry Irving Brown {96) Ponce, Neb., 1900 Vancouver, B. C. , 190() J. W. Brown Blue Mound, Macon County, 111. THE BROWN GENEALOGY He knows our sins, our doubts, our fears — The silent prayer, the falling tears. Our love, our all, He knows! God knows and rules our lives and thoughts; He fills the longings in our hearts; He bears the sorrows in our life. And crowns with victory the strife. With love He heals our sins and fears, And gently dries the falling tears. Oh, blessed thought, God knows! F. E. B., 1903 964. Albert E., b. June 9, 1876; teacher. 965. William Irving, b. Dec. 30, 1881; d. Mar. 14, 1904, aged twenty-two years. 966. Clarence A., b. Apr. 13, 1887, Joshua P. Brown (959), son of Lucus and Sophia (Williams) Brown, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1841; m. (i), 1870, Miss Smith, d. a few years later, leaving a little dau. Dau.: 967. Anna M. Brown, b ; m. Dr. W. J. Pinkerton, of Mead, Neb. After the death of his wife, Mr. Brown m. (2) Lena , and they have three sons: Frank P., Roy, and Irving Brown. His business is real estate and other interests. Res., 1905, Florence, Neb. Henry Irving Brown (961), son of Lucus and Sophia (Williams) Brown [Simeon (893), Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Mar. 27, 1847; m., Janesville, Wis., Jan. I, 1873, Julia Frances McMuUen, b., Oswego, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1851; d., Ponca, Neb., June 24, 1903, after a long illness. Mr. Brown is in the real-estate and insurance business, assisted by his dau. Bessie A. and son Hunter I. Brown. Res., 1905, Vancouver, B. C. Children: 968. Bessie Adda, b., Sioux City, la., July 31, 1874. 969. Hunter Irving Brown, b., Sioux City, Dec. 2, 1875; "^-j San Jose, Cal., June 27, 1905, Sella Ellen Clark, b., Hollister, Cal., June 4, 1876; dau. of Wm. Garrett and Emma M. (Cartright) Clark, of San Jose. He is a Republican; clerk in his father's real-estate office; both are members of the Presbyterian Church. His wife is a graduate of San Jose State Normal School of California. Res., 1905, Vancouver, B. C. 970. Lulu Albia, b., Sioux City, July 13, 1878; is a teacher in the schools of Sioux City, in 1905. 971. Rankin Eugene, b., Ponca, Neb., Oct. 2, 1882; is captain on ferry-boat, Ponca. 135 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Nelson Brown (941), son of Simeon (892) [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1807; d. Feb. 28, 1891; m., Columbus, N. Y., Mar. 17, 1844, Laura M. Tuttle, b., Columbus, Apr. 30, 1819; d. Mar. 13, 1885; dau. of Deacon Stephen and Polly Tuttle. Children, b. Brookfield: 972. Samuel N., b. Jan. 18, 1845 (978)- 973. James A., b. May 21, 1848 (979-982). 974. Laura M., b. Mar. 4, 1850 (983-986). 975. Polly Anna, b. June 15, 1852; unm. 976. Helen M., b. July 18, 1854; d. June 30, 1861. 977. L. Capitolia, b. Aug. 13, 1858; unm. Samuel N. Brown (972), son of Nelson and Laura M. (Tuttle) Brown [Simeon (892), Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Jan. 18, 1845; ^-j London, Wis., May 10, 1902; m. (i), Cambridge, Wis., about 1870, Mary Elizabeth Morton, d. Oct., 1878; m. (2), London, 1883, Jennie Watson, d. Oct., 1893. His business. Grain and Lumber, London, Wis. Children, by first m., b. Cambridge: Delos, b. ; d. young. 978. Claud E., b. Sept., 1873; m., Hudson, Wis., Aug. 16, 1904, Minnie Jensch. His business, banking. Res., 1905, Lake Mills, Wis. James A. Brown (973), son of Nelson and Laura M. (Tuttle) Brown [Simeon (892), Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., May 21, 1848; m., Brookfield, Sept. 28, 1870, Emma F. Jaquays. Farmer. Res., 1905, Brookfield, N. Y. Children, b. Brookfield: 979. Helen May, b. Sept. 13, 1872; m., Dec. 27, 1S92, Martin Ladd; farmer. No issue. 980. Sidney Jay, b. July 5, 1876; m., Brookfield, Aug. 26, 1903, Adelaide Clark, b., Brookfield, Aug., 187 1. 981. Emory Lee, b. Nov. 26, 188 1. 982. Samuel Eldon, b. Apr. 29, 1888. Laura Maria Brown (974), dau. of Nelson and Laura M. (Tuttle) Brown [Simeon (892), Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Mar. 4, 1850; d. Mar. 11, 1885; m., Brookfield, July 4, 1867, Hermon Palmer, b. 1846. 136 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children, b. Brookfield: 983. Gladys Eudora, b. July 12, 1872. 984. Helen Glenice, b. Jan. 31, 1874; m. James Hunter, Apr. 29, 189 1. No issue. 985. Laurence A., b. Aug. 17, 1881. 986. Mott M., b. Sept. 21, 1883. Herman Palmer, after the death of his wife, Laura M. Brown, m. (2), Julia Jordan. They have seven children. Res., 1905, Brookfield, N. Y. Gladys Eudora Palmer (983), dau. of Herman and Laura M. (Brown) Palmer, b. July 12, 1872; m. Egbert Burdick, Nov. 29, 1894. Children: 987. Lloyd H., b. Jan. 31, 1896. 988. Laura A., b. Mar., 1902. 989. Glenice Louisa, b. Nov., 1904. Dolly Ann Brown (942), dau. of Simeon (892) and Anna (York) Brown [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., 1812; m. Isaac Warner; d. about 1890, in Nebraska. They had two children, both of whom d. in childhood. [Here ends the record of Simeon Brown (892).] Justus H. Brown (893), son of Elder Simeon, Jr. (275) and Ruth (York) Brown [Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stoning- ton. Conn., May, 1782; d., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1833; m., Brookfield, Susannah Main, b., Stonington, May 7, 1783; d., Brookfield, Apr. 13, 1863; dau. of Daniel and Grace Main (829-836). Both were members of the First Day Baptist Church, Brookfield. Carpenter and farmer. Children, b. Brookfield: 990. Justus Randall, b. Oct. 25, 1807 (1000-1003). 991. Almon, d. Apr. 22, 1833, aged twenty-two years. 992. Chester,d. Aug. II, i8i9,agedsixyears ) both interred in same 993. Gallutia, d. Aug. II, 1819 | grave. 994. Cyrelus, d. Aug. 2, 1822, aged three years. 995. Susanna, d. May 27, 1821, aged three months. 996. Grace M., b. Apr. 9, 1822 (1035, ^^S^)- 997. Stephen, b. Oct. 28, 1824 (1037-1039). 998. Daniel M., b. Mar. 13, 1827 (1044-1046). 999. Mary, b. Nov. 30, 1829 (1047, 1048). Justus Randall Brow'ii (990), son of Justus H. (893) [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brook- 137 THE BROWN GENEALOGY field, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1807; d., Brookfield, June 20, 1893; m. (i), 1829, Philura Miner, dau. of Joshua Miner; b. Sept. 27, 181 1; d., Brookfield, Aug. II, 1838; m. (2), Apr., 1839, Eleanor Main, b. Aug. 11, 1817; d. Apr. 19, 1855; m. (3), Brookfield, Oct., 1856, Hattie Randall Rogers, b., Brook- field, Feb. 27, 1812; d. Nov. 25, 1891. [See 1199.] All were members of Elder Brown's church, Mr. Brown was an active man in his day in all public affairs; it is said he cast his ballot for sixty-one consecutive years. He was an enterprising farmer of the aggressive sort. Children by first m., b. Brookfield: 1000. Susan B., b. Feb. 20, 1831 (1004-1007). looi. Almon J., b. Dec. 19, 1834 (1016-1018). 1002. Henrietta R., b. May 22, 1837 (1032-1034). Son by second m. : 1003. Holland T., b. Apr. 30, 1840. At the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted in Co. G, 14th Regt. of N, Y, Vol.; was honorably discharged at the close of the war, and returned home with the loss of only one finger; was killed by the falling of a tree. Susan B. Brown (1000), dau. of Justus R. and Philura (Miner) Brown [Justus H. (893), Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1831; m., Brookfield, July 3, 1852, Walter E. Lewis, b., Edmeston, Otsego Co., N. Y., Jan. 14, 1824; son of Dr. Erastus and Jane Lewis, of Edmeston. Res., 1905, Hub- bardsville, N. Y. Elder Lewis was educated at Whitestown, N. Y.; ordained, Feb. 12, 1856, at Unadilla Forks; served in the Brookfield Baptist Association as mission- ary to destitute churches nearly all his life, except for three years when he served the Free Will Baptist Church at Sherburne, N. Y. Elder Lewis, as he is known, was an active worker in the Sunday school, an excellent tem- perance speaker, and helpful in all the enterprises of the day. He was a man of fine physique, tall and slim, with black, piercing eyes. The farm where he lived has been in the family for one hundred years; beautiful for situation, on the Chenango River. He passed away June 29, 1905. Children : 1004. Josephine, b. July 30, 1854; d. Apr. 26, 1855. 1005. Ena, b., Brookfield, Jan. 24, 1856 (1008, 1009). 1006. Ettie A., b., Sherburne, July 20, 1857 (1010-1012). 1007. Andrall J., b., Sherburne, Apr. 12, 1859. Ena Lewis (1005), dau. of Walter E. and Susan B. (Brown) Lewis, b. 138" I THE BROWN GENEALOGY Jan. 24, 1856; m., Poolville, N. Y., Jan. i, 1874, G. F. Merrill, b., So. Hamilton, N. Y., Apr. 23, 1849. Res., 1905, Columbus, N. Y. Children: 1008. Charles H., b., Smyrna, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1874; m., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1898, Ida, dau. of Henry and Susan (Max- son) Ingraham. Res., 1905, Brookfield, N. Y. 1009. Walter E., b., Columbus, June 13, 1895. Ettie A. Lewis (1006), dau. of Walter E. and Susan B. (Brown) Lewis, b., Sherburne, N. Y., July 20, 1857; granddau. of Justus R. and Philura (Miner) Brown; m., Sherburne, Feb. 23, 1881, Oliver D. Brainard, b. Feb. 23, 185 1 ; farmer. Res., 1905, Hubbardsville, N. Y. Children, b. Hubbardsville: loio. Lewis E., b. Sept. 13, 1885. loii. Olive E., b. Feb. 27, 1890. 1012. Ruth E., b. Aug. 29, 1897. Andrall J. Lewis (1007), son of Walter E. and Susan B. (Brown) Lewis, b., Sherburne, N. Y., Apr. 12, 1859; grandson of Justus R. and Philura (Miner) Brown; m., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1883, Jennie A. Frink, b., Brookfield, Mar. 22, 1863. Children: 1013. Ena Bell Lewis, b., Brookfield, Nov. 21, 1883; ^-i Sherburne, Nov. 23, 1901, Will Fletcher, b., E. Hamilton, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1880. Res., 1905, E. Hamilton, N. Y. 1014. Ralph, b., Sherburne, Feb. 24, 1895. 1015. Alpha, b., Sherburne, Apr. 11, 1897. Almon J. Brown (looi), son of Justus R. and Philura (Miner) Brown [Justus H. (893), Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1834; m., Marshall, N. Y., Mar. 27, i860, Ada Adlissa Cole, b., Marshall, Dec. 5, 1841; d. June 19, 1902; dau. of Sherman and Charlotte (Sperry) Cole. Farmer. Res., 1905, Brookfield, N. Y. Children: 1016. Clay Holland, b., Brookfield, July 23, 1861. 1017. Hurn Chester, b., Brookfield, Sept. 18, 1863. 1018. Mary Louisa, b., Forestville, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1872 (1030, 103 1 ; also 1080, 108 1 ). Clay Holland Brown (1016), son of Almon J. and Ada A. (Cole) Brown, b., Brookfield, N. Y., July 23, 1861; m.. Cherry Creek, Chautauqua Co., 139 THE BROWN GENEALOGY N. Y., Oct. 21, 1884, Cora Irene Dailey, b., Hanover, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Oct. II, 1864; dau. of Jacob W. and Amanda C. (James) Dailey. Farmer. Res., 1905, Brookfield, N. Y. Children: 1019. Cora Ethel, b., Perrysburg, N. Y., July 17, 1886; d. Oct. 8, 1888. 1020. Denna Mae, b., Forestville, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1888. 1021. Almon J., Jr., b., Perrysburg, Sept. 5, 1890. 1022. Mildred Almeda, b., Leonardsville, N. Y., June 6, 1900. 1023. Stephen L., b., Leonardsville, Dec. 4, 1903. Hurn Chester Brown (1017), son of Almon J. and Ada A. (Cole) Brown, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1863; m., Forestville, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1885, Louisa R. English, b., Springfield, Erie Co., Penn., Nov. 7, 1862; dau. of Ovid and Adelia (Lucas) English. Farmer. Res., 1905, Forestville, N. Y. Children, b. Forestville: 1024. Earl Alran, b. Mar. 25, 1886. 1025. Harrison Ovid, b. Dec. 22, 1888. 1026. Ora Floyd, b. June 30, 1892. 1027. Lela Filura, b. Oct. 6, 1894. 1028. Ada Adelia, b. May 14, 1899. 1029. Cecil Odel, b., Hanover, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1902. Mary Louisa Brown (1018), dau. of Almon J. and Ada A. (Cole) Brown, b. Dec. 24, 1872; m., Brookfield, N. Y., Mar. 25, 189 1, Laverne Asa Bald- win, b. Mar. 22, 185 1; son of Asa B. and Elizabeth (York) Baldwin. Children, b. Brookfield: 1030. Irving Asa, b. Sept. 22, 1895. 103 1. Gertrude Ada, b. Nov. 9, 1900. Henrietta Randall Brown (1002), dau. of Justus R. and Philura (Miner) Brown [Justus H. (893), Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, Madison Co., N. Y., May 22, 1837; m., Hanover, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Nov. 19, 1859, Noel Hawkins, Jr., b., Hogue, Warren Co., N. Y., Jan. 20, 1829; son of Noel and Sally (Bartlet) Hawkins, of Persia, N. Y. With his parents and brothers, Noel Hawkins, Jr., when four years of age, moved in an ox-team from Lake George to the western part of the State, to a place called Lodi, where there were but half a dozen houses. This place is now Gowanda, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., with over 2,500 inhabitants. His father purchased a tract of land four miles from this settlement, blazing the 140 THE BROWN GENEALOGY trees to find his way back. Here he cleared a farm, erecthig a log cabin, and made for himself and wife their home. Henrietta R. Brown's mother dying in Henrietta's infancy, she came to live with her grandmother, Mrs. Susan Brown; here she made her home for eighteen years. Then she moved to Persia, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., to make her home with her aunt Mrs. Daniel Maine, where she lived four years, until her marriage. They lived on the above-mentioned farm eleven years, and for sixteen years near Gowanda, retiring from active service; now, 1905, have lived nineteen years in their present house, Gowanda. This will show the great changes that have taken place in one lifetime in the State of New York. Both are members of the Baptist Church. Res., 1905, Go- wanda, N. Y. Children : 1032. Hattie Blanche Hawkins, b., Persia, Nov. 19, 1865; d., Go- wanda, Dec. 30, 1903; Mar. 20, 1894, she became the wife of Robert Kerr, Jr. Child: Henrietta, b., Tunkhannock, Penn., May i, 1895. 1033. Holland Merrill Hawkins, b., Persia, Jan. 29, 1869; m., Go- wanda, Oct., 1894, Virginia Emeline Conger. Mr. H. M. Hawkins is connected with the S. Howe's Manufacturing Co., of Silver Creek, N. Y. Son: Phillip Eugene, b.. Silver Creek, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1902. Res., 1905, Silver Creek, N. Y. 1034. Chloe Angelia Hawkins, b., Persia, Nov. 8, 1877; m. Selden D. Snedeker, Jan. 12, 1904. Res., 1905, Gowanda, N. Y. [Here end Justus Randall Brown's (990) descendants.] Grace M. Brown (996), dau. of Justus H. and Susannah (Main) Brown [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Apr. 9, 1822; d., Brookfield, May 22, 1880; m., Brookfield, Apr. 22, 1843, Elias A. Ellison, b., Windsor, Mass., Sept. 17, 1814; d., Brookfield, Feb. 16, 1899; farmer. She was a woman of most lovable character; her life teaches lessons of kindness and gentleness to the living to all who knew her, for her noble life was a part of her, and a memory that will never grow dim is ours. Children, b. Brookfield: 1035. Amanda Grace, b. Feb. 11, 1844; m., Aug. 13, 1890, Charles Palmer, b., Brookfield, i\pr. 19, 1836. Res., 1905, Brook- field, N. Y. 1036. Sinai S., b. Feb. 11, 1846; m., Brookfield, Oct. 8, 1865, John F. Frink. b., Brookfield, Apr. 14, 1846. Res., 1905, Brookfield, 141 THE BROWN GENEALOGY N. Y. No issue; but in 1882 legally adopted A. Vina Frink, b., Brookfield, Oct. 27, 1878; m., Burlington Flats, N. Y., June 10, 1897, William L. Nichols; farmer. Chil- dren: Hannah L., b., Burlington Flats, Sept. 16, 1900; Cleah Ernestine, b., Burlington Flats, Oct. 25, 1903. Res., 1905, Burlington Flats, N. Y. Stephen Brown (997), son of Justus H. and Susannah (Main) Brown [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1824; m., 1856, Lucinda A. Ellison, b., Brookfield, Mass., May 30, 1832; d., Brookfield, Nov. 30, 1897; dau. of Stephen Ellison. Res., 1905, Brookfield, N. Y. Children, b. Brookfield: 1037. Herbert Clift, b. Feb. 14, 1857. 1038. Cora Jane, b. June 16, 1858. 1039. Addie Lucinda, b. Dec. 7, 1865; m., Californa, Samuel Spring. Herbert Clift Brown (1037), son of Stephen and Lucinda A. (Ellison) Brown, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1857; m., Leonardsville, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1877, Caroline Babcock, b., Plainfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., Apr. 12, 1861; dau. of Gideon H. and Lydia (Campbell) Babcock. Dr. Brown has always resided in Brookfield, teaching school in early life; was educated at Brook- field Academy and High School, Alfred University, and Syracuse Univer- sity; later, in 188 1, began the practice of medicine and surgery; has a large practice. Mrs. Brown was educated at Brookfield Academy and High School and Syracuse University; in early life was a school-teacher. Both are members of the Seventh Day Baptist Church, Brookfield. Res., 1905, Brookfield, N. Y. Children, b. Brookfield: 1040. Herbert James, b. Sept. 17, 1882; d. Jan. 5, 1883. 1041. Kearn Babcock, b. Sept. 3, 1891. 1042. Ruth Lydia, b. Mar. 2, 1895. 1043. Elston Stephen, b. May 8, 1896; d. Mar. 17, 1898. Cora Jane Brown (1038), dau. of Stephen and Lucinda A. (Ellison) Brown, b., Brookfield, N. Y., June 16, 1858; m., Brookfield, Mar. 21, 1877, Clarke Morris Bassett; farmer. Res., 1905, Brookfield, N. Y. Daniel M. Brown (998), son of Justus H. and Susannah (Main) Brown [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Mar. 13, 1827; d. May i, 1890; m., Nov. 16, 1858, M. Nettie Cole, b. Sept. 7, 1839; d., Brookfield, July 24, 1899. 142 I I THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children, b. Brookfield: 1044. Dennie M., b. Oct. 17, 1859. 1045. Ada, b. May 16, 1869. 1046. Lottie, b. Dec. 29, 1873. Dennie M. Brown (1044), b. Oct. 17, 1859; d. Nov. 12, 1883; m., Nov. 12, 1879, Francis M. Spooner, b. Oct. 11, 1883. Son: Francis Spooner. For many years Mr. Spooner has been editor of the Brookfield Courier, New York. Ada Brown (1045), b- May 16, 1869; m., Apr. 25, 1897, Fred M. Still- man, b.- 1868. She was a school-teacher before marriage. No issue. Res., 1905, Brookfield, N. Y., on the old homestead. Lottie Brown (1046), b. Dec. 29, 1873; m., June 6, 1900, Fay L. Morgan. Son: Kenneth, b. Apr. 6, 1901. Mrs. Morgan before her marriage was a school-teacher. Res., 1905, So. Brookfield, N. Y. Mary Brown (999), dau. of Justus H. and Susanna (Main) Brown [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1829; d., Nashville, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Feb. II, 1889; m., Brookfield, Dec. 23, 1847, Daniel Main, b., Columbus, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1815; d., Gowanda, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1895; son of Ephraim and Sophia (Parks) Main. Children, b. Persia, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y.: 1047. Cyrelius, b. 185 1; d. Oct. 13, i860. 1048. Almon F. Main, b. June 27, 1856; m., Apr. i8, 1881, Clara Searl, b., Villenovia, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1859; dau. of Fred and Lora (Hilliard) Searl. Farmer. Children, b. Gowanda: Fred Daniel, b. June 14, 1891; Lyman Brown, b. May 19, 1894. Pvcs., 1905, Gowanda, N. Y. [Here end the records of Justus H. Brown (893).] Dorothy, or Dolly, Brown (277), dau. of Elder Simeon and Dorothy (Hern) Brown [James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 2, 1755; d. Sept. 8, 1853; m., Stonington, Asa Baldwin, b. Dec. 17, 1756; d. Mar. 18, 1841; son of Theophilus and Sarah (Lamb) Baldwin. Interments in Brown Cemetery, No. Stonington. Children [data from tombstones], b. Stonington: 1049. Dolly, b. 1785; d. Jan. 18, 1866, aged eighty-one years; unm. 1050. Thankful, b. 1787; d. Nov. 29, 1846, aged fifty-nine years; unm. 143 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1051. Asa, b. 1788; d. May 19, 1862, aged seventy-four years; unm. 1052. Sally, b. 1791; d. Nov. 3, 1815, aged twenty-four years; unm. 1053. Simeon, b. 1794; d. Aug. 29, 1855, aged sixty-one years; unm. 1054. Nathan, b. Mar. 13, 1796; d. Jan. 22, 1887; m. Phebe Brown. 1055. Betsey, b. Jan. 13, 1799; d. Dec. 28, 1874; m., Stonington, Sept. 26, 1847, Perry Kenyon, d., en route to California, Dec. 21, 185 1. No issue. Phebe Brown (894), dau. of Elder Simeon, Jr., and Ruth (York) Brown [Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Dec. 23, 1787; d., Brookfield, N. Y., Apr. 23, 1875; m., Brooktield, July II, 1819, Nathan Baldwin, b., Stonington, Mar. 13, 1796; d., 'Brook- field, Jan. 22, 1887; son of Asa and Dolly (Brown) Baldwin. Mr. Nathan Baldwin served for a short time in the War of 1812; was a farmer. Children, b. Brookfield: 1056. Nathan Welcome, b. Sept. 9, 1820 (1061-1067). 1057. Phebe M., b. Sept. 2, 1821; d. May 31, 1865; unm. 1058. Asa B., b. June 3, 1824 (1068-1071). 1059. Ruth S., b. Feb. 26, 1825; d. Feb. 22, 1877; unm. 1060. Simeon D., b. June 12, 1827 (1072-1074). Nathan Welcome Baldwin (1056), son of Nathan and Phebe (Brown) Baldwin [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1820; d. Dec. 21, 1901; m., Brookfield, Mar., 1848, Susan Palmer. Farmer and carpenter, Brookfield. Children, b. Brookfield: 1061. De Ette W., b. Dec. 25, 1848 (1075-1079). 1062. Susan M., b. Oct. 19, 1850; m., Brookfield, Dec. 28, 1879, Wm. H. Humphrey, b. July 2, 1846. Son: Norman B., b. Jan. 31, 1884; d. Dec. 23, 1900. Res., No. Brookfield, N. Y. 1063. Ellen R., b. Feb. 11, 1852; unm. 1064. Vinila B., b. Sept. 18, 1857; m. Sept. 18, 1875, Andrew Coon, d. Apr. 15, 1877. 1065. Cynthia R., b. July 18, i860; d. Apr. 16, 1862. 1066. Edwin A., b. Feb. 18, 1864; m. Myrtie Austin, b. Mar. 4, 1867. Children: Leon E., b. July 10, 1888; Robert, b. Aug. 9, 1897; Noel, b. Jan. 15, 1900. Res., Brookfield, N. Y. 1067. Frederic W., b. Sept. 25, 1866; m. Hattie Samson, b. Mar. i, 1870. Children: Fay L., b. Sept. 27, 1891; Leata Mae, b. Apr. 23, 1892; Howard S., b. Aug. 28, 1893. Res., 1905, Brookfield, N. Y. 144 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Asa B. Baldwin (1058), son of Nathan (1054) and Phebe (Brown) Bald- win [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. June 3, 1824; m., Brookfield, N. Y., Dec. 29, 1849, E. Elizabeth York (1562), b. Brookfield. Res., 1905, Brookfield, N. Y. Children, b. Brookfield; 1068. Laverne A., b. Mar. 22, 1851 (1080, 1081). 1069. Rodelia E., b. Jan. 28, 1853 (1082-1084). 1070. Oliver B., b. May 25, 1855 (1085-1087). 1071. Jennie P., b. Sept. 15, 1864 (1088-1090). Of the forty-six grandchildren of Elder Simeon Brown, Jr., only three are now living, in 1906; viz., Asa B. and Simeon D. Baldwin and Stephen Brown, of Brookfield, N. Y. Simeon D. Baldwin (1060), son of Nathan and Phebe (Brown) Baldwin [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., June 12, 1827; m., Brookfield, May 28, 1866, Martha Coman, b., Edmeston, Otsego Co., N. Y., Feb. 25, 1838; dau. of Ezra and Lydia (Davis) Coman, of Edmeston, The first nine years of their married life they lived in Stonington, Conn. He served three years in the Civil War; enlisted Sept. 6, 1862, in Co. G, 114th N. Y. Regt. of Vol., and was sworn into service at Norwich, N. Y. Drilled and was in service near Baltimore; he was in the hospital fifteen months; after that joined his regi- ment at New Orleans, and was in the battle of Sabine Cross Roads, La.; in the battles of Winchester, Pleasant Hill, Opequan, and in the Shenandoah Valley, Va. He was discharged from the United States service at Washing- ton, June 8, 1865; draws a pension of $30 per month; farmer. Res., 1905, W. Edmeston, N. Y. Children, b. Stonington: 1072. Phebe M., b. May 2, 1867. 1073. Ella, b. Aug. 2, 1870; d., Stonington, Aug. 22, 1871. 1074. Grace D., b. Sept. 16, 1872; m. Geo. Barrett. Res., Brook- field, N. Y. Phebe M. Baldwin (1072), dau. of the preceding, b. May 2, 1867; m., W. Edmeston, Otsego Co., N. Y., July 5, 1891, Irvin Davis, b.. No. Edmes- ton, Jan. 2, 1863; son of Simon and Sybil (Wightman) Davis. He has lived in Brookfield, N. Y. Both were educated in the common schools; farmer and Republican. Children, b. Brookfield: Emery D., b. Mar. 8, 1888; Stella M., b. July 23, 1895; Albert F., b. June 6, 1897. Res., 1905, W. Ed- meston, N. Y. Grace D. Baldwin (1074), dau. of Simeon D. and Martha (Coman) 145 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Baldwin, and granddau. of Nathan and Phebe (Brown) Baldwin [Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Sept. 16, 1873; m., Great Bend, Penn., Nov. 8, 1887, George Barrett, b., Morris, Otsego Co., N. Y., Feb. 25, 1852; son of Daniel E. and Betsey (Green) Barrett. He is a Republican; farmer and wood- worker. Children, b. Brookfield: Maude B., b. Dec. 19, 1887; Walter D., b. Aug. 22, 1889. Res., 1905, Brookfield, N. Y. De Ette W. Baldwin (1061), dau of Nathan W. (1056) and Susan (Palmer) Baldwin [Phebe (894), Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1848; m. Wm. O. Place, of Alfred, N. Y., b. July 14, 1840. He served nearly three years in the Civil War; mustered into service Aug. 14, 1862, and par- ticipated in the following battles: Deserted House, Va., Jan. 30, 1863; Franklin, Va., June 17, 1863; siege of Suffolk, Va., Apr. ii-May 3, 1863; charge at Manassas, Va., Oct. 17, 1863; battles of Winchester, Fredericks- burg, Culpepper, Cedar Creek (Sheridan's great ride), Wilderness, and Todd's Tavern, Va. The regiment was with Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley until the surrender of General Lee. He was discharged June 29, 1865. He is a Republican; contractor and builder; wife is a member of Seventh Day Baptist Church. Res., 1905, Alfred, N. Y. Children, b. Alfred: 1075. Ollie E., b. Mar. 10, 1868. 1076. Ada Belle, b. July 3, 1870; m. Herbert E. Hakes. Res., 1905, W. Hallock, Ili. 1077. Frank G., b. Feb. 29, 1872. 1078. Earl W., b. June 26, 1880. 1079. Neva Mae, b. Mar. 31, 1890. OUie E. Place (1075), ^au. of the preceding, m. , Alfred, N. Y., June 9 1892, Fred W. Howard, b., New Albany, Penn., May 22, 1870; son of Thomas and Ada (Campbell) Howard. Since 1892 has lived at Alfred and Belmont, N. Y., where, in 1906, he now lives; wife a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Dau.: Nina Hildred, b. Feb. 17, 1894. Frank G. Place (1077), son of William O. and De Ette W. (Baldwin) Place [Nathan W. (1056), Phebe (894), Elder Simeon, Jr. (275), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. Feb. 29, 1872; m., Alfred, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1900, Desdemonia E. Cooper, b., Alfred, Feb. 29, 1872; dau. of Joseph and Lydia A. Cooper. Both were educated in the public schools of Alfred and are members of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. He served for eight months in the Spanish-American War, re- 146 THE BROWN GENEALOGY ceiving an honorable discharge. Repubhcan and carpenter. Children, b. Alfred: Althea, b. Mar. 2, 1901; Gladys, b. Nov. 30, 1902. Res., 1906, Alfred, N. Y. Earl W. Place (1078), son of Wm. O. and De Ette W. (Baldwin) Place, b. June 26, 1880; m., Buffalo, N. Y., Mar. 10, 1902, Florence J. Minniss, b., Bradford, N. Y., Jan. 16, 1881; dau. of Nathan S. and Ellen E. (Merrick) Minniss. Merchant; Republican; Episcopalian. Children, b. Alfred: Earl W., Jr., b. July 20, 1903; Nathan Minniss, b. Jan. 16, 1906. Res., 1906, Alfred, N. Y. Laverne A. Baldwin (1068), son of Asa B. and Elizabeth (York) Baldwin, great-grandson of Elder Simeon, Jr. (275) [Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Mar. 22, 185 1; m., Brookfield, Mar. 25, 1891, Mary L. Brown, b. Dec. 25, 1872; dau. of Almond J. Brown (1030, 1031). Farmer. Res., 1905, Brookfield, N. Y. Children, b. Brookfield: 1080. Irving A., b. Sept. 22, 1895. 1081. Gertrude A., b. Nov. i, 1900. Rodelia E. Baldwin (1069), dau. of Asa B. and Elizabeth (York) Baldwin, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1853; m., Brookfield, Oct. 6, 1875, John I. Keith, b.. No. Brookfield, Mar. 13, 1852; son of Ambrose and Abigail (Main) Keith. Farmer in No. Brookfield. Children: 1082. Nellie A., b. Dec. 20, 1877. 1083. Irving J., b. Dec. 3, 1880; d. June 20, 1890. 1084. Libbie Mae, b. Sept. 17, 1888; d. Nov. 16, 1894. Oliver B. Baldwin (1070), son of Asa B. and Elizabeth (York) Baldwin, b., Brookfield, N. Y., May 25, 1855; m., Leonardsville, N. Y., Apr. 27, 1882, Ellen I. Dye, b. 1857; dau. of Henry B. Dye. Farmer. Res., 1905, Leonards- ville, N. Y. 1085. Lynn H., b. Aug. 8, 1883. 1086. Pearl C, b. Dec, 1887. 1087. Erma, b. Jan. 27, 1891. Jennie P. Baldwin (1071), dau. of Asa B. and Elizabeth (York) Baldwin, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1864; m., Brookfield, Dec. 26, 1883, Joel J. Witter, b., Brookfield, Sept. 6, 1856; son of Peter D. and Mary Witter. Farmer. Res., 1905, Brookfield, N. Y. Children, b. Brookfield: 1088. Ralph L., b. Sept. 17, 1886. 147 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1089. Francis J., b. Aug. 19, 1890. 1090. Mary E., b. Aug. 16, 1892. [Here end the records of Phebe Brown and Nathan Baldwin; also the records of Elder Simeon Brown, Jr., and Ruth York.] James Brown (276), son of Elder Simeon (72) and Dorothy (Hern) Brown [James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Dec. 5, 1752; d. ye Feb. 14, 1799; m., Stonington, Aug. 12, 1773, Nabbe Main, d. Nov. 30, 1832, aged seventy-four years. [Data from tombstones.] The certificate of marriage reads: "This may certify that James Brown and Nabbe Main were joined in the ordinance of marriage this 12 day of Aug. 1773, by me. [Signed] Eleazer Brown, Elder." Children, b. Stonington: 1091. Nabbe, b. July 14, 1774. 1092. James, Jr., b. Mar. 14, 1776. 1093. Henry, b. 1777. 1094. Temperance, b. Aug., 1779. 1095. Dolle, b. July 26, 1781. 1096. Vier, b. June 30, 1783. 1097. Paul, b. Oct. 20, 1785. 1098. Lucy, b. Dec. 23, 1787. 1099. Hulda, b. Mar. 3, 1790. iioo. John, b. Apr. 22, 1792. James Brown, Jr. (1092), son of James (276) and Nabbe (Main) Brown [Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. Mar. 14, 1776; d. Jan. 27, 1828, in the fifty-second year of his age; Mary, his wife, b. 1783; d. Feb. 14, 1823, in the forty-first year of her age. Children, b. No. Stonington, Conn.: iioi. James, 3d, b. 1798; d. Aug. 3, 1826, in the twenty-eighth year of his age; unm. 1102. Mary, b. 1801; d. July 31, 1833, aged thirty-two years; unm. 1 103. Triphena, b. 1802 (iio7aa-iio7ad). 1103a. Darius, b. June 8, 1806 (iio7ae-iio7aj). 1104. Clark L., b. 1807. 1 105. Smith, b. 1809 (iio7ar-iio7aw). 1106. Luther, b. 1813; d. Jan. 29, 1830, in the eighteenth year of his age. iio6a. Phebe Esther, b. 1815 (iio7ax, iio7ay). 1107. Paul W., b. 1818 (iio7b-iio7i). 1107a. Abbie Maria, b. Mar., 1821 (iio7az). THE BROWN GENEALOGY Henry Brown (1093), son of James (276) and Nabbe (Main) Brown, b. 1777; d. July 4, 1833, aged fifty-six years; his wife, Abigail, d. July 7, 1816, in the forty-first year of her age. [Data of James, Jr., and Henry from tombstones.] Triphena Brown (1103), dau. of James, Jr. (1092) and Mgiry (Main) Brown [James (276), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Sept. i, 1802; d. Oct. 27, 1872, aged seventy years; m., No. Stonington, Sept. 24, 1826, Amos Stanton, b., Stonington, July 22, 1804; son of Amos and Amelia (Babcock) Stanton. Children, b. No. Stonington: iio7aa. George E., b. June 20, 1827; lost on Long Island Sound, from the Sloop Catherine Hale, Sept. 25, 1847. iio7ab. Mary Ann, b. Dec, 1830; d. Dec. 18, 1833. iio7ac. Almira B., b. Nov. 18, 1832. iio7ad. Courtland G., b. Aug. 20, 1840. Almira B. Stanton (iio7ac), dau. of Amos and Triphena (Brown) Stan- ton [James, Jr. (1092), James (276), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Nov. 18, 1832; m., Mar. II, 1850, Benj. H. Hiscox, b. 1832; d., Norwich, Conn., Oct. 31, 1905. He was a painter. Her res., 1905, Norwich, Conn. Children : (i) Ida J., b.. No. Stonington, May 23, 1852; d., Norwich, Oct. 7, 1905. (2) Mira, b., Stonington, Dec. 18, 1857; d. Oct. 29, 1858. (3) Alfred H., b., Putnam, Conn., Feb. 17, 1861; m.. Westerly, R. I., May 23, 1881, Berthany Evelyn Tabor, b., New Bedford, Mass., May 3, 1861. Painter and paperer. Children, b. Norwich: Wm. Alfred, b. Sept. 9, 1883; Leonard Leroy, b. Apr. 4, 1886; Richard Nelson, b. Oct. 9, 1888. Res., 1905, Rysley Place, Norwich, Conn. (4) George Edwin, b., Norwich, Aug. 15, 1866; drowned in Fisher's Island Sound, July, 1888. (5) Vernon, b., Norwich, June 9, 1875; ^-i Feb. 8, 1898, Theresa Rebecca Tawney. Courtland George Stanton (iio7ad), son of Amos and Triphena (Brown) Stanton [James, Jr. (1092), James (276), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Aug. 20, 1840; m. (i), No. Stonington, June 29, 1862, Mary E. Lews, b.. Mystic, Conn., Feb. 23, 149 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1843; d., Westerly, R. I., Nov. 30, 1886; dau. of Rev. C. C. Lewis and Frances M. Mason; m. (2), Nov. 28, 1889, Oaklawn, R. I., Mrs. Mary E. Hiscox, widow of James Hiscox and dau. of Eleazer Congdon; d. Aug. 28, 1906. His boyhood was spent in his native town, vvhere he attended the pubUc and private schools. After living a short time in Stonington and Putnam, Conn., from the latter place he was reported dead (having been critically ill). An obituary notice of great length and fulsome praise was published in the local papers, a copy of which is kept for the true finale. He entered the army in August, 1862, as Sergeant of Co. G, 21st Conn. Vol.; was after- wards promoted to ist Lieutenant in the same regiment, and served until the close of the war on the staff of Gen. Charles Devens, at the Headquarters of the 3d Division of the 24th A. C, as Acting Engineer, officer, and Chief of Pioneers. He was among the first to enter the Confederate Capitol on the morning of the third of April, 1865, and the first officer, not a prisoner, to enter Libby Prison. He became a pensioner for disabilities received during the war; but not until over twenty years after its close would he make appli- cation, and then only on account of increasing infirmities. Nearly his whole life has been spent in his present occupation, contracting painter, during which time he has executed many of the largest jobs between New Haven, Conn., and Providence, R. I., including the decorating of the interior of many public buildings and private residences. He feels his greatest satisfac- tion in having lived to perpetuate to this generation, by a short period of service in the army, the patriotism of his great-grandfather John Stanton, who was b. in Stonington, Conn., May 13, 1736, and at his death bore the marks of seventeen bullet-wounds, received in the French and Indian War and the war of the American Revolution. Children, by first m. : (i) Jennie Billings, b.. No. Stonington, Nov. 20, 1869; a graduate of Emerson College, Boston, Mass.; teacher of physical culture and elocution in Westerly. (2) Lewis Stanton, b., Westerly, Jan. 5, 1880; m.. Westerly (Pawca- tuck), Oct. 7, 1905, Charlotte Le Valley Peabody, b., Paw- catuck. Conn., May 25, 1879; dau. of James Alden Peabody, b.. No. Stonington, May 30, 183 1, and Augusta Josephine Crumb, his wife, b.. Westerly, Apr. 7, 184 1; youngest son of Benjamin and Martha (Peckham) Peabody. Mr. Stanton is teller in the Westerly branch of the Industrial Trust Co. of Providence, R. I. Res., 1905, Westerly, R. I. ISO THE BROWN GENEALOGY Darius Brown (1103a), son of James, Jr. (1092) and Mary (Main) Brown [James (276), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., June 8, 1806; d., Tolland, Conn., Sept. 10, 1869; m.. No. Stonington, Jan. 29, 1826, Prudence AUyn, d., Tolland, July 13, 1869. Both interred at Tolland. Farmer, and both members of the Baptist Church. Children, b. No. Stonington: iio7ae. Mary Ann, b. Oct. 27, 1826. iio7af. James Avery, b. Oct. 12, 1828. iio7ag. Ralph I., b. July 14, 1831. iio7ah. Emeline J., b. Feb. 2, 1837; d. July 20, 1864; unm. iio7ai. John M,, b. Apr. i, 1838. iio7aj. Augusta A., b. Apr. 19, 1846. Mary Ann Brown (iioyae), dau. of the preceding, b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Oct. 27, 1826; d., Willimantic, Conn., Sept. 30, 1900; m., No. Ston- ington, Mar. 7, 1852, James J. Andrews, b., Summit, R. I., Apr. 28, 1831; d., Willimantic, Aug. 11, 1903; son of George and Mary (Green) Andrews, of Summit. Farmer; Democrat; both members of the Baptist Church. He was elected to the Legislature from Tolland in 1867; was selectman, and held other offices in the town. Children, b. Tolland: iio7ak. Phoebe A., b. Oct. 8, 1856; d., Cleveland, O., Mar. 8, 1887. iio7al. George H., b. Dec. 19, 1857. 1107am. John B., b. Oct. 9, 1859; d., Tolland, July 4, i860. iio7an. Ida E., b. May 15, 1864; d. Oct. 12, 1864. iioyao. Robert J., b. June 17, 1867. Son: Charlie. Res., 1905, 582 Central Ave., Cleveland, O. George H. Andrews (iioyal), son of James J. and Mary A. (Brown) Andrews [Darius (1103a), James, Jr. (1092), Elder Simeon (72)^, James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Tolland, Conn., Dec. 19, 1857; m., W. Wren- tham, Mass., Aug. 27, 1878, Minnie E. Jacobs, b., Falls Village, Conn., June 26, i860; dau. of James A. and Anna S. (Darling) Jencks, of W. Wrentham. He is a farmer; Independent Democrat; both are members of the Baptist Church. Children, b. Willim.antic, Conn.: Winfield J., b. Dec. 25, 1880; Dudley G., b. Mar. 7, 1884; Merton C, b. Sept. 15, 1888; Rus- sell A., b. July 10, 1892. Res., 1905, Willimantic, Conn. James Avery Brown (iioyaf), son of Darius and Prudence (AUyn) Brown [James, Jr. (1092), James (276), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Oct. 12, 1828; d., Philadelphia, 151 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Penn., Feb. i, 1874; m. (i), Norwich, Conn., Oct. 10, 1853, Ellen Kimball, b., Preston, Conn., Dec. 30, 1826; d., Groton, Conn., Apr. 9, 1869; dau. of Frank and Susan (Satterlee) Kimball, of Norwich; m. (2), June, 1872, Mrs. Edith Mullen, of Dayton, O.; by this m. one dau.: Clara Bell. After the death of Mr. Brown his widow went West to her people; m. again and went to England. Mr. Brown taught school in his native town; went to Preston, and was Principal of the Norwich Academy; studied to be a physician, but gave it up; was with his father-in-law, in Tolland, Conn., on a large farm or eight years; was in the sewing-machine business, being very successful. Both were members of the Baptist Church. Children, b. Tolland: iio7ap. Inez, b. July 4, 1854. iio7aq. Josephine, b. July 2, i860. Inez Brown (iio7ap), dau. of James A. (iio7af) and Ellen (Kimball) Brown, b., Tolland, Conn., July 4, 1854; m., Tolland, Oct. 22, 1873, Gil- bert P. Babcock, b., Columbia, Conn., Jan. 2, 1850; son of Jaynes M. and Lovisa (Hovey) Babcock, of Columbia. Mr. Babcock is a Republican; farmer, peach-grower; both attend the Baptist Church. Children, b. Tol- land: Frank Gilbert, b. July 21, 1875; Harry Jaynes, b. July 28, 1877; Elliott Kimball, b. Mar. 27, 1896. Res., 1905, Tolland, Conn. Josephine Brown (iio7aq), dau. of James A. and Ellen (Kimball) Brow^n, b., Tolland, Conn., July 2, i860; m., Vernon, Conn., Nov. 25, 1886, Charles R. Barrows, b., Hebron, Conn., Sept. 10, 1862; son of Royal R. and Lydia Aurelia (Cleveland) Barrows. He is a bookkeeper; Republican; both are members of the Congregational Church. Children, b. New Britain, Conn.: Clara Gertrude, b. Oct. 5, 1887, d. Mar. 21, 1891; Arthur Storrs, b. May 8, 1890; Mildred Kimball, b. June 15, 1895. Res., 1905, New Britain, Conn. Ralph I. Brown (iio7ag), son of Darius (1103a), and Prudence (Allyn) Brown [James, Jr. (1092), James (276), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., July 14, 1831; m., Tol- land, Conn., 1864, Mrs. Harriet Robinson; d., Tolland, Dec, 1867. No issue. John M. Brown (iio7ai), brother of the preceding, b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Apr. i, 1838; d., Wellington, Conn., June, 1876; m., 1861, Anna Taylor, of Wellington. He was a physician and practised at Wellington, No issue. Augusta A. Brown (iio7aj), dau. of Darius (1103a) and Prudence (Allyn) Brown [James, Jr. (1092), James (276), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), 152 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Eleazer (ii), Thomas], b. Apr. 19, 1846; m., Tolland, Conn., Jan. 12, 1871, Charles W. Marsh, b.. Warehouse Point, Conn., Aug. 27, 1837; son of Hiram and Sabra (Bates) Marsh, of Warehouse Point. Both were educated in the com.mon schools. Before marriage Miss Brown taught school in Tolland. Mr. Marsh was a machinist, engineer; at present mail-carrier; is a Repub- lican; his wife is a member of the Baptist Church. Children, b. Mansfield, Conn.: Maud A., b. May i, 1872, d. Dec. 4, 1876; Rubie M., b. Aug. 7, 1874, d. Oct. 15, 1876; Lina J., b. Feb. 15, 1880; Netta A., b. Aug. 27, 1882. Res., 1905, Rockville, Conn. Clark L. Brown (1104), son of James, Jr. (1092) [James (276), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., 1807; d. Aug. 30, 1877, aged seventy years and four months; m. (i) Content Wilcox, d. Jan. 21, i860, without issue; m. (2) Sabrina Maine. He was a farmer and a devoted Baptist, who resided in his native town all his life ; he was of robust stature and great physical strength. Children, by second m., b. No. Stonington: (i) George C. Brown, b. July 30, 1864; m., No. Stonington, June 29, 1886, Nellie A. Maine, dau. of Adam and Lucy M. Maine. No issue. Res., 1905, No. Stonington, Conn. (2) John J., b. ; unm. Res., 1905, No. Stonington, Conn. Smith Brown (1105), son of James, Jr. (1092) [James (276), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. 1809; d.. No. Stonington, Conn., June 15, 1890, aged eighty-one years; m., No. Stonington, Rebecca B. Miner, b., Stonington, 18 16; d. Jan. 5, 1881, aged sixty-five years and nine months. Children, b. No. Stonington: iio7ar. George S., b. May 16, 1835; d. Dec. 16, 1906; m., Ashaway, R. I., Oct., 1854, Sarah A. Randall, b., Voluntown, Conn., Mar., 1838; dau. of Reuben and Lydia (Hancock) Randall, of Voluntown. He has lived in Voluntowji, Ledyard, Brooklyn, and Ashford, Conn., his res. in 1905. He is a farmer; Republican; both are Baptists. In 1861 he enlisted in the Union Army and served through to the end of the Civil War. No issue. iio7as. Thomas R. Brown, b. 1837; d. Jan. 28, 1863, aged twenty- six years. Tio7at. Warren W., b. Sept. 30, 1842. iio7au. Eunice V., b. Jan. 20, 1844. iio7av. Edwin, b. •; twice m. Res., 1905, Ashaway, R. I. iio7aw. Frank H., b., Voluntown, Sept. 14, 1851. 153 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Warren W. Brown (iioyat), son of Smith and Rebecca B. (Miner) Brown [James, Jr. (1092), James (276), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Sept. 30, 1842; m., Tolland, Conn., Dec. 26, 1873, ^^^- Mary Maria Bliven, widow of Amherst A. Bliven; b.. Westerly, R. I., Oct. 20, 1840; dau. of Hon. Bradford and Anna James (Barber) Bliven; by her first marriage had three children. Both at- tend the St. Stephen's Protestant Episcopal Church. Res., 1905, Provi- dence, R. I. Mr. Brown was educated in the public schools of his native town. He enlisted in the United States service in the Civil War, Sept. 16, 1862, in Co. G, 2ist Regt. Conn. Vol. Infantry for three years; participated in the battles of Little Washington, Va., Nov. 13, 1862; Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 1862; Siege of Suffolk, Va., April and May, 1862; Drewry's Bluff, Va., May 13-16, 1864; Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864; and White House Landing, Va., June 20, 1864. Was the first man to board the blockade- runner Banshee and run up the Union flag when she was captured by the United States transport Fulton. During his service he was sick with typhoid fever, smallpox, and black measles, and was in no other hospital than the camp hospital of his regiment. Was honorably discharged from the service June 16, 1865, at New Haven, Conn. He was a charter member of Bucklin Post No. 20 G. A. R. of E. Providence; has been employed by the Provi- dence Telephone Company about twenty-four years; is foreman of the Tele- phone linemen; member of the Brotherhood of Electrical Workers of Provi- dence. Mrs. Brown was educated in the public schools of Westerly, where she spent most of her early life. She was a charter member of the Bucklin W. R. C. of E. Providence, holding the offices of treasurer, vice-president, and president; president of the Department of Rhode Island Woman's Re- lief Corps; has held the position of a member of the National Executive Board, also National Chaplain, and is a member of Charity Lodge No. 3, Daughters of Rebecca, Providence; holds the position of Patriotic Instructor in the public schools. Eunice V. Brown (noyau), dau. of Smith and Rebecca B. (Miner) Brown [James, Jr. (1092), James (276), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Jan. 20, 1844; m., W. Greenwich, R. I., Oct. 28, 1865, Abel D. Brown, b., Dudley, Mass., Sept. 6, 1841; son of Seth and Polly (Madison) Brown, of Voluntown, Conn. He was a soldier in the Civil War; enlisted at Norwich, Conn., Aug. 9, 1862; discharged June 16, 1865; was captured at Drewry's Bluff May 16, 1864; was held prisoner 154 THE BROWN GENEALOGY nine months and eleven days, at Libby Prison, Andersonville, and Florence, S. C. He is a machinist. Mrs. Brown is a member of the Admiral Foote W. R. C. No. 3; a Baptist. Res., 1905, Dixwell Ave., New Haven, Conn. Children : (i) Abure A., b., Stonington, Nov. 28, i860; d. Oct. 25, 1867. (2) Oscar W., b. Jan. 13, 1868; d. June 28, 1871. (3) Charles A., b., Voluntown, May 16, 1869; m., Nov. 26, 1896, Anna Lillian Clark, b., Lebanon, Conn., May 20, 1872. Have one child. (4) Albert E., b., Stonington, Mar. 27, 1872. (5) Eva May, b., Stonington, July 11, 1873; m., Sept. 6, 1897, John Steuks, b.. New Haven, Aug. 17, 1873. Have one child. (6) Irtis W., b., Stonington, Aug. i, 1876; m.. May 29, 1897, Mary Kust. Have one child. (7) Phebe E., b., Hope Valley, R. I., July 5, 1878. (8) Bell R., b.. New London, Conn., Nov. 15, 1884. These children res., 1905, New Haven, Conn. Frank H. Brown (iio7aw), son of Smith (1105) and Rebecca (Miner) Brown [James, Jr. (1092), James (276), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Voluntown, Conn., Sept. 14, 185 1; m., Volun- town, Jan. II, 1873, Mary L. Geer, dau. of Henry C. Geer, of No. Stoning- ton, Conn.; b. Jan. 12, 1851; d.. Westerly, R. I., Apr. 5, 1905. They had two children that d. young. He is of robust stature, as were all of these descendants that the compiler has seen. Res., 1905, Westerly, R. I. Phebe Esther Brown (iio6a), dau. of James, Jr. (1092) and Mary (Main) Brown [James (276), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., 1815; d. Feb. 2, 1847, aged thirty-two years; m., Mar. 15, 1837, John Miner, b. Dec. 24, 1794; d. May 30, 1863; son of Manasseh Miner, b. June 13, 1755; m. Hannah Haley, Feb. 14, 1779. Children, b. Bozrah, Conn.: iio7ax. Phebe Mariah, b. Sept. 9, 1840; d. Sept. 29, 1858. iio7ay. John Haley, b. Apr. 2, 1842. Mrs. Phebe Esther (Brown) Miner (iio6a) d. Feb. 2, 1847, and after her death her husband John Miner m., for his second wife, her sister, Abby Maria Brown (1107a), Aug. 29, 1848. He d. May 30, 1863. She d., Maiden, Mass., Oct. 26, 1905, aged eighty-four years, and was perhaps the last pensioner of the battle of Stonington, Conn., during the War of 1812. She was the great-granddau. of Elder Simeon Brown, of No. Stonington. At her funeral, it was stated that she was always proud to know that she was 155 THE BROWN GENEALOGY a descendant of so worthy a grandsire as Elder Simeon Brown. [See ap- pendix IX.] By this second m. there was one child. Dau. : iioyaz. Abby Esther Miner, b. 1849; ^-i San Francisco, Cal., 1880; m., 1868, Theodore F. Leonhardt, b. 1848. Children: (i) John Frederick, b. 1869; m. Mary Morris, of Gloucester, Mass. Res., 1905, Somerville, Mass. (2) Frank, b. ; d. young. (3) Arlene, b. Mar. 5, 1871; unm.; kindly and lovingly cared for her grandmother, in Maiden, in a most devoted and affectionate manner. John Haley Miner (iioyay), son of John and Phebe Esther (Brown) Miner [James, Jr. (1092), James (276), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Bozrah, Conn., Apr. 2, 1842; m., New London, Conn., Apr. 2, 1866, Charlotte M. Rogers, b., Ledyard, Conn., Jan. 20, 1841; dau. of Henry C. and Mariah (Palmer) Rogers, of Bozrah. Mr. Miner is a progressive farmer, and represented his native town in the State Legislature in 1886; has held the office of First Selectman for the past four- teen years; also Judge of Probate for the past seven years. Res., 1905, Bozrah, Conn. Children, b. Bozrah: (i) Josephine M., b. Feb. 15, 1867; m. Wm. R. Browning, of No. Stonington, Conn., Nov. 25, 1879. D^^u.: Eola E., b. Jan. 14, 1882. (2) Lottie M., b. Jan. 25, 1875; d- ^ar. 15, 1894. (3) J. Harry, b. Jan. 14, 1879; ^'^■■> Bozrah, July 4, 1904, Rhoda M. Avery. Son: Harry iVvery, b. July 24, 1905. Paul W. Brown (1107), son of James, Jr. (1092) and Mary (Main) Brown [James (276), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., July 14, 1818; d. May 3, 1896, aged seventy-eight years; m. (i) Mary B. Hedden, b. 1822; d.. No. Stonington, June 2, 1844, aged twenty-two years. Children, b. No. Stonington: 1107b. Hannah L., b. May 18, 1838; m.. No. Stonington, Sept. 16, i860, Oscar Williams, b.. Old Mystic, Conn., May 18, 1837. No issue. 1107c. Clark P., b. Mar. 18, 1840. Had seven children. iio7d. Theresa M., b. Apr. 23, 1842. Had four children. 156 i THE BROWN GENEALOGY Paul W. Brown (1107), after the death of his wife Mary B. Hedden, m. (2) Esther P. Main, b., No. Stonington. Children, b. No. Stonington: iioye. Jerome F., b. July i, 1849; d. Dec. 12, 1904; m., Aug. 9, 1869, Mrs. Frances Almira Main, nee Clapson. [See 305a.] iioyf. Dwight C, b. Mar. 2, 1851; m., Feb. 15, 1876, Hannah M. Perkins, b.. No. Stonington,- Oct. 30, 1844. Children: (i) Stephen D.,b. Dec. 27, 1877; (2) Mariette, b. Mar. 26, 1882. Res., 1905, No. Stonington, Conn. iio7g. John S., b. Mar. 4, 1853; m.. Mar. 19, 1878, Addie Maine, b. Feb. 4, 1863. Have seven children. Res., 1905, Preston, Conn. iio7h. Mary E., b. Sept. 4, 1855; m.. No. Stonington, Oct. 24, 1875, Henry M. Perkins, b.. No. Stonington, Oct. 30, 1844. No issue. Res., 1905, No. Stonington, Conn. iio7i. Martha Content, b.'Dec. 11, 1857; m.. No. Stonington, Nov. 28, 1877, Henry Wills, of Baltimore, Md., b. July 4, 1855. Son: Alfred H., b. Aug. i, 1880. Clark P. Brown (1107c), son of Paul W. (1107) and Mary B. (Hedden) Brown [James (1092), James (276), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. Mar. 18, 1840; d.. Mystic, Conn., Sept. 27, 1904; m., Ledyard, Conn., May 14, 1862, Mary Williams, d. Aug. 12, 1896. Children, first five b. Ledyard: (i) Mary Esther, b. May 24, 1863; m.. Old Mystic, Conn., Feb. 3, 1882, Edwin Lamphere, b. Apr. 11, 1862; provision-dealer. Children: Charles Edwin, b. Aug. 22, 1885; Paul Benjamin, b. Jan. I, 1893. Res., Old Mystic, Conn. (2) Charles Edwin, b. May 27, 1865; d. May 10, 1899; m. Betsey Clark. No issue. (3) James Paul, b. May 10, 1868; m., Amaganset, L. I., N. Y., Jan. 4, 1893, Lulu B. Terry, b., Amaganset, Mar. 2, 1874. En- gineer. Son: Nelson C. L. Brown, b. June 6, 1896. Res., 1905, Noank, Conn. (4) Nelson, b. 1871; d. 1873. (5) Julia, b. Jan. 2, 1874; m.. Old Mystic, Jan. 4, 1893, Charles Bennett, of Ledyard. Son: Charles, b. 1897. Res., 1905, Ledyard, Conn. (6) Clark H., b. , Old Mystic. He is a plumber at Mystic, Conn. (7) Lizzie, b. Old Mystic; m. James Main. Res., 1905, Ledyard, Conn. 157 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Theresa M. Brown (iioyd), dau. of Paul W. (1107) and Mary B. (Red- den) Brown [James, Jr. (1092), James (276), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. Apr. 23, 1842; d., Mystic, Conn., June 25, 1905; m.. No. Stonington, Conn., Jan. i, 1868, Wm. F. Wheeler, of Stonington, Conn.; b. Oct. 19, 1818; d. Apr. 9, 1890; son of David Wheeler, son of Lester Wheeler. Children, b. Stonington: (i) D. Frank Wheeler, b. Oct. 18, 1868; unm.; is a farmer occupying the homestead north of Road Church, Stonington, in 1905. (2) William O., b. Mar. 18, 1871; m.. Old Mystic, Conn., Mar. 22, 1894, Julia Amey Gadbois, b., Salem, Conn., Oct. 5, 1871; dau. of Washington Irving and Julia Anne (Stanton) Gadbois. He is in the employ of W. R. Perry Ice Co., New London, Conn. Dau.: Eliza May, b., Stonington, Jan. 29, 1895. Res., 1905, Groton, Conn. (3) Fannie May, b. Dec. 26, 1874; m., Stonington, May 26, 1897, Charles E. Austin, b., Centerville, R. I., Aug. 3, 1872; son of Caleb W. and Marinda A. (Hall) Austin, of Exeter, R. I. He is a carpenter; both are members of the Broad St. Christian Church. Res., 1905, William St., Westerly, R. I. (4) Albert L., b. Jan. 28, 1876; m., Stonington, Feb. 12, 1900, Mary H. Brown, b., Ledyard, Conn., Jan. 27, 1879; dau. of Aaron and Deborah (Perkins) Brown. His father, Albert Brown, was the son of Nathaniel, long-time residents and farmers in Led- yard. Child: Clarabelle, b. Sept. 19, 1903. Res., 1905, Mystic, Conn. [Here ends the lineage of James Brown (276)]. Capt. Jeptha Brown (278), son of Elder Simeon (72) and Dorothy (Hern) Brown [James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., July 20, 1758; m. (i), Stonington, Lydia Gardner, b. Apr. 16, 1760; d. Nov. 10, 1783; m. (2), Dorcas Gardner, sister of first wife, b. Dec. 10, 1753; daus. of Abiel and Ruth (Shaw) Gardner, dau. of Comfort and Susannah Shaw; m. (3) Lydia Brown, dau. of James Brown. No issue. Capt. Brown was a revo- lutionary soldier. Son, by first m. : 1108. Jeptha Howland, b., Stonington, 1779; d. 1830. Dau., by second m.: Lydia, b. ; m. David Brown; moved to Pennsylvania. Jeptha Howland Brown (1108), son of Capt. Jeptha (278) [Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., 1779; d. 158 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1830; interred in Brown Cemetery; m. Betsey Miner, sister of Elder Asher Miner, b., Stonington, 1783; d. 1827. Children, b. No. Stonington: 1109. Dorcas, m. (i) Jed. Austin; (2) Martin Rice. Had a dau. Char- lotte. Lived in Roxbury, Mass. mo. Hannah Emma, b. Sept. 5, 1815. nil. Ledyard, b. ; d. ; unm. 1 1 12. Roswell, b. ; d. ; unm. 1 1 13. Ezra, b. ; d., Ashaway, R. I., 1901. 1 1 14. David, b. ; d. ; unm. 1115. Lydia Martha, b. Feb. 27, 1823 (1121-1124). 1116. Thomas J., b. Sept. 3, 1825 (1125-1135). Hannah Emma (mo), b. Sept. 5, 1815; d., Bristol, R. I., Dec. 28, 1901; m., Newport, R. I., Nov. 18, 1838, Walter Burdick Stanton, b., Charles- town, R. I., Nov. 29, 1808; d., Bristol, Oct. 31, 1881; twelfth and youngest child of Dea. Daniel Stanton and wife Sarah Franklin, dau. of Abel Frank- lin, of Block Island, b. in 1758. Walter B. Stanton and family removed from Newport to Bristol, Apr., 1844. Children, b. Newport: 11 17. George Franklin, b. Feb. 22, 1840. 1 1 18. Harriet Lewis, b. Mar. 8, 1842; unm. 1119. Abbie, b. Nov. 27, 1843; unm. George Franklin Stanton (1117), b., Newport, R. I., Feb. 22, 1840; d., Bristol, R. I., Dec. i, 1896; m., Bristol, June 22, 1871, Margaret Diman Bradford, b., Bristol, May 13, 1843. Res., 1905, Hope St., Bristol, R. I. Dau.: 1 1 20. Emma Bradford, b., Bristol, Nov. 3, 1873. Lydia Martha Brown (1115), dau. of Jeptha H. and Betsey (Miner) Brown [Capt. Jeptha (278), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn,, Feb. 27, 1823; m. (i) Allen Wright, who d. 1840; no issue; m. (2), No. Stonington, Sept. 9, 1840, Dudley B. Green. Res., 1905, Grand St., New London, Conn. Children, by second m.: 1121. Charles Dudley, b.. No. Stonington, Feb. 2, 1852. Res., 1905, New London, Conn. 1122. Lillian A., b. Jan. 17, 1855. Res., 1905, New London, Conn. 1123. Willie H., b. Jan. 17, 1858; unm. Res., 1905, with his mother, Grand St., New London, Conn. 11 24. George W., b. Oct. 25, i860; d. young. 159 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Thomas J. Brown (1116), son of Jeptha H. and Martha (Miner) Brown [Capt. Jeptha (278), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. Sept. 3, 1825; d. Nov. 7, 1877; m., No. Stonington, Conn., Dec. 20, 1846, Mary Shefl&eld, b., Charlestown, R. I., May 29, 1826; d. May 23, 1902. Children: 1 125. Sarah F., b.. No. Stonington, Jan. 9, 1848. 1 126. George H., b. Dec. 25, 1850; d. young. 1 127. Betsey Anna, b. Jan. 19, 185 1; m. Samuel O. West. Res., 1905, Westerly, R. I. Children : (i) Anna West, m. Kearns. Son: William. (2) Eugene West, m. Mary Knowles. Have four children. (3) Mary Eveline, m. Wm. F. Miller. Res., 1905, Westerly, R. I. 1 128. Susan Lorett, b. Aug. 2, 1852; m. (i). Westerly, Nov. 18, 1874, Israel F. York, b., Lowell, Mass., July, 1837; d.. Providence, R. I., Nov. 2, 1887; m. (2), Providence, June 16, 1896, George Payne Bicknell, b., E. Greenwich, R. I., Apr. 20, 1865. No issue. Res., 1905, 48 America St., Providence, R. I. 1 1 29. Mary Eliza, b. Feb. 21, 1856; m. Sterry E. Barber; both deceased. 1 130. Martha Ellen, b. May 16, 1858; deceased; m. Thomas E. Rhodey. 1131. Thomas Edgar, b. Oct. 24, 1859; m. Eva Collins. Policeman, Westerly, R. I. 1132. Charles H., b. Sept. i, 1862; m. Carry Quebec. Res., 1905, Westerly, R. I. 1133. Lillian C, b. Jan. 8, 1866; deceased; m. David Crumb. Sarah F. Brown (11 25), dau. of Thomas J. and Mary (Sheffield) Brown [Jeptha H. (1107), Capt. Jeptha (278), Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Jan. 9, 1848; m.. Ash- away, R. I., Aug. 7, 1870, Horace B. Pierce, b. June 18, 1847. Res., 1905, Westerly, R. I. Children: 1 134. Lillian Viola, b. Oct. 29, 187 1. 1 135. Horace W. Albertus, b. Aug. 10, 1874; d. Aug. 24, 1893. As a number of the Brown family married into the Miner family, the fol- lowing is given to show their connections: 160 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Christopher Miner, b., Stonington, Conn., Mar. i6, 1745; m., Stonington, Feb. II, 1765, Mary Randall. Children, b. Stonington: 1 136. Christopher, b. Dec. 10, 1765. 1 137. Mary, b. Mar. 26, 1767; m. Robert Miner. 1 138. Sabra, b. Feb., 1769. 1139. Isaac, b. Mar. 2, 1773; m. Keturah Brown. 1140. Elias, b. Mar. 4, 1775; m. (i) Phebe Brown, (2) Betsey Brown. 1141. Cyrus, b. May 4, 1777. 1142. Randall, b. Mar. 2, 1786. Christopher Miner (1136), son of Christopher and Mary Randall [have no record of his wife]. Children: 1 143. Christopher, b. 1 144. Joshua, b. 1 145. Luke, b. ; m. Matilda Brown (384). 1 146. Thomas, b. 1 147. Abigail, b. ; m. Avery Brown. Keturah Brown (382b), dau. of Dea. Zebulon and Anne (Main, 808) Brown [James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. 1775; m., Stonington, Conn., Isaac Miner (1139), b. Mar. 2, 1773; son of Christopher and Mary (Randall) Miner. [Data taken from gravestones from an old burying-ground located west of the road that leads from the turnpike to Angwilla, near the house of the late Deacon Ezra Miner, in Stonington.] Children: 1148. Keturah, b. Sept. 28, 1797. 1149. Isaac W., b. 1799; m.. Mar. 29, 1829, EHza Green. 1 150. Zebulon, b. Jan. 13, 1801; m. Hulda Main. 1151. Anna, b. Dec. 11, 1803; m. Prentice Main. 1152. Palmer N., b. July 29, 1805; m. Martha P. York, b. June 7, 1814; dau. of Nathan York (1276). 1153. Denison W., b. Dec. 13, 1809; d. May 27, 1886, aged seventy- six years and five months; m.. May 20, 1832, Clarissa M, Park, dau. of Israel Park; b. Dec. 13, 1814; d. Dec. 29, 1897. 1 154. Mary E., b. ; m. Luke Chesborough. Elias Miner (1140), son of Christopher and Mary (Randall) Miner, b., Stonington, Conn., Mar. 4, 1775; d. Jan. 22, 1858, aged eighty-four years; m. (i) Phebe Brown, b. 1770; dau. of Deacon Zebulon (74) and Anne 161 THE BROWN GENEALOGY (Main) Brown; djune 27, 1817, aged forty-seven years. [Data from tomb- stone.] Children, b. Stonington: 1 155. Christopher, b. 1 156. Thomas, b. 1 157. Mary, b. ; m. Benj. Spaulding. 1158. Phebe, b. ; m. (i) James Wheeler, (2) Clark Davis. 1 159. Alfred, b. Mar. 14, 1810; m. Minerva Niles. 1160. Latham, b. Mar. 4, 1814; m. (i) Lydia Dodge, (2) Maria Johnson. Elias Miner, after the death of his wife Phebe (Brown) Miner, m. (2), Stonington, Nov. 4, 181 7, Betsey Brown (383), b., Stonington, Apr. 16, 1789; d. Dec. I, 1883; dau. of Mathew (382) and Elizabeth (Brown) Brown (280), dau. of Elder Simeon Brown. [Data from tombstone, north of Ang- willa, Stonington.] Children by second m. : 1161. Dudley, b. Sept. 28, 1818; d. Oct. 15, 1819. 1162. Charles W., b. Apr. 19, 1821; d. Jan. 17, 1822. 1163. Almira, b. Mar. 21, 1823; d. Apr. 16, 1867; m., Sept. 20, 1838, Rev. Ichabod B. Maryott. , 1 164. Elias H., b. Nov. 23, 1825. 1165. Nelson B., b. Nov. 13, 1827; d. Feb. 12, 1830. 1 166. Erastus D., b. Dec. 16, 1829; m. Jane P. Breed. 1167. Martha E., b. Sept. 7, 1832; m., July 4, 1852, Noyes S. Chap- man. Elias H. Miner (1164), son of Elias and Betsey (Brown) Miner, b., Stonington, Conn., Nov. 23, 1825; m., No. Stonington, Mar. 22, 1853, Clarissa Miner, b., No. Stonington, July 26, 1836; dau. of Denison W. (1153) and Clarissa M. (Park) Miner. Mr. Miner is the owner of large farms, rich and very productive, in Stonington; he and his two sons are the owners of more acres of productive land than any in Stonington. Res., 1905, Stonington (Angwilla), Conn. P. O. address. Westerly, R. I. Children, b. Stonington: 1168. Horace D.,b. Sept. 17, 1855; m. (i),Sept. 16, 1880, Lucy Chap- man, b. Aug. 2, 1862; d. Sept. 16, 1884; dau. of W. R. and Lovinia (Sherman) Chapman, of Westerly, R. I. Dau.: Bessie Lucy Chapman Miner, b. Jan. 10, 1881; m., Somer- ville, Mass., Oct. 5, 1902, Geo. Albert Marshall, b., Lowell, Mass., Jan. 9, 1877. He is cashier and bookkeeper. Child: 162 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Clara Angenette, b. Apr. 21, 1905. Horace D. Miner, after the death of his wife Lucy (Chapman) Miner, m. (2) Grace Wheeler Billings, dau. of Sanford Billings, of Stonington. Son: Elias Billings, b. 1905. Res., 1905, Stonington, Conn. 1 169. John R., b. Feb. 2, 1861; unm. 1 1 70. Charles H., b. Nov. 13, 1862; d., aged ten years. Deacon Erastus Denison Miner (1166), son of Elias and Betsey (Brown) Miner (383), b., Stonington, Conn., Dec. 16, 1829; m., Stonington, Aug. 15, 1852, Jane P. Breed, b. Nov. 15, 1831; dau. of Isaac Sheffield and Phebe Prentice (Hewett) Breed. Res., 1905, Stonington, Conn. P. O. address, Westerly, R. I. Children, b. Stonington: 1 171. Hermon E., b. Aug. 9, 1853; m. (i) Fanny Gavitt, (2) Fanny Wilcox. No issue. 1 172. Sarah Jane, b. Oct. 13, 1858; m. Hermon C. Brown (444-447). 1173. Mary Emma, b. Feb. 23, 1862; m. Frank E. Wilcox. No issue. 1 174. Annie Elizabeth, b. Feb. 27, 1864; m. John Seymore. No issue. Matilda Brown (384), dau. of Mathew (382) and Elizabeth Brown (280) [Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas; on her mother's side. Elder Simeon (72), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Mar. 10, 1791; m., Stonington, Luke Miner (1145), son of Chris- topher (1136). Luke and Matilda soon after marriage moved to Vermont, where three of their children were born. From there they moved to Pharsalia, N. Y., and later to Otselic, N. Y. Matilda Brown Miner was an ideal mother, a woman of rare Christian character, great courage, and good judgment. When moving from Pharsalia to Otselic she rode on a colt and carried her infant son Joshua in her arms. Then the country was new and wild; they travelled by blazed trees. What is now, 1905, the beautiful village of So. Otselic, N. Y., with city water and gas, then had nothing but log houses in the town. Children: 1 1 75. Luke, m. Lucy Ann Miner, dau. of Joshua Miner. He lived at Galesburg, 111. 1 1 76. Eunice, b. ; m. Samuel Messenger. Children: Rosanna, Frank, and Hannah. 1 177. Mathew Brown Miner, b., Halifax, Vt., May 3, 1810. 1178. Edson, b. ; m., Brookfield, N. Y., Deborah York, dau. of Bell York. Children: Treat Y., res., 1905, Georgetown, N. Y.; Charles, res., 1905, Cortland, N. Y. 163 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1 1 79. Samuel, b. ; m. Mary Brown, of Brookfield, N. Y. No issue. 1 180. Ezekiel, b. ; m. Patience Myres. Children: Lovisa, John, Orcelia, and others living in different places West. 1 181. Simeon, b., Pharsalia, July 30, 1818; d., So. Otselic, July 2, 1900; m. (i) Almira Bentley. He was a farmer and a Re- publican. Children: ii8ia. Leslie, b. . Res., 1905, Syracuse, N. Y. ii8ib. Philura, b. ; m. David Cross. Res., 1905, Linchlaen Center, N. Y. 1181C. Rosetta, b., So. Otselic, May 5, 1843; "^•' So. Otselic, Oct. 19, 1859, George Hall, b., Chittenango, N. Y., 1834; d., Fort Plain, N. Y., May 14, 1896; son of Albro Hall and Carrie Children, b. Little Falls, N. Y.: (i) Ernest E., b. May 19, 1865, d., Little Falls, June 16, 1872; (2) Jennie A., b. Feb. 5, 1867; m.. Fort Plain, N. Y., Oct., 1888, Joseph Fox; in 1905 she was divorced and resumed her maiden name. Dau. : Henrietta Rosetta, b., Fort Plain, Dec. 31, 1889; she is now, 1906, being educated at Academy of the Sacred Heart, Albany, N. Y.; (3) Albro, b. Feb. 7, 1873, d.. Little Falls, June 3, 1891; (4) Ernest Eugene; (5) Jennie Ann; (6) Albro W. 1 18 id. Edgar, b. ; removed to a Western State. ii8ie. Philena, b. ; m. Albert Dellon; d. 1900. ii8if. Emma, b. ; m. Martin Haven. Res., Syracuse, N. Y. ii8ig. Ethelyndia, b. ; m. Curtis Kenyon. Res., 1905, So. Otselic, N. Y. ii8ih. Everett, b. . Res., 1905, E. Homer, N. Y. ii8ii. Lida, b. ; m. Henry M. Peyser. Res., 1906, Brussels, Belgium. Simeon Miner, after the death of his wife Almira (Bentley) Miner, m. (2), De Ruyter, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1863, Harriette E. Burt, b., Linchlaen, N. Y., July 23, 1844; dau. of Francis and Susan E. (Stewart) Burt of Linchlaen. She was educated in the public schools and at the De Ruyter Seminary. Res., 1906, So. Otselic, N. Y. Children by second m., b. So. Otselic: 1181J. Kittie A., b. Mar. 9, 1865; m.. So. Otselic, Sept. 26, 1883, Van Ness Peckham, of Georgetown, N. Y. Children: Francis, Arlie, and Ivalou. ii8ik. Burt W., b. June 3, 1869; unm. 164 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1181I. Clayton L., b. Nov. 23, 1873; m., New Woodstock, June 28, 1902, Linna Davis. Have one child. Res., 1906, So. Otselic, N. Y. 1 182. Joshua, b. Pharsalia, N. Y.; d. Jan. 11, 1868; m. Elizabeth Main, of Brookfield. After his death his widow and children returned to So. Otselic, in 1869. 1 183. Betsey Ann, b.. So. Otselic, July 17, 1825. Mathew Brown Miner (1177), son of Luke and Matilda (Brown, 384) Miner [Mathew (382), Deacon Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Halifax, Vt., May 3, 1810; d., Brookfield, N. Y., May 31, 1896, aged eighty-si.x years; m., Brookfield, Elizabeth Miner, dau. of Joshua Miner, son of Christopher. Children, three d. in infancy: 1 184. Alfred, b. 1834; d. 1874; m.; both deceased. 1 185. George Mathew, b., Brookfield, June 16, 1850; m., Brookfield, Sept. 15, 1870, Ellen M. Spohn, b. 1848. Farmer. Res., 1905, Leonardsville, N. Y. Dau., b. Brookfield: 1 186. Lela, b. July 16, 1879; m., Brookfield, Oct. 13, 1895, Elbert Henry Mott, b., Leonardsville, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1875; son of Henry Samuel and Lucy (Dye) Mott. Both were educated in the public schools and High School of Leonardsville. Farmer. Dau.: Georgia L. Miner Mott, b. Feb. 27, 1901. Res., 1905, Unadilla Forks, N. Y. Betsey Ann Miner (1183), dau. of Luke and Matilda (Brown, 384) Miner [Mathew (382), Deacon Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b.. So. Otselic, N. Y., July 17, 1825; d.. So. Otselic, Jan. 6, 1906; m.. So. Otselic, John P. Newton, b., So. Otselic, Oct. 2, 1825; son of Denny and Sally (Parker) Newton; is a retired merchant. Res., 1905, So. Otselic, N. Y. Children, b. So. Otselic: 1 187. Delia, b. Oct. 23, 1850; m. Arthur R. Tucker. 1188. La Vette, b. Sept. 25, 1852; m. Nettie Ufford. Son: Channing L., b. 188 1. Bookkeeper at Albany, N. Y. 1 189. Ida De Ette, b. Sept. 28, i860; m. De Forest A. Preston. Chil- dren: Niel D., student at Cornell University, N. Y.; Theo- dore; Lona Adil; Paul, d. young. 1190. J. Floyd, b. Jan. 28, 1865; m., Dec. 25, 1905, Minnie Soule. [The end of Matilda Brown and Luke Miner's record.] Nos. 1191-1215 are omitted, being covered by the work of Charles N. Brown. 165 THE BROWN GENEALOGY THE MATERIAL FOR NOS. 1216-3934, INCLUSIVE, WAS PREPARED AND FURNISHED BY CHARLES N. BROWN, ESQ. (3442), OF MADISON, WIS. Mary Brown (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn.; m., Jan. 9, 1704, Thomas York, b. Oct. 14, 1676; son of James and Deborah (Bell) York, of Stonington. Children: 1216. William York, b. Oct. 3, 1705 (i225-i228a). 1217. Mary York, b. Aug. 17, 1710. 1218. Thankful York, b. Apr. 25, 1712. 1219. Thomas York, b. Jan. 24, 1714 (1229-1237). 1220. John York, b. Mar. 18, 1716; d. May 12, 1784 (1238-1243). 1221. Joseph York, b. Jan. 22, 1718 (1244-1249). 1222. Deborah York, b. Jan. 13, 1720. 1223. Collins York, b. 1722 (1250-1252). 1224. Bell York, b. 1725; d. May 23, 1798 (1253-1265). William York (12 16), son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Oct. 3, 1705; m. (i). May 18, 1727, Comfort Burdick, d. July 22, 1728. Son: 1225. William York, b. Feb. 22, 1728 (1266-1271). He m. (2), Feb. 22, 1730, Hannah Palmer, dau. of Jonathan Palmer and Mary or Mercy Manwarring; b. Dec. 12, 171 1. Children: 1226. Amos York, b. Oct. 15, 1730 (4300-4311). 1227. Mary York, b. Apr. 30, 1732. 1228. Jonathan York, b. Aug. 29, 1735. 1228a. William York, b. 1743. Thomas York (1219), brother of the preceding, b. Jan. 24, 1714; m., Nov. 10, 1737, Deborah Brown. Children: 1229. Thomas York, b. July 28, 1738 (1272). 1230. Jesse York, b. Aug. i, 1740 (1273-1279). 1 23 1. Deborah York, b. Feb. 5, 1742. 1232. Samuel York, b. May 22, 1745. 1233. Jabesh York, b. July 25, 1748. 1234. Allen York, b. Jan. i, 1754; m. Zerviah Wheeler, Jan. 18, 1776 (4312, 4313). 166 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1235. Dorothy York, b. June 16, 1758. 1236. Hannah York, b. May 15, 1760. 1237. Charlotte York, b. Aug. 13, 1764. John York (1220), brother of the preceding, b. Mar. 18, 1716; d. May 12, 1784; m. Anna Brown, Sept. 13, 1743. [Wheeler says July 30.] He is said to have been engaged in iron works in Stonington, Conn., and probably kept an hotel there. After his death his wife lived with her dau., wife of Elder Jedediah Randall. On his removal to Norwich, N. Y., she journeyed thither in a chaise, through the wilderness, accompanied by Hon. Charles York, who was then a lad. She made her home in Norwich, where she d. Dec. 24, 1818, aged ninety-seven years. Children: 1238. John York, b. July 30, 1745; d., Brookfield, N. Y., June 16, 1820 (1280-1289). 1239. Anna York, b. May 22, 1746; d. young. 1240. Anna York, b. July 17, 1755; d. Apr. 26, 1817; m., Feb. 27, 1772, Daniel Brown. She is said to have been a follower of Jemima Wilkinson, "the Public Universal Friend," the founder of a religious community in Jerusalem, Yates Co., N. Y. 1241. Lucy York, b. Aug. 30, 1758; d. Sept. 17, 1843 (1290, 1291). 1242. LydiaYork,b. Feb. 28, 1760; d. Oct., 1822; m. Thomas Miner, who was a deacon in Elder Simeon Brown's church (4314- 4319)- 1243. Martha York, b. Apr. 27, 1761; d., Norwich, Oct. 29, 1848; m., Aug. I, 1799, Rev. Jedediah Randall, B., Stonington, Mar. 30, 1758; d., Norwich, Feb. 24, 1844. He served three years as a soldier in the Revolutionary war. He was ordained in Connecticut in 1807, and preached there for several years. In 18 1 2 he came to Norwich, where he stayed only a few weeks. He found a number of Baptists, but no church organ- ization. At their urgent solicitation he returned and organ- ized a church, of which he remained the pastor until the time of his death. He was also prominent as a man of affairs, and was the owner of a valuable farm in the outskirts of the village, now cut up into building-lots. Joseph York (1221), brother of the preceding, b. Jan. 22, 1718; m. (i) Hannah Chesebrough, or Palmer, May 24, 1744; m. (2), Aug. 25, 1748, Esther Jamison. 167 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 1244. Christopher York, b. July i, 1749. 1245. Gershom York, b. Apr. 7, 1753; m., Feb. 3, 1835, Lois Wil- liams, dau. of Samuel Williams and Lois AUyn, of Groton. He went to Randolph, Vt. 1246. Joseph York, b. Sept. 6, 1756. 1247. Esther York, b. Aug. 16, 1759. 1248. Robert York, b. Oct. 17, 1761. 1249. Hannah York, b. Mar. 11, 1764. Collins York (1223), brother of the preceding, b. 1722; m. (i). May 29, 1755, Eunice Grant, b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 23, 1745; m. (2), Dec. 11, 1776, Freelove Palmer. Children, by first m. : 1250. Eunice York, b. Apr. 16, 1756. 1251. Collins York, b. Sept. 25, 1758 (1292-1294). 1252. Oliver York, b. Mar. 15, 1762; m., Nov. 4, 1784, Rebecca Swan (4320-4326). Bell York (1224), brother of the preceding, b. 1725; d. May 23, 1798; m., Feb. 18, 1747, Ruth Main. His descendants settled in Brookfield, N. Y. Children : 1253. Ruth York, b. May 14, 1748; d. Feb. 20, 1820; m. Rev. Simeon Brown, Jr., 275 (888-894). 1254. Bell York, b. Feb. 16, 1750 (1295-1303). 1255. James York, b. Oct. 9, 1752 (i304-i3iia). 1256. Mary York, b. May 15, 1754; d. same year. 1257. James York, b. Sept. 15, 1756 (4327-4331). 1258. Thede York, b. Oct. 4, 1758; d., Brookfield, July 6, 1839; m. Zebulon Brown, 376 (i3i2-i3i8a). 1259. Sarah York, b. Jan. 22, 1761; m. Rufus Main (833), son of Timothy Main and Elizabeth (Brown) Main (75). 1260. Phebe York, b. Nov. 30, 1762 (1319, 1320). 1261. Jeremiah York, b. Jan. 3, 1765 (i32oa-i326). 1262. Nabby York, b. Apr. 4, 1766; d., Brookfield, Aug. 12, i860 (1327-1329). 1263. Mary York, b. May 15, 1767 (1330-1337). 1264. Yeomans York, b. Mar. 4, 1770; d., Brookfield, May 23, 1861 (1338-1346). 1265. Stephen York, b. (1347-1355). 16S THE BROWN GENEALOGY William York (1225), son of William (12 16) and Comfort (Burdick) York, son of Thomas York and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b. 1743; d. 1835; ^- Nannie Peckham. Children: 1266. Benjamin York (1356). 1267. James York (1357-1359)- 1268. Augustus York. 1269. William York. 1270. Stephen York. 1 27 1. Isaac York. Thomas York (1229), son of Thomas (1219) and Deborah (Brown) York, son of Thomas York and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b. July 28, 1738; m., Mar. 9, 1758, Abigail Main. Son: 1272. Thomas York. Jesse York (1230), brother of the preceding, b. Feb. 5, 1742; m., Jan. 7, 1762, Anna Breed. 1273. Anna York, b. Dec. 5, 1762 (4332-4337). 1274. Lois York, b. Sept. 14, 1765 (1360, 1361). 1275. Jesse York, b. Apr. 13, 1768 (1362, 1363). 1276. Nathan York, b. Sept. 8, 1771; m. a Breed (4338-4352). 1277. Deborah York, b. May 14, 1774 (1303a, 1303b). 1278. William York, b. Jan. i, 1777 (i364-i364g). 1279. Reuben York, b. Oct. 2, 1780; m., Jan. i, 1804, Hannah Breed (4355-4358). John York (1238), son of John (1220) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Thomas York and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b. July 30, 1745; d. June 16, 1820; m.. May 24, 1770, Keturah Brown (127) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Aug. 30, 1752 [in the York Genealogy the date of her birth is given as Sept. 9, i75i];'(i., Bridge- water, N. Y., at the home of her dau. Nancy, with whom she made her home after the death of her husband. They emigrated from Stonington, Conn., to Brookfield, N. Y., during the last decade of the eighteenth cen- tury, but the precise date is not known with certainty. They had already a considerable family, and some of them are said to have preceded their parents to New York. It is thought that their permanent removal was in the year 1800, when they came with the remainder of their family and settled in Beaver Creek Valley, about two miles south of the village of Brookfield. On his coming he occupied a log house standing by some rocks 169 THE BROWN GENEALOCzY in the meadow east of the road running through it, and near the south line of the farm north of the Chauncey Hibbard place. Later he lived and died in a frame house on the hill forty or fifty rods south. Not long after their settlement in Brookiield, Keturah York made a journey on horseback to Utica for household supplies, bringing back in her saddle-bags, among other things, a set of dishes, some pieces of which are still treasured by her de- scendants. John York had ten children and fifty-five grandchildren. Children: 1280. John York, b. Mar. 17, 1771; d. Jan. 23, 1812 (1365-1370). 1281. Thomas York, b. Feb. 24, 1773; d. June 8, 1854 (1371-1384). 1282. Keturah York, b. June i, 1775; d. Mar. 21, 1861 (1385-1392). 1283. Ichabod York, b. Oct. 20, 1777; d. Apr. i, 1846 (1393-1407). 1284. Patty York, b. Feb. 23, 1780; d. Aug. 30, 1818 (1408-1411). 1285. Nancy York, b. June 16, 1782; d. June 11, 1859 (1412-1418). 1286. Lucinda York, b. Feb. 24, 1785; d. Oct. 7, 1863 (1419-1423). 1287. Sally York, b. Oct. 20, 1787; d. July 24, 1874 (1424-1429). 1288. Lydia York, b. Aug. 9, 1790. She was of unsound mind from early womanhood, and d. 1870. 1289. Lucy York, b. July 15, 1794; d. 1856; m., 1836, Jonathan Palmer, the brother of the husbands of her sisters Patty and Nancy. Lucy York (1241), sister of the preceding, b. Aug. 30, 1758; d. Sept. 17, 1843; "^- ■^^^ Spaulding. He was a physician and a member of the Baptist Church. Children : 1290. John Spaulding. 1 291. Daniel Brown Spaulding, b., No. Stonington, Conn., Sept. 7, 1802; d., Stonington, Aug. 14, 1866 (4394c). Collins York (1251), son of Collins York (1223) and Eunice (Grant) York, son of Thomas York and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Sept. 25, 1758; d., Stonington, Mar. 19, 1795; m., May 3, 1781, Mary Randall. Children: 1292. Collins York, b. June i, 1784; d. May 16, 18 10 . [Wheeler gives date of birth June 15.] 1293. Polly, b. June 2, 1787. [Wheeler's record is June 21. For Polly E. D. York gives Oliver. She is omitted in Randall Gene- alogy.] 170 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1294. Charles York, b. July 22, 1793; d., Norwich, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1873 (1430-1438)- Bell York (1254), son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas York and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Feb. 16, 1750; d. ; m. (i), Dec. 23, 1770, Anna Brown, d. May 6, 1795; ^- (2), in 1808, Deborah York (1277). Children by first m.: 1295. Bell York, b. Oct. II, 1771 (1439-1449). 1296. Anna York, b. Feb. 15, 1773; m. Simeon Brown, son of Rev. Simeon Brown, Jr. (938-942) 1297. Sarah York, b. Nov. 23, 1774; d. Jan. 24, 1794. 1298. Esther York, b. Oct. 27, 1776. 1299. Martha York, b. Dec. 16, 1780. 1300. Marvin York, b. Nov. 7, 1781; m. Daniel Main. Had a dau. 1301. Zebulon York, b. Oct. 20, 1783 (i45o-i45of). 1302. Ruth York, b. Mar. 26, 1786. [Wheeler says Mar. 20.] 1303. Phebe York, b. June 30, 1788. Children by second m. : 1303a. Isaac York, b. July 13, 1810. 1303b. Daniel York, b. Sept. 29, 1812; d. Jan. 22, 1866 (4353, 4354). James York (1255), brother of the preceding, b. Sept., 1756; d., Stoning- ton. Conn., by drowning; m., Mar. 11, 1781, Lucy Palmer, d. Apr. 3, 1792. Children: 1304. Lucy York, b. Jan. 29, 1782. 1305. Hannah York, b. Mar. 24, 1783 (1451, 1452). 1306. Martha York, b. June 24, 1784. 1307. Susanna York, b. Oct. 20, 1786. 1308. Nabby York, b. May 22, 1790. * • 1309. Martin York. [Omitted by Wheeler.] 13 ID. Thede York. [Omitted by Wheeler.] 1311. Joseph York (twin), b., Saybrook, Conn., Sept. 28, 1799; d., Wethersfield Springs, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1878 (i452a-i452J). 1311a. Anna York (twin), b., Saybrook, Conn., Sept. 28, 1799; m. Joseph Stanbro (1453, 1454). Thede York (1258), sister of the preceding, b. Oct. 4, 1758; d., Brook- field, N. Y., July 6, 1839; m. (i), Stonington, Conn., Zebulon Brown (376) [Dea. Zebulon (74), Eleazer (11), Thomas]. 171 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : 131 2. Eunice, b., Stonington, Jan. 6, 1780; d., Brookfield, Dec. 27, 1872 (1455-1465). 1313. Zebulon, b., Stonington, June 30, 1781 (1466-1474). 1 3 14. Possibly there was another dau., Thede, who m. her step- brother, George Frink, son of her mother's second husband. She m. (2) Asa Frink, d. Dec. 11, 1834. Both he and his wife are buried in the Brookfield Cemetery. She was his second wife. Children: 1315. Lydia Frink, b., Stonington, Apr. 11, 1788; d., Brookfield, July 6, 1857; m. David Clark (1475-1485). 1316. Lucy Frink, b., Stonington, 1793; d., Brookfield, Apr. 26, 1840 (1486-1491). 1317. Betsey Frink, d., unm., Apr., 1873. 1318. Roxie Frink, b., Brookfield, Dec. 4, 1804; d., De Ruyter, N. Y.; m. Gilbert Frink (i492-i405a). 1318a. Jonas Frink, b.. Westerly, R. I., Dec. 30, 1790; d., Scott, N. J., Aug. 9, 1869 (i495b-i495e). Phebe York (1260), sister of the preceding, b. Nov. 30, 1762; m. Samuel Lewis. It is probable that they were m. in Connecticut. They removed to New York, settling hrst in Brookfield, and later removing to Belleville, Jefferson Co., N. Y. Children : 1319. Bell Lewis, b. and d. in Brookfield. 1320. Jeremiah Lewis. He lived in Jefferson Co. Jeremiah York (1261), brother of the preceding, b. Jan. 3, 1765; m., Apr. r8, 1793, Thankful Thurston. Children : 1320a. Jeremiah York, b. Sept. 25, 1794; d. 1878 (1496-1499). 1321. Fanny York, b. Jan. 7, 1796; m. Randall Main. 1322. Edward York, b. Aug. 20, 1797 (1500-1507). 1323. Martin York, b. July 31, 1799 (1508-1511). 1324. Electa York, b. July 30, 1802. 1325. Ruth C. York,b. ; in 1889 lived in Greenwich, N. Y.; unm. 1326. Lydia York, m. Stephen Main. Nabby York (1262), sister of the preceding, b. Apr. 4, 1766; d. Aug. 12, i860; m., Westerly, R. I., Sept. 4, 1791, Thomas Foster. They settled in Brookfield, N. Y. He d. May 14, 1844. Both are buried in the cemetery in Brookfield. 172 Matilda (Brown) Miner (384) From a daguerreotype ^ ^ TS m~-- 'f 5 O THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 1327. Sally Foster, b., Westerly, Jan. 30, 1794. 1328. Thomas Foster, b. Oct. 17, 1797. 1329. Charles Foster, b. Oct. 27, 1805; d. Dec. 30, 1879. Mary York (1263), sister of the preceding, b. May 15, 1767; m., Stoning- ton. Conn., Zebulon Lewis. Removed to Schaghticoke, N. Y., where he d. The family seem to have removed later to Jefferson Co., N. Y. The sons were all Methodist ministers except Jabez, who was an exhorter. Children: 1330. David Lewis. 1 33 1. Zebulon Lewis. 1332. Polly Lewis. 1333. Jabez Lewis. 1334. Phebe Lewis. 1335. Sarah Lewis, b., Petersburg, N. Y., Mar. 12,1781 (1466-1474), 1336. Simeon Lewis. 1337. Stephen Lewis. Yeomans York (1264), brother of the preceding, b. Mar. 4, 1770; d. May 23, 1861; m. (i), June 19, 1791, Prudence Chapman, d. May 9, 1792; m. (2), Apr. 15, 1794, Amy Rogers; m. (3), Apr. 13, 1814, Catherine Collins, d. Aug. 7, 1877. He was the first of the Yorks to settle in Brookfield, N. Y. He settled on the top of Beaver Hill, a mile and a half east of Brook- field Village. He is credited with helping to raise the first frame house in the town. Later he lived in the York Schoolhouse district, and here he and his third wife d. Son by second m.: 1338. Thomas H. York, b. June 6, 1795; d. Sept. 23, 1840 (1512- ■ 1515)- Children by third m.: 1339. Lelan C. York, b. Jan. 31, 1815; d. Sept. 16, 1897 (1516-1521). 1340. Lewis C. York, b. June 7, 1816; d. Mar. 9, 1883; unm. . He was injured when about eighteen years of age, and was dis- abled until his death. 1341. Lodowick C. York, b. Dec. 22, 1817 (1522-1525). 1342. Warren D. York, b. Apr. 3, 1819; d. Aug., 1895 (1526-1530). 1343. M. Prudence York, b. Mar. 27, 1821 (1531-1533)- 1344. Welcome D. York, b. Aug. 19, 1822; d. Sept. 24, 1871 (1534). 1345. William D. York, b. June i, 1825; d. Sept. 24, 1886 (1535- 1537)- 1346. Albert A. York, b. Nov. 15, 1827 (1538-1540). 173 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Stephen York (1265), brother of the preceding, b. ; m. Rebecca Crandall. He was b. and m. in Connecticut. He removed to Brookfield, N. Y., and there became a successful practising physician. He afterwards removed to Jefferson Co., N. Y., where he d. . Children: 1347. Stephen York, b. June 12, 1796; d. Sept. 19, 1880(1541-1545). 1348. Erastus York, d., Fayetteville, N. Y. 1349. Denison York, b., Brookfield, Aug. 22, 1800; d., De Ruyter. N. Y., Sept., 1881 (1546-1552). 1350. Solomon York, m. an Osterhout. 1351. David York, d. 1891 (1553-1555). 1352. Phebe York, b. May, 1812; m., 1833, Jacob Osterhout. 1353. Jotham York, b., Brookfield; removed to Three Mile Bay, Jefferson Co., N. Y., where he d., previous to 1888 (1556). 1354. Betsey York, d. 1850. 1355. Sophia York. She is said to reside near Milwaukee, Wis. Benjamin York (1266), son of William (1225) and Nannie (Peck- ham) York, son of William (1216) and Comfort (Burdick) York, son of Thomas York and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Han- nah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], m. Desire Saunders. Son: 1356. Benjamin York. James York (1267), brother of the preceding, had children as follows: 1357. William York. 1358. James York. 1359. Martha York. Lois York (1274), dau. of Jesse (1230) and Anna (Breed) York, son of Thomas (1219) and Deborah (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Sept. 14, 1765; m.. Mar. 30, 1786, Elisha Wheeler. Children: 1360. Reuben Wheeler, b. June 15, 1788. 1 36 1. Allen Wheeler, b. May 25, 1793. Jesse York (1275), brother of the preceding, b. Apr. 13, 1768; m.a Miner. Children: 1362. Cynthia York, m., Dec. 25, 1816, John P. Williams. 1363. Nancy York, m. John W. Hall. 174 THE BROWN GENEALOGY William York (1278), brother of the preceding, b. Jan. i, 1777; m., Feb, 7, 1802, at Preston, Conn., Naomi Ray. Children : 1364. Naomi York, b. Dec. 12, 1803. 1364a. Speda York, b. Feb. 4, 1806. 1364b. Jesse York, b. Apr. 19, 1809. 1364c. Stephen York, b. Aug. 3, 181 1. i364d. Maryetta York, b. Apr. i, 1814. i364e. Annie York, b. June 14, 1817. i364f. Ray York, b. Feb. 14, 1820. i364g. Deborah York, b. June 22, 1824. John York (1280), son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127), son of John (1220) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Thomas York and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Mar. 17, 1771; d. Jan. 23, 1812; m., 1794-1795, Patty Wlieeler. He was the first member of the family of his parents to remove to Brookfield, N. Y. He was the first settler in what became distinctively to be the York settlement on both sides of Beaver Creek about two miles south of the village of Brookfield. His log house, the first dwelling in this locality, between the foot of the Chauncey Hibbard hill and the creek, is described in the town records, under date of Oct. 20, 1797, as on the "road that goes from James Satterlee's to John York's," being on the west side of the present highway. In 1811-1812 he had built a frame house by the brookside near the falls some distance west of Beaver Creek, afterwards known as the Icha- bod York, and later as the Samuel Langworthy, place. This house he never occupied. He was found dead by the bridge, where he seemed to have fallen as he was going homeward from his yet unfinished house, having died from the injury or from the exposure to the wintry cold. He was an active, ener- getic, public-spirited man, early serving as a town officer. His widow after- wards m. Luther Brown, removing later to Harmony, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., where she d. at the home of her dau. Patty. Children : 1365. John York, b. Mar. 17, 1796; d. July 26, 1870 (1557-1566). 1366. Patty York, b. 1798; d. Mar., 1851 (1566a, 1566b). 1367. David York, b. Oct. 26, 1800; d. Apr. 19, 1849 (i566c-i566g). 1368. Maritta York, b. (1567-1570). 1369. Wheeler York, b. Jan. 24, 1806; d. Sept. 9, 1874 (1571-1576). 1370. Orrilla York, b. Mar. 27, 1815 (?); d. Mar. 7, 1895 (1577- 1583)- 175 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Thomas York (1281), brother of the preceding, b. Feb. 24, 1773; d. June 8, 1854; m., Mar. 30, 1797, Prudence Hinkley, b. Dec. 9, 1776; d. Apr. 18, 1852. He came to Brookfield, N. Y., with his brother John. Before his marriage he secured the possession of the house which was his home until his death, and in which his family of one son and thirteen daughters was born. This is on the west side of Beaver Creek, two and one-half miles south of Brookfield. His wife was the dau. of Wiot Hinkley, one of the little company coming to Brookfield with John York in 1794. In the organ- ization of the First Day Baptist Church in Brookfield, Thomas was one of the signers of the covenant. Children : 1371. Thomas York, b. Jan. 17, 1798; d. July 16, 1879 (1584-1587). 1372. Prudence York, b. Apr. 24, 1800; d. Nov. 15, 1862 (1588). 1373. Nancy York, b. Mar. 21, 1802; d. May 15, 1862 (1589-1595). 1374. Polly York, b. Mar. 6, 1804; d. Apr., 1840 (1596, 1597). 1375. Esther York, b. Apr. 29, 1805; d. Sept., 1874 (1598-1600). 1376. Eunice York, b. May 7, 1806; d. 1887 (1601-1608). 1377. Eveline York, b. Dec. 24, 1807; d. Dec, 1814. 1378. Betsey York, b. Sept. 15, 1809; d. Oct. 10, 1873; ^- Amos Gates, Jan. 22, 1846. 1379. Clarissa York, b. Oct. 29, 181 1; d., Corry, Penn., Mar., 1890; unm. 1380. Julia Ann York, b. Mar. 22, 1813; d. Mar. 5, 1891; m. (i), 1845, Asa Graham, M.D.; (2), Jan. 17, 1859, Rufus Leon- ard; (3), Nov., 1869, Willard S. Sturtevant. 1381. Susan York, b. Feb. 2, 1815; d. Oct. 19, 1831; unm. 1382. Lucy York, b. Dec. 23, 1816; d. 1841 (1609, 1610). 1383. Phebe York, b. May 10, 1819; d. Nov. 23, 1896 (1611-1616). 1384. Emily York, b. Apr. 19, 1821; d. Dec. 2, 1897; m. (i), Nov. 13, 1842, Franklin Farrar; (2), Oct. 9, 1886, Orrin Howard. Keturah York (1282), sister of the preceding, b. June i, 1775; d. Mar. 21, 1861; m., Nov., 1799, Wheaton Williams, b. July 8, 1774; d. Aug. 26, 1837. She came to Brookfield, N. Y., with her brother Ichabod, and found a home with her brother John, at whose home she was married. She was a member of the Baptist Church from early life. Children : 1385. John Williams, b. Jan. 31, 1801. 1386. Alvin Williams, b. Dec. 25, 1802. 1387. Nancy Williams, b. Sept. 6, 1804. 176 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1388. Sophia Williams, b. Jan. 9, 1807; m., Apr. 9, 1835, Lucas Brown (956-961). 1389. Alaric Williams, b. Oct. 18, 1808; d. 1862; m. (i) Orra Drury; (2) Lydia Worden; (3) Lucretia Champlin. 1390. Aretas Williams, b. Feb. 22, 181 1; m., Dec. 25, 1852, Martha Banks. 1391. Philena Williams, b. Apr. 21, 1813; m., 1842, Nathan Gear. 1392. Almira Williams, b. June 11, 1815; d. 1882; m., 1864, Osmer Gear. IchabodYork (1283), brother of the preceding, b. Oct. 20, 1777; d. Apr. i, 1846; m. (i),Sept. 19, 1805, Hannah Witter. He made his first visit to Brook- field, N. Y., in company with his brothers John and Thomas, in 1795. He returned to Connecticut, but removed permanently to Brookfield in 1797. He began housekeeping in the house first built by his father. Here his eldest child was born. About 1807 he removed to the plateau about midway east and west between the road running south from the Waterman School-house and the Palmiter road to a house then standing on the road running from '' James Satterlee's to John York's." Later he acquired the additional line of lots extending to the Palmiter road, including the house then occupied by Wheaton Williams. In this house on the hill nearly all his children were born. Here Hannah d., July 27, 1784. She was the dau. of Samuel Witter and Tacy (Porter) Witter, of Stonington. Children : 1393. J. Randall York, b. Oct. 5, 1806; d. July 14, 1834. He worked in Leonardsville, N. Y., as a wagon-maker, and later in Belleville, Jefferson Co., N. Y. He was a successful teacher in various schools in the town and village of Brookfield, and held the office of Inspector of Common Schools. He removed to Rushville, 111., in Oct., 1833. He had hardly settled here in business when cholera visited the town. He abandoned his intention to flee, and heroically attended the sick and dying, but became himself a victim of the disease. 1394. Sally G. York, b. Apr. 4, 1808; d. Oct. 9, 1897 (1617-1619). 1395. Julia D. York, b. Mar. 13, 1810; d. Nov. 8, 1892 (1620, 1621). 1396. H. Lucina York, b. Jan. 24, 1812; d. Apr. 28, 1897 (1622- 1625). He m. (2), Oct. 8, 1816, Freelove Gardner, b., Coblesville, Schoharie Co., N. Y. She was married during a visit to her uncle, George Denison, who lived near Five Corners, in Brookfield. She was a member of the Baptist 177 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Church. The children of both marriages early became members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, four of them becoming ministers in that church. One daughter married a Methodist minister; two grandsons were Methodist ministers; and one granddaughter and two great-granddaughters married into the same vocation. Children by second m. : 1397. Denison G. York, b. Aug. 19, 1817; d. Dec. 11, 1844; m., Aug. 19, 1844, Ehza A. Ervine; was a teacher at sixteen; took the full course at Cazenovia Seminary; graduated from Wesleyan University in the class of 1844. He early became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church; was early authorized to preach, and during his college course was in great de- mand for supplying neighboring pulpits. After graduation he was settled at Tunkhannock, Penn., where he commenced a career of great apparent promise, which was cut short by his untimely death. He was probably the first person from his native town to obtain a collegiate education. 1398. Hiram I. York, b. Apr. 9, 1819; d. Dec. 4, 1896 (1626-1628) 1399. Catherine E. York, b. Oct. 17, 1820; d. Mar. 9, 1868 (1629- 1631). 1400. Lydia A. York, b. Mar. 29, 1822; d. Sept. 26, 1892 (1632-1634). 1401. Henry L. York, b. June 29, 1823; drowned Aug. 18, 1843, while a student at Cazenovia Seminary, while bathing in a branch of Anthony's Pond. 1402. William E. York, b. Feb. 2, 1825; d. Feb. 7, 1880 (1635-1640). 1403. Leroy York, b. Aug. 11, 1826; d. later in the same month. 1404. Gilbert R. York, b. Nov. 26, 1827 (1641-1646). 1405. Sidney P. York, b. May 3, 1829; d. June 6, 1903 (1647-1649). 1406. Albert L. York, b. Mar. 31, 1831; d., Brookfield, Feb. 16, 1905 (1650-1652). 1407. Adelia J. York, b. May 23, 1834; d. June 9, 1834. Patty York (1284), sister of the preceding, b. Feb. 23, 1780; d. Aug. 30, 1818; m. Benjamin Palmer, 1806. After their marriage they lived in Bridge- water, N. Y., and other places in the State. Old-fashioned gravestones mark the family graves in the cemetery in Norwich, N. Y. Children : 1408. Patty Palmer, b. 1807; "^- Nelson Taylor. 1409. Prentice Palmer, b. 1810; m. Arvilla Purdy. 1410. Jedediah Palmer, b. 1813; m. Charlotte Lambertson. 141 1. Sally Ann Palmer, b. 1818; m. a Root. 178 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Nancy York (1285), sister of the preceding, b., Stonington, Conn., June 16, 1782; d., Bridgewater, N. Y., June 11, 1859; m.. Mar. 23, 1807, Elisha Palmer, brother of the husband of her sister Patty, b. Mar. 6, 1780. All her married life was spent in Bridgewater. Children: 1412. Elisha York Palmer, b. Aug. 8, 1808; m. Hannah Day. 1413. Nelson Palmer, b. Sept. 22, 1809; m. Arzelia Randall (1653- 1658). 1414. Gershom Palmer, b. Sept. 19, 1811; d. Sept., 1813. 1415. David Palmer, b. Jan. 9, 1813; m. Mrs. Phila Clark. 1416. Clarendon Palmer, b. Jan. 4, 1816; d. 1885. 14 1 7. Nancy Ann Palmer, b. May 29, 18 18; m. Bela Palmer, son of Jonathan Palmer, the husband of Lucy, her mother's young- est sister. 1418. Henry Palmer, b. Feb. 15, 182 1; d. 1872. Lucinda York (1286), sister of the preceding, b. Feb. 14, 1785; d. Oct. 7, 1863; m., July 4, 181 1, Abel P. Clark, d. Jan. 3, 1864. They lived first near the log house occupied by John Y'ork, but later removed to the house west of the Waterman Schoolhouse in Brookfield, N. Y., where the remainder of their life was passed. Children: 1419. William Clark, b. Aug. 11, 1812; d. Mar. 30, 1845; m. Rhoda Combs. 1420. Mary Ann Clark, b. Dec. 6, 1815; d. Apr. 8, 1897; m., Apr., 1852, Wheeler York, d. Sept. 9, 1874. 1421. Prentice Clark, b. Dec. 29, 1816; d. Sept., 1817. 1422. Lucy Clark, b. Aug. 28, 1821; d. June 16, 1903; m., Sept. 8, 1846, Henry Hall. They removed to Walworth, Wis., where he d. July 26, 1855. 1423. Alvin Clark, b. Apr. i, 1823; d. Feb. 14, 1889; m. (i) Maria Bosworth; (2) Charlotte Rogers; (3) Asenath Parks. Sally York (1287), sister of the preceding, b., Stonington, Conn., Oct. 20, 1787; d., Norwich, N. Y., July 24, 1874; m., Mar. 15, 1810, Thomas Pren- tice, adopted son of Elder Jedediah Randall, husband of Martha York (i 243). He was one of the fifteen who organized the new church in Norwich. Soon afterwards he v»^as chosen one of the deacons of that church, holding the office up to the time of his death, Nov. 26, 1865. She joined the church in 1827. They are buried in the village cemetery at Norwich, near their old home. 179 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children, all b. in Norwich: 1424. Ralph Miner Prentice, b. May 4, 1813; d., Vicksburg, Miss., Aug. 28, 1840; graduated from the Theological Seminary and was ordained for the ministry in 1S39; settled at Vicks- burg, and d. the following year. 1425. Henry L. Prentice, b. June 28, 1815; d. July 2, 1818. 1426. Roswell Randall Prentice, b. Jan. 19, 1819; m. (i), 1845, Harriet Calkins, d. 1876; (2) Lucy Newell. After graduating at Colgate University and the Theological School he filled numerous pastorates in the Baptist Church, and was at one time a professor in Kalamazoo College. 1427. Thomas Henry Prentice, b. Dec. 17, 1820; d., Norwich, Feb. 12, 1882 (1659, 1660). 1428. Lydia Ann Prentice, b. Nov. ig, 1822; m. Lorenzo D. Keyes. 1429. Martha Prentice, b. Apr. 27, 1825; d., Norwich, Oct. 27, 1891. Charles York (1294), son of Collins (1251) and Mary (Randall) York, son of CoUins (1223) and Eunice (Grant) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. July 22, 1793; d. Apr. 10, 1873; m., Norwich, N. Y., July 17, 1817, Esther Randall, b., Stonington, Conn., Jan. 14, 1796; d., Norwich, Nov. 21, 1873; dau. of John Randall. He was a member of the firm of Chapman and York, and later managed the large farm of his wife's father. He was a prominent citizen, being Supervisor and one of the Associate Judges of the county. Children, all b. in Norwich: 1430. Charles Collins York, b. Apr. 19, 18 18. He lived in Guilford, N. Y. 1431. Mary Esther York, b. Nov. 17, 1819; d., Norwich, Sept. 24, 1841; m. John Dodge. 1432. Cyrus Edwin York, b. Aug. 11, 1821; d.. Savannah, Ga., .\pr. 14, 1843. 1433. Benjamin Chapman York, b. Sept. 25, 1823; d., Norwich, Apr. 27, 1827. 1434. Henry Lewis York, b. Nov. 8, 1825; d., Norwich, Mar. 29, 1882; m. (i), Mar. 14, 1849, Electa York (1499); m. (2), June 9, 1859, Abbie Wescott. He was collector, 1880- 1881, and clerk, 1856. 1435. Franklin Randall York, b. Sept. 25, 1828; d. Apr. 7, 1832. 1436. John Milton York, b. Oct. 10, 1830; d. Aug. 18, 1832. 180 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1437. Jedediah York, b. June 7, 1833 (1661-1664). 1438. Fayette Tower York, b. Oct. 13, 1835; ^m Norwich, Mar. 7, 1840. Bell York (1295), son of Bell (1254) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (ig), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Apr. II, 1 77 1 [Wheeler says Apr. 10]; m. Polly Purchase. Children: 1439. Sally York, m. John Burroughs. They moved to Pennsyl- vania. Had ten children. 1440. Nancy York, m. Giles Main. Moved to Pennsylvania. No issue. 1441. Polly York, m. Enoch Burroughs, brother of John, the husband of her sister Sally. They lived in Pharsalia, N. Y. Had eleven children. 1442. Electa York, m. Thomas Main, brother of Giles, the husband of Nancy. Lived in Brookfield, N. Y. Had eleven children. 1443. Deborah York, m. Edson Miner. Lived in Otselic, N. Y. Had two children. 1444. Tama York, m. James Talbot. Lived in Edmeston, N. Y. Had children. 1445. Pamelia York, m. Judson Squires. Moved to Pennsylvania. Had four children. 1446. Irene York, m. Thomas Roberts. Lived in Marshall, N. Y. Had four children. 1447. Eliza York, m. Wesley Merchant. 1448. Zebulon York, b. Feb. 22, 1817; d. Jan. i, 1804; it^-t Mar. 6, 1842, Lucy Coon, d. Apr. 4, 1896. They lived in W. Brookfield, N. Y. (1665-1670). 1449. Galusha York, b. 1822; m. . Res., Pennsylvania. Zebulon Brown (1301), brother of the preceding, b. Oct. 20, 1783; m., Mar. 17, 1803, Betsey Chapman, b. Nov. 24, 1785; dau. of Amos and Abi- gail (Burdick) Chapman, of No. Stonington. Children: 1450. Avery York, b. Feb. 28, 1806; d. Oct. 12, 1847. 1450a. Abby York, b. July 9, 1807; d. Apr. 18, 1848. 1450b. John C. York, b. Apr. 8, 1812; d. Mar. 25, 1848. 1450C. Eunice E. York, b. May 16, 1815; d. Dec. 24, 1833. 145 od. Zebulon T. York, b. July 19, 1817; d. Feb. 10, 1899. iSi THE BROWN GENEALOGY 14506. Amos C. York, b. May 24, 1826; d. Jan. 22, 1864. 145 of. Elmina York, b. Apr. 4, 1829; m. Aaron Thompson; d. Mar. 14, 1822 (4394a). Hannah York (1305), dau. of James (1255) and Lucy (Palmer) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b. Mar. 24, 1783; m. Jabez Ray. Children: 1 45 1. Stephen Ray. 1452. Asher Ray. Joseph York (131 1), son of James (1255) and Lucy (Palmer) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b., Saybrook, Conn., Sept. 28, 1799; d., Wethersfield Springs, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1878; m., New Haven, Conn., 1824, Hannah Breed, dau. of Stephen Breed; b. New Haven; d., Wethersfield Springs, Dec. 18, 1850. They lived at one time in Brookfield, N. Y., near the York Schoolhouse. Children : 1452a. Hannah York, b. July i, 1826; d., Mondovi, Wis., Dec. 20, 1892; m. Asper Strong. 1452b. Sophia A. York, b. Jan. 3, 1829; m. Walter Cheney. 1452c. Lucy A. York, b. Feb. 9, 1830; d., San Diego, Cal., May 29, 1893; m. John Boyd. i452d. Louisa C. York, b. June i, 1832; d.. National City, Cal., Oct. 14, 1892; m. Ivory Plaisted. 14526. Irving W. York, b., Brookfield, Jan. 24, 1834; d.. Portage, Wis., Nov. II, 1894 (i67oa-i67oc). 145 2f. Stephen B. York, b. Mar. 18, 1835; m. Pina Mallory. i452g. Mary E. York, b. Feb. 17, 1840; m. Lewis Bigelow. i452h. John L. York, b. Sept. 12, 1841; d., St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 11, 1862. 145 2i. William A. York, b. Feb. 24, 1843; d., Helena, Ark., Feb. 15, 1864. 145 2J- Ward N. York, b. July 12, 1845; d., Hopbottom, Penn.; m. Ella West. Anna York (1311a), sister of the preceding, b. Sept. 28, 1799; m. Joseph Stanbro. 182 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : 1453. Henry Stanbro. 1454. Charles Stanbro. One was a physician and the other a teacher living at Stanbro, south of De Ruyter, N. Y. Eunice Brown (1312), dau. of Zebulon (376) [Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas] and Thede (York) Brown (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Jan. 6, 1780; d., Brookfield, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1872; m., Brookfield, May 4, 1797, Robert Randall, b., Stonington, Feb. 6, 1774; d., Brookfield, Dec. 15, 1859; son of Robert and Lucy (Pendleton) Randall. Children, all b. in Brookfield: 1455. Robert Brown Randall, b. July 15, 1798; m., Pittsfield, N.Y., Dec. 25, 1844, Ruth Briggs, b., Pittsfield, Oct. 7, 1798; dau. of John and Patience Briggs. No issue. 1456. Eunice Randall, b. Oct. 4, 1800; d., Clarksville, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1868 (1696-1707). 1457. Ella Babcock Randall, b. Apr. 19, 1803; d., Cortland, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1824; unm. 1458. Alvin Randall, b. May 10, 1805; d-> Leonardsville, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1896; m. (i), Brookfield, Sept. 26, 1831, Lucy Hinkley, dau. of Luther Hinkley; b., Brookfield, Sept. 20, 181 2; d., Brookfield, Jan. 26, 1873; m. (2), Dec. 22, 1875, Mrs. Eliza- beth M. Chesebrough, nee Dutcher, b., Edmeston, N. Y. ; d. Apr. 28, 1902. No issue. 1459. Maria Randall, b. June 4, 1807; d., Brookfield, Sept. 13, 1842 (922, 923). 1460. Marcus Delazon Randall, b. Dec. 4, 1809; d., Milton Junc- tion, Wis., Sept. 4, 1891 (1712). 1461. Harriet Stephens Randall, b. Feb. 27, 1812; m. (i), Brookfield, Dec. 25, 1843, Thomas Rogers, b., Brookfield, Aug. 26, 1808; d., Brookfield, Apr. 12, 1847; m. (2), Brookfield, Oct. 14, 1855, Justus R. Brown (990), b., Brookfield, Oct. 25, 1807. 1462. Amelia Louise Randall, b. Sept. 16, 1813; d., Brookfield, Jan. 28, 1815. 1463. Roswell Randall, b. Jan. 11, 1816; d., Brookfield, Nov. 13, 1844; m., Canton, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1843, Letitia, dau. of THE BROWN GENEALOGY Isaac and Mary J. Hill, b., Elbridge, N. Y., Sept. i, 1820. He was a teacher. No issue. 1464. Hannah Brown Randall, b. Dec. 29, 1818; d., Brookfield, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1884; unm. 1465. Roxie F. Randall, b. Apr. 29, 1822. Res., Olean, N. Y. She has taken great interest in this work, and has supplied much of the information as to the descendants of her grandmother, Thede (York) Brown (1258). Zebulon Brown (1313), brother of the preceding, b., Stonington, Conn., June 30, 1781; m., 1807, Sarah Lewis, b., Petersburg, N. Y., Mar. 12, 1781; dau. of Zebulon Lewis and Mary (York) Lewis (1263). He came to Brook- field, N. Y., in 1795. His nine children mostly resided on farms in and near Brookfield, to old age. Children: 1466. Sarah, b. Dec. 28, 1809; ^- J^n^ 5^ 1896 (1671, 1672). 1467. Zebulon L., b. May 17, 1812; d., Columbus, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1897; iTi., Nov. 19, 1833, Lois D. Palmer, b. Nov. 7, 1815; d. 1891. 1468. Horace B., b. July i, 1814; d., Iowa, 1882 (1673-1681). 1469. Alonzo H., b. Apr. 4, 1817; d. Jan. 18, 1894 (1682-1684). 1470. Sabrina, b. Feb. 10, 1819; d. Dec. 2, 1901 (i685-i687a). 1471. Mary L., b. Feb. 24, 1823; m. Lelan York, 1339 (1516-1521). 1472. Alvin, b. Apr. 14, 1826; d. Apr. 6, 1834. 1473. John F., b. Aug. 9, 1829 (i688-i69ob). 1474. Eunice A., b. Sept. 24, 1834 (1691-1695). Lydia Frink (1315), dau. of Asa Frink and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. II, 1788; d., Brookfield, N. Y., July 6, 1857; m., Brookfield, Jan. 14, 1804, David Clarke, b., Westerly, R. I., June 15, 1785; d., Brookfield, Feb. 2 3) 1863. He and his wife were members of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Children, all b. in Brookfield: 1475. Tacy Clarke, b. Jan., 1805; d. Apr. 4, 1842. 1476. Phebe L. Clarke, b. June 7, 1807; d. May 12, 1842 (1713, 1714). 1477- Polly M. Clarke, b. July 16, 1809; d. Oct. 11, 1882 (1714a- 17140. 1478. Lucy M. Clarke, b. June 25, 1811; d. Sept. 21, 1874; m., THE BROWN GENEALOGY Brookfield, Sept. 2, 1837, Rev. Solomon Carpenter, b., Stephentown, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., 1808; d., London, Eng., Dec. 21, 189 1. He was a minister in the Seventh Day Baptist Church, and in 1847 he and his wife went as missionaries to China. They returned after about twenty years, and lived for several years in Milton, Wis. They returned to China about 1870, and she d. there. After her death he m. the daughter of a Seventh Day Baptist minister in London, where he lived until his death. No issue. 1479. Chloe M. Clarke, b. Jan. 21, 1814; d. July 14, 1894 (1715- 1719). 1480. Samuel Dexter Clarke, b. Feb. 20, 1816; d. Nov. 13, 1889 (1720). 1481. Thede Esther Clarke, b. Nov. 8, 1820; d. Sept. 7, 1901 (1721). 1482. Asa Truman Clarke, b. Feb. 24, 1823; d. May 24, 1843. 1483. Marinus Willet Clarke, b. Nov. 12, 1825 (1722-1728). 1484. Ursula Clarke, b. May 5, 1830; d. Sept. 4, 1830. 1485. Frances J. L. Clarke, b. Nov. 26, 1831; d., Alden, Erie Co., N. Y., Apr. 30, 1904; m., Brookfield, Dec. 5, 1854, Lauren Chase, d., Alden, Nov. 24, 1901. He was railway mail agent three years, and United States express agent for nineteen years. Lived at Alden twenty-six years. They attended the Methodist Church. No issue. Lucy Frink (1316), sister of the preceding, b., Stonington, Conn., 1793; d., Brookfield, N. Y., Apr. 26, 1840; m. Martin Jerry Murphy. He went from State to State building distilleries and selling them when in successful operation. It is said that there were no cemeteries west of the Ohio River at the time of his death, and that consequently his body was taken across the river into Virginia for burial. His daughter Martha, who died two days later, and his youngest son, who was scalded to death at one and one-half years of age just a week afterwards, were buried beside him. His children were born in various States. After her husband's death she returned to Brookfield, in 1825. Children: i486. Leroy Murphy, d., Brookfield, Aug. 19, 1875 (1729-1733)- 1487. Lewis Murphy, b. July 30, 1817; d., Leonardsville, N. Y., July 6, 1882 (1734, 1735). 1488. Emeline Murphy, d., Hubbardsville, N. Y., May 20, 1893 (1736-1739). 185 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1489. Martha Murphy, d. in Ohio. 1490. Lucy Louisa Murphy, d., Russia, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1900 (1740 1741). 1 49 1. Jerry Murphy, d. in Ohio. Roxie Frink (1318), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1804; d., De Ruyter, N. Y.; m., Brookfield, Dec. 20, 1832, Gilbert Frink, b., Pharsalia, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1807; d.. Mason City, la., 1876; son of Nathan and Olive (Berry) Frink, of Pharsalia. He was a shoemaker and lived at So. Otselic, N. Y., most of his married life. He was a Democrat in politics. His wife was a member of the Baptist Church. Children, the first three b. in Brookfield: 1492. Edwin Gilbert Frink, b. Oct. 11, 1833; drowned at Fort Pierre, Dak., Dec. 28, 1884. His widow res. 1923 So. Pennsylvania Ave., Denver, Col. 1493. Cynthia E. Frink, b. Oct. 28, 1835 (1806). 1494. Osminus Mead York, b. June 9, 1838. Res., Plymouth, N. Y. 1495. Solomon Carpenter York, b., Pharsalia, Dec. 22, 1842; d., Johnstown, Wis., May 21, 1859. 1495a. Charles Byron York, b.. So. Otselic, July 13, 1845; ^m Earl- ville, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1849. Jonas Frink (1318a), son of Asa and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b., Westerly, R. I., Dec. 30, 1790; d., Scott, Cortland Co., N. Y., Aug. 9, 1869; m. Molly Barber. He was a Seventh Day Baptist. Children: 1495b. Tacy Frink, b., Scott, Feb. 26, 1819; d., Scott, June 29, 1893 (i74ia-i74ih). 1495c. Martin Frink. Is said to have had ten children. i495d. Betsey Frink, m. (i) a Barber; m. (2) Daniel Green. 14956. George Frink. Jeremiah York (1320a), son of Jeremiah (1261) and Thankful (Thurston) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Sept. 25, 1794; d. 1878; m. (i), 1818, Catherine Pendleton; m. (2) Arba Sheldon. He lived in Oxford, N. Y. He was a farmer, and a deacon in the Baptist Church. Children by first m. : 1496. Hiram York, b. Apr. 5, 1821 (1742-1747). 186 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1497. Henry York, b. Mar. 25, 1825 (1748, i749)- 1498. Catherine York, b. Dec, 1826 (1750-1752). Dau. by second m. : 1499. Electa York, b. 1829; m. Henry Lewis York (i434)- Edward York (1322), brother of the preceding, b. Aug. 20, 1797; m. Lydia Stratton, about 1825. Children : 1500. George R. York. He is a manufacturer in Westfield, N. Y. 1501. Mary York, m. . Res., 1889, Westfield, N. Y. 1502. Minerva York, m. Abel Patchen, of Westfield. 1503. Rachel York, m. a Paddock. 1504. Alice York. Res., Westfield, N. Y. 1505. Jemima York. Res., Westfield, N. Y. 1506. Maria York. 1507. Axie York, m. Dr. Tanner. Lives on the Hudson. Martin York (1323), brother of the preceding, b. July 31, i7995 '^• Betsey Peabody. Children: 1508. George York. 1509. Delia York. 15 10. Kate York, m. Charles Kenyon. 15 1 1. Lydia York, m. a Sissons. Thomas H. York (1338), son of Yeomans (1264) and Amy (Rogers) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. June 6, 1795; d., Brookfield, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1840; m., Oct. 29, 1818, Annie Griffin, b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 22, 1785; d., Brook- field, Jan. 5, 1881. He is buried in the Simeon Brown Cemetery, east of Brookfield. Children: 1512. Thomas York. Removed to Eau Claire, Wis., where he m. 1513. Mary Ann York, d. 1866; m. George Langworthy. 1514. Ruth York, m. (i) Adams; (2) John T. Crandall. After her death he removed, in 1885, to Byron, N. Y. 1515. Deborah York, b. 1821; d. Mar. 31, 1900; m. George Lang- worthy, the husband of her sister Mary Ann. After his death she removed to Byron, N. Y. 187 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Lelan C. York (1339), son of Yeomans (1264) and Catherine (Collins) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1815; d. Sept. 16, 1897; m., Feb. 13, Mary Brown (1471), dau. of Zebulon and Sarah (Lewis) Brown. He was a cheese-maker and a farmer. She res. in the old homestead with her son. They belong to the Society of Friends. Children, all b. in Brookfield: 1516. Alonzo L. York, b. Feb. 13, 1846 (1753-1755). 1517. Mary S. York, b. Dec. 15, 1847 (1756-1758). 1518. Florinda E. York, b. Mar. 22, 1852 (1759-1761). 1519. Mahlon York, b. Jan. 27, 1858; m., West Laurens, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1891, Ruth E. De Forest, b., Unadilla, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1861, dau. of John N. and Charlotte A. DeForest, of Una- dilla. Res., Unadilla, N. Y., where he is a butter and cheese manufacturer. He is a Prohibitionist. 1520. Jared F. York, b. Feb. 23, i860 (1762-1765). 1521. Eveline F. York, b. Jan. 23, 1864 (i766-i767a). Lodowick C. York (1341), brother of the preceding, b. Dec. 22, 1717; m., Aug. 17, 1845, Frances Collister. He was educated at Colgate Academy, and was principal of the Brookfield, N. Y., Academy, 1845-1848. Is now a superannuate member of the Detroit Conference, residing in Detroit, Mich. His wife is a licensed preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Children: 1522. Veroncelia A. York, b. June 4, 1847 (1768-1771). 1523. Delor C. York, b. May 26, 1850; d. Nov. i, 1864. 1524. Bertrand D. York, b. Sept. 7, 1852; is a graduate of the Law Department of Michigan University, and is a lawyer in Michigan; m., Sept. 29, 1880, L. B. Fonda. 1525. Frank L. York, b. Mar. 9, 1861 (1772-1775). Warren D. York (1342), brother of the preceding, b. Apr. 3, i8i9;d. 1895; m. Sarah Crumb. Children: 1526. Hoxie York, b. ; d. Mar. 6, 1898; m. Josephine Ramsdale. Lived in Forestport, N. Y. 1527. Lucy York, b. May 27, 1846 (1776-1778). 1528. Lewis York. 1528a. Warren York. 1529. Selah D. York (1779). 1530. Eliza York. 188 THE BROWN GENEALOGY M. Prudence York (1343), sister of the preceding, b. Mar. 27, 1821; m. (i), Jan. 5, 1840, Lawson Brigham, b. Mar. 17, 1820; d. Oct. 18, 1851. He was a member of the Oneida Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Children: 1531. Catherine M. Brigham, d. Mar. 27, 1880; m. Franklin Bland- ing. 1532. Frances E. Brigham, m. (i) Duane Holmes; (2), May 31, 1856, Harvey Holmes. Son: 1533. Harvey L. Holmes, b. Apr. 25, 1859; m. Hattie Stillman. He was educated at Cazenovia Seminary, and is a member of the Northern New York Conference of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. Welcome D. York (1344), brother of the preceding, b. Aug. 19, 1822; d. Sept. 24, 187 1 ; m. Lucia Kenyon. Son: 1534. Peleg K. York, b. Nov. 26, 1859 (1780, 1781). William D. York (1345), brother of the preceding, b. June i, 1825; d. Sept. 24, 1886; m. (i), Sept. 22, 1845, Mary A. Crumb. Children : 1535. Lawson York, b. May 29, 1852. Res., Forestville, N. Y. 1536. Lafontaine York, b. Apr. 11, 1854; d. June 30, 1889 (1782, 1783). 1537- J^-y C. York, b. Dec. 28, i860 (1784). Albert A. York (1346), brother of the preceding, b. Nov. 15, 1827; m., Apr. I, 1855, Eveline CoUister. He was in the Civil War, with the rank of Captain. Res., Florida. Children : 1538. Brainard York, b. Jan. 15, 1857. Went to Florida in 1885. 1539. Frankie York, b. Nov. 27, 1859. Went to Florida in 1885. 1540. Charles York, b. May 28, 1861. Went to Florida in 1885. Stephen York (1347), son of Stephen York (1265) ^^^ Rebecca (Cran- dall) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. June 12, 1796; d. Sept. 19, 1880; m. Urtemissa Fletcher. Children : 1541. Stephen York, b. Dec. 29, 1818; d. June 11, 1841. 1542. Marvin York, b. Dec. 19, 1820 (1785-1787). THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1543. Alfred H. York, b. Oct. 8, 1824; d. Dec. 28, 1881 (1788-1790). 1544. Chester C. York, b. July 19, 1827; d. 1878 (1792-1795). 1545. Anson E. York, b. Aug. 10, 1830 (1796-1798). Denison York (1349), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1800; d., DeRuyter, N. Y., Sept., 1881; m., Aug. 25, 1825, Lorena Thompson, b., Brookfield, June 9, 1805; d., De Ruyter, Nov. 10, 1866; dau. of Aaron Thompson, of Brookfield, and Lucy (Marble) Thompson. He was thrown from a load of hay after his marriage and both his wrists were broken. They were not properly set, and for many months he was unable to do manual labor. While incapacitated he perfected a liniment which he had invented, and which later he sold over the surrounding coun- try, building up a successful business, employing several wagons. He was always self-supporting and very energetic, working hard during the last summer of his life, when he was in his eightieth year. His taste was entirely toward the study of medicine. He was a good singer and loved music. He sang alone in public when over seventy-five years of age. He was quick- tempered, conscientious, faithful to duty, and loved an argument. His wife was a very beautiful girl, with abundant black hair, a small mouth, and regular features. She had nine children, three of them dying in infancy. Children, all b. in De Ruyter: 1546. Lucia R. York, b. Sept. 10, 1828; d. Feb. i, 1899 (1799, 1800). 1547. Lydia L. York, b. June 9, 1832 (1801-1805). 1548. Robert P. York, b. Sept. 6, 1835 (1806). 1549. Ann York, b. Apr. i, 1838 (1807-1813). 1550. Martha L. York, b. Jan. 12, 1841 ;d. May 5, 1888 (1814-1816). 1551. Charles J. York, b. Oct. 3, 1844; d. May 5, 1845. 1552. Charles J. York, b. Oct. 21, 1846; m., Cuyler Hill, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1868, Elsie Irish, b., Cuyler Hill; dau. of Elias B. Irish, of Cuyler Hill, and Almira (Muncey) Irish. He is a merchant at De Ruyter, a Republican, and a deacon in the Seventh Day Baptist Church. He enlisted in 114th N. Y. Vols, and served three years, giving his age as eighteen when he was only sixteen; was wounded in the knee. After the death of his first wife he m. (2) Mrs. Anna Tuttle Burdick, and be- came, with her, a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church at Cuyler Hill. David Y'ork (1351), brother of the preceding, b. ; d., Pitcher, N. Y., 1891; m. (i) Susan Cook; (2) Julia Parsee; (3) Lucia Smith. He was a farmer and a carpenter, a Republican, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 190 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 1553. Levi H. York, b., Sherburn, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1827; d., Wash- ington, D. C, Mar. 23, 1897 (1817-1819). 1554. Erwin York. 1555. Maria E. York, m. Giles Crandall, 1861 (1820, 1821). Jotham York (1353), brother of the preceding, b. Brookfield, N. Y.; re- moved to Three Mile Bay, Jefferson Co., N. Y., where he d. before 1888; m. and had one child. Son: 1556. Warren York. John York (1365), son of John York (1280) and Patty (Wheeler) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127), son of John (1220) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Mar. 17, 1796; d., Brookfield, N. Y., July 26, 1870; m.. Mar. 9, 181 7, Nancy Breed, b., Oswego Co., N. Y., 1799; d., Brookfield, Sept. 26, 1856; dau. of Oliver Breed. She and her husband are buried in the Randall Burying-ground, south of Brookfield Village. He began his married life in the house built by his father in the York Settlement, with his mother and his brother David. Later he occupied a new and commodious house west of the Waterman Schoolhouse, where most of his children were born. He was a quiet, un- assuming citizen, of good judgment, and of some mechanical skill and in- ventive genius, and was much respected as a plain, honest, upright man and a useful citizen. He was a farmer and a cooper. He and his wife were mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church. . Children: 1557. N. Maria York, b., Brookfield, Jan. 28, 1818; d., Sacramento, Cal., July 6, 1882 (1822-1828). 1558. Gracia G. York, b. July 12, 1819; d. Apr. 12, 1848; m., Aug. 25, 1844, Julius O. Fitch. She was well educated and a successful teacher. 1559. Lucy M. York, b. Dec. 7, 1821 (2312-2321). 1560. Oliver B. York, b. Sept. 14, 1823 ; d., Brookfield, Apr. 21, 1905 (1829-1832). 1561. Priscilla York, b. Jan. 7, 1826; d.. Union City, Penn., Jan. 11, 1891 (1833-1838). 1562. E. Elizabeth York, b. Feb. 29, 1828; d., Brookfield, Apr. 21, 1890 (1068-1071). 1563. John Henry York, b. Apr. 8, i83i;d., Brookfield, Oct. 12, 183 1. 1564. Juliette York, b. Feb. 12, 1832 (1839-1842). 191 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1565. Delia M. York, b. Aug. 30, 1834; d., Havana, N. Y., Mar. 28, 1868 (1843-1845)- 1566. John Andrew York, b. Apr. 23, 1837; d., Brookfield, Nov. 2, I 1865 (1846, 1847). Patty York (1366), sister of the preceding, b. 1798; d. Mar., 1851; m. Elijah Randall. They removed to Chautauqua Co., N. Y. Children : 1566a. Lewis Randall, d. Mar., 1896. 1566b. William Randall, who d. in the army. Possibly there were other children. David York (1367), brother of the preceding, b. Oct. 26, 1800; d. Apr. 19, 1849; m., Oct. 26, 1826, Sophia Beadle, d. June 22, 1866. He lived, during his early married life, with his brother John, but when the homestead was sold, in 183 1, he removed to Brokenstraw, Penn. Children : 1566c. Hoel York, b. Nov. 15, 1828; d. Feb. 15, 1889; m., Dec. 28, 1853, Eliza Chase, b. Feb. 29, 1828; d. Mar., 1896. He re- moved with his parents to Pennsylvania. i566d. David York, b. May 30, 1831 (1848-1850). i566e. Lester York, b. June 15, 1833. Was in Colorado in 1891. i566f. Chauncey York, b. Jan. 18, 1835; d. Feb. 3, 1835. i566g. Sophia York, b. Oct. 18, 1839; d. Oct. 30, 1870. Maritta York (1368), sister of the preceding, b. ; m. Silas Stone. They removed to Chautauqua Co., N. Y., and later to Wisconsin. Children : 1567. Wheeler Stone. 1568. Reuben Stone. He is a physician. 1569. John Stone. 1570. Marretta Stone. Wheeler York (1369), brother of the preceding, b. Jan. 24, 1806 ;d. Sept. 9, 1874; m. (i), 1828, Gracia Breed, sister of Nancy, the wife of his brother John; d. Oct. 3, 1850. They commenced housekeeping in the old Water- man store, which had been abandoned for mercantile pursuits. He was the last occupant of the house on the hill, so long the home of Ichabod York. Later he built a house by the Waterman Schoolhouse, where he d. Children : 1571. Martha York, b. Feb., 1831; d. Mar. 13, 1832. 1572. Martha York, b. Feb. 12, 1833 (1851, 1852). 192 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1573. Charles York, b. Sept. 22, 1835; d- Mar. 11, 1851. 1574. Silas R. York, b. Sept. 25, 1837 (1853-1856). 1575. Abram P. York, b. Feb. 26, 1843; ^- (i)j ^a^r. 29, 1866, Emogene Bennett, dau. of Asa Bennett; d. Mar. 28, 1873; m. (2), Dec, 1890, Lydia A. Tallman. 1576. Laura J. York, b. Dec. 26, 1847; d. May 26, 1861. Wheeler York m. (2), Apr. 4, 1852, Mary Ann Clark, b. Dec. 6, 181 5; d. Apr. 8, 1897. Orrilla York (1370), sister of the preceding, b. Mar. 27, 1815; d. Mar. 7, 1895; ^- George Brightman, d., Chautauqua Co., N. Y., about 1854. Children : 1577. Edgar Brightman. 1578. Alice Brightman. 1579. Otis Brightman. 1580. Lottie Brightman. 1 58 1. John Brightman. 1582. Susan Brightman. 1583. Priscilla Brightman. Thomas York (13 71), son of Thomas York (i 281) and Prudence (Hinkley) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127), son of John (1220) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) [Thomas], b. Jan. 17, 1798; d. July 16, 1879; m., June 21, 1832, Ann B. Denison, dau. of a soldier of the War of 181 i; b. Sept. 13, 181 2; d. Dec. 14, 1884. He was for many years a teacher, working his farm in the summer and teaching seventeen successive winters. He was Town Superintendent of Schools for several years; was School Inspector for nine years from 1822, and School Commissioner for two terms. He built a new house on a part of his father's farm, which he purchased. The family removed to Illinois in 1854. ^ Children : 1584. Delos P. York, b. Sept. 22, 1833 (1857-1859). 1585. H. Zelida York, b. July 8, 1835 (1860-1866). 1586. M. Antoinette York, b. June 26, 1836; d. Sept. 29, 1864 (1867). 1587. Frank York, b. Sept. 14, 1852 (1868-1871). Prudence York (1372), sister of the preceding, b. Apr. 24, 1800; d. May 15, 1862; m., Oct. 14, 18 — , Jonathan Proctor, d. 1870. They had ten chil- dren, four of whom were living in 1889. Dau.: 1588. Cornelia Proctor, m. Rolf. Lived in W^ellsville, N. Y. 193 Thomas Y. Proctor. Levi A. Proctor. John D. Proctor. George Proctor. Mary Proctor. Harriet Proctor. THE BROWN GENEALOGY Nancy York (1373), sister of the preceding, b. Mar. 21, 1802 ; d. May 15, 1862; m., Oct. 14, 1827, EHjah Proctor, brother of her sister Prudence's husband. They removed to Columbus, Penn. Children : 1589. Albert L. Proctor. 1590- 1591- 1592. 1593- 1594- 1595- Polly York (1374), sister of the preceding, b. Mar. 6, 1804; d. Apr., 1840; m. Emmonds. They removed to Wisconsin, where both d. Children : 1596. Rufus Emmonds. 1597. Charles Henry Emmonds. Esther York (1375), sister of the preceding, b. Apr. 29, 1805; d. Sept., 1874; m. Jabez Coon. They removed to Western New^ York. Children : 1598. Seneca Coon. 1599. Louisa Coon. 1600. Maryette Coon. Eunice York (1376), sister of the preceding, b. May 7, 1806; d. 1887; m., 1832, Eliab T. Hill. He was a farmer who sometimes preached. They removed to Corry, Penn. Children : t6oi. Cyrus Hill. 1602. John Wesley Hill. 1603. Eliab Turner Hill. 1604. Samuel Hill. 1605. Albert Hill. 1606. Harlow D. Hill. 1607. Emily M. Hill. 1608. Esther Hill. Lucy York (1382), sister of the preceding, b. Dec. 23, 1816; d. 1841 ; m., Mar., 1833, Stephen Jordan. They removed to Ohio. Children : 1609. M Jordan. 1610. Jonathan Jordan. 194 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Phebe York (1383), sister of the preceding, b. May 10, 1819; d. Nov. 23, 1896; m., Oct. 6, 1839, Nathan Gates, b. Oct. 18, 1809; d. May, 1892. They celebrated their golden wedding Oct., 1889. Children: 161 1. Uri Gates. 161 2. Otis D. Gates. 1613. N. Duane Gates. 1614. Lucy Gates. 1615. Charles D. Gates. 1 61 6. Henry L. Gates. Sally G. York (1394), dau. of Ichabod (1283) and Hannah (Witter) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127), son of John (1220) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Apr. 4, 1808; d., Brookfield, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1897; m., July 31, 1825, Asher Palmiter, son of George and Huldah Palmiter, b. Nov. 24, 1803; d. June 6, 1878. Al- though a farmer, he was prominent in educational interests of the town, both as a teacher and as inspector of the common schools. He held the ofifice of Recording Steward in the Methodist Episcopal Church from 1835 to the time of his death. Children : 1617. Andrew Palmiter, b. Nov. 16, 1829; d. Jan. 23, 1831. 1618. Emma D. Palmiter, b. Mar. 23, 1841; m., Feb. 10, 1861, Stanley Holmes. 1619. Samantha E. Palmiter, b. Feb. 17, 1844; d. Aug. 24, 1845. Julia D. York (1395), sister of the preceding, b. Mar. 13, 1810; d. Nov. 8, 1892; m., Dec. 24, 1837, John D. Mills, son of Thomas Mills; b. June 25, 1809; d., Allegany Co., N. Y. She was a school-teacher and a very earnest, energetic woman. They removed to Allegany Co. ^, Children : 1620. Chester D. Mills, b. Feb. 24, 1843; "i. 1865. 1621. Gilbert D. Mills, b. Sept. 2, 1848; d. July 7, 1894. He became an expert in telegraphy; was twelve years in the Pension Office in Washington, and was a special examiner for six years. H. Lucina York (1396), sister of the preceding, b. Jan. 24, 1812; d. Apr. 28, 1897; m., Dec. 29, 1836, Chauncey Burleson, b. Sept. 22, 181 5; d. Mar. 26, 1892. Removed from Augusta, N. Y., to W^ebster City, la., Oct. 10, 1870. 19s THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : 1622. Randall I. Burleson, b. Jan. 14, 1841; d. Oct. 26, 1897. 1623. Mary T. Burleson, b. Nov. 12, 1844; m. Rev. T. W. Owen, of the Oneida Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1864. Later he preached in Northwest Iowa Conference and in Northwest Nebraska Conference. Res., Webster City, la. 1624. H. Levantia Burleson, b. July 26, 1846; m., 1870, Charles Pitcher, of Webster City. 1625. Henry C. Burleson, b. Mar. 6, 1853; d. Apr. 10, 1872. Hiram I. York (1398), son of Ichabod York (1283) and Freelove (Gard- ner) York, son of John York (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127), son of John (1220) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Apr. 19, 1819; d. Dec. 4, 1896. He had less aptitude for intellectual pur- suits than others of his family, but greater devotion to manual and mechan- ical avocations. He had keen enjoyment of outdoor life. Removed in 1844 to Allegany Co., N. Y., and in 1870 to Farina, 111., where he m. his third wife. He was of robust stature, of great physical strength, and a hale and vigorous man. He m. (i). May 30, 1844, Cynthia Witter; (2), Sept. 12, 1845, Sarah Stillman; (3), 1877, Mary Davis. Dau. by first m. : 1626. Cynthia A. York, b. Mar. 20, 1845; d. Aug. 14, 1845. Children by second m. : 1627. Eusebia York, b. Nov. 21, 1847; d. Jan. i, 1881 (1872-1874). 1628. Elza S. York, b. July 15, 1850 (1875, 1876). Catherine E. York (1399), sister of the preceding, b. Oct. 17, 1820; d. Mar. 9, 1868; m., Feb. 26, 1846, Benjamin Gorton, b. Rhode Island. She was well educated, and was a successful teacher for several years; member of the Methodist Church. Children : 1629. Iphegenia E. Gorton, b. Jan. 4, 1848 (1877, 1878). 1630. Hamline Gorton, b. Jan., 1852; d. in infancy. 163 1. Creighton H. Gorton, b. Aug. 25, 1857; m. (i) Mrs. Clara Phelps, d. Oct. 30, 1886; (2) Harriet Williams, d. Nov. 3, 1903. Lydia A. York (1400), sister of the preceding, b. Mar. 29, 1822; d. Sept. 26, 1892; m., Nov. 5, 1852, Hezekiah Hall. She graduated from Cazenovia Seminary in the class of 1848; was a teacher in Brookfield, N. Y., Academy; preceptress in the Onondaga Academy at Manlius, N. Y., and in the Silver 196 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Creek Academy, N. Y., and later superintendent of the Mission Schools among the Onondaga Indians of the Onondaga Reservation. Her husband was a minister of the Oneida Conference. He was b. May lo, 1810; d., Clayton, N. J., Feb. 16, 1872, to which place they removed after the close of his ministerial life. Children: 1632. Arthur Y. Hall, b. May 6, 1854. 1633. Emory P. Hall, b. Dec. 19, 1856; m., Oct. 17, 1888, Agnes J. Thompson. He was educated at Wyoming Seminary; grad- uated from the Ohio Wesleyan University in the class of 1882 ; member of the North Dakota Conference of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. 1634. Delia J. Hall, b. Mar. 27, 1866; d. Oct. 27, 1894. She was a professional stenographer. William E. York (1402), brother of the preceding, b. Feb. 2, 1825; d. Feb. 7, 1880; m., Sept. 24, 1850, Polly A. Beach, b. Oct. 10, 1830; d. Apr. 27, 1902; dau. of Rev. Lyman Beach, of the Oneida Conference, a soldier of the War of 181 2. A good common-school education was supplemented by the Brookfield Academy and the Cazenovia Seminary, and he was a suc- cessful teacher for some years. In early life he received a license to preach, and was a member of the Oneida Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and later of the Central New York Conference, his active ministry closing with his life. "With a native endowment of common sense, earnest convictions, and an unfluctuating piety, he was an excellent pastor, a faith- ful counsellor, a Christian friend who was very helpful to and beloved by those to whom he ministered." Children : 1635. William H. York, b. Apr. 23, 1852 (1879). 