* -%o' -V ♦ < CONFIDENTIAL For Official Use Only TEXTS OF THE RUSSIAN "PEACE" {WITH MAPS) WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 CONFIDENTIAL For Official Use Only TEXTS OF THE RUSSIAN "PEACE" (WITH MAPS) WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFHCE 1918 A ^ii^ ^V^- rs7 &t ^* mk a 192Q TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1. Russia — Central Powers: Armistice. Signed at Brest-Litovak, 15 De- cember, 1917 1 ■ German text from the Deutscher Reichsanzeiger, 18 December, 1917, with translation. 2. Russia — -Central Powers: Supplement to Armistice. Signed at Brest- Litovak, 15 December, 1917 9 " German text from the Deutscher Reichsanzeiger, 18 December, 1917, with translation. 3. Russia — Germany: Alleged Secret Convention concerning Poland. Signed at Brest-Litovsk^ 22 December, 1917 11- EngUsh translation taken from the (British) Daily Review of the Foreign Press, Neutral Press Supplement, 5 July, IQls. 4. Russia — Central Powers: Treaty of Peace. Signed at Brest-Litovek, 3 March, 1918 13 • German text from the Rcichs-Gesetzblatt, No. 77, 11 June, 1918, with translation. 5. Russia — Central Powers: Appendix I to the Treaty of Peace between Russia and the Central Powers. Signed at Brest-Litovsk, 3 March, 1918. 23' Map and description from Vorwarts, 5 March, 191S, with translation. 6. Russia — Germany: Appendix II to the Treaty of Peace between Russia and the Central Powers. Signed at Srest-Litovsk, 3 March, 1918 25 • • ' German text from the Reichs-GesetzhUtt, No. 77, 11 June, 1918, with translation. 7. Russia — Germany: Sub-appendix 1 to Appendix II of the Treaty of Peace between Russia and the Central Powers. Signed at Brest-Litovsk, 3 March, 1918 29 German text from the Reichs-Gesetzblatt, No. 77, 11 June, 1918, with translation. 8. Russia — Germany: Final Protocol to Sub-appendix 1 of Appendix II to the Treaty of Peace between Russia and the Central Powers. Signed at Brest-Litovsk, 3 March, 1918 41" German text from the Reichs-Gesetzblatt, No. 77, 11 June, 1918, with translation. 9. Russia — Germany: Sub-appendix 2 to Appendix II to the Treaty of Peace between Russia and the Central Powers. (Tariff A and Tariff B.) Signed at Brest-Litovsk, 3 March, 1918 57 German text from the Reichs-Gesetzblatt, No. 77, 11 Jime, 1918, with translation. 10. Russia — Germany: Legal-Political Treaty, Supplementary to the Treaty of Peace between Russia and the Central Powers. Signed at Brest- Litovsk, 3 March, 1918 115 ' German text from the Rcichs-Gesetzblatt, No. 77, 11 June, 1918, with translation. / 11. Russia — Germany: Notification regarding Germany's ratification of the Peace Treaty with Russia and of the Treaty Supplementary to the Peace Treaty, 7 June, 1918 139 ' German text from the Reichs-Gesetzblatt, No. 77, U June, 1918, with translation. 12. Russia — Austria-Hungary: Appendix III to the Treaty of Peace between Russia and the Central Powers. Signed at Brest-Litovsk, 3 March, 1918. 141 EngUsh text from State Department Weekly Reports, Central Powers, No. 40, 8 April, 1918. 13. Russia — Austria-Hungary: Legal-Political Treaty Supplementary to the Treaty of Peace between Russia and the Central Powers. Signed at Brest-Litovsk, 3 March, 1918 143 ' German text from the Fremden-Blalt. 16 March, 1918, and the Pester-Lloyd, 16 March, 1918, morning and evening edition, with translation. Ill IV TABLE OF CONTENTS. 14. Russia — Bulgaria: Appendix IV to the Treaty of Peace between Rus- sia and the Central Powers. Signed at Brest- Litovsk, 3 March, 1918. . . 159 English text as transmitted to the State Department by the American)consul at Moscow. 15. Russia — Bulgaria: Legal-Political Treaty Supplementary to the Treaty of Peace between Russia and the Central Powers. Signed at Brest-Litovsk, 3 March, 1918 161 English text as transmitted to the State Department by the American consul at Moscow. 16. Russia — Turkey: Appendix V to the Treaty of Peace between Russia and the Central Powers. Signed at Brest-Litovsk, 3 March, 1918 165 English text as transmitted to the State Department by the American consul at Moscow. 17. Russia — Turkey: Legal Political Treaty Supplementary to the Treaty of Peace between Russia and the Central Powers. Signed at Brest- Litovsk, 3 March, 1918 167 English text from the State Department Weekly Reports, Central Powers, No. 44, 6 May, 1988. 18. Russia— Central Powers: Protest of Russian Delegates against the Treaty of Peace of Brest-Litovsk, 3 March, 1918 173 Text issued by the Russian Goiernment Wireless on 9 March, 1918, as given in the (British) Daily Review of the Foreign Press, 12 March, 1918. 19. Russia — Central Powers: Protest of Great Britain, France, and Italy against the Treaty of Peace of Brest-Litovsk. Issued by the British Foreign Office, 18 March, 1918 177 Text as pubUshed in the London Times, 19 March, 1918. 20. Russia — Germany: Supplementary Treaty to the Treaty of Peace be- tween Russia and the Central Powers. Signed at Berlin, 27 August, 1918. 179 German text from the Deutscher Reichsanzeiger, 7 September, 1918, with translation. 21. Russia — Germany: Financial Agreement supplementing the Russo- German Supplementary Treaty to the Treaty of Peace between Russia and the Central Powers. Signed at Berlin, 27 August, 1918 191 German text from the Deutscher Reichsanzeiger, 7 September, 1918, with translation. 22. Russia— Germany: Civil Law Agreement supplementing the Russo- German Supplementary Treaty to the Treaty of Peace between Russia and the Central Powers. Signed at Berlin, 27 August, 1918 203 German text from the Deutscher Reichsanzeiger, 7 September, 1918, with translation. 23. Russia — Germany: Memorandum on Russo-German Boundary as estab- lished by the Treaty of Peace of Brest-Litovsk. By Mark Jefferson 221 24. Esthonia: Protest to the German Government by representatives of the Provisional Government of Esthonia, against the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Signed at Copenhagen, 3 July, 1918 223 Translation from a German text transmitted to the Department of State. 25. Memorandum: Status of the Russian Fleet. 14 September, 1918 227 1. RUSSIA— CENTRAL POWERS. ARMISTICE, CONCLUDED AT BREST-LITOVSK, 16 DECEMBER, 1917. [German text as published in the Deut- scher Reichsanzeiger, IS Dec, 1917.] I, • 3)er aSaffeiiftillftanb kginiit am 17. ©ejember 1917, 12 Ut)r ^DHttagS (4. ©esember 1917, 14, U()r ruff. 3ett) unb bauert h\Q 14. 3anuar 1918, 12 Ufir DJattagg (1. 3anuar 1918, 14 ll^r riiff. <3eit). 3)ie t)ertrag[d)Ue= feenbcft ^^.^artetcu [tub bered)tigt, ben SSaffenftiUftanb am 21. 3:agc mit 7 tagiger grift ju fitubigen; erfofgt bie§ nid)t, fo bauert ber S[6af[enfti{(ftaub automatifd) tueiter, bi^ eine bcr f^av^ tcien it)n mit 7 tagiger grift fiinbigt. II. S)er SBaffcnftidftanb erftredt fid) auf aUe ?anb= uub ?uftftrcitfrafte ber ge= imimten 9}?ad)te auf ber ?aubfront ^mifd)en bem ®d)lnarjeu 9)leer unb ber Oftfee. ^tuf ben ruffifd} = tlirfifd)en .^rieg^fdjaupittljeu in 2{fieu trttt ber 3SaffenftiIlftaub g(eid)jeitig ein. 5)ie 33ertragfd)(iefeenben oerpfUdjteu fid), iDiibreub be§ 3Baffenfti((ftanbe§ bic ^Injaf)! ber an beu gcnaunteu gronten unb auf ben 3nfefn bc§ 9}toonfunbe^ befiubtid)en Jruppcnlierbclnbe — and) t)infid)tlid) ibrer ©licberung unb il)reg dtatQ — ui(^t ,5U derftilrfen unb an btefen grouten feine Umgruppierungen 3ur 55orbereitung eiuer CffeufiDe bor= juncbmen. gerner t)erpf(id)ten fid) bie 58ertrag= fd)[ie^enbcn, bt£i jum 14. ^auuar 1918 (1. Sanuar 1918 ruff, .geit) Hon ber [Translation. The armistice begins on 17 December, 1917, at noon (4 De- cember, 1917, at fourteen o'clock, Russian time) and extends until 14 January, 1918, noon (1 Jan- uary, 1918, fourteen o'clock, Russian time). The contracting parties have the right on the twenty-first day of the armistice to give a seven days' notice of termination; such not being done, the armistice automatically re- mains in force until one of the contracting parties gives such seven days' notice. II. The armistice ap])lies to all land and air fighting forces of the said Powers on the land front between the Black wSea and the Baltic Sea. In the Russo-Turkish theaters of war in Asia the armis- tice goes into effect at the same time. The contracting parties obli- gate themselves, during the period of the armistice, neither to aug- ment the number of detachments of troops stationed on the said fronts and on the islands of Moon Sound — this applies also to their organization and status — nor to attempt any regroupings in prep- aration for an offensive. Further, the contracting parties obligate themselves not to under- take any transfere of troops until 14 January, 1918 (1 January, THE RUSSIAN PEACE.' ^vont 3n)ifd)en bem ©rfjUiar^en 90?eer unb ber Oftfee fcine operatioen Jrup* ^3cnt»er[cf)tebungen burd)ju[uf)ren, e« fei benn, bafe bie i^erfdiicbungen im 3tu^ Qcnblicf ber Unterjcid)ung bc^ 3Sa[fen= ftinftanb^OcrtrageS fd)on eingcleitet finb. (gnblid) Derpflid)ten [id) bie ^cx' tragfdjliefeenben, in hm ^cifen ber Oftfee bftlid) beS 15. l^angengrabeS Oft Don @reemx)id) unb in ben C>afen be^ ®d)n)Qrsen 9}?eereg luiifirenb ber ^auer bee! SSaffenftiWftanbcii feinc 3lruppen ^ufaninienju^ietien. III. ^M'6 ©emarfation^Iinicn an ber euro= paifd)en <5ront gelten bie bciberfeitigen t)orberfteu §inberniffc ber eigenen ©tcKungen. ®icfe !i?inien biirfen nur unter ben 53ebingungcn ber ^iff^i" I^^ iiberfdiritten iDerben. 3)ort, \X)0 feine gcfd)(offenen ®tel= lungen befteben, gilt bciberfeit^ aU ©emarfation^linic bie ©erabe jn^ifdien ben Dorberften befe^eu ^]3unften. 3^er ,3>fifd)cnraum jtuifdicn ben beiben ^inien gift al§ neutral. (5benfo finb fd)iffbare gliiffe, bie bie beiberfeitigen ©tcdungen trennen, neutral unb unbe= fal)rbar, ees fei bcnn, bafe e^ fid) urn Dereiubartc .^anbe{^fd)ifffabrt banbelt. 3n ben 3(bfd)nitten, )uo bie ©tedungen n)eit augcinanber liegcn, finb al^balb burd) bie SSaffenftiUftanbeifonimtffion (-Siffer VII) ®emarfation«Iinien feft= 3u(egen unb fenntlid) ju nmd)en. 3luf ben ruffifd)=turfifd)en £riegg= fdiauplatjen in 2(ften finb bie 3)emar= fation^Iinien folDie ber i^erfebr itber biefeUien (differ IV) nad) 93ereinbarung ber bciberfeitigen 6pod)ftfommanbie= renbcn ju bcftimmen. IV. 3ur (Sntundlung unb 33efeftigung ber freunbfd)aft(id)en ^ejiebungen ^tDifd)en ben 35b(fern ber tiertragfd)lief^enben "ii^ar^ tcien luirb ein organifiertcr 33erfebr ber Xruppen unter folgenben iBebingungen geftattet: 1918, Russian time), on the front between the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea, unless such transfers had already been begun at the moment of the signing of the armistice. Finally, the contracting parties obligate themselves not to assem- ble any troops in the harbors of the Baltic Sea east of 15° longi- tude east of Greenwich and in the harbors of the Black Sea during the period of the armistice. III. The advance entanglements of each party's position will be con- sidered as demarcation lines on the European front. These lines may be crossed only under the conditions noted in IV. In places where entrenched positions do not exist, the demar- cation lines for each side will be a straight line drawm tlirough the most advanced occupied positions. The space between the two lines will be considered neutral ground. Likewise, navigable rivers sepa- rating the opposing positions will be neutral and closed to naviga- tion, except in case of commer- cial shipping agreed upon. For sections in which the positions are widely separated it will de- volve upon the Armistice Com- mission (VII) to determine and establish the lines of demarcation. In the Russo-Turkish theaters of war in Asia, the lines of demar- cation, as well as intercourse through them(IV), are to be deter- mined by agreement of the divi- sion commanders of both sides IV. For the development and strengthening of the friendly relations between the peoples of the contracting parties, organized intercourse between the troops is permitted under the following con- ditions : ARMISTICE AGREEMENT. 1. ©er 3?erfetir tft criaubt fiir 'il3ar= lamentcire, fiir bic ^Jiitgltebcr ber S5>ttf== fenftidftanbgfommil'lionen (S'^\\cx VII) unb bcren i^ertreter. ©ie a(le miiffen baju 5hi^n)etfe tion intnbeften^ cinem £orpS=X?ommanbo bcjiu. .ftorp^fomitee befi^cn. 2. 3n iebein 5(bfd)nitt einer ruf[ifcf)en 3)tbi|"iou faun an etlna 2 bi§ 3 Stellen organtftertcr ^erfei)r ftattfiuben. ipiergu fiitb im Ginnerncbmen ber fid) gegenuberftc[)cnbeii JDiinfionen 53er' febr»^[tel(en in ber ncutralcii Som ^ir»i)'d)en ben 3)cniarfatton^Unien em= 3urid)ten uiib burdi lueifee ^^oggen ju bejcidinen. 3^er ^i^erfebr ift iiur bet Jage Oon ©onnenaufgang big ®onnen= untergang .^ulaffig. ?(n ben 33erfcbrg[telten bilrfen [id) glcidijeitig ^od)[teng 25 ^^Ingeborigc jeber 'i^artei oI)ne 25)af[en auffialten. Der 5lugtaufd) Hon 'D'iad)rid)ten unb 3eitungen ift geftattet. Cffene 53rie[e fonncn jnr 53efi)rberung iibergeben roerben, 2)er 9?erfauf unb ?(ugtau[cf) Don 3Baren beg taglid)cn ©ebrand)g an ben 55erfel)rg[te({en ift criaubt. 3. ©te Seerbigung ©efatlener in ber iteutralen Sonc ift eriaubt. 3)ie na= ^eren ^eftimmungcn finb jebcgmalburd) bie beiberfeitigen 3)itiifionen ober ^ot)e= ren ©ienftfteden ju bereinbaren. 4. lleber bie 9?ucffel)r entlaffener ^eeregangef)origer beg cinen ?anbeg, bie jenfcitg ber 2)emarfationglinie beg an= beren !^anbeg bebeiniatet finb, fann erft bei ben griebengoerbanblungen ent= fd)ieben iDerben. §ierju red)nen and) bie 5lnget)origen poInifd)er 2;ruppen= teilc. 5. %\k ^13erfonen, bie — entgegen ben Porftc!f)enbcn 33ercinbarungen 1 big 4 — bie 'Semarfationglinie ber ©egenpartei iiberfd)reiten, merben feftget)alten unb erft bei j^riebengfdjlufe ober .filinbigung beg 3Baffenfti(Iftanbeg juilidgegebcn. S)ie nertragfdjliefeenben ^^^arteien Per= pflic^ten fid), it)re Xruppen bnrd) ftrengen 53efel)I unb eingebenbe 53elef)= 1 . Intercourse is permitted par- lementaires and the members of the Armistice Commission (VII) and their representatives. All such must have passes signed by at least a corps commander or a corps committee. 2. In each section of a Rus- sian division organized inter- course may take place at two to three places. For this purpose, by agreement of the divisions opposed to each other, centers of intercourse are to be established in the neutral zone between the demarcation lines and are to be distinguished by white flags. Intercourse is permissible only by day from sunrise to sunset. At the centers of intercouree not more than twenty-five un- armed persons belonging to either side may be present at any one time. The exchange of news and newspapers is allowed. Open letters may be passed for dispatch. The sale and exchange of wares of everyday use is permitted at the centers of intercourse. 3. The interment of the dead in the neutral zone is permitted. The special details in each case are to be agreed upon by the divisional commanders on either side or their ranking officers. 4. The question of the return of dismissed soldiere of one coun- try whose domiciles be beyond the demarcation lines of the other country, can be decided only at the peace negotiations. This ap- plies also to the members of Polish detachments. 5. AU persons who — contrary to the agreements 1-4 preceding — cross the demarcation lines of the opposing party will be arrested and not released until the conclu- sion of peace or the denunciation of the armistice. The contracting parties obligate themselves to bring to the notice of their troops by strict orders and THE EUSSIAN PEACE.' rung auf (gint)a(ten bcr S3erfef)rgbebin= gungen unb bic f^oigcn Don Uefacrfdirei* tungen ftin^iaueifeii. V. gur ben ©eetrieg iDirb folgenbeg feftgclegt: 1. 3)er SSaffenftinftanb erftrecft fid) auf ba^ ganje ©diiDarjc SQIeer unb au[ bie 0[tfcc oftUd) ba§ 15. Scingengrabee* 0[t Don ®rccutr)id), unb jtnar nuf alle bort befinblid)en (2ec= unb l^nftftreit^ frcifte ber ttertragfd)(ic^enbcn "^^Jartcien. ^iix bie j^rage beS 3^i>af[cn[tin[tanbe^ im ilBeiften 3}teer unb in ben ru[fifd)cn .fluftcngentaffern beg norb(id]cn (SiS= meereS iuirb tion ber bentfd)cn unb ruffifd}en ©eefriegSlcitung in gcgenfci= tigeni (Sint)erncl)mcn cine befonbcre ^er= einbarung gctroffen luerben. ©egen- fcitige ?(ngriffe auf .^anbelg= unb ,rtricg^fd)iffe in ben genannten C^)e= luiiffern foKcn nad) 9jtogUd)fcit fd)on ietjt unterbleiben. 3n ienc bcfonbere 33ereinbarung foHenaud) ijBeftimniungen aufgenomnten merbcu, um nad) 2)2bg(id)feit ju t}er= I)inbern, bafj ©eeftreitfrcifte ber t)er= trag[rf}(ie|3cnben '!J3artcien fid) auf an= bcrcn 3JJeeren befilnipfcn. 2. 2(ngrif[c Don ®ee an«5 unb au€. bcr \?uft auf §afcn unb Aliiften bcr aubcrcn iicrtragfd)(ici3cnben 'i^artci mcr-- ben auf alten 9}^eercn bcibcrieit^ unter== blciben. 5{ud) ift ba§ 3(nlaufen ber nou ber einen 'i^rtei befcl|ten v'piifen unb 5tilften burd) bic ©ceftreitfrciftc bcr aubcrcn *!|3artei Dcrboten. 3. 2)a§ Ueberfliegen ber ipafcn unb itiiften bcr aubcrcn ticrtragfdilicfienben ^krtei folDic bcr 3)cniarfationi3(inien ift auf alien 9}Jeeren unterfagt. 4. 3!)ie !DemarfationgIinicu tier^ laufen: a) im ®d)tx)arsen 9!}?eer: t»on Olinfa — Seud)tturm (St. ©corgeinuinbung) — .ft'ap 3erog (Srape^unt), detailed explanation the neces- sity for the observance of the conditions of intercourse and the consequences of infraction thereof. With regard to naval warfare the following conditions are agreed upon : 1. The armistice extends to the whole of the Black Sea and to the Baltic Sea east of 15° longitude east of Greenwich, and to all the naval and air forces of the con- tracting parties within these re- gions. Regarding the question of the armistice in the White Sea and in the Russian coastal waters of the northern Arctic Ocean, a special agreement will be entered into by the German and Russian naval high commands after mutual con- sultation. Attacks of either party upon mercantile and war vessels in the above-named waters shallcease from now on as far as possible. In this special agreement shall be inchided provisions to prevent,, as far as possible, the naval forces of the contracting parties from engaging each other on other seas. 2. Attacks by sea and by air upon ports and coasts belonging to one of tile contracting parties will be discontinued by both sides on all seas . Similarly, naval forces belonging to one party are for- bidden to enter the harbors and approach the coasts occupied by the other party. 3. Flights over the ports and coasts of one of the contracting parties as well as over demarcation lines are forbidden upon all seas to the other party. 4. The demarcation lines run as follo^vs: a) in the Black Sea, from Olinka- Lighthouse (St. Georges mouth) to Cape Jeros (Trebi- zond). ARMISTICE AGREEMENT. b) 3n ber Oftfee: bon 9?0GefueI 3Be[t= fiifte — SBorm^ — ^og^faer — ©dengfa — .f)oegarne. !Die nn()ere ^^[tfetjung ber Sinie sn)tfrf)en SSorma unb 33oQ^facr \mvh ber SSaffcnftinftanbSfominiffiou ber Oftfce (S'l^^cv VII, 1) ilbertragen mit ber 9}?a6gabe, bnfe ben ruffifrfieu ©ee^ [trettfrnftcn bei alkn 2Better== unb (StS- t>er{)a(tni[fcu eine freie %al)vt nad) ber 31alanb^fee geiDcibrleiftet i[t. ®ie ruffi= [c^en ®ce[trettfrafte rtterben bie ^Demar- fattongdnien nici)t nad) ©tiben, bie ©eeftreitfrdfte ber 4 Derbiinbeten 9}ffid)te nid)t nad) 9lorben iiber[d)reiten. S)ie rnf[t[d)e 9?egterung iibernimmt bie ®cn)af)r bafiir, ha\] ©eeftreitfrtifte ber (Snteute, bie [id) bei $^eginn beg SKaffenftillftanbcg norb(id) ber !Demar= fationSlinien befinben ober fpiiter bort= I)in gelangen, fid) ebenfo tterbalten, h)ie bie ruf[i[d)en ©eeftreitfrafte. 5. ®cr ^anbel nub bie §anbcl§= fc0iffal)rt in ben in ^iff^i^ 1 5Ib[a^ 1 beseid)neten ©eegebieten [inb frei. S)ie ^^eftlegung after iBeftimmungen [iir ben §anbel [o)Die bie 33efanntgabe ber gefabrlofen 2Begc fiir bie C^anbelgfd)iftc iDirb ben 3SaffenftiU[tanbSfomnuffioneu beg ©d)n)arjen 5Dteereg unb ber 0[tfee (3i[fer VII, 1 unb 7) iibertragen. 6. 3)ie l)ertrag[d)[ie^euben ^arteien t»erp[(id)ten [id), wabrenb beg !JSa[[en= [tiH[tanbeg im ©d))r)arsen 3L)tcer unb in ber C)[t[ee feine ^Sorbereitungen ju 2lngri[[8operationen jur eee gegen= einanber t)orsunet)men. h) in the Baltic Sea, from Rogekuel on the West Coast to Worms to Bogskaer to Svenska to Hoegarne. The more detailed determina- tion of the line between Worms and Bogskaer is delegated to the Armistice Commission for the Baltic Sea (VII, 1,) subject to the stipulation that the Russian war- ships are granted free passage to the Aaland Islands in all states of the weather and ice conditions. The Russian naval forces may not pass the demarcation lines to the south, the naval forces of the four Allied Powers to the north. The Russian Government guar- antees that the naval forces of the Entente which at the beginning of the armistice are situated, or which later may arrive, north of the de- marcation lines will conduct them- selves as provided for the Russian naval forces. 5. Commerce and commercial shipping in the sea regions indi- cated under paragraph 1 is unre- strained . The establishment of all regulations for commerce as well as the publication of unrestricted lanes for merchant vessels are dele- gated to the Armistice Commis- sion for the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea (VII, 1 and 7). 6. The contracting parties en- gage, during the duration of the armistice on the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea, not to undertake preparations for naval offensive warfare on the high seas. VI. Uni Unrui)e unb 3i^i[d)en[ane an ber (5rout ju Dernieiben, biir[cu llebungen mit 3n[aiiteriett)irfung nid)t ual)cr alg 5 .kilometer, mit SIrtiflerielrsirfung nid)t nciber alS 15 .kilometer ()inter ben i^-ronten borgenommen lucrben. !Der Sanbminenfrieg tt)irb boIl[tanbig cinge[teftt. VI. To prevent disturbances and misunderstandings on the front, infantry firing practice nearer than five kilometers, artillery fir- ing practice nearer than fifteen kilometers, behind the fronts is prohibited. Mine warfare on land is to cease completely. 6 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. \?uft[treitfrnfte unb (^^effclballone mu[= fen fid) aufeert)alb eincr 10 .kilometer brciten ^uft.^one t)inter bcr clgerien Te-- ■marfation^Iinic fialten. 5Irbeitcn an ben ©teHungen {)inter ben Dorbcrften 5)ral)tf)inbcrniffen finb eriaubt, jebod) nid)t foldie, bie ber ^ov^ berettung Don 3Ingriffen bienen fonnen. VII. Wit 33eginn be^ 3Baffenftiaftanbe« treten bie nadiftelicnbcn ,3fi[feTifttn- ftanb^fommiffionen" (i^crtretcl• jebe^> an bem bctrcffcnbcn grontftiid bcteiligten ©tante-S) jufanimcn, benen nl(c miU= tarifd}cn ^-ragen filr bie ?tu^fil()rung bcr SBaffenftinftanbv5beftiniinungen in ben betreffenben 93eretd)en sn.^nful)ren finb: 1. 9?iga filr bie Cftfee, 2. T'Unabnrg filr bie Jvront t)on ber Oftfee bi^ ^ur X^i^na, 3. Sreft=§iton-)^f filr bie gront Hon ber T:i&na bid snni l^ripet, 4. 53erbitfdietr) filr bie ertrag iiber SSaffcnrube bom 5. ©c^ember (22. 9^ot)ember) 1917 unb alle bi^^ber [iir einjeinc ivrontftude ab9e[d}(of|"cnen 33ercinbarungcn iiber SSaffenruhe ober SSaffenftttlftanb incrben bird) biefen 2Ba[fen[tin[tanbgoertrag aufeer J?raft gefeljt. IX. T)k t)ertragfd)Uefeenben "ipartcien iDer= ben im unmittelbnren 3(n[d)htf! an bie Unterjeid)nuiig biefc§ !B}affenfti(([tanb^= t»ertragc^ in ^^neben^berbanblnngen etn= treten. X. 2Iuggef)enb won bem ©runbfn^e ber j^reibeit, Unnbbiingigfeit nnb territo= rialen UnDerfebrtbeit beg neutralen per= [ifd)en ^eicbeS [inb bie tiirtifcbe unb bie ru[fifd)e Oberfte §ceregleitung bereit, ibre jruppen nug 'il.^erfien juriicf^ugiebcn. ®ie toerben al^bnlb niit ber perftfd)en 9?egierung in 3_^erbinbung treten, nm bie (Sinjelbeiten ber ^laumung unb bie jur ©idierftellung jene^ ©runbfa^eS fonft noc^ er[orberIid)en 9)?af5nabmen ju regeln. XL 3ebe Dertragfcblicfeenbe ^avUi tr^alt eine Slu^fertigung biefcr 53ereinbarung in beutfcber unb ru[fifd)er ®prad)e, bie bon ben bedollmacbtigten 33ertretem unterjeidbnet ift. 33re[t=?iton)6f, ben 15. 3)ejember 1917. (2. JDejembcr 1917 ruffifc^en ©tit«). gej.: Unterfdbriften. VIII. The treaty concerning cessa- tion of hostilities of 5 December (22 November), 1917, and all agreements concluded up to this time on separate sectors of the front with regard to cessation of hostilities or an armistice are ren- dered nuU and void by this Armistice Treaty. IX. The contracting parties wiU enter into peace negotiations im- mediately after the signature of the present Armistice Treaty. X. Upon the basis of the principle of the freedom, independence, and territorial inviolability of the neutral Persian State, the Turk- ish and the Russian Supreme Commands are prepared to with- draw their troops from Persia. They will immediately enter into communication with the Persian Government, in order to regulate the details of the evacuation and the other necessary measures for the guaranteeing of the above- mentioned principle. XI. Each contracting party is to receive a copy of the agreement in the German and Russian lan- guages, signed by representatives with plenipotentiary powers. Brest-Litovsk, the 15th day of December, 1917. (The 2nd day of December 1917, Russian style). (Signatures follow.) 2. RUSSIA— CENTRAL POWERS. SUPPLEMENT TO ARMISTICE, CONCLUDED AT BREST-LITOVSK, 15 DECEMBER, 1917. [Gennan text as puhlisJiedin the Deutscher Reichsanzeiger, 18 Decem.ber, 1917.] Snv (grcicinjung unb jiiin lueiteren 9lu§bau beg ^fbfommenS iiber ben S5>af= fcnftilfftanb [tub bic ticrtrag[d)Iicf,enben *ij3arteien ubcreiugcfonniicn, fd)nef(fteng bie 9^e8cIung beg ^^liigtaufdieS Hon ,.Si^ dilgefongencii unb bienftuutauglidieu ^ricgggefaugeuen uuunttclbar burdi bie grout in Slngrlff p nebmen. .'pierbet fott bie grage ber §eimfd)affung bci im ?aufe beg .f?riegeg juriirfgcbalteneii graueu unb .^inber uuter 14 3at)ren in erfter l^inie bcrutf|"id)tigt tuerben. '^k tjertragfc'^Ile^euben "^l^arteicu mer^ ben fofort fiir tunlid)ftc 9>erbenevuug ber ?agc ber beiberfeitigeu .^rieggge= faugeueu ®orgc trageu. 3jieg foil eiue ber Dornef)m[teu 5(u[gaben ber beteiUg= ten 9?egieruugen feiu. Urn bie J^riebengberbaublungeu ^u fijrberu uub bie ber gilillifatiou burc^ ben ,ft'rieg gefd)Iagcucn 3Buubeu fo fd)uen mie moglid} ju beiteu, folleu Tlaf]- naf)uien gur ilfiieberl}er[tenung ber hil= tureden uub luirtfd)aftlid)eu ^ejiebun= gen ,5n)ifd)eu hen nertrag[d)lic^eubeu ^arteien getroffen nierben. S)ie[em S^ed fott uuter auberem bieuen: 2)ie iTBieberaufnabme beg 'ipoft- nnb 6panbelgi)erfef)rg, ber 93erfaub Hon 53u- djtvn uub .Bcitungcu uub bergleid)eu innerbalb ber burd) ben SBaffenftttfftaub gejogenen ©renjen. [Ti-anslation.] Supplementary to and in ex- tension of the armistice, the con- tracting parties have agreed to undertake as quickly as possible the regulation of the exchange of civilian prisoners and prisoners of war unfit for military service directly through the front. The repatriation of women and chil- dren under fourteen years of age detained by either side in the course of the war shall be first effected. The contracting parties will immediately arrange for the great- est possible amelioration of the condition of the prisoners of war on l)oth sides. This shall be one of the foremost tasks of the Gov- ernments engaged. In order to promote the peace negotiations and to heal as c{uickly as possible the wounds inflicted by the war upon civi- lization, measures will be taken for the restoration of the cul- tural and economic relations be- tween the contracting parties. To this end the following, among other things, shall contribute: The reestablishment of postal and commercial intercourse, the transmission of books and news- papers and the like within the limits drawn bv the armistice. 10 THE RUSSIAN ' ' PEACE. Snv 9?cgeIunQ ber (SinjeII)eiten mirb eine geniifc^te ,f ommlffion Don S3ertre= tern famtlid}er 53eteUigten bemnac()[t in "iPetergburg ^ufammentreffen. ^reft-Sitom^f, ben 15. December 1917. ©runbfci^Urf) gene^migt unb unter 55orbel)aIt ber enbgiiltigen gormutie= rung untergeic^net: gej.: Unterfd^riften. For the settlement of the de- tails a mixed commission of rep- resentatives of all the parties en- gaged shall shortly meet in Petro- grad. Brest-Litovsk, 15 December,. 1917. Accepted in principle and signed under reserve of final formulation. (Signatures folloM^ 3. RUSSIA— GERMANY. ALLEGED SECRET CONVENTION CONCERNING POLAND. CON- CLUDED AT BREST-LITOVSK, 22 DECEMBER, 1917.* English translation of the text published in the Glos Naroda (Cracow) of 18 June, 191S, taken from the (British) Daily Review of the Foreign Press, Neutral Press Supple- ment, 5 July, 1918.] Report of the sitting of Dec. 22, 1917, at General Headquarters, with the participation of the following persons: — (1) Representatives of the Russian Government — MM. Krylenko, Volodarsky, Zalkind, Uritsky, Raskolnikov, Fayerabend, Antonov, Derzhinsky, Kudraiev, Skrypkin; (2) Representatives of the German Command — ^MM. G. von Taubner, Erich von Schunemann, Rausch. The plenipotentiaries present have concluded the following agree- ment: — I. — Polish policy is to be conducted by the German Government. II. — The Russian Government does not in any way interfere in questions regarding the organisation of Poland, in consequence of which it has not the right to protest or to demand explanations — (1) Either in the question of the separation of the metal and coal district of Dombrova and its annexation to German terri- tory; (2) Or in the (question of the limitation of the rights of per- sons of Polish origin so far as concerns the petroleum industry in Galicia; . (3) Or in the question of the separation and the government of the province of Chelm; (4) Or in the question of the customs policy of Germany, of Austria-Hungary, of Lithuania, of Courland, of Esthonia, of Livonia, in relation to Poland; (5) Or in the question of the economic policy of Germany and of Austria-Hungary in the province of Posen, in Galicia, as well as the provinces that have just been detached from Russia. HI. — ^The Council of Commissioners of the People has the right to remain in touch with the democratic, revolutionary centres existing in Poland, in order to propagate revolutionary ideas by sending into lA summary of this alleged treaty, corresponding in outline to the text here given, was published in the Gazette de Lausanne of 12 May, 1918. The existence of the convention has been denied by the Soviet Government of Russia ( New York Times, 2 July, 1918) and by the Austnan Government and the German Minister at Berne, ( Christian Science Monitor, 3 August, 1918). The (British) Daily Review of the Foreign Press, Neutral Press Supplement, 12 July, 1918, refers to an announcement in Novaya Zkizn, 4 May, 1918, of the discovery by the Special Committee for Fighting the Coimter-Revolution of a secret organization led by two brothers, Lyntoslavsky, for the fabrication of forged documents, such as this con- Tention concerning Poland. It also refers to an allegation by the Russische J^achrichten (Berne) of an alibi for seven of the Russians alleged to have signed the convention, and to the same paper's denial of the existence of the two others. Anti-Bolshevik papers in Russia which printed the treaty were suppressed for publishing false statements. 86409—18 2 11 12 THE RUSSIAN " PEACE. " Poland agitators inscribed in the lists of the German information bureaux at Petrograd and also at Warsaw. IV. — The dispatch of agitators to Germany and Austria-Hungary will be interrupted by the Council of Commissioners of the People. V. — -The Council of Commissioners of the People is to exercise surveillance over the groups of Polish Chauvinists, in order to pre- vent them raising volunteers for a territorial army in Russia. VI. — Russia considers the crossing of the frontiers of Lithuania and the Ukraine by Polish troops a declaration of war by Poland on the German and Austro-Hungarian Empires, and Russia will give every assistance to the Germans arid to the Austro-Hungarians to destroy these armies. VII. — The Council of Commissioners of the People, through its representatives at the future Peace Congress, will protest against the formation of a Polish army and Ministry of War in the name of Socialism and the abolition of war. VIII. — The Council of Commissioners of the People, with the help of its financial agents, is to see that Russian citizens do not place their capital, and also do not place French, English, or American capital, in industrial, urban, mining or maritime enterprises in Poland. IX. — If the German Government and the Austro-Hungarian Government consider it necessary to change completely their po- litical relations in regard to Poland, the Government of the Com- missioners of the People undertakes to recognise the new course of things and to defend it against the obstacles which might be opposed to it by the former Allies of Russia. The protocol has been signed by the persons mentioned above and three copies have been made, which have been compared with the original, and found in conformity to it, Jan. 15, 1918. No. 82/924, No. 129. ] Head of the German Information Bureau. (Signed) A. Hafer, Adjutant. M. Kreisler. 4. RUSSIA— CENTRAL POWERS. THE PEACE OF BREST-LITOVSK— THE TKEATY OF PEACE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND GERMANY, AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, BULGARIA AND TURKEY. SIGNED AT BREST-LITOVSK, 3 MARCH, 1918.^ [German text as published in the Reichs- Gesetzblatt, No. 77, 11 June, 1918.] T)a Xieutfcftlanb, Ofterreic^^Ungarn, 53iilgarien unb bic jiirfci cinerfcit^ unb ^lufelaub anbererfeitei iibcreinge^^ fonnnen [tub, bcii .fifieg^^ul'tanb ju be^ enbcn unb bie 5riebeneit)ert)anbtungen moglicf)ft rafd) :,um 3ic(e ju fiitircn, rt)urben ju 53eiioI(mad)tigten emaunt: won ber .^aifcrlic^ X)eutfc^en 9ie= gierung: ber ®taat^i'efretar be^ 5Iu^marti=^ gen ^(mte'g, .f a{ferUd)er S©irf= Ud)er @eficimer 3fat, .^err ^id)arb Don ,^ub(mQnn, ber Ji'atlerlidie @ei"anbte unb be= doIImad)tigte 3}?inifter, .^err T)V. don ^lofenberg, ber ^oniglid) i^reufeifd)e @eneral== major .^ooffmann, (Sf)cf beg ©enera (ftabeo beg Cberbe[et)Ig= fiaberg Oft, ber ^lapitcin jur See §orn, don ber f. u. f. gemeinfamen o[ter= retd)i[d)ningarifd)en ))iegierung : ber SO^inifter beg ^aif. unb ton. §aufeg unb beg flufeem, ©ciner f. u. f. JlpoftoUfdien SDMieftat ®e{)enner ^iJat, Cttotar &va\ (Esemin don unb ju S^ubeni^, [Translation.] Germany, Austria - Hungary, Bulgaria, and Tui-key for the one part, and Russia for the other part, being in accord to terminate the state of war, and to enter into peace negotiations as speedily as possible, have appointed as plenipotentiaries: On the part of the Imperial German Government: The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, the Actual Imperial Privy Coun- cillor, Herr Richard von Kiihlmann ; The Imperial Envoy and Minister Plenipotentiary, Dr. von Rosenberg; Royal Prussian Major Gen- eral Hoffman, Chief of the General Staff of the Com- \ mander-in-Chief of the East; Naval Captain Horn; On the part of the Imperial and Ro^'al Joint Austro-Hun- garian Government: The Minister of the Im- perial and Royal House and for Foreign Affairs, the Priv}'' Councillor of His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty, Otto- kar Count Czernin von und zu Chudenitz: 1 Ratifications exchanged between Russia and Germany 29 March, at Berlin (Neue Freie Presse, & July, morning edition; cf. infra, p. 139); between Austria-Hungary and Russia, 4 July, at Berlin (Neue Freie Presse, 6 July, morning edition); between Turkey and Russia, 12 July, at Berlin ( Neue Freie Presse, 13 July, evening edition); between Bulgaria and Russia, 9 Juiy, at Berlin (Daily Review of the Foreign Press (British), 13 July, 1918, p. 602). 13 14 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. bcr aufeerorbcntlidic nub bcUoK^ niad)ti9tc ^ot[d)after, ©elner t u. t ?Ipo[toUfrf]cn 50hie[tQt ©e^eimer 9xat, .^crr .^ajctan ber ©cneral ber 3iifawtcrie, ®emer f. u. f. ^tpoftolii'rficn 9;)?aieftat ©elieimer ^^at, -^err Tlaic'i- milian G[icfcric§ lion 33ac[am}, Don ber .tijniglid) S^ulgartfd}en 9?e= giernng : bcr Monigtidic Slnfeerorbentlidic ©efanbte unb bei3oIImnd)tigte 9}tint[ter in 233icn, SInbrea 2ofd)eff, ber Oberft im (^)eneral[tnbe, .So- niglid) ^ulgarifdier S/tilitarbe- DoHmaditigtcr bei ©einer 9Jia= jeftftt bem 5^eut[d)en .^aifer nnb iviiigelabjutant ©etner 'Sflait' ftfit beC^ .5lbnigS ber 53ulgaren, teeter ©antfdicrt), ber iloniglid) 53ulgarifd^e (Srfte ^egation^fefrctiir !Dr. 2^()eobor 5tna[ta[fof[, Don ber .f atfcrlid^ 0§manifd)cn 9ie= giening: ®eine v^obcit ^brabim .^atVi ^]?afd)a, ebemnliger (^^roRiDefir, SOiitglieb bc^3 Cttomnntfdien Senate, bedonmciditigter 53ot= fdiafter ©eincr 9.)Jajc[tnt beci ®uitan6 in S3erlin, Seine (Sygelteng, ©eneral ber ^a= Dallerie, ©eneralabiutant ©ei- ner 9}tajcftat beS ©ultan^ unb 9JH(itarbciioI(mad}tigter ©einer DJtajeftat be^ ©ultnng bei ®ei= ner 9JJnj.c[tat bem 3)ent[c^en ,^aifer, ^efi ^a\(i)a, Don ber 9iuffi[d)en {^oi^eratiDen 3o)d= |et^=9iepublif: ©rigorii 3afo\Dlen}itfd) ®ofot= nifolD, 9JHtgIieb be3 i^entral* ejcfutiDaugfd)uffe^ ber ^ittte ber 3lrbetter-, ®oIbnten= unb 5^au^ ernbeputierten, The Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of His Imperial and Roval Apos- tolic Majesty, tKe Privy Councillor, Kajetan Merey von Kapos-Mere; General of Infantry, His Im- perial and Royal Apos- tolic Majesty's Privy Councillor, Maximilian Csicserics von P>acsany ; On tlie part of the Royal Bul- gtirian Government: The Royal Envoy Extraor- dinary and Minister Pleni- potentiary in Vienna, Andrea Tosheff ; Colonel Peter Gantschew of the General Stafl', Royal Bulgarian Military Envoy Plenipotentiary to His Majesty the German Em- peror and Aide-de-Camp of His Majesty the King of the Bulgarians; The Royal Bulgarian First Legation Secretary, Dr. Theodore Anastassof ; On the part of the Im])erial Ottoman Government: His Highness Tbraham Hak- ki Pasha, former Grand- Vizier, Member of the Ot- toman Senate, Envoy Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the Sultan to Berlin; His Excellency, Zeki Pasha, General of Cavalry, Adju- tant General of His Maj- esty the Sultan, and Mili- tary Envoy Plenipoten- tiary to His Majesty the German Emperor; On the part of the Russian Federal Soviet-Republic : Grigory lakovlevich, Sokol- nikow Member of the Cen- tral Executive Committee of Councillors to the Depu- ties of the Workingmen, Soldiers, and Peasants; THE PEACE OP BBEST-LITOVSK. 15 2q\v Wui)ai\o\mt\d} ^avadjan, ?Jiitglicb be^ 3ei^tralcyefutiti' ail's fd)u[[e8 bcr ^)?ntc ber ?{r= belter ==, @olbaten= inib 53aiieni== beputierten, (^corQii ®affiUeluitfcf) Jfdjtt^c^e^ rill, @cl)ilfe be^s 35oIf^fommi[- farg [iir au^loartige Stngelegen* iieiten, (^rigorij 3tuanolt>itfrf) l^etrolD^fil, 33olf^^fomnuffar fiir inncrc 5ln= getegen^eitcn. !5)ie ^eDolIinac^ttgteii fiiib in i8re[t= ?itotr)§f ju ben 5ne^ert^t'ei'f)«i^'5lungeii Sufamnieiigetreten iinb fiabcn \id) iiac^ S3orIegiiiig itirer in guter iinb gel)origer i^orm befunbenen 33oI(mad)ten iiber folgenbe 33e[tiniinungen geeinigt. SIrtifel I. ®ent[cf)Ianb, Cefterreirf) = Ungarn, Sulgarien unb bie 3!;urfei einerfeit^ nub 9?ufelanb anbererfeitS erftciren, bafe ber ^riegf>ju[tanb jftiifrfien i^ncn beenbet i[t. ©ic [inb entfd^(of[en, fortan in grieben unb tyreunbfcl)Qft niiteinanber ju leben. ^^Irtifel II. ®ie ncrtragfdiUe^enben 3!;ei(e iuerben jebe '?(gitation obcr ^]3ropaganba gegen bie 9iegierung ober bie @taat^= unb ^eere^einric^tungcn be^ anberen Jei(e8 unterlaffen. ®ic 93erpflid)tuug gilt, [otreit fie 9?ufe(anb obliegt, and) fiir bie Don ben 9}?ad)ten beS iBierbunbeg be[e^= ten ©ebiete. 5IrtiW III. ©ie ®ebiete, bie Ujeftlicf) ber jtoifc^en ben ftertragfdiliefeenben Xeilen herein* barten Sinie liegen unb ju 9?ufelanb ge» 'i)oxt f)aben,it)erbenber ruffifc^en®taat6= Low Michailovich Karachan, Member of the Central Executive Committee of Councillors to the Depu- ties of the Workinginen, Soldiers, and Peasants; Georgy Vassilievich Tchi- tcherin, Assistant to the People's Commissioner for Foreign Affairs: Grigory Tvanovich Petrov- sk}^, People's Commis- sioner for internal Affairs. The Plenipotentiaries met in Brest-Litovsk to enter into peace negotiations, and after presenta- tion of their credentials, and find- ing them in good and proper form, have agreed upon the following stipulations : Article I. German}', Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey, for the one part, and Russia, for the other part, declare that the state of war between them has ceased. They are resolved to live hence- forth in peace and amity with one another. Article II. The contracting parties will refrain from any agitation or propaganda against the Govern- ment or the public and military institutions of the other party. In so far as this obligation devolves upon Russia, it holds good also for the territories occu- pied by the Powers of the Quad- rtiple Alliance. Article III. The territories lying to the west of the line agreed upon by the contracting parties which for- merly belonged to Russia, will no longer be subject to Russian sov- 16 THE RUSSIAN PEACE.' !()o()cit nicfit meiir uiitcrftcben ; bie Derem= borte SlHtuc ergibt fid) au^ ber ble[em ^•ricbcnstiertrag al^ iDefcut(id)er 33e= ftanbteil beiQcfilgtcii .tarte (5ln{nge 1). X>ie gcnaue geftlegung bcr ^LHnie mirb biird) cine beutfd)sruffifd)e .fiommiffion crfotgcn. !Dcii in 9^ebe [tel)enbcn ©ebieten iner^ ben au^ ber cbemaligcn 3uget)origfeit gn ^lufjlanb feinerlei l^erpfliditungen gegcniiber 9iufe(anb crnmd)fen. ^Jufelanb nerjiditet auf febe Sin- nii[d)nng in bie inncren 5>erf)altni[fe biefer ®ebiete. 2)eut[d)Ianb unb Oefter^ reid)41ngarn bcabfidUigen, bo^ fiinftige ®d)icffal biefer ©ebiete im iBenebmen mit beren 33eiioIfernng ju beftimmen. 5(rtifel IV. 3)cutfd)Ianb ift bercit, fobalb ber alU gemeine griebe gefdiloffen nnb bie rnf== fifd)e 3)eniobihnQd)nng DoHfomnien burd)ge[u{)rt ift, ba« ©ebiet oftUd) ber tnt ?(rtifel III ^(bfnlj 1 bejeid)neten ?inie ju raumen, fortteit nidit ?lrtife( VI anberS beftimmt. 9?u&Ianb iDirb a({e«3 in feinen .Srciften ©tcbcnbe tun, uni bie al^balbige dlan^ mung ber oftanatoIifd)cn "^l^robingen unb it)re orbuunggmnfeige OJtidgabe an bie 3:iirfei fid)erjuftelkn. ©ie 53e5irfe Srbcban, ^'ar^ unb 33atunt n^erben gkid)fn[(^ ot)ne S3ersug Don ben ruffifd)en Xruppen gertiumt. Qiufilanb n}irb fid) in bie 9^euorbnung ber ftaat§red)tlid)cn unb Dbtferred)^ tUd)en 33ert)altniffe biefer 53esirfe nic^t einniifdien, fonbern iiberlafet eg ber 53ebi3tferung biefer ^^egirfe, bie 9^eu= orbnung im GinDernebnien mit ben 9iad)barftaaten, namcntlid) ber 3^iirfei, bnrd)sufUt)ren. 5IrtifeI V. 9?ufelnnb tDirb bie noHige ©emobil* mad)ung feine^ v?inen freiguf)alten. Furthermore, Russia will either bring her warships into Russian ports and there detain them until the day of the conclusion of a general peace, or disarm them forthwith. Warships of the States which continue in the state of war with the Powers of the Quadruple Alliance, in so far as they are within Russian sov- ereignty, will be treated as Rus- sian w^arships. The barred zone in the Arctic Ocean continues as such until the conclusion of a general peace. In the Baltic sea, and, as far as Russian power extends within the Black sea, removal of the mines will be proceeded with at once. Merchant navigation within these maritime regions is free and will be resumed at once. Mixed com- missions will be organized to formulate the more detailed regu- lations, especially to inform mer- chant ships with regard to re- stricted lanes. The navigation lanes are always to be kept free from floating mines. 2lrtifel VI. Sfiufelanb Derpfliditet fic^, fofort %xk= ben mit ber Ufrainifd)en 33oIfgrepubttf 3U fd}lie^en unb ben ^yrieben^Dcrtrag 3n)ifd)en biefem ©taate unb ben 9)fad)ten beg 3>ierbunbeg anjuerfennen. 3)ag ufrainifd)e ©ebiet tuirb untterjiiglid) toon ben ruffifd)en 3lruppen unb ber ruffifd)en 9ioten @arbc geriiumt. ^u^= lanb ftellt jebe 21gitation ober 'i^ropa^ ganba gegen bie Oicgierung ober bie offentiid)en (ginrid)tungcn ber llfraini^ fd)en 3SolfgrepubUf ein. (Sftlanb unb I'iDlanb iuerben gleidi= fattg o\)m 33erjug tion ben rufftfdien 2:ruppen unb ber ruffifd)cn 9xoten"6ku-be geriiumt. X^ie Oftgrenjc Don (Sft(anb Iciuft im attgemeinen bem 'i)krlDa= fyluffe cntfang. S)ie Oftgren^c Don SiDlanb oerliiuft im allgemeinen burd) ben ^13eiDug=(2ee unb "i^fforDfcOen @ee big Article VI. Russia obligates herself to conclude peace at once with the Ukrainian People's Republic and to recognize the treaty of peace between that State and the Powers of the Quadruple Alli- ance. The Ukrainian territory will, without delay, be cleared of Russian troops and the Russian Red Guard. Russia is to put an end to all agitation or propaganda against the Government or the public institutions of the Ukrainian People's Republic. Esthonia and Livonia will like- wise, without delay, be cleared of Russian troops and the Russian Red Guard. The eastern bound- ary of Esthonia rims, in o;eneral, along the river Narwa. The east- ern boundary of Livonia crosses, in general, lakes Peipus and Pskow, 18 THE RUSSIAN PEACE.' gu beffeu ©iibliieftecfc, baiin iifaer ben ^ubaufdicn ecc in 9iid]tunfl ^'iticntjof nn bcr Sium. (iftlanb unb Vtnlanb merbcii Hon einer bciit[d)en ^].^D(i5eimad)t befeljt, bi^ bort bic ®id)crl)ett burd) eigcue ^'anbc^cmrid)tiniQcn gctiHiljrfeiftet unb bie ftantddie Orbmnig bergcfteHt ift. 9iufe(anb wixh nllc nernaftctcu ober t)er= fd}Icppten i8clt)ol)ner (5[t(niib^3 inib Sit»= Innb^ fofort freilnffcn unb Qctnabrleiftet bic fidicrc ^liicffcnbung alter iicrfd)Icpp= ten t^ftlanber unb ^inlfinbcr. 2lud) g'inlaub unb bic i^alnnbinfelu mcrben al«5balb Hon ben ruffifd)cn 3;:rup= pen unb bcr rnf[ifd)cn 9iotcn ®arbe, bie fini[d]cn 6pafen Pon bcr ruf[ifd)cn gtottc unb ben ruffifdicn ©eeftrcitfraften ge^^ rciunit. ©olangc ba^ (Si^ bic Ueber= fiit)ruug bcr ,tricgeifd)i|7c in ruffifd)c .^cifcn au§fd)Iicfet, inerben nuf ben ^'rieg^fd)if[en nur fdiinadie .^'onimnnbo^ juriicfbleiben. ^luf^tanb ftedt jebe 3(gi'' tation ober l^ropaganba gcgcn bie 9ie- gicrung ober bic offcntlid)en (Sinrid)^ tungen ginlanbs ein. ®ic auf ben 2lalanbtnfeln angelegtcn 53efcftignngen [inb fobalb a\Q nibglid) ju cntfernen. Uebcr bic bauernbe 9tid)t= befeftigung biefcr Sufeln foUne liber ii)rc fonftigc ^ebanbhtng in miiitarifdier unb |"dnifnf)rtcited]ni[d)er .S^infidit ift ein be= fonberc^ ?lbfoniinen 5n.n[d)en !3^eutfd)== lanb, (^-inlanb, 5)iu[5lnnb unb (Sdilneben ju treffen; eg be[tcbt (SinPcr[lanbni6 bariiber, bafe f)ier,^u auf $Bunfd) S^cutfd)- lanbg audi anberc ?(ulicgcrftaatcn bcr Cftfee l)in,^ujiel)cn fcin nnirben. Slrtifel VII. 5I^on bcr Jatfad)e au^gcfienb, ha^ ^^erfien unb 3lfgf)aniftan frcic unb unab= bcingige (irstaaten finb, Perpfliditen fid) bie Pcrtragfd)Iiefeenben Jcile, bic poU= tifdic unb linrtfdiaftlidK Unabbangigfeit unb bie tcrritoriale Unncrfcl)rtbeit biefer ©taaten jn ad)ten. to the southwestern corner of the latter, then across Lake Luban in the direction of Livenhof on the Dvina. Esthonia and Livo- nia will be occupied by a German police force until security is in- sured by proper national institu- tions and until public order has been established. Russia will lib- erate at once all arrested or de- ported inhabitants of Esthonia and Livonia, and insures the safe return of all deported Ethonians and Livonians. Fmland and the Aaland Islands will immediately be cleared of Russian troops and the Russian Red Guard, and the Finnish ports of the Russian fleet and of the Russian naval forces. So long as the ice prevents the transfer of warships into Russian ports, only limited forces will remain on board the warships. Russia is to put an end to all agitation or pro- paganda against the Government or the public institutions of Fin- land. The fortresses built on the Aaland Islands are to be removed as soon as possible. As regards the permanent non-fortification of these islands as well as their fur- ther treatment in respect to military and technical navigation matters, a special agreement is to be concluded between Germany, Finland, Russia, and Sweden; there exists an understanding to the efi^ect that, upon Germany's desire, still other countries border- ing upon the Baltic Sea would be consulted in this matter. Article VII. In view of the fact that Persia and Afghanistan are free and in- dependent States, the contracting parties obligate themselves to respect the political and economic independence and the temtorial integrity of these States. THE PEACE OF BREST-LITOVSK. 19 ?h-tifcl VIII. 'i^ie bcibcrfeiticicu .^hicg^gcfauQenen werben in tbrc -'aeiinnt entiaffcn. 3)ie 9^iege(uug bcr l)icrmit 5ufammcni)an' genbcn S^'Ofleii crfolgt burd) bic im 9lr= tifel XII Dor9Gicl)enen (Sinseloertrcige. Irtifcl IX. ®ie t>crtrag[d)Iicfeenben Sleile Dcqid)-^ ten gcgcnfcittg cdi^ ben Grfnlj i[)rcr ^rieg^foftcn, b. I), ber [taatlidicn ?(nf= iDenbungcn fiir bic .f ricgfu{)ning, foloie auf ben (Srfalj ber .fftieg^idiaben, b. f). berjenigen Sdiaben, bic il^nen unb if)rcn 3Ingef)origcn in ben .ft'rieg^gebieten burd) militdrifd)c 5Q?af3naf)mcn mit (Sinfdilu^ allcr in iyeinbc^Ianb norgcnonimenen ^Jequifitioncn entftanben finb. Slrtifel X. S)ie biplomatifdien unb fonfularifdjen ^ejie{)ungen jn}ifd)en ben t>ertrag[d)Iie- feenben 2;eilen inerbcn fofort nadf) ber SfJatififation be^ griebcn^nertrage^ n)ie= ber anfgenommen. 3Begcn ^iilaffung ber beiberfeitigen .f^onfuln bleiben be= fonbere ^ereinbarungen borbef)aIten. 2IrtifeI XI. i^iir bic mirtfdiaftlidien i8e3icl)ungen gmifdien b^n dMdjtm beg ^Uerbunbeg unb 9iu^Ianb [inb bie in ben ?(nlagen 2 big 5 entf)altenen iBeftimmungen ma^= gebenb, unb iwax 5{nlage 2 [iir bie beutfdi-ruffifdien, Hnlage 3 [iir bie i)[tcr= retc|ifd)=ungarif{i=ruf[ifd)en, ?(nlage 4 flir bie bulgari[d)=ru[[i[d)en, 5(nlage 5 fiir bie turfi[d)=ru[[ifd^en Sejiet)ungen. Strttfel XII. S)te ^erftetlung ber offentlic^en unb prtDateu ^led^tgbegiefiungcn, ber 3lug= taufd) ber .^riegggefangenen unb ber 3tt)iUnternierten, bie Stmneftiefrage fo= Article VIII. Tile prisoners of war of both parties Avill be released to return to their homeland. The settle- ment of the questions connected therewith will be effected through the special treaties provided for in Article XII. Article IX. The contracting parties mu- tually renounce compensation for their war expenses, i. e., of the public expenditures for the con- duct of the war, as well as com- pensation for war losses, i. e., such losses as were caused them and their nationals within the war zones by military measures, in- clusive of all requisitions effected in enemy country. Article X. Diplomatic and consular rela- tions between the contracting parties wiU be resumed immedi- ately upon the ratification of the treaty of peace. As regards the reciprocal admission of consuls, separate agreements are reserved. Article XI. As regards the economic rela- tions between the Powers of the Quadruple Alliance and Russia the regulations contained in Ap- pendices II-V are determinative, namely Appendix II for the Rus- so-German, Appendix III for the Russo^ — Austro - Hungarian, Appendix IV for the Russo-Bul- garian, and Appendix V for the Russo-Turkish relations. Article XII. The reestablishment of public and private legal relations, the exchange of war prisoners and interned civilians, the question 20 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. iDie bie %vag,t ber 53ef)nnblung ber in bic ©etDttlt be§ ©egncr^ geratenen 6panbelei== fd)iffe iDcrben in Ginjeltiertrcigen mit 3?ufelanb gcrcgclt, lr»eld)e einen ioefent^ Iid)en Seftanbteil be^ gegenn)artigen grieben^tiertrage^ bitben unb, [omeit tunlic^, gleid)seitig mit bie[em in ^'raft treten. l>trtifel XIII. 33ei ber Slu^Iegung biefes^ 53ertrage^ [inb fiir bie ^ejieliungen jmifdien 2)eutfd)Ianb unb 9^ufelanb ber beut[d)e unb ber ruf|"i[d)e Xeyt, [iir bie iBe^ie^ f)ungen jtoifdien 0[terreid)4lngarn unb 9?u{5lanb ber beutfd)e, ber ungarifdie unb ber ru[fi[d)e STeyt, [iir bie 53ejiet)ungen jluifdjen ^ulgarien unb Ohifelanb ber buIgQri[d)e unb ber ruffi[d)e Jejt, unb fiir bie 53esiel)ungen jiuifdieu ber Xlirfei unb 9?ufelanb ber turfi[d)e unb ber ruffi[d)e 3reyt ma^gebenb. 3lrtifel XIV. !Der gegenntartige g'^^cben^nertrag rnirb ratifigiert lucrben. 3)ie Diatififa- tion^urfunben follen tunUd)[t balb in 53erlin auggetau[d)t luerben. S)ie 9iuf= [ifd)e Skgierung oerpfliditet fid), ben 3(u^taufdi ber 9iatififation^urfunben Quf JSunfd) einer ber ^Dicidite be^ S3ier= bunbe^ innerl;)alb Don jiuei 3isod)en iior= gunel)men. ®er g-rieben^Dertrag tritt, foJoeit nic^t feine 2trtife(, [eine 3ln= lagen ober bie ^ufatjuertrcige anber6 beftimmen, mil feiner Siatififation in troft. 3u Urfunb beffen f)aben bie 33et)oH= mad)tigten biefen iBertrag eigent)anbig unterjeic^net. of amnesty as well as the ques- tion anent the treatment of mer- chant ships which have come into the power of the opponent, will be regulated in separate treaties with Russia which form an essential part of the general treaty of peace, and, as far as possible, go into force simulta- neously with the latter. Article XIII, In the interpretation of this treaty, the German and Russian texts are authoritative for the relations between Germany and Russia; the German, the Hun- garian, and Russian texts for the relations between Austria-Hun- gary and Russia; the Bulgarian and Russian texts for the rela- tions between Bulgaria and Rus- sia ; and the Turkish and Russian texts for the relations between Turkey and Russia. Article XIY. The present treaty of peace wiU be ratified. The documents of ratification shaU, as soon as pos- sible, be exchanged in Berlin. ' The Russian Government obli- gates itself, upon the desire of one of the Powers of the Quadruple Alliance, to execute the exchange of the documents of ratification, within a period of two weeks. Unless otherwise provided for in its articles, in its annexes, or in the additional treaties, the treaty of peace enters into force at the moment of its ratification. In testimony whereof the Pleni- potentiaries have signed this treaty with their own hand. THE PEACE OF BREST-LITOVSK. 21 5lu«gefert{gt in fiinffac^er Urfrfjrift in «re[t=2iton)ff am 3. 9}Mrs 1918. ^. t). tiil^Imann, 53ufareft 7. m&v] 1918. 0. 9?o[enberg. Hoffmann, ^orn. (Sserntn, 53ufare[t 7. 2«arj 1918. SWerei). Oberft '^. ®antd)elu. 3)r. J^eobor 2tna[ta[fof[. r. COKOJbeBKOBT,. A. Kapaxaex. r. ^Hqepaei. r. lleipoBCKiH. Executed in quintuplicate at Brest-Litovsk, 3 March, 1918. R. V. KUHLMANN, Bucharest, 7 March, 1918. V. Rosenberg. Hoffman. Horn. CZERNIN, Bucharest, 7 March, 1918. Merey. a. toscheff. Colonel P. Gantchew. Dr. Theodor Anastassoff. I. Hakky. Zeki. r. COKOJbnflKOBX. A. KapaxaHx. r. Mfl^epHHT). r. lleipoBCKin. /f/e imAriiksl III des Fnedensvertrages mit Russia nd vereinbarte Linie. Die wesllich derselben gele^enen Gebiefe unlerstehen der rtissischen Stsatshoheit nichtmehr 5. RUSSIA— CENTRAL POWERS. APPENDIX I, PROVIDED FOR IN ARTICLE III OF THE TREATY OF PEACE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE CENTRAL POWERS, OF 3 MARCH. 1918/ [Description of the boundary line hetiveen Germany and Russia established by Ap- pendix I to the Brest-Litovslc Treaty of Peace, as published in Vorwaerts, 5 March, 1918.] 3)ie tm 3Irt. 3 be§ j^riebenSDertrageS mit 9?ufelanb iiorge[ef)cnc ?inie, lt»cldie bie ruffifdie ®tant§obcr!)o()cit im SSef* ten begrcnjt, fciuft slDifdicn ben ^nfcln ©agog unb SBonn§, folDie jiDifcfjcn 9J?oon nnb bein geftlanbc ftmbnrd) imb erreic^t in flac^em Bogen, bnrd) ben 9?tgat[c^en SD^eerbufen gejogen, etvo'ag norbmefttid) ber SJIlinbnng ber ?it)Ian= btfdien ?la bn§ geftlnnb, gel)t in ber 93er= langernng beei ^ogeng um ^xiga Iierum, unb iibcrfd)reitct o[t(id) Don Oger ©alle bie 3)iina. @ie folgt jetjt bcm ?aufe ber ®itnn big bftlid) 3)unnbnrg bis ju ber ©telle, t\)o bie bi^!)erigc fnrlanbifd]e ©renje auf^orte unb gc^t bon l)ier in jiemlid) geraber Sinie big ;^ur ©iib^pitje beg !Drt)gtniatb=@eeg, itiobci ber Ort S)rl)gtniatb felbft bfttid) bicfer ?inie bleibt. 53on bier bicgt bie Sinie in flib^iib* roeftlic^er 9xid)tung um unb frenjt bie 53abnlinie ©jlucntjianti Vimtnpl) etma in ber a)Htte. 2)ie Orte 3Sib[l) unb [Translation ivith reconstruction. Parts in italics have been added from a dispatch to the Department of State from Moscow, 20 April, 1918. Some spellings have been corrected according to Andree's Handatlas.] The line prescribed in Article 3 of the peace treaty with Russia, which in the west runs along Russian sovereignty, passes through the islands of Dago and Worms, between Mohn and the mainland, hetween the islands Riino and Kilno, and in seg- mental curve passing through the bay of Riga, reaches the main- land slightly to the northwest, [northeast] of the mouth of the Livonian Aa, then in continua- tion of the curve it passes around Riga and to the east [inesi] of Uxkiill (Oger Galle), crosses the Diina (Dvina). Then it follows the course of the Diina to the east of Dwinsk (Dunaberg) to the place where ended tlie for- mer Courland frontier, almost to Druja, and from this place it extends in a straiglit line south- tvesi crossing Strusty Lalce to the southern part of Lake Driswjaty, leaving the locality Driswjaty itself to the east of the line. From here the line bends in a south-southwest direction close to Mjelengjany on the German side. The localities Widsy and ' The appendix consists of a map, offlcial copies of which do not seem to have been made public. The accompanying reproduction, see opposite page, has been taken from Vorwaerts, 5 March, 1918. 23 24 THE KUSSIAN PEACE. XiDcrftad) bleiben oitlid) ber IHnie liegen. ?In ben Orten 3}tid)Qlifd)fi unb @ern3= janl] Dorbei, bie bribe tncftlid) ber IHnie derbleibeu, crreid)t bie Si^inie in met)r= [ad)en !ilBinbungcn bie "i^abnliiue 3SiIna- ©jmorgon, bie fie etltta^ Uieft(id) beg Orte'3 ©jtobobfa iiberfdireitet, unb f)alt jeljt micberunt fiibmeftUd)e 3iid)tunQ inne, loobei fie bent Saufe ber Cpita unb ber ©an^ia bid jnr dlnmiinbung in ben 91iemen folgt. Ofdmijana nub Tifien)= ienifd)fi bleiben i3ftlidi ber ?inie, ,^Icnnja unb ©iernon lueftUd) berfclben. T)ie 5i?inie folgt jetjt flufeabmdrtei bent 9liemen big oberbalb a)?oJiti) unb biegt bier bireft nad) ©itben nb in ben %lu\^' lauf ber ©jelmianfa, bent fie folgt big jum Orte 9iuf^ani), meldier oftlid) ber I'inie oerbleibt. !i>on bier aug gebt fie in ftibn3eftlid)er 9iid}tung big jur ufrai^ nifdien ©renje, \vo l^rufljani) erreidit mirb. T)k Orte ©sntoljeni^a unb 33obutfd)in bleiben oftli^ ber l^inie liegen. (Sine ganj genaue 5'cftlegung ber I'inie mirb burd) eine beutfd^=ruffifc^e ^omntiffion erfolgen. Tweretsch remain east of the line. It crosses the railway line from Swenziany to Lyntupy upon midway. The line then passes along a stream by the localities Michalischki and Gerwjany, both of which are left to the west of the line, along the rivers Osch- mjanka and Loscha. The line itself in manifold windings reaches the railway from Wilna to Smorgon, which it crosses somewhat west of Slobodka. Hero the line hends, running straight to Klewisa- on the German side, by Oschmjany and Dsewenischki on the east, and Geranony on the west, along the rivers Opita and Gawja to the Niemen. The line now follows the down- ward course of the Niemen to a point above Mosty, and here it bends directly to the south into the river course of the Sel- wianka, which it follows to Ros- hany, which remains to the east of the line. From here it passes in a southwest direction {along the Temra) to the Ukrainian bor- der where Prushany is reached. From, here it passes between Boro- wiri (f) and Szolzhentiza {?), be- tween Koski ( f) and, Dobruschin (9) , and vjest of the road from Prushany to VidoTYil passes in straight line the bends of the river Liesna, leaving Vidoml on the Russian side. The line ends on the river Liesna north of Brest- Litovslc, Szmolienitza ( ?) and Bobruschin ( ?) remain to the east of the line, Riga, Jacobstadt, DwinsTc, Svenz- jany, Vilna, Lida, Wolkowyslc , and Konstantinow on the Germnn side. An absolutely exact determina- tion of the line will be established through a Russo-German Com- mission. 6. RUSSIA— GERMANY. APPENDIX II TO THE TREATY OF PEACE, SIGNED AT BREST- LITOVSK, 3 MARCH, 1918/ [Germnn text as published in the Reichs- Gesetzblatt, No. 77, 11 June, 1918.] liber bie mirtfd^aftUcften Sejiefiimgen grt)ifd)en Xieutfdilanb unb 9?ufelanb iDtrb folgenbe^ Dercinbart: 1.) Tier beutfcf)=nif[{[d)e c^anbel^tter= trag tion 1894/1904 tritt nicbt mieber in f raft. 1)16 iicrtrQQ[d)Hefeenben 'Xdk t)er= pfUd)ten fid), tuu(id)ft balb nadi ?J[b= fd)lufe be^ allgcmeinen grieben^ jmi= fd)en T^cutfd)(anb cinerfeit^ unb ben jur 3eit mit ibm in .^ricg bcfinblicben europaifd)en ©taatcn, ben 33ercinigten ©taaten Don 3Imerifa unb ^apOTi anbererfeitg in 5>erl)anblungen iiber ben 2lbfd)(u6 eineS neucn §anbel^t)ertrage§ eingutreten. 2.) ^i^ ju biefem B^itpunfte, jeben^ fallg aber big jum 31. Tesember 1919, follen ben gegenfcitigen ^anbel^be^ jief)ungen bie in bcr ?lnlage entljattenen 33eftimmungen jn ©runbe gelegt n.ier= ben, tueldie einen icefentlidien 53eftQnb= teil biefeg griebengDcrtrageg bilben. Q'ebem ber beiben t)ertragfd)liefeenben Jeile foil eg iebodi freifteben, biefe 53e= ftimmungen ttom 30. 3uni 1919 an mit fed)gmonatiger j^rift ju fiinbigen. i^allg t)on biefent .^iinbigunggrcd)te big gum 31. Tiegember 1922 ©ebraud) gc= madit inirb, ircrben big gum 31. 1)egember 1925, faUg bie Jt'unbigung na^ bem 31. I^egember 1922 erfolgt. [Translation. In regard to the economic rela- tions between Germany and Rus- sia the following is agreed upon : 1. The Russo-German com- mercial treaty of 1894/1904 does not again take effect.^ The contracting parties obli- gate themselves to begin nego- tiations regarding the conclusion of a new commercial treaty as soon as possible after the conclu- sion of a general peace between Germany on the one hand, and the European countries at pres- ent at war with her and the United States of America and Japan on the other hand. 2. Until such time, and in any case up to 31 December, 1919, the regulations contained in this appendix, and constitu- ting an integral part of the pre- sent peace treaty, shall be made the basis of their mutual com- mercial relations. Both contrac- ting parties, are, however, free to repudiate these regulations after 30 June, 1919, on condition of giving six months notice. In case this right of repudiation is utilized before the 31 December, 1922, then, until 31 December, 1925, in case the denunciation ensues after 31 December, 1922, 1 Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, 29 March, 1918 {Neue Fnie Presse, 6 July, morning edition; cf infra, p. 139). 2 86 British and Foreign State Papers, pp. 442, 449, 482, 461, 473; 97 British and Foreign State Paperg, p. 1040. 25 26 THE RUSSIAN PEACE.' fiir eiuen .geitraum Don 3 3a^i*en t)on bcm Jage be^ 5lufeerfrafttrctenei ber in ber mintage entbaltcnen isBeftimmungcn an geredinet, bie Hnge!)origen, bie v^anbc^3=, (SrinerbS^ iinb ginan.^ge^ fellfd)aften mit (ginfd)Iufe ber 33er[td)e= nnig§gefenfd)aften, bie 53oben= unb ©elnerbeerjcugniffe nnb bie ©d)iffe iebe§ ber beiben Dcrtragfd)UeBenben 2::eile im ©ebietc be§ nnbcren XeileS bie meiftbegiinftigte 33ebanb!nng genie^en. S)iefe 9?egelung umfaf^t in^befonbere a) ben Grmerb unb ^kfitj Don be^ iticglidicm unb unbctnegfid)cni 3?er= miigen, bie 3>erfiignng bieriiber, bie 5lu§ubung Don .^anbelgunternebmun^ gen, ©elnerben unb iBerufen, [otine bie in biefem i^aik ju entriditenbeu ?lbgabcn, b) bie Sinfuf)r, 2lu«^fubr unb :^urd)= fubr, bie S'o^kf bie i^oIIfbnn(id)feitcn, bie inneren !©erbraudig= nnb iibniidicn ©tenern nnb bie 3?crfebreiDerbote, c) bie !!8e{}anblung, \v>dd)c [taatUd)c ober unter [taatlidier Xf ontrotfe [tebenbe 9)?onolDolDerUialtungen beg eiuen Der=^ tragfd)(ie{5enben 2^ei{e§ hm Hbne^mem ober ^ieferern be^ anbercn Teite^ in ber ^reisfteltuug ober ber fonftigen 6^e= fd)aft§gebarung ,^uteit lucrben laffeu, d) bie ^eforberung unb bie ^e[br= berunggpreife auf (Si[enbaf)nen unb an= beren 5Serfel)r«U)egen, e) bie 3ulai'fung unb ^ebanbluug ber ©d)iffe, ibrer 9}^anufd)aften unb ?a= bungen, foJt)ie bie ®d)i[[abrtSabgaben, f) bie ^eforberuug Don "iPerfouen biird) Jran^portunteruebmer, einfd)IieJ3= lid) ber auf bent Sanb= ober ©eemeg er= folgeuben ^eforberung Don ?{ugn)an= berern unb einfd)IieRlidi ber 2:atigfeit Don Sln^mauberungCDernuttleru. 3.) SBcibrenb ber S)auer ber 9Dki[tbe= giinftigung mirb fein 3:eil ju I'aften be§ aubereu Sleileg an einer ©rengc feines @ebiet6 bbb^re (Sinfubr^ ober 3Ingfubr= gofle erbeben al^ an irgeubeiner aubereu ©renje. for a term of three years reckon- ing from the date of the cessation of the activity of the stipulations contained in the present appendix, the subjects, the commercial, in- dustrial, and fuiancial companies, includino- insurance companies, the produce of agriculture and industries, and the vessels of each of the two contracting parties shall enjoy the most favored nation treatment in the territory of the other party. These regulations extend particularly: a) To acquisition and owner- ship of movable and immovable property, disposition of same, oc- cupations in commerce, trades, and professions, as well as to dues levied in these instances; h) To import, export, and tran- sit of goods, to customs dues and customs formalities, to in- ternal dues on consumption and the like, and to traffic prohibi- tions ; c) To the treatment accorded by the governmental or state-con- trolled administrations of mo- nopolies of one of the contracting parties to buyers or sellers of the other party in the fixing of prices, or in other business conduct; d) To the transportation and transportation tariffs on railways and other ways of communica- tion ; e) To the admission and status of ships, their crews and cargoes, as well as to ships' dues; /) To the transportation of pas- sengers by forwarding agencies, including transportation of emi- grants by land and sea and other activities of emigration agents. 