* AV .^ J* t ^# Class L Book __ Copyright N° COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT it .. ■ : •■.■" If THE ROMANCE OF THE RED STAR A BIOGRAPHY OF THE EARTH > » PUBLISHED BY DENVER FRATERNITY OF EMETHACHAVAH DENVER, COLORADO AN ORDER FOUNDED ON THE PRINCIPLES HEREIN LAID DOWN. FOUNDED KOSMON 50. WB3 I THE L IBRARY OF — cgHrQtyt£sgr"l Two Copies Receive* J«ft«*9 490»,j COPYRIGHT ENTRY * CLASSO-XXo. N». Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1901, by the Denver Fraternity of Emethachavah in the office of the Librarian ofCongress, at Washington, D. C. All rights reserved. DEDICATED TO ALL MANKIND JEHOVIH. All was. All is. All ever shall be. The All spake, and Motion was, and is, and ever shall be; And being positive was called He and Him. The All Motion was His speech. He said: I Am, and comprehended all things, the seen and the unseen. Nor is there aught in all the universe but what is part of Him. He said: I am the soul of all. The seen and unseen are of My person. By virtue of My Presence all things are. By virtue of My Presence is life. By virtue of My Presence are the living brought forth into life. I am the Creator, the Quickener, the Destroyer. Of two apparent entities am I; nevertheless I am but one. These entities are the unseen, which is potent; and the seen, which of itself is impotent. Of these two entities, in likeness of Myself, made I all the living. For as the life is the potent part, so is the corporeal part the impotent part. Chief over all that live on the earth I made man, male and female. And that man might distinguish Me, I commanded him to give Me a name. And man named Me not after anything visible in heaven or on the earth. By virtue of My Presence named he Me after the sounds the wind utter eth, And he said: E— O— IH, Which is now pronounced JEHOVIH, And is written thus: Cycle or Creation CHAPTER I. In Kosmon man looked upward in prayer, desiring to know the manner of all created things, both on earth and in hea- ven. And Jehovih answered him, saying: By virtue of My presence created I the seen and unseen worlds. I created Earth, and placed it in the firmament; and by My presence brought man forth a living being. A corporeal body gave I him that he might learn cor- poreal things; and death I made that he might rise in the firmament and inherit My etherean worlds. To es I gave dominion over corpor; with es I filled all place in the firmament. But corpor I formed into worlds and moons and suns; beyond number made I them, and I caused them to move in the places I allotted to them. Es I divided into two parts, etherea and atmospherea. These are the three kinds of worlds I cre- ated; but I gave different densities to at- mospherean worlds, and different densities to etherean worlds. Think not, O man, that I created space a barren waste, and void of use. Even as man in the corporeal form is adapted to the corporeal earth, so is he in the spiritual form adapted to My etherean worlds. Three great estates have I bestowed upon man; the corporeal, the atmospherean and the etherean. The corporeal worlds I created round, with land and water, and I made them im- penetrable, for I bring forth the living on their surface. The whirlwind made I as a sign to man of the manner of the creation of My corporeal worlds. As thou beholdest the power of the whirlwind gathering up the dust of the earth and driv- ing it together, know that even so do I bring together the a'ji and ji'ay and nebulae in the firmament of heaven. By the power of the whirlwind create I the corporeal suns and moons and stars. By the power of rotation, swift driving forth in the extreme parts, condense I the at- mospherean worlds that float in the firm- ament; and these become My corporeal worlds. In the midst of the vortices made I them, and by the power of the vortices I turn them on their axes, and carry them in the orbits I allotted to them. Wider than to the moons of a planet have I created the vortices, and they carry the moons also. About some of My corporeal worlds have I given nebulous belts and rings, th?t man might comprehend the rotation of their vortices. A great vortex created I for each sun, and within such vortices, and subject to them, made I the vortices of corporeal worlds. The sun vortices I caused to ro- tate, and I gave them power to carry the vortices of their corporeal worlds. Ac- cording to their density and position are corporeal worlds thus carried forth and around their suns. And above the earth, and to the north and south, I placed polar lights, that man might bear witness that light depended not on the sun. But the sun I placed in the midst of the great vortex, so that every side was as a pole to the corporeal worlds around it. And I made atmos- pherea as a condensing lens, so that the rotation of each and every corporeal world should manufacture its own light, on the side poling to the sun, by the rotation of its vortex. Atmospherean worlds I also created in the firmament, and I gave them places and orbits and courses for themselves. But atmospherean worlds I created shapeless and void of fixed form, for they are the elements of corporeal worlds in pro- cess of condensation or dissolution, being intermediate in density betwixt My ethe- rean and My corporeal worlds. Of three degrees of density created I them, a'ji, ji'ay and nebula. But all of them are composed of the same substances, being like the earth, but rarefied. Nor is there on Earth or in it one thing, even iron, lead, gold, water, oil, or stone, CYCLE OF CREATION but the same things are in My atmospher- ean worlds. As I have given light to Earth so have I given light to many of them. And I also created atmospherea around all My corporeal worlds; together made I them. For the substance of My ethe r e<*.n worlds I created ethe. And I made ethe the most rarified and subtle of all created things, and gave it power and place, not only by itself, but also power to penetrate and exist within all things, even in the midst of corporeal worlds. And to ethe gave I dominion over both atmospherea and corpor. In the All Highest places created I the etherean worlds, and I fashioned them of all shapes and sizes, and I made the ethere- an worlds habitable both within and with- out, with entrances and exits, in arches, angles and curves thousands of miles high and wide, and in colors of endless change and brilliancy, and overruled I them with perfect mechanism. To them I gave mo- tions and orbits and courses of their own. Independent made I them and above all other worlds in potency and majesty. Nei- ther created I one etherean world like an- other in size or density or in component parts, but every one differing from another, and with a glory matchless each in its own way. And were a man to travel a million years on one alone, he could not see half its beauty and glory. And the firmament of heaven hath tens of thou- sands of millions of etherean worlds. And I made the snowflake and caused it to fall, that man might behold the beauty and glory of its formation. Let the snowflakes stand before your eyes as microscopic patterns of the etherean worlds in high heaven; and ye shall tint them as a rainbow, and people them with countless millions of angels, spotless, pure, holy, and rich in the knowledge of Me and My works, and full of the majesty of My love. CHAPTER II. Man perceived the general foundation of the world, and he prayed that his eyes might be opened for a sign in heaven; and Jehovih answered him, saying: The clouds in the air I bring into view suddenly; by different currents of wind make I thus the unseen visible and tangi- ble to man's senses. In like manner do I cause etherean currents to bring forth a'ji and ji'ay and nebulae, prior to making cor- poreal worlds. In all the universe have I made the unseen to rule over the seen. Let the formation of the clouds stand in the view of man on Earth, that he may witness the manner of the unseen becom- ing seen. Man perceived, and he prayed for a sign of duration, and Jehovih answered him, saying: Behold the tree which has sprung up out of the ground and fulfilled its time; it falls, decays and returneth to the earth. But the wind, which thou seest not, never ceaseth to blow. Even so is the comparative duration of all things. Think not, O man, that corporeal things are an- nihilated because they disappear; for as a drop of water evaporates and riseth in the air as unseen vapor, so do all corporeal things, even earth, stones, gold, silver and lead, become as nothing in the firmament of heaven in course of time. Things that man seeth, created I with a beginning and an end; but the unseen I made of endless duration. The corporeal man made I belonging to the seen; but the spiritual man made I as one within the unseen and everlasting. As the corporeal man beholdeth cor- poreal things, so doth the spiritual man behold spiritual things. As corporeal things are tangible to corporeans, so are es things tangible to the spirits of the dead. When I condensed the earth, and it became firm and crusted over, there arose from the earth heat and moisture, But I limited the ascent of the sub- stances going upward, and the boundary of the limit of moisture was as the clouds that float in the air, and the heat was of like ascent. Let this be a sign that even as there riseth up from the earth heat and moist- ure, so there are representatives of all things on Earth which have evaporated upward, and all such things rise to the level of the density like unto themselves, every one to its own level, and they take their places in the strata of the vor- tex. These plateaux of spheres surround the whole earth. Some of them are . CYCLE OF CREATION ten miles high, some a thousand, some a hundred thousand or more miles. And all these spheres that rotate and travel with Earth are the atmospherean or lower heavens. As I cause water to rise upward as va- por, and take a place in the air above, let it be a sign and testimony of the places in atmospherea whereon dwell the spirits of the lower heaven. As I made a limit to the ascent of the clouds, so made I a limit to the places of the different kinds of sub- stances in atmospherea; the more subtle and potent to the extreme, and the more dense and impotent nearer to the earth. According to the condition of these dif- ferent plateaux in atmospherea, whether they be near the earth or high above, so shall the spirit of man take its place in the lower heaven. According to his diet, desires and behavior during his mortal life, so shall he dwell in spirit on the plateau to which he hath adapted himself. For I made the power of attraction mani- fest in all things before man's eyes, that like should attract like. CHAPTER III. Man sought to know the progress of things, and Jehovih answered him, saying: Open thine eyes, O man! There is a time of childhood, a time of maturity, a time of old age, and a time of death to all men. Even so is it with all the corporeal worlds I have created. First as vapor the vortex carrieth it forth, and as it condenseth, its friction en- gendered heat, and it is molten, becoming as a globe of fire in space. Then it tak- eth its place as a new born world, and I set it in the orbit prepared for it. In the next age I bring it into se'mu, for it is ripe for the bringing forth of liv- ing creatures; and I bestow the vegetable and animal kingdoms. Next it entereth ho'tu, for it is past the age of begetting,, even as the living who are in dotage. Next it entereth a'du, and nothing can gen- erate upon it. Then cometh uz, and it is dissolved away into space. Thus create I, and thus dissipate suns, planets, moons and stars. My examples are before all men. My witnesses are without number. I raise the tree up out of the ground; I give it a time to bring forth fruit; and then barrenness; and then death and dissolution. I prepare the new field with rich soil, bringing forth; and the old field that is exhausted, barren; and so shall man weigh the progress and destiny of a world. Let no man marvel because of the size of the mastodon and mammoth, for there was a time for them as there is a time for the infusoria of this day. I have given thee a sign, O man, in the queen of the honey bee. Because of the change of the cell cometh she forth a queen, even from the same manner of germ as the other bees. Be wise, therefore, and re- member that Earth is not in the same place in the firmament as of old. Let this be a testimony to thee of the growth, the change and the travel of Earth. Nevertheless, O man, the seen and the unseen are but parts of My person. I am the Unity— the Whole. CHAPTER IV. Man perceived the magnitude and glory of the corporeal worlds. He said: How shall I speak of Thy great works, O Je- hovih, and of Thy wisdom and power? I look upon Thy countless suns, moons and stars, spread out over the heavens. For millions of years Thou hast driven them on in the never-ending firmament. Pro- cessions in and out, and round about, of mighty worlds; by Thy breath going forth. Tell me, O my Creator, whence came life? This unseen within me that is con- scious of being? Tell me how all the liv- ing came into life. Jehovih heard the words of man, and He answered them, saying: I caused the jelly-fish and the green scum of water to be permanently coming forth in all ages, that man might compre- hend the age of se'mu, when the earth and the shores by the water, and the waters, also, were covered over with commingled atmosphere and corporeal substance. And by My presence I quickened it into life, and thus made all the living, both vege- tation and animals. Not that se'mu is jelly-fish or the green scum on water; for the earth in this day produceth not se'mu. Nevertheless, the jelly-fish and the green scum of water are relics of the condition 8 CYCLE OF CREATION which existed in that day of Earth, even as the action of frost on glass in making forms of ferns, trees and grasses, is a relic of the manner of the creation of the vege- table kingdom. As I have given to females a time to bring forth their young, so gave I to Earth a time for the conception of the living species on the land, in the water and in the air above, and I called the time the age of se'mu. In the time of se'mu I brought the earth into a'ji and ji'ay, and darkness was upon the face of the earth for the space of three thousand years; and yet for another three thousand years, half darkness covered all the land and water. And there fell upon the earth condensed nebula in dust and stones and water com- bined, sufficient in some places to cover up the forests I had made. And that which fell was hot like molten iron, and the trees and forests of the valleys were beaten down, and covered up, and burnt to blackness, forming coal, which bears witness of the regions of a'ji, ji'ay and nebulae in the firmament of heaven. Because of my presence quickened I into life all that live, or ever have lived. Because I am male and female, even in My likeness, thus made I them. Because I am the power to quicken into life; so, in likeness of Me thus, made I them, and with power to bring forth. Ac- cording to their respective places created I the living; not in pairs only, but in hun- dreds, thousands and millions of pairs. According to their respective places and the light upon se'mu, so quickened I them in their color, adapted to their dwelling places. Each and every living thing created I new upon the earth, of a kind each to it- self; and not one living thing created I out of another. As a sign upon the earth, that man in his darkness may not believe that one animal changeth and becometh another, I gave permission for different animals to bring forth a new living ani- mal, which should be unlike either its father or mother, but I caused the new product to be barren. And this shall be testimony before all men that I created each and all the living to bring forth after their own kind only. And when I bring a new world into the time of se'mu, My presence quickeneth the substance into life. Ac- cording to the locality and the surround- ings, so do I bring forth the different spe- cies; for they are flesh of My flesh and spirit of My spirit. To themselves give I themselves. Nevertheless, they are all members of My person. As a testimony to man, behold Earth was once a globe of liquid fire. Nor was there any seed thereon. But in due sea- son I rained down se'mu on the earth; and by virtue of My presence quickened I into life all the living. Without seed quick- ened I the life that is in them. CHAPTER V. When man comprehended the earth he looked upward and beheld that each and everything in the firmament was orderly. Then Jehovih spake, saying: As I have shown system in the cor- poreal worlds, know thou, O man, that system prevaileth in the firmament. As a farmer soweth corn in one place, and wheat in another, and flax — everything in a separate place; even so do I store the ingredients of which worlds are made, everything in its place; the substance of the iron in one place, the substance of the stones in another, the substance of the vegetable kingdoms in another, and even so of the substance of the animal kingdom; and the oils and sand; for I have places in the firmament of heaven for all of them. These that thou hast seen are the a'ji and ji'ay and the nebulae; and amidst them in places there is se'mu also. Let no man say: Yonder only is hydro- gen, and yonder only oxygen. The divi- sions of the substances of My creations are not as man would make them. All the el- ements are to be found not only in places near at hand, but in distant places also. When I drive forth My worlds in the heavens, they gather a sufficiency of all things. So also cometh it to pass that when a corporeal world is yet new and young it is carried forth, not at random, but purnosely, in the regions suit- ed to it. Hence there is a time for se'mu, a time for falling nebulae to bury deep the forests and se'muan beds, to provide coal CYCLE OF CREATION and manure for a time thereafter. So is there a time when the earth passeth a re- gion in the firmament when sand and oil are rained upon it and covered up, and gases bound and sealed up for the coming generations of men. CHAPTER VI, And man said: Teach thou me, O Je- hovih, how was the beginning of man on Earth? Jehovih said: To the tree I gave life. To man I gave life and spirit also. And the spirit I made was separate from the corporeal life. Out of se'mu I made man, and man was but as a tree, but dwelling in darkness and incapable of immortality; and I called him Asu. I looked over the wide heavens of etherea, and I saw countless millions of spirits of the dead, that died in infancy on other corporeal worlds. I spoke in the firmament. And there came in answer to the sound of My voice, myriads of angels from the earth's roadway in etherea where Earth traveled. I said to them: Behold, a new world have I created. Come ye and enjoy it. Yea, ye shall learn from it how it was with other worlds in ages past. There came to the new Earth millions of angels from etherea; who had never fulfilled a corporeal life, having died in in- fancy, and these angels comprehended not procreation nor corporeal life. And I said: Go and deliver Asu from darkness, for he shall also rise in spirit to inherit My ether- ean worlds. And now was Earth in the latter days of se'mu, and the angels could readily take on corporeal bodies for themselves. Out of the elements of the earth clothed they themselves, by force of their wills, with flesh and bones. By the side of the Asuans took they on corporeal forms. And I said: Go forth and partake of all that is on Earth; but if you heed the voice of corpor you will become bound to your offspring and as if dead to the heavens whence ye came. But those who had never learned cor- poreal things, being imperfect in wisdom, comprehended not My words, and they dwelt with the Asuans, and there was born of the first race, Asu, a new race, capable of immortality; and I took the earth out of the travail of se'mu, and the angels gave up their corporeal bodies. And I said: From this time forth on Earth it shall be a crime for angels to cohabit with mor- tals. Because ye have raised up such as shall be joint heirs in heaven, ye shall tread the earth with your feet, and walk by the side of the new born, being guar- dian angels over them, for they are of your own flesh and kin. Fruit of your seed have I quickened with My spirit, and man shall come forth with a birth-right to My etherean worlds. As I have quickened the seed of the first- born, so will I quicken all seed to the end of Earth. And each and every man child and woman-child born into life, will I quicken with a new spirit which shall proceed out of Me at the time of concep- tion. As the corporeal earth passeth away, so shall pass away the race of Asu. Nei- ther will I give to any spirit of the higher or lower heavens power to en- ter a womb, or a fetus of a womb, and be born again. CHAPTER VII. Jehovih said: As I bequeathed to Earth a time for creating the living and a time for angels to come and partake of the first fruits of mortality, so shall man at certain times and seasons receive testi- mony from My hosts in heaven. As a sign to the inhabitants of the earth that they may comprehend dan'ha in the firmament of heaven, I caused Earth and the family of the sun to travel in an orbit, the circuit of which requireth them four million seven hundred thousand years. And I placed etherean lights at distances of three thousand years in the line of the orbit, at which places, as Earth passeth through, angels from etherea come into its corporeal presence. As ambassadors they come, in companies of hundreds and thou- sands, and tens of thousands, and these are called the etherean hosts of the Most High. Not as single individuals come they; not for a single individual mortal come they. And I gave this sign to man on Earth: In the beginning of the light of dan'ha the spirits of the newly dead shall have power to take upon themselves the semblance of corporeal bodies, and appear and talk face. 10 CYCLE OF CREATION to face with mortals. Every three thou- sand years I gave this sign on Earth, that those who learned the powers and capaci- ties of such familiar spirits might bear tes- timony in regard to the origin of man on Earth. And when it shall come to pass in any of the times of dan'ha, that these signs are manifest, man shall know that the hosts of the Most High are visiting Earth. Let him who will become wise, enumerate the great lights of my solar serpent, for in such times I set aside things that are old, and establish My chosen anew. In the time of Earth when man was brought forth from mortal to immortal life, the Earth passed beyond se'mu, and the angels of heaven remained with cor- poreal man, but not in the semblance of mortals, but as spirits; and by virtue of their presence, strove to make man wise and upright. Upon the earth the number of such angels was millions. To these angels I spake, saying: Behold, the