Drawings by O. C. Fales, 1105 George Street, Chicago Printed by The HoUenbeck Press, Indianapolis PERMANENT CATALOG Illustrating ^ Describing Vitreous China Sanitary Ware MADE BY The Great Western Pottery Company Kokomo, Indiana Gf Tiffin, Ohio Main Office, Kokomo, Indiana Copyng^ht, 1911, The Great Western Pottery Company A ©CI,A300670 n 1 - - 4< List, Bath only $48 00 List, Base only 24 00 List, Trimmings 35 00 STOCK NUMBERS Bath 105 A Base 76 A Section A (M?6 Tim NO. R?^WlNil TimN.O. uiiii 106 A — MILADY Vitreous China Maxicurhstg Table on Vitreous China Leg Size of Slab, inches 32x18 Size of Basin, inches 6 Dia. Height to top of Slab from floor, inches 31 List, Table only $30 00 List, Leg only 4 00 List, Trimmings 20 00 Cut shows fixture from operator's side. Please note that the cocks and handles are all below top of Slab providing a free operating surface. Section A TimN.O, (Ml TimN.O. 161 BA — BELAIR Vitreous China Round Front Boat or Car Lavatory aith Integral Back and Full Splash Rim Size of Lavator)', inches 163^ x 16 Size of Basin, inclies 13 x 103^ Height of Back, inches 4 List, Lavatory only $11 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for indented soap 161 BA If cut for two cock holes with indented soap in center 161 BD Section A TIFriN.O, m°m«i. TirriN.o 161 BB — BELCOURT Vitreous China Round Front Lavatory avith Integral Back Size of Lavatory, inches 1654 x 16 Size of Basin, inches 12 xlO Height of Back, inches 4 List, Lavatory only $10 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Chain Stay through Overflow 161 BB If cut for Indented Soap 161 BC Section A (m^ TimN.O, m°mm TirriN.o, 164 CE — KENMORE Vitreous China Corner Lavatory with Integral Back Size of Lavatory, inches ■ ISy^ x 16^2 Size of Basin, inches 14 x 11 Height of Back, inches 6 List, Lavatory only $16 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Chain Stay through Overflow 164 CE If cut for Standing Waste 164 CC If cut for Pop-Up Waste or Chain Stay in Slab 164 CB If cut for Indented Soap 164 CD Section A (M*! TimN.O. 174CA— FENWICK ViTEEOus China Corner Laa'-atory with Integral Back Size of Lavatory, inches • 17x17 Size of Basin, inches 15x11 ^4 Height of Back, inches 6 List, Lavatory only $16 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Chain Stay through Overflow '. 174 CA If cut for Standing Waste 1 74 CB If cut for Pop-Up Waste or Chain Stay in Slab 1 74 CE Section A TirriN.o. TirriN.o. 194 AA — LENORE Vitreous China Corner LxVyatory Size of Lavatory, inches 19x19 Size of Basin, inches )$ x liyi List, Lavatory only $22 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Cliain Stay througli Overflow 1 94 A A If cut for Pop-Up Waste or Chain Stay in Slab 194 AB Section A TIFRN.O, ^^^jfjig^tssj:' TimN.O, 194 CA — LYNDEN Vitreous China Coeneu Lavatory with Integral Back Size of Lavatory, inches 19x19 Size of Basin, inches 15xllJ/2 Height of Back, inches 6 List, Lavatory only $27 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Chain Stay through Overflow 194 CA If cut for Standing Waste 194 CC If cut for Pop-Up Waste or Chain Stay in Slab 194 CE If cut for Indented Soap 194 CB Section A TimN.O, (M)@ 200 CD — RODNEY Vitreous China Straight Front Lavatory with Integral Back Size of Lavator}', inches 20 x IS 24 x 20 Size of Basin, inches IS x lOJ^ 17 x 12i^ Height of Back, inches 6 or 8 6 or 8 List, Lavatory only, 6-inch back $13 00 $22 00 List, Lavatory only, 8-inch back. . 14 50 29 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Indented Soap, 6-inch back 200 CD 240 CT If cut for Indented Soap, 8-inch back 200 EB 240 ET Section A (m% 200 CE — SELKIRK ViTKEOus China Straight Fsokt Lavatory with Integral Back Size of Lavator}', inches 20 x 18 24 x 20 Size of Basin, inches 1 5 x lOJ/l 17x1 2j4 Height of Back, inches 6 or 8 ^ 6 or 8 List, Lavatory only, 6-inch back $13 00 $22 00 List, Lavatory only, 8-inch back 14 50 29 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Chain Stay or Pop-Up Waste, 6-inch back 200 CE 240 CC If cut for Chain Stay or Pop-Up Waste, 8-inch back 200 ED 240 EA Section A f9Wm9\. TIFriN.O. TimN.O. 200 CM — LUCERNE Vitreous China Straight Front Lavatory with Integral Back Size of Lavatory, inches 20x18 24 x 20 Size of Basin, inches 15 x 105^ 17 x 12yi Height of Back, inches 6 or 8 6 or 8 List, Lavatory only, 6-inch back $13 00 $22 00 List, Lavatory only, S-inch back 14 50 29 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Pop-Up Waste or Chain Stay in Slab, 6-inch back 200 CM 240 CU If cut for Pop-Up Waste or Chain Stay in Slab, 8-inch back 200 EG 240 EA Section A ^°m9lNll TimN.O. i\4 Height of Back, inches 6 6 List, Lavatory only $13 00 $22 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Combination Fixture 201 CK 241 CC Section A Timw.o 201 EA — HARCOURT Vitreous Chusta Round Front Lavatory avith Integral Back on Vitreous China Leg Size of Lavatory, inches 20 x 18 Size of Basin, inches 15x11 Height of Back, inches 8 List, Lavatory only $16 00 List, Leg with rod 4 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Depressed Slotted Overflow and Soap Receptacle combined 201 EA Leg 50 B Section A TimN.O. I\°KTONI). TimN.O. 201 EM — TRITON Vitreous China Round Front Lavatory atith Integral Back Size of Lavatory, inches 20 x 18 Size of Basin, inches 15x11 Height of Back, inches 8 List, Lavatojy only $15 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Loose Soap 201 EM Section A TimN.O. (m^. 202 CE — RIPLEY Vitreous China WAVELINE Lavatory with Integral Back Size of Lavatory, inches 20 x 18 24 x 20 Size of Basin, inches 14>4 x 10>^ 17x12 Height of Back, inches 6 or 8 6 or 8 List, Lavatory only, with 6-inch back $14 50 $22 00 List, Lavatory only, with 8-inch back 18 00 29 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Pop-Up Waste or Chain Stay, witith 6-inch back 202 CE 242 CC If cut for Pop-Up Waste or Chain Stay, witith 8-inch back 202 DD 242 DA Section A fxmmw TimN.O^ (m% 202 DB — RENFREW Vitreous China WAVELINE Laa^atoiiy with Integral Back Size of Lavatory, inches 20 x 18 24 x 20 Size of Basin, inches 14^ x IQi^ 17x12 Height of Back, inches 6 or 8 6 or 8 List, Lavatory only, 6-inch back $14 50 $22 00 List, Lavatory only, 8-inch back IS 00 29 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Indented Soap, 6-inch back 202 CC 242 CD If cut for Indented Soap, 8-inch back 202 DB 242 DB Section A TirriN.o, (M>@ TirriN.o. 206 BA — CHELSEA Vitreous China Round Lavatory with Integral Back Size of Lavatory, inches 20 Dia. 24 Dia. Size of Basin, inches 14x 12J/2 15x13 Height of Back, inclies 4 4 List, Lavatory only $13 00 $16 50 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Pop-Up Waste and Chain Stay inSIab 206 BA 246 BD If cut for Standing Waste 206 BB 246 BE TimN.O, Section A Qii/m. TimN.O^ ^ t'^^ijiijMdi^.^t'^ ' i' i r f' M'it rMW iiti W'wi 206 BC — CARLETON Vitreous China Round Lavatoky avith Integral Back on Vitreous China Leg Size of Lavatory, inches 20 Dia. 24 Dia. Size of Basin, inches 14>^ x 12J4 15 x 13 List, Lavatory only $13 00 $16 SO List, Leg with Rod 4 00 4 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Pop-Up Waste or Chain Stay in Slab 206 BC 246 BC If cut for Standing Waste 206 BF 246 BF Section A TimN.O. TimN.O. 220 AB — BETHANY Vitreous China Straight Front Lavatory on Vitreous China Branch AND End Legs (Patented) Size of Lavatory, inches 22 x 20 24 x 20 Size of Basin, inches 17 x 12>^ 17^ x 12^ List, Lavatory only $17 50 $17 50 List, Branch Leg only 8 00 8 00 List, End Leg only 4 00 4 00 List, Trimmings Prices on Application STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Depressed Slotted Overflow and Soap Receptacle Combined 220 AB 240 AZ Branch Leg 5 1 B 5 1 B End Leg 50 C 50 C These Branch Legs can be fitted to any Square Lavatory. Section A TlfriN.O. TimN.O. 220 EB — NESTOR Vitreous China Straight Front Lavatory ayith Integral Back on Vitreous China Branch and End Legs (Patented) Size of Lavatory, inches 22x20 24 x 20 Size of Basin, inches 17 x 12>^ 17^ x 12^ Height of Back, inches 8 or 6 8 or 6 List, Lavatory only, each, 8-inch back $30 50 $30 50 List, Lavatory only, each, 6-inch back 23 50 23 50 List, Branch Leg only, each 8 00 8 00 List, End Leg only, each 4 00 4 00 List, Trimmings Prices on Application STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Depressed Slotted Overflow and Soap Receptacle combined, 8-inch back 220 EB 240 EP If cut for Depressed Slotted Overflow and Soap Receptacle combined, 6-inch back 220 CB 240 CE Section A TimN.O. TimN.O, ^m. <&=^^ 240 CG — EDGELY Vitreous China Straight Front Corner Lavatory with Integral Back and End on Vitreous China Leg Size of Lavatory, inches 24 x 20 20 x 18 Size of Basin, inches 17^ x 12j4 15 x IOV2 Height of Back, inches 6 6 List, Lavatory only $43 75 $27 50 List, Leg only 4 00 4 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Cliain Stay R. H. End 240 CG 200 CN If cut for Chain Stay L. H. End 240 CF 200 CP Also made without leg. Section A KPlW^lil TimN.0. TimN.0. 