1636. Elza H. York, b. Dec. 29, 1854 (1880, 1881). 1637. Mary Alice York, b. Aug. 19, 1857; d. Feb. 2, 1858. 1638. Charles W. York, b. Aug. 9, 1861; d. Nov. 6, 1876. 1639. Rosa May York, b. Aug. 3, 1864 (1882-1885). 1640. Eddie Lyman York, b. Feb. 15, 1867; d. Feb. 25, 1867. Gilbert R. York (1404), brother of the preceding, b. Nov. 26, 1827; m. (i), Nov. 3, 1850, Cynthia M. Denison, dau. of Riley Denison; b. July 27, 1832; d. May 29, 1869. He became a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church in early life. After his father's death he and his brother William became the joint owners of his father's farm; later he sold the farm and re- moved to Cazenovia, N. Y., where his children were born and raised. In 197 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1880 he was superintendent of a sheep ranch south of Lincoln, Neb. For several years he was in the employ of the government in Washington, D. C. Address, Flushing, N. Y. Children : 1641. Ervine D. York, b. June 14, 1853 (1886-1889). 1642. Everett M. York, b. Apr. 6, 1855; d. Feb. 25, 1858. 1643. J. Annette York, b. Nov. 6, 1856; d. Jan. 10, 1879; m., Oct. 16, 1898, Philo Mead. After a course in Cazenovia Seminary she taught at Oberlin, O. After her marriage she came to Ludlowville, N. Y., w^here she d. 1644. Florence A. York, b. Feb. 8, 1859 (1890-1894). 1645. Everett R. York, b. June 25, i860 (1895-1897). 1646. Frances E. York, b. Dec. 26, 1861; d. July, 1862. Sidney P. York (1405), brother of the preceding, b. May 3, 1829; d. June 6, 1903 ; m., July 2, 1854, Elizabeth Osterman, dau. of Christian Osterman; b. Nov. 25, 1833. He was a student in the common schools; w^as in Brook- field Academy and Cazenovia Seminary several terms, and made final prep- aration for college at E. Greenwich, R. I.; was two years at Wesleyan University, graduating at Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., in the class of 1854. While an academic student he entered the local ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church. After graduation, with his brother Albert L. York he established the Valley Female Institute, at Winchester, Va. On the breaking up of this school by the war he brought his family to Bing- hamton, N. Y. ; later he was Principal of Amenia Seminary. Removed to Vineland, N. J., where in various capacities he was connected with the edu- cational interests of the city; he w'as teacher of languages, trustee, principal and superintendent, and county examiner of teachers. In 1889 he was ap- pointed to a clerkship in W^ishington, D. C. Children: 1647. Merwin L. York, b. June 6, 1855 (189S-1900). 1648. Clarence M. York, b. Sept. i, 1859; d. Mar. 19, 1861. 1649. Clarence M. York, b. Nov. 24, 1867; m., June 23, 1892, Bessie Cowell. Graduated from the High School at Vineland, and became a skilful stenographer. Served as clerk in the War Department, later in the Interior Department, and later as the secretary of Chief Justice Fuller. Albert L. York (1406), brother of the preceding, b. Mar. 31, 1831; d., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1905; m. (i), Dec. 15, 1852, Ann E. Arnold, b. Feb. 28, 1829; dau. of Fletcher Arnold, of Freetown, N. Y. He was born in THE BROWN GENEALOGY the old house on the hill, but in his early infancy the family removed to the home nearer Beaver Creek. He was educated at the Waterman Schoolhouse, the Brookfield Academy, and Cazenovia Seminary; graduated from Union College, under the presidency of President Eliphalet Nott ; joined the Meth- odist Episcopal Church when about eleven years of age, and during his early college years, by authority of his home church in Brookfield, entered the local ministry. In 1854, with his brother Sidney, he established the Valley Female Institute, in Winchester, Va. He was Professor of Mathematics, Latin, and German. He closed his connection with the institute in 1858 and joined the Oneida Conference. Before he joined the Oneida Conference he m. (2), Oct. 7, 1857, Lawrenceville, Penn.,Kezia,dau. of Jacob Lichten- thaler;b. May 14, 1838; d., Manlius, N. Y., Jan. 20, i860. She was educated in Lawrenceville Academy and Starkey Seminary; was a teacher of music in the Valley Institute in 1856, and graduated from the New York Con- ference Seminary at Charlotteville, N. Y., in 1857. At the close of his pastorate at Manlius Mr. York m. (3), Dec. 8, i860, Caroline Moore, dau. of Henry Moore, of Ithaca, N. Y.; b. Nov. 20, 1834; d. Nov. 4, 1903. In 1882 he went to Nebraska and California. From 1883 to 1886 he spent most of his time in Nebraska. His subsequent years were mostly spent in Brookfield, temporarily supplying the pulpits of the Baptist churches of Brookfield and No. Brookfield, with more or less pulpit service in the Meth- odist Church in Brookfield. In 1891-1892, under the direction of the Waterman School Association, he prepared a "History of the Waterman School District; Its Schools and Its Peoples," a typewritten volume of two hundred pages for the school district. In 1892 he commenced the prepara- tion of a "History of the York Family in America." This was a type- written volume illustrated with maps, plans, and photographs. An abridge- ment of this volume prepared for his son has been placed at the disposal of the compilers of this work, and from it has been drawn most of the informa- tion relating to the York family. v Son by first m.: 1650. Ervine Creighton York, b., Winchester, Oct. 18, 1855; d.. Western, N. Y., Mar. 15, 1856; is buried in the cemetery in that village, beside his mother. Dau. by second m.: 1651. Effie Estella York, b., Oriskany Falls, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1858. She was educated at the public schools of Homer, Dryden, and the Ladies' Seminary at Hamilton, N. Y., and at Caze- novia Seminary; graduated from the Oakland, Cal., High School in 1880, and from the Normal School in San Fran- 199 THE BROWN GENEALOGY cisco, Cal., May, 1881; taught for several years. She is now a member of the Faculty of the College of Osteopathy of San Francisco, and a practising physician. Son by third m.: . 1652. Albert Moore York, b., Morrisville, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1861 (1901, 1902). Nelson Palmer (1413), son of Elisha Palmer and Nancy (York) Palmer (1285), dau. of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127), son of John (1220) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Bridgewater, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1809; m., Bridgewater, Feb. 28, 1833, Arzelia Randall, dau. of William Randall and Cynthia Ray; b. July 31, 1808. Children, all b. Winfield, N. Y.: 1653. Delia Amanda Palmer, b. May 18, 1834; d., Amboy, Mich., June 4, 1864. 1654. Louisa Jane Palmer, b. Oct. i, 1835. 1655. Anna Jeanette Palmer, b. Sept. 16, 1837; d.. Pioneer, O., June 6, 1857. 1656. Cynthia Cornelia Palmer, b. Mar. 4, 1839; d.. North West, O., May 7, 1864. 1657. James Carlos Palmer, b. July 5, 1840; d., St. Louis, Mo., Mar. 14, 1862. 1658. Valerius William Palmer, b. May 23, 1844. Thomas Henry Prentice (1427), son of Thomas and Sally (York) Prentice (1287), dau. of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], son of John (1220) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Norwich, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1818; d., Norwich, Feb. 12, 1882; m., Norwich, June 18, 1844, Susan Brown, b., Norwich, June 15, 1823; dau. of Hezekiah Brown and Elizabeth (Cole) Brown. He was for many years deacon in the Baptist Church at Norwich. Children: 1659. Ralph Henry Prentice, b., Norwich, Aug. 17, 1847; ^-y W\ash- ington, D. C, Sept. 18, 1872, Mary Perlie, dau. of Abraham T. Perlie, of No. Norwich. No issue. 1660. Adella Elizabeth Prentice, b., Norwich, July 8, 1849 (1903- 1909). Jedediah R. York (1437), son of Charles (1294) and Esther (Randall) York, son of Collins (1251) and Mary (Randall) York, son of Collins (1223) THE BROWN GENEALOGY and Eunice (Grant) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau, of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Colh'ns) Brown [Thomas], b. July 7, 1833. Children: 1661. Howard York, b. Nov. 4, 1858. 1662. Jennie York, b. Jan. 15, 1867. 1663. Mary York, b. Sept. 6, 1869. 1664. Fanny York, b. Jan, 26, 1873. Zebulon York (1448), son of Bell (1295) and Polly (Purchase) York, son of Bell (1254) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Bell York (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Feb. 22, 1817; d. Jan. I, 1894; m.. Mar. 6, 1842, Lucy Coon, d. Apr. 4, 1896. Lived in W. Brookfield, N. Y. Children : 1665. Galusha York, b. May 29, 1843; d- ^^7 23, 1863, in hospital at Brasher, La. He was a member of 114th Regt. N. Y. Vols. 1666. Henry York, b. June 25, 1845 (1910, 1911). 1667. Emily York, b. 1847. 1668. Irene York, m. Edson Bacon, Jan. i, 1871. 1669. Adelbert York, b. June 23, 1868; m. Martha Byaskie, Nov., 1890 (1912). 1670. Delevan York, b. (1913)- Galusha York (1449), brother of the preceding, b. 1822; m., and lives in Pennsylvania. Had thirteen children. Irving W. York (14526), son of Joseph (131 1) and Hannah (Breed) York, son of James (1255) and Lucy (Palmer) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1834; d., Portage, Wis., Nov. 11, 1905; m., Warsaw, N. Y., Mar. i, 1854, Eliza C. Munger. He was a mill-owner at Kilbourn, Wis., and later a dealer in flour and feed at Portage. He was a prominent citizen and greatly re- spected. Children, all b. in Kilbourn: 1670a. George E. York, b. May 26, i860 (1913a). 1670b. Hattie M. York, b. Aug. 26, 1864 (i9i3b-i9i3d). 1670C. Robert E. York, b. June 19, 1872 (i9i3e, i9i3f). THE BROWN GENEALOGY Sarah Brown (1466), dau. of Zebulon (131 2) and Sarah (Lewis) Brown (1335) [Zebulon (376), Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1809; d. June 5, 1896; m., Feb. 29, 1832, Jared Chesebro, b. Feb. 29, 1808; d., Brookfield, Mar. 18, 1895. Children: 1671. J. Hiram Chesebro, b. Apr. 3, 1833 (1914-1916). 1672. Rhoda L. Chesebro, b. Jan. i, 1836; d. Aug. 11, 1838. Horace B. Brown (1468), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., July I, 1814; d., Prairieburg, la., 1882; m., Brookfield, 1834, Mary A. Gorton, dau. of Wonton Gorton, of Brookfield. His father, Samuel A. Gorton, came to Brookfield from Westerly, R. I., about 1795, ^^^ settled on what was called Gorton Hill. She was b., Baltimore, Md., 1816; d., Brookfield, 1846. He removed from Brookfield to Chautauqua Co., N. Y.,in 1839, but returned the next year. In 1848 he removed to Columbus, N. Y., and in 1855 removed to Prairieburg, Linn Co., la., where he resided to the time of his death. He was a farmer, a Republican, and he and his wife were members of the Baptist Church*. Children by first m., all b. in Brookfield: 1673. Henry H., b. Dec. 18, 1835 (1917-1922). 1674. Alvin H., b. Aug. 22, 1837 (1923-1929). 1675. Lois M., b. May 12, 1839 (i93o-i935)- 1676. Jared Fitch, b. 1841; d., Brookfield, 1842. 1677. Catharine R., b. Mar. 8, 1843 (1936-1941). 1678. Sarah U., b. 1844; d., Brookfield, 1845. Mr. Brown m. (2), Columbus, 1848, Esther Crandall, b., Columbus, Aug. 14, 1808; d., Prairieburg, 1876; dau. of Freeman Crandall, of Columbus, and Rhoda, his wife. Children by second m., all b. in Columbus: 1679. Perry O., b. Feb. 14, 1849 (1942-1946). 1680. Freeman E., b. Oct. 30, 185 1 (1947-1950). 1681. Lewis C, b. Feb. 22, 1853 (1951-1957). Alonzo H. Brown (1469), brother of the preceding, b. Apr. 4, 181 7; d. Jan. 18, 1894; m., July 13, 1843, Emeline Mason, b. Aug. 10, 1824. Res., 1905, Columbus, N. Y. Children : 1682. Flora L., b. Apr. 23, 1844; d. July 20, 1884. 1683. Viola M., b. Jan. 26, 1847 (1958, 1959). 1684. Zebulon L., b. Feb. 12, 1849; <^j Dec. 12, 1898 (1960-1962). THE BROWN GENEALOGY Sabrina Brown (1470), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1819; d., Brookfield, Dec. 2, 1901; m., Brookfield, Oct. 13, 1839, Elliott G. Fitch, b., Brookfield, May 4, 1817; d., Brookfield, Jan. 22, 1901; son of Patten Fitch, of Brookfield, and Lois (Babcock) Fitch; brother of Patten Fitch, husband of Polly M. Clarke (1477). He was a wagon-maker and lived in No. Brookfield. He was a Republican from the organization of that party, and he and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. Lived all his life in the town of Brookfield, except three years when he resided in Morrisville, N. Y. He was a Justice of the Peace for years; was president of the Board of Education of No. Brookfield Union School for three years or more; was a public-spirited citizen and very successful in business. He re- tired from business with what was then considered a competency. Children: 1685. Sorannus A. Fitch, b., Brookfield, Apr. 22, 1844; m., New York City, Dec. 19, 1866, Sarah M. Van Wagenen, b., Kingston, N. Y., Apr. 17, 1846; dau. of William and Mar- garet (Deyo) Van Wagenen, of Kingston. He studied law; was Deputy Clerk of Madison Co., N. Y., 1866-1867; a merchant at No. Brookfield, 1868-1886; was Postmaster, Justice of the Peace, and Supervisor of the town of Brook- field. Since 1886 he has been in the insurance business, and has been secretary of the Hamilton Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Hamilton, N. Y., where he res.. May, 1905. He is a Repubhcan, and he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church, of which he is a deacon. 1686. L. Sherwood Fitch, b. Mar. 26, 1846 (1963). 1687. Sarah L. Fitch, b. Aug. 10, 1849 (1964-1966). 1687a. Lu Ella Fitch, b. Sept. 7, 1863 (1967-1969). John F. Brown (1473), brother of the preceding, b. Aug. 9, 1829; m., May 9, 1851, Sophia Dresser, b. Aug. 29, 1829; d. June 27, 1B93. Res., May, 1905, Brookfield, N. Y. Children: 1688. De Ette, b. Nov. 19, 1854; d. Aug. 5, 1899 (1970-1972). 1689. A, Duane, b. Sept. 8, i860 (1973,1974). 1690. William H., b. May 8, 1866 (1975-1977). 1690a. Mary J., b. Aug. 11, 1868 (1978, 1979). 1690b. Iva J., b. Sept. 22, 1874 (1980). Eunice A. Brown (*463), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1834; m., Oct. 10, 1858, Unadilla Forks, N. Y., Jacob A. Dresser, 203 THE BROWN GENEALOGY b., Edmeston, N. Y., May 12, 1832; son of Samuel and Betsey (Burdick) Dresser. He is a farmer at Poolville, N. Y. ; is a Republican in politics, and he and his wife are members of the Society of Friends. Both were educated in the common schools and in Brookfield Academy. Both taught school before their marriage, and all their children have been teachers, the youngest having finished thirteen consecutive years. They moved to the farm now occupied by them the next day after their marriage. Children, all b. in Brookfield: 1691. Hazel S. Dresser, b. Apr. 9, i860 (1981, 1982). 1692. Cora M. Dresser, b. Aug. 25, 1862 (1983-1985). 1693. Aimer H. Dresser, b. July 3, 1867 (1986, 1987). 1694. Daisy Dresser, b. Sept. 19, 1871 (1988). 1695. Angie Dresser, b. July 12, 1874; m., Brookfield, June 28, 1905, Arthur Brand, b., Brookfield, Oct. 20, 1882; son of Nathan Brand, of Brookfield, and Edah (Talbot) Brand. He is a farmer at Poolville, a Republican, and he and his wife belong to the Society of Friends. Eunice Randall (1456), dau. of Eunice Brown (13 13) and Robert Randall, dau. of Zebulon (376) [Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas] and Thede (York) Brown (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1800; d., Clarksville, Allegany Co., N. Y., Feb. 28, 1868; m., Brookfield, Feb. 7, 1820, Clark Nichols, b., Brookfield, Mar. 11, 1787; d., Clarksville, Sept. 19, 1854; son of Jonathan Nichols and Phoebe Nichols. Both were members of the Baptist Church, but became Methodists later. Children, first eight b. in Brookfield; the others, in Clarksville: 1696. Elvira Nichols, b. Dec. 22, 1820; d., Brookfield, 1824. 1697. Jabish Brown Nichols, b. Feb. 9, i82i;d., Clarksville, Jan. 4, 1894; m., Brookfield, June 12, 1855, Lusalla Allice, b., Brookfield, Sept., 1830; dau. of Hannah Allice. He was a farmer and a Republican. He and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. She res. Cuba, N. Y. No issue. 1698. William Henry Nichols, b. Dec. 7, 1822; d. 1824. 1699. Ella Randall Nichols (twin), b. Jan. 29, 1824; d., Rawson, N. Y., June 28, 1902 (1989, 1990). 1700. Abigail Nichols (twin), b. Jan. 29, 1824; d., Clarksville, Apr, I, 1902 (1991, 1992). 1701. Henry Webb Nichols, b. Jan. 30, 1828; d., St. Paul, Neb., Feb. 24, 1904 (1993-1996). 204 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1702. William Randall Nichols, b. Feb. 26, 1830; d., Clarksville, Oct. 16, 1887 (1997, 1998). 1703. Maria Elvira Nichols, b. Jan. 30, 1832 (1999-2001). 1704. Robert C. Nichols, b. July 10, 1834; d., Marion, Ind., Sept., 1904 (2002-2006). 1705. Louise A. Nichols, b. Nov. 4, 1837 (2007-2010). 1706. Clarke J. Nichols, b. Oct. 22, 1839; d., Clarksville, Aug. 19, 1849. 1707. James Albert Nichols, b. July 15, 1842 (2011-2014). Marcus Delazon Randall (1460), brother of the preceding, b., Brooktield,. N. Y., Dec. 4, 1809; d., Milton Junction, Wis., Sept. 4, 1891; m. (i), Clarksville, N. Y., Sept. 3, i837,AdeHne D. Worden, b., Brookfield, Aug. 14, 1820; d., Brookfield, May 15, 1842; m. (2), Albion, Wis., Nov. 4, 1854, Deborah, dau. of Asa and Dorcas Odell; b., Allegany, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1821. Res., May, 1905, Milton Junction, Wis. Dau., b. Albion: 1712. Adaline Deborah Randall, b. June 14, 1858; d., Milton Junc- tion, Aug. 19, 1879; unm. Phebe L. Clarke (1476), dau. of David Clarke and Lj^dia (Frink) Clarke (1315), dau. of Asa Frink and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., June 7, 1807; d., Brookfield, May 12, 1842; m., Brook- field, Apr. 8, 1830, William Green. Children : 1713. Mary P. Green, b. May 18, 1835; d. Apr. 17, 1854. 1 714. William Lewis Green, b. Mar. 28, 1842. Polly M. Clarke (1477), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., July 16, 1809; d., Brookfield, Oct. 11, 1882; m., Brookfield, Mar. 3, 1825, Patten Fitch, brother of Elliott G. Fitch, husband of Sabrina Brown (1459), b. June 18, 1803; d. Oct. 20, 1890; son of Patten Fitch and Lois (Babcock) Fitch. Lived in Brookfield. Children, all b. in Brookfield: 1714a. Aurelius D. Fitch, b. 1827; d., Brookfield, Dec. 13, 1898 (20i4a-20i4e). 1714b. Philarmon Fitch, b. Aug. 5, 1829 (20i4f). 1714c. William G. Fitch, b. 1833; d., Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct., 1904; m. (i), No. Brookfield, N.Y., Harriet Peck, b. Brookfield; d. Brookfield; dau. of Chester Peck; m. (2), Newmarket, N. J. THE BROWxNf GENEALOGY Sarah Rogers, b. Plainfield, N. J.; dau. of David and Sally (Maxson) Rogers. He was in the life-insurance business; a Republican. He and both of his wives were members of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. His widow res. 209 Quincey Street, near Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. i7i4d. Arminda U. Fitch, b. 1840; d., Brookfield, 1858. i7i4e. Phebe L. Fitch, b. 1845; d., Brookfield, 1859. i7i4f. Devillo T. Fitch, b. Dec, 1848; d., Brookfield, Dec, 1887; m., No. Brookfield, Dec. 28, 1870, Sarah Berry, b., St. Charles, 111., Sept. 13, 1851; dau. of Ephraim and Olivia (Reed) Berry, of No. Brookfield. He was a cheese-maker and a Republican. His wife is a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Chloe M. Clarke (1479), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Jan. 21, 1814; d., Brookfield, July 14, 1894; m., Brookfield, July 25, 1832, James Hills, of New Berhn, Chenango Co., N. Y., b., Rutland, Vt., 1806; d., Brookfield, 1884. He was a blacksmith. He and his wife were members of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Children, all b. in Brookfield: 1715. Lucy M. Hills, b. May 18, 1834; m. L. M.White, of Cazenovia, N. Y. They are Episcopalians. No issue. 1716. Frances M. Hills, b. Apr. 21, 1838; d. July 24, 1895 (2015). 1717. Sarah A. Hills, b. Dec. 15, 1843 (2016, 2017). 1 7 18. Phebe Eudocia Hills, b. Mar. 5, 1845; ^- (i) Edwin Tuttle; (2) G. K. Knapp. No issue. 1719. Ellen Ameha Hills, b. Apr. 5, 1850 (2018-2020). Samuel Dexter Clarke (1480), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1816; d., Brookfield, Nov. 13, 1889; m. Mariam Dye. Dau. : 1720. Chackley Ella Clarke, b., Brookfield, Sept. 20, 1841 (2021- 2023). Thede Esther Clarke (1481), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N.Y., Nov. 8, 1820; d., Brookfield, Sept. 7, 1901; m., Brookfield, Oct. 19, 1848, Hezekiah Green, b., Sangersfield, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1820; d., Hamilton, N. Y.; son of Hall Green. He and his* wife were members of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. They lived together about fifty-three years. After his wife's death he went to Hamilton to live with his niece, Mrs. Stimson. Dau.: 1721. Hattie A. L. Green, b., Brookfield, Apr. 2, 1857; d., Brookfield, Nov. 16, 1883 (2024). 206 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Marinus Willet Clarke (1483), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1825; m., Brookfield, Jan. 22, 1848, Elizabeth Lewis, b., Brookfield, Oct. 22, 1825. They belong to the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Res., Brookfield, N. Y. Children, all b. in Brookfield: 1722. Charles Lewis Clarke, b. Mar. 5, 185 1 (2025-2028). 1723. Lydia Eleanor Clarke, b. Aug. 8, 1853 (2029, 2030). 1724. Mary Alice Clarke, b. Feb. 7, 1857; d. Mar. 28, 1875. 1725. Truman Albertus Clarke, b. July 5, 1859; d. Dec. 2, 1865. 1726. Fannie Elizabeth Clarke, b. Nov. 23, 1862; d.. El Paso, Tex., Feb. 13, 1904. 1727. Kate Emma Clarke, b. Feb. 21, 1865; d. Dec. 20, 1904. 1728. Lucy Adelaide Clarke, b. Aug. 20, 1871; m., Brookfield, Aug. 27, 1903, Sidney J. Brown. They attend the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Leroy Murphy (i486), son of Martin Jerry Murphy and Lucy (Frink) Murphy (1316), dau. of Asa and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], d. 1875; "^m Brookfield, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1816, Clara Clarke, d., Syracuse, N. Y., May 24, 1898. He was a harness-maker, a Republican, and he and his wife wei'e members of the Baptist Church. Children : 1729. Martin Jerome Murphy, b. Mar. 11, 1839; d. June 18, 1898 (2031). 1730. James Perry Murphy, b., Brookfield, 1841; d. Jan., 1903 (2032). 1 73 1. Anna C. Murphy, b., Brookfield, Jan. 30, 1843 (2033-2035). 1732. Emily R. Murphy, b., Brookfield, June 24, 1845 (2036, 2037). 1733. Thomas Clarke Murphy, b., Brookfield, Apr. 5, 1854; d., Brookfield, Nov. 13, 1864. Lewis Murphy (1487), brother of the preceding, b. July 30, 1817; d. July 5, 1882; m. Juha Ann , b. Sept. 15, 1822; d. June 2, 1880. Children: 1734. Charles W. Murphy (2038, 2039). 1735. Adelia De Ette Murphy, d. May 7, 1863, aged twenty-five ■years and five months; m. George Palmiter. Emeline Murphy (1488), sister of the preceding, b. Brookfield, N. Y.; d., Hubbardsville, N. Y., May 20, 1893; m.. May 8, 1838, Pardon Tilling- hast Clarke. 207 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children, all b. in Brookfield, except the last, who was b. in Colchester: 1736. Lucy Clarke (2040, 2040a). 1737. Ellen Clarke, m. Irving Livermore. 1738. Barbara F. Clarke, b. Oct. 2, 1846 (2041). 1739. Fred Clarke (2042-2044). Lucy Louisa Murphy (1490), sister of the preceding, b. Stonington, Conn. ; d., Brookfield, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1900; m. (i), Brookfield, Mar. 13, 1843, Jo- seph Plumb, b., Virginia, Feb. 6, 1823; d., Russia, N. Y,, June 6, 1862. He was a cooper. She m. (2), W. Monroe, June 22, 1866, Abner Moon, of Russia, Herkimer Co., N. Y.; b., Galway, N. Y., Dec. i, 1799; d., Russia, Apr. II, 1886; son of Benajah Moon. He was a farmer and a Democrat. His wife was a member of the Freewill Baptist Church. Son by first m.: 1740. Joseph LaMar Plumb, b.. No. Brookfield, N. Y., Jan. i, 1850 (2044a-2044d). Dau. by second m.: 1 741. Ida C. Moon, b., Russia, July 2, 1867 (2045-2049). Tacy Frink (1495b), dau. of Jonas Frink (1318a) and Molly (Barber) Frink, son of Asa and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b., Spott, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1819; d., Scott, June 29, 1893; m.. Mar. 10, 1835, Hiram Babcock, b. June 16, iSio; d., Homer, N. Y., Apr. 29, 1894; son of Ezra and Sabrah (Stillman) Babcock. She was his second wife. Children: 1741a. Henry C. Babcock, b. Apr. 23, 1836; m. CHmena Ingersol. 1741b. Lucy Euretta Babcock, b. Oct. 31, 1839 (2049a). 1741C. Ephraim S. Babcock, b. Dec. 19, 1842; d. June 8, 1858. i74id. Armeda Elizabeth Babcock, b., Scott, Sept. 11, 1844; m., Scott, Dec, 10, 1865, Frank Hammond, son of Nathan Hammond; b. Mar. 13, 1846. i74ie. William Nelson Babcock, b. Mar. 27, 1847 (2049b, 2049c). i74if. Albert Willis Babcock, b. Jan. 3, 1850; m. Florence Skellie, dau. of James Skellie. i74ig. Edgar Lucius Babcock, b. Sept. 11, 1855 (2049d, 2050). i74ih. Myron Grove Babcock, b., Scott, Nov. 8, 1858; m. Lillie Henry; both d. Scott. Hiram York (1496), son of Jeremiah (1320a) and Catherine (Pendleton) York, son of Jeremiah (1261) and Thankful (Thurston) York, son of Bell 208 THE BROWN GENEALOGY (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Ox- ford, N. Y., Apr. 5, 1821; m. (i), Oct. 8, 1850, Sarah Johnson, d. 1854; m. (2), Dec. 25, 1857, Harriet C. Palmer. He was a banker at Wellsville, N. Y. Children by first m. : 1742. Kate S. York, b. ; m. Clarence L. Parker. 1743. Mary J. York, m. E. F. Joyce. Children by second m. : 1744. Sarah P. York, m. D. O. Batterson. 1745. Henry W. York, d. in his eighteenth year. 1746. Edward P. York, graduated at Cornell University, class of 1889, 1747. Fanny T. York, in 1889 a teacher in Wellsville, N. Y. Henry York (1497), brother of the preceding, b. Mar. 25, 1825; m. Mary Tyler. Children : 1748. Dwight York. 1749. Aruba York. Catherine York (1498), sister of the preceding, b. Dec, 1826; m. Sanford P. Stillman. Children : 1750. Dwight Stillman. 1 75 1. Fred Stillman. 1752. Howard Stillman. Alonzo L. York (15 16), son of Lelan C. York (1339) and Mary (Brown) York (1460), son of Yeomans (1264) and Catherine (Collins) York, son of Bell (1224) .and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1846; m., Smyrna, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1868, Arzelia Heminway, b. Apr. 7, 1844; dau. of Alexis Heminway and Harriet (Smith) Heminway. Both were educated in the common schools, and both were teachers before marriage. He worked at carpenter work for one year, worked in a butter and cheese factory for six years, and now manages a dairy farm and runs a steam sawmill. He is a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Society of Friends. Res., Poolville, N. Y. Children, all b. in Brookfield: 1753. Louisa H. York, b. Feb. 6, 1869; m., May 10, 1899, Waldo C. Faulkner. She is a graduate of the State Normal School at Oneonta, N. Y. She went to Porto Rico as a teacher by ap- 209 THE BROWN GENEALOGY pointment by the government. Res., 1905, Blue Mountain Lake, N. Y. 1754. Alexis York, b. May 30, 1870 (2051-2053). 1755. Fritz E. York, b. Jnne 12, 1872 (2054). Mary S. York (1517), sister of the preceding, b. Dec. 15, 1847; m., Dec. 15, 1872, James Burke, b. 185 1. He is a cheese-dealer. Res., 1905, Oxford, N. Y. Children: 1756. Daniel E. Burke, b. Dec. 15, 1873 (2055). 1757. Alfred R. Burke, b. Jan. 27, 1875 (2056). 1758. Mabel B. Burke, b. Apr. 12, 1886. Florinda E. York (1518), sister of the preceding, b. Mar. 22, 1852; m., Nov. 13, 1872, Warren Belden. Children: 1759. Mary Alice Belden, b. Feb. 17, 1877 (2057-2059). 1760. Nettie E. Belden, b. Jan. 9, 1883. 1 761. Clarence W. Belden, b. Nov. 26, 1887. Jared Fitch York (1520), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 23, i860; m., Brookfield, Apr. 10, 18^2, Annie D. Smith, b., Ran- dallsville, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1857; dau. of John and Sarah J. Hubbard, of Binghamton, N. Y. He is a farmer and lives on the old homestead in Brookfield; also operates steam sawmill. Is a Prohibitionist, and he and his wife belong to the Society of Friends. Address, R. F. D., Poolville, N. Y. Children: 1762. Frank D. York, b., Binghamton, Jan. 21, 1883. 1763. Verne Bell York, b. Oct. 20, 1888. . 1764. Neva York (twin), b. Nov. 14, 1892. 1765. Neta York (twin), b. Nov. 14, 1892; d. May 1, 1905. Eveline F. York (1521), sister of the preceding, b. Jan. 23, 1864; m., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1884, Ernest R. Hunt, b., Delhi, July 24, i860; son of William and Ruth Ann (Seeley) Hunt, of Delhi. He is a cheese-maker and a Prohibitionist. His wife is a member of the Baptist Church. Res., Morris, Otsego Co., N. Y. Children: 1766. Clarence L. Hunt, b.. Maple Grove, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1887. 1767. Lyman De Forest Hunt, b., Morris, Mar. 19, 1892. 1767a. Maud Hunt, b., Morris, Sept. 10, 1895. 1767b. E. Dwight Hunt, b., Morris, Oct. 27, 1896. THE BROWN GENEALOGY Veroncelia A. York (1522), dau. of Lodowick C. (1341) and Frances (Collister) York, son of Yeomans (1264) and Catherine (Collins) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. June 4, 1847; ^-j Sept. 8, 1864, Rev. John Joslyn, a minister in the Metho- dist Episcopal Church. Res., Michigan. Children: 1768. Evaline Joslyn, b. July 28, 1867. 1769. Charles S. Joslyn, b. Feb. 21, 1870. 1770. Ida Isabell, b. Mar. 28, 1872. 1771. Robert B. Joslyn, b. Mar. 7, 1889. Frank L. York (1525), brother of the preceding, b. Mar. 9, 1861; m., Sept. 6, 1883, Mary O. Albright. He graduated from the University of Michigan in 1882. Of him it is said, in " Educators of Michigan," " Profes- sor York ... is the only graduate of the Michigan University that ever re- ceived the unanimous recommendation for the degree of M. A., summa cum laude.^' He is a teacher of music. Children: 1772. Kate Ethel York, b. Sept. 27, 1885. 1773. Satia F. York, b. Oct. 8, 1891. 1774. John F. York, b. June 11, 1895. 1775. Liets D. York, b. Feb. 10, 1898. Lucy York (1527), dau. of Warren D. (1342) and Sarah (Crumb) York, son of Yeomans (1264) and Catherine (Collins) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. May 27, 1846; m., Oct. 24, 1870, George Crumb. Res., Brookfield, N. Y. Children : 1776. Glennie A. Crumb, b. Dec. 31, 1871. *' 1777. Bessie J. Crumb, b. Dec. 31, 1875. 1778. Arthur L. Crumb, b. Sept. 21, 1879. Selah D. York (1529), brother of the preceding, m. (i), Apr. 8, 1875, Ida R. Clark; (2), Aug. 15, 1883, Mary E. Lerow. Res., Unadilla, N. Y. Child: 1779. Peleg K. York (1534), son of Welcome D. York (1344) and Lucia (Ken- yon) York, son of Yeomans (1264) and Catherine (Collins) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) THE BROWN GENEALOGY York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (CoUins) Brown [Thomas], b. Nov. 26, 1859; m., Jan. 20, 1886, Grace E. Read. Res., Pawtucket, R. I. Children : 1780. Louis D. York, b. Sept. 3, 1887. 1 78 1. Marian York, b. June 16, 1893. Lafontaine York (1536), son of WilHam D. York (1345) and Mary A. (Crumb) York, son of Yeomans (1264) and Catherine (CoUins) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Aug. II, 1854; d. June 30, 1889; m., Nov. 24, 1874, Alice Dutcher. Children: 1782. Charles J. York, b. Feb. 25, 1879. 1783. Edna G. York, b. Dec. 6, 1888. Jay C. York (1537), brother of the preceding, b. Dec. 28, i860; m., Dec. 28, 1886, Alda V. Austin, b. May, 1862; dau. of Lewis Austin. Dau.: 1784. Mabel A. York, b. Oct. 19, 1888. Marvin York (1542), son of Stephen (1347) and Urtemesia (Fletcher) York, son of Stephen (1265) and Rebecca (Crandall) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (CoUins) Brown [Thomas], b. Dec. 19, 1820; m. (i) Eliza Vanvalkenburg; (2) Amelia T. Burton. Res., Watertown, N. Y. Children by first m.: 1785. Walter A. York, b. (2060). 1786. Adelbert M. York, b. Jan. 21, 1885 (2061, 2062). Dau. by second m. : 1787. Artimisia York. Alfred H. York (1543), brother of the i)receding, b. Oct. 8, 1824; d. Dec. 28, 1881; m. Betsey Harrington. Children: 1788. H. Stephen York. 1789. Dow Brooks York (2063, 2064). 1790. Harriet E. York (2065, 2066). Chester C. York (1544), brother of the preceding, b. July 19, 1827; d. 1878; m. Phebe Harrington. Children : 1792. Anson York. THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1793. Willie G. York. 1794. Anna York. 1795. Minnie York. Anson E. York (1545), brother of the preceding, b. Aug. 10, 1830; m., July 19, 1853, Abby Torry. Res., 1889, Watertown, N. Y. Children: 1796. John S. York. 1797. Alice E. York, b. Jan. 18, 1858 (2067, 2068). 1798. Fred T. York, b. Sept. 3, 1865; m., Sept. 7, 1886, Eunitia Hoyt. Lucia R. York (1546), dau. of Denison (1349) and Lorena (Thompson) York, son of Stephen (1265) and Rebecca (Crandall) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Sept. 10, 1828; d., TuUy, N. Y.,Feb. i, 1899; m.. May i, 1850, Chester A. Blair. He was a Republican, and he and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Children: 1799. Mary Jessie Blair, b. Nov. 19, 1856, 1800. Minnie Ella Blair, b. Apr. 13, 1863. Lydia L. York (1547), sister of the preceding, b. June 9, 1832; m., De Ruyter, N. Y., July 16, 1854, Welcome R. Phillips. Settled on a farm at Truxton, now Cuyler, Cortland Co., N. Y., where he resided till 1878, when he removed to De Ruyter, N. Y. Removed to Smyrna, N. Y., 1898, where they now reside. He is a farmer, and he and his wife are members of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Children, all b. in Cuyler: 1801. Ladella PhiUips, b. May 18, 1855. 1802. W. Eugene Phillips, b. May 16, 1857 (2o68t, 2o68u). 1803. Clara Blendelia Phillips, b. Mar. 22, 1859; d., De Ruyter, Sept. 7, 1892; m., June 20, 1885, Griggs A. Taylor, b., De Ruyter, 1843. He is a farmer. 1804. Wendall Phillips, b. Oct. 29, 1865. 1805. Henrietta Phillips, b. June 20, 1872. Robert P. York (1548), brother of the preceding, b., Lincklaen, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1835; d., De Ruyter, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1887; m.. So. Otselic, N. Y., Nov.22,1857, Cynthia E. Frink (1493), b., Brookfield, N.Y.,Oct.28, 1835, dau. of Gilbert and Roxie (Frink) Frink, of So. Otselic (1318). He was ist Lieut, of Co. H, and Capt. of Co. H of 114th N. Y. Vol., and Lieut.-Col. 213 THE BROWN GENEALOGY and Col. of 75th N. Y. Vol. He was two years on the staff of General Emory, and was wounded at Cedar Creek. He was mentioned in a letter from General Emory, Apr. 15, 1864, after battles of Sabine Cross Roads and Pleasant Hill, for conspicuous gallantry in action. After the close of the war he was a prosperous business man in Syracuse and De Ruyter, N. Y. He was a Republican and Commander of the G. A. R. post at De Ruyter. He was a teacher in the Baptist Sunday School, and active in church work. Dau. : 1S06. Lorena E. York, b., Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1867; m. Edward E. WOiitford, 2380 (2607). Ann York (1549), sister of the preceding, b. Apr. i, 1838; m., Cuyler Hill, N. Y., July 31, D. Benjamin Gardener. He is a farmer at Lincklaen Centre, N. Y., a Republican, and a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Children, all b. Cuyler Hill: 1807. Denison D. Gardener, b. July 9, 1859 (2068a). 1808. Mary Lorena Gardener, b. July 31, i860 (2o68b-2o68g). 1809. Robert Grant Gardener, b. Oct. 17, 1864 (2o68h-2o68m). 18 10. Efi&e A. Gardener, b. July 6, 1867 (2o68n, 20680). 181 1. Ella May Gardener, b. Mar. 29, 1872 (2o68p, 2o68q). 181 2. Flora Gardener, d. at Cuyler Hill. 1813. Elsie Lou Gardener, b. May 24, 1874 (2o68r, 2068s). Martha L. York (1550), sister of the preceding, b. Jan. 12, 1841; d., Lincklaen, N. Y., May 5, 1888; m. (i), De Ruyter, N. Y., July, 1858, Luke Burdick. He resided at Lincklaen, and was a farmer; a Republican and a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. She m. (2), Lincklaen, Philetas Burdick, son of Edward Burdick and (Finch) Burdick. He is a farmer of Lincklaen. She was a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Children, by first m.: 1814. Henrietta Burdick. 1815. Edson Charles Burdick, b. May 3, 1867; m. Cora Stillman. Res., Bainbridge, N. Y. 1816. Cora Burdick, b. Sept. 2, 1869; m. Frank Coon, of Lincklaen Centre, N. Y. Levi H. York (1553), son of David (1351) and Susan (Cook) York, son of Stephen (1265) and Rebecca (Grandall) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Sept. 12, 1827; d. 214 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Mar. 23, 1897; m., Sept. 14, 1848, Sylvania Fargo. He entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1859. In the Civil War he was Lieut, of Co. G, 146th N. Y. Vol., and later Capt. He served afterwards as the Chief of Ambulance Corps of the Army of the Potomac. After some service in the ministry in Virginia, he removed to Washington, where he died. Children : 18 1 7. EUenora York, d. in infancy. 1818. Alida S. York, m., Feb. 19, 1884, John C. Pennie. He is a patent attorney, 1711 Corcoran St., Washington, D. C. 1819. Alice York, d. Nov. i, 1880. Maria E. York (1555), sister of the preceding, b. ; m., 1861, Giles Crandall. Children : 1820. Myron Crandall. 182 1. Ernest Crandall. N. Maria York (1557), dau. of John (1365) and Nancy (Breed) York, son of John (1280) and Patty (Wheeler) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127), dau. of Ichabod (32) and Sarah (Chapman) Brown [John (8), Thomas], b. Jan. 28, 1818; d., Sacramento, Cal., July 6, 1882; m., Dec. I, 1836, David Babcock, b., W^esterly, R. I., Sept. 21, 1809; d. Mason City, la. They removed from Brookfield, N. Y., to Mason City, and after his death she removed to Sacramento, to the home of her daughter. Children: 1822. Herbert Babcock. 1823. William Babcock, b. Oct. 2, 1843 (2069). 1824. Sarah Babcock. 1825. Fanny Babcock. 1826. Candace Babcock. 1827. John Babcock. 1828. Frahk Babcock. Oliver B. York (1560), brother of the preceding, b. Sept. 14, 1823; d. Apr" 21, 1905; m.. Mar. 4, 1846, Mary Lines, d. Dec. 21, 1893. They removed from Brookfield, N. Y., to Edmeston, N. Y., where he held the oflice of Town Clerk for eight years. During the war he was enrolling officer and Deputy Provost Marshal. After the war he was appointed Deputy for the Bureau of Mihtary Statistics. Children: 1829. John Henry York, b., Brookfield, Feb. 25, 1847 (2070-2072). 215 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1829a. Gracia York, b., Morris, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1849; d., Morris, 1903 (2073). 1830. Hattie O. York, b., Poolville, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1850 (2074, 2075). 1831. Charles O. York, b., Brookfield, Mar. 17, 1852 (2076-2079). 1832. Frank H. York, b., Brookfield, July 17, 1855 (2080-2085). Priscilla York (1561), sister of the preceding, b. Jan. 7, 1826; d. Jan. 11, 1891; m.. Mar. 30, 1845, Starling Doolittle. They removed to Hatches Hollow, Penn., where she d. Her husband and six children survived her. Children: 1833. Willard Doolittle. 1834. Alton Doolittle. 1835. Celicia Doolittle. 1836. Lily Doolittle. 1837. Rua Doolittle. 1838. John Doolittle. Juliette York (1564), sister of the preceding, b. Feb. 12, 1832; m., Brook- field, N. Y., Apr. 21, 1853, Frank Hall, b.. Westerly, R. I., Apr. 7, 1826; son of Stanton and Mary (Perkins) Hall. They lived after their marriage in Belmont, N. Y'., where all their children were born, and where they now reside. He is a carpenter and a Prohibitionist. Both are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Children : 1839. Nettie Hall, b. Sept. 13, 1854 (2o85a-2o85c). 1840. Effie Hall, b. Sept. 8, 1856; d. Mar. 5, 1866. 1841. Frank N. Hall, b. Apr. 28, 1864 (2o85d-2o85g). 1842. Irving G. Hall, b. July 15, 1867; m., Niagara Falls, N. Y., Sept. 22, , Mary C. Young, b.. Freedom, Penn., Apr. 19, 1878; dau. of Israel and Elizabeth (George) Young, of Freedom. He is a carpenter and resides at Belmont. He says that he has no politics. His wife is a member of the Baptist Church. Delia M. York (1565), sister of the preceding, b. Aug. 30, 1834; d. Mar. 28, 1868; m., Nov. 24, i860, George L. Main. After her marriage she lived in Dix, Schuyler Co., N. Y. She is buried in the Randall burying-ground in Brookfield, N. Y. She and her husband were members of the Methodist Episcopal Chiu-ch. He is a wagon-maker in Havana, N. Y., where she died. Her children were educated by relatives. 216 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : 1843. Ettie Main, b. June i, 1861; d. 1882, shortly after graduating from Washington, D. C, High School. 1844. John Main. He is engaged with his brother in truck-farming at Gainesville, Fla. 1845. George Main. John Andrew York (1566), brother of the preceding, b. Apr. 23, 1837; d. Nov. 2, 1865; m., Jan. i, 1858, Anna Maria Cowen. He was a young man full of promise, cut off before his prime. Children : 1846. J. Ransom York, b. Nov. 27, i860 (2086, 2087). 1847. George A. York, b. Mar. 17, 1862; d. June 13, 1896 (2088, 2089). David York (i566d), son of David (1367) and Sophia (Beadle) York, son of John (1280) and Patty (Wheeler) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127), dau. of Ichabod (32) and Sarah (Chapman) Brown [John (8), Thomas], b. May 30, 1831; m. (i), May 22, 1859, Betsey A. PhilHps, d. July 11, 1872; m. (2), Feb. 12, 1873, Maggie H. Beardsley. Children by first m.: 1848. Ella York, b. May 28, 1861; d. Apr. 25, 1867. 1849. Mervin York, b, Sept. 6, 1868; d. June 22, 1869. Son by second m.: 1850. Laverne D. York, b. Apr. 14, 1877. Martha York (1572), dau. of "WTieeler (1369) and Gracia (Breed) York, son of John (1280) and Patty (Wheeler) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127), dau. of Ichabod (32) and Sarah (Chapman) Brown [John (8), Thomas], b. Feb. 12, 1833; m, (i), Oct. 24, 1853, Erastus Green, who was killed in the War of the Rebellion; m. (2) Lodowick Green. Res., Coldwater, Mich. ^ Children, by first m. : 185 1. Charles Green. 1852. Nettie Green. Silas R. York (1574), brother of the preceding, b. Sept. 25, 1837; m., June II, 1864, Sarah Tuttle, dau. of Wm. Tuttle; b. May 17, 1847; d. Dec. 17, 1903. Soon after his marriage he was stricken with blindness. He began a grocery -store in a small way, and met with fair success until he lost his house and store and contents by fire. With neighborly sympathy and assistance a new and commodious building was soon completed, and with 217 THE BROWN GENEALOGY skilfulness passing all expectations a prosperous business has been managed for many years. Children: 1853. Mildred L. York, b. Sept. 26, 1869. She is a teacher in War- rensburg, N. Y. 1854. Alice M. York, b. June 8, 1874 (2090). 1855. Alton W. York, b. June 3, 1876. 1856. Martha A. York, b. Nov. 26, 1878. Delos P. York (1584), son of Thomas (1371) and Ann B. (Denison) York, son of Thomas (1281) and Prudence (Hinckley) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127), dau. of Ichabod (32) and Sarah (Chap- man) Brown [John (8), Thomas], b. Sept. 22, 1833; m. Sarah Lewis. He removed with his parents to Illinois, thence to Kansas. Enlisted in the War of the Rebellion, and in 1892 was an inmate of the Soldiers' Home at Santa Monica, Cal. Children : 1857. Carrie York, m. a Dively. 1858. Cora York, m. a Dively. 1859. Jessie York, m., and lives in St. Joseph, Mo. H. Zelinda York (1585), sister of the preceding, b. July 8, 1835; m., Sept. 16, 1856, G. W. Messick. She attended Brookfield Academy and Cazenovia Seminary, N. Y., graduating in the class of 1854; subsequently she was a teacher in Brookfield Academy. Removing with her parents to Illinois, she taught in the public schools in Dodgeville, Wis., and Polo, III. Children : i860. Leander Messick. He is a graduate of Normal School, 111. 1861. Rosabel Messick. She is a music teacher. 1862. Lillian Messick. 1863. Fred Messick. He graduated from University of Berlin, Ger- many; is an organist in Chicago. 1864. Charles Messick. He graduated from Medical College, Chicago, 111., and Louisville, Ky, 1865. George W. Messick. 1866. Will Messick. M. Antoinette York (1586), sister of the preceding, b. June 26, 1836; d. Sept. 29, 1864; m., Dec. 25, 1853, William Spooner, d. Jan., 1892. He was a soldier in the W^ar of the Rebellion. She was a teacher in the public schools of Dodgeville, Wis. Dau.: 1867. Ettie Spooner. 218 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Frank York (1587), brother of the preceding, b. Sept. 14^ 1852; m., Mar. 3, 1878, Sarah L. Durling. He removed with the family to lUinois, and now resides in Cahola, Kan. Children : 1868. Lottie York, b. Jan. 29, 1879. 1869. Edgar York, b. Mar. 19, 188 1. 1870. Oscar York, b. Mar. 9, 1883. 187 1. Carrie York, b. Dec. 12, 1887. Eusebia A. York (1627), dau. of Hiram (1398) and Sarah (Stillman) York, son of Ichabod (1283) and Freelove (Gardner) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127), dau. of Ichabod (32) and Sarah (Chapman) Brown [John (8), Thomas], b. Nov. 21, 1847; d. Jan. i, 1881; m., July 21, 1873, James R. Burdick. She was educated at Alfred Academy; removed with the family to Illinois, where she d. Children : 1872. Eli Burdick. 1873. Ina Burdick. 1874. Ada Burdick. Elza S. York (1628), brother of the preceding, b. July 15, 1850; m., Dec. 27, 1873, Ellen A. Place. They occupy the homestead of their father in Allegany Co., N. Y. Children: 1875. Alice M. York, b. Aug. 5, 1877; d. Nov. 8, 1880. 1876. Julia May York, b. Mar. 19, 1883; d. Nov. 11, 1892. Iphegenia E. Gorton (1629), dau. of Catherine E. (York, 1399) Gorton and Benjamin Gorton, dau. of Ichabod (1283) and Freelove (Gardner) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127), dau. of Ichabod (32) and Sarah (Chapman) Brown [John (8), Thomas], b. Jan. 4, 1848; m. (i), 1875, Seth Holmes; (2), May 30, 1844, George Dermot, a preacher in the local ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Address, Ava, N. Y. Children, by first m. : 1877. Florence C. Holmes. 1878. Seth Wendall Holmes. William H. York (1635), son of William E. (1402) and Polly A. (Beach) York, son of Ichabod (1283) and Freelove (Gardner) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127), dau. of Ichabod (32) and Sarah (Chapman) Brown [John (8), Thomas], b. Apr. 23, 1852; m., Apr. 10, 1878, 219 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Barbara Lyon, b. Sept. 24, 1848. He was educated at Cazenovia Seminary; graduated from Drew Theological Seminary at Madison, N. J., and be- came a member of the Central New York Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church after graduation. Dau.: 1879. Mary Alice York, b. July 11, 1881. Elza H. York (1636), brother of the preceding, b. Dec. 29, 1854; m. Anna Grouse. Lives at Guilderland Centre, N. Y. Children : 1880. May Belle York, b. Aug., 1883; d. Feb. 3, 1884. 1881. John H. York, b. Oct. 2, 1889. Rose May York (1639), sister of the preceding, b. Aug. 3, 1863; m., July 6, 1887, Fred. Briggs. Res., Homer, N. Y. Children: 1882. Mabel Augusta Briggs, b. 1889. 1883. Gerald Leland Briggs. 1884. Charles York Briggs, b. 1896. 1885. Leslie Eadie Briggs, b. 1899. Ervine D. York (1641), son of Gilbert R. (1404) and Cynthia (Denison) York, son of Ichabod (1283) and Freelove (Gardner) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127), dau. of Ichabod (32) and Sarah (Chapman) Brown [John (8), Thomas], b. June 14, 1853; m. (i), Nov. 3, 1875, Minerva White; m. (2), June 20, 1887, Margaret A. Magnon. He made a specialty of modern languages and stenography In 1872 was assistant stenographer in the State Senate of New York; was for a time local editor of the Bayonne Herald, Bergen Point, N. J.; was sten- ographer in various courts in Pennsylvania, and for the Schuylkill County Court for some years; was one of the reporters of the "Molly Maguire" trials; in 1883 was clerk of the Commissioner of Pensions, and was later the stenographer of Justice Miller of the Supreme Court. Grad- uated B.L. and M.L. from the University Law School of Washington; ad- mitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, and later to the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States. Dau. by first m.: 1886. Lucille York, b. Dec. 16, 1878; d. Dec. 17, 1878. Children by second m. : 1887. Everett M. York, b. Oct. 15, 1888. 1888. Willard D. York, b. Oct. 13, 1894. 1889. Cynthia M. York, b. Mar. 3, 1898. I THE BROWN GENEALOGY Florence A. York (1644), sister of the preceding, b. Feb. 8, 1859; m. Loundes Taylor. After graduating at Cazenovia Seminary she studied and became very proficient in stenography, serving as the assistant of her brother Ervine; later she was in the office of Cochran & Walsh, of St. Paul, Minn., until her marriage. Res., W. Chester, Penn. Children : 1890. Archer Biorn Taylor. 1891. Agnes Taylor. 1892. Anne Taylor. 1893. Aurora Taylor. 1894. Eleanor Taylor. Everett R. York (1645), brother of the preceding, b. June 25, i860; m., June 15, 1887, Currence B. Fitch, dau. of Bulter Fitch, Col. of 8th N. Y. Independent Battery. After a partial course in Cazenovia Seminary he studied stenography and was assistant reporter in the Senate at Harrisburg, Penn.; later was stenographer in the courts in Schuylkill Co.; in 1880 he was secretary of the Land Commissioner of the B. & M. R.R. at Lincoln, Neb.; later was secretary of the Assistant Postmaster-General at Washington. Graduated B.L. and M.L. from the National Law School at Washington, and was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court. Entered the offices of the attorneys for the Northern Pacific R.R. at Tacoma, Wash., and was elected to the Assembly of the State of Washington in 1900 and 1902. Children : 1895. Florence York, b. Oct. 2, 1890. 1896. Arthur Fitch York, b. Feb. 7, 1893. 1897. Helen Denison York, b. May 11, 1896. Merwin L. York (1647), son of Sidney P. (1405) and Elizabeth (Oster- man) York, son of Ichabod (1283) and Freelove (Gardner) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127), dau. of Ichabod (32) and Sarah (Chapman) Brown [John (8),Thomas], b. June 6, 1855; m., Dec. 31, 1878, Elizabeth Duffy. He is a stenographer, and for several years private secretary of George Bancroft, the American historian; was later secretary of Wayne McVeagh and B. H. Brewster, Attorneys-General of the United States. Graduated from the National Law School; was admitted to the bar of the United States Supreme Court; was Assistant District- Attorney at Little Rock, Ark., and later private secretary for Gov, R. P. Flower of New York. Children: 1898. Mabel E. York, b. Nov. 22, 1879. THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1899. Elsie M. York, b. Nov. 26, 1886. 1900. Evelyn York, b. Apr. 10, 1889. Albert Moore York (1652), son of Rev. Albert L. York (1406) and Caro- line A. (Moore) York, son of Ichabod (1283) and Freelove (Gardner) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127), dau. of Ichabod (32) and Sarah (Chapman) Brown [John (8), Thomas], b. Dec. 5, 1861; m., June 12, 1889, Esther H. Avery, dau. of G. A. Avery, who served in the Civil War in the 3d New York Light Artillery. In 1880 he entered the Pre- paratory Department of St. Lawrence University at Canton, N. Y.; gradu- ated from the Syracuse University at Syracuse, N. Y., 1885; was for several years connected with the Syracuse Daily Standard, the Auburn Dispatch, and Syracuse Daily Courier. On the establishment of the Syracuse Post- Standard he was appointed its city editor, and has been for some time its managing editor. Children: 1901. Florence E. York, b. Apr. 7, 1890. 1902. Esther M. York, b. Feb. 5, 1892. Adella Elizabeth Prentice (1660), dau. of Thomas Henry (1427) and Susan (Brown) Prentice, son of Thomas and Sally (York) Prentice (1287), dau. of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], son of John (1220) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Norwich, N. Y., July 8, 1849; ^-^ Norwich, May 31, 187 1, Sidney Dutton Hayward. Children, all b. in Norwich: 1903. Maude Janette Hayward, b. Dec. 6, 1871; m., Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1901, Price Palmer Conn. 1904. Susie Hayward, b. Nov. 27, 1872. 1905. Amy Prentice Hayward, b. Nov. 25, 1885. 1906. Marian Elizabeth Hayward, b. Apr. 3, 1887. 1907. Henry Hayward, b. July 19, 1888; d., Norwich, Aug. 19, 1888. 1908. Henry Samuel Hayward, b. Feb. 23, 1890; d. Oct. 23, 1890. 1909. Sidney Gertrude Hayward, b. Mar. 2, 1891. Henry York (1666), son of Zebulon (1448) and Lucy (Coon) York, son of Bell (1295) and Polly (Purchase) York, son of Bell (1254) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (CoUins) Brown [Thomas], b. June 25, 1845; "^-j 1870, Armina Taylor. THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 1910. Percy York, b. Feb. 24, 1886. 191 1. Arlie York, b. June 7, 1888. Adelbert York (1669), brother of the preceding, b. June 23, 1868; m., Nov., 1890, Martha Byaskie. Dau. : 1912. Mabel York, b. Oct. 21, 1892. Delevan York (1670), brother of the preceding, b. ; m. Hattie Sloper. Son: 1913. Floyd York, b.1890. George E. York (1670a), son of Irving W. York (i452e) and Eliza C. (Munger) York, son of Joseph (131 1) and Hannah (Breed) York, son of James (1255) and Lucy (Palmer) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b., Kilbourn, Wis., May 26, i860; m., Kilbourn, Feb. 12, 1895, Mabel J. Bren. He is a merchant in Portage, Wis., carrying on, with his brother, the business founded by his father. Son: 1913a. John York, b.. Portage, Dec. 16, 1896; d.. Portage, Dec. 16, 1896. Hattie M. York (1670b), sister of the preceding, b., Kilbourn, Wis., Aug. 26, 1861; m.. Portage, Wis., June 18, 1896, Fred A. Joy. Children: 1913b. Irving Joy, b., Tremont, Neb., Mar. 15, 1897; d., Endeavor, Wis., Jan. 24, 1898. 1913c. Alfred Joy, b. Jan. 4, 1898. 1913d. Carlton Joy, b. June 3, 1899. Robert E. York (1670c), brother of the preceding, b., Kilbourn, Wis., June 19, 1872; m.. Portage, Wis., June 5, 1895, Anna M. Fink. Children: i9i3e. May H. York, b., Portage, Mar. 20, 1896. i9i3f. Irving W. York, b.. Portage, Oct. 6, 1902. J. Hiram Chesebro (1671), son of Jared and Sarah (Brown) Chesebro (1455), dau. of Zebulon Brown (131 2) [Zebulon (376), Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. Apr. 3, 1833; m., Dec. 20, 1853, Harriet Williams, b. Dec. 19, 1835. 223 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 1914. Alvin D. Chesebro, b. Mar. 3, 1855; m., Jan. i, 1874, Hattie A. Hinkley. No issue. 1915. Orra Chesebro, b. Apr. 27, 1862 (2091, 2092). 1916. Ida L. Chesebro, b. Oct. i, 1866; m., Jan. 3, 1895, Fred. H. White, b. July 22, 1871. No issue. Henry H. Brown (1673), son of Horace B. (1457) and Mary A. (Gorton) Brown [Zebulon (1312), Zebulon (376), Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1835; "^-^ Prairieburg, la., May 26, 1861, Mary J. Wagner, dau. of Henry Wagner, of Prairieburg; b. Nov. 4, 1843; <^-» Cottage Grove, la.. Mar. 13, 1905. He is a farmer at Cottage Grove, and a Republican. Children, first four b. in Prairieburg; last two, in Park Rapids, la.: 191 7. Ada, b. Oct. 3, 1862; d., Prairieburg, Aug. 16, 1863. 1918. William, b. Jan. 4, 1866 (2092a-2092c). 1919. Grace (twin), b. Nov. 16, 1868 (2o92d). 1920. Grant (twin), b. Nov. 16, 1868 (20926, 2092f). 1921. Alice, b. Sept. 9, 1872 (2092g). 1922. George Wagner, b. Feb. 28, 1875; "^-j Portland, Ore., Dec. 25, 1904, Nora Vanfleet. Alvin H. Brown (1674), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1837; m., Columbus, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1867, Mary A. Sisson, b., Sherburn, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1842; d., Newankum, Wash., Sept. 6, 1893; dau. of George and Clara (Church) Sisson, of Sherburn, N. Y. During the war he was a member of the 44th Regt. Iowa Vol. Inf. Was chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Osceola Co., la., in 1877. He removed to Prairie- burg, la., in 1855, to Osceola Co. in 1872, to Cottage Grove, Ore., in 1877, ai^d to Napavine, Wash., in 1878. He is a farmer at Napavine, and a Republican. His wife was a member of the Methodist Church. Children: 1923. Clara B., b., Prairieburg, Nov. 7, 1867 (2092h-2092m.) 1924. Blanche M., b., Prairieburg, July 12, 1869; m., Chehahs, Wash., Aug. 21, 1898, Henry A. Romerman, b., Nasel, Wash., Apr. 7, 1873. He is a logger, and resides at Napa- vine, Wash. He is a Republican. 1925. Sarah L., b., Prairieburg, Jan. 29, 1871 (2092n, 20920). 1926. Cora E., b., Ashton, la., July 10, 1873 (2092P, 2o92q). 1927. Clarence A., b., Newankum, May 8, 1881. 1928. Mary E., b., Newankum, Jan. 18, 1884. 1929. Edna, b. Oct. 5, 1886; d., Newankum, Feb. 4, 1890. 224 THE BROWN' GENEALOGY Lois M. Brown (1675), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., May 12, 1839; m. (i), Prairieburg, la., Apr. 15, i860, Allen F. McQueen, b. Indiana; d., Helena, Ark., 1863; son of William and Mary (Mosier) McQueen, of Prairieburg. He was a member of 24th Regt. Iowa Vol. Inf. She m. (2), Prairieburg, Nov. 20, 1867, John T. Argubright, b., Illinois, July 3, T838. He served as a soldier in an Illinois regiment during the War of the Rebellion. He is a mason and plasterer, and resides at Everett, Wash. He is a Democrat; he and his wife are members of the Congregational Church. Children by lirst m., b. and d. in Prairieburg: 1930. Alvin H. McQueen, b. Jan. 17, 1861; d. June, 1863. 1931. Cora A. McQueen, b. Feb. 24, 1862; d. June 25, 1863. Children by second m. : 1932. Bertha M. Argubright, b., Prairieburg, Sept. 5, 1868 (2092r- 2092t). 1933. Charles J. Argubright, b., Prairieburg, Nov. 2, 1871; m.. Port Byron, 111., Dec. 22, 1896, Mary T. Dailey, b.. Port Byron, July 12, 1875. Graduated from Business College in Daven- port, la.; taught in public schools and business colleges; is now President of Battle Creek Business and Normal College at Battle Creek, Mich. 1934. Lulu Argubright, b., Doon, la., July 23, 1873; d. 1873. 1935. Edith Argubright, b., Doon, May 7, 1879; ^-j Everett, Wash., July 6, 1904, Robert Hoffman, b.. Spring Valley, 111., Dec. 16, 1876; son of Austin Hoffman and Julia A. (Throop) Hoffman, of Round Lake, Minn. She graduated from the Musical Department of Epworth Seminary at Epworth, la., June 8, 1897; taught music for two years in Hull Educational Institute at Hull, la.; she is now organist of the United Presbyterian Church of Everett, Wash. Her husband removed with his parents from Spring Valley to Round Lake in 1888, and in 1903 he removed to Everett; he is in the shipping department of a sash-and-door factory. He is a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the United Presbyterian Church. Catherine R. Brown (1677), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Mar. 8, 1843; ^-^ Marion, la., Jan. 28, 1864, George W. McQueen, b., Indiana, 1837; d., Lorane, Ore., Dec. 27, 1898; son of William and Mary (Mosier) McQueen, of Prairieburg, la. He was a member of the 8th Regt, Iowa Vol. Inf.; was taken prisoner at the battle of Shiloh, and after spending 225 THE BROWN GENEALOGY some time in Southern prisons was paroled and rejoined his regiment. He was a farmer at Elkton, Ore., and a Republican. Children, first four b. in Prairieburg; last two, Doon, la.: 1936. Dora McQueen, b. Jan. 18, 1865; d., Prairieburg, Sept. 28, 1865. 1937. Ivan McQueen, b. Jan. 20, 1866. He was elected County Superintendent of Schools for Lyon Co., la., in 1888; re- elected in 1890; was elected to the Legislature of Oregon from Lane Co. in 1898, and re-elected in 1900. 1938. Mary L. McQueen, b. Apr. 27, 1868; graduated at Hull Edu- cational Institute, Hull, la.; studied music at Cornell College and at Epworth College, la.; gave music lessons and taught school; m., 1901, Cottage Grove, Ore., Solomon Davidson. He is a jeweler. Address, Boise, Idaho. 1939. William McQueen, b. Apr. 11, 1870. 1940. George W. McQueen, b. Mar. 26, 1874 (2092U). 1941. Zaida L. McQueen, b. Jan. 29, 1885. Perry O. Brown (1679), son of Horace B. Brown (1457) and his second wife, Esther Crandall, b., Columbus, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1849; "^- (i)> Prairie- burg, la., Dec. 25, 1873, Emma A. Belknap, b., Linn Co., la.; d., Prairieburg, Nov. 24, 1874; m. (2), Linn Co., June 25, 1878, Irene E. Abbott. He is a merchant in Portland, Ore., a Republican, and he and his wife are mem- bers of the Methodist Church. Son by first m.: 1942. Guy, b., Prairieburg, Nov. 29, 1874. Children by second m., all b. in Prairieburg: 1943. Horace E., b. May 2, 1879; d., Prairieburg, Feb. 3, 1883. 1944. Esther M., b. Apr. 10, 1880. 1945. Linus P., b. July 29, 1884. 1946. Lem L., b. July 8, 1886. Freeman E. Brown (1680), brother of the preceding, b., Columbus, N. Y., Oct. 30, 185 1 ; m., Prairieburg, la.. May 22, 1878, Nettie A. Fleming. He is a mason by occupation, and a Republican. Res., Prairieburg, la. His eldest daughter died some years ago. He is said to have had two other chil- dren, whose names are not ascertained. Children: 1947. M. Alverda, b. Feb. 28, 1880. 1948. Mary E., b. Aug. 28, 1882. 1949. Lewis E., b. June 9, 1885. 1950. Albert, b. Apr. 5, 1887. 226 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Lewis C. Brown (1681), brother of the preceding, b., Cohimbus, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1853; m., Praineburg, la., Oct. 30, 1875, Emily M. Ary. He re- moved from Prairieburg to Winnebago Co., la., in 1890. In 1892 he was elected County Superintendent of Schools, and was re-elected in 1894 and 1896; was again elected in 1903, and still holds the office. He is a Republi- can. His address is Forest City, la. Children, first seven b. in Prairieburg; last three, in Forest City: 1951. Aurilla, b. Apr. 9, 1877. 1952. Ethel, b. Apr. 3, 1879; ^-j Prairieburg, 1883. 1953. Wesley, b. Jan. 29, 1881; d., Prairieburg, 1883. 1954. C. Edgar, b. Feb. 4, 1883. 1955. Marion L., b. Feb. 12, 1885. 1956. Arthur D., b. Feb. 6, 1887. 1957. Edna M., b. Apr. 18, 1889. 1957a. Claire, b. Feb. 18, 1893. 1957b. Reginald, b. Sept. 16, 1895. 1957c. James, b. May 10, 1896. Viola M. Brown (1683), dau. of Alonzo H. (1458) and Emeline (Mason) Brown [Zebulon (131 2), Zebulon (376), Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. Jan. 26, 1847; "i-) Sept., 1870, Alonzo Adams, of Michigan. Children: 1958. Calvin J. Adams, b. 1872 (2093, 2094). 1959. Ethel R. Adams, b. 1881 (2095). Zebulon L. Brown (1684), brother of the preceding, b. Feb. 12, 1849; ^• Dec. 12, 1896; m. (i), Jan. i, 1871, Julia A. Cook, d. Nov. 28, 1871; m. (2), Mar. 21, 1878, Ida F. Sarle. Children, by second m.: i960. Adilla E., b. Dec. 12, 1878; d., Columbus, N. Y., May 8, 1898. 1961. Emma M., b. June 25, 1881; d., Columbus, Nov. 28, 1896. 1962. Sari, b. 1893. Res., 1905, with his mother in Columbus, O. L. Sherwood Fitch (1686), son of Elliott G. and Sabrina (Brown) Fitch (1459) [Zebulon (1312), Zebulon (376), Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], dau. of Thede (York) Brown (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau, of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Alar. 26, 1846; m. (i). No. Brookfield, Mar. 21, 1866, Alice M. Gorton, b. No. Brookfield; d., No. Brookfield, Feb. 4, 1886; dau. of Marsena Gorton, of No. Brookfield, and Westley (Morgan) Gorton; m. 227 THE BROWN GENEALOGY (2), June 27, 1888, Melida Vanderpoel, b., Paris, N. Y., May 3, 1856; dau. of Albert DeWitt Clinton and Eliza (Randall) Vanderpoel. Child, by first m.: 1963. Lynn Fitch, b., Brookfield, Oct. 16, 1869. Sarah L. Fitch (1687), sister of the preceding, b., No. Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1849; m.. No. Brookfield, Jan. 7, 1868, Brownell Tompkins, b., Madison, N.Y., Aug. 21, 1845; ^^^ ^^ Philip Tompkins, of Hamilton,N. Y., and Mary (Simmons) Tompkins. She was educated in the country schools and at Whitestown Seminary. He attended the country schools, the Union School at Hamilton, and Eastman's Business College at Poughkeepsie, N. Y.; entered the First National Bank at Morrisville, N. Y., soon after its organization, in 1864, and is now its cashier, having been elected to the latter position in 1882. He and his wife are members of the Congregational Church, of which he is an ardent supporter, being one of its deacons and superintendent of the Sunday school for many years. He is a Republican. Res., Morrisville, N. Y. Children : 1964. S. Blanche Tompkins, b., Morrisville, Sept. 4, 1870 (2096- 2099). 1965. B. Fitch Tompkins, b. Jan. 20, 1875; m., Syracuse, N. Y., June 30, 1897, Mae Louise Jenner, b., Clyde, N. Y., Mar. 6, 1874; dau. of John W. Jenner, of Clyde, and Harriet (Nich- ols) Jenner. He graduated from Olivet College, Mich., in 1896; clerk in First National Bank at Morrisville; studied law with Judge John C. Smith, of Morrisville; admitted to the bar at Albany, N. Y., Oct., 1898; has since practised law at Morrisville, first as a member of the firm of Smith & Tompkins and later as a member of the firm of Coman & Tompkins; volunteer fireman since 1896, and foreman of H. & L. Co.; elected Justice of the Peace in 1903. His wife graduated from State Normal School at Geneseo, N. Y., in 1893; was a teacher in High Schools at Avon, Bath, and Morrisville, all in New York. 1966. Mary Elizabeth Tompkins, b. Feb. 2, 1880 (2100). Lu Ella Fitch (1687a), sister of the preceding, b.. No. Brookfield, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1863; m.. No. Brookfield, Nov. 7, 1882, Lucius P. Burdick, b., Edgerton, Wis., Oct. 27, 1861; son of Joseph Burdick. He is a farmer, a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Res., Brookfield, N. Y. 228 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children, all b. in Brookfield: 1967. Iva Marina Burdick, b. Mar. 31, 1885. 1968. Dora Lucile Burdick, b. Jan. 31, 1899. 1969. Raymond Fitch Burdick, b. June 19, 1900. De Ette Brown (1688), dau. of John F. (1462) and Sophia (Dresser) Brown, son of Zebulon (131 2) [Zebulon (376), Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas] and Thede (York) Brown (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Nov. 19, 1854; d. Aug. 5, 1899; m., Feb. 18, 1875, Edgar Harris, b. 1850. Children: 1970. Arthur Harris, b. Feb. 10, 1876. 1971. John B. Harris, b. Apr. 14, 1878. He is a school-teacher, 1972. Lewis H. Harris, b. Nov. 25, 1884; m., Mar. 28, 1905, Angle Mason. A. Duane Brown (1689), brother of the preceding, b. Sept. 8, i860; m., Oct. 3, 1887, Nettie Page, b. Jan. 4, 1863. Children: 1973. Jennie, b. Aug. 18, 1890. 1974. Floy, b. Nov. 17, 1895. William H. Brown (1690), brother of the preceding, b. May 8, 1866; m., Sept. 20, 1893, Nettie F. Babcock, b. Mar. 8, 1876. Children: 1975. Harry L., b. May 18, 1896. 1976. Mary E., b. Sept. 13, 1897. 1977. Sarah, b. Jan. 8, 1899. Mary J. Brown (1690a), sister of the preceding, b. Aug. 11, 1868; m., Dec. 24, 1890, Jay Samson, b. May 22, 1866. "* Children: 1978. Edith Samson, b. May 22, 1896. 1979. Elbert L. Samson, b. Sept. 3, 1902. Iva J. Brown (1690b), sister of the preceding, b. Sept. 22, 1874; m., Dec. 20, 1893, Claude Chesebro, b. 1874. Son: 1980. C. Rupert Chesebro, b. Dec. 12, 1896. Hazel S. Dresser (1691), dau. of Jacob A. Dresser and Eunice A. (Brown) Dresser (1463), dau. of Zebulon Brown (131 2) [Zebulon (376), Dea. Zebulon 229 THE BROWN GENEALOGY (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas] and Thede (York) Brown (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Apr. 9, i860; m., Brookfield, Nov. 27, 1884, Cora Rollins, b., Brookfield, Apr. 20, 1867; dau. of William Rollins, of Brookfield, and Alice, his wife. He is a farmer, a Prohibitionist, and he and his wife are members of the Society of Friends. He taught school winters from 1879 to 1880, and made cheese summers from 1880 to 1890. They lived for three years in Sherburn, N. Y., and since then have lived in the town of Hamilton, N. Y. Address, Poolville, N. Y. Children : 1981. Irving Dresser, b., Brookfield, Nov. 26, 1885. 1982. Lynn Dresser, b., Poolville, July 2, 1901. Cora M. Dresser (1692), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. 25, 1862; m., Brookfield, Feb. 20, 1889, Adelbert Harris, b., Brook- field, Mar. 19, 1855; son of Milton Harris, of Brookfield, and Louisa, his wife. He is a Republican, a farmer, and he and his wife are members of the Society of Friends. She taught school from 1879 to 1889. He worked on a farm, and later made cheese; lived for a time in Sherburn, N. Y., after mar- riage, and made cheese: later moved to Brookfield. Address, Poolville, N. Y. Children : 1983. Lulu E. Harris, b. Dec. 19, 1890. 1984. Mildred M. Harris, b. May 8, 1895. 1985. Leon M. Harris, b. June 14, 1899. Aimer H. Dresser (1693), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., July 3, 1867; m., Unadilla, Otsego Co., N. Y., Jan. 25, 1893, Blanch E. Mott, b., Unadilla, Nov. 3, 1869; dau. of Leroy Mott, of Unadilla, and Frances, his wife. He is a hardware merchant, and he and his wife are members of the Methodist Church. Worked on the farm until eighteen years of age; taught school winters and made cheese summers until his mar- riage. Address, Eaton, Madison Co., N. Y. Children: 1986. M. Floyd Dresser, b. Apr. 17, 1898. 1987. A. Lawrence Dresser, b. Mar. 23, 1905. Daisy Dresser (1694), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1871; m., Brookfield, Nov. 15, 1896, George Kleck, b., Russia, Apr. 23, 1869; son of Julian Kleck and Dorothy, his wife. He is a farmer and immi- grant agent, a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Society of Friends. She taught school before her marriage. While in Russia he 230 THE BROWN GENEALOGY worked in a police-station as a clerk. He has been a farmer since coming to this country. About six years ago he bought the farm in Brookfield where they now reside. Address, Poolville, N. Y. Dau.: 1988. Eunice Kleck, b. Nov. 2, 1899. Ella Randall Nichols (1699), son of Clark and Eunice (Randall) Nichols (1465), dau. of Robert and Eunice (Brown) Randall (1313), dau. of Zebulon Brown (376) [Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas] and Thede (York) Brown (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) Y'ork, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), son of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1824; d., Rawson, N. Y., June 28, 1902; m., Genesee, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1853, Mary Jacobs, b. Lockport, Niagara Co., N. Y.; dau. of William Jacobs and EHzabeth McLaren. He was a farmer, and he and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. Children: 1989. Louise Josephine Nichols, b. Dec. 17, 1853; d., Rushford, N. Y., Mar. 3, 1857. 1990. Robert Arthur Nichols, b., Rushford, Allegany Co., N. Y., 1868; unm. Address, Cuba, N. Y. Abigail Nichols (1700), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1824; d., W. Clarksville, Allegany Co., N. Y., Apr, i, 1902; m., Clarks- ville, Sept. 3, 1849, John F. Adams, b. Allen, N. Y.; d., Clarksville, 1862; son of John Francis Adams and his wife, A. E. He was a farmer. His w^fe was a member of the Baptist Church. Children: 1991. Charles Frederick Adams, b., Allen, Aug. 19, 1851 (2101). 1992. John Q. Adams, b., W. Clarksville, Dec. 5, 1859 (2102, 2103). Henry Webb Nichols (1701), brother of the preceding, b.^ Brookfield, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1828; d., St. Paul, Howard Co., Neb., Feb. 24, 1904; m., Hume, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1852, Lucinda M. EUwood, b., Cortland, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1832; d., St. Paul, Feb. 22, 1904; dau. of William Ellwood, of Hume, Allegany Co., N. Y. He was a farmer and stone-mason, a Repub- lican, and he and his wife were members of the Methodist Church. He en- listed, Aug. 29, 1862, in Co. K, 136th N. Y. Vols., and served three years with credit; honorably discharged June 22, 1865. Children, all except the last b. in Clarksville, Allegany Co., N. Y.: 1993. Letitia Nichols, b. Nov. 27, 1853 (2103a). 1994. Clark R. Nichols, b. July i, 1856 (2104). THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1995. Charles H. Nichols, b. May 11, i860 (2io5-2io8a). 1996. Alanson Nichols, b., Millington, 111., Sept. 14, 1869 (2109). William Randall Nichols (1702), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1830; d., Clarksville, Allegany Co., N. Y., Oct. 16, 1887; m., Wirt, Allegany Co., N. Y., Apr. 28, 1850, Mary J. Labar, dau. of Henry and Betsey Labar. He was a blacksmith, a Republican, and he and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. Children, b. in Clarksville: 1997. Eunice Nichols, b. Feb. 7, 1851 (2110-2113). 1998. William Henry Nichols, b. Aug. 22, 1855; d., Clarksville, Nov. 26, 1863. Maria Elvira Nichols (1703), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1832; m., Friendship, Allegany Co., N. Y., Sept. 25, 1856, Lavoisier D. Norton, b., Cortland, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1831; d., Olean, N. Y., Mar. 27, 1895; son of Harvey and Mary Norton, of Friendship, N. Y. He was a farmer, a Republican, and he and his wife were members of the Methodist Church. In 1877 she completed the Normal Course at Chautauqua pre- scribed for Normal Dept. M. E. S. S. Union; in 1882 she completed the four years' course in reading required by the C. L. S. C; for the past twenty- seven years she has been Superintendent of the Primary Dept. M. E. S. S. at Olean. Res., Olean, N. Y. Children, first two b. in Genesee, N. Y.; last, in Clarksville, Allegany Co., N. Y.: 1999. Infant son, b. June 28, 1857; d. July 3, 1857. 2000. Lillia S. Norton, b. Feb. 22, 1859 (21 14-21 17). 2001. Herman H. Norton, b. June 23, i860; d., Clarksville, Feb. 14, 1869. Robert C. Nichols (1704), brother of the preceding, b., Clarksville, Alle- gany Co., N. Y., July 10, 1834; d., Marion, Ind., Sept., 1904; m., Cuba, N. Y., July II, 1858, Elizabeth Helmer, b. Cuba; d. Marion; dau. of John Helmer. He worked in a sawmill and later in a factory; was a Republican. Children: 2002. Frankie D. Nichols, b., Kansas Mills, Jan. 22, 1859. 2003. Minnie E. Nichols, b., Kansas Mills, Mar. 17, 1861. 2004. Frederick Nichols, b., Nettle Creek, 111., Jan. 10, 1865. 2005. Sprague L. Nichols, b.. Nettle Creek, Feb. 17, 1871. 2006. William M. Nichols, b., Goodland, Norton Co., Ind., Oct. 25, 1874. 23: THE BROWN GENEALOGY Louise A. Nichols (1705), sister of the preceding, b., W. Clarksville, Alle- gany Co., N. Y., Nov. 4, 1837; m., Rushford, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1861, Henry J. Norton, b., Cortland, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1832; brother of L. D. Norton, hus- band of Maria Elvira Norton (1703); d., Olean, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1896; son of Harvey and Mary Norton, of Friendship, N. Y. He was a farmer and resided at W. Clarksville, N. Y.; was a Prohibitionist, and the family at- tended the Church of the United Brethren. Children : 2007. Hattie Eliza Norton, b., W. Clarksville, June 20, 1862; d., W. Clarksville, Mar. 13, 1863. 2008. Ruble Estelle, b., W. Clarksville, June 7, 187 1; d., W. Clarks- ville, Apr. 3, 1875. 2009. Ruth Emma Norton, b., W. Clarksville, July 8, 1878; m., Olean, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1902, George D. Moore, of Olean. Res., Olean, N. Y. 2010. Mattie A. (Champlin), an adopted dau., b. Oct. 28, 1861; m., Clarksville, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1878, Clarence Burdette Starkey. Res., Los Angeles, Cal. James Albert Nichols (1707), brother of the preceding, b., W. Clarks- ville, N. Y., July 15, 1842; m., W. Clarksville, Dec. 22, 1867, Charlotte Peckham, b., W. Clarksville, July 11, 1847; d^"^- ^^ Prentice Peckham, of W. Clarksville, and Polly (Murray) Peckham. He is a carriage-maker at Olean, N. Y.; a Republican. Children: 2011. Robert Herman Nichols, b., Clarksville, Oct. 9, 1868 (2118). 2012. Hattie Leon Nichols, b., Clarksville, Apr. 11, 1871; d., Clarks- ville, Nov. 27, 1874. 2013. Mary De Ette Nichols, b., Clarksville, Sept. 22, 1873 (21 19- 2122). 2014. Roy Nichols, b., Clarksville, July 25, 1878; m., Andbver, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1903, Florence Cochrane. He is a laborer; a Repub- lican. No issue. Aurelius D. Fitch (1714a), son of Patten and Polly M. (Clarke) Fitch (1477), dau. of David Clarke and Lydia (Frink) Clarke (1315), dau. of Asa Frink and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., 1827; d., Brookfield, Dec. 13, 1898; m., Brookfield, 1851, Hope Fitch, dau. of James Madison Fitch, of Ionia, Mich.; d., Central Valley, Jan. 10, 1903. 233 THE BROWN GENEALOGY He was a veterinary surgeon, a Republican, and he and his wife were mem- bers of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Children : 2014a. Charles E. Fitch, b., Brookfield, 1861 (2i22a-2i22c). 2014b. William J. Fitch, b. 1863 (2i22d). 2014c. Elbert L. Fitch, b. 1865 (2i22e, 2i22f). 2oi4d. Howard A. Fitch, b. 1876 (2i22g, 2i22h). 20146. Frank Fitch, b. 1879; ^- ^^79- Philarmon Fitch (1714b), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1829; m., Brookfield, Aug. 10, 1861, Susan Z. Williams, b., Sangersfield, N. Y., Nov., 1834; d., Utica, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1903; dau. of Hial Williams, of Sangersfield, and Sarah Ann (Rogers) Williams. He is a farmer, a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Res., Brookfield, N. Y. Dau.: 2oi4f. Minnie P. Fitch, b. Nov. 27, 1871 (2i22i). Frances M. Hills (1716), dau. of James Hills and Chloe M. (Clarke) Hills (1479), dau. of David Clarke and Lydia (Frink) Clarke (1315), dau. of Asa Frink and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Apr. 21, 1838; d., Brookfield, July 24, 1895; m., Brookfield, Apr. 10, 1855, Henry L. Spooner, b., Herkimer Co., N. Y. Both were members of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Son: 2015. Frank M. Spooner, b. Jan. 6, 1859. Sarah A. Hills (1717), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1840; m. (i), Brookfield, George Woodworth, of Brookfield; m. (2) Cortland Burch, of Brookfield (2198). They are Seventh Day Baptists. Children, by first m.: 2016. Minnie Woodworth, b., Brookfield, Mar. 14, i860; d. Mar. 14, 1867. 2017. Edgar L. Woodworth, b., Brookfield, Mar. 30, 1863. Ellen Amelia Hills (1719), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Apr. 5, 1850; m. H. J. Beebe, of Candor, Tioga Co., N. Y,; b. Bennington, Vt.; d. No. Brookfield. They were Episcopalians. Children: 2018. William L. Beebe, b., Byron, Genesee Co., N. Y., May 9, 1869. 234 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2019. Lela Winnifred Beebe, b., Byron, June 21, 1873. 2020. James Hills Beebe, b., Brookfield, Mar. 25, 1876. Chackley Ella Clarke (1720), son of Samuel Dexter Clarke (1480) and Mariam (Dye) Clarke, son of David and Lydia (Frink) Clarke (1315), dau. of Asa and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1841; m., Brookfield, Dec. 16, 1866, Julia A. Miner, b., Friend- ship, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1845. He is a farmer at Brookfield; was a private in 189th Regt. N. Y. Vols., serving until the close of the war. They are Seventh Day Baptists. Children: 2021. Angle Clarke, b., Brookfield, Dec. 25, 1870; d., Brookfield, Aug. 15, 1874. 2022. Elbert Wait Clarke, b., Brookfield, Dec. 8, 1873; d., Rockville, N. Y., Apr. 22, 1900. 2023. Daniel Clarke, b., Brookfield, Dec. 6, 1879. Hallie A. L. Green (1721), dau. of Hezekiah and Thede Esther (Clarke) Green (1481), dau. of David and Lydia (Frink) Clarke (13 15), dau. of Asa and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Apr. 2, 1857; d., Brookfield, Nov. 16, 1883; m. Erskine Reynolds. He is a farmer and a Republican. Dau. : 2024. Hallie Reynolds, b., Brookfield, Nov. 13, 1883; d., Brookfield, Sept. 29, 1884. Charles Lewis Clarke (1722), son of Marinus Willett Clarke (1483) and Elizabeth (Lewis) Clarke, son of David and Lydia (Frink) Clarke (13 15), dau. of Asa and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (CoUins) Brown [Thomas], b., Brookfield, N.Y., Mar. 5, 1851; m., Brookfield, Sept. 12, 1872, Myrtilla Maxson, dau. of Charles Maxson. He is a farmer. They are Seventh Day Baptists. Res., Brookfield, N. Y. Children : 2025. Florence E. Clarke, b., Brookfield, Dec. 12, 1875. 2026. Clarence D. Clarke, b., Brookfield, Dec. 7, 1877; d., Boulder, Col., Dec. 14, 1891. 235 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2027. Blen Enola Clarke, b. Mar. 22, 1886. 2028. Ruby Gertrude Clarke, b. Aug. 25, 1888. Lydia Eleanor Clarke (1723), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1853; m., Brookfield, Mar. 17, 1886, George W. Burdick They are Seventh Day Baptists. Children: 2029. Raymond C. Burdick, b., Verona, Oneida Co., N. Y., Dec. ig, 1886. 2030. Carroll R. Burdick, b., Verona, July 31, 1889. Martin Jerome Murphy (1729), son of Leroy (1488) and Clara (Clarke) Murphy, son of Martin Jerry Murphy and Lucy (Frink) Murphy (13 16), dau. of Asa and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Mar. 11, 1839; d, June 18, 1898; m., Brookfield, Sept., 1857, Laura P. Gorton, dau. of Ben- jamin Gorton and Laura (Babcock) Gorton. He was a Methodist minister. He enlisted in Co. G, 114th Regt. N. Y. Vol. Inf.; served as drum-major; was honorably discharged. He went into the ministry in 1872, joining the Northern New York Conference; served at No. Lansing, Sumner Hill, Bethel, and Tyre, N. Y. He was a Republican. Dau.: 2031. Clara Laura Murphy, b., Brookfield, July 15, i860 (2122J, 2122k). James Perry Murphy (1730), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., 1841; d. Jan., 1903; m., Brookfield, Georgiana Rogers, of Leonards- ville, N. Y. Dau.: 2032. Anga V. Murphy, b. June, 1865. Res., 81 West St., Utica, N. Y. Anna C. Murphy (1731), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1843; m. W. H. H. Bonfoy, of Brookfield. Children: 2033. Alice Belle Bonfoy (2122I, 2122m). 2034. Alta Bonfoy, b. Nov., 1869; d. May 16, 1875. 2035. Lucetta Bonfoy, b. Dec, 1871; d. June 29, 1875. Emily R. Murphy (1732), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., June 24, 1845; m., Brookfield, Jan. i, 1863, Irving E. Burdick. 236 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : 2036. Frank Burdick. Res., Syracuse, N. Y. 2036a. Gertrude Burdick. Res., Jamestown, N, Y. 2037. Kate Burdick. She is a teacher in Syracuse. Charles W. Murphy (1734), son of Lewis Murphy (1787) and Julia Ann, his wife, son of Martin Jerry Murphy and Lucy (Frink) Murphy (1316), dau. of Asa and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., 1841; m., Brookfield, Frank Roberts. He is a harness-maker, a Re- publican, and he and his wife are members of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Res., Westerly, R. I. Children: 2038. Elizabeth De Ette Murphy, 2039. Elbert Murphy. Lucy Clarke (1736), dau. of Pardon Tillinghast Clarke and Emeline (Murphy) Clarke (1488), son of Martin Jerry Murphy and Lucy (Frink) Murphy (1316), dau. of Asa and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], m. Oscar Blanding. Children: 2040. Georgianna Blanding. 2040a. Hall Blanding. Barbara F. Clarke (1738), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y.. Oct. 2, 1846; m., Hubbardsville, N. Y., Mar. 28, 1875, Willis A. Babcock, b., Irving, N. Y., May i, 1852. Address, Smyrna, N. Y. Dau.: 2041. Harriet Babcock, b. 1876; m. E. C. Cook. Res., 1890, Oneida Castle, N. Y. Fred Clarke (1739), brother of the preceding, is said to have three chil- dren, two sons and a daughter. Children: 2042. 2043. 2044. Joseph Lamar Plumb (1740), son of Joseph and Lucy Louisa (Murphy) Plumb (1490), dau. of Lucy (Frink) Murphy (13 16) and Martin Jerry 237 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Murphy, dau. of Asa and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b.. No. Brookfield, N. Y., Jan. i, 1850; m., Russia, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1872, Frances L. Barker, b., Russia, Dec. 8, 1847; dau. of Gorham and Roxie (Merriman) Barker, of Russia. His wife was educated at Fairfield Seminary. He is a farmer, a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Free Will Baptist Church. Res., Poland, Herkimer Co., N. Y. Children: 2044a. Minnie Plumb, b., Russia, Apr. 25, 1874; d., Trenton, N. Y. Feb. 8, 1879. 2044b. Carl J. Plumb, b., Trenton, Apr. 28, 1877; d., Nebraska, Mar. 3, 1895. 2044c. Ada M. Plumb, b., Trenton, Apr. 26, 1880; d., Nebraska, Feb. 24, 1895. 2o44d. Ethel H. Plumb, b., Nebraska, Oct. 23, 1888. Ida C. Moon (1741), dau. of Lucy Louisa (Murphy) Moon (1490) and AbnerMoon,dau. of Lucy (Frink) Murphy (1316) and Martin Jerry Murphy, dau. of Asa Frink and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], m., Russia, N.Y.,Oct. 29, 1885, John Lanning,b., Russia, Apr. 21, 1861; son of William B. and Catherine (Broadwell) Lanning. He is a farmer and a Democrat. His wife is a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. Children, all b. in Russia: 2045. Hillyard B. Lanning, b. Apr. 11, 1887. 2046. Fannie L. Lanning, b. July 13, 1892. 2047. Mildred G. Lanning, b. July 16, 1894. 2048. Myrtle Lanning, b. Sept. 21, 1896. 2049. Floyd Lanning, b. Aug. 11, 1900. Lucy Euretta Babcock (1741b), dau. of Hiram and Tacy (Frink) Bab- cock (1485b), dau. of Jonas (1318a) and Molly (Barber) Frink, son of Asa and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b., Scott, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1839; m.. Homer, N. Y., Nov. 7, i860, J. Clayton Atwater, son of Joseph and Lucy (Brown) At- water; b., Scott, Mar. 8, 1837; d., Homer, Apr. 22, 1901. Res., 1902, Homer, N. Y. 338 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Son: 2049a. Fred Clayton Atwater, b., Homer, Nov. 11, 1861. Res., Homer, N. Y. William Nelson Babcock (17416), brother of the preceding, b., Scott, N. Y., Mar. 27, 1847; ^-i Scott, Nov. 15, 1867, Olive Jenette, dau. of Ray- mond and Olive (Denison) Babcock, b., Scott, Jan. 30, 1847. Res., 1902, Scott, N. Y. Children: 2049b. George R. Babcock, b., Scott, Mar. 28, 1870; d., Scott, Oct. 26, 1877. 2049c. Miriam G. Babcock, b., Scott, Oct. 14, 1874. Res., 1902, Scott, N. Y. Edgar Lucius Babcock (i74ig), brother of the preceding, b., Scott, N. Y., Sept. II, 1855; m., Amherst, Minn., May 2, 1880, Julia A., dau. of Orrin and Mary (Johnson) Dibble; b., Newburg, Minn., Feb. 20, 1862. Res., 1902, Amherst, Minn. Children : 2049d. Effie E. Babcock, b., Amherst, Mar. 11, 1881. 20496. Clayton E. Babcock, b. Aug. 8, 1886. Alexis L. York (1754), son of Alonzo L. (1516) and Arzelia (Heminway) York, son of Lelan C. (1339) and Mary L. (Brown) York (1460), dau. of Zebulon Brown (1312) [Zebulon (376), Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. May 30, 1870; m., Brookfield, N. Y., May 10, 1899, Annie J. Brand, dau. of Nathan and Edah (Talbot) Brand, of Brook- field; b. 1880. He is a farmer. They belong to the Society of Friends. Res., Poolville, N. Y. Children, all b. in Brookfield: 2051. Mary E. York, b. Mar. 8, 1901. 2052. Lelan C. York, b. July 26, 1903. 2053. Ela B. York, b. Jan. 30, 1905. Fritz E. York (1755), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., June 12, 1872; m., Brookfield, Jan. 11, 1899, Florence Davis, b., Brookfield, 1876; dau. of Charles and Charlotte Davis, of Brookfield. He was a farmer until three years after marriage, when he entered the Veterinary Depart- ment of Cornell University, graduating June 22, 1905. He will locate in Brookfield. He is a Prohibitionist, and he and his wife belong to the Society of Friends. Son: 2054. Earl R. York, b., Brookfield, Dec. 19, 1900. 239 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Daniel W. E. Burke (1756), son of James and Mary S. (York) Burke (1517), dau. of Lelan C. (1339) and Mary L. (Brown) York (1460), dau. of Zebulon Brown (131 2) [Zebulon (376), Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., So. New Berlin, N.Y., Dec. 5, 1873; m., Oxford, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1901, Kate Bundy, b. Oxford; dau. of N. A. Bundy, of Pliiladelphia, Penn. He was educated at Oxford Academy, Hamilton Col- lege, and New York Law School; taught three years in Brooklyn, N. Y.; is a lawyer. He is a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Meth- odist Church. Address, 44 Pine St., New York City. Son: 2055. James Bundy Burke, b. Nov. 25, 1904. Alfred R. Burke (1757), brother of the preceding, b.. So. New Berlin, N.Y., June 27, 1875; m., Oxford, ^- Y., Aug. 22, 1900, Fannie H. Manning, b. Coventry, N. Y. He is a Methodist minister; educated at Oxford Acad- emy and Hamilton College; joined the Wyoming Conference, 1900. He has served the following churches: Port Cram in 1899; W. Exeter, N. Y., 1900-1902; Edmeston, N. Y., 1903-1904; Dorranceton, Penn., 1905. He is a Prohibitionist. Son: 2056. Richard Manning Burke, b., W. Exeter, June 14, 1902. Mary A. Belden (1759), dau. of Warren and Florinda E. (York) Belden (15 18), dau. of Lelan C. (1339) and Mary L. (Brown) York (1460), dau. of Zebulon Brown (1312) [Zebulon (376), Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1877; m., Eaton, Sept. 10, 1896, Clarence Holmes, b.. So. Hamilton, N. Y., Jan. 18, 1874; son of Jerome and Olivia (Collins) Holmes, of So. Hamilton. He is a tele- phone engineer, a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Society of Friends. Res., Cincinnatus, N. Y. Children: 2057. Viola M. Holmes, b., Poolville, N. Y., July.3, 1897. 2057a. Donald Holmes, b.. So. Hamilton, Dec. 31, 1899; d. June 8, 1900. 2058. Ruth M. Holmes, b., Brookfield, Nov. 7, 1901. 2059. Linn Holmes, b., Brookfield, Apr. 10, 1904. Walter A. York (1785), son of Mervin C. (1542) and Eliza (Vanvalken- burg) York, son of Stephen (1347) and Urtemisia (Fletcher) York, son of Stephen (1265) and Rebecca (Crandall) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of 240 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. ; m., 187-, Alice Pennock. Child: 2060. A daughter. Adelbert M. York (1786), brother of the preceding, b. Jan. 21, 1855; m., about 1880, Maggie . Children: 2061. A son. 2062. A son. Dow Brooks York (1789), son of Alfred H. (1543) and Betsey (Harring- ton) York, son of Stephen (1347) and Urtemisia (Fletcher) York, son of Stephen (1265) and Rebecca (Crandall) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. 1855; m., 1875, Kate Stanley. Children: 2063. Florence York, b. 1878. 2064. Marion York, b. 1883. Harriet E. York (1790), sister of the preceding, b. ; m. (i) George Cooley; (2) John Hawk. Children, by second m. : 2065. Alice Hawk. 2066. Mabel Hawk. Alice E. York (1797), dau. of Anson E. York (1545) and Abby (Torrey) York, son of Stephen (1347) and Urtemisia (Fletcher) York, son of Stephen (1265) and Rebecca (Crandall) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (CoUins) Brown [Thomas], b. Jan. 18, 1858; m., Jan. 18, 1882, W. R. Hawkins. Children: 2067. John T. Hawkins. 2067a. Donald R. Hawkins. 2068. Herbert A. Hawkins. Denison D. Cardner (1807), son of D. Benjamin and Ann (York) Cardner (1549), dau. of Denison (1349) and Lorena (Thompson) York, son of Stephen (1265) and Rebecca (Crandall) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b., Cuyler Hill, N. Y., July 9, 1859; m., Lincklaen, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1884, Oliva Hendee, b., Lincklaen, dau. of Alpheus and 241 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Sarah (Stillman) Hendee, of Lincklaen. He owns a meat-market at Sloan, la. He is a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Meth- odist Church. Dau., b. at Cuylcr Hill: 2o68a. Blanche S. Gardner, b. Oct. 20, 1885. Mary L. Gardner (1808), sister of the preceding, b., Guyler Hill, N. Y., July 31, i860; d., Guyler Hill, Apr. 19, 1900; m., Guyler Hill, Sept. 15, 1879, Frank S. Angell, b., Guyler, N. Y., Jan. 19, 185-; son of Zadoc and Julia (Randall) Angell, of Guyler. He is a farmer and a Republican. His wife was a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Ghurch. Address, Gortland, N. Y. Ghildren, all b. at Guyler Hill: 2068b. Edna A. Angell, b. Dec. 18, 1881 (2i22n). 2068c. Erwin B. Angell, b. Feb. 5, 1884. 2o68d. Lucia S. Angell, b. Nov. 28, 1886. 2o68e. Lilla Angell, b. Oct. 25, 1888; d., Guyler Hill, Jan. 25, 1889. 2o68f. Duane D. Angell, b. Nov. 10, 1894. 2o68g. Marie L. Angell, b. June 24, 1896. Robert Grant Gardner (1809), brother of the preceding, b., Guyler Hill, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1864; m., Guyler, N. Y., Jan. 16, 1889, Hattie E. Lee, b., Guyler, Nov. 17, 1866; dau. of Milton and Mary Lee, of Guyler. He is a farmer at Guyler, a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Methodist Ghurch. Ghildren: 2o68h. Leland B. Gardner, b., Guyler, Apr. 14, 1890. 2o68i. Leslie M. Gardner, b. May 15, 1892; d. Sept. 27, 1892. 2068J. Glenn G. Gardner, b. Dec. 9, 1893; d. Jan. 20, 1898. 2068k. Harold Gardner, b. Feb. 18, 1898. 2068I. Mary M. Gardner, b. Dec. 23, 1899. 2068m. Doris Gardner, b. Oct. 19, 1901. Effie A. Gardner (1810), sister of the preceding, b., Guyler Hill, N. Y., July 6, 1867; m., Guyler Hill, July 3, 1889, Fay Hall, b. Guyler; son of William Hall and (Vincent) Hall, of Guyler. He is a mechanic, a Republican, and he and his wife attend the Seventh Day Baptist Ghurch. Address, Gortland, N. Y. Ghildren, all b. at Guyler Hill: 2o68n. Glare P. Hall, b. Apr. 30, 1896. 20680. Ernest F. Hall, b. Apr. 12, 1898. 242 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Ella May Gardner (1811), sister of the preceding, b., Cuyler Hill, N. Y., Mar. 29, 1872; m., Cuyler Hill, Dec. 30, 189 1, Arthur A. Stillman, b., Cuyler, N. Y., son of Orville and (Ackley) Stillman, of De Ruyter, N. Y. He is a farmer at Tully, N. Y., a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Children: 2o68p. Lester B. Stillman, b., Cuyler, Oct. 18, 1892; d. Nov. 17, 1892. 2o68q. Lulu C. Stillman, b., Lincklaen, N. Y., May 16, 1895. Elsie Lou Cardner (18 13), sister of the preceding, b., Cuyler Hill, N. Y., May 24, 1874; m., Cuyler Hill, Dec. 29, 1889, E. Everett Poole, b., Linck- laen, N. Y., Apr. 9, 1867; son of Orlando and Mary (Stillman) Poole, of Lincklaen. He is a school commissioner, a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Address, Lincklaen Center, N. Y. . Children: 2o68r. Mary Ann Poole, b., Cuyler Hill, Feb. 28, 1891. 2068s. Clesson O. Poole, b., Lincklaen, June 12, 1894. W. Eugene Phillips (1802), son of Welcome R. and Lydia L. (York) Phillips (1547), dau. of Denison (1349) and Lorena (Thompson) York, son of Stephen (1265) and Rebecca (Crandall) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b., Cuyler, formerly Tru.xton, Cortland Co., N. Y., May 16, 1857; m., Leonardsville, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1883, Allia A. WTiitford, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1863; dau. of Edwin Whitford and Ruth J. (Crandall) Whitford. He resided with his parents at Cuyler until 1878, when he removed with them to De Ruyter, N. Y.; was educated in common schools, De Ruyter High School, and Cortland Normal School; was principal of Georgetown Union School, 1878; Leonardsville Union School, 1879-1882; No. Brookfield Union School, 1883-1884. In 1884 pur- chased a half-interest in the Brookfield Courier; in 1886 purchased the Oriskany Falls News, and removed to that village; in 1893 returned to Leonardsville and organized the Leonardsville Canning Company, which he managed for five years; in 1898 removed to Oriskany Falls and resumed publication of the News; in 1901 added the manufacture of paper boxes to his publishing business; has been clerk of the village two years and president for one year. His wife was educated in the high schools of Brookfield and Leonardsville, and the Richfield Springs Seminary. She is the great-great- granddaughter of Elder Simeon Brown (72). He is an independent Repub- lican. His wife is a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. 243 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children, both b. in Oriskany Falls, N. Y.: 2o68t. Ruth Lorana Phillips, b. Mar. i, 1890. 2o68u. Kent Whitford Phillips, b. Apr. 22, 1892. William Babcock (1823), son of David and N. Maria (York) Babcock (1557), dau. of John (1365) and Nancy (Breed) York, son of John (1280) and Patty (Wheeler) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], son of John York (1220) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1843; d-j Brookfield, Dec. 3, 1870; m., Brookfield, Feb. 10, 1866, Emma, dau. of Asel and Triphena Ingraham, b., Columbus, N. Y., Mar. 29, 1843. Res., 1902, Earlville, N. Y. Dau: 2069. Arlouine Babcock, b., Brookfield, May 12, 1870; m., Earlville, Jan. 4, 1893, C. F., son of Henry and Eliza (Coon) Foster, b. Brookfield. Res., 1902, Earlville, N. Y. John Henry York (1829), son of Oliver B. York (1560) and Mary (Lines) York, son of John York (1365) and Nancy (Breed) York, son of John (1280) and Patty (Wheeler) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], son of John (1220) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Feb. 25, 1847; n^-> Sept. 30, 1868, Nettie Morgan. He is a farmer and a Republican. Res., Brookfield, N. Y. Children : 2070. Bert N. York, b. Dec. 15, 1870 (2123). 2071. Lula Pearl York, b. Mar. 6, 1872 (2124). 2072. H. Clay York, b. May 25, 1876. Gracia York (1829a), sister of the preceding, b. Jan. 29, 1849; ^-i ]^^- 15, 1877, Oscar M. Hurlbutt, a blacksmith of Morris, N. Y. Children: 2073. Georgia May Hurlbutt, b. Apr. i, 1878; d. Oct. 8, 1901. Hattie O. York (1830), sister of the preceding, b. Oct. 26, 1850; m., Sept. 30, 1868, Thomas Stanbro, a farmer living at Poolville, N. Y. Children: 2074. Ora M. Stanbro, b. May 18, 1872. 2075. Charles Stanbro, b. Jan. 27, 1874. 244 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Charles O. York (1831), brother of the preceding, b. Mar. 17, 1852; m., Jan. 2, 1882, Adelphine Bailey. He is a cheese-maker at Brookfield, N. Y. Children: 2076. Mary A. York, b. May 11, 1885. 2077. Mabel E. York, b. Nov. 30, 1887. 2078. John O. York, b. Aug. 17, 1889. 2079. Meda York, b. May 15, 1891. Frank H. York (1832), brother of the preceding, b. July 17, 1855; m., Nov. 27, 1878, Fannie E. Aldrich. He is a cheese-maker at Edmeston, N. Y., and a Prohibitionist. Children : 2080. Annie L. York, b. Aug. 30, 1879. 2081. Flora M. York, b. Nov. 4, 188 1. 2082. Mary E. York, b. Feb. 24, 1884. 2083. Harry L. York, b. Mar. 31, 1887. 2084. Frank L. York, b. Mar. 14, 1889. 2085. Hattie B. York, b. Apr. 14, 1891. Nettie Hall (1839), ^^u. of Frank and Juliette (York) Hall (1564), dau. of John (1365) and Nancy (Breed) York, son of John (1280) and Patty (Wheeler) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127), dau. of Ichabod Brown (32) [John (8), Thomas], b., Belmont, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1854; m., Scio, Allegany Co., N. Y., June 10, 1872, Charles W. Allen, b., Westfield, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1850; son of David Allen, of Belvidere, and his wife Hannah. He is a stone-cutter and a Prohibitionist. His wife is a mem- ber of the Methodist Church. Res., Belfast, N. Y. Children : 2085a. Fred D. Allen, b., Belvidere, Aug. 10, 1874. 2085b. Bertha M. Allen, b., Belvidere, Apr. 10, 1877; d., Belvidere, Apr. 7, 1890. 2085c. Juliette A. Allen, b.. Friendship, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1885 (2124a). Frank N. Hall (1841), son of Frank Hall and Juliette (York) Hall (1564), dau. of John (1365) and Nancy (Breed) York, son of John (1280) and Patty (WTieeler) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], son of John (1220) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b., Belmont, N. Y., Apr. 28, 1864; m., Hartford, Mich., July 30, 1893, Ahce Josephine Shepard, b., Hartford, Dec. 7, 1866; dau. of Henry and Adelaide Melissa Shepard, of Hartford. He was edu- cated in the common schools of Belmont and in the academy at Friendship. 245 THE BROWN GENEALOGY He began railroad telegraphing in November, 1881, on the Allegany Central R.R.; commenced work for the Erie R.R. in 1885, and has worked for it constantly, except the year 1887, when he was with the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg R.R.; has resided in Salamanca, N. Y., since 1893; was elected General Chairman of Erie System, Division No. 42, Order of Railroad Telegraphers, March, 1905. He is a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Children, all b. in Salamanca: 2o85d. Florence Melissa Hall, b. June 21, 1894. 2o85e. Effie Juliette Hall, b. Sept. 18, 1895. 2o85f. Francis Henry Hall, b. Feb. 17, 1900. 2o85g. Oliver Clair Hall, b. Mar. 6, 1903. John Ransom York (1846), son of John Andrew (1566) and A. Maria (Cowen) York, son of John (1365) and Nancy (Breed) York, son of John (1280) and Patty (Wheeler) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127), son of John (1220) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Nov. 27, i860; m., Mar. 18, 1880, A. Adelphine Phelps. Children: 2086. Hal John York, b. Mar. 27, 1884. He is a teacher in the Brookfield, N. Y., High School. 2087. Iva Claire York, b. Mar. 24, 1890. She is a teacher in the Brookfield High School. George A. York (1847), brother of the preceding, b. Mar. 17, 1862; d. June 13, 1896; m., Oct. 2, 1880, Ellen Stanbro. Children : 2088. George Morrell York, b. Jan. 7, 1882. He is a student at Col- gate University, Hamilton, N. Y. 2089. Ella Pearl York, b. Feb. 18, 1890. Alice M. York (1854), dau. of Silas R. York (1547), son of Wheeler (1369) and Gracia (Breed) York, son of John (1280) and Patty (Wheeler) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], son of John (1220) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b. June 8, 1874; m., Sept. 14, 1898, Jay Knapp. Dau.: 2090. Sarah Elizabeth Knapp, b. Oct. 11, 1899. 246 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Orra Chesebro (1915), dau. of J. Hiram (167 1) and Harriet (Williams) Chesebro, son of Jared and Sarah (Brown) Chesebro (1455), dau. of Zebu- ion Brown (1312) [Zebulon (376), Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. Apr. 27, 1862; m., Nov. 13, 1883, Arthur D. Page, b. Sept. II, 1862. Children: 2091. Alvin E. Page, b. Feb. 22, 1890. 2092. Floyd W. Page, b. Nov. 9, 1894. William Brown (1918), son of Henry H. (1673) and Mary J. (Wagner) Brown [Horace B. (1457), Zebulon (1312), Zebulon (376), Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Prairieburg, la., Jan. 4, 1866; m.. Cottage Grove, Ore., Jan. 13, 1889, Mattie Shortridge, b., Cottage Grove, Sept. i, 1866; dau. of Wallace Shortridge and E. J. (Keyes) Short- ridge. He is a carpenter and a Republican. His wife is a member of the Christian Church. Res., Cottage Grove, Ore. Children, all b. at or near Cottage Grove: 2092a. Aimee Z., b. Feb. 14, 1890. 2092b. Annie L., b. Jan. 9, 1897; d.. Cottage Grove, Feb. 15, 1897. 2092c. Mary E., b. Apr. 16, 1898. Grace Brown (1919), sister of the preceding, b., Prairieburg, la., Nov. 16, 1868; m., Cottage Grove, Ore., May i, 1889, Charles Lewis, b., Springfield, 111., son of Andy O. and Sarah (Tucker) Lewis. He is a farmer at Cottage Grove. Dau., b. at Cottage Grove: 2092d. Elsie Lewis, b. May 25, 189 1. Grant Brown (1920), brother of the preceding, b., Prairieburg, la., Nov. 16, 1868; m., Cottage Grove, Ore., Oct. 13, 1900, Callistia J. Garoutte, b., Cottage Grove, Jan. 28, 1875; dau. of Howard N. Garoutte, of Cottage Grove, and Sophia J. (Taylor) Garoutte. He is a farmer at Cottage Grove. Children : 20926. Ralph, b.. Cottage Grove, Aug. 7, 1901. 2092f. Son, unnamed, b., Springfield, Ore., Feb. 2, 1904. Alice Brown (1921), sister of the preceding, b., Rock Rapids, La., Sept. 9, 1872; m., Cottage Grove, Ore., Charles Thornton, son of Jesse Thornton, of Cottage Grove, and Martha (Sprey) Thornton. He is a Republican. Res., Cottage Grove, Ore. Son: 2092g. Frederick Thornton, b., Lebanon, Ore., Oct. 17, 1895. 247 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Clara B. Brown (1923), dau. of Alvin H. (16 14) and Mary A. (Sisson) Brown [Horace B. (1457), Zebulon (1312), Zebulon (376), Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Prairieburg, la., Nov. 7, 1867; m., Newankum, Wash., Jan. 14, 1894, Lewis C. Easter, son of Will- iam and Alice Easter, of Chesley, Idaho. He is a farmer at Chesley, and a Republican. Children, first two b. in Lewis Co., Wash.; the others, in Chesley: 2092h. Florence B. Easter, b. Sept., 1896. 20921. Frances M. Easter, b. Oct. 20, 1897. 2092J. Dewey Easter, b. 1899. 2092k. Curtis Easter, b. 1901. 2092I. Clarence Easter, b. 1903. 2092m. Teddy Easter, b. 1904. Sarah L. Brown (1925), sister of the preceding, b., Prairieburg, la., Jan. 29, 1871; m., Newankum, Wash., Nov. 25, 1899, Charles L. Knapp, b., Michigan, 1855. He is a mason at Everett, Wash., and a Republican. Children, b. in Olympia, Wash.: 2092n. Francis Earl Knapp, b. Apr., 1902. 20920. Fanny May Knapp, b. May i, 1904. Cora E. Brown (1926), sister of the preceding, b., Ashton, la., July 10, 1873; m., Sheldon, la., June, 1897, Chester Linch, son of Robert Linch, of Sheldon. She graduated in 1892 from Hull Educational Institute at Hull, la., and subsequently taught school in Washington and in Sioux Co., la. Her husband is a farmer at Sheldon, and a Republican. She is a member of the Congregational Church. Children, all b. at Sheldon: 2092P. Robert Linch, b. 1899. 2092q. Alvin Linch, b. Apr., 1904. Bertha M. Argubright (1932), dau. of John T. Argubright and Lois M. (Brown) Argubright (1675), <^^^- of Horace B. Brown (1457) [Zebulon (131 2), Zebulon (376), Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Prairieburg, la., Sept. 5, 1868; m., Hull, la., Jan. 26, 1898, Arthur D. Cross, b., Grove Creek, la., Feb. 13, 1869; son of Orlando and Mary Ann (Foster) Cross. She graduated from the classical course at Hull Academy and took one year of the scientific course and one year of the art course at Cornell, la.; taught in the country and graded schools of Iowa for eight years. Her husband is a bookkeeper and office manager. Res., 1818 Rucker Ave., Everett, Wash. 248 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 2092r. Lois Cross, b., Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 12, 1898. 2092s. Marian, b., Hull, May 10, 1901. 2o92t. John Cross, b., Everett, Aug. 15, 1904. George W. McQueen (1940), son of George W. and Catherine R. (Brown) McQueen (1697), dau. of Horace B. Brown (1457) [Zebulon (1312), Zebulon (376), Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Doon, la.. Mar. 26, 1874; m.. Cottage Grove, la., 1899, Bertha Griffin, dau. of Robert Griffin, of Cottage Grove. He is a Repub- lican. Res., Cottage Grove, la. Son: 2092U. George Robert McQueen, b.. Cottage Grove, 1901. Calvin J. Adams (1958), son of Alonzo and Viola M. (Brown) Adams (1683) [Alonzo H. (1458), Zebulon (131 2), Zebulon (376), Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. 1872; m., Michigan, Mertie Halliday. Children: 2093. Irena Hobart Adams, b. 1900. 2094. Dorothy H. Adams, b. 1902. Ethel R. Adams (1959), sister of the preceding, b. 1881; m. Joseph Maxwell. Dau.: 2095. Robertia M. Maxwell, b. about 1903. Sarah Blanche Tompkins (1964), dau. of Brownell and Sarah L. (Fitch) Tompkins (1687), dau. of Elliott G. and Sabrina (Brown) Fitch (1945) [Zebulon (131 2), Zebulon (376), Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Morrisville, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1870; m., Morrisville, June 8, 1891, Nelson Landon Hoyt, b., Chicago, 111., Oct. 28, 1869; son of Will- iam M. Hoyt, of Winnetka, 111., and Emily J. Landon. He attended school at Lake Forest, 111., and Hudson River Institute at Claverack, N. Y. He is a Republican and the manager of a wholesale grocery department at Winnetka. His wife was educated at Morrisville Union School and Claverack College, graduating as A.B. and in music in 1889. She is a member of the Congregational Church. Children: 2096. William M. Hoyt, b., Winnetka, July 15, 1892. 2097. Sarah E. Hoyt, b., Chicago, Mar. 25, 1894. 2098. N. Landon Hoyt, Jr., b., Chicago, Dec. 10, 1897. 2099. Josephine Hoyt, b., Winnetka, Nov. 2, 1902. 249 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Mary Elizabeth Tompkins (1966), sister of the preceding, b., Morris- ville, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1880; m., Morrisville, July 12, 1902, Percy Wentworth Penhallow Bradstreet, b., Boston, Mass., Aug. 24, 1878; son of Edwin Bradstreet and Carrie (Calroer) Bradstreet, of Winnetka, 111. He is a Republican and cashier in a business house. He graduated at the Evanston High School. His wife graduated at the Morrisville High School and was one year at Elmira College, N. Y., and at Northwestern University, Evanston, 111., one year. She is a member of the Second Congregational Church. Res., Evanston, 111. Son: 2100. Brownell T. Bradstreet, b., Evanston, Oct. i, 1904. Charles Frederick Adams (1991), son of John F. Adams and Abigail (Nichols) Adams (1700), dau. of Clark and Eunice (Randall) Nichols (1465), dau. of Zebulon Brown (376) [Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas] and Thede (York) Brown (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Allen, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1851; m., Cuba, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1872, Mary Ann Doty, b., Belfast, N. Y.,Feb. 19, 1854. He is a Democrat, and a merchant at Belmont, N. Y. His wife is a member of the Baptist Church. Dau. : 2101. Jennie Adams, b., Clarksville, Allegany Co., N. Y., Mar. 12, 1874; d., Belmont, June 8, 1893 (2125). John Quincy Adams (1992), b., Clarksville, Allegany Co., N. Y., Dec. 5, 1859; m., Nile, N. Y., Mar. 6, 1881, Mary Ann Harris, b.,Pikeville, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1863. He is a Democrat, and a barber at Belmont, N. Y. Children : 2102. EUie Robert Adams, b., Belmont, Jan. 6, 1883; d., Belmont, July 8, 1903. 2103. George Francis Adams, b., Belmont, Oct. 25, 1885. Letitia Nichols (1993), dau. of Henry Webb Nichols (1701) and Lucinda M. (Ellwood) Nichols, son of Clark and Eunice (Randall) Nichols (1465), dau. of Eunice Brown (1313) and Robert Randall, dau. of Zebulon Brown (376) [Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas] and Thede (York) Brown (1258), dau. of Bell (1224), son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Clarksville, Allegany Co., N. Y., Nov. 27, 1853; m., Brook- 250 THE BROWN GENEALOGY field, 111., Feb. 26, 1877, William Tompkins, b., Green Co., N. Y., July 18, 1844. They removed to Hastings, Neb., in 1879. Dau.: 2103a. Rose L. Tompkins, b., Brookfield, Mar. 3, 1878 (2126). Clark R. Nichols (1994), brother of the preceding, b., Clarksville, N. Y., July I, 1856; m., Brookfield, 111., 1880, Emma Gage, b., Brookfield, 1857. He is a farmer at Lester, Lyons Co., la. Son: 2104. Chester Nichols, b., Lester, 1895. Charles H. Nichols (1995), brother of the preceding, b., Clarksville. N. Y., May 11, i860; m., Brookfield, 111., Feb. 12, 1885, Lizzie Gage, b., Brookfield, Nov. 25, 1862; dau. of Richard and Mary (Jennings) Gage. He is a farmer at Woodbine, la., and a Republican. His wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Children: 2105. Jessie Nichols, b. Apr. i, 1886. 2106. John Nichols, b. Oct. 20, 1887. 2107. Florence Nichols, b. Aug. 26, 1891. 2108. Raymond Nichols, b. Dec. 17, 1893; d. Mar. 13, 1898. 2108a. Baby, b. Dec. 18, 1902; d. Dec. 28, 1902. Alanson Nichols (1996), brother of the preceding, b., Millington, 111., Sept. 14, 1869; m., Joliet, 111., June 21, 1901, Ruth Kniver, b., Illinois, 1870. He is a photographer, at Plainfield, 111., a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. Dau.: 2109. Elizabeth Nichols, b., Plainfield, Jan. 5, 1902. Eunice Nichols (1997), dau. of William Randall Nichols (1702) and Mary J. Labar, son of Clark Nichols and Eunice (Randall) Nichols (1465), dau. of Robert and Eunice (Brown) Randall (1313), dau. of Zebulon Brown (376) [Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas] and Thede (York) Brown (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (CoUins) Brown [Thomas], b., Clarksville, Allegany Co., N. Y., Feb. 7, 1851; m., Clarksville, Jan. 25, 1871, Ithamer Ferrington, b., Clarksville, July 8, 1849; ^^^ o^ Jabish and Melvina Ferrington. He is a farmer and a Democrat. Children : 21 10. William H. Ferrington, b., Clarksville, Oct. 21, 1872. 251 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 21 1 1. Martin Ferrington, b., Clarksville, May 8, 1875. 2112. Carl Ferrington, b. Sept. 18, 1878 (2127-2129). 21 13. Miles L. Ferrington, b. Sept. 16, 1880; d., Clarksville, Aug. 29, 1881. Lillia S. Norton (2000), dau. of Lavoisier B. and Maria Elvira (Nichols) Norton (1703), dau. of Clark and Eunice (Randall) Nichols (1465), dau. of Robert and Eunice (Brown) Randall (1313), dau. of Zebulon Brown (376) [Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas] and Thede (York) Brown (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Little Genesee, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1859; m., Olean, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1881, Rev. J. P. Brushingham, b., New York, Feb. 16, 1855; son of Thomas Brushingham and Mary (O'Hern) Brushingham, of Olean. He is a graduate of Northwestern University, Evanston, 111., 188 1, and is now one of its Trustees. He is a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the First Methodist Church. They have resided in Chicago for the past twenty- five years. Res., 831 Millard Ave., Chicago, 111. Children : 2114. Infant, b., Olean, Sept. 26, 1882. 21 15. Nellie Pearl Brushingham, b., Chicago, Feb. 22, 1885; m., Chicago, June 26, 1903, Carl W. Young, b., Chicago, June i, 1865; son of William Young and Amanda, his wife. He is a voice teacher. Fine Arts Building, Chicago, and a Republi- can. His wife is a member of the Park Ave. Methodist Church. 21 16. Robert M. Brushingham, b., Chicago, Dec. 7, 1888. 21 17. John Norton Brushingham, b., Chicago, Nov. 3, 1898. Robert Herman Nichols (2011), son of James Albert (1707) and Char- lotte (Peckham) Nichols, son of Clark and Eunice (Randall) Nichols (1465), dau. of Robert and Eunice (Brown) Randall (1313), dau. of Zebulon Brown (376) [Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas] and Thede (York) Brown (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (BrowTi) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., W. Clarksville, Allegany Co.., N. Y., Oct. 9, 1868; m., W. Clarksville, Sept. 22, 1892, Margaret Ewart, d., Olean, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1904. Son: 2 1 18. De Alton Nichols, b., Clarksville, Apr. 20, 1893. 252 Wife of Thatcl.er Brown (ITT)) THE BROWN GENEALOGY Mary De Ette Nichols (2013), sister of the preceding, b., W. Clarksville, Allegany Co., N. Y., Sept. 22, 1873; ^-j Clarksville, Jan. i, 1891, Frank Healy. Res., W. Clarksville, N. Y. Children: 2119. Noble Beatrice Nichols, b., Clarksville, Apr. 22, 1892; d., Allentown, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1892. 2120. John Nichols, b. July i, 1893. 2121. Basil Nichols, b. Oct., 1899. 2122. Aileen Nichols, b. June 12, 1903. Charles E. Fitch (2014a), son of Aurelius D. (1714a) and Hope (Fitch) Fitch, son of Patten and Polly M. (Clarke) Fitch (1477), dau. of David and Lydia (Frink) Clarke (1315), dau. of Asa and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., 1861; m., Brookfield, Mary Doyle. He is a cheese-maker at Central Valley, N. Y. Children: 2122a. Eva Fitch: 2122b. Clarence Fitch. 2I22C. Myrtle Fitch. William J. Fitch (2014b), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., 1863; m., Brookfield, Ardie E. Brown (3482), dau. of Henry Brown (3470) [Noah (136a), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas] and Ardilisia Palmiter, of So. Brookfield, N. Y. He is a carpenter, a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. Res., Brookfield, N. Y. Dau: 2i22d. Erma Fitch, b., Brookfield, Aug. 17, 1888. Elbert L. Fitch (2014c), brother of the preceding, m., Brookfield, N. Y., Rose J. Fames. He is a druggist at Highland Mills, N. Y., and is a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Children : 2i22e. Gerald Fitch. 2i22f. Harry Fitch. Howard A. Fitch (2oi4d), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1876; m., Brookfield, Dec. 24, 1877, Mabel J. Frair, b.. So. Ham- ilton, N. Y., Apr. 5, 1877; dau. of James M. and Justine E. (Chesebro) Frair, of So. Hamilton. He is a photographer at Brookfield, a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. 253 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children, both b. in Brookfield: 2i22g. Zena M. Fitch, b. Mar. 7, 1898. 2i22h. Gertrude E. Fitch, b. June 13, 1902. Minnie P. Fitch (2oi4f), dau. of Philarmon (1714b) and Susan Z. (Will- iams) Fitch, son of Patten and Polly M. (Clarke) Fitch (1477), dau. of David and Lydia (Frink) Clarke (1315), dau. of Asa and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1871; m., Brookfield, James E. Austin, b., Ramsgate, England, son of John and Emma Austin, of Ramsgate. He is a lawyer and a Republican. Res., 10 Pearl Ave., Binghamton, N. Y. Dau.: 2i22i. Emma Austin, b., Brookfield, May 9, 1899. Clara Laura Murphy (2031), dau. of Martin Jerome Murphy (1829) and Laura P. (Gorton), son of Leroy (1488) and Clara (Clarke) Murphy, son of Martin Jerry Murphy and Lucy (Frink) Murphy (1316), dau. of Asa and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., July 15, i860; m.. Tyre, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1878, C. H. Payne, b., Lyons, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1853; son of Alfred and Jane (Benham) Payne, of Tyre. He is a carriage salesman, a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Methodist Church. Res., 183 Meigs St., Rochester, N. Y. Son: 2122J. Clarence Jerome Payne, b.. Auburn, N. Y., June 30, 1882; d., Seneca Falls, N. Y., July 29, 1887. 2122k. Florence Payne, an adopted dau., b. Feb. 3, 1900. Alice Belle Bonfoy (2033), dau. of W. H. H. Bonfoy and Anna C. (Murphy) Bonfoy (1731), dau. of Leroy (i486) and Clara (Clarke) Murphy, son of Martin Jerry and Lucy (Frink) Murphy (1316), dau. of Asa and Thede (York) (Brown) Frink (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], m. James Ball. Children: 2122I. Katherine Ball, nine years old in 1905. 2122m. John .Ball, six years old in 1905. Edna A. Angell (2068b), dau. of Frank and Mary L. (Gardner) Angell (1808), dau. of Denison (1349) and Lorena (Thompson) York, son of Stephen 254 THE BROWN GENEALOGY (1265) and Rebecca (Crandall) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b., Cuyler Hill, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1881; m., Cazenovia, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1903, Allie Burdick, b. De Ruyter, N. Y.; son of Frank and • (Peterson) Burdick, of De Ruyter. He is a carpenter and a Republican. Address, Cortland, N. Y. Child, b. Cuyler: 2i22n. b. June 6, 1905. Bert N. York (2070), son of John Henry (1829) and Nettie (Morgan) York, son of Oliver B. (1560) and Mary (Lines) York, son of John (1365) and Nancy (Breed) York, son of John (1280) and Patty (Wlieeler) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], son of John (1220) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Dec. 15, 1870; m., Dec. 5, 1896, Kate McCabe. Son: 2123. H. Royce York, b. Nov. 26, 1897. Lula Pearl York (2071), sister of the preceding, b. Mar. 6, 1872; m., Oct. 23, 1892, William Welch, Son : 2124. Harry Kendith Welch, b. Dec. 25, 1898. Juliette A. Allen (2085c), dau. of Frank and Juliette (York) Hall (1564), dau. of John (1365) and Nancy (Breed) York, son of John (1280) and Patty (WTieeler) York, son of John (1238) and Keturah (Brown) York (127), dau. of Ichabod Brown (32) [John (8), Thomas], b., Friendship, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1885; m., Olean, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1892, Charles Seeley, b., Belfast, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1879. He works on the railroad and is a Republican. Res., Bel- fast, N. Y. '^ Son: 2124a. Theodore Allen Seeley, b., Belfast, June 16, 1903. Jennie Adams (2101), dau. of Charles Frederick Adams (1991) and Mary Ann (Doty) Adams, son of John F. and Abigail (Nichols) Adams (1700), dau. of Robert and Eunice (Brown) Randall (1465), dau. of Zebulon Brown (376) [Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas] and Thede (York) Brown (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Clarksville, N. Y., Mar. 12, 1874; d., Belmont, N. Y., 255 THE BROWN GENEALOGY June 8, 1893; m., Clarksville, Fred Newcomb, b., Pike, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1867. Res., Belmont, N. Y. Dau.: 2125. Betsie Geraldine Newcomb, b., Clarksville, Mar. 17, 1891. Rose L. Tompkins (2103a), dau. of William Tompkins and Letitia (Nichols) Tompkins (1993), dau. of Henry Webb (1701) and Lucinda M. (EUwood) Nichols, son of Clark and Eunice (Randall) Nichols (1465), dau. of Robert and Eunice (Brown) Randall (i3i3),dau. of Zebulon Brown (376) [Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas] and Thede (York) Brown (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Brookfield, 111., Mar. 3, 1878; m., Hanson, Neb., Dec. 17, 1898, John W. Carriker, b., Missouri, 1872. He is a contractor and builder at Harvard, Neb. Son: 2126. Roy E. Carriker, b., Hanson, Apr. 6, 1902. Carl Ferrington (21 12), son of Ithamer Ferrington and Eunice (Nichols) Ferrington (1997), dau. of William Randall Nichols (1702) and Mary J. Labar, son of Clark and Eunice (Randall) Nichols (1465), dau. of Robert and Eunice (Brown) Randall (1313), dau. of Zebulon Brown (376) [Dea. Zebulon (74), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas] and Thede (York) Brown (1258), dau. of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Clarksville, Allegany Co., N. Y., Sept. 18, 1878; m., Nov. i, 1899, Mildred Cuspman. Children: 2127. Miles I. Ferrington, b. Oct. 29, 1900. 2128. Mildred I. Ferrington, b. Oct. 17, 1903. 2129. Lemur J. Ferrington, b. Feb. 9, 1905. Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], known as "Great Jabie" to distinguish him from his son, called "Little Jabie," b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 25, 1765; d., Brookfield, N. Y., July 18, 1843; 1^-) Stonington, Nov. 15, 1787, Abigail Babcock, b. Oct. 11, 1770; d., Brookfield, July 15, 1851. She was the dau. of Oliver Babcock, who died of smallpox contracted during the Revolution. [For account of his life and picture of his tombstone see Babcock Genealogy, p. 106.] Jabish Brown removed to Brookfield June 2, 1794. Children, first five said to have been b. in Stonington; last two in Brook- field: THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2130. Susanna, b. Jan. 7, 1790 (2170-2178). 2131. Catherine, b. June 2, 1792; d., Brookfield, Mar. 30, 1881; m., Jan. 31, 1811, Noah Brown (136) (3462-3470). 2132. Betsey, b. Mar. 2, 1795; d., Brookfield, Apr. 20, 1839 (2179- 2189). 2133. Abigail, b. Dec. 13, 1798; d., Edgerton, Wis., Jan. 13, 1865 (2190-2192). 2134. Lois, b. Mar. 12, 1801; d., near Leonardsville, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1864; m.. Mar. 17, 1842, Nathan Burch. No issue. 2135. Jabish, Jr., b. Apr. 3, 1806; d., Leonardsville, Mar. 5, 1862 (2193-2196). 2136. Temperance, b. Dec. 3, 181 1; d., Leonardsville, Sept. 3, 1841 (2197, 2198). Anna Brown (183b), sister of the preceding, m., Connecticut, Nov. i, 1 78 1, Nathan Stewart, son of Nathan Stewart and Barbara (Palmer) Stewart; b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 20, 1769; d., Brookfield, N. Y., Apr. 30, 1850. It is related among some of his descendants that the marriage of Nathan Stewart to Anna Brown gave offence to his family, and was the cause of his leaving Connecticut, where the Stewart homestead had de- scended from father to the oldest son, according to the English custom. The reason given is that her father, Capt. Daniel Brown, was a British officer. It is quite certain that this part of the story is unfounded, and is based on a misapprehension, and it may be that the whole story is equally doubtful. Some of the oldest and best informed of his descendants have never heard the tradition. His father-in-law is said to have offered him fifty acres of land and provisions for a year if he would remove with him to the wilds of Central New York. He removed to Brookfield shortly after Capt. Daniel located there, and added to his holdings of real estate so that at the time of his death he owned a farm of about one hundred and forty acres. All his children were born in Brookfield, except Isaac, who was born in Stonington. Children : 2137. Isaac Stewart, b. June 5, 1792; d., Illyria, la., Oct. 15, 1864 (2199-2204). 2138. Elizabeth Stewart, b. Dec. 22, 1793; ^-i unm., Middlebury, now Akron, O., Sept. 20, 1878. 2139. Eunice Stewart, b. Nov. 23, 1794; d., Ripon, Wis., Nov. 23, 1878 (2205-2210). 2140. Arnold Robinson Stewart, b. Sept. 27, 1797; d., unm.. Middle- bury, June 12, 1832. 257 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2141. Anna Stewart, b. May 13, 1799; d. Aug. 10, 1800. 2142. Daniel Brown Stewart, b. Oct. 11, 1803; m. Eliza (Harris) Wilcox. No issue. Lived at Middlebury, O. 2143. Abigail Stewart, b. July 19, 1805; d., Hopkinsville, Ky., July 14, 1887 (2211-2213). Nathan Stewart m. (2), New Berlin, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1824, Honor Brown, b., Rehoboth, Mass.; dau. of Thomas Brown. Dau. : 2145. Anna Maria Stewart, b. Aug. 12, 1825; d., Cleveland, O., 1895; m., Brookfield, Rev. Samuel Wright. She had three chil- dren: Samuel, who d. at New Berlin; A. Henry, who was in the United States army and d. of yellow fever at Key West Fla.; and Anna Maria, who is unm. and lives in Columbus, O, Nathan Brown (183c), brother of the preceding, was a farmer at Norwalk, O.; m. (i), Mar. 30, 1794, Lucy Palmer, b. 1768; d. Dec. 12, 1800; m. (2), Hannah Langworthy, b. Feb. 22, 1782; d. June, 1836. Children by first m. : 2146. Mary, b. May 11, -1797; d. 1884 (2214-2217). 2147. Phoebe, b. Jan. 28, 1799; d., Whitesboro, N. Y., Apr. 18, 1883 (2218-2223). 2148. William Pitts, b. Nov. 22, 1800; d. 1890 (2224-2229). Children by second m.: 2149. Russell, b. June 21, 1806; d. 1853 (2230-2232). 2150. Charles Sidney, b. July 29, 1808; d. Mar., 1892; buried in Norwalk (2233, 2234). 2151. Henry, b., Leonardsville, Nov. 17, 1810; d. Dec. 17, 1893 (2235-2240). 2152. Hannah, b., Leonardsville, Mar. 21, 1819 (2241, 2242). Fanny Brown (183d), sister of the preceding, m. George Palmer. Lived iri Monroeville, O. Children : 2153. Ada Palmer, d. in Cleveland, O. Had a son Norman Brezee, who went to California in 1849. 2154. Desire Palmer, m. Nathan Green. 2155. Lucy Palmer, m. William Case, about 1840 (2243-2248). 2156. George Palmer. No information. 2157. Crarey Palmer. He had a daughter, Maria, who lives near Los Angeles, Cal, in an Old Ladies' Home. 2158. Catherine Palmer. She is ninety-two years of age, and lives in Monroeville (2249-2252). 258 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Isaac Brown (1836), brother of the preceding, b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 10, 1773; d., Leonardsville, N. Y., May i, 1840; m. Rebecca, dau. of Lemuel Smith; d. July 19, 185 1, aged sixty-five years. He was a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church in Brookfield, N. Y. Children : 2159. Isaac, b. Nov. 28, 1803; d. Mar. 20, 1865 (2253-2263). 2160. Eliza, b. Sept. 17, 1806; d. Mar. 15, 1865 (2264-2266). 2161. William, b. 1809; d. 1820. 2162. Erastus S,, b. Feb. 26, 1812; d. 1886 or 1887 (2267-2271). 2163. Lucy, b. Dec. i, 1816; d. Dec. 3, 1890 (2272-2275). Catherine Brown (i83f), sister of the preceding, b. June 15, 1775; d. Dec. 9, 185 1 ; m. Henry Clark. • Children: 2164. Lucy Clark, m. Dr. Harry Clark. 2165. Mary Clark, m. George Walker, of Burlington and Chicago. 2166. Cyrus Clark. 2167. George B. Clark. 2168. Henry Clark. 2169. Kate Clark. Susanna Brown (2130) [Jabish (183a), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], m., Jan. 3, 181 1, David Hinkley, brother of Luther Hinkley, husband of Anna Brown Stewart (183b), who was b. Mar. 23, 1786, and d., Brookfield, N. Y., May 4, 1845. Children: 2170. Oliver B. Hinkley. b. Oct. 10, 181 1; d. Feb. 16, 1896 (2276- 2278). 2171. Rufus Hinkley, b. Aug. 23, 1813; d. May 18, 1814. 2172. Phebe Ursula Hinkley, b. Mar. 8, 1816; d. July 31, 1885 (2279- 2282). 2173. Lois Hinkley, b. Apr. 19, 1819; d. Feb. 5, 1890. 2174. Abigail Hinkley, b. Apr. 4, 1821; d. Oct. 11, 1866 (2283). 2175. Mary Hinkley, b. Mar. 14, 1824; d. May 4, 1895 (2284-2287). 2176. Esther Hinkley, b. Mar. 9, 1826 (2288-2293). 2177. Maria Hinkley, b. Dec. 13, 1828; d. Feb. 11, 1890 (2294- 2296). 217S. Daniel A. Hinkley, b. Jan. 30, 1833; d. July 8, 1868 (2297- 2299). Betsey Brown (2132), sister of the preceding, b. Mar. 2, 1795; ^-i Brook- field, N. Y., Apr. 20, 1839; m., Oct. 3, 1813, Elisha Randall, b., Peters- 259 THE BROWN GENEALOGY burgh, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., Aug. 25, 1791; son of Joshua Randall, b., Hopkinton, R. I., Feb. 29, 1756, and Selah Reynolds, b., Exeter, R. I., Feb. 12, 1760; grandson of Benjamin Randall, of Stonington, Conn., son of Mathew Randall, of the latter place. Elisha Randall resided in Brook- field. He was a Whig in politics, and he and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church from early life. He was a Justice of the Peace twenty-one years, was Supervisor of his town for several years, and County Judge of Madison Co. for five years. He was identified with the old State militia, and rose through the several grades from Ensign to Colonel of the 143d Regiment of the 35th Brigade of the 17th Division. He declined the ofl&ce of Brigadier-General, to which his service entitled him. Children, all b. in Brookfield: 2179. Cynthia Randall, b. Oct. 29, 1814; d. Nov. 30, 1898 (2300- 2307). 2180. Mary Randall, b. Sept. 8, 1816; d. Feb. 16, 1884 (2308-231 la). 2181. Elisha Randall, b. Sept. 22, 1818 (2312-2321). 2182. Daniel B. Randall, b. June 27, 1820 (2322-2326). 2183. Betsey Randall, b. Sept. 2, 1822 (2327-2330). 2184. Joshua Randall, b. Feb. 12, 1825; d. 1827. 2185. John Randall, b. June 15, 1827; d. in the fall of 1890 (2331- 2335)- 2186. Adin Randall, b. Oct. 12, 1829; d. 1868 (2336-2341). 2187. Joshua Randall, b. Feb. 12, 1832; d. Jan. 18, 1856 (2342). 2188. Jabish B. Randall, b. Apr. 14, 1835. Lived in Brookfield till 1852, when he w^ent to work in the mill of his brothers in Allegany Co.; went to Mason City, la., in 1885; was in lumber business in Eau Claire, Wis., and later in Minne- apoHs, Minn.; removed, in 1876, to Sanford, Fla. 2189. Benjamin Randall, b. Nov. 21, 1837 (2343-2346). Abigail Brown (2133), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Dec. i3> 1795; d., Edgerton, Wis., Jan. 13, 1865; m., Brookfield, Ephraim Palmer, son of Christopher Palmer, of Exeter, N. Y. For some years after their marriage he resided at New Hartford, Oneida Co., N. Y.; later he removed to Whitestown,N.Y., where he was deacon of the Baptist Church for twenty- two years. For many years before his death he resided in Edgerton, where he was one of the pillars of the Baptist Church. He was a man of great force of character, and universally respected. Children, all b. in New Hartford: 2190. Maria Palmer, b. Apr. 19, 1825; d., Madison, Wis., Nov. 9, 1898 (2347-2355). 260 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2191. Henry Palmer, b. July 30, 1827; d., Janesville, Wis., June 15, :. 1895 (2356-2363)- 2192. Eliza Palmer, b. July 30, 1831 (2364-2367). Jabish Brown, Jr. (2135), brother of the preceding, called "Little Jabie" to distinguish him from his father, who was called "Great Jabie," b., Brookfield, N. Y., Apr. 3, 1806; d., Leonardsville, N. Y., Mar. 5, 1862; m., Brookfield, Sept. 23, 1830, Selina Davis, dau. of John and Lydia (Taylor) Davis, b., Brookfield, Mar. 8, 1807; d., Bridgewater, N. Y., Apr. 23, 1883. Children, all b. in Leonardsville: 2193. Sophronia A., b. May 18, 1833 (2368-2373). 