work ye have taken in hand. Ye now have sons and daugh- ters on the earth. By your love to them are ye become bound spirits of the lower heaven. Until ye redeem them in wisdom and power even to the sixth generation, ye shall not again arise and inherit My eman- cipated heavens. To which end ye shall become co-workers with one another in system and order. In My name shall ye become an organic body in the heaven of the earth, or lower heaven. And I will allot unto you a Chief, who is wise in experience in founding heavenly kingdoms; and he shall appoint, from amongst you, officers and mesengers and ashars, and asaphs, and es'enaurs, and ye shall be numbered and apportioned unto your labor and places like unto My lower heavens on other worlds. And he who is Chief shall be called God of Earth. And God shall have a Council and throne within his heavenly city; and the place shall be called Hored, because it is the first heavenly kingdom on Earth. And God shall rule on the throne for it is his; and the Council shall rule with him. In My name shall they have dominion over angels and mortals belonging to Earth. And God shall appoint Chiefs under him who shall go down and dwell on the earth with mortals; and such Chiefs' labor shall be with mortals for their resurrection. And these Chiefs shall be called Lords, for they are Gods of land, which is the lowest rank of My commissioned Gods. And God and his Lords shall have do- minion from two hundred years to a thou- sand or more years; but never more than three thousand years. According to the re- gions of dan into which I bring Earth, so shall be the terms of the office of My Gods and My Lords. And God and his Lords shall raise up officers to be their successors. By him and them shall they be appointed and crowned in My name. At the termination of the dominion of My God and his Lords they shall gather together in these My bound heavens, all such angels as have been prepared in wis- dom and strength for resurrection to My emancipated heavens. And these angels shall be called Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih. And to God and his Lords, with the Brides and Bridegrooms, I will send down ships from etherea in the time of dan. By My etherean Gods and Goddesses shall the ships descend to these heavens, and re- ceive God and his Lords with the Brides and Bridegrooms, and carry them up to the exalted regions I have prepared for them. And all such as ascend shall be called a Harvest unto Me through My God and Lords. And the time of My harvests shall be according to each dan, which is two hun- dred, four hundred, six hundred and five hundred years. And these shall be called My lesser cycles, because they are the times of the tables of prophecy which I give unto My chosen. But at no other times, nor in any other way, shall My Har- vests ascend to My emancipated worlds in etherea. Seven dans have I created for each and every dan'ha. CHAPTER VIII. The angels understood the command- ments of Jehovih according to their knowl- edge in the etherean heavens; having died in infancy, and having matured in the es worlds; but they understood not the Creator according to the practice of the lower heavens. CYCLE OF CREATION 11 Jehovih said: I condemn ye not because ye have become joint procreators with the Asuans; for ye have done two services unto Me, which are to teach yourselves corporeal things, that ye may understand and sympathize with corporeans, and sec- ondly, because ye have caused Earth to become peopled with such as are capable of immortality. Behold ye now what shall happen. Such as are of your flesh and kin who cohabit together, shall rise in wisdom and virtue; but such of them as co- habit with the Asuans will bring forth heirs in the descending grade of life. The first shall bring forth heirs unto everlasting life; but the second shall bring forth heirs that shall go out in darkness. Of which mat- ters your God and Lords will instruct you, that ye may, by inspiration and otherwise, learn to control the behavior of mortals unto everlasting life. And that these la- bors be not too severe upon you, I created the dans and the dan'has in the firmament, wherein ye may be relieved from the watch by other angels coming to exchange with you. This also do I put upon you: That to rule over mortals to virtue, by your own wills governing them in all things, is con- trary to My commandments. For what honor hath any man if made to do a thing? But ye shall give mortals of My light, leaving them to choose. Better is it for them to suffer some than to grow up in ignorance of the stings of disobedience. Behold, I make this a willing service on your part. Because ye have bound your affections on Earth to your kin, ye willingly become guardian angels over mortals. Yet I make not a separate law unto you. As it is with wou, so shall it be with the spirits of these mortals when they are born into the es world. They will also desire to become guardian angels over their mortal kin. But these spirits, never having known My higher heavens, will be unsuitable for the office of ashars. They would be but as the blind leading the blind. To prevent which, God and his Lords shall provide these spirits in the first res- urrection with places to dwell in; and with occupations and opportunities for educa- tion. For I desire them not to remain bound to Earth, but to rise up and in- herit My etherean worlds. And in this also shall ye be discreet in governing them, giving them the light of My heavens with some liberty to choose and to perfect themselves. Otherwise, they would only be slaves in heaven. According to their weakness or strength, so shall ye provide for these new spirits entering My es world. Therefore such of you as are appointed by My God and My Lords as guardians over mortals shall be called ashars, and ye shall report to your respective Lords ac- cording to the sections of the earth where ye may be. Of many watches shall be the ashars. And such of you as are appointed to receive the spirits of the dead into heaven shall be called asaphs and ye shall report to your respective Lords. And the ashars shall make a record of every mortal, of the grade of his wisdom and good works; and when a mortal dies, and his spirit is delivered to the asaphs, the record shall be delivered with him ; and the asaph receiving, shall deliver such spirit, with the record, into such place in these heavens as is adapted to his grade, where he shall be put to labor and to school, ac- cording to the place of the resurrections which I created. And ye shall thus become organic in heaven, with teachers and physicians; and with capitals, cities and provinces; and with hospitals, nurseries, schools and fac- tories; even so shall ye ultimately inspire man on the earth to the same things. And mortals that are raised up to do- minion over mortals shall be called kings and emperors. As My Gods and Lords are called My Sons, so shall kings and em- perors be called sons of God. Through him shall they be raised up to their places, and given dominion unto My glory. CHAPTER IX. Jehovih said: And God shall cause a record to be kept in heaven, of his domin- ions and his Lords. And he and they shall enjoin it upon their successors forever to keep a like record. And in the times of My harvest a copy of these records shall be taken up to My etherean heavens, and filed with My Orian Chiefs and Archan- 12 CYCLE OF CREATION gels in the roadway of the travel of the great solar serpent, for their deliberation as to the progress and management of the inhabitants of Earth and her heavens. Think not, O ye angels, that the resur- rection of your heirs, and their descendants that come up out of Earth, is an easy matter and of steady progress, devoid of mishaps and woeful darkness. The angels under you shall become at times rebellious and defiant; disregarding your laws and decrees; and they shall de- sert your heavenly places and go down to the earth in millions and hundreds of mill- ions. And they shall drive away the ashars, and then assume guardianship over mortals. But they shall develop no righteousness, but they will inspire mortals to war and destruction. And these angels will themselves take to war and evil on every hand within the place of your hea- vens. With the foul gases of atmospherea shall they make weapons of war and places of torment. With these elements shall they make suffocating hells in order to cast one another in chaos. And mortals who shall be slain in war, shall be born in spirit in chaos on the bat- tlefields; in chaos shall such spirits enter the es world. And they shall not know that they are dead (as to earth life), but shall still keep fighting right and left. And enemy shall take enemy in these heavens, and cast them in places of torment which they shall have built, and they shall not know peace nor wisdom. And the work of your heavens shall be- come as nothing. And ye shall turn to, go- ing about delivering hells and the spirits in chaos. And your labor shall be ex- haustive. Verily shall ye cry out because ye came and peopled Earth. This also have I created possible: For both angels and mortals shall learn to know the elements of the heavens and the earth, and to know the trials and misfortunes of love. Nor have I made wisdom possible unto any man or angel that knoweth not My elements, and the extremes of evil and good which I created. But in the times of great darkness which shall come upon Earth and these heavens, I will bring the earth into dan'ha; and My ethereans shall come in My name and de- liver them. And again for another cycle shall they be left with the lessons given unto them; but they shall fall again and again in course of time. But again will I deliver them. Through My Gods and God- desses will I cause them to comprehend the magnitude of My creation. As ye travel from heaven to heaven in atmospherean ships, even so shall ye in- spire mortals to build corporeal ships and sail across the oceans, that the inhabitants of different divisions of the earth may be- come known to one another. And when the inhabitation of the earth shall be completed, and the nations shall have established civil communion around from east to west, in that same time will I bring the earth into the Kosmon Era, and My angel ambassadors, Gods and God- desses, shall render up the records of these heavenly kingdoms. Through them will I reveal unto mortals the creation of My worlds, and the history and dominion of My Gods and Lords on Earth, even from this day down to the time of kosmon. A time shall come when Earth shall travel in the roadway of the firmament, and so great a light will be thereon, that its vortex shall burst, even as a whirlwind bursteth, and the whole world shall be scattered and gone as if nothing had been. But ere that time cometh My etherean hosts shall have redeemed man from dark- ness. Nor shall the inhabitants of Earth marry, for the time of begetting will be at an end, and man shall become extinct. The red star, Earth, will have fulfilled its labors, and its services shall be no more. The vortex of the sun shall be round, and the body of the great serpent coiled up. In the place where Earth was, shall some of my far-off worlds come and fulfill the labor allotted to them. And the atmos- phereans who have not been redeemed from darkness in that day shall alight on the new world and also fulfill their labor. And Jehovih caused the angels of at- mospherea to asemble together and organ- ize the first kingdom of the heaven on the earth. And the record of the great serpent showed the firmament of Tem'yi in the third circuit of c'work'um and dan'ha twenty-four. Thus ended the inorganic habitation of Earth and her atmospherea. Cycle of Sethantes CHAPTER I. Jehovih called the angels of atmospher- ea to assemble together and organize the first kingdom of the heaven of the earth. And the place was called Hored, because it was the first organic abiding place of the first God of this world. And Hored was situated above the mountains of Aotan in Ughoqui, to the eastward of Ul, of that country called the continent of Pan. And the Archangel Sethantes was the wisest of them all, and he said unto them: Behold, we have come from far-off hea- vens. By the Voice of Jehovih came we to partake of the glory of the red star, Earth. Jehovih said unto us: Come ye and enjoy the new world I have created. And many obeyed the voice of corpor and became bound by the tie of life which is in the blood. And the Voice of Jehovih came to me, saying: Sethantes, My Son, behold, I gave into thy charge in My etherean heavens millions of angels, and thou hast brought them to Earth, and they have fallen from their high estate. Go thou, and de- liver them. And I said: What shall I do? And Je- hovih said: Bring thy angel hosts to Hor- ed, for there will I crown thee God of Earth for the resurrection of angels and mortals. And it shall be a heavenly kingdom from this time forth to the end of the world. For it is the time of the arc of Wan, and I will bring from etherea My high raised Goddess, Etisyai, chief factor of Harmuts, and she shall crown thee in My name, God of Earth. God said: When I had thus spoken in Hored before the angels of heaven, a great light, like a sun, was seen descending from the firmament above. And I commanded my es'enaurs to chant in praise of Jehovih and His works. Meanwhile I had the angels of Hored numbered, and there were of them twenty- seven million six hundred thousand, and these were the same who were on an ex- cursion in my charge when the Voice of Jehovih commanded us to visit Earth. The light above us descended fast to- ward us; the ship of fire came nearer and nearer, till we saw that it was wider far than the place of Hored and all my angel hosts. And when it had descended to the plateau of Hored there came forth out of the ship one million Archan- gels, from the arc of Wan in the Hosts of A'ji, in the orbit of Fow'sang in etherea, and they bore regalia and crowns from the Orian Chief of Harmuts. Foremost of the Archangels was Etisyai, and her brother Ya'tiahaga, commissioners from the ether- ean heavens. When they came near me, Etisyai gave the sign of Jehovih's name, greeting and saying: All hail! In Jehovih's name, and in the love of Harmuts, Orian Chief, we come to greet and crown thee first God of the lower heaven belonging to the corpor- eal earth. The Archangels then came forward, sa- luting, and Etisyai said: In Thy name, O Jehovih, I found here a throne. And she caused to rise the form and substance thereof; then I said: All hail, O emissaries of Harmuts! Come, Etisyai, thou and thy brother, honor my throne in Great Jehovih's name! And she ascended thereon, and Ya'- tiahaga with her. And the other Arch- angels formed a crescent in front of the throne, all of them bearing crowns or diadems, but they stood upright. And now the angel hosts of Sethantes took their places, that they might witness the testi- mony of Jehovih's commission, but the lights from the columns of fire, brilliant in all colors, shades and tints, bafHed many of them from seeing plainly. When all things were in readiness, Etisyai, standing erect and brilliant like a star, raised her right hand, saying: Jehovih, All Wise and Powerful! In Thy name this, Thy son, I crown God! From the Orian Chief Harmuts, raised to the rank of God, and by Thee, O Jehovm, 14 CYCLE OF SETHANTES ordained! Henceforth to be known for- ever in Thy emancipated heavens as Thy Son. Peace, wisdom, love, power. And now with her left hand she raised high the crown, so that all might see and bear witness, and again giving the sign of Jehovih's name above the crown, where- from a flame of light shot forth brilliantly, she placed the crown on God's head, say- ing: Arise, O my Son, Thou Son of Jehovih! Instantly there arose from the millions of souls one universal shout: All hail, O Son of Jehovih. And God rose up, having the crown on his head, and the people cheered him heartily, for he was well beloved. Etisyai said: Bring forth thy five chief Lords, that I may crown them also. God then caused the five chief Lords whom he had selected to sit at the foot of the throne. Again Etisyai raised her right hand, say- ing: O Jehovih! Almighty! From Whom all glories emanate! In Thy name, these Thy Sons, I crown, Lords of Earth, and of the waters of the earth! From the Orian Chief Harmuts! By my commission do I raise them to the rank of Lords for king- doms of heaven! Peace, wisdom, love, power. Then Etisyai took the crowns, which were handed her by the other Archangels, and placed them on the heads of the Lords, saying: Arise, O my Lords, and be ye Lords of Jehovih for His glory! And be ye Lords of God, having dominion over the earth and the waters of the earth, in love, wis- dom and power. Amen! The Lords rose up, having on their heads the crowns of Lords, and again the multitude saluted with great cheering. When the applause ceased, Etisyai said: My God and My Lords, give now the sign of Jehovihs' name, that His glory may be fulfilled. For this was the oath of office. And God and his Lords saluted Je- hovih before the hosts of heaven. And they stood apart a little distance, and Et- isyai said: Behold the All Light, Jehovih, encom- passeth me. My voice shall be His Voice. By the glory of faith in Him am I one with the Father. And a fleece of golden hue descended from above and encompassed Etisyai around about, and she was like a central star with rays of light emanating. She was entranced by Jehovih. Through her the Creator spoke, saying: My Son, God, I brought thee forth out of corpor, quickened into life everlasting. By faith I inspired thee to do whatsoever thou hast done. Faith gave I unto thee, as the tree whereon all perfection is the fruit. By that faith within man that nurtureth the I Am within himself unto perfection, becometh he My son, doing by virtue of My presence. According to thy wisdom and love have I given thee strength; and by thy strength raised thee up. Behold, this day have I given thee a kingdom in at- mospherea, and made thee God before all the kingdoms of heaven. This place shall be thy place and Mine also. Here shalt thou dispense laws in wisdom, and appoint officers in My name and by virtue of My power. And thy kingdom shall be like two kingdoms; one here with the hosts of heaven, and one on the earth with these thy Lords. For thine is the judgment seat and thou art the creator of order over the whole earth. Stretch forth thy hand, My Son, and clothe thyself in the golden flece. God made the sign, and then raised his hands upward, saying: Jehovih! Jehovih! By Thy command I call upon Thee to ar- ray me in Thy golden fleece! Behold I am Thy Son. And the Archangels tossed up the rai- ment and regalia they had brought from their etherean arc in a'ji, and by the faith that was in God, the substance flew to him and encompassed him in raiment of the upper heaven. Then Jehovih spake to the Lords, say- ing: As God hath built a kingdom in Hored, and reigneth over this heaven, and over you and your helpmates, so shall you build kingdoms on the earth, and ye shall rule over mortals in My name, teaching them of Me and My everlasting kingdoms in the firmament above. In testimony of My Voice receive ye this raiment of silver and gold from My archangels. The Archangels then draped the Lords in shining raiment. And Etisyai came down from the throne still entranced, say- ing: CYCLE OF SETH ANTES 15 Though My daughter Etisyai will rise up in a flame of fire, yet will I, even Jeho- vih, abide with thee, O God, and with ye, My Lords, now and forever! And then Etisyai took God's hand and led him to the center of the throne, saying: Sit thou on this throne, for it is thy Father's king- dom in the lower heaven of the earth! Then God sat down, the entrancement departed from Etisyai, and the Light of Jehovih went and settled upon God and the Lords. But Etisyai sat down at the foot of the throne, and thereupon all the Archangels sat down also. God said: Behold, she that is greatest maketh herself least of all. Arise, O Daughter of Jehovih, and enjoy my king- dom, for it is Jehovih's also. And God came down from the throne and took Etis- yai's hand, and she rose up, whereupon God proclaimed the freedom of the hour. Thus was established the first throne of God in these heavens. And now all the hosts mingled together, angels and Arch- angels, joyfully. CHAPTER II. When the hour was ended, God again ascended the throne, and the marshals raised the signals of order, and the Arch- angels went and stood in a crescent in front of the throne. Etisyai sat at the feet of God, and the splendor of her form, un- adorned, save with white and yellow drap- ery, shone through all the talents Jehovih had given her — the perfection of purity, wisdom and love — the like of which only Gods had looked upon. God said: In Thy name, O Jehovih, do I now found the session of Thy kingdom in the lower heaven. As long as man and woman shall bring forth heirs upon Earth unto Thee, this kingdom shall not cease to glorify Thee. Let the Lords approach the throne. The es'enaurs now sang, and in the meantime the marshals and escorts conducted the Lords before the throne. When they were in order, the music ceased, and God said: Five great divisions of the earth there are, and I have ordained ye the five Lords thereof in Jehovih's name. According to the number of inhabitants on the earth's divisions, and your relative rank before heaven have I placed you. When ye have seated yourselves in your respective king- doms, you shall have each twelve messen- gers, whose duties shall be betwixt you and me. Choose ye, therefore, your mes- sengers, this hour, that ere the resurrec- tion of the Archangels they may be con- firmed and their registry borne to heaven above. The Lords chose their messengers, and they were confirmed in the name of Jehovih, and the swift messengers, who ply with the upper heavens, made a record of their names and places. Thereupon God said to them: According to your talents have you been chosen. According to your excellence will you be promoted to wider fields of la- bor. May the love, wisdom and power of Jehovih be with you all. Amen. And now Etisyai signified that her time of departure had arrived. God came down from the judgment seat, and standing one moment in sorrow, reached forth and took Etisyai's hand, saying: Arise, O Daughter of Jehovih, and go thy way! Etisyai rose up and pointing upward, said: My home is in the arc of Wan. Jeho- vih dwelleth with thee and me. My swift messengers shall come to thee at times. My love will abide with thee and thy Lords, and the harvest of thy resurrection. In Jehovih's name, farewell! Etisyai then walked to the ship of fire; but ere she entered she turned and took one more look at the hosts of Hored, and then, stripping from the frames, luminous drapery, cast it playfully over the es'enaurs, and quickly disappeared in the light. The es'enaurs chanted, and the hosts of Arch- angels joined in with them, and in