240 CK — GRASSMERE Vitreous China Straight Front Lavatory with Integral Back and Wall Bracket Size of Lavatory, inches 24 x 18 20 x 18 Size of Basin, inches • 17^ x 12i^ 15 x 10>4 Height of Back, inclies 6 or 8 6 List, Lavatory only, 6-inch back $23 00 $14 00 List, Lavatory only, 8-inch back 30 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Chain Stay or Pop-Up Waste, 6-inch back 240 CK 200 CT If cut for Standing Waste, 6-inch back 240 CL 200 CU If cut for Chain Stay or Pop-Up Waste, 8-inch back 240 EU If cut for Standing Waste, 8-inch back 240 EW Also made with center leg. Section A rpiw?ii TimN.0. 240 EE — RANDALL Vitreous China Straight Front Lavatory with Integral Back on Vitreous China Leg Size of Lavatory, inches 24x20 Size of Basin, inches 17x 12J/^ Height of Back, inches 8 or 6 y-iiich Back 6-inch Back List, Lavatory only $29 00 $22 00 List, Leg with Rod 4 00 4 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS g.^„^^, b^^,, f,.;„(,h Back If cut for Standing Waste 240 EE 240 CP If cut for Pop-Up Waste or Chain Stay 240 EB 240 CR Also made in 20 x 18 inches size. Section A TimN.0. dm TimN.0. 240 EN — PELTON Vitreous China Straight Front Lavatory with Integral Back on Vitreous China Leg Size of Lavatory, inches 24 x 20 Size of Basin, inches 17x12^ Height of Back, inches 6 or 8 8-incli Back 6-iiicli Back List, Lavatory only $30 SO $23 SO List, Leg with Rod 4 00 4 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS S-indiEack 6-inch Back If cut for Depressed Slotted Overflow and Soap Receptacle combined 240 EN 240 CD Also made in 20 x 18 inches size. Section A TimN.0. i^ 14 x 11 J4 List, Lavatory only $25 50 $16 GO List, Legs per pair 8 00 8 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Combination Fixture 270 AA 240 AB If cut for Standing Waste 270 AB 240 AD Leg 50 E 50 E Section A TimN.O. ®1 TimN.O. p-^ 270 AF — DELMAR Vitreous China Lavatory on Vitreous China Leg Size of Lavatory, inches 27 x 22 24 x 20 Size of Basin, inches HJ^ x 12^^ 14x 11>4 List, Lavatory only $25 50 $16 00 List, Leg with Rod 4 00 4 00 List, Trimmings ■ See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Standing Waste 270 AF 240 AG If cut for Combination Fixture 270 AE 240 AF Leg 50 B SOB Section A TimN.O. (MS TimN.O, 270 AG — ROSLYN ViTEEOus China Lavatory Size of Lavatory, inches 27 x 22 24 x 20 Size of Basin, inches 17>^ x 12>4 14 x 11>4 List, Lavatory only $25 50 $16 00 List. Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Standing Waste 270 AG 240 AX If cut for Combination Fixture 270 AH 240 AP Section A TimN.O. (M6 TimN.O. 270 AT ^KELVIN ViTKEOus China Lavatory on Vitreous China Pedestal Size of Lavatory, inches 27 x 22 30 x 23 Size of Basin, inches 17>4 x UJ-j liyi x 12j4 List, Lavatory only $25 50 $39 00 List, Pedestal only 1100 11 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Standing Waste 270 AT 300 AK If cut for Combination Fixture 270 AW 300 AL If cut for Pop-Up Waste 270 AY 300 AM Section A TimN.0. 272 AE — BRAMPTON Vitreous China WAVELINE Lavatory on Vitreous China Pedestal Size of Lavatory, inches 30 x 23 27 x 22 Size of Basin, inches IS^^ x 13}^ llji x 12>4 List, Lavatory only $29 00 $25 50 List, Pedestal only 11 00 1 1 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Combination Fixture 302 AE 272 AE If cut for Standing Waste 302 AD 272 AD Pedestal 75 F 75 F Section A (m^ x 13i4 17j4 x 121^ List, Lavatory only $29 00 $25 50 List, Leg only 4 00 4 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Pop-Up Waste or Chain Stay 302 AH 272 AF Leg 52 B 52 B Section A TimN.O. Q»P6 TlfriN.0. 275 AA — SEDGWICK ViTKEOus China Recess oh Coenee Lavatoey on Viteeous China Leg Size of Lavatory, inches 30 x 23 27 x 22 Size of Basin, inches 17>< x 12J^ 17>^ x 121^ List, Lavatory only $34 00 $29 00 List, Leg with Rod 4 00 4 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBEES If cut for Combination Fixture 305 AA 275 AA If cut for Standing Waste 305 AB 275 AB Leg 50 F 50 F Also made for left-hand corner or recessed both ends and back. Section A TimN.0. !-*: -'-1 i^pimgi TimN.O. 285 CA — GASCO Vitreous China Recess Lavatory with Integral Back and Sides Size of Lavatory, inches 32 x 22 28 x 20 24 x 20 Size of Basin, inches 20 x 13>4 17 x 12 ISyi x 11 Height of Back and Sides, inches 6 6 6 List, Lavatory only $72 00 $58 50 $48 50 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Standing Waste 325 CB 285 CA 245 CB If cut for Pop-Up Waste or Chain Stay 325 CD 285 CB 245 CA Section A TirriN.o. TimN.O. 302 AE — REXFORD Vitreous China WAVELINE Lavatoey on Vitreous China Pedestal Size of Lavatory, inches 30 x 23 27 x 22 Size of Basin, inches 18>4 x 135^ 1 7>4 x 12i^ List, Lavatory only $29 00 $25 50 List, Pedestal only 11 00 11 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Combination Fixture 302 AE 272 AE If cut for Standing Waste 302 AD 272 AD Pedestal 75 E 75 E Sectiox a TimN.O. TIFONfl. 302 AF — ROSEMOXT Vitreous China WAVELINE Lavatory ox Vitreous China Legs Size of Lavatory, inches 30 x 23 27 x 22 Size of Basin, inches 18j4 x 13>4 Hji x 12i^ List, Lavatory only $29 00 $25 50 List, Legs per pair 8 00 8 00 List, Trimmings See Section G stock numbers If cut for Combination Fixture , 302 AF 272 AG If cut for Standing Waste 302 AB 272 AB Leg 52 C 52 C Section A TirriN.o. 302 DA — TRYPHO Vitreous China WAVELINE Lavatory with Integrai, Back on Vitreous China Pedestal Size of Lavatory, inches 30 x 23 27 x 22 Size of Basin, inches 18^ x 13J^ ll}i x 121^ Height of Back, inches 8 8 List, Lavatory only $58 00 $48 50 List, Pedestal only 11 00 1 1 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Combination Fixture 302 DA 272 DC If cut for Standing Waste 302 DB 272 DB If cut for Pop-Up Waste or Chain Stay 302 DG 272 DG Pedestal 75 E 75 E Section A TimN.O. TimN.O. 302 DD — TRYPHOSA Vitreous China WAVELINE Lavatory with Integral Back on Vitreous China Legs Size of Lavatory, inches 30 x 23 27 x 22 Size of Basin, inches 18>4 x 13>^ IV/i x 12>^ Height of Back, inches 8 8 List, Lavatory only $58 00 $48 SO List, Legs, per pair 8 00 8 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Combination Fixture 302 DD 272 DA If cut for Standing Waste 302 DE 272 DE If cut for Pop-Up Waste or Chain Stay 302 DF 272 DF Leg 52 A 52 A Section A TimN.0. TirriN.o. 303 AC — BOISDALE ViTKEOus China Oval Lavatory on Vitreous China Pedestal, Size of Lavatory, inches '. . 33 x 24 30 x 23 27 x 22 Size of Basin, inches 18xl3>4 17xl2>^ 17xl2j4 List, Lavatory only $39 00 $29 00 $25 50 List, Pedestal only 11 00 11 00 11 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Combination Fixture 333 AC 303 AC 273 AC If cut for Standing Waste 333 AB 303 AB 273 AB Pedestal 75 D 75 D 75 D Section A TimN.O. am 303 BC — CHANTRY Vitreous China Ovax, Lavatory on Vitreous China Pedestal Size of Lavatory, inches 30 x 23 33 x 24 Size of Basin, inches 17 x 12>4 18 x 13J4 List, Lavatory only $29 00 $39 00 List, Pedestal only 1 1 00 1 1 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Combination Fixture 303 BC 333 BC If cut for Standing Waste 303 BB 333 BB Pedestal 75 D 75 D Section A TlFnN.0. 303 CB — MELVERN Vitreous China Oval Lavatory with Heavy Roll Rim on Vitreous China Pedestal Size of Lavatory, inches 30x23 Size of Basin, inches 17x12 List, Lavatory only $29 00 List, Pedestal only 11 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Standing Waste 303 CB If cut for Combination Fixture 303 CC Pedestal 75 A Seci'ion a TimN.O. TimN.O. 303 CC — MELROSE ViTEEOus China Oval Lavatory with Heavy Roll Rim on Vitreous China Pedestal Size of Lavatory, inches 30 x 23 Size of Basin, inches 17x12 List, Lavatory only $29 00 List, Pedestal only 11 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NtTMBERS If cut for Combination Fixture 303 CC If cut for Standing Waste 303 CB Pedestal 75 C Section A TimN.O. 333 AC — BELGRAVE Vitreous China Oval IjAvatory on Vitreous China Pedestal Size of Lavatory, inches 33 x 24 30 x 23 27x22 Size of Basin, inches 18 x 13J^ 17x12^ 17xl2>^ List, Lavatorj' only $39 00 $29 00 $25 50 List, Pedestal only 11 00 1 1 00 1 1 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Combination Fixture.. 333 AC 303 AC 273 AC If cut for Standing Waste 333 AB 303 AB 273 AB Pedestal 75 B 75 A 75 A Section A Timn.o. TimN.O. 333 BC — TRAFTON ViTEEOus China Oval Lavatory on Vitreous China Pedestal Size of Lavatory, inches 33 x 24 30x23 Size of Basin, inches 18 x 13^ 17 x 12>^ List, Lavatory only $39 00 $29 00 List, Pedestal only 1 1 00 11 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NU3iIBERS If cut for Standing Waste 333 BE 303 BB If cut for Combination Fixture 333 BC 303 BC Pedestal 75 K 75 K A i TimN.O. Section A TimN.O. PEDESTALS Shoaving Different Styles of Vitreous China Pedestals Square or WAVELINE Pedestals or Legs interchangeable on Square or WAVELINE Lavatories. Round Pedestals interchangeable on all Oval Top Lavatories. Section A TirriN.o. TlfflN.O. 399 A — BATTERY Vitreous China Lavatories in Single Battery Vitreous China Round Front Lavatories (size 21 x 19 inches), iitted with Nickel- Plated Brass Compression Cocks, Cast Iron Concealed Brackets and Nickel-Plated P Trap vented. Prices on Application. Section A TimN.0. TimND. 399 B — BATTERY Vitreous China Lavatories in Single Battery Vitreous China Straight Front Lavatories with Integral Back (size 20 x 18, back 6 inches), fitted with Nickel-Plated Brass Compression Cocks, with Cast Iron Concealed Brackets and Nickel-Plated Continuous Waste with Nickel-Plated P Trap vented. Prices on Application. Section A Tim NO. TimN.0. 399 C — BATTERY Vitreous Chusta Lavatories in Single Battery Vitreous China Round Front Lavatory with Integral Back (size 20x18, back 6 inches), fitted with Nickel-Plated Brass Compression Cocks, Nickel-Plated Brass Plug with Chain Stay and Chain, with Cast Iron Concealed Brackets and Nickel-Plated Continuous Waste with Nickel-Plated "S" Trap. Prices on Application. I Section A TimN.0. TIFriND. 399 D — BATTERY Vitreous China Lavatories in Double Battery Conforms to Type E-6 U. S. Government Specifications 1907-1908. Vitreous China Lavatories with Heavy Roll Rim and Integral Soap Cup. Lava- tories each 20x18 inches; 6}^ inches deep inside, fitted with lj4-inch Nickel-Plated Brass Waste Plug and Overflow Strainer with Chain Attached; IJ^-inch Nickel-Plated Brass Continuous Waste and 2-inch Anti-Syphoning Trap for each battery of four Lava- tories; Galvanized Cast Iron Double Frame and Galvanized Iron Pipe for Hot and Cold Water and Nickel-Plated ;^-inch Fuller Bibbs. Prices on Application. Sec'I'ion a TimN.O. TimN.O, 399 E— BATTERY Vitreous China Lavatories in Single Battery Conforms to Type E-5 U. S. Government Specifications 1907-1908. - VitreotiS Ghiiia Lavatories with Heavy Roll Rim and Integral Soap Cup. Lava- tories'ekch 20X-18 inches; 63/^ inclies deep inside, fitted with 1^ -inch Nickel-Plated' Brass Waste Plug and Overflow Strainer with Chain attached; IJ/2 -inch Nickel-Plated Brass Continuous : Waste and 2-inch Nickel-Plated Brass "S" Trap vented; heavy Con- cealed Cast Iron;F.ranie- with Adjustable Cast Iron Legs with Ball Foot; frame cast with dowels to fit into holes in bottom of Lavatory, and with Screw 'oft top !tb attach to Boss or Frame; Galvanized Iron Pipe for Hot and Cold Water and Nickel-Plated J/2-inch Fuller Bibbs. Prices on Application. " T^ •>-> SECTION B :] ' -ioi — > n Illustrating ^ Describing Water Closet Bowls For Private Residences, Office Buildings, Schools, Factories, Public Institutions, Etc. For Complete Description of yktlef io' Vented Bowls our Booklet VENTILATION will be sent upon request Tim NO. Section B TimN.O. TimN.O. 400 C ViTKEOus China Staple Syphon Jet Closet Bowl Measures from center of supply to center of outlet, inches Ij4 List, Closet only $17 00 1^2-iiich Supply 2-inch SuDpiy Stock Numbers 400 B 400 C This Closet is our regular pattern of Syphon Jet and is very popular. Section B TlfflN.O. TimN.0. 400 E Vitreous China Syphon Jet Closet Bowl with Extended Inlet Measures from center of supply to center of outlet, inches 8J/2 List, Closet Bowl only $20 00 l|.2-inch Supply 2-inch Supply Stock Numbers 400 E 400 F Attention is called to the extended inlet on this Closet, which measures from center of inlet to center of Seat Attachment holes 6j4 inches, obviating the necessity of using offset flush connection for Low Tank Work. Section B TimN.O. TimN.O. i i llWWIII LII 'JJiWWI i M W MM l ia 400 N Vitreous China Syphon Jet Closet Bowl with Integral Seat Measures from center of supply to center of outlet, inches 7J^ List, Closet only Prices on Application l^-inch Supply 2-inch Supply Stock Numbers 400 M 400 N This Closet being made with an Integral Crockery Seat is particularly adapted for use in Public Buildinss and Factories. Integral Earthenware Seats can be tur- nished on nearly all Closets if desired, and full information regarding this feature will be furnished on request. i i I Section B TirriN.o. (M^@. TimN.O. 404 C Vitreous China Syphon Jet Closet Bowl Measures from face of spud to center of outlet, inches 123^ List, Closet only $17 00 lU-inch Supply 2-inch Supply Stock Numbers 404 C 404 D This Closet is made with Extended Back to permit of Supply Connection through wall. Section B (m^ (mil Timio. TimN.O. 404 L Vitreous China Syphon Jet Closet with Heavy Base Measures from center of supply to center of outlet, inches 73^ List, Closet only $17 00 114-inch Supply 2-inch Supply Stock Numbers 404 R 404 L This Closet is of the Center Outlet Type, has a large deep water surface with heavy base and is especially adapted for Public Buildings and heavy duty. Section 15 TimN.O. (MS TimN.O. 407 B Vitreous China Syphon Jet Closet Bowl with Extended Sanitary Lip Measures from center of supply to center of outlet, inches 7j4 List, Closet with Lip only Prices on Application l^X-iiich Supply 2-incIi Supply Stock Numbers 407 A 407 B This is a heavy Closet with great depth of water seal, large water surface, and per- fect operation, and the Extended Lip gives additional sanitary protection to the user. Section B TirnN.o. TIFriN.O. 40T K Vitreous China Syphon Jet Closet Bowl with Extended Sanitary Lip and J^Ti^ -iO' Raised Rear Vent (Patent Applied For) List, Closet with Lip and Vent only Prices on Application l^-inch Supply 2-inch Supply Stock Numbers 407 M 407 K This Closet embraces all the features of the 407 B and in addition has the ^Ti^ 'tO' Raised Rear Vent. Closet is shown with 334-inch ^njlei -to' Vent which has an effective area of 8.25 square inches. Also made with 23/2-inch ^Tj^ -ic Vent Avhich has an effective area of 4.90 square inches. Section B TimN.O. TimN.O. 409 C Vitreous China Syphon Jet Closet Bowl Measures from center of supply to center of outlet, inches 834 List, Closet Bowl only $20 00 l'^4-inch Supply 2-incli Supply Stock Numbers 409 A 409 C This Closet has the well-known Pear-Shaped Top and is a popular fixture for Gen- eral Use, and has E.\tended Inlet, which obviates the necessity of using offset flush con- nection for low tank work. The Syphon }et Closets shown in these pages illustrate only the more popular types. Special types ot Syphon [et Clos- ets made by us have given uniform sat- isfaction and we will be pleased to give the trade the benefit of our long ex- perience on any contemplated design. Section B TimN.O. TlfflN.O, 411 G Vitreous China Juvenile Syphon Jet Closet Bowl Measures from center of supply to center of outlet, inches 5^ List, Closet only $17 00 Ij^-inch Supply 2-inch Supply Stock Numbers 41 1 F 41 1 G This Closet Standing 13J4 inches high embraces all the features of the Syphon Jet Closet and is particularly adapted for primary schools, etc. Section B Ov\Pg TirfiNfl. (M6 TirriNO. 411 H Vttkeous China Ju^'EiS^ILE Syphox Jet Closet Boave avith Side Suppi-y Measures from center of supply to center of outlet, inches 23/2 List, Closet only $17 00 Stock Numbers 411 H This Closet is made for Valve operation and the Side Supply permits of very close roughing in. Also made in Standard height. Sl'.CTION B TimN.O. TlfflND. 412 S Vitreous China Extra Heavy Ju^s^nile S^'phon Jet Closet Boavl AviTH Integral Saddle Seat and JfzZE^ -i^r Raised Rear ^''ent (Patent Applied For) List, Closet and Vent only Prices on Application l'/2-inch Supply 2-incli Supply Stock Numbers 412 S 412 T Closet is shown with 3j4"inch ^Tz^ -tO' Vent which has an effective area of 8.25 square inches. Also made with 2^-inch ^7i[E0 -ZO' Vent which has an effective area of 4.90 square inches. Section B TirnN.o. KPrPA'JINIl TirriN.o. 412 U ViTEEOus China Extra Heavy Juvenile Syphon Jet Closet Eow l -WITH Raised Rim in Front and yritl^ -Zcy Revised Rear Vent (Patent Applied For) List, Closet with Vent only Prices on Application l^-incli Supply 2-incli Supply Stoclc Numbers 412 U 412 W Closet is shown with SJ^-inch ^T^£[-to' Vent which has an effective area of 8.25 square inches. Also made with 2J/^-inch ^nJE^ -ic Vent which has an effective area of 4.90 square inches. Section B TimN.0. 420 C ViTEEOus China DtVORO Noiseless Syphox Jet Closet Bowl (Patent Applied For) Regular — Measures from center of supply to center of outlet, inches 7J^ Extended Inlet — jMeasures from center of supply to center of outlet, inches 83^ List, Closet only, Regular $17 00 List, Closet only, Extended Inlet 20 00 STOCK NUMBEKS l.,.inch Supply Regular (measures SJ-'a inches center of S/A holes to cen- ter of supply) 420 B Extended Inlet (measures 6J4 inches center of S/A holes to center of supply) 420 L 420 M The DtVORO Closet has discharge passage of large caliber to pass a ball 2^^ inches in diameter, a large Water Area and a 3^ -inch seal. This Closet is guaranteed to be nearer Noiseless or Soundless than any Syphon Jet Closet now being offered. 2-inch Supply 420 C Section B TIFriN.O. TirnN.o. 420 H Vitreous China Syphon Jet Closet Boavl with Raised Rim in Front List. Closet with Raised Rim, only $19 00 Stock Numbers l/4-incli Supply . 420 H 2-inch Supply 420 D This Closet embraces all the features of the Staple Syphon Jet Closet and in addi- tion has a non-soilina; raised rim in front. SmriiON I! TimN.O. (m^ TimN.0. 423 C Vitreous China DLVORO Noiseless Syphon Jet Closet Bowl avith ^T^^-Zc Raised Rear Vent ( Patent Applied l-'or) List, Closet with Vent only Prices on Application lJ4-incll Supply 2-incli Supply Stock Numbers 423 A 423 C This Closet embraces all the features of DtVORO Closet and in addition has the y7it£^ -tO' Vent integral with the Closet. Closet is shown with 334"inch ^TitE^ -Zo' Vent which has an effective area of 8.25 square inches. Also made with 2i/2-inch S7itE£i -io' Vent which has an effective area of 4.90 square inches. Section K TimN.O. R?IW?INIl TirriN.o. 4.23 C Sectional View of DLVORO Noiseless Closet Bowl with JriHe/ 'tO' Vent Our DLVORO Bowl, while following the lines of the Syphon Jet and emplo3'ing the jet in operation has a new principle of operation, in common with the EXPIJLSO Bowl, consisting of an enlarged down-leg, which feature makes possible some remarkable results, the most gratifying being that of really noiseless operation — a feature long sought for but never realized in other than the DtVORO Bowl. So quiet is the operation of the DLVORO that "soundless" best describes it, while at the same time a very deep seal, full 3j^ inches, with a water area of 10 x 12 inches, is made possible by the new principles described, with instantaneous discharge of the bowl contents to complete a perfect example of closet operation. The waterway of the DtVORO Bowl is exceptionally large, passing freely a ball 2j^ inches in diameter. Closet is shown with 3j4-iiich Vent which has an effective area of 8.25 square inches. Also made with 2j4-inch Vent which has an effective area of 4.90 square inches. - Section B (M?@. i\pm'?ii TimN.0. m°tfm. TimN.O. 423 G Vitreous China DLVORO N'oisf.less Syphon Jet Closet Bowl for Wall Outlet with Sr^^-ic Raised Rear Vent (Patent AjJiilied For) List, Closet only Prices on Application Tliis Closet is extra heavy and is unsurpassed for Schools and Public Institutions where a Closet embracing the features shown in this structure is required. Closet is shown with 334-hich ^7^^-tO' Vent which has an effective area of 8.25 square inches. Also made with 2i/4-inch J^TtJlu -tO' Vent which has an effective area of 4.90 square inches. Section B G^i i@ TIFriN.O 428 A ViTiiEous ChinxI No. 2 Improa'ed Square Back Syphon Jet Closet Bowl List, Closet only, plain $22 00 List, Closet only, embossed 23 00 STOCK NUaiBEES „..i„cl, Supply 2-inch Supply Plain 428 F 428 A Embossed 428 G 428 B This is a gracefully designed Closet of the Square Back Style. Section B (M?t TimN.O, TimN.O 428 C Vitreous China No. 1 Square Back Heavy Syphon Jet Closet Bowl List, Closet only $24 00 Ij^-inch Supply 2-incli Supply Stock Numbers 428 E 428 C This is a substantially constructed Closet with Extra Heavy Roll Rim and Heavy Foot, with a large Waterway through Trap, and is especially adapted for Public Build- ings. Section B Tim NO. TirriN.o. 436 E Vitreous China EXPULSO Closet Boavl with JtzH^ 'Zc' Vent ( Pntent Applied P'or) List $23 50 Ij^-inch Supply 2-iiicli Supply Stock Numbers 436 X 436 E This Vented Closet embracing all the features of the EXPULSO Bowl and yriJle/ 'tO' Vent is partcularlj' adapted for general use. Closet is shown with 354-hich STiS£l -iC Vent which has an eifective area of 8.25 square inclies. Also made with 23^-inch yTz^ -io" Vent which has an etfective area of 4.90 square inches. The following several pages illustrate only the more generally used closets of the EXPMLSO type and do not by any means cover the entire line. We have gotten out some very inter- esting descriptive matter on EXPULSO Closets which we will be pleased to send on request. ' 1(8, TimN.0. Section B TimN.O. 436 L Vitreous China Extra Heavy Jua^nile EXPULSO Closet Boave with y?itl£i -iO' Raised Rear Vext (Patent Applied For) List, Closet only Price on Application STOCK NUMBERS Juvenile (lieight 135^ inches) 436 L Regular (height ISJ-^ inches) ,. 436 M This Vented Closet made for High or Low Tank Operation embraces all the fea- tures of the EXPULSO Bowl and ^TitEs -tc Vent and is particularly adapted to Public Institutions wliere heavy duty is required. Closet is shown with 354'hich J^7itl^ -tC' Vent which has an effective area of 8.25 square inches. Also made with 2J^-inch ^T^^-io" Vent which has an effective area of 4.90 square inches. Sectio.v B TimN.O. TimN.O. 436 U Vitreous China Ju^^nile EXPIJLSO Closet Bo^ri. avith J^TZ^ -tir Raised Rear A-^ent (Patent Applied For) List, Closet only Prices on Application lJ-2-inch .Supply 2-inch Supply Stock Numbers 436 U 436 W This A-^ented Closet, which stands 133^ inches high, embracing all the features of the EXPIJLSO Bowl and ^Ti&e -iO' Vent is particularly adapted to School Buildings. Closet is shown with 3j4-inch ^7i^ -tC Vent which has an eifective area of 8.25 square inches. Also made Avith 2]^ -inch yntui -tc Vent which lias an effective area of 4.90 square inches. Section B TimN.O. TimN.O. 437 C A^ixREOus China EXPIJLSO Closet Bowl ( Patent Applied For) List, Closet only. 510 00 STOCK XU3IBERS IJ^-inch Supply Regular (6 inches face of spud to center of outlet) 437 A Close Rough-in (3 inches face of spud to center of outlet). 437 I. 2-iiich Supply 437 C 43,7 M This Closet is a New and Unique Method of Water Closet Structure, and except for the Syphon Jet has better working features than any closet made. The "\A''ater is concentrated in a channel at the front of the Closet and directed to the outlet, securing an expulsive effect which discharges the contents promptly without rise or commotion. Section B TimN.O. l^ inches in diameter freely. Section B (M?S TimN.O. TimN,0. 437 Iv Vitreous China EXPIJLSO Closet Bowl with Webstek Arm (Patent Applied For) Height, inches 15j4 List, Closet with Arm $15 00 IJ^-inch Supply 2-inch Supply Stock Numbers 437 H 437 K Tliis Closet embraces all the features of the EXPIJLSO Closet and in addition has a Vitreous China Arm extendinof to wall covering the inlet connection. Section B G^t TimN.O. TlfflN.O. i 437 S Vitreous China Juvenile EXPULSO Closet Bowl with Webster Arm (Patent Applied For) Height, inches 133^2 List, Closet with Arm $15 00 Stock Number, l>-2-inch Supply 437 S This Closet embraces all the features of the EXPULSO Closet and in addition has a Vitreous China Arm extending to wall line covering the inlet connection. Section B TimN.O. TirriN.o. 438 A Vitreous China Extka Heavy EXPULSO Closet Boavl for Top Supply (Patent Applied For) List, Closet only $19 25 STOCK XU:M15ERS lU-ipch Supply 2-iiich Supply Regular Height, 1 5J4 inches 438 A 438 B Juvenile Height, 1 3>< inches 438 C 438 D This Closet operates with Syphon Action without jet pipes, has a large waterway and is a very serviceable Closet for installation where the toilet is subjected to rough usage. EXPIJLSO Closets in Extra Heavy Weight are the best closets now being offered to the Trade for general instal- lation where heavy duty is required. Section B TimN.0. (mo. TimN.O. 441 H Vitreous China Juvenile Wasi-idown Closet Bowl with Jet Pipe Measures face of spud to center of outlet, inches 9 List, Closet only $10 00 STOCK NUaiBEES li^.mch Supply 2-incli Supply If for Back outlet 441 G 441 H If for Center outlet 440 E 440 F Also made in Standard height. Section B Timw.o. TirriN.o. 443 C Vitreous China Washdown Ci-oskt Bowl with Rectaxgular Jet Measures face of spud to center of outlet, inches S}^- List, Closet only $10 00 lK-i"ch Supply 2-incli Supply Stock Numbers 443 A 443 C This Closet is a heavy and large fixture with Strong Syphon Action. Section B TimN.O. Timn.o. 451 B Vitreous China Back Outlet Washdown Closet Bowl Measures from face of spud to center of outlet, inches 6 List, Closet only $8 50 IJit-inch Supply 2-inch Supply Stock Numbers 451 A 451 B See Sectional cuts 450 to 453 inclusive. Section B rpim?iN TimN.O. TimN.O. 4-51 W Vitreous China Back Outlet (^ectcr Closet Bowl ( Patent Applied For) Measures face of spud to center of outlet, inches 6 List, Closet only $8 50 STOCK NUMBERS ,:^_i„ch Supply 2-inch Supply Back Outlet 451 U 451 W Center Outlet 450 F 450 G This Closet, which eliminates the fan at rear, prevents soiling of the bowl. Has a large water area (8x9 inches), a deep seal (3 inches) and the contents are discharged with a prompt and sustained action without rise or commotion. \ Section B Timn.o. TimN.O. 452 E Vitreous China Washdoavn Closet Bowl with Extended Back Outlet AND Integkal Seat Measures face of spud to center of outlet, inches 43^ List, Closet only Prices on Application STOCK NUMEEES liX-inch Supply 2-inch Supply If for Integral Seat 452 E 452 F If for Seat Attachment 452 A 452 B This Closet is designed to meet the requirements of a Closet that will rough-in closer than the regular Wash-down Closet and is especially adapted for factory use. Also made with various roughing-in measurements, see cuts 450 to 453 inclusive. Seciiox B TimN.O. TimN.O. 453 B ViTEEOus China Washdoavn Closet Bowl with Extka Extended Back Outlet Measures face of spud to center of outlet, inches 3 List, Closet only $10 00 iK-iwch Supply 2-incli Supply Stock Numbers 453 A 453 B This Closet is designed to meet the requirements of very close roughing-in. See Sectional Cuts 450 to 453 inclusive. Sectiois' B I\0|\WI1 TimN.O. TimN.O. 450 B 452 B 451 B 453 B Sectional Views of Washbown Closets Showing Inside Structuke We carry all these types in stock fitted with spud for high or low tank. All made with large waterway and deep seal and superior in operation. All these types can be furnished either with Seat Attachment or Integral Seat. The Wash-down Closets shown on the last preceding pages have won the ap- proval of the trade on their merit alone. Continued application of scientific Methods in our Manufacture assures the quality of our product will be always kept on the highest plane and merit the approval of all users of these closets. TimN.O, Section B TimN.0. 4i60 C Vitreous China A^o. 3 Fkokt Outlet Washout Closet Bowl List, Closet Bowl only $8 00 STOCK NUMBERS f„,„ Outlet Back Outlet If made as shown 460 C 461 C If made with Trap Vent 460 E 461 E If made with Seat Vent 450 F 461 F Also made in Pedestal Style, List, $9 00. Section B TimN.O. TimN.O. 470 A Vitreous China Tall Hoppees List, Tall Oval Hopper $6 SO List, Tall Round Hopper 5 00 STOCK NUMBEKS Oval 470 A Round 47 1 A Section B (m^ TimND. (W<1 TirriN.o. 480 A Vitreous China Extra Heavy Washdown Closet Bowl With Heav)' Angle Base bolted to Wall and Floor, Outlet through Wall or Floor as desired. Seat Attacliment Integral Seat List, Closet only $18 80 $20 80 STOCK NUMBERS wall Outlet Floor Outlet If for Seat Attachment 480' A 481 A If for Integral Seat 480 B 481 B Section B (Mil TirriN.o. TimN.O. 480 D Vitreous China Extra Heavy Syphon Jet Closet Boavl With Oval Integral Seat and Heavy Angle Base bolted to Wall and Floor, Outlet through Floor or Wall as desired. Integral Seat Seat Attachment List, Closet only $21 60 $19 60 STOCK NUIMBERS wall Outlet Floor Outlet If for Integral Seat 480 D 481 D If for Seat Attachment 480 Y 481 Y Section B TimN.O. TimN.0. PRISON COMBINATION 480 F Vitreous China Extra Heavy Syphon Jet Closet Bowl With Round Integral Seat and Heavy Angle Base bolted to Wall and Floor, Outlet through Wall or Floor as desired. Also made with ordinary Rim and Seat Attachment. 110 A Vitreous China Extra Heavy Flat Back Lavatory With Integral Back with Patent Overflow fitted with Push Button Self-Closing Cock. Prices on Application, Section B TirriN.o. mm. mwm. TirriN.o, 480 FC View, Showing Fittings Back of Wall Assembled as shown with Haas Hydrometer. TimN.O. Section B (m%. TimN.0. PRISON COMBINATION 480 K Vitreous China Extba Heavy Syphox Jet Closet Bowl With Oval Integral Seat and Heavy Angle Base Bolted to Wall and Floor, Outlet Through Wall or Floor as Desired. 110 B ViTEEOus China Extra Heavy Corner Lavatory With Integral Back, with Standing Overflow Continuous Waste Push Button Self- Closing Cock. Prices on Application. The Prison Closets and Lavatories illus- trated in the last preceding pages and the Extra Heavy Wash-downs on the next following pages have been tested out in actual use in some of the largest institutions of the country, and have given uniform satisfaction as to opera- tion and durability. Section B (M>6 TIFriN.O. om^ TIFriN.O. 484 B Vitreous China Extra PIeavy Washdo^vn (Non-Syphonic) Closet Bowl List, Closet only $11 00 STOCK NUilBERS lU-inch Supply 2-mch Supply If made for Seat Attachment 484 B 484 C If made for Integral Seat 484 D 484 E Also made with Top Supply. Section B TirriN.o, (Mi l\0|\WIM TimN.O, 484 D Vitreous China Extra Heaa^y Washdown (Non-Syphonic) Closet Bowl WITH Integral Seat List, Closet only $12 90 STOCK NUaiEERS li„-i„ch Supply 2-inch Supply If made for Integral Seat. ., 484 D 484 E If made for Seat Attachment 484 B 484 C Also made with Top Supply. Section B TIpriNO. TimNO. 484 U ViTEEOus China Extra Heavy '^yASHDowjsr (Non-Syphonic) Closet Bowl WITH Integral Seat and yktler 'to' Vent List, Closet only Prices on Application STOCK NLTaiBEES 114-incli Supply 2-inch Supply If with Integral Seat 484 T 484 U If for Seat Attachment 484 W 484 X Section B TimN.0. TimN.0. VENTS Showing Styles and JNIeasukements or Viteeous China Raised Rear Vents Can be applied to any Closet. <■<' r^ >? SECTION C II =i|f^^ l on^ > Hcz=^= Illust7~ating &f Describing Vitreous China Tanks Water Closet Combinations, Pressure Tank Combinations and other Seat Action Combinations TimN.O. A Word About Our Vitreous China Tanks and Trimmings The following pages illustrate a considerable portion of the line of Vitreous China Tanks which we are pro- ducing at our two plants. The designs shown herein have been modeled to conform to the various ideas which we felt were necessary to meet the demands of the exact- ing trade which we are serving. The line comprises vari- ous sizes and styles that we think oifer a satisfactory selection for the most critical. These Tanks are guaran- teed to be of our highest quality Vitreous China, suf- ficiently heavy to withstand the hard usage which they may be subjected to, perfectly white and of ample ca- pacity . in each case for flushing the closets which they ma)^ be shown with in combination herein. The Trimmings we have selected after most careful consideration and they are guaranteed on the higher priced Tanks to be as good as can be made or bought, and satisfactory for any and all pressures or kinds of water. On the cheaper tanks we have in no way tried to econo- mize by inserting flimsy or unsatisfactory Trimmings. They are first class in every way, carefully constructed and assembled as to material and workmanship ; this ap- plies as well to the operating levers, valves and ball cocks as it does to other parts of the complete fixture. Section C TimN.O. TimN.O. 600 G — BERLIN Vitreous China Straight Front Low Doayn Tank Fitted with Compound Lever Elevated Ball Cock and Rubber Ball Float Flush Valve, and China Handle Side Trip Lever, Flush Connection. No. 1 No. 2 Capacity, gallons (actual amount of water flushed) lyi 5 List, complete as described $18 00 $16 00 If with Stop in Supply, add 1 00 1 00 List, Tank only 11 00 10 50 Stock Numbers 600 G 600 Z Section C TimN.O. 600 P — MUNICH Vitreous China Straight Front 'Low Doavn Tank Fitted \Yith Compound Lever Elevated Ball Cock and Rubber Ball Float Flush Valve, and China Handle underneath Trip Lever, with Nickel-Plated Supply Pipes and Nickel-Plated Flush Connection. Capacity, gallons (actual amount of water flushed) lyi List, complete as described $20 00 If with Stop in Supply, add 1 00 List, Tank only 12 00 Section C TirriN.o. TimN.O, 600 R — BRUSSELS Vitreous China Straight Front Low Down Tank Fitted with Compound Lever Elevated Ball Cock and Rubber Ball Float Flush Valve, and China Handle Side Trip Lever, with Nickel-Plated Supply Pipes and Nickel-Plated Flush Connections. No. 1 No. 2 Capacity, gallons (actual amount of water flushed) 7J4 5 List, complete as described $18 00 $16 00 If with Stop in Supply, add 1 00 1 00 List, Tank only 1 1 00 10 50 Stock Numbers 600 R 600 S Section C TimN.O^ (mi 600 U — HAMBURG Vitreous China Straight Front Low Down Tank Fitted with Compound Lever Elevated Ball Cock and Rubber Ball Float Flush Valve, and China Handle Side Trip Lever, with Nickel-Plated Supply Pipes and Nickel-Plated Flush Connections. Capacity, gallons (actual amount of water flushed) 73^ List, complete as described $22 00 If with Stop in Supply, add 1 00 List, Tank only 11 00 The Fittings furnished with this Tank are the best that can be procured. Section C TimN.O. (M?@. TirriN.o. 602 F — NAPLES Vitreous China WAVELINE Low Down Tank Fitted with Compound Lever Elevated Ball Cock and Rubber Ball Float Flush Valve, and China Handle Side Trip Lever, with Nickel-Plated Supply Pipes and Nickel-Plated Flush Connections. Capacity, gallons (actual amount of water flushed) 73^ List, complete as described ~ $23 00 If with Stop in Supply, add 1 00 List, Tank only 13 50 This Tank is fitted with the best Fixtures that can be procured. The line oi Vitreous China Tanks illus- trated in this Section is unsurpassed for beauty of outline and durability, and when used in combination with our Closets make a fixture that is a grace- ful addition to any Bath-room. Section C •-T-/=\&. 603 E — VENICE Vitreous China Fancy Front Low Down Tank Fitted with Compound Lever Elevated Ball Cock and Rubber Ball Float Flush Valve, and China Handle underneath Trip Lever, with Nickel- Plated Supply Pipes and Nickel- Plated Flush Connection. Capacity, gallons (actual amount of water flushed) 734 List, complete as described $20 00 If with Stop in Supply, add 1 00 List, Tank only 12 00 Section C TirnN.o. om^. TimNa 603 H — DRESDEN Vitreous China Fancy Front Low Down Tank Fitted with Compound Lever Elevated Ball Cock and Rubber Ball Float Flush Valve, and China Handle Side Trip Lever, with Nickel-Plated Supph' Pipes and Nickel-Plated Flush Connection. Capacity, gallons (actual amount of water flushed) 7j4 List, complete as described $18 00 If with Stop in Supply, add 1 00 List, Tank only 11 00 Section C (M?@. TlfriN.O. TIFriN.O 603 M — ESSEN Vitreous China Fancy Front Low Down Tank Fitted with Compound Lever Elevated Ball Cock and Rubber Ball Float Flush Valve, and China Handle Bottom Side Trip Lever, with Nickel-Plated Supply Pipe and Nickel- Plated Flush Connection. Capacity, gallons (actual amount of water flushed) 7J^ List, complete as described $20 00 If with Stop in Supply, add 1 00 List, Tank only 12 00 Section C TirplN.O^ Q^m. cm X — CARDIFF Vitreous China Standaed Wave Front Low Do^a^n Tank Fitted with Compound Lever Elevated Ball Cock and Rubber Ball Float Flush Valve, and China Handle Side Trip Lever, with Nickel-Plated Supply Pipes and Nickel-Plated Ell Flush Connection. Capacity, gallons ( actual amount of water flushed ) 5 List, complete as described $16 00 List, Tank only 10 50 Section C '(m% (mi TimN.O. TirriNfl^ 604 A MOSCOW 604 C Vitreous China High Tank Fitted with Brass Flush Fittings, Brackets, Spuds and Couplings. No. 1 No. 2 Capacity, gallons (actual amount of water flushed) 10 8 List, complete as described $24 00 $22 00 List, Tank only 14 50 1 2 00 STOCK NUMBERS If made for Top Supply 604 A 604 C If made for Bottom Supply 604 B 604 D 611+ A 6114 C Size, inches inside 2014 x llj^ x 11 18>^ x 10>^ x 10 The Tanks shown on the other side of this leaf are our staple line. High Tanks are also made in Embossed and Special Styles, information regarding which will be furnished on application. Section C (m<^ TIFriN.O, 1110 — GLASGOW ViTBEous China Low Down Tank and Closet Combination Vitreous China Heavy Base Syphon Jet Closet (404 L), with Oak Seat and Lid and Nickel-Plated Brass Hinges; Vitreous China Straight Front Low Down Tank (600 K), with Nickel-Plated Supply Pipe with Tee or Wheel Stop and Nickel-Plated Offset Flush Connection. List, complete as described $38 50 If without Stop in Supply, deduct 1 00 Roughing-in Measurements will be furnished on Application. Section C TirriN.0. cm^ 1111 — DUBLIN Vitreous China Lo-\v Down Tank and Closet Combination Vitreous China DtVORO Noiseless Syphon Jet Closet Bowl (420 C), with Oak Seat and Lid and Nickel-Plated Brass Hinges ; Vitreous China Straight Front Low Down Tank (600 G), with Nickel-Plated Supply Pipe with Tee or Wheel Stop and Nickel- Plated Offset Flush Connection. List, complete as described $34 75 If without Stop in Supply, deduct 1 00 Roughing-in Measurements will be furnished on Application. Sl:("jion C TimN.O, TIFriN.O 1112 — BREMEN Vitreous China Low Down Tank and Closet Combination Vitreous China DtVORO Noiseless Syphon Jet Closet Bowl with J^z^ -jtr Raised Rear Vent (423 C), with Oak Seat and Lid and Nickel-Plated Brass Hinges; Vitreous China Straight Front Low Down Tank (600 U), with Nickel-Plated Supply Pipe with Tee or Wheel Stop and Nickel-Plated Offset Flush Connection. List, complete as described $47 50 If without Stop in Supply, deduct 1 00 Roughing-in Measurements will be furnished on Application. Section C TimN.O. TimN.O. 1113 — BERLIN Vitreous China Low Down Tank and Closet Combination Vitreous China (^edcr Closet (451 W), with Oak Seat and Lid and Nickel-Plated Brass Hinges; Vitreous China Straight Front Low Down Tank (600 G), with Nickel- Plated Supply Pipe with Tee or Wheel Stop and Nickel-Plated Ell Flush Connection. List, complete as described $29 00 If without Stop in Supply, deduct 1 00 Roughing-in Measurements will be furnished on Application. Section C ^°m?lNl). TimN.O, TirnN.o. 1115— DUNDEE Vitreous China Low Down Tank and Closet Combination (Seat Action) Vitreous China Syphon Jet Closet Bowl (409 C), with Oak Seat and Nickel-Plated Brass Hinges; Vitreous China Straight Front Low Down Tank (600 L), with Nickel- Plated Supply Pipes and Nickel-Plated Offset Flush Connection with Seat Operating Device. List, complete as described $43 00 List, if with EXPULSO Closet (437 C) 38 25 List, if with (^/eakr Closet (451 W) 37 25 Also furnished with yjitlef -io' Raised Rear Vent. Roughing-in Measurements will be furnished on Application. Section C gH. TirriN.o. TlfriN.O. 1131 — CARDIFF Vitreous Chixa Low Do^wn Tank and Closet Combination Vitreous China Washdown Closet Bowl (451 B), with Oak Seat and Lid and Nickel- Plated Brass Hinges; Vitreous China Wave Front Low Down Tank (603 N), with Nickel-Plated Supply Pipe with Tee or Wheel Stop and Nickel-Plated Offset Flush Connection. List, complete as described $25 75 Roughing-in Measurements will be furnished on Application. Section C TirriN.o. TirriN.o, 1140 — NAPLES Vitreous China Loav Down Tank and Closet Combination Vitreous China No. 2 Square Back Syphon Jet Closet with Concealed Jet Pipes (428 A) with Piano Polish Oak Seat and Lid and Nickel-Plated Brass Hinges ; Vitreous China WAVELINE ^-ow Down Tank (602 F), with Nickel-Plated Supply Pipe with Tee or Wheel Stop and Nickel-Plated Straight Flush Connection. List, complete as described $46 00 If without Stop in Supply Pipe, deduct 1 00 Roughing-in Measurements will be furnished on Application. Section C 1141 — GENOA ViTEEoxjs China Lo^v Doavn Tank x^nd Closet Combination Vitreous China DtVORO Syphon Jet Closjt Bowl with ^t^-Zo- Raised Rear Vent (423 C), with Oak Seat and Lid and Nickel-Plated Brass Hinges; Vitreous China WAVELINE Low Down Tank (602 F), with Nickel-Plated Supply Pipe with Tee or Wheel Stop and Nickel-Plated Flush Connection, List, complete as described $51 25 If without Stop in Supply, deduct 1 00 Roughing-in Measurements will be furnished on Application. Section C TlfriN.O, TimN.O^ 1160— VENICE Vitreous China Low Down Tank and Closet Combination Vitreous China DLV0R.0 Syphon Jet Closet Bowl with ^T^^-Zc Raised Rear Vent (423 C), with Oak Seat and Lid and Nickel-Plated Brass Hinges; Vitreous China Fancy Front Low Down Tank (603 E), with Nickel-Plated Supply with Tee or Wheel Stop and Nickel-Plated Flush Connection. List, complete as described $45 50 If without Stop in Supply, deduct 1 00 Roughing-in Measurements will be furnished on Application. Section C' Timw.o, ^•> SECTION D n ( tni ) r Illustrating ^f Describing Vitreous China Sanitary Ware specified by United States Government TIFFIN.O. Section D m°mw TIFriN.O, (Ml l®. TimN.O. TimN.O, 100 C (U S 30) Vitreous China Roll Rim Sink on Viteeous China Legs Made to conform with Treasury, War and Navy Departments Specifications, 1910. Fitted witli Nickel-Plated Brass Strainer and Nickel-Plated Brass Non-Siplioning Trap and Nickel-Plated Brass Goose-Neck Pattern Compression Faucets witli Cliina Handles and removable Rose Sprays and Nickel-Plated Brass Supply Pipes. Prices on Application. Section D TimN.O. (M5@ Tim NO 100 D (U S 30 B) Vitreous China Roll Rim Sink with Integral Back on Vitreous China Legs Made to conform with Treasur}', War and Navy Departments Specifications, 1910. Fitted witli Nickel-Plated Brass Strainer and Nickel-Plated Non-Siphoning Trap and Nickel-Plated Brass Fuller Faucets. Prices on Application. Section D TimN.O. TimN.O 120 D ViTEEOus China Extra Heavy Lavatory with Integral Back on Vitreous China Legs Size of Lavator)', inches 30 x 24 Size of Basin, inches 18 x 13J/2 Height of Back, inclies 10 List, Lavatory only, Extra Heavy $72 00 List, Lavatory only, Standard Weight 68 00 List, Legs with Rod 8 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Combination Fixture 120 D If cut for Standing Waste 120 A If cut for Patent Overflow or Cliain Stay 120 C Legs SOD This Lavatory in Extra Heavy Weight conforms to Type E-1 Government Specifications of 1907 and 1908. Section D TIFriN.O. 121 B Vitreous China Extra Heavy Lavatory with Integral Back on Vitreous China Legs Size of Lavatory, inches 27 x22 Size of Basin, inches 16J^ x 12^^ Height of Back, inches 9 List, Lavatory only. Extra Heavy $54 SO List, Lavatory only. Standard Weight 38 00 List, Legs with Rod 8 00 List, Trimmings See Section G STOCK NUMBERS If cut for Depressed Overflow 121 B If cut for Combination Fixture 121 D If cut for Standing Waste 121 C This Lavatory in Extra Heavy Weight conforms to Type E-2 Government Specifications of 1907 and 1908. Section D TimN.O. TimN.0. 122 A (U S 20 R) Vitreous China Straight Front Lavatory Made to conform with Treasury, War and Navy Departments Specifications, 1910. Fitted witli Nickel-Plated Brass Non-Siphoning Trap, and Plain Self-Closing Nickel- Plated Brass Faucets, and Nickel-Plated Supply Pipes and Chain Stay, Plug and Chain. Prices on Application. TirriN.o Section D TimN.O 122 B (U S 20 RB) Vitreous China Straight Front Lavatory with Integral Back Made to conform with Treasury, War and Navy Departments Specifications, 1910. Fitted with Nickel-Plated Brass Non-Siphoning Trap, and Plain Self-Closing Nickel- Plated Brass Faucets, and Chain Stay, Plug and Chain. Prices on Application. Section D QX^Pt TimN.C i<9rPA^ inches. Made to conform to Type B-3 U. S. Government Specifications 1907 and 1908. List, Closet only Prices on Application Section D TimN.O. M TimN.O 419 T (U S Type B-1) Vitreous China Heaa^y Syphon Jet Closet Measures Center of Supply to Center of Outlet 8^^ inches. Made to conform to Type B-1 U. S. Government Specifications 1907 and 1908. List, Closet only Prices on Application Section D (Mi TirriN ' 1025 Vitreous China Syphon Ueinal and High Tank Combination Consists of A^'itreous China S5'phon Jet Urinal (U S 35) and Vitreous Cliina High Tank (U S 14 V), fitted with Nickel-Plated Supply and Flush Pipes and Chain and Chain Pull, set in Stall of Marble Slab on Nickel-Plated Less. Prices on Application. Section D TirriN.O- Tifmp. 1165 Vitreous China Syphon Jet Closet and Low Tank Combination Vitreous China Syphon Jet Closet (U S 54) with Oak Seat and Nickel-Plated Brass Hinges; Vitreous China Fancy Front Low Down Tank (U S 16 VL) with Nickel- Plated Supply with Tee or Wheel Stop and Nickel-Plated Flush Connection. Rougliing-in iS'Ieasurements will be furnished on Application. Prices on Application. Section D TirriN.o. (m^ TirnN.o, 1175 Vitreous China High Tank and Closet Combination Made to conform with Treasury, War and Navy Departments Specifications, 1910. Vitreous China Syplion Jet Closet (U S 75) witli Oak Seat and Nickel-Plated Brass Hinges; Vitreous China Square High Tank (U S 20 V) fitted with Nickel-Plated Brass Flush Pipe and China Handle Pull. List, complete as described Prices on application. Roughing-in measurements will be furnished on application. Section D TIFriN.O. TimN.0. 1176 Vitreous China High Tank and Closet Combination Made to conform with Treasury, War and Navy Departments Specifications, 1910. Vitreous China Syphon Jet Closet (U S 54") with Oak Seat and Nickel-Plated Brass Hinges; Vitreous China Square High Tank (US 18 V) fitted with Nickel-Plated Brass Flush Pipe and China l-landle Pull. List, complete as described Prices on Application Roughing-in jNleasurements will be furnished on Application. Section D TirriN.o. (M5@ TirflN.O, 1179 Vitreous China Slop Sink and High Tank Combination Vitreous China Slop Sink (U S 110) and Vitreous China High Tank (18 V) with Chain and Pull; Nickel-Plated Brass Supply Pipes with Wheel Compression Stop, Nickel- Plated Brass Flush Pipe and Combination Faucet for Hot and Cold Water with China Index. Prices on Application. Section D TimN.O. Qm%. TimN.O 605 C 605 B 605 A (U S 20 V) (U S 18 V) (U S 14 V) Vitreous China Overhead Tank Made to conform with Treasury, War and Navy Departments Specifications, 1910. Size, inclies Prices on Application. 6U5 C 6115 B 61 15 A 20x12x10 18x10x14 14x8x10 Ct T~A 55 SECTION E J « JO I =3 C Illustrating &f Describing Jetector and Wall Closets TipriNO, Section K (mi TimN.O. TimN.O. 1220 — COLON Vitreous Chixa Heavy Jetectok Ceoset Bowi, (Patented) And Oak Seat with Heavy Nickel-Plated Brass Hinges and Boyle Flush Valve with Stop, and ()scillating China Handle. List, complete as described $35 00 Stock Numbers, Closet Bowl I'.cick Outlet Center Outlet 410 A 410 B I'his Closet has a Straight Down Leg, which pre^•ents any obstruction from lodging in the Closet. Sectional view of this Closet, next plate. Section E TimN.O. TimN.O. 1220 Section Ai. Vieav or Jetector Closet ( Patented) Showing inside operation. i (Patented) And Oak Seat and I, id with Hea\'y Nickel-Plated Brass Hinges and Lever Action "W'at- rous A(|uameter with Stop and Cap. List, complete as described $38 00 Section E TimN.O. TimN.O. 1225 — WEXFORD ViTKEOus Chixa Extra Heavy Automatic Jetectok Closet Bowl AXD Pkessuee Taxk Cojibination (Patented) ^^'ith Extra Heavy Oak Seat and Nickel-Plated Brass Hinges; (Galvanized Iron Pres- sure Tank with Cast Iron Tank Shelf; Sedial Automatic Seat Action Valve, Nickel- Plated Bra.ss Flush Pipe and Supply Pipe with Wheel Loose Key Stop. List, complete as described $48 00 If with Galvanized Flusli Pipe, deduct 2 00 Roughing-in Measurements will be furnished on Application. Sec'i'ion K TimN.O. TimN.0. 1226 — ZURICH Vitreous China Ju^'exile Jet Washdown and Pkessuee Tank Combination (Patented) Witli Extra Heavy Oak Seat and Nickel-Plated Brass Hinges; Galvanized Iron Pres- sure Tank with Cast Iron Tank Shelf; Automatic Seat Action Valve. Nickel-Plated Brass Flusli Pi]ie. List, complete as described $36 00 If with (lalvanized Flush Pipe, deduct 2 00 Roughing-in Measurements will be furnished on .Application. Section E mpmm TirriN.o. TimN.O. 1250 — RIGA ViTKEous China Jetector WxVLL Closet with Integkal Seat (Patented) Nickel-Plated Boyle Flush Valve with Stop and Oscillating China Handle and Wall Connections. List, complete as described $40 00 Stock Number, Closet Bowl 490 H TimN.O. I Skction E TimN.O. 1251 — SMYRNA Vitreous Chixa Jetectok Wall Closet (Patented) With Plain Oak or Birch Seat and Nickel-Plated Brass Hinges; Nickel-Plated Lever Action ^^■at^o^s Acquameter Flush Valve with Stop and Cap and Wall Connections. List, complete as described ^'^'^ 00 Stock Number, Closet Bowl 490 A Sl£CTION E TIPriN.O^ 1252 — TURIN ViTEEOus China Jetector Wall Closet (Patented) ^Mth Plain Oak or Birch Seat and Cover and Nickel-Plated Brass Hinges; Rough Brass ^^'atrou.s Flushing Valve and Stop; Nickel-Plated Brass Operating Device, and Wall Connections. List, complete as described $46 00 Stock Number, Closet Bowl 490 C Section E (m^ TimN.O. TirriN.o 1253 — VIGO Vitreous China Jeteclxie Wall Closet with Sanitaky Lip (Patented) With Plain C)ak or Bircli Semi-Saddle Seat and Nickel-Plated Brass Hinges ; Rough Brass Watrous Aquameter Flushing Valve with Nickel-Plated Handle and Shut-Off Valve and \Vall Connections. List, complete as described $55 00 Stock Number, Closet Bowl 490 D Sicc'i'iON' E (MS TimN.0. TimN.O. 1260 — SANITO Vitreous China Wall Jetector Slop Hopper (Patent Applied For) With Nickel-Plated Brass Boyle Flusliing Valve and Stop ; Nickel-Plated Brass Com- bination Hot and Cold ^Vater Su|i|ily and Supporting Rod and Nickel-Plated Rim Protector. Prices on Application. The Wall Closets and Fixtures shown on the last preceding pages are gain- inor favor everv dav on account of their sanitary features, and we invite an in- spection of our full line which is the most complete in the market. 6(. 1--\ ■,■> SECTION F "It ini ) r Illustrating &f Describing Vitreous China Urinals and Basins Tim NO. BEDFORDSHIRE URINALS Size Inches No. 1 Flat Back 15 x 18 No. 1 Flat Back Lip 15 x 18 No. 1 Corner 13 x 13 No. 1 Corner Lip 13 xl3 No. 2 Flat Back 13 x 15 No. 2 Flat Back Lip 13 x 15 No. 2 Corner 1 1 J/2 x 11 J4 No. 2 Corner Lip 1 1 1< x 1 1>^ No. 3 Flat Back 12 x 14 No. 3 Flat Back Lip 12 x 14 No. 3 Corner 1 0^4 x lOj/ No. 3 Corner Lip lOi-^ x 10'^ List Stock No. $8 00 550 A 10 00 550 B 8 00 550 C 10 00 550 D 6 00 550 E 8 00 550 F 6 00 550 G 8 00 550 LI 5 00 550 K 7 00 550 L 5 00 550 M 7 00 550 N Above is Standard List price and sizes on staple Urinals, which are made with earthenware horn inlet and outlet, but can be supplied also with brass spuds instead. When so ordered and spud sizes are not specified, we will furnish 1^4 "inch spud for Supply and lj4-inch for (Jutlet. Section F TimN.O. (W<^. Timw.o. 552 A Vitreous China Large Heavy Syphon Jet Fi,at Back Lipped Urinals No. 1 No. 2 Wall to face of L,ip, inches 15 14 Width over all inches 19 17 List, Urinal only $16 00 $14 00 List, Fittings Prices on Application Stock Numbers 552 A 552 C Section I'' TIFriN.O. TIFriN.O. 552 C Vitreous China Syphon Jet Lipped Uuixai, Fitted with Haas Hydrometer Valve No. 1 No. 2 Wall to face of T-ip, inches 15 14 Width over all. inches 19 17 List, Urinal only $16 00 $14 00 List, Fittings Prices on Application Stock Numbers 552 A 552 C Section F TimNfl. TimN.O. 553 A Vitreous China High Back Pedestal Urinal Made for Syphon Jet OR Washdoavn Action Height, Floor to top of Lip, inches 24J^ Height, Floor to top of Back, inches 31^4 Syplion j et Washdown List, Urinal only $25 00 $23 00 Stock Numbers 553 A 553 C Can be supplied with Vitreous China Tank and Automatic Fixtures. Section F TirflN.O. 553 C ViTKEotJS China High Back Pedestal Urinal Made for Syphon Jet or WASHDO"\yN Action^ Fitted with Ha^vs Hydrometer Valve Height, P'loor to top of Lip, inches 243^ Heiglit, Floor to top of Back, inches 31^^ Waslidown SjTjhon Jet List, Urinal only. ■. $23 00 $25 00 List, Valve Prices on Application Stock Numbers 553 C 553 A Section F (M6 TimN.O, (MS TIFFIN.O. 553 D Vitreous China High Back Pedestal Washdown Ukinal Height, Floor to top of Lip, inches 25 Height, Floor to top of Back, inches 303^ List, Urinal only $23 00 Can be supplied with Vitreous China Tank and Combination Fixtures. Secjion F TimN.O. TimN.O. 554 E 554 B Heavy Washdown Urinal (554 B) No. 1 No. 2 Length over all, inches 19^4 16^4 Width over all, inches 14>< 12^ List, Urinal only Prices on Application List, Trimmings Prices on Application Stock Nmnbers 554 B 554 C Heavy Washdown Urinal (554 E) Wall to face of Lip, inches 14 Width over all, inches 2734 List, Urinal only Prices on Application List, Trimmings Prices on Application Also made with hood and vent to U. S. Government Specifications, Type F-4, , Stock Number 554 D. AVCO-PORCELAIN URINALS In the Porcelain Urinals illustrated on the following pages we are presenting fixtures which are the very highest at- tainment in sanitary excellence. The urinals being made of a special clay and glaze, perfectly fused by in- tense heat, present a beautihil white surface and are impervious to moisture and non-stainable. We are illustratinp; such urinals as are made in one piece only, eliminating the use ot separate floor slabs, pilasters and caps, thus avoiding the many un- sanitary joints necessary to a urinal composed of two or more parts. AVCO-PORCELATN URINALS Any of the porcelain integral shield urinals illustrated can be furnished with the "AVCO" INTERLOCKING CONCEALED SEAM ( as shoWn by the accompanying sketch) where it is de- sired to install same in batteries. The single seam between units being concealed, assures a sanitary and perfect construction. / The ventilating feature of the "AVCO- REGO" urinal, as shown in sectional cut, is unique and efficient. The fixture is so de- signed as to converge the air currents (with- out obstruction) to the large vent opening, which is concealed under the hooded top at the extreme height of urinal, and when used with ventilating S5'Stem insures the expulsion of all obnoxious odors. Our integral shield urinals are made with PANELED SIDES (as shown by accompanying sketch), which adds materially to their ap- pearance. All exposed surfaces are glazed white. Sanitarians recommend the use of the "AVCO-REGO" urinal in schools, hospitals, and other institutions where perfect ventila- tion is desired. Section F TimN.O. TlfPIN.O. 10.50 — REGO "AVCO-PORCELAIN" one-piece tirinal with integral sliields, drip receptor and dome vent "Haas Hydrometer" flush valve, concealed self-cleansing spreader and heavy brass waste connection, with 5 -inch removable convex strainer. All fittings nickel-plated. DIMENSIONS Height above floor, 55 inches; depth below floor line, 4J4 inches; width, 24 inches; from wall to front of drip receptor, 20 inches. Price, complete, each stall as described $70 00 Can be furnished in batteries of any number of compartments. Can be furnished with automatic tank. Price on application. The urinal as shown is equipped with the "Haas-Hydrometer" flushing valve, which has many advantages over the flushing tank. It is more efficient in action, eco- nomical in the use of water, and being placed close to the urinal obviates the necessity of unsightly tank and flush pipes. The valve operates the urinal with about one-tenth the amount of water required to operate a tank, while the valve cleanses the urinal more thoroughly, as it delivers the water to the urinal at a pressure. Section F (MS TimN.O. TimN.O. 1051 — MORO "AVCO-PORCELAIN" one-piece urinal, with integral shields and drip receptor, ar- ranged in battery of three compartments, with interlocking concealed seam; equipped with china automatic tank, flush connections, self-cleansing spreaders, and heavy brass waste connection, with 5-inch removable "convex" strainer. All fittings nickel-plated. DIMENSIONS Height above floor, 44 inches; depth below floor line, 4}A inches; width, each com- partment, 24 inches,; from floor to front of drip receptor, 19 inches. Price, set of three as described $165 00 Price, set of three with "Haas Hydrometer" valve 195 00 Can be furnished in batteries of any number of compartments. Section ■ F TirriN.o. TimN.O. 1052 — INDO "AVCO-PORCELAIN" one-piece urinal, with integral shields, drip receptor and dome top, arranged in battery of three compartments; equipped with "Haas-Hydrometer" flush valves, nickel-plated concealed self-cleansing spreader and heavy brass waste con- nection, with 5 -inch removable convex strainer. DIMENSIONS Height above floor, 55 inches; depth below floor line, A-j4 inches; width each compart- ment, 24 inches ; from wall to front of drip receptor, 20 inches. Price each compartment, as described $80 00 An admirable feature of the above urinal is the dome top, which greatly enhances appearance, admits of entire flushing arrangement being concealed, and placing the in- dexed push button in a most convenient position. Sect J ON F (M)@ TimN.O. 1053 -- XOVO "AVCO-PORCELAIN" one-piece urinal, arranged in battery of four compartments; equipped with china automatic tank for each two compartments, flush connections, self- cleansing spreaders, and heavy brass waste connection, .with 5-inch removable convex strainer. All fittings nickel-plated. D1MEN.SI0NS Height above floor, 44 inches ; depth below floor 4j/i inches ; from wall to front of drip receptor, 19 inches. Price, set of four 18 inches wide as shown $170 00 Price, set of four 24 inches wide as shown 190 00 Price, set of four 28 inches wide as shown 215 00 Price, with "Haas-Hydrometer" valve on application. Can be furnished in batteries of any number of compartments. OVAL BASINS List 14x17 inches No Overflow $2 50 15x19 inches No Overflow 3 50 16x21 inches No Overflow 4 50 14 X 17 inches Common Overflow 2 50 15x19 inches Common Overflow 3 50 16 x 21 inches Common Overflow 4 50 14 X 17 inches Patent Overflow 3 00 15 X 19 inches Patent Overflow 4 00 16 -x 21 inclies Patent Overflow 5 00 14x17 inches Rubber Plug 3 50 15x19 inches Rubber Plug 4 50 16x21 inches Rubber Pluc; 5 50 Stock No. 561 A 561 B 561 C 561 D 561 E 561 F 561 G 561 H 561 K 561 L 561 M 561 N Basins are paclcecl 48 in a crate. ROUND BASINS List 12 inches No Overflow $1 00 13 inches No Overflow 1 00 14 inches No Overflow 1 00 1 5 inches No Overflow 1 50 16 inches No Overflow 2 00 12 inches Common Overflow 1 00 13 inches Common Overflow 1 00 14 inches Common Overflow 1 00 15 inches Common Overflow 1 50 16 inches Common Overflow 2 00 12 inches Patent Overflow 1 25 13 inches Patent Overflow 1 25 14 inches Patent Overflow 1 25 15 inches Patent Overflow 2 00 16 inches Patent Overflow 2 50 1 2 inches Rubber Plug 150 13 mches Rubber Plug 1 50 14 inches Rubber Plug 1 50 15 inches Rubber Plug 2 50 16 inches Ritbber Plug 3 00 Stock No. 560 A 560 B 560 C 560 D 560 E 560 F 560 G 560 H 560 K 560 L 560 M 560 N 560 P 560 R 560 S 560 T 560 V 560 W 560 X 560 Y Basins are packed 48 in a crate. " /^^ •>•> SECTION G 13 « =IO I =3 C IIIust?~ati?ig ^ Describing Nickel-Plated Lavatory Trimmings Floor Flanges, Etc. TimN.O, COMBINATION LAVATORY FIXTURES 2100 Fuller CojMbination Lavatory Fixture With Pop-Up Waste, N. P. Escutcheons, China Lever Handles and China Lever Waste Handles. List. $20.00 Fuller Combination Lavatory Fixture With Standing Waste, China Es- cutcheons, China Lever Handles and China Waste Knob. List, $2L50 2101 Note : Combination Fixtures can be used on all La\-atories, 24 x 20 size or larger. COMBINATION LAVATORY FIXTURES 2105 COMPlfESSION COMBIXATION LaVATOEY FiXTUKE With Standing Waste, N. P. Escutcheons, Six-Bail China Index Handles and China Waste Knob. List, $20.00 Compression Coimbination Lavatory Fixture With Standing Waste, China Es- cutcheons, Solid China Handles and China Waste Knob. List, $22.00 2106 Note : Combination Fixtures can be used on all Lavatories, 24 x 20 size or larger. LAVATORY WASTES 2110 Lavatory Standing Wastes Style A— List, $5.50 Style B— List, $5.50 Style C— List, $6.00 2111 Lavatory Standing Waste Style D— List, $5.50 Illustrating Automatic Adjust- ment to Suit any Pitch of Top of Lavatory. LAVATORY WASTES 2115 Style No. 1 2116 Style No. 2 Lavatory Pop-Up Waste Style No. 1 — China Lever Handle List, $5.50 Style No. 2— Four-Ball China Index Handle List, $5.50 LAVATORY COCKS ,ii'-l■l^ 2201 N. P. Self-Closing Lavatory Cock List, per pair, $9.50 2202 N. P. Self-Closing Lavatory Cock List, per pair, $5.50 2203 IST. P. Self-Closing Lavatory Cock List, per pair, $8.00 2204 N. P. Self-Closing Lavatory Cock List, per pair, $22.00 2205 N. P. Compression Lavatory Cock List, per pair, $4.00 2206 N. P. Self-Closing Lavatory Cock List, per pair, $10.00 LAVATORY COCKS 2211 Nickel-Plated Fuller Lavatory Cock List, per pair, $5.00 2212 Nickel-Plated Fuller Lavatory Cock List, per pair, $4.00 2213 Nickel-Plated Extra Heavy Fuller Lavatory Cock With China Handle and China Index. List, per pair, $5.50 LAVATORY SUPPLY PIPES f i 2301 Nickel-Plated Lava- tory Supply Pipe List, each, $2.50 B I I m 2302 Nickel-Plated Lava- tory Supply Pipe With Stop. List, each, $4.50 2303 Nickel-Plated Lava- tory Supply Pipe With Air Cliamber and Lip. List, each, $6.00 2305 N. P. Lavatory Supply Pipe List, each, $2.50 2306 N. P. Lavatory Supply Pipe List, each, $4.50 LAVATORY TRAPS 2401 jST. p. Adjustable Lavatory Tkap List, each, $4.50 2403 N. P. Lavatory Trap with P. O. Plug List, each, $2.50 2402 N. P. Lavatory Bottle Trap List, each, $6.00 2404 N. P. Lavatory Trap^ Vented, P. O. Plug List, each, $3.25 BRACKETS 2501 Nickel-Plated Cast Brass 16x18 Lavatory Bracket List, per pair, $9.50 Smaller sizes (Prices upon Application). Nickel-Plated Plain Brass 16 X 18 Lavatory Bracket List, per pair, $2.75 Smaller sizes (Prices upon Application) 2503 Nickel-Plated Rope Brass 16x18 Lavatory Bracket List, per pair, $3.00 Smaller sizes (Prices upon Application) GREAT WESTERN CLOSET FLOOR FLANGE Tf cAanv niHC "GREAT WESTERN" Screw Flange Connection for Water Closet; will fit any Closet. Patented August 27, 1907. Prices on Application. METAL TO METAL "STANDARD" CLOSET FLOOR FLANGE Showing the adjustable "Socket" por- tion of the Flange raised. With the adjustable "Socket" removed. '^"•flW.TNSS'^ Inverted Vieav or Closet Bowl Showing ground Ball Joint on Closet Outlet. Prices on Application. SECTIONAL VIEW OF METAL TO METAL "STANDARD" CLOSET FLOOR FLANGE Showing Method of attaching Closet Bowl to Drainage System with Lead Bend. Showing Method of attaching Closet Bowl to Drainage System when Soil Pipe is out of plumb. ADJUSTO CLOSET FLOOR FLANGE ADJUSTO CLOSET FLOOR FLANGE This flange is a metal to metal connection, is perfectly water tight and sanitary. A ring of brass is permanently secured to an earthenware flange on the outside of the closet outlet by means of a screw thread and metallic cement. This ring has two machined parts, a guide and a seat. The seat, which is the beveled part, effects the seal when brought into contact with a like beveled surface on the top of the adjustable ring, while the guide leads the beveled part of the adjust- able ring to a true and accurate contact with the beveled surface on the permanently set ring. The flange is interchangeable and adjust- able and any closet can be made special to fit this flange. Prices on Application. 003 ^47266 1