2194. Harriet E., b. Oct. 8, 1834; d., Columbus, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1868; m., Leonardsville, Dec. 28, 1857, Fuller P. King, b. Una- dilla Forks, N. Y.; d., Columbus, Dec. 6, 1868. 2195. Fidelia D., b. Aug. 26, 1838; d., Leonardsville, Feb. 10, 1890 (2374)- 2196. George Taylor, b. Feb. 24, 1842 (2375-2378). Temperance Brown (2136), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Dec. 3, 181 1 ; d., Leonardsville, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1841; m., Jan. 24, 1832, Nathan Burch, of Brookfield, d. Nov. 8, 1849. Children, all b. in Brookfield: 2197. Emeline Burch, b. Mar. 27, 1833 (2379-2381). 2198. Cortland N. Burch, b. Sept. 7, 1837; d. May 12, 1904 (2382, 2383)- Isaac Stewart (2137), son of Nathan and Anna (Brown) Stewart (183b), dau. of Daniel (55) [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. June 5, 1792; d., lUyria, la., Oct. 15, 1864; m.. Mar. 27, 1825, Ruth Wilcox, dau. of John and Sybil (Guild) Wilcox, b. Nov. 5, 1798; d., W. Union, la., Dec. 10, 1866. Shortly after his marriage Isaac Stewart removed from Brookfield, N. Y., to Middlebury, O., where, in company with his brothers Arnold and Daniel, he owned and operated a plow-factory and foundry. Four years later he moved back to New York, going to W. Winfield, where he resided for a year. He then purchased a sawmill at Brookfield, which he sold at the end of a year. He next bought a farm on the right bank of Unadilla River, in Che- nango Co., N. Y. In 1840 he sold this farm and went to Utica, N. Y.; in the foUowuig year he went to So. Trenton, N. Y. After losing two of his sons with scarlet fever, he studied medicine and was admitted to practice in 1845 5 he practised from this time until his death. From So. Trenton he re- moved with his entire family to Iowa, in 1857, and settled on a farm in Illyria Township, Fayette Co., where he resided until his death. 261 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : 2199. Milton Stewart, b. Feb. 23, 1827; d., Wadsworth, O., July 18, 1829. 2200. George Clifford Stewart, b. Oct. 30, 1829; d., Columbus, N. Y., Feb. 29, 1840. 2201. Abigail Jane Stewart, b., Brookfield, Oct. 15, 1831; d., Los Gatos, Cal., Feb. 12, 1903 (2384, 2385). 2202. Charles Carroll Stewart, b. Dec. 7, 1833; d., Moberly, Mo., May 10, 1876 (2386-2392). 2203. John Wellington Stewart, b. Jan. 11, 1836 (2393-2396). 2204. Daniel Brown Stewart, b. Dec. 5, 1837 (2397-2399). Eunice Stewart (2139), sister of the preceding, b. Nov. 23, 1794; d., Ripon, Wis., Nov. 23, 1878; m., Feb. 5, 1824, Brookfield, N. Y., Luther Hinkley, b., Connecticut, May 26, 1782; d., Brookfield, May 26, 1859; son of Wyatt Hinkley, b., Stonington, Conn., Jan. 18, 1739, and Lucy Randall. [See Randall Genealogy.] Children, all b. in Brookfield: 2205. Eunice Hinkley, b. Nov. 2, 1826; d. Nov. 22, 1826,. 2206. Charles Hinkley, b. Dec. 24, 1827; d. Jan. 10, 1836. 2207. Elizabeth Hinkley, b. Mar. i, 1830. She was educated in dis- trict schools and in a select school at Clarksville, N. Y.; m., at her home in Brookfield, Sept. 18, 1854, Julius Burdick, son of Adin Burdick and Martha Chesebrough Burdick, b., So. Brookfield, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1825. He removed with his father's family to Wisconsin, and settled on a farm near Albion; removed to Ripon, Wis., July 20, 1857. He was for many years the president of the Prairie City Bank of Ripon, where he d. Nov. 8, 1861. Two children, a son and a daughter, were born to them, but died in infancy. 2208. Frances J. Hinkley, b. Sept. 13, 1834; d., Ripon, Dec. 4, 1902; unm. 2209. Daniel Kendrick Hinkley, b. Mar. 23, 1835 S drowned, at Brook- field, June 13, 1857. 2210. Emogene A. Hinkley, b. Mar. 22, 1841 (2400). Abigail Stewart (2143), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., July 19, 1805; d., Hopkinsville, Ky., July 14, 1887; m., Brookfield, Jan. 5, 1823, Rev. Gideon Perry, a cousin of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, of Lake Erie fame. He d. at his residence in Hopkinsville, Sept. 30, 1879, in his seventy-eighth year. 262 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : 2211. Dr. Henry Gideon Perry, b., Philadelphia, 1832. He went to Chicago in 1872 and became rector of All Saints Church. He held this position six years, and then became rector of the Episcopal Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul. His wife, Agnes, d. about 1880. He d. Jan. 16, 1899, leaving a dau. May. 2212. Oliver Hazard Perry. He was a physician and d., unm., at his home in Hopkinsville, Feb. 17, 1873, '^^ his thirty-first year. 2213. Freeman Willis Gaylord Perry, b., Lee, Oneida Co., N. Y., Dec. 22, 1845; d-' unm., Hopkinsville, Feb. 27, 1901. He was a druggist. Mary Brown (2146), dau. of Nathan (183c) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. May 11, 1797; d. 1884; m.. Mar. 3, 1814, Dr. Wel- come A. Clark, d. Jan. 22, 1847. Children : 2214. Ann Clark, m., Jan., 1839, Nathan C. Winslow (2401-2403). 2215. Harriet Clark, m. Rev. Mr. Tracy. Had two boys. 2216. Helen Clark, m. Hezekiah M. Winslow. Two children. Res. abroad. 2217. Lucy Clark, m. Rufus K. Winslow. One child. Res., Cleve- land, O. Phebe Brown (2147), sister of the preceding, b. Jan. 28, 1799; d., Whites- boro, N. Y., Apr. 18, 1883; m., Jan. 6, 1818, Morris Wilcox, a builder and contractor of Utica, N. Y. Children: 2218. Nathan B. Wilcox, b. Dec. 27, 1818; d. Apr. 7, 1854 (2404, 2405). 2219. James Sidney Wilcox, b. Sept. 10, 1821 (2406-2409). 2220. William Chauncey Wilcox, b. Aug. 20, 1823; d. Juhe 12, 1894 (2410). 2221. Charlotte E. Wilcox, b. Nov. 24, 1825 (2411, 2412). 2222. Julia White Wilcox, b. June 23, 1828; unm. Res., Utica, N. Y. 2223. John Francis Wilcox, b., Utica, Feb. 9, 1830; m., Augusta Messenger, of Cortland, N. Y. Had two sons, one now dead. The other, John F. Wilcox, now lives in New York City. He had also a daughter. William Pitts Brown (2148), brother of the preceding, b. Nov. 22, 1800; d., Freeport, III., 1890; m. (i), Jan. 8, 1826, Eunice or Mahalia Curtis, who d. 1834; m. (2) Emeline Curtis. He was a merchant and hotel-keeper. 263 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children by first m. : 2224. Harry C. 2225. George F. 2226. William T. Children by second m.: 2227. Martin Van Buren (twin), b. June i, 1838 (2413). 2228. Mahalia (twin), b. June i, 1838 (2414). 2229. Frank. Russell Brown (2149), son of Nathan (183c) and Hannah (Langworthy) Brown [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. June 21, 1806; d. 1853; m., 1830, Adelia Scott. He was a farmer. Children: 2230. Pitt, died of typhoid fever at Hamilton College, where he was fitting himself for the ministry. 2231. Phebe, m. Professor Osborn of Hamilton College. 2232. Henry, b. 1842. Had a son Henry, killed in Cuba in the Span- ish-American War; has also a daughter. Charles Sidney Brown (2150), brother of the preceding, b. July 29, 1808; d. Mar., 1892. He was a farmer in Norwalk, O. Children: 2233. Lloyd, b. Mar. 28, 1842; m. Rose Mahan. He was a farmer in Norwalk. No issue. 2234. Arthuretta, b. Jan. 24, 1844; m., Feb. 7, 1872, W. H. Bishop, of Norwalk. No issue. Henry Brown (2151), brother of the preceding, b., Leonardsville, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1810; d. Dec. 17, 1893; m., Norwalk, O., by Rev. Edward Winthrop, Oct. 18, 1847, Sarah Gallup, granddau. of Piatt Benedict, first settler of Norwalk. He was educated at Hamilton College; admitted to the bar in 1837; Clerk of Courts of Huron Co., O., eighteen years; lumber merchant and retired farmer. His widow resides at Norwalk, O. Children: 2235. Clara Maria, b. Aug. 31, 1848 (2415-2418). 2236. Kate Effie, b. Jan. 24, 1851 (2419-2421). 2237. Henry Russell, b. Dec. i, 1854; d. Oct. 10, 1862. -,-2238. Walter Sidney, b. July 30, 1S56; m. Caroline Jackson, of Adrian, Mich. He is a farmer at Monroville, O. No issue. 2239. Sarah Benedict, b. May 9, 1864; d. Nov. 10, 1865. 2240. Ralph Whittlesey, b. Nov. 18, 1865 (2422). 264 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Hannah Brown (2152), sister of the preceding, b., Leonardsville, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1819; m. OHver Pendleton, of Leonardsville, Mar. 22, 1842. Two children. Children : 2241. Alice Pendleton, b. Aug. 29, 1843; ^- Carlton Abbott, Mar., 1862; d. Sept., 1862; buried at Norwalk, O. 2242. Emma, d. in 1862, about six years old. Oliver Pendleton d. Mar. 22, 1842. Hannah m. (2) J. Whipple Baker, Nov. 4, 1886, and lives in Norwalk, O. Lucy Palmer (2155), dau. of George and Fanny (Brown) Palmer (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], m. William Case, about 1840. Children: 2243. Fanny Case, m. George 1. Vail, of Standard Oil Co. Res., Cleveland, O. 2244. Eloise Case, m. Courtland L. Kennan, of Norwalk, O. (2423- 2427). 2245. Sarah Case, m. Mr. Scott, a merchant of New York City. 2246. William Case. 2247. Charles Case. 2248. Ada Case. Catherine Palmer (2158), sister of the preceding, b. about 1813; m. James Green. She is ninety-two years old and lives in Monroville, O. Children: 2249. Helen Green, m. Hiram Graham, a merchant, of Plymouth, O. Has three or four children. 2250. James Green. He is a druggist at Los Angeles or Pasadena, Cal. 2251. Louise Green, m. Rev. Mudge, a Methodist minister, and now lives with her mother. 2252. Sarah Green. She lives with her mother. Isaac Brown, Jr. (2159), son of Isaac (1836) [Danieltss), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Nov. 28, 1803; d. Mar. 20, 1865; m., Mar. 25, 1825, Nancy Scott, d. July 27, 1844. She belonged to one of the leading families in Bridgewater, N. Y., members of which still reside in the northern portion of the town of Brookfield. He m. (2), Dec. 22, 1845, Elizabeth Randolph, who was a dressmaker by trade, and came from New Jersey to New York. She survived him twenty years. Her family was prominent in New Jersey, and is said to have been a branch of the Randolph family of 265 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Virginia. He lived all his life in LeonardsvilJe, N. Y., and was a leading citizen, prominent in business and highly respected socially. He was en- gaged in the business of buying wool and farm products. He was Sheriff of Madison Co. for one term. He and his two wives are buried in the cemetery at Leonardsville. Children by first m.: 2253. William S., b. Feb. 11, 1826; d., Barry, Pike Co., Ill, Dec, 1904; m. Eliza Buckley. He was engaged in pork packing; was an invalid for many years. 2254. Charles S., b. Feb. 2, 1828; d. June, 1897 (2653a-2655). 2255. Malvina S., b. Nov. 6, 1829 (2428, 2429). 2256. Daniel C, b. Feb. 6, 1832; d. Mar., 1832. 2257. James Pardee, b. May 15, 1834; d. Dec. 15, 1895 (2430-2432). 2258. George C, b. Sept. 2, 1836; d., Newark, N. J., 1903 or 1904 (2433)- 2259. Eliza, b. Aug. 7, 1840 (2434-2436). 2260. Isaac, b. Jan. 24, 1843; d. Sept. 6, 1853. Children by second m. : 2261. Nancy, b. Sept. 27, 1846 (2437-2441). 2262. Edwin R., b. Apr. 14, 1848; m. Anna Cary. He is in the hotel business in Windsor, Canada. 2263. Byron S., b. Dec. 8, 1850; m. Mary Hansen. He went to Sagi- naw, Mich., where he was employed for twenty- four years in the planing-mill of D. Hardin & Co. He recently re- moved from Sandusky, O., to Leonardsville, N. Y., where he is employed by the Babcock Manufacturing Co. Eliza Brown (2160), sister of the preceding, b. Sept. 17, 1806; d. Mar. 15, 1885; m., Jan. 23, 1832, Dennis Hardin, b., E. Hampton, Conn. He came to Leonardsville, N. Y., with his parents, Nathan and Philena Clarke Hardin. For some years he conducted a general store in Leonardsville. He founded the Leonardsville Bank and conducted it until his death in 1875, when it was discontinued. He served one year as a member of the New York Legis- lature. He was a Justice of the Peace for many years, being popularly known as "Squire Hardin," and his opinion on legal matters was widely sought. His wife and her sister Lucy, who m. Daniel Hardin, the brother of Dennis, were lovely women, beloved by all who knew them. Children: 2264. Erastus D. Hardin, b. Nov. 3, 1832 (2442-2446). 2265. Rebecca E. Hardin, b. July 16, 1834 (2447-2451). 2266. Henry B. Hardin, b. Feb. 23, 1836; d. Jan. 27, 1872; unm. 266 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Erastus S. Brown (2162), brother of the preceding, b. Feb. 26, 1812; d. 1886 or 1887. He was a merchant running a general store in Leonardsville, N. Y.; later he removed to Deerfield, Oneida Co., N. Y., where he m. Sarah Leland, whose relatives were among the early settlers of that town. Here he became a member of the firm of Brown & Leland, dealers in butter and cheese. Removing to New York, he became a grain and provision broker, and was for some time president of the Produce Exchange. He was a man of fine personal appearance, of good education, and dignified bearing, being a veritable "gentleman of the old school." He and his wife are buried in Forest Hill Cemetery, Utica. Children : 2267. Eliza. 2268. Augustus L., d. three or four years ago. 2269. George I., of Peoria, 111. He is engaged in railroad business. 2270. Calvin. Res., New York. 2271. Henry. Res., New York. Lucy Brown (2163), sister of the preceding, b. Dec. i, 1816; d. Dec. 3, 1890; m., Apr. 2, 1840, Daniel Hardin, brother of Dennis Hardin, the hus- band of her sister Eliza. He was b. in Plainfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., and d. in Leonardsville, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1901. He was at first the clerk and later the partner of his brother. In 1865 he became interested in the lumber and real-estate business in Saginaw, Mich. After the burning of his home in Leonardsville, in 1878, he removed to Saginaw, where he became wealthy and influential. He established the planing-mill of D. Hardin & Co.; was interested in establishing the Citizens' Bank of Saginaw, and was its presi- dent until he withdrew and became president of the Commercial National Bank, Two or three years before his death he built a fine house in Leonards- ville, on the site of his former home, and here he died. Children : 2272. Emily P. Hardin (2452, 2453). 2273. Lucy R. Hardin, d. Oct. 5, 1872 (2454). 2274. Abner C. Hardin, b. Mar. 12, 1857; d. Jan. 5, 1891 (2455, 2456). 2275. Sarah L. Hardin, d. in infancy. Oliver B. Hinkley (2170), son of David and Susanna (Brown) Hinkley (2130), dau. of Jabish Brown(i83a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.,Brookfield, N. Y., Oct. 10, 181 1; d., Brookfield, Mar. 4, 1845; m., Sept. 19, 1833, Avis Burdick, b. Dec. 15, 181 1; d. Jan. 5, 1894. He was a farmer, and resided in Brookfield, N. Y. 267 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 2276. Louise A. Hinkley, b. Apr. 19, 1836; d. Mar. 10, 1878 (2457). 2277. Juliaette Hinkley, b. Feb. 28, 1839; d. Apr. 4, 1883 (2458-2460). 2278. David J- Hinkley, b. July 7, 1847. Phebe Ursula Hinkley (2172), sister of the preceding, b. Mar. 8, 1816; d. July 31, 1885; m., Nov. 17, 1836, John Henry Burch, b. June 3, 1815; d. Apr. 23, 1900. He was a farmer, and resided at Brookfield, N. Y. Children: 2279. A. Estee Burch, b. Mar. 24, 1839 (2461-2464). 2280. David H. Burch, b. Apr. 25, 1843 (2465). 2281. Nathan Burch, b. Jan. 14, 1848 (2466-2476). 2282. Mary Abbie Burch, b. June 14, 1854 (2477, 2478). Abigail Hinkley (2174), sister of the preceding, b. Apr. 19, 18 19; d. Feb. 5, 1890; m., Jan. 18, 1838, Samuel Hamilton Burdick, b. June 13, 1815; d. Mar. 13, 1888. He was a farmer, and resided in Brookfield, N. Y. Dau.: 2283. Audella Susan Burdick, b. May 26, 1845 (2479-2482). Mary Hinkley (2175), sister of the preceding, b. Mar. 14, 2824; d. May 4, 1895; ^-y ^*^t- ^5> 1840, Edward Noberie Bardeen, b. Aug. 8, 1821; d. Mar. 26, 1867. He was a manufacturer of cheese-boxes, and resided in Brook- field, N. Y. Children : 2284. DeEtte S. Bardeen, b. Feb. 28, 1842 (2483, 2484). 2285. Edward Ray Bardeen, b. Mar. 22, 1851; d. July 25, 1874 (2485 K 2286. Ella May Bardeen, b. Jan. 9, 1862; d. Nov. 17, 1889 (2486). 2287. Adelma H. Bardeen, b. Nov. 9, 1864 (2486a). Esther Hinkley (2176), sister of the preceding, b. Mar. 9, 1826; m., Oct. 20, 1844, Chauncey V. Hibbard, b. Oct. 13, 1823; d. Sept. 6, 1886. He was a farmer, and resided in Brookfield, N. Y. Children, all b. in Brookfield: 2288. Daniel Osmer Hibbard, b. Feb. 17, 185 1 (2487-2489). 2289. Elmore C. Hibbard, b. Oct. 17, 1855 (2490, 2491). 2290. Ida Lette Hibbard (twin), b. Nov. 15, 1859; d. Dec. i, 1859. 2291. Ada Ette Hibbard (twin), b. Nov. 15, 1859 (2492-2494). 2292. Willard L. Hibbard, b. Aug. 24, 1861 (2495-2498). 2293. Elizabeth J. Hibbard, b. July 31, 1867. Res. with her mother in Brookfield, N. Y. 268 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Maria Hinkley (2177), sister of the preceding, b. Dec. 13, 1828; d. Feb. II, 1890; m., Nov. 20, 1845, Heman A. Hill, b. Feb. 26, 1822. He is a farmer. Res., Brookfield, N. Y. Children: 2294. Ida V. Hill, b. May 13, 1851; d. June 8, 1861. 2295. Lilla May Hill, b. Sept. 3, i860; d. June 12, 1861. 2296. Bertha M. Hill, b. May 10, 1862; d. Oct. 25, 1904 (2499- 2501). Daniel A. Hinkley (2178), brother of the preceding, b. Jan. 30, 1833; d. July 8, 1868; m., Oct. 11, 1855, Jennie P. Keith, b. Aug. 22, 1833; d. May 14, 1906. He was a farmer, and resided in Brookfield, N. Y. Children: 2297. Hattie A. Hinkley, b. Nov. i, 1857. 2298. Mary A. Hinkley, b. Mar. 28, i860 (2502-2504). 2299. Julia D. Hinkley, b. June 15, 1866; d. Dec. 25, 1868. Cynthia Randall (2179), dau. of Elisha and Betsey (Brown) Randall (2132), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Oct. 29, 1814; d. Nov. 30, 1898; m., Jan. 15, 1835, Paul B. Burch, of Brookfield, who d. Apr. 28, 1890, at the age of eighty-one years. He was a farmer. His eldest daughter, Cornelia, at her birth had thirteen living ancestors. Children: 2300. Cornelia Burch, b. Feb. 26, 1836 (2505-2508). 2301. William C. Burch, b. Nov. 14, 1837 (2509-2512). 2302. Damaris Burch, b. May 29, 1840; m., Oct. 11, 1858, Norman I. Clark. He is a piano-dealer at Brookfield, N. Y. 2303. Mary Burch, b. Feb. i, 1843 (2513. 2514)- 2304. Randall Burch, b. Jan. 16, 1848. He is a ' farmer. Res., Brookfield, N. Y. 2305. Calvin H. Burch, b. Jan. 14, 1850; m.; Feb. 3, 1873, Mary R. Babcock. 2306. Dwight P. 'Burch, b. Nov. 22, 1852; d. Mar. 23, 1866. 2307. Kate E. Burch, b. July 11, 1856; d. Aug. 20, 1900 (2515- 2517). Mary Randall (2180), sister of the preceding, b. Sept. 8, 1816; d. Feb. 16, 1884; m., Jan. 31, 1836, Tracy Denison, of Brookfield, N. Y.; d. June 25, 1877. They removed to Eau Claire, Wis., in 1857. She removed to Mason City, la., in 1881. 269 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 2308. Selah Denison, b. June 4, 1837 (2518, 2519). 2309. Elizabeth Denison, b. Feb. 11, 1839. 2310. Almira U. Denison, b. July 29, 1841; d., Eau Claire, Jan. 6, 1880 (2520-2523). 2311. Owen T. Denison, b. Aug. 28, 1847 (2524-2526). 2311a. Luella M. Denison, b. May 2, 1853 (2527-2531). Elisha Randall (2181), son of Elisha and Betsey (Brown) Randall (2132), dau. of Jabish (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1818; m., Oct. 31, 1838, Lucy M. York (1559), dau. of John (1365) and Nancy (Breed) York, of Brookfield. He worked in the mills of his father in Brookfield until about 1840. In 1843 the mills burned. He removed, in 1844, to Edmeston, N. Y., where he ran a grist-mill and manufactured hardware until 1850, when he removed to Belmond, Allegany Co., N. Y., where he manufactured sash, doors, and blinds in connection with his brother Adin. Nov. i, 1854, he moved to Iowa, stopping for a short time at Waterloo, la. In 1855 he settled permanently in Mason City, la. In company with Samuel Douglass he built the first circular saw- mill on Lime Creek, in which the first board was sawed Oct. 31, 1855. Two years later he built a grist-mill with two run of stones. In 1872 he obtained a patent for the Randall lime-kiln. In politics he was first a Whig and then a Republican, being a member of the first organized Republican Convention in Cerro Gordo Co. He was a Justice of the Peace for some years; was County Judge for one term and County Recorder for one term; was the first County Supervisor for one term, and held minor offices. He was for two years a director in the Central Iowa Railway. He joined the Methodist Episcopal Church at seventeen, of which he and his wife continued lifelong members. Children: 2312. Martha Ann Randall, b. Aug. 17, 1840 (2532-2535). 2313. Lucy Ellen Randall, b. Feb. 8, 1844 (2536-2540). 2314. Lurena Randall, b. Jan. 17, 1847 (2541-2543). 2315. Millard F. Randall, b. Dec. 25, 1849 (2544-2552). 2316. Delia Ette Randall, b. June i, 1852; d. Feb. 8, 1863. 2317. Mary Randall, b. May 9, 1855 (2553-2556). 2318. Sarah E. Randall, b. Nov. 8, 1857 (2557-2560). 2319. Lucina May Randall, b. Feb. 20, i860; d. Sept. 25, 1868. 2320. Adin Randall, b. Dec. 20, 1862 (2561). 2321. Cyntha Randall, b. July 28, 1865; m.. Mar. 21, 1888, A. T. Steward. 270 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Daniel B.Randall (2182), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., June 27, 1820; m., Jan. 11, 1848, Laurinda Hull, b. Nov. 4, 1827. Children : 2322. Henry W. Randall, b. Nov. 15, 1848 (2562-2564). 2323. Irving D. Randall, b. Oct. 18, 1853; d. Nov. 18, 1870. 2324. Frank A. Randall, b. Mar. 13, 1862 (2565, 2566). 2325. Emma J. Randall, b. Apr. 3, 1868; d. Feb. 6, 1871. 2326. Launcelott T. Randall, b. May 31, 187 1. Betsey Randall (2183), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1822; m., Oct. 18, 1842, Charles Brightman, and settled on a farm in Brookfield. In 1845 they removed to Chautauqua Co., N. Y.; removed to Mason City, la., in 1870, where her husband died in 1877, after years of illness, during which his wife cared for him faithfully. Children : 2327. Cynthia Brightman, b. Sept. 7, 1844; d. Apr. 29, 1874 (2567), 2328. Josephine Brightman, b. Mar. 18, 1846; d. Jan. 18, 1867. 2329. Anna Brightman, b. Sept. 2, 1850 (2568-2570). 2330. Ella C. Brightman, b. Oct. 7, 1856; m., Sept. i, 1879, John Cliggitt. John Randall (2185), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., June 15, 1827; d. in the fall of 1890; m., Nov., 1855, Anna Glover. He re- sided in Brookfield until 1846; taught school in New Jersey in the spring of 1847; graduated from AUeghaney College at Meadville, Penn., in 1850; entered the law ofl&ce of Fostin Smith, at Westfield, N. Y., in the fall of the same year; in 185 1 entered the law office of Potter & Howard, of BulTalo, N. Y.; was admitted to the bar in 1852. He settled in Waterloo, la.. Mar. 7, 1855; was elected Judge of Blackhawk Co., and practised law till 1863, when he removed to Eau Claire, Wis. He resided here and at Chippewa Falls, Wis., until the fall of 1890, most of the time practising law. Children: 2331. Anna L. Randall, b. Nov. 28, 1856; d. Feb. 13, 1888 (2571- 2574). 2332. Mary Geneva Randall, b. Sept. 23, 1858; m. H. C. Stover in 1881. 2333. Hattie E. Randall, b. Feb. 20, i860 (2575). 2334. Ella Randall, b. Aug. 11, 1862 (2576, 2577). 2335. John J. Randall, b. Oct. 17, 1864; m., Apr. 22, 1889, Mary Corneiller. Res., Butte, Mont. 271 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Adin Randall (2186), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1829; d. 1868; m., Mar. 8, 1852, Clamenzia Babcock, of Brookfield. He removed from Brookfield to Allegany Co., N. Y., where he engaged in business with his brother Elisha. In 1854 he removed to Madison, Wis., and two years later to Eau Claire, Wis., where he was one of the first settlers, owning considerable of the land on which the city now stands. He made many donations of land for public purposes, among them Randall Park, which bears his name. He was a very public-spirited citizen, laboring faith- fully to promote the public good and the interests of the city. He built the second sawmill in Eau Claire, and was engaged in large lumbering opera- tions. Children: 2336. Burdette M. Randall, b. June 11, 1853; d. Jan. 31, 1880; m., Jan. 20, 1874, Martha Archer. 2337- Edgar H. Randall, b. May 5, 1855 (2578, 2579). 2338. Nellie G. Randall, b. Apr. 16, 1857; m., Sept. 25, 1873, ^i^t M. Palmer, d. Sept. 25, 1878. 2339. Dora M. Randall, b. July 16, i860; d. Jan. 3, 1889 (2580, 2581). 2340. Eva M. Randall, b. Apr. 6, 1863; d. Feb. 6, 1864. 2341. Adin W. Randall, b. Sept. 5, 1867; d. Jan. 15, 1874. Joshua Randall (2187), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1832; d. Jan. 18, 1856; m. Sophia Clark, in 1853. Son: 2342. Charles D. Randall, b. Feb. 27, 1854 (2582-2585). Benjamin Randall (2189), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1837; m. (i), Jan. 2, 1859, Lucy Ann Smith, d. Sept. 10, 1879; m. (2), Nov. 14, 1880, Charlotte Bligh Crandall. He lived with his sister, Betsey Brightman, after the death of his parents, until he was twenty years of age; removed to Mason Cit)', la., in 1863, and still resides there. He was in the furniture business, which his son continued. Children, by first m. : 2343. Charles H. Randall, b. Sept. 6, i860 (2587). 2344. William E. Randall, b. May 31, 1863. 2345. Fred Randall, b. Jan. 31, 1866; m., Apr. 15, 1891, Anna Nicoulan. 2346. Ida B. Randall, b. Feb. 14, 1874; d. Feb. 3, 1889. Maria Palmer (2190), dau. of Ephraim Palmer and Abigail (Brown) Palmer (2133) [Jabish (183a), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., New Hartford, Oneida Co., N. Y., Apr. 19, 1825; d., Madison, 272 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Wis., Nov. 9, 1898; m., New Hartford, Sept. 4, 1845, Rasselas Bardeen, b. Brookfield, N. Y.; d., Edgerton, Wis., Dec. 14, 1874; son of Cyrus Bardeen, of Brookfield, and Sallie Wilbur. Maria Palmer was educated in the public schools and in the Whitesboro Female Seminary at Whitesboro, N. Y. They resided for some years in Brookfield, where her husband was a manufacturer of cheese-boxes. In 1885 they settled on a farm near Edgerton, where her husband died. After his death she removed to Wausau, Wis., where she resided for twelve years, making her home with her son. She removed with him to Madison in May, 1898, where she died. Mr. Bardeen was a Repub- lican, and he and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. Children, first four b. in Brookfield; the others in Edgerton: 2347. Henry L. Bardeen, b. Jan. 12, 1848 (2588, 2589). 2348. Charles Valdo Bardeen, b. Sept. 23, 1850; d., Madison, Mar. 20, 1903 (259c^2593). 2349. Emma D. Bardeen, b. Aug. 18, 1852; d., Brookfield, Nov. 24, 1852. 2350. Frank A. Bardeen, b. Oct. 29, 1854 (2594-2596). 2351. Adin Randall Bardeen, b. June 22, 1857; m., Albion, Wis., Sept. I, 188 1, Jennie Marsh, dau. of Fanny Cornwall Marsh, of Albion. He was educated in the public schools and at Albion Academy. He is a Republican, and a merchant at Wausau, Wis. 2352. Katherine F. Bardeen, b. Aug. 24, i860; d., Edgerton, Aug, 29, 1864. 2353. Edna N. Bardeen, b. Dec. 15, 1864; d., Edgerton, June 18, 1865. 2354. Abby Albertine Bardeen, b. Aug. 14, 1866 (2597-2599). 2355. Clarence L. Bardeen, b. May 11, 1865. I' Dr. Henry Palmer (2191), brother of the preceding, b.. New Hartford, Oneida Co., N. Y., July 30, 1827; d., Janesville, Wis., June i'^, 1895; ^-y Nov. 4, 1852, Edna A. Hoyt, b. June 13, 1S34. He spent his youth upon his father's farm, entering Cazenovia Academy at the age of nineteen. After leaving the Academy he taught for a time, and, his health becoming im- paired, he spent six months at sea, cruising in Hudson's Bay and along the coast of Greenland. In 1851 he commenced the study of medicine at the Albany Medical College, graduating in 1854. In 1856 he came to Wisconsin, locating at Edgerton, where he remained until the next year, when he re- moved to Janesville. In 1861 he was appointed surgeon of the 7th Regt. Wis. Vol. Inf. In 1862 he became Brigade Surgeon of the celebrated Iron Brigade. He was in charge of the hospital at York at the time of the in- 273 THE BROWN GENEALOGY vasion of Pennsylvania, and was captured, but succeeded in escaping. He was then put in charge of the hospitals at Gettysburg, Penn. In 1864 he was appointed Medical Inspector of the 8th Army Corps, with headquarters at Baltimore, Md. In 1865 he took charge of the hospital at Camp Douglas, at Chicago, 111., which was his last service diu"ing the war. He was breveted Lieut.-Col. Mar. 13, 1866. At the close of the war he resumed the practice of his profession in Janesville, giving special attention to surgery. In 188 1 he was appointed Professor of Operative Surgery and Surgical Pathology in the College of Physicians and Surgeons then about to be opened, and this position he continued to hold up to the time of his death. He was appointed Surgeon-General of the State of Wisconsin, and held the office for ten years, under three successive Governors. He was twice Mayor of Janesville, and was president of the Janesville Cotton Manufacturing Company and presi- dent of the Merchants' and Mechanics' Bank. He was a man of great power, earnestness, courage, and perseverance. He was a Republican, and both he and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. Children, all except the first two b. in Janesville: 2356. Theo Winnona Palmer, b., Albany, N. Y., July 22, 1853; d., Albany, Nov. 4, 1863. 2357. Clara LeClaire Palmer, b., Troy, N. Y., Apr. 27, 1855; d., Janesville, Dec. 26, 1883 (2600). 2358. Kittie Estelle Palmer, b. Mar. 7, 1858; d., Janesville, Nov. 28, 1863. 2359. William Henry Palmer, b. Sept. 3, i860; m., Dec. 19, 1889, Kittie Murray Nichols, of Janesville. He is a prominent physician at Janesville. No issue. 2360. Charles Palmer, b. May 9, 1864; d.. Janesville, June 6, 1864. 2361. Stella Eve Palmer, b. Feb. 11, 1866 (2601-2603). 2362. Eloise Palmer, b. Apr. 16, 1872 (2604, 2605). 2363. EHzabeth Gertrude Palmer, b. May 14, 1876; m., June 22, 1904, John Siebert Taylor, of Janesville. Eliza Palmer (2192), sister of the preceding, b., New Hartford, N. Y., July 30, 1831; m.. New Hartford, Sept. 17, 1851, George W. Lusk, b.. New Hartford, 1824; son of Ira Lusk; d., Fond du Lac, Wis., Feb. 8, 1904. He was a prominent lumberman; was interested in municipal affairs, and was once Treasurer and twice Mayor of the city of Fond du Lac. Children: 2364. George Herbert Lusk, b.. New Hartford, Aug. 8, 1853 (2606, 2606a). 274 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2365. Obed Latham Lusk, b., Edgerton, Wis., Oct. i, 1858; d., Rockaway Beach, N. Y., June 20, 1902. He was a physician, a graduate of Chicago Medical College, and was Assistant Sanitary Superintendent of the Borough of Queens, N. Y. 2366. Clesson Sheldon Lusk, b., Edgerton, Apr. 2, 1865 (2606b). 2367. Louis Palmer Lusk, b., Fond du Lac, Nov. 6, 1873. He is in the railroad employ in Fond du Lac. Sophronia A. Brown (2193) [Jabish, Jr. (2135), Jabish (183a), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Leonardsville, N. Y., May 18, 1833; m., June 15, 1853, at Leonardsville, Henry B., son of Elijah and Eunice (Safford) Booth; b., Paris, N. Y., July 6, 1829; d., Onarga, III, May I, 1894. Children, all b. in Onarga: 2368. Wallace Elijah Booth, b. Oct. 15, i860; d., Onarga, Oct. 18, 1888 ; m., Aug. 27, 1887, Anna Knoche. 2369. Charles H. Booth, b. May 30, 1863; d., Onarga, July 4, 1890. 2370. Chauncey B. Booth, b. Oct. 17, 1866; d. May 15, 1900. 2371. Lamott R. Booth, b. Oct. 6, 1868; d.-, Onarga, Feb. 27, 1894; m., Thawville, 111., May 2, 1892, Gertrude, dau. of Jay C. and Sarah Shear. 2372. George Booth, b. Mar. 22, 1871; m., Saginaw, Mich., Mar. 29, 1901, Elizabeth, dau. of Alderman B. and Jenig (Fraser) Paine; b., Saginaw, Nov. 16, 1873. Res., Onarga, 111. 2373. Jennie Fidelia Booth, b. Oct. 5, 1873; ^- ^^r- 27, 1875. Fidelia D. Brown (2195), sister of the preceding, b., Leonardsville, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1838; d., Leonardsville, Feb. 10, 1890; m., Leonardsville, Oct. 28, 1862, Frank Champlin, b.. Mystic Bridge, Conn.," 1825; d., Greenmanville, Conn., Oct. 8, 1872. ^ Children: 2374. E. Frank Champlin, b. Dec. 6, 1870; m., Nov. 22, 1890, Eva Crandall. He is a drugggist at Little Falls, N. Y. George Taylor Brown (2196), brother of the preceding, b., Leonards- ville, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1842; m., Bridgewater, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1873, Emily D. Dowse, b., Brookfield, N. Y. Res., Leonardsville, N. Y. Children : 2375. Harriet, b. July 22, 1875; ^- E- D. Van Horn. Res., Alfred, N. Y. 2376. Edna, b. June 13, 1877; unm. Res., New Rochelle, N. Y. 275 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2377. Myra, b. Aug. 26, 1885. Res., Leonardsville, N. Y. 2378. Helen, b. Feb. 25, 1891. Res., Leonardsville, N. Y. Emeline Burch (2197), dau. of Nathan and Temperance (Brown) Burch (2136), dau. of Jabish (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Brookiield, N. Y., Mar. 27, 1833; m., Sept. 25, 1854, Calvin Whitford, of Brookfield, b. Oct. 23, 1823; d. Sept. 29, 1902. He was a banker at Brookiield; was County Clerk for some years, and held other responsible positions. Children, all b. in Brookfield: 2379. Angelette Whitford, b. June 18, 1855; d. Mar. 15, 1869. 2380. Edward E. Whitford (twin), b. Jan. 31, 1865 (2607). 2381. William C. Whitford (twin), b. Jan. 31, 1865; m., Sept. 20, 1892, Jessie E.Briggs. He is Professor of Biblical Languages and Literature in Alfred University, Alfred, N. Y. Cortland N. Burch (2198), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1837; d. May 12, 1904; m. (i), Sept. 9, i860, Anna J. Maxson; (2), Dec. I, 1898, Sarah A. Hills Woodworth (17 19). He was a farmer, and re- sided in Brookfield, N. Y. Children, by first m. : 2382. Lucy M. Burch (2608). 2383. Horace C. Burch, m. Anna Clarke. He is an engineer. Res., Leonardsville, N. Y. No issue. Abigail Jane Stewart (2201), dau. of Isaac Stewart (2137) and Ruth (Wilcox) Stewart, son of Nathan and Anna (Brown) Stewart (183b), dau. of Daniel Brown (55) [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1831; d., Los Gatos, Cal., Feb. 12, 1903; always known as "Jennie;" m., Mar. i, 1862, at Illyria, la., Decason D. Briggs, b. Apr. 14, 1838. In 1871 the Briggs family left Iowa for Portland, Ore., where Mrs. Briggs taught long and successfully in the public schools. In January, 1882, they removed to California, where they lived in San Jose, Santa Clara, and Los Gatos. She died very suddenly at a W. C. T. U. meeting, at which she had acted as committee chairman. Children: 2384. Stewart Daniel Briggs, b. Sept. 9, 1865 (2609, 2610). 2385. Georgia Alton Briggs, b. Apr. 12, 1869 (2611-2613). Charles Carroll Stewart (2202), brother of the preceding, b. Dec. 7, 1833; d., Moberly, Mo., May 10, 1876; m. (i), Frances Lathrop, b., Painesville, O., Dec. 12, 1830; d., Anchor, 111., Mar. 25, 1869; m. (2), Sarah Elizabeth 276 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Palmore, b., Woodsonville, Ky., Sept. 30, 1843. ^^ early life he was a teacher; later he was a pharmacist at Painesville, and at the time of his death was engaged in mining. Children by first m. : 2386. Florence Gertrude Stewart, b. Aug. 6, 1856 (2614-2622). 2387. Twin sons, b. Sept. i, 1858; d. Sept. 5, 1858. 2388. Ada Guild Stewart, b., Illyria, la., Oct. 31, 1861 (2623-2627). 2389. Jessie Lathrop Stewart, b. Nov. 21, 1863 (2628-2631). 2390. Jennie Octavia Stewart, b. Dec. 30, 1865 (2632-2634). Children by second m. : 2391. Susan Leith Stewart, b., Remick, Mo., Nov. 13, 187 1; m. William Avery. 2392. Charles William Stewart, b. June 15, 1875; ™- • John Wellington Stewart (2203), brother of the preceding, b. Jan. 11, 1836; m., Jan. 12, 1865, W. Union, la., Emma Heale, b., Chulmleigh, Devon, England, May 4, 1844; dau. of John and Mary (Joslin) Heale. He has been a teacher, a surveyor, and a farmer; was for four years Deputy State Superintendent of Schools for Iowa; now retired from active business. Res., Gobleville, Mich. Children: 2393. Bertha Winnifred Stewart, b., W. Union, Oct. 6, 1865; m., June 25, 1890, at Illyria, la., Charles H. Quigley, b., near Garnaville, la., Jan. 22, 1852; d., Independence, la., June 2, 1903; son of Joseph and Nancy (Griffith) Quigley. He was an attorney-at-law, practising at W. Union, la. No issue. Res., Madison, Wis. 2394. Mabel Heale Stewart, b. Oct. 27, 1866 (2635-2639). 2395. Charles Joslyn Stewart, b. Oct. 26, 1868; d. Aug. 10, 1870. 2396. William Raymond Stewart, b. Oct. 15, 1880 (2640). Daniel Brown Stewart (2204), brother of the preceding, b. Dec. 5, 1837; m., Jan. 28, 1861, at White Hall, 111., Mary North, b.,White Hall, Mar. 14, 1837 ; dau. of Asahel and Pruden ce (Swallow) North. He has been a teacher, a merchant, and a banker, and has large landed interests at Anchor, 111., where he resides. Children : 2397. Arthur Daniel Stewart, b., Hyde Park, 111., May 24, 1863. He is a graduate of Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y.; is a civil and mining engineer, and is the manager of his father's farm at Anchor. 111., where he resides. 277 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2398. Mary Donna Stewart, b., White Hall, Oct. i, 1864 (2641). 2399. Clinton Brown Stewart, b., Fairbury, 111., Mar. 8, 1868; m. (i) Dora Louise Starkweather, b. Feb. 17, 1868; d. Sept., 1898; m. (2) Augusta (Ley) Jones, b., New York, Sept. 2,1863. He is a graduate of Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., and was for a time Professor of Civil Engineering in the State School of Mines, Col.; is now an assistant professor in the Engineer- ing Department of the State University of Wisconsin, at Madison. Emogene A. Hinkley (2210), dau. of Luther Hinkley and Eunice (Stewart) Hinkley (2139), dau. of Nathan and Anna (Brown) Stewart (183b), dau. of Daniel Brown (55) [Daniel (24), Thomas (2) Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Mar. 22, 1841; m., at her home in Brookfield, Apr. 18, 1859, Richard Dart, b. in New York City, at the corner of Maiden Lane and Broadway, May 12, 1829; son of Anson and Eliza (Catlin) Dart. He re- moved with his father and elder brothers to Wisconsin from Utica, N. Y., and settled on a farm on the south side of Green Lake in June, 1840. They were the only family of Americans for miles around, and the first white men to cross Green Lake, now a noted summer resort. The remainder of the family came the next fall. In 1846 they moved to Dartford, building the first house and the first mill there. Removed to Ripon in Dec, 1856, where he has since resided. His wife was educated in the common schools at Brookfield, Brookfield Academy, and Brockway College, at Ripon. Dau.: 2400. Arlouine Catlin Dart, b., Ripon, Mar. 25, 1872 (2642, 2643). Ann Clark (2214), dau. of Dr. Welcome A. and Mary (Brown) Clark (2 146), dau. of Nathan Brown (183c) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Jan., 1839; m. Nathan C. Winslow. Children: 2401. Katy Winslow, m. Mr. Williams; d. Baltimore, Md. 2402. William Winslow. He lived in Buffalo, N. Y. 2403. Henry Winslow. He lived in Buffalo. Nathan B. Wilcox (2218), son of Morris and Phebe (Brown) Wilcox (2147), dau. of Nathan Brown (183c) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Dec. 27, 1818; d. Apr. 7, 1854; m. Augusta Wilcox, of Oxford, N. Y. He was a commission-merchant in Utica, N. Y. Children : 2404. Kate Wilcox. Res., Philadelphia, Penn. 2405. Charlotte Wilcox. Res., Philadelphia, Penn. 2 78 THE BROWN GENEALOGY James Sidney Wilcox (2219), brother of the preceding, b. Sept. ic, 1821; m., Mar. 3, 1847, Eudotia Sturges, at Norwalk, O. He is an insurance solicitor. Res., Adrian, Mich. Children : 2406. James Morris Wilcox, b., Milan, O., Mar. 31, 1848 (2644- 2646). 2407. Lewis Sturges Wilcox, b., Milan, July 29, 1852; unm. Res., Adrian, Mich. 2408. Jennie E. Wilcox, b., Utica, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1859 (2647, 2648). 2409. Mattie L. Wilcox, b., Utica, Feb. 7, 1861 (2649, 2650). William Chauncey Wilcox (2220), brother of the preceding, b. Aug. 20, 1823; d. June 12, 1894; m. Harriet Griswold, of WTiitestown, N. Y. He was a merchant and capitalist of Utica, N. Y. > Son: 241C. William Wilcox. Res., Utica, N. Y. Charlotte E. Wilcox (2221), sister of the preceding, b. Nov. 24, 1825; m. William H. Farwell, of Utica, N. Y. Children : 241 1. Minnie Wilcox, unm. Res., Utica, N. Y. 2412. Lulu Wilcox. She is married and the mother of two bovs, now young men. Martin Van Buren Brown (2227) [William Pitts (2148), Nathan (183c), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. June i, 1838. Res., Freeport, 111. Son: 2413. W'illiam Brown, b. June 24, 1864. Mahalia Brown (2228), sister and twin of the preceding, m. Mr. Putnam. Son: * 2414. Walter P. Putnam, b. June 15, 1866. Clara Maria Brown (2235), dau. of Henry (2151) and Sarah (Gallup) Brown [Nathan (183c), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Aug. 31, 1848; m., Aug. 5, 1867, by Rev. Bronson and C. E.Wright, Richard Goodnow, d. 1882. He owned a lumber and flour mill. She was educated at Vassar College. Res., Norwalk, O. Children: 2415. Henry Milton Goodnow, b., Norwalk, May 2, 1870. He is a travelling salesman; married, and lives in Lincoln, Neb. 279 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2416. Katherine Louise Goodnow, b., Norwalk, Oct. 25, 1872. She is a stenographer and bookkeeper. Res., Norwalk, O. 2417. Lucy Belle Goodnow, b. Sept. 9, 1874 (2651). 2418. Clara Louise Goodnow, b. Dec. 15, 1875. She is a bookkeeper at Norwalk, O. Kate Effie Brown (2236), sister of the preceding, b. Jan. 24, 185 1; m., Dec. 20, 1871, by Rev. Bronson and C. E. Wright, Frank Goodnow, a grain mer- chant of St. Louis, Mo. She was educated at Vassar College. Res., 4912 Fountain Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Children: 2419. Robert Goodnow, b., Salina, Kan., Jan. 15, 1873 (2652, 2653). 2420. Walter Goodnow, b., Salina, Oct. 4, 1875. He is traffic manager for a lumber company. Res., St. Louis, Mo. 2421. Fred Goodnow, b. Mar. 5, 1883. He is a real-estate agent, St. Louis. Ralph Whittlesey Brown (2240), brother of the preceding, b. Nov. 18, 1865; m., Sept. 30, 1896, at Norwalk, O., Carlena Kubach. He is an electric-light contractor and farmer, and has been Chief of the Fire Depart- ment since 1898. Res., 72 Woodlawn Ave., Norwalk, O. Dau. : 2422. Ruth Langworthy, b., Norwalk, Mar. 3, 1903. Eloise Case (2244), dau. of William and Lucy (Palmer) Case (2155), dau. of George and Fanny (Brown) Palmer (183d), dau. of Daniel Brown (55) [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], m. Courtland L. Kennan, a lawyer of Norwalk, O. Children : 2423. Fanny Kennan. 2424 2425 2426 2427 Edith Kennan. Robert Kennan. Alice Kennan. Howard Kennan. Malvina S. Brown (2255), dau. of Isaac, Jr. (2159) and Nancy (Scott) Brown [Isaac (1836), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Nov. 6, 1829; m. Horace Dennett, now deceased, a wealthy New Yorker, who was president of the Knickerbocker Ice Company. Children: 2428. Julia Dennett, m. Walter Tonnele. Res., New York. 2S0 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2429. Elizabeth Brown Dennett, m. Dr. George Lockwood, of New- York, a noted specialist in diseases of the stomach. James Pardee Brown (2257), brother of the preceding, b. May 15, 1834; d. Dec. 15, 1895; ^- Rebecca Randolph, a niece of the second wife of Isaac Brown, Jr. He removed to Utica, N. Y., in 1864, and resided there to the time of his death. He became one of the leading business men of Utica, and one of the most sviccessfiil cheese-buyers in Central New York. He was accustomed to spend his winters at his orange-grove in Florida. He was several times elected president of the Board of Trade of Utica, and no man was more popular among his business associates than "Jim" Brown. He was buried in Leonardsville, N. Y. Children : 2430. Lizzie R., b. Aug. 10, 1864; d. Nov. 18, 1882; unm. 2431. William Isaac, b. May 14, 1866; d., Utica, July 24, 1905, and is buried beside his parents at Leonardsville. With his brother Charles he established the firm of James P. Brown's Sons, butter and cheese dealers. 2432. Charles S., b. July 25, 1867; m. Mary Bridgeman, of Utica. George C. Brown (2258), brother of the preceding, b. Sept. 2, 1836; m. Alice Johnson. He was engaged in several kinds of business and travelled extensively in the United States and South America. Dau.: 2433. Lulu. Eliza Brown (2259), sister of the preceding, b. Aug. 7, 1840; m., Oct. 29, 1872, John C. Hoxie, son of Nelson Hoxie, of Leonardsville, N. Y. He served in the Civil War, and after returning from the army he occupied the farm at the "Corner," where the road leads to Brookfield, N. Y. He was later a travelling salesman. He is now a member of the wholesale grocery firm of Griffin & Hoxie, of Utica, N. Y., and was the first president of the Utica Chamber of Commerce. He is one of the solid business men of the city. Children: 2434. Mabel B. Hoxie, b. Apr. 27, 1876. 2435. Rebecca E. Hoxie, b. Apr. 29, 1878; d. Feb. 15, 1879. 2436. John N. Hoxie, b. Feb. 14, 1884; m. Anna Cornell, 1905. Nancy Brown (2261), dau. of Isaac Brown, Jr. (2159) and Mary (Tooker) Brown [Isaac (i83e), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Sept. 27, 1846; m., Oct. 14, 1868, Henry D. Babcock, b., Leonardsville, N. Y., June 24, 1845; son of John and Sarah (Greenman) Babcock. He 281 THE BROWN GENEALOGY conducts a foundry and machine-shop^ and is president of Babcock Manu- facturing Company. Children, all b. in Leonardsville : 2437. Agnes E. Babcock, b. Sept. 21, 1869. She is a teacher in Milton College, Mihon, Wis. 2438. Fred H. Babcock, b. July 12, 1872; m., Oct. 14, 1894, Mary J. Giles, dau. of Delos Giles; b., Burlington, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1872. 2439. John R. Babcock, b. Aug. 26, 1874; m., Nov. 14, 1904, Maude Babcock Dakin. With his brother Fred he is a member of the Babcock Manufacturing Company. 2440. Isaac Allen Babcock, b. June 3, 1876; m., 1906, Lois Pratt, of Denver, Res., Denver, Col. 2441. Sarah R. Babcock, b. Mar. 4, 1883. Res., Leonardsville, N. Y. Erastus D. Hardin (2264), son of Dennis and Eliza (Brown) Hardin (2160), dau. of Isaac Brown (i83e) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Nov. 3, 1832; m., Sept. 28, 1857, Ariminia J. Taylor, of W. Winfield, N. Y. He resides in Peoria, 111., where he has been engaged in banking and real estate. Children: 2442. Clarence Taylor Hardin, b. Peoria ; d. Dec. 5, 1893; m., Oct. 8, 1885, Ethel D. Ohr. 2443. Herbert E. Hardin (2656, 2657). 2444. Erastus B. Hardin, m., Feb. 6, 1894, Anna L. McLain. 2445. Robert H. Hardin, m.. Mar. 6, 1897, May E. Robinson, 2446. Howard I. Hardin, m., Nov. 5, 1895, Bessie L. Outten. The last three sons named reside in Peoria, 111. Rebecca E. Hardin (2265), sister of the preceding, b. July 16, 1834; m., June 15, 1856, John O. Wheeler, son of Prentice and Sarah Hill Wheeler, of Columbus, Chenango Co., N. Y. He first came to Leonardsville, N. Y., to teach school; became bookkeeper for the Babcock Manufacturing Com- pany, and afterwards assistant cashier of the Leonardsville Bank; was cashier of the National Bank of W. W^infield for twenty-seven years. He died Dec. 13, 1896, at his home in Leonardsville, where his wife now resides. Children: 2447. Henry H. Wheeler, b. Dec. 29, 1857 (2658-266ia). 2448. Charles Dennis Wheeler, b. Apr. 18, 1859 (2662-2664). 2449. William E. Wheeler, b. Jan. 29, 1862; d. Mar. 17, 1862. 2450. John S. W^heeler, b. June 21, 1864 (2665). 282 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2451. Lynn Brown Wheeler, b. June 19, 1S70; unm. He is assistant cashier of the W. Winheld National Bank; has been for eight years a member of the County Board of Supervisors for Herkimer Co., serving one term as chairman. Emily P. Hardin (2272), dau. of Daniel and Lucy (Brown) Hardin (2163), dau. of Isaac Brown (1836) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], m., Sept. 27, 1870, John F. Brand, son of Nathan Brand and his wife Elizabeth. He is the president of the Commercial National Bank of Saginaw, Mich., and the head of the firm of Brand & Hardin, who conduct a flouring-mill. He is a large owner of real estate. He served in the 114th N. Y. Regt, in the Civil War. Children: 2452. Nettie H. Brand, b. Aug. 5, 1871; m., June 3, 1902, William Dewitt, of the firm of Brand & Hardin, of Saginaw. She is the owner of the summer home in Leonardsville, N. Y., erected by her grandfather, Daniel Hardin. 2453. Clarence H. Brand, b. Feb. 19, 1876 (2666). Lucy R. Hardin (2273), sister of the preceding, d. Oct. 5, 1S72; m. Charles H. Green, of Leonardsville, N. Y., now a lumberman and mine- owner of Saginaw, Mich. Dau.: 2454. Alice Green, b. Aug. 25, 1867 (2667-2669). Abner C. Hardin (2274), brother of the preceding, b. Mar. 12, 1857; d. Jan. 5, 1891; m., June 3, 1879, Nellie E. Wells, dau. of Alcanzar O. and Cornelia Crandall Wells. He was associated with John F. Brand in the firm of Brand & Hardin, and his early death terminated a business career of great promise. Children: 2455. Lucy C. Hardin, b. Feb. 27, 1S80; unm. ^ 2456. Daniel W. Hardin, b. Feb. 23, 1884; d. Dec. 17, 1899. Louise A. Hinkley (2276), dau. of Oliver B. Hinkley (2170) and Avis (Burdick) Hinkley, son of David and Susanna (Brown) Hinkley (2130), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Apr. 19, 1836; m., Feb. i, 1866, Richard Lloyd, b. Dec. 11, 1834. He is a farmer at Columbus, N. Y. Dau.: 2457. Zennie E. Lloyd, b. Mar. 20, 1867; m., Feb. 20, 1901, Stafford Gorton, b. Nov. 22, 1864. He is a farmer. Res., Columbus, N. Y. 283 THE BROWN GENEALOGY David J. Hinkley (2278), brother of the preceding, b. July 7, 1847; ii""- (i), Sept. 14, 1869, Carrie Langworthy, b. ; d. July 25, 1882; m. (2), Apr. 19, 1887, Katie E. Day. Res., Waterville, N. Y. Children by first m. : 2458. Oliver Earl Hinkley, b. Dec. 17, 1875. He is a travelling salesman. 2459. Edna A. Hinkley, b. Dec. 7, 1880. She is a trained nurse. Dau. by second m.: 2460. Rachel K. Hinkley, b. Aug. 21, 1894; d. Nov. 24, 1902. A. Estee Burch (2279), son of Henry Burch and Phebe Ursula (Hinkley) Burch (2172), dau. of David and Susanna (Brown) Hinkley (2130), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Mar. 24, 1839; m.. Mar. 24, 1866, M. Jorantha Coon, b. July 25, 1847. He is a farmer. Res., Leonardsville, N. Y. Children : 2461. Clinton D. Burch, b. Dec. 13, 1873 (2670). 2462. Lois Burch, b. Aug. 27, 1878. 2463. James Garfield Burch, b. Oct. 12, 1880; m., Dec. 19, 1900, Fanny Austin, b. Sept. 4, 1881. Res., Walworth, Wis. 2464. Charlotte Burch, b. Jan. 24, 1887. David H. Burch (2280), brother of the preceding, b. Apr. 25, 1843; m., Dec. 15, 1875, Anna Fleming, b. May 5, 1847. He is a farmer. Res., Brook- field, N. Y. Son: 2465. John H. D. Burch, b. Aug. 20, 1878 (2671), Nathan Burch (2281), brother of the preceding, b. Jan. 14, 1848; m. (i), Mar. 24, 1867, Mary J. Chapman, b. Feb. 7, 1850; d. Sept. 25, 1881; m. (2), Oct. 26, 1882, F. Ermina Talcott, b. Nov. 12, 1856. He is a farmer. Res., Brookfield, N. Y. Children by first m. : 2466. Louis H. Burch, b. Dec. 27, 1867 (2672-2674). 2467. F. Gem Burch, b. Oct. 4, 1869; d. July 22, 1896. 2468. A. Lee Burch, b. Jan. 11, 1871 (2675). 2469. Daniel H. Burch, b. July 22, 1872 (2676, 2677). 2470. Edith C. Burch, b. Oct. 23, 1874; d. Jan. 22, 1900. 2471. Mary Burch, b. Apr. 27, 1877 (2678-2680). 2472. Nathan Burch, Jr., b. Sept. 17, 1879. He is a mechanic in Chicago, 111. 284 Group of Grandchildren of Cyrus H. Brown (260) Residence of (260) for thirty-five years No. 3.5 Allston Street, Boston. Mass. THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children by second m.: 2473. Theo Guy Burch, b. Oct. 29, 1884. 2474. Frances Talcott Burch, b. Jan. 29, 1887. 2475. Paul Trevor Burch, b. Apr. 21, 1893. 2476. Beatrice Burch, b. Jan. 23, 1895. Mary Abbie Burch (2282), sister of the preceding, b. June 14, 1854; m., Mar. I, 1887, Morton E. Burdick, b. July 27, 1852. He is a farmer. Res., Leonardsville, N. Y. Children: 2477. Myra Elizabeth Burdick, b. Apr. 28, 1888. 2478. Phebe Luna Burdick, b. June 10, 1891; d. Mar. 29, 1902. Audella Susan Burdick (2283), dau. of Samuel Hamilton and Abigail (Hinkley) Burdick (2174), dau. of David and Susanna (Brown) Hinkley (2130), dau, of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. May 26, 1845; ro., Nov. 14, 1868, Charles H. Burdick, b. July 27, 1843; d. Aug. 29, 1904. He was a dealer in musical instruments. Children : 2479. Samuel Hobert Burdick, b. Apr. 21, 1870; d. Feb. 20, 1890. 2480. Ichabud Ezra Burdick, b. Mar. 22, 1873 (2681). 2481. Ivalou Burdick, b. Aug. i, 1874; d. Nov. 30, 1874. 2482. Christina Abigail Burdick, b. Jan. 14, 1876 (2682-2684). De Ette S. Bardeen (2284), dau. of Edward Noberie and Mary (Hink- ley) Bardeen (2175), dau. of David and Susanna (Brown) Hinkley (2130), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55) Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Feb. 28, 1842; m., Aug. 13, 1861, Chester R. Palmiter, b. Mar. 2^, 1841; d. Mar. 5, 1899. He was a travelling salesman and resided at Mt. Upton, N. Y. Children : 2483. Linn B. Palmiter, b. Sept. 13, 1869; m., Dec. 14, 1893, Tamison Bassett. He is a physician. Res., Mt. Upton, N. Y. 2484. Americus V. Palmiter, b. July 24, 1874; d. Feb, 25, 1879. Edward Ray Bardeen (2285), brother of the preceding, b. Mar. 22, 185 1; d. July 25, 1874; m., Dec. 26, 1870, Minerva M. Wright, b. Nov. 2, 1849. Res., Brookfield, N. Y. Son: 2485. Frank W. Bardeen, b. Oct. 29, 1873. 285 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Ella May Bardeen (2286), sister of the preceding, b. Jan. 9, 1862; d. Nov. 17, 1889; m., Jan. 14, 1880, Charles H. Chesebro, b. Feb. 25, 1858. He is a physician at Unadilla Forks, N. Y. Dau.: 2486. Hattie D. J. Chesebro, b. Jan. 7, 1884. Adelma H, Bardeen (2287), brother of the preceding, b. Nov. 9, 1864; m. (i), Nov. 22, 1882, Ella May Hall, b. Dec. 31, 1865; he was divorced, and m. (2), Jan. 14, 1897, Ganetta Dice. He is a harness-maker. Res., Milwaukee, Wis. Son, by first m. : 2486a. Royce Noberie Bardeen, b. June 22, 1885. Daniel Osmer Hibbard (2288), son of Chauncey V. and Esther (Hinkley) Hibbard (2176), dau. of David and Susanna (Brown) Hinkley (2130), dau. of Jabish Brov^n (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1851; m., July 13, 1875, ^t Milton, Wis., Ida F. Brightman, b. June 19, 1854; dau. of Addison Brightman and Clar- issa Clark. She graduated in the Teachers' Course at Milton College in 1874. He graduated from the same college in 1875. ^^ was Principal of the schools at Oconomowoc, Wis., 1875-1880; at Racine, Wis., 1880-1889; at Blair, Neb., 1889-1892; at Harriman, Tenn., 1892-1893; at Walworth, Wis., 1893-1894; at Racine, Wis., since 1894, where he is now Principal of the Lincoln School. Children: 2487. Carlisle V. Hibbard, b., Oconomowoc, Aug. 12, 1876 (2685, 2686). 2488. Darrell O. Hibbard, b., Racine, Aug. 6, 1881. He attended school at the State University of Wisconsin; is now a teacher of English in the government school at Takamatsu, Japan. 2489. Clarence A. Hibbard, b., Racine, Aug. 26, 1887. Elmore C. Hibbard (2289), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1855; ™- (0. Sept. 30, 1879, Martha David, b. Feb. 4, 1862; d. Jan. II, 1902; m. (2), Aug. 2, 1904, Arvilla L. Burdick, b. Nov. 8, 1866. He is a carpenter. Res., Goodall, Fla. Children, by first m. : 2490. Carrie Viola Hibbard, b. Dec. 28, 1880; m., June 22, 1898, Alva Bates. Res., Montana. 2491. Mabel Esther Hibbard, b. Apr. 17, 1S87. 286 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Ada Ette Hibbard (2291), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1859; m., Sept. 29, 1880, at Brookfield, Wellford C. Perry, b. Apr. 9, 1858. They reside at Durhamville, N. Y., where he is a farmer and a contractor and builder. Children: 2492. Orlo Hibbard Perry, b. Nov. 4, 1881. He is a farmer. Res., Durhamville, N. Y. 2493. Lualta May Perry, b. Apr. 3, 1883. She is a dressmaker. Res., Durhamville, N. Y. 2494. Ivanora E. Perry, b. July 16, 1892. Willard L. Hibbard (2292), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Apr. 24, 1861; m.. Sept, 2, 1882, at Harvard, Neb., Susie J.David, b. Apr. 28, 1864. They reside at Walworth, Wis., where he is a farmer. Children: 2495. David C. Hibbard, b. Sept. 21, 1883; m., Nov. 24, 1904, at Brookfield, Stella P. Baldwin. Res., Walworth, Wis. 2496. Dayton M. Hibbard, b., Brookfield, Sept. 25, 1884. 2497. Daniel L. Hibbard, b.. North Loup, Neb., Jan. i, 1894. 2498. Willard Lee Hibbard, b., Walworth, Apr. 8, 1899. Bertha M. Hill (2296), dau. of Heman A. and Maria (Hinkley) Hill (2177), dau. of David and Susanna (Brown) Hinkley (2130), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Brook- field, N. Y., May 10, 1862; d. Oct. 25, 1904; m., July 2, 1882, Orville W. Southworth, b. July 28, 1843. Res., Brookfield, N. Y. Children: 2499. Wallace H. Southworth, b. Sept. 22, 1883. He is a stenog- rapher. Res., Binghamton, N. Y. 2500. Wiot C. Southworth, b. Aug. 23, 1885; d. Apr. 18, 1895. 2501. Eva May Southworth, b. Dec. 20, 1894. * Mary A. Hinkley (2298), dau. of David A. (2178) and Jennie P. (Keith) Hinkley, son of David and Susanna (Brown) Hinkley (2130), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas] b., Brookfield, N. Y., Mar. 28, i860; m. (i), June 20, 1880, Merton L. Kenyon, b. Apr. 18, 1853. Children: 2502. Edward H. Kenyon, b. May 13, 1883; d. Oct. 6, 1884. 2503. Jennie C. Kenyon, b. June 26,- 1885; d. Sept. 17, 1888. 287 THE BROWN GENEALOGY She was divorced from her first husband and m. (2), Oct. 16, 1894, Frank W. Hotchkiss, b. Oct. 16, 1858. He is a farmer in Greene, N. Y. Son: 2504. David Warren Hotchkiss, b. Jan. 11, 1900. Corneha Burch (2300), dau. of Paul B. and Cynthia (Randall) Burch (2179), d^u- ^^ EHsha and Betsey (Randall) Brown (2132), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Brook- field, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1836; m., Dec. 24, 1863, William Brand. Children : 2505. Charles M. Brand, b. July 5, 1865. He is a commercial trav- eller. Res., IlHon, N. Y. 2506. Samuel B. Brand, b. Aug. 28, 1868; m., Sept., 1901, in Missouri, Belle Parting. He is a merchant in Denver, Col. 2507. Frank B. Brand, b. Aug. 23, 1873 (2687). 2508. Fred Brand, b. Jan. 5, 1875. He is a farmer in Brookfield, N. Y. William C. Burch (2301), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1837; m., Jan. 30, 1866, Clara L. Burdick. He was a soldier in the Civil War, enlisting as a private Aug. 7, 1862, in Co. G, 114th N. Y. Vols. He was in many battles and sieges and in several skirmishes. He was taken prisoner in the battle of Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864, and was confined in Libby Prison and at Sahsbury, N. C; was paroled Mar. 2, 1865; discharged June 13, 1865. Children: 2509. George L. Burch, b. Nov. 14, 1866; d. Sept. 18, 1867. 2510. Herbert C. T. Burch, b. Aug. 13, 1868 (2688). 2511. Clayton I. Burch, b. Apr. 6, 1874 (2689, 2690). 2512. Lucius P. Burch, b. Jan. 7, 1881; m., Jan. 2, 1900, Jennie C. Leonard, of Westerly, R. I. He is a printer in the office of the Westerly Sun. Mary Burch (2303), sister of the preceding, b. Feb. i, 1843; "^-j Sanger- field, N. Y., Feb. 11, i860, Fred F. Baylis, d. Dec. 20, 1893. He was a farmer. Children : 2513. Charles F. Baylis, b. Apr. 8, 1870; m. Lillian Hufford, of Oneonta, N. Y. He is a dentist in Oneonta. 2514. Katie M. Baylis, b.May 23, 1871 (2691). 288 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Kate E, Burch (2307), sister of the preceding, b. July 11, 1856; d. Aug. 20, 1900; m., Sept. 8, 1884, John D. Camenga. He was a farmer. Res., Brookfield, N. Y. Children: 2515. Bessie Camenga, b. Dec. 28, 1885. 2516. June Camenga, b. June 18, 1893. 2517. Mary Camenga, b. Feb. 16, 1897. Selah Denison (2308), dau. of Tracy and Mary (Randall) Denison (2180), dau. of Elisha and Betsey (Brown) Randall (2132), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. June 4, 1837; m., Nov. 10, 1857, Dr. William W. Allen, b. in Angelica, N. Y.; d., Mason City, la., June 11, 1878. He removed with his parents to Wisconsin in 1846; attended Normal School at W. Newton, Mass. ; was several years a sailor; returned to Wisconsin and studied medicine with Dr. Wilbur of Mineral Point; went to California, where he remained two years; settled in Eau Claire, Wis., in 1857, as a dry-goods merchant. Here he was elected County Superintendent of Schools. In Apr., i860, he went to Denver and practised medicine. In 1861 he enlisted as a private in Co. H, 2d Regt. Wis. Vols. May 11, 1862, he was appointed hospital steward, and served as such through the second battle of Bull Run; here he was detailed to look after the wounded left in charge of the Confederates, and after eight days of great hardship was paroled. The exposure permanently impaired his health, but on being discharged from the hospital he again became hospi- tal steward, serving as such to the close of the war. In Sept., 1865, he set- tled in Avoca, Wis., where he practised medicine with great success. In 1867 he removed to iNIason City, where he practised medicine for the re- mainder of his life. Children: 2518. William D. Allen, b. Aug. 29, 1858; m., Sept. 11, 1888, Vinnie Stanberry. * 2519. Edward D. x\llen, b. Apr. 25, 1867. Almira U. Denison (2310), sister of the preceding, b. July 29, 1841; d., Eau Claire, Wis., Jan. 6, 1880; m., Dec. 28, 1862, E. H. Playter. Children : 2520. George D. Playter, b. June 12, 1864; d. Nov. 25, 1878. 2521. Charles H. Playter, b. Sept. 16, 1866; d. June to, 1884. 2522. Lamotte H. Playter, b. Aug. 14, 1868; d. Oct. 30, 1878. 2523. Owen B. Playter, b. Oct. 6, 1870. 289 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Owen T. Denison (2311), brother of the preceding, b. Aug. 28, 1847; m., Dec. 19, 1871, Orpha A. Willard. He is president and manager of Mason City Brick and Tile Co., of Mason City, la., where he resides. Children: 2524. Mary Denison, b. Feb. 16, 1874. 2525. Willard Denison, b. Apr. 17, 1877; d. Aug. 8, 1878. 2526. Lynn Denison, b. Nov. 5, 1879. Luella M. Denison (2311a), sister of the preceding, b. May 2, 1853; m., Dec. 25, 1874, J. H. Stevens, b. Mar. 9, 1847, near Jacksonville, Morgan Co., 111. He removed with his parents to Macoupin Co., III., in 1859. June 25, 1864, at the age of sixteen, he enlisted as a private in Co. A Cavalry, Mississippi Marine Brigade, serving in that capacity thirteen months and six days, being mustered out at Vicksburg, Miss., Feb. 20, 1865. He saw much active service, and endured many hardships. The entire term of service was one continuous skirmish with such rebels as Adams, Marma- duke, Quantrell, and Forest. Children: 2527. Mabel Stevens, b. Dec, 1875. 2528. Tracy M. Stevens, b. Oct. 4, 1878. 2529. Chester H. Stevens, b. Apr. 2, 1880. 2530. John Percy Stevens, b. Apr. 10, 1887. 2531. Ruth Stevens, b. Mar. 16, 1891. Martha Ann Randall (2312), dau. of Elisha Randall (2181) and Lucy M. (York) Randall (1559), son of Elisha and Betsey (Brown) Randall (2132), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Aug. 17, 1840; m., Dec. 18, 1856, George W. Henderson, b., Springfield, 111., Apr. 19, 1833. In June, 1855, he moved to Mason City, la., or, as it was then called. Masonic Grove, where he was emplo}'ed by Doug- lass & Randall in building one of the first mills in Cerro Gordo Co. In 1856 he bought an interest in the mill, which he held and worked till 1861, when he enlisted and was mustered into the 14th Iowa Infantry, Sept. 18, 1861. He was sent up the Missouri River to Ft. Randall, and served till Nov., 1864, most of the time on detached duty. He ran the government mill at Ft. Randall, and afterwards built the government buildings at the Crow Agency, Ft. Sully — where Pierre, No. Dak., now stands — and Ft. Rice, near Bismark. He was in the battle of the Bad Lands, where some 15,000 Indians attacked about 5,000 men in a country where neither artil- lery nor cavalry could be used; reached home Nov. 7, 1864. He served one term as member of the County Board of Supervisors. Bought an inter- est in the Randall mill, where he worked for some years; was later a farmer. 290 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 2532. Frank Henderson, b. Mar. 20, 1858; d. Feb., 1878. 2533. Kate Henderson, b. Jan. 30, i860 (2692-2694). 2534. Jem Henderson, b. Dec. 22, 1861; m., Feb. 23, 1881, John Bowen, d. Apr. 29, 1884. 2535. Gale Henderson, b. Apr. 29, 1874. Lucy Ellen Randall (2313), sister of the preceding, b. Feb. 8, 1844; m., June 9, i860, Charles H. Huntley, who enlisted in the Civil War and was killed at the battle of Pleasant Hill, La., Apr. 9, 1864. She afterwards married Prof. L. L. Huntley, Nov. 2, 1870. Children, by second m. : 2536. Baby boy, b. Aug. 27, 1874; d. Aug. 27, 1874. 2537. Charles L. E. Huntley, b. July 13, 1876. 2538. Flora L. E. Huntley, b. Aug. 27, 1877. 2539. Martha Jane Huntley, b. June 15, 1879. 2540. Ella Lurena Huntley, b. Apr. 17, 1882. Lurena Randall (2314), sister of the preceding, b. Jan. 17, 1847; ni., May 28, 1863, Henry Keerl, b. Dec. 14, 1836, in Franklin Co., Penn. In 1858 he went into the Douglass Sz: Randall mill at Mason City, la., to look after the interest of his uncle, Sam Douglass. In Aug., 1862, he enlisted in the 3 2d Iowa Vol. Inf., and served till the end of the war. After the battle of Pleasant Hill, La., he was the only officer of Co. B who answered to roll- call, a canteen of water saving his Hfe from a bullet. After the war he en- gaged in farming, and later in grain-buying. He served one year as County Recorder and was afterwards appointed postmaster at Mason City. Children : 2541. Irving W. Keerl, b. Dec. 12, 1866. 2542. Lettie E. Keerl, b. Sept. 14, 1870. 2543. Harry Keerl, b. Feb. 24, 1879. ^ Millard F. Randall (2315), brother of the preceding, b. Dec. 25, 1849; m., Mar. 15, 1871, Alice Hudson. Children : 2544. De Ette Randall, b. Oct. 27, 1872. 2545. Alice Belle Randall, b. Mar. 20, 1874. 2546. James Elisha Randall, b. Dec. 9, 1876. 2547. Lillian Genevieve Randall, b. Sept. 23, 1878. 2548. Lou Melissa Randall, b. Mar. 16, 1880; d. Nov. 8, 1881. 2549. Eva May Randall, b. Dec. 23, 1881. 291 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2550. Kittie Mildred Randall, b. May 13, 1883; d. Jan. 21, 1888. 2551. Adin Adelbert Randall, b. Nov. 20, 1887. 2552. Gertrude Randall, b. 1891. Mary Randall (2317), sister of the preceding, b. May 9, 1855; m., Nov. 5, 187 1, E. R. Bogardis. Children: 2553. Winnefred M. Bogardis, b. Aug. 31, 1874. 2554. Buena Bogardis, b. Jan. 29, 1879. 2555. Ernest E. Bogardis, b. Oct. 18, 1880. 2556. Ray R. Bogardis, b. July 19, 1886. Sarah E. Randall (2318), sister of the preceding, b. Nov. 8, 1857; m., June 12, 1878, A. B. Huntley. Children: 2557. Lucy Huntley, b. Feb. 29, 1880. 2558. Litta Huntley, b. Feb. 23, 1885. 2559. Grace Loree Huntley, b. Nov. 16, 1887. 2560. Labonne Huntley, b. Jan. II, 1891. Adin Randall (2320), brother of the preceding, b. Dec. 20, 1862; m., Dec. 25, 1882, Lida GuUiford. Dau. : 2561. Vera Randall, b. Nov. 30, 1887. Henry W. Randall (2322), ?on of Daniel B. (2182) and Lauruida (Hull) Randall, son of Elisha and Betsey (Brown) Randall (2132), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Nov. 15, 1848; m., Dec. 18, 1873, Anna E. Carey. Children- 2562. George Carey Randall, b. Mar. 17, 1875. 2563. Raymond I. Randall, b. Nov. 10, 1880; d. 1880. 2564. Florence A. Randall, b. 188-. Frank A. Randall (2324), brother of the preceding, b. Mar. 13, 1862; m., Jan. 5, 1886, Frances A. Bishop. Children: 2565. Vayne B. Randall, b. Dec. 4, 1886. 2566. Marion J. Randall, b. Sept. 25, 1888. Cynthia Brightman (2327), dau. of Charles and Betsey (Randall) Brightman (2183), dau. of Elisha and Betsey (Brown) Randall (2132), dau. 292 THE BROWN GENEALOGY of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Sept. 7, 1844; d. Apr. 29, 1874; m., Jan. 8, 1863, George H. Harding. Dau.: 2567. Fannie Harding, b. Oct. 29, 1869. Anna Brightman (2329), sister of the preceding, b. Sept. 2, 1850; m., June 3, 1876, George H. Harding. Children: 2568. Edna Harding, b. June 30, 1877. 2569. Charles P. Harding, b. Mar. 14, 188 1. 2570. Emma Harding, b. July 7, 1884. Anna L. Randall (2331), dau. of John (2185) and Anna (Glover) Randall, son of Elisha and Betsey (Brown) Randall (2132), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Nov. 28, 1856; d. Feb. 13, t888; m.. Mar. 26, 1873, Wallace L. Winter. Children : 2571. Mildred Winter, b. Jan. 18, 1874. 2572. Seward R. Winter, b. Feb. 25, 1877. 2573. Gertrude H. Winter, b. Dec. 26, 1879. 2574. James L. Winter, b. Oct. 5, 1883. Hattie E. Randall (2333), sister of the preceding, b. Feb. 20, i860; m., Apr. 8, 1882, R. D. A. Fowler, who d. Oct. 20, 1887. Dau.: 2575. Nellie M. Fowler, b. June 3, 1883. Ella Randall (2334), sister of the preceding, b. Aug. 11, 1862: m., Apr. 8^ 1882, Lee G. Vavighn. Children : 2576. Dessie Vaughn, b. Oct. 18, 1883. 2577. D. A. Vaughn, b. May, 1886. ,• Edgar H. Randall (2337), son of Adin (2186) and Clamenza (Babcock) Randall, son of Elisha and Betsey (Brown) Randall (2132), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. May 5, 1855; m., Aug. 4, 1887, Helen Bride. Children : 2578. Adin Arthur Randall, b. Aug. 30, 1888. 2579. Everett Harold Randall, b. Apr. 12, 1890. Dora M. Randall (2339), sister of the preceding, b. July 16, i860; m. Oct. 2, i8'79, William H. Bowen. 293 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 2580. Eva E. Bowen, b. Aug. 25, 1881; d. Aug. 25, 1882. 2581. Laura C. Bowen, b. Apr. 11, 1883. Charles D. Randall (2342), son of Joshua (2187) and Sophia (Clark) Randall, son of Elisha and Betsey (Brown) Randall (2132), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Feb. 27, 1854; m., Apr. 21, 1877, Frances Andrews. Children: 2582. Lottie Belle Randall, b. Apr. 15, 1879. 2583. Harvey LeRoy Randall, b. Aug. 5, 1880. 2584. Grace May Randall, b. Apr. 20, 1885. 2585. Fred Eugene Randall, b. June 5, 1886. Charles H. Randall (2343), son of Benjamin (2189) and Lucy Ann (Smith) Randall, son of Elisha Randall and Betsey (Brown) Randall (2132), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Sept. 6, i860; m., Nov. 19, 1884, Eliza Telford. Dau.: 2587. Lucy Randall, b. Oct. 8, 1865. Henry L. Bardeen (2347), son of Rasselas Bardeen and Maria (Palmer) Bardeen (2190), dau. of Abigail (Brown) Palmer (2133) [Jabish (183a), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1848; m. (i), Edgerton, Wis., May 13, 1874, Ada L. Banks, b. ; d., Edgerton, 1882; dau. of William Banks and Hill; m. (2), 1891, Sarah WiUiams, of Darlington, No children of the second marriage. He is a merchant at Wausau, Wis., a Re[)ublican in politics, and attends the Baptist Church. Children, b. at Edgerton: 2588. WiUiam Bardeen, b. Mar. 16, 1875 (2695-2698). 2589. Katherine Bardeen, b. July 27, 1877 (2699). Charles Valdo Bardeen (2348), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1850; d., Madison, Wis., Mar. 20, 1903; m., Albion, Wis., June 17, 1876, Frances H. Miller, b., Utica, Wis., Mar. 27, 1852; dau. of Benjamin Smith Miller and Martha Brown (Coon) Miller. He graduated from Albion Academy, at Albion, in 1869. In 1874 he entered the law office of J. P. Towne, of Edgerton, W^is., as a student, and graduated from the Law Department of the State University at Madison in 1875. He located for the practice of law at W^ausau, Wis.; there he was repeatedly elected to positions of honor and trust. He served as City Attorney, District 294 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Attorney, and City Superintendent of Schools. In Apr., 1891, he was elected Circuit Judge of the i6th Judicial Circuit, and was re-elected in 1897. In Jan., 1898, he v;as appointed, by Governor Scofield, as Justice of the Supreme Court, to succeed Justice Newman, and in April following he was elected for the remainder of Judge Newman's term. He was very highly regarded by all who knew him, as a man, a lawyer, and a judge. He was for many years prominent in Masonic circles, being a member of Forest Lodge, No. 130 F. and A. M., Wausau Chapter, No. 51, R. A. M., and St. Omer Commandery No. 10, K. T. He held high positions in these bodies, and in 1892 was elected Grand High Priest, R. A. M., of Wisconsin. He was also an Elk. He removed with his family to Madison in May, 1898, where his family continues to reside. He was a Republican in politics, and attended the Universalist Church, of which his wife is a member. Children, all b. in Wausau: 2590. Bessie Bardeen, b. May 6, 1877; d., W^ausau, Sept. 7, 1877. 2591. Martha Eleanor Bardeen, b. Nov. 18, 1878; m., Madison, Jan. 27, 1903, Maurice Ingolf Johnson, b., Madison, July 16, 1876; son of Hon. John A. Johnson and Kaia (Kildahl) Johnson. He is a manufacturer, and one of the officers of the Gisholt Manufacturing Company of Madison. He was educated in the public schools. West Point Military Acad- emy, and the University of Wisconsin. He is a Republican in politics. His wife was educated in the public schools of Wausau and in Monticello Seminary, at Godfrey, 111. 2592. Charles Valdo Bardeen, Jr., b. May 8, 1881. 2593. Florence Catherine Bardeen, b. Jan. 14, 1892. Frank A. Bardeen (2350), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1854; m., Janesville, Wis., Feb. 27, 1877, Inez A. Palmer, b., New York City, Sept. 3, 1858; dau. of Palmer, of Janesville. He was edu- cated in the public schools and at Albion Academy, at Albion, Wis. He is a mechanical engineer, a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Christian Science Church. Res., Milwaukee, Wis. Children : 2594. Laura Bardeen, b., Wausau, Wis., June 20, 1879 (2700). 2595. Harry A. Bardeen, b., Wausau, Mar. 14, 1882 (2701). 2596. Frank A. Bardeen, Jr., b., Otsego, Mich., 1897. Abby Albertine Bardeen (2354), sister of the preceding, b., Edgerton, Wis., Aug. 14, 1866; m., Wausau, Wis., June 22, 1887, Arthur Eugene Yale, 295 THE BROWN GENEALOGY b. Bainbridge, N. Y.; son of Luman Yale and Hannah (Waters) Yale. He is a bookkeeper. His wife entered the Milwaukee Medical College in the fall of 1899, graduating, with the degree of M.D., May i, 1903. She was the first woman to graduate in that college, and the first woman in the State to receive that degree. She removed to Colorado Springs in Sept., 1903, where she is now practising her profession very successfully. She and her husband are members of the Baptist Church. Res., Colorado Springs, Col. Children, all b. in Wausau: 2597. Marion Waters Yale, b. July 28, 1888. 2598. Curtis Bardeen Yale, b. Jan. 7, 1891. 2599. Mildred Albertine Yale, b. Oct. 6, 1894. Clara LaClaire Palmer (2357), dau. of Henry Palmer (2191) and Edna A. (Hoyt) Palmer, son of Ephraim Palmer and Abigail (Brown) Palmer (2133) [Jabish (183a), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Troy, N. Y., Apr. 27, 1855; d., Janesville,Wis., Dec. 26, 1883; m., July 17,1878, Charles Sumner Felton. Dau.: 2600. Clara May Felton, b. May i, 1880. Stella Eve Palmer (2361), sister of the preceding, b., Janesville, Wis., Feb. II, 1866; m., Apr. 10, 1890, Sidney Avery Sabin, of Rockford, 111., now residing in Denver, Col. Children : 2601. Henry Palmer Sabin, b. Nov. i, 1892. 2602. Margaret Frances Sabin, b. Dec. 27, 1893. 2603. Gerald Avery Sabin, b. July 29, 1896. Eloise Palmer (2362), sister of the preceding, b., Janesville, Wis., Apr. 16, 1872; m., Janesville, Apr. 20, 1898, Malcolm Mouat. Children : 2604. Elizabeth Mouat, b. Feb. 23, 1901. 2605. Malcolm Palmer Mouat, b. Oct. 20, 1902. George Herbert Lusk (2364), son of George W. Lusk and Eliza (Palmer) Luskjdau. of Ephraim and Abigail (Brown) Palmer (2133), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. New Hartford, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1853; m., 1873, Rockford, 111., Nellie Faulkner, dau. of Mary Faulkner; b., Rockford, 185 1. They resided in Fond du Lac, Wis., until 1882, when they removed to Thorp, Wis., where they now re- side, and where he is a lumberman. 296 THE£BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 2606. Frank Herbert Lusk, b., Fond du Lac, 1877; "i-; 1903; Marie Akers, of Minneapolis, Minn. They have a dau., b. Jan. 16, 1905. 2606a. Charles F. Lusk, b.. Thorp, 1884. Clesson Sheldon Lusk (2366), brother of the preceding, b., Edgerton, Wis., Apr. 2, 1865; m.. Fond du Lac, Wis., 1890, Jennie P. Holmes. He is a commercial traveller. Res., Fond du Lac, Wis. Dau.: 2606b. Kathra Lusk, b. 1893. Edward E. Whitford (2380), son of Calvin and Emeline (Burch) WTiitford (2191), dau. of Nathan and Temperance (Brown) Burch (2136), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1865; m., July 31, 1890, Lorena E. York (1806), dau. of Robert P. (1548) and Cynthia E. (Frink) York, dau. of Denison (1349) and Lorena (Thompson) York, son of Stephen (1265) and Rebecca (Crandall) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas Brown (2) [Thomas], b. Aug. 10, 1867. He is a teacher in the City College, Brooklyn, N. Y., a Republican, and a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Res., 213 Herkimer St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Son: 2607. Robert Calvin Whitford, b., Factorj^ille, Penn., May 7, 1892. Lucy M. Burch (2382), dau. of Cortland (2198) and Anna (Maxson) Burch, son of Nathan and Temperance (Brown) Burch (2136), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24). Thomas (2), Thomas], m., Oct. 11, 1893, Metta Rainey. He is employed in a milk station. Res., Unadilla Forks, N. Y. Dau. : 2608. Dorothy Aldine Rainey, b. Mar. 2, 1897. Stewart Daniel Briggs (2384), son of Decason D. and Abigail Jane (Stewart) Briggs (2201), dau. of Isaac (2137) and Ruth (Wilcox) Stewart, son of Nathan and Anna (Brown) Stewart (183b), dau. of Daniel (55) [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Sept. 9, 1865; m., Aug. 2, 1898, at Volga City, la., Ellen K. Humphrey, dau. of William H. and Nannie (Kempthorne) Humphrey. He is a graduate of Leland Stanford University; is a chemist and biologist, and in June, 1904, received the degree of M.D. 297 THE BROWN GENEALOGY from the State University of Iowa, at Iowa City, la. He lives in Arlela, Ore., a suburb of Portland. Children : 2609. John Stewart Briggs, b. Jan. 26, igco. 2610. Florence Elizabeth Briggs, b., Iowa City, Mar. 7, 1904. Georgia Alton Briggs (2385), sister of the preceding, b. Apr. 12, 1869; m., Dec. 25, 1888, William Hannibal, son of W. H. and Anna (Heron) Hannibal. Res., Agnews, Cal. Children: 261 1. Harold Briggs Hannibal, b. Nov. 27, 1889. 2612. Irene Hannibal, b. Oct. 10, 1891; d. Oct. 22, 1891. 2613. Edna Anna Hannibal, b. July i, 1893. Florence Gertrude Stewart (2386), dau. of Charles Carroll (2202) and Frances (Lathrop) Stewart, son of Isaac (2137) and Ruth (Wilcox) Stewart, son of Nathan and Anna (Brown) Stewart (183b), dau. of Daniel Brown (55) [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Aug. 6, 1856; m. (i), at Ren- nick, Mo., George Steven Lay, b. Nov. 8, 1855, in Howard Co., Mo.; d. May I, 1890; son of William Lay, a farmer, and Miranda (Simmons) Lay; m. (2), July 24, 1891, Robert Canole, a brick-mason. Children by first m. : 2614. Conrad William Lathrop Lay, b., Painesville, O., Aug. 11, 1875 (2702). 2615. Ada Octavia Lay, b., Illinois, May 12, 1877; d. May 8, 1879. 2616. George Steven Lay, Jr., b., Missouri, Apr. i, 1880; d. May i, 1880. 2617. Arthur Stewart Lay, b., Missouri, Nov. 10, 188 1; m.. Say- brook, 111., Dec. 19, 1901, Nina Morgan. 2618. Frankie Earl Lay, b. Apr. 10, 1885; d. Sept. 5, 1886. 2619. Samuel Carroll Lay, b. Apr. 10, 1886. Children by second. m.: 2620. Jessie Beatrice Canole, b. June 22, 1892. 2621. Ronald Deen Canole, b. June t8, 1894. 2622. Charles Vernon Canole, b. Nov. 7, 1897. Ada Guild Stewart (2388), sister of the preceding, b., lUyria, la., Oct. 31, 1861; m., Mar. 15, 1877, at Painesville, O., Charles John Peterson, a farmer, b. Sept. 22, 1853, in Stockholm, Sweden; son of Peter Peterson, a cabinet- maker', and Hannah (Solomonson) Peterson. 2q8 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 2623. Charles Lorain Peterson, b., Painesville, Aug. 22, 1877 (2703). 2624. Arthur John Peterson, b., Painesville, Aug. 31, 1879; d., Casselton, No. Dak., Jan. 9, 1882. 2625. Florence Edna Peterson, b., Casselton, May 20, 1883. 2626. Jennie Frances Peterson, b. Dec. 13, 1888. 2627. Stewart Mayson Peterson, b. Dec. 2, 1899. Jessie Lathrop Stewart (2389), sister of the preceding, b. Nov. 21, 1863; m., Jan. 3, 1884, at Fayette, Mo., Samuel Mason Grigsby, b., Fayette, Mar. 18, 1861; son of Joel Jefferson Grigsby and Cynthia (Mason) Grigsby. He is a merchant at Fayette. Children: 2628. Twin girls, b. Oct. 21, 1884; d. Oct. 22, 1884. 2629. Fred Stewart Grigsby, b. Dec. 7, 1885; d. Oct. 10, 1886. 2630. Roger Dean Grigsby, b. Dec. 28, 1889. 2631. Joe Carroll Grigsby, b. Oct. 22, 1895. Jennie Octavia Stewart (2390), sister of the preceding, b. Dec. 30, 1865; m., Fayette, Mo., Dec. 18, 1889, Ellis Jerome Griffin, b., Logan, O., Dec. 16, 186 1 ; son of Samuel Griffin and Jemima (Wilcox) Griffin. Children, all b. in Fayette: 2632. Robert Denzil Griffin, b. Aug. 14, 1891. 2633. Guida Stewart Griffin, b. Aug. 8, 1894. 2634. Frances Caryl Griffin, b. June 26, 1903. Mabel Heale Stewart (2394), dau. of John Wellington (2203) and Emma (Heale) Stewart, son of Isaac (2137) and Ruth (Wilcox) Stewart, son of Nathan and Anna (Brown) Stewart (183b), dau. of Daniel Brown (55) [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Oct. 17, 1866; m., Nov. 30, 1887, at lUyria, la., Elias H. Appleman, son of Capt. Gustavus A. and Prudence (Williams) Appleman, formerly of Mystic, Conn. He is a farmer. Res., Clermont, la. Children: 2635. Charles Stewart Appleman, b. Oct. 28, 1888. 2636. Mabel Winnifred Appleman, b. Mar. 26, 1891. 2637. Franz Alan Appleman, b. Apr. 27, 1892. 2638. Lucian Hewitt Appleman, b. July 11, 1894. 2639. Ruth Elizabeth Appleman, b. Feb. 8, 1901. William Raymond Stewart (2396), brother of the preceding, b. Oct. 15, t88o; m., Sept. 14, 1902, at E. Peru, la., Mabel See, b., E. Peru, Mar. 11, 299 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1885; dau. of U. H. and F. A. (Emerson) See. He was County Surveyor of Madison Co., la., in 1901 and 1902. Res., Des Moines, la. Son: 2640. John Raymond Stewart, b. July, 1905. Mary Donna Stewart (2398), dau. of Daniel Brown (2204) and Mary (North) Stewart, son of Isaac (2137) and Ruth (Wilcox) Stewart, son of Nathan and Anna (Brown) Stewart (183b), dau. of Daniel Brown (55) [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Whitehall, 111., Oct. i, 1864; m., Anchor, 111., Aug. 25, 1891, Frederick E. Turneaure, b., Freeport, 111.; son of Giles Turneaure and Sophronia (May) Turneaure. She is a graduate of Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., as is also her husband. He is Dean of the Engineering Department of the University of Wisconsin, at Madison. Son: 2641. Frederick Stewart Turneaure, b. June 22, 1899. Arlouine Catlin Dart (2400), dau. of Richard and Emogene A. (Hhikley) Dart (2210), dau. of Luther and Eunice (Stewart) Hinkley (2139), dau. of Nathan and Anna (Brown) Stewart (183b), dau. of Daniel Brown (55) [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Ripon, Wis., Mar. 25, 1872; m., at her home in Ripon, Sept. 11, 1901, Albert W. Tressler, b., W. Jeffer- son, Williams Co., O., Oct. 13, 1866. She graduated from the Ripon High School and from the Oshkosh, Wis., Normal School, and taught in Apple- ton, Oshkosh, and Ripon. Her husband is a professor in the State Univer- sity of Wisconsin, at Madison, and State Inspector of High Schools. Children : 2642. Willis Tressler, b., Madison, Sept. 30, 1903. 2643. Alice Tressler, b., Madison, Mar. 21, 1905. James Morris Wilcox (2406), son of James Sidney (21 19) and Eudotia (Sturges) Wilcox, son of Morris and Phebe (Brown) Wilcox (2147), dau. of Nathan Brown (183c) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Milan, O., Mar. 31, 1848; m. Mary Wood, of Adrian, Mich. He is a furni- ture-dealer in Grand Rapids, Mich, Children : 2644. Fannie Wilcox, m. H. B. Stanton, Res., Fresno, Cal. 2645. Maud Wilcox, m, Mr, Outnam, of Grand Rapids. 2646. Jennie Wilcox, unm. Res,, Grand Rapids, Jennie E, Wilcox (2408), sister of the preceding, b., Utica, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1859; m., May 13, 1886, Hamilton N. Montague, of Caro, Mich. Res., Caro, Mich. 300 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : 2647. Florence Montague. 2648. Donald Montague. Mattie L. Wilcox (2409), sister of the preceding, b., Utica, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1861; m., May 13, 1889, William H. Burnham. Res., Adrian, Mich. Children: 2649. Seba Burnham. 2650. Ethel Burnham. Lucy Belle Goodnow (2417), dau. of Richard and Clara Maria (Brown) Goodnow (2235), dau. of Henry (2151) and Sarah (Gallup) Brown [Nathan (183c), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Sept. 9, 1874; m., June 20, 1899, Clifton Howe Wildman, a mining engineer, of Grizzly Flats, Cal. Dau.: 2651. Marion Elizabeth Wildman, b. Sept. 9, 1900. Robert Goodnow (2419), son of Frank and Kate Effie (Brown) Goodnow (2236), dau. of Henry (2151) and Sarah (Gallup) Brown [Nathan (183c), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Salina, Kan., Jan. 15, 1873; m. Mabel Weston. He is an erecting engineer. Res., Kansas City, Mo. Children: 2652. Frank Weston Goodnow, b. Mar. 31, 1900. 2653. Walter Goodnow, b. 1902. Charles S. Brown (2254) [Isaac, Jr. (2151), Isaac (i83e), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Feb. 2, 1828; d. June, 1897. He removed to New York City, where he was employed by the firm of Brown & Leland, and where, afterwards in connection with his brother James P., he formed the firm of C. S. Brown & Co., cheese and butter dealers, with offices in New York and Utica. Later they bought a productive orange- grove at Palatka, Fla., which is still owned by their sons. At the time of his death he was vice-president of the Irving National Bank of New York City. He was well informed as to the early history of the town of Brookfield, was famous for recalling memories of the old inhabitants, and was an inimi- table story-teller. His wife, Mary Tooker Brown, survives him, but is hope- lessly insane. Children : 2653a. James Scott (2704-2706). 2654. Mary, unm. 2655. Horace D., unm. THE BROWN GENEALOGY Herbert E. Hardin (2443), son of Erastus D. Hardin (2264), son of Dennis Hardin and Eliza (Brown) Hardin (2160), dau. of Isaac Brown, 1836 [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], m., Nov. 30, 1883, Julia A. Bouton. Res., Pekin, 111. Children : 2656. Gladys Hardin. 2657. Clarence Wheeler Hardin. Henry H. Wheeler (2447), son of John O. Wheeler and Rebecca E. (Hardin) Wheeler (2265), dau. of Dennis Hardin and Eliza (Brown) Hardin (2160), dau. of Isaac Brown (i83e) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Leonardsville, N. Y., Dec. 29, 1857; m., W. Winfield, N. Y., June 5, 1878, Julia A. Tyler, b., W. Winfield, June 20, 1858; dau. of John Tyler, of W. Winfield. He was educated in the district school at Leon- ardsville, the academy at W. Winfield, and the Clinton, N. Y., grammar school. Before he was twenty-one he became teller in the First National Bank of W. Winfield, then assistant cashier, and in 1896, on the retire- ment of his father, succeeded him as cashier. When the charter of the bank expired, in 1904, he became cashier of its successor, the W. Winfield National Bank, holding that position at the present time. He is engaged in farming also, but is best known as a financier. He is a Republican. His wife is a member of the Congregational Church at W. Winfield. Res., W. Winfield, N. Y. Children, all b. at W. Winfield: 2658. Henry D. Wheeler, b. Jan. 21, 1884. He is a farmer. 2659. Louise Rebecca Wheeler, b. Feb. 28, 1888. She is a student. 2660. Stewart Tyler Wheeler, b. Mar. i, 1890. He is a student. 2661. Agnes Hardin Wheeler, b. Mar. 17, 1892. She is a student. 266Ta. Fannie Conn W'heeler, b. Aug., 1906. Charles Dennis Wheeler (2448), brother of the preceding, b., Leonards- ville, N. Y., Apr. 18, 1859; m. (i), W. Winfield, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1879, Fannie A. Spencer, b., Unadilla Forks, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1858; d., W. Winfield, July 9, 1901; dau. of Ambrose Spencer, of Unadilla Forks, and Henrietta (Still- man) Spencer; m. (2), W. Winfield, Jennie T. Morgan, b. W. Win- field; dau. of Julius A. Morgan. He was educated in the public schools of Leonardsville and W. Winfield, taking collegiate studies in a preparatory school at Clinton, N. Y. After leaving school he became a clerk in the First National Bank at W. Winfield. On July 4, 1879, by the premature explosion of a cannon, he received a severe injury to both his eyes, which would have resulted in blindness except for several surgical operations. From 1884 to 302 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1888 he was Editor of the W. Winfield News, his brother John S. being Assistant Editor. In 1887 he served a term as Supervisor of the town of Winfield, decUning reelection after being nominated. For several years he was a member of the insurance firm of Haggerty & Wheeler. He was also interested with his brother in the Unadilla Valley Stock Farm, as a breeder of high-class horses. His wife was the niece of Dr. Nathan Spencer, an eminent homoeopathic physician, by whom she was adopted and in whose family she lived up to the time of her marriage. She was one of the loveliest of women. He was for some years president of the First National Bank at W. Winfield. He is a Republican. Res., Illion, N. Y. Children by first m. : 2662. Henry Hill Wheeler, b., W. Winfield, Aug. 25, 1886; m., 1905, Kate Putnam. 2663. Frederick S. Wheeler, b., W. Winfield, Aug. 13, 1889. Now resides with his grandmother, Mrs. John O. Wheeler, at Leonardsville. He has a clerical position in I. A. Crandall's store. Dau. by second m. : 2664. Rebecca E. Wheeler, b., W. Winfield, Sept. 19, 1904. John S. Wheeler (2450), brother of the preceding, b., Leonardsville, N. Y., June 21, 1864; m., Richfield Springs, June 28, 1888, Mary C. Harter, b., Warren, Herkimer Co., N. Y.; dau. of Henderson Harter, of Warren, and Christine A. (Helmer) Harter. He has always lived in Leonardsville except from 1884 to 1888, when he was .\ssociate Editor of the W. Winfield News. He early developed marked musical ability, and received careful training under Dr. Lynn Babcock, of Norwich, N. Y., but gave up music to engage in newspaper work. He is now Editor of the Leonardsville Department of the Brookfield Courier. He was one of the originators of the Old Friends Association, of which he has been secretary from its organization, about nine years ago. He is a Republican, and has been a member of the Repub- lican Town Committee for several years; is a member of Western Star Lodge, No. 15, F. & A. M., of Bridgewater, and is its corresponding sec- retary. He has been engaged for many years as a newspaper correspondent and in literary work. His wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church of Richfield Springs. Son: 2665. Robert Lawrence Wheeler, b., Leonardsville, Oct. 3, 1893. Clarence H. Brand (2453), son of John F. and Emily P. (Hardin) Brand (2272), dau. of Daniel Hardin and Lucy (Brown) Hardin (2163), daw. of 3°3 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Isaac Brown (1836) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Feb. 19, 1856; m., Nov, 12, 1902, Violet Barnard, of Saginaw, Mich. Son: 2666. Arthur Barnard Brand, b. Dec. 25, 1903. Alice Green (2454), dau. of Charles H. Green and Lucy R. (Hardin) Green (2273), dau. of Daniel Hardin and Lucy (Brown) Hardin (2163), dau. of Isaac Brown (i83e) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Aug. 25, 1867; m.. May 28, 1890, Arthur F. Lewis, recently City Comp- troller of Saginaw, Mich. Chikk"en: 2667. Arthur G. Lewis, b. May 23, 1891. 2668. Margaret Lewis, b. Feb. 2, 1893. 2669. Harold H. Lewis, b. July 30, 1896. Clinton D. Burch (2461), son of A. Estee (2279) and Jorantha (Coon) Burch, son of Henry and Phebe LTrsula (Hinkley) Burch (2172), dau. of David and Susanna (Brown) Hinkley (2130), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Dec. 13, 1873; m., Dec. 31, 1895, Mabel Page, b. Feb. 21, 1876. He is employed in a condensary. Res., New Berlin, N. Y. Dau. 2670. Kathryn Burch, b. May 25, 1900. John H. D. Burch (2465), son of David H. (2280) and x^nna (Fleming) Burch, son of Henry and Phebe Ursula (Hinkley) Burch (2172), dau. of David and Susanna (Brown) Hinkley (2130), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Aug. 20, 1878; m., Feb. 20, 1901, Sara Brown, b. July 15, 1882. He is afarmer in Brookfield, N. Y. Son: 2671. Ralph John Burch, b. Oct. 27, 1002. Louis H. Burch (2466), son of Nathan (2281) and Mary J. (Chapman) Burch, son of Henry and Phebe Ursula (Hinkley) Burch, dau. of David and Susanna (Brown) Hinkley (2130), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Dec. 27, 1867; m. (i), June 25, 1889, Luella Pease, b. Nov. 16, 1870; d. Feb. 5, 1894; m. (2), July 14, 1897, Blanche Page. He is a teacher residing in Chicago, 111. Children by first m.: 2672. Mary Ursula Burch, b. Aug. 25, 1891. 2673. Allen Burch, b. Jan. 31, 1894; d. Feb. 4, 1894. Son by second m.: 2674. Thomas Louis Burch, b. Aug. 23, 1902. 304 THE BROWN GENEALOGY A. Lee Burch (2468), brother of the preceding, b. Jan. 11, 1871; m., Sept. 30, 1892, Villa Cowen, b. July 8, 1872. He is employed in a condensary. Res., New Berlin, N. Y. Son: 2675. Gerald Lee Burch, b. June 29, 1899. Daniel H. Burch (2469), brother of the preceding, b. July 22, 1872; m., June 16, 1896, Lillian Graham. He is employed in a condensary in New Berlin, N. Y. Children: 2676. Dorothy Burch, b. Sept. 16, 1898. 2677. Graham Burch, b. Aug. 31, 1900. Mary Burch (2471), sister of the preceding, b. Apr. 27, 1877; m., Oct. 12, 1899, Fred E. Ray. He is a house-decorator. Res., E. Haddam, Conn. Children : 2678. Harold Frederick Ray, b. Oct. 19, 1900. 2679. Floyd Nathan Ray, b. May, 1902. 2680. Edith Margaret Ray, b. Feb. 25, 1904. Ichabud Ezra Burdick (2480), son of Charles H. and Audella (Burdick) Burdick (2283), dau. of Samuel Hamilton Burdick and Abigail (Hinkley) Burdick (2174), dau. of David and Susanna (Brown) Hinkley (2130), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas] b. Mar. 22, 1873; ^•'> June i, 1898, Louise Sawyer. He is a florist in Westerly, R. I. Children : 2681. Dorris Elizabeth Burdick, b. Oct. 18, 1898. Christina Abigail Burdick (2482), sister of the preceding, b. Jan. 24, 1876; m., Nov. 16, 1895, Seldon Monroe Young, b. May 5, 1872. He is a me- chanic. Res., Westerly, R. I. Children : % 2682. Margera Lenore Young, b. Nov. i, 1896. 2683. Hilda Kathleen Young, b. May 13, 1899. 2684. Rhoda Annis Young, b. Sept. 29, 1901. Carlisle V. Hibbard (2487), son of Daniel Osmer (2288) and Ida F. (Brightman) Hibbard, son of Chauncey V. and Esther (Hinkley) Hibbard (2176), dau. of David and Susanna (Brown) Hinkley (2130), dau. of Jabish BrowTi (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Ocono- mowoc. Wis., Aug. 16, 1876; m., Aug. 12, 1902, at Janesville, Wis., Susie Eugenia Lowell, b. June 5, 1877; dau. of Eugene W. Lowell, a merchant, of 305 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Janesville. He graduated at the University of Wisconsin, in the General Science Covirse, in 1900; is now secretary of the Y. M. C. A. at Tokio, Japan. Children: 2685. Esther Lowell Hibbard, b. Tokio, Sept. 23, 1903. 2686. Carlisle Lowell Hibbard, b., Janesville, Dec. 20, 1904. Frank B. Brand (2507), son of William and Cornelia (Burch) Brand (2300), dau. of Paul B. Burch and Cynthia (Randall) Burch (2179), dau. of Elisha and Betsey (Brown) Randall (2132), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Aug. 23, 1873; m., Dec. 4, 1901, at W. Halleck, 111., Alma Ayers. He is a carpenter. Res., Boulder, Col. Son: 2687. Rodolph Brand, b., Boulder, 1903. Herbert C. T. Burch (2510), son of William C. (2301) and Clara L. (Burdick) Burch, son of Paul B. Burch and Cynthia (Randall) Burch (2174), dau. of EHsha and Betsey (Brown) Randall (2132), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1868; m., Cleveland, O., May 3, 1893, Flora A. Crumb. He is a practising physician at Redfield, So. Dak. Son: 2688. Clayton B. Burch, b., Redfield, Apr. 6, 1895. Clayton I. Burch (251 1), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Apr. 6, 1874; m., Earlville, N. Y., Apr. 13, 1895, Amelia L. Briggs. He is the Editor of the Earlville Standard. Children: 2689. Harold W. Burch, b. Apr. 13, 1898. 2690. Laura B. Burch, b. July 23, 1902. Katie M. BayHs (2514), dau. of Fred F. Baylis and Mary (Burch) Baylis (2303), dau. of Paul B. and Cynthia (Randall) Burch (2179), dau. of Elisha and Betsey (Brown) Randall (2132), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. May 23, 187 1; m., May 21, 1891, Frank C. Bancroft, a farmer and fruit-raiser of Camden, N. J. Dau.: 2691. Helen Baylis Bancroft, b. Jan. 8, 1896. Kate Henderson (2533), dau. of George W. and Martha Ann (Randall) Henderson (2312), dau. of Elisha Randall (2181) and Lucy M. (York) Randall (1559), son of Elisha and Betsey (Brown) Randall (2132), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a) [Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Jan. 30, i860; m., Dec. 24, 1879, S. M. Nelson, d. June 4, 1885. 306 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 2692. Randall Nelson, b. Sept. 9, 1882. 2693. Kittle Mearl Nelson, b. Mar. 15, 1884. 2694. S. J. Nelson, b. Apr. 9, 1885. William Bardeen (258S), son of Henry L. Bardeen (2347) and Ada (Banks) Bardeen, son of Rasselas Bardeen and Maria (Palmer) Bardeen (2190), dau. of Abigail (Brown) Palmer (2133) [Jabish (183a), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Edgerton, Wis., Mar. 16, 1875; m. (i), Edgerton, Oct. 28, 1896, May Clark, d., Edgerton, Oct., 1899; m. (2), Apr. 17, T901, Margaret M. Knight, of Whitewater, Wis. He grad- uated from the Effingham School of Photography of Effingham, 111., and is a photographer in Edgerton. Dau. by first m. : 2695. Esther May Bardeen, b., Edgerton, Aug. 18, 1898. Children by second m., all b. in Edgerton: 2696. Mary Chloes Bardeen, b. Feb. 9, 1902. 2697. William Valdo Bardeen, b. Apr. 28, 1903. 2698. Robert Henry Bardeen, b. Apr. 28, 1904. Katherine Bardeen (2589), sister of the preceding, b., Edgerton, Wis., July 27, 1877; m., Edgerton, Oct. 25, 1899, Eugene Clark. Res., Edgerton, Wis. Dau.: 2699. Yvone May Clark, b. Aug. 16, 1904. Laura Bardeen (2594), dau. of Frank A. Bardeen (2350) and Inez (Palmer) Bardeen, son of Rasselas Bardeen and Maria (Palmer) Bardeen (2190), dau. of Ephraim Palmer and Abigail (Brown) Palmer (2133) [Jabish (183a), Datiiel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Wausau, Wis., June 20, 1879; m., Nov. 12, 1901, at Milwaukee, Wis, George Kuem- merlein. Dau.: ^ 2700. Marjorie Gertrude Kuemmerlein, b., Milwaukee, Nov. 3, 1903. Harry A. Bardeen (2595), brother of the preceding, b., Wausau, Wis., Mar. 14, 1882; m., Kendallville, Ind., Oct. 10, 1903, Blanche Lavenberg. Res., Kendallville, Ind. Son: 2701. Harry A. Bardeen, Jr., b., Milwaukee, Wis., July 30, 1904. Conrad William Lathrop Lay (2614), son of George Steven and Florence Gertrude (Stewart) Lay (2386), dau. of Charles Carroll (2202) and Frances 307 THE BROWN GENEALOGY (Lathrop) Stewart, son of Isaac (2137) and Ruth (Wilcox) Stewart, son of Nathan and Anna (Brown) Stewart (183b) [Capt. Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Painesville, O., Aug. 11, 1875; ^-^ Feb. 12, 1896, at Sablesburg, Mo., Annie Bunnell. Son: 2702. Hugh Lay, b. May 27, 1898. Charles Lorain Peterson (2623), son of Charles John and Ada Guild (Stewart) Peterson (2388), dau. of Charles Carroll (2202) and Frances (Lathrop) Stewart, son of Isaac (2137) and Ruth (Wilcox) Stewart, son of Nathan and Anna (Brown) Stewart (183b) [Capt. Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Painesville, O.; m., Nov. 20, 1901, at Casselton, No. Dak., Amy Roberts. He is a farmer at Casselton. Son: 2703. Edward Lorain Peterson, b., Casselton, Nov. 8, 1902. James Scott Brown (2653a) [Charles S. (2254), Isaac, Jr. (2151), Isaac (i83e), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], m'. Harriet McQuade, dau. of Gen. McQuade, a distinguished officer of the Civil War. He is employed by Griffin & Hoxie, wholesale grocers. Res., Utica, N. Y. Children : 2704. Mary F. 2705. James N. 2706. Charles S. Sarah Brown (122), dau. of Ichabod Brown (32) and Sarah (Chapman) Brown [John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., July 27, 1738; d. Apr. 23, 1784; m.. No. Stonington, Nov. 5, 1761, Capt. Elijah Babcock, b.. No. Stonington, Aug. 15, 1739; d. Sept. 12, 1778. In "New York in the Revolu- tion," p. 61, Capt. Elijah Babcock is referred to as a member of Col. Ethan Allen's "Green Mountain Boys." Connecticut records show that Elijah Babcock was with the party that went from Connecticut and effected the capture of Fort Ticonderoga, and that he received ;;/^j2o therefor. He is re- ferred to in the proceedings of the Assembly of Connecticut, May, 1779. The records of the descendants of Sarah (Brown) Babcock are largely taken from the Babcock Genealogy. In it, however, the wife of Capt. Elijah Bab- cock is stated to be Mrs. Sarah Brown, but the records of the Brown family show that Sarah married Elijah Babcock on the date given for their mar- riage in the Babcock Genealogy. Children : 2707. Esther Babcock, b. Jan. 3, 1763; m. Daniel Hutchinson (2716- 2722). 308 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2708. Elias Babcock, b. Feb. 24, 1764; m. Hannah Barber (2723- 2726). 2709. Moses Babcock, b. June 19, 1768. Believed to have been liv- ing, unm., in 1848. 2710. Silas Babcock (twin), b. May 18, 1770; m. Rachel Allen (2727-2734). 27 1 1. Paul Babcock (twin), b. May 18, 1770; m. Mabel Hatch (2735- 2742). 2712. Ichabod Babcock, b. Mar. 3, 1772; m. Esther Sprague (2743- 2748). 2713. Lydia Babcock, b. 1774 (2749-2754C). 2714. Sally Babcock, b. 1776; m. James Rood (2755-2760). 2715. Elijah Babcock, b. 1778; d. about 1856 (2761). Esther Babcock (2707), dau. of Capt. Elijah Babcock and Sarah (Brown) Babcock (122) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Jan. 3, 1763; d. Apr., 1840; m. Daniel Hutchinson, of Jericho, Vt. Children: 2716. Alice Hutchinson, b. ;.m.. Deacon Abel. 2717. David Hutchinson, b. ; m. Polly Curtis. 2718. Sophia Hutchinson. 2719. Ruby Hutchinson. 2720. Eliza Hutchinson. 2721. Nancy Hutchinson. 2722. Mary Hutchinson. Elias Babcock (2708), brother of the preceding, b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 24, 1764; d. 1836; m. Hannah Barber, of Connecticut. She d. at E. Poultney, Vt., about 1870, aged about ninety years. Elias and his brother Ichabod moved, in 1788, from Canaan, Conn., to Poultney, Vt., and settled in Fennell Hollow, on a farm he bought of Philip Hovve, which he paid for in part with cattle which he had driven from Connnecticut. In the early part of his life he was an active citizen, and rendered efficient service in sustaining the Congregational Church. He did the stonework free of charge in the Congregational church edifice in Poultney. Children : 2723. Hannah Babcock, b. ; d., Poultney, Feb., 1859. 2724. Stevens Babcock, b. Feb. 2, 1802; m. Mary Hickok, d., Hampton, N. Y., Apr. 14, 1884 (2762-2765). 2725. Harry Babcock, b. about 1805; d., E. Poultney, Nov., 1837; 309 THE BROWN GENEALOGY m. Betsey Fennell. Left one son, Harry C, b. 1836. He settled in Arkansas, and was living in 1878. 2726. Anna Babcock, b., E. Poultney, 1807; d. Nov., 1870; m., about 1847, Arch Gibbs, b. about 1810; d. about 1873. They lived in Benson and Hubbardton. Both d. in Hortonville, in town of Hubbardton. No issue. Silas Babcock (2710), brother of the preceding, b. May 18, 1770; d., Wayne, O., Aug. 10, 1843; m. (i). Mar. 16, 1797, Rachel, dau. of Dr. Elisha Allen, b. Apr. 4, 1778; d. Sept. 28, 1834; m. (2), May 11, 1835, Charity Brainerd. Children, by first m.: 2727. Daphene Babcock, b. Feb. 22, 1798; m. Robert French (2766). 2728. Anna Babcock, b. Mar. 13, 1800; m., 1841, James Davidson. 2729. Hiram A. Babcock, b. 1802; m. Eliza P. Andrews (2767- 2771). 2730. Eveline Babcock, b. Feb. i, 1805; m. David Babcock, 2741. 2731. Orville Babcock, b. 1807; d. Feb. 25, 1862; m., 1841, Sophia Avery. He graduated from Princeton in 1841. 2732. Rachel Allen Babcock, b. 1809. 2733. Daniel H. Babcock, b., Wayne, O., Dec. 17, 1810; d., W. Townsend, Vt., 1875; m. (i), Apr. 8, 1840, Amanda Avery, of Boston, Mass.; m. (2) Abbie L. Blackman, of Plymouth, Mass. She res., 1903, in Manomet, Mass. He graduated from an Ohio college (it is supposed) Aug. 24, 1836; grad- uated from Andover Theological Seminary, Mass., Sept., 1839; was ordained a Congregational minister Nov. 7, 1839; preached for thirty-four years, at Talmouth, Plymouth, and other places, and lastly at Townsend. No children of either marriage. 2734. Sarah T. Babcock, b. Jan. 17, 181 2; m. James Gibson (2772- 2774). Paul Babcock (2711), brother of the preceding, b. May 18, 1770; d., Jericho, Vt., May 12, 1839; m. Mabel Hatch, b., Jericho, May, 1773; d., Jericho, Sept. 30, 1842. Children: 2735. Lyman Babcock, b. Mar. 3, 1798; d. 1833; unm. 2736. Ann Babcock, b. Mar. 11, 1800; d.. No. Brookfield, Mass., Feb. 8, 1875; unm. 310 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2737. Horace Babcock, b. Mar. 22, 1802; m. Sarah Reynolds (2775, 2776). 2738. Selah Babcock, b. July 23, 1804; m. Prudence Buxton (2777- 2779). 2739. Julius Babcock, b. Dec. 16, 1806; m. (i) Miriam Moulton; (2) Charlotte Ball (2780-2782). 2740. Submit Babcock, b. Oct. 30, 1808; m. Asa Moulton (2783). 2741. David Babcock, b. Apr. 23, 1812; d. Unionville, O. ; m. (i) his cousin, Emeline Babcock (2730); (2) Amy Warner, of Madison, O. ; (3) Sarah , of So. Plymouth, Mass. 2742. Rufus Babcock, b. Sept. 3, 1814; m. Lucinda Pettie (2784- 2786). Ichabod Babcock (2712), brother of the preceding, b., No. Stonington, Conn., Mar. 3, 1772; d. 1846; m., 1794, Esther Sprague. He removed from Canaan, Conn., to Poultney, Vt., about if 88, and settled at West Village. He was a hatter; was Justice of the Peace for many years. Only one of his daughters married. Children : 2743. Lydia Babcock, b. 1795 (?). 2744. Pauline Babcock, b. 1797 (?); m. a Wilkins. No issue. 2745. William Babcock, b. 1799; had five wives. He moved to Wis- consin about 1840, with his fifth wife. 2746. Edwin Babcock, b. 1801 (?). 2747. Caroline Babcock, b. 1803. 2748. George Babcock, b. 1805 (?). Lydia Babcock (2713), dau. of Elijah Babcock and Sarah (Brown) Babcock (127), dau. of Ichabod Brown (32) [John (8), Thomas], b. May 17, 1774; d., Fairhaven, Vt., Aug. 13, 1857; m. (i) Dr. Sylvanus Church, d. in Hinesburg, Vt.; m. (2), Feb. 6, 181 5, Ethan Whipple, b. Feb. 13, 1758; d. Fairhaven; son of Capt. Benjamin Whipple, of Providence, R. I., and Annie Brown. He was a farmer and a carpenter. He was a soldier in the War of the Revolution. Children by first m.: 2749. Betsey Church, b., Richmond, Vt., May 10, 1798; d. June 5, 1837 (2787, 2788). 2750. Sophronia Church, b., Richmond, Mar. 13, 1800; d. Sept. 8, 1874 (2789-2795). 2751. Lydia Church, b., Richmond, Jan'. 8, 1802 (2796-2801). 3" THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2752. Sylvanus Church, b. Dec. 2, 1803 ; d., Whitehall, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1871; unm. 2753. Lucinda Church, b., Richmond, Jan. 27, 1806; d., Nov. 4, 1867 (2802-2804). 2754. Harvey Church, b., Hinesburg, Apr. 12, 1808; d., Racine, Wis., Dec. 5, 1879 (2805-2808). Children by second m. : 2754a. Marie Whipple, b. Dec. 2, 1815; d. Oct. 14, 1821. 2754b. John Newton Whipple, b. Apr. 17, 1818; d. Oct. 6, 1821. 2754c. CaroHne Whipple, b. Apr. 29, 1821 (2809, 2810). Sally Babcock (2714), sister of the preceding, b. 1776; d. 1804; m. James Rood. They settled in Roodsville, 111. Children: 2755. Levi Rood, m. Laura A. Phillips. 2756. Launcelot Rood, m. Ann D. Newton. 2757. Ann Rood, m. James Graves. 2758. Lydia Rood, m. Solomon Smith. 2759. Albert Rood, m. Hope Townsend. 2760. Sarah Rood, m. William Smith. Elijah Babcock (2715), brother of the preceding, b. 1778; m. Experience Coburn. They settled in Middleton, Vt. He d. about 1856, and his widow about ten years later. Son: 2761. Shadrach Babcock, d., Claremont, N. H., a few years ago, at about ninety years of age. Stevens Babcock (2724), son of Elias Babcock (2708) and Hannah (Barber) Babcock, son of Elijah Babcock and Sarah (Brown) Babcock (122) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., E. Poultney, Vt., Feb. 2, 1802; d., Hampton, N. Y., Apr. 14, 1884; m., Fairhaven, Vt., Feb. 10, 1832, Mary A., dau. of Elias and Betsey (Whipple) Hickok, b., Fairhaven, Aug. 13, 1808; d., Woburn, Mass., Feb., 1899. He was a farmer; was a Whig and later a Republican. He and his wife were members of the Congregational Church. About 1855, for some unexplained reason, he changed his name to Stevens Barber, that being his mother's maiden name. Children : 2762. Cornelius L. Babcock, b., E. Poultney, Mar. 4, 1833; m. (i) Hattie Weaver; (2) Laura Burroughs (281 1, 2812). 2763. Francis R. Babcock, b. Sept. 4, 1839; d., Fairhaven, Aug. 15, i860. 312 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2764. George C. Babcock, b. Oct. 2, 1842. He was killed at the battle of the Wilderness, May 5, 1864; was Lieut, of Co. F, 6th Regt. Vol.; enlisted Sept. 19, 1861, at Rutland, Vt. 2765. Mary P. Babcock, b., Poultney, Aug. 8, 1851. Res., 1905, No. Woburn, Mass. Daphene Babcock (2727), dau. of Silas Babcock (2710) and Rachel (Allen) Babcock, son of Elijah Babcock and Sarah (Brown) Babcock (122) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Feb. 22, 1798; d. 1816; m., Apr. 20, 1 81 5, Robert French. Dau.: 2766. Cynthia French, m. Rezin Chebondy. Had one dau., Nancy. Rev. Hiram A. Babcock (2729), brother of the preceding, b., Essex, Vt., Apr. 14, 1802; m., Nov. 16, 1837, Eliza, dau. of Calvin Andrews; d. July 22, 187 1. He removed with his father to Wayne, O.; graduated from Middle- bury College, Vt., 1833; in 1836 he graduated from Lane Theological Seminary; was ordained Oct. 7, 1841. His first pastorate was Oil Creek, Penn. Children: 2767. Lyman Beecher Babcock, b. May 18, 1843; <^- ^^c. 25, 1862. 2768. Silas Allen Babcock, b. Mar. 23, 1845; ^- Martha Brainard (2813, 2814). 2769. Anna E. Babcock, b. ; d. young. 2770. Daniel Babcock, b. July 23, 1849; d- young. 2771. Clara E. Babcock, b. Nov. 25, 1853; "^-j ^^^ Moines, la., Sept. 13, 1882, John H. Goldman. Sarah T. Babcock (2734), sister of the preceding, b. Jan. 17, 1812; m., Oct. 5, 1842, James Gibson. Children: 2772. Eveline Gibson, d. 1845. * 2773. Amanda Gibson. 2774. Hiram Gibson. Horace Babcock (2737), son of Paul (271 1) and Mabel (Hatch) Babcock, son of Elijah Babcock and Sarah (Brown) Babcock (122) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Essex, Vt., Mar. 22, 1802; m. Sarah Reynolds. He was a farmer. Res., Jericho, Vt. Children: 2775. Henry Babcock, b. June i, 1841; d. Jericho. 2776. Hiram Babcock, b. Sept. 15, 1845; d. Jericho. 313 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Selah Babcock (2738), brother of the preceding, b., Jericho, Vt., July 23, , 1804; d., Jericho, Sept. 18, 1880; m., Oct. 13, 1842, Prudence, dau. of I Daniel and Lydia (Case) Buxton, b., Westford, Vt., June 11, 1815. He was a farmer at Jericho. Children : 2777. Reuben Babcock, b. June 30, 1843; d., Fairfax, Va., Jan. 29, 1863. 2778. Adelia Babcock, b. July 20, 1845; ^- Russel D. Johnson (2815, 2816). 2779. Julia Babcock, b. Mar. 19, 1850; d., Jericho, Nov. 11, 1892. Julius Babcock (2739), brother of the preceding, b., Jericho, Vt., Dec. 16, 1806; d.. No. Brookfield, Mass., 1893; ^- (0> ^o. Brookfield, 1833, Miriam Moulton, b., New Hampshire, 1806; d., No. Brookfield, Dec. 13, 1845; ^■ (2) Charlotte Dall, of Holden, Mass., b. 1804; d.. No. Brookfield, Oct. 13, 1873. He was a manufacturer of shoes. Children : 2780. Mary Babcock, b. Jan. 3, 1835; ^- Edward Kermpton (2817). 2781. Rev. Edwin Babcock, b. Aug. 10, 1838; m. Caroline Giflford (2818, 2819). 2782. 'Lydia Babcock, b. Feb., 1841; d., Canterbury, 1892; m. David Penery. Res., Canterbury, Conn. Submit Babcock (2740), sister of the preceding, b. Oct. 30, 1808; d., Spencer, Mass., Feb. 22, 1875; ^- Asa Moulton. Dau.: 2783. Charlotta, b.. No. Brookfield, Mass., May 8, 1846; d., Spencer, Mass., Apr. 14, 1891 (2820, 2821). Rufus Babcock (2742), brother of the preceding, b., Jericho, Vt., Sept. 3, 1814; d.. No. Brookfield, Mass., Feb. 10, 1875; ^-t Oct., 1836, Lucinda Pettie, b. May 2, 1815; d.. No. Brookfield, July 30, 1890. They settled in No. Brookfield, where their children were born. Children : 2784. Roswell Hatch Babcock, b. Mar. 25, 1838; m. Estella Dean (2822, 2823). 2785. Caroline D. Babcock, b- Oct. 10, 1840; m. (i) Charles Sumner; (2) Benjamin Barnes (2824-2826). 2786. John Babcock, b. Aug. 13, 1848; m. Evelyn Bowen (2826a, 2826b). 314 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Betsey Church (2749), dau. of Dr. Sylvanus and Lydia (Babcock) Church (2713),. dau. of Capt. Elijah and Sarah (Brown) Babcock (122), dau. of Ichabod Brown (32) [John (8), Thomas], b., Fairhaven, Vt., May 10, 1798; d. June 5, 1827; m., Fairhaven, Apr. 18, 1822, Joel Heacock. Children : 2787. Cullen Heacock, b., Fairhaven, Apr. 6, 1826; d., unm., White- hall, N. Y. 2788. Helen Maria Heacock, b., Fairhaven, Sept., 1830; d. Oct., 1830. Sophronia Church (2750), sister of the preceding, b., Fairhaven, Vt., Mar. 13, 1800; d. Sept. 8, 1874; m., Aug. 29, 1819, Urial Smith. Children : 2789. Corrinne Smith, b. Sept. 22, 1820; d. Mar., 1851. 2790. Cyrus Smith, b. Mar. 12, 1824. 2791. Sarah Smith, b. July 4, 1826; d. Dec. 23, 1899. 2792. Urial Smith, b. June 25, 1832. 2793. Timothy Smith, b. Apr. 2, 1834. 2794. Dwight Smith, b. Mar. 13, 1838. 2795. Zerah Smith, b. Mar. 17, 1840. Lydia Church (2751), dau. of Dr. Sylvanus Church and Lydia (Babcock) Church (2713), dau. of Capt. Elijah and Sarah (Brown) Babcock (122), dau. of Ichabod Brown (32) [John (8), Thomas], b., Richmond, Vt., Jan. 8, 1802; d., Rockville, III., Dec. 26, 1871; m., Franklin, O., May 21, 1828, Dr. Hiram Todd, b. Poultney, Vt.; d., Rockville, July 11, 1849. He was a doctor; graduated from Dayton, O., Medical College in the year 1826; was surgeon's mate of ist Regt. of 2d Brigade of ist Division of Ohio State Militia. In 1829 was Associate Judge of Cass County, Ind. He removed to Illinois in 1835, and was the first postmaster at Rockville. He owned large tracts of land in Kankakee and Iroquois Counties. Children: 2796. Caroline Todd, b. Feb. 26, 1830; d. May, 1833. 2797. Frances Todd, b., Logansport, Ind., Sept. 12, 1832 (2827- 2831). 2798. Hiram Church Todd, b., Laporte, Ind., June 26, 1835 (2832- 2837). 2799. Martha Todd, b. Sept. 21, 1837; d. Sept. i, 1847. 2800. Walter Wilson Todd, b., Rockville, Feb. 27, 1840 (2838- 2840). 2801. Edgar Todd. 315 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Lucinda Church (2753), sister of the preceding, b., Richmond, Vt., Jan. 27, 1806; d., Chicago, 111., Nov. 4, 1867 ;m., May 26, 1825, Florus Meacham, b. Benton, Vt. ; d. Chicago. Children: 2802. Lydia Jane Meacham, b. Sept. 20, 1826; m. H. H. Nash, d. several years ago. She res. in Chicago, 111. 2803. Sarah Lucinda Meacham, b. June 6, 1831 (2841, 2842). 2804. Florus David Meacham, b. July 4, 1838; d. Oct., 1838. Harvey Church (2754), brother of the preceding, b., Hinesburg, Vt., Apr. 12, 1808; d., Racine, Wis., Dec. 15, 1877; m., Easton, N. Y., June 9, 1835, Emeline Bassett. He was a banker and a lumber-dealer in Troy, N. Y. ; removed to Racine shortly before his death; was buried in Troy, where his wife now resides. Children: 2805. Anna Corrinne Church, b. Aug. 27, 1836. 2806. Henry Sylvanus Church, b. Oct. 27, 1838. 2807. Harvey Church, b. Apr. 6, 1841. 2808. Richard Bryan Church, b. Sept. 15, 1843. Caroline Whipple (2754c), dau. of Ethan and Lydia (Babcock) (Church) Whipple, dau. of Capt. Elijah and Sarah (Brown) Babcock (122), dau. of Ichabod Brown (32) [John (8), Thomas], b., Fairhaven, Vt., Apr. 29, 1821; m., Jan. 13, 1842, Elihu Faxon Eddy, d., Marquette, Mich., Dec. 8, 1890. His widow res. 326 W. Bluff St., Marquette, Mich. They united with the Congregational Church in Fairhaven. After their removal to Marquette, in 1859, they united with the Presbyterian Church, of which he was an elder for twenty years before his death. By occupation he was a bloomer and in politics a Democrat. A sketch of her life appeared in the Marquette Daily Mining Journal of ]May i, 1905. Children : 2809. Mary Viola Eddy, b., Fairhaven, Sept. 23, 1844 (2843-2848). 2810. Ella Caroline Eddy, b., Fairhaven, Apr. 11, 1854; d.. Green Bay, Wis., Aug. 31, 1880; unm. Cornelius L. Babcock (2762), son of Stevens (2724) and Mary (Hickok) Babcock, son of Elias (2708) and Hannah (Barber) Babcock, son of Elijah Babcock and Sarah (Brown) Babcock (122) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., E. Poultney, Vt., Mar. 4, 1833; i^i- (0^ July 3, 1863, Hattie Weaver, d., Schaghticoke, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1863; m. (2), Newbury, Vt., Dec. 18, 1867, Laura, dau. of Thomas and Louise (Ruggles) Burroughs, b., Newbury, Sept. 26, 1842. Res., 1905, 79 Elm St., No. Woburn, Mass. 316 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : 28x1. Helen Burroughs Babcock, b., Fairhaven, Vt., Jan, 29, 1870; m., No. Woburn, June 25, 1895, Samuel W., son of George and Caroline (Deane) Merrill, b., Rutland, Vt., Dec, 1862. He is clerk in Auditor's office of New York and New Haven R. R. Co. No issue. Res., 1905, No. Woburn, Mass. 2812. Mary Bell Babcock, b. Mar. 27, 1873; m. Nathaniel Currier (2849). Silas Allen Babcock (2768), son of Rev. Hiram (2729) and Eliza (An- drews) Babcock, son of Silas (2710) and Rachel (Allen) Babcock, son of Elijah Babcock and Sarah (Brown) Babcock (122) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Wayne, O., May 23, 1845; ^-i Mar. 31, 1869, Martha, dau. of L. D. Brainard. Res., 1902, Wayne, O. Children : 2813. Lena Babcock, b. Aug. 2, 1870. 2814. Martha Babcock, b. Aug. 13, 1872; d. young. Adelia Babcock (2778), dau. of Selah (2738) and Prudence (Buxton) Babcock, son of Paul (27 11) and Mabel (Hatch) Babcock, son of Elijah Babcock and Sarah (Brown) Babcock (122) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Jericho, Vt., July 20, 1845; m., Jericho, Apr. 26, 1867, Russell D., son of David and Ruth (Goodrich) Johnson, b., Georgia, Vt., Dec. 10, 1844. Res., 1902, Jericho, Vt. Children : 2815. Hattie A. Johnson, b. Feb. 22, 1868; d., Worcester, Vt., June 23, 1875. 2816. Emma M. Johnson, b., Jericho, July 22, 1869. Res., 1902, Underbill, Vt. Mary Babcock (2780), dau. of Julius and Miriam (Moulton) Babcock, son of Paul (271 1) and Mabel (Hatch) Babcock, son of Elijah Babcock and Sarah (Brown) Babcock (122) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Jan. 3, 1835; m. Edward Kermpton, of Westport, Mass. Res., 1902, No. Brook- field, Mass. Dau.: 2817. Ellen F. Kermpton, m. Adrian Miller. Res., Palmer, Mass. Rev. Edwin Babcock (2781), brother of the preceding, b„ No. Brookfield, Mass., Aug. 10, 1838; m., June 28, 1872, Caroline, dau. of Peleg and Sarah (Tripp) Gifford, of West Point, Mass., b. Dec. 3, 1845. Res., So. Carver. Mass. 317 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : 2818. Charles Babcock, b,, West Point, Oct. 5, 1874; unm. 2819. Grace Babcock, b.. Fall River, Mass., June 20, 1876; unm. Charlotta Moulton (2783), dau. of Asa Moulton and Submit (Babcock) Moulton (2740), dau. of Paul (271 1) and Mabel (Hatch) Babcock, son of Elijah Babcock and Sarah (Brown) Babcock (122) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Brookfield, Mass., May 8, 1846; d., Spencer, Mass., Apr. 14, 1891; m., May 8, 1870, Charles P. Barton, b., Oakham, Mass., June 18, 1846. Children: 2820. Charles H. Barton, b. Apr. 7, 1872. Res., 1903, Spencer, Mass. 2821. Rosella Barton, b. Sept. 2, 1877. Res., 1903, Spencer, Mass. Roswell Hatch Babcock (2784), son of Rufus (2742) and Lucinda (Pettie) Babcock, son of Paul (271 1) and Mabel (Hatch) Babcock, son of Elijah Babcock and Sarah (Brown) Babcock (122) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Mar. 25, 1838; d. July 2, 1884; m., Apr. 12, 1877, Estella I. Dean. Children : 2822. Frank Babcock, b. Feb. 13, 1878. 2823. Ethel Josephine Babcock, b. June 20, 1881; m. Daniel Holden. Caroline D. Babcock (2785), sister of the preceding, b.. No. Brookfield, Mass., Oct. 10, 1840; m. (i), Georgetown, Mass., Charles Sumner; (2), Jan. I, 1895, Benjamin F. Barnes, b. Sherbridge, Mass.; d.. No. Brookfield, Mar. 3, 1901. Children, b. No. Brookfield: 2824. Rufus William Sumner, b. Aug. 27, 1865; d. Sept., 1865. 2825. Hattie I. Sumner, b. Nov. 29, ; m., Brookfield, Jan. 15, 1886, T. W. McCarthy. Res., 1902, Rockland, Mass. 2826. Fred L. Sumner, b. June 25, 1870. Res., 1902, Rockland, Mass. John Babcock (2786), brother of the preceding, b.. No. Brookfield, Mass., Aug. 13, 1842; m., Sept. 26, 1876, Evelyn M. Bowan, of No. Brookfield. Res., 1902, No. Brookfield, Mass. Children, b. No. Brookfield: 2826a. William Rufus Babcock, b. May 25, 1879. • 2826b. A. Ernest Babcock, b. Oct. 27, 1883. 318 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Frances Todd (2797), dau. of Hiram Todd and Lydia (Church) Todd (2751), dau. of Dr. Sylvanus and Lydia (Babcock) Church (2713), dau. of Capt. Elijah and Sarah (Brown) Babcock (122), dau. of Ichabod Brown (32) [John (8), Thomas], b., Logansport, Ind., Sept. 22, 1832; m., Rock- ville, III., Rodney S. Bowen, b. in New York; d. Franklin, Tenn. He was a Republican, and both he and his wife were members of the Episcopal Church. He was brought up in Joliet, III., and lived there and at Wilming- ton, 111., until he enlisted in the looth 111. Vols., of which he was Major. He was killed in battle. Since his death his wife has resided in Kankakee, 111., and Chicago, 111. Her address is 315 W. 67th St., Chicago, 111. Children : 2827. Albert W. Bowen, b. Wilmington, where he d. young. 2828. Martha T. Bowen, b. and d. in Wilmington. 2830. Mary C. Bowen, b. in Wilmington. 2831. Rodney S. Bowen. Hiram Church Todd (2798), brother of the preceding, b., Laporte, Ind., June 26, 1835; m., Williamsville, Erie Co., N. Y., Feb. 4, 1862, Susie D. Barnard, b., Williamsville, Jan. 2, 1842; d., Kankakee, Oct. 2, 1878; dau. of O. F. H. Barnard, of Williamsville, and Susan (Ransom) Barnard. He was educated in the public schools and at Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind. He has lived in Wilmington, Kankakee, Chicago, and Hoopeston, in Illinois. He was a farmer, but is not now in business. He has been a post- master, Deputy County Clerk, Deputy County Treasurer, Town Collector, and Town Assessor. He is a Republican. He now is and his wife was a member of the Episcopal Church. Children : 2832. Maggie B. Todd, b., Rockville, 111., Nov. 21, 1862; d., Kanka- kee, Aug. 25, 1881. 2833. Walter W. Todd, b., Rockville, May 22, 1865 (2850, 2851). 2834. Grace Lydia Todd, b., Kankakee, Oct. 18, 1868; d., Rockville, Mar. 30, 1872. 2835. Lucia May Todd, b., Rockville, May 4, 1873; d., Wilmington, Mar. II, 1874. 2836. Lillian Belle Todd, b., Kankakee, Dec. 8, 1874; d., Kankakee, Aug. 7, 1876. 2837. Frank Ransom Todd, b., Kankakee, Mar. i, 1877; d., Kanka- kee, Sept. 27, 1877. Walter Wilson Todd (2800), brother of the preceding, b., Rockville, 111., Feb. 27, 1840; d., Chicago, 111., Oct. 18, 1899; m., Westchester, O., Nov. 319 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 19, 1868, Asenath Gerard, b., Newton, O., Nov. 9, 1844; d., Chicago, Dec. 16, 1895; dau. of Isaac and Maria Gerard. He was educated at Racine, Wis., and Aurora, 111. At the age of twenty-one he enlisted in the 4th 111. Cavalry. In June, 1862, he raised a company in his old neighborhood, of which he was elected Captain. This was Co. I of the 76th Illinois. He was elected Major by the officers of the regiment in July, 1863; in 1864 was appointed Inspector-General and Chief of Infantry of 2d Division of 19th Army Corps, and later Inspector-General of the 2d Division; was re- lieved at his own request at Ft. Gaines, Ala., in the spring of 1865, rejoining his ref^iment at Ft. Barancas. He served on Gen. Grainger's staff until after the fall of Mobile, Ala., when he was given command of the regiment. He was discharged Aug. 4, 1865. He lived for a short time in Rockville; was County Treasurer of Kankakee Co., 111., for six years from 1800; was cashier of customs at Chicago at the time of his death. He was a RepubHcan, and he and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church. Children: 2838. Laura Todd, b., Rockville, Oct. 4, 1869; m., Chicago, June 8, 1904, Webb Wilde Martin, b., Alton, III, Jan. 10, 1872; son of William W. Martin, of Alton, and Emeline (Hender- son) Martin. He is a publisher; a Republican. They at- tend the Presbyterian Church, of which his wife is a member. Res., 4954 Washington Ave., Chicago, 111. 2839. Church Gerard Todd, b., Rockville, Jan. 15, 1871 (2851a). 2840. Hiram Eugene Todd, b., Kankakee, Sept. 10, 1874 (2851b). Sarah Lucinda Meacham (2803), dau. of Florus and Lucinda (Church) Meacham (2753), dau. of Dr. Sylvanus and Lydia (Babcock) Church (2713), dau. of Capt. Elijah and Sarah (Brown) Babcock (122), dau. of Ichabod Brown (32) [John (8), Thomas], b. June, 1831 ; d. Whitehall, N. Y. ; m. Darwin Blounte, b. 1844; d. in Whitehall. Children, both b. in Whitehall: 2841. Sylvester Blounte. Address, 720 Chamber of Commerce, Chicago, 111. 2842. Fred M. Blounte. Res., Wheaton, 111. Office, Chicago National Bank, Chicago, 111. Mary Viola Eddy (2809), dau. of Elihu Faxon Eddy and Caroline (Whip- ple) Eddy (2754c), dau. of Ethan and Lydia (Babcock) Whipple (2713), dau. of Capt. Elijah and Sarah (Brown) Babcock (122), dau. of Ichabod Brown (32) [John (8), Thomas], b., Fairhaven, Vt., Sept. 23, 1844; m., Oct. 320 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 13, 1864, L. A. Hall, b. in Canada. He is a jeweller; a Republican. Res., 326 W. Bluff St., Marquette, Mich. Children, all except the first b.in Marquette: 2843. Edna May Hall, b. Mar. 23, 1869, at Green Bay, Wis., where she d. 2845. Anna Concklin Hall, b. Feb. 12, 1872; m., Marquette, A. A. Williams, b. Feb. 12, 1870. He is business manager of Marquette City Laundry. 2846. Ora Ella Hall, b. Oct. 12, 1873. She works in a photograph gallery. 2847. Eddy Lester Hall, b. Nov. i, 1875; d- Aug. 18, 1882. 2848. Harvey M. Hall, b. July 26, 1883. Mary Bell Babcock (2812), dau. of Cornelius L. (2762) and Laura (Bur- roughs) Babcock, son of Stevens (2724) and Mary (Hickok) Babcock, son of Elias (2708) and Hannah (Barber) Babcock, son of Elijah Babcock and Sarah (Brown) Babcock* (122) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Rut- land, Vt., Mar. 27, 1873; m.. No. Woburn, Mass., Dec. 2, 1896, Nathaniel Currier. He is clerk accountant to Metropolitan Steamship Co. Res., 6 Mt. Vernon St., Reading, Mass. Dau.: 2849. Barbara Currier, b.. No. Woburn, Aug. 18, 1897. Walter W. Todd (2833), son of Hiram Church Todd (2798) and Susie Dorothy (Barnard) Todd, son of Hiram and Lydia (Church) Todd (2751), dau. of Dr. Sylvanus and Lydia (Babcock) Church (2713), dau. of Capt. Elijah Babcock and Sarah (Brown) Babcock (122), dau. of Ichabod Brown (32) [John (8), Thomas], b., Rockville, 111., May 22, 1865; m., Kankakee, 111., Dec. 4, 1889, Fannie C. Clarke, b., Chicago, 111.; dau. of Thomas C. Clarke, of Chicago, and wife Margaret. He was educated at the public and high schools in Kankakee; has lived in Rockville, Kankakee, and Hoopeston, 111.; was Deputy Treasurer of Kankakee Cb.; is now manager of the Hoopeston Superior Horse Nail Company. He is a Repub- lican, and he and his wife are members of the Episcopal Church. Res., 519 E. Main St., Hoopeston, 111. Children : 2850. Dorothy C. Todd, b. Mar. 17, 1894. 2851. Thomas C. Todd, b. Oct. 6, 1897. Church Gerard Todd (2839), son of Walter Wilson Todd (2800) and Asenath (Gerard) Todd, son of Hiram and Lydia (Church) Todd (2751), dau. of Dr. Sylvanus and Lydia (Babcock) Todd (2713), dau. of Capt. 321 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Elijah and Sarah (Brown) Babcock (122), dau. of Ichabod Brown (32) [John (8), Thomas], b., Rockville, 111., Jan. 15, 1871; m., Chicago, III., Apr. 12, 1898, Zaide Murphy, b., Chicago, Jan. i, 1874; dau. of Hiram Pearsons Murphy and Nellie (Wilde) Murphy. He was educated at Onarga Seminary, 111. He is note-teller and discount man in the Chicago National Bank; a Republican. They attend the Episcopal Church, of which his wife is a member. Res., 4326 Lake Ave., Chicago, 111. Son, b. in Chicago: 2851a. Church Gerard Todd, Jr., b. Feb. 15, 1901. Hiram Eugene Todd (2840), brother of the preceding, b., Kankakee, 111., Sept. 10, 1874; m., Peoria, 111., Sept. 10, 1900, Bertha M. Ferris, b., Gales- burg, 111., May 27, 1878; dau. of Edwin G. Ferris and Harriet (Thompson) Ferris, of Galesburg. He lived in Kankakee until 1895, i^ Chicago until 1897, and since then in Peoria. Graduated at the University of Illinois and at the Kent Law School of Chicago. He is a lawyer in Peoria. Address, 306 Ellis St., Peoria, 111. His wife is a graduate Of Smith College, North- ampton, Mass. He is a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. Dau., b. in Peoria: 2851b. Sarah Gerard Todd, b. July 25, 1905. Asa Brown (128) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Ston- ington. Conn., July 13, 1768; d. ,RichfieId, N. Y., June 23, 1861; m., Jan. 15, 1795, by Rev. Michiah Porter, pastor of the church in Voluntown, Conn., to Lucy Dow, dau. of Benjamin Dow and Mary Killam. Benjamin Dow lived in that part of Voluntown which was cut off to form the town of Ster- ling. He was a sergeant in the War of the Revolution, and was a man of importance and standing in the community, serving as Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, etc. Asa and his brother Oliver had visited Brookfield, N. Y., in 1794, on a visit, it is said, to their aunt, Keturah Brown York, who had emigrated thither from Stonington. They decided to settle there; and as soon as the roads were passable after their marriage, Asa and Lucy started for their new home, he with an ox-team and a wagon loaded with house- hold furniture, and she on horseback, carrying in her hands a few things too precious to be trusted in the springless wagon, among them a mirror which is even now one of the cherished treasures of her daughter Maria. They made their way through the wilderness by marked trees, crossing the river at Unadilla Forks, N. Y., into the town of Brookfield, and setding on a farm some two miles further on, where Asa built a large two-story frame house. He was a good carpenter and cabinet-maker, and as there was 322 THE BROWN GENEALOGY little money in circulation he made furniture, which he exchanged for cattle, grain, and the various things needed for the household. In this way they purchased the tall family clock with its inlaid frame, one of the first load of clocks brought from Connecticut to Brookfield. It was said that there was not a house in Brookfield but had some of his furniture, and every piece well made. The Dows and the Browns of Stonington used occasionally to exchange visits with the Dows and the Browns of Brook- field and Richfield. It was a seven days' drive from Brookfield to Sterling, and as postal communication was uncertain and expensive, these periodical visits were utilized for sending letters backwards and forwards. Asa's health failing for a time, he moved to Unadilla Forks about 1814, and served as constable while living there. In Brookfield, Asa and his wife had united with the Baptist Church, being baptized by Rev. Simeon Brown, and were among the charter members of the Baptist Church in Unadilla Forks. While visiting her uncle. Col. Dow, in Mayflower, Otsego Co., N. Y., they bought a farm east of Mayflower post-office on the Cherry Valley Turnpike, the leading thoroughfare and the stage-road from Albany to Buff'alo, about three miles distant from the present town of Richfield Springs, N. Y. They moved to this farm in 1818. They raised flax, and the daughters spun and wove the household linen and the family clothing. They spun and dyed and wove the wool for their best gowns and for their brothers' best suits. Once a year a tailor came for a few days and cut and fitted the best and finest garments. When Asa, the oldest son, married, his father built a house across the road, to which he moved, leaving the old house and the larger part of the farm to his son. Later his son Benjamin bought the farm adjoining. In their later years they were cared for by their daughter Maria. After two years of failing health Lucy died. Mar. 31, 1854. Asa Brown re- tained much vigor of mind and body to the last, dying in his ninety-third year, Jan. 23, 1861. They are buried in the Presbyterian churchyard at Richfield Springs. Children: 2852. Lucy, b. Oct. 25, 1795; d. Oct. 13, 1836. She was ever the faithful elder daughter and sister, doing much for the com- fort of the family, and looking wisely after the matters which concerned the welfare of all. While helping at her brother Benjamin's, in time of sickness, she was taken suddenly too ill to be moved to her home next door, and died there in three days. She was a faithful worker in the Baptist Church, with which she united when a young woman. 