3. During the entire time of the application of the principles of the most favored nation, neither of the parties shall estab- lish, to the detriment of the opjDO- site party, on the frontiers of its territory, higher import or export duties than on anv other frontier. THE PEACE OF BEEST-LITOVSK : APPENDIX II. 27 2tufecrbem inirb imfirenb biefer ^ett 9?ufelanb bie ?Ui^[iil)r Don rohem unb kf)auenem ^ols, fotneit baffclbc in 9Zr. 6 beS S5cr5cid)ntf[e^ bcr iHu^fuf)r3bI(e ntd)t befonber^ benaunt i[t, fotnie Don (grjen aikv ?Irt ineber tierbieten nocf) mit 5hi«ful)rjo(Ien belaften. 4.) 9?u§Ianb iDirb feinen 5lnfpruc^ erfteben auf bie 33egun[tigun0en, inelc^e ®eut[cf)Ianb an Oefterreid)4Ingarn ober an ein anbereei mit ibni burd) ein 3ott= bilnbnici Derbnnbene^ ?anb gemabrt, bag an S)eutfd)Ianb unniittelbar ober burdi ein anbereg mit ibm ober Cefterreid)^ Ungarn soKfterbiinbeteS ?anb mittelbar angrenjt. .fToIonien, auglDcirlige iBe= [i^nngen unb ®d)ut?gebiete merben in biefer i8ejief)ung bem 2)hittcrtanb gleic^= geftellt. 3)eutfd)Ianb n^irb feinen 9(n[pru(^ er= {)eben auf bie 33egiin[tigungen, wddjt 9^ufelanb an ein anbere^ mit i{)m burd) ein 3oHbiinbni§ derbunbene^ Sanb, bag an ^Kufelanb unmittelbar ober burd) ein anbereg mit i[)m jolfticrbunbeteg ?anb mittelbar angrenjt, ober ben ^olonien, augiuartigen 33e[i^ungen unb ®d)u^ge= bieten eineg ber mit ibm jolltiertunbeten ?anber gelnatirt. 5.) ©omeit in neutrafen Staaten SSaren lagern, )t)etd)e aug 5)eut|d)Ianb ober 9iufelanb ftammen, bie aber mit ber 33erpflid)tung belegt [tub, ha\i [te iueber unmittelbar nod) mittetbar nac^ ben ©ebieten beg anberen l3ertragfd)Iie== feenben l:eileg auggefiibrt tnerben blirfen, follen berartigc 33erftigunggbe[d)rdn= fungen im 5?erf)altnig ju ben bertrag^ fd)Iief5enben 3:ei(en aufgeboben luerben, S)ie beiben bertragfd)liefeenben "Jeile t)erp[Iid)ten fid) baber, hen 9iegierungen ber neutralen ©taaten tion ber t»orer= iDtlbnten 5lufbebung biefer 33erfiiguugg= befc^rcinfung unttersiigtid) .^enntnig ju geben. 6.) 33edorsugungen, bie einer ber ber= tragfd)UefJenben Jeite tDabrenb beg 86409—18 3 Furthermore, in the course of this period, Russia shall neither prohibit the export of rough and hewn lumber, nor levy export duty on the same, in so far as it is not especially mentioned in No. 6 of the Scheilule of Export Duties; neither shall it prohibit the export of, or levy export duty on ores of any kind. 4. Russia shall not claim the advantages which Germany grants to Austria-Hungary or to any other country allied with her by a customs union, and adjoin- ing Germany either immediately or through an intervening coun- try allied with her or with Austria - Hungar}'^ by customs union. Colonies, outlying pos- sessions and territories under pro- tectorate, in this respect are placed on the same basis as the mother country. Germany shall not claim the advantages which Russia grants to another country connected with her by customs union, and adjoining Russia either imme- diately, or through an intervening country allied with her by cus- toms union, or to the colonies, outlying posessions or territories under the protectorate of a country allied with her by customs union. 5. In so far as in neutral coun- tries there are located goods originating in Germany or Russia and subject to prohibition of im- port into the territory of the other contracting party eitlier directl}'' or through the intermedium of another country, such limitations as to the disposition of such goods shall be cancelled as regards the contracting parties. Both con- tracting parties, therefore, obli- gate themselves immediately to advise the Governments of neu- tral countries of the above-stated cancellations of the limitations mentioned. 6. Privileges granted by one of the contracting parties during 28 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. .^ricge^ anbercn V^anberii biird) .^oii- je[ftoMertci(ungen obcr anbcre [tnat= lid)t 9}?a^naf)mcn getDitfirt t)at, folfcn aufgct)obeu obcr au[ ben anbereii Xcit burd) @eii)al}rung gleid)er 9ied)te au^ge= bcl)nt liierbcn. 7.) (i^olucit nidit in ber 3larifan(age A obcr \on\t anbere^ bcfrinimt i|t, foU fin; bie ganje Timer bicfc^ '^H-otiifori^ itinS foiinc ber nadi 3i[fci' 2 iiicd]fc{== feitig ^u gcmitbrenbcn $)Jciltbegiin)'tigung Der atlgenxeine ru[[ifd}c .BoHtarif oom 13./2G. ^sanmx 1903 mafegebenb fcin. 8.) I^ic am 31. 3n!i 1914 in @c(tung geUicfeucn 'i^ereir!barungen ]\xiu fdien bcm rcut|d)Cu9ictd)c nub ^lufefanb iiber bie iBcbanblung rufiifd)cn SucferS foHeii n;al)renb ber 1)aucr btefev:< '^^xo-- ln]orium§ I'oUuc ber nad] differ 2 md)-- fc[ feitig ju geniat)renben 'Ili'eiftbcgiinfti^ gung in .f raft bicibeii. 9.) T'ic ocrtrngfdiUefienben 2;eile finb bariiber einig, hai^ niit bcm ^-riebcn^^ fd)(uR bie ^Becnbigung be^ .f riege§ and) anf )yirtfd)aftlid)em unb finanjicKem (.'')ebiet erfolgt. ©ie i)erpfUd)tcit fid), iDcbcr bireft nod) inbireft an 'lOhtfinal)- men tei{junel)mcn, bie auf bie 95>eiter=^ fii()rnng ber J^-einbfcligfciten anf irirt- fd)aftUd)em ober finaniiclfcm ©ebict ab.^ielen, nnb i'aner()a(b ibrc-S ®taat^= gebietcS fo{d)e iOcafe'tabmen mit alkn ibnen )^ 0)ebot ftebcnbcu SOiittehi 'yi tierbinbeni. 3n ber ilbergaiig-Siieit, bie luv liber- luinbung ber .triegefclgen unb ^eu= orbnimg ber y3crba(tni)fe erforbcr(id) ift, DerpfUditen fid) bie t)ertragfd)(ief!ens ben ^^arteieii, mbg(id)ft feine ®cbuneri(\ - feiten in ber ^efd)affung ber notmcn-= bigcn ©Liter burd) Ginfilbrnng bobcr (SingangSsbtfe ,^n bereiten, unb fpred)en bie 33creitnn{Iigfcit an^, ai^balb in ■Berbanbhingcu eiuvutreten, um,, fomeit aU tunlid), bie incibrenb be3 ^'riegci^ feftgefcljten ,3onbefreiungen t)orUbcr= gcbenb nod) Icinger aufred)t ju erf)alten unb n^citer an^^nbcbnen. the time of the war to other countries in the form of conces- sions or other state measures, must be revoked or extended to the opposite party by granting equal rights. 7. In so far as in the tariff ap- pendix A, or elsewhere, there are no stipulations to the contrary, the general Russian Customs Tar- iff of the 13/26 January, 1903/ shall be applied for the whole pe- riod of life of the present proviso- rium as well as of the most-favored nation treatment granted both by Clause 2. 8. The agreements which ex- isted betM'een the German Empire and Russia on 31 July, 1914, in regard to Russian sugar shall re- main in force during the life of the present provisorium and during the mutual application of the most favored nation principle in accord- ance with Clause 2. 9. The contracting parties are agreed that, with the conclusion of pe^ice, the war terminates also in the field of econom}^ and finance. They engage not to participate either directly or indirectly in measures having for their aim the continuance of hos- tilities in economic or financial spheres, but to hinder such meas- ures within the boundaries of the territories of their State by all means in their power. In the course of the interme- diate period required for the re- moval of the consequences of war and for the organization of new relations, the -contracting parties bind themselves -not to put, in so far as it is possible, any difhcul- ties in the way of the acquisition of necessary goods by introduc- ijig high import duties, and they express their willingness to enter immediately into negotiations for the purpose of maintaining and enlarging as far as feasible the customs exemptions established durins the time of the war. 1 Cf. General Customs Tariff for the Europeafi Frontiers of Russia, British Parliamentary Papers, 1903. 7. RUSSIA— GERMANY. SUB-APPENDIX 1 TO APPENDIX II OF THE TREATY OF PEACE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE CENTRAL POWERS. SIGNED AT BREST-LITOVSK, 3 MARCH, 1918/ [German text as published in the Reichs- Gesetzblatt, No. 77, 11 June, 1918.] Slrttfel 1. !Die ^^lugchoriflcn eineg ber beiben t)er= trag[d]Ucfienben Xeile, meldic fid) in bem @cbicte bei3 aiibcreu TTcUeS nicberge= tafferi ftabcn ober fid) bort t)oruber(jc!)enb aufbniten, foKen bort itn |)anbel^= unb ©eiucrbcbetriefcc btc nainlid)cn 9icd)te geuicfieu unb fciiicn bobereu ober an^ bercn Slbgabeii unterluorfeu loerben aU btc 3ulanber. <2te [olfen iii bem ©e= bictc be^ anbereit TeileS in jeber .*pinfid)t biefelben 9ied)tc, '13rbilcgien, greibeiten, 33egun[tigungen unb ^efreiungen babeu inie bie 5(ngeborigen be^ niei[tbegun[tig= ten Sanbe^. (gg betr|d)t jebocb bariiber iSint»er= ftctubnig, bafe biird) bie dorftebenben 93e[tinmmugcn btc be[onberen ©efctje, (Srtafl'e unb 3?erorbnungen auf bem ©ebicte beg l^anbelei, ber (''kiuerbe unb ber l^olisci ntd)t berilbrt inerben, n)etd)e in jebem ber beiben t)ertrag[d)Ite§enben Scinber getten ober gelten merben unb auf alte 5Iug(anber 3tnmenbung finben. SIrtifet 2. !Die 3(ngebbrigen jebe§ ber beiben t)ertragfd)Iie§cnben Xeile folfcn in bem ©ebiete beg anberen Xeileg gleid) ben 3nlanbern bercdittgt fein, jebc %vt t)on belueglidicm ober unbelDeglidiem 3Ser= mogen p ertuerben, ju befiljen unb ju ttern^alten foinie bariiber burd) i^er- fauf, Xaufd), ®d}enfung, ®befd)Iiefeung, [Tra7islation.] Article 1. The subjects of one of the con- tracting parties, who have settled on the territory of the opposite party or reside temporarily in the same, shall enjoy, in their com- mercial and industrial activities, the same rights as the native in- habitants, and shall not be sub- jected to higher or to other taxes. In the territory of the other party they, in all respects, shall enjoy the same rights, privileges, franchises, advantages, and ex- emptions as the subjects of the most favored nation. Both parties are, however, agreed that special laws, decrees, and orders, relating to trade, commerce, industry, and police, which govern or will govern in either of the contracting coun- tries, and which apply to all for- eigners, will not be affected by these considerations. Article 2. The subjects of both contract- ing parties shall have the right, on the territory of the other party, on a basis of equality with the native inhabitants, to acquire, to possess, and to manage mov- able and immovable property of every kind, as well as to dispose 1 Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, 29 March, 1918 (Neue Freie Presse, 6 July, morning edilion; c/. infra, p. 139). • ' i 29 30 THE EUSSIAN PEACE.' le^ten SBitfen ober aiif anbere SBeife ju berfiiQcn, and) S-rbfdiaften dermogc letjteu 'Mlkm ober fraft ®efe^e« ju ertDcrben, of)nc in einem ber genannten gixHe unter irgcnbcincr. 53eseid)nimg anbercu ober f)of)eren 3lbgaben, ®tcuern ober 2luflagen unterttjorfen ^u [ein aU bie 3ntartber. 3eber ber bcrtragfdjliefeenben -Telle bebcttt fid) nor, 9(u§nabmeu bon biefer S^Jegel fiir Xeite [eineg ©ebletS gu tnnd)en, bie aU ©rensfdnitjbejirfe ober ge[tung§* ratjong erf (art fiub. 3n feinent ber tiorerinabnten %a\k [oHen iebod) bie 9lngcf)origen beg einen 2^eileg im ©ebiete beg anberen "Xeile^ ungiinftigcr bebanbelt merben aU bie Stngeborigen irgenbeineo britten ?anbeg. T)k 5Ingeb5rigen eine^ jeben ber beiben t)ertrag[d)Iie6enben 3:eile [o'Hen ben (Sriog au« bem 53erfaufe ibreg (gigentumg unb ibr 5?erinogen iiber* baupt unter 53eobad)tung ber ^anbeg- gefe^e frei augfiibren fonnen, obnc aU Sluglcinber jur (Sntrid)tung anberer ober boberer ?lbgaben berpfliditet ju [ein, alg bie 3nlanber unter gteidieu 33erbalt= uiffen ju entriditen baben njiirben. @ie foHen unter ^eobad)tunfl ber I'anbeggefe^c freien i^ut^ltt ju ben @e= rid)ten baben, um alg .Slagcr ober i8e= flagte aufjutrcten, unb follen in biefer §infid)t a((e ^ed)te unb 53efreiungen ber 3ulanber geuief^en uub tnie biefe befugt fein, fid) in jeber 9^ed)tgfad)e ber burd) bie Sanbeggefe^e jugelaffenen ?tu= iDtilte, ®ad)H)atter uub SBertreter jeber 2lrt gu bebienen. ?IrtifeI 3. T)k 3Iugebbrigen jebeS ber ticrtrag^ fd)Iiefeenben 3!^eile foKcn in bem ©ebictc beg anberen ,^u ©criditg^, ?lbminiftratit)= ober SlJJuuijipalbtenftcu, niit 5lugnabiue ber 3?ormunbfd)aft, uid)t t)crpflid)tct fein; ebenfo bleiben fie frei Don jebem perfouIid)en T>ienfte im I'anbbecre, in of the same in the way of sale, exchange, gift, matrimony, legacy, or any other method, as well as to receive inheritances through will or on the basis of the law, without being subjected in any of the cases mentioned, in one way or another, to higher dues, taxes, or collection than native inhabitants. Each of the contracting parties reserves the right to make excepy tions to these stipulations for those parts of their respective territories which have been de- clared frontier districts or for- tress regions. However, in none of these cases above mentioned shall the sub- jects of one of the parties in the territory of the other party, be placed in a less favorable con- dition than the subjects of any third country. The subjects of both contract- ing parties may, provided they observe the laws of the country, takeout, mihindered, the proceeds of the sale of their property, and, in general, their belongings, with- out being obliged, in their capac- ity as foreigners, to pay special or higher dues than native inhab- itants in the same circumstances. Subject to the local laws, they shall have free admission to law courts, where they may appear as claimants or defendants, and shall enjoy in this respect all rights and immunities of native inhabitants, and also, like the latter, they shall have the right to employ in every law suit the attorneys and agents admitted under the local laws. Article 3. The subjects of each of the contracting parties, in the terri- tory of the opposite party, shall not be subject to juridical, ad- mmistrative, or municipal duties, with the exception of guardian- ships. They are likewise exempt THE PEACE OF BREST-LITOVSK : SUBAPP. 1 TO APP. II. 31 ber 9J?arinc, in bcr 9iefert»e bcr 2a\\h^ imb 'Secnmdit imb in bcr ^)hittona(miti,^, jolDic t)ou alien '^afteu, <^lr)aiU3^?aulei()eu, nulitdrifd)cn 9icqui|"itioiicn uub l'ei= ftungcn jcber ?lrt, \mld)Q tm .ftricc3€Stane obcr tiifoigc uoii aufjcrgclnotjiiUctcn Umftauben aufcrlcflt tDcrbcn; au^gc^ nommen [tub bie au« trgenbiiielcl)cnt 9iccl)t^titel mit bem 33efi^c eiiic^ ©rujibftiid^ ticrbimbcncu Saftcii, [oluie bic 'iBcrpfUditimg jur Quartici1ci[tung uub ,^u [onftigcii befoubcrcii V^ciftungcu fiir bic bctuntfuctc 9)tad)t, bie ben ^nUtubcru uub bcu 5liU3el)origeu bcr mctl'tOcguuftigtcu "iljatiou al\5 (Sigeu- tiimcrii, ^^.Hiditcru obcr ?}cictcru Hou' ivutinobi(ien oblicgen. Slrtifel 4. 3tfttengefe((fd)aften uub aubere foni= merjicHc, tubuftriefle ober finaujiette (^efettfd)aftcu eiufd)UefeIid} ber 5>er= [id)cruug«^gefeUfd)a[tcu, lueldie in ciucni bcr beibeu £'nuber uacii ben beftei)cnben ©efctjeu reditSgiiltig errid)tct luorbcn finb uub bbrt ibreu Sitj bnbcu, [ottcu in bcni aubercu Snube als gcfeljlid) bcftcbcub aucrfaunt lucrbcu uub bort uamcutlid) bag ^icd)t babeu, nor Q>k' rirf)t aU .^((igcr ober aU 53ef(agte "^Projeffe ju fiibreu. (S^ t)errfd)t icbodi baiiiber (5iuiier= |tanbui§, baft burdi bie Dor[tc[)cube i8c^ ftimmuug bie (Vrage uidit beriibrt ft)irb, ob berartige iu eiuetn ber beibeu Sciuber errid^tete @efe(Ifd)aftcu iu beui aubercu Saubc jum .*c>aubcfg= uub Oklucrbc^ betriebe .^ugelaffeu iuerbcu [oKcu obcr nid)t. 1)icfc (vragc blcibt, mic big= f)er, ben iu bcui bclrcffeubcu ?aubc be= ftel)eubeu ober uod) eiu^^iifiibrcubcu 33e= ftimmimgeu tiorbehalteu. 3u jebem (VciKe foHcu bie gebad)tcu @efef(fcl)afteu iu bem aubercu 2anhc biefe(beu 9iedite geuicficu, meldie ben gleid)artigeu @cfellfd)aftcu irgcubeiucg ^'aubcg ^luftebeu ober gugcftaubeu Icer^ ben folltcu. from any personal service in the army, fleet, reserve of the terri- torial army and of the navy, the national militia, as also from all duties, compulsory loans, military requisitions, and service of any kind, imposed, in case of war, or as a result of exceptional circum- stances; duties connected by any title whatsoever with the owner- ship of a parcel of land, and also the military quartermg duty and other special services to be ren- dered to the active army, to which are liable the native in- habitants and the subjects of the most favored nation in their capacity of proprietors and lessees of real estate are excepted. Article 4. Joint stock companies and any other commercial, industrial, or fuiancial companies, including in- surance companies, which have been lawfully formed m one of the two countries in accordance with existing laws, and have their abode there, must be recognized by the other country as exist- ing lawfully and shall, in particu- lar, enjoy in the same the right to conduct lawsuits in the courts in the capacity of claimants or defendants. Both parties, however, agree that the foregoing stipulation does not affect the question whether such companies, formed in one of the ' countries, shall be admitted, or Qot, to commercial or industrial activity in the other country. This question depends as hereto- fore, on the regulations already existing or to be introduced in the country in question. In any case, the aforesaid com- panies shall enjoy in the other country the same rights as have been granted or may be granted to similar companies of any other country. 32 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. 3lrtifel 5. T)ie t)crtrag[d)(icfeenben Xei(e lier= pflid)ten fid), bcii gccjcnfettic^en i^erfchr jtDi[d)en beibeii ^anbern bitrd) fetner(ci (Sinful)r=^, 5lu^fut)r=^ ober T'urd)fuf)rt)cr^ bote ju bemnicn iinb bie freie Turdifubr ju geftatten. ?(uSuabmcn ftnb nur filr foldie (Sr=^ ,5cu9niffc julaffig, meldie nuf bein @e= bictc etued bcr Dertragfdiltcjicubcu Xct(e bcu ®egcn[tanb einc^ @taat«imonopoIe( bilben ober bilbeii tuerbcn, [oUnc nud) fiir getniffe (Sr^eugniffe, fiir bic nue; ^liicffiditen nuf bic ©efunbbcit, bie 2?etcrinarpDli5ci imb bic bffenttidie ©idicrbeit ober au^ niibercii fd)ir»er= lincgenbcn politifdieit iinb tinrtfd)aft= Iid]cii @riinbcii au!3crorbe]itlid)c 5?cr- bot?mnJ3rege(n, iMbcfoiibere im ,8^1= fanniienijniig luit ber nuf ben .ft'ricg foI=^ gcuben llbcrgnng^jeit, ergcbcn foimteit. 3'n ber auf ben _,fdeg folgenben llbergnngS^eit sur Ubeduinbimg bcr g-o(gcu bc£^ .firicge^ fomien ^l^crfcfirv3= bcfdirnnfungcn line Qiiifubroerbote, ?tu^fubriierbotc unb T'urdifubrticrbotc criaffcn iucrbcu; fie finb fo ]\i banbbnbcii, baf3 fie nibglid)ft incnig (itftig cmpfimben JDcrbcii itnb finb, fobnlb c^ bie ^cv^ {)altuiffe geftatten, auf^,er .S'raft ju feljeii. Article 5. The contracting parties obli- gate themselves not to impede the mutual relations of the two countries by any prohibitions of import, export, or transit, and to permit free transit. Exception.s are only admissible for such articles as are or will be considered a State monopoly in the territory of one of the con- tracting parties, as also for cer- tain articles respecting which ex- ceptional prohibitional rules may be issued for reasons of hygiene, veterinary supervision, and public safety, or for other vreighty political or economic reasons, especially in connection with the after-war transition period. During the after-war transition period, for the purpose of over- coming the consequences of the war, regulations may be issued limiting intercourse, as well as prohibiting import, export, and transit: they must be enforced in such manner as to be felt as slightly as possible, and as soon as circumstances permit, they must be rescinded. ?lrtifel 6. !J)tc ruffifdieu iBoben* iiiib C^V>iierbe= erseugniffe, mcUfie im ©eutfdieri 3ieid]e, unb bic bcutfd)en i8oben= nub (^klDerbe= erjeugniffe, Uicld)e in 9xuf5lanb einge= fijbrt merbeu, follen bort, fie mbgeu ,v.im 5?crbrauri) ober jur I'ageruug, jur 2Gic= bernnSfubr ober jur 2)iirdifubr beftimnit feiu, ber ndmlid)en 33ebanblnng mie bie (Siicngniffc beg mciftbcgiinftigtcn ^an- bes nntcriiegen. 3^n feincm gnlfc unb an& feincm OH'unbc fotten fie boberen ober anberen gotten, ©ebiibren, ©teucru ober ?Ibgnbeu unterloorfcn fein, nod) mit ,3ufd)(agen ober ciucm (5in[uf)rt)cr=^ bote belegt Uierben, Don. beuen nidit and) bic gtcid)artigeu (Srjengniffe irgenbeineS anberen I'anbc^ betroffeu tuerbeu. ^n§' befonbere luirb iebe iScgiinftigung unb Article 6. The products of Russian agri- culture and industry imported into Germany, and the products of German agriculture and indus- try imported into Russia, shall in the country of their importa- tion be on the same footing as the products of the most favored nation, regardless of whether they be intended for consumption or for storage, for re-export, or for transit. In no case, and on no account, shall they be subjected to any higher or other duties, taxes, fees, or contributions, or to extra charges, or to import pro- hibitions, if the same does not apply to similar products of any THE PEACE OF BKEST-LITOVSK : SUBAPP. 1 TO APP. II. 33 (Sr(cid)terung, jebe 53efreiiing unb jebe (grmafeigung bcr in bcm ©eiieraltarif obcr in ben i^ertrag'Starifcn cntbaltenen (gingnng^jolTe, n)eld)c einer ber t)ertrag= [d)ticf3enben Jeilc einer britten !i)tad)t baucrnb obcr jeitlDcifc, obne @egcnlei= ftung obcr mit ilompenfation jugeftel)t, oi)m meitereS unb bcbingungS-, t)orbe= {)altg= ober fonipenfationSlo^ auf bie ^oben= unb ©clnerbccrjcugniffe bee* anbcren au^gebcf)nt lucrben. fivtM 7. 3)te in beni bciliegcnben Jarif A be= geidjucten beutfdicn ^oben* unb ©e= nDcrbeer^cugniffc foKcn bei ibrer (Sinfu()r in 9iufelanb unb bic in bcm bciliegcnben 3lari[ B bejeid)ueten rn[|ifd)en iBoben^ unb ©emerbeerjougniffc foOen bci it)rer Ginfubr in ©cutfdjianb leinen anbcren ober bbf)eren (2ingang\?soUen untefUe- gen, aU ben in btcfcn Slnlagen fe[tge= fe^ten. SBenn einer ber tiertragidjUefeenben ^eile auf einen in ber 5(nlage A ober 3(n(age B be§ gegenmitrtigen 5>ertrag§ augefitbrten (^iegen)tanb einbeiinifd)er ©r^cugung obcr Jflbrifation gum 'i^or= teil ber ^taat^fo'ife eine neue innere ©teuer ober -^(fjife ober einen ,3i-i[rf)tag ju einer foldien inncren ®teuer ober Sifgife legen joUte, fo fann ber gleid)ar= tigc ©egenftanb Dei ber (iinfubr mit einer 0leid;:en obcr cnt[pred]euben :;Hbgabe be= legt rtierbcii, Poran^gefcljt, ba's bicfe ^bgabc fiir bie "^]3rol)enienjen after ^cinber gleid) ift. Strtifel 8. 3nnere SIbgaben, n3eld)e im ©ebiete be§ einen ber Dcrtragfdjiicfsenben iTeile [iir 9ied)nnng bc^ ^taate^S, ber ©e- meinben ober ber .riorporationen Don ber §ert)orbringung, ber .Sn^creitung, bcr 33eforberung,bem ^^ertrieb obcr bcm S5erbraud) eineS tSrjcugniffeg gegen= tuartig ober fiinftig erboben merben, other country. In particular, every advantage and facility, every exemption from and re- duction of import duties of the general and conventional tariffs, which one of the contracting parties, permanently or tempo- rarily, without a corresponding benefit or against compensations, grants to a third country, shall be granted to the products of agri- culture and industry of the other country without further formality and without any conditions, reser- vations, or compensations. Article 7. The products of German agri- culture and industry mentioned in the appended Tariff A, on being imported into Russia, and the products of Russian agriculture and industry, specified in the ap- pended Tariff B, when being im- ported into Germany, shall not be subjected to any special or higher import duty than that stipulated in the said appendi'- es. Should one of the contracting parties assess any of the articles of domestic production or manu- facture specified in appendices A or B, for the benefit of the State Exchequer b}^ means of any new internal tax or excise, or addi- tion to such internal tax or excise, similar articles when being im- ported may be taxed with an equal or corresponding duty on condition that this duty shall be the same for the products of all countries. Article 8. Internal duties, which are now being levied or may be levied hereafter in the territory of one of the contracting parties for account of the State, of commit- tees, or of societies, for the pro- duction, preparation, forwarding, sale, or consumption of any article, 34 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. blirfen and) htn gleicfiartigen STjeug- niffcn be^ anberen Xeil^ auferlegt \mv= ben, btefe icbod) uiiter fetnem 5?ortiianb f)o[)cx ober in tafttgerer SBetfe treffen aU bie (Srjeugni[fe beg eigenen ?anbe§. ©oUictt tunere ?(bgaben auf 9?ot)[toffe ober 6pa(btuaren gekgt merben, foil bie i^efti'teUung eineg angcmeffenen ®teuer= augglcid)^ fiir bie (Sinfubr lion (5rjeug= niffen, iDcIdic auei [oId)cn i)bt)fto[[en ober ipalbiuaren geiuonncn uicrben, auc^ bann [tattbaft fein, wznn bie gteid)= artigeu tnldnbifd)en (Sr^eugmffe nid)t unmittelbar bm ©egenftanb bcr 2tbgabe bilben. . 6^ bletbt jcbem ber ttertrag[d)rLe[3en^ ben 2:ei(c unbcnommcn, geeignctc 5iBa= roll ciiieiu ©taat'.'^moiiopol ober eincr pr (>Vluinnung Hon i£tanti3cinnnbmcn bteuenbcn iiio'.topolalintid^en ^licgctung ju untcrUicrfen. Tie norftclicnben OJnmbfnljc ftnben in biefem (VflUc cnt- fpvcdienbe ^dnttenbnng. 5trtifel 9, 53ei ber 5Iu§fu^r toon SSaren au§ eincni ber bcibcn ^'cinbcr nad) bcni nn= beren bilrfen feine anberen ober bblieren ^lu^gang^abgnben erbobcn inerben alQ bei ber '?hieifubr nacb bem in biefer i^e^ jiebung nicifLbcgiinftigten Vnube. ?(ud) jebc fonft Hon einem ber licrtragfdi(ie= feenben 3!;eik einer britten 9?cad)t fi'ir bie ?Iu2ifubr ,^uge[tanbene 33e9unftignng mirb obne meitereg unb bcbingungSlo^ bcni anbeni ^nteil Inerbcn. Slrtifel 10. Die 'li^aren alter 5(rt, Uie(d)e burd) bn^en)erbebetrieb bercditigt finb, foKcn befngt fcin, perfon(id) ober burd) bie in ibren S)ienften ftebenben 9xeifenben in bem ©ebiete be§ anberen t>ertrogfd)(iefeenben STeileS 9Barenein= fcinfe ju niad)en ober iSeftettungen, audi unter 9}?itfubning Don 9}iuftern, ,^n fu^ c^en. S)ie gebad}tcn .ft'aufteute, gabri= fanten unb aubcren ©cmerbctreibenben ober §anblungcircifenben folTen nied)fe(= feitig in ben beiben Sctnbern binfid)tlid) ber ^Inlffe unb ber ben -Spaiibeldbetrteb treffenbeu 3lbgabcn loie bie 5(ngebbrigen ber meiftbcgiinftigten 9lation bebanbelt lr»erben» 2)ie niit einer ®eftterbeIegitimationg= farte nerfebencn ©elDerbetreibenben (^anblunggreifenben) biirfcn Uiobt 2I^a= renmufter alter ?Irt, aber feine S^.saren 1. Advantages which are granted now, or may be granted in the future, to other adjacent countries for facilitating local intercourse, within a boundary- zone of fifteen kilometers in width. 2. Advantages which either of the contracting parties grants or will grant in the future to another country in virtue of an existing or future customs union. 3. Import or export advan- tages which are granted now, or may be granted in the future, to the inhabitants of the province of Archangel. However, German imports into that territory shall enjoy, to an equal extent, all customs advan- tages granted to any European or North American country. Article 12. Merchants, manufacturers, and other persons engaged in indus- trial enterprises who prove by presentation of a legal certificate issued to them by the authorities of their home country that they have the right to engage in com- mercial dealings in the country where they reside permanently, may, either personally or through commercial travelers in their employ, purchase goods in the territory of the other contracting party, or solicit orders, bringing with them samples of goods. The said merchants, manufac- turers, or other persons engaged in industrial pursuits, as well as commercial travelers, shall recip- rocally enjoy in both countries the same rights as regards pass- ports and dues on commercial deaUngs as do the subjects of the most favored nation. Persons provided with a cer- tificate entitling them to engage in industrial pursuits (commercial travelers) may carry with them 36 HIE RUSSIAN PEACE." mtt [id) fill)rcn. j^iir joI(pf(icf)ttge ®e= genftctnbe, lr)cld)c aU 9Jtuftcr t)on ben Dorbejeid)neten §anblung§rei[cuben ein= gebrad)t ttierben, tinrb beibcrfcitd ^e= fretuug Don Singangg^ unb '^(u^gang^^ abgaben untcr ber S^orau^feljung juge= ftanben, ha\] bicfc G^egcuftctube, fa(f« fie ntd)t Derfauft iuorben finb, binnen einer i^rift Don einein 3abre luiebcr au^gc= fiibrt iuerbcn, mib bie 3bcntitat ber eu> unb mieber nuggefiibrten (Jkgenftitnbc aufeer 3^e^fel ift, mobei e8 g!eid)gu(tig fein foH, ilber n)eld)e§ ^oHamt bie ©egenftcinbe au^gefilbrt merbeu. 3)ie SBieberauSfu{)r" ber 9}?u[ter mufe in beibcn ^cinbern bci ber Sinfubr burd) 9^icberlegung bee* 53etragcg ber bcjiig^ lidien ,3ottgcbtibren obcv burd) @id}er= fteHung geluiibrleiftet )t)erbcn. ©ie ttertragfdjliefeenben ^Teile trcrben [ic^ gegenfeitig 9!)titteihing bnrilber inad)en, Uieldje S3cl)brbcn jur CSrteiiung Don ©cmerbelegitimation^fartcn befugt fein foKen, nad) lneld)cni iOiuftcr bicfe Garten auSgefertigt tocrben, unb aie!d)e 33orfd)riften bie ^eifcnben faei ?[ut^tibung be^ ®en3crbebetriebei^ ju beaditcn baben. S)ie 3{ngef)origen be6 cinen ber Der= tragfcbliefjenben Jcile, it)eld)e fid) in ha^ ©ebiet beg anberen jum ^efudie ber 5Q?effen unb 9J(nrfte begcben, um bort .S3anbel gu treiben ober ibrc (Srscugniffc feiljubaltcn, merbcn lucdifelfeitig ftiie bie 3nUtnber bebnnbelt unb feincn bbbcren Sibgaben al§ bicfe unteriDorfen inerben. ?lrtifel 13. -^infid)tlid] beg gcgenfcitigcn ©d)uljeg beg Urbebcvred)teg an 3^Gcrfen ber 2itcra= titr, .^lunfl unb 'ij^botograpbic folfen im 55erba(tnig jnufdien 2)eutfd)(anb unb 9xuf5(anb bie $^eftinnnungen beg jun= fd}en beni S)cutfd)cn i')ieid)e unb 9iufe= tanb gcfd)loffenen 35ertrageg Horn 28. gebruar 1913 getteu. ^infid)tlid) beg gcgenfeitigcn ©djuljeg ber ^arenbejeid}nungcn folten bie 53e* samples of any kind, but not goods. Articles, liable to duty, which are brought in by the above mentioned persons, are ex- empted, by both parties, from both import and export duties, but on condition that, in case these articles are not sold, they be taken out again within a year's time, and that there be no doubt as to the identity of the articles brought in and taken out again. It is immaterial through which custom house the goods are taken out. The taking out of samples of merchandise must be guaranteed, when imported, b}' making a de- posit of the amount of the re- spective customs duty, or by some other guarantees. The contracting parties will inform each other as to what authorities are entitled to issue certificates for the privilege of engaging in industrial enterprises, of the form which these certifi- cates will take, and the rules which the travelers must re- serve during the time of their in- dustrial activities. The subjects of either of the contracting parties, going into the territory of the other to visit fairs and bazaars, to trade or to sell their products, are mutually placed, by both parties, in the same position as the native in- habitants and shall not be sub- jected to higher dues. Article 13. In regard to mutual safe- guarding of author's rights as re- gards literary, artistic, or photo- graphic products, the stipulations of the agreement concluded be- tween the German Empire and Russia under date of 28 February 1913, shall apply in the relations between Germany and Russia. In regard to mutual safe- guarding of trade-marks, the stip- THE PEACE OP BEEST-LITOVSK : SUBAPP. 1 TO APP, II. 37 [ttmmungen bcr ©eflaration Doni 23./ 11. Suli 1873 and) in ^ufunft mafe= gebcnb [eln. ?IrtifeI 14. Die beutfd)en @d)ifte unb it)rc 2iv buiiQen follen in 9iitfelanb, unb bic rnffifd)cn @d)i[fe unb ilirc iL'abungcn foUen in ^^Tcutfdilnnb gnnj uue bie in^ lanbifd)cn ®d)iffc unb Vnbuucjcn he- t)anbelt mcrben, g(cid)lHc{, Hon \vo bic ®ri)iffe auSgelnufcn obcr modin fie bc^ ftimmt finb, unb tuobcr bie V'abingcn [tamnien obcr mobin fie bcftimmt finb. 3ebe^3 i'orred]t unb jcbe 53cfrciung, nicld)e in biefcr ^^cjiebung tton cineni bcr t)ertragfd)(icf3enben 2^cilc cincr brit= ten 5)}cad)t eingcraunit mcrben folltc, foU obne incitcrei^ unb bebingungeito^o and] bein nuberen Scile jufteben. i^on hen norftcbcnben 33eftimmungcn mirb iebod) cine 5hb: gcgcnlDarti^ gen ^^ertrage^? finbcn feinc ^tnlncnbung nuf bic ,fiuftenfd)iffar)rt, rae(d)c nad) mie Hor burd) bic in jebcm ber bcibcn \?anbcr jc^t obcr ftinftig in .l^'raft ftcbenben C'>5efctjc gcrcgc(t roirb. 3m= merbin foil e^ ben bentfdicn unb ruffi= fdicn ®d)iffen freiftcben, an^ cincm .S^afen bc<^ eincn bcr bciben ncrtrag fd)Iief^enbcn !i'anbcr nad) cincm ober mcbrcren ^ftfen bc^felben ?anbcS ;5U fnbren, fei cei, urn bort bie awv bem ^^{m^Ianbc mitgebrad)te ^'nbung gan^ ober tcihiieifc ju (bfdicn, ober um cine nad) bem 3(uiJ(anbc beftimmte Vabung ein^unebmen obcr ju ergcinjen. Irtifel 15. Die ^lationalital ber iSdiiffe foil beibcrfcit^ nadi ben fcbcm ?anbe cigcn= tumli(^en ©efe^en unb S3erorbnungen ulations of the declaration of 23/1 1 July, 1873/ shall govern also in the future. Article 14. German vessels and their car- goes in Russia, as well as Russian vessels and their cargoes in Ger- many, shall be placed on the same footing as local ships and cargoes, regardless of where the vessel sailed from or whither bound, regardless also of the origin or destination of their cargoes. Every prerogative and every immunity whicli may be granted by one of the contracting parties to a third country, shall be ex- tended automatically and uncon- ditionally to the other party. However, exception is made from the foregoing stipulations: a) In regard to those special privileges which, in either coun- try, now exist, or may be granted in the future, to the home fisheries and their produce: h) In regard to the privileges granted now or in the future to the national merchant fleet. The stipulations of the present agreement do not apply to coast- wise shipping which, as hereto- fore, shall be regulated in both countries by existing or future laws. However, in any case German and Russian vessels shall be permitted to sail from a port of one of the contracting parties to one or more ports of the same country, whether for complete or partial discharge of the cargo brought from abroad, or for taking on or completing a cargo destined for abroad. Article 15. The nationality of vessels is recognized by both parties in accordance with the laws and 63 British and Foreign State Papers, p. 59. 38 THE EUSSIAN PEACE. auf ©ruiib ber an 33orb befinblirficn, burd) bic .^uftanbigen i8cI)orbcn au^= gefteUten Urfunben uub 'iMitcnte nner= Eannt tuerbcii. Sie Don ben einetn ber t)crtragfdiUc= Reuben Jeile au^gefteHten 'Sdilffyinefe--^ briefe iDerben nad) SOkfegabe ber jmi^ fd)cn ben betben nertragfdiUc^enben 2:eilen getroffcnen ober ^n trcffenben bc[onbcrcn 5kreinbarungcn Hon beni nnberen Xcilc anerfannt tuerben. ■ 5lrtifcl 16. Die bentfdicn ®d)iffe, IvcUte nad) einem rn[fifd)en veld)e bie ©efeljgebung beg hz' treffenben ?anbeg ben eigenen ©d)iffen in g{eid)er ?age bettiilligt. S"g foil jeberlei .^itfe unb iBeiftanb bem i^-tibrer unb ber 9)?ann[d)a[t folroobl [iir ibre ^erfon lr»ie fiir (Sd)iff unb Vabung ge= leiftet tuerben. 3)ic f)ertragfd)Iieftenben Xeile fom= men aufeerbem liberein, ba§ bie gebor= genen SBaren feiner ^oHabgabe unter== Itegen foKen, eg fei benn, ha^ fie in ben inlanbifd}en 53erbraud) iibergeben. 3lrtifel 19. 5)ie 53enu^ung ber Sbauffeen unb fonftigen ©trafeen, ,f?anale, ©d)Ieufen, gabren, SBrilcfen unb 53riidfenoffnungen, ber §cifen unb ?anbunggpla^e, ber S3e* jeic^nung unb 53eleu(^tung beg i^ai)V' with cargo at a port and leave it without having effected any trade. This exemption shall not ex- tend to lighthouse, pilotage, tow- ing, quarantine, or other dues which are payable on the vessel for services rendered or apparatus used, and which are established in the interest of traffic, and which are equally payable by native ships, and by those belong- ing to the most favored nation. If a vessel came to the port through necessity, the unloading and reloading of merchandise necessitated by repairs to the ship, the transferring of cargo into another vessel on account of the unworthiness of the former, the purchases of necessary provisions for the crew, the sale of deter- iorated goods with the consent of the customs authorities, shall not be considered as a commer- cial transaction. Article 18. In case a vessel of one of the contracting parties is stranded or wrecked on the coast of the other country, the vessel, as well as the cargo, shall enjoy the same ad- vantages and immunities which the laws of the respective coun- tries extend to its own vessels in similar circumstances. All aid and assistance shall be given to the master and to the crew, as regards their persons, the ship, and the cargo. The contracting parties are further agreed that salvaged goods shall not be subject to customs duties unless intended for local consumption. Article 19. The use of highways and other thoroughfares, canals, locks, fer- ries, bridges, and bridge openings, harbors and quays, channel-marks and lights, pilots, lifting cranes 40 THE RUSSIAN PEACE.' inaffer^, beg ^otfemuefeng, ber .f rane unb SSageanftalten, ber 9ZieberIagcn, ber 5lnftatten jur ^Kettung unb 53ergung tiou Sd)iffggutern unb berg(eid)en met)r foften, infoiDeit bie 5tu(ageu ober '^ln= ftalteu flir ben bffentlid)en 5?erfebr unb ben .spanbel im allgemeinen beftimmt finb, gleid)t)iel, ofa fie Dont ©taate ober mit ftaatUd)er ©enchmigung t)on '^iJri^ tiatperfonen bermattct mcrbcn, ben 5(n= get)brigcn beg anbcrcn tiertragfd)(iefecn= ben 'Xdk^ unter g(etdien 43ebingungen unb gegen 3iit)tiiii9 gleidicr ©ebiibren rate ben ?(nget)brigen beg eigenen ©taate^S geftattet loerben. ®otd)e ©ebUbren biirfen, t)orbe{}a(t= lid) ber beim ©eebeleud)tungg= unb @ee= lotfenmefen jnUiffigen abti)eid)enben 93e[timmungcn, nur bci ftiirf(idier 53e=^ nulling fo(d]cr '?tn(ageu ober 5(n[ta(ten erf)obeii iDerben. Strtifel 20. T)k beiben Oertragfd)liefeenbcn STeile bebalten [id) bag Oiedit nor, ibre (Si[en= babntrangporttarifc nad) cigcncm (Sr= meffcn ,^u beftimnien. 3ebod) folt meber hin[id)tlid) ber S3efbrberunggpreifc nod) l)iu[iditUd) bir 3eit unb ber Mvt ber ?lbfertigung ,^mi= fd)en hen 53elwl)nern ber ©ebtete ber t»ertrag[d}Ue^enben 'Jeile ein Unter= fdiieb gemad)t iDerben. ^ngbefonbcre follen fitr bie Pon 3iufelanb nad) einer beutfd)en Station ober burcf) ^eutfd)^ lanb befbrbcrten ©ittertrangporte anf ben bcut|d)cn 33a[)ncn feinc bbberen 3rarife angeiitenbct toerben, a(g flir gleid)artige beutfd)e ober nug!dnbi|d)e Sr^eugniffe in berfclben 3iid)tung unb auf berfelben S3erfebrgftrecfe erboben toerben. T)ag gleid)e foH auf ben ruffifd)en ^a^nen fiir ©iiterfenbungen aug ;Deutfd)Ianb gelten, iueld)c nad) einer ruffifd)cn ©tation ober burd) 9?u^Ianb befbrbert pierben. 3lugnabmen Pon oorftebcnben i8e= ftimniungen foITen nur .V-ilaffig fein, fo= Wdt eg fid) unx Xrangporte ju er- miifeigten 'i|3reifen fiir bffentlid)e ober milbe 3^t)ecfe b«ubctt. and scales, wareliouses, coast- guards and institutions for salvage and safe-keeping of ships' cargoes, and so forth, in so far as tliese constructions or institutions are intended for general communica- tion and for public traffic and trade in general, irrespective of whether they are managed by the State, or by private persons with the consent of the State, shall be granted to the subjects of the other contracting party on the same conditions and against pay- ment of equal dues as to the sub- jects of the home country. With the exception of devia- tions permissible in regard to lighthouses and pilots, these dues shall only be levied if the above mentioned constructions and in- stitutions have actually been utilized. Article 20. Both contracting parties re- serve the right to establish their own railwa}^ tariffs at their own discretion. However, neither in respect to freight rates nor in respect to the time and method of forwarding shall any difference be made between the subjects of either contracting party. Especially on consignments of goods coming from Russia and destined for a German station, or passing thi'ough Germany in transit, no higher rates shall be levied on German railways than on similar German or foreign products going in the same direction and on the same section of the road. The same shall apply on Russian rail- ways for consignments of goods from Germany destined for Rus- sian stations or passing through Russia in transit. Exceptions from the foregoing stipulations shall be admissible only in so far as consignments at reduced rates for public or chari- table purposes are concerned. 8. RUSSIA— GERMANY. FINAL PEOTOCOL TO SUB-APPEIJDIX 1 OF APPEIfDIX II TO THE PEACE TREATY BETWEEI^ RUSSIA AIlfD THE CENTRAL POWERS. SIGNED 3 MARCH, WIS.' [German text as published in Reichs- Gesetzblatt, No. 77, 11 June, 191S.] [Translation. e r ft e r X e i L 3 u m ^-8 e r t r n g g t e J t. Sn Hrttfel 1. >^nu^[)altung^iie8cn[raiibe, bit fdion gdirnud)t uiib iBcftanbtetle bc§ TlohU llav^ tioii 5(ugcl}Drigcn cmc6 ber l3er= ti-ag[;[)Iiefeenben 3:eile finb, bic int Q^cgriffe [tub, [irfi im (MeMetc beg anbcrcn ZdM nieberjulnl'fen. [ollcn in bem leijtcre'.i fcineiici Gtagang^SoII unlcriDorfcii fciii. Tie beittl'djcu ilkcufyfonfuiatc uub bic ^Beamtcu bcr biplomatifcljcn fotoie bcr gebaditen foiifularifdicii 'Bertrctun^ geii, bic Don bcr Tcutfdien ^icgicrung nnd) ^luf^Innb cntfanbt [inb, fottcii fo= rool)i [lir bic -Se'itiH'flcn Wiv fiir bie (grjeugniffc ber 233i[!cnfdia[tcn, bcr .S'iinftc nnb ber 53enetri)tif gegeuitbcr bcr ruf[i|dien .gcnfur r-odc unb gan,5c ^reihcit gcnicf^cn. T'ic nad) ^Irtifel 2 bcS 33ertragc6 smifd)cn !Dcutfd}Ianb iinh Siufelo.nb Dom 8. 3)csem6er/26. 9]otientOcr 1874 ben .•STonfntnt^tbcanitcn siM-^ef)cnbeu ^ox= rcd)tc nnb 53e[reiuugcn iDcrben and) ben ben beutfd)cii .^onjnlatcn in 9iuf^= lanb bcigegcbcncn ©pe,5iatbeamtcn fo= lute ben 3Igcntcn be§ nif[ifd)cn ginanj^ miniftcrinmg unb if)rcn ©efretiiren (obcr ?(ttad)e3) in ®eut[(t'Ianb sugc= [tanben. Paiit First referring to the text of the TREATY To Article 1. Iloiiseliold effects which have ah-eady been in use and movable property of subjects of either con- tracting party who intend to set- tle on the territory of the other party, shall be exempt in the latter territory from any import duties. Germa,n official consulates and the employes of diplomatic and of said consular institutions dis- patched to Russia, shall have the right to receive newspapers and works of science, art, and litera- ture, entirely exempt from the Russian censorship. The privileges and immunities accorded, as per Article 2 of the Treaty between Germany and Russia of 8 December/26 Novem- ber, 1874,^ to consular employees, are also extended to special offi- cials attached to German consu- lates in Russia and also to the agents of the Russian Ministry of Finance and to their secretaries (or attaches) in Germany. ' Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, 29 March, 1918 (Neue Freie Presse, 6 July, morning edition; cf. infra, p. 139). - 65 British and Foreign State Papers, p. 244. 41 42 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. 3u 5lrtifel 1 itnb 12. 3m *il3afen)c[en inerben bte ?(nge= l)origen beiber Xei(c unc bie bcr mei[t= bcgiinftigten 9Zation bct)aiibclt inerben. 1)ic ©UttigfeitSbauer be^ ^]3af,tti[a iDirb in 9iuf^lanb auf einen .g^itranm Don fcd)§ 9}?onatcn er[trecft. T)ic[e iBcftimmung erftrccft ficb and) anf bag "Pafettifa ber bcntfd)cn >'panb- (nng^reifenben mofaifdier ^lieligion. T^ie @ebnt)r filr bic (Srtci(ung ber ^InvSlanb^paffe an bie in 'liufelanb 1do!)= nenben T^cutfdicn luirb ben 33ctrag Oon 50 .^opefen nid}t iiberfteigen. Shifjtanb n)irb and) fiinftig filr bie (Miittigfeit ber i'egitimationSfdicine, Wddjc inner bnib einer (>Hxn3,pne Don 30 .Silonietern ©eltnng baben, unb ben 3nbnber, niic bieei gegenlpcirtig ber ivatt ijt, ^nm mebr= maligen Uberfdn'eiten bcr Wren^e an beliebigen @ren5itbergangen bererbtigen, eine ^aner Don 28 2^agen beioidigcn. ^iefc ©UltigfeitSbaner Inirb bciberfei= tig Dom Xage ber erftcn 53ennt3nng beg '2d)eineg jnm ©ren,5iibertritt an mit bcr SO'Zafegabe beredniet mcrben, ba§ bie gebad)ten ed)eine ibre 0>HiItigfeit Der= lieren, \vmn [ie nid)t jum crften 2)?ale fpcitefteng am [Unf^ebnten ^age, Dom Jage ber ?lug[ertignng an gercdmct, be= nutjt iDcrben. 3)icfe T^aucr Don 28 Tagen tuirb in feincm ^allc burd) ben toiibrenb ber Wldtigfeitgbaner ber l''egitimationg= fd)cine eintretcnben 3abrcgn>edife( be= riibrt inerben. T>k in jlnei ©pradien, in T;eut[d) nnb in Sxnffifd), abgefafeten ?egitimationg[d)eine folten bcibcrfeitg nnr ben eigenen ©taatgangebbrigen nnb benicnigen ?Ingei)brigen beg anbcren Sanbeg erteilt mcrben, iueld)e in bem ?anbc iuobnen, ido bie 3d)eine angge= [teWt merben. X)ag 1)atnm beg tlbertrittg Uber bie ©ren^e mirb fiinftig Don ben bcntfd)en nnb ruffifd}en 53ef)orben fotnobi nadi ber bcutfd)en n^ie nad) ber ruffifdien ,3eit= rcdmung anf ben (3d)einen Dermerft inerben. 3)ie ^d)cine inerben and) fiinftig, Djie bieg gegenlncirtig ber %a\i ift, cbenfo n3ie an Gbi'iftcn anti) an 3fi^a<^Iiten Derab^ folgt inerben. To Articles 1 and 12. In regard to passports th& subjects of both countries are placed on a footing with the most favored nation. Tlie passport vise in Russia holds good for six months. Tlie decision includes the vise of the passports of German com- mercial travelers of the Hebrew faith. The fee for issuing foreign pass- ports to Germans living in Russia is not to exceed 50 Copecks. Rus- sia will in the future also grant a term of 28 days for the validity of legitimation certificates available within the limits of a 'frontier zone 30 kilometers wide, allowing the bearers the right of repeatedly crossing the frontier at different points as at present. This term will be reckoned by both parties from the day on which the cer- tificate is first used for crossing the frontier, but the certificates expire if not used for the first time at the latest within fifteen days after the date of issue. This term of 28 days is in no way af- fected by the beginning of a new year during the time for which the certificate is available. These cer- tificates, which slrall be issued in two languages, German and Rus- sian, are to be given by either country only to its own subjects and to such subjects of the other State who reside in the country in vrhich the certificate is issued. The day on which the frontier is crossed will in future be marked on the certificate by both Russian and German au- thorities, according to both the Russian and German calendar. Certificates will be given in fu- ture, as at present, both to Christians and Hebrews. BREST-LITOVSK PEACE : EINAL PROTOCOL TO SUBAPPENDIX 1. 43 3eber Dertra8f(f)Iicfecnbe Sletl Wixb bie 3eittt3aiibcrung feiner 5lm3e{)origcn in ba^ ©ebict bed anbcreu Xdk^ ^nv ^efd)afttgung in Ianbn3irtfd)aftlid)en nnb Qen)erblid)cn 93ctncbcii geftattcn unb [ie in feiner SBeife, indfac[onbere «ud) nid)t bnrd) ^]?afeer[d)ti3eiinu3en,/t)in= bern. 3)ie iBertrcter Hon [taatUd; beanf[id)tigten Organifationen, bie im Gkbiete bed einen Jeiled jnr S>ennit= telung ber Sfniuerbimg fold)er Hrbeiter {jegrilnbet [inb nnb bie Don ber Siegie^ rung biefed S^eiled ber 9iegierung Deo iinberen Xcik^ bejeidinet lucrben, [oHen Im ©ebiete bed leljtercn o{)nc tncitcred ^ugelaffen luerbcn nub ibre 93ermitte= luugdtcitigfeit uugebinbcrt nuMben biir-- fen. !3)ie ruf[ifd)en Slrbeiter, meldie uad) S)eut[d){anb toninieu, nni bafelbft in Iaubn)irt[d)aftUd)en 33etriebeu ober 9le= benbetrieben gu arbeiteu, [often ioie bid= ber fofteufrei niit ?egitinmtiondpapie= ren, gilltig tiom 1. (^ebruar bid 20. ©e^enxber neuen ©tild, oerfeben inerben. Slud) biefe ^^apiere foHen in beutfd)er unb in ruffifdjer ©pradje abgefafet fein. 3u ^Irtifel 3. ©omeit bie ?Iugebi)rigen eined britten ©tiiated anf G)runb ber in J?ra[t [teben* ben 53ertrage unb Ubereinfommcn Don ber 5?ormunb[d}aft in 9?ufelanb befreit finb, folten bie beutfd)en 9iei(iOdange= i)origeu in 9iufelanb biu[id)tlicb ber S3or= mnubfd)aft iiber nid)tbeut[d)e 9[)Hnber= icibrige biefelbe 35ergnn[tigung gcuiefeen. Sn SIrtifel 5. S)ie Don ber beutfcben ^Regierung gegeuiiber ber .ruf[ifd)en (ginfubr ge= troffenen Deteriniiren SQiofenabmen fon= nen nid}t in [trengerer j^orm eingefiibrt berben aid biejenigcn gegeuiiber Don ©taaten, lDeId}e fid) bi^ficbtlicf) ber 2:ierfeu(f)en unb ber Deterinflren Sin= ricbtungen in bemfelbcn 3u[tanbe be= finben h)ie 9^ufelaub. 86409—18 4 Each contracting parties will allow its subjects to pass tempo- rarily to the territory of the other party for agricultural and indus- trial purposes and will raise no obstacles particularly as regards passport .regulations. The rep- resentatives of organizations under state inspection which are estab- lished in the territory of one party to act as agencies for en- listing such workmen, and re- garding which the government of this party will notify the govern- ment of the other party, are without further formalities ad- mitted within the territory of the latter and may exercise without hindrance their functions as agents. Russian workmen entering Ger- many for agricultural or other kindred occupations, shall be provided as heretofore, free of charge, with legitimation papers valid from 1 Februar}^ to 20 De- cember, new style. These papers also shall be writ- ten in the Russian and German languages. To Article 3. In so far as the subjects of a third State, on the strength of existing treaties and agreements, are exempt in Russia from guard- ianship, German subjects in Russia shall enjoy the same privilege in respect to guardian- ship of non-German minors. To Article 5. Veterinary measures intro- duced by the German Govern- ment with regard to Russian im- port may not be applied more strictly than with regard to States which, in respect to con- tagious diseases of animals and in respect to veterinary institu- tions, are in the same condition as Russia. 44 THE RUSSIAN PEACE.' T)k\t 33c[tiiiinunig fin bet fciue 5lu= menbiing au[ bic detcriiulren ?(l)mad)= ungcn jiiiifd)cn S)eutfd)lanb imb C[rer= reid)4Ingarn. S)ie S<^l)l ber lebenben ©d)mcine, beren (5infu()r nad) Obcr[d)(e[icn auf ©runb ber beftebenbcn 33cftimmungen Siigclaffen i[t, inirb auf 2500 ©tiicf )r»od)ent(id) erf)of)t. (^Icifd), n3eld)c^ ini (ginue beg bciit= fd)en g(eifrf)befd)augcfcljcg bom 3. 3uni 1900 at§ subcrcitet nn,5ufc^eu ift, mirb pr (Stiifuf)r uadi S)eutfd)(anb nad) 9Jfafegabe ber 53cftimmungcn be§ er== matinten ©efe^eg jiigelaffen loerben. ©ie in ben ^Ibfcttjen 3 iinb 4 ber gegeTUDiirtigen 53cftiinmimg entf)altenen ^ugeftrinbniffe fonucn jeittueife njiber- riifen ober aufgeboben rocrben, it>cnn au6ergeiDoI)n(id)e GH-iinbe t»eterinarpoIi= jeilidier 9^atur bieg notmenbig mad)en. 3u ben Strtifein 5, 6/ 7, 9 unb 10. 3m .^inblicE barauf, bafe gur 3eit in 9?ufelanb geuiiffe !J6arcn bei ber (Sin= ful)r iiber bie V'aubgrenjc bof)eren Soil' fci^en unterliegen ate( bei ber Sinfu^r iiber bie Oftfee, beftebt (SintterftcinbniS bariiber, ha^ t)om Jage beg 3nfraft= treteng beg gegeniucirtigen ^ertrageg bie 3oWe bei ber (Sinfu^r iiber bie ganbgrenje auf bie ©alje ber SoU^ &ei ber (linfuf)r iiber bie Oftfee ermiifeigt roerben follen, unb ba^ fcin neuer, bie (5infu{)r iiber bie ©eegreuje begiinftigen= ber Unterfc^eibunggsoll eingefiii)rt mer- hm barf. S)ie S)eutfc^e 9xegierung derpflic^tet fid) ii)rerfeitg, an feiner ©renje beg 2)eutfd)en 9^eid)eg anbere ober gtinftigere S'olk ein3ufiif)ren atg an ber Oftgrenje. 3u Slrtifet 6. S)er S)eutfd)e Sunbegrat mirb n)a^= renb ber ganjen ®auer beg gegen- mcirtigen 3Sertrageg Hon feinem 9?ec^te, bie ®enef)migung jur (grrid)tung t)on gemifc^ten ©etreibetranfitlagern in ,^o= niggberg, 3)anjig, Slltona, 9!J?anni)eim This regulation does not apply to agreements relative to veteri- nary measures between Germany and Austria-Hungary. The number of live pigs, which according to existing regulations may be imported into upper Si- lesia is increased to twenty-five hundred per week. Meat, which by the German Meat Inspection Law of 3 June, 1900, is considered as dressed, is allowed to be imported into Germany in accordance with reg- ulations of the law referred to. The concessions stipulated in paragraphs 3 and 4 preceding, may be temporarily suspended or revoked, if this is necessitated by extraordinary considerations aris- ing from veterinary supervision. To Articles 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10. Whereas in Russia at the present time certain goods are subject to higher customs duty, when im- ported across the land frontier, than when imported by the Baltic Sea, the parties are agreed that from the day of the coming into force of the present treaty, the duties on imports across the land frontier shall be reduced to con- form with the rates of duty on imports by the Baltic Sea and that no new tariff be introduced dis- criminating in favor of imports by sea. The German Government on its part binds itself not to intro- duce on any frontier of the Ger- man Empire different or more favorable customs duties than on its eastern frontier. To Article 6. The German Federal Council will not avail itself at any time during the life of the present treaty of its prerogative to re- voke the permission given for establishing mixed warehouses BRKST-LITOVSK PEACE : FINAL PEOTOCOL TO SUBAPPENDIX 1. 45 unb SubtDtgcihnfcn ju loiberrufen, fcincu ©ebrnuif) madien. Bu 5(rtiEcI 6, 7 unb 11. Vk 33obcn- unb 0>"'crocrbecr5cugiu[[c emeu brittcu iD^acfjt, mcld}e biird) hai> ©ebiet eine^ ber ttcrtragfrfilieBcnbeu Xdk burcf)gefu!)rt iDcrben, fof(cu bei i[)rem (Singang in hai ©cbiet bc^ an= beren %dk& feincn anbcren ober boheren pollen untcnnorfcn mcrbcn, n(c( menu fie b'ireft au^ bent llrfpnuig^lanbe cin= Qefuf)rt inorbcn iDciren. ,3u ben ?(rtifeln 6 bi« 9. 1)ic Siuffifdie ^icgierung erflfirt ftdi bereit, bei ^ott^nbhtngcn beutfdic (5blb== miinjen burdi btc Soifamter annebmen gu Ia[fen, unb ',mar 1000 m\rt C^^olb alg ©egenmcrt don 462 3?ubel (1 9Jubel = iV Smpcrial). ^n bcm gleidien S^crbciltniffc merben bie ru[[ifd)en So^U amter bie beutfdicn 9ieid)^bnnfnotcn bei ^oUjabfungen annebmen. Su Hrtifel 6 unb 7. T)ie Dertragfcbtisfeenben Xeite befial* ten fid) baiJ ?lied)t tior, bei ber Sinfubr Don SSaren, nienn biefe je nnd) ibrent ^erfunft^Ianb einev unterfd}ieb(irf)cn .3oHbebanbhiug untcrliegen, pm '^lad}=^ h)eife ber ctnbeimifdicn Srjeugung ober 53earbeituiu3 bie iBorlegung don Ur- fprung^jeugniffen gu forbern. (ge> njirb feiten^i ber beibcn J^eile ^vUrforge getrof^ fen tnerben, bafe bie derlangten ^eugniffe ben §anbe( nxoglid)ft tDenig beengen- ,3u Slrtifcl 12. Um in 9xu^Ianb ha^ in 3tbf. 1 don 3lrtifel 12 dorgefebene 9xed)t auMben gn fonnen, mtiffen bie bafelbft benannten ^erfonen ntit befonberen ©eiderbcfcbei^ nen derfeben fein, beren jugunften be!!ogIiif)fcit t)cr= mieben mirb. ©ie [inb bcrcit, p biefem ^^^^ecfe cinem bic (Si[enbaf)nen ®eutfd){anb5, ^)iu^lanbg unb bcr nug bem ^?nf[i[(f)cn 9ictd) augfcbcibcnbcn ©taaten ober 25crnialtungggcbicte bin= benbcn Ubereinfommcn bcisutreten, ba^ namentlid) bic in 3trtifcl 20 ber t)Dr= [tef)cnbcn 33ercinbarnng unb in bcr t>or= iiegenben ®d)Iu^protofoIIbc[timmung ent^altenen 3Ibmad)ungcn im obigen ©inne regcin unb ingbc[onbcre and) ba^ (SpannunggDcrljaltni^ bcr Dor bem ^riege gilttig gemefencn (5ifcnba{}n^ tarifc im 93erfel)r mit bm Oftfeel)afen unb bzn .^cifeu beg ©c^ntarjen unb 5I[on3fd)en t)^eere§ oufred)t \)alkn 'imvb. importing vessels of the contract- ing parties, in case the imported goods are further transported by rail or by inland waterways. The Russian Government will see to it that railway freight tariffs, for transportation from Russia to Germany of phosphorites and other phosphates, as well as ores, in force until 1 August, 1914, should not be increased to a greater extent than corresponds to the general average increase of the Russian railway tariffs in proportion to distances in the same way as these were used as a basis of the tariffs in question prior to 1 August /19 July, 1914. At the request of the German Government, the sea tariffs will be applied to new stations of departure and destination. The contracting parties agree, that in regard to railway matters, mutual traffic relations between Germany and Russia shall be the same as before the war, and that disadvantages, which might result from the subdivision of the Rus- sian railway system into independ- ent railway systems, will be as far as possible removed. To this end both parties are prepared to con- cur in a convention, binding on the railways of Germa"ny, Russia, and the States and administered territories which have detached themselves from the Russian Em- pire, to regulate in this sense the stipulations contained in Article 20 of the present treaty and in this concluding protocol, and es- pecially to reestablish the con- tinuity of railway tariffs, existing before the war, for communica- tion with the ports of the Baltic Sea, the Black and the Azoff Seas. 50 THE RUSSIAN PEACE.' 3ft)eiter 3;;eU. Part Second. ,3 u ben 8 (I r e g I c in cuts. to the customs regulations. §1. ^ie Sefugnii^ ^ur UberUicifung Hon Paren iinter SolIfontroHe nii aiibcre jimtcr tinrb bciberfeit^ nuf nlle So^U amkv crfter .ff'Inffe, iDcIcfte fcinc @tfen= bal)uiicrbtnbitm3 mit ben ^agercimtern hnben, anv^gcbebut iuerben. ^ocb i[t babci 'i^cbingung, ba^ foldie ecnbnngen ben cinfd)(agigen ©efeljen unb i^or^ [cfiriftcn untcmorfcn bletben. §2. (S^ be[tet)t bciberfeitigeg (Sinoerftanb= ni^, bafe bie ^oflcimter ber belben timber an alien Jagen ht^ 3abre^ gebffnet bletben, mit 3lu^naf)me ber ©onntage unb ber gefetjUdjen i^eicrtage. §3. !Die 3)ien[t[tunben [otien in ben SolU dmtern ber bciben ^cinber angefd}Iagen merben. !Die :Dten[tftunben fiir bie 9icinfion ber 9tei[cpQ[[c iinb ber legitimations^ farten folkn fiir jeben iSejirf unb ieben ©ren^punft nad) befonberer S^crein^ barung gluifdjen hen betreffenbcn 53c= f}orbcn ber beibcn ^itnber fcftgcfe^t iDerben. (gS- foHen bierbei anf bciben ©eiten bie gleid)en ©tunben cingcfid)rt, ben brtlid)en 53ebiirfni[[en 9icd)nung getragen unb bei ben ^onilmtcrn britter ,f laffe, ben 9icbensoItamtern unb ben UbergangSpunften eine Unterbredjung be§ ^ienftes fiir bie SDkijt^eiten ber 33eamten gelnafirt toerben. §4. .3onpflid}tige iJBaren, JDeId)e Don 'i|3er= fonen eingefiibrt merben, bie fid) im 33efitje einer orbnunggmcifeigcn legiti- mation jur liberfdireitung ber ©renje befinben, fofkn anf beiben ©eiten miinb= lid) bcflariert merbcn fbnnen, unb iWax auf alfcn ,3oUdmtern innerbalb il)rer ^uftanbigfeit, borauSgefetjt, ba^ biefe § 1. Authorization to consign goods under customs control to other custom houses is extended by both parties to all custom houses of the first class, which have no railroad communications with the offices having warehouses. It is stipu- lated, however, that such con- signments remain subject to perti- nent laws and regulations. §2. Both parties agree that the custom houses of both countries shall remain open every day of the year, except Sundays and legal holidays. §3. The time tables of office hours shall be posted in the custom houses of both countries. Office hours for examination of passports and legitimation cards shall be fixed for each district and for each frontier crossing, by special agreement between the respective departments of the two coun- tries. Both parties shall appoint the same hours, taking into account local needs, and in cus- tom houses of the third class, in supplementary custom houses, and at frontier crossings, a recess shall be granted for the em- ployees' meals. §4. Merchandise liable to customs duty, imported by persons having a duly executed permit to cross the frontier, may be declared orally in both countries and at all custom houses within the limits of their competency, provided the merchandise is not imported for BREST-LITOVSK PEACE : FINAL PEOTOCOL TO SUBAPPENDIX 1. 51 3Barcn nicf)t ju $anbcl<3srt)edfeti elnge= fiUirt merben, unb bafs bie ©efanitftett ber gu erhebenbcn SottQebii^reii ni(f)t iiberfteigt: fiinf jefin 9\ubct fiir bie Sinfuf)r nad) 9?ufelanb, unb fiinfuubbreifetg SOJarf fiir bie @in= [u()r nad) !I)eut[d)tanb. Siuf ©runb bie[er (grmad}tigiing follen bie UbergangSpunfte bag 9ied)t t)aben, 9}Junbt)orrate (init '^(ugnabme iion 53ranuttoein unb anbcren geiftigen @e= tranfen) [omie aud) (Srjeugniffe, bie aug[d){iefelid) jum v^iauSgebraud) be= [timnit [inb, joHaiutlid) absufertigcu. §5. Unbefdjabet ber befonberen" 53eftim= mimgcn I)in[id)tUd) ber i5Iuf5[d)ifte mv' ben galjrseuge alter 3irt ein[d)Iiefilid) ber sugei)()rigen SluSriiftungggegenfttinbe, n)e{d)e gur 3eit ber (Sinfuftr inv i8efor= berung Don '^]3er[onen ober SSaren bienen unb nur au^ biefer S3eranla[[ung bor= iibergef)enb nad) 9?ufelanb bon "iperfonen eingefii^rt iDcrben, bie ben ruffifdjen ober beutfrf)en 3oHbef)brben befannt [inb, Don ben ruffifdien i8e()orben oi)ne (Sriegung beg (Singanggjong ober ®id)eri)eitg= I'tetiung fiir biefen SoU eingela[[en iuerben, fofern fid) ber '^iii)xcv beg %ui)v= merfeg ijerpfliditet bagfclbe binnen einer beftimmten grift ftiebcr augpfii^ren. ®ic fd)riftlid)e ?Iugfertigung ber 33er= pflid)tunggfd)eine foil unentgeltlid) unb oi)ne ichc ®ebiif)renerl)ebung erfolgen. §6. 33ei ber (Sinfulir bon 3Saren auf bem ?anbttiege nad) S^Jufelanb loirb feine befonbere ©eflaration geforbert, fofern bie SSaren oon i^rad)tbriefen begleitet finb. (Sg geniigt in biefem (^alte bie SSorjeigung ber jvi'at^tbriefe bei bem ©ingangganite. 3)ie S^¥ ^er iPferbe unb ber gal)rseuge, aug benen fid) ber 2^rangport jufammenfetjt, foiwe bie ®efamtjal)l ber grac^tbriefe unb ber ^olli finb algbann auf eincni ber j^rad)tbriefe sufammensufteKen, unb eg ift biefe Slngabe Don bem leitenben ■ ^iil)rer su unterjeidinen. the purpose of trade and that the suni due as customs duty does not exceed: Fifteen Roubles for imports to Russia; and Thirty-five Marks for imports to Germany. Transfer offices are hereby em- powered to clear foodstuffs (with the exception of brandy and other spirituous liquors) as well as articles exclusively intended for household use. §5. Without derogating from spe- cial regulations regarding river craft, vehicles of every kind to- gether with their accessories, which during their importation serve to carry passengers or goods, and which are only for this purpose temporarily brought into Russia by persons known to the Russian or German customs au- thorities, are admitted by Rus- sian authorities free of dues and without depositing security for such duty, if the carrier obligates himself to reexport the same within a specified time. The ob- ligation to this effect, which must be in writing, shall be made out free of charge. §6. No special declaration of goods imported into Russia by land is necessary, if the goods are accom- panied by a way bill. In such in- stances it is sufficient to present the way bill to the Customs Officer at the time of entry. The number of horses and vehicles in a transport as well as the total of way bills and packages are en- tered on one of the way bills, which entry is then signed by the head driver. 52 THE RUSSIAN PEACE." §7. ^lumen unb lebenbe •^^[(anjen, frifcfte griirfjte unb frifdie ^ifdic, foioie alle etrtem ra[d)en i8erberbcu au^gefeijten SSaren follen beiber[eit§, t>orbet)aItlid) %allt ]^bf)erer ©ematt, binnen 24 ©tunben, Oom Sinbringen bcr SBaren in bie .go^taser an gercrfinet, oerjollt tuerben. §8. 3)ie fiir bie 3Inbringung bcr 3bei^ti[i= Sierunggjeid)en ju cntrid)tenben @e= biiljren inerben 5 t). 6p. beg @efanitbe=^ trogeS be§ 3otteg nidjt tiberfteigen. S)ie filr bie Slnbringung ber Si^entifi^ gierung§^eirf)en bei .^'nopfcn, 53anbern, ©pi^en, ©ticfereien unb gellen 511 entrii^tenben ©ebiibren inerben 1 £opefe fiir jebe 'ipiombe nid)t iibcrfteigen. !Dcr ganje ©ebii^renbetrag fiir bie 'i}?Iom= bierung tnirb 5 t). §. beS ®e[aintbe= trageg beS (Singaiig^SoIfS in jebem ein= gelnen %alk nidjt iiberfteigen. galls inbeffen ber ^nterejfent felbft iDiinfd)!, ha^ bie 9Bare in eincr 2Bei[e ptombiert iuirb, bie iiber bag iBebiirfniS ber Sbentifijierung binauggebt, fo ift er derpfliditet, ben babnrd) cnt[tei)enben 9Jtel)rbetrag an @ebiibrcn ju entriditen. S)ie ^l^unjierung beutfd)cr ©oIb= unb ©ilberiuaren loirb feinen anberen ober I)oi)eren @ebiif)ren unterJDorfen toerben alg bie *!|3unjierung ber gleidiartigen €in^eimi[d)en ?lrbeiten. §9. SSon einge[lii)rten SBaren [oU Sager- gelb burd) bie ruf|"i[d)en ^oHainter nur fiir bie S^age ber nnrflid)en Sagerung in ben 3oiiageni, nont bierten Jage nad) bem 53eginn ber .gol^'^'c'^ifion an gered)net, erf)oben n3crben. 3ebod} foil bie ,3eit^ lual)renb U)eld)er bie ?agerung gebiiljrenfrei ift, begren^t fein burd) bie an bent bctreffenben ^ollamt fiir bie S)cf{aration Don ein= gefiifirten SBaren gemabrtc <}rift, b. I). §7. Flowers and living plants, fresh fruit, and fresh fish, as well as all rapidly perisliable goods, shall except wiien prevented by force majeure, be cleared by both parties inside of 24 hours after arrival of the goods at the customs ware- houses. §8. The charges for affixing identi- fication marks to tlie goods are not to exceed 5% of the customs duty. The cliarges for afhxing identi- fication seals in the case of but- tons, ribbons, lace, embroideries, and furs are not to exceed 1 Co- peck for each seal. The total charge in each individual case for sealing is not to exceed 5% of tlie amount of the import duty. But if tlie interested person wishes that the merchandise should be sealed in a manner ex- ceeding the needs of identifica- tion, the said person is bomid to pay the additional charge thereby incurred. Tlie stamping of German gold and silver ware is not liable to higlier or special charges than the stamping of similar articles of home production. § 9. Storage on imported goods shall be collected by the Russian cus- toms authorities only for the exact time the goods were in storage in tlie customs wareliouses beginning from the fourth day after the customs examination began. However, the period for which no storage charges are made sliall be limited by the time allowed in each custom house for declaring imported goods, that BREST-LITOVSK PEACE : FINAL PROTOCOL TO SUBAPPENDIX 1. 