Class _ji Book >-l,J ( c>- COPYRIGHT OEPOSm A SURVEY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM BY HENRY LESTER SMITH, Ph.D. TEACHERS COLLEGE, CpLUMBL\ UNIVERSITY CONTRIBUTIONS TO EDUCATION, NO. 82 PUBLISHED BY QLtulftvii College, Columbia SSniDersttp NEW YORK CITY 1917 v^tl -^ \>- COPYRIGHT, 191 7, BY HENRY LESTER SMITH '1 ^ JUL -3 1917 ©Gi,A467761 ^l * f , CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I THE COMMUNITY AND THE PLAN OF ITS PUBLIC SCHOOL SURVEY 1 1. Plan of the Survey 1 2. Source of the Early Population of Bloomington 4 3. General View of Present Educational Facilities in Bloomington 6 4. Brief Descriptive View of Bloomington and its People .... 7 5. Social Conditions in Bloomington 10 6. Summary of Facts Regarding Home Conditions 12 Summary of Chapter I 14 II NORMAL PROGRESS, RETARDATION, AND ACCELER- ATION 16 Plans Used in the Grades 54 Plans Used in the High School 55 Summary of Chapter II 59 III CENSUS, ENROLLMENT, PROMOTIONS, FAILURES, WITHDRAWALS, REPETITIONS 61 Causes of Children Leaving School without Graduation and Their Employment after Leaving — 'Belvia Cuzzort .... 80 Repeaters 89 Benefit of Repetition — J. W. Holdeman 98 Causes of Retardation . 104 Summary of Chapter III 106 IV FINANCES • 109 Summary of Chapter IV 122 V THE COURSE OF STUDY . 123 VI ACHIEVEMENT OF PUPILS 140 1. Arithmetic — Indianapolis Tests 140 2. Stone Tests in Arithmetic 149 3. Column Addition — Haggerty and Smith Tests 153 4. Courtis Tests in Arithmetic 155 5. Writing 171 6. SpelKng 184 7. Composition and Reading 196 8. Drawing • 203 9. Reading 205 10. Country-Trained and City-Trained Pupils — Clifford Woody . 208 iv Contents 11. Withdrawals and Failures ■ 216 12. Correlation of Rank in English, M-athematics, Language, and History — Charley Bruner 219 13. Distribution of Grades 222 14. Retention in Rank of Eighty-six Pupils in the Bloomington Grades and High Schools — Charley BRtnsfER 239 Summary of Chapter VI 246 VII TEACHERS 247 VIII SUPERVISION OF INSTRUCTION 253 Amount of Time Given to Preparation and Recitation in the Bloomington High School — E.E.Ramsey 259 IX SCHOOL BUILDINGS 284 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS . . 299 CRITICISMS OF BLOOMINGTON SCHOOL SURVEY ... 302 VALUE OF A SURVEY SIMILAR TO THAT MADE OF BLOOMINGTON 303 LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER I The Community and the Plan of its Public School Survey table page I. Principal occupations of women employed in Bloomington ... . 8 II. Principal occuparions of men employed in Bloomington 8 III. Occupations by buildings of parents of children in the grades . . 8 CHAPTER II Normal Progress, Retardation, and Acceleration IV. Summary showing average and median ages of beginning white pupils by sex and buildings 17 V. Retardation, acceleration, and normal progress in 30 American cities 18 VI. Number and per cent of normal, retarded, and accelerated children 19 VII. Number and per cent of all white pupils in Bloomington schools, October 4, 1913, normal, accelerated, retarded. ... 19 VIII. Showing by sex, grade, and buildings, percentages of retarda- tion based on age-grade tables for October 4, 1913 21 IX. Showing by sex, grade, and buildings percentages of accelera- tion on age-grade tables for October 4, 1913 22 X. Showing by sex, grade and buildings percentages of normal progress on age-grade tables for October 4, 1913 22 XI. Number and per cent of all white pupils in Bloomington schools first semester, 1909-10, that were normal, accelerated, re- tarded 25 XII. Same for second semester, 1909-10 26 XIII. Same for first semester, 1910-11 27 XIV. Same for second semester, 1910-11 28 XV. Same for first semester, 1911-12 29 XVI. Same for second semester, 191 1-12 30 XVII. Same for first semester, 1912-13 31 vi List of Tables XVIII. Number and per cent of total white children in Bloomington schools, October 4, 1913, that were normal, accelerated, re- tarded 32 XIX. Number and per cent of total white children in Bloomington schools during second semester, 1913-14, less withdrawals, who were normal, accelerated, retarded in grade ii XX. Number and per cent of total white children in Bloomington schools during second semester, 1913-14, less withdrawals during semester, who were normal, accelerated, retarded in grade 34 XXI . Number and per cent of children in Bloomington schools during second semester, 1914-15, less withdrawals during semester, who were normal, acclerated, retarded in grade. (Entrance age for IB, six and one-half years) 35 XXII. Comparison between per cents of normal, accelerated, and re- tarded pupils for second semesters, years 1913-14 and 1914-15 36 XXIII. Number and per cent of children in Bloomington schools dur- ing second semester, 1914-15, less withdrawals during semester who were normal, accelerated, retarded in grade. (Entrance age for 1b, six years) 37 XXIV. Per cent normal: Compilation of previous tables showing per cent of pupils who have made normal progress 40 XXV. Per cent accelerated: Compilation of previous tables showing per cent of pupils who have been accelerated 42 XXVI. Per cent retarded: Compilation of previous tables showing per cent of pupils who have been retarded 44 XXVII . Record of years in school and progress made of all white chil- dren in the grades who have received all or part of their training in the Bloomington schools. Data after promotion at close of the school year 1913-14 46 XXVIII. Same data for colored chUdren 47 XXIX. Nirmber and per cent of total white pupils in Bloomington schools, end of first school month, October 4, 1913, that were normal, accelerated, retarded according to age 48 XXX. Average and median ages by grades, sex, and buildings of aU white pupils in grades, fall term beginning September 9, 1912 50 XXXI. Age-grade table of boys in high school, second month of first semester, school year 1913-14 52 XXXII. Same for girls 52 XXXIII. Same for boys and girls 53 XXXIV. Average number of credits by grades and sex of pupils in high school, second month of first semester, school year 1913-14. 53 List of Tables vii CHAPTER III Census, Enrollment, Promotions, Failltres, Withdrawals, Repetitions XXXV. Census: Distribution of children within school age between six and twenty-one, school census, spring 1914, according to age at time of enumeration, April 10 to 30 61 XXXVI. Distribution of all children of school age enumerated, spring 1914, among famiUes of various sizes 61 XXXVII. Distribution by buildings showing places of birth where known of children in school in the first eight grades during the year 1913-14 62 XXXVIII. Number enrolled in grades and high school in the Bloomington schools during the last five years 63 XXXIX. Number and per cent of eighth grade graduates from the Bloom- ington common schools who enter the Bloomington high school 64 XL. Number and per cent of pupils entering the Bloomington high school who completed their high school course 64 XLI. Enrollment, withdrawals, and promotions by sex and grade. Central Building, second semester, school year 1913-14 65 XLII. Same for McCalla Building 66 XLIII. Same for Fairview Building 67 XLIV. Same for Colored BuUding 68 XLV. Same for all grade schools 69 XL VI. Same for high school 70 XLVIa. Summary of Table XL VI 72 XLVII. Comparison of failures in seven Indiana cities 74 XLVIII. Percentage of promotions in the grade schools at the close of the first semester, 1914-15 77 LIX. Percentage of promotions by subjects in the Bloomington high school at the close of the first semester, 1914-15 78 L. Withdrawals from high school by sex and number of credits at time of withdrawal 78 LI. Number withdrawing as a result of removal from city (based on TableL) 79 LII. Withdrawals from high school according to age since the year 1904-05 79 LIII. Withdrawals from Bloomington high school by semesters. x\ll withdrawals for any cause whatever 79 LIV. Classification of 187 pupils leaving school without graduation. 81 LV. School training of parents of the 187 pupils 82 LVI. Occupation of father and sex and age of ehmination of children . 84 viii List of Tables LVII. Effect of retardation on withdrawal 85 LVIII. Per cent of pupils leaving school from four causes, 178 cases. . 86 LIX. Occupation of boys during the first and second years after leaving school 87 LX. Occupation of girls during the first and second years after leav- ing school 88 LXI. Repeaters: total averages and subject averages 90 LXII. Frequency table showing years in which failures were made and the subjects in which the failures occurred 92 LXIII. Number of pupils failing in various subjects 92 LXIV. Age-frequency table for pupils who failed 93 LXV. Comparison of quality of work done by repeaters during second time work was taken with the quality of work done the first time work was taken - — for all subjects 93 LXVI. For spelling 94 LXVII. For history 94 LXVIII. For arithmetic 95 LXIX. For geography 95 LXX. For language and grammar 96 LXXI. For writing 96 LXXII. For reading . 97 LXXIII. Repeaters 100 LXXIV. Repeaters during second semester, school year 1913-14, by age, grade, and sex 101 LXXV. School subjects as they contributed to repetition 102 LXXVI. Range of records 103 LXXVII. Distribution tables showing absences made by pupils in the white schools, second semester of the year 1913-14 103 CHAPTER IV Finances LXXVIII. Total receipts and disbursements by years and funds, 1900-14. . 109 LXXIX. Expenditures in Bloomington schools in years 1910-11, 1912-13, 1913-14 110 LXXX. Comparison of cost per pupil e.xpended in dollars and cents based on average daily attendance 112 LXXXI. Per cent of total expenditure for maintenance and operation which is spent for teaching, supervision, janitors, salaries, and fuel 115 LXXXII. Statement of assets and liabilities, September 1, 1914 119 LXXXIII. Statement of assets and HabiUties, June 30, 1914 119 List of Tables ix CHAPTER V The Course of Study LXXXIV. Showing by grades and subjects the number of minutes spent per week by each pupil during regular school hours in study and in recitation 139 CHAPTER VI Achievement of Pupils LXXXV. Results of abstract arithmetic tests given by the superinten- dent, October 15, 1909, and November 7, 1913 142 LXXXVI. Results of abstract arithmetic tests given September 28, 1909, December 22, 1911, and December 17, 1913 146 LXXXVII. Results of abstract arithmetic tests given by the superintendent October 27, 1910, and March 1911-14 148 LXXXVIIIa. Stone tests: scores in fundamentals and scores in reasoning 151 LXXXVnib. Results of Courtis tests 6, 7, and 8, series A, in sbcth grade 153 LXXXIX. Average number of combinations in addition with per cent of accuracy by grades 155 XC. Results in Courtis test in arithmetic, series A, eight tests 156 XCI. Per cent of accuracy of Bloomington children in Courtis tests, series A, years 1911 and 1914 159 XCII. Comparison of scores made in Courtis arithmetic tests, series B, problem 1, by Bloomington schools with scores made by 20 Indiana school systems 160 XCIII. Same for series B, problem 2 161 XCIV. Same for series B, problem 3 162 XCV. Same for series B, problem 4 163 XCVI. Comparison of variabihty in scores made in Courtis arithmetic tests, series B, problem 1, by Bloomington schools with scores made by 20 Indiana school systems 164 XCVII. Same for series B, problem 2 164 XCVIII. Same for series B, problem 3 165 XCVIX. Same for series B, problem 4 165 C. Comparison of scores made in Courtis arithmetic tests, series A, problem 7, by Bloomington schools with scores made by 14 other Indiana school systems 166 CI. Comparison of variability in results, Courtis tests, series A, Bloomington schools for the years 1911 and 1914 169 CII. Results of Courtis tests in arithmetic, series B, June 3, 1915 170 cm. Writing — median number of letters written in two minutes' time, by grades 172 List of Tables CIV. Distribution of grades on handwriting as measured by the Thorndike scale. Measurements made by teachers and superintendent separately 173 CV. Measurements made by teachers 174 CVI. Gains and losses made by pupils tested in writing October 1, 1913, and May 1, 1914, Thorndike scale 175 CVII. Grade and sex result of writing test given April 8, 1915, and scored according to the Ayres scale 176 CVIII. Handwriting: Grade according to Thorndike scale and the Ayres scale 178 CIX. Efficiency in writing obtained by finding per cent of class able to write as well as quality twelve or better of the Thorndike scale 179 ex. Rates of writing, Bloomington schools, compared with Courtis standard 181 CXI. Spelling: Distribution table — Buckingham 50 word test in spelling 184 CXII. Distribution table — Buckingham 100 word test in spelling. . 185 CXIII. Number of words missed per hundred written and per cent of each grade making less than one mistake per hundred words . 187 CXIV. Rice sentence test in epelling used by Buckingham 188 CXV. English composition: Median grade scores in English composi- tion, Bloomington 198 CXVI. English composition. Quality of original story. Per cent each quality is of total number of scores 198 CXVII. Rate of reading (number of words per minute) 201 CXVni. Drawing: Distribution of drawing ability, 1690 pupUs, Bloom- ington public schools 204 CXIX. Reading: Thorndike visual vocabulary test, Bloomington, June, 1915 206 CXX. Thorndike understanding of sentences test, Bloomington, June, 1915 207 CXXI. Distribution of the city pupils according to rank in all subjects 209 CXXII. Distribution of country pupils according to rank in all sub- jects 209 CXXIII. Comparison of city and country pupils in all subjects for all semesters 213 CXXIV. Average grades of pupils eliminated in the various subjects. . . 217 CXXV. Per cent of eliminated students taking each subject who failed in that subject 217 CXXVI. Per cent of eliminated students faiUng in only one subject. . . 217 CXXVII. Per cent of eliminated students taking each subject who did not fail in that subject 217 List of Tables xi CXXVIII. Enrollment, failures, withdrawals, second semester, 1913-14. . . 217 CXXIX. Second semester, school year 1913-14, per cent of failures by subjects and sex of those remaining to end of semester 218 CXXX. Per cent of failures and dropped to quit school to those enrolled second semester, 1913-14 219 CXXXI. Number of cases for each subject in which it tended to raise or lower the total average above or below the average of the re- maining subjects 222 CXXXII. Distribution of grades, second semester, 1911-12, by years, subjects, sex 223 CXXXIII. Distribution of markings for the second semester, 1912-13. . . 232 CXXXIV. Distribution of scholarship marks given in various subjects and grades, first semester, 1914^15 234 CXXXV. Total percentage of retention in EngUsh 239 CXXXVI. Record in high school of eighth-grade graduates from the schools for white children, semester ending January, 1914. . 241 CXXXVII. Achievement of Bloomington high school graduates as students in Indiana University 242 CXXXVIII. Showing made by Bloomington high school graduates in the award of honors at Indiana University 243 CXXXIX. Grades, Indiana University Freshmen, fall term, school year, 1913-14, in mathematics 244 CXL. Size of high school classes, first semester, 1913-14 245 CXLI. Size of high school classes, second semester, 1913-14 246 CHAPTER VII Teachers CXLII. Qualifications of grade teachers 248 CXLIII. Qualifications of high school teachers 250 CXLIV. Qualifications of superintendent, principals, and supervisors. . 251 CXLV. Salaries of teachers "n 252 CHAPTER VIII Supervision of Instruction CXLVI. Analysis of work of principals 253 CXLVII. Time spent in recitation and in preparation on part of pupils in Bloomington high school, teachers' estimates and pupils' statements 262 CXLVIII. Time of preparation of subjects as listed by teachers and pupils 264 xii List of Tables CHAPTER IX School Buildings CXLIX. Location of buildings within city limits 284 CL. Central building (outside city) 289 CLI. Facts about each school building. Spring of 1913 290 CLII. Facts about the physical school plants 293 CLIII. Drinking, toilet, and playground facihties 297 A SURVEY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM CHAPTER I THE COMMUNITY AND THE PLAN OF ITS PUBLIC SCHOOL SURVEY I. Plan of the Survey There are various possible motives that might operate in the inauguration of a school survey. It is conceivable that a survey might be launched by individuals, or by organizations outside the schools themselves. In such cases the incentive might be retaliation on the part of enemies, opportunity to advertise the community, or a sincere desire to discover conditions as a basis for helpful and constructive assistance to the school authorities. A survey started by the school authorities themselves might have back of it the desire to discredit a previous administration, to defend themselves against present attacks, to advertise their own efficiency, or to learn in order to make improyement possible. The latter motive, whether the survey is prompted by those without the system or by those within the system, is the only wholesome and promising motive to have back of such a movement. With a survey determined upon, the next question concerns the forces that are to make it. It may be made by outside experts and this method has in its favor the arguments that such experts are prepared to do their work quickly and that they are likely to be unprejudiced. On the other hand, they are subject to the danger of not understanding thoroughly the local conditions and consequently of misinterpreting the data. Moreover, their work usually stops with a setting forth of conditions found and recommendations made. They do not usually have a hand in the inauguration of the remedies suggested for existing evils. The survey might be made by the local school authorities, including school board, superintendent, principals, and teachers. Such a 2 A Survey of a Public School System survey has the advantage of being made by those who are famiUar with conditions. Furthermore, it stimulates interest and creates an attitude that goes a long way toward insuring the application of successful remedies to defects found. It is the opinion of some school men that very little help can be expected from principals and teachers in such surveys. My own experience justifies me in predict- ing that a survey undertaken by the teaching corps as a whole will soon reveal to the superintendent that some of the accomplishments of principals, buildings as a whole, or individual teachers will surpass even his own dream of what could be accomplished. Of course some of the work thus done will certainly be carelessly done by a few indifferen or negligent individuals, but the checking up of such work has a wholesome effect on them and frequently converts them to a more helpful attitude toward school problems. There is the danger, of course, that teachers may be overloaded and such a danger needs to be kept in mind, for the most faithful teachers will overwork rather than complain. In order to avoid the overstrain, much of the me- chanical part of the work should be turned over to a competent clerk. Because of the amount of work connected with it, a survey made by local school officials must stretch over a much longer period of time than a survey by outside experts. Hence where time is an important factor the local plan would have its serious drawbacks. Where such a thing is possible, the survey should be made by a combination of factors, the local people doing the bulk of the work under the guidance of the expert or experts from the outside. Under such a combination the advantages of two types of knowledge and interest are centered on the problem. As to types, surveys may be classified under two heads, sporadic and partial on the one hand, and continuous and complete on the other. The first tvpe is apt to result when full dependence is put in the outside expert. Both funds and time are usually limited under such a plan. Where the whole teaching corps is inspired through the habit of shouldering the responsibility for discovering and remedying defects, the conditions are ripe for a continuous, intelligent, and complete survey, especially where the guiding and organizing hand of the outside expert supplements local activity. Organization for a school survey depends of course upon the type of survey undertaken, the funds available, the motives back of the work, the co-operative spirit of the community and of the teaching corps. Assuming that all of the above conditions are ideal, that the schools and the community are a unit in desiring thorough and Communily and Plan of its Public School Survey 3 accurate information that may serve as a basis for improving the educational system, it would seem that the best organization for the work would be an organization that would combine the services of educational experts from the outside, of representative organizations or interests in the community, and of school board, superintendent, principals, and teachers of the schools. Much of the tabulation of data can properly be left to an office force created especially for that kind of work. Such an office force will be considered indispen- sable when the necessity for continuous, intelligent surveying is fully realized. The survey of the Bloomington public school system was under- taken with the twofold view of determining and remedying condi- tions. The survey covered a period of six years though the bulk of the work was done during the years 191 2-13 and 1913-14. The work of the year 1913-14 was supervised and directed by Dr. G. D. Strayer, of Columbia University, who made a special trip to Bloom- ington and remained on the field three days organizing the work, after which he continued his suggestions and oversight of the work through correspondence. Some special problems were worked out independ- ently by the superintendent, the principals, and certain individual teachers somewhat familiar with statistical methods. Much of the work was done in a co-operative way as is always necessary to the best results. As a result of this co-operation practically every teacher in the school system has contributed to the results. It was possible, also, to arrange to have some of the tests given or graded by outside experts. Dr. C. W. Stone once gave his own tests in sixth-grade arithmetic. Two other times he had Dr. E. E. Jones, of Indiana University, give the tests. Each of the three times the tests were given Dr. Stone supervised the grading of the papers. The Courtis Composition, Reading, Spelling, and Writing Tests were all graded under the direction of Mr. S. A. Courtis and by his own corps of graders. Professor H. G. Childs and his class in school administra- tion gave the Drawing Test and graded the papers. Material assis- tance, too, was given in the survey by graduate students in the university, eight of whom worked out theses for the Master's degree on practical problems connected with the Bloomington schools. The majority of these studies were worked out under the direction of the author and with all of them he was familiar during the progress of the work. From the following five of these eight studies extracts have been taken and embodied in this thesis: "Progress through the Grades," by A. C. Burgin; "An Investigation into the Causes of 4 A Survey of a Public School System Children Leaving School before Graduation and their Employment after Leaving," by Bel via Cuzzort; "The Retention in Rank of Eighty- Six Pupils in the Bloomington Graded and High Schools," by Charley Bruner; "A Comparative Study of the Standing of Township and City Graduates," by Clifford Woody; "A Social Survey of Blooming- ton, Indiana," by Marcellus I. Gragh. 2. Source of the Early Population of Bloomington Bloomington, the county seat of Monroe County, Indiana, situated as it is in the southern part of the state, has been influenced during 'its history more by southern ideas than by those of New England. In 1800 there were approximately two hundred white inhabitants in the state and these were composed almost wholly of French in and about the forts, and trappers originally from Kentucky and Virginia. People from Kentucky, Tennessee, and the southern states along the Atlantic coast steadily streamed into southern Indiana while the northern part of the state was noticeably tinged with New England stock. After the early thirties an occasional New Englander found his way to Bloomington. From 1820 to i860, during that wonder- ful westward movement of population, many Scotch-Irish from South Carolina left their small farms and migrated up the east side of the Blue Ridge through the Cumberland Gap and Kentucky into the vicinity of Bloomington. Others of the same stock entered this community from Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio. This stock came in large enough numbers to stamp itself permanently upon the community. Bloomington township in which a portion of the city of Bloomington is located was settled certainly by 1816 and possibly earlier than that. As early as 181 7 buildings were erected on the present town site. On April 10, 18 18, the county commissioners ordered the county seat laid off and named Bloom- ington. By 1830 the population of the town was approximately 700 and by 1847 it had reached 1200. For a long time after the settlement of the state, Indiana was noted for her illiteracy. In 1840 out of a population of 268,040 over twenty years of age 38,100 were unable to read or write. Monroe County contributed her share to this illiteracy. Her attitude toward education is pretty well exhibited in the following vote taken in 1849 on the question of free public schools for the state: Comtnvnity and Plan of its Public School Survey Bean Blossom To\vnship. Benton Township Bloomington Township. . Clear Creek Township. . Indian Creek Township . Marion Township Richland Township Perry Township Salt Creek Township. . . . Van Buren Township. . . Washington Township . . For Free Against Free Schools Schools 59 112 44 41 128 307 76 85 40 101 16 35 59 128 127 20 39 60 43 113 36 38 667 1040 From the very beginning, though, there was an element in the vicinity of Bloomington heartily in favor of education. This ele- ment, composed largely of South Carolina emigrants many of whom belonged to the Associate Reform, Seceder, and Covenanter re- ligious denominations, was largely represented in Perry Township, in which a portion of the city of Bloomington is located, which voted in favor of free public schools by a vote of 127 to 20. Bloomington Township, in which another portion of the city is located, voted against free public schools by a vote of 307 to 128. The vote of the city itself is not given. The population in Bloomington Town- ship at that time was largely from Kentucky and Virginia. Educational interest on the part of some of the early inhabitants lOf the village of Bloomington is evidenced by the fact that school was taught in the log courthouse in the winter of 1818-19. The following year a schoolhouse was built. In 1863 graded schools which had been favorably voted on were introduced and the public school fund for this purpose was liberally increased several hundred dollars by private subscriptions. From 1835 to 1852, the date of the new school law, the county of Monroe provided in its county seminary opportunities for higher education in the community. At no time in its history has Bloomington been without adequate educational facilities either in her private or her public schools. On more than one occasion the state university situated in Bloom- ington was helped financially either by public or private contributions. These efforts prove conclusively that there has always been a strong element for educational advantages in the community though for many years alongside of this element there was another, almost continuously from the beginning of the city's history, that was in- different and even hostile to education, particularly free public edu- cation. Since the 6o's and 70's, however, there has been a healthy school spirit which has gradually grown to the present where it shows 6 A Survey of a Public School System steady enough to bear willingly even at the hands of an administra- tion elected on the platform of economy a local taxation for school purposes practically up to the legal limit and at a point reached by very few communities in the state. Even in 1873 the taxes for school purposes bore a favorable relation to the total taxation as is shown by the following statement of taxes: Taxes for corporation purposes 20 cents on each $100.00. Taxes for road purposes 5 cents on each $100.00. For general poll tax 25 cents. Dogs $1.00 each. For school building 50 cents on each $100.00. For school building. $1.00 on each poll. The total tax was 75 cents on each $100.00 of valuation and a poll tax of $1.25. 3. General View of Present Educational Facilities IN Bloomington In addition to the regular eight grades in the common school and four years in the high school, Bloomington has in its midst the state university. This institution provides educational ideals that stimu- late both the public school teaching corps and the patrons of the schools to put forth extra effort to have efficient public schools. The university not only contributes toward furnishing the ideals but it also assists in working out those ideals. This stimulus has been contributed through the free use, to teachers, of the university library. There has been at work, too, for many years a spirit of co-operation between the department of education in the university and the public schools of the city which has resulted in mutual benefit. Such a relation could not fail to leave its stamp upon the efficiency of the public schools. Indiana University was established in 1820 and grew in a period of twenty years, 1892 to 191 2, from an attend- ance of 497 to an attendance of 2522. This steady growth is an index of the faith of the people of Indiana in their state university and with the spread of this faith a larger and larger number of repre- sentative young men and women of the state sojourn in Bloomington during their college course. As a result of the advanced educational advantages many families of refinement have been attracted to the city and many of the younger children of these families are attending the public schools of the city. The present population within the city limits is almost wholly of native-born Americans. Community and Plan of its Public School Survey y 4. A Brief Descriptive View of Bloomington and ITS People, 191 2-13 Bloomington is a city with a population of something more than 10,000 in addition to the resident students of Indiana University. The city is situated on almost the highest lands of the state at the junction of the Illinois Central and the Monon railroads. It has doubled in population within eight years. Bloomington is in the very center of the Oolitic limestone belt of the United States, a small belt of land some one hundred and fifty miles in length and from two to fourteen miles in width. Since 1850 stone quarries have been operated to a greater or less degree in and about Bloomington. At present in Bloomington and Monroe County there are in operation seventeen stone quarries, twenty-two stone mills, and fifteen com- plete cut stone plants, representing an approximate value of $2,000,000. Bloomington is situated in an agricultural district where general farming is carried on. The surface of the country is undulating. The top soil is a dark chocolate clay loam with a dark red clay sub- soil underlaid with Oolitic limestone which lies from five to twenty- five feet below the surface. Each year more than two million dollars' worth of manufactured products are sent out of Bloomington through her factories, including one furniture factory with more than eight hundred names on the pay roll and an annual output of over $1,000,000 dollars, one veneer plant, one basket factory, one harness factory, two flouring mills, two machine shops, one book bindery, one glove and mitten factory, one ice cream factory, one ice plant, one glass factory, four saw mills, one creosoting plant, three planing mills, one foundry, one storage battery works, five printing offices, one gas plant, two power laundries, one creamery, one washing machine factory, one broom factory. There were employed in Bloomington at the time the occupational survey was made, 191 2-13, 4440 individuals, 85.8 per cent men and 14.2 per cent women. Approximately 45 per cent of all the inhabitants of the city were helping to support themselves or their families. Table I gives the principal occupations of the women with the number employed in each occupation. 8 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE I Domestics Ill Basket makers 27 Teachers 98 Cooks 25 Clerks 71 Telephone operators 25 Machine operators 57 Stenographers 22 Bookkeepers 29 Table II gives the principal occupations of the men with the num- ber employed in each occupation. TABLE II Unskilled laborers : 419 Foremen 55 Clerks 165 Farmers 49 Drivers 159 Managers 49 Merchants 133 Barbers 47 Teachers 130 Planermen 47 Carpenters 125 Painters 45 Cabinet makers 94 Contractors 44 Firemen 72 Finishers 44 Engineers 64 Packers (furniture) 36 Stone masons and cutters 57 Veneerers 33 TABLE III Occupations by Buildings of Parents of Children in the Grades, 1913- 14, IN All Cases in Which the Occupation could be Ascertained Each parent counted as many times as there were children in the family attending school. Only fathers counted where fathers were living. OcctTPATioN Central McCalla Falrview Colored Total Percentage Building Building Building Building Number of Parents Parent Number Number Number Number of Pupils in Each of Pupils of Pupils of Pupils of Pupils Occupation Architect 1 1 .1 Barber 1 9 8 4 6 27 1.7 Blacksmith 10 2 16 28 1.7 Boarding-house keeper .7 1 8.5 Bookkeeper 2 9 2 13 .8 Brick mason 1 2 3 .2 Cabman 2 4 6 .4 Cabinet maker 6 8 6 20 1.2 Carpenter 34 13 11 58 3.6" Carver 5 5 .3 Clerk 16 14 18 48 3.0 Commercial agent 1 1 .1 Contractor 12 7 4 23 1.4 Cook 3 1 3 9 16 .1 Dentist 2 2 .1 Draftsman 1 5 6 .4 Drayman 3 4 7 .4 Dressmaker 1 2 3 .2 Dye worker and cleaner 14 5.3 Editor 2 2 .1 Electrician 3 4 2 9 .6 Engineer 26 10 6 42 2.6 Engraver 1 1 .1 Expressman 2 2 .1 1 Read as follows: There were 9 children in the Central building, 8 in McCalla, 4 in Fairview, 6 in the Colored building, or 27 in all buildings whose fathers were barbers. 1.7 per cent of the fathers of all children in the grades were barbers. Community and Plan of its Public School Survey TABLE III (Continued) Occupation OF Parent Central Building Number OF Pupils Farmer 29 Fireman 10 Florist 2 Foreman 8 Gardener Glass worker House cleaner Housekeeper 19 House mover Industrial proprietor . . 2 Inspector 4 Insurance 4 Janitor 12 Laborer 121 Laundry 2 Launderer Lawyer 4 Liveryman 4 Librarian Lumber dealer 4 Machinist 13 Manager 2 Manufacturer 15 Mechanic 4 Merchant 42 Miller 3 Minister 7 Nickel polisher Nurse Optician 1 Painter 12 Physician 4 Planerman 12 Plasterer 3 Poolroom proprietor ... 2 Pastor Printer 1 Professor in Univer- sity 13 Public ofiicial 17 Quarryman 32 Railroader 59 Real estate 2 Registrar of Univer- sity 1 Rooming house Saloon keeper Saw filer 1 Sawyer 2 Showman Stenographer Stock buyer Stone cutter 18 Stone mason 19 Student 5 Superintendent 14 McCalla Building Number OF Pupils 20 4 Fairview Colored Total Percentage Building Building Number of P.iuients Number Number of Pupils in Each OF Pupils of Pupils Occupation 9 6 1 13 9 3 3 2 1 9 3 113 95 1 4 4 1 1 1 10 12 2 7 2 3 29 22 1 3 1 1 7 10 6 10 6 2 30 4 9 2 31 13 15 4 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 2 19 58 3.6 20 1.2 2 .1 19 1.2 2 .1 3 .2 2 3 .2 2 43 2.6 3 .2 2 .1 7 .4 7 .4 24 1.5 53 382 23.5 3 .2 4 .3 8 .5 5 .3 1 .1 5 .3 35 2.2 4 .3 24 1.5 2 9 .6 93 5.7 4 .3 10 .6 1 .1 1 .1 1 .1 29 1.8 10 .6 22 1.4 1 12 .7 2 .1 4 4 .3 2 .1 43 2.6 30 1.8 1 66 4.1 87 5.4 6 .4 1 .1 1 .1 1 .1 1 .1 10 .6 1 .1 1 .1 3 .2 18 1.1 44 2.7 13 .8 22 1.4 Total Number OF Pupils Percentage OF Parents IN Each OCCUPTAION 2 .1 19 1.2 1 .1 5 .3 10 .6 11 .7 1 .1 3 .2 2 .1 17 1.0 6 .4 lo A Survey of a Public School System TABLE III {Continued) Occupation Central McCalla Fairview Colored OF Building Building Building Building Parents Number Number Number Number OF Pupils of Pupils of Pupils of Pupils Tailor 2 Teacher 9 8 2 Timber buyer 1 Tinner 5 Transfer 10 Traveling salesman .... 3 7 1 Truant officer 1 Undertaker 1 2 Waiter 2 Washerwoman 5 5 1 6 Watchman 4 1 1 Total 710 476 350 90 1625 100.0 Summary of Table III 1. 9.5 per cent of all the wage-earning parents of pupils in the first eight grades are in what might be termed the professions. 2. 17.7 per cent of such parents are in business for themselves. 3. 35.7 per cent of them are skilled laborers. 4. 37 per cent of them are unskilled laborers. 5. Social Conditions in Bloomington The following conclusions are based upon a limited amount of data gathered during the year 1 913-14 by the teachers in the upper grades and high school and compiled under the direction of the superintendent of schools by Mr. Marcellus Gragh, a graduate student in Indiana University. Data were gathered from 535 families out of a total of 2592 families in the city. The 535 famihes were dis- tributed as follows, 38.8 per cent in the northeast section of the city, 22.6 per cent in the northwest section, 15.6 per cent in the southwest section, and 23 per cent in the southeast section. After careful consultation with a map of the city interpreted by a leading real estate agent, families on the following streets were chosen as being typical of the families in the respective sections. The names of the streets are given — each street accompanied by the per cent that the reported families living on it is of the whole number of families living on it. per cent North Grant Street, northeast section 21.6 West Seventh Street, northwest section 30. 7 West Third Street, southwest section 20. South Washington Street, southeast section 27. 8 For each item of information a distribution is made for the whole city according to the same ratio that the 535 families distributed themselves. Not all of the 535 families reported on each item. Community and Plan of its Puhlic School Survey ii A distribution of the total number of white famihes in residence periods, by the same ratios as the 483 white families reporting, reveals the following facts: PER 1 • PI- CENT Families having a residence in Bloomington of from one week to one year, inclusive 486 or 20 Families having a residence of from 1 year to 3 years, inclusive 282 or llj Families having a residence of from 3 years to 5 years, inclusive 210 or 8| Families having a residence of from 5 years to 10 years, inclusive 457 or 18§ Families having a residence of from 10 to 20 years, inclusive 526 or 21 Families having a residence of 20 years or more 513 or 20^ Families having a residence of 50 years or more 62 or 2^ Families having a residen:e of 99 years 5 or A On distributing in the same way the total number of colored families, the following facts are found: per CENT Families having a residence of from 1 week to 1 year, inclusive 6 or 5 Families having a residence from 1 year to 3 years, inclusive 12 or 10 Families having a residence from 3 years to 5 years, inclusive 18 or 15 Families having a residence from 5 years to 10 years, inclusive 23 or 20 Families having a residence from 10 years to 20 years, inclusive 36 or 30 Families having a residence of 20 years or more 23 or 20 Families having a residence of 50 years 6 or 5 The last item is included in the residential period of 20 years or more, above. The scholarship of heads of families, 780 white parents and 27 colored parents reporting, is shown as follows: YEARS Average number of years' schooling of husbands (white) 9 Average number of years' schooling of wives (white) 8.5 Average number of years' schooling for both 8.75 Coefficient of correlation (Pearson's formula) between number of years' schooling of husbands (white) and number of years' schooling of wives. . . 68 Average number of years' schooling of husbands (colored) 5 Average number of years' schooling of wives (colored) 5.9 Average number of years schooling of both 5.6 Coefficient of correlation between number of years' schooling of husbands (colored) aiid wives 63 Using the per cents by which white parents who made reports distribute themselves according to the amount of schooling, it is estimated that about 124 parents in Bloomington never went to school; about 1405 parents quit before reaching the eighth grade; about 161 7 parents quit school in eighth grade or at the end of it; about loio parents have had some high school training; 792 parents have had some college work; and 445 parents are college graduates and post-graduates. Of the colored population, it is estimated that about 44 parents never went to school; about 44 parents quit school in the eighth grade or at the end of it; about 95 parents quit school below the eighth grade; and about 53 parents have had some high school work. 12 A Survey of a Public School System The church and fraternal order membership of heads of families as reported in answers to questionnaire is shown as follows: While families per cent Church membership of all fathers reporting 74.6 Non-church membership of all fathers 25 .4 Club and fraternal membership of fathers 55 . 7 Church membership of all mothers 85 .5 Non-church membership of all mothers 14.5 Club and fraternal membership of all mothers 25 Sabbath school attendance of fathers and mothers based on their church membership 14 Children in the public schools who attend sabbath school taken with those who do not attend sabbath school 80 Children in the public schools who do not attend sabbath school taken with those who do attend sabbath school 20 Total estimated membership of white fathers in all churches in Bloom- ington 1783 Total estimated membership of white mothers in all churches in Bloom- ington 2200 Total estimated membership of white fathers and mothers in all churches in Bloomington 3983 Colored families per cent Church membership of all colored fathers reporting 55 Non-church membership of all fathers 45 Fathers having club and fraternal order membership 10 Church membership of all mothers 100 No non-church membership nor no membership in club or fraternal orders indicated for colored mothers. Per cent of sabbath school attendance of fathers and mothers based on their church membership 9^ Total estimated membership of colored fathers in all churches in Bloom- ington 66 Total estimated membership of colored mothers in all churches in Bloom- ington 118 Total estimated membership of colored fathers and mothers of all churches in Bloomington 184 6. A Summary of Facts Regarding Home Conditions Below is given a summary of facts from the tabulation of the survey mentioned above. These facts are to some extent, at least, an index to home conditions. Houses: Out of 458 cases reported: Number of houses owned by occupants 224 Number of houses rented 234 Number of houses owned by the occupants and mortgaged 84 House conditions: Out of 464 reports on house conditions: Good house conditions 282 Fair house conditions 138 Bad house conditions 44 Number of cases where one family lived in a house 373 Number of cases where two or more families live in the same house 100 (Last two items out of a total of 473 houses.) Community and Plan of its Public School Survey 13 Furniture: In 442 reports on furniture conditions: Number of cases of good furniture conditions 281 Number of cases of fair furniture conditions 116 Number of cases of bad furniture conditions 45 Number of cases having an ample supply of furniture 373 Number of cases that did not have an ample supply of furniture. . 49 Yards: Out of 453 reports on yard conditions: Number of cases of good yard conditions 194 Number of cases of fair yard conditions 214 Number of cases of bad yard conditions 45 Adjoining property: Conditions of streets and alleys adjoining property, 421 families in the report: Number of cases of good condition 297 Number of cases of fair condition 93 Number of cases of bad condition 31 Miscellaneous facts: Number of families having bathing facilities 164 Number of families not having bathing facilities 61 Per cent of families reporting on this item who have bathing fa- cilities 72.8 Number of families having cellars 334 Number of families reporting sewer connection 222 Number of families reporting plumbing connections 209 Number of cesspools reported 52 Water supply: Number of families using wells 63 or 9 % Number of families using city service 276 or 37^ % Number of families using cisterns 391 or 53J % Some families have more than one means of water supply. Number of families reporting inside toilets 196 Number of families reporting outside toilets 307 Per cent of families reporting who have inside toilets 39 % Per cent of families reporting who have outside toilets 61 % A few families have both inside and outside toilets. Heating: 319 families reported: Number of families using stoves 201 or 63 % Number of families using hot air furnaces 65 or 20|% Number of families using hot water 42 or 13 % Number of families using steam heat 11 or 3^ % Lighting: 524 families reported: Number of families using electric light 223 or 42| % Number of families using gas light 115 or 22 % Number of families using oil lamps 186 or 35? % Some of the families have more than one means of lighting and heating. Cooking: 470 families included in report: Number of families doing cooking at home 467 or 99} % Number of families not cooking at home 1 or j % The above facts for colored families reported are as follows: House conditions: Number of houses owned by occupants 8 Number of houses rented by occupants 11 Number of houses owned by occupants and mortgaged 6 Number of families reported as having good house conditions . . 2 Number of families reported as having fair house conditions 11 Number of families reported as having bad house conditions ... 19 14 A Survey of a Public School System Furniture conditions: Number of families having good furniture conditions 2 Number of families having fair furniture conditions 6 Number of families having bad furniture conditions 13 The above three items included in 21 families reported. Number of families having an ample supply of furniture 10 Number of families not having an ample supply of furniture ... 10 Twenty families included in the report on the two items last mentioned. Yard conditions: Twenty families reported: Number of families having good yard conditions 4 or 20 % Number of families having fair yard conditions 12 or 60 % Number of families having bad yard conditions 4 or 20 % Adjoining property: Conditions of streets and alleys adjoining the property. Eighteen families reported: Number of families having good street and alley conditions. ... 4 or 22 % Number of families having fair street and alley conditions 7 or 39 % Number of families having bad street and alley conditions 7 or 39 % Miscellaneous facts: There is no report on bathing facilities among the colored families. Number of families having cellars 6 Number of families having sewer connection 1 Number of families having-plumbing connections 1 There were no cesspools reported. Water supply: Twenty- two families reported: Number of families having wells 7 or 32 % Number of families having cisterns 12 or 54^ % Number of families using city service 3 or 13^ % No inside toilets reported. ■ All families using outside toilets. Heating: Seventeen families reported : All these families use stoves 17 cases. No other means of heating was reported. Lighting: Twenty-two families reported: Number of families using electric light 1 or^y'V % Number of families using oil lamps 22 or 100% None use gas light; one family uses both electric light and oil lamps. Cooking: Nineteen families reported: All the colored families do the cooking at home 19 cases. Summary of Chapter I 1. The survey of the Bloomington schools was undertaken with a view to determining and remedying conditions. 2. To the end that these conditions might best be discovered and remedied the plan of survey decided upon was that of co-operation between outside experts and local authorities. 3. Bloomington, in its early history, contributed her share toward the illiteracy for which the state of Indiana was noted. Community and Plan of its Public School Survey 15 4. The inhabitants of Monroe County, of which Bloomington is the county seat, even voted in 1849 against free public schools by a vote of 1040 to 667. 5. From the beginning, however, a noticeable element in the population of Bloomington supported general education. 6. At the present time the city of Bloomington gladly supports public education by a tax considerably higher than that levied by the majority of other Indiana towns for educational purposes. 7. Approximately 45 per cent of all the inhabitants of Bloom- ington help to support themselves or their families, 85.8 per cent of this number being men and 14.2 per cent women. 8. Of all wage-earning parents of children in school, 9.5 per cent are in professions, 17.7 per cent in business for themselves, 35.7 per cent in skilled occupations, and 37 per cent in unskilled occupations. 9. The median number of years' schooling of white parents in Bloomington is: fathers, 9 years; mothers, 8.5 years. Of colored parents the median is: fathers, 5 years; mothers, 5.9 years. ID. It is estimated that about 124 white parents in Bloomington never went to school; about 1405 quit school before reaching the eighth grade; about 1617 quit in the eighth grade or at the end of it; about loio have had some high-school training; and about 792 have had some college work; while 445 are college graduates and post-graduates. Of the colored population about 44 never went to school; about 44 quit in the eighth grade or at the close of it; 95 quit below the eighth grade; and 53 have had some high-school work. 11. The per cent of white parents that are church members is: fathers, 74.6; mothers, 85.5. Of colored parents the per cent is: fathers, 55; mothers, 100. 12. Of the white families only 14 per cent of the parents who are church members attend sabbath school while 80 per cent of all white children in the public schools attend sabbath school. Of the colored families only 9I per cent of the parents who are church members attend sabbath school, whereas 80 per cent of all the colored children in school attend sabbath school. 13. Of the white families a little over 50 per cent live in rented property. Of the colored families about 58 per cent live in rented property. CHAPTER II NORMAL PROGRESS, RETARDATION, AND ACCELERATION In recent studies on retardation and acceleration various bases for determining normal progress have been used. The age-grade basis and the years in school and progress made basis are the two funda- mental ones upon which to figure normal progress. Both of these methods have been used in the Bloomington studies. In the prac- tices of those who use the age-grade tables alone there is lack of uniformity. Some count from six to seven years of age as the normal age for the first grade, seven to eight for the second, etc. Others allow a range of from six to eight for the first grade, seven to nine for the second, etc. In this study the median entering age of children in the IB grade, the first half year of school, was determined. It proved to be approximately six and one-half years. With this age as the normal entering age normal progress was determined as follows: Six and one-half to seven years, ib grade; seven to seven and one- half years, ia grade; seven and one-half to eight years, 2B grade, etc. Unless a child made a half year of progress in school for every half year attended, assuming that each child entered school at the median age of entering, i.e., six and one-half years, he was counted retarded. In the Bloomington survey normal progress, retardation, and acceleration are in most cases figured on the basis of six and one-half as the entering age and one-half year of progress in school for each additional half year of age. For the sake, however, of comparison with other systems that have worked out retardation and accelera- tion on the basis of allowing a range of approximately two years for each of the eight grades in school, i.e., six to eight for the first grade, seven to nine for the second, etc., and for the sake of comparing the Bloomington system of schools on this basis with itself at various times Tables V, VI, and VII are given. The following table proves conclusively that the median or average age of beginning ib pupils in the Bloomington schools is fairly close to six and one-half years: i6 Normal Progress, Retardation, and Acceleration 17 10 10 w2 ^ o I" Si ^ Q < O^ £ . CN CN -H m <^ M3 o o o ^ ON ^D C^ ON Mo,- ^B< o O ^ O ^.^a-j,"^ Q W O O "1 ^ 10 "0 OS o S<' Q Q S Ph 2 M « (J ,„ B^ rs O V3 t-; ■^' Ov ^ 10 10 ov t^ t^ pq oi \o so sO O ?" I Os CO so >-i 10 so J^ O g m . J cm << ■* o t^ 00 so so so so -2 >J ^ ,„ S O P3 O 2 S ■rt O so fO f^ '-I CN OS 10 *"■ SO SO SO O S o S ■ « < BJ so so so so '"^ a so 10 o ^ to Co pp w 5 O O Bi CN CN 2 pq '-' o o w Oi; so so 10 so 5 <^ so so so so PQ ■'>< tN t^ >-l 00 < O ,Q^i-i so so ID »0 ^b! so so so so ^ r^ 00 O 00 2; pm O CN «m -h CN RwoS^OsiOsO ^ so so SO so . 1^ CN t^ SO Q ^ -H so so Os' ?s< m p^S 00*^ so t^ «' so so so so >l . '^ < 10 10 '— I ir> Q CN CN O 00 SO 10 SO « so so so so , CN OS f^ t--. < CN OS T*< SO e5 i§ a.o >5' 00 Os t^ 00 so so so so ^ tJ pj c/i t/D OS 00 so' so Os CN -^ CM CN SO SO sO SO >0 T)< '-H ir5 10 •" fO -^ T-< CN CN CN ,-j. Tl< C^ CO CO ^ SO O O sO ^^ f^ ^ Co < § ca m ca 03 « ■^ -H -rt T-H O § PQ m M 03 BJ rt rt rt ^ o « i^ ra r „ a oj lT rt O tn TO C .-^ lU fcS <3j O 1- >-, ra ^ ^rf 03 ^ o •— ■" 1 8 A Survey of a Public School System Table V gives the figures for retardation, acceleration, and normal progress of thirty American cities. These figures with the exception of those from Bloomington are copied from page igi of the Survey of the School System of Salt Lake City, Utah, wliich table, with the exception of figures for Salt Lake City and Butte, Montana, were TABLE V Retardation, Acceleration, and Normal Progress in 30 American Cities PER CENT Retarded Normal Accelerated Quincy, Mass 19 31* 50 Bloomington, Ind. (ages May 29, 1914) 22.4 66 11.6 Racine, Wis 28 42 30 Amsterdam, N. Y 28 23 49 Syracuse, N.Y 29 29 42 Indianapolis, Ind 29 37 34 Bloomington, Indiana { ^ 'e^s Se T 1 } ^^ ' ^ ^^ ^ ^^ Danbury, Conn 31 31 38 Milwaukee, Wis 31 41 28 Rockford, 111 32 40 28 Canton, Ohio 34 38 28 Elmira, N. Y 34 28 38 New Rochelle, N. Y 34 30 36 Muskegon, Mich 35 40 25 Niagara Falls, N.Y 36 33 31 Topeka, Kansas 36 38 26 Bloomington, Indiana < S nt 1 l ^^ 52. 2 10.8 Danville, III '. 38 34 28 Trenton, N.J 38 31 31 Reading, Pa 40 35 25 Plainfield, N. J 40 30 30 Perth Amboy, N. J 41 32 27 Bayonne, N. J 42 31 27 Hazelton, Pa 42 36 22 Salt Lake City, Utah 43 40 16 East St. Louis, 111 44 34 22 Elizabeth, N. J 46 31 23 Kenosha, Wis 48 36 16 Montclair, N. J 48 34 18 New Orleans, La. (white) 49 31 20 Butte, Mont 51 41 7 Passaic, N.J .. 51 32 17 copied from Ayres' "Identification of the Misfit Child," Russell Sage Foundation, Bulletin No. io8. In Table V pupils between six and one-half and eight years of age during last month of the school year are considered normal for the first grade as far as the Salt Lake City figures are concerned. The ages for some of the cities in the table were doubtless computed from dates earlier in the school year. Dates for computing ages in Bloomington are indicated. In the report for May 29, 1914, ages were computed as of May 29th, the last Normal Progress, Retardation, and Acceleration 19 day of school, and pupils were counted as of the grades they were in before promotion on the last day. In Table V ages six to eight are considered normal for the first grade, seven to nine for the second, etc. TABLE VI Number and Per Cent of Normal, Retarded, and Accelerated Children All elementary school pupils entering Bloomington schools with classes beginning September 1900, January igoi, September 1901, January 1902, September xgo2, January 1903, September 1903, and January 1904, and graduating June 1908, January 1909, June 1909, January 1910, June 1910, January 1911, June 1911, January 1912. All pupils entering these classes are included regardless of the year of entering or semester pupil was in. Each child counted each semester he was in. Ages as of date of opening of school in the fall. Normal age for first grade, six to eight years. Table com- puted from figures included in A. C. Burgin's study. Grade I II III IV V VI VII VIII Boys 417 430 498 522 443 326 348 273 Girls 377 400 504 582 524 437 409 265 Total 794 830 1002 1104 967 763 757 538 Normal Boys 256 197 240 245 207 128 175 139 Girls 241 210 289 310 282 230 232 149 Total 497 407 529 555 489 358 407 288 Accelerated Boys 50 31 38 39 50 40 41 31 Girls 51 40 57 57 58 55 47 42 Total 101 71 95 96 108 95 88 73 Retarded Boys Ill 202 220 238 186 158 132 103 Girls 85 150 158 215 184 152 130 74 Total 196 352 378 453 370 310 262 177 Per cent Normal Boys 61.4 45.8 48.1 46.9 46.7 39.2 50.8 50.9 Girls 63.9 52.5 57.3 53.3 53.8 52.6 56.7 56.2 Total 62.6 49.0 52.7 50.2 50.5 46.9 53.6 53.5 Per cent Accelerated Boys 12.0 7.2 7.8 7.5 11.3 12.3 11.5 11.4 Girls 13.5 10.0 11.3 9.8 11.1 12.6 11.5 15.8 Total 12.6 8.6 9.5 8.7 11.1 12.4 11.5 13.5 Per cent Retarded Boys 26.6 47.0 44.1 45.6 41.9 48.4 37.8 37.7 Girls 22.5 37.5 31.3 36.9 35.1 34.8 31.8 27.9 Total 24.7 42.4 37.7 41.0 38.3 40.6 34.8 32.9 TABLE VII Number and Per Cent of All White Pupils in Bloomington Schools, October 4, 1913, Normal, Accelerated, Retarded Ages as of September i, 1913. Normal Age for First Grade, Six to Eight Years; for Second Grade, Seven to Nine Years, etc. Grade I II III IV V VI VII VIII Boys 132 122 127 141 112 72 72 48 Girls 138 103 102 114 103 103 87 55 Total 270 225 229 255 215 175 159 103 20 A Survey of a Public School System Normal I " I" IV V VI VII VIII Boys 114 86 79 80 58 37 47 28 Girls 117 81 61 31 56 62 64 34 Total 231 167 140 111 114 99 111 62 Accelerated Boys 3 10 13 8 5 5 7 5 Girls 8 5 7 12 11 12 10 5 Total 11 15 20 20 16 17 17 10 Retarded Boys 15 26 35 53 49 30 18 15 Girls 13 17 34 71 36 29 13 16 Total 28 43 69 124 85 59 31 31 Per cent Normal Boys 86.3 70.6 62.2 56.8 51.7 51.4 65.2 58.3 Girls 84.8 78.5 59.8 27.2 54.3 60.2 73.5 61.8 Total 85.5 74.2 61.1 43.5 53.0 56.5 69.7 60.2 Per cent Accelerated Boys 2.2 8.2 10.2 5.6 4.4 6.9 9.7 10.3 Girls 5.8 4.9 6.8 10.6 10.6 11.6 11.5 9.1 Total 4.1 6.6 8.7 7.8 7.4 9.7 10.6 9.7 Per cent Retarded Boys 11.3 21.2 27.6' 37.6 43.7 41.5 25.0 31.2 Girls 9.3 16.4 33.3 62.2 35.0 28.1 14.9 29.1 Total 10.3 19.1 30.1 48.6 39.4 33.8 19.5 30.0 A comparison of Tables VI and VII shows that for the Blooming- ton schools a much larger percentage of the children had made normal progress the fall semester of 1913-14 than for the earlier period. Only in the fourth grade is there an exception. On the whole, there was less retardation in 19 13 than in the earlier period, exceptions occurring in Grades IV and V. In the case of acceleration the advantage seems to be with the earlier period. This advantage is not as great as it appears, however, because children were allowed to enter at a younger age during the earlier period than later. Over 7 per cent of the children in the earlier period entered the schools before the age of six. The advantage seems more in favor of the earlier period than it really is for the reason, also, that the earlier study combines all pupils in both semesters of a year while the later study applies to the opening of school after a three months' vacation, which counts against acceleration. A similar study at the beginning of the second semester of 1913-14 would have shown a larger per cent of acceleration. The conclusion can safely be drawn that noticeable progress has been made in eliminating retarda- tion in the schools in recent years compared with the period of enter- ing from 1900 to 1904 and of graduating from 1908 to 191 2. Table V shows that in comparison with other cities Bloomington does not make a bad record so far as retardation and normal progress Normal Progress, Retardation, and Acceleration 21 are concerned. The percentage of acceleration, however, is low in Bloomington, The table also shows that Bloomington has been making progress in eliminating retardation and in increasing the per cent of normal progress. As for acceleration, however, no progress can be claimed. In succeeding age-grade tables Bloomington is compared with itself from year to year. For these comparisons six and one-half years of age is considered the normal entering age and normal progress is interpreted as meaning one term of progress for each term in school. TABLE VIII Showing by Sex, Grade, and Buildestgs Percentages of Retardation Based ON Age-grade Tables for October 4, 1913 Ages as of September i. Normal age for entering, ib grade, six and one-half years. Normal progress, one-half year for each half year of school. Boys Girls Grade Central McCalla Fairview Central McCalla FArcviEW iB 26 lA 38.5 2b 57.1 2a ii.i 3b 35 3a 41.7 4b 57.9 4a 63.2 5b 52.4 5a 62.5 6b 77.8 6a 68.2 7b 47.5 7a 50 8b 42.2 8a 66.7 31.1 48.3 30.6 23.5 16 38.8 20 12.5 43.8 42.2 44.1 55.5 20 51.5 60. 