2853. Deborah, b. Apr. 9, 1797; d. Oct. 20, 1851 (2863-2866). 323 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2854. Mercy, b. Nov. 19, 1798; d. Jan. 31, 1887 (2867-2873). 2855. Sarah, b. Jan. 3, 1801; d. May i, 1883 (2874-2881). 2856. Asa, b. Feb. 14, 1803 ;d. Sept. 12, 1881 (2882-2890). 2857. Wheeler, b. Apr. 9, 1805; d. Oct. 18, 1862 (2891-2898). 2858. Rebecca, b. May 14, 1807; d. 1882; m., Jan. i, 1834, Charles Wheeler, b., Exeter, N. Y., Mar. 23, 1801. Soon after mar- riage they settled on a farm at Howard, near Rochester, N. Y. Farming was not very successful, and she studied medicine, being one of the first women to earn the title M.D. She practised in Rochester, and later, in company with Dr. E. S. Preston, established a Water-Cure, called Halstead Hall. Her partner is said to have left with the funds, leaving her with the patients. The venture proved unsuc- cessful, despite her heroic endeavors. She died in a hospital in Rochester, her husband having died a few years earlier. She united with the Baptist Church at Richfield, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1841. No issue. 2859. Maria, b. Nov. 4, 1809 (2899-2905). 2860. Benjamin Dow, b. Oct. 31, 1810; d. May 30, 1867 (2906- • 2911). . 2861. Martha, b. Mar. 9, 1813; d. Dec. 27, 1839; m., June i, 1835, Jonathan Wheeler. He was a farmer at Howard, N. Y. She was killed by being struck on the head by a door. After her death he married her younger sister, Emeline Marilla Brown, 2862. 2862. Emeline Marilla, b. Apr. 6, 1816; d.. Lake Geneva, Wis., Feb. II, 1904 (2912-2918). Deborah Brown (2853), '^^''^^- of -'^sa Brown (128) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Apr. 9, 1797; d. Oct. 20, 1851; m., Feb. 23, 1823, Pliny Brewer, of Bridgewater, N. Y., b. Sept. 30, 1793; d. Sept., 1875; son of Israel Brewer and Jane Markham, with whom she became acquainted when on a visit to her uncle, Oliver Brown, of Bridgewater. They began keeping house in Bridgewater. He was a carpenter, and she, in addition to looking after her family, kept a millinery-shop in Bridgewater. She was an industrious, capable, and fine-looking woman. After a few years they moved to Unadilla Forks, N. Y., where he went into the mercantile business with his wife's brother, Benjamin D., keeping the leading store in that place for many years. A few years after her death, m 1851, he married again. 324 Living- Room, "Rest Knoll" Maria Brown Robinson (2859), renewing memories of her girlhood days at the spinning-wheel. Taken 1900 Mrs. Louisa A. Brown Lewis (26 1), Husband, and Children THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 2863. Lucy Ann Brewer, b. Feb. 24, 1826; d. July 13, 1904 (2919, 2920). 2864. William Henry Brewer, b. Apr. 19, 1828; d. Apr. 28, 1829. 2865. Mary Jane Brewer, b. Sept. 29, 1831; d. Sept. 26, 1896 (2921). 2866. Sarah Maria Brewer, b. Oct. 27, 1833; m., W. Greenwich, Penn., Apr. 14, 1865, Norman F. Smith, d. Mar. 3, 1903. He lived at Utica, N. Y., and was an engineer on N. Y. C. R. R. He was injured in 1867, and received a large sum from the R. R. Co., which was dissipated by unwise invest- ments. He was a soldier in the Civil War. She was a teacher and governess, part of the time with her sister Lucy in Wisconsin. Mercy Brown (2854), sister of the preceding, b. Nov. 19, 1798; d. Jan. 31, 1887; ^-y Dec. I, 1822, Israel McCollum, b., Richfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., May 21, 1794; d., Danville, Steuben Co., N. Y., Feb. 2, 1880; son of Daniel McCollum, b., Cherry Valley, N. Y., and Anna Noyes. She united with the First Baptist Church in girlhood, when Elder Daniel Put- nam was pastor. After their marriage they went to Allegany Co., N. Y., and purchased a farm near Burns, N. Y. She kept her faculties to the end of her life, reading and discussing the latest books, and dying in her eighty- ninth year. Children: 2867. Nathaniel Otis McCollum, b. Oct. 4, 1823; d. Feb. 3, 1886 (2922-2924). 2868. William Henry McCollum, b., Richfield, Aug. 27, 1827; d., Burns, July 23, 1902 (2925, 2926). 2869. Lucy Maria McCollum, b. Jan. 20, 1830; d. Apr. 2, 1830. 2870. Daniel McCollum, b. Dec. 24, 1831 (2927, 2928). 2871. Laura Ann McCollum, b. Oct. 22, 1835; d. Nov*:. 26, 1888; m., 187 1, Stewart Harris. He was a farmer in Burns. No issue. 2872. Charles Edward McCollum, b. Nov. 15, 1841 ; d. July 25, 1870. 2873. Percy Pherona McCollum, b. Apr. 11, 1846. She cared for her parents during their declining years, and after their death removed with her niece Libbie L. McCollum to Arkport, then to Buffalo, and later to Hornellsville, N. Y. She is now connected with the Steuben Sanitarium at Hornellsville. Sarah Brown (2855), sister of the preceding, b. Jan. 3, 1801; d. May i, 325 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1883; m., Feb. 10, 1819, Benjamin Brewer, b. Jan. 31, 1798; d. Nov. 17, 1877; son of Israel Brewer and Jane Markham, of Bridgewater, N. Y. He was a blacksmith at Utica, N. Y. After a few years they went to Illinois and settled on a farm near Tiskilwa, Bureau Co. They were Universalists. Children: 2874. David Brewer, b. Aug. 12, 1822 (2929). 2875. -^^3, Brewer, b. June 6, 1824; d., Henry, 111., July 21, 1836. 2876. Jane Brewer, b. Apr. 6, 1826 (2930, 2931). 2877. Israel Brewer, b. Feb. 9, 1828; d. Sept. 17, 1834. 2878. Elizabeth Brewer, b. Apr. 25, 1830; d. July, 1836. 2879. Isaac Brewer, b. Feb. 25, 1832. He went to the far West and was killed by the Indians Aug. 30, 1866. 2880. Rachel Brewer, b. Oct. 8, 1834; m. Daniel McCollum (2870), d. Nov. 7, 1887 (2927, 2928). 2881. Lucy Brewer, b. Oct. 3, 1839; m. Charles Henry Brown, 2907 (2932-2940). Asa Brown (2856), brother of the preceding, b. Feb. 14, 1803; d. Sept. 12, 1881; m.. Mar. 5, 1829, at Warren, N. Y., Louisa Wilbur, b., Warren, Aug. 4, 1808; d., Spencerport, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1876. She was the dau. of Gideon Wilbur, of Warren, a farmer, and Amelia Ismond. At the time of his marriage Asa Brown built a house near his father, where he lived for thirty years, except one year when he lived in Plainfield, where his dau. Helen was born. In 1852 or 1853 he sold, and removed to near Rochester, N. Y. Here he met financial losses, and his three eldest daughters went to teaching school. He removed in 1859 to Ogden, Monroe Co., N. Y., where he had a beautifully situated home, from which the four oldest daughters were married. After the war broke out, and the sons Woodruff and Sidney enlisted, the parents went to live with their dau. Edna at Woodhull, III.; later they lived with their son Henry at Battle Creek, Mich., but on his mar- riage, in 1867, they removed to New York, and went to live in a new house built for them by Edward P. Smith, their son-in-law. Here Mrs. Brown died, in 1876. Mr. Brown had become quite feeble, and spent the rest of his life visiting his children. Both were Baptists and closely identified with the churches of the communities in which they lived. Children: 2882. Henry Wilbur, b. June 28, 1832; d., Ames, la., Nov. 19, 1873 (2941-2943). 2883. Mary Jane, b. Oct. 18, 1834; m., Sept. 6, i860, Theodore Thomas White, b., Newark, N. J., Jan. 5, 1833; son of 326 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Solomon Cooley White and Henrietta Dill Tichenor, dau. of Isaac Tichenor of Canandaigua, N. Y. His father was a contractor in Canandaigua until 1854, when he removed to Augusta, Ga. He enlisted in the Confederate service early in the war, but retired on account of illness; was three years in Surgeon- General's office in Richmond; was taken to Augusta very ill early in 1865, where he was cut ofif by Sherman and remained until the close of the war, when he removed to New Orleans, La., and went into the wholesale grocery and commission business, in which he continued until his death, Mar. 31, 1886. His wife removed to Roches- ter in Oct., 1890, having spent the intervening years in travel. She is an Episcopalian, the only one in the family. Her address is 255 Culver Road, Rochester, N. Y. 2884. Edna Elizabeth, b. June 8, 1836; d., Woodhull, Dec. 10, 1867 (2944, 2945). 2885. Helen Louise, b. Jan. 8, 1838 (2946-2948). 2886. Sidney Eugenio, b. Dec. 22, 1839. At sixteen he commenced to teach school, and taught five winters. He enlisted for three years at the beginning of the war in the 126th N. Y. Vols.; was mustered in as 5th Sergeant. At the battle of Harper's Ferry he rallied his company after the fight, and reported to the Colonel, all the officers being absent or wounded. At Gettysburg he was severely wounded in a charge, and was mustered out as 2d Lieut. Oct., 1864. He settled in Battle Creek, where he united with the Baptist Church. He lived in Battle Creek ten years; removed to Kansas, where he lived twenty years, and then went back to New York. He married Aria P. Rowe. He is a Prohibi- tion Republican. In Kansas he took an active part in polit- ical, temperance, and church work, frequently in official capacity. Res., Sanford, Fla. 2887. Malinda (twin), b. July 6, 1842; d., Chicago, 111., June 6, 1893 (2949, 2950). 2888. Salinda (twin), b. July 6, 1842; d. Oct. 2, 1842. 2889. Woodruff Hyde, b. Oct. 28, 1845. He enlisted in the 126th N. Y. Vols, at the age of seventeen; served well, and was made a corporal when eighteen; was killed, May 5, 1864, at the batde of the Wilderness. Although a comrade saw him fall, his body was never recovered. 327 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2890. Emma Frances, b. Aug. 8, 1850; m. Charles A. Widener, a lawyer of Rochester, where they lived until 1901, when he removed to Philadelphia, Penn., where he is counsel for several large companies. They ha\'e always been prominent in church work and were members of the Park Ave. Baptist Church in Rochester. Wheeler Brown (2857), brother of the preceding, b. Apr. 9, 1805; d. Oct. 18, 1862; m., at her father's residence, Lucy Ann Merchant, dau. of Joel Merchant, b. Aug. 17, 1806; d., Mexico, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1880. He settled soon after marriage in New Haven, Oswego Co., N. Y., where he w'as a farmer. Later he moved to Mexico, where he opened a wagon-shop. This was burned, and he then did carpenter work. His descendants are still living in the house which he built there. His wife had pronounced social and literary ability, writing poems and articles for publication. Both were active workers in the Methodist Church. She was found dead in her bed in the morning, having been in her usual health the day before. Children : 2891. Helena, b. Oct. 16, 1827 (2951-2953). 2892. Menzo, b. Mar. 14, 1830 (2954, 2955). 2893. Maurice Wheeler, b. Feb. 24, 1832; d. June 29, 1889 (2956- 2958). 2894. Charles Wesley, b. Feb. 9, 1834 (2959, 2960). 2895. Mary Frances, b. Apr. 29, 1836; d. 1885 (2961, 2962). 2896. Dwight, b. Dec. 8, 1838 (2963, 2964). 2897. Sarah Adelle, b. Feb. 28, 1841; d. Jan. 12, 1868. She was a teacher. She died while at home on a short vacation shortly before she was to have finished a course at the Oswego Normal and Training School. She had fine literary ability. 2898. Jerome, b. Aug. 12, 1844; m. Elizabeth Alerwin. He was a barber. Had consumption, went to Florida for his health, and died there, Feb. 6, 1876. Maria Brown (2859), sister of the preceding, b. Nov. 4, 1809. She was born with a temperament to enter into and enjoy the spirit of the times. It has been given to her to enjoy the changes of more than ninety-seven years, and to retain to the present time her health, her faculties, and her interest and enjoyment in current events. She was early trained in habits of industry, playing within call so that she might turn the quilling-wheel to spool the cotton and the linen for her sisters' weaving. Later she spun the tow and the woolen yarn, and in early years proudly took her place at the loom in 33? THE BROWN GENEALOGY the weaving-room of the old farmhouse. She attended district school, took private lessons at Richfield Springs, N. Y., in painting and botany, and for some time attended the Bridgewater Academy. She then taught school several terms, at the same time keeping a millinery-shop. Mar. 22, 1848, she m. Joseph Robinson, b., Kimbolton Lodge, Eng., Feb. 10, 1811; son of David Robinson and Elizabeth Garrett. He came to this country in 1832. He was a vigorous and active man, of temperate habits and great sociabil- ity, very religious and generous. With farming he combined cattle-dealing, frequendy taking droves to Albany, N. Y. He had lived by himself, keep- ing bachelor's hall for a year or more before his marriage. Some time after his marriage he sold his farm and he and his wife went to live with her parents, so as to care for them in their declining years. He purchased their farm and added to it. In 1872 they left the farm to their sons and removed to "Rest Knoll' at Richfield to spend the evening of their days. Here he died. Mar. 22, 1897. He was a Republican and a member of the Baptist Church. On her father's death their daughter gave up her position in St. Paul, Minn., where she was teaching, and came back to care for her mother, so that she might spend the remainder of her days in her own home. On the night of Feb. 22, 1900, the house was destroyed by fire, and many of her choicest possessions were lost. In her ninety-first year she removed with her daughter to Bridgewater, N. Y., where she now resides, doing her full share in the moving and settling. In her ninetieth year she made a two months' trip to Minneapolis and Chicago, enjoying every bit of it. In 1903 she attended every session of the Otsego Baptist Association at Unadilla Forks, N. Y., and took part in one of the meetings. On her ninety-fourth birthday she received one hundred letters from relatives and friends, which she enjoyed to the utmost. She united with the Richfield Baptist Church, Apr. 5, 1829, having been a member more than seventy-seven years. Children: 2899. David Garrett Robinson, b. June 19, 1839; d. Oct. 9, 1839. 2900. George William Robinson, b. June 29, 1841 ; m., Jan. 20, 1869, Sarah Elizabeth Phillips, b., Exeter, Otsego Co., N. Y., Dec. II, 1845; dau. of Seth Phillips. He suffered for many years from an injury to his leg which made him permanently lame. He attended W. Winfield Academy, and taught school for several years; was later a clerk in New York. Since 1866 he has conducted the leading shoe business in Ilion, N. Y. He is a Republican, is interested in temiperance, and has been a member of the Baptist Church from early manhood. No issue. 329 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2901. Charles Nelson Robinson, b. Nov. 18, 1842; d. Mar. 16, 1844. 2902. John Garrett Robinson, b. Nov. 26, 1846 (2965-2973). 2903. Albert Dow Robinson, b. Sept. 13, 1848 (2974-2979). 2904. Wallace Blackman Robinson, b. Dec. 15, 1850; d. Feb. 27,1851. 2905. Lucy Maria Robinson, b. June 7, 1853. At fourteen years of age she went with her father to England on a visit to his people. She was educated at Miss Churchill's private school, W. Winfield Academy, and the Oswego Normal School, from which she graduated in 1880. She taught a year in the New York Institute for the Blind, and then went to Charlotte, N. C, as an expositor of Oswego methods, at the time of the organization of graded schools in that city; was there for three years, working very hard. In 1885 went to Minneapolis, Minn., as a teacher and secured rapid pro- motion. In 1890 went to St. Paul as Primary Principal of the Hendricks School, where she remained for seven years, until called home by the death of her father. While in Minneapolis she made a vacation-trip to Europe, which she greatly enjoyed. One of her little books for children, "Sky- ward and Back," has proved very popular and very profit- able for the publishers. She has been a very successful teacher. She is of a sprightly and vivacious disposition, but with a deep underlying earnestness and seriousness. For years she has been greatly interested in family history, and practically all of the material relating to the history of the descendants of Asa Brown (128) has been collected by her. Benjamin Dow Brown (2860), brother of the preceding, b. Oct. 31, 1810; d. May 30, 1867; ^-y l'^^- i> ^^35> by Rev. D. Putnam, Dolly Barstow, dau. of Charles Barstow and Dolly Spaulding, of Richfield, N. Y. Both had united with the Baptist Church in Richfield before their marriage. They settled on a farm in Mayflower, adjoining one owned by his father and one owned by his elder brother Asa. In 1852 they removed to Unadilla Forks, N. Y., where he engaged in mercantile business with his brother-in-law, Pliny Brewer, and later by himself. He was a public-spirited citizen, inter- ested in anything which tended to the material or moral welfare of the com- munity. He was for many years postmaster at Unadilla Forks. His widow survived him, dying Dec. 5, 1900, tenderly cared for by her daughter Sarah. Children : 2906. Horace Vinton, b. Sept. 21, 1836; d. Aug. 23, 1838. 330 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2907. Charles Henry, b. Jan. i, 1838; d., Grant, la., Feb. 10, 1897; m. Lucy Brewer, 2881 (2932-2940). 2908. George Tracy, b. Sept. 12, 1839 (2980, 2981). 2909. Truman Oliver, b. Jan. 22, 1843; d., Unadilla Forks, Mar. 18, 1858. 2910. Abby Ann, b. June 18, 1845; d. May 25, 1873 (2982, 2983). 291 1. Sarah Angeline, b. June 24, 1849. After finishing the village school, she attended Whitestown Seminary, of Whitestown, N. Y., where she afterwards taught for several years. She also taught in the High School at Ovid, N. Y. She is quite an authority on botany, and is a working member of the National Fern Club. She gave up teaching to care for her aged mother, whose declining life she cheered with a rare de- votion. She also cared for her aged aunt, Abbie Barstow, who lived with them, and who died when within a few months of one hundred years of age. Emeline Marilla Brown (2862), sister of the preceding, b. Apr. 8, 1816; d., Lake Geneva, Wis., Feb. 11, 1904; m., Richfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., Feb. 3, 1841, Jonathan Wheeler, d.. Lake Geneva, Sept. 5, 1893. He was a farmer, first near Howard, N. Y.,and later at Lake Geneva, where he had a large farm, part of which is now within the city limits. She was educated in the public schools and in a Young Ladies' Seminary. She was converted at the age of sixteen and united with the Baptist Church at Richfield, and con- tinued in the fellowship of that denomination almost seventy-two years. She died at Lake Geneva, at the age of eighty-seven years, ten months, and five days. Children: 2912. Martha Wheeler, b. May 9, 1842. She spent her life as home- keeper in the family of her father and mother until they were gone. In early life she united with the Baptist Church at Lake Geneva; is a prominent worker in the missionary society. 2913. Adelia Rebecca Wheeler, b. July 26, 1845; m.. Mar. 17, 1891, Charles H. Read. He died within two years. She is a mil- liner, with a shop of her own in Rockford, 111. Connected in early life with the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which she still retains her membership. 2914. Susan Wheeler, b. Nov. 22, 1847; d. June 14, 1853. 2915. Harriet Swick Wheeler, b. Sept. 7, 1850; m., Dec. i, 1887, 331 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Walter S. McGraw, son of Edward McGraw, of Scotch- Irish descent. He is a contractor. She taught school for several years. She was converted and united with the Bap- tist Church when about twenty years of age. 2916. Sarah Manila Wheeler, b. Nov. 6, 1853. She was educated in the public schools; taught for several years; has been for many years a clerk and cashier in various business-houses in Chicago, 111. She has been a member of the Baptist Church from her early years. 2917. Charles Fremont Wheeler, b., Lake Geneva, July 2, 1856. He was for eight years in the grocery business in Iowa; for eighteen years was a commercial traveller; is now in the grocery business in Lake Geneva. In politics he is an Independent, voting mostly with the Republican party. 2918. Horace Jonathan Wheeler, b.. Lake Geneva, Dec. 20, i860 (2984-2987). Lucy Ann Brewer (2S63), dau. of Pliny Brewer and Deborah (Brown) Brewer (2853), dau. of Asa Brown (128) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Feb. 24, 1826; d., Osage, la., July 13, 1904; m., Bridgewater, N. Y., Apr. 23, 18— ,William W'allaceBlackman, b., Bridgewater, Jan. 7, 1823 ; d., Osage, Nov. 2, 1901; son of Lorain Blackman, a farmer living near Bridgewater. He Avas educated in the common schools, and afterwards taught very suc- cessfully an ungraded school of over one hundred pupils. He studied medicine with Dr. E. King, of Unadilla Forks, N. Y., and graduated from the Medical Department of the University of New York in 1848. He located, immediately after his marriage, at Cooksville, Rock Co., Wis., but shortly afterwards removed to the larger town of Stoughton. Wis., where he soon obtained a practice which taxed his robust constitution to the utmost. He became a man of great influence in his community, and was elected to the State Legislature of Wisconsin in 1859, i860, and 1864. In 1867, de- siring larger opportunities, he removed to W. Mitchell, la., then the county- seat and a very flourishing town, and at once took a leading part in the de- velopment of the town. He opened a drug-store, expecting to retire from the practice of medicine; but the demand for his services was so great that he was soon in active practice, and did not cease until well along in years. He took an active interest in politics, and in 1872-1873 served in the lower house of the Iowa Legislature. In 1878 he was chosen to fill the vacancy in the State Senate caused by the death of Judge Arad Hitchcock. He was a member of the American Medical Association, being a delegate to the 332 THE BROWN GENEALOGY National Association in 1873. I" ^^9^ he removed to Osage, and purchased a fine residence, where he resided until his death. Here, with a large gath- ering of their friends, he and his wife celebrated their golden wedding, al- though at that time he was in failing health. He was a man of great energy and force of character, always faithful to all interests committed to his care. He was of rugged frame, and although at times brusk and abrupt, he had a kind heart and was always good to the poor, visiting them frequently without charge. After her husband's death Mrs. Blackman lived with her daughter, surviving her husband about two years and a half. Children: 2919. Eva Louise Blackman, b., Cooksville, Aug. 3, 1852 (2988, 2989). 2920. William Atwood Blackman, b. Feb. 13, i860; d. June 10, i860. Mary Jane Brewer (2865), sister of the preceding, b. Sept. 29, 1831; d. Sept. 26, 1896; m., June 26, 1855, Unadilla Forks, N. Y., Hiram Rantsford Coats, son of Rantsford and Betsey (Brown) Coats, who came from No. Stonington, Conn. He was a wagon-maker and a first-class mechanic; was of a roving disposition, and is said to have seen the country from ocean to ocean, and from Canada to the equator. They lived at different times in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Kansas, but finally settled down on a small fruit farm near Hamilton, N. Y. Both were members of the Congre- gational Church at Mound City, Kan. She was a woman of varied accom- plishments, giving lessons in music and painting in the various places into which her husband's wanderings took her, having had a class of thirty pupils in Rochester, N. Y. He died Mar. 9, 1896. Son: 2921. Ellsworth Rantsford Coats, b., Lindenville, Ashtabula Co., O., June 7, 1861 (2990). Nathaniel Otis McCollum (2867), son of Israel and Mercy (Brown) McCoIlum (2854), dau. of Asa Brown (128) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Oct. 4, 1823; d. Feb. 3, 1886; m., Sept. 29, 1852, Laura Ann Frink, b., Fredonia, N. Y., 1826; d., Buffalo, N. Y., 1876. He was a wholesale paper-dealer in Buffalo. He became financially in- volved through the fault of others, but bore his misfortunes bravely, and later was in the livery business. He was a man greatly liked; was a Repub- lican in politics, and a Mason; was a man of great public spirit and one of the leading promoters of the Buffalo Driving Park. His wife was a devoted Episcopalian, and one of the efficient managers of the Church Home. 333 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 2922. Lauren Woodruff McCoIlum, b., Buffalo, July, 1853 (2991). 2923. Libbie Ladell McCollum, b., Buffalo, 1855. She was educated in Miss Sheldon's private school in Buffalo, and at Wells College; is now matron of the Steuben Sanitarium of Hor- nellsville, N. Y. 2924. Adelbert McCollum, b. i860; d., Buffalo, 1882. William Henry McCollum (2868), brother of the preceding, b., Rich- field, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1827; d., Burns, N. Y., July 23, 1902; m., Apr. 8, 185 1, Catherine Havens. They lived for a time at Danville, N. Y., and later moved to a farm near Burns. His wife was an invalid for many years, unable even to walk about the house. Children : 2925. Mary Matilda McCollum, b. June, 1852; d. in infancy, 2926. Martha Cornelia McCollum, b. 1853; m. Daniel Griswold, of Danville, a farmer in comfortable circumstances. No issue. Daniel McCollum (2870), brother of the preceding, b. Dec. 24, 1831; m., Peoria, III, 1867, Rachel Brewer (2880). He was a farmer. Children: 2927. Ida May McCollum, b.. Bureau Co., 111., Aug. 11, 1868; d. June 2, 1898 (2992-2996). 2928. Hattie Cornelia McCollum, b., Bureau Co., July 6, 1870; d. July 26, 1892 (2997). David Brewer (2874), son of Benjamin and Sarah (Brown) Brewer (2855), dau. of Asa Brown (128) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Aug. 12, 1822; m., June 22, 1850, Acenith Rosina Bates. Dau.: 2929. Isabelle Brewer, b., Milo, Bureau Co., 111., Feb. 4, 1853; m. Mr. Wood, who lived at La Cygnc, Wood Co., Kan. She died childless. Jane Brewer (2876), sister of the preceding, b. Apr. 6, 1826; m., July 3, 1851, Allen Owen, son of Thaddeus Owen, a merchant of Cincinnati, O., and Abigail (Nichols) Owen. They lived at Lawrenceburg, Ind., and Tishkilwa, 111. He died Dec. 22, 1878, in Shelby Co., la., and is buried at Pleasant Ridge, la. His widow lives with her son in Des Moines, la. Children : 2930. Robert Owen, b., Boyd's Grove, Bureau Co., Ill, June 11, 1852 (2998-3008). 334 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2931. Sarah Abigail Owen, b., Boyd's Grove, Feb. 19, 1854 (3009- 3014)- Lucy Brewer (2881), sister of the preceding, b. Oct. 3, 1839; m., Milo, Bureau Co., III., in 1858, Charles Henry Brown (2907), son of Benjamin Dow Brown; he d., Grant, la., Feb. 10, 1897. He attended Whitestown Seminary. Settled in Milo, from which place he removed to Grant, Union Co., la., in 1872. He was a prominent man, taking an enthusiastic interest in educational and temperance movements and in public improvements. He was of a deeply religious nature, a fine biblical scholar, and a Baptist. In politics he was a Republican. Children : 2932. Benjamin Charles, b., Milo, Apr. 21, 1859 (3015-3022). 2933. Truman Willis, b., Milo, Sept. 17, i860; d., Jacksonville, 111., Oct. 29, 1871. 2934. George Wesley, b., Macon, 111., Oct. 7, 1863 (3023-3029). 2935. Otis Almeron, b., Milo, Sept. 4, 1865 (3030, 3031). 2936. Clara, b. June 20, 1868; d., Milo, Mar. 12, 1870. 2937. Walter H., b., Milo, Mar. 14, 1871 (3032, 3033). 2938. Myron Willard, b., Milo, Nov. 27, 1873. He is a graduate of Capital City Commercial College, of Des Moines, la. ; is m. 2939. Mary Gertrude, b., Grant, Apr. 25, 1878; d., Eureka Springs, Ark., Aug. 9, 1895. 2940. Carra Mabel, b., Grant, Oct. 6, 1880; d., Grant, Mar. 13, 1884. Henry Wilbur Brown (2882), son of Asa Brown (2586) [Asa (128), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. June 28, 1832; d., Ames, la., Nov. 19, 1873; tn., Dec. 25, 1867, in Muscatine, la., Ella R. Lewis, dau. of Griffith Lewis and Anna Wood Lewis, of Muscatine. He went West in 1859 or i860, and taught school in several places. In 1862 he met his future wife, also a teacher, at a Teachers' Institute in Tipton, la. They soon en- tered on a long engagement. He built a fine house in Battle Creek and brought his parents to live with him. After the war was over he married, and lived in Battle Creek until 1869, when he went to live on a farm near Ames. Here his eldest dau. died, of scarlet fever, and his second dau. was born. In the fall of 1873 he died, of typhoid pneumonia. As his family was left in poor circumstances, his daughter was adopted by his favorite sister, Mrs. White, for whom she had been named, who has always been a mother to her. His widow removed to her father's in Muscatine, where her third child was bom. 335 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 2941. Anna Louise, b. Jan. 28, 1869; d. June 12, 1873, 2942. Mary Frances, b. Feb. 16, 1871 (3034-3036). 2943. Henrietta Wilbur, b. Mar. i, 1874 (3037). Edna Elizabeth Brown (2884), sister of the preceding, b. June 8, 1836; d., Woodhull, 111., Dec. 10, 1867; m., Apr. 10, i860, Samuel Pritchard, of Woodhull, a farmer. They have two sons, both farmers; both married and living near Woodhull. Children : 2944. Lafayette Pritchard, 2945. Forrest Pritchard. Helen Louise Brown (2885), sister of the preceding, b. Jan. 8, 1838; m., July II, 1861, Rev. Winfield Scott, a Baptist minister. While pastor of a church in Syracuse he raised a company of volunteers at the first call for troops, and was made its captain, Aug. 9, 1862; was five times wounded, and was recommended for a colonelcy, but was mustered out before the promotion came. He was pastor of prominent churches in Leavenworth, San Francisco, and Los Angeles; was made Chaplain of the U. S. Army July 27, 1882, and was mustered out on account of wounds in 1898. His wife was an able coadjutor in his church work, to which she was devoted. She has considerable talent as an artist, and has written several admirable poems. They now reside in Tucson, Ariz. Children : 2946. Minnie Scott, wife of Capt. Frank H. Albright, U. S. A. 2947. Le Mire Scott, wife of Edward D. Flint, of Oakland, Cal. 2948. Florence Margaret Scott. She is a teacher. Malinda Brown (2887), commonly called Minnie, sister of the preceding, b. July 6, 1842; d., Chicago, 111., June 6, 1893; ^-j Feb. 24, 1863, Edward P. Smith, of Spencerport, N. Y. In 1878 they removed from Spencerport to Rochester, N. Y., and a few years later to Cleveland, O., where he died, in Jan., 1888. She soon after removed with her sons to Chicago, where they were employed in the Murphy Varnish Works. She was accidentally killed by being caught in a folding bed. She was a Presbyterian. Children : 2949. Theodore White Smith, b. June 18, 1869; m. Louise Bolton, of Chicago. Res., 5406 South Park Ave., Chicago, 111. 2950. Sidney Wilbur Smith, b. July, 1870; m. Katherine Ferris, of Chicago. Res., San Francisco, Cal. Helena Brown (2891), dau. of Wheeler Brown (2857) [Asa (128), Asa 336 THE BROWN GENEALOGY (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Oct. 16, 1827; m. Orson Gile, a careful and successful farmer near Mexico, N. Y. Children : 2951. Charles Adelbert Gile, b. Nov. 22, 1850. He is a farmer in Mexico, N. Y. 2952. Frances Louise Gile, b. Oct. 15, 1853. She lives at home with her parents. 2953. Edward Gile, b. Oct., 1857; is m. Menzo Brown (2892), brother of the preceding, b. Mar. 14, 1830; m., Oct. 10, 1853, Parthena Caroline Gates, of Richfield, N. Y. When a boy he went to live with his grandparents and other relatives at Richfield. After his marriage he went to Grand Ledge, Mich., where he cleared a farm of eighty acres. He had a strong physical and mental personality, and as a young man was the life of all social gatherings. Soon after he went to Mich- igan he became an enthusiastic Methodist, and soon a preacher and ex- horter, which calling he followed for many years. He now resides near Mulliken, Mich., near his children. Children: 2954. Ella Medora, b. Nov. 23, 1856 (3038). 2955. Marell, m., Dec. 24, 1892, Minnie A. . His wife died in 1902. He is a farmer and stock-dealer in Mulliken. Maurice Wheeler Brown (2893), brother of the preceding, b. Feb. 24, 1832; d. June 29, 1889; m., Jan. 23, 1855, at Mexico, N. Y., Celinda Under- wood. He was a carpenter and contractor; built many fine residences in Mexico and in Utica, N. Y., in later years; built the Oswego County Asy- lum. For two or three years after his marriage he had charge of the Insane Asylum near Mexico. He and his wife were active members of the Episcopal Church. Children: 2956. Nettie L., b. June 22, 1856; m. John S. Keeler. Res., Alex- andria Bay, N. Y. 2957. Adelaide, b. Feb. 2, 1859; m. Walter Islieb. Res., Providence, R: L 2958. A son, d. in infancy. Charles Wesley Brown (2894), brother of the preceding, b. Feb. 9, 1834; m., Sept. 22, 1853, Eliza Baker. Children: 2959. Carrie Louise, b. Aug. 23, 1854. 2960. Fleda, b. Nov., 1859. 337 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Mary Frances Brown (2895), always known as Frances, sister of the preceding, b. Apr. 29, 1836; d. 1885; m., Jan. i, 1861, George W. Irish. They lived in Mexico, N. Y. He studied medicine, but never practised; was for many years Sheriff of Oswego Co. Children : 2961. Anna M. Irish, b. Apr. 4, 1866; m. Tabor, d. 1900. They lived in Utica, N. Y., and in New York City, where she now resides. 2962. Belle Irish, b. Oct. 27, 1869; m., 1900, Frederick Pike, of the firm of Pike & Maddoc, of Utica, N. Y., wholesale and re- tail dealers in crockery and glassware. She graduated as a trained nurse from St. Luke's Hospital in Utica, in 1895, and took high rank in her profession. Dwight Brown (2896), brother of the preceding, b. Dec. 8, 1838; m. Elizabeth Daniels. He is a farmer near Mexico, N. Y. Children: 2963. George, m. 2964. Ella, m. Grant Rogers. John Garrett Robinson (2902), son of Joseph and Maria (Brown) Robin- son (2859), dau. of Asa Brown (128) [Asa (123), John (8), Thomas], b. Nov. 26, 1846; m., Sept. 22, 1871, at her father's home in Richfield Springs, N. Y., Alice A. Schooley, b. Feb. 21, 1849; d. June 7, 1902. She was educated at Clinton Liberal Institute. He was early trained by his father in business methods; went with him to Albany, N. Y., with a drove of cattle when eight years old, and was buying and selling with his father when he was fourteen. He was educated at W. Winfield Academy and Whites- town Seminary. Bought his father's homestead in 1868. When the Schooley homestead was sold, in 1884, be bought it, and has since resided there. He has three farms, containing about six hundred acres in all, and combines farming and cattle raising and buying. He united with the Baptist Church in early life, and has always been a working member. He is a staunch Re- publican, but with no time or taste for public office. Outside his business he is devoted to his family and his home life. Children: 2965. Anna Belle Robinson, b. June 22, 1872 (3039). 2966. Carol}!! Antoinette Robinson, b. Jan. 2, 1874 (3040, 3041). 2967. Josephine IVIaria Robinson, b. Jan. 22, 1876. She graduated from the High School in 1894, and presides over her father's home. 338 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 2968. Mabelle Martha Robinson, b. Feb. 21, 1879. 2969. George Garrett Robinson, b. Mar. 31, 188 1. He is a graduate of the High School; member of Law class '05, Cornell Uni- versity. 2970. Irving Dow Robinson, b. Mar. 11, 1884. 2971. William Silverthorne Robinson, b. Apr. 8, 1888. 2972. Alice Ara Robinson, b. Apr. 2, 1891. 2973. Elizabeth Anita Robinson, b. May 28, 1892; d. Oct. 20, 1892. Albert Dow Robinson (2903), m., Nov. 21, 1877, by Rev. F. Seely, at her parents' home in Exeter, Otsego Co., N. Y., Elizabeth Ann Monk, b. June 19, 1855; dau. of Daniel A. Monk and Catherine M. Krum. He was edu- cated at W. Winfield Academy. He began farming on the old homestead with his brother John, to whom he sold out. He then purchased one of the two stores in the village of Richfield, N. Y., and continued in business for several years. Later he sold out the store and went back to farming, which he still continues, living in the village of Richfield, with farms on either side of it. He is a hard worker and devoted to his family. He is a staunch Repub- lican. With his family he attends the Episcopal Church, of which they are members. Children: 2974. Christabel Robinson, b. Nov. 18, 1878. She was educated at Richfield High School and Oneonta Normal School, from which she graduated in 1900; taught at E. Rockaway, L. I., and then went to Bay Shore, L. I., where [Sept., 1904] she is teaching, as principal's assistant. 2975. Myrtle Kathryn Robinson, b. Aug. 8, 1880 (3042). 2976. Genevieve Robinson, b. June 11, 1883; d. Oct. 9, 1884. 2977. Vera May Robinson, b. Jan. 10, 1887. 2978. Claude Arthur Robinson (twin), b. Dec. i, 1892. 2979. Earle Albert Robinson (twin), b. Dec. i, 1892; d. Aug. 1, 1893. George Tracey Brown (2908) [Benjamin Dow (2860), Asa (128), Asa (123), Ichabod (s^), John (8), Thomas], b. Sept. 12, 1839; m., Brookfield, N. Y., June 10, 1874, Mary W^ait Clarke. Having contracted asthma, he left his father's house in Unadilla Forks, N. Y., Mar. 31, 1862, for Cali- fornia, overland. He left Council Bluffs, la., Apr. 28, in a company of twenty-one men, with four wagons, twelve mules, and sixty horses belong- ing to Washburn & Crin, of San Francisco, Cal., to which town they were being taken for sale. He arrived in San Francisco July 9, 1862. From this time he followed the life of a pioneer, miner, and stock-raiser. He owned at 339 THE BROWN GENEALOGY one time 4,500 acres of land and a large flock of sheep, but the dry years of 1875 and 1876 were disastrous. He removed to Stockton, Cal., and be- came foreman of More & Smith's lumber-yard. In 1885 he removed to Los Angeles, Cal., where he became a large raiser and shipper of fruit. With others he organized the Arizona Irrigation Company, of which he is president, and of which he has been a director for many years. His wife is a Seventh-Day Baptist. His home is at Irwin, near Los Angeles, Cal. ChUdren: 2980. Phoebe Leora, b. Mar. 7, 1875. 2981. Carlton Barstow, b. Nov. 27, 1876 (3043). Abby Ann Brown (2910), sister of the preceding, b. June 18, 1845; d. May 25, 1873; m., Jan. 2, 1868, at Unadilla Forks, N. Y., WiUard C. Wilcox, of W. Winfield, N. Y. After her death, in 1873, her son resided with his Aunt Sarah and his grandmother, at Unadilla Forks. Children: 2982. Charles Newton W^ilcox, b., Unadilla Forks,. Nov. 28, 1868 (3044, 3045)- 2983. Carrie Wilcox, b., W. Winfield, Aug. 25, 1870; d., Unadilla Forks, May 17, 1872. Horace Jonathan Wheeler (2918), son of Jonathan and Emeline Marilla (Brown) Wheeler (2862), dau. of Asa Brown (128) [Asa (123), John (8), Thomas], b.. Lake Geneva, Wis., Dec. 20, i860; m., Sept. 15, 1887, Ger- trude Atlanta Kull, dau. of John KuU and Margaret Runkle. He com- pleted the high-school course and studied at the University of Chicago, from the Divinity School of which he graduated, Jan. i, 1894. He served as student pastor at Sidell, 111., where a new church building was com- pleted and dedicated. He became pastor of the Baptist Church at Atlanta, 111., and served for about four years. For one year he was missionary pastor at Polo, 111. ; was five years pastor at Morseville, 111. He is now pastor at Pawpaw, 111. His work in all these fields has been successful. Children : 2984. Harold Clinton Wheeler, b., Lake Geneva, June 30, 1888. 2985. Mildred EmeHne Wheeler, b., Morgan Park, 111., Mar. 5, 1891. 2986. Florence Gertrude Wheeler, b., Atlanta, May 7, 1895. 2987. Marcia Harriet Wheeler, b. Oct. 27, 1901. Eva Louise Blackman (2919), dau. of Dr. William Wallace Blackman and Lucy Ann (Brewer) Blackman (2863), dau. of Pliny Brewer and Deb- orah (Brown) Brewer (2853), dau. of Asa Brown (128) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Cooksville, Rock Co., Wis., Aug. 3, 1852; m., W. Mitchell, 340 THE BROWN GENEALOGY la., Oct. 12, 1880, Isaac R. Petersen, b., Bramble, Norway, Mar. 14, 1850. He is a merchant and real-estate dealer, a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the First Baptist Church. She was educated at Cedar Valley Seminary, Osage, and at Milton College, Milton, Wis. Re- moved to Osage, 1893, where they now reside. The following verses were addressed to her by her son-in-law, Frank Duane Moore, on the occasion of her fifty -second birthday: As I sit in dreamy silence Down beside the moonlit shore, Gazing out across the water, Pondering life's problem o'er, How those rolling waves impress me. Those huge billows of the gale ! They bring havoc to hfe's journey; They 're the means thro' which we fail. If the voyager cross the ocean. He must stem the swelUng tide, He must overcome the billows O'er which he would safely glide. He can never gain his port Floating solely at the will Of the rolling, surging waters. Or by waiting till they 're still. So it is in life's great voyage: All must cross the restless sea. Where barks were wrecked for ages, Where others yet will be; For the way is dark and treach'rous. Waves of sin each side abound, And it needs a sturdy pilot. Else the bark will run aground. Our boat must be well ballasted With Truth and rudder'd secure With Jesus Christ for pilot. If we 'd have our voyage sure. Then we '11 launch our craft in safety, Mount with zeal each swelling crest. Overcome all life's temptations. Glide into the "Haven of Rest." Children : 2988. Arlie Petersen, b., W. Mitchell, July 24, 1881 (3045a). 2989. Nettie Blackman Petersen, b., W. Mitchell, Aug. 17, 1884. She was a student at Osage High School; graduated at Nora Springs Business College, Nora Springs, la., in 1902; has been Deputy Clerk of the District Court for Mitchell Co., la., since 1903. Ellsworth Rantsford Coats (2921), son of Hiram Rantsford Coats and Mary Jane (Brewer) Coats (2865), dau. of Pliny and Deborah (Brown) Brewer (2953), dau. of Asa Brown (128) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Lindenville, Ashtabula Co., O., June 7, 1861 ; m., Sherman Heights, Tenn., June 3, 1891, Fannie Wick Armstrong. He completed a course at the Eastman Business College at Poughkeepsie and went to 341 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Tennessee, where he married and remained until called home by the failing health of his parents. In 1899 he went to Utica, N. Y., as the cashier of the Utica District of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. He still re- tains and carries on the fruit farm of his father. They are members of the Plymouth Congregational Church. He is a Republican in politics. Son: 2990. Clyde Archibald Coats, b., Hamilton Center, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1893. Lauren Woodruff McCollum (2922), son of Nathaniel Otis McCollum (2867) and.Laura Ann (Frink) McCollum, son of Israel and Mercy (Brown) McCollum (2854), dau. of Asa Brown (128) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Buffalo, N. Y., July, 1853; m., Des Moines, la., Nellie Leech, dau. of Elbert Leech, of Chicago. He was educated at Buffalo, in public schools, and in Heathcoat Private School. He is secretary and treasurer of Dicky Clay and Tile Works of Kansas City, Mo. Dau.: 2991. Kate Leech McCollum, b., Des Moines, Jan. 26, 1885; m., Sept. 29, 1904, William Merrill, of Kansas City. Ida May McCollum (2927), dau. of William Henry (2868) and Catherine (Havens) McCollum, son of Israel and Mercy (Brown) McCollum (2854), dau. of Asa Brown (128) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Bureau Co., Ill, Aug. 11, 1868; d. June 2, 1898; m., Nov. 24, 1886, George Forbes, of Princeton, 111. Children: 2992. Laura May Forbes, b. Mar. 25, 1888. 2993. Clara Belle Forbes, b. Feb. 24, 1891. 2994. Walter Willard Forbes, b. Aug. 19, 1893. 2995. Melvin Forbes (twin), b. May 28, 1898; d. Oct. 14, 1898. 2996. Merton Forbes (twin), b. May 28, 1898; d. Oct. 19, 1898. Hattie Cornelia McCollum (2928), sister of the preceding, b.. Bureau Co., 111., July 6, 1S70; d. July 26, 1892; m. James B. Forbes, at Buda, 111., May 2, 1886. Son : 2997. Charles Henry Forbes, b. Apr. i, 1887; d. Feb. 15, 1891. Robert Allen Owen (2930), son of Allen Owen and Jane (Brewer) Owen (2876), dau. of Benjamin and Sarah (Brown) Brewer (2855), dau. of Asa Brown (128) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Boyd's Grove, Bureau Co., 111., June 11, 1852; m., Sept. 30, 1874, Mary Jane 342 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Johnson, b. Oct. 6, 1857; dau. of G. J. Johnson, of Peoria, 111., a farmer, and Mary Jane (Scott) Johnson; d., Manilla, la. He is a photographer. Res., Des Moines, la. Children : 2998. John Allen Owen, b. Nov. i, 1875. 2999. Edward Francis Owen, b. Sept. 7, 1877; d. June 18, 1878. 3000. George Leonard Owen, b. Sept. 28, 1879. 3001. James Madison Owen, b. Nov. 11, 1881. 3002. Otto Nelson Owen, b. Nov. 22, 1883; d. June 29, 1900. 3003. Robert Ethan Owen, b. Feb. 20, 1887. 3004. Frank Thodnes Owen, b. Mar. 11, 1889. 3005. Marion Amandus Owen, b. Aug. 12, 1891. 3006. David Brewer Owen, b. Oct. 30, 1893; d. Jan. 11, 1896. 3007. Mary Jane Owen, b. July 5, 1896. 3008. William Lincoln Owen, b. Oct. 23, 1901. Sarah Abigail Owen (2931), sister of the preceding, b., Boyd's Grove, Bureau Co., 111., Feb. 19, 1854; m., Shelby Co., la., Mar. 9, 1878, John Henry Lawless. He is a photographer. Res., Des Moines, la. Children : 3009. Thomas James Lawless, b., Shelby Co., la., Jan. 30, 1879; d. Aug. 31, 1904. 3010. Sarah Ann Lawless, b., Harlan, la., Dec. 30, 1880; d., Loup Co., Neb., June 12, 1887. 301 1. William C. Lawless, b., Shelby Co., la., Oct. 2;^, 1882; m., Ute, la., Oct. 25, 1904, Mona Baker. 3012. Ernest O. Lawless, b., Loup Co., Neb., Aug. 7, 1886. 3013. Maria Lawless, b., Tacoma, Wash., Aug. 17, 1890; d., Manilla, la., Jan. 3, 1892. 3014. Clarence R. Lawless, b., Manilla, Mar. 13, 1894. Benjamin Charles Brown (2932), son of Charles Henry (2907^ and Lucy (Brewer) Brown (2881), son of Benjamin Dow Brown (2860) [Asa (128), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Milo, 111., Apr. 21, 1859; m., Creston, Union Co., la., June 19, 1881, Jane Shirley, dau. of John P. Shirley, a farmer of Monongahela Co., W. Va., and Susan Simpson. He is a farmer near Creston, and a Republican. Children, all b. in Creston: 3015. Clarence Sherman, b. May 6, 1882. 3016. John Emery, b. Mar. 3, 1884. 3017. Glenn Henry, b. Mar. 6, 1885. 343 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3018. Ralph Charles, b. Mar. 11, 1887. 3019. Edna Belle, b. Oct. 15, 1888. 3020. Elmos Tracy, b. Jan. 2, 1890. 3021. Fern Ella, b. Jan. 4, 1892. 3022. Goldie May, b. May 25, 1895. George Wesley Brown (2934), brother of the preceding, b., Macon, 111., Oct. 7, 1863; m., June 10, 1884, Isadora Shirly, b. Jan. 26, 1862. They began married life on a farm in Union Co., la., but removed to Imperial, Chase Co., Neb., where he has a farm and a feed-store. He is a member of the Methodist Church ; is superintendent of the Sunday school, and for sev- eral years has beeij secretary and treasurer of County Sunday-school As- sociation. He is a Republican. Children : 3023. Clyde Leuceny, b. Mar. 2, 1885. 3024. Lucy May, b. Jan. 16, 1887. 3025. Truman Ray, b. Mar. 7, 1889. 3026. Charles Henry, b. Aug. 9, 1893. 3027. Louise Agnes, b. Feb. 19, 1896. 3028. Susan Pearl, b. Aug. 27, 1898. 3029. Grace Myrtle, b. Sept. 29, 1902. Otis Almeron Brown (2935), brother of the preceding, b., Milo, 111., Sept. 4, 1865; ^-j Sept. 4, 1893, Jennie R. Barronett. He is a successful farmer and stock-raiser, a Methodist, a Republican, and a Supervisor. Children : 3030. Arthur Leslie, b. Nov. 12, 1894. 3031. Daisy Mildred, b. Aug. 4, 1896. Walter H. Brown (2937), brother of the preceding, b., Milo, 111., Mar. 4, 1871; m.. Mar. 18, 1894, Anna Murphey. Children: 3032. Claud, b. Aug. 13, 1898. 3033. Nellie, b. Aug. 29, 1901. Mary Frances Brown (White) (2942), dau. of Henry Wilbur Brown (2882) [Asa (2586), Asa (128), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Feb. 16, 1871; adopted daughter of No. 2883; m., Oct. 18, 1893, in Rochester, N. Y., Frederick Fargo Church, b., Alexandria, Penn., May 4, 1864; son of Truman K. Church, Captain and Quartermaster of Vols, in Civil War, and Julia M. Benedict, dau. of Joseph and Electa Benedict, a well-known lawyer and legal writer. He is a patent lawyer. Both are Unitarians. Res., 64 Barring St., Rochester, N. Y. 344 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : 3034. Margaret Gordon Church, b. Sept. 27, 1894. 3035. Eleanor Church (twin), b. June 6, 1897. 3036. Katherine Benedict Church (twin), b. June 6, 1897. Henrietta Wilbur Brown (2943), sister of the preceding, b. Mar. i, 1874; m., June 6, 1894, Albert S. McDermid, of Muscatine, treasurer of Huttig Sash and Blind Factory. She takes an active interest in church work, and in various women's clubs, being president of the Mothers' Club of Musca- tine. They are Methodists. Dau.: 3037. Margaret McDermid, b. May 21, 1895. Ella Medora Brown (2954), dau. of Menzo Brown (2892) [Wheeler (2857), Asa (128), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Nov. 23, 1856; m., July 3, 1877, Marion Brown. He is a dealer in lumber and coal at Mulliken, Mich. She has one dau., who is married. Dau.: 3038. Anna Belle Robinson (2965), dau. of John Garrett (2902) and Alice A. (Schooley) Robinson, dau. of Joseph and Maria (Brown) Robinson (2859), dau. of Asa Brown (128) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. June 22, 1872; m., Oct. 28, 1903, Edmund DeGroot Derthink, of Richfield, N. Y., son of John Derthink and Eloise DeGroot Derthink. He is a farmer on the Derthink homestead at Richfield Springs, N. Y., a Republican, and a Universalist. She is the alto singer in the Presbyterian Church of Richfield Springs, of which she is a member. Dau.: 3039. Alice Eloise Derthink, b. July 21, 1904. Carolyn Antoinette Robinson (2966), sister of the preceding, b. Jan. 2, 1874; m., Nov. 21, 1900, Horace H. Terry, b. Oct. 18, 1873; son of Scott Terry and Martha Allyn, of Waterville, N. Y. She graduated from Rich- field Springs High School in 1894, and the Oneonta Normal School in 1898. She was a teacher in Bridgewater, N. Y. He was station-agent at Bridge- water till 1902; is now a dealer in grain, feed, and coal. Both are members of the Congregational Church. He is a Democrat and a Mason. Children: 3040. Martha Antoinette Terry, b. Sept. 12, 1901. 3041. Beatrice Allyn Terry, b. Myrtle Kathryn Robinson (2975), dau. of Albert Dow (2903) and Eliza- 345 THE BROWN GENEALOGY beth Ann (Monk) Robinson, son of Joseph and Maria (Brown) Robinson (2859), dau. of Asa Brown (128) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Aug. 8, 1880; m., June 29, 1898, George Southwell, b. Feb. 10, 1873, in England. He has charge of milk station on D., L. & W. R. R. at Columbia, N. Y. Both are Episcopalians. Son: 3042. Omar Robinson Southwell, b. Feb. 19, 1900. Carlton Barstow Brown (2981), son of George Tracey Brown (2908) [Benjamin Dow (2860), Asa (128), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Nov. 27, 1876; m., Dec. 31, 1891, Frances Leah Wadley. Son: 3043. Edwin Tracy, b., Irwindale, Cal., July 24, 1903. Charles Newton Wilcox (2982), son of Willard C. and Abby Ann (Brown) Wilcox (2910), dau. of Benjamin Dow Brown (2860) [Asa (128), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Unadilla Forks, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1868; m., Sept., 1894, Bath, N. Y., Nettie Farr. He was educated by his aunt, Sarah Brown, and later at Colgate Academy, Hamilton, N. Y. He lived for a time in Ilion and later went to Washington, where he is a clerk in the Interior Department. Children : 3044. John Wendall Wilcox, b., Washington, D. C.;d. 3045. Carlton Brown Wilcox, b., Bath, N. Y., Apr. 20, 1899. Arlie Petersen (2988), dau. of Isaac R. Petersen and Eva Louise (Black- man) Petersen (2919), dau. of Dr. William Wallace Blackman and Lucy Ann (Brewer) Blackman (2863), dau. of Pliny Brewer and Deborah (Brown) Brewer (2853) [Asa (128), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., W. Mitchell, la., July 24, 1881; m., Osage, la., June 20, 1905, Frank Duane Moore, b., Masonville, la., Nov. 26, 1876; son of Edson Eugene Moore and Ella Isabelle (Norton) Moore. She graduated from the Osage High School in 1899, ^^^ irom the CedarValley Seminary, Osage, 1903. Her husband was educated in the Masonville public schools and in Cedar Valley Seminary, where he graduated in 1902. He came to Osage in 1899, and has resided there ever since. He is of a decided literary turn of mind, and has written poems which have attracted local attention. He is a mail- carrier and a Republican. He and his wife are members of the First Baptist Church of Osage. Son: 3045a. Willian Duane Moore, b., Osage, Mar. 2, 1907. ,^46 Samuel H. Bentley (4159) 1 -i 1. Philena (W.) Darling 2. Sophia (W.) Brown (8046) 13| Brookfield, N. Y. Taken ISTl Dr. W. .1. Finkerton and wile Omaha, Neb. Dr. W. J. Pinkerton m., Florence, Neb., Mar. 2i, 1899, Anna M. Brown, b. Aug. 21, 1873; dau. of Joshua P. (959) and Jennie (Smith) Brown, of Florence. Res., 1907, Mead, Neb. THE BROWN GENEALOGY Oliver Brown (129) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Dec. 17, 1769; d. Oct. 29, 1849; m., Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1798, Desire Buder, b. Oct. 8, 1775; dau. of Charles Butler, b. 1732, d. Jan. 26, 1783, son of Richard and Sarah Butler, and his wife, Azubah Ranney, b. Mar., 1734; d. Mar. 24, 1815. He came first to Brook- field in 1796, on a visit to his aunt, Keturah Brown York, and later purchased a farm near his brother Asa. He had been a school-teacher in Connecticut. He was a Justice of the Peace and later County Judge of Madison Co. He was a member of the New York Legislature in 1811-1817. He lived in Bridgewater, N. Y., during the later years of his life, and was a man greatly respected. Children: 3046. Sophia, b. Apr. 8, 1799; d. Jan. i, 1836 (3055-3060). 3047. Oliver Butler, b. Feb. 6, 1801; d., Edgerton, Wis., Apr. 3, 1873 (3061). 3048. AJmiron, b. Dec. 20, 1802; d., Hull Prairie, O., Mar. 4, 1885 (3062-3073). 3049. Julia Ann, b. Apr. i, 1805; d. Nov. 23, 1827 (3074). 3050. Emera, b. July 12, 1807; d. in 1837; m., Feb. 27, 1834, Lorain Thurston. He is buried at Bridgewater. No issue. 3051. Azubah, b. Aug. 4, 1809; d. May 29, 1862 (3075-3078). 3052. Esther L., b. Aug. 8, 181 1; d. Apr., 1891; m., Nov. 23, 1863, James L. Croft, of Edgerton, Wis., a merchant and a prom- inent member of the Primitive Methodist Church. He d. a week after her, in 1891. She attended Miss Evarts's French School at Utica, N. Y., and Miss Willard's School at Troy, N. Y. She taught in Fredonia Ladies' Seminary, and later as governess in the family of Dr. Brownlow, at Enfield, N. C. ; taught in Homer and Manlius, and later in Miss Willard's School until her health failed. No issue. 3053. Charles Fortune, b., Brookfield, July 30, 1813; d., Rochester, N. Y., 1888 (3079, 3080). 3054. Sarah Angeline, b. Sept. 10, 1817; d. July i, 1890 (3081-3083). Sophia Brown (3046), dau. of Oliver Brown (129) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Apr. 8, 1799; d. Jan. i, 1836; m., June 24, 1821, John Ruger, a lawyer of Bridgewater, N. Y. After her death he removed to Syracuse, N. Y. Children : 3055. Oliver John Ruger, b. in 1822; d. in 1866 (3084, 3085). 347 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3056. William Crawford Ruger, b. 1824; d. Jan. 14, 1892 (3086). 3057. Esther Desire Ruger, b. 1826; d. at six months of age. 3058. Julia Sophia Ruger, b. in 1827; d. Sept. 3, 1889 (3087). 3059. Emera Jane Ruger, b. Sept. 3, 183 1 (3088, 3089). 3060. Julius Henry Ruger, b. Mar. 16, 1833; d. Jan. 24, 1904 (3090). Oliver Butler Brown (3047), commonly known as Butler Brown, brother of the preceding, b. Feb. 6, 1801; d. Apr. 3, 1873; m. Fanny Skeele, of Hamilton, N. Y. They lived in Bridgewater, N. Y. He was a General in the New York militia; was a tall, fine-looking man, very reserved, and held himself aloof from all. He was a noted singer and for many years the leader of the church choir. He lived for a time at Rochester, Minn., and in his later years lived in Edgerton, Wis., where he is buried. His wife d. July 23, 1886, in Denver, Col., and is buried in Edgerton. Dau.: 3061. Nellie, b. 1845; m.. May, 1869, Frederick Foote. She died a few days after the birth of her twin boys, who survived her about a year. Almiron Brown (3048), brother of the preceding, b. Dec. 20, 1802; d., Hull Prairie, O., Mar. 4, 1885; m. (i), Bridgewater, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1827, Harriet Frary Stow, a teacher, whom he met whik attending Madison, now Colgate, University. She was b. in Chatham, N. Y., July 23, 1806; dau. of Horace Stow and Sarah Packard; d., Monroeville, O., Sept., 1846. He m. (2), May 22, 1849, at Monroeville, Harriet Yeomans, dau. of William Yeo- mans, a pioneer and a soldier of the War of 1812, and Betsey Stevens Yeomans; d., Hull Prairie, Oct. 25, 1898. He settled on a farm in Brook- field, N. Y. He became converted after his first child was born, and felt that he must preach the gospel, but all the family opposed it except his wife. After a long struggle he sold his stock and farming-utensils and went to Hamilton, where he entered the Theological Seminary there, supporting his family by working a farm, studying in the meantime. He graduated in 1836. He then removed to Northern Ohio. Feeling that he was called to preach the gospel to the poor, he settled in Norwalk. His wife kept boarders and he preached to feeble churches and assisted in protracted meetings. Later he moved to New Haven, O.; his father sent him a team of horses and a wagon, and he used to haul for merchants from Huron on the lake to New Haven, there being no railroads. His wife and daughters bound shoes for two shops to eke out the slender income. He continued to preach to feeble churches, from whom he received occasional donations. After about six years he was called to be pastor at Monroeville for one year, and here 348 THE BROWN GENEALOGY he started a farm, as he wished his sons to be trained to work. After he had been on the farm a month his wife died. Two years afterwards he married again, and his brother OHver Butler bought a farm of eighty acres at Hull Prairie, where his remaining days were spent. One of his family well qualified to judge says of him, "If the good alone are great, he was a great man; for he was truly one of the best of earth, and his name in all that region is a hallowed memory." Children by first m. : 3062. Julia Ann, b., Brookfield, Dec. 23, 1827; d., New Haven, Aug. 15, 1847; m., Monroeville, Sept., 1846, John Johnston, of New Haven. 3063. Sarah Desire, b., Brookfield, Apr. 23, 1829 (3091-3094). 3064. Horace Stow, b., Brookfield, June 20, 1831; d. 1878 (3095- 3098)- 3065. Oliver Butler, b., Hamilton, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1833; d. Aug. 4, 1906 (3099-3103). 3066. Cornelia M., b. Apr. 29, 1835; d., Hamilton, Sept. 17, 1836. 3067. Caroline Maria, b., Hamilton, July 28, 1837; d., Metamora, III., Jan. 15, 1864 (3104, 3105). 3068. Myron Gilbert, b., Norwalk, O., Nov. 7, 1839; d., Cleveland, O., June 4, 1903 (3 106-3 108). 3069. Harvey Augustus, b., New Haven, Jan. 26, 1842; d., New Haven, July 23, 1843. 3070. Harriet C, b.. New Haven, Feb. 19, 1845; n^-> Mendota, 111., Apr. 5, 1870, Zohrab Dixon, b., Kenninghall, Norfolk, England, July 24, 1842; son of Zachariah Dixon and Deborah Carter. He is a grocer in Chicago. Res., 366 South Campbell Ave., Chicago, III. 3071. Elizabeth Salisbury, b., Monroeville, May 8, 1847 (3109). Children by second m. : 3072. Charles Miner, b., Perrysburgh, O., Apr. 19, 1851 (3110- 3114)- 3073. Mary Almira, b., Perrysburgh, Sept. 25, 1855 (3115-3118). [Most of the descendants of Almiron Brown have adopted the earlier spelling of the name, writing themselves Browne.] Julia Ann Brown (3049), sister of the preceding, b. Apr. i, 1805; d. Nov. 23, 1827; m., Feb. 16, 1826, Henry C. Robbins, of Bridgewater, N. Y. Son: 3074. Julius Robbins, b. July, 1827; d. Sept. 30, 1827. 349 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Azubah Brown (3051), sister of the preceding, b. Aug. 2, 1809; d. May 29, 1862; m., Jan. 7, 1841, W. H. Kinney, b., No. Bridgewater, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1813; d., Morrisville, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1883; son of Jonas Kinney, son of Sir Thomas Kinney, an Irish Earl who settled in New Jersey. He was a lawyer, first at Canastota, and later at Morrisville. Children: 3075. Maria Azubah Kinney, b. Feb. 19, 1842; drowned at Lacon- ner. Wash. (3119,3120). 3076. Julia Kinney, b. June 4, 1844; d. Sept. 9, 1844. 3077. Oliver Brown Kinney, b. Sept. 23, 1850 (3i2i-3i23a). 3078. An infant, buried at Morrisville. Charles Fortune Brown (3053), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., July 30, 1813; d., Rochester, N. Y., 1888; m. (i), July 8, 1840, Mrs. Melicent Gaylord Clark, d. July, 1863. They had no children. He m. (2) Sarah C. Lewis, in St. James' Church, Syracuse, N. Y., Apr. 25, 1866. She was the fifth child of Everett Lewis and his wife Mary Rindge, and was b. Nov. 11, 1833; d. Mar. 29, 1881. [For her descent see "Lewis- iana," Vol. VII, No. 8, Feb., 1897, page 115.] He was brought up in Bridge- water, N. Y. ; prepared for college at Bridgewater Academy; entered Ham- ilton College Sept., 1831, and graduated in 1833; taught three terms in Bridgewater Academy; assisted engineers in laying out railroad from Utica to Herkimer; studied law with Hon. John Ruger in Bridgewater one year, then two years in Rochester with Judge Chapin and Gen. Mathews. He was baptized into St. Luke's Church, Rochester, Mar. 20, 1836, by Rev. Dr. Whitehouse, afterwards bishop of Illinois, and was confirmed the summer following. He entered the General Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in New York in the fall of 1837; remained three years, graduating in 1840; was five years in charge of Grace Church, Waterville, N. Y. ; ordained priest Aug. 21, 1842 ; was for one year a missionary at Peru, Ind.; Rector of Trinity Church, Michigan City, Mich., four and one-half years; was at Avon, N. Y., one year; at Delevan, Wis., five and one-half years. After living for a short time at Onondaga Hill, near Syracuse, and at Geddes, he removed in 1878 to Rochester, where he resided until his death. Children: . 3079. Arthur Charles Lewis, b. Aug. 18, 1869; m., at "Frascati," near Gordonsville, Va., June 15, 1907, Octavia Crenshaw, b., Richmond, Va., Apr. 11, 1883; dau. of Dr. Octavius Crenshaw and Susan Morris (Anderson) Crenshaw, formerly 350 THE BROWN GENEALOGY widow of Maj. Joseph W. Anderson, late major of artillery in the Confederate Army. Mr. Brown graduated at Harvard, 1894; Ph.D. at Harvard, 1900; Assistant Professor of Eng- lish at University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., till 1906; Head of the English Department of Northwestern Uni- versity at Evanston, 111. 3080. Olive Mary, b. May 18, 1871. She studied at Radclifife Col- lege, Cambridge; was private tutor, then teacher of English at Stanley Hall, Minneapolis, Minn., and is now teacher at Flushing, N. Y. Sarah Angeline Brown (3054), sister of the preceding, b. Sept. 10, 181 7; d., Edgerton, Wis., July i, 1890; m., Bridgewater, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1840, Benjamin Franklin Mabbett, d. in 1867. He was a farmer near Unadilla Forks, N. Y. ; later removed to Edgerton, where he was a merchant. He was a Quaker. She was an ardent worker in the Baptist Church at Edger- ton. Children: 3081. Mary Mabbett, b. Sept. 6, 1843; d. June 3, 1873 (3124-3127). 3082. Charles Franklin Mabbett, b. May 20, 1848 (3 128-3 130). 3083. Frank Mabbett, b. 1858; d. 1859. Oliver John Ruger (3055), son of John and Sophia (Brown) Ruger (3046), dau. of Oliver Brown (129) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. 1822; d. 1866; m. Fannie Mortimer, whose father was con- nected with the Russian Legation. He lived and died in Washington; was a lawyer and a clerk in the Post-office Department; is buried in the Con- gressional Cemetery. Children : 3084. Mortimer Ruger, b. i860; d. in St. Luke's Hospital, New York, in 1900. He was a lawyer. No issue. 3085. Harry Ruger. Res., Helena, Mont. "^ William Crawford Ruger (3056), brother of the preceding, b. 1824; d. Jan. 14, 1892; m. Harriet Prosser, dau. of Senator Prosser, of Buffalo, N. Y. He was a lawyer; practised in Bridgewater, N. Y., his native town, until 1853, when he removed to Syracuse, N. Y., where he went into partner- ship with his father. He was elected Chief Justice of the New York Court of Appeals, Nov. 7, 1882, and served until his death. [For portrait and sketch of his life, see W. W. Clayton's "History of Onondaga Co., N. Y.," P- 213-] 351 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Son: 3086. Crawford Prosser Ruger, b. 1861 ; unm. He is a lawyer. Res. with his mother at Englewood, N. J. Julia Sophia Ruger (3058), sister of the preceding, b. 1827; d. Sept. 3, 1889; m. Robert Donoho. They lived on a plantation twenty miles from Natchez, and suffered considerably during the war. After her husband's death she was a clerk in the Treasury Department in Washington. Son: 3087. Gaines R. Donoho, b. 1857; m. Matilda Ackley. He is an artist. His picture "A Norman Shepherd-Boy" was ex- hibited at the Paris Salon of 1884. Res., Easthampton, L. I. No issue. Emera Jane Ruger (3059), sister of the preceding, b. Sept. 3, 1831; m.. May 6, 1857, Delevan Bloodgood, b. Aug. 20, 1831; son of James Blood- good and Nancey Vaughn Bloodgood. He was a physician, and for many years had charge of the laboratory and hospital at the Brooklyn Navy Yard; d. Apr. 4, 1902. Mrs. Bloodgood res. at 320 Clermont Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Children : 3088. May Bloodgood, b. Feb. 3, 1858; d. Jan. 13, 1898 (3 131, 3132)- 3089. Lisa Delevan Bloodgood, b. May 10, 1877. Res. with her mother. Julius Henry Ruger (3060), brother of the preceding, b. Mar. 16, 1833; d. Jan. 24, 1904; m., July 3, 1874, Margaret Giles, b. Aug., 1850; dau. of James Giles; d. Dec. 12, 1890. He was a lawyer; practised law in several Eastern and Southern cities, and later in Chicago, 111. He later removed to California, where he had a ranch. Dau.: 3090. Sophia Jane Ruger, b. Sept. 17, 1876; m., May 8, 1904, John William Sullivan, a lawyer. Res., 28 So. Fourth St., San Jose, Cal. Sarah Desire Browne (3063), dau. of Almiron Brown (3048) [Oliver (129), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Apr. 23, 1829; m. Rev. William H. Haigh, of Pavilion, 111., Sept. 25, 1854, at Perrysburgh, O. He was the son of Daniel Haigh and Mary Moorehouse, of Halifax, Yorkshire, Eng., and was b. at Halifax, Apr. 5, 1829. He was a Baptist minister, and was pastor at Pavilion, Chillicothe, Bristol, Wood- 352 THE BROWN GENEALOGY stock, Mendota, and Galesburg in Illinois; was for two years and a quarter chaplain of the 36th 111. Regt. during the Civil War, and for the last twenty years of his life was secretary of the Baptist Home Missionary So- ciety. He d. Jan. 8, 1898, and is buried at Yorkville, 111. [For a portrait and a sketch of his life see The Baptist Home Mission Monthly, Vol. XX, page %T„ March, 1898, and The Standard, Jan. 8, 1898.] His widow res. with her daughter at 3247 So. Park Ave., Chicago, 111. Children: 3091. William Horace Haigh, b.. Pavilion, July 28, 1855; d-, York- ville, Aug. 26, 1856. 3092. Emma Cornelia Haigh, b. Aug. 9, 1857 (3133, 3134)- 3093. Ella Frances Haigh, b. Jan. 10, 1861; m., Sept. 8, 1892, Henry Franklin Googins, b.. La Moine, Me., Nov. 12, 1858; son of Henry Googins and Mary Elizabeth Boynton; d. Oct. 22, 1906. She is a graduate of University of Chicago, 1883, Phi Beta Kappa. Address, 3247 So. Park Ave., Chicago, 111. 3094. Carrie Haigh, b. Nov. 19, 1864; m., June 24, 1893, Charles Joseph Holman, K. C, attorney-at-law, a graduate of Victoria College, Toronto; b. Apr. 15, 1852; son of John Holman and Mary Ann Webster. She is a graduate of Ann Arbor, Mich. Address, 2t^ Prince Arthur Ave., Toronto, Can. Horace Stow Browne (3064), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y. June 30, 1831 ; d. 1876; m., Jan. 11, 1865, at Hull Prairie, O., Elvira Carpenter, dau. of Lucius Carpenter and Mercy Adams. [See Carpenter Genealogy.] Children, all b. at Hull Prairie: 3095. Julia, b. May 13, 1867 (3135-3138)- 3096. Bessie, b. Apr. 4, 1871; d. May 27, 1874. 3097. Mercie, b. Apr. 21, 1875; d- Sept. 25, 1875. % 3098. Ada, b. Feb. 5, 1877; d. July 25, 1877. Oliver Butler Browne (3065), brother of the preceding, b., Hamilton, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1833; <^-) ^^ the home of his son Louis, in Perrysburgh, O., Aug. 4, 1906; buried in the cemetery there, near his father and his brother Horace; m., Maumee City, O., in i860, Marion Carpenter, b. 1836; dau. of Lucius Carpenter and Mercy Adams Carpenter. [See Carpenter Genealogy.] Children, first three b. in Hull Prairie, O.; the others, in Gamett, Kan.: 3099. Harriet Mercy, b. Dec. 25, i860; m., Kobe, Japan, Mar. 21, 1904, Arthur Davidson, a merchant, of Cairo, Egypt. They 353 THE BROWN GENEALOGY are conducting an orphanage. Address, The OHvere, Kobe, Japan. 3100. Louis Irving, b. Aug. 21, 1863 (3139, 3140). 3101. Oliver Butler, b. Jan. 21, 1868 (3141-3144). 3102. Esther Carlotta, b. June 22, 1870 (3145-3148). 3103. Myron Gilbert, b. 1876 (3149). Caroline Maria Browne (3067), sister of the preceding, b., Hamilton, N. Y., July 28, 1837; d., Metamora, 111., Jan. 25, 1864; m., Apr. 6, 1859, William Sumner, b., Ibstock, Leicestershire, England, July 24, 183 1; son of William Sumner, who was b. at Ibstock, and d. there in 1850, and Martha Insley, b., Ibstock, 1803; d., Ottawa, Kan., 1876. He came to this country with his mother in 1852 and d., Ottawa, July 11, 1901. Children : 3104. John Stow Sumner, b., Lawrence, Kan., 1862. Res., Ottawa. Kan. (3150-3153)- 3105. Julia Ann Sumner, b. 1863. Res., 366 So. Campbell Ave., Chicago, III. Myron Gilbert Browne (3068), brother of the preceding, b., Norwalk, O., Nov. 7, 1839; d., Cleveland, O., June 3, 1903. Being of a deeply religious nature, his father intended him for the ministry. He entered Kalamazoo College with this thought, and was a student there when the second call for volunteers came in the Civil War. He enlisted as a private in the iiith Regiment of Ohio Volunteers, and served three years, to the end of the war, when he held the rank of First Lieutenant and Regimental Quartermaster. He m. (i) Lavinia Randall, dau. of Thomas Randall and Sarah Yeomans Randall. She lived but three months after their marriage. About this time he became interested in the doctrines of the Church of the New Jerusalem (Swedenborgian). As an active and efficient member of this Church he held many important offices, and was generous in its support. A few years after the war he moved to Cleveland and engaged in the wholesale and retail lumber business, establishing the well-known firm of M. G. Browne & Co., and became one of the leading business men of that city. At one time he served as vice-president of the Board of Trade. On Sept. 3, 1872, he m. Mrs. Ada Isabel Wagar McGathy, b., E. Brockport, O., Mar. 14, 1846; dau. of Israel Dwella Wagar, b., Avon, O., Feb. 21, 1821, d. Mar. 31, 1892, and Elizabeth Pile, b. Sept. 7, 1822. His second wife had been brought up in the New Jerusalem Church faith, and this proved a strong bond between them. When he was fifty-five years of age he was ordained a minister of the 354 W. M. Haigh (3063) Cyi'us H. Brown (^2(iO) Westerly, 11. 1. THE BROWN GENEALOGY Church of the New Jerusalem, having had lifelong longings for the sacred ofl&ce. He accepted a call to the society of that Church in Cleveland, and ministered to them during the remainder of his life. He had that clear in- sight into spiritual things which makes the true minister, and that love of saving souls which makes the true priest. One near and dear to him by right of intimate knowledge of his daily life thus writes: "Long before he was a priest in reality he was one at heart. He was always his own simple, honest, lovable self, perfectly genuine, exactly what he appeared to be. The memory of his beautiful life will always be an inspiration to us." Another says of him: "He loved everybody, and everybody loved him." He was a member of the Ohio Commandery of the Loyal Legion. His widow resides part of the time in Boston, Mass., and part of the time in her old home in Lakewood, O. Children, all b. in Cleveland: 3106. Grace Ethelwyn, b. Dec. 12, 1873 (3153a). 3107. Edwin Sewall, b. July 3, 1876 (3153b). 3108. Gilbert Kenneth, b. Jan. 16, 1883; d. Mar. 17, 1887. Elizabeth Salisbury Browne (3071), sister of the preceding, b., Monroe- ville, O., May 8, 1847; d. Dec. 31, 1906; m. (i), Hull Prairie, O., Sept. 21, 1874, Lucius Carpenter, b., Maumee City, O., May 15, 1848; d.. Tower City, No. Dak., Feb. 6, 1900; son of Lucius Carpenter and Mercy Adams [see Carpenter Genealogy]; she m. (2) John Gibson Helms, b., Montgomery, Orange Co., N. Y., Oct. 12, 1840; son of Oliver Helms and Jane (Gibson) Helms. He was formerly a resident of Janesville, Wis., but now resides in Edgerton, Wis. Dau., by first m.: 3109. Fanny Peace Carpenter, b. June 21, 1877 (3153C-3156). Charles Miner Browne (3072), son of Almiron (3048) and Harriet (Yeo- mans) Browne [Oliver (129), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Apr. 19, 1850; m., Feb. 17, 1877, Susannah Elizabeth Roadermel, b. in 1853, at Mt. Gilead, O.; dau. of Jefferson Roadermel and Rebecca Keeley. Res., Haskins, Wood Co., O. Children, all b. in Middleton township. Wood Co., O.: 3110. Earl Roger, b. Feb. 13, 1879 (3157-3159)- 3111. Horace Almiron, b. Sept. 26, 1882 (3159a, 3159b). 3112. Zohrab Dixon, b. June 5, 1885. 3 1 13. Ralph, b. Aug. 24, 1887; d. Sept. 2 1887. 3 1 14. Charles Clayton, b. June 29, 1890. 355 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Mary Almira Browne (3073), sister of the preceding, b. Sept. 25, 1855; m., Oct. 21, 1875, Madison Vanaken, son of Anthony Vanaken and Mary Ford. Res., Eaton Rapids, Mich. Children : 3115. Leroy Vanaken, b. Jan. 12, 1877 (3160). 3116. Ethel Vanaken, b. Dec. 29, 1879 (3161). 3117. Edith Maria Vanaken, b. Apr. 20, 1887; d. June 30, 1887. 31 18. Herbert Madison Vanaken, b. Apr. 4, 1894. Maria Azubah Kinney (3075), dau. of Azubah Brown (3051) [Oliver (129), Asa (123), Ichabod (^2), John (8), Thomas], b. Feb. 19, 1842; m. S. S. Tingley. She lived in California ; was drowned at Laconner, Wash., in Mar., 1874, with her infant child. Children : 3119. Ida Sophia Tingley, b. Feb., 1869; m., 1884, B. F. Jones, lumberman, Vancouver, B. C. They have four sons. 3120. Oliver Brown Tingley, b. May, 1870; m. He is a lumberman in Vancouver. They have one child. Oliver Brown Kinney (3077), brother of the preceding, b. Sept. 23, 1850. He is a Baptist clergyman. Lived with Butler Brown, son of Oliver, at Rochester, Minn., and attended the University of Minnesota, and Morgan Park Theological Seminary, Chicago, III., from which he has degree of D.D. He taught school forty-seven months; entered the ministry in 1879; was pastor at Piano, 111., nine years; Dundee, 111., five years; Falls of the Schuylkill, Philadelphia, Penn., four years; Bethlehem, Penn., five and one half years; Covington, Penn., since 1902. He m. Dora Kloeppel, b. ; dau. of Henry A. Kloeppel, a naval ofi&cer on board the Monitor and Patapsco in the Civil War. He was son of August Kloeppel, for many years Mayor of Eisleben, Germany. Children : 3 121. Esther Kinney. 3122. Edwin Kinney. 3123. Maud Kinney. 3123a. William Bruce Kinney, b. ; d. 1894. Mary Mabbett (3081), dau. of Benjamin Franklin and Sarah Angeline (Brown) Mabbett (3054), dau. of Oliver Brown (129) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Edgerton, Wis., Sept. 6, 1843; d. June 3, 1873; m., Jan. 12, 1863, George Williams, of Edgerton. 356 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : 3124. Jessie L. Williams, b. 1863; d. 1864. 3125. May Williams, b. Mar. 14, 1865; m. Henry C. Son, of Edger- ton. No issue. 3126. Freddie L. Williams (twin), b. Jan. .29, 1872; d. May 25, 1874. 3127. Nellie Williams (twin), b. Jan. 29, 1872. She lives in Edgerton, Wis. Charles Franklin Mabbett (3082), brother of the preceding, b. May 20, 1848; m., Edgerton, Wis., June 26, 1872, Fanny Adelia Kellogg, b. 1851. He is a merchant and tobacco-dealer in Edgerton. Children: 3128. Leora Esther Mabbett, b. Mar. 9, 1876. Graduated at the University of Wisconsin, 1897 '■> ^^s in charge of the periodical room of the State Historical Library at Madison, Wis.; is now librarian of the public library in the city of Edgerton. 3129. Walter Franklin Mabbett, b. July 31, 1879; m., Sept. 21, 1903, Marie Gardiner Hinckley, of Milwaukee. Graduated at the University of Wisconsin, 1902; civil engineer. Res., 795 Berwyn Ave., Chicago, 111. 3130. Jessie Margaret Mabbett, b. June 11, 1882. She is a student at the University of Wisconsin. May Bloodgood (3088), dau. of Delevan and Emera Jane (Ruger) Bloodgood (3059), dau. of Sophia Ruger (3046), dau. of Oliver Brown (129) [Asa (123), Ichabod (^2), John (8), Thomas], b. Feb. 3, 1858; d. Jan. 13, 1898; m,, Aug. 3, 1887, Frederick William Downer, Jr., son of Fred- erick William Downer and Sarah DeForest Downer. He was a lawyer at W. Superior, Wis., and d. Aug., 1897. Children: 3131. Delevan Bloodgood Downer, b. Sept. 24, 1888. ^ 3132. Louise DeForest Downer, b. Jan. 13, 1893. Emma Cornelia Haigh (3092), dau. of Rev. William M. and Sarah Desire (Brown) Haigh (3063), dau. of Almiron Brown (3048) [Oliver (129), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Aug. 9, 1857; m., Oct. 12, 1880, C. Henry Day Fisher, son of Otis and Harriet Newell (Day) Fisher, of Springfield, Mass. She graduated at Knox College, Galesburg, 111., in the class of 1878. He graduated from the University of Chicago in 1874, and in theology in 1877. He is a missionary in Japan. Address, 30 B. Tsukiji, Tokio, Japan. 357 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : 3133. Stella Fisher, b., Chicago, III., Dec. 3, 1881. 3134. Ray Fisher, b., Tokio, Sept. 20, 1884. Julia Browne (3095), dau. of Horace Stow Browne (3064) [Almiron (3048), Oliver (129), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Hull Prairie, O., May 13, 1867; m., Dec. 31, 1887, John Henry Dawson, b. 1866; son of Robert and Lucy (Clarke) Dawson. He is a farmer and res. Haskins, Wood Co., O. Children : 3135. Horace Robert Dawson, b. Dec. 15, 1889; d. Dec. 5, 1894. 3136. Donald Dawson, b. Jan. 7, 1895. 3137. Alice Dawson, b. Sept. 27, 1900; d. Oct. i, 1900. 3138. Dudley Dawson, b. Feb. 7, 1902. Louis Irving Browne (3100), son of Oliver Butler (3065) and Marion (Carpenter) Browne [Almiron (3048), Oliver (129), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Hull Prairie, O., Aug. 21, 1863; m., Perrys- burgh, O., 1887, Gertrude Tunison, b. 1868; dau. of John and Helen (Ten- brook) Tunison. He is a builder and contractor at Perrysburgh. Children, all b. at Hull Prairie: 3139. Helen, b. 1888. 3140. Harold, b. 1892. Oliver Butler Browne, Jr. (3101), brother of the preceding, b. Jan. 21, 1868; m., Feb. 18, 1892, Bessie Miller, b. 1870; dau. of Robert Miller and Sarah A. Paxton, of Garnett, Kan. He is a carpenter at Perrysburgh, O. Children, all b. in Garnett. 3141. Floyd Gilmore, b. Nov. 24, 1892. 3142. Sarah Esther, b. June 2, 1894. 3143. Nellie Vera, b. Jan. 20, 1899. 3144. Ethel Marion, b. Sept. 4, 1900. Esther Carlotta Browne (3102), sister of the preceding, b. June 22, 1870; m., June 22, 1898, Florin Winton Kingsley, a graduate of Ottawa and Chicago Universities, a Baptist minister, now residing in Ellis, Kan. She is a graduate of Ottawa University, Kan. Children, all except first b. in Ellis: 3145. Paul Brow^ne Kingsley, b., Sun Prairie, Wis., May 16, 1899. 3146. Oliver Kingsley, b. Dec. 4, 1900. 3147. Marion Elizabeth Kingsley, b. Sept. 5, 1902. 3148. May Kingsley, b. May 18, 1904. Myron Gilbert Browne (3103), brother of the preceding, b. 1876; m., 358 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Garnett, Kan., Apr. lo, 1898, Norma Schoonover. He is now clerk in Quartermaster's Department, U. S. A., at Camp Jossman, Guineras, P. I. Dau.: 3149. Leota Sumner, b., Garnett, 1899. John Stow Sumner (3104), son of William and Caroline Maria (Browne) Sumner (3067), dau. of Almiron Brown (3048), son of Oliver Brown (129) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Lawrence, Kan., 1862; m., 1886, Clara Belle Allison, b., Lawrence, in 1862. Children : 3150. Una Sumner, b. 1889; d. 1889, when one month old. 3151. William Allison Sumner, b. 1891. 3152. Harold Randolph Sumner, b. 1895. 3153. John Duncan Sumner, b. May 15, 1904. Grace Ethelwyn Browne (3106), dau. of Myron Gilbert Browne (3068) [Almiron (3048), Oliver (129), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Cleveland, O., Dec. 12, 1873; m.. Mar. 21, 1905, Rev. Clyde Washburn Broomell, b., Christiana, Penn., Aug. 14, 1878; son of Henry Broomell and Fannie Turner Broomell. She graduated at Smith College, Northampton, Mass., in 1897, and at the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, in 1904. She is a choir director and soloist. Her husband was educated in the schools of Philadelphia, and prepared for the University of Pennsylvania. He was obliged to go to Colorado for his health, where he engaged in the cattle business for three years. Returning East, he took his course at the Theological Seminary of the Church of the New Jerusalem at Cambridge, Mass. He entered the ministry in 1903; was pastor of the Church of the Divine Humanity at Buffalo, N. Y., until Jan. i, 1905, when he accepted the call to the Boston Highlands Society of New Jerusalem, Roxbury, Boston, Mass. Res., 30 Circuit St., Roxbury, Boston, Mass. Son: 3153a. Myron Henry Broomell, b., Roxbury, Feb. 27, 1906. Edwin Sewall Browne (3107), brother of the preceding, b., Cleveland, O., July 3, 1876; m., Sept. 21, 1904, Florence Arnold Barron, b.. Concord, N. H., June 7, 1876. He graduated at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., in 1899. Member of Psi Upsilon Fraternity. For four years he was assistant manager of New York and Porto Rico Steamship Company, at San Juan, Porto Rico; is now a business systematizer in Boston, Mass. Res., 1907, W^inchester, Mass. Son: 3153b. Kenneth, b., Brookline, Mass., July 13, 1905. 359 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Fanny Peace Carpenter (3109), dau. of Lucius Carpenter and Elizabeth Salisbury (Brown) (3071), dau. of Almiron Brown (3048) [Oliver (129), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Hull Prairie, O., June 21, 1877; m., Oct. 21, 1893, John Dent Perrin, b., Mt. Pleasant, near Toronto, Can., Feb. 20, 1873, son of Norman Perrin and Catherine Dent. He was a telegraph operator in Chicago; is now pastor of the West End Church of Practical Christianity. Res., 4606 Morgan St., St. Louis, Mo. Children: 3153c. Zorab Dent Perrin, b., Moreland, III., July 10, 1894. 3154. Muriel Evalyn Perrin, b., Chicago, III., Dec. 7, 1896. 3155. Frank William Perrin, b., 'Chicago, Oct. 13, 1899. 3156. Myrtle Lucile Perrin, b., St. Louis, Apr. 29, 1902. Earl Roger Browne (31 10), son of Charles Miner Browne (3072) [Almi- ron (3048), Oliver (129), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Feb. 13, 1879; m. Lucy May Van Buskirk, dau. of Winfield Scott Van Bus- kirk and Harriet Tousley Van Buskirk. Children, b. Haskins, O.: 3157. Ruth L., b. Aug. 13, 1902. 3158. Cecil May, b. May 16, 1904. 3159. Kenneth Bonnell, b. Apr. 3, 1906. Horace Almiron Browne (3111) [Charles Miner (3072), Almiron (3048), Oliver (129), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Middleton township, Wood Co., O., Sept. 26, 1882; m., Nov. 26, 1903, Eliza Derunth, b. Sept. 2, 1881; dau. of Lewis and Mary (Henderson) Derunth. Children, b. Haskins, O.: 3159a. Bessie Otis, b. Dec. 23, 1904. 3159b. Charles Lewis, b. June 2, 1906. Leroy Vanaken (3 11 5), son of Madison and Mary Almira (Browne) Vanaken (3073), dau. of Charles Miner Browne (3072) [Almiron (3048), Oliver (129), Asa.(i23), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Jan. 12, 1877; m., Feb. 8, 1899, Grace Green, dau. of Clarke and Annie Green. Son: 3160. Harold Dument Vanaken, b. Oct. 19, 1901. Ethel Vanaken (3116), sister of the preceding, b. Dec. 29, 1879; m., Apr. 9, 1902, Lewis C. Hunt, son of C. M. and Sarah Hunt. Son: 3161. Lawrence Hunt, b. Oct. 2, 1903. Deborah Brown (130), dau. of Asa Brown (123) and Deborah (Grant) 360 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Brown [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Jan. 26, 1772; m., when sixteen years of age, Peleg Palmer, son of Ziba Palmer and his wife, Content Randall, who was the dau. of Joseph Randall and Content Palmer. [For her ancestry, see Randall Genealogy, pp. 92-98.] He was b. in Rhode Island, and d., Feb. 25, 181 7, in his fifty-fifth year, at Spafford, N. Y. After his death she went to live with her sister Eunice, at Hastings, N. Y., where she d. She was very bright and full of fun, but felt bitterly the weight of many cares from her early marriage. She was at times subject to fits of great despondency. Children : 3162. Stephen. He was a merchant in Lyons; is said to have failed and to have gone to Ohio, where his brother Noah lived (3172, 3173)- 3163. Joshua G. Palmer, b., Voluntown, Conn., Oct. 22, 1790; d.. Napoleon, Mich., Jan. 16, 1868 (3174-3180). 3164. David W. Palmer, b. Nov. 16, 1793 (3181, 3182). 3165. Russell Palmer. 3166. Alfred Palmer, d. at Gettysburg. He left a dau. who m. Henry Streeter. Both are dead. They left a dau. who was adopted by Samantha Palmer. 3167. Deborah Palmer, b. May 29, 1798; d., Syracuse, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1878 (3183). 3168. Martha Palmer, b. May 2, 1800; d. Aug. 25, 1832 (3184-3189). 3169. Williams Palmer, b. 1803; d., at the residence of his uncle, Williams Brown, in Brookfield, Sept. 21, 1824. 3170. Noah Palmer. He lived at Burton, Granger Co., O., with a married dau. 3 171. Laurin Palmer. He went to New Orleans, where he d. Stephen Palmer (3162), son of Peleg and Deborah (Brown) Palmer (130) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas]. He is said to have had two sons. Children : 3172. Spencer Palmer. He went to his Uncle Laurin's, in New Orleans, and d. there. 3173. Henry Palmer. He lived in Ruby, Neb. ; m. and had children. Joshua G. Palmer (3163), son of Peleg and Deborah (Brown) Palmer (130), dau. of Asa Brown (123) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Voluntown, Conn., Oct. 22, 1790; d.. Napoleon, Mich., Jan. 10, 1868; m., Lenox, N. Y., Apr. 16, 1816, Esther Randall, b., Voluntown, Feb. 16, 1796; 361 THE BROWN GENEALOGY d., Lenox, June 15, 1849; dau. of Peleg Randall and Hannah Palmer [see Randall Genealogy, p. 94]; ni. (2) Freelove Randall, sister of his first wife, b., Voluntown, Aug. 29, 1784; d., Napoleon, July 10, 1870. Children, all b. in Lenox: 3174. Stephen N. Palmer, b. Feb. 7, 1817; d., Columbia, Mich., June 28, 1883 (3 1 90-3 1 95). 3175. William Henry Palmer, b. Nov. 7, 1819; d., Columbia, Apr. 22, 1877 (3196-3199). 3176. Polly O. Palmer, b. May 15, 1821; d., Lenox, Apr. 8, 1846 (3200, 3201). 3177. Hannah K. Palmer, b. June i, 1825 (3202-3209). 3178. Maria Palmer, b. June 26, 1828; d., Kent, Mich., Apr. 17, 1871 (3210). 3179. Courtland R. Palmer, b. Oct. 14, 1833; d., Napoleon, Mar. 17, 1894 (3211-3213). 3180. Martin F. Palmer, b. Mar. i, 1837; d. at Napoleon (3214-3217). David W. Palmer (3164), brother of the preceding, b. Nov. 16, 1793; m. Cynthia Palmer, b. Mar. 14, 1794. He remained on the home farm at Lenox, N. Y. Children : 3181. Philander W. Palmer, b. Aug. 10, 1813 (3218-3222). 3182. Apelles A. Palmer, b. Sept. 3, 1816. Deborah Palmer (3167), sister of the preceding, b. May 29, 1798; d., Syracuse, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1878; m. (i) a man named Breed, but had no children; m. (2), June 18, 1834, Nathan Van Ben Schoten, b., Poughkeepsie N. Y., Feb. 18, 1805; d. Mar. 23, 1884. He was a marble-cutter, and lived and died in Syracuse, N. Y. Son: 3183. Lauren Van Ben Schoten, b. Apr. i, 1837; d., Syracuse, Mar. 27) 1904 (3223, 3224.) Martha Palmer (3168), otherwise called "Patty," sister of the preceding b. May 2, 1800; d. Aug. 25, 1832; m., July 4, 1816, Waitstill Fuller, b. Nov. ig, 1795; d. Jan. 7, 1865. He was a farmer, and is buried in the cemetery at Unadilla Forks, N. Y. Children : 3184. Martha C. Fuller, b. Jan. 4, 182 1 ; d. Feb. 6, 1879; m., Sept. 30, 1841, Cyrus Brown (3466), son of Noah, who was a cooper. They lived at Unadilla Forks, N. Y. No issue. 3185. Mary Fuller, b. July 25, 1822; d. June 8, 1842. 362 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3186. Amy P. Fuller, b. Feb. 8, 1824; d. Oct. 21, 1849 (3225-3227). 3187. Sarahann E. Fuller, b. Jan. 25, 1826; d. Apr. 16, 1893 (3228, 3229). 3188. Amos F. W. Fuller, b., Otsego Co., N. Y., Apr. 10, 1832; d., Garwin, la., Nov. 8, 1901 (3230-3234). 3189. William David Fuller, b. Apr. 10, 1832; d. May 30, 1834. Stephen N. Palmer (3174), son of Joshua G. (3163) and Freelove (Ran- dall) Palmer, son of Peleg and Deborah (Brown) Palmer (130), dau. of Asa Brown (123) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Feb. 7, 1817; d., Columbia, Mich., June 28, 1883 ; m.. Mar. 18, 1838, Rebecca Farley, b. Aug. 20, 1818; d. Feb. 2, 1890. Children : 3190. Alonzo D. Palmer, b. Oct. 4, 1839; d. Sept. 17, 1862, on the battle-field of Antietam. 3191. Helen M. Palmer, b. Oct. 27,, 1840 (3235, 3236). 3192. Maria Huldah Palmer, b., Lenox, Madison Co., N. Y., June 4, 1842 (3237-3239)- 3193. Martin F. Palmer, b. July 6, 1845; drowned Apr. 20, 1851. 3194. Joshua G. Palmer, b. Dec. 25, 1847 (3240, 3241). 3195. Mary Esther Palmer, b. Mar. 27, 1854; d. July 27, 1899 (3242-3247). William Henry Palmer (3175), brother of the preceding, b. Nov. 7, 1819; d., Columbia, Mich., Apr. 22, 1877; m.. Mar. 3, 1841, Sarah Warner, b. May 16, 1823; d. May 8, 1890. Children : 3196. Esther G. Palmer, b. Apr. 9, 1843; d. Nov. 16, 1865. 3197. Lester E. Palmer, b. May 27,, 1847; ^- Irene Clark, b. Sept. 20, 1851; d. Aug. 22, 1896. 3198. Wellington Palmer. 3199. William Palmer, m. Stella Redfield. Res., Brooklyn, Mich. Polly O. Palmer (3176), sister of the preceding, b. May 15, 1821; d., Lenox, N. Y., Apr. 8, 1846; m., Clarksville, N. Y., Mar. 28, 1837, Justus W^atson, b. June 23, 1814; d., Bridgewater, Mich., Mar. 24, 1894. Children : 3200. Norman Philander Watson, b. Feb. 8, 1838; m., Mar. 14, 1859, Merriam Burk. He is a farmer at Clinton, Mich. 3201. Almira Watson, b. July 20, 1843; d., Jackson, Mich., June 20, 1890 (3248-3250). 363 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Hannah K. Palmer (3177), sister of the preceding, b., Napoleon, Mich., June I, 1825; m. Wilder Bancroft, b.. Union, Broome Co., N. Y., Nov. 29, 1821; son of Timothy Bancroft and Matilda (Rand) Bancroft, who was the dau. of a Revolutionary colonel. He was seventh in direct descent from John Bancroft, who came to Massachusetts ih 1632. He removed with his parents to Bridgewater township, Washtenaw Co., Mich., in 1834. He was a member of the Baptist Church in Brooklyn, Mich., for fifty-three years, and its clerk for thirteen years. He was a farmer, but late in life disposed of his farm and settled in the village of Norvell, Mich., where he died, greatly respected by all, and where his widow still resides. Children: 3202. Caroline Bancroft, b. Oct. 3, 1845 ;d. Sept., 1900 (3251). 3203. Baxter Bancroft, b. May 18, 1847; d. Dec. 11, 1852. 3204. Ellavene Bancroft, b. Sept. 18, 1849 (3252-3254). 3205. Willard Baxter Bancroft, b. Mar. 31, 1853 (3255-3262). 3206. Charles Palmer Bancroft, b. Jan. 14, 1856 (3263-3265). 3207. Homer Bancroft, b. Jan. 22, 1858 (3266-3268). 3208. Kittie Bancroft, b. Oct. 17, 1863. 3209. Esther Deborah Bancroft, b. May 25, 1867 (3269-3271). Maria Palmer (3178), sister of the preceding, b. June 26, 1828; d., Kent, Mich., Apr. 17, 1871; m., Clarksville, Mich., 1842, Thomas Streeter. Son: 3210. Maurice Streeter. He is said to live in Greenville, Mich. Courtland R. Palmer (3179), brother of the preceding, b. Oct. 14, 1833; d., Napoleon, Mich., Mar. 17, 1894; m.. May 3, 1863, Augusta Case. Children, all b. in Napoleon: 3211. Lewis G. Palmer, b. July 10, 1864 (3272). 3212. Walter S. Palmer, b. Apr. 21, 1866 (3273). 3213. Herbert F. Palmer, b. May 16, 1869 (3274, 3275). Martin F. Palmer (3180), brother of the preceding, b. Mar. i, 1837; d. at Napoleon, Mich.; m., Feb. 28, 1856, Mary Farley, b. Mar. 23, 1832. Children : 3214. Lewellyn Palmer, b. Mar. 20, 1859; d. Mar., 1901 (3276). 3215. Edwin Palmer, b. Nov. 28, i860. 3216. Maria Palmer, b. Dec. 20, 1864; d. Feb. 26, 1870. 3217. Charles Palmer, b. Nov. 17, 1869; d. Feb. 16, 1881. Philander W. Palmer (3181), son of David W. (3164) and Cynthia Palmer, son of Peleg and Deborah (Brown) Palmer (130), dau. of Asa Brown (123) 364 THE BROWN GENEALOGY [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Aug. 10, 1813; m. (r), Mar. 8, 1833, Betsey Barker, b. Feb. 7, 1810; m. (2), Feb. 26, 1850, Nancy Nelson, b. Sept. 27, 1823. Children by first m.: 3218. Theodore A. Palmer, b., Lenox, Madison Co., N. Y., Jan. 3, 1838; m.. Napoleon, Mich., Melane C Hewitt, dau. of Lott Hewitt and his wife, Phebe. No issue. 3219. Dorcas E. Palmer, b. June 13, 184-. 3220. Joshua D. Palmer, b. Apr. 23, 1845. 3221. Barker W. Palmer, b. July 27, 1847. Son by second m. : 3222. Frank L. Palmer, b. June 24, i860. Lauren Van Ben Schoten (3183), son of Nathan and Deborah (Palmer) Van Ben Schoten (3167), dau. of Peleg and Deborah (Brown) ' Palmer (130), dau. of Asa Brown (123) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Apr. I, 1837; d., Syracuse, N. Y., Mar. 27, 1904; m., Nov. 25, 1865, Gusteen Richards, dau. of Charles Richards and Sophronia Curry Richards. She resides 527 Columbus Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Children : 3223. George L. Van Ben Schoten, b. Mar. 15, 1867. 3224. Charles N. Van Ben Schoten, b. Feb. 17, 1880. Amy P. Fuller (3186), dau. of Waitstill and Martha C. (Palmer) Fuller (3168), dau. of Peleg and Deborah (Brown) Palmer (130), dau. of Asa Brown (123) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Feb. 8, 1824; d. Oct. 21, 1849; m., June 30, 1844, William Warner Stratton, b. Apr. 21, 1820; d. Oct. 21, 1849; son of William Stratton and Esther Rood Stratton. Children : 3225. William Henry Stratton, b. Aug. 13, 1845 (3277-3288). 3226. Mary E. Stratton, b. Apr. 22, 1847; d. May 14, 1848. 3227. Amy Marietta Stratton, b. July 17, 1849; d. May 3, 1850. Sarahann E. Fuller (3187), otherwise known as Sarah A. Fuller, sister of the preceding, b. Jan. 25, 1826; d. Apr. 16, 1893; "^•> May 16, 1849, Henry Wilcox, a carriage-maker, of Unadilla Forks, N. Y. ; b. Oct. 20, 1806; d. Jan. 6, 1874. Children : 3228. Flora Eliza Wilcox, b. Aug. 26, 185 1 (3289, 3290.) 3229. Myra Elizabeth Wilcox, b. Mar. 27, 1856 (3291-3293). Amos F. W. Fuller (3188), brother of the preceding, b., Otsego Co., N. Y., 365 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Apr. lo, 1832; d., Garwin, la., Nov. 8, 1901; m., Feb., 1854, H. Ludencia Woodman. They removed from Otsego Co., N. Y., in 1870, to Lincoln, Neb., and two years later to Gage Co., where he was a farmer; was later a merchant at Garwin. Children : 3230. Mary E. Fuller, b. Aug. 22, 1855 (3294-3299). 3231. Henry W. Fuller, b. July 29, i860; d. at ten months of age. 3232. A. Waitstill Fuller, b. Sept. 5, 1862 (3300, 3301). 3233. Martha A. C. Fuller, b. Sept. 30, 1868 (3302-3305). 3234. Mellie B. Fuller, b. Aug. 31, 1871 (3306, 3307). Helen M. Palmer (3191), dau. of Stephen N. (3174) and Rebecca (Far- ley) Palmer, son of Joshua G. (3163) and Freelove (Randall) Palmer, son of Peleg and Deborah (Brown) Palmer (130), dau. of Asa Brown (123) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Oct. 23, 1840; m., Dec. 2, i860, George W. Luce, b. June 23, 1839, in the town of Sharon, Washtenaw Co., Mich.; son of Henry T. Luce, b., Penn., Jan. 6, 1811, d. June 25, 1887, and Lucy O. Fuller, b.. New Hampshire, May 6, 1814, and still living, Oct., 1904. Res., Napoleon, Mich. Children : 3235. Emmett H. Luce, b.. Napoleon, Mich., Mar. 25, 1868 (3308- 3236. Elmer A. Luce, b.. Napoleon, Apr. 11, 1872 (3311). Maria Huldah Palmer (3192), sister of the preceding, b., Lenox, Madison Co., N. Y., June 4, 1842; m., Brooklyn, Mich., Dec. 30, 1862, Edgar Nor- man Randall, b., Columbia, Mich., May 24, 1838. [For his ancestry, see Randall Genealogy, p. 129.] He is a farmer and resides at Columbia, Mich. Children, all b. in Bridgewater, Mich.: 3237. Minnie Elmina Randall, b. Mar. 24, 1869. 3238. Clara Belle Randall, b. Jan. 8, 1872. 3239. Fred Norman Randall, b. Aug. 25, 1876 (3312-3314). Joshua G. Palmer (3194), brother of the preceding, b. Dec. 25, 1847; m., Nov. I, 1868, Laura J. Palmer, b. Dec. 25, 1847; dau. of S. B. Palmer and Sarah Fish, granddau. of Huldah Palmer, and great-granddau. of Prudy Palmer, sister of Peleg Palmer, husband of Deborah Brown Palmer (130). Res., Brooklyn, Mich. Children : 3240. Harry J. Palmer, b. Nov. 19, 1870; d. Dec. 31, 1870. 3241. Alice May Palmer, b. Dec. 2, 1874; m., Ann Arbor, Mich., July 2, 1896, Dr. G. L. Larraway. Address, Florence, Wis. 366 THE BROWN 'GENEALOGY Mary Esther Palmer (3195), sister of the preceding, b. Mar. 27, 1854; d. July 27, 1899; m., Oct. 9, 1870, Austin Miller, b., Coshocton, O., July 7, 1850; d. Oct. 21, 1891 ; son of Benjamin Miller, a farmer, and Eliza Staley. Children : 3242. Herbert Stephen Miller, b. Aug. 11, 1872. 3243. Florence Eliza Miller, b. Dec. 5, 1873 (3315-3319)- 3244. Flora Esther Miller, b. Aug. 11, 1875 (3320). 3245. Earl Benjamin Miller, b. Oct. 14, 1883. 3246. Glen J. Miller, b. May 6, 1886; d. Sept. 15, 1886. 3247. Valerie May Miller, b. May 17, 1890. Almira Watson (3201), dau. of Justus and Polly O. (Palmer) Watson (3176), dau. of Joshua G. (3163) and Freelove (Randall) Palmer, son of Peleg and Deborah (Brown) Palmer (130), dau. of Asa Brown (123) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. July 20, 1843; d., Jackson, Mich., June 20, 1890; m., Feb. 24, 1873, Bridgewater, Mich., Leonard B. Par- tridge, b., Oswego Co., N. Y., Oct. 6, 1843; ^^^ ^^ Thurman Partridge and Clarissa Farley. He is a farmer at Napoleon, Mich. Children: 3248. Cora Augusta Partridge, b.. Grass Lake, Jackson Co., Mich., Nov. 8, 1873. 3249. Ira Milton Partridge, b., Onondaga, Ingham Co., Mich., Feb. 5, 1877; d. Mar. 11, 1904. 3250. Orville Partridge, b., Onondaga, June 20, 1880. Caroline Bancroft (3202), dau. of Wilder and Hannah K. (Palmer) Ban- croft (3177), dau. of Joshua G. (3163) and Freelove (Randall) Palmer, son of Peleg and Deborah (Brown) Palmer (130), dau. of Asa Brown (123) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Oct. 3, 1845; d- Sept., 1900; m.. May 25, 1870, William J. McMaster, b., Belfast, Ireland, Sept. 2;^, 1838; d., Lake City, Minn., June 10, 1880, where for many years he was the editor of the Lake City Leader. Dau.: 3251. Anna Eleanor McMaster, b. Oct. 8, 1872 (3321, 3322). Ellavene Bancroft (3204), sister of the preceding, b. Sept. 18, 1849; "^-i Apr. 28, 1867, Charles Yarrington, a farmer, b. 1839. He has served in the Michigan Legislature. Res., Highland, Mich. Children: 3252. Ida May Yarrington, b. May 2, 187 1. She is a teacher in Toledo, O. 367 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3253. Nellie Maud Yarrington, b. June 9, 1874; m., Aug. 23, 1904, Roy Stephens, a teacher at Metamora, Mich. 3254. Charles Webb Yarrington, b. Jan. 30, 1877. He is a physician at Calumet, Mich. Willard Baxter Bancroft (320^), brother of the preceding, b. Mar. 31, 1853 ;m., Apr. 3, 1872, Viola S. Hunt, b. July i, i85i;d. Mar. 16, 1900. He is a painter. Res., Ann Arbor, Mich. Children : 3255. Elmer Baxter Bancroft, b. May 25, 1874. He is a paint-dealer in Ann Arbor. 3256. Meta Alice Bancroft, b. May 27, 1876. She is a teacher at Holly, Mich. 3257. Mary Ethel Bancroft, b. Feb. 4, 1880. 3258. Florence Marion Bancroft, b. Jan. 9, 1882. 3259. Kittie M. Bancroft, b. Aug. 14, 1883; d. May 4, 1901. 3260. Walter Hunt Bancroft, b. Feb. 5, 1885. 3261. Harry Willard Bancroft, b. Sept. 15, 1886. 3262. Emmet Floyd Bancroft, b. Nov. 14, 1891. Charles Palmer Bancroft (3206), brother of the preceding, b. Jan. 14, 1856; m., Dec. 20, 1882, Eva Palmer, b. Oct. 8, 1858. He is a merchant at Norvell, Mich. Children : 3263. Ervin Palmer Bancroft, b. Dec. 2, 1889. 3264. Huldah Bancroft, b. Feb. 16, 1893. 3265. Wilder Jackson Bancroft, b. Nov. 15, 1896. Homer Bancroft (3207), brother of the preceding, b. Jan. 22, 1858; m., Feb., 1883, Mary Hunt, b. Mar. 30, 1857. He is a merchant in Ann Arbor, Mich. Children: 3266. George Homer Bancroft, b. Apr. 4, 1888. 3267. Mamie Bancroft, b. Sept. 21, 1889. 3268. Fannie Bancroft, d. in 1901, one year of age. Esther Deborah Bancroft (3209), sister of the preceding, b. May 25, 1867; m., Apr. 3, 1889, Culver J. Harper, b. Sept. 14, 1866; a farmer at Norvell, Mich. Children : 3269. Ralph Bancroft Harper, b. Nov. 3, 1890. 3270. Amy Caroline Harper, b. Oct. 29, 1894. 3271. Homer Robert Harper, b. May 14, 1898. 368 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Lewis G. Palmer (3211), son of Courtland R. (3179) and Augusta (Case) Palmer, son of Joshua G. (3163) and Freelove (Randall) Palmer, son of Peleg and Deborah (Brown) Palmer (130), dau. of Asa Brown (123) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. July 10, 1864; m., Napoleon, Mich., Dec. 22, 1886, Nellie L. Nearing, dau. of Edward Nearing, b. in New York, and Mary Harrison, b. in England in 1844. He is a farmer. Res., Napo- leon, Mich. Dau.: 3272. Zadie M. Palmer, b., Horton, Mich., Mar. 12, 1889, Walter S. Palmer (3212), brother of the preceding, b. Apr. 21, 1866; m., Harrisville, Mich., Nov. 25, 1895, Linna Reed. He is observer for United States Weather Bureau at Cheyenne, Wyo. Son: 3273. Claude Walter Palmer, b. July 11, 1898. Herbert F. Palmer (3213), brother of the preceding, b. May 16, 1869; m., Jackson, Mich., Oct. i, 1894, Mary Stimson. He is a veterinarian. Res., Detroit, Mich. Children : 3274. Lynn C. Palmer, b., Brooklyn, Mich., July 10, 1897. 3275. Russell Palmer, b., Detroit, Oct. 13, 1900. Lewellyn Palmer (3214), son of Martin F. (3180) and Mary (Farley) Palmer, son of Joshua G. (3163) and Freelove (Randall) Palmer, son of Peleg and Deborah (Brown) Palmer (130), dau. of Asa Brown (123) [Ichabod (32) , John (8), Thomas], b. Mar. 20, 1859; d. Mar., 1901; m. Frankie Delamatir. Son: 3276. Roy Palmer, b. and d. 1903. William Henry Stratton (3225), son of William Warner and Amy P. (Fuller) Stratton (3186), dau. of Waitstill and Martha C. (Palmer) Fuller (3168), dau. of Peleg and Deborah (Brown) Palmer (130), dau. of Asa Brown (123) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Aug. 13, 1845; "^v Dec. 8, 1878, Julia Ann Dodd, b^. June 19, 1861; dau. of Calvin Riggs Dodd and Mrs. Sarah Ann Reinhart, nee Williver. He is a publisher and book- seller at Simeon, Neb. Wife and children reside at Oakmound, Ozark Co., Mo., on homestead. Children : 3277. William Warner Stratton, b. Sept. 8, 1879. 3278. Essie Pearl Stratton, b. Jan. 14, 1882; m., Oct. 18, 1903, Her- 369 THE BROWN GENEALOGY bert Clinton Houser, b., Wabash Co., Ind., July i, 1879; son of Ichabod Houser, b., Derk Co., O., Dec. 11, 1849, ^i^d his wife, Telitha Elmera Tillman, b., Wabash Co., Ind., Nov. 5, 1854. They were m. May 2, 1874. H. C. Houser is a farmer residing at Oakmound, Mo. 3279. Ray Dodd Stratton, b. May 7, 1883. 3280. Addie Foote Stratton, b. Oct. 19, 1884. 3281. Calvin Riggs Stratton, b. Apr. 21, 1886. 3283. Hazel Thornton Stratton, b. June 10, 1888. 3284. Sarah Ann Stratton, b. Aug. 31, 1890. 3285. Amy P. Stratton, b. Mar. 23, 1892. 3286. Floyd Stratton, b. June 22, 1894. 3287. Alice Stratton, b. June 13, 1897. 3288. Grace Stratton, b. Mar. 4, 1899. Flora Eliza Wilcox (3228), dau. of Henry Wilcox and Sarahann E. (Fuller) Wilcox (3187), dau. of Waitstill and Martha C. (Palmer) Fuller (3168), dau. of Peleg and Deborah (Brown) Palmer (130), dau. of Asa Brown (123) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Aug. 26, 1851; graduate of Sherwood Musical Academy, Lyons, N. Y.; m., Aug. 25, 1872, Henry Dwight Bassett, a mechanic, b., Kendall, Orleans Co., N. Y., Jan. 26, 1844; son of Peleg Hoxie Bassett, a farmer, and Cornelia Clark Bassett. Mr. Dwight is a Free Baptist and a Democrat. Res., Unadilla Forks, N. Y. Children : 3289. Sarah Agnes Bassett, b. July 25, 1880. She is a music-teacher. Resides with her parents. 3290. Reba Cornelia Bassett, b. Jan. 15, 1884. She is a student at The Art League, New York City. Myra Elizabeth Wilcox (3229), sister of the preceding, b. Mar. 27, 1856; graduate of Oswego Normal School; m.. May 25, 1886, Herbert Hoxie Bassett, b., Unadilla Forks, N. Y., July 4, 1857; son of George R. Bassett and Sarah Crumb Bassett. He is secretary of Handle Co. of Columbus, Ind. ; manufacturer, an Episcopalian, and a Democrat. Children : 3291. Herbert Lee Bassett, b. 1887. 3292. William Forrest Bassett, b. 1891. 3293. Herbert Wilcox Bassett, b. 1895. Mary E. Fuller (3230), dau. of Amos F. W. (3188) and H. Ludencia (Woodman) Fuller, son of Waitstill and Martha C. (Palmer) Fuller (3186), dau. of Peleg and Deborah (Brown) Palmer (130), dau. of Asa Brown (123) 370 THE BROWN GENEALOGY [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Aug. 22, 1855; ni., Oct. 8, 1873, William Finley Downey, a farmer of Fairbury, Jefiferson Co., Neb. Children : 3294. Herbert W. Downey, b. Nov. 21, 1874; d. June 8, 1877. 3295. Henry C. Downey, b. Sept. 11, 1876; d. May 17, 1877. 3296. Amy Crumb Downey, b. Nov. i, 1879 (33 2 2a-33 2 2c). 3297. Mary Ethel Downey, b. Sept. 21, 1883; d. Aug. 26, 1884. 3298. William Downey, b. July 25, 1885. 3299. Harold Finley Downey, b. Mar. 5, 1895. A. Waitstill Fuller (3232), brother of the preceding, b. Sept. 5, 1862; m., Nov. 23, 1891, Ella R. Wilson, b. Apr. 10, 1863; d. Feb. 13, 1904; dau. of John Wilson and Sarah Fitzgerald Wilson. He is a teacher at Garwin, la. Children : 3300. Edward Rex Fuller, b. Jan. 30, 1894. 3301. Waitstill Frederick Fuller, b. Oct. 6, 1898. Martha A. C. Fuller (3233), sister of the preceding, b. Sept. 30, 1868; m., Aug. 14, 1883, Sherman I. Roscoe, a carpenter. Res., Shenandoah, Page Co., la. Children : . 3302. Walter W. Roscoe, b. Feb. 20, 1885. 3303. Mary L. Roscoe, b. Oct. 15, 1886. 3304. Buell L. Roscoe, b. Feb. 26, 1891. 3305. Ervin D. Roscoe, b. July 25, 1893. Mellie B. Fuller (3234), sister of the preceding, b. Aug. 31, 1871; m.. Mar., 1891, Calvin Grant Burt, b. July 14, 1868; son of Lucian Napoleon Burt and Mary Peterson Burt. He is a farmer at Garrison, la. Children: 3306. Hilda Lucile Burt, b. July 26, 1894. 3307. Amos Lucian Burt, b. Oct. 21, 1900. ^ Emmett H. Luce (3235), son of George W. and Helen M. (Palmer) Luce (3 191), dau. of Stephen N. (3174) and Rebecca (Farley) Palmer, son of Joshua G. (3163) and Freelove (Randall) Palmer, son of Peleg and Deborah (Brown) Randall (130), dau. of Asa Brown (123) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b.. Napoleon, Mich., Mar. 25, 1868; m., Feb. 21, 1899, Nettie M. Mathias, b., Cambridge, Lenawee Co., Mich., Oct. 2, 1868; dau. of Reuben R. Mathias and Laura A. Taylor. Children : 3308. Ray M. Luce, b., Columbia, Mich., Feb. 2, 1890. 371 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3309. George P. Luce, b., Columbia, June 30, 1891. 3310. Helen Leone Luce, b., Napoleon, June 13, 1903. Elmer A. Luce (3226), brother of the preceding, b., Napoleon, Mich., Apr. II, 1872; m., Nov. 15, 1894, Florence M. Twist, b., Columbia, Mich., Feb. 5, 1875; dau. of Frank D. Twist and Hattie E. Cronell. Dau.: 33 11. Veva A. Luce, b.. Napoleon, Mar. 17, 1896. Fred Norman Randall (3239), son of Edgar Norman and Maria Huldah (Palmer) Randall (3192), dau. of Stephen N. (3174) and Rebecca (Farley) Palmer, son of Joshua G. (3163) and Freelove (Randall) Palmer, son of Peleg and Deborah (Brown) Palmer (130), dau. of Asa Brown (123) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Aug. 25, 1876; m., Bridgewater,. Washtenaw Co., Mich., Apr. 21, 1897, Florence Maransa Every, dau. of Maransa Sanford Every, b., Middleton, Delaware Co., N. Y., Feb. i6„ 1833, d., Bridgewater, May 21, 1904, and Emma Culver, b., Springwater,. Livingston Co., N. Y., June 22, 1851. He is a farmer. Res., Bridgewater^ Mich. Children, all b. in Bridgewater: 3312. Grace Elmira Randall, b. Feb. 19, 1898. 3313. Laurence Norman Randall, b. Sept. 20, 1900. 3314. Leon Every Randall, b. Dec. 10, 1903. Florence Eliza Miller (3243), dau. of Austin and Mary Esther (Palmer) Miller (3195), dau. of Stephen N. (3174) and Rebecca (Farley) Palmer, son of Joshua G. (3163) and Freelove (Randall) Palmer, son of Peleg and Deborah (Brown) Palmer (130), dau. of Asa Brown (123) [Ichabod (32, John (8), Thomas], b. Dec. 5, 1873; m., Dec. 29, 1895, Phineas Pelham, son of C. Wallace Pelham, of Cement City, Mich. He is a farmer. Res.,. Columbia, Mich. Children, all b. in Columbia: 3315. Nevah Pelham, b. July 5, 1896. 3316 3317 3319 Hazel Pelham, b. July 5, 1898. Mildred Pelham, b. Sept. 26, 1899. Metha Pelham, b. Mar., 1901. Charles W. Pelham, b. Nov., 1902. Flora Esther Miller (3244), sister of the preceding, b. Aug. 11, 1875; m., Jan. 16, 1895, at Brooklyn, Mich., Clear Seeing Vining, son of Charles F. Vining, a merchant of Columbia, Mich., and Nancy O. Preston, his wife. He is a travelling salesman. Res., Cement City, Mich. 372 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Son: 3320. Emmett DeVere Vining, b. Dec. 20, 1896. Anna Eleanor McMaster (3251), dau. of William J. and Caroline (Ban- croft) McMaster (3202), dau. of Wilder and Hannah K. (Palmer) Bancroft (3177), dau. of Joshua G. (3163) and Freelove (Randall) Palmer, son of Peleg and Deborah (Brown) Palmer (130), dau. of Asa (123) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Oct. 8, 1872; m., Dec. 2, 1898, William Henry Strudely, b. Dec. 10, 1870. He is a travelling salesman. Res., Detroit, Mich. Children: 3321. Eleanor Strudely, b. Mar. 13, 1900. 3322. Donald Bell Strudely, b. Dec. 4, 1901. Amy Crumb Downey (3296), dau. of William Finley and Mary E. (Fuller) Downey (3230), dau. of Amos F. W. (3188) and H. Ludencia (Woodman) Fuller, son of Waitstill and Martha C. (Palmer) Fuller (3168), dau. of Peleg and Deborah (Brown) Palmer (130), dau. of Asa Brown (123) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Nov. i, 1879; m., Aug. 16, 1898, Frank L. Records, a farmer at Fairbury, Neb. Children: 3322a. Gerald Records, b. Apr. 27, 1900. 3322b. John Finley Records, b. Nov. 4, 1901. 3322c. Eva Lucile Records, b. July 12, 1903. Grant Brown (132), son of Asa and Deborah (Grant) Brown (123) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., May 15, 1777; m. (i), Aug. 16, 1802, at Stonington, Conn., Betsey Swan, who was b. at Preston, New London Co., Conn., Feb. 4, 1780. She died at Brookfield, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1810, and is buried in the private cemetery of the Browns on the farm owned by Asa Brown, her husband's father. He died at Edmes- ton, Otsego Co., N. Y. Children by first m. : 3323. Nancy (twin), b., Stonington, Aug. 5, 1803. 3324. Betsey (twin), b., Stonington, Aug. 5, 1803 (3335-3339)- 3325. Lucy, b., Stonington, Apr. 6, 1807; d., Edmeston, Feb. 27, 1832; buried beside her mother; unm. 3326. Infant son, b. Sept. 28, 1810; d. same date; buried beside his mother. Grant Brown m. (2), Dec. 26, 1810, Dorothy Healy, b., Plainfield, 373 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Windham Co., Conn., July 25, 1787. She died at Edmeston, Aug. 5, 1873. He was a farmer and had a good farm on the hills above Edmeston. Children by second m. : 3327. Infant daughter, b., Brookfield, Dec. 26, 1811; d. same day. [Tombstone says Dec. 27.] 3328. Joshua Grant, b., Brookfield, Dec. 17, 1812; d. 1855; m. Barbara Johnson, of Burlington, Dec. 7, 1841. He was a small farmer and patent-medicine dealer. He died very poor. No issue. 3329. Abigail, b., Brookfield, Aug. 17, 1815; d. Jan. 8, 1892 (3340- 3342). 3330. Alvah Healy, b., Brookfield, Aug. 14, 181 7; d. May 27, 1893 (3343-3346). 3331. Samuel Swan, b., Brookfield, July 26, 1820; d. Jan. 19, 1897 (3346a). 3332. Harriet Eliza, b., Brookfield, Sept. 16, 1826; d. 1893; m., in New Berlin, Charles Morris, of Utica, who d. in New Berlin in 1878. Nancy Brown (3323), dau. of Grant (132) and Betsey (Swan) Brown [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 5, 1803; m., Jan. 7, 1843, William Ailsworth. She was his second wife. He was deacon in the Baptist Church at Edmeston, N. Y. They lived at Taylor's Hill. They had two children, twins, who died young. After her husband's death she went to live with her sister Betsey at Edmeston. She is buried at Taylor's Hill, beside her husband. Betsey Brown (3324), sister of the preceding, b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 5, 1803 ; m. William Keith, a farmer at Mill Creek, near Edmeston, N. Y. Children : 3335. Annie Keith (twin), b. Jan. 17, 1833 (3347-3349). 3336. Fanny Keith (twin), b. Jan. 17, 1833; d. Feb. 2, 1865 (3350). 3337. Louisa Keith (3352-3355)- 3338. William Henry Keith, d. when about fifteen years of age. 3339. Sherman L. Keith, b. Nov. 3, 1839; d. June 20, 1897; ^• Nancy A. Colegrove, b. Aug. 18, 1846; d. 1900. No issue. Abigail Brown (3329), dau. of Grant (132) and Dorothy (Healy) Brown, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1815; d. Jan. 8, 1892; m., Feb. 9, 1837, Charles Burlingame, a carpenter, d. 1889. They moved to Utica, N. Y. 374 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : 3340. Marion Burlingame, d. about twenty-five years of age; unm. 3341. Charles Burlingame, b. about 1839; d. 1873; unm. 3342. Angelina Burlingame, b. Oct., 1842; d., Utica, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1871 (3356,3357)- Alvah Healy Brown (3330), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. 14, 181 7; d. May 27, 1893; ^-y July 18, 1844, Caroline Stanbro, of Unadilla Forks, JN". Y. Children : 3343. Lucy Maria, b., Edmeston, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1847 (335i)« 3344. Helen De Ette, b., Edmeston, Apr. 25, 1850 (3358-33^). 3345. Fred Larson, b., Edmeston, June 28, 1853; m., June 15, 1878, Jannette Jones, of Buffalo. He was a railroad conductor, and was killed in an accident June i, 1889. 3346. Daniel Orville, b. July 2, 1857 (3361-3366). Samuel Swan Brown (3331), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., July 26, 1820; d. Jan. 19, 1897; "^- (i), Dec, 1845, Betsey Jane Peck, a granddau. of Dea. Ailsworth. No issue. He m. (2) Sarah Dry, of Burlington. Son: 3346a. James Monroe Brown, his adopted son, inherited his farm of about forty acres at •Burlington Flats. Annie Keith (3335), dau. of William and Betsey (Brown) Keith (3324), dau. of Grant Brown (132) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Jan. 17, 1833; m. Norman Talbot. Both are dead. Children : 3347. Webster Talbot, m. and lives on the old farm at Edmeston, N. Y. No issue. 3348. Esther Talbot, m. Artemus Mclntyre. He was fouYid dead in a field about 1900, and was supposed to have died of heart- disease. She lives about two miles from Leonardsville, N. Y., on a fine farm. Has two daughters, one of them a teacher in the public schools at Leonardsville. 3349. Edith Talbot, m. Nathan Brand, a well-to-do farmer near Leonardsville. No issue. Fanny Keith (3336), twin with the preceding, b. Jan. 17, 1833; d. Feb. 2, 1865, aged thirty-two years, one month, and one day; m. O. E. Hopkins. She was his first wife. He m. (2), Apr. 15, 1874, Lucy Maria Brown (3343). 375 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Dau. by first m.: 3350. Mary Dell Hopkins, b. June 14, 1864; d. Aug. 9, 1882. She and her mother are buried in the old cemetery at Edmeston, N. Y. Son by second m. : 3351. Lionel D. Hopkins (3366a). Louisa Keith (3337), sister of the preceding, m. Stephen Collins, of Brookfield, N. Y. He left his wife and went to Bridgewater, N. Y., where he kept a hotel. She stayed on the farm and cared for her children and paid for the farm. Is now at rest. Children: 3352. Charles Collins. 3353. Ellen Collins, m. William Vunk. Lives on her mother's farm. 3354. William Collins. 3355. Maria Collins, m. a Gorton; d. in the asylum at Utica, N. Y. Angelina Burlingame (3342), dau. of Charles and Abigail (Brown) Bur- lingame (3329), dau. of Grant Brown (132) [Asa (123), John (8), Thomas], b. Oct., 1842; d., Utica, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1871; m., 1863, William Julius Shultz, Ellicottville, N. Y. He was editor of Weekly News of Cherry Creek, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. She left, besides two sons who died in infancy, two sons. Children: • 3356. Charles Julius Shultz, b., Ellicottville, Feb. 23, 1865. Res., Cherry Creek, N. Y. 3357. Edward Shultz, b., Utica, about 1867. Helen De Ette Brown (3344), dau. of Alvah Healy Brown (3330) and Caroline (Stanbro) Brown [Grant (132), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Edmeston, N. Y., Apr. 25, 1850; m., Sept. 9, 1872, George L. Whitford, of Plainfield, N. Y., now deceased. He was a tailor and a strong Seventh-Day Baptist. She is a dressmaker at Earlville, N. Y. Children : 3358. Victor Leslie Whitford, b., Unadilla Forks, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1874; m., June 28, 1889, Lillian Broad, of Morrisville, N. Y. No issue. He is foreman of the Walton Reporter, of Walton, N. Y. 3359. Kate De Ette Whitford, b.. Bound Brook, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1880 (3366b). 3360. Ralph Byron Whitford, b., Brookfield, N. Y., June 19, 1884; d. July 25, 1884. 376 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Daniel Orville Brown (3346), brother of the preceding, b. July 2, 1857; m., Dec. 5, 1887, Martha Johnson, of Windsor, Ontario. He is a farmer at Tilbury, Ontario. Children : 3361. Orville James, b., Davidson Station, Mich., Apr. 6, 1889. 3362. Earl Lynn, b., Caseville, Mich., Sept. 8, 1891. 3363. Grant Daniel Alva, b., Kindy, Mich., July 2, 1893. 3364. Annie Mae, b.. Tilbury, May 9, 1895. 3365. Stephen, b.. Tilbury, Dec. 4, 1896. 3366. Mary Estelle, b. May 29, 1903. Lionel D. Hopkins (3351), son of O. E. and Lucy Maria (Brown) Hop- kins (3343), son of Alvah Healy Brown (3330) [Grant (132), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], lives at Edmeston, N. Y., and is a car- penter. Son: 3366a. Arthur Stewart Hopkins, b. about 1899. Kate DeEtte Whitford (3359), dau. of George L. and Helen De Ette Whitford (3344), dau. of Alvah Healy Brown (3330) [Grant (132), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b.. Bound Brook, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1880; m., Mar. 18, 1902, Thomas Earl Allen, of Earlville, N. Y., now residing in Smyrna, N. Y. Son: 3366b. Stuart Whitford Allen, b. Dec. 28, 1902. Miner Brown (133), son of Asa (123) and Deborah (Grant) Brown [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 4, 1781; m. (i), Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1810, Charity Bugbee, b., Woodstock, Conn., Dec. 5, 1786; dau. of Jonathan Bugbee and Mary Dean, his wife; d., Henrietta, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1847. He m. (2), in 1848, Rhoda (Thomas) Whitcomb, widow of Samuel Whitcomb, of Parma, N. Y. She d. Oct. 21, 1865. He was a 2d Lieutenant in Madison Co. Mihtia; promoted to rst Lieutenant in 1808, and to Captain in 1811; resigned in 1815. Both are buried in the Tinker Cemetery. Children: 3367. Nelson, b., Brookfield, June 22, 1811; d. Feb. 12, 1864 (3374- 3376). 3368. George Washington, b., Brookfield, June 18, 1813; d. May 7, 1882 (3377-3381). 3369. Charity Melissa, b., Plainfield, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1815; d. Aug. 18, 1846 (3382, 3383). 377 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3370. Alfred, b., Lenox, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1820; d. Dec. 8, 1852 (3384, 3385)- 3371. Mary Ann, b., Henrietta, July 14, 1826 (3386-3392). 3372. Adaline Marinda (twin), b., Henrietta, Jan. 11, 1829; d. Sept. 5, 1846; unm. 3373. Caroline Lucinda (twin), b. Jan. 11, 1829 (3393-3399)- Nelson Brown (3367), son of Miner (133) and Charity (Bugbee) Brown [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., June 22, 181 1 ; m., Apr. 25, 1842, Rebecca Page Case, dau. of Giles Case, of Howlett Hill, N. Y. She died very suddenly, June 19, 1848, and the shock is said to have affected his mind. He was a physician and afterwards a Universalist clergyman ; was a graduate of Hobart College. His home was at Howlett Hill, Onandaga Co., N. Y. Children, all b. in Howlett Hill: 3374. John Franklin, b. Jan. 18, 1843; d. June, 1861; unm. 3375. Alice Melicent, b. July 27, 1845; d. Aug., 1863; unm. 3;76. Rebecca Adaline Brown, b. Jan. 22, 1848. She lives in Syra- cuse, N. Y., and is unm. George Washington Brown (3368), brother of the preceding, b., Brook- field, N. Y., June 18, 1813; d. May 7, 1882; m., Henrietta, N. Y., Mar. 4, i835,Rhoda Phillips, dau. of Benjamin Phillips and Rhoda Thomas, whose third husband was Miner Brown. She d. Nov. 7, 1889. Both are buried at Pittsford. He was a farmer at Henrietta, and later removed to Pittsford, N. Y. Children, all b. in Henrietta: 3377. George Henry, b. Aug. 16, 1837; d. Sept. 25, 1902; m., Feb. 28, 1861, Martha Ann Collar. He was a merchant in Rochester, N. Y. No issue. 3378. Ellen Mehssa, b. Mar. 24, 1840 (3400). 3379. William Jay, b. May 6, 1843 (3401-3403)- 3380. Frances Adaline, b. June i, 1846 (3404-3406). 3381. Harvey Clarence, b. July 3, 1849; d- June 29, 1867; unm. Charity Melissa Brown (3369), sister of the preceding, b., Plainfield, N. Y., Oct. II, 1815; d. Aug. 18, 1846; m., Sept. 4, 1841, George Ransom. She is said to have had two children. Children : 3382. 33^3- 378 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Alfred Brown (3370), brother of the preceding, b., Lenox, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1820; d. Dec. 8, 1852; m., Nov. 27, 1845, at Pittsford, N. Y,, by Rev. M. Richardson, Catherine EHzabeth Whipple, b. Mar. 22, 1825; dau. of Jonathan Whipple and Fanny (Dennis) Whipple. She still lives on his farm in Henrietta, N. Y. Children, b. in Henrietta: 3384. Alfred Franklin, b. June 4, 1848; d. Sept. 29, 1850. 3385. Elwin Francis, b. July 25, 1851 (3407-3409). Mary Ann Brov^n (3371), sister of the preceding, b., Henrietta, N. Y., July 14, 1826; m., Henrietta, Apr. 28, 1852, Horace Dwight Seeley, b., Onandaga, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1823; son of Smith Seeley, b. June 7, 1785, and Mehitabel White Seeley, b. July 22, 1803. He was a farmer, and owned a fine farm of two hundred acres at Seneca, Nemaha Co., Neb., but now has retired and lives in the village. Children, all except the first b. in Walnut Grove, 111., where they resided before moving to Neb.: 3386. Emma Mehssa Seeley, b., Onondaga, Oct. 5, 1853 (3410- 3415)- 3387. Flora Adoline Seeley, b. June 28, 1858; d. June 27, 1872. 3388. Frank Alfred Seeley, b. Sept. 24, 1859. 3389. Grove Bayard Seeley, b. Mar. 18, 1861 (3416, 3417)- 3390. George Nelson Seeley, b. Feb. 2, 1864. He is a farmer and stock-raiser at Seneca. 3391. Mary Caroline Seeley, b. May 31, 1866 (3418, 3419). 3392. Hattie Seeley, b. July 30, 1868; d. Dec. 20, 1872. Caroline Lucinda Brown (3373), sister of the preceding, b. Jan. 11, 1829; m., Jan. 30, 1854, Alonzo Wood. He was a farmer at Henrietta, N. Y., and later at E. Newmarket, Md. He died several years ago. She lives with her daughter Cora at 826 No. Strieker St., Baltimore, Md. Children, all except the last b. in Henrietta: 3393. Adeline Melissa Wood, b. July 28, 1856; d. Sept., 1898 (3420- 3423). 3394. Franklin Alonzo Wood, b. Mar. 7, 1859; d. Dec. 8, 1893 (3424-3426). 3395. Cora Adella Wood, b. June 17, 1861. 3396. Alice Maria Wood, b. Feb. 2, 1865. She is head nurse in a hospital in Baltimore. 3397. Mary Matilda Wood, b. Oct. 18, 1867; d. in infancy. 3398. Jennie Caroline Wood, b. Nov. 11, 1868; d. in infancy. 379 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3399. George Washington Wood, b., E. Newmarket, July 25, 1870 (3427, 3428). Ellen Melissa Brown (3378), dau. of George Washington (3368) and Rhoda (Phillips) Brown [Miner (133), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Henrietta, N. Y., Mar. 24, 1840; m., Oct. 2, 1861, Wirt Mathews, of Pittsford, N. Y. They live on a farm at Pittsford. Son: 3400. Irving Ellsworth Mathews, b. Jan. 4, 1865 (3429, 3430). William Jay Brown (3379), brother of the preceding, b., Henrietta, N. Y., May 6, 1843; ^-^ Hopewell, N. Y., Apr. 29, 1869, Ella M. Penn, of Hope- well, b. Aug. 15, 1846; dau. of William R. and Harriet (Atwood) Penn. He is now a farmer at Stanley, N. Y. Children: 3401. George W., b., Henrietta, Sept. 19, 1870. 3402. Frank E., b., Pittsford, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1876. 3403. Harriet A., b., Pittsford, Jan. 28, 1879. Frances Adaline Brown (3380), sister of the preceding, b., Henrietta, N. Y., June i, 1846; m., Henrietta, Feb. 13, 1868, Gurdon Ellis Pendleton, of Oswego, N. Y., now a merchant in New York City. He is a son of William and Caroline (Pitchee) Pendleton, and was b. Feb. 13, 1844. Was a soldier in the Civil War, serving three years, and was discharged for disability in 1864. He was in the battles of Bull Run, Fredericksburg, South Mountain, Malvern Hill, and Antietam. Address, 27 Hamilton Ter- race, New York City. Children, all b. at Pittsford, N. Y.: 3404. Eleanor M. Pendleton, b. Sept. 19, 1873. She is a home mis- sionary in New York City. 3405. Arthur Gurdon Pendleton, b. July 19, 1878. He is a clerk in a wholesale dry-goods house, New York City. 3406. Howard Mathews Pendleton, b. Sept. 25, 1883. He is a clerk in a real-estate office, New York City. Elwin Francis Brown (3385), son of Alfred (3370) and Catherine Eliza- beth (Whipple) Brown [Miner (133), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Henrietta, N. Y., July 25, 1851 ; m., Ransomville, Niagara Co., N. Y., by Rev. J. Gilchrist, Apr. 2, 1873, Ada Marian Harwick, dau. of Laurence and Mary Ann (Roberts) Harwick, of Ransomville. He is a farmer at Henrietta, N. Y. - 380 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 3407. Alma Luelle, b. Jan. 30, 1874. 3408. Alice Elizabeth, b. Oct. 13, 1876. 3409. Helen Miriam, b. Nov. 16, 1887. Emma Melissa Seeley (3386), dau. of Horace Dwight and Mary Ann (Brown) Seeley (3371), dau. of Miner Brown (133) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Onondaga, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1853; m., Seneca, Neb., May 12, 1880, Davidson Richard Vorhes, son of James and Elizabeth (Scott) Vorhes. He d. July 7, 1903. Children, all b. in Seneca: 3410. Infant daughter, b. and d. Mar. 5, 188 r. 341 1. Nellie May Vorhes, b. Mar. 7, 1882. She is an operator of city telephone exchange, Seneca. 3412. John Seeley Vorhes, b. Apr. 19, 1884. He is a telephone engineer, Seneca. 3413. Hattie Bell Vorhes, b. Feb. 15, 1886. 3414. Infant son, b. Aug. 10, 1893; d. Aug. 14, 1893. 3415. George Brown Vorhes, b. Aug. 21, 1894. Grove Bayard Seeley (3389), sister of the preceding, b.. Walnut Grove, 111., Mar. 18, 1861; m., Seneca, Neb., June 17, 1890, Minerva Long. He was a postal telegraph operator at Marysville, Kan., fourteen years; is now a merchant at Norton, Kan. Children, b. in Marysville: 3416. Erwin Seeley, b. May 27, 1894. 3417. Creta Seeley, b. Mar. 23, 1898. Mary Caroline Seeley (3391), sister of the preceding, b., Walnut Grove, 111;, May 31, 1866; m., Seneca, Neb., July 29, 1890, Henry Wallace, agent of Rock Island R. R. at Norton, Kan. Children : *f' 3418. Mildred Wallace, b., Vona, Cal., Mar. 22, 1892. 3419. Beula Wallace, b., Jennings, Kan., Dec. 6, 1893. Adeline Melissa Wood (3393), dau. of Alonzo and Caroline Lucinda (Brown) Wood (3373), dau. of Miner Brown (133) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Henrietta, N. Y., July 28, 1856; d. Sept., 1898; m., Jan. 19, 1887, William Howard. Children, all b. in E. Newmarket, Md.: 3420. Alonzo Wilson Howard, b. Sept. 5, 1888. 3421. Cecil Claude Howard, b. Oct. 16, 1890. 381 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3422. Earl Burke Howard, b. Aug. 2, 1893. 3423. Rachel Caroline Howard, b. July 19, 1896. Franklin Alonzo Wood (3394), brother of the preceding, b., Henrietta^ N. Y., Mar. 7, 1859; d. Dec. 8, 1893; ^-i J'^^^ ^6, 1889, to Olga E. Doell. He was a clerk in a wholesale commission-house in Baltimore, Md. Children, all b. in Baltimore: 3424. Franklin Alonzo Wood, Jr., b. Mar. 19, 1890. 3425. Mildred C. Wood, b. June 10, 1892. 3426. Elma A. L. Wood, b. Aug. 18, 1893. George Washington Wood (3399), brother of the preceding, b., E. New- market, Md., July 25, 1870; m., Aug. 20, 1896, Anna B. Gempp. They live at Calverton, Md., and he is employed in a wholesale commission-house in Baltimore, Md. Children : 3427. Eva L. Wood, b. July 25, 1897. 3428. William F. Wood, b. May 6, 1899. Irving Ellsworth Mathews (3400), son of Wirt and Ellen Melissa (Brown) Mathews (3378), dau. of George Washington Brown (3368) [Miner (133), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Pittsford, N. Y., Jan. 4,. 1865; "^-5 Dsc. 28, 1887, Hattie A. Hodges, dau. of George Hodges, of Hen- rietta, N. Y. He is a civil engineer in the employ of the Rochester Railway Company. Res., 20 Avondale Terrace, Rochester, N. Y. Children: 3429. Stanley Wirt Mathews, b., Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 2, 1888. 