53 5 bt6 14 Xaqt, crI)of)t urn bie in ?lb|al,^ 1 toorgefe^ene grift Hon 3 2:at3en. § 10. S)ie 9inffifcl)c Sictjicrnng ticrpf(i(fitet fid), bic 33c[timmungen ber 5lrtifcl 15 unb 16 ber 53cnicr .^onncntion Horn 14. Oftober 1890, lueldie baS i'Jerfiigung^^^ rerf)t beS Stbfenber^ iibcr feine ^enbun= (jen regein, iDcibrenb ber ®auer be§ gcgen^ hjcirtigen S?crtragc^ in feiner 35>ei[e .^n cinbern. § 11. !Die in beni 3lrtifel 292 be^? ruffifcbcn 9?eg(ctnent^ Horn 15. Tlai 1901, be=^ treffenb bie 2Sarcnein[ul)r, cntbaltene S3or[d)ri[t, tDonad) ber llntcrfd)ieb iVoU fci^en bem angegebenen @eiind)t lion ©cgenfttinben ober SBaren nnb bem bei ber iKeUifion ermittelten @e)uid]t [traf= frei bleibt, [ofern er 5 D. 6^. hc§ ®c[amt= geli3id)t§ ber ®egen[tdnbe ober 333aren nid)t iiberftcigt, ioirb abgeiinbert unb bie 3)nlbung§gren3e auf 10 .f. §• "^eS @e[amtgert)id)tg erbbbt. § 12. ®ag 9ied)t ber 3iefIamation gegen (Sntfd)eibungen ber ruf[ifd)en ,3ottbe= borben, bie fid) [oftiobt auf Strafen luegen einer unsutreffenben ober falfd^en ^Deflaration aU auf bie Xarif^tfaffifi^ gierung ber SBaren bejieben, foil bem 3lbfenber ber SSare in g!eid)er SBeife mie bem 3)eflaranten jufteben. (Singaben biefer 2lrt biirfcn i^on bem ?lbfcnber in beutfd)er ©prad)e abgefafet merben. § 13. ©ie 9?ef(amationgfrift in bm irt § 12 beseid)neten 2lnge(cgenbciten mirb fur ben 5lbfenber n)ie fiir ben Teffnranten auf jrtiei 9}?onate feftgefeljt ntcrben, t)on bem STage an gered)net, mo bie (gnt= fd)eibung bem 5)ef(aranten mitgeteilt iDorben ift. is, 5 to 14 days, with the addition of the 3 days provided for io paragraph 1 preceding. § 10. As long as this Treaty remains in force, the Russian Government binds itself not to alter in any way the stipulations of Articles 15 and 16 of the Berne Convention of 14 October, 1890,^ wliich reg- ulate the sender's right to dispose of tlie goods. § 11. Tlie stipulation contained in Article 292 of the Russian Regu- lations of 15 May, 1901, concern- ing the. importation of goods, according to which the difference between the weight declared and the actual weight of the goods as revealed at the examination, if not exceeding 5% of the total weight of the goods, is modified, and the limit of permissible dif- ference increased to 10% of the total weight. § 12. The right of complaint against decisions of Russian custom house authorities regarding fines for incorrect or fraudulent dec- laration, or regarding the tariff classifications of merchandise, be- longs to the sender of the goods, as well as to the declarant. Such complaints may be drawn up in the German language by the sender of the goods. § 13. The time limit for presenting complaints in cases mentioned, in § 12, both for the sender and the declarant, is fixed at two months from the date when the decision of the custom house is made known to the declarant. 1 82 British and Foreign State Papers, pp. 771, 796. 54 THE RUSSIAN PEACE." 3Sa§ bic (Sntfd)cibuiiQ iiber bie XavU fierung t)oii iSareit nnlniigt, [o luerben umert)alb biefer Jrift "lyorflenimgen be^ 3Ibfcuberi5 mtr baim jugcUifl'cn merbcn, inenn bie ftrettigcii $i>arcn bic .^onager nod) nidit t)er(n[|eu [)ahm. § 14. "Die bcututen ,f oiifuin in 9?n^Ianb nnb bic rnfiifd)cn .fjonfnln in X'cutfdi^ lanb foKen bcrcd}tigt fcin, bie crftcrcn mit bcni ruf[ifd]cn .SoIIbepartcnient, bic Icljtcrcn niit ben 33or[tanben bcr beut= fd}cn ,3oHbc{)i)rbcn (^l^rotiinjial^Steuer^ bireftou nfU).) lisegcn bcr Dor biefen iSe= t)orben fd)n)ebenben 3o^tret1nmationen umnittelbar jn t»erfe{)ren. § 15. %aM i' td)en benen ber gegenfeitige ?lu^taufd) in @ema^I)eit beS eben angegebenen 9.^er= fat)reng ftattfinben foH. §17. !Die Catarantanemaferegcln gegen bie (Sinfdileppimg epibemifdier .Q'ranf^ t)eiten . folfen beiberfeitg auf aHc bie ©renje iiberfdireitenben 9ieifcnben, je nad) ber grbfieren ober geringercn ?tn= ftedung^gcfabr, o[)ne Unterfd)ieb ber 'lyjationaHtat angeJnanbt n^crben, § 18. (Sg ft)irb beiberfeitg ber 5Bieberauf= naf)me Don 9?eifenben, bie iregen mangel= tiafter 3ieifepiiffe ober inegen 9^id)t^ab= lung Don ,3oHgcbnf)ren sui1idgett)iefen trerben, fein §inberni^ entgegengefteKt h)erben; unter ben be5eid)neten Um- must contain the motives of the measures unless these are self evident. Measures taken in German}^ by the administrative head of a province (Oberprasident), or by the president of a government- board, and those taken in Russia b}^ the Governor General or Gov- ernor, shall mutually be commu- nicated to officials of correspond- ing rank. Communications giv- ing the reasons for such measures shall be conveyed through diplo- matic channels. Measures adopted by the cen- tral authorities of the two coun- tries shall, together with the reasons for same, be communi- cated to each other through diplomatic channels. Both parties agree that infor- mation regarding veterinary inea-sures shall be mutually com- municated if possible before they are made public and, in any case, not later than simultaneously with their publication. Both Governments will ex- change lists indicatmg the au- thorities on both sides who are to exchange communications ac- cording to the above described procedure. §•17. Quarantine regulations against epidemic diseases shall he applied by both parties to all travelers crossing the frontier, regardless of their nationality, in accordance with the danger of infection. § 18. Neither party will hinder the return of travelers sent back for lack of a passport or for non- payment of customs duties; in circumstances mentioned above, both parties shall readmit even 56 THE RUSSIAN PEACE.' ftaubcn io[(cu b2ibcrfeit>5 fclbft frcmbe Staat3an.je[)i3rigc luieber aiifgenommen aicrbcn, jumal in ben ynWcn, wo fie nodi nidit in-ba(S ^nncre bcc^ 'I'anbcei gclangt finb. -Die auf lieiben Seiten juftanbi^ gen Set)brben mcrben fid) iiber bic ju er= greifcnbcn 9)?a|3regeln Derftanbigen. Wat cineni ruffifd)en JlugmnnbciinigS^ fdieinc t)erfe[)ene iiibifd}e SluiJlDanberer rnffifd)er Stbfunft nnb anbcre, mcidic Hon ben bentfd)en 53et)brben nad) 9iu6= (anb juriidgefanbt tnerben, miiffen Don ben ruffifdien ©rcn^fael^orben juge(affen merben, noran^gefet^t, ba^ fid) biefc l^er^ fonen in T^eutfd)(anb nid)t Icinger aid einen 5D?onat nnfget)altcn fiaben, Hon beni Xnge an gercd)net, mo fie iiber bie beutfd)n-uffifd)e ©rengc gegangen finb. § 19. X)ie ©renjbetiorben iebe<^ ber beibcn ttertrngfd)Iief3enbenl:ei(e follen gcbnltcn fein, pafeiofe ?nnbftreid)er nnb anbere '13crfonen biefer ^^Irt, n-)eld)e in bad ®e= biet bed anbercn Jeiled, beffen 3Inge= {)origc fie finb, mieber aufgcnommen iDcrben foUen, andfd}(ieB{id) nad) tc\u ienigen ©renjpunften fiiftren ,5U laffen, \m cine ^bfertignng fiir ^leifenbe ftatt= finbet. foreign subjects, especially if the latter have not yet reached the interior. The respective authori- ties on both sides shall agree as to the necessary measures. Jewish emigrants of Russian origin bearing Russian emigra- tion certificates and other parties sent back to Russia b}^ German authorities must be readmitted by the Russian frontier authori- ties, provided these persons have not stayed in Germany more than one month, counting from the day when they crossed the Russo- German frontier. § 19. The frontier authorities of both contracting parties shall be in- structed to have all vagabonds and other such persons possessing no passport, who are to be read- mitted to the territory of ^ the other party, whose subjects they are, conveyed exclusively to such points on the frontier as have facilities for sending off travelers. 9. RUSSIA— GERMANY. SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II OF THE TREATY OF PEACE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE CENTRAL POWERS. SIGNED AT BREST-LITOVSK, 3 MARCH, 1918/ Tariff Schedules A and B.^ [German text as publishedin the Reiclis-Gesetzblatt, No. 77, 11 June, 1918.] 1 Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, 29 March, 1918 (Nerie Freie Presse, 6 July, morning edition; cf. infra, p. 139). 2 Cf. General Customs Tariff for the European Frontiers of Russia, British Parliamentary Papers, 1903, Cd. 1525. 57 58 THE RUSSIAN PEACE.' 3:arif A. 9?iimTncrn bc8 rufftfd)en alU gemeincn Sarifg (oom 13./2G. 3anuar 1903). SSejeicfenung bcr SBaren. am 2 au^ 4 9ici«: S3erjeid}ni'S ber (Sinful^rjone. 1. bearbeitet. ^artoffehnel)! . au6 5 au«26 au« 28 Slug ber Slnmerfung. ©tarfe jebec 3Irt, in ^afeten, ®d)ad)teln unb aubcrcn fleinen, in bte S^anb be8 35erbrQud)erS ttberflchcnbcn iSerpacfungen eln» gcfli&rt, mirb cinfdiltcfelid) be* ®ci\)td)tg bcr inneren Umfd)Uc6itiig mit 2 9iubel 10 S'opefcn fUr bag ^ub serjollt. ©emiife: au^ 1. ®emufc, 9clr)ol)nUd)c5, nid}t jubereitctc^, frifdjcS: ^iDtebeht unb ^noblaud) in ber ©d)a(c. . 1. «"popfen am 32 nu^ 37 2;raubeTt=, 58ceren= unb gruditlDeiue. Jlnmertimg. (grlcid)tcrungcn, bie einein britten ©taat l)infid)tUd) ber Soik ober bcr ,Sollbef)aiibIiing ber unter einen bcr Slbfiitje ober Untcrabfiitjc bcr 9Jutnmcr 28 fallcubcn 3!Bcine bcmiltiBt tticrben foflten, mcrben im glcid)cn Umfang auf bie SBcine beut(d)er iperfunft auggebebnt mcrben, bie untcr btefelbcn ?lb» faije unb Untcrabfafee biefer 9tummcr fallen. 9)Jinera(itiaffer, natiirlidic ober tiinfttic^e. Slnmcrtung 1. 3)ie natUrUd)cn ober tUnft» Iid)en mcbi^inifd)cn SJiineralmaffer, mcldie in be= fonbcrn, »om 9J!ebisinaIrat beg 9.1Jim[tcriumg beg 3nnern im QinDerncbmen mit bent SIHniftcrium ber ginanjen unb bcm 9J?iniftcrium ber SanbiDirtfd)aft unb S)omnnen aufgeftcKten SJerjeidjniffen aufgefllbrt finb, mcrben cinfdillcfelid) beg @en)id)tg bcr un« mittelbarcn Umfci)lie6ungen mit 1 SRubel fUr bag "■Bub oerjoKt. Slnmcrtung 2. S)em in ber Slnmerfung 1 feft= flcfefeten 3oIl unterlicgen bie nacftftebenb aufgefU^rten beutfdjcn, mcbijinifdjcn SBaffer: Sladjcn, Sllcfanberbab, Sllejigbob, 2li;mann8» baufcn, i8aben=58aben, 93ertrid), Sod'let, 5BriiiJe= nau, (jftarlottenbrunn, (Suboraa, 2)riburg, Sifter, (gmg, (5mg 5Bittorta, 3ad)ingen, gricbrtdjgball, ©riegbad), C">cilbronn, Slbelbcibgquclle, ^axi= burger Sroboquelle, §omburg, .Siffingen, fl'onigg» borf'^Qftrcjenib, ^bfener ^obannigbrunnen, ^reujnadjcr SUfabctb, 'gamfd)eib, '3d)iBalbad), Sippfpringe, StJergentbeim, iBab 'Dfaubeim, ^ienns borf, 'Dteuenabr, 'ipormont, 9fappoltgH)eiler, JRcincr;, JlJippolbgau, Oberbrunnen ^aljbrunnen, ^ronenguclle iSaljbrunnen, ^alsfdilirf, odjlan^ gcnbob, Sobcn i. Jaunug, ^tf tcben, Suljbrunn, 3;ol3=firanfenheil, 3\?eilbad), aSiegbaben, iIBil= bungen. nnS 1. gifd)e, frifd): b) anbere als bie unter lit. a geuaunteu . . ^otlfai} in Sinfeeit. 5Ru= beln. Jlopc< ten. ^Ub, ^Ub. 05 90 ^ub brutto. ^ub 10 25 ^ub brutto. 18 BKEST-LITOVSK PEACE :' SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX 11. 59 Tariff A. Numbers of the Russian General Tariff (of 13/26 Jan. 1903). from 2 from 4 Classification of Articles. from 5 from 26 from 28 from 32 SCHEDULE OF IMPORT DUTIES. Rice: Husked Unit. Pood. Potato flour Pood. From Note. Stareh of all kinds imported in packages, boxes, and small receptacles which reach the consumer are taxed 2 Roubles, 10 Co- pecks prepaid per I^ood, including the weight of the imder ^Tapper. lared , Pood. Vegetables: from 1. Vegetables, common, not prepaieu, fresh : \ Onions and garlic in the skin | Pood, gross. 1. Hops ' '" Grape, berry and fruit wines, Note. Alleviations granted to a third country in regard to customs duty, to customs treatment of wnes falling under one of the divisions or .sub- divisions of Numbei- 2S, shall in the same way lie extended to wines of (rerinan origin which fall under the same paragraphs and sub-paragraphs of that number. Mineral waters, natural or artificial: Note 1. Natiu'al or artificial raedii'inal mineral waters, which are listed in. special classifications by the Board of Health of the Ministry of the Interior in agreement with the Minis! ry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture and liomains, paj' a duty of 1 Rouble per Pood prepaid includinig the weight of the inner wrapper. Note 2. The following German mineral waters are subject to tfie tariff duty fixed in Note 1: Aachen, Alexanderbad, Alexisbad, Assmans- hausen, Radeh-Baden, Bcrtrieh, Bocklet, Briick- enau, Charlottenbruim, Cudowa, Driburg, El- ster, Ems, Ems Viktoria, Fachingen, Friedrichs- hall, Griesbach, Heiibronn, .Adclhcidsnuelle, Harzburger Crodoquelle, Homburg. Kissragen, Konigsdorf-Jastrezenib, Kosener Johannisbrun- nen, Kreuznachcr Elisabeth, Lamscheid, Schwalbach, Lippspringe, Mergentheim, Bad Nauheim, Nenndorf, Ncuenahr, Pyrmont, Rap- poltsweiler, Reiiierz, Ripnoldsau, Oberbrumien Salzbrunuen, ICronenquelle Palzbrunnen, Salz- schlirf, Schlangenbad, Soden i. Taunus, Steben, Sulzbrunn, Tolz-Krankenheil, Weilbach, Wies- baden, AVildungen. Rate of Duty in- from 37 from 1. Fish, fresh: b. other than those named under let- ter a. 05 90 10 25 Pood, e:rose. 18 8G409— 18- 60 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. Xavif A — ^-ortfcljung. •J^umrnern beS ruffifd)cn alU 93c,5cicl)iiung bcr 3Barcn. einbett. 3oIIfa^ in gcmetnen Xatii^ (Bom 13./26. 3anunr 1903). beln. tope- ten. au^ 45 nihJ 2. 3iofiOaar, gefraufcit, gcfotten, gefarbt, in !i?o(feiiforTn gcfponnen, and) gemtfdit mit anberen Jierhaarcn ober pflanjUdjen gafcrftoffen. ^ub 60 au« 46 am 2. C^kgenftanbe auS ©c^iociu^borfteti mit gaffung auS gemeinem ^olj of)Ttc gurnierung; 'iPiiifel am Q>d)\veimhov\ten inib 9[>(aler= pinfcl ieber ?(rt. fnh 3 75 auei 52 au0 2. JBienenlDadij; ^].Nub brutto. . ^ub 3 3U 20 au^ 53 9tad)tlid)te, mit ober oljne ©diliniumcr auc; 'iPapier, §olj, (JHnei, A'orf ober '^or^ellaii, and) in 2>ertnn=^ bung mit ^^kd) ober 3)rnt)t anon iMedi au« fDld)en Syjetalten. 4 au« 55 ^aute, gegerfat: 2. i2affian=, IsHace-, Gl)e«rcau=, iil)agrinlcber; .•pftntc ieber ?(rt mit cingeprefjten aihtftcrn; f(cine (arfierte ,S^aute. i^ub 18 am 3. grofje: Od)fen^=, ft'ul)=, Stier=--, 33iiffel=, 'iPffi'i'e=, (5feli$= unb SdilncinSleber, — in ganjen unb ()atbcn .g»autcn, oI)ne etnge= prefete Sliufter, mit ober oftnc 9Inrbung, and) mit tunftfid) eingeprefeter 'i)Jarbung, and) gefarbt. "ilJub 10 4. grofee lajjierte ^dnk ^13ub 10 20 \ Jlnmerfung. SlbfaHc uub Stucfc Bou bear= bcitetcn §auten rocrbcu, faU^ (ie ntdit ftir bic V'crfteKung Bon 'SdiubiDcrf ober Bon flcincn Vcber= lonren sugcfdniittcn finb, ju bcnfclben ,3o"fnljen 5ugelaffcn, tok bte .©nute, Boii bcnen btefc (i'tlirfc unb SlbfoHe bemlbren. oiiS 56 9?aurf)iDaren: am 3. ^Jff'ftfff^e/ cntbaavt, nid)t gcgerbt am 5. 9faud)tiiaren jcber ^>(rt, niofit befonbere; ge= "iPub. 75 {au^ 56) nannte: a) jugerid)tct ober gefarbt ^^ub 50 Jlnmertung 1. ©efiirbtc SBifam-, ftanind)cn=, C'))offum= unb SKafdjbSrfaHe loerbcn mit 25 9tubcl flir ba« 'i>ub BcrjoUt. Stnmerlung 2. Tite iu ''Bunft .5 a unb in bcr Borftcbenbcn Jinmerfung bcjcidmctcn 5cHe unter(ie= gen ben bort feftgefct^tcn 8olIeu, and) roenn bie .3ii= ridjtung ober gnrfaung oorgcnomtncn inorben ift, urn ^elle nue ^l^iuift 1 bicfcr 'iliummcr nnriijuahmcn. au« 57 Veberluoreu; oih? 3. .ft'Ieinc ©egenftiinbe ausi Veber jeber 3{rt im Csk'inidite Don i "ipfmib unb meniger bass •ictiirf, tiiie: Samentttfd)en, 5^orfen, "iporte^ ^funb 2 70 BEEST-LITOVSK PEACE: SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. Tariff A — Continued. 61 Numbers of the Russian Classification of Articles. Unit. Rate of Duty in— General Tariff (of 13/26 Jan. 1903). 3 o o a o o from 45 from 2. Horse-hair, curled, boiled, dyed, woven into curls, also mixed with hair of other animals or with vegetable fiber. Pood 60 from 46 from 2. Articles made of hog's bristle, with mounting of common wood without veneer, brushes made of hog's bristle and artists' brushes of all kinds. Pood 3 75 from 52 from 2. Beeswax , . Pood, gross . Pood 3 4 34 20 from 53 Night-lamps, with or without paper floaters, wood, glass, cork or porcelain, also combined with base metal (also varnished) sheet or wire, with or without pincers made out of sheet of such metals. from 55 Skins, tanned: 2. Morocco, glazed, kid, Shagreen leather, skins (leathers) of every kind with stamped patterns, small lacquered skins. Pood 18 .... from 3. Large: ox, cow, bull, butfalo, horse, ass, and pig skins, (leather) — in whole or half skins, without stamped patterns, grained or not grained, with artificially stamped grain, dyed. Pood 10 4. Large lacquered skins Pood 10 ■^o Note. Pelts and particles of prepared skins, if not prepared for manufacture of foot-wear, or small leather articles, pay the same duty at the same rates as the skins to which these particles and pelts belonged. from 56 Peltries: from 3. Goat skins, with hair removed, not tanned : Pood 75 (from 56) from 5. Peltries of all kinds, not separately men- tioned : a. Wrought or dyed Pood 50 , Note 1. Dyed skins of muskrat, rabbit, opossum, and raccoon pay 25 Roubles per pood prepaid. Note 2. Pelts named in subdivision 5a and in foregoing note pay the duties therein specifled, even when finished or dyed to imitate the skins of subdivision 1 of this number. from 57 Leather goods : from 3. Small articles of leather weighing I pound or less per piece, such as reti- cules, purses, wallets, portfolios, cigar Pound 2 70 62 THE EUSSIAlSr " PEACE. 3:arif A — Joutfetjiing. S'Jumniern bc« ruffifc^en all= gemcinen larifs (Bom 13./26. 3anuar 1903). 3olIfofe in s8eieicf)miii9 bcr !£>arcii. (Sinfieit. beln. fen. moiuiaicS, "iportefeiulie^, ^ignrrcntafd)cn, iBricftafdjcn, oud) mit ^cftanbtcilen au8 uncblen ^.Utctalkn (einfdjIiefUid) ber 33e= fdjtagc unb 'iBcrfdiliiffc au^ ucrgolbeten ober t'crfilbcrtcn uuebtcu i^ictallcn) obev aue! anbercn ii:>toffen_ (einfd}(ici";Itd) Sluespu^ ober Jyuttcr au^ "i^cibe unb au« A^albfcibe). au« 5. Dfotijfaiidjcr unb "iPortefeutireg, itn @eft)id)te »ou mef)r aU^ i ^funb bag @turf, aug ?ebcr, and) au^ lisamifd)'/ ©facej, ®affian= kber ober '^crgament. Slnmerfung ju "iPunft 5. Dec in biefem ^T3unfte uorflcfcf)cne ^ollfai? ift ouf nllc bartn eriott^nten sfBaren, bcreit ©cioii^t -i t^fimb Uberfteigt, anju^ ' roenben, aud) locnn biefe SBoren mit SBcfdilogen ober 2>crfii)Itiffen au8 ocrgolbcteu ober Oerfilbcrten uneblcn il)fetal(en Berfcf)cii ober mit 5cibc ober .■palbfeibe auSgcfiuijt ober gcfiitterl finb. aug 6. 9Jiafd)inen=3;retbrietncn, ungenal)t; leberne Jreiber (Ikcfevg) fi'ir SBebftiihlc; runbe !rrctbriemd)en. aug 59 3. 336ttd)ermaren, fei'ttge Jafj'^'-iii&cn (gcfaljt unb gef)obc(t). Stnmerfuitg ju '^unft 3. gertige ©efttfee roerben mit 25 ,f opefen fUr bas ''Bub toerjollt, aucf) mcnn «te mit ciferncn SReifen Berfef)en finb. nu§ 61 ^oljitiareu, nid)t befonbere; genannt: 1. 2;tfd)Ier= unb J)rcd)flcrliiarcn auS ben in ?Jummer 58 ^uuft 1 geno.nntcu ^potjarteu, unladiert, unpoliert, ofjue aufge(eimtc 3Irbeit ober gurnierc; t)o(jcrnc .<3tt>ecfen ober D^ftgel fiir ©d)uuiiui)er. 2. 2;tfd)kr= unb S)rcd)f(ern)arcn aui ben uad) ^furnmcr 58 ^]Junft 2 gu Dcrjolknben §oIg= arteu, unb furuicrte iffiaren (ctnfd)(ic6Uc^ ber sufammengcleimteu gurniere), aud^ unladiert nub unpoliert; 2:tfd)ler= unb Srcd}f(erinaren a\\^ $oIg ieber 2lrt, ladEiert, poliert, cin= ober mebrfnrbig auge= ftridjen (jcbod) ol)ne J?unftmalerei), vaxt aufgefcimter 9(rbeit ober J^urnicrcn, ober mit "iPapier beflebt; 9}tobel aui gcbogenem ^^ud^en^^olj oI}ne 9Jo{)rgefIed)t unb SBejug, jufairimengefeljt ober nic^t. 3. .'poIj)mren uiit ©djuitjarbeit (anbcre als bie in 'iPuuft 4 biefer Glummer [61] geimuuten) ; 2:if(^ter= unb ®red)flcrmaren mit J?uuft= malcrei ober tiergolbct, ncrfitbcrt ober bronjiert ober mit gemnlten, bergofbeten, tier fiiber ten ober bronjicrtcn 'i^cr^icrungeu. ^funb . 05 ^ub. ^ub. 10 50 ^ub. ^ub. 90 ^:pub. BKEST-LITOVSK PEACE: SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. 63 Tariff A — Continued. Numbers of the Russian General Tarifl (of 13/26 Jan. 1903). Classification of Articles. Unit. Rate of Duty in- from 59 from 61 cases, pocketbooks, with or without parts made of base metals fincluding mountings and clasps made of gilded or Tolvin plated base metals), or of other materials (including garniture or lining made of silk or half silk). from 5. Notebooks and portfolios weighing more than ^ pound per article, and made of leather, even of chamois, glazed or morocco leathers, or parchment. Note to subdivision 5. The rate of duty pro- vided for in this subdivision is to be applied to all goods therein enumerated, whose weight does not exceed J pound, even when such wares are fitted with mountings or clasps made of gilded or silver- plated base metals or are ornamented or lined with silk or half silk. from 6. Belting for machinery, not sewn, leather driver (pickers ) for looms, small round transmission belts. 3. Coopers' wares, staves, finished (notched and planed). Note to subdivision 3. Finished vessels pay 50 copecks per pood, even when pro\aded with iron hoops. Wooden ware, not otherwise designated. 1. Joiners' and cabinetmakers' i^roducts made of the kinds of wood admitted under subdi"\dsion 1 of No. 58, wares not lacquered or polished (without veneers, wooden clasps, or nails for shoemakers). 2. Joiners' and cabinetmakers' products made of wood and veneered products which, according to No. 58, subdivision 2, are subject to duty ('including glued veneers), also unlacquered and un- polished; joiners' and cabinetmakers" products of wood of all kinds, 'lacquered, polished, painted in one or more' colors (exclusiA'e of artistic painting), with glued veneers, or with paper glued thereon: furniture of bent beechwood, without cane seats or upholstery, as- sembled or knocked clown. 3. Carved wooden products other than those specified in subdivision 4 of this number [61]; joiners' and cabinet- makers' products with artistic painting or gilded, silvered or bronzed, or em- bellished with gold, silver, or bronze. Pound . 05 Pood. Pood. Pood. Pood. Pood. 10 50 90 64 THE BUSSIAN PEACE. Xarif A — Jortfefeung. 9luintnern bei tufftfd^en oII= gemetnen Sarifa (Bom 13./26. 3onuar 1903). iScjeii^nung ber SBoren. ^oHfat} in einfjeit. 9Ju. beln. fen. 4. 2;ifct)Ier=, ®recf)fler= uub tadjitt^Voaren mit iCer^ierungen aug .tupfer, ll'upferlefiie^ rungen obcr anbercn ©toffen, mtt ctn* gelegter Slrbeit ober ©inlagen au^ a5oIj (aufecr ^arfettafeln), J?upfer, ^ranit, ®nci«, ^orpf}i^r ober 33afalt: b) mit forgfaltig bearbeiteten glS(^en unb i^uQf^r ober nidit poliert. au8 3. geUiot)Iid}e ©teinmcijarbciten of)ne ®d)m^= unb 58ilbf)aucrarbeit, mit frummen ober nid)tfrummcn gladicu, ausj uid)t befonberS genanuten ©teinarten: , b) mit forgfaltig bearbeiteten glcid^en unb ,5i'9«"r flfif^ iii<$t poliert. Slnmerfung jti Jl?unft 3. Sie unter biefen ''jJunft faKenben otcinmefearbeiten inerben nad) bem 3ofIfol}c ber lit. b ftcrjoltt, aud) rtenn fie gefdjliffen ftnb. ' au« 71 au8 5. ^o^Ien, fiir bie Sleftrotec^nif geformt, irie ®tifte, "iplatten, ^.S^Iinber ufio., baS ©tiidC im @ennd}te con a) tpeniger aU 10 'iPfunb 7. ®d)miere jeber 2Irt fiir 3Id)fen, 9iaber, Siiemen unb bergleidjcn, ferner SHfc^ungen ^ub. 15 ^ub. ^ub. 15 12 ^ub. ^ub. 30 15 ^ub. ^ub. BEEST-LITOVSK PEACE: SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. 65 Tariff A — Continued. Numbers of the Russian General Tariff (of 13/26 Jan. 1903). from 65 from 66 from 70 Classification of Articles. Joiners, cabinet makers', and carved prod- ucts with ornaments of copper, alloys of copper, or other materials, with in- laid work or inlays of wood (except parquet pieces), copper, steel, mother- of-pearl, ivory, tortoise-shell, etc., with the exception of articles weighing less than 3 poods each and dutiable under No. 215. 5. Wooden products (furniture) with cane- work, upholstered with leather or with cloth. from 71 Unit. Pood. Pood. from 4. Cement of every sort (Portland cement, | Pood, artificial or natural, Roman, mixed, ; slag, and all others): cement pipes. Stones, rough or dressed: from (j Slabs of slate, sawn or ground. Note. Split slate slabs, also with the edges cut, but not otherwise shaped, pay duty at the rate of 1-5 Copecks per pood. Stones of every kind — other than semiprecious and precious stones — also plaster of Paris and alabaster, from 2. Ordinary stone-cutters' work without embellishments or carving, even with rounded surfaces — in marble, serpen- tine stone, alabaster, or other hard rock susceptible of taking a polish, such as jasper, anyx Labrador, granite, gneis, porphyry and basalt: b. with carefully finished surfaces I Pood, and joints, but not polished. from 3. Ordinary stone-cutters' Avork without carvings or sculpture, with surfaces rounded or not, in kinds of stone not separately enumerated: b. with carefully finished surfaces ] Pood and joints, but not polished. j Note to Subdivision 3. Stone-masons' work com- ing under this .subdivision pays duty accordinj; to the tariff rate of letter b: even though they be groimd. from 5. Carbons, moulded for electro-technical purposes, such as candles, plates, cjd- inders etc., a. less than 10 pounds each Pood. Rate of Duty in- 15 15 '.... 12 7. Greases of all kinds for lubricating belting and the like; moreover, compositions Pood. 30 15 66 THE RUSSIAN PEACE, Xnrif A — jvortldnnui. 9tummern be8 ruffifdjcn aE? ' gcmeineit P Tariff (Bom 13./26.3!anuar 1903). au6 72 (au6 72) 5Bc;etclmunfl ber JSaren. au^ 73 sum ^iiljcu ODii 5[)?etal(en, ^um bitten oon 'iporjedaii, &la^ imb bergktdjcn, jubcrcitet mit 3BadKi, J^ctt, Cf iinb I'eiTii. niiei 1. 33ausie9c(, niitt fcuerfcft, au? C5Ciucilm(icf)cm Jonc: b) faffoiuiiertc, t)ol)lc, uiiglnftertc . . au^ 2. ^Sifficf iiiib "^.^(fltten mi's ^emcnt au«S 3. tfrjciignific aui? fcucrfci'tcii l)}i'atcria(icn: a) ,Siegc[ uub ''IJIattcu jcber Wrofje iiiib gorni ail's fcuerfeftem Jon, jum Ofenbaii: qu^ '-ii:c()Qiiiotte, fanb= Ijattigem Jon, Cunr^, Tinas ; "i^flaftcr^ unb anberc .ftlinfer aug seloobnlicbem, gonj obcr ftalb ge= fintcrtem Jon. i'lnmerfuiifl 511 Iviinft 3 a. Sd)omottcmorteI (Suflenniortel obcr feuerfefter Benicnt), ba£< fieifet cine ilififdnins Don Derniahlenent roftem unb ge= branntcm fcucrfciteni Jon, mirb nnd) '^untt 3 a Oerjotlt. 1. 9fo()rcn aut^ porofcr 5.'(af)c nnb ;j]ioln'cnforni= ftiicfc: a) nnglafiert b) glafiert 3. gufjbobenplattcn aus? gcfilimolscncr, nid)t nia[|crfangcnbcr ('Stcin=) 9Jiaf|c, nnglafiert, and) niit anbevcr aU gtattcr Obcvfliidic: a) cinfnvbig, mebr af§ 15 mm birf b) einfarbig, 15 mm unb tocnigcr bicf . . c) niclu'farbig (ubcrjogcn mit anbcr^i^ ovtigcn !:l}iaffen) Don jcber Ticfe. anS 4. Jonplatten fiir SSanbbefleibung, glafiert, son ieber garbe, gtatt obcr mit 3?eltcfl3crjie= rungen: a) einfarbig Sinfteit. ?ub. ^ub. b) met)rfarbig . au§ 74- au^ 1. 5Dad)jicge( jcber Hrt: a) nnglafiert, and) einfarbig, ofine S3er= Sierung mit 5^ilbf)ancrarbctt ober ^liatcrci. anS 2. Ofenfacfiein jcber 5(rt aus Jopfcrmaffe, g[att ober mit Sfclicfocrsiernngen: a) einfarbig, audi glafiert ■. . ^]?ub. ^nb. ^>ub . ^$ub , i^nb. ^ub. ^ub. ^nb. ^nb. 30 BREST-LITOVSK PEACE: SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. 67 Tariff A — Continued. Numbers of the Russian Classification of Articles. Unit. Rate of Duty in— General Tariff (of 13/26 Jan. 1903). 1 3 from 72 for cleaning metals, piecing porcelain, ' glass, etc., prepared with wax, fat, oil or glue. from ] . Building Inicks, non-fireproof, made of common brick clay: b. moulded, hollow, unglazed frr»m 9 T5riplr« anrl t.ilps fnrmfifl ni pflmfint Pood 05 Pood T? from 72 from 3. Wares made of fire proof materials n RriWs Jinrl tilfis nf anv size fnr Pood oq from 73 stove construction and made of chamofcte, sandy clay, quartz, dinas; paving and other clinker- bricks made of common, wholly or half stagged clay. Note to Subdivision 3a. Chamolle mortar (Mor- tise paste or fire proof cement), i. e., a mixture of ground unburnt and Inirnt clay, pays duty ac- cordins; to subdivision .3a. 1. Pipes of porous paste and moulded parts of pipes: a unglazed . . Pood 10 b "dazed . Pood 15 3. Floor tiles made of molten, non-porous (stone) paste, unglazed, whether with smooth surface or not: a. of one color, and having a thick- ness of 15 mm. or less. b. Of one color, and having a thick- ness of 15 mm. or less. c. Of various colors (overlaid with other sorts of paste) irrespective of thickness. from 4. Clay tiles for wall-facing, glazed, of any color, smooth, or ornamented with relief: a Of one color Pood 30 Pood 45 Pood.-....:. 75 Pood 45 b Of more than one color Pood 90 from 74 from 1. Roof tiles of all kinds: a. Unglazed, including unicolored, without plastic decorations. from 2. Stove tiles of all kinds, of clay, smooth, or embossed, a. Unicolored, including glazed Pood 10 Pood 30 68 THE EUSSIAX PEACE. SiJummcrn bc8 tufftfi^en alU gemetnen lorifg (oom 13. /26. gsanuar 1903). au^ 76 iBejcicftnung bcr aUarcn. b) mef)rfaibig, and) glafiert. c) mit 3JtaIcvei,'iser9oIbimg unb an= beren ikrjieningen. Jlnmcrfung ju '^Punft 2. 9}ad) 1ib\aii 2a, b unb c racrben and) Borfpringenbc leile oon i?ad)eI6fen (roie SBefronungen, 50?ebatl(on« ufm.) DerjoHt. au6 4. ®efd)irr unb ntd)t befonberv^ gcimnnte 3:opfer= tvaven au^ gemo^nUcftem Jon, and) glaftcrt: a) o^ne lOJuftcr ober i^erjicniugen. ^ Slnmcrfung ju i^unft 4a. T)a« ^[uffpriljen don garbe, rooburd) fein regelmftfetgc^ ?3?ufter erjiclt mirb, mirb nidjt oI§ a^eriicrnng nngefeften. ga^enceinaren: 1. >tici& ober einfarbig, in ber a)?af|e gefiirbt, o!)nc 5?er3ierungcn, and) mit geforniten mifteni. Nonfat In (Sinf)ett. 6eln. fen. 3. berglcid)cn, mit 9)ialcrei, S>ergolbunG ober mel^rfarbigen ilhiftern. ^orjeUanftiaren: 1. 'iporjelianlmren (md)t befonberg genaunte), loeifi ober cinfarbig, and) mit farbigen ober bergofbcten .flanten unb 9fanbcrn {^ov= biiren), jeboct) oI)ne anberc i^er^icrungen; 9[)?aiofifa {ebcr 2(rt, aud) mit geformten S3ersierungen. 2. ^orsettongefd^irr mit 9DJa(erei, ober mit farbigen ober bergolbeten SJiUftern, 3lra= beaten, Shunen ober aubcren atjnUdjen 53erjicrungcn; Wegenftiinbe an& '^PorjeHan ober ^i'Sfuit gur 3{ugfd)miicfuug oon ,3innncrn, iBci| ober cinfarbig, jebod) of)ne 9}?a(erei, i^ergolbung ober iBerjiC' rungcn aui .!?upfer ober Ifupfertcgierungen. nu:g 77 5. SBctren, nid)t befonber'g genanute, am ©lag ieber 5lrt mit i^erjierungen line gea^tcn ober graoierten 9Jiufrern, iUcalcrci, ©mail, S3ergoIbung, 53erfilberxmg, mit 5I^crjierun= gen am .fi'upfer, .ftupfcrlcgierungen ober anberen ©toffen, folote bic in ben "iPimften 2, 3 unb 4 biefer 9lummer (77) genannten SBaren, in 5yerbinbung mit anbereu Stoffcn, and) iucnn biefe jn if)rer 93er3ie= rung bicnen; (SMatfiratte, (^Hadgeliiebe imb baranc; nerfertigte Wegenftiinbe. ^ub. ^ub. 75 25 ^ub. 37i ^ub. 2. berg{eid)cn, mit einfarbigeu JJhiftern, ,fan= I ^ub. ten ober 3iaubcrn; j'vaiieneemaren, anberg ale! in ber 9jc\iffe gefiirbt. ^ub. ^ub. 65 87i 95 7 ... ^ub. 17 50 ^13ub, 16 50 BREST-LITOVSK PEACE : SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. 69 Tariff A — Continued. Numbers of the Russian General Tariff (of 13/26 Jan. 1903). Classification of Articles. 75 from 76 from 77 Unit. b. Multicolored, including glazed. . . Pood. c. Painted, gilded, and otherwise i Pood. decorated. Note to 2. Projecting i^arts of tile .stoves (as caps, medallions, etc.) are taxed according to Section 2a, b, and c. from 4. Crockery and wares of pottery, not spec- ified elsewhere and made of common clays, glazed or not: a. Without patterns or ornaments. Note to 4a. The application of paint without thereby producing any regular pattern, is not con- sidered as ornamentation. Faience ware: 1. White or of one color, dyed in the paste, without ornaments, with or without moulded patterns. 2. The same with patterns, edges or borders of one color: faience wares dyed other- wise than in the paste. 3. The same, artistically painted, gilded and with patterns of different colors. Porcelain ' wares : 1. Porcelain wares (not separately_ desig- nated) white or of one color, with col- ored or gilded rims or borders but not otherwise ornamented, majolica of any kind, also with moulded ornamenta- tion. 2. Porcelain table ware with artistic paint- ing, or with colored or gilded patterns, arabesques, flowers or other similar em- bellishments: articles of porcelain or biscuit ware for the decoration of rooms, white or uncolored, but without artistic painting, gilding or embellishments of copper or alloys of copper. 5. Articles, not separately designated, of any kind of glass with ornaments such as etched or engraved patterns, pictorial painting, enamelling, gilding, silvering, or ornamentation with copper, copper alloys or other materials, as well as the articles specified in subdivisions 2, 3, and 4 of this Number 77, with attach- ments composed of other materials, .even when intended as ornaments: glass silk, tissues of glass and articles made therefrom. Pood. Pood. Pood. Pood. Pood. Pood. Rate of Duty in- 17 Pood. 16 75 25 S7h 65 87^ 95 50 50 70 THE RUSSIAN- PEACE, Xarif A — Jortfe^ung. 9?ummcrn bc8 ruffifdjen aE= gemetncn SarifS (Dom 13./26. 3aiiuar 1903), 58cjeid)nung ber SBaren. ©tn^ett. i, 3onfob in 5Ru« beln. 5i^riftbaitmfd)mucf am @Ia^, aud) Tnel)r= farbig, oergolbet, tierfilbert, auc^ in ^er= btnbung mit anberen ©toffen. ^ub, aM 108 i au6 6. ®erbfaiire (2:anntn) '^u'b. 7. ©altjljlfiiure 'i|3ub. 8. ©a((iui= imb '"Pin-ogaUueifaiire i '^nb. au« 109 am 112 53itnoIe: 2. ^'upfcruttriol, aucer iDafierfrciem, Sal^burger 58ttriol (eine ^Wifcbung fctlnefclfauvcr (Si|en= unb tupferfal^e), 3inf= ober inciter 3?itnof; (jl)(orjmf. 9^i(f)t befonbers genanntc d)emifcl)c unb )j[)annn= geutifdje (Srjciigmffe: au« 2. ^offein, Sl^inin, ©trljc^niit fomie beren ©alje organifi^e iobI}aItige 53erbinbungen alter SIrt, au^er ben unter 9tummer 135 falknben. aug 4. 53rom=, 3fob= unb S^anfaljc: a) ^ront=S'alium imb s^tatrium . fnh . h) 3ob=^f aitum unb s'iJfatrium . au8 5. Si8mut=, ^lidcU unb OuecEfiIbert)e,rbin= bungen: b) Ouecffilberuerbinbungen: Ouecffi(= bercf)Iorib (©ublimat), Cuccf[il= bcrci^loriir (.fjalomel), ,3iniHiber, Que(ffilbcrofi)b unb iriuetf|t[ber= ^innobcr 'iPub brutto. "^u^) brutto. ^ub brutto . .^ub brutto . bie anberen unter biefen ^mxtt fallenben (Srjeugniffe. ^ub brutto. i^ub brutto. aus c) bafi[c^ falpcterfaure« SBi^nuitort)b . . . ' ^ni brutto . 6. ?ia))f)t^o(e unb (Sulfonate: a) ^JJapI)tf)o(e b) alle nirfit befonber^ genanntcn ®uls fonote, auBer ben unter 9hunmer 135 fallenben. 7. 9Jitro= unb Slmiboberibate ber aromatifcfien SJei^e: a) 9JitrobcnjoI unb 9^itronapl)tl)olin, 3IntUn unb 9fJa))f)tf)tjIaTntn fonite beren Salje. 'iPub brutto . . ^ub brutto. . ^ub brutto. . 15 7 11 15 20 5 10 BREST-LITOVSK PEACE: SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. Tariff A — Continued. 71 Classification of Articles. Rate of Duty in- P3 Glass ornaments for Christmas trees, multicolored, gilded, silvered whether combined with other materials or not. from 6. Tannic acid (tannin) 7. Salicilic acid 8. Gallic and pyrogallic acid Vitriols: 2. Copper Aitriol, except Salzburg vitriol (a mixture of sulphate of iron and copper salts), zinc or white vitriol, chloride of zinc. Chemical and pharmaceutical preparations not separately classified: from 2. Cafein, quinine, strychnine; also salts of same. 3. All organic combinations containing io- dine, except those referred to under Number 185. from 4. Salts of bromide, iodine, and cyanide: a. Bromides of potassium and sodium b. Iodine of potassium and sodium from 5. Combinations of bismuth, nickel, and mercury: b. Combinations of mercury: Chloride of mercury (sublimate), calo- mel, cinnabar, oxide of mercury, and salts of mercury: Cinnobar The other preparations falling into this subdivision. from c. Basic nitrate of bismuth trioxide 6. Naphthols and sulphonates: a. Naphthols b. Sulphonates not separately desig- nated, except those which fall under Number 135. 7. Nitro and amidoderivatives of the aro- matic series: a. Nitrobenzol and nitronaphthaline, aniline and naphthylamine as well as the salts thereof. Pood Pood Pood Pood Pood Pood, gross. Pood, gross. Pood Pood, gross. Pood, gross. Pood, gross. Pood, gross. Pood, gross . , Pood, gross . . Pood, gross . , 72 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. Xarif A — ^•ortfcl3nng. 9?ummern be« ruffifdjen a(t» oemeinen 3:arif« (oom 13./26, 3anuar 1903). au^ 113 niig 124 am 125 12S 131 133 Se3citf)nunB ber SBnren. b) ®iniet^l}(anittn iinb S)iatf)l}lanilin uub ilire ^littrofoDerbtnbuiigen; 53ensibtn, 2;oInibtn, 'iParanitrnni= lin fottiie bercn ©algc. aug 8. organifcljc ^JJraparate fiir pf^nrmajeuttfite 3mecfc: b) 3(ntipl)rin, 'Saltplirin, ^[)enacetin, '!JBf)enacetoUn, Sulfoiml, @a(o(, O^uajacol; ©unjacoi unb .fj'reoi'ot, foMenfniirc^; ^l?e>.ifin, 'ij^epton. Bofffafe in SinlEieit. SRu= beln. fen. ^ubbrutto. . ■iPubbrutto. 9. cfKint|d)c unb p^ai'iitnacvitifdje erjeugtiiffc, "iPub brutto. nicfit be[onbcr^ genannt. Slumcrfung gu 'iUunft 9. Unter bet 58ejctd)= nung nid)t befonber^ gcnannte d)fintfd)c uub pbarnin= 5eutifdic grjeugnti'fe fiub bic im rufftfdten aHgc= mcinen Tarife Dom 13. /2f). ^onunr 1903 nid)t befonberci gcnannten (gt5euguiffe biefer Jlrt ju Berfteben. ,3ufaniincngefcl?te ?frjncicn unb bofiertc ^^riiparate. ?(nuiertuHg ju 'DJummcr 113. Unter d)einifd)en unb ul)aruir.jeuttfd)cu (grjeugniffen in bofiertem Suftanb finb Jlrjneiformcn ju Derfteben, lueldic in mcbitnineutcllen X)ofen Slr:,neittoffc in gebraud)8-- j fcrtiger iSefd)affcnbeit nadi Wcmid)t ober TOafe glfidiiucifiig abgeteilt entfealten, lute lUilen, foui= urimierte 3:nbletten, i?orner, ®tubl,^aefd)en unb bergleid)eu. 3. @erb)"toffaugjug jeber Sfvt, aiifjcv (sintlapfel= f'Uh . unb ©umac^nu^gug. 9latiivUi1)c garbftoffc: au« 2. nuneraUfdje: b) .^rcibe, gefd)i:enimt obci gctw-fdien; i ^ub brutto. .f rcibc unb Xalf, gematilcn. 3^nbigo, natilrlidicr obcr funftlid)cr in jebcr 'i^ovm , ^ub (mit Shtgnabmc Don 3nbigoauei3iig unb .^nbigotin). Slnmcrfuug. .Slttnftlicber uub uatlirlidier 3nbigo foITen bent gleidjen i^oftfatj uuterliegen. 53Iei= unb ,3t"fiveif^ '>J3ub .tupferfnrbcn (baruutcr ond) C-U-iiufpan) unb ?(vfenif= farben: ^iipferfarbcn, au^genommen ('-h-iinfpaii, unb | ''^uh '5(rfeniffnrben. 18 30 50 ^'riiufpan (bafiftfic^ If'upfcrncctat) ' 'ij.^ub. 40 BBEST-LITOVSK PEACE : SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. Tariff A — Continued. Numbers of Classification of Articles. Unit. Rate of Duty in— ga General ^ Tarifl (of 1 13/26 Jan. 1903). 5 4 o _o" b. Dimethylaniline and diethylani- line and their nitro coml)ina- tions: benzidine, toluidine, pa- ranithraniline, also salts of the Pood, gross . . .... same. from 8. Organif preparations for pharmaceutic purposes: b. Antipyrine, salipyrine, phenace- tine, phenacetoline sulphonal, salol, guaiacol, carbonates of guaiacol and creosote: pepsin, pepton. Pood, gross. . 8 9. Chemical and pharmaceutical products not separately classified. Pood, gross. . 4 .... Note to subdivision 9. Under the designation of chemical and pharmaceutical products not sepa- rately classified are to be understood products of this sort not separately specified in the Russian General Tariff of 13/26 January 1903. from 113 Compounded medicines and preparations put up in doses Note to Number 113. Under chemical and pharmaceutical products put up in doses are to be understood medicines which contain medica- mental doses, medicmal substances ready for use by weight or measure into equal portions, such as pills, compressed tablets, grains and supposi- tories. from|124 3. Tanning extracts, of every kind, except gallotannic and sumac extracts. Pood 75 from 125 Dyeing substances, natm-al: from 2. Mineral: b. Chalk, purified and washed; chalk and talc, ground. Pood, gi'oss.. 18 128 Indigo, natm-al or artifiqial, in every form (ex- cept indigo extract and indigotin) . Note. Artificial and natural indigo sliall pay the same rate of duty. Pood 5 44^ 131 Whit6 lead and zinc white Pood 1 30 133 Colors with copper basis (including verdigiis) or with a basis of arsenic-colors : With copper basis, except verdigris, and colors with arsenic basis. Pood 4 50 Verdigris (basis acetate of copper) Pood 5 40 74 THE RUSSIAN PEACE, Jrtvif A — J-ortfetsung. 3?ummern beg ruffijcften oil* gemeinen 2arifg (»om 13./20. 3anuor 1903). ^ejcid)uitti8 bcr SBaren. 135 \ Stlijariti, 2lltjartnla(f iinb organifrfie f^nt^etifd)e garbftoffc Cipigmente) aller ?lrt, bcrcn 33afcn unb i^erbinbungen, foluie 3JJtfd)inigen unb 58erbinbun= gen Don ^Mgmenten mit anorganifdjen iBafen nnb ©aljeri CiPtgmcntlacfe ufm.); 3'nt>ifloti" (-vVnbtgo^ au^jug in trocfener govm). ?tnmcrfung. gnrbftoft'c, genufcfit ..-nut nidjt farbcnbcn 5tof"fen, tnie j. i8. Jon unb 0(. merben nad) 3}ummer 137 BerjoKt, luenn bie TOifd)ung on Sarbftoffen nicbt mcbr q1« 10% bcj @e(amtgcroid)t« cntbalt. au 136 137 am 140 geine 9J?intaturfarfacn in 9tapfrf)cn unb ii3d)alcn am gal}cncc cbcr ^^JorjcHan, in Xubcn unb 3iwi= f)iilfen; fliiffige d)inefif(t)c 2;u[d)e in glafd)d)en. garbcn unb gfvbftoffe, nid)t befonbcr^ genannt; garben jcbcr i'irt mit ikiniifdiung cinev unbc= beutenben 9J?engc organi|\t)cn .. 'ipigtncntg ober angerieben in SBaffer, Vetm, Ol uftp.; garben mit iSciniifd)ung Hon i^toffen, bic ba(J Srodnen befcfilcunigen, menu bicfc ©toffc nid)t einem f)of)cren .So'Uftl? untedicgen; SBidife; 2inte jeber 2lrt, trocfcn unb ftiiffig. Stnmerfung. Untcr iBeimifd)un8 ciner unfac= beutenben lijcnge orgamfd)en IMgmcnta ift ein Sufate nn orgonifdicn '"jigmcnten . bii gu 3% ctnfdilicftlid) ^n Ber[tet)en. gifen: am 1. iStab= unb Sortcucifen icbcr ^Hrt, mit 2Iu^= naf)mc be^S uutcn gcnanutcn; (Sifeu in Suippcn, "iPubbUnggftiidfen ober SDfaffeIn, ^rud)ei[en, JJJinbnr^, (Sifenftaub. Sifenbled] Jeber i>[rt, ^ mm. unb bariibcr ftarf; "iJJIatteu, iiber 46 cm breit; ®orten= cifen jeber 2h"t, in einer iBrcite ober §obe fton mef)r alg 46 cm fon)ie in einer ©tftrfe ober mit cinem ®urd)meffer con 18 cm unb barltber; 5oi"i'^cifen (T=(Si]cn, T)oppcI=T= Sifen, JBuIfteifen, Z=(5tfen unb (Sifen toon anbcr^ geformtcn Qucrfdjnitten, aufeer SSinfcIeifen, meldjcg nad) ^uuft 1 biefer Summer [140] oerjoflt Uiirb); Sanbeifen, in einer iBreite ober mit einem S^urdimeffer Don me(}r aU 6i mm ober nid}t ilbcr 12^ mm. 4. (Sifenbled), toeniger qI^ h mm ftarf. ainmertung ju ben '?hnnmern 140 unb 142. 5Dcn in ben ihinften 3 unb 4 bcr 5Jummern 140 unb 142 fcftgefctjten 3o(Unl5cn untedicgen bie bort ertuSbnten iBIedic unb I'tattcn nue Stfen unb atahl o{)ne ;7tilctftd)t aaf bie R-orm, in bie fie ;u9efd)nitten finb. 3olIfafe in ©in^eit. ^Ub 3{u= beln 21 ten. ^Ub. ^ub. 50 ^ub, '^ub. 75 05 ^ub. 1 50 BEEST-LITOVSK PEACE: SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. 75 Tariff A — Continued. Rate of Numbers of Duty in— the Russian General Tariff (of Classification of Articles. Unit. 3 13/26 Jan. 3 ft 1903). O o 135 Alizarin, alizarin and organic synthetic dye sub- Pood 21 stances (pigments) of every kind, their bases ' and combinations of the same, as well as mix- tures and combinations of pigments with in- 1 organic bases and salts (pigment lacs etc.): indigotin (indigo extract, dried). Note: Dyeing substances, mixed with uon- coloring riiaterials, as, for example clay and oil, pay duty according to No. 137, if the admixture of dyeing substances docs not exceed 10% of the total weight. to 136 Fine colors for miniatiu'e painting in little bowls and shells of faience or porcelain, in tubes and tinfoil: liquid China ink in small bottles. Pood 7 50 137 Colors and coloring materials not separately designated: all kinds of colors tinged with a very small quantity of organic pigment, or ground and mixed with water, glue, oil, etc. : Colors ■wdth an admixture of drying materials, if these materials are not subject to a higher rate of duty; blacking inks of every kind, liquid or solid . Note: Under admixture of very small quantity of organic pigment must be understood an addi- tion of organic pigment up to 3%, inclusive. Pood 5 from 140 Iron (manufactm'ed): from 1. Bar and assorted iron of every kind, except that named below; ingots, Pood 75 puddled, billets, pigs, scrap and mill bars, iron in powder. 3. Sheet ii'on of all kinds having a thickness Pood 1 05 of J mm and over; iron slabs of width exceeding 46 cm; assorted iron of all kinds, of a width or height exceeding 46 cm, or of a thickness or diameter of 18 cm, or a thickness or diameter of 18 cm and over; shaped ii'on (T ii-on, T T iron, beams, Z iron and iron of other forms of cross-section, except angle iron which pays duty according to sub- division 1 of this Number [140], hoop iron, of a width or diameter of more than 6i mm. but not over 12i. 4. Sheet iron, of a thickness of less than Pood 1 50 i mm. Note to Numbers 140 and 142. Under the rates of duty established in subdivisions 3 and 4 of ftum- bers 140 and 142 fall all sheets and slabs of iron and steel therein specified, irrespective of the shape into which they are cut. 86409—18- 76 THE IJUSSiAN PHACK Xarif A — (vortfcljitn!,]. 9Jumincrn bc8 ruffifd)en a(l- gcmeinen XorifS (Oom ' 13.'26. 3atiuar 1903). iBcjeidjiumg bcr Si^nvcn. 3oKfo(3 in beln. am 141 nu^ 142 SBeiRbkd) (uciinntcf^ liifcnblcd)), and) locficrt, mit SDtuftcrn facbrucft obcr moivicvt; Gifenfalcd), be= molt, kuficrt, Dcrjinft, ocrfiipfcrt, Dernicfcit obcr mit aubcrcn gclDotin(id)en 9J(*ctollcii iibcrsogcn. Jlnmcrfung. Die im cuffifd)cu SoUtni-ifn et= lualjnten geiDobnlidjcn obcr nidit foftbarcn 5JietQnc bcp.reifen oKc 9Jfctal[e mit Jlu^tuibmc uott ®olb, iSilber nub 'i'latino in fid). Slluniiiuuni flilt aU c(cnibbnlid)eg 93?etal(, fomcit eg nidit in Jlrtifcin be^ rnffifdicn iarif^S aufgcflihrt ift, fiir bie biJfjere SoKfatfc feftgefefjt finb. i'lnmetfung ju ben ^tnmineni lU, 147, 1.54, 155, 1.50 nnb lOli. CDic in beii ■'Jhinunern 141, 147, 1.54, 1.5.5, 150 uiib 163 gcnnniiteu DJetaUe unb 9t)JctaUcrjcugnific nnterliegeii ben .Soflliitjen hiefer 9Jummcrn, oud) lucnn fie bnrdi irgenbcin ^i^erfnbrcn (anf galBanifdieni ©ege, burd) Umguft, burd) cin 'JBaljucrfabreti obcr fonftune) eincn i\bcr,iU8 Don geiui3bn(id)cm AK'ctQll erhnltcu haben, falle bcr 'J.)(VtnIluber5ug 25^0 be^ (>iefamtgca)idit£i bcr in ben ^himmern 141, 147, 154, 155 unb 156 gennnnten S-'Jctalle unb iOfctallerieugniffe unb 10'"e be«S @e= famtgeiiiid)!^ ber in '•JJunimer 163 genannteu iBarcn nid)t iiberfteigt. T-ex in ber JInnierfung ju %v>bl)c Don mcl)r nlc 46 cin foline in ciner ©tiirfe ober mit einem S)urct)meffcr Don 18 cm unb bar= fiber; t^-ormftabl (T=®ta{)l, Doppe(=T= ®tal)l, «3ulftftaf)I, Z=©tabl unb ®taf)( toon anbcr*? cicf onnten Qucrfd)nittcn, nufjcr 3Sinfc[|tai]l', mctdier nad) ^unft 1 biefcr ^himnicr [142] ncrjoltt mirb); 33anbftal)I, in cincr ii3rci(c obcr mit cincm Surd)= meffer toon nict)r aUi Q\ mm, nber nid)t itber 12^ mm. 4. ®tablb(cd), locniijer aU J mm ftarf i "ipub 75 05 ^>ub. ^?ub. 50 70 25 BREST-LITOVSK PEACE: SUBAPFENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. 77 Tariff A — Continued. Numbers of the Russian General Tariff (of 13/26 Jan. 1903). ClassificaUon of Articles. Unit. Rate of Duty in- from 141 from 142 Tinplate (tinned sheet-iron), lacquered or not, stamped with designs and crystallized; Sheet iron, painted, varnished, coated with zinc, copper, nickel or other common metals. Note. The common or non-precious metals men- tioned the Russian customs tarilT include all metals except gold, silver and platinum. Aluminum ranks as a common metal in so far as >t is noo listed in articles of the Russian tariff for which a higher rate of duty is fixed. Note to Numbers 141, 147, 154, 155, 1.56 and 163. MetaN and metal products specified in Numbers 141, 147, 154, 155, 156 and 163 are subject to the rates of duty of those numbers, even if by any process whatever, (galvanizing, recasting, rolling or any other way) they have received a coat of common metal, in" case the coat does not exceed 25% of the total weight of the metals or metal products speci- fied in Numbers 141, 147, 1.54, 155 and 156 and 10% of the total weight of the articles designated in Number 163. The surtax provided for in Note to subdivision 2 of Number 147 is not collected if the metal coating therein specified does not exceed 25 per cent of the total weight of the sheets. In case the metal coating exceeds these limits of 25 and 10 per cent, the metals and manufactm^es desig- nated in the aforesaid nurnbers are liable to the rates of duty or to the surtaxes prescribed in the tariff' for the metals constituting the coating. Steel: froml. Steel in bars and assorted steel of all kinds, except that mentioned below; steel in billets, steel scrap. 3. Sheet steel of every kind, of a thickness of ^ mm .and over. Steel in slabs of a width exceeding 46 cm. assorted steel of all kinds, of a width or height of more than 46 cm. or of a thickness of 18 cm. and over; T steel and T T steel, steel in beams, Z steel and steel of other cross section forms except angle steel, which pays duty according to subdivi- sion 1 of this Number [142], steel in hoops, of a width or diameter of more than 6| mm., but not over 12^ mm. 4. Sheet steel, of a thickness, of less than J mm. 147 i Zinc: Note: See Number 140. 1. In pigs, scrap or powder, also zinc and zinc dust. 2. In sheets, polished or not, or in rods. Note: See Number 141. Pood. Pood. 75 05 Pood. Pood. Pood. 50 70 25 78 THE EUSSIAN " PEACE." Slummetn bcs ruffifi^cn a\U 5^c;cid)nuiig ber Synrcn. iginl&eit. ^oHfais in gcmetnen Sarife (bom 13./26.3anuQr 1903). beln. 52 ten. au« 148 2. ®o[barbeiten iebcr 5Irt; ^uiDclierarbciten ieber 3Irt aui ®olb, nud) mit ed)ten ober inicd)teii toteincn, '^crlcn ufm. ^funb 80 4. ©ilfaerarbciteu jcber 2lrt, aud) oergolbet; Suitielicrarbeiten jeber Strt au^ ®Uber, auc^ Dcrgolbct,' aud) mit ccbtcn ober uti= cd)ten 'gtcinen, ^^evlen uf)». ^i^funb 9 , 5. ^^olb unb Sllbei in buitiicn iyiiittem, beren ®elDid)t auf 100 Qunbrotjoll betragt: bet ®oIb — 90 unb iBenigcr T)o\\ unb bei ®i(bev — 48 unb iBcnigev Doli, cinf(^liefe^^ lid) beei ©cmic^tg ber !Siid}c(d)en. •^Pfunb 7 50 6. ©emcbc unb iBanbcr (gcf[od)ten ober gcmebt) am Wolb, 'eiibcr ober uncditcm ?at)n, 3)ial)t unb Wefpinft aui< @o(b unb ©ilbcr. ^fuub 10 80 aii« 149 SSareu auci ii'upfer, iiupfcrlcgicrungcn unb anberen in 9Junnner 143 gcnannten 'iUfetatlen unb 'it- gteruugcn: 1. i'ampenbrcnner, a (kin ober in i^erbinbung mit iyel)a(tern, falts bicfe nid)t einem l)of)eren ,8olle uuterliegcu. ^ub 9 .... 2. SBaren ol)ue cif)abcnc ober ge|tod)cuc 35er= Sierungen nub gcftangte SBaren, and) in 3?er= binbung mit ipot^, (i'ifen, 33Ied), ?eber ober anberen gelDbl)n(id)en ©toffen: a) bei einem ©elDid)te bon mebr al^ 5 ■iPfunb fiir ha^ ©tiid. i^ub 8 b) bei einem @en)id)te t)on 5 'ipfunb ober loeniger fiir hai^ ©tiid. ^ub 9 3. SBaren mit erbabenen ober gcftodjeuen i^er= jief)rungen (aufjer ben gcftanjten), au0ge= riiftet ober nid)t, gebrandiesfertig ober ntc^t, irie Ornamente, ^arbatiben, SQIes baiftonei, i^iiften unb ®tatneu. ^13ub 21 nii« 150 ©ufeeifen, Dcrarbeitet: 1. ©ufeftiidc ol)ne iSearbeitung . ^ub. ^ub. ^?ub. 10 10 20 ^ub. ^ub. 80 ^funb. ^13funb . 2fJ BEEST-LITOVSK PEACE: SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. 81 Tariff A — Continued. Numbers of the Russian General Tariff (of 13/26 Jan. 1903). 151 from 152 153 Classification of Articles. Iron or steel manufactures, forged, stamped, moulded — not filed, or tiled on the sides and edges, but not otherwise wrought, — except those separately designated, forged nails. Iron or steel boilermakers' work: from 1. boilers and similar apparatus from 154 from 155 from 15G from 157 Iron or steel wares not separately mentioned, if wrought, turned, polished, ground, bronzed or otherwise elaborated, with or witliout parts composed of wood, copper or copper alloys: — 1. All kinds except those named in subdivi- sion 2. 2. Padlocks and mortise locks (except of cop- per), also screws (for wood). Note: All iron or steel fittings used in buildings or furniture pay duty according to tiie respective sub- divi>iions of Number I.")'-!, in case tliey are not listed under numl;ers of the Russian tariff for which a higher rate of duty is prescribed. Nickelling of sucli articles is no reason for subjecting them to a higher rate. Bolts, pigs, rivets, keyhole drops and pipes of keys made of copper or brass have no efYeet on tlie rate of duty prescribed for padlocks or nioriiso locks to which they are attached. Tin-plate manufactures: 1. of all kinds, also sheet iron manufactures coated with varnish, enamel, zinc or other base metals, even if these be painted, except those tliat fall luider number (154). Note to subdivision 1. Iron-nt/.'iisils vuiniluMi and coated v.dth a layci of paint, pay duty under this subdivision, even if the edges aJid handles are painted of a different color than the re.rt of the .sur- face. Note, see Number 141. Wire: Note, see Number 141. Wire manufactures: from 1. of iron or steel: d. Cards and fillets of cards of all kinds. Note: Iron and steel pins not intended for orna- ment, wlietb.er with metal heads or with globular lieads of Ijlack, unlcolored or mottled .glass, in so far as they do not fall under the tariff number provided for precious stones, shall pay duty, like iron or steel wire according to No. 1.56. subdivision 1 of the tariti', if their length, inclusive of the head, does not exceed 2iRussian inches (6.35 cm.) and if they correspond to the samples forwarded to the custprn houses. Note, see Number 141. Needles of iron or steel: 1. Sewing needles and other needles of all kinds except those designated below : • 2. Sewins-machine needles Unit. Pood. Rate of Duty in— Pood. Pood. Pood. Pood. Pood. Pound . Pound . 10 10 20 20 82 THE EUSSIAlSr PEACE. Xadf A — ^•ortfeljimg. "Jhimmern beg riiffifcfeen alls gemeinen Xorifg (oom 13./26. 3anuar 1903). mi 158 SBcKU'fiiiuiui bcr SBarcn. .Sotlfat} in au? 160 l&l 9}?efi'crtuaren je&cr 3(rt, aufjcr ben nnter anberc S'Jumincrn beg Jarif^ falfcTibcn unb ben '"Dcafd)inen= meffern: ^ 1. SJceffcruiavcn jcbcr ?U't, ohne ^)iiirf|'id)t auf ^l?ub . i[)rc i^eruicnbuniji, am )\tiniebbarcm C^HiB= eifen, Sdimiebeciien, StabI, iJ'upfer, fimjfcrlegicrnngcn obcv anberen in 9lum= mer 143 gcnanntcn 4)cctQl[en unb 9.)(etallegierungen, in ("vaffungen aui ge= iDohnUdien ;i;toften; ®d)even unb "ipin' gotten, niit glatten obcr gejnl)ntcn 'Bd^ne'u ben; ^Viefferflingen; Wabeln ofinc .^efte, fertig ober ntd)t. Jlnnictfung ju %hinft 1. Wcffer unb ©abein iiiit .f)eften niis< qcroohnlicfien Stoffeu roerbcn nad) | btefcm I'unft mit 20 Sfubcln 40 ii'oocfen Bcriotlt. ' 2. biefelfacn Coegcnftnnbe, nergolbet ober Der= I "i^ub. filbert, aud) mit bergolbcter ober i)erfil= ; berter jyaffung, foiDie in Jvciffuugen au^ plattiertem Silber, igdnibpatt, ^lVrI= mutter, natiirlid)em nub foffilem (S(fen= bein, ober icenn biefe ©toffe, (Ji^olb unb ®i(ber inbegriffen, at^ 3>ersierungcn an gnffungen an*? geuiobn(id)em Stoffc angc= brndjt finb. 2. Strol)l)ndfc(meiier, Sd^aufcln, Spaten, @a= *^ub belu, iparfen, SrbfiQuen, Apncfen, ^reu^* \ banen nn '^ifel. [ Jlnmcrfuufl. t^iirofee Wnfacln nllcr 3(rt, trite I S. S8. ®abeln jum 31u8t)cbcn uon ^)iUben, OTiftgobeln | uflu. iBcrbcii nad) bicfcr 9hnnincr uerjoUt. t I SSerfgeug fiir .S^aiibmerfer, .riiinftier, ^-nbrifeu unb ! iffierfftatten: 1. geilen, Siofpeln, and] Ji'luppen, Wennnbe= '']3ub. boI)rer unb @d)ranbenba(fen. 2. SBerfgeug jebcr 3lrt — aufeer bem in f^unit 1 'ipub . bicfcr 'iJhimmer (161) gcuannten, folr»ic j bem nnter 'Dfummer loS fnUenben — aud) mit Jcifen aw nnberen gcniol)n- Itd)en Stoffcn. 9tu= beln. 20 fen. 40 60 SO 50 80 au^ 162 ' ^uticpv ftiv tl)pograpl)ifd)en 2alj unb ibud)brud: | 3. ?it[)ogra)Dl)ierfteinc mit 3cW)nungen i ^]3ub . onei 163 ■ SBaren ans ,3inu, ^i'lf ""'^ ti^rcn I'egierungcn, aufeer ben unter S'lununer 215 fallenben. j ?lnmcrfung. SBnrcn cuie; S^i-itanniunmetalt — einer Si'egicrung oon Sinn unb ?lntimon mit cincm .S'npfcrjufQl} bis ju 2% — luerben nact) •i)himnier 163 iTiie JBarcn aui Sinn ocrjoKt. j i'lnmerfung [icbc ^Jummcr Ml. i 50 BREST-LITOVSK PEACE: SUB APPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. 83 Tariff A — Continued. from 158 from 160 161 from 162 from 163 Cutlery wares of all kinds, except those which fall under other numbers of the tariff, and ex- cepting mechanical cutting appliances: 1. Cutlery of any kind and for any purpose, of malleable cast iron, wrought ii'on, steel, copper, copper alloys or any other metals and metal alloys designated in Number 143, in mountings of common materials; also scissors and pincers — provided with smooth or notched edges, knife blades, forks without handles, whether finished or not. Note to subdivision 1 . Knives and foi ks accord- ing to this subdivision 20 Roubles, 40 Copecks. 2. The same articles, gilded or silvered, or with settings which are gild ed , silvered, or silver-plated, or of tortoise shell, mother-of-pearl, ivory or fossil ivory, or when any of these materials, gold and silver included, are present by way or ornaments in settings of common mate- rials. 2. Straw-choppers, shovels, spades, pitch- forks, rakes, hoes, picks, spuds and mattocks. Note: Large pitchforks of every kind as for instance forlcs for taking up beets, "dung-forks, etc. pay duty according to this number. Hand-tools for artisans, artists, factories and work-shops : 1. Files, rasps, also draw-plates, wimbles, and screw-dies. 2. Hand-toojs of all kinds, except those mentioned in subdivision 1 of this Number (161) as well as those that fall under number 158, even though with parts consisting of other common mate- rials. Printing, compositors', and printing trade acces- sories. 3. Lithographic stones with drawings thereon Manufactiu"es of tin, zinc or of their alloys, except those falling under Number 215. Note: Manufactures of British metal — an alloy of tin and antimony with an addition of copper up to 2%.— pay duty according to Number 1G3 like tin wares Note: sec Number Ml. Pood. 20 Pood. Pood. Pood. 40 60 Pood. Pood. 80 50 85 1 50 84 THE EUSSIAX PEACK. Xarif A — Jortfcljuug. 9Iummcrn beg tuffifd&en atl- gcmeinen Xorifg (Dom 13./26. 3anuar 1903): aug 165 166 au§ 167 iBcjcidjnung ber ®aren. 3oHfa(5 in Sinl^eit. beln. fen. ^innfoUe im ©cmidjt Oon 1 Solotnif unb incnigcr ^nb. auf 25 OuabrotjoU. Srongterpuloer am uncblen i)Jfetal(en ^ub. a) am .ttupfcr ober .ft'upfcrlcgicrungcn, eiufd)Iict5Ud) fo(cf)cr, bei benen fuDfcr iinb ftinc Scgicrungen mclir a[s 25% iijm- (^)etm^ts niii?mad)en. b) am Wufjcifcn, Sd)iiiicbccifcii ober @ tabl, and) mit Xc'ikn am anberen ®tof7en, aber an Jj'upfcr ntd)t inebr aH 25% t^red ©enjidjtg cntbaftcnb. ^ub. •iPub. 2)?Qfd)incn unb Slpparate, aud) unooKftanbtg, 5U= fominengefel^t ober au^einanbevgcnommen: 1. aud ©u&eifcu, ®d)micbccifcn, Stabf, aud) mit JeUen au^ anberen otoffen, aud) in a^erbinbung mit il'upfcr, fofern hai^ ii'upfer nid)t mebr aU 25% bed (yefamtgemid)tg ber a)ca|c^inen audmad)t: a) jeber 2lrt, nid)t befonberd genaunte. b) &a^' ober "i^etroleummotoren, 3)ampfmafd}inen, Vofomofailen — aufeer ben in l^unft 5 bicfer 9Jum= mer (167) gcuanntcn; Vofomoti' ocn, X)ampfiiiaggond; Samp^ brai linen unb eleftri|'d}e '^atjX' aeuge; tl)pogrnpf)ifd)e unb atl)o= grapbifd)c T^rucfnuifdiinen; ^a= ptcriunfcbinen; $)o(sbearbettungd= maidnnen, aufeer OVitterfiigen, bie nad) ^nnft la bicfer 9?ummer (167) lierjoUt Uierben; 'ipumpen unb .§anbfcuerfprtl?en; ,ft'ompref= foren, G-id= unb ^iibUnafc^inen; 'Dfabma)'d)inen. c) ;;))(afd)inen fiir l)Jietallbearbcitung, aufecr 3SaI^cn|tub(cu unb Sampf= bilmmern, bie unter '»Punft la bicfer 9tummer (167) falfen; Ta mpf e uer fpril?cn ; :®ia f f er m ef f cr , Wadmeffer; ed)rcibmafd)ineu. 2, 9J?afd)incn jeber 9(rt aud •fi'upfcr ober Wupfcr= legierungen, einfd)Iief;(td) fo(d)er, bei benen l?upfer ober .fiupferlcgierungcn mel}r aid 25% bed (sVfamtgemulitd ber lljafdnne andmad)en. 4. IanblDirtfd)aftlid)e S^h^fdjinen unb Weriite, ^Uib. D[}ne T^antpfmotorc, nidjt befonberd ge= nannte, and) fflJobcKe berfelben. 7. 2:eik oon Jl'cofAincn unb Jlpparaten, fiir fid) eingebcnb, nid)t befonberd genaunte: 10 20 ^ub. 20 ^15ub. 75 ^:pub. ^;^ub. 20 BREST- LITOVSK PEACE: SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. 85 Tariff A^ — Continued. Numbers of the Russian General Tariff (of 13/26 Jan. 1903). from 165 166 from 167 Classification of Articles. Tinfoil weighing 1 solotnick, or less per 25 square inches. Bronze powder made from non-precious metals . . . Machines and apparatus, complete or not, put together or in parts: l.Of cast iron, wrought ii'on, or steel, with or without parts composed of other metals also in combination with copper to an extent not exceeding 25 per cent of the total weight of the machine. a. All kinds not separately' classified b. Gas and naphtha motors, steam engines, portable engines, except those specified in subdivision 5 of this Number (167); locomotives, locomotive wagons: steam-driven drays and electrical vehicles: typographic and lithographic printing machines, paper making ma- chines, wood working machines, except frame saws which are assessed under la of this number (167); pumps and hand' fire-hoses, compressors and ice-making and refrigerating machines, sewing machines. c. Machines for the working of metals, ex- cept rolling and steam hammers, which fall under la of the present number (167) steam fire-hoses; water meters, gas meters, typewriting machines. 2. All kinds of machines made of copper or its alloys including those in which cop- per or its alloys, including those in which copper or its alloys constitute more than 25% of the total weight of the machine. 4. Agricultural machines and implements, with steam motors not separately de- signed ; also models thereof. 7. Parts of machines and apparatus, im- ported by themselves, except those classified apart. a. Composed of copper or copper alloys in- cluding those in the composition of which copper or any alloy of copper constitutes more than 25 % of their total weight. b. Composed of cast iron, wrought iron, or steel, though with parts consisting of other metals, or with a combination of copper — not exceeding 25 % of the total weight of each part. Unit. Pood. \ Pood. Pood. Pood. Pood. Pood. Pood. Pood. Pood. Rate-of Duty in- 10 20 20 75 20 86 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. Zaxi'i A — ^•ortfe^ung. ■iRummern be8 ruffifc^en aU' gemeincn STarifS (Dom 13./26. 3an\xaT 1903). SSc5cicf)nung bet SBaren. Sinfiett. ^oHfafe in beln. ten. aui^ 167 168 9[)^afd)men unb 2lpparate, ouA unUoUftiinbig, su= faimncngefetjt obcr au{ind)te. i 2. fiir iebe^ meitcre ^X^ub i "ipub . 10 20 20 75 4 I 50 2 10 BREST-LITOVSK PEACE: SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. 87 Tariff A — Continued. Rate of Nmnbers of Duty in— the Russian Classification of Articles, Unit. General Tariff (of i o 13/26 Jan. 3 a 1903). o from 167 Machines and apparatus, complete or not, put together or in parts — Continued . 8. Spare parts of machines or apparatus ex- Pood 8 .... cept those sejjarately classified, im- . ported together with the machines and apparatus, composed of copper or cop- per alloys, including those in which copper or any alloy thereof is present in a proportion exceeding 25% of the total weight of each part. 9. Spare parts of machines and apparatus imported together with such machines or apparatus, composed of cast iron, , wrought iron or steel, with a com- bination of copper provided the latter does not exceed 25 % of the weight of each separate part: a. Imported with any of the machines Pood 2 10 classified under la of the present Number (167). b. Imported with any of the machines Pood 3 20 classified under lb of the present number. c. Imported with any of the machines Pood... 4 20 classified xmder Ic of the pesent Number. from 11. Spare parts of agricultural machines and apparatus, imported together with Pood 75 such machines or apparatus, except those designated in subdi^dsion 6 of the present Number (167). 168 Weighing-scales and then' accessories, parts of weighing-scales except of copper or of al- loys of copper: 1. For the first 3 poods weight of each Pood 4 50 article. 2. For every additional pood Pood 2 10 88 THE RUSSIAN " PEACE Inrif A — ^yortfe^ung. ■•Jiiimntern bc8 ruififd;en af(= gemeincn Sartfs (dom ia./26. 3anuar 1903). S3e5eirf)nung ber iffiarcn. 3oIIfol3 in (Sinfteit. beln. fen. ^13ub. au* 169 ^I)l)fifalifd)c, nftronomifd)e, matljcmatifdje iiiib ber= gletd)en ^nftnnnentc unb 3(pparnte fomie cIcftro= tec^TtifdK „Subel)brteilc: 1. 3nfti'ii'"C"tc unb Slppciratc; a|tronomifd)e, optififie (aufeer ben in 'Dfununer 170 ge= nannten), pliDJtfalifdic, d)cmifdic, matt)e= matifd)c, geobatifdic unb jum i^eidjn^n; mcbiginii'd)c, ilfanomctcr, 2?nfiiummeter, ^nbifatoicn unb <3'i')f«)3P«i'"t"- (aufier ben untev ^13uiift 2 biefer Shimmer [169] genannten); ,-3^iuber= obcr 'iprojcftion^: iaternen, pl)otogrnpl)i|d)c Stpparate; geo= grap^ifd}C (Mloben; ©liifcr fiir 53rlUen, {'ovgnettcn, loiuie !8rcnn=, 5ycrgrbfeerung'?= unb optifitie C^Iiifcr ieber Slrt; eleftrifdic Jlusifdialter, Umfd)altcr, ®id)erungen, §ulfcn fiir ©Uiblampen, ^)N)eoftatc unb .