that same moment of time the ship began to rise, and it was as thousands of columns of fire surrounding one majestic column, and the whole circle rising in spiral form, turning and rising, rising and turning. And when it was a little way up, it seemed like an ascending sun; and then higher and higher, like a far-off star, and then it passed beyond the vision of the angels of Hored. When order was proclaimed, the All Light began to gather around about the throne, covering over God and the Lords. Jehovih, through God, said: 16 CYCLE OF SETHANTES Hear ye, for I abide also with these My Lords of the hosts of heaven. The Lords said: What shall we do? And Jehovih answered: Summon all the angels to pass before the throne of God, one by one, that I may judge them. For as many as dwelt on any of my corporeal worlds of the fifth of the second rate shall abide in the kingdom of Hored, and their labor shall be with the es'yans only. But all of the full of the first rate shall abide in the kingdoms of My Lords, and their labor shall be with mor- tals on earth. Then the marshals arranged the an- gels, and they passed in front of the throne. And those destined for labor in atmospher- ea only, turned one way, and those for the earth as ministering angels, turned the other way. And when they had all passed, they were correctly divided according to Jehovih's commandment. God said: Hear me, O ye Lords. Take your laborers and repair to your respective places on the divisions of the earth, and the waters of the earth. And ye shall be Lords with me, your God, for the glory of Je- hovih. Whatsoever ye do on the earth will I ratify in heaven. Whomsoever ye de- liver from the earth will I receive in hea- ven. As ye shape and build up mortal man, delivering his spirit into my kingdom, so will I receive him. That your kingdoms may accord with me and mine, I will give you messengers sufficient, and they shall pass daily betwixt us. According to their proficiency and power to pass from place to place, so have I chosen them. Let a record be kept within your own kingdoms, and these records shall be your own, to be carried upward with you in the next resurrection to etherea. And yet, ye shall have a record jointly with me, sep- arate from your own record, pertaining to your kingdom's relation with mine. When mortals die and are born in spir- it, ye shall enter them in your records as es'yans. And for these es'yans ye shall pro- vide temporary abodes, where they shall tarry, some for a few days, and some for the space of one year or more. Of their numbers and conditions ye shall inform me through the messengers, and I will send ships to bring them to my kingdom. Ye shall appoint asaphs, whose office it shall be to receive es'yans from the ashars. Whilst a mortal is alive on the earth, the ashars shall abide with him, guarding him in Jehovih's name. And when he dies the ashar shall deliver the es'yan to the asaph, saying: In Jehovih's name receive this new born spirit. He was my protege; for the good or evil in him charge thou me. And the ashar shall deliver up a record of the mortal life of the es'yan, and the rec- ord shall be kept within your own king- doms. And the asaph shall take the es'- yan saying: In Jehovih's name receive I this new born spirit. He shall then take the es'yan to the place provided to receive it, where it will have nurses and attend- ants acording to its requirements. When ships come to your kingdoms the asaphs shall deliver all the es'yans they have received, and bring them to my place in heaven. When God ended, the Lords answered: We will labor with thee for the glory of Jehovih. God said: To each of you have I given a great division of the earth, and each di- vision shall be named after you. This, then, was the rank assigned: Wha- ga, Jud, Thouri, Vohu and Dis; and the lands were called after the names of the Lords and so entered in the books of hea- ven in Hored. When all was finished, the Lords came and sat at the foot of the throne, and the es'enaurs chanted a hymn of praise to Je- hovih, and the entire multitude joined therein. When the hymn was ended God rose up, standing midst a sea of light, and raising up both hands, said: O Jehovih, almighty and everlasting. Help us estab- lish this Thy kingdom for Thy glory. Then making the sign of Jehovih's name with his right hand, he came down to the foot of the throne, and taking the hand of Whaga, Lord of Whaga, he said: Arise, my son, and go thy way, and Jeho- vih will bless thee. Whaga rose up and stood aside, and then in like manner God raised the other four Lords, and they stood aside also. The marshals filed past the throne, sa- luting, and after them the Lords, saluting also; then came the asaphs, and lastly the ashars; and the procession passed be- tween the pillars of fire with which God's laborers had ornamented Hored. CYCLE SETHANTES 17 This was the beginning of the reign of the Lords on Earth. CHAPTER III. And God appointed angel surveyors, to survey the earth and her atmospherea; and astronomers to note the place of the stars; enumerators to number the inhabitants of the earth and atmospherea, to grade them and apportion their places; nurses and physicians to receive the es'yans; builders of heavenly mansions; weavers of fabrics for covering the new born, the es'yans; and builders of heavenly ships for carrying the inhabitants from place to place. And God appointed unto all of these, officers and teachers according to grade. And when God had completed his appointments, the people were apportioned in heaven, every one to his place, to begin the work allot- ted to them. And God called the asaphs and said unto them: Go ye down to the earth, and bring me the fruit of the first resurrection. The asaphs said: Thy will is our will, but what meanest thou by the fruit of the first resurrection? God said: The spirits of the dead. The asaphs said: The spirits of the dead? Who are they? God said: When a spirit cometh forth from his corporeal body, this shall be called death. The asaphs said: Who, then, are the spirits of death? And God answered them, saying: O ye that died in infancy, how can ye learn cor- poreal things? Go ye then to my Lord Whaga, and he will show you. The asaphs departed and went down to the earth, and the Lord through the ash- ars, delivered unto the asaphs five hun- dred es'yans, and they brought them to Hored, before the throne of God. And God said unto them: Who are these? The asaphs said: These are the fruit of the first resurrection. Behold, we know now the beginning and the end of mortal- ity. The earth body of these es'yans was but a womb from which they are now de- livered. God said: Even so. Take ye these es'- yans and feed and clothe them, for this is your labor. The asaphs answered: Alas, we have tried them with all manner of food on which we ourselves subsist, but they will not eat. God said: O ye innocents. You feed on etherean food; these es'yans must have atmospherean food. The asaphs then departed, taking the es'yans with them. But after a time they returned to God, saying: Behold, O God, we have gathered the atmospherea of trees of all kinds, and of seeds and plants that grow on the earth, all most beautiful to our senses, and we gave these to the es'yans, but lo, they will not eat. Being alarmed, we again hasten- ed to thee. God said: O ye of little wisdom, know- ing so much of heaven and so little of earth. Go back to the place whence ye brought these es'yans, and learn what manner of food they subsisted on in mortal life. The asaphs went back with all haste to learn in reference to the food. And again they came before God, saying: What shall we do, O God? Behold these es'yans whilst in mortality feasted on fish and worms. How can we bring them the atmospherean part of these things? God said: Even the last time ye were present ye said ye had gathered of the at- mospherea of trees, and seeds and plants growing out of the earth. Why, then, can- not ye gather of the atmospherea of fish and worms? The asaphs said: Alas, this difference have we observed: The trees, and plants and fruits emit delightful atmospheres, most nutritious to the spirit, but that which is emitted from the living fish and living worm is foul smelling, being but the sweat and dead substance. What, then, shall we do? God said: Go ye to the place where mortals kill fish and worms, and in the same time that mortals tear these things with their teeth, snatch from their hands and mouths the atmospherean part thereof, and give that to the es'yans. But remem- ber, that little by little ye shall teach them to live on other kinds of food. And as ye do by these es'yans, do ye also in after 18 CYCLE OF SETHANTES time to others, for what men subsist on in corporeal life, is entailed on their spirit for a space of time after entering atmos- pherea; and of like substance shall they be fed spiritually. The asaphs then departed. The Voice of Jehovih came to God, say- ing: My Son, behold what the asaphs have done in thy name thoughtlessly. They came to the fishery and did as thou badest, gathering food for the es'yans, and at their side stood the es'yans, saying: Why gath- er ye food for us? Behold we are now strong in spirit; allow us to gather food for ourselves. And the asaphs said: It seemeth well; do as ye desire. Thereupon, the es'yans went to the fishermen and wo- men, who were eating raw flesh, and the es'yans laid hold of the atmospherean part, and ate thereof. And then the asaphs said to them: Ye have feasted sufficiently; come away with us. But lo, the es'yans engraft- ed themselves upon the fishermen and wo- men, and would not depart. The asaphs not knowing what to do, called on My name. Send thou, O God, quickly to them, those skilled in deliverance, that My es'- yans be preserved unto everlasting life. And God summoned those skilled in de- liverance of engraftment, and despatched them hastily with messengers to the place of the fisheries. Jehovih said: From the trees, fruits, flowers, grains and seeds, have I created a ceaseless harvest going upward into the atmosphere, which shall be the food of the spirits of men newborn in heaven. But whosoever feasteth on flesh on earth, shall not find spiritual food in heaven, but he shall return to the butcheries and eat- ing houses where flesh is eaten, and he shall feast on the atmospherean part thereof before it is rotten. Be ye guarded of them, lest they engraft themselves on mortals, feasting on their feasts and so go down to destruction. After many days the asaphs came before God, saying: The physicians severed such as were bound, and we brought them away. Shall this be our labor day and night, to lead these es'yans about, finding them clothes and food? This we have observed, the more we do for them, the less they do for themselves. Jehovih spake through God, saying: A nurse I provided for the new born, but when he is grown I commanded him to provide for himself that he may be a glory in My kingdom. By charity alone ye can- not raise man up; but be diligent to teach him to try continually to raise himself, for herein lieth the glory of man. The asaphs said: If we leave the es'- yans alone they will return again to the fihseries and fasten themselves upon mor- tals, doing nothing but eat. God said: Near the fisheries, but in at- mospherea, go ye and fashion a colony, and it shall be your colony in heaven. Thither take these es'yans, not showing them the way to the fisheries. In the colo- ny put ye them to work, weaving and mak- ing clothes and otherwise producing; but go ye for the food at the fisheries, and bring sufficient every day, giving only to them who labor, or to invalids and helpless ones. By this ye shall inspire them to la- bor, which is the foundation of growth; and in course of time they will not only care for themselves, but join in helping others, which is the beginning of the sec- ond resurrection. Behold, this lesson have ye learned; that according to the diet and the habits of mortals on earth, so must ye provide their spirits when first entered in heaven. Choose ye, therefore, of your own peo- ple a sufficient number to make all things required in a delightful colony, whether it be food, clothing, nurseries, hospitals, or places of worship or of dancing, raising them up in industry, love, wisdom, virtue, mirth, benevolence and adoration, and this shall be a new heaven unto you all. This shall be an example of all the kingdoms in heaven. The time cometh when the whole atmospherea around the earth shall be filled with countless millions of angels from the earth. Be swift in your labor; the people spring up from the earth rapidly into heaven, and every colony ye now found shall in time to come, be a great kingdom, requir- ing experienced workmen. Whosoever la- boreth most efficiently for Jehovih, him will I promote to wider fields. Words are already taking root in the mouths of mor- tals; and for thousands of years will war reign; might against might, darkness CYCLE OF SETHANTES 19 against darkness. Hundreds of millions will be slain in wars on the earth, and their souls be thrown into chaos. Even as ye beheld these spirits fastening on to mortals for food, so will millions of spirits in cha- os, fasten themselves on the battlefieds, still battling, or upon mortals, obsessing them to madness and death. CHAPTER IV. So God and his Lords established such colonies in heaven, and they embraced the arts of healing, education, industry, drapery, manufactures, the building of ships, and all things required for the spirit. And great labor came upon the hosts of God who founded these things, toiling day and night, receiving the es'yans and pro- viding for them food and clothing. And many of the hosts of God lamented that they had come to the corporeal earth, and they framed songs and anthems of lament- ation, and these they chanted even whilst at labor. God was troubled that they should thus lament in presence of the es'- yans, and he called together the proper of- ficers that he might rebuke them; but the Light of Jehovih spake from the throne, saying: Rebuke them not, My son. Did I not command them, saying: Behold I have created a new world; come ye and enjoy it. And they listened to the voice of cor- por, becoming bound. Wherefore, then, shall they not lament? Do they not re- member their former homes in etherea, and thus aspire to regain them? But seek thou, O My Son, to make their lamenta- tions a glory in the souls of the es'yans, that they may also aspire to a higher hea- ven. The Voice departed, and God perceiv- ing the wisdom of Jehovih, commanded certain officers to collect many of the an- thems and deposit them in the library of Hored in heaven, and they did so. This, then, is the manner of their lamentations: Where is my home, O Jehovih? Where I was happy? I dwelt with Thy hosts afar. O the songs in Thy upraised kingdoms! When shall I rejoice in the music of my own home in etherea? O those sparkling, running waters! O the pastimes and feasts of love! Where is it, O Jehovih? It was my home in high heaven. I fell in darkness! Wandering soul within me, that leddest me forth. The gar- dens of Jehovih stood on every hand. O senseless feet to take me onward. Into the darkness I was lured; sweet perfumes rose midst the darkness. Intricate in Thy glory, O Jehovih! I lost the way. I was lost! The music of Thy spheres was shut out. I was environed in darkness! Where is my home, O Jehovih? Why have I forsaken it? Crystals and high arches on every hand; standing out, shin- ing. And the songs of my sweet loves! Such was my home, a place of glory! I bartered them all away, wandering forth. Buried in the dark. O for my home in high heaven! Mirth, song, rest and love, clear shining. Thou, O Jehovih, hast given me sons and daughters. Out of this darkness my gems were born. O I will polish them up. Kin of my kin, I will raise them up. The Goddesses in heaven above will come, de- scending in ships of fire. My jewels shall enter and rise with me. We shall search for my home; the haven of rest. I see Thee, O Jehovih, afar off. High- er than the highest of heavens. O hasten my home and my rest! O ripen my pre- cious fruit. O take us to etherean worlds! But no one could repeat their numer- ous lamentations, for there were hundreds of thousands of them. And as the ethereans sang them, the es'yans, the newborn in at- mospherea, listened, longingly listened and looked upward. CHAPTER V. In the first year of Hored there were re- ceived into God's kingdom one and a half million es'yans, men, women and children born from the earth. And there were still left within the different divisions of the earth, with the Lords, three and a quarter million es'yans, being for the most part fetals. In the first one hundred years there were born of the earth, one hundred and seventy million es'yans. The number of 20 CYCLE OF SETHANTES three generations of Thins was fifty-four millions, and each of the Lord's heavenly places had become large kingdoms. In those days the period of five years was allotted to the es'yans as their time of infancy in heaven, requiring nurses and helpers, but some of them required many years more. After five years the es'yans were taken from the nurseries, and taught by symbols and objects the rudiments of education; and drilled in processions, mu- sic, dancing and gymnastics; but every day they were required for a brief period to labor, some at weaving, some at spinning and some at transportation. The Voice of Jehovih directed God, say- ing: For the prosperity of My kingdom in heaven, thou shalt make all labor an agree- able exercise for the growth of the spirits of thy dominions. And God commanded the officers of Hored to lengthen the hours of labor, ac- cording to the age and strength of the spir- its received up from the earth. Jehovih spake to God, saying: Allot to those who have come up from the earth the labor that is most congenial. But thou shalt not allow them to return to their earth kindred unattended, lest they engraft themselves thereon, because of their love, becoming bound to mortals. But when they have lived fifty years in heaven, thou shalt not only permit them to return to mortals, but thou shalt direct them to do so, for after that period they will have no further desire for engraftment. As fast as thou canst appropriate the labor of the earth-born spirits to help in the resurrec- tion of others, so thou shalt do in My name. And God and his Lords did so. And in one hundred years' time there were raised up to the second rate, twenty million souls. And many of them comprehended the manufactories, nurseries, schools and hospitals in heaven to the full, and they were in many things equal to the require- ments of their teachers. The Voice of Jehovih came to God, saying: It is well, My Son, to take a rest. Behold, thou hast toiled a hundred years, day and night, without ceasing. Thou shalt, therefore, annoint other officers, and spread out the kingdom of Hored to cover all the land of Whaga. And thou shalt ap- point in My name thy most efficient officer to sit on the throne for a short time, and thou shalt travel and visit the five Lords of the earth and their kingdoms. And thou shalt take with thee a thousand heralds, a thousand mesengers and five thousand mu- sicians. And thou shalt have a ship suffi- cient to carry thy host, and to be thy house whithersoever thou goest; and set all things in order for an absence of one year. -And God called in the surveyors, who brought maps of earth and heaven showing the best places for extending the kingdom of Hored. And God appointed fifty gov- ernors for the fifty places required, and he gave each of them five thousand men and women to accompany them. And when they were chosen God addressed them from the throne, saying: According to the commandment of Je- hovih are ye chosen; and by His command will I come to your respective places, and bestow jou with all that is required for building up colonies in Jehovih's name. As ye witnessed the founding of Hored by the Archangel Etisyai, so may you under- stand that I will come to you all. Go forth, then, taking your hosts, and lay the foun- dations for your cities. As ye have learn- ed from me, go ye forth doing as I have done; and as ye do with a small colony, so I will give into your keeping that which is greater when ye are prepared therefor. When God ceased, the marshals led the way, and the hosts following their govern- ors filed in front of the throne, saluting with the sign of Jehovih's name, which was answered by God's hands upraised. Meanwhile the es'enaurs sang in glory to Jehovih. Presently the hosts passed out and beyond the pillars of fire. When all had quieted, God said: Let the builders of ships begin now and build a ship for me and my hosts, for the time draweth near. And let the graders choose from my laborers, who have toiled a hun- dred years, day and night without ceas- ing, such as shall be my companions and hosts on my journey. And they were so chosen and notified. And God said: Whilst I shall be absent, he who standeth highest in the grades, shall sit on my throne, being God in my place. CYCLE OF SETHANTES 21 And God commanded the graders to present before the throne the records, that the Council of Hored might determine the matter. And this was done. And Ha'jah, an etherean, was chosen. And God com- manded them to send word to Ha'jah, with an escort to conduct him to the throne. In due time the escort brought Ha'jah into the place of the kingdom of God, while God was sitting on the throne. They came in with music and filed in front of the throne, forming a crescent, and Ha'jah stood betwixt the horns. God said: By the light of Jehovih have I summoned thee hither, O Ha'jah. Long have I known thee, even on other worlds. Of all virtues in man which stand highest, which is, never to mention one's self, thou excellest all men in my kingdom. Thy labors for the general upraising of Hored excellest all others. For this reason thou art preferred, and by Jehovih chosen to be my assistant whilst I am here, and in my absence to be God in Jehovih's name. Ha'jah said: This being the will of Je- hovih, proceed thou. God struck the gavel, and the holy coun- cil rose to their feet. God said: In Jehovih's name I salute thee, Ha'jah, as God of Earth, to hold do- minion in Hored. Come forth and receive thou my throne in Jehovih's name. The marshals then conducted Ha'jah to the foot of the throne. God came down and took his hand and led him up. And as they were going forth, a light, as of gold- en fire, came down from the firmament above, sent by the kingdoms high exalted; and God and Ha'jah were covered and il- luminated. God said: By Thy Love, Wisdom and Power, O Jehovih, do I receive this Thy Son on Thy throne. Be Thou with him in wisdom and strength for Thy glory for- ever. Amen. God stretched forth his hand unto Je- hovih, saying: Give me a crown for Thy Son, God of Earth, O Jehovih! And there descended, as if a small star, far lengthened out, a light of gold and