3430. Dorothea Mathews, b., Rochester, Nov. 18, 1896. Alice Elizabeth Brown (340S), dau. of Elwin Francis (3385) and Ada Marian (Harwick) Brown [Alfred (3370), Miner (133), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Oct. 13, 1876; m., Mar. 9, 1903, by Rev. Charles A. Brooks, Warren Cornell Briggs, a farmer. Address, Sanborn,. Niagara Co., N. Y. Son: 3431. John Rodgers Briggs, b. May 5, 1905. Williams Brown (134), son of Asa (123) and Deborah (Grant) Brown [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 9, 1783; d., Utica, Dane Co., Wis.; removed with his father, about the year 1899, from Stonington, to Brookfield, N. Y., where he m. Esther Randall, dau. of Robert Randall and Lucy Pendleton Randall, Nov., 1817. [For her an- cestry, see the published Randall Genealogy.] She died at Brookfield, Dec. 382 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 24, 1863; was buried in the Clarksville (Brookfield) cemetery. He removed with his son Robert WilHams Brown to Utica, Dane Co., Wis., in the spring of 1864. He was buried in the S. D. B. Cemetery at Utica, but was removed later to the cemetery at Milton, Wis. Children, all b. in Brookfield: 3432. Deborah Louise, b. Nov. 27, 1818; d., Edgerton, Wis., Jan. 10, 1873; buried at Utica and removed to Milton. She attended the Young Ladies' Seminary in Albany; was a teacher; taught in the South, and later in Albion Academy, at Albion, Wis. She lived, after her parents' death, with her brother Robert. 3433. Randolph, b. Mar. i, 1820; d. suddenly, in Iowa, where he was buying stock, Jan. 20, 1875; ^-i Oct. 26, 1847, Lucy M. Carpenter. They had one child, a daughter, who d. in in- fancy. He removed to Utica about 1842. He was first a farmer at Utica, but removed to Edgerton, Wis., where he was a merchant and a grain and stock buyer. He was a prominent member of the Baptist Church, and is buried at Edgerton. His widow m. a Methodist minister, and lived till her death at Evansville, Wis. An adopted daughter, Laura, m. Dr. Clarence Dailey, of Cottage Grove, Wis. 3434. William Henry, b. May 29, 1821; d. July 10, 1825. 3435. Lucy Maria, b. Jan. 24, 1824; d., Edgerton, Wis., June 24, 1890; m. Ambrose Phillips. They lived for some years at Whitestown, near Utica, N. Y. Removed about 1866 to a small farm near Edgerton, where he raised tobacco and fruit until the death of his wife. He then removed to Edger- ton, where after some years he m. a Mrs. Clark, dying two or three years later. No issue. An adopted son, William Randolph Phillips, lives in Evansville, Wis. *^" 3436. Antoinette, b. Aug. 23, 1825; d. Mar. 2, 1899; m.. New York, Albert Holmes. They removed to Green Bay, Wis., where he was a merchant until the time of his death, about 1895 (4365). 3437. Charles Henry, b. Apr. 3, 1828; d., Albion, Wis., Dec. 2, 1864 (3440, 3441)- 3438. Robert Williams, b. Aug. 27, 1829 (3442-3448). 3439. Infant daughter, b. Jan. 18, 1835; d. Jan. 29, 1835. Charles Henry Brown (3437), son of Williams (134) and Esther (Randall) 383 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Brown [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Apr. 3, 1828; d., Albion, Wis., Dec. 2, 1864; m., Albion, Oct. 8, 1851, Emily Janette Humphrey, dau. of Lemuel and Abigail Howard Humphrey; b. Rensselaer Co., N. Y. She removed with her parents to Albion when she was about thirteen years of age. He was a farmer. Removed to Wisconsin about 1848, where he carried on the farm of his brother Randolph. About 1856 removed to Waushara Co., Wis., but returned to Albion in about five years. He died at Albion, and is buried in the cemetery near the old Prairie Church. She d. Aug. i, 1888, the wife of Amos Babcock. Children : 3440. Louise E., b. Nov. 17, 1852 (3449, 345°)- 3441. William Henry, b. June 24, 1857 (3451, 3452)- Robert Williams Brown (3438), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1829; m., Brookfield, Sept. 5, 1853, Ann Lavantia New- ton, dau. of Winslow Newton and Maria Sackett Newton; b., Brookfield, Sept. 12, 1832; d., Utica, Wis., Feb. 18, 1867. [For her ancestry, see Sackett Genealogy.] He lived on the old homestead at Brookfield until 1864, when he removed to Utica, purchasing an interest in the farm of his brother Randolph. He resided here until 1879, when he removed to the farm of his father-in-law, William Tower, near Hebron, 111. Lived there until 1892, when he removed to Milton, Wis., where he now resides. He is a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church, and a Republican. Children, all b. in Brookfield: 3442. Charles Newton, b. Apr. 13, 1855 (3453, 3454). 3443. George Williams, b. Aug. 5, 1857 (3455)- 3444. Nettie Marie, b. June 17, 1859 (3456, 3457). 3445. Hattie Esther, b. June 29, 1861 (3458-3461). Mr. Brown m. for his second wife, at Hebron, Sept. 23, 1867, Mary Amelia Tower, a cousin of his first wife. She was dau. of William Tower and Diana Sackett Tower; b., Hebron, May 21, 1835; d., Milton, May, 1893. [For her ancestry, see Tower Genealogy.] Children, all b. in Utica: 3446. Eleanor (Nellie) May, b. Mar. 7, 1870. She graduated at Milton College and at the University of Chicago; was a teacher at Milton College; later was in charge of English in the High School at Elgin, 111. ; is now teacher of English in Milwaukee Downer College, Milwaukee, Wis. 3447. Martha Diana, b. Nov. 16, 187 1. Res. with her father. 3448. Robert William, b. June 20, 1873. He was a naturalist and 384 THE BROWN GENEALOGY was drowned at Sweetwater Lakes, No. Dak., May 7, 1895, while there on a collecting expedition. Louise E. Brown (3440), dau of Charles Henry (3437) and Emily (Humphrey) Brown [Williams (134), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Albion, Wis., Nov. 17, 1852; m., Albion, Dec. 8, 1872, Francis Floyd Tracy, son of James Enos Tracy, of Kaneville, 111., and Hannah Jane (Wilcox) Tracy; b., Brookfield, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1849. They lived two years in Kane Co., 111.; removed to Plymouth Co., la., in 1875; went to Los Angeles in 1882, and back to Plymouth Co. in December of that year, and removed to Watertown, So. Dak., in 1903. He is a farmer. Children: 3449. James Jay Tracy, b., LeMars, la., July 26, 1876; d. Feb. 27, 1882. 3450. Ethel Louise Tracy, b., Kingsley, la., Sept. 19, 1884 (3461a). William Henry Brown (3441), brother of the preceding, b., Waushara Co., Wis., June 24, 1857; d.. So. St. Paul, Minn., May 8, 1907; m., Rut- land, Wis., Nov. 19, 1879, Henrietta Viney, dau. of William Viney and Lucinda (Wright) Viney; b., Edgerton, Wis., Apr. 30, i86r. Res., So. St. Paul, Minn. Children: 3451. Charles Wilbert, b., Stebbinsville, Wis., Aug. 25, 1882; m., Brodhead,Wis., Mar. 21, 1906, Nellie May Straw, b.. Spring Grove, Wis., July 10, 1885; dau. of Josiah Straw, of Brod- head, and Sarah (Springstead) Straw. He is a farmer, a Prohibitionist, and he and his wife are members of the Con- gregational Church. 3452. Maude Louise, b., Cooksville, Wis., Jan. 24, 1885 (3461b). 3452a. Frank Edward, b., Cooksville, Apr. 14, 1894. Charles Newton Brown (3442), son of Robert Williams (3438) and Ann Lavantia (Newton) Brown [Williams (134), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Apr. 13, 1855; m.. May 6, 1884, Nellie Melvina Williams, dau. of Henry C. Williams and Diana Thomas Williams, of Madison, Wis.; b., Lafayette, Onondaga Co., N. Y., Sept. 25, 1856. He attended school at Albion Academy, Milton College, and the University of Wisconsin, where he graduated in the Law Department in 1881. Stu- dent and teacher from 1873 to 188 1. Lawyer. Located in Madison in 1881. Address, 271 Langdon St., Madison, Wis. President of Dane County Ab- stract Association, which he organized, twelve years. Court Commissioner since 1889. Public administrator six years, member of Common Council 385 THE BROWN GENEALOGY eight years, and of the Board of Education two years. Secretary of Madison Park and Pleasure Drive Association since its organization. Life member and one of the Curators of the Wisconsin State Historical Society. Pre- pared that part of the present work from Nos. 1216 to 3784 inclusive, besides considerable of the subsequent portion. He is an independent Republican. His wife is a member of the Congregational Church. Children: 3453. Charles Williams, b. May 10, 1SS5; d. Sept. 3, 1899. 3454. Irving Henry, b. Oct. 29, 1888. George Williams Brown (3443), brother of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1857; m., Oct. 5, 1887, Marie Howe Simco.x, b., Monona, la., July 5, 1868; dau. of Philetus Raymond Simcox, b., Raymilton, Franklin Co., Penn., and Melissa J. Purcell, b. Galena, 111. He attended school at Milton College and University of Wisconsin, where he graduated in 1886. Civil engineer. County Surveyor of Dane Co., Wis., for four years. Topo- graphical engineer of Chatham Co., Ga., two years. From 1899 to 1906 had charge of construction of coaling-station at Fort Jefferson, Tortugas, Fla. Is now in employ of the United States, and stationed at Tiburon, Cal. Son, b. in Madison: 3455. Raymond Simcox, b. Feb. 9, 1892. Nettie Maria Brown (3444), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., June 17, 1859; m., Utica, Wis., Aug. 17, 1881, William Leman West, son of William B. West and Isophena (Burdick) West; b. Aug. 4, 1853; d., at Utica, where he was a farmer, Mar. 13, 1891. She attended school at the Whitewater Normal School, and was a- teacher from 1879 to 1881. She removed to Milton Junction after the death of her husband, where she now resides. She is secretary of West Lumber Co. She is a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Children: 3456. Mabel Louise West, b. Feb. 2, 1884. She is a teacher in Madi- son, Wis. 3457. Anna Maria West, b. June 8, 1886. She is a student at Milton College. Hattie Esther Brown (3445), sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, N. Y., June 30, 1861; m., Hebron, 111., Aug. 27, 1884, Allen Burdick West, b. July 15, 1856; brother of the husband of her sister. She attended State Normal School at Whitewater, and was a teacher from 1879 to 1884. Her husband was principal of the schools at Reedsburg, Wis., 1 884-1 893, and at Lake Mills, Wis., from 1893 to 1906, and is now in the High School at >^6 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Janesville, Wis. He is a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Seventh Day Baptist Church. Res., Milton Junction, Wis. Children : 3458. Allen Brown West, b. June 19, 1886. He graduated at Milton College, 1907. .Won the Rhodes Scholarship, England, for Wisconsin while an undergraduate, and goes to Oxford, England, for three years' study. 3459. Miriam Esther West, b. July 5, 1887. She is a student at Milton College. 3460. Robert William West, b. Nov. 26, 1892. 3461. Carroll Benjamin West, b. Apr. 28, 1895. Ethel Louise Tracy (3450), dau. of Francis Floyd Tracy and Louise E. (Brown) Tracy (3440) [Charles Henry (3437), Williams (134), Asa C123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Kingsley, la., Sept. 19, 1884; m., Jan. i, 1903, Orville Higday, b., LeMars, la., July 4, 1881 ; son of Othello Higday, of LeMars, and Jennie (Rainboth) Higday. They are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a Republican and a farmer. Res., Hazel, So. Dak. Dau.: 3461a. Verna Ruth Higday, b. Mar. 13, 1905. Maude Louise Brown (3452) [William Henry (3441), Charles Henry (3437), Williams (134), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Cooksville, Wis., Jan. 24, 1885; m. (i), Newport, Minn., Aug. 23, 1902, Henry Arthur Silvis, b. Newport; d., Newport, Sept. i, 1905; son of William Silvis and Elizabeth Lida Silvis; he was a railroad engineer; m. (2), St: Paul, Alinn., Aug. 29, 1906, John Henry Scherer, b., Manitowoc, Wis., Mar. 8, 1876; son of Henry Scherer, of Manitowoc, and Margaret (Bates) Scherer. He is a teamster, a CathoHc, and a Republican. Res., So. St. Paul, Minn. ^ Dau. by first m. : 3461b. Fern Henrietta Silvis, b., Newport, July 2, 1903. Noah Brown (136), son of Asa (123) and Deborah (Grant) Brown [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Dec. 10, 1788; d., Brookfield, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1811; m. Catherine Brown (2131), dau. of Jabish Brown (183a), called "Great Jabie," and granddau. of Capt. Daniel Brown (55), the first white settler in Brookfield. Children : 3462. Noah Kinney, b. Nov. 29, 1811; d. Jan. 13, i884(347oa-3472). 387 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3463. Crarey, b. July 29, 1814; d., near Kingfisher, Okla., in 1883 (3473-3475)- 3465. Eunice, b. Oct. 5, 1816; d., Brookfield, Mar. 8, 1904. She m. John French, now dead. She was deserted by her husband, and afterwards she supported herself. She lived alone for many years. For years before her death she was an in- valid, unable to walk, but by means of a wheel-chair she was able to help herself. She was a woman of unusual mind and of considerable culture and refinement. No issue. 3466. Cyrus, b. Mar. 27, 1819; d., Unadilla Forks, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1892. He had two wives but no children. His first wife was Martha C. Fuller (3184). His second was Kittie Whitte- more. He was a cooper, and lived at Unadilla Forks. He was a Justice of the Peace for several terms and Justice of the Sessions for one or more terms. He was a strong Bap- tist. 3467. Catherine Frances, b. Nov. 8, 1821 (3476, 3477). 3468. Cynthia U., b. May 25, 1824; d. May 5, 1895 (3478, 3479). 3469. Susan, b. Sept. 9, 1826; d., Brookfield, Oct. 5, 1887. 3470. Henry, b. Oct. 5, 1829; d.. So. Brookfield, Oct. 4, 1887 (3480- 3488). Noah Kinney Brown (3462), son of Noah Brown (136) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas] and Catherine (Brown) Brown (2131) [Jabish (183a), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Brook- field, N. Y., Nov. 29, 181 1 ;d. Jan. 13, 1884; m., Feb. 7, 1833, Sally Bowler, b., Charlestown, R. L, Oct. 15, 181 1; d. Mar. 31, 1852; dau. of William Davis Bowler and Nancy Coon, dau. of Rev. Abram Coon, an early Seventh Day Baptist pastor. She was b. Dec. 5, 1788. When twenty-eight years of age Noah Kinney was injured by a falling tree, and the whole of the lower part of his body was permanently paralyzed. He nevertheless kept a grocery- store with the assistance of his sons, and was able to get about in a wheel- chair. Children : 3470a. Zelora E., b., Brookfield, Feb. 9, 1834; d., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 30, 1888 (3489, 3490). 3471. Sarah Ann, b., Brookfield, Dec. 5, 1835 (3491-3494). 3472. Daniel Jabish, b., Genesee, Allegany Co., N. Y., Apr. 11, 1838 (3495-3498). Crarey Brown (3463), brother of the preceding, b. July 29, 1814; d.. THE BROWN GENEALOGY near Kingfisher, Okla., 1883 ; m. (i), at Cuba, N. Y., in 1847, Maria Moore, dau. of Simon Moore and Eliza Johnson. He separated from his first wife and m. (2), about 1854, Frances Harriet Smith, dau. of Wesley Smith and Sadler, his wife; b. Apr. 21, 1831 ; d.Oct. 21, 1883, at the home of her father in Peabody, Kan., where she was visiting. After her death he married again. He was a Baptist preacher. He travelled extensively in the South as the representative of a New York publishing-house. Dau. by first m.: 3473. Ada, b. Sept. 15, 1849 (3499)- Children by second m.: 3474. Fannie Dora, b., Alabama, June 25, 1857 (3500). 3475. William Eugene, b., Kokomo, Ind., Dec. 5, 1858 (3501, 3502). There was no issue of his third marriage. Catherine Frances Brown (3467), sister of the preceding, b. Nov. 8, 1821 ; m. Seth Holmes, son of Samuel Holmes. Both are now dead. Children: 3476. Martha Holmes, m. LeRoy Flint, of W. Chenango, N. Y. 3477. Fred Holmes, now dead. Cynthia U. Brown (3468), sister of the preceding, b. May 25, 1824; d. May 5, 1895; ^- James Albert Crandall, of Brookfield, N. Y. Children : 3478. J. Arthur Crandall, of Brookfield (3502a-3504). 3479. Charles Crandall, d., Utica, N. Y., 1903. Henry Brown (3470), brother of the preceding, b. Oct. 5, 1829; d.. So. Brookfield, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1887; m. (i) Ardilisa Palmiter; (2) Jennie L. White, dau. of Daniel D. White and Phoebe Palmer White, who still survives him and lives in Leonardsville, N. Y. In early life he was a farmer, but from 1872 to the time of his death he was a merchant and postmaster at So. Brookfield. He was a member of the Baptist Church; was prominent in the Good Templars and held several town offices. Children by first m.: 3480. Carrie E., b. Feb., 1855; m. (i) Horatio Woodard; (2) Benja- min F. Smith. Res., Lake Worth, Fla. 3481. Merton H., b. Dec. 16, 1859 (3505)- 3482. Ardie E., b. July 27, 1863 (2i22d). Children by second m.: 3483. Adon P., b.. So. Brookfield, Oct. 12, 1873. He graduated at Brookfield Union School and Academy, June 24, 1891. He read law with Hon. Henry M. Aylesworth; was admitted to THE BROWN GENEALOGY the bar Nov. 9, 1897, and to the bar of the United States courts, Jan. 27, 1903; was in partnership with Mr. Ayles- worth until the death of the latter, in 1903; is practising law very successfully at Leonardsville. 3484. Katherine A., b., So. Brooktield, Oct. 30, 1876. She is in charge of the Y. W. C. A. restaurant, 16 Hopper St., Utica, N. Y. 3485. Charles F., b., So. Brookfield, Jan. 10, 1879. He is electrician on lx)ard U. S. S. Cincinnati of the Asiatic squadron. 3486. Louis L., b., So. Brookfield, July 3, 1880. Res., Utica, N. Y. 3487. Wendell Phillips, b.. So. Brookfield, Dec. 14, 1883. He gradu- ated from Utica Free Academy, June 24, 1902; m., June 23, 1907, Leonardsville, Jessie Maud Burdick, dau. of C. Kerrie Burdick, of Leonardsville. He is a lawyer. Res., Leonards- ville, N. Y. 3488. Bessie M., b.. So. Brookfield, May 13, 1886. She graduated from Leonardsville High School. Res., Leonardsville, N. Y. Zelora E. Brown (3470a), son of Noah Kinney Brown (3462), son of Noah (136) [Asa (123a), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas] and Catherine Brown (2131) [Jabish (183a), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Brookfield, Feb. 9, 1834; d., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 30, 1888; m., Dec. 30, 1856, at Pultney, Steuben Co., N. Y., Mary Armstrong, b. Nov. 15, 1834; dau. of Hugh Armstrong, b. 1799, and Lavinia Rorick, b. 1801. He lived in the State of New York until about 1861, when he removed to Waushara Co., Wis. In 1865 he removed to Rochester, Minn., where he was the agent of N. F. Griswold for the sale of fanning-mills. From 1866 to 1870 he was in a general store at Irvington, Minn. From 1870 to the time of his death he was in the real-estate business in Minneapolis. He was a prominent citizen, greatly respected, and a member and a trustee of the Baptist Church for many years. Children: 34S9. Walter R., b. Feb. 6, 1866 (3506, 3507). 3490. Clarence Z., b. Jan. 16, 1870; m., Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 16, 190-, Perita Sanborn, dau. of Joseph Sanborn, b., Orono, Me., and Emma Branham, b. in Indiana. Graduate of University of Minnesota, L.B., LL.M. He is a lawyer, 510 New York Life Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Sarah Ann Brown (347 1)> sister of the preceding, b., Brookfield, Wis., Dec. 5, 1835; "^•. Friendship, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1859, William Henry Wells, 390 THE BROWN GENEALOGY b., Sidney, Delaware Co., N. Y., Mar. 24, 1829; d.. Dodge Center, Minn., July 22, 1899. Children: 3491. William Henry Wells, Jr., b.. Friendship, Mar. 13, 1862; m., Wirt Center, Allegany Co., N. Y., Feb. 4, 1883, Mary Chaffee. He is secretary and treasurer of W. L. Scott Lumber Company, and a contractor, Norwich, N. Y. 3492. Floyd Brown Wells, b.. Friendship, May 31, 1869 (350S, 3509)- 3493. Anna Laura Wells, b.. Friendship, Sept. 2, 1875. 3494. Kinney Robert Wells, b. Jan. 16, 1876. He is a farmer in Dodge Center. Daniel Jabish Brown (3472), brother of the preceding, b., Genesee, Allegany Co., N. Y., Apr. 11, 1838; m., Friendship, N. Y., June 29, 1862, Elvira A. Farr. He was a merchant at Nile, N. Y., for many years; retired in 1903. Res., Friendship, N. Y. Children : 3495. George Wellington, b., Nile, Aug. 14, 1864 (3510-3512). 3496. Cyrus Fred, b., Nile, Feb. 14, 1867 (3513). 3497. Mae, b., Nile, Dec. 5, 1877; m., Friendship, Sept. 18, 1893, Frank C. Prescott. Res., Salamanca, N. Y. 3498. Frank Rufus, b., Nile, Mar. 31, 1885. He is a student. Ada Brown (3473), dau. of Crarey (3463) and Maria (Moore) Brown, son of Noah (136) [Asa (i23),Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas] and Catherine Brown (213 1) [Jabish (183a), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Sept. 15, 1849; m., Cuba,N. Y., July 31, 1872, Albertus Norton, of Hinsdale, N. Y. ; b. Nov. 30, 1840; son of Bela Norton, a farmer, and Mary Wick Norton. He was a merchant, but is now employed by the Pennsylvania R. R., in Germantown. Address, 5521 Morris St., German- town, Penn. . ^ Dau.: 3499. Mabel Norton, b., Hinsdale, Apr. 17, 1875 (3514, 3515)- Fannie Dora Brown (3474), dau. of Crarey Brown, father of the preced- ing, and Frances Harriet (Smith) Brown, b., Alabama, June 25, 1857; m. about 1879, John W. Oakley. Res., Polo, via Perry, Okla. Dau.: 3500. Fannie Oakley, b. about 1889. William Eugene Brown (3475), brother of the preceding, b., Kokomo, Ind., 391 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Dec. 5, 1858; m., Mar. 24, 1885, Cora E. Hamlin, dau. of Samuel Hamlin, formerly of Darlington, Wis., and Catherine Cullen. He removed with his parents to Kansas in 1871. Graduated at the Kansas State Normal School at Paola, in 1880. Admitted to the bar in 1881; practised law about ten years in Newton, Kan. Elected to the Kansas House of Representatives in 1891. Removed to Chicago, where he practised law. Was president of the Indiana Club. Children, both b. in Newton: 3501. Frances Grace, b. Oct. 27, 1887. 3502. Eugenia Bessie, b. May 24, 1889. J. Arthur Crandall (3478), son of James Albert and Cynthia U. (Brown) Crandall (3468), dau. of Noah Brown (136) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Brookfield; m. Zora Crandall. Children: 3502a. Grace Crandall, m. M. Lee Brazee; d., New Berlin, N. Y., July 19, 1903. 3503. James Albert Crandall (3516, 3517). 3504. F. Ethel Crandall (3518). Merton H. Brown (3481), son of Henry (3470) and Ardilisa (Palmiter) Brown, son of Noah (136) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas] and Catherine Brown (2131) [Jabish (183a), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Dec. 16, 1859; m., Leonardsville, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1885, Hattie Babcock, b., Peterboro, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1864; dau. of William A. and Harriet Babcock. He was for several years a merchant in Brook- field, N. Y. Res., Leonardsville, N. Y. Dau.: 3505. Elsie L., b. Sept. 22, 1888. Walter R. Brown, LL.B. (3489), son of Zelora E. (3470) and Mary (Armstrong) Brown, son of Noah Kinney Brown (3462), son of Noah Brown (136) [Asa (123), Ichabod (^2), John (8), Thomas] and Catherine Brown (2131) [Jabish (183a), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Feb. 6, 1866; m., Burlington, Vt., Apr. 19, 1893, Bessie B. Tyler, b., Burlington, Nov. 11, 1865; dau. of Willard Tyler and Carrie Wallace, both b. in Vermont. He is a lawyer, 510 New York Life Build- ing, Minneapolis, Minn. Graduate of University of Minnesota. Children: 3506. Marion, b. Oct. 15, 1896. 3507. Volney V., b. May 22, 1900. Floyd Brown Wells (3492), son of William Henry and Sarah Ann (Brown) 392 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Wells (3471), dau. of Noah Kinney Brown (3462), son of Noah Brown (136) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas] and Catherine Brown (2131) [Jabish (183a), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Friendship, N. Y., May 31, 1869; m.. Dodge Center, Minn., Nov. 6, 1890, Minnie Babcock. He is Superintendent of Schools at Mankato, Minn. Children: 3508. Zelora Brown Wells, b., Dodge Center, Feb. 15, 1892. 3509. Laura Marie W'ells, b., Appleton, Minn., Sept. 25, 1893. George Wellington Brown (3495), son of Daniel Jabish Brown (3472), son of Noah Kinney Brown (3462), son of Noah (136) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas] and Catherine Brown (2131), [Jabish (183a), Daniel (55), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Nile, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1864; m. Carrie Murro. He is a policeman in Buffalo, N. Y. Children : 3510. Grace Elvira, b., Friendship, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1886. 3511. Guy Fletcher (twin), b., Minneapolis, Minn., 1889. 3512. Gay Harbin (twin), b., Minneapolis, 1889. Cyrus Fred Brown (3496), brother of the preceding, b., Nile, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1867; m. Julia Vosberg. Res., Friendship, N. Y. Dau.: 3513. Ruby Mae, b., Nile, 1889. Mabel Norton (3499), dau. of Alburtus and Ada (Brown) Norton (3473), dau. of Crarey Brown (3463) [Noah (136), Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Hinsdale, N. Y., Apr. 17, 1875; m., Pittsburg, Penn., Apr. 27, 1898, C. A. Adams, an employee of the Pennsylvania R. R. in German- town, Penn. Children : 3514. Doris Ada Adams, b. Dec. 18, 1900. 3515. Charles Norton Adams, b. Dec. 12, 1902. * James Albert Crandall (3503), son of J. Arthur Crandall (3478) and Zora (Crandall) Crandall, son of James Albert and Cynthia U. (Brown) Crandall (3468), dau. of Noah Brown (136) [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], m. Carrie Link, of Burlington Flats, N. Y. Address, Brookfield, N. Y. Children: 3516. Stuart L. Crandall. 3517. Paul A. Crandall. 393 THE BROWN GENEALOGY F. Ethel Crandall (3504), sister of the preceding, m. Samuel Baumler. Address, Earlville, N. Y. Dau.: 3518. Ruth Marion Baumler. Andrew Brown (126) [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Nov. 22, 1748; d., Bern, now Knox, Albany Co., N. Y., Jan. 28, 1813; m., Stonington, Feb. 14, 1771, Sarah Cobb, b., Stonington, Sept. 30, 1750. She was a descendant of John Tilley, the sixteenth signer of the May- flower compact, and of John Rowland, the thirteenth signer. John Tilley was born in England and died in Plymouth, Mass., about 1620. John How- land was born in England, 1592-1593; d., Kingston, Mass., Feb. 22, 1672; m., 1623, Elizabeth Tilley, b., England, 1607; d., Swansea, Mass., Dec. 21, 1687. Their dau. Desire Howland, b., Plymouth, 1623; d. Oct., 1683; m., 1643, Capt. John Gorham, son of Ralph Gorham; baptized, Bromefield, Eng., Jan. 2'i, 1620; d., Swansea, Feb. 5, 1676. Their dau. Elizabeth Gor- ham, b., Marshfield, Mass., Apr. 2, 1648; d., Yarmouth, Mass., 1676; m., 1666, Joseph Hallet, son of Andrew Hallet, of Yarmouth. Their dau. Lois Hallet, m., Barnstable, Mass., Apr. 10, 1690, Henry Cobb, b., Barnstable, Sept. 3, 1663; d., Stonington, Sept. 4, 1725. Their son Henry Cobb., Jr., b., Stonington, May 28, 1710; d., Stonington, 1772; m., 1732 or 1733, Mary Babcock, b.. Westerly, R. I., Feb. 8, 1712-1713; d. prior to 1768; dau. of Col. Oliver Babcock. Their dau. Sarah m. Andrew Brown. Through her, all the descendants of Andrew Brown are eligible to membership in the Society of Mayflower Descendants. He was a man of unusually strong character. The following letter, addressed by him to his son Silas, then employed in the store of Peter Van Loon, of Albany, is interesting as giving some family history, as shedding a strong light on the character of the writer, and as giving glimpses of the manners and customs of an earlier day. Bern, March 30th, 181 2. My Son: — Agreeable to your request, I send you some of the particulars you enquire after. I was born at .Stonington, Conn., Nov. 22d, 1748, old style, answering to the 3d December, new style. My father descended from one of three brothers, that immigrated from Lynn, near Boston, England, perhaps 150 years ago, they were some of the first settlers. My mother was the daughter of John Chapman, who came from England, and mar- ried his wife in this country. My grandfather and grandmother Brown, my grand- mother Chapman, and my father's brothers, all died before my remembrance. My grandfather Chapman died when I was about 10 years old, and my father when I was about 8 years old, and left 4 sisters, all married, and had families. My mother died when I was about 18 years old, and left 4 brothers, and i sister, all married, and had 394 'A' \ qJ7^?7^ J/yn/ i^ i^^ i;;4 . '^ cJuen, Jlp/n/ Ml- /f ^.///(P . , \cMaJ ^Yammy ^: ii ^ i^tPS--- J /'J^ ^( H r /ht^ A Leaf from the Family Bible of Andrew Brown (126) The set of china of whic-h this cup and saucer were originally a part con- sisted of twelve cups and saucers, twelve custard-cups, a tea-pot, sugar-bowl, cream-jug, slop-bowl, two cake-plates, and a tray. It was bought in Baltimore, about the year 1S20, by Nathan Stewart, who, with his daughter, Elizabeth, stopped in the city for some time. They lodged in the house of an Irishwoman of the "reduced gentlewoman" type, who owned this and a (juantity of other china. She sold the set to Nathan Stewart for fifty dollars. In 1S-2+ the china was billed to Arnold R., Daniel B., and Elizabeth Stewart, who lived together at Middlebury, Ohio In 1902 this bill was .still in existence, and in the possession of Frances Hinkley, of Ripon, Wisconsin, a niece of Elizabeth Stewart. Upon Elizabeth Stewart's death, in 1S7S, the china was bought by her sister, Abby Stewart Perry, who kept one-half of the pieces, giving the re- mainder to the third sister, Emiice Hinkley, excepting only one piece, which was given to Anna Maria Wright, of Cleveland, a half-sister. The daughters of Eunice Hinkley, Elizabeth Burdick and Frances Hinkley, inherited their mother's share of the china; and in November, 1902, they gave the cup and saucer illustrated to Jennie Stewart Briggs, of Los Gatos, Cali- fornia. The photograjjh of this china was made in December, 1902, at West Union, Iowa, by Bertha Stewart Quigley. At the time of the purchase by Nathan Stewart, in 1820, the seller declared the china to be sixty years old. This was probably not true, as the decoration marks it as of the period of the Empire. The ware is exquisite — fine and thin. The color is an intense cobalt blue, traced all over with grapes, leaves, and tendrils in burnished gold. The medallions have each a different subject, but all represent the use of some musical instrument. The color on the cheeks of the figures is so vivid that it appears black in the photograph. The ware is not marked, but is probably Sevres. THE BROWN GENEALOGY families. Two of the brothers, I suppose, are living yet in Westerly, in Rhode Island; the rest of my uncles and aunts, I expect, are dead, although they lived to a good old age, and have left a numerous offspring. One thing is worthy of observation, there have been none of my predecessors or cotemporaries that could be said to be rich, and none (with very few exceptions) that could be accounted poor, but almost a uniformity of mediocrity prevailed, and all were good livers. Your mother was born September 30th, 1750, old style; her father, Henry Cobb, had one brother, Hallett, who left one daughter only, so that the name of Cobb, in Stoning- ton, belongs exclusively to his family, with which you are well acquainted. Your grandmother Cobb, was the daughter of Col. Oliver Babcock of Westerly, who lived to the age of about 95 years; your mother and I were at his funeral about 39 years ago. Your grandmother Cobb, died when your mother was young, and your grandfather Cobb, died when your brother Edward was about one year old (1772). You will no doubt be surprised when you are informed of the manners and customs that prevailed 50 or 57 years ago. There is more expended in the clothing of i child under the age of 10 or 12 years now, than was then expended on 3 or 4 by parents of like abilities, their manner of living, if not cheaper, was different. The common method then of entertaining afternoon visitors was treating them by making doughnuts and pancakes, with sweet cider, and butter, and cheese. Some, in the room of spreading tables would spread a cloth on a chair with their victuals on it. Some more extrava- gant, would have coffee and chocolate, but as to tea, tea kettles, tea cups and saucers, they would have been almost as great a wonder, as it would now to see an Egyptian Pyramid or one in miniature formed by a cook for the entertainment of company. Wooden trenchers were then almost universally used in the room of plates to eat from, and many other things were then in practice of a similar nature, too numerous to be inserted in a letter. By this time, no doubt, you will expect my own history up to your own remembrance. I informed you that my father died when I was about 8 years old. I then lived with my brother Ichabod, until I was about 16 years old, and worked at farming. The school learning which I had was but small, having no schools only in the winter, and them seldom less than two or three miles distant from home. I went to school but little, and as to paper, I do not think I ever had half a quire bought for me, or a penknife, or an inkstand, except what I bought with my own money, which I had no other way of ob- taining, but to gain time, and pick up chestnuts and walnuts, and sometimes raise a few bushels of turnips, &c. You may well think that I learned to be prudent, for I then set more by one sheet of clean paper, than I ever done by a ream since I was able to purchase by that quantity. At the age of 16 I agreed to serve two years and two months apprenticeship at the cooper's trade, and find my own clothing, which term I faithfully served, and with the help of my mother, together with what I earned by gaining time, I clothed myself, although it was not agreeable to the modern customs practised by boys of the same age, being then 18 years and 2 months old. My mother dying soon after I was left without father, mother, guardian or master. My father left me property to the amount of about $300, but I was not entitled to it until I became of age. I then went to work as a journey- man, and as soon as my wages amounted to a sum sufficient to lay out, I took an order on a store for goods. Money at that time was so scarce that not one fiftieth part of what was given for wages, was paid in money. The first thing I took on my order was a bible, and the next a suit of clothes. I dare say you will think it was all proper. My 395 THE BROWN GENEALOGY wages were $7.62^ per month, which was 15 or 20 per cent, more than other journey- men had at that time. The last six months before I was of age, I set up my trade, and sold barrels at 50 cents per piece. About the time I was of age, I made an estimate, and found I had made property to the amoimt of $300, which was as much thought of at that time, as it would be now for a man to make a thousand in the same time, which established my credit so that it became a proverb when a man was doing well, that he made money as fast as Andrew Brown. Before I was of age I was offered a lot of fat hogs on credit at the market price, and to have three years credit. The pork I took accordingly, and ever since found it more safe to buy on credit than to sell on credit. The same month that I was of age I bought the quarter of a schooner of about 50 tons, and sent her to the West Indies. She made a good voyage, and the next summer she made a fishing voyage. We then sold her, and I bought one quarter of a brig of 120 tons, and she followed the West India trade tmtil about the time the Revolutionary war began, with but little advantage. The war lasted almost 8 years, during which time I was about half the time in the state service, as a guard at Stonington, and did but little more than support my family, but we lived in good fashion, and were well respected. At the peace of 1782, there was such a field open for speculation that vast numbers of my acquaintance entered largely into trade, but my experience in trade put me on considering the disadvantages attending it, so that I had not courage enough to enter into any larger business than to work at my trade and tend my garden, until 1788, when my interest I estimated to be worth about 3,000 dollars; considering the place in which I lived not enjoying the advantages of the country, or the conveniences of a city, and having a number of sons and not considering myself able to put them in business, and but little prospect of their obtaining any advantageous employment in that place, I resolved to seek my fortune in some other. Believing that God has made all mankind of one blood and appointed imto them the bounds of their habitations, my lot has been cast in this place, I believe for wise purposes; the opposition I met with on leaving my friends and native land was greater than most people met with, but considering that a man without resolution is but a poor creature, I so far overcame all difficulties that I came forward in June, with Edward, Allen, and two hired men, got in about ten acres of grain and returned, leaving Edward and Allen, in the fall, and brought my family to Albany the last of November, and sent out Stanton to Edward who came in after us with three wagons which brought to my mind the case of old Jacob when Joseph sent for him. When we arrived in this town, we found our log house much out of repair, not a square of glass in it, you may well think your mother thought it strange and hard, as she had been accustomed to live in a good house, well finished, we not having more perhaps than ten English families in this town, and those scattered and in low circum- stances, and the Dutch far less polished than at present; but industry soon changed the face of things, a number of English families moved in, and by degrees things wore a more promising aspect; nothing very material took place from that time until your personal knowledge, which makes a further narrative unnecessary. As to your observations on education, I will observe that it is my wish that every person should have a good common education in order to their being qualified to the care of themselves, and becoming good members of society; and am in favor of their having more, and I care not how much, so long as their learning is kept as a handmaid to wait on them through their lives, but when they suffer their learning to become a mistress, it disqualifies them from taking hold of such branches of business as their 396 THE BROWN GENEALOGY age and circumstances in life points out for them to do, and it proves very detrimental and becomes their ruin. Every freeholder is a stockholder in the presidency of the United States, yet it is the lot of but a very few, to be a successful candidate by obtaining that oflftce. It is our duty to be diligent in our business, and to do our duty in the station we are placed in, and if our circumstances do not suit our minds, to endeavor to bring our minds to suit our circumstances, which is not so difficult as many think for; it is done by considering how much we enjoy, and how little we deserve. You no doubt think you would be more happy in doing business for yourself, but believe me, were you to ask the merchants, that 9 out of 10 would tell you that they never enjoyed themselves better, than whilst they were employed as you now are. If you should conduct so as to become a respectable merchant, there is no doubt but that you will become respectable in other respects. You very justly observed that a man is to be judged by his practice and principles — and you might farther have added "by the company he keeps." You are not yet too old to obey the commands of a parent, nor yet too young to re- ceive the advice of a friend. As your future prospects under Divine Providence depend on your own exertions, I hope you will consider every transaction as being a link in the chain of your fortune , prosperity or adversity; and never neglect doing a virtuous act till to-morrow, that may as well be done to-day. Never disclose the whole of your ihind, nor show the bottom of your purse; be faithful to your friends, and be cautious of your enemies. Having thus answered your enquiries, if anything is omitted, at your further request, I will endeavor to satisfy you. We all enjoy usual health, hoping that this will find you enjoying the same, I remain your affectionate parent, Andrew Brown. It is related by one of his descendants that a letter written to Andrew Brown was in a sense the cause of the duel between Burr and Hamilton. It seems that Dr. Charles S. Cooper addressed a letter to Andrew Brown in which he stated that Hamilton had shortly before said at his dinner-table that Burr was a dangerous man. This letter was given to Allen Brown to give to his father. Allen Brown took the letter to a boarding-house kept by Mrs. Phelps, where Col. Dietz, a member of the Legislature from Bern, was stopping, and gave the letter to Mrs. Phelps with instructions to give it to Col, Dietz for delivery to his father. Next morning the letter was found in the streets of Albany, open, and was published in the Albany papers. This led to the controversy between Burr and Hamilton which resulted in the duel. Andrew Brown died at his home in Bern, afterwards Knox, in Albany Co., Jan. 28, 1813. His wife d. Jan. 26, 1823. Children : 3519. Edward, b. Nov. 13, 1771; d. Aug. 26, 1846 (3530-3541C). 3520. Stanton, b. Apr. 17, 1774; d. June 6, 1814; m., Nov. 22, 1805, 397 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Susan Butler, b. Apr. 29, 1784. No issue. She m. (2) a Mr. Wiley. 3521. Sarah, b. Feb. 17, 1776; d. Apr. 8, 1850 (3542-3546). 3522. Allen, b. Apr. 19, 1778; d. Apr. 22, 1852 (3547-3556). 3523. Henry, b. Jan. 9, i78i;d. Oct. 25, 1820 (3557-3565)- 3524. Elias, b. Jan. 12, 1783; d. May 5, 1791. 3525. Ezra, b. Feb. 10, 1785; d. Mar. 7, 1785. 3526. Paul, b. Jan. 5, 1787; d. Sept., 1788. 3527. Katurah, b. July 23, 1789; d. July 19, 1825 (3566). 3528. Silas, b. Oct. 16, 1791; d. Nov. 27, 1859 (3567-3575)- 3529. Mary, or Polly, b. Feb. 2, 1794; d. Jan. 7, 1874 (3576-35S1). Edward Brown (3519), son of Andrew (126) and Sarah (Cobb) Brown [Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Nov. 30, 1771; d., Albany, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1846; m. (i), Sept. 6, 1798, Tabitha Hyer, dau. of Gerrit and Jane (Van Slyke) Hyer. He was in the real-estate business in Albany, a WTiig in politics, and he and his wife were members of the Presby- terian Church. Children by first m., all b. in Albany: 3530. A dau., b. and d. Apr. i, 1800. 3531. Asenath, b. Aug. 19, 1802; d., Albany, Mar. 16, 1830 (3582). 3532. Andrew Edward, b. Dec. 23, 1803; d., Albany, Apr. 17, 1875 (3583-3592). 3533. Sarah Jane, b. Feb. 14, 1806; d. June 6, 1812. 3534. Mary, b. Mar. 18, 1809; d., Amsterdam, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1875. 3535. Alexander Hyer, b. Feb. 7, i8ii;d., Albany, Oct. 18, 1853. 3536. Henry, b. May 30, 1813; d. Feb. 12, 1821. 3537. A son, b. and d. Sept. 28, 1815. Mr. Brown's first wife died when the last child was born. He m. (2), Apr. 10, 1817, Mrs. Mary CRichards) Anniver. b. Oct. 27, 1787; d. Aug. 29, 1832. Children by second m., all b. in Albany: 3538. Stanton, b. Feb. 18, 1818; d. July 8, 1879. 3539. Sarah Jane, b. Feb. 14, 1820; d.. New York City, winter of 1900. 3540. Susan Todd, b. Sept. 4, 1821; d., Wyoming, N. J., Jan. 22, 1890 (3625-3630). 3541. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 27, 1822; d., Wyoming, Jan. i, 1888. 3541a. George Henry, b. Sept. 18, 1824; d., Boston, Mass., Nov. 9, 1872. 398 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3541b. Matilda, b. Mar. 4, 1827; d., Albany, Mar. 4, 1830. 3541C. Helen, b. Aug. 29, 1832; unm. Res., Germantown, Penn. Sarah Brown (3521), sister of the preceding, b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 17, 1776; d., Knox, N. Y., Apr. 8, 1850; m., Knox, Jan. 16, 1794, Gen. Paul Todd, b., Rindge, N. H., Nov. 24, 1758; d., Knox, Sept. 23, 1815; son of Thomas Todd, of Rowley, Mass., and Elizabeth Carleton. He was a tanner and a merchant at Knox. He served as a private and as a sergeant with the Mass. troops for two years during the Revolutionary War. Part of the time he was with Capt. Mighill and Cq\. Baldwin. He enlisted in 1775. After the war he settled at Knox, Albany Co., where he was an active busi- ness man. He was Major- General of all the militia of Albany Co., and was buried with military honors. He was a Whig in politics, and he and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church. An interesting MS. account of his conversion, which was not unlike that of Saul of Tarsus, was left by Mrs. Mary Brownell (3529), and is cherished by her descendants. Children, all b. in Knox: 3542. Carleton Todd, b. Sept. 30, 1795; d. May 8, 1829 (3593). 3543. Paul Todd, b. Dec. 9, 1797; d., unm., Dec. 30, 1820. 3544. Sarah' Todd, b. Nov. 27, 1801; d., Albany, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1834 (3594-3597)- 3545. Catherine Ann Elizabeth Todd, b. Sept. 23, 1804; d., Albany, June 25, 1840 (3598). 3546. Susan Todd, b. June 21, 1806; d. Apr. 8, 1835 (3599-3602). Allen Brown (3522), brother of the preceding, b. Apr. 19, 1778; d. Apr, 22, 1852; m., Jan. 12, 1802, Nancy Lockwood, b. Jan. 12, 1785; d. Mar. 11, 1867; dau. of Jared Lockwood, long a merchant on the dock at Albany. N. Y., whose residence was on the present site of the Mechanics and Farmers' Bank, corner of Broadway and Exchange St. Allen Brown ar- rived in Albany in June, 1788. He was Inspector of Pot and Pearl Ashes in 1800 and 1802. He was second foreman of Fire Engine No. 7, his brother Edward being first. In those days the Fire Department was made up of the best citizeng. He was later president of the Fire Department, and chief engineer. He was one of the founders of the New York State Bank, and one of its directors for many years. He was one of the trustees of the Albany Insurance Co. He was the president or treasurer of the Citizens' Commit- tee for celebrating the opening of the Erie Canal. He was one of the found- ers of the New York Steamboat Association, which owned the Constitution, Constellation, and Chief Justice Marshall, the great river-boats of the day. He was an intimate and trusted friend of Governors Tompkins, Clinton, 399 THE BROWN GENEALOGY and Yates. He was one of the trustees of the Second Presbyterian Church. He was in the fon\'arding business, and a prominent and greatly esteemed citizen. His wife was regarded throughout her life as a very superior woman. She knew Aaron Burr well, and frequently declared that he was the most polished gentleman she had ever met. A relative of hers married August Frederick Prevost, Burr's stepson. Children : 3547. Stanton Horace, b. Apr. 4, 1805; d. Sept. 8, 1883 (3603- 3610). 3548. Edward Henry, b. Apr. 30, 1807; mortally wounded with a ball in his right breast in a charge upon the Cassa Mutta in the battle of Molino del Rey, Sept. 8, 1847; d. Sept. 11, 1847. 3549. Alfred Lockwood, b. Mar. 3, 1809; d. July 26, 1813. 3550. Elias Allen, b. Jan. 4, 181 1; d. Oct. 28, 1890 (3611-3614). 3551. Alfred Lockwood, b. Sept. 9, 1813; d. Mar. i, 1814. 3552. Alfred Augustus, b. Dec. 23, 1815; d. Jan. 31, 1816. 3553. Charles Ethelbert, b. Feb. 6, 1817; d. May i, 1823. 3554. Elizabeth Gertrude, b. Apr. 23, 1820; d. Apr. 5, 1875 (3615- 3622). 3555. Laura Augusta, b. Oct. 16, 1822. Res., 162 Market St., Amsterdam, N. Y. 3556. Henrietta Cobb, b. Apr. 7, 1825 (3623, 3624). Henry Brown (3523), brother of the preceding, b. Jan. 9, 1781; d. Oct. 20, 1820; m., Jan. 3, 1803, Elizabeth Chapman, b., E. Haddam, Conn. Apr. 19, 1785; d., Knox, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1861; dau. of D. Zachariah Chap- man, of E. Haddam, and Isabella Stanton. They lived at Knox, N. Y. Children : 3557. Nancy, b. June 21, 1804; d. June 11, 1831. 3558. Isabella, b. Aug. 20, 1806; d. Aug. 25, 183 1. 3559. Elias Henry, b. Aug. 24, 1808; d. Sept. 30, 1808. 3560. James Allen, b. Jan. 7, 1810; d. about 1892. 3561. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 8, 181 2; d. Apr., 1813. 3562. Andrew Alfred, b. Feb. 23, i8i4;d. Jan. 20, 1890 (3625-3630). 3563. Mary Ann, b. Feb. i, 1816; d. in the spring of 1848. 3564. Erastus Williams, b. Apr. 14, 1818; d. 1897 (3631-3635). 3565. Henry Silas, b. Aug. 29, 1820; d. 1883 (3636-3638). Keturah Brown (3527), sister of the preceding, b. July 23, 1789; d. July 400 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 19, 1825; iji., Feb. 12, 1807, Erastus Williams, M.D., b. Feb. 27, 1773; d. June I, 1842. Dau. : 3566. Sarah Ann Williams, b. July 8, 1808; d. July 28, 1875 (3638a- 3641a). Silas Brown (3528), son of Andrew (126) and Sarah (Cobb) Brown [Ichabod(32), John (8), Thomas], b., Knox, N. Y.,Oct. 16, 1791; d., Stam- ford, Conn., Nov. 27, 1859; m., Stamford, Oct. 16, 1815, Olivia Brown, b., Stamford, Feb. 19, 1792; d., New York City, Feb. 2, 1867; dau. of Isaac Brown, of Stamford, and Prudence (Belden) Brown, d.. New York City, June I, 1842, in her eighty-eighth year. He was a merchant in New York City, with a summer home at Stamford after 1844. He was one of the in- corporators of the N. Y. and Erie R. R., and its first treasurer. He was actively interested in the management of the House of Refuge and of the New York Asylum for the Blind. His body was taken from his home in Stamford to his residence in Washington Square, New York, for the funeral, and after the funeral was deposited in the family vault in the Marble Cemetery on Second Ave., but it was afterwards interred at Stamford. He and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church. The following tribute to his memory was written by Miss Cynthia Bullock, an inmate of the Asylum for the Blind : A TRIBUTE OF LOVE. To the Memory oj Silas Brown. An aged saint, beloved on earth, Dear to his Savior and his God, Whose pious deeds of heavenly birth Cheered sorrow's children in hfe's road, Sweetly in Jesus fell asleep. And left the desolate to weep. Yet still he Uves! The hallowed light Of his example shines below. Diffusing holy radiance bright O'er the dark vale of eartUy woe. if Oh, let us tread the path he trod, The path of peace, of love of God! Oh, well do I remember now His feeUng heart, his voice so kind. How wreathed with smiles was each young brow When the dear guardian of the blind Gladdened our midst vidth gentle tone, And made our little griefs his own! Those generous friends of early day. Who toiled to make our lot more blessed. Are passing one by one away. Gone from this weary world's unrest To reap in heaven their bright reward And ever be with God, the Lord. We mourn their loss who knew them best; And heartfelt tears of grief vrill come O'er the dear memory of the blest, Bright day-star of our childhood's home, 401 THE BROWN GENEALOGY While gratitude's immortal swell Re-echoes names remembered well. Ye who were twined with holiest love Around each fibre of his soul, Who felt his spirit's softest move, And yielded to its sweet control. With yours our prayers and tears we blend. Who mourn a guardian and a friend. Father in heaven. Thy love alone Gave that dear friend to cheer our path. Who stands before Thy ghttering throne Victorious o'er the powers of death. We bow, we kiss Thy chastening rod. Thy will be done. Our Father God. January 21, 1S60. Children, all b. in New York City: 3567. Emily Maria, b. Sept. i6, 1816; d., Stamford, July 29, 1881 (3642-3651). 3568. Horatio Stanton, b. Aug. 13, 1818; d., New York City, Oct. 3, 1821. 3569. Allen Henry, b. Sept. 23, 1820 (365ia-365id). 3570. Horatio Silas, b. Jan. 5, 1823; d., Island of Bermuda, Feb. 5, 1890 (3652, 3653a). 3571. William Isaac, b. Jan. 14, 1825; d., Baltimore, Md., Jan. 4, 1900 (3654, 3655)- 3572. Louisa Matilda, b. Dec. 28, 1826; d.. New York City, Dec. 27, 1852. 3573. Edward Stanton, b. Apr. 4, 1829; d., Rutherford, N. J., Feb. 26, 1902 (3656-3662). 3574. Harriet Elizabeth, b. June 18, 1831; d., Stamford, Apr. 29, 1905; unm. 3575. Caroline Belden, b. Jan. 4, 1834; unm. Res., New York City. Mary, or Polly, Brown (3529), sister of the preceding, b., Knox, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1794; d., Auburn, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1874; m., Knox, Jan. i, 1816, Dr. Moses Brownell, b., Pittstown, N. Y., Jan. i, 1790; d., Brooklyn, N. Y., Mar. II, 1879. Dr. Brownell was a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Penn., and practised his profession at Knox from 1813 to 1840, and in Troy from 1840 to 1872. He then removed to Auburn and later to Brooklyn. He was a natural physician, very successful and greatly beloved. Children, all b. in Knox: 3576. Eleanor Matilda Brownell, b. Aug. 12, 1817; d., Ramapo, N. Y., July II, 1883 (3662a, 3662b). 3577. Olivia Marcia Brownell, b. Mar. 24, 1819 (3662c-3662e). 402 (3569) Lucy Marella Hillard September 25, 1906 Age 9() years, 7 months THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3578. Antoinette Sarah Brownell, b. Feb. 2, 1823; d., Troy, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1842; unm. 3579. Amelia Augusta Brownell, b. Oct. 23, 1825; d., Troy, May 23, 1841. 3580. Charles Alfred Brownell, b. June 30, 1828; d., Saratoga Springs, N. Y., June 6, 1877; m., Saratoga Springs, Dec. 13, 1866, Mary Denton, dau. of John Denton. No issue. 3581. Silas Brown Brownell, b. Oct. 11, 1830 (3662f-3662J). Asenath Brown (3531), dau. of Edward (3519) and Tabitha (Hyer) Brown [Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Albany, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1802; d., Albany, Mar. 16, 1834; m., Albany, Nov. 26, 1829, Henry Hoyt, d., Albany, Dec. 27, 1836; son of George Anson Hoyt and Antoinette (Raymond) Hoyt. He was a Republican, and both he and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church. Dau. : 3582. Asenath Brown Hoyt, b., Albany, Mar. 16, 1834; d., Knox, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1869 (3663-3666). Andrew Edward Brown (3532), brother of the preceding, b., Albany, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1803; d., Albany, Apr. 17, 1875; m., New York City, Eliza- beth Sheffield Nexsen, d. Mar. 4, 1886; dau. of William E. Nexsen, of New York City, and Elizabeth (Sheffield) Nexsen. He was a dealer in real estate, and resided at No. 2 Clinton Sq., Albany. He was a Democrat in politics. His wife was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, and he was a trustee of that church for thirty-seven years, and at the time of his death he was president of the Board of Trustees. Children, all b. in Albany: 3583. Elizabeth Sheffield, b. May 17, 1830; d., Albany, June 10, 1880. 3584. Mary Anniver, b. Oct. 25, 1831; d., Albany, Sept. 9., 1886. 3585. Edward, b. June 22, 1834; d., Albany, May 16, 1836. 3586. Andrew Edward, b. June 27, 1836; d., Albany, June 2, 1837. 3587. Isabelle, b. Mar. 18, 1838; d., Albany, June 17, 1842. 3588. Frederick William, b. Nov. 6, 1839 (3667-3673). 3589. Anna Sheffield, b. Mar. 3, 1843 (3674-3679). 3590. Juliet Palmer, b. Nov. 7, 1847; d., Saratoga, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1904; unm. 3591. Frances Clara, b. Apr. 29, 1845; d., Albany, Oct. 20, 1904 (3680). 3592. Hamilton Bogart, b. Mar. 30, 1851 (3681). 403 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Carleton Todd (3542), son of Gen. Paul Todd and Sarah (Brown) Todd (3521) [Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Knox, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1795; d. May 8, 1829; m., 1827, Mary Ann Easton. Son: 3593. Henry Carleton Todd, b. Dec. 17, 1828; d. Jan. 19, 1830. Sarah Todd (3544), sister of the preceding, b., Knox, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1801 ; d., Albany, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1834; m., Knox, Oct. 6, 1825, Azor Taber, b., Knox, 1799; d., Greenbush, June 10, 1858; son of Gideon Taber and Rebecca (Willes) Taber. He was a Whig in politics, and he and his wife were members of Dr. Sprague's Presbyterian Church in Albany. He was a lawyer, practising in Albany. The following notice was published in the Albany Atlas and Argus at the time of his death: "Azor Taber, an old, well-known, and distinguished citizen of Albany, died yesterday at the residence of his son-in-law, Robert C. Martin. He pursued a long and honorable career at the bar, and ranked for many years among the ablest lawyers of the State, discharging the duties of a very large legal practice with a fidelity and capacity which commanded universal ap- probation. His chosen profession was his almost exclusive pursuit, but in 1852 and 1853 he was senator from this district. His life was that of an honest, earnest, able man, and he leaves a memory upon which rests no stain." Children, first b. in Knox; the others, in Albany: 3594. Paul Taber, b. Feb. 9, 1827; d., Rock House Prairie, Mo.,, Sept. 9, 1852 (3682). 3595. Julia Marvin Taber, b. Mar. 6, 1830; d., Riverdale, New York City, Aug. 28, 1899 (3683). 3596. Mary Taber, b. Sept. 29, 1831; d., Knox, Mar. i, 1844. 3597. Susan Edwards Taber, b. Jan. 6, 1834; m. (i), Oct. 25, 1855, Charles Easton, a stock-broker of New York City; m. (2), Rome, N. Y., Anzelmo Borgialli, a government employee. No issue. Catherine Ann Elizabeth Todd (3545), sister of the preceding, b., Knox, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1804; d., Albany, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1840; m., Knox, Sept. 18, 1838, Azor Taber, husband of the preceding. Dau.: 3598. Sarah Taber, b. Dec. 18, 1839; d.,Rome, N. Y., Apr. 12, 1888; unm. Susan Todd (3546), sister of the preceding, b., Knox, N. Y., June 21, 404 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1806; m., Albany, N. Y., James Edwards, a lawyer, b. 1799; d. May 21,, ■1868. Children: 3599. Carleton T. Edwards, b. July 18, 1829; d. unm. 3600. Alfred Edwards, b. Feb. 3, 183 1 ; m., but d. without issue, Feb. "* 16, 1898. 3601. Esther Edwards, b. May 20, 1833. 3602. Sarah Edwards, m. Geo. B. Griffin in 1866, and d. soon after- wards, without issue. Stanton Horace Brown (3547), son of Allen Brown (3522) and Nancy (Lockwood) Brown [Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Albany, N. Y., Apr. 4, 1805; d., Denton, Tex., Sept. 8, 1883; m. (i), Apr. 10, 1828, Mary Lambson, b. Nov. 10, 1808; d. Sept. 10, 1828; m. (2), Port Clinton, O., Oct. 16, 1832, Elizabeth Whittenger, b. Sept. 13, 181 1; d., Greenwood, Mo., Feb. 6, 1876. He removed from Port Clinton to Fremont, and from there to Toledo. About 1857 he removed to Bureau Co., III. About 1869 he removed to Greenwood. After the death of his wife he lived with his daughter Sarah in Kansas for several years. Later he removed to Texas, where he died. He was a Democrat in politics. His wife was a member of the Methodist Protestant Church. Children: 3603. Mary Lambson, b., Port Clinton, Sept. 6, 1833 (3684-3696). 3604. Jane Olmstead, b.. Port Clinton, Nov. 21, 1834. She and her sister Julia reside in Greenwood, where they keep the post- office. 3605. Sarah Wisner, b., Ohio, Nov. 26, 1836 (3697-3701). 3606. Julia Beaugrand, b., Fremont, O., Mar. 21, 1839. 3607. Nicholas Allen, b.. Port Clinton, May 27, 1844; d., Port Clin- ton, Apr. 14, 1865. 3608. Anna Lockwood, b.. Port Clinton, Feb. 5, 1846 (3702-3706). 3609. Edward Henry, b.. Port Clinton, Feb. 8, 1848; d., Fremont,. Sept. 2, 1850. 3610. Eugene Augustus, b., Fremont, Jan. 22, 1852 (3707-3711). Elias Allen Brown (3550), brother of the preceding, b. Jan. 4, 1811; d. Oct. 28, 1890; m., Sept. II, 1839, Louisa Anna Cady, b. Dec. 3, 1819; d. Nov. 3, 1904; dau. of Jay Cady, of Minaville, N. Y., later president of the Schenectady Bank. Elias was in the store of his father in Albany, N. Y., until 1836, when he became mate on the Hudson River steamer North America, and was on board when she sank. He was afterwards on the 405 THE BROWN GENEALOGY steamer North America, 2d. Later he was in the forwarding business in New York, in the office of Suydam, Sage & Co. In 1844 he removed to Minaville, succeeding his father-in-law in his store. He was educated in a miHtary school at Middletown, Conn., and was greatly interested in military affairs, becoming a Brigadier-General in the State MiHtia. At the time of the War of the Rebellion he was a Colonel, and he offered his regiment to Gov. Horatio Seymour, who had been his schoolmate and was his warm personal friend, but the offer was declined. Children: 3611. Jay Cady, b. Feb. 18, 1842; d. Sept. 19, 1880; m., Nov. 14, 1877, Mary Sampson, b. Dec. 9, 1855; ^- July 7, 1879- He was a Wall St. broker, starting with his uncle, A. W. Morse. He was educated at Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. No issue. 3612. Charlotte Jackson, b. Aug. i, 1847 (3712, 37i3)- 3613. Edward Henry, b. July 6, 1851; d. Sept. 23, 1851. 3614. Allen, b. Apr. 15, 1854 (3714, 3715). Elizabeth Gertrude Brown (3554), sister of the preceding, b., Albany, N. Y., Apr. 23, 1820; d., Ithaca, N. Y., Apr. 5, 1875; m., Albany, Feb. 5, 1839, Edward Scribner, b.. New York City, Mar. 3, 1813; d.. New York City, Jan. 2, 1864; son of Uriah Rogers Scribner and Betsey (Hawley) Scribner. He was a publisher and lived all his life in New York City. He was in business first as Baker & Scribner, and later as Scribner & Co. His wife was a graduate of the Albany Female Academy in 1837. Children, all b. in New York City: 3615. Gertrude Elizabeth Scribner, b. Apr. 18, 1841; unm. Res., Ithaca, N. Y. 3616. Maria Louisa Scribner, b. Dec. 21, 1842 (3716-3718). 3617. Anna Lockwood Scribner, b. Feb. 27, 1845; d.. New York City, Mar. 27, 1845. 3618. Charles Rogers Scribner, b. June 2, 1846; d.. Orange, N. J., Sept. 9, 1889. 3619. Matilda Schuyler Scribner, b. Jan. 21, 1849 (37i9> 372o)- 3620. Edward Allen Scribner, b. Nov. 29, 1853; d., Ithaca, Nov. 5, 1865. 3621. Rogers Scribner, b. Jan. 21, 1856 (3721, 3722). 3622. Susan Brown Scribner, b. Oct. 4, 1858. Henrietta Cobb Brown (3556), sister of the preceding, b., Albany, N. Y., Apr. 7, 1825; m.. New York City, Mar. 10, 1847, Thomas Farmer, b., 406 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Providence, R. I., Jan. 8, 1819; d., Grand Rapids, Micli., July 29, 1899; son of Thomas and Sarah W. (Grieve) Farmer. In 1846 he removed to Boston, Mass., and entered the iron and steel business, which he carried on with success until he retired, in 1857, and engaged in the real-estate business in New York City. He represented the town of Roxbury, Mass., in the Legislature in 1856, and served two years as paymaster during the Civil War. In 1869 he removed to Grand Rapids, where he continued to live until his death. He was buried in the North Burying-Ground in Providence. His early education was limited, but his language and conversation were those of a man of cultivation and refined tastes. He read extensively, and had a large fund of anecdotes and stories which he related with great humor and effect. He made three trips abroad, and travelled extensively in this country. He was a Democrat, and he and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church. His widow resides with her son Thomas in Detroit, Mich. Children: 3623. Lewis Grieve Farmer, b., Roxbury, Nov. 5, 1849 (3723-3725). 3624. Thomas Farmer, Jr., b., Roxbury, Oct. 12, 1852 (3727-3729). Andrew Alfred Brown (3562), son of Henry (3523) and Elizabeth (Chap- man) Brown [Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Feb. 23, 1814; d., Wyoming, N. J., Jan. 20, 1890; m. Susan Todd Brown (3540). He was a Republican. Children, all except the last b. in New York City: 3625. Isabella Stanton, b. July 26, 1842. 3626. Grace, b. May 25, 1845. 3627. Susan, b. Apr. 25, 1850; d. Nov. 27, 1851. 3628. Emily Maria, b. June 2, 1852 (3729a-3729c). 3629. Louisa Matilda, b. Jan. 28, 1855. 3630. Robert Rathbone,.b., Wyoming, July 10, 1867; d., Wyoming, Jan. 31, 1906. Erastus Williams Brown (3564), brother of the preceding, b. Mar., 1816; d. 1897; m. Anna A. Clark. Children : 3631. Alfred Henry, b. Oct. 20, i860. 3632. Edward Stanton, b. Mar. 15, 1862; d. May 23, 1891. 3633. Ella Louisa, b. July 17, 1864 (3730). 3634. Cora Elizabeth, b. Nov. 9, 1866 (3731). 3635. Erastus Williams, Jr., b. Aug. 3, 1868; d. Dec. 30, 1869. Henry Silas Brown (3565), brother of the preceding, b., Knox, N. Y., 407 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Sept. 29, 1820; d., St. Gabriel, La., Nov. 18, 1883; m., 1856, Marie Amelie Dupuy. Children, all b. at St. Gabriel: 3636. Andrew Alfred, b. Apr. 2, 1857 (3732-3738). 3637. Octave Gideon, b. Jan. 29, 1859. 3638. Mary Isabella Stanton, b. July 24, 1864; m., New Orleans, La., Dec. 30, 1892, J. Alfred Bernet, b. in Switzerland; d., St. Gabriel, Dec. 3, 1893. He was a physician, and he and his wife were members of the Roman Catholic Church. Sarah Ann Williams (3566), dau. of Erastus and Keturah (Brown) Williams (3527) [Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Knox, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1808; d., Mariaville, N. Y., July 28, 1875; ^■, Knox, Jan. 19, 1841, Rev. David Lyon, b., Baskingridge, N. Y., Apr. 27, 1812; son of Stephen Lyon, of Baskingridge, and Nancy (Hill) Lyon. He is still living. May, 1905, and resides at Sloansville, N. Y. He is a minister of the Presbyterian Church. He graduated from Princeton College, 1836, having entered as a Junior in 1834. He graduated from the Seminary in 1839. For six months he supplied the church at Knox, and there met his wife, whom he soon married. He preached for twenty years at Fish House, now North- ampton, where he did wonderful work in that place and the vicinity. He was then for fifteen years at Mariaville, where his wife died. Then he went back to Northville, one of his old mission stations for three years. He m. (■2) Sarah Ann Mosher, and moved to her home at Sloansville. He sup- plied vacant churches until more than eighty, and preached occasionally until ninety-two years old. He was sent seven times to the General Assembly from the Albany Presbytery, and was always on committees for settling differences in churches. He is said to have been often the clearest-headed man in the presbytery; and although he never had a city charge, he was a favorite with city pastors. His second wife d. in 1899. He has lived a happy, useful, and contented life. Is now partially paralyzed, but his mind is still clear. He wrote the story of his life during the last winter, and ex- tracts from it relating to his experiences at college were published in Nansaii Literary Magazine for February, 1905, which proved of great interest to the students and Faculty of Princeton College. His first wife was a remark- able woman in mind and spirit. His work was equally her work, and her interests were still wider. She was "capable, witty, famous as a housewife, and a sympathetic mother." Children : 3638a. Erastus Lyon, b. Feb. 6, 1842 (3739, 3740). 408 Curtis Irish Pierce (.'551) Alexander R. Walsh Silas B Walsh James R. Walsh Edward S. Walsh Henry B. Walsh THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3639. Stephen Lyon, b. Dec. 14, 1843; d. Jan. 16, 1861. 3640. Sarah Keturah Lyon, b. Jan. 13, 1846 (3741). 3641. Emma Lyon (twin), b. Mar., 1849; d. Sept. 2, 1849. 3641a. Anna Lyon (twin), b. Mar., 1S49; d. on the same day. Emily Maria Brown (3567), dau. of Silas (3528) and Olivia (Brown) Brown [Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., New York City, Sept. 16, 1816; d., Stamford, Conn., July 29, 1881; m.. New York City, Feb. 21, 1838, Alexander Robertson Walsh, b.. New York City, May 24, 1809; d., Stamford, Apr. 17, 1884; son of James Walsh, of New York City, and Elizabeth (Robertson) Walsh. He was a merchant in New York City, a Republican in politics, and he and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church. He was an elder in the church and a vice-president of the American Bible Society. He was treasurer of the New York Orphan Asylum and one of the incorporators and a trustee of the Presbyterian Hospital of New York City. Children, all b. in New York City: 3642. Olivia Brown Walsh, b. Jan. 12, 1839; unm. Res., Stamford, Conn. 3643. Elizabeth Robertson Walsh, b. Nov. i, 1840; d., Stamford, Jan. 30, 1890; unm. 3644. James Robertson Walsh, b. Nov. 24, 1842; m. (i), St. Paul, Minn., May 22, 1871, Marian W. Moir, b., New York City, Oct. 27, 1847; d., St. Paul, Apr. 25, 1874; dau. of James Moir, of New York City, and Mary (McElroy) Moir; m. (2), Bridgeton, N. J., Nov. 10, 1881, Emily G. Nichols, b., Bridgeton, June 2, 1847; d., St. Paul, Aug. 31, 1892; dau. of Robert G. Nichols, of Bridgeton, and Harriet (Stanton) Nichols. He is cashier of J. W. Peet & Co., Manhattan Building, St. Paul. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, as was also his first wife. No issue. 3645. Emily Belden Walsh, b. Sept. 29, 1844 (3742-3747). 3646. Alexander Robertson Walsh, b. Oct. 13, 1846; unm. Res., Stamford, Conn. 3647. Louisa Corwin Walsh, b. Mar. 25, 1849; unm. Res., Stamford, Conn. 3648. Silas Brown Walsh, b. Sept. 24, 1851 (3748, 3749). 3649. Frederick Masters Walsh, b. Jan. 24, 1854; d.. New York City, Mar. 6, 1863. 3650. Edward Stanton Walsh, b. Nov. 15, 1855; m., New York City, 4og THE BROWN GENEALOGY Apr. 18, 1901, Minette Allen, b., New York City, May 18, 1 861 ; dau. of Frank S. Allen, of New York City, and Hannah (Benedict) Allen. He is a manufacturer, a Republican, and his wife is a member of the Baptist Church, Res., Forest Hill, Newark, N. J. No issue. . 3651. Henry Boorman Walsh, b. Dec. 26, i860 (3750, 3751). Rev. Allen Henry Brown (3569), brother of the preceding, b., 182 Pearl St., New York City, Sept. 23, 1820. He received his academic education at the notable school of William Forrest in New York, entering the Univer- sity of the City of New York in the Sophomore class, and continued through the Junior year, taking his Senior year at Columbia College, from which he was graduated in 1839. He spent a year in private study, and having de- cided to enter the ministry, he attended the class in Hebrew at the Union Theological Seminary. He was matriculated at the Theological Seminary in Princeton in the class of 1840-1841, and, having pursued the regular four years' course, took a fourth scholastic year in that seminary. While here he became interested in the work of the American Tract Society, and became the agent of the society and superintendent of its colporteur work in South- ern New Jersey. In the prosecution of this work he travelled extensively through New Jersey, largely by private conveyance. In December, 1846, he went to May's Landing, N. J., to supply the small Presbyterian church, promising to renew the work of the Tract Society in the spring of 1847. In the autumn of 1847 ^^^ went to May's Landing and took up what proved to be his life-work. At that time the nearest Presbyterian church was forty miles to the south, and the nearest one on the north was more than twice that distance. Now, largely through his efforts, there are scores of Presby- terian churches within this territory. He was ordained at May's Landing, Jan. 5, 1849, as evangelist, and has never yet been installed as a pastor over this or any other church; but his life has been devoted to missionary work in Southern New Jersey. In 1900 the Presbytery of West Jersey, in commem- oration of his fifty-four years of service, and of the eightieth anniversary of his birth, voted to publish a memorial volume containing his biography and a selection of his sermons and addresses. This was entitled, "A Pioneer of Southern New Jersey. A Tribute to Rev. Allen H. Brown." It was pub- lished by Allen, Lane & Scott, 1896. During a half-century of missionary work he has always regarded Altantic Co. as his legal residence, and May's Landing, Absecon, or Atlantic City as his home, though sojourning for a limited time at other places. He is now [1907] living among his nearest relatives at Montclair, N. J. In June, 1905, Princeton University conferred 410 THE BROWN GENEALOGY on him the well-merited honor of Doctor of Divinity. In 1885, at Atlantic City, the Synod of New Jersey honored him by electing him Moderator to preside at that meeting, and in the following year, at Camden, he opened the Synod with a discourse giving the history of the Synod, which was printed by its order (32 pp). He was twice sent by the Presbytery of W^st Jersey "as a commissioner to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, at Lexington, Ky., 1857, and at Saratoga Springs in 1883. An account of his life and of his family was published in "History of the New Jersey Coast, Vol. 2, p. 357." He m., Lowell, Mass., Aug. 12, 1852, Martha A. Dodge, of Amherst, N. H. ; b. Nov. 8, 1823 ; d., at the home of her son in Newark, N. J., Mar. 11, 1885. [For an account of her life, see "Genea- logical History of the Fiske Family," pp. 70-72, Chicago, 111., 1867.] A booklet of her poems was printed for her family in 1878, under the title "Spring Flowers and Autumn Leaves." Dr. Brown has taken an active interest in this work, and has given the compiler of the records of this branch of the family greatly valued assistance. He retains his faculties un- impaired, and is greatly admired and respected by a wide circle of friends and relatives. Children, all b. at May's Landing: 3651a. Silas Belden, b. May 17, 1854 (3752-3756)- 3651b. Allen Henry, b. Nov. 17, 1855; d.. May's Landing, Dec. 12, 1859. 3651c. Mary Dodge, b. Jan. i, 1858; unm. Res., New York City. 365id. Louisa Matilda, b. Jan. 18, i860; unm. Res., New York City. Horatio Silas Brown (3570), brother of the preceding, b.. New York City, Jan. 5, 1823; d., Island of Bermuda, Feb. 5, 1890; buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, near New York City, May 19, 1890; m., May 31, 1849, Matilda Auchincloss, b. Feb. 9, 1824; d. Jan. 10, 1894; dau. of Hugh Auchincloss, of New York City, and Mary (Stuart) Auchincloss. He was a member of 22d Regt. of the New York National Guard. He was a merchant, a Repub- lican, and he and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church. Children, all b. in New York City: 3652. Hugh Auchincloss, b. June 30, 1851; d., Sparkill, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1878; unm. 3653. Olivia Belden, b. Aug. 11, 1854; d. Jan. 2, 1856. 3653a. Harriet Louisa, b. Apr. i, 1858; d. Mar. 10, 1859. William Isaac Brown (3571), brother of the preceding, b., New York City, Jan. 14, 1825; d., Baltimore, Md., Jan. 4, 1900; m., Washington, D. C, Jan. 7, 1853, Annie L. McCulloch, b., Baltimore, Sept. 27, 1829; 411 THE BROWN GENEALOGY dau. of James W. McCuUoch, of Washington, and Abby (Sears) McCuUoch. He was a merchant and stock-broker, a RepubUcan, and he and his wife were members of the Episcopal Church. His widow res. Bahimore, Md. Children : 3654. William McCuUoch, b.. New York City, Nov. 13, 1854. Res., Garrett Co., Md., and is State senator. 3655. Susan Theresa, b.. Orange, N. J., Aug. 11, 1861; unm. Res., Baltimore, Md. Edward Stanton Brown (3573), brother of the preceding, b., New York City, Apr. 4, 1829; d., Rutherford, N. J., Feb. 26, 1902; m., Washington, D. C, Apr. 20, 1870, Annie K. Duvall, b., Washington, Feb. 26, 1844; dau. of Andrew Jackson Duvall and Eliza (Brown) Duvall, of Washington. He is a real-estate and insurance agent. Both he and his wife were mem- bers of the Presbyterian Church. Children, all b. in Rutherford: 3656. Duvall, b. Feb. 11, 187 1; d., Rutherford, Feb. 11, 187 1. 3657. Edith, d. Apr. 22, 1872 (3757). 3658. Duvall Belden, b. Nov. 25, 1874. Res., Rutherford, N. J. 3659. Silas Brownell, b. July 16, 1877. Res., Cincinnati, O. 3660. Hugh Auchincloss, b. Dec. 23, 1878. Res., Cincinnati, O. 3661. Clarence Duvall, b. Dec. 14, 1880. Res., Rutherford, N. J. 3662. Edward Stanton, Jr., b. Mar. 11, 1886. Res., Rutherford, N.J. Eleanor Matilda Brownell (3576), dau. of Moses Brownell and Mary (Brown) Brownell (3529) [Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Knox, N. Y., Aug. 12, 181 7 ; d., Ramapo, N. Y., July 11, 1883; m. (i), Troy, N. Y., Apr. 6, 1843, Joseph Newlands; m. (2), Troy, Sept. 14, 1854, Ebenezer Baker Cobb, d., Auburn, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1866. He was Captain of Marines in the battle of Lake Champlain under Commodore Mac- Donough, where he lost his left arm. He was private secretary of Gov. William H. Seward; Collector of Canal Tolls at Montezuma, N. V., and Clerk of Cayuga Co., N. Y., for twenty years. Son by first m.: 3662a. Alfred Brownell Newlands, b., Galway, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1844; d., Syracuse, N. Y., July 26, 1848. Son by second m.: 3662b. Rev. Ebenezer Baker Cobb, Jr., b.. Auburn, Oct. 23, 1855; m.. Auburn, Aug. 11, 1886, Helen Mills Starr, dau. of Rev. Frederick and Helen (Mills) Starr. He was educated in the 412 THE BROWN GENEALOGY public schools of Auburn, graduating at the Auburn High School in 1871; graduated with honor at Hamilton College, 1875, at nineteen, winning first prize for mathematical pro- ficiency, and being elected to Phi Beta Kappa; principal of the High School at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 1875-1876; Auburn Theological Seminary, 1876-1879; Union Theo- logical Seminary, New York City, for a year's postgraduate work, 1879-1880; ordained to the gospel ministry by the Presbytery of Hudson, N. Y., Apr. 29, 1880; pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Ramapo, 1 880-1 886; author of "History of Town of Ramapo," 188 5-1 886; pastor of Second Presbyterian Church of Elizabeth, N. J., since 1886; commissioner to the Presbyterian General Assembly in 1885, 1890, 1903; treasurer of the Synod of New Jersey since 1890; Doctor of Divinity, Hamilton College, 1895, '^^ twentieth anniversary of graduation ; member of Committee on Synodical Home Missions of the Synod of New Jersey, 1894-1904, and for seven of those years chairman of the committee; president of the Board of Trustees of the Synod of New Jersey since 1897; member of Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church since 1903; delegate to the Eighth General Council of the "Alliance of the Reformed Churches Holding the Presbyterian System," at Liverpool, England, where he read a paper upon "Woman's Work in the Church." Of him a brother pastor in Elizabeth says: "He has indomitable pluck, tireless energy, a warm heart, and a cheery manner." Another adds, "He is enthusiastic in everything which he undertakes; intensely sympathetic, with a wise, genial, and youthful spirit; a good friend, an affectionate husband, a faithful pastor, an inspiring preacher, a spiritually-minded man with a business instinct that makes all these gifts of practical and blessed use to the world." Olivia Marcia Brown (3577), sister of the preceding, b., Knox, N. Y., Mar. 24, 1819; m., Troy, N. Y., June 8, 1841, Rev. Alfred Pinney, b., Clarksville, N. Y., Oct. 15, 181 2; d., Briar Cliff, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1890. He first qualified himself in the medical profession, but after a short term of practice he entered the gospel ministry in connection with the Baptist Church, and was pastor of important and influential Baptist churches in Auburn, N. Y., Syracuse, N. Y., Cleveland, O., Zanesville, O., Norristown, 413 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Penn., and Morristown, N. J., whence, resigning his pastorate, he removed to Brooklyn in 1868 and continued to supply pulpits, according to his ability, until waning powers and fading eyesight prevented further labor. She res. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Children, all b. in Syracuse: 3662c. Amelia Augusta Pinney, b. Aug. 20, 1842 (3757^-37570- 3662d. Brown Brownell Pinney, b. Jan. 9, 1850; unm. Res., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 36626. Charles Alfred Pinney, b. Aug. i, 1854 (3757^-37570- Silas Brown Brownell (3581), brother of the preceding, b., Knox, N. Y., Oct. II, 1830; m., Saugerties, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1869, Sarah Sheffield, b. Feb. 22, 1845; dau. of Joseph Benjamin Sheffield and Sarah Stoddard Saxton (Wilder) Sheffield. He graduated at Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., in 1852; was admitted to the bar in 1852 and removed to New York City in 1853, where he has ever since resided. His business address is 71 Wall St. He is a successful lawyer and a man of affairs. He has been a trustee of Union College since 1872; is governor of Union University; trustee of Bar- nard College since 1889; director of Princeton Theological Seminary since 1890, and at present its first vice-president; secretary of the Association of the Bar of the State of New York since 1876; member of the Session of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church of New York City since 1884. He served as a private in the 8th company of the 7th Regt. of the New York National Guards from Apr. 19, 1861, to the end of its term of service. He is a member of the Society of Mayflower Descendants of the State of New York. In 1887 Hobart College conferred on him the degree of LL.D. It is said that in more than a third of a century, during which he has been a member of the Board of Trustees of Union College, he has not missed more than three meetings of the board. Children, all b. in New York City: 3662f.' Louise Sheffield Brownell, b. June 20, 1870 (3757g-3757i)- 3662g. Matilda Auchincloss Brownell, b. Oct. 19, 1871. She was an art student in Paris in Whistler's and Macmonnies' studios, 1894-1901; is a professional portrait-painter with a studio in New York. 36621. Sylvia Booth Brownell, b. June 24, 1873; d. July 10, 1874. 3662J. Eleanor Olivia Brownell, b. Jan. 25, 1876. A.B., Bryn Mawr College, 1897; State Secretary of the Executive Committee of Y. W. C. A. of the States of New York and New Jersey, with headquarters at 531 Lenox Ave., N. Y. 414 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3662k. Grace Stanley Brownell, b. Oct. 9, 1884; A. B., Bryn Mawr College, 1907. Asenath Brown Hoyt (3582), dau. of Henry an^ Asenath (Brown) Hoyt (3531), dau. of Edward (3519) and Tabitha (Hyer) Brown [Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Albany, N. Y., Mar. 16, 1834; d., Knox, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1869; m., Knox, Dec. 19, i860, Charles Clute, b. 1818; d., Knox, June 26, 1903. He was a farmer at Knox, a Republican, and both he and his wife were members of the Dutch Reformed Church. Children, all b. in Knox: 3663. Alice Hyer Clute, b. Jan. 11, 1862. 3664. Susan Easton Clute, b. Jan. 24, 1864. 3665. Charles Taber Clute, b. Nov. 14, 1866 (3758, 3759). 3666. Asenath May Clute, b. Apr. 8, 1869 (3760, 3761). Frederick William Brown (3588), son of Andrew Edward (3532) and Elizabeth Sheffield (Nexsen) Brown [Edward (3519), Andrew (126), Icha- bod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Albany, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1839; m., Water- town, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1867, Catherine Ten Eyck Mullin, b. Watertown; dau. of Judge Joseph Mullin, of Watertown, and Lydia (Ten Eyck) Mullin. He is an architect, a Democrat, and he and his wife are members of the Episcopal Church. Res., Washington, D. C. Children, first four b. in Albany: 3667. Lydia Mullin, b. Aug. 6, 1868. 3668. Archibald Robertson, b. June 23, 1870; d., Albany, July 22, 1892. 3669. Joseph Mullin, b. June 17, 1873. Res., Chicago, 111. 3670. Fred W., b. May 19, 1875. He is a contractor, Washington, D. C. 3671. Anthony Ten Eyck, b. Apr. 19, 1878 (3762). 3672. Kathleen Ten Eyck (twin), b. Sept. 19, 1885. 3673. Sheffield (twin), b. Sept. 19, 1885. Anna Sheffield Brown (3589), sister of the preceding, b., Albany, N. Y., Mar. 3, 1843; "^v Dec. 12, 1866, Charles Benjamin Nichols, b. 2 Clinton Sq., Albany; son of James Nichols and Julia E. (Luce) Nichols. He is a wholesale lumber-dealer in Albany, a Republican, and an Elder in the First Presbyterian Church of Albany, of which he and his wife are members. Children, all b. in Albany: 3674. Andrew Edward Nichols, b. May 15, 1868; m., at All Saints Cathedral, Albany, June 18, 1895, Bertha Van Antwerp, b. Albany; dau. of Daniel L. Van Antwerp. He is manager for 415 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Mexican Rubber Plantation, 1028 Citizens Building, Cleve- land, O. He is a Republican, and he and his wife are mem- bers of the Episcopal Church. No issue. 3675. Elizabeth Sheffield Nichols, b. Jan. 23, 1870. 3676. James Luce Nichols, b. Nov. 21, 1872. He is station-agent for the Standard Oil Company at Albany. 3677. Annie Sheffield Nichols, b. Oct. 21, 1874; d., Albany, Apr. 10, 1875- 3678. Mary Elma Nichols, b. Sept. 3, 1875 ! d., Albany, Feb. 10, 1876. 3679. Edith Hamilton Nichols, b. Dec. 25, 1877. Frances Clara Brown (3591), sister of the preceding, b., Albany, N. Y., Apr. 29, 1846; d. Oct. 20, 1904; m., Albany, Nov. 15, 1882, Joseph W. Russell, b., Albany, June 6, 1844; d. Apr., 1899; son of Joseph Russell and Margaret (Van Rensselaer) Russell. He was a lawyer in Albany, and a Democrat. She was a member of the Episcopal Church. Son: 3680. Charles Watkins Russell, b., Albany, May 6, 1884. He resides in Albany, with his father's sister, and is now in the employ of Walker & Gibson, wholesale druggists. Hamilton Bogart Brown (3592), brother of the preceding, b., Albany, N. Y., Mar. 31, 1851; m., Albany, Sept. 3, 1879, Caroline Grace Squire; dau. of Truman G. and Grace B. (Smith) Squire, of Elmira, N. Y. He was for some years in a bank in Minneapolis, Minn. He is a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. Res., 409 E. Church St., Elmira, N. Y. Dau.: 3681. Elizabeth Sheffield, b., Elmira, June 23, 1880. Dr. Paul Taber (3594), son of Azor Taber and Sarah (Todd) Taber (3544), dau. of Major-General Paul and Sarah (Brown) Todd (3521) [Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Knox, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1827; d., Rock House Prairie, Mo., Feb. 19, 1852; m. Elizabeth Wright. He was a physician. Dau.: 3682. Julia Pauline Taber, b.. Rock House Prairie, Sept. 5, 1852; m. Dr. Woodson, of St. Joseph, Mo. Had six children. Julia Marvin Taber (3595), sister of the preceding, b., Albany, N. Y., Mar. 6, 1830; d., Riverdale, New York City, Aug. 28, 1899; m., Albany, Jan. 31, 1854, Robert C. Martin, b., Knox, N. Y., Apr. 10, 1823; son of 416 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Benjamin Martin, of Knox, and Sarah (Coates) Martin. He was admitted to the bar in 1843; practised in Scholarie and Albany, removing to New York City about the close of the war. He is a RepubHcan; belongs to the Union League and Country Clubs. His wife is a member of the Riverdale Presbyterian Church. Res., So. Hill, Riverdale, N. Y. Dau.: 3683. Susan Taber Martin. She is a member of Mayflower Descend- ants and Colonial Dames. Mary Lambson Brown (3603), dau. of Stanton Horace (3547) and Eliza- beth (Whittenger) Brown [Allen (3522), Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Port Clinton, O., Sept. 6, 1833; m., Fremont, O., Feb. 15, 1852, Perry F. Remsburg, b., Fremont, Feb., 1825; d., Raymore, Mo., June 19, 1901; son of Casper Remsburg and Mary (Borolus) Rems- burg. Both had a fair education. He was a great reader, and took an active part in politics. He was a member of the House of Representatives of Illi- nois, 1870-1871. He was at one time Justice of the Peace at Ohio Station, 111. He was a farmer, a Republican in politics, and he and his wife were members of the Methodist Protestant Church. He was a great church worker. They moved from Fremont, O., to a farm near Des Moines, la., in 1857, and in 1859 to Ohio, 111. In 1881 they removed to Chatsworth, 111., living there at the time of the Chatsworth wreck. In 1889 they removed to Kansas City, Kan., and in 1900 to Raymore, Mo., where his widow now resides. Children, first three b. in Fremont; others, Ohio, 111.: 3684. Augusta Remsburg, b. Jan. 22, 1853 (3763-3765)- 3685. Stanton Horace Remsburg, b. Dec. 18, 1854; d., Ohio, Jan. 12, 1866. 3686. Arthur Lewis Remsburg, b. Sept. 20, 1856; d., Ohio, May 2, 1862. 3687. Louisa Jane Remsburg, b. Apr. 8, 1859; d., Hinkley, Minn., Sept. I, 1894 (3766, 3767). 3688. Casper Edgar Remsburg, b. Nov. 19, i860; m., Independence, Mo., Jan. 8, 1903, Cora Barton. He removed to Seattle, Wash., in 1903. He is a carpenter and a Republican. Res., 3440 Yester Way, Seattle, Wash. 3 3689. Sarah Ellen Remsburg, b. Oct. 4, 1862 (3768-3771). 3690. Grant Sherman Remsburg, b. July 6, 1864 (3772). 3691. Lincoln Alfred Remsburg, b. Apr. 4, 1866; d., Ohio, Mar. 15, 1871. 417 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3692. William Franklin Remsburg, b. Aug. 6, 1868 (3773-3777). 3693. John Charles Remsburg, b. Mar. 26, 1870; d., Ohio, Dec. 9, 1870. 3694. Sterling Alexander Remsburg, b. Sept. 9, 187 1; d., Ohio, Nov. 25, 1874. 3695. Howard Leslie Remsburg, b. Jan. 25, 1874; d., Chatsworth, Dec. 28, 1885. 3696. Estella May Remsburg, b. July 27, 1876 (3778). Sarah Wisner Brown (3605), sister of the preceding, b., Ohio, 111., Nov. 26, 1836; m., Ohio, Dec. 22, 1859, Barclay Lewis, b., Ohio, Oct. 8, 1831; d., Anson, Kan., Jan. 8, 1876; son of Thomas Lewis and Lydia Lewis. They moved from Illinois to a farm near Greenwood, Mo., and a few years later moved to a farm near Anson, Kan. Martha and Edgar still reside there with their mother. Mr. Lewis was a RepubHcan, and he and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Children, all except the youngest b. in Ohio: 3697. Rosina Eugenia Lewis, b. Sept. 13, i860; d., Ohio, Mar. 10, 1866. 3698. Edward Allen Lewis, b. June 11, 1862; d., Anson, May 3, 1899. 3699. Martha Isabel Lewis, b. Apr. 8, 1864. 3700. Mary Etta Lewis, b. Apr. 20, 1868; d., Anson, July 22, 1895 (3779)- 3701. Edgar Stanton Lewis, b. Nov. 17, 1874. Anna Lockwood Brown (3608), sister of the preceding, b.. Port Clinton, O., Feb. 5, 1846; m., Princeton, 111., Apr. 15, 1877, David Wesley Bash. She was a school-teacher before her marriage. Her husband is a carpenter and a Prohibitionist. Res., Abingdon, 111. Children: 3702. Albert Isaac Bash, b.. La Moille, 111., May 7, 1878. He is an insurance agent and a Prohibitionist. 3703. Louisa Jane Bash, b., Ohio, 111., May 29, 1879. She is a teacher. 3704. Frank Elmer Bash, b., Chatsworth, 111., Dec. 14, 1880; d. Jan. IS, 1881. 3705. Almira Bash, b., Chatsworth, Mar. 27, 1883. 3706. Mary Bash, b., Chatsworth, Sept. 24, 1885. Eugene Augustus Brown (3610), brother of the preceding, b., Fremont, 418 THE BROWN GENEALOGY O., June 22, 1852; m., Wellington, Kan., Jan. 21, 1885, Carrie Noteware, dau. of John and Phebe Noteware; b., Chemung Co., N. Y., Dec. 16, 1863. He is a farmer and a Republican. Res., Harpster, Idaho. Children: 3707. Minnie AHce, b., Sumner Co., Kan., Dec. 4, 1885. 3708. John Horace, b., Moiton Co., Kan., July 22, 1887. 3709. Elizabeth Phoebe, b., Morton Co., Dec. 31, 1888. 3710. Anna Larra, b., Chama, New Mex., July 10, 1892. 3711. Rosa Lee, b., La Platta Co., Col., July 30, 1895. Charlotte Jackson Brown (3612), dau. of Elias Allen (3550) and Louisa Ann (Cady) Brown [Allen (3522), Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. Aug. i, 1847; ^-i J^i^- 20, 1870, Jonathan R. Herrick, d. 1890. Res., Albany, N. Y. Children: 3712. Louisa B. Herrick, b. Dec. 16, 1872. 3713. Walter R. Herrick, b. May 11, 1877. Allen Brown (3614), brother of the preceding, b. Apr. 15, 1854; m., Oct. 12, 1881, Eleanor Shepherd Schuyler, b. Feb. 26, 1861; dau. of William R. Schuyler, d. Mar. 6, 1864, aged thirty, and Margaret (Lockwood) Schuyler. William R. Schuyler was the son of Thomas Schuyler, d. Aug. 13, 1864. Margaret Lockwood was the dau. of Benjamin Lockwood. He is a merchant at Minaville, N. Y., having succeeded his father in that business. He has furnished a very considerable portion of the genealogical information as to the descendants of his great-grandfather, Andrew Brown (126). ■ Children : 3714. Allen Lockwood, b. Aug. 2, 1889. 3715. Eleanor Elizabeth, b. Mar. 29, 1899. Maria Louisa Scribner (3616), dau. of Edward Scribner and Elizabeth Gertrude (Brown) Scribner (3554) [Allen (3522), Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b.. New York City, Dec. 21, 1842; m., Ithaca, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1868, William J. Nevius, Jr., b., Georgetown, D. C, Jan. 24, 1843; son of WilHam J. Nevius, of New York City, and EUza (Nelson) Nevius. He is a bank clerk, a Democrat in politics, and he and his wife are members of Trinity Presbyterian Church of So. Orange, N. J. Res., 71 Comstock PL, So. Orange, N. J. Children : 3716. Edward Scribner Nevius, b., E. Orange, N. J., Jan. 9, 1869; 419 THE BROWN GENEALOGY d., Ithaca, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1888. He was a member of the class of 1890 of Cornell University. His classmates, in ment- ory of his heroic death, placed a double window in the University chapel, representing John Howard and St. Vin- cent de Paul, with the following inscription: "In memory of Edward Scribner Nevius, a Student of the University, who lost his Life in the Effort to rescue a Stranger from drowning. He was born January 9, 1869, and died December 12, 1888. His Fellow Students in the College of Civil Engineering, remembering his Noble Life and Heroic Death, erect this memorial. "Whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. Luke xvii. 23. " Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend. John xv. 13." 3717. Joseph Nelson Nevius, b., W. Orange, N. J., Mar. 28, 1873; m., Johnstown, N. Y., June 14, 1899, Sadia Claire, dau. of Archibald Eaton Beane and Elizabeth Mary (Conkling) Beane, who, after her mother's death, was adopted by her grandmother Bailey, who resided in Oakland, Cal. He graduated from Cornell University in 1894. He was for five years Assistant Curator in the Museum at Albany. He is now a mining engineer in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. He is a Democrat, and he and his wife are members of the Dutch Reformed Church. No issue. 3718. Margaret Van Dyke Nevius, b.. So. Orange, Aug. 15, 1884. Graduated at Vassar College, in the class of 1906. Matilda Schuyler Scribner (3619), sister of the preceding, b., New York City, Jan. 21, 1849; "''■> Ithaca, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1872, Isaac Remsen Lane, b., New York City, July 19, 1840; son of William Lane, of New York, and Adelia A. F. (Remsen) Lane. He had a common-school education; pre- pared for and passed the examination for entrance to the Free Academy (now College of the City of New York) in 1855. He went into an insurance ofl&ce before the college year opened. From 1864 to 1900 he was with the Hanover Fire Insurance Company. He was its president for ten years, resigning in 1900. From 1861 to 1862 he was in the United States military service as private in 7th Regt. New York National Guards. He is a Re- publican in politics, and he and his wife are members of Hillside Presbyte- rian Church, of Orange, N. J. He is a member of Grolier Club, N. Y.; 420 THE BROWN GENEALOGY American Historical Association; Science Society of Boston; New England Society of Orange, N. J.; New York Produce Exchange; Grand Army of the Republic; Society of the Army of the Potomac; and Seventh Regiment Veterans. Res., 325 Lincoln Ave., Orange, N. J. Children : 3719. William Remsen Lane, b.. Orange, June 6, 1874; d., Orange, Feb. 15, 1896. He graduated at Princeton in 1895. 3720. Russell Lane, b., Orange, Feb. 25, 1876. He graduated from Columbia University in 1897. Rogers Scribner (3621), brother of the preceding, b., New York City, Jan. 21, 1856; m., Lincoln, Neb., Mar. 4, 1891, Hattie Pearl Goodwin, b., Oskaloosa, la., Mar. 27, 1866; dau. of Andrew and Jane (Likes) Goodwin. He is secretary and treasurer of Iowa Millers Association. He is a Democrat, and he and his wife are members of the Episcopal Church. Res., Des Moines, la. Children, b. in St. Paul, Neb.: 3721. Gertrude Scribner, b. Apr. 10, 1892. 3722. Elizabeth Scribner, b. Oct. 12, 1899. Lewis Grieve Farmer (3623), son of Thomas and Henrietta Cobb (Brown) Farmer (3556) [Allen (3522), Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Roxbury, Mass., Nov. 5, 1849; m., May 28, 1879, Marian Sin- clair Foss, b., Boston, Mass., Apr. 5, 185 1; dau. of Charles M. Foss, of Boston, a jeweller, and Martha E. (Hatchman) Foss. He is a lawyer. Ad- dress, 603 Sears Building, Boston. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1872, and has practised law in Boston since 1875. Was for many years connected with Boston newspapers. They attend the Episcopal Church. Children: 3723. Allen Brown Farmer, b. Aug. 22, 1880. He graduated from Dartmouth in 1903, and is now in the employ of the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company. 3724. Marian Whittemore Farmer, b. Oct. 19, 1881 (3780, 3781). 3725. Malcolm Farmer, b. Feb. 4, 1883. He graduated from Shef- field Scientific School in 1904, and is now employed by Phoenix Iron Works, Phoenixville, Penn. Thomas Farmer, Jr. (3624), brother of the preceding, b., Roxbury, Mass., Oct. 12, 1852; m., Detroit, Mich., Oct. i, 1879, Maude Hamilton WTiite, dau. of Alfred White, of Albany, and Elizabeth (Gratwick) Wliite. He is a Democrat, and he and his wife are members of the Episcopal Church. Res., Detroit, Mich. 421 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : 3727. Elizabeth Gratwick Farmer, b. Dec. 11, 1880. 3728. Thomas Farmer, b. May 6, 1884. He graduated from Cornell University in the class of 1905. 3729. Henrietta Farmer. Emily Maria Browne (3628), dau. of Andrew Alfred Brown (3562) [Henry (3523), Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b.. New York City, Jime 2, 1852; m., So. Orange, N. J., Oct. 14, 1875, Mark Thomas Cox, banker, Wall St., New York City. Res., no Harrison St., E. Orange, N, J. Children: 3729a. Mark Thomas Cox, Jr., b., Milburn, N. J., Aug. 22, 1876; m., Cheyenne, Wyo., May 24, 1906, May Ketchum. Res., Cheyenne, Wyo. 3729b. Sterling Browne Cox, b., Milburn, Jan. 28, 1878 (3782). 3729c. Susan Alfreda Cox, b.. So. Orange, July 9, 188 1. Ella Louisa Brown (3633), dau. of Erastus Williams (3564) and Anna A. (Clark) Brown [Henry (3523), Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b. July 17, 1864; m. George C. Wilson. Son: 3730. Edward Stanton Wilson. Cora Elizabeth Brown (3634), sister of the preceding, b. Nov. 9, 1866; m., Jersey City, Valentine S. Basanta. Dau. : 3731. Irena A. Basanta. Andrew Alfred Browne (3636), son of Henry Silas (3565) and Mary Amelia (Dupuy) Brown [Henry (3523), Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Knox, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1857; m., Mar. 19, 1890, at St. Gabriel, La., Marie L. Joly, b., St. Gabriel, Dec. 16, 1868; dau. of Anatole and Marie Elizabeth (Dupuy) Joly, of St. Gabriel. He is a sugar-planter, a Democrat, and, with his wife, belongs to the Roman Catholic Church. Res., Plaquemine, La. Children, first two b. St. Gabriel; others, Plaquemine: 3732. Henry Silas, b. Dec. 2, 1890. 3733. Mary Isabella Stanton, b. July 25, 1892. 3734. Mary Elizabeth, b. Jan. 12, 1894. 3735. Alfred Bernet, b. June 10, 1896. 3736. Lena Clemence, b. May 4, 1898. 422 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3737- Warren Anthony, b. Mar. 12, 1900; d. Jan. 11, 1905. 3738. Marjory, b. Feb. 7, 1904; d. Aug. 27, 1904. Efastus Lyon (3638a), son of Rev. David and Sarah Ann (Williams) Lyon (3566), dau. of Erastus and Katurah (Brown) Williams (3527) [Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Northampton, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1842; d., Jersey City, N. J., June 20, 1889; m., Mariaville, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1868, Mary Louisa Bell, b., Albany, N. Y., Mar. 10, 1840; dau. of Isaac Bell, of Albany, England, and Rosanna (Frost) Bell. Erastus Lyon was a druggist, a Democrat in politics, and, with his wife, was a member of the Episcopal Church. After their marriage they lived for three years at Pluckamin, Somerset Co., N. J., then at Newark, N. J., until 1877, when they removed to Jersey City. He was educated at Northampton and grad- uated at Eastman's Business College at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. She was educated at Fort Plain Seminary, Fort Plain, N. Y. Mr, Lyon's widow and her dau. res., May, 1905, 303 Fairmount Ave., Jersey City, N. J. Children : 3739. Rosanna Frost Lyon, b., Pluckamin, Sept. 15, 1870. She is assistant editor of the Wall Street Journal. 3740. Anna Williams Lyon, b., Newark, June 6, 1874; d. Sept. 6, 1874. Sarah Keturah Lyon (3640), sister of the preceding, b., Northampton, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1846; d., Mariaville, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1870; m., Mariaville, Dec. 29, 1863, William Lasher, b., Mariaville, Nov. 13, 1840; son of James McMillan Lasher and Marion M. (Kennedy) Lasher. He is a commission- merchant at II Harrison St., New York City. He is a Republican in poli- tics, and is a member of the Presbyterian Church, as was also his wife. She was known to her friends as " Kittie." She attended the Union School in Schenectady, N. Y., and he graduated from Union College, in the class of 1861. He is a member of the firm of J. R. Lasher & Bro. He m. (2) Ellen A. Phelps, of Phelps, N. Y. They have several children. Dau., by first m.: 3741. Mary Lasher, b., Mariaville, Feb. 13, 1866. She is Director of the Art Department of Howard Payne College, of Fayette, Mo. Except during the school year, she resides with her father at 59 Convent Ave., New York City. She graduated from the Temple Grove School at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., in 1883, and taught there, and at Balinsville Seminary, Penn., and Logan College, Russelville, Ky. Emily Belden Walsh (3645), dau. of Alexander Robertson and Emily 423 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Maria (Brown) Walsh (3567) [Silas (3528), Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., New York City, Sept. 29, 1844; m., New York City, Nov. 26, 1867, Thomas Cochran, Jr., b., Brooklyn, N. Y., July 31, 1843; d., St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 25, 1906; son of James Cochran, of Brooklyn, and Catherine (Baylis) Cochran. He was an attorney and resided in St. Paul; was a RepubHcan, and he and his wife were members of the Presby- terian Church. All the children, except the first, were born in St. Paul. All are unmarried and reside in St. Paul, except as stated. Children : 3742. Alexander Robertson Cochran, b., Stoughton, Wis., Aug. 29, 1869. 3743. Thomas Cochran, b. Mar. 20, 1871. Res., New York City. 3744. Emily Cochran, b. July 29, 1872. 3745. William Cochran, b. July 2, 1876. 3746. Moncriell Cochran, b. Oct. 11, 1879. 3747. Louise Cochran, b. June 13, 188 1. Silas Brown Walsh (3648), brother of the preceding, b., New York City, Sept. 24, 185 1; m., Stamford, Conn., July 9, 1889, Marie Pelor Fred- ericks, b., Flushing, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1859; dau. of James Philips Fredericks, of New York City, and Jeannie (Williams) Fredericks. He is a real-estate agent in St. Paul, Minn., a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Episcopal Church. Children : 3748. Alexander Robertson Fredericks Walsh, b., Stamford, May 27, 1890; d., Stamford, May 30, 1890. 3749. Edith Fredericks Walsh, b., St. Paul, Nov. 21, 1891. Res., St. Paul, Minn. Henry Boorman Walsh (3651), brother of the preceding, b.. New York City, Dec. 26, i860; m., St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 12, 1886, Nellie Augusta Newson, b., St. Paul, Mar. 13, 1862; dau. of Thomas McLean Newson and Harriet Douglas (Brower) Newson, of Albany, N. Y. He is a cashier, a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. Res., St. Paul, Minn. Children, b. in St. Paul: 3750. Alexander Robertson Walsh, b. Oct. 6, 1890. 3751. Edward Stanton Walsh, b. Feb. 18, 1892. Silas Belden Brown (3651a), son of Rev. Allen Henry Brown and Martha A. (Dodge) Brown [Silas (3528), Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., May's Landing, N. J., Apr. 17, 1854; m., Newark, N. J.; 424 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Apr. 21, 1881, Elizabeth Evans, b., Carbondale, Penn., July 13, 1855; dau. of Owen Evans, of Carbondale, and Elizabeth (Jones) Evans. He was graduated at Lafayette College as a civil engineer and mining engineer, but engaged in business in New York City with his uncle under the firm name of Stephen Ballard Rubber Company. He is a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Congregational Church. Res., Montclair, N.J. Children, all except the last b. in Newark: 3752. Alice Evans (twin), b., Jan, 4. 1882; d. Feb. 16, 1882. 3753. Allen Henry (twin), b. Jan. 4, 1882. He is chemist at a furnace in Penn. 3754. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 18, 1888. 3755. Morris Evans, b. July 27, 1889. 3756. Charlotte Belden, b., Montclair, Mar. 8, 1899. Edith Brown (3657), dau. of Edward Stanton Brown (3573) and Annie E. (Duvall) Brown [Silas (3528), Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Rutherford, N. J., Apr. 22, 1872; m., Rutherford, June 9, 1904, Herbert Davies Jones, b., Manchester, Eng., Sept. 3, 187 1; son of John Jones, of' Manchester, and Annie (Davies) Jones. He is a fire-in- ^surance agent in Pittsburg, Penn., a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. Dau.: 3757. Anna Davies Jones, b., Pittsburg, Apr. 10, 1905. Amelia Augusta Pinney (3662c), dau. of Rev. Alfred Pinney and Olivia Marcia (Brownell) Pinney (3577), dau. of Dr. Moses Brownell and Mary (Brown) Brownell (3529) [Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1842; m., Morristown, N. J., Jan. 9, 1873, John O. Watkins. Res., Oakland, Cal. Children: 3757a. Sarah Brownell Watkins, b.,'Vallejo, Cal., Nov. 23, 1878; m. (i), Oakland, Marcus; (2), Oakland, Clark Duncan. No issue. 3757b. Helen Mary Watkins, b., Vallejo, June 30, 1881 (3783, 3784). 3757c. Olivia Pinney Watkins, b., Oakland, Mar. 27, 1885; d., Oakland, Jan, 11, 1886. Charles Alfred Pinney (3662e), brother of the preceding, b., Syracuse, N. Y., Aug. I, 1854; m., Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1886, Sarah Antoinette L'Amoureaux. Res., Mt, Vernon, N. Y, 425 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : 3757d. Gertrude L'Amoureaux Pinney, b., Brooklyn, Aug. 20, 1887. 3757e. Charles Brownell Pinney, b., Brooklyn, Feb. 13, 1889. 3757f. Raymond Willard Camp Pinney, b., Chicago, 111., Oct. 5, 1894. Louise Sheffield Brownell (3662f), dau. of Silas Brown Brownell (3581) and Sarah (Sheffield) Brownell, son of Dr. Moses Brownell and Mary (Brown) Brownell (3529) [Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b.. New York City, June 20, 1870; A.B., Bryn Mawr College, 1893; A.M., Bryn Mawr College, 1895; Ph.D., Br\Ti Mawr College; Warden Sage Col- lege; Lecturer in Cornell University, 1896-1900; Head of Balliol School, Utica, N. Y., 1900-1905; m., Stockbridge, Mass., Aug. 30, 1900, Arthur Percey Saunders. Children, all b. in Utica: 3757g. Silvia Saunders, b. Dec. 30, 1901. 375 7h. Olivia Saunders, b. May 4, 1904. 37571. Willard Duncan Saunders, b. Apr. 6, 1906. Charles Taber Clute (3665), son of Charles Clute and Asenath Brown (Hoyt) Clute (3582), dau. of Asenath Brown (3531) arfd Henry Hoyt [Edward (3519), Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Knox, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1866; m., Knox, Margaret Frink Knox, dau. of Seneca Frink Knox and Emeline (Quay) Knox. He is a farmer at Knox, a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Dutch Reformed Church. Children, both b. in Knox: 3758. Stanton H. Clute, b. Aug. 11, 1882. 3759. Dorothy Clute, b. Mar. 24, 1901. Asenath May Clute (3666), sister of the preceding, b., Knox, N. Y., Apr. 8, 1869; m., Knox, Edward Van Vliet, son of Morris Van Vliet and his wife Mary. He is a printer (New York Post), an Independent in poli- tics, and both he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. Res., Bloomfield, N. J. Children, both b. in Bloomfield: * 3760. Rensselaer Clute Van Vliet, b. May 13, 1892. 3761. Morris Edward Van Vliet, b. Oct. 9, 1894. Anthony Ten Eyck Brown (3671), son of Frederick William (3588) and Catherine (Ten Eyck) Brown [Andrew Edward (3532), Edward (3519), Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Albany, N. Y., Apr. 19, 1878; m., June 27, 1903, Amanda Cheatham Pearse, b., Nashville, 426 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Tenn., dau. of Christian Schultz Pearse and his wife Amanda F. He is an architect in Washington, D. C. Dau., b. in Washington: 3762. Amanda Frances, b. Feb. 10, 1904. Augusta Remsburg (3684), dau. of Perry F. and Mary Lambson (Brown) Remsburg (3603) [Stanton Horace (3547), Allen (3522), Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Fremont, O., Jan. 22, 1853; m., Ohio, 111., Mar. 21, 1877, Leander Mercer. He was a farmer for several years, but was obliged to give it up on account of his health. He is now in the steel works at Kewanee, 111. His family live at Princeton, 111. All the children are at home except his son, who is a telegraph operator at a small station in Northeastern Illinois. Mr. Mercer is a Prohibitionist, and he and his wife are members of the Methodist Protestant Church. Children, first two b. Chatsworth, 111.; the other, in Princeton: 3763. Florence May Mercer. 3764. Ralph R. Mercer. 3765. Eva Lois Mercer. Louisa Jane Remsburg (3687), sister of the preceding, b., Ohio, 111., Apr. 8, 1859; d., Hinkley, Minn., Sept. i, 1894; m., Ohio, Mar. i, 1880, Thomas Lovell, d., Hinkley, Sept. i, 1894. In 1887 they removed from Chatsworth, 111., to So. Dak., and in the spring of 1894 to Hinkley, where they settled on a farm a mile and a half from the village. In the fall of that year the whole family perished in the terrible forest fires which destroyed the town and the whole of the surrounding country. Their bodies were recovered by James Bullock, a brother-in-law, and were buried in Hinkley. Children: 3766. Mary Esther Lovell. 3767. Chester Abram Lovell. Sarah Ellen Remsburg (3689), sister of the preceding, b., Ohio, 111., Oct. 4, 1862; m., Chatsworth, 111., Aug. 23, 1885, James L. Bullock. They re- moved from Chatsworth to Pierpont, So. Dak., where he is a farmer. He is a Republican, and has served one or more terms in the State Legislature. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. Children, all except the first b. at Pierpont: 3768. James Shelby Bullock, b., Chatsworth, Oct. 6, 1886. 3769. Harry Romaine Bullock. 3770. Emmett MoUette Bullock. 3771. Myrtle Bullock. 427 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Grant Sherman Remsburg (3690), brother of the preceding, b., Ohio, 111., July 6, 1864; m., Princeton, 111., Apr. 21, 1896, Lucy Conner, dau. of William Conner, of Ohio. He is postmaster at Ohio; a Republican. Son: 3772. Perry William Remsburg, b., Ohio, Sept., 1898. William Franklin Remsburg (3692), brother of the preceding, b., Ohio, 111., Aug. 6, 1868; m., Ohio, Sept. 26, 1888, Winnefred Sheridan. He is a carpenter and a Republican. Res., Amboy, 111. Children: 3773. Mary Remsburg. 3774. Edna Remsburg. 3775. Irene Remsburg. 3776. Isabelle Remsburg. 3777. Perry Remsburg. Estella May Remsburg (3696), sister of the preceding, b., Ohio, 111., July 27, 1876; m., Kansas City, Kan., Jan. 7, 1897, Robert F. Funk, b., Perm., Oct. 15, 1869; son of John Funk, of Raymore, Mo., and Lena (Clendenen) Funk. He was a carpenter until after his marriage, when he removed to Raymore, where he is now a farmer. He is a Prohibitionist, and he and his wife are members of the United Brethren Church. Dau.: 3778. Mary Helen Funk, b., Raymore, Oct. 8, 1898. Mary Etta Lewis (3700), dau. of Barclay Lewis and Sarah Wisner (Brown) Lewis (3605) [Stanton Horace (3547), Allen (3522), Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Ohio, 111., Apr. 20, 1868; d., Anson, Kan., July 22, 1895; m., Anson, Nov. 18, 1891, George White, b. in Indiana. She was a teacher before her marriage. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Son: 3779- 5 <^- i^^ infancy. Marian Whittemore Farmer (3724), dau. of Lewis Grieve (3623) and Marian Sinclair (Foss) Farmer, son of Thomas and Henrietta Cobb (Brown) Farmer (3556), dau. of Allen Brown (3522) [Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Boston, Mass., Oct. 19, 1881; m., Apr. 17, 1902, John Kelly Robinson, 2d, b., Louisville, Ky.; son of John Kelly Robinson, of Louisville, and Celestia A. (Weeks) Rob.nson. He is a Democrat, and he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. f],phraim W. Maine Family, in 1887 Read from left to right : Susan F. , Mary T. . Nancy W. , Herbert E. , El- niina C. , Bessie B. , father and mother. Grandmother Thompson (Elmina York), and Eldora T. _ X ^ f^i X ti ^ ^ i: ^ = z ^ y= ^ ^ J^ o o s ec ' X 5 X 'i) s ^ fe THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 3780. Edmund Lewis Robinson, b., Covington, Ky., Jan. 13, 1903. 3781. HughWilsonRobinson,b.,Mt.Washington,Md., June 20, 1904. Sterling Browne Cox (3729b), son of Mark Thomas Cox and Emily (Browne) Cox (3628), dau. of Andrew Alfred Brown (3562) [Henry (3523), Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Milburn, N. J., Jan. 28, 1878; m., Buffalo, N. Y., Apr., 1905, Winnefred Sweet. He is a manu- facturer. Res., 426 Centre Street, So. Orange, N. J. Dau.: 3782. Winnefred Cox, b.. So. Orange, Mar. 15, 1Q07. Helen Mary Watkins (3757b), dau. of John O. Watkins and Amelia Augusta (Pinney) Watkins (3662c), dau. of Olivia Marcia Brownell (3577), dau. of Dr. Moses Brownell and Mary (Brown) Brownell (3529) [Andrew (126), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Vallejo, Cal., June 30, 1881; m., Oakland, Cal., Jan. 18, 1900, Charles L. Pryal. Children: 3783. Charles L. Pryal, Jr., b. May 10, 1901. 3784. Helen Ameha Pryal, b. about 1904. 285. Martha Brown's children. [See 4186-4189.] 288. Margaret Brown's children. [See 4190-4194.] Adam Brown (286), son of Joshua (77) and Joanna (Rogers) Brown [James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Oct. 26, 1772; m., Stonington, Susannah Morey. He removed, date not known, to Stephentown, N. Y.; d. July 27, 1845, ^g^^ seventy-two years. A number of Joshua Brown's children and grandchildren removed from Stonington and No. Stonington to Stephentown and m. and d. there. Interments, Stephentown. [See 526, 527.] Children, b. Stephentown: 3800. Joseph Rogers, b. 1801; m. Amanda Carr (3808-3813). 3801. Susannah, b. 1802; d. in infancy. 3802. Randall A., b. Mar. 31, 1804; m. (i) Margaret Sweet (3814- 3820). 3803. Delia Catherine, b. Jan. 3, 1806; m. Albert R. Buckley. 3804. Lewis Morey, b. Aug. 23, 1808; m. Nancy Cherevoy (3818b, 3818c). 3805. William Thomas, b. Oct. 17, 1809; d. Mar. 31, 1854, at the 429 THE BROWN GENEALOGY home of Mrs. Amanda (Carr) Brown, Stephentown; unm. He was a merchant at Garfield, O. 3806. James Dean, b. July 31, 181 1; m. Elizabeth C. Harris (3831a, 3831b). 3807. Susan Eliza, b. June 20, 18 14; m. Henry G. Buckley (38i8d, 38i8e). Joseph Rogers Brown (3800), son of Adam (286) and Susannah (Morey) Brown [Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Mar. 2, 1801; d., Stephentown, N. Y., May 9, 185 1; m., Lebanon Springs, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1825, Amanda Carr, b., Lebanon Springs, Apr. 16, 1805; d., Stephentown, Aug. 16, 1873; dau. of Spencer and Zelpha (Goodrich) Carr. Mr. Brown was one of the prominent men of the town and one of the founders of the Baptist Church; lieutenant of the town militia; by occupation a farmer. The farm on which he lived was cleared by Capt. Joseph Rogers, brother of Joanna Rogers, wife of Joshua Brown (77), who was among the earliest settlers of Stephentown; it came to him by inheritance and is now [1907] owned by his son William A. (3813). Children, b. Stephentown: 3808. Joseph Rogers, Jr., b. May 8, 1826. His career unknown. 3809. Mary Malvina, b. July 16, 1828; d., Stephentown, Oct. i, 1896; m., Stephentown, 1872, Henry A. Douglas, b. Stephen- town; d. there Dec, 1889. He was a merchant and farmer, a Republican, and both were members of the Baptist Church. He was postmaster for half a century at No. Stephentown, and held minor town offices. No issue. 3810. Susannah Catherine, b. Apr. 12, 1830; d. Feb. 17, 1837. 3811. Spencer Carr, b. Mar. 26, 1833 (3813a, 3813b). 3812. Nancy Eliza, b. June 16, 1834; d. Jan. 17, 1877; unm. She was a school-teacher. 3813. William Adam, b. Sept. 3, 1848 (3813c, 3Si3d). Spencer Carr Brown (3811), brother of the preceding, b. Mar. 26, 1833; d., suddenly, Apr. 7, 1907; interment, Baptist Cemetery, Stephentown, N. Y.; m., Hancock, Mass., Aug., 1870, Anna Conklin, b., Hancock, dau. of John and Mary (Goodrich) Conklin. Mr. Brown was a Democrat, prominent in the Baptist Church, Supervisor of the town for several years. Notary Public, Justice, and did much public business; he was a resident of Stephentown all his life. Children, b. Stephentown: 3813a. John W., b. Aug. 2, 1872. 430 i THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3813b. Edith E. Brown, b. Aug. 26, 1880; m., Dec. 23, 1903, Fred N. Brown, of Berlin, N. Y. Dau.: Helen May, b. Dec. 9, 1905. Res., 1907, Springfield, Mass. William A. Brown (3813), son of Joseph Rogers (3800) and Amanda (Carr) Brown [Adam (286), Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stephentown, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1848; m., Adams, Mass., Nov. 29, 1882, Louisa I. Whitman, b., Stephentown, Sept, 2, 1843; d., Stephentown, July 30, 1906; dau. of John and Philoxena (Spencer) Whitman. He is a farmer, a Democrat, and attends the Baptist Church; his wife is a member. He has held several town offices, living on his father's farm, that has been in the family for several years. Res., 1907, Stephentown, N. Y. Children, b. Stephentown: 3813c. Lucy A., b. June 16, 1884; m., Jan. 14, 1907, Willard Sweet, of Snyder, Okla., son of Nathan Sweet, of Stephentown. 3813d. Eva A., b. Apr. 27, 1886. Randall A. Brown (3802), son of Adam (286) and Susannah (Morey) Brown [Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. Mar. 31, 1804; d. 1884; m. (i), in 1827, Margaret Sweet; both lived at Stephentown, N. Y.; m. (2) Julia Gardner, who had no children. By a letter from his son Charles H. to Mrs. Mary A. (Brown) Hancox (3843) in 1892, it is stated that Mr. Brown made an eventful trip to Stonington and Mystic, Conn,, to visit his relatives, and frequently referred to his visit which he made years ago "as one of the most pleasant events of his life; and while there he gathered facts that took him back to his ancestor Eleazer (11). Through his labor and yourself I have derived nearly all my information relative to the family." Children, by first m., b. Stephentown: 3814, Margaret, b. Nov. 12, 1827; d. Mar. 14, 1842. 3815. Randall A., Jr., b. Oct. 27, 1829; d., Omaha, Neb., June 22, 1906; m. Sarah Van Syckle. No issue. He came to Omaha, in 1856, with his brother James J., and engaged in mer- chandizing, and they continued in that business until about 1884. They were reckoned among the very early set- tlers. He was one of the respected and influential men of Omaha, During the latter part of his life he spent his summers in Omaha and his winters in San Diego, Cal. 3816, James Jay, b. Jan. 12, 1832; m. Missouri Kenedy (3816a- 38i6f). 3817. Charles Henry, b. Apr. 12, 1834. 431 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3818. Lewis, b. Oct. 7, 1838; m. Dora Eldridge (3818a). 3819. Susan, b. June 20, 1840; d. in infancy. 3820. Margaret A., b. July 14, 1844; d. in infancy. James Jay Brown (3816), son of Randall A. (3802) and Margaret (Sweet) Brown [Adam (286), Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stephentown, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1832; d., Omaha, Neb., Feb. 9, 1901; m., Florence, Neb., Mar. i, 1865, Missouri Kenedy, b., Carrollton, O., June 27, 1845; ^^^- *^^ George F., of Coatesville, Penn., of Quaker parentage, and Margaret (Woodney) Kenedy. Mr. Brown came to Omaha in 1856, with his brother Randall A., as before stated, and was one of the principal promoters in the upbuilding of Omaha until his death. He is mentioned as "one of the best business men in this part of the West," and of sterling worth to the city of Omaha. He was director of the Omaha National Bank for thirty-five years; a banker and capitalist. Children, b. Omaha: 3816a. Clara Margaret, b. Aug. 8, 1866; m., June 26, 1894, Henry F. Wyman. Children: James Brown and Margaret Woodney. 3816b. Randall Kenedy, b. Sept. 28, 1869; graduated from Amherst College in 1893. He is now [1907] in the wholesale coal business and has large mining interests. He succeeded his father to the presidency of the Ashland Bank of Nebraska, which he held for many years; unm. 3816c. James Jay, b. Mar. 27, 1872; graduated from Williams in 1895, and in the autumn of the same year entered Harvard Law School. The next year he died, following an operation for appendicitis. He was a young man with a bright future and much promise. 38i6d. Charles Henry, b. Oct. 19, 1875; after leaving Phillips Acad- emy in 1896, entered Harvard College the same year, but did not complete his course there, on account of his father's rapidly failing health. He assumed the duties that his father laid down at his death, being chosen director of the Omaha National Bank, thus continuing the banking business in 1907. 38i6e. Jeanie Dean, b. Dec. 7, 1877. 38i6f. Lewis Peck, b. Dec. 29, 1879; d., Omaha, Oct. 2, 1881. Charles H. Brown (3817), son of Randall A. (3802) and Margaret (Sweet) Brown [Adam (286), Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stephentown, N. Y., Apr. 12, 1834; d., Omaha, Neb., Apr. 432 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 26, 1897; m., Omaha, Mrs. E. Dora Brown, nee Eldredge, widow of Lewis Brown, b. Stephentown, Feb. 17, 185 1; d., Omaha, Aug. 25, 1901. No issue by her second m. He was a graduate of Williams College, a lawyer of distinction. He was Mayor of Omaha for several years; was prominent in political and public afifairs. His prosperity brought him influence and wealth. He took special interest in looking up his ancestry, as was seen by the numerous letters addressed to relatives and friends in Stonington and Mystic, Conn. He compiled a full record of his ancestry, which he left with his brother's wife, Mrs. James J. Brown, of Omaha. In the beginning of his researches he states [see page 9] that Nicholas Brown sailed from Southampton, England, in the early spring of 1630. The fleet consisted of eleven vessels, having on board 1,700 persons that sailed for New England. Among the passengers were John Winthrop, the first Governor of the colony of Massachusetts, and many other persons of dignity, wealth, and reputation. "Three vessels landed at Salem, Mass., in the month of June, 1630, and the passengers began to make settlements in the pathless woods." The settlement at Lynn was begun in 1629. He quotes under topic lines: "Annuals of Lynn, 1630," at page 119, the following: "Nicholas Brown was a farmer and lived on Walnut Street in Saugus, Mass. He removed to Reading in 1644. He had a son Thomas, who con- tinued in Lynn, and died 28 Aug., 1693; his descendants remain." In 1638 an allotment of land was made to the residents. [See page 171.] Nicholas Brown was given two hundred acres. On Oct. 7, 1641, Nicholas Brown was selected as a Representative of Lynn. [See page 578.] On page 482 we find the following: "Mary (a daughter of John Newhall) married Thomas Brown and had several children." The above are the only refer- ences to Thomas Brown in the book. [These facts are taken from Lewis and Newhall's "History of Lynn."] Lewis Brown (3818), son of Randall A. (3802) and Margaret (Sweet) Brown [Adam (286), Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stephentown, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1838; d., New York, Oct. 26, 1877; m., Stephentown, Oct. 28, 1869, E. Dora Eldredge, b., Stephentown, Feb. 17, 1851; d., Omaha, Neb., Aug. 25, 1901; she m. (2) Charles H. Brown, her husband's brother. Dau., by first m., b. Omaha: 3818a. Margaret Brown, b. June 9, 1874; m., Omaha, Oct. 28, 1896, Ward McClelland Burgess, b., St. Joseph, Mo., June 20, 1870; son of J. K. and Lucinda (Holliday) Burgess, of St. 433 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Joseph. Children: Charles Ward, b. July 19, 1897; Lewis Holliday, b. Apr. 3, 1899. Delia Catherine Brown (3803), dau. of Adam (286) and Susannah (Morey) Brown [Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. Jan. 3, 1806; d. Jan. 27, 1870; m., May 9, 1832, Albert R. Buckley, of Williams- town, Mass.; they removed to Cleveland, O., where he engaged in mer- chandizing, and d. Nov. 9, 1848. No issue. Lewis Morey Brown (3804), brother of the preceding, b. Aug. 23, 1808; d., Michigan, July 16, 185 1; m., Apr. 3, 1833, Nancy Cherevoy. She m. (2), Aug. 6, 1856, A. Ransom. Children: 3818b. William T. Brown, b. Mar. 22, 1838; m., Warren, O., Fanny Hunt. Children: Jenney Dean and Ransom Hunt. 3818c. Margaret Ehza Brown, b. Jan. 13, 1842; m., in 1863, Stephen Smith. Dau.: Juha, b. Jan., 1870. Susan Eliza Brown (3807), dau. of Adam (286) and Susannah (Morey) Brown [Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. June 20, 1814; m., Dec. 4, 1834, Henry G. Buckley. They lived in Cleveland, O. Children : 38i8d. DeUa Elizabeth, b. May 22, 1838; m., Aug. 14, i860, L. Emery Holden, b., Oxford Co., Me.; after his m. he re- moved to a Western State. He is a lawyer and politician. Children: Charles Henry, b. Sept. 27, i86i; Sarah Ehzabeth, b. 1864; Albert Fairchild, b. 1867; Dean, b. 1868; Delia, b. Feb., 1871. 38i8e. Charles Henry, b. Sept. 26, 1842. Prudence Brown (286a), dau. of Joshua (77) and Joanna (Rogers) Brown [James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. June 10, 1776; d. July 22, 1799; m.; Stonington, Conn., Sept. 9, 1796, James Dean, b., Stonington, Sept. 9, 1751, d. 1836, aged eighty-four years; interment in Whitehall Cemetery, Mystic, Conn.; son of John Dean and Martha Black, of Groton, Conn. Wheeler's History, page 332, says in part that James Dean, Jr., the grandfather of this sketch, learned the trade of fulling and dressing woolen cloth, and for that purpose erected a dam and fulling-mill on the Mistuxet brook. There he continued his business until his son John Dean reached manhood, when he and his father built a new dam and erected another fulling-mill near his dwelling-house. Afterwards they devoted their time and attention to cloth-dressing until 1807, when the fulling-mill was enlarged into what 434 THE BROWN GENEALOGY was known as a factory, with a grist-mill, with new and improved machinery for cloth-dressing, wool-carding, and for the manufacturing of cotton and woolen goods. The new enterprise was continued mainly by James Dean, the son of John Dean, the subject of this sketch, with whom he had been in business from his early manhood. Mr. James Dean continued in business until 1830, when he retired from business, and died six years later. The first mill stood just below the present dam; the raceway is kept in order, as seen below the dam. The millstones have been carried across the road near where the house stood, and marked" 1807." Alarge boulder is here, marked "Washboul," dated 1700. The well and well-sweep and oaken bucket are in order; a monument of stones twelve feet high capped with a bomb-shell, "Relic of 1812." A short distance away is the Wolf-den in the rocks and woods on the hill. A large pine-tree in front of where the house stood is marked, "Planted by James Dean 1828." This has been an ideal place for picnics, with hills and valleys, trees, rocks, and living springs of water. The water of the Mistuxet is now util- ized by the town of Stonington, with a pumping-station where the last factory and grist-mill stood. The water company passed an ordinance in 1906 forbidding the use of this beautiful locality for picnics, fearing the pollution of the water. Dau. : 3822. Prudence Brown Dean, b. June 3, 1799; ^-i Sept. 30, 1818, by the Rev. Ira Hart, Judge Asa Fish. He was one of the most prominent men of Stonington, holding offices of Select- man, Senator, and Judge of Probate, up to the Ufe limit. He d. Apr. 20, 1861. Children: 3823. James Dean, b. Aug. 7, 1819; m. (i), June 4, 1843, Mary Esther Blodget, d. July 17, 1868; m. (2), Mar. 18, 1872, Isabella Rogers, d. Dec. 20, 1879. 3824. Sands Helme, b. Sept. 19, 1821; m., Mar. 14, 1850, Emeline Beebe. 3825. Hannah, b. June 6, 1823; m., Mar. 15, 1843, Elias P. Randall. 3826. Silas, b. Oct. 23, 1825; m., Apr. 10, 1851, Mary Dorrance Stoddard. 3827. Asa, b. Apr. 11, 1828; m., May 12, 1857, Eleanor Hoxie Peckham. 3828. Prudence, b. Aug. i, 1830; m., Apr. 10, 1855, Uriah H. Dudley. 3829. Benjamin, b. Sept. 2, 1834. 3830. John D., b. Feb. 23, 1837; d. Aug. 29, 1838. AS5 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3831. Fanny Dean, b. Sept. 5, 1839; m., Jan. i, 1861, Caleb Smith Woodhull. James Dean Brown (3806), son of Adam (286) and Susannah (Morey) Brown [Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stephentown, N. Y., July 31, 181 1 ; d., Omaha, Neb., 1879; m.. Canton, O., 1839, Eliza- beth C. Harris, b.. Canton, 1820; d., Washington, D. C, 1890; dau. of John and Rebecca (Reynolds) Harris, of Canton. Both were thoroughly edu- cated. He lived in his younger days at Stephentown; removed to Canton; was admitted to the bar of Ohio; was Prosecuting Attorney and Judge; moved to Omaha, assisted in organizing the National Bank of Omaha, and was a prominent and well-known citizen of Ohio and Nebraska. Children, b. Canton: 3831a. Rebecca Susan, b. July 1, 1840. 