^I8f?fl^y OF .?'*'G'?E SS 014 759 268 1 • frtncawtiatSr^n Dnf.Aa»«a TX 916 .13 fl5 1918 Copy 1 PUBLIC HEALTH LAWS OF ILLINOIS U^M.^^-WhTtes r RELATING TO Lodging Houses, Boarding Houses, Taverns, Inns and Hotels AND RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE Illinois Department of Public Health FOR THEIR SUPERVISION AND INSPECTION [Printed by authority of the State of Illinois.] ,r^ ScHNEPP & Barnes, State Printers Sprtngfiblp, Ili.. 1918. 12408— lOM LIBRARY OF CONGRESS RECEIVED APR 1 3 1925 DOCUMENTS DIVISION ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Certain sections of the State Board of Health Act confer express authority upon the State Board of Health to supervise and inspect all lodging houses, boarding houses, taverns, inns and hotels, in cities of 100,000 inhabitants or more. The powers and duties of the State Board of Health are now- exercised and performed by the Department of Public Health in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Administrative Code, in force July 1, 1917. "AN ACT TO CREATE AND ESTABLISH A BOARD OF HEALTH IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS." APPROVED MAY 28, 1877, IN FORCE JULY 1, 1877, AS AMENDED BY ACT APPROVED MAY 10, 1901, IN FORCE JULY 1, 1901. Powers and Authority of the Board. Sec. 2. The State Board of Health shall have the general supervision of the interests of the health and life of the citizens of the State. They shall have charge of all matters pertaining to quarantine, and shall have authority to make such rules and regulations and such sanitary investigations as they may from time to time deem necessary for the preservation or improvement of public health; and it shall be the duty of all police officers, sheriils, constables, and all other officers and employees of the State, to enforce such rules and regulations, so far as the efficiency and success of the board may depend upon their official cooperation. Lodging Houses, Hotels, etc. — State Board to Have Supervision OF — Inspection — Penalty for Orstructing Inspection. Sec. 15. The State Board of Health shall have supervision of all lodging houses, boarding houses, taverns, inns, and hotels in cities of one hundred thousand inhabitants or more, as hereinafter provided. They shall fromi time to time inspect, or cause to be inspected, all such lodging houses, boarding houses, taverns, inns and hotels to see that the provisions of this Act are duly and properly observed by the landlords, proprietors, keepers, managers and clerks of such lodging houses, boarding houses, taverns, inns and hotels, and any landlord, proprietor, keeper, manager, clerk, employee or other person connected with any such lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel, who shall interfere with or obstruct any such inspection, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding $100. / X'' Sleeping Rooms — Size — Passageway Between Beds — Arrange- ment OF Beds — Penalty for Violations. Sec. 16. It shall be unlawful for any landlord, proprietor, keeper, man- ager, or clerk of any lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel, to permit any room in such lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel, to be used or occupied for sleeping purposes which does not contain four hundred (400) cubic feet or more of air space for each person sleeping therein at the same time; and in every room in any lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel, con- taining more than one bed, the beds shall be so arranged as to leave a passageway of not less than two feet horizontally on all sides of each bed; and all beds shall be so arranged that under each of them the air shall freely circulate, and there be adequate ventilation. Any landlord, proprietor, keeper, manager, clerk, employee or other person connected with any lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel, violating any of the provisions of this section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding $100 nor less than $25. Lodging House and Hotel Record — Contents of — Open for Inspection — Penalty. Sec. 17. The landlord, proprietor, keeper, manager or clerk, of every such lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel, shall keep in the office or other public place therein, a register, in which shall be entered the name and residence of every person who becomes a lodger, boarder or guest in said lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel, and such register shall also show the number of the room or bed occupied by such person, and shall show the date of his arrival, and the period for which he engaged board or lodging. Such register shall always be accessible, without charge, to any officer or duly authorized agent of said State Board of Health. Any landlord, pro- prietor, keeper, manager or clerk of such lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel violating any of the provisions of this section, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable to a penalty of not less than $25, and not to exceed $100. Landlords, etc., to File Annual Statement With County Clerk — Contents — Blanks Furnished by State Board of Health — Penalty. Sec. 18. Within thirty days from the date upon which this Act shall take effect, and upon the first day of March of each succeeding year, the landlord, proprietor, keeper or manager of every such lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn. or hotel, shall file with the county clerk of the county in which such lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel is located, a written statement, sworn to by him ; which statement shall contain the name of the person making the statement; whether such person is the landlord, proprietor, keeper or manager of such lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel; the location of such lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel, according to the city, street and number ; the period of time during which such person has been the landlord, proprietor, keeper, or manager of such lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel; the period of time during which such lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel has been continuously operated as such; the number of guests or persons then stopping in said lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel, the greatest number of persons who stopped in said lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel, upon any day within the thirty days immediately preceding the date of such sworn statement, the smallest number of persons upon any day within said period of thirty days ; the total number of rooms contained in such lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel; the number of sleeping rooms contained in such lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel; the length and breadth of the building in which such lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel is located; the number of stories comprised in such building; the number of stories, and parts of stories, in such building occupied by such lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel ; the complete dimensions, in feet, respectively, of the smallest and largest sleeping