sil- ver, and it settled on God's hand, and he fashioned it into a crown, and emblazoned it with the sign God of Earth, and placed it on Ha'jah's head, saying: In Jehovih's name, thee I crown, to sit on the throne in Hored during my absence. Ha'jah said: Thy Son, O Jehovih, shall fulfill Thy commandments in wisdom and love. O Father, Creator of worlds, give this Thy Son rest and comfort for the glories he hath wrought in Thy name. Amen. The Council said: Amen. The es'- enaurs chanted an anthem of praise to Te- hovih. And God led Ha'jah forth and seat- ed him on the throne, saying: Thou art God in my name and Jehovih's also. And since I go down to the earth to sojourn for a season, thou shalt be known as God of both Earth and heaven. CHAPTER VI. So God departed out of'Hored and em- barked on a ship, taking with him seven thousand men and women for an escort, beside a thousand es'enaurs and a crew of three thousand to work the ship. And God went to the provinces of the governors in heaven dwelling on earth, whom he had appointed and sent forth; and as he himself had been commissioned by Jehovih in Hored, so did he install the governors on their seats. And the govern- ors were situated within Whaga at re- mote distances, and God sent messengers to them, notifying them of the time he would visit them. And the Lord whose kingdom was situated in the earthly city of Ul'oo, being apprised of God's intend- ed journey, and having first appointed an- other in his place, went and joined God in his ship and traveled with God throughout Whaga, being present at the inauguration of the governors in these heavens. To each of the governors God said: That which is given you to accomplish per- taineth to things in heaven; for the Lord's matters pertain to earthly things, and to angels that labor with the corporeans. But ye are to attend to the es'yans, receiving them in heaven, providing them with places to sojourn, and in their helplessness sup- ply them with food and clothes, and the rudiments of learning. Remember also, the time cometh when each of these gov- ernorships shall attain to an independent kingdom; and instead of being governors you shall be raised as sub-Gods. 22 CYCLE OF SETHANTES After God had established the govern- ors, the Lord invited him to visit his place in Ul'oo, and thence go about on earth and see the mortals with whom the Lord had to deal. And God accepted, and the Lord sent messengers on before him, that the house of the Lord which mortals had built, might be replenished and cleans- ed. And his substitute notified the ashars, and the ashars impressed mortals to go and cleanse and purify the house of the Lord. And so mortals fell to work and cleansed the place and burned incense therein of sweet myrrh and hepetan, not even know- ing they were fulfilling the command of the Lord. When the ship of the hosts of God came to the city of Ul'oo, mortals saw it high up in the air, and they feared and ran hastily so consult the prophet of the Lord. And the prophet said: Behold, God appeareth in a sea of fire in the firmament of hea- ven. And God caused the ship to be made un- seen, that fear might subside on earth, and he descended with his hosts into the house of the Lord, and they went and touched the things mortals had built that they might perceive corporeally. And the Lord gave a banquet, and God and his companions tarried four days, exchanging fellowship with the ashars. And the ashars took the angels who were with him around amongst mortals, both whilst mortals were asleep and awake, showing many things to them. And because of the presence of the hosts of God, mortals were aroused with new vigor to worship the Lord, rising early and going to the house of worship and continuing all day, and not one of them knew the cause thereof. On the evening of the fourth day God commanded his hosts to prepare to renew the journey. God said: O Jehovih, who created all, look down and bless Thy Lord. He hath descended from his high estate in etherea to raise these mortals up. Already hath he toiled with them a hundred years. Three generations have risen up out of the earth, and they begin to glorify Thee in Thy kingdoms above the earth. Who but Thee, O Jehovih, can honor Thy Lord or know his sore trials? Behold, man grow- eth up out of the earth, saying: There is no Lord and no God. But his feet and hands are guided every hour of the day. Yea, when he enters the unseen worlds, they become seen; but he is helpless in a strange place, and Thy Lord provides him and teaches him. Thy Lord finds a suita- ble place on earth and says: Here will I build a city. He sends his angels forth and they inspire man to come and build a city in the same place. Yet when the city is built, man says: Behold, there is no God and no Lord. The Lord brings the corporeans together and guards them day and night; but man turns away in strife and destruction. Then Thy Lord with- draws his angels from the city because of its wickedness, and it falls in ruins. But man knoweth not the cause. Yet Thy Lord toileth on, day and night, watching, guarding and striving to lift man up out of darkness. O Jehovih, bless Thy Lord and his hosts. Hasten the time when man shall comprehend the foundation of Thy kingdoms. The Lord said: O Jehovih, Ever Pres- ent. Hear the words of Thy God. He who comprehends the whole earth and the hea- ven of the earth. He deals with millions. Great is his wisdom and love. Glorify him, Thy Son, of heaven and earth. He fashions the homes of Thy Lords and little ones in great wisdom. His love is the glory of all men. Give swiftness, rest and joy to him, Thy God. The mortals of the city of Ul'oo had gathered together to worship, and they were singing and dancing to the Lord, and the angels joined in the singing also. And God went and sat on the altar and illumin- ated it so the mortals could see him. And the chief prophet came near the place of the Lord, and the Lord placed his hand on the forehead of the prophet so he might speak in the name of God. The prophet said: Behold me, I am the God of heaven and earth, and my words come out of the mouth of this my prophet. Keep holy the four days of the moon, for they are the Lord's days. Do no evil, but strive for wisdom and to do good. And when ye are dead, behold, ye shall live, for I have places prepared for you in my heaven. Re- joice and be merry, for the Lord lives and reigneth. The prophet ceased, and God rose up from the altar, and his traveling host also, CYCLE OF SETHANTES 23 and saluting the Lord in the name of Je- hovih, resumed his journey in heaven. CHAPTER VII. First to Jud, God headed his ship, run- ning close to the earth, gathering fuel from the tall forests to feed the phosphorescent flame, traveling steadily till the wild coast on the west of Whaga was reached. Here he haltd his ship till his navigators told the distance of the wide sea before them, gath- ering fuel and substance from the rich growing lands. And God commanded: Go forth. Go forth into the sea of heaven. And on plunged the ship of God in the winds of the blue firmament, soaring high above the black clouds. And the music of his thousand es'enaurs leaped forth in time to the waves. Onward sped the ship of God; mer- rily sang the crew. On one side the rising moon, the setting sun on the other; beneath lie the black clouds and great corporeal sea; and yet above twinkled the stars and planets of the Great Serpent on his long journey. God surveyed the scene, and the power of Jehovih moved upon him. Then gathered round him his seven thou- sand loves and traveling companions; and God said: All Thy places are new, Great Jehovih! For thousands of years have I gazed on Thy matchless splendors; but Thy glory groweth richer day by day. When Thy Voice came to me, more than a hundred years ago, saying: Go, My Son, I have a new garden planted; take some workmen and till the soil; I foresaw the long labor of generations that would spring up out of the earth. I feared and trembled. I said: How shall it be, O Jehovih? Shall the new Earth be peopled over, and mortals run their course as on other cor- poreal worlds? First, in wholesome love and worship and due reverence to the Gods, and then for ages bury themselves in bloody wars? O lead me forth, Jehovih. I will take Thy garden for a season, and fence it around with Lords, and wise king- doms. And by the power of Thy pres- ence hedge mortals on every side, that the Earth may bloom as a paradise for angels and men. And Thy sons and daughters came with me, and peopled the earth with immortal souls. How is it now? How compares my la- bor with that of the Gods on other cor- poreal worlds? O ye Gods and Goddesses, look down upon Earth. Jehovih hath filled my arms with a great load. I trem- ble in the immortal scales. And God looked up, transfixed, into the swift passing sky; for his voice reached to the thrones of etherean worlds whereon the Orian Chiefs reigned in all power. And down from amidst the stars shot a single ray of light engrossed with the words: Jehovih's Son, all hail! Hail, God of Earth, Jehovih's Son! Glory, glory to Great Jehovih, For all that thou hast done! Then upward furled the shining light till it faded midst the far-off stars. Anew the trumpeters and singers sent forth a strain of sweet, soulful music. And as the music glided forth across the waters, other music, strange and welcome, came from the west land to the borders of the sea. The ship was across the sea, and hosts of the Lord of Jud had come to meet the God of Earth and Heaven. And now, saluting loud and long, the two ships drew close to anchorage. Presently they exchanged mes- sengers, and God and his hosts greeted the Lord and his hosts in Jehovih's name, and they were old-time friends. And pres- ently the two ships sped forth, close to the earth, conjoined in the music of anthems of olden times. And they sped on far up into the country, till one pillar of fire standing on a mountain side, proclaimed the place of the Lord, and here they halted and made fast the vessels unseen by mortals. CHAPTER VIII. These chieftans had long been friends on other worlds, and pledged to join in an adventure on some new corporeal world, to raise up sons and daughters to Jehovih. Now was the pledge being fulfilled, and they had eagerly looked forward to the time of this visit. And so God and the Lord came forth, saying: In Jehovih's name, we meet at last! And they embraced and reassured each other that what they had talked of a thousand years before had really come to pass. 24 CYCLE OF SETHANTES And then came forward the hosts of God and the Lord, knowing one another and saluting and embracing also. There- upon they proceeded to the house of the Lord, which mortals had been inspired to build of wood and clay. And when they were within they joined in prayer and thanks to Jehovih, and sang and danced and rejoiced to their souls' content. At sunrise the next morning the mortal priests and priestesses, led by a prophet, went into the house of the Lord, to pray and sing and dance as they had been taught by inspiration of the Lord, but many people lingered without, saying to one another: I fear! For last night I saw lights in the house of the Lord, and I heard singing and dancing before the altar. After a time of rejoicing and of quiet, the Lord said: Behold, O God, the follies of judgment, and the vain calculations of even Lords and Gods. We look upon the mature man, saying: Alas, he is stubborn in his own way; we cannot convert him. Then we desire the immature, saying: Him will I raise up in mine own way, and he shall not depart from my judgment. But we tire of his immaturity and slow growth. God said: Hereon hangs the highest testimony of the Person of Great Jehovih. The nearest blank of all the living created He man, unlike all the rest and devoid of reason. Whereas, according to the order of the animal world a newborn babe should be already wise. Jehovih saith: All the living have I pro- vided with certain paths to travel in; and man created I new that he should grow forever. To the beast I have given an al- ready created sense, to man I allotted an- gels. And even these have I provided with others above them; and yet others above them, forever and ever. Hence, the new- born babe I created a blank in sense and • judgment, that he may be a witness that even he himself was fashioned and created anew by My hand. Neither created I him imperfectly that he should re-enter a womb and be born over again. That which I do is well done, saith Jehovih. The Lord said: Thou art wise, O God. Man standeth on the earth, but the earth resteth on that which is lighter than the earth. Jehovih saith: The unseen that holdeth the corporeal earth in its place, is of Me. And yet, O God, who can attain to know Jehovih? The mortal saith: When I am dead and risen in heaven, I shall see the Great Spirit; but when he dies, he is still helpless; yes, as helpless in his place as he was on the earth. Then he saith: When I am strong arid wise, like Lords and Gods, and can traverse the wide firma- ment, then will I see Jehovih. But when he riseth and can shape his vessel through the whirlwinds of the vortices of heaven, and he is called Lord or God, he findeth the arcs and ethea standing before him still. More and more is he appalled at the thought of the Great I Am who liveth still beyond. He hurries down to the corporeal earth to teach mortals and spirits of Jeho- vih, and of His endless worlds and exalted heavens. But, lo, the darkness of them, they say: I see Him not; I hear Him not; I believe not in Him. He is but as the wind, going without sense. He is void; He is nothing. And the Lord inventeth ways and means. Yea, he teaches man to sing and pray to Jehovih, that the sounds may lead his soul upward. The Lord tell- eth him to wear clothes to hide his naked- ness and the Lord sendeth angels to award him for his good deeds. And the angels of the Lord lay plots and strategems in man's pathway to stir him up. Yea, Jeho- vih gave man sleep, so that his corporeal bound spirit might see and hear heavenly things. But man loadeth his stomach and debaucheth on intoxicating smoke and drink till his soul is buried in darkness. And the Lord crieth out in despair: How weak am I, O Jehovih, before Thee! I undertook to be a Lord over men on Earth, to learn my lesson in the gov- ernment of worlds. But O Jehovih, I know I fail in Thy sight. What will Thy God say when he beholdeth my little good? What pity have the Archangels for Thy struggling Lord of earth? God perceived the sorrow of his friend and he said: O Jehovih, Who art Almigh- ty, how keener hast Thou made our sense of our own weakness, than those who look upon us. Thy Lord is a God in the glories he hath wrought out of such crude sub- stance, and I sing to his praise and love. CYCLE OF SETHANTES 25 I have looked upon the naked man and woman of this great land, crawling on hands and feet, with no thought but to eat, and I have seen them raised up by Thy Lord and his ashars, to walk upright and use words of speech and to wear clothes and skins to hide their nakedness. Yea, I have cried out with great joy, and I called aloud unto Thee, O Jehovih, saying: Who knoweth the labor of the Lord? Will man ever forget to sing his praise? But Jeho- vih says: I will keep some of the tribes of men in darkness till the last days, for man shall perceive that the barbarous tribes cannot put away their own darkness. Yea, man shall bow down in reverence to My Lords. Thus conversed God and his Lord, as they went forth to see the work of the Lord, and to find the mortals that had given up the places of Asu and come to live in villages and cities. Around about over the continent of Jud they traveled for many days and nights. And when God had seen all the work of the Lord, he said: Behold, it is good. Thy toil and seclu- sion away from the Lords of the upper hea- vens are severe, but thou art fashioning the love of millions, who shall bless thee. And while God sojourned with the Lord of Jud, his hosts regaled themselves with the company of the asaphs in the kingdoms of the Lord, and great was the love and rejoicing amongst them. CHAPTER IX. When God's visit was ended, and the hosts notified, the Lord gave a banquet, during which the angels sang and danced and trumpeted. After that God and his hosts embarked on the ship in readiness to proceed on the journey; and the Lord and his hosts went up to the ship to take leave. God said: When dan approacheth we shall meet again. May Jehovih prosper thy harvests till then. The Lord said: That is another hun- dred years, O God; I almost live in a wil- derness. I have not ten millions of souls, mortals and spirits. God said: Thy kingdom shall be mighty when I come again. May it glorify Jeho- vih! They embraced and separated. Each gave the sign of Jehovih's name. Upward raised the ship of God with banners out- stretched, and taking course still west, sped on above the mountain tops, like a meteor hurled from heaven. Meanwhile the trum- peters gave forth the gladly solemn sound of the March of God. But ere the ship had made half its journey, an approaching light came forth from the far west, radiant and laden with hosts from the Lord of Dis. When the ships drew near and halted, God called with a loud voice, saying: In Jehovih's name, all hail. I know my Lord cometh. And thereupon the Lord answered: Hail to thee, O God, Son of Jehovih! And they turned the Lord's ship and lash- ed the twain together even as they sped on. And after they had all exchanged welcome and good wishes, the Lord said: Ere we go to my exalted throne let us survey the continent over which thy servant is Lord. And God answered: Thy will be done, O Lord. And so they journeyed for many days, oft descending to the earth in places where the Lord's angels had begun colo- nies with mortals, impressing man with words of speech, and to live in villages. And God said that all he saw was well done. So they came to the throne of the Lord and sojourned there for sixty days. And God and his hosts and the Lord and his ashars and asaphs were together in general reunion, praying, singing and dancing and reasoning on the endless works of Jehovih. But one book could not contain all that was said and done, and of the excursions made, and the visits over the mountains and plains, where in thousands of years hence man should live and build cities, and go to war and destroy them. And the mathematicians foretold the great cities and nations that would rise up; how this one and that one would move to battle; how their great cities would fall in ruins and be covered up by falling nebulae, and by mountains wash- ing down upon them, so that even their re- membrance should be lost. And yet, fur- ther on, the mathematicians foretold the the coming of kosmon when the ruined cities would be discovered and their histo- ries deciphered by the su'is of man in Great Jehovih's hand. And now when all 26 CYCLE OF SETHANTES these things were estimated, the prophets and mathematicians went before God, as the Lord had commanded them, and they spake to God, Son of Jehovih, telling of all these wonders. When they had finished, God said: What is our service on the earth, O Lord? A few centuries at most, and we will have risen up from the earth, taking our hosts with us to dwell in higher realms. But there shall be other Gods and Lords after us, to deal with mortals and spirits newly born. Aft^r awhile there shall be great warriors and great cities and nations, and they shall have Gods and Lords of their times who will dwell many a weary year, aye, century, in the darkness with man. After that again, even the Gods and Lords will be forgotten. And man will turn against Great Jehovih, putting to death His worshippers, themselves preferring idols of stone and metal, and spirits of men born of woman. The Lord said: And yet further on a brighter light adorneth the way. Great Jehovih's hand sendeth the traveling worlds into the light of Kosmon, and new prophets arise gathering up the histories lost, and glorious plan of the Great Spirit over all. Yea, even our labor and our ships will be seen by mortals of that day. Thus they discoursed, reading the past and future, and weighing the present; whilst angels less informed, gathered around to learn how worlds are peopled, and nations and cities destroyed; the far- off and the near at hand, being as nothing in Jehovih's vast universe. But the time came for God's departure, and he and his traveling host embarked, and the Lord and his hosts drew around to receive God's prayer ere he left. And so after they had embraced, God said: Though I go away, my love abideth with you all. And now, O Jehovih, bless these my fellow-laborers, and make them strong to endure their great trials. Thine is the power and glory, O Father. Amen. The ship rose up and the hosts ex- claimed: Glory to Thee, O Jehovih, for- ever and forever. CHAPTER X. Jehovih spake to God, saying: Steer thy ship to the south land, My Son, and visit the Lord of Vohu. And God went as commanded to the south, running close to the earth, over deserts and mountains. But when they were a short way on the journey they were met by the ship of the Lord, who had been apprised of God's coming, and they made fast to the vessel of God, and all the angels saluted and in- termingled, having known one another for hundreds of years, and some for more than a thousand years. The Lord said: On our journey let us run through the valleys and the banks of rivers, for it is here that both Asu and men dwell. And so they journeyed, sur- veying the earth as they sailed above. The country was mostly barren, support- ing neither man nor beast. But by the river sides man dwelt, burrowing in the ground to avoid the heat by day and the cold by night. And they came to places where the angels of the Lord were dwell- ing with mortals, having inspired them to make villages and to hide their nakedness. The Lord said: Behold, O God, only the unseen is potent over man. Could the beasts or the stones of the forest tell man to hide his nakedness, he would not; nei- ther will he heed his brother's voice. Without experience man cannot be ad- vised profitably to himself, for so hath Jehovih made him. Because man cannot discern angel presence, the angels alone can teach man and inspire him to new life. For they talk to him in his sleep, and show him what is for his own good. And when he waketh in the morning he imag- ines it was himself talking, and is ambitious to obey himself. Patient and of long en- durance are the angels of Jehovih. God said: Will man ever know he hath been raised up? Will he be believing? Or will he, too, need to go to some new world and raise up the first fruits thereof and toil his hundreds of years with naked mortals? O Jehovih, how wisely Thou hast shapen the labors of the believing and the unbelieving. Lo, man comes forth out of the earth, boasting of his unbelief, saying: Except I see with my own eyes, and feel with my own hands, I will not