3831b. Walter Scott, b. Jan. 25, 1841 (3831c, 383id). Rebecca Susan Brown (3831a), dau. of the preceding, b.. Canton, O., July I, 1840; m.. Canton, Apr. 11, 1865, Charles Frederick Manderson. Mrs. Manderson in her younger days and before her marriage attended the schools of Canton and Cleveland, O., La Roy, N. Y., and Mt. Holyoke Seminary, So. Haldey, Mass, She lived in Canton until Nov., 1869; then in Omaha, Neb.; but while her husband was in the United States Senate she lived with him most of the time in Washington, D. C, from 1883 to 1895. No issue. SKETCH OF LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF GENERAL CHARLES F. MANDERSON Charles Frederick Manderson was born of paternal Scotch-Irish and of maternal German ancestry in Philadelphia, Penn., Feb. 9, 1837, and received his education in the schools of his native city. At the age of nineteen he removed to Canton, Stark Co., O., where he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1859. In the spring of r86o he was elected City Solicitor of Canton, O., and was reelected the next year. On the day of the receipt of the news of the firing on Fort Sumter, in April, 1861, he enlisted as a private with Captain James Wallace of the Canton Zouaves, an inde- jjendent company in which he had been a corporal. Receiving permission from Gov- ernor Dennison, he, with Samuel Beatty, an old Mexican soldier, then sheriff of Stark Co., raised a full company of infantry in one day, Manderson being elected and com- missioned ist Lieutenant. In May, 1861, Beatty, the Captain, being made Colonel of the 19th Ohio Infantry, Manderson became Captain of Company A of that regiment. He took two companies into western Virginia among the first troops occupying that section, and the ipth Ohio became a part of the brigade commanded by General Rose- crans in General McClellan's Army of Occupation of West Virginia. The regiment participated with great credit in the first field battle of the war. Rich Moimtain, the eleventh day of July, 1861. Captain Manderson received special mention in the official 436 THE BROWN GENEALOGY reports of this battle. In August, 1861, he reenlisted his company for three years, or during the war, and in this service he rose through the grades of Major, Lieutenant- Colonel, and Colonel of the 19th Ohio Infantry, and on Jan. i, 1864, over four hundred of the survivors of his regiment reenlisted with him as veteran volunteers. The battle of Shiloh, fought Apr. 7, 1862, during which Captain Manderson acted as Lieutenant- Colonel, caused his promotion to the rank of Major, and he was mentioned in the re- ports of General Boyle and General Crittenden for distinguished gallantry and excep- tional service. General Boyle says in his report: "Captain Manderson deported himself with cool nerve and courage and personally captured a prisoner." ' He was in command of the 19th Ohio Infantry in all its engagements up to and in- cluding the battle of Love joy's Station, on Sept. 2, 1864. At the battle of Stone's River, or Murfreesboro, fought Dec. 31, 1862, and Jan. 2, 1863, the regiment lost in killed and wounded two himdred and thirteen men out of four himdred and forty-nine taken into the engagement, or forty-four per cent. It won distinguished renown and excep- tional mention for its participation in this great battle, and the official reports gave particular credit to its charge in the cedars, which checked the enemy's advance upon our right and restored the line of battle to one that could be maintained. General Fred Knefler, who commanded the 79th Indiana, said in his official report: "It may not be improper to remark that the behavior of my regiment, which had but few opportunities for drill, and had not been long in the field, may be attributed in a great measure to the splendid conduct of the 19th Ohio, Major Manderson command- ing, the effect of whose example was not lost upon the officers and soldiers of my regi- ment." General Grider, commanding the brigade, says: "The command was splendidly led by its officers, among whom was Major Mander- son, who exhibited the utmost coolness and daring." After the battle of Rich Mountain, and during its three years and its veteran service, the 19th Ohio Infantry participated in the following campaigns and battles: Shiloh, Siege of Corinth, Action near Farmington, Movement from Battle Creek, Tenn., to Louisville, Ky., Perryville Campaign, Crab Orchard, Stone's River, Murfreesboro, Tullahoma Campaign, Liberty Gap, Chickamauga, Siege of Chattanooga, Orchard Knob, Mission Ridge, Knoxville Campaign, Atlanta Campaign, Cassville, Dallas, New Hope Church, Picketts Mills, Ackworth Station, Pine Knob, Kulp's Farm, Kenesaw, Affair near Marietta, Crossing the Chattahootchie River, Peach Tree Creek, Siege of Atlanta, Ezra Chapel, Jonesboro, Lovejoy's Station, Franklin, Nashville, and pursuit of Hood's army. The brigade commander says of the battle of New Hope Church, during the Atlanta Campaign, in his official report: "The second line, commanded by Colonel Manderson and composed of the 19th Ohio, the 79th Indiana, and the 9th Kentucky, advanced in splendid style through a terrific fire. Officers and soldiers acted most gallantly, the regiments of the second line particularly, which advanced in admirable order over very difficult ground and determinedly maintained their ground against very superior numbers. Conspicuous for gallantry and deserving of special mention is Colonel C. F. Manderson of the 19th Ohio." While leading his demi-brigade, composed of the 19th Ohio, the 9th Kentucky, and the 79th Indiana, in a charge upon the enemy's works at Lovejoy's Station, Ga., on 437 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Sept. 2, 1864, in which, in a most desperate charge, the*front line of works was taken and held, he was severely wounded in the spine and right side. General Knefler, commanding the brigade, says officially: "I cannot say too much of Colonel Manderson, who was severely wounded and always conspicuous for gallantry and skill." General Wood, who commanded the division, says of the charge upon the enemy's works : "It was gallantly made, and we lost some valuable officers, among them Colonel Manderson." The ball being unextracted and much disability arising therefrom, he was compelled to resign the service from wotmds in April, 1865, the war in the West having practically closed. Previous to his resignation he was breveted Brigadier-General of Volimteers, U. S. A., to date Mar. 13, 1865, "for long, faithful, gallant, and meritorious services during the War of the Rebellion." This distinction came to him on the recommenda- tion of army commanders in the field, and not by political influence. He participated in all the battles in which his regiment took part except Chickamauga, when he was absent on detached duty, and Franklin and Nashville, when he was absent on account of wounds. Returning to Canton, O., he resumed the practice of law, and was twice elected Prosecuting Attorney of Stark Co., declining a nomination for a third term. In 1867 he came within one vote of receiving the Republican nomination for Congress in a district in Ohio then conceded to be Republican by several thousand majority. In November, 1869, he removed to Omaha, Neb., where he still resides, and where he quickly became prominent in legal and political affairs. He was a member of the Nebraska State Constitutional Convention of 1871, and also that of 1874, being elected without opposition by the nominations of both political parties. He served as City Attorney of Omaha, Neb., for over six years, obtaining signal success in the trial of important municipal cases and achieving high rank as a lawyer. For many years he has been an active comrade in the Grand Army of the Republic, and for three years was Commander of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the District of Columbia, and has since been Commander of the Nebraska Commandery. He was elected United States Senator as a Republican to succeed Alvin Saunders, his term commencing Mar. 4, 1883. He was reelected to the Senate in 1888 without opposition, and with excep- tional and unprecedented marks of approval from the Legislature of Nebraska. His term expired Mar. 3, 1895, and he declined to be a candidate for a third term, annovmc- ing publicly his intention to retire from public life. In the Senate he was Chairman of the Joint Committee on Printing and an active member of the following committees: Claims, Private Land Claims, Territories, Indian Affairs, Military Affairs, and Rules. Many valuable reports have been made by him from these committees, and he has been a shaping and a directing force in the way of legislation of value relating to Claims, the establishment of the Private Land Claims Court, the Government of the Territories, the admission of new States, pensions to soldiers, aid to soldiers' homes, laws for the better organization and improvement of the discipline of the United States Army, and for the improvement and better methods for the printing of the Government. In the second session of the 51st Congress he was elected by the United States Senate as its president pro tempore without opposition, it having been declared by the Senate after full debate to be a continuing office. This imanimous election to the presidency of the Senate was without a precedent, and was the highest compliment that could be 438 THE BROWN GENEALOGY paid by that august body to one of its members. In March, 1893, the poHtical com- plexion of the Senate having changed, he resigned the presidency of the Senate, after serving in that capacity for three years, and was succeeded by Hon. Isham G. Harris, of Tennessee. General Manderson retired from the Senate Mar. 3, 1895, and, being tendered the position of General Solicitor of the Burlington System of Railroads west of the Missouri River, entered upon the duties of the place on Apr. i, 1895, continuing his residence in Omaha, Neb. In 1899 he was vice-president of the American Bar Association, and acted as president at its annual meeting, at which he was elected as its president, serving as such in 1900. Res., 1907, Omaha, Neb. Walter Scott Brown (3831b), son of James Dean Brown (3806) and Elizabeth C. Harris [Adam (286), Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Canton, O., Jan. 25, 1841; m., Salt Lake City, Utah, Mar, 8, 1882, Mary E. Smyser, b., Wilkesbarre, Penn., Oct. 13, 1859; dau. of Peter and Mary (Baird) Smyser, of Wilkesbarre. He is a miner. Res., 1906, Ogden, Utah. Children : 383 ic. Blanche C, b., Ogden, Utah, Dec. 23, 1882; m., May 7, 1906, Harry L. Bracken, b., Dawsen, 111., Mar. 10, 1883. 383id, Dean Harris, b., Bellevue, Idaho, Dec. 19, 1886; m. May 7, 1905; divorced. Anna Brown (287), dau. of Joshua Brown (77) and Joanna Rogers [James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., July 9, 1778; d. 1817; m., Stonington, Oct. 31, 1799, Hosea Wheeler, b., Stonington, Oct. 24, 1777; d. Jan. 23, 1846; son of Hosea Wheeler, who d. July 14, 1829, aged eighty years, and Bridget Grant, who d. Sept. 8, 1818. [Records from a WTieeler Bible.] Children, b. Stonington: 3832. Esther, b. Oct. 20, 1800; m. Daniel Bentley (4156-4160). 3833. Smith, b. Sept. i, 1802; d. Mar. 19, 1834. 3834. Randall Brovvn, b. Aug. 18, 1804; d. Jan, 7, 1834. - 3835. Nancy, b. Sept. 23, 1809; d. July 28, 1854; m. Ezra Lang- worthy, 3836. Hosea, b. June 17, 1812; d. Dec. 25, 1812. Capt. Randall Brown (289), son of Joshua Brown (77) and Joanna Rogers [James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., June 20, 1783; d., Stonington, Jan, i, 1829; m., Stonington, 1805, Sally Palmer, b., Stonington, Jan, 26, 1787; d., Stonington, Sept, 26, 1831; dau, of Noyes and Dorothy (Stanton) Palmer, He was a militia captain, a farmer, and both attended the Road Congregational Church, 439 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children, b. Stonington: 3837. Randall, b. Mar. 28, 1807 (3843-3850). 3838. Sally, b. 1809; d., Stonington, 1831; unm. 3839. Prudence Dean, b. June 14, 1810 (3851-3857). 3840. Joshua Rogers, b. June, 18 12 (3858-3860). 3841. Noyes Palmer, b. Mar. 27, 1816 (3862-3864). 3842. Joanna, b. 1819; d., Old Mystic, Oct. 10, 1845. Two sons, b. ; d. in infancy. Randall Brown, Jr. (3837), son of Capt. Randall Brown (289) and Sally Palmer [Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stoning- ton, Conn., Mar. 28, 1807; d., Stonington, Dec. 13, 1887; m.. Mystic, Conn., Jan. I, 1832, Mary Ann Holmes, b., Mystic, Nov. 14, 1814; d., Stonington, Feb. 5, 1894; dau. of Capt. Jeremiah and Ann B. Denison (Gallup) Holmes. He was a farmer, and both were members of the Road Congrega- tional Church. Children, b. Stonington: 3843. Mary Ann, b. Dec. i, 1834; d., Stonington, Dec. 21, 1897; m., Stonington, Jan. 31, 1878, Franklin Hancox. No issue. Mrs. Hancox assisted Charles H. Brown, of Omaha, Neb., in establishing his early records with Nicholas Brown and his son Thomas Brown, who m. Mary Newhall. [See his records, No. 3817.] 3844. Sarah Palmer, b. Feb. 5, 1837; m., Feb., 1885, Elias Williams. No issue. 3845. Helen EUzabeth, b. Apr. 8, 1839; d. Jan. 25, 1846. 3846. Jeremiah Holmes, b. Oct. 17, 1841; unm. 3847. Susan Almira, b. May 24, 1846; m. Joseph Smith (3873-3877). 3848. Randall, b. Dec. 18, 185 1; m. Frances C. Leeds (3878, 3879). 3849. Fanny Ella, b. Oct. 26, 1853; m. Chas. B. Palmer. No issue. 3850. Frederic Henry, b. Sept. 6, 1858; d. Aug. 20, 1893; m. Amelia Shaffer. No issue. Prudence Dean Brown (3839), dau. of Capt. Randall (289) and Sally (Palmer) Brown [Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., June 14, 1810; d.. Mystic, Jan. 22, 1854; m., Stoning- ton, Jan. 17, 1833, George W. Noyes, b., Stonington, Sept. 30, i8or; d.. Mystic, Feb. 26, 1866; son of Joseph and Zeeviah (Wheeler) Noyes. He was a banker, a Republican, and both were members of the Congregational Church, Mystic. 440 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children, b. Old Mystic: 3851. Sarah E., b. Nov. 24, 1835; d., Old Mystic, Mar. 5, 1836. 3852. Henry Byron, b. Jan. 15, 1837 (3880). 3853. Joseph Randall, b. Nov. 26, 1838; d., Mystic, July 30, 1859; unm. 3854. Wm. Harrison, b. Apr. 4, 1841; d., Middleboro, Mass., Sept. 24, 1858. 3855. Ellen Elizabeth, b. July 27, 1843 (3881). 3856. Theodore F., b. Aug. 25, 1847; d.. Old Mystic, Oct. 27, 1848. 3857. Edwin Brown, b. Jan. 27, 1850 (3882-3884). Rev. Joshua Rogers Brown (3840), son of Capt. Randall (289) and Sally (Palmer) Brown [Joshua (77), James .(38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., June, 1812; d., Longmeadow, Mass., July, 1858; m. Susan A. Brown, b. 1820; d., New Haven, Conn., 1883. He was a Con- gregational minister; graduate of Yale College; with pastorates at Goshen, in the town of Lebanon, Conn., and E. Longmeadow, Mass., where he d. Children : 3858. Leonard Treat, b., Lebanon, Dec. 26, 1846. 3859. Edward Rogers, b. 1850; d.. New Haven, 1894; unm. 3860. Susan Ellen, b. Feb. 20, 1853; d.. New Haven, May 18, 1903; unm. She was educated in the public schools of New Haven, and as soon as she completed her education began teaching in the public schools, and continued till her death. She was highly esteemed, cultivated, worthy, and a lovable character. Leonard Treat Brown (3858), son of the preceding, m. Ida E. Meach, b., Putnam, Conn., Mar. 24, 1852; d., Norwich, Conn., Jan. 19, 1894; dau. of Dwight Meach, of Norwich, and granddau. of Elder Levi Meach, of Preston, Conn. He d., Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1880. He was.a teacher. Son: 3861. Frank Leonard, b., Glastonbury, Conn., July 6, 1874. Noyes Palmer Brown (3841), son of Capt. Randall (289) and Sally (Palmer) Brown [Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Mar. 27, 1816; d., Stonington, Apr. 23, 1890; m., Ston- ington, Jan. II, 1838, Martha Denison Noyes, b. Feb. 11, 1821; dau. of Thomas and Eunice (Denison) Noyes. He was a farmer; both attended the Road Congregational Church. Children : 3862. Eliza Palmer, b. Oct. 18, 1843 (3865). 441 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3863. Joanna, b. May 14, 1846 (3866-3872). 3864. Martha Helen, b. May 6, 1849; m., Jan. i, 1884, Henry Charles Townsend. No issue. Eliza Palmer Brown (3862), dau. of the preceding, m., Feb. 5, 1867, Edmond Stanton Noyes, d. May 31, 1877; son of Joseph Noyes (263) and Grace Billings Denison; he was the son of Joseph Noyes (167), son of Joseph Noyes (129), son of Dea. John Noyes (34), son of Rev. James Noyes (9), who came to Stonington to preach by invitation in 1664, son of James Noyes (4), of Cholderton, England, and he the son of Rev. Wm. Noyes^ of Cholderton, England. Joseph Noyes (167) m. Zerviah Wheeler, dau. of Major Paul Wheeler, of Revolutionary fame; thus her son Joseph is a son of the American Revolution. He was a farmer. She is a member of Road Congregational Church. Res., 1906, Stonington, Conn, Son: 3865. Joseph, b.. Mystic, June 27, 1871. Joanna Brown (3863), dau. of Noyes Palmer (3841) and Martha Denison (Noyes) Brown [Capt. Randall (289), Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., May 14, 1846; m. (i), Stonington, Apr. 4, 1867, Asa Fish, 2d, b., Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1844; son of James Dean and Mary Esther (Blodget) Fish; divorced. He has lived in Southing- ton, Conn., since 1889. Children by first m., b. Mystic, Conn.: 3866. Mary Esther, b. Aug. 12, 1868; m., Jan. 7, 1895, Edwin Beniah Horton. Children: Dean Harris, b. Nov. 8, 1895; Harry Beniah, b. Oct., 1897; Lydia Temen, b. July, 1899; Alace, b. Sept., 1901; Helen Pearl, b. Oct., 1904, d. Feb., 1905. 3867. Noyes Brown, b. July 20, 1870; m., Apr. 17, 1895, Edith Burns, dau. of George and Mary J. Burns. Children: Randall Brown, b. Jan. 26, 1896; Edmond Noyes, b. Apr. 27, 1900; Martha Helen, b. Sept. 15, 1902. 3868. James Dean, b. Nov. 21, 1872; m., May 4, 1898, Jessie Dun- lap. Son: James Hamilton, b. Feb, 4, 1899. Res., 1906, Southington, Conn. 3869. Frederick, b. Dec. 9, 1874; m.. May, 1903, Bertha A. Belding. Dau.: Louise Belding, b. Aug. 19, 1904. Res., 1906, South- ington, Conn. 3870. Isabel Rogers, b. Aug. 18, 1877. 3871. Charles Herman, b. Aug. 11, 1880; m., Apr. 24, 1905, Ethel Louise Hitchcock. 442 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3872. Prudence Dudley, b. Oct. 26, 1886. Mrs. Joanna Fish, nee Brown (3863), m. (2), May i, 1889, John Irvin McDonald. Dau. by second m.: Annie Brown, b. Feb. 8, 1890. Res., 1906, Providence, R. I. Susan Almira Brown (3847), dau. of Randall (3837) and Mary Ann (Holmes) Brown [Capt. Randall (289), Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. May 24, 1846; m., Stonington, Conn., Mar. 11, 1868, Joseph Smith, b., Stonington, Apr. 20, 1846; d., Stonington, Oct. 4, 1892; son of Charles H. and Maria (Stanton) Smith. He was a farmer; both members of the Road Congregational Church. The farm owned by the Smith family is one mile east of the Road Church; it is very productive and one of the most picturesque, and in full view of Watch Hill, R. I., and Long Island Sound. Children, b. Stonington: 3873. Josephene, b. Mar. 16, 1869; d. in infancy. 3874. Charles Hewitt, b. Sept. 12, 1871. 3875. Maria Stanton, b. July 12, 1873. 3876. Benj. F. Stanton, b. Sept. 11, 1875. 3877. Randall Brown, b. June 8, 1878. Randall Brown (3848), son of Randall (3837) and Mary Ann (Holmes) Brown] Capt. Randall (289), Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Dec. 18, 185 1; m., Boston, Mass., Dec. 4, 1874, Frances Clift Leeds, b., Mystic, Conn., Feb. 20, 1855; dau. of Wm. E. and Ruth A. (Gore) Leeds, of Mystic. He was engaged in the manu- facturing business; a Republican, and both are members of the Methodist Church, Mystic. Res., 1906, Mystic, Conn. Children, b. Mystic: 3878. Genevieve Randall, b. Dec. 12, 1875; ^- Oct. 18, 1877. 3879. Harriette Leeds, b. Aug. 8, 1882; m., Oct. 7, 1901., J. Elmer Newberry, b. June 13, 1874. Son: Randall Browne, b. May 21, 1903. Note. — Jeremiah H. Brown (3846) resides at the Randall Brown homestead with his sister Fanny Ella (3849) and her husband Chas. B. Palmer; also the widow of Frederic H. (3850), Mrs. Amelia Shaffer Brown. This Brown homestead is one of the most beautiful locations in Stonington, and has been in the possession of the BrowTi family nearly one hundred and fifty years. Henry B}Ton Noyes (3852), son of Geo. W. and Prudence Dean (Brown) Noyes (3839) [Capt. Randall (289), Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Old Mystic, Conn., Jan. 15, 1837; m.. Mystic, June 8, 1870, 443 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Ellen Holmes, b. May 5, 1845; dau. of Isaac Denison and Ellen (Kemp) Holmes. Isaac D. Holmes was the son of Jeremiah and Ann B. Denison (Gallup) Holmes, b.. Mystic, Nov. 14, 1812; d. there Mar. 16, 1899. Ellen (Kemp) Holmes was the dau. of Wm. and Phebe (Wolf) Kemp; b., Mystic, Apr. 9, 1820; d. Oct. 17, 1882. Mr. Noyes is a banker, a Republican, and both are members of the Congregational Church. Res., 1906, Mystic, Conn. Son: 3880. Henry Byron, Jr., b.. Mystic, Apr. 15, 1871; m., Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1898, Alberta Neidlinger, b., Brooklyn, Aug. 19, 1873; dau. of William and Sarah (Higgs) Neid- linger. He is a banker, a Republican, and both are members of the Congregational Church, Mystic. Son: Wm. Henry, b. Dec. 20, 1899. Ellen E. Noyes (3855), dau. of Geo. W. and Prudence Dean (Brown) Noyes (3839) [Capt. Randall (289), Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Old Mystic, Conn., July 27, 1843; ^-^ Mystic, Oct. 5, 1870, John Gallup, Jr., b.. Mystic, Dec. 14, 1844; son of John and Roxanna (Fish) Gallup, of Groton, Conn. He is a bookkeeper, a Republican, and a member of the Baptist Church, St. Louis, Mo. Dau.: 3881. Mary EHzabeth Gallup, b., Mystic, Aug. 7, 1871; m., St. Louis, Mar. 8, 1893, Harry Fay Roach, b. May 7, 187 1; son of Harry and Sarah (Haley) Roach, of St. Louis, Mo. He is an architect, and both are members of the Baptist Church, St. Louis, Mo. Children, b. St. Louis: Mary Constance, b. Feb. 15, 1894; John Gallup, b. Mar. 19, 1896, d., St. Louis, June, 1896; Mildred Elizabeth, b. Sept. 6, 1897, d., St. Louis, Dec. 8, 1905; Harry Fay, Jr., b. Nov. 3, 1899; Alden Gallup, b. Mar. 6, 1901; Noyes Haley, b. Oct. 28, 1905. Edwin Brown Noyes (3857), son of Geo. W. and Prudence Dean (Brown) Noyes (3839) [Capt. Randall (289), Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Old Mystic, Conn., Jan. 27, 1850; m.. Mystic, Oct. 2, 1873, Eliza Tift, b. Oct. 5, 1850; dau. of Amos C. and Phebe (Harding) Tift. Amos C. was the son of Amos and Hannah (Forsyth) Tift. Phebe Harding was the dau. of Henry and Phebe (Morgan) Harding. Mr. Noyes is a dry-goods merchant, a Republican, and a member of the Congregational 444 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Church; his wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Res., 1906, Mystic, Conn. Children, b. Mystic: 3882. Edwin, b. Jan. 4, 1875; d. Feb. 7, 1875. 3883. Clarence Tift, b. Oct. 26, 1876. 3884. Emily Denison, b. June 6, 1884. [Here end the records of the descendants of Capt. Randall Brown (289)]. Reuben Brown (87), son of Humphrey (26) and Tabitha (Holdredge) Brown [Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 20, 1738; m. (wife not known). Children, b. Stonington: 3885. Robert, b. 1763 (3892-3897). 3886. Jerord, b. ; settled in Coleraine, Mass. 3887. Squire, b. . No record of him. 3888. Alpheus, b. ; moved to Unadilla, N. Y. 3889. Margaret (or Peggy), b. Feb. 20, 1768; m. Christopher Dewey (3898-3910)- 3890. Sabrina, b. June, 1774; m. Daniel Harris (3911-3918). 3891. Catherine, b. ; m. Russell Armstrong; moved to Chenango, N. Y. Robert Brown (3885), son of Reuben (87), of Stonington [Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. 1763; m. (i) Hannah Burdick, of Westerly, R. I.; dau. of John and Elizabeth (Babcock) Burdick; she d. 1828; m. (2) EHzabeth West. He was a blacksmith in Vincent's Lane. His house was on Main St. The oldest citizens of Westerly remember him, in 1906, as Uncle Robert Bro^vn. He d. in 1844, aged eighty-one years; first inter- ment where the house of Joseph H. Potter now stands, on High St.; disin- terred and removed to Stonington Cemetery. Children by first m., b. Westerly, R. I.: ^ 3892. Charles, b. 1793; unm. 3893. Thomas Moore, b. Jan. 21, 1799 (3919-3923). 3894. Luanna Stillman, b. Apr. 8, 1802 (3924, 3925). 3895. Sabrina Harris, b. Jan. 25, 1804 (3925a-3925g)- 3896. Catherine Armstrong, b. 1808 (3926, 3927). 3897. Robert, Jr., b. 1810 (3927a-3927c). Margaret (or Peggy) Brown (3889), dau. of Reuben (87) [Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 20, 1768; d. Mar. 2, 1850, aged eighty-two years; m. Christopher Dewey, son of David; b., 445 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Stonington, Nov. 20, 1762; d. Apr. 26, 1840. He lived in the southeastern part of vs^hat is now No. Stonington, near Ashaway, R. I., where it is said he was born. He had a tannery near his house, which he operated for many years. The old house where they lived and their children were all born is still standing in 1906. Shortly before their death they moved to Yaubux, in the same town, where both died soon after; interments in Yaubux. Children : 3898. Christopher, 2d, b. Feb. 28, 1786 (3940-3943). 3899. Eunice, b. Jan. 10, 1788 (3944-3948). 3900. Esther, b. Nov. 21, 1789; d. Apr. 28, 1875, ^S^d eighty-five years; m. Thomas Peabody. They lived at No. Stonington. No issue. 3901. Nancy, b. Dec. 10, 1791; d. Aug. 7, 1887; m. Nathan Saunders. They in early life removed to a farm near Elmira, N. Y. They came but once to their Eastern home, and there is but little record of them. 3902. Hannah, b. Mar. 5, 1794; d. 1822 (3949-3951). 3903. Sabrina, b. Mar. 25, 1796 (3958-3960). 3904. Reuben Brown, b. June 22, 1798 (3961-3964). 3905. Robert, b. May 21, 1801 (3965-3971). 3906. Clarissa, b. July 18, 1803 (3952-3957)- 3907. Sophia, b. Sept. 9, 1805 (3972-3974)- 3908. Almira, b. Nov. 17, 1807 (3975-3977)- 3909. Lucy Morella, b. Feb. 4, 1810 (3978-3983). 3910. Amelia, b. Apr. 4, 1812; d. i860; m., Mar. 6, 1853, Dea. Samuel S. Peckham, of Newport, R. I. She was his third wife. No issue. Sabrina Brown (3890), dau. of Reuben (87) [Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Bozrah, Conn., June, 1774: d.,Bozrah, Mar. 11, 1812; m., Bozrah, June 23, 1793, Daniel Harris, 2d, b., Bozrah, Mar. 11, 1768; d. Groton, Conn., Oct. 7, 1848; son of Daniel Harris, of Bozrah, and Prudence Rodgers. Children: 3911. Reuben, b., Bozrah, Sept. 16, 1793 (3984-3987). 3912. Prudence, b. Feb. 4, 1795; d. young. 3913. Amanda, b. Nov. 4, 1796 (3988-3996). 3914. Lorinda, b. Feb. 8, 1801 (3997). 3915. Parmelia, b. Mar. 26, 1803 (3997a). 3916. George P., b. Aug. 14, 1806; d., in the South, 1840; unm. 446 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3917. Robert Brown, b. Feb. g, 1809 (3998-4001). 3918. William Palmer, b. Nov. 12, 181 1 (4002, 4003). Thomas Moore Brown (3893), son of Robert (3885) and Hannah (Bur- dick) Brown [Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Jan. 21, 1799; d. Apr. 16, 186 1 ; m. (i) Martha A. Chapman, b. May 25, 1808; d. Sept. 27, 1840; dau. of Israel and Mary (Kenyon) Chapman. He was a blacksmith. Children, b. Stonington, Conn.: 3919. Thomas FrankUn, b. Dec. 4, 1828 (3928-3932). 3920. Martha Ann, b. Apr. 10, 1831; unm. Res., 1906, Stonington, Conn. 3921. Mary Jane, b. Jan. 4, 1834; d. Oct. 23, 1861; m., Dec. 21, 1857, Gordon Cottrell. No issue. Infant sister, b. ; d. 1838, aged eight weeks. Mr. Brown m. (2) Ann Elizabeth Chapman, half-sister of first wife, dau. of Israel and Nancy (Kenyon) Chapman; b. Mar, 17, 1824; d. Oct. 30, 1897. Children by second m.: 3921a. Otis C, b. May 4, 1844 (3934-3937)- 3922. Rose Eamistine, b. Mar. 20, 1849 (393^, 3939)- 3923. Agnes M., b. June 14, 1859. Luanna Stillman Brown (3894), dau. of Robert (3885) and Hannah (Burdick) Brown [Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Westerly, R. I., Apr. 8, 1802; m. Freeman Pulsifer, of Boston, Mass. Children, b. Stonington, Conn.: 3924. Freeman Augustus Pulsifer, b. Oct. 30, 1836; d. Apr. 21, 1893; m,, Nov. 24, 1870, Harriet Fitch, deceased. Children: Geo. Hyde, b. Apr. 20, 1872; Freeman David, b. Dec. i, 1881. 3925. Anna S. Pulsifer, b. Nov. 17, 1842; d., Stonington, Jan. 19, 1904; m., Jan. 3, 1879, Lorenzo H. Lamb. No issue. She was a very active member and great helper in the Baptist Church. Sabrina Harris Brown (3895), dau. of Robert (3885) and Hannah (Bur- dick) Brown [Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. Westerly, R. I., Jan. 25, 1804; m.. Westerly, Feb. 24, 1825, John Pendleton States, b. Feb. 2, 1802; d. Mar. 29, 1878. Children, b. Stonington, Conn.: 3925a. John A., b. Jan. 27, 1826; d. at sea. 3925b. Robert Brown, b. Sept. 20, 1827; d. Sept. 11, 1828. 447 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 3925c. H.Elizabeth, b. June 10, 1829; unm. Res.,Stonington, Conn. 3925(1. Robert Brown, b. Apr. 20, 1831; d. June 8, 1866; unm. 3925e. Wm. Hyde, b. Feb. 20, 1839; d. Sept. 25, 1841. 3925f. Ann Brown, b. Apr. 6, 1841; d. Sept. 25, 1841. 3925g. Charles Brown, b. Jan, 22, 1844. Res., 1906, Stonington, Conn. He is a shipping-clerk in Atwood's Silk Machine Factory, Stonington, and holds many responsible positions in town. Catherine Armstrong Brown (3896), dau. of Robert (3885) and Hannah (Burdick) Brown [Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Westerly, R. I., 1808; m. (i) Nathan Crandall, of Westerly. Children, b. Westerly: 3926. Charles Henry, b. Mar. 25, 1828; d. 1898; m. Lucy M. Hillard. [See 3978.] 3927. Robert B., b. 1838. He was in the Civil War, a member of Co. C, Connecticut Cavalry. He was passing along a street in Baltimore when his horse suddenly reared and fell back- ward upon him. He survived his injuries only till evening. Mrs. Catherine A. Crandall, nee Brown, after the death of her husband, m. (2) Jacob Blackledge, and had one son, Cornelius, who d. in infancy. Robert Brown, Jr. (3897), son of Robert (3885) and Hannah (Burdick) Brown [Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Westerly, R. I., Aug., 1808; d., Otisville, Orange Co., N. Y., Feb. 11, 1848; m., in 1840, Elida Ann Case, b., Broadalbin, Fulton Co., N. Y., June 5, 1814. She m. (2), Aug. 12, 1858, Dr. L. C. Grover, b. Jan. 22, 1802; d. Aug. 4. 1888. She d. at Brightwood, near Washington, D. C, Apr. 11, 1906; inter- ment. Rock Creek Cemetery, near Brightwood. While Mr. Brown's home was in Norwich, Conn., he was employed as civil engineer in the construc- tion of the Erie R. R. in New York, and d. at Otisville, of typhoid fever, his wife being with him. She returned with his body to Norwich ; interment, Yantic Cemetery. Children, b. Norwich: 3927a. Robert P., b. Oct. 7, 1841. 3927b. Theodore F., b. June 2, 1843. 3927c. Agnise, b. Jan., 1846; d. Oct., 1846. Robert P. Brown (3927a), son of Robert, Jr. (3897) and Elida A. (Case) Brown [Robert (3885), Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Norwich, Conn., Oct. 7, 1841. In early life, while his father was surveyor THE BROWN GENEALOGY for the Erie R. R., his home was at Norwich with his mother and brother Theodore; but after the death of his father, in 1848, the family the next year removed to Knowlesville, N. Y., making their home with his mother's sister, Mrs. Stevens. After his mother's m. to Dr. Grover, and his death, in 1888, they made their home here till Dec, 1890, when she removed to Brightwood, near Washington, D. C, with her son Theodore, but Robert remained at Knowlesville. He has been a member of the Presbyterian Church since 1863; is a Republican, but sometimes his sympathies have been with the Prohibition party, using his influence to suppress the great evil of intemper- ance. He visited Norwich and Stonington in 1853; he is unm. Res., 1906, Knowlesville, N. Y. Theodore F. Brown (3927b), son of Robert, Jr. (3897) and Elida A. (Case) Brown [Robert (3885), Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Norwich, Conn., June 2, 1843; m., E. Shelby, N. Y., Susan Gregson, b., Barkwarth, Lincolnshire, England, Feb. 3, 1848; dau. of William and Mary (Searby) Gregson, of same place. He received a public-school education in New York, Michigan, and Ohio. He was in the Civil War for three years; enlisted at Oberlin, Lorain Co., O., Aug. 11, 1862; discharged, June, 1865, at Goldsboro, N. C; private in Co. F, 103d Ohio Vol. Infantry, 23d Army Corps, Army of Ohio. Battles: Siege of Knoxville, Tenn.; battle of Ressaca, Ga.: Peach Tree Creek, Ga.; Atlanta Campaign four months; battle of Franklin and Siege of Nashville, Tenn.; Capture of Wilmington, of Goldsboro, and of Raleigh, N. C. He is a Gov- ernment clerk in the Pension Office, Washington, D. C; a Republican, and both he and his wife are members of the Universalist Church. Children, b. Knowlesville, N. Y.: Jessie Elida, b. Apr. 21, 1878; Nellie Louise, b. Mar. 23, 1881, d., Knowlesville, Orleans Co., N. Y., Mar. 17, 1895; Theo- dore Cuyler, b. Nov. 5, 1883. Res., 1906, Richmond, Va. Thomas Franklin Brown (3919), son of Thomas Moore (31893) and Martha A. (Chapman) Brown [Robert (3885), Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Dec. 4, 1828; d.. New Britain, Conn., Aug. 15, 1873; m., Liverpool, England, Apr. 29, 1855, Mary Harrison, b., Liverpool, Aug. 14, 1835; dau. of John and Margaret Harrison. They resided in Stonington from 1856 till 1872, when for educa- tional advantages they removed to New Britain. He was a mariner. His wife was a member of the Episcopal Church. Children, last four b. Stonington: 3928. Mary J., b., Liverpool, England, Feb. 16, 1856. She graduated from the Westerly High School, and has been principal of 449 THE BROWN GENEALOGY the High School at New Britain, and now [1906] is principal at Winsted, Conn.; unra. 3929. Thomas Franklin, Jr., b. Feb. 8, 1858; d., Stonington, Jan. 19, 1859. 3930. Margaret H., b. Jan. 14, 1863; d., Stonington, Aug. 29, 1864. 3931. Robert Stanley, b. July 8, 1867. 3932. Maud Louise, b. July 20, 1870. Robert Stanley Brown (3931), son of the preceding, m., Hartford, Conn., Dec. 6, 1905, Grace Wolcott, b., Wethersfield, Conn., July 8, 1878; dau. of Samuel and Mary E. (Morgan) Wolcott, of Wethersfield. He is secretary and manager of the New Britain Machine Co. She is a member of the Congregational Church. Maud Louise Brown (3932), dau. of Thomas F. and Mary (Harrison) Brown, b., Stonington, Conn., July 20, 1870; m., New Britain, Conn., June II, 1892, Edward Kittoe Curtiss, b., Derby, Conn., Nov., 1871; d., Chicago, 111., Nov. 13, 1900; son of George and Mary F. Curtiss. Both are members of the Episcopal Church. Dau.: 3933. Margaret E., b. May 24, 1893. Mrs. Maud L. B. Curtiss, since the death of her husband, has been en- gaged in the Wisconsin Normal Schools, first in Oshkosh, and now [1906] in Milwaukee, in the Kindergarten Training Department. Otis C. Brown (3921a), son of Thomas Moore (3893) and Ann Elizabeth (Chapman) Brown [Robert (3885), Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. May 4, 1844; t^-i Providence, R. I., Jan. 10, 1877, Sarah Eliza Wilcox, b.. Westerly, R. I., Nov. 28, 1855; dau. of Thomas M. and Sarah A. (Kenyon) Wilcox, of Hopkinton, R. I. He is a farmer in Westerly. Res., 1906, Franklin St., Westerly, R. I. Children, b. Westerly: 3934. Irene S., b. Mar. 23, 1878; m.. Westerly, Dec. 6, 1905, Charles L. Collins, b., Westerly, Aug. 11, 1879. 3935. Thomas W., b. Dec. 8, 1881; m., June 25, 1906, Maud I. Snell, of Hope, R. I. 3936. Otis C, Jr., b. Dec. 19, 1882. 3937. Louise M., b. Sept. 20, 1888. Rose Earnistine Brown (3922), dau. of Thomas M. (3893) and Ann Elizabeth (Chapman) Brown [Robert (3885), Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Mar. 20, 1849; ^-j Marianna, Ark., Dec. 4, 1876; m., Stonington, 1868, John M. Daggett, 450 THE BROWN GENEALOGY b., Attleboro, Mass., Nov. i6, 1847; ^'^^ o^ John and Nancy (Boomer) Daggett. She had a lovely character and was in every way a most beautiful woman. He is [1906] a lawyer at Marianna, a Republican, and both were members of the Episcopal Church. Children : 3938. John Mayhue, b. Dec. 31, 1869; d. Oct. 11, 1891. 3939. Rose Earnistine, b. Oct. 14, 1873; d. Feb. 26, 1874. Agnes M. Brown (3923), dau. of Thomas Moore (3893) and Ann Eliza- beth (Chapman) Brown [Robert (3885), Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., June 14, 1859; m.. Prov- idence, R. I., Oct. 31, 1897, Edward Oliver Clarance, b., Birmingham, England, Mar. 24, 1856; son of Edward and Caroline (Crook) Clarance; d.. Providence, Feb. 12, 1902. He was a jeweler, a Republican, and both were members of the Episcopal Church. No issue. Her res., 1906, Attle- boro, Mass. Christopher Dewey, 2d (3898), son of Christopher and Margaret (Brown) Dewey (3889) [Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Feb. 28, 1786; m.. No. Stonington, Nov. 13, 1809, Hulda Babcock. He was a fife major in the War of 181 2. In the latter part of his life he became blind. Children, b. No. Stonington: 3940. Abby, b. Mar. 4, 18 10. 3941. Charles H., b. May 17, 1811. 3942. Erastus, b. Oct. 17, 1812. 3943. Thomas Harris, b. Dec. 31, 1814. Eunice Dewey (3899), dau. of Christopher and Margaret (Brown) Dewey (3889) [Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Ston- ington, Conn., Jan. 10, 1788; d. ; m. Joseph Ryder, of Rhode Island, son of William and Abigail; b. Oct. 8, 1784; d. May 18, 182 1. ^ Children : 3944. Sarah, b. Nov. 22, 1813; d. Sept. 10, 1895; m. (i) James Ennis; (2) William Wyatt. 3945. Henry Tillinghast, b. Apr. 6, 1815; d. Dec. 3, 1897; m. (i) Mary A. Tompkins; (2) Maria Tompkins, sister of first wife. 3946. William, b. June 10, 1817; m., Sept. 20, 1840, Sarah Chase Card. They had six children: (i) William Henry, b. Feb. 22, 1842, m. Ellen A. Stahl; (2) Charles Joseph, b. Nov. 20, 1843, ^- Mary Elizabeth Knoblock; (3) Christopher Alto, 451 THE BROWN GENEALOGY b. July 12, 1845, ^- Sept. 10, 1857; (4) Sarah Caroline, b. May 6, 1847, d. June 24, 1848; (5) Susan Adelaide, b. July 20, 1849, ^' ^^o- H. Briggs; (6) Nellie Agnes, b. May 16, 1865. 3947. Thomas Taylor, b. Oct. 14, 18 19; lost at sea in fall of 1848; m. Mary Allen. 3948. Joseph, b. Apr. 22, 1822; m., Apr. 25, 1849, Sarah E. Hyde. Hannah Dewey (3902), dau. of Christopher and Margaret (Brown) Dewey (3889) [Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Mar. 5, 1794; d. Oct., 1822; m., Dec. 12, 1810, Robert Browning. Children, b. Livingston, N. Y.: 3949. Robert Tracy, b. Jan. 11, 1814; d. May 29, 1846; m.. Mar. 8, 1838, Tryphena Gillett. 39*50. Jemima Emeline, b. Apr. 12, 1818; d. June 2, 1884; m. (i), William Yerrington; (2) Simeon Gardinier. 3951. Margaret, b. Aug. 9, 1822; m., Oct. 7, 1841, Henry Gillett. Mr. Browning m. (2) Clarissa Dewey (3906), sister of Hannah, b. July 18, 1803; d. July 29, 1890. Children : 3952. George, b. Dec. 2, 1824; d. Oct. 10, 187 1; unm. 3953. William, b. May 22, 1827; d. Apr. 12, 1882; unm. 3954. Peter, b. Apr. 3, 1829; d. Mar. 6, 1894; m. (i). Mar. 7, 1853, Dorcas Peckham Foster, dau. of Othenial Foster, of So. Kingstown, R. I.; m. (2) Mary Ann Crandall. 3955. Napoleon, b. May 25, 1832; d. Mar. i, 1894; m.. Mar. 14, 1867, Annie M. Foster. 3956. Anna Maria, b. Dec. 13, 1834; d. Sept. i, 1896, aged sixty-one years; unm. 3957. Catharine, b. Nov. 4, 1839; d. Jan. 3, 1851, aged eleven years. Sabrina Dewey (3903), dau. of Christopher and Margaret (Brown) Dewey (3889) [Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Mar. 25, 1796; d. Oct. 25, 1821; m., Dec. 15, 1816, Dea. Samuel S. Peckham, son of Felix and Tryphena (Stockman) Peck- ham; b. Aug. 27, 1792; d., Newport, R. I., Feb. 21, 1870; he m. (2), June 9, 1822, Lydia Rider, b. Sept. 22, 1802; d. June 10, 1852. They had three children: (i) Amos, b. May 17, 1823; (2) Sabrina, b. Apr. 25, 1825; (3) Jason S., b. Aug. 23, 1827. Deacon Peckham m. (3), Mar. 6, 1853, No. Stonington, Emelia Dewey (3910), sister of Sabrina, his first wife. 452 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children by first m. : 3958. Charlotte Sanford, b. Nov. 11, 1817; d. Apr. 14, 1874; m., Nov. 15, 1838, Gideon Barker Peckham. 3959. Julia Ann, b. Sept. 10, 1819; d. Nov. 29, 1861; m., Nov. 5, 1840, Robinson Potter Barker. 3960. Jacob S., b. Dec. 20, 1820; d. Dec. 29, 1822. Reuben Brown Dewey (3904), son of Christopher and Margaret (Brown) Dewey (3889) [Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., June 22, 1798; d., Wadsworth, O., Aug. 8, 1869. aged seventy-one years; m. (i), Groton, Conn., Mar. 22, 1825, Sally M, Whitney; m. (2) Mrs. Warner. He lived at No. Stonington, Wadsworth, and Bareah, O. He was a shoemaker. Children : 3961. Joshua, b. about 1826. 3962. George, b. 1828. 3963. Shubael, b. 1830. He lived at Wadsworth, O. 3964. Hattie, b. 1832. Robert Dewey (3905), son of Christopher and Margaret (Brown) Dewey (3889) [Reuben (87), Humphrey (26,) Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., May 21, 1801; d., Coleraine, Mass., Feb. 6, 1892, aged ninety-one years; m., 1828, Mary J. Brown, of Coleraine; dau. of Jerord (3886); b. 1803; d., Coleraine, Mar., 1855, aged fifty-two years. She was a tailoress. He m. (2) Mrs. Jane (McCloud) Hastings. He was a tanner at Coleraine after 1830. He had black eyes, hair, and complexion, which was the characteristic of his family. Children, b. in Coleraine, except the first: 3965. Frankhn Robert, b., Stonington, Conn., Mar. 9, 1829; m., Nov. 24, 1859, at Winsted, Conn., Julia Milliman. They adopted his niece, Gertrude E. Dewey, dau. of David T. Dewey. Res., 1897, So. Meriden, Conn. 3966. Mary, b. Apr. 30, 1831; m. Samuel Howes, a farmer in Ash- ford, Mass., who d. in the summer of 1895. She was living with her brother David in Griswoldville, Mass., Nov., 1896. No issue. 3967. Henry William, b. Sept. 28, 1833; m., Apr. 16, 1856, Lydia Wood Porter, dau. of Barnabas Sabin and Pamelia (Daven- port) Porter. Children, b. Coleraine: (i) Oscar Henry, b. Apr. 25, 1858; m., Apr. 6, 1879, at Halifax, 453 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Vt., Nettie Clara Howard, dau. of Jonathan Oscar and Nancy (Shippey) Howard; b., Williamsburg, Mass., Mar. 13, 1856. He is a machinist with Dean Steam Pump Co. Res., 1900, Holyoke, Mass. They have four children: (i) Bertha Clara, b. Jan. 12, 1880; (2) Georgia Corrinne, b. Oct. 16, 1881; (3) Bessie Pauline, b. Oct. 11, 1883; (4) William Edgar, b. Dec. 8, 1887. (2) Clara Elvena, b. Mar. 13, i860; m., June 18, 1884, Adelbert Eugene Denison, b., Wilmington, Vt., Aug. 29, 1849. He is foreman in the cloth room at Griswoldville Mill, Cole- raine. No issue. (3) Fred Ellsworth, b. Jan, 31, 1862; m.. May 10, 1890, Eliza A, Davis, of Orange, Mass. They have two children. He is a machinist for the New Home Sewing Machine Co. at Orange, Mass. (4) Charles Clifford, b. Apr. 28, 1864; d. Mar. 25, 1866. (5) Charles CHfford Wm., b. Sept. 28, 1869; m., Jan. 21, 1897, Lilla Eudora Chapin, of Chicopee, Mass. They have a dau., b. 1898. He is a machinist with the Dean Steam Pump Co., at Holyoke. Res., Willimansett, Mass. (6) Frank Clinton, b. May 24, 1879. He was a student in Cole- raine in 1897. 3968. Susan B., b. Mar. 22, 1836; m., Coleraine, Charles C. Rogers, of Ashford, a farmer. Children : (i) Ellen Elizabeth, b. 1862; m., July 6, 1893, James Kelsey, of Meriden, Conn. Res., Meriden, Conn. (2) Clarence, b. Sept. 30, 1863; m. Nelly Potter. Children: Ray- mond, b. May 21, 1892; Russell, b. Mar. 28, 1896. (3) Mary L., b. Mar. 24, 1867; m. (i) Arthur Hall, d. Dec, 1894; m. (2), 1897, Ernest Potter. Dau.: Grace, b. 1891. (4) Lucy M., b. Dec. 31, 1869, unm. Res., Greenfield, Mass. (5) Robert, b. Sept. 28, 1879. 3969. William Christopher, b. Mar. 14, 1838; m., Oct., 1875, Jennie Skinner, of Hartford. He is a coal-dealer in New Haven, Conn., in 1900. He served four years in the Union Army during the Civil War. No issue. 3970. David Tyler, b., Ashford, Mass., Sept. 22, 1840; m., July 23, 1865, Huldah Porter, dau. of Barnabas Sabin and Pamelia (Davenport) Porter, of Coleraine; b. Feb. 27, 1844; d. 454 THE BROWN GENEALOGY about 1875; he m. (2) Mrs. Lydia (Leonard) Rogers. He is employed in a cotton-mill at Coleraine (Griswoldville). Children by first m., b. Coleraine: (i) Jessie L., b. Apr. 14, 1866; m., Mar. 26, 1890, Marion W. Car- penter, of Griswoldville, Mass. He is in the grocery business at Tariffville, Conn. Children: Ruth Gladys, b., Coleraine, June 17, 1891; Kenneth Carpenter, b., Tariffville, Oct. 25, 1896. (2) Myra E., b. June 28, 1869; m.. Mar. 14, 1892, Newton Brown, a printer and stationer in Greenfield, Mass. (3) Gertrude Elvira, b. Nov. 14, 1872. She was adopted by her uncle, Franklin Robert Dewey (3965), of So. Meriden, Conn.; she was a school-teacher at Winsted, Conn., in 1896. (4) Horace Albert, b. Nov. 26, 1874; m., Jan. 13, 1894, Pearl L. Shaw, of Deerfield, Mass. He was adopted by George Hough, of Coleraine, and his name was changed to William F. Hough. In 1896 he was a machinist at Greenfield, Mass. 3971. Robertus, b. Aug. 19, 1842; d., Coleraine, June, 1864, aged twenty-one years. Sophia Dewey (3907), dau. of Christopher and Margaret (Brown) Dewey (3889) [Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Sept. 9, 1805; d.. No. Stonington, Jan. 3, 1892, aged eighty-six years; m., Apr. 10, 1836, Joseph Abner Geer, son of Silas and Polly (Larkin) Geer; b. 1809; d. June 16, 1875, ^g^^ sixty-six years. Children, b. No. Stonington: 3972. Joseph Abner, Jr., b. Sept. 19, 1839; m. (i). Mar. 29, 1861, Almeda H. Brown (543); d. Sept. 9, 1869, aged twenty- four years; m. (2) Julia A. Barrows, dau. of Silas and Frances M. Barrows. 3973. John Baker, b. Dec. 24, 1841; d., Falmouth, Va., Dec, 1862. He was a soldier in the Civil War. 3974. Orin, b. Jan. 19, 1844; d. Apr. 27, 1858. Almira Dewey (3908), dau. of Christopher and Margaret (Brown) Dewey (3889) [Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Nov. 17, 1807; d. Feb. 8, 1888, aged eighty years; m., Westerly, R. I., Dec. 30, 1827, Paul Maxson Barber, son of Hosea and Catherine (Lamphear) Barber; b. Feb. 28, 1806; d. Feb. 16, 1888, aged eighty-two years less twelve days. 455 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children, b. Westerly: 3975. Lucy A., b. Nov. 25, 1828; m. Nathan Saunders (3977a- 3977e)- 3976. Jane Gifford, b. July 3, 1830; m., July i, 185 1, William H. Barber, son of Amos and Lucinda (Champlin) Barber; b. Oct. 16, 1823; d. Oct. 17, 1854. No issue. Her res., 1906, Westerly, R. I. 3977. Harriet, b. Oct. 9, 1846; d. Oct. 26, i860. Lucy A. Barber (3975), dau. of the preceding, m., Oct. 8, 1848, Nathan Saunders, son of Clark and Sarah (Rogers) Saunders, b. Dec. 5, 1817; d., Potter Hill, R. I., Jan. 7, 1887. Her res., 1906, Potter Hill, R. I. Children, b. Westerly, R. I.: 3977a. Everett B., b. June 30, 1850; m., Nov. 12, 1881, Euphemia Black, b. Jan. i, 1852; dau. of Alexander and Melvina (Burdick) Black. He is a machinist, and both are Baptists. Res., 1906, Belmont, N. Y. Children: Nellie Almira, b. Sept. 10, 1882; Jessie, b. Feb. 28, 1884; Fanny, b. Nov. 6, 1887; Leona, b. Sept. 3, 1889; Nathan B., b. May 2, 1893. 3977b. William C, b. Oct. 18, 1853; m., Waterford, Conn., Jan. 15, 1880, Rosa M. Beebe, b., Waterford, June 22, 1862; dau. of Winthrop and Louisa A. (Rose) Beebe. Mr. Saunders's common-school education was supplemented by a high- school course. He has creditably occupied the offices of postmaster and Town Auditor, holding in 1905 the latter position, and is also a Justice of the Peace; he was secretary of the Board of School Visitors for six years, and continues to be a member of that board. His popularity is shown by the fact that his townsmen, in a town strongly Democratic, elected him, the first Republican elected in seventeen years. He received a large majority. He is clerk of the Committee on Humane Institutions. He is proprietor of a general store, and he and his wife attend the Baptist Church. Dau. : Win- ifred, b. Jan. 20, 1881. Res., 1906, Waterford, Conn. 3977c. Nellie A., b. July 18, i860; d. Mar. 28, 1879. 3977d. Nathan, b. Oct. 20, 1867. Res., 1906, Potter Hill, R. I. 3977e. Winnefred, b. Jan., 1882. Lucy Morella Dewey (3909), living at No. Stonington, Conn., Aug., 1907, dau. of Christopher and Margaret (Brown) Dewey (3889) [Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Feb. 4, 1810; m., No. Stonington, May 18, 1830, Wm. Mather Hillard, son of John 456 THE BROWN GENEALOGY and Betsey W. (Mather) Hillard; b. May 26, 1798; d., No. Stonington, Aug. 10, 1885, aged eighty-seven years; he m. (i) Cynthia S, Wheeler, b. 1803; d. 1829. Children: Wm. Horace; Albert W. He was quiet, unas- suming, his character without reproach. He and his family were members of the Third Baptist Church. It is a rare privilege when a compiler of family records has a person living, in her ninety-eighth year, to recall events and matters of interest covering so long a period of life. Having known Mrs. Hillard since 1845, living near her for several years, I have visited her as opportunity afforded for over sixty years. She recalls when she and all her household were bap- tized, in 1846, as one of the greatest events of her long life. [See Appendix X.] Her youngest sister Amelia — or Milly, as she was called — was a member of this family for several years, and when she was married and went to Newport " it almost broke my heart." She says her " mother was a good woman," so, also, " my father was a good man." She told of the great September gale in 1815, when the men came and took her, her younger sister, and her mother to the Truman house, fearing their house would be blown down. The mother was so frightened when she got there that they fanned her; but she said, "Don't fan me, I have had wind enough." So violent was the wind that salt water blew as far as Pendleton Hill, about twelve miles away. She entertains her six children and grandchildren; all but two live near her, and they contribute to make her life very pleasant. She is a remarkably busy woman, and for the past thirty years and more has made carpets, weaving and doing all the work, making numerous fancy bed-quilts, piecing silk, and making portieres; and is still doing this work in May, 1906. Her health is good, but her hearing is somewhat impaired. Children, b. No. Stonington: 3978. Lucy Morella, b. Apr. 28, 1831; m., No. Stonington, Oct. 13, 1852, Charles Henry Crandall (3926), son of Nathan and Catherine; b. Mar. 25, 1828; d. Jan. 2, 1898, aged seventy years. Children: (i) Charles, b. Mar. 21, 1854; d. Apr. 18, 1854. (2) Cornelius Blackledge, b. Feb. 21, 1856; m., Nov. 11, 1891, Mabel Gertrude Swift, dau. of William B. and Christina Swift, b. Apr. 18, 1870. (3) Geneva, b. Sept. 22, 1858; m., Mar. 2, 1881, Charles Pendleton Trumbull, son of Horace Niles and Mary Jane Trumbull; b. Jan. 10, 1854. They have four children. 3979. Margaret, b. Feb. 13, 1833; m., Oct. 9, 1867, Benjamin Frank- 457 THE BROWN GENEALOGY lin Sisson, son of Gilbert and Desire (Maine) Sisson; b. Apr. 20, 181 1 ; d., Binghamton, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1885, aged seventy- four years. Children: (i) Fannie Abbott, b. July 2, 1868; d. Feb. 15, 1871. (2) Edward Carlton, b. Mar. 11, 1870; m., Aug. 22, 1895, Edith Jones, dau. of Gen. Edward Franc and Susan A. (Brown) Franc; b. Oct. 28, 1869. Son: Edward Albert, b., Bingham- ton, July 18, 1896. (3) Cora, b. July 26, 1872; d. Mar. 7, 1876. (4) Madge, b. Dec. 12, 1876; unm. in 1906. Res., 1906, Bing- hamton, N. Y. 3980. Eliza Ann, b. Feb. 20, 1835; m., Feb. 22, i860, Charles Edwin Hewitt, son of Stanton and Mary (Avory) Hewitt, b. Feb. i, 1834. Children, b. No. Stonington, Conn. : (i) Mary Eliza, b. Jan. 18, 1862; d. Mar. 6, 1889. (2) Jenny Morella, b. Nov. 14, 1863; m., Feb. 6, 1897, Frank Elwin Bentley. Children: Edwin Hewitt, b., New York City, Apr. 2, 1898; Harold Stanton, b. June 6, 1899; Fer- nando Waterman, b., Pelham, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1900. Mr. Bentley's res., 1906, Pelham, with office in New York City, in the employ of the Harlem R. R. Co. (3) Kate Amelia, b. Dec. 11, 1865; d. May 28, 1888. (4) Margaret Hillard, b. Nov. 22, 1867; unm. (5) Edna, b. Nov. 7, 1877; m., Apr. 30, 1901, George Wyman Tryon, editor of the Willimantic Journal. Res., 1906, WilUmantic, Conn. 3981. Luke, b. Apr. 19, 1838; m., Oct. 9, 1866, Minnie L. Nichols, dau. of John D. and Mary E. (Webster) Nichols; d. Feb. 18, 1888. He is the financial manager of the Tremont Nail Company. Res., 1906, Boston, Mass. 3982. Paul Herman, b. Jan. 13, 1842; m., Jan. 16, 1868, Caroline Matilda Noyes, dau. of Avory Denison and Bathsheba (Dickens) Noyes; b. Dec. 15, 1846. He was in the Civil War; enUsted Aug. 20, 1862, in Co. G, 21st Conn. Vols., and was honorably discharged at New Haven, Conn., July 5, 1865. Son: William Avory, b. Aug. 20, 1870; m,. Dec. 25, 1895, Addie Woodbiury Palmer, dau. of Osmer Asa and Abbie Jane (Cummings) Palmer, b. Apr. 22, 1874. He is a 458 THE BROWN GENEALOGY physician at Westerly, R. I., formerly at Manchester, N. H. Son: Paul Noyes, b. Mar. 21, 1898. All res., 1906, Westerly, R. I. 3983. Sabrina, b. Mar. 11, 1849; m., No. Stonington, Sept. 4, 1905, Albert Billings Maine, b.. No. Stonington, July 29, 1845; son of Gersham and Susan A. (Billings) Maine. He is a merchant in Norwich, Conn. Res., 1906, No. Stonington, Conn. Reuben Harris (39ii),son of Sabrina (3890) (Brown) and Daniel Harris, 2d [Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Bozrah, Conn., Sept. 16, 1793; m. Abby ; she d. Oct., 1838. Children, b. Bozrah: 3984. Horace, b. 1817; d. Nov. i, 1893; m. (i), Dec. 19, 1842, Lorenza Babcock; (2), Mar. 4, 1872, Ellen J. King, b. 1842; d. May 16, 1892. 3985. Henry, b. ; m. Sally Dodge. Children, b. Norwich, Conn.: three who d. young; Alonzo H. and Henrietta, living in 1906. 3986. Reuben, b. 1820; d. 1854. Children: (i) William, (2) Lorenzo, (3) Mary. 3987. Abigail Jane, b. ; d. Jan. 18, 1876; m., Apr. 23, 1844, John C. Mills, M.D. Children: (i) Horace Francis, b. July 14, 1847; (2) Julia Lorinda, b. June, 185 1; (3) Fidelia Loretta, b. Dec. 3, 1852. Amanda Harris (3913), dau. of Daniel, 2d, and Sabrina (3890) (Brown) Harris [Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Nov. 4, 1796; m., Nov. 30, 1814, Isaac Dean, son of Daniel Dean. Children: 3988. Orren Fowler, b. Nov. 6, 18 15. 3989. Anson Fowler, b. Oct. 17, 1817. 3990. Sabrina Harris, b. Aug. 10, 1821. 3991. Infant, b. May 16, 1823; d. May 19, 1823. 3992. Edmund Wolcott, b. Nov. 21, 1824. 3993. Infant, b. June 27, 1828; d. July 8, 1828. 3994. Sarah Ann Sweet, b. Oct. 10, 1830. 3995. Alonzo Perry, b. Oct. 24, 1832. 3996. Isaac Woodward, b. Sept. 27, 1834. Lorinda Harris (3914), dau. of Daniel, 2d, and Sabrina (3890) (Brown) Harris; m., Nov. 20, 1831, Benjamin Perry, d. May 11, 1868. Several chil- dren d. young. 459 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Son: 3997. Eugene B. Perry, M.D., of Melvin, III, d. June 22, 1905, aged sixty-one years, leaving six children. Parmelia Harris (3915), dau. of Daniel, 2d, and Sabrina (3890) (Brown) Harris, b. Mar. 26, 1803; m. Wells. Some of her children lived in Wisconsin. Son: 3997a. George, b. ; d. in 1840; unm. Robert Brown Harris (3917), son of Daniel, 2d, and Sabrina (3890) (Brown) Harris [Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Feb. 9, 1809; d., Preston, Conn., Jan. i, 1864; m., Sept. 23, 1833, Betsey Hillard Brewster. Children: 3998. Charles Robert Harris, b. Oct. 22, 1835; ^-^ Jan. 9, 1861, Jane J. Brown. Children: (i) Jennie Louise; (2) Charles Robert; (3) James Brown. 3999. Lucretia Brewster Harris, b. Feb. 4, 1837; m., Jan. 14, 1859, Elias Morgan Brewster. Children: (i) Grace Mary; (2) Bessie Gordon; (3) Robert Morgan. 4000. George Augustus Harris, b. Aug. 12, 1840; m., Dec. 9, 1861, Catherine Amelia Dewey. Children: (i) Elijah Dewey; (2) George Robert; (3) Harriet Augusta; (4) Jennie Louise; (5) Elfie Luella. 4001. Orren Frank Harris, b. May 31, 1843; ^i., in 1890, Mrs. Mary Adelaide Childs, nee Tracy. Children: (i) Robert Brown, b. -, d. in infancy; (2) Orrin Frank, b. 1896; (3) Mary Adelaide, b. 1898; (4) son, b. 1901. William Palmer Harris (3918), son of Daniel, 2d, and Sabrina (3890) (Brown) Harris [Reuben (87), Humphrey (26), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Bozrah, Conn., Nov. 12, 1811; d., Groton, Conn., June 27, 1884; m. (i), Griswold, Conn., Nov. 12, 1833, Susan Avory, b., Griswold, Sept. 30, 1814: d., Groton, Sept. 24, 1845; dau. of John Avory, 4th, of Griswold, and Mrs. Clarina Ayer Halsey; m. (2), Voluntown, Conn., Mar. 18, 1846, Maria Campbell, b., VoluntowTi, Aug. 19, 1819; d., Groton, Mar. 7, 1901; dau. of Harvxy Campbell, M.D., and Sarah Cook, both of Voluntown. He was a house carpenter, contractor. Republican, and Deacon of the Congregational Church for forty-three years. Children, by first m. : 4002. Louisa Clarina Harris, b. Oct. 27, 1834. 460 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 4003. William Denison Harris, b. Sept. 23, 1837; d., Groton, Aug. 28, 1878; m., Nov. 24, 1859, Ellen Chester, dau. of Orlando and Susan (Osborn) Chester. Louisa Clarina Harris (4002), dau. of William Palmer and Susan (Avory) Harris, b., Ledyard, Conn., Oct. 27, 1834; m. (i), Groton, Dec. 10, 1857, Henry William Manning, Jr., b.. New London, Conn., Jan. 19, 1836; d., Faribault, Minn., Nov. 23, 1863; son of Henry William and Clarissa Lester (Miller) Manning, of New London. Children, b. New London: 4004. George Hart, b. June 13, 1859; d. June 18, i860. 4005. Susan Avory, b. Nov. 6, 1861; m.. Lake Helen, Fla., Dec. i, 1887, Charles Emilus Williams, b., Mexico, Oswego Co., N. Y., Dec. 17, 1849; son of Emilus and Eliza R. (Dowd) Williams, of Mexico, N. Y. He is a contractor, a carpenter, a Republican, and both are members of the Congregational Church. Res., 1906, Groton, Conn. Children: Henry Mills, b., Lake Helen, Sept. 27, 1888; Louise Ernestine, b., Lake Helen, Mar. 13, 1891, d. May 10, 1891; Ruth, b., Groton, May 30, 1893. Mrs. Louisa C. Manning, nee Harris, after the death of her husband, m. (2), Groton, Oct. 24, 1876, John C. Mills, M.D., b., Orange Co., N. Y.; d.. Lake Helen, Apr. 11, 1891; son of Henry P. and Amy (Coleman) Mills. Her res., 1906, Groton, Conn. He was a physician, a druggist, a Republican, and both were members of the Methodist Church. Amos Brown (57), son of Daniel (24) and Mary (Breed) Brown [Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Oct. 28, 1730; d., Preston, Conn., Jan. 12, 1817, aged eighty-six years; m., Preston, Aug. 4, 1757, Eunice Turner, b. July 24, 1740; d., Preston, Mar. 9, 1794, aged fifty-four years; interment, Rixtown Cemetery, Griswold, Conn. [For her Mayflower record, see Appendix XII.] From the Stonington town records: Amos Brown, Senior — sold to Thomas Baldwin 130 acres of land, for ;^388. April 25, 1806. Also another parcel of land to Ama Baldwin the same year. [For military record, see Appendix XIII.] Children, b. Preston: 4006. Amos, Jr., b. May 23, 1758; d. Dec. 28, 1845. 4007. Anna, b. Oct. 7, 1759; d. Dec. 29, 1827. 4008. Esther, b. Mar. 19, 1761; m. Geo. Crary (4020-4030). 4009. Denison, b. Apr. 23, 1763; d. June 14, 1842. 461 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 4010. Eunice, b. May 30, 1765; d. Mar. 11, 18 13. 4011. Sabra, b. May 31, 1767; d. Apr. 3, 1834. 4012. Asher, b. Jan. 28, 1769; m. Lydia Palmer (4109-41 13). 4013. Grace, b. Apr. 25, 1771; d. May 18, 1797. 4014. Nathan, b. Aug. 22, 1773; m. Thankful Kinney (4138-4140). 4015. Peleg, b. Mar. 23, 1775; d. Oct. 2, i860. 4016. Barrodell, b. June 7, 1777; d. July i, 1816. 4017. Henry, b. Aug. 21, 1779; d. July 21, 1856; unm. He was a saddler at Preston City, and was highly esteemed and much beloved by everybody. 4018. Gilbert, b. Nov. 8, 1781; d. Aug. 7, 1841. 4019. Breed, b. Apr. 5, 1784; m. Ada Kinney (4141-4143). Amos Brown, Jr. (4006), son of the preceding, b. May 23, 1758; m. . They had eight children: Amy, Eunice, Cynthia, Sally, Sybel, Daniel, Heyman, and Almira. Anna Brown (4007), sister of the preceding, b. Oct. 7, 1759; m. . They had nine sons and one dau. : Thomas, Amos, Turner, Hezekiah, Elisha, Alanson, Asher, Billings, Nathan, and Amy. Denison Brown (4009), brother of the preceding, b. Apr. 23, 1763; m. ; removed to New York. They had seven children: Maria, Abigail, Grace, Denison, Eunice, Sally, and Ann. Eunice Brown (4010), sister of the preceding, b. May 30, 1765; m. . They had nine children: Daniel, Eunice, Amy, Henry, Nathan, Barrodell, Cynthia, Elijah, and Betsey. Sabra Brown (401 1), sister of the preceding, b. May 31, 1767; m. Bordman; removed to Lake Champlain, N. Y. They had nine children: Sabra, Amos, Elisha, Henry, Eunice, Jonathan, Betsey, Julia, and Benja- min. Grace Brown (4013), sister of the preceding, b. Apr. 25, 1771; m. Bogue; removed to Bridgewater, N. Y. Son: Frederick. Peleg Brown (4015), brother of the preceding, b. Mar. 23, 1775; m. ; removed to New York. They had four children: Charles, Amos, Benjamin, and Sidney. Barrodell Brown (4016), brother of the preceding, b. June 7, 1777; m. — . They had five children: Henry, Sally, Edward, Eunice, and John. Gilbert Brown (4018), brother of the preceding, b. Nov. 8, 1781; m. . They had three children: Eunice, Wheeler, and William. 462 THE BROWN GENEALOGY [These nine children of Amos and Eunice (Turner) Brown, of whom but little record is found, are given in the above order; those that have more complete records will follow with their respective numbers; viz., Esther (4008), Asher (4012), Nathan (4014), and Breed (4019).] Esther Brown (4008), dau. of Amos (57) and Eunice (Turner) Brown [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Sept. 19, 1761; d.. No. Stonington, Jan. 28, 1843; m., Preston, Conn., 1781, George Crary, b., Preston, Sept. 19, 1760; son of Captain George and Lucy (Sterry) Crary, of Preston. In 1784 they located on a farm in No. Stonington, where they resided for several years; then lived a short time in Voluntown, Conn.; then removed to No. Stonington, where they passed the remainder of their days. Interment, Peabody Cemetery. Captain George Crary, father of the preceding, served in the French and Indian War with Great Britain. He was commissioned 2d Lieutenant, 1756; Lieutenant, 1757. — Taken from Connecticut Colonial Records. March 24, 1760, he was commissioned Captain of the Militia Company in a Regiment of Foot raised within this Colony to proceed and co-operate with a body of the King's British forces and under the supreme command of his Majesty's Commander-in-Chief, in America against Canada in order to reduce Montreal and all other Posts of the French in those parts and further to annoy the enemy in such manner as his Commander-in-Chief shall judge practicable, of which Regiment Eleazer Fitch is Colonel. By His Honor's command, Thomas Fitch, Captain General and Governor-in-Chief in and over his Majesty's English Colony of Connecticut in New England in America in the 33d year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the second, 1760. [The above is an abstract taken from the original commission, now in possession of Mrs. John H. Crary, of Westerly, R. I.] When within the borders of Canada Capt. George was taken sick with a fever contracted in the army, and was brought to his home in Preston, where he died, Dec. 19, 1760, his wife and three children surviving him: Mary, Robert, and George. His will is recorded in Probate Records, Norwich, Conn. Children: 4020. George, Jr., b., Preston, Mar. 30, 1782. 4021. Nathaniel Marsh, b., Stonington, Apr. 14, 1784 (4032-4040). 4022. Stephen Kinney, b., Stonington, Mar. 24, 1786 (4041, 4042)- 4023. Esther, b., Stonington, Jan. 28, 1788. 463 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 4024. Lucy, b., Stonington, May 3, 1790; d. Aug. 18, 1878; unm.; interment, Peabody Cemetery. 4025. Sabra, b., Stonington, Feb., 1792. 4026. Eunice, b., Stonington, Feb. 8, 1794 (4043-4053). 4027. Charles Wylie, b., Stonington, June 12, 1796 (4054-4060). 4028. Mary, b., Voluntown, Aug. 6, 1798 (4061). 4029. Sarah, b., Voluntown, Oct. 17, 1800 (4062-4066). 4030. Nathan, b., Voluntown, Aug. 5, 1803. George Crary, Jr. (4020), son of the preceding, b., Preston, Conn., Mar, 30, 1782; d. Aug. 25, 1831; m., Voluntown, Conn., Elizabeth Kinney. Children : 4031. Joan, b. 1813; d. 1891; m. William E. Hinckley, of Norwich, Conn. Children: Adelaide, Willmar, Bertha, Clarence, and Emerett. 4031a. Jane L., b. Sept. 15, 1825; m. Cyrus S. Chapman, b. Oct. 27, 1821. Children: (i) Georgianna, b. Apr. 24, 1847, d. June 27, 1848; (2) Charles Henry, b. Mar. 8,1851, d.Apr. 9, 1872. Adelaide Hinckley, dau. of William E. and Joan (4031) (Crary) Hinckley, b,, Norwich, Conn., 1842; d., Norwich, 1899; m. (i), Allyns, Conn., 1858, James A. Wells, b. England. He is a steward on an ocean liner. Son by first m. : (i) Arthur William, b., Allyns, Sept. 10, 1859; m., Norwich, Aug. 8, 1888, Lucy Elizabeth Myres, b., Ledyard, Conn., Jan. 14, 1863; dau. of Elias and Ann E. Myres. He is a post-ofl5ce clerk in Norwich, Conn. No issue. Mrs. Adelaide Wells, nee Hinckley, m. (2), Jan., 1867, Henry B. Lewis, b., Norwich, 1844; son of Moses and Nancy (Bachelder) Lewis, of Norwich. Dau. by second m.: (2) Mosella Lewis, b., Norwich, Dec. 2, 1867; d., Aug. 4, 1902; m., Norwich, Fred L. Tourtelotte, b., Norwich, June 25, 1862; son of James N. and Harriett L. (Clark) Tourtelotte. He is a druggist's clerk. Children, b. Norwich: (i) James L., b. Oct. 3, 1888; (2) Leslie F., b. July 19, 1890; (3) Dorothy H.,b. Nov. 19, 1892. Res., 1906, W. Pearl St., Norwich, Conn. Emerett Hinckley, dau. of William E. and Joan (4031) (Crary) Hinckley, b., Ledyard, Conn., Mar. 17, 1855; m., Norwich, Conn., Feb. 12, 1901, Harry G. Walker, b., Worcester, Mass., Aug. 28, 1872; son of Asa and Caroline E. (Lewis) Walker. Son: H. Valentine. 464 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Nathaniel Marsh Crary (4021), son of Esther Brown (4008) and George Crary [Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Apr. 14, 1784; d., No. Stonington, Conn., July 27, 1866, aged eighty-two years; m. (i) Pru- dence Peabody, dau. of Thomas Peabody; b.. No. Stonington, Mar. 23, 1791; d. Nov. 29, 1820, of consumption, aged twenty-eight years; he m. (2), No. Stonington, July 18, 1824, Rebecca Stewart, b. Nov. 12, 1801; d. Mar. 6, 1863, aged sixty-one years; interment, Peabody Cemetery. He was a prudent and progressive farmer, with a good reputation. Children by first m., b. No. Stonington: 4032. Nancy, b. July 29, 1809; d. Aug. 16, 1812. 4033. Emily Brown-, b. Apr. 16, 181 2; m. Nathan Brown (424-426). 4034. Thomas Peabody, b. Sept. 8, 1814; m. Maria Stanton Ball (4067-4075). 4035. Cyrus Williams, b. Feb. 23, 1817; m. Mary Peabody (4076, 4077)- 4036. John Hewitt, b. Nov. 16, 1820; m. Martha E. Bentley (4078- 4080). Children by second m. : 4037. William, b. Apr. 24, 1825; d. Dec. 2, 1839. 4038. Betsey, b. Oct. 29, 1827; d. June 17, 1852. 4039. Edwin, b. Dec. 7, 1832; d. June 18, 1850. 4040. Lovisa Kimberly, b. Apr. 19, 1837; m. (i) Stephen A. Brown; (2) Nelson A. Brown (703-706). Stephen Kinney Crary (4022), son of Esther Brown (4008) and George Crary [Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Mar. 24, 1786; d.. Fall River, Mass., July 4, 1842; m. Amy Childs Lawton, b. Nov. 28, 1798; d. Dec. 16, 1857; interment. Oak Grove Cemetery, Fall River. They settled in Fall River, and he was Town Clerk from 183 1 to 1835; pubUc-school teacher and member of the School Committee. Children, b. Fall River: 4041. William Henry Allen, b. Feb. i, 1817. 4042. Stephen Dexter, b. Sept. 3, 1818; d. May 22, 1824. Dr. William Henry Allen Crary (4041), son of the preceding, b. Feb. i, 1817; d., Fall River, Mass., Apr. 10, 1854; m., Fall River, Nov. 18, 1840, Amy Howland WTiite, b., Westport, Mass., June i, 1821; d., New Bedford, Mass., Aug. 8, 1887; dau. of William and Cynthia (Cornell) White. He studied medicine and became a leading physician of Fall River. Dau. : 4042a. Mary E. L. Crary, b., Fall River, Sept. 14, 1841; m., Fair- 465 THE BROWN GENEALOGY haven, Mass., Oct. 26, 1864, Wm. Burdick Dart, b. June 23, 1838; d. Mar. 9, 1897, Res., Providence, R. I. Children, b. Providence: 4042b. William Crary, b. Apr. 21, 1869; m., Oct. 18, 1894, Grace Thomson George, b. July 28, 1869. Dau.: Margaret, b. Oct. 2, 1895. Res., Providence, R. I. 4042c. Amy F., b. Dec. 14, 1874. Esther Crary (4023), dau. of Esther Brown (4008) and George Crary, b. Jan, 28, 1788; d. Scotland, Conn.; m. (i) Swan; (2) John Chapman.' Interment, Scotland. Children: John, Amos, Esther, Fuller, and Mary. Sabra Crary (4025), dau. of Esther Brown (4008) and George Crary, b. Feb. 18, 1792; d. Dec. 2, 1833; m., Voluntown, Conn., George Bassett. Children: Emily, b. ; Ralph, b . Eunice Crary (4026), dau. of Esther Brown (4008) and George Crary [Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Feb. 8, 1794; d. Jan. 8, 1875; m., by Allen Campbell, Justice of the Peace, at Voluntown, Conn., Jan. 10, 1813, Maxon Burdick, b. Mar. 11, 1790; d. Nov. 19, 1851. Children: 4043. Charles Crary, b. July 14, 1815; m. Nancy Rix (4081-4084). 4044. Lucy Ann, b. Feb. 37, 1817; m. Samuel Wilbur. 4045. John Nelson, b. Oct. 8, 1818; m. Phoebe Maria Rix (4085- 4087). 4046. Mary Louise, b. Oct. 20, 1820; m. Lot K. Brown (4088). 4047. James Brown, b. Nov. 25, 1822; m. Eunice Rix (4089-4092). 4048. William H., b. July 9, 1825; m. Harriet Smith. 4049. Samuel B., b. Apr. 14, 1828; unm. 4050. Orrin F., b. Dec. 30, 1829; m. Mary Ecclestone. 4051. Sabra, b. Nov. 30, 1832; m. Harris Holmes. 4052. Elizabeth J., b. July 20, 1834; m. Lot K. Brown (4152, 4153). 4053. Joseph M., b. June 6, 1837; m. Mrs. Ruth Swan. Charles Wylie Crary (4027), son of George and Esther (4008) (Brown) Crary [Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., June 12, 1796; d., Plainfield, Conn., Mar. 14, 1850; m.. Little Compton, R. I., in 1824, Anne Borden, b.. Fall River, Mass., Apr. 9, 1805; d., Plainfield, Sept. 4, 1885; dau. of William and Rebecca (Church) Borden, of Fall River. The Borden lineage: William (6), Joseph (5), William (4), Joseph (3), John (2), Richard, who m. Joan in England; he came to America in 1635 and settled in Portsmouth, R. I. The Church lineage: 466 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Rebecca (6), Joseph (5), Charles (4), Charles (3), Nathaniel (2), and Richard, who, in 1630, came from England in the fleet with Governor Winthrop, the first Governor of Massachusetts; he m. Elizabeth Warren in 1636, dau. of Richard Warren, of the Mayflower Colony of 1620, and Eliza- beth (Jouath), and settled in Plymouth, Mass. [See remarks under 3817.] Children : 4054. Dyantha T., b. Apr. 12, 1825; d. Mar. 8, 1832. 4055. Stephen Henry, b. Oct. 25, 1828 (4093-4096). 4056. Esther Amanda, b. June 2, 1830 (4097-4101). 4057. Cyrus Willard, b. Apr. 22, 1832; d. May 27, 1834. 4058. Susan Borden, b. Jan. 25, 1834 (4102-4104). 4059. Amy Anne, b. Oct. 18, 1835; ^- ^^E- 29, 1836. 4060. Mary Anne, b. June 22, 1837 (4105-4108). Mary, or Polly, Crary (4028), dau. of Esther Brown (4008) and George Crary, b. Aug. 6, 1798; m. Hezekiah Prentice, of Griswold, Conn., b. 1795; d. Apr. 14, 1865; interment, Leonard Cemetery, Griswold. She was his second wife. Dau.: Lucy L., b., Griswold, Jan. 3, 1836; m., Apr. 10, 1859, Joseph W. Bradford, b. May 15, 1834; d., Voluntown, Conn., Feb. 24, 1894. Both are members of the Baptist Church, Voluntown, Sarah Crary (4029), dau. of Esther Brown (4008) and George Crary [Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Voluntown, Conn., Oct. 17, 1800; d. Oct. 18, 1855; m. John Ripley, of Voluntown; d. Apr., 1871. Children : 4062. George, b., Preston, Mar. i, 1827; d., Stonington, Conn., 1895; m., Lisbon, Conn., Sept. 5, 1877, Frances M. Frink. Son: John Daniel, b. June 5, 1878. 4063. John S., b., Preston, Aug. 18, 1834; d., Asbvu-y Park, N. J., June 10, 1897; m., Hamilton, N. J., Dec. 25, 1867, Joan Stout, of Hamilton. He was proprietor of the West End Hotel; both were members of the Dutch Reformed Church, Son: Eugene, b., Norwich, Conn., June 22, 1869. 4064. Nathan H., b., Griswold, Conn., July 5, 1835; d., Chicago, 111., Mar. II, 1904; m., Saline, Mich., May, 1868, Lucy Wallace, b. Saline. He was a travelling salesman; both were members of the Congregational Church. Children: Charles John, b. ; Nellie, b. 4065. Sarah E.,b., Preston, Aug. 8, 1842; m., Hopkinton, R. I., Mar. 18, 1862, Allen E. Davis, b., Franklin, Conn., July 27, 1842; 467 THE BROWN GENEALOGY d. June 8, 1904; interment, Packerville, Conn. Both were members of the Baptist Church. Her res., 1906, Plainfield, Conn. Children, b. Plainfield: (i) Lucy Davis, b. Apr. 18, 1865; m., July 5, 1886, Albert Randall, of Providence, R. I. Children: Allen, b. July 18, 1890; Charles D., b. Mar. 28, 1896; Marion E., b. Aug. 3, 1898; Ralph S., b. Jan. 10, 1904. Res., 1906, Eastford, Conn. (2) John A. Davis, b. Apr. 16, 1867; m. (i), Patchaug, Aug. 15, 1887, Ida B. Bishop; d., Plainfield, Dec. 22. 1892. Children: Sadie E., b. Dec. 18, 1888; John Howard, b. Dec. 5, 1891. He m. (2), Asbury Park, N. J., June 16, 1898, Alice Malady. Children: Le Roy, b. July 24, 1899; Elsie, b. Feb. 4, 1901. Mr. Davis is conductor on the N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R. Res., 1906, 820 Hope St., Providence, R. I. (3) Earl Davis, b. Mar. 10, 187 1; unm. He is a farmer at Plain- field. (4) Carrie Gallup Davis, b. Sept. 25, 1873; m., Plainfield, Nov. 4, 1894, Stephen Baily Gardner, b., Exeter, R. I., Apr. 24, 1872. Dau.: Ruth May, b. Dec. 20, 1900. Mr. Gardner is a grocery clerk. Res., 1906, Apponaug, R. I. 4066. Leander, b., Norwich, Conn., Feb. 14, 1847; d., Plainfield, Mar. 6, i8g6; he made his home with his sister Sarah; unm. Nathan Brown Crary (4030), son of George and Esther (4008) (Brown) Crary, b., Voluntown, Conn., Aug. 5, 1803; m.. No. Stonington, Apr. 26, 1849, Mary A. Woodmancy. No issue. Interment, Peabody Cemetery. Thomas Peabody Crary (4034), son of Nathaniel M. and Prudence (Peabody) Crary [Esther Brown (4008), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Sept. 8, 18 14; d., Preston, Conn., May 13, 1879; ^-i Stonington, Dec. 26, 1852, Maria Stanton Ball, b., Stonington, July 25, 1832; d., Preston, Dec. 25, 1897. He was active and quick in discernment, of noble character, highly esteemed, and greatly beloved. In his young manhood he was foreman on the estate of Charles Phelps, of Stonington. Soon after his marriage he removed to Preston, and was a farmer. Children : 4067. Elizabeth Maria, b., Stonington, Nov. 17, 1853; d. May 28, 1861. 468 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 4068. William E., b., Stonington, Feb. 16, 1857; m. Lydia Mary Terry. 4069. Addie A., b., No. Stonington, Mar. 19, 1859; d. Apr. 5, 1861. 4070. Charles K., b., No. Stonington, July 17, 1861; m. Ida J. Terry. 4071. Frank G., b., Preston, Feb. 10, 1864; d. Oct. 21, 1884. 4072. Freddie, b., Preston, Nov. 23, 1867; d. Dec. 31, 1867. 4073. Albert D., b., Preston, July 18, 1869; m. Lina M. Parks. 4074. James E., b. Apr. 5, 1871; m., Griswold, Apr. 11, 1892, Mary Ella Rude, b., Griswold, Nov. 18, 1869. 4075. Jesse O., b., Preston, May 26, 1873; ^-i Norwich, Conn., Mary A. Pendleton, dau. of Chauncy C. and Cynthia (Main) Pendleton. She was a school-teacher. He is a farmer, and both are members of the Baptist Church. Dau.: Cynthia L. Res., 1906, Norwich, Conn. William E. Crary (4068), son of Thomas P. (4034) and Maria Stanton (Ball) Crary [Nathaniel M. (4021), Esther Brown (4008), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 16, 1857; m., Griswold, Conn., Feb. 19, 1885, Lydia Mary Terry, b., Griswold, Dec. 7, i860; dau. of David K. and Susan A. (Thompson) Terry. She was a teacher in the public schools, and is a member of the Congregational Church. He is a farmer. Son: Frank Edward, b., Prestoo, Conn., July 4, 1890. Res., Preston, Conn. Address, Norwich, Conn., R. F, D. Charles K. Crary (4070), son of Thomas P. (4034) and Maria S. (Ball) Crary [Nathaniel M. (4021), Esther Brown (4008), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., July 17, 1861; m., Gris- wold, Jan. 9, 1890, Ida J. Terry, b., Griswold, Aug. 18, 1862; sister of the preceding. Previous to marriage she was a public-school teacher. He was a farmer, and from 1901 to 1906 a rural mail carrier from Norwich, Conn.; he was representative from Preston, Conn., to the General A. sembly in 1888. Both are members of the Congregational Church at Preston. Chil- dren, b. Preston: (i) Bessie Tillinghast, b. Dec. i, 1892; (2) Lynwood Ball, b. Mar. 7, 1894. Albert D. Crary (4073), son of Thomas P. and Maria S. (Ball) Crary, b., Preston, Conn., July 18, 1869; m., Preston, Nov, 15, 1890, Lina M. Parks, dau. of William Parks. He is a farmer, and both are members of the Baptist Church. Children, b. Griswold, Conn.: (i) Anna L., b. June, 1891; (2) Clifford L., b. Dec. 26. 1901. Res., 1906, Jewett City, Conn. Cyrus Williams Crary (4035), son of Nathaniel M. (4021) and Prudence 469 THE BROWN GENEALOGY (Peabody) Crary [Esther (4008), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Feb. 23, 1817; d. Nov. 13, 1853; m., No. Stonington, Mar. 11, 1848, Mary Peabody, b., No. Stonington, May 2, 1822; dau. of Benjamin and Martha (Peckham) Peabody. Mr. Crary went to California in 185 1, with James Alden Peabody, his brother-in-law; returned to his home in No. Stonington and d. eleven days after, with quick consumption, which developed from a cold contracted in California. Children, b. No. Stonington: 4076. Mary Alida, b. Jan. 18, 1849; ^- Nov. 2, 1877; m., Westerly, R. I., Mar. i, 1871, Albert M. Taft, b., Hopkinton, Mass., Dec. 16, 1845; ^M Akin, S. C, Oct. 9, 1898; son of Stephen and Joanna Frances (White) Taft. He was a hotel manager. Children : (i) Stephen M., b. Aug. 5, 1872; d. Oct. 3, 1892. (2) Pearl Alida Taft, b. Jan. 17, 1876; graduated, June, 1892, from Akin University; m., June i, 1903, Almon C. Judd, b., Waterbury, Conn., Sept. 7, i860; son of Edwin A. and Sally A. (Clinton) Judd. No issue. Res., 1906, Waterbury, Conn. 4077. Delia Estella, b. Mar. 12, 185 1; d.. New Haven, Conn., Feb. 19, 1881; m.. Westerly, June 20, 1876, Wm. Sheffield. Son: Henry William, b. ; d. Feb. 8, 1890. John Hewitt Crary (4036), son of Nathaniel M. (4021) and Prudence (Peabody) Crary [Esther (4008), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Nov. 16, 1820; d. June 8, 1898; m.. No. Stonington, Conn., Nov. 12, 1845, Martha Electa Bentley, b. Apr. 8, 1825; dau. of Russell and Susan (Stanton) Bentley. He was a clerk in his young manhood, in his native town, for Wm. B. Hull; after his marriage, a farmer in Stonington, Conn. MILITARY WARRANT. Issued by Elias W. Brown, Colonel of the 8th Regiment of Infantry in THE State of Connecticut, to John H. Crary, Esq. Greeting: Reposing especial confidence in your courage, skill and good conduct, I do, by these presents, constitute and appoint you, the said John H. Crary Esq. to be Quarter Master in the Regiment under my command. You are to instruct said Regiment in the use of arms, and all necessary duties, com- 470 THE BROWN GENEALOGY manding them to obey you as their Quarter Master, for which this shall be your sufl&cient Warrant. Given under my hand and seal, at Ledyard, this i6th day of Sept., A.D. 1843. Elias W. Brown, Colonel. Children, the first b. in No. Stonington; the others, Stonington: 4078. Nancy A., b. Sept. 17, 1847; m.. May 30, 1870, Joseph F. Bliven, b., Westerly, R. I., July 25, 1840. He is a merchant tailor. No issue. Res., 1906, New Haven, Conn. 4079. Eva, b. Oct. 9, 1850; m.. Westerly, Nov. 14, 1871, Charles I. Collins, b.. Westerly, May 22, 1847; d.. Westerly, Dec. 16, 1903. She was educated in the public schools and three years in a private school in Norwich, Conn. Mr. Collins attended the Business College of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and was a druggist in Westerly. No issue. 4080. Flora, b. Sept. 26, i860; m.. Westerly, Feb. 9, 1899, Henry A. Doherty, b., Nova Scotia, Aug. 24, 1873. ^o issue. Res., 1906, Groton, Conn. Charles Crary Burdick (4043), son of Eunice Crary (4026) and Maxon Burdick [Esther Brown (4008), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. July 14, 1815; d., Griswold, Conn., Jan. 2, 1892; m., Brooklyn, Conn., Feb. 14, 1838, Nancy Rix, b., Griswold, Apr. 22, 1813; d. Mar. 26, 1903; interment, Brooklyn. He was proprietor of the Brooklyn Hotel for forty years, and conducted a grocery-store until his death. Children : 4081. Mary Emma, b., Lisbon, Conn., Aug. 14, 1839; m., Brooklyn, Nov. 25, 1867, Amos Kendall, b. Aug. 31, 1839. 4082. Charles Henry, b., Lisbon, Jan. 7, 1841; d., Cincinnati, O., Jan. 23, 1903; m., Covington, Ky., Oct. 31, 1883, Elizabeth Seldon, b., Virginia, 1839. 4083. Anna Putnam, b., Brooklyn, June 14, 1845; m., Brooklyn, Nov. 9, 1904, Edwin Beacher Cummings, b. Sept. 2, 1835. Res., 1906, Brooklyn, Conn. 4084. Sarah Jennings, b., Brooklyn, July 9, 1847; d., Brooklyn, Mar. 20, 1902. Lucy Ann Burdick (4044), b. Jan. 27, 181 7; d., Providence, R. I., Nov. 13, i860; m. Samuel Wilbur. Interment, Rixtown Cemetery. John Nelson Burdick (4045), b., Griswold, Conn., Oct. 8, 1818; d., Brooklyn, Conn., Mar. 21, 1887; m.. Mar. 20, 1844, Phoebe Maria Rix, b., 471 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Griswold, Feb. 17, 1823; d. Sept. 5, 1893; interment, Brooklyn. He served the town of Brooklyn as First Selectman for fourteen years. Children, b. Brooklyn: 4085. Frances Maria, b. May 11, 1845; d. June 16, 1861, 4086. John Edwin, b. Jan. 28, 1853; d. Apr. 16, 1872. 4087. Mary Ella, b. Feb. 6, 1859; m., Brooklyn, Aug. 3, 1887, Charles H. Blake, b., Wrentham, Mass., Jan. 23, 1861. Res., 1906, Brooklyn, Conn. Children: (i) Florence May, b. July I, 1884; (2) Marian, b. June 7, 1896, d. Aug. 22, 1896; (3) Dorothy, b. Jan. 14, 1900. Mary Louise Burdick (4046), dau. of Eunice Crary (4026) and Maxon Burdick [Esther Brown (4008), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Oct. 20, 1820; d., Griswold, Conn., Mar. 5, 185 1; m., Feb., 1847, Lot Kimball Brown, b. Feb. 13, 1824; son of Breed (4019) and Ada Kinney. Son: 4088. Amos Prentice, b. Mar. 16, 1849 (4i54; 4i55)' James Brown Burdick (4047), b. Nov. 25, 1822; d. in Preston; m., Gris- wold, Conn., Mar. 8, 1848, Eunice Rix, b., Griswold, July 22, 1826. Children : 4089. Ella Josephine, b. Feb. 2, 1852; d. June 19, 1896; m.,Nov. 25, 1873, Albert Burton. Children : (i) Carrie, b. Sept. 4, 1879; m., Oct. 24, 1900, Joseph Rood. Children: Ethel, b. June 17, 1902; son, b. July, 1904, d. 1904. (2) Bessie, b. Apr. 17, 1881. (3) Daisy Lucinda, b. July 30, 1885; m., May 9, 1906, F. H. Burton. 4090. George Tracy, b. Oct. 5, 1853. 4091. Adelaide, b. Oct. 26, 1856. 4092. Frank James, b. May 30, i860; m., Jan. 7, 1885, Kittie Arnold, b. July 28, i860. Children: Winnifred Arnold, b. July 26, 1889; Eunice Frances, b. June i, 1901, d. Aug. 15, 1902. Orren F. Burdick (4050), b. Dec. 30, 1829; d., Griswold, Conn., Mar. 28, 1882; m. Mary J. Ecclestone, d., Griswold, Mar. 12, 1886; dau. of William and Fanny (Miller) Ecclestone, of No. Stonington, Conn. He was a farmer, and both attended the Methodist Church, Glasgo, Conn. 472 Mrs. M. E. Norton (]70.'5) Olean, N. Y. Steplien H. Crary (4.055) Walker, Cal. From a daguerreotype taken about 1856 ) Mrs. Stephen H. Crary Walker, Cal. Taken about 1853 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children, b. Griswold: 4092a. Loring O., b. Sept. 29, i860. 4092b. Walter G., b. Mar. 3, 1871. 4092c. Alvin F., b. Oct. 30, 1872; d. Dec. 10, 1883. 4092d. Albertus C, b. Dec. 17, 1877; m., Preston, Conn., Aug. 15, 1900, Bessie M. Richmond, b., Preston, May 30, 1879; dau. of Henry A. and Lucy E. (Richardson) Richmond, of Preston. He is a grocer at Jewett City, Conn., and both are members of the Methodist Church. Dau.: Christine EHza- beth, b. Nov. 25, 1906. Joseph M. Burdick (4053), son of Maxon and Eunice Crary (4026) Burdick [Esther (4008), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Griswold, Conn., June 6, 1837; m., Brooklyn, N. Y., Mar. 13, 1901, Mrs. Ruth A. Swan, nee Browning, b., Norwich, Conn., Aug. 26, 1843. ^^• Burdick in his younger days was a farmer in No. Stonington; served as an officer in different departments on the police force in Norwich a number of years. On July i, 1904, was transferred to the Veteran Reserve. Res., 1906, Norwich, Conn. Stephen Henry Crary (4055), son of Charles Wylie (4027) and Anne (Borden) Crary [Esther (4008), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. Fall River, Mass., Oct. 25, 1828; m., Voluntown, Conn., Oct. 10, 1854, Rowena Hazard Campbell, b., Peacedale, R. I., Sept. 29, 1834; d.. Walker, Cal., May 22, 1907; interment. Evergreen Cemetery, Yreker, Cal.; dau. of Erasmus D. and Hannah (Rodman) Campbell, of Peacedale. Mr. Crary was educated in the public schools of Fall River, Mass., Provi- dence and Newport, R. I., and Newburyport, Mass. He taught school in Westport, Mass., and Plainfield, Conn. In March, 1850, he set out from Plainfield on an adventure to seek gold in California, going down the Ohio and up the Mississippi and Missouri rivers; then he roughed it across the great American desert alone, sleeping on the ground and gazing into the starry heavens, with wolves and coyotes lending their hideous howls for a nightly serenade. At St. Joseph, Mo., almost broke, with a look ahead of two thousand miles, he joined a large company of gold-seekers, with horses, mules, and ox-teams, stages with six and eight horses, with passengers at $200 each, all for the gold-fields. His pack consisted of rifle, pistol, sixty pounds of crackers, and two venison hams. His load was heavy and he decided to try the "Irish buggy," a wheelbarrow. He was known every- where as "The Wheelbarrow Man." He crossed the Missouri River May 11, 1850, with no sign of civilization where now [1907] Kansas and Nebraska, 473 THE BROWN GENEALOGY ~ '"' two great commonwealths, have been established. For three hundred and fifty miles not a house was to be seen, but they were always in sight of the great emigration-trains. On June 23 Fort Laramie was reached. Com- missary stores being so light, he left his "buggy" in the Platte River, and bought a mule of the Sioux Indians. He now had an animal to pack and ride, nearly up to the South Pass of the Rocky Mountains. Joining a com- pany of Missourians who had abandoned their wagon and packed their oxen with their diminished belongings, they slowly moved forward, until Salt Lake City was reached, July 18, 1850, with wide streets, beautiful mountain water, and fine wheat-fields. He left Salt Lake City August i, and forty-two days afterwards arrived in California, about the time the State was admitted into the Union. The winter of 1850-185 1 was spent in gold-hunting; then he returned to the States, arriving, Jan. i, 1852, at Plainfield, the starting-place. The second trip for California began Apr. 9, 1852, via Panama. He arrived at old Siskiyou and engaged in mining with James Alden Peabody and George L. Willey, a descendant of the Willey family that were buried in a land and rock slide in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, Aug., 1826. He again returned to the States, this time with his sister, Mrs. Copeland, and Mr. Peabody, from San Francisco, by the Nicaragua route. In the autumn of 1854 he was married and went to live in La Crosse, Wis., where he remained for six years. He always had a longing for the Golden State, and went the third time, with his family, in May, i860; and there he still [1907] resides, near the same land and farm from which he dug gold in the early "fifties." Res., 1907, Walker, Siskiyou Co., Cal. Children, the last three b. in Yreka: 4093. Blanch Ella, b.. La Crosse, Wis., Aug. 26, 1855; m., Aug. i, 1875, Andrew Jackson. Children: (i) Frank Andrew, b., Walker, Cal, June 12, 1876; (2) Blanch Grace, b. Aug. 19, 1878; (3) Bert Crary, b. July 21, 1884. Res., 1906, Walker, Cal. 4094. Grace Abbie, b. Mar. 15, 1859; m., Oct. 19, 1880, Wm. Davis Doggett. Children, b. Walker, Cal.: (i) Charles David, b. Sept. 22, 1881; (2) Pearl Grace, b. Apr. 8, 1883; (3) Harry WiUiam, b. Feb. 6, 1885. Res., 1906, Walker, Cal. 4095. Rowena, b. Jan. 31, 1868; m., Dec. i, 1884, Nelson E. Lange. Children, b. Walker, Cal.: (i) Carl Henry, b. Mar. 8, 1886; (2) Alice Rowena, b. Oct. 5, 1887; (3) Frank N., b. Mar. 30, 1889; (4) Mabel May, b. Feb. 11, 1891; (5) Elmer Crary, b. Nov. 20, 1892; (6) Grace Blanch, b. Mar. 27, 1896; (7) 474 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Florence A., b. Dec. 22, 1897; (8) John Stephen, b. Feb. 12, 1901; (9) Vigo Wilhelm, b. Dec. i, 1902, d. Jan. 23, 1903; (10) Emma Esther, b. May 12, 1904; (11) Lena Petrea, b. May I, 1906. Res., 1906, Walker, Cal. 4096. Stephen Rodman, b. Jan. 17, 1873; unm. Esther Amanda Crary (4056), dau. of Charles Wylie (4027) and Anne (Borden) Crary [Esther (4008), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Westerly, R. I., June 2, 1830; m., Salem, Mass., Oct. 18, 1848, Charles Dyer Copeland, b., Fall River, Mass., Jan. 8, 1828; son of Ward Copeland, of Fall River, and Martha Monroe, of Bristol, R. I. Res., 1906, Bridgewater, Mass. Children : 4097. Anna Louise, b., Dedham, Mass., Feb. 17, 1850; d. Apr. 23, 1852. 4098. Charles Ward, b., No. Bridgewater, Mass., Feb. 18, 1852. 4099. Jennie Mabel, b., La Crosse, Wis., Apr. 4, 1856. 4100. Susie Howard, b., Fall River, Feb. 2, 186 1. 4101. Mary Alice, b.. Fall River, Oct. 18, 1869; d. Apr., 1870. Record of service in the War of the Rebellion: Charles D. Copeland was mustered into the U. S. Army and was commissioned 2d Lieut, of Co. C, 3d Regt. Mass. Vol. Inf., Sept. 6, 1862, to serve nine months. He partici- pated in the engagements at Kingston, N. C, Dec. 14, 1862; White Hall, N. C, Dec. 16; Galesboro, N. C, Dec. 17, 1862; Newburn, N. C, Mar. 4, 1863; Blanche Creek, N. C, Apr. 8, 1863. He was mustered out of service at Lakeville, Mass., with his regiment, June 26, 1863. He recruited most of 3d Co. 58th Regt. Mass. Inf.; was commissioned ist Lieut. Mar. 8, 1864, and was promoted to Captain Aug. 8, 1864. He participated in the engage- ment at the Wilderness, May 5, 6, 1864; Spottsylvania, Va., May 8-21, 1864; No. Anna, Va., May 23-27, 1864; other battles. May 28-30, 1864; Shady Grove Road, Va., May 30; Bathesda Church, Va., May 31; Cole Harbor, Va., June 1-12; Petersburg, Va., June 15-18; The Crexor, Va., July 30, 1864, where he was captured and confined in Danville and Colum- bia prisons. He was honorably discharged July 14, 1865, by reason of the close of the war. Susan Borden Crary (4058), dau. of Charles Wylie (4027) and Anne (Borden) Crary [Esther (4008), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. Fall River, Mass., Jan. 25, 1834; m., Plainfield, Conn., May 17, 1857, Howard Cramer, b., Rhinebeck, N. Y., June 23, 1820; d.. La 475 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Crosse, Wis., Apr. 12, 1892. Her res., 1906, 1016 Cameron Ave., La Crosse, Wis. Children, b. La Crosse: 4102. Howard Frank, b. Feb. 21, 1861; d., Helena, Mont., Dec. 2, 1891; interred La Crosse. 4103. Charles Borden, b. Aug. 16, 1869; m., Detroit, Mich., Nov. 27, 1901, Gussie Valentine Tupalik, dau. of Joseph F. and Mary Elizabeth (Pembleton) Tupalik, of Detroit. Son: Howard Crary, b. Aug. 23, 1904. 4104. Susanna Catharina, b. Feb. 17, 1871. Mary Anne Crary (4060), dau. of Charles Wylie (4027) and Anne (Borden) Crary [Esther (4008), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. June 22, 1837; m., Plainfield, Conn., Oct. 13, 1859, Waldo Tillinghast, b., Killingly, Conn., June 10, 1833; son of Thomas S. and Mary (Howard) Tillinghast, of Griswold, Conn. Mrs. Tillinghast is in- terested in these family records, and has been a valuable assistant in col- lecting data. Waldo Tillinghast was educated in the public schools and at Plainfield Academy. In 1855 he came to Plainfield and engaged in the mercantile business, and has been a resident of this town ever since. He has served the town as postmaster twenty-eight years, and in 1856 he was appointed clerk of the Probate Court, and served fourteen years. In 1870 he was elected Judge of Probate, holding office until 1902, four years ex- cepted, retiring at the age limit. He was a member of the Board of Educa- tion forty-one years, part of the time an active school visitor. He is a mem- ber of the Union Baptist Church, and was superintendent of the Sunday school for seventeen years. He is church clerk in 1906, having served for thirty-nine years. In 1901 and 1902 he represented the town in the State Legislature. Tillinghast lineage: Thomas (6), Pardon (5), Charles (4), John (3), Pardon (2), Pardon, b.. Seven Clifi's, near Beechley Head (now East- bourne), Sussex Co., England, in 1622; he settled in Providence Colony, of Rhode Island, Nov., 1645; d.. Providence, 17 18. Children, b. Plainfield: 4105. Frank Howard, b. Sept. 24, i860; m., Plainfield, Nov. 23, 1882, Mary Annie Dodge, b. Oct. 13, i860; dau. of Olney and Susan (Shepard) Dodge. Children, b. Central Village, Conn. (i) Louise Dodge, b. July 30, 1889; (2) Helen Waldo, b. Aug. 7, 1896. 4106. Fred Waldo, b. Dec. 18, 1865; m., Central Village, July 31, 476 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1890, Jennie Fry Crary, b. May 20, 1872; dau. of Fitch Adams and Jennie (Fry) Crary. Children, b. Central Vil- lage: (i) Edward Crary, b. Feb. 14, 1891; (2) Waldo Elbert, b. Apr. 27, 1902. Frank Howard and Fred Waldo Tillinghast, sons of Judge Tillinghast, are merchants at the Central Store in Central Village, Plainfield, Conn., where they located in 1883, and continue in business [1907] under the firm name of F. H. and F. W. Tillinghast. 4107. Arthur Crary, b. June 28, 1872; m.. Providence, R. I., Nov. 9, 1892, Martha A. Palmer, dau. of Dudley and EHzabeth Palmer, of Exeter, R. I. He is successor to Waldo Tilling- hast in the mercantile business, and is associated with his father in the lumber business. Children, b. Plainfield: (i) Dorothy EHzabeth, b. Jan. 2, 1894; (2) Wellington Sabin, b. May 13, 1903. Res., 1907, Plainfield, Conn. 4108. Annie Louise, b. May i, 1875. Dr. Charles Ward Copeland (4098), son of Charles Dyer and Esther Amanda (4056) (Crary) Copeland, b. Feb. 18, 1852; m. (i), Fall River, Mass., Feb. 27, 1878, Abbie Maria Carter, b.. Fall River, Sept. 10, 1853; d.. Fall River, Dec. 12, 1889; interred, Oak Grove, Fall River; dau. of Augustus C. and Ellen (Lowe) Carter; he m. (2), Mar. 24, 1900, Maude Chadwick Mortimer, dau. of WilUam and Ellen (Jackson) Mortimer. Dr. Copeland fitted for college at Phillips (Exeter) Academy; entered Harvard University in 187 1. He went to Germany and studied medicine, and entered the University of Leipsic in 1873, receiving the degree of M.D. from that university in June, 1877. Returning to Fall River, he practised his profession and was city physician in 1878-1879, retiring from active practice in 1896. He has since devoted himself to the study of agriculture and national poHtics. Children by first m., b. Fall River: (i) Fred Howard, b. July 13, 1879; m., Bristol, R. I., Mar. 22, 1905, Louise Howard, b. Jan. 2, 1883; dau. of Charles and Josephine (Robinson) Howard, of Pawtucket, R. I. (2) Charles Ward, b. Aug. 3, 1880; d. Aug. 3, 1880. (3) Marian Carter , . -r . ^ I twins, b. Sept. 16, i{ (4) Louise Crary ' Children by second m., b. Fall River: (5) Dorothy Maud, b. Dec. 2, 1901. 477 THE BROWN GENEALOGY (6) Charles Mortimer, b. Mar. 24, 1903. (7) William Jackson, b. Nov. 7, 1904. (8) Esther Elizabeth, b. Aug. 25, 1906. Jennie Mabel Copeland (4099), dau. of Charles D. and Esther Amanda (4056) (Crary) Copeland [Charles Wylie (4027), Esther (4008), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. La Crosse, Wis., Apr. 4, 1856; m., Fall River. Mass., Apr. 14, 1880, Adrian L. Pratt, b. May 6, 1856; son of Zebulon and Matilda (Hathaway) Pratt, of No. Middleboro, Mass. Children, b. Bridgewater, Mass.: (i) Esther Matilda, b. Oct. 29, 1881; m., Bridgewater, Oct, 29, 1904, Aimer Taylor Jefferson, b. Oct. 16, 1878; son of Aaron T., b. Apr. 25, 1841, and Sarah Emihne (Ellis) Jefferson, b., Wrentham, Mass., July 15, 1841. (2) Emma Adelia, b. May 2, 1882; m., Bridgewater, Jan. 2, 1902, Harry Alden Wilbur, b. Mar. 8, 1870; son of Richard Whit- man Wilbur, b. Aug. 18, 1833, and Hannah Bartlett Robins, b.. No. Carver, Mass., June 12, 1838. Res., 1906, Worcester, Mass. (3) Lucy Mabel, b. July 12, 1886. (4) Zebulon, b. Jan. 22, 1888. (5) Edythe, b. Oct. 28, 1890. (6) Charles Copeland, b. Aug. 22, 1891. (7) Howard, b. Dec. 12, 1894. Susie Howard Copeland (4100), dau. of Charles D. and Esther Amanda (4056) (Crary) Copeland [Charles Wyhe (4027), Esther (4008), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. Fall River, Mass., Feb. 2, 1861; m., Fall River, July 7, 1886, George Durfee Deshon, b., Brookline, Mass. He was a svugeon in the United States Army. Children : (i) Marjorie, b., Detroit, Mich., Apr. 14, 1888. (2) Percy, b., Somerset, Mass., July 12, 1S89. Asher Brown (4012), son of Amos (57) and Eunice (Turner) Brown [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Preston, Conn., Jan. 28, 1769; d. June 25, 1815; m. Lydia Palmer. He was a farmer in the earlier years of his life, and, later, a cabinet-maker. Children, b. Preston: 4109. Lydia, b. Mar. 30, 1801; m. Elijah Rose. 41 10. Asher Palmer, b. Sept. 24, 1803; m. Louisa Ames (41 23-41 29). 4111. Caroline, b. May 7, 1806; unm.; d. May 3, 1906, aged one 478 Aslier P. Brown (411()) Jewett City, Conn. Polly (Brown; (.riffiii (890) Daughter of Elder Simeon Brown, Jr. THE BROWN GENEALOGY hundred years less four days. The last eight years of her life she made her home with her grandniece, Mrs. Kate (Brown) Maine, where she received every care and attention, making the aged lady's declining years those of peace and comfort. She lived a devout and upright Christian life from girlhood, and has always been an earnest advocate of all religious work. She was a member of the Packersville Baptist Church in Plainfield, Conn., for twenty-three years; and of the Jewett City Church, forty-nine years. She was one of the original crusaders of the Woman's Temperance Union of America, and is thought to be the oldest White Ribboner in the United States. 41 12. Frederick Miner, b. Dec. 5, 1808; m. Julia Batey. 41 13. Henry Denison, b. Apr. 3, 1814. Lydia Brown (4109), dau. of Asher (4012) and Lydia (Palmer) Brown [Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Mar. 30, 1801; m., Feb. 20, 1828, Elijah Rose, d., Norwich, Conn., July 2, 1886; interment, Hanover Cemetery. Children, b. Lisbon, Conn.: 41 14. Edwin, b. Feb. 20, 1829. 41 15. William Lathrop, b. Nov. 8, 1833. Edwin Rose (41 14), son of Lydia Brown (4109) and Elijah Rose [Asher (4012), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Lisbon, Conn., Feb. 20, 1829; d., Sprague, Conn., Feb. 26, 1880; m., Franklin, Conn., Jan. 10, 1856, Louisa E. Fillmore, b., Franklin, June 21, 1831; d., Sprague (Baltic), Dec. 10, 1888; dau. of Rev. Hiel and Elizabeth (Hyde) Fillmore, of FrankUn. Mr. Rose was a farmer, and both were members of the M. E. Church; he held the office of steward and trustee, and Sunday-school superintendent about twenty years in Baltic, which positions he filled till his death. He participated in all Christian work with cheerful heart and willing hand — a noble legacy. He held many town offices; was especially active on the School Board for many years. He was educated at E. Green- wich Academy, R. I., and New Britain Normal School, and taught until his marriage. Children, b. Baltic, Conn.: 41 16. Harriet E., b. Nov. 19, 1861; d. Sept. 24, 1869. 4117. Annie Lydia Rose, b. May 27, 1865; m., Baltic, Oct. 21, 1885, William A. Howard, b., Norwich, Conn., Apr. 30, 1863; son of William Harvey and Susan (Eldredge) Howard. He 479 THE BROWN GENEALOGY is a farmer, a Republican, and both are members of the Congregational Church. Res., 1906, Woodstock, Conn. Children : 41 18. Frederick William, b., Baltic, Sept. 19, 1887. 41 19. Lottie Elizabeth, b., Baltic, May 12, 1889. 4120. Louise Fillmore, b., Woodstock, Jan. 19, 1892. 4121. Edwin Rose, b., Woodstock, May 10, 1900. William Lathrop Rose (41 15), brother of the preceding, b., Lisbon, Conn., Nov. 8, 1833; m. (i), Preston, Conn., Dec. i, 1853, Eunice W. Browning, d. Mar. 16, 1863; m. (2), July 14, 1864, Abbie J. H. Brown. Dau., by first m.: 4122. Ella J., b. Jan. 29, 1856. Res., 1906, Norwich, Conn. Asher Palmer Brown (41 10), son of Asher (4012) and Lydia (Palmer) Brown [Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Preston, Conn., Sept. 24, 1803; d., Jewett City, Jan. 7, 1875; ^-i Oct. 8, 1829, Louisa Ames, b. Oct. 6, 1808. Interment, Reed Cemetery, Lisbon, Conn. Mr. Brown spent considerable portion of his life in his native town; removed to Lisbon about 1850, and afterwards to Jewett City. He was chosen to represent the town of Preston in the Legislature; and was twice a member from Lisbon, and once from Griswold. He was also Senator for one year. Mr. Brown was a very active business man all his life; he early engaged in mercantile pursuits; afterwards was a farmer, uniting with the latter the business of buying and selling cattle; and later doing such business as Jewett City and vicinity offered. He was vice-president of the Jewett City Savings Bank when it was organized, and has been one of its most trusted officers. He was a man who made friends and held them; he never made a profession of religion, but has declared himself in public and private to be " on the Lord's side." Children, b. Preston: 4123. Henry Tyler, b. June 9, 1830; m. Mrs. Elizabeth Saunders. 4124. Amos Denison, b. Sept. 2, 1832; m. Josephine Celestia Carney (4130-4132). 4125. Charles Ames, b. Apr. 4, 1834 (4133-4136). 4126. Jane Crary, b. Nov. 12, 1835; ^- Lawrence Panton. 4127. Maria Louisa, b. Apr. 16, 1837; m. John Sands Grant (4137). 4128. Harriet Byron, b. Nov. 20, 1838; m. Jacob Stever. 4129. Mary Lee, b. Oct. 27, 1841; m. Willard D. Brown. Henry Tyler Brown (4123), son of Asher P. (41 10) and Louisa (Ames) Brown [Asher (4012), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., 480 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Preston, Conn., June 9, 1830; d., Providence, R. I., Oct. 25, 1893; inter- ment, Woodlawn, Providence; m.. Providence, Sept., about 1863, Mrs. Elizabeth Saunders, nee Haskell, b., Cumberland, R. I., 1837. Mr. Brown, in 1859, commenced a most prosperous business career in Providence as a member of the firm known as Gorham Company & Brown, located on Westminster St. Later, the firm became Brown & Rogers, and then Henry T, Brown & Company. After building up a most prosperous business in the high-grade line of jewelry and silverware, he sold his interest to Tilden & Thurber. He then retired temporarily to his farm in Cumberland, devoting his time to stock-raising; but the last fifteen years of his life he engaged in business in Providence, going into life insurance with the Equitable Assur- ance Company, but kept up his farming interests to a less extent. He was a Republican; attended the Congregational Church; his wife was an Episco- palian. No issue. Amos Denison Brown (4124), son of Asher P. (41 10) and Louisa (Ames) Brown [Asher (4012), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Preston, Conn., Sept. 2, 1832; d., De Kalb, De Kalb Co., 111., Dec. 28, 1903; interment, De Kalb; m., Dixon, Lee Co., 111., Apr. 27, 1861, Josephine Celestia Carney, b., Cleveland, O., Mar. 12, 1838. Mr. Brown was edu- cated in the schools of Preston and at the Plainfield Academy. In 1855 he located for one year in Chicago, 111. ; then removed to Courtland, De Kalb Co., 111., where he was appointed postmaster in 1857. In 1866 he removed to Sycamore, 111., living there until 1890, when he came to De Kalb, where he lived until the time of his death. He was a travelling salesman for eighteen years. He attended the Congregational Church; his wife, the Episcopal. Res., 1906, De Kalb, 111. Children : 4130. Louisa Ames, b., Courtland, Sept. 7, 1862; m., Sycamore, Jan. 23, 1889, Smith Densmore Avery, b., Clinton, De Kalb Co., 111., Jan. 7, 1862; d., Alton, De Kalb Co., III., Aug. 21, 1893. Son: Harold S., b., Alton, Aug. 2, 1893. 4131. Caroline Lee, b., Courtland, Apr. 9, 1864; m., Apr. 20, 1888, Walter Grant Estabrooks, b.. Pierce, De Kalb Co., 111., Oct. 24, 1866. Children, b. De Kalb: Harry Hall, b. Feb. 19, 1889; Dorothy Josephine, b. Nov. 6, 1894. 4132. Nellie Palmer, b., De Kalb, July 31, 1874; unm. Charles Ames Brown (4125), son of Asher P. (41 10) and Louisa (Ames) Brown [Asher (4012), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Preston, Conn., Apr. 4, 1834; m. (i), Lisbon, Conn., 1854, Delia Hyde, b.. THE BROWN GENEALOGY Lisbon, Apr. 20, 1836; d., Scotland, Conn., Dec. 28, 1876; dau. of Lester and Lucy (Palmer) Hyde, of Lisbon. She was a member of the Con- gregational Church. He m. (2), 1882, Mrs. Emma Baldwin, nee Stafford, b., Canterbury, Conn., Aug. 28, 1835. Children by first m. : 4133. Florence Jennette, b., Lisbon, Conn., June 5, 1854; d. June 21, 1886; m., May 8, 1878, Albert Gallup. 4134. Kate, b., Sprague, Conn., May 7, 1862; m., Oct. 31, 1884, William F. Maine, of Windham, Conn. Son: Harold Stever, b. July 23, 1886. Res., 1906, Windham, Conn. 4135. Asher Palmer, b., Scotland, Sept. 22, 1864; m., Aug. 14, 1890, Addie Towner, of Nebraska. Son: Henry Denison, b. Aug. 25, 1891. 4136. Lucy Elizabeth, b., Scotland, Jan. 6, 1867; m., Nov. 9, 1887, Albert Gallup. Son: Raymond Charles, b. July 25, 1900. Res., 1906, Windham, Conn. Jane Crary Brown (4126), dau. of Asher P. (41 10) and Louisa (Ames) Brown [Asher (4012), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Nov. 12, 1835; "^v Jewett City, Conn., Oct. 15, 1878, Lawrence Panton, b., Montreal, Canada, June 7, 1825; son of Wm. and Catherine (McNaughton) Panton. He was an iron-moulder and is a Republican; attends the Congre- gational Church; his wife is a member. No issue. Res., 1906, Jewett City, Conn. Maria Louisa Brown (4127), dau. of Asher P. (41 10) and Louisa (Ames) Brown [Asher (4012), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Preston, Conn., Apr. 16, 1837; m., Jewett City, Conn., Nov. 12, 1862, John Sands Grant, b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 14, 1827; d., Jewett City, May 31, 1900; son of John and Ann (Ayer) Grant, of Stonington. He was a com- mercial salesman, a Republican, and he and his wife were members of the Congregational Church. Res., 1906, Jewett City, Conn. Dau. : 4137. Annie Louise, b., Jewett City, July 16, 1865; d., Springfield, Mass., Aug. 16, 1890; interment, Hanover Cemetery, Sprague, Conn. Harriet Byron Brown (4128), dau. of Asher P. (41 10) and Louisa (Ames) Brown [Asher (4012), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Nov. 20, 1838; m., Jewett City, Conn., Sept. i, 1875, Jacob Stever, b., Hudson, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1806; d., Thomdike, Mass., Oct. 11, 1883; inter- ment, Palmer, Mass. He was an iron-manufacturer, a Republican, and THE BROWN GENEALOGY his wife was a member of the Congregational Church. No issue. Res. 1906, Jewett City, Conn. Mary Lee Brown (4129), dau. of Asher P. (41 10) and Louisa (Ames) Brown [Asher (4012), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Oct. 27, 1841; m., Jewett City, Conn., Jan. 5, 1888, Rev. Willard D. Brown, b., New Haven, Vt., Nov. 10, 1838; d., Interlachen, Fla., Sept. 25, 1899; interment. Ware, Mass.; son of Ira and Elitha (Bogue) Brown. Both were members of the Congregational Church. He was a clergyman; had a pastor- ate at Ware, Mass., nineteen years; Interlachen, twelve years. No issue. I Frederick Miner Brown (41 12), son of Asher (4012) and Lydia (Palmer) Brown [Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Dec. 5, 1808; d. 1891; m., 1838, Julia Batey. He lived in New York for many years; re- moved to Providence, R. I.; and the last of his life he lived in E. Greenwich. He was a civil engineer. Interment, Grace Church Cemetery, Providence. Dau.: Eliza, b. Aug. 14, 1839; d., Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug., 1865. i Henry Denison Brown (41 13), son of Asher (4012) and Lydia (Palmer) Brov^m [Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Lisbon, Conn., Apr. 3, 1814; d., Phenix, R. I., Feb. 15, 1897; interment, Lisbon; m. (i), Lisbon, Dec. 27, 1843, Jane Burnham, dau. of Bishop and Elizabeth H. (Clark) Burnham, of Lisbon; m. (2), Providence, R. I., June 5, i860, Mary M. Blake, by Dr. Samuel Caldwell, pastor First Baptist Church, Providence. No issue. Her res., 1906, Phenix, R. I. Mr. Brown received his education in his native village, and at the age of nineteen began teaching in the public schools of Connecticut, in which he was engaged for several years. He was for a short time in Marshall, Mich., and returned to Lisbon and was a clerk in a general store of Baldwin and Brown until 1846; afterwards he was engaged in farming. In 1856, when the Phenix Bank of Phenix was organized, he was elected cashier. When the Phenix Savings Bank was organized, in 1858, he was elected its treasurer and secretary; b'^th of these positions he filled with honesty and integrity up to the time of his death, a period of forty-one years. He was postmaster of Phenix under President Taylor and part of President Fillmore's administration. He was a member of the Town Council, and a member of the General Assembly from 1863 to 1865. For many years he was a member of the Masonic Fraternity and has held various offices in that order. = = Nathan Brown (4014), son of Amos (57) and Eunice (Turner) Brown [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Aug. 22, 1773; d., Preston, Conn., Apr. 22, 1837; ni. Thankful Kinney. 483 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children, b. Preston: 4138. Betsey, b. Jan. 3, 1808; m., Preston, James Leonard. They had two children: James and Bessie. Bessie m. Judge James Grant, and soon after their marriage removed to Davenport, la., where he became a celebrated lawyer and Judge of the court. He was a man of sterling qualities, very popular, and amassed considerable wealth. 4139. Hibbard Miner, b. Feb. 5, 18 10. He was a school-teacher and farmer, and was a man highly esteemed and respected by his townspeople, and noted for his deeds of charity. He was never married. He lived nearly all his life on the farm where he was born, which doubtless was the home of his grand- father Amos (57). He built a new house across the road from the old homestead, where he died, in 1890, and was buried in that vicinity. 4140. William Henry, b. Dec. 9, 1812; d., Marshall, Mich., Jan. 29, 1895; m., Utica, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1842, Jeanette Backus. Children: a son, b. ; d. in infancy; another son, d. a few years since, in Brooklyn, N. Y. His wife d. and he was married again, in Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1849, to Mary M. Addington, dau. of Samuel H. Addington, of Buffalo. She d., leaving no children. Mr. Brown studied law at Utica with White, Beardsley & Crafts. He removed to Marshall in 1839; was admitted to the bar and began the practice of law. In 1854 he was elected prosecuting attorney and re- elected in 1856. He voted for Wm. Henry Harrison in 1840, always supporting the Repubhcan party until his death. From the local paper of Marshall is taken the following: ''Resolved, That the city of Marshall, by the death of Wm. H. Brown, has lost one of her most useful citizens; Calhoun Co., her oldest lawyer; and the State of Michigan, one of her prominent pioneers, who in private and professional life has done -so much to build up the city, to develop the resources of the county, and to establish and sustain the institutions of the State." Mr. Brown joined the Presbyterian Church in 1846 and was regular in attendance. Breed Brown (4019), youngest son of Amos (57) and Eunice (Turner) Brown [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Apr. 5, 1784; d. Sept. 3, 484 I THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1875, aged ninety-one years; m. Ada Kinney, of Griswold, Conn. He was named for his grandmother, Mary Breed. Children, b. Preston, Conn.: . Amos and Eunice, (twins) b. ; d. in infancy. 4141. Celesta Kinney, b. Dec. 21, 1818 (4144-4147). 4142. Happy, b. ; d. ; m. Robert Y. Latham. Son: Henry B., m. Eunice Hewitt. 4143. Lot Kimball, b. Feb. 13, 1824 (4088, 4152, 4153)- Celesta Kinney Brown (4141), dau. of the preceding, m., Griswold, Conn., Jan. 22, 1846, Samuel Avory Davis, b., Preston, Conn., June 29, 1818; d., Preston, Mar. 10, 1894; interment, Preston. He was a carpenter, a Re- publican, and both were members of the Methodist Church. Children, first two b. Norwich, Conn.; last two, Preston: 4144. Amos R., b. Jan. 9, 1848; d., Norwich, Sept. 18, 1902; unm. 4145. Helen M., b. Oct. 7, 1850; d., Griswold, Sept. 28, 1882; unm. 4146. Frank A., b. Mar. 24, 1854 (4148-4151). 4147. Heman A., b. Oct. 24, 1856. Frank A. Davis (4146), son of the preceding, b. Mar. 24, 1854; m., Ver- sailles, Conn., Dec. 20, 1876, Frances C. Babcock, b., Guilford, Vt., Jan. 26, 1852; dau. of John W. and Harriett (Shattuck) Babcock. He is a con- tractor; Republican. His wife is a member of the Methodist Church. Res., 1906, 326 Hampden St., Holyoke, Mass. Children : 4148. May, b., Preston, Nov. 29, 1877; d., Holyoke, Dec. 30, 1899. 4149. Edith, b., Holyoke, Jan. 5, 1879; d., Holyoke, Dec. 21, 1881. 4150. Herbert F., b., So. Hadley Falls, Mass., July i, 1882. 415 1. Grace, b., So. Hadley Falls, Nov. 28, 1885. Heman A. Davis (4147), brother of the preceding, b., Preston, Conn., Oct. 14, 1856; m., Preston, Dec. 10, 1900, Julia L. Dewey, b., Preston, Apr. 26, 1859; dau. of Albert G. and Clarissa A. (Haskell) Dewey. He is a farmer; a Republican. His wife is a member of the Congregational Church. Res., 1906, Norwich, Conn. Lot Kimball Brown (4143), son of Breed (4019) and Ada (Kinney) Brown [Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Feb. 13, 1824; d.. Westerly, R. I., Oct., 1901; interment, Preston, Conn.; m. (i) Mary Louise Burdick (4046), b. Oct. 20, 1820; d., Griswold, Conn., Mar. 5, 185 1; dau. of Maxon and Eunice Crary (4026) Burdick; m. (2), 1852, EHzabeth 485 THE BROWN GENEALOGY J. Burdick (4052), sister of first wife, b. July 20, 1834. Son by first m. ; Amos Prentice, b. Mar. 16, 1849. [See 4088.] Children by second m., b. Preston: 4152. Adah J., b. July 3, 1854; d. July 14, 1882. 4153. Mary L., b. July 2, 1859; m. Frank Brewster, of Ledyard, Conn. Amos Prentice Brown (4088), son of Lot K. (4143) and Mary L. (Bur- dick) Brown [Breed (4019), Amos (57), Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Preston, Conn., Mar. 16, 1849; m., Westerly, R. I., Oct. 20, 1888, Har- riet J. Frazier, b.. Westerly, Mar. 12, 1862; dau. of John R. and Clarissa M. (Hall) Frazier. He is in the grocery business. Westerly, R. I. Children, b. Westerly: 4154. Ada Gertrude, b. May 2, 1891. 4155. Amos Prentice, Jr., b. June 29, 1898. Esther Wheeler (3832), dau. of Anna Brown (287) and Hosea Wheeler [Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Oct. 20, 1800; m., Stonington, Apr. 29, 1819, Daniel Bentley, b., Stoning- ton, Mar. 27, 1789; d., Stonington, 1876; son of George and Lucy (Gardner) Bentley. Mr. Bentley was in the War of 18 12 and marched to Stonington Borough to defend the place when attacked by the British fleet Aug. 9 and 10, 1814; in the third company — Jesse Breed, Captain; William Frink, Lieutenant; Dudley Brown (205), Ensign; Daniel Bentley, Sergeant. He afterwards was captain of a militia company. He was one of the solid men of his time, of sterling qualities, a wise counsellor, highly esteemed; one of the constituent members of the Third Baptist Church. [See Appendix X.] He had a fine farm in the Taugwonk district, Stonington. Six of his eleven children d. in infancy; five reached maturity. Children, b. Stonington: 4156. Ann Esther, b. July 14, 1825 (4160a). [See 751.] 4157. Edwin Daniel, b. Oct. 29, 1829 (4161-4165). 4158. Courtland Wheeler, b. Nov. 5, 1831 (4166-4173). 4159. Samuel Horton (twin), b. Aug. 14, 1837 (4174-4178). 4160. Sarah (twin), b. Aug. 14, 1837. Ann Esther Bentley (4156), dau. of the preceding, b. July 14, 1825; d. Sept. 20, 1844; m., Stonington, Conn., Oct. 2, 1843, Capt, James Koopman. Dau. : 4160a. Frederica Maria Koopman, b. July 11, 1844; m., Feb. 2, 1863, George Franklin Coats, b., No. Stonington, Apr. 7, 1841; 486 Silas Brown (S528) From a daguerreotype taken about 1845 Daniel Bentley Martha Esther Brown Coom ( --'+- ) North Stonington, Conn. THE BROWN GENEALOGY son of Ansel and Eunice (Randall) Coats. He was a farmer, a school visitor, holding many important offices. Children: George Daniel, b. July 14, 1864; Nellie Frederica, b. Aug. i, 1870, d. Apr. 14, 1883. [See 751a]. Res., 1906, No. Sto- nington. Conn. Rev. Edwin Daniel Bentley (4157), brother of the preceding, b.. Stoning - ton, Conn., Oct. 29, 1829; d., E. Orange, N. J., Apr. 3, 1899; interment, Mt. Pleasant, N. J.; m., Newark, N. J., Nov. 26, 1861, A. Augusta Lindsley, b., Newark, Apr. 9, 1839; dau. of Peter and Abby (Tingley) Lindsley, of Newark. Mr. Bentley received a good education in public and private schools, and taught school for a time. He entered Madison University, now Colgate, and graduated therefrom in 1857. For a year after he taught school in the Newark Academy, and then entered the Theological Depart- ment of his Alma Mater, from which he graduated in i860. The same year he was ordained and installed as pastor of the Baptist Church at Willimantic, Conn., where he remained six years; but during the latter part of this pas- torate he engaged in the work of the Christian Commission in the War of the Rebellion, doing valuable work in the army in front of Richmond. In 1865 he was sent by the American Baptist Home Missionary Society to aid and build up enfeebled churches in Western Missouri. He was pastor of the Baptist Church in Lawrence, Kan., which he practically founded and built. He was then called to the Baptist Church of Morristown, N. J., where he remained for six years, subsequently being pastor at Norwalk, Conn., and Westerly, R. I. In 189 1 he retired from active pastoral work, making his home at E. Orange, where he died. He was a man of strong character and positive opinions, but of remarkable geniality and sweetness of disposi- tion. Children : 4161. Edwin Lindsley, b., Willimantic, Sept. 14, 1862. 4162. Clara Augusta, b., Willimantic, May 18, 1865. She is a teacher at Dana Hall, Wellesley, Mass., in 1907. 4163. Charles Prentiss, b., Morristown, N. J., Sept. 5, 1869; m.. New Milford, Conn., Apr. 10, 1907, Mary Charlotte Turrill. 4164. Mary Lindsley, b., Morristown, May 28, 1871. i 4165. Edna Fitch, b., Norwalk, Conn., Aug. 21, 1874.] Courtland Wheeler Bentley (4158), son of Daniel and Esther (3832) (Wheeler) Bentley [Anna Brown (287), Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b,, Stonington, Conn., Nov. 5, 1831; d., Ansonia, Conn., 487 THE BROWN GENEALOGY July 29, 1890; m., Goshen, Conn., Sept. 27, 1858, Anna Eliza Stanton, b., Sharon, Conn., Nov. 8, 1837; d., Ansonia, Apr. 7, 1888; dau. of Jesse and Eliza (Preston) Stanton. Mr. Bentley was educated in the schools of Sto- nington and was a teacher there for a time, and in Providence, R. I., for four years; afterwards settled in Goshen, where he was a prosperous farmer and much-respected citizen. In 1887 he removed to Ansonia, where he died. His wife was well educated and was a teacher in the public schools of Sharon, her native town. She was a woman of strong Christian character, and both were members of the Baptist Church. Interments, Pine Grove Cemetery, Ansonia. Children, b. Goshen: 4166. Courtland Daniel, b. July 20, 1859; unm. Res., 1906, New Boston, Mass. 4167. Sarah Fredrika, b., June 10, 1861; m., Ansonia, May 21, 1890, Berry Lee Mott, b., Sandy Hill, N. Y., Dec. 4, 185 1; son of Edward and Jane (Henderson) Mott. He served five years in the United States Navy, and is superintendent of ofi&ce and dormitory department of the Y. M. C. A. at New Haven, Conn, Mrs. Mott was educated at the Goshen Academy; was a teacher in the public schools of Connecticut for twelve years; is a member of the Calvary Baptist Church, corre- sponding secretary of the Connecticut Congress of Mothers, and identified with many charities and works of philanthropy. Res., 1906, 263 Crown St., New Haven, Conn. Son: Edwin Bentley, b., Ansonia, Conn., May 13, 1894; d.. New Haven, Dec, 2, 1905. He was a boy of much promise, a member of the Calvary Baptist Church, a member of the Sunday school and the Junior Endeavor Society, occasionally leading the meetings. Interment, Pine Grove, Ansonia. 4168. Lillian EHza, b. Oct. 25, 1862; m., Waterbury, Conn., Dec. 5, 1882, John F. Miller. 4169. John Stanton, b. Jan. 3, 1865; d.. New York, Oct. 12, 1898; m.. Providence, R. I., July 2, 1891, Clara Rebecca Johnson. 4170. Charles Rexford, b. Dec. i, 1865; unm. Res., 1906, San Fran- cisco, Cal. 4171. Helen Anna, b. Feb. 14, 1870; m.. New Haven, June 11, 1907. Eber Eldon Craig. She was educated at the Goshen Acad- emy and at the School of Religious Pedagogy at Hartford, Conn., taking a four years' course, and graduated in 1905. At the time of her marriage she was a pastor's assistant at 488 THE BROWN GENEALOGY No. Andover, Mass., and a member of the United Congrega- tional Church at New Haven 4172. Frank Howard, b. Aug. 23, 1871; unm. 4173. Samuel Edwin, b. June 30, 1874; m., Hartford, Conn., Oct, 30, 1906, Edith Atwood Martin. He was educated at the Goshen Academy; was a graduate of the Chicago School of Optics in 1900. Dr. Bentley has a store of optical goods at 263 State St., Schenectady, N. Y. Both attend the Episcopal Church. Samuel Horton Bentley (4159), son of Daniel and Esther (Wheeler) Bentley [Anna Brown (287), Joshua (77), James (38), Eleazer (n), Thomas] b. Aug. 14, 1837; m., Groton, Conn., May 31, 1871, Louisa A. Wheeler, b., Stonington, Conn., Oct. 7, 1848; d., Stonington, May 14, 1900; dau. of Joseph and Mary Maria Wheeler. Mr. Bentley was educated in the public schools and at the Greenwich Academy, R. I., and at the Suffield Literary Institution, Conn. He was postmaster for four years at Old Mystic, Conn., and was twenty years in the insurance business. His wife received a public- school education, with two years in private school at Greenfield, Mass. Both members of the Baptist Church. Res., 1906, Old Mystic, Conn. Children, b. Stonington: 4174. Mary Esther, b. Apr. 19, 1873. 4175. Julia Ehzabeth, b. Jan. 17, 1876. 4176. Daniel Swan, b. Dec. 15, 1879. 4177. Annie Louise, b. Mar. 18, 1882; m., Old Mystic, July 2, 1907, Merton W. Handy, of New Haven, Conn. 4178. Florence Grace, b. Sept. 16, 1886. These young ladies are all school-teachers in 1907. [Here end the records of Anna Brown (287), dau. of Joshua (77), page 31.] Abigail Brown (45), dau. of Eleazer (11) and Ann Pendleton [Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., June 3, 1712; m.. Mar. 22, 1731, James Pendleton, Jr., b.. Westerly, R. I., Nov. 21, 1710; son of James and Elizabeth (Lam- phere) Pendleton. Children, b. Stonington and Westerly: 4179. Ichabod, b.. Westerly, May 9, 1732; m. Esther Ayer. 4180. Desire, b., Stonington, Feb. 27, 1738-1739; m. Steven Niles. 4181. David, b., Stonington, Oct. 10, 1741; d. Jan. 8, 1748-1749. 4182. James, 3d, b. May 8, 1744; m. 4183. Hannah, b. May 22, 1747; m. David Wilbur. 4184. Anna, b. Feb. 7, 1 749-1 750; not further mentioned. THE BROWN GENEALOGY 4185. Simeon, b., Westerly, June 8, 1756; m. Tabitha Niles. He and his family removed to the State of New York. [The records of Martha Brown (285) and her sister Margaret (288), which follow, were not found until the others of this family had been written. They should precede No. 3800.] Martha Brown (285), dau. of Joshua (77) and Joanna (Rogers) Brown [James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b. Sept. 20, 1770; d. 1862; m. Elnathan Sweet, of Stephentown, N. Y. Children : 4186. Patty Sweet, b. ; d. 1838, aged forty years; m. Robert Reynolds, of Stephentown. 4187. Mehitabel Sweet, b. ; d. in 1843, aged thirty-eight years; m. Alfred Chase, of Stephentown. No issue. 4188. Joannah Sweet, b. ; d. in 1847, aged thirty-eight years; m. Alfred Chase. She was his second wife. He d. in 1849, aged forty-six years. 4189. Elnathan Sweet, b. ; m. ; much esteemed as a Baptist minister; living in 1872. Children: Elnathan Sweet, Jr., civil engineer at Minneapolis, Minn.; Laura Sweet, b. , d. in 1848, aged ten years; Lucinda Sweet, b. , d. , m. Nathan Reynolds. No issue. Margaret Brown (288), dau. of Joshua (77) and Joanna (Rogers) Brown [James (38), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Dec. 25, 1780; d. May 23, 1837; m., Feb. 26, 1806, William Ayer, of Preston, Conn. Children : 4190. William A., b. ; d. in infancy. 4191. Charles Brown, b. Mar. 8, 1809; m. Hannah Browning. 4192. Daniel Tracy, b. Oct. 15, 1810; d. July 12, 1859; unm. 4193. William, b. June 30, 1815; m. . Had three children. 4194. Nathan Wheeler, b. Jan. 21, 1817. Charles Brown Ayer (4191), son of the preceding, b. Mar. 8, 1809; d. July 19, 1861; m., Waterford, Conn., Oct. 24, 1838, Hannah Browning. Children : 4195. Charles Travis, b. Oct. 31, 1842; m. Olive Corey. Res., 1872, Southbridge, Mass. 4196. Lewis M., b. Oct. 2, 1847; ^- Jennie Fox. Res., 1872, Can- | ton, 0. Had two children. They have since removed to Minneapolis, Minn. 490 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 4197. Margaret, b. Nov. 14, 1849; ^- Sept. 29, 185 1. 4198. Marietta, b. June 21, 1856. Nathan Wheeler Ayer (4194), brother of the preceding, b. Jan. 21, 1817; d. Feb. 7, 1873; m. (i). May 9, 1842, Joanna Wheeler, d. Sept. 30, 185 1, aged thirty-four years; m. (2), Dec. 27, 1854, Harriet A. Post, d. Nov. 22, 1875. Children by first m.: 4199. William Nathan, b. Feb. 3, 1843; d. Nov. 26, 1846. 4200. Anna Florence, b. Feb. 2, 1845; d. Oct. 9, 1846. 4201. Francis Wayland, b. Feb. 4, 1848. Dau. by second m. : 4202. May Post, b. Apr. 12, i860. Peleg Brown (146), son of Eleazer (39) and Temperance (Holmes) Brown [Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Sept. 26, 1746; m. Experience Morgan. Children: 4203. Experience, b. 4204. Peleg, b. 4205. John, b. 4206. Eleazer, b. 4207. Timothy, b. Feb. 29, 1776 (4213-4225). 4208. Polly, b. + 1 -' i ' 4209. Jesse, b. Aug. 29, 1783 (4226-4234). 4210. Samuel, b. 421 1. Franklin, b. 4212. Adolphus, b. Timothy Brown (4207), son of Peleg (146) and Experience (Morgan) Brown [Eleazer (39), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Leyden, Mass., Feb. 29, 1776; m. (i), Homer, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1804, Deborah Morse, b., Connecticut, Aug. 15, 1786; d., Scott, N. Y., Mar. 25, 1824; m. (2), Scott, Sept. 26, 1824, Sally Smith, b., Dighton, Bristol Co., Mass., Mar. 6, 1794; d., Scott, Nov. 19, 1859; dau. of Asa and Sybil (Anthony) Smith. Mr. Brown moved to Homer about 1800; was a pioneer of Cortland County. Children by first m., b. Scott: 4213. Isaac, b. July 28, 1807; m. Artimesia Stiles (4235-4238). 4214. Deborah, b. Dec. 28, 1808; d., Scott, July 24, 1874. 4215. Miner M., b. Sept. 12, 1810; d., Otisco, Mich., Oct. 16, 1887. 4216. Nancy A., b. Feb. 21, 18 13; m. George Colwell. 4217. Emeline H., b. Oct. 11, 18 14; d. 1906; m. Eri Hardy. 491 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 4218. John M., b. July 11, 1816; m. Marilda Skidmore (4239-4243). 4219. Samuel, b. Mar. 11, 1818; d. Hadley, Mich. 4220. Chanty, b. Dec. 11, 1819; d., Scott, Mar. 8, 1821. 4221. Timothy, Jr., b. Sept. i, 1821; m. Clarissa Severance (4244- 4249). 4222. Alfred B., b. Apr. 23, 1823; m. Sarah Mosier (4250-4252). Children by second m., b. Scott: 4223. Asa, b. July 4, 1825; d. in infancy. 4224. Stephen S., b. Mar. 22, 1827; m. Nancy M. Alexander (4253- 4255)- 4225. Almira C, b. Nov. 14, 1833; m. Andrew J. Mowry (4256- 4260). Jesse Brown (4209), son of Peleg (146) and Experience (Morgan) Brown [Eleazer (39), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Leyden, Mass., Aug. 19, 1783; d., Howard, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1857; m., 1814, Hannah Colwell, b., Brimfield, Mass., July 11, 1793; d., Howard, July 6, 1845. Children, b. Sempronius, N. Y., except the last: 4226. Betsey, b. June 18, 1816; d., Howard, Feb. 17, 1874. 4227. Jesse, Jr., b. Dec. 14, 1818; d., Howard, 1866. 4228. Hannah E., b. Sept. 17, 1820; d., Canisteo, N. Y., July 13, 1847. 4229. M. Permilla, b. Mar. 16, 1823. Res., 1907, Jasper, N. Y. 4230. Malvina, b. July 3, 1825; d., Howard, July 26, 1848. 4231. JuHus S., b. Sept. 22, 1827. 4232. Arville A., b. Feb. i, 1833; m. George Albert Adams (4283- 4285). 4233. R. Clarinda, b. Mar. 18, 1835; d. Jasper. 4234. Joel Monroe, b.. Howard, Nov. 4, 1836; d., Howard, Sept. 8, 1857. Isaac Brown (4213), son of Timothy (4207) and Deborah (Morse) Brown [Peleg (146), Eleazer (39), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Scott, N. Y., July 28, 1807; d., Oxford, Mich., 1888; m., Scott, Feb. 4, 1831, Artimesia Stiles, b., Scott, Dec. 22, 1808; d., Oxford, Mar. 8, 1867. Children: 4235. Waldo, b. Nov. 15, 1832; d., Hadley, Mich., Mar. 9, 1861; m., Nov. 10, 1854, Mary Wolf. 4236. Olivia, b. June 14, 1834; d., Hadley, Nov., 1877; m., Feb., 1852, Alonzo Hix. 492 Rev. Edwin Daniel Bentley (41,59) Courtland Wheeler Bentley THE BROWN GENEALOGY 4237. Lois, b. Apr. 27, 1836; m., Aug. 15, 1858, Harvey Townsend. Res., 1907, Oxford, Mich. 4238. Marcus, b., Oakland, Mich., Feb. 17, 1838; d. Nov., 1838. Nancy A. Brown (4216), sister of the preceding, b., Scott, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1813; d., Scott, Jan. 12, 1892; m., Sempronius, N. Y., George Colwell, b. Mar. 27, 1812; d. June 27, 1891. John M. Brown (4218), son of Timothy (4207) and Deborah (Morse) Brown [Peleg (146), Eleazer (39), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Scott, N. Y., July II, 1816; d., Otisco, Mich., Jan. 11, 1894; m., Washington, Mich., Mar. 5, 1848, Marilda Skidmore; b. ; d. May 5, 1894. Children: 4239. Frank E., b. May 15, 1849. 4240. Mark H., b. Dec. 19, 1852; d. Apr. i, 1853. 4241. Francis E., b. Nov. 2, 1857; d. Jan., 1858. 4242. Mark H., b. June 10, 1861. 4243. Mary E., b. Aug. 14, 1863. Timothy Brown, Jr. (4221), son of Timothy (4207) and Deborah (Morse) Brown [Peleg (146), Eleazer (39), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Scott, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1821; d., Wathena, Kan., Aug. 30, 1866; m., Truxton, N. Y., July i, 1852, Clarissa Severance, b., Truxton, Nov. i, 1829; d., Wathena, Sept. i, 1866; dau. of John and Sabrina (Smith) Severance, of Truxton, N. Y. He was Commissary Sergeant in the 14th Kan. Vol. Regt. in the War of the Rebellion. Children, last four b. Wathena: 4244. Charles Stewart, b., Truxton, Apr. 25, 1853; m. Margaret Moran (4286, 4287). 4245. Alfred Franklin, b., Truxton, Mar. 20, 1855; m. Mary A. Richardson (4288, 4289). 4246. Emily Jane, b. Oct. 18, 1858; d.. Homer, N. Y., July 16, 1890; unm. 4247. Allen Smith, b. Oct. 13, i860; d. in infancy. 4248. Hattie Tirzah, b. July 28, 1862; unm. Res., 1907, Homer, N. Y. 4249. Clara Octavia, b. Jan. 6, 1865; d. Aug. 30, 1866. Alfred Bennett Brown (4222), brother of the preceding, b., Scott, N. Y,, Apr. 23, 1823; d.. Corning, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1857; m., Catlin, N. Y., June i, 1854, Sarah Mosier, b. ; d., Greenville, Mich., June 17, 1891; adopted dau. of James and Susanna Knight. 493 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : 4250. James Henry, b., Catlin, Mar. 29, 1856. 4251. Nancy Adelia, b., Corning, Aug. 5, 1857; d.. Corning, Aug. 31, 1857. 4252. Alfreda Ann, b., Sempronius, N. Y., July 23, 1858; m., Jan. i, 1879, James Henry Johnson, d. Apr. 24, 1904. Son: Alfred Harris, b. Nov. 4, 1879. She m. (2), Nov. 29, 1906, William Fries. Res., 1907, Greenville, Mich. Stephen Smith Brown (4224), son of Timothy (4207) and Sally (Smith, Brown [Peleg (146), Eleazer (39), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Scott, N. Y.) Mar. 22, 1827; d., Scott, Mar. 19, 1893; m., Brattleboro, Vt., Jan. 6, 1853, Nancy M. Alexander, b., Leyden, Mass., Aug. 16, 1826; d., Syracuse, N. Y., Jail. 26^ 1907; dau. of Elisha B. and Mary (Brown) Alexander, of Leyden. He received a common and private school education. Occupation, farmer. At the time of his death he owned the Timothy Brown homestead, and always lived there. He was a Republican, active in politics, but never de- sired to hold office. Children, b. Scott: 4253. Alexander Timothy, b. Nov. 21, 1854 (4290, 4291). 4254. William H., b. July 15, 1857 (4292-4294). 4255. Charles E., b. Aug. 16, i860; d., Scott, May 12, 1881. He was a court stenographer and law student. Almira C. Brown (4225), dau. of Timothy (4207) and Sally (Smith) Brown [Peleg (146), Eleazer (39), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Scott, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1833; m., Scott, Nov. 14, 1855, Andrew J. Mowry, b., Scott, Jan. 22, 1833. In 1856 they removed to Minnesota; again to Kansas, in 1858, and was an active Free State man, using all his influence to make Kansas a free State. He enlisted in the Civil War, June 23, 1863, as a private in Co. C, 14th Kan. Vol.; he was mustered out of the service as 2d Lieut. He took an active interest in the political affairs of the State, as a Republican, and has represented the State in the State Legislature; Commissioner, Notary Pub- lic; admitted to the bar in 1889; Judge in the Thirty-fourth Judicial District of the State, practising in the State courts and the Interior Department at Washington, D. C. He has been a member of the I. O. O. F. for nearly fifty years, and is a Free Mason. Res., 1907, Lucerne, Sheridan Co., Kan. Children, first three b. Wathena, Doniphan Co., Kan.: 4256. Eugene Linton, b. Jan. 17, 1862 (4261-4269). 