^'ommutatorcn jcbcr 5[rt, ,5ufammenge= fet?t obcr au'^ciuanbcrgcnommen; Xele= groplieU' unb Jekpbonapparnte; eieftrtfdie ober pneumatifd)c ©(orfen unb Subcbbr fiir cicftrifdic £ignniDorrid)tungcn. 2. (S(eftrotcd)nifd)e 2)tefeapparatc (Sdnpercmeter, iJSattmetcr, S?o(tincter unb ,^'6.{)[tx). awi' 171 lU)rmad)erniaren: aug 1. lUn'U'crfc, ol)ne (Sciiaufe obcr .ft'aften obcr Hon biefcn gctrennt cingcfii()rt: . b) ju 511>anb=, 3;ifd)=,.tamin= unb 9ieifc« ubren, aufecr ben nntcr lit. c genannten, fiir baS ©tiid 1 9hibel 50 ^opefen unb aufeerbem. i'lnmcrfuug 2. 2Banb=, 3:ifd)=, .r('amin» unb ^)fcifcuf)ren, bcrcn SBerfc fidi uom ©chiiufc obcr .taftcti obnc .Oitfc einca 3!tiftniment'S iiidit trenncn laffen, loerbcn nad) bem ®toff be(5 ©cbiiufeg ober S^aftenS BerjoKt unb aufeerbcm lucrbcn folgenbe ^olie crbobcn: a) fiir bic im "iJuntt l_lit. b genannten \Xln- iBcrfc: fiir bad liatlirf 4 afubel, li) fiir bic im 'ijSuntt 1 lit. c genannten Uf)r= luerfc: fUr ba« ©tltct 00 fCovefcn. Ut)rn)crfc nad) amcrifantfdiem ©nftem, bnS beifet mit gcftanjtcn, gcbcijten, lodicrtcn unb aud) poIicr« ten unb burdjbrodjenen (JSeftcffen unb Siiibern, beren Jriebe nidjt gcfdmittcn ftnb (mit JlusJnabmc ber aufecrbalb ^iatinen angebrad)ten Xriebc), aud) loenn bie Jlufjieljfebern in gcfculoffenen Srommctn (eingebautcn Sebcrbitufern) untergcbrad)t finb, jablen 90 .ft'ooefcn fiir hai Stiid', obnc ©rbcbung eine« Wcroidjtdjon^. Safet fid) bet Ubren mit SBerfcn biefer ?lrt bad SiBert Bom f^^ehiiufe obnc ■'oilfc cine« 3nitrumcntd nid)t trenncn, fo mirb ein @en)id)tdjoll nad) bcni 9JfatcriaIc be« @cf)aufed unb bancbcn ein 3ol( Don 90 .S'opcfcn uom Stild fiir baS SBerf crbobcn. "iJub. ^funb . 12 BEEST-LirOVSK PEACE : SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. 89 Tariff A — Continued. Numbers of the Russian General Tarifl (of 13/26 Jan. 1903). from 169 froranvi Classification of Articles. Physical, astronomical, mathematical and simi- lar instruments and apparatus, as well as elec- tro-technical accessories: 1. Instruments and apparatus: astronomical, optical (except those mentioned under No. 170), physical, chemical, mathemat- ical, geodetical, and drawing instru- ments, etc.; manometers, vacuum- meters, indicators and calculators (ex- cept those mentioned in subdivision 2 of the present Niunber) magic lanterns and other lanterns for picture-projection, photogi'aijhic apparatus, geographical globes, glasses for spectacles and held glasses, burning glasses, magnifying and all kinds of optical glasses, electrical switches, shunts, and protective ap- pliances, caps for electrical incandes- cent lamps, telegraphic and telephonic apparatus; electrical and pneumatic bells and accessories for electrical sig- . naling. 2. Electro-technical measuring apparatus (amperemeters, wattmeters, voltmeters, and calculators). Clock and watchmakers' products: from 1. Watch and clock movements imported wdthout or separately from the cases: b. Clock movements for wall, table, mantle- piece, or carriage clocks, except those mentioned below under c, per piece 1 Rouble 50 Copecks and in addition. Note 2. Wall, table, matel, or carriage clocks, whose movements cannot be separated from the frames or cases without the aid of tools, pay duty accordmg to the material of theframes or cases and m addition the following duties are levied: a. For movements mentioned under (lb) 4 "Rou- bles each. b. For movements enumerated in (Ic) each 60 copecks. MovementsonthoAmerican systemwith stamped, etched, varnished, and also polished and perforated stands and wheels, the pinions of which are not cut (except springs attached outside the bed-plate), even though the winding springs are inclosed in locked Ijarrels (built in spring casings) pay 90 co- pecks each, without levying any duty per weight. If in case of clocks having this kind of movements, the movements cannot be separated from the case without the aid of a tool, there shall be levied a duty based on the weight and in addition a duty of 90 copecks on each for the movements. Unit. Pood Pood. Pound. Rate of Duty in- 12 75 90 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. Xarif A — Jortfetjung. 9{ummcrn beg rufftfcf)en alt- QCTticinen Sarif'S (Dom 13./26. 3anuar 1903). aug 171 am 172 am 173 am 177 53e5eiii)niiii9 ber SSarcn. Ut)rmadier)Daren — gortfeljung. 5. nf)rft)crftci(c, in au^cinanbcrgcuoimiiciicin .Suftanbc: a) nidit untercitwubcv ocrbimbcuc Xeilc, 3. S3.: einselue 9idbcv, 5(d)fcn ufm. b) unfercinanber uerbimbene Xdk 10= iptc nidit Derbunbcnc Xeile, mit ben crftercn in cincr inneren isevpacfung ^nfanuncn cingcfiilirt. 9}JufifaUfd)e ^nftfuiTiente: 1. j^lligel; nid)t transportable Orgcln jeber 3trt. 2. .flaoiere 4. nid)t befonberS genannte mu)ifalifd)e 3n|'trn= mcntc jeber ?lrt, ^nbcbortcilc jn mui"ifa= Iifd)en 3nftrumcntcn, gefonbcrt cingcfiihrt, mie: iBogcn, J-arm^ nnb Seibenfaitcn (metaOenc ©niten luerben nadi Shimmer 155 oerjoHt), .tiatiiaturen, .*panimerd)en (SSirbel fiir .tlaoiere rtierben nad) 'iRum'= mer 15G ^unft 1 lit. b Dergoat), iUfctrononic, (gtimmgabeln, ?Infal?ftucfe (.^ronc) nnb bcrgfeidien. am 3. 5af)rraber: a) jttieiriibrige au^ 6. gafirrabteife jeber 3lrt. Stnmcrfung 311 ^iPunft 6. I'fftntcl (i'auiberfen) imb i'uftfdjlQudje ou« .ffaiitfif)uf fitr 'Jaftrrttber mcrben Shimmer 88 BcrjoUt, roenii an iftncn feinc S)cetantcile nufeer ben an ben 2d)litud)en bcfinb^ Itd)eii ^^cntilen an9ebrad)t [tub. ^a)jierliiaren: am 2. jn b) .Uragen, l)(anfd)etten, iyortjeinbcn au^ 'il.kpier, and) auf einer ober auf beiben ©eiten mit ineifeeni, farbigem ober bc= brucftem ^Baumtiiotlftoff tiberjogen, ot)ne mirflidie ^}Jabte, jufammengemogen mit ben Sdiaditein ober .^artonci, in bcnen fie fid) bcfinbcn. iPei ber i^erjoltnng t>on .Vtragen, 'I)(anfd)etten unb ^inirbcmben ber genannten ?(rten ift cine burd) ^]Jreffung lieroorgcbrad)te 9tad)al)nuing oon i)M^ten nid)t al«* imrfUdie yial)t anjnfeben. 3. "^kpier unb ^^appe, tierjiert burd) !i5ergoI= bung, 2>erfilberuug, iSronjierung, ^ra= gung, i'UiSfd)(agen (ju lispitjen), mit 9}Juf= tern, ,8cid)nungen, 'iMIbern, iBorbiiren, iffiappen, 'i)?amen^3iigen; '^ibjieObifber; i^apiermaren, mie: iBriefumfdiliigc, SIu= men, 2d)abtonen gum ^'^eidmen, iL'anxpen= fd)irme nnb bcrglcidien; 3Barcn am "ipapier, •ikppe, 'IJapicrmadie unb Stcinpappe mit 3>cr3icrnngeu, auficr ben nnter Glummer 215 fallenben fomie ben in 'i|?unft 4 bicfer 9htmmer (177) genannten. ®inl)ett. 3oIIfat} in beln. fen. ^funb . ^funb . ®tucf . ©titcf. ^fnnb . 75 75 168 96 15 etiid . 30 ^]>ub . 60 ^ub. 14 50 BREST-LITOVSK PEACE : SUBAPrENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. 91 Tariff A — Continued. Numbers of the Russian General Tariff (of 13/26 Jan. 1903). from 171 from 172 Classification of Articles. from 173 from 177 Clock and watchmakers' products — Continued. 5. Parts of watch and clock movements: a. Parts not combined with each other, for example separate wheels, axles, etc. b. Parts combined with each other, also parts not combined with each other, imported in the same underwrapper with the former. Musical instruments: 1. Grand pianos, organs non- transportable, of all kinds. 2. Pianos 4. Musical instruments of all kinds not sep- arately designated; accessories of musi- cal instruments, imported separately, such as bows, strings of catgut, of silk (metal strings are assessed under Number 155), keyboards, rods for opening check valves of organs (pegs for pianos are as- sessed under Number 156, subdivision 1. letter b.), metronomes, tuning forks, mouth pieces and the like. from 3. Cycles: a. Of two wheels from 6. Cycle-parts, of every sort. Note to class 6. Covers and pneumatic rubber tubes for cycles are assessed according to Num- ber 88 if no metals are used in their make up except the air-valves attached to the tires. Paper wares: from 2. of b. Collars, cuffs, false shirt fronts made of paper, also if covered on one or both sides with white, uni colored or printed cotton material without real seams, weighed together with the cases or paste-board boxes in which they are. In assessing collars, cuffs and shirt-fronts of the kinds described an imitation seam produced by pres- sure is not to be regarded as real. 3. Paper and paste-board, ornamented, e. g. gilded, silvered, bronzed, impressed, pinked (to look like lace) in patterns, drawings, pictures, borders, coats-of- arms. monograms; transfer pictures, manufactures of paper, such as envel- opes, flowers, stencils for drawing, lamp shades, and the like; manufac- tures of paper, papiermache, card- board, and statuary pasteboard, orna- mented, except such falling under Number 215, and those designated in subdivision 4 of the present Num- ber 177. Unit. Pound. Pound. . Per piece. Per piece. Pound Per piece . . . Pood. Pood. Rate of Duty in— 75 75 168 96 15 30 60 14 50 86409—18- 92 THE RUSSIAN PEACE.' 2:arif A — gortfet^uug. Sflummern be* rufftfdien atl= gemeincn Jorifa (»om 13. 26.3!anuar ■ 1903). aue 178 au6 182 am 183 au« 185 au« 186 SScjeicftnung bcr 5S$aren. Siicfier, 93ilber, ?anbfarten: auS 1. 33ilber, 3ficf)nii"9«"/ ''IJlane, Sanbfarten, 9Ioten: b) auf 'iPapier gleid^tiiel burc^ ioetc^cS SrudfDerfal^rcn tjevgeftellt, aufeer ben unter lit. c unb d gcnannten ©egenftanben. Slntnerfung ju lit. b. nad) bicfer lit. derjolit. d) gjotcn 3lnfi(f)t^poftfarten merben 2. 58ucf)er unb ^^itfcfiriften, gteiditiici burd) tt>elcf)cg 33erfa{)ren in fremben ®prad)en ge= brucft, mit (Sinfd)Iu6 foId}er, bte im Jejte obcr in 33eila8en ^loten, Sanbfartcn, "ipiane, .): a) ungefiirbt b) gcfarbt Slntncrtung 1. ®ebleid)te 2Bo(Ie tutrb roie un= acfttrbte oerjollt. JInmerfung 2. T'k in gjummcr 186 '>Juntt 2 unb 3 gcnannte gefoonnenc unb gejiulrnte SBotle itiirb nad) ben fUr bicfe ^Bunftc feftgcfeljten OertragS' mcifeigen Siiisen OerjoUt, aud) mcnn fie mit i8aum= raoUe, ?cinen ober ^ani gcmifdjt iff. ^aum>DoUencr ®amt, bautmnoUencr 'ipiiifd) unb baumrDoKcnc 'iI3liifd)banber, aud) gemuftcrt. ©etoebe au^ Qnie, %lad:}^, $anf unb anberen in ^unft 3 bcr 9tummer 179 genannten ©toffen, nut 2tu6nal)nic ber in ben 9himmern 191 unb 193 genannten ©ertebe: 1. ^li'iltirf' S" 5!}iatraljen unb 5)JobeIn; 2:cppid)= genjcbe, 9}fobeI[toffe unb bergfeid^cn. 3. Jifc^tiic^er, ©erbietten unb §anbtiid)er . . . . JInmerfung ju ben 'iUunften 1 unb 3. J)tc in 9}ummer 192 iPunft 1 unb 3 genannten ©emebe rocrben nod) ben fUr biefe 1?unfte feftgefel^ten Der= tragSmafeigen eotjen Bcrjorit, and) reenn fie mit SaumiDolIe gemifdjt finb. Jlnmerfung ju i^unft 3. Jifd)tUd)er, @er» Bictten unb .'ponbtlicfeer roerben nad) biefcm ^untte Dcrjollt, aud) menn fie mit cinfad)em bbdjftenS i .^oK brcitem einfad)em ^oblfoume unb mit granffn Der» jiert finb, Weldjc nid)t an bo* @c«ebe angenfibt finb, fonbern lebiglic^ and ber S?erlfingcrung ber 2Bebe» faben beftefjcn. ®anit unb ^Ivifd), (2amt= unb 'ipiiifc^banbcr, beren ^ol auil> geibe (ober 2IbfaI[[gIorctt=]feibe) bcftel)t, bie abcr in J?ette unb ®d}ufe fcine Scibc (ober 2lbfaU[gIorett=]feibe) entbaltcn — aud) mit ciner au8 fcibenen ober f)albfcibenen J^'cttcnfabcn be= ftel^enben ^ante oon l^oc^ften^ i 3oH ^reite auf jeber ©cite be^ ©toffeS ober bes 58anbcg. SBoIIcngchjebe, nid^t befonber'g genannte: mit brei Quabratarfdiin ober ineniger auf ba^ ^funb. mit mef)r ali 3 Ouabratarfd)in auf ba^ ^funb , Jlnmerfung. 9lid)t bcfonbcr* genannte 23Jotlen= geroebe roerben nad) ben fUr bie 9?ummer 199 feft» Bcfeljten DcrtragSmflfeigen ©aljcn DerjoIIt, oucb Wenn fie mit SBaumniotte gcmifd)t finb. 2BoIIenh3aren jum ©ebrauc^ filr gabrifen unb SBcrf= ftatten: ju 2. Jrcibriemen aug .$lamel{)aar unb '^xc^-- unb ^iltertiic^er ^ub. ^ub. 16 18 ^funb. ^funb. ^funb . 10 60 35 'iPfunb . 50 'iPfunb . ^funb . 50 ^funb . 35 BREST-LITOVSK PEACE: SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. 95 Tariff A — Continued. Numbers of the Russian General Tariff (of 13/26 Jan. 1903). from 186 189 from 192 from 197 Classification of Articles. 199 from 202 Wool, combed, spun or twisted — Continued. 4. Fashioned, of all sorts (with knots, eyes, rings, and the like) : a. Undved b. Dyed Note. Bleached wool pays duty like dyed wool. Note 2. The spim or twisted wool mentioned in Number 186, subdivision 2 and 3, is assessed accord- ing to the conventional rates established for those numbers, even though they be mixed with cotton, linen or hemp. Cotton velvet, plush, and plush ribbons, figured or not. Tissues of jute, flax, hemp, and other materials named in subdivision 3 of No. 179, except the tissues named in Nos. 191 and 193: 1. Ticking for mattresses and for furniture; heavy tissues for carpets, furniture, and the like. 3. Table-cloths, napkins, and towels Note to subdivisions 1 and 3. The tissues named in number 192, subdivisions 1 and 3, are assessed according to the conventional rates fixed for those subdivisions, even though such tissues be mixed with cotton. Note to subdivision 3. Table-cloths, napkins (serviettes), and towels pay duty according to this subdivision, even though they be finished with a simple seam, at most 4 inch wide, and with fringes that are not sewed on the tissue but merely consist of an extension of the threads of the tissue. Velvet and plush, ribbons of velvet and plush, with nap of silk or floss silk, not containing any silk or floss silk, either in the warp or the weft^ — even with a list of not more than i inch in width of silk or half silk on each side of the tissue or ribbon. Woolen materials, woven, not separately desig- nated : With three square arshin or less per pound . . With more than 3 square arshin per pound. . Note. Woolen tissues, not separately designated, are assessed according to the conventional rates fixed for No. 199, even when such tissues are mixed with cotton. Woolen manufactures for use in factories and workshops: To 2. Machine belting of camel's hair, and press- ing and straining cloth. Unit. Pood. Pood. Pound Pound Pound Rate of Duty in- Pound Pound Pound 30 30 10 60 Pound 35 50 50 96 THE RUSSIAN PEACE.' Xarif A — j^ortfe^ung. 5lummern be« tuffifcfien oII» ^oHfofein. gcmeinen larifs (oom 13./26.3anuar 1903). Sciei(^nunB ber 333aren. @in^ett. 9Ju» bcln. ^ope« ten. au6 205 WitU unb ^oinmenticiiDarcn: au6 1. 3BirflBaren, aud) mit einfac^cr DJa^terci (traced be couture): c) aui i8aum)oolk 'iBfunb 75 aug jebem aubereu in ^^unft 1, c in= begriffenen ©pinnftoff. ^funb PO 2. ®cf)nure unb 'iJJofamentierbanber, i?Ieiber= beftt^e (2Igvement«), graufen, Quaften, ©arnituren unb anbere gefloc^tene ga=^ brifate: a) fetbene unb I)albfcibcne ■iPf unb ?. S5 b) anbere jeber 3Irt . ■ Slmnerhing. Iflttd) ben entfpredtienben ^unften biefet 9{ummer fficrben Bcr5ont SBnU unb 'iCofa^ mentiermaren, mit bcr Ajanb ober ber SJiafcbine f)er= eeftcHt.abgepafetgearbeitct (regular) ober gefdjnitten, aucf) gcraufit ober oltifd'artig, audi mit einfac&er SJa^orbeit. iffiirtronren ou« 23aum>DolIe, !;?cinen unb SBotle fbnnen, otjne beSbalb ftbbcr DerjoUt gu loetben, eincn SBcfatj bafaen, inenn barin feine toeibe ent= baltcn ift. 3ebod) foKen gemirfte >'5>Qnbfd)ut)e nad) bcm oertragSmiifeigcn 3oHfatje ber 'Jfummer 205 IJuntt 1 c ofinc 3ufd)Iag aud) bann t)er?ont merben, roenn fie mit einreihigcn ^roideln au8 i»cibe ober .V>a(bfcibc Derfeben finb. O^eioirfte ii'IeibungSftUrfe ieber Slrt fallen untcr 5?ummer 205. •iBfunb 90 206 ZiXU, aufeer feibencm, im ©tucf ober abgcpafet: 1. baummolfener gemufterter ©arbinentiill (nid)t gefttdft unb of)nc aufgenaf)te 3lrbeit [2lppIifationen]). ^funb 2 2. 3:un iebcr 5lrt, nid^t befonberg gcnanntcr . . . ^funb 5 207 ©pi^en unb iffiaren auS Spi^en: 1. feibene ober in S?erbinbung mit ©eibe ^funb 10 2. anbere jeber Slrt ^funb 4 72i au8 208 ©ticEereien, geftidte ©emebe unb geftidter XM: au8 1. jebcr 2(rt aufeer ben in ^untt 2 biefer dlum- mer (208) genannten: b) anbere jeber 3lrt — aufeer ben feibe= nen unb ba(b feibenen — beftidft mit ©eibe, (siolb, ©ilbcr, uned^tem ®oIb= unb (©ilbergefpinft. ^funb 10 80 • c) bie unter lit. b biefet ^unfteS ge» nannten, mit gen3o:5n'(tc^cn ©toffen befticEt. ^funb 7 BEEST-LITOVSK PEACE: SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. 97 Tariff A — ^Continued. Numbers of the Russian IGeneral TarifE (of 13/26 Jan. 1903). from 205 206 207 from 208 Classification of Articles. Knitted wares and trimmings: from 1. Knitted wares, with or without embroi- dered marks, c) of cotton of any other kind of knitting material comprised in subdivision 1, c. Tapes and braids for trimming, fringes, tassels, facings and other plaited wares: a) of silk and half silk. b) of any other kinds. Note: The following shall pay duty according to the corresponding subdivisions of the present num- ber: Knitted wares and trimmings, made by hand or machine, made of material with woven border or pieced, also carded or plushlike, with or vrith- out traces of sewing; knitted wares of cotton, linen and wool may, without having to pay a higher duty on that account, have a garniture, provided it contain no silk. However, knitted gloves shall pay duty according to the agreed tarifl rate of No. 205, subdi\ision 1 c, without surtax, even when they are pro\^ded with one row crotches of silk or half silk. Knitted articles of clothing of all kinds fall imder number 205. Tulle, except of silk, in the piece or part piece: 1. Cotton tulle for curtains, figured (neither embroidered nor edged). 2. Tulle of all kinds not separately desig- nated. Lace and lace manuf actm'es : 1. of silk or with admixture of silk 2. all other kinds. Embroideries, embroidered tissues and embroi- dered tulle: from 1. Of all kinds except those named in sub- division 2 of this No. (208): b) all other kinds (except those of silk or half silk) embroidered with silk, gold, silver or tinsel. c) Those named under b of this number embroidered with com- mon material. Unit. Pound. Pound. Pound. Pound. Pound Pound Pound Pound Poimd. Pound. Rate of Duty in— 10 75 90 85 90 72^ 80 98 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. 2:arif A— ^ortfe^ung. 9lummern beS ruffi[ci)en alU 9?ejet(f)nung ber 5Saren. ein^ett. 3olIfal3 in gememen larifg (bom 13./26. 3anuar 1903). beln. fen. auS 2. ®ert)ebe unb Jiill, ntc^t ireniger al« 1 Strfd^in breit, an einer .fi'ante in ciner breite toon bodiftene 1 SBcrfdjof bcfticft. Stnmcrfune ju ^^unft 2. Soioeit fUr ©cincbe unb Suit obnc Stiderci DertragSmiifeiae .SoUfaljc feftgefeljt finb, fnerbcn bie in bicfem 'iguuftc Uor= gefcbenen SufdiWfle uttter .Susrunbelegung ber Ber« tragamiifeiflen ^oWfatje bcrec^net. auS 209 2Baf($c unb ^'Iciber in fertigem ober in f)albfertigem 3uftanbe: 1. S[Bafd)c alkx 2lrt ua« baumiroKencn, (einenen ober iDoffencn ©cmeben, gcjcidniet, abcx obne nnberc 53erjierungcn unb JUi^pulj. ^funb...... 2 70 2. SBafc^e jebcr Slrt (aufeer feibener nub I)alb= feibenev, bie nad) "i^unft 6 bicfer 9tumnier [209] tiersoKt tt)irb), mit §lu^pulj Don ©pi^en, (Sinfii^en unb bergleicl)en, audi mit li^ticferci. 'iPfunb 3 60 3. 9}?anncrneiber, and) mit ShiSpntj: a) aii^ 33aummoI(en=, l'einen= ober ^anfgeweben. ^funb 2 • • -f b) au^ SBoIfengelDcben "Cf unb 3 4. grauen= unb li:inberf(eibcr unb anbere nid)t befonber'S genannte !!8cflcibungi5gegcnftanbe aug ®ett)eben alter ?Irt, auRer feibenen ober Ijalbfeibenen: a) fcrtige, oljne ben unter lit. b biefe^ ^unfteS genannten ?Iu«erfte(lungSftoff ber SSaren feftgcfefeten >)ertragg= mafeigen 3otIfat}e finb nud) fiir bie ^BerjoIIung ber genonntcn SBnrcn unb fUr bie Seredjniing ber 3u» fcftloge mafegebenb. 9?efleitfdf)irmc, @onnenfd)irme, ®tocfe mit ©c^irmcn: 1 . iebcr SIrt, ilberjogen mit feibenem ober ^alb= feibencm ®e)iiebe: a) mit 2Iu'3pulj beg Ueberjngg (mit ©pi^en, Sctnbern, ©ticfereien ufm.). b) of)ne 2tu6pu^ 2. jleber 2Irt, mit anberen (^eroeben iiberjogen: a) mit Slu^piilj be(5 tiberjugg (mit (ispiljen, iBanbern, 'Stidereien ufm.). b) o\)nc Hu^pulj: mit iBaummoIlftoff ubcrgogcn. . mit anberen ^^uflftoffen iiber= jogen. Slnmertung ju ben ^untton 1 unb 2. ®(6irm» IjUHen (5utterale),_bie au« ^eugftoff Don bem Spinnftoff roie bie ®d)irmllber5ltge angefertigt finb, foffiie ^UHen au« Ropier ober Sebertmt roerben nid)t befonberS Berjollt, icenn fie mit ben Sdjirmen eingcbcn. au8 3. auiS a) ®d)irm9eftcnc oI)ne ©riff, jcbod) an6) mit einem iibcr ha^ ©cfteff t)inaug= ragenbcn unb jur Sefeftiguug eincS ®riffe3 bienenben 9Jccta(Iftocfe foiuic beren iBcftanbtcile (Dtippeu, 9J?ctallftbcfc). au8 212 tnopfe: au8 1. 9!)?eta{(fnopfc jcbcr ?(rt, aufecr golbenen, filiierncu unb ^latinfnopfen (9^ummer 148); leinene, baumrttotfcne, luollene unb feibene ^nbpfc jjebcr 3Irt. au« 2. ttu« ^orjcllan ?Jnmerfung ju ^JJummcr 212. 2)ie SBcrjoflung nod) bicfcr 9?ummer (212) erfolgt einfd)lic6lid) bc8 ®en)id)ts ber ifartcn, ouf bcnen bie if nbpfe befeftigt finb. Hnmertung ju T^unft 2 ber 5Jiummcr 212. 3)a8 3irfular besS ,3oI'bepartcment8 Bom 15. 3onuar 1S97 9?ummcr 1087 Sibfatj 3, betreffenb bie a5er= jolhing Don ,erjierungen au8 nidit foftbarcn Sltctallen ober 9.>?etaIIcgtcrungcn (untier= golbeten unb unDerfilbcrtcii), ail's Apo^'^^ ^nod)en, .^olj, "iporsellan, uncblen ©tei' nen, &laii, 9J?eertd)aum, gifrfibein, 3et, „8ertuloib, ^aM unb anberen nid)t f oftbaren ©toffen; nidjl befonberd genannte SSaren jeber 2{rt au^ §orn, J?noil)en, 5}?eerfd)aum, gifd^bein, 3:et, ^elluloib, ^aba ober SBacbS. Slnmerfung ju ben 'iUunften 1 unb 2. .iJinbcr' fpteljeug jeber 9lrt, mit SluSnabmc be« unter "iPunft 3 fatlenben, tuirb mit 70 fiopefen fltr ein $funb Bcrjollt. Jlnmcrfung ju IMxnft 2. ^lad) bem fUr biefen ^unft fcftgefctjten ccab rocrben bie bier genannten 2Baren Berjotit, audj menu fie ©eibe obcr A^albfcibc entbaltcn. 3. unter biefe 9tummer (215) fallenbe ®egen= ftanbe au^ Jtupfer ober ^upfcrfcgierungen, obne erbabene ober geftodiene ^i^erjierungen, — aud) geftanjt (^unft 2 i)er Shimmer 149), au« ©ufeeifen, ©djmiebeeifen, ©tabl, 3inn, 33Iei ober S'mf, ini @ett)id)t oon ttieniger al8 3 "iPfunb baS einjeinc ©tiidf, of)ne SSerbinbung mit anberen 9}?etatten. ^funb . 70 «Pfunb . 70 ^funb . 40 BREST-LITOVSK PEACE : SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. 103 Tariff A — Continued. Numbers of the Russian General Tariff (of 13/26 Jan. 1903). from 214 215 Classification of Articles. Jet, pearls made of wax, glass, metal and other common material. Note. So-called glass pearls and pearls or beads of white glass filled with fish scales or other pearly essence come under this number (214), even al- though they appear as imitation of genuine pearls. Fancy and toilet articles, not separately desig- nated, complete or in parts; toys: 1. Costly articles, into the composition of which there enters silk, aluminium, mother-of-pearl, coral, tortoise-shell, ivory, enamel, amber or other costly materials, gilded or silvered metals or metallic compositions, wares of all kinds, not especially designated, and made of mother-of-pearl, tortoise-shell, ivory and amber. Note to subdivision 1 . The circular letter of the customs department of 16 November, 1894, No. 21510, paragraph 7, regarding treatment by the customs offices of small bags made of plush, re- mains in force diuing the validity of this treaty. 2. Common objects with parts, settings or embellishments of non-precious metals or metal compositions (neither gilded nor silvered), or of horn, bone, wood, porcelain, non-precious stones, glass, meerschaum, fish bone, jet, celluloid, lava, and similar uncostly materials; wares of all kinds not especially desig- nated, made of horn, bone, meerschaum, fish bone, jet, celluloid, lava or wax. Note to subdivisions 1 and 2. Toys of every sort, with the exception of those which come under sub- division 3, pay 70 Copecks per pound in customs duties Note to subdivision 2. According to the rate provided in this subdivision, customs duties will be paid on the goods here indicated, even though they contain silk or half silk. 3. Under this number (215) come objects composed of copper or copper alloys, without costly embellishments or em- bossed work, — even if stamped (sub- division 2 of No. 149), or of cast iron, wrought iron, steel, tin, lead or zinc, weighing less than 3 pounds per piece, and without admixture of other metals. Unif^. Pound Pound Pound . Rate of Duty in— 70 70 40 104 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. STarif A— 5vort[e^unQ. 9Jummcrn bc8 tuffifcfecn aU' eemetnen 2artf8 (dom 13./26. 3!anuar 1903). 93cjcic[)nung bcr SBaren. 3oIIfol} in (£in6elt. beln. fen. auS 216 53Ielftifte jeber 5lrt einfc^liefetid) bcr garbftifte, auc^ affortiert, mit ben ©c^adjteln, in n)elc^en fie ein= gefilfirt finb, jufammcn gemogen. JInmertung 2. ®d)iefcrtafe(n, liniiert obcr un= limiett, aud) mit 9fahmen, foroie (adnefcrgriffel, aud) mit 'iPaoicr obcr anbcrcn ii>toffen Ubcrjogcn, iBcrbcn nod) '3!ummer 66 ^untt 6 mit cincm 3u= fc^lagc bon 20% berjoltt. 218 SD?ufter berfdOiebener ©toffe unb Srjeugniffe, loeld^c ntd^t ba^ ?IuSfe()en unb ben Sfiarattcr Hon ilBaren fiaben. Slnmerfung. 9JJufter »on ©eineben unb Grjcug^ niffcn jeber Slrt, reeld)e nid)t ba* Slu^feben unb ben (S6arafter »on iffiaren finben, fallen unter biefc 9ium= mcr (218), oudj loenn fie ouf jforten befcftigt, ge= l)eftet ober eingebunben finb. SBaren, bcren ©infutir berboten ift. au8 219 9tuffifcf)e ©ci)eibemiinjc, fupferne unb filbernc, unb auSlanbifd[)cS fupfcrncg unb [iibcrneS ®clb aller §Irt. Slnmerfung. 3?eifcnben unb Seroofinern beS ©rcnjbcjirtg, meldjc bie ©renje mit orbnungSma= feigen SegitimationSpatjiercn Uberfd)reiten,ift eS ge= ftattet, ruffifd)c ©djeibcmiinjc bis ju 4 9{ubcl 50 Sopefen, beutfcfie ifubfcr^, 'Dticfels obcr ©ltber= mllnje bis ju 10 IKart mit fid) ju fll^ren. ^funb . 52i jottfrei. 5Scrjei(f)nig ber 2lu3fuf)rgone. ?unxpen unb happen jeber 2lrt, moflene 2lb[d^ni^ unb "iPapier^albieug. jolffrei. BREST-LITOVSK PEACE: SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. 105 Tariff A — Continued. Numbers of the Russian General Tariff (of 13/26 Jan. 1903). from 216 from 218 froml219 Classification of Articles. Lead pencils of every kind, inclusive of colored leads, although assorted, weighed together with the cases in which they are packed. Note 2. Writing slates, lined or unlined, to- gether with their frames, as well as slate pencils, although covered with paper or other material, will pay, according to No. 66, subdivision 6, an addi- tional duty of 20%. Samples of various rhaterials and products hav- ing neither the appearance nor the nature of manufactured articles. Note. Samples of tissues and products of every sort not having the appearance nor the character of manufactured goods, come under this number, (218), although fastened to cardboards, stitched or bound in book form. ARTICLES WHOSE IMPORTATION IS FORBIDDEN. Russian fractional currency, of copper or silver, and foreign copper and silver currency of every kind. Note. Travelers and inhabitants of the frontier districts who cross the frontier and provided with certificates i ssued in accordance with the ordinances in force, are permitted to carry with them Russian fractional currency to the amount of 4 Rubles and 50 Copecks, German copper, nickel or silver currency to the amoimt of 10 Marks. TARIFF ON EXPORT DUTIES. Rags and shreds of all kinds, woolen clippings, and half-pulp for paper manufacture. Unit. Pound . Rate of Duty in- 52^ Exempt from duty Exempt from custom duties. 106 THE RUSSIAN " PEACE. Xorif B. Slttifel be8 beutfrfien ,3ofltarif6 bom 25. Dejember 1902. au 3 4 au« 11 12 13 15 18 19 au«28 30 31 SSessidinuns bcr SBatcn. SJoggen. SSeijcn unb ©pelj . ®erfte mit 5lu8nal^me oon ^Jiatsgerfte . Jlnmertung. 2llg anberc ©erftc al« „9}?alg9erfte" ift gu bebanbeln unb jum ermdfetgtcn ^oHfaljc einju= loffen: 1. beim (Singnng iibcr bci'timmtc, tnit befonberer Srmarf)tt0ung Bcrfcbcne ^ollftellen ®erfte, roeldjc in reincm ungcmifdjtem. granncn= lofem 3uftanbe ba« 0e»id)t Don 65 iliIo« gramm ftlr 1 .-'peftoliter nid)t erreid)t unb juglcid) ntd)t mel)r qI8 30 Oeroicfttsoroscntc iJbrner cntbfllt, beren ®ett)id)t 07 ^^'i(o= gramm obcr mebr fUr 1 iJieftoUter betragt; 2. ©crftc, filr roeldie bcr 'i)fod)roei« gcfUhrt mirb, bafe fie jur SScrcitung Bon iOJalj ungeeignct ift obcr ba6 fie bicrju nidit Derrocnbct mirb. galls bie iJitdjtigfeit ber Srgebniffe ber in ?lbfal3 1 gugelaffcnen (Srmtttelung Bom SBareneinbringer bt-- ftrittcn roirb, obcr \a\.\i fid) infolge bcr bcfonbercn 33efd)affcnbcit bcr jur ^ollabfcrtigung gcftctltcn ©enbung anberc ,3>Bcifcl6grUnbc binfidjtlid) ber 35crtt)cnbung ber ®erftc crgcben, ift bag .SoHamt nur BerpfUd)tet, bie 2Bare jum crmafeigtcn Sodfofce jngulaffcn, roenn e§ fie jUBor jur ©ereitung Bon Wal? ungeeignct gemad)t bat. 'J)ie« fann nad) SBabI be« i^otlamtg burd) 3Infd)roten, iSpitjen, (Sinfd)neiben, 2}rcd)en obcr ein (ibnlidicS ikrfabrcn gefdjcbcn. (5« bcftebt jcbod) ©inBerftanbnie, bafe bie ynroenbung cincg fol(f)en 2?erfabrcn« obne Soften fUr ben 2Barencinbringcr erfolgt. ^afcr (Srbfen, ?infen gutter* CiPfcrbC' ufm.) SBotinen, ?u>)incn, SSidfcn. . . . 9?at)8 unb ??ubfcn, t)otUt, Olrcttigfaat, ®enf, §ebcrtc^faat. ^einfoat, $anf faat JRotfleefaat, SSeifefleefaat unb anbere ^leefaatcn Sindeit. 100 kg. 100 kg. 100 kg. ®ra«faat aKer 2Irt . 5lad)6 unb §anf, rof), gcrciniflt, gerijftct, gebroefien, gefc^lBunGcn, entleimt. SInmerfung. SBcrg Bon glad)6 unb ©anf mirb nac& 9Jr. 2S jollfrci obgelaffen. §opfcn §opfcnmel^I (?upulin) . In $D?Qrr. 5 5,50 1,30 100 kg . 100 kg. 100 kg. 100 kg. 100 kg 9{o^* ficmid^t. 100 kg 9io^= ficniid^t. 5 1,50 1,50 2 frei fret fret frei 20 20 BKEST-LITOVSK PEACE: SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. 107 Takiff B. Articles of • he German Customs TaTiftof25 Dec, 1902. 1 2 from 3 from 11 12 13 15 18 Classification of the goods. Rye Wheat and spelt Barley, excepting malt-barley Note. — The following are rated as other than "malt-barley" and are to be admitted at reduced customs duty. 1. At entrance through definite cistoms offices to which are granted special authorization — barley which, in the pui'e, unmixed state and awnless, weighs less than 6.5 kg. per hec- tolitre, and which, at the same time, does not contain more than 30 % grain the weight of which registers 67 kg. or more per hecto- litre. 2. Barley which is proven to be unfit for the prep- aration of malt, or proven not to be intended , for such end. In case the accuracy of the results obtained by the inspection specified under paragraph 1 is con- tested by the importer, or in case, in consequence of the peculiar constitution of the shipment- pre- sented for clearance, groimds for suspicion should arise regarding the use of the barley," the customs office is I'equired to admit the barley at the reduced duty only after having rendered it unfit for use in preparing malt. This operation may, at the pleasure of the customs office, be effected through rough-grinding, blunting, breaking the grain or by any other similar process. It is understood, how- ever, that recourse to such a process is free of cost to the importer. Oats Pease, lentils Fodder (horse, etc.), beans, lupines, vetches. Colza, cole-seed, camelina grain, Chinese radish seed, mustard seed, erysimum seed. Linseed, hempseed 100 kg. 100 kg. 100 kg. 100 kg. Red clover seed, white clover seed and other clover seeds. 19 Grass seed of all kinds. from 28 Flax and hemp, coarse, cleaned, steeped, broken, beaten, ungummed. Note. The hards of flax and hemp are exempt of customs duties according to No. 28. Hops 31 Lupulin 86409—18 8 100 kg. gross weight. 100 gross weight. 5 1.50 1.50 2 free free free free 20 20 108 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. Jarif B — olsc« fonn nad) 23abl bcS (ginbringerS nad) ^^emidit fUr 1 Toppcljentner obcr nadj 9[)?a6 [ilr bai? Scftmctcr crfolgen. :fioo kg iU (^eftmeter. '100 kg J geftmeter. 100 kg. . . 1 ?ieftmctcr BREST-LITOVSK PEACE : SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. 109 Tariff B — Continued. Articles of the German Customs Tariff of 25 Dec, 1902. Classification of tlie goods. Unit. Customs rate in marks. 74 Construction lumber and lumber for industrial purposes, undressed or only transversely hewn or sawn, with or without bark: Hard 100 kg 1 cubic me- ter. 0.12 1.08 Soft 100 kg 1 cubic me- ter. 0.12 0.72 Note. Undressed construction lumber, or lumber for industrial purposes, or only transversely dressed with ax or saw, for domestic or professional use by the inhabitants of the frontier district, carried in by man or brought in by draft animals, is exempt from customs dues, under control of its use, and limited to 10 cubic meters for each privileged person and for such calendar year. 75 Construction lumber and lumber for industrial purposes, squared lengthwise or otherwise dressed or cut into smaller parts with ax; also ripped splinters and ships intended to clarify liquids and obtained otherwise than by rend- ing with the hand : Hard 100 kg 1 cubic me- ter. 0.24 1.92 Soft 100 kg 1 cubic me- ter. 0.24 1.44 76 Construction lumber and lumber for industrial purposes, sawed lengthwise or otherwise pre- pared, not planed: Hard 100 kg 1 cubic me- ter. 0.80 6.40 80 Soft Railway ties, prepared with ax, and not sawed the full length on more than one side, not planed : Of hard wood ' 100 kg 1 cubic me- ter. 100 kg 1 cubic me- ter. 0.80 4.80 0.24 1.92 Of soft wood 100 kg 1 cubic me- ter. 0.24 Note to Nos. 74, 7.5, 76 and 80. Payment of cus- toms duties may. at the pleasure of the importer, be made for lumber specified under these numbers, according to weight per 100 kg., or to measiu-ement per cubic meter. 1.44 110 THE RUSSIAN PEACE.' aug 100 106 107 au8 108 auS 110 au« 112 118 134 136 137 147 ^ferbe: im Serte bis 1000 a^farf bag Stiirf Slnmerfuiig. 'iUfcrbe im a^Bcrte big 300 Tlaxt baS ©tildunb mit lueniger al^ 1,40 3)Jetcr_Stoifma6 merben jitm „Sonfal5 »on 30 TOart fUr 1 «tUcf abge» laffcn. ©c^lcetne . g-eberoief): ©cinfe v^iitiner allcr 2trt unb fonftigcS lebenbeg geberbtel) gleifc^, augfc^Iiefeltc^ beg ©c^hjeinefpecfg, unb geniefe^ bare Singereeibe ton S3ieli (nuggcnoTninen 5eber= t)icf)) : etnfad) jubevcttct filr 1 BtM. 100 kg Se= b e n b g e= >Did}t. Slnmertune ju ben 'Diumnieru 108 unb 109. 3)er 33unbe«rat tft befugt, fttr beftimmte ©rensftrccfen im gatle cincS ortlidjcn 93ebUrfniffc§ bic joKfreic (Sinfubr cinjclncr ©titde Don fri[d)em ober eiufad; subercttctcm gleifdje ober son ©djraeinclpecE in 30?engen vion nid)t mcbr aU 2 fi'ilogranmi, md)t mit ber 'ipoft eiltgcbenb, flir iOcmofjncr be« ©renjbejirfeS nodjjuloffen. Scr gall beg oben oorgcfebencn ()tt= lidjen S3ebUrfniffe6 inirb flir bie ruffifdje ©renje bi' Siiglid) ber jotlfrcien (Sinfubr frifd)cn ober einfadj iu= bereitetcii (Sd))nciiiefleifd)ce anerfannt mit ber 9[JJa6= gabc, bafj biefc @r(eid}terung ieitiiiciltg aiifgef)oben ii'erben fann, fofern auSuabmsmeifc £ieteriniir»ooli» 5eilid)e ®riinbe bieS erforbcrn. gebert)tel}: 9efd)Iad)tet, auc!) scrlegt, nid)t jubcreitet gefpirft ober fonft eitifad) jubereitet. geberirilb: nid)t Icbenb, aud) scrlegt, nic^t iubercitet gcfpidt ober fonft etnfad) jubercitct fablar unb ^aoiarcrfa^ftoffe (eingefalsener gifd)= rogen), auc^ geprefit ober gerfiudiert; S'abiarlafe. ^Butter, frifc^, gefal^en ober eingefdimoljen (33utter= fd^malj). @ter tion geberoict) unb gebermilb, rol) ober nur in ber ®d)alc gefofOt, aud) gefiirbt, bemalt ober in anberer SSeife berjicrt. ©igelb, flitffig, and} eiiigefaljen ober mit anberen bie ^altbarfcit erI)obenben .-Bufcitjen; (figclb, getrocf- net, and) geputoert; ciugefdjlctgcnc (Sier o{}ne ©c^ale ((Eigelb unb (Sirteife oermifdjt). iBettfebern, and) gereinigt ober jngerid)tet (gefd^tiffen ufm.)- 100 kg. look"'. 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 72 frei 4 35 15 20 20 20 loO 20 fret BBEST-LITOVSK PEACE: SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. Ill Tariff B — Continued. Articles of the German Customs TariflE of 25 Dec, 1902. Classification of the goods. Unit. Customs rate in marks. from 100 106 107 from 108 from 110 from 112 118 134 136 137 147 Horses: Worth up to 1000 Marks per head. Note. Horses worth 300 Marks per head and measuring less than 1.40 meter up to the withers, will be admitted at the customs rate of 30 Marks per 1 head. Fowl: Geese Poultry of all kinds and other live fowl . Meats, exclusive of bacon, and convertible vis cera of cattle (excepting poultry) ; Prepared in simple manner per 1 head. 100 kg. live weight. 72 Note to Nos. 108 and 109. The Federal Coimcil is authorized, for special frontier stretches, in the case of local necessity, to grant exemption from import duties, for distinct pieces of fresh or of simply pre- pared meats or bacon, in quantities of not more than 2 kg., not forwarded by mail, for the use of the in- habitants of the frontier district. The case of the aforementioned local necessity is recognized for the I Rus.sian frontier, with regard to the free importation of fresh or simply prepared pork, provided that tills relief may be temporarily stopped, in so far as, by exception, such action is necessary for reasons of veterinary supervision. Poultry : Killed, also cut up, not prepared Larded or prepared in some other simple way . Feathered game: Not live, also cut up, not prepared Larded or prepared in some other simple way. Caviar and caviar products (salted fish roe), also pressed or smoked ; pickled caviar. Butter, fresh, salt or cast (butter grease) Eggs from poultry or feathered game, raw or boiled in the shell, also colored, painted or otherwise embellished. Egg-yoke, liquid, also salted or with other things added to conserve them; egg-yoke, dried, also powdered; broken eggs, without shell (egg- yoke and white of egg mixed). Bed-feathers, cleansed or prepared (stripped of quills etc.). 100 kg. 100 kg. 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg free 4 35 15 20 20 20 150 20 2 free 112 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. Xax\\ B — crjoUun8 Bon ^Jetroleuin unb onberen gecciniBten, nidjt befonberS gcnanntcn, ju Seleudjtunggjroecfcn geeigneten SOHneralolen fann nad) SBabI bc« (gmbringer* nad) @e»Dtd)t untcr S^' grunbclegung Don 1 Xioppelsentner ober nnd) bem 9?aumgcbalt mit bcr 2)JaRgabe jugelaffen roerben, baft babei fUr 125 i?tter bci einer Sempcratur Don 15 S. ICDoppeljentncr 3ieingcroid)t gercdtnct ftirb. Ouedf filber unb OuecEfilbertegierungen (Jlmatgame) . . 100 kg 100 kg 100 kg 3 6 6 frei 20 au8 353 glUditige (att)erild)e) Ole: Jcrpentinol, gic^tennabetol, iparjgeift (§arje[= fenj). 2{ni«6l 100 kg 20 BEEST-LITOVSK PEACE: SUBAPPENDIX 2 TO APPENDIX II. 113 Tariff B — Continued. Articles of the German customs tariff of Dec. 25, 1902. Classification of the goods. Unit. Customs rate in rtiarks. from 210 Mustard, powdered, also unoiled: In other containers than the small packages for retail trade. 100 kg 3 from 239 Mineral oil (petroleum), liquid natural mineral tar (liquid asphalt), coal naphta, peat oil, schist oil, oil from the tar of l)Oghead or cannel coal, and other mineral oils not otherwise specified, crude or refined: Lubricating oils; also pitchy residues from the distillation of tar and parafine contain- ing mineral oils, and floating in water; rosin oil. Note. Payment of customs duties on petroleum and other refined, but rot specially mentioned min- eral oils, U'jefl for iiiuminating purposes, may, at the option of the importer, be paid, at weight, on the basis of 100 kg., or on the basis of space occupied, 125 liters, at a temperature of 15 degrees centigrade, equalling 100 kg. net weight. 100 kg 6 265 Quicksilver and quicksilver alloys free from 353 Volatile oils (oil essences): Turpentine oil, pine needle oil, rosin spirits (rosin essence). free Aniseed oil 100 kg 20 10. RUSSIA— GERMANY. lEGAL-POLITICAL TREATY SUPPLEMENTARY TO THE TREATY OF PEACE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE CENTRAL POWERS. SIGNED AT BREST-LITOVSK, 3 MARCH, 1918.^ [German text us published vn the Reichs- Gesetzblatt, No. 77, 11 June, 1918.] 5Iu[ (^runb beg ?lrtifel XII beg i^-riebengnertrag§ 5liii[d)eu ©eutfdyianb, £)[terreici)=Uugaru, 53ulgarien unb bcr XiivM ciiierfcitg unb Oxuf^Ianb anbcrer^ [eitg fiub bie iBet)onmacf)tic5ten beg S)cutd)en 9feid)g, namlid) ber ©taatsfefretixr beg ?lugn)artU geii 5{mteg, .UaiferUd)er SKirf- lid)er ©etieimer 9vat, ^tvx 9iid)arb tion ,f iiWmann, ber ^at|ei1id)e ©efaubtc unb be^ lioflmad)tiQtc 9Jiirufter, iperr Dr. Hon ^lofeulierg, beu .Uoiiiglidi iU-ciiRtfdie (.^knerals mnjor .?)o[nnann, (Slief hz'S i^k]KYal\tabi< beg !C'berbefet)Ig= baberg Cft, unb ber Alaiferlidie AJnpitrin jur 'See ^oru, fotoic bie 5^et)onmad]tit3ten bcr i}xu[fifd)en 5v6beratiLien (Soiiiietg=i)iepubUf, nnm= ©rigorij Sa^o^'ofenntfd) ©ofoini* tow, 9JHtgUeb beg >^critral= cj:efutit)augfd)uffeg ber Oicite ber tHrbeiter=, Solbnteu^ unb !Sau= ernbeputiertcn, Vein ?Q?id)ai(omitfd) .Uarad)an3Jttt^ glieb ht& ,3eiitra(efefutiDaug= fd)u[feg ber 9^ate ber ?(rbetter=, iiolbaten= unb iyauernbeputtcr= ten, [Translutio7i.] In virtue of Article XII of the Peace Treaty between Germany, Austria-Hungary. Bulgaria, and Turkey, on the one hand, and Russia, on the other hand, The plenipotentiaries of the German Empire, namely, The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, the Actual Imperial Privy Councillor, Herr Richard von Kiihl- mann; The Imperial Envoy and Min- ister Plenipotentiary, Dr. von Rosenberg; The Royal Prussian Major General Hoffmann, Chief of the General Staff of the Commander-in-Chief of the East; and The Imperial Naval Captain Horn ; as well as The plenipotentiaries of the Russian Federal Soviet-Repub- lic, namely, Grigory lakovlevich Sokolni- kow. Member of the Cen- tral Executive Committee of Councillors to the Dep- uties of the Workingmen, Soldiers, and Peasants; Lew IMichailovich Karachan, Member of the Central Executive Committee of Councillors to the Depu- ties of the Workingmen, Soldiers and Peasants: Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, 29 March, 191S (p. 139, this volume). 115 116 THE RUSSIAN PEACE.' 6^eorgij SofftUclintfd) Xfrf)itfd)c= ' rin, ©eliilfe bcv< ^^olfgfomifjan^ [iir augn)artige 3lTige(egen{)eiten, unb ©rigorij 3manolintfd) ^13etrolu^fij, ^l^off^foinmiffnr fiir innere 5(n= gelegenbciteu, iibercingcfommen, bie vt^erfteUiing ber of[ent(id)cii nub pritintcn ^7icdite(faesie= bungen jluifdieu 1)eut|d]Iaub unb ^ufe= Imib, ben ?hi^taufd) ber .^Uneg^ge[ange= new unb BilnUnterniertcu, bie (^iirforge fiir ^Hiirfioanberer, bie au?s '^(nlafe be§ 5^riebeue!fd)hiffe^ ^u erlaffenbe '^(mueftte unb bie ^Bebanblung ber in bie ©emalt hcQ ©egner^ geratcnen .^lauffabrtei^ fct)i[[e unber^iigfid) ju regehi unb ju biefem ^^^'''^de einen ,8iiftttj0tn'trag ^u bem i^riebengbertrag ab^ufdiliefeen. i)tad)beni bie ^ei)o(lniad}tigten [e|t^ gel'lcdt batten, bn^ bie t>on ibnen bei ber Unter?,eid)nung be«« y^-ricben^ncrtrng^ ttorgelegten ^i^ollnmditen bie lih'lcbigung ber iuu-ftebenb be,5eid)neten Wegenftiinbe mit unifaffen, hciben fie fid) itber folgenbc i^eftimmnngcn geeinigt. (5 r ft c Si a p i t e (. iBS i e b e r a u f n a b ni e ber b i p I o= m a t i f d) e n u n b f o n f u ( a r i= f d) c n 33 e ', i e b u n g e n. ^^(rtifel 1. i^ei ^ilsiebcraufnabnit ber fonfulari- fdien 33e5iebungen gcniilf; i^rtifcl X be^ grieben^nertrag^ mirb jebcr uertrag= fd)(icfjenbe Jeil bie .^?'onfu(n bc^anbcrcn 3lei(e^i an alien "-^.^dtjcn feniees ©cbietv^ gu(Qffen, folneit nidit bereit\^ nor bcin .ftriege fiir ein^elne genufd)tfpradnge %'>ia^c ober (*>)ebiet^teilc '^lucsnabnicn be= ftanben unb biefe IHui^nabmen nadi bem .^riege feber britteu )}]lad)t gegeniiber g(eid)mafeig aufred)tcrbalten loerbcn. 3eber Xeil bei;alt fid) iior, au^ ©riinben ber .8rieg^:^notlnenbigfeit an getciffen 'iMciljen iTonf^'tn beg anbcren Jeik^ erft nad) ^^(bfd)Iuf5 hen aUge nieincn Jnebcnei 5uy.i(affen. Georgi Vassilliovich Tclii- tcherin, Assistant of the People's Commissioner for Foreign Affairs; and Grigory Ivanovich Petrov- sky, People's Commis- sioner for Internal Affairs, have agreed to settle forthwith the reestablishment of public and private legal relations between Germany and Russia, and the exchange of war prisoners and interned civilians, provision for repatriates, the amnesty to be issued by reason of the conclusion of peace, and the treatment of merchant ships which have come into the power of the opponent, and to that end to conclude an additional treaty to the Peace Treaty. After the plenipotentiaries had established that the powers which they had submitted at the sig- nature of the Peace Treaty in- clude the settlement of the ob- jects hereinbefore indicated, they agreed upon the following stipu- lations. FIRST CHAPTER. resuiviption of diplomatic and consular relations. Article 1. Upon the resumption of con- sular relations, in accordance with Article X of the Peace Treaty,eachcontrac ting party will admit the consuls of the other party to all parts of its territory, provided that already before the war exceptions did not exist with regard to places or terri- torial regions of mixed languages, and provided that these excep- tions will, after the war, apply equally to any third Power: Each party reserves unto itself, for reasons of military necessity, to admit to certain places con- suls of the other party only after the conclusion of the general peace. LEGAL-POLITICAL TREATY WITH GEEMANY. 117 ?(rtifel 2. 3cbcr i3ertrag!"d)iicf?cnbc Jeit iinrb (ilk Sdicibcii crfcljcu, bie in fciueiu C^k- bicte maf)rcub be^:^ ft'riegcf* Hon bcii bortigcn [taatlid)cn CrgaTicn obev bcr iBctiolfeniUfl biird) liblfcrredit^^linbrige .spanbduiQcn bip.'oinatifdicn iiub fon Uilarifd'ien iBcamten be<^ aubcren Jeilc^ ^,ugcfiigt obcr an 33ottd)Qtt^'' unb .f on= Ut(ate!gebaubcn biefcS 'Jlciki ober an hcvcn ^nbentar nngcrid)tct tvorbcn finb. ,S lu e i t e ^ .f{' a p i t e I. * 3S i e b e r 1} e r ft e 11 u n g b e r ■^ t a a t <5 c r t r it g e. 3lrtifel 3. Tie '^crtrcigc, ?(bfonimcn unb 55cr- einbarungen, bie sroifdicn ben Pertrag^ fd)ficf)Cnben Jeifcn nor ber .^'rieg^.er= f (itrnng in .ft'raft gclnefen finb, treten Por bebalt(idi obmcidienber ^^Bcfttnunnngcn beg (S-rieben'3t)crtrags3 nnb biefe^ ,8u!flt?= licrtragg bei bcren fiiatififation mit bcr S)ta_§gabc miebcr in ffraft, baf?, fomeit fie fiir cine bcftimnite gcit unfiinbbar finb, bicfe -Beit um bie .^rieg^baucr ncr^ langcrt linrb. :?(rtifcl 4. 3cber ncrtragfdiiicfecnbe Xcit fann bcm anbcrcn Xcife binncn fed)^ 9)?onatcn nad) ber Untcrsoid)nung beg 5vricbcng= ncrtragg bie 33crtragc, Wbfonuncn obcr 3screinbarnngcn ober bercn (Sinjelbc ftinimungcn nutteifen, bie nacb feincr i^hiffaffung mit ben Uiitbrcnb beg .Vfriegce' eingctretenen ^^ercinberungen in Ssiber= fprudi ftcben. T-iefc 53crtraggbeftiin nuingen foden tunlicbft balb burdi neue i^ertriige erfcljt toerbcn, bie ben Per (inbcrtcn ^tnfcbaiumgen nnb S^Ncrbalt niffen cntfpredien. 8nr 5(ugarbeitung ber int ^^Ibfa^ 1 Dorgcfcbcnen nenen iKertrtige luirb binncn fcd)g 5Dfonaten nad) ber ^ttttifi= fation beg (Vriebengpcrtragg cine ang ■i'crtrctern bcr beiben Xeile beftebenbe Article 2. Each contracting party will make compensation for all losses which have been caused during the war by local public organs or by the population, through acts contrary to international law against the diplomatic and con- sular officials of the other party or against the buildings of the embassy and consulate of this party or against its property. SECOND CHAPTER. reestablishment of political treaties. Article 3. The treaties, conv(^ntions, and agreements which were in force between the contracting parties before the declaration of war go again into force after the ratifi- cation of the Peace Treaty and of this additional treaty with the reservation of contrary stipula- tions, on the condition that, in so far as they cannot be de- nounced for a definite time, such period of time will be extended to the duration of the war. Article 4. Each contracting party may, within the six months after the signature of the Peace Treaty, communicate to the other party treaties, conventions, or agree- ments, or their special provisions which in its opinion are in con- tradiction to the changes that have taken place during the war. Such treaty provisions shall, as soon as possible, be replaced through new treaties meeting the changed views and conditions. For the drafting of the new treaties provided for in para- graph 1, a commission consist- ing of representatives of the two parties will meet at Berlin within 118 THE EUSSIAlSr PEACE. ,^'ommi[|'ioii in 'Berlin yifainiiiciitrcten. ©oincit fid) biefc biitncn brei iWormtcn narf) if)rem 3ufaiinnentritt uid)t cinigt, fteftt e§ iebem Jcilc [rci, ttoii ben 5?cr^ tragSbc|tt!nmungen juriicf^ntrcten, bic cr gcmrife ?lbfatj 1 ®alj 1 bem anbercn Xei(e mttgctcilt bnt, ftnnbcit c^ [idi bn= hti nm. Gin^elbcl'tinnnnngcn, \o ftebt bem anbercn Tei(c bcr ^liilcftvitt noni gan^en ^.V'rtragc frci. . Strtife! 5. 3)ie 55ertraQe, '^Uifoninien unb i8er= einbarungen, an beneu aujier hen t3cr== trag[d)UeRenbcn Xcilen britte 9}cad)tc beteijigt finb, tretcn jiuifdicn ben bciben Sleilen, Dorbebaltiid) abmcid)enbcr 53e^ ftimnmngen be^ Ji'icbcn^ticrtragi? bei beffen 9xatififation ir.teber in .flraft. 3(uf bie mit [otdien .^odeftiodertragen in 3iifai^ittenbang I'tebenben (SinjelDer= trctge jtnifdien ben beibcn STeilen finben bie 33e[timmungen beS 9lrtifel 3 iibcr bie 5?erldngernng ber ®eltnng^bauer nnb be^ ?Irtifet 4 liber ben 9^iic!tritt feine Jlnluenbnng. Jlsegen ber .^TodcftiliDertrilge poli= tifd)en 3ni)«It^, an bcncn nod) anbere friegfiibrenbe 9}iad)te beteiUgt finb, be^ balten fid) bie beiben Jeile ibre Stellnng^^ nabme h'hi nod) 5lbfd)(ufe be^^ altgemeinen griebeng Dor. :© r i 1 1 e iJ £ a p i t e I. S^ i e b c r b e r f t e n n n g ber ^^ r i t» a t r e d) t e . 2lrtifel 6. 3lHe in bem C'>)ebiet eine^ i-»ertrag= [cblie^enben 2;;ei(e^ beftebenben '-Seftim= mungen, roonarf) mit 9?lirffid)t anf ben .f rieggjuftanb bie ■:>tngebbrigen beS an^ beren Jeile^ in 5(nfebnng ibrer '^13rit)at= re(tte irgenbn»eld)er bcfonbercn 9xege(ung untertiegen (.^^iegs^gefctje), treten mit ber l?}iatififation beS ^rieben^nertragei aufeer 3Inn)enbung. the six months following the ratification of the peace treaty. In case this commission does not reach an agreement within the three months following its meet- ing, each party is free to with- draw from the treaty provisions which, according to paragraph 1, clause 1, it has communiQated to the other party; in case this concerns special provisions, the other party has the right to withdraw from the entire treaty. Article 5. The treaties, conventions, and agreements in which, besides the contracting parties, third powers take part, go again into force between the two parties, with the reservation of contrary provi- sions of the Peace Treaty, upon the latter's ratification. vSpecial treaties between the two parties and connected with such collec- tive treaties are not affected by the provision of Article 3 con- cerning the extension of the validity, nor by Article 4 anent the rejection of treaties. As regards collective treaties of a political nature in which other belligerent powers also take part, the two parties reserve unto themselves their attitude till after the conclusion of the general peace. THIRD CHAPTER. REESTABLISHMEXT OF PRIVATE RIGHTS. Article 6. All provisions in force within the territory of a contracting party, by which, because of the state of war, the nationals of the other party are subject to special regulations '(war laws) with re- gard to their private rights, go out of force upon the ratification of the present treaty. LEGAL-POLITICAL TEEATY WITH GERMANY. 119 ?n^ ?(ncjeIiorlgc cineei uertragfd)Uc= feenbeii 2cilev5 gelteii auri) foldie jurtftifdje l^erfoneii unb ©efellfcbafteu, bie in [ei^ iiem GU^biet ibreii ©tlj bnbeu. gerner ftnb ben Jlnge^brigen eince^ Jeile§ iurtftifdie ^]>er[oneii unb @efett[d)often, bie in feinem @ebicte nid}t ibren ©il^ I)aben, infofoeit gleid)juftel(en, aU fie int ©ebiete be^ onberen Jcilcd ben fitr bie[e SIngcbbrigen gclteuben ^i^cftinimungen unterinoffcn tuaren. 3(rtifel 7. liber pritiatrcd)t(idie '®d)ulbt)erl)aft= niffe, bie burd) .ftrieg^geie^e beeintriidi^ tigt morben [inb, iinrb nac^ftefienbe^ oereinbart. § 1. 3)ie @d)ulbt)erl}a(tni[fe merben )Die= berbergcftedt, [oineit fid) nid}t awS ben iBeftininiuugen ber ?IrttfeI 7 bi§ 11 ein SlnbereiS ergibt. §2. ®ie ^eftimmung bes § 1 btnbert ntc^t, ba^ bie %vag,c, )DeId)en (5inf(ufi bie burd) ben .^rieg gefdiaffenen ^^^uftcinbe, ingbefonbere bie burd) il^erfebrSbtnber^^ nt[fe ober ^aube(§t3erbote berbeige= fii^rte Unmbglid)feit ber GrfiiHung, auf bie ®d)ulbl)erbaltni[[e augllben, im ®e= biete jebeS bertragfdilie^enben 3:ei(eS nad) ben bort flir alie Sanbegeinh)of)ner geltenben 53efe^en beurteilt Uiirb. Tabei biirfen bie ^'Ingebbrigcn beei anberen Xdk§, bie burd) 9Jlafenaf)men biefev'- S'eileg bebinbert inorbcn [inb, nid)t ungiinftiger bebanbeft n,ierben, aU bie 3{ngct}ortgen be^ eigenen etaateg, bie. burd) be[[en 9}?afenabmen bebinbert morben [inb. i?Iud) [otl berjenige, ber burd) ben .f rieg an ber red)tseitigen 33e= ntirfung einer £^ei[tung be!)inbert tear, md)t Derp[Ud)tet [ein, ben bnburd) ent= [tanbencn ©d)aben ^u crfctjen. Juridical persons and societies which have their seat within the territor}'- of a contracting party, are also regarded as nationals of that contracting party. And, fur- thermore, juridical persons and societies which have not their seat within the territory of a contract- ing party are to be regarded as on a par with the nationals of this party, in so far as within the ter- ritory of the other party they were subject to the regulations applying to the nationals of the latter party. Article 7. Concerning private legal debt relations, which have been af- fected by the laws of war, the following has been agreed upon. § 1. Debt relations will be reestab- lished, provided it is not other- wise specified in the provisions of Articles 7 to 11. § 2. The provision of § 1 does not prevent the question as to what influence the circumstances crea- ted by the war, especially the im- possibility of fulfillment brought about by hindrances in transpor- tation or commercial prohibitions, exert upon debt relations, from being decided within the territory of each contracting party accord- ing to the laws applicable to aU the inhabitants of the country. In these circumstances, the. nationals of the other party who have been restricted through measures of this party may not be treated less favorably than the nationals of the respective State who were restricted through the measures of that party. Even the one whom the war prevented from fulfilling an obligation in due time shall not be obligated to make compensation for the losses occasioned thereby. 120 THE EUSSIAlSr PEACE. ' §3. (i'iclbforberiiTicieii, beren >Bqa[)tiuiQ till ^x'aufc bed .fitieged aiif ©riiiib Don A'h'iegggcfetjen Oerireigert mcrben fonute, brnudicn iucf)t ttor '^lb(auT Hon kdji 3}bnaten nod) ber ^aiififation bed Jricbcndtiertragd bejaf)(t ju roerben. Sic finb Don ber nrfprtlngHcften ^ailio,- fcit an fitr bie J^aner bed .fJriegcd unb ber anUtUe^enbcn fedid 9J?ona"te oline ^ucrficlit niif DZoratorien nut filnf t)oin vV>unbcrt fiir bad 3abr ^u Ucrjinfcii; bid jnr urt'jjriinglidien (Valiigfeit finb gege^ bencnraiTd bie tiertraglidicn .Sinfen v-i Sal)[cu. Sic t)ertragfd}(iei3enben ITeilc be^ l)atten fid) tior> naberc ^eftiimnnngcn anf bem ©ebicte hc^ ^l^cd)fe(- mib 'S?d)ocfred)td [oUnc ber S3al'ntagcicf}aftc ju ycrcinbarcn. §4. tyilr bie '^Ibftticfefung ber ^^hit^en^ [tcinbc unb [onftigcn pribatrerf)tHd)en 33erbinblid)feiten finb bie ftaatli(^ an= crfnnnten (^Hdubigcrfdmi3lierbanbe ^iir iserfolgung ber ^Infprildie ber ibncn angefdiloffencn imtiirlidicn imb iurifti= fdien ^]?erfonen aid bercn iBebolIinaditig^ tc mcdifcifeitig an^ucrfciinen unb ^ii3,u^ laffcn. §3. Pecuniary obligations whose payment could be refused in the course of the war by virtue of war laws, need not be paid before the expiration of six months from the time of the ratification of the Peace Treaty. Regardless of moratoriums, they are payable, with interest at 5% per annum, from the original date when pay- ment was due, for the duration of the war and the additional six months; in case interest was stipulated up to the time on which payment was due, such interest is to be paid. The contracting parties reserve unto themselves to agree upon more detailed provisions in the field of the laws anent drafts and checks as well as monetary trans- actions. §4. For the licjuidation of out- standing debts and other private legal obligations, the national recognized associations for the protection of creditors are to be recognized and admitted as re- ciprocally empowered agents for the prosecution of the claims of natural and juridical persons con- nected with them. i^lrtifel 8. ;\eber nertragfcblief3enbe Xcil mit (5infd)hit3 feincr (^Hicbftaatcn Unrb fofort nadi ber ^]iati[ifation bed Jricbcudncr^ tragd bie ^.k^iblung [einer 3>crbinb= licbteiten, indbefonbere ben i)ffent(id)en ^diutbcnbienft, gcgcnitber ben 5!uge= ■lorigcn bed onberen Veiled iDtebernuf- ne{)inen. iDte Por ber Biatiftfation fa((ig gelDorbenen i^erbinblidifeiten liier= ben binnen ferf)d ^Dfonatcn nadi ber 'liatififation be^aJ)!! mcrben. Xk ^eftiminung bed 2(b|at3 1 finbet feine 5(nn3enbung auf fo(d)e gcgcniiber ctnem Xetic beftebenben j'vorbcrungen, Article 8. Each contracting party, with th(^ inclusion of its component Stat'es will, immediately upon the ratification of the Peace Treaty, resume payment of its obligations, esp;-cially payment of public obligations, to the na- tionals of the other party. Obli- gations that have become due before the ratification, will be paid wdthin the six months fol- lowing the ratification. The provision of paragraph 1 does not apply to such claims against a party as have only, after LEGAL-POLITICAL TREATY WITH GERMANY. 121 bic erft nncf) bcr Uutcrscidinuug bcv^ the signature of the Peace Treaty, Jriebcn^iliertrng^^ mif • ^(ugcljorigc be^ passed into the hands of nationals anberen ietleg llberQegauflcn fiiib. of the other party. ?rrttfet 9. ilbcr llrl^ebcrrecbte uub c\eiucrblid)e @cf)U^rcdycc, .fi'on^efiioneii unb ^]?rilHle glen fomic aI)uUd)e Stufbriidic nuf b[fent= Iirf)=re(^tlid)er G^himblagc, bic biird) ^riegSgefc^e beeintritditigt morbcii finb, nnrb nacb[iel)enbcg nereiiibart. § 1. "Die im Singnng be,^cid)neteu Oicd)tc Uierbeii iriieberbergeftelft, foUieit [id) nid)t aug bein ?(rtife( 11 cin ?(nbere6 ergibt. T)tm Siereditigten merbcn bic Don ibui fiir bie 3eit ber Gnt^^icbung bcr Sicditc ge[d)ulbetcn ©ebiibrcn erlnifeii ober, fallg er fie bcreit^ bc:t,ahlt b«t, 511= riicferftattet; bttt ber Staat an^ ber ^e* luitjung bcr $)ted)tc biird) 3)rittc 5.^cr= nibgeu§i3orteilc gejogeu, meld)c bic @e= biibren liberftcigen, fo ift bem i8ercd)tig= ten ber 3}?cbrbetrag berau^sugeben. ©olDcit ber ©taat 9^ed)te, bic ifjm iibereignet njorben finb, bennljt bat, ift ber 33ered]tigte angemeffen jn ent- fdiabigen. §2. 3eber tiertragfd)lie^enbe Jeil ftiirb htn Slngebbrigen be^? anberen Sleileg, bie aug 5(nlaf^ be§ .f ricgeg eine gefelj^ Iid)e thrift fiir bic 33ornnbme ciner jur 33cgriinbung ober (Srtiaitnng eine^ ge= )DerbIid)en ®d)u^red)t<^ erforberlidicn ^anblung t>erfaumt bnben, unbcfcbabet tt)of)IerlDorbener 9ied)tc ©ritter, fiir bie ^ad)bohing ber ipanbhmg eine grift Don minbefteng einem 3ttbvc nad) ber 9iatififation be§ griebengDertrage! ge= inabren. ®eh)erblidie ©c^utjreditc ber vHnge^ i^origen beS einen Tdk^ fo((en im ©ebiete beg anberen "Jcitcg luegen 9Hd)t= auSiibung nid)t Dor 9{b(auf Don Dier 3a!)ren nod) ber 9?atififation Derfallen. Article 9. Concerning copyi'ight, and in- dustrial patents, concessions, and privileges as well as similar claims based upon public law and which have been prejudiced by war laws, the following is agreed upon. §1. The rights indicated in the beginning of this article are re- established unless otherwise pro- vided for in Article 11. The owner of the right is re- leased from the dues owed for the time when he was deprived of his rights, or in case he has already paid such dues, they are to be returned to liim ; in case the State has derived profit tlu-ough the use of his rights by third parties and such profit exceeds the dues, the surplus is then to be paid to the owner of the right. In so far as the State has made use of rights which have been conveyed to it, the owner of the right is to be aderpiately compensated. • §2. Each contracting party will ex- tend to the citizens of the other party a term of not less than one year from the ratification of the Peace Treaty, in order to allow them to take necessary action, provided this does not violate the legally appropriated rights of third parties to establish or to maintain an industrial patent, in case the legal term given for such action has been allowed to elapse owing to the war. Industrial patents of tlie na- tionals of one party shall not be forfeited within tlie territory of the other party on account of their non-exploitation before the expiration 01 four years after the ratification. 122 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. §3. ©ie 33eftiminung be« § 1 M\. 1 fiiibct auf .f^onjeffionen unb '5|3rittileflien lomic af)nltdie 2ln[prilclic auf bftentiid)= red)tlic{}er ©runblagc feiiic i^iniuenbung, foUictt biefe auf (Mruub eiuer fiir alte SaiTbC'^cinlnoftucr uub fiir alTe 3icd)te ber g(eid)eu '^(rt geltcnben ©efetjgebuug in- Srt)ifd)cu abgefdmfft ober noni ©taate ober uou ©euiciubeu iiberuommen luor= ben finb uub in bereu ^eft^e tierbleibeu; in bicfeu j^aKen regett fid) bic (Snt= fdiabiguug be^ 33ered)ttgtcu uadi bcu 53eittmmuugeu bcH Slrtifel 13. §4. '^k t)erti*agfd)Iiefeeubcn Xtik bel)alteu fid) nor, iDegeu ber '^rioritdt gemerb- lidier ®d)ut5red)te befoubere 33eftim= muugcn ju dereiubareu. ^>IrtifeI 10. ®ie i^riften fiir bie SSerjciiiruug lum Qvediteu follen im ©ebiete fcbc-S tsertrag- fc^liefseubeu Xeil'e^3 gegeuiiber beu ?(uge=^ i)i)ri8en hci< aubercn Jctle§, h\U fie jur Sdt be§ f'rieg§auSbrud)g nod) uicfit ab- gefaufcu luareu, frii!)efteu^ eiu 3a^r uad} ber 9tatififation be§ ^I'i^i^eugner' trage« ablaufeu. 3)og ®{etd)e gilt Don ben g^^teii s^r S3orIeguug oou 3^ng= fd)eiueu unb ®en>iunantei(fd)eiueu fohiie Hon au^Sgeloften ober fonft 5al)!bar ge= iDorbenen SBertpapiercn. §3. The provision of § 1 Para- graph 1, does not apply to con- cessions and privileges nor to similar claims based upon public law in so far as. in virtue of valid legislation applicable to all the inhabitants of the country and to all rights of a similar nature, they have, in the meantimxC, been an- nulled or taken over by the State or by communities and remain in their possession; in such cases the indemnification of the owner of the right is settled in accordance with the provisions of Article 13. M. The contracting parties reserve unto themselves to agree to spe- cial provisions with regard to priority of industrial patents.' - Article 10. The dates for the expiration of rights shall, within the terri- tory of each contracting party and in respect to the nationals of the other party, not expire earlier than one year after the ratifi- cation of the Peace Treaty, pro- vided that thej^ had not expired at the outbreak of the war. The same applies to the dates for the presentation of interest certifi- cates and ^certificates in profit sharing as well as to securities redeemed or else become due. ?h-ttfel 11. 3)ie Jdtigf'eit ber SteUen, bie auf ©runb t)on .flrleg^sgefetjen mit ber ^Se^ auffid)tigung, 5>ern)al)ruug, i8erlt)al= tung ober ^^iquibatton bon 33ermogen^= gegcnftauben ober ber 3lnnal)me t)on 3af)iungen befafet luorben finb, foil un- befd)abet ber ^sBcftimmuugen ber ?(rtiie( 12; 13 nad) 3}?af5gabe ber uad)ftel)enben ©ruubfctlje abgemidelt merbcn. Article 11. The activity of the institutions which in virtue of war laws have been entrusted with the super- vision, safeguarding, administra- tion, or liquidation of properties or with the acceptance of pay- ments shall, without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 12, 13 be settled in accordance with the following basic rules. LEGAL-POLITICAL TREATY WITH GERMANY. 12S §1. !X)ie beauff{d}ttgten, ncmabrtcu obcr t)erft)alteten S^ermogenggegcnftanbc [tnb au[ 3?erlangen be^ 53cred)ticitcn uutier= jiiglid) frcijugeben; bi^ jur Ubcrua^me burd) ben iBerecfitigten ift fiir bte 3Ba{)= rung feiner 3nterc[[eu gu forgcn. ©elber unb SSertpapierc, bie fid) bei ciner jcntratcn ipiittcrtcgungsftette, ei= nem offenttidicn Tircubanbler obcr cincr fonftigenftaatUrf) bcauftragtcn ®aimncl= ftede befinben, finb binucu brci 9}cona= ten nad) ber 9iati[tfation be§ Si'ici'cng^ oertrag^ bem 33ered)tigten gur 3>er== [ugung ju [teden; mit hm ©clbern [tnb 3in[en jum ^a^fcSfaije lion 'oier doni ^unbert fett ber (5in3a{)lung bet ber oammelftette, mit ben SBertpapieren [inb bie eingejogenen ^iiil'c^ ii^b ®e= minnanteile berauSjugeben. §2. 3)ie 33e[timTnungen beg § 1 foHen mobferitjorbene 5Red)te fritter nid)t beriibren. ^o^Iungen unb [onftigc Seiftungen eineg ®cf)ulbner6, bie tton ben im (Singang bieje^ ?trtifelg er= mcitintcn ©teUen ober auf bercn 3Scran= laffung entgegengcnommen fticrbcn [tnb, [oilen in ben ©ebieten ber licrtrag= [cf)ttc^enben Jeile bie gleid)c SBirfiing tiaben, tnie menn [ie ber ©(ciubiger [e[b[t emp[angen t)atte. ^]3ri»atrec^tUd)e 93er[lignngen, bie don ben bejeid)neten ©tellen ober au[ beren 33eran(a[[ung ober if)nen gegeniiber Oor= genomtnen inorben [tnb, bleiben mit SBirfung fiir beibe ^leile nu[red)ter= t)altm. §3. ilber bie 2:atigfeit ber im (gingang bie[e'8 5(rtifel§ ern)at)ntcn ©teUen, ing= be[onbere liber bie (5innaf)men itnb ?(ug^ gabcn, ift ben 53ered)tigten nuf ''^cv^ langen unberjiigtic^ ?IuSfunft gu erteilen. 