room con- tained in such lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel, and the number of beds contained in said largest sleeping room. Such statement shall be made upon blanks furnished to the county clerk by the State Board of Health for that purpose. Any landlord, proprietor, keeper or manager of any lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel, who fails or refuses to make and file, within and at the time herein mentioned, the statement required by this section to be made shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $100. Section 2 of the above Act confers extensive powers and import- ant rights upon the Department of Public Health in the discharge of its duties. The Department of Public Health has the authority to make any and all rules it may deem necessary to enable the Depart- ment to enforce the provisions of the State Board of Health Act. Such rules and regulations, when promulgated, have the force and authority of law, and are to be enforced, if necessary, by the entire power of the State. Additional information will be given to all who call at the ofifice of the Division of Lodging House and Hotel Inspection in the Depart- ment of Public Health, at 130 North Wells Street, Room 1101, southwest corner of Wells and Randolph Streets, Chicago, Illinois, Telephone Franklin 4581. By order of C. St. Clair Drake, M. D., Director. Department of Public Health. William W. McCulloch, Superintendent of Lodging House Inspection. ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE INSPECTION OF LODGING HOUSES . BOARDING HOUSES, TAV- ERNS. INNS, AND HOTELS. [Adopted July 1, 1917.] 1. Inspection of lodging houses, boarding houses, taverns, inns, and hotels, as provided by these rules and regulations, applies at the present time, only to the city of Chicago. 2. There shall be appointed by the Director of Public Health one or more inspectors ,to whom commissions shall be issued and signed by the Director of Public Health, and bearing the seal of the Department of Public Health. The Superintendent of Lodging House Inspection and Inspectors shall be provided with appropriate metal badges of authority, numbered consecutively, beginning with number one, to be in the form of a star, with the words "Superintendent Illi- nois Department Public Health," and "Inspector Illinois Department Public Health" thereon. There shall also be appointed by the Director of Public Health a registrar, who, in addition to the duties which may hereafter be required of him. shall also keep the records and assist the Superintendent of Lodging House Inspection in the per- formance of his duties. In case of absence from the State or dis- ability of the Superintendent, the registrar shall act as Superintendent. The inspectors shall perform whatever duties may be required of them by the Superintendent of Lodging House Inspection. The Superintendent of Lodging House Inspection shall secure a proper room or rooms, for an office in the city of Chicago, from which the inspection of lodging houses, boarding houses, taverns, inns and hotels in that city, shall be conducted. 3. The Superintendent shall have general supervision and direc- tion of the inspection of lodging houses, boarding houses, taverns, inns and hotels. It shall be his duty to procure and constantly retain at his office a complete and accurate list or report of the lodging houses, boarding houses, taverns, inns and hotels, in the city of Chi- cago, together with the names of their landlords, proprietors, keepers, managers and clerks ; there shall also be secured by the Superin- tendent, and kept by him, a complete description of all such lodging houses, boarding houses, taverns, inns and hotels, showing the dimensions of the building, and of each room therein, and the number of persons for whom there are sleeping accommodations in each room. 4. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent and inspectors to thoroughly investigate all lodging houses, boarding houses, taverns, inns and hotels in the city of Chicago, at regular intervals, and ascer- tain whether the management of such lodging houses, boarding houses, taverns, inns and hotels, fully comply with the State laws and city ordinances relating to lodging houses, boarding houses, taverns, inns and hotels. It shall also be the duty of such inspectors to report to the Superintendent all insanitary conditions found in or about any lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel, providing such conditions are not immediately corrected by the management of such lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel. 5. The Superintendent, registrar and inspectors are authorized to visit any lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel in the city of Chicago in the performance of their duties at any time, day or night, and the person in charge of such lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel, when questioned, shall give full and cor- rect information to the Superintendent, registrar or inspector con- cerning compliance by the management of such lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel with the laws of the State relat- ing to lodging houses,, boarding houses, taverns, inns and hotels, and the Superintendent, registrar or inspector, upon making demand of the person in charge, shall be permitted to enter any room in such lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of the law are being complied with therein or not. And if met with resistance or threats in the performance of such duties, the Superintendent, registrar or inspector shall call upon the police or sheriff for assistance, and the police or sheriff are hereby ordered to immediately comply with any such request of the Superintendent, registrar or inspector whenever made. 6. Whenever an inspector finds that the management of any lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel has violated the State law or the city ordinance relating to lodging houses, boarding houses, taverns, inns or hotels, he shall immediately report such violation of the law to the Superintendent, whose duty it shall be to cause the swearing out of a complaint, without delay, against the offender, before a coin^t of competent jurisdiction, and cause the same to be prosecuted with vigor. T. The inspectors shall cause copies of all sworn statements of lodging houses, boarding houses, taverns, inns and hotels, to be sub- mitted to the Superintendent immediately upon their being filed with the County Clerk, and if any sworn statement, in the opinion of the Superintendent, does not comply with the law and regulations of the Department of Public Health, or if any landlord, proprietor, keeper or manager of any lodging house, boarding house, tavern, inn or hotel fails to file such sworn statement within the time prescribed by law, or files a false sworn statement, such offender shall be immediately prosecuted in accordance with the law. Published by order of C. St. Clair Drake, M. D., Director of Public Health, William W. McCulloch, Superintendent of Lodging House Inspection. C?ftiV LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 759 268 1 • / A jz:^/^ iLf^fff^RY OF fONQ?^; SS 014 759" 268 7* I