4257. Willis Laselle, b. July 26, 1866. 4258. Lester Lisle, b. Oct. 18, 1868 (4270-4279). 494 7*-.^ o . > CQ^ !« ^c^-< Tombstones of Kleazer Brown (11) and Wife North Stonington, Conn. THE BROWN GENEALOGY 4259. Aubert Lamar, b., Palermo, Kan., May 13, 1874 (4280-4282). 4260. Edna Lora, b., Palermo, Jan. 14, 1876. Eugene L. Mowry (4256), son of Andrew J. and Almira C. (Brown) (4225) Mowry [Timothy (4207), Peleg (146), Eleazer (39), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Wathena, Kan., Jan. 17, 1862; m., Severance, Kan., July 31, 1882, Cora M. Gilmore, b.. Severance, Mar. 16, 1861; dau. of S. D. and Elizabeth B. (Whitson) Gilmore, of Lucerne, Kan. He is a farmer and a Republican. Res., 1907, Lucerne, Kan. Children, b. Severance: 4261. Adrian Leroy, b. May 3, 1884. 4262. Ida Blanche, b. Jan. 4, 1886. 4263. Carrie Edna, b. Oct. 8, 1887. 4264. Mattison Aubert, b. July 27, 1890. 4265. Lawrence Vivian, b. May 5, 1892. 4266. Nina Almira, b. May 19, 1894. 4267. Vera Elizabeth, b. May 13, 1896. 4268. Glen Milford, b. Oct. 12, 1900. 4269. Lelia Frances, b. Nov. 23, 1903. WilHs Laselle Mowry (4257), brother of the preceding, b., Wathena, Kan., July 26, 1866; m.. Lucerne, Kan., Aug. 19, 1888, Alice Belle Warner, b., Fredericksburg, la., July 11, 1869; dau. of Albert J. and Jane (Morgan) Warner, of Fredericksburg. He is a farmer and a Republican. Children: Elmer Leroy, Floyd Albert, Media Belle, Edith, and Wesley Merritt. Res., 1907, Morland, Kan. . Lester Lisle Mowry (4258), brother of the preceding, b., Wathena, Kan., Oct. 18, 1868; m., Lucerne, Kan., Aug. 31, 1891, Emma J. Brewster, b., Nebraska, Aug. 24, 1873; dau. of Robert and Emma (Owston) Brewster, of Lucerne. He is a farmer. Res., 1907, Lucerne, Kan. Children, b. Gradan, Kan.: 4270. Nellie A., b. Nov. 28, 1892. 4271. Walter J., b. Feb. 2, 1894. 4272. Edna E., b. June 6, 1895. 4273. Nettie M., b. July 23, 1896. 4274. Lester L., Jr., b. Aug. 23, 1897. 4275. Ethel, b. Nov. 13, 1898. 4276. Cora B., b. Feb. 6, 1900. 4277. George, b. Oct. 6, 1901. 4278. Willie, b. Mar. 10, 1903. 4279. Arthur, b. Aug. 20, 1905. 495 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Aubert L. Mowry (4259), brother of the preceding, b., Palermo, Kan., May 13, 1874; m., Morland, Kan., Jan. 27, 1892, Maud E. Jeffery, b., Chicago, III, Sept. i, 1873; dau. of George and Elizabeth (Taylor) Jeffery, of Chicago. He is a farmer. Res., 1907, Lucerne, Kan. Children, b. Kansas: 4280. Aubert J., b., Goshen, Kan., Sept. 11, 1893. 4281. Ruth E., b. Morland, Kan., Sept. 9, 1900. . 4282. Lloyd W., b.. Lucerne, Kan., May 16, 1906. Edna Lora Mowry (4260), sister of the preceding, b., Palermo, Kan., Jan. 14, 1876; m.. Lucerne, Kan., Aug. 19, 1897, Harry W. Jeffery, b., Chicago, 111., Jan. 24, 1870; son of George and Elizabeth (Taylor) Jeffery. He is a farmer. Son: Edwin H. Jeffery, b., Gradan, Kan., Sept. 16, 1902. Res., 1907, Gradan, Kan. Adrian Leroy Mowry (4261), son of Eugene L. (4256) and Cora M. (Gilmore) MowTy, b. May 3, 1884; m.. Lucerne, Kan., Nov. 12, 1905, Bertha Olive Barnes, b., Rosendale, Mo., Oct. 12, 1883; dau. of John M. and Alice (Kennedy) Barnes, of Lucerne. He is a farmer. Dau. : Alice M., b. Jan. 6, 1907. Res., 1907, Lucerne, Kan. Ida Blanche Mowry (4262), dau. of Eugene L. and Cora M. (Gilmore) Mowry, b., Severance, Kan., Jan. 4, 1886; m., Lucerne, Kan., Sept. 28, 1903, Leroy Charles, b. Illinois; son of Eli F. and Barbara (Rankle) Charles. He is a farmer in Lucerne, Kan. Arville A. Brown (4232), dau. of Jesse (4209) and Hannah (Colwell) Brown [Peleg (146), Eleazer (39), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Sempronius, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1833; m.. Homer, N. Y., May 20, 1862, George Albert Adams, b., Rindge, N. H., June 6, 1836; d.. Homer, July 25, 1863; son of Albert and Mary Adams, of Rindge. He is a lawyer and a Republican. He enlisted in the Union Army in the 157th Regt. N. Y. Vol., as 2d Lieut., Aug. 31, 1862; promoted to Captain Feb. 24, 1863. He received his death-wound in the battle of Gettysburg. Her res., 1907, Hutchinson, Kan. Children: 4283. David H. (stepson), b., Marathon, N. Y., May 20, 1861. 4284. George Albert, Jr., b.. Homer, June 3, 1863; d., Homer, Mar. 20, 1865. 4285. Sophia L. (adopted dau.), b., E. Homer, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1865. Res., 1907, Hutchinson, Kan. Charles Stewart Brown (4244), son of Timothy, Jr. (4221) and Clarissa (Severance) Brown [Timothy (4207), Peleg (146), Eleazer (39), Eleazer (11), 496 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Thomas], b., Truxton, N. Y., Apr. 25, 1853; m. (i), Ludlowville, N. Y., June 15, 1880, Margaret Moran, b., No. Lansing, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1855; "^-j Albany, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1904, dau. of Frank Moran, of No. Lansing; m. (2), Nov. 8, 1905, Anna Tabon, b., Milton, N. Y., Apr. 5, 187 1; dau. of Fred and Minnie (Strala) Tabon, of Milton. Mr, Brown was educated in the public schools and in Cortland Normal School of New York. He taught four years in the Highland School; two years, the Monroe public school; four years. So. Milton public school; and other schools in New York for several years. His first wife attended the Ithaca High School and Cortland Normal. She taught in Ithaca several years, for five years in the Highland School, and other schools for several years. He is a fruit-grower and school-teacher, a Republican, and a member of the Presbyterian Church. Res., 1907, Milton, N. Y. Children : 4286. Edwin S., b., Monroe, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1883. 4287. Mabel G., b., Milton, July 17, 1890; d., Milton, Jan. 6, 1906. Alfred FrankHn Brown (4245), son of Timothy, Jr. (4221) and brother of the preceding, b., Truxton, N. Y., Mar. 20, 1855; ^-j Robinson, Kan., Dec. 23, 1885, Mary A. Richardson, b., Bruce Co., Ont.; dau. of William and Margaret (McDonald) Richardson, of Toronto, Ont. He was an agent for publishing companies in New York and Philadelphia from 1876 to 1906. Res., 1907, International Falls, Minn. Children : 4288. Clara Maude, b., Grand Island, Neb., June 19, 1888. She graduated from the Topeka, Kan., High School in 1906, and is now a teacher at International Falls, Minn. 4289. Lucile Mary, b. Abiline, Kan. Alexander Timothy Brown (4253), son of Stephen S. (4224) and Nancy M. (Alexander) Brown [Timothy (4207), Peleg (146), Eleazer (39), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Scott, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1854; m., Syracuse, N. Y., Apr. 2, 1883, Mary L. Seamans, b., Virgil, N. Y., Aug, 3, 1863; dau. of Julian C. and Matilda (Ladd) Seamans, of Virgil. Mr. Brown is a manufacturer and inventor. He has patents issued and pending for more than one hundred inventions. He is inventor of the Smith Premier Typewriter. Is president of the following companies; The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.; Brown- Lipe Gear Co, He is one of the founders and past president of the H. H. Franklin Manufacturing Co.; stockholder and director of the Smith Premier Typewriter Co., the H, H.* Franklin Manufacturing Co., the Brown-Lipe Gear Co., the Syracuse Aluminum and Bronze Co., the Globe Malleable 497 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Iron Works, and the Pneumelectric Co.; director of the Third National Bank, also of the Journal Printing and Publishing Co. ; trustee of Syracuse University and Hospital of the Good Shepherd; life member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and of the National Geographic Society; member of Citizens' Club of Syracuse, also Century Club; Transportation Club of New York City; Automobile Club of Syracuse, and other organiza- tions. He is a thirty-second degree Mason, and a member of Mystic Shrine. He was educated in common and select schools at Scott, N. Y., and at Homer Academy. He rendered financial aid in the publication of this genealogy. Res., 1907, Syracuse, N. Y. Children, b. Syracuse: 4290. Charles Seamans, b. Apr. 20, 1885. 4291. Julian Stephen, b. Mar. 29, 1887. William H. Brown (4254), son of Stephen S. (4224) and Nancy M. (Alexander) Brown [Timothy (4207), Peleg (146), Eleazer (39), Eleazer (11), Thomas], b., Scott, N. Y., July 15, 1857; m., Scott, Sept. 4, 1894, Anna Frisbie, b., Scott, Nov. 3, 1871; dau. of Mills G. and Martha (Cran- dall) Frisbie. Res., 1907, Syracuse, N. Y. Children : 4292. Alex Mills, b., Scott, Aug. 2, 1898. 4293. Ruth Corinne, b., Syracuse, Mar. 3, 1901. 4294. Mary Lillian, b., Syracuse, Dec. 31, 1902. Amos York (1226), son of William (1216) and Hannah (Palmer) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (ColUns) York [Thomas], b. Oct. 15, 1730; d. Oct. 30, 1878; m. Lucretia Miner, dau. of Mannasseh and Keziah (Geer) Miner; b., Volun- town, Conn., Feb. 16, 1733; d. Oct. 3, 1821. Children: 4300. Wealthy Ann York, b. Nov. 6, 1752; d. 1753. 4301. Esther M. York, b. Nov. 15, 1754; m. Aaron Smith. 4302. Lucinda York, b. Apr. 21, 1757; m. Ahobiah Buck. 4303. Wealthy Ann York, b. Nov. 3, 1759; m. Benjamin Smith. 4304. Keziah York, b. Jan. i, 1762; m. Lot Turrell. 4305. Sarah York, b. May 4, 1764; m. Robert Carr. 4306. Temperance York, b. May 6, 1766; m. Daniel Turrell. 4307. Manasseh York, b. Oct. 11, 1768; m. Betsey Arnold. 4308. Brinthia York, b. Sept. 27, 1770; "m. William Sherman Buck. 4309. Hannah York, b. Apr. 22, 1772; m. Stephen Beckwith. .y Alex. Tiiiiuthy Brown (V253) Syracuse, N. Y. V. Mary Lillian Seanians Brown THE BROWN GENEALOGY 4310. Amos York, b. July i, 1775; d. young. 43 1 1. Amos York, b. July 21, 1777; d. young. Desire Brown (58), dau. of Daniel and Mary (Breed) Brown [Thomas (2), Thomas], b. July 5, 1793; d., No. Stonington, Conn., Nov. 29, 1813; m., Feb. 20, 1755, Henry Miner, b. Dec. 9, 1732; d. Nov. 15, 1785; son of Stephen and Hannah (Page) Miner. Both are buried in the Miner Bury- ing-ground in No. Stonington. Children : 4311a. Mary Miner, b. Sept. 19, 1756. 4311b. Henry Miner, b. Sept. 9, 1758. 43 lie. Daniel Miner, b. Mar. 20, 1761. 43iid. Luke Miner, b. Aug. 25, 1764. 43 lie. Hannah Miner, b. Mar. 12, 1767. 43iif. Saxton Miner, b. June 2, 1769; d Feb. 19, 1850 (4375-4383). Allen York (1234), son of Thomas (1219) and Deborah (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Jan. i, 1754; m. (i), Jan. 18, 1776, Zerviah Wheeler, b. Oct. 3, 1752; dau. of Jonathan and Esther (Denison) Wheeler; m. (2), about 1820, Eunice Grant, b., Stonington, Conn., June 8, 1763. He was a cooper and a Revolutionary soldier. Children by first m. : 4312. Zerviah York, b. Dec. 14, 1776; d. July 7, 1865 (4365-4374). 4313. Content York, b. Oct. 28, 1781 (4375-4383). Lydia York (1242), dau. of John (1220) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Feb. 28, 1760; d. Oct., 1822; m. Thomas, son of Charles and Mary (Wheeler) Miner, b. Mar. 11, 1743. She was his second wife. Children : 4314. Oliver Miner, b. Dec. 14, 1791; m. Frink. 4315. Ralph R. Miner, b. Aug. 16, 1793; m. Polly Randall. 4316. Dea. Ezra D. Miner, b. 1795; m. Desire Hewitt, b. Sept. 27, 1803 ; dau. of Benjamin Hewitt and Desire (Babcock) Hewitt, 4317. Lydia Miner, b. 1797. 4318. Abby Miner, b. 1800; d. unm. 4319. Laura Miner, b. 1803; d. unm. Oliver York (1252), son of Collins (1223) and Eunice (Grant) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah 499 THE BROWN GENEALOGY (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Mar. 15, 1762; m., Nov. 4, 1784, Rebecca Swan, b., Stonington, Conn., Mar. 27, 1765; dau. of Thomas Swan and his cousin Amy (Denison) Swan. Oliver York kept a hotel which was sit- uated on the southeast corner of Wadawanuck Square in Stonington borough. Children : 4320. Oliver York, m. Charlotte Smith, b., Stonington, Oct. 31, 1816; dau. of Joseph and Nancy Eells. No issue. 4321. Eunice York, m. Rev. William R. Gould. 4322. Emma York, bapt. Oct. i, 1809. 4323. Rebecca York, bapt. Mar. 25, 1810. 4324. Harriet York, bapt. Mar. 25, 1810. 4325. Eliza York, bapt. Sept. 11, 18 14. 4326. Stiles York, bapt. Sept. 11, 18 14. James York (1257), son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Sept. 15, 1756; m.. Mar. 11, 1781, Lucy Palmer. Children: 4327. Lucy York, b. Jan. 29, 1782. 4328. Hannah York, b. Mar. 24, 1783. 4329. Martha York, b. June 14, 1784. 4330. Susanna York, b. Oct. 20, 1786. 4331. Nabby, or Abby, York, b. May 22, 1790 (4359-4364). Anna York (1273), dau. of Jesse (1230) and Anna (Breed) York, son of Thomas (12 19) and Deborah (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Dec. 5, 1762; m., Mar. 30, 1780, Andrew Chapman, of Ston- ington, Conn., son of Andrew and Hannah (Smith) Chapman; b. May 10, 1754. Children: 4332. Anna Chapman, b. July 3, 1781. 4333. Louis Chapman, b. July 6, 1783. 4334. Andrew Chapman, b. Nov. 27, 1785. 4335. Lucy Chapman, b. Oct. 23, 1787. 4336. Jesse Chapman, b. Nov. 20, 1789. 4337. Keturah Chapman, b. Dec. 28, 1791. Anna York (1273) is said to have had other children: Eunice, Allen, Reuben, and Prentice. 500 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Nathan York (1276), brother of the preceding, b. Sept. 8, 1771 ; m. Patty, or Martha, Breed, b. Aug. 19, 1791; dau. of Jabish and Sarah (Chapman) Breed. Children : 4338. Nathan York, b. Sept. 16, 181 1 ; m. Nancy Main, dau. of Amos and Susan (Wheeler) Main. 4339. Mary A. York, b. Sept. 12, 1812; d. young. 4340. Martha York, b. June 7, 1814. 4341. Manita York, b. Sept. 26, 181 5; m. Benjamin F. Sisson, b. Apr. 20, 1811; d. Sept. 8, 1885; son of Gilbert Sisson and Desire (Main) Sisson. 4342. Elisha W. York, b. Oct. 9, 181 7; d. young. 4343. Reuben York, b. Jan. 22, 1819. 4344. Sarah E. York, b. Jan. 25, 182 1. 4345. Eliza York, b. July 31, 1822; d. young. 4346. Samuel B. York, b. Feb. 8, 1824; d. young. 4347. Abel B. York, b. Aug. 2, 1825; d. young. 4348. Eunice York, b. Sept. 30, 1827; d. young. 4349. Horace F. York, b. Nov. 14, 1828. 4350. Calvin York, b. Aug. 13, 1830; d. young. 4351. Emeline York, b. Mar. 15, 1833; d. young. 4352. William O. York, b. Jan. 23, 1836. Daniel York (1303b), son of Bell (1254) and Deborah (York) (1277), son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Collins) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Sept. 29, 181 2; d. Jan. 22, 1866; m., Jan. 28, 1838, Esther Babcock. Children: 4353. Samuel A. York, b. May 25, 1839; m., Nov. i, 1865, Helen E. O shorn. 4354. John L. York, b. July 22, 1845; "^v Sept. 13, 1882, Emma Edgecomb. Reuben York (1279), son of Jesse (1230) and Anna (Breed) York, son of Thomas (12 19) and Deborah (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Bro\vn) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Oct. 2, 1780; m., Jan. i, 1804, Hannah Breed, b. Dec. 18, 1784; dau. of Jabish and Sarah (Chapman) Breed. Children : 4355. Thomas J. York, b. Feb. 5, 1806; d. Jan. 5, 1834; m. Martha 501 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Wheeler, b. Alar. 31, 1807; dau. of Jonathan and Martha (Stanton) Wheeler. 4356. Lois York, b. Oct. 25, 1807; d. Nov. 22, 1878. 4357. Jabish York, b. June 25, 181 1; d. Feb. 2, 1871. 4358. Mary E. York, b. June 27, 1815; d. Aug. 9, 1870. Nabby, or Abby, York (4331), dau. of James (1257) and Lucy (Palmer) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. May 22, 1790; m., Mar. 17, 1811, Jairus Palmer, b. Feb. 22, 1 781; son of Gershom Palmer and Zerviah (Palmer) Palmer. Children : 4359. Jairus Palmer, b. Dec. 2, 181 3. 4360. Abby Palmer, b. Apr. 9, 1816. 4361. Electa Palmer, b; Dec. 22, 1819. 4362. James E. Palmer, b. Mar. 9, 1822. 4363. Amos D. Palmer, b. Aug. 6, 1825. 4364. Abel F. Palmer, b. July 8, 1828. Zerviah York (4312), dau. of Allen (1234) and Zerviah (Wheeler) York, son of Thomas (12 19) and Deborah (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b. Dec. 14, 1776; d. July 7, 1865; m., June 19, 1796, David Wheeler, b. Apr. 4, 1776; d. Aug. 29, 1862; son of "Lester and Eunice (Bailey) Wheeler, of Stonington, Conn. Children : 4365. Content Wheeler, b. Sept. 30, 1797; m., Mar. 21, 1816, Elisha Gallup, b. June 22, 1792; son of Christopher Milton and Anna S. (Billings) Gallup. 4366. David L. Wheeler, b. Feb. 11, 1800. 4367. Eunice Wheeler, b. Nov. 12, 1801; d. unm. 4368. Saxton M. Wheeler, b. Mar. 14, 1804; m. (i) Nancy Lamphere; (2) Rebecca Lamphere. 4369. Zerviah Wheeler, b. May 6, 1806; d. Oct. 10, 1903 (4384- 4387)- 4370. Russell A. Wheeler, b. Nov. 6, 1808; m., May 17, 1849, Cornelia Clow. • 4371. Melissa Ann Wheeler, b. Feb. 14, 1811 (4388-4391). 4372. Elam B. Wheeler, b. Nov. 21, 1813; m., Feb. 13, 1843, Mary Clark. 4373. Emeline Wheeler, b. Mar. 19, 1816; d. young. 502 Charles Seamaiis Brown (4290) Julian Steplien Brown (4-291) THE BROWN GENEALOGY 4374. William F. Wheeler, b. Oct. 19, 1819; m., Jan. i, 1868, Theresa Brown. Content York (4313), sister of the preceding, b. Oct. 28, 1781; m., Jan. 19, 1799, Saxton Miner (43iif), b. June 2, 1769; d. Feb. 19, 1850; son of Henry Miner and Desire (Brown) Miner (58), b. July 5, 1733. Children : 4375. Mary Miner, b. 1800; m. Alex. G. Frink. 4376. Nancy Miner, b. 1802; m., Aug. 5, 1849, Henry Crandall. 4377. Henry S. Miner, b. 1804; d. May 2, 1828. 4378. Leland Daniel Miner, b. 1806; d. Apr. i, 1885; m. (i), Apr. 15, 1829, Bridget W. Maine, b. July 25, 1807; d. Oct. 19, 1836; dau. of Amos and Susan (Wheeler) Main; m. (2), Apr. I, 1840, Hannah M. Allyn (4472-4474). 4379. Rev. Bradley Miner, b. July 18, 1808; m. (i), Phebe Esther Pendleton; (2) Louisa Tucker. 4380. Lucy P. Miner, b. Mar. 16, 181 1; d. Dec. 27, 1897 (4392- 4394)- 4381. Desire B. Miner, b. 1812; m., Sept. 10, 1840, Solomon S. Wheeler, b. Oct. 31, 1815; half-brother of the husband of her sister Lucy; son of Robert and Sophia (Smead) Wheeler. 4382. Harriet Miner, b. 1814; d. Jan. 20, 1826. 4383. Franklin H. Miner, b. 1821; m. Harriet Wheeler, sister of the husband of his sister Desire. Zerviah, or Surviah, Wheeler (4369), dau. of David and Zerviah (York) Wheeler (4312), dau. of Allen (1234) and Zerviah (Wheeler) York, son of Thomas (12 19) and Deborah (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., May 6, 1806; d. Oct. 10, 1903; m., Ston- ington, Apr. 2, 1825, Silas Holmes, b.. No. Stonington, June 17, 1803; d., Stonington, Jan. 4, 1835; son of Edward and Mary (Grant) Holmes. He resided at No. Stonington and was a farmer and a trooper. His wife resided in Mystic, Conn., in 1897. Children, all b. in Stonington: 4384. Mary Surviah Holmes, b. May 10, 1827 (4395-4404). 4385. Silas Prentice Holmes, b. Aug. 15, 1828 (4405-4408). 4386. David Edward Holmes, b. Aug. 12, 1832 (4409). 4387. Hattie Estella Holmes, b. Apr. 26, 1835; d., unm., Feb. 10, 1897, at Stamford, Conn. She was a teacher and resided at Stonington. 503 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Melissa Ann Wheeler (4371), sister of the preceding, b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 14, 1811; d., Clinton, la., May i, 1893; m., Stonington, Nov. 20, 1834, Edward Holmes, b., No. Stonington, Jan. 4 or 5, 181 1; d., Oneida Lake, N. Y., May 11, 1858; brother of the husband of the preceding. Children, all b. Oneida Lake: 4388. Prentice Holmes, b. Aug. 9, 1836 (4410-441 2). 4389. Wayland Holmes, b. Feb. 21, 1838; d. Sept. 29, 1841. 4390. Emeline DeLucy Holmes, b. Jan. 24, 1841 (4413-441 5). 4391. Harriet Melissa Holmes, b. Jan. 6, 1850; m., Clinton, la., Jan. 4, 1894, Oliver Henry Dalrymple, b.. Sugar Grove, Penn., Oct. 21, 1862; son of Sheldon N. and Serena '(Durlin) Dalrymple. She was a teacher in the public schools of Clinton, Marshalltown, la., and Casselton, No. Dak., 1870-1895. Res., 1897, 7^9 9th Ave., Clinton, la. Lucy P. Miner (4380), dau. of Saxton and Content (York) Miner (4313), dau. of Allen York (1234) and Zerviah (Wheeler )York, son of Thomas (12 19) and Deborah (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Mar. 16, 181 1 ; d.,No. Stonington, Dec. 27, 1897; ni.,No. Stonington, Mar. 24, 1831, Robert Wheeler, b. Nov. 13, 1802; son of Robert and Bridget (Wheeler) Wheeler. He was a farmer and a Republican, and he and his wife were members of the Congregational Church. Children: 4392. James Everett Wheeler. He was a soldier in the Civil War, and d.. New Orleans, La., in 1862. 4393. Phebe Esther Wheeler, d. 1862; unm. 4394. Edwin Saxton Wheeler, b. June 17, 1844 (4444, 4445)- Zebulon York (1301), son of Bell (1254) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas] b., Stonington, Conn., Oct. 20, 1783; m., Voluntown, Conn., Mar. 17, 1803, Betsey Chapman, b. Nov. 24, 1785; dau. of Amos and Abigail (Burdick) Chapman, of Stonington. Children, all b. No. Stonington: 1450. Avery York, b. Feb. 28, 1805; d., Stonington, 111., Oct. 19, 1847; unm. He was a teacher, and was one of a colony from Stonington, Conn., which settled at Stonington, 111. 1450a. Abby York, b. July 9, 1807; d. Apr. 13, 1846; unm. i45of. Elmina York, b. May 4, 1809 (4394a-4394b). 504 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1450b. John C. York, b. Apr. 3, 181 2; d., Blue Rock, O., Mar. 26, 1846 (4488, 4489). 1450C. Eunice E. York, b. May 16, 181 5; d. Dec. 24, 1833. i45od. Zebulon Treat York, b. July 19, 1817; d., Stonington (Still- manville), Feb. 10, 1899; m.. No. Stonington, Conn., E. Sylvia Stanton, b. Sept. 26, 1824; d. Oct. 26, 1896. Both are buried in Union Cemetery, No. Stonington. No issue. He built his house near his father's and opposite the First Bap- tist Meeting-house. [See Appendix VIIL] His house was burnt, and his life and that of his wife were saved by William Maine, who aroused them at night. By his will Mr. York gave Mr. Maine the homestead and farm which were his father's. He owned the fine residence built by Theophilus Hyde, and d. there. He was a member of Conn. Gen. Ass., 1858. i45oe. Amos Chapman York, b. May 24, 1826; drowned Jan. 22, 1834. His epitaph: "Our brother, first to leave our band, life's song as yet unsung. While gray hairs gather on our brows, thou art forever young." [These records of Zebulon York (i 301) are inserted here to correct the errors and supply the deficiencies of the record on page 181]. Elmina York (i45of), dau. of the preceding, b.. No. Stonington, Conn., May 4, 1809; d. Mar. 14, 1892; m.. No. Stonington, May 23, 1825, Aaron Thompson, b., Stonington, Mar. 14, 1790; son of James and Elizabeth (Bromley) Thompson, both of Stonington. He was a farmer and a deacon of First Baptist Church. His wife in early life united with the Second Bap- tist Church. Theirs was a model Christian home. Children, b. No. Stonington: 4394a. Catherine Thompson, b. Mar. 3, 1826 (4490-4496). 4394aa. Samuel Thompson, b. May 16, 1828; d. Aug. 8, 1901 (4497-4503)- 4394ab. Benjamin Thompson, b. Feb. 18, 1830 (4504-4506). 4394ac. Jeremiah Thompson, b. Apr. 29, 1833; d., Jefferson City, Mo., May 4, 1866; unm. 4394b. Eunice E. Thompson, b. Feb., 1840; d. Dec. 24, 1862. Daniel Brown Spalding (1291), son of Dr. Asa Spalding and Lucy (York) Spalding (1241), dau. of John (1220) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Sept. 7, 1802; d., Stonington, Aug. 14 or 15, 1866; 505 THE BROWN GENEALOGY m., No. Stonington, May lo, 1832, Lucy Breed Grant, b., No. Stonington, Oct. 13, 1810; d., Stonington, Oct. 25, 1888. He was a merchant and re- sided at Stonington. [The name is incorrectly spelled on page 170.] Children: 4394c. Daniel Burrows Spalding, b., Pitcher, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1841; d.. Pitcher, Sept. 18, 1842. 4394d. Daniel Burrows Spalding, b., Preston, Conn., Apr. 14, 1843; m., New Bedford, Mass., Oct. 7, 1875, Drusilla Randall Parlow, b., New Bedford, Dec. 29, 1844; dau. of Ebenezer Wing Parlow and Elizabeth Albro Duncan. He was assistant treasurer of Stonington Savings Bank, 1864-1876; treas- urer and secretary since 1876; director since 1881; president Uncas National Bank of Norwich two years; holds prom- inent positions of honor and trust. No issue. Res., Ston- ington, Conn. 43946. Spalding, b. and d. Dec. 5, 1844. 4394f. Frederick William Spalding, b., Stonington, Oct. 9, 1845; d., Stonington, June 7, 1851. Mary Surviah Holmes (4384), dau. of Silas and Surviah, or Zerviah, (Wheeler) Holmes (4369), dau. of David and Zerviaji (York) Wheeler (4312), dau. of Allen (1234) and Zerviah (Wheeler) York, son of Thomas (12 1 9) and Deborah (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., May 10, 1827; d., Hamilton, N. Y., June 13, 1904; m., Stonington, June 11, 185 1, by Rev. Erastus Miner, to Joseph Elliott Mor- gan, b., Peterboro, N. Y., Apr. 17, 1824; son of Stephen Morgan and Eunice (Pearce) Morgan. From her obituary notice the following is ex- tracted: "Being the mother of ten children, three sons and seven daughters, her greatest and best efforts were necessarily spent in the home, where all who were privileged to meet her could best see the excellence of her char- acter. She was a true and faithful wife, whose devotion has brightened the pathway of her husband's life for more than fifty-three years; a kind, lov- ing, sympathetic, self-sacrificing mother, who counted no effort too great for the welfare and happiness of her family; whose loving counsel was cov- eted by every member of the family; whose last days were spent in longing to do more for her loved ones; and who felt to the last that there was much more for her to do," After their marriage they resided at Peterboro until 1866, when he purchased a large farm near Earlville, N. Y., where th^y resided until 1889, when they removed to Hamilton, where he now resides, ^06 THE BROWN GENEALOGY at 78 Broad St. In early manhood he taught several terms of school; was Town Superintendent of Schools, 1853-1856; School Commissioner, 1857, 1858; Justice of the Peace, 1868-1876; School Commissioner, 1869-1876; Town Auditor, three terms; Excise Commissioner, 1893-1896, represent- ing the no-license element; Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, 1862- 1868; U. S. mail-carrier since Apr. 10, 1899. He is a Republican and a member of the Baptist Church, as was also his wife. Children, first eight b. near Peterboro; last two, near Earlville: 4395. Hattie Estella Morgan, b. July 18, 1852; d., near Earlville, Apr. 9, 1879; m., near Earlville, Apr. 17, 1877, Jason Mead Benton, b., near Earlville, Apr. 15, 1848; d., near Earl- ville, Jan. 15, 1879; son of Simeon and Marilla (MacMaster) Benton. No issue. 4396. Charles Otis Morgan, b. May 7, 1854; m., Cazenovia, N. Y., June 18, 1878, Lizzie M. Chaphe, b., Eaton, N. Y., May i, 1854; dau. of George and Fla villa (Stone) Chaphe. Grad- uated from Madison, now Colgate University, 1877; stud- ied law, and after being admitted to the bar, practised for a time at Morrisville, N. Y. He removed to Huron, So. Dak., where he served as Deputy Register of Deeds, Deputy County Treasurer, and was elected County Auditor. Later he spent two years in Tacoma, Wash., as expert accountant. He located in Los Angeles, Cal., in 1895, where he served several years as Judge of the Municipal Court, and where he is now practising law. His wife is a fine musician. No issue. 4397. Minnie Surviah Morgan, b. Sept. 21, 1857 (44i6). 4398. Lucy Elizabeth Morgan, b. Mar. 10, 1859. She has been a teacher, but now resides with her father in Hamilton. 4399. Clara Eunice Morgan, b. Apr. 2, 1861; d., near Earlville, Apr. 9, 1871. 4400. Fred Grant Morgan, b. Oct. 7, 1862 (4417-4423). 4401. William Franklin Morgan (twin), b. Feb. 10, 1865 ; d., Amster- dam, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1896; m., St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 23, 1889, Carrie B. Van Vechten, b., near Amsterdam, Jan. 11, 1864; d., St. Paul, Apr. i, 1905; dau. of Charles C. Van Vechten, of Amsterdam, now of Deansboro, and Efhe (Peck) Van Vechten. He was a caterer and restauranteur. No issue. 4402. Annie Borodel Morgan (twin), b. Feb. 10, 1865 (4424-4430). 4403. Angelina May Morgan, b. Jan. 30, 1868 (4431, 4432). 507 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 4404. Kate Genevieve Morgan, b. July 19, 1870. She was formerly a teacher, but now resides with her father at Hamilton. Silas Prentice Holmes (4385), brother of the preceding, b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 15, 1828; m., Stonington, Mar. 23, 1853, Sarah Jane Merritt, b., Stonington, May 4, 1835; dau. of Archibald and Sarah Jane (Stoddard) Merritt. He is a carpenter and a Republican. Res., Stonington, Conn. Children, first and last b. Stonington; others, Laporte, Ind.: 4405. Mary Anice Holmes, b. Dec. 18, 1854 (4433-4435). 4406. Louise M. Holmes, b. Mar. 10, 1856 (4436-4438). 4407. Archibald Holmes, b. May 19, 1858; d. June 11, 1862. 4408. Cora Genevieve Holmes, b. Apr. 14, 1861 (4439-4442). David Edward Holmes (4386), brother of the preceding, b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 12, 1832; m., Peoria, 111., Sept. 21, 1865, Mary Emma Smith, b., Peoria Co., Aug. 3, 1839; dau. of Ira and Sarah D. (Jenks) Smith. He was a lumberman for twelve years; minister; teacher in high and normal schools; A.M. Colgate University, 1858; president School Board, 1862-1877. Res., 1897, 3119 So. Park Ave., Chicago, 111. Son: 4409. Edward Ira Holmes, b., Galva, 111., July 2, 1874. He is an architect; graduated at Armour Institute, Chicago. Res., 1897, 3 1 19 So. Park Ave., Chicago, 111. Prentice Holmes (4388), son of Edward and Melissa A. (Wheeler) Holmes (4371), dau. of David and Zerviah (York) Wheeler (4312), dau. of Allen (1234) and Zerviah (Wheeler) York, son of Thomas (12 19) and Deborah (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Oneida Lake, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1836; m., Lakeport, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1864, Martha Eliza Rugg, b., Sangersfield, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1842; dau. of Norman Furbish and Eliza (Young) Rugg. He has been agent for C. & N. W. Ry Co. most of the time since 1869. He was formerly a farmer, teacher, and produce- merchant. He was 2d Lieut., Co. A, 86th N. Y. Vol. Regt., 1861-1863, and ist Lieut., 1863. Resided at Oneida Lake, N. Y., LaCrosse, Wis., and Clinton, la., where he lived in 1897, ^^ 607 nth Ave. Children : 4410. Helen Louise Holmes, b., Oneida Lake, Dec. 6, 1865; d., CUn- ton, Sept. 27, 1872. 441 1. Edith Mabel Holmes, b., Clinton, July 6, 1873. She is a stenographer. 4412. Edna Rugg Holmes, b., LaCrosse, Apr. 3, 1875. 508 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Emeline DeLucy Holmes (4390), sister of the preceding, b., Oneida Lake, N. Y., Jan. 14, 1841 ; m., Oneida Lake, Feb. 22, 1871, Ebenezer E. Betsinger, b., Wampsville, N. Y., May 2, 1845; son of John and Mary Betsinger. She was a teacher and a milliner before marriage. Lived in Marshalltown, and later in Clinton, la. Children : 4413. Edward Wayland Betsinger, b., Oneida Lake, Oct. 9, 1871. He is a fruit-grower and market gardener. Res., Clinton, la. 4414. Harrison Rouse Betsinger, b., Oneida Lake, June i, 1S73. He is a wagon-maker in Clinton. 4415. Earl Holmes Betsinger, b., Marshalltown, la., Jan. 4, 1880. Minnie Surviah Morgan (4397), dau. of Joseph Elliott Morgan and Mary Surviah (Holmes) Morgan (4384), dau. of Silas and Surviah (Wheeler) Holmes (4369), dau. of David and Zerviah (York) Wheeler (4312), dau. of Allen (1234) and Zerviah (Wheeler) York, son of Thomas (12 19) and Deborah (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), daughter of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Smith- field, near Peterboro, Madison Co., N. Y., Sept. 21, 1857; m., Earlville, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1882, Walter John Allen, b., Hartland, N. Y., Mar. 24, 1851 ; son of Charles and Laura Jane (Hartshorn) Allen. He finished his edu- cation at Whitestown (N. Y.) Seminary, and she at Hamilton, N. Y., High School. She was a teacher in the public scliools. Both are active members of the First Baptist Church. He conducts a bakery and lunch -parlor at 795 Holly Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Son: 4416. Charles Walter Allen, b., St. Paul, Jan. 8, 1894. Fred Grant Morgan (4400), brother of the preceding, b., near Peterboro, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1862; m., Eaton, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1883, Loretta Holmes, dau. of Wesley and Cornelia (Greene) Holmes, of Earlville, N. Y. He is a prosperous farmer and stock-raiser at Lebanon, N. Y., a Republican, and they attend the Baptist Church. Children : 4417. Sadie Cornelia Morgan, b., near Randallville, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1885; d., near Earlville, Apr. 16, 1897. 4418. Fred Wesley Morgan, b., near Earlville, May 23, 1887. 4419. Walter Joseph Morgan, b., near Earlville, Sept. 29, 1889. 4420. Ina Belle Morgan, b., near Earlville, Jan. 9, 1895; d. Feb. 21, 1896. 4421. William Raymond Morgan, b. Jan. 14, 1897. 509 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 4422. Charles Grant Morgan, b. Aug. 16, 1899. 4423. Frank. Holmes Morgan, b. July 8, 1901. Annie Borodel Morgan (4402), sister of the preceding, b.,near Peterboro, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1865; m., near Earlville, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1885, Seymour H. Baker, b., near Earlville, Feb. 10, 1857; son of George W. and Hannah (Head) Baker, of Earlville. He is a farmer and rural mail-carrier and a Republican. She is a member of the Baptist Church. Both were teach- ers before marriage. He has been a justice of the peace. Children, all b. near Earlville: 4424. Clara May Baker, b. July 25, 1886. She graduated from Earlville High School, June, 1907. Is a member of the Baptist Church. 4425. Robert Blaine Baker, b. Oct. 3, 1887. He graduated from Colgate Academy, June, 1907. Is a member of the Baptist Church. 4426. Kate Louise Baker, b. Nov. 27, 1888. 4427. Mary Gertrude Baker, b. Oct. 18, 1890. 4428. George Washington Baker, b. Jan. 11, 1892. 4429. Kenneth Morgan Baker, b. May 17, 1894. 4430. Joseph Addison Baker, b. Dec. 21, 1902. Angeline May Morgan (4403), sister of the preceding, b., near Earlville, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1868; m., near Earlville, Mar. 12, 1889, Charles Hervey Geer, b., Lebanon, N." Y., Feb. 8, 1866; son of Reuben Geer and Lydia (Leete) Geer, of Lebanon. Both were teachers before marriage. He is a farmer and rural mail-carrier, a Prohibitionist, and both are members of the Congregational Church of Lebanon. Children, b. Lebanon: 4431. Harold Morgan Geer, b. June 4, 1893. 4432. Mary Eunice Geer, b. May 12, 1903. Mary Anice Holmes (4405), dau. of Silas Prentice Holmes (4385) ^^"d Sarah Jane (Merrit) Holmes, son of Silas and Surviah (Wheeler) Holmes (4369), dau. of David and Zerviah (York) Wheeler (4312), dau. of Allen (1234) and Zerviah (Wheeler) York, son of Thomas (12 19) and Deborah (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19), dau. of Thomas (2) and Hannah (Collins) Brown [Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Dec. 18, 1854; m.. Mystic, Conn., Dec. 12, 1876, Eugene Batty, b.. Mystic, Oct. ID, 1848; son of William Gail Batty and Charlotte Amanda (Denison) Batty. He served in the militia five years, was a merchant, and deputy 510 THE BROWN GENEALOGY collector of customs. Is a bookkeeper, and a Democrat. She is a member of the Baptist Church. Res., Stonington, Conn. Children, all b. Cedar Keys, Fla.: 4433. Wilmer Eugene Batty, b. ISIay 30, 1880; d. Nov. 10, 1881. 4434. Charlotte Amanda Batty, b. Oct. 25, 1882. 4435. Mary Holmes Batty, b. Mar. 2, 1885; d. Mar. 26, 1885. Louise M. Holmes (4406), sister of the preceding, b., Laporte, Ind., Mar. 10, 1856; m.. Mystic River, Conn., June 10, 1879, Wilmer Smith Bunting, b., Coatesville, Penn., Feb. 18, 1850; d., San Francisco, Cal., July 23, 1894; son of John Crawford and Margaret Cole (Smith) Bunting. He was in the employ of the United States government at Savannah. Ga., Jacksonville, Fla., and in the Philippine Islands. Children, first two b. Cedar Keys, Fla.; last, Jacksonville: 4436. George Earl Bunting, b. Sept. 7, 1880; m., Baltimore, Md., Mar. 20, 1905, Helen Hungerford, of Baltimore. He re- ceived a high-school education in Jacksonville, Baltimore, and New York. Served two enlistments in Florida National Guard (Jacksonville Rifles). He is now in the railroad and express business in New York City. 4437. Carlos Albert Bunting, b. Aug. 28, 1885. He is cashier of Atlantic Coast Line R. R. Co. at Jacksonville, Fla. 4438. Wilmer Smith Bunting, Jr., b. Mar. 5, 1890. He is assistant cashier of Atlantic Coast Line R. R. Co., Jacksonville. Cora Genevieve Holmes (4408), sister of the preceding, b., Stonington, Conn., Apr. 14, 1861; m., Mystic, Conn., Sept. 12, 1882, George William Cone, b., Scranton, Penn., Oct. 7, 1859; son of Dorastus and Martha Re- becca (Lacey) Cone. [For his descent, see "Genealogy of the Cone Fam- ily," recently published.] He is manager of the Riverton Mills Co. and president of Berryville Milling Co. He prepared for college at Mystic, and graduated from Richmond College, Richmond, Va., where he was a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. He commenced his business career at Galveston, Tex., as claim clerk in a railroad ofifice. Later he was cashier for the Mallory Steamship Co. and then bookkeeper in the bank- ing-house of Ball, Hutchings & Co. On the death of his father, in 1885, he became general manager of the Riverton Mills Co., a business built up by his father, but which he has greatly expanded. He is a director in Front Royal National Bank, trustee of the Virginia Baptist Orphanage, a school trustee, and director and trustee in several other charitable institutions. He is prominent in Masonic circles, being a member of Lodge. Chapter, 5" THE BROWN GENEALOGY and Commandery. He has been much interested in the compilation of the records of his family, and is treasurer of the Cone Association. He is a Democrat, and he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. She was a graduate of the Mystic Valley Institute of Mystic. Res., Riverton, Va. Children, all except the first b. in Riverton: 4439. Helen Holmes Cone, b., Galveston, Aug. 5, 1883 (4443). 4440. Pauline Lacey Cone, b. Dec. 29, 1885; m.. May 5, 1906, Rev. Oscar Ernest Sims, pastor of the Cabell Street Baptist Church of Lynchburg, Va. She attended Eastern College, and stud- ied vocal music under Dr. Bishoff, of Washington, D. C. . 4441. George Sealy Cone, b. Feb. 27, 1889. He graduated at East- ern College, 1907, where he was president of his class. 4442. Mildred Curran Cone, b. June 14, 1895. Helen Holmes Cone (4439), dau. of George William Cone and Cora Genevieve (Holmes) Cone (4408) dau. of Silas Prentice Holmes (4385), son of Silas Holmes and Surviah (Wheeler) Holmes (4369), dau. of David and Zerviah (York) Wheeler (4312), dau. of Allen (1234) and Zerviah (Wheeler) York, son of Thomas (12 19) and Deborah (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Gal- veston, Tex., Aug. 5, 1883; m., Apr. 19, 1895, Logan Edward Old, a real- estate and insurance broker. Res., Elizabeth City, N. C. Son: 4443. Logan Edward Old, Jr., b. Feb. 2, 1906. Edwin Saxton Wheeler (4394), son of Robert Wheeler and Lucy B. (Miner) Wheeler (4380), dau. of Saxton and Content (York) Miner (4313), dau. of Allen York (1234) and Zerviah (Wheeler) York, son of Thomas (1219) and Deborah (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., June 17, 1844; m.. New Haven, Conn., Jan. 12, 1870, Ella Marian Welch, b., Plain- ville, Aug. 12, 1845; d., Boston, Mass., Nov. 24, 1898; dau. of Harmanus M. Welch and Antoinette (Pierce) Welch, of New Haven. He is a manu- facturer, a Republican, and a member of the Episcopal Church. Received the degree of M. A. from Yale University, 1886; served three years in Conn. Regt. in Civil War; member of Board of Governors of Connecticut Soldiers' Home; member of Graduate Club of New Haven. Res., New Haven, Conn. Children, both b. in New Haven: 4444. James Everett Wheeler, b. Dec. 24, 1870 (4446-4448). 4445. Grace Welch Wheeler, b. June 27, 1872 (4449-4451). James Everett Wheeler (4444), son of the preceding, b.. New Haven, 512 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Conn., Dec. 24, 1870; m., New Haven, Nov. 30, 1898, Edith Pemberton Williams, b., Germantown, Penn., July 20, 1874; dau. of Francis Cope Williams and Mary Leggett (Fram) Williams. He studied one year at Robert College, Constantinople, Turkey; graduated at Yale, 1892, and from Yale Law School in 1899; admitted to Connecticut bar in 1899; justice of the peace ; member of Court of Common Council and later of Board of Aldermen of New Haven ; served one year as member of Board of Finance of New Haven; in 1904 was appointed by the Mayor as member of Board of Education; vestryman of St. Paul's Church; delegate to Diocesan con- ventions since 1903; author of " Connecticut Administrative Officers," pub- lished in 1903; member of University Club of New York and of Graduate Club, Country Club, and Lawn Club of New Haven. He is an Independ- ent Democrat in politics, and a lawyer by profession. Res., 42 Church St., New Haven, Conn. Children, all b. New Haven: 4446. Mary Pemberton Wheeler, b. Nov. 29, 1900. 4447. Lucy Miner Wheeler, b. Mar. 20, 1903. 4448. Robert Wheeler, b. Apr. 29, 1907. Grace Welch Wheeler (4445), sister of the preceding, b., New Haven, Conn., June 22, 1872; m.. New Haven, Apr. 16, 1896, William Lloyd Kitchel, b., New Haven, Nov. 30, 1869; son of Cornelius L. and Alice (Lloyd) Kitchel, of New Haven. He graduated at Yale in 1892, with honors; taught one year at King's School, Stamford; graduated from Yale Law School with honors, 1895; admitted to Connecticut bar, 1895; re- moved to New York and admitted to New York bar, 1896; lawyer, with offices at 120 Broadway, New York City; member of University Club and Yale Club at New York City, of Knollwood Country Club of White Plains, of Society of Colonial Wars, and of Country Club and of Graduates Club of New Haven. He is an Independent Republican in politics, and he and his wife are members of the Episcopal Church. Res., Lawrence Park, Bronxville, N. Y. Children : 4449. Lloyd Kitchel, b.. New York City, May 26, 1898. 4450. Saxton Wheeler Kitchel, b.. New Haven, June 23, 1901. 4451. Alice. Lloyd Kitchel, b., Bronxville, Nov. 12, 1906. Cynthia York (1362), dau. of Jesse York (1275) and Cynthia (Miner) York (b. Dec. 10, 1765), dau. of Charles Miner (b. Oct. 3, 1741) and Eunice (Holmes) Miner (b. June 28, 1747), son of Jesse York (1230), son of Thomas York (1219), son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) 513 THE BROWN GENEALOGY [Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Oct. 21, 1795; d. Feb. 27, 1876; m., Stonington, Conn., Nov. 28, 1816, John Pitts Williams, b. Aug. 12, 1793; d. May 13, 1872; son of Isaac Williams and Phebe Williams. Children: 4452. Phebe W'illiams, b. Jan. 29, 1818; m. Noyes Ladd. • 4453. Nancy Williams, b. Feb. 20, 1820. 4454. John Pitts Williams, Jr., b. Jan. 5, 1822 (4466-4469). 4455. Emily Williams, b. Apr. 13, 1824. 4456. Harriet Williams, b. Aug. 30, 1826. 4457. Elizabeth Williams, b. Jan. 31, 1827; m. Andrew Chapman. 4458. Ann Williams, b. Apr. 17, 1831; m Sampson. . 4459. Cynthia Williams, b. Apr. 4, 1835. 4460. Martha Williams, b. Nov. 26, 1837. Nancy York (1363), sister of the preceding, b. July 4, 1801; m., Feb. 2, 1821, Col. John W. Hull [not Hall, as stated on page 174], b. Jan. 5, 1789; d. Feb. 28, 1878; son of Latham Hvill and Desire (Williams) Hull. Children: 4461. Jesse York Hull, b. June 22, 1822; m. Emma, dau. of Isaac D. Miner, of No. Stonington, Conn. 4462. Nancy, or Ann, Hull, b. Apr. 30, 1824; m. (i) Erastus Hewitt, son of Elias Hewitt; (2) Latham Stewart. 4463. Lathrop W. Hvill, b. Jan. 26, 1826; m. Phebe Hewitt, sister of Elias. 4464. Charles S. Hull, b. Oct. 30, 1830; m., Nov. 15, i860, Mary Hall, dau. of William Hall. 4465. Martha Almira Hull, b. Jan. 8, 1833; m. Argall. John Pitts Williams, Jr. (4454), son of John Pitts Williams and Cynthia (York) W'illiams, dau. of Jesse (1275) and Cynthia (Miner) York, son of Jesse York (1230), son of Thomas (12 19) and Deborah (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (ig) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Jan. 5, 1822; m., Stonington, Conn., Nov. 24, 1846, Harriet Atwood Wheeler, b., Stonington, Jan. 19, 1825. He was a farmer, and resided at No. Ston- ington, Conn. Children: 4466. John Atwood W'illiams, b., Stonington, May 18, 1848. 4467. Charles Edwin Williams, b., Stonington, Jan. 26, 1850 (4470, 4471)- 4468. Henry Alberti Williams, b., Stonington, 111., Dec. 12, 1856; d., Stonington, Conn., Apr. 5, 1857. 514 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 4469. Isaac Williams, b., Stonington, Conn., Feb. 15, i860; m., Delaware, la., Dec. 16, 1888, Mattie Kingsley, b., Syracuse, N. Y. ; dau. of John Milton Kingsley and Martha Elizabeth (Clark) Kingsley. Edwin Charles Williams (4467), son of the preceding, b., Stonington, Conn., Jan. 26, 1850; m.. No. Stonington, Conn., Jan. 5, 1S76, Martha Hull Wheeler, b., No. Stonington, Oct. 9, 1856; dau. of Ephraim Wheeler and Elizabeth (Coats) Wheeler. He is a farmer and stock-raiser; is a dea- con of First Congregational Church of No. Stonington. Res., Stonington, Conn. Children, all b. Stonington: 4470. Harriet Atwood Williams, b. May 30, 1877. 4471. Nathan Wheeler Williams, b. Nov. 18, 1878. Leland Daniel Miner (4378), son of Saxton Miner and Content (York) Miner (4313), dau. of Allen (1234) and Zerviah (Wheeler) York, son of Thomas (1219) and Deborah (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b. 1806; d. Apr. i, 1885; m. (i), Apr. 15, 1829, Bridget Wheeler Maine, b. July 23, 1807; d. Oct. 19, 1836; m. (2), Apr. I, 1840, Hannah M. AUyn. Children, by first m. : 4472. Henry Eeland Miner, b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Sept. 24, 1832 (4475)- 4473. George Herman Miner, b.. No. Stonington, Sept. 15, 1834 (4476-4480). 4474. Bridget Wheeler Miner, b. July 18, 1836; d. Sept. 6, 1848. Henry Leland Miner (4472), son of the preceding, b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Sept. 24, 1832; d.. Westerly, R. I., Apr. 6, 1907; m.. No. Stonington, Jan. 5, 1858, Mary J. Bentley, b.. No. Stonington, Sept. 10, 1833; d.. West- erly, Mar. 14, 1901; dau. of Russell Bentley and Susan (Stanton) Bentley. He was a farmer and a merchant at Westerly, a Republican, and he and his wife were members of the First Baptist Church of Westerly. Dau. : 4475. Jennie Bentley Miner, b.. No. Stonington, Oct. 17, 1865. Rev. George Herman Miner (4473), brother of the preceding, b., No. Stonington, Conn., Sept. 15, 1834; m.. Providence, R. I., Aug. 12, 1864, Abby Frances Butts, b.. Providence, Aug. 12, 1846; dau. of Edward Perry Butts and Marianne (Bailey) Butts, of New Bedford, Mass. He is a Bap- tist clergyman. He graduated from Brown University in 1863; ordained 515 THE BROWN GENEALOGY at Central Falls, R. I., 1864; settled as pastor, Central Falls, 1864-1868; abroad in 1867; settled in Cambridge, Mass., 1868-1872; Newburyport, Mass., 1872-1876; New Britain, Conn., 1876-1884-, Mystic, Conn., 1884- 1893; retired and at home, 84 Melrose St., Providence, 1893-1900; settled a second time at Newburyport, 1900-1905; abroad with family, 1905,1906; is now acting pastor of Cranston St. Baptist Church, Providence, R. I. He is a Republican. Res., 844 Melrose St., Providence, R. I. Children : 4476. Lilian Burleigh Miner, b., Central Falls, Mar. 14, 1867. 4477. Grace Childs Miner, b., Cambridge, Mar. 18, 1869; d., New- buryport, Jan., 1874. 4478. Bertha Miner, b., Cambridge, Mar. 8, 1871. 4479. Ella Chapman Miner, b., Newburyport, 1873; d., Newbury- port, Jan., 1874. 4480. George Leland Miner, b., Newburyport, Nov. 11, 1875. Rev. Bradley Miner (4379), son of Saxton and Content (York) Miner (4313), dau. of Allen (1234) and Zerviah (Wheeler) York, son of Thomas (1219) and Deborah (Brown) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) Y'ork (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., July 18, 1808; d., Providence, R. I., Oct. 28, 1854; m. (i), June 30, 1830, Phebe Esther Pendleton, b.. No. Stonington, Aug. 30, 1810; d., Dorchester, Mass., Dec. 17, 1839; dau. of Nathan and Phebe (Cole) Pendleton; m. (2), Louisa Tucker. He was pastor of Baptist churches at Fall River, Mass. (First), Pawtuxet, R. I., Woonsocket, R. I., Dorchester and Pittsfield, Mass. He is a graduate of Newton Theological Institution; A.M., Colgate University. Children, all by first m.: 4481. Francis W'ayland ISIiner, b.. Fall River, Dec. 10, 183 1 (4483- 4487). 4482. Sarah Miner, d. at two years of age. Two infants, interred at Stonington. Francis Wayland Miner (4481), son of the preceding, b., Fall River, Mass., Dec. 10, 1831; m., Westerly, R. I., Feb. 20, 1864, Elizabeth Read Davis, b., Gilboa, N. Y., July 15, 1836; dau. of Benjamin and Catherine (Fanning) Davis. He graduated at Brown University; was representative from Cranston, R. I., for ten years and later from Providence; Speaker of the House in 1862; member of Cranston City Council; Maj. on Governor's staff during Civil War. He is a lawyer, 29 We3'bosset Street, Providence, R. L 516 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : 4483. Sarah Miner, b. Providence. Res., 3 Temple St., Providence, R. I. 4484. Pendleton Miner, b.. Providence, Apr. 23, 1868; d. Apr. 23, 1870. 4485. Francis Wayland Miner, Jr., b.. Providence, July 27, 1869. He is a lawyer; graduated at Brown University and Univer- sity of Leipsig; Major United Train of Artillery; council- man. Res., Providence, R. I. 4486. Pendleton Miner, b., Providence, Mar. 6, 187 1 ; d.. Providence, Sept. 25, 1878. 4487. Edith Elizabeth Miner, b.. Providence, Feb. 4, 1875; d.. Prov- idence, Sept 26, 1878. John C. York (1450b), son of Zebulon York (1301), son of Bell York (1254), son of Bell York (1224), son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Apr. 3, 1812; d., Blue Rock, O., Mar. 26, 1846; m.. Blue Rock, July 3, 1842, Jane Shilling, b.. Blue Rock, 1822; d.. Blue Rock, 1862; dau. of Amos and Nancy (Finly) Shilling. She was a member of the Methodist Church. When he was about fourteen years of age his right arm was injured in a mill so badly that it was amputated above the elbow. He then determined to get an education. By going to school winters and teaching summers he fitted himself for college and acquired a good education, but at the expense of his health. While travelling for his health he went to Ohio, where he married. His daughter has a very interesting letter written by him from Blue Rock, July 13, 1842, in which he described his travels and mentions his marriage. It was written to his sister and niece in Connecticut and the postage on it was twenty-five cents. Children: 4488. Amos York, b., Blue Rock, Apr. 15, 1843 (4507-4516). 4489. Elmina York, b.. Blue Rock, Sept. 24, 1845 (4517-4519). Catherine Thompson (4394a), dau. of Aaron and Elmina (York) Thomp- son (i45of), dau. of Zebulon (1301) and Betsey (Chapman) York, son of Bell (1264) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Mar. 3, 1826; m., No. Stonington, Nov. 5, 1845, Ephraim Wheeler Maine, b., No. Stonington, Oct. 31, 1812; d.. No. Ston- ington, June 29, 1894; son of Amos C. and Susanna (Wheeler) Maine. 517 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Susanna Wheeler was the sister of Hosea Wheeler, who m. Anna Brown (287). Mr. Maine owned the farm which formerly belonged to Ephraim Maine, and occupied it with his family for twenty-two years. It was one of the most beautiful and picturesque locations in No. Stonington, where the compiler of this book Hved from 1845 to 1848. He lived a good, clean, quiet, and unassuming life, never seeking public ofhce, and exerted a good influence on the community. His wife ably sustained her part in the home. They were valuable members of the Third Baptist Church. [See Appen- dix X.] Children, all b. No. Stonington: 4490. Elmina Catherine Maine, b. Oct. i, 1846 (4520-4522). 4491. Herbert Ephraim Maine, b. Mar. 9, 1849 (4523). 4492. Nancy Wheeler Maine, b. Jan. 19, 1856; m.. No. Stonington, May 12, 1891, Rev. Benjamin Allen Greene, b., Harrison- ville, R. I., Nov. 6, 1846; son of Alvin and Maria (Arnold) Greene. He was a graduate of Brown University and New- ton Theological Institution. His first pastorate was at W^est- boro, Mass.; his second at Lynn, Mass., where he remained sixteen years; and his third, at Evanston, 111., commenced Mar., 1897. He is a lecturer at Crozer, Rochester, Chicago, and Northwestern Universities. His wife is president of the W^oman's Club of Evanston. No issue. Res., 1145 Ben- son Ave., Evanston, 111. 4493. Susan Florence IVEaine, b. Feb. 8, 1858 (4524-4530). 4494. Eldora Thompson Maine, b. Oct. 17, 1862; unm. She is a school-teacher, having taught in Brookline, Mass.; Buf- falo, N. Y.; and Bryn Mawr, Penn. In 1905 she was asso- ciated with her sister Mary Talulah (4496), in their college preparatory school at Brantwood Hall, So. Orange, N. J. Later they located at Lawrence Park, Bronxville, N. Y. 4495. Bessie B. Chapman Maine, b. Jime 30, 1866 (4531). 4496. Mary Talulah Maine, b. Oct. 6, 1869; unm. She is a grad- uate of Wellesley College, and has taught in Stamford, Conn., and Chelsea High School, Chelsea, Mass. Samuel Thompson (4394aa), brother of the preceding, b.. No. Ston- ington, Conn., May 17, 1828; d.. No. Stonington, Aug. 8, 1901; m., No. Stonington, May 21, 1849, Mary Frances Greene, b., Hopkinton, R. I., July 21, 1827; dau. of Dea. Paul and Sallie (Palmer) Greene, of Hopkinton. He was a farmer and always resided in No. Stonington ; a Republican, and 518 THE BROWN GENEALOGY he and his wife were members of the Baptist Church. He twice repre- sented the town in the Connecticut Gen. Ass., 1874-1882. Children, all b. No. Stonington: 4497. Sarah Palmer Thompson, b. Aug. 18, 1850. 4498. George Anson Thompson, b. Oct. 26, 1852 (4532, 4533)- 4499. Frank Allison Thompson, b. June 8, 1855 (4534-4536). 4500. Fannie Murray Thompson, b. Nov. 25, 1857; unm. 4501. Annie Kate Thompson, b. Oct. 11, 1859 (4537-4541). 4502. Lila Grace Denison Thompson, b. Nov. 7, 1862; unm. 4503. Nellie May Thompson, b. June 28, 1865 (4542-4544). Benjamin Thompson (4394ab), brother of the preceding, b.. No. Ston- ington, Conn., Feb. 18, 1830; m., No. Stonington, Oct. 31, 1852, Frances A. Hillard, b.. No. Stonington, May 16, 1835; dau. of Elias and EHza (Hewitt) Hillard. He lives on the homestead in No. Stonington that was his father's. This is a Christian family of good report. He became blind in 1906. Children, b. No. Stonington: 4504. Infant son, b. and d. Jan., 1854. 4505. Albert L. Thompson, b. Nov. 7, 1863; d. Feb. 20, 1898 (4545> 4546). 4506. Willie Thompson, b. June 8, 1868; d. June 18, 1869. Amos York (4488), son of John C. York (1450b) and Jane (Shilling) York, son of Zebulon (1301) and Betsey (Chapman) York, son of Bell (1254) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Blue Rock, O., Apr. 15, 1843; ^-i Tuscola, 111., July 4, 1868, Almira Law, dau. of John and Eliza J. Law, of Mattoon, 111. He is a physician and re- sides at Strasburg, Shelby Co., 111. He came to Indiana in June, 1861, and in August of that year enlisted in Co. I, 8th Ind. Inf.; re-enlisted at Indian- ola, Tex., Jan. i, 1864; mustered out of service at Darwin, Va., Aug. 28, 1865; arrived at home Sept. 21, 1865, and the next Monday went to work on a farm and did not lose a day until he removed to 111., Jan. i, 1867. He lived in Douglas Co., 111., five years; Champaign Co., 111., one year; Douglas Co. again three years; and in Strasburg, thirty-two years. On his removal to 111., where he was a farmer, he commenced to read the Bible and to study medicine; attended the winter and spring terms of lectures 1874 and 1875 at E. M. I., Cincinnati, and the term of 1877, and was grad- uated Mar. 22, 1878. 519 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children : 4507. Ida D. York, b., Tuscola, Douglas Co., June 6, 1869 (4547). 4508. John C. York, b., Douglas Co., May 18, 1870; d. Oct. 19, 1870. 4509. Elmer M. York, b., Champaign Co., Sept. 14, 187 1 (4548- 4552). 4510. Gertrude E. York, b., Douglas Co., Aug. 3, 1873; d. Sept. 9, 1874. 4511. Lillian Pearl York, b., Tuscola, May 13, 1875 (4553). 4512. Albert T. York, b., Shelby Co., June 26, 1877 (4554,4555). 4513. Maude York, b., Shelby Co., June i, 1881. 4514. Harry M. York, b., Shelby Co., Mar. 15, 1883; m., Mattoon, 111., July 22, 1907, Bertha Hoese, dau. of Fred Hoese, of Strasburg. She was a teacher for seven years. He is a bar- ber and a Republican. Res., Strasburg, 111. 4515. Frank York, b., Shelby Co., Dec. 26, 1885. 4516. Zelma York, b., Shelby Co.. July 11, 1896. Elmina York (4489), sister of the preceding, b.. Blue Rock, O., Sept. 24, 1845; ni-) Zanesville, O., Sept. 3, 1867, Joel C. Butler, b.. Blue Rock, Apr. 30, 1837; d., Grundy Co., Mo., Sept. 30, 1876; son of Caleb Butler and Polly (Bailey) Butler. He was a soldier in the Civil War, enlisting at Zanes- ville, June 13, 1861, in Co. E, Third Regt. O. V. I., and was discharged, for physical debility, July 21, 1862. He was a farmer at Lindley, Mo., and a Republican. His widow res. Chillicothe, Mo. Children : 4517. J. Clyde Butler, b., Marion Co., 111., May 28, 1868 (4556). 4518. Amos F. Butler, b., Grundy Co., Mo., May i, 1870; d., Chillicothe, Nov. 16, 1882. 4519. Bertran T. Butler, b., Grundy Co., July 25, 1872 (4557,4558). Elmina Catherine Maine (4490), dau. of Ephraim Wheeler Maine and Catherine (Thompson) Maine (4394a), dau. of Aaron and Elmina (York) Thompson (i45of), dau. of Zebulon (1301) and Betsey (Chapman) York, son of Bell (1264) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Oct. i, 1846; m., No. Stonington, Jan. I, 1868, Benjamin Franklin Arnold, b.. So. Kingston, R. I., Apr. 8, 1834; son of George and Charlotte (Gardner) Arnold. In connection with his brother-in-law, Herbert Ephraim IMaine, he carries on the wholesale grocery and tea house of Arnold & Maine, 121 Westminster St., Providence, established in i860, with branches at Pawtucket, R. I., and Worcester, 520 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Mass. He is a deacon of the Cranston St. Baptist Church. Res., 911 Parade St., Providence, R. I. Children, all except the first b. Providence: 4520. Kate Arnold, b.. No. Stonington, May 27, 1871; d., Button- woods, R. I., Aug. 31, 1906. 4521. Margaret Arnold, b. Oct. 29, 1875 (4559~456i)- 4522. Franklin Herbert Arnold, b. Apr. 23, 1878. Herbert Ephraim Maine (4491), brother of the preceding, b.. No. Ston- ington, Conn., Mar. 9, 1849; rn-j Providence, R. I., Jan. 29, 1879, Clara Eldora Horton, b., Dover, N. H., Feb. 19, 1858; dau. of Alfred Ziba Horton and Mary Ann (Goodwin) Horton. In his young manhood he was a school- teacher at No. Stonington and supt. of Sunday school. After his removal to Providence he became a deacon in Cranston St. Baptist Church and supt. of its Sunday school for many years. He is a merchant. [See last above.] Res., 89 Parade St., Providence, R. I. Dau.: 4523. Bertha Maine, b. Aug. 29, 1880; d. Mar. 12, 1881. Susan Florence Maine (4493), sister of the preceding, b., No. Stoning- ton, Conn., Feb. 8, 1858; m., Providence, R. I., Jan. 4, 1888, Edgar Oscar Silver. He is a graduate of Brown University, and a member of the pub- lishing-firm of Silver, Burdett & Co., of New York, Boston, and Chicago. She is a graduate of Wellesley College. Res., E. Orange, N. J. Children : 4524. Katherine Silver, b. Aug. 5, 1890. 4525. Anne Louise Silver, b. June 25, 1892. 4526. Edgar Oscar Silver, Jr. 4527. Helen Florence Silver. 4528. Priscilla Warren Silver. 4529. Geraldine Silver. 4530. Blanche Silver. Bessie B. Chapman Maine (4495), sister of the preceding, b., No. Ston- ington, Conn., June 30, 1866; m., No. Stonington, Aug. 6, 1890, Rev. Freeman Tupper Whitman, b., Milton, Nova Scotia; son of Nathan T. and Matilda (Freeman) Whitman, of Milton. He graduated from Worcester Academy, from Brown University, and from Newton Theological Institu- tion; pastor of Baptist Church, Newton Upper Falls, Mass; seven years at Brighton Ave. Baptist Church, Boston; four years at English Church, Ran- goon, Burmah; five years at Framingham, Mass.; now at Valley Falls, R. E 521 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Dau.: 4531. Elizabeth Wave Whitman, b., No. Stonington, Dec. 26, 1891. George Anson Thompson (4498), son of Samual (4394aa) and ■Mary Frances (Greene) Thompson, son of Aaron and Elmina (York) Thomp- son (i45of), dau. of Zebulon (1301) and Betsey (Chapman) York, son of Bell (1254) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Oct. 26, 1852; m.. No. Stonington, May 25, 1892, Grace L. Pitcher, b.. No. Stonington, Mar. 18, 1872; dau. of Edward and Emma (Berry) Pitcher, of No. Stonington. He is a farmer and a zealous Christian worker, and he and his wife are members of the Third Baptist Church of No. Stonington. They reside on the old homestead in No. Stonington, with his mother. Children : 4532. Sarah Palmer Thompson, b. July 11, 1899. 4533. Ruth Gladys Thompson, b. July 30, 1903. Frank Allison Thompson (4499), brother of the preceding, b., No. Ston- ington, Conn., June 8, 1855; m., Hartford, Conn., June 2, 1881, Nellie Frances Norton, b.. So. Norwalk, Conn., May 8, 1857; dau. of \Mlliam H. and Mary E. (Ward) Norton. He was a student at the High School at Westerly and at the Connecticut Literary Institute at Suffield. He lived at Hope Valley, R. I., nineteen years; New Haven, Conn., seven years. Res., No. Stonington, Conn. Children, b. Hope Valley: 4534. Richard Mason Thompson, b. Apr. 14, 1883. 4535. Leonas Christine Thompson, b. Aug. 28, 1884. 4536. Olga Marie Thompson, b. Mar. 18, 1893. Annie Kate Thompson (4501), sister of the preceding, b.. No. Stoning- ton, Conn., Oct. 11, 1859; m., No. Stonington, Oct. 28, 1879, George A. Pendleton, b., Preston, Conn., Sept. 27, 1844; son of Ansel and Ann W. (Button) Pendleton, of Preston. He has been a selectman and deputy sher- iff, and for many years an auctioneer. He resides on the farm that was owned by George Wheeler and later by Charles L. Brown. Children, b. No. Stonington: 4537. Morris Allston Pendleton, b. Oct. 24, 1880 (4562-4564). 4538. Maud Ehza Pendleton, b. Dec. 3, 1882; m., Mar. 21, 1895, Charles S. Noyes, Jr. 4539. Fannie Thompson Pendleton, b. May 16, 1884. 522 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 4540. Lucy Adams Pendleton, b. May 18, 1890. 4541. Olive Christine Pendleton, b. Jan. 7, 1895. Nellie May Thompson (4503), sister of the preceding, b., No. Stoning- ton. Conn., May 28, 1865 ; m. Amos Wheeler, b. 1862 ; son of Frank Wheeler. Children : 4542. Nancy Louise Wheeler. 4543. Frank Thompson Wheeler. ' 4544. Anna Avery Wheeler. Albert L. Thompson (4505), son of Benjamin (4394a b) and Frances A. (Hillard) Thompson, son of Aaron and Elmina (York) Thompson (i45of), dau. of Zebulon (1301) and Betsey (Chapman) York, son of Bell (1254) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b., No. Stonington, Conn., Nov. 7, 1863; d. Feb. 20, 1898; m., No. Stonington, Sept. 23, 1885, Jennie J. Babcock, dau. of Irving Babcock. Children : 4545. Clifford B. Thompson, b. Mar. 4, 1890. 4546. Irving H. Thompson, b. Feb. 20, 1895. Ida D. York (4507), dau. of Amos (4488) and Almira (Law) York, sou of John C. (1450b) and Jane (Shilling) York, son of Zebulon (1301) and Betsey (Chapman) York, son of Bell (1254) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Tuscola, Douglas Co., 111., June 5, 1869; m., Denver, Col., May 22, 1891, Henry H. Per Lee, b., Amenia, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1866; son of Henry P. Per Lee and Letitia (Hebard) Per Lee. She had a common-school education; taught music till 1877, when she went to Denver; after marriage removed to Amenia, where she now resides. He is an engineer and a Republican. They attend the Presbyterian Church. Dau.: 4547. Helen York Per Lee, b., Amenia, May 27, 1901. Elmer M. York (4509), brother of the preceding, b.. Champaign Co., 111., Sept. 14, 1871; m., Shelbyville, 111., Mary E. W'hitlach, dau. of J. D. W^hitlach and Nancy C. (Martin) Whitlach, of Opdyke, 111. He is a clothier at Strasburg, 111., and is a Republican. Children, all b. Strasburg: 4548. Sylvia D. York, b. Jan. 23, 1893. 4549. Esther F. York, b. Jan. 27, 1896. 4550. Gayreld C. York, b. July 12, 1898. 523 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 4551. Albert G. York, b. Feb. 7, 1901. 4552. Harold A. York, b. July 30, 1906. Lillian Pearl York (451 1), sister of the preceding, b., Tuscola, 111., May 13, 1875; m., Strasburg, 111., May 17, 1894, Bert E. Harves, b., Strasburg, Aug. 4, 1870; son of Benjamin and Anna (Smith) Harves, of Shelbyville. They resided in Strasburg till 1904, when they removed to Mattoon, 111., where they now reside. He is a salesman and a Republican. Son : 4553. Leslie Raymond Harves, b., Strasburg, Aug. 29, 1896. Albert T. York (4512), brother of the preceding, b., Strasburg, 111., June 26, 1887; m., Ash Grove, 111., July 14, 1901, E. Dora Hart, b., Middles- worth, 111., Sept, 10, 1876; dau. of Rev. Marine G. Hart and Susan E. (Colton) Hart, of Windsor, 111. He is a miller. They resided in Strasburg until after their marriage; removed to Ashmore, 111., Oct., 1901; to Mayo, 111., June, 1902; back to Strasburg, Mar., 1903, where they now reside. Children: 4554. Daphna York, b.. Mayo, Dec. 20, 1902. 4555. Donna A. York, b., Strasburg, June 6, 1905; d., Strasburg, Oct. 28, 1905. J. Clyde Butler (4517), son of Joel C. and Elmina (York) Butler (4489), son of John C. York (1450b) and Jane (Shilling) York, son of Zebulon (1301) and Betsey (Chapman) York, son of Bell (1254) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Marion Co., 111., May 28, 1868; m., Chillicothe, Mo., Oct. 21, 1903, Ella M. Herrod, b., Trenton, Mo., July 15, 1885; son of Salathieal and Elizabeth (Lisby) Herrod, of Trenton. He is a bookkeeper and a Republican. His wife is a member of the Methodist Church. Res., Chillicothe, Mo. Dau.: 4556. Velma Butler, b. Feb. 4, 1905. Bertran T. Butler (4519), brother of the preceding, b., Grundy Co., Mo., July 25, 1872; m., Chillicothe, Mo., June 28, 1902, Georgia Wilson, b., Chillicothe, Oct. 17, 1880; dau. of John B. and Elizabeth (Spring) Wilson, of Chillicothe. He is a Republican and a brick-moulder. His wife is a member of the Methodist Church. Res., ChilHcothe, Mo. Children, all b. in Chillicothe: 4557. Ruth M. Butler, b. Oct. 8, 1903. 4558. Joel B. Butler, b. Apr. 11, 1906. Margaret Arnold (4521), dau. of Benjamin Franklin Arnold and Elmina 524 APPENDIX life of so noble a man, laying down the burdens of life in his ninety-fourth year. The self-sacrificing labors and the towering grandeur of his charac- ter and the wide-spread and abounding influence which emanated from his life perpetuate his memory through many generations, leaving a shining record. The handful of corn on the tops of the mountains grew till now the mem- bership was three hundred and thirty-five. He served this church all these years without salary, and built the meeting-house from lumber cut from his "cedar swamp," with the assistance of his brethren. It was without paint, both interior and exterior; with galleries on three sides, a high pulpit on the north side, with an ascent of ten stairs, enclosed with panel work. When the minister was seated he could not be seen by the audience. He stood on a small platform, and was a commanding fig- ure. The writer was present when the last service was held in this old meeting-house, in the spring of 1845; '^ was like parting with one's dearest friend, and many tears were shed. It was suggested that they better let it stand, but it was taken down and the present house erected the same year. The ceiling of the porch of the new house was the panelling taken from the pews of the old house. The following items of interest by way of comparison are gleaned from the Stonington Baptist Association, as it was first called in the first printed minutes, which embraced churches in Rhode Island as far east as Exeter and Wickford and west to Waterford and Montville, Conn. Stonington Baptist Association held at Elder Timothy Wightman's Meeting house in 1792 Groton. First Church, Elder Eleazer Brown, No. 152. Second Church, Elder Simeon Brown," 201. Exeter Church, R. I. (Nooseneck hill) " 254. 1811. Second N. Stonington " 276. Exeter, R. I. No. 253; First Groton 208; First N. Stonington 185. 1822. Exeter 684; North Kingston (Wickford) 401; Second N. Stonington 320; First Groton 246. 555 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1832. Exeter 512; Second N. Stonington 454; Second Groton 358; First Groton 257- From this last date to the present, 1905, all these country churches have decreased in membership; and while they still live, they have become, some of them, very weak. The successor to Elder Brown was Elder Asher Miner, who had been for ten years associate pastor with the aged minister, and at his death be- came sole pastor. The church has been, and is still, called the Miner Church, although many living at this distant day believe it should have been called the Elder Simeon Brown Church. Rev. Asher Miner was born in No. Stonington, Conn., Jan. 30, 1772. He was the son of Thomas and Mary (Page) Miner; married Lucy Spald- ing, Nov. 28, 1790; and was ordained in 1805. The church is beautifully located, second only to the church on Pendleton Hill for natural scenery and picturesqueness. Elder Miner was a contemporary with Elder Jona- than Miner of the First Church and Elder John Gano Wightman of the First Groton Church. Neither Elder Brown nor Elder Miner had the advantages of a collegiate or theological education, but were both men of natural endowments, and good understanding of the word of God. Their highest aim and the crown- ing efforts of their lives were to lead men and women, old and young, to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and in this crowning part of their work they were eminently successful; which is the pre-eminent work of the gospel ministrv. Elder Miner had been trained in church work by his illustrious predecessor, and had spent his whole life with this church. Elder Brown had laid the sure foundation and was worthy to be followed. There are yet living, in 1905 some who remember this saint of God, the tone of his voice, and the people who came in large numbers to attend divine worship. During his pastorate there were received nearly five hundred into the fellowship of this church. Although there were churches at this time in Westerly, Stonington, Mystic, much nearer, the people flocked to this old church in great numbers; so that during this pastorate the church numbered, at one time, four hundred and eighty. Elder Miner died Sept. i, 1836, and the people still worship in the old house. A few now, in 1905, remember Elder Asher Miner, whose whole term of SS6 Inimiiimuii Residence of dleorge A. Pendleton Where (260) was born, November 24, 1829 North Stonington, Conn. ^ This house was built, over two hundred years ago, by Sylvanus Maxson (719), who owned large tracts of land. Nathan Maxson (720), his son, came in possession of it, and he and his wife Ruth died here. Horace Maxson (723) was the next heir, and his wife, Lovina, died here, and their daughter Sarah Catherine (726) was born and married in this house to Cyrus H. Brown (260). It has been celebrated as the rendezvous of the Sabbatarian fraternity for scores of years. Near this house is the Second Seventh Day Baptist meeting- house in America. THE BROWN GENEALOGY Catherine (Maine) Arnold (4490), dau. of Ephraim Wheeler Maine and Catherine (Thompson) Maine (4394a), dau. of Aaron and Elmina (York) Thompson (i45of), dau. of Zebulon (1301) and Betsey (Chapman) York, son of Bell (1254) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Providence, R. I., Oct. 29, 1875; n^-> Providence, Apr. 10, 1901, John Davis Edmands Jones, b., Worcester, Mass., Feb. 4, 1872; son of Preston and Ella (Johns) Jones. He is an insurance agent, and he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. Res., 49 Humboldt Ave., Providence, R. I. Children : 4559. John Davis Edmands Jones, Jr., b., Providence, Mar. 22, 1902. 4560. Arnold Wheeler Jones, b.. Providence, Mar. 2, 1904. 4561. Meredith Wharton Jones, b., Buttonwoods, R. I., Aug. 4, 1906. Morris AUston Pendleton (4537), son of George A. and Annie Kate (Thompson) Pendleton (4501), dau. of Samuel (4394aa) and Mary Frances (Greene) Thompson, son of Aaron and Elmina (York) Thompson (i45of)> dau. of Zebulon (1301) and Betsey (Chapman) York, son of Bell (1254) and Anna (Brown) York, son of Bell (1224) and Ruth (Main) York, son of Thomas and Mary (Brown) York (19) [Thomas (2), Thomas], b. Oct. 24, 1880; m. Ethna I. Hoxie. Children : 4562. Morris Ansel Pendleton. 4563. Lucius Hoxie Pendleton. 45^4. Mildred Estella Pendleton. Antoinette Randall Brown (3436), dau. of Williams (134) and Esther (Randall) Brown [Asa (123), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Brookfield, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1825; d.. Green Bay, Wis., Mar. i, 1899; m., Brookfield, Mar. 19, 1849, Albert Gallatin Ellis Holmes, b., Bridgewater, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1824; d.. Green Bay, Wis., Dec. 9, 1895-, son of Alvah Holmes and Sophronia K. (Ellis) Holmes, of Bridgewater. He came West in 1840 with General Ellis, as chain man of a surveying party. He returned in 1849 and was married, keeping a tavern for a year after marriage. Next year he came to Green Bay, where he resided to the time of his death. He was a merchant and lumberman, a Republican, and he and his wife were members of the Episcopal Church. Children, b. in Green Bay: 4564a. Kitty Holmes, b. 1868; d. Feb. 8, 1872. 4565. Albert Gallatin Ellis Holmes, Jr., b. June 24, 1878 (4566). 525 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Albert Gallatin Ellis Holmes, Jr. (4465), son of the preceding, b.. Green Bay, Wis., June 24, 1878; m.. Green Bay, Oct. 4, 1899, Mabel Elizabeth Spuhler, b.. Green Bay, Nov. 7, 1879; dau. of Adan and Jane (Fardell) Spuhler, of Green Bay. Both have high-school educations. He was for some years in the City National Bank, later with Murphy Lumber Co., and is now manager of Northern Harness and Saddlery Co., of Green Bay. He is a Republican, and both are members of the Episcopal Church. Children, b. in Green Bay: 4566. Alice Antoinette Holmes, b. July 19, 1901. 4566a. Randall Ellis Holmes, b. July 25, 1907. Tabitha Brown (82), dau. of Humphrey (26) and Tabitha (Holdredge) Brown [Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Nov. 23, 1727; m. Rev. Valentine Wightman Rathbone, b., Wednesday, Dec. 23, 1724, at 2 o'clock P.M.; son of Rev. Joshua Rathbone and Mary Wightman, dau. of Rev. Valentine Wightman, of Groton, a descendant of Rev. Edward Wightman, burned at the stake in Litchfield, England, in 161 2, the last man in England so to suffer for conscience' sake. Rev. Valentine Wight- man Rathbone settled in Pittsfield, Mass., in 1769, organized the first Baptist church in Pittsfield, and became its pastor in 1772. He was also a clothier. His fellow citizens manifested their esteem of his character and talents by electing him to represent them in county congresses, over which he often presided, and at interesting crises sent him to the General Court. Rev. Valentine Wightman, the father of Mary Wightman mentioned above, organ- ized the first Baptist church in Connecticut, and the first Baptist church west of Prov- idence, R. I. — at Groton, ini705. He assisted in planting the first Baptist church in the city and State of New York. He was a well-educated and scholarly man; aided in planting churches in Stonington, Waterford, and Lyme, Conn. He was pastor of the Groton church forty-two years, and was succeeded by his son Rev. Timothy Wight- man, who was tried by the erratic ideas and practices of a band of Rogerine Quakers, that aimed at times to disturb his meetings, but his serenity and good judgment foiled their designs They would attend his meetings taking with them their basket-work, and during a service one of them addressed the minister: "Timothy, thou liest; thou knowest thou liest." He was a plain, fearless, discreet, faithful preacher, like his hon- ored father before him. He also served the Groton church for forty-two years. The next to succeed Rev. Timothy Wightman was his youngest son, Rev. John Gano Wightman, who was a man distinguished for solid, practical qualities of fervent and consistent piety, of an e.xcellent, goodly personal appearance and bearing, who won a high rank in the councils and associations of the Baptist denomination. He was pastor forty -one years. Thus father, son, and grandson served successively the old Groton church for one hundred and twenty-five years. 526 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Children: 4567. Mary Rathbone, b. Mar. 28, 1745; m., Jan. 24, 1765, by Rev. Joseph Torrey, to William Potts. 4568. Joshua Rathbone, b. Jnpe 21, 1746; m. Elizabeth Hall. 4569. Susannah Rathbone, b. May i, 1748; m., Nov. 8, 1767, William Fellow, b. Feb. 28, 1743. 4570. Content Rathbone, b. Apr. 11, 1750. 4571. Daniel Rathbone, b. Apr. 11, 1754; m. (2) Sabra . 4572. Valentine Rathbone, b. Apr. 22, 1756. 4573. Reuben Rathbone (twin), b. May 11, 1760; killed by falling tree at Marcellus, N. Y., 1807. He joined the Shakers, but left them, giving his' reasons in a book, " Reasons for Leaving Them." 4574. Cynthia Rathbone (twin), b. May 11, 1760. 4575. Saxton Rathbone, b. 1762. He had a large family. His will is on record in the County Court in Syracuse, N. Y. 4576. James Rathbone, b. 1764; d. Apr. 4, 1848; m. a Langworthy- He had a large family, of which the name of only one is known; viz., Sylvester Rathbone, who m. (i), Oct., 181 1, Apami Root, d. June 5, 1823; (2) Mahnda Brooks. The descent of Tabitha Brown and her sister Content (85) is wrongly given in the Rathbone Genealogy. She is there stated to have been a dau. of Humphrey Brown, son of Daniel Brown, who emigrated from England about 1620. This error is corrected by the Chesebrough Genealogy, p. 517, .which, on the faith of tradition among the descendants of Content (Brown) Wightman (85), makes Thomas Brown, of Lynn, a descendant of Peter Brown, of the Mayflower. [See Rathbone Genealogy, Syracuse, N. Y., 1898, pp. 325-352.] Content Brown (85), sister of the preceding, b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 31, 1733; d., Ashford, Conn., Sept. 30, 1804; m., Jan. 8, 1751, Rev. John Rathbone, brother of Rev. Valentine Wightman Rathbone, husband of her sister Tabitha, b., Thursday, June 26, 1729, at 10 o'clock p.m.; d.. Willing- ton, Conn., Aug. 2, 1826, in his ninety-eighth year and in the seventy-fifth year of his ministry; buried at Ashford. He was a Baptist; a patriot of the Revolution; member of the Stonington Committee of Correspondence and Inspection; and was a signer of the memorial to the Connecticut Assembly praying for cannon to protect the town of Stonington against the British attack on Long Point in 1777. He organized the Baptist Church at West- 527 THE BROWN GENEALOGY ford, Mass., in 1780, and became its first pastor in 178 1. He preached at Saratoga, N. Y., in his ninety-fifth year. Children, all except the first three b. in Stonington: 4577. John Rathbone, b., Canterbury, Conn., Sunday, Oct. 20, 1751; m. Eunice Wells, of Westerly, R. I. 4578. Martha Rathbone, b., Groton, Conn., Tuesday, Aug. 7, 1753, 5 o'clock A.M.; m. Wheeler Douglas. 4579. Daniel, or Asher, Rathbone, b. July 14, 1755; ^- i^ infancy. 4580. Prudence Rathbone, b. Monday, Jan. 31, 1759, at 3 o'clock P.M. 4581. Marion Rathbone, b. Tuesday, Feb. 27, 1760, at 8 o'clock a.m. 4582. Valentine Wightman Rathbone, b. Wednesday, May 13, 1761, at 11.30 P.M. 4583. David Rathbone, b. Tuesday, May 29, 1764, at 4 o'clock p.m. 4584. Joseph Avery Rathbone, b. June 16, 1765, at 6 o'clock A.M. ("4585. Aaron Rathbone (twin), b. July 25, 1770, at 8.30 p.m. i 4586. Moses Rathbone (twin), b. July 25, 1770. 4587. Edward Rathboiie, b. Nov. i, 1773; d. in infancy. 4588. Samuel Rathbone, b., Stonington, July i, 1776, at 3.10 p.m. 4589. Content Rathbone, b. Mar. 26, 1778; d. July 30, 1779. The portrait of Rev. Valentine Rathbone, in silhouette, forms the frontis- piece to the Randall Genealogy. His son John Rathbone was a very suc- cessful merchant in New York City, where he and his son, John, Jr., were prominent capitahsts. David Rathbone, son of Rev. Valentine, was also a Baptist minister. His grandson, Justus Henry Rathbone, was the founder of the Knights of Pythias. Robert C. Rathbone, son of Aaron, son of Rev. Valentine, was a stockbroker in New York City; was one of the founders, and for thirty-three years treasurer, of the New York Stock Exchange. Another son, Aaron H. Rathbone, was a wealthy New York City real-estate owner. It is stated in the Rathbone Genealogy, p. 109, and elsewhere, that Tabitha Brown (82) had a sister Lydia, who m. Simeon Sparhawk, who was lost at sea, and that her daughter, Lydia Sparhawk, m. Samuel Rath- bone. Their son, Jared Lewis Rathbone, was a prominent merchant in Albany, and was the last Mayor of that city chosen by the Common Council and the first one chosen by the people. A grandson, Jared Lawrence Rath- bone, was appointed Consul-General at Paris by President Cleveland. Another grandson. Gen. John Finley Rathbone, of Albany, was founder of the Rathbone Library at the University of Rochester, and one of the found- 528 THE BROWN GENEALOGY ers of the Albany Orphan Asylum. The descendants of Samuel Rathbone and his wife Lydia Brown have been prominent as successful merchants and silk manufacturers, and some have been distinguished in the army and the navy. [See Randall Genealogy, pp. 352-482.] Mary Brown (184), dau. of Samuel (54) and Phebe (Wilbur) Brown [Daniel (24), Thomas (2), Thomas], b., Stonington, Jan. 11, 1749; d. Oct. 10, 1834; m. (i) William Palmer, d. 1775; ^- (2) Capt. Wait Rathbone, brother of Rev. John Rathbone, husband of Tabitha Brown (82), and of Rev. Valentine Wightman Rathbone, husband of Content Brown (85), b., Stonington, Conn., Aug. 18, 1744; d., Hoboken, N. J.; buried at Paranus, Bergen Co., N. J. He had previously m. Susannah Dodge, of Westerly, by whom he had three children. He was a Captain in the Revolutionary War and also in the War of 1812. In early Hfe he was a furrier at Titmouth, Vt., and later at Rutland. He also lived at Lansingburg and Troy, N. Y., where he was the first occupant of the lot at the northwest corner of Congress and First Sts. Children by first m. : 4590. Wilber Palmer, b. 1758. 4591. Amos Palmer. 4592. Palmer, a dau., who m. Crarey, of Philadelphia, Penn, 4593. Phoebe Palmer, b. 1770; d. 1778. 4594. Katherine Palmer, b. 1772; d. 18 13. 4595. Dolly Palmer, b. 1775; *i- 1810. Children by second m. : 4596. Susanna Rathbone, b. Mar. 6, 1779; m. (i) Curtis, of Lansingburg; (2), Feb., 1813, Cornelius P. Hermans, of Lansingburg. 4597. Delia Julia Rathbone, b. Sept. 6, 1781; d. May 8, 1791. 4598. William P. Rathbone, b. Sept. 21, 1782; m. Martha Vallean, of New York City. 4599. Samuel Brown Rathbone (twin), b. Nov. 19, 1786. He was a cadet at West Point in 1803; 2d Lieut, of Artillery under Gen. Van Rensselaer at the battle of Queenstown in the War of 181 2. He was fatally wounded at the crossing of the river, and died, greatly lamented by the army. 4600. Sophia Rathbone (twin), b. Nov. 19, 1786; d., St. Albans, Vt., July 30, 1825; m. Orange Ferris, of Vermont, Apr. 6, 1778. 4601. Elizabeth Maria Rathbone, b. Feb. 28, 1789; d. 1790. [For an account of this family see Rathbone Genealogy, pp. 625-639.] 529 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Lucy Brown (318), dau. of Ichabod (309) and Lucy (Palmer) Brown [Ichabod (119), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Jan. 19, 1791; d., Stonington, about 1824; m. (i), No. Stonington, Dec. 18, 1808, Prentice Grant, b., No. Stonington, Nov. 29, 1783; d., Norwich, N. Y., Apr. 5, 1863; son of Joshua and Lucy (Green) Grant, of No. Stonington. Res. at No. Stonington as late as 1829; removed to Greenville, Mass., be- fore 1835, and to Norwich before 1839. He m. (2), No. Stonington, Dec. 19, 1824, Mary Horton Bentley, dau. of Geo. Bentley and Lucy Gardner. Children, first five b. No. Stonington: 4602. Prentice, b. Jan. 27, 1810; d. Sept. 27, 181 1. 4603. Erastus, b. Oct. 27, 181 1; d. aged about fourteen years. 4604. Charles Prentice, b. Oct. 12, 1813; d. in infancy. 4605. Francis Nelson, b. Sept. 4, 1815; m. Lydia Davis. 4606. Frederick, b. ; d. aged nine years. 4607. Lucy Angeline, b., Stonington, Apr. 23, 1823; m. Frederick B. Hopkins. Francis Nelson Grant (4605), son of Prentice and Lucy (318) (Brown) Grant [Ichabod (309), Ichabod (119), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Sept. 4, 1815; m., Norwich, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1842, Lydia Davis, b., Norwich, Dec. 9, 1819; d., Norwich, Sept. 25, 1875; dau. of Joseph and Abigail (Prey) Davis. He was a farmer. Children, b. Norwich: 4608. Julia E., b. May 18, 1843; d. Oct. 21, 1848. 4609. Lucy, b. Mar. 15, 1845; ^- Charles W. Winsor. 4610. Francis D., b. Feb. 6, 1847; d. Nov. 23, 1848. 461 1. Mary Esther, b. Aug. 22, 1849; "^- Aaron Dwight McNitt. 4612. Ellen Ophelia, b. Oct. 27, 1853; m. John F. Crowell. 4613. Julia Amelia, b. Dec. 22, 1855; ^- Frank D. McNitt. 4614. Frederick Jay, b. Mar. 16, i860. He was a railroad conductor. Res., E. Hartford, Conn. 4615. Ella (twin), b. Mar. 9, 1862; m. Erving C. Wells. 4616. Elmer (twin), b. Mar. 9, 1862; d. Aug. 17, 1863. Lucy Angeline Grant (4607), dau. of Prentice and Lucy (Brown) Grant (318) [Ichabod (309), Ichabod (119), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Stonington, Conn., Apr. 23, 1823; d., Norwich, N. Y., Apr., 1855; m., Nor- wich, Frederick Bisbee Hopkins, b., Norwich, Aug. 27, 1818; son of Fred- erick and Polly (Bisbee) Hopkins. He is a farmer. Children, b. Norwich, except the third: 4617. Dewitt Clinton, b. Nov. 13, 1844; m. Margaret Van Dyke Tripp. 530 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 4618. Charles Henry, b. Apr. 9, 1847; "^- Alice I. Hislop. 4619. Lucy Ada, b. DeRuyter, N. Y., Mar. 17, 1850; m. Horace Webb. 4620. Frederick William, b. Oct., 1853. Res., Norwich, N. Y. 4621. Jay D. Lucy Grant (4609), dau. of Francis Nelson (4605) and Lydia (Davis) Grant [Lucy Brown (318), Ichabod (309), Ichabod (119), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Norwich, N. Y., Mar. 15, 1845; ^-i Norwich, Sept. 27, 1870, Charles W. Winsor, b., Norwich, Feb. 27, 1850; son of Ziba and Sallv A. (Darling) Winsor. He is a confectioner and baker; member of the N. Y. National Guards. Res., Norwich, N. Y. Children : 4622. Merton Charles, b. Apr. 6, 1873; m., July 3, 1894, Mary Rowe, b. Apr. 21, 1875. He is a railroad carpenter. Son: Kenneth Winsor, b. Apr. 3, 1895. 4623. Virgie, b. Jan. 26, 1875; d- Oct. 10, 1875. Mary Esther Grant (4611), dau. of Francis Nelson (4605) and Lydia (Davis) Grant [Lucy Brown (318), Ichabod (309), Ichabod (119), Ichabod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Norwich, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1849; "i-' Norwich, Feb. 22, 187 1, Aaron Dwight McNitt, b., Norwich, Feb. 22, 1839; son of James and Ruth (Gates) McNitt. He is a farmer. Res., Norwich, N. Y. Children: 4624. Blanch McNitt, b. Sept. 19, 1872; m., Feb. 18, 1891, George Cleveland, a farmer. 4625. Maud McNitt, b. June 22, 1882. Ellen Ophelia Grant (4612), sister of the preceding, b., Norwich, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1853; m., Oct. 10, 1876, John Franklin Crowell, b., Sherburne, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1853; son of Henry and Marbuary (Babcock) Crowell. He is a teacher. No issue. Res., Norwich, N. Y. Julia Amelia Grant (4613), sister of the preceding, b., Norwich, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1855; m., Norwich, Dec. 6, 1872, Frank D. McNitt, b., Norwich, June, 1854; son of James and Phoebe (Townsend) McNitt. He is a farmer. Res., Plymouth, N. Y. Children: 4626. Grant McNitt, b. x\ug. 11, 1887. 4627. Edna McNitt, b. May 3, 1894. Ella Grant (4615), sister of the preceding, b., Norwich, N. Y., Mar. 9, 531 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 1862; m., Jan. i, 1884, Erving C. Wells, b., Waterville, N. Y., June 21, i860; d., Watertown, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1894. He was a contractor and painter. Res., Watertown, N. Y. Son: 4628. Francis Grant, b., Watertown, Feb. 4, 1891. Dewitt Clinton Hopkins (4617), son of Frederick B. and Lucy A. (4607) (Grant) Hopkins [Lucy Brown (318), Ichabod (309), Ichabod (119), Icha- bod (32), John (8), Thomas], b., Norwich, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1844; m., De Ruyter, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1867, Margaret Van Dyke Tripp, b. Apr. 10, 1850; dau. of Israel and Hannah Jane (Newitt) Tripp. He is a railroad conductor. Res., Norwich, N. Y. Children : 4629. Edwin Tripp Hopkins, b., De Ruyter, Aug. 19, 1868; m., Jackson, Penn., Oct. 12, 1892, Kate Leonard. He is a mer- chant; train despatcher, N. Y., O. and W. R. R., i89c»-i893; trustee First Baptist Church; director of Y. M. C. A. Res., Middletown, N. Y. 4630. Frank Henry Hopkins, b., Norwich, Feb. 21, 1870. He is editor of Railroad Record; formerly photographer; chorister of the First Baptist Church. 4631. Ina Camilla Hopkins, b., Sidney Plains, N. Y., June 7, 1875. She is a teacher. Res., Norwich, N. Y. 4632. Morison CUnton Hopkins, b., Norwich, Aug. 31, 1877. He is a baker. Res., Norwich, N. Y. Charles Henry Hopkins (4618), son of Frederick B. and Lucy A. (4607) (Grant) Hopkins [Lucy (318), Ichabod (309), Ichabod (119), Ichabod (32) John (8), Thomas], b., Norwich, N. Y., Apr. 9, 1847; m., Gilbertsville, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1875, AHce Isabelle Hislop, b., Gilbertsville, July 22, 1854; dau. of John and Pamelia (Wallin) Hislop. He is superintendent of N. Y., O. and W. R. R. Res., Middletown, N. Y. Children, b. Norwich, N. Y.: 4633. John Harvy, b. June i, 1878. 4634. Lucy Pamelia, b. June 9, 1882; d. Feb. 5, 1883. 4635. Alice Emogene, b. Aug. 3, 1884. 4636. Walter Wheatly, b. May 19, 1888; d. Nov. i, 1888. Lucy Ada Hopkins (4619), sister of the preceding, b., De Ruyter, N. Y., Mar. 17, 1850; m., ChilUwhack, British Columbia, Oct. 15, 1875, Horace 532 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Webb, b., Marston, Morteyne, Bradfordshire, Eng.; son of John and Caro- line (Fane) Webb. He is a farmer, deputy sheriff, and church warden. Res., Chilliwhack, British Columbia. Children : 4637. John Frederick, b. July 11, 1876. 4638. Caroline Louisa, b. Feb. 6, 1878. 4639. Harry Watson, b. Apr. 5, 1880; d. Mar. 13, 1882. 4640. Daisy Manetta, b. Apr. 2, 1883. 4641. William Horatio, b. Sept. 5, 1884. 4642. Alice Ada, b. July 16, 1887. 4643. Charles Wilmont, b. June 14, 1889. 4644. Harold Francis, b. Feb. 12, 1891. The first mention of Ebenezer Brown (4645 ) is while he lived in Westerly, R. I. From the Stonington and Westerly town records we find: Jonathan Brown (37), son of Eleazer Brown (11) and Ann Pendleton, b., Stonington, Conn., July 12, 1694; m. Elizabeth Pendleton, of Westerly, R. I.; dau. of Caleb Pendleton. They probably lived in Westerly. Children : Jonathan, Jr., b. ; m. Elizabeth Eleazer, b. ; m. . He had a son Jesse. 4645. Ebenezer, b. 1724-5; m. Abigail. Brian (t), b. Probably other children. On the first map of Westerly published, in 1795, is given "Brown's Mill" (grist-mill), running two sets of stone, near the east end of Pawcatuck Bridge. He sold his mill in Westerly, and in' 1799 bought seventy-six acres of land of Reuben Hall, of Stonington, Conn., for $1,500, located in the eastern part of No. Stonington, where he removed and lived until his death. The house is still standing; and from a well-kept and protected burying- ground near his house many of these records were taken: 4645. Ebenezer Brown, b. 1724-5; d., No. Stonington, May 10, 18 16, aged ninety-two years; m. Abigail, d. Sept. 12, 181 1, aged si.xty-five years. Son: 4646. Joshua, b. 1782; d., Apr. 20, 1855, aged seventy-three years; m. Phebe, b. 1788; d. Oct. 3, 1861, aged seventy-three years. Children, b. No. Stonington, Conn.: 4647. Randall S., b. 1805; d. Nov. 5, 1840, aged thirty-five years. 4648. Denison W., b. 1807. 533 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 4649. Erastus W., b. 1810. 4650. Benajah P., b. 1820; d. aged sixteen years. Denison W. Brown (4648), son of Joshua and Phebe Brown, b. 1807; d. July 16, 1871, aged sixty-four years; m. Julia Brown, dau. of Henry Brown, d. Jan. 12, 1889, aged seventy-five years. Children, b. No. Stonington, Conn.: 4651. Henry D., b. 1835. 4652. Zebulon Y., b. May 11, 1837. 4653. Julia Maria, b. 4654. Phebe, b. ; m. George Nason. Res., Clark's Falls, Conn. 4655. Louise, b. ; m. Courtland Kenyon. 4656. Oliver D., b. Mar. 6, 1846. 4657. Harriet, b.- ; m. George Goodhue. Res., Carolina, R. I. Erastus W. Brown (4649), son of Joshua and Phebe Brown, b. 1810; d. Mar. 18, 1886, aged seventy-six years; m. Celia A., b. ; d. Apr. 18, 1880, aged seventy-nine years. Son : 4658. Thomas R., b. ; d. Nov. 21, 1869, aged twenty-seven years. Henry D. Brown (4651), son of Denison W. and Julia (Brown) Brown, b. 1835; m.. No. Stonington, Conn., Nov. 29, 1855, Helen M. Potter, b., Voluntown, Conn., Jan. 7, 1839; ^^^'^- of William and Ruby (Lewis) Potter, of Voluntown. Mr. Brown was in the Civil War, in Co. G. 21st Regt. Conn. Vol.; d., at Knoxville, Md., Nov. 21, 1862. His wife is a member of the Second Baptist Church, No. Stonington. She m. (2), Dec. 5, 1864, Edward Clarke, d. June 15, 1887. Res., Clark's Falls, Conn. Children, by first m., b. No. Stonington: 4659. E. Altana, b. June 20, 1857. 4660. George H., b. Jan. 15, i860; m., Ashaway, R. L, Apr. 25, 1883, L. Fredell Sheldon, b.. Westerly, R. I., Jan. 6, 1865; d., No. Stonington, Apr. 29, 1897; dau. of Isaac C. and Maria C. (Randall) Sheldon, of No. Stonington. Both are Baptists; he is a RepubUcan, and a carpenter. No issue. Res., Clark's Falls, Conn. 4661. Everett E. Brown, b. Mar. 14, 1862; m., Pendleton Hill, Jan. 30, 1884, S. Leona Main, b., No. Stonington; dau. of Oliver P. and S. Emily (Ecclestone) Main. He is a provision- dealer, Republican, member of Baptist Church, Ashaway, R. I. No issue. Res., Ashaway, R. I. 534 THE BROWN GENEALOGY E. Altana Brown (4659), sister of the preceding, b. June 20, 1857; d., No. Stonington, Conn.; m., June 14, 1873, Bradford G. Perrin, son of William and Frances A. (Clark) Perrin. Both are members of Baptist Church, Hopkinton, R. I. Res., 1907, Ashaway, R. I. Children, first four b. No. Stonington; last three, Hopkinton: 4662. William Henry, b. Nov. 8, 1874. 4663. Mary H., b. Sept. 20, 1876. 4664. Albert E., b. June 23, 1878. 4665. Earl H., b. May 6, 1881. 4666. George E., b. Jan. 11, 1891. 4667. Lulu F., b. Dec. 15, 1891. 4668. Irving E., b. May 6, 1900. Zebulon York Brown (4652), son of Denison W. and Julia Brown, b., No. Stonington, Conn., May 11, 1837; m.. Westerly, R. I., June 6, 1878, Louisa M. Davis, of Stonington, b. Oct. 17, 1847; d., No. Stonington, Feb. 21, 1900. Mr. Brown is a farmer and owns what was known as the Rouse Babcock farm, where Gideon P. (262) and B. W. Brown (263) were born. Children, b. No. Stonington: 4669. Elmer York, b. Mar. 31, 1879. He is a church-member and a worthy young man. 4670. Grace Louisa, b. May 10, 1882; m., Wakefield, R. I., June 24, 1903, Joseph J. Northup, b., No. Kingstown, R. L, Jan. 5, 1878; son of Adolphus E. and Georgianna (Smith) North- up. He received a public-school education and his wife graduated from the grammar school in No. Stonington in 1897, and from the Hopkinton, R. I., High School in 1900, being valedictorian of her class. She taught school several terms, until her marriage. Both are church-members. Son: Elmer E., b., Waketield, May 12, 1905. Res., 1907, Peace- dale, R. I. Julia Maria Brown (4653), dau. of Denison W. and Julia Brown, b. ; m.. No. Stonington, Conn., John Hamilton Corey, b. Exeter, R. I.; d. No. Stonington; son of John H. and Melissa (Wright) Corey. Mr. Corey was a contractor; member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church, Ashaway, R. I. He enlisted, at the beginning of the Civil War, in the Third R. I. Cavalry, was transferred to the navy, and served to the end of the war. Children, last four b. No. Stonington: 4671. John D., b. Westerly, R. I. 4672. Harriet Emma, b., Hopkinton, R. I., Jan. 28, 1862. 535 THE BROWN GENEALOGY 4673. Horace S., b., Foster, R. I., July 14, 1866. [See 559.] 4674. Herbert E., b. 4675. Jessie Louise, b. Apr. 22, 1870. 4676. Ida Maybelle, b. Jan. 26, 1875. 4677. James, b. Oliver D. Brown (4656), son of Denison W. and Julia (Brown) Brown, b. Mar. 6, 1846; d. Mar. 21, 1889; m. Frances L. Collins, b. June 14, 1851; d. Jan. 21, 1890; dau. of Capt. Amos and Phoebe (Brown) Collins. Children: (i) Oliver A., b. ; m. Harriet Haley. (2) Harriet, b. ; m. Wells. (3) Jerry, b. ; unm. (4) Chester T., b. ; m. Harriet Richmond. (5) F. Dwight, b. (6) Frank, b. (7) Grover Cleveland, b. Harriet Emma Corey (4672), dau. of John Hamilton and Julia Maria (Brown) Corey, b., Hopkinton, R. I., Jan. 28, 1862; m., Hopkinton, May 3, 1884, Charles Cyrus Brockway, b., Lyme, Conn., Aug. 20, 1864; son of Orimel Johnson and Frances Matilda (Culver) Brockway, of New London, Conn. She was educated in schools of Lyme and No. Stonington, Conn. Lived in Westerly, R. I., and Preston, Conn. No issue. Res., Norwich, Conn. [See 589.] Jessie Louise Corey (4675), sister of the preceding, b., No. Stonington, Conn., Apr. 22, 1870; m., No. Stonington, Jan. 31, 1892, Francis Albert Keeley, b., Norwich Town, Conn., June 20, 1862; son of David D. and Mary A. (Cryer) Keeley, of Norwich. He is an insurance-agent, and a Baptist. Res., 1907, Norwich, Conn. Children, b. Norwich: (i) Frances Herbert, b. June 29, 1893; (2) Frederick Louis, b. Apr. 28, 1895; (3) Charles Irving, b. Feb. i, 1897; (4) John Hamilton, b. Aug. 30, 1899; (5) Mary Emma, b. Dec. 19, 1900; (6) James David, b. Aug. 6, 1902; (7) Julia Mabel, b. June 23, 1903; (8) Howard L., b. July 13, 1904. Ida Maybelle Corey (4676), sister of the preceding, b.. No. Stonington, Conn., Jan. 26, 1875; m., No. Stonington, June 12, 1895, Orimel J. Brock- way, Jr., b., Lyme, Conn., July 14, 1874; son of Orimel J. and Frances Matilda (Culver) Brockway. He is a farmer. Both are Baptists. Res., 1907, Norwich, Conn. [See 589.] Children: (i) Cyrus O., b., Hopkinton, R. L, May 29, 1896; (2) Harold L., b., Preston, Conn., Dec. 15, 1901; (3) Horace C, b., Preston, Conn., May 25, 1904. 536 APPENDIX Appendix I. WILLIAMS FAMILY These data were furnished the compiler by Richard A. Wheeler, in i8q6. I. Robert Williams, son of Stephen and Margaret (Cook) Williams, b. 1598; bapt., in Great Yarmouth, England, under date of Dec. 11, 1608; m. Elizabeth Stalham, of Great Yarmouth, and sailed for America in the ship Rose from Great Yarmouth, landing in New England in the year 1635. His wife d. July 28, 1674, aged eighty years. He m. again, it is supposed, Martha Strong, who d. Dec. 22, 1704. He was a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Co. of Boston, 1644. He d. at Roxbury, Mass., Sept. I, 1693. Children, all by first m.: 2. Elizabeth, b. in England. 3. Deborah, b. in England. 4. John, b. in England. 5. Samuel, b. in England, 1632. 6. Isaac, b. in Roxbury, Mass., Sept. i, 1638. 7. Stephen, b. in Roxbury, Mass., Nov. 8, 1640. 8. Thomas, date unknown. Their son Isaac Williams (6) m. Martha Park, in 1660. Children : 9. Isaac, b. and d. in 1661. 10. Isaac, b. Dec. 11, 1661. 11. Martha, b. Dec. 27, 1663. 12. William, b. Feb. 2, 1665. 13. John, b. Oct. 31, 1667. 14. Eleazer, b. Oct. 22, 1669. 15. Hannah, / • , ^ £ T-1- I 1 ■ twins, b. Oct. 8, 167 1. 16. Ehzabeth, \ ' ' John Williams (13) came to Stonington, Conn., and m. Martha Wheeler, Jan. 24, 1687. i Son: 17. Col. John Williams, b. Oct. 31, 1692; m. Desire Denison, Feb. 19, 1711. 538 APPENDIX Son: i8. William Williams, b. May i, 1716; m., Feb. 15, 1737, Martha Wheeler, dau. of William and Hannah (Gallop) Wheeler. Children : 19. Martha, b. Sept. 25, 1738; m., Feb. 26, 1756, Charles Wheeler. 20. William, b. July 14, 1740; d. at sea, Oct 25, 1770. 21. Esther, b. Jan. 8, 1742; m., Feb. 3, 1774, William Chesebro. 22. John, b. Dec. 23, 1744; m., Sept. 29, 1765, Katurah Randall. 23. Benadam, b. Mar. 21, 1747; m., Oct. 17, 1771, Hannah Lothrop. 24. Hannah, b. May 30, 1749; d. Nov. 17, 1752. 25. Desire, b. Jan. 24, 1751; m., Feb., 1782, Latham Hull. 26. Hannah, b. June 17, 1753; m., July 3, 1777, Amos Denison. 27. Ephraim, b. May 31, 1756; m. (i). Mar., 1781, Sarah Potter; m. (2), Dec, 1787, Hepsibah Phelps. 28. Isaac, b. Mar. 23, 1758; m., Dec. 13, 1782, Phebe Williams. John Williams (22) m., Stonington, Conn., Sept. 29, 1765, Katurah Ran- dall, b. Sept. 2, 1748; dau. of Lieut. John Randall and Dorothy Cottrell. Children, b. Stonington: 29. John, b. Dec. 22, 1765. 30. Martha, b. Feb. 23, 1767. 31. Esther, b. Dec. 10, 1768; m. (i) Roswell Brown (231-235); m. (2) Thatcher Brown, his brother (236-239). 32. Benadam, b. Dec. 26, 1769. 33. William, b. Feb. 2, 1772. 34. Elias, b. Sept. 8, 1773; m. 35. Polly, b. 1775; m. Jonas Brown. [See 254.] 36. Katura, b. May 4, 1777. 37. Charles W., b. Dec. 5, 1778. 38. Randall, b. Oct. 28, 1781. [The name Williams is perpetuated through five generations, down to 1896, in the Brown Family.] 539 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Appendix II. THOMAS BROWN'S WILL The following is a copy of the orally declared last will and testament of Thomas Brown, senior, of Lynn, Mass.: The following was taken down in writing this day, being ye yth of Octo- ber, 1693: Memorandum — About two years since: though in ye last sickness of Thomas Brown, hereinafter named, he declared the following sentences as his last will and testament, who died about six weeks ago. Thomas Brown, of Lynn, Sen., being of proper memory and good un- derstanding, declared what his last will and testament should be, in the presence of Jeremiah Shepard, John Newhall senior, and Mary Shepard. After some serious discourse with Mr. Shepard about his spiritual condi- tion, he earnestly desired Mr. Shepard to be helpful to him in settling his temporal estate, and said he was very apprehensive of the decay of nature, by reason of many bodily infirmities that did weaken him, and therefore could not put long continuance in this world. So he thought it meet to take the present opportunity of expressing his mind concerning his last will and testament; and desired Mr. Shepard to draw it up that he might read it and subscribe to the same. And having committed his spirit to God, and his body to the dust, wishing a decent interment thereof, suitable to his rank and quality, he did thus, fearlessly, freely, and voluntarily and deliberately express himself: My will is, that after my honest debts and funeral charges are paid my home and homestead, with all my land in Lynn, as also my cattle and moveables, without doors, I give and bequeath to my son Ebenezer, who hath been very careful of me and my family, and whom I have betrusted with the management of my outward affairs, only my will is that my son Ebenezer provide for my wife, that she be comfortably maintained out of my estate. I give and bequeath to my wife all my moveables within doors, pewter, brass, bedding, &c., to be at her absolute disposal. I give to my eldest son Thomas, my long gun, which I value at forty shillings. I give to my son Joseph twenty shillings, having already bestowed some lands upon him. I give to my son John twenty shillings. 540 APPENDIX I give to my son Daniel five pounds. I give to my daughter Norwood twenty shillings. My will is that my loving wife should be executri.x, and my son Eben- ezer executor. To this, my last will and testament, I constitute my brother John New- hall, and Robert Potter, senior, to be my overseers. Thomas Brown did thus express his mind, in reference to his last will and testament, in presence of us. Jeremiah Shepard, Mary Shepard, John Newhall, Sen. Before ye Honored Bartho Gedney, Esq., October 9th, 1693, Mr. Jere- miah Shepard and Mary his wife, and John Newhall, Sen., made oath that what is within as above contained in this paper was expressed by said Thomas Brown as his last will and testament; and that said John Newhall and Mary Shepard, add that he also gave to his son Eleazer five pounds. Sworn to ye day aforesaid. Attest: Stephen Sewall, Register. [Extract from the Narragansett Weekly, May 22, 1884.] The names of many of the early settlers who came to Stonington, Conn, from Massachusetts, are herewith given and will be of interest to many. The Rev. Jeremiah Shepard, who wrote the aforesaid nuncupative will of Mr. Thomas Brown, Senior, of Lynn, Mass., was at that time a settled pastor of a church of that town. He was the youngest son of the famous Rev. Thomas Shepard, of Boston, Mass., by his third wife, Mrs. Margaret Borodel. The Rev. Jeremiah Shepard married Miss Mary Wainwright, and they became the parents of a large family of children, one of whom, Mary Shepard, married Isaac Wheeler, of Stonington, and settled with her husband on the north range of Taugwonk. They erected a double house, two stories in front and one in the rear. The west part, next the road, was used for a store. There Madam WTieeler, as she was called, engaged in trade, purchasing a large part of the surplus butter, cheese, poultry, beef, and pork that the farmers in this region had to sell, and then shipping it all to Boston by water. She also kept a stock of dry goods to exchange with farmers for their products. •These goods she usually purchased herself in Boston, when she sold her farm products. Her trips to Boston were made on horseback and alone, occupying, in going 541 THE BROWN GENEALOGY and coming, about four days. She was one of the most energetic, capable, and accomphshed business characters of her day, accumulating, for the time, a fortune, which was inherited by her son Thomas Wheeler, which made him at the time of his death, 1755, the richest man of Stonington. The occupation of Thomas Brown, Senior, of Lynn, was that of a ''dish- turner;" that of his son Thomas was a joiner, whose brother John was a carpenter, and built a large number of houses in Stonington. Eleazer was engaged in farming and stock-raising. Thomas, John, and Eleazer Brown sold all their possessions in Lynn to their brother Daniel Brown, under date of Feb. 25, 1706. The deeds were drawn and executed here, and recorded there. A large number of the early planters of old Stonington came here from Massachusetts. Wm. Chesebrough, our first planter, settled first in Boston, removed to Braintree, then to Rehoboth, and, in 1649, came here. Walter Palmer settled first in Charlestown, Mass., removed to Rehoboth, and then came to Stonington. Thomas Miner first settled in Charlestown, Mass., then removed to Stonington; from there he went to New London, and from New London came here. Capt. John Gallup settled first with his father in Boston; from there he removed to New London, and from there came here. John Breed came directly here from Lynn, Mass. Thomas Wheeler and his son Isaac Wheeler came here from Lynn, Mass. Capt. George Denison first settled in Roxbury, Mass.; from there went to New London, and from there came here. Robert Park and son Thomas Park, John Williams, Ebenezer Williams, and Eleazer Williamscamehere fromRoxbury, Mass. William Billingscame here from Dorchester, Mass. Amos Richardson came here from Boston. James York came here from Braintree, Mass. Thomas Hewett came here from Hingham, Mass. [WTieeler.] These names are common in Stonington and North Stonington at the present day. Appendix III. The original Deed from Thomas Brown (2) to his son Daniel Brown (24) has been preserved and handed down from generation to generation: to his son Christopher 459), to his son Christopher, Jr. (107), to his son Nathan W., and to his son Frank E. Brown; and is now [1904] in his possession; also other original ancient documents, in a good state of preservation. 542 APPENDIX COPY OF DEED. Know all men by these presents That; I, Thomas Brown of Stonington ye County of New London and Colony of Connecticut in New England, Yeoman, for Divers good Causes and Reasons howunto Mooving, and like- wise for and in consideration of ye Good Will & affectionate Love I bear unto my son Daniel Brown. Have Given & do by these Presents from me my Heirs Executors, Administrators, & assigns, Give Grant & Conferm unto him my s*^ Son Daniel Brown his Heirs or assigns a piece of Land Lying & being in Stonington. Butted & Bounded as follows. . . . (by marks on trees &c) Extending to John Brown's Land so Bounded with s*^ John Brown's land to s*^ John Brown's Corner; and his son Jona- than's Corner, this bounds ye Land to ye South, and ye West is a Crooked Line & bounds with Jonathan Brown's Land till it comes to Jonathan Palmer's Land & so bounded with Jonathan Palmer's Land till it comes to a small Rock Marked with T B & D B. . . . I have given to my son as aforesaid, to him his Heirs, Executors, Ad- ministrators assigns to have & to Hold Occupy possess & Enjoy forever, with all ye priviledges & appurtenances therein Contained & thereunto belonging with ye Wood, Timber, Pond, Water Courses, Rocks, /Stones Minerals or whatever else may be named, together with the Fences or any other Improvements belonging to s'^ Tract. I say I have given as afores'^ and further I do Engage & promise y' no Will, Deed of sale Mortgage, Execution or forfeiture shall alter or dis- annul this Deed, and also y' I have full power & Lawful Authority in my- sel to give the same as afore said. . . . I will Defend ye same against all persons Lawfully Claiming y. same. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 25th Day of January Annoqe-Domini One thousand Seven Hundred twenty one- two & in y. Seventh year of his Magesties Reign — George King 0} Great Brittain. Signed Sealed &-' Delivered In the Presence of us. Thomas Brown, [seal] William Bromley William Dtorling Stonington Apriell ye fifth 1722. Thomas Brown ye subscriber to ye above within instrument personally appeared & acknowledged ye same to be his act & deed before me. Daniel Palmer Justice oj the peace — 543 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Note. — The deed of this land doubtless is a part of the original pur- chase of the three Brown brothers. Daniel Brown (24) erected his house on this tract of land, immediately after his father deeded the same to him. Nathan (60), the son of Daniel (24), rebuilt the house, and on this site have lived six generations, coming down by direct descent; and it is still, in 1905, owned and occupied by one of his heirs, Lucy Crary (Brown) Miner. Appendix IV. COPY OF ELEAZER BROWN'S (11) WILL. In ye name of God, amen, ye 24th day of May 1732. I Eleazer Brown of Stonington Conn. In ye County of New London, knowing it is appointed for all men once to die, to make and ordain this, my last will and testament, that is principally and first of all I giveand recommend my soul in ye hands of God that gave it and my body. I recommend to ye earth to be buried at ye discretion of my executor and as touching such world ye estate where with it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give and dispose of ye same in the following name and formed inquires. I give to my son Jonathan one tract of land that he now dwelleth upon, to him during his natural life then to his children and their assiginee's forever. Then I give to my son Eleazer, one tract of land situated in Stonington it being part of ye farm I now live on, bounded as follows Beginning at a dog wood bush with a heap of stones about it, from thence running south 55 rods to a stake with a heap of stones about it from thence east and by north to a white oak tree and so as far as my lands extends east I give ye above tract of land to my son Eleazer his heirs and assignees forever excepting one half acre of land which I reserve for a burial place. Then I give my daughter Ann ten pound. Then I give my daughter Mary ten pound. Then I give my daughter Patience twenty pound. Then I give my daughter Abigail ten pound. Then I give my daughter Ruth fifteen pound. Then I give my daughter Hannah five shillings. Then I give my son Daniel twenty pounds, to be paid to him when he becomes 21 years old. 544 APPENDIX Then I give my son James all my lands. My ways before named, rati- fying and confirming this and no other my last will and testament in wit- ness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this day and year above written, signed, sealed, published, promoted and declared by ye said Eleazer Brown as his last will and testament, in ye presence of us the subscribers. Noah Grant. Samuel Holdredge. Daniel Brown. Appendix V. [Extract from the Minutes.] At a meeting of the Govenor & Council of Safety, holden at Hartford, on the 19th day of June A.D. 1781. Whereas since the rising of the General Assembly, his Excellency the Govenor hath received from his Excellency General Washington, a very pressing and earnest requisition for eight hundred men, to be immediately raised in this State, and sent on to the post at West Point, to continue in service three months after joining the army; representing in the warmest manner the necessity of said requisition being complied with, to enable him to carry into vigorous execution the plan concerted for the opening campaign, and without which it may prove abortive: Therefore Resolved: by the Govenor and Council of Safety, That there be forthwith raised in this state, eight hundred able bodied effective men, officers included, by peremptory detachment, to serve for three months after they join the army unless sooner discharged: from each brigade in proportion as follows, viz. From the first brigade 116 to be formed into one company. From the second brigade 169, to be formed into two companies. From the third 108, to be formed into one company. From the fourth brigade, 158, to be formed into two companies. From fifth brigade, 129 men to be formed into one company. To be commanded by Lieuten- ant Colonel Samuel Canfield of the fourth Brigade; and Major Nathan Peters, of the third Brigade. And his Excellency the Govenor is desired, to give the necessary orders for carrying this resolve into complete and immediate execution. Benjamin Payne, Clerk. 545 THE BROWN GENEALOGY On the back of this requisition is written the following order: To Christopher Brown dipt. 0} the sixth Melitia Company in Stonington 8th Regt. State oj Connecticut. Persuant to the Within Resolve and General order Reced. this day, You are hereby Directed to Detach from the Comp ^', under your Command two able Bodied Effective men and have them properly Equipted, & Ready to martch. You are directed to Call on the select men In case you want any assistance In Equipping your men, and for the money agreeable to the within act, and make Returns to me by the first day of July next without fale. Olive'' Smith, Colo. Da^ Stonington June 24th 1781. Agreeable to above orders you are Directed to have Drafted Elijah Had- sall, and Elijah Hall to do this tour of duty. Pr. Christo'' Brown Capt. to Nehemiah Brown, Clerk. Appendix VI. The will of Christopher Brown (59), being handed down from father to son and carefully preserved, is now in the custody of the widow of Nathan W. Brown and his son Frank E. Brown, of Westerly, R. I.; also Deeds, and many of the original papers of Thomas Brown (2) and his son Daniel Brown (24).^ COPY OF WILL. In the name of God Amen The 25th day of February Anno Domini One thousand Seven hundred & ninety four, I Christopher Brown of Stonington in the County of New London and State of Connecticut, Being in health and of perfect mind a^d memory; thanks be given to God therefor and calling to mind the mor- tality of my Body knowing it is appointed for all men once to di*'* make — ordain this my last will and testament principally and first of all, I give my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial, at the Discretion of my Executor or Ex- ecutors hereafter to be named and my worldly Estate, I give & Dis- pose thereof In the following manner & form. — APPENDIX Imprimis: I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Marg't Brown the use & improvement of the one third part of my homestead farm and buildings standing thereon, during her natural life also give to my Loving wife the one third part of all my household furniture; one cow and calf, one Riding horse or mare such one as she shall choose of all the horse kind I own at my death; and one good saddle & bridle, and ten good sheep, to be to her the said Margi't and her heirs for ever. . . . Item: I give & bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter Molly the wife of David Coats, Eight pounds Lawful money to be paid her out of my personal Estate by my Executor hereafter to be named, in one year after my death to be to her & her heirs forever which the eight pounds will make to Molly equal to seventy pounds with what I have already given her. — Item: I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter Lowis Holmes the wife of Shubael Holmes Eight pounds Lawful money to be paid her out of my Personal Estate in one year after my death by my Ex- ecutor hereafter named, to be paid to her the said Lowis her heirs & assigns for ever, which Eight pounds make s"^ Lowis Equal to seventy pounds with what she hath already rec*^. . . . Item: I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter Peggy Hewit The wife of Prentice Hewit seventy pounds Lawful money to be paid her the said Peggy in one year after my death out of my Personal Es- tate by my Executor here after to be named, in household furniture and stock in such proportion as I have given to her older sisters, to be to her the said Peggy her heirs and assigns for ever. . . . Item: I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter Phebe Brown seventy pounds Lawful money to be paid her in one year after my Death out of my Personal Estate by my Executor here after to be named, in household furniture and stock in such proportion as I have given her older sisters — to be to her the said Phebe her heirs and assigns for Ever. . . . Item: I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter Patty Brown Seventy pounds Lawful money to be paid her out of my Personal Es- tate by my Executor here after to be named, in one year after my death or when she shall arrive at the age of Eighteen years which shall first happen . . . [She was then sixteen. — Compiler.] Item: I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter unice Brown [Eunice] seventy pounds Lawful money to be paid said unice out of my personal Estate by my Executor here after to be named, when s 547 THE BROWN GENEALOGY unice shall arrive to the age of Eighteen years to be to her, her heirs and assigns for Ever. . . . Item: I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter betsy [Betsey] Brown seventy pounds Lawful money to be paid her out of my personal Estate when she shall arrive at the age of Eighteen years by my Ex- ecutor hereafter to be named, to be to s*^ betsy her heirs and assigns for ever. . . . And I order my Executor hereafter to be named to Pay all my just Debts, funeral Charges and Legacys given to my several Legatees as expressed in this my last will, out of my Personal Estate that is not otherwise disposed of in this my last will and testament & in case that my Personal Estate shall be Insificient to pay all of my just Debts — • Funeral Charges and Leg- acies as afforesaid, then in that Case I order my s^ Executt)rs to sell so much of my out Lands that Lye Distant from my homestead farm as will rase such sum as the Personal Estate shall be — Insufficient to pay as aforesaid, of all my just Debts (funeral) Charges and Legacys . . . and in case that I should Die and Leave Either one or more of my afore named Daughters before they shall come to the age of Eighte n years then and in that case I order my son Christopher to provide Decant Clothing, meat and Lodging for such of s*^ Daughters until they arrive to the age of Eighteen years out of the Estate before given him in this will only he shall have the use of their portions money till that time, and Provide for them in the same way & maner as I have provided for their older sisters until they arrive to thad age. . . . and my will is & I give all the remainder of my Estate that is not already given away in this my last will and Testa- ment both real and personal after paying Just Debts funeral Charges and Legacys to my son Christopher Brown and my seven Daughters. . . . to be Equally Divided to and among them their Heirs and assigns for Ever. . . . and I order and appoint my Loving son Christopher Brown sole Executor of this my last will & Testament Revoking and Disannulling all other and former wills by me made. Ratifying and confirming this and no others to be my last will & testament. In witness whereof I have here- unto set my hand and affixed my seal. Pubhshed pronounced and delivered by the said Christopher Brown to be his Last will and Testament. In presents of us Witnesses; Nehemiah Brown Joseph Breed 2d Christopher Brown [seal.] Latham Hull. — 548 APPENDIX Appendix VII. The will of Sarah (Chapman) Brown, widow of Ichabod Brown (^2), dated July 15, 1767, recorded Oct. 5, 1767, gives to her son Ichabod, forty pounds; to her son Elias, ten pounds; to her son Stephen, five pounds; to her three sons Asa, Jonas, and Andrew, twenty shillings each; and to her daugh- ters Sarah and Keturah, five pounds each, and the household goods equally; gives her son Micah a feather-bed and furniture and all the rest of the es- state. Names her son Ichabod as executor. October 5, 1767, Keturah Brown, fifteen years of age, chooses her brother Ichabod as her guardian. April 25, 1770, Elias Brown gives a receipt to his brother Ichabod for ten pounds which he was given by his mother in her will. March i, 1771, Stephen Brown gives him a receipt for five pounds. March i, 1771, Ichabod Brown gave a receipt to himself as executor of his mother's will for forty pounds. January 22, 1771, Asa Brown gave a receipt to his brother Ichabod for one pound. February 27, 1771, Andrew Brown gave him a receipt for one pound. March 10, 1771, Jonas Brown gave a receipt for one pound. February 28, 1771, Keturah York and her husband, John York, Jr., gave a receipt for five pounds and household goods. February 28, 1771, Sarah Babcock and husband, Elijah Babcock, gave a receipt for five pounds and household goods. In 1770 Ichabod Brown was appointed administrator of the estate of Micah Brown, the inventory of which is as follows: 27 acres of land given him by his father £ ^^ A right in land adjoining Voluntown, Conn. 6 Money in Ichabod's hands 120 Total ;£2o8 MARRIAGES. March 17, 1757, Ichabod Brown, Jr., and Thankful Baldwin. November 5, 1761, Elijah Babcock and Sarah Brown. John York, Jr., b. July 30, 1744, son of John and Anna (Brown) York, m., May 24, 1770, Keturah Brown. They had a son Ichabod York. 549 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Appendix VIII. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF NO. STONINGTON, CONN. In writing the records of some of the Brown families, it is found that many of their ancestors are worthy of honorable mention in connection with the First and Second Baptist Churches in what is now No. Stoning- ton. The First Baptist Church was organized in 1743; and Elder Wait Palmer was chosen its pastor and ordained the same year. At the time this church was organized there was but one other Baptist church in the State of Connecticut. This one was located at Groton, three miles west of Old Mystic; organized in 1705, with Valentine Wightman as its first pastor. It must be borne in mind that the date which marks the rise of this church carries us far back into the early settlement of the country — and seventy years before the Revolution. Wait Palmer was baptized May 27, 1711; he married Mary Brown (42), daughter of Eleazer Brown (11) and Mary Pendleton. They settled about three miles west of her father's house, on that fertile ridge of land called Taugwank; afterwards they removed to Pau-hun-gue-nuck Hill, now called Pendleton Hill. At this time the settlements were few, and the church small; but their spirit and courage we admire, the elevated tone of their piety, their patient endurance of suffering, and their manly resistance of religious despotism. They were extraordinary men, made so by the grace of God. Elder Palmer was a man of plain, common education, yet of strong, vig- orous intellect, of .sound, practical sense. Books he had none. The Bible alone was the man of his council, his almost exclusive study; hence he be- came mighty in the Scriptures. He owned a farm of ninety acres a little west of the Pendleton Hill meeting-house. He received comparatively no support from the Church, and he often preached in destitute settlements. He held meetings in Preston, where afterwards there became a flourishing Baptist church, and in Tolland also, where he baptized the celebrated Shubael Stearns arid shortly after assisted with Joshua Morse in his ordi- nation, who became the most remarkable preacher of his time. He formed a church in North Carolina, and in a short time had 606 members. He really evangelized the States of South Carolina and Georgia. Elder Palmer baptized Simeon Brown (72), the first pastor of the Second Church in this town. We cannot state at the close of his ministry the numerical strength of the 55° First Baptist Meeting-House North Stonington, Conn. (Pendleton Hill) ^■^■■•' Dr. H. C. Brown S. Euffene Brown Baptist C h u r c h Brookfield, N. Y. This meeting-house is owned and occupied by the Seventh Day Baptist Society and the First Day Baptist Society. In the picture is the First Day parsonage ; th e parsonage of the Seventh Day Society is located in another part of the town. APPENDIX church, but it was fast gaining strength and power. During the pastorate of Elder Palmer we have no data as to when the church was built, but find that the land for it was given by Daniel Brown (24), cousin to Elder Palmer's wife, and Thomas Holmes. The house was located two miles south ot Pendleton Hill, near Zebulon York's, on the east side of the road. The compiler remembers it as a small and very old brown house, after it had been deserted from twelve to fifteen years. Mr. Palmer was the fiist pastor of this church, and it was at a period which tried men's souls, as he labored extensively for the diffusion of truth with our earliest ministers in the great work of gathering and planting churches. We are constrained to rev- erence his name and memory, and regard him as worthy to be enrolled among the noble men of his day. Elder Palmer was an active patriot in the Revolution, soon after which he died, in 1790, nearly ninety years old. Interment, half a mile south of the present Pendleton Hill meeting-house, in an unmarked grave. The following record was found among the old records of the First Bap- tist Church (Pendleton Hill), asking the Second Church to give up their beloved brother, Eleazer Brown, to become their minister. Quoted as written : "The Church of Christ under the Pastorate Charge of Elder Simeon Brown. To the Church of Christ, formerly of Elder Palmer's Charge, sends greeting, wishing, grace, Mercy and Peace, to be multiplied unto you, through our Lord Jesus Christ. To whom be glory and praise Amen. " Beloved, whereas we on the 9th of this Instant December 1769 Received a request from you by your Messengers: that we would manifest our free- dom in giving up to your Watchcare our Beloved Brother Eleazer Brown; that you may be enabled to set him apart to be your Minister and Sealer under Christ, the great Head of the Church. In answer to which we hereby send you our Letter of Reccomendation, reccomending our said Brother as one visibly Clean, and in regular standing in our Church as having a Spe- cial Gift from God to preach the everlasting Gospel. " Wishing and praying the Blessing of Heaven to attend him, and you Amen. "Signed in behalf of the Church — Stonington, Dec."" 9"^ Sands Niles * 1769. Clerk'' The second pastor of this church was Eleazer Brown (139), who came to this church as a licentiate from the Second Baptist Church in this town, which was organized in 1765. In this capacity he ser\-ed the church for the 551 THE BROWN GENEALOGY term of four years and was ordained as pastor June 24, 1770. The minis- ters who assisted were, Joshua Morse, Timothy Wightman, of the First Church of Groton, Simeon Brown (72), of the Second Church in this town. Mr. Brown was a man whom God had eminently fitted for the station he was to occupy. He waited with becoming modesty for four years the acceptance of the church, yet all the time preached to the church, which watched his steady demeanor, his ripening gifts and growing worth. From the minutes of the Stonington Union Association the church numbered ninety-seven. Towards the close of his ministry there came, in 1791, a great outpouring of the Spirit of God; the seed faithfully sown began to bear much fruit, and at this revival the church received an accession of fifty-two, making the total membership one hundred and fifty-two. Elder Brown had, it is said, but little education, but was a man of strong native powers, of vivid thought and conception, and of a flowing rapid delivery. He was rightly esteemed as one of the most eminent preachers of his day. Peleg Randall was baptized Nov. 19, 1784, and was ordained an evan- gelist Oct. 25, 1792; on this occasion the aged pastor of this church with much propriety gave the charge. The old pastor, worn with long labor, was about to be taken up to his reward; but ere he departed he poured the sacred oil upon the head of his successor. This was his only pastorate, and the longest of this church, extending over a period of twenty-five years. On the nth of July, 1795, he fell asleep in Jesus, in the twenty-seventh year of his ministry. Interment in Brown Cemetery, north of the Second Church. The third pastor of this church was Peleg Randall, who succeeded Elder Brown in 1792. Dr. A. G. Palmer says of him: "His discourses were cool, deliberate, instructive, but were usually wanting in the glowing warmth and animation for which his revered predecessor was so highly distinguished. He was at times impassioned, ardent, and impressive in his delivery, often becoming, towards the close of his discourse, deeply moved himself, hence deeply moving others. ' ' Although no general revival was enjoyed under his ministry, yet it was by no means unfruitful in the conversion of souls. At this time this church was not alone, for the Second Church was organized five miles to the south, with Elder Simeon Brown as pastor, in 1765, which must have drawn a number by letter from this church to the Second Church. Mr. Randall closed his labors with this church Oct. 8, 1813, and the church was left without a pastor. Rev. Jonathan Miner was ordained at the First Church in Groton, Feb. 14, 1814, to which this church sent delegates; and because of the impression 552 APPENDIX the candidate made upon these delegates the church resolved at once to call him to preach to them for one year. The call was accepted, and Mr. Miner took up his residence with them in the spring of 1814. During the first three months of his ministry fifty-six members were added to the church by baptism. The work of grace continued from year to year, as revival followed revival, up to the close of his ministry. But there were years of comparative unfruitfulness. At the close of 1814 the church numbered one hundred and eighty-five. The next general re- vival under the leadership of Elder Miner commenced in the autumn of 1822 and extended till April, 1823. Many in the meridian of life were re- ceived and baptized into the fellowship of the church. Dr. A. G. Palmer said, on the occasion of the one-hundredth anniversary of this church: "These were days of childhood with many of us; but they left an impression upon our hearts which neither time nor eternity will ever efface. It was the first bright spot in our existence, the enkindling of the spiritual life within us, the lighting up in our young minds, the hope of immortality." By this revival the church received an accession of fifty-one members, ma- king the whole number two hundred and thirty-one. All of these years of the existence of this pioneer church, till 1830, thev worshipped in the old meeting-house, and here had been gathered a large and flourishing body of spiritual members. But the time had come for the church to enlarge its house of worship. Accordingly, in 1830, they rebuilt on that beautiful plateau, Pendleton Hill, commanding a most magnifi- cent view of the surrounding country and of the ocean, fifteen miles awav. The dedicatory sermon was preached by Elder John Gano Wightman, of the First Groton Church, now [1905] Old Mystic. Elder Wightman was grandson of Valentine Wightman; his father was Timothy Wightman, the three elders serving successively one hundred and twenty-five years. Now, this First Groton Church is two hundred years old. But to return: ninety-one years had now passed in the history of this church, and it had but four pastors, and under their efficient labors it had advanced from a state of extreme feebleness to comparative strength and prosperity. During this time the increasing population of the town gave to the church a larger field to draw from; hence, during the closing years of Elder Miner's ministry of faithful service, we note large ingatherings to the church. Up to this time the church had paid their ministers no salary. Elder Miner said to the church, after they had built their new and commodious house of worship, "You ought now to pay your minister a little salary." His term of servnce was twenty years, terminating in March, 1834. From 553 THE BROWN GENEALOGY this time till 1837 the church was without a pastor. In 1835 'Another wave of revival interest came, when forty-five were received by baptism. In the autumn of 1837 another awakening began, and as the result of a faith- ful working church, forty precious souls were gathered into the fold of Christ. During this time the oversight of the church devolved upon the deacons, who filled their offices well; hence a most excellent report of their steward- ship by constant ingatherings. As many of the Brown ancestors participated in duties and labors of this church, from the very first and all through the century, and cooperated with it, the compiler was desirous of taking a glance at its history for the first one hundred years. The only other long pastorate of this church was Rev. D. S. Chapman's, fourteen years; he died pastor of the church. Peo- ple came to the old church long distances in those early times, and it was no uncommon thing to see, hitched around and near this meeting-house, thirty, forty, or even fifty horses with saddle and pillion on their backs. That was when they were glad when they said, "Let us go into the house of the Lord." Services have been regularly maintained all these one hundred and sixty-two years. The deacons of this church have an honorable mention, being men of God, laboring zealously for the saving of the lost, using the office of deacon well, and getting to themselves a good report. Appendix IX. SECOND BAPTIST CHURCH OF NO. STONINGTON, CONN. The Second Baptist Church of No. Stonington, Conn., was organized in March, 1765, with Elder Simeon Brown (72) as pastor. Elder Brown was born in Stonington Jan. 31, 1723, a man of strong native talents; he was converted under the preaching of Whitefield, in 1745. He united with Rev. Stephen Babcock in forming the Baptist Church in Westerly, R. I., in 1750; and was baptized by Rev. Wait Palmer in 1764, being ordained the same year. His pastorate and watchful care over this church extended from the organization, in 1765, till his death, in 1815 — fifty years and eight months, a noble record to be engraved on his monument in Brown Cemetery in his native town. His descendants may well be proud of the character and the consecrated .