86409—18- I 1- The supervised, safeguarded^ or administered properties are^ upon the demand of the person entitled thereto, to be released immediately; until the transfer to the person entitled thereto has been effected, the safeguard- ing of his interests is to be cared for. Moneys and securities held by a central institution of deposit^ by a public trustee, or in other savings institutions commissioned by the State, are to be placed at the disposal of the person en- titled thereto within the three months following the ratification: of the Peace Treaty; along with the moneys, interest at the annual rate of 4% from the date of de- posit with the savings institu- tions is to be paid; along with the securities, accrued interest and profit shares are to be handed over. § 2. The provisions of § 1 shall not affect properly acquired rights of third parties. Payments and other obligations of a debtor which have been accepted by the institution mentioned in the be- ginning of this article or upon their solicitation, shall, within the territories of the contracting parties, have the same effect as if the creditor himself had re- ceived them. Private legal measures which have been resorted to by the specified institutions or upon their solicitation or with regard to them, are to remain effective for both parties. §3. Concerning the activity of the institutions mentioned in the be- ginning of this article, especially concerning receipts, expenditures, information is to be immediately afforded upon the demand of those entitled to it. 124 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. Srfatjaufpriidie mcgcn bcr Xatigfeit biefcr ©tcUcii ober lueflcn bcr auf t{)re SScrnuIaifung tiorgenoninicneu 6panb= lungen founcn nur gemii^ beii 33e[tim= mungeii be^ ^^(rtiEel 13 geltenb gemarf)t JDcrben. Slrtifel 12. ©runbftiicfe ober 9ierfite mi ciuem C'h-imbftucf, 53crgtiierfi^gered)t[anic fctDie 9ied)tc auf bie S?enuljung ober 3(iteibcu= tuiig Hon ©runbftiicfen, llnternebmun^ gen ober 33el;ciUgungen an cincni Untcr= nebmen, in^befonbere ?{frien, bie inf o(gc toon .'i^rieg^-gefelKn tieraup^crt ober bem ^ered)tigten fonft burd) S^mm ent= jogen tvorben [inb, follen bcni friif)cren 93ered)tigtcn auf einen inneri)nlb einc^ 3a{)rec^ nad) ber 9iatififation be? (^rie= beneiOertragS jn ftcrieuben ^iilntrag gcgen 9Mcfgcnntbrung ber tf)ni and ber iscr^ ciufjcrung ober (Snt.^iebuug etVoa er= njad)feucu 33ortcile frei bon a((en in= Styifd)en bcgritnbetcn 9ieriiten fritter micbcr iibertrageu merbeu. ®ie 53efttmmungen be«^ Stbfaij 1 finbcn fcine ^Iniuenbung, fotueit blc ber= aufjerten ^l^ermogenSgegenftanbe auf ®runb ciner filr allc VanbccieiniDobner unb fiir alle ©egeuftanbc bcr g(eid)cu ^(rt gcltciibcn ©efcijgebung iujlinfd)cn lionx otaate ober bon Okmeinben iiber^^ noninicn luorben finb unb in beren S3e= fi^e berbleiben. 3n biefen g-aden rcgelt fid) bie (Sntfd)abigung be^ i>3crcd)tigtcn nad) ben 53eftimmuugcn beci 3(rtife( 13; aud) faun bei einer Ji^icbcraufbcbung bcr ilbcrimbnie ber im ^Ibfatj 1 Horgefebene ^Hntrag auf 9iurfgeinal)rung iuncrbalb eiucei 3al)ret^ nad) ber 2Biebcrauft)ebung geftedt merben. 33 i e r t e ^ t a p i t e I . (g r f a Ij f it r 3 i b i I f d) ci b e n. Slrtifel 13. 1)tx 5lngef)brige eineS bertragfd)Ue= feenben 3:eile«, ber im ©cbiete be^ an* Claims for damages on account of the activity of these institu- tions or on account of actions taken upon their solicitation can be validly presented only in ac- cordance with the provisions of Article 13. Article 12. Parcels of land or rights to a parcel of land, mining privileges as well as rights to the use or ex- ploitiUion of parcels of land, en- terprises or participation in an enterprise, especially shares which in consequence of war laws have been alienated or forcibly taken from tlie person entitled thereto, must be returned to the former owner upon a claim to that end within one yenr after the ratifica- tion of the peace treaty by de- ducting any profit that may have accrued to liim as a result of the said alienation or subtraction, exempt from all rights established in the interval by third parties. The provisions of paragraph 1 do not apply in so far as the alienated properties, in virtue of legislation applicable to all the inhabitants of the land and to all objects of a like nature, have been taken over in the meantime by the State or by communities and remain in tlieir possession. In such cases the indemnity due tlie person entitled thereto is set- tled in accordance with the pro- visions of Article 13; further, in the case of cancellation of the transfer, the demand foreseen in paragrapli 1 anent deducting of profit, may be presented within one year after the cancellation. FOURTH CHAPTER. compensation for civil losses. Article 13. The national of a contracting party who within the territory of LEGAL-POLITICAL TEEATY WITH GEEMANY. 125 beren Tdk^ infoUie t)on ,lh'icg^3gc[ctjen bitrcf) btc jeitmeilige ober baucmbc (5nt= jief)ung oon Url)eberrcd)ten, geroerb^ Ud)en ®d)u^red)tcn, ,^oi^ef|loucn, ^]3ri= uKegien unb abniidicii '^hifprudieu ober biird) bic 33eoufftdUigung, 5i>ertiinbnn!g, 33crii)altung ober '!Gcraii[3erinig \)on 'iBer^ mogeut^gcgen[tanben eiuen ©diaben er= litteii t)at, i[t in angemeffener 2.isci|c ,;;u ent[d)abigeu, [olncit bcr ©diabcn nidit bitrd) 3.lsteberciu[eljung in ben Horigcn ©tanb crfe^t luirb. S)ieS giit and) ttoii ^tfdonarcn, bie Incgen it)rer (5igen[d)aft aU feiub(id)e 31uglauber Don clucni 33e= .Uig^iredjt au^ge[d)Io[fen luorbcn finb. Slrtifel 14. ocber Dertragfd)Iief5enbc Xcil U'irb ben 3iDi(angetiorigen bc£< anbcrcn Xcikx^ bie ©diitben erfetjcn, bic ibncn in feineni ©cbtcte roahrcnb bc2( .riricgc^:^ Don hen bortigen [taat(id)en Crgaucn ober ber ^cnblferung buni) Oo{ferred)t^ii)tbrigc ©elualtaftc an ?ebcn, C'k'fnnbljcit ober 23crmbgen jngefligt toorben finb. T^iefc 53e[tinimung finbct and) ^Intucnbung an[ bic ©d)aben, meldie bie ?lngc[)brigcn be^ cincn Tei{cf3 aUi Xcilhaber bcr anf bcin ©ebicte be§ anberen 2^eile^ be[inb= Udien Untenicbnuingen eriitten baben. Slrtifel 15. 3ur (veftftethingj^er nad) 5lrtifcl 13/ 14 ju erfe^enbcn ^^diaben foil atebalb nad) ber ^latififation be^ (V^i'^'5en^t)er= tragee! in ®t. ^^^etcr«burg cine f ont= miffion snfammentrctcn, bic ^^u je einenx T'rtttel au^ il>ertretcrn ber bciben 3lei(e nnb neutralen Jliitglicbcrn ge= bilbet iDirb; urn bie 53e5eid)nnng bcr neutralen a}titgUebcr, baruntcr be^ 2?or[i^cnben, nnrb ber 'ii^rafibent be^ ®d)it>eiserifd)en 53unbee(rat^ gebetcn luerben. 3)ie .f^'ommiffion ftettt bie [iir ibre (Sntfd)eibungen maf5gebenben (^)runb= fiil^e auf; and) erla^t fie bie ^ux Sr= the other party, in virtue of war laws has suflPered loss through the temporary or permanent sub- traction of copyright, industrial patents, concessions, privileges, and similar claims, or through the supervision, safeguarding, admin- istration, or alienation of proper- ties, is to be compensated in ade- quate manner, in so far as the loss can not be made good by restoration to the former condi- tion. This applies also to share holders wlio in their quality of enemy aliens have been excluded from the right of preemption. Article 14. Each contracting party will compensate the civilian nationals of the other party far the losses which have been occasioned to them, in body, health, or prop- erty, within its territory during the war by the local public organs or by the population tlirough acts of violence contrary to in- ternational law. This provision applies likewise to the losses which the nationals of the one party have suffered as associates in enterprises within the territory of the other party. Article 15. In order to determine the losses to be compensated for in accord- ance with Articles 13, and 14, a Commission shall meet in St. Petersburg, immediately after the ratification of the peace treaty, which will be composed one-third each of representatives of the two parties and of neutral members; the President of the Swiss Federal Council wiU be requested to des- ignate the neutral members, and among these, the chairman. Tlie Commission establishes the principles, authoritative for its decisions; it also adopts the necessary business order for the 126 THE RUSSIAlSr PEACE. febigung ihrcr 5(ufgabeu erforbcr(irf)c (Jkfd)aftetorbniing unb bie 53cftim- inungen iiber baci babci ein,^,u[dilngcnbe iperfabren. 3brc (Jnlfdjctbungcn cr= folgen in UutcrFoinmiffionen, bie aiiQ jc einem ^Ncrtrctcr bcr beibeu Jcilc unb eincm neutrnlcn Cbniann gebi(bet mer= ben. T^ic Don ben llnterfommiffioncn feftgcftellten 93etrage finb inncrbalfa eineei ilfonnti? nad) ber geftftellung ju besa()Ien. Slrtifct 16. 3eber tiertragfd)Iiefecnbc Xd\ Uiirb bie Don ibnt in feincni @ebiete bci 3(n= gebbrigen bci"^ miberen Jei(e^ ange- forberten ©egcnftctnbc, [oineit bieei nodi nid)t gefd)el)cn i[t, nnlierjiiglid) bc^ablcn. 2Cegcn 9icgelung bcr ©ntfdinbigung fiir foId)e S3ermogcn^Uiertc Don ?lnge {)brigen be^ eincn Xci(e^, bie nbgefeben Don ben im 3trtifel 9 § 3 unb im Slrtifel 12 m\. 2 be^cidineten gaKen im ©ebietc bei^ anberen JeileS obne anQ- reidienben Grfatj cnteignet morbeu finb, bleibt cine befonbere 3?ereinbaruug DDr= bebnlten. g ii u f t e S t p i t e I. Slu^taufd) ber ^rieggge* fangenen unb 3i^tHnter= n i e r t e n. 5IrttfeI 17. liber ben im ^^(rtifel VIII be^ ??rie= bcn^^Dcrtrag^ Dorgefebcnen 3ln§taufd) ber .f rieg^gefangcncn tDerben bie uac^= [tef)enbeu 53e[timmungen getroffen. §1. T)k beiber[eittgen ,^Trieg^gefangenen inerben in ibrc .*pcimat entlaffen Utcrben, fomcit fie nidit mit Buftimmung be§ 9lebmeftaat^ in bcffcn ©ebietc jn bleiben ober fid) in ein anbere'g Sanb jn begeben tt)unfrf)en. settlement of its tasks and the rules of procedure which it is to observe. Its decisions are reached in subcommissions each of which will be composed of a represen- tative of the two parties and one neutral umpire. The amounts established by the subcommission are payable within one month after the determination thereof. Article 16. Each contracting party wiU immediately pay for the articles requisitioned within its territory of the nationaljs of the other party, in so fg^r as this has not already been done. With regard to the settlement of the loss of such property values by nationals of one party who, besides the cases specified in Article 9, § 3, and in Article 12, Paragi'aph 2, have been seized within the territory of the other party without adequate compen- sation, a special agreement is re- served. FIFTH CHAPTER. EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS OF WAR AND INTERNED CIVILIANS. Article 17. Concerning the exchange of prisoners of war foreseen in Arti- cle VIII of the Peace Treaty, the following provisions are adopted: §1. The prisoners of war of both parties will be released into their homeland, in so far as they do not, with the consent of the cap- turing State, desire to remain within the latter's territory or betake themselves into another country. LEGAI.-POLITICAL TREATY WITH GERMANY. 127 !Der bereitg im ©ange (iefiubU(f)e 5(ii^taufJ) bienftuiitauglidier .Q ric9'-?ge= fangenen linrb mit inoglidjfter S3e= frf)(eunigung burd;gcfill)rt merbcn. S)er ?{u{?taufrf) ber iibrigen iTrtegS^ gefangenen erfolgt tuiilid)[t balb in be- ftimmten, nod) nciber p Dereinbarcuben 3eitraumen. Ofufetanb mirb auf fcinem ®ebiete beut[d)e .^ominiffionen jiim .B^i^'^ccfc ber gilrforgc fiir beutfd)c .V{ricg-?gc[angcTie ^ulaffen imb nad) .ilrafteii iiutcrftutjeit. §2. 58ei ber (Sntla[fung erf)alten bte ^'riegSgefangenen ba^ tbneu t)on ben ^t- t)orberi beS 9kl)nieftant^ abgcnoinmcne '^rbateigentiim foiuie ben nod) nidit aueibesablten ober berrcdjiietcn 3:eit tf)re^ ?Irbcit«berbteii[tc^; bicfe 95er= ^[Iid)tung bestef)t [id) md)t auf ©d)rift= ftiicfe mtUtarifd)en 3nf)alt8. §3. 3eber Dertragfitliciienbe 2^eil )i»trb bie ?lufn3enbungen, bie fiir feine in i?rieg^gefangenfd)aft geratenen 5{nge= f)origen tion bent anberen Xeite gentad)! iBorben finb, erftatten, folncit bie Hufinenbungen nid)t burd) bie 3(rbeit ber .^rieg^gefangenen in ©taat^= ober ^ritiatbetrieben aU abgegolten anju* \d)tn finb. ®ie 33ejal)Iiing erfolgt in ber 2SaI)= rung be§ 9Zef)meftaatg' in ^Tcilbetrilgcn fiir je 50 000 .^rieg^gcfangene, unb Ituav lebe^mal innerbalb eiiier 3Sod)e nacf) beren (intlaffung. §4. Sine au§ je t)icr ^ertretern ber beibeu ^leite ^u bilbenbe ,^'omntiffion fott alsbalb nad) ber 9vatififation be^ griebenSDertragS an eiuent nod) ju beftimmenben Orte jufaniinentreten, um bie im § 1 3(bf. 3 oorgcfebenen ,3eitraume fotDie bie fonftigen (5inje{= The exchange of prisoners unfit for service which is ah'eady under way will be carried out with all possible dispatch. The exchange of the remaining prisoners of war takes place as soon as possible within definite periods of time still to be agreed upon. Kussia will admit to her terri- tory German Commissions for the purpose of providing for German prisoners of war, and assist them as far as within her power. §2. Upon their release, the prison- ers of war receive the private property taken from them by the authorities of the capturing State, as well as the part of their earn- ings not yet paid or credited to them; this obligation does not refer to written documents of military contents. §3. Each contracting party will re- imburse the expenses incurred by the other party for its nationals who have been made prisoners of war, in so far as the ex])enditures are not to be regarded as bal- anced by the work of the war prisoners in State or private in- stitutions. Payment is made in the cur- rency of the capturing State in partial amounts for each 50,000 war prisoners, and in every case within one week after their re- lease. §4. A Commission to be composed of four representatives of each of the two parties shall immediately after the ratification of the Peace Treaty meet in a place still to be determined, in order to define the periods of time foreseen in § 1, Paragraph 3, as well as the re- 128 THE EUSSIAN PEACE.' t)eiteTi beS ?(ugtaufd]e§, inSbefonbcre bie 2lrt iinb JSeifc ber .Spetinbefiirbcrung, feftjufeljen unb btc 33urd)fuf)rung bcr getroffetien 3?ereint)arungen ju iiber^ inad^en. t^^erner tnirb bie .f ommiffion bie itad) § 3 ttoii beii beiben Xcilen jii erftattcnbcn 5Iiifmenbuiigen fiir .Rrieg^gefangene [eft^ fe^cn. ©o((te fie fief) innerbalb jtueier 9J?onate imdi ibrcm .S^'fainiiiciitritt ilbcr bie (Veftfcijung nirf)t geciiiigt f)abcn, fo foH biefc in eubgiiltiger S^eife unter 3ujief)ung eineg neutralen Obmanng nad) ®timmcnmcl)rbcit erfolgeti; urn bie 33e5eid)nung bed Cbinanu^ iDiirbe ber ^]3rilfibeiit beS ®d)it)eiserifd)en 53un* be^ratg ju bitten fein. 5lrtife( 18. liber bie «ereinbarnngen nicrben niit mog(idifter 58efd)Ieunigung bnrd)gefli{)rt toerbcn. X'k int ?(rtifel 17 § 4 eruia()nte ,f onuniffion foH bie bei hm S?erbnnb= lungen in ®t. ^^^etereiburg offengcbUe= benen 5i"Q9cn regeln nnb bie 3)urd)fuf)= rnng ber getroffenen 5?ereinbnrungen iibermadjen. Die im ?trtifel 17 § 1 ?tbf. 4 uorge^ fe()enen bentfd)en ,^'onimiffionen iucrbcn and) bie jviirforge fiir bentfd)e .3i^H(per=-- foncn ilberncbnien. maining details of the exchange, especially the manner and method of repatriation, and to supervise the execution of the agreements reached. Further, the Commission will establish the expenditures for war prisoners which are to be reim- bursed by both parties in accord- ance with § 3. If within two months after its meeting no agree- ment should have been reached in regard to this matter, it shaU then be finally settled by a ma- jority of votes with the assistance of a neutral umpire ; as to the des- ignation of the umpire, a request would be addressed to that end to the President of the Swiss Federal Council. Article 18. Concerning the return home of the civilian nationals of both par- ties, the following regulations are adopted. § 1. Tlie interned or deported civil- ian nationals of both parties will be conveyed home as soon as pos- sible and without expense, in so far as they do not desire, with the consent of the State in which they sojourn, to remain within the latter's territory or to betake themselves into another country. The agreements adopted in St. Petersburg anent the return home of the civilian nationals will be carried out with the utmost dis- patch. Tlic Commission mentioned in Article 17, § 4 shall settle any questions that have remained open in the course of the negotia- tions in St. Petersburg, and super- vise the execution of the agree- ments reached. The German Commission pro- vided for in Article 17, § 1, Para- gra])h 4, wiU take over the care t)f German civilians. LEGAL-POLITICAL TEEATY WITH GERMANY, 129 §2. Die 9tngcf)origcii ctuc^ Xctki^, bic bci I?rict3§au8brud) in beiii ©cbietc be'g aubercn Jeile« ibrcn 3So{)uftlj obcv cine QcttDcrljIidie ober §anbel^niebcr(afl'nng i)attcn nnb fid) niri}t in biefem ©cbiet auff)alten, fbnuen bDrtf)in jnrii(ffcl)reti, fobalb fid) ber anbere Xcil nidit mct)r im Alrieg^.^uftanb befinbct. Tk 3ili(ffct)r fann nur nu5 ('•Hixnbcn ber innercn ober anf?eren ®id)erf)eit be6 ©taate^ berfagt iDcrben. ?n§ 5(u^iDei^ genilgt cin Hon ben 53e= borben bc^ §eimatftnnt^ ancigeftcUter ^13a[3, iDonad) ber 3nbabcr ju ben int "Jlbfalj 1 be,^,eid)ncten "i^erfonen gebort; ein eid)tHennerf nuf bcm fniWc i[t nid)t erforberlid). 5lrtifel 19. T^ie 3fnget]origen jebeS t)ertragfd)(ie= f^enben Jeiie^ follen im ©ebiete beS an= beren leilet'i [ilr bie ^cit, >intt)rcnb bercn bort ibr ©en>crbe= ober -V^anbeli^betrieb ober ibrc fonftige lirUievb^Jtatigfeit in- folge be^ .U'riegcvj geruljt Ijat^ fcincrlei §luflagen, ?{bgabcn, 5tenern ober ©e= biibren fiir ben ©cUierbc- ober ^panbcl^- betrieb ober bie fonftige CSrlneubi^tdtig- feit unterliegen. ^etriige, bie biernad) nidit gefd)u(bet iDerbeti, aber bereitv^ er= boben finb, foUen binnen feri)^ "lOionaten nad) ber ?liatififation be^ Sricbeii^Der- rag6 jnriicferftattct n^erben. 3luf -Spanbelv^- unb fonftige (Srmerbg^ gefeltfdiaften, an benen ?lngebbrige bee* einen Xeilg alg ©efefffdjafter, 3(ftionare ober in fonftiger IJffieife betci(igt finb unb beren S^etrieb im ©ebiete bev? anberen 3:eile^ infolge beS .^Triege^3 gerubt I)at, finben bie 33eftimmungen be^ ?U)falj 1 entfpredicnbe ^^tnlDenbuug. The nationals of a party who at the outbreak of the war had their domicile or an industrial or com- mercial occupation within the territory of the other party and who did not reside within such territory, may return thither, as soon as the other party no longer is in a state of war. Such return may be refused only for reasons of the internal or external se- curity of the State. Sufficient proof of this will be a passport issued by the authori- ties of the home State, showing that the holder thereof belongs to the persons specified in paragraph 1 preceding; the passport does not require a vise. Article 19. The nationals of each contract- ing party shall, within the terri- tory of the other party and for the time during which their industrial or commercial enterprises or any other of their industrial activities have ceased, because of the war, not be subject to any kind of assessments, rates, taxes, or dues for the industrial or commercial enterprise, or the other industrial activities. Amounts which, in consequence, are not owed, bub have already been levied, shall be reimburse"!' within six months after the ratification of the peace treaty. The provisions of paragraph 1 are similarly applicable to com- mercial and other industrial so- cieties in which nationals of the one party are interested as asso- ciates, shareholders, or in any other manner and whose opera- tion within the territory of the other party has ceased in conse- quence of the war. 130 THE EUSSIAN PEACE. 3lrttfel 20. 3'eber t)cvtragfd)Ue^enbc STetl bcr- ^jtidjtet [id), bie auf feiuein ©ebiete be= fiiiblidjen OH-abftcitten ber §ccrcciaTige=^ I}ortgen foiine ber innlircnb ber 3nter= nierung ober SSerfd)icfiing derftorbeiien fonftigen ?higel)6rtgen be§ anbcren 3:ei= le^ jii ad)teiT unb 511 uiiterfialtcn; aud) fonncn ^-Beaiiftragte biefeS 3rei(e^> bie ^^f(ege unb aiigeniefferie '^di^fdimiidung ber ©rabftfitten in (5int)ernel)inen mit hen !i^anbe^bel)orben beforgcii. 2)ie mit ber ^13[lege ber ©rabftiittcii jufanrmen= ficingenben Sin^elfrngcn b'.eibcn- mcitercr :3Sereinbarung Horbcbalten. ® e d) ft e « ,f a p i t e I. ^-iir forge flir 9i iirfli) anb erer. ?Irtifel 21. ®en 5(ngeborigen jcbc^ bertrag= fdiUefeenben Xeile<3, bie aiiC^ bern ©ebiete be§ anbereu Tcilc^ ftainmen, foil e§ tt)af)renb eincr grift Don gebn 3af)i^en nad) ber ^latififation bed g'^ebenSber^ triigeg freifteben, ini (Sinderncl)men mit ben 53el)6rben biefei^ XeileS nad) it)rem ©tammtanb juriirfjumanbern. S)ie sur 9vudmanbernng bereditigten ^erfonen foHen auf 3(ntrag bie (5nt= laffung and ibrcm bieif)erigen ©taat§= toerbanb erl)alten. ?hid) foU ibr fd)rift== Iid)er ober milnblid)cr 5i>crfcbr mit hen bipIomatifd)en unb fonfuIarifd)en 2?er= tretern bed ©tammlanbed in feiner SBeife gebinbert ober erfd)ii)crt iuerben' ®ie im 5Irtife( 17 § 1 5(bf. 4 borge= fetienen beutfd)en ^f ommiffiouen tnerben aud) bie Jiirforge fiir beutfd)e 9viicf= iDanberer llbernebmen. 2lrtifel 22. ©ie 9iurfuianbcrcr foKen fur_ bie tbnen iinibrenb be§ .^trieged Uicgen i()rer Stbftammung jugefligtcn Unbilbcn eine bilUge (gntfd)abigung erl/alten, aud) Article 20. Each contracting party obli- gates itself to respect and to care for, within its territory, the graves of those belonging to the army as well as of other nationals of the other part}^ who died during their internment or de- portation; persons authorized by this party may also, in agreement with the national authorities, tend to the care and proper adornment of the graves. The settlement of particular questions connected with the care of the graves is reserved for subsecjuent agreements. SIXTH CHAPTER . care of the repatriated. Article 21. The nationals of each contract- ing party originating from the territory of the other party shall, during a period of ten years after the ratification of the peace treaty, be free, in agreement with the autliorities of this party, to return to their original land. Upon demand, persons entitled to repatriation, shall receive their release from the State in which they had been held up to that time. Nor shall their written or verbal intercourse with the diplomatic and consular repre- sentatives of their land of origin be liindered or made difficult in any way whatever. The German Commission fore- seen in Article 17, § 1, Paragraph 4 will, moreover, take over the care of Germans to be repatriated. Article 22. For wrongs occasioned them during the war on account of their origin, the repatriated shall re- ceive fair indemnification and LEGAL-POLITICAL TREATY WITH GERMANY. 131 t)urdj bie 3lugubiing bc^ 9?ucfuianbc= rung§re(f)t§ feinerlei iierinogenSreffitlidie ^aditetle erieiben. Sic follcn bcfiigt fein, tf)r iknnogcn 511 Uquibteren uub ben (Srli)^ [oune if)re [ouftigc be\ueglid)e ^ahc mitsunebmen; fcriier btirfen fie tl)re 'ij3ad)tt»erlra9e unter (Sinf)a!tunci eincr ^^rift tton [ed)g 9)?onateii fiinbigcn, of)ne baf? ber 5?erpad)ter tuegen t)or= gcitiger 3(uf(ofung beS 'ii^ad)tdcrtrag§ ®d)abcn^er[al5anfpritd)c geltenb inad)en fonn. >; i e b c n t e el .^' a p i t c I. 21 m n e [t t e. 2lrtifel 23. 3eber bcrtragfd^Iiefeenbe STeil ge=^ lt)at)rt ben 2lngef)brigen be^ anbercn $:ci(c§ ®traffreif)eit nad) 9^taf^gabe ber nad}fte][)enben 93eftiminungen. §1. ^eber 2^ei( gen)af)rt t)ode ©traffrei^ I)cit ben bem anbcren 3;:eile angel)bren= ben .^rieg^gcfangenen filr ollc Don t^nen begangenen geric^tlid} ober bi[si= plinarifd) ftrafbaren ^anbtungen. §2. 3cber Toil geiDcibrt HoKe Straffveibeit ben .-giDilangebbrtgenbcvmnberen XeiteS, bie mabi'cnb bc'3 .^h'iege^ interniert ober ber[d)idt morbcn finb, [iir bie linlbrenb ber ^ntcrnierung ober iBerldiirfiing be- gangenen geridjttid) ober bifjiplinarifd) ftrafbaren v'panblnrigen. §3. 3eber 3lei( geltial)rt ttolte Straffrci^ t)eit aikn Slngeborigen bei> onberen STeileg Hir bie gn bcffcn 0')nnfteu bc^ shall suffer no prejudice whatever in respect to property rights through the execution of the right of repatriation. They shall be en- titled to liquidate their property and to take away with them the amount realized as well as other movable goods ; furthermore, they may by an advance notice of six months break their leasing con- tracts, and the lessor will not be entitled to claim compensation for damages on account of the premature dissolution of the leas- ing contract. SEVENTH CHAPTER. AMNESTY. Article 23. Each contracting party grants to the nationals of the other party immunity from penalty in accord- ance with the following pro- visions. § 1. Each party grants complete im- munity from penalty to the war prisoners belonging to the other party for all acts committed by them punishable by the courts or in virtue of disciphnary measures. § 2. Each party grants complete immunity from penalty to the civilians belonging to the other party who during the war have been interned or deported, for acts committed during their in- ternment or deportation punish- able by the courts or in virtue of disciplinary measures. § 3. Each party grants complete immunity from penalty to all nationals of the other party for the acts committed in favor of 132 THE RUSSIAN PEACE.' gaiigcncn (Straftaten unb ftir ?3cr[ti355C gegen bie jiim 9iQd]tciI fctnbUcf)cr 5tii^= liinber ergangenen ?(iieinat)megefc^c. §4. Die in ben §§ 1 bi^ 3 t)orgefc{)eiie ©trnffreibcit crftrecft fid) uidit auf v'panbhingen, bie uad) ber i^iatififation bcei Ji'i'^'^^ii^'^'^i'tvag^ begaugcu iDerben. 5lrtifel 24. 3eber DertragfdifieBenbe Xeil ge^ Vciai)vt HoUc ©troffrcihcit ben ?(ugeI)o^ rigcn fcincr bcUiaffueten ^Jtad)! in ?ln= felning ber '?(rbciten, bie fie aU SlvkQ<6= gefangene bees anbercn Teile^i geleiflet bafaen. Ta*? ®Icid)e giit fiir bie Hon ben beibcrfeitigen Si^i'^^'igcbbrigen mcibrenb \\)vcr 3nterniernng ober 33er= fdiicfnng gclcifteten Strbeiten. 9(rtifel 25. ^^eber t)ertragfd)(iefeenbc Icil ge= Uitibrt bo{(c®traffreif)eit ben'-Selnobnern feincr Hon beni anbcren lidk befetjten ©ebiete fiir ibr podtifdicei nnb uxititd= rifd)eg iBerI)a(ten mcirenb ber Sfit ber iBefcljung. ^Ibgefeben bon ben im 5Ibfa^ 1 be= ^^eid)neten A-nllen gctDcibrt jebcr Jeii DoUe 3trnffrei()eit ben Slngebbrigen ber (Mebiete, bie nadi hm '^Irtifetn III, VI be<^ 5"i"''^i^i'niicreinbQrnngcn ju tre[[en, iuonad) jeber Jcil mcgen bcr ju [ctnen Ungnn[tcn begangcncn .*panb= iungcn jvreibeit toon etra[cn unb [on[ti- gen 9ied)tdnad)tciten gciudbrt. Slc^teg tapitel. Slrtifel 28. §Iuf bie f au[[abrtci[d)i[fe bcr t)er== trag[d)Iic[3enben Jcik unb aii\ beren ?abungen [inbct obnc 9iiicf[td)t nu[ ent= gcgen[tebcnbe "*lh-i[enurtei(c ba^ ®cd)[tc §aager ?lbfomnicn iiber bic 5^cbanb= lung bcr [einblidicn .V?nu[rabrtei[d)i[[e beim Sfugbrud) bcr (ycinb[eUgfeiten Oom 18. r-ftobcr 1907 mit nad)[tebenben 9}taJ3gaben ^ImDenbung. Prisoners of war who are under preliminaiy arrest or in prison for military or State treason, for pre- meditated murder, robbery, pred- atory extortion, premeditated ar- son, or crime against morality, will be detained up to the time of their release, which shall coincide as far as possible with the first ex- change of those unfit for military service. Germany also reserves unto herself the right, up to the conclusion of the peace treaty, to take such measures against per- sons to whom she grants immu- nity from penalty as are in the interest of her military security. Nor may other prejudices be decreed either against persons to whom immunity from penalty is gi-anted, or against their fam- ilies ; in so far as this may already have been done, such persons are to be restored to their former status. Article 27. The contracting parties reserve unto themselves the right to adopt further agreements, in ac- cordance with which each party gi'ants immunity from penalties and other prejudices for acts com- mitted to its disadvantage. EIGHTH CHAPTER. Article 28. Regardless of contrary prize decL ions, the Sixth Hague Con- vention anent the treatment of enemy merchant ships at the out- break of hostilities of 18 October, 1907,^ is applicable to the mer- chant ships of the contracting parties and to their cargoes, on the basis of the following regu- lations. 'James Brown Scott (ed.), The Hague Conventions and Declarations of IS99 and 1907 (2nd ed., New- York, Oxford University Pr^ss, American Brancii [Carnegie Endowment for International Peacel, 1915), p. 141. 134 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. ■ 2)te Srlaubni^ gum 2tu^Iaufen im ©inne beg 5trtifel 2 ?tbf. 1 beg ^^(b= fonmieng faun nur baiin nfg erteilt angefeben luevben, iDcnn fie and) bon ben itbrigen feinblicben ©eeinttditeu an- erfanut luar. .fiauffal)rtcifdnffc, bie geiuafe '^Irtifel 2 2(bf. 2 beg ?{[}fommeng migeforbert luorbeu finb, miiffeu unter Sntfd)abtgiuig [ill* bie ^eit ber Senut= sung entmeber juriufgegeben ober tnt galle beg 33erlufteg in @elb jrfetjt iBerben. ^^itr nid)t angcforberte odiiffe t)at ber glaggenftaat bie 'nufmenbungcn pr 3n[tanbl)altung, nid)t aber .Spafen= gelber unb fonftige Vicgefo[ten gu er= ftatten. ®ie ' nad) il)rer 33auart jur Unin)anblung in ,^rieggfd)iffe geeigneten l?'auffal)rtei|d)t[fe luerben abmeic^enb bom 3(rtifel 5 beg Stbfoniineng mie anberc .S'auffal)rteifd}i[fe bel)anbe(t. S)ie 53eftinimungen biefeg ?(rtifelg [inben and) auf [oId)e ,^auffaf)rteift1)i[fe Slnmenbung, bie bereitg Dor ^lugbrud) beg .^riegeg angeforbert ober aufge- brac^t iDaren. 5Irtifel 29. . T)k alg_ ^]3rt[en aufgebraditen .ffauf= fabrtcifdnffe ber ticrtraQfd)Ucfienbcn 2;el(c foKen, tocnn fie nor ber Unter= 5cid)nung beg (vriebengbertragg burd) rcditgfriiftigeg llrteil eineg 'i^rifengc= rid)tg fonbemniert morben finb unb nidit unter bie 5^e|timmungen ber 3(r= tife( 28, 30 falfen, aU enbgiUtig etnge- Sogen angefeben njerben. ::>m itbrigen finb fie jiirltcfjugebeu ober, foroeit fie nidit mebr norbanben finb, in Welb lu erfetjen. Die 53cftimniungcii beg ?lbfaij 1 finben auf bie afg 'IHIfen nufgcbraditen '^d}iffg(abungen tion ^tngcbbrigcn ber ttertragfdilicfeenben Xcite entfpred)eube 3lnn)enbung. X>Oifi foUen (Miiter Hon ${ngeborigen beg eincn -tciteg, bie auf ®d)iffen feinblicber J-tagge in bie (Sk^ Tile permit to leave port, in the meaning of Ai-ticle 2, Para- graph 1, of the Convention can only be regarded as having been secm-ed in case it has been recog- nized also by the other enemy maritime Powers. Merchant ships which in accordance with Ai'ticle 2, Panigi-aph 2 of the Convention have been requisi- tioned must be returned with payment in compensation for the time dm'ing which they are used, or in case of loss, will be com- pensated for in money. For non-requisitioned ships, the State whose flag they fly must reim- burse the expenses incurred to keep them in good condition, but not any harbor dues and other expenses of anchorage. Merchant ships which because of theu' construction are fit to be converted into warships will be treated as other merchant ships, regardless of Ai-ticle 5 of the Convention. The provisions of this article are applicable also to such mer- chant ships as were requisitioned or seized before the outbreak of the war. Article 29. Merchant ships of the contract- ing parties which have been seized as prizes shall, in case they have been condemned before the signature of the Peace Treaty through a legal decision of a prize court and provided they do not come under the provisions of Articles 28 and 30, be regarded as finally seized. In all other cases they are to be returned or, in so far as they no longer exist, to be compensated for in money. The provisions of paragraph 1 are properly applicable to car- goes seized as prizes belonging to the contracting parties. But goods of nationals of one party which on board ships flying the enemy flag have come into the LEGAL-POLITICAL TEEATY WITH GERMANY. 135 tDalt be§ anbereu Xeilc^ geratcn finb, in atlcn gnlfen ben 53credUi0ten [)eran'8= gegcbcn ober, [o)neit bic^ nidit ntotjitd) ift, in @elb erfctjt inerbcn. ^Irtifet 30. ^anffabrteifdnffe einc^ ftcrtrat3fd)Iie= feenben Jei(e§, bic in nentralcn §obcitg= GCiiHiffern Hon ©treitfrdften bc^ anberen Icilci5 anfgcfararfit, mit 5^cf(f)lQc3 belegt ober derfcnft Unirbcn, finb cbenfo Uiie iif)re ?abnnc3en obnc 9iii(f fid)t nnf entge= genftebenbc ''13rifcnnrteilc jnriicfjugcben obcr, foUieit [ic nid)t nicbr norbnnbcn finb, in (Sklb ,5n erfetjcn; fiir bie Beit big pr ^ittrfgcrbc ober Srfn^Iei[tnng ift (Snt= fdicibigung ,^n gelDdbrcn. Hrtifel 31. .^anffabrteifdnffc, bie nad) ben ^Kx^ tifein 28 big 30 ^nriicfjugeben [tnb, [often [ofort nadi ber ^latififntion beg griebengtiertragg in bem ,Sit[l^an^ u^b in bem ."pnfen, in bent fie fid) befinben, bem glaggenftaat jur 3>erfUgung ge= fteftt mcrben. 5^efinbet fid) ein foldieg @d)iff nm "Jnge ber i^iatififation nuf einer ^leifc, fo mn^ eg nnd) beren Se= enbignng unb nadi V'bfdnmg ber nn bem bejeid)neten S^age Dorbanbenen ?nbnng, fpcitefteng nbcr nad] einem llJonat '^n^^ rildgegeben merben; fiir bie 3^uifrf)enseit ift bie {)0(^fte 3:agegjeitfrQd)t jn Der- giiten. ^at ber ,3ufl^enn eg nid)t angeforbert nmrbe. giir 33er== fd)Ied)terungen ober S5erlufte, bie nac^ ©infteftung ber geinbfeligfeiten bnrd) bag 35erbalten beg riicfgabepfUc^tigen power of the other party, will in all cases be returned to those en- titled to them, or, in so far as this is not possible, be compen- sated for in money. Article 30. Merchant ships of a contract- ing party whicth were stopped, seized, or sunk in neutral territo- rial waters by the forces of the other party, are to be returned together with their cargoes, re- gardless of contrary prize deci- sions, or in so far as they no longer exist, to be compensated for in money. For the time up to their return or payment of compensation, an indemnity is to be granted. Article 31. Merchant ships which, accord- ing to Articles 28-30 are to be returned, shall immediately after the ratification of the peace treaty be placed at the disposal of the State whose flag they fly, in the condition and in the port in which they are at the time. If on the day of the ratification such a ship is engaged in a jour- ney, it must, at the end of such journey and after discharging the cargo on board on the day indi- cated, be returned at the latest within one month; for the inter- val of time, the highest daily freight rate is to be paid. If during the time of the requi- sition, the condition of a ship to be returned in accordance with Article 28 has sustained deteriora- tion exceeding that of ordinary use, adequate indemnification is then to be made. The same ap- plies to a ship to be returned in accordance with Article 30, even in case it was not requisitioned. For depreciations or losses which after the cessation of hostilities have been caused through the 136 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. 2:ci(e^ t)crkigcfu()rt iDorbcn [tub, i[t in alien gitflen (Snt[d)abiginic\ ^u gc- \mhven. tU^ (Sr[a^ [lir ehi nidU inchr Dor f)aubcnc^3 ecfiiff ift ber 93erfaiif\inicrt, bcii cs3 am Jagc ber ^latiftfation bc^ i^riebeneiiiGrtrag^' IiaOeit linirbe, 511 jaMen. ?tU^ (Sutfd)abiginig fiir bic 33cnut3UiiQ t[t bic iibMie ijagc^jeit^ [radit ^u cTitricf}teii. nvtm 32. m^halb met) ber ^Katififation best griebencitiertragg [oil jur :Durd)fuf)rung ber in htn ^^rtifeln 28 big 31 ent= Iialtenen 53eftininuingen eine .S'om= miffion aug je jtuei ^Bertrctern ber t3ertragfd)Iiefeeii ben 3;eile uiib einein neutraien Obmann an einem nod) jn beftimmenben Crte jufninnientreten; mn bie 53e3eid]nung beg ObinannS luirb ber ^^rcifibent beS ©dimeijerifdien 33unbegratg gebeten luerben. 3)ie ."i^'ommtffton t)at ingbefonbere bie i^^rage, ob ini (JinjcIfaHc bie 33or= augfetjung fiir bie Siucfgabe ober ben (Srfalj eineg ed)tf[eg ober [tir bie ^al)' lung einer (Sntfd^cibigung Oorliegen, ju ent[d)ciben unb bie $>obe ber ju Saf){enbcn iBetrilge, nnb jmar in ber 3Sa{)rung beg glaggenftaatg, feft^n:^ [eljen. t)ie iSetriige finb innerbatb eineg 2)?onatg nad) ber geflfeljinig ber 9?egierung beg giaggenftaotg fiir 9ied)= nnng ber iBered)tigten jur S5erfugung ju fteilen. 91 e u n t e g .f{' a p i t e I . Crganifation beg (Spitsber- gen = 31 r d) i p e t g . Hrtifel 33. 5)ie liertragfd)Iief3enben STeilc tnerben barauf bii^^i^ii^fen, ba^ bie auf ber ©pitjbergenfonferens im ^abre 1914 in 3lugftd)t genommene internationale Organifation beg ®pi^bergen*3(rd)ipelg unter (?>)tcid}ftellung ber beiben 3:eile burcbgefiibrt luirb. conduct of the party obligated to return it, indemnification is to be granted in all such cases. The selling value which it would have on the day of the ratifi- cation of the peace treaty is to be paid in compensation for a ship which no longer exists. The usual daily freight rate is to be paid in indemnification for the use of it. Article 32. Immediately after the ratifica- ,tion of the peace treaty and for the execution of the provisions contained in Articles 28-31, a Commission consisting , of two representatives each of the con- tracting parties and a neutral um- pire is to meet in a place still to be determined; for the designation of the umpire, a request to that end will be addressed to the Presi- dent of the Sw^ss Federal Council. It devolves especially upon the Commission to decide whether or not, in each specific case, the con- ditions exist for the return or compensation of a ship or for the payment of an indemnity, and to determine the amount of sums to be paid, namely in the currency of the State whose flag it flies. Within one month after such de- termination, the amounts are to be placed at the disposal of the Government of the State whose flag such ship flies, and to the credit of those entitled thereto. NINTH CHAPTER. organization of the spitzber- gen archipelago. Article 33. The contracting parties will direct their efi^orts to the end that the international organization of the Spitzbergen Archipelago con- templated in the Spitzbergen Con- ference of the year 1914 will be carried out on a footing of equality between the two parties. LEGAL-POLITICAL TBEATY WITH GERMANY. 137 Sn btefcni -B^ucrfc iucrben bie i^Jegte* rungen ber beibcn Jetle bie .^ontgltci) 9'loi1iiegt[d)c Oxegterung bitten, bie f^-ort^ [e^ung ber ©piljbergcufouferens tun= lid)[t balb uad) ^^lbfcf)lufe be^ attgemeinen t^ricbeu!!^ l)erbeijufitf)rcn. 3 e f) n t e « .U' a p i t e I . ® d; I u [5 b c f t i m in u n g e n . Slrtifel 34. !5)iefer SwfnljDcrtrag, ber einen n)e= fenttidjen ^efianbteit bc§ (Vrieben«t>er= tragg bilbet, foH ratifijiert unb bie 9iati== fifation^urfnnben follcn jugleid) mit benOvatififation^urfunben beg Jriebeng- bertragg anggetanfd)t merben. Slrtifet 35. S)er 3iifttljt)ertrag tritt, folDeit barin nid)t ein Slnbereg beftimmt i[t, glcic^^^ jeitig niit bem i^'iicbengtiertrag in traft. Bur Crganjung beg ^ufa^bertragg, ingbcfonbeic juni 5Ibfd)hif3 ber barin borbef)a;;cnen meitcren iBereinbarungen, iDcrben binnen t)icr 2)conaten nad) ber 9?atififation ^ertreter ber bertrag* fc^Iiefeenben 2:eile in 33erlin jnlammen- trcten. ®abei \oli and) bie ^tninenbung ber iBeftimmnngcn beg ^S^faljl^ertragg auf bie bcutfd)en ©djut^gebiete geregelt tDcrben. -Su Urfunb beffen fiaben bie 53eDoIf= mad)tigten biefcn .^ufatjbertrag eigen= f)anbig untergeid}net. 3Iuggefertigt in boppelter Ur[d)rift in 53reft=?itomff 3. Wd^ 1918. 9i. P. .riublmann, 33ufareft 7. 9}Mrs 1918. P. Oiofenbcrg. Apoffmann. .^orn. i8reft=Sitomff ana 3. mav^ 1918. r. COKO.ILUHKOBT.. A. Kapa\aHT>. r. lieTpoiiCKifi. r. lIfl4CpBHT>. To this end, the Governments will request the Royal Norwegian Government to bring about the resumption of the Spitzbergen Conference as soon as possible after the conclusion of the general peace. TENTH CHAPTER. final pkovisions. Article 34. This additional treaty, which forms an essential element of the Peace Treaty, shall be ratified, and the documents of ratification thereof shall be exchanged simul- taneously with the documents of ratification of the Peace Treaty. Article 35. . In so far as it is not stipulated to the contrary therein, the addi- tional treaty goes into force sim- ultaneously with the Peace Treaty. In order to complete the addi- tional treaty, especially with re- gard to the conclusion of further agreements therein reserved, representatives of the contracting parties will meet in Berlin within the four months following the ratification. At the same time the application of the provisions of the additional treaty to the German Protectorates shall be regulated. In witness thereof the Plenipo-' tentiaries have signed this addi- tional treaty with their own hand. Executed in duplicate inBrest- Litovsk, 3 March, 1918. R. V. KUHLMANN, Bucharest, 7 March, 1918. V. Rosenberg. Hoffman. Horn. Brest-Litovsk, 3 March, 1918. r. COKO.ltHHKOBX. A. Kapaxaiii. r. ileTpOBCKJH. r. Mflqepnin,. 11. RUSSIA— GERMANY. NOTIFICATION REGARDING GERMANY'S RATIFICATION OF THE PEACE TREATY WITH RUSSIA AND OF THE TREATY SUPPLEMENTARY TO THE PEACE TREATY, 7 JUNE, 1918. [German text as published in the Reichs- Gesetzblatt, No. 77, 11 Jxme, 1918.] 3)ic t)or[teI)enb abtjcbrucfteii, am 3./7. 9)?ars 1918 in 33rc[t=?itotuff imb 33ufare^t unter^etdjnctcn ^.^crtragc, uam= lid): 1. i^riebengtocrtrag , sn)ifd)en 3^eut[d)lQnb, £)fterreid}-- Ungani, 53ulgarien unb ber 'Jiirfet eincrfeit^ unb ?lln\i' (anb anbcrerfcit^, 2. Deiitf(^-'^uffi[c-^er .8ufa^der= trag ju bem j^-ricben^t»er= trage gluifc^en 3)eut[dilanb, Ofterreid) == Ungarn, 53idga= rien unb bcr ^iirfci cinerfeit^^ unb 9\u^Ianb anbcierfoit^ [inb ratifijiert morben. 3)cr 31u^= taufd) bcr $Ratiftfatton§urfunben ift am 29. aWcirs 1918 in Berlin erfolgt. Serltn, ben 7. 3uni 1918. ®er 9?ei(i^6fanj(er ^n 53ertretung Oon .^iif)lmann 86409—18 10 [Translation.] The treaties printed above^ signed 3/7 March, 1918, in Brest- Litovsk and Bucharest, namely: 1. Peace Treaty between Germany, Austria-Hun- gary, Bulgaria, and Turkey on the one hand, and Russia on the other hand, 2. Russo-German Supple- mentary Treaty to the Peace Treaty between Germany, Austria-Hun- gary, Bulgaria, and Tur- key on the one hand, and Russia on the other hand, have been ratified. The exchange of ratifications was effected on 29 March, 1918, in Berlin. Berlin, 7 June, 1918. The Imperial Chancellor; hy VON KtJHLMANN 139 12. RUSSIA— AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. APPENDIX III TO THE TREATY OF PEACE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE CENTRAL POWERS. SIGNED AT BREST-LITOVSK, 3 MARCH, 1918.1 [Text IT constructed from Appendix II to the Treaty of Peace, with differences as set forth in Slate Department Weekly Reports, Central Powers, No. 40, 8 April, 1918.] In rosfard to the economic relations between Austria-Hungary and Russia the following^ is as^reed upon : 1. The Austro-Hunp;arian-Russian treaty concernmg trade and shipping of 2/1.5 February, 1906, is not renewed. The contracting parties obhgate themselves to commence negotia- tions regarding conclusion of a now commercial treaty as soon as possible after the conclusion of a general peace between Austria- Hungarv on the one part, and the European countries at present at war with her and the United States of America and Japan on the other part. 2. As the basis of the commercial co relationship up to the term mentioned, and in any case up to the thirty-first of December, 1919, shall be considered the regulations contained in the present appendix, which regulations form an integral part of the present peace treaty. Both contracting parties, are, however, entitled to repudiate these regulations beginning from the thirtieth of June, 1919, on condition of giving six months' notice. In case of this right of repudiation being utilized before the thirty-first of December, 1922, then, for a term of three years, reckoning from the date of the cessation of the activity of the stipulations contained in the present appendix, the prmciple of the most favored nation shall be established on the territory of the opposite party, for the subjects, for commercial, industrial and financial companies, including insurance companies, for the produce of agriculture and industries, and for vessels of both contracting parties. The principle of the most favored nation, stipulated in the fore- going regulations, retains force in the event of changes in customs relations in one or both of the contracting countries, as well as any of the separate states constituting part of the same. 3. Furthermore, in the course of this period, Russia will neither prohibit the export of rough and unworked lumber, nor levy export duty on the same, in so far as it is not especially mentioned in number six of the schedule of export duties; neither shall it prohibit the export of, or levy export duty on, ores of all kinds, bones, rags, refuse of all kinds, and rubber waste. 1 Ratifications exchanged at Berlin ,4 July (Neue Freie Presse, 6 July, 1918, morning edition.) 141 142 THE RUSSIAN " PEACE. " 4. Russia shall not claim the advantages which Austria-Hungary will grant to Germany or any other country allied with her by her customs union, and adjoining Austria-Hungary either immediately or through another country" allied with her or with Germany hy customs union. Colonies, outlying possessions and territories under protectorate, in this respect are placed on the same basis as the mother country. Austria-Hungary wiQ not claim the advantages which Russia will grant to another country connected with her by customs union, and adjoining Russia either immediately or through another country allied with her by customs union, or to the Colonies, outlying posses- sions or territories under the protectorate of a country allied with her by customs union. 5. In so far as in neutral countries there are located goods exported from Austria-Hungary or Russia and subject to prohibition of im- port into the territory of the other contracting party either directly or through the intermedium of another country, such limitations as to the disposition of such goods shall be cancelled as regards the contracting parties. Both contracting parties, therefore, obligate themselves to advise immediately the Governn^ents of neutral countries of the above-stated cancellations of the limitations mentioned. 6. Privileges granted by one of the contracting parties during the time of the war to other countries in the form of concessions or other state measures, must be revoked or extended to the opposite party by granting equal rights. 7. In so far as in the tariff appendix A, or elsewhere there are no stipulations to the contrary, the general Russian customs tariff of the 13/26 January, 1903, shall be applied for the whole period of activity of the present provisorium as well as of the most-favored nation treatment granted for both by clause 2. 8. The agreements which existed between Austria-Hungary and Russia on the thirty-first of July, 1914, in regard to Russian sugar remain in force during the time of the present provisorium and during the mutual application of the most-favored nation principle in accordance with clause 2. The regulations contained in the notes exchanged 2/15 February, 1906, regarding fowls and raw animal products must be applied in the same way during the time of this provisorium. 9. The contracting parties are agreed that, with the conclusion of peace, the war terminates also in the field of economy and finance. They engage not to participate either directly or indirectly in ipeas- ures having for their aim the continuance of hostilities in economic or financial spheres, and to hinder such measures within the bounda- ries of the territories of their State by all means in their power. In the course of the intermediate period recpiired for the removal of the consequences of war and for the organization of new relations, the contracting parties obligate themselves not to create in so far as it is possible, any difficulties in the way of the accpiisition of nec- essary goods by introducing high import duties, and they express their willingness to enter immediately into negotiations for the purpose of mamtain'ng and enlarging as far as feasible, the customs exemp- t ions established during: the time of the war. 13. RUSSIA— AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. LEGAL-POLITICAL TREATY SUPPLEMENTARY TO THE TREATY OF PEACE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE CENTRAL POWERS. SIGNED AT BREST-LITOVSK, 3 MARCH, 1918.i [ The German text is composed from the texts published in the Fremden-Blatt (Vienna), 16 March, 1918, and the morning and evening editions of the Pester Lloyd, 16 March, 1918. The preamble and Articles 4 (Paragraphs 1-2, 6-10, 12), 5, 9, and 11, arefrom the Fremden-Blatt; Articles 1,2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, arefrom the Pester Lloyd, morning edition; parts of Article 4 (Paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 11, 13, 14) are from the Pester Lloyd, evening edition.] Saut ?IrttfeI XII bev^ am 3. mm 1918 imterjciifitieten ivnci^cnv^ncrtragc^i jun[(^cn ^eutfttlanb, Oeftcrrcid)4In= garn, 53iilgarieii unb ber Tiirfci cincr^ feit^ unb 5)iitf^(nnb anbcrcrfcites finb ©ie iBettonmciditigtcn Cc[teiTcirii= UnganiS, nctmlid): 91iini[ter be^ 3teufeern 6H'af (E^eniin, !Sotfd]after d. 2)?eret), 93tmifterprafibent Tr. 9iitter ti. ©etblcr, 9)?im[terpra[{bent ^r. SSeferte unb ■Tic 53et)o(fniaditigtcn ber ^iufl'i[d) fobemtben SomjctcircpubU!, ncimlid): bie 9riitg(ieber be^ ,3<^i^ti*ati\re= futtt)aucifd)uffec ber 9intc ber 3{rbeiter^, Solbaten^ unb 58auernbeoutierten ©rtgori ^afoJDtelDitfd) 3ofo(uifoJD unb ?cn) 9}tid)ai(o)r)itfd) .^arad)nn, folnie Translation. '\ According to Article XII of the Treaty of Peace signed on 3 March, 1918, between Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey, on the one hand, and Russia, on the other hand, The plenipotentiaries of Aus- tria-Hungary, to wit: The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Count Czernin, Ambassador v. Merey, President of the Ministry, Dr. Ritter v. Seidler, President of the Ministry, Dr. Wekerle; and The plenipotentiaries of the Russian Federal Soviet Republic, to wit: The Members of the Cen- tral Executive Commit- tee of the Councils of Workingmen's, Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies, Grigory lakovlevich Sokolnikow, and Lew Michailovich Karachan; also Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, 4 July, 1918 {Neue Freie Pressc, G July, 1918, morning edition). 143 144 THE EUSSIAN PEACE.' ber ®ef)ilfc bc§ ^i^oIf^foinmi[far« fiir 3(ueitDartigc ^digelegen^ f)eiteTi ©corgi iTisaffKielnttfcfi ^fcf)itfd}ertn, imb ber 5^oIf^fonimi[far fiir innere Slngclcflcufieitcu ('>h-igori 3lrin= noluitfri) ^13etroti)gfl), iibcrcingefominen, bic ,'perftcnimg ber offciitliriien unb pritmtcii ^)ied)t§besie^ bungcn ben ?(u^tau[d) ber ,firieg^ge= fatigciieu unb ,-8ilnUntcrnicrten, bie 3lmiie[tie[rage fomie bic i^vag,t ber 53e= ftnnbtnng ber in bic (s^ctnalt be^ @egner§ geratcncu 63anbclsfd)i[fc im ^i^erbciltniffe jli)ifd)cn ber ofterreid}ifdi^nngari[dien 9}tonardne, besicbungcinicil'e Cefterreid) unb llngnrn eincrkitji unb 9iuBlanb nnbcrerfeit^ unnersiigUd) ju rcgcin unb SU biefem ,8itiecfe eincn ,8ufatjnertrag ju bent griebcngnertrage ab^ufd)Ucfeen. Slrtifel 1. 53eibc S^eite DerpfUd)ten [ic^ gur (Srfaljieiftnng [iir allc ^cbciben, bic ben biplomatifdicn unb .f onfniarbcnnitcn be^ anberen 2:ci{c^ ;;ugcfitgt ober an iciiicn 53otfdia[tcs= unb X{onfulQt^^ge= bciubcn angcrid)tct morbcn finb. ?Irtifcl 2. T)ie oumnten, bie ber cine Jeif in ben Pon if}ni offupierten ©eliietcn in (^•orni Pon ©ct}a(ten nfft). an ^^^en[io= niften, SSitlnen nUn. bz^ anberen "Xdk?- autigc^al)It ()at, Uierbcn crfebt. 5Irtifc! 3. rie 3>crtrage, ^Ibfomnien unb 53cr- einbarnngen, bie Por ber .S'riegg= erflcirung in ,ffra[t gelnefen finb, trcten micber in .ft raft; fonunt fie fiir cine bcftinnntc 8eit unfiinbbar finb, mirb biefe nni bic .\?riegSbaner Pcrlfingcrt. ^inncn fedi^ 9Jionaten fonncn beibe 2'ei(e bie 3?ertragc ober bercn S'in^ct^ beftinnnungen mittcitcn, bic nad) ibrer 9(uffaffung mil ben mcibrenb beei .f?riege6 The Assistant of the Peo- ple's Commissioner for Foreign Affairs, Georgi Vassilievich Tchitche- rin; and The People's Commission- er for Internal Affairs, Grigory Ivanovich Pe- trovsky, have agreed to regulate immedi- ately the establishment of public and private legal relations, the exchange of war prisoners and of interned civilians, the question of amnesty and the matter of treat- ment of merchant vessels that have come into the power of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy,that is to say, Austria and Hungary on the one hand, and Russia on the other hand, and to this end to conclutle a supplementary treaty to the Peace Treaty. Article 1. Both contracting parties pledge themselves to indemnify all dam- ages that may have been occa- sioned to the diplomatic and con- sular officials of the otlier party, or to their embassies and con- sulates. Article 2. Amounts that one party has expended within the territories occupied by such party under the denomination of salaries, etc., granted to the pensioners, widows, etc., will be refunded. Article 3. All treaties, agreements, and conventions that were in force before the declaration of war, will again go into force; in so far as they can not be denounced for a fixed period, they will be ex- tended to cover the period of the war. Within a period of six months either party may com- municate to the other party the text of the treaties, or their LEGAL-POLITICAL TREATY WITH AUSTRIA-HUNGAEY. 145 eingctretencii iuu'anbcrungeii Im SSte- berfprud) ftel)eu. Tk notigen neuen !iBcrtvdgc foKcn bhmeii fed)^ 9[)tonatcn aueigcnrbcitct Uierbcn. 2A>cnn fie binncu brei ^Iltouatcu nirfit ^iiftanbc fomnien, ftebt CiJ jebcin Xciie [rci, don beii S3ertrng^faeftimmimgeii yirilcf^iitrcten, bie er fcfion liorber naml)a[t gemadit bat. 5IrtifeI 4. ©elbforberungen, beren ^Seja^Iung im ?aufc be^ .ft'riegc^ auf ©ruiib einer mtt 9tu(jfid)t auf ben .ft'rieg^^uftanb getrof= fenen ^^cftimmung berlneigcrt ittcrbcn fonritc, braud}en iud)t Dor ?(blauf oon [ed)g SDIonatcii nad) bcr 9iatififation bc^ gricbeivSibertragcg bc5al)lt gu iDcrbcn. ®ie [inb Don bcr ur[prunglid)en (Vanig^ fett an fiir bic !Dauer beg .^riegeS unb bcr aufd)(ic{5enben fed)g 9JJonate o^ne 9iu(f= fid)t auf 3af)fung5Dcrbote unb 9}iora= torien mit fiinf Dom §unbert fiir bag 3ai)r su Dcrginfen; big pr urfpriingli= d)en (^adigfeit finb gegebenenfallg bic Dcrtraggmti^igcn 3ii^[c" S^i jablen. !3)ie Dertragfd)(ie^enben Xeilc bcbalten fid) Dor, ndfiere 33eftintniungen auf bem ©cbiete beg 2Bed)feI=- unb ©d)C(Jrcd)tcg fotoie ber 33alutagefd)dftc ju Derein^ baren. giir bie ^^Ibmicflung ber ?(u^cnftanbe unb fonftigen priDatred)tlicbcn iKer= binblid)feiten finb bie ftaat(id) ancr= faunten ©(aubigerfdjul^Derbdnbe jur 33erfolgung ber ','(nfprlid)e ber ibuen angefd][offeucn naturlidjeu nub iurifti= fd)eu ''^erfonen alg beren 33eDoIlmad)= tigte U3cd)fc(feitig anjuerfennen unb jupfaffen. ©ic 53eftimmungen biefcg Hcberein= fommeng finben auf ben ilisertpapier= Derfebr, fomie auf 35erpflid)tungen aug 3nf)abcrpapieren feinc Jlmnenbung; bie separate provisions, which, in its judgment, are incompatible with the changes that have arisen during tlie war. The new treaties sliall be drawn up witliin a period of six months. If tiiey have not been completed within a period of three montlis, botli parties are entitled to cancel the treaty pro- visions which it has already published. Article 4. Pecuniary claims whose pay- ment could be refused in the course of the war by virtue of a provision made as a result of the state of war need not be paid before the expiration of six months after the ratification of the treaty of peace. Regardless of moratoriums and ordinances prohibiting payment, they are payable with interest at 5% per annum, from the original date when payment was due, for the duration of the war and the ad- ditional six months; in case in- terest was stipulated up to the time w^hen payment was due, such interest, in the given case, must be paid. The contracting parties reserve the right to mak(^ further ar- rangements relative to legislation on drafts and cheques, as well as on financial transactions. For the liquidation of out- standing drbts and other obliga- tions pertaining to private law, the national recognized associa- tions for the protection of credi- tors are to bo recognized and admitted as reciprocally empow- ered agents for the prosecution of the claims of natural and juridical persons associated with them. The provisions of this agree- ment do not apply to paper se- curities nor to obligations of holders of notes payable to bearer, because the regulation of the 146 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. 9?egelung ber f)iebci in 93ctra(^t fom= mcnben t'jragen btcibt ciuer befonbe^ ten 9?ereinbarung norbcbaltcn. SBegeii Crbnitng bcr gcgeiifettigen ftaatlidien 5?crbinbUd)fcltcn au& bcm bffcntUrf)cn Sctiilbciibicnfte, [erner au« ?lbred]nungcn bcr (Sifenbnbn^, fo\U unb -telcgrapbcnticminltuugen unb ber= gleidicn incrbcn bic Dcrtragfdilic^enben ^Qxk [id) in befonbcrcn *?lfbonimen t)er= ftcinbigcn. 3)ic t)ertrag[d)Iicf3enbcn S'eile finb baiilber einig, bafe t)orbcf)aIt{idi ber 53e[tinnnungcn bee; 'i^nnfteS 6 llrbc= berrcd)te nnb gemerblidic ©diut?red)te, ^onjef[ionen nnb 'i^ritiilcgicn folnic abn=" lidie 3lnfpiild)c auf offentUd)=rcd)ttid)cr ©rnnbtage, bic bnrcb ini £'ricgc ge^ troffcne 33eftinnnnngcn bccintrilditigt inorben finb, uncberbcrge[tc(lt n)erben. ®cm Sercditigtcn inerben bie Hon ibm fiir bie ^cit bcr Gntjicbniuj ber 5ted)te ge[d)ulbcten (^^cbiUjrcn crtaffen obcr, \a{i& er fie bcrcit^ bc:,nb(t bat, jnri:d= erftattct; bat ber ©taat au^ ber 53eniit5ung ber 9icd)tc bnrd) ©ritte SBermogcnSDortcile gejogcn, n3eld)e bie ©ebubrcn liber[teigcn, fo i[t bent S3c= red)tigtcn ber 9.)(ef)rbetrag bcrau«p= gebcn. ©omcit bcr Gtaat 9fed)tc, bie ibm iibcrcignet Vuorbcn finb, bcniitjt bat, ift ber ^Bcrcditigtc angcnicffcn jn ent= fdiabigen. 3eber iicrtragfd)Iic^cnbe Jcit nnrb ben 3Ingcborigen bei? anberen S^cile-^, bie auei Stnlaf] be^ ."ilriege^ einc gc[c^Iid)e grift fiir bic 5>ornabnic ciner jnr 39c== griinbung obcr Grbaltung einctS gcnicrb= lid)en ©diutjrccbtcd erforber(id)en §anb= lung Derfaunit baben, nnbcfdiabet Wioip erin'orbener 9icd)te ©ritter, [lir bie 5^adVboIung bcr 65anblnng cine j^rift toon minbeflen^ cinem ^ab^'c nad) ber 9vatififation bcS gricbenSbertrage^ ge= iDcibren. ©elncrbtidje (isd)ntjrcd)tc ber 3Ingcborigen be§ einen 'Xt'ik^ follcn in ben (^)ebietcn be^ anbcrcn Xdk^ megen questions arising in this respect is reserved for a special agree- ment. As regards the settlement of the national obligations of the two Governments arising from the public debt, and from the accounts of the railway, postal, and telegraph administrations, etc., the contracting parties will come to an understanding in special agreement. The contracting parties are agreed that under reservation of the provisions of paragraph 6, copyright and industrial patents, concessions and privileges, as well as other similar claims on the basis of the principles of public law, that have been af- fected by provisions made during the war, shall again be put. into force. Rightful claimants shall be exempted from paying dues for the period during which their rights were withheld from them, or, in case such dues have already been paid, they will be returned. If the State has derived property advantages from the fact that third parties have enjoyed said rights, and if the said property advantages exceed the dues in value, the surplus shall be paid to the rightful claimant. In so far as the State has enjoyed rights which were assigned to it, the rightful claimant shall be justly indemnified. Each contracting party shall grant to the nationals of the other party, who because of the war have failed to observe a period stipulated for taking ac- tion relative to the acquisition or retention of an industrial patent, a period of at least one year after the ratification of the Treaty of Peace for taking such action, without prejudice to the lawfully acquired rights of third parties. Industrial patent rights of the nationals of either party sliall not lapse in the territory of LEGAL-POLITICAL TREATY WITH AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. 147 DlicfitauMtiung nidit Dor SIblauf bon Dicr 3'fif)i"cu nad) ber 9?atififatiou toerfaflen. S)ie ^Bci'timmung iiber bie 2^Bieber== ftcrftcKunfl ber ^]?rit)atrcd)tc finbct auf Jlou,5cffioucu unb ^^^riiiilcgien [oiwie af)nlid)e 5lnfpiiid)e au[ o[fcntIid)^rcd)t= Iid)cr @riinb(age feiiic ^IriUienbung, foiueit biefe auf @runb eincr fiir atk ?atibee!etnniofiner unb [iir a\k dicd)tt bcv gleiri]cn ?lrt geltenbcn ©efeljgcbung tti^mifdjcu abgefdiafft ober Horn ©taate x)bcr Don ©emeinben iibernoinmen tiior= ben I'tnb unb in beren ^efitj nerbkiben; in bicfen giilten rcgelt fid) bie (Snt= fdjiibtgung bee i8ercd)tigtcn nad) ben 33cftinnnungen be^ ?(rtifeK^ 5, 5Ibfalj 1. 3)ie t»ertragfd)tie^enben Xeile bebalten fid) nor, tuegen ber ^l^riorititt genierb= iid)cr ©d)ul5red)te befonbere ^eftim* mungen ju-ttereinbareu. (^Vlber unb SBertpapiere, bie fid) bei einer jentralen -.^interfagung^^ftclle, €inem offcntlic^en TTreubcinber ober einer fonftigcn ftaattid) beauftragten ^SammelfteHe befinben, finb binnen brei iDlonaten nad) ber 9iatififation beg i^rieben^oertrage^ bein 'Sered)tigtcn jur 5?erfugung ju ftcHen; mit ben (Melbern finb ^iiifcn i-^on tiicr Pom ipiw^i^ci't feit ber (Sinjal)Iuug bei ber ©amnielfteUe, mit ben SSertpapieren finb bie einge= ^ogcnen ,3iiifen unb ^kininnanteite f)erau§jugeben. !Die Ji'iften fiir bie S3eriaf)rung Pon ;)ied)ten follen in ben (^)ebietcn iebcS ber Pertragfd)Iiefeenbcn Xeiie gcgeniiber ben Slngcborigen beg anberen JeileS, fall^ biefe griften jur 3eit beg £'riegoaug= brud)eg nod) nid)t abgelauf^^n irtaren, frlibefteng ein ^atjv nad) ber 9iatififa= tion beg t^ricbengpertrageg ablaufen. 3)ag g(eid)e gilt Pon ben j^-riften jur ^orlegung Pon 3i^^^fct)eii^cn unb @e= n'tinnantcilfd)einen fomie oon augge^^ (often ober fonft jat)tbar gclDorbenen iEBertpapieren. the other party until the expi- ration of four years after the ratifi- cation. The provision relative to the restoration of rights of private individuals shall not affect con- cessions and privileges nor similar demands involving public law, in so far as such rights have been abolished by legislation covering all inhabitants and all rights pertaining to them, or in so far as these rights have been assumed by the State or by the commune and remain in possession of the latter; in this case the indemnity of the rightful claimant shall be judged according to the provi- sions of Article 5, Paragraph 1. The contracting parties reserve the right to make special pro- visions with regard to the pri- ority of industrial patent rights. Currency and paper securities, which are in the hands of a central depositing institution, a guaran- tor, or some other similar institu- tion designated by the State for that purpose, shall within three months after the ratification of the Peace Treaty be placed at the disposal of the rightful claim- ant; together with the said cur- rency, interest at the rate of 4%, computed from the time of de- posit in the institution, shall be paid; the securities are to be ac- companied by the interest which is due on them and tlie dividends. Vv^ithin the territory of each contractmg party the periods for the prescription of riglits, in so far as concerns the nationals of the other party, shall expire, not earlier than one year after the ratification of the peace treaty, in case they had not already lapsed before the war. The same prmciple applies to the periods for the presentation of interest certificates or dividend certifi- cates, as well as to securities re- deemed or that have become payable. 148 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. S)ie SSiebereinfe^ung in ben t)ori8cit ®tanb i[t ju bemidigeii, it)cnn ber ©(aubiger infolgc be^ .^riegc^ eine ,^'Iagcfri[t nid)t einlialten fonnte, ober iDcnu ber !s8ef(agte infolgc bcr 35er=^ Fchr^unterbred)ung aufjerftanbc wax, fid) in bem 23erfaf)ren gc[)orig oertreten Su laffen. llcber bie Xcitigfeit ber ©tellcn, bie anf ©rnnb einer niit 9?iicfficbt auf ben .flrieg^suftanb er!affencn iBeftim= ninng niit ber 53cau[fid)tigung, 33er:= inabrung, S^ertnaltung ober Viquibation Don 3?crmogenggegenftanbcn ober ber ^(nnalime Don ^iWungen bcfafet iDorben finb, in^befonbere iiber bie Ginnabmen unb^ 5(n^gaben, ift ben 53ered)tigten nuf 53erlangen unoeriuglidi '.^(u^funft ju erteilen. (Srfat^^anfprird)c Uiegen ber 2;atigfeit biefer ®tellen ober tucgen ber auf ibre !i?eranla[[ung oorgenonimenen .'panblungcn fonnen nur genidf? ben 53eftinunungen hcQ %vt[fcU 5, ^Ibfalj 1, geltenb gemad)t merben. ©olneit bie ncraufterten ii^ermogeni^gcgcnftanbe auf CMruub einer fur ade l'anbc£(ein= inobner uub fiir alle ©egenftanbc ber g(eid)en 5lrt geltenben (>3efeljgeuung injnnfdjen t)oni Staate ober Don ©e= nieinben iibernonmien inorbcn finb unb in bereu 53efitj Derbleiben, regelt fid) bie (Sntfd)abigung be^ $^ered)tigten nnd) ben il^cftinnnungen beS ?(rtifelci 5, 5(bfalj 1; audi faun bei einer SSieberaufbcbnng ber llcbcrnabme ber ini oorbergebenben 'Hbfatje oorgefcf)ene i^lutrag auf 9iud= gclutibrung innerbalb einc^^ ocibred nad) ber SBieberaufI)efaung geftedt merbcn. Die bcauffid)tigen, ncriunbrten ober licr\r>a(tctcn il^ernibgenjfgegcnftanbe finb auf i^cr(angeu be^ ^cred)tigtcn uuDer^ .