27.8 42.8 15.4 42.9 57.5 47.8 50 38.1 60 44.4 66.6 50 35.2 50 58.1 63.6 40 44.4 50 61.9 61.1 53.9 47.6 56.2 62.9 47 75 25 64.7 64.3 70.6 66.7 25 68.4 45 60 64.3 15 61.1 27.2 51.3 49 ^ 31.6 50 36.8 3,i.i Summary of Table VIII 1. In the Central building the per cent of retardation among the boys is greater than that among the girls except in grades Ib, 3b, 3a, 5b, 5a, 7b, 8b. 2. In the McCaUa building the per cent of retardation among the boys is greater than that among the girls except in grades 1a, 2b, 6a. 3. In the Fairview building the per cent of retardation among the boys is greater than that among the girls except in grades 1a, 2b, 2a, 3b, 5b, 6b. 4. Among the boys in grades 1b to 6b inclusive Fairview has the greatest per cent of retardation in 5 grades, McCalla in 3, and Central in 3. Among the girls, Fairview has the greatest per cent of retardation in 6 grades. Central in 3, and McCalla in 1. In another grade Central and Fairview are tied for the largest per cent of retardation. 5. Among th^ boys Central has the least percentages of retardation in Sgrades, Fairview in 3, and McCalla in 3. Among the girls McCaUa has the least per cent of retardation in 6 grades, Central in 4 grades, and Fairview in 1. 6. On the basis of the per cent of retardation beginning with the greatest per cent of retardation the various grades for the school system as a whole rank as follows: 5a, 4a, 6b, 4b, 5b, 8a, 6a, 7b, 3b, 3a, 8b, 7a, 2b, 1a, 2a, 1b. 22 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE IX Showing by Sex, Grajje, and Buildings Percentages of Acceleration on Age-grade Tables for October 4, 1913 Ages as of September i. Normal age for entering ib grade, six and one-half years. Normal prog- ress, half year for each half year in school. Boys Girls Grade Central McCalla Fairview Central McCalla Fairvtew 1b 51.6 34.4 38.7 44.4 44.1 52 1a 46.1 38.8 50 75 31.2 21 2b 38.1 38.2 27.8 60 24.2 26.6 2a 50 44.4 14.2 69.2 46.1 7.1 3b 40 30.3 34.8 33.3 47.6 25 3a 41.7 40.7 8.3 33.3 47.1 35.7 4b 15.8 25.8 27.3 40 33.3 18.1 4a 31.6 33.3 22.2 30.8 23.8 25 5b 28.6 25.9 35.3 16.7 50 17.7 5a 31.3 28.5 5.9 13.3 43.8 10.5 6b 11.1 30 20 28.6 35 22.2 6a 13.7 72.7 28.2 50 7b 22.5 32.7 7a 34.4 42.1 8b 36.4 27.8 8a 13.3 52.6 Summary of Table IX 1. In the Central building the per cent of acceleration among the boys is greater than that among the girls in grades 1b, 3b, 3a, 4a, 5b, 5a, 8b. 2. In the McCalla building the per cent of acceleration among the boys is greater than that among the girls in grades 1a, 2b, 4a, 6a. 3. In the Fairview building the per cent of acceleration among the boys is greater than that among the girls in grades 1a, 2b, 2a, 3b, 4b, 5b. 4. Among the boys in grades 1b to 6b inclusive Central has the greatest per cent of acceleration in 5 grades, Fairview in 3, and McCalla in 3. Among the girls Central has the greatest per cent of retardation in 5 grades, McCalla in 5, and Fairview in I. 5. Among the boys Fairview has the least percentage of acceleration in 5 grades, McCalla in 4, and Central in 2. Among the girls Fairview has the least percentage in acceleration in 6 grades, McCaUa in 3, and Central in 2. 6. On the basis of the per cent of acceleration beginning with the greatest per cent of acceleration the various grades rank as follows: 1b, 2a, 1a, 7a, 3a, 8a, 3b, 2b, 6a, 8b, 5b, 4a, 4b, 6b, 5a. TABLE X Showing by Sex, Grade, and Buildings Percentages of Normal Progress on Age-grade Tables for October 4, 1913 Ages as of September i. Normal age for entering iB grade, six and one-half years. Normal prog- ress, half year for each half year in school. Boys Girls Grade Central McCalla Fairview Central McCalla Fairview 1b 22.6 34.4 12.9 25 32.4 32 lA 15.4 22.2 30 12.5 25 26.8 2b 4.8 17.6 16.8 20 24.2 13.3 2a 16.7 27.8 42.8 30.8 38.4 50 3b 25 18.2 17.3 16.7 14.2 15 3a 16.7 14.8 25 16.7 17.6 14.2 4b 26.3 16.1 9 20 22.2 31.8 4a 5.3 4.7 16.6 15.4 28.5 18.7 5b 19 11.1 17.7 8.3 25 17.7 5a...' 6.3 7.1 23.5 20 31.2 21.1 6b 11.1 25 20 7.1 50 16.6 6a 18.2 20.5 16.6 7b 30 18.4 7a 15.6 26.3 8b 21.2 22.2 8a 20 10.5 Normal Progress, Retardation, and Acceleration 23 Summary of Table X 1 . In the Central building the per cent of normal progress among the boys is greater than that among the girls in grades 1a, 3b,. 4b, 5b, 6b, 7b, 8a. In grade 3a it is the same for boys and girls. 2. In the McCalla building the per cent of normal progress among the boys is greater than that among the girls in grades 1b, 3b. 3. In the Fairview building the per cent of normal progress among the boys is greater than that among the girls in grades 1a, 2b, 3b, 3a, 5a, 6b. In grade 5b it is the same for boys and girls. 4. Among the boys in grades 1b to 6b inclusive Fairview has the greatest per- centage of normal progress in 5 grades, McCalla in 3, and Central in 3. Among the girls McCalla has the greatest percentage of normal progress in 7 grades, Fairview in 3, and Central in 1. 5. Among the boys Central has the least percentage of normal progress in 5 grades, Fairview in 3, and JNIcCalla in 3. Among the girls Central has the least percentage of normal progress in 8 grades, Fairview in 2, and McCalla in 1. 6. On the basis of the percentage of normal progress beginning with the greatest percentage of normal progress the various grades rank as follows: 2a, 2b, 1b, 1a, 7b, 8b, 7a, 4b, 5a, 3b, 3a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 4a, 8a. Tables VIII, IX, and X show that for the Central building the retardation far exceeds the acceleration. The per cent of pupils making normal progress decreases abruptly in the lA and 2B grades and in the 4A, 5B, 5A, and 6b grades. The decrease in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades would naturally be expected since the law compelHng all children to attend school until sixteen years of age unless they have passed the 5A grade and are at work, operated for the first time during the fall of 1913-14. Before that time children had been compelled to attend school only until the age of fourteen without regard to the grade reached. The boys as a rule show a greater degree of retardation than the girls, while the girls show a greater degree of acceleration. Retardation in the Fairview school is distinctly higher than in the Central building. This retardation gradually increases with fluctuations until the highest grade in the building, 6b, is reached. There is not the same degree of difference in this building between the boys and the girls. McCalla building shows the least per cent of retardation of all the buildings. This is to be expected since most of the children of the University professors attend this school through the 6a or 7B grade. Such children are the children of a selected group and are children too that enjoy greater privileges in the home in the way of helpful supplementary material. The age-grade tables for the years 1909-10, 1910-11, 1911-12 were made out on a slightly different basis from those that precede or follow them. They are not so far different, however, that they may not be used fairly safely for comparison. The 24 A Survey of a Public School System necessary allowances can be made when they are used as bases of comparison. All ages for these years, 1909-10, 1910-11, 1911-12, were secured from school records by three advanced students in Indiana University, D. W. Horton, C. A. Davis and Sylvia Cuzzort. All ages were reckoned from date of birth, year, and month, to September 30, 1909. No account was taken of fractions of a month. To get the age for each of the six semesters after September 30, 1909, one-half year was added. Thus if a child was six years old on enter- ing 6b, his age would be six and one-half for 6a, seven for jb, seven and one-half for 7A, eight for 8b, eight and one-half for 8a, etc. A pupil was considered six until six and one-half, and six and one-half until seven years old. Table XI shows a rather uniformly high degree of retardation. The per cent of acceleration fluctuates considerably. The low point for the normals occurs in the 5B grade. The 8a group is incomplete and for that reason unreliable as a basis for drawing conclusions. Normal Progress, Retardation, and Acceleration 25 00 1 1: 00 ,-H rr; Tfi 000 T- -1 01^^ 000 LO 10 CM ro ro fO "^ roso -H 7' 6 j3 00 '^ ^ IT) CN Csl Tj< r^ Tt r^ 00 tr^ "^ po (^ ^ .-H JM Cvl OS T) t^ l^ •<*l m rri f^ 00 f^ ^ •^ C^ ■* 10 Tj< 10 0\ < 0\ vO ID CN ■^ -* tJ* t^ ^ 0-1 -| 10 oo -H '* <-N^ ^ sc* ro CM ^ <>) 00 00 ro 10 10 •j ,— LO ^ ^ rs ro o\ Os Ttn't^ ir> m ^ ■* •rt CM ro 10 rf ^ M 10 OS ^ "0 "* o»o !;5 < t:J< rO t^ T-t ^ U-) ON 00 00 00 (M rt ro t^ 0 C^ CM CM Oooro 2 "o .S a irj CN u^ 10 "O ^ CM 00 OM^ t^ t^ 10 ■^ CNI -1 cq OS lO 00 t^ fo CO -H Tj< CM OS t^ 10 ro ■^ W z H 10 rO ■* so 00 00 t^ r^ >> "3 <: CN CN ■* CO CN T; O) 1^^ ^ ^ CN T-H ^H CN CN 00 ^ 00 10 -* 10 ■* 10 --1 00 ^ ^ ^ Q w J3 J3 n U-) csi r^ •^ •*! 00 ro CN 10 CN T-H rrj CN "* r> 10 10 CN ro vO ro 00 ^ Csl 00 ■O >D -^ 000 ro CN CN CO ■rt CN -1 ro CM 0 TjH t1< rooo c^ -1 I-, 00 10 Oi t^ C\ C~i ■^ rn 00 <~0 ■rt rO CN IT) r^ Os t^ c^ c^ ■0 r-~ SO Tj* ^ rf 02 " ro i/^ 10 T:t<'* <^ -1 Os CM Pi u <: D. < ^ •^ c^ ro "O 00 000 -H ro Tf ,-1 T-( OJ ■rt CN Tfi Ov Os Os 10 U-) Os 00 CM CM irj •<* ■rt ■<* li-) lO 1 1-1 < t Pi "3 E )-< < t^ vO ro rt Ol Tf CN 10 r-- 10 ro 00 CDOO -H t^ ^ ^ IT) On "* ^ ^ ro •O On '^ --I CS CN r^ ^ LO SO 0^ ^ 00 CN ^ ■^ IT) sO t^ CN "Tt ^ ro SO ■.-1 LO LO ■<* ^ cq uo CM OO CM r^ 10 so CO •* ^ ■^ 00 0\ rO 10 c^ t~~ 10 000 10 t^ CN >* •* Ph "ca O'^sO OS ■^ so 0-*'* c a t^ 10 (M (T) •* 00 -H — 1 T-l rt CM J^ -^ -H 000 CN CN ^ t-~ -^ 10 CN r^i oi 00 -^ 10 ■.-H CO CnI ^ -* 00 ■a c ^ t^ 00 CM ^ 00 loo-* Cm C3 < 0 vO t-^ t^ r^ \0 V2 l^ vO vO vO U "^ >0 O 0\ Ov 00 >o vO lO 00 CO 00 o oo vO mD O ^0 VO C^^ MD O CN O vO VO 00 00 >o 00 •'H O m^ r-00 00 ■^ in <^ < < 1-^ C50 0\ 00 CN T-H ro Ttl ^10 10 vO»^ i T-l CN (N Os CO-^ ■^ Tfi CO sOco Tj- P^ "o 00 -H '^99 OOO t/T i J3 „ (>) fN t:^ VD ro ON tN T-^ CN rr> >0 CN 00 •« ^ CN ■^ LO 00 CN ^ »-l 00 lO ro CN 10 -^ d d 00 10 CO CO g t^O^-i ■^000 ■^ Os Os s < "0 t^ rvi CN 000 \0 (M r^ ro >or^ CN t^ Tf SO 1^ 00 C/i >. »o ^ ■^ 00 *"* ■^ CN CN CN 10 T-ico rsj t^r* vo a w <: H H ■« M CN CN -5* 00 0. 00 00 t^ g Xi n •^ ro ■* 10 ro 00 -H 0\0 10 ^ vo !>4 CN ■* CN >-( •rt po r^i SO d CO CN CN CN so '^ 10 § V4 Os-^Os 10 •-H 10 10 ir> 10 P< t-l < Os Ov 00 -* fO ro r^ 00 •* t^ OS '^ '^ 00 t^U~lt>. CO d ^ *-H «— I hJ d '"* ▼~^ CN (M T*! CN CN CN SO SO SO pq (3 >. g 2 ro roi^ -H rj< 00 SO CO rj* (0 ro CN 10 -* 10 T}< Os VO (M 00 Ovt^ Os t^ ro CN VO •rt Tt cs »0 r^ t^ ■rt CN »^ <~0-^ Os r^ \0 so § ft H in 00 CO CN '-H CO rj< Os CO CO PL, 8 < t <1 00 "2 ro \o Os t^ T-H 00 0\ ro (N CN f*5 CO vOO\ CN CN rt< t^ 00 00 CO 00 CN CN CO CO 00 coos' g J- 0. 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OO\00 NO CO »0 On en P W < J3 <; \0 ro 0\ 10 ro -^1^ Ov 0\ 00 00 CO -H •rt CN rj< >0 CN CS CN CN 10 lO 10 (N CN O) CO ^ 10 IT) ir> ^ J3 ^Os vO '^ 0— 1 <-^ -H (M H e.^^g 00 t^ 10 00 ^ On ro r^l ic t-^ LO NO J^ 10 >— 1 ■rt (M (TNI to On CNl NO 10 NO t-~ CO Tt> <; »-. W t ro ^ Os ro ro CN CN ■<* •rt (M (T) 0 CO CO CO 0^ N0"-H 10 •* 10 "3 0) 1^ CO 00 00 t^ rt< 10 Ot^ S w c « ^ -+ ^ CN VO 00 rjH -H 10 to ro 00 10 T-H ■rt CO 10 NO 00 t^ CN CN CNl NO NO NO 1— 1 to ^-iDCN t^ 00 CO NO t^ U-) < s ft < ^1^00 CO CN>0 (N rt< \0 T-H t^ T-l CN CO OmoOn CN'rt OOC?\ro CO CNCO 10-* rj< 1 •< i-T < "(3 a ON On 00 Ot--NO -H ^ 10 2; 1 S2 CO 00 I CN ra •rt ^ CN CN 10 t^ •rt CN CO CO OOOii-) ^ COOO to ■* -^ On to § 03 -i: cN 00 " m TiH 00 CN r)< rsi 00 -+ r-l vO CN CN -^ nOOnO CNCM 00 "0 rvi rt CN CN to to t^ t^ tJi irj ^ TjJ o ro Tfi 00 CO vO rj< ^^^ Tfi o> r-~ tN >* O 00 •* •^ « J^ 00 ") O \0 CN CN 00 Ov 00 t^ r^ \o o o 00 OO 00 00 t^ oo CN O ■* VO VO fN lO lO O ^ ro ro ' O O OS Tji Tt ro o 9 g w i lO •O O 0\ On 00 ^ lO lO ^ '-I \0 Ooo ID O lO T^ •* ro \0 V3 VD tN CN rt 00 00 00 rig s ^ 0.-<*fO bo ■^ -^uoo O !-• o. S 5° 00 00 o ^ ■* Tji 0\ o ^ 5 f<5 fO ^ \o O cs '-C •* CN Ov 0\ Cs Os 0\ 0\ ■* ^ 0\ p< PL,;^; PL,< Normal Progress, Retardation, ajtd Acceleration 31 \0 1^ ro r~. o^ vo O] Tj< O ■^ 10 CN --I r— CN (M • r^ 00 1^ 10 (>q 00 V3 00 -^ O Ov o. CN ^ rg vO cs O (N 00 Tf Tj< ro OS re Tti O 00 ■rt O Tt 10 10 ? o s Pi ij ^ m Q W < ^ (n W 0\ O 00 CN vo 00 f^ O <~0 00 00 00 i:> c -H t-~ 10 CN t^ ir; o r^ Tt- ^' 0\ Os fC ro ■^ 00 ro ■* ro •a ^00000 C ' O Tf O u " ;2 f;; -^ -S ' r^ uo ro CN ■—( O ^ " si > w ^ -tJ _, . . _^ -M rt i^cn -j So.-oBo-5oijO--oSo.-ot-'So.-ou'3o-bo<-'5o.= o o iz; < Pi; A^!^ &h-< p^p^ 52 A Survey of a Public School System OJ O r^j O t^ i^ "^ oa o O 0\ "! '^ ^ Tjf oo o ^ 21; ^ \0 vO tN 0\ O '* On 00 ■O 00 VO SO ro O t^ vD t^ t^ rO 1^ On "^ «^ 000 o ^d 10 ro •<* O — I 00 0\ ^ O u •^ B ^ liO o « " 0\ o\ 00 o-=io£o-i=o-So.^oSo.i;OuSo--ot-i'a3o-«oUrt ^ < p< PhI^ p^< (^Pi O •=! O pqOH Normal Progress, Retardation, and Acceleration ?>?> •*" 6 1 to t- O tN OO O 00 ■* ooo «2^q3 re t^ O r^ ID tN 00 . ■* ID CO ■•— 1 SO oOf^ t^ O '^ O u g « ■^ lO On ID 00 ro 00 >D ro -H cvq ro Tj^t-i NO CO CO On (M CO CM SO ID LO ;! Ct^NO NO ^ -H CO -H CSl 2 fA c o < O t^ t^ ^ rOLOOO SO ID -H ID NO -H On NO ID ^ ro ID O 00 CN CSl ■« NO CO '^ •rt r-i oi CO CO CO NO SO NO So P OS o g o a Si 1 o o. 5^^g nOOnO CO CO sO t^ r^ Tfi CS (M ID 00 CS NO rj^ CNOO ■^ (M ^ ID r^ NO On t-~ 00 l>-Ot^ ID O CM O SO sO s ^ ^o-^ CM CO CM sO NO NO ^§^2 ^ ^ CN ^NOO •^ T-H ro CNJ^ ON ^ ^ID ID ID OS ■rl CN ■^ on^— ; •^ NO r— fS CO CSl CO 00 CO SO CO ID Ol— t- .a B >0 ■^ On ■" ii-> -^ OS NO 00 -* ID 00 ro Tt< 00 CN •<# CN t— O 00 '^ On 00 CO O CO rsi 00 NO t^ g COON ^ CO-HNO CO O •rt < O ON OS ^ NO ID ■^ ^ t^ 00 -H NOt^ ■^ ^ (>a 00 NO '* ro ro t^ OO-^ID oor^ CM ^H CM CM CO — < CM O NO NO 1^' J3 OSTJHCO O— 1.^ O "D ID 60 ** NO CO O -H O t-^ fO On tN •^ CN NO NO ID sO O CO -H CM CM CM CO •■-H (M ONC NO ga ja 1 r^J-O"^ 00 O ID OsOth "^ o o -a c u c C3 "3 ■a 5, ooo '^ t- UO CN B ^ 04 ro '^ NO "0 '-^ in ro oo — < -^ CN ■^ fN NO ^ •rt CN ro NO On rD ■-H NO <^ CN CN CN On^O CN ro CO CVl CM CN TfOO"^, CM CM CM CO CO CO CO ID CO -H NO 00 CM CO CM O ID ^ ID CM^ t— CO NO to o 00 ID Tj< Ti< ID so »-^ ^^ o „ He. w 9 3 5 '— 1 uo NO " NO -* O ^ 00 On ■.-H NO r^ ••-H rt Csl ON -H O C^ CN ID •* t^ r^ CO ^ CM 00 ID ID ■.-< CO rsi t^ NO t^ ^ T^ T^ d .2 >2 "^I-CO O On NO ID CO O o E " -^ ro OO On fN ■^ ■^ t^ 00 CN CN •* CDCJlD CN CO CM CM -^ CM Tt -H CO ID ID ID 2^ CO r^ CO CM t^ On rJ^lDt^ o 2 OS r-- ^ O NO NO CN CN rj< NO SO r^ ■^ CN ■* CO >D 00 •^ CS NO ■D CO OS CN CO CM O CO NO CM CO CM ■^ CM CO ID CO^ -o o " NO CO O ID NO -H CS T-H Tin ooo ON O On CO CS ID CO ^ ■* OOO odd OS ID O O ID On NO ID ID 1 IX! ul C H n! O a ■ ffi'O PQ ^g < < " H •S _ • • — ; rt ^ • .^ *i Gj go.«oeo.-oT3o.=:ortO.-o(jEo-=ioui3o-«o(-irtO.So 9p50H gpqCH yWOH-MOH ^ gWOH ^^ yMOH h-SiWOH o Iz; < p^ fi^lzi p^< Ah Pi 34 A Survey of a Public School System 1— 1 •a C3 < Tf On ro CN r'i lO J^ NO ro lo o "^ TfO^ O lO CO ir> '^ Tt* 1 oO ■rt (M -^ <-l CN) ^ ^ •.-H ^ ^ liO LO LO CO CO CO 0\ 1- On •<* Tf CM O 00 00 NO bo m •r-i cs ro "* TT* 00 t^ O f-~ OOO 00 On NO On r-ioN'o^ 00 CO --< H H c OO Tt< iri ON T-H rt CN CN CN rf CM .^ ■* '-^ CN ■* lO LO a "^t^ o 00 NO CO NO NO t~- W " < NO 00 ^ t^ On NO •* On ro lO O lO On 00 On OOO^ o^ T^ ^ -^ wg >2 t^ cc Tj< 00 r-i ^ ro rt CN CO ^ ^ ^ CO CO CO Tf< ■* T* W2 y «} ^ On 00 t^ OOC;** ■^ CO 00 §o m \0 \0 fN LO u^ O On ON 00 CN CN T+i CM CN -^ CO NO •^ lO CO O ■^ On 1~~ o "ta ^^ fO "0 On ^ CN -^ CN '-ICM CM CN CO CO NO CO •* s o ■^ CN CN On ONO NO t^ CN o a < CN J^ On On On 00 rO NO On O CNI CN -^On'o O Tf CN r^ NO r~- s§ e .2 "o vO Tj. Tj< 00 -H T^ (T^ (N rNi ■^ CM .^ CM CO CO CO "* * "* NO COO On •rt T}< "Tf lO t^ Q H S ffl lO 00 ro •iO •^ On '*ir5 On NO On LO l^ CO 00 NO CM CO LO On 00 o 1 ■o nOtJ< -H rvi CN ■* CO <— 1 LO CO liO T^ LO CO •* °s" 00 CO o •OCM O NO LO O o w w ^ d <: 1^ rO O On t^ nO O On ON 00 t^ lO IT) NO nO t^ ■^ On NO On >0 ^ 5 XTi "-) •^ O <-^ •^ rs CO — ">0 »-H V— < ,_( NO CO LO & T3 c^ NO 00 00 r— LO 00 NO t^ o w U JA pa "^ NO On On -H O t^ O l^ t^ to CN t ON NO CM LO On CM •* CO Tj< tJ< Tt »o NO »0 ^- ^ CN <^4 o-i Tt CN CM LO *-^ T— i T— » •^ CO CO _c ^^ i^^ \-t rJ<00O lO tJ< o -HI^O O <; < >— ' On O O "^ lO 00 >0 ro ro On CM NO CnJ LO On 00 CO Tti 00 CN >> ■* NO ro O ^ ^ rO ro •rt lo CO O lO CN CO CO t^OOO LO -* LO OOt^ S^ S- O O O O Ti lO On 00 t^ -Ht^OO •^O CM LO NO to O •+ — ' •a ?1 ■^ t^ lO fN ro CN NO CM <-! CO CM NO ^ lO lO LO NO CO 00 CO CO CO CN O r^ s ^ 4J O < 3^^ -H LO NO NO NO (M r^ NO CO t^OTf^ O LO NO CM •* 00 3.C CN CN lO CM rt Tt< OM^ t~- rfl lO Tf ■^OOO •* CO CO I^ LO CO ^« c 2^ n r-l Tt< NO CO On I^ O 00 00 Ttr^ « CM NO •* CO -^o OO '-H lO be " f^ NO LO '-H CO 0 CO "-H CM ftn u- .2 00 ■* lO CN t^ CO OnOn '-I g"^ w ro r^ O •o ■*co rj< O ^ c Tj< ro 00 T^ (N ^ -H CO ^ ^ <~o CN CN CM CO-* T^ CO CO CO >» ho OOO ^ OOO CM O-* n rOr-irh ^ O T»< OOO ON ^ O oooo CO CM dod NO O t^ Q ^ M « CO MO 31 ^4'BM ^-^3^ ^-s3 g| ^^3 g| ^-^3 S-HfN^I OCO-=lo'i30-l2 0rtO-5ooBo-«OtJT30--Ot->c^O--0 H gPQOH ypqOHtjWOH •Z, < Pi t^'Z P^< f^P^ Normal Progress, Retardation, and Acceleration 35 4. 0\ "^ 0\ t^ t^ ID CO Os fO --< 00 |o cn Q 9 R 2 o 3 o S M u o < ^ i^ S^ o ,, W »o lo o Csl T* tJ< rr>^* ^O Tf lO •^ CN •* rtl tH t^ -* Ov ro (^ -H U-) "-H CN fN CN 00 "0 ro fO CO >0 OOPO lO rf lO re 00 re re CN CN re "0 00 C^ O O) r-1 Ttl ro O O •rt CN T^ rf ID lO t^ IT) CN re cs ce ON t^ 00 CN Tl< "-) 0\ o o ■rt lO ■* "* Sg •v •rt -H CN ■^ 00 CN 00 "D ro On 00 t~-. re re 00 On t^ re l^ On OO sy bo ■O VO CN T-H CN •r-i re lO CN "-I "* CN -H rt CN lO ■* Tt< CN re ^ H m_: Fh S m ° 00 CN ON ^ re ^ CN''* NO o w "5.1 CN Ov '-I CN lO t^ t-- r^ O ro »-iTj< re oo •rt t^ On •«* CN re •>* CN re pi.s li") •^ o CN CD O CN '-H re Z o " W Z , u u g ■2 >. t^ t— T^ ■>i< On ■* On •^ lO rt & OUTO 00 CN O O CN 00 vO "^ t^ LO VO VO ^00 O CN Tfre <,"Q S'3 t^ T}< ■— 1 ^ ^ re re CN lo -^ •^ CN CN r (T) ro 00 U) t-, \o 00 >o ' NO o. i < oo -^ NO 0\ 00 NO CN ^ n ro -^ vo to 00-* On NO -^ ■^ -^00 lo r^ CN t-~ 00 CN t~ Tt< lO IT) NO t^ CN NO r^ Lo t^ NO t^ On •^ ID NO NO ID ro ID ID ID OO -^ NO NO l^ t^ §t2 W On 1-1 -H S B ■^ ID 00 00 NO ■^ CN CN ID CN ID 00 ■^ ■* On CN 00 OO rc ID CN CD D 00 00 CN fO >D ID tJi ■* ID ID Ot^ ^ LO r- CN "^ 00 D On NO --NO CNCN ^ CN CN (N Z h < ID On ,-lTt< 1^ NO CN CD Tfi CX5 ID 1*1 ID 00 tJ< CN On Tf (D r^ it CN ■* t-- On CD 1* r^ 00 NO -^ On £2 9S 1* ID 00 NO r<^ CN CD CD •* ii< *^ ID ID ID CD ID ^i2 -j'^ "OOCJ ^} ^ CD CN CD CD '^ CN 00 1*1 1*1 NO ^^ t-CN NOCD "^ 1* ■rt CN CN CD C'N On On Tfi .rt ID CD CN ^ c-^ t^^cv^ •^ CN CD ID T-H i*< ^S iijo Tj^T*; "^ CD O) CD CN ^^ rj< ID 1*1 ID 1* ID < Eroir coir cD-rf* pi i-ii— II— I 1— (1— I i-% -fi ccS O U Ph o Normal Progress, Retardation, and Acceleration 37 wO rt a H « (n rt < o H ^ |3 ^ Q H i-i < o rt o w W i-i r ) w C/3 H \^:.< O H O < 60 ai^ U O §1 C -^« J3 w^ VI Un ■q.'o « (5 3 O H p^ &! P-l f c c qQ •2T IZi „ o S^ < I-I B >. «2 w 5 CO < li a; j3 1^ -O D. 1— 1 N >> 1— 1 X oj ci X 3 i ►-.a w >«u h-l 2 S pq eg (L) g Sis <; D. \0 Ov "0 CN CM U-; ro r<5 so ooo ro O OS r^ t^ -^ O Ov OS (^ ro SO so Os lO 'H sO 1^ lO LO o O rq (>) "^ T-H CN lO ro Os TiH--l ■-^ lO ^ t— •rt OS Os 00 ^ th ro — lOO lo ■* o ■rt 0 CO CN CO t^ t^ t^ r^ OS >0 CM 00 ro rsi ■^ lO ^ SO ^ so oo r^ ^ lO 00 CO 1^ rji CM C^ SO 00 CM CN lO O lO •rH CM CO 00 CN OS OO •^ (N ■,-H »-( CO 00 00 00 CO CO CO "-) "0 o ^ CN (N SO lO ■^ ^ CO -riH ■rt CO so Osr^ •^ O 'i^ "* Os CO r^ -C3 O O O CO "-l 0) O so CN OS so 00 Pi pqO o35?J2=^ir!J?J2=^'^^'2=^a3Cr2'^iuE^J2=^S^J2os C 0-- Cij 0-- O rt 0.3 qU 0-5 O^ O-ii O^ 0-- O gpqOH HW^H-SWOH •-M'^H •riWOH >-WOH oi-io-—oaJO--oroo — io' H gpqOH yPQOH-SwOH ^ < P^ ^ 38 A Survey of a Public School System Tables XVIII, XIX, XX are given to show the wide range of difference in per cents of retardation, acceleration, and normal prog- ress based on age-grade tables computed for varying times of the year. Comparison between cities cannot be intelligently made unless the time of computing the data is taken into consideration. These three tables show that with the exception of ib, 5A, 7B, and 8b the acceleration is distinctly lower for May 29th, the day before promo- tion in the spring, than for the close of school in the spring or the opening of school in the fall. With the exception of grades ib, 6a, 8b, acceleration is distinctly higher just after the second semester promotion than at any other time of the year. Tables XXI and XXII show the progress made in a single year in eliminating retardation and increasing acceleration and normal progress. In general, some progress was made in the lower grades but not in the upper grades. There was a larger per cent of acceleration in 1914-15 than in 1913-14 in the following grades: ib, ia, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5B, 5A, 7B, 8b, while there was a lower per cent in grades 2B, 3B, 4B, 6b, 6a, 7A, 8a. In retardation there was a smaller per cent in 1914-15 than in 1913-14 in the following grades: ib, ia, 2B, 3A, 5B, 7B, 8b, but a larger per cent in grades 2A, 3B, 4B, 4A, sa, 6b, 6a, 7A, 8a. Table XXIII is inserted simply to show per cents of normal progress, acceleration, and retardation based on age six as the nor- mal age for entering school. It will serve as a basis of comparison with those systems that may later figure per cents on the same basis. Comparing first semester results which are most safely comparable, the summary table of per cent accelerated shows that for the ib grade there is a gain from 1909-10 to 1913-14 of 1.8 per cent. When the 1914 result is compared with the intervening years, it shows a still greater gain in acceleration. The ia grade shows an improvement of 21.4 per cent during the four-year period, with the 19 13 record distinctly better than any other first semester record. In the 2B grade the improvement is 8.9 per cent, the 1913 record being sur- passed only by the 191 2 record. In the 2A grade the loss in 1913 over 1909 was 3.8 per cent, though the 1913 record was the second best of all first semester records. In the 3B grade the improvement was 9.1 per cent; in the 3 a, 6.8 per cent. A loss of 3.3 per cent occurs in the 4B grade; likewise a loss of 2.3 per cent in the 4A grade, 11 per cent in the 5B grade, 24.2 per cent in the 5A grade, 8.7 per cent in the 6b grade. A gain of 7.9 per cent occurs in the 6a grade but Normal Progress, Retardation, and Acceleration 39 is followed in the 7B grade by a loss of 19.4 per cent. The gain in the 7A grade is 14. i per cent, falling again in the 8b grade to a loss of 1.4 per cent. In the 8a grade there is a gain of 10.3 per cent. By adding the number of per cent gain in each grade where a gain was made and adding the number of per cent loss in each grade in which a loss occurred we get a total gain of 80.3 per cent and a total loss of 74.1 per cent. In the past four years a good showing has been made in regard to acceleration as far as the first three grades are concerned. The condition in Grades 4, 5, 6, and the first half of the 7 th grade indicates that the interests of children in those grades have not been so carefully safeguarded.^ As far as retardation is concerned the 1913 record in the ib grade is 2.2 per cent less than for the same time in 1909; in the lA grade, 28.7 per cent less; in the 2B grade, 11. 7 per cent less; in the 2A grade, 13. i per cent less; in the 3B grade, 8.4 per cent less; in the 3 A grade, 4.4 per cent less; in the 4B grade, 7.3 per cent more; in the 4A grade, 5.7 per cent more; in the 5B grade, .3 per cent less; in the 5A grade, 16. i per cent more; in the 6b grade, 9.9 per cent more; in the 6a grade, 3.5 per cent less; in the 7B grade, 5,7 per cent more; in the 7 a grade, ii.i per cent less; in the 8b grade, 4.8 per cent less; and in the 8a grade, 25 per cent less. Counting all grades in the same manner in which sum- maries for acceleration were counted there has been during the period from 1909 to 19 13 a total loss of 113.2 points and a total gain of 44.7 points. On the whole, the condition as far as retarda- tion is concerned has been improved during the four-year period. It suggests some spots, though, that need further investigation. Concerning the per cent making normal progress, the 1913 first semester record as compared with the 1909 first semester record shows in the ib grade an increase of .7 per cent; in the lA grade, an increase of 7.2 per cent; in the 2B grade, an increase of 3 per cent; in the 2A grade, an increase of 16.7 per cent; in the 3B grade, a decrease of .9 per cent; in the 3 a grade, a decrease of 2.5 per cent; in the 4B grade, a decrease of 4 per cent; in the 4A grade, a decrease of 3.6 per cent; in the 5B grade, an increase of ii.i per cent; in the 5 a grade, an increase of 8.1 per cent; in the 6b grade, a decrease of i.i per cent; in the 6a grade, a decrease of 4.5 per cent; in the 7B grade, 1 One factor to keep in mind here, however, is the effect of the more stringent compulsory education law in forcing children to attend school until they pass the 5a grade and until they are sixteen years of age even if they have passed the 5a grade, unless they have positions and are at work. 40 A Survey of a Public School System O d o H w u en E o. <^ O o is S P4 ,^ ^ Pu e " ^ W Sit, gS gS ci i«-3 o w ^ w S o 9w2 h) rt o 3 tn -v -s - Is S S « I 00 O vO lO "-H O 00 Tt" lO O 00 0\ Ost^t-> CN O Tti r0O«O OOOO vOroiO rCON'-' oor^t^ CNvO-^ t-~0''J< -^OC^J ro CN CNCNCN CN»-ICN — .,-i.rt .rt,-|.,-i ,_,.rt,_i ,_,,rt,_| O -^ O ro t~~ <~0 -^ i^ PO Tt* 00 fO 0\ "-I O ■^ O fO On ■* fO 0\'*'— I iO'r)0\ OOin -"tit^t--. CNroro '-HVOro \0i0\0 r^'*'* CNr^CN CNrOCM rOT-0 rovOOO ■^O'-' OviOt^ t-~vOt^ lOiOOv C^CNCN CNCNCN »-iTf),_, 0\\00 '-irOO roiO>-i NCO\f^ Tt<"^00 00\iO cSTfO CNGO'-i -*00vO -^-^O CNOOO -^TfOO lOCNIOO '-lOiO CN^HO) CNCNCN CN-^tN rO»-iCN -— iCNtH ■■-HCS'-i t-(CN»-( 00 ro lO '-I •* tN CN (N •^ OO^ ^H .rt O ■^ rf ro O ■^ 00 t~ l^ I^ On On On vO vO O t^ 1^ (-~ (^ t^ r^ tN O '-i lO Os -^ CNCNfN »-i,-i..-i CNC^CN CNCNCN CNCNCS CNCNCN CN'-HCN l^Tt<0 nOOO •>*0\0 CNCNO OnOnOO l~-ior-) r^POOO lOrrj-^ vOr/^Tti On-^CN OOnO 0000\ OsiOOn vooOt^ CNCNCS CNCNCN i-iCNCN CNCN CS'-l'-c CN»-I t-{ -^-l y-\ lOOtN t^O<^ CNOOO t^t^r^ OfO'-l fJfO'^ 00»-IOO O-OvO lOioiO OnOOn OOOOOO CNr^r^ VO^OO OOv'^ CSCNCM CNCNCN CSPOCN t-i-h.^ r*5.rtCN .-(.-H^-l CN »H ONiO'-H 00''-iiO t^OCN -^rcoo ONNOt^ OOrOCN r'oror- nOoOoo OiOOO oorsio fNON-* i^Onoo j^oOOO ^-h'^cn CN CN -l t-ItH>-( CNCNCN oO'^vO i-Hi^oO O'^'O i/^vOt^ -^lOvO roi/^"0 t^ior^ lOioiO r<^r-it^ t^T^io cNiA)'* ON"— 100 0\ Os 0\ oOOf) CNCNCN -— ICN-.— ( CSCNCN -r-^ -^ -^ CN'-Hr-i .rtT-i.-l ■r-ir<^esl b 5 " ixl o -^ o t/)cficS tntnn! "'"Jed tntflnj tnt« I pqOH ' mOH pqOH ' mOH o-:: o I b-n o I o'-« o I o •« o | o'.i: o I o -is o PQOH ' mOH n Normal Progress, Retardation, and Acceleratio,n 41 r}< 00 O CO O 00 00 rO O O r<:i O -^ 0 ■<*0^0 i^vOO t^OOOO '-hCT\0 rO>0'-i OsoOON 0\vOO\ ■^O-^ OS .^ .^ .^ O '-I 00 CS O O «>• vO l^t^"* (M ro '-I ro CN «-i t^ O nOOOO OOOn \C) O ^ nOoOnO tN|'*00 tNOOON OCNO nOnOnO iOnOiO '*T}-ItJ lO CN PO on t^ OO ■<* fO -rt* On"*On cncN'* r^O'-i oOO'-i Ot~0\ CSCSIO O<^00 ■^,-iVH Oiot^ t^iot^ CNO-^ ior--c^ ^-hLDOO OnPNIO nOnO'^ 0'*'-< oooooo Onio -^ CNO\>0 OOO ^:H ^ I ^:5 "S I ^S^ \ ^.t: ^ I ^.!= o I o .^ o I o .b t I o .!= o I o^-^ o mOH IfPOH IfflOH IfflOH 'mOH IpQOH 'pqOH'mOH'WOH 42 A Survey of a Public School System ooo od o t^ \0 0\ CN t-^ ro tN Tt t^ -^ 00 O VO ro 00 J^ O 00 2S §1? < BS o ua .. 5? o ooo odd 1^ r*5 . rs t^ O OOO O lo ■* p^ IT) (^ 00 O "l o '-H '-I \0 rO "0 On O lO CN O »^ PO lO '-< i-i t^ i/) 1 ^^ [s] ^ w 5 u ^ > § o g -s ^ 8 i i cO H ni fo >>-s M ^ 2 COO O ^'^ m nj O H M P o w o was H W S > 2 ^; r; ^ I TO ^ rr o W a OT3 6 g S "-. Fh w 2 o g •^s^ u ^s Oi« O irjTj'Os \0'*0 CN»~-00 tJ-i vOfOl^ O O fO 10 10 -^ <*5J^00 O'-if- 0\ "-I >0 O O 1-1 es CN »-l T}^^«.CN VO VO O O O OS 00 t^ tJO 00 fO o t^ cs -^ o O •^ M't^'^ ■^O'-H O^f^ f^O-* OOOCN rqrot^ 00>O-^ CSCN"^ CNOiO i^iO'-i ir> u~)>J-i r^O"^ .— lO-^ 0<^^0 Ot^O\ ^OOnOn '-itN'O rsiOf^ CN-^Os V0\0'-i t^iOO *~TtiO >OroO rfi\OiO t^ ITi -H _ (VJj^ 10 '-H 10 00 ON 00 ■•-I o 00 '-1 O O O CS f<^ VO 00 10 '^ '-H ro tJ< \0 "0 t~ 00 oo O fO O VO O fO t^ Tf vO 00 >0 fO 0\ ro -^ irjt^t^ Ov CN (T) CN O '-I fO 00 ro CN CS CN CN CN CS ■rt CO CN CN tO t^ i-h ■<* rC '-I CCl CN r-l lO CO r}< VO lO CS 00 lO lO'^ro t^iOO OvOO ,-i.-iO OOO c^f^f^ vOOt^ ii~-LOir> ■*•* '^0 CNOs'O 0\rt T-^ & M s >> •— . s-s - 11 " J5 O' 0\ lO O •^lOt^ lO fO o t^ w o ta O « W M r^) o^ Q 3 ;:j '-' O Q Z H V C/3 Ml ° d S i 2 "Ho t-~ \0 t^ vO o o\ o o •* tooO oo<~000 rOOvO OnO\0 lO Ov CN CS 1-1 O to t^ '- 00 CS O O '-< -^ O 00 "^ tN t^ O _< t^ lO ro r^ CN Tt< rH vO ro ro fO •>*'*'* '* ro ■* Tjf ro ■* ^ -^ in t^ ■* O lO fO r}< •* tJ* Ov (N ro l^ 00 00 t^ 0000<^ OOO t^ t^ 00 O fC f^ T+iLO'^ ,-h'oO -^■^•^ OOO OOO ■<*Ot^ O^M3 •^■^-T ■<*rti'* irjLoio LOir^"0 lOiOiO ro-<* •^ vo cN ^ lo 00 1^ o o\ 'o »-i tj< lo \ot^>^ "oot^ •.-H O lO O '-I lO O O •* 00 O "^ Ot^i'J O -^ O Tti ID ■^ ro >0 ■* vOOO. "^•^•* TtCNfO •^I^O »-iroO OOO lO CS f*5 lO ro rjt iiOrO Osf^rO O^^t)* t~- t^ -H OOO 0\ CN O t^TfO lO'*'* \OfO»D o "0 c^ i^ o "^ ■3 M ■" "? -'5 H w 2 rt l> eS.2 "o o. irjiOt^ u~) CD ^ O'*'* 000 Tf'-iOO »-iO\CN OOCN"* tn in jjj en in oj E" J2 cd O -tS O O -ii O O -5 O pqOH ' mOH ' pqOH 0-« O O -5 O pqOH ' WOH ^ J£ 03 E? J2 =^ : pa Normal Progress, Retardation, and Acceleration 45 00 \0 t^ \0 10 O Tt< 10 t^ vOt^l^^ th fO 00 \0 vO t~~ 00000 00t~~ON rOO'-i Ot^t^ vOOO r^-Ot^ rO'<-ir-) l^O'* vOl^t^ '— itJ^cn r} lO O 00 t^ tJ< tJ< ■>* J, U-) Tti •rfi O O On O 00 Tf so ro lO '-i O »0 O fO O O O CS O <^ t^ 00 O vO O -^ On '-Ht^ lO NO O CN O IM CN NO -^ (^ ■* O t^ 00 »-i On On 00 o ^ ^^ lOiO'* NOfnO ^'*rO \n\r)^ ID lO »0 om ^ T-i O lO O 00 -* CN ■* On lO »o »o NO NO NO OOnO lO ■* "0 t^ t^ t^ rr> ^ rr) LO lO LO ^ On O NO lO NO r^ On 00 ON OOn lO NO lO CM O '-< t^ r^ i>- T)< TjH rj4 iTit^in CN "-I CN O "^ On O O CN NO 0\ ■^ lO ■* tJ< 00 O "-i O 00 CN r-iOnO rOt^O ■^i0 IT) ■^ in •^CNco lOCD'^ nO'^'O I^nOnO nOCJiO lOCNfi ONOOr^ Tj< On On O O 00 On O l^ i-h On 0> no ■^ 00 rO CN rO ,-i lo fO ■^r-~ OOiOO Ofe'^ ON'^O i^uoro NO lO O ■^oor^ NO fC NO OOO t^ t^ O OOO i-h .-i O ro c<1 f^ oo 00 00 O00t~- 00 "-I On 00 f^ t^ 00 "-I ■* O O "0 -^ t^ NO t~- O '-i CS nO '-c OOO coinnj tnj«ni E"J"a3 i" JS ^ S?^=^ iG— i^ si O .15 O o .« o o •- o o -^ o o -5 o o -^ o /vNrh£_, r^r>NC__: r/^rhc_. rAr>ic_, ivNr'IL.i I mr", C—i I O.- O O •-! O O •-< O O •-! O O •- O O •" O O •« o o .— u u •« o o •-< o mOH IpqOH 'pqOH 'wOH IpqOH 'mOH 'pqOH'PQOH'pqOH lOlONONOt^t^'^OO 46 A Survey of a Public School System an increase of 13.8 per cent; in the 7 a grade, a decrease of 3 per cent; in the 8b grade, an increase of 6.2 per cent; in the 8a grade, an increase of 14.7 per cent. Again counting all grades there has been during the period from 1909 to 19 13 a total gain of 81.5 points in per cent and a total loss of 19.4 points in per cent in the per cent of children making normal progress. Using the per cent for the grade as the unit for computing per cents of gain and loss and counting the per cents in all grades for the first semester of 1909-1910 and the first semester of 1913-14, the sum of all the gains in all grades where there was a gain in 19 13 over gains in 1909 in per cents of normal progress was 75 per cent, the loss, 25 per cent. In acceleration, gain 60.3 per cent, loss 38.9 per cent. In retardation gain 44.7 per cent, loss 113.2 per cent. Summarizing, with each grade as a unit, the accumulative gain and loss shown by considering all grades, we find that for normal progress the total gain for the year 19 13 over 1909 was 75 points in per cent, the loss 25; for acceleration the gain was 60.3, the loss, 38.9; for retardation the gain was 44.7, the loss 113. 2. The following tables show acceleration, retardation, and normal progress, not on the age-grade basis, but on the basis of years in school and progress made. The study includes every child in school the last semester of the school year 19 13-14 whose record could be traced. TABLE XXVII Record of Years in School and Progress made of All White Children in THE Grades Who have received All or Part of their Training in the Bloomington Schools. Data After Promotion at Close of the School Year 1913-14 Children Receiving Children Receiving ALL ONLY Part of Their Grade Work Their Grade Work Total IN THE BlOOMINGTON IN THE BlOOMINGTON Schools Schools Boys Girls Boys Girls Number of terms gained over normal amount of one-half grade in one half year 75 99 15 32 221 Number of terms lost 494 438 225 177 1334 Total number of half years in school 3784 3967 1605 1573 10929 Total number of half years' credit made 3365 3628 1395 1428 9816 Percentage of terms gained based on total number of terms in school 2.0 2.5 1.0 2.0 2.0 Percentage of terms lost based on total number of terms in school 13.1 11.0 14.0 11.2 12.2 Percentage of terms made based on total number of terms in school 88.9 91.5 87.0 90.8 89.8 Normal Progress, Retardation, and Acceleration 47 TABLE XXVIII Same Data for Colored Children as Given in Table XXVII for White Children Number of terms gained over normal amount of one-half grade in one half year Number of terms lost. . . Total number of half years in school Total number of half years' credit made. . . Percentage of terms gained based on total number of terms in school Percentage of terms lost based on total number of terms in school .... Percentage of terms made based on total number of terms in school Children Receiving All of Their Grade Work IN the Bloomington Schools Children Receiving Only Part of Their Grade Work IN THE Bloomington Schools Total Boys Girls Boys Girls ' 23 21 13 21 78 135 122 96 152 505 112 •101 83 131 427 17 17.2 13.5 13.8 15.4 83 82.8 86.5 84.6 Summary of Tables XXVII and XXVIII 1. The percentage of terms gained by white children on basis of total number of terms in schools is 2.0; colored children 0. 2. Per cent of terms gained by white boys is from § to 1 less than the gain made by the girls. 3. Per cent of terms lost is from 2 to 3 more for the white boys than for the white girls, and about the same for colored boys compared with the colored girls. 4. The white boys and girls receiving all of their training in the Bloomington schools make a smaller per cent of loss of terms than do those receiving only a part of their training in the Bloomington schools. With the colored children the situation is reversed. 5. For white children the per cent of terms made based on terms in school is 89.8; for the colored children 84.6. During the past three years more attention has been given than formerly to providing opportunities for capable children to do the work of the grades in a shorter time than the time regularly allotted. During the second semester of the year 1913-14 from 4 to 5 per cent of all the children in the school system made an extra semester's work. 48 A Sitrvey of a Public School System Table XXIX shows normal progress, retardation, and acceleration according to age. T.\BLE XXIX Number .vsd Per Cent of Total White PrriLS ix Bloomixgton" Schools, ExD OF First School Month, October 4, 1913. That were XoRiL\L, Acceler.\ted, Ret-Vrded Accordixg to Age Xonnal age for entering iB grade, six and one-half years. Xonnal progress, one-half year for each half year in school. Children counted six until six and one-half. s©ven until seven and one-half, etc .\ges as of September i, IQ13. Age 3i 6 6J 7 7} S SJ 9 gi 10 loj 11 iii 12 Total number .. . 10 74 94 105 S4 105 100 91 100 112 91 &8 96 95 Nonnal 49 21 23 28 24 30 29 16 20 18 13 14 Accelerated 10 74 43 55 33 42 47 23 33 38 20 23 24 23 Retarded 29 28 35 29 36 36 58 51 45 57 58 Per cent Normal 52.1 20.0 27.3 26.6 24.0 32.9 29.0 14.2 21.9 20_t 15.6 14.8 Per cent Accelerated 100.0 100. o 47.8 32.3 39.2 40.0 47.0 27-1. 55.0 S3.9 21.9 28-i 25.0 24.2 Per cent Retatded 27.6 33-3 33-3 29-0 39-5 36-0 3i-7 56-0 31.1 59-3 61. i Age 12I 13 13J 14 14J 13 15J 16 i6i 17 i7i iS iS} 19 Total number. . . S3 103 72 42 34 29 14 14 2 3 i o i i Normal 21 15 15 5 Accelerated . . . . 22 ig 5 o Retarded 42 69 32 37 34 29 14 14 2 3 i o i i Per cent Normal 24.6 14.5 20. S 11. 9 Per cent Accelerated .... 23. S 1S.4 6.9 Per cent Retarded 49.4 66.9 72.2 SS.o 100 iso 100 100 loo i:x3 fxi 100 100 SruiLVRY OF Table XXIX 1. The various ases with the per cent of retardation for each age are as fol- lows: -\ges 19. 18f, 17*. 17. 16^. 16. 15*. 15, 14§ — 100 per cent retardation; age 14. SS per cent; age IS5. 72.2 per cent; age 13, 66.9 per cent; age 12. 61.1 per cent; age II5. 59.3 per cent; age 10^, 56 per cent; age 10. 51.7 per cent; age 11, 51.1 per cent; age \1\, 49.4 per cent; age 9. 39.5 per cent; age 9j, 36 per cent; ages 8 and 7*, 33.3 per cent; age S*. 29 f>er cent; age 7. 27.6 p>er cent. 2. The various ages with the per cent of acceleration for each age are as follows: Ages 5? and 6. 100 per cent; age 10. S3.9 per cent; age 7. Sl.i per cent; age 6^, 47.8 per cent; age S*. 47 per cent; age 8. 40 per cent; age 7j. 39.2 per cent; age 9*, 35 per cent; age 11. 28.4 per cent; age 9, 27.4 per cent; age 125^. 25.8 per cent; age 12. 24.2 per cent; age 10*. 21.9 per cent; age 13, 18.4 per cent. Xormal Progress, Reiardaiwn, and Actdfration 49 Another approach to normal progress, acceleration, and retarda- tion is through Table XXX (pages 50-51), setting forth average and median ages of children in the \-arious grades at the beginning of the fall semester. 1Q12-13. the time of year when retardation shows at its greatest. Using six and one-hah' years of age as the normal entering age, the following table shows the normal age for each grade: iB 6i- : 53 101-11 lA " - "f 5a 11 -IH 2b 7}- S 6b llt-12 2a S - Sj 6a 12-121 3bH Si- 7b 12§-13 3a. ...9-9i 7a - 13 -13§ 4b ... 91-10 8b 13^14 •La. 10 -101 8a 14 -14^ A comparison of the above table with the table of average and median ages (Table XXX) justines the following conclusions: 1. On the basis of average ages, total boys and girls, the cfaildien in the 1b grade are within the limits of normal age for the grade; those in the La. grade are 3 months, 28.7 days beyond the upper limit of normal age for their grade; those in the 2b grade 1 month 14.8 dzxs older than the upper nonnal limit for their grade: th^ in the 2a grade, 21.6 daj-s older; those in the 3b grade, 4 months 18.4 days -5 older: those in the 7b grade, 1 month 4_2 days older; those in the 7a grade, 4 months 12.7 da>-s older; those in the 8b grade, 8 months 19.9 days -s older. 2. On the basis of median ages, total boj-s and girls, the results are: 1b, within normal age limits; l.A. within nonnal age limits: 2b. within normal age limits; 2a, within limits; 3b, 2 months 17.2 days older: 3a, 5 months 13 da>"3 older; 4b, within limits; 4a, 3 months 3 da>-5 older; 5b. 3 months 19 days older; 5a. 3 months 18 days -s older; 6a, within limits: 7b, within limits; 7a, 2 months 3 days older; 8b, 5 months 22 days older; 8.A, 3 da3-s older. 3. On the basis of median ages grades 3a, 6b, 8b show the greatest retardation- 4. On the wh \d lO ro O On ■^ 00 On CN On 00 UO >n On O rO t~^ t^ro coro u CM tM tN CN T-H ^ CO ^ CN CO C^ CO -rt H "0 t-^ 00 MD Ttlt^ t^ lO «-OOnO LO »H PO rC On CO t^ CJ OOn 00 -^ ■^ ■— 1 ■^ < ■o o o o t^ t^ t^ t>« t^ r^ r^ t^ 00 00 00 00 On 00 On On a\ On On On tn" "1 Cn) cn ir> lO w a < Median Age of Girls . Mo. Da T-H Ti, t^ i^ NOOO-H t^ 00 00 t^ lO t^ ro Tti 00 00 00 00 -H O "O CO On 0^ 0\ 0\ O00"O— c Ov O o O ^oT Whi^Q C^l I--; tN O O -l CO --I CO CO CO CO CO tH C^ T-l »-l < 2 2 o < J . s 5 w 7] K ° 00 O O O t^ On '-H 0\ O ^ to ^ NO lo r^ NO ro CO NO-* O— i-t 'I Pu M T— t O H OCA! ^ r >< o >< O O f~ \0 t-~ t^ 00 t— 00 t^ 00 00 00 00 00 00 On Ov On On OOnOO lo o o t-~ CO (N NO t-~ -H li-3 O t^ O ro t^ lO 00 NO -H NO ■*. PO 3"= O J-3 t/: ^' r^ Th lO (rj On ro 00 r/5 t-» ■^ >-< CO lO NO »^' On ro -^'t^^ no' ■<*■ •*" ro CS •-I CN CN rt (M ^Cvl CO CO fM CS bd < ° J . « u oi O OOO-I o irj 01-- ^ ro t^ CN ^ VO»- • o o On NO '^ 00 On in NO _ .NO CO nO NO 00 _ -^/O . o o ro d rr^ in d in ^^ -H in 00 t-^ rl<" ro 00 On On ■* lO vo t^ On t^ wg CN -H ^ CN (M tN CN CN -H T^ CO ^ ,-1 CO H Aver Age Bo :. Mo OO -H ,-H ^ CN 00 00 On O --H 00 •* r^ On t^ 00 ,-1 m 0\ in ro ■* 0-* Sg >H O O t— o r^ !-- OO t^ 00 00 00 t^ 00 00 00 00 00 On On On oooo O n M VI ^ iJ u >• p^ ■< S o fa fO tJ< »-< CO NO '-It^ ■>* NO U-) ■* in ro t-~ lO lO ro 00 t^ 00 (Nl ^ »-< ■* 0* Tot OF B AND G ■<* t^ lO vO CN r'O tS 00 ro in re (N CO CN CO r^ rOfO ■* ^ •* CO CO On WC/2 '^ i-H J£'3o ajJi'So mUi^ti^EH CJSPmH uSp^H uSPhH uSfeH uSfeH Normal Progress, Retardation, and Acceleration •^CNi^'rti ooo'-t'^ '-''-Hr^Os OD'-''^00 l~~i^vOr-] '^ -^ O ^ 0\ (^ r^ rr^ '-ir-l .rt,-(CN'-''^ ,-, .^ .r-t -—I -,-1 CNCN '^'^'^■•-1 OioOOv OoOi^ ^^,-lOC^ liOiOOviO ioon-huo OOoOiOvO OOOon OOOO '-'O-h,-! cvji-itN'-i CNr-qcsfM cM'thcvjcn rN)r/^Tj0 CNCN'^vO •^—lOOCN oorooo>o OOsOvOv >— lO"— lO "— 'O"— 1^^ r-JOf^-"— I CN<^fNCNl rI lO "0 oorOCNO vo-^'^o OvosLo'^ oor^iro'T) OChOiO TfoouSoO cs-^'oOj^ ro tN t^ ■* vOt^OOO t^ "-I O t^ O f^ O O >0 O t^ lO 00 i-~ oo r^ O »-i lO trj O O O-O OOOO -^O'^'.-H ,-lcJro'^rf< T} o t-^'^vO'O OvOiO'— 1 OOO^ -^rt^OON •^mD-hO O-^r^loO i-iOoor^ .9 ■rt ■r-H ^ . rt r^ ^2 OOOO .rt o ■^ O .rH ^ »>4 ^ cv) ^ ^ ^ r-(,-icsitNr-< rs-.-! ^-H ^-ir'icscs csc^cNr-)CN.-H'-i'-''-i 00 »0 CO t^ vo Oi ■^ O t-- lO 00 vO O 00 00 00 t^ On '-H lO O 0\ t~- O O ■^ C^ CO § OOoo OO'-'O ■i-(.-i(>4,-i cvq_i.,-i,-i CN'-ifNCN rO'-irOcsi rO'^rfiTti oo ^2°oc^ Om3iO'-< lOOvOr- TfOirir^ rft^ONO tNuor^^ lot^^-ivo ~Z (^ -^ CN o ro (M OS CN ro CN 00 CN rf CS OO •* SO lO " 51 Ov'^OO-^ soOS'JfOs lO-^-^O r^vOOtN t^iocOiO iot^Os.-i OsrovO Mwmm <<<< fflPJMM <:<:<< npqpsca <:<<<:«i; pq• H W -^ O ^ O s 3 M 2 a o a « •< o c a O Q J n S o oi IZ u 0! z O (SO cs B O O 00 •r-C.-HCN'-l«-(OOt-~Tj< •^ •^ •* th fN) tJ< CN O r^ o W 2 Q n 2; W a s Hi 3 2 < g2H B Z fc, j^ t^'-— i»-(T^^H-HCNr'5. « g w ^ « « w S o "^ " "5 gH z S cO"^ oo^ocN ^^oio(M 0,0 ro •O 10 CS 10 00 10 vo —I — I ro 10 00 ^ CS i-iu u •■-icscN'-ifOO'^r-j ■^ ^ O Tfl •* ^ CN O O ro ■— 1 Tj* CN O ^ 2 Bi " S W Q S - S ►J W 3 O hH •^ Z < w « ."1 vOOvooiooOvOOOv'-i'^tNrOOto'^rsil-^ ■^ 00 OiOTti-^cNO'-i'-icNc-jTt-H^oo vO"*'^'^OvOioooo\'^ooior— Tt<"0"* CNCN'-lCNCNCN'-l'-i'-iCN '^ CN ro lO <>< CS 66 A Survey of a Public School System fe.<^i " S o a o 5 w w ^ ^ S OS OS «0h ^ T-i ro fO CN W Bi Z ^ o rt o ^ CN -iro Q S t*^ Q w o a w 5 - w^o CN Q w (0 _ W W Q CN O < o w o SSO; ?2 s o Zg Wo ^ Census, Enrollment, Promotions, Failures, Withdrawals 67 X w 1-5 < M<^§ oocarsooo^ooosoooo 5 w w « <^ O in Tf< t^ 0\ fO O 00 -"ti o gH« S Z < H g fc, a (J o „ a o -c 5 a u 5 a o o M W d : So S j_ O CS Tt< po T! f<:) 00 ■>* •.-( irj H « o 'Z w « z 3 Z Q ^-iT-HOCS'^'-i'-ifO T-ico 10 <-4 Ttl tH r>) CS t^ r-l O CN f<5 rO'-H'-iCNfNtNro-^'O O fO O O -H CN -H ro O -^ rn O -H -^ -H O '-1 O '^ --I la f^ OS o w a z [^ IS 53 o-g Q H W 0! 0; W •rt -H ■— 1 ro Ti< 10 ,-( ,_! .^ c^l rt CO 00 O '-t (^ CN O "-1 W OS oi w aP S > 9 o &H 2 g « 2: wjo M H .^^ _| H \O-^iO<~0'-Ht^00'*-lCSi-cCS>-l»-l^-l 68 A Survey of a Public School System vOCNOsroiOCNOrO w 2 w < Z w « S § ss " S a o < H :z; Hfa o ^ ^ o Pi^W H (M ro rn T-( .r-i ^H p, ^ <>4 ro O •^ O m CN CN "-I »-l o f^ CN '-I "-H '-I H 1— I . 5g Co o '-1 ^ o •^ ^ Q Z fvj ,-! ,— I ,—1 O Wf_| -^ ra t^Ov'— ifO'O'-iioro Census, Enrollment, Promotions, Failures, Withdrawals 69 3 w « « ^ S "j a oi a a: [i] w e < H « , a Hi o S o < =? 3 5 ° a o o 12; W W PS g w ^ 2 o S w « z; M 5S > >^ < ptjW w M hJ y m « 3 < 5^ 0\sOiovOOt^OOrOiMO\Ou-)oo,^,^^ ■^ '-H T-i ,-1 .rt CN n LOCNiOfO'OvOl^f^'.-ivOOrOO-^OO 03 fO tv) ,-1 .rt rj< O '*'Ot^O\rNOOt^CNCS^r-lOTj.^ D 4:1 E ^ "0 Li "rt _^ a oj j_, is OJXJ T3 be 3^ rrTJ _6 (U 3 J3 Tl n! -0 E ^ c (U 3 d , , 0) :^ 0) rt D (5 >> 6 j2 a 13 OJ u ■" 3 a d dj Q 1) . -^ON-Sro =^ g ^ O ^^ "^-13 So BjOO CN :jd >- m Q,^ be ,'" ""O .£i OJ g OJ "^ "* "■" d .00^ d.S 3 5 d bc cr.S g 3 ^ U 10 fO S' W J3 a M^.d^.Srd £ - 6 bC > Z\0 •rt OJ .d O OJ O ro CO r-l&^feS-TiSS-^-dl- S ^ '^■S^ 2 ^% 3 3o . -d c/2*jcs'r3-^ d"^ •« >-< 70 A Survey of a Public School System 0\ H >-I ^ o w o U < H O H w g a &4 o « 3 ow n Pi QO < » m >< gSgg o w & o E u ri M 2 o o PL, (k, Op^ n w rt o g « S ,/, *5 w B "3 o H w Or^OfOO»oOO U J H 3 e 'J 3 S o S 5 o o id < o^w H & u; Q 2; a p< o '-' J EC'S OS > (0 S >< ^ vO vO r^ •+ (^ « ) O ^ w o» VI I 1^2 n ,-1 I S osc Sz ' g" PS ■ w <; w <; ffl < « < o o o o- • p j3 ja j3 j3 x; -a J3 J3 'Hi wj bc'bb'M'bo'Si'S) BcaCBCCC r4 M 0\ 0>0 lr>QO O VI -^ '^ J 00 00 O* f^ O „ ^N M M « o M a ■* I- •* o O po r^oo ■'t « f^ m M M -t N •I " "1 NO -t r» M O g, MOO V5c.5fO« ^ OO O" r^ t^ ■^ O OvO M " M O ^ « "^ ;;;> o ri m o U, IH MO I" N « O N M fO O " •* O Tt OOO V^ -t (V^ M M ^100 lO "O ■* N p/^ 0> Oi <^ t^ >-< lo P3 < oa < PQ < mm VIOO M M •* t<5 M o o to M B C 03 CI) O 00 t^ O o o o o O t^ o o >0 V) O O > o o o o o o> o o O i-ivO N N < O CO (V^ Ht CO M * Tl-j to M O O M in lO M o O' fO 0> to fO fO M M M O O OvO 00 O>00 r^ O fO M MM N •* M M MM lOO MO o o w O rO ■* too ro O rO f^ M w oo o fO -* i^ ia -t M (N M fO M t^ r^ Tt M o^nO M H O O M ^ M M M « O M « ts O O M O O M M C to 1-1 ^ M l CO O M M IN MM tf Oi O GO r^QO tl- to c^ ^O M O M to CO CO O M CS M tO^-1-tOt^tOt^( X> NtSCOMMMMC 0> tt ^ COOO OiOO IN c O M M N Ml C* M O M t>.00 to to ( M t "i- CO n See also pages 2ig and 239. QO A Survey of a Public School System TABLE LXI — Total Averages and Subject Averages Number of Pupils 1231 2 3 19 69 85 85 63 87 87 61 80 80 67 85 85 54 81 81 8 72 87 76 60 88 73 71 83 73 66 88 X H. S. 11 73 80 82 73 77 83 73 83 83 H. S. 41 75 81 80 73 83 83 73 78 78 73 83 H S 81 76 88 79 ' 73 93 78 73 78 78 73 93 83 73 88 X 14 76 84 95 ' 73 S3 98 ' 73 93 98 73 83 X 18 76 86 83 73 88 88 151 78 81 85 73 78 83 73 88 93 11 80 87 89 73 83 83 83 88 88 15 80 87 87 69 84 80 17 80 88 85 61 85 77 68 83 80 3 81 90 86 71 89 87 4 81 84 75 73 83 73 5 81 86 85 73 83 78 73 83 . 78 7 81 86 83 73 83 83 73 83 84 10 81 83 87 73 78 78 13 81 87 90 73 88 93 73 83 88 16 81 88 88 76 89 82 76 89 83 31 82 80 85 77 78 83 21 82 83 81 77 88 78 77 88 80 12 83 84 89 73 78 93 2 83 85 82 73 83 77 73 83 77 1 83 90 81 71 88 78 6 83 84 83 78 79 83 9 85 86 82 78 83 88 73 83 78 78 78 78 Census, Enrollment, Promotions, Failures, Withdrawals 91 TABLE LXI (Conlinued) Deportment Grade at Age at First Second Third Time of Subjects Time of Term Term Term Failure Failed in Failure 75 85 80 5a Reading Arithmetic Geography Grammar 11 93.... : 93 .93 8b Arithmetic History Physiology 13 78 78 88 8 Arithmetic Grammar 16 88 88 98 8a Reading Arithmetic History 14 93..... 93 8a Reading Arithmetic Grammar History 14 93 93 93 8a Arithmetic Grammar History 15 83 83 88 8b History 14 .88 88 83 8b Grammar History 88 88 7a Arithmetic History 13 87 93 93 7b Arithmetic 88 93 93 6a Arithmetic Geography 13 91 89 88 4th yr. Arithmetic 11 98 98 93 8b History 13 88 88 93 7a History Physiology 13 73 88 83 8b Arithmetic History 12 88 88 7a Arithmetic 13 88 88 88 8b Grammar History 13 84 87 88 6a Geography Arithmetic 88 88 83 8b History 16 78 78 88 7b Arithmetic History 12 93 93 88 7a History 13 78 78 78 6a Arithmetic History 11 90 91 88 4th yr. Arithmetic 10 93 93 88 6a Arithmetic 11 93 93 93 7a Writing Arithmetic History 13 92 A Survey of a Public School System Summary of Table LXI Average Scholarship Average Scholarship IN All Subjects in Subjects Failed in Deportment Succeed- Succeed- Succeed- Failing Repeating ing Failing Repeating ing Failing Repeating ing Term Term Term Term Term Term Term Term Term 79 85 84 72 84 83 87 89 89 Considering average scholarship in all subjects, the average gain per cent due to repeating a term's work over the average scholarship made the first term is 7.6. During the succeeding term not all of the gain is held but the grade is still 6.3 per cent higher. When just- failing grades are considered the difference is still greater. The per cent gained the second term over the first is 16.6, dropping in the third term to 15.3. Not only was there improvement in the subjects in which failures were made but improvement was made in subjects that were being repeated but in which passing grades were made the first time the work was taken. The average scholarship gain, all subjects considered, due to gain in subjects that pupils had failed in the first time was 3.3 per cent. The average gain due to gain in all subjects was 7.6 per cent, thus clearly showing that the subjects in which the pupils passed the first time were done better when they were repeated. Considering in- dividual cases the average scholarship was improved in nineteen cases, remained the same in one case, and became worse in five cases. The grades for the faiUng subjects were improved in forty-one cases, remained the same in three cases, and went lower in none. The following tables show distribution of school years, subjects and ages according to their toll of failures: TABLE LXII Frequency Table Showing Years in which Failures were made and THE Subjects in which the Failures Occurred Year of Cases of Failing Frequency of School Failure SirajECTS Failures 4 2 Writing 1 5 1 Physiology 2 6 4 Reading 3 7 7 Geography 3 8 11 Grammar 6 History 16 Arithmetic 18 TABLE LXIII Number of Putils Failing in Various Subjects One Subject Two Subjects Three Subjects Four Subjects 9 9 5 2 Census, Enrollment, Promotions, Failures, Withdrawals 93 TABLE LXIV — Age-Frequency Table for Pupils WHO Failed Age 10 11 12 13 Number of Pupils Age 1 14 4 15 2 16 9 Number of Pupils 3 1 2 The above tables show that the number of failures occurred most in the eighth grade and least in the fifth. The subject that caused the most failures was arithmetic, with history running a close second. Eighteen failures occurred in arith- metic and sixteen in history. Of the twenty-five failures, nine failed in one subject, nine in two subjects, five in three subjects, and two in four subjects. The age-frequency table shows that of twenty-two pupils nine were thirteen years old, the others ranging from ten to sixteen. A further study of these faiUng pupils shows that fourteen of them failed a second time before they completed the high-school course and twenty-six did not fail any more. A more recent study of the effect of repetition of work covers all cases of repetition in all grades from the first to the eighth inclusive for the second semester of the school year 191 3-14. The table set- ting forth the results of this study follows: TABLE LXV — Comparison of Quality of Work Done by Repeaters During Second Time Work was Taken with the Quality of Work Done the First Time the Work was Taken. All White Children in First Eight Grades ALL SUBJECTS Number of Re- Number of Re- peaters Doing peaters Doing Number of Re- Better Work Same Quality of peaters Doing Number of Re- Second Time Work Second Poorer Work peaters Second than First Time as First Second Time Semester School Time Work Time Work than First Time Gr.\de Year 191 3 -14 WAS Taken was Taken Work was Taken iB. 111 82 24 5 lA. 23 16 7 2b. 33 24 8 1 2a. 13 7 5 1 3b. 65 29 31 5 3a. 44 32 11 1 4b. 124 77 33 14 4a. 88 53 29 6 5b. 45 20 19 6 5a. 46 34 8 4 6b. 42 26 13 3 6a. 14 5 6 3 7b. 36 20 14 2 7a. 45 28 16 1 8b. 32 21 .16 12 15 7 1 8a. 2 Total 782 481 246 55 Percent... 100 61.5 31.4 7 94 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE LXVI — Comparison of Quality of Work Done by Repeaters Dur- ing THE Second Time Work was Taken with the Quality of Work Done THE First Time the Work was Taken. All Pupils in First Eight Grades OF School for White Children Subject — SPELLING Grade Number of Re- peaters Second Semester School Year J913-14 Number of Re- peaters Doing Better Work Second Time THAN First Time Work WAS Taken Number of Re- peaters Doing Same Quality OF Work Second Time as First Time Work was Taken Number of Re- peaters Doing Poorer Work Second Time THAN First Time Work WAS Taken iB. 30 25 4 1 lA. 7 5 2 2b. 9 8 1 2a. 4 2 2 3b. 12 7 4 1 3a. 8 7 1 4b. 18 11 5 2 4a. 13 7 5 1 5b. 6 2 3 1 5a. 7 5 2 6b. 6 5 1 6a. 2 1 1 7b. 5 1 4 7a. 8 5 3 8b. 6 1 5 8a. 4 4 Total 145 92 47 6 Per Cent. . . . 100 63. 4 32.4 4.1 TABLE LXVII — Comparison of Quality of Work Done by Repeaters During Second Time Work was Taken with the Quality of Work Done the First Time the Work was Taken. All Pupils in First Eight Grades OF Schools for White Children Subject — HISTORY Number of Re- Number of Re- peaters Doing Number of Re- peaters Doing Same Quality peaters Doing Number of Re- Better Work of Work Poorer Work peaters Second Second Time Second Time Second Time Semester THAN First as First than First School Year Time Work Time Work Time Work Grade 1913-14 WAS Taken was Taken was Taken iB. lA. 2b. 2a. 3b. 7 2 5 3a. 4 3 1 4b. 17 9 7 1 4a. 13 8 4 1 5b. 6 2 2 2 5a. 7 7 6b. 6 6 6a. 2 2 7b. 5 5 7a. 8 4 4 8b 6 4 4 3 2 1 8a. Total 85 53 26 6 Per Cent. . . . 100 62.4 30.6 7.1 Census, EnroUmenl, Promotions, Failures, Withdrawals 95 TABLE LXVIII — Comparison of Quality of Work Done by Repeaters During Second Time Work was Taken with the Quality of Work Done THE First Time the Work was Taken. All Pupils in the First Eight Grades of School for White Children Subject — ARITHMETIC Grade 1b lA 2^ 2a 3b 3a 4b 4a 5b 5a 6b 6a 7b 7a 8b 8a Total . . . Per Cent. Number of Re- peaters Second semester School Year 1913-14 12 18 10 6 7 6 2 5 8 7 4 93 100 Nu\rBER or Re- peaters Doing Better Work Second Time than First Time Work WAS Taken 11 6 14 8 3 7 5 1 2 5 4 3 69 74.2 Number of Re- PE.^TERs Doing Same Quality OF Work Second Time as First Time Work WAS Taken Number of Re- PE.ATERs Doing Poorer Work Second Time THAN FiR.ST Time Work WAS Taken 17 18.3 1 1 1 7 7.5 TABLE LXIX — Comparison of Quality of Work Done by Repeaters Second Time Work was Taken with the Quality of Work Done the First Time the Work was Taken. All Pupils in the First Eight Gr.\des of Schools for White Children Subject— GEOGRAPHY Number < OF Re- Number of Re- PEATERS doing Number of Re- peaters Doing Same Quality peaters Doing Number of Re- Better Work OF W ORK Poorer Work peaters Second Second Time Second Time Second Time Semester THAN First AS First THAN First School Year Time Work Time Work Time Work Grade 1913-14 WAS Taken WAS Taken WAS Taken iB lA 2b 2a 3b 3a 4b 17' 15 2 4a 13 13 5b 6 5 1 5a 7 7 6b 5 3 1 1 6a 2 1 1 7b 5 2 3 7a 4 3 1 • 8b 8a Total 59 49 8 2 Per Cent... 100 83.1 13. 5 3.4 96 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE LXX — Comparison of Quality of Work Done by Repeaters Dur- ing Second Time Work was Taken with the Quality of Work Done the First Time the Work was Taken. All Pupils in the First Eight Grades of Schools for White Children Subject — LANGUAGE and GRAMMAR Grade 1b 1a 2b 2a 3b 3a 4b 4a 5b 5a 6b 6a 7b 7a 8b 8a Total . . . . Per Cent. . Number of Re- peaters Second Semester School Year IQ13-14 2 6 1 10 8 18 13 6 7 7 2 5 9 7 ' 5 106 100 Number of Re- peaters Doing Better Work Second Time THAN First Time Work WAS Taken 5 3 5 13 5 3 3 6 1 4 5 2 3 58 54.7 Number of Re- peaters Doing Same Quality of Work Second Time as First Time Work was Taken 2 1 1 6 3 3 8 3 2 1 1 1 4 5 1 42 39.6 Number of Re- peaters Doing Poorer Work Second Time THAN First Time Work WAS Taken 1 6 5.7 TABLE LXXI — Comparison of Quality of Work Done by Repeaters Dur- ing Second Time Work was Taken with the Quality of Work Done the First Time the Work was Taken. All Pupils in the First Eight Grades in Schools for White Children Subject — WRITING Number of Re- Number of Re- peaters Doing Number of Re- peaters doing Same Quality peaters Doing Number of Re- Better Work OF Work Poorer Work peaters Second Second Time Second Time Second Time Semester THAN First as First THAN First School Year Time Work Time Work Time Work Grade 1913-14 was Taken WAS Taken WAS Taken iB. 42 25 14 3 lA. 7 5 2 2b. 9 3 6 2a. 4 2 r 1 3b. 12 2 10 3a. 8 4 3 1 4b. 18 7 10 1 4a. 13 5 7 1 5b. 9 3 6 5a. 4 1 2 1 6b. 6 5 1 6a. 2 1 1 7b, 5 4 1 Total 139 58 71 10 Per Cent . . . 