^54 APPENDIX service was thirty-one years. On his tombstone in Union Cemetery is inscribed: The gospel was his joy and song, Even to his latest breath ; The truth he had proclaimed so long Was his support in death. The names of some of the ministers who succeeded Elder Miner were Elder Erastus Denison, Elder John Green, who often supplied, Thomas Barber, Elder C. C. Lewis, who was a man of fervor and power, and died in the pastoral office of this church Mar. lo, 1864, in his fifty-seventh year. This new house has not witnessed such powerful revivals as did the former, many of the young people having left the country church and being found in the cities and villages all over the land. The men of God who served as deacons should be mentioned, — at least some of them, — but nearly all have fallen asleep. Of the following, the compiler remembers all except the first: Zebulon Brown (74), brother of Elder Simeon Brown; John Stanton (b. 1753), died in 1851, at the age of ninety-eight; Josiah Brown (279), son of Elder Simeon Brown; Josiah Brown, Jr. (304); Allen Wheeler (b. 1793); Cyrus W. Brown (253); Reu- ben W. York. The acting deacons in 1905 are: Horace F. York, Richard WTieeler, and C. L. Gray. Appendix X. THIRD BAPTIST CHURCH, NO. STONINGTON, CONN. The Third Baptist Church was organized Dec. 25, 1828. The town of Stonington had been divided, and No. Stoningtoji had been set off from it in 1807. A committee of interested persons was appointed, Dec. 10, 1828, to adopt articles of faith for a contemplated church. The committee con- sisted of Samuel Chapman, Rev. Levi Walker, John F. Wheeler, and re- ported the articles of faith. They were adopted and remain unchanged. According to custom, a council was called for recognition of the body, and it met Dec. 25, 1828, approving the organization. The sermon was preached by Rev. Wm. Bentley. Others who took part in the recognition services were: Revs. John Gano Wightman, Wm. Palmer, Luther Godard, Benja- min M. Hill, Jabez S. Swan, Jonathan Miner, and Asher Miner. The 557 THE BROWN GENEALOGY eight persons who received letters from their churches were: Rev. Levi Walker, M.D., Samuel Chapman, David Holmes, Sally Wheeler, Phebe Walker, Lucy Chapman, Lucy Grant, and Emily Fanning. Three days after the recognition, the church received seven members by baptism, the ordinance being performed by Elder Jabez S. Swan; others united by letter and baptism, so that in June, 1829, when the church joined the Stonington Union Association, this new church reported thirty mem- bers and had several ministers as supplies, meeting at the schoolhouse. In 1833 the membership was fifty. Urged by the growth of numbers and the demands of the community, the church and society in 1833 erected the present house of worship, then, as still, a beautiful and substantial sanctuary. In a few months the amount raised was $2,000. The roll of subscribers began with: Saxton Miner, $100; Thomas P. Wattles, $100; Deacon Ezra Miner, $100; Daniel Bentley, $100; Benjamin Hewitt, $125; Rufus Williams, $100; David Coats, $100. The lot, containing three-fourths of an acre of land, cost $125. The members of the society hold the property in trvist for the use and benefit of the Baptist denomination forever. The first acting pastor of this new church was Rev. Levi Walker, M.D. He was born in Massachusetts, moved to Maine, was converted in 1804, and for a time was a Methodist circuit preacher. He afterwards be- came a Baptist and united with the First Baptist Church in Fall River, Mass. Mr. Walker studied medicine and entered upon his practice, mean- while continuing to preach, and became pastor of the Baptist Church in Warwick, R. I., in 18 16. He then became pastor of the Preston City Church, Conn., in 1819, and settled on a farm in No. Stonington in 1823. He preached with success in various districts, organizing the first Sunday school in the town and accomplishing much in his two professions. He died Dec. 12, 1869, aged eighty-five years and ten months. His three sons also went into the ministry. In 1834 Rev. Feronda Bestor became its pastor, and at that time the new church was dedicated. Mr. Bestor remained three years, and received thirty-eight by baptism, forty-five by letter. The church numbered at this time one hundred and twenty-eight. The church in 1837 entertained the Association for the first time, and Rev. Alfred Gates was the pastor and re- mained about one year. A special revival was enjoyed, and twenty-seven were admitted by baptism, and in 1837 the church numbered one hundred and fifty-two, with a Sabbath school of sixteen teachers and ninety pupils. Rev. Alfred Gates was born in Granville, N. Y., in 1803. He studied at Hamilton, N. Y., and was ordained at Willimantic, Conn., in 183 1. He 558 APPENDIX was pastor at Preston, Conn., and other churches. He died at Montville, Conn., Jan. 30, 1875. The church was supplied by several ministers until 1842, when Rev. B. C. Grafton was called, under whose labors fifty-three were added by baptism. He remained about one year. Rev. Edward T. Hiscox, from Hamilton University, N. Y., supplied the church about six months, and was ordained Jan. 18, 1844, when he was called and removed to Westerly, R. I., Apr. 18, 1844. Rev. James R. Stone was his successor. The church was enrolled with one hundred and eighty-seven members. Levi Walker, Jr., was licensed to preach Dec. 18, 1829. Born in New Bedford, Mass., in 1811, he was converted in this town. After pastorates in New Hampshire and Massachusetts, he returned to No. Stonington, where he died in February, 1839, loved by all who knew him. A number of young men converted in this church became successful min- isters, I842-I848,^ among whom were Edwin D. Bentley, Ralph H. Maine, and William H. Randall. The latter, during the Civil War, recruited a company and entered the field as captain. For heroic conduct at Chancel- lorsville he was promoted to major; he also served his command as cap- tain. In 1865 he resumed the pastorate; but, failing in health, he sought restoration in Florida, but died Mar. 7, 1874, aged fifty-six years. During the pastorate of James R. Stone, on Oct. 18, 1846, another re- vival began, and continued through the following winter. On Oct. 18, 1846, Cyrus H. Brown, Louisa A. Brown, Gideon P. Brown, and Maryette Bvirdick were baptized and received into the church. On Mar. 28, 1847, twenty-eight had been admitted into the church. The compiler retained his membership with this church ten years, removing to Boston in 1856, where he united with the Brighton Avenue Baptist Church, retaining membership there until 1898, when, removing from there to Westerly, R. I., he joined the Calvary Baptist Church. Rev. James R. Stone, afterwards Dr. Stone, after three years of service, severed his connection with this church, much to its regret. The next to come on the field was Daniel Henry Miller, a young man who came over from the Methodist to the Baptist faith. He received ordination Dec. 15, 1847. David Coates said of him, "He will be quite a preacher when he becomes a man; he is only a boy now." His ministry here, as in all his fields of la- bor, was marked with energy, ability, and success. The fortieth anniversary of his ministry was celebrated Dec. 15, 1887. Rev. George H. Miner said of his early pastorate with this people: " I seem to see a young man, tall and somewhat slender in form, with a commanding presence; bold and fearless, his voice impressive and solemn, full of reverential awe. Now in whis- 559 THE BROWN GENEALOGY pered tones he utters the most tender appeals and the sweetest comforts, and as the winds rise and sway the forest trees and shake the very earth, and the belching thunders pour forth their loud rumblings, and the sharp lightnings flash and the awful tempest is upon us, so his words alternate between the gentle and the awful, the tender and the dreadful." In April, 1849, Mr. Miller (since Dr. Miller) resigned his pastorate, much to the regret of the church, having pastorates in Yonkers, N. Y., Elizabeth, N. J., and Norwich, Conn. Dr. Miller was also chaplain in the Civil War. His successor was Rev. Orin T. Walker, of Martha's Vine- yard, Mass. It was a home-coming to Mr. Walker. His ministry commenced early in 1850, and continued until April, 1853. Many will recall his labors in the schoolhouses of Ashwillet. Mr. Walker's resignation was much regretted. He was called to New London, Conn., New Jersey, Boston, and Chicago. Rev. Thomas W. Clarke succeeded Mr. Walker. At this time the mem- bership was the largest at any time in its history, being two hundred and twenty-three. In 1853 the church lamented the death of David Coats, aged eighty-seven years. His descendants have a special record in this genealogy. Active in the church were Rev. Levi Walker, Benj. B. Hewitt, Ansel Coats, and John C. Coats, the constant and efficient church clerk for forty- eight years, Nathan Edgcomb and Thomas Edgcomb, Daniel Bentley, the Breeds, the Grants, the Stewarts, the Wheelers, the Hillards, and Ephraim W. Maine, Joseph Frink, Capt. Babcock, Deacon Cyrus W. Brown, Samuel Thompson, and good women not a few, whose records, with those of these good men, are now in the Book of Life. The pastors from 1856 to 1905 were: Henry W. Webber, Joseph Burnett, 1857, Edgar A. Hewitt, i860, C. W. Ray, 1862, Samuel D. Ashley, 1868, J. W. Holman, 1870, Fenner B. Dickinson, 1874, William D. Morgan, 1877, James D. Noble, 1878, W. W. Staples, 1880, J. Edred Jones, 1881, Daniel E. Easton, 1884, Edwin D. Bentley, 1888, Francis Purvis, 1891, C. Grant Savage, 1893, Richard Kemp, 1896, Frank D. Luddington, 1899, H. A. Calhoun, 1901, and Lucian Drury, 1904. Since the organization of the church only six have been chosen as dea- cons: John T. Wheeler, 1834, Ezra Miner, 1834, Benjamin T. BiUings, 1875, Nelson A. Brown, 1875, William H. Hillard, 1888, and Nathan S. Edgcomb, 1888. The church has received a number of substantial bequests. From Miss Abby Miner the church was made her residuary legatee, receiving $2,343, in 1881. The church received in 1882, from the estate of Mrs. Mary A. 560 APPENDIX (Crandall) Gallup, widow of John Dean Gallup, $250, on the condition that the church raise an equal amount. In 1886 it received from the estate of Oliver Sisson $150. At this time the church took from its treasury $7 to add to the fund, making a total of $3,000. From the estate of Mrs. Louisa (Palmer) Crandall, widow of Oliver S. Crandall, the church received $250. About 1870 B. F. Sisson, of Binghamton, N. Y., a native of the town, donated $100 toward a new bell for the church tower. While there were many very worthy families of whom honorable mention could be made in connection with the church, among others will be men- tioned John O. and Thomas W. Wheeler and wife, Emily Elizabeth (Brown) Wheeler and daughter, Nancy Mary Wheeler, wife of Deacon W. H. Hillard. They entertained and made a pleasant home for many ministers who came as supplies, and were also leaders of the singing in the church nearly all their lives. On the decease of Mrs. W. H. Hillard, she gave, in 1902, her piano to the church. At the decease of Mrs. WTieeler, Jan. 29, 1905, she made the church her residuary legatee, consisting mostly of her real estate, two houses and lands, pleasantly located in the village, requesting it to be sold, and the interest used as a perpetual fund for the church. The church should hold in grateful remembrance the fathers and moth- ers, the sons and daughters, who have consecrated their lives to the service of God. Appendix XI. HISTORY OF THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF BROOK- FIELD, N. Y. One of the principal promoters of this church was Simeon Brown, Jr., son of Elder Simeon Brown, of Stonington, Conn. He received a license to preach in 1775, being the first who had been granted a license from that church. He emigrated from Stonington, Conn., May, 1792, with his wife and children in an ox-cart. This family and others coming from Stonington from time to time were a nucleus from which this church was formed, June 28, 1798. Twenty people met together to consider the organization of a Baptist church. After drawing up articles of faith, the First Church of Christ in Brookfield, N. Y., was organized, Oct. 12, 1799. There in the wild woods 561 THE BROWN GENEALOGY and amid howling beasts of prey was erected an altar for the worship of God. This young church began holding meetings with their spiritual leader and recognized head in the log house of the minister, Elder Simeon Brown, Jr., and there was much interest shown among the scattered set- tlers. After a few years a meeting-house was built, making a more attract- ive and comfortable church home for the people. Elder Brown was the pastor until his death, Aug. i8, 1826. In 1837 a new meeting-house was built, to be used together with the Seventh Day Baptist people of Clark- ville, which is occupied still by both churches in 1905. This Brookfield Baptist Church has ordained nine pastors and licensed twelve to preach the gospel. It has alw^ays had a Deacon Brown since its organization, but one person of that name holding that position at the same time. During its existence it has always observed monthly communion service. In September, 1801, the church joined the Otsego Baptist Asso- ciation, always being regular in its representatives and delegates. Thus by strong faith in God from the beginning, for sixscore years this church has flourished and is still holding forth the word of life. The following extracts are from reminiscences of Elder Brown read at the Centennial Celebration of this church, July 7, 1898: "In personal appearance Elder Brown was more than medium height and well proportioned, being of strong build. He had light brown hair worn moderately long in thin locks, eyes blue, shaded with heavy eyebrows and a massive forehead, always clean shaven, and a pleasing expression. He was fond of the chase, and in his later years would ride to a known fox trail and often do good shooting in the saddle. "When he became too feeble to leave his home he held evening services in his own house. His last sermon was preached at his house while sitting in his chair, being too feeble to stand." This church has had in one hundred and seven years nineteen pastors, from its organization in 1798 to 1905. The longest pastorates were Rev. Simeon Brown, Jr., from 1798 to 1826, and Rev. Holland Turner, from 1835 to 1845. The ordinations in this church were: Rev. Simeon Brown, Jr., Oct. 14, 1800; Rev. Joshua Wells, Oct. 18, 1815; Thomas Dye; G. B. Perry, Mar. 5, 1823; Peter Latimer, May 31, 1827; Ferris Scott, July 20, 1858; O.N. Fletcher, Nov. i, 1866; A. V. B. Crumb, Aug. 23, 1876, missionary to Bur- mah; R. J. Thompson, Aug. 15, 1883. The Deacons, from organization to 1905, were: Daniel Maine, Nathan Brown, Bell Lewis, Wait Clarke, Samuel Browne, Thomas E. Craine, George Crumb, Morgan L. Brown, Don F. Maine, Avory Cole. 562 APPENDIX The church clerks, from organization to 1905, were: Andrew Coats, Asa Frink, Jr., Allen Green, Henry Brown, Randall Y. Hibbard, Don F. Maine, Ellen R. Baldwin, Catherine Crandall, Clifton Craine. Appendix XII. Eunice Turner is a direct descendant of Elder William Brewster of the Plymouth Colony, 1620. The line of descent is as follows: 1. William Brewster, b., Scrooby, England, 1566-1567; d., Plymouth, New England, Apr. 10, 1644; m. Mary , d., Plymouth, Apr. 17, 1627. Son: 2. Jonathan, b., Scrooby, England, Aug. 12, 1593; d. Aug. 7, 1659; m., Plymouth, Apr. 10, 1624, Lucretia Oldham, d. Mar. 4, 1678-1679. Dau. : 3. Mary Brewster, b., Plymouth, Apr. 16, 1627; m., Nov. 10, 1645, John Turner, Senior, of Scituate, Mass., who d. 1697. [Author- ity, "The Mayflower Descendant," Vol. i.] Son: 4. Ezekiel Turner, b., Scituate, Jan. 7, 1650; d., New London, Conn., Jan., 1703-1704; m., Dec. 26, 1678, Susanna Kinney, b. Sept. 6, 1662. Son: 5. Ezekiel Turner, b. ; d. at Groton, Conn.; m.. May 12, 1729, Borrodel Dennison, b. Feb. 14, 171 2. Dau.: 6. Eunice Turner, b. July 24, 1740; d. Mar. 9, 1794; m., Preston, Conn., Aug. 4, 1757, Amos Brown, b. Oct. 28, 1730; d. Jan. 12, 1S17. 563 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Appendix XIll. Military Department, Hartford, Conn. This is to certify that the following record of Amos Brown appears on page 216 "Revolution Rolls and Lists, 1775-1783, Connecticut Historical Society:" "Eighth Regiment, — Col. Smith, Capt. Morgan's Company. A pay abstract of Captain John Morgan's Company, in Col. Oliver Smith's Regiment, who marched upon alarm on the 6th day of September 1781. (Invasion of New London.) men's names. John Morgan, Captain. William Williams, Lieutenant. Chris. Morgan, Ensign. . . . Amos Brown, Private. Days in Service — three (3) . . . " This is a duplicate copy of one received from the Adjutant-General with seal affixed. $(^4 MARRIAGES BIRTHS BIRTHS BIRTHS DEATHS DEATHS MEMORANDA MEMORANDA Errata On page 17, after 122. Sarah, the numbers (2707-2715) should appear. Andrew Brown and Sarah Cobb data are on page 19. The names of Katurah, Silas, Polly, or Mary, are not on Stonington Records on account of removal to New York in 1788. See also pages 394-397 for further im- portant information. On page 19, number 146, Peleg Brown; at the end of that line place (4203-4212). Dolly Brown (298), page 31, date should be 1803. On page 36, the number 262b should be 362b. John F. Brown, page 76, fifth line from bottom of page, should read "teacher in public schools of New London County, Conn." On page 81, number 606b, read "Janice," etc. On page 134, the name "Ella B. Hazzard" should read "Ella B. Hag- gard." The name "Hazzard" as given in next two lines should read "Haggard." On page 136, number 978, read "E. Claud Brown." On page 203, Eunice A. Brown, number (1463) change to (1474). Illustration, page 134, Henry Irving Brown, should read (961). Illustra- tion, page 487, should read "Martha Esther Brown Coon," not "Coom." Illustration, page 492, Rev. Edwin Daniel Bentley, should read (4157)- The compiler of this volume desires to make further acknowledgment of valuable assistance, both financial and literary, rendered by Gen. Charles F. Manderson, Omaha, Neb., Mrs. W. M. Haigh, Chicago, 111., Mrs. Waldo Tillinghast, Plainfield, Conn., Alex. T. Brown, Syracuse, N. Y., Allen A. Brown, D.D., Montclair, N. J., Mrs. Irene S. Collins, Westerly, R. I., Mrs. James J. Brown, Omaha, Neb., and many others. 565 List of Illustrations PAGE Armstrong, Lucy Palmer (Brown) (258) Frontispiece Brown, Eleazer (11), Site of House 12 Burrows Homestead, Mystic, Conn. 13 Brown, James (38), Tombstone . . 16 Brown, Asa (123), Corner of Burying- ground on Farm 17 Brown, Asa (123), Williams (135), and Robert Williams (3438), Homestead 17 Armstrong, B. A. (592), Residence 20 Brown, Thomas (2), Site of House . 20 Brown, Hibbard (4139 , House . . 21 Brown, Lot Kimball (4143), House 21 Williams, John (22), Revolutionary Records 26 Brown, Cyrus Williams, Jr.(253), and Family 27 Brown, Elder Simeon (72), Monu- ment 36 Brown, Joshua (77), Hou?e .... 37 Dewey, Christopher, and Brown, Margaret (3889), House .... 37 Brown, Nathan (60), Tombstone . 44 Brown, Mathew (385), House ... 44 B own, Andrew (126), Home ... 45 Brown, Cyrus W'illiams (231), House 52 B'own, Nathan (60), House ... 52 Brown, Cyrus Williams, Jr. (253), Homestead 53 Armstrong, B. A. (592) 78 Brown, John Burrows (511) ... 79 Brown, S. Eugene (958), Children . 86 Clift, VVm. (674), and Wife .... 87 Brown, Simeon (943), Residence . . 92 Brown, Henry Irving (961), Resi- dence ..... 93 Bennett, Herbert F. (779) .... no Randall, Roxie F. (1465) in Second Baptist Church, No. Stoning- ton, Conn 116 Brown, Elder Simeon (72), House . 116 Brown, Joshua P. (959), and Wife . 117 Brown, Joshua P. (959), Residence and Family Group 124 B'Own, S. Eugene (958), and Wife . 125 Brown, Heni^y Irving (961) .... 134 Brown, J. W. (601) 135 Miner, Matilda (Brown) (384) . . 172 York, Lelan C. (1339), and Wife . 173 Brown, Cyrus H. (260), and Family 252 PACK Brown, Thatcher (175), Wife of . . 253 Brown, Cyrus H. (260), and Grand- children 284 Brown, Cyrus H. (260), Residence . 285 Robinson, Maria Brown (2859), in Her Home 324 Lewis, Mrs. Louisa A. Brown (261), and Family 325 Bentlcy, Samuel H. (4159) .... 346 Darling, Philena W 347 Brown, Sophia (W.) (3046) .... 347 Pinkerton, W. J., and Wife . . . . 347 Haigh, W. M. (3063) 352 Brown, Cyrus H. (260) -356 25'-5 Brown, Andrew (126), Leaf of Family Bible 394 Stewart, Nathan, Old China . . - 395 Brown, Allen H., D.D. (3569) . . . 402 Hillard, Lucy Marella (3909) . • • 403 Pierce, Curtis Irish (551) 408 Walsh, Alexander R. (3646), S'las B. (3648), James R. (3644), Ed- ward S. (3650), Henry B. (3651) . 409 Maine, Ephraim W., Wife (4394a), and F;imily 428 Friends' Church and York School- house, Brooktield, N. Y 429 Manderson, Charles Frederick . . 436 Norton, Mrs. M. E. (1703) .... 472 Crary, Stephen H. (4055), and Wife 473 Brown, Asher P. (41 10) 478 Griffin, Polly (Brown) (890) . . • 479 Brown, Silas (3528) 486 Bcntley, Daniel 486 Coon, Martha Esther Brown (247) . 4S7 Bentley, Rev. Edwin Daniel (4157) 49^ Bentley, Courtland Wheeler (4158) 493 Brown, W. H. (4254), and Family . 494 Brown, Eleazer (11), Tombstone . 495 Brown, Alex. Timothy (4253) . . . 498 Brown, Mary Lillian Seamans, Wife of Alex. T 499 Brown, Charles Seamans (4290) . 502 Brown, Julian Stephen (4291) . . . 503 First Baptist Meeting-house, No. Stonington, Conn 550 Baptist Church, Brookfield, N. Y. . 551 Third Baptist Church, No. Stoning- ton, Conn 556 Pendleton, George A., Residence . 557 Maxson, Sylvanus (719), House . . 557 566 Index PAGE PAGE PAGE Abbott, Fred D., 245 George H., 151 Carlton, 265 Harold D., 118 James J., 151 Irene E., 226 Henry L., 118 Merton C, 151 Ackley, Matilda, 352 JuHette A., 255 Phoebe A., 151 Ackly, Arvilla, 26 Mary, 452 Robert J., 151 Adams, Minette, 410 Russell A., 151 Alonzo, 227 Rachel, 310 Winfield J., 151 C. A., 393 Stuart W., 377 Angell, Calvin J., 249 Thomas E., 377 Duane D., 242 Charles F., 250 Walter J., 509 Edna A., 254 Charles N., 393 William D., 289 Erwin B., 242 David H., 496 Wilham W., 289 Frank S., 242 Doris A., 393 Allice, Lusalla, 204 Lucia S., 242 Dorothy H., 249 Allison, Clara B., 359 Marie L., 242 Ethel R., 249 Allyn, Anniver, Mary R., 398 George A., 496 Hannah M., 515 Appleman, George F., 250 Prudence, 151 Charles S., 299 Irene H., 249 Ames, Louisa, 480 Elias H., 299 Jennie, 25s Anderson, Franz A., 299 John F., 231 A. T, 49 Lucian H., 299 John Q., 250 Anna C, 82 Mabel W., 299 Sophia L., 496 Bess, 82 Ruth E., 299 Addington, Mary M. ,484 Christine F., 49 Archer, Ailsworth, William, 374 Essie, 82 George H., 104 Akers, Marie, 297 Eva, 82 Martha, 272 Albright, Howard, 82 Noah G., 104 Frank H., 33^ James C, 82 Argubright, Mary 0., 211 James R., 82 Bertha M., 248 Aldrich, Fannie E., 245 John W., 82 Charles J., 225 Alexander, Nancy M > Ralph, 82 Edith, 225 494 Roscoe, 82 John T., 225 Allen, Ruth, 82 Armstrong, Amos H., 118 Thomas R., 82 Angela L., 79 Charles H., 118 Willie, 49 Benjamin A., 78 Charles W., 245 509 Andrews, Benjamin L. L., 79 E. Gertrude, 118 Charlie, 151 Charles, 77 Edward D., 2S9 Dudley G., 151 Charles L., 77 Emma, 125 Ehza, 313 Dyer, 77 Frances A., 118 Frances, 294 Ehzabeth W., 79 567 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Armstrong, Fannie W., John P. T., Luella S., Margaret, Mary, Russell, Arnold, Ann E., B. F., Benjamin F., Betsey, Franklin H., Kate, Kittie, Margaret, Ary, Emily M., Atkins, E. L., Madeline, Atwater, Fred C, J. Clayton, Auchincloss, Matilda, 411 Austin, Alda v., Alice J., Charles E., Emma, Fanny, James E., Jed, Myrtie, Avery, Amanda, Esther H., Harold S., Helen B., Laura F., Rhoda M., Smith D., Sophia, William, William H., Avory, Susan, Ayer, Charles B., Charles T., 341 79 79 26 390 445 57 520 498 521 521 472 524 227 65 65 239 238 212 97 158 254 284 254 159 T44 310 222 481 67 67 156 481 310 277 67 460 490 490 Daniel T., Esther, Francis W., Lewis M., Marietta, May P., Nathan W., William, Ayers, Alma, Babcock, A. Ernest, Abigail, Adelia, Agnes E., Albert W., Ann, Anna, Arlouine, Armeda E., Candace, Caroline, Caroline D., Charles, Clamenzia, Clara E., Clayton E., Cornelius L., Daniel H., Daphene, David, Edgar L., Edwin, Effie E., Elias, Elijah, Elizabeth P., Elizabeth S., Ella C, Elliott K., Emeline, Esther, Ethel J., Eunice E., Fanny, Frances C, Francis R., Frank, 568 PAGE 490 489 491 490 491 491 491 ,490 306 318 256 317 282 208 310 310 244 208 215 142, 311 318 318 272 239 316 310 3'^3 215, 311 239 3ii> 317 239 309 308, 312 III 29 112 152 3" 309. 501 318 112 215 485 312 215, 318 Frank G., Fred H., George, George C, Georgiana, Gilbert P., Grace, H. Lee, Harriet, Harry, Harry C, Harry J., Hattie, Helen B., Henry C, Henry D., Henry H., Herbert, Herbert H., Hiram, Hiram A., Horace, Hulda, Ichabod, Isaac A., Jennie J., John, John R., Jonas, Joshua, Joshua F., Juha, Juliet, JuHus, Laura, Lena, Lorenza, Lucy E., Lucy P., Lydia, Mary, Mary B., Mary E., Mary P., Mary R., Mary T., Mercy A., Minnie, 28, PAGE 282 311 313 lOl 152 318 112 237 309 310 152 392 317 208 281 112 215 112 208 3^3 313 451 311 282 523 215, 318 282 28 III 112 314 112 314 112 317 459 238 III 3". 314 103, 317 321 113 313 269 92, 112 51 393 INDEX PAGE PAGE PAGE Babcock, Kenneth M., 510 Martha, 50 Miriam G., 239 Mary G., 510 Thomas D., 50 Moses, 309 Mona, 343 Winnifred E., 93 Myron G., 208 Robert B., 510 Bancroft, Nathaniel, 28 Seymour H., 510 Caroline, 367 Nettie F., 229 Baldwin, Charles P., 368 Olive J., 239 Asa, 30, i43> 144 EUavene, 367 Orville, 310 Asa B., 145 Elmer B., 368 Paul, 310 Betsey, 144 Emmet F., 368 Pauline, 311 De Ette W., 146 Ervin P., 368 Rachel A., 310 Dolly, 143 Esther D., 368 Roswell H., 318 Edwin A., 144 Florence M., 368 Rufus, 314 Ellen R., 144 Frank C, 306 Sally, 312 Emma, 147, 482 George H., 368 Sarah, 215 Fay L., 144 Harry W., 368 Sarah R., 282 Frederic W., 144 Helen B., 306 Sarah T., 313 Gertrude A., 140, 147 Homer, 368 Selah, 314 Grace D., 145 Huldah, 368 Shadrach, 312 Robert, 144 Kittie, 364 Silas, 310 Howard S., 144 Mamie, 368 Silas A., 317 Irving A., 140, 147 Mary E , 368 Stephen, 29 Jennie P., 147 Meta A., 368 Stevens, 312 Laverne A., 140, 147 Walter H., 368 Submit, 314 Leata M., 144 Wilder, 364 Victor, 113 Leon E., 144 Wilder J., 368 William, 244 , 311 Lynn H., 147 Willard B., 368 William A., lOI Mary E., 29 BanTis, WiUiam N., 239 Nathan, 144 Ada L., 294 William R., 318 Nathan W., 144 Martha, 177 WiUis A., 237 Noel, 144 Banton, Harriet, 108 Backus, Jeanette, 484 Oliver B., 147 Barber, Bacon, Pearl C, 147 Abbie E., 98 Edson, 201 Phebe M., 144, 145 Allen, 62 Melisse, 45 Rodeha E., 147 Allen L., 62 Bailey, Roswell, 29 Arthur L., 57 Adelphine, 245 Ruth S., 144 Bessie, 40 Eunice, 67 Sally, 144 Clara, 41 Francis, 68 Simeon, 144 Edward H., 86 Hannah H., 118 Simeon D., 145 Edward R., 105 Jessie, 119 Stella P., 287 Emma, 98 Phebe R., 119 Susan M., 144 FrankUn, 97 Baker, Sylvester, 25, 29 Grant O., 105 Clara M., 510 Thankful, i-j , 32, 143 Hannah, 309 Eliza, 337 Vinila B., 144 Herbert, 40 George W., 510 Ball, Jane G., 456 J. Whipple, 265 Edward H., 35 John W., 105 Joseph A., 510 James, 254 Leander, 98 Kate L., 510 Maria S., 468 Lucy A., 456 569 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Barber, Samuel F., 119 Herbert L., 370 Lula A., 105 Barker, Herbert W., 370 Mae C, 105 Frances L., 238 ■James, 129 Molly, 186 Robinson P., 453 Ralph, 466 Nathan, 456 Barnard, Reba C, 370 Nellie M., 98 Susie D., 319 Sarah A., 370 Noyes, 40 Violet, 304 Tamison, 285 Orsen, 129 Barnes, W. L., 112 Oscar F., 98 Benjamin F., 318 WiHiam F., 370 Oscar M., 97 Bertha 0., 496 Bates, Paul M., 455 Barney, James H., 72 Acenith R.. 334 Preston G., 86 Barr, Frank H., 81 Alva, 286 Sterry E., 160 Barrett, W. R. S., 99 Stevens, 312 George, 146 Batey, Julia, 483 William A., loS Maude B., 146 Batrick, Jennie, 37 William C, 105. 456 Walter D., 146 Batterson, D. O., 209 Winnefred, 456 Barron, Florence A., 359 Batty, Bardeen, Barronett, Jennie R. , 344 Charlotte A., 511 Abby A., 295 Barrows, Eugene, 510 Adelma H., 286 Arthur S., 152 Baumler, Adin R., 273 Charles R., 152 Ruth M., 394 Charles V., 294, 29s Juha A., 455 Samuel, 394 Clarence L., 273 Mildred K., 152 Baxter, De Ette S., 285 Barstow, Dolly, 330 Carriebell W., 109 Edward N., 268 Bartlett, Phebe A., lOI Charles W., 109 Edward R., . 285 Barton, Ernest W., 109 Ella M., 286 Charles H., 3^8 Fred W., 109 Esther M., 307 Charles P., 3^8 Ruth S., 109 Florence C, 295 Cora, 417 Baylis, Frank A., 295 Rosella, 318 Charles F., 288 Frank W., 28s Basanta, Fred F., 288 Harry A., 307 Irena A., 422 Katie M., 306 Harry H., 307 Valentine S., 422 Beach, Polly A., 197 Henry L., 294 Bash, Beadle, Sophia, 192 Katherine, 307 Albert I., 418, Beane, Sadia C, 420 Laura, 307 Almira, 418 Beardsley, Maggie H ,217 Martha E., 295 David W., 418 Bearse, Eliza S., 37 Mary C, 307 Louisa J., 418 Becket, Isaac, 100 Rasselas, 273 Mary, 418 Beckwith, Robert H., 307 Bassett, Silas, 41 Royce N., 286 Bertha, 129 Stephen, 498 William, 307 Clarke M., 142 Beebe, William V., 307 Elizabeth, 112 Emeline, 435 Barger, Emeline, 316 H. J., 234 Ernest, 119 Emily, 466 James H., 235 Grace, 119 George, 466 Lela W., 235 H. A., 119 Henry D., 370, Rose M., 456 Pearl, 119 Herbert H., 370 1 William L., 234 570 INDEX Beecher, Mary A., Beeton, Mathew, Belden, Clarence W., Mary A., Nettie E., Warren, Belding, Bertha A., Bell, Mary L., Belnap, Emma A., Bennett, Bela W. P., Charles, Cornelia A., Emily D., Emogene, Herbert F., Bentley, Almira, Ann E., Annie L., Charles P., Charles R , Clara A., Courtland D., Courtland W., Daniel, Daniel S., Edna F., Edwin D., Edwin H., Edwin L., Fernando W., Florence G., Frank E., Frank H., Harold S , Helen A., John S., Julia E., Lillian E., Martha E., Mary E., Mary J., Mary L., Samuel E., Samuel H., Sarah F., ^33 12 2IO 240 210 210 442 109 109 no 193 no Benton, Jason M., Bernet, J. Alfred, Berry, Sarah, Betsinger, Earl, H., Ebenezer E., Edward W., Harrison R., 423 Bicknell, George P., 226 Bigelow, Lewis, j BiUings, Edna L., Edward E., Grace W., Lucy, Ruth A., Bishop, Frances A.. 164! Ida B., 486 W. H., 489 Black, Euphemia, 487 j Blackledge, Jacob, 4881 Blackman, Abbie L., Eva L., William W., Blair, Chester A., Mary J., Minnie E., Blake, Charles H., Dorothy, Florence M., Mary M., Blanchard, Adelaide, Blanding, Franklin, Georgianna, Hall, Oscar, Bliven, Joseph F., Mary M., Blivin, George H., Blodget, Mary E., Bloodgood, Delevan, 571 487 488 487 486 489 487 487 458 487 458 489 458 489 458 470 489 515 487 507 408 206 509 509 509 509 160 182 42 42 163 100 42 292 468 264 456 448 310 340 332 213 213 213 472 472 472 483 49 237 237 237 471 154 46 435 352 Lisa D., 352 May, 357 Blounte, Darwin, 320 Fred M., 320 Sylvester, 320 Bogardis, Buena, 292 E. R., 292 Ernest E., 292 Ray R., 292 Winnefred M., 292 Bogue, Frederick, 462 Bolton, Louise, 336 Bond, Elbridge, 82 Bonfoy, Ahce B., 254 W. H. H., 236 Booth, Charles H., 275 Chauncey B., 275 Florence, 133 George, 275 Henry B.. 275 Lamott R., 275 Wallace E., 275 Borden, Anne, 466 Bordman, Amos, 462 Benjamin, 462 Betsey, 462 Elisha, 462 Eunice, 462 Henry, 462 Jonathan, 462 Julia, 462 Sabra, 462 Borgialli, Anzelmo, 404 Bosworth, George, 120 Maria, 179 Bouton, Julia A., 302 Bowan, Evelyn M., 318 Bowen, John, 291 Laura C, 294 Mary C, 319 Rodney S., 319 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Bo wen, Isaac, 326 Anna, 293 William H., 293 Isabelle, 334 Charles, 271 Bowler, Sally, 388 Jane, 334 Cynthia, 292 Boyd, John, 182 Lucy, 335 Edgar, 193 Bracken, Harry L., 439 Lucy A., 332 Ella C, 271 Bradford,Margaret D •,iS9 Mary J., 333 George, 193 Bradley, Annie C, 91 Pliny, 324 Ida F., 286 Bradstreet, Rachel, 334 John, 193 Brownell T., 250 Sarah M., 325 Lottie, 193 Percy W. P., 250 Brewster, Otis, 193 Brainard, Bessie G., 460 Priscilla, 193 Lewis E., 139 Betsey H., 460 Susan, 193 Martha, 317 Elias M., 460 Brockway, Oliver D., 139 Emma J., 460 Charles C, 536 Olive E., 139 Frank, 486 Cyrus B., 77 Ruth E., 139 Grace M., 460 Cyrus 0., 536 Brainerd, Charity, 310 Robert M., 460 Harold L., 536 Brand, Bride, Helen, 293 Horace C, 536 Annie J., 239 Bridgeman, Mary, 281 Orimel J., 77, 536 Arthur, 204 Briggs, Wm., 77 Arthur B., 304 Almira A., 69 Bromell, Matilda 49 Charles M., 288 Ameha L., 306 Bromley, Clarence H., 303 Charles Y , 220 Eunice J., 94 Frank B., 306 Decason D., 276 Orren, 50 Fred, 288 Florence E., 298 Brooks, John F., 283 Fred, 220 George M., 93 Nathan, 375 George A., 298 Mahnda, 527 Nettie H., 283 George H., 452 Broomell, Rodolph, 306 Gerald L., 220 Clyde W., 359 Samuel B., 288 Glen B., 83 Myron H., 359 William, 288 Jessie E., 276 Brown, Brayton, Mary E., 62 John R., 382 A. Duane, 229 Brazee, M. Lee, 392 John S., 298 Abbie J. H., 480 Brazie, Lee, 124 Leslie E., 220 Abbie S., 27 Breed, Mabel A., 220 Abby, 38 Anna, 169 Mabel E., 83 Abby A., 340 Gracia, 192 Mary, 83 Abby E., 37 Hannah, 182 ,501 Oreson E., 83 Abby J., 70 Jane P., 163 Ralph, 83 Abby M., 15s Mary, 13 Ruth, 183 Abel, 16, 22 Nancy, 191 Stewart D., 297 Abel D., 154 Patty, 501 Warren C, 382 Abigail, 15, 20 , 21, 34, Thomas, 126 Brigham, 35, 149, 260, 374, 462, Bren, Mabel J., 223 Catherine M., 189 489 Brewer, Frances E., 189 Ada, 143, 391 Benjamin, 326 Lawson, 189 Ada A., 140 David, 334 Brightman, Ada G., 486 Edward A., 57 Ahce, 193 Adam, 429 572 INDEX Jrown, Addie L., 142 Addie M., 52 Adelaide, 337 Adelaide C, 92 Adolphus, 491 Adon P., 389 Agnes E., 52 Agnes M., 451 Aimee Z., 247 Albert, 226 Albert E., i35> 155 Albertus B., 54 Alex M., 498 Alexander H., 398 Alexander T., 497 Alfred, 50, 379 Alfred B., 493 Alfred F., 497 Alfred H., 407 Alfreda A., 494 Alice, 247 Alice E., 66, 382 Allen, 19 399, 419 Allen H., 410, 425 Allen L., 419 Alma L., 381 Almedia H., 70, 455 Almira, 462 Almira C, 494 Almira E., 33 Almiron, 348 Almon J., 139 Alonzo H., 202 Alpheus 445 Alvah H., 375 Alvin H., 224 Alzero F., 52 Amanda F., 427 Amelia, 30 Amos, 23, 461, 462 Amos D., 481 Amos P., 486 Amy D., 462 Andrew, i9> 394 Andrew A., 407 Andrew D., 45 Andrew E., 403 PAGE Angeline, 49 Angle B., 54 Ann, 15, 462 Ann E., 70 Anna, 167, 182, 257, 439, 462 Anna L., 418, 419 Anna M., 135 Anna S., 134, 415 Annah, 113 Anne, 19, 22, 34, 43 Annie, 71 Annie B., 93 Annie C, 95 Annie E., in Annie M., 377 Annie V., 52 Anthony T. E., 426 Antoinette R., 525 Arabella N., 45 Ardie E., 253 Arthur C. L., 350 Arthur D., 227 Arthur L., 344 Arthur W., 62 Arthuretta, 264 Arville A., 496 Asa, 17, 322, 326 Asenath, 403 Asher, 478 Asher M., 27 Asher P., 480, 482 Augusta A., 152 Aurilla, 227^ Avery, 161 Avory, 23 Azubah, 350 Barrodell, 462 BellR, 155 Benjamin, 19, ^^, 462 Benjamin C., 38, 343 Benjamin D., 330 Benjamin F., 81 Benjamin W., 93 Bessie A., 135 Bessie M., 52, 390 Betsey A., 160 Betsey, 17, 25, 32, 34, 37, 39, 162, 259, 374, 484, 492 Blanche C, 439 Blanche M., 224 Breed, 484 Burns B., 95 Byron S., 266 C. Edgar, 227 Calvin, 267 Carl W., 53 Carlton B., 346 Carohne, 478 Caroline B., 402 Caroline L., 379, 481 Carrie E., 52, 389 Carrie L., 94, 337 Catherine, 259, 387, 445 Catherine A., 448 Catherine F., 389 Catherine R., 90, 225 Cecil O., 140 Celesta K., 485 Celifa, 34 Charity M., 378 . Charles, 16, 23, 66, 445, 462 Charles A., 68. 155, 481 Charles E., 69, 157, 494 Charles F., 350, 390 Charles H., 36, 67, 118, 160, 335, 344, 383, 432 Charles L., 66 Charles M., 92 Charles N., 71, 385 Charles P., 34 Charles R., 52, 65 Charles S., 50, 264, 281, 301, 308, 496, 498 Charles W., 52, 134, 337, 385 Charlotte B., 425 Charlotte J., 419 Chester T., 536 Christopher, 16, 106 Christopher F., 106 Claire, 227 Clara B., 152, 248 573 THE BROWN GENEALOGY PAGE Brown, Clara M., 279, 432, 497 Clarence A., 135, 224 Clarence D., 412 Clarence S., 343 Clarence Z., 390 Clarissa C, 109 Clark, 19, 112, 153 Clark H.. 157 Clark P., 157 Claud, 344 Claud E., 136 Clay H., 139 Clyde L., 344 Coddington, 24 Cora E., 248, 422 Cora J., 142 Cromwell, 22, 120 Cynthia, 32, 123, 462 Cynthia U., 389 Cyrus, 16, 388 Cyrus F., 393 Cyrus H., 58 Cyrus W., 93 Content, 527 Daisy M., 344 Daniel, 9, 13, 16, 20, 21, 45' 167, 462 Daniel C, 54 Daniel E., 65 Daniel J., 391 Daniel M., 71, 142 Daniel' O., 377 Daniel P., 54 Darius, 151 David, 15, 22, 35, 158, 159 David F., 36 Dean H., 439 Deborah, 13, 23, 166, 324, 360, 491 Deborah L., 383 De Ette, 229 DeHa C, 434 Delia E., 434 Delia R., 38 Delilah, 35 Delos E., 45 PAGE Denison, 462 Denison W., 534 Denna M., 140 Dennie M., 143 Desire, 20, 21, 499 Dixon P., 95 Dolle, 148 Dolly, 31 Dolly A., 137 Dorcas, 159 Dorothy, 13, 143 Dorothy W., 100 Dudley, 50 Dwight, 338 Dwight C, 157 E. Altana, 535 E. Dora, 433 Earl A., 140 Earl L., 377 Ebenezer, 9, 10, 15, 533 Edith, 22, 425 Edith E., 431 Edith I., 52 Edna, 133, 275 Edna B., 344 Edna E., 336 Edna M., 227 Edward, 9, 19, 36, 398, 462 Edward H., 38, 400 Edward R., 441 Edward S., 412 Edwin, 153 Edwin R., 266 Edwin S., 497 Edwin T., 346 Eleanor E., 419 Eleanor M., 384 Eleazer, 12, 18, 19, 491 EHas, 1 7 Elias A., 405 Elias W., 27 Elijah, 35 Elisha, 34, 37 Eliza, 266, 267, 281, 483 Eliza A., 55 Eliza P., 442 Elizabeth, 9, 11, 12, 16, 43, 44, 100, 114, 398, 425 EUzabeth G., 406 Ehzabeth L., 88 Elizabeth P., 419 Elizabeth W., 76 Ella, 338 Ella A., 66 Ella L., 422 Ella M., 345 Ellen, 34 Ellen A D., 52 Ellen M., 380 Ellen P., 51 Elmos T., 344 Elsie L., 392 Elwin F., 380 Emeline H., 491 EmeUne J., 151 Emeline M., 331 Emera, 347 Emily, 68 Emily A., 133 Emily E., 57 Emily J., 493 Emily M., 409 Emma, 50 Emma F., 328 Emory L., 136 Ephraim, 20 Erastus S., 267 Erastus W., 407, 534 Esther, 11, 16, 17, 23, 29, 31. 75, 463 Esther L., 347 Esther M., 226 Ethel C, 37 Ethel I., 62 Ethel M., 358 Eugene A., 418 Eugenia B., 392 Eunice, 16, 18, 21, 31, 32, 34, 49, 50, III, 183, 388, 462 Eunice A., 203 Eunice V., 64, 154 Eva A., 431 Eva INI., 155 574 INDEX rown, Everett E., 534 Experience, 491 Ezra, 19 , 159 F. Dwight, 536 Fannie D., 391 Fanny, 258 Fanny E., 3c , 128 ,440 Fern E., 344 Fedelia D., 275 Fleda, 337 Flora L., 202 Florence E., 46 Florence J., 482 Florence L., 69 Floy, 229 Frances A., 380 Frances C, 90 ,416 Frances E., 66 Frances G., 392 Frances L., 49 Frances W., 36 Frank, 264, 536 Frank E., iii, 380, 385, 493 Frank H., 54 155 Frank L., 52 441 Frank P., 135 Frank R., 66 391 Frank T., 66 Frankie E., 134 Franklin, 491 Fred A., 64 Fred L., 375 Fred N., 431 Fred W., 415 Frederick H., 440 Frederick M., 483 Frederick W., 415 Freeman E., 226 Gay H., 393 George, 338 George A., 37 George C, 153 281 George F., 264 George H., ] ^33, 378, 398, 534 George I., 267 George S., 153 George T., 65, 275, 339 George W., 37, 60, 224, 344, 378, 380, 386, 393 Gershom, 16 Gideon P., 59 Gilbert, 462 Giles, 31 Gladys E., 52 Glenn H., 343 Goldie M., 344 Governor H., 1 70 Grace, 247, 407 Grace E., 59, 393 Grace M., 141, 344 Grant, 247, 373 Grant D. A., 377 Grover C, 536 Guy, 226 Guy F., 393 Hamilton B., 416 Hannah, 11, 16, 35, 43, 265 Hannah C., 26 Hannah E., 159 Hannah L., 156 Happy, 485 Harriet, 275, 534, 536 Harriet A., 380 Harriet B., 482 Harriet C, 349 Harriet E., 261, 374, 402 Harriette L., 443 Harrison O., 140 Harry C, 264 Harry L., 229 Harry S., 69 Hattie, 100 Hattie E., 386 Hattie M., 54 Hattie T., 493 Helen, 276, 399 Helen D., 93, 376 Helen L., 336 Helen M., 136, 381, 431 Helena, 336 575 497 480 Heman, 34 Henrietta C., 406 Henrietta R., 140 Henrietta W., 345 Henry, 16, 19, 149, 264, 267, 389, 400, 462 Henry D., 483, 534 Henry E., 90 Henry H., 224 Henry I., 135 Henry S., Henry T., Henry W., 335 Hepzabeth, 14 Hepsibeth, 12 Herbert C, 142 Herbert F., 94 Herman C, 52 Heyman, 462 Hibbard M., 484 Holland T., 138 Hollis, 49 Honor, 258 Horace B., 202 Horace C., 91 Horace D., 301 Horatio S., 411 Hosea, 31 Hosmer A., 47 Hosmer D., 45 Howard C., 53 Hugh A., 412 Hulda, 19, 148 Humphrey, 15 Hunter I., 135 Hurn C., 140 Ichabod, 10, 17, 32, S3 Ida M., 71 Inez, 152 Ira, 48 Ira B., 49 Ira J. B., 49 Irene S., 450 Isaac, 259, 265, 492 Isabella S., 407 Israel, 34 Irtis W., 155 Iva J., 229 T] HE BROWN GENEALOGY PAGE PAGE PAGE Brown, John E., 343 Lem L., 226 I vers. 49 John F., 76 203 Leon S., ^33 Irving, 135 John H., 37, 61, 83 419 Leonard T., 441 Irving H., 386 John J., 153 Leone E., 132 J. Anna, 134 John M., 36, 152 493 LesHe A., ^33 J. William, 72 John S., 63 157 Lewis, 17 ,433 Jabez, 34 John W., 81 430 Lewis C, 227 Jabish, 256, 261 Jonas, I 7, 75 Lewis E., 226 James, 14, 34, 43> 148, Jonathan, 9, 10, 14 , 34, Lewis H., 53 227 35, 533 Lewis M., 434 James A., 136, 151, 400 Joseph, 9, 2 3,33 Lilla 0., ^33 James D., 436 Joseph L., 37 LiUian A., 67 James E. F., 54 Joseph M., 415 Lillian C, 160 James F., 100 Joseph P., 27 LilHan G., 46 James H., 54, 494 Joseph R., 430 Linnie M., ^33 James J., 432 Josephine, 152 Linus P., 226 James M., 53, 375 Joshua, 30, 31, 133 533 Lisle J., ^33 James N., 308 Joshua G., 374 Lizzie, 157 James P., 157, 281 Joshua P., 135 Lloyd, 264 James S., 62, 308 Joshua R., 441 Lois, 17, 114 , 257 ,493 Jane C, 482 Josiah, 3 1,44 Lois M., 225 Jane J., 460 Josie I., 95 Lot K., 485 Jane O., 405 Julia, 157 534 Lottie, 143 Jay C, 406 Julia A., 349 Louis L., 390 Jedediah, 11, ] 5,22,23, Juha B., 405 Louisa A., 59 481 24, 67, 68 Julia M., 535 Louisa M., 407 411 Jeanie D., 432 Julian S., 498 Louise, 534 Jenney D., 434 Juliet P., 403 Louise A., 344 Jennie, 22Q JuUus S., 492 Louise E., 385 Jeptha, 158 Justus H., 137 Louise M., 450 Jeptha H., 158 Justus R., 126, 137, 183 Lovisa K., 94 Jeremiah H., 440. 443 Kate, 482 Lowis, 17 Jerome, 328 Kate E., 280 Luanna S., 447 Jerome F., 157 Katherine A., 390 Lucas, 177 Jerord, 445 Katherine M., 90 Lucian, 15 Jerry, 536 Kathleen T. E., 415 Lucile M., 497 Jerusha, II Katurah, 17, 22, 72 Lucius D., 70 Jerusha A., 49 Kearn B., 142 Lucretia, 126 - Jesse, i^ 5, 34, 492 Keturah, 17, 161, 169, Lucus, 134 Jessie E., 449 400 Lucy, 16, 20 21, 22, Joanna, 31, 442 L. Capitolia, 136 148, 267, 323, 530 Joannah, 18 Laura A., 400 Lucy A., 53, 64, 108, John, 10, II, 12, 19, 34, Laura M., 136 431 80, 148, 462, 491 Lavinia L., 93 Lucy A. D., 44 John A., 83 Ledyard, 159 Lucy C, 51 John B., 60, 6 I, 64, 66, Lee E., 92 Lucy E., 46, 482 75 Lela F., 140 Lucy M., 27, 344, 375, John D., 80 Leland S., 63 383 >76 INDEX Lucy P., 77 Lulu, 281 Lulu A., 135 Lulu E., 95 Luther, 19, 22, 175 Lutie A., 37 Lydia, 23, , 34, 36, 76, 158, 479, 528 Lydia E., 25 Lydia G., 82 Lydia M., 38, 159, 415 M. Alverda, 226 M. Permilla, 492 Mabel I., 45 Mabel R., 52 Mae, 391 Mahalia, 279 Mahitabel, 12 Malinda, 336 Malvina S., 280 Marcus, 36 Marell, 337 Margaret, 433, 445, 490 Margaret A. SI Margaret E. 434 Margaret F. 71 Margaret H. 67 Maria, 328, 462 Maria L., 482 Mariette, 157 Marion, 345' 392 Marion L., 92, 227 Mark H., 493 Martha, 20, ^ 30, 33, 324, 490 Martha C, 157 Martha D., 384 Martha E., 57, 160 Martha H., 442 Martha M., 52 Martin, 22, 120 Martin V., 279 Marvin, 43 -Mary, 10, 12 16,17,18, 22, 34, 35 "3, 115, 127, 130, 143, 148, PAGE 164, 166, 188, 263,301, 398, 402, 529 Mary A., 53, 82, 151, 379, 400, 403, 440 Mary B., 108 Mary D., 77, 82, 411 Mary E., 157, 160, 224, 226, 229, 247, 377, 493 Mary F., 71, 87, 308, 338, 344 Mary H., 27, 158 Mary I., 422 Mary L S., 408 Mary J., 36, 229, 326, 447, 449, 453 Mary L., 140, 147, 417, 483, 486, 498 Mary M., 430 Mary P., 50 Mathew, 44 Matilda, 163 Maud E., 54 Maud L., 450 Maude L., 387 Maurice W., 337 Menzo, 337 Mercy, 325 Merton H., 392 Micah, 17 Mildred A., 140 Miner, 377 Miner M., 491 Minnie A., 419 Minnie L., 92 Molly, 98 Morris E., 425 Myra, 276 Myron W., 335 Nabbe, 43, 148 Nancy, 25, 32, 281, 374 Nancy A., 493 Nancy C, 430 Nancy M., 25 Nathan, 18, 23, 32, 34, 49, 50, 258, 483 Nathan W., no Nathaniel, 16 577 PAGE Nehemiah, 17, 21, 119 Nelana, ^^ Nellie, 26, 53, 344, 348 Nellie F., 65 Nellie M., 53 Nellie P., 481 Nelly, s^ Nelson, :i3, 136, 378 Nelson A., 94 Nelson C. L., 157 Nettie L., 337 Nettie M., ^ 386 Newton, 455 Nicholas 9, 433 Noah, 18, 387 Noah K., 388 Nora J., 95 No yes, 19, 22, 120 Noyes P., 441 Obadiah M., / 69 Octave G., 408 Olive M., 351 Oliver, 43, 347 OHver A., 536 Oliver B., 348 OHver C., 22 Oliver D., 536 Olivia, 401, 492 Olivia I., 76 OUvia M., 413 Ora F., 140 Orville J., 377 Otis A., 344 Otis C., 450 Palmer, 33 Patience, 13 Patty, 16, 17, 24, 50 Paul, 19, 148 Paul W, 156, 157 Peggy, 17 Peleg, 19, 462, 491 Perez, 16 Perry O., 226 Pitt, 264 Pitts, 22, 120 Phebe, 17, 18, 22, 34, 144, 161, 263, 264, 534 THE BROWN GENEALOGY PAGE PAGE PAGE Brown, Rowland, 24 Silence, 18 Phebe E., 51 ,15s Roxanna, 83 Simeon, 30, 32, 120, Philura H., 83 Ruby, 49 132, 133 Phoebe, 22 120 Ruby A., 65 Smith, 153 Phoebe L., 340 Ruby M., 393 Sophia, 347 Polly, 23, 24, 32, 34, Rufus, 16 Sophronia A., 275 126, 491 Russell, 24, 264 Spencer C, 430 Polly A., 136 Ruth, 13, 19, 113, 121 Squire, 445 Preserve, 9 Ruth A., 69 Stanton, 19 397 398 Priscilla, 22, ^2 120 Ruth C, 498 Stanton H., 405 Priscillah, II Ruth E., 65 Stephen, 22 142 377 Prudence, 12, 17, 22, Ruth L., 142, 280 Stephen A., 81 34, 120, 434 Ruth M., 93, 134 Stephen D., 157 Prudence D., 440 -- S. Eugene, 134 Stephen E., 53 R. Clarinda, 492 Sabia, 462 Stephen L., 140 Ralph, 247 Sabrina, 203, 446, 447 Stephen S., 494 Ralph C, 344 Sally, 24, 33, 462 Stiles, 33 Ralph I., 107 152 Sally A., 80, 81, 82 Stuart R., 93 Ralph W., 280 Sally M., 69 Susan, 200 Randall, 30, 439, 440, Samantha, ^33 Susan A., 54, 441, 443 443 Samuel, 11 13, 16, 22, Susan B., 138 Randall A., 431 491, 492 Susan C, III Randall S., 432 533 Samuel E., 136 Susan E., 434 441 Randolph, 3^3 Samuel N., 136 Susan L., 160 Rankin E., 135 Samuel S., 375 Susan P., 344 Ransom H., 434 Sanford, 19,34 Susan T , 407 Rebecca, 17, 18, 19 >43, Sara, 304 Susannah, 21 259 324 Sarah, 9, ii , 16, 19, 22, Susie A., 53 Rebecca A., 378 32, no. 202, 229, Sybel, 462 Rebecca B., 44 308, 325, 399 Sylvia, 31 Rebecca S., 436 SarahA., 328, 331, 351, Tabitha, 526, 527 Reginald, 227 390 Taloo, 20 Reuben, 445 Sarah E., 53, 61, 68 Temperance, 18, 21, Rhoda A., 66 Sarah F., 160 148, 261 Richard S., 65 Sarah J., 398 Thaddeus W., 38 Robert, 35, 445 448 Sarah L., 65, 248 Thankful, 32, 114, 121 Robert P., 448 Sarah P., 440 Thatcher, CI, 25, 63 Robert R., 407 Sarah W , 50, 418 Theda, 27 Robert S., 450 Sari, 227 Theda A., 76 Robert W., 384 Sheffield, 415 Theodore C, 449 Rogers, 31 Shepard, 24 Theodore P., 449 Rosa L., 419 Shubael, 24, 25 Theody, 20 Rose E., 450 Sidney, 462 Theresa, 158 Rossie E., 54 Sidney A., 26 Thomas, 9, ic , II, 13, Roswell, II, 22, 24 , 25, Sidney E., 327 16, 43 29> 159 Sidney J., 207 Thomas C, 93 Roswell C, 29 Silas, 50, 401 Thomas E., 53, 160 Roswell J. P., 54 Silas B., 412, 424 Thomas F., 449 578 INDEX Brown, Woodruff H., Thomas H., 52 Zebulon, 43 Thomas J., 160 Zebulon L., Thomas M. SI ,447 Zebulon Y., Thomas R., 153 ,534 Zelora E., Thomas S., 60 Browne, Thomas W. 26,450 Alfred B., Timothy, 19, 491 ,493 Andrew A., Triphena, 149 Bessie O., Truman R., 344 Caroline M., Tyler, 130 Cecil M., Vier, 148 Charles C, Viola M., 227 Charles L., Volney V., 392 Charles M., Waldo, 492 Earl R., Walter, 14 Edwin S , Walter A., 68 Elizabeth S., Walter B. E •) 64 416 Walter E., 52 Emily M., Walter H.. 344 Esther C, Walter R., 392 Floyd G., Walter S., 264 439 Grace E., Warren W., 154 Harold, Wealthy, 16 Harriet M., Welcome P. , 94 Helen, Wendell P., 390 Henry S., Wheeler, 24, 328 462 Horace A., Wilfred M., 91 Horace S., Willard D., 483 Julia, William, 13 , 95, 247, Kenneth, 27Q, /^62 Kenneth B., William A., 431 Lena C, William B., 63 Leota S., William D., 95 Louis I., Wm. E., 52, 53'> 95 391 Mary A., WiUiam H. , 38, 229, Mary E., 3^5, 484, 498 Myron G., William I., 135, 281, Nellie V., 411 Oliver B., WilHam J., 36, 65, 380 Randall, William U., 37 Ruth L., WilHam P., 263 Sarah D., William S., 62 266 Sarah E., William T., 264, 429, Zohrab D., 434 Brownell, Williams, 18 382 Charles A., Winnie E., 52 Eleanor M., Winnifred L •) 45 Eleanor 0., 171 355, 327 184 227 535 390 422 422 360 354 360 355 360 355 360 359 403, 422 358 358 359 358 353 358 422 360 353 358 359 360 422 359 358 356 422 354, 358 358 353, 358 443 360 352 358 355 403 412 414 Grace S., 415 Louise S., 426 Matilda A., 414 Moses, 402 Silas B., 414 Browning, Anna M., 452 Eola E., 156 Eunice W., 480 George, 452 Hannah, 490 Jemima E., 452 Margaret, 452 Napoleon, 452 Peter, 452 Robert, 452 Robert T., 452 William, 452 William R., 156 Brushingham, John N., 252 J- P., 252 NeUie P., 252 Robert M., 252 Bryden. Ella, 55 Bryer, Arthur, 72 George G., 72 PhiHip G., 72 William S., 72 Buck, Ahobiah, 498 William S., 498 Buckingham, Elizabeth, 36 Buckley, Albert R., * 434 Charles H., 434 DeHa E., 434 EHza, 266 Frank B., 85 Henry G., 434 Samuel H., 85 Buell, Frances E., 104 Bugbee, Charity, 377 I3UI10CK, Emmett M., 427 Harry R., 427 579 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Bullock, James L., James S., Myrtle, Bundy, Kate, Bunnell, Annie, Bunting, Carlos A., George E., Wilmer S., Burch, A. Estee, A. Lee, Beatrice, Calvin H., Charlotte, Clayton B., Clayton I., Clinton D., Cornelia, Cortland N , Damaris, Daniel H., David H., Dorothy, Emeline, Frances T., Gerald L., Graham, Harold W., Herbert C. T Horace C, James G., John H., John H. D., Kate E., Kathryn, Laura B., Lois, Louis H., Lucius P., Lucy M., Mary, Mary A., Mary U., Nathan, Paul B. Paul T. 257, 427 427 427 240 308 5" 511 305 28s 269 284 306 306 304 288 276 269 305 284 305 276 285 305 305 306 306 276 284 268 304 289 304 306 284 304 288 297 288, 305 285 304 261, 284 269 285 Ralph J, Randall, Theo G., Thomas L., William C. Burdick, Ada, Adelaide, Albertus C Allie, Anna P., Anna T., Arvilla L., Audella S., Avis, Carroll R., Charles C, Charles H., Christina A Christine E Clara L., Comfort, Cora, Dora L., Dorris E., Edson C, Egbert, EH, Elizabeth Ella J., Frank, Frank J., George T., George W., Gertrude, Glenice L., Hannah. Henrietta, Ichabod E., Ina, Irving E., Iva M., James B., James R., Jessie M., John W., Joseph M., Julius, =^80 J, 304 269 285 304 288 219 472 473 255 471 190 286 285 267 ■ 236 471 285, 471 305 473 288 166 214 229 305 214 137 219 486 472 237 472 472 236 237 137 445 214 305 219 236 229 472 219 390 471 473 262 Kate, 237 Laura A., 137 Lloyd H., 137 Loring O., 473 Lucius P., 228 Lucy A., 471 Luke, 214 Mary E., 471. 472 Mary F., 98 Mary L., 485 Maxon, 466 Morton E., 285 Myra E., 285 Orren F., 472 Philetas, 214 Raymond C, 236 Rayniond F., 229 Sabra, 466 Samuel B., 466 Samuel H., 268 Sarah J., 471 Tacy, 95 Walter G., 473 William H., 466 Winnefred A. 472 Burgess, Charles W., 434 Lewis H., 434 Ward M., 433 Burk, Miriam, 363 Burke, Alfred R., 240 Daniel W. E. 240 James, 210 James B., 240 Mabel B., 210 Richard M., 240 Burleson, Chauncey, 195 H. Levantia, 196 Mary T.. 196 Randall L, 196 Burlingame, Angelina, 376 Charles, 374 Burnham, Ethel, 30 r Jane, 483 INDEX Burnham, Mary, 289 Carr, Seba, 301 Campbell, Amanda, 430 William H., 301 Maria, 460 Robert, 498 Burns, Edith, 442 Rowena H., 473 Carriker, Burroughs, Cann, John W., 256 Enoch, 181 Adelaide, 74 Roy E., 256 John, 181 Arline M., 75 Carter, Abbie M., 477 Laura, 316 Caroline P., 73 Gary, Anna, 266 Burrows, Emma, 74 Case, Eunice E., 84 Martha L., 74 Ada, 265 Frances E., 85 Mary A., 73 Augusta, 364 John, 84 Mildred L., 75 Charles, 265 Lydia E., 84 WiUiam, 73 Elida A., 448 Mary E., 85 William A., 75 Eloise, 280 Sarah J., 85 Canole, Fanny, 265 WiUiam, 25 Charles V., 298 Rebecca P , 378 Burt, Jessie B., 298 Sarah, 265 Amos L., 371 Robert, 298 William, 265 Calvin G., 371 Ronald D., 298 Catherwood, Rebecca T., Harriette E., 164 Card, 81 Hilda L., 371 Sarah, 55 Caulkins, Lee, 128 Burton, Sarah C, 451 Chaffee, JNIary, 391 Albert, 472 Gardener, Champlin, Amelia T., 212 Benjamin, 214 Benadam, 43 Bessie, 472 Blanche S., 242 E. Frank, 275 Carrie, 472 Cardner, Elizabeth, 118 Daisy L., 472 Denison D., 241 Frank, 275 F. H., 472 Doris, 242 Hannah S., 38 Butler, Effie A., 242 Irving H., 53 Bertran T., 524 Ella M., 243 Lucretia, 177 Desire, 347 Elsie L., 243 Mary E., 38 J. Clyde, 524 Harold, 242 Rebecca, 37 Joel B., 524 Leland B., 242 Sarah E., 56 Joel C, 520 Mary L., 242 ,Chapell, Ehzabeth H . 79 Ruth M., 524 Mary M., 242 Chaphe, Lizzie M., 507 Susan, 398 Robert G., 242 Chapin, Lilla E., 454 Velma, 524 Carey, Anna E., 292 Chapman, Butterfield, Alice G., 97 Carney, Josephine C. ,481 Amos, 466 Butts, Abby F., 515 Carpenter, Andrew, 500 514 Buxton, Prudence, 314 Elvira, 353 Ann E., 447 Byaskie, Martha, 223 Fanny P., 360 Anna, 500 Kenneth, 455 Annie E., III Cady, Louisa A., 405 Ruth G., 455 Betsey, 181 504 Calkins, Harriet, 180 Lucius, 355 Cyrus S., 464 Camenga, Lucy M., 383 Ehzabeth, 112 400 Bessie, 289 Marion, 353 Esther, 466 John D., 289 Marion W., 455 Fuller, 466 June, 289 Solomon, 581 185 Jesse, 500 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Chapman, John, 466 Keturah, 500 Louis, 500 Lucy, i6 2, 500 Martha A., 447 Mary, 466 Noyes S., 162 Prudence, 173 Sarah, 17 Charles, Leroy, 496 Chase, Alfred, 490 Eliza, 192 Elizabeth, 12 Lauren, 18s Chebondy, Rezin, 3^3 Cheney, Walter, 182 Cherevoy, Nancy, 434 Chesborough, Luke, 161 Chesebro, Alvin D., 224 C. Rupert, 229 Catherine W., 29 Charles H., 286 Claude, 229 Hattie D. J-, 286 Ida L., 224 J. Hiram, 223 Jared, 202 Josephine, 123 Mary E., 40 Orra, 247 Chesebrough, Elizabeth M, 183 Chester, Ellen, 461 Childs, Mary A., 460 Church, Anna C, 316 Betsey, 315 Eleanor, 345 Frederick F., 344 Harvey, 316 Henry S., 316 Katherine B., 345 Lucinda, 316 Lydia, 315 Margaret G., 345 Mary, 129 Richard B., 316 Rita B., 125 Sarah F., 36 Sophronia, 315 Sylvanus, 311 Thomas W., 125 Clarance, Edward O., 451 Clapson, Frances A., ^2 Clark, Abel P., 179 Adelaide, 136 Alvin, 179 Angeline B., 38 Ann, 278 Anna A., 407 Anna L., 155 Betsey, 157 Cyrus, 259 Eugene, 307 F. Hawley, 125 Fred H., 125 George B., 259 Harriet, 263 Harriet R., 38 Harry, 259 Helen, 263 Henry, 259 Irene, 363 Judith, 95 Kate, 259 Lucy, 179, 237, 259, 263 Lucy A., 207 Mary, 259 Mary A., 179 Mary L., 117 May, 307 Melicent G., 350 Norman I., 269 Phila, 179 Samuel, 37 Sella E., 135 Sophia, 272 Welcome A., 263 William, 179 William N., 38 Yvone M., 307 582 Clarke, Anna, 276 Barbara F., 237 Blen E., 236 Charles L., 235 Chackley E., 23s Chloe, 206 Clara, 207 Daniel, 235 David, 184 Elizabeth, 117 Ellen, 208 Fannie C, 321 Fannie E., 207 Florence E., 23s Frances J. L., 185 Fred, 237 Kate E., 207 Lucy M., 184 Lydia E., 236 Marinus W., 207 Mary A., 26 Mary W., 339 Pardon T., 207 Phebe L., 205 Polly M., 205 Ruby G., 236 Samuel D., 206 Tacy, 184 Thede E., 206 Cleaveland, Cornille, 116 Cleveland, George, 531 Clift, Anna, 87 Chester S., 88 Eunice E., 88 Fanny, 88 Frances B., 88 Frances E., 88 Helen M., 87 Henry M., 87 John B., 87 Joseph L., 88 Louisa M., 87 Mary E., 85, 87 Ruby M., 88 Walter, 88 William, 87 INDEX •page PAGE PAGE Clift, Cochrane, Florence, 233 Pauline L., 512 William H., 87 Colby, Conger, Virginia E., 141 Cliggitt, John, 271 Carrie L. P., 62 Conklin, Anna, 430 Clow, Cornelia, 502 Mary A., 60 Conner, Lucy, 42§^- Clute, Cole, Cook, Alice H., 415 Ada A., 139 E. C, 237 Asenath M., 426 M. Nettie, 142 Susan, 190 Charles, 415 Colegrove, Nancy A. , 374 Cooley, George, 24»* Charles T., 426 Collar, Martha A., 378 Coon, Dorothy, 426 Collins, A. B., 129 Stanton H., 426 Carrie G., 26 Alonzo F., 57 Susan E., 415 Catherine, 173 Andrew, 144 Coates, Charles, 376 Arthur, 57 AHson E., 106 Charles I., 471 Benjamin, 129 John C, 105 Charles L., 450 Charles F., 57 Coats, Dorothy M., 26 Everett G., 57 Allen A., 102 Ellen, 376 Frances A., 57 Ansel, lOI Eva, 160 Frank, 214 Asher, 100, lOI Eva L., 64 Frank E., 57 Charles, 100 Frank N., 26 Herbert E., 57 Clarissa S., 105 Frances L., 536 Jabez, 194 Clyde A., 342 Hannah, 9 Louisa, 194 David, 98 Harold S., 26 Lucy, 201 Elizabeth, 99 Harold W , 52 Lyle, 57 Ellsworth R., 341 James L., 26 M. Jorantha, 284 George D., 102, 487 Joseph S., 52 Maria E., 57 George F., 102 Mabel G., 26 Mary L., 57 Hiram R., 333 Maria, 376 Maryette, 194 John, 102 Mary I., 26 Price P., 222 Lucy A., 100 Phebe E., 63 Rowland, 57 Lucy P., loS Stephen, 376 Sarah C, 96 Maria M., 99 Thomas J., 26 Seneca, 194 Mary A., 99 William, 376 Walter H., 57 Polly, 103 Wilham T., 26 Cooper, Desdemonia E., Ralph, 99 Collister, 146 Roswell R., 102 Eveline, 189 Copeland, Walter A., 99 Frances, 188 Charles D., 475 Cobb, Colwell, Charles M., 478 Ebenezer B., 412 George, 493 Charles W., 477 Sarah, 19, 394 Hannah, 492 Dorothy M., 477 Coburn, Experience, 312 Com an, Martha, 145 Esther E., 478 Cochran, Combs, Rhoda, 179 Fred H., 477 Alexander R., 424 Cone, Jennie M., 478 Emily, 424 George S., 512 Louise C, 477 Louise, 424 George W., 511 Marian C, 477 Moncriell, 424 Helen H , 512 Susie H., 478 Thomas, 424 Mabel L., 75 William J., 478 WiUiam, 424 Mildred C, 583 512 Copp, Henry M., 70 THE BROWN GENEALOGY PAGE Corell, Lily, ii6 Howard C, Corey, Howard F., Almedia B., 70 Susanna C, i Harriet E., 536 Crandall, Herbert E., 536 Ada, Horace E., 70 Alice M., Horace S., 70 Charles H., * Howard A., 70 Charles L., Ida M., 536 Charlotte B., James, 536 Clair, Jessie L., 536 Cleon, John D., 535 Cornelius B., John H., 535 Deha A., Joseph G., 70 Dennie M., Juhett, 70 Ernest, Olive, 490 Esther, Cornell, F. Ethel, Anna, 281 Foy, Susan I., 56 Geneva, Corneiller, Mary, 271 Giles, Cottrell, Grace, Emma, 116 Grace L., Gordon, 447 Henry, Mary, 115 Izora, Couzine, J. Arthur, Jacob, 82 James A., 123 Katie, 82 392, 393 May, 82 John J., Ruth, 82 Kilburn, Cowell, Bessie, 198 Mabel, Cowen, Margaret, Anna M., 217 Mary A., Villa, 305 Myron, Cox, Nancy M., Mark T., 422 Nathan, Steriing B., 429 Ora L., Susan A., 422 Paul A., Winnefred, 429 Rebecca, Coy, Robert B., Arthur H., 43 Ruth, Edward B., 43 Ruth J., Frank W., 42 Sedenna, Louise C, 43 Stuart L., Sally E., 43 Thomas A., Craig, Eber E., 488 Zora, Cramer, Cranston, Charles B., 476 Frances D., Howard, 475 Frederick H., 584 476 476 476 125 125 457 124 272 125 125 457 125 125 215 202 124 125 457 215 392 124 503 123 123,392 124,389, 125 123 124 125 452 215 95 448 125 124, 393 174 448 96 124 125 124 124 392 86 86 PAGE John H., 86 Crarey, Abigail, 21 Crary, Adelaide, 464 Albert D., 469 Anfta L., 469 Bertha, 464 Bessie T., 469 Blanch E., 474 Charles K., 469 Charles W., 466 Clarence, 464 Clifford L., 469 Cynthia L., 469 Cyrus W., 469 Emerett, 464 Emily B., 51 Esther, 466 Esther A., 475 Eunice, 764 Eva, 476 Flora, 461 Frank E., 419 George, 463, 464 Grace A., 474 James E., 469 Jennie F., 477 Jane L., 464 Jesse 0., 469 John H., 470 Lovisa K., 81 Lucy, 464 Lynwood B., 469 Mary, 467 Mary A., 470, 476 Mary E. L., 465 Nancy A., 471 Nathan B., 468 Nathaniel M. 465 Rowena, 474 Sabra, 466 Sarah, 467 Stephen H., 473 Stephen K., 465 Stephen R., 475 Susan B., 475 Thomas P., 468 William E., 469 INDEX PAGE Crary, William H. A , 465 Wilmar, 464 Crenshaw, Octavia, 350 Critcherson, Isabella, 83 Croft, James L., 347 Cross, Arthur D., 248 David, 164 John, 249 Lois, 249 Marian, 249 Crouch, Flora, 26 Crouse, Anna, 220 Crowell, John F., 531 Crumb, Andrew V., 122 Arthur L., 211 Bessie J., 211 David, 160 Ephraim, 1 1 1 Eunice E., in Flora A., 306 Franklin E., 112 George, 211 Glennie A., 211 Lucius H., 112 Lucy E., 112 Maria L., 112 Mary A., 112, 189 Sarah, 188 Wallace E., 112 Cummings, Edwin B., 471 Currier, Barbara, 321 Nathaniel, 321 Curtis, Emeline, 263 Eunice, 263 Polly, 309 Curtiss, Edward K., 450 Margaret E., 450 Cuspman, Mildred, 256 Daggett, John M., Dailey, Cora I., 450 140 Mary T., 225 Mercy, 29 Dakin, Maude B., 282 Russell, 38 Dall, Charlotte, 314 Sadie E., 468 Dalrymple, Oliver H , 504 Samuel A., 485 Damon, Dora, 93 Selina. 261 Daniels, Elizabeth, 338 Stella M., 145 Dart, Dawley, Frank I., 52 Amy F., 466 Dawson, * Arlouine C, 300 Donald, 358 Margaret, 466 Dudley, 358 Richard, 278 John H., 358 William B., 466 Day, WiUiam C, 466 Hannah, 179 David, Katie E., 284 Martha, 286 Dean, Susie J., 287 Alonzo P., 459 Davidson, Anson F., 459 Arthur, 353 Asa, 435 James, 310 Benjamin, 435 Solomon, 226 Edmund W., 459 Davis, Estella L, 318 Albert F., 145 Fanny, 436 Allen E., 467 Hannah, 435 Amos R., 485 Isaac, 459 Carrie G., 468 Isaac W., 459 Clark, 162 James, 3i> 434 >435 Earl, 468 Orren F., 459 Eliza A., 454 Prudence, 435 Elizabeth R., 516 Prudence B., 435 Elsie, 468 Sabrina H., 459 Emery D., 145 Sands H., 435 Florence, 239 Sarah A. S., 459 Frank A., 485 Silas, 435 Grace, 485 DeForest, Ruth E., 188 Grace L., 93 Delamatir, Frankie, 369 Helen M., 485 Dellon, Albert, 164 Heman A., 485 Deneke, Herbert F., 485 Edith N., 73 Irvin, 145 George H., 73 John A., 468 Denison, John H., 468 Adelaide, 73 Le Roy, 468 Adelbert E., 454 Linna, 165 ^Imira U., 289 Louisa M., 535 Ann B., 86 193 Lucy, 468 Cynthia W., 97 Lydia, 530 Delight, 130 Mary, 83 196 Duella M., 290 Mary A., 38 Edward P., 86 585 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Denison, Clarissa, 452 Doggett, Eliza F., 85,87 David T., 454 Charles D., 474 Elizabeth, 270 Emelia, 452 Henry W., 474 Emily F., 85 Erastus, 451 Pearl G., 474 Frederic, 86 Esther, 446 William D., 474 Hannah B., 86 Eunice, 451 Doherity, Isaac W., 84 Frank C, 454 Henry A., 471 John L., 85 Franklin R., 453 Lydia A., 71 Lavinia F., 84 Fred E., 454 Donoho, Lynn, 290 George, 453 Gaines R., 352 Marie L., 85 Georgia C, 454 Jlobert, 352 Marion B., 85 Gertrude E., 455 Doolittle, Mary, 290 Hannah, 452 Alton, 216 Orren, 129 Hattie, 453 CeUcia, 216 Owen T., 290 Henry W., 453 Emily J., 46 Sally, 80 Horace A., 455 Florence A., 46 Sarah A., 84 Jessie L., 455 John, 216 Selah, 289 Joshua, 453 Lily, 216 Tracy, 269 Julia L., 485 Milton E., 46 Dennett, Lucy M., 456 Rua, 216 Elizabeth B., 281 Lydia, 23 Starling, 216 Horace, 280 Mary, 453 Thomas E., 46 Julia, 280 Myra E., 455 Thomas P., 46 Denton, Mary, 403 Nancy, 446 Warren A., 46 Dermot, George, 219 Oscar H., 453 Willard, 216 De Rose, Charles A ., 100 Reuben B., 453 Doty, Derthink, Robert, 453 Bessie E., 42 AHce E., 345 Sabrina, 452 Edward W., 42 Edmund D., 345 Shubael, 453 Harry H., 42 Derunth, Eliza, 360 Sophia, 455 Mary A., 250 Deshon, Susan B., 454 Douglass, George D., 478 Thomas H., 451 Anna, 87 Marjorie, 478 Wilham C.', 454 C. T., 47 Percy, 478 WiUiam E., 454 Elizabeth, 104 De Staebler, Dewitt, William, 283 Henry A., 430 Addie B., 105 Dibble, JuHa A., 239 WTieeler, 528 Louis, 104 Dice, Ganetta, 286 Dow, Dewey, Dickinson, Nancy, 95 Annie E., 71 Abby, 451 Dixon, Zohrab, 349 Charles W. R., 71 Almira, 455 Dixson, Albert, 103 Lucy, 322 Amelia, 446 Dodd, Julia A., 369 Downer, Bertha C, 454 Dodge, Dele van B., 357 Bessie P., 454 John, 180 Frederick W., 357 Catherine A., 460 Lydia, 162 Louise D., 357 Charles C. W., 454 Martha A., 411 Downes, Charles H., 451 Mary A., 476 Charles D., 36 Christopher, 445 Sally, 459 Charles T., 36 Clara E., 454 Doell, Olga E., 382 Frederick A., 36 586 INDEX PAGE PAGE PAGE Downey, Fames, Rose J., 253 Harry H., 481 Amy C, 373 Earl, Jessie, 71 Walter G., 481 Harold F., 371 Easter, Evans, Elizabeth. 425 William, 371 Clarence, 248 Every, Florence M., 372 WilHam F., 371 Curtin, 248 Ewart, Margaret, 252. Dowse, Emily D., 27s Dewey, 248 1 Doyle, Mary, 253 Florence B., 248 Fargo, Doym, Etta, 116 Frances M., 248 Charles H., 76 Dresser, Lewis C, 248 Sylvania, 215 A. Lawrence, 230 Teddy, 248 Farley, Aimer H., 230 Easton, Mary, 364 Angie, 204 Charles, 404 Rebecca, 363 Cora M., 230 Mary A., 404 Farmer, Daisy, 230 Eaton, Parthenia, 36 Allen B., 421 Hazel S., 229 Ecclestone, Elizabeth G., 422 Irving, 230 Mary, 466 Henrietta, 422 Jacob A., 203 Mary J., 472 Lewis G., 421 Lynn, 230 Eddy, Marian W., 428 M. Floyd, 230 Elihu F., 316 Malcolm, 421 Sophia, 203 Mary V., 320 Thomas, 406, 421 , 422 Drew, Edgarton, Irving D., 123 Farr, Charles W., 75 Edgecomb, Emma, 501 Elvira A., 391 Fred, 92 Edwards, Nettie, 346 Marguerite P., 75 Alfred, 405 Farrar, Franklin, 176 Stafford E. W., 75 Ella M., 124 Farren, Antoinette M .,64 Orra, 177 Esther, 405 Farwell, Dry, Sarah, 375 James, 405 Lulu, 279 Dudley, Uriah H., 435 Sarah, 405 Minnie, 279 Duffy, EUzabeth, 221 Fells, Charlotte S., 500 William H., 279 Duncan, Clark, 425 Egglestone, Mary, "3 Fauks, Dunlap, Jessie, 442 Eldredge, E. Dora, 433 Elizabeth, 129 Dupuy, Marie A., 408 Ellis, Mary E., 71 Benjamin F., 129 Durham, Ezra D., Hattie, Ellison, Faulkner, ICI lOI Amanda G., EHas A., Lee, 141 141 121 John, NelHe. Waldo C, 37 296 209 Durling, Sarah L., 219 Lucinda A., 142 Fellow, William, 7 527 Duro, Mary C, 77 Sinai S., 141 Felton, Dutcher, Alice, 212 Thomas, 121 Charles S., 296 Duvall, Annie K., 412 Ell wood, Lucinda M. ,231 Clara M., 296 Dye, Emmonds, Fennell, Betsey, 310 Ellen I, 147 Charles H., 194 Ferrington, Franklin, 81 - Rufus, 194 Carl, 256 Jennie D., 81 ^English, Louisa R., 140 Ithamer, 251 Mariam, 206 Ennis, James, 451 Lenner J., 256 Sarah F., 81. Ervine, Eliza A., 178 Martin, 252 Shirley C, U3 Estabrooks, Mildred I., 256 Thomas, ^33 Dorothy J., 587 481 Miles I., 256 THE BROWN GENEALOGY PAGE PAGE PAGE Ferrino;ton, Howard A., 253 Frair, Mabel J., 253 William H., 251 Julius 0., 191 Frazier, Harriet J., 486 Ferris, L. Sherwood, 227 Fredericks, Marie P. , 424 Bertha M., 322 Lu E., 228 Freeman, Katharine, 336 Lynn, 228 Joseph L., 92 Orange, 529 Minnie P., 254 Myra J., 92 Fillmore, Louisa E., 479 Myrtle, \ 253 French, Fink, Anna M., 223 Patten, 205 Cynthia, S'^Z Finks, William, 128 Philarmon, 234 John, • 388 Fish, Sarah L., 228 Robert, 313 Asa, 435 ,442 Sorannus A., 203 Fries, William, 494 Charles H., 442 William G., 205 Frink, Edmond N., 442 William J., 253 A. Vina, 142 Ensign, 127 Zena M., 254 Alex. G., 503 Frances L., 123 Fleming, Asa, 172 Frederick, 442 Anna, 284 Betsey, 172 , 186 Isabel R., 442 Nettie A., 226 Cynthia E., 213 James D., 442 Fletcher. Edwin G., 186 James H., 442 Urtemissa, 189 Frances M., 467 Joanna, 443 Will, 139 George, 186 Louise B., 442 Hint, Edward D., 336 Gilbert, 186 Martha H., 442 Fonda, L. B., 188 Jennie A., 139 Mary E., 442 Foote, Frederick, 348 John F., 141 No yes B., 442 Forbes, Jonas, 186 Prudence D., 443 Clara B., 342 Laura A., 333, Randall B., 442 George, 342 Lucy, 185 Fisher, James B., 342 Lydia, 184 C. Henry D., 357 Laura M., ' 342 Martin, 186 Edward H., 41 Walter W., 342 Mary L., 47 Olga M., 41 Ford, Lena, 133 Osminus M. Y., 186 Ray, 358 Forrester, Roxie, 186 Stella, 358 Clara A., 82 Tacy, 208 W. E., 40 Edward, 82 Frisbie, Anna, 498 Fitch, James H., 82 Frost, Aurehus D., 2?,2, Kate, 82 Charles A., 131 Charles E., 253 Foss, Marian S., 421 Clarence T., 131 Clarence, 253 Foster, Clayton H., 132 Currence B., 221 Annie, 452 Orlo H., 131 Devillo, 206 Charles, 173 Ruby G., 132 Elbert L., 253 C. F., 244 Fry, John F., 108 Elliott G., 203 Dorcas P., 452 Fuller, Emma, 253 Sally, 173 A. Waitstill, 371 Eva, 253 Thomas, 172 , 173 Amos F. W., 365 Gerald, 253 Fowler, R. D. A., 293 Amy P., 365 Gertrude E., 254 Fox, Charles H., 109 Harriet, 447 Henrietta R., 164 Edward R., 371 Harry, 253 Jennie, 490 Sarahann E., 365 Hope, 233 Joseph, 164 Sedenna, 125 INDEX PAGE PAGE PAGE Fuller, David, 127 Orson, 337 Martha A. C, 371 ,388 Emmet R., 74 Giles, Martha C, 362 George H., 74 ]\Iargaret, 352 Mary E., 370 Henry L., 19s Mary J., 282 Mel lie B., 371 Lucy, 195 Gillett, Selden R., 108 Mary A., 118 Henry, 452 Waitstill, 362 Mary E., loS Tryphena, 452 Waitstill F., 371 N. Duane, 19s Gilmore, Funch, Nathan, 19s Cora M., 495 Eliza W., 73 Otis D., 195 Emma S., no Frederick W., 72 Parthena C, 337 Glover, Anna, 271 Funk, Thelma F., 74 Goldman, John H., 3^3 Mary H., 428 Uri, 19s Goodhue, George, 534 Robert F., 428 Gavitt, Fanny, 163 Goodnow, Gear, Clara L., 280 Gadhois, Julia A., 158 Nathan, 177 Frank, 280 Gage, Osmer, 177 Frank W., 301 Emma, 251 Geer, Fred, 280 Lizzie, 251 Charles H., 510 Henry M., 279 Gallup, Harold M., 5 10 Katherine L., 280 Albert, 482 John B., 455 Lucy B., 301 Elisha, 502 Joseph A., 70, 455 Richard, 279 John, 444 Mary E., 70, 510 Robert, 301 Mary E., 444 Mary L., 155 Walter, 280 301 Raymond C, 482 Gempp, Anna B. , 382 Goodwin, Hattie P., 421 Sarah, 264 George, Grace T. 466 Googins, Henry F., 353 Gardner, Gerard, Asenath. 320 Gorton, Charles, 112 Gibbs, Arch, 310 Alice M., 227 Dorcas, 158 Gibson, Benjamin, 196 Freelove, 177 Amanda, 313 Creighton H., 196 JuHa, 431 Evehne, 3^3 Iphegenia E., 219 Lydia, 158 Hiram, 3^3 Laura P., 236 Rowland, 112 James, 3^3 Mary A., 202 Ruth M., 468 Giddings, Stafford, 283 Stephen B., 468 Alice P., 76 Gould, Victor, 112 Charles H., 76 Don M., 123 Gardinier, Simeon, 452 Florence B., 76 Fay D, 123 Garfield, Ella L., 86 Henry, 76 Frank D., 123 Garland, Katharine M., OHver, 76 Reta U., 123 117 Gifford, Roy D., 123 Garoutte, Howard N ,247 CaroHne, 317 WiUiam R., 500 Gates, Dixson, 104 Graham, Amos, 176 WilUs E., 104 Asa, 176 Bessie S., 74 Willis L., 104 Hiram, 265 Burton T., 74 Gile, LiHian, 30s Charles D., 195 Charles A., 337 Grant, Clarence J., 74 Edward, 337 Ambrose H., 83 Curtis F., 74 Frances L., 337 Annie L., 482 589 THE BROWN GENEALOGY iGE PAGE Grant, Deborah, Ella, Ellen O., Eunice, Francis N., Frederick J., James, John S., Julia A., Lucy, Lucy A., Lucy B., Lura A., Mary E., Prentice, Ulysses S., William N., William S., Graves, James, Gray, Anna, Green, Alice, Anne, Charles, Charles D., Charles H., Dudley B., EUza, Erastus, Grace, Hallie, A Helen, Hezekiah, James, Julia E., Lilhan A., Lodowick, Louise, Martha H., Mary G., Nathan, Nettie, William, William L., Willie H., Greene, Benjamin A., L, 17 532 531 168 530 530 484 482 531 531 530 506 83 531 530 II 83 83 312 304 19 217 159 283 159 161 217 360 23s 265 206 265 102 159 217 265 ,55 53 258 217 205 205 159 518 Mary F., 518 Thomas H., 128 Griffin, Tyler, 130 Albert M., 129 William A., 129 Althea H., 131 William S., 128 Ann, 127 Zelpha M., 132 Anna, 129 Grigsby, Annie, 187 Joe C, 299 Arsenal H., 128 Roger D., 299 Arvilla, 129 Samuel M., 299 Ashbel H., 127 Grigson, Susan, 449 Avery, 129 Grinnell, Bertha, 249 Charles E., 64 Charles P., 128 George E., 64 Charlotte, 129 George V., 64 Cyntha, 128 Griswold, Deborah, d,^, 127 Daniel, 334 Edwin, 130 Harriet, 279 Ellis J., 299 Grove, Nettie, lOI Frances C, 299 Grover, L. C, 448 Genovice, 128 Gulliford, Lida, 292 Geo. B., 405 Gertrude, 129 Haecker, T. L., 117 Guida S., 229 Haigh, Harriet, 129 Carrie, 353 Harry H., 131 Ella F., 353 Herbert H., 130 Emma C, 357 James C, 130 Emma W., 85 Jerusha, 130 WilHam H., 352 John N., 131 Hakes, Louisa, 129 Herbert E , 146 Laurana, 128 Wilford L., 105 Lucretia, 127, 129 Haley, Mary, 127 Harriet, 43, 536 Mary A., 128 Jane, 43 Mary E., 129 John, 43 Nathan A., 130 Joshua, 43 Nathan B., 129 Rebecca, 43 Norman, 130 Simeon, 25 Otis S., 132 Hall, Phebe J., 131 Albro W., 164 Polly, 127 Anna C, 321 Ray, 130 Arthur, 454 Robert D., 299 Arthur Y., 197 Samuel C, 130 Clare P., 242 Sarah A., 128 DeHa J., 197 Simeon B., 127, 130 Effie J, 246 T. Devere, 132 Elizabeth, 527 Thomas, 126, 127, 128 Ella M.. 286 590 INDEX PAGE PAGE PAGE Hall, Rebecca E., 282 Lorenzo, 459 Emory P., 197 Robert H., 282 Lorinda, 459 Ernest E., 164 Harding, Louisa C, 461 Ernest F., 242 Charles P., 293 Lucretia B., 460 Fay, 242 Edna, 293 Lulu E., 230 Florence M., 246 Emma, 293 Mary, 459 Francis H., 246 Fannie, 293 Mary A., 25c ), 460 Frank, 216 George H., 293 Mary B., 108 Frank N., 245 Eri, 491 Mildred M., 230 George, 164 Harmony, Lillie, 103 Orren F., 460 Harvey M., 321 Harper, Orrin F., 460 Henry, 179 Amy C, 368 ParmeHa, 460 Hezekiah, 196 Culver J., 368 Reuben, 459 Irving G., 216 Homer R., 368 Robert B., 460 Jennie A., 164 Ralph B., 368 Sarah W., 108 John W., 174 Harrington, Stewart, 325 L. A., 321 Betsey, 212 Susanna P., 108 Mary, 514 Edith M., 85 Violet P., 108 Nettie, 245 Phebe, 212 William, 459 Oliver C., 246 Harris, William D., 461 Ora E., 321 Abigail J., 459 William J., 108 Willard, 54 Adelburt, 230 William P., 460 Halliday, Mertie, 249 Alonzo H., 459 Harrison, Halstead, Syblie, 54 Amanda, 459 Ethel, 56 Hamlin, Cora E., 392 Arthur, 229 Mary, 449 Hammond, Frank, 208 Benjamin N., 108 Hart, E. Dora, 524 Hancox, Franklin, 440 Charles R., 460 Harter, Mary C., 303 Handy, Merton W., 489 Daniel, 446 Harves, Hannibal, Edgar, 229 Bert E., 524 Edna A., 298 Elfie L., 460 Leslie R., 524 Harold B., 298 Elijah D., 460 Harvey, Catherine, 87 William, 298 Elizabeth C, 436 Harwick, x\da M., 380 Hansen, Mary, 266 George A., 460 Hastings, Jane, 453 Hardin, George P., 446 Hatch, Mabel, 310 Abner C, 283 George R., 460 Haven, Martin, 164 Clarence T., 282 Harriet A., 460 Havens, Catherine, 334 Clarence W., 302 Harry L., 108 Hawk, Daniel, 267 Hazel H., 108 Alice, 241 Dennis, 266 Henrietta, 459; John, 241 Emily P., 283 Henry, 459 Mabel, 241 Erastus B., 282 Horace, 459 Hawkins, Erastus D., 282 James B., 460 Donald R., 241 Gladys, 302 Jennie F., 108 Chloe A., 141 Henry B., 266 Jennie L., 460 Ella E., 26 Herbert E., 302 John B., 229 Hattie B., 141 Howard I., 282 John N., 108 Herbert A., 241 Lucy C, 283 Leon M., 230 Holland M., 141 Lucy R., 283 Lewis H., 229 John T., 241 591 THE BROWN GENEALOGY PAGE PAGE PAGE Hawkins, Eliza, 129 Letitia, 183 Noel, 140 Erastus, 514 Samuel. 194 Phillip E., 141 Eunice, 485 HiUard, W. R., 241 Herbert I., 80 EHza A., 458 Hawley, Daniel, 18 Jenny M., 458 Frances A., SI9 Hay ward, Joseph, 12 Lucy M., 457 Avory P., 222 Margaret H., 458 Luke, 458 Marian E., 222 Melance C., 365 Margaret, 457 Maude J., 222 Oscar W., 80 PaulH., 458 Sidney D., 222 Phebe, 514 Paul X.. 459 Sidney G., 222 Prentice, 17 Sabrina, 459 Susie, 222 Sarah B., 81 William, 12 Hazard, Olivia T., 71 Hibbard, WiUiam A., 458 Hazzard, Ella B., 134 Ada E., 287 Wm. H., 58 Heacock, Carlisle L., 306 Wm. M., 456 Cullen, 315 Carlisle V., 305 Hills, Joel, 315 Carrie V., 286 Ellen A., 234 Heale, Emma, 277 Chauncey V., 268 Frances M., 234 Healy, Clarence A., 286 James, 206 Dorothy, 373 Cora L., 83 Lucy M., 206 Frank, 253 Daniel L., 287 Phebe E., 206 Heath, Wm. C, III Daniel , 286 Sarah A., 234 Hedden, Mary B., 156 David C, 287 Hinckley, Heighton, Mary C, 104 Dayton M., 287 EliasB., 88 Helmer, Elizabeth, 232 Deveer, 122 Elinor, 88 Helms, John G., 355 EHzabeth J., 268 Emerett, 464 Heminway, Arzelia, 20Q Elmore C, 286 ]\Lirie G., 357 Hempstead, Emma, 57 Esther L., 306 Mary, 28 Hendee, Oliva, 241 Hattie E., 122 Prudence M., 88 Henderson, Hezekiah, 122 Thelma C, 88 Gale, 291 Mabel E., 286 Hinkley, George W., 290 Minnie M., 123 Abigail, 268 Jem, 291 Willard L., 287 Edna A., 284 Kate, 306 Hickok, Mary A., 312 Esther, 268 Henry, Lillie, 208 Hicks, Anna, 109 Daniel A., 269 Hermans, Cornelius P-, Higday, David, 259 529 Orv'ille, 387 David J., 284 Hern, Dorothy, 30 Verna R., 387 Elizabeth, 262 Herrick, Hill, Emogene A., 278 Jonathan R., 419 Albert, 194 Frances J., 262 Louisa B., 419 Bertha :\L, 287 Hattie A., 224, 269 Walter R., 419 Cyrus, 194 Lois, 259 Herrod, Ella M., 524 Eliab T., 194 Louise A., 283 Hewitt, Emily M., 194 Lucy, 183 Benjamin B., 80 Esther, 194 Luther, 262 Charles E., 458 Harlow D., 194 Maria, 269 Desire, 499 Heman A., 269 Mary, 268 Edna, 458 John W., 194 Mary A., 287 592 INDEX Hinkley, Oliver B., 267 Oliver E., 284 Phebe U., 268 Prudence, i 76 Hiscox, Alfred H., 149 Benjamin H., 149 George E., 149 Ida J., 149 Leonard L., 149 Mary E., 150 Mira, 149 Richard N., 149 Vernon, 149 Wm. A., 149 Hislop, Alice I., 532 Hitchcock, Ethel L., 442 Hix, Alonzo, 492 Hodges, Hattie A., 382 Hoese, Bertha, 520 Hoffman, Robert, 225 Hohn, Louis, 52 Louis E., 52 Holbrook, Adeline O., 46 Charles D., 46 De Witt, 46 Howard A., 46 Holden, Albert F., 434 Charles H., 434 Daniel, 318 Dean, 434 Delia, 434 L. Emery, 434 Sarah E., 434 Holdredge, Deborah, 13 Tabitha, 15 Holesworth, Susa.n, 57 Hollis, Edith B., 69 Martha C, 60 :Mary L., 59 Holman, Charles J> 353 Holmes, Abigail, Albert, Albert G. E. Alice A., Anna, Bessie W., Clarence, Cora G., Duane, David E., Edith M., Edna R., Edward, Edward I., Ellen, Emeline D., Fannie D., Fear, Florence C, Frank W., Harriet M., Harris, Harvey, Harvey L., Hattie E., Hazard, Jennie P., Linn, Loretta, Louise INI., Lucy, Mabel T., JNIargaret, Mary A. Mary S., Prentice, Ruth M., Sarah E., Seth, Seth W., Shubael, Silas, Silas P., Stanley, Temperance, Thomas, Viola M., 30' 15 383 525,526 526 20 42 240 511 189 508 508 508 504 508 444 509 40 "3 219 42 504 466 189 189 503 40 297 240 509 5" 100 42 16 440, 510 506 508 240 42 219, 389 219 17 503 508 195 18 16 240 Hopkins, Alfred A., Ahce E., Annie L., Arthur, Arthur H., Arthur S., Charles H., Clarke, Dewitt C, Edwin T., Frances E., Frank H., Frederick B., Frederick W., Ina C, James, Jay D, John H., Lionel D., Lucy A., Mary D., Morison C, O. E., Robert, 117 532 116 117 117 377 117,532 117 532 532 116 532 530 531 532 116 531 532 377 532 376 532 375 117 Horninghouse, Phillip, 129 Horton, Alacc, 442 Clara E., 521 Dean H., 442 Edwin B., 442 Harry B., 442 Lydia T., 442 Hotchkiss, David W., 288 Frank W., 288 House, Olivia E., 130 Houses, Herbert C, 370 Howard, Alonzo W., 381 Cecil C, 381 Earl B., 382 Edwin R., 480 Elizabeth, 90 Fred W., 146 Frederick W., 480 Hekn, 90 John L., 90 593 THE BROWN GENEALOGY RAGE PAGE PAGE Howard, Norman B., 144 Ida, 139 Lottie E., 480 Wm. H., 144 Irish, Louise, 477 Hungerford, Helen, 511 Anna M., 338 Louise F., 480 Hunt, Belle, 338 Nettie C, 454 Clarence L., 210 Elsie, 190 Nina H., 146 E. Dwight, 210 George W., 338 Orrin, 176 Ernest R., 210 Islieb, Walter, 337 Rachel C, 382 Fanny, 434 William, 381 Lawrence, 360 Jackson, William A., 479 Lewis C, 360 Andrew, 474 Howes, Samuel, 453 Lyman D., 210 Bert C, 474 Hoxie, Mary, 368 Blanch G., 474 Ethna I., 525 Maud, 210 Caroline, 264 Isabella, 93 Viola S., 368 Frank A., 474 John C, 281 Hunter, James, 137 Jacobs, John N., 281 Huntington, Ivaloo, 122 Mary, 231 Mabel B, 281 Huntley, Minnie E., 151 William D., 93 A. B., 292 Jamison, Esther, 167 Hoyt, Charles L. E., 291 Jaquay, Emily, 132 Asenath B., 415 Charles H., 291 Jaquays, Emma F., 136 Edna A., 273 Ella L., 291 Jefferson, Aimer T., 478 Eunita, 213 Flora L. E., 291 Jeffery, Henry, 403 Grace L., 292 Edwin H., 496 Josephine, 249 L. L., 291 Harry H., 496 Nelson L., 249 Laboune, 292 Maud E., 496 Sarah E., 249 Laura W., 112 Jenison, Eliza A., 116 Wm. M., 249 Litta, 292 Jenner, Mae L., 228 Hubbard, Cora L., 83 Lucy, 292 Jensch, Minnie, 136 Hudson, Alice, 291 Martha J., 291 Johnson, Hufford, Lillian, 288 Hurd, Joseph, 103 Alfred H., 494 Hulburt, Gertrude L , 75 Hutchinson, Alice, 281 Hurlbutt, Oscar M., 244 Alice, 309 Barbara, 374 Hull, Daniel, 309 Clara R., 488 Amos, 25 David, 309 Emma M., 317 Betsey, 70 Eliza, 309 James H., 494 Charles S., 514 Mary, 309 Maria, 162 Ethel L., 54 Nancy, 309 Martha, 377 Jesse Y., 514 Ruby, 309 Mary J., 343 John W., 514 Sophia, 309 Maurice I., 295 Latham, 54 Huttonhow, Nellie, 119 Russell D., 317 Lathrop W., 514 Hyde, Sarah, 209 Laurinda, 271 Delia, 481 Johnston, John, 349 Martha A., 514 Sarah E., 452 Joly, Marie L., 422 Nancy, 514 Hyer, Tabitha, 398 Jones, Humphrey, Anna D., 425 Ellen K., 297 Ingersol, Climena, 208 Arnold W., 525 Emily J., 384 Ingraham, B. F., 356 Leia, 124 Emma, 244 Edith, 458 594 INDEX PAGE PAGE PAGE Jones, Sherman L., 374 Mattie, 515 Herbert D., 42s William, 374 Maude, 116 Janette, 375 Kellogg, May, 358 John D. E., 525 Fanny A., 357 Oliver, 358 Meredith W., 525 Scott W , 123 Paul B., 358 Olive M., 123 Kelsey, James, 454 Kinney, Jordan, Kempton, Ada, 485 Jonathan, 194 A. J., 116 Edwin, 356 Julia, 137 Elizabeth, 116 Elizabeth, 464 M., 194 WiUet M., 116 Esther, 356 Stephen, 194 Kendall, Amos, 471 Maria A., 356 Joslyn, Kenedy, Florence, 432 Maud, 356 Charles S., 211 Kennan, Oliver B., 356 Evaline, 211 Alice, 280 Thankful, 483 Ida I., 211 Courtland L., 280 W. H., 350 John, 211 Edith, 280 Kitchel, Robert B., 211 Fanny, 280 Alice L., 513 Joy, Howard, 280 Lloyd, 513 Alfred, 223 Robert, 280 Saxton W., 513 Carlton, 223 Kenyon, William L., 513 Fred A., 223 Charles, 187 Kleck, Joyce, E. F., 209 Charles D., 55 Eunice, 231 Judd, Almon C, 470 Courtland, 534 George, 230 Curtis, 164 Kloeppel, Dora, 356 Kearns, William, 160 Henry R., 56 Knapp, Keeler, John S., 337 Lucia, 189 Charles L., 248 Keeley, Mary A., 51 Fanny M., 248 Charles I., 536 Maxson T., 51 Francis E., 248 Frances H., 536 Merton L., 287 G. K., 206 Francis A., 536 Perry, 144 Jay, 246 Frederick L., 536 Wallace D., 56 Sarah E., 246 Howard L., 536 Walter S.. 56 Knight, James D., 536 Kermpton, John L., 94 John H., 536 Edward, 317 ^ Margaret M., 307 Julia M., 536 Ellen F., 317 Osroe L., 94 Mary E., 536 Kerr, Ralph G., 94 Keerl, ' Henrietta, 141 Kniver, Ruth, 251 Harry, 291 Robert, 141 Knoblock, Mary E., 451 Henry, 291 Ketchum, May, 422 Knoche, Anna, 275 Irving W., 291 Keyes, Lorenzo D., 180 Knowles, Mary, 160 Lettie E., 291 Kilmer, Aldeane, 91 Knox, Margaret F., 426 Keith, Kimball, Ellen. 152 Koons, Jessie, 117 Annie, 375 King, Koopman, Fanny, 375 Ellen J., 459 Freddie M., 102 Jennie P., 269 Fuller P., 261 Frederica M., 486 John I., 147 Kingsley, James, 486 Louisa, 376 Florin W^, 358 Korb, Robert A., 41 NelHe A., 147 Marion E., 358 Kubach, Carlena, 280 595 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Kuemmerlein, George, Marjorie G., Kull, Gertrude A. Kust, Mary, 307 307 340 155 L'Amoureaux, Sarah A., 425 Labar, Mary J., 232 Ladd, Martin, 136 Noyes, 514 Lamb, Lorenzo H., 447 Lambertson, Charlotte, 178 Lambson, Mary, 405 Lamphear, Lovina, 96 Lamphere, Charles E., 157 Edwin, 157 Nancy, 502 Paul B., 157 Rebecca, 502 Landis, Linnie M., 65 Lane, Isaac R., 420 Russell, 421 William R., 421 Lange, Ahce R., 474 Carl H., 474 Elmer C, 474 Emma E., 475 Florence A., 475 Frank N., 474 Grace B., 474 Johns., _ 475 Lena P., ' 475 Mabel M., 474 Nelson E., 474 Langworthy, Althea, 129 Arlowine, 129 Bert, 129 Bertha, 122 Carrie, 284 Ezra, 439 George, 129, 187 Hannah, 258 Leonard, Helen, 127 Bessie, 484 Mary, 127 James, 484 Saunders, 127 Jennie C, 288 Lanning, Kate, 532 Fannie L., 238 Rufus, 176 Floyd, 238 Leonhardt, Hillyard B., 238 Arlene, 156 John, 238 John F., 156 Mildred G., 238 Theodore F., 156 Myrtle, 238 Leray, Abby W., 50 Larkin, Lerow, Mary E., 211 AHce A., 97 Lester, Grace A., 86 Essie B., 37 Levey, Grace M., 88 Thomas T., 97 Levisee, Mary L., 131 WiUiam, 37 Lewellen, Larraway, G. L., 366 Edgar, 118 Larrison, Mary, 28 Elsie, 118 Lasher, Ernest, 118 Mary, 423 Harry, 118 William, 423 Hattie, 118 Latham, James, 118 Henry B., 485 Laura, 118 Prudence, 39 Ray, 118 Robert Y., 485 Lewis, Lathrop, Frances, 276 Alpha, 139 Lavenbug, Blanche, 307 Andrall J., 139 Law, Almira, 519 Arthur F., 304 Lawless, Arthur G , 304 Clarence R., 343 Barclay, 418 Ernest O., 343 Bell, 172 John H., 343 Charles, 247 WiUiam C, 343 David, 173 Lawton, Amy C, 465 Edgar S., 418 Lay, Edward A., 418 Arthur S., 298 Edwin R., 59,92 Conrad W. L., 307 EHzabeth, 207 George S., 298 Ella R., 335 Hugh, 308 Elsie, 247 Samuel C, 298 Ena, 138 Lee, Hattie E., 242 Ena B., 139 Leech, Nellie, 342 Ettie A., 139 Leeds, Harold H., 304 Frances C, 443 Henrietta L., 91 Hannah, 34 Henry B., 464 Peace P., 83 Henry F., 76 Leids, Jane, 9 Jabez, 173 Leland, Sarah, 267 Jeremiah, 172 596 INDEX PAGE PAGE PAGE Lewis, Helen L., 372 Anne, 43 Lydia, 96 Ray M., 371 Anne E., n6 Margaret, 304 Veva A., 372 Avery, 123 Martha I., 418 Lusk, Bridget, 114 Mary E., 428 Charles F., 297 D. Inez, 123 Mosella, 464 Clesson S., 297 Daniel, 114 i43> 171 Phebe, 173 Frank H., ' 297 David, 114 Polly, 173 George H., 296 Denison A., 122 Ralph, 139 George W., 274 Don F., 123 Rebecca, 17 Kathra, 297 Eddie, n8 Samuel, 172 Louis P., 275 Edgar, 115 Sarah, 184 , 218 Obed L., 27s Edward, 115 Sarah C, 35° Lyman, Delia, 116 Edward S., n6 Simeon, 173 Lyon, Eleanor, 138 Stephen, 173 Barbara, 220 EHza, 123 Walter E., 138 David, 408 EHzabeth, 15, 115, "6, Zebulon, 173 Erastus, 423 122, 165 Lews, Mary E., 149 Everett N., 118 Elyda, n6 Lillebridge, Janetta, 66 Nancy A., 118 Erastus, "5 Linch, Nelson J., 118 Esther P., 157 Alvin, 248 Robert A., 118 Ettie, 217 Chester, 248 Rosanna F., 423 Ezekiel, 113 Robert, 248 Sarah K., 423 Fannie W., 102 Lindsley, A. Augusta, 487 Fanny C, n6 Lines, Mary, 215 Mabbett, Frances A., 117, 157 Link, Carrie, 393 Benjamin F., 351 Frank J., n6 Little, Charles F., 357 Fred D., 143 Frank C, 119 Jessie M., 357 George, 217 George, 119 Leora E., 357 George C, n6 Livermore, Irving, 208 Mary, 356 George L., 216 Lloyd, Walter F., 357 Giles, 181 Richard, 283 MacDougall, Grace, 115 Rie J., 108 Benjamin M., no Hamilton W., n6 Zennie E., 283 Janet, no- Hannah, 113 Lockwood, Jessica, no Harold E., 117 George, 281 Magnon, Margaret A •) Harry, 115 Nancy, 399 220 Hepzibah, 113 Long, Minerv'a, 381 Mahan, Rose, 264 Hulda, 161 Lovell, Main, James, 114, 157 Chester A., 427 Abigail, 169 Jeannette, n6 Mary E., 427 Alexander H., "5 Jeremiah, ii3> 114 Thomas, 427 Alfred, "5 Jesse M., 117 Lowell, Susie E., 305 Alice, 115 John, 113, 115,217 Luce, Almon F., 143 John S., n6 Elmer A., 372 Ameha A., n6 Jonas, 113 Emmett H., 371 Andrew, 113 Josiah, 113 George P., 372 Ann E., 117 Laban, 115 George W., 366 Anna, 113 Lois W., n6 597 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Main, Mary T., 518 Clarence H., 97 Lucien, 115 Nancy W., S18 D. Frank, 57 Lucy, 1^5 NeUie A., 153 Errentz, W., 74 Luther, 115 Sabrina, 153 Florence A., 74 Lydia, 113 114, IIS Susan F., 521 George W., 74 Lyman B., 143 William F., 482 Harold G., 74 Mallory O., 117 Malady, Ahce, 468 Henry M., 91 Maranda, 115 Mallory, Pina, 182 Horace, 96,97 Mary, 100, 115 Manderson, Chas. F. , 436 James, 97 Mary A., 118 Manning, John, 95,96 Mary H., 116 Fannie H., 240 John M., 97 Nabbe, 148 Henry W., 461 Joseph, 95 Nancy, 501 Louisa C, 461 Lydia N., 97 Nathan, 115 Susan A., 461 Mabel W., 57 Nathaniel, 113, 114 Mannix, Catherine, 54 Margaret N., 97 Peter, 113 Marsh, Mary A., 74 Phebe, 113 Charles W., 153 Myrtilla, 235 Prentice, 161 Jennie, 273 Nathan, 96 Rata U., 123 Lina J., 153 Ramond D., 97 Royal C, 116 Mott M., 133 Ruth E., 97 Rufus, 168 Netta A., 153 Ruth M., 97 Ruth, 168 Orma N., 133 Ruth P., 92 S. Leona, 534 Marshall, Sarah C, S8 Sarah, 113 Clara A., 163 Susan, 98 Stephen, 172 Geo. A., 162 Sylvanus, 96 Susan, 99, 116 Martin, Maxwell, Susan W., 117 Edith A., 489 Joseph, 249 Susannah, 137 Robert C, 416 Robertia M., 249 Thankful, 114 Susan T., 417 McCabe, Kate, 255 Thomas, 113, 181 Webb W., 320 McCarthy, T. W., ^18 Timothy, 114, IIS Maryott, Ichabod B. 162 McCoUum, Wilfred A., 117 Mason, Daniel, 334 Willet E., 116 Angle, 229 Hattie C, 342 Willet S., 116 EmeUne, 202 Ida M., 342 Maine, Mathews, Israel, 325 Addie, 157 Dorothea, 382 Laura A., 325 Albert B., 4S9 Hepzibah, 129 Lauren W., 342 Bessie B. C, S2I Irving E., 382 Libbie L., 334 Bridget W., 503, 515 Stanley W., 382 Martha C, 334 Chandler, 32 Wirt, 380 Nathaniel O., 333 Chandler D., 32 Mathias, Nettie M., 371 NeUie L., 342 Eldora T., 518 Maxson, Percy P., 325 Elmina C, 520 Alice J., 97 Wm. H., 334 Ephraim W., S17 Amy A., 97 McCormick, Viola I., 94 Frances R., 32 Anna J., 276 McCuUock, Harold S., 482 Annette, 97 Annie L., 411 Hubert E., 521 Charles C, 07 Susan T., 412 Mary A., 67 Charles L., 74 Wm., 412 598 INDEX PAGE PAGE PAGE McDermid, Mercer, Mills, Albert S., 345 Eva L., 427 Chester D., 19s Margaret, 345 Florence M., 427 Fideha L., 459 McDonald, Leander, 427 Gilbert D., 195 Albert L., 72 Ralph R., 427 Horace F., 459 Albertus, 71 Merchant, John C, 459, 461 Georgianna, 72 Lucy A., 328 John D., 195. Annie B., 443 Wesley, 181 Juha L., 459 Hattie, 72 Merrill, Miner, John, 69 Charles H., 139 Abby E., 156 Tohn I., 443 G. F., 139 Abigail, 161 Lila, 72 Olive, 119 Alfred, 162, 165 Lottie C, 72 Samuel W., 317 Almira, 162 Mary F., 71 Walter E., 139 Anna, 161 Sarah, 68 William, 342 Annie E., 163 McGathy, Ada I. W ,354 Merritt, Sarah J., 508 Bertha, 516 McGlaflin, Almira, 60 Merwin, Elizabeth, 328 Bessie L. C, 162 McGraw, Walter S., 332 Meservey, Betsey, 159 McGregor, Lena, 92 Charles D., 86 Betsey A., 165 Mclntyre, Artemus, 375 Jefferson B., 86 Bradley, 516 McLain, Anna L., 282 Louise B., 86 Burt W., 164 McMaster, Messenger, Christopher, 161, 162 Anna E., 373 Frank, 163 Clarissa, 162 William J., 367 Hannah, 163 Clayton L., 165 McMuIlen, JuHa F., 135 Rosanna, 163 Cyrus, 161 McNitt, Samuel, 163 Daniel, 499 Aaron D., 531 Messick, Denison W., 161 Blanch, ^31 Charles, 218 Desire, 37 Edna, 532 Fred, 218 Desire B., 503 Frank D., 531 531 531 308 George W., 218 Edgar, 164 Grant, Leander, 218 Edson, 163 Maud, Lillian, 218 Elias, 161 McQuade, Harriet, Rosabel, Will, 218 218 Elias H., Elizabeth, 162 II, 165 McQueen, Allen F., George R., 225 249 Miller, Adrian, Austin, 317 367 Emma, Ephraim, Erastus D., 164, 514 32 163 George W., 225 , 249 Bessie, 358 Ethelyndia, 164 Ivan, 226 Earl B., 367 Eunice, 163 Mary L., 226 Flora E., 372 Everett, 164 William, 226 Florence E., 372 Ezekiel, 164 Zaida L., 226 Frances H., 294 Ezra D., 499 Meach, Ida E., 441 Herbert S., 367 Francis W., 516,517 Meacham, John F., 488 Franklin H., 503 Florus, 316 Sarah G., 63 George H., 515 Lydia J., 316 Valerie M., 367 George L., 516 Sarah L., 320 Wm. F., 160 George M., 165 ^lead, Philo, 198 MiUiman, Julia, 453 Hannah, 499 599 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Miner, Rebecca B., 153 Lucy E., 507 Harry A., 156 Robert, 161 Minnie S., 509 Hattie M., 51 Roland S., 51 Nettie, 244 Henry, 499 Rosetta, 164 Nina, 298 Henry L., 515 Sabra, 161 Sarah, 113 Hermon E., 163 Samuel, 12 , 164 Walter J., 509 Horace D., 162 Sarah, 99 ,517 WiHiam F., 507 Isaac, 161 Sarah J., 53 WiUiam R., 509 Isaac W., 161 Saxton, 503 Morris, Jennie B., 515 Simeon, 164 Charles, 374 John, 155, 164 Thomas, 161, 162 499 Mary, 156 John H., 156 William H., 51 Morse, Deborah, 491 John R., 163 Zebulon, 161 Mortimer, Josephine M 156 Minniss, Florence J. 147 Fannie, 351 Joshua, 161, 165 Moir, Marian W., 409 Maude C, 477 Juha A., 235 Monk, EHzabeth A., 339 Morton, Mary E., 136 Lovisa, 164 Montague, Mosier, Luke, 161 Donald, 301 Mary, 95 Keturah, 161 Florence, 301 Sarah, 493 Kittie A., 164 Hamilton N., 300 Mott, Latham, 162 Montgomery, Myrtle 65 Berry L., 488 Lela, 165 Moon, Blanch E., 230 Leland D., 515 Abner, 208 Elbert H., 165 LesHe, 164 Ida C, 238 Georgia L. M., 165 Lida, 164 Moore, Joseph, 126 Lillian B., 516 Charles H., 98 Mouat, Lottie M., 156 Frank D., 346 EHzabeth, 296 Lucretia, 498 George D., 233 Malcolm, 296 Lucy A., 163 Maria, 389 Malcolm P., 296 Lucy P., 504 William D., 346 Moulton, Luke, 163, 499 Moran, Margaret, 497 Asa, 314 Lydia, 35, 499 Morey, Susannah, 429 Charlotta, 318 Martha, 27 Morgan, Miriam, 314 Martha E., 162 Angeline M., 510 Mowry, Mary, i6i. 162, 499, Annie B., 510 Adrian L., 496 503 Charles G., 510 Alice M., 496 Mary E., i6r, 163 Charles O., 507 Andrew J., 494 Mathew B., 165 Daniel, 84 Arthur, 495 Nancy, 503 Experience, 491 Aubert J., 496 Nelson B., 162 Fay L., 143 Aubert L., 496 Oliver, 499 Frank H., 510 Carrie E., 495 OrceHa, 164 Fred G., 509 Cora B., 495 Palmer \V., . 161 Fred W., 509 Edna E., 495 Phebe, 50, 162 Hattie E., 507 Edna L., 496 Phebe M., 155 John A., 33 Ethel, 495 Philura, 138, 164 Joseph E., 506 Eugene L., 495 Ralph R., 499 Kate G., 508 George, 495 Randall, 161 Kenneth, 143 Glen M., 495 600 Mowry, Ida B., Lawrence V., Lelia F., Lester L., Lloyd W.; Mattispn A., Nellie A., Nettie M., Nina A., Ruth E., Vera E., Walter J., Willie, W^illis L., Mulberry, Frank B., Grace P., Nancv D-, T. J.; Mullen, Edith, MuUin, Catherine Munger, Eliza C, Murphey, Anna, Murphy, Adelia D., Anga v., Anna C, Charles W., Clara L., Elbert, Elizabeth D., Emeline, Emily R-, James P., Jerry, Leroy, Lewis, Lucy L., Martha, Martin J., Zaide, Murray, Elva E., Paul W., Virgil O., Walter, INDEX PAGE Murro, Carrie, 496 Myres, 495 Lucy E., 495 Patience, 495 496 Nash, H. H., 495 Nason, George, 495 Nearing, Nellie L., 495 Neidlinger, Alberta, 495 Nelson, 496 Kittie M., 495 Nancy, 495 Randall, 495 S. J., 495 S. M., Nevins, 82 Edward S., 82 Joseph N., 82 Margaret V., 82 William J., 152 Newberry, J. Elmer, T. E., Newcomb, 415 Betsie G., 201 Fred, 344 Newell, Lucy, Mary, Thomas, Newlands, Joseph, Newson, Nellie A., Newton, Ann D., Ann L., Channing L., Delia, Ida D., J. Floyd, John P., La Vette, Nexsen, Elizabeth i Nichols, Abigail, Aileen, Alanson, 65 Albert R., 65 Andrew E., 65 Basil, 65 Charles B., 207 236 236 237 254 237 237 207 236 236 186 207 207 208 186 185 322 PAGE PAGE 393 Charles H., 251 Chester, 251 464 Clark, 204 164 Clark R., 251 Cleah E., 142 316 De Alton, 252 534 Edith H., 416 369 j Elizabeth, 251 444 Elizabeth S., 416 Ella R., 231 307! Emily G., 409 365 Eunice, 251 307 Frank N., 39 307 Frankie D., 232 306 Frederick, 232 Geo. B., 56 419 Hannah L., 142 420 Henry W., 231 420 Jabish B., 204 419 James A., 233 443 James L., 416 Jessie, 251 256 John, 251 256 John R., 56 Kittie M., 274 180 Lenora, 119 9 Letitia, 250 9 Louise A., 233 412 Maud B., 56 424 Maria E., 232 Mary D., 253 312 Minnie E., 232 ^84 Minnie L., 458 165 Robert A., 231 165 Robert C, 232 i6s Robert H., 252 165 Roy, 233 165 Sprague L., 232 165 WilHam L., 142 ■, 403 WiUiam ^L, 232 William R., 232 231 Nicoulan, Anna, 272 253 Niles, 251 Minerva, 162 5f ) Steven, 489 41 = Tabitha, 490 25: 5 Noble, Jennie, 116 4ii 5 Norman, James, 43 601 THE BROWN GENEALOGY PAGE PAGE PAGE North, Mary, 277 Samuel, 103 Crarey, 258 Northrop, Osborn, Helen E., 501 Claude W., 369 Elmer E., 535 Osterman, Elizabeth, 198 Content, 114 Joseph J., 535 Outten, Bessie L., 282 Courtland R., 364 Norton, Owen, Cynthia, 362 Albertus, 391 Allen, 334 Cynthia C, 200 Henry J., 233 Earl, 108 David, 179 Jennie, 37 Frank T., 343 David W., 362 Lavoisier D., 232 George L., 343 Deborah, 362 Lillia S., 252 James M., 343 Delia A., 200 Mabel, 393 John A., 343 Desire, 258 Mattie H. C, 233 Marion A., 343 Dolly, 529 Nellie F., 522 Mary J , 343 Dorcas E., 365 Ruth E , 233 Robert A., 342 Ebenezer, 114 Norwood, Robert E., 343 Edwin, 364 Ebenezer, 9 Sarah A., 343 Electa, 502 Francis, 9 T. W., 196 Elihu, 114 Jonathan, 9 William L., 343 Ehza, 274 Mary, 9 Elizabeth G., 274 Thomas, 9 Packer, Margaret R H., Eloise, 296 Noteware, Carrie, 419 88 EHsha, 179 Noyes, Page, EHsha Y., 179 Catherine C, 79 Alvin E., 247 Ephraim, 260 Caroline M., 458 Arthur D., 247 Eunice, 31 Charles S., 522 Blanche, 304 Eva, 368 Clarence T., 445 Floyd W., 247 Frank L., 365 Edmond S., 442 Mabel, 304 Freelove, 168 Edwin B., 444 Nettie, 229 George, 258 Ellen E., 444 Paine, Elizabeth, 275 Gladys E., 137 Emily D., 445 Palmer, Hannah, 166 George W., 440 Abby, 502 Hannah K., 364 Henry B., 443 ,444 Abel F., 502 Harriet C, 209 Joseph, 442 Abigail, 22 Helen G., 137 Kate, 117 Addie W., 458 Helen M., 366 Marion A., 79 Alfred, 361 Henry, 75, 179 273,361 Martha D., 441 AHce M., 366 Henry D., 482 Walter C, 79 Alonzo D., 363 Herbert F., 369 Wm. H., 444 Amos, 22 529 Hermon, 136 Nye, Wilfred H., 52 Amos D., 502 Inez A., 295 Apelles A., 362 Israel, 114 Oakley, Fanny, 391 Barker W., 365 Jarius, 502 Ohr, Ethel D., 282 Bela, 179 James E., 502 Old, Logan E., 512 Benjamin, 178 Jedediah, 178 Olin, Sally, 128 Catherine, 265 Jessie, 114 Olvis, Charles, 141 Jonathan, 170 Herbert S., 103 Chas. B., 30 440 Joshua D., 365 Josephine H., 103 Clara L., 296 Joshua G., 361, 366 Kenneth S., 103 Clarendon, 179 Katherine, 529 602 INDEX PAGE PAGE PAGE aimer, Palmiter, Rebecca, 119 Laura J., 366 Ardilisa, 389 Tressie, 119 Laurence A., 137 Asher, 195 William, 119 Laurin, 361 Chester R., 285 William H., 119 Lester E., 363 Cynthia, 121 Partridge, Lewellyn, 369 Emma D., 195 Cora A., 367 Lewis G., 369 George, 207 Leonard B., 367 Lois D., 184 Linn B., 28s Orville, 367 Louisa J., 200 Palmore, Sarah E., 277 Patchen, Abel, 187 Lucy, 33, 761 71, 265, Panton, Lawrence, 482 Payne, 500 Park, C. H., 254 Lydia, 24, 478 Clarissa M., 161 Florence, 254 Lynn C, 369 Theody, 20 Peabody, Margaret, 114 Parker, Betsey, 187 Maria, 258, 272, 364 Clarence L., 209 Charlotte L., 150 Maria H., 366 Mary A., 65 Mary, 470 Martha, 362 Parks, Prudence, 465 Martha A., 477 Asenath, 179 Thomas, 446 Martin F., 364 Lina M., 469 Pearson, Minnie, 69 Mary, 114 Matie, 125 Pearse, Amanda C, 426 Mary E., 367 Parlow, Drusilla R., 506 Pease, Luella, 304 Mott M., 137 Parrutt, Edith, 97 Peck, Nancy A., 179 Parsee, Julia, 190 Betsey J., 375 Nelson, 200 Parsons, James A., 86 Frederic S., 87 Noah, 361 Partelo, Harriet, 205 Patty, 178 AdeUne, 45 Peckham, Peleg, 361 Alfred, 119 Amos, 452 Philander W., 364 Anna L., 119 Arlie, 164 Polly 0., 363 Arthur, 119 Charlotte, ^33 Prentice, 178 Charles A., 119 Charlotte S., 453 Russell, 361, 369 Dewey, 119 Eleanor H., 435 Sally, 30, 439 Eleazer B., 119 Francis, 164 Sally A., 178 Ella J., 118 Gideon B., 453 Spencer, 361 Frank M., 119 Ivalou, 164 Stella E., 296 Hannah E., 118 Jason S., 452 Stephen, 361 Hannah M., 117 Julia A., 453 Stephen N., 363 Hattie, 119 Nannie, 169 Susan, 144 Holmes H., 119 Rachel, 113 Theodore A., 36s John, "5 Sabrina, 452 Valerius W., 200 John H., 118 Samuel S., 452 Wait, ii3> 114 Joseph H., 119 Van N., 164 Walter S., 369 Lillie B., 119 Pelham, Wellington, 363 Lillie L., 119 Charles W., 372 Wilber, 529 Lloyd, 119 Hazel, 372 William, 3^3, 529 Minnie F., 119 Metha, 372 Wilham H., 273, 3,^3 Nancy, 118 Mildred, 372 Wirt M., 272 Pearl, 119 Nevah, 372 Zadie M., 369 Phebe A., 119 Phineas, 372 603 THE BROWN GENF:AL0GY PAGE PAGE PAGE Pendleton, Henry M., 157 Ellen A., 423 Abby S., 72 Per Lee, PhilHps, Alice, 265 Helen Y., 523 Betsey A., 217 Alice E., 73 Henry H., 523 Bradford, 50 Ann, 12 Perlie, Mary, 200 Henrietta, 116 213 Anna, 489 Perrin, Kent P., 125 Arthur G., 380 Albert E., 535 Kent W., 244 Catherine, 186 Bradford G., 535 Ladella, 213 Charles P., 72 Earl H., 535 Laura A., 312 Charles S., 72 Frank W., 360 Rhoda, 378 Charles W., 75 George E., 535 Ruth L., 125 , 244 Charlotte, 106 Irving E., 535 Sarah E., 329 Desire, 489 John D., 360 W. Eugene, 243 Eleanor M., 380 Lulu F., 535 Welcome R., 213 Elizabeth, 533 Mary H., 535 Wendall, 213 Fannie T., 522 Maud H., 41 Wm. R., 383 Flora A., 73 Muriel E., 360 Pierce, Frank D., 73 Myrtle L., 360 Aaron, 68 George A., 522 William H., 535 Curtis I., 68 Grace E., 73 Zorab D., 360 Horace B., 160 Gurdon E., 380 Perry, LilHan V., 160 Hannah, 55, 489 Benjamin, 459 Pike, Frederick, 338 Howard M., 380 Dorcas, 115 Pinguetz, Louise, 129 Ichabod, 489 Eugene B., 460 Pinkerton, W. J., 135 James, ■ 13, 489 Freeman W. G., 263 Pinney, John, 72 Gideon, 262 Alfred, 413 Lucius H., 525 Henry G., 263 Ameha A., 425 Lucy A., 523 Ivanora E., 287 Brown B., 414 Marion K., 75 Lualta M., 287 Charles A., 425 Mary, 113 Oliver H.. 263 Charles B., 426 Mary A., 73' 469 Orlo H., 287 Gertrude L., 426 Maud E., 522 Wellford C, 287 Raymond W. C, 426 Maud S., 73 Petersen, Pitcher, Mildred A., 525 Arlie, 346 Charles, 196 Morris A., 525 Isaac R., 341 Grace L., 522 Olive C, 523 Nettie B., 341 Place, Oliver, 265 Peterson, Ada B., 146 Phebe E., 516 Charles J., 298 Alfred, 147 Simeon, 490 Charles L., 308 Althea, 147 Susan A., 33 Edward L., 308 Earl W., 147 William W., 73 Florence E., 299 Ellen A., 219 Penery, David, 314 Jennie F., 299 Frank G., 146 Penn, Ella M., 380 Stewart M., 299 Gladys, 147 Pennie, John C, 215 Pettie, Lucinda, 314 Nathan M., 147 Pennock, Alice, 241 Peyser, Henry M., 164 Neva M., 146 Penny, Mary J., 112 Phelps, OUie E., 146 Perkins, Adelphine, 246 Wm. 0., 146 Hannah M., 157 Clara, 196 Plaisted, Ivory, 182 604 INDEX Plavter, E. H., 289 Owen B., 289 Plumb, Ethel H., 238 Joseph, 208 Joseph L., 237 Poole, Clesson O., 243 E. Everett, , 243 Mary H., 243 Porter, Huldah, 454 Lydia W., 453 Post, Harriet A., 491 Potter, Ernest, 454 Helen M., 534 Nelly, 454 Potts, William, 527 Powers, Louise, 45 Pratt, Adrian L., 478 Charles C, 478 Edythe, 478 Emma A., 478 Esther M., 478 Howard, 478 Lois, 282 Lucy M., 478 Zebulon, 478 Prentice, Adella E., 222 Hezekiah, 467 Lydia A., 180 Martha. 180 Ralph H., 200 Ralph M., 180 Roswell R., 180 Thomas, 1 79 Thomas H., 200 Prentis, Clara, 79 Prescott, Frank C, 391 Preston, DeForest A., 165 Lona A., 165 Niel D., 165 Theodore, 165 PAGE Price, Mary, 69 Pridmore, Charles, 129 Pritchard, Forrest, 336 Lafayette, 336 Samue', 336 Proctor, Albert L., 194 Corneha, 193 Elijah, 194 -^ George, 194 Harriet, 194 John D., 194 Jonathan, 193 Levi A., 194 Mary, 194 Thomas Y., 194 Prosser, Charles O., 98 Harriet. 351 Harriet J., 98 Sarah, 128 Willard F., 98 Pryal, Charles L., 429 Helen A., 429 Pulsifer, Anna S., 447 Freeman, 447 Freeman A., 447 Freeman D., 447 Geo. H., 447 Purchase, Polly, 181 Purdy, Arvilla, 178 Putnam, Delos, 122 Fay, 122 Gilbert, 122 Kate, 303 Walter P., 279 Quebec, Carry, 160 Quigley, Charles H., 277 Rainey, Dorothy A., 297 Metta, 297 Ramsdale, Josephine, 188 Randall, Abigail Adaline D., Adin, Adin A., Albert, AHce B., Allen, Alvin, Anna L., Arzelia, Benjamin, Betsey, Burdette M. Charles D., Charles E., Charles H., Clara B., Cyntha, Cynthia, Daniel B., De Ette, Dora M., Edgar H., Edgar N., Elias P., Elijah, EHsha, Elizabeth, Ella, Ella B., Esther, i^ Eunice, Eva M., Everett H., Florence A., Frank A., Fred, Fred E., Fred N., Freelove, George C, Gertrude, Grace E., Grace M., Hannah B., Harriet S., Harvey L., 12 205 ■^72, 292 292, 293 468 291 468 183 293 200 13, 272 271 272 294, 468 42 42, 294 366 270 269 271 291 293 293 366 435 192 259, 270 14 293 183 . 361, 382 loi, 204 291 293 292 292 272 294 372 362 292 292 372 294 184 183 294 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Randall, Hattie E., Henry W., Jabish B., James E., Jedediah, John, John J., Joshua, Kate W., Lancelott T., Laurence N., Lavinia, Leon E., Lewis, Lillian G., Lottie B., Lucy, Lucy E., Lurena, Marcus D., Maria, Marion E., Marion J., Martha A., Mary, i6i, 292 Mary G., Millard F., Minnie E., NelUe G., Polly, Ralph S., Robert, Robert B., Roswell, Roxie F., Sarah, Sarah A., Sarah E., Vayne A., Vera, Wm., Wm. E., Randolph, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Ransom, 293 A., 292 George, 260 Rathbone, 291 Aaron, 167 Content, 271 Cynthia, 271 Daniel, 272 David, 42 James, 271 John, 372 Joseph A., 354 Joshua, 372 Marion, 192 Martha, 291 Mary, 294 Moses, 294 Prudence, 291 Reuben, 291 Samuel, 205 Samuel B., 125 Saxton, 468 Sophia, 292 Susanna, 290 Susannah R 70, 269, Sylvester, Valentine, 271 Valentine W 291 Wait, 366 WiUiam P., 272 Ray, 499 Asher, 468 Betrand A., 183 Edith M., 183 Floyd N., 183 Fred E., 184 Harold F., 16 Jabez, 153 Naomi, 292 Stephen, 292 Wm. C, 292 Raymond, loi, 192 Henry E., 272 PhiHp H, Read, 265 Charles H., 281 Grace E., 606 434 378 528 527 527 527 528 527 527,528 528 527 528 528 527 528 528 527 528 529 527 529 529 527 527 527 526, 528 529 529 182 87 305 305 305 305 182 175 182 87 331 212 Records, Eva L., 373 Frank L., 373 Gerald, 373 John F., 373 Redfield, Stella, 363 Reed, Charles, 129 Herbert, 129 Linna, 369 Louis, 129 Reese, Alfred, ^33 Leslie A., ^33 Rachael C, ^33 Remsburg, Augusta, 427 Casper E., 417 Edna, 428 Estella M., 428 Grant S., 428 Irene, 428 Isabelle, 428 Louisa J., 427 Mary, 428 Perry, 428 Perry F., 417 Perry W., 428 Sarah E., 427 WiUiam F., 428 Reynolds, Abbie, 40 Annie E., 39 Betsey, 39 Betsey E., 41 Denison P., 41 Erskine, 23s Hattie S., 41 John, 39 John H., 39 Lucretia A., 39 Lulah L., 41 Margaret H., 66 Mary E., 41, 42 Prescott D., 41 Robert, 490 Sally A., 40 Sarah, 313 INDEX PAGE PAGE PAGE Reynolds, Roademel, Susannah E., Thomas C, 55 Sarah J., 41 355 Roe, Eva P., 64 Thomas, 39 Robb, Katherine B ., 66 Roesner, Kathryn F. , 64 Thomas W., 40 Robbins, Henry C. , 349 Rogers, Wm. F., 39 Roberts, Amy, 173 Wm. H., 39 Amy, 308 Bernice, 122 Rhodey, Thomas E. , 160 Frank, 237 Birdie M., 126 Rice, Thomas, 181 Charles C, 454 Charlotte, 159 Robinson, Charlotte, 179 Martin, 159 Albert D., 339 Charlotte M., 156 Richards, Anna B., 345 Clarence, 454 Charles H., lOI Alice A., 339 Delia D., 126 Charles T., 100 Carolyn A., 345 Donald, 122 Edward T., lOI Christabel, 339 Edna, 122 Gusteen, 365 Claude A., 339 Elizabeth, 122 Harriet C, lOI Edmund C, 429 Ellen E , 454 Norman M., 92 George G., 339 Elmer, 122 Virgil M., 92 George W., 329 Geno C, 122 Richardson, Harriet, 152 George, 122 Hannah, 14 Hugh W., 429 Georgiana, 236 Lavinia, 60 Irving D., 339 Grant, 338 Mary A., 497 John G., 338 Harold, 122 Richmond, John K., 428 Hattie R., 138 Bessie, 473 Joseph, 329 Isabella, 435 Harriet, 536 Josephine M., 338 James, 121, 122 , 126 Rider, Lydia, 452 Lucy M., 330 James D., 121 Ripley, Mabelle M., 339 Joanna, 30 Charles J., 467 May E., 282 John T., 126 George, 467 Myrtle K., 345 L. DeForest, 126 John, 467 Vera M., 339 Lucinda J., 121 John S., 467 WilHam S., 339 Lucy M., 454 Leander, 468 Rodman, Lydia, 455 Nathan H., 467 Abbie H., 55 Mary L., 454 Nellie, 467 AHda, 56 Nellie, 122 Sarah E., 467 Almira W., 57 Phebe, 126 Risley, Arabella, 56 Raymond, 454 Austin, 125 Daniel, 55,56 Retee, 125 Clella, 125 Daniel B., 55 Robert, 454 Remain 125 Edith S., 56 Russell, 454 Rix, Frederick E., 55 Ruth, 123 Eunice, 472 Geo. A., 56 Sarah, 206 Nancy, 471 Henry C, 56 Tammison, III Phoebe M., 471 Henry H., 56 Tammison W.. 112 Roach, James B., 55 Thankful, 122 Alden G., 444 Martha A., 55,56 Thomas, 125 , 126 Harry F., 444 Martha P., 55 Wm. F. M., 74 Mary C, 444 Mary E., 55 Rollins, Noyes H., 444 Mary H. B., 55 Caroline C, 90 607 THE BROW'N GENEALOGY Rollins, Cora, 230 Romerman, Henry A., 224 Rood, Albert, 312 Ann, 312 Ethel, 472 James, 312 Joseph, 472 Launcelot, 312 Levi, 312 Lydia, 312 Sarah, 312 Root, Apami, 527 Roscoe, Buell L., 371 Ervin D., 371 Mary L-, 371 Sherman I., 371 Walter W., 371 Rose, Annie L., 479 Edwin, '479 Elijah, 479 Ella J., 480 William L., 70, 480 Rouse, Jessie L., 56 Rowe, Aria P., 327 Mary, 531 Rowell, Catherine G., 112 Rude, Mary E., 469 Ruger, Crawford P., 352 Emera J., 352 Harry, 35 1 John, 347 Julia S., 352 Julius H., 352 Mortimer, 35 1 Oliver J., 351 Sophia J., 352 William C, 351 Rugg, Martha E., 508 Wm., 36 Russell, Charles W., 416 Joseph W., Ryder, Charles J., Christopher A. Henry T., Joseph, NeUie A., Sarah, Susan A., Thomas T., WiUiam, Wm. H., Ryon, Charles O., Charles S., Edwina P., Frank E., George R., William E.,* PAGE 416 451 451,452 452 451 452 452 451 451 64 64 64 64 64 64 Sabin, Gerald A., Henry P., John, Margaret F., Sidney A., Sampson, Mary, Edith, Elbert L., Hattie, Jay, Sanborn, Perita, Sanderson, Cora D., Edith R., Geotge, William, Santee, Vernie E., Sarle, Ida F., Saunders, Arthur P., Desire, Elizabeth, Everett B., Fanny, Jessie, Leona, 608 296 296 83 296 296 406 229 229 144 229 390 56 56 56 56 124 227 426 174 481 456 456 456 456 Mary, 36 Nathan, 446, 456 Nathan B., 456 NeUie A., 456 Olivia, 426 Silvia, 426 Willard D., 426 Wilham C, 456 Winnefred,, 456 Savary, Caroline, 56 Sawyer, Louise, 305 Scherer, John H., 387 Schofield, Annanette, 122 Schooley, AHce A., 338 Schoonover, Norma, 359 Schuyler, Eleanor S., 419 Scott, Adeha, 264 Florence M., 336 Le Mire, 336 Minnie, 336 Nancy, 265 Winfield, 336 Scribner, Charles R., 406 Edward, 406 EHzabeth, 421 Gertrude, 421 Gertrude E., 406 Maria L.,' 419 Matilda S., 420 Rogers, 421 Susan B., 406 Seamans, Mary L., 497 Searl, Clara, 143 See, Mabel, 299 Seeley, Charles, 255 Creta, 381 Emma M., 381 Erwin, 381 Frank A., 379 George B., 381 George N., 379 Horace D., 379 Mary C, 381 Theodore A., 255 INDEX Segar, Abby, III Susanna, 56 Seldon, Elizabeth, 471 Severance, Clarissa, 493 Seymore, John, 163 Shaffer, Amelia, 440 Shaughnesy, Mary A , 97 Shaw, Pearl L., 455 Shear, Gertrude, 275 Sheffield, Grace, 119 Henry W., 470 James E., 119 Mary, 160 Phebe B., 119 Sarah, 414 Wm., 470 Sheldon, Arba, 186 L. Fredell, 534 Shepard, Alice J., 24^ Ethel M., 126 L. Edmond, 126 L. Van Norman, 126 Sheridan, Winnefred, 428 Sherley, Will. 119 Sherman, Frances D., 67 Geo. A., 67 Harry W., 67 M. Maud, 67 Shilling, Jane, 517 Shirley, Jane, 343 Shirly, Isadora, 344 Shortridge, Mattie, 247 Shultz. Charles J., 376 Edward, 376 Wm. J., 376 Silver, Annie L., 521 Blanche, 521 Edgar O., 521 Geraldine, 521 Helen F., 521 Katherine, 521 Priscilla W., 521 Silvis, Fern H., 387 Henry A., 387 Simcox, Marie H., 386 Raymond, 386 Simmons, Wm., 67 Sims, Oscar E., 512 Sisson, Annie E., 54 Benjamin F., 458, 501 Edward A., 458 Edward C, 458 Fannie A., 458 Ida M., 54 Madge, 458 Mary A., 224 Mary E., 70 Skeele, Fanny, 348 Skellie, Florence, 208 Skidmore, Marilda, 493 Skinner, Jennie, 454 Slocum, Frances A., 48 Sloper, Hattie, 223 Smith, Aaron, 498 Abbie M., 71 Annie D., 210 Arthur P., 81 Benjamin, 498 Benjamin F., 389 Benj. F. S., 443 Bessie, 125 Charles H., 443 Corinne, 315 Cyrus, 315 D wight, 315 Edna B., 64 Edward P., 336 Emeline, 130 Frances H., 389 Geo. W., 71 Governor F., 71 Harold A., 49 Harriet, 466 lola W., 49 James H., 47 Joseph, 443 Joseph W., 71 Louise A., 78 Lucia, 190 Lucy A., 272 Maria S., 443 Mary E., 508 Norman F., 325 Randall B., 443 Rebecca, 259 Sally, 491 Sarah, 315 Sidney W., 336 Solomon, 312 Sophia L., 116 Stephen, 434 Theodore W., 336 Timothy, 315 Urial, 315 W. Edward, 49 Wm., 312 Zerah, 315 Smyser, Mary E., 439 Smythe, Fanny, 116 Lena, 116 W. R. B., 116 Ralph, 116 Snedeker, Selden D., 141 Snell, Maud I., 450 Snow, Herbert, 116 Son, Henry C, 357 Spule, Minnie, 165 Southwell. George, 346 Omar R., 346 South worth, Eva M., 287 Orville W., 287 Wallace H., 287 \ Spalding, Daniel B., 505 ,506 Eunice, 63 Sparhawk, Simeon, 528 Spaulding, Asa, 170 Benj., 162 Daniel B., 170 THE BROWN GENEALOGY Spaulding, Jennie B., 150 Elizabeth, 29 ,257 John, 170 Lewis, 150 Eunice, 262 Spencer, Lydia, 30 Florence G., 298 Fannie A., 302 Margaret B., 159 Isaac, 261 Jane, 124 Sarah E., 47 Jennie 0., 299 Spohn, Ellen M., 165 Sylvia, 505 Jessie L., 299 Spooner, Walter B., 159 John R., 300 Charles P., 117 Staplin, Ella M., 38 John W., 277 Dorothy, 116 Starkey, Clarence B., ^2,2, Latham, 514 Ettie, 218 Starkweather, Mabel H., 299 Francis, 143 Dora L., 278 Mary D., 300 Francis M., 143 Ida, 125 Nathan, 258 Frank M., 234 Starr, Rebecca, 465 Henry L., 234 Helen M., 412 Susan L., 277 John C, 117 Jesse, 90 Wm. R., 299 Phillip L., 117 States, Stickle, Israel F., 51 Willett M., 117 Charles B., 448 Stiles, Artimesia, 492 WilUam, 218 H. EHzabeth, 448 Stillman, Sprague, Esther, 311 John A., 447 Arthur A., 243 Spring, Samuel, 142 John P., 447 Cora, 214 Springer, L. L., 119 Robert B., 448 David, 45 Squire, Carohne G., 416 Steuks, John, 155 Dwright, 209 Squires, Judson, 181 Stever, Jacob, 482 Fred, 209 Stahl, Ellen A., 451 Stevens, Fred M., 143 Stanberry, Vinnie, 289 Chester H., 290 Geo. C, 45 Stanbro, Emet, 122 Hattie, 189 Charles, 244 J. H., 290 How^ard, 209 Caroline, 375 John P., 290 Lulu C, 243 Ellen, 246 Mabel, 290 Samantha, 115 Henry, 183 Mary, 122 Sanford P., 209 Joseph, 182 Ruth, 290 Sarah, 196 Ora M., 244 Tracy M., 290 Stimson, Mary, 369 Thomas, 244 Stewrard, Stinson, Stanley, A. T., 270 Geo. H., 50 Frances, 65 Barbary, 22 Jesse B., 50 Kate, 241 Stewart, Phoebe M., 50 Stanton, Abigail, 262 Stoddard, Mary D., 435 Abbie, 159 Abigail J., 276 Stone, Almira B., 149 Ada G., 298 John, 192 Amos, 149 Anna M.. 258 Marretta, 192 Anna E., 488 Arnold R., 257 Reuben, 192 Courtland G., 149 Arthur D., 277 Silas, 192 George A., no Barbara, 120 Wheeler, 192 George E., 149 Bertha W., 277 Storrs, Geo. H., 69 George F., 159 Charles C, 276 Stott, Lillian, 26 H. B., 300 Charles W., 277 Stout, Joan, 467 Harriet L., 159 Clinton B., 278 Stover, H. C., 271 Henry C, 51 Daniel B., 258 ,277 Stow. Harriet F., 348 610 INDEX PAGE PAGE PAGE Stratton, Flora E., 104 James, 181 Addie F., 370 Frank W. A., 104 Norman, 375 Alice, 370 Gayton H., 104 Webster, 375 Amy P., 370 George B., 103 Talcott, F. Ermina, 284 Calvin R., 370 Geo. D., 104 Tallman, Lydia A., 193 Essie P., 369 George H., 104 Tawney, Theresa R. 149 Floyd, 370 Georgia, 103 Taylor, Grace, 370 Harold 0., 103 Agnes, 221 Hazel T., 370 Louis W., 104 Anna, 152 Lydia, 187 Lucy A., 103, 104 Anne, 221 Ray D., 370 Marcus E., 104 Archer B., 221 Sarah A., 370 Mary E., 103 Ariminia J., 282 William H., 369 Mary V., 103 Armina, 222 William W., 369 Nathaniel, 12 Aurora, 221 Straw, Nellie ]M., 385 Rebecca, 500 Eleanor, 221 Streeter, Ruth, 466 Georgia, 112 Henry, 361 Ruth A., 473 Griggs A., 213 Maurice, 364 S. Josephine, 103 John S., 274 Thomas, 364 Susan C, 104 Loundes, 221 Strickland, George, 112 Sweet, Mary A., 45 Strong, Asper, 182 Charles R., 66 Nelson, 178 Strows, Willis, 131 Ella F., 67 Telford, Eliza, 294 Strudely, Elnathan, 31- 490 Terry, Donald B., 373 Joannah, 490 Beatrice A., 345 Eleanor, 373 Margaret, 431 Horace H., 345 William H., 373 Mehitabel, 490 Ida J, 469 Sturges, Eudotia, 279 Patty, 490 Lulu B., 157 Sturgess, Fear, 15 Rufus, 66 Lydia M., 469 Sturtevant, Willard S., Willard, 431 Martha A., 345 176 Winnefred, 429 Thomas, Sullivan, John W., 352 Swift, Mabel G., 457 Abbie P., 74 Sumner, Annie L., 74 Charles, 318 Taber, Carrie M., 74 Fred L., 318 Azor, 404 Irving C, 74 Harold R., 359 Julia M., 416 Manning M., 74 Hattie I., 318 Juha P., 416 Thompson, John D., 359 Paul, 416 Aaron, 505 John S., 359 Susan E., 404 Agnes J., 197 Julia A., 354 Tabor, Berthany E., 149 Albert L., 523 William, 354 Taft, Albert T., 92 William A., 359 Albert M., 470 Annetta M., 88 Swan, Delia E., 470 Annie K., 522 Addie, 104 Emma A., 42 Benjamin, 519 Betsey, 373 Pearl, 470 Catherine, 517 Charles G., 104 Talbot, Clifford B., 523 Cyrus, 103 Belinda R., 126 Edvdn F., 34 Cyrus W., 103 Edith, 375 Fannie M., 519 David A., 103 Esther, 375 Frank A., 522 611 THE BROWN GENEALOGY PAGE PAGE PAGE Thompson, Edgar, 315 Trumbull, Charles P. ,457 George A., 522 Frances, 319 Tucker, Irving H., 523 Hiram, 315 Arthur R., 165 Jeremiah, 505 Hiram C, 319 Louisa, 516 Leonas C, 522 Hiram E., 322 Ola M 87 Lila G. D., 519 Laura, 320 Tunison, Gertrude, 358 Lorena, 190 Paul, 399 TupaHk, Gussie V., 476 NelUe M., 523 Sarah, 404 Turneaure, Olga M., 522 Sarah G., 322 Frederick E., 300 Richard M., 522 Susan, 404 Frederick S., 300 Ruth G., S22 Thomas C, 321 Turner, Samuel, 518 Walter W., 319 ,321 A., 119 Sarah P., 519. 522 Tomkins, Lucy C, 76 Cornelia E., 63 Warren P., 39 Tompkins, Eunice, 461 Thornton, B. Fitch, 228 Turrell, Charles, 247 Brownell, 228 Daniel, 498 Frederick, 247 Maria, 451 Lot, 498 Thurston, Mary A., 451 Turrill, Mary C, 487 Edward, 114 Mary E., 250 Tuttle, Lorain, 347 Rose L., 256 Edwin, 206 Thankful, 172 Sarah B., 249 Laura M., 136 Tift, Wm., 251 Oliver, 36 Annie M., 85 Tonnele, Walter, 280 Sarah, 217 EHza, 444 Tooker, Mary, 301 Twist, Florence M., 372 Tillinghast, Torry, Abby, 213 Tyler, Andrew, 54 Tourgee, Angeline, 67 Bessie B., 392 Annie L., 477 Tourtelotte, Julia A., 302 Arthur C, 477 Dorothy H., 464 Mary, 209 Dorothy E., 477 Fred, 464 Edward C., 477 James L., 464 UfTord, Nettie, 165 Frank H., 476, 477 Leslie F., 464 Underwood, Celinda, 337 Fred W., 476, 477 Tower, Mary A., 384 Utley, Abigail, 34 Helen W., 476 Towner, Addic, 482 Utter, Louise D., 476 Townsend, George B., 89 Marion L., 54 Harvey, 493 George H., 89 Susan A., 56 Henry C, 442 Henry E., 89 Waldo, 476 Hope, 312 Mary S., 90 Waldo E., 477 Tracy, Wilfred B., 90 WeUington S 477 Ethel L., 387 Tingley, Francis F., 385 Vail, George I., 265 Ida S., 356 Tressler, Vallian, Martha, 529 Oliver B., 356 Albert W., 300 Vanaken, S. S., 356 Alice, 300 Ethel, 360 Todd, Willis, 300 Harold D., 360 Carleton, 404 Tripp, Herbert M., 356 Catherine A. E., 404 Margaret V. D., 532 Leroy, 360 Church G., 321, 322 Phebe M., 128 Madison, 356 Dorothy C, 321 Truman, Polly, 128 Van Antwerp, Bertha ,415 612 INDEX PAGE PAGE PAGE Van Ben Schoten, Hattie B., 381 Corrina A., 92 Charles N., 365 John S., 381 Herbert, 92 George L., 365 Nellie M., 381 Jennie, 136 Laura, 365 Vosberg, Julia, 393 Justus, 363 Nathan, ,..^ 362 Vunk, Win., 376 Norman P., 363 Van Buskirk, Lucy M., Weaver, 360 Wadley, Frances L., 346 Asa, 32 Vanderpoel, Melida, 228 Wagner, Hattie, 316 Van Horn, E. D., 275 Hannah, 132 Webb, Vanfleet, Nora, 224 Mary J., 224 Alice A., 533 Van Shaick, Cora B. , 87 Walker, Caroline L., 533 Van Syckle, Sarah, 431 Bessie, 57 Charles W., 533 Vaughn, Daniel R., 57 Daisy M., 533 D. A., 293 Edmund, 57 Harold F., 533 Dessie, 293 George, 259 Horace, 533 Lee G., 293 H. Valentine, 464 John F., 533 Vanvalkenburg, Eliza, Harry G., 464 WilHam H., 533 212 James B., 57 Welch, Van Vetchen, Carrie B., Laura J., 102 Ella M., 512 507 Robert R., 57 Harry K., 255 Van Vliet, Wallace, Wm., 255 Edward, 426 Beula, 381 Wells, Morris E., 426 Henry, 381 Anna L., 391 Rensselaer C, 426 Lucy, 467 Arthur W., 464 Van Wagenen, Sarah M., Mildred, 381 Erving C, 532 203 Walsh, Eunice, 528 Vermilye, David, 123 Alexander R., 409 424 Floyd B., 392 Vilas, Edith F., 424 Francis G., 532 Anne A., 117 Edward S., 409 ,424 George, 460 George S., 117 Elizabeth R., 409 James A., 464 Percival M., 117 Emily B., 423 Kinney R., 391 Russell A., 117 Henry B., 424 Laura M., 393 Wm. H., 117 James R., 409 * Nettie E., 283 Vincent, Louisa C, 409 Wm. H., 390, 391 Charles F., 49 Olivia B., 409 Zelora B., 393 Charles W., 49 Silas B., 424 Wescott, Abbie, 180 Frank P., 49 Warner, West, Georgiana H., 49 Alice B., 495 Allen B., 387 Herbert B., 49 Amy, 311 Anna, 160 Nellie A., 49 Isaac, 137 Anna M., 386 Viney, Henrietta, 385 Sarah, Z'^i Carroll B., 387 Vining, Watkins, Clement, 13 Clear S., 372 Helen M., 429 Elizabeth, 445 Emmett D., 373 John 0., 425 Ella, 182 Voas, Frank, 119 Sarah B., 425 Eugene, 160 Vorhes, Watrous, E. Everett, 118 Jabez F., 72 Davidson R., 381 Watson, Mabel L., 386 George B., 381 Almira, 613 367 Mary E., 160 THE BROWN GENEALOGY PAGE PAGE PAGE West, Henry D., 302 Whipple, Miriam E., 387 Henry H., 302 CaroHne, 316 Robert W., 387 Horace J., 340 Catherine E., 379 Samuel O., 160 Hosea, 439 Ethan, 311 Wm. L., 386 James, 162 Whitcomb, Rhoda, 377 Weston, James E., 504 512 White, G. M., 119 Joanna, 491 Amy H., 465 Mabel, 301 John A., 105 Fred H., 224 Wetherly, John K., 116 John 0., 58 282 George, 428 Whaley, John S., 303 Jennie L., 389 Franklin E., 77 Jonathan, 324 33^ L. M., 206 Harris H., 77 Louisa A., 489 Maude H., 421 Henry, 77 Louise R., 302 Minerva, 220 James H., 77 Lucy M., 99 513 Theodore T., 326 Wheeler, Lynn B., 283 Whitford, Abram, 103 M. Anna, 105 Abert, 124 Adelia R., 331 Martha, 331 502 Alha, 243 Agnes H., 302 Martha H., 100 515 Alhe A., 125 Albert L., 158 Marcia H., 340 Calvin, 276 Allan, 174 Mary A., 80 Edward E., 297 Allen, 99 Mary E., 99 Edwin, 124 Amos, 523 Mary P., 513 Ernest C, 124 Anna A., 523 Mehssa A., 504 Eugene, 124 Austin, 105 Mildred E., 340 George L., 376 Charles, 324 Nancy, 439 Harold C, 124 Charles D., 302 Nancy L., 523 Iphegenia, 71 Charles F., 332 Nancy M., 58 Kate D., 377 Clarabelle, 158 Nathan G., 99 Lucinda, 121 Content, 502 Patty, 175 Lucy H., 124 D. Frank, 158 Perez, 100 Myron H., 124 David L., 502 Phebe E., 504 0. Benjamin, 124 Edwin S., 512 Ralph P., 100 Paul A., 124 Elam B., 502 Randall B., 439 Robert C, 297 Ehsha, 174 Rebecca E., 303 Victor L., 376 Eliza M., 158 Reuben, 174 Wm. C, 276 Ephraim, 99 Robert, 504 513 Whitlach, Mary E., 523 Esther, 486 Robert L., 303 Whitlock, Bessie R., 77 Fannie C, 302 Russell A., 502 Whitman, Fannie M., 158 Sarah, 23 486 Ehzabeth W., 522 Florence G., 340 Sarah M., 332 Freeman T., 521 Frank T., 523 Saxton M., 502 Louisa L, 431 Frederick S., 303 Smith, 439 Whitney, Sally M., 453 Grace W., 513 Solomon S., 503 Whittemore, Kittle, 388 Harold C, 340 Stewart T., 302 Whittenger, Elizabeth, Harriet, 503 Thomas, 31 405 Harriet A., 514 Thomas W., 58 Widener, Chas. A., 328 Harriet S., 33^ Wm. F., 158, 503 Widnu, Henry, 303 Zerviah, 166 499, 503 Adell, 129 614 INDEX Widnu, Stephen R., 71 Nellie, 357 Charles, 129 Willard C, 340 NelHe M., 385 Edson, 129 William, 114, 279 Oscar, I 56 Wildman, Wm. C, 279 Phebe, 5 14 Clifton H., 301 Willard, Orpha A., 290 Philena, i 77 Marion E., 301 Wilson, Ruth, 461 Wilbur, Edward S., 422 Sarah, 2 94 Amanda A., 52 Ella R., 371 Sarah A., 408 David, 489 Georgia, 524 Sophia, I 34 Harry A., 478 George C, 422 Susan Z., 2 34 Julia M., 84 Williams, Wheaton, i 76 Louisa, 326 Alaric, 177 Wills, Phebe, 22 Ahce B., 69 Alfred H., i 57 Samuel, 471 Almira, 177 Henry, i 57 Wilcox, Alvin, 176 Winslow, Abbie, 40 Ann, 514 Annie C, i 09 Augusta, 278 Aretas, 177 Charles A., i 09 Carlton B., 346 Benadam, 120 Esther C, i 09 Charles N., 346 Charles E., 100. 461 Henry, 2 78 Charlotte, 278 Charles S., 26 Herbert, ] 09 Charlotte E., 279 Cynthia, 514 Hezekiah M., 1 63 Content, 153 Delia A., 100 Katy, 2 78 Denison, 40 Edith P., 513 Nathan C, 2 >78 Eliza, 258 Edwin C, 515 Rufus K., 263 Fanny, 163, 300 Elias, 440 Ruth F., ] 09 Flora E., 370 Elizabeth, 514 Wm., 5 "78 Frank E., 163 Ella B., 26 Winsor, Hannah, 114 Emily, 514 Charles W., 531 Henry, 365 Erastus, 401 Kenneth, 531 James M., 300 Esther, II, 24 Merton C, 531 James S., 279 George, 356 Winter, Jane E., 41 Geo. H., 69 Gertrude H.; 5 93 Jennie, 300 Harriet, 196, 223,^ 514 James L., 1 93 Jennie E., 300 Harriet A., 100,515 Mildred, 1 93 John F., 263 Henry M., 461 Seward R., 293 John W., 346 Isaac, 515 Wallace L., 293 Julia W., 263 John, 176 Witter, Kate, 278 John A., 514 Cynthia, i 96 Lewis S., 279 John P., 514 Francis J., i 48 Lucius H., 71 Lois, 168 Hannah, i 77 Lucretia, 39 A. A., 321 Joel J., 1 47 Mattie L., 301 Martha, 514 Mary E., \ 48 Maud, 300 Mary, 157 Ralph L., 1 47 Morris, 263 Matilda, 43 Wolcott, Grace, 450 Myra E., 370 May, 357 Wolf, Mary, 492 Nathan B., 278 Nancy, 176,514 Wood, Ruth, 261 Nathan, 100 Adeline M., ^ 8t Sarah E., 450 Nathan W., 615 515 Alice M., I THE BROWX GENEALOGY Wood, Curtis B., 296 Alonzo, 379 Marion W., 296 Cora A., 379 Mildred A., 296 Elmer A. L., 382 Yarrington, Eva L., 382 Charles, 367 Franklin A., 382 Charles W., 368 George W., 382 Ida M., 367 Mary, 300 Nelhe M., 368 Mildred C, 382 Yawger, Wm. F., 382 Foster C, 105 Woodard, Henry H., 105 Horatio, 389 Yeager, Susan, 36 Nelson, 25 Yeomans, Harriet, 348 Woodhull, Caleb S., 436 Yerrington, Win., 452 Woodman, H. Ludencia, York, 366 Abby, 504 Woodmancy, Mary A ,468 Abram P., 193 Wood worth. Adelbert, 223 Edgar L., 234 Adelbert M., 241 George, 234 Adelia J., 178 Sarah A. H., 276 Albert A., 189 Woolhiser, Albert G., 524 Carrie T., 119 Albert L., 198 Frederica, 119 Albert M., 222 Joseph, 119 Albert T., 524 Joseph H., 119 Alexis L., 239 Kate I., 119 Alfred H., 212 Mary E., 119 Alice, 187 Worden, Ahce E., 241 Adeline D., 205 AHce M., 246 Lydia, 177 Alida S., 215 Worger, Allen, 499 Wm. F., 109 Alonzo L., 209 WiUiam R., 109 Alton W., 218 Wright, Amos, 498 .519 Allen, 159 Amos C, 182 EHzabeth, 416 Anna, 33, 167, 171, 182, Minerva M., 285 213, 214, 500 Samuel, 258 Annie, 175 Wyatt, William, 451 Annie L., 245 Wyman, Anson, 212 Henry F., 432 Anson E., 213 James B., 432 Arthur F., 221 Margaret W., 432 Artimisia, 212 Aruba, 209 Yager, Cora E., 131 Augustus, 169 \ale, Avery, 504 Arthur E., 295 Axie, 1S7 PAGE Bell, 46, 168, 171, 181 Benjamin, 174 Bert N., 255 Betrand D., 188 Betsey, 174, 176 Brainard, 189 Brinthia, 498 Carrie, 218, 219 Catherine, 209 Catherine E., 196 Charles, 180, 189 Charles C, 180 Charles J., 190, 212 Charles O., 245 Charlotte, 167 Chester C, 212 Christopher, 168 Clarence M., 198 Clarissa, 1 76 ColHns, 46, 168, 170 Content, 503 Cora, 218 Cynthia, 513 Cynthia M., 220 Cyrus E., 180 Daniel, 501 Daphna, 524 David, 190, 192, 217 Deborah, 46, 129, 163, 166, 171, 175, 181, 187 Delevan, 223 Deha, 187 Deha M., 216 Delos P., 218 Denison, 190 Denison D., 178 Dorothy, 167 Dow B., 241 D wight, 209 E. Elizabeth, 145 Earl R., 239 Edgar, 219 Edna G., 212 Edward, 187 Edward P., 209 Effie E., 199 Ela B., 239 616 INDEX PAGE PAGE PAGE York, George R., 187 Jennie A., 47 Electa, 172, 181 Gershom, 168 Jeremiah, 172, 186 Eliza, i8i , 188, 500 Gilbert R., 197 Jesse, 169 , 174, 175 Ella P., 246 Grace L., 535 Jessie, 218 Elmer, 535 Gracia, 244 John, 46, 167, 169, 175, Elmer M., 523 Gracia G., 191 191 Elmina, 505, 520 H. Clay, 244 John A., 217 Elsie M., 222 H. Lucina, 195 John C., 517 Elza H., 220 H. Royce, 255 John F., 211 Elza S., 219 H. Stephen, 212 John H., 220, 244 Emily, 176, 201 H. Zelinda, 218 John L., 182, 501 Emma, 500 Hal J., 246 John 0., 245 Erastus, 174 Hannah, 167, 168, 182, John R., 246 Ervine D., 220 498, 500 John S., 213 Erwin, 191 Harold A., 524 Jonathan, 166 Esther, i68 171, 194 Harriet, 500 Joseph, 46, ] 67, t68. Esther F., 523 Harriet E., 241 182 Esther M., 222, 498 Harry L., 245 Jotham, 191 Eunice, i68. 194, 500 Harry M., 520 JuHa A., 176 Eunice E., 181 Hattie B., 245 Julia D., 195 Eusebia A., 219 Hattie M., 223 Juliette, 216 Eveline, 176 Hattie O., 244 Kate, 187 Eveline F., 210 Helen D., 221 Kate E., 211 Evelyn, 222 Henry, 209, 222 Kate S., 209 Everett M., 220 Henry L., 178, 180 Keturah, 176 Everett R., 221 Hiram, 208 Keziah, 498 Fanny, 172, 201 Hiram I., 196 Lafontaine, 212 Fanny T., 209 Hoel, 192 Laverne D., 217 Fayette T., 181 Horace F., 501 Lawson, 189 Flora M., 245 Howard, 201 Lelan C., 188, 239 Florence, 221, 241 Hoxie, 188 Leroy, 178 Florence A., 221 Ichabod, 177 Lester, 192 Florence E., 222 Ida D., 523 Levi H., 214 Florinda E., 210 Irene, 181 201 Lewis, 188 Floyd, 223 Iva C., 246 Lewis C, 173 Frank, 219, 520 Irving W., 201 223 Liets D., 211 Frank D., 210 Isaac, 169 171 Lillian P., 524 Frank H., 245 Israel F., 160 Lodowick C., 188 Frank L., 211, 245 J. Annette, 198 Lois, 174, 502 Frankie, 189 J. Randall, 177 Lorena E., 297 Fred T., 213 Jabesh, 166 Lottie, 219 Fritz E., 239 Jabish, 502 Louis D., 212 Galusha, 181, 201 James, 171, 174, 500 Louisa C., I.«7 Gayreld C, 523 Jared F., 210 Louisa H., i, George, 187 Jay C., 212 Lucia R., 2; . George A., 246 Jedediah R., 200 ! Lucinda, 179, iQ^ George E., 223 Jemima, 187 Lucy, 170, I 71, I 94, George M., 246 Jennie, 201 211, SCO 617 THE BROWN GENEALOGY A PAGE PAGE PAGE York, Nabby, 171, 172, 502 Speda, 17s Lucy A., 182 Nancy, 179, 181, 194, Stephen, 169, 175 , 189 Lucy E., 46 514 Stephen B., 182 Lucy M., 270 Naomi, 175 Stiles, 500 Lulu P., 255 Nathan, 501 Susanna, 171 ,500 Lydia, 170, 172, 187, Neva, 210 Sylvia D., 523 499 Oliver, 499, 500 Tama, 181 Lydia A., 196 OHver B., 215 Temperance, 498 Lydia L., 213 Orrilla, 193 Thankful, 166 M. Antoinette, 218 Oscar, 219 Thede, 171 M. Prudence, 189 PameHa, 181 Thomas, 129, 166, 169, Mabel, 223 Patty, 178, 192 176, 187, I ?3 Mabel A., 212 Peleg K., 211 Thomas H., 187 Mabel E., 221 ,245 Percy, 223 Thomas J., 501 Mahlon, 188 Phebe, 171, 172, 174, Verne B., 210 Manasseh, 498 195 VeroceUa, 211 Manita, 501 Polly, 1 70 , 181, 194 Walter A., 240 Maria, 187 Priscilla, 216 Ward N., 182 Maria E., 215 Prudence, 193 Warren, 188 , 191 Marian, 212 Rachel, 187 Warren D., 188 Marion, 241 Ray, 175 Wealthy A., 498 Maritta, 192 Rebecca, 500 Welcome D., 189 Martha, 167, 171, 174, Reuben, 501 Wheeler, 179 193 217, 500, 501 Reuben O., 47 Willard D., 220 Martha A., 218 Reuben W., 46 William, 166, 169, 174, Martha L., 214 Robert, 168 17s Martha P., 161 Robert E., 223 Wilham A., 182 Martin, 171 187 Robert P., 213 Wilham D., 189 Marvin, 171 , 212 Rose M., 220 Wm. E., 197 Mary, 46, 166, 173, 187, Ruth, 120, ] [29, 168, Wm. H., 219 201 171, 187 Wilham O., 501 Mary A., 129, 187, 220, Ruth C, 172 Willie G., 213 245 Sally, 179, 181 Yeomans, 173 Mary E., 180, 182, 239, Sally G., 195 Zebulon, 181, 201, 504 245, 502 Samuel, 166 Zebulon T., 505 Mary J., 209 Samuel A., 501 Zelma, 520 Mary S., 210 Sarah, 168 171,498 Zerviah, 502 Maryetta, 175 Sarah A., 47 Young, Maude, 520 Sarah E., 501 Carl W., 252 May H., 223 Sarah P., 209 Hilda K., 305 Meda, 245 Satia F., 211 Josephine A., 65 Merwin L., 221 Selah D., 211 Marcus B., 108 Mildred L., 218 Sidney P., 198 Margera L., 305 Minerva, 187 Silas R., 217 Mary C, 216 Minnie, 213 Solomon, 174 Rhoda A., 3"5 N. Maria, 215 Sophia, 174, 182 Seldon M., 30s X i©^2 tPR-919;5 ^^. >' , ^ ' ^^^' ,'^ ":S: : ^' "'^\- ' i r> ,-^ V . >' -^ '■ ^ -b o^ .00 ,0 ^^' ■'■s^. oV ■o- *^' vO O^ t ^ '>,

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