believe. But thou, O Jehovih, hast fitted a labor for his eyes, and for his hands, to his heart's content. And yet another man cometh forth out of the earth, believing, CYCLE OF SETHANTES 27 and quickly he mounts to the thrones of Thy exalted heavens. The Lord said: Who knoweth Thy wisdom, O Jehovih! Who cannot perceive Thee in the foundations of Thy everlasting worlds? Thou hast provided nurses for the new Earth; and thou wilt bring forth on Earth many who will, in the far fu- ture time, be laboring as Thy Lord and his angels labor here. Of what expanse is Thy wisdom, O Jehovih. Thus they conversed and journeyed forth till they reached the throne and place of the Lord. . And here they made fast their ships, and they descended down to the city of Ong'oo, which was situated about the middle of the continent of Vohu. And the Lord now sent messengers to all the ashars in his dominions, appointing ten days of rest, and time for feasting, music, dancing and worshipping Jehovih. And the hosts of the. Lord and of God held a reunion, being the first for over a hun- dred years. And then God went about over all the continent of Vohu, inspecting the work the Lord had done, and he pro- nounced it good before Jehovih. When God had rested the full time, he and his hosts entered the ship of God, and taking leave of the Lord and his hosts, departed on the journey, saluting the Lord ^Ich a thousand trumpeters in the name of Jeho- vih. CHAPTER XI And now came the long journey across the ocean. God said: Great is Thy wis- dom, O Jehovih, in the division of waters. These barriers provide nations against na- tions. A refuge Thou hast made beyond the waters, and the evil man cannot pur- sue. But greater still are Thy spirit oceans, O Father. The spirits of darkness cannot cross over, and the spirits of new- born people are not contaminated. Thou far-seeing, Thou bestower of thrift into the hands of Thy Gods and Thy Lords. The master of the ship provided well for the journey; and presently the vessel of fire sped over the water, high above the clouds that cover the ocean, onward to the bleak and desolate west. On the far-off coast, the Lord of the land of Thouri stood, stationed in a ship, to wel- come God to the great west lands. And this was the land called by angels in after time North Guatama, signifying the meet- ing of nations and the dawn of kosmon. God came down out of the ship and stood on the land, and a light of etherean flame descended upon him, and Jehovih spake out of the Light, saying: Hear Me, O My Son, hither have I brought thee. This land is the last of the circle, even as Whaga is the first. Behold, when the earth is circumscribed around about with such as choose Me, I will come hither with a great awakening light to the souls of men. On this land will I finish the dominion of the self Gods and Lords on earth. Through Thee and Thy Lords will I now lay the foundation for My kingdoms. On this land will I raise up a people who shall be the fulfilling of that which the I'hins of Whaga profess; for My chosen shall come out boldly against all dominion save Mine, even Jehovih. Look over this land, My Son, and provide unto the time of kos- mon. My prophets shall foretell thee what shall happen. Thou shalt look upon the mountains and strong standing rocks, and the thought of thy soul shall pierce them, and the impression thereof shall be as a written book before the races of men in that day. Neither shall they know the cause, but they shall come forth in tens of thousands, putting away all self Gods and Lords and ancient tyranny, for My sake. Thy soul shall be My talisman, deep en- graven in the land, water and mountains. On this land shall not any Lord nor God be established by the sword, for it is My land, which I planned for the deliverance of the nations of the earth. The hosts of both the ships came and joined in happy reunion after a hundred years' separation; and God traveled over the land and waters of the great west con- tinent. And all the places that the Lord had searched out, to the east and west and north and south, even to the farthest boundary, were recorded in the books of heaven. God said: And thou, My Lord, shall mark out the place whereon shall be found- ed Jehovih's kingdom on earth. And a record of thy labors shall descend through the Lords and Gods that come after thee, 28 CYCLE OF SETHANTES down to the time of the coming light of Kosmon. And the people who shall dwell here till that day, shall never be worship- pers of any Lord or God, such as other people shall worship. Let my seal be put upon this land in the name of Jehovih. So, after that time, God and his Lords rested from their labors. And the Lord prepared a feast of reunion for all the an- gels of his dominions. And they assem- bled and sang and prayed and danced, and conversed on things long past and things of the future, reassuring one another of their love and high esteem. When the banquet was ended, God and his traveling host, in due ceremony and order, took their leave. Thus God depart- ed. And when the ship of God was raised up and under way, the Voice of Jehovih came to God, saying: Steer thy ship, My Son, around over all the other lands and islands and waters of the earth. Go low down to the earth that thy recording angels may witness the affairs of men and all the places I created on the earth. Thus God visited all places on land and water, even where man lived not, as well as where he lived, and the angels made a record thereof in the books of heaven. And the time of the journey and the visits of God to the places of earth and her heavens, was one year and seven days, and his visit to the Lords was completed. He sent messengers to Hored announcing the time of his coming. And he then set sail therefor. CHAPTER XII. When it was known in Hored that God was about to return, Ha'jah put all things in readiness for God's reception. And there volunteered ten thousand musicians and five thousand bearers of banners, one thousand marshals, and offi- cers of the throne, and one hundred thou- sand receivers, to go part way and meet God and his companions. And Ha'jah granted their prayers and they started at once, being the most majestic host that had as yet gone forth in the lower heaven. And when they were a little way off, God and his ship of fire approached in heavenly splendor. And the marshals met him and laid hold of the han'iv of the ship, whereon all the hosts did in like manner, save the musicians, who sang and played. When they drew near and entered Hor- ed, Ha'jah broke down from his high es- tate, running to meet God as a child would run to its father. And when the multitude saw this, they also broke loose from decor- ous behavior and gave full vent to their outbursting love for God and his hosts. And all the people became as a tumult in rivalry of rejoicing. After a short time God and Ha'jah turned and walked to the throne, and Ha'jah took his place, and God sat on his right and order reigned. Ha'jah said: In Thy % name, O Jehovih, I welcome back Thy first God of Earth to the kingdom Thou hast bestowed upon him, and Thy sons and daughters. As much as he hath glorified Thee, by his la- bor and by his wisdom and love, so do we honor him in Thy, name and for Thy glory. God said: In Thy name, O Jehovih, do I return to these, my loves. That I am returned I glorify Thee, O my Father. That thou hast made me to rejoice, is the glory of my life. And now a great light gathered around the throne, so that many could not look thereon, and the power of Jehovih came^upon Ha'jah, and the Voice spake through him, saying: This is again thy throne, O My Son! Thou shalt finish that which I put upon thee. Thy people shall learn the manner of My kingdoms, and know that even as I make all, so do I rule over all. Hang up thy traveling garb, My Son; dismiss thy traveling hosts and resume thy seat on the throne. The Voice departed: Ha'jah rose up and stood aside, and the light fell upon God, and he resumed the throne and was hailed by the multitude in Jehovih's name. God said to Ha'jah: Because thou hast prospered my kingdom during one whole year, thou shalt be my companion and as- sistant, with power and wisdom to super- intend all matters that are not direct with my Lords. Behold, this day have I set apart as a new day in heaven and earth; because on this day the sun taketh its course for the Hi'dan line; and it shall be called the new CYQLE OF SETHANTES 29 year's day. And from this time forth, it shall be the day of the relief watch in Hor- ed. And ye shall proclaim it throughout heaven and earth to all who serve Jeho- vih. The kingdom of Hored has so increas- ed that we must enlarge it, and the Council shall be called Moeb, and it shall be an as- sembly over all councils below it. And Moeb shall no longer deal with the affairs of individuals, even though they be Lords; but it shall have dominion with the cities and kingdoms of heaven, and with judg- ments and decrees. But in all matters of less degree, this my son Ha'jah, shall have dominion. And thou, O Ha'jah, shall build thee a house in Hored, near this throne, and it shall be thy place of business. CHAPTER XIII. So God enlarged the place of Hored, and built one thousand more pillars of fire, enlarging the circle and otherwise making it a place of splendor. And God called to- gether the recorders of heaven, and bade them select one hundred thousand new members for the house of Moeb, choosing them from the highest on the lists. God said: In this case, seek not the most learned, nor the most prayerful; but choose ye such as rank highest in assim- ilating to Jehovih and to their fellows; for such are the first to become Gods and Goddesses. Jehovih saith: A strong man may do more good works than a weak one, and yet the latter may stand fairer in My sight. I open the way to the weak and the strong; to the learned and the un- learned. God said: In all these matters, what- ever man or woman hath put away self desires for self's sake, serving Jehovih by laboring for others, is on the road to wis- dom. And if the records show a sufficient time for growth in such man or woman, whereby these virtues become organic, then choose ye that person, for of such shall be Moeb. So the laborers erected walls consist- ing of pillars of fire, and built Moeb within, suitable for the members to be seated according to their rank, and the day it was finished the recorders brought the new members, and they went into the temple to their respective places. And when seated, God spake from the throne, saying: To thee, O Jehovih, have I built the house of Moeb in Hored; and by Thy wisdom have I chosen the mem- bers thereof. To thee, O Father, I dedi- cate this temple, and it shall be Thy house. Give us of Thy light, O Jehovih, that we may not err. A light descended from the heavens above, and fell upon the members of Moeb, as a symbol of approval by the Archan- gels. Presently the new members stood up and God said: Above your heads I make the sign of Jehovih's name, in a circle of fire, with the cross lines and the leaf of life. By it are ye sworn to the Father's la- bor. Hear me, then, O my beloved. Ye are henceforth denied individual ministra- tion with mortals; but ye are now become a unit with many, and as such must labor that your love and wisdom be strong in concert of action. Henceforth ye shall not say: What can I do for this man or that man, or this woman or that woman, or this child or that child? For this is in- dividual labor; and on the earth such min- istration belongeth to the ashars, and in atmospherea such ministration be- longeth to the asaphs. But ye shall minister to organic communities who are composed of individuals. There are communities for factories, others for edu- cation, others for treatment of the sick; and such communities exist both on earth and in heaven. Ye shall divide yourselves into groups for this purpose, and every group shall have its special business in charge; and each group shall stand in Moeb as one member of Jehovih's judgment seat. Ac- cording to your talents shall ye divide, and group together, choosing such depart- ment wherein each one hath the greatest wisdom and strength. Withdraw, then, and thus complete your groups according to the rates my proper officers will assign, and then return into Moeb, and in Jehovih's name, take the seats allotted to you all. CHAPTER XIV. On the second day after Moeb was founded, and all the members were in 30 CYCLE OF SETHANTE8 their respective places, Jehovih spake through God, saying: Now have you begun the second res- urrection. Even as the mortal putteth off the corporeal body, and is born in spirit, beginning the first resurrection, so are ye, putting away individual self and becoming an organic community, the beginning of the second resurrection. As they of the first are for individual self, so have I bound them close on the face of the earth. As they survived on the earth on corporeal food, so have I made them to survive in the lowest heaven on atmospherean food. As Moeb has risen above these conditions, so will I raise the foundations of the tem- ple of Moeb higher up from the earth than Hored, and Hored shall be the lower house of My kingdom. The Voice departed, and God saluted Ha'jah in the name of Jehovih; and a great light enveloped the temple of Moeb, and the es'enaurs chanted a hymn of praise; after which God arose and stood in the throne of Jehovih, saying: Glory, glory be to Jehovih! Boundless and Almighty Creator. Thou art ever present, and full of love, wisdom and pow- er. Glory, glory to Thee, forever and ever. Amen. The members of Moeb chanted. The swift messengers assumed their respective globes of light, and began to ascend in every direction, carrying the word to the exalted heavens that the second resurrec- tion had been founded in the heavens of the earth. And God crowned Ha'jah as sub-God of Hored, and he was proclaimed to all the quarters of heaven and earth. CHAPTER XV. Ha'jah said: With the exaltation of Moeb, so shall my places be exalted before Jehovih. Let the enumerators of the com- munities of heaven send representatives before me. The communities of manufac- turers who produce food and clothes for the es'yans, the communities for hospitals and nurseries, the communities for educa- tion, the communities for training messen- gers, and all other communities. When the representatives came, accord- ing to the instructions of the marshals, and were before the throne, Ha'jah said: The toilers shall not be always toilers; the physicians not always runners after the sick. Whosoever is proficient will I exalt. He that can walk shall no longer creep. Many are wise and strong, and some have passed beyond the boundary of self-desires for self-sake. A child may not have self-desires, but then it lacketh wis- dom and strength. A full-grown man or woman may have wisdom and strength, but lack in the abnegation of self. I will make every community a double from this time forth, and one shall be called Maga, and the other shall be called Minga. Maga shall be my promoted la- borers, who are being prepared for the sec- ond resurrection. And Maga's labor shall be in concert with Moeb, the house of Je- hovih. But Minga's labor shall be as heretofore, even with individual affairs and the organizing of new places for the de- livered es'yans, who are the fruit of the Lords and their kingdoms on the earth. Let the marshals select judges to carry out these my decrees, in the name of Jeho- vih! CHAPTER XVI. From the founding of Hored until the instalment of Ha'jah, was one hundred and thirty years, and at that time the kingdom of heaven was fully organized ac- cording to the decree of Jehovih. And the kingdoms of the Lords on earth were also established. And at that time the earth had passed into Hon'she, in the etherean space, where dwell the Orian Shrevarhs, to whom the swift messengers from God had reported the condition of the earth's surface, with tablets denoting the upward and down- ward grade of mortals. The Shrevarhs said: The earth hath not attained her fullness. The gases of her low regions must be purified to make more places for mortals. And there fell upon Earth fire and brimstone, iron and phosphorus, and the shower fell in the lowest regions where swamps abounded in poisonous gases, in each of the five divisions of the earth. And God being apprised of the danger com- CYCLE OF SETHANTES 31 manded the Lords to cause the guardian angels to impress mortals to depart away from such places as were to be visited by the shower, and all who could be inspired to leave were not harmed. But many of the Asuans were consumed in the fire. And God sent extra workmen, and sur- geons and physicians down from heaven to such spirits as were falling into forget- fulness and dissolution, and commanded that they be engrafted on the surviving Asuans for pity's sake; and this was ac- complished through the Lords of the earth and the ashars. At the end of two hundred years God enumerated the people of the lower hea- ven, and there were besides the spirits of the fetals (many of whom were doubtful as to everlasting life), two hundred and ninety-six million souls. Of this number there had been raised up to the grade of Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih more than thirty million, who were the first of Earth's production. As this was the sixth generation of the offspring of the etherean hosts of Sethan- tes, and all being raised to the rank of Brides and Bridegrooms, their earth bond- age was completed. God summoned the house of Moeb for the revelations of Jehovih on the first day of the first year of dan of Hon'she. And when they were thus assembled, and had chanted to Jehovih appropriate anthems for the times past, the All Light came upon God, and he said: Behold, the time of dan of Hon'she is at hand. Ere three days pass by, the hosts from the etherean heavens will de- scend to accomplish the resurrection of my hosts to the regions whence they came two hundred years ago. Summon My Lords of the earth, and my people of heaven; proclaim my words unto them. O ye that peopled the earth with ever- lasting life; the harvest of the new year is ripened, it shall be gathered into the hea- vens above. Rejoice ye, for the glory of deliverance is at hand. In Orian fields hosts of angels and Archangels full of hope and love, wait to receive these, the first fruits of the new Earth. Make ready, for etherean Gods and Goddesses are set- ting sail in the regions above to come and deliver you. Proclaim My words in all places, saying: To as many as desire to ascend, come ye to Moeb in the name of Jehovih. Messengers went forth, both in heaven and on earth, and proclaimed as had been commanded. And on the third day there assembled in Moeb and Hored ninety mill- ion angels, to witness the descending and ascending of Jehovih's chosen. And the Archangels of Hon'she sent a hundred thousand Gods and Goddesses to guard Moeb and Hored around about, to dispel and keep away the clouds and sunshine, so as to add glory to the scene. CHAPTER XVII. The Loo'is came before God, and hav- ing organized themselves into one com- munity, so as to make it lawful to speak in Moeb, they appointed Ga'wasa to speak on behalf of the community. Ga'wasa said: Hear me, O God, in the name of Jehovih. Thou hast ordained me according to the custom of heaven, to be a master of generations with mortals, and yet one generation is incomplete; wherefore I have come before thee. This day I have been summoned by Jehovih through Thy messengers, saying: To as many as desire to ascend to etherea in the next resurrection, come, for the time of harvest is at hand. Thus saith God, Son of Jehovih. Behold, now, another gener- ation do I desire to dwell on earth. God said: The places of heaven are open to all. If thou wouldst ascend now, do even so. If thou wilt tarry one gener- ation, then thou shalt tarry two hundred years, for of such period will be the next harvest. Ga'wasa said: In Jehovih's name let my brethren pass before thee in judgment. God said: Jehovih's will be done. Ga'wasa withdrew and went and told his brethren what was said; and presently they came in and passed in judgment be- fore God. God said: Thou hast said: Let me pass in judgment before thee. Hear me, then, for this is my judgment: If thou as- cend with thy work incomplete, thou wilt be unhappy. Remain, therefore, for a greater glory is within thy reach. The loo'is passed to the left, signify- ing their determination to tarry yet two 32 CYCLE OF SETHANTES hundred years with mortals. After the loo'is came others desiring to be ad- judged by God, and to all who had incom- pleted work, God said: Remain. And they so remained. Besides these were seventy thousand ethereans eligible to ascend, who volun- teered to remain with mortals another two hundred years. Amongst these were the five Lords and Ha'jah, and four hundred messengers belonging to Hored, and seven hundred women in fetal in the west- ern division of Hored under the dominion of the Lord of Whaga. CHAPTER XVIII. Jehovih said: The time of Earth is at hand; the deliverance of her first-born will fall at your doors. Come forth, O My Sons and Daughters of the Orian fields of Hon'she, receive ye them from my hand. Onesyi, high aspiring Goddess of Hon'- she, and the thousand counselors, called together a host of five millions of emanci- pated angels, and to them the dignified Onesyi said: Unlike all harvests heretofore delivered to us from other corporeal worlds, Jehovih sendeth us the first born of Earth. Let us rejoice and glorify Him, O my beloved. Send forth to the boundaries of Hon'she and proclaim the hosts of Earth upraised. Provide them with mansions, ye who re- main at home. And you who volunteer to go to Earth to receive them, come quickly. Swift messengers have just come to me from the arc of Wan, proclaiming Etisyai will be there. She it was who be- stowed Jehovih's crown on the first God of the corporeal Earth. Her hosts, a million strong, go by the way of Tiviyus, and pray we meet them in O'wea. And thou, Wistaw, shall sit on my throne while I go to Earth, to receive the thirty mill- ion new born, the glorious gift of Jehovih. The young Earth hath given birth. O the joy of the first-born. I will take with me a host of singers, a million strong. Their voices shall have power and sweet- ness to win the love and adoration of all the thirty million. The glory of Jehovih's works shall shine so brilliantly upon them that all past trials shall be forgotten. Hasten, O ye Gods and Goddesses! Let down the curtains of fire. Here begins the play of Jehovih in the management of a new world. Now gathered together men and wo- men long raised up in the emancipated hea- vens, whose wills were potent over a'ji and nebulae, and swift in appropriating what Jehovih had fashioned in the firma- ment. And they built a ship, the size of which was equal to the width of Hored. And they let down curtains from the ship, and the curtains were like