100 41. 7 51.1 7.1 Census, Enrollment, Promotions, Failures, Withdrawals 97 TABLE LXXII Comparison of Quality of Work Done by Repeaters During Second Time Work was Taken with the Quality of Work Done the First Time the Work was Taken. All Pupils in First Eight Grades of Schools for White Children Subject — READING Grade Number of Re- peaters Second Semester School Year 1913-14 Number of Re- peaters Doing Better Work Second Time THAN First Time Work WAS Taken Number of Re- peaters Doing Same Quality OF Work Second Time AS First Time Work WAS Taken Number of Re- peaters Doing Poorer Work Second Time than First Time Work WAS Taken iB 39 32 6 1 lA 7 6 1 2b 9 8 1 2a 4 3 1 3b 12 4 5 3 3a 8 7 1 4b 18 8 5 5 4a 13 7 3 3 5b 6 2 3 1 5a 7 4 2 1 6b 6 1 4 1 6a 2 1 1 7b 6 6 7a 8 6 1 1 8b 6 4 5 3 1 1 8a Total 155 102 35 18 Per Cent . . . 100 65.8 22.6 11.6 The tables show that 38.4 per cent of the grades gi\cii repeaters during the second semester of the school year 19 13-14 were either no better or were poorer than the grades made by these same pupils the first time they took the work. If the grades given by the teachers are reliable measures of what pupils are doing, the conclusion is self- evident that as far as efficiency in subject matter is concerned there was a great waste of time in a large part of the repetition work. Especially is this waste noticeable in* the subjects of writing, with 58.2 per cent of the grades no better than the grades of the first term, language and grammar with 45.3 per cent, history with 37.8 per cent, spelling with 36.5 per cent, reading 34.2 per cent. In geography and in arithmetic doing the work over seems to be of more benefit to the child than in other subjects. These conditions should be remedied either through the exercise of greater care in sentencing pupils to a repetition of the work or to such an organization that repeaters can get more individual attention than they now receive. 98 A Survey of a Public School System The Benefit of Repetition Extracts from Paper by J. W. Holdeman, Principal of the Central School, 1914-15 The purpose of this study is to determine the instances of "gain," "loss," or "neither gain nor loss" where pupils need to repeat their work. The pupils in this study include those enrolled in the Central School during the months of February and March, who some time in their course in the Bloomington schools were compelled to repeat. Since there was no grade above the fifth, this study will cover only the work done during the earlier period of the pupils' courses as students. In computing ages only years and months were counted. Less than a half month was ignored, while a half month or more was counted a full month. The "gain," "loss," and "neither gain nor loss" are computed (i) for all repetitions whether failures or not; (2) for all repetitions of failures, (a) total, (b) by subjects; (3) for all repetitions of passed work, (a) total, (b) by subjects. The subjects considered were those taught in the grades from first to fifth, inclusive, namely: arithmetic, spelling — designated phonics in the first and second grades — reading, language, history, geography, hygiene, and writing — a total of eight. The nunX)er of pupils included was eighty-seven. The computations are as follows: (1) Total Number of Repetitions 511 With "gain" 347 or 67.9% With "loss" 22 or 4.3 With "neither gain nor loss" 142 or 27.8 Using a repetition with "neither gain nor loss" as a loss, which it really is, the loss becomes, 164 or 32 . 1 per cent. (2) Total Number of Failures Repeated 217 With "gain" 186 or 85.7% With "loss" 2 or .9 With "neither gain nor loss" 29 or 13.4 Repetition of failures by subjects: (a) Arithmetic, total 31 With "gain" 25 or 80.6% With "loss" lor 3.3 With "neither gain nor loss" 5 or 16. 1 (b) Spelling, total 58 With "gain" 49 or 84.5% With "loss" or With "neither gain nor loss" 9 or 15.5 Census, Enrollment, Promotions, Failures, Withdrawals 99 (c) Reading, total 65 With "gain" 57 or 87.7% With " loss " or With "neither gain nor loss" 8 or 12.3 {d) Language or grammar, total 8 With "gain" 8 or 100.0% With "loss" Oor With "neither gain nor loss" {e) History, total 5 With "gain" 5 or 100. 0% With "loss" Oor With "neither gain nor loss" or (/) Geography, total 14 With "gain" 13 or 93. 0% With "loss" Oor With "neither gain nor loss" 1 or 7 (g) Hygiene, total {h) Writing, total 36 With "gain" 29 or 80.6% With "loss" lor 2.8 With "neither gain nor loss" 6 or 16.6 (3) Total Number of Repetitions in Non-Failing Work 294 With "gain" 160 or 54.4% With "loss" 21 or 7.2 With "neither gain nor loss" 113 or 38.4 Repetitions of non-failures by subjects (o) Arithmetic, total 8 With "gain" 8 or 100 % ib) Spelling, total 67 With "gain" 36 or 53.7% With " loss " 4 or 6 With "neither gain nor loss" 27 or 40.3 (c) Reading, total 62 With "gain" 34 or 54.8% With "loss" 5 or 8.1 With "neither gain nor loss" 23 or 37 . 1 {d) Grammar, total 30 With "gain" 17 or 56.7% With "loss" 2 or 6.7 With "neither gain nor loss" 11 or 36.7 {e) History, total 17 With "gain" 8 or 47.7% With "loss" 2 or 11.8 With " neither gain nor loss " 7 or 41.2 (/) Geography, total 4 With "gain " 4 or 100.0% loo A Survey of a Public School System (g) Hygiene, total 16 With "gain" 8 or 50.0% With "loss" 2 or 12.5 With "neither gain nor loss" 6 or 37.5 (h) Writing, total 90 With "gain" 45 or 50.0% With "loss" ■ 6 or 6.7 With "neither gain nor loss" 39 or 43 . 3 From (2) it will be noticed that 85.7 per cent of the failures were repeated with "gain." In only one case was a failure repeated with distinct loss; so one must conclude that, if a pupil's scholarship is very low in a subject, his knowledge will be strengthened sufficiently, other things being equal, to justify his repeating the subject. The repetition is justified even further when we remember that 68 per cent of all repetitions are made with increase and that 54.4 per cent of the passing grades are benefited. There may be elements of waste in the present plan that need to be considered, but, from the side of scholarship alone, the repetitions seem to be justified. The following table is taken from the study by A. C. Burgin, which deals with the records of all children entering the grades in any classes beginning September, 1900, January, 1901, September, 1901, January, 1902, September, 1902, January, 1903, September, 1903, and January, 1904, and graduating June, 1908, January, 1909, June, 1909, January, 1910, June, 1910, January, 191 1, June, 191 1, January, 191 2. All children entering these classes, regardless of the year of entering and of the grade entered, make up the cases serving as a basis for this table. TABLE LXXIII Repeaters Taken from study worked out by A. C. Burgin, graduate student in Indiana University. Years OF Repetition • s I IS 2. 2.S 3 Grades B G B G B G B G B G B G 1 21 23 42 37 9 4 7 3 1 1 1 2 31 22 19 15 2 3 1 3 66 30 18 13 2 2 1 1 4 57 44 20 10 5 3 1 1 5 42 36 15 10 1 6 28 31 8 5 3 2 1 1 7 52 48 23 21 7 5 1 2 8 27 36 5 7 1 1 324 270 150 118 29 20 11 8 2 2 1 Total 594 268 49 19 2 3 Per Cents 65 27 5 2 .2 .3 Census, Enrollment, Promotions, Failures, Withdrawals loi Table LXXIII reads as follows: In grade 1,21 boys and 23 girls repeated .5 of a year, 42 boys and 37 girls repeated one full year each, etc. It will be seen that the greatest range of repetition in point of length of repetition comes in the first and eighth grades; the shortest range in the fifth grade. Reducing the periods of repetition to semes- ters, or half years, we find that 21.7 per cent of repetition occurred in the first grade; 10.2 per cent in the second grade; 12.9 per cent in the third grade; 14.1 per cent in the fourth grade; 9.5 per cent in the fifth grade; 7.9 per cent in the sixth grade; 17.2 per cent in the seventh grade; and 6.5 per cent in the eighth grade. It may be seen at a glance that the first and seventh grades are by far the most pro- lific in promoting repetition. TABLE LXXIV — Repeaters During Second Semester, School Year, 1913-14, BY Age, Grade, and Sex Per Cent OF All Repeaters Age at Number of Per Cent of Number of IN Each Time of Repeaters Repeaters Grade Repeaters Grade Repetition of Each Age OF Each Age IB 89 25.6 5 4 1.1 lA 13 3.4 6 46 13.2 2b 19 5.5 7 50 14.4 2a 7 2.0 8 20 5.7 3b 35 10.1 9 41 11.8 3a 16 4.6 10 48 13.8 4b 42 12.1 11 25 7.2 4a 26 7.5 12 28 8.0 5b 15 4.3 13 51 14.7 Sa 14 4.0 14 18 5.2 6b 14 4.0 15 14 4.0 6a 5 1.4 16 3 .9 7b 12 3.4 7a 21 6.0 8b 20 5.7 8a Totals . 348 Total boys repeating Per cent of repeaters that were boys. Total girls repeating Per cent of repeaters that were girls. 348 228 65.5 120 34.5 It is clear from Table LXXIV that grades ib, 3B, 43 need special attention since they are taking the largest toll in failures. Ages 6, 9, 10, and 13 are drawing more than their share of the failures. The boys are far more liable to failure than the girls and should therefore receive special attention. Grades 6a, 2A, 7B, ia, 5A, and 6b have the fewest failures. I02 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE LXXV School Subjects as They Contributed to Repetition: Accumulative Dis- tribution IN Numbers of the Part Played by the Defferent Subjects in Contributing to Retardation Without Regard to what Combina- tions with other Subjects Existed Individuals Subject Boys Girls Totals Reading 116 76 192 Arithmetic 232 188 420 Writing 39 7 46 History 128 113 241 Grammar 173 122 295 Geography 112 92 204 SpeUing 1C8 35 143 Physiology 26 14 40 Music 66 15 81 Drawing 22 5 27 Industrial Training 1 1 2 Retardation depends somewhat also on the changing character of the population. Pupils entering the system for the first time are handicapped in their work and do not always immediately adjust themselves satisfactorily to the requirements of the new conditions. As the result of an examination of 1463 children entering any of the classes beginning September, 1900, January, 1901, September, 1901, January, 1902, September, 1902, January, 1903, September, 1903, January, 1904, and graduating June, 1908, January, 1909, June, 1909, January, 1910, June, 1910, January, 1911, June, 1911, and Janu- ary, 191 2, Mr. Burgin found that only forty-five — twenty-one boys and twenty-four girls — did the work of the entire eight grades in the Bloomington schools. In his complete study Mr. Burgin considered every child that had entered any of the above classes regardless of the year of entering and of the grade entered. The following statement shows the percentage of the total group that did work in each grade. Per Cent Per Cent 1 40 5 42 2 35 6 36 3 44 7 30 4 51 8 21 Table LXXVI shows the wide range of records as regards time spent in the Bloomington schools. Census, Enrollment, Promotions, Failures, Withdrawals 103 TABLE LXXVI Range of Records Number of Number of Individuals Years in System Boys Girls Totals .5 64 64 128 1 135 78 213 1.5 74 50 124 2 69 53 122 2.5 45 49 94 3 56 40 96 3.5 24 36 60 4 69 95 164 4,.5 25 38 63 5 55 34 89 5.5 28 27 55 6 32 31 63 6.5 19 22 41 7 .26 16 42 7.5 20 15 35 8 17 19 36 8.5 8 2 10 9 10 10 20 9.5 3 1 4 10 1 1 10.5 _2 _2 __4 Total 782 682 1464 During the year 1913-14 there entered the first eight grades of the Bloomington schools from outside systems of schools 321 pupils, of whom 109 entered the McCalla building, 122 the Central, 80 the Fairview, and 10 the colored. TABLE LXXVII Distribution Table Showing Absences made by Pupils in the White Schools, Second Semester of the Year 1913-14. Absences not Charged to Pupils Withdrawn Permanently from School Through Moving or Quitting to go to Work, etc. Number Number OF Days OF Days Absent McCalla Fairview Central Absent McCalla Fairview Central . 87 25 79 8.5 7 6 11 .5 36 9 40 9 10 3 14 1 39 17 40 9.5 7 6 9 1.5 25 15 35 10 6 6 11 2 30 17 48 10.5 6 6 6 2.5 24 12 21 11 6 3 8 3 25 10 32 11.5 6 8 13 3.5 21 13 24 12 5 2 8 4 13 17 25 12.5 3 2 7 4.5 14 18 24 13 6 1 9 5 23 11 24 13.5 2 4 2 5.5 12 10 14 14 2 5 8 6 20 16 27 14.5 9 3 7 6.5 13 12 16 15 7 5 3 7 6 8 15 15.5 3 1 10 7.5 6 4 16 16 6 3 9 8 7 13 15 16.5 1 5 3 I04 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE LXXVII {Continued) Number Number OF Days OF Days Absent McCalla Fairview Central Absent McCalla Fairview Central 17 2 6 1 40 17.5 1 1 3 40.5 1 18 2 1 3 41 18.5 1 4 41.5 1 19 2 3 5 42 1 19.5 1 42.5 20 3 5 3 43 1 1 20.5 1 1 1 43.5 1 21 3 2 2 44 21.5 4 1 2 44.5 22 3 4 8 45 22.5 1 1 45.5 1 23 2 1 2 46 23.5 2 46.5 24 1 3 47 • 24.5 1 2 47.5 ' 1 1 25 1 3 3 48 25.5 1 3 48.5 26 1 1 49 1 1 26.5 3 1 1 49.5 27 2 3 50 1 27.5 1 1 5 50.5 28 1 51 28.5 2 51.5 29 1 3 1 52 1 29.5 1 2 52.5 1 30 1 1 53 1 1 30.5 2 1 1 53.5 31 1 1 54 31.5 54.5 32 1 4 55 32.5 1 1 55.5 33 1 56 1 1 33.5 1 56.5 34 3 57 34.5 2 57.5 35 1 2 58 35.5 1 58.5 36 3 59 36.5 59.5 37 2 1 60 37.5 1 61.5 38 62 1 38.5 62.5 1 39 1 1 63 39.5 1 Approximately 10 per cent of the pupils that were absent were absent more than 20 days. Previous studies indicate that an absence of more than 20 days in one semester usually means failure. Ten per cent of the failures can be charged there- fore to absence. Causes of Retardation One study made in the Bloomington schools during the fall of 191 2 has a bearing on the causes of retardation. This study was a limited one connected with the smokers in the schools. The pupils who Census, Enrollment, Promotion, Failures, Withdrawals 105 smoked as well as the grade in which they first learned to smoke were ascertained through statements of the pupils to the teachers. While this method of gathering information is not a scientific one, neverthe- less, the principals of buildings had the feeling, which they expressed at the conclusion of the study, that the directions for getting the in- formation, worked out carefully as they were beforehand in prin- cipals' and teachers' meetings, and the checks the principals and teachers were enabled to use on their information from their own personal knowledge, together formed a fairly good safeguard against any great degree of error in the study. These results are therefore believed to have a great enough degree of reliability to suggest fairly accurately one of the probable causes of retardation among the boys of the school. The summary of findings is embodied in the following resolution of the School Board addressed to the Common Council of the City of Bloomington. December 30, 1912 To THE Common Council of the City of Bloomington, Indiana Genllemen: Whereas, the result of a recent investigation in the Public Schools of Blooming- ton, Indiana, based upon the statements of pupils themselves as to whether or not they are users of tobacco, reveals a high correlation between the degree to which tobacco is used and the degree to which pupils are over age for their grade, poor in their school work, and subjects of punishment for serious infractions of school rules — all of which is clearly set forth in the following tables compiled from data collected in the McCalla, Central, and High School Buildings: I. Retardation: The following table gives the present average age of smokers and non-smokers: Excess Age oj Smokers Non-Smokers Smobcers over Grade Average Age Average Age Non-Smokers First 9.17 7.58 1.59 Second 9.96 8.51 1.45 Third 10.68 9.36 1.32 Fourth 12.6 10.55 2.05 Fifth 14.22 12.21 2.01 Sixth 13.62 • 12.42 1.20 Seventh 14.67 13.32 1.35 Eighth 15.12 14.65 .47 Ninth 16.47 15.55 .92 Tenth 16.75 16.17 .58 Eleventh 18.00 17.27 .73 Twelfth 17.55 17.22 .33 II. Present Schol.\rship: High School — last semester : 1. Non-smokers failed in 10 per cent of their work. 2. Occasional smokers failed in 18.7 per cent of their work. 3. Habitual smokers failed in 29 per cent of their work. Central and McCalla buildings : 1. Average grade of non-smokers — Good. 2. Average grade of smokers — Barely passing. io6 A Survey of a Public School System in. Discipline: High School: (No data were collected on this point from the grades) Per Cent of Number Number Number Disciplined Disciplined Habitual smokers 17 12 70 Occasional smokers 29 8 27 Non-smokers 109 9 8.2 IV. Conclusions: 1. Smokers are distinctly older than non-smokers, having been failed in their work much more frequentlj'. 2. Smokers are doing distinctly poorer work than non-smokers. 3. Smokers are disciplined much more frequently and for far more serious offences than are non-smokers. Therefore, the undersigned School Trustees of the City of Bloomington, Indiana, respectfully petition your Honorable Body to direct the police officers of said City to use special efforts in the enforcement of the laws of the state respecting the sale, and the giving of tobacco to children under sixteen years of age, and also to make a specified number of daily rounds to all the Pool Rooms to see that the law in regard to admitting minors is lived up to, and to prevent gambling in these places by the use of slot machines or by games for money. Sigtied: W. A. Rawles J. R. McDaniel J. D. Showers Trustees of the School City of Bloomington, Indiana Summary of Chapter III 1. 43.4 per cent of the families in Bloomington having children of school age have only one such child, and 20.8 per cent of all children of school age belong to families having only one child of school age. 2. 86.2 per cent of all families having children of school age have either one, two, or three such children; while 68.9 per cent of all children of school age belong to families of only one, two, or three of such children. 3. On 13.8 per cent of the families in Bloomington having children of school age, the burden of educating their children is extremely heavy; while 31.1 per cent of all children of school age belong to families carrying this heavy burden. 4. There is in Bloomington no problem of the foreign-born child. 5. Only II per cent of the children of the first eight grades, 1913-14, were born outside of Indiana. 6. 47.4 per cent of the children in the Bloomington schools 1913-14 were born in Bloomington. 7. During the past five years 19.2 per cent of the total enrollment both in the grades and the high school has been in the high school. For the whole state of Indiana, during the year 1913-14, only 11 per cent were in the high school. Census, Enrollment, Promotions, Failures, Withdrawals 107 8. 70.8 per cent of all the graduates from the high school during the past seven years have entered a college or a university. 9. During the past seven years 89.3 per cent of the eighth grade graduates in Bloomington have entered high school. 10. 51.2 per cent of all pupils who enter the Bloomington high school remain to graduate. 11. For the second semester of the school year 1913-14, of the withdrawals 63.4 per cent withdrew to enter another school system, 12.7 per cent to enter a lower or a higher grade, and 23.9 per cent to quit school. 12. The number withdrawing during the second semester of the school year 1913-14 to quit school represented 3.6 per cent of the total enrollment for the year. 13. For the second semester of the school year 1913-14, of those remaining in school to the end of the term 10.3 per cent failed to be promoted, and, counting as failures also those who withdrew to quit school, 13.9 per cent failed of promotion. 14. The grades in their order claiming the greatest toll of failures during the second semester, 1913-14, were 8b, 7A, 7B, 8a, ib, 6a, and 4A. Those taking the least toll were in their order grades 2A, ia, 5B, 4B, 3A, 2B, 5A, 3B, 6b. 15. For the second semester, 1913-14, the greatest mortality in the high school in the form of failures was in the 9B grade with the lOB, 9A, I IB, and IDA following in order. In the 12A grade only 1.9 per cent failed. 16. For the first semester, 1913-14, compared with seven other Indiana towns Bloomington high school has a high percentage of failures in beginning English, botany, and Latin and a low percent- age of failures in third-year English, soHd geometry, United States history, and civics. In other subjects the percentage of failures was about the same as the averages of the seven Indiana towns. 17. 52.1 per cent of the withdrawals from the Bloomington high school withdraw before completing one year's work; 28.2 per cent more withdraw before completing the second year's work. 18. Of all the withdrawals from the Bloomington high school 21.6 per cent were doing less than passing work in one or more subjects; 78.4 per cent were doing passing work in all subjects at time of withdrawal. 19. There is a close correlation between the failure of the fathers and mothers of withdrawals to get far in school and the advancement withdrawals made before leaving school. io8 A Survey of a Public School System 20. There is a close correlation between the regularity of work of the fathers and continuation in school of the children. 21. The retardation of withdrawals is almost twice as much as that for the school system as a whole. 22. 30.5 per cent of the girls withdrew and 34 per cent of the boys withdrew because they did not like school. 23. Of the boys that withdraw before reaching the high school 65.7 per cent are either unemployed during their first year out of school or employed at common labor or at odd jobs. 24. 43.2 per cent of the girls leaving the grades were not employed other than in the home the first year after leaving school. 25. 38.4 per cent of the grades given repeaters during the second semester of the school year, 1913-14, were either no better or poorer than the grades made by these same pupils the first time they took the work. 26. A study of the repetitions during their whole school course of all the pupils enrolled in the Central building during the months of February and March, 1914-15, shows that 85.7 per cent of all the failures were repeated with gain. 54.4 per cent of the repetitions of subjects in which passing grades were made resulted in better grades the second time the work was taken. 27. With classes entering the grades ifi any classes beginning any- where from September, 1900, to January, 1904, and graduating from June, 1908, to January, 1912, 21.7 per cent of all the repetition occurred in the first grade, 10.2 per cent in the second, 12.9 per cent in the third, 14. 1 per cent in the fourth, 9.5 per cent in the fifth, 7.9 per cent in the sixth, 17.2 per cent in the seventh, and 6.5 per cent in the eighth. 28. For the second semester, 1913-14, 65.5 per cent of the re- peaters were boys and 34.5 per cent girls. Grades ib, 3B, 4B and ages 9, ID, 13 drew the largest percentages of failures. 29. Arithmetic, grammar, history, geography, reading, and spell- ing in this order seem to be the subjects that cause failures. 30. Approximately 10 per cent of the failures can be attributed to absence. 31. A study of the school work done by boys who smoke reveals the following facts: (a) Smokers are distinctly older than non-smokers, having failed in their work much more frequently. (b) Smokers are doing distinctly poorer work than non-smokers. (c) Smokers are disciplined much more frequently and for far more serious offences than are non-smokers. CHAPTER IV FINANCES Table LXXVIII, below, gives a summary of receipts and ex- penditures of all school moneys by years and funds from the year 1900-01 to 1913-14 inclusive. The table of expenses, on p. no, was compiled from warrant stubs and the expenses are charged to the school year in which the warrant was issued and not necessarily, therefore, in all cases to the year the expense was incurred. For this same reason also the yearly expenditure shown in this table does not agree with the yearly expenditure as shown in the table compiled by charging warrants to the year in which they were presented to the bank for payment. The following form for compiling expenditures is essen- tially the form worked out and approved by the National Education Association and adopted by the Commissioner of Education of the United States. TABLE LXXVIII Total Receipts and Disbursements by Years and Funds, 1900-14 Special Fund Special Building Fund Local Years Receipts Disbursements Receipts Disbursements Receipts 1900-01 $14,617.30 $19,886.16 $9,787.49 1901-02 9,483-73 7.736.25 11,069.26 1902-03 12,882.24 8,584.44 11,050.23 1903-04 14,004.58 12,091.70 11,339.70 1904-05 13,894.82 13,965.58 11,670.00 1905-06 14,381.93 14,734.91 15,827.24 1906-07 17,490.20 14,238.12 19,368.92 1907-08 22,566.16 20,711.68 $16,028.59 $16,028.59 18,557.50 1908-09 23,647.12 18,878.69 23,573-15 1909-10 24,143-51 30,871.38 24,884.41 1910-11 24,252.03 19,381.08 24,789.66 1911-12 24,823.00 17,376.26 26,025.90 1912-13 24,801.21 31,493.78 78,918.98 22,034.24 27,028.97 1913-14* 28,067.63 33,180.62 10,760.67 16,604.39 29,855.86 Tuition Fund Common School Fund Totals Years Disbursements Receipts Disbursements Receipts Disbursements 1900-01 $9,630.17 $4,811.66 $4,808.83 $29,216.65 $34,325.16 1901-02 10,234.57 5,182.08 5,038.18 25,735-07 23,009.00 1902-03 11,911.86 5,37J-74 5,312-32 29,310.21 25,808.62 1903-04 12,713-99 5,811.25 5,641-23 31.155-53 30,446-92 1904-05 13,802.20 6,690.28 6,120.62 32,255.10 33,888.40 1905-06 14,321.56 6,676.70 6.704.18 36,885.87 35.760.6s 1906-07 16,764.32 7,185.68 6,640.36 44,044.80 37,642.80 1907-08 21,307.58 10,334-33 7.543-50 67,486.58 65,591.3s 1908-09 21,811.09 9,280.86 10,996.24 56,501.13 51,686.02 1909-10 19,058.30 9,023.70 9,450.69 58,051.62 49,380.37 1910-H 25,913.93 9,910.27 9,334-69 58,951-96 54,629.70 1911-12 25,110.02 11,272.37 10,675.81 62,121.27 53,162.09 1912-13 23,624.49 11,860.32 11,217.53 142,609.48 88,370.04 1913-14* 26,666.92 12,554.81 12,037.51 81,238.97 138,489.44 * Special School Fund for year 1913-14 is incorrectly credited with $3,33S-8s which properly belongs to the Sanitary Fund, and with $1,111.95 which properly belongs to the Vocational Fund. 109 no A Survey of a Public School System TABLE LXXIX Expenditures in Bloomington Schools in Years: A. PAYMENTS: I. Expenses a. Expenses of General Control: 1. Board of Education (office expenses and salaries) 2. School census 3. Expenses keeping bank deposit account 4. Janitor for Supt. office 5. Office of Supt. of Schools \ ^f^™^ "^ fupt. and Clerk I Urhce supphes 6. Commencement exercises Diplomas and seals I Other expenses 7. Expenses for lecturer (a) Traveling expenses of applicants for positions 8. (6) Superintendent's traveling expenses Total b. Expenses for Instruction: 1. Salaries Supervisors of special subjects 2. Salaries of Principals and their Clerks | Cfldes*^*^""' 3. Other expenses of Principals | "radef ''''°°' 4. Salaries of Teachers 5. Text-books for poor children 6. Supplementary text-books 7. Stationery and supplies used in instruction 8. Sewing materials 9. Manual training supplies Total c. Expenses of Operation of School Plant: 1. Wages of janitors and other employees 2. Fuel 3- Light 4. Water 5. Janitors' supplies 6. Telephone calls and telegrams Total d. Expenses of Maintenance of School Plant: 1 . Oiling streets 2. Repairs of buildings and upkeep of grounds 3. Repair of equipment 4. Replacement of equipment , 5. Insurance Total e. Books for Librar>' Total /. Promotion of Health Total g. Miscellaneous Expenses 1. Rent 2. Printing 3. Care of children in institutions 4. Express, drayage, and freight 5. Transfers 6. Commission for selling books Total II. Outlays: a. New buildings b. Alteration of old buildings c. Equipment of buildings, exclusive of replacements Total III. Other Payments: a. Redemption of bonds •. b. Interest c. Text-books to be sold to pupils d. Refund to County Treasurer Total '.'.'.'.'..'. Grand Total I9I3-I' 514 To Amt. 232.05 119.05 . 122 .062 52.00 3,048.70 30.9s 37-85 .027 I -599 .016 .019 25 00 .013 60.00 3,605.60 -031 $1.89 1,710.00 -897 (4) 4,724.81 2.478 13-80 .007 (5) 31,491-28 17. 10 42.52 298.59 10.52 178.54 $38,487-16 16.514 .009 ■ 023 -151 .006 .094 $20. 179 2,521.50 1,095.78 279-45 52.80 195.02 123.68 $4,268.23 1-322 -575 -147 .028 . 102 -065 $2,238 217-42 8.50 .114 .004 i,3S4-00 $1,579-92 -71 $.828 164.01 164.01 .086 .086 105.00 102.58 .055 • 054 Finances 11 1 Cost per pupil based on average daily attendance. 1912-IQI3 1910-1911 529-89 -33 92.96 .058 50.00 .031 449-80 108.00 (6) 120.00 .253 .061 .067 (1)3,385-50 125.80 41.96 37-63 1.902 .071 .024 .021 8.95 -005 $4,277.64 $2 . 403 1.620.00 (2)1,483.58 3,097.00 .91 -833 1-74 34-76 .02 (3) 33,850.46 2.98 131-13 464.98 3-88 145-41 $40,834.18 19.017 .002 -074 . 261 .002 .081 $22.94 3,166.95 1,250.79 218.39 1-779 .703 ■ 123 289.54 124.60 $5,050.27 .163 • 07 $2,837 68.00 853.24 96.50 .038 • 479 -054 325-50 $1,343-24 -183 $0.75 352-50 352.50 .198 .198 145-00 113.58 27-54 63-78 .081 .064 -015 .036 $311.72 .164 $349.90 .197 85,639.83 44.908 25,536.49 14-346 3.059.66 1.905 29.05 .018 15.40 .01 $3,776-96 $2,352 1,512.00 .941 4,410.25 2.74s 34.15 .021 31,678.05 19.725 76.44 .048 427.69 .266 406.69 .253 125.12 .078 $38,670.39 $24,078 2,985.66 1.859 1,322.17 .823 144.60 .09 252.62 .157 96 . 40 . 06 $4,801.45 $2,989 423.74 -264 802.71 .499 264.7s .164 fi,49i.20 $0,928 367. 00 .229 112. .21 .07 31 .26 .019 51. .70 .032 210 .00 ■ 131 19 .16 .012 J79I -33 .492 1,685.30 1.049 1. 198. 28 .628 925-16 .52 $86,838.11 $45,536 $26,461.65 $14.88 $1,685.30 $1,049 7.000.00 3.671 5,500.00 3.09 3,000.00 1.868 3,572.50 1.873 1,402.50 .788 980.00 .61 1,846.36 .968 1,293.91 -727 1 00 2,139.83 1. 202 • $12,419.86 $6,512 $10,336.24 $5-807 $3,980.00 $2-478 $147,674.61 $77,438 $89,005.62 $50,002 $55,196.63 $34,368 (1) $244.00 of this amount was for services rendered the year before. (2) High school principal received $625.00 from another source. (3) Other high school teachers got additional -$1,916.50; countmg this the teaching cost was (4) High «:hool principal received additional $625.00 for teaching from another source. (s) Other high school teachers received additional from another source for teaching, $1,250.00. (6) Sixty dollars ($60.00) of this amount belongs to the year 1911-12. The 1913-14 amount was not paid until after July 1st, the end of the fiscal year. 112 A Survey of a Public School System The average daily attendance, which is the basis for the Per Capita Cost calculations, follows: 1910-1911 — 1606 1912-1913 — 1780 1913-1914—1907 Conclusions Based on Table LXXVIII 1. Expenditures for maintenance and operation increase slightly from 1910-11 to 191 2-13 and decrease noticeably in the year 1913-14 over what they were in 1912-13. The explanation of this decrease is twofold: a. Retrenchment in order to conserve funds for building purposes. b. Absence on leave of one supervisor and two high-salaried teachers. The supervisorship was not filled during the year. 2. Per capita expenditures for general control have remained about the same for the three years considering the fact that 191 2-13 has charged to it approximately $350.00 that should in reality be charged to the year 1913-14. 3. Per capita cost for instruction decreased in 1913-14 due largely to these factors: a. Reduction of gross amount spent for supplies of a supplementary nature in an effort to conserve funds for building purposes. b. Decrease in salaries paid to teachers explained above. c. Crowded condition of practically all the grades. d. Absence of an epidemic of contagious diseases. The average daily attendance was 92.2 per cent of the Monthly Enrollment and 83.2 per cent of the Total Yearly Enrollment for the year 1910-11; 91.6 per cent and 84.1 per cent respectively for the year 1912-13; and 96.8 per cent and 84.4 per cent for the year 1913-14. 4. An exceptionally large outlay of funds for new buildings was made during the years 191 2-13 and 1913-14. Retrenchment along other lines was thus necessitated. TABLE LXXX Comparison or Cost per Pupil Expended in Dollars and Cents Based on Average Daily Attendance. Fifty-seven Cities por the School Year 1902-03 AND Bloomington for the School Years 1910-11, 1912-13, 1913-14 Data for fifty-seven cities taken from Strayer and Thorndike, Educational Administration, pages 283, 284, 28s, and 286. Number of Janitors' Light and City Total Teaching Janitors Supplies Fuel Power 1 35.64 22.30 2.35 .31 1.63 .17 2 28 17.60 .14 4.70 .13 3 28.06 19.10 1.98 .28 1.32 4 31.90 20.35 2.27 .22 1.53 .07 5 33.27 24.41 2.19 .06 2.03 .16 Finances 113 TABLE LXXX {Coniinued) 6 27.65 20.10 1.45 7 21.61 8 31.16 9 31.C1 10 43.23 11 29.01 12 29.20 13 29.56 14 28.75 15 25.35 16 28.41 17 36 18 35.70 19 28.90 20 23.16 21 24.50 22 8.94 23 12.85 24 15.26 25 31 26. 32.67 27 26.96 28 30.30 29 29.50 30 37.32 31 27.90 32 34.49 33 24.85 34 35.96 35 7. 24.52 36 31.94 37 19.26 38 23.56 39 32.01 40 34.79 41 24.65 42 28.50 43 26.09 44 26.18 45 28.53 46 41.52 47 2C.71 48 22.75 49 22.20 50 32.05 51 26.39 52 30.61 53 54.72 54 20.50 55 28.01 56 51.25 57 21.51 1910-11 — Bloomington 34.37 1912-13 — Bloomington 50.00 1913-14 — Bloomington 73.58 12.91 2.05 18.1C 1.89 2C.63 2.32 31.91 2.56 14.42 2.65 18.75 2.21 15.9G 2.03 17.89 1.95 17.91 1.53 19.17 1.82 22.60 2.53 25.17 2.43 18.16 1.97 16.58 1.19 16.9C 1.44 6.63 .37 3.69 1.92 9.87 .96 21.67 1.53 18.37 1.92 15.11 1.95 19.77 2.19 18.21 2.06 25.25 2.36 15.75 1.84 19.07 1.93 16.78 1.52 23.15 2.92 17.87 1.60 18.88 1.11 11.40 1.01 15.21 .91 19.94 1.67 21.90 1.38 15.99 1.13 15.47 1.49 17.00 1.73 16.69 1.58 19.14 1.53 25.53 1.91 5.78 1.75 13.29 1.36 14.20 .89 21.05 1.76 13.81 1.84 20.49 2.11 30.60 3.05 12.61 1.C9 15.33 2.35 33.20 2.42 13.55 1.17 19.73 1.86 19.02 1.78 15.69 1.26 .05 1.14 .07 .18 .80 .05 1.82 2.91 .05 .12 1.84 .11 1.77 .18 1.09 2.05 .07 1.95 .05 .08 .07 1.71 1.44 2.64 2.30 2.08 .07 .29 .04 2.29 .03 .09 .94 .05 .13 .37 1.27 .03 .01 1.03 .07 .03 2.C4 .04 .04 1.45 .05 .48 1.25 .00 2.28 .ii 1.51 .01 .26 1.85 .07 3.49 .09 .13 2.25 .25 .04 1.24 .04 .22 3.61 .08 .10 1.39 .07 .07 1.66 1.15 .22 .15 1.30 .25 .11 .04 1.49 .12 .16 .18 2.31 .10 .03 2.62 .13 .08 1.08 .26 .39 • 1.63 .05 .57 3.34 .12 .05 1.39 .05 .15 1.22 .00 .15 1.79 .04 .16 .43 2.72 .58 1.14 .11 .?>?> 1.22 .11 .11 2.01 .22 .28 .69 .06 .16 1.86 .09 .16 1.78 .12 .10 1.26 .14 114 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE LXXX ( [Continued) Number of School Printing and City Repairs Rent Census Insurance Advertising 1 1.88 .01 .25 .11 2 1.50 .05 .05 3 1.09 - 4 1.06 .05 .02 .04 5 33 .11 6 1.09 .00 .04 7 1.43 .02 .19 .11 8 1.17 .05 .05 .19 .08 9 .05 10 2.29 .05 .10 11 1.24 .14 .26 .04 12- 1.03 .07 .04 13 77 .04 .03 .48 .05 14 2.02 .03 .03 .05 15 69 .17 .03 .06 16 1.14 .05 17 1.43 .03 .12 18 98 .05 .08 19 1.64 .07 .05 20 85 .09 .05 21 94 .14 .01 22 59 .01 .02 .06 23 90 .06 .40 24 45 .03 .32 .05 25 1.83 .08 .25 .25 26 1.12 .19 .10 .44 .10 27 63 .54 .10 .03 .08 28 .14 .13 29 3.15 .07 .11 30 2.75 .02 .22 31 1.79 .10 .11 .08 .15 32 3.67 .13 .18 .27 33 1.17 .07 .06 .06 34 52 .19 .52 .44 35 68 .04 .09 .16 36 ...a.. .72 .10 .33 .02 37 45 .04 .11 38 2.32 .05 .27 .14 39 1.36 .06 40 1.21 .05 .51 .70 41 04 .45 .06 .17 .06 42 80 .32 .08 43 65 .04 .11 .01 .13 44 1.12 .60 .32 .07 45 1.98 .32 .25 46 1.07 1.49 .22 47 2.03 .14 .37 .23 48 34 .56 .06 .11 .36 49 29 .05 .13 .03 50 59 .02 .29 .06 Finances "5 TABLE LXXX {Continued) 51 3.95 52 1.00 53 2.30 54 57 55 1.50 56 2.23 57 1.12 igio-ii — Bloomington .76 1912-13 — Bloomington .53 1913-14 —r Bloomington .11 The Per Cent of Total Expenditure for M.^^intenance and Operation WHICH IS Spent for Teaching, Supervision, Janitors, Salaries, and Fuel. Average for Two Years 1902-03 and 1903-04, Thirty Cities and BlooAhngton for School Years 1910-1911, 1912-1913, and 1913-14 Data for thirty cities taken from Strayer and Thorndike, Educational Administration, page 297. .31 .21 .43 .25 .16 .08 .11 .13 .24 .03 .03 .23 .06 .16 .07 .08 .06 .18 .06 .05 .06 .68 .05 TABLE LXXXI Janitors' Teaching Salaries Fuel Per Cent Frequency Per Cent Frequency Per Cent Fr equ 54 3 3 2 3 4 55 2 4 1 4 3 56 1 5 10 5 8 57 -2 6 11 6 9 58 7 4 7 2 59 2 8 1 8 2 60 2 9 1 9 61 1 10 62 3 11 1 63 1 64 4 -. 65 2 66 2 67 2 68 1 69 70 71 72 2 • 73 1 Bloomington, 1910-11. 64 6 2.6 Bloomington, 1912-13. 64 6 2.4 Bloomington, 1913-14. 65 5.2 2.3 Conclusions Based on Tables LXXX and LXXXI 1. Bloomington compares favorably with other cities in the per cent of total expenditure for maintenance and operation that is ex- pended for teaching and janitors' salaries. The per cent of expendi- ture for coal is very small comparatively, suggesting either economy in purchasing or economy in consumption or both. 2, The decrease in the per cent of maintenance during the year 1913-14 is due largely to the abnormal expenditure during that ii6 A Survey of a Public School System year for new buildings and equipment. The decrease per child in average daily attendance is due largely to a conscious effort to re- trench along certain lines in order to provide building funds. 3. In repairs, printing, and advertising Bloomington is distinctly lower than the average of the fifty-seven cities. 4. Since in the matter of fuel Bloomington has a noticeable ad- vantage over other cities an additional amount might profitably be added to teachers' salaries. 5. In all of these conclusions it must be remembered that the figures for the 30 cities were taken ten years earlier than those for Bloomington. Other Sources of Income Each building has raised some money each year for several years by giving entertainments of various sorts. The funds from these entertainments have been used at the discretion of the principal and the teachers of the building. Fairv-iew Building Since 1900 the sum of $568.00 has been raised for Fairview, $90.00 through donations and the rest by entertainments such as candy sales, picture show benefits, etc. This amount has been expended as follows: Expenditures: Twelve (12) pictures, 1900-02 $ 35.00 Piano, 1901 (second-hand) 125.00 Piano, 1909 300.00 Victor machine, 1912 68.50 Victor records 18.00 Victor cabinet 8.50 Total expenditures $555.00 Balance on hand 13.00 $568.00 McCalla Building Since 1908 the receipts and expenditures in the McCalla Building including the school year of 1913-14 were as follows: Receipts: Expenditures: $1,386.33 Victor machine $ 75.00 Victor records 130.C0 Piano 300.00 Portable organ , 25.00 Playground apparatus 456.33 Pictures 370.00 Program clock 30.00 $1,386.33 Finances 117 Colored School From the beginning of school in the fall of 1909 to the close of school in the spring of 19 13 the receipts in the Colored School were $52.84, and the expenditures $51.81, leaving a balance of $1.03. Central Buildihg Receipts and expenditures in the Central Building have been carried in two funds since 1912-13: General Fund and Department Fund. The record extends from 1906 to June, 19 14. Receipts in General Fund : I. Cash Donations 1. Toward buying piano, 1906, Patrons $ 17.50 2. Toward playground, 1910, Patrons 110.00 3. Toward Grafonola, 1912, Friday Musical Club . 24.50 $152.00 II. Class Memorials, since June 1906 1. Contributed by classes leaving the Department 136.27 III. School Entertainments, since 19C5-06 1. Old Curiosity Shop 2. Thanksgiving entertainments 3. Candy sales 4. Rubber sales 5. Lawn fetes 1. 117.09 Total 11,405.36 Receipts in Departmenl Fund : Lawn fete, 1912-13 '. $ 44.59 Musical, May 1913 41.80 Musical, May 1914 53.20 Pen money, 1914 (Profit on sale of pens) 5.41 Total $145.00 Expenditures from General Fund: I. For Permanent Fixtures 1. Musical a. Old piano, 1906 $ 40.00 b. New piano, 1906 19C.00 c. Drum, 1909 11.25 d. Grafonola, 1912 100.00 e. Organ, 1913 25.50 /. Records and needles, 1912-13-14 32.47 Total $399.22 2. Playground a. Work on yard, 1910, grading and surfacing. $221.70 b. Equipment Giant strides (2) 34.65 Swings and climbing poles 81.63 Volleyball 11.00 Slide 55.60 Basket-ball court 15.00 Horizontal bars 6.00 Cement, gravel, and sand for concrete. . 19.12 Total $444.70 ii8 A Survey of a Public School System 3. Class Memorials 1. Sir Galahad, June 1906 $ 8.00 2. Head of Christ, Jan. 1907 8.00 3. Morning — cast, June 1907 10.00 4. Night — cast, Jan. 1908 10.00 5. Slides — Lady of the Lake, June 1908. . . 15.C0 6. Gettysburg Address, Tablet, Jan. 1909. . . 20.00 7. Longfellow, bust, June 1909 13.34 8. Longfellow, pedestal, Jan. 1910 7.50 9. Hedge Fund, June 1910 4.00 10. Lincoln, bust, June 1911 13.34 11. Riley Picture, Jan. 1911 5.70 12. Records, Jan. 1912 13.89 13. Lincoln, pedestal, June 1912 7.50 Total $ 136.27 4. Stereopticon and equipment 1. Machine and screen, 1908 $ 72.56 2. Blinds, 1908 5.00 3. Slides, 1908, 1909 26.85 Total $ 104.41 5. Stage equipment 1. Stage $ 19.17 2. Cover and curtains 7.37 Total $ 26.54 6. Pictures (other than class memorials) 1. Dance of the Nymphs $ 5.00 2. Aurora 6.00 3. Sea picture 4.50 4. Sistine Madonna 8.50 5. Old Swimmin' Hole and Riley and Bust 12.50 6. Glass for pictures 2.65 Total $ 39.15 Total Expenditures for Permanent Fixtures 1. Musical $399.22 2. Playground 444.70 3. Class Memorials 136.27 4. Stereopticon and equipment 104.41 5. Stage and equipment 26.54 6. Pictures 39.15 7. Miscellaneous 9.20 Total $1,159.49 For Entertainment Expenses 217.57 Total $1,377.06 Summary Statement Central School General Fund Total Receipts since 1905-06 $1,405.36 Total Expenditures Permanent fixtures $1,159.49 Entertainment expenses 217.57 "~" 1,377.06 Balance in Citizens Loan and Trust Co $ 28.30 Finances 119 II. Department Fund Started 1912-13 $ 145.00 Total Receipts in both General and Department Funds 1,610.36 Balance in Citizens Loan and Trust Co., June 1, 1914 1. In Central School General Fund 88.30 2. In Department Fund 145.00 TABLE LXXXII Statement of Assets and Liabilities September i, 1914 Assets: BtHLDINGS AND GROUNDS Original Present Valde Present Value Building Cost of Grounds of Buildings High School $135,000.00 $10,000.00 $135,000.00 Department 35,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 Central 75,000.00 12,000.00 78,000.00 McCalla 32,000.00 14,000.00 32,000.00 Fairview 17,000.00 6,000.00 25,000.00 McDoel 2,000.00 1,500.00 Colored 3,500.00 10,000.00 1,C00.00 Annex 1,000.00 1,000.00 Total $298,500.00 $ 64,000.00 $293,500.00 Liabilities: Bonds outstanding $ 75,000.00 Interest coupons 15,722.50 Total assets over liabilities $286,325.00 Total $377,047.50 TABLE LXXXIII Assets: Statement of Assets and Liabilities June 30, 1914 Equipment Number OF Pupiis' Desks Value High School. . 844 $1,899.00 Central * 799 1,957.75 McCalla 523 1,206.00 Fairview 406 913.50 Colored 83 166.C0 Superintend- ent's ofSce.. Total 2655 $6,142.25 Other Furni- ture AND Fixtures Value f 533.00 640.00 573.00 666.00 100.00 195.00 $2,707.00 High School Depart- ments Value t,120.50 $4,120.50 Number OF Volumes IN Library Value High School. . 3077 $1,206.00 Central 1474 737.00 McCalla 88 60.00 Fairview 99 90.00 Colored _^59 64.75 Total 4997 $2,157.75 Number OF Supple- mentary Books Common TO All 1357 677 640 6 Value $339.25 169.25 160.00 3.00 Number Wall Maps 10 11 13 8 10 2680 $671.50 52 Value $ 50.00 55.00 65.00 40.00 30.00 $240.00 A Survey of a Public School System Number Number OF Number OP Pieces OF FRASfED OF Sheet ViCTROLA Pictures Value Music Value Recqrds Value 7 $ 300.00 75 350.00 570 $28.50 86 $175.00 79 370.C0 65 130.00 59 200.00 15 25.00 13 30.00 High School. Central McCaUa Fairview .... Colored. ... Total 233 ' $1,250.00 570 $28.50 166 $330.00 Since the year 1911-12 the superintendent of the Bloomington schools has made frequent school budget estimates as a basis for recommendations to the school board. Upon these budget estimates the board depended for its decisions regarding expansion and improve- ment. The practice of budget making has the virtue of forcing all school officials to look into the future, to compare costs from year to year, to check up on judgments from time to time and thus develop judgment in the line of estimated expenditures. It has the virtue, also, of leaving in the minds of the school oflficials a feeling of confi- dence as to where they stand financially. The following report is an example of the estimates made from time to time by the superintendent. Financial Report January 14, 1914 Funds on hand how and to be received before the close of the present school year: Funds on Hand: Special Building Fund ." $12,331.71 Common School Fund ♦ 2,295.39 Local Tuition Fund 15,976.07 Special School Fund 12,828.26 Total on hand $43,431.43 Funds Yet to he Received During Present School Year Estimated : Common School Fund $ 5,392.44 High school text-books 600.00 Tuition from pupils ■. 5,000.00 Total yet to be received $10,992.44 Total on hand 43,431.43 Total available funds for remainder of current school year. . . . $54,423.87 Finances 121 Estimated Expenses for Remainder of Current School Year: Salaries from Tuition Fxind $22,387.08 Salaries from Special Fund 4,795.00 Remaining on Mr. Colvin's contract 32,534.00 Architects' fees 720.35 Remaining on electric wiring contract 1,847.35 Coal.. 600.00 Manual training 150.00 Supplies 200.00 Telephones ' 70.00 Lighting 150.00 Rent 100.00 Insurance 54.00 Taking enumeration IIO.CO Payment of bonds and interest on bonds 5,5CO.OO Interest on $27,000 heating and plumbing contract 750.00 Total expenses current year $69,967.78 Total available funds for current year 54,423.87 Deficit June 30, 1914. ...'. $15,543.91 Estimated Income, ipi4-ij: From $1.45 tax levy $63,601.45 From tuition from pupils 5,000.00 Common School Fund 12,000.00 Sale of bonds, December 1914 16,000.00 Total Income, 1914-15 $96,601.45 Estimated Expenditures, igi4-iy. Deficit from preceding year $15,543.91 Running expenses outside of payment of bonds and interest on bonds... ..._ 52,927.80 Equipment of new high school building 4,000.00 Additional teachers 4,C00.0C Additional janitors 1,500.00 Interest on $27,COC heating and plumbing investment 1,000.00 Heat regulation 650.00 Payment of bonds 8,000.00 Interest on bonds 3,300.00 Additional coal 1, 000-00 Total expenses, 1914-15 $91,921.71 Total Income, 1914-15 96,601.45 Balance at end of year, 1914-15 $ 4,679.74 Estimated Income, igi^-id: Balance from preceding year $ 4,679.74 From $1.45 tax levy (same as for year 1914-15) 63,601.45 From transfers 5,000.00 Common School Fund 12,000.00 Total estimated income, 1915-16 $85,281.19 Estimated Expenses, igi^-id: Estimated running expenses outside of payment of bonds and interest on bonds $60,000.00 Payment of bonds 8,000.00 Payment of interest on bonds 3,240.00 Interest on $27,000 heating and plumbing contract 5,000.00 Heat regulation interest "^^-00 Total estimated expenses $76,890.00 Estimated Income, 1915-16 $85,281.19 Estimated Expenses, 1915-16 76,890.00 Balance at end of year, 1915-16 f 8,391.19 122 A Survey of a Public School System The unforeseen sale, during the year 1914-15, of the colored school lot and building and the erection of a new colored school building caused the 1914-15 income and expenditure figures to vary materially from the estimates. The unexpected retirement of some outstanding obligations during the year likewise widened the gap between estimated and real expenditures for the year 1914-15. Summary of Chapter IV 1. School corporation assets June 30, 1914, were: Building and grounds, present value $358,0C0.00 Pupils' desks, present value 6,142.25 Other furniture and fixtures, present value 2,607.C0 Department supplies, present value 4,120.50 Library books, present value 3,657.75 Supplementary books, present value 671.50 Wall maps, present value 240.00 Framed pictures, present value 1,250.00 Sheet music, present value 28.50 Victrola records, present value 330.00 Playground equipment, present value ^ 901.03 Total 1377,948.53 2. The outstanding indebtedness September i, 1914, was $90,722.50. 3. The assessed valuation of property within the city has increased from $4,088,384 in 1907 to 4,728,505 in 191 5. 4. The tax rate has increased from $1.10 in 1907 to $1.45 on the hundred dollars in 191 5. 5. From 1911 to 1915 improv^ements to the extent of approximately $150,000 were contracted for. 6. In 191 5 the school city was up to its legal limit in its bond issues and its general indebtedness, and it lacked only five cents on the hundred dollars of being to its legal limit in the tax rate for school purposes. 7. Bloomington compares favorably with cities of 30,000 inhabit- ants and more in the per cent of the whole school expenditure that goes for salaries of teachers and supervisors. The per cent that goes for general control is somewhat higher in Bloomington than in cities of 30,000 or more. 8. The teachers, pupils, and principals have t«-assume too large a responsibihty for the equipment of buildings with pictures, pianos, etc., and for playground equipment. A much larger part of that responsibility should be assumed by the board. CHAPTER V THE COURSE OF STUDY The course of study has been worked out in detail in all subjects. Only in history and geography, however, has there been recent sys- tematic revision of the courses in the grades. Certain modifications have been made in all the courses from time to time, but reading, language, grammar, physiology, and arithmetic need special atten- tion from the point of view of eliminations, additions, and new methods of treatment, with a view to vitalizing ■ the work more thoroughly as well as from the point of view of more nearly meeting the needs of individual pupils. The course of study is not printed but is issued in typewritten form. Pages that are modified from time to time are thus easily replaced. Courses of study exist at present in the grades in agriculture, arithmetic, domestic art, domestic science, drawing, geography, grammar, history, manual training, music, physiology, reading, spell- ing, and writing. In the high school, courses are worked out in botany, commercial lines, English, German, history, civics, Latin, manual training, algebra, geometry, music, physical geography, and physics. The method now being pursued in the development of the course of study is best illustrated by the subject of history. Procedure in Developing a Course of Study, Illustrated by THE Subject of History In making the course of study in history the principle that the best results can be obtained by "pooling" the efforts of teachers, scholars in the special subject, and school administrators has been followed. The following committee was appointed in the fall of 1910 by the superintendent to work out the course of study in history: O. H. Williams, Head of the History Department in the Bloomington High School, and Critic Teacher in History in Indiana University, Chairman Mary A. Kerr, Principal of the Department School SLxth, Seventh, and Eighth Grades and Teacher of History in the Eighth Grade Neva Carter, Teacher of History in the Sixth and Seventh Grades Ella Wilson, Principal of the Fairview Building and Teacher of History in the Fourth and Fifth Grades Margaret Snodgrass, Teacher of History in High School Elizabeth Gourley and Alma Bundy, Teachers of Geography in the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Grades H. L. Smith, Superintendent of Schools <. 123 124 A Survey of a Public School System This committee met at regular intervals for one year, 1910-11, and at called meetings during the second year, 1911-12. The plan of procedure at the meetings is illustrated by the following sample programs. In connection with the first meeting, typewritten extracts as follows were put into the hands of all members of the committee and dis- cussed in a general way. The Elementary Course of Study From Dutton & Snedden, "The Administration of Public Education in the United States." * Principles applicable to the making of courses for elementary schools. The course of study should be: a. Related to life — the study, exercise, experience, habit, etc., sought should function in some physical, vocational, cultural, or social result that is worth while. b. Flexible, according to the characteristics of groups to be educated. c. Capable of utilizing the social and natural environment of the child which should be drawn upon for concrete materials, illustrations, and opportuni- ties for expression and experience. Recognition of this principle will tend to magnify the tentative and suggestive features of the course and will cause it to put a premium on resourcefulness and initiative. d. Adjusted so as to provide that education which is complementary to the educative influences of other agencies. What home, church, playground, shop, press, street, etc., do positively the school must supplement where desirable. What they do negatively the school must correct. e. Integrated in its final effects. Pupils must necessarily get information and skill piece at a time, but in the end each pupil's education should be in- tegral in character. /. So detailed and flexible as to permit the teacher much freedom whfle giving fullest guidance. It should indicate prescribed, alternative, and optional work and in connection with each unit of division specify by pages both the texts and the supplementary reading which may be followed. Value of topics should be suggested by stating the approximate time of the term that each should receive. Some will be major subjects and some minor. g. Dynamic or progressive. It should be changing from time to time in the light of experience with it. h. Adjusted so as to reflect local initiative and central control and approval. From Teachers College, Columbia University, Extension Syllabi, Series A, No. 23.* Aims Commonly Proposed a. Discipline — training of the memory, the imagination, the judgment. b. Culture — " Enriching the humanity of the pupil." c. Inspiration — furnishing ideals of conduct, patriotism, social service. d. Practical knowledge — teaching pupils how to act in the {^resent. e. Illumination of other studies, especially literature and geography. /. The cultivation of a taste for historical reading. g. The exploration of the present — nothing in the world to-day really intelligi- ble apart from its history. Special Modern Emphasis upon the Social Value of History a. An application of a general point of view in education. b^ Special demands upon history. 1. Must show in the form of concrete examples what society is and how it works. 2. Must give a "vivid and intense realization of social duties and obliga- tion." * Reprinted by permission. ^ •I The Course of Stiidy 125 The History Program for the Elementary School 1 . The Preparatory Period — the First Three or Four Years a. Myths, fairy tales, fables, Oriental, Greek, Roman, later European. Some use of American folk lore. b. Simple biographies from American or world history. May or may not be arranged chronologically. c. Stories connected with anniversaries, birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas. d. Stories from the Bible. e. Stories from primitive life. /. Stories of invention. g. Stories from local history. h. Various studies of a geographical or sociological character. i. Several of these types of material may be represented in a single program. j. Some schools carry this kind of work into higher grades. 2. The Intermediate Stage — Fifth and Sixth Years a. Beginning of text-book instruction. b. More attention to chronological order and geological setting. c. Subject: Ancient history, the Middle Ages, English history, American history. Chief emphasis on American history. d. Material usually biographical. e. Some schools begin this stage of work in the fourth 3'ear. 3. The Last Two Years a. Subject usually the United States. b. The subject often divided: 1. Colonial period for the seventh year. 2. Later period for the eighth year. c. Some schools have English history in the seventh year. d. Civics frequently combined with history, especially in the eighth year. e. Occasionally some Greek and Roman or general European history in one or both of these years. From abstract by J. W. Riddle on History in the Elementary School Curriculum. I. The Problem Stated 1. To have the child amass a store of historical data, so arranged and classi- fied as to show causal relationship. 2. To have the child on leaving the elementary school feel something of the spirit of history, and have a deep and sympathetic instinct in human progress and development. 3. To adapt the material of history to the child in such way that he may acquire the historical sense and perspective. II. Some popular views concerning method, and the organization of material L The Herbartian views — In history teaching character building is to be the direct aim rather than patriotism, as the latter is sure to follow the former. 2. The Culture Epoch theory — That there is a parallelism of general phys- ical traits and functions between racial and individual developm nt. 3. The Source Method — History is based upon documents; and the teach- ing which does not raise this fact into prominence in the mind of the student is as radically defective as the teaching of literature would be, if it ignored the masterpieces. 4. Chronological development — This method begins with the primitive race, and follows the development of civilization through the successive stops which it has actually taken. III. Conclusions made from an examination of forty courses of study. The con- census of opinion among schools seems to be: L That primitive life, national holidays, and legend and story should be the dominant factors in making the course of study for the first and second years. 126 A Survey of a Public School System 2. That pioneer stories, tales of adventure, classic and Norse m3'ths and biography should constitute the work provided for third, fourth, fifth, and possibly the sixth grade. 3. That European history, if introduced at all, should be in the sixth year. 4. That the time of the seventh and eighth grades should be given to a seri- ous study of American history At this first meeting also there was distributed to each member of the committee a copy of the following outline of points that would have to be decided in connection with the making of a course of study in history: 1. Aim 2. Definition or concept 3. Organizing principles 4. Place in course, where begin? end? Per cent of time given to the subject 5. Extent of directions to teachers a. Outlines of topics b. Problems suggested c. Amount of work (1) Prescribed (2) Alternative (3) Optional 6. Correlation a. With literature — continuous or differentiated b. Geography — sequences (1) Determined by (2) Preceded bv (3) Parallel with c. Language d. Arithmetic e. Constructive activities /. Civics g. Music — national songs, etc. 7. Content a. Local history (1) Content (2) Approach to world history b. World history c. United States history d. Current events 8. Civics a. Content b. Place in course 9. Methods a. Concentric circle b. Chronological c. Culture epoch d. Spiral method e. Biographical /. Type study g. Laboratory (source book) h. Problem The Course of Study 127 10. Books a. Text b. Supplemental c. Reference 11. Sources 12. Aids to teachers a. What should they be? b. Should they be catalogued? 