^^iigtid) frei',ugcben: bi^ ',ur Uebernabmc burd) bcu 53ereditigten ift fiir cine iJ.Bab^ rung feiner 3ntereffeu ju forgen. The resumption of the previous status is to be consented to when, in consequence of the war the creditor was unable to stay, the period granted to enter com- plaint, or else when the defendant was prevented, by an interrup- tion of the communications, from having himself properly repre- sented in the proceedings relative thereto. Information concerning the activity of the institutions which' on tlie basis of a provision of the na- ture specified in Paragraph 1 , have been entrusted with the supervi- sion, safe-guarding, admmistra- tion, or liquidation of properties or -with the acceptance of pay ments, and information concen in the proceeds and expenses, is to ])e freely given to rightful claimants on demand. Demar^ds for indemnity arising out of the activity of these institutions, or transactions made under its direc- tion, may only be presented in accordance witli the stipulations of Article 5, Paragrapli 1. In so far as alienated property has been taken over by the State or by tlie commune, on the basis of legisla- tion affecting all inhabitants and all chattels of the same category, and remains in the possession of the State or commune, the indem- nity of the rightful claimants is to be computed on the basis of the pro- visions of Article 5, Paragrapli 1 ; furthermore, in case of annulment of the assumption, the petition for the return of the property pro- vided for in the preceding section, may be made witliin one year after the said annulment. The supervised, safe-guarded, or administered properties are, upon the demand of the rightful claimant, to be released immedi- ately; until the transfer to the person entitled thereto has been effected, the safe-guarding of his interests is to be attended to. LEGAL-POLITICAL TEEATY WITH AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. 149 (^^runbftiicfc obcr ?\lc(bk nil eineni (''^nmbftucf, iScrc|ii3crf^gcrcd)tfame fo= luie ^}icditc niif bie 33eiuit}unfl ober ':Hu^= beutiiug Don (?>kunbftu(fen, Unternel)= imiugcn ober 33cteiUc\iingcn an etiieni Untcrnelinien, tn^bcfoiiberc ?{fticn, bie tterauBcrt ober bcm 53ereditigtcii fonft burdi S^uti^fl entjogcii morben [inb, foKen bent friificrcn ^Bereditlgteu nuf cincn inncrlinlb einei^ ^'snhrc«3 nadi bcr 9iati[ifntion bee! (vriebcnt^oertrngee! ju [tcUenbcn Jtntrng gegcn ^lucfgeninhning ber ibnt nuiS ber Ssernufeernng ober C^ntsiebung cttna crmariifenben ilsortcile frci Hon alien in'5n)ifdien bcgrilnbeten Sicditcn fritter nnebcr iibertragen Uierben. 3lrttfel 5. 3^)ie nertragfdiliefeenben Teile finb baniber etnig, ha^y ben beiberfeitigen ?(ngeborigen bie Sdiaben erfeljt nierben, bie fie info'ge cin.er au^^ 9iu(f[id)t nnf ben ,Rtiege!jnftanb erla[|"enen 33efttm= mung burd) bie ,;ieitnieilige ober bancrnbe (5ntjiebung Don Urbeberreditcn, gemerb= Iid)en 'Sdinljrcditcn, .Q on^^eff ionen, i^ri- liilegicn nnb nbnlid)en '?{ni'priid)cn ober bnrdi bie 3^eauf|"tditigung, i^erinabrnng, S3ermattung ober !!iseranf>crnng oon 3?ermbgen^gegenftanben eriitten baben, fotoeit ber Sdinben nidit burd) J^ieber= einfetjung in ben foreign ®tnnb erefljt mirb. T'k^S gilt and) Hon ?lftiondren, bie niegen ibrer (Sigenfdiaft ah$ feinbliri]e ?Iueilanber Don einem ^ejng^redit au^= gcfd)fol"[en morben [inb. ,Bur geftftcnnng ber ^u erfet^enben ©d)abcn foH a(dba[b nad) ber 9?atififa= tion be§ ^-riebenvjiiertrage^ an eineni ju beftiininenben Crte cine ^^'oinniiffion gnfaminentreten, bie ,^n je einem T'rittel an§ 5>ertreteni ber beiben Xeile nnb nu^ neutralen 9JHtg(iebern gebilbet Uiirb; nm bie 53e^eicbnung ber neutralen 9}tit= gfieber, barnnter bee( i^orfiljenben, luirb ber ^13rafibent hc^? fdimei^crifdien i8un^ be^rate^ gebeten Uierben. S)ie ,^?oin= niifi'ion [tettt bie fiir ibre (£ntfd)eibun= Parcels of land or rights to a parcel of land, mining privileges as well as rights to the use or the exploitation of parcels of land, enterprises or participation in an enterprise, especially shares which have been affected or forcibly taken from the person entitled thereto, shall be returned to the former owner upon a claim to that end made within one year after the ratification of the peace treaty, by deducting any profit that may have accrued to him as a result of the said alienation or subtraction, and shall be ex- empt from all rights established in the interval by third parties. Article 5. The contracting parties are agreed that the nationals of both parties are to be indemni- fied for the damages which they have suffered in consequence of decrees issued on account of the war with respect to temporary or permanent withdrawal of copy-, rights, industrial patent rights, concessions, privileges, and simi- lar rights, or relative to supervi- sion, safe-guarding, administra- tion, or alienation of proj^erty, in so far as reparation does not in- volve restoration to the former condition. Similarly for stock- holders who because of their status as enemy aliens were ex- cluded from rights of financial transactions. For the purpose of determining the amount of damages, a com- mission shall me&t immediately after the ratification of the Peace Treaty, at a place to be decided upon later, which is to consist of one third each of representatives of both contracting parties and of neutral members; the President of the Swiss Confederation shall be requested to name the neutral- members, among them the chair- rhan. The commission shall formu- 150 THE KUSSIAN PEACE.' Oen mn^oebenben ©runbfa^c auf; aud) ^rlitfit t'te bie ^ur (Srlebigung ihrer 5111?== gaben er[orb(irf)e O'^efcbcift^orbiumg unb bic iBeftimnuuigeti ilbcr bai^ bnbci ein:;u= fcf)(rtgcnbc 3?crrabren. ^t)vc (gntirfiei- buugen crfolgen in Unterfomniiffioucn, bie au^ je einem Ssertreter bcr bcibeii Zcik unb einem neutrnkn Cbmnnne gcbilbet merbcu. 1)k Hon ben Unter^ fomniifftoncn fcftgcfteHten i^ctmge finb tnnerbafb cine^^ 'S)}tonat^3 nad] ber (veft- [tettung ^u bc^abten. ;leber Dcrtrng= fditie^cnbe Teil )uirb bie 130U ibni in feinen (^ebieten bei 3lngebbrigen be^ anberen "Xe'iki angeforberten C^^egcn- [tctnbe, [otucit bie^3 nod) nid)t ge[d)ebcn t[t, unt)er,5iigUd) besabten. . ^3egen ber 9xegelung ber (Snt- [diiibignng \nv [oldie 5$ennbgen^n3ertc bon 5{ngcbbrigcn be<3 cincn Jeilei?, b'e — abgcfebcn Don ben ini ^l?unft 4, ?lb[a^ 3, unb Tnmft 7, m\a\i 3 be>? Strtifet^ 4 bc^eidineten Jiilfen — im ©cbiete be5 anberen Teiie<^ ohne auj!= reidienben (Srfate enteiguct morben finb, bfeibt eine befoubere iscrciubnrung t)orbebaIten. late the rules governing its own decisions; it shall also determine the order of its business and the provisions relative to its pro- ceedings. Its decisions are to be rendered in sub-commissions which shall be formed of one representative each of the con- tracting parties and a neutral umpire. The amounts deter- mined bj the sub-commissions shall be paid within one month after their determination. Each contracting party shall pay with- out delay for articles which in its own territory it requisitioned from nationals of the other party. With respect to the payment of indemnity for property of na- tionals of one of the parties, which was requisitioned in the territories of the other party without sufficient reason, except- ing in cases foreseen by Article 4, Section 3, Paragraph 4, and Section 3, Paragraph 7,^ a special agreement is reserved. ^Trtifel 6. lleber ben im ?lrtifel VI beg grie= ben^tiertrageg norgefebcncn ^hi^taufd) ber .^i^riegeigefangencn tuerbcn bie nad}= [tcbenben 53cftimmungen getroffen: 1. T)k beiberfeitigen .Tfrieg^gefange^ nen irterben, [oU)eit [ie nid)t im ©ebiete beg ?lufcntbnltg[taatcg ju bleibcn ober fid) in ein anbereg ?anb ju begeben n3Unfrf)en, mit afkr 33efd)Icunigung in it}r .spcimatlanb entlaffen lucrben. !Dcr bereitg im ©auge be[tnblid)e ?Iugtaui'd) oeruniubeter nub fraufer .^ricgggcfangcneu mirb mbg(id)ft be= [d)(eunigt merbcu. 9iufelanb Uiirb auf [einem ®ebiete b[terrcid)i[d)=ungari[d)e Jl'ommi[[ioncn sum 3>^^ede i^ei" 5iii*[orge [lir b[ter= reid)i[d)=ungari[d)e .Uriegggcfangene su= Ia[[en unb nad) .fttiiften untcr[tiUjen. Article 6. Concerning the exchange of prisoners of war foreseen in Arti- cle VI of the Treaty of Peace, the following provisions are adopted: 1. Prisoners of war on each side are, provided they do not elect to remain in the country of their present sojourn or to be- take themselves to another coun- try, to be returned to their own country with all possible dis- patch. Exchange of wounded and sick prisoners of war already under way is to be expedited as much as possible. Russia is to admit to its ter- ritory and assist to the utmost the Austro-Hungarian Commis- sion for the care of Austro- Hungarian prisoners of war. 1 This division is not made in excerpt referred to above, pp. 145-149. LEGAL-POLITICAL TREATY WITH AUSTRLA.-HUNGARY. 151 3)ic .Soften ber 53eforbcrung ber ^riegggefangenen big jur @rcnjuber=^ gabeftation^ tragt ber ^Btaat, ber bie ^ricgSgefangcneu juriicfgibt. 2. 53ci ber (Sutlnffung er{)altcn bie ^riegSgefangenen bag if)nen Don ben 33e{)orben beg 5{ufcntf)attg[taateg abge= nommcne "il^rinateigentum folnie ben nod) nicf)t augbe^nl)Itcn obcr Derredjneten Sletl i^rer ^ejiige obcr ibreg 3trbeitg= berbicnfteg; biefe 3?erpf[id)tung bejiebt fid) nid)t auf ©d)rift[tude militarifd)en 3nf)altg. 3. (Sine aug 33ertretern ber beiben Xtik ju bilbenbc .ftommiffion foil algbalb nad) Hnterjctd)mmg beg %vk= bengDertrageg an eineni ju beftimmenben Ort juftammentrcten, um bie @ingel= beiten beg 3(ugtaufd)eg feftjufe^en. 4. 3)ie nad) bblferre(^tlid)en ®runb== fa^en ju erftattenben 3hifit)enbungen [iir bie beiberfeitigen .f riegggefaiigenen n)er= ben im ^inb(id auf bie ®e[angenen= 3ablen gegeneinanber aufgerec^net. Slrtifel 7. lleber bie ^eimfebr ber beiberfeitigen 3it)ifcingeborigen tucrben bie nad)[te= benben 33e[timnmngen getroffen: 1. !l)ie beiberfeitigen internierten ober Derfcbidten ^i^i^angebbrigcn ir)cr= ben, folnctt fie nidit in ben ©ebieten beg 2lufentba(tgftaateg ju bleiben ober fid) in ein anbereg ?anb ju begebcn h)iinfd)en, mit alkr 33efd)Iennignng unentgeltUd) beimbefbrbert tDcrben. 3)ie in '^etergbnrg ilber bie .^eini= fcbr ber beiberfeitigen ,3i^ilai^8ff)bi'i9en getroffenen 5>ereinbarnngen iDcrben mit moglid)fter 53efd)Ieunigung burd)geflibrt merben. 3)ie im Hrtifel 6, "ipunft 3, ermabnte ,f ommiffion fod bie bei ben 55erbanb= lungen in 'iPetergburg offen gebliebenen gragen regeln. The cost of conveying prisoners of war to frontier stations shall fall on the State returning the prisoners. 2. Upon their release, prisoners of war shall receive the private propert}^ taken from them by the authorities of the State where they are now held, as well as the part of their earnings not yet paid or the part still credited to them; this obligation does not refer to written documents of a military content. 3. A commission composed of representatives of both parties shall meet immediately after the ratification of the Treaty of Peace, in a place still to be determined to arrange the details of the exchange. 4. Expenses to be refunded ac- cording to tlie principles of inter- national law for expenses in- curred by either State in the care of prisoners of war are to be bal- anced in proportion to the num- ber of prisoners. Article 7. Concerning the repatriation of civilian nationals of either party, the following provisions are adopted: 1 . Interned or deported civilian nationals of either party are, pro- vided they do not elect to remain in the country of their present sojourn or betake themselves to another country, to be returned to their own country with all dis- patch and without expense to themselves. The agreements reached in Petrograd anent the mutual repatriation of civilian nationals are to be carried out with due dispatch. Questions left undecided in the conference in Petrograd shaU be settled by the commission pro- vided for in Article 6, Paragraph 3. 1 p. L. has ©renjUbergabaftotton. XO^i Tiii^ JiUSttlAJSl PEACE. 2. 5)ie 3(ugcf)origen be^ cineti ber t)ertragfd)Ucfeeuben Xdk, bic bei .ffneg^= augbrudi in btn ©ebieteii be^ anberen Xdk^ if)rcn SBobnfi^ ober eine ge= tDcrblicbe obcr .^atibel^nicberlaffung i)at= ten unb fid) nid)t in bie[en ('>5cbieten auf= fatten, fonnen bortbin jurudfcbren, fo= batb fid) bcr anberc Jeil nid)t inef)r im tricg^^uftanbc bcftnbet. 3)ic 5iiid= fcbr barf nnr au^S ©ninben bcr inneren obcr iniBcrcn ®id)erbeit be^ ©taateg licrfagt iDcrbcn. %U Slu^mei^ geniigt ein Hon hen 33e' f)orben be^3 >!pciinate!)'taated au^geftcHter 'it^afj, monad) bcr 3n^aber ^u ben im iior= bcrgebcnben ?lb[al? be',cid)nctcn ^|^cr== foncn gcbbrt; ein ©iditDcrnicrf au[ bcm ■ilJafe i[t nid)t crforberlid). 3. ®ie '^Ingebbrigen jebc^ bcr Der= trag[d)licfecnben Xeife foUcn in ben ©cbietcn bee! anberen 2;ei(c^ fiir bie ,3cit, mat)renb beren bort ibr ©emerbe^ unb ipanbc(^betricb ober i()rc fonftige Grmcrb^tiitigfcit infolge be^ .friegci^ gerut)t bat, fcincrtei '^hiflagcn, ?(bgaben, ©teuern ober ©ebtlbren [iir ben @e=^ lnerbe= obcr ipanbelcsbetricb ober bic fonftigc (Srmerbc*tdtigfcit unterliegcn. 33etragc, bie bicr'iad) nid)t gcfdnilbct tDcrben, ober bereit^ crf)oben finb, follcn binnen [ed)^ 9}Jonaten nad) ber Ovatififa^ tion beg Jrieben^Dcrtragce! juruder[tat= tet roerben. 3(uf v^anbe(g= ober fonftigc (Srmerb^ gefeUfdiaftcn, an benen 3Ingebbrigc be^ eincn Xeite^ al^ (^^efcftfdiaftcr, '^Iftio^ nilrc ober in fonftiger ifficife beteitigt finb nub beren 53etrieb in ben (^-^cbieten beS anberen -Tcile^ infofge be^ .^ric- ge<^ gernl)t bat, finben bie 33cftin:mun= gen be^ Dorbcrgcbcnbcn ^(bfatjec' ent^ fpredjenbe 2huucnbnng. ?lrtifel 8. "Die ©rabftcitten ber gegenfcitigen ^cercSangebbrigen iDcrben gcaditet nnb unterf)a(ten. 't)ie ncitiere ^icgelung bie= 2. Nationals of the one con- tracting party who at the out- break of the war had their domi- cile in the territories of the other party or who, though non-resi- dent, had employment or a com- mercial establishment there may return thither, as soon as the other contractmg party is no longer in a state of war. Such return may be denied only on grounds of the internal or ex- ternal security of the State. As identification a passport issued by authorities of the home State, showing the holder thereof to be the person specified, will suffice ; it willnot require a vise. 3. Nationals of each contract- ing party shall, withm the terri- tories of the otlier party and for the time during which their em- ployment, or commercial enter- prises, or any other of their in- dustrial activities has elapsed, in consequence of the war, not be subject to any kind of assess- ments, rates, taxes, or dues for their employment, commercial enterprises, or otlier industrial activity. Amounts whicli, iti con- sequence, are not owed, but have already been levied, sliall be re- imbursed withm six months after the ratification of the peace treaty. The provisions of tlie preceding paragraph are similarly applicable to commercial and otlier industrial companies in which nationals of tlie one party are interested as associates, share-holders, or in any other manner, and whose en- terprise within the territory of the other party has ceased in con- sequence of the war. Article 8. Graves of combatants of either army are to be held inviolate and cared for. The more detailed con- tractual settlement of this matter LEGAL-POLITICAL TREATY WITH AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. 153 fer '?(i!ge(egeii()cit obliegt ciner ba\h einsufetjenbcn gcinifditcn unb !Spe5inI' fomniiffion. 5(rttfel 9. reu ?lngc{)oriGcn jebc^^ ticrtrag= tdi(ict]cnbcu Xeilc^, bic nu^3 ben i^k^ bietcii beg aiibcrcn Tei(c?beric3en ®taat^3- ticrbanbe erba(ten. ?(ud) foU i^r fttrift^ Ud)cr ober nulnblid)cr S3erfe()r nut ben biploumtifdien unb fonfularifdien 3?crirctern be^ ®taniniIanbeS in feincr 25ci|e gebinbcrt ober crfdnuert inerben. Tic ^liicfluanbcrer [oUcn [lir bic i^nen ittabrenb beS .^riegc^ luegen ibrer ?lbftammung ^ugefiigten Unbilbcn cine biHige (Sntfd)abignng erbaftcn unb burd) bie 2(iiStibung be§ ?)iiirfn>nnberungg= recites fc.nerici t»crmbgcngrcd)tUd)e 9^a(f)teUc crieiben. -2ie foKen befugt fein, i\)X i^cnnbgen ^u Uquibiercn unb ben (grlo^ fomie ibre fonftigc bemcglidje ^nbc mit^unebnten: [erner biirfcn fie ibrc ^T?ad)tt)ertmge untcu (Sinbaltung einer J^rift l3on fediS 'il^tonaten fttnbigen, obne ha% ber 3>crpad)tci- megcn lior= ^eitiger 3lu[(b[nng beg 'l^nd^tttertrngeS ©c^abcner[a^an[prud)e geltenb niad)en fann. Strtifel 10. 3cber licrtrag[d](ieBcnbe 'Jeit gelnabrt t)o(Ie ©trnffrcibeit ben bem anbcren Jeile angcbbrenben .frieg^gefangenen unb [einen interniertcn ober oeri'dncften 3it)ifcingebbrigen [iir alle Don ibnen begnngenen geriditlidi ober bifjipUnarifdi ftrafbarcn §anb(ungen. ^Itm <2tra[= derfabren merben nidit eingeleitet, bie anbilngigen ©trafoerfabrcn inerben ein= geftellt unb bie erfannten ©trafen criaffen. S)ic Dertrag[d}liefeenben Jeile will devolve upon a special mixed commission shortly to be ap- pointed. Article 9. To nationals of the one con- tracting party who were born in the territories of the other con- tracting party an interval of ten years after tlie ratification of the Treaty of Peace is permitted, within which, with the consent of the latter contractmg party, they may return to the land of their origin. Tlie repatriated are, on their petition, to be granted re- lease f rorn tlieir present citizen- ship. Likewise shall their writ- ten or verbal intercourse with tlie diplomatic or consular representa- tives of tlie land of their origin in no manner be hindered or embar- rassed. The repatriated shall re- ceive adequate compensation for any disadvantages suffered, in consequence of the war, on ac- count of their national origin, and shall in no wise be prejudiced in their property rights as the result of the exercise of their preroga- tive of repatriation. They shall be entitled to liquidate their property and take with them the proceeds thereof and other mova- ble possessions. Finally, they may terminate a lease contract upon service of a six months' notice, without the lessor pro- ceeding against them for breach of contract. Article 10. Each contracting party grants complete immunity to the prison- ere of war of the other party, and to its interned or deported civilian nationals, for all committed acts punishable by the courts or in virtue of disciplinary measures.- New penal proceedings shall not be instituted, pending proceed- ings shall be discontinued, and penalties already imposed shall be remitted. The contracting par- 154 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. gelDiibren if)ren 5lngef)brigen ©traffret^ i)dt fur bie 53etatigung in ber .^rieg§= inbuftrie be§ Jeinbe?^, jii ber [ie lDaf)renb if)rer .^'rtegggcfangcnfd)aft l)er= angcjogen morben [inb. Strtifel 11. 2luf bie §anbel^[d)i[fe ber bertrag^ fd)Uefeenben Jeile iinb nuf beren ?a= bungen [inbet of)ne 9?iicffid^t nuf eut= gegenfte{)enbe ^].H-ifenurteiIe baei fei^fte §aager ^Ibfommeii iiber bie ^c{}aub(ung ber feinb(id)en ^aubetefd)iffc bcim Jtuei- brud]e ber ^^eiubfcligfeiten Dom 18. Oftober 1907 mit nad)ftet)eubcn d)}a^- gaben 3lnlt)enbuug. 3)ie (Sriaubnig gum 5lu8laufeu im Sinne beS SlrtifelS 2, Stbfa^ 1, be« Hbfommen^ fann nur bann ah erteilt angefeben inerbeu, luemi fie audi Don ben iibrigen feinblid)en ®ecmad)ten aner= fanut mar. -£)anbel^fd}iffe, bie gemiif; Slrtifel 2, nb\ai} 2, be« ?lbfomnien« angeforbert iDorben finb, niiiffen unter (Sntfc^iibigung fiir bie ^di ber 53e= nii^Uiig enttoeber mit ibrem ganjen 3^1X1) :ntar einfd)Iiefelid) iBorbpapieren, ^orbgelbern unb 9}cannfd)aft^cffeften Suriicfgcgeben ober im \^a\k beg iBer= luftcg in @elb erfetjt merbcn. giir nid)tangeforberte ©d}iffc bat ber .^ei= matftaat bie 3Iufirteubungen jur 3n= ftanbbattung, nid)t aber $iafengelber unb fonftige ?iegefoften gu erftatten. 2)ie nad) ibrer 53auart jur Umtnanbhmg in .^rieggfd)iffe geeigncten ^anbelg= fd)iffe merben ablneid)enb bom 5(rtifel 5 beef 5lbfommen« n)ie anbere §anbe(g= fc^iffe bebaubelt. !l)ie iBeftimmungen biefed SIrtifeIg finben and} auf fold)e §nnbelgfd}iffe ^Imnenbung, bie bereit^ dor Slugbrud) beg .fhiegeg am 3higlaufen derbinbert, angeforbert ober anfgebrad)t iraren, unbefd)abet ber nng biefer !!i?oIferred}tgtierIe^ung absuleitenben (gr= fa^anfpriicbe. ties guarantee to their own nationals immunity from penalty for their activity in war industries to which they were called during- their military imprisonment. Article 11. Regardless of the decision of a Prize Court, merchant ships of the contracting parties as well as their cargoes shall be governed by the provisions of the Sixth Hague Conference, of 18 October, 1907,^ relative to the treatment of hostile merchant ships at the outbreak of war. Permission to effect a clearance in the sense of Article 2, Paragraph 1, of the Conference, will only be considered valid when the same has been recognized by the other hostile naval Powers. Merchant ships which, in accordance with Article 2, Paragraph 2, of the Con- ference, were requisitioned must either be returnee! with indemnity for the period of their use together with their entire inventory, in- clusive of ship papers, ship money^ and the personal effects of the crew, or, in the event of the loss of these, restitution therefor must be made in money. In the case of non-requisitioned ships the home- land is responsible for expenses of maintenance, but not for harbor dues or expenses of demurrage. Merchant ships which by virtue of th^ur construction may be con- verted into vessels of war, shall, notwithstanding Artif 1? 5 of the Conference, be treated like other merchant ships. The provisions of this article also anect such merchant vessels which before the opening of hostilities were unabh' to leave port, were requisi- tioned, or were captured, notwith- standing the claims to indemnity arising from this violation of international law. > James Brown Scott (ed.), The Hague Conventions and Declarations of 1899 and 1907 (2nd ed., New York, Oxford University Press, American Branch [Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), 1915)' p. 141. LEGAL-POLITICAL TREATY WITH AUSTRIA-HUNGABY. 155 I'ie a(\:<'i^rifciiaufo,etirad)tcu .S>aiibcle(:= IditUe ber lun-traflidilicf^eubcn Xci(e follcu. U1CU11 fie nor ber lluter5eicl) = niiuc^ be'i^ ("vrieben^nertrai^ec* biird) rcd)t*:?friiftige^ llrtei( eiiie{< 'i^rifcncic=^ rid)te{< fonbcmuiert morben finb iinb nid)t uuter bie ij^cftiniimuioien be^ Dor^ ^crgelieiibeii ^Hb|'al?ev? fallen, a('? eiib^ giltig einflc^^,ogeu aiujcfchen merbcu; im ubrigcu finb fie uiritrf^ngebeii ober, fomcit fie nidit meln" norbnnbeu finb, in @e(b ui crfet5en. Ttefe '^eftinimungeu ftnben auf bie aU '']3rifen aufgcbraditeu Sdiiffdiabungen Hon '^tngebiJrigeti ber t)ertragfd)lief5cnbcn Xeile entfpredicnbe 3lnlnenbung. Tod) foKen (sHlter Don ''tngebbrigen be Sdnffe«? ^■^coollinddv tigten nnb ein Crgan ber >S>afenbe !}brbc ,5U erfolgen bat, nnter .'oaftung fiir jeben iinllflirlidien ober oerfd)n! beten iBer^ng fofort nadi ber i-liatififation bei^ (5rieben{^l)ertrage?( in bcni ^uf^tiii'^e unb in bem v^pafen, in bem fie fidi befinben, bent vS3eimatftaat ^ur 5>erfugnng ge^ ftedt merben. T'tv uerfdncfteii i^e-- fatjnng ift freie Jn^i't ^u ibreni Sdiiffe fouiic jeglidie J-brberung ^^n gclintbren. 53efinbet fid) ein foldiec^ 2dnff ant T^agc 86409—18- -11 Merchant vessels of the con- tracting parties, captured as prizes, shall be considered defin- itively captured, if they have been condemned by a valid decision of a Prize Court and do not betong to the category mentioned in the preceding section; otherwise such ships must be returned, or, if they no longer exist, restitution therefor must be made in money. These provisions are valid also for cargoes captured as prizes. Goods belonging to nationals of one party, which came into the power of the other party on ves- sels of hostile nationality, shall in all cases be returned to the right- ful claimants, and, as far as this is possible, restitution therefor shall be made in money. Merchant ships of one of the contracting parties which were captured, confiscated, or sunk in territorial waters of a neutral by the fighting forces of the other* party, shall be returned with their cargoes notwithstanding the decisions of a Prize Court that may have been rendered against them; in case they no longer exist, restitution therefor shall be mad(> in money; for the period until their return or- restitution an indemnity shall be paid. Merchant ships which are to be returned according to the preced- ing provision must, after a pro- tocol has been made of the case by the person empowered to take possession of the ship and the representative of the harbor authorities and immediately after the ratification of the Peace Treaty, be placed at the disposal of the home-land in the condition and in the harbor in whick they are, and they are held accountable for every arbitrary or punishable act. The deported crew shall receive free passage to its ship as well as assist- ance in every way. If such 156 THE EUSSIAN PEACE. bcr 9tati[ifatioii aii[ ciiicr i-Ttcilc, fo irtufj e§ nad) bcren S^eciibiguiTij imb nacfi I'ofdamg ber an bcni be,^,cidiiieten 3^acic novbanbciicii *L^^bltuc\, (ocitcftcni^ aber nacfi cincm 5l)(onnte, uiriirfgcgebcn trerbcii; [iir bic ,Sti-'iKticii;cit iff bic bb'iiftc Tage^jcttfrodit 511 iicrc;iitcii. .fiat ber Siiftaiib cinci? iiad) ''Ibfolj 2 juriicf^iifiebciibeii (^diiifcct Juahrenb bcr 8oit ber ^InforbcriiiK^ cine iitier bte QclDofinlicfie ^Innii^una f)inau<^get)enbe 5?erfdilcd]tenrag erfabrcn, fo ift cine audi ben ,3cttnerluft bi^ ^ur 3n[tnTib= feljimg bei1lrffiditic;cubc (5nt»"d)abiginu] Sit (cil'teu. '3^(1? C'Heidie c\itt filr ein imd) ?{bfal3 4 3Uriicf^iicicbciibc^ 2d)iff, felbft ineniT ce; uidit miflcforbcrt umrbe. Jvlir i^crfdUcditcnuuiiCii obcr i^crluftc, bie iiad] (Sinflellinifl bcr J'^iii'^l^^HV fcitcn biird) ba*? 3.\n-ba(teii bee; iii(f= cinbcoflidittgcn Tcifc^ tjerbcigefiibrt tnorben finb, ift in nllcii ?;-nl(cn C?nt- fdiabi(iimc5 :;u QClrnbreii. 31(0 ©rfalj [iir eiu nidit inebr iior=^ l)anbetic^ Sdiiff ift bcr ^ycrfniifeiUiert, ben e§ am Xngc bcr 9?ati[ifation bc^ gricbcii^licrtrageei tinbcii luiirbc, fomic cine nngemcfieiic ^ikrgiitung fiir ben 3>crbicnitentgan9 bi£^ ^ur 3nbicn[t- iBcrftcttnng bc^ ju bcfdniffenbcn (Srfat?= fd)iffe^ su ^allien. ^'((^ 'i;ntfdu1bi= gung fiir bie i8enul?ung ift bie ilblidie 3:ngc^>seitfradit ju cntrid)ten. %uv nid)t mebr norbnnbcnc V'abung iinb 5:^orbtiorrate ift bcr S'ttirft^ 'jncTt ooni 3^agc ber 9iatififation be^ (^riebeue'ttcrtragei ^u crfcljen. 'Hl^batb nad) ber "Diatifilation bee* 5^"i(^beno== Dertrag^ foil jur 3)nrd)fitbrung ber toorftehenbcn iBcftinnnungcn einc .Vioin= miffion auS jc jtuei ^ertrctern ber ncrtragfd)Uef^cnben Xcilc unt) einena neutrakn Cbnuinn an cincm ju be= ftinuncnbcn Crte ^nfammcntrcten; nm bie 53e5eid)nun9 be^ CbmanniJ mirb bcr ^i^rafibent bc£< 3d)Uiei;;crifdien '->^un= bcjiratco gcbcten mcrben. a ship is engaged in a voyage on the day of ratification, it must be returned after the completion thereof and after the unloading of the cargo which it is carrying at the said time; at latest, how- ever, they shall be returned after one month; for the intervening time indemnity is to be paid for the highest daily average freight. If the condition of the ship which is to be returned accord- ing td the provisions of paragraph 2 has deteriorated materially in value during the time of its recjuisition, indemnity is to be paid also for the time necessary for making repairs. Similarly for a ship returned according to the provisions of paragraph 4, even if it was not requisitioned. For de- terioration or losses caused by the returning party after the cessa- tion of hostilities, indemnity is to be paid in all cases. Indemnity for a ship which no longer exists is to be paid for on the basis of its market value on the day of the ratification of the Peace Treat}', and an adequate indemnity is to be allowed for the time lost until another ship can be supplied to take its place. The customary daily average freight shall be considered in- demnity for the use of the ship. In case the cargo and the sup- plies are no longer in existence, their market value on the day of the ratification of the • Peace Treaty shall be indemnified. Im- mediately after the ratification of the Peace Treaty a commission consisthig of two representatives of each of the contracting parties as weU as a neutral umpire shall meet at a place to be later de- termined for the purpose of exe- cuthig the al)ove provisions. The Presitlent of the Swiss Confed- eration shall be requested to designate the imipire. LEGAL-POLITICAL TREATY WITH AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. 157 3)ie .fommiffton I)at mgbcfonbere bic lyrage, ob im (Sinjelfafte bte 5Soraug== fe^ungeii fiir bie S^iicfgabe ober ben (Srfa^ einc^ ©d)iffe^ ober fiir bie ^ablung einer (Sntfdjabigung norliegen, ju entfd^eiben unb bie §of)e ber pi gaf)leuben 53etrage, unb ^luar in ber SSabrung beei §eimat^[taate«, feftjn= fe^en. !I)ie i^etrage [tnb inner ()a(b eineg 9J?onate^ nad) ber Jefffetjung ber 9?egterung bco -Speimatftaateg fiir ^ec^= mmg ber i8ered)tigten jur 35erfiigung 3U ftellen. ^iiv jeben 55er,5ug in ber Seiftung ber (Sntfd)abigung ftnb bie Ianbe^iiblid)en .S^^^ien Sii jabten. 9lrtifel 12. S)er SufaijWertrag, ber cincn Juefent* Iid)en 33eftanbtci{ be^s grieben^oertrage^ bilbet, fort sugleidi mit ber 9?atifi= ^iernng be^ griebeni^oertrage^ in 53er= tin ratifijiert >t>erben. (5r tritt mit biefeni gleid);;ieitig in ,'tltaft. ^uv (Sr= giinsnng be^ BufatjliertragS/ in«3be= fonbere gnm -:^Ibfd)tnffe ber barin oor= bebaltenen meitercn ^ereinbarnngen irerben tnnlid)ft balb nad) ber 9?atififa= tion 53ertreter ber tiertragfdjliejsenben Xeile an einen nod) jn beftimnienbcn Orte jufamnientreten. 3)er 95ertrag nnirbc in bop^elter Urfd)rift in 33reft=lUtomff am 3. 9!J?ars 1918 au^gefertigt. The commission shall decide in each case whether the return or the restitution of a ship or payment of indemnitj^ is in order. It shall also determine the amount to be paid, in each case in the currency of the homeland. The said amomits shall be placed at the disposal of the government of the homeland on account of the rightful claimant, within one month after the rendition of the decision. In case of delayed payment, the customary inter- est sliall be forthcoming. Article 12. Tlie supplementary treaty, which forms an essential part of the Peace Treaty, shall be rati- fied simultaneously with the Peace Treaty at Berlin. It goes into effect at the same time as the latter. For the elaboration of the supplementary treaty, es- pecially for the settlement of the provisions temporarih' left unde- termined therein, representatives of the contractmg parties wiU meet as soon as possible after the ratification at a place stiU to be determined. The treaty was executed in duplicate at Brest-Litovsk this 3rd day of March, 1918. PL. has ^ufoljantrag. 14. RUSSIA— BULGARIA. APPENDIX IV TO THE TREATY OF PEACE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE CENTRAL POWERS. SIGNED AT BREST-LITOVSK, 3 MARCH, 1918.1 [Text as transmitted to the Department of State by the American Consul at Moscow.] With itgard to tht, economic relations between Bulgaria and Rus- sia, the following agreement is established : ARTICLE 1. The contracting parties pledge themselves to begin negotiations with regard to the conclusion of a new commercial treaty as soon as possible aftei general peace between Bulgaiia on the one hand and tha comitries which are at present in a state of war with her on the other hand has been signed. ARTICLE 2. Until the appointed time, and in any case imtil 31 December, 1919, each of the contracting parties gives to the citizens of the other party the same rights mth i egard to trade and navigation as it gives to the citizens of the most favored nation. These regulations ex- tend more especially: (a) To the import and export, the retm*n of exports and the carriage of merchandise, to the customs duties and customs formalities, to the interior taxes, to the taxes on consumption and similar taxes, and to the prohibition of transportation: (h) To the actions of the administration of government monopolies or monopolies under government control of one of the contracting parties, with regard to the purchasers or the suppliers of the other party as far as fixing the prices and other business matteis are con- cerned. ARTICLE 3. During the entire period during which the principle of the most favored nation is effective, neither party will estabhsh to the loss of the other party higher import and export duties on one frontier than on any other. 1 Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, 9 July (Daily Review of the Foreign Press (British) 13 July, 1918, 602). 159 1 60 THE RUSSIAN ' ' PEACE. ' ' ARTICLE 4. Neither of the parties will lay any claim to the privileges which one of the parties affords, or may in the futm'e afford, to any other State hased on existing or future customs union, or which she allows in case of limited transactions via har frontier. ARTICLE 5. The contracting parties agree that after 30 June, 1919, each of them may refuse to acknowledge the agreement upon the condition of warning the other party six months in advance. 15. RUSSIA—BULGARIA. LEGAL-POLITICAL TREATY SUPPLEMENTARY TO THE TREATY OF PEACE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE CENTRAL POWERS, SIGNED AT BREST-LITOVSK, 3 MARCH, 1918.^ [Text as transmitted to the Department of State by the American consul at Moscow.] Siiice the conclusion of supplementary treaties between the con- tracting parties has been provided for in Article XII of the peace treaty signed to-day at Brest-Litovsk between Bulgaria, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey on the one hand and Russia on the other hand, the Bulgarian plenipotentiaries, namely: Ambassador Andrew Toschev, Colonel Peter Gantschev, Doctor Theodor Anastassoff , and the Russian plenipotentiaries, namely: Sokolnikov, Karachan, Chicherin, Petrovsky, have agreed that all questions mentioned in Article XII of the peace treaty should be set- tled in the present supplementary treaty and have fixed the following regulations: ARTICLE 1. With the restoration of consular intercourse according to Article XII of the peace treaty, each of the contractmg parties will admit consuls of the other party to every place on its territory, in so far as single places or regions had not already been excepted before the war, and in so far as these exceptions are maintained toward any third power. Each party has the right, in consideration of war necessity, to admit consuls of the other party to certain places only after the final settlement of general peace. ARTICLE 2. Each of the contracting parties will compensate all damages which have been caused on its territory during the war to movable or immovable property by the local government organs, or by its subjects through acts in violation of international law. 1 Ratifications exchanged at BerJin, 9 July {Daily Review of the Foreign Press (Britishl 1.3 July, 1918, p. 602). 161 162 THE RUSSIAN " PEACE." ARTICLE 3. Since all covenants, agreements and treaties which before the war were effective between Bulgaria and Russia are to be considered null and void with the declaration of war, the Governments of the con- tracting parties undertake to enter into consular and other agree- ments which will regulate their mutual legal and commercial relations. These agreements will be settled within the term provided for in Appendix IV to the ])eace treaty between the Central Governments and Russia. ARTICLE 4. The postal and telegraphic relations between Bulgaria and Russia will be restored forthwith after the ratification of the present treaty, and this according to the regulations of the postal and telegraphic convention and the convention and rules of the international ])Ost -and telegraph union. ARTICLE 5. All temporary laws, regulations and prdinances which were in force during the war on the territory of one of the contracting parties, and which concerned citizens of the other party, will be abrogated with the ratification of the peace treaty. ARTICLE 6. .Vll obligations of private and corporate persons and of societies which are subjects of one of the contracting parties, and which are on the territory of the other party, will be restored to their status of before the war. Regardmg the obligations of their subjet-ts, both parties agree to apply the regulations which are specified in Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 2, Chapter 3, and in Article 5, Chapter 3, of the German- Russian Supplementarv Treatv signed in Brest-Litovsk on March 3, 1918. Moreover, all such privileges as each of the contracting parties would give to its own subjects will be equally bestowed upon the subjects of both parties. This applies also to such privileges as have been abrogated during the war by one of the agreeing parties and then so restored after the end of the war. ARTICLE 7. The subjects of the contracting parties are allowed to return to their native c-ountry, having the right to liquidate their property and to take with them the proceeds therefrom, and an}^ other movable property. ARTICLE 8. To all persons who have been prejudiced in their rights in conse- quence of the military laws mentioned in Article 5, such rights must as far as possible be restored. LEGAL-POLITICAL TREATY WITH BULGARIA. 163 After the ratification of the present treaty both parties will simul- taneously start the restitution of all property alienated as a result of martial law. Moreover, the contracting parties undertake to com- pensate mutually and simultaneously all damages suffered on their territor}- by subjects of the other side during the war; provided that such damages are related to their life and their health in consecjuence of measures taken against them, or are related to then- property in consequence of liquidation, sequestration, arrest, requisition, or any other act in violation of international law. The manner and rate of compensation for the damages suffered in consequence of the above mentioned circumstances with regard to the principles which should be applied, as well as to the kind and variety of damages, will be regulated under the same conditions as provided for in Articles 13, 14, and 15 of Chapter 4 of the German-Russian Supplementary Treaty of March 3,1918. ARTICLE 9. ^VIl war prisoners, invalids, or persons unfit for military service will be forthwith disbanded to their native country. All remaining war prisoners, as well as all persons arrested in consequence of military or public measures, will be exchanged as soon as possible after the signing of the present treaty. The exchange will be performed by special commissaries appointed by both parties. The civilian prisoners will be liberated immediately. The con- tracting party which has arrested or interned these prisoners will pay the expenses for their journey from their present residence to their home. Both contracting parties engage themselves to compensate all ex- penses which have been incurred by the other party for their im- prisoned subjects. ARTICLE 10. Each of the contracting parties grants immunity to all war prisoners and interned civilians, as well as to subjects of the other party, accord- ing to the regulations specified in Article 20 of the German-Uki-ainian Supplementary Treaty signed at Brest-Li to vsk on 9 February, 1918. ARTICLE 11. The present supplementary treaty, in so far as no contrary regula- tion will be agreed upon, becomes effective simultaneously with the Peace Treaty signed in Brest-Litovsk on 3 March, 1918, and shall be considered as an essential constituent part of the latter. The present supplementary treaty must also be ratified and the ratification docu- ments must be exchanged in Berlin simultaneously with the ratifica- tion documents of the Peace Treaty as soon as possible. In witness whereof the plenipotentiaries of both parties have signed the present treaty and have affixed their seals. Executed in double original at Brest-Litovsk. 3 March, 1918. 16. RUSSIA— TURKEY. APPENDIX V TO THE TREATY OF PEACE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE CENTRAL POWERS, SIGNED AT BREST-LITOVSK, 3 MARCH, 1918.1 [Text as transmitted to the Department of State by the American consul at Moscow.] With regard to the economic relations between Turkey and Russia, the following agreement is established: ARTICLE 1. The contracting parties pledge themselves to begin negotiations with regard to the conclusion of a new commercial treaty as soon as possible after general peace between Turkey on the one hand, and the countries which are at present in a state of war with her on the other hand, has been signed. ARTICLE 2. Until the appointed time, and m any case until 31 December, 1919, each of the contracting parties gives to the citizens of the other party the same rights with regard to trade and navigation as it gives to the citizens of the most favored nation. These regulations extend more especially : (a) To the import and export, the return of exports and the carriage of merchandise, to the customs duties and customs formalities, to the interior taxes, to the taxes on consumption and similar taxes, and to the prohibition of transportation; (b) To the actions of the administration of government monopolies or monopolies under government control of one of the contracting parties, with regard to the purchasers or the suppliers of the other party as far as fixing the prices and other business matters are concerned. ARTICLE 3. During the entire period during which the principle of the most favored nation is effective, neither party will establish to the loss of the other party higher import and export duties on one frontier than on any other. 1 Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, 12 July, 1918 {Neue Freie Presse, 13 July, 1918, evening edition). 165 166 THE RUSSIAN ''peace." ARTICLE 4. Neither of the parties will lay any claim to the privileges which one of the parties affords, or may m the future afford, to any other state based on existing or future customs union, or which she allows in case of limited transactions via her frontier. ARTICLE 5. The contracting parties agree that after 30 June, 1919, each of them may refuse to acknowledge the agreement upon the condition of warn- ing the other party six months in advance. 17. RUSSIA— TURKEY. LEGAL-POLITICAL TREATY SUPPLEMENTARY TO THE TREATY OF PEACE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE CENTRAL POWERS. SIGNED AT BREST-LITOVSK, 3 MARCH, 1918.^ [English text from the State Department Weekly Reports, Central Powers, No. 44, 6 May, 1918.] Provision having been made by certain articles of the joint treaty of peace signed on this day at Brest-Litovsk by the Russian Repubhc on the one hand and the Ottoman Empire, Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Bulgaria on the other hand for the conclusion of special arrangements between the contracting states concerned, the Plenipotentiaries of the Russian Republic, namely: M, G. J. Sokolnikow, member of the Central Executive Committee of the Council of Soldiers, Workmen, and Peasants; M. G. J. Petrovski, Commissioner of the People for Home Affairs: M. G. W. Tschitscherine, Commissioner of the People for Foreign Affairs ; M. L. M. Karachan. member of the Central Executive Committee of the Council of Soldiers, Workmen, and Peasants; And the Plenipotentiaries of the Ottoman Empire, namely: His Highness, Ibrahim Hakky Pasha, former Grand Vizierj Senator, Ambassador of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan at Berlin; His Excellency Zeki Pasha, General of Cavalry and Aide de Camp to His Imperial Majesty the Sultan; Have agreed to regulate by a supplementary treaty all matters relating thereto and drawn up to that effect the following provisions: ARTICLE I. The following provisions have been made to regulate the details of execution and the delivery of occupied territory dealt with in Par- agraph 2 of Article 4 of the joint treaty of peace. 1. To that end the Russian Republic undertakes to withdraw to the other side of the boundary line as it was before the war all its forces now in the said provmces as well as all its officers, both civil and military, in a period of from six to eight weeks from the signature of the present treaty. 2. The commanders in chief of the Russian and Turkish armies operating on the Asiatic front shall determine in accordance with the 1 Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, 12 July, 1918 ( Neue Frcie Presse, 13 July, 1918, evening edition). 167 168 THE EUSSIAN " PEACE. " provisions of paragraph 1 the modus of evacuation and withdrawal of the Russian troops beyond the frontier, as also the means apt to insure its safety. 3. At the time of the evacuation of the occupied territory, Russia will insure safety therein until it is again occupied by Ottoman troops. It shall take appropriate measures to prevent acts of ven- geance, plunder, crimes, or other trespasses from being committed; to conserve intact and preserve from destruction the structm-es and buildings in the said territory, inclusive of military establishments, as wellas all furniture and equipment. The army commanders of the contracting parties will settle tliose important ])oints on the spot. It is understood that the portable and other railroads laid in the said territory, as also the rolling stock and bridges, shall be allowed to stand as they are so as to make the revictualing of the population easier. The same will ap])ly to military establishments. 4. The Russian Re[)ublic will use one division to guard the frontier along a distance of about five hundred kilometers or more, will demobilize all the remainder of the army and carry it to the interior of the country. 5. The Russian Repul)lic undertakes to demobilize and dissolve the Armenian bands whether of Russian or Turkish nationality now in the Russian and Ottoman occupied ])rovinces and entirely to disband them. 6. The two contracting parties will conclude an agreement for the settlement of c.he revictualing of the inhabitants of the said provinces until normal conditions are restored. 7. The Russian Republic shall not concentrate troops alopo; Jie border or ir Caucasia exceeding one division, not even for drills, until general peace is established. If it should become necessary to resort to such a concentration for reasons of public safety in the interior, a previous notice must be given to ths powers of the Quadruple Alliapce. On the other hand, Turke\ is compelled by the necessity of carrying on the' war against its other adversaries? to keeji its army on a war footing. .V.KTICLE II. Within three months after the ratification of the present treaty, two Turkish-Russian Joint Commissioners shall be a])pointed by the contracting parties; one of these will be charged with the duty of rees- tablishing "the dividing line between Tin-kish and Russhm territory from the" point where the three boundaries, Turkish, Russian, and Persian, meet to the point where the line strikes the boundary of the three vSandjaks of Kars, Erdehan, and Batum. Along that stretch the boundary line as it was before the war will be followed; the monuments that may have been destroyed in the course of the war operations shall be rebuilt and repaired in accordance with the maps and protocols of the boundary commission of 1880. The second commission will mark the boundary between Russia and the three Sandjaks to be evacuated in accordance with Paragraph 3 of Article IV of the joint treaty of peace. The frontier shall be restored there as it existed before the Turkish-Russian war of 1S77 and 1878. LEGAL-POLITICAL TREATY WITH TURKEY. 169 ARTICLE III. The inhabitants and comniimes in the territory of either contracting party, holding property and usufruct rights on real property lying on the other side of the border will enjoy, operate, or lease, manage or convey such property by themselves or by proxy. The said inhabitants or representatives of the said communes will be allowed freely to cross the boundary line upon presentation of passes issued to them by the proper authorities of their domicile and authenticated by those of the other party. Facilities in crossing the line free of duty will be granted to local agricultural products, farming implements, food stuffs, fertilizers, seed, building material, and cattle for farm work, carried by the said inhabitants or representatives of communes. The contracting parties reserve for a future special arrangement the settlement of the details of the provisions set forth in the foregoing two paragraphs. ARTICLE IV. ' The contracting parties undertake to grant on and after the ratifi- cation of the present treaty, exequaturs to the Consuls General, con- suls and vice consuls of career of either party in all ports, cities, or other places in the territory of the others, except those where objec- tion may be seen to recognizing such officers, provided the same ex- ception applies to all foreign powers. With regard to the privileges, powers, and duties of the said officers during the transitory period referred to in Article VI, the same rules shall, on condition of reciprocity, apply to them as apply to like officers of the most favored nation. ARTICLE v. Each contracting party undertakes to pay an indemnity for all the damages and losses caused during the war within the territories by its agents or people to the consular buildings and furniture as well as to the consular officers and employees of the other party. ARTICLE VI. All the treaties, conventions, undertakings, or other instruments and agreements previously existing between the contractmg parties having been made null and void, jjro facto, by the very occurrence of the war, the Imperial Ottoman Government and the Government of the Russian Republic undertake to conclude a consular convention and such other instruments as they may deem necessary for the ad- justment of their juridical relations. These instruments shall be per- fected within the time set by Appendix V to the joint treaty of peace for the conclusion of a treaty of commerce and navigation. The transitory period in which to apply the provisions in the last paragraph of Article IV as also the right of denouncement granted to the parties will be the same as those stated in the said appendix. 170 THE RUSSIAN " PEACE. " ARTICLE VII. The post and telegraph relations between the Ottoman Empire and Russia will be re-established immediately upon the ratification of the present reaty in accordance with the postal and telegraphic conven- tions, arrangements, and regulations of the international union. ARTICLE VIII. In pursuance of the principle laid down in Article VII of the joint treaty of peace the two contracting parties declare that they con- sider to be null and void all previous international mstruments in- tended to create spheres of influence and exclusive interests in Persia. The two Governments wiU withdraw their troops from the Persian territory. To that end they shall communicate with the Govern- ment of that country about the details of the evacuation and the measures apt also to insure for the political independence and terri- torial integrity of that country the respect of the several states. ARTICLE IX. All laws, regulations, and ordinances enforced. in the territory of one of the contracting parties against the citizens or subjects of the other party by reason of the state of war existing in their country and intended to change these personal rights in any way (war laws) become inoperative after the ratification of the johit treaty of peace. The juristic persons and corporations recognized by the local laws of one of the parties as belonging to the nationality of the other party shall be considered in this respect as citizens or subjects of the said other party. ARTICLE X. All debts due to {)rivate or juristic persons or corporations, citizens, or subjects of one of the parties within the territory of the other party are restored to their ante helium status. The contracting parties agree to apply to the debts due to their respective citizens or subjects the provisions found in vSections 2 and 3 of Article 2 of the Russo-German Supplementarv Treatv signed at Brest-Litovsk on 3 March, 1918. (Chapter 3) . The citizens or subjects of either party shall in addition enjoy the greater facilities which each of the parties may see fit to adopt in behalf of its own nationals who may have been unable on accoimt of the war events, to secure in good time the safeguard of their rights. ARTICLE XI. Russian subjects of the Moslem faith will be allowed to emigrate to Turkey after disposing of their property and to carry their patrimony with them. ARTICLE XII. Persons whose rights have been invaded under the war laws men- tioned in Article Vill, will, as far as possible, be reinstated in the LEGAL-POLITICAL TREATY WITH TURKEY. 171 said rights. After ratification of the present treaty both sides shall simultaneously return the property seized under the said laws, in addition each party undertakes simultaneously to pay indemnity for the damage caused to the subjects of the other party in their lives or health as a. result of the measures taken against them and in their property as a result of liquidation, seizure, requisition, or forcible dis- position of their real and personal estates. The mode of appraising the losses sustained by reason of the circumstances above enumerated and all matters connected therewith, as also the procedure to be followed in the premises shall be settled by the contracting parties under the same conditions as those determined by Articles 2, 3, and 4 (Chapter 4) of the supplementary German-Russian treaty of 3 March, 1918. ARTICLE XIII. Prisoners of war who are invalid or unfit for military service shall be immediatel}' sent home. The other prisoners of war and all other persons arrested as a measure of military or public order shall be exchanged as soon as possible after the signature of the present treaty; the exchange will be effected through special commissioners- appointed by both parties. The transportation of prisoners of war to a port of departure or tO' the frontier will be at the expense of the captor state. Civilian prisoners will be immediately released. The contracting partj?^ which arrested or interned them shall bear the cost of transportation, from the place where they are held or interned to the residence from which they were taken, ARTICLE XIV. Each contractmg party will apply to the prisoners of war and interned civilians in its territory, and also to the citizens or subjects of the other party, the amnesty clauses inserted in Article 1 (Chapter 7) of the supplementary German-Russian treaty signed at Brest- Litovsk on 3 March, 1918. ARTICLE XV. The present supplementary treaty shall go into effect, in so far as it is not otherwise provided, at the same time as the joint treaty of peace signed at Brest-Litovsk on 3 March, 1918. It will be ratified and the ratifications will be exchanged at Berlin at the same time as those of the above-mentioned jouit treaty. In faith whereof the Plenipotentiaries have signed the present supplementarv treaty and affixed their seals thereto. Done in dunlicate at Brest-Litovsk, 3 March, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen. 86409—18 12 18. RUSSIA— CENTRAL POWERS. RUSSIAN DELEGATES' PROTEST AGAINST THE TREATY OF PEACE OF BREST-LITOVSK, 3 MARCH, 1918. [ Text Issued by the Russian Govermnent Wireless on 9 March, 1918, as given in the (British) Daily Review of the Foreign Press, 12 March, 1918, p. 119.] To all; to Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Sehastopol, Odessa, KharTcov, Niko^ laiev, Tashkent, Arkhangelsk, Kazan, Irkutsk. The Russian Peace Delegation made the following Declaration before signing the Peace Treaty at the Session of the conference at Bre'st-Litovsk on 3 Mar. : — The Workmen's and Peasants' Government of the Russian Republic was forced, after the offensive of the German troops against Russia, when the latter had declared the war to be at an end and had com- menced the demobilization of its armies, to accept an ultimatum presented by Germany on 24 Feb. We have been delegated to sign these conditions, which have been forced upon us by violence. The negotiations which have been carried out so far at Brest- Litovsk between us, on the one part, and Germany and her allies, on the other, have shown strongly and clearly enough that the "peace by agi'eement" as it is termed by the German representatives, is really and definitely an annexationist and imperialistic peace. The Brest-Litovsk conditions at the moment are considerably worse than this. The peace which is being concluded here at Brest-Litovsk is not a peace based upon a free agreement of the peoples of Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey, but a peace dictated by force of arms. This is the peace which Russia, grinding its teeth, is compelled to' accept. This is a peace which, whilst pretending to free Russian border provinces, really transforms them into German provinces and deprives them of the right of free self-determination, such as was recognized by the Workmen's and Peasants' Government of Revolutionary Russia, as due to them. This is a peace which, whilst pretendrig to reestablish order, gives armed support in these regions to exploitijig classes against the working classes, and is helping again to put upon them the yoke of oppression which was removed by the Russian Revolution. This is a peace which gives back the land to the landlords, and again drives the workers into the serfdom of the factory owners. This is a peace which for a long time to come imposes upon the workers of Russia in a still more aggravated form the old commercial treaty which was. concluded in 1904 in the interests of German agrarians, and which is at the same time guaran- teeing to German and Austro-Hungarian capitalists interest on the debts of the Tsarist Government, which have been repudiated by 173 174 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. Revolutionary Russia. Finally, as if it was the purpose explicitly to emphasize the character of the German armed offensive, the German ultimatum is attempting to muzzle the Russian Revolution by for- bidding all agitation directed against the Governments of the Quad- ruple Alliance and their mihtary authorities. But even this does not suffice. Under the same pretence of reestablishing order, Germany is also occupying by arms regions in which the population is purely Russian and is establishing there a regime of military occupation in disregard to revolutionary institutions. For the Ukraine and Finland Germany is requesting the non-intervention of Revolutionary Russia, and at the same time is intervening actively with the object of supporting the counter-revolutionary forces against the workmen and peasants. • _ In the Caucasus, in du-ect contradiction to the conditions of the ultimatum of 21 Feb., as formulated by the German Government itself, Germany is breaking away for the benefit of Turkey regions of Ardahan, Kars, and Batum, which never have been taken by Turkish troops during this war, and with complete disregard of the real wishes of the populations of these regions. The most cynical and violent territorial seizures, the occupation of the most important strategical points, can have but one purpose: to prepare a new offensive against Russia and to defend capitalistic interests against the Workmen's and Peasants' Revolution. Such is the real object of the offensive undertaken by the German troops on 18 Feb. without the seven days' notice which was agreed upon in the armistice treaty concluded between Russia and the Central Powers. This advance was not stopped, in spite of the Declaration of the Council of the People's Commissioners that they accepted the German ultimatum of 21 Feb. This advance was not stopped in spite of the fact that the con- ference of Brest-Litovsk was resumed, and in spite of an official protest by the Russian Delegation. Through this, all the conditions of peace presented by Germany and by her allies are transformed into an ultimatum presented by them to Russia and supported in the interests of such a peace treaty, with the threat of immediate armed violence. Nevertheless, in the present situation Russia has no alternative choice. After having demobilized her armies, the Russian Revolution has by the same act given its fate into the hands of the German people. The Russian Delegation has already declared openly at Brest-Litovsk that no honest man can believe that the war against Russia can now be termed a defensive war. Germany has taken the offensive under the pretense of reestablishing order, but in reality with the purpose of strangling the Russian Workers' and Peasants' Revolution. For the benefit of world-imperialisni German militarism has succeeded at the present time in moving its troops against the masses of the workmen and peasants of the Russian Repubhc. The German proletariat has not as yet shown itself power- ful enough to stop this offensive movement. We do not doubt for one moment that this triumph of the imperialist and the militarist over the international proletarian Revolution is only a temporary and passing one. Under the present conditions the Soviet Govern- ment of the Russian Republic being left to its own forces, is unable to withstand the armed onrush of German imperialism, and is com- pelled, for the sake of saving Revolutionary Russia, to accept the PBOTEST OF RUSSIAN DELEGATES. 175 conditions put before it. We, being empowered by our Government to sign the treaty of peace, are compelled, in spite of our protest, to negotiate under the absolutely exceptional conditions of continued hostilities against nonresisting Russia. We can not submit to any further shooting of Russian workmen and peasants who have refused to continue the war. We declare openly before the workmen, peasants, and soldiers of Russia and Germany, and before the laboring and exploited masses of the whole world, that we are forced to accept the peace dictated by those who at the moment are the more power- ful, and that we are going to sign immediately the treaty presented to us as an ultimatum, but that at the same time we refuse to enter into any discussion of these terms. 19. RUSSIA— CENTRAL POWERS. PROTEST OF GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, AND ITALY AGAINST THE TREATY OF PEACE OF BREST-LITOVSK BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE CENTRAL POWERS. ISSUED BY THE BRITISH FOREIGN OFFICE, 18 MARCH, 1918. [Text as published in London Times, 19 March, 1918, p. 6.] The Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers of the Entente, assem- bled in London, feel it to be their bounden duty to take note of the political crimes which, under the name of a German peace, have been committed against the Russian people. Russia was unarmed. Forgetting that for four years Germany had been fighting against the independence of nations and the rights of mankind, the Russian Government in a mood of singular credulity expected to obtain by persuasion that ''democratic peace'' which it had failed to obtain by war. The results were that the intermediate armistice had not expired before the German command, though pledged not to alter the dis- position of its troops, transferred them en masse to the vvestern front, and so weak did Russia find herself that she dared to raise no protest against this flagrant violation of Germany's plighted w^ord. What followed was of like character, when "the German peace" was translated into action. It was found to involve the invasion of Russian territory, the destruction or capture of all Russia's means of defense, and the organization of Russian lands for Germany's profit — a proceeding which did not differ from " annexation '' because the word itself was carefully avoided. Meanwhile, those very Russians who had made military operations impossible found diplomacy impotent. Tlieir representatives were compelled to proclaim that while they refused to read the treaty presented to them, they had no choice but to sign it; so they signed it, not knowing whether in its true significance it meant peace or war, nor measuring the degree to which Russian national life was reduced by it to a shadow. For us of the Entente Governments the judgments which the free peoples of the world will pass on these transactions would never be in doubt. Whj?