flames of fire, and they reached downward equal to the breadth of Earth. These Gods and Goddesses were as a unit in will, and potent and swift in work, and the etherean ship was quickly laden and started on her course through the vault of heaven. Past the a'jian fields of Che'wang she rode swiftly. Soon the hosts of the much-loved Etisyai were seen in a smaller craft, highly polished and swift, making way for O'wea. Up went a shout of joy from millions of throats, then a song of delight; O the joy in Jehovih's boundless dominions. And now the twain approached O'wea; they slackened speed and neared each oth- er till the ships touched and were joined by skilled workmen. Forth leapt the two Goddesses, Etisyai and Onesyi, in no stateliness or ceremony, but like children in whom love is transcendant they fly to each other's arms, amidst the outburst of joy from the countless throng. Still on- ward moves the etherean ship, beautiful and majestic, steadily taking course to the new Earth. CHAPTER XIX. And now the evening of the third day had come, and God and his hosts in Moeb were hastening all things, to be ready for the great light that was to descend from high heaven. The ninety million angels looked upward, waiting and watching. And many a one who remembered Etisyai of two hundred years ago, wondered if she would return in such glory as she display- ed when she came and crowned God by Jehovih's command. CYCLE OF SETHANTES 33 Some were robing themselves in white, and hastening nervously, like a bride about to wed. Some were inclined to sorrow for leaving the earth and lower heaven where they had toiled so long. And some were stately, and by their presence said: Thy will be done, O Jehovih. God ascended the throne and Ha'jah came up and sat on his right hand; and the light of Jehovih shone so brightly upon them that many new-born es'yan specta- tors could not look upon them. God said: One dan hath come and gone; this harvest is but thirty millions. Ha'jah said: Thy Son, O Jehovih, hath shaped the destiny of a world. Great is his glory. A light of golden hue gathered above the throne, taking the form of a triangle; and there was engraven on each corner a single letter which read, I-O-D; and it was in the characters of the land of Wha- ga, bestowed by the Lord on the altars in the houses of worship on earth, and its meaning was thirty-three million, which was the number of the earth-born spirits prepared for the emancipated heaven in etherea. God said: Take thou this triangle, O thou Son of the Most High. And as long as Seffas endureth on the earth shall it be the bequeathed heirloom of heaven, descending from God to God. As God stretched forth his hands the triangle became solid, and God hung it on Ha'jah's neck, adding: In the name of Jehovih, receive this jewel in memory of this parting. Ha'jah said: O God, thou symbol of the three attributes, love, wisdom and power. Thou didst leave thy stately home, where thou had Gods and Goddesses for companions, and come to Earth, which was young and curtained round with poi- sonous gases, to guard the young and im- perfect angels of other worlds in their wan- derings forth. Thou didst give them lib- erty and yet redeem them. Thou hast stretched forth thy hand over the earth and made it to yield souls to glorify the Creator. And yet in all the while thou hast never quoted thyself. O that this could be taught to angels and men. This day I am to be crowned to fill the place thou hast built up; but I falter and tremble like a child. Ha'jah burst into tears, and after a while he added: O Jehovih, Thou hast created love in my soul, and it hath grown to be a mountain. God, Thy Son, who has been my tutor for a thousand years, and on many worlds, corpor and es, is now thrusting Thy glory upon me. God said: Heed thou Earth and her heavens, for they are to be thine for one dan. And remember also, that though I ascend with my hosts to etherea, yet I have charge of this world until the com- pletion of this cycle, two thousand eight hundred years. My Archangels shall henceforth answer to thy prayers to Je- hovih. Suddenly a light came down from the firmament, like a new star, twinkling, with a halo extending wide on every side. All eyes were turned up, full of expectancy. Hushed and still the ninety million stood. Presently the star assumed a brighter phase and spread its halo onward, with horns descending like a crescent, such as is formed in sacred worship when a God is standing in the midst. Larger and larger the light grew, and tremulous and wav- ing like sheets of fire. Then shot down toward Hored and Moeb three rays oC light, piercing, and in advance of the cen- tral orb. And the three rays were red,, blue and yellow; but the crescent beyond was white, and it shone abroad over the heavens, so that the corporeal sun and stars in the firmament were invisible. At beholding the majesty and grandeur of Jehovih's hosts descending, millions of es'yans in the lower heaven broke and fled; some ran and hid to avoid the threatening light. For such is the magni- fying power of etherean flame, that all dark thoughts and hidden evil lurking in the soul are magnified, and made so plain that even the dumb can read them through. Millions of the ethereans on God's staff had seen such scenes before, and now stood as though riveted by the joy within them. To them- clung the newly-raised from earth, who had known no other hea- ven. From these there arose millions of whispers, saying: It is like a new death; like a new birth. Behold, a man dies on the earth, and his spirit findeth itself in 34 CYCLE OF SETHANTES another world. And now again we are going to still another world. Quickly now, came the great light, the three rays projecting; and these were the orders of marshals from the a'jian fields of O'wea and Hon'she. And there were of marshals one million, and they cast the curtains round about to cover all of the great kingdom of Hored. Chief of the marshals was Ah'jeng; and next to him were five sub-chiefs; and next came one thousand tributary chiefs, who were mas- ters of the ceremonies; and they came in the center of the three great rays of light, descending swiftly and direct toward the throne of God. And the substance of the rays of light was like curtains of cloth, one end of which reached up to the now near approaching crescent sea of fire. When the great ship was nearly touch- ing the pillars of fire surrounding Moeb, its speed slackened a little and it came more and more slowly. The chieftains leaped from the etherean flames and stood at the foot of God's throne, saluting in Je- hovih's name. God and Ha'jah stood up and answered the sign, then descending went to the left and right of Ah'jeng, and Ah'jeng sat upon the throne and the Voice of Jehovih spake through him, saying: Hold up your heads and rejoice, O My sons and daughters. Behold, I come in a flame of fire. I am here and there, through- out the place of heaven, boundless. I gather together and I put asunder the loves of mortals and angels. For they shall go abroad in My firmament and be- hold My glorious works. Down to the corporeal world I descend, and carry hence the loved. I will make all people look up to My kingdoms. Down to the lower hea- ven I come in ships of light, curtained about with etherean mantles, and gather in My harvest of new births to higher worlds, more radiant. My hosts below shall look up and glorify My everlasting splendors. I give the tear of grief and sor- row and pity; but in its flowing forth, I come with holier light and power to stir up the souls of My people. For they shall learn to speak to their Father, Who hears their cry, and is full of love. My joy is in the birth and growing up of souls, and in the joy of their joys, and in the proclaiming of their adoration for My boundless universe. I call to them in darkness and they come forth; when they halt in the darkness, I call again; and I send my high raised angels to them, and they call also. Yea, I fill the sky with the splendor of my works, that I may stir man up to rise and enjoy the things I have made. The Voice departed, and Ah'jeng said: Behold the glory of the heavens, O my be- loved, and the reward of the diligent in heart. Jehovih lives and reigneth, the Highest and never to be reached; the For- ever Beyond, and yet Ever Present. O Thou Light of Light and Life of Life, how wonderful is the substance of Thy creation. Thou hast given me light to behold Thy splendors, which are for- ever new. O Jehovih, Thou Past, Present and Future, of one time, which is and was and ever shall be. Jehovih, Thou Seen and Unseen and Potent, who hast from Thy very self imparted a part to all the liv- ing. Who hast raised up these of Hored. Glory be to thee, forever. And now by signs and signals, Ah'jeng directed the officers of his hosts to take possession of Moeb and Hored. And the marshals extended out around the place, and by their presence added new light to the pillars of fire. The marshals were dec- orated with colored raiment and signs and symbols, denoting the places whence they came, and their ranks as Gods, and the experience they had passed through. And when Ah'jeng ceased speaking, the music of the hosts of angels who had been chosen to make music for the Brides and Bridegrooms filled all the place of Hored, first faintly and far off. The work of the marshals was in keeping with the time of the music; and as the music drew nearer and stronger the marshals descended and filed off to their respective places. Presently the advance of the horns of the crescent, and the cold wave of the falling sea of fire, swept over the lower heaven fearfully and of unquestionable power. By a signal from God, the Brides and Bridegrooms joined in the music of the Archangels, and great was the glory thereof. Betwixt the horns of the crescent was a star of wonderful beauty; and it came toward God's throne, reflecting CYCLE OF SETHANTES 35 countless rays of light, brilliant and awe- inspiring. And as the star drew near, it opened on the advance side, as a shell is opened, and there with arms entwined, sat Etisyai and Onesyi. Ah'jeng stepped down and stood at the foot of the throne. Masters of the inner temple gathered about the star, and unroll- ed a carpet reaching across the threshold, and the two Goddesses stepped forth from the crystaled cushion within the star, and glided as if on a ray of light, up to the judgment seat of Jehovih. Meanwhile, the musicians, a million of voices, chanted: Glory, Glory to Jehovih, Creator of Worlds! Whose place magnificence is, and coun- terpart to endless time. The All, whose great existence surpass- ed The grandest thoughts of men and Gods. Whose worlds in splendor are the scrolls On which His hands write with the souls of mortals. His Almighty Will and Boundless Love! Then the millions of Gods and God- desses, formed a mighty amphitheater, in which Moeb, with its thirty-three million Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih, occu- pied the arena, themselves arrayed in white, but differently from the redeeming hosts from the etherean worlds. In time to the music, without a word of command, moved the hosts, as one person, and each as a shining crystal in the place allotted, and all as perfect as if Jehovih had made each a special work of wonder to inspire man with reverence for the talents He had created withal. Now when the music ceased, all was still. The throne was in the east, facing the west. The hosts of Moeb, who were the Brides and Bride- grooms of Jehovih, occupied the lower place, and the ethereans surrounded them on all sides, rising higher and higher in the distance. God and Ha'jah met the Goddesses at the foot of the throne. God knew Onesyi hundreds of years before in other worlds, and he remembered Etisyai, who had crowned him two hundred years ago. So also did Ha'jah know Etisyai and Onesyi. When they met they all saluted by touch- ing the right hands; and immediately the Gods ascended to the center of the throne, and God went on the right and Ha'jah on the left. Etisyai and Onesyi looked hope- fully on the Brides and Bridegrooms. Presently the Voice of Jehovih spake out of the light of the throne, saying: Soul of My soul, substance of My sub- stance, created I man. Out of My cor- poreal self clothed I him with flesh and blood and bones. Man's spirit I gave from out Mine own spirit, and I quickened him to move on the face of the earth. God and the Brides and Bridegrooms responded, being moved by the All Light: Out of corpor I came, quickened by Jeho - vih's Ever Presence. By virtue of his Love, Wisdom and Power came I into the world. To Jehovih all glory is due for- ever. Again, Jehovih spake, saying: A Time I allotted to man to grow, to attain love, wisdom and power; a time to rejoice and a time of sorrow; a time to beget offspring and know a father's care and love; to him gave I attributes of My attributes that man might know Me and My love. Response: By the bondage of my love to my begotten, do I know my Father lives and reigneth, and will watch over me for- ever. Again the Voice of Jehovih said: A time of mortality I gave to man that he' might learn corporeal things, and in the place I quickened him into life, I bound him for a season. But when man hath ful- filled his corporeal life, I provide death to deliver him into a new world. Response: Beautiful is Thy wisdom, O Jehovih, and far reaching. I was bound in the flesh even as a beast; likened unto the attributes of a beast was my judgment, struggling for things of the corporeal world. With horror I looked upon death; as a sore calamity did I value Thy cutting me off. But Thou delivered me into an- other world, preserving my reason, bring- ing me to the heavens of my forefathers. Then Jehovih said: In no time brought I man new born into the world without a mother and nurse and rich nourishment to feed him withal. Yea, I gave him an- gels to inspire him and lift him up; and I provided a Lord of the earth to manage 36 CYCLE OF SETHANTES his kingdoms and nations, and a God in heaven with a throne and judgment seat, that man in the angel world should be pro- vided and wisely instructed in soul to comprehend the glory and harmony of My worlds. Response: Bountiful, O my Father, above. From nothing that I knew of Thou broughtest me into conscious be- ing, and in my helpless days fed me with rich nourishment. Thou gavest me rulers and examples of government on the earth to discipline my soul to the order of men. And when I was born in heaven, I found God on his throne and a well ordered ha- ven of rest, with willing angels to clothe me and feed me and teach me the ways of Thy kingdoms in the firmament. Again Jehovih said: When man hath fulfilled his time in the lower heaven, I prepare him by ample teachers for a higher resurrection. As Brides and Bridegrooms My hosts adorn them, and I come in a sea of fire. First was man wedded to the earth; then to the lower heaven was he wed, laboring with spirits and mortals. The Voice departed, and now Onesyi spoke, saying: Behold the Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih. When they were young they were wed first to the earth and then to the lower heaven without their wills. Now they stand before the throne of God. In Thy name, O Jehovih, I com- mand them to speak their wills. Response: I put away myself for Thee, O Jehovih. Make me one with Thee. I put away the earth for Thy kingdom's sake, O Jehovih. Make me one with Thee. I put away Thy Lord and Thy God, O Jehovih, for sake of Thee. Thy Lord and Thy God raised me up and made me strong but lo, the small spark of Thy- self within my soul hath grown to be a giant, bowing to none but Thee, O Jeho- vih. O make me Thy Bride (or Bride- groom), O Jehovih. Onesyi said: The lame and the weak shall have a crutch, but the glory of the Father is to see His Brides and Bride- grooms walk alone. Whoever to Jehovih is wed, shall never more to man nor wo- man, nor Lords nor God, nor to any per- son, for self's sake, say: Help. Response: God and the Lords were my saviors. Without them I had never known of Thy exalted heavens, O Jehovih. Thy spirit calleth me forever upward. Thy Lord and Thy God taught me to look upward; yea, they prayed for me. Now I am strong before Thee, O Jehovih. Hence- forth will I pray to Thee only; but never for mine own benefit, nor for glory, nor for ease, nor for exaltation; but that I may be quick and strong and wise to do Thy will forever. Onesyi said: Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih, All Hail! All Hail! Voice of Jehovih, All Hail! All Hail! Onesyi said: To Jehovih and His ever lasting kingdoms are ye wed forever. Response: To Thee, O Jehovih, am 1 wed forever. Onesyi said: To be one with Him for- ever. Response: To be one with Jehovih for- ever. The Voice of Jehovih said: They shall judge from My judgment seat. In them shall My wisdom shine; for they are Mine forever. Response: Henceforth, I will consider Thee first in all things, O Jehovih, for- ever. The Voice said: Behold I have woven a crown for them. Adorn them in My name. Response: I will have no crown, save that which is woven by Thee, O Jehovih. For Thy glory, will I wear Thy crown for- ever. The Voice said: Behold, they that were My sons and daughters have become My Brides and Bridegrooms. Response: I am Jehovih's forever. Onesyi said: Pass before the throne, O My beloved. The testimony of Jehovih awaited His redeemed. Ye shall dwell in the emancipated kingdoms forever. And now the hosts of Brides and Bride- grooms passed singly before the throne of God, the whole thirty-three million. And the es'enaurs chanted a hymn of glory, and there came down from the firmament above mists of yellow, blue and red; and the mists fell into the Archangels' hands who stood about the throne, and by them were woven into crowns, which were placed on the heads of the Brides and Bride- grooms as they passed. And on the CYCLE OF SETHANTES 37 crowns were the words: In Wan brought forth; delivered in Hon'she. As the hosts passed in front of the throne, Onesyi said: By that which springeth out of the earth is the atmospher- ean fed and clothed; but the etherean draw- eth from the etherean worlds. Behold the crowns of the earth and of the lower hea- ven are but symbols of love, wisdom and power; but that which I bring from Jeho- vih's kingdoms containeth real virtue. And lo and behold, the Brides and Bridegrooms became as Archangels by vir- tue of the crowns from Jehovih's hand. CHAPTER XXI. When the ceremonies were ended, Onesyi said: In the name of Jehovih, we will soon rise and go on a long journey, and I now proclaim the freedom of the hour in Jehovih's name. And the people went and mingled with each other, rejoicing and saluting. And Ha'jah and God and and Etisyai greeted one another, and the Lords came forward and were also greeted; and then the mar- shals and the es'enaurs, and all long-serv- ing laborers. And lastly, all that had re- deemed any man or woman from darkness to light, came also, and were saluted and duly honored. And for the space of one hour all the angels indulged in reunion with fullness of heart; but no book could relate a thou- sandth part of the questions asked and love assurances expressed. When the hour was ended, Onesyi sig- naled the proper officer, and he sounded the gavel thrice, whereupon all was hushed. Onesyi said: As Jehovih bestoweth a new-born child, so also doth He take the father and mother away to the es world. As Jehovih sent Etisyai, my sister, to es- tablish the lower heaven, so have I come by His command to bear hence this harvest to His everlasting kingdom. As a child bewaileth the loss of his father and mother, so will ye that remain bewail the loss of this rich harvest of angels. It is Jehovih's will that ye drink deep of the sorrow of parting, for by this bondage will ye be again reunited in the heavens still above. The progress of the soul of man is forever onward, and the glory of the resurrection of him that goeth before is equally great as is the sorrow of him that remains be- hind. But the love that bindeth together is as a chain outstretched across the uni- verse. Swift messengers, well trained to course the vault of heaven, will pass be- tween you, carrying the tidings of your soul's delight. And as Jehovih giveth summer to follow winter, and the winter the summer, so shall the time come again and again, in which ye shall mingle and part; again labor together in broader fields, and again part for a season. Behold the wisdom of Jehovih in placing far apart the places of the souls of men; for all things abiding near together equalize themselves. Even as there is glory in a new birth, so is there glory in death; as there is sorrow in death, so is there joy in resurrection. The time has now come when these that you love you shall not see for a long time. But you should rejoice in the hour of parting, for they rise as Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih. The es'enaurs sang an anthem of praise in which all the hosts united, and great was the glory thereof. And now Onesyi arose, saying: Jehovih, Almighty and Everlasting. Look upon this, Thy Son, Ha'jah. In Thy name, O Father, and by virtue of Thy power in me vested, do I perpetuate and crown him God of Earth. Ha'jah, now God, said: Thy will be done, O Jehovih. Then Onesyi turned to the five chief Lords of the five divisions of the earth, and bestowed them in like manner. And Onesyi stretched forth her hand, saying: Give me a crown, O Jehovih, for Thy Son, God of Earth. And there de- scended etherean substance into her hand, and she raised it up, and it became a crown of great beauty, and she put it on God's head. Then in like manner did she crown the Lords of Earth. And Etisyai and Onesyi came down and sat at the foot of the throne. God came down, and stretching forth his hands, said to Etisyai, Onesyi and Sethantes: Arise, O Goddess, and go thy way- Arise, O Goddess, and go thy way. Arise, O God, and go thy way. And they rose up and marched forth. The proper officers had already pre- pared the ship for its etherean journey, 38 CYCLE OF SETRANTES and soon as Etisyai and Onesyi had en- tered the central star, all the people that were to ascend went into the places as- signed to them. God and the Lords returned in tears to the throne; and now the plateau of ever- lasting light began to ascend. Music sprang from every side, glorifying Jehovih and the magnificence of His bountiful worlds. And those of the lower heaven were as the echo of the music above; and the light of the ascending ship of fire made all else as a shadow. But higher and higher it rose, in the form of a cres- cent, slowly turning, turning and rising, higher and higher, and the music faded away in the distance. Thus ascended to the emancipated hea- vens in etherea, the first harvest of angels born on Earth. CHAPTER XXII. God said: Arise, O Lords of my realm, and go to the kingdoms which ye have received from Jehovih's hand; and may His love, wisdom and power be