13. Maps and charts With the work of the first meeting as a background, a second meet- ing was called for December 15th. The work of that meeting was outlined as follows: The committee on the course in History and Civics will meet with the superin- tendent at the Central Building on Thursday, December 15th, at four o'clock. Topic : Principles Underlying the History Course I. Special discussion of recent attempts to solve the problem 1. Recommendations of the Committee of Eight on History in the Elemen- tary Schools. a. Grades One to Four Miss Wilson b. Grades Five and Six Miss Gourley c. Grade Seven Miss Carter d. Grade Eight Miss Kerr 2. Tentative Report of the Committee of Five on History in the Secondary Schools. a. Ancient and Mediteval Europe Miss Snodgrass b. Mediaeval Europe and America Mr. Williams n. General discussion of "Aims in History Teaching." Helpful suggestions wiU be found in the printed Courses for City Schools in Educational Seminar Room, Library, Indiana University. The following will be found especially suggestive: a. Minneapolis, 1905 b. Lincoln, Nebr. c. Hartford, Conn, (good for reference) d. Philadelphia, Pa. e. Portland, Ore. /. Speyer School, New York City g. San Francisco, Cal. h. Indianapolis, Ind. i. Oakland City, Ind. j. Clinton, Ind. (good for local history) k. Salt Lake City, Utah (for dramatization in history) The following courses of study give references in history: a. Louisville, Ky. b. Superior, Wis. c Baltimore, Md. d. Leadville, Colo. e. Indianapolis, Ind. /. Dekalb Normal School, Illinois, good example of working History and Geography together g. Butler, Pa. h. New Haven, Conn. i. Richmond, Ind. 128 A Survey of a Public School System At the close of this second meeting the essence of the discussion was briefly summarized in the following statement which was later typewritten and distributed to each member of the committee for future reference. A Concensus Upon Some Fundamental Conceptions Underlying the Course in History 1. The Aim. — Stated broadly, the aim in history instruction is to furnish the pupil with equipment for completer living. More narrowly, the aim is to socialize the child by bringing him into sympathetic and intelligent appre- ciation of the best elements of our civilization. 2. The Definition or Concept. — Our concept of history is necessarily complex. It includes the idea of the unity of mankind, of evolution or development, and comprehends all phases of human activity, whether social, political, industrial, religious, or intellectual. In its method, at least, history is scientific, a science, not of observation, not of experiment, but of criticism. A good working definition is that of Bernheim's: "History is the science of the development of men in their activity as social beings." 3. Organizing Principles. — The principle underlying the selection, subordina- tion, and arrangement of historical facts is the growth of men in institu- tional ideas, of which there are five dominant ones. 4. Place of History in the Course. — Some history instruction is given in all the eight grades and in three of the four years of the high school. In Grades One and Two it deals with primitive life, myths, folklore; in Grades Three and Four, with heroic characters; in Grade Five with Greek and Roman life; Grade Six, European, with English as the core; Grades Seven and Eight, American history and elementary civics. The work of the third meeting is illustrated as follows: The Teachers' Committee on Course of Study in History will meet at the Super- intendent's oftice at 4: 00 p.m., on Friday, January 23d. Continuation of the topic, "Fundamental Conceptions Underlying the Course in History." The following plan of discussion will be adhered to: 1. Discussion of problems of adapting history to children in the elementary schools. a. Degrees of difficulty found in historical facts and its application to History for children Miss Carter b. History as determined by text-books for upper grades Miss Kerr Reference: Teachers College Record, November, 1908 2. Round-table discussion of "Some things that need to be decided in the making of a course of study in history." a. The aim Miss Bundy b. Definition of concept Miss Snodgrass c. Organizing principles Miss Wilson d. Place in course Miss Gourley e. Extent of directions to teachers Mr. Smith Reference: Courses of Study ior City Schools — Educational Seminar, Library, Indiana University Columbia University Extension Syllabus, Series A, No. 23 Report of Committee of Eight 3. Brief discussion of report of Committee on Local History in the Public Schools. (Ohio Valley Historical Association) Mr. Williams The Course of Study 129 The following summary of the first part of the meeting of January 23d illustrates the working agreement reached by the committee: Problem of Adapting History to Children in the Elementary School: 1. Gradation of historical facts based upon the degree of difficulty in appre- hending them. a. Simplest facts are material — how men looked, what their environment was like. b. More difficult facts are deeds and actions — what men did in the past. c. Still more difficult are the thoughts, feelings and motives that moved men to act. d. More difficult still are collective facts — those relating to social condi- tions and activities, to men acting together in institutions. e. Facts of cause and effect — of how one event led to another — present in some aspects the greatest degree of difficult}'. A common characteristic of historical facts is that they are localized — in time and place. Just how definitely a fact is to be localized presents another difficulty. 2. Application of this progression in degree of difficulty to history for children- a. Material aspects of the past must furnish the foundation. Impres- sions of men's appearance and surroundings may be created by means of: (1) Material remains of neighborhood (local history); (2) Pictures, casts, models, and the like. b. Particular acts (of their own or of their elders) must furnish the basis for impressions of what men did. These may be supplemented by word-pictures and stories concretely told. c. Similarly, children must be led to think and feel of particular men and actions as those men themselves did; e.g., by (1) Dramatization of history; (2) Writing imaginary letters; ' (3) Keeping fictitious diaries; (4) Reciting famous speeches; (5) Writing papers giving personal preferences. d. Collective facts can only be presented by similar use of details, of par- ticular instances: (1) Actual examples of such facts; (2) Statistical tables or tabulations. 3. History as determined by text-books in upper grades. Chief defects of these text-books is evident dread of "leaving something out sufficiently to afford space to put something in." Other notable defects. a. Full treatment of relatively simple topic, brief mention of more diPncult facts. "The principle is that the way to make a thing elementary is not to say much about it." b. Mere collections of names and dates, — generalized statements with no basis in concrete detail. Proposed remedies: "The text-book for the average elementary school should be a repository of concrete examples." The teacher is to supple- ment the text by filling in the background. Other books are to supple- ment the text. Duplicates for class supply should always be furnished. Later in the year members of the committee were made chairmen for larger committees, each committee having for its work the detailed outline for some one special grade. As a guiding reference each chairman had a complete file of all the preliminary work accom- 130 A Survey of a Public School System plished by the original committee. The outlines completed by these several committees were finally reviewed by the original committee. An outline of the course as finally adopted follows: History in the Elementary Grades Grades I-III: Aim: 1. To teach the facts which supply an imaginative background for a later inter- pretation of history. 2. To develop the power to imagine events in the past. Methods: 1. Story telling by the teacher. 2. Oral reproduction by the pupil. Teacher should first a. Present the story continuously; b. Have children express its thoughts; question and stimulate children's questions; c. Follow with children's oral reproductions. 3. Simple dramatization of stories. Outline of Course: Material suitable for the grade that supplies an imaginative background for the later interpretation of historical material: 1. Fables, fairy tales, folk stories, nature myths. 2. Stories of pioneer life and the Indians. 3. Simple stories of local pioneer historj'. 4. Stories and simpler facts connected with holidays and anniversaries. 5. Bible stories from patriarchal times. Grades IV-V: Aim: 1. To teach the facts and stimulate interest in the achievements of individual leaders. 2. To develop an understanding of the significance of individual achievements in relation to great historical events. Methods: 1. Story telling by the teacher. 2. Reading of stories by the teacher and by the class. 3. Oral and written reproduction by the pupils. 4. Silent reading from supplementary texts by pupils. 5. Simple dramatization. 6. Location of countries and important cities in relation to pupils' homes, and simple placing in time periods of heroes and places. Study development of sequence of time. Outline of Course: 1. Material of the grades preceding, the treatment being extended, especially as regards holidays and anniversaries. 2. Stories from myths and legends and leaders of Greece and Rome. 3. Stories of explorers, discoverers, inventors, chiefly from American history. 4. Bible heroes and characters (from the Old Testament). Grade VI: Aim: 1. To teach the simple facts of English history, particularly those connected with early American history and institutions. 2. To develop the idea of connected historical events ; the power to compre- hend historical growth. The Course of Study 131 Methods: 1. Oral and silent reading by pupils from text-books. 2. Organization of facts by topical outlines by pupils with help of teacher. a. Recitation from topics made by teacher and pupils working together. b. Oral and written review by topics. 3. Development of place and time sense by use of maps and dates. Outline of Course: 1. Material from Grades IV and V enlarged and extended. 2. Stories from English history from Roman days to middle of the 18th century, supplemented by stories of the Middle Ages which emphasize continental relations. 3. Local history by topics. Grade VII: Aim: 1. To teach the facts connected with the early colonial and pre-revolutionary period in America, the establishment of the national government, and the beginning of national growth. 2. To develop the power to see cause and effect in history; the ability to appre- ciate international relations in history. Methods: 1. Independent study by topics and making of topical outlines developed gradually. 2. Recitation in class: a. Chiefly continuous topical recitations from daily lessons. b. Supplemented by brief recitations in response to questions by teacher. c. Longitudinal review of special topics. d. Written treatment of selected topics. 3. Sketching maps and charts and frequent reference to them in class. Data taken from text and printed maps. 4. Reference reading to supplement the text. 5. Drill on dates and events. Outline of Course: \. Review Grade VI by topics. Very brief treatment. 2. Significant facts in American history from Columbus to 1815, and related events in European history. 3. Local history by special assignment to groups. 4. Civil government: a. Beginning of local, state, and national government. Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation and Constitution. b. Biscussion of elections in city, state, and nation. Grade VIII: Aim: 1. To teach facts in United States history with special reference to development along certain lines: political, economic, educational, international, indus- trial, commercial, and scientiiic. 2. To develop the power to see cause and effect as related to growth of institu- tions; a knowledge of the growth of the United States as a World power. Methods: 1. Similar to Grade VII. 2. Systematic longitudinal review of related events and growth of institutions in American history, tracing each movement from earliest beginnings and developing effect on present-day conditions. Outline of Course: 1. Review Grade VII by topics. Emphasis upon longitudinal treatment. 2. Significant facts in economic, social, intellectual, political, and religious life from 1815 to the present day. 132 A Survey of a Public School System 3. Current events from newspapers and magazines. 4. Civil government : a. Discussion of election returns in cit}', state, and national elections and duties of officers chosen. 5. Civics: The Community and the Citizen. History and Civics in the High School Aims: Second Year: The Ancient World and Mediccval History to 1648 1. To teach scientifically the basic facts in the civilization of the Ancient World and in the life and institutions of the Middle Ages and early Modern History. 2. To develop an understanding of fundamental ideas in government, religion, art, industry, and social life; to acquaint the student with the beginnings of human institutions as embodied in simple forms; to discover and properly evaluate specific contributions of the Ancient and Mediteval Worlds to modern life; to familiarize the student with human personality and its part in human progress; to develop the power to gather and or- ganize historical facts and to reason from them to definite conclusions. Methods: 1. Topical treatment, of subject. Historical narrative analyzed into move- ments, accounts of institutions, features of civilization, and the like. Each aspect of a movement or institution forms a separate topic and a topic constitutes a lesson unit. 2. Full outline of topic given by teacher together with references for reading and map work. 3. Special oral report by students upon special assigned subjects closely related to the topic for the day. 4. Half-page written theme on a concrete subject. 5. Permanent note-book exercises: a. Topical or chronological outlines. b. Tabulations of groups 'of related facts. f . Summarizations of periods and movements. d. Biographical sketches of type characters. 6. Daily supplementary reading in the library: a. One parallel account. b. One specialized treatment. 7. Report upon reading by outline in temporary note-book. 8. Outline maps filled in: a. Physical. b. Colonization. c. Territorial expansion. d. Roads and military defenses. e. Routes of invasions and marches. /. Centers of art and culture, religious life, and industry. 9. Reading of historical fiction. Report outside the class hour. 10. Current history at intervals. Outline of Course: History I. Civilization of the Ancient World to 800 A.D. 1. Brief sketches of primitive men. 2. Oriental beginnings. Chief contributions to the Ancient World of the follow- ing people: Babylonians and Assyrians, Egyptians, Hebrews, Phoeni- cians, and Persians. 3. The civilization of Ancient Greece. a. The land of the Greeks. b. The Greeks in Homeric times. The Course of Study 133 c. Mycenean culture. d. Greek colonization. e. Athens under Pericles. /. Spread of Hellenism to the East. 4. Roman life and culture. a. Land of Italy. h. Roman origins and early institutions. c. Roman expansion through the Mediterranean World. d. Decline of the Republic. e. The Early Empire: first two centuries. /. Christianity and the Empire. g. Contributions of Greece and Rome to civilization. 5. Transition to the Middle Ages. History II. Mediaval Europe 800 to 1648 1. Review of what the Middle Ages started with. 2. Origin and development of characteristic mediaeval institutions: a. The Church. b. Feudalism. c. Empire and papacy. 3. The life of the Middle Ages: the peasants, the nobles, the townsmen. 4. Origin and influence of continental movements: a. The Crusades. b. The rise of monarchic states (emphasis upon England). c. The Hundred Years' War. d. The Renaissance. e. The Reformation. 5. The wars of religion: the struggle for control. Aims: Third Year: Modern Europe and Modern England 1. To teach in a scientific way the facts of the history of Western Europe and of Great Britain in the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries. 2. To develop an understanding of the forces and factors in the making of modern Europe, especially of Great Britain, with stress on the growth of the British Empire; to give a background for an intelligent understanding of American life and institutions; to familiarize the student with the use of books, and to cultivate a taste for historical reading; to train in the ability to do simple and elementary research, and to express the results in clear, simple, and forceful language. Methods: 1. Topical treatment as before. More extended topics. 2. Oral reports by pupils upon special aspects of modern life and institutions. 3. Written themes upon topics connected with the origin and growth of institu- tions. Independent judgment to be encouraged in stating conclusions. 4. Note-book work of previous grades enlarged and extended. 5. Daily supplementary reading in library: a. Fuller parallel account. b. Sources and specialized treatment. 6. Map work of previous year continued. 7. Reading of historical fiction appropriate to the field. 8. Constant and regular use of current history. Outline of Course: History III. Modern Europe. 1648 to date 1. International epochs and relations. a. Age of Louis XIV, 1643-1715. b. Colonial expansion and rivalry, 1715-1763. c. Age of Frederick the Great, 1740-1786. d. French Revolution and Napoleonic Era, 1789-1815. 134 A Survey of a Public School System 2. Reaction, revolution, and growth of democracy in the 19th century. 3. Expansion of Europe in the 19th century. 4. The Near East and the Far East. 5. Revolution in the Twentieth Century. 6. Advance in science and social organization. History IV. Modern England. 1603 to date 1. Struggle for constitutional government in the 17th century. 2. Growth of the British Empire. a. English settlements in America. b. French and English struggle for control. c. System of colonial administration. d. Movement for federation of Empire. 3. Growth of Parliamentary and cabinet government. 4. The American Revolution and French Revolution. 5. The Industrial Revolution. 6. The Reform Movement of the 19th century. 7. The growth of democracy in the 19th century. 8. Social and industrial problems of to-day. Aims: Fourth Year: American History and Civics 1. To teach truthfully the facts in the growth of the American nation and the fundamentals in state and national civics. 2. To develop an understanding and an appreciation of the elements in the making of the American nation; to awaken civic consciousness and create and promote civic ideals. Methods of Work: 1. Topical treatment continued. Emphasis upon longitudinal topics. 2. Extended oral reports by students upon topics related to American life and institutions. 3. Brief preliminary survey of narrative history; more intensive study of the field by topical treatment. 4. Written theme expositions of some length upon topics requiring inde- pendent judgment: a. Materials gathered and organized. b. Outline and bibliography submitted for approval. c. Theme written from outline and from notes. 5. Map work and note-books continued and extended. 6. Term thesis upon Civics Topic. 7. Constant and regular study and use of Current History for illustration and application. Based upon reading of newspaper and magazine. 8. Further reading of historical fiction. Outline of Course: History V. The Making of the American Nation, 1760 to 17S6 1. The struggle for independence. 2. The Confederation and the critical period. 3. The formation of a Federal Union; the Constitution. 4. Beginning of national life, 1789-1815: a. Organization of the government. b. Relations of the new nation with foreign powers. c. Jeffersonian democracy. d. Second war with Great Britain. 5. National development and expansion, 1815-1876: a. Economic and political reorganization, 1815-1837. b. Slavery and sectionalism, 1837-1856. c. Secession and Civil War, 1856-1865. d. Reconstruction and reunion, 1865-1876. The Course of Study 135 6. Structure and organization of state and federal government and relations be- tween the two spheres of government. History VI. Economic, Social, and Civic Problems i8j6 to date I. American Nation. 1. Industrial expansion since the Civil War. 2. Economic problems growing out of this expansion. a. The tariff: attempts to reduce the tariff. b. Currency and banking. c. Combinations of labor and capital. (1) The labor unions. (2) The growth of trusts. (3) Contests between labor and capital. 3. Political problems since the Civil War. a. Party contests: growth of opposition. b. Civil service reform. c. Relations with foreign powers. II. Civics. 1. Separate study of civic problems after the study of the history of the nation. a. Problems of municipal government. b. Problems of suffrage and the ballot. c. Industrial problems. d. Taxation and monetary problems. e. Conservation of national resources. 2. Close study of current history in state and nation. Outside Reading in Historical Fiction Choice of Books. — An approved list of books in historical fiction follows. Each student is required to read the books in the field of history carried. A minimum of sixty (60) points is required for graduation in history. Examination of the Reading. — Students may pass an oral examination on the books read by previous arrangement with the teacher in charge. Approved List of Books. — The following books are on the rental list. The list may be extended at the option of the teachers. History I. Greek Points Church, Story of the Iliad 4 Church, Story of the Odyssey 4 Church, Three Greek Children 3 Ebers, Uarda (Egypt) - 5 Ellen Palmer, Three Greek Children 2 Homer, The Iliad 10 Homer, The Odyssey 10 History II. Roman Church, Roman Life and Story 7 Davis, A Friend of Caesar 5 Kingsley, Hypatia 10 Lytton, Last Days of Pompeii 5 Macaulay, Lays of Ancient Rome 2 WaUace, Ben Hur 9 History III. Mediaeval Crawford, Via Crucis 5 Davis, God Wills It 5 Hewlett, Richard Yea and Nay 4 Reade, The Cloister and the Hearth 15 Scheffel, Ekkehard 5 Scott, The Talisman 4 136 A Survey of a Public School System History IV. Modern Europe Charles, The Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta Family 8 Davis, The Friar of Wittenberg 5 Dumas, The Three Musketeers 8 Hugo, L'An '93 5 Muhlbach, Frederick the Great and his Family 5 Porter, Scottish Chiefs 5 History V. American Colonial Alden, Betty Alden 7 Alden, Standish of Standish 6 Caruthers, Cavaliers of Old Virginia 4 Churchill, Richard Carvel 4 Doyle, The Refugees -. . 4 Hawthorne, In Colonial Days 5 Johnston, Prisoners of Hope 4 Johnston, To Have and To Hold 4 Kingsley, Westward Ho ! 10 Madison, Colonial Maid of Old Virginia 4 Stoddard, On the Old Frontier 4 Thompson, Green Mountain Boys 5 Wallace, The Fair God 5 History VI. American Nation Bachellor, D'Ri and 1 3 Carleton, One Way Out 4 Churchill, The Crossing 4 Churchill, The Crisis 4 Civil War Stories from St. Nicholas 3 Ford, Honorable Peter Sterling 3 Fox, Little Shepherd from Kingdom Come 4 Page, Red Rock 4 Sewell, Little Jarvis 2 Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin 3 Washington, Up from Slavery 3 Wright, Winning of Barbara Worth 4 The course was completed during the year 1910-11. During the following year some of the weak points in it were strengthened. By the opening of the school year 191 2-13 it was felt that the course should be in pretty good working order. Consequently it was thought advisable for the critic teacher in history and the superintendent of schools to visit all classes in history in the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grades in the city. After these visitations the work observed was discussed between the critic teacher and the superintendent and a program for a general meeting of all the teachers observed was pre- pared. After this general meeting individual meetings were arranged whereby each teacher observed was informed both concerning the strong points and the weak points of her work. The formal report made by Mr. Williams somewhat later is as follows: The Course oj Study 137 SuPT. H. L. Smith Bloomington, Indiana, Bloomington Public Schools December 31, 1913 Bloomington, Indiana My dear Mr. Smith: Our visitation of your departmental teachers of history and civics was so planned as to render possible a more thorough and intensive study of the work than is often practicable in such surveys. As you know, we observed every teacher in these grades through an entire recitation period, and in some cases through two or more such periods. It was understood by the teachers, I believe, that the work during these visits should be the regular and usual class work. Accordingly, the teaching observed was taken to be typical of the kind done in the field by this group of teachers. On the whole, the teaching observed is marked by a high degree of efficiency. An atmosphere of cheerful and helpful work is everywhere in evidence. Sym- pathy and hearty co-operation characterize the relations of teachers and pupils. The responses of the latter are natural and free and show little of the conventional school-room attitude. History is properly made an instrumentality in the prepara- tion of these boys and girls for "social efficiency." At the general or group conference, held at the close of the visiting, a discus- sion of values and aims which should dominate the teaching of history preceded a "round table" on proper methods of teaching the subject. An exchange of view- point and experience proved mutually helpful to every teacher present. Many questions relating to the problems of the teaching of history were proposed and discussed informally. The teachers, in this conference, manifested an alertness and receptivity which indicate a fine professional attitude. To my mind, this sort of exchange teems with possibilities of fruitful suggestion. In the main, I regard this conference as the most helpful feature of the visitation. As a basis for further work along this line and to make more tangible the results of the surve}' I respectfully submit herewith a summary of impressions and recom- mendations bearing upon the history work in these grades. In making suggestions with a view to strengthening the work, even where it is already done well, one needs always to bear in mind fundamental assumptions as to values and aims in teaching a subject. Without entering minutely into this point, or undertaking a full analysis of the educative value of history, we may say that the central aim of history teaching is now recognized as social. "We believe that a leading aim in history teaching is to help the child to appreciate what his fellows are doing and to help him to intelligent voluntary action in agreement or disagreement with them," says the Committee of Eight. McMurry voices the opinion, when he says, "To give a vivid and intense realization of social duties and obligations is the essence of the best history instruction." In a word, our task as teachers of history is to develop an appreciative understanding of the organized society of which the pupil is a part and so to help him that he may per- form with honesty and intelligence his duties as a citizen. The organized society of which the child is a part is a highly' complex thing. Its institutions, its movements and tendencies, its problems of growth, all have their roots far back in the past. To understand these the child must be led over the path of their earlier development, for no mind can comprehend a thing in its entirety by viewing it in its most advanced stage. Moreover, to help the child so he may ultimately perform adequately his duties as a citizen, he must be trained in those processes which a vital citizenship involves. In brief, these are the power to analyze social situations, to "reduce them to their simpler and typical elements," to determine with some degree of definiteness the factors which enter into them and the probable consequences flowing from them. This gives the cue to the fundamentals of method in teaching history. First, there must be a certain amount of drill on subject matter, through primary pres- entation, review, and written work. Second, there should be training in the art of gathering data from books and other sources at hand. Third, there should be constant weighing of facts, balancing of arguments for and against a policy, and passing judgment upon the soundness of a policy or viewpoint. The last is the more vital and fundamental operation in good history teaching. 138 A Survey of a Public School System If I were to attempt to summarize the problems of teaching history in these grades, I should wish to emphasize the following points: 1. History teaching is primarily concerned with training the judgment in deal- ing with social data, and only secondarily with mere fact-gathering, as such. This is its peculiar discipline. From the peculiarly human char- acter of its material, its conclusions are always approximations, never the exact, logical inferences of mathematical reasoning. They are not to be clothed in technical phraseology, as in natural science, or in terms of fine distinction in meaning, as in a language study. The teacher should avoid straining for answers in terms of his own thinking; rather he should allow the pupil to find his own words to clothe his ideas. 2. History teaching should aim to deal with economic and social aspects, and not political alone, for these are more potent factors in the life of the pres- ent than are political or religious phases. Hence, the teacher will need to go beyond the text for much of her material. Gleaning from supple- mentary accounts needs to be constantly encouraged. 3. History teaching in the grammar grades should be made as concrete as the facilities will allow. At best, the material is abstract and remote from experience. Concrete examples should be given to illustrate facts of growth, movement, settlement, agreement. Where possible the material should be visualized. The blackboard for diagrams, outlines by main heads, sketch maps, crude drawings; the wall map for locations, position of boundaries, physical features; pictures for vivid impressions of cos- tume, weapons and armor, buildings, walls, art creations; all are to be manipulated skillfully and at every turn. 4. History teaching should center itself about certain focal points in every lesson. The lesson should not only have unity but close organization as well. The main facts should stand out prominently^ in the presentation, so that children may carry away definite ideas and a true perspective. A good way to accomplish this is by use of the "topical" treatment. A pupil develops the topic, others adding to or commenting upon the treat- ment. Discussions follow upon questions of policy, worth, wisdom, truth- fulness, and so on of the issue under view. The teacher leads and directs the thinking by skillful questioning. Simple problems may be set in assign- ing the lesson. These are a few of the more important and central aspects of the problem of efl&cient history instruction. Some of them are common to other studies, perhaps, but aU are vital to this great socializing subject. If I were to add, by way of supplementing the foregoing statement, an analysis of the weak points in the actual teaching of history in your departmental grades, I should wish to sum it up in this way: First, there is a noticeable tendency to ignore the concrete and visualized ele- ments in teaching the subject. Maps, pictures, charts, diagrams, reference to sources, except in the advanced eighth grade, are conspicuous by tiaeir absence. Second, the emphasis is too often placed upon the facts as such, rather than with the exercise of the judgment in dealing with the facts. Effective drill and review are in evidence, but the more valuable aspects of analyzing situations and drawing conclusions are slighted. Here again, I must make exception of the advanced class in eighth grade history and civics. Third, some formalistic teaching, emphasis upon form of expression and mode of thinking, is observable in a few cases. The rich content is thereby lightly treated or neglected. Finally, more attention to the social and economic factors in the nation's growth is needed. Of course the teacher is limited to a degree by the material of the text- book, and text-book writers have so far neglected these important phases. But the teacher should seek at all times to supplement the text-book with other books. In conclusion, I cannot refrain from conveying something of my sense of grati- tude for the uniform courtesy and kindness extended 'me in this work by the teachers and principals, as well as the superintendent. Truly, it was a work of mutual stimulation and suggestiveness. Sincerely yours, O. H. Williams, Critic Teacher in History The Course of Study r Li W H I 'y MOOOO'O VO O o H oooo oo oo 0>-^ioC>POO>MO**tC>0\ O'^ c>< 139 Pil *^ ir^o ^ o'o'b'o'b'o o ^ ^ o'o'o'b'b'b o fc» H .2 Oh '-' •- O, ^ O H >< lu a & Lh ^ e • M n W H ■^^ si t/3 S,.> s ,° =S fe ui I- ? JP ■o o >. o O — C a, & = H >< o :■■••>. >. u «'-:3 . : : « -^ M . ^.^ m o c ■ ^ ^ z -G *=! =^.5 •U M-li S n c "i o "'■?:^" .54; 0.2 — 's =* e r3 ™ '^ C O O-S t. BMOO CHAPTER VI ACHIEVEMENT OF PUPILS I. Arithmetic. Indianapolis Tests ABSTRACT ARITHMETIC TESTS The problems used for these tests were problems made out by the supervising principals in the Indianapolis schools seven, eight, and nine years ago. Considerable thought was given to the grading of the problems, and they consequently serve as a good basis for com- parison. The different tests were given in Bloomington at various times from the fall of 1909 to the spring of 1914. Some of the tests were given by the superintendent and some by the teachers. Com- parisons are made of the results obtained under both conditions of giving the tests. The papers were corrected by the teachers and the results and original papers were handed in to the principals for checking and comparing. No credit was given for answers unless every figure in the answer was exactly right. The following set of problems was dictated by the superintendent October 15, 1909, and November 7, 19 13, according to the directions indicated. Abstract Arithmetic October 15, 1909 Grade 3a Read once slowly and distinctly. 1. Write in figures one hundred ten. 2. Add: (Time, 2 minutes.) 13 65 82 37 12 3. 4. 5. 2\^ less S(ji (Answers only). 4 and 9. 9 times 3. 3 times 7. 140 Achievement of Pupils 141 Grade 4b Read once slowly and distinctly. 1. Write in figures forty thousand, four hundred. 2. Add: (Time, 3 minutes.) 7 39 82 38 83 38 69 29 53 89 3. From 902 take 327. (Time, 2 minutes.) 4. Multiply 6,859 by 4. (Time, 3 minutes.) 5. Divide 23,906 by 3. (Time, 3 minutes.) Grade 4a Read once slowly and distinctly. 1. Write in figures twenty-three dollars and seven cents. Write in figures two hundred eight thousand four. 2. Add: (Time, 3 minutes.) 182 359 423 229 259 732 992 224 856 698 3. From 111,086 take 10,877. (Time, 2 minutes.) 4. Multiply 93,874 by 56. (Time, 3 minutes.) 5. Divide 37,632 by 49. (Time, 3 minutes.) Grades 5b and 5a Read once slowly and distinctly. 1. Write in figures twenty- three million seven thousand fifteen 2. Add: (Time, 2 minutes.) 634 476 574 337 784 369 992 738 697 275 3. Multiply 73,869 by 870. (Time, 3 minutes.) 4. Divide 1,731,388 by 186. (Time, 4 minutes.) 5. (3 + ?.| — 12 = ? (Time, 3 minutes.) 142 A Survey of a Public School System Grades 6b and 6a 1. Add: (Time, 3 minutes.) 9367 9768 7998 8876 6669 5998 9747 6959 2. From 604.0906 take 206.10386. (Time, 2 minutes.) 3. Multiply 690.78 by 7.098. (Time, 3 minutes.) 4. Divide 1257.0373 by 1.97. (Time, 4 minutes.) 5. (i X I) -^ (2| - If). (Time, 4 minutes. Write on board.) Grades 6b and 6a 1. Write in figures nine million seven hundred thousand three hundred and two and five ten-thousandths. 2. Add: (Time, 3 minutes.) 4989 7589 6779 4788 8598 8955 9399 5787 9908 5679 3. Multiply 908.04 by 706.375. (Time, 4 minutes.) 4. Divide 319,703.3 by .69. Carry to two places. (Time, 4 minutes.) 5. (3^ X 2|) ^ (7i - 4x*5) = ? (Time, 4 minutes. Write on the board.) TABLE LXXXV Resuxts of Abstract Arithmetic Tests Given by the Superintendent, October 15, 1909, and November 7, 1913 BtJiLDrNG Grade Fairview 3a McCalla 3a Central 3a All buildings combined.. 3a Fairview 4b McCalla 4b Central 4b All buildings combined. 4b Fairview 4a McCalla 4a Central 4a All buildings combined.. 4a Grade Grade Average Average 1913 Gain 1913 Loss 1909 1913 OVER 1909 OVER 1909 73 68 5 67 83 16 75 72.5 2.5 71 75.7 4.7 77.6 71.6 6 38 71.7 33.7 58.8 82 23.2 57.7 74.3 16.6 59 51.6 7.4 36 66 30 21 49 28 36.7 56.7 20 Achievement of Pupils 143 Fairview McCalla Central All buildings combined Fairview McCaUa Central All buildings combined. Fairview McCaUa Central All buildings combined, Fairview McCalla Centiiral All buildings combined. Fairview 7b 1 McCalla 7b }■ Central _. . . . . 7b J All buildings combined.. 7-b Fairview 7a 1 McCalla 7a I Central 7a j All buildings combined.. J TABLE LXXXV (Canlinued) 5b 40 47 7 5b 26 49 23 5b 20 41 21 5b 28.6 46.2 17.6 5a 46 63.3 17.3 5a 36.3 51.8 15.5 5a 5a IMissing 41.2 44.9 53.4 12.2 6b 20 60 40 6b 6b Missing 21 35.3 34.5 6b 20.4 42.5 22,1 6a 6a 31 30 Missing 46 16 6a 6a 35 31.8 Missing 45.8 14 Reports by separate buildings missing 31.2 42.4 11.2 All summaries missing for 1909 SXIMMARY OF TABLE LXXXV 1. The teaching of the fundamentals seems not to have improved much during the four years in the 3a grade, where the results were good in 1909. 2. In all grades except the 3a there was a marked improvement during the four years. 3. The loss in the Fairview 4b and 4.A. grades is accounted for by the transfer of the 4b and 4a teacher, an excellent arithmetic teacher, to the 6b and 6a grades. The increase from 20 to 60 per cent in the 6b grade is accounted for in the same way. 4. The McCalla building, which made distinctly the poorest showing of all the buildings in 1909, came to the front rapidly under the stimulus of comparative grades, as shown by the measurement of the results. The following abstract arithmetic test was given September 28, 1909, and December 22, 1911, and December 17, 1913. September 28, 1909 was the first time an examination had been given in the schools by the superintendent. The low grades made at that time can be explained partially from that fact. Since the 1909 test was given at the beginning of the term, the test for the preceding grade was used in every case. That is, the 6a test, as it appears in the accompanying list, was given September 28, 1909, to the yB's, while the same set of questions was given December 1911, and December 1913, to the 6a's. This fact makes the comparison of results fairer. The grades 144 -^ Survey of a Public School System as recorded for 1909 in the following results will be pushed down one grade. Results obtained from the ye's, for instance, will be recorded as results from 6a's because the 7B pupils in September, 1909, were 6a's the previous term and were given the 6a test as 7b's in 1909. Abstract Arithmetic Grade 3a December 22, 1911 1. Write in numbers, two thousand one hundred ten; five dollars and five cents. 2. Add: (Time, 3 minutes.) 51 34 72 14 19 3. Multiply 3789 by 4. (Time, 3 minutes.) 4. From 382 take 293. (Time, 2 minutes.) 5. Divide 46,893 by 3. (Time, 3 minutes.) Grade 4b 1. Write in numbers, eight hundred seven thousand six. 2. Add: (Time, 3 minutes.) 363 639 813 335 963 235 976 3. From 32,907 take 6,958. (Time, 2 minutes.) 4. Multiply 68,790 by 48. (Time, 3 minutes.) 5. Divide 612,637 by 7. (Time, 3 minutes.) Grade 4a 1. Write in numbers, forty dollars and seventy cents; forty-three dollars and eight cents. 2. Add: (Time, 3 minutes.) 797 276 765 656 255 646 762 437 768 3. From 91,111 take 8,927. (Time, 2 minutes.) 4. Multiply 29,478 by 79. (Time, 3 minutes.) 5. Divide 75,639 by 24. (Time, 4 minutes.) Achievement of Pupils 145 Grades 5b and 5a 1. Add: (Time, 3 minutes.) 987 849 894 789 683 979 996 895 787 999 2. Multiply 96,087 by 478. (Time, 4 minutes.) 3. From 904,215 take 764,408. (Time, 2 minutes.) 4. Divide 139,059 by 196. (Time, 5 minutes.) 5-3 + i ~ t\ = ? (Time, 2 minutes.) Grades 6b and 6a 1. Add: (Time, 3 minutes.) 6847 9879 5568 4896 7455 3978 8607 6793 2387 7677 2. From 508.069 take 99.1596. (Time, 3 minutes.) 3. Multiply 97.86 by .8709. (Time, 3 minutes.) 4. Divide 7165.985 by 7.9. (Time, 3 minutes.) 5. (If — f ) + (1| X f) = ? (Time, 5 minutes after problem is written on board.) Grades 7b, 7a, 8b and 8a 1. Add: (Time, 3 minutes.) 9478 6589 4037 7089 6908 4007 7987 6897 8989 4397 2. From 80,091.25 take 8,099.067. (Time, 3 minutes.) 3. Multiply 890.75 by 107.035. (Time, 3 minutes.) 4. Divide 2438 . 690 by 27 . 4. (Time, 4 minutes.) 5. (5i + 65) X (6| + 9J) = ? (Time, 5 minutes after problem is written on board.) 146 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE LXXXVI Results of Abstract Arithmetic Tests Given September 28, 1909, December 22, 1911, and December 17, 1913 1909 tests given by superintendent and igii and 1913 tests by teachers. All pupils, white and colored, included in 1911 and 1913 tests. Only white children included in 1909 test. Grade 1909 1911 1913 3a 77.9 84.7 4b 74.3 72.4 4a 46.6 78 76.6 5b 37.5 67.4 66.1 5a 28.6 64.3 70.2 6b 20.3 59.7 56.4 6a 29.4 51.6 59.3 7b 29.4 50.3 48.1 7a 26 51 51.2 8b 25.4 54.6 56 8a 29.3 64.5 66.8 The following abstract arithmetic test was given by the superin- tendent October 27, 1910, and March 19, 1914. Grade 3a October 27, 1910 Read once slowly and distinctly. 1. Write in figures one hundred nine. 2. Add: (Time, 2 minutes.) 36 65 53 44 67 52 3. From 987 take 453. 4. Multiply 859 by 4. 5. Divide 1296 by 3. Gr.ade 4b Read o)ice slowly and distinctly. 1. Write in figures forty thousand, four hundred nine. 2. Add: (Time, 3 minutes.) 97 39 82 38 69 29 53 89 3. From 902 take 427. (Time U minutes.) 4. Multiply 6,859 by 6. (Time 2^ minutes.) 5. Divide 23,906 by 3. (Time, 3 minutes.) Achievement of Pupils 147 Grade 4a Read once slowly and distinctly. 1. Write in figures, four hundred two thousand seventy. 2. Add: (Time, 4 minutes.) 897 276 765 656 255 646 762 437 768 3. From 111,086 take 10,877. (Time, U minutes.) 4. Multiply 93,874 by 76. (Time, 4 minutes.) 5. Divide 37,632 by 42. (Time, 5 minutes.) Grades 5b and 5a 1. Add: (Time, 4 minutes.) 987 , 849 894 789 683 979 996 895 787 999 2. Multiply 65,048 by 546. (Time, 4 minutes.) 3. Write in figures twenty- three million, seventy thousand five. 4. From 82,311,024 take 46,973,687. (Time U minutes.) 5. Divide 2,753,296 by 364. (Time, 6 minutes.) Grade 6b 1. Add: (Time, 3 minutes.) 8989 8589 6779 4788 8598 8955 9399 5787 9908 5679 2. Multiply 96,587 by 478. (Time, 4 minutes.) 3. Divide 139,059 by 196. (Time, 4 minutes.) 4. 5f — If + 7|. Reduce fraction to lowest terms in answer. (Time, 5 minutes.) 148 A Survey of a Public School System Grades 6a, 7b, 7a, 8b and 8a 1. Add: (Time, 3 minutes.) 65,843 76,868 66,989 58,393 79,656 57,866 38,575 75,967 2. Divide 763.6399 by 9.67. 3. Multiply 98.756 by 76.8. 4. (31 X 2f) -i- (7^ - 4t%) (Time, 5 minutes.) (Time, 4 minutes.) ? (Time, 6 minutes. Write on board.) All of these tests show clearly the effects of systematic drill in the fundamentals. Since the fall of 1909, special attention has been given to the work. Tests have been given, teachers' meetings have been held, and the best teachers of arithmetic have been visited by all teachers of the system. As a result, both teachers and pupils have taken a pride in trying to improve the arithmetic work. During the past year the emphasis was shifted slightly from the fundamentals to the reasoning processes. TABLE LXXXVII Results of Abstract Arithmetic Tests Given by the Superintendent October 27, 1910 and March 19, 1914 Building Grade Fairview 3a McCalla 3a Central 3a All buildings combined.. 3a Fairview 4b McCalla 4b Central 4b All buildings combined.. 4b Fairview 4a McCalla 4a Central 4a All buildings combined. . 4a Fairview 5b McCalla 5b Central 5b All buildings combined. . 5b Fairview 5a McCalla 5a Central 5a All buildings combined. . 5a Grade Grade . Average Average 1914 Gain 1914 Loss 1910 1914 OVER igio OVER 1910 74 92.6 18.6 73.1 76 2.9 81 80.6 .4 70.6 83 12.4 76.8 65.8 11 60 87 27 66.3 85.7 19.4 69.2 80.3 11.1 52.5 71.4 18.9 45 64.4 19.4 33 38.4 5.4 43.5 60.2 16.7 50 58 .8 40.6 74 33.4 37 51.6 14.6 44.1 61.8 17.7 52 79.6 27.6 41.8 81 39.2 52 55 3 47.3 73.6 26.3 Achievement of Pupils 149 Fairview 6b 46 62.5 16.5 McCaUa 6b 40 56 16 Central 6b 29 31 2 All buildings combined. . 6b 37.8 50 12.2 Fairview 6a 46 No 6a's McCalla 6a 21 36.7 35.7 Central 6a 31 Test not given AU buildings combined.. 6a 33.4 56.7 23.3 Summary of Table LXXXVII 1. Maximum improvement in the fundamentals cannot be gained in a year. The 1910 tests were given after a year of emphasis on fundamentals. The 1914 tests show marked improvement over the 1910 tests. 2. Considering the system as a whole, there was marked improvement in aU grades during the four years, though an occasional loss occurred in individual buildings. fc-zoo bOOO 2. Stone Tests Arithmetic ' IN The Stone tests were given to sixth-grade pupils in Bloomington three different times. First, during the second semester of the school year 1909-10; second, about the same time of year 1911-12; third, spring of 191 2-13. The tests were given the first time by Dr. Stone himself. The second and third times the tests were given by Dr. E. E. Jones, of the de- partment of education, Indiana University. The papers were graded and the results tabulated each time by Dr. Stone. Table LXXXVIIIa gives a summary of standings for the three years. Graphs i, 2, 3, 4 show accomplish- ment and per cent of inaccuracy of Bloomington's sixth grade com- ' For the problems used and the method of scoring, see Arithmetical Abilities, C. W. Stone, published by Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University. 40<1<1 HtSHEST OFlbTESTED 3100 MEDIAN OF^bTESTtD I Sfi c r — — ^ OF IbTESTFp CEMTHAL FAlRVietl^ CENTIIM- WlWItW cehtMM f*IRVIEW MCCALUi MX NlCtAtUA ACL MCCHLIA «!->- Fig. 1. — Scores in Fundamentals. 1910-1913. ISO A Survey of a Public School System pared with the original twenty-sLx school systems included in Dr. Stone's tests and study. The Stone test was first given at the conclusion of one half year of drill to overcome the de- fects revealed by the tests given early the first semes- ter of the year 1909-10. The first Stone test shows the Bloomington sixth grade : I. Slightly above the median for the twenty-gix systems tested by Dr. Stone in amount done both in reasoning and in fundamentals. 2. Well toward the top in per cent of accuracy. In reasoning the per cent of inaccuracy was 17.6, only two other systems of the twenty-six making a lower per cent. In funda- mentals the per cent of inaccuracy was greater, ranking Bloomington near the bottom of the first third of the twenty-sLx sys- CENTdAL r61R»ltW CfcNTSAL FaiHHtH CCMTRfcV. FAIRVIf MCCkUJ* *tl. MCC«l.l« M,l. MCtftuJl Mistakes est Addition. 1910-1913. Fig. 2. terns as far as per cent of accuracy is concerned. 3. Noticeably weak in multiplication and division. 4. On the accuracy side, strongest in subtraction, with addition, multiplication and division following in order. After giving this test, special attention was given to weaknesses exhibited in fundamentals. The 191 2 summary indicates the degree to which the defects were overcome. The principal conclusions dra^n from the second test are: 1. Total scores in fundamentals increased to an unlooked-for high score; better, in fact, than the highest of the original twenty-six systems. 2. Total scores in reasoning increased only slightly. Achievement of Pupils 151 3. Inaccuracy increased noticeably both in fundamentals and in reasoning. The following year considerably less attention was given to the fundamentals and more to reasoning. The third test shows the re- sults as follows: 1. Decrease in amount attempted in fundamentals, but still a relatively high score. 2. Slight increase in total scores in reasoning. 3. Alarming increase in inaccuracy both in fundamentals and in reasoning. 1000 Soo- noo boo 500" UOO 300" aoo ioo_ YSTEMS OF 2b SYSTEMS IH.4-LOWEST OF ab SYSTEMS CeraRM. FWRWIEW CENTRftL FMRVIEW CtHTRAU fA»5\V>ew MCtALU ALU MtCAaft AU iflCtAlUV ALL iqio \qiz \^\?> Fig. 4. Mistakes in Reasoning. Per Cent of Inaccuracy. 1910-1913. Achievement of Pupils 153 6, 7, and 8 in Series a are as follows for the 6a grade, the latter half of the sixth year: TABLE LXXXVIIIb Results of Courtis Tests 6, 7 and 8, Series a, in Sixth Grade Test 6 Number Number Per Cent of Attempted Right Accuracy 1911 4.5 3.9 86.7 1913 3.8 2.7 71.5 1914 4.7 4.4 93.6 Test 7 Number Number Per Cent of Attempted Right Accuracy 1911..". - 11.0 8.3 75.5 1913 11.2 7.9 70.5 1914 11.7 8.1 69.2 Test 8 Number Number Per Cent of Attempted Right Accuracy 1911 3.0 1.8 60.0 1913 2.8 1.3 46.4 1914 3.0 2.1 70.0 The results in Table LXXXVIII6 indicate that the 6a grade in 1913 was somewhat below normal in per cent of accuracy, but they show up considerably better in the Courtis tests than in the Stone tests. I am unable to explain the great difference shown. No other tests given during the past five years show the degree of increase of inaccuracy that the Stone tests show. 3. Column Addition — Haggerty and Smith Test The following test in addition was given as a preliminary test to serve as a basis from which to figure improvement in skill in addition resulting from daily five-minute practice periods, a problem under- taken in the Bloomington schools by M. E. Haggerty and H. L. Smith in the fall of 191 2. Different groups of children were practiced five minutes a day for twenty days under varying directions, some being urged to work for accuracy alone, others for speed alone, still others for general efficiency. This complete study will probably be published ultimately. Here is given only that portion of it which shows the ability by grades, at the beginning of the term, of children in the Bloomington schools to add problems of this particular type. The following are the problems as given to the various grades. Children began work at a given signal and worked for five minutes. 154 ^ Survey of a Public School System The test was given by the superintendent of schools. In most cases, the children were not seated in their own rooms for the test, but were grouped together in large groups in an assembly room. The children were carefully instructed beforehand as to the directions so that they were not confused over that point. When the signal to stop was Grades 4b and 4a (is) (14) (13) (12) (II) (10) (9) (8) (7) (6) (5) (4) (3) (2) (I) 59 18 54 97 25 51 65 84 45 97 30 79 44 83 48 65 75 07 04 59 3,3 63 22 54 58 87 37 74 76 24 43 92 94 58 07 81 66 07 42 32 29 12 53 62 39 24 35 24 39 97 50 42 96 54 16 03 11 55 55 28 72 86 13 38 28 98 17 a 21 08 66 63 68 14 57 41 83 54 16 56 32 08 18 97 11 47 12 73 27 94 30 72 64 67 42 19 16 79 91 23 16 49 62 55 32 26 86 61 21 89 02 52 ?,?, 77 16 86 62 96 38 74 Grades 5b, 5a, 6b and 6a (IS) (14) (13) (12) (II) do) (9) (8) (7) (6) (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) 34 05 53 71 • 78 16 78 69 99 23 47 36 46 95 82 67 98 55 65 18 04 25 79 85 67 76 27 12 91 77 85 49 12 32 36 41 79 88 76 05 83 31 47 81 09 03 47 40 61 42 65 70 73 15 87 12 73 87 33 67 54 91 29 25 82 93 19 86 53 64 30 85 99 29 53 28 63 76 43 44 75 50 05 84 21 36 40 03 18 48 19 14 80 06 01 98 97 91 43 24 20 68 56 59 75 71 03 69 89 23 76 71 92 66 41 09 75 37 85 16 32 61 47 37 53 35 08 05 75 58 57 47 26 97 65 32 35 54 12 07 43 26 84 63 27 15 16 68 08 89 81 40 32 24 95 03 35 52 92 69 18 63 44 28 70 62 18 11 16 83 94 22 06 ■41 30 94 04 42 19 69 17 48 25 78 03 80 20 78 38 27 00 41 24 27 54 Grades 7b, 7a, 8b and 8a (15) (14) (13) (12) (II) (10) (9) (8) (7) (6) (s) (4) (3) (2) (I) 79 19 24 00 57 99 59 15 04 63 70 22 40 70 08 76 79 02 13 41 93 49 17 53 22 84 30 33 52 19 57 86 51 01 07 55 18 36 64 18 22 67 76 75 77 25 76 68 59 36 48 12 80 33 39 04 62 10 61 86 80 51 95 96 10 23 03 32 79 76 89 34 86 85 44 69 06 23 80 75 17 13 27 41 12 91 50 18 87 77 75 93 25 95 87 18 85 74 50 51 23 53 52 28 61 80 16 90 07 31 59 43 02 24 05 12 14 09 12 22 54 67 04 83 51 26 06 • 53 24 19 50 35 90 45 75 43 81 48 32 23 24 86 71 18 34 61 65 42 74 69 49 84 79 74 49 67 30 65 28 47 95 74 36 05 00 15 77 28 81 87 08 62 01 43 08 19 83 90 94 93 98 58 51 02 76 48 45 18 82 30 78 76 91 28 22 62 37 42 14 41 29 76 17 02 51 06 12 95 45 43 72 65 90 21 62 19 92 46 49 13 74 41 83 40 56 90 53 47 00 30 05 36 08 15 26 74 65 76 71 30 83 42 34 32 63 21 96 23 50 18 00 60 13 82 39 42 36 64 57 50 48 24 32 76 93 85 13 35 92 04 Achievement of Pupils 155 given, each child indicated by a short horizontal line the point which he had reached in the unfinished column. This mark served as a guide in determining the number of combinations made by each pupil. The per cent of accuracy was determined by dividing the whole num- ber of columns completely added into the number of columns correctly added. Pupils worked as many problems as they could in five min- utes' time, working at their normal rate. Not all pupils in each grade are represented in this test. Representative pupils from all grades are included, however. Each building is also represented, though not all grades in each building; The following table shows the results in this addition test. TABLE LXXXIX Average Number of Combinations in Addition with Per Cent of Accuracy, by Grades Average Number Average Per of Combinations Number Cent of Accu- Made in Five Grade ^ Taking Test racy Attained Minutes 4b .' 51 68.5 88.5 4a 36 76.0 120.8 5b 27 54.0 119.4 5a 33. 57.5 161.4 6b 31 58.4 148.5 6a 41 58.5 134.2 7b 58 57.2 150.4 7a 36 54.2 164.5 8b 52 53.2 165.5 8a 52 67.6 178.0 A noticeable fact about these results is that even within the grades tested on the same list of problems, there is not, as we would expect to find, a steady increase either in speed or accuracy from lower to higher grades although the general tendency is upward. The per cent of accuracy hovers around 60 and is therefore in reasonable accord with the findings of Courtis in his addition tests. 4. Courtis Tests in Arithmetic Table XC gives a double comparison. It gives a comparison be- tween the achievement of the Bloomington schools in the years 1911 and 1914 with the Courtis standard of achievement. It also furnishes a comparison of Bloomington achievement in 191 1 with its own achievement in 1914. The Courtis standards are for both halves of the sixth grade combined. Bloomington results are given by half years separately. The Courtis tests were given for the first time in the Bloomington schools in 191 1 a little less than two years after the special emphasis began to be placed on the fundamentals in Arithmetic. 156 A Survey of a Public School System ^ •^ j^ y y. " CNI r-i O O 00 O B !Z » O O n O « ■ ■ 2 S " ro CM P^ rO p 3 < "^ 5^ r<- ^ Bloom- INGTON 22.0 27.0 00 00 O ro ro (N &< LOOM- •JGTON IQII 25.0 29.1 00 th lO -^ ro ro O H < Si pqg " CN ro CN O -H ro ro ro 00 r^ VO 00 ro ro O 00 ro Tf ^< a ^ <^o O lO '^ 00 O 00 S8 So « S S 1^ ro M CN ro ro ro On r~-. ro ro ro ■^ « Z s < ro CN O to Oft §8 Si pg A Tf a Ov o ro ro 0\ 00 ro ro ro t^ •O ro H a§ „ vO 00 O 00 TJH VO OO ss o. (N (N ro ^ \0 CM ro ■* rt< ^ in m t OO OOO Tj^^ a. 0, re C X IT "c a, t: C vS "c a. X re c m<;---j w<'-j w<-:3 vo vO <, t^ t^ < 00 00 •< Achievement of Pupils 157 H ^— 1 ^^ ""^ CN (JW Rights Bloom- INGTON 1914 •no ro-rf ^ CN CN CN CO CO 00 1 a z m 2 ^. CN t^ 00 CN CN CNCO H en ^ Sia -^ ■^ t^ D < 1^ H < -^ fO CO c^ ■* O'" ip" ro 10 0\ <^ ro IT) CO CN t^ P32 fN fS fO fO rri c^ ro -*'* H H K W 10 so CN 00 _ S2a|^ 00 ^o -H t^ ■o ^ —1 CN U-) <: w 2 i^ S. q o* rO 10 ■o t^ 00 00 Os d-H in ^ J 2 M w aim s ^ 3 w CO Q 5 S, ^ ro 00 00 ON 00 OsO .1 •^ H 52" a i§9 10 53 a g is3 Q^ t-^ 0\ ^ CN ^ X Attempt: Bloom- INGTON 1914 t^o fN J^ 10 I^ ^ 00 0—1 H g vd 00 o^o^ d^ CN CN r/5 10 1/3 8S" CN 00 vO ro LO 00 -H CN <: w S22 *--. t^ t-^ ^ -« ^— 1 »— 1 ro ■^ H H P32 " '"' '"' '"' ""* »— ( ^— 1 en iN 00 in "-) t-- s^ ^ ^ CN ro Tt< u- U Rights Bloom- ington 1914 C/3 ID CN CN (~0 10 00 00 m in t/2 Jo. 6 !loom- NGTON IQII (>l (M 00-* CN fO OvOv ro "^ 't'* 10 vO (^ H 5 Attempt loom- Bloom- IGTON ington 1911 1914 3.2 3.0 3.4 3.8 00 1^ CO CO 0\ th •«tl LO On 00 10 10 00 CO t^ to OOrh 10 \o 0) ! 2 b f^ < 3 a « Q g 2 o z s^5| .f^ a 15 t/) - ^ w g .2 « en 55 Q z f- 2 « «: & f- < 5! H O ZU ■■^ t^ C ^ ^ s o o ""' « w o S ^ W H ►J ^ "^ rsoo •—«:> 100 00 OvOO OOv '-<0 ■^^ O O O <•-'«■«:•-;«< O o c3 n T3 a a f> >. ^ d «i> # t« , , , n a Q a m •»;■-; CO < --< Tti• tn !z u S « w <; H <; U M o< Q » tJ Z o C/3 z; o 2 « w 5 s w H Ph< ° o Z M 1 5r w < s g o ro '—I On .^ O rt< ■.-1 1-- 2 U « O H w D q o 00 Tt* -H T— 1 Ov d— ^ rt^' — < u K U "-* Z w opq K so \0 t^ t^ o t^ t^ 00 00 Z o H O O O Median Rights Courtis Standari vd 00 ►J . CQ Z «s <. < Right OF Gro OF 20 Indian Citie; o 00 W H Hi <« ^S§§ 00 ■* Ov Tt'd |r| ^ O :sp OM^ op^i t^o "SgH- .. .. .. .. W H S z *"" '^'^ ^ °^ '^ ""^ '^"^ :o ;o :o :o :0 ■«*<;ir5LO<.vOMD<,t^t^<;0000-< l62 A Survey of a Puhlic School System ^ ^ 4| 2 o w H SSgl ■« b o 2 2 M " B a! "^ 3 H g a PS " < S tNLO •<*CN tCO\ l^rC in-^ li^io i>^"0 \ot^ ^ !-' i Z g«S|o ■^00 »-< Ov t^ <3 00 00 ON d O O O O ,jiOvO* r/> !z S tx W < H < .^ ^ o> s U o< g Q ' T. P 5 z; ^ 00 C/2 w ei < 10 r^ t— u en Z < u> H a < Za 00 1^ 00 00 Di Sri i/^ 00 r^ ^ (S< « to >A H >. z ' Z w u w < a U o< S H D « ►J z 00 CO 00 10 CO Tf< GO r-< B Qi ro r^ 00 § Med Rig Cou: Stani cs •*' LO h^ m 2; >< < H Z S ta fai « <; a 00 t-^ rf" cn w 20 ft. 3 a P X w tfl .. Q h-1 D ID 00' H S ■< '^ 3 a U5 ^ 5 S a 2; CN -H u^ 10 f^ CM ro t>. < gas| 10 r^ \0 00 00 do -H tvi en ^— t ^H 1-1 <-i • (L ■ K • t~ :C •■5 a. re c 1, C 5 J. c o 164 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE XCVI Comparison of Variability in Scores made in Courtis Arithmetic Tests, Series b, Problem 1, by Bloomington Schools with Scores made by 20 Indiana School Systems v. FRIABILITY Variability Variability IN Attempts Variability IN Rights IN Attempts 20 Indiana IN Rights 20 Indiana Grade Bloomington Cities Bloomington Cities 4a 29 53 All 4th Grade 41 5b 25 5a 27 59 All 5th Grade 29 ^8 6b 29 56 6a 22 48 All 6th Grade 26 43 52 7b 26 7a 27 46 All 7th Grade 26 50 46 8b 31 8a 29 45 All 8th Grade 24 * 41 TABLE XCVII Comparison of Variability in Scores made in Courtis Arithmetic Tests, Series b, Problem 2, by Bloomington Schools with Scores made by 20 Indiana School Systems Grade 4a All 4th Grade . ... Variability in Attempts Bloomington 27 Variability IN Attempts 20 Indiana Cities 25 22 22 22 Variability IN Rights Bloomington 38 48 41 41 39 39 31 33 31 Variability in Rights 20 Indiana Cities 5b 5a. All 5th Grade 21 25 46 6b 6a All 6th Grade 21 20 37 7b 7a All 7th Grade .... 30 23 32 8b 8a All 8th Grade 22 28 31 Achievement of Pupils 165 TABLE XCVIII Comparison of Variability in Scores made in Courtis Arithmetic Tests, Series b, Problem 3, by Bloomington Schools with Scores made by 20 Indlana School Systems Grade 4a All 4th Grade . . 5b 5a All 5th Grade . . 6b 6a AU 6th Grade . . 7b 7a All 7th Grade . . 8b 8a All 8th Grade.. Variability Variability Variability in Attempts Variability IN Rights IN Attempts 20 Indiana in Rights 20 Indiana Bloomington Cities Bloomington Cities 27 44 24 44 28 22 •■ 30 56 30 37 25 42 28 47 33 42 26 41 27 41 27 39 25 30 25 34 TABLE XCIX Comparison of Variability in Scores made in Courtis Arithmetic Tests, Series b, Problem 4, by Bloomington Schools with Scores made by 20 Indiana School Systems Variability Variability Variability IN Attempts Variability IN Rights IN Attempts 20 Indiana in Rights 20 Indiana Grade Bloomington Cities Bloomington Cities 4a 42 71 All 4th Grade 45 5b 34 5a 38 60 All 5th Grade 42 42 81 6b 31 6a 28 39 AU 6th Grade 46 60 7b 32 41 7a 26 30 All 7th Grade 35 34 27 46 8b 28 8a 25 AU 8th Grade 30 40 Table C gives a comparison of the scores made by the Blooming- ton schools in Series a of the Courtis Arithmetic Tests with scores made by fourteen school systems in Indiana. This test v^as given in the Bloomington schools the latter part of the first semester of the school year 1913-14 and in all of the other systems the latter part of the second semester of the school year 19 13-14. i66 A Survey of a Public School System W P^cj Z g W rt M ^ o 2 ^ S S w PSSOU U ft. W O H • ■ • • OOOOVO'O 'OOn w Km M ■rj< CN O rO t^ 'O vO t^ O « H « en iS S « 2 ^ W M ^ H i-i O H a ^ wSSSroiO vOvd I-od 11^ W t^ ^ S £ W rt ; gwset: ^ggot^o : w o ^ . ! H o o o H; ■riSmS oOl^fOTti-HOOONOOOrO S--' u z^ Sfc'j.z'tr^-H-^rsiroroooOv'^f^ r" a o H ' 1 H W O 5 " :jJS(d2-lCNCNCNCNCNi-i-HCN 2;tt0000lO'*"*tN'*>O'^O Z:5 H w q E a £ a S C u O I H H o 3 fcJi S -- 0- S I H a S ' E u g n< 2h . ' >< a o H w o J H J Z "rOOrq-HVOvOOOvOvOO 170 A Survey of a Public School System PM Zi AH O0'0'*0v'*000r';00 Wo ■rt ^ ^ oi O , 3cj u (-> &«<»! ■«*ivOiOt^t— OOOOcOOOOs '-'f^ en H ■^ fju OOC^fOCNT-^oOOCO yW ir5iOC>)ro«-iOOCNOO " C ^: S > , O 00 t^ CN O -^ 00 '-H 00 Cvl i3 ::> VI ^ ^ iHOO'-iOOOvOCN^OOC'^Cs S . > ;^G^'-'"^'^'-io\Ofcoo-<* ^ WG ---- § „ -a hOOOOOO OlOtNTh I^ S ta ■<*<'* ■-H 'O > jl, g •* VOOO 010 O ^ '-^r^ 00 t: ■*■ g vo vdt^ 00 00 Cv ON c o ■^ tS H .,-, .,-1 ,-1 M g t^ T}< O OMO On O On 00 ■<* '^ A S NO CO 1^ ■* 10 <*5 O PO CN Tjt -S ►H o g SnOOO no fSON00"^fO S p|OCNt^O\ONOON»^tNCN " M ■^ ■^ "* •* NO J^ 1^ 00 On O '"^"Ot^lOCNlOO00'-ilO „ K^-J 00 o ClBiUOCN -OOO •^OO Ovt-i I^.'^ rO'-H >-Hfs ^>^ ^ a H U5 ^ Z < w b ;?! fcj CA! 'ii 'z •^ o -^ u ^ c/3 2 H Sg 3^ :^ n ^ i§ H^ w w a h-1 pq SI a < > w H WH So CNO -HfO rtr}< ■^'^ tr; ~ ro tJh^ o^^ '*(>) .-nro oro roLO *ro Ot^ t^OO O^t^ t^^ t^CN O^'-i "^lO -HOO O CNtN -^vO Tf-^< r<^r^ iriO .—I,-! 1000 00 OfO < z CStN CN-* OC'* Os »-( CN t^ r^ Coo •^ lo r>. ro (^ ro •^ t^ tN oo r^ ro ■■-< lo CN 0\ COO CNCO 0\0 O^00 0000 0\\0 Ji^Ov vOu^ r^TjOrO C*5rO fOf^ t~OCN CNCN fOCS (N "-H^Cvl •o fo 00 r-1 (^ CN t^ O CS O ^ 0\ 0\ fO 0\ 0\ ^ '^2; On ^-T^ ■i-TCTn .,— T^ ^— T^ ^— T^ ^-h^^ T-i^^ ■*— T o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^ o^„oS o o\ o ^ Achievement of Pupils 175 made under the direction of the commercial teacher. The result was that the writing throughout the system suddenly became poorer. The free arm movement was insisted on though in the hope that ulti- mately it would result not only in better writing but in more rapid writing. A second sample of writing was taken on May i, 1914, under the same conditions governing the taking of samples as on October i, 1 913. Table CV shows the results as well as a comparison by grades of the two sets of markings. On the whole, the markings of May i, 1914 showed no great im- provement over those of October i, 19 13. That condition was ex- pected, however, and the free arm movement is being tried out further during the year 1914-15. Table CVI shows the gains or losses of individual pupils during the second test as compared with the first test. In both cases each child is classified as to grade in the grade he was in when the first test was made. To illustrate the interpretation of Table CVI take the 5A grade as an example. There were twenty pupils tested in writing in May who were classified as 5a's in October and received the same mark TABLE CVI Gains and Losses made by Pupils Tested in Writing October 1, 1913, and May 1, 1914, Thorndike Scale. The Intervening Time having been GIVEN TO Introduction of Free Arm Movement in Writing Points Gained on Thorndike Scale 4a 5b 16 8 6 5a 20 16 12 2 1 1 7 6b 26 11 8 2 1 1 6a 17 14 6 1 4 7b 15 15 6 2 12 11 5 4 4 7a : 23 8b . . 8 7 7 5 5 3 2 8a 10 Total 135 88 61 15 10 8 7 Points Lost on the Thorndike Scale I 2 3 4 5 6 4a 5b 12 7 4 2 1 1 5a 19 4 2 1 6b 9 15 3 3 1 6a 15 10 6 2 7b 13 5 1 5 7a 18 3 3 3 1 8b 16 5 5 5 3 1 1 8a 7 Total 109 54 25 18 5 1 176 A Survey of a Public School System according to the Thorndike Scale in May as they had received in October. There were sixteen pupils who received a mark one step higher in May than in October while seven pupils received a mark seven points higher than in May. At the same time there were nineteen cases in which there was a loss of one point and one case in which the quality of writing dropped in May five points below what it was in October. In 135 cases there was neither gain nor loss. On the whole, there were 384 points gained and 395 points lost. In the spring of 191 5 Professor W. W. Black, dean of the School of Education, Indiana University, made a study of handwriting in the public schools of Indiana. The test was given in the Blooming- ton schools according to the accompanying directions which he sent out. The results are embodied in Table CVII. These results do not show an improvement in writing that there had been reason to hope for. TABLE CVII Showing ry Grade and Sex Result of Writing Test Given April 8, 1915, AND Scored According to the Ayres Scale ^ Grade Sex 2b. 2b. 2a. 2a. 3b. 3b. 3a. 3a. 4b. 4b. 4a . 4a. 5b. 5b. 5a. 5a. 6b. 6b. 6a. 6a. 7b. 7b. 7a. 7a. 8b. 8b. 8a. 8a. Boys . Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. No. 54 41 48 60 55 52 57 48 60 39 59 43 51 35 56 49 57 40 45 42 32 36 25 52 25 34 23 38 Aver- age No. Letters PER Minute 9.3 11.8 15. 16. 17. 18. 26. 29.3 32.1 34.5 37.1 37.7 47.0 48.3 43.3 45.1 44.7 54.6 52.8 60.4 52.0 53.0 58.0 67.0 59.7 59.3 58.6 52.1 Aver- age Scale Grade 37.4 46.6 41.3 Number of Individuals Receiving Each of the Grades on the Scale 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 44. 36. 41. 36. 42. 35. 42. 37. 45. 33.3 38.6 35.0 44.7 29.5 39.5 34.4 38.8 40.3 49.2 34.4 47.3 41.2 64.4 46.5 58.9 20 30 40 6 20 16 4 8 14 13 12 19 26 13 15 12 13 19 9 1 16 13 14 26 6 4 11 10 7 25 11 2 9 9 10 26 7 3 14 8 9 29 8 2 13 14 25 19 7 4 14 11 9 17 11 6 11 13 3 8 4 7 7 50 60 70 80 90 8 2 2 15 11 9 5 14 11 9 2 11 9 11 8 5 10 U) 11 4 4 11 8 7 16 8 2 6 3 3 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 12 11 2 1 13 8 8 4 8 8 14 10 IC 3 5 2 1 2 ' Papers scored by Superintendent of Schools Achievement of Pupils 177 Table CVII reads thus: 54 boys in the 2B grade took the test. The average number of letters written by them per minute was 9.3 ; six of the 54 boys received a grade of 20 on their writing; twenty a grade of 30; sixteen a grade of 40, etc. The average scale grade for all 54 boys was 37.4. INSTRUCTIONS Taking Samples 1. Take samples from second grade through high school, regardless of where the teaching of writing ends. 2. Select for each grade, from pupils' readers (or olher sources in the upper grades and high school), some selection with which pupils of the grade are familiar. Have pupils write (copying the selection from the book) lor just five minutes. It is necessary that pupils be timed accurately in order that the rate of speed may be obtained. 3. Have pupils write on paper such as they commonly use, either ruled or unruled. 4. Have pupils use pen and ink. If pupils in primary grades are not accus- tomed to use pens, j)encils may be used in these grades. 5. As nearly as possible, samples should be secured without the pupil's being conscious that his writing is being tested. 6. Before taking sample, have pupil write his name, and indicate the grade to which he belongs (2b, 2a, etc.) on the back of his paper. If promotions are made annually instead of semi-annually, indicate the grade to which the pupil belongs on the principle that the first half of the year is to be classed as b, and the second half as a. Express all grades by numbers and letters, as 2b, 2a . . . 12b, 12a. 7. Include all pupils of same grade in one report. Do not report by buildings. 8. Keep boys' and girls' samples separate. Grading Samples 1. Select a committee of two persons to scale samples, the two to work to- gether on each sample. Where the number of pupils in a system is considered too large to be graded by a single committee, two or more committees may be appointed. In the latter case, each committee should scale its proportion of samples in all grades, including the high school. 2. Indicate the style of the handwriting on the face of the sample, and record in report, using the letters V (vertical), M (medium slant), S (full slant), X (not classifiable under V , M, or S). 3. The grade and style as shown by the Scale should be marked on the face of the sample. 4. Committees should study carefully the Ayres Report and Scale before begin- ning the work of scaling samples. Recording Scale Grades 1. Make a separate report for each grade (2b, 2a, 3b, etc.). 2. As the grade for each sample is recorded, give it a number, and write the number on the face of the sample and also in the column indicated in the report blank. Note. — As grades are recorded place samples in numerical order, for con- venience of those who determine the speed. 3. Record grades of boys and girls in separate groups. Write Boys or Girls at the head of each group of grades. 4. Fill in all the blanks at the head of the first page of the report for each grade. 178 A Survey of a Public School System Determining and Recording Speed 1. Divide the number of letters in the sample by (5) to find the number of letters per minute written by the pupil. Write this number of letters per minute on the face of the sample. The rate may be made out by the room teacher. Note. — The number of letters in a given sample can be determined quickly if the one who makes out the rate of speed will write under each word in the selec- tion copied the total number of letters preceding it and included in it. If, for illustration, this note were copied by the pupil as a sample, the teacher could write in the printed copy used for counting " 4 " under the word "note," " 7 " under the word "the," " 13" under the word "number," etc. The total number of letters in a given sample can then be seen at a glance by finding the place (in the printed selection) of the last word in the sample. 2. Record the number of letters per minute in the proper column, and opposite the sample number. Preserve samples for use in case further data should be needed. Send reports to Wm. W. Black, Bloomington, Indiana. During the latter part of the first semester of the year 1913-14 the superintendent of schools gave the Courtis Tests in Reading, Composition, Spelling, and Writing and sent the papers to Mr. Courtis to be graded under his direction and by skilled graders. The results of the Writing test as reported by Mr. Courtis are here given. Handwriting TABLE CVIII Gr.\de According to Thorndike Scale Test i Test 2 Test 3 Grade Median Variability Median Variability Median Variability 4b. . 11.8 14 8.8 20 10.6 18 4a. . 11.4 15 8.4 23 9.8 19 5b. . 11.5 15 8.8 19 10.3 16 5a. . 12.0 14 8.7 17 10.3 16 6b. . 11.6 15 8.9 20 10.2 19 6a. . 11.5 17 8.8 21 10.0 22 7b.. 11.9 13 9.6 28 11.2 15 7a.. 11.7 18 9.3 18 10.2 16 8f 12.1 12.0 12 22 9.5 10.6 22 20 10.4 11.2 18 8a.. 16 Grade According to Ayres Scale Test i Test 2 Test 3 Grade Median Variability Median V 'ariability Median Variability 4b. . 62 22 45 32 54 24 4a. . 58 22 42 33 51 27 5b. . 57 24 41 34 53 24 5a. . 59 24 43 30 50 26 6b. . 61 23 45 27 50 26 6a . 57 24 44 34 50 30 7b. . 63 22 47 28 55 25 7a. . 61 24 43 28 48 29 Xb 60 23 27 45 49 27 26 51 54 25 8a. . 56 28 Achievement of Pupils 179 TABLE CIX Efficiency in Writing Obtained by Finding Per Cent of Class Able to Write as well as Quality Twelve or Better on the Thorndike Scale Test i Test 2 Test 3 4b 45 7 18 4a 32 1 15 5b 38 4 16 5a 51 1 17 6b 42 2 10 6a 40 4 19 7b...: 46 5 42 7a 42 5 10 8b.. 51 10 17 8a r 48 15 26 The Courtis tests provide for samples of handwriting taken under three different conditions. In Test i the children were given a copy to follow and were not only allowed to choose their own rate, but were told it w^as a handwriting test. In Test 2 the material was dictated to them at adult rate, about ' THORNOIKE AVReS twenty-two words or one hundred '^ letters a minute. In Test 3 the ,^ thorndike children were unconscious of their u ^.^^ .,->^^'~-- writing, the main activity being the "_ /^^ ,.--' composition of an original story. "Test q "|^^._-— -^^^^^"'^^^^^-^'^ lo 3 then," as Mr. Courtis says, "should «^"'' "ZT^s really be used to measure the quality of ^ ,rv. • • • • \ y\ / ^^ "" the product in handwriting, as in this V,,^/^ V \ test the handwriting was serving its normal purpose of expressing thought." ' ' V''' f" Reference to Table CVIII or to >, ^. — -A y Graph ^ shows what was clearly shown ..^ ^."t^ — -— -— •*» in the October and May tests in hand- Test i. writing, namely, that the achievement ~..~.~.. Test 3.' of pupils is practically uniform through- ^cordrg^tl'surch''^"'^' "-"' out the grades. Teaching should do ^^^ 5 ^^^^ Averages. two things — maintain proficiency gained in lower grades and add to that proficiency. The latter has not been done in the Bloomington schools, as the tests clearly indi- cate. Courtis in his comments says, "In comparison with other cities Bloomington rises early to the common level, and holds this position throughout." On the graph the figures for Madison, Wis- consin, are given for comparison in Test 3. The eighth-grade score for many school systems is between ten and eleven on the Thorndike Scale and with this figure the Bloomington schools agree. In every i8o A Survey of a Public School System 24 to grade, however, there are many poor writers and the proportion of good to poor is fairly constant. For the system as a whole about one child in five can make his handwriting as good as quality twelve or better in writing an original story. In other words, the efficiency of handwriting instruction on the basis of the final product is not over 20 per cent. The results show plainly that handwriting in the Bloomington schools offers a good field for work looking toward the improvement of the efficiency of the instruction. "A number of interesting points stand out in Table CX in con- nection with the results already reported. In Test i the rate was much slower and the quality better than in any other test. The effect of warning the children to give a good specimen of their hand- writing was to retard the speed by an amount equal to that of the effort of composing an original story. On the other hand, the speed of Test 2 was too great for most of the children, and the handwriting correspondingly poor. On the basis of grade averages, the relative values in the different tests are about the same except, with increasing maturity, the curves for Tests 2 and 3 approach each other more closely, as was to be expected. In the different classes, however, the relative value in the three tests shows wide variations. "It will be noted that the results by the Thorndike Scale seem more consistent and uniform than with the Ayres Scale, and this probably means that the Thorndike Scale is better. It permits of finer grada- tions, but the effect noted may be due wholly to the fact that the larger number of samples simply increases the number of factors entering into a judgment, so that the real differences smooth them- selves out. Nothing final can be said on this point. "As all these papers were scored by one person with frequent checks upon her first training, the results are as consistent as it is possible B^. * B ^ io"^ Test s — Bloomington. 5 — Standard. 3 — Standard. " 3 — Bloomington. " I — Bloomington. " I — Standard. Fig. 6. Rates of Writing. Bloomington and Standard. Achievement of Pupils i8i to obtain at this time. In this connection it should be noted that of seventy-two judgments in one class, by the Thorndike Scale 50 per cent were exactly the same, 45 per cent within one unit, and 5 per cent within two units. In another class, by the Ayres Scale 73 per cent were the same, 26 per cent within one unit, and i per cent within two units. As one unit on the Ayres Scale is about equal to two units on the Thorndike Scale, the differences between the two scales is not as great as it seems. In both cases, however, the varia- tions in judgment did not affect the average score of the class. The class averages are perfectly reliable, therefore, and the individual scores nearly so. How the standard of the judge compares with that of other judges is another question, but in view of the uniformity of the 8th grade scores, there is probably not a great error from this source." Proficiency in writing is determined not only by the quality of the writing but by the quantity or by the speed at which the writing is done. TABLE CX Rate of Writing, Bloomington Schools, Compared with Courtis Standard Median Number of Words per Minute Number of Copying, Original Reproduc- Letters per Letters Story tion Minute Grade Test i Test 3 Test 5 Test i 4b, Bloomington 10.0 10.9 11.8 46 4a, Bloomington 10.9 12.5 14.6 47 Fourth Sta)idard 12.6 12.0 13.6 55 5b, Bloomington 11.9 13.7 17.1 51 5a, Bloomington 13.1 15.3 18.3 57 Fifth Standard 14.1 14.3 16.5 61 6b, Bloomington 14.0 16.8 19.5 61 6a, Bloomington 13.7 17.1 21.3 60 Sixth Standard 15.6 15.8 19.2 59 7b, Bloomington 15.4 16.8 20.9 67 7a, Bloomington 14.3 16.9 21.3 62 Seventh Standard 17.1 16.9 20.7 75 8b, Bloomington 15.8 16.6 22.6 69 8a, Bloomington 16.5 16.0 23.2 72 Eighth Standard 18.1 17.5 22.3 79 I quote from Mr. Courtis' report in regard to the speed of the writ- ing in the Bloomington schools. "In the tables will be found (i) rate of copying letters. Test i ; (2) rate of writing an original story, Test 3; and (3) rate of reproduction. Test 5. The first measures the rate at which letters can be written by a child when he has nothing to think except that he must make his handwriting as perfect as 1 82 A Survey of a Public School System possible. As the children chose their own rates these results furnish a means of determining at what rate children should be given their writing practice. The development from grade to grade shows some- thing of the development that comes with maturity. The results should be judged from this point of view. "The second is influenced by two factors: (i) ease of thinking; (2) ease of expression. That is, a child that has a vivid imagination and that can readily think up an original story writes a larger number of words per minute than a child without the ability to do such thinking. But the actual number of words written per minute may also be de- termined by the ease of expression. For the child that is master of English composition will put his thoughts into words more readily than one who has not learned to choose words to express his thoughts, or to construct a sentence rapidly. Further a child's rate may be influenced by the rate of motor activity. "For all these reasons the rate of reproduction becomes impor- tant. In reproduction tests the words and ideas are supplied, and even the sentence structure is largely determined. For everyone, the rate of reproduction is higher than the rate of composition, but a child that has a greater or less difference than the average is having trouble at some point. "If his rate of reproduction is equal to his rate of composition and his scores are high, he is an exceptional child. "If his scores are low, he is probably having trouble with expres- sion, and needs work in which deas are supplied but words are not, that he may learn to put ideas into words. "If his rate of reproduction is normal, but his rate of composition is low, he probably needs work to stimulate his imagination and imagery; help on the content side rather than the mechanical side. Rate of Copying Letters "In Table CX a summary will be found by grades. It is given in letters per minute rather than words, in spite of the fact that the record sheet is prepared the other way, because at a late hour it was found that the conversion to words had been made on a false assump- tion. For adults, one word on the average equals 4.5 letters. For fourth-grade children, however, the number ranges from 3.2 to 4, averaging about 3.5. At the eighth grade the average value is 4.1 according to a rather limited count. For this reason any conclusions made by comparing the scores in Test i with those in the other tests Achievement of Pupils 183 would be wrong. The scores are therefore given in letters per min\ite. This change would not affect the graph, and this is drawn in words. The difference needs to be kept in mind only when making compari- sons on an absolute basis. Developtnent Curves "In Graph 6 are given the development curves for the rates of writing; also for comparison the median scores derived from the general tabulations from 2800 children in six states. These last are called standard scores. The curve for copying letters shows a steady development except at the 7A grade. The absolute value of this curve for Bloomington falls below the similar general curve (iS). This means either that the Bloomington children have slower habits of response, or that the admonition to make their handwriting as legible as possible made them take more pains than most children. For the general tabulations the curves for copying letters and for rate of writing an original story closely agree, but in Bloomington this is not true. In other words, most children show a retardation in rate of writing while trying to make good penmanship about equal to that caused by trying to compose an original story, but the Bloom- ington children show a greater retardation. It is hard to tell how this should be interpreted. It probably means that more attention has been given to handwriting in the Bloomington schools than elsewhere, so that the children paid attention to the directions for legible writing. But whatever the real meaning, one thing is certain. The child that writes at but 15.7 words per minute when it is preparing "samples" of handwriting and 24 words per minute when reproducing a story it has read, is likely to find that its skill in handwriting will not stand the strain of the more rapid work. In other words, more attention should be paid to attaining handwriting of say quality 60 on the Ayres Scale at a speed equal to that of the greatest de- mands made by the life of the child. The Detroit schools have adopted standards' of speed in conformity with this idea, and it is probable that the Bloomington schools would benefit by similar standards. "The curve for rate of writing in Test 3, the Original Story, agrees with the general tabulations at the fourth grade, is higher up to 7B, and then falls below. The curves show that conditions are very good up to 6a and increasingly poorer from that grade on until the final product falls below that of other cities. The dotted line shows the probably final curve if the work in the upper grades was on a par with that in the lower. 184 A Survey of a Public School System "The curve for reproduction shows the rate at which children write when there is no effort for words or ideas. It is the rate of free writing, and both the Bloomington and the general curves which closely agree (the differences are all in favor of Bloomington) show that while the curve is approaching a maximum, adult ability in this line will not be reached for several years more. It suggests that the tests should be continued through the high school and college until the maximum is determined." 6. Spelling Two tests in spelling are included in this study. The tests used by B. R. Buckingham in "SpeUing Ability — Its Measurement and Distribution," published by Teachers College, Columbia University, were given the latter part of the first semester of the year 1913-14. These tests include Mr. Buckingham's own Hst and the Hst used by Mr. Rice a few years ago. The second spelling tests, the Courtis Tests, were given the latter part of the second semester of the year 1913-14. All the pupils in all the grades are represented except in the Rice Tests in the 4B grade, in which through an error of the teacher eight colored 4b's included in the total of 122 failed to take the test on the following words: because, thought, writing, language, feather, light, surface, rough, smooth. BUCKINGHAM TESTS IN SPELLING TABLE CXI Distribution Table — Buckingham Fifty-Word Test in Spelling ^ Grade 2B 2A Number in Grade 93 71 Falling in Each Group "Falling in Each Group Bloomington Buckingham Bloomington Buckingham Grade on Test No. Per Cent No. Per Cent No. Per Cent No. Per Cent 0-10 39 22.0 11-20 1 1.1 32 18.0 5 3.0 21-30 13 14.0 37 21.0 9 5.0 31-40 11 11.8 27 16.0 4 5.6 29 17.0* 41-50 9 9.7 18 10.0 15 21.1 26 15.0 51-60 10 10.8 14 18.0 47 28.0 61-70 19 20.4 5 3.0 3 4.2 31 18.0 71-80 21 22.6 2 1.0 12 16.9 14 18.0 81-90 9 9.7 1 .6 24 33.8 7 4.0 91-100 13 18.3 1 .6 Totals... 93 175 71 169 Medians.. 56.6 26.5 75.4 56.17 1 For Buckingham results see "Spelling Ability — Its Measurement and Distribution," B. R. Buckingham, page S7- Achievement of Pupils 185 TABLE CXI (Continued) Distribution Table — Buckingham Fifty- Word Test in Spelling Grade 3B AND 3A 4B and 4A Number in Grade 186 19s Falling in Each Group Falling in Each ' Group Bloomington Buckingham Bloomington Buckingham Grade on Test No. Per Cent No. Per Cent No. Per Cent No. Per Cent 0-10 11-20 1 .6 21-30 1 5.0 4 2.0 31-40 10 5.4 7 4.0 4 2.1 41-50 39 21.0 11 7.0 12 6.2 4 1.0 51-60 3 1.6 25 15.0 13 4.0 61-70 3 1.6 33 20.0 1 .5 29 9.0 71-80 9 4.8 36 21.0 9 4.6 50 16.0 81-90 24 12.9 30 18.0 33 16.9 86 27.0 . 91-100 97 52.2 21 13.0 136 69.7 134 42.0 Totals .... 186 168 195 316 Medians.. . 85.5 72.5 86.5 88.12 Distribution Table TABLE CXII Buckingham One-Hundred Word Test in Spelling ^ Grade Third Fourth Number in Grade 181 210 Falling in Each Group Falling in Each Group Bloomington Buckingham 1 Bloomington Buckingham Grade on Test No. Per Cent No. Per Cent No. Per Cent No. Per Cent 0-5 1 .6 9 2.0 1 .2 6-10 3 1.7 22 4.9 1 .2 11-15 7 3.9 30 6.7 10 2.1 16-20 4 2.2 38 8.5 2 1.0 12 2.6 21-25 14 7.7 44 9.9 1 .5 13 2.8 26-30 16 8.8 47 10.1 2 1.0 23 4.9 31-35 11 6.1 34 7.6 6 2.9 29 6.2 36^0 10 5.5 38 8.5 7 3.3 27 5.8 41-^5 8 4.4 24 5.4 8 3.8 30 6.4 46-50 16 8.8 34 7.6 9 4.3 33 7.1 51-55 16 8.8 26 5.8 9 4.3 27 5.8 56-60 12 6.6 24 5.4 17 8.1 31 6.6 61-65 10 5.5 26 5.8 20 10.0 39 8.4 66-70 17 9.4 17 3.8 17 8.1 29 6.2 71-75 6 3.3 13 2.9 24 11.4 45 9.6 76-80 10 5.5 8 1.8 25 11.9 35 7.5 81-85 6 3.3 4 .9 25 11.9 33 7.1 86-90 10 5.5 4 .9 20 10.0 26 5.6 91-95 2 1.1 3 .7 14 6.7 19 4.1 96-100 2 1.1 4 1.9 4 .9 Totals.... 181 445 210 467 Medians.. 54.5 35.8 71.5 60.7 • See "Spelling Ability — Its Measurement and Distribution," B. R. Buckingham, page 27. 1 86 A Survey of a Public School System Distribution Table TABLE CXII (Continued) Buckingham One-Hundred Word Test in Spelling Grade FlPTH Sixth Number in GROxn> 192 IS7 Falling in Each Group Falling in Each Group Bloomington Buckingham Bloomington HUCKINGHAM Grade on Test No. Per Cent No. Per Cent No. Per Cent No. Per Cent 0-5 1 .5 1 .2 6-10 2 .4 11-15 1 .2 1 .6 16-20 2 .4 21-25 6 1.2 2 .5 26-30 1 .5 12 2.3 31-35 1 .5 13 2.5 2 .5 36-40 11 2.1 41-45 18 3.5 1 .6 6 1.4 46-50 2 1.0 28 5.4 1 .6 4 1.0 51-55 2 1.0 20 3.9 1 .6 6 1.4 56-60 5 2.6 32 6.2 1 .6 15 3.6 61-65 11 5.7 44 8.5 3 1.9 12 2.9 66-70 11 5.7 48 9.3 3 1.9 23 5.5 71-75 22 11.5 49 9.5 3 1.9 30 7.2 76-80 16 S.3 59 11.5 13 S.3 52 12.4 81-85 17 8.9 37 7.2 9 5.7 67 16.0 86-90 37 19.2 64 12.4 26 16.6 61 14.6 91-95 37 19.2 50 9.7 40 25.5 101 24.2 96-100 29 15.1 18 3.5 55 35.0 37 8.9 Totals 192 515 157 418 Medians. . . 86.0 73.1 92.1 84.9 Distribution Table — Buckingham One-Hundred Word Test in Spelling Grade Number in Grade Seventh 147 Falling in Each Group Bloomington Buckingham Eighth 87 Falung in Each Group Bloomington Buckingham Grade on Test No. 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41^5 46-50 51-55 1 56-60 1 61-65 4 66-70 5 71-75 4 76-80 4 81-85 3 86-90 18 91-95 39 96-100 ^8 Totals.... 147 Medians... Per Cent No. Per Cent No. Per Cent No. Per Cent .7 .7 2.7 3.4 2.7 2.7 2.0 12.2 26.5 46.2 2 1 3 5 6 '8 18 31 38 79 93 79 .5 .5 .3 .8 1.4 1.6 2.2 4.9 8.5 10.4 21.6 25.5 21.6 3 15 68 94.4 365 87 1.1 3.4 17.2 78.2 90.5 96.4 1 1 3 8 11 9 41 '80 J 13^ 268 .4 .4 1.1 2.9 4.0 6.9 14.8 28.9 40.8 94.68 Achievement of Pupils 1S7 Tables CXI and CXII read as follows: The first horizontal line below the title indicates the grades. Beneath this line is a row of figures indicating the number of pupils in each grade taking the test. The horizontal line beginning o-io indicates for each grade both the absolute number of cases and the per cent that such cases are of the whole number in that grade taking the test that made grades falling within the Umits of nothing up to ten. The table shows that the Bloomington schools are more proficient in the second and third grade spelling than in the fourth grade accord- ing to comparative results. The median grade for Bloomington in the 2B group is 56.6 while the Buckingham standard is 26.5. For Bloomington 2a's the median is 75.4 as against 56.17 according to Buckingham. In the third grade Bloomington shows a median grade of 85.5, Buckingham 72.5, In the fourth grade Bloomington 86.5, Buckingham 88.12. Table CXI shows, as does Table CXII, that Bloomington gets comparatively better results in the lower than in the higher grades. In the lower grades the results are distinctly better than the Buck- ingham results. In the seventh and eighth grades the differences become slight, though there the advantage is sHghtly in favor of Bloomington. TABLE CXIII Number of Words Missed Per Hundred Written, and Per Cent of each Grade Making Less than One Mistake Per Hundred Words Per Cent of Grade Average Number Average Number Making Less Than OF Words Missed OF Words Missed One Mistake Per PkR Hl'NDRED Per Hundred Hundred Words Written in Dk- Written, Original Written in Orig- Grade tation Exercise Story Exercise inal Story Exercise 4b.. 4.9 16 4a.. 4.1 12 5b.. 4.0 20 5a., 3.6 24 6b.. 2.3 22 6a.. 2.5 24 7b.. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 5.0 1.6 35 7a.. 3.2 1.5 39 8b.. 2.8 .9 59 8a.. 2.8 1.0 52 COURTIS TESTS IN SPELLING Mr. Courtis determines proficiency in spelling by the degree of accuracy in spelling in the written work of the pupils. For the Bloom- ington schools he scored the papers of all seventh and eighth grade 1 88 A Survey of a Public School System pupils on the dictation exercise and all the grades from the 4B to the 8a inclusive on the original story exercise. Table CXIII shows the number of words misspelled per hundred written, as well as the per cent of each grade making less than one mistake per hundred words written. Mr. Courtis comments as follows on Table CXIII : "The general development of spelling ability in Bloomington is of the same general character as that in other cities but as far as can be judged from these results much better." RICE SPELLING TESTS AS USED IN BUCKINGHAM STUDY Buckingham's study shows results by full years while the Bloom- ington study is by half years. For Bloomington, therefore, is shown separately the per cent of all 4B and 4A pupils spelling each word correctly. Buckingham combines 4B and 4A grades in fourth-grade results. The results in the Rice test point in the same direction as the results in the Buckingham proper tests, namely, that Bloom- ington gets fairly good results in spelling early in the grades and throughout the grades gets a higher degree of accuracy than do those systems tested by Buckingham. TABLE CXIV Rice Sentence Test in Spelling Used by Buckingham ^ Grade 4B 4A 122 87 Correct Correct Bloomington Buckingham Bloomington No. Per Cent No. Per Cent No. Per Cent Running 68 55.7 48.0 53 60.9 Slipped 36 29.5 30.0 60 68.9 Listened 58 47.5 29.6 40 46.0 Queer 62 50.9- 56.9 52 59.8 Speech 42 34.4 45.3 36 4L4 Believe 76 62.3 37.2 44 50.6 Weather 95 77.9 70.9 79 90.8 Changeable... 22 18.0 27.7 17 19.5 Whistling... 34 27.9 27.3 46 52.8 Frightened... 38 31.1 17.8 42 48.3 Always 95 77.9 53.8 81 93.1 Changing.... 78 63.9 58.5 69 79.3 Chain 38 31.1 57.8 50 57.5 Loose 34 27.9 24.7 44 50.6 Baking 100 82.0 63.4 64 73.6 Piece 49 40.2 58.5 40 46.0 Receive 32 26.2 21.1 35 40.2 Laughter 72 59.0 59.9 70 80.5 Distance 64 52.5 35.6 60 69.0 ' See " Spelling Ability — Its Measurement and Distribution," B. R. Buckingham, pp. 78-79. Achievement of Pupils 189 TABLE CXIV (Continued) Rice Sentence Test in Spelling Used by Buckingham^ Grade 4B 4A Number in Grade 122 Correct 87 Correct Bloomington Buckingham Bloomington No. Per Cent Per Cent No. Per Cent Choose 32 26.2 41.7 33 37.9 Strange 85 69.7 57.7 76 87.4 Picture 78 63.9 69.6 81 93.1 Because 91 74.6 66.2 80 91.9 Thought 89 73.0 58.7 77 88.5 Purpose 25 20.5 21.7 42 48.2 Learn 87 71.3 70.1 76 87.4 Lose 69 56.6 46.4 44 50.6 Almanac 6 4.9 10.1 11 12.6 Neighbor .... 22 18.0 27.5 70 80.5 Writing 72 63.1 56.3 74 85.1 Language .... 60 52.6 40.3 74 85.1 Careful 62 50.8 54.3 61 70.1 Enough 64 52.5 54.9 66 75.9 Necessary 7 5.8 4.5 25 28.7 Waiting 77 63.1 55.9 69 79.3 Disappoint. . . 6 4.9 11.7 1 1.1 Often 101 82.8 51.6 71 81.6 Covered 72 63.1 42.1 56 64.4 Mixture 45 36.9 33.6 47 54.0 Getting 60 49.1 57.5 53 60.9 Better 101 82.8 80.6 77 88.5 Feather 75 65.8 77.1 80 91.9 Light 88 77.8 77.5 81 93.1 Deceive 21 17.2 18.4 22 25.3 Driving 104 85.2 59.7 82 94.3 Surface 46 40.4 48.4 44 50.6 Rough 73 64.0 64.2 65 74.7 Smooth 42 36.8 47.2 44 50.6 Hopping 86 70.5 58.1 69 79.3 Certainly. . . . 18 14.8 16.8 30 34.5 Rice Sentence Test in Spelling used by Buckingham^ Grade Number in Grade 5B no 89 Correct Correct Bloomington Buckingham Bloomington STH Grade No. Per Cent Per Cent No. Per Cent 64 58.2 66.0 81 91.0 63 57.3 34.8 49 55.1 79 71.8 40.4 58 65.2 72 65.5 58.8 54 60.7 42 38.2 41.4 43 48.3 84 76.4 49.7 71 49.8 107 97.3 57.5 83 93.3 43 39.1 31.3 35 39.3 73 66.4 40.0 57 64.0 76 69.1 42.7 59 66.3 102 92.7 68.7 83 93.3 Running Shpped Listened Queer Speech Believe Weather Changeable Whistling Frightened Always 1 See " Spelling Ability — Its Measurement and Distribution B. R. Buckingham, pp. 78-79. I go A Survey of a Public School System TABLE CXIV {Continued) Rice Sentence Test in Spelling used by Buckingham Grade Number in Grade No. Changing 87 Chain 76 Loose 65 Baking 96 Piece 78 Receive 67 Laughter 98 Distance 82 Choose 82 Strange 94 Picture 101 Because 90 Thought 94 Purpose 85 Learn 101 Lose 63 Almanac 57 Neighbor 91 Writing 81 Language 86 Careful 80 Enough 97 Necessary 66 Waiting. 82 Disappoint 39 Often 102 Covered 94 Mixture 77 Getting 88 Better 108 Feather 94 Light 93 Deceive 38 Driving 97 Surface 59 Rough 82 Smooth 69 Hopping 97 Certainh- 68 SB no 89 Correct Correct Bloomington Buckingham Bloomington 5TH Grade Per Cent Per Cent No. Per Cent 79.1 69.2 72 80.9 69.1 59.8 74 83.1 59.1 49. P 56 62.9 87.3 75.7 75 84.3 70.9 62.2 65 73.0 60.9 51.7 38 42.7 89.1 71.4 87 97.8 74.5 67.2 69 77.5 74.5 46.3 69 77.5 85.4 74.2 78 87.6 91.8 87.5 85 95.5 81.8 83.9 85 95.5 85.4 72.4 82 92.1 77.3 47.3 60 67.4 91.8 84.9 86 96.6 57.3 53.1 59 66.3 51.8 21.5 60 67.4 82.7 66.6 73 82.0 73.6 74.0 70 78.7 78.2 62.8 80 89.9 72.7 58.6 79 88.8 88.2 68.0 82 92.1 60.0 21.5 49 55.1 74.5 66.8 74 83.1 35.5 27.4 55 61.8 92.7 57.5 85 95.5 85.4 62.6 79 88.8 70.0 62.6 70 78.7 80.0 74.4 84 94.4 98.2 91.8 88 98.9 85.4 84.1 83 93.3 84.5 90.5 83 93.3 34.4 46.3 30 33.7 88.2 77.1 86 96.6 53.6 79.1 72 80.9 74.5 69.8 79 88.8 62.7 51.3 74 61.9 88.2 58.1 80 89.9 61.8 36.0 48 53.9 Rice Sentence Test in Spelling used by Bucktngh.'Vm Grade Number in Grade Running. Slipped. . Listened . Queer. . . 6b 6a 8s 74 Correct Correct Bloomington Buckingham 6th Grade Bloomington No. Per Cent Per Cent No. Per Cent 75 87.1 76.8 69 93.2 54 63.5 42.7 55 74.3 71 83.5 53.5 71 95.9 60 70.6 77.3 62 83.8 Achievement of Pupils 191 TABLE CXIV {Continued) Rice Sentence Test in Spelling used by Buckingham Grade Number in Grade No. Speech 60 Believe 77 Weather 84 Changeable 48 Whistling 62 Frightened 65 Always 78 Changing 67 Chain 75 Loose 52 Baking 77 Piece 64 Receive 61 Laughter 78 Distance 78 Choose 68 Strange 80 Picture 83 Because Thought Purpose 76 Learn 83 Lose 63 Almanac 64 Neighbor 79 Writing Language Careful 75 Enough 83 Necessary 60 Waiting 77 Disappoint 53 Often 82 Covered 81 Mixture 80 Getting 81 Better 83 Feather Light Deceive 50 Driving 80 Surface Rough Smooth Hopping 73 Certainly 68 Grateful 57 Elegant 48 Present 75 Patience 55 Succeed 75 Severe 60 6b 6a 85 74 Correct Correct Bloomington Buckingham 6th Grade Bloomington Per Cent Per Cent No. Per Cent 70.6 72.0 55 74.3 90.6 64.4 63 85.1 98.8 82.8 74 100.0 56.5 46.7 47 63.5 72.4 49.0 64 86.5 76.5 55.6 66 89.2 91.8 78.5 69 93.2 78.8 74.5 68 91.9 87.1 75.3 67 90.5 61.2 - 45.2 56 75.7 83.5 83.6 72 97.3 75.3 69.9 62 83.8 71.8 59.8 54 73.0 91.8 75.5 69 93.2 91.8 75.8 72 97.3 80.0 56.8 58 78.4 94.1 86.9 71 95.9 97.6 94.4 73 98.6 89.4 66.9 67 90.5 97.6 93.2 73 98.6 74.1 56.8 52 70.3 75.3 38.6 59 79.7 92.9 65.2 73 98.6 87.1 68.9 69 93.2 97.6 80.3 71 95.9 70.6 42.7 45 60.8 90.6 82.3 71 95.9 62.4 34.6 54 73.0 96.5 75.8 72 97.3 95.3 77.5 72 97.3 94.1 83.3 66 89.2 95.3 87.4 72 97.3 97.6 94.9 74 100.0 58.8 53.5 36 48.6 94.1 88.1 72 97.3 85.9 68.4 71 95.9 80.0 57.1 66 89.2 67.1 39.1 57 77.0 56.5 53.5 44 59.5 87.1 69.7 68 91.9 64.7 43.4 54 73.0 87.1 53.0 66 89.2 70.6 40.9 62 83.8 192 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE CXIV (Continued) Rice Sentence Test in Spelling used by Buckingham'' Grade Number in Grade No Accident 62 Sometimes 80 Sensible 47 Business 51 Answer 72 Sweeping 80 Properly 74 Improvement 71 Fatiguing 19 Anxious 66 Appreciate 43 Assure 56 Imagine 44 Peculiar 46 Character 47 Guarantee 15 Approval 49 Intelligent 22 Experience 42 Delicious 51 Realize 52 Importance 67 Occasion 52 Exceptions 54 Thoroughly 27 Conscientious 6 Therefore 76 Ascending 34 Praise 68 Wholesome 52 6b 6a 8S 74 Correct Correct Bloomington Buckingham Bloomington 6th Grade 1. Per Cent Per Cent No. Per Cent > 72.9 45.5 61 82.4 ) 94.1 52.5 73 98.6 ? 55.3 34.3 44 59.5 60.0 46.0 51 68.9 ! 84.7 74.0 73 98.6 ) 94.1 87.4 72 97.3 [ 87.1 61.1 66 89.2 83.5 59.6 71 95.9 22.4 12.6 28 37.8 77.6 49.0 62 83.3 50.6 31.8 41 55.4 65.9 58.1 69 93.2 51.8 33.6 53 71.6 54.1 24.0 49 66.2 55.3 40.2 56 75.7 17.6 11.6 23 30.1 57.6 38.1 50 67.6 25.9 37.1 30 40.5 49.4 44.4 61 82.4 60.0 31.2 54 73.0 61.2 53.5 49 66.2 78.8 47.5 61 82.4 61.2 34.8 59 79.7 63.5 48.2 52 70.3 31.8 18.7 43 58.1 7.1 .3 10 13.5 89.4 36.4 69 93.2 4'J.O 37.6 34 45.9 80.0 69.0 70 94.6 61.2 56.3 53 71.6 Rice Sentence Test in Spelling used by Buckingham Grade Number in Grade 7E Correct Bloomington No. Per Cent Running 81 94.2 Slipped 63 73 . 3 Listened 76 88.4 Queer 73 84.9 Speech 60 69.8 Believe 72 83.7 Weather 83 96.5 Changeable 60 69.8 Whistling 70 81.4 Frightened 78 90.7 Always 82 95.3 Changing 83 96.5 Buckingham 7TH Grade Per Cent 85.0 51.8 69.8 79.0 77.1 62.1 88.0 66.8 68.7 71.4 88.6 89.6 7A 62 Correct Bloomington 61 51 58 53 37 54 58 41 55 54 61 57 Per Cent 98.4 82.3 .5 .4 .7 1 .5 1 88.7 87.1 98.4 91.9 93. 85. 59. 87. 93. 66. Achievement of Pupils 193 TABLE CXIV (Continued) Rice Sentence Test in Spelling used by Buckingham Grade Number in Grade No. Chain 77 Loose 65 Baking 76 Piece 66 Receive 72 Laughter 80 Distance 84 Choose 68 Strange 78 Picture 83 Because Thought Purpose 83 Learn 84 Lose 70 Almanac 61 Neighbor 79 Writing Language Careful 77 Enough 81 Necessary 65 Waiting 78 Disappoint 59 Often 85 Covered 86 Mixture 83^ Getting 82 Better 86 Feather Light Deceive 60 Driving 84 Surface Rough Smooth Hopping 83 Certainly 72 Grateful 50 Elegant 42 Present 83 Patience 58 Succeed 77 Severe 66 Accident 66 Sometimes 83 Sensible 37 Business 45 Answer 83 Sweeping 83 Properly 79 Improvement 80 7B 7A ^ 86 62 Correct Correct Bloomington Buckingham 7TH Grade Bloomington Per Cent Per Cent No. Per Cent 89.5 88.0 60 96.8 75.6 63.2 54 87.1 88.4 93.5 58 93.5 76.7 83.7 50 80.6 83.7 62.1 47 75.8 93.0 88.8 59 95.1 97.7 88.0 58 93.5 79.1 83.1 * 56 90.3 90.7 93.5 62 100.0 96.5 97.5 60 96.8 96.5 74.7 61 98.4 97.7 95.9 61 98.4 81.4 60.0 25 40.3 70.9 58.6 54 87.1 91.9 85.0 58 93.5 89.5 85.8 59 95.1 94.2 91.0 55 88.7 75.6 37.6 51 82.3 90.7 89.6 59 95.1 68.6 32.4 53 85.4 98.8 87.2 58 93.5 100.0 90.2 61 98.4 96.5 91.0 56 90.3 95.3 94.6 59 95.1 100.0 98.6 62 100.0 69.8 54.8 37 59.6 97.7 65.7 58 93.5 96.5 81.2 62 100.0 83.7 79.0 58 93.5 58.1 58.6 44 70.9 48.8 65.7 46 74.2 96.5 79.0 47 75.8 67.4 63.0 55 88.7 89.5 70.8 58 93.5 76.7 61.3 56 90.3 76.7 68.9 , 53 85.4 96.5 67.3 62 100.0 43.0 55.0 38 61.3 52.3 53.7 52 83.9 95.6 86.9 57 91.9 96.5 92.1 58 93.5 91.9 73.0 58 93.5 93.0 69.5 56 90.3 194 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE CXIV {Continued) Rice Sentence Test in Spelling used by Buckingham Grade Number in Grade No. Fatiguing 19 Anxious 67 Appreciate 43 Assure 60 Imagine 50 Peculiar 56 Character 57 Guarantee 13 Approval 68 Intelligent 30 Experience 44 Delicious 59 Realize 57 Importance 75 Occasion 52 Exceptions 80 Thoroughljf 46 Conscientious 59 Therefore 74 Ascending 45 Praise 77 Wholesome 61 7B 7A 86 62 Correct Correct Bloomington Buckingham Bloomington 7TH Grade Per Cent Per Cent No. Per Cent 22.1 25.3 31 50.0 77.9 66.2 56 90.3 50.0 49.0 46 74.2 69.8 68.9 51 82.3 58.1 47.7 45 72.6 65.1 46.3 45 72.6 66.3 47.1 52 83.9 15.1 19.9 20 32.3 79.1 56.9 50 80.6 34.9 43.6 41 66.1 51.2 63.5 49 79.0 68.6 61.6 53 85.4 66.3 65.7 39 62.9 87.2 73.3 59 95.1 60.5 44.4 52 83.9 93.0 57.2 53 85.4 53.5 31.1 42 67.7 68.6 1.6 44 70.9 86.0 62.4 59 95.1 52.3 52.0 43 69.3 89.5 78.2 57 91.9 70.9 74.7 51 82.3 Rice Sentence Test in Spelling used by Buckingham Grade Number in Grade No. Running 61 Slipped 54 Listened 57 Queer 58 Speech 49 Believe 57 Weather 61 Changeable 50 Whistling 56 Frightened 60 Always 60 Changing 57 Chain 61 Loose 60 Baking 58 Piece 54 Receive 52 Laughter 60 Distance 60 Choose 59 Strange 61 8b 8a 6i 29 Correct Correct Bloomington Buckingham 8th Grade • Bloomington Per Cent Per Cent No. Per Cent 100.0 93.4 28 96.5 88.5 70.9 24 82.8 93.4 86.9 28 96.5 95.1 87.3 26 89.7 80.3 80.7 22 75.9 93.4 76.6 29 100.0 100.0 92.2 20 100.0 82.0 65.6 22 75.9 91.8 74.2 28 96.5 98.4 85.7 29 100.0 98.4 95.5 25 86.2 93.4 91.4 29 100.0 100.0 95.9 28 96.5 98.4 81.6 28 96.5 95.1 97.5 26 89.7 88.5 90.6 21 72.4 85.2 80.7 28 96.5 98.4 96.3 28 96.5 98.4 97.5 27 96.7 85.7 29 100.0 100.0 92.6 29 100.0 Achievement of Pupils 195 TABLE CXIV {Continued) Rice Sentence Test in Spelling used by Buckingham Grade Number in Grade No. Picture 61 Because Thought Purpose 60 Learn 60 Lose 31 Almanac 54 Neighbor 59 Writing Language Careful 60 Enough 57 Necessary 58 Waiting 61 Disappoint 52 Often 61 Covered 61 Mixture 61 Getting 61 Better 59 Feather Light Deceive 43 Driving 59 Surface Rough Smooth Hopping 60 Certainly 58 Grateful 58 Elegant 60 Present 54 Patience 57 Succeed 57 Severe 57 Accident 54 Sometimes 60 Sensible 59 Business 44 Answer 51 Sweeping 60 Properly 59 Improvement 61 Fatiguing 58 Anxious 28 Appreciate 56 Assure 53 Imagine 55 Peculiar 60 Character 47 Guarantee 55 Approval 27 8b 8a 6i 29 CORRECI Correct Bloomington Buckingham 8th Grade Bloomington J. Per Cent Per Cent No. Per Cent 100.0 98.8 29 100.0 ) 98.4 92.6 28 96.5 ) 98.4 99.6 13 44.8 60.8 55.7 26 89.7 88.5 72.1 28 96.5 > 96.7 93.4 28 96.5 1 98.4 88.1 28 96.5 93.4 98.4 28 96.5 ; 95.1 61.5 29 100.0 100.0 92.2 29 100.0 : 85.2 38.9 25 86.2 100.0 92.2 29 100.0 100.0 97.1 29 100.0 100.0 97.1 28 96.5 100.0 97.5 28 96.5 96.7 100.0 29 100.0 70.5 79.5 18 62.1 96.7 98.8 28 96.5 98.4 89.3 29 100.0 95.1 91.0 28 96.5 95.1 61.9 24 82.8 98.4 69.3 24 82.8 88.5 91.4 29 100.0 93.4 80.7 26 89.7 93.4 80.7 24 82.8 93.4 70.9 28 96.5 88.5 85.2 26 89.7 98.4 82.8 29 100.0 96.7 65.2 22 75.9 72.1 68.4 22 75.9 83.6 93.4 28 96.5 98.4 94.7 28 96.5 96.7 86.5 28 96.5 100.0 86.5 27 93.1 95.1 31.1 15 51.7 45.9 84.0 28 96.5 91.8 74.6 22 75.9 86.9 86.1 27 93.1 90.1 66.4 26 89.7 98.4 56.1 23 79.3 77.0 78.7 26 89.7 90.1 25.8 16 55.2 44.3 75.4 23 79.3 196 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE CXIV (Continued) Rice Sentence Test in Spelling used by Buckingham Grade 8b 8a Number in Grade 61 29 Correct Correct Bloomington Buckingham Bloomington 8th Grade No. Per Cent Per Cent No. Per Cent Intelligent 56 91.8 50.4 17 58.6 Experience 35 57.4 68.9 27 93.1 Delicious 56 91.8 85.2 28 96.5 Realize 50 91.8 73.4 27 93.1 Importance 66 98.4 81.6 29 100.0 Occasion 59 96.7 49.6 25 86.2 Exceptions 47 77.0 76.2 25 86.2 Thoroughly 51 83.6 53.3 18 62.1 Conscientious 37 60.7 19.7 13 44.8 Therefore 57 93.4 79.9 27 93.1 Ascending 49 80.3 55.7 20 69.0 Praise 59 96.7 95.9 29 100.0 Wholesome 58 95.1 36.1 23 79.3 7. Composition and Reading The following is an outline supplied by Mr. Courtis covering tabu- lations of Courtis Standard Research Tests in English Composition and Rates of Reading in the Bloomington public schools, January 22, 1914. NATURE OF TESTS Tests Used — Courtis Standard Tests, Series C "Children were shown the picture of child sitting on doorstep drinking from a bowl of milk. First part of story about picture was dictated to them ; they were then asked to complete the story. Work interrupted at end of five minutes. These papers are called 'Origi- nal Stories' in this report. "Children were then given the printed second and third parts of the story to read. The second part they were asked to read at their normal rate, the third part carefully for reproduction. The number of words read in one minute was determined for scores. These scores called 'Normal Reading' and 'Careful Reading,' respectively. EXAMINATION AND SCORING "All classes from 4th to 8th grades inclusive in four school build- ings in Bloomington, Indiana. Tests given by superintendent of schools in three buildings, by principal of building in one building, and scored by a single paid assistant under Mr. Courtis' direction. Achievement of Pupils 197 Details of Scoring "Method of scoring that used by Rice, Bliss, and others. The details are given in the following pages from the folder of instruc- tion: pp. 11-12-13, Folder C, Parts I and II. Method unsatisfactory for three reasons: " (i) Difficulty of keeping standards of judgment uniform. " (2) Variability of standards from scorer to scorer. HILLEG^SSCALE HILLE6AS SCALE 100 10 feO 10 10 8 Actual measured value of selected samples. Grades a b c d e 8 93 68 45 36 2S 7 82 63 44 34 23 6 75 65 31 26 20 5 70 66 29 20 o 4 65 45 32 20 3 Actual Values. B and C papers are difficult to distinguish. Hence the irregularity in the curves. Fig. 7. Scheme for Converting Courtis English Grades into HiLLEGAs Scale. Idealistic Circles represent papers to appear in final scale. 10 samples. , Grades abode 8 95 65 4S 30 20 7 83 58 40 26 17 6 75 Si 36 24 14 5 70 49 33 22 12 4 6s 45 30 20 10 Values on Hillegas Scale of Upper limits of Courtis Grades English Composition. Fig. 8. Scheme for Converting Courtis English Grades into Hillegas Scale. "(3) Lack of progress shown by the results. A median score of 3.2 in the 4B class does not mean at all the same as 3.2 in the 8a class owing to change in the meaning of a 3 ("C") paper from the 4th to the 8th grade. "(i) First difficulty avoided as far as possible by checking work, by rescoring certain papers each day, also by setting up certain typical papers as standards and comparing each sample with the standards in all cases of doubt. " (2) Very little can be done to eliminate the variability of stand- ards from scorer to scorer until an adequate scale and method of measurement is devised. The comparisons in this report are of value from one viewpoint only. The scores at least show the estimate of the scorer on the papers scored. A Survey of a Public School System 4b. 4a. 5b. 5a. 6b. 6a. 7b. 7a. 8b. 8a. Grade TABLE CXV RES IN English Composition, Bloomington Scores Scores Courtis Variability Equivalents Hillegas 3.2 44 3 = 30 ;-io) 28 2.9 54 2 =45 :-i5) 35 3.1 44 3 = 33 ;-ii) 32 2.9 46 2 =49 ;-i6) 35 2.5 54 2 =53 ;-i7) 45 2.5 55 2 =53 :-i7) 45 2.6 38 2 = 58 -18) 47 2.4 45 2 = 58 -18) 51 2.3 52 2 =65 ;-20) 59 2.6 41 2 = 65 ;-20) 53 TABLE CXVI English Composition. Quality of Original Story. Per Cent Each Quality is of Total Number of Scores A B C D E Gen.1 b2 Gen. b Gen. b Gen. b Gen. b 4b 17 27 32 19 5 A 4 36 27 22 32 30 35 12 2 5b 19 28 33 18 2 A 5 24 22 28 44 38 22 8 7 2 6b 36 29 25 9 1 A 12 35 32 29 37 19 17 14 2 3 7b 19 41 18 3 2 A 14 30 25 48 33 16 22 5 6 1 8b 38 38 20 2 2 A 8 22 25 48 37 22 22 8 8 (3) The median scores of the various grades in English composi- tion (Table CXVI) show slight progress from 4th to 8th grade, but to reveal the absolute progress the attempt was made to convert the scoring by the method described above into absolute scores on the Hillegas Scale as follows. For each class, a single typical 'a,' 'b,' 'c,' etc., paper was selected. From all the 'a' papers of a grade, again the most typical paper was selected. The final twenty- five papers thus form a scale illustrating the judgments upon which the scoring given in this report was based. These were then scored by the Hillegas Scale. The results are given graphically and in figures in Fig. 7, Note the A values; they show a regular progress from 4th to 8th grade. Note the B papers. The 8th grade 'b' is almost directly over the 4th grade 'a.' Practically the same thing is true of each of the other papers and suggests that the stand- ' Gen. = General. 2 b. = Bloomington. Achievement of Pupils 199 ard for the various grades change at such a rate that the 4th grade quahties a, b, c, etc., are equivalent to the quahties called b, c, d, etc., in the 8th grade; in other words, that which is called a 'good' paper for a fourth-grade child would be called ' fair ' for an eighth-grade child. The B and c curves are less regular than the others, but this is known to be due to the effort to em- phasize the distinction between he b and c papers in the progress of selection. | Accordingly the results in Fig. 7 were generalized in Fig. 8. The curves of Fig. 8 could be verified by scoring a large number of typical papers and this will be done as opportunity offers. But for the present the values given in Fig. 8 will be used to convert the qualities by the Rice method into values on the Hillegas Scale. If a similar method were followed by different scorers it would be possible to equate their results. "The median grade scores on both the Courtis and the Hillegas Scale are given in Table CXV and shown graphically in Fig. 9. This development curve for ability in English composition shows a fairly uniform progress, more rapid in later than in early grades. Either the 4A, HILLEGAS 5CALE too. GRADES A IS. HO. «s. 80. 15. GKADE MEDIAN B COURTIS 10, /-■ ., ^--^v^ fcS. ^ A / / bO,. . ^ V— _- -/ C 55. • /\^ 50, y MS. / ^ -"^ADE MEDIAN HILLEGAS D MO. r 35. y 30^ / 15- 20. E (5. 10. 5: B V A B 5" "S" ~w ^AB^ ABg A Fig. 9- Development Curve — English PERCENT 51 4« HZ 3"? 3b 33 30 x^l '«/ 19 IZ It 3 A l\ I \ I \ I \ r~~\ J V / A PAPERS BL00M1N6T0N A / \ \ \ \ \ / A ^5678 Fig ic. Per Cent of Papers of ' Quality for Grade. 6b, and 8b grades are rather better than the others, or the 4B, 5B, 200 A Survey of a Public School System PERCENT 51 H8 3 ^ \ \ B PAPERS BL0OMIN6T0N BPAPERS GENERAL Fig. II. Per Cent of Papers of " B " Quality for Grade. C PAPERS GENERAL C PAPERS BLOOMINGTON 7 $ Fig. 12. Per Cent of Papers of " C " Quality for Grade. PERCENT M« «5 3b 33 30 VI XI »«\ IS IZ b 3 0. D PAPERS GENERAL ^'A D PAPERS \ BLO0MIN6TON Fig. 5 6 7 8 Per Cent of Papers of Quality for Grade. PERCENT 51 H8 H5 M2 3*? 3b 33 30 17 • Zt Zl 18 IS U 6 0_ E PAPERS GENERAL ^ Tpapers rC_BL0OMlN6T0N Fig. 14. E ' Per Cent of Papers of Quality for Grade. 5A, 6a, 7b, 7A, 8a worse. The curve based on the Courtis values suggests that the median score of 2.5 'b' be adopted as a standard for the school system. "From the viewpoint of efficiency, the per cents of various types of papers in each grade are the proper values to consider. For com- parison such scores from other schools as are available are given. Achievement of Pupils 20 1 / SATISFACTORY V PAPERS BLOOMINGTON SATISFACTORY PAPERS GENERAL They represent the scores of about 590 children from classes in some five different states. The facts of the table are shown graphically in Figs. 10 to 15. They show: (i) Either the results from the Bloom- ington schools are very good, (2) or the standards of the scorer were lower than that of scorers Jn the other schools. "Probably both causes were at work, but the Bloomington sample papers compared with similar samples from other scales do not show the marked differ- ences, while actual comparisons of many papers show the Bloomington scores high in other particulars also. The curves seem to show a larger number of a and b papers in the Bloomington schools with corresponding decrease in the c, D, and E papers. "Fig. 15 shows a comparison of results on the basis of total number of 'satisfactory' (a, b, and c) papers, a safer basis of comparison. The average superiority of the Bloomington schools by these results is about 15 per cent. That is, out of 100 children entering any grade in the Bloomington schools about 15 more will make a satisfactory grade or better in English composition than they would if they had attended the other schools from which returns have been received. PERCENT 102 m 72 (>b (}0 Sf M« 4Z 3b 30 tn 18 (-2 (o 0. AVERAGE SUPERIORITY OF BL00M1N6T0N, 15% Fig. 15. 5 6 7 8 Per Cent of Satisfactory Papers " C " or Better. TABLE CXVII Rate of Reading (Number of Words Per Minute) G M Test 4 B M Bloomington Variability G M Test 5 B u Bloomington Variability 4b. . A. . 118 168 187 57 30 70 113 125 37 31 5b.. A. . 173 182 205 33 29 126 140 134 37 45 6b.. A. . 214 231 258 28 27 142 180 208 26 27 7b.. A. . 238 240 277 26 25 162 182 205 26 26 8b^. . A. . 262 270 244 20 24 212 187 180 28 21 G = ■ General. B = Bloomington. M = = Median. 202 A Survey of a Public School System RATES OF READING "Table CXVII shows number of words read per minute in Bloom- ington and other schools. Fig. i6 shows same graphically. \ NORMAL DLOOMINGTON Rates of Reading. General is Medium Scores based upon 590 scores from five states. Summary Bloomington curves higher than general curves. Rate for careful reading fairly constant from 6th grade on. Same grade irregularities as noted before. General values for normal reading probably safe standards. A parallel curve at about 100 words less probably safe standard for careful reading. Marked variation shown. Light dotted line above traced from Fig. 15 to suggest correlation between classes that do well in English composition and in rates of reading. Twenty-one out of 38 cases of marked agreement in scores. Seven out of 38 cases of marked disagreement. Suggestive of probable value of learning to read rapidly and understandingly as early in life as possible. Need for standards. Need for study of correlation in individual cases. INDIVIDUAL VARIATION A study of the distribution of individual scores shows that in spite of the high class medians of Bloomington schools, the educa- tional process itself is very inefiicient. Range in 8th grade for rates of normal reading, for instance, from 140 words per minute to over 400 words per minute suggests the need for experimental use of definite standards derived from the median grade scores." Achievement of Pupils 203 8. Drawing The drawing test was given and graded by Professor H. L. Childs, of Indiana University, and his class in school administration. The test was given in the grades March 16 and 17, 1914, and in the high school May 26, 1914. The test was given under the following directions: 1. Materials: White drawing paper, 6x9, drawing pencil, charcoal or crayon — black only. 2. Preliminary data on the back of the sheet: City, school, teacher, pupil, grade, age (years only), date. 3. Ask pupils to do the best they can and not to hurry. 4. Subject: Scene or picture with snow on the ground and boys or girls doing something as snow-balUng, coasting, etc. 5. Be sure pupils understand just what they are to do and the time they are to have for doing it. 6. Time: Ten minutes, exclusive of all directions and recording of prehminary data. 7. Collect papers; tie papers of each grade in a package and label with subject, city, school, teacher and grade. 8. No assistance shall be given any pupil aside from interpreting the instruc- tions and helping to fill in the data on the back of the sheet if necessary. 9. Distribute materials before giving the directions to the pupils. 10. Teachers should not know in advance the nature of the test to be given. The scoring was done in accordance with the Thorndike drawing scale, published in the Teachers College Record, November, 1913. This scale, however, was supplemented in the following way before it was used: THE SUPPLEMENTED THORNDIKE SCALE The following samples of children's drawings were chosen from the Thorndike supplementary sheet numbered 101-117: Nos. loi, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, no, III, 116, all of which represent snow scenes with action. Seventeen judges, consisting of teachers, graduate students and .seniors in Indiana University ranked these eleven drawings in order from poorest to best. The percentages of judgments favoring one sample over another were obtained from these rankings. Then, by use of Table 4, page 25, of Teachers College Record, November, 1913 (Professor Thorndike's table), these samples were given a relative placement. Samples 103 and no were dropped because judged to be approximately equal in value to loi and 107 respectively. The nine remaining samples were compared by ten of the judges mentioned above with various samples on the Thorndike scale and given a relative placement. By a combination of the two sets of 204 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE Distribution or Drawing Abiuty, • Number op* Score IB lA 2B 2A 3B 3 A 4B 4A SB SA 6b 6Af 1 1 to 1 . 99 . . 1 1 1 2 to 2.99.. 2 4 1 A 3 to 3.99. . 13 16 18 5 3 i 1 4 to 4.99. . 17 7 7 3 1 2 i 2 i 5 to 5.99.. 11 16 14 3 5 10 1 6 3 3 i 6 to 6.99. . 27 34 18 23 14 18 15 6 15 13 6 3 7 to 7.99.. 8 22 7 30 25 39 33 10 12 18 12 6 8 to 8.99.. 6 19 12 33 39 40 13 57 23 48 42 17 9 to 9.99. . 1 1 2 7 7 7 13 10 12 9 13 10 to 10.99 1 3 3 5 8 9 17 31 11 to 11.99 2 5 12 to 12.99 1 3 13 to 13.99 2 1 3 14 to 14.99 2 Total. . . 87 115 81 100 94 124 79 95 79 104 90 85 Median . 5.91 6.56 5.78 7.50 8.06 7.69 7.73 8.54 8.17 8.38 8.56 10.06 P.E 1.17 1.11 1.54 .86 .76 .85 .66 .18 1.13 ,68 .63 1.07 Summary of 1. A fairly steady progress, with one marked exception in grade 2b, is shown from the that point there is a noticeable drop in the 7b grade with only a slight gain thereafter, and eighth grades with the methods now used does not bring results comparable with the from the beginning of the school term in the fall until the time of the test, though the years previous. 2. Median scores by grades range from 5.91 to 10.06, with an average for all grades of 3. The high school just about maintains the efficiency reached in the sixth, seventh relative placements values were assigned to the supplementary samples on the scale, the original Thorndike values being in no case changed. Values Assigned to the Supplementary Samples Sample Value AssIG^fED 116 5.5 107 7.2 106 8.0 111 9.3 (9.5 perhaps a better value) 108 11.0 104 13.0 (12.5 perhaps a better value) 101 14.0 105 15.3 102 17.5 Each paper was rated by two judges and the rank of any one grade represents the combined judgment of not less than three judges and generally of four or more. Achievement of Pupils 205 CXVIII 1,690 Pupils, Bloomington Public Schools Per Cent Per Cent or Pupils or Pupils Pupils BY Grades Receiving High School Receiving Each Each 7B 7A 8b 8a Total Score 9 10 11 1 2 Total Score 1 .07 1 . 1 .35 3 .21 1 . 1 .35 7 .50 .... . 57 4.05 '"3 '. '.'" "3 "1.05 42 3.00 1 . 2 .7 73 5.20 5 "3 2 10 3.51 '"3 '"2 '. "1 198 14.09 6 8 3 17 5.96 7 2 5 7 243 17.30 18 14 11 43 15.09 39 24 23 17 462 32.88 20 32 27 4 83 29.12 13 31 9 6 141 10.03 19 18 20 57 20.00 7 34 8 13 139 9.89 11 12 15 2 40 14.00 1 1 1 5 15 1.07 5 4 6 1 16 5.61 1 3 . 8 .57 2 2 2 6 2.11 '4 1 11 .78 3 2 1 6 2.11 3 5 .36 71 98 53 50 1405 100.00 95 95 88 7 285 100.00 8.67 9.66 8 96 9.00 8.17 8.65 8 .72 9.00 8.75 8.80 .55 .72 1 01 1.12 1.04 1.25 .95 .97 1 .09 1.04 Table CXVII] [ 1b grade to the 6a grade where the highest point of proficiency is reached. From There are two possible explanations. First, the effort given to drawing in the seventh effort. Second, the fact that no instruction in drawing was given in those grades pupils of those grades had had instruction in drawing the year before and for several 8.17. and eighth grades. Table CXVIII show^s the number of pupils in each grade making scores of o, of i to 1.99 inclusive, of 2 to 2.99, etc. The percentage of all pupils in the grades and of all in the high school making any particular score is also given. These scores have not been compared with those of other schools because data from other schools were not available. 9. Reading The Thorndike Visual Vocabulary Test and Understanding of Sentences Test were given in 191 5 in a large number of Indiana towns. As soon as results are compiled comparisons can be made of Bloomington results with Indiana standard. 2o6 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE CXIX Thorndike Visual Vocabulary Test, Bloomington, June, 1915 No. OF Errors per Line (large type), per Pupil (small) Grade Sex No. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10.5 II Boys. . . 58 26 51 132 201 225 266 213 270 160 •44 .89 2.27 3^46 3.88 4^59 3-67 4.67 2.76 IVb Girls.., , 46 20 46 72 133 169 198 158 213 131 •43 1. 00 1.56 2.90 3-67 4^30 3^43 4^63 2.85 Both... , 104 46 97 204 334 394 464 371 483 291 •44 •93 1.96 3.21 3^79 4.46 3-57 4.64 2.80 Boys. . . 68 45 57 105 199 243 277 247 312 173 .66 .69 ^•54 2^93 3^57 4.04 3^63 4^59 2-54 IVa.... Girls... 48 8 23 49 102 155 196 144 205 120 •I? .48 1.02 2.13 323 4.09 2.37 4.27 2.50 Both.., . 116 53 80 154 301 398 473 391 517 293 .46 .68 -^■33 2.60 3^43 4.08 3^37 4.46 2^53 Boys.. . 35 30 38 50 104 135 169 134 190 113 .88 1.08 1-43 2.97 3-83 4^83 3^83 5^43 3-23 Vb Girls.. . 38 8 20 36 72 108 143 109 168 98 . 21 •S3 ■94 1.89 2.84 3^76 2.87 4.42 2^55 Both.. . 73 38 58 86 176 243 312 243 358 211 •52 •79 1. 19 2.37 3-33 4.27 3-33 4.90 2.90 Boys.. . 64 22 30 66 127 217 229 181 277 160 •34 • 47 1.03 1.98 3-39 3^73 2.83 433 2.50 Va Girls.. . 65 15 28 57 85 187 227 160 255 168 •23 •43 .88 131 2.88 350 2.46 392 258 Both.. . 129 37 58 123 212 404 456 341 532 328 .28 •45 ■95 1.64 3-13 ^•53 2.64 4.12 2.54 Boys.. . 50 13 15 51 80 151 146 144 216 75 .26 •30 1.02 1.60 3.02 2.81 2.81 4^33 1^59 ViB.... Girls.. . 38 3 4 10 24 86 73 77 128 54 .08 . ID .26 •63 2. 26 1.92 2.03 337 1.42 Both.. . 88 16 19 61 104 237 219 221 344 129 .18 . 22 .69 1.18 2.69 2.49 2^51 391 I-3S Boys.. . 48 14 9 19 38 106 116 121 174 78 ■29 .19 •39 •79 2. 21 2.42 2.52 3^63 1.63 VIA.... Girls.. . 53 8 6 32 93 118 107 181 97 .00 •15 . II .60 1-75 2.23 2.02 3-53 1.83 Both.. . 101 14 17 25 70 199 234 228 355 175 • 14 • 17 • 25 .70 1.97 2.23 2. 26 351 I 73 Boys.. . 35 9 8 5 18 56 63 68 112 49 .26 •23 .14 •51 1.60 I •30 1.94 3.20 1^43 VIlB... Girls.. . ii 6 3 3 13 70 68 59 109 76 .18 .09 .09 •39 2.12 2.06 1.79 33O 2.30 Both.. . 68 15 11 8 31 126 131 127 221 125 . 22 .16 . 12 .46 i^85 1-93 1.87 3^-2S 1.84 Boys. . . 25 7 2 3 15 45 61 55 83 34 .28 .08 .14 .60 1.80 2.44 2.20 3-32 i^36 Achievement of Pupils 207 TABLE CXIK {Continued) No. OF Errors per Line (large type), per Pupil (small) Grade Sex No. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10-5 11 VIIa . . . Girls... 54 5 2 8 12 76 103 88 166 88 • og ■03 ■ 14 . 22 1 .40 1. 91 1.63 3-07 1.63 Both... 79 12 4 11 27 121 164 143 249 122 •i.S •05 .14 •34 1^53 2.07 1. 81 3-^5 1-54 Boys... 25 7 6 1 10 36 41 41 75 28 .28 .24 .04 .40 1.44 1.64 1 .64 3.00 1 . 12 VIIIb . . Girls... 45 5 1 3 9 56 51 55 105 58 . II .02 • 07 . 20 1.24 1-13 I. 22 2-33 1.30 Both... 70 12 7 4 19 92 92 96 180 86 • 17 . 10 .00 • -7 1-31 I-3I 1-37 2-57 1.23 Bovs . . . , 30 4 13 21 46 39 64 90 33 ■13 .00 •43 .70 1-53 1.30 2.13 3.00 1. 10 VIIlA . . Girls... 36 2 6 13 48 43 61 93 57 •05 .00 • 17 •36 1-33 1. 16 1.70 2.60 1.60 Both.. . 66 6 19 33 94 82 125 183 90 .09 .00 .29 ■50 1.42 1.24 1.89 2.77 1.36 TABLE CXX Thorndike Understanding of Sentences Test, Bloomington, June, 1915 No. of Errors Per Test (large Type), Per Cent Errors (sm.\ll) Grade Sex No. Test a Test b Test c Test d Boys 59 9 56 101 182 5.1 19.0 42.8 77.1 IVb Girls 44 1 24 47 116 .75 10.9 26.7 65.9 Both 103 10 80 148 298 3-2 15-5 35-9 72.3 Boys 72 6 54 95 199 2.8 15.0 33.0 69.1 IVa Girls 50 4 24 49 129 2.6 9.6 24.5 64.5 Both 122 10 78 144 328 2.7 12.8 29.5 67.2 Boys 46 9 27 51 124 6.5 II. 7 27.0 66.9 Vb Girls 39 1 21 38 106 0.8 10.8 24.4 67.9 Both 85 10 48 89 230 3.9 11.3 26.2 67.3 Boys 66 7 26 36 183 3^5 7-9 13-6 69.3 Va Girls 62 2' 14 18 148 I.I 4.5 7.2 59.7 Both 128 9 40 54 331 2.3 6.2 10.5 64.6 Boys 50 4 23 36 126 2.7 9.2 18.0 63.0 2o8 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE CXX {Continued) Grade VIb. VIA. VIlB. VIIa. VIIIb. VIIIa . Sex No. Girls 38 Both 88 Boys 48 Girls 53 Both 101 Boys 55 Girls 29 Both 84 Boys 25 Girls 54 Both 79 Boys 25 Girls 46 Both 71 Boys 31 Girls 37 Both 68 No. OF Errors per Test Clarge type) , Per Cent Errors (small) Test a Test b Test c Test d 2 7 20 70 1-7 3-7 13-3 46.0 6 30 56 196 2.2 6.8 15-9. SS-7 4 11 26 93 2.8 4.6 135 48.4 2 10 13 91 I. 2 3-8 6.1 42.9 6 21 39 184 1.9 4.2 9.6 45- 5 1 9 17 66 0.7 Z-i 7-7 30.0 9 24 62 CO 6.2 20.7 53-4 1 18 41 128 0.4 4-3 12.2 38.1 4 29 3 0.0 3-2 29.0 38-0 7 9 32 95 4-3 Z-2, 14.8 43-9 7 13 61 133 2.9 3-3 193 42.1 1 8 23 38 1-3 6.4 23.0 38.0 11 20 58 0.0 4.8 10.9 31.5 1 19 43 96 0-5 5-3 I5-I ZS-^ 1 7 28 50 1. 1 4-5 22.6 40.3 4 16 50 0.0 2. 1 10.8 33-8 1 11 44 100 0-5 3-2 16. 1 36.8 10. Country-Trained and City-Trained Pupils A comparison of the performance of country-trained and city- trained pupils in the high school is given in the following pages. Those pupils who got their common school diploma from the city schools are counted as city-trained, and those who got their diploma from the country schools are counted as country-trained. This study was made by Clifford Woody, at that time a graduate student in Indiana University, and extends over a period of six years beginning with the first semester of the school year 1907. It includes 418 pupils, 293 graduates of the Bloomington city schools and 125 from Achievement of Pupils 209 the Monroe County township schools. Entrance grades were obtained by taking the general average on the county examination for gradu- ation for the country pupils and the general average for the last semester before entering high school for the city pupils. In computing entrance ages the actual age in years was taken; months and days were not considered. TABLE CXXI Distribution of City Pupils According to Rank in all Subjects Rank in Per Cent Lit. Comp. Boys 5.42 1. 19 95-100.... Girls 2.86 1.30 Total 3 ■ 84 1.26 Boys 20.61 18.33 go-QS Girls 28.90 26.22 Total 25.71 23.25 Boys 22.34 33-33 Girls 30.26 45.10 Total 27.21 40.66 Boys 21.69 29.76 Girls 21.84 20. 75 Total 21. 79 24. 15 Boys 18.00 9.52 Girls 10.85 3 -75 Total 13.61 5.92 Boys 11. 93 7.86 Girls 5.29 2.88 Total 785 4.76 Boys 4.55 3.33 Girls I 49 1.30 Total 2.67 1. 17 85-90. 80-85 • Failures . Retards . Latin Ger. Math. Hist. BOT. Phy. G. Physics 16.00 II. 51 13-54 1.60 6.52 5 06 10.54 7.42 8.63 8.60 3-71 5-33 1.69 0.00 -56 8.62 5.08 6.84 6.67 0.00 2. 29 16.80 25.66 21.66 3 19 20. 22 15-17 13.90 15.69 15 -00 10. 22 18.57 15-81 15-25 13-75 14-25 18.97 15-25 17.09 28.89 3-49 12. 21 22.00 24.01 23.10 13-30 25-17 21.64 13-90 22.82 19-35 25.27 24.14 24-51 16.10 24.17 21.51 22.41 18.64 20.51 20.00 8.14 12. 21 21. 20 18. 75 19.86 27.66 22.25 23-85 18.61 16.98 17.61 18.27 20.95 20.07 22.88 31-67 28.77 15-52 22.03 18.80 20.00 24-42 22.91 14.40 11.84 13.00 26.60 16.18 19.27 19.96 19.69 19-79 18.82 22.55 21.31 25-42 22.08 23-18 17.24 15.56 22.03 50.00 19.66 38.17 9.60 8.22 8.84 27-66 9.66 15-01 23-09 17.40 19.62 18.82 10.08 12.97 18.64 8.33 11-73 17-24 16.95 17-og 8.89 13-95 12. 21 6.40 4-93 5 60 17-55 6.52 9.80 14- 13 10.84 12.13 9.14 4-51 6.04 9 32 458 6.15 5-17 10. 17 7.69 0.00 4-6s 305 TABLE CXXII Distribution of Country Pupils According to Rank in all Subjects Rank in Per Cent 80-85 ■ 75-80. Failures . Retards. , Boys. . Girls . . Total . Lit. 4-75 3-64 Boys 8.81 90-9S Girls 18.98 Total 14.56 Boys 27.75 85-90 Girls 24.75 Total 26.0s Comp. Latin Ger. Math. Hist. Bot. .48 2.38 5.71 3.32 4.03 0.00 2.33 23.44 10.55 11.48 3-38 2.30 1.51 11.49 8.66 7.90 3.68 1.35 13-53 1310 1357 13-74 8.06 22.18 20.31 23.39 16.30 14-19 18.32 16.22 19.5s 15.18 11.40 28.50 25.00 22.14 20.85 17-74 31.91 14.06 25.69 21.11 21.62 30.39 20.27 24-30 21.00 19.85 Boys 18.94 Girls 17 .29 Total 18.01 Boys 15.86 Girls 13-56 Total 14-56 Boys. . Girls. . Total. 5-29 5-76 5-56 II. 11 7.00 8.84 12.08 10.51 II. 21 6.76 5 -06 S-82 Phy. G. I 0.00 2.94 1.56 4-35 3 -45 3-8S 6.56 26.67 0.00 10.34 20.59 13-79 8.78 23.44 7-69 16.39 26.67 13-04 21.83 20.59 31-03 19-59 23-44 23-08 Boys 26.43 34-30 25.00 Girls 20.68 26.07 12.50 Total 23.18 29.74 19.59 17.14 26.54 25.00 31-15 13-33 30-43 16.51 17.78 22.30 25.29 17-65 34-48 16.76 21.62 23.53 27.70 15-63 32.69 19.05 24.29 19.91 28.23 27.87 10.00 47.83 10.94 13-30 17-41 24-32 26.44 20.59 13-79 15.54 17.60 18.50 26.10 27.03 15.63 28.8s 15.48 18.75 16.89 11. 90 9-38 10.81 17.14 10.55 13-13 8-43 5-51 6.42 15 64 15-93 15-80 8.60 9-63 9-36 16.94 14-19 15-44 9.18 18.03 23.33 4-3S 13.79 17-65 3-45 15.54 20.31 3.8s 9-»4 5-iS 7-43 13-33 4-35 11.76 0.00 12.50 1.92 2IO A Survey of a Public School System Summary of Tables CXXI and CXXII (1) In rank 95-100: The city group has a higher per cent in the following sub- jects: literature, Latin, mathematics, history and physical geography. The country group in the following: composition, German, botany and physics. The country girl has a higher per cent than the city girl in this rank in all subjects except history and physical geography. The city boys excel the country boys in all subjects except German. In all cases except composition and German, the city boys have a higher per cent in the different subjects than the city girls. The country girls on the other hand have a higher per cent than the city girls in all subjects except history and physics. (2) In rank 90-95: The city group has a higher per cent in composition, litera- ture, Latin, history, botany and physics; while the country group has a higher per cent in German, mathematics and physical geography. The country girl has a higher per cent than the city girl in German, mathematics, physical geography and physics. The city boy on the other hand has a higher per cent than the coun- try boy in everything except physical geography. The city girls in this rank have a higher per cent than the city boys in all subjects except physical geography and physics. The country girls excel the country boys in every subject except phys- ical geography. (3) In rank 85-90: The city group has a higher per cent in composition, litera- ture, Latin, history and botany. The city girls have a higher per cent than the country girls in all subjects except German, physical geography and physics. The country boy has a higher per cent than the city boy in all subjects except composition, history and physics. The city girls have a higher per cent than the city boys in all subjects except history, physical geography and physics. The country girls have a higher per cent than the country boys in everything except literature, Latin and physical geography. (4) In rank 80-85: The city group has a higher per cent in Latin, German, bot- any and physical geography. The city girls have a higher per cent than the coun- try girls in literature, Latin, German, botany and physical geography. The city boys have a higher per cent than the country boys in German and physical geog- raphy. The city girls have a higher per cent than the city boys in literature, his- tory, botany, physical geography and physics. The country boys have a higher per cent than the country girls in all subjects except physical geography and physics. (5) In rank 75-80: The city group has a higher per cent in German, mathemat- ics, physical geography and physics. The city girls have a higher per cent than the country girls in Latin, German, mathematics, physical geography and phys- ics. The city boys have a higher per cent than the country) boys in German, mathematics and physical geography. The city girls have a higher per cent than the city boys in history, physical geography and physics. The country girls have a higher per cent than the country boys in only one subject, physical geography. (6) Failures: The city group has a higher per cent of failures than the country group in German, mathematics and physics, while the country group has a higher per cent in all other subjects. The country girls have a higher per cent of fail- ures than the city girls in all subjects except mathematics and physics. The city boys have a higher per cent of failures than the city girls in all subjects except physics. The country boys have a higher per cent of failures than the country girls in all subjects except Latin and mathematics. (7) Retards: The city group has more retards in German, mathematics and physics and the country group in all other subjects. The city girls have more retardation in these subjects than the country girls. The city boys have more retardation than the country boys in German and mathematics only. There is more retardation among the city boys than among the city girls in all subjects except physical geography and physics. There is more retardation among the country boys than among the country girls in every subject e.xcept literature. Achievement of Pupils 211 From this specific treatment of the per cents in the different ranks the following general conclusions can be drawn : 1. The city group in a majority of subjects have a higher per cent in the higher ranks and a lower per cent in the lower ranks. 2. In a majority of cases, the city group has a lower per cent of failures and retardation than the country group. 3. The country girls have a higher per cent in the higher ranks and a lower per cent in the failure and retardation ranks than the country boys. 4. There is more variation in the work of the city boys than of the city girls. The city boys have a higher per cent in the rank 95- 100 and also a higher per cent in the failure class. This relation is not so apparent in the work of the country boys and country girls. 5. Everything considered, the city group has an advantage over the country group. The following is a summary of Mr. Woody's conclusions in his comparison of city and country pupils by semesters : First Semester, (i) During the first semester, the city group has a higher median grade in every subject except physical geography. (2) The country boys have a higher median grade than the city boys in algebra, botany, and physical geography. The city girls are su- perior in every subject. (3) This semester shows clearly a consider- able advantage for the city group. Second Semester, (i) In this semester the city group has a higher median grade in literature, composition, and Latin, while in Ger- man, botany, physical geography, and mathematics the country group is superior. (2) The country boys are superior to the city boys in German, algebra, and botany. The country girls are superior to the city girls in German, algebra, botany, and physical geography. (3) In a majority of these subjects for the semester, the country children have the advantage over the city, although in nearly every case the city pupils have less failures and retardation. Third Semester, (i) In this semester the city group is superior in literature, composition, Latin, and history while the country group is superior in German and mathematics. (2) The country boys are superior to the city boys in literature, German, and mathematics. The country girls are superior to the city girls in Latin, German, and mathematics. (3) When the city and country groups are compared in the subjects for this semester, the advantage lies with the city group. 212 A Survey of a Public School System Fourth Semester, (i) In this semester, the city pupils are superior in Hterature, composition, Latin, and history, while the country group excels in German and mathematics. (2) The country boy is superior to the city boy in German and mathematics. The country girl is superior to the city girl in Latin, German, and mathematics. (3) In general there is a less amount of failures and of retardation as we proceed from semester to semester. In the country group the per cent is reduced much faster than in the city group. (4) Taking the groups as a whole, the advantage for this semester's work lies with the city group. Fifth Semester, (i) The city group is superior to the country group in literature, composition, Latin, and history, while the country group excels in German and mathematics. (2) The country boy is superior to the city boy in literature, Latin, and mathematics. The country girl is superior to the city girl in Latin, German, and mathematics. (3) In general there is a less amount of failure and retardation among the country group than among the city group, (4) Taking the group as a whole, the advantage for this semester's work lies with the city group. Sixth Semester, (i) The city group is superior to the country group in composition and Latin, while the country group is superior in literature, German, history, and mathematics. (2) The country boys are superior to the city boys in German and mathematics, while the grade in history is the same for both groups. The country girls are superior to the city girls in every subject. (3) Taking the groups as a whole, the advantage for this semester's work lies with the country group. Seventh Semester, (i) The city group is superior in literature, composition, and history, while the country group is superior in Latin, German, and physics. (2) The country boys are superior to the city boys in German. The two groups receive the same grade in Latin and history. In the other subjects the city boys are superior. The country girls are superior to the city girls in literature, German, and physics. (3) In this semester, neither group has a clear ad- vantage over the other. Eighth Semester, (i) The city group is superior to the country group in literature, Latin, German, and history, while the country group is superior in composition and physics. (2) The city boys are superior to the country boys in everything but German. The city girls are sliperior to the country girls in Latin and history, while the country girls are superior in literature, composition, and physics. Achievement of Pupils 213 The grade of both city and country girls is the same in German. (3) The groups, taken as a whole, show that the advantage here lies with the city group. TABLE CXXIII Comparison of City and Country Pupils in all Subjects for all Semesters City Pupils Average of Medians No. P'ls. Literature 1198 461 737 85.61 Composition.... 1114 416 677 87.04 Latin 554 250 304 86.86 German 633 188 445 84.90 Mathematics.... 1147 446 701 82.56 History 563 186 377 84.26 Botany 358 118 240 82.51 Phys. Geog 117 58 59 83.41 Physics 131 45 86 80.34 8s 86.19 69 85.87 94 87.50 87.02 86.28 83.48 84-45 81.68 81.81 78.67 No. P'ls. 522 464 148 358 481 272 148 64 52 Township Pupils Average of Medians 225 207 84 140 211 124 61 30 23 29s 257 64 218 270 148 87 34 29 83.91 85-52 85-31 86.90 83-52 82.11 81.52 84-37 83-01 B 82.62 S3. 36 82.99 83-75 82.74 81.86 80.78 81.04 79.98 85-07 86.51 87.81 88.31 84.30 82.69 81.82 84.06 85.16 Entrance Grades Entrance Grades Literature 1198 461 737 86 Composition.... 1114 416 677 Latin 554 German 633 Mathematics. 250 304 87 445 85 1147 446 701 History 563 186 377 Botany 358 118 240 Phys. Geog. Physics 117 131 58 59 87 45 86 86 93 86 89 87 83 85 97 86 84 86 86 85 22 87 91 87 86.92 86.93 88.01 86.09 87-iS 86.47 87.31 87.40 86.47 522 464 148 358 481 272 148 64 52 225 207 84 140 211 124 6: 30 23 295 257 64 218 270 148 87 34 29 82.23 82.31 81.90 82. 27 82.03 82.47 81.82 80.74 82.04 81.04 80.99 80.26 81.07 81.03 80.00 81.50 84.06 79-25 82.99 83 -IS 82.90 82.57 82.53 83.46 81.90 80.31 83.22 Comparison of City and Country Pupils as to Scholarship: Table CXXIII makes a final comparison of the city and country groups in all subjects for all semesters and is based upon the averages of the median grades for the different subjects and different terms. By getting the sum of all median grades given for a subject and divid- ing by the number of semesters, we get the average median grade for that subject. Summary of Table CXXIII 1. The city group has a higher average median grade in the following subjects: Literature, composition, Latin, history and botany; the country group, in the remaining subjects, i.e., German, mathematics, physical geography and physics. 2. The city boys have a higher median average than the country boys in all subjects except German and mathematics. 3. The city girls have a higher average than the country girls in Hterature, composition and history, while the country girls excel the city girls in Latin, German, mathematics, botany, physical geography and physics. 4. The city boys excel all groups in botany, physical geography and physics. .5. The city girls excel all groups in hterature, composition and history. The country girls excel all others in Latin, German and mathematics. The country boy excels in no subject. 6. In the city group the highest grades are in composition and Latin, while for the country group the highest grades are in composition and German. The lowest grades in the city group are in botany and physics, while the country group made lowest grades in history and botany. 214 ^ Survey of a Public School System 7. The city boys made the highest grades in Latin and physics; they make the lowest grades in mathematics and German. For the country boys the highest grades are in composition and German, and the lowest in physics and botany. For the city girls, the highest in Uterature and composition, the lowest in botany and phj'sics; for the country girls, the highest in Latin and German, and the lowest in history and botany. 8. In the city group, the highest entrance grade is in Latin and the lowest in German; in the country group, the highest is in history and the lowest in physical geography. 9. The entrance grade for the girls in both groups is usually higher than for boys. It is significant that in most cases the girls make higher grades than the boys. 10. The correlation between the entrance grades and the actual grades made in high school is more marked in the city group than in the country group. 11. Taking everything into consideration, this table again shows the city pupils are superior in a majorit}' of subjects to the country pupils. Comparison of City and Country Pupils as to Entering Age, Attendance, and Previous Records (i) Comparison oj Entering Age: The table making this compari- son shows the entering age for the country group was 14.89 years and for the city group, 14.43 years. It further shows that the en- trance age for the city boys was 14.42 years, while for the country boys, 14.84 years; for the city girl 14.42 years, and for the country girl, 14.89 years. This shows that the country pupils are just about one-half year older than the city pupils; also that in each group the girls are a little older than the boys. The difference in age was much smaller than was expected, and since the difference in age is less than half a year, the factor of age will have no serious effect upon the problem. (2) Comparison of Attendance: It was found that the average attendance for the city group was 83.80 days per semester, while that for the country group was 84.58 days per semester. The at- tendance of the city boys was 84.44 days per semester, while the average attendance for the country boys was 84.27 days; for the city girls, 83.39 days and for the country girls 84.58 days. Here, as in the case with the entering age, the difference is small and would have no vital effect on the general results of the study. (3) Comparison of Quality of Work Previously Done : In the case of the country children, it has been continually asserted that only the very best students from the country attend the high school. On the other hand it is claimed that nearly all who graduate from the city system attend high school. This last statement is true for the Bloom- ington schools, where 90 per cent of the city graduates attend the Bloomington High School. In order to get some idea of the percentage Achievement of Pupils 215 of the country graduates entering high school and to see whether only the best of them attended high school a study was made of those pupils who graduated from the Monroe County schools in 191 2. This year, of course, would not answer for the whole study, but County Superintendent Jones says that it was a t}'pe year and hence should give trustworthy results. In 191 2, ninety pupils graduated from the Monroe County schools. Of this number, it was found that 79.89 per cent of them attended high school, although not all of them attended at Bloomington. The average grade of those who attended was 82.53 P^r cent and of those who did not attend, 80.78 per cent. The city girls who attended had a general average of 82.80 per cent and those who did not attend, 79.04 per cent. The boys who did not attend had a general average of 83.075 per cent and those who did attend, 80.21 per cent. These facts show that the group who attended high school had about i per cent higher general average than those who did not attend. This in itself is a small matter, when it is considered that about 80 per cent of the country graduates attend high school. These facts show that the country pupils considered represent the average abiUty of the country pupils and are not just the select few of them. The data and tables thus far given give us the following summary and conclusions: General Summary This study, taken as a whole, brings out the following significant facts : 1. The entrance grades for the city pupils are higher than for the country pupils. 2. The girls in both groups do better work than the boys. 3. The city group has a higher average median grade for all terms than the country group in literature, composition, Latin, history, and botany. The country group has a higher average median in German, mathematics, physical geography, and physics. 4. The city boys excel all others in science: i.e., botany, physical geography, and physics. The city girls excel all groups in literature, composition, and history. The country girls excel all others in foreign languages and mathematics. 5. The city pupils as a group are especially strong in English and Latin, while the country group is especially strong in German and mathematics. Both groups are weakest in botany. 2i6 A Survey of a Public School System 6. In five out of eight of the semesters of the high school course, the city group has a higher median grade in a majority of subjects taught during the semester. The country pupils have a majority in two semesters and in the other semester each group excels in an equal number of subjects. This gives the city pupils a decided advantage. 7. Even though the city pupils have a higher median grade in a majority of subjects for a majority of terms, it cannot be denied that the country pupils are the "growers" in the high school and that they make more improvement over their first term's work than do the city pupils. The country pupils, as a rule, make their lowest grade in their first term and pull up semester by semester, while the city pupils do their best work in their first semester and then have a tendency to slump. 8. The country group has a higher per cent of failures and of re- tardation in literature, composition, Latin, history, botany, and physical geography. The city group has a higher per cent of failures and retardation in German, mathematics, and physics. 9. A significant fact is that a much higher per cent of both groups are in rank 95-100 in Latin than in any other subject. 10. There is a marked tendency on the part of country boys to slump during their senior year. This was shown in every subject except physics. 11. A study of the entrance grades shows that the less efficient from the country withdraw to a greater degree than those from the city. It is the less efficient city boys and the less efficient country girls who withdraw, while the less efficient city girls and country boys remain in school. 12. The work done by each group most nearly corresponds to their entrance grades during the early semesters of the high school course. 13. All facts considered, the city pupils have a rather marked advantage over the country children. II. Withdrawals and Failures Mr. J. H. Minnick made a study including all students enter- ing the Bloomington High School during the four years beginning September, 1906. In all there were 150 boys and 243 girls repre- sented. Tables CXXIV to CXXVII are taken from this study.^ 1 The School Review, Vol. XXIH, No. 2, pp. 73-84- Achievement of Pupils 217 Table CXXIV shows the average grades made in the various high school subjects by those who for any reason were eliminated from school. TABLE CXXIV Average Grades of Pupils Eliminated in the Various Subjects Boys Girls Mathematics English Language History Science 79.7 80.2 75.8 77.1 78.4 77.9 81.7 79.0 75.8 76.5 Table CXXV shows the per cent of eliminated students taking each subject who failed in that subject. TABLE CXXV Boys. Girls. Mathematics English Language History SCIENCI 32.6 19.3 28.4 32.3 24.4 31.9 18.0 21.6 31.3 30.9 Table CXXVI shows the per cent of eliminated students failing in only one subject. TABLE CXXVI Boys. Girls. Mathematics English Language History Science 6.0 0.0 6.3 6.3 1.8 7.1 1.0 3.7 1.8 2.4 Table CXXVII shows the per cent of eliminated students taking each subject who did not fail in that subject. TABLE CXXVII Boys. Girls. Mathematics English Language History Science 38.8 43.8 59.1 40.6 58.9 38.4 57.6 61.7 47.3 59.8 TABLE CXXVIII Enrollment, Failures, Withdrawals, Second Semester, 1913-14 Number Enrolled In Subject During Subject Term B g Total EngHsh 141 173 314 Mathematics 125 153 278 Botany 18 22 40 History 72 109 181 Latin 66 101 167 Physics 23 35 58 German 99 120 219 Commercial 89 55 144 Physical Geography 9 21 30 Number Dropped Number To Leave Tc ) Quit Remaining at End City School Term B Total b g ' Total B g Total 3 2 5 15 11 26 117 173 290 5 4 9 14 5 19 107 142 249 1 1 4 4 13 32 45 2 3 5 7 3 10 64 102 166 2 3 5 4 3 7 60 94 154 2 2 23 33 56 2 2 12 11 23 82 108 190 2 2 15 8 23 74 46 120 1 1 2 8 20 28 2l8 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE CXXVIII {Continued) Subject Number Remaining Total Failures and Number Remaining -_ Pupils Failed Dropped to Quit School Pupils Conditioned B G Total b g Total b g Total English 15 Mathematics 15 Botany . . . 3 History 11 Latin 7 Physics 1 German 7 Commercial 6 Physical Geography. . . 1 5 20 30 16 46 5 4 9 1 26 30 11 41 5 8 7 5 12 1 1 7 18 18 10 28 2 4 6 4 11 11 7 18 5 1 6 3 4 1 5 6 1 1 2 9 19 13 32 4 3 7 3 9 21 11 32 6 3 9 TABLE CXXIX Second Semester, School Year, 1913-14 Per Cent of Failures by Subjects AND Sex of Those Remaining to End of Semester Physi- cal Eng- Mathe- Bot- His- Lat- Phys- Ger- Com- Geog- LISH MATICS any TORY IN ICS MAN MERCIAL RAPHY 9b — Boys 31.3 22.2 2,2,. i 2,2.2, 22.2, 40.0 il2.5 Girls 0.0 5.2 12.5 16.7 8.3 22.2 0.0 Total 12.5 10.7 18.2 23.8 16.7 31.6 3.5 9a — Boys 20.0 17.6 20.0 10.0 4.0 6.7 Girls 7.4 2.2 16.7 7.1 0.0 0.0 Total 11.9 8.8 17.6 8.3 1.8 4.8 10b — Boys 10.5 18.2 57.1 15.8 Girls 0.0 13.8 16.7 0.0 Total 5.6 15.7 31.5 8.6 IOa — Boys 8.3 12.5 18.5 Girls 3.1 11.8 11.5 12.5 5.3 Total 5.4 12.1 15.1 6.7 3.2 llB — Boys 5.3 50.0 12.5 7.6 Girls 5.9 9.0 0.0 50.0 Total 5.6 20.0 5.9 13.3 llA — Boys 15.8 0.0 25.0 9.0 Girls 5.7 14.3 • 0.0 Total 9.3 9.5 10.0 5.3 12b — Boys -^4.3 Girls 9.1 Total 7.1 12a — Boys 11.1 Girls 7.1 0.0 Total 5.0 4.5 1 QB and QA combined in one class. 2 jjb and i2A combined. Achievement of Pupils 219 TABLE CXXX Per Cent of Failures and Dropped to quit School to Those enrolled Second Semester 1913-14 Physi- cal Eng- Mathe- - Bot- His- Lat- Phys- Ger- Com- Geog- lish matics any tory in ics man : mercial raphy 9b — Bovs ... 42.8 63.2 57. 1 36.4 63.4 62.5 22.2 Girls ... 17.4 5.3 12. 5 14.3 21.5 27.3 4.8 Total ... 31.4 34.2 33. 3 24.0 40.0 48.1 10.0 9a — B oys . .. 40.9 24.3 27 .3 10.0 22.6 30.0 Girl ... 10.7 8.2 28 ,6 7.1 11.8 40.0 Total ... 24.0 15.1 28.0 8.3 17.0 33.3 10b — Boys ... 14.3 17.4 72.8 18.2 19.0 12.5 Girls ... 14.3 6.3 20.0 4.4 11.1 0.0 Total ... 14.3 10.9 42.3 8.8 15.4 6.3 10a — Boys ... 8.0 5.9 21.4 0.0 Girls . . 3.1 5.9 14.8 12.5 10.0 28,6 Total ... 5. . 5.9 18.2 6.7 6.1 14.3 llB — Boys 18.2 50.0 12.5 20.0 Girls 4.8 9.1 6.7 Total 11.6 23.5 5.9 27.8 11a — Boys ... 20.0 8.3 40.0 7.7 Girls ... 12.5 13.3 25.0 10.0 Total ... 15.0 9.1 2.3 30.8 8.7 12b — Boys 4.3 20.0 Girls 10.0 14.3 10.0 Total 5.3 10.3 7.1 11.1 12a — Boys 11.1 Girls 7.1 0.0 Total 5.0 4.5 12. Correlation of Rank in English, Mathematics, Language, AND History^ The method used to determine the degree of correlation was to determine a numerical relation for the grades made by the eighty- six pupils, while in the four subjects considered. If a pupil should make "e" grades in English, mathematics, grammar and history, the four subjects considered, then the degree of correlation of standing in these subjects would be 100 per cent. If he should receive four different grades, the degree of correlation would be zero. These are the two extremes. Between them exists a great number of possible combinations of grades which would have 1 Part of the study made by Charley Bruner. See page 89 for more complete statement of method of this study. 220 A Survey of a Public School System almost as many different values of correlation as there are cases of variation in grade. The value of the various combinations was determined by the number of points the ranks were separated from each other. If a pupil had three " e's " and an "s" or a "g" that condition lacked only one point of having a perfect correlation. If a pupil had three "e's" and one "r" or two "e's," one "s" and one "g," he lacked two points. If he had three "e's" and one "p," or two "e's," one "s" and one "r," or two "e's" and one "g" and one "r," he lacked three points. If he had three "e's" and one "n.p.," or two "e's" and two "f's" or two "e's," one "s" and one "p," or two "e's," one "g," and one "p," he lacked four points. If he had two "e's," one "s" and one "n.p.," or two "e's," one "g" and one "n.p.," or two "e's," one "f" and one "p," he lacked five points. If he had two "e's" and two "p's," or two "e's" and one "n.p.," he lacked six points. If he had two "e's," one "p" and one "n.p.," he lacked seven points. If he had two "e's" and two "n.p.'s" he lacked eight points. Similar relations exist if we take any of the ranks as the basis for correlation. All conditions in which there were four different ranks were classed together. All possible conditions were then arranged in order of their value. The table thus formed consisted of eleven possible conditions from a perfect to a zero correlation as follows: 1. Four grades of equal rank. 2. Three grades of equal rank and one grade in adjoining rank. 3. Three grades of equal rank and one grade two points away. Two grades of equal rank and two grades one point away. 4. Three grades of equal rank and one grade three points away. Two grades of equal rank and one grade two points away, and one grade one point away. 5. Three grades of equal rank and one grade four points away. Two grades of equal rank and two grades two points away. Two grades of equal rank and one grade two points away, and one grade three points away. 6. Three grades of equal rank and one grade five points away. Two grades of equal rank and one grade one point away, and one grade four points away. Two grades of equal rank and one grade two points away, and one grade four points away. 7. Two grades of equal rank and two grades three points away. Two grades of equal rank and one grade five points away, and one grade one point away. Two grades of equal rank and one grade two points away, and one grade four points away. 8. Two grades of equal rank and one grade three points away, and one grade four points away. Two grades of equal rank and one grade two points away, and one grade five points away. 9. Two grades of equal rank and two grades four points away. Two grades of equal rank and one grade three points away, and on^ grade five points away. 10. Two grades of equal rank and two grades five points away. 11. All different. Values were assigned to the various conditions as follows: Condi- tion one valued at lo units, loo per cent; condition two valued at 9 units, 90 per cent; condition three valued at 8 units, 80 per cent; con- dition four valued at 7 units, 70 per cent; condition five valued at 6 Achievement of Pupils 221 units, 60 per cent; condition six valued at 5 units, 50 per cent; condi- tion seven valued at 4 units, 40 per cent; condition eight valued at 3 units, 30 per cent; condition nine valued at 2 units, 20 per cent; condition ten valued at i unit, 10 per cent; and condition eleven valued at zero. On the basis of this comparison correlations were worked out for both the common school and the high school. 1. Correlation in the Common School. Twenty-five pupils had grades in condition one, twenty-nine in condition two, twenty-one in condition three, and two in condition four, making a total of 759 units out of a possible 860. The per cent of correlation, therefore, was 87.7 per cent. This means that if a pupil makes good in one subject, he has seven chances to eight to make good in the other subjects in common school. English tended to raise the total average, for any given pupil above the average for the other three subjects. There were fourteen cases and in only two cases did English tend to pull it down. Mathematics tended to pull the total average down in thirty-three cases and up in only four. Language caused the total average to be higher than the average for the remaining three subjects in ten cases, and lower in only five cases. History caused seven cases to be higher and seven- teen cases to be lower. This makes it appear that the most difficult subject in the common school course is mathematics, the next is history, the next language, and the easiest English, Of the twenty- five cases in which there was a correlation of 100 per cent, fourteen pupils belonged to the "G" rank, six pupils to the "F" rank, and five pupils to the "E" rank. Of the twenty-nine cases in which there was a correlation of 90 per cent, there were seventeen pupils whose predominating grade was "G." This shows that the pupil in rank "G" or the average pupil is most evenly balanced in all the subjects. Sex difference is not noticed. 2. Correlation in the High School Subjects. There were only eighty- five cases correlated in high school. Pupil number 68 having no history grade was therefore eliminated. Of these eighty-five pupils, four had grades in condition one, twenty- six in condition two, twenty-six in condition three, twenty-three in condition four, five in condition five and one in condition eleven, making a total value of 673 out of a possible 850. The per cent of .correlation for the high school, therefore, was 79.2 per cent. The girls on the whole made better grades than the boys, but the four cases in which there was perfect correlation belonged to the boys, 2 22 A Survey of a Public School System who, therefore, had a sUghtly higher per cent of correlation than the girls. Of the cases of perfect correlation among the boys, no two cases fell in the same rank. One had " S," one had " E," one had " G," and one had "F." The following table shows the number of cases for each subject in which it tended to raise or lower the total average above or below the average of the remaining subjects: TABLE CXXXI Numbers of Cases in Number of Cases in WHICH THE Average which the Average Subject was Raised was Lowered English 26 7 Mathematics , 2 33 Language 20 11 History 13 14 This shows again that mathematics was the most difificult subject and English the easiest. Language is slightly easier than history. The following are important extracts from the general summary and conclusions reached by Mr. Bruner: The change from common school to high school does not give rise to an abnormal decrease in retention of grades received. One finds in the common school and high school a decrease in retention towards, the end of the course, but the decrease in retention from the common school to the high school is not much out of keeping with the reten- tions before and after. The correlation for the four subjects is greater in the common school than in the high school. In the common school it is 87.7 per cent and in the high school it is 79.2 per cent. In other words, a pupil in the common school has seven chances out of eight to receive the same grades in all four subjects, while in high school his chances are four out of five. Those pupils maintain the highest per cent of correlation whose grades fall in most cases in rank "G." This is true for both the common school and the high school. 13. Distribution of Grades It is not enough to know that a certain percentage of the pupils in a school system passed and a certain other percentage failed. '^ In order to have an intelligent conception of the work that is being done by pupils it is necessary to know the percentage of the grades Achievement of Pupils 223 falling in the various ranks as good, excellent, etc. The percentage of pupils receiving the highest marks should approximate the per- centage receiving the lowest marks. It is just as much of a failure for a pupil capable of making "excellent" to make "good" as for a pupil capable of making just a passing grade to make a failing grade. The immediate penalty may be a little greater in the latter case because the work has to be repeated, but even in the first case there is an immeasurable penalty in the form of habits that hold one's work on a level lower than native ability would justify. Pupils are marked in the Bloomington schools by letters S, E, G, F, P, N.P. S = 96-100 per cent; E = 91-95 per cent; G = 86-90 per cent; F = 81-85 per cent; P = 75-80 per cent; N.P. = below 75 per cent and below a passing grade. Table CXXXII shows for the second semester, 1911-12, by grades, subjects, and sex the percentage of grades falUng within each group. Tables CXXXIII and CXXXIV show some of the same things for the first semester 1914-15 and for the second semester 191 2-13. Failures are based upon number en- rolled at end of semester. Conditions are counted as failures. TABLE CXXXII Distribution of Grades, Second Semester 1911-12, by Years, Subjects, Sex 96-100 Qi-gs 86-90 81-85 75-80 Below Per Per Per Per Per Pass- Cent Cent Cent Cent Cent ing Wholeschool system all pupils, all subjects.. 5.4 15.1 29.3 26.5 18.5 5.2 " boys " " . . 4.5 12.9 27.5 28.2 21 5.9 " girls " " . . 6.2 17.1 30.8 25.1 16.2 4.7 Grades 1-4 all pupils, all subjects 7. 17.6 36.2 26.4 10.4 2.4 " boys " " 6. 16.2 34.6 28.9 11.7 2.6 " girls " " 8.1 19.2 37.9 23.7 8.7 2.3 Grades 5-8 all pupils, all subjects 4.5 13. 25.4 27.4 23.7 6.1 " boys " " 3.2 9.7 22.5 27.9 29.3 7.3 " girls " " 5.5 15.4 27.3 27 19.6 5.1 Grades 9-12 all pupils, all subjects 2.7 14.3 18.6 23.4 28.1 12.9 " boys " " 2.4 10.7 14.7 25.6 31. 15.6 "girls " " 2.9 16.9 21.5 21.8 25.9 11. Grades 1-8 all pupils, all subjects 5.7 15.2 30.6 26.9 17.3 4.3 " boys " " 4.7 13.2 29. 28.5 19.9 4.8 " girls " " 7. 18. 32. 26. 14.9 3.9 Grade 1b all pupils, all subjects 5.1 16. 29. 26.5 12. 11.7 "boys " " 3.5 14.7 31.7 27.3 12.6 9.7 " girls " " 8.7 19.1 21.7 23.5 10.4 16.5 Grade 1a all pupils, all subjects .. 7.4 21.2 39. 23.4 6.4 2.5 " boys " " 5.8 20.9 37. 27. 7. 2.4 "girls " " 9.2 il.6 41.3 19.7 5.5 2.5 224 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE CXXXII (Continued) g6-ioo 91-95 ' Per Per Cent Cent Grade 2b all pupils, all subjects 7. 20. "hoys " " 4.8 20.2 " girls " " 10.1 19.1 Grade 2a all pupils, all subjects 9. 17.8 " boys " " 6.3 16.2 " girls " " 11.4 19.2 Grade 3b all pupils, all subjects 10.5 14. " boys " " 8.8 11.3 " girls " " 12.3 16.9 Grade 3a all pupils, all subjects 7.2 21.5 " boys " " 7.8 18.5 " girls " " 6.3 25.4 Grade 4b all pupils, all subjects 7. 19. " bovs " " 5.2 19.2 " girls " " 8.3 18.8 Grade 4a all pupils, aU subjects 3.1 12.6 " boys " " 3.9 10.6 " girls " " 2.4 14.3 Grade 5b all pupils, all subjects 6.2 17.2 " boys " " 4.7 13.7 " girls " " 6.9 18.9 Grade Sa all pupils, all subjects 3.4 14.6 " bovs " " 2.3 13. ■ " girls " " 3.8 15.7 Grade 6b all pupils, all subjects 2.1 9.8 " boys " " 9 4.9 " girls " " 3. 13.8 Grade 6a all pupils, all subjects 1.8 7.9 " boys " " 1.6 6.5 " girls " " 2.1 9.1 Grade 7b all pupils, all subjects 6.3 17.8 " boys " " 3.2 12.9 " girls " " 8.3 21.9 Grade 7a all pupils, all subjects 6.5 12.4 " boys " " 7.2 10.1 " girls " " 5.9 14.7 Grade 8b all pupils, all subjects 1 .4 8.6 " boys " " 0. 3.8 " girls " " 2.5 12.7 Grade 8a all pupils, all subjects 8.5 14.1 " boys " " 3.3 13.8 " girls " " 12.3 14.3 Grade 9b all pupils, all subjects 2.7 13.3 " boys " " 2.9 5.7 " girls " " 2.4 22.9 86-90 Per Cent 81-8S Per Cent 75-80 Below Per Pass- Cent ING 42.7 38.7 48.5 21.1 25.8 14.6 6.1 8.1 3.4 3.3 2.4 4.4 34.3 31.3 37.1 29.4 35.2 24.1 7.8 9.5 6.2 1.7 1.4 2. 38.5 37.6 39.5 22.6 26.3 18.7 12.7 13.8 11.4 1.7 2.3 1.2 39.1 37.3 41.1 23.8 27.1 19.4 7.6 8.4 6.5 .9 .8 1. 36.2 33.2 38.6 27.6 27.9 27.4 9.1 12.8 6.3 1.1 1.7 .7 32.2 30.9 33.3 32.5 33.5 31.4 18. 19.2 16.9 1.8 1.8 1.7 26.6 22.4 28.6 24.4 26.1 23.6 22.3 29.7 18.7 3.3 3.3 3.2 32. 29.9 33.5 27.3 27.6 27.1 16.7 20.1 14.4 5.9 7.1 5.1 26.6 27.5 26. 31.9 32.1 31.9 23.5 26.9 20.8 6. 7.8 4.4 19.4 18.3 20.4 29.2 26.6 31.5 33. 35.9 30.3 8.6 11.1 6.5 25. 20.7 27.8 26.5 29.5 24.6 19.5 27.2 14.5 4.9 6.9 3.6 25.3 20.7 30. 26.2 26.4 26. 23.5 31.4 15.7 6. 4.2 7.7 18.5 15.4 21. 26.8 28.5 25.5 33.1 38.5 28.6 11.5 13.8 9.6 23.5 20.4 25.8 26.4 27.6 25.4 21.9 26.5 18.4 5.6 8.3 3.7 19.1 16.2 22.9 20.2 22.9 16.9 26.6 30.5 21.7 18.1 21.5 13.3 Achievement of Pupils 225 TABLE CXXXII {Continued) 96-100 91-95 Per Per Cent Cent Grade 9a all pupils, all subjects 2.3 19.4 " " boys " " 0. 16.2 " girls " " 3.9 21.5 Grade 10b all pupils, all subjects 9 9.3 " boys " " 0. 7. « " girls " " 1.5 10.8 Grade 10a all pupils, all subjects 1.7 12.6 " boys " " 0. 6.8 " girls " " 3. 16.8 Grade lis all pupils, all subjects 2.8 5.6 " bovs " " 6.8 6.8 " girls " " 0. 4.8 Grade 11a all pupils, all subjects 5.6 12.3 " boys " " 9.5 11.1 " girls " " 3. 13.1 Grade 12b all pupils, all subjects 2.3 21.3 " boys " " 4.4 21.7 " girls " " 1.5 21.2 Grade 12a all pupils, all subjects 4.3 19.1 " boys " " 0. 19.4 " girls " " 6.9 18.9 Grades 1-8 all pupils, reading 8.3 18.6 " boys " 6.6 15.4 " girls " 9.9 21.5 Grades 3b-8a aU pupils, arithmetic 5.4 13.4 " boys " ....... 6.7 14. " girls " 4.9 12.9 Grades 2B-8A all pupils, (^^"g"^S^ ^'^^ I 3.1 13.6 ^ '^ ' [ grammar J " boys " 1.5 9.6 " girls " 4.5 17. Grades 4b-8a all pupils, history 1.9 9.3 " boys " 3. 8.5 " girls " 1. 8.5 Grades 4b-7a all pupils, geography 3.1 13.4 " boys " ' 3.1 16.1 " girls " 3.1 11.4 Grades 3b-8a all pupils, spelling 23.5 29.6 " boys " 19.6 27.2 " girls " 26.9 31.6 Grades 1b-2a all pupils, phonics 18.1 22.5 " boys " 12.5 21.9 " girls " 24.7 23.2 86-90 Per Cent 81-85 Per Cent 75-80 Below Per Pass- Cent ing 20.6 16.2 23.8 23.2 21.7 24.3 21.9 25.6 19.3 12.6 20.1 7.1 10.2 4.6 13.8 27.8 27.9 27.7 35.2 39.5 32.3 16.7 20.9 13.8 25.3 24.7 25.7 20.7 24.7 17.8 27. 30.1 24.8 12.7 13.7 11.9 17.7 11.4 22.2 26.2 31.8 22.2 28. 31.8 25.4 19.6 11.4 25.4 16.1 12.7 18.1 32.1 33.3 31.3 27.8 27. 28.3 6.2 6.3 6.1 16.9 8.7 19.7 19.1 30.4 15.1 28.1 26.1 28.8 12.3 8.7 13.6 16. 8.4 20.7 14.9 19.4 12.1 42.6 50. 38. 3.1 2.7 3.4 31.4 29.5 32.9 22.9 27.2 18.9 13.8 15.3 12.5 5.2 6. 4.4 25. 27. 21.3 21.2 21.2 23.1 23.1 19.6 26. 11.9 12.1 11.7 30.5 27.7 17.4 7.6 29.1 31.7 30. 25.8 19.3 15.8 10.5 5.2 22.5 23.9 21.4 26.1 26. 26.1 29.7 29.4 30. 10.5 9.1 11.6 36.6 39.1 34.8 23.1 21.8 23.9 19.1 16.1 21.4 4.7 3.8 5.4 24.3 21.5 26.7 13.7 18.5 9.5 6.8 9.5 4.5 2.1 3.7 .8 31.2 33.5 28.4 16.4 19.2 13.2 4.8 6.3 3.2 7. 6.7 7.4 226 A Survey of a Public School System Grades 4b-7a all Grades 1b-8a all II f< Grades 1b-8a all II a Grades 1b-8a all Grades 7b-8a all Grades 9b- 12 all Grades 9b-12a all Grades 9b-12a all a a Grades 9b-11a all Grades 10b-12a all Grades 9b-9a all Grades 9b-9a all Grades 12b-12a all Grades 9b-12a all Grades 12b all TABLE CXXXII (Continued) 96-100 QI-QS Per Per Cent Cent pupils, physiology 1.1 15. boys " 1.2 13.1 girls " 1.1 16.4 pupils, drawing 6 6.9 boys " 5 6.1 girls " 7 7.7 pupils, writing 2.5 17.5 boys " 1.9 15.8 girls " 2.7 19.2 pupils, music 2.4 13.2 boys " 1.3 7.4 girls " 3.5 18.8 pupils, industrial 3.6 6.6 boys " 0. 0. girls " 6.1 11.3 pupils, English 6 16.9 boys " 1.5 12.5 girls " 0. 20.3 pupils, Latin 6. 17.2 boys " 6.6 6.6 girls '' 5.5 26. pupils, German 5.6 14.8 boys " 1.6 12.9 girls " 8. 16. pupils, mathematics 4.1 14.6 boys " 4.1 13.9 girls " 4.2 15.2 pupils, history 8 14.4 bovs " 0. 8.7 girls " 1.2 17.4 pupils, physical geography 3.7 16.7 boys " " 3.6 14.3 girls " " 3.8 19.2 pupils, botany 0. 5. boys " 0. 0. girls " 0. 7.7 pupils, physics 0. 4.2 boys '" 0. 12.5 girls " 0. 0. pupils, commercial 0. 2. boys " 0. 2.7 girls " 0. 0. pupils, French 0. 23.1 boys " 0. 0. girls " 0. 33.3 86-90 Per Cent 81-8S Per Cent 7S-8o Below Per Pass- Cent ING 32.4 33.8 31.3 32.8. 33.5 32.3 17.7 16.9 18.2 .9 1.5 .6 32.8 28.3 37.2 40.9 41.4 40.5 18. 22.7 13.6 .7 1. .3 37.8 33.4 42.1 26.5 27.6 25.5 14.2 19.1 9.4 1.6 2.1 1.1 32.8 28.1 37.2 27.8 28.7 27. 23.2 33.8 13.2 .5 .7 .4 24.9 14.6 32.2 55.3 64.6 48.7 9.1 19.5 1.7 .5 1.1 0. ■ 20.8 14.7 25.4 25.8 31.6 21.5 27.8 29.4 26.5 8. 10.3 6.2 22.5 25. 20.5 21.1 20. 21.9 23.4 31.7 16.4 9.8 10. 9.7 17.9 16.1 19. 22.2 22.6 22. 30.9 35.5 28. 8.6 11.3 7. 18.5 9.8 24.8 23. 26.2 20.6 21.9 23. 21.2 17.8 23. 14. 17.4 19.6 16.3 25.8 30.4 23.2 31. 28.3 32.6 10.6 13.1 9.3 27.8 14.8 25.9 11.1 25. 14.3 28.5 14.3 30.7 15.4 23.1 7.7 8.3 30. 33.3 23.3 0. 23.8 42.8 33.3 12.8 33.3 28.2 18. 8.3 18.7 58.3 10.4 0. 31.3 56.2 0. 12.5 12.5 59.4 15.6 9.8 15.7 33.3 39.2 10.8 13.5 43.2 29.7 7.1 21.4 7.1 64.3 30.8 38.5 7.6 0. 25. 50. 25. 0. 33.3 33.3 0. 0. Achievement of Pupils 227 TABLE CXXXII {Continued) 96-100 91-95 Per Per Cent Cent 3b — Arithmetic — All pupils 10.2 18.4 " boys 11.5 13.5 " girls 8.7 24. 3a — Arithmetic — All pupils. 10.3 21.4 " boys 13.9 20.8 " " " girls 5.6 22.2 4b — Arithmetic — All pupils 11.1 14.8 " boys 8.3 16.6 " - " " girls 13.3 13.3 4a — Arithmetic — All pupils 5.9 9.4 " boys 7.7 7.7 " girls 4.3 10.9 5b — Arithmetic — All pupils 4.3 16.3 " boys 0. 20. " girls 6.5 14.5 5a — Arithmetic — All pupils 1.3 7.9 " boys 3.2 9.7 " girls 0. 6.7 6b — Arithmetic — All pupils 0. 7.9 " bovs 0. 5.9 " girls 0. 9.5 6a — Arithmetic — All pupils 1.3 7.6 " " " boys 0. 13.5 " " " girls 2.4 2.4 7b — Arithmetic — All pupils 1.9 17.3 " boys 0. 10. " girls 3.1 21.9 7a — Arithmetic — All pupils 3.9 7.9 " boys 5.4 10.8 " " girls 2.6 5.2 8b — Arithmetic — All pupils 0. 5. " boys 0. 0. " girls 0. 8.7 Sa — Arithmetic — All pupils 6.8 18.6 " " " boys 4.2 29.2 " girls 8.4 11.4 4b — History — All pupils 1.4 18.6 " boys 3.4 31. " girls 0. 9.8 4a — History — All pupils 1.2 8.3 " boys 2.6 7.9 " girls 0. 8.7 5b — History — All pupils 3.3 15.2 " boys 6.7 16.7 " " " girls 1.6 14.5 86-90 Per Cent 81-8S Per Cent 7S-8o Below Per Pass- Cent ING 33.7 36.5 30.4 15.3 13.5 17.4 15.3 15.4 15.2 7.1 9.6 4.3 34.1 33.3 35.2 17.5 16.7 18.5 11.9 11.1 13. 4.8 4.2 5.6 34.6 27.8 39.9 19.7 24.9 15.6 11.1 11.1 11.1 8.6 11.1 6.7 34.1 35.9 32.6 22.4 15.4 28.3 20. 25.6 15.2 8.2 7.7 8.6 29.3 33.3 27.4 22.8 23.3 22.6 19.6 16.7 21. 7.6 6.7 8.1 26.3 32. 22.2 26.3 25.8 26.7 21.1 16.1 24.4 17.1 12.9 20.1 17.1 20.6 14.3 26.3 29.4 23.8 31.6 23.5 38.1 17.1 20.6 14.3 12.7 10.8 14.3 24.1 21.6 26.2 34.2 29.7 38.1 20.3 24.3 16.6 13.1 25. 6.3 23. 25. 21.9 23. 15. 28.1 21.6 25. 18.8 13.2 18.9 7.8 21.1 16.2 25.5 35.5 35.1 35.9 18.4 13.5 23.1 10. 11.8 8.7 12.5 23.5 4.3 55. 41.2 65.2 17.5 23.5 13. 18.6 16.7 20. 23.7 37.5 14.3 25.4 8.3 37.1 6.8 4.2 8.4 34.3 27.6 39. 41.4 31. 48.8 4.3 6.9 2.4 0. 0. 0. 33.3 39.5 28.3 29.8 26.3 32.6 27.4 23.7 30.4 0. 0. 0. 20.7 20. 21. 23.9 23.3 24.2 33.7 30. 35.5 3.3 3.3 3.2 228 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE CXXXII (Continued) 96-100 91-95 86-90 81-85 75-80 Below Per Per Per Per Per Pass- Cent Cent Cent Cent Cent ing 5a — History— All pupils 2.6 21.1 36.7 21.1 11.8 6.6 " boys 3.2 19.3 35.5 25.8 9.7 6.5 " girls 2.2 22.2 37.8 17.8 13.3 6.7 6b — History— AU pupils 0. 3.9 26. 28.5 26. 15.5 " boys 0. 0. 35.3 23.5 32.4 8.8 " girls 0. 6.9 18.6 32.6 21. 21. 6a — History— All pupils 2.5 5.1 12.7 13.9 40.5 25.3 " boys 5.4 2.7 16.2 13.5 32.4 29.7 " girls 0. 7.1 9.5 14.3 47.6 21.4 7b — History— AU pupils 3.9 3.9 11.8 23.5 43.1 13.7 " bovs 5. 0. 20. 10. 45. 20. " girls 3.2 6.5 6.5 32.3 41.9 9.7 7a — History— AU pupils 1.3 1.3 8. 26.7 44. 18.7 " boys 0. 0. 13.5 27. 48.6 10.8 ■" girls 2.6 2.6 2.6 26.3 39.5 26.3 8b — History— AU pupils 0. 0. 10.3 28.2 41. 20.5 " boys 0. 0. 0. 50. 50. 0. " girls 0. 0. 17.4 13. 34.8 34.8 8a — History — AU pupils 1.7 8.5 22. 25.4 33.9 8.5 " boys 4.2 4.2 16.7 41.7 25. 8.3 " girls 0. 11.4 25.7 14.3 40. 8.6 1b — Reading — AU pupUs 9.2 20.4 18.4 23.5 9.2 19.4 " boys 7.5 17.9 23.9 23.9 9. 17.9 " girls 13. 26. 6.5 22.5 9.7 22.6 1a— Reading— AU pupils 12.4 28.8 30.1 18.3 4.6 5.9 " boys 7.7 32.1 32.1 18. 3.8 6.4 " girls 17.3 25.3 28. 18.7 5.3 5.3 2b — Reading — AU pupils 7.7 25. 40.4 17.3 1.9 7.7 " boys 6.9 27.6 27.6 27.6 3.5 6.9 " girls 8.7 21.7 56.5 4.3 0. 8.7 2a — Reading— All pupils 13.2 23.7 25.4 28.1 7.9 1.8 " boys 9.1 18.2 25.5 36.5 9.1 1.8 " girls 17. 28.8 25.4 20.3 6.8 1.7 3b — Reading— AU pupils 14.2 12.1 41.4 18.2 12.1 2. " boys 9.8 7.8 45.1 19.6 15.7 2. " girls 18.7 16.7 37.5 16.7 8.4 4.2 3a — Reading— AU pupils 14.4 18.4 37.6 20. 8. 1.6 " boys 14.1 12.7 35.2 24. 12.8 1.4 " girls 14.8 26. 40.8 14.8 1.9 1.9 4b — Reading — AU pupils 13.8 18.8 32.5 27.5 7.5 0. " boys 8.6 17.2 31.4 34.4 8.6 0. " girls 17.8 20. 33.3 22.2 6.7 0. 4a— Reading— AU pupils 4.7 15.3 42.4 22.4 14.1 1.2 " boys 2.6 10.2 43.6 28.2 12.8 2.6 " girls 6.5 19.6 41.3 17.4 15.2 0. Achievement of Pupils 229 TABLE CXXXII (Continued) 96-100 91-95 Per Per Cent Cent 5b — Reading — All pupils 19. 30.8 " boys 13.3 16.7 " girls 9.8 37.7 5a — Reading— All pupils 3.9 21.1 " boys 6.5 12.9 " girls 2.2 26.7 6b — Reading — ■ All pupils 4.1 21.6 " boys 0. 15.6 " girls 7.1 26.2 6a — Reading — • All pupils 0. 7.6 " boys 0. 5.4 " girls 0. 9.5 7b — Reading — All pupils 1.9 21.2 " boys 0. 14.3 " girls 3.2 26. 7a — Reading — All pupils 0. 2.7 " boys 0. 5.4 " girls 0. 0. 8b — Reading — All pupils 0. 0. " bovs 0. 0. " girls 0. 0. 8a — Reading — All pupils 1.7 8.5 " boys 0. 8.3 " girls 2.9 8.6 2b — Language — All pupils 0. 0. " boys 0. 0. " girls 0. 0. 2a — Language — All pupils 1.3 13.2 " boys 0. 8.1 " girls 2.6 17.9 3b — Language — All pupils 5.2 10.4 " boys 2.1 6.1 " girls 8.5 14.9 3a — Language — All pupils 3.3 20.7 " boys 1.5 19.3 " girls 5.6 22.2 4b — Language — All pupils 6.2 27.2 " " " boys 5.6 16.7 " girls 6.7 35.6 4a — Language — All pupils 1.2 10.6 " boys '. . . 2.6 10.5 " girls 0. 10.6 5b — Language — All pupils 4.3 17.4 " boys 3.3 10. " girls 4.8 21. 86-90 Per Cent 81-85 Per Cent 7S-8o Below Per Pass- Cent ING 30.8 26.7 32.8 13.2 20. 9.8 12.1 20. 8.2 2.2 3.3 1.6 35.5 22.6 44.4 30.3 38.7 24.4 9.2 19.4 2.2 0. 0. 0. 16.2^31.1 12.5 37.5 19. 26.2 19. 15.6 19. 8.1 18.8 2.4 20.2 21.6 19.1 26.6 30. 23.8 36.7 35.1 38.2 8.9 8.1 9.5 38.5 38.1 38.7 26.9 33.3 22.6 11.5 14.3 9.7 0. 0. 0. 42.7 40.5 44.7 26.7 35.1 18.4 21.3 18.9 23.7 6.7 0. 13.2 25.6 11.8 36.4 17.9 17.6 18.2 43.6 58.8 31.8 12.8 11.8 13.6 20.3 8.3 28.6 23.7 25. 22.9 35.6 37.5 34.3 10.2 20.8 2.9 35.3 30. 42.9 47.1 60. 28.6 17.7 10. 28.6 0. 0. 0. 42.2 31.6 10.5 1.3 40.5 37.8 13.5 0. 43.6 25.6 7.7 2.6 37.5 28.1 16.7 2.1 42.9 32.7 14.3 2. 31.9 23.4 19.1 2.1 41.3 27.3 7.4 0. 37.3 32.8 9. 0. 46.3 20.4 5.6 0. 34.6 20. 11.1 1.2 36.1 19.4 19.4 2.8 33.3 20. 4.4 0. 28.2 40. 16.5 3.5 18.4 47.4 18.4 2.6 36.2 34. 14.9 4.3 21.7 28.3 22.8 5.4 20. 33.3 26.6 6.7 22.6 25.8 21. 4.8 230 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE CXXXII {Continued) 96-100 91-9S Per Per Cent Cent 5a — Language — All pupils L3 10.5 " boys 0. 6.5 " girls 2.2 13.3 6b — Language — All pupils ... 1.3 14.5 " boys 0. 8.8 " girls 2.4 19. 6.A — Language — All pupils 1.3 8.9 " boys 0. 8.1 " girls 2.4 9.5 7b — Language — All pupils 5.8 9.6 " boys 0. 0. " girls 9.4 15.6 7a — Language — All pupils 1.3 9.3 " boys 0. 13.5 " girls 2.6 5.3 8b — Grammar — All pupils 0. 5. " boys 0. 0. " girls 0. 8.7 8a — Grammar — All pupils 8.5 13.6 " boys 4.2 0. . " girls 11.4 22.9 4b — Geography — All pupils 1.3 15.2 " bovs 0. 20.6 " girls 2.2 11.1 4a — Geography — All pupils 3.6 13.1 " boys 5.3 15.8 " girls 2.2 10.7 5b — Geography — All pupils 7.6 13. " boys 10. 6.7 " girls 6.5 16.1 5a — Geography — All pupils 1.3 11.8 " boys 0. 19.4 " girls 2.2 6.7 6b — Geography — All pupils 2.7 12. " boys 3. 9.1 " girls 2.4 14.3 6a — Geography — All pupils 1.3 16.5 " boys 2.7 18.9 " girls 0. 14.3 7b — Geography — All pupils 3.8 13.5 " boys '. ... 0. 19. " girls 6.5 9.7 7a — Geography — All pupils 2.7 12. " boys 2.7 18.9 " " " girls 2.6 5.3 86-90 Per Cent 81-85 Per Cent 75-80 Below Per Pass- Cent ING 38.2 41.9 35.5 30.3 19.4 37.8 14.5 22.6 8.9 5.3 9.7 2.2 31.6 32.4 31. 21. 14.7 26.2 19.7 23.5 16.7 12. 20.6 4.8 21.5 24.3 19. 29.1 29.7 27.6 22.8 18.9 26.2 16.5 18.9 14.3 34.6 25. 40.6 23.1 25. 21.9 15.4 35. 3.1 11.5 15. 9.4 17.3 13.5 21.1 29.3 37.8 21.1 29.3 21.6 36.8 13.3 13.5 13.2 2.5 0. 4.3 27.5 11.8 39.1 25. 17.6 30.4 40. 70.6 17.4 25.4 12.5 34.3 15.2 16.6 14.3 23.7 37.5 14.3 13.6 29.2 2.9 40.5 41.2 40. 31.6 29.4 11.4 8.8 13.3 0. 0. 0. 36.9 39.5 34.8 25. 26.3 23.9 20.3 13.2 26.1 1.2 0. 2.2 22.8 23.3 22.6 18.5 23.3 16.1 29.3 30. 29. 8.7 6.7 10. 32.9 41.9 26.7 23.7 16.1 28.9 17. 13. 20. 13.1 9.7 15. 38.7 48.5 31. 28. 27.3 28.6 17.3 12.1 21.4 1.3 0. 2.3 34.2 35.1 15.1 8.1 21.4 27.8 27. 28.6 5.1 8.1 2.4 51.9 42.9 58.1 21.2 28.6 16.1 7.7 4.8 9.7 1.9 4.8 0. 42.7 40.5 44.7 21.4 18.9 23.7 16. 16.2 15.8 5.8 2.7 7.9 Achievement of Pupils 231 Table CXXXII shows that when all of the grades of all of the pupils of the whole school system are considered there is a normal distribution of grades. A little over 5 per cent are in the highest group, a little over 5 per cent are in the lowest group, the next two groups adjacent to the highest and the lowest contain 15.1 per cent and 18.5 per cent respectively, while the two central groups contain 29.3 per cent and 26.5 per cent. The above showing would seem to indicate that the grading was satisfactory. A further analysis, how- ever, shows the markings in grades one to four inclusive running a little high; whereas the markings in grades five to eight inclusive pull towards the low end, and grades nine to twelve inclusive show a marked piling up at the low end of the curve. A further analysis on the basis of separate years shows the iB grade with about twice as many failures as superiors. In the lA grade the tendency is in the other direction. The same thing is true in grades 2B, 2A, 3B, 3A, 4B. In the 4A and sb this tendency is not so noticeable, while in the 5A grade the markings begin to bunch more toward the failing end of the distribution. This ten- dency gradually grows in grades 6b and 6a. A more nearly regular distribution occurs in grades 7B and 7A. In the 8b grade there is a marked tendency toward the low end, but in the 8a grade there is a running back to an approximately normal distribution. In the 9B grade, however, a marked drop in markings occurs. This condition is somewhat improved in grade qa but falls again in I OB, maintains about the same position in ioa, and gets even worse in I IB. In iiA the condition is considerably improved, only to drop again in the 12B grade. In the 12A grade there is a consider- able improvement. An analysis on the basis of subjects shows a very satisfactory distribution in reading in grades i to 8 inclusive. In arithmetic in grades 3B to 8a inclusive there is a noticeable leaning toward the lower markings. In language and grammar, the conditions in grades 2B to 8a inclusive are fair; in history, grades 4B to 8a inclu- sive, much less satisfactory. In geography, grades 4B to 7A inclusive, there is a return to approximately normal conditions. Spelling in grades 3B to 8a inclusive leans strongly toward the high end of the curve, which condition is wholly in accord with the results from the Buckingham tests. Something of the same conditions prevail in phonics, grades ib to 2A inclusive. In physiology, grades 4B to 7A inclusive, there is a high piling up in the middle of the curve. A similar condition is found in drawing, grades ib to 8a inclusive; 232 A Survey of a Public School System ■ writing, grades iB to 8a inclusive; music, grades ib to 8a inclusive; industrial work, grades 7B to 8a inclusive. In high school English, grades 9B to 12A inclusive, the curve of distribution of grades leans noticeably toward the low end. In Latin, grades 9B to 12A inclusive, the curve straightens up fairly- well. In German, grades 9B to 12A inclusive, it is still more nearly normal. In mathematics, grades 9B to 11 a, another slump occurs toward the low end, followed closely in the subject of history, grades lOB to I2A inclusive. In physical geography, grades 9B-9A, a slight recovery occurs. But in botany, grades 9B-9A, there is a landslide towards low grades. The botany record is about equalled in physics, grades 12B to 12A inclusive, and is surpassed in an undesirable direction by the commercial department, grades 9B to 12 a inclusive. An analysis on the basis of years and subjects shows conditions more definitely. Only some of the striking results along this line are here mentioned. From the 3B grade through the 4B grade there is a leaning of the curve toward the high end in mathematics. From the 4A grade on there is rather a steady reversal of the form of the curve up to the 8a grade, where the distribution of markings is fairly normal. In history the worst conditions are in grades 6b, 6a, jb, 7A, 8b. Some improvement occurs in grade 8a. In reading there is a rather heavy piHng up in the failure group in grade ib. From grade lA on, however, through grade 5 A, there is a leaning toward high markings. From the 6b grade on there is a general tendency toward the lower marking, with some reHef, how- ever, in grade 7B. Language begins to get difficult in the 4A grade, grows in difficulty rather steadily until the 8b grade, where there is a marked piling up of failing grades. In the 8a grade, however, the recovery is almost complete. The distribution of grades in geography is fairly normal. TABLE CXXXIII Distribution of Markings for the Second Semester, 1912-13 96-100 91-95 8&-90 8i-8s 75-80 Per Per Per Per Per Below Cent Cent Cent Cent Cent Passing Arithmetic Grade 3b all white pupils 7.1 17.2 31.3 16.2 19.2 9.1 " 3a" " " 12.5 17.5 40. 17.5 12.5 0. «' 4b " " " 2.9 22.3 31.1 28.2 7.8 7.8 " 4a " " " 5.5 14.5 34.5 26.4 13.6 5.5 " 5b " " " . .• ■ •• • • •• • • •• • • •• • • " 5a " " " ...... '4.' 17. 20. 31. 14. 14. Achievement of Pupils 233 TABLE CXXXIII {Continued) 96-100 91-95 86-Qo 81-8S 75-80 Per Per Per Per Per Below Cent Cent Cent Cent Cent Passing Arithmetic {Continued) 4 Grade 6b all white pupils . 6.8 10.2 20.4 21.6 20.4 20.4 " 6a " . 9.1 5.7 30.7 28.4 17. 9.1 " 7b " . 0. 12.5 4.2 20.8 38.9 23.6 " 7a " . 1.8 3.5 7. 12.3 47.4 28. " 8b " . 2. 6. 6. 18. 44. 24. " 8a " . 0. 4.3 15. 21.3 49. 10.6 Total Arithmetir . . . 5.1 13.1 25.2 22.9 21.6 12. History Grade 4b all white pupils . 3. 11.9 34.3 29.9 16.4 4.5 " 4a " . 7.3 10. 35.5 28.2 18.2 .9 " 5b " . 6.3 30.2 16.7 26. 18.7 2.1 " 5a " . 9.9 18.8 32.7 16.8 11.9 9.9 " 6b " . 3.4 18.1 27.3 6.8 20.5 23.9 " 6a " . 2.3 9.3 27.9 16.3 32.5 11.5 " 7b " . 0. 1.4 16.7 19.4 41.6 20.8 " 7a " . 0. 1.8 15.8 31.6 38.6 12.3 " 8b " . 0. 8. 12. 16. 36. 28. " 8a " . 0. 2.2 17.4 32.6 34.8 13. Total Historv . . 4.1 12.7 25.1 21.7 25. 11.5 -J .- - - - Reading Grade 1b all white pupils . 5.4 13.1 33.7 21.7 10.9 15.2 " lA " . 14.3 12.3 34.4 28.6 4.5 5.8 " 2b " . 15.5 21.1 39.4 19.7 1.4 2.9 " 2a " . 11.2 26.8 33.6 21.6 6. .8 " 3b " . 10.6 18.8 38.8 27. 4.7 0. " 3a " . 9.2 23.3 2,2,.2, 25. 7.5 1.7 « 4b « . 12.6 15.5 33.9 27.2 7.8 2.9 « 4a " . 8.2 20. 35.5 27.3 9.1 0. " 5b " . 3.8 23.1 38.5 25.6 7.7 1.3 " 5a " . 2.6 17.1 43.4 23.7 11.8 1.3 " 6b " . 7. 12.8 36. 23.2 11.6 9.3 " 6a " . 3.6 16.8 33.6 19.3 21.6 4.8 " 7b " . 0. 22.2 36.1 20.8 16.7 4.2 " 7a " . 0. 1.7 15.5 32.8 36.2 13.8 " 8b " . 1.9 7.5 17. 22.6 28.3 22.6 " 8a " . 2.1 0. 19.1 31.9 34. 12.8 Total Readin? . 7.8 17. 33.7 24.8 11.5 5.2 Gram — wr and Language Grade 4b all white pupils . 1. 17.3 38.5 29.8 9.6 3.8 " 4a " . 8.2 12.7 35.5 23.6 17.3 2.7 " 5b " . 8.2 22.4 24.5 22.4 16.3 6.1 " 5a " . 7.1 25.5 32.6 21.4 9.2 4.1 " 6b " . 10.2 17. - 22.7 23.8 18.2 8. " 6a " . 6. 15.6 37.3 18.1 13.3 9.6 u 7b « . 1.4 15.2 25. 9.7 23.6 25. " 7a " . 1.7 5.1 17. 18.6 15.3 42.4 " 8b " . 2. 19.6 11.8 15.7 29.4 21.6 " 8a " . 2.2 4.4 15.6 31.1 17.8 28.9 Total Grammar and Languag ;. 5.3 16.5 28.1 21.8 16.1 12.3 234 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE CXXXIII {Continued) 96-100 91-95 86-90 81-8S 7S-SO Per Per Per Per Per Below Cent Cent Cent Cent Cent Passing Geography Grade 4b all white pupils . . . . .. 1.6 12.5 40.6 25. 15.6 4.7 ' 4a . .. 8. 23. 31. 23. 9.7 5.3 '. 5b . . . 6.2 12.4 42.2 15.5 17.5 6.2 ' 5a . .. 11.7 18.4 33. 15.5 16.5 4.9 ' 6b . . . 6.8 17. 23.9 21.6 21.6 9.1 ' 6a . . . 4.9 15.9 31.7 22. 20.7 4.9 ' 7b . .. 0. 16.6 27.7 43.1 9.7 2.8 ' 7a . . . 3.4 3.4 32.8 32.8 24.1 3.4 Total Geoffranhv . . . 5.9 15.8 32.8 23.6 16.5 5.3 Spelling Grade 2b all white pupils . . . . .. 29.6 25.4 32.4 9.9 2.8 0. ' 2a " " " . .. 25.4 23.1 32.8 11.2 6.7 .7 ' 3b « « (. . .. 26.5 22.9 21.7 19.3 7.2 2.4 ' 3a " " '< .. 25.8 28.3 27.5 11.7 6.7 0. ' 4b " " <' .. 24.3 27.2 31.1 11.6 4.9 .8 ' 4a " " " .. 14.7 37.6 33. 9.2 4.6 .9 ' 5b " " " . . . 20.2 38.4 28.8 3.8 6.7 1.9 ' 5a " " " . .. 16.7 36.3 19.6 14.7 8.8 3.9 ' 6b " " " . .. 20.5 25. 29.5 13.6 8. 3.4 ' 6a a u u . .. 25.3 31.3 24.1 16.9 2.4 0. ' 7b " " " .. 75. 12.5 1.4 11.1 0. 0. ' 7a " " " . .. 82.8 10.3 5.2 1.7 0. 0. ' 8b u a u .. 64.6 25. 10.4 0. 0. 0. ' 8a (1 fD Grade Superior, cellent. Good, Fair, Passing, Below 96-100 91-95 86-90 81-85 7S-8o 75 Physical Geography {High School) 9a 17.7 23.5 47.1 5.9 0. 5.9 Physics {High School) 12b 9.1 30.9 40. 16.4 3.6 0. 12a 0. 0. 100. 0. 0. 0. Botany {High School) 9b and 9a 0. 9.5 19. 33.3 19. 19. Pari 2. — Distribution by Grades and by Subjects Combined This table gives the percentage of "Superior," " E.xcellent," "Good," etc., awarded in all subjects included in Part i. Elementary Schools by Grades iB 10.8 16.7 24.3 24.3 11.7 12.1 lA 2.2 21.7 26.1 32.6 9.8 7.6 2b 5.7 23.8 35.7 22.9 7.9 4.2 2a 11.4 27.6 36.2 15.2 6.7 2.8 3b 5.5 25.6 31.2 14.9 14.7 8.2 3a 11.9 30.3 29.1 18.7 7.5 2.5 4b 5.5 17.6 31.4 26.5 14.2 4.8 4a 8.6 21.5 35.4 14.6 14.6 5.4 5b 3.5 17.8 31.1 29.1 16.1 2.4 5a 6.4 15.1 36.4 24.6 12. 5.4 Department School by Grades 6b 8.4 14.4 22.8 21. 23.7 9.6 6a 8.8 11. 16.5 21.3 28.7 13.7 7b 11.6 10.8 16.5 19.8 28.9 12.2 7a 8.8 12.2 18.1 18.5 30.5 12. 8b... 10.2 10. 15.8 21.2 28. 14.7 8a 14.6 7.3 13.6 22.8 33.1 8.6 High School bv Grades 9b ' 5.7 22. 22.9 23.3 13.9 12.2 9a 5.1 15.3 23.7 22.9 16.1 17. 10b 2.3 16.7 25.8 20.2 19.4 15.6 10a 3.5 9.2 12.8 24.8 27.7 22. 11b 2.3 12.4 24. 25.8 27.6 7.8 11a 3.9 11.8 15.7 25.5 32.3 10.8 12b 5.2 20.3 37.5 18.2 16.1 2.6 12a 5.8 19.2 40.4 21.2 9.6 3.8 Part J. — Subject Averages, All Grades * Department School Reading 1.3 13.4 21.8 21.6 32. 9.9 Geography 0. 8.7 17.6 22.3 41.1 10.4 Arithmetic 1.1 10.7 20.1 25.5 30.3 12.3 History 3.2 4.1 14.1 23.3 40.5 14.8 Grammar 1.8 6.9 18.2 21.4 27.1 24.6 German 0. 0. 28.6 28.6 21.4 • 21.4 Latin 0. 8.3 33.3 25. 33.3 0. SpeUing 51.7 24. 13.1 5.4 4.3 1.5 ' Department School includes grades 6, 7, and 8. Not Ex- Passing cellent, Good, Fair, Passing, Below QI-QS 86-90 81-85 7S-80 7S 11.1 22.5 25.2 28. 12.6 14.7 22.3 20.4 22.6 15. 22.2 44.4 5.6 0. 11.1 15.4 32.6 24.6 16. 8. 23.4 24.1 20. 7.8 11.3 17.5 21.5 21. 23. 15.5 20.3 19.5 28.1 22.7 7.8 28.3 45. 15. 3.3 0. 10.5 21.1 36.8 21.1 10.5 11.4 17.9 20.7 28.2 11.7 16.3 24.6 22.4 20.8 11.8 238 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE CXXXIV {Continued) Subject Superior, 96-100 High School English 6 Mathematics 4.9 Physical Geography. . 16.7 History 3.4 Latin 13.5 German 1.5 Commercial 1.6 Physics 8.3 Botany 0. Department School as a Whole 10.1 High School as a Whole . . 4. A comparison of Table CXXXIV with Table CXXXII shows the changes brought about in the three-year period: 1. For the high school as a whole some progress was made. The per cent of superior grades was raised from 2.7 to 4 and the per cent of faihng grades was reduced from 12.9 to 11.8. The per cent of barely passing was reduced from 28.1 to 20.8. 2. In high-school English the condition in 1914—15 is not so good as in the earlier period. In mathematics it is better. In physical geography it is con- siderably better. In history there is a rather marked improvement. In Latin an improvement is also shown. In German there is a distinct loss. In commercial a remarkable gain. In physics a distinct improvement. In botany some im- provement is shown. 3. In arithmetic improvement is shown in grades 4a, 5a, 6b, 7a, 8b, and a loss in grades 3b, 4b, 8a; while no marked gain or loss is noticeable in grades 3a, 5b, 6a, 7b. 4. In geography, gains in grades 4b, 4a, 5a, loss in grades 6b, 6a, 7b, 7a, and no marked gain or loss in grade 5b. 5. In reading, gains in grades 1b, 2b, 5a, 8b, loss in grades 1a, 3b, 3a, 4a, 5b, 7b, 7a, and no marked gain or loss in grades 2a, 4b, 6b, 6a, 8a. 6. In language and grammar, gains in 4a, 5b, 5a, 6a, 8b, loss in 4b, 6b, 7b, 7a, 8a. 7. In history, gains in grades 4b, 4a, 5b, 5a, 6b, 6a, 7a, loss in grade 7b, no marked gain or loss in grades 8b, 8a. 8. In all subjects combined there is a gain in grades 1b, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a, 6b, 6a, 8b, 9b, 10b, 11b, 12b, 12a, a loss in grades 1a, 3b, 4b, 7a, 10a, 11a, and no marked gain or loss in grades 2b, 5b, 7b, 8a, 9a. Achievement of Pupils 239 14. Retention in Rank of Eighty-six Pupils in the Bloomington Graded and High Schools^ The problem included all children who had graduated from the Bloomington high school from 1907-13 inclusive and had had all of their school work from the fourth grade through the high school in the Bloomington schools. The purpose of the study was threefold: 1. To discover the percentage of pupils retaining their standing from year to year. 2. To determine the percentage of pupils retaining their rank throughout the course, beginning with any year as a basis. 3. To ascertain to what degree the pupils who are good in one subject are good in all subjects and vice versa. In this study the term "grade" means the actual per cent given on a basis of 100; rank is used to designate the different groups of grades. Rank "S" includes grades from 96-100, rank "E" 91-95, rank "G" 86-90, rank "F" 81-85, rank "P" 75-80, rank "N.P." all below 75. TABLE CXXXV Total Percentage of Retention in English STH Yr. 6th Yr. 7TH Yr. 8th Yr. qth Yr. ioth Yr. iith Yr. Boys 60. 50. 33.3 36.8 45.5 47.6 47.6 Girls 64.7 50. 37.1 44.4 39.5 42.1 36.9 Total 61.7 50. 35.7 41.8 41.7 44.1 40.7 Boys 69.6 33.3 39.1 48. 54.2 Girls 60.5 42.8 46.6 35.5 35.5 Total 63.6 39.4 44.1 40. 42. Boys 42.9 57.5 51.7 65.5 Girls 42. 39.2 32.1 28.3 Total 42.3 45.5 39. 41.4 Boys 60. 35.7 46.4 Girls 47.9 44. 36. Total 53.4 41. 39.8 Boys 44. 44. Girls 50. 45.8 Total 47.9 45.2 Boys 48.2 Girls 45.1 Total 46.2 Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total ' A study made by Charley Bruner, a graduate student of Indiana University. 89 and 219. 48. 33.3 39.1 48.3 37.7 41.4 32.1 32. 32. 44. 35.4 38.4 48.2 37.2 41. 32.2 46. 41. I2TH Yr. 36.8 34.1 35.3 45.5 25.6 32.8 46.2 42.5 43.8 36. 45.4 42. 40.9 33.3 38.4 50. 37.8 42. 44. 45.4 46.1 36. 36.4 34.8 See pages 240 A Survey of a Public School System Table CXXXV summarizes the total percentage of retention throughout the nine years in the subject of English, beginning with any one year as a basis. Summary of conclusions drawn from the above table and from other tables on English: 1. That the least retention occurs in the 7th year in the common school and in the 12th year in the high school. The latter has the lowest percentage of reten- tion of any year. 2. The classification of pupils as to rank in the 6th year gives the most uni- form retention throughout the remaining years. 3. In the lower school years the grades made by pupils fall almost exclusively in ranks E, G, and F. As we approach the 12th school year the grades made by the pupils are distributed more evenly throughout the ranks S to N.P. 4. More pupils are found in the G rank, for each year from the 4th to the 12th, than in any other. 5. There are no perceptible sex differences in the retention of rank. Summary on retention and distribution of rank in mathematics: 1. The percentage of retention for mathematics is lower than that for English. 2. The retention in the 7th year is lower than in either the 6th or 8th year. 3. If each year is taken as a basis for comparison, the results show that the transition from common school to high school causes a decrease in retention. 4. There is a gradual shift in rank from the upper end of the scale to the lower end as the pupils pass from the 4th to the 12th year. 5. Sex differences are very slight. Summarizing the facts on the distribution and retention of ranks in history, the following facts stand out most prominently: 1. The retention is lowest in the 6th and 12th years and highest in the 8th. 2. It made no difference what year was used as the basis, the retention in each case was about the same. 3. The retention and distribution for the boys was much the same as for the girls in all instances. 4. The high school gave rise to more " S " and " N.P." grades than did the com- mon school. Table CXXXVI, compiled at the beginning of the second semester 1913-14, shows a relatively large number of eighth-grade graduates entering the high school. The elimination that occurs appears before graduation from the grades or after entrance to high school. For the past eight years 89.3 per cent of the eighth-grade graduates have entered the high school. In the transition from grades to high school there is a loss of approximately 10 per cent, some years more and some less, the extremes for the 15 consecutive semesters being 2.8 per cent as the lowest loss and 19.6 per cent as the highest. Of all Achievement of Pupils 241 1-1 w o 55 a M o 00 w >< H P4 H -a: W <: fe Hi ;?; r^ h' H C/D P4 >^ S t2 f/i W g B c55 o w £ g pd < 00 1^ t^ O 00 Tf ■^ "O fo ^^•^^ CN (N 2 fH 5 ^1 t/3 « rfO ;?; 1— 1 > 2 ° < X wri w u H p. di iOi^r«5'O00t^"-iOsONCgrsvO LO t-~ ■^ »-i •^ Tj< 0\ 00 1^ t^ 10 "TJ -^ O rH T-H LO "0 vO tN t^ 0\ O 00 O « -j; ^ rt „ ir> "+ 00 <^ '^ '-^ CN 10 (>i 1^ 10 -t" O '+ ' War, xr^ tr^ r^ m 'rf t~~ UWOo ^Hijta oo>o.-(t^O'-^0'+''"':if^jt^i^fNOO SZWo COcOOvOOOnOnooOnOsOsOsCOOCOCO X S w o u o^i .;:::::::::;::: . I— ^<< H-if^ H->,«^ I— if-< I— ,1^ I— > 242 A Survey of a Public School System O o a z < g « ^ 2 u w S ''^ D e n §.«^|§||| 2 « H «^ ow^ < H O 14 W fa:7 tt. f^t-i 3 Q Si f^ ° ° ° •^ r^ S ° Q » o S S f-' a fe 3 O ^ O o ■ W r^ ? d o< cS i^ ., W w 2 w D (>i ^ < p, o*^ o o •J w "3 ^ a fe 3 o s o o (^ ^o .J w ^05 2 W n •Sop t>^ 2 U 0^ u Ib w 1-1 •0 - h-J bi o> < 5 1^ H en gw K =2 < I- ' w >S £ cS 3 H 0* "S 3 ^ 2 s >*c .s « S ^: m c ;i4 H I-" i5 .si s tn <^-' W 4J > d tn w ^? •^ K"^ 5S » < Ph C^ O O S « t=- 3 in ^ S iJ OS S 1^ "< S < w 5 « z :4 CN On O 3 ^ wpq rt O > (U u o > (U 2IS .- „, c l-l 3 cd ? 5 -^ rt rt aj bo Achievement of Pupils 243 those who entered the high school from the Bloomington graded school during the 15 semesters 37.5 per cent have withdrawn and quit school, while 62.5 per cent still remain. Of those entering high school from January '07 to May '09 inclusive, who should normally have graduated by May '14, 55.5 per cent have withdrawn. The high school during those years held approximately only 45 per cent until graduation. For those same years the average number of credits held by withdrawals was 8.8 or slightly more than the equiva- lent of two years' work. Table CXXXVII shows that Bloomington graduates compare favorably with graduates of other schools in quality of passing work done. The per cent of Bloomington graduates in the faihng group is considerably less than that for the university as a whole. TABLE CXXXVIII The Following Table Indicates the Showing made by Bloomington High School Graduates in the Award of Honors at Indiana University TOTAL GRADUATES GRADUATING WITH HIGH DISTINCTION Total Number Number Per Indiana Indiana Blooming- Cent Uni- Per Uni- ton High of High versity Cent versity School Distinc- Graduates OF Total Gradu- Gradu- tion Total also Number ating ating Blooming- Indiana Blooming- Blooming- with WITH ton High School Uni- ton High ton High High High School Year versity School School Dis- Dis- Graduates Ending Graduates Graduates Graduates tinction tinction Supply 1909 205 18 8.8 3 1910 215 11 5.1 5 1 20 1911... . . 202 17 8.4 5 1 20 1912 225 12 5.3 6 2 33.3 1913 265 20 7.5 -12 1 8.3 Total . . 1112 78 7.1 31 5 16.1 GRADUATING WITH DISTINCTION BOTH HONORS Per Cent of Both Number Number Classes Number Number Per Cent Indiana Blooming- OF Dis- Indiana Blooming- of Dis- Uni- ion High tinction Uni- ton High tinction versity School Supplied versity School Blooming- Graduates Graduates BY Graduat- Graduat- ton High IN Both IN Both Blooming- School ing WITH ing with School Classes Classes ton High ' Year Distinc- Distinc- Graduates of Dis- OF Dis- School Ending tion tion Supply tinction tinction Graduates 1909 9 1 11.1 12 1 8.3 1910 8 0. 13 1 7.7 1911 . . 17 4 23.5 22 5 22.7 1912 . . 16 5 31.3 22 7 31.8 1913 . . 18 4 22.2 30 5 16.7 Total .. 68 14 20.6 99 19 19.2 244 A Survey of a Public School System > u ^ < r-q OI-O'-i'^ fn CN fo '-I ro CN (M U O < Qi o ^ 00 TfTjilO o Z M O ^ Or^O'H cs CN (M »-H CN r/5 H U H 00 •* to O 0»^ 0\ vO IT) t^ ro lO Q o lO t~-i — vo o 1-1 ^H •r^ (VI T-< T-H Q lo t^ lo o 2 ^ Tin' '-h' "0 00 '^^ O ^ f-' < Hu 2 s ^ s 00 t^ Tt* 00"0 "0 O -^ 00 o > X ^ X X •J < t^ ■* u z ^ O O 00 "-^ ■" 3 £ 1^ t^ \0 J^ t^ 1^ H •z. OJ o 0) p CN li") 00 \0 lO trt < l_ t^ O lO <» O lO T3 S " ■O t^ \0 ^^ o o rt wi2CN C> Ov OO Os 00 til :Sh' O 60 • too !- 'n :^'§ ^ <-> 2 « O o ^^ " rt ■Jj rt [/] ;_j O C nj 2 w ■ — 1 )-, O o O) -^ o _, - « (3 to >-. "^ 'S o JH-S o § o >< : < CO ;z; c75 < PQ Achievement of Pupils 245 Table CXXXVIII shows that while Bloomington high school graduates furnish only 7.1 per cent of all the graduates from Indiana University during the first five years after the inauguration of the award of honor system, they furnish 19.2 per cent of all such graduates graduating with distinction or with high distinction. In the fall of 1913 the mathematics department of Indiana Uni- versity gave to the freshman students taking mathematics three examinations, one at the beginning of the term, one about the middle of the term, and a final one at the end of the term. The following table shows a comparison of the results by various groups of students. Table CXXXIX shows that the Bloomington graduates are about average in achievement in freshman mathematics in the university. They start in a little above the average but take a " slump " before the term closes. TABLE CXL Size of High School Classes High school first month of fall term school year 1913-1914. pupils in each class. Number of classes and number of Total Pupils in Total Pupils in T in Class Frequency Each Class Size Number in Class Frequency Each Class Size 4 1 4 20 2 40 9 2 18 21 10 210 10 2 20 22 4 88 11 1 11 23 1 23 12 5 60 24 6 144 13 1 13 25 2 50 14 5 70 26 2 52 15 6 90 27 3 81 16 3 48 28 2 56 17 6 102 29 1 29 18 2 36 30 3 90 19 3 57 31 1 31 529 894 Number of classes, 74 Average number to a class, 19.2 Median size of class, 19 Extremes in sizes, 4 to 31 Middle 50%, 19 to 24 246 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE CXLI Size of High School Classes High school first month, Second Semester, school year igi3-igi4. Number of classes and number of pupils in each class. Eighty-one classes. Total Pupils in Total Pupils in Number in Class Frequency Each Class Size Number in Class Frequency Each Class Size 8 1 8 20 4 80 9 1 9 21 12 252 10 2 20 22 8 176 11 23 4 92 12 1 12 24 1 24 13 3 39 25 5 125 14 3 42 26 2 52 15 2 30 27 1 27 16 4 64 28 4 112 17 6 102 29 3 87 18 8 144 30 2 60 19 4 76 35 546 46 1087 Average number to a class, 20 . 2 Median size of class, 21 Extremes in sizes, 8 to 30 Middle 50 per cent, 17 to 23 Summary of Chapter VI Assuming that the subject matter assigned to the various grades is the proper subject matter to be taught at that time, the test of a school system is its achievement in reducing retardation and failures and in increasing normal progress and acceleration and the percentage of pupils receiving the higher grades, without lowering the standard of work and without accompanying the achievement with an unwel- come by-product, such as an impaired nervous system or a distorted mental or moral habit. Within the past few years the Bloomington schools have succeeded to some degree in reducing retardation and failures and in increasing normal progress and the per cent of pupils receiving the higher grades. This result has been accomplished while the standard of work has not been lowered, as is shown by the comparison of achievement in the Bloomington system with that of other school systems from time to time. Judged, too, from the results of the physical exami- nations of school children and from the absence of any increase of complaints of overworked children on the part of parents, the achievement reached in the mastery of subject matter has not been gained at any physical or moral sacrifice. CHAPTER VII TEACHERS The teachers in the Bloomington schools are nominated by the superintendent and elected by the board of trustees. Qualifications for appointment in the high school are the equivalent of an A.B. degree from a college or university and successful experience in teaching. For the grades the requirements are two years' academic training in addition to high school and successful teaching experience. The following table shows the qualifications of the teaching corps for the school year 19 13-14. The data were collected at the beginning of the school year. Experience averages, therefore, do not take account of the experience during the year 1913-14. Aca- demic work is given in hours. Forty-five hours represents full time work for a period of one college year of nine months. 247 248 A Survey of a Public School System XHOflVX HDIHAV NI SlOiaX XNaHajJia; ao HaaHfl>j iNasaTi J XV sv 3H0AV u^t^^u-.t^^r^ . . .^^t^ awvs AiaxvKixoHa ' SIOOHOS AHXNn03 NI . .^^ aoNaiaaOvOOOrOOOOO'^ ao aAismoxg lov^\0'*looo^oooc^c^o^"^c^c^oo■* iiaaaQ sanoH ivxox -^ ^ -^ t^^^t-i^.^cs '-"-' sxoafans iVNOixvonaa u^iou^ioor^oOr^o cn <>i o lo O O Aixoiaxg suaoH aaaimN TtirOTjoiof^cNh axvncnraoaaaNn. ^m ^Z Z >^'5>H H«rv) 2 "!" S "1" 2 hi™ o o '^o^ • • • 0. > rt fN l-tl« c csC lOOHDS HOIH ao axvnavao X x'i^ X X X y^ X X x^ x>'^ siooHOS aaovaf) aaoNaxxy X x '-^^ [ X X X X loOHOg AaiNno3 aaoNaxxy X X X . yi X X X X X aanovax -HCN^O-^lOvOt^OOOv' ■ O ■^ tN "0 -^ lO \o Teachers 249 fO'^iorOooOCNOOI^'^oOt^rot^OOOCO'-HOOoO . CN . . ^ IT) •^ "* t^ CS »^ ^- "-* '-I 'f fN O . t^ t^ CN fN C^ '-I O Tf CN O fS vO >o \0 CN.-!^ •rO'^'^'^CNrO .--(CNlOCNTtlO O •^ O o 00 O O o O "O O Q O tH O "O O O 00 c^ "O O « c^ 00 -j< Os vo On OS C^ On -^ O t^ 00 "* <>J Ov O '^i ■* f^ «^ ^ '-I'-'t-i,-! ,_(,-lCNIrHT-|.rt.-l .rt,_|,_(T-l '^ >\ O lO O O O "5 iri 10 00 "^ O O O O lO O "0 »0 f^ "3 >0 o ■*fO'OCNCN'-'T-iT-HrO'^CNt^Iv)'rtlCNCN'>*rNON-^'-i „ >, 'O O' o 'O duat Yrs. duat Yrs. . «5 2 Nln 2 -HiNNiM ^_, fJlc-jDlM rT^rT-"^ T-H T— I VH t; b ^ >^"' O O 'O 3 k" 3 C 0^0 ^ X >i X X -^ X X i< X X i<';i» y- X X i< X X X X X . X : >< X X '. X '. X X >i X XXX . X ; X ; '^ X y : X ; X X X X X X '.'.'. X 2 so A Survey of a Public School System xHonvx HoiHM Ni siorax -SIQ «0 SHaXSAS 700H3S ^ '^ '^ t>~CNU^rhlO TfrhfOCNrC-i^ XNa^aaiiQ io aaaKn^ XNasaaj xv sv saoM ^ ^ • ^ ^ir.u-, ^^ • • ^ ^ fs cn ' -h awvs AiaxvmxoHJJV hi ' ' ' NOXONIWOOia NI SHVaA SlOOHOg NOIONXWOOig ,-1 y m aaN3i«aaxa ,savaA ^ Hm>D I^ ^^ •.-H T-i CN CN . ■^ SlOOHOg aaHXQ NI aoNaiaaaxg ,sava^ lOOHDS HOIH NI ^ ^ U-, aoNaiaaaxa ,sava^ siooHog aaavao ni aoNaiaaaxa ,savaA. ■ »-l •rH ■ tN I ill o j:--oo lO rO ■* C^ "^ f^ t^ -3 ri o c^ d MS). ■g o a'^ ■a £-• S100HOS AaxNno3 NI aoNaiaajxa ,savaA ^ . ^ rt IT) CN CN ■ >-l ONiHOvax NI aDNa pj^ -iaa>< axvnavaoxsoj HinrtiNHin AXISaaAINQ ^ ao 3031103 XNaonxg -^ ■ axvnavaoaaoNn. ^ 6 P>H pH pH pH lOOHOS TVHaO>I iNaanxs lOOHDS HOIH y t< X io axvnavag ' loOHDS aaavao k. ^ « aaoNaxxy lOOHOg AaxNno3 . . . aaoNaxxy • • • O y, X X X i^ O :o X X X X X X X X X X X X X IJ U *" "' — S "• S MT3 . ■" -o-s ^^ ■■3 S-oS - "• o rf -?„ "i " « M d_Q o ^_„^ a I -Is .S2 »2 0) 53 y =^ § X «== o =« jq o-^ ■" lo- "*- :0 CJ aaHOvax^ • • jg | ^g^ bo- c ° 5 ■« S a, rt 'O D'K g - a cd - W (^0 H-1 c -2 " c caxi "" i_i d d c M-gja 3 OS m O*^ -^ O.J3 t. rt.H m u Teachers 251 f 161 'aaaoxoo 'aoy °^ iHonvx aAVH no^ H3IHA\ NI SXOiaiSICI «o spiaxsAg ioohds "^ XNaaaJiid aaawiiM INaSTHJ IV SV SHO^VV aKVg AiaXVTCTXOHddV NI 't' NOxoNxwooig ra s^va^ SlOOHOg NOXONIWOOig ^ NI aDNaraadxa ,savaA SlOOHOg HaHXQ NI aoNaiaadxa ,SHvax lOOHDS HOIH NI vo aoNaiaadxa ,savaA siooHog aaavao ni aoNaiaacTxa ,SHvaA SlOOHOg S.HINn03 NI aoNaiHadxa ssva^. 0NiH0vaxNi33Naraa s 1-5 Ph -xg xiaaa3 sanoH iviox ^ cn S 2 ^2 ^-i MXDiHXS sanoH aaawnisi ^ ^ "^ AxisaaAiNfi HO a9aii03 >;^ XNaonxg axvaavHoxsoj AXisaa,\iNfi 3 ao aoaTio3 xNaonxg "O axvnavaoaaoNfl 2 O o looHOg TvwaoN xNaoaxg lOOHOS HOIH y, ^^ i\ iO axvnavao 1^ O siooHog aaavHO ^ aaoNaxxy lOOHOg AaxNno3 ^ aaoNaxxv -^w i_i .2 •73 c '-' .Sao a2-«j2 a> g. o >H C/ipLi Ph Ph pL, P-i c/2 252 A Survey of a Public School System Summary of Table CXLII Teachers in gi'ades, 1913-14: 1. Total number, 37. 2. Average number of hours' credit in advance of high-school work, 142.3 or 3.2 years of college work. 3. Average number of credits in strictly professional subjects, 38.5 or 2.5 years of professional work. 4. Average number of years of experience in teaching, 8.2. 5. Average number of years' experience in Bloomington, 4. 6. Average number of years' experience in Bloomington in approximately the same position as at present, 3.8. 7. Average age, 29.9 years. 8. Extremes in ages, 23 to 46 years. _^ 9. Middle 50 per cent in ages, 26 to 33 years. 10. Extremes in years of experience, J year to 21 years. 11. Middle 50 per cent in years of experience, 4 to 12 years. Summary of Table CXLIII Teachers in the high school 1913-14: 1. Total number: 15. 2. All university graduates with the exception of one who has had three and one-half years of university work. 3. Whole teaching corps averages .77 of a year of postgraduate work. 4. Average, .84 of a year's credit in strictly educational subjects. 5. Average, exclusive of year 1913-14, eight years of teaching experience. 6. Average 5.7 years' high -school teaching experience. 7. Average, 1.8 years' experience in Bloomington high school. 8. Average age is 30.5 years. 9. Extremes in ages: 22 to 49. 10. Middle 50 per cent of ages range from 26 to 31 years. TABLE CXLV Per Cent op Salaries of Teachers increase FROM igog TO 1909-10 1914-1S 1914 Average salary of principals of buildings $909.50 $1015.00 11.6 Average salary of high school teachers 885.00 918.24 3.9 Average salary of grade teachers 576.13 622.65 8.1 Average salary of special supervisors 758.30 844.00 11.3 Since 1909 from 25 to 30 per cent of the teachers have been leaving the Bloomington schools each year. Of those that have left during this period 22.3 per cent left to continue their education, 16 per cent left to get married, 5.3 per cent left because of illness, 6.4 per cent left to enter another line of work, 7.4 per cent were dropped because of inefficiency, and 42.6 per cent left for better paying teaching positions. CHAPTER VIII SUPERVISION OF INSTRUCTION According to the present arrangement, the superintendent is free to devote about half his time to the supervision of instruction, the other part of the time being taken up with general administrative problems. The principal of the high school has two-thirds of his time off for supervision, the office work being largely taken care of by a clerk who gives her whole time to it. The principal of the de- partment sixth, seventh, and eighth grade school has half of her time off for supervision. She also has a clerk for full time for office work. Each of the other principals has from one-fourth to one-third time off for supervision. Two teachers give their whole time to supervising the instruction in special subjects, one in music and one in drawing. The following table will give a detailed account of the supervisory work of the principals of the different types of school. TABLE CXLVI Analysis of Work of Principals High School Principal Total hours per week devoted to school affairs 50 Hours per week devoted to teaching and labors incidental thereto 10 Hours per week devoted to supervisory labors, any kiad 35 Number of teachers supervised 17 Number hours per week to each teacher. . 2 Number of pupils in classes supervised . . . 400 Number hours per week per pupil in classes supervised . 088 Salary per week $55 . 00 Cost of service per hour 1.10 Weekly cost of supervision per teacher supervised 2 . 44 Weekly cost of supervision per pupil in classes supervised . 103 Hours per week to personal class-room supervision 2 Hours per teacher supervised .118 Weekly cost of class-room supervision ... $2 . 20 Cost per teacher supervised .13 253 Department Principal Principal of Building With First Five Grades 46^ 40 15 22 20 15 1.33 667 8 8 1 360 .03 $27.50 .591 .111 $22.25 .51 .79 .51 .0177 .0113 9 .6 $5,319 .355 ■ 4 .5 $2.04 .255 254 A Survey of a Public School System TABLE CXLVI {Continued) Principal of Building High School Department With First Principal Principal Five Grades Hours per week to office work of a purely clerical nature that could be delegated to clerks None 4 2 Cost per hour of such clerical service $ . 591 $ . 51 Weekly cost of such clerical service 2 . 364 1 . 02 Cost per pupil per week in cTasses super- vised .0035 .003 Cost per teacher supervised . 159 . 113 Hours of clerical service per teacher super- vised . 266 J Hours per pupil in classes supervised .006 1/180 Hours per week to office work of a profes- sional sort that cannot be delegated to clerks, teachers' meetings, conferences with students, parents, school board, and others regarding school matters, etc.. . . 19 5.5 2 Cost per hour 1.10 .591 .51 Weekly cost of these services $20.90 3. 25 1 .02 Cost per teacher supervised 1.23 .217 .255 Cost per pupil in classes of teachers super- vised 052 .0048 .003 Hours of service per teacher supervised ... 1.12 . 366 \ Hours per pupil in classes supervised .048 .0082 1/180 Principals observe work at their discretion and follow their own wishes in regard to the method of criticising work observed. Once a year, however, they make a written report on each teacher to be filed in the superintendent's office. The report given below, from one of the principals, shows one use made of the form for reporting observation of recitations. A re- port was made near the beginning of the year, October 28th. A second report was made May 4th. The grading for both reports follows: P stands for poor, F for fair, G for good, and E for excellent. PRINCIPAL'S REPORT ON OBSERVATION OF RECITATION Principal Teacher Visited Artlhmetic Subject Observed // : 00 A.M., Time of Recitation October 28, iqij, Date I. Hygienic Conditions: October May 1. Ventilation F G 2. Use of available lighting p e 3. Seating of those defective in hearing or eyesight . e e 4. Adjustment of seats to size of pupils G G 5. Posture of children a. At seats during study G b. While reciting g f 6. Cleanliness of desks, floor, and room in general, as far as the janitor is concerned f f n Supervision of Instruction 255 October May 7. Cleanliness of desks, floor, and room in general, as far as the teacher and pupils are responsible E P 8. Decorations — pictures, plants, exhibitions of work, artistic drawing on blackboard, etc., general attempt to make room beautiful and homelike F r 9. Neatness and orderliness of teacher's desk e g 10. Neatness and orderliness of pupils' desks G P 11. Quality and arrangement of teacher's black- board writing f f 12. Cleanliness of pupils, and attention of pupils to their general appearance f f II. Class-room Organization: 1. Promptness and orderliness of movement and response of pupils f g 2. Preparation and arrangement of tools of instruc- tion G G 3. Economy of time in passing from one recitation to another, in having pupils leave room, pass materials, etc f g 4. Relation of teacher and pupils toward extraordi- nary incidents e 5. Lack of absence and tardiness G G 6. Situation in regard to leaving room during school hours E F 7. Speaking out when not called on E E 8. Pubhc opinion of class 9. Degree to which strong desirable habits are manifested by class as individuals f 10. Degree to which strong undesirable habits are manifested by class as individuals III. Pupils' Attititde: 1 . Evidence of genuine striving of pupils to conform to conventionalities of the school E G 2. Degree to which all pupils are busy all the time . F F 3. Consideration of feelings of others (Do pupils interfere consciously or unconsciously with recitation that pupil on the floor is making?) . G 4. Evidence of a stress by teacher upon both right ideas and right actions on part of pupils G 5. Degree to which pupils enjoy their work — spon- taneity instead of discouragement F F 6. Degree to which everyone listens when the teacher speaks G F 7. Degree to which pupils respond freely and in- telligently without having to be "pumped" for answers 8. Absence of cases of pupils working at other les- sons or at something foreign to school work during recitations f IV. Personality of Teacher: 1. Freshness and vigor brought to the work F f 2. Self-control e 3. Tact 4. Sympathy 5. Adaptability . . .-. 6. Quality of spoken English G G 256 A Survey of a Public School System V. Scholarship of Teacher: October May 1. Accuracy and confidence of teacher G r 2. Degree to which teacher strikes out from text- book and supplements from other sources . . . 3. Preparation for the day and freedom from neces- sity of referring to text-book VI. Assignments: 1. Preparation for on part of teacher f 2. Preparation for on part of pupils E G 3. Provide for individual differences 4. Raise real problems for pupils to meet 5. Degree to which pupils feel problems are their own 6. Help given to pupils for next day's work G 7. Degree to which assignment helps to teach the pupils the real art of study 8. Degree to which all members of class have defi- nitely in mind assignment on which they are reciting 9. Time given to it in relation to time given to reci- tation proper 10. Degree to which work outUned in assignment is attainable by class in preparation time avail- able G VII. Questions: 1 . Concise and clear 2. Challenge attention of all members of class. . . . 3. Did children have to think before answering. . . 4. Sequence of questions 5. Questioning on part of pupils 6. Distribution of among pupils 7. Advantage taken by teacher on every oppor- tunity to ask good questions 8. Degree to which necessity of repeating ques- tions and answers is avoided 9. Does teacher ask question or name pupil first . . Ask question 10. Degree to which teacher avoids giving cues to right answers E 11. Large questions properly supported by more detailed ones VIII. Subject Matter: 1. Degree to which it is worth teaching e g 2. Degree to which comprehended E G 3. Degree to which fitted to grade G 4. Degree to which it interests pupils 5. Is it the proper amount for the period Not e enough IX. Recitation: 1. Degree to which pupils are interested e g 2. Degree to which pupils contribute e 3. Degree to which pupUs talk to each other rather than to the teacher 4. Divided logically 5. Degree to which teacher avoids "shooting over pupils' heads" 6. Degree to which teacher succeeds in keeping in the background G Supervision of Instruction 257 October May 7. Real progress made by class during recitation . . f f 8. Quantity of matter covered in relation to time given to recitation p g 9. Success of teacher in refreshing attention and interest of pupils by pauses, sitting erect, rising, introducing unusual illustrations, in some manner breaking the monotony p 10. Enthusiasm imparted to children through teacher p p 11. Summary and driving home of instruction 12. Degree to which pupils are helped successfully over individual difficulties 13. Articulation and enunciation F 14. Degree to which teacher refuses to accept vague, indefinite, incoherent answers G 15. Degree to which teacher emphasized reflection and not merely memory work g X. Study Period: 1. Freedom from distractions r f 2. Industry of pupils f f XI. Additional Points of Strength and of Weakness Observed. This teacher was not very promising to begin with and the results of the principal's efforts were not as encouraging as was hoped for but the supervision was undertaken in a systematic and thorough way and every available means was used to improve the work. The following is the report of the actual things that were done by the principal to improve the work of this teacher: Report on Efforts to Help One Teacher in School I. After several short visits at different times and in different kinds of work, I made this analysis of her weaknesses and of features of the work in which she needed help and direction. 1. Waste of time in changing from one class to another. 2. Failure to keep children in studying sections busy at profitable work. 3 Failure to analyze the real difficulties the children met in class work. 4. Lack of fire and spirit in all of the "so-caUed" drill work. 5. Poor arrangement of board work. 6. Permitting the children to acquire slovenly habits in written work. 7. Careless mistakes in checking up the children's work. She frequently gave 100 per cent on a paper that was not worth 100 per cent. II. Efforts made to help general attitude. 1. Through general teachers' meetings we sometimes made one of these weaknesses a subject of discussion in a particular meeting. Teachers had a chance to express themselves freely on such phase of the work and valuable contributions were made by all. Through this discussion this particular teacher had a chance to benefit by the experience of others and she got the general feeling on this particular subject. 2. Through smaller group meetings, for instance a meeting of all arithmetic teachers. Here plans and devices were suggested by different teacherg 258 A Survey of a Public School System which they had found to be good. Where I had observed some teacher using some such helpful device, I asked her to tell us all about it. 3. Through individual conference with this particular teacher after each visit made. By reference to my visiting book to which each teacher has access, we were able to talk about specific points observed, and the teacher had a chance not only to get my views, but I had a chance to get hers. III. Efforts made to correct particular weaknesses: 1. Through visits to other teachers. a. To Miss (Fourth Month). Miss excels in ability to pass quickly from class to class and to get the. children settled down to work with very Uttle time cost. I went with this teacher into Miss 's room, having told her before that this was the thing I wanted her to observe. b. To Miss (Fourth Month). Miss ex'cels in neatness and arrangement of board work and in quality of black-board writing. c. To Miss (Fourth Month). Miss excels in drawing work, in neat appearance of her room and in good drill work in arithmetic. In each visit the teacher knew beforehand the specific thing which she was to observe, and in a conference with me after each visit we brought out prominently the contrast between the work observed and her own work. 2. Through suggestions of the principal. a. In my visiting book December 1st, 8th, and 16th, February 5th and 10th, and April 2d. b. In individual conferences. c. By taking a class in arithmetic one period to show the economy of finding out who in the class needed help and how to give it to them, and at the same time keep the rest of the class profitably employed. d. By discovering a few cases wherein the children had been permitted to form wrong habits without the teacher's knowing whereia the trouble was, I tried to make her see the importance of first being sure that each child knew the right method of procedure before giving any drill work. e. Called attention to lack of neatness in children's work. /. Encouraged children who were not doing their best work to come to me and show me their work whenever it was very good. g. Asked the other teachers with whom she was most closely asso- ciated to offer such suggestions as in their judgment could be offered tactfully. (In all cases where this was done, such sugges- tions were received in the spirit intended.) h. Two or three cases of complaint from patrons about carelessness in grading papers came to me. In each case I advised the patron to see this teacher and to call her attention to such mistakes, not in a critical or unfriendly way, but in the desire to help her. Supervision of Instruction 259 This method of calling attention to such mistakes I felt to be more effective than my going to her and telling her that such complaint had come to me. (Am satisfied that it was the better method.) i. We enlisted co-operation of the home in certain cases where children needed outside help and in other cases where children were trouble- some in school. Teacher brought this about through notes or personal conferences with the parents. j. By dropping into the room just for a minute or two, and commend- ing anything at all that seemed good. These short stops I did not consider visits. (By a visit I mean observing during one or more full recitation periods. I have made this teacher fifteen such visits this year.) The above report is an example of reports to superintendent that are highly efficient. Other reports by this same principal and others as well show that material improvement has been made in the teachers' work through such constructive criticisms. The principal, working according to a plan similar to the above, performs her main function as regards her free time during school hours; i.e., that of making poor teachers good ones; and good ones excellent ones. With such help if the poor cannot be made good there is a sound basis to work on in dropping them from the system. Another example of a problem in supervision is furnished by the following study made by the principal of the high school; and first published by Indiana University during the spring of 1914 in "The Proceedings of a Conference on Educational Measurements." Amount of Time Given to Preparation and Recitation in the Bloomington High School Mr. E. E. Ramsey This study was deemed advisable because of an occasional objection on the part of students, parents, and in some cases, teachers, regard- ing the amount of time that students were required to spend in preparation and class work. Under the poor housing conditions of the high school, it has for many years been the policy to allow students to leave at both morning and afternoon sessions at the close of their recitation work. Preliminary to this investigation, it was found by inspecting the programs that about 10 per cent of the students were required to put in but five forty-five minute periods per day, and more than 50 per cent were not required to put in more than six periods per day. This suggested that it was highly probable that 26o A Survey of a Public School System there was an excessive amount of home work in many cases because of the low average amount of time in school. The problem was thus reduced to one of determining the total time of preparation, and an adjustment between school preparation and home prepara- tion if the results of the study warranted it. The method employed was that of the questionnaire, one of which was submitted to each student in the high school, and another to the teaching force. The former list was submitted to all students at the same time and was required to be answered at once. The list submitted to the teachers covered a week's work. The following are the essentials in the student's hst relating to individual subjects: Name Date Answer ALL of the following questions as accurately as you can. Answer all time questions in minutes or in hours. English. (Here fill in the grade of English you are carrying.) 1. How long does it take you to prepare a literature lesson? 2. How long does it take you to prepare a rhetoric lesson? 3. How long does it take you to prepare a theme assignment? 4. When do you make your preparation for EngUsh? 5. Rank English as hardest, second hardest, third hardest, or easiest. Mathematics. (Here give grade of mathematics you are carrying.) 1. How long does it take you to prepare your mathematics lesson? 2. When do you make your mathematics preparation? 3. Rank mathematics as in the English. Similar hsts were submitted in language, history, science, and commercial work. 1. What are you doing during period 1? 2. What do you do during period 2? 3. What do you do during period 3? 4. What do you do during period 4? 5. What do you do during period 5? 6. What do you do during period 6? 7. What do you do during period 7? 8. What do you do during period 8? 9. How many periods per day are you in recitation, laboratory and type- writing practice? 10. How many periods per day are you in a regular assembly? The regular assemblies are 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6. IL How far do you come to school? 12. What subject requires most time to prepare? 13. Why? 14. How many subjects are you carrying? Supervision of Instruction 261 The following is the list of questions and directions given to the teachers, except that the complete list covered a full week's work: Teacher's List for the week of December g-13, inclusive Answer the following points as carefully and as fairly as you can. I would much prefer that the entire list be answered before there is any communication among you on the points called for, or on the purpose of the questionnaire. Please remember that you are answering these questions from the student's standpoint rather than from your own. Assign your work throughout the week in a regular way. Answer all the time questions in minutes. Report of {Subject) for December gth Teacher Text for which these questions are answered. 1. Number of pages regular text work assigned. 2. Time it should take to prepare this assignment. 3. Number of pages hbrary work assigned. 4. Time it should take to prepare this assignment. 5. Number of pages of permanent notes, maps, etc., assigned. 6. Time allowed for these. 7. Amount of theme work or written report work. 8. Time allowed for this work. 9. Time any other assigned line of work may take. 10. Total time for this recitation. 11. Has this been an average week for all these Unes of work? To the above list was appended a supplementary list of general questions. They are as follows: The English, history, and mathematics teacher should make an estimate of time spent by students belonging to the various organizations in their respective departments, as to the amount of time per semester that must be spent by students belonging to each organization in actual attendance on meetings and in prepara- tion for assigned duty. Number of students belonging to club . Enghsh and history teacher should make an estimate of the amount of time necessary for the preparation of outside reading per semester. Do you make longer or more difficult assignments than you have made in other high schools with which you have been connected? If so, estimate the increased time or difficulty in percentage. Do you beheve that the standard of work in the high school is beyond the reach of an average student or that it is too onerous? Do you beUeve that better work would be gotten by holding students in assembly for periods four and seven? All answers submitted by students bore evidence of a desire to answer fairly as was shown by the lack of wide ranges in the estimates, and by the fact that the few wide ranges could be readily explained 262 A Survey of a Public School System by a knowledge of the pupils who answered in this way. But one list from the students was rejected. The result of the tabulation of preparation time as given by students and teachers is shown in the following table: TABLE CXLVII Time Spent in R:ecitation and in Preparation on Part of Pupils in Bloomington High School, Teachers' Estimates and Pupils' Statements Subject English 1 — Literature . 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 — Average. . . Sum equals . English 1 — Rhetoric. 2 — 3— " . 4 — 5 — 6 — 7 — Average. . . Sum equals . English 1 — Composition . 2 — " 3 — " 4_ " 5 — 6 — " 7_ " 8 — Average Sum equals ' Latin 1 2 [ 3 4 5 6 7 8 Average Sum equals Average Average Time Re- Time Re- ported BY ported by Teacher Pupll 40 35 43 50 60 50 60 45 42 33 55 45 60 60 65 60 45 53 55 55 58 60 66 70 60 75 62 55 67 75 70 75 75 70 75 70 54 49 47 54 69 54 63 51 55 51 49 44 44 56 49 49 67' 51 80 55 69 86 104 128 111 89 92 66 66 100 82 84 79 88 87 79 Teacher's Estimate Student's Teacher's Varies from Estimate Estimate Average of Less less Stu- Student's Esti- Teacher's dent's Esti- mate for Estimate mate Department 14 14 4 4 9 4 3 6 18 25 10 11 26 44 58 51 14 25 12 9 4 18 12 6 1 16 4 16 11 22 15 -15 -20 -12 "+5 -5 +5 -10 -52 -18 +4 -6 +9 +9 +14 +9 -6 +15 -37 -37 -34 -32 -32 -22 -32 -17 -^243 -24 -12 -4 -9 -4 .-4 -9 -4 -70 Supervision of Instruction 263 TABLE CXLVII (Continued) German 1 44 52 7 .. -15 2 49 53 4 .. -10 3 48 53 5 .. -11 " 4 55 54 .. 1 -4 5 57 62 5 .. -2 6 48 66 18 .. +11 7 58 65 7 .. -1 8 67 66 .. 1 +8 Average 53 59 . . . . .... Sum equals . . . . . . —24 Mathematics 1 76 49 27 +14 2 68 79 11 .. +6 3 47 49 2 -15 4 56 67 11 -6 5 93 58 . . 35 +29 6 65 67 7 .. -2 Average 67 62 . . . . .... Simi equals . . . . +26 History 1 61 52 . . 9 -7 2 77 81 4 .. +9 3 62 53 . . 9 -6 " 4 81 78 .. 3 +13 " 5 65 66 1 -3 " 6 87 76 .. 11 Average 72 68 . . . . .... Sum equals . . . . . . +6 Physical Geography 1 55 42 . . 13 +11 2 47 45 . . 2 +3 Average 51 44 . . . . .... Sum equals . . . . . . +14 Botany 1 52 45 7 -2 2 60 63 3 . . +6 Average 56 54 . . . . .... Sum equals . . . . +4 Physics 7 65 70 5 . . -6 " 8 76 72 .. 4 +5 Average 72 71 . . . . .... Sum equals . . . . . . . . —1 Commercial 2 59 61 2 . . -12 3 57 111 54 .. -14 4 41 73 32 .. -30 . 5 41 81 40 .. -30 6 46 68 22 .. -28 7 45 57 12 .. -26 8 50 47 .. 3 -21 Average 48 71 . . . . .... Sum equals . . . . . . —158 Table CXLVII shows the estimates by teacher (col. i), and by pupils (col. 2). Column 3 shows the difference between column 2 and column I, thus showing that teachers have underestimated time of preparation. Column 4 shows the difference between column i and 264 A Survey of a Public School System column 2, showing overestimation by teachers. Column 5 shows the difference between the average for a given department and the pupils' estimate, — the minus signs ( — ) indicating that teachers have underestimated, and the plus sign (+) showing overestimation. Inspection of the summaries of each department as shown in column 5 reveals that (i) EngUsh composition shows the greatest underestimation, (2) commercial subjects, (3) Latin, (4) English classics, (5) German, (6) physics, (7) botany, (8) history, (9) physical geography, (10) rhetoric, and (11) mathematics following in the order named. It is a striking fact that mathematics has the heaviest overestimation. The teachers' estimates show a rather wide range of variation between departments. The largest figures are in (i) history and (i) physics. Then follow (2) Latin, (3) mathematics, (4) EngUsh composition, (5) botany, (6) rhetoric and German, (7) physical geography, (8) commercial, and (9) English classics. Taking the highest estimates as a basis, the lowest subject, English classics, TABLE CXLVIII Time of Preparation of Subjects as Listed by Teachers and Pupils Estimate of < Time bv u Teacher qb Student qb Teacher qb Student QB Teacher gA Student qa Teacher qa Student qa Teacher iob Student iob Teacher iob Student iob Teacher ioa Student ioa Teacher ioa Student ioa Teacher iib Student iib Teacher iib Student iib Teacher iia Student iia Teacher iia Student iia Teacher 12B Student 12B Teacher 12B Student 12B Teacher 12A Student i 2A Teacher 12A Student i2A W 40 54 40 54 35 49 35 49 43 47 43 47 50 54 SO 54 60 69 60 69 50 54 50 54 60 63 60 63 45 57 45 75 100 49 53 54 55 76 49 76 49 68 79 68 79 47 49 47 49 56 67 56 67 93 58 93 58 60 67 60 67 ^ o K W 55 42 57 III 46 H5 35 35 80 6s .. 76 .. 6s 4S 76 57 70 .. 72 . . 70 so OS S w ", < S a H rf m " < ^ a ^ w w^ O B ^ S W S.B •* « >< .. 451 .. 430 . . 406 .. 404 90 435 90 468 391 422 406 428 376 440 417 437 397 452 470 I 449 J 45 476 ] 45 495 / • • 446 \ .. 458 I 45 429 \ J 17 14 80 45 480 ) 35 63 458 I 35 63 411 1 35 108 471 I 35 108 517 J 35 63 475 I 35 63 484 ) 35 108 475 I 35 108 479 J Supervision of Instruction 265 shows but 58 per cent as much time needed for the latter subject as for physics and history. The widest variation in the students' and the teachers' estimates exist in composition and commercial. Prac- tically all other subjects are fairly uniform in these two items. Com- position and commercial occupy the position mentioned largely because of the amount of writing in both Unes and speed practice in the commercial work. Table CXLVIII shows two possible programs for each class from both teachers' and students' figures. The striking fact is that, when summed, the two sets of results are very close together, thus leading to the important conclusion that indixidual departments needed adjustment rather than the course as a whole. The percentage column shows the degree of uniformity in the two results. Nine of the sixteen percentages of variation from the lowest estimate are practically neghgible, while none is seriously large. Another im- portant point brought out by this table — but a point which no attempt was made to determine — is the amount of time a high school student should actually spend in his preparation and recitation. A rather peculiar relation between the number who failed in their " longest" subject is that there is no correlation between the length of subject and the failures. Hence the time of preparation reduces itself simply to a problem of the time element. Neither is the corre- lation between the most difficult subject and failures large at all. It was noted above that teachers had overestimated in some sub- jects and underestimated in others. There is no correlation what- ever between these estimates and the percentage of failure. Failures thus seem to resolve themselves into problems of the subject and not to the length or difficulty, or to the failure of either the teacher or student to estimate closely the time element. On the question as to what subject requires the most time for preparation, the totals show that 62 per cent of physics students rank that subject so; 44 per cent of Latin students next; 29 per cent of Enghsh students next; then follow mathematics, 26 per cent; German, 19 per cent; history, 17 per cent; botany, 15 per cent; physical geography, 7 per cent; and commercial, 5 per cent. The reasons given for the amount of time required for preparation are of interest: Of the 362 students who report on this question, 173 of them speak of the difficulty of subject selected as being the cause; 68 beheve that the length of assignments is the main factor; while 16 select length and difficulty combined as being the cause. No other reason assigned has any considerable number of votes. The 266 A Survey of a Public School System number selecting length of assignments is indicative of the fact that was made previously, that assignments were not, on the average, too long. All answers given in both lists have been tabulated, but the space allotted this paper precludes further discussion of these results. On the basis of the results obtained, recommendations were made to the following departments: (i) The rhetoric assignments were somewhat overestimated by the teachers while the composition work was seriously underestimated. It was recommended that there be an adjustment between these two lines of work. (2) The work in physics, while the two estimates of time agree closely, was deemed too heavy, and it was suggested that the work be made somewhat lighter. (3) The work in history was likewise rather heavy, and the same sug- gestion was made as for physics. The following outlines indicate in a definite way the lines of work undertaken by supervisory and administrative officers of the schools and by the clerks in their offices. They also show the proportion of time devoted to each activity. It is immediately clear that principals of buildings should be more free from recitations in order to have more time for work of a supervisory character. DIARY SHOWING THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE SUPERINTENDENT'S TIME FOR ONE MONTH (November 6 to December 6, 1913). Thursday, November 6. Left on 4:10 p.m. train for Indianapolis to attend meeting of City and Town Superintendents' Association. Friday, November 7. Attended Superintendents' meeting and came home Friday night. Saturday, November 8. Met Dr. Strayer and with him went over organization of school system from the standpoint of the superintendent's office. At 10:00 A.M. held Teachers' Meeting with Dr. Strayer as speaker. In after- noon met three principals and five teachers for conferences. Monday, November 10. Visited every teacher in system except two. Went in for from two to five minutes to get general view of all the work. In the afternoon answered four days' accumulation of mail. Had a conference with principal of high school on the plan for installing a clock system in the new High School Building, after which I went to the McCalla Building for a teachers' meeting from 3:45 to 5:15. Dr. Haggerty opened the discussion at the meeting. Tuesday, November 11. Visited at McCalla Building: First teacher — strong section in geography. Weak section in arithmetic. Second teacher — two classes — 5b in arithmetic and 5a in reading. Supervision of Instruction 267 Third teacher — 6b grammar, 6a grammar, 6b spelling, 6a spelling. Talked with each teacher about strong and weak points observed. From 11:45 to 12:15 discussed with principal the work I had seen and men- tioned points I would like him to observe in the teaching of the three teachers observed. In the afternoon, worked in office, planning for school survey, and gathering data for School Board meeting at 4:00 p.m. 4:00 to 5:30, meeting with School Board. 5:30 to 5:45, meeting with contractor for High School Building. 5:45 to 6:15, conference in connection with the problem of improving the teaching of composition. 7:00-8:00, met Dr. Haggerty for conference in connection with future McCalla teachers' meetings. 8:30-9:00, hstened to a report of State Fire Protection Committee on ad- visable changes in school buildings to make them safer from fire. Wednesday, November 12. 8:00-8:20, answered correspondence in office. 8:30 to recess, gave arithmetic test at Fairview to grades 3a- 5a inclusive. From recess to noon gave tests to Central at 3a-4a grades. 1:15-2:30, gave tests in arithmetic at Central to grades 5b and 5a. 2:30-3:00, conference with Professor Black on experiment in reading to be made in Central Building. 3:00-3:15, conference with president of Pubhc Library Board over possibility of an arrangement whereby School Board might aid in building the Library Building and in return have the privilege of putting the school administration offices in the Library Building. 3:15-4:15, prepared for meeting of principals. 4:15-5:30, meeting of principals. Met book representative from 7-8:10 in conference on new series of primary readers. 9-9:30, read literary selections in search of suitable portions to use in reading experiment in 7th and 8th grades. Thursday, November ij. 8:00-9:00, answered correspondence. 9:10-11:30, gave abstract arithmetic test in McCalla Building to grades 3a-6b inclusive. 11:35-12:00, conferred with principal on defects shown in arithmetic test. 1:15-2:30, gave tests in abstract arithmetic at McCalla, 6b and 6a grades. 2:15-2:30, conference with a representative of a book company. 2:45-3:35, gave arithmetic tests in Colored School, grades 4th, 5th, and 6th. 3:40-4:15, in office compared grades made on same test in same grades 2 and 4 years before. 4:15-5:10, conference with Mr. Mahurin, the architect for the High School Building. 7:00-9:30, meeting with School Board, architect, and contractor to discuss modification of plans of High School Building to bring total cost within the financial possibilities of the board. 268 A Survey of a Public School System Friday, November 14. Morning spent in office. From noon Friday to late Wednesday (including Tuesday night) visited schools in Gary, Ind., and Hammond, Ind., and attended State Charities Convention in Gary. Wednesday, November ig. 8:00-9:15, in office. 9:15-10:30, observed the work of two teachers. 10:30-12:00, discussed with principal of Central Building some of the problems to be taken up for study this year. 1:00-2:00, in office. 2:15-3:45, observed the work of two teachers at Fairview. 3:45-4:15, meeting with Fairview teachers and Dr. Haggerty introducing the problem for careful study by Fairview teachers during the winter, "What should one know about an individual in order to give him the proper vocational guidance and how can the desired data be collected and profitably kept?" Thursday, November 20. Visited schools at McCalla aU morning. 8:30-9:00, observed teaching in mechanical drawing. 9:00-10:10, observed one teacher, all three sections in reading. 10:10-10:25 (recess period), discussed with teacher points that I thought deserved emphasis. 10:25-11:15, observed work of a third teacher. 11:15-11:30, discussed work with this third teacher. 11:30-12:10, discussed with the principal of the building the work of teachers observed. Principal had visited one hour and a half with me. 1:00-2:00, in office, conference with truant officer advising with him in regard to granting requests for books and clothing that had been applied for. 2:00-3:00, at new High School Building discussing proposed changes with the contractor. 3 :00-3 :45, conference with high school principal in regard to proposed changes in the curriculum. 3:45-4:15, made final preparation for principals' meeting. 4:15-5:30, meeting of the principals. 5:30-5:40, met with committee presenting petition for use of school building for holding rehgious meetings. Friday, November 21. 7:45-10:00, office work answering correspondence, directing some school visitors (teachers from Shoals, Ind.) to the various buildings where they could find the work they were looking for. Getting ready some estimates of future school expenses to be used in the School Board meeting. 10:00-12:00, meeting of the School Board to arrange final plans whereby the heating plant in the new High School Building could be financed. 1 :00-2 :00, received various callers on school business. Supervision of Instruction . 269 2:00-3:00, discussed with truant officer the advisability of bringing suit to compel attendance at school, and devising means whereby those who are unlawfully absent from school might be discovered with the least loss of time. 3:00-3:45, selected from a hst of possible tests for measuring efficiency of pupils in regular schoolroom subjects the different ones that we shall want to try out in the Bloomington schools this year. 3:45-4:00, conference with Colored principal over some points of special application to Colored School that were not taken up in the principals' meeting yesterday. 4:00-5:00, kept office hours, and between calls worked on a form for financial tables to be used at the close of the year in the report to the School Board. 5:00-5:55, conference with music supervisor in regard to music in the grades. Saturday, November 22. 8:00-9:00, conference with truant officer in regard to an especially difficult case to handle. 9:00-10:00, conference with committee on Night School preparatory to re- opening the Night School. 10:00-10:45, conference with teacher regarding an especially delicate case in discipline that she was voluntarily asking my advice about. 10:45-11:00, signed letters. Monday, November 24. 8:00-8:30, correspondence. 8:30-9:15, conference with apphcant for position. 9:15-10:00, worked on a test in spelling to be given in all grades. 10:00-10:45, meeting with School Board. 10:45-11:15, continued work on spelling test. 11:15-11:35, conference with janitor of Central Building in regard to method of keeping track of supphes issued by him to janitors and principals of other buildings. 11:35-12:00, continued work on spelling test. 1:00-1:30, preparation for School Board meeting at 2:50. 1:30-2:45, conference with manual training teacher concerning a proposed change in some of the problems designed for 7th and 8th grade boys in the woodworking course. 2:50-3:50, School Board meeting. 4:00-5:30, meeting with McCaUa teachers for discussion of the problem they are working on this year. 5:30-6:00, meeting with principal of McCalla Building on points brought out in the teachers' meeting. Tuesday, November 25. 8:00-9:30, correspondence. 9:30-12:00, conferences with bidders and architect preparatory to meeting of School Board in the afternoon for the purpose of closing the contracts for heating and plumbing in the new High School Building. 1:00-5:15, School Board meeting in connection with financial arrangements for heating and plumbing for new High School. 270 A Survey of a Public School System Wednesday, November 26. 8:00-8:20, answered correspondence. 8:30-11:00, gave abstract arithmetic tests to 6b's and 6a's at Central, to the 6b's at Fairview, and to the 7th and 8th grades at the Colored School. 11:00-11:45, observed the 8th grade arithmetic and 7th grade grammar recitations at Colored School. 11:45-12:10, discussed with a teacher of above grades points that needed emphasis. 1:15-2:30, gave abstract arithmetic tests to 7th and 8th grades at Central. 2 :40-3 :30, conference with Professor Haggerty concerning the teachers' meet- ings at McCalla and Fairview, where special problems are being studied under the joint direction of Professor Haggerty and the superintendent of schools. 3:30-6:00, meeting with committee responsible for working out a questionnaire to be submitted next Monday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock to High School and Departmental teachers in connection with the proposed social, sanitary, industrial, and mercantile survey of the city. Thursday, Thanksgiving Vacation, November 27. Friday, November 28. Vacation. 8:00-12:00, worked on an abstract arithmetic test to be given in three weeks to see if weaknesses discovered in last test have been overcome. 1:30-5:15, worked on a table showing average ages of pupils in school fall term 1912. Saturday, November 2g. 8:00-12:00, conference with janitor of Central Building in regard to the purchase of some paint to be used on old blackboards. Conference with president of Public Library Board in regard to the possibiUty of provid- ing school administration offices in the proposed new Library Building. Conference with manual training teacher in regard to new problems to be undertaken in the manual training classes. Conference with the county superintendent of schools looking toward a large representation of teachers from Monroe County at the State Teachers' Association at Indianapolis during the Christmas holidays. Worked during the re- mainder of the morning on age-grade tables for fall of 1912-13. 2:00-3:00, conference with treasurer of the School Board in connection with word received in regard to furnishing heat plant at High School. 3:00-4:30, inspected work on new High School Building. Monday, December i. 8:00-8:30, visited Central BuUding to arrange with principal and teachers for visits to observe work in primary grades and in history teaching in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. 8:30-11:30, visited primary grades at McDoel and at Prospect. 11:40-12:00, outlined work for clerk in office. 1:00 to close of school in afternoon, visited primary grades at Fairview. 3:50-5:20, teachers' meeting at Fairview Building. Supervision of Instruction 271 Tuesday, December 2. 9:00-12:00, visited all morning at McCaUa Building: Ib's in all of their reading; 4b 's in geography and language upon request of teacher in order to advise with her and the principal inregard to the desirabiUty of giving three of the strong 4b's a trial in the 4a grade. Result — two of the three were put ahead. 1:15-2:00, visited another room of Ib's in McCaUa. 2:00-2:25, visited music supervisor during the period she had the 5a's and 6b's together. 2:30-2:45, visited Colored School to suggest a change in the program on Thursday to accommodate me in my effort to see all of the history work of the system in grades, 6, 7, and 8, in the two days, Wednesday and Thursday. 2:50-5:00, in office answering correspondence and preparing for arithmetic meeting tomorrow afternoon. Wednesday, December 3. 9:00-3:00, visited all day in Central School Building observing the history teaching in grades 6, 7, and 8. 4:00-5:15, held a meeting of all arithmetic teachers from third grade up to discuss the results of the test in fundamentals finished last week. Half of the period was given over to a report from the most successful teacher of the fundamentals in arithmetic telling how she gets her results. Thursday, December 4. 8:00-8:30, conference with head of the history department in high school with whom visits were made yesterday observing history teaching in grades 6, 7, and 8. 8:30-9:00, observed 6b history at Fairview. 9:10-10:10, observed 6b and 6a history at McCalla. 10:10-11:30, further conference with head of history department in regard to teachers' meeting to be held at 4:00 o'clock. 11:30-12:00, in office answering correspondence. 1:15-2:20, observed 6b and 5a history at McCalla. 2:30-3:35, observed 6b, 7b, 8b history at Colored School. 4:00-5:15, teachers' meeting led by head of the history department in the High School; a criticism of work observed for past two days. Friday, December 5. 8:00-8:25, answered correspondence in office. 8:30-11:15, visited with primary teacher at McDoel and primary teacher at Fairview (both new to their positions). At the Central Building ob- served the work of the teacher there in the primary grades. 11:15-11:50, conference with teachers over things observed. 1:00-2:00, conference with High School principal over proposed survey to be undertaken by High School and Departmental teachers. 2:00-3:30, observed teaching in the commercial department at the High School. 272 A Survey of a Public School System 3:30-4:00, conference with commercial teachers over work observed and over the subject of teaching writing to the grade teachers. 4:00-5:00, meeting with grade teachers for the teaching of writing. Meeting conducted by commercial teacher. 5:00-5:30, conference with principal of Colored School over work observed yesterday in his history teaching in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. LIST OF DUTIES OF CLERK IN SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE AS OUTLINED BY THE CLERK AS A RESULT OF TABULATING HER OFFICE WORK FOR ONE MONTH Notify members of School Board of meetings. Attend Board meetings and write up minutes of meetings. Make out warrants and mail for all bills allowed. Make out warrants for pay roll each month and deliver to the different build- ings. Make out warrants for all bonds, coupons, and special estimates when presented for payment. Post from warrant book to ledger, footing up both warrant book and ledger to balance. Paste paid invoices in invoice book. Keep itemized account of all orders sent out from office to local dealers. Prepare teachers' contracts. Make report to School Board each month. Assist in making out pay roll at beginning of year, and calling into office licenses of teachers. Make typewritten copy of pay roll, list of teachers, with addresses, etc. Answer correspondence — mostly by dictation. Order all materials used in the schools. Fill out questionnaires and reports in regard to school system. Prepare copies of teachers' apphcation blanks, reports by classes, estimates on promotions, blanks for collecting data. Summarize monthly reports from each building each month, and prepare yearly report at close of school. Look after distribution of materials and supplementary readers. Tjqjewrite various reports sent in to the office. Typewrite superintendent's addresses given at various teachers' meetings and superintendents' meetings. Look after all record sheets and cards on file in superintendent's office. Notify principals of all meetings called. Also all general announcements to be made to the teachers through the principals. Typewrite points discussed in principals' meetings. File correspondence, reports, etc. Make typewritten copies of examination questions as made out by teachers for meetings. Typewrite revised lists. Typewrite all special examinations, tests, and directions for same. Make copies of examination summaries. Assist in working out special problems with the superintendent. Prepare typewritten copies of courses of study. Supervision of Instruction 273 Keep inventory of materials. Prepare and send out claims for tuition of transfers to the various township trustees. Make out yearly reports for county superintendent to be sent to the state and to the U. S. Commissioner of Education. Answer telephone calls. Fill in data on accumulation record cards in office from principals' cards. Keep principals and school inspector in touch with each other in regard to school examinations. Make out orders for truant officer for supplies for poor children. Fill out work certificates. Make secretary of Board's bill for supplies furnished poor children to be presented to county commissioners. Make schedule of bonded indebtedness. Make schedule of insurance. WORK OF PRINCIPAL FOR ONE WEEK — HIGH SCHOOL May 4-8, igi4 May 4: Morning Book sales Excuses Conferences with three teachers Class — one period Grading geography papers — one period Assembly — one period Work on problem of grades Office work — one period — making stencils for questionnaire Afternoon Book sales Excuses Office work — three periods Conference with teachers (5) Conference with student (2) Telephone calls Teachers' meeting Routine business Presentation of results of study of class of 1905 May 5: Morning Book sales Excuses Conference with teachers (3) Class — one period Grading geography papers — one period Assembly — one period Office work — one period Correspondence 2 74 A Survey of a Public School System Afternoon Book sales Excuses Conference with observation students as to plan of work Conference with teacher Ofl&ce work — two periods May 6: Morning Excuses and book sales Case of disciphne Class — one period Grading papers — one period Assembly and work on problem — one period Correspondence and ofl&ce work — one hour Afternoon Cases of discipline (4) Observation with observation students for one period, conference at close of period Superintendent's office — one hour Conference with candidate for a position Office work Conference with a committee of juniors May y: Morning Excuses and book sales Conference with students (3) Election of editor and manager of Optimist Class work — two periods Assembly, one period, combined with office work Office work on problem Afternoon Excuses and book sales Junior class meeting — one hour Conference with teachers (5) Change of program for p.m. Conference with observation students Conference with a candidate for a position Conference at University, 3:00-5:00 May 8: Morning Book sales Excuses Conference with students (3) Conference with teachers (3) Class work — one period Grading of papers — one period Assembly, one period, and work on problem Office work — correspondence — one hour Supervision of Instruction Afternoon Excuses and book, sales Conference with students Conferences with teachers (4) Phone Dr. Foley concerning a candidate Observation students — two periods — conference following Ofl&ce work — one period 275 WORK OF CLERK FOR ONE WEEK — HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE December 7-5, 191 3 December i: 8:15-8:30, Library books 8:33, Announcements Telephone 9:17, Library period Attendance Tabulation of same Attendance record in books Tardy records Work on monthly report 10:00, Library Monthly report Telephone 10:45, Office Sales Stamping magazines Report 11:30, Office Report — tabulation 1:00-1:47, Office Attendance Tabulation Work on records and cards 2:33, Library Records and cards 3:17, Library Records and cards 4:00, Check out library books Count paper for sale Sales December 2: Library books Notices to section rooms "^ Tardy excuses Telephone 276 A Survey of a Public School System Library Attendance Tabulation Attendance in books Records and cards Office Records Sales Office Records Mimeograph Office Stamping books Records Office Attendance, tabulation Central office Library Tabulation Library Library books Sales December j: Library books Sales Excuses Library Attendance Tabulation Attendance recorded Copying mechanical drawing grades Office Sales Stamp magazines Records Office Records and cards Office Tabulation Finished German examination Office Announcements Attendance Tabulation Library Tabulation Library Tabulation Books and sales Supervision of Instruction 277 December 4: Library books Notices to section rooms Library Attendance Tabulation Attendance and tardies recorded Tabulation Office Count paper Inventory of books on hand Office Mimeograph work Tabulation Attendance Stamp books Recorded Mathematics grades Library Tabulation Library List of omitted grades for the six weeks Library Books Letter; names of graduating class to college in Ohio December 5: Books, sales Notices Library Attendance, tabulation of same Attendance and tardies Office Tabulation Office Paper and pens for sale Office Bank Tabulation Tabulation of attendance Office Attendance Cards Library Cards Library Cards Books Books in order 278 A Survey of a Public School System WORK OF PRINCIPAL OF CENTRAL BUILDING FOR ONE WEEK December 1-5, 1913 Monday, December i: 8:00- 8:40, Entered six children new to Bloomington O.K.'d excuses for absences Three children reported for tardiness Short conference with Superintendent 8:40- 9:10, Wrote business letters Planned building meeting 9:10-10:10, Teaching 10:10-10:25, Hall and playground 10:25-11:20, Visited third grade teacher 11:20-11:45, Visited geography teacher 12:55- 1:15, Entered one new pupil O.K.'d excuses Two telephone calls about absent pupils One mother called with child who had been absent 1:15- 2:00, Worked on monthly report 2:00- 2:30, Teaching 2:30- 2:45, Hall and playground 2:45- 3:15, Teaching 3:15- 3:45, Office work, making transfers, etc. 4:00- 5:00, Teachers' meeting Tuesday, December 2: 8:00- 8:30, O.K.'d excuses for absences Placed one new pupil 8:30- 9:10, Conference with a parent Answered four telephone calls Prepared assigimients for next day's classes 9:10-10:10, Teaching 10:10-10:25, Playground 10:25-10:50, Schedule for Mr. Smith and Mr. Williams for visiting history classes 10 :50-l 1 :50, Visiting classes 12:55- 1:15, O.K.'d excuses Answered telephone calls 1:15- 2:00, Visiting 2:00- 2:30, Teaching 2:30- 2:45, Playground 2:45- 3:15, Teaching 3:15- 3:45, Worked on distributing 6a and 7 b into three classes with reference to buildings in which they got 6b training 3:45-4:10, Miscellaneous business 4:10- 4:40, Conference with a second and a fourth grade teacher Supervision of Instruction 279 Wednesday, December j: Visited all day with Mr. Smith and Mr. Williams in history classes except when teaching 4:00- 5:15, Attended an arithmetic round-table; Mr. Smith presiding Thursday, December 4: 8:00- 8:30, O.K.'d excuses Sent children to Dr. Woolery Settled an unruly boy Talked with literature teacher about class of day before 8:30- 8:45, Writing letters 8:45- 9:10, Visiting fifth-grade teacher 9:10-10:10, Teaching 10:10-10:25, Playground 10:25-11:40, Visiting second-grade teacher 11:40-11:50, Showing ofiice girl how to average spelling grades 1:15- 1:30, Conference with sewing teacher 1:30- 2:00, Made a round of department, two or three minutes in a room, to see how measles was affecting attendance 2:00- 3:15, Teaching 3:15- 3:45, Office work 4:00- 5:15, History round-table Friday, December 5.* 8:00- 8:30, Office work 8:30- 9:10, Visiting first-grade teacher 9:10-10:10, Teaching 10:25-11:30, Visiting second-grade teacher 12:55- 1:15, Office work 1:15- 2:00, Worked on comparative standing of pupils trained in 6b in the different buildings on the abstract arithmetic test given by Mr. Smith 2:00- 3:15, Teaching 3:15- 5:00, Worked on the returns for second six weeks in spelling OFFICE GIRL'S WORK FOR ONE WEEK — CENTRAL November 24-26, igi3 Monday, November 24: Dusted Recorded excused absences and tardies Prepared writing material to be distributed to teachers Answered telephone Collected names of absent ones from each room Kept record of books which the history pupils borrowed Distributed writing material to teachers Went to Miss McBride's room for arithmetic papers 28o A Survey of a Public School System Washed blackboard and copied her work Reminded two teachers to bring in list asked for Recorded excused absences Answered telephone Copied work for principal Hunted for and found some music books for Miss Peterson — told her they were in the ofBce Watched in the assembly room Collected names of absent ones from each room Watched children who had to remain after school while teachers attended a meeting Answered the telephone twice Tuesday, November 25: Went to Miss Ratclifl's room ' Dusted office Recorded absences and tardies Made a transfer Recorded absences for each room Stopped at superintendent's office Stopped at bank Called Miss Kiff and Miss Ratcliff to the office Kept record of books returned and borrowed by pupils Recorded absences and tardies Telephoned principal of McCalla Building and asked him to send sheets and cards of transferred pupils to Central Handed Miss Tudor a note Sent Miss Graves and Miss Chambers their monthly reports Watched in assembly room Answered the telephone Took a notice to all the teachers Made a Ust of all pupils who did not know the alphabet in each room and gave each teacher her list Recorded names of afternoon absentees Took messages to Miss Denny, Miss Ikerd, and Miss Hunter Answered the telephone twice Wednesday, November 26: Handed each teacher her list of pupils who did not know the alphabet Dusted Gave each teacher her pay check Made blanks for arithmetic test given by Mr. Smith — one for each section Handed these to teachers Gave Miss Denny and Miss Tudor sheets and cards for transferred pupils Recorded excused absences Kept record of books loaned to pupils Stopped at bank Recorded list of absent ones in each room Answered telephone Supervision of Instruction 2S1 Looked up standing of Lavender children — telephoned them to superin- tendent's office Called third-floor teachers to office Took two messages to Miss Denny Took two messages to Miss Ikerd Took a message to Miss Gourley Took a message to Miss Osborne Recorded excused absences Answered the telephone Returned records to teachers Gave blank sheet and cards to Miss Ikerd for new pupil Answered telephone Took message to Miss Hunter's room Watched in assembly room Recorded names of absent pupils Handed each teacher a blank for speUing test Answered telephone Called McCalla Building by phone Took monthly enrollment Made a total of all the monthly reports WORK OF PRINCIPAL FOR ONE WEEK — McCALLA Report of work of principal during hours not teaching: Time — 8:00-9:50 a.m. 12:40-2:05 p.m. Tuesday: Morning Entered a child new to the system Examined child on account of sickness and sent him to Dr. Woolery Visited first-grade teacher for music, 25 minutes Visited 3b teacher for music, 25 minutes Visited 3a teacher for music, 20 minutes Afternoon Worked on children who were tardy, attempting to cut down tardiness Visited rooms and impressed same on teachers Wednesday: Morning Continued work on tardiness Worked with case of truancy Visited one room for purpose of later making a grading Afternoon Settled business with art company Visited one room to determine what should be done with two children Thursday: Morning Transferred child into building Visited room with superintendent 282 A Survey of a Public School System Afternoon Entered new pupil Worked on tardiness Visited room Friday: Morning Worked on a report for superintendent, 15 minutes Case of sickness required 15 minutes Case of tardiness worked with Visited one room Afternoon Conducted music in each of four rooms for about 15 minutes Monday: Morning Conducted music in each of five rooms Afternoon Worked on music for five rooms as directed by Miss Peterson Gave Miss Carmichael's room first of a series of examinations to determine cause of slowness of four pupils (In the above report there is no mention of time spent with the truant officer or patrons, who came to discuss problems concerning children) WORK OF PRINCIPAL FOR ONE WEEK — FAIRVIEW About three-fourths of the time of the Fairview principal is taken up in regular teaching. November 17-21, IQ13 November 17: (Taught Eight Recitations) Received two pupils who had been quarantined Placed three new pupils Telephoned to school office for janitor Straightened out a street quarrel Telephoned about transfers Answered phone from office Answered two calls from patrons Sent record sheet and transfers to McCalla Sent record sheets to office Prepared for "building meeting" Visited three rooms Teachers' meeting November 18: (Taught Six Recitations) Placed two new pupils Phoned secretary of Board of Health Telephoned to office about missing records Answered call of patron Supervision of Instruction 283 Truant report Two telephone calls Visited four rooms Answered telephone Received patron who came to see about a child November ig: (Taught Seven Recitations) Settled street quarrel in which six pupils were involved Fire drill Talked in rooms that made mistakes in drill Interviewed two tardy pupils Repeated the drill Answered call of truant officer Called school doctor Called patron about sick child Looked up a fountain pen which had been lost Interviewed a boy who had done wrong Talked to girl who was failing in her work November 20: (Taught Seven Recitations) Fire drill Talked to three boys about coming too early Answered phone call from Central Called school office Answered call from Dr. Woolery Phone call for Miss Peterson Sent child for Miss Peterson Answered telephone twice Visited two rooms Attended principals' meeting November 21: (Taught Eight Recitations) Phone call from school office Phone call from patron Delivered message to child from mother Talked to six pupils about rest order Phone call twice Visited four rooms Phone call Arranged time for reading of book with different teacheri CHAPTER IX SCHOOL BUILDINGS Location of Buildings All school buildings are on well-drained sanitary lots. Two of them, the Central Building and the Departmental Grade Building, are too close to the railroad, and as a consequence the work of the school is noticeably interfered with. No nuisance of any kind interferes with the work in other buildings. The following tables, showing distances pupils have to go to get to the buildings, give an idea of the degree to which the buildings are properly distributed over the city. These data were taken the second week after the Christmas holidays 1913-14. TABLE CXLIX High School (Pupils Attending from Within City Limits) Distance FROM Building qb qa iob ioa iib iia i2B I2A Total Under 1 square ^ . . 2 1 1 .. 2 .. 1 7 1 and under 2 . . . 2 4 3 13 11 15 2 " ' 3 . . . . 1 .. 1 .. 5 1 .. 8 3 " ' 4. . . 4 2 3 1 2 .. .. '2 14 4 " ' 5... 118 113 3 18 5 " ' 6. .. 3 4.. 16 12 17 6 " ' 7... 2 6 2 14.. 3 1 19 7 " ' 8... 2 4 5 13 3 2 20 8 " ' 9. ., 8 2 4 .. 3 1 4 '2 24 9 " ' 10.. 7 3 5 5 3 5 2 1 31 10 " ' 11. . 2 2 7 .. 3 2 1 17 11 " ' 12. . 3 2 2 3 13 1 '2 17 12 " ' 13.. 4 4 3.. 1 .. 1 1 14 13 " ' 14. . 1 .. 13 4.. 3 12 14 " ' 15. . 6 2 4 1 1 1 .. '3 18 15 " ' 16. . 1 .. 1 '. 2 16 " ' 17. . 1 .. 1 .. 1 1 .. 4 17 " ' 18. . . .. 1 .: 1 18 " ' 19. . . 2 .. 1 .. .. 1 2 1 7 19 " ' 20. . Total. . . 52 38 52 18 43 23 26 13 265 1 Interpreted Table CXLIX means that 2 pupils in the qb grade lived less than one square from the building, i pupil less than i square, etc. School Buildings 285 H O O ro O O fN C> "* Ov fO 'f O r-l O 0^ <3 "* f^ . . tN ^ CN ^O O c « •cvi,-(rNiO'0»-i'<*iCN-Hro -w i-j S '•S hJ >^ ^) u X 2 X! ^ w ►4 hJ M m H <- ;^; H r 1 ^ ■u->-.^,-i\0''-i^OCNfN'-lC-l • • • ff T^ U-) 10 fO Tj< vO Ov r0 Tt< Tj< ^ tS CO -H --^ 'COTjJ'^'^'Ov0t^00OvO^CNr»5O P ^ ^ ^ rt ^ rt rt rt rt rt (Nj (S) cv| CN CN 286 A Survey of a Public School System <| . .,_,(V5T-HC-^cv),_iioCStN«-itv)T-itS « • • Tt \0 ITl •^ >0 O CN ■* ^ CN ^ ■ ■^ < --H^HCN^^OOtNVOfOtcCN „ . •r^ ^ ro vO •rt lO ■<* 00 ■* •* CN ■rt rt< ^ . •>-ilOOfN-HlO'*CN'-iCNrO (0 •fNt^lCN^^o^oOvot^or^^ • -rs § s ^ u C! '^^ (0 ■fr)tNCNvOlo^'>0000•-(CN^^J»-l • ■■ n £ (£]<•* ■ CN T}< Tt< ro vo O lO '-H CN « T-* »-i -H . . < u < •CN'^rOJ^'^'OT^ •'^•-IT-I ••r-l— I W ■'-i\O00sOGP0'^>-Ot~00O\C5 5 => OJ ^ < i« c Q 1- "O ^ ^ J5«tN<^'^'o\ot^ooo\0^cN<~r!'*io\ot^ooo\ School Buildings 287 2 TfO-^r^i^i^oOiOO — '*rO'* H i-H ^^ ro f-io. < •■-^Tf'i— it^-^rOVOfOCStN •'-I • • cs •cvi''i'*"^<^i^'oeNOO'-^'-| -e • -rt O fO CN \0 Tt ^ r^ 10 O '^'*>0'*io>oio\oiO'*c^ < '-itv)-H\OTtuO'^f^O-H^H s .5 8 B5 •^HO^"r!Of~-<^lO'D^^ ^ 6 l'^f^f*5'^tN<^»— lOO M ^ (0 . ^ ro 10 1^ r«5 ^ cNi rt rt _i . -^ . m > [il < • ro VO l^ '-H \0 ") CN -H C fN • '-H n ■ •CN'^CNOvO-^fO'^CN y.; O'—tNr^M-io < JJ tN f*5 ■>* •O O t^ 00 (^ -rt '^ — 1 i-H •.-I .-I H Clj li JO 3 (U Q ^"2 U3 C A Survey of a Public School System Colored School (Within City Limits) Distance from Building ib 2B 3B 4B SB 6b 7B 8b Total Under 1 square 1 anH under 2 . . . 2 ' ' 3. .. 3 ' ' 4... 1 3 1 1 1 1 8 4 ' ' 5. .. 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 10 5 ' ' 6... 2 2 3 2 1 10 6 ' ' 7... 1 1 7 ' ' 8... 1 1 8 ' ' 9. .. . 3 3 9 ' ' 10. . 2 2 2 6 10 ' ' 11. . 4 3 5 2 2 1 17 11 ' ' 12. . . 3 1 2 6 12 ' ' 13.. 4 2 1 1 1 9 13 ' ' 14. . 1 1 1 3 1 7 14 ' ' 15.. 15 ' ' 16. . 1 i 16 ' ' 17. . 1 3 2 1 2 9 To tal . 20 16 16 8 10 6 7 5 88 X McDoEL Building (Within City Limits) Distance from Building Under one square 5 1 and under 2 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9. . 10. 11. 3B 2 1 Total 12 2 1 2 4 4 1 Total 11 27 High School (Pupils Attending Outside City Limits) Distance FROM City 9B 9A I OB lOA IIB IIA I2B I2A Total Under ^ mile 2 2 5 and under 1 . . . . 1 1 1 " ' H... . 3 2 1 6 U " ' ' 2.... 1 1 i 3 2 " ' 2i... 5 2 2 1 1 1 1 13 2i " ' ' 3.... 1 3 1 5 3 " ' 3i... 2 3 1 3 2 11 3i " ' ' 4.... . 2 1 1 1 5 4 " ' 4i... 4 3 1 1 9 4i " ' ' 5.... 2 1 3 5 " ' 5i... 4 1 5 5^ " ' ' 6. ... 6 " ' 6^.. 1 i Seven . . . 1 1 Total . 23 7 11 2 9 2 6 5 65 School Buildings 289 ■ T^i 00 <>> ro "-I "-I . tN -^ . . '-I < • .^ .^ • .^ n . -H ro • u ' ■^ •-I CN (N rC' 4J H •rt'rtCNCNrO<~0'*'* 290 A Survey of a Public School System ■^ a •"' O o T DO »^' a. S = S Cos: « ^ « 0^ en « 6 g z h- 1 Q t-) >-) >< u B 5 z i ^ pq (J m ►J < < Q ^ pq < K Q < H s VO '_& E c o Ho W o „'o o o- ? O S f„ M> »J w o 9 o n fc. 5 H < ^ «92g o e ^ <^ ►J b o < QO •S-o >>" >. ■^■g -^ •^ S" ij ca »j ■??= ?:^ s « i> 5 one n. T 12 ft. one ^ g2^8 -~ '3 ■ c i" ; d l^'^ii^ J3 t o ca School Buildings 291 z z c«0 C o &: 3-0 ;2 fc^ a fa a ^ O i; 3 ba H H fa S H o 9 6 -a 4j 5^ -s; «'5 O M Ht rj CN tNl < Z > 2 o (a Soi>-)i-)i-5"t-li-li-Ii-li-)'i. «kJiJ|Ba_li-)>jHj ; .hJhJ-lHj-SKj-l O > ni n ^ yi ' « ft. > p I g o 2 ^ -h' -^ ^' fN CN r-," ^ -h' ^ ^' «' csi '><^t^''>l01^t^o0•^l00^0^f>^0^0t^v0 " t/2'-'^ „ CV| CM ^ rsl ,-f « .,-, PO f*^ ^-i •rt . H y ?i OOOiOP^OO'-HirjooOOO'OOO'^vOOOOOO'^OoOOOoO'i'O t^S OOu-jI^OOO'Ot^OOrO'DtN'^fNCNCNrn'rsOO'^CNOO'^vOTffN'^CN «! •2 fO'-JCNOOr^t^lOlOOOO\OvOOO'^l'5t^^<^00'^ONOOlOOO rS Urj -^ .-I ■■-I -1 CN CM 3 a fegu 0^^^tN^^OO•<*tNO^^^^^^<5'*•-|'^lO^^^^O^O'^O^OM<'-l'— 'O^O "" ,-!_— <,-i,-i,-l.-l»-ltNCvJP^CNfNfNCNtNfNtNICNr^JtNCNCNTjOu->CN---i»-(T-i\0-HlO>-iOO-H.rt.rt '^ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX »-(_(S)roCNCNCNCN'-<'-l'-iCN-*(r>CNCN'-i'-H'rt,-irr)csjcNju^ir>rO<>jrO tA O■*lOO000^'-lCN^0■*lCv000OCN^»5TJ"v0t^00C^ •.-iCNrO-^iOOOOs'-i'— I'-i'-i'-i'-iCNCNCSCSCNCNfSrcrOrOf'OPCPOrOPO 294 A Survey of a Public School System OOOOOOOO'-lOOOOO 'as ' rt >-H ^ T-( tMC^rDCSCSlOrOO feSfc 0O000Ot^00t~-oOf^o0 P; o ro O '^ O ^ O ^ O gOfj l-lCNC^l(^^CNC^ICNCNCN g-i>-(,-t.-iT-< • p« 2 o < r^ 0 <:S i-irom'^fOrofOrOf^ His \0-*-*TtlTt<-*Tt» r^ t^ t^ iOOvOOsOOiOOn OoO-hoOoo^OOO ooi^t^^t^t^ooo xxxxxxxxx fSJ ^^ "^ "^ ^^ Tt^ Tt^ T^ ^< XXXXXXXXX O A t--. HID /N t^ O "If' XvAv,vy/NAy rtlt^ A rtiN A A rtlNrtiN A 5_^ L< ■.-irO'*'OvOr^00Os'-i''i< »— iCNr0'^"0'O<~-00 School Buildings 295 wir g W W \0 O "O Z w re \0 lO 00 On rf J^ 00 C^ lO -_ OOoOiOOoooo oOh j(M(V5^Hir5u-)lO'--lu-30\ fN.-(Ti « 2o,"1 OOl^O'^'^OtNOOCNTj-ir^OOO i^.^ -^.^^ --HVOtNro-^iovO ■* CN LO On -^ -^ 0\ IT) —I lO 00 vO On t^ m5 CNOt^rot^I^ tiiH ■^NOreiOCNr-4 ►t r^^ ^•^^ »- r^^\ f^ ^"^ I H ^T^ **-" ^ J "J ^-N t^ , Z re 00 t^ 00 o o 1 O '-I i-H ,-1 ^Sy t-^ONONOOCNfNOOt^t^OOt-^-OCSOv ■Ss Ov0»0s000o0'*00'^t^ir;oo0 X X.^.^X X xxxxxxxx OrOONrMrorecsOO-^l^oororO crjreCNrncsCNiorOrocNrcCNCNfe '-i-l''-l'--H-HtNCNCNCN 5 h!^ PS W H& OOOOOOlOtOlOOOOO .H OiOLoOr^'-H--Hroc;^ SZ CNrO^OCNCN'-H'rtfNO u X.>j2 OnOOOnOOnOsOO<^ rtlNro 00 HN-rt< rti rfi ■* "-I r; X xri X X X x«w U X OV •HIN XhnOv HNfO O c:;5tNx<^<^^xf^xx r^rc JTh a\0\ 3 10 »0 pq 13 0) fN CN u X X -*'* T3 X X NlrtNlra ■ tn School Buildings 297 jecting wall. This condition would have been remedied last year except that plans are on foot to build a new building for the colored children of the city. (Since the above facts were gathered two new buildings have been erected, one for high school purposes and one for colored school pur- poses. These last two buildings have been constructed according to the modern demands for school buildings.) Table CLII sets forth certain facts about the physical school plant according to conditions at the close of the school year 19 14-15. TABLE CLIII Drinking and Toilet Facilities I 23456789 10 II Boys Girls Drink- Pupils No. No. IN At- in At- ing per Boys Boys' Boys' Girls' Girls School tend- tend- Foun- Foun- Urin- per Toilet per Toilet per ANCE ANCE tains TAIN ALS UrINAL SeaTS SeAT SeATS SeaT High School 205 255 6 77 10 20.5 7 29.3 12 21.3 Departmental... 261 301 8 70 6 43.5 6 43.5 8 37.6 McCalla 272 211 4 121 8 34. 7 38.9 10 21.1 Fairview 181 189 12 31 9 20.1 7 25.9 9 21. Central 243 196 14 31 8 30.4 7 34.7 10 19.6 Colored 1 48 50 Cistern .. 4 12. 3 16. 3 16.6 Totals 1210 1202 44 ..45 .. 37 .. 52 Enrollment was taken on entrance, Fall, 1914. Playgrount) Facilities 1 2-34 Ground Area Area School Size Lot Building Lot Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Fairview 134x132 17,688 6,351 Central 277x317 87,809 6,975 McCalla 200 X 320 64,000 4,680 Departmental and High School 660 X 660 435,600 6,720 23,200 Colored 132x132 17,424 1,050 Average .... .... " Exclusive High School and Departmental, 120 sq High School and Departmental were taken together. 5 6 7 Net Area Area Play- No. per ground Pupils Pupil Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. 11,237 370 30.4 80,834 439 184. 59,320 483 122.8 405,680 562 460 397. 16,374 98 165. 237. .ft. Summary of Tables CLII and CLIII 1. Location of Buildings. — The Central Building and the Department Build- ing are located too close to the railroad. 2. Size of lots. — Except at the Fairview Building the playground is satisfac- tory in size. ' These data are for the old Colored School Building, now replaced by a modern six-room building. 298 A Survey of a Public School System 3. Heating and Ventilation. — Heating plants are satisfactory except at the Fairview Building. Ventilation is poor at Fairview, Central, Department, McDoel, and good in other buildings. 4. Lighting. — The lighting is poor in the Department Building both as regards direction and amount. As far as direction of light is concerned the lighting is fair at Central and Fairview. As far as amount of light is concerned, the lighting is good at Central and poor to fair in Fairview. The McCalla, the New Colored, and the New High School Buildings are well lighted. 5. The toilet systems are poor in Fairview and McDoel Buildings, but from satisfactory to good in all other buildings. 6. Assuming, as most authorities do now assume, that 15 square feet of floor space per child accommodated in each room is satisfactory, approximately 15 per cent of the schoolrooms in Bloomington fall below the desired standard in floor space. A large percentage of this shortage is in the High School and the new Colored Building where for economical reasons the rooms were temporarily crowded beyond their expected capacity. 7. Assuming, as most authorities do, that 210 cubic feet of air space per pupil is satisfactory, approximately 21 per cent of the schoolrooms in Bloomington are too smaU. The same explanation as regards the New High School and Colored Buildings obtains in cubic feet per pupil as in square feet floor space per pupil. 8. Assuming that the window area should be at least 20 per cent of the floor area, then approximately 40 per cent of the rooms have too small a window area. 9. Assuming that the light in recitation rooms should come only from the left, approximately 44 per cent of the rooms are inadequately lighted in that respect. 10. Taking Dr. L. P. Ayres' standard of 65 square feet as a very good allowance for playground for each child, one building, the Fairview, is inadequately supplied with playground space. 11. Taking 35 boys to each urinal as a satisfactory standard, one building falls below standard in urinal facilities for boys. 12. Taking as a satisfactory standard 30 boys to each toilet seat, three buildings prove inadequate in toilet facilities for boys. With 18 girls to a toilet seat as standard, practically all buildings are inadequate. 13. Taking Dr. L. P. Ayres' standard of 70 children to a drinking fountain as being fairly satisfactory, one building is noticeably inadequate in drinking facilities. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The general plan of combining the efforts of the forces on the ground and outside guidance by experts in making the survey proved satisfactory except that too heavy a burden rested on the local people whose time was well occupied with other duties. The survey should continue, a little being added each year, but the School Board should furnish more clerical assistance in the future. 2. The partial success of this survey should awaken in the minds of university authorities and' public school authorities, especially in communities where universities are located, the unlimited oppor- tunities for mutual helpfulness in conducting surveys and in con- ducting experimental work in the schools. I should recommend a still closer co-operation on the part of the Bloomington pubhc schools and Indiana University than even now exists. 3. The findings of this survey and of future additions to it should be made more public in the future than they have been in the past. A public so loyal to the schools in a financial way as Bloomington is has a right to expect published information from time to time. Such information might well be distributed through parent-teachers' associations if such organizations were in existence. There is a place for such organizations in Bloomington, and the opportunities along this line have been too long neglected. 4. The analysis of the education and the occupations of the wage- earning men and women of Bloomington suggests that something might possibly be done to help them more definitely to advance in their trades or to prepare them to enter trades or occupations that are fuller of promise to them than the ones they are now in. Espe- cially would it seem an opportune time to open free evening schools and, in addition to the regular academic subjects, offer opportunities in commercial subjects, domestic art and domestic science, various lines of work in the stone industry, and especially cabinet making and carpentry, as a basis for advancement in the furniture factory and planing mills of the city. 5. Through the medical department of the schools information should be disseminated in regard to the dangers connected with 299 300 A Survey of a Public School System drinking Bloomington well water. The establishing of standards for preserving health in the home along other lines, too, would be a good investment for the community. The whole community has a right to such information and the pubHc schools should be a strong supporter of the public health officers in getting such information to the public. 6. Some further special effort, possibly along the line of modifying the course of study for certain types of children, should be made to bring about a further decrease in the percentage of retardation and to decrease the percentage of elimination from school. Com- pared with other cities, Bloomington does not have a bad record along these lines now, but there is certainly still much room for improvement. 7. A study of the subjects and grades that take the greatest toll in retardation and elimination will reveal the strategic points in attacking this problem. Certainly the sixth and seventh grades and especially the first year of high school should be studied carefully with a view to carrying a larger percentage of the pupils through these grades. The state law assists below these grades. 8. Tables XL VIII and XLIX show the necessity of carefully con- sidering the basis upon which promotions are made in making comparisons from time to time looking toward the reduction of retardation. 9. The trouble to which the various school buildings have been put of raising funds for decorations, improvement of grounds, equip- ment of buildings, etc., should soon cease and the school board should assume this responsibiUty. Within two years at least the board should be able to take care of all such reasonable demands. 10. There is need of further extension of the work in manual training and domestic arts and science. 11. Kindergarten schools should be estabUshed. At least two un- graded schools should also be established to take care of pupils who do not fit well into the regular classes. 12. Work in physical education should now be offered in view of the fact that a new gymnasium is available for use on the part of a large percentage of the pupils. 13. The work in agriculture and school gardening should be ex- tended. The large lot on which the Department Building and the New High School Building are located and the large tract of land in connection with the McDoel Building would furnish fine sites for gardens. General Conclusions and Recommendations 301 14. As soon as funds will permit printed courses of study and an occasional printed copy of annual reports should be available. The course of study needs revision, though, especially in upper grade arithmetic, in English, and in physiology before it is printed. 15. The medical inspection force should be supplemented as soon as possible by a dental clinic and a school nurse. 16. Standardized tests reveal the fact that pupils in the Blooming- ton schools rank well when compared with pupils in other school systems. Nevertheless, many points of weakness are revealed by the tests. Special drill in the fundamentals of arithmetic brought rapid improvement up to a certain point after which accuracy began to be sacrificed for speed. Further experiment in these drills should be made before the exact amount and kind to be used can be de- termined. There was not the improvement we should have had in the working of reasoning problems. More emphasis should be placed in the future on concrete problems. The work in writing is still weak. The methods thus far adopted for its improvement have so far failed to bring expected results. 17. Mr. Woody 's study reveals that on the whole city-trained pupils did better work in the Bloomington high school than did country- trained pupils; nevertheless, whereas the city-trained pupils maintained in the first year of the high school the same quality of work they did in the eighth grade and the country-trained pupils dropped noticeably, the city-trained pupils gradually went down in their work in succeeding terms of high school and the country-trained pupils gradually came up. This slump on the part of the city-trained pupils should be studied and, if possible, remedied. 18. Tables showing percentages of promotions indicate a gradual improvement in that a larger and larger percentage of pupils are promoted year after year. This fact alone is not significant, but coupled with the fact that accompanying this change there has been a gradual improvement in the achievement of pupils, as shown in the results of tests given and of success in higher institutions of learning, it becomes very significant. If these two results have been reached without damage, physical or moral, to teachers or pupils, a step toward efficiency has been reached. The medical inspection depart- ment of the schools has noticed an improvement rather than a loss as far as general health is concerned, and I think I can safely say from observation that the results on the part of pupils have been obtained without lowering the standard of conduct toward teachers and toward each other on the part of pupils. 302 A Survey of a Public School System 19. The teachers in the Bloomington schools are exceptionally well trained for their work. They are so well trained and successful, in fact, that they are continually leaving the system for other better paying positions. From one-fourth to one-third of the teachers leave the system each year and the majority of them leave because of better salaries. While the city is not at present financially able to increase the salaries materially, I think that within two or three years at most substantial increases can and should be made. The number of pupils to a teacher should be materially reduced. 20. More clerical help should be allowed the grade principals and they should have more time free for supervision of instruction. 21. A new heating and ventilating system is badly needed at the Fairview Building. A satisfactory toilet system is also needed there. 22. Baths should be provided at all buildings such as are in the new High School Building and in the new Colored Building. 23. The playground should be added to at Fairview. A bond issue has been made partially for this purpose and I judge this matter will soon be taken care of. 24. The new High School Building could be economically joined with the Department Building for heating purposes, and a saving of several hundred dollars a year in coal and janitor service would follow. 25. Building sites should be purchased both in the southeast part of the city and in the southwest part. It will be some time before buildings are needed there, but before very long the available sites for schools in those vicinities will be built up with residences. CRITICISMS OF BLOOMINGTON SCHOOL SURVEY 1. The survey as a whole was not outlined toward one definite end with the view in mind that anything not contributing to that end could be eliminated. Since the survey covered a rather long period of time suggestions grew, as it were. Moreover, certain types of study were made primarily not because they were the things most needed to be taken up, but because someone interested in one of those lines was available for the investigation. Such was especially the case in a large number of the studies made by university students. 2. Largely for the same reason, also, certain studies that were desired were omitted because of lack of time and facilities for work- ing them up. The survey, therefore, lacks compactness and unity. At the same time, also, it lacks completeness. General Conclusions and Recommendations 303 3. There is too much undigested data included. Much of that could have been omitted. It was included with the idea that it was valuable material and might later be further interpreted for the Bloomington school system and certainly would be valuable as a basis of comparison later with other school systems. 4. Much data are included simply as basic data from which sum- maries are built. The summaries alone could have been included and much space would have been saved thereby. The full data were included primarily in order that conclusions might be checked by them and doubtful figures might be verified or corrected. 5. .The brief discussion of the course of study has its greatest strength in showing the methods of improving the course. The discussion does not consider at all adequately the particular defects of the course. VALUE OF A SURVEY SIMILAR TO THAT MADE OF BLOOMINGTON 1. It reveals the points of strength and the points of weakness in the system when comparison is made with other school systems. 2. It reveals the degree to which weaknesses have been eliminated and points of strength have been further developed from time to time. 3. With these points of weakness and strength revealed the points requiring greater effort are clearly set forth and a large part of what would otherwise be misguided effort is avoided and economy results. 4. Concentrated effort on the revealed strategic points leads to experimentation which almost invariably results in the discovery of a better and more efficient way of doing things. 5. A survey planned as was the Bloomington survey discovers and brings to the surface latent ability on the part of teachers, princi- pals, and superintendent that was not suspected, and when this ability is once released it is not satisfied to become buried again. The result is that the system of schools continues to draw interest on this new capital. 6. A general survey is a source of stimulus to every one connected with the system, and this added stimulus alone means more con- centrated, cheerful, and hopeful effort and consequently better results. 7. Effort to solve the difiiculties of teaching connected with one subject somehow passes over unconsciously to others, so that progress in the subject in which conscious effort is put forth is accompanied 304 A Survey of a Public School System by progress in the other subjects. Such a transfer was very evident in the Bloomington results. 8. Above everything else a survey of the Bloomington type results in riveting ultimately the surveyors' attention on individual pupils and their performances and away from the mass performance. The result is that individual needs become more quickly evident and consequently more quickly ministered to. 9. Further, a survey of the Bloomington type faces a remedy to conditions as a general survey from the outside might not. Teachers are from time to time measuring themselves with themselves, not simply with others, and they are frequently measuring themselves, not once only. Frequency of measurement of the right sort drives teachers and pupils to a way out of weaknesses. 10. Finally this survey may be of some service in suggesting what can be done in a small school system by the local school authorities themselves in the way of self-examination. m L'BRARY OF CONGRESS 022 165 382 Pllfei'.:.....-, I'.'i'.'i'jJ'v- '.['uL' ■■ ■ iillfiiiii iiiii ^8i»