- waste time over Germany's pledges, when we see that at no period in her history of conquest — not when she overran Silesia nor when she partitioned Poland — has she exhibited herself so cynically as a destroyer of national independence, the implacable enemy of the rights of- man and the dignity of civilized nations. Poland, whose heroic spirit has survived the most cruel of national tragedies, is threatened with a fourth partition, and to aggravate her wrongs devices by which the last trace of her independence is to be crushed are based on fraudulent promises of freedom. ]77 178 THE RUSSIAN '* PEACE. ' Wliat is true of Russia and Poland is no less true of Roumania, overwhelmed like tliem in a flood of merciless passion for domination. Peace is loudly advertised, but under the disguise of verbal pro- fessions lurk the brutal realities of war and the untempered rule of a lawless force. Peace treaties such as these we do not and can not acknowledge Our own ends are very different. We are fighting, and mean to con- tinue fighting, in order to finish once for all with this policy of plunder and to establish in its place the peaceful reign of organized justice. As incidents of this long war unroll themselves before our eyes, more and more clearly do we perceive that the battles for freedom are everywhere interdependent; that no separate enumeration of them is needed, and that in every case the single but all-sufficient appeal is to justice and right. Are justice and right going to win ? In so far as the issue depends on battles yet to come the nations whose fate is in the balance may surely put their trust in the armies, which, even under conditions more difficult than the present, have shown themselves more than equal to the great cause intrusted to their valor. Meetings of the vSupreme War Council and important political conferences under the Presidency of Premier David Lloyd George were held in Downing Street Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. They were attended by the Premiers of France and Italy and other Min- isters, with their military and expert advisers. 20. RUSSIA— GERMANY. SUPPLEMENTARY TEEATY TO THE TREATY OF PEACE BE- TWEEN RUSSIA AND THE CENTRAL POWERS. SIGNED AT BERLIN, 27 AUGUST, 1918/ {German text as published in the Deutscher Reichsanzeiger, 7 September, 191S.'\ 1^ie .fait'eriirfi Teutfcfie ^icgtcnmg unb bie ^}ieg{erung bcr ^iii|ftfd}cn 'eo^ialiflifd^en gbberatit)en Solujctg^ ^TCCublif, Hon bcm '©nufd)e ■ ge(eitet, gcmin'c im 5(n[d)Iit[3 an ben Jncbcn'?^ oertrag ^iDifdien T^ciitfditanb, Oeftcr= reid]41ngarn, 5?itfgnrien unb bcr Xi'trfei cinerfcit^ unb Siufjlanb anbcrerfcit^ ttom 3./7. SDMrj 1918 aufgetnndite poIitifd)e ^ragen ini (5>3ei[te freunb== fd)aftUd]er S3erftanbigung unb iuedifel^ feitigen (Sntgegeufomnien^ ^u (ofen unb bamit bie burd) ben ^rieben^fdituf^ angebnfinte SBiebcrJierftcttnng guter unb tiertraucncit)oncr 53e^ielnnigcn jnnid)en htw beiben 9ieidicn ,:iu forbcru, finb iibereingefomnicn, ^u bicfeni S^^^ccfc einen (SrgcinjungSDertrag ju bent 5ne= benStiertrng ab^ufdilieficu, unb I)aben ut tl}ren 33et)oI(mad)ligten crnannt: bie .^aiferlid) T'eutfdie ^icgierung: ben Staat^fefretdr be<5 ?lu^ir)ar= tigen ?tnite^, .^ai[cr(id)en Wid- Iid)en ©ebeinicn ))iat, .^ontcr- abmirat n. 1^. $ozin\ ^l^nul Don §int3e unb ben J'ireftor ini ^lu^lDcirtigen 5lmte, faiferlid)en !©irflid)en ®ef)eimen 9iat, §crrn Dr. 3obanne^ ,Sriege: [Translation.] Guided by the wish to solve certain political questions which have arisen in connection with the Peace Treaty of 3/7 March, 1918, between Germany, Austria- Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey, for the one part, and Russia, for the other part, in the spirit of friendly understanding and mu- tual conciliation, and, in so doing, to promote the restoration of good and confidential relations between the two Empires, for which a way was paved by the conclusion of peace, the German Imperial Gov- ernment and the Government of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet-Republic have agreed to conclude a supplementary treaty to the Peace Treaty with this object, and have appointed as their plenipotentiaries: For the Imperial German Gov- ernment : The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, the Im- Serial Privy Councillor, lear Admiral Paul von Hintze, retired; and The Director in the Foreign Office, the Imperial Privy Councillor, Dr. Johannes Kriege ; 1 Ratifications exchanged at Berlin, 6 September, 1918. {Frankfurler Zeitung, 2 morning edition, 7 September, 1918.) 179 180 THE EUSSIAN PEACE. bie 9\C9teruiig ber 9iuffifd)en ®o :^ia(ifti[d)en ?yoberntiiien ^otr>ict^= 3?e piibltf: ibren biploniatiicbcu 2?ertretcr bet ber £aiferlidi Tciitfd)cn 9icgie= rung ^-^tviTL 3(bol[ 3 off 6. 1)ie 93et>oIimnd)ttgten bnbeii fid), nQd)beTn fie eitmnber ibrc ^olhnaditcn mitgcteilt unb biefe in gutcr unb getibriger "Jorm bcfunben bnben, liber fotgenbc 53eftinnnungen gccinigt: For the Government of the Russian Sociahst Federal Soviet- Repubhc : Its diplomatic representative accredited to the German Imperial Government, M. Adolf loffe. After exchanging their creden- tials, and finding them in correct and proper form, the plenipoten- tiaries agreed to the following pro- visions :— tSrftciJ tapitel. ;5)emffrfntion^3- unb ©reu^f ommiffioncn. PART I. Demarcations and Frontier Commissions. 9rrttfel 1. %uv atk gronten, an bencn bcutfdie unb rnfftfd)e STruppen einanber gegen= iiberftcben, foUen, fonieit bicvi nod) nid)t gefd)el)en ift, fofort bcutfd)=ruffifd)e .^'omniiffiouen 5ur is-cft(cgung t)on remarfattongltnien gebilbct tnerbeu; ho.§ 'D^nbere bieriiber Uicrbcn bic bciber= feitigen XruppenOefebl^baber Herein- barcn. 3)ie Teiuarfation'^finien follcn fo ge^ogen njerben, baf] ^^inifdicn ben bctberfeitigcn (srontcu neutrate 8onen bcftcben, bte tion ben beiberfeitigcn v*peere§angebbrtgen mit ^hi^nabme ber *i>arlanientare md)t betretcn tuerben bi'irfcn. ©on^eit :,)infd)en ben beiber- feitigen j^-ronten- nid)t bcrcit^ ein gcregelter ^krfebv bcftebt, mirb ein folrficr non ben Temnrfationc^foni^^ niiffioncn eingeriditet merben. ?h-tifel 2. T^ie beutfd)''ruffifdie Iromniiffion ;;ur gcftlegung ber im 5(rtifel III 5{bf. 1 bcS jVriebcn'SnertragS Dorgcfebcnen ©renjlinie fo(( and) bie im ?lrtife( VI ?J(bf. 2 bicfeS isertrag^^ nereinfanrte Oftgren^e (Sftlanbd unb ^it)Ianb^ ge- nciuer fefllegen. ytad) ber im '?tbfat^ 1 oorgefcbenen i^eftlegung ber Oftgrcn^e (Sftlanb'? unb ARTICLE 1. In so far as this has not yet been done, Russo-German Com- missions will immediately be formed to fix demarcation lines for all fronts where German and Russian troops face one another. Exact details as to this shall be agreed on by the commanders of the troops on each side. Tliese demarcation lines shall be so drawn that there are neu- tral zones between the respective fronts, which zones must not be trodden by any members of the respective armies, with the ex- ception of parlementaires. In so far as there is not regular traffic between the respective fronts, such traffic will be established by the demarcation commissions. ARTICLE 2. The Russo-German Commis- sion for fixing the frontier line, provided for in Article 3, Para- graph 1 , of the Peace Treaty, shall also fix the eastern frontiers of Esthonia and Livonia, agreed on in Article 6, Paragraph 2, of that Treaty, more exactly. After the fixing of the eastern frontier of Esthonia and Livonia, SUPPLEMENTARY TREATY WITH GERMANY. 181 !i?ililaiibd nnrb ^cut[d)Ianb ba^ Hon thm befc^tc (''''cbiet oftlidi bicfcr (^^ren.^e uutter^lglid) rauuien. ?(rtifel 3. T'cittfdilnnb \invh bn^ tton tbtn facfcl?tc Webiet oftlid) ber 33ercftna nndi 9Jcaj^gabc ber i^aiiahluiujcii, bic ^)iuJ3=^ lanb imdi 5(rtifc{ 2 bc(^ Teutfdi^ 9hi[l'ifdicn (Vtnanjabfoniincu^ Uom l)cu^ tigcu 2:nQe ^u (eiftcii l)at, fdion tior 5Ib[d){ufe be§ nngemcinen (VrtebenS rciumcn; bie nabcren 53cftiinminigcn bieritber, in^3be[onbcrc bic ^-cftfetMing ber ciu^elncn pi rnunicnben ?(bfd)nitte, bleiben ber tin ?lrtifcl 2 ?lbf. 1 biefe^ (5rgan^ung§Dertragi5 ermcibnten .^fom= miffion ilberlafi'cn. T^ie liertragfdirietjcnbcn Jcilc be= baltcn fid) bor, inegcn ber tior '^Ibfdjlufe bcf^ adgcnieincn (vrieben^ 511 betnirfcnben Siciumung bcei 'Sefcijung'Jgebict^ Incftlicb ber 5^^erei'ina nadi 9Dia<3gabc ber (5r= fiinmig ber iibrigcn Hon 9infV(anb iibernommencn fiiiau',ienen 5IscrHfUdi= tungcn n^eitere' S^ereinfcaningcn \n treffen. 3>'DeitcS .^Qpitel. So^IofungSbeftrebungen tm 9?u[[i[d)en 9?eid)e. Slrtifel 4. J)eufd)(anb mirb fid), [oltieit nid)t ini ^rieben^ftertrag ober in biefem (Srgcins jungeiHertrag ein 3(nbcre§ beftinimt ift, in bie 3^ejiebungen jtinfd)en bem ^u[= fifc^en 9xeicbe unb feinen Xeilgcbicten in feiner SSei[e einmi[d)cn, alfo in^befon= bere bic 33iibung fclbftanbigcr ^-taatS= toefcn in biefen ©ebictcn mebcr Deran^ laffen nod) unterftiiljcn. S)ritte§ Hapitel. 9lorbruffifc^e ©ebicte. Slrtifel 5. 9?ufelanb tDirb a(§balb alle Hcrfiig= barett 9}?ittel antDcnben, urn in SSab= provided for in paragraph 1, Ger- many will evacuate the territory occupied by her east of this fron- tier without delay. ARTICLE 3. Germany will evacuate the ter- ritory occupied by her east of the Beresina, even before the conclu- sion of general peace, in propor- tion as Russia makes the cash payments stipulated in Article 2 of the Russo-German Financial Agreement of this date; fur- ther provisions as to this, par- ticularly the fixing of the individ- ual sectors to be evacuated, are left to the Commission referred to in Article 2, Paragraph 1, of this Supplementary Treaty. The contracting parties reserve the right to make further agree- ments with regard to the eifect- ing of the evacuation of the occu- pied territory west of the Beresina before the conclusion of general peace, in accordance with t.he ful- filment by Russia of the remain- ing financial obligations under- taken by her. PART II. Separatist Movements in the Russian Empire. ARTICLE 4. In so far as is not otherwise prescribed in the Peace Treaty or in this Supplementary Treaty, Germany will in no wise inter- fere in tlie relations between the Russian Empire and parts of its territory, and will thus in par- ticular neither cause nor support the formation of independent States in those territories. PART III. North Russian Territory. ARTICLE 5. Russia will at once employ all the means at her disposal to 182 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. rung feiner ^^eutratitcit bie (Sntente= ©treitfrilftc au& ben norbruffifdien ®c= bieten ju cntfcrnen. 5)eutf(i)(anb iiberntnimt bie @e= \mt)v bafiir, bafe tttiibrenb biefer Opera= tioncn Don finni[d}er ®eite irgenblneldje 5(ngri[fc auf rufflfrf)e^ ©cbict, in§be= fonbere au[ ®t. ^]3eter^burg, nid)t er= folgen. 5lrtifel 6. 91arf) S^aumung ber norbru[fifd)en ©ebicte feiteng ber (Sntente=©treit= !ra[te luerbcn bie brtlic^e ru[fi[d}e ^'iiftenfdiiffabrt inncrbalb ber 3 9}?cileii ©renje ber '}?orbfii)"tc [olDie bie ®egel= [i[d)erei innerbalb eincei ©treifen^ Don 30 9)?eilen entlang bie^^i .'^ilfte Don ber ©perrgebict^brobung au^ge[d)Ioffen tDer= ben. Die Crgane ber beutfd)en @ee- friegSleitung iDerbcn in einer nod) nilber gu Dereinbarenben ilSeife ©ctegcnbeit erbalten, [idi baDon ju iiber^eugen, ba^ biefe 55ergun[tigung nidjt jnr 53efbr= berung Don iBannroare mlfebraud)t ttiirb. 33ierteg f apitel (5[tlanb, SiDlanb, J?urlanb nnb ?ttauen. Slrtifel 7. 3nbem 9?ufelanb ben in (gftlanb unb ii?iDtanb beftebenbcn tatfad){id)en 'Cer^ f)altnif[en 9ied)nnng trcigt, Dersid)tet ee au[ bie Staat^bobcit iibcr bie[e Oebiete \o)me anf jebe (Sinmi[d)ung in beren innere 3^erbattni[|'e. S^v fiinftige^ erben, bilrfeii nur gleidimat^ig nad) Dcro[[ent(id)ten Xarifen unb nur in eincr §o{ie criiobcn luerben, bie erforber(id) ift, bie .*pcr[tef(ung^?= unb Unterbaltung^foften, einfd)UcRlid) ber 23erjinfung unb Jilgung be^ Jlnlage^^ fapital^, ,5u beden. ®ie iperftedungv3= unb Untcrbattnnggfoften fiir 3Serfe unb Sinrid)tungen, bie nid)t nur jur (grleid)terung be^ ii>erfe!)r^ unb jur ^erfaefferung unb Qrbaltung ber ©d)iff* barfeit be^ Strome^, fonbern audi pr gbrberung anbcrer 3^*^^^ unb 3ntc= reffen beftininit finb, biirfen nur gu einem ttcrbattnieimai^igen ii*(ntei( burd) ©d)iffabrtgnbgaben aufgebrad)t merben. S)ie S3eftininiungen ber ?(bfa^e 1 bi§ 3 finben and) auf bie .glogerei 9Inn)enbung. §4. 9?u^Ianb [off bei 3ielia(, 9iiga unb SBinban jiuerfnid^ig be(egene 5reibafen= gebiete jugemiefen erbaiten, in benen bie ?agerung unb llmpadung ber au6 9?u^(anb eintre[[enbcn ober fiir 9xu&= lanb beftimntten SSaren ungchinbert ftattfinben unb bie ?lb[ertigung be^ 2(u^tritt^ au§ bent rn[fifd)en ^SoWgebiet unb beg (Sintrittei in baSfelbe burd} rufftfd^e 33eamte ftattfinben faun. §5. !Die mit ben Seftimmuugen ber §§ 1 big 4 pfamnienbcingenben (Sin= jelfragen, ingbefonbere bie CSiufc^ran= fungen, bie biefe 53eftimmungen etma in ^rieggjeiten aug 9iudfid}ten ber ^riegSnotmenbigfcit ober au§ ^tvim' genben gefunbbeitUdjen ©riinben er= ieiben fonnen, fotlcn burd) cine faefonbere iCereinbarung geregelt n)erben. Exclusive shipping privileges must not be granted either to companies or corporations, or to private persons of any kind. Taxes for the use of works and institutions which are created, or may be created in future, to facilitate traffic, or to improve and maintain the navigation of the river, may only be raised uni- formly in accordance with pub- lished tariffs and to the extent nec- essary to cover the cost of resto- ration and upkeep, inclusive of payment of interest and redemp- tion of the ca]>ital invested. The cost of restoring and keepmg up works and institutions which are not for the facilitation of traffic and the improvement and main- tenance of the navigation of the river, but are intended to further other objects and interests, may be raised only to a proportionate extent by shipping dues. The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 3 preceding apply also to rafts. §4. At Reval, Riga, and Windau, Russia shall have suitably situated free port zones assigned to her, in which the storing and unpacking of goods coming from or intended for Russia, can take place with- out hindrance, and the work of dispatching goods from or to the Russian Customs zone can be done by Russian officials. §5. The individual questions con- nected with the provisions of §§ 1 to 4, particularly the re- strictions to which these pro- visions may be subjected in war tune out of consideration for war necessity or for urgent sanitary reasons, shall be regulated by a special agreement. SUPPLEMENTARY TREATY WITH GERMANY. 185 ?IrtiM 9. 2)a« SBaffer beg i^eipug[ce« barf nad) fciner @eite bcrgeftalt fiinftlid) abge(eitet mcrben, ba\] einc ©enfung beg 3Sa[fer[piegc(g eintritt. ?lud) barf auf biefcm See feinc Oiaubtuirtfdiaft in ?tnfet)ung beg j^ifdibeftanbcg faetricben merben; eine nitbcre 3?cretnbarung (ner> iiber bleibt oorbebalten. ®ie SBaffcrfrilftc bcr ^JMrotua foHcn aud) fiir bie SteftrijitntgHcrforgiing beg 'l.^etergburger (^^oiiticriieincutg iiadi 9)?afigabe etiier bariibcr ;,u treffeubcn befonberen 5lbmad)iing tunlidift luiljbar gemadjt toerben. 2lrtife( 10. 3u 5lnfei)ung (Sftlanbg, ?ioIaubg, .ffiirlanbg unb ^itaneng fottcn mit ^)iufe= lanb unter aubercm ii^ereiubarungen iiber folgenbe 'ipunfte getroffen merben: 1. iiber bie Staatgangeborigfeit bcr bigbcrigcn ruffitdien iBcluobncr biefer C'k'biete; ^jobei ibneu jebcnfalfg eiii Optioii^- unb Slb^uggredit geiDttbrt iDcrben mu^; 2. iiber bie ^*pcrauggabe beg in 9iufi= (anb befinbfid^en Gigentmng Hon 3(n^ gebbrigen bic[er ©cbietc, ingbefonbeve tion ciffent(id)=red^t(idien S^erbilnbe, 2ln-- ftalten unb Stiftungen fotrie beg in ben (^■•ebieten bcfinbltdien (Jigcntumg ru[= fifdicr ©taatgnngcbbrigcn; 3. iiber bie Siugeiuanberfc^ung )iicgcn beg 5>ermL)gcrig ber burd] bie neuen ©rcnjeu serfdvailtcnen .ftoniniunaIbc= Strfe; •1. iiber bie 3(ugcinanbericl3ung lne= gen ber 3lrd)iDe, Itiegen ber ?(ften ber @erid)tg= unb 'iVruuiitnnggbeborben, Ujegen ber ©eridjtg^ unb iserlnaltungg- bepotg [omie mcgen bcr '^]3er[onenftanbg- rcgifter; a. iiber bie S^ebanbiung bcr neuen ©ren^cn; 6, iiber bie 25>ir!ung bcr Wcbietgtier^ cinberungen auf bie ©taatgpertrcige. ARTICLE 9. The water of Lake Peipus is not to be artificially diverted on either side to such a decree as to lower the water level. No meth- ods of fishing calculated to di- minish the stock of fish will he permitted ; a further agreement as to this is reserved. The water power of the Narova is to he made available as soon as possible for the supply of elec- tricity for the St. Petersburg mu- nicipality according to a special agreement to be made regarding this. ARTICLE 10. With regard to"Esthonia, Liv- onia, Courland, and Lithuania, agreements, among others, are to be concluded with Russia, as to the following points: 1. With regard to the nation- ality of the former Russian inhab- itants of these territories, as to which they must in any case be allowed the right of option and departure; 2. With regard to the return of the property in Russia belonging to subjects of these territories, particularly that belonging to publicly recognized societies, establishments, and institutions, as well as the property in these territories which belongs to Rus- sian subjects; 3. With regard to an arrange- ment concerning the property of the communal districts cut up by the new frontiers ; 4. With regard to an arrange- ment concerning the archives, the documents of the legal and ad- ministrative authorities, the legal and administrative trusts, and the the register of births, marriages, deaths, etc.; 5. With regard to the regula- tion of the new frontiers ; 6. With regard to the effect of the territorial alterations on the State treaties. 186 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. ?Ru[[i[(^e ©c^tuar^mecrflcbiete mit ?hi^'- naf)me .^mifaficng. 3lrttfel 11. 1)eut[d)Ianb \mvb, \)ovbel)aiili'fi bcr iBeftimmuiifltni itii '?(rtifc{ 12, bic t)on tbm befel5tcn ru[[ildicn Sd^iiuaqnieer- ficbtetc ai'f5erbnlb .f^niifaficuc! nnct ber ^latiiifatioTi be§ ;^n)ifdicu Siiif^Innb unb bcr Ufrnine absuiViiUeiK'iibcn $i'i'^'^cne*= Dertrng^^ rciumcn. PART V. Russian Black Sea Territory^ WITH Exception of the Cau- casus. article 11. With reservation of the provi- sions of Article 12, Germany will evacuate the Russian Black Sea territory occupied by her outside the Caucasus after the ratifica- tion of the treaty of peace to be concluded between Russia and the Ukraine. 3lrtifel 12. Die 2^eile bed 53cfetnnu]vjgcbicttv bic iiicbt ^1! bem im brittcn ufrninifcfieu Uniuerfal t)om 7. ^JcoDcmbcr 1917 er= lDat)nten (^3cbietc 0cf)orcn, merben bon ben beutfdien 'Strettfrdftcn foateftenS bcim 9{bfd)(u6 bed angcmcincn (vricbend Qerciumt luerbcn, [ofern bid baf)iu ber J-riebe sn)i[rf}en 9xuJ3lanbunb berllfraine nicf)t ^uftanbegefommcn fcin foHte. Die 9?aumun8 bcr (5l[cnbnf)n(inie ^loftort) — 3Boronefcb [ounc bed bftlidb bation gelegcnen 5>efet?ungdt3cbietd imb eined lueftlid) bntion gelcgenen Qnge= meffenen 6^ren5[trcifend mit Ginfdihife ber Stabt 9io[toin tnirb crfolgcn, [obalb bied ni^ifdicrfeitd ncrdnigt iDcrben tDtrb. 33id *^ur ^luiumung mirb T!eut[d)(nnb aiif bem im 53efct^ungd= gcbiet gelcgenen Xci(e biefcr 53abn bic S3e[orberung tion 6ktrcibc unb anberen 3Baren [iir bie 9xu[fifd)c ^?egicrnng unter ?luf[icbt rn[ftfd)er 33eamten ^u= Iaf[en; bad glcidic gilt fiir bie im '^Sq- fetenngdgebiet geicgencn 2^ci(c bcr (5i[cn= bnf)nlinien Taganrog — Jioftotn nnb Xa- ganrog — -^urff ftsdlirenb bcr Tauer bcr 93efe5ung. ©o(ange bad X^onc5bccfcn gcmdfe 5(rtifel 11, ?lrtifel 12 2(bf. 1 burd) bcutfdje Xrupoen befc^t bleibt, erbdh 9?u&Ianb Don ben bort geforbcrten ARTICLE 12. The parts of the occupied terri- tory which do not belong to the districts referred to in the third Ukrainian Universal of 7 Novem- ber, 1917,^ shall be evacuated by the German forces at latest on the conclusion of the general peace, in so far as the peace between Russia and the Ukraine shall not have come into being before then. Tiie evacuation of the railway line Rostov-Voronesh, as well as of the occup ed territory .east of it, and a suitable front, er district west of it, including the town of Rostov, will follow as soon as this is demanded on the Russian side. Until the evacuation, Germany will permit the forwarding of grain and other goods for the Russian Government, under the supervision of Russian officials, on those portions of the railway situated in the occupied treritory; the same applies for the portions of the railway line Taganrog- Rostov and Taganrog-Kursk, lying in the occupied territory, for the duration of the occupa- tion. So long as the Donetz Basin is occupied by German troops in accordance with Article 11 and Article 12, Paragraph 1, Russia 1 Old style (20 November, new style). See Texts of the Ukraine "Peace," (Washington, Government- Printing Office, 1918), p. 1. 86409—18—^13 SUPPLEMENTARY TREATY WITH GERMANY. 187 ^of)Ienmengen monatlic^ eine breifad) grofieue Xonnmiat)!, aU e6 gemafe Str- tifel 14 mi 2 aug bem 33afugcblet 9tobi)( ober 9iof)oIt)robufte an !Dcut[d)= lanb iiberlti^t, unb eine nierfad) grof^erc jTonnen.^a^I fiir bie baruntcr be[inbUd)en ^enjinlieferungen ; [oiDeit bie .fo^Ien= forberung im ^^onejbecfen EnervJ nid)t anSrcic^t ober fiir anbere ,3^<^rf'^ ^^er^ tDenbet tcerben mu^, luirb fie burd) beutfdie .^o^Ien ergan^t merben. ©ed^fteg ^apitel Haufafien. Slrtifel 13. 9?ufetanb erftcirt fic^ bamit eint)er= ftanben, ha'B 2)eut[d)Ianb ©eorgicn aU fetbftctnbigeg ©taat^iuefen anerfennt. 5IrtifeI 14/ ®eut[d)Ianb inirb feiner britten 97?ac^t bei etlnaigen militari[d)en Cpera= ttonen in ^aufafien anfeerbalb ©eorgien^ ober ber im ?lrtifel IV 3lbf. 3 be« i^rteben^dertragS erluctfinten 33cjirfc Unterftii^ung leiften. 5Iuc^ rttirb eS bafiir eintreten, iia^ in .^aufafien <©treilfra[te einer britten 9)?ac^t bie nad)ftebenbe Sinie nid}t iiberfd^reitcn: ^uban Don ber 9)^unbung bi^ i^nm Orte "iPetropamlotDgfoic, bon ba on ©renje bed ^rei[eg @d)emac^a big sum Crte Hgrioba; n)eiter gerabe IHnie big 3U ben ^unfte, Ido fid) bie ©renjen ber ^reife 53aEu, ®d)emad)o unb iluban treffen, bann Storbgrenje beg ^teifeg 53afu big jum SD^eere. shall receive monthly from the quantities of coal extracted there a three-times greater number of tons than it lets Germany have of crude oil or crude oil products from the Baku district in accord- ance with Article 14, Paragraph 2, and a four-times greater num- ber of tons for the consignments of benzine contained therein. In so far as the coal supply in the Donetz Basin is not sufficient for this, or must be used for other Eurposes, it will be supplemented y German coal. PART VI. The Caucasus. ARTICLE 13. Russia agrees to Germany's recognizing Georgia as an inde- pendent State. ARTICLE 14. Germany will give no assist- ance to any third Power in any military operations in the Cau- casus outside Georgia or the dis- tricts mentioned in Article 4, Paragraph 3, of the Peace Treaty. She will also take measures to prevent the military forces of any third Power in the Caucasus overstepping the following lines: The Kuban, from its mouth to Petropavlovskoje; from there on- wards, the boundaries of the district Shemaklia to Agrioba; thence a straight line to the point where the boundaries of the districts of Baku, Shemakha, and Kuban meet; thence along the northern boundary of the district of Baku to the sea. 1 The German text contains a couple of garbled geographical names. "Kuban," where first men- tioned (line 10 of this Article), is evidently a mistake for the (Biver) Kurft. In the second place in which it occurs (lino 15) ''Ivuban" is certainly a misprint for (the district, or uiezd) of KubA. The significance of this Article is that Germany (a) virtually gives Turkey carte blanche for military oper- ations in Georgia and the three districts of Kars, Erdehan, and Batum (mentioned in Article 4 of the Peace Treaty), (b) promises not to assist Turkey in military operations in the Caucasus outside the territories just mentioned, and (c) agrees actually to oppose any third Power's carrying operations into a district bounded by the line defined in this Article. This line is so drawn as to form a small semicircle around 15aku, extending southward as far as the River Kurz, westward as far as the frontier of the viezd of Shemakha, northward as far as the frontier of the uiexd of Kubil. The obvious purpose here was to safeguard the oil wells of Baku, the output of which was to be placed by the Soviet government at the disposal of Germany, as the rest of the Article shows. 188 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. 9?ufe(anb )t)trb im 53afugebtet bie ©elDinnung tion 9^of)oI unb 9xoI)oI= probuften na(^ f raften forbern unb Don ben geroonnenen 9)?engen ein S3iertel, jebod) monattirf) minbeftcn^ eine no(^ ju bereinbarenbe beftimrrtte jtonnengaf)! an S)eut[d)Ianb iiberlaffcn; fotnett bie tm 53afugebiet gctuonnenen ^ID^Ingen jur Steferung biefer 3:oixnen=: jaf)e nid^t aucsrcicten ober fiir anbere 3it>erfe t)erit)cnbet roerbcii mu[[en, irier= ben fie burcf) anbcriuartS geroonnene 9)?engen ergiinst iDerben. !^er i?auf= preis n)irb auf ben *i)3rei« ber gemcij^ Slrtifel 12 2Ibf. 3 an 9?ufelanb su iiberla[fenben J?ol)Ienmengen unb ini iibrigen auf bie gemci^ 5(rtifel 3 § 2 beig S)eutfd)=9hiffifd)en ginansabfommenS bom t)eutigen 3:age ruffifd)erfeit§ an S)eutfd)Ianb ju liefernben SBarenbetrage berred^net. ®iebente« ^apitel. ^Bebanblung ber nad) |^rieben§f(^Iu^ bon beutfd)en ©treitfrciften befd)Iag= na^mten ruffifd)en ^rieggfd)iffe unb ruffifd)en ^orrcite. Slrttfet 15. S)eutfd^Ianb erfennt ha^ (Sigentum SJufelanbg an ben nad) ber 9?atififation beg i^riebenSbertragg bon beutfc^en ©treitfraften befd^Iagnabmten ruffi= fc^en ^rieg«fd)iffen an, borbef)aItIic^ ber HuSeinanberfeijung 9?u^Ianbg mit ber Ufraine unb ginnlanb iiber ha^ ©taat^bermogen be« ef)emaUgen ruffi= fc^en ^aiferreid^S. S)ie befc^Iagnaf)mten ^rieg6fd)iffe bteiben big gum 2Ibfd}Iufe beg a((ge= meinen griebeng unter beutfd^er 2luf= fic^t. 5lrtifel 16. S)eutfd)Ianb erfennt ben Hnfprud^ 9^ufelanbg auf SSergiitung fiir bie ruffi= fd)en 53orrate an, bie nad) griebeng= fc^Iufe au^erf)alb ber Ufraine unb ginn^ Russia will do her utmost to further the production of crude oil and crude oil products in the Baku district, and will supply to Germany a quarter of the amount produced, or at least a number of tons, to be agreed upon later, per month. In so far as the quantities produced in the Balcu district are not suf- ficient to supply this number of tons, or must be used for other purposes, they will be supple- mented by quantities produced elsewhere. The price will be reckoned by the price of the coal Russia is to be allowed to have in accordance with Article 12, Paragraph 3, and, moreover, by the amount of goods to be supplied by Russia to Germany, in accordance with Article 3, § 2, of the Russo-German Finan- cial Agreement of this date. PART VII. Treatment of Russian War- ships AND Russian Stores Seized by German Military Forces after the Conclu- sion OF Peace. article 15. Germany recognizes Russia's ownership of the Russian war- ships seized by German forces after the ratification of the Peace Treaty, subject to Russia coming to terms with Finland and the Ukraine as to the national capi- tal of the former Russian Empire. The warships seized will remain under German care until the conclusion of the general peace. article 16. Germany admits Russia's claim to be compensated for the Rus- sian stores which have been seized outside the Ukraine and Finland SUPPLEMENTARY TREATY WITH GERMANY. 189 lanbS t)on beutfrfieii ©treitfraften be= [c^lagim^mt hjorben finb. !Dtc[e S^cr^ giitung rtirb bd ber 3(u^einanber[e^ung Uber bie finansiclkn 53erpflirf)tungen !5)eutfd)Ianb§ unb ^JufelanbS auci bem 3u[a4t5ertrag jum griebcn^liertrag Der- rec^net. Sld^tes tapitel. ©d^tufebeftimmungen. SlrtiM 17. liefer (Srgcinjunggbertrag foil rati* ftjiert unb bie 9?atififationSurfunben tollen bis jum 6. September 1918 in 53erlin auggetaufc^t hjerben. ©er SSertrag tritt am XaQt beS 2(u6* taufd^eS ber 9^atififationgurfunben in ^raft. 3u Urfunb be\\tn fiaben bie S3et)oIl= madjtigten biefen (SrganjungSDertrag nnterjeicfinet unb mit tliren ©iegein Der* fef)en. HuSgefertigt in bop'pelter Ur[rf)rift in Berlin, am 27. 2tugu[t 1918. (L. S.) Don §in^e. (L. S.) ^riege. (L. S.) 51. 3offe. by German forces after the con- clusion of peace. This compen- sation will be reckoned when Germany's and Russia's financial obligations arising from the Sup- plementary Treaty to the Peace Treaty are discussed. PART VIII. Final Provisions. ARTICLE 17. This Supplementary Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifica- tion documents shall be exchanged not later than 6 September, 1918, in Berlin. The Treaty comes into force on the day the ratification docu- ments are exchanged. In witness whereof the pleni- potentiaries have signed and sealed this Supplementary Treaty. Executed in duplicate in Ber- lin on this 27th day of August, 1918. [L. S.] von Hintze. [L. S.] Kriege. [L.S.] A. lOFFE. 21. RUSSIA— GERMANY. FINANCIAL AGKEEMENT SUPPLEMENTING THE RUSSO-GER- MAN SUPPLEMENTARY TREATY TO THE TREATY OF PEACE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE CENTRAL POWERS. SIGNED AT BERLIN, 27 AUGUST, 1918. // [German text as published in the Deutsche Reichsanzeiger, 7 September, 1918.] 5(uf @runb be^ ^ktiUU 35 mi 2 be^ I;eutfcf)=9iuf|iid)en >5ufn^Dcrtragei gu bcm grieben^Hertrag ^stuifdien 3)eutfcf)Ianb, CcfterreidvUiHinrn, 33ul- garien unb ber Jiirfci cincrfcit'? unb 9?uJ3lanb anbererfeit^ finb bie 53coon= nmc^tigten beg 3^cut[cf)cn 9?eid)g, Tiam= lid) ber ©taat^fefrctcir be?* iHu^trnrtiQen §Imteg, .faiferlidjer ^Birflidicr G>^c= fteinier 9?at, ,^oiiterabmtraI a. T^. §err ^13nul t)on ^inljc imb ber !j)irettor im Stu^tDcirtiQen ?lmte, £aiferllc^er SSirtUdjer ®et)eimer ^at, §err 3)r. 3of)ctnneg ^riege, I'omie ber iBedoKmildjtigtc ber 9iu[ftfd)en @05iali[tifd)en Jjoberatttien iioolt>jetg= 9iepubUf, nnmlid) ber biplomatifdie 3?erti?eter ber ®olriet«=9iepitbIif bei ber .^nifer= Itc^ 3)eutfd)en 9iegierung, iperr 3tboIf 3off6, uberetngefomnien, bie finanjiellen 35er= pflid)tungen 3^eut[d)Ianb5^ unb 9iuJ3= ianbg au§ bem J^eutfd)=i)iufftldien ,8u= faijttertrag, bie ^perau^gabe ber beiber= feitigen ^nnfbepotg unb 53aufgutbaben foroie beu 5(u^gfeid) gemiffer i>er= id)iebcnbeiten ber beiberfeittgcn Jliirt^ fd)a[t^fi)fteme p regein unb ^u biefem ,3rt)ecfe uuter iSerixdfid)tigung ber ruf^ [Translation.] On the basis of Article 35, Par- agraph 2, of the Russo-German Supplementary Treaty to the Peace Treaty between Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey, for the one part, and Russia, for the other part, the plenipotentiaries for the German Empire, namely: The Secretary of State for For- eign Affairs, the Imperial Privy Councillor, Rear- Ad- miral Paul von Hintze, re- tired; and in the Foreign Imperial Privy Dr. Johannes The Director Office, the Councillor, Kriege ; as well as the plenipotentiary of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet-Republic, namely: The diplomatic representative of the Soviet -Republic ac- credit to the German Impe- rial Government, M. Adolf loffe; have agreed to regulate the finan- cial obligations of Germany and Russia arising from the Russo- German Supplementary Treaty, the reciprocal return of bank de- posits and bank balances due, as well as the adjustment of certain differences in the mutual economic system, and for these purposes to 191 192 THE EUSSIAW PEACE. fild)en 33e[tttnnmugen iiber bie 5lnrtut= iierung ber riif[ifd)cu ©taat^anleifien unb ©tnat^garnntien [ol^ie liber bie 5^ationaIi|'ierimg getinffev in Siu^anb befinblicfier i^ermogcu^uierte ein (Sr= gcinjung^abfommen su bent !Deut[c^= 9?uffif(f)en .giM'aljttcrtrag ju treffen. I^ic 33et)onmad)tigtcn babcn [icb, narfjbem fie cinanber if)re 9sonmaci)ten mitgeteilt imb bicfe in guter unb ge- bbriger »^onn befunbcii baben, iiber [otgciibc 33eftimniungen geeinigt: (Srfteg J!apiteL g i n a n 3 i e U c 33 e r |d [ I i cf) t ii n= gen S)eut[(f)Ianb^ unb §?u|3lanbs an^ bem 3)eutfd)^ 9^ u f [i f (^ e n 3 ^U « ^5 i^ e f t r a g 3U bem j^riebenStiertrage. STrtifet 1. golgenbe 33eftimmungen be^ S)eutfcf)= 9hiffifrf)cn Bufatjuertragg gu bem ^rie= benSticrtrag jtoifdjen S)eutfd)(anb, Cc= fterreid)41ngarn, 33ulgaricn unb bcr 2;urfei einerfcit^ unb Oiufelanb anberer= feit^ ivcrben aufgebobcn: 5(rtifc{ 2, ?h-tifcl 8, folneit cr [idi au[ ben ruffifdien ijffentUdien ®d)u(benbienft mit Ciin= [d)(u§ ftaatlid)er ©arantien belief)!, Irtifet 9 § 1 5lbf. 2, fotoeit er nid)t nom (Srtofe gefd)ulbcter C'V'bul^rcn banbelt, 5(rtifel 9 § 3 ipalbfalj 2, 5lrtifcl 12 ?lbf. 2 ®a^ 2 Salb[a^ 1, ?trtifel 13 bit^ 15, 5lrtifel 16 2(bf. 1, ^^(rtifcl 16 51b[. 2, foiDeit er [id) au\ ruffifd)e Gntcignungen Dor bem 1. ^uU 1918 bcjict)t, unb ?(r= tifel 17 § 3, § 4 ^^Ibf. 2. Strtifel 2. 9iu^Ianb iDirb jur (Snt[d)abigung bcr bnrc^ ruffi[d)e ^(Jtnfinabmcn gcfdjitbigten !5)eutfd)cn untcr 33criicffid)tigung ber entfpred)enben ruffifdicn ©egenforbe^ rungen unb untcr 9lnred}nung bc'g conclude a supplementary agree- ment to the Russo-German Sup- plementary Treaty, taking into consideration the Russian deci- sions with regard to annulling the Russian State loans and State guarantees, and as to the nation- alization of certain financial prop- erty in Russia. After exchanging their creden- tials, and finding these in correct and proper form, the plenipoten- tiaries agreed to the following provisions : PART I. Germany's and Russia's Finan- cial Obligations Arising FROM THE Russo-German Sup- plementary Treaty to the Peace Treaty. article 1. The following provisions of the Russo - German Supplementary Treaty to the Peace Treaty be- tween Germany, Austria-Hun- gary, Bulgaria, and Turkey, for the one part, and Russia, for the other part, shall be null and void: Article 2; Article 8, m so far as it relates to the Russian National Debt, including State guarantees; Article 9, § 1, Paragraph 2, in so far as it does not deal with remission of obligations incurred; Article 9, § 3, Clause 2; Article 12, Paragraph 2, Clause 2, Sub- clause 1; Articles 13 to 15; Arti- cle 16, Paragraph 1: Article 16, Paragraph 2, m so far as it relates to Russian expropriations before 1 July,. 1918; and Articles 17, § 3, and § 4, Paragraph 2. ARTICLE 2. Russia shall pav Germanv a sum of 6,000,000,000 Marks as compensation for the loss to Ger- mans caused by Russian meas- ures, havmg regard to the corre- FIXANCIAL AGREEMENT WITH GEEMANY. 193 SScrte^ ber nad) %xkhm^\d)lu^ bon beut[d)en liijtrcitfrdften in 9hifilanb be= [d)Iagnabmten 55orrate eincii iSctrag Don 6 a)ailiarben SDtarf an ®eut[d)Ianb ga^Ien. 2lrtifeI3. § 1. S)te S3eja^(ung ber ini 3lrtifel 2 er* tDcibnten 6 SD'Jiniarben 9}tarf erfolgt in Ttac^[tef)enber SSeife. (gin 53etrag m\ H 93amarben mart h)irb burd) Ucbcmeifnng Don 245 564 ,^ifogramm gcingolb unb 545 440 000 9?ubel in 53anfnotcn nnb i^tuar 363 628 000 9i\ibel in ©titcfen gu 50, 100 ober 500 9^nbet, 181 812 000 dluhd in ©tiicfen ju 250 ober 1000 3?nbcl, begaf)It nierben. 3)ie UebeilDeifnng erfolgt in funf Jeilbetrngen, namtid) 1. cincm am 10. @e)Dtembcr 1918 jn gablenben S3etrage Don 42 860 .fjKogramm i^eingolb unb 90 900 000 3?ubel in 53anfnoten, unb iWav 60 600 000 g^ubcl in ©tiiden ju 50, 100 ober 500 9?ubel, 30 300 000 9?ubel in ©titden ^u 250 ober 1000 9?ubel. 2. t)ier am 30. ©e^tembcr, 31. Oftober 30. 'i)^ot)ember unb 31. 3)e5em= ber 1918 ju ^al)(enben 53etragen Don ie 50 676 .rfifogramm Jeingolb unb 113 635 000 9?ubel in iBonfnoten, unb iToax 75 757 000 ^tubel in ©tiiden su 50, 100 ober 500 9?ube(, 37 878 000 dlnhd in ©tuden su 250 ober 1000 9?u6el. spending Russian coimter-claims, and taking into account the value of the stores seized by German military forces after the conclu- sion of peace. ARTICLE 3. § 1. The payment of the 6,000,000,- 000 Marks mentioned in Article 2 shall be effected in the following manner: — A sum of 1,500,000,000 Marks shall be paid by the transfer of 245,564 kilogrammes of fine gold, and 545,440,000 Roubles in bank notes, consisting of 363,628,000 Roubles in notes of 50, 100, or 500 Roubles, and 181,812,000 Roubles in notes of 250 or 1,000 Roubles. The transfer shall be effected by five instalments, namely: — 1. An amoimt payable 10 Sep- tember, 1918, of 42,860 kilogrammes of fine gold, and, 90,900,000 Roubles in bank notes, consisting of 60,600,000 Roubles in notes of 50, 100, or 500 Roubles, and 30,300,000 Roubles in notes of 250 or 1,000 Roubles; 2. Four amounts payable 30 Sep- tember, 31 October, 30 November, and 31 Decem- ber, 1918, each of 50,676 kilogrammes of fine gold, and 113,635,000 Roubles in bank notes, consisting of 75,757,000 Roubles in notes of 50, 100, or 500 Roubles, and 37,878,000 Roubles in notes of 250 or 1,000 Roubles. 194 THE RUSSIAN " PEACE. 3)ie 3:et(betrage [tnb in Orfc^a ober '^\to\M ben $5eauftragten ber 3)eutfd}en 9?egtcning ju iibergeben; bie i8eauf= tragten merben beim Smpfang eine tior= liiuftge Cuittnng au^ftetten, bie nad) ?Ibfd)(u^ ber 'ilJriifnng nnb -Bti^^ung beg ©olbe* unb ber ^}loten burd) eine cnb= giiltige Ouittung erfe^t n)erben foIL §2. gin iBetrag Oon 1 a^aitiarbe mart foH burd) I'iefcrung rnffifdier 3Saren nad) 9}?a^gabe ber bnrilber gu treffenbcn befonberen i^ereinbarnng geti(gt nier= ben. T)ie 3Baren [inb im ;©erte Don je 50 a)nKionen maxt big sum 15. ^fJodember unb 31. Xiejember 1918, im 3Serte t)on je 150 a^Jidionen 9)?arf big sum 31. 9JMrs, 30. 3uni, 30. (September unb 31. 2^csember 1919, im 3Serte Hon 300 aiafUonen 9}Mrf big sum 31. mm 1920 ju lief em; fo= ftieit bie iHeferungcn big s" biefen Jerminen nid)t erfolgcn fbnnen, tniirbe ber jemeilg febtenbe 5^etrng algbalb entmeber in beutfd)eu 9icid]gbanfnoten sum 9^enntDert ober in ^eingolb unb 9xubeInoten nnd) bcm i^ert)altnig brei SU i)md, unb sioar s^ einem jelDeilg feftsufe^enben ^urfe, su beg(eid)en fein §3. erbefferungen ober 93erfd)Ied)terungen ttiieber Uber= tragen njerben, luenn bie 53ermogeng^ gegcnftanbe nid)t im S3efilje be^ ©taateS ober ber ©emeinbe derbteiben ober inenn eine (Snteignung ober [onftige (Snt= jiebung gleidiartiger 33ermogen«gegen= ftiinbe gegeniiber ^anbeSeinicotinern ober 3lngef)brigen einev^ britten ?anbed nidit erfolgt ift ober mieber aufgel)obcn roirb; ber Stntrag auf 9iiicfiibertragung i[t innerbalb eineg 3of)rc^ nad) bem ^Seitpnnft, mo biefe beanfprud^t merben fann, ^u ftellen. Slrtifcl 5. Unberiibrt bleiben bie 33eftimmungen bcS ?(rtifcl 8 bc« 3uffi^i^crtrag« su bem iS-ricbendDcrtrag, folncit er [id) ni(^t auf ben ruffifd)en offentUc^en ©c^idbenbienft dues for certain economic conces- sions to be granted to Germans. The securities are to be settled in detail by a special agreement in such a form that the estimated income from them exceeds the yearly sum required for interest and sinking-fund by at least 20 per cent. §4. With regard to the balance of 1,000,000,000 Marks, in so far as its payment is not in agreement with Germany, taken over by the Ukraine and Finland in their fi- nancial agreement with Russia, a special agreement shall be con- cluded. ARTICLE 4. -^ Property of Germans situated in Russia which before 1 July, 1918, was appropriated to the use of the State or of a Commune, or otherwise withdrawn from the owner's power of disposal, shall be handed back to him on request, subject to the return of the com- pensation received by him out of the sum mentioned in Article 2, and with due regard to possible improvements or damage, if the property has not remamed still m the possession of the State, or of the Commune, or if an appro- priation or other withdrawal of similar property has not been effected in regard to inhabitants of the country or subjects of a tliird Power. The request for a return must be made within a year from the period when it can be claimed. ARTICLE 5. The following provisions of the Supplementary Treaty of the Peace Treaty remain unaffected: Those of Article 8, in so far as they do not relate to the Russian 196 THE KUSSIAN PEACE. 6eslef)t, be^ 5lrtifel 16 %b\. 2, fomeit er [idi nuf ruffifcl)e SuteicjnuiiQen nadj bcni 1. 3iili 1918 bcjiebt, be^ i^tifel 19 mi 1 ©at? 2, beg Slrtifel 22 @a^ 1 unb ber 2(rtifer 28^ bi« 32. 5Bcgen ber 3af)(un9 unb 'oidierftellinig ber finan= Siedcn ^^crpf(id)tungen nu^ bic[en i8e= ftiminungcu bicibt, [oroeit bie Siegeluug nutt faereitst tin I)ntten .^fapitcl biefe^ 5(bfommen^ erfolgt tft, einc itteitere ^^erciubnrimg t>orbef)aIten. 2lrtifet 6. Die dertragfdilief^enbcn 'Xcik luerben cinnnber [iir bie Jeftftellung ber ibren 5higef)origcn im 3}?ad)tbereid) be^ nn= bercn Jeile^ crtDnd^fenen 3i^tlfd)aben a((c mogIid)en Sliteiftinfte crteilen, audi hm (Srfud)en urn (5r{)ebuTig ber fid) aiif biefe ^d}aben be^iebenben 33en)ei[e ent= fpreiten. i^meiteg f apitel. ^^erauvSgabc ber beiberfeitigen 33anfbe= pot^ unb .Q3anfgutbaben. ?IrtifeI 7. 3cber dcrtrogfdilicf^enbe 3:eil roirb bafiir ©orgc tragen, bnfe bie in [cinem ©ebiete bci 53anf= unb (^k'Ibinftitu= ten t)erinaf)rten 95ermogen§gcgenftanbe (iBaufbepot^) Hon ?(ngcborigen be^ an= beren STeilevJ, mit (Sinfd)tufe ber flir [ie bei einer jentralcu ^intcrlegung^ftelle, eincm offcnttidien ^Treubanber ober einer fonftigen ftaatlid) beauftragten Sanimel- ftclte bintcrlcgten @e(ber unb iBertpa^ piere, ben 53ercditigten auf 3>erlangen nu>?ge()anbigt merben, unb bafj biefc fie frei t)on ftantlidien ?lbgaben unb @e= biil)ren in bn^ 6'ebiet if)re^ .*peimatg= [tciat^f au'?i[iibrcn fonnen. .leber ^eil iuirb bie in feinent ©ebiete bcfinbUdien 5^anfbepot6 obne P3citere§ a{^ T^epot'S Hon ?Ingcborigcu beg nn= bercn Xeilc^^ ini oinue be^ 2lb[al5 1 be= traditcn, menu fie auf ben 91anicn einc^ foldjen 2tugef)origen binterfcgt finb. Public Debt; those of Article 16, Paragraph 2, in so far as they re- late to Russian expropriations after 1 July, 1918; those of Arti- cle 19, Paragraph 1, Clause 2; those of Article 22, Clause 1; and those of Articles 28 to 32. In re- gard to the payment and assur- ance of the financial obligations arising out of these provisions, in so far as the settlement has not been already effected in Part III of' this Convention, a further agreement shall be concluded. ARTICLE 6. The contracting parties will mutually furnish all possible in- formation for the establishment, of the civil damages suffered by their nationals within the sphere of the other party, and will re- spond to requests for the produc- tion of proofs relating to such damages. PART II. Surrender of Bank Deposits AND Credits. ARTICLE 7. , Each contracting party shall take care that the assets within its territory, lodged w4th banking and financial institutions (bank deposits) by subjects of the other party, including the moneys and certificates deposited on their be- half with a central deposit office, a public trustee, or other State- empowered collecting office, shall be made over on demand to the authorized persons with the right to dis])atch them to the territory of their native country free of States taxes and duties. Each party shall, without fur- ther formality, treat the bank de- poeits of subjects of the other party in the sense of paragraph 1, if they are deposited in the name of such subjects. If not so de- FINANCIAL AGREEMENT WITH GEEMANY, 197 Sn fonftigen %atkn i[t bcfonbcrS nncfi^^u= itteifcn, ha\] c^ [trfi um 'Tcpotg Hon 5ln= ge{)oricien be^ anberen 3lcile§ lianbcit; etonicie 9Wehmni^^tier[d)iebcnf)eitcu I)ier- iibcr tnerben aiif ?(ntrag biirtf] cine .f ont= miffiou cntfcfiiebeii, bic aiiQ ic eincm S3ertrcter bcr beiben Siegicrungcn unb eineni neutrnlcn Obmann be[tef)t. .tommiffioncn ber im 5lb[a^ 2 ht^ jeid)ueten ?Irt [olfeii nl^balb nad) bem ^nfrafttreten biefer 93ereinbariing in S3erthi, 9}?o^fnu unb ®t. ^^etcr^burg gebtlbet merben; bie Obmctnner foKcn t)orbebaItH(f) ber ©enebmignng bcr ^oniglid) ©rbftiebifdien $)icgiernng t}on ben fd)n3cbifd]cn .^'onfuln an biejen •iPIaljen ernannt inerben. Uvtikl 8. 3eber Dertragfc^Iie^enbe STetl ititrb bafiir @orge tragen, bafe bie in feinem ©ebtete befinbltd)en ^anf= nnb @e(b= inftitute fattige ©clbforberungen ($^anf:= gutbaben) t»on Slngeborigcn be§ anberen 2:eile6 afebalb nad) bem 3nfra[ttreten biefer 33ercinbarung ben 33ereditigten auf S3erlangen auSjablen, obne fid) auf bie im ?irttfel 7 § 3 ?lbf. 1 @a^ 1 be§ 3ii[a^ftcrtrage§ Su bent i^^riebenS^ bertrag t)orgefebene ©tunbung ju bc= rufen. ?hid} [oil eg ben i8ered)tigten freifteben, bie abgebobenen ^etrage frei don ftaatlid)en 5lbgaben nnb ©ebiibren in ba§ ©ebiet tbre§ §eimat[taat§ auS- jufiibren. 5lu[ bie im 2(bfa^ 1 bejeidjneten 33anfgutbaben [inben bie S3e[timmungen be§ Hrtifel 7 ?Ibf. 2, 3 entfprec^enbe Stmrenbung. posited, it must be shown that the deposits are those of subjects of the other party. Possible dif- ferences of opinion in regard hereto shall be decided by a com- mission consisting of a representa- tive of both Governments and a neutral chairman. Commissions of the kind speci- fied in paragraph 2 shall be set up in Berlin, Moscow, and St. Peters- burg immediately after this agree- ment comes into force. The chairman shall, subject to the consent of the Royal Swedish Government, be appointed by the Swedish consuls in these places. ARTICLE 8. Each contracting party shall take care that the money claims (bank credits) payable by bank- ing and financial institutions within its territory to subjects of the other party shall immediately after the coming into force of this agreement be paid out on demand to the authorized persons without reference to the period of grace provided by Article 7, § 3, Para- graph 1, Clause 1. Those enti- tled may also dispatch the sums obtained to their own country free of State taxes and duties. The provisions of Article 7, Paragraphs 2 and 3 apply in cor- responding manner to the banks credits referred to in Paragraph 1 of this Article. Slrtifel 9. „Sur moglicbften S3e[d)Ieunigung ber in ben 2lrtifeln 7, 8 oorgefebencn §er= an^gabe ber beiberfeitigen ^anfbepotg unb iBanfgutbaben mirb jeber tiertrag= fcbliefeenbe Jeil atsbalb einen @taat§- fommiffar beftelten, bei bem bic ?lnge= borigen biefeg 3:eile§ ibre ?{nfprud)e bi§ gum 31. 3anuar 1919 anmelben fonnen. 3)ie beiben ^ommiffarc iner^ ben einanber biefe ?tnmelbungen ba^ ARTICLE 9. In order to accelerate to the utmost the delivery provided by Articles 7 and 8, of bank deposits and credits on both sides, each contracting party shall forthwith appoint a State Commissioner, with whom their respective sub- jects may lodge their claims up to 31 January, 1919. The two Commissioners shall sive each 198 THE RUSSIAN PEACE. erfte SD^al fpatc[tcng am 25. ©eptember 1918, haQ stt)eite 2)MI fpateftenS am 15. ^}JoOember 1918 mib ba§ britte 9}kl [patcftents am 15. gebruar 1919 mitteilen unb bafilr ©orge tragen, ba^ bie banad) bcrau^jugebenben ^ant- bepot^ unb 33an!gutf)aben am 25. Oftober 1918, am 31. 3)cjembcr 1918 unb am 31. Waives 1919 unb, [ofern bie ?tn[prurf)e nad) Hrtifel 7 2lbf. 2, Slrtifel 8 %b\. 2 burcf) cine gcmifc^te ^ommiffton ju priifcn [tub, at^balb nacf) ber <5ntfd^cibuug ber il'ommiffion beutfrf)erfeitg in ^Berlin, ruf[ifd)erfeit6 in 9Jio^fau iibergeben iuerben. 3eber Pertragfc^Iie^enbc Jeil toirb bafiir ®orge tragen, ba^ bie 6perau^= gabe, [ofcrn nid)t 9ied)te ber iBaufen ober 2)ritter an ben 33anfbcpot^ ober 53anfgutbaben entgegenftet)en, gegen be= g(aubigte Ouittung ber ^^erfon erfo(gt, auf beren 9kmen ha^ ^cpot ober @utf)aben geful)rt ober bie burd) eine (gntfdieibung ber im ^Irtifel 7 ?lbf. 2 PDrgefcf)enen .^ommiffiqu al^ bered)tigt anerfannt loirb. 9iimmt eine anbere 'ilJerfon ha^ 3)epot ober ©utbaben auf ©runb cineg erbred)tlid)eu Jitet^ ober einer 9?ed)t^nad)foIge in ba^ ®efamt= Dermogen einer juriftifdien ^^er[on in 2(nfprnd), [o faun bie Ouittung Hon biefer anbcren ^erfon erteilt merben, inenn [ie bem g(eid)en i)ertragfd)Ue^en* ben Jeile toie ber urfprilnglid) i8e=^ red)tigte angebbrt unb if)re 33ercd)ti= gung burd) eine (Srflcirung be^ ©taat'^^ fommi[farS bicfcS 2^eile^ befd)einigt luirb. ^n aHen fonftigen $d((en ift bem S3anf= ober ©elbinftitnte, bci bem fid) ba^ S)epot ober ©utt)aben befinbct, bie Sered}tigung befonberst nad)5U= tt)ei[en. l)ie S3erecf)tigtcn, bie ibre 51nfprud)e obne 5>ermittelung bcei 5taat^fom- miffar^ geltenb mad)en moKen, fbnuen fid), fomeit ec* fid) um ^^Ingebbrige 2)eutfd)lanb^ banbe(t, erft nad) bem 25. other notice of these claims for the first time by 25 September, 1918, at the latest; for the second time by 15 November, 1918, at the latest; and for the third time by 15 February, 1919, at the latest; and shall take care that the bank deposits and credits to be made over shall be given up on 25 October, 1918, 31 Decem- ber, 1918, and 31 March, 1919, and, in so far as the claims under Article 7, Paragraph 2, and Arti- cle 8, Paragraph 2, have to be examined by a mixed commission, they shall be given up immedi- ately after the decision of the Commission, on the side of Ger- many in Berlin, aijd on the side of Russia in Moscow. Each contracting party shall take care that the delivery, in so far as the rights of banks of third parties to the bank deposits or credits are not in conflict, shall be effected against an authenti- cated release of the person in whose name the deposit or credit stood, or who is recognized as au- thorized by a decision of the Com- mission referred to in Article 7, Paragraph 2. Should another person claim the deposit or credit on the ground of an hereditary title or a legal succession to the whole assets of a juridical person, the release can be furnished by this other person if he is a subject of the same contracting party as the original claimant, and if his title is supported by a declaration from the State Commissioner of that party. In all other cases definite evidence of the title must be given to the banking or finan- cial institution with which the deposit or credit rests. The rightful claimants, who desire to make good their claims without the intervention of the State Commissioner, may apply direct to the banking and financial institutions, in the case of German FINANCIAL AGREEMENT WITH GERMANY. 199 Oftober 1918 unb, fotncit c^ fid) um *2lngef)oriijc Jliuf^laiibiJi tianbclt, erft nad) beni 31. December 1918 iiumittelbar an bie 33nnf= unb ©elblnftitute irenben. Hrtifel 10. 3luf bie in JKufefnnb befinblid^cn ^anfbeDot^ unb ©anfc^utbobcn Don Jln^- ijcbiJrigcn .^Turfnnb^s, ^iiilanb^, (Sfttanb^ unb ?itauen^, in^bcfonbere au[ bie au6 bie fen ©ebietcn mctbrenb bed .^ricge^ meggefiibrten (^^klber, SBerttiaiDiere unb fonftigen ©ertfndien, folnie auf bie in biefen ©cbieten bcfinblid)en Snnfbepotg xinb iBanfgutbabcn rui')ifd}er ®taotg= angeborigen mit (Sinfdiluf? ber ruffifci)cn otaatdbanf aid ^leditdnndifolgcrin ber nntionalificrtcn ruffifdien ^]3rit)atbanfen finben bie iBeftimmungen ber 3trtifet 7, S entfpredienbe ^^[ntuenbung. 2)ritte« tapitel. '51u«glcid} getniffer 5?er[d)iebenfieiten ber beiberl'eitigeu 3[fiirt[d)a[tdfiifteme. . Hrtifel 11. 9?crmogendgegen[tanbc Hon ^eut[d)en Ujerben fiinftig in ^^lu^lanb nur bann enteignet ober [onft ber S5cr[ilgung6= mad)t bed (Sigcntiimerd ent^ogen iDer^ j)cn, n)enn bie (Snteignung ober fonftige (gntjiebung auf (Mruub cincr filr nlle ^anbedeinmobner unb 2(ngcbbrigen eines britten daubed nub fiir nife O^egenftiinbe ■ber gleidien ^Irt gettenben ©efetjgebung :^ugunflen bed Stanted ober einer @e= meinbe crfolgt unb ber (Sigentilmer fofort in bar entfdjcibigt iDirb. "Die $of)e ber nad) "^Ibiat^ 1 ju ^ai)- lenben @ntfd)t1bigung inirb burrf) jiDei ®ad)i)erftanbige fcftgeftent mcrben, non benen ber eine lion ber ruffifd)en 9^egie= rung, ber anbere Don bem 33ered)tigten €rnannt mirb; foflte str)ifd)cn ibnen einc (?inigung nid)£ erfolgen, fo miirben fie €inen britten *soad)Derftaubigen aid Ob^ mann ju^iefien, um beffen ^enennung subjects, only after 25 October, 1918, and in the case of Russian subjects, only after 31 December, 1918. ARTICLE 10. The provisions of Articles 7 and 8 find corresponding applica- tion to the bank deposits and credits in Russia of subjects of Courland, Livonia, Esthonia, and Lithuania, in particular to the moneys, certificates, and other valuables abstracted in these dis- tricts during the war, as also to the bank deposits and credits in these districts of Russian sub- jects, including the Rugsian State Bank as successor in title to the nationalized Russian private banks. PART III. Adjustment of Certain Dif- ferences IN THE Economic System of Both Sides. article 11. Property of Germans shall in future be expropriated in Russia, or otherwise withdrawn from the owner's power of disposal, only under the proviso that the ex- propriation or other withdrawal is carried out in favor of the State or a Commune under legislation applying to all inhabitants and subjects of a third country and to all articles of a similar kind, and the further proviso that the owner is immediately compen- sated in cash. The amount of the compensa- tion to be paid, in accordance with paragraph 1, shall be fixed by two experts, of whom one shall be appointed by the Russian Government, and the other by the rightful claimant. Should no agreement be reached between them, they shall call in a third expert as chairman, whom the 200 THE RUSSIAN " PEACE. in (Srmangetimg anberuieitiger S3er= ftilnbtgimg ber juftciTibige fdituebifdic J?onfu{ gebeten luerben foil. Strtifef 12. (Sin 5?ermogeiie!gegenftanb, bcr ge= tna§ ^(rtifel 11 entetgnet obcr [onft ber 33erfiigungSmad)t be§ (Sigentumer^ cnt= jogen inorbcn ift, foil biefcm auf 3tutrag ■gegen Oiiirfgetiuiljning ber itiin ge= 3at)(teii (£-nt[cl)abigimg unb unter ^e= rucffidjtigung etlnaiger i^crbcfferungen ober 5i.^crfd)led}tenmgen mieber libera tragen luerben, iDenn ber ^^ermogeng== gegenftanb nid)t tm ^^efilje bc§ ©taate^ ober ber (^emeinbe berbleibt ober tuenn ble (Stitetgnung ober fonftige (5ntsiet)ung gletd)artiger ^ernibgen^gegenftcinbe ge= geniiber I'anbeSeiniDotinern ober 2tnge= I)origen einc^ brttten i'anbe^ iDieber aufgef)oben Jt)irb; ber Slntrag auf 9iud= iibertragung ift mnerl)atb eine^ 3a()i"e^ nad) bein ,3eitpunft, tuo biefe bean= fprud)t mcrben farm, ju fteKeu. nxtxM 13. (2o)ueit in ^u^tanb befinblid)e 33er- mbgen^gegenftctnbe Don ©eutfdjen nac^ bem 1. 3uli 1918 unb Dor beni 3n= frafttreten biefer S3ereinbarung enteig= net obcr fonft ber S3erfugung§inad)t be§ ©igentiinierg entjogen iDorben finb, finbcn bie 53eftimmungen be§ Slrtifelg 11 5Ibf. 2 unb be§ 2lrtifelg 12 ent== fpred}enbe ^tnmenbung. S)er Stntrag auf 9iucfiibertragung faun in ben '^dUm beg ?Ibfatj 1 and) bann geftettt toerben, incnn eine @nt= eignung ober fonftige (Sntsie{)ung gleid)= ortiger iBermogen^gegcnftanbe gegen= iiber Sanbegein)Do{)nern ober 5Inge:= t)brigen eiueg britten SanbeS nid)t erfolgt ift; ein fotd)er Slntrag ift inner^ f)alb eines 3af)te§ nad) bem 3nfraft= treten biefer 35ereinbarung ju ftellen. nxtifdU, !iDeutfd)e ©(aubiger fonnen fiir if)rc bor bem 1. 3uli 1918 entftanbenen gorbernngen alsbalb nad) ibrer JiiKig- competent Swedish consul shall be asked to appoint in default of agreement to the contrar}'^. ARTICLE 12. Property, which in accordance with Article 11 has been expro- priated, or otherwise withdrawn irom the owner's power of dis- posal, shall be handed back to him on request against return of the compensation paid to him, and with regard being had to possible improvement or damage, if the property no longer remains the public possession of the State or of the Gommime, or if the expropriation or other withdrawal of similar property is annulled as regards inhabitants of the country or subjects of a third Power; the request for transfer must be made within a year of the time when it can be claimed. ARTICLE 13. The provisions of Article 11, Paragraph -2, and Article 12 find corresponding application, in so far as property of Germans in Russia has been expropriated or other- wise withdrawn from the owner's power of disposal after 1 July, 1918, and before the coming into force of this agreement. The request for transfer can be made, in the cases mentioned in paragraph 1 , even when an expro- priation or other withdrawal of similar property has not been carried out in regard to inhabit- ants of the coimtry, or subjects of a third Power. Such a request must be made within a year after the coming into force of this agreement. ARTICLE 14. German creditors, in respect of their claims arising before 1 July, 1918, may, immediately after these have fallen due, require FINANCIAL AGREEMENT WITH GEEMANY. 201 fett 33efriebigung aug ®utl)aben tf)rer ®c^ulbner bet ru[ft[d)en S3anfcn ber= langen, menu i^re (^orberung \o\xiol)\ toon bem @rf)ulbner tr)ie don bcr 33anf als ricf}tig anerfannt mirb. ®ag ?(n= erfenntni^ be^ ©d)uIbncrS roirb burd) eine rcd)tgfraftige gerid)tltd)c (Sntfdjei- bung erfe^t; beftreitet bie i^anf bie $Rid)ttgfeit ber i^orbenmg, fo ent= fc^eiben boriiber bie im Slrtifel 7 5lbf. 3 Dorge[ef)enen .^ommiffioncn in 9}Zo§fau unb ©t. 'i)3eter«burg. SlrtiM 15. '^k beutfc^=ru[fi[d)e 9?ad)Ia^fonben= tion bom 12. 9tot)ember/31. Cftober 1874 bleibt mit ben 9}kfegaben in traft, ba'ii in Slnfe^nng alter feit ber 9^euorb= nung be§ (Srbred)t^ in 9?uJ3lanb ein= gctretenen (ErbfciHe bie fiir beJnegtidje^ ©igentnm t)orgefeI)enen iBeftimmungen and) fiir nnben)eglid)e§ (Sigentuni geltcn, ha\^ Don ber (Srb[d]a[t eine ©teuer nur t»om .^eimatftaat be^ (grbtaffer^ cxt)0' ben rterben barf, unb bafi, folange in 9iufelanb ba§> (5rbred)t abgefd)afft ober Jnefentlic^ eingefc^ranft ift, eine .ffun= bigung ber JlonDention nid)t erfolgen fann. 3ni iibrigen bel^alten fid) bie ber= tragfd)Iie§enben J^eite dor, einjelne 53e= ftimmungen ber 9kd)IaPondention, bie fic^ in ber ^]3rayig nid)t beVoaI)rt baben, burd) neue, ben je^igen S3erf)altniffen mef)r entfprec^enbe ^eftimmungen ju erfe^en. iBierteg f apitel ©c^IuPeftimmungen. Hrtifel 16. 2)iefe§ SIbfommen foil ratifijiert unb bie 9xatififationgurfunben folten big pm 6. September 1918 in ^Berlin aug= getaufdjt toerben. them to be satisfied from their creditors' balances with Russian banks, if their claim is recog- nized as valid by both the debtor and the bank. The debtor's ac- knowledgment may be replaced by a judicial decision having the force of law; if the bank contests the vahdity of the claim, the commissions in Moscow and St. Petersburg referred to in Article 7, Paragraph 3, shall decide in regard thereto. AETICLE 15. The Russo-German Deceased Estates Convention of 12 Novem- ber/31 October, 1874,* shall remain in force, with the proviso that, in regard to all cases of inheritance since the new law of inheritance in Russia, the provisions for movable property shall apply to immovable property also, and the proviso that a duty on the inheritance may be levied only by the country of the deceased, and the further proviso, that, inas- much as the law of inheritance in Russia is annulled or essen- tially limited, the Convention cannot be annulled. The contracting parties fur- ther reserve the right to super- sede certain provisions of the Deceased Estates Convention which have not been observed in practice by new ones more in harmony with existing condi- tions. PART IV. Final Provisions. A TICLE 16. The Convention shall be rati- fied and the ratification docu- ments exchanged in Berlin by 6 September, 1918. 1 65 British and Foreign Slate Papers, p. 250. 86409—18 14 202 THE RUSSIAN " PEACE ©a§ ?Ibfommen tritt am Xao^e be« Slugtaufdjeg ber JRatififation^urfunben in ^raft. 3u Urfunb be[fen t)aben bie 33eOolI= madjtlgten biefe^ 5Ib£ommen unter= jeidjnet unb niit it)ren (^siegeln Derfetien. iiiu^gefertigt in boppelter Urfdirlft in iBerlin am 27. Sluguft 1918. (L. S.) (L. S.) (L. S.) The Convention comes into force at the date of the excliange of the ratification documents. In witness whereof tlie pleni- potentiaries have signed and sealed this Agreement. Executed in duplicate in Ber- hn this 27th day of August, 1918. bon §in^e. [L. S.] VON HiNTZE •£tieQe. [L. S.J KllIEGE. 21. 3of[e. [L. S.] A. lOFFE. 22, RUSSIA— GERMANY. CIVIL-LAW AGREEMENT SUPPLEMENTING THE RTJSSO-GER- MAN SUPPLEMENTARY TREATY TO THE TREATY OF PEACE BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE CENTRAL POWERS. SIGNED AT BERLIN, 27 AUGUST, 1918. [German text as publishedin the Deutscher Reichsanzeiger, 7 September, 1918.] 5tuf ©runb be« ^xtihU 35 2{6[. 2 be§ !©eutfcf)'9?u[[{fc^en ,3u[a^i)ei'trag« gu bem i^^^^^ert^^s^trag siDt[d)en S)eutfd^Ianb, Oe[terreicf)41ngarn, 33ul- garien unb ber '^mtd eincrfeits unb 9?u&lanb anbererfelt^ finb bie 53et)oIt= mci^tigten beg !l)eutfcf)en 9?eid)g, nam= ber ©taat^fefretar be8 Jlu^luartigen 2lmt6, J?ai[erlirf)er SBirflic^er ©e^ f)eimer 9^at, J?onterabmtra( a. !t). ^err "iPauI don §in^e unb ber 3)ireftor im 9ru6n3arti9en 3(mt, Jlaiferlicfier SBirflic^er ©eiieimcr ffiat §err 2)r. 3of)anneg .^riege folnie ber ^edollmciditigte ber 9?u[[t[d)en ©osialtftifdien i^oberatioen ©oiDJetS* republif, namltc^ ber biplomatifc^e S3ertreter ber ©otBiet^republif bei ber ,f atferlic^ 2)eutfd)en 9?egierung, ^err ?IboIf iibereingefommen, jur 3lugfiif)rung ber prbatreditlic^en 53e[timmungen beg !J)eutfd^=9?uf[{[d)cn ^ufaljuertragS bie 9^ed)tgt)erf)altni[[e aug S3}ed)feln, ^ioc^edg unb 53a(utagcfd)aften (?lrtifel 7 § 2 $lb[. 2), bie gen)erblid)en @c^u^red)te (Slrtifel 9), bie S3eriaf)runggfri[ten (5IrtifeI 10) foJDie bie fd^iebggerid}ttic^e [Translation.] In virtue of Article 35, Para- graph 2, of the Russo-German Supplementary Treaty to the Peace Treaty between Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey, for the one part, and Russia for the other part, the plenipotentiaries of the German Empire, namelj': The Secretary of State for For- eign Affairs, the Imperial Privy Councillor, Rear Ad- miral Paul von Hintze, re- tired; and The Director in the Foreign Of- fice, the Imperial Privy Councillor, Dr. Johannes Kriege, as well as the plenipotentiary of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet-Republic, namely: The diplomatic representative of the Soviet-Republic ac- credited to the German Im- perial Government, M. Adolf loffe, have agreed to regulate the legal position arising out of bills of ex- change, cheques, and exchange business (Article 7, § 2, Paragraph 2), industrial patents (Article 9), the terms of limitation (Article 10), as well as the decision of civil and commercial legal disputes by 203 204 THE EUSSIAN " PEACE.' ©ntfdjelbung jil)il= iinb f)aubclgiec^t= lic^er ©treitigfetten ju regein unb ju biefem 3^^*^^^ ein STganjunggabfoni^ men ?u bem S)eutfd)=9?uf[ifd)en 3"= fa^dertrag gu treffen. ^ie 53et)onmarf)ttgten 1:iahtn fidf), nad)bcm fie etnanber i{)re 35onmad)teu mitgeteilt unb bie[e in gnter unb gef)briger gorm befunbcn f)aben, iiber folgenbe i8e[timmungen geeinigt: (grfteg ^apM. 9^ec^t^berf)altni[[e au^ 3Bed^[eIn unb SlrtiM 1. ^^at bie ^iorlegung eineg SBed^[eI§ jur 3al)Iung ober bie 'i|3rote[terf)ebung ober bie 33ornabnte einer anbcren jur (Srf)altung ber SSed)feIred)te erforber= Iid)en §anblung ^nabrenb bc^ jiriegeg infolge ge[ct^^lid}er 55or[d)riften ober in- folge t)bf)erer ©elDalt nid)t erfotgen fbnnen, fo [olt bie §anblung in ©unften ber 2(ngef)brigen ber bertrag= fc^Iie^enben 3;:cile ai& rec^tjeitig Oor= genonnnen gelten, toenn [ie bor 21blauf be§ adjtcn 9)tonat§ nad) ber 9tatififation be^ griebengnertragS ober, [ofern in biefem ^eitpunft bie 5>crl}inberung nod) fortbnuerte, innerf)atb jloeier SOconate nad) SBegfall be§ ^inberni[[c«, jebod) [pateften^ binnen fedjS SObnaten nnd) ber 9^atififation be^ ^rieben^tiertragS 3n)ifd)en S)eutfd)lanb unb ber le^ten mit S)eutfd)tanb im ^riege be[inb(id)cn ©rofemac^t nad)geI)oIt luirb. 3ft burd) eine au§ 2(nla^ bt€ J?riege§ fiir ben ^i^^ungSort ergangene gefe^= lid^e 53eftinunung eine neue grift flir bie SSorlegung beg 3Bed)fetg sur S<^^' (ung unb fotd}er 'i)3rotefterbebung ein- geflibrt toorben, fo foil eine 33orIegung unb iprotefterbebung, bie innerl^alb ber neuen grift unb Oor 2(blauf beg ad)ten Courts of Arbitration, in order to carry out the civil law provisions of the Russo-German Supple- mentary Treaty, and for this pur- pose to conclude a supplemen- tary agreement to the Russo-Ger- man Supplementary Treaty. The plenipotentiaries have agreed to the following provi- sions, after having exchanged their credentials, and having found these in due and proper form: PART I Legal Positions Arising From Bills of Exchange and Cheques. article I. If the presentation of a bill of exchange for payment, or the protest, or the taking of other action necessary to uphold the exchange rights, has not been possible during the war, in con- sequence of legal instructions, or of force majeure, the action iii favor of the subjects of the con- tracting parties shall be con- sidered as having been taken in good time if subsequently under- taken before the expiration of the eighth month after the ratifi- cation of the Peace Treaty, or, in so far as the hindrance still continued at this date, within two months after the abolition of the hindrance, in any case, at latest, within six months after the ratification of peace between Germany and the last Great Power to be at war with Germany. If, owing to a legal decision arising out of the war applying to the place of payment, a new period has been instituted for the presentation for payment of a bill of exchange and for the rais- ing of protest, then a presentation and protest made within the new period of grace and before the ex- piration of the eighth month after CIVIL-LAW AGREEMENT WITH GERMANY. 205 9}?onat6 nad) ber 9?atififation be§ i^riebcnSDertragg slt)t[d)en ©eutfd)tanb unb 9?u^Ianb erfolgt, su @un[ten ber Stngef)drigen ber dertrag[d)Ue^enben Xdk audi) barm aU red)tjeittg dorge- nommen gelten, menn ber ^'nfiabcr be^ SSed^[eI^ an ber S5orna^me innerf)alb ber alten grift nic^t der^inbert roar. Slrtifet 2. 53ei SBec^feln, ble gemii^ 3(rtifel 7 § 3 Slbf. 1 bcS 3ufa^t)ertrag^ nid)t tjor ?lblauf Don fed)§ a)?onaten nad) ber Sxatififation be« grteben^dertragg be^ Sat)It jn irerben braudien, gilt bic 53or=^ legnng jur 3a^Iung folnic bie '^]3rote[t= erl)ebimg mangels 3aWung al^ red)tset= tig dorgenommen, tDcnn fie mci^renb beg fiebenten ober ad)ten $)?onntg nad) ber 9?atififation ober, fofern bie "i^oniabme ber §anblnng innerbalb biefer grift burc^ f)bf)ere ©emalt tierf)inbcrt lotrb, innerbatb jlDeier 9J?onate nad) bcm SBegfall be« ^inberniffe^, jebod) fdate= fteng binnen fec^S 9)2onaten nad) ber ^atififation beg griebengdcrtragg ^tviu fd)en 'J)entfd)Ianb nnb ber leljtcn mit !l)eutfd)Ianb im .S'riege befinblid)en @rofemad)t erfotgt. 5lrtifel 3. 2llS S3erbinberung burd) bbf)ere @e= lualt im ©inne ber 2lrtifet 1, 2 ift eg in8= befonbere an^ufef)en, rticnn ber nnmittc{= bare ^13oftt}erfel)r mit bem Orte, mo bic ■^anblung dorgenommen iderben mu^, nnterbroc^en ift. Slrtifel 4. SSirb in ben gaflen ber 5IrtifeI 1, 2 nad) 31blauf don 6 9[>ionaten feit ber ^atififation beg griebengdertragg ber SBed)fcI nid)t ^,ur ^^Wung dorgelegt, fo fann fid) ber @d)utbner don ber SBed)feI^ t)crdflid)tnng baburd) befreien, bafe er bie 2Bed)feIfumme nebft ben aufgctaufenen 3infen bei ber nad) ben ?anbeggefe^en the ratification of the Peace Treaty between Germany and Russia, in favor of subjects of the contracting parties, shall also be considered as having been made in good time, if the holder of the bill was prevented from taking action within the old period ot grace. ARTICLE 2. In case of bills of exchange, which, in accordance with Arti- cle 7, § S, Paragraph 1 of the Supplementary Treaty, need not be paid before the expiration of six months after the ratification of the Peace Treaty, the presenta- tion for payment, as well as the protest in default of payment, shall be considered as having been made in good time, if they are made during the seventh or eighth month after the ratifica- tion, or, in so far as taking action was prevented within this period of grace, hy force majeure, within two months after the abolition of the hindrance, in any case, at least within six months after the ratification of the Peace Treaty between Germany and the last Great Power to be at war with Germany. ARTICLE 3. In particular, interruption of direct postal communication with the place where the action must be taken, shall be regarded as a hindrance through force majeure, in the sense of Articles 1 and 2. ARTICLE 4. If in the cases of Articles 1 and 2, the bill of exchange is not pre- sented on the expiration of six months after the ratification of the Peace Treaty, the debtor may free himself from the obligation of the bill of exchange by deposit- ing the amount, together with the accrued interest, with the quar- 206 THE RUSSIAN" " PEACE. beg 3fl^iunge!ortg ;^u[tanbigen nmtUd)en ©telle auf ©efaf)r unb Soften be>? $Secl)felinl)aber§ l)interlegt. 5IrtifeI 5. 9Iu[ 9tcd)t§DerI}altniffe aug ®d)C(f« finben bie 33e[tiTnmuugcn ber ?lrtifcl 1 big 4 entfpredienbe Hnmcnbuug. .Btoeiteg tapitel. 9?ed)tgt)ert)altniffe au6 33dutagefd}a[ten. Slrtifel 6. 55erp[lid)tungen aus Xermtnge [dia[* ten in S3nluten, ingbefonbcre in @elb= forten, S3>cd)[eln, ©d)erfg unb ?Iug,5ab- lungcn, bie bei il'rieggaugbrud) ,2tt)i[d)en ben beibcrfeitigen Staatgange^origen fdnucbten, foUcn ^u ben ttereiubarten iBebingungen innerbnlb ber fiir bie 33e= jablung Don ©elbforberungen jiDi|d)en S)eutfc6Ianb unb kuBlnnb feftgefebten 3eit crfiiUt rt)erben. v^anbclt eg fid) bei ben 3:ermingefd)aften nni bie 2Bal)= rung eineg ©tnateg, mit beni Seutfdi- lanb fid) nod) im .f?riegg5u[tanbe be[in= bet, fo bat bie (Srfiillung binnen 6 90?onnten nad) ber 9iatififntion beg griebengoertrngg mit biefem ©taate jn erfolgen. ©ritteg tapttel. ©etticrbltd^e ©c^u^redjte. Strtifet 7. 3ur i^fl^tung ber fiir geiuerblic^e ®d)ut3red)tc burd) ibrc SBieberI)er= ftellung gcmttfe ?trtifel 9 § 1 ?lb[. 1 beg 3vtfa^t)ertragg fallig gemorbcnen Q>k= biibrcn foil ben 2Ingel)origen febeg t)er= tragfd)Iie^enben ^^eilcg in bent ©ebiete beg anbercn 2:eileg unter SBcgfall ber gefet^lid) t»orgefd)riebencn griften unb 3ufd)Iage eine ^yrift Don fed)g 9[>?onaten nad) bent 3'nfrafttreten , hc§ gcgen^ martigen 5(bfommeng jufteben. ters recognized as officially com- petent by the laws of the land in which the place of payment is situated, at the risk and cost of the holder of the bill. ARTICLE 5. The provisions of Articles 1-4 apply to the legal position arising from cheques. PART II. Legal Position Arising from Exchange Transactions. ARTICLE 6. Obligations arising out of short- dated transactions in exchange, particularly in any sort of money, bills, cheques, and payments which were pending between sub- jects of the respective States when war broke out, must be ful- filled in accordance with the terms of such agreements, within the time fixed between Germany and Russia for the payment of money demands. If, in the short- dated transactions, it is a question of a bill of exchange drawn on a State with which Germany is still at war, then the obligation must be fulfilled within six months after the ratification of the peace treaty with this State. PART III. Industrial Patents. ARTICLE 7. For payment of the charges for patents which have fallen due through their restoration, con- formably with Article 9, § 1, Paragraph 1 of the Supplementary Treaty, the subjects of each con- tracting party shall have a period of six months' grace in the ter- ritory of the oUier party, after the present agreement comes into force, the legally prescribed periods of grace and additions being abohshed. CIVIL-LAW AGREEMENT WITH GERMANY. 207 3n gletc^er SSeife mirb bie 3rt^^ung ber t)or bem 3nfrafttretcn be^ 9(b= fommenS faHtg gch)orbenen iuciteren ©ebii^ren befriftct. ?XrtifcI 8. ©ie tm Strtifel 9 § 2 2Ibf. 1 beg 3u= faljliertragS t)orgcfcI)ene grift fiir bie 9kdif)oIimg ciner au« Hnlafj be§ .tricge^ Ocrfaumten 6panbluug mirb bici gum 3(b{au[ eineS 3abrcg nad) ber 9iatifi= fation beS ^^ricbenSDertrag^ jtttifdien S)eut[(^lanb unb ber le^ten mit ©eutfd)* lanb im .f riege be[inbtid)eix ©rojsmac^t Oerlctngert. Slrtttel 9. SBenn in bem (Mebiet eincS ber t)er= tragfd}Uefeenben J^eile ein gelDerbIid)eg ©c^u^rec^t, bag nad) .fricgggefe^en nid)t angemetbet ttterben fonnte, Don bemjenigen, ber eg mcifjrenb beg .^Triegeg in bem ©ebiet beg anberen 3leiteg Dor=^ fd)riftgma^ig angemelbet bnt, inner= i)alb eineg ^abreg nad] ber 9iatififation teg griebengDertragg srt)ifd)en 3)cnt[d)= knb unb ber letjten mit ®ent[dilanb tm ^'riege beftnblid)en ©ro^madit unter 3nan[pruc5nal)me ber ^13rioritat ber friif)eren ?lnmelbung angemelbet ftiirb, fo foil bie Hnmelbung alien injn^ifc^en mgereid)ten §lnmelbungen norge^en imb burd) injn3ifd)en eingetretene 3lat= fadien tiid^t untoirffam gemac^t tt>erben fmntn. Slrtifel 10. T)ux(i) bie SBeftimmung beg 2(rtifel 9 -luerben bie in ben je^igen ober fiinftigen ©efe^en jebeg Jeileg entbaltencn 3?or= fc^riften nid)t berli^rt, monad) ber ©d)utj ber ©egenftfinbe ber ange= melbeten 2lrt tierfagt ober im offent^ Iid)en 3ntereffe befd)ranft ober cnt= Sogen luerben fann ober gegenilber !Dritten, bie in ber 3<^it sn3ifd)cn bem @ingang ber friilieren unb bem ber fpateren 3lnmelbung ben C-Vgenftanb in gutem ©lauben benu^t Ijabcn, feine SSirfung bat. A period of grace will be al- lowed in the same way for tlie payment of the fm'ther charges wmch have fallen due before this agreement comes into force. ARTICLE 8. The period of grace provided in Article 9, § 2, Paragraph 1 of the Supplementary Treaty for recovering an action lost through delay caused by war, will be pro- longed till the expiration of a year after the ratification of the Peace Treaty between Germany and the last of the Great Powers to be at war with Germany. ARTICLE 9. When a patent which could not be announced by the laws of war is announced in the territory of one of the contracting parties within a year after the ratification of peace between Germany and the last Great Power to be at war with Germany, by those who had announced it in due form, during the war, in the territory of such other party, claim being made to the priority announcement, the announcement shall take pre- cedence of all the announcements submitted in the meantime, and shall not be rendered ineffective by any facts which have inter- vened in the meantime. ' ARTICLE 10. The provisions of Article 9 shall not affect the instructions contained in the present or future laws of each party, according to which protection for objects of the kind notified is denied, or is hmited in the public interest, or may be withdrawn, or has no effect as against third parties, who may have made use of the object, in good faith, in the time between the reception of the earlier and that of the later announcement. 208 THE RUSSIAN " PEACE. Hrtifel 11. ' ' S)ie 9?u[fi[rf)e Qiegierung erfliirt fid) bereit, bemnad)[t mtt bcr S)eut[d)en 3?egierung in 33crf)anbluiigcn iiber ben gegenfeitigen ®d)u^ be^ gctperblidien Sigentumg einjutreten. S3iertee ^apitet. S3eriaf)rung6fri[ten. Hrtifet 12. 3n (Srganjung ber 53e[tinimungen beg 5IrtifeI 10 beg ^nfnfe^ei^tragg n)irb iiber bie (Srmeiterung ber !^eriabrnngg= imb 5?orlegung«frt[ten nereinbart, ha^, irenn ber 53ered)tigte bnrd] bobere @e= n)a(t Derbinbcrt ift, [ein 9ied)t big ^um 5lblauf ber erirteiterten (^-rift gettenb gu mad)en, bie j^rift fid) jugnnften ber 5tn= gebbrigen ber t)ertrngfd)Ucfeenben Xeile, Dorbebaltlid) tneitergebenber 55or[d)rif* ten ber Sanbeggefetje, big .^nm 3tblau[ toon ^mei 9J?onaten feit SSegfali beg §in= berniffeg, jebod) nid)t liber ied)g ^D'^onate nad) ber 9iatififation beg ^yriebengoer^ tragg jtuifdien ®entfd)(anb unb ber letjten mit 3)eutfd)(anb im .firiege be= finblic^en ®rofemad)t Derlangert. 3)ie bcrtrag[d)tie^enben -teile finb barliber einig, baf? bie ini %b\a\^ 1 unb im ?lrtifct 10 bc^ Suffll^^^c^'ti'ag^ t»orge= febene (S-rifttierUtngerung and) fiir bie grift jur .^lageerbebnng nng SSedifetn unb ©c^edg giit. giinfteg .Capital ©d}iebggeridite fiir jit)it= unb banbclg= red)tlid)e ©treitigfeiten. 2(rtifel 13. S'l^nU unb banbetgred)tlid)e ®treitig= feiten jn>ifd)en ben beiberfeitigen ©taatg= ARTICLE 11. The Russian Government de- clares its readiness shortly to enter into negotiations with the German Government respectinaj mutual protection of industrial ownership. PART IV. Period of Limitation. ARTICLE 12. In amplication of the provi- sions of Article 10 of the Supple- mentary Treaty, it is agreed, with regard to extension of the prescribed limits within which application may be made, that when the claimant is prevented by force majeure from taking proceedings before the expira- tion of the extended period of grace, the period shall be pro- longed in favor of subjects of the contracting parties, subject to furtlier reaching instructions of the law of the country, until the expiration of two months after the abolition of the hin- di-ance — in any case, not for longer than six months after the ratification of the peace treaty between Germany and the last of the Great Powers to be at war with Germany, The contracting parties agree that the prolongation of the period of grace provided in par- agraph 1 and Article 10 of the Supplementary Treaty shall be in force also for the period dur- ing which proceedings may be taken arising from bills of ex- change and cheques. PART V. Courts of Arbitrations for Civil and Commercial Dis- putes. ARTICLE 13. According to the following pro- visions, civil and commercial dis- OIVIL-LAW AGEEEMENT WITH GERMANY. 209 ■angeftorigen fonncn nadi SOtn^gabe bcr Ttad)[tef)enben 53e[timmungcn hex ,3u- ftanbtgfcit ber nntionalen C'^cridite ent= gogcn unb ber (gntfd)eibung Don (gc^iebg- gertditen imterbreitet tucrben. 3lrtifel 14. S)ie ©cfitebeSgcriditc finb jiiftcinbig fiir 9xed)t6[treittgfeiten 5lnifd)en ben beibcrfeitigen ©tnatSange^origen, fofern €6 [ic^ fianbelt um 1. t)ermogcngred)tUd}e Stnfpriidic auQ ^Bertrcigen, bie Dor bem 1. ?liigu[t 1914 gefc^Ioffen [tnb; 2. ?(nfpriid)e ou^ SSed^fetn ober ®d)e(f«, bie t)or bem 1. 5(uguft 1914 mt^geftellt [inb; 3. 5Infprii($e au§ Urbeberred)ten ober •gemerblidien ©d)u^rediten, bie Dor bem 1. ?(uguft 1914 begriinbet [inb. STrtifel 15. Sm ©inne beg 2trtifel 14 finb '^mU •fd)cn ober 9?u[[en gleid) ju ad}ten iurif= ti[d)e "iperfonen unb ®efeflfc6aften, bie in 3)eutfci^Ianb ober 9iufelanb ibren @i^ baben. 3(uggenommen finb iurifti[d)e •iPerfonen unb (^^efeKfdinften, bie ftiegen [cinblidier .fapitalbcteiligung, ?eitung ober ?Iuf[irf)t unter ,8>wan9St)errtiaItung ober Siauibation ftebcn. 3)urcb eine nad) bem 29. W^n 1918 cingctretene 9?ed)tgnod)foIge in ben 3tn= [Drudi ober bie ®d)u!b rttirb bie 3u= [tcinbigfeit be§ (2d)icbggerid}tg rtjeber begriinbet nocb aucigefd)Ioffen. HrtiM 16. 3)a§ ®d)iebggerid)t fann nur ange- rufen irerben, n^cnn einer ber im SIrtifet 14 bejeidineten ?(nfpriidic ouf bem SSegc ber .^lage ober ber 2Biber= flage geltenb gemadit mirb unb eine ^artei bie 5?erbanblung Dor bem ©c^iebggeric^t beantrogt. putes may be withdrawn from the competence of the national courts and be submitted to courts of arbitration for decision. ARTICLE 14. The courts of arbitration shall be competent to decide legal dis- putes between subjects of the respective States, in so far as it is a question of: 1. Claims in respect of money matters, arising out of agree- ments concluded before 1 August, 1914; 2. Claims arising out of bills of exchange or cheques drawn before 1 August, 1914; 3. Claims arising out of copy- right or patents estabhshed be- fore 1 August, 1914. ARTICLE 15. In the sense of Article 14, Germans or Russians shall mean juridical persons or companies situated in Germany or Russia. Those juridical persons or com- panies shall be excepted which are under compulsory adminis- tration, or in liquidation on account of enemy snare in their capital, enemy management, or supervision. The competence of the Court of Arbitration will neither be established nor excluded by a succession to the claims or debt arising subsequently to 29 March, 1918. ARTICLE 16. The Court of Arbitration can only be appealed to when one of the claims indicated in Article 14 has been tried by means of an action or counter action, and one party moves that the transaction should come before the Court of Arbitration. 210 THE RUSSIAN " PEACE. 3)cr .^Iciger fann ben ?tntrag auf 93er^anb!unft Dor bem ©diicb^geridit nur biirdi (linretd)ung bev .fflagc[d)ritt bci bem ®d)iebgc3erid)t [telten. (2r()ebt er bie .fi'toge bei bem orbentIid)en @e= ridite, fo nerliert cr ba« 9?ed)t aiif Hnrufung be5 ®d)iebggerid)t8. 5)er 55ef(agte bat ben SIntrag in ber .f lagcbeantiDortung, [pciteftenS aber jmei 2)fonate nacb ^ui^cflnng bcr Silaqc, jn [telkn. SSirb in einem 'i^erfahren Hor bent orbenttidien (^kridit eine !iBiberf (age erboben, [o bat ber .fdager ben 5(ntrag, iiber bie SSiberflage nor bem ®d)iebg= gerid)t gn berbanbeln, bei bcr iBeant= luortung ber SBiberflagc, [pateften^ aber jmei 9}Jonate nacb (Srbebung ber 2Biber= flage, ju [tellen. 3)a§ orbentlid^e ®crid)t bat Jtntrcige auf 33erbanblung Dor bem ®d]iebSge= rid)t biefem borjufcgen unb b(i\\m (gnt= fd)eibung abjunjarten. S)ag >Sdneb^ge= rid)t fann eincn ?(ntrag trolj 33er[au= mnng ber im 2lbfa^ 3 norgefebcnen i^rift t)on jirtei 9}bnaten julaffen, n^enn bie S'inbaltung ber grift infolge bbberer ©elualt nidjt moglid) inar. !l)ie (Sntfd)eibung beg ®d)iebgge= rid^tg, baf; feine ^Suftcinbigfeit beftebe ober nid)t beftebe, ift fiir bie @erid)te S)eutfd)Ianbg unb 9?ufelanb« binbenb. 5lrtifel 17. !Die jur (Sntfd)eibung berufenen ®d)eib§geri(bte n)erben in 53erUn unb 9L)?o§fau errid)tet. S)ag (Sd)ieb^gerid)t in S3erlin ift ju- ftcinbig, iDenn ber 33ef(agte feinen ^obnfi^ in !l)eutfd)(anb bat ober Ittenn er feinen SBobnfi^ aufeerbatb S)eutfd)^ lanbg unb 9xufelanbei bat unb cin beutfd)er ©taat^angebbriger ift. ®a'3 ®c^icbggerid}t in 5Q?oc«fau ift ju= ftcinbig, menu ber 33eflagte feinen SSof)nfil5 in $Kufe(anb bat ober menu er feinen SBobnfi^ aufserbalb 9iuftlanbg unb 3)eutfd}(nnbg bat imb ein ruffifd)er ©taat^angebbriger ift. Tlie plaintiff can only move that the transaction should come before the Court of Arbitration by submitting a declaration to the said Court. If he lodges the complaint with the regular Court he loses the right to appeal to the Court of Arbitration. The defendant must make the proposal in answermg the charge, at latest two months after the complaint has been lodged. If, in an action before the reo;ular Court, a counter charge is lodged, the plaintiff must make the pro- posal to bring the counter charge before the Court of Arbitration when answering the counter charge, at the latest, however, two months after the counter charge is lodged. The regular Court has to sub- mit proposals to bring the matter before the Court of Arbitration to such Court, and await its de- cision. The Court of Arbitra- tion may permit a proposal not- ' withstanding the lapse of the two months' grace provided for in Paragraph 3, if it was not pos- sible, in • consequence of force majeure, to observe the period of grace. The decision of the Court of Arbitration as to the existence or non-existence of its competence is binding for the Courts of Ger- many and Russia. ARTICLE 17. The Courts of Arbitration ap- pointed to arbitrate will be erected in Berlin and Moscow. The Court of Arbitration in Berlin is competent, if the de- fendant is a German subject, whether his domicile be in Ger- many or outside of Germany and Russia. The Court of Arbitration in Moscow is competent if the de- fendant is a Russian subject, whether his domicile be in Russia or outside of Russia and Germany. CIYIL-LAW AGREEMENT WITH GERMANY. 211 3[t infolcie mc{)rfnd)er 3Bof)n[itje bc^ 58ef(aijteu hit ,3uftanbiQfeit faelbcr @d)icb^gerld)tc begitutbet, fo f)at bcr .^litger bie 3Bat)I, luelrfic^ ©djieb^gcridit er aiirufen linlt. T^a^ gieid)c gilt, lucnii tioii iue{)reren 53eflagten, bic in 2lnfcf)img bc§ ©treltgcgcnftanbe^ in 9ied)ti^gemetnfd)aft [tet)en, ber cine in ©cntfd)(nnb, bcr anbcre in 9iu&Ianb feinen 2Bo()nfi^ ^at. 5IrtiM 18. ^ag ®d)ieb^gerid)t f)nt [cine 3u= [tcinbigfeit, ineibefonbcrc bic StaatSan^ gef)origfcit ber 'iParteicn, unb bie 9?id)^ ttgfcit ber ^]3arteibcf)anptungen, Inoranf bie 3^ifttti^'5iflft-'it' flcftlitjt inirb, gegebe- nenfaltg t)on 5lnit§ tocgcn ,^u priifcn. ^Irtifel 19. ©ie ®c^ieb^gerid)te in 33erlin unb 9)?o§fau inerbcn, \mc folgt, gebitbet: iDcutfc^Ianb nnb 9iufe(anb crnennen fiir icbeS ®diicb^gerid)t ie einen 9iid)tcr unb cincn ©tenDcrtretcr. ©ie 3)a= nifd)e S^egierung twirb gebeten ttterben, auS ber S(^i)\ ibrer ^taat^angcbbrigen gleid)[an^ [iir icbec! @d)icbggerid)t cincn 9iid)tcr unb cincn (Stenpertrcter ju er= ncnncn. X)k Srnennung ber 9iid)ter erfolgt auf bie "Dauer Don brei 3abren. ,3um 9vid]ter fann nur ernannt tuerben, trer bie Sefctbigung {)nt, in feinem >^ci= mat[taat 2}fitgUeb cincg f olkgial^ gcrid}tg !)obcrer ^nftan:, ju [ein. 9?eben ben !}iid)tcrn luerbcn auf gut^ ad)tlid)en 5>orfd)(ag bc>5 jur 9?crtretung bcS «*panbel^ftnnbcs* bcrufcncn Organs fiir jcbeS ©cf)iebSgcrid)t ^luci §anbels= ric^ter beftcltt, unb 5mar je einer Don S)eutfd)lanb unb ^lujilanb. !Dcn 9?egierungcn ber beteiligten ©taaten bleibt cd norbebaltcn, cine SScrmcbrung ber 9?id)terfraftc ;iu t)cr= einbarcn. If the competence of both Courts of Arbitration is estab- hshed in consequence of the de- fendant having several residences, then the plaintiff has the choice which Court of Arbitration he will appeal to. The same applies when, of several defendants who are legally associated in respect of the subject of dispute, the one has his domicile in Germany, the other in Russia. ARTICLE 18. If necessary the Court of Arbi- tration must officially test its competence, particularly the na- tionality of the parties, and the correctness of the statements made by the parties on which its competence is based. ARTICLE 19. The Courts of Arbitration in Berlin and Moscow shall be formed as follows: Germany and Russia each to appoint a judge and a deputy for each Court of Arbitration. The Danish Government shall be asked equally to appoint from amongst the number of its sub- jects, for each Court of Arbitra- tion, a judge and a deputy. The appointment of the judges shall be for three years. Only those can be appointed who are quali- fied to be members of a higher court of appeal in their own country. In addition to the judges, two commercial judges shall be ap- pointed for each Court of Arbi- tration, if advised and proposed by the organs appointed to rep- resent the commercial class, Ger- many and Russia each appointing one. The right of agreeing to add to the number of judges shall be re- served to the Governments of the States concerned. 212 THE RUSSIAN " PEACE. Strtifet 20. ^eber Dertragfdilie^enbe ^dl geluaf)rt ben 9^id)tem uiib §anbel§rid)tern, bie nicf)t feinc cigcnen 5tngeborigen [tnb, bie bi))Iomatifd)en !i>orred)tc uiib ^efrci^ ungen. Strtifcl 21. Sdd jebem ®d)iebggerid)te [ul)rt ber Don ber ®ani[d)en 9?cgierung beseidinetc 9?i(^ter bie @efd)a[te beg *!|5rafibenten. 3)cr "i^rnfibent entennt bie er[orber= lidien ©erid)tgfd)reibcr, .ft'anjlei^ imb Unterbeamten, imb jmar auf 53orfd)Iag ber $)iegierung be« Sanbe^, ino bag ©(^iebggerid)t [eincn ®i^ ^at. 3(rtifel 22. 3)ie Soften ber ©d)iebggeric^te tragen jDeut[c^Ianb unb 9vu^Ianb ju gleic^en 3:ei(en. 5IrtifeI 23. !DaS ©d)icbggerid)t ent[d)eibet in ber ^efe^ung mit einem biinifc^en, einem beut[d)en unb einem ruffifd)en 9?ic^ter; ber bani[d)e 9iid)ter fiifirt ben 33or[i^. ?luf ?Intrag einer 'i)3artei f)at ber 53 or- [i^enbe aujierbem einen beutfc^en unb einen ruffi [d)en §anbelgrid^ter suju= jieljen. ?iuf 2(ntrag beiber *i]Sarteien entfc^eibet has ®d)iebggeridit in ber S3efe^ung mit einem beutfd)en unb einem ruf[tfd)en §anbele!riditer [ort)ie einem bnnifd)en 9?id}ter alg 33orfi^en= bem. Slrtifel 24. !©ie ®erid)tg[prad)e ift fiir bag ©c^iebggeridit in Berlin bie beutfc^e, fiir bag ©diiebggeric^t in 9D?ogfau bie ruffifdie ®prad}e. ®inb nidit fcimt^ Iid)e "iperfonen ber ®prad)e mad)tig, in ber t)erf)anbelt unb beraten luirb, [o ift ein 3)olmet[d)er sujusiel)cn. ARTICLE 20. Each contracting party shall concede diplomatic privileges and exemption to the judges and com- mercial judges who are not its own subjects. ARTICLE 21. The judge appointed by the Danish Government shall act as President of each Court of Arbi- tration. The President shall appoint the necessary clerks of the Court, staff, and subordinate officials, at the suggestion of the Government of the country, where the Court of Arbitration has its domicile. ARTICLE 22. The costs of the Courts of Arbitration shall be borne by Gerihany and Russia in equal shares. ARTICLE 23. The Court of Arbitration, in making its decisions, shall con- sist of one Danish, one German, and one Russian judge; the Dan- ish judge shall preside. On the motion of one party, the presi- dent shall call in a German and Russian commercialjudge in addi- tion. On the motion of both parties the Court of Arbitration, in making its decision, shall con- sist of a German and a Russian commercial judge, as well as a Danish judge as president. ARTICLE 24. The language of the court shall be, for the Court of Arbi- tration in Berlin, the German, for the Court of Arbitration in Mos- cow, the Russian language. If all the persons have not full com- mand of the language in which the proceedings and delibera- tions are carried on, an inter- preter shall be called in. CIVIL-LAW AGREEMENT WITH GERMANY. 213 Hrtifel 25. S)a§ ©c^tebSgertc^t Ijat bicienigen 9^egeln beg internationalen '!l3rit)atrcd)tg anjultjenben, bie fraft ®e[e^eS ober ®ertd}t§gcbraud) t)or bcm 1. Huguft 1914 an [einem @i^e gegolten fjahm. 9?arf) bte[en 9?cgeln ift in^befonbcre, folueit nid)t bie iBeftimmung beg 3(rtifet§ 10 beg 3u[a^t)ertragg ober bie bosu dereinbarten @rganjungen S^lai^ gretfen, bie j^rage gu beurteiten, ob ein geltcnb gemac^ter 5In[prurf) tteriaf)rt ift. Strtifel 26. S)ag ®cOiebggerid}t l^at bei ber 5(n= ftienbung ber ©efe^e unb bei ber 2(ug= legung ber 9^ed)tggefd)afte au[ bie 2(n= fd)auimgen beg el^rbaren unb entgegen== fommenben §anbclg 9xu(ffid)t gu ne^men unb uuter freier S^Siirbigung beg gefamten ^n^attg ber 33er^anblungeu unb beg Srgebniffeg einer etmaigen ^e- rt)eigau[naf)me gu entfd^eiben. %xtiM 27. !Dag @c^iebggerid)t entfc^eibet auf ®runb munblid)er 55erl)anblung. 3)ie 53erbanblung inirb bom 53or= fi^enben geleitet; [ie ift bffentlid). Ueber iebe 5?er{)anblung ift eine 9lieberfd)rift aufjunebmen unb don bem 35orfi^enben unb bem ©eric^tgfc^reiber ju unterjeidjnen. Slrtifel 28. 3u ber 53erf)anblung finb bie ^^orteien ju laben. 3)er ?abung bebarf eg nic^t, menu ber S3er^anblunggtermin in it)rer ober i^rer 55ertreter ©egenmart t)er= flinbet ift. Slrtifel 29. ©ie i^rift jmifd^en ber ^uftellung ber ^lagefdirift unb bem erften S3erbonb= lunggtermin ((Sinlaffunggfrift) foil min= ARTICLE 25. The Court of Arbitration must apply those rules of international civil law which were in force in its domicile before 1 August, 1914, by virtue of the law or of legal practice. According to these rules, the question has in particular to be judged, whether a claim pleaded is barred by the statute of limitations, in so far as the provisions of Article 10 of the Supplementary Treaty, or the amplifications to it agreed on, do not take effect. ARTICLE 26. In applying the laws, and inter- preting judicial matters, the Court of Arbitration must take the views of honorable and fair trade dealing into consideration, and judge with due attention to the whole content of the proceedings and the effect of any special agreement. ARTICLE 27. The Court of Arbitration shall give judgment on the basis of verbal proceedings. The trial shall be conducted by the president: it shall be public. A record shall be taken down of every hearing, and be signed by the president and the clerk of the court. ARTICLE 28. The parties are to be summoned to the trial. No summons shall be required when the date of the trial is announced in their pres- ence, or in the presence of their representatives. ARTICLE 29. The period of grace between the serving of the writ and the first date fixed for the trial {Ein~ lassungsfrist) shall be at least six 214 THE RUSSIAN " PEACE. befteng [e(f)§ SBod^en, bie j^rift smlfc^en ber ^uftellung ber tabling unb einem fpciteren 3:ermme (?abung§[ri[t) min^ beftenS einen SJJonat betragen. S)ag ®c6ieb§gerid)t fann bie (ginlaffungSfrift unb bie ?abung^fri[t auf 2lntrag aug befonberen ©riinben abfiirsen. 3ft bie @inla[|"unggfrift ober bie SabungSfrift nic^t gemofirt, fo fann bie 53ertegung beg 2:erming beantragt icerben. Slrtifel 30. 3[t bie tabling ober bie 33erfiinbung beg J^ertning orbnimggma^ig erfolgt, fo fann and) in 5tbn)efenbeit ber augge= bliebenen '^^artei dcrbanbelt unb ent= f(f)ieben ftierben. 3IrtifeI 31. !I)ag erfaumnig su= biHigen; eg fann il)neu aud) einen 53or= fd)nfe getncibren. weeks, the period of grace be- tween serving the summons and a later date (Ladungsfrist) shall amount to at least one month. The Court of Arbitration can cur- tail both the Einlassungsfrist and the Ladungsfrist if this is moved for special reasons. If the Ein- lassungsfrist and Lodungsfrists are not observed, a postponement of the date may be moved. ARTICLE 30. If the summons has been duly served, or the appointed date duly announced, the case can be tried and judgment given, even in the absence of the parties who failed to appear. ARTICLE 31. The Court of Arbitration may- have direct business dealings witn German and Russian Courts of Justice within their competence, in order to request them to effect deliveries, and collect evidence. It may effect deliveries on its own account; it may also hear wit- nesses and experts who appear before it, on oath or not on oath, as well as to accept ex parte affi- davits and solemn affirmations in place of an oath. Tlie Court of Arbitration may allow witnesses and experts who appear before it the reimburse- ment of their expenses and com- pensation for loss of time ; it may also allow them an advance. Hrtifel 32. 3)ie "iParteien fonnen fid) in bem 93er* fabren bor beni od)iebggerid)t burd) einen 33eDonmad)-tigten, ingbefonbere burd) ben 33eauftragten eineg ftaatlid) anerfannten ®Iaubigcrfd)u^t)erbanbeg bertreten laffen. Sag @c^iebggerid)t entfc^eibet nad) frciem (Srmeffen, ob bie .Soften ber ^ax- teitiertreter ber obfiegenben '^avtd gu crftatten finb. ARTICLE 32. The parties may in the pro- ceedings before the Court of Arbi- tration be represented by an au- thorized agent, in particular by the commissioner of the Associa- tion for Protection of Creditors recognized by the State. The Court of Arbitration shall be free to decide whether the costs of the representatives of the successful party are to be allowed. CIVIL-LAW AGEEEMENT WITH GERMANY. 215 SlrtiM 33. !Die "iParteten unb tf)re S3ertreter [inb befugt, beim ©d}ieb6gerid)t adc 9^iecf)t€= bef)c(fe Uoiiubringen, bie fie jur S3er= teibiguiig iljrer @ad)e filr nil^Iid) fatten. ^fJac^bem bie ^arteien ober il)re 33er= treter aHe Stufflcirungcn jugunften i[}rer krid)tg nur mit 3uftimmung beg @d)iebggerid}tg be= gonncn ober ti)eitergefUi)rt ttierben. S)a6 ®d)iebggcrid)t fann bei feiner (gntfd)eibung ba^ (5rgebni§ beg big= berigen 35erfabreng nad) feincm (Sr= meffen beriicffid)tigen. Wit ber S^' fteKung ber (Sntfd)cibung beg @dnebg= geriditg oerliercn bie in ber ®ad)e ergangenen (Sntfdicibungen beg orbent= Ii(|en ©eriditg, fort)eit fie ber (Snt= charged to cover the costs. The Court decides which party has to pay the fees and bear the cash ex- penses, and, on request, fixes their amount. The decision is enforceable in the territories of the contracting parties. The Court may reduce the court fees if the party shows that he is not in a position to pay the costs without prejudice to the necessary support of himself and his family. ARTICLE 40. Legal disputes which at the time of the ratification of this Convention are pending before a German or Russian regular court, but have not yet been decided, may, in so far as the provisions of Articles 14 and 15 apply, on the request of a party be again brought before the Court of Ar- bitration. The request must be preferred before the Court of Ar- bitration, and until disposed of puts a stop to all periods running in the proceedings. The Court of Arbitration de- cides as to the request. When notified that a request has been lodged before the Court of Arbi- tration, the ordinary court must await its decisions. The conclu- sion of the Court of Arbitration must be delivered to the parties. After the delivery of a conclusion accepting the request, the enforce- ment of decisions of the ordinary court may be begun or continued only with the consent of the Court of Arbitration. The Court of Arbitration may, in its decision, have regard to the result of the former proceedings, in so far as it sees fit. With de- Uvery of the decision of tne Court of Arbitration the decisions reached in the matter by the or- dinary court lose their force so far as they conflict with the decision CIVIL-LAW AGREEMENT WITH GERMANY. 217 jcf)eibiincj be^ ®rf)iebggerid)t^ tt)iber== fprec^en, if)re fraft. T)a§ @d)ieb'8= gcricf)t bcftubet iibcr btc 9iucfgctnaf)r einer auf ©runb clncg iiorlaufig Oo((= [trecfbarcu UrtcilS bc^ orbcntUcten (bk-- xidjU frciiDiUig gcuiaf)rteu ober bcigc= triebenen Veii'tuiig. Vk in bcm 5?er= fat)ren nor bem orbentlid)eu ©eridit entftanbenen .ff^oftcu geltcu nl^ Xei( ber •ftoften be^ fd)ieb^gcrid)tlid)cn 33er= fabreu^. ?trtifel41. T'er ?lntrag auf 33er{)anb(uiig nor bem ®d)iebggerid}t faun nad) 9)?afegnbe beg 9lrtifel 40 and) nad) (gintritt ber 3ied)t§frnft be« llrtetl§ bc^ orbentlidien ©eriditg gefteflt inerbcn, tDenn ha& llrteil erft nnd) bem 31. 3uU 1914 ergangen ift nnb bag ®d)iebggerid}t auf 5lntrag bie 3^1^iebereinfe^ung in ben oorigen ©tanb gevoabrt. X)er '?lntrag auf 'iHUebereinfeijnng mufe binnen fediS 9[)?onaten nad) bem 3nfra[ttreten biefeS Slbfommeng bei bem ®d)iebggerid)t gefteflt ttierben. @r fann nur auf bic 53ef)auntung ge= griinbet merben, ba^ bie *^artei infolge it)rer 3ii9ef)origfeit ju einer feinblid)en 3[)?ad)t ober infolge ber friegerifd)en (Sreigniffe bie ©clegenbeit t^n an^-- reirfienber 9?ed)tgt)erfoIgung ober 9ied)tg= Dertcibigung nid)t get)abt t)at. 3)ie 53e{)auptung ift g(aubt)aft ^u mQd)en. of the Arbitration Court. The Court of Arbitration shall con- sider the return of payment vol- untarily made, or enforced, on the ground of a judgment of a regular court enforceable for the time being. The costs incurred in the proceedings before the regular court rank as a portion of the costs of the arbitration proceed- ings. ARTICLE 41. The request for the Court of Arbitration to deal with a matter may be made in accordance with Article 40, even after the judg- ment of the regular court has become enforceable, if the judg- ment has been delivered only after 31 July, 1914, and the- Court of Arbitration on recjuest grants reinstatement to the former position. The request for reinstatement must be lodged with the Court of Arbitration within six months of the coming into force of this Con- vention. It can be based only on- the claim that the party con- cerned, in consequence of his being a subject of an enemy Power, or owing to occurrences in the war, has not had sufficient opportunity to prosecute or defend his rights. The claim must be authenticated. ?Irtifel 42. 3)em orbentlid^en ©ertc^t im 3cftininunu3cn getroffen: 1) lifaer Sabungcn unb 3u[tcllungcn; 2) ilfaer bie @cbiii)rcn be« ®(f)iebg= gertdit^ unb ber ^].^artcinertrcter; 3) liber bie Srftattung ber 3tus(agen ber ^S^^-iQ*-''^ 1"^"^ £ad)iicrfranbigen, iiber bie (Snt[d)abigung fiir tbre 3citt»er= fiiunini^ foiuic iibcr bic inneu l)ierau[ ju geiDiibrenbcn ilsorfdjiif) c ; 4) iiber bic ^ovm ber ?(u§[ertigun0 ber i5nti'd}eibungcu; 5) iiber bie ctmaige i^iibung lum Hb^ teiiungen unb liber bic SBcrteilung ber ©efd)ufte, namcntlid) and) liber bic 9ieibcnfolgc, in ber bic .<5anbc(^rid}ter cin^ubcrufcn ftnb. 3Irtifet 44. Dcr T)cut[d)cn unb ber 9?uffi[d)en 9iegicrung bicibt c^ norbcbalten, 'Qv-- gcinsungcn unb ^?(cnbcrungen ber t)or= ftebenbcn (yrunbfrttje ju nereinbaren, fall^ bicei fid) fpiiter a(ei jmectmafeig er= n)eifen foHte, ?(rtifel45. S)ic ^ercinbarung iiber ha§ ®d)icbg= gerid)t fann t)on '3)eutfd)lanb unb 9iuf3^ lanb nm 1. 3ii'i jebcn .^?n(cnberiabr«3, jcbod) nid)t tior bent 1. 3uli 1921, jum 31. ©cjeniber gcfitnbigt mcrben. ®ie ,8uftnnbigfcit beei ®d)icb^gerid)tg fiir bie Grlcbignng ber bei ibm anbangigen 9^ed)t^ftrcitigfcitcn nurb burd) bie .^liin= bigung nid)t bcrlibrt. ARTICLE 43. Eacli Court of Arbitration shall issue an order of procedure^ and communicate it to the otiiei Court of Arbitration. In the order of procedure spe- cial provisions shall be made with regard to: (1) Summonses and pleadings; (2) Court and counsel's fees; (3) Reimbursement of expenses of witnesses and experts, and compensation for their loss of time as well as the advances to be made tliem in tiiis connection ; (4) Tlie manner of issuing award ; (5) Tlie possible formation of divisions and tlie allotment of business, and particularly the order of succession in which the commercial umpires are to be called in. ARTICLE 44. The German and Russian Gov- ernments reserve the rig lit to arrange for supplementing and altering the foregoing principles in case tlds should appear desir- able later on, ARTICLE 45. Tlie agreement as to the Court of Arbitration may be denounced by Germany or Russia on 1 July of any calendar year, but not before' 1 July, 1921, the notice to expire taking effect on 31 Decem- ber. The competence of the Court of Arbitration to dispose of the disputes pending before it shall not be affected by the notice. CIVIL-LAW AGEEEMENT WITH GERMANY. 219 ©ec^fteg J?apitel. ©c^Iufebeftimmungen. nvtitd 46. S)iefe§ ?Ibfommen [oil ratiftsiert unb bie ^latififationeiurfimbcn foKeii bi^ 5um 6. September 1918 in 53erUn anQ- getaufcbt iDcrben. S)ic SIrttfcI 1 bk^ 12 beg ?(bfommen§ tretcn mit bem Slugtaufrf) bcr 9iati[i= fation^urhmben, bie Slrtifel 13 bii^ 45 glDei 9}tonate nad) bcm ^lu^taufd) in .f raft. S)er T)cutfd)en unb ber 9iuffi= [djen Ovecjierung bleibt eg t»orbel)aItcn, [iir bag ^nfrafttreten ber ^Irtifel 13 big 45 cinen fpciteren ^eitpiirift p oerein* baren, tnenn cin regelmafsigcr 'ijierfoncn^ unb 9iacpridH"enberfebr smifd^en !Dcut[d)= tanb unb 9?ufe(anb nid)t red}tjeitig ber= geftellt fein follte. Sii Urfunb beffen hahcn bie i8ei)o((= miidjtigten biefeg i'lbfommen untergeidj^ net unb mit ibren ©iegetn bcrfebcn. Sluggefertigt in boppelter Urfd}rift in 53erlin am 27. STuguft 1918. (L. S.) pon ©in^e. (L. S.) ^riege. (L. S.) 21. 3offe. PART VI. Final Provisions. ARTICLE 46. This Convention shall be rati- fied, and the documemts of rati- fication exchanged in Berlin by 6 September, 1918. Articles 1 to 12 of the Conven- tion come into force with the exchange of the documents of ratification, Articles 13 to 45 two months after the exchange. Tiie German and Russian Gov- ernments reserve the right to agree upon a later period for the coming into force of Articles 13 to 45, if regular intercourse should not be established between Ger- many and Russia. In witness whereof the plenipo- tentiaries have signed and sealed this agreement. Executed in duplicate in Berlin this 27th day of August, 1918. [L. S,] VON HiNTZE. [L. S.] Kriege. [L. S.] A. loFFE. 23. RUSSIA—GERMANY. MEMORANDUM ON THE RUSSO-GERMAN BOUNDARY AS ESTABLISHED BY THE TREATY OF PEACE OF BREST- LITOVSK. By Mark Jefferson. The Brest-Litovsk boundary line begins in the north at the entrance to the Gulf of Finland, which it controls by the possession of the islands Osel, Mohn, and Dago, very nearly in the latitude of Stockholm, Helsingfors, and St. Petersburg. The distance from Stockholm to Dago is 175 miles, from Helsingfors 100, from St. Petersburg 250. Russia's aspirations toward the sea receive a fearful blow by the loss of Riga and Libau. After centuries of isolation lessened by steady expansion towards the oceans, she finds herself for the first time in her history driven inland again by the loss of the best part of her best coast. The line comes ashore, the text says, in a segmental curve. From the Vorwaerts map that appears to mean an arc of a circle, which has Riga near its center and a radius of rather more than 20 miles (32 kilometers). To keep this curve and to follow the Vorwaerts map it is necessary to regard the text statement that it comes ashore a little to the northwest of the mouth of the Livonian Aa as an error. The word should be northeast. It is an important problem in draw- ing boundary lines to decide how near they may be tolerated to a large town. It appears to have been in the German mind that a distance of 20 miles, or perhaps it would be better to say a proximity of 20 miles, is not intolerable. It looks as if they could have insisted on 30 miles had they thought it vital. The boundar}^ line is about 740 miles long, somewhat longer than the distance by road from Land's End to John o' Groats; 150 miles of this is by sea (240 k.), 177 on dry land (283 k) and 400 along rivers (637 Ic). So that we may say the boundary has been placed mainly along rivers, more than half its total length ; and two thirds of its length ashore follows stream courses. A little east of Riga at tjxkiill the line is specified as crossing the Duna from north to south and to run thence eastward along the southern bank of the river for 178 miles (285 k). The remaining 220 miles of the river boundaries (352 k) are merely said to follow the course of the stream, as if mid-channel were meant. But all these other stream courses are small upper courses near headwaters where the rivers cannot have cut deeply into the surface, where it is probable that the rivers are not navigable nor their course in gorges. In other words in those regions the rivers are not very significant features of the landscape. 221 222 THE RUSSIAN " PEACE." Only on the Diina are we dealing with the lower, navigable course of a large deep stream. The whole course of the stream above Uxkiill is made Russian, possibly as a sort of compensation from the Germans to the Russians who are deprived of Riga and the river mouth. It is clear moreover that the Germans on the south bank are in an excellent position to dispute the navigation of the river any day they please to. The rest of the boundary down to the border of the new republic of Ukraine is along small streams by tiny hamlets, or across watersheds that are poorly drained. From the Dtina it turns to the southwest across the Baltic belt of morainah lakes between and roughly parallel to the two great lines of railway, from Warsaw to St. Petersburg, which is left in German hands as far north as Diinaburg (Dwinsk), and that from Warsaw to Moscow which remains Russian. There appear to be no large towns, which prob- ably means no notable development of resources, in the portions of Kowna (?), Vilna, and Grodno, which the Russians were allowed to keep. The country is pretty level, of sandy soil throughout and severe climate. Attempts have been made in the past to put German colonists upon it but they have never been willing to stay. It has seemed to them that it was too hard to conduct agriculture here. Yet a considerable proportion of the large landholders are German. In the south the line ends at the boundary of the Ukraine. It is to be noted from tliis boundary location that the Germans regard small streams or swamps in such country as this as suitable for boundary. And while we might question the frankness and sin- cerity of a statement by them to this effect, we may have paore confidence in the present inference as representing their views. 24. ESTHONIA. PROTEST TO THE GEEMMJ" GOVERNMENT BY REPRESENTA- TIVES OF THE PROVISIONAL ESTHONIAN GOVERNMENT, AGAINST THE TREATY OF BREST-LITOVSK. SIGNED AT COPENHAGEN, 3 JULY, 1918. [Translrition from, a copy transmitted to the Department of State.] According to the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk the Soviet Government of Russia accorded the German Empire the right to occupy Livonia and Esthonia with a German poHce force, until safety should be assured them by their own national institutions, and until a political order should be reestablished. In this agreement affecting Esthonian territory the signatories did not trouble themselves as to the wishes of the Esthonian people, althougli a declaration was sent to the Russian Soviet Government as ^'yeW as to the German Imperial Gov- ernment by the authorized delegates of the democratic representation of the Esthonian people, to the efi'ect that United Esthonia, on the basis of the right of peoples to self-determination, has declared itself an independent neutral state. Since both the Russian Soviet Govern- ment and the German Imperial Government have solemnly recognized the principle of the self-determination of peoples, they can make no arrangements for Esthonia's political fate. Therefore we solemnly submit herewith a protest against the violation in the Brest-Litovsk Treaty of the rights of the independent neutral Esthonian Republic. The Imperial Chancellor, Count Hertling, declared to the repre- sentatives of the German people that military action in Livonia and Esthonia was "a helping measure undertaken in the name of humanity": that the German police force in the country "would bring about peace and order only in the interests of the peace-loving population." But, in fact, the Gennan police power in United Esthonia, in complete contradiction with the Brest-Litovsk Treaty and with the declaration of the Imperial Chancellor on 25 February, and 18 March, 1918, in the Reichstag, and of the Under-Secretary of State von dem Busche in the Main Committee of the Reichstag, has set up in the country an unlimited military dictatorship without any legal right and without any justification based on facts. By a vote of the General Esthonian Assembly (Landtag), which, as the legal representative of LTnited Esthonia, proclaimed the political independence of Esthonia on 28 November, 1917, a Pro- visional Esthonian Government was formed. Before the invasion of German troops on 24 February, 1918, this Provisional Govern- 223 224 THE RUSSIAN *' PEACE." ment, supported by national Esthonian troops, and in fulfilment of the vote of 28 November, proclaimed the republican form of government in Esthonia, and at once reestablished political order in most of the districts of the country. The German MOitary Author- ity, liowcver, has disarmed the Esthonian national troops, suspended the Esthonian Government and set aside the general adminis- trative and local self-governing institutions in town and country, which had been created by the Esthonian Assembly, in order to assume to itself all their functions; in doing this it has created in the towns and districts certain committees, to whose membership the Military Authority has appointed mainly representatives of the small and disappearing German minority — a minority which according to the latest statistical reckonings does not exceed 2h per cent of the population. The German language is even compulsory for private correspondence. The German language has likewise been thrust into the first place in the schools. Even in the elementary schools (Volksschule) obligatory instruction in the German language has been established; even for the one-class elementary schools several hours of German instruction weekly are prescribed. Since the majority of the elementary teachers are not in a position to undertake instruction in German, a great number of elementary schools have had to abandon their teaching. Furthermore the Military Authority has arranged for the immediate Germanization of the University of Dorpat. By means of the most arbitrary regulations, imposing enormous fines of money, and even of hard labor and death by shooting, the Military Authority has suppressed all free expression of opinion and all political activity in Esthonia. Instead it has energetically promoted in the country a systematic falsification of the wishes of the Esthonian people and a deliberate misrepresentation of public opinion. Almost all the Esthonian newspapers were prohibited immediately after the invasion of the German troops. The few newspapers which have received authorization since then have had to work under unheard-of repressive measures. It is not only that the Esthonian papers have been placed under the strictest preventive censorship and that the censorship is exercised by pre- ciselv those Baltic Germans who have hitherto stood hostile toward everything Esthonian; but the editors are forced to print one-sided pro-German articles which are supplied to them from official mili- tary sources, as if the articles were the editors' own expressions of opinion: they cannot even indicate the real origin of the articles. And if a newspaper will not yield to this demand, it is mercilessly suppressed by the Military Authority, as recently happened in the case of the only authorized Esthonian newspaper in Reval. ^ Respected representatives of the Esthonian educated classes are imprisoned without any legal grounds, simply because they have dared in a most moderate way stand for the observation of the principle of the reign of law by appealing to international law. In this unlimited reign of terror even the conservative party of Esthonian landlords has been compelled to cease its political activities "until the advent of freer times." Later all political organizations were suppressed by the MiUtary Authority in Livonia, while the other societies were allowed to continue their activity only under the heaviest conditions. PROTEST OF THE PEOVISIONAL ESTHONIAN GOVERNMENT. 225 The German Military Power in Esthonia, however, does not content itself with the terrorization of the free expression of opinions, but lends its active support to attempts at a gross misrepresentation of the wishes of the Esthonian people, and to a forcing from the Estho- nian population of a pro-German attitude in matters relating to the political future of Esthonia — an attitude which is in direct opposition to the general political ideals of the Esthonian people. Thus the history of the meeting of the United Diet [Vcreinigte Landrat] of Livonia, Esthonia, Desel, and the town of Eiga shows a series of the most brutal acts of violence. As representatives of the Esthonian people there were summoned to the Council only a few delegates of the communal elders of the peasant communes, as if there was not also an overwhelming Esthonian majority in all the towns of Esthonia. And this representation of communal elders was also created under such circumstances that all the Esthonian communal elders of thcs Livonian National Assembly [Landesversammlung] unanimously declared publicly that they could not regard themselves as the lawful representatives of the Esthonian people, because they were not selected through regular elections, but were ordered to come together. Subsequently, in order to give the lacking authoritativeness to the acts of the United Diet, called together in this way, in re?ard to the annexation of Esthonia to the German Empire, representatives of the German nobility, of the German pastors, and of other Baltic German groups, with the active support of the military power, started a secret collecting of signatures among the Esthonian population in favor of a closer political connection between Esthonia and the German Empire; in doing this every means was used to terrorize the people in order to secure the desired result. Heavy rests the hand of the German police for^e as regards eco- nomic matters in the country. Publicly the categorical assertion has been made by the German military authority that Esthonia would be freed from all requisitions for the support of the German Ai'my of Occupation, since the economic condition of the country was unspeak- ably bad as a result of the disorders of war and the Bolshevist disiurb- ances. Nevertheless the local agricultural population has had to suffer in the highest degree from general requisitions of victuals and forage "for the good of the towns;" but the town population has not been provided even with the most necessary supplies. This contradiction is explained by the fact that an enormous dispatch of the most neces- sary victuals from Esthonia to Germany has been made possible through the Post Office — not to mention other means. The Imperial Chancellor, Count Hertling, in a more precise inter- pretation of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty expressly declared in the Reichs- tag on 18 March, 1918 : " We are not thinking of establishing ourselves permanently [uns festsetzenl in Esthonia or Livonia; we wish only to live on good friendly terms after the war with the political forms which are coming into existence there." But the commanding gen- eral in Esthonia, General Freiherr von Seckendorff, at the time of the formal opening of the Esthonian Diet, called together by the Military Authority, declared at Reval on 9 April of this year, with especial emphasis, according to the official report: "German troops will not leave Esthonia; they will stay here for permanent protection." And 226 THE RUSSIAl^ " PEACE." the hio;hest commander, General Count Kirchbach, emphasized the same thin^ in different words in an official letter to the Esthonian organization of Naiva. The conduct of the German Military Authority in United Esthonia means, both in form and also in practice, an unheard of violation of the most elementary demands of international law and an arbi- trary trampling upon the prinr-iple of the right of peoples to self- determinati(^n, a right which has repeatedly been recognized in an unequivocal manner by the German Imperial Government and by the representatives of the German people. Therefore, we consider it our duty to hand to the German Govern- ment a most decided protest and to request the German Military Authority to take measures without delay, so that violence done to the Esthonian people by the German mihtary force shall come to an end, and United Esthonia, as a self-go A^ernmg and independent State, shall be able to take in hand the management of its own existence. Above all, the Provisional Esthonian Government must be allowed to exercise again its functions, hi order that, with the aid of the Esthonian troops which are to be agam organized, it may take care of the political organization in the country and that it may without delay call together a general Esthonian Assembly [Landtag] and, in accordance with its orders, take steps at once for the bringing to- gether as soon as possible of the Esthonian Constituent Assembly, the elections to which were interrupted in many districts m the country by the Bolshevists, to decide definitely the political foundations and the form of govermnent m United Esthonia. Tlie evidence, on which the foregoing statements rest, is to be found in the enclosed documents. Copenhagen, 3 July, 1918. In the name of the Esthonian People and of United Esthonia. Tlie authorized representatives of the General Esthonian Assembly and of the Esthonian Government. F. KULL. K. Menning. M. Martna. J. TONISSON. 25. MEMORANDUM. STATUS OF THE RUSSIAN FLEET, 14 SEPTEMBER, 1918. The following information as to the present status of the former Russian Navy has been derived from all available sources. The reports on this subject have been m.any, and often conflicting, and of doubtful authenticity; all such reports have been carefully collated, and reliance has been placed only upon those which seemed worthy of credence. It is believed that the conclusions thus form^ed are in general correct, but it is impossible to guarantee the accuracy of each detail of information herein set forth. At the time of the October Revolution, 1917, the Russian Navy was divided into four main forces, namely : 1. The Baltic Fleet. 2. The Black Sea Fleet. 3. The Arctic and Wliite Sea Squadron. 4. The Pacific Squadron. In addition to these principal forces, a flotilla of gunboats and special service vessels were operating independently (1) in the Danube River and (2) in the Caspian Sea. The present status and disposi- tion of these several forces will now be considered separately: 1. Baltic Fleet. dreadnaughts. Gangut ^ Poltava I New dreadnaughts, aU at Cronstadt, in Petro Pavlosk [ the hands of the Soviet Government. Sevastopol J BATTLESHIPS. T> 11-1 fOlder battleships. Reported to be at KespubUka . I Cronstadt, all in the hands of the Andrei Pervozvanni.... . _ ^ g^^-^^ GoVernment. Grazhdanin At Petrograd. Izmail Kinburn. Borodino. Navarin . BATTLE CRUISERS. 'These four battle cruisers were building at Petrograd ; at least two were nearing completion in January, 1918. They are all in the hands of the Soviet Govern- ment. 227 228 THE RUSSIAN " PEACE. ARMORED CRUISERS. 'These cruisers have been reported at Cronstadt or Petrograd, in the hands of the Soviet Government. However, there is a well-founded report that the Admiral Makharoff struck a mine and ^ sunk off Kevel, 9 April, 191 S, but this is unconfirmed. There is also an un- confirmed report that the Kurik was caught in the ice near Revel and fell into the hands of the Germans in March, 1918. Varyag ""Dismantled at Liverpool, June, 1917, Gromoboi Bayan Admiral Makharoff _ Rurik LIGHT CRUISERS. Aurora Bogatir Oleg. Rossiya Diana (mine layer) All these cruisers are reported to be at Cronstadt or Petrograd, in the hands of the Soviet Government. LIGHT CRUISERS BUILDING. Admiral Butakov. Admiral Spiridov.. Admiral Creig Admiral Svietlana ^ These were building at Petrograd and nearly completed in January, 1918, They are doubtless in the hands of the Soviet Government. "^Of the same class, were building and nearly completed at Revel. These doubtless fell into the hands of the Germans when they occupied that port early in 1918. TORPEDO CRAFT. In January, 1918, the Baltic Fleet included about 86 destroyers, of which 14 were largo new vossi^s ranging from 1,200 to 1,600 tons. There were also a number of small torpedo boats. A large num- ber of the destroyers, perhaps 30, were unable, on account of the ice, to leave Holsingfors when the Germans occupied that port in April, 1918; they have since been disarmed and probably stripped. They are under control of the German-Finnish Government. The remainder of the destrovors and torpedo boats are reported at Cron- stadt or Petrograd, while some are said to have taken refuge in Lake Ladoga. All of these are, of course, under control, such as it is, of the Soviet Government. Sixteen destroyers under construction at Revel are doubtless in the hands of the Germans; 10 are under construction at Petrograd. STATUS OF THE RUSSIAN FLEET. 229 SUBMARINES. In January, 1918, the Baltic Fleet included probably 32 subma- rines. Six or eight of these fell into the hands of the Germans at Revel, and about 15 at Helsingfors. The remainder are reported at Petrograd or Cronstadt under control of the Soviet Government. It is possible that several were blown up by their own crews at Hango just before the German occupation of that port. Seven Brit- ish submarines that had been operating with the Russian Fleet in the Baltic were thus destroyed outside of Helsingfors by order of the Admiralty between 3 and 8 April, 1918. A number of unfin- ished submarmes may have fallen into the hands of the Germans at Revel. There are also a few unfinished in Petrograd. AUXILIARIES. An immense train of auxiliaries is thought to be for the most part in Cronstadt and Petrograd under the control of the Soviet Govern- ment, but a few fell into the hands of the Germans at Revel and Abo, and a considerable number remained at Helsingfors until after the German occupation. The latter have been seized by the Finnish Government. SUMMARY. All dreadnaughts, battleships, unfinished battle cruisers, and cruis- ers are in the nands of the Soviet Government with the possible exception of the cruiser Admiral MakTiaroff, which may have been sunk by a mine, and of the cruiser Rurik, which may have remained in Revel and fallen into the hands of the Germans. The cruisers Admiral Greig and Svietlana, building at Revel, are in the hands of the Germans. Torpedo craft, submarines, and auxiUaries are partly in Soviet hands, partly in German or Finnish hands, and partly destroyed as above set lorth. The fleet in the hands of the Soviet Government is completely demoralized; many of the ships have been stripped by their crews; discipline is practically nonexistent, and in all cases the crews have been much depleted. The Baltic Fleet can not be considered as a fighting force; it is practically at the mercy of any enemy force that may occupy Cron- stadt or Petrograd. 230 the russian peace. 2. Black Sea Fleet. Volya (formerly Imp6ra- tor Alexander III). Swobodnaya Rossiva (formerly Imperatriza Ekaterina II). Imperatriza Maria Demokratiya (formerly Imperator Nicolai I). DREADNAUGHTS. Before the occupation of Sevastopol by the Germans 4 May, 1918, this ship, a new dreadnaught, escaped from Sevas- topol to Novorossisk, but upon the de- mand of tlie Germans she was returned to Sevastopol early in June, 1918, and is now in their hands. This ship likewise escaped to Novorossisk in May, 1918, but when the Germans ordered her to be delivered to them in Sevastopol in June, 1918, she was blown up by her crew and sunk. Blown up and sunk through an internal explosion at Sevastopol 19 October, 1916, but salvage operations begun by the Russians and continued by the Germans resulted in successfully rais- ing her in July, 1918. vShe is now in the hands of t lie Germans in Sevastopol and tliought to be undergoing repair. This ship, the last of her class, was laid down at Nicolaieff in 1914 and launched October, 1916. She nuist have been nearly completed when she fell into the hands of the Germans upon their occu- pation of Nicolaieff in March, 1918. PRE-DREADNAUGHT BATTLESHIPS. All these older battleships fell into the hands of the Germans when they occu- pied Sevastopol, 4 May, 1918. They were said to be flying the Ukrainian fla^ at the time. They were immedi- ately unmanned, and remain at Sevas- topol in the hands of the Germans. CRUISERS, LIGHT. Pamyat Merkuriya 1 ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ Germans at Sevas- Ochakov \ ^^p^l Rostislav Sinop Geofgi Pobodonosetz. Tri Sviatitelya Boretz Za Svobodo_ . . loann Zlatoust Evstafi Almaz (yacht) Prut (ex Turkish Medji- dieh): ^ Four large cruisers : This ship, formerly the Turkish cruiser "Medjidieh" was sunk by a mine in the Baltic Sea, 3 April, 1915; she was salvaged by the Russians and re- named "Prut;" she fell into the hands of the Germans in Sevastopol May, 1918, and has since been turned over to Turkey, and has arrived at Constan- tinople, auxiliary J Also probably fell into the hands of the Germans at Sevastopol, May, 1918. STATUS OF THE RUSSIAN FLEET. 231 LIGHT CRUISERS, BUILDING. Admiral Lazareflf Admiral Makhimoff Admiral Kornilov Admiral Istoiiin These four scout cruisers were building at Nicolaicff, and fell into the liands of the Geimans when they occupied that port, 15 March, 1918. TORPEDO CRAFT. At the time of the negotiation of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the Black Sea Fleet included 27 destroyers, 17 of which were of large modern type, the remainder being small second-class boats with maximum speed of 14 knots. Some of these destroyers fell into the hands of the Germans upon the occupation of Sevastopol, 4 May, 1918, while the remainder fled to Novorossisk. Wlien in June the Germans demanded the return of the latter to Sevastopol, in accordance with the terms of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, nine or ten were blown up by tlieir own crews, while the remainder returned to Sevastopol in accordance with the German demands. Therefoie, at least, 17 or 18 of these boats are now in the hands of the Germans, but no information is available to identify them. In March, 1918, ♦four large modem destroj-ers building at Nicolaieff, and almost completed, also fell into the hands of the Germans upon their occupation of that port. SUBMARINES. At least 14, and possibly 16, submarines comprising the whole Black S(ua Flotilla, fell into the hands of the Germans at Sevastopol, 4 Ma}-, 1918. There also fell into their hands at Nicolaieff, in March, 1918, two other nearly completed submarines, as well as the parts for six more, in packing cases. GUNBOATS. Donetz Teretz__. Mubanstz. All in the hands of the Germans at Sevas- topol. MISCELLANEOUS. A large number of miscellaneous auxiliaries fell into the hands of the Germans at Sevastopol, but the available information is not sufficient to give an accurate list of these. In German hands: BuUt- Building. SUMMARY. 2 dreadnaughts. 7 battleships. 4 light cruisers. 4 auxiliary cruisers. 17-18 destroyers. 14-16 submarines. 3 gunboats. Miscellaneous auxiliaries. 1 dreadnaught. 4 scout cruisers. 4 destroyers. 8 submarines. 232 THE RUSSIAN " PEACE." It is reported that the Germans have demobiUzed the Russian crews of all the ships in their control, and are refitting the entire Black Sea Fleet and manning all the ships with full complements drawn from the German Navy. (3) Arctic and White Sea Squadron battleship. Chesma Guardship, Kola Inlet; demobilized; care and maintenance party left. CRUISER. Askold At Murmansk ; shortly to be commis- sioned with British personnel. DESTROYERS. Two of the White Sea destroyers are repairing at Liverpool; the remaining four are at Murmansk, each boat with a crew of six men. All four boats are in charge of one officer. SUBMARINES. One at Archangel and one at Alexandrovsk. AUXILIARIES. A very considerable train of merchant cruisers, transports, and fleet auxiliaries are in the "various White Sea and Murman ports. SUMMARY. All the White Sea and Arctic forces, although largely demobi- lized, are under allied and American control. (4). Pacific Squadron, destroyer flotilla. Twelve destroyers at Vladivostok were ordered demobilized by the- Soviet Government, 22 February, 1918, and in July, 1918, these, boats were disarmed. Two destroyers of this flotilla are at Hong- kong, as is the auxiliary cruiser Orel. AUXILIARIES. A number of mine layers and other auxiliaries form part of this force, but no satisfactory information is now available concerning^ them. .CU STATUS OF THE RUSSIAN FLEET. 233 RIVER GUNBOATS. A flotilla of 28 gunboats was formerly maintained on the Amur Kiver. It is known that most of these have had their engines and guns removed by the Bolsheviki; but no further reliable information is available. SUMMARY. From the foregoing it would appear that the Pacific Squadron can no longer be considered as a fighting force. Danube Kiver Forces. A number of barges, river gunboats, and auxiliaries were formerly detailed for duty on the Danube River in connection with two naval brigades. All the vessels of this force are probably in the hands of the Germans. Caspian Sea Force. Two gunboats and four auxiliaries were formerly maintained on the Caspian Sea. No information is available as to the fate of these vessels. 86409—18 16 O H 29 83 m i' v<^. o ■^-^ >^ o ^ o O .^^> V.5 *- '*o' 0^ ; ?0 -- '='. ,,,, X- 4 * ' \ 1 '"' '^" ' ^ •^•^ J^^, 4v ^'•^*<^ •^v •? '<"^' .-' ^c "*. \. : ■ ^ """Tr-.*' «,'*' ^C)^ '••'» Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process. . '-^■j, . V^ t * * , '^ ' ^ Neutralizing agent; Magnesium Oxide i> .j> -^ ^ '', -^^ ^■^' Treatment Date: MAY 2001 '^'^'^ ,: '^^'^'^ preservationTechnologies c'?'^. f- A^*^ A WOBLO LEADER IH PAPER PBf8EBV*TIOM ||^ , • 4r V * fiv <^ 111 Thomson Park Drive 'es\ .i ^<., - , .■^ <#V - - J ' A, ^ Cranberry Township, PA 16066 ■»•..■ (724)779-2111 -^^0^ V r ._ °^ ••-»' ^0' ^°'/i-^/%... % ■^^ f ' v^ ^ /4 NOV 82 N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA 46962 *°o *o