with you all. And the Lords departed, they and their attendants, and went to their kingdoms over mortals. And God dispensed laws and govern- ment after the manner of his predecessors, enlarging all the places according to the increase in the number of spirits rising up from the earth. And the Voice of Jehovih was with God; and as the first kingdom had been called Hored, so was the second called Hored. And as it had been with the Lords of Earth in their places, so continued it with the new Lords, and they enlarged their places also, according to the increase in the number of inhabitants of the earth. And as it had been of old that messengers went constantly from Hor- ed to the Lords' places, so did they also continue to do; and by this means all the affairs of the lower heaven were kept in harmony, Lords and God. And God ruled in Hored four hundred years, and Hored spread over all the lands of the earth. When the time of God and his hosts was fulfilled, Jehovih brought the earth into dan of Eyon, in the arc Lais, whose angels descended in a ship of fire, and de- livered God and his Lords and all the hosts under them who were prepared for the etherean resurrection. At this time there were in atmospherea six hundred and twenty-five million inhabitants. And the number of the second harvest was two hundred and eighty million. After the manner of the ascent of the first harvest, so was the ascent of the second harvest. And the place of the landing of the second har- vest in the firmament of heaven was in Lais, and Bin, and the grade of the harvest was seventy-eight, being two less than the grade of the first harvest. CHAPTER XXIII. So Earth and her heavens passed into the care of succeeding God and Lords, who had been raised up and prepared therefor. And for the present there were no more ethereans dwelling in these re- gions. Jehovih said: They that come out of Earth shall be sufficient unto them- selves. As a mother provideth for her child, so do I provide for the spirit gener- ations of a corporeal world. But when they are mature in wisdom, strength and love, I command them to take the places of Lords and Gods in the management of My kingdoms. Now after the ascent of the ethereans the whole Earth and its lower heavens were under the dominion of angels born on Earth. Hence, it became a saying: The first was etherean rule; the second was atmospherean rule. For Earth had a God and Lords who had been on no other world. And it likewise came to pass that the atmospherean rulers were more lenient and less tyrannical than had been the eth- ereans. For the ethereans had forbidden the es'yans to return to their mortal kind- dred till they had been in heaven fifty years; but the present God and Lords in- dulged hundreds of thousands of es'yans for sympathy's sake to return to their mor- tal kindred. And these es'yans became not not workers in heaven, either for others or for their own resurrection, and they be- came idlers and vagabonds in the lower heaven, oft living with their mortal kin- CYCLE OF SETHANTES 39 dred till their mortal kindred died, and then in turn persuading such es'yans to do as they did. And God perceived, when it was too late, that his leniency had laid the founda- tion for disorganizing the kingdom of hea- ven; for the strolling idlers knowing no other heaven, sowed the spirit of disbelief in the places of learning and industry in the lower heaven, persuading others that they were toiling to no good purpose. They said: Behold, it was told us on earth that there was a Jehovih. But we are in heaven, and yet we find Him not. Now do we know of a truth there is no All Person. Come, then, let us seek ease and the rich viands that rise up out of the earth. A man liveth on the earth and dieth, and his spirit floateth round about, and there is no more of him. Why will ye serve the Lord? Why will ye serve God? Be free and live for yourselves instead of others. Thus it came to pass that little by lit- tle the lower heaven began to fall from its high estate. The third dan was six hundred years, and God and his Lords, having provided successors, ascended with their harvest to etherea. And the number thereof was four hundred and eight million Brides and Bridegrooms, and their grade was sixty- six. The fourth dan was five hundred years, and the harvest was six hundred million Brides and Bridegrooms; and their grade was fifty-eight. The fifth dan was three hundred years; and the harvest was two hundred millions, and their grade was fifty, which was the lowest grade capable of emancipation, or capable of surviving in etherea. And now darkness set in and covered all Earth around. And from this time until the end of the cycle, which was three thousand years from the birth of man on Earth, there were no more resurrections to the emancipated heavens. The kingdom of Hored was broken up and dissolved. The spirits loved not to labor according to T e- hovih's plan, but remained on the earth; and they were called drujas because they desired not resurrection. And God and his Lords, and their offi- cers and teachers, were without subjects and pupils. And mortals were beset by thousands of millions of drujas, so that the ashars were powerless to accomplish good inspiration. At this time there were more than three thousand million angels in atmospherea, and most of them dwelt on earth. Thus ended the first cycle. LORDS' RECORD FOR CYCLE OK SETHANTES Jehovih, Creator of all the living, spoke to Sethantes and his hosts who were trav- eling in the region through which the Earth passed, saying: That these, My Sons and Daughters, may understand the manner of the creation of man on a new world, go ye to Earth. And they came to Earth; and man was like the beast, not having immortality. They were naked, and knew not even the sin of incest. They were called Asu. Now by the power of their wills, the ethereans took on corporeal bodies, and being immature in corporeal judgment they dwelt with the Asuans, and a new race was born upon the earth which was called I'hin because they were begotten of both heaven and earth. Now the first race of man was called Asu, and possessed not immortality; but the race of Thins was capable of everlasting life and of being taught spiritual things. Jehovih's light came to Sethantes, say- ing: Go build a kingdom in the lower heavens, and call it Hored; and an etherean Goddess came down to Earth and crowned Sethantes first God of Earth, and also appointed and crowned five Lords, one to each of the great divisions of the earth. And the Lords also estab- lished kingdoms, but on earth, and as God dealt with angels the Lords had to do with mortals through the ashars. Jehovih said: Of all that live on the earth, or in the waters, or in the air, that breathe the breath of life, man only have I delivered unto knowledge of his Creator. And the Lord spake unto the I'hin through the ashars, saying: Go hide thy nakedness. And the Thins were afraid and they clothed themselves. And the Lord commanded the angels to give up their corporeal forms, and to be no more seen as mortals, and they did so. And Jehovih said unto them: Because ye brought forth heirs in flesh and blood, ye shall be bound to them for six genera- tions. And that man may continue to walk upright, ye shall teach him the law of in- cest, for man of himself cannot attain to know this. Neither shall ye permit the Thins to dwell with Asu, lest his offspring go down in darkness. And man was thus inspired by the an- gels and he walked upright, and prospered on the earth. But after a season man be- came conceited in his own judgment, and he disobeyed the commandments. And he began to dwell with the Asuans, and there was born into the world a new race called Druk, and they had not the light of the Father in them; neither could they be inspired with shame, nor of heavenly things. And the Thins were grateful to the Lord, and they said unto the Druks: Go ye and sacrifice to the Lord, and he will prosper you. But the Druks under- stood not; and slew many of the I'hins. And the Lord said unto the Druks: Be- cause you have slain my people, ye shall depart out of the place where they dwell; and that ye may be known to all the people of the earth I put a mark upon you. So the nations of the Druks were accursed with war, and the Lord said: By this sign shall the tribes of Druks and their descendants be known unto the end of the world. And woman, being more helpless than man, cried out with fear, saying: O Lord, how shall I bring forth unto thee, and not unto the sons of death? And the Lord said: Because thou hast brought forth in pain, and yet called on my name, behold I will be unto thee as a shield and protector. For I will also put a mark upon the I'hins, my chosen, so thou shall know them as they come unto thee. And the Lord commanded the male I'hins, old and young, to be circumcised, that woman might not be deceived by the Druks. And the I'hins circumcised one another, old and young, for it was the tes- timony of the Lord unto woman, that their offspring was born unto everlasting life. And the Druks went away into the wil- derness, and dwelt with the Asuans and with one another. And the I'hins labored CYCLE OF SETHANTES LORDS' RECORD 41 and clothed themselves; but the Druks wandered in the wilderness, neither labor- ing nor clothing themselves. CHAPTER II. The time of the habitation of Asu was eight thousand years; and they survived two thousand years after the time of the birth of the I'hins, and then disappeared off the earth. And there remained on the earth the sacred people, the I'hins, and the carnivorous people, the Druks. The I'hins were white and yellow, but the Druks were brown and black; the I'hins were small and slender, but the Druks were tall and stout. Now, because the Druks had not pre- viously obeyed the Lord, but went and dwelt with the Asuans, there was a half breed race born on the earth called Yak, signifying ground people; and they bur- rowed in the ground. And the Yaks did not walk wholly upright, but also went on all fours. The Lord said: Because the Yaks can- not be taught the crime of incest, behold they shall not dwell forever on the earth. So also shall it be with the Druks, save wherein they cohabit with the I'hins, whose seed is born unto everlasting life. But with the Druks and their heirs that spring from the Yaks, there shall be an end, both in this world and the next. And the arms of the Yaks were long, and their backs were stooped and curved. And the Lord said: Because they are the fruit of incest, and not capable of speech, nor of eternal life in heaven, the I'hins shall make servants of them. And that they may not tempt my chosen to bring forth unto destruction, they shall be neu- tralized. And the angels of the Lord taught the I'hins to make eunuchs of the Yaks, both males and females, and the I'hins took them for servants. And the Lord said: The Yaks shall serve the I'hins, and build and reap for them. The I'hins were disposed to live alone, but the Lord called them together, saying: Come and dwell together in cities; for it is better that ye dwell after the manner of my kingdoms in heaven. Build ye there- fore a temple for the Lord, and my angels shall dwell with you, teaching you to sing and dance for the glory of your creator. And man built a temple for the Lord, and established worship on earth after the manner of heaven. Now it came to pass that the Druks came to witness the rites and ceremonies of the I'hins, but they took no part therein; neither comprehended they the meaning thereof. And the Lord said unto the I'hins: That ye may teach some of them of the Lord, build ye within the house of worship an image of me in likeness of man. And I will manifest unto as many as are capable of everlasting life. And the I'hins, men and women, built images of the Lord in stone, and clay and wood, and stood them by the altars of sac- rifice. And in the time of worship the angels came and possessed the idols and with audible voices spake before mortals. And the Druks inquired of the I'hins as to the cause thereof. And the I'hins said: Behold, there is a Lord in heaven, more subtle than the air of heaven. He it was that brought us forth out of darkness. He speaketh in the idol that ye may know he abideth with his people. The Druks said: What saith he? The I'hins answered: That whomsoever hath attained to remember the Lord is in the way of everlasting life. The Druks inquired: How shall a man live forever? Behold, ye that believe also die. The I'hins answered, saying: As the voice of the Lord is unseen but potent, so is there a spirit in man unseen and potent which shall never die, but ascend in hea- ven to habitations prepared by the Lord. And many of the Druks pondered on these things, and their thoughts quickened their souls within them, so that they brought forth heirs unto eternal salvation. And the Lord said unto the I'hins: Be- cause ye have done a good thing, go ye abroad, by the roadsides and in other places, and build images unto me and mine, and my angels shall bestow gifts and signs and miracles. And the I'hins covered the roadways of the earth over with idols of stone and wood and clay, and the angels of heaven descended to the idols and established 42 CYCLE OF SETHANTES LORDS' RECORD thereabout heavenly kingdoms. And when man came hither and called on the name of the Lord, is was as a password for the an- gels; and they wrought miracles, and oth- erwise gave evidence unto man of the un- seen. CHAPTER III. And the Lord gave these command- ments unto man: Thou shalt strive to remember the Lord. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt build walls around about thy cities, that beasts and serpents may not enter and do thee harm. And if thy hab- itation be in the wilderness, thou shalt build mounds of wood and earth to sleep on at night, that serpents and beasts may not molest thee. The I'hins inquired of the Lord, saying: If we build walls around about our cities, how shall we get in and out? How shall we gather our harvests of fruit and nuts and seeds of the field? How shall we as- cend on the mounds which we build in the wilderness? The Lord said: Behold, my angels shall teach you to build ladders and how to use them. And when you go into the city at night, you shall take the ladders in after you; and when ye come out in the morn- ing, ye shall let them down again. And the angels taught man these things, and man provided the cities and mounds, with ladders. And the I'hins prospered and spread abroad over all the earth, and thev built hundreds of thousands of cities and mounds, and they rejoiced in the glory r* all created things. Neither killed they any man, beast, fish, bird, nor creeping thing that breathed the breath of life. And the Lord saw that man was good and grateful in all things, and the Lord called unto the angels of heaven, saying: Why are the I'hins good? For as yet, they are ignorant. And the angels answered: Because thou said unto us: Go ye, as guardian an- gels, and inspire man to live without evil, even so have we administered unto the I'hins, guarding and inspiring them night and day. The Lord said: Then the I'hins have no honor. Except they learn of them- selves to be good, they will be void of wis- dom in heaven. For this reason ye shall withdraw a little, that man may attain in- dividuality. And the angels withdrew awhile from the I'hins. And now it came to pass that they had stored in their cities and on their mounds ample provision of food and rai- ment for the winter; but the Druks fol- lowed not the example of the I'hins, for the Druks stored up nothing. And when the angels departed a little way, satan came to the Druks and said unto them: Behold, it is winter, and ye are hungry. Go ye over the ladders and possess the stores of the I'hins. And the Druks plundered the I'hins, and satan came to the I'hins also, and many of them were inspired to defend their stores. And war ensued; and it spread around about the whole earth. And the I'hins besought the Lord as to why Jeho- vih suffered evil to come upon his chosen. And the Lord said: Because ye de- pended upon me for all things, ye develop- ed not yourselves. Henceforth shall man learn to face evil on his own account. Otherwise he could not attain wisdom. Two entities has the Creator given thee, that which is flesh and that which is spirit. And the flesh shall desire earthly things; but the spirit shall desire heavenly things. Behold, when the Druks came upon thee for thy stores, thy flesh cried out for war, and thy people fell. Again, have I come to raise thee up, to make thee understand the spirit within. It is that, and not the flesh, which shall learn to triumph. The I'hins said: Our people are scat- tered and gone. Will they not mingle with the Druks and thus go out in darkness? The Lord said: Behold there were Druks who had learned a little from the images. Now because thy people are scattered and gone they shall go amongst the Druks and teach them, and they shall begin to hide their nakedness. So the Lord inspired other people be- side the I'hins, to make and wear clothes, and they thus wore them. And again the Lord brought the I'hins together in lodges and cities and he said unto them: Henceforth ye shall live upon the earth as an example of righteousness. And your brethren who have mingled with CYCLE OF SETH ANTES LORDS' RECORD 43 the tribes of darkness shall no longer mo- lest you, but be your defenders and pro- tectors. And there began to be a new tribe on Earth; and they were called I'huans, be- cause they were half-breeds betwixt the Druks and I'hins. The I'huans were red like copper; and they were taller and stronger than any other people in all the world. And the Lord commanded the I'huans, saying: Protect ye the I'hins, the little people, white and yellow; call them, the sacred people. For ye are flesh of their flesh. CHAPTER IV. About this time man began to use his lips and tongue in enunciating words, prior to which he spoke in the thorax. And the Lord spake unto the I'hins, saying: That the labor of the Lord may be remembered on the earth, go provide me a stone, and I will engrave it with my own hand, and it shall be called Se'moin, because it shall be a testimony unto all nations and peoples, on the earth, of the first written language in all the world. And the I'hins prepared a stone, and hewed it flat and then polished it smooth; and the Lord came down in the night and engraved it. And the Lord through his angels taught the I'hins the meaning of the characters engraved thereon. And the Lord said: Go into all cities in all countries, and provide ye copies like the tablet I have given. And the angels inspired the I'hins to make tablets and to read them, that the first language of the earth might be preserved to the races of men. Now, the I'huans partly obeyed the Lord, and partly obeyed the way of the flesh, and they became warriors and de- stroyers. Nevertheless, they harmed not the I'hins, nor suffered harm to come upon them. The Lord had commanded the I'hins to make eunuchs of the Yaks, the monstrosi- ties, and use them as servants, for the Lord saw that the Yaks were not capable of everlasting life. Now the I'huans also served the Yaks in the same way; but they disobeyed the Lord in inflicting the neu- tral gender on their enemies whom they captured in war. And although they were themselves half-breeds with the Druks, yet they hated the Druks and pursued them with vengeance. In those days the relative proportion of the races of men was: I'hins, one hun- dred; I'huans, three hundred; Druks, five thousand; Yaks, five thousand; and of monstrosities betwixt man and beast, three thousand; but the latter died each genera- tion, for they had not the power of procre- ation amongst themselves. And the Lord saw the work of destruc- tion going on, and he sent the I'hins to preach amongst the I'huans, saying: Say to the I'huans: Whomsoever is created alive, kill not, for it is the com- mandment of the Lord. For in the time of your most success is slaughtering your fellow man, ye are also peopling heaven with the spirits of vengenace. And they will return upon you, and even the I'huans shall turn upon one another. But the I'huans understood not; believ- ed not; and great darkness covered the earth. And all men, save the few I'hins, indulged in wickedness all their mortal life. And the Lord's people worshipped and preached in the temples, and the Lord and his heavenly hosts ministered unto them; but the other races of men would not come to learn of God. And the Lord became tired of his la- bor, and he called his angels to him, and said unto them: Behold, man on Earth hath gone so far from my ways that he will not heed my commandments; he can- not hear my voice. And your labor is in vain also. For which reason we will tarry no longer on the earth till man hath ex- hausted the evil that is in him. So the Lord and his hosts departed away from the earth. And clouds came over the face of the earth; and the moon shone not; and the sun was only as a red coal of fire; and the stars stood in the firmament as well in the day as at night. The harvests failed; the trees yielded no nuts, and the roots on which man fed ceased to grow. And the monstrosities, and the Yaks, and the Druks, died off, tens of millions 01 them. And even yet they were not ex- tinct. Nevertheless the I'huans suffered less; and the I'hins not at all. For the 44 CYCLE OF SETHANTES Lord had previously inspired them to pro- monished him, but he would not heed. I vide against the coming famine. showed him that every living creature And the Lord bewailed the earth, and brought forth after its own kind. But he the generations of man: understood not; believed not; and he dwelt I made man upright, and walked by his with the beasts, falling lower than all the side, but he slipped aside and fell. I ad- rest. Cycle ok Ah'shong CHAPTER I. When God of Earth and heaven and his Lords had "lost their heavenly domin- ions, the swift messengers bore the re- port to Jehovih's kingdoms in etherea. Earth had passed the ji'ayan eddies at Shrapah, in the etherean roadway Hi-a- balk'yiv, and was heading for the eastern fields of Anakaron, having entered the dan'haian arches of Vehetaivi, where lay the great kingdoms of the Orian Chief, Hieu Wee, with his millions of Gods and Goddesses and high raised ethereans. Before Hieu Wee, came the swift mes- sengers, fresh from the heavens of Earth, with their pitiful tales of woe that had befallen the inhabitants thereof. Hieu Wee said: I behold the red star, Earth, O Jehovih. I have heard the tale of horror. What shall be done, O Fa- ther? Then spake Jehovih, saying: Call thy tributary Chief, Ah'shong. Let him hear the will of Jehovih. Then sent Hieu Wee for Ah'shong, who had dominion over the fields of Anak- aron in etherea, through which lay the roadway where Earth was to travel for three thousand years. And when Ah'- shong came before the Holy Council of Hieu Wee's million Gods and Goddesses, the All Light fell upon the throne like a sun, and the Voice of the Creator spake in the midst of the light, saying: Behold the red star, Earth; she en- tereth the fields of Anakaron. She is drip- ping wet and cold in the ji'ayan eddies. Her Gods and Lords are powerless in the spell of darkness. Go thou, My Son, Ah'- shong, and deliver Earth and her hea- vens; for behold, I will bring them to thy door. Then spake Ah'shong, saying: Thy will be done, O Jehovih. Though I have been long honored in etherea, with many etherean worlds to command, I have not as yet redeemed one corporeal world and her heaven from a time of darkness. Jehovih said: Go then, My Son, to the laboring Earth and deliver her; but first appoint thou a successor for Anaka- ron. Then Hieu Wee, who was older than the red star, who had seen many corporeal worlds created; had seen them run their course and then disappear — said to Ah'- shong: Send thou to Wan, and Hivigat, in etherea, and get the history of Earth and her heaven; and obtain thou also an account of her harvests of Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih. And thou shalt call from my realms as many million ether- ean angels as thy labor may require, and with them proceed to Earth, and thou shalt have a line of swift messengers estab- ished betwixt this place and thine, and by the power of Jehovih I will answer thy prayers in whatsoever thou shalt need. Ah'shong went back to Anakaron, his etherean kingdom, and before his Holy Council made known Jehovih's will. And he called for sixty million volunteers to go with him, and they came; some from Yo- han; some from T'seing, some from Araith, some from Gon Loo, and from various other places in Anakaron. So Ah'shong raised up a successor to Jehovih's throne in Anakaron, and he was installed and crowned according to the dis- cipline of the etherean heavens. And Ah'shong sent swift messengers into the former roadway of Earth to obtain its history; its harvests of Brides and Bridegrooms. Thus Ah'shong, well skilled in the course and behavior of worlds, gathered together his millions oi angels, trained in arduous enterprise. Quickly they framed and equipped an Ori- an port-au-gon, and illuminated it with fire-lights. Jehovih's Voice spake to Ah'shong, saying: For three days and nights stand thou in the firmament that man on earth and in atmospherea may behold the power and majesty of My chosen in heaven. 46 CYCLE OF AH'SHONG Ah'shong and his hosts embarked and sped forth, and they halted close above Chinvat, so near that the down-hanging curtains of etherean fire almost touched the moon. Here they remained that mor- tals and angels belonging to Earth might behold and fear, for so Jehovih made man, that unusual sights make him weak and trembling, and thus change his behavior. Ah'shong said: On the fourth day, O Jehovih, I will cross Chinvat; on the fifth descend toward the earth. Bring me, O Father, Thy mesengers from the lower heaven. I will converse with them. Jehovih sent the angels of the lower heaven up to Ah'shong; disheartened they came, to know Jehovih's will. Ah'shong said unto them: Jehovih's hosts are come from etherea to redeem these fallen heavens, and teach man on the earth. It is our labor to come in love to the helpless, and. teach them how to sing in Jehovih's praise. Then the swift mes- sengers answered: In the All Person's boundless love, find thou recompense for thy holy words, most honored God. Down in darkness, long and earnestly, have the Lords of Earth la- bored conjointly with heaven's God, whose kingdom fell. Alas, our God, who minis- tered over the lower heaven, is crushed and humiliated. The enemies of high heaven, exulting in their spoil of Jehovih's kingdom and His name, mock us, saying: Where now is Jehovih? Whence cometh the higher light, O ye Faithists in an All Person? But now thy ship of etherean fire, maketh the sons and daughters of the earth and her heavens to look up and tremble. And when thy light appeared we made all haste in hope of succor. Our souls are more than filled with thankful- ness; and in Jehovih's name we will back and employ a million trumpeters to pro- claim around the earth and heaven: Je- hovih is come. After due salutation the swift messen- gers departed; and Ah'shong made all things in readiness for his descent when the proper time should arrive. CHAPTER II. Jehovih spake to Ah'shong, saying: On the evening of the third day shalt thou move thy etherean ship toward the earth. And when thou hast arrived within an ar- rafon thou shalt halt for another three days, that thy magnificence may awe the men and angels of Earth with the power and glory of My emancipated sons and daughters. Ah'shong proceeded as commanded, and the magnificence of the scene over- came the stubbornness of men on earth and angels in atmospherea. Again Jehovih said: Proceed thou, My Son, and when thou art within half the breadth of Earth, halt once more and make there a plateau, and therein shalt thou remain during the time of dawn, which shall be seven years and six days. This, then, shall be the rule that from this time forth My etherean hosts shall not re- main in atmospherea more than eight years at any one time, and the time shall be called the first dawn of dan, and the next succeeding shall be called the second dawn of dan, and so on, as long as the earth bringeth forth. Ah'shong proceded again, and moved to within four thousand miles of the earth. Jehovih said: Thy place shall be a dis- tance away from the earth, that thy domin- ion be not disturbed by the confusion of the fallen angels thereof. So also, to as many as thou shalt redeem away from the earth and from mortal contact, the distance of thy kingdom will prevent them from re- turning. Ah'shong perceived, and he proclaimed what Jehovih had spoken to him. And the hosts cast out fastenings to the plateau, that the kingdom together with the ether- ean sea of fire might rotate with Earth and its atmosphere. Jehovih said: Make strong the founda- tion of thy place, and erect ten thousand pillars of fire around about; and in every direction provide roadways and mansions, and in the midst thou shalt build a house of council, wherein shall sit thy host of dominion during dawn. Ah'shong built the place as commanded by Jehovih, and when it was finished Je- hovih said: Thou shalt call the place Ye- shuah, because it is a place of salvation. Choose now thy council, My Son, and also thy sub-officers, and when thou hast completed the list, leave in Yeshuah the sub-officers and proceed thou, and thy CYCLE OF AH'SHONG 47 council of one million men and women with thee, down to the earth and heaven thereof, and cast thine eyes upon the in- habitants, for they are in distress. And when thou hast come to the place of My Lords and My God, deliver thou them and bring them to Yeshuah, for they need rest. And as many I'hins in heaven as are capable, bring thou also away with thee, and give them into the care of thy people. Ah'shong did as commanded, first se- lecting his council and officers, then he and his hosts proceeded to the earth as had been commanded. CHAPTER III. Up to this time the ancient names of the divisions of the lands of the earth had been maintained, and God and his Lords being driven from the place of Hored, which had gone into dissolution, dwelt part of the time in Whaga and part in Jud and Vohu. And God and his Lords had established three kingdoms, one in Whaga, one in Jud and one in Vohu; and within these kingdoms of heaven there were two hundred million of angels capable of the second resurrection, and one hundred mill- ion es'y an s and unlearned apprentices. Chief of the three heavens was Whaga, and thither had God and his Lords con- gregated with their chief officers when the etherean ship appeared in the firmament. Jehovih spake to God, saying: My Son, make ready thy places. Behold, I come in a ship of fire, and My faithful workers shall find rest and happiness. Ah'shong will redeem thy sons and daughters. Yea, he will girdle Earth about with new ether- ean light and great power. Call together thy people, and bid them rejoice and be merry, for the time of deliverance is at hand. Then God communicated to the Lords and they again to others, the words of Je- hovih; and at sight of the sign in heaven, the faithful began to rejoice and to gather together in their respective places. But the unbelieving angels dwelling on earth with mortals, of whom there were hundreds of millions, were overcome by the sight of the ship of fire in heaven, and fled in fear in every direction; and by their presence caused mortals to fear and flee also in search of some secure place. And many of these spirits of darkness came beseeching- ly to be admitted into the kingdoms of the Lords, whither they had been invited for hundreds of years, but would not come. But God and the Lords encompassed their places about with walls of light and would not receive the unbelieving. God said: Till such time as Ah'shong shall arrive, let order be maintained within my kingdom. So it came to pass that for six days and nights the fear that prevailed on earth and in heaven was such as had never been before since the world was created. And so great was the splendor and magnificence of Ah'shong's hosts with his musicians and heralds, and the great multi- tude arrayed in shining ranment that even God and the Lords were overcome. The etherean marshals approached and divided, first into single columns, then double, then quadruple, and so on, till the fifty thousand marshals had enclosed all sides, save the east, where was an open space through which Ah'shong came, at- tended by his chief counselors, of which there were five thousand. After these came the council of one million, and groups of thousands of es'enaurs, who were chant- ing hymns of praise to Jehovih. The lower heaven about the continent of Whaga, and parts of Jud and Vohu, was illuminated by the hosts of Ah'shong, the like of which had never been in atmospher- ea before. Nor was there any work being done on earth or in heaven, but all was commotion and fear. And now Ah'shong approached before the throne of God and the Lords, saluting with the sign of Jehovih, saying: In Jeho- vih's name, and by His love, wisdom and power, am I come to give you joy. God said: In Jehovih's name, all hail. Ah'shong, Chief of Anakaron, all hail. And God went forward to the foot of the throne and received Ah'shong, and the Lords came forward, saluting also. The es'enaurs ceased singing, and Ah'shong proceeded to the throne and sat thereon, and God took off his crown and gave it to Ah'shong, and also gave him the trian- gle, the heirloom of the heavenly kingdoms of Earth bestowed by Jehovih. The Voice of Jehovih spake out of the light above the throne, saying: Behold, I 48 CYCLE OF AH'SHONG have come in might and swiftness, for it is the springtime of Earth. My Son, Sef- fas, is afoot on the earth; he hath stirred up the Earth-born; and I will establish My light anew in these heavens. Have I not planted the tree of everlast- ing life on Earth, and given God and his Lords dominion over mortals and spir- its to teach them the glories of My upper heavens? And ye that came up from the earth I commanded to be My God and My Lords of Earth and her heavens. Ye were installed by My hand, and have done a good work. Despair not because Hored and Moeb are fallen? Knew I not before- hand that these things would be? Behold, I have provided all My works so that man should be forever making new things. Had Hored stood, there had been no heaven to rebuild on Earth in this day. How, then, could My new-born Gods learn? Think not that I come to teach with Mine own labor. I provide My people that thev shall teach one another. What is so conceited as man? And yet I bring him into life the dumbest of ani- mals? Man prideth himself in his power and wisdom. I send the drouth, the rains and winds, the weakest of My members, and they show man he is nothing. So also do My Gods and Lords in the lower hea- ven become conceited of their power and wisdom. Thousands of millions of souls turn from order and high estate into con- fusion and anarchy. Thus do I confound men and angels, and in their seeming mis- ery lay the foundation for an everlasting good. The Voice ceased, and Ah'shong said: In the name of Jehovih, I announce my presence over Earth and the lower heavens. The marshals said: All hail. Ah'shong, God of Earth and her heavens. Proclaim him in Jehovih's name. Hardly had these words gone forth, when the voice of the entire hosts joined in proclaiming: All hail, O God, Son of Jehovih! Ah'shong, now God, said: Thy crown shall be my crown, for under this shall Je- hovih's power triumph. Otherwise, people would say: Behold there is no virtue in Jehovih's crowns. So he placed it on his head and rose up and saluted the retired God and Lords, saying to them: I have a place for you; and it is called Yeshuah. Retire thither with my proper officers, and partake of rest and the free- dom of the place until I come also. But the retired God and Lords said: We pray thee, put us to labor. But God said: Jehovih's sons must not be humiliat- ed; how, then, can ye labor under me? Were ye not Jehovih's God and Lords? They perceived, and after due saluta- tions, were provided with an escort of five hundred thousand men and women; and they departed for Yeshuah. God. said: Let M'ghi come before me, and Bing'fo and Nest. They shall be my Lords of dawn in Jehovih's name. The three came and stood before the throne. God said: I announce the presence of Jehovih's Lords of Earth. The mar- shals said: All hail. O M'ghi, and Bing'- fo and Nest, Jehovih's Lords of Earth. These were also proclaimed by the voice of the assembled hosts. God said: In Jehovih's name, go your ways, O Lords of Earth. Accordingly the Lords were crowned and departed at once, saluting reverently. God said: Bring the atmospherean marshals before me. They were brought and stationed in front of the throne. God said: Glory be to Thee, O Jeho- vih. I have looked upon Thy sons and daughters who have withstood a great darkness, but retained faith in Thee. In Thy name, and by virtue of Thy power, do I deliver them. Let him who is chief, an- swer me: How many angels are prepared for the second resurrection? Sawni, chief marshal, said: Two hun- dred million. God said: Retire thou and thy compan- ions, and gather together Jehovih's harvest of souls, and I will send them to Yeshuah. The atmosphereans were then duly ar- ranged as commanded, and God called a number of swift messengers and one thou- sand etherean marshals, and they provided an abattos; and the hosts prepared for the second resurrection departed for Yeshuah, as commanded. God said: I have now remaining my etherean hosts and the atmosphereans in CYCLE OF AH'SHONG 49 darkness. Of the latter, let them remain as they are for three days, for I will travel around the world, and my etherean hosts with me, observing mortals and spirits in their places and habits, that I may better judge them and provide accordingly. So God and his etherean angels provid- ed an abattos, and they embarked and started on their journey, traveling unseen by mortals. CHAPTER IV. After God and his hosts had visited the earth and the lower heaven, they returned to Yeshuah and sat in council on the affairs of mortals and atmospherea. The council of Yeshuah, of which there were one million members, was formed in groups, and these again represented in groups, and these in still other groups. Consequently, a group of one thousand had one speaker, who became the voice of the thousand. Of these speakers, one hun- dred had one voice in council; and of these, ten had one voice before God, and he was the voice of the whole, and Jehovih was his voice. Thus was the whole council represented in all its parts. And this was the manner of proceeding: God commanded the subject; the coun- cil deliberated in thousands, and each speaker became aware of the voice of his group. Then these speakers assembled in hundreds and deliberated, and they again centered into one voice; and each ten of these had one voice before God. Thus it came to pass that the decrees of God were both the wisdom of men and of Jehovih. Hence, the saying: When God said this, or God commanded that, it was the Voice of Jehovih expressed by men and angels. God said: We will withdraw from the druj and the druk and leave them desti- tute. Who can approach the beggar with wisdom, or the king with inspiration? A drowning man will try to swim; but the reveler in lust must endure the torments of hell before his soul can learn of Jehovih. Better is it to labor with a child from in- fancy, and thence to maturity, to teach it aright, than to strive with a score of con- ceited adults and fail to redeem one. They that give to such as can help themselves, but will not, make but a mockery of char- ity. Wisdom and uprightness of heart are but bread. Jehovih made hunger, and so men love bread. Without hunger they would not eat. Preach not to unwelcome ears. Sermons of wisdom are not to be forced into men's souls. A wise God driv- eth home to man's understanding his help- lessness in spirit when Jehovih is denied. I will leave the earth in darkness one more year, that mortals shall cry out to Jehovih. Evil spirits have de- spoiled Hored and Moeb. Evil spirits and evil men say: Behold, there is enough; let us divide; and they produce not, but are devourers living on the substance of oth- ers. They seek ease and comfort. They become more and more helpless. They are on the road to everlasting destruction. The God who can arouse them must be wise indeed. Blessed is the surgeon's knife. With its burn comes the return of health. But yet a fool will cry out: Hold, hold, enough — thou inflicter of pain. Who hath an eye like Jehovih? His whipping posts are on all sides, but there is a clear road between them. Yet man followeth it not. Withdraw all good an- gels and men, and there is no person left. A man without an arm or a leg is but part of a man. A man without perception of the All Person is a deformity in soul. He seeketh a home for his own ease and glory; but the son of Jehovih seeketh to find the labor that will profit his brethren most. To Yeshuah I will bring the fruit of heaven below. There I will build my train- ing schools, and they shall learn the ways of etherea. Build me a house of brother- hood and fill it with willing pupils sworn to labor, and I will make them Gods and Lords in power and wisdom. Behold, a man maketh a factory and turneth out fab- ric for sale. I build a college and make sons and daughters of Jehovih to give away. Bring me such material for warp and filling; Jehovih's fabric shall endure forever. Search out the seed of the I'hin and house them with care, for they shall redeem the earth-born after I ascend to my kingdom in etherea. CHAPTER V. So the angels of atmospherea who were of sufficient grade were brought to Ye- shuah and placed in the schools and facto- 50 CYCLE OF AH 'SHONG ries which the hosts of Ah'shong had built, and such angels were mostly Thins. The sick and deranged spirits were placed in hospitals and nurseries. Now those who were capable of the second resurrection numbered two hundred million. God said: Build a ship and take them to Theistivi, which is the most dense ether - ean heaven, and is situated nearest the at- mosphere of Earth. Thus a second time the light of Jeho- vih was founded on Earth. God's ether- ean hosts became as teachers in a training school to raise up a God and Lords and marshals and es'enaurs and other officers for a lower heaven. One hundred million spirits did God and his Lords and fellow- laborers bring from the earth to Yeshuah. And God divided the time of study, and of recreation, and of music, and of discipline, marching and so on, suited to all the peo- ple. God said: For without discipline there is no order; and discipline cannot be with- out ceremony; nor ceremony without rites and forms and established words. Is it not a foolish soldier that saith: Behold, I am wise. I need no discipline nor manual of arms. What more is he than one of an untutored mob? As I drill them in heaven to make them a unit, so give ye to mortals rites and cer- emonies, that coming into heaven, they go not back to their old haunts and fall in darkness. Whatever tendeth to harmonize the behavior ot individuals is of Jehovih; the opposite tendeth to evil. Better is it that men march to the sound of one mon- otonous word, than not to march at all. The value lieth not in the word, but in bringing in unison that which was in chaos. A fool saith: I need not pray, there is no virtue in words; and his soul groweth up at variance with Jehovih. Neither is there more virtue in the prayer or the words than in marching before Jehovih; but what- ever tendeth to unite men in one expres- sion of soul in harmony, is Jehovih's. Sacred dances and rites and ceremonies were established in Yeshuah in the name of Jehovih; and the new heaven became a place of delight. God said: Teach my chosen to labor hard and wisely; and to dance with ener- gy, and to sing with strength and fullness of soul. For what more is there in any man or woman than to learn to put forth? What more pitiful thing is there in heaven than a man or woman who has only drag- ged along? CHAPTER VI. Now God had left on the earth only the very lowest of spirits, and for one whole year the earth was void of Jehovih's light. And mortals loved to commune with the spirits of their kindred, who knew little of heaven, more than they did with ethereans who were wise and holy. God said: What man or woman have ye found who saith: Come ye angels of Jehovih, tell me wherein I can do more good works, for I long to serve Jehovih with all my wisdom and strength in doing good to my fellows. Rather do they turn away from such, and drink in the tales of the strolling druj, and so wrap themselves up in darkness. When the year of darkness was ended, God sent two million pruners to the earth, saying to them: Find all the evil spirits dwelling with mortals, whether they be fetals or familiars, and gather them into one place. Then find the spirits and fai- ries who have taken caves and waterfalls on earth as their abode, and bring them to the same place. Then find the idiotic and chaotic spirits who dwell on battlefields, and bring them to the same place. Then find the lusters, who dwell in old castles and ruined cities, and in houses of evil, and when they are going out for raids on mortals, seize them and bring them to the same place. The ethereans went and collected all the spirits of darkness belonging to the earth, and brought them to a place in at- mospherea, and there were of them nine hundred million. God said: Prepare a ship suitable to transport them to Hudaow, in Ji'ya, and there provide them a kingdom to them- selves, giving them a God and Lords, and proper officers to discipline and educate them for Jehovih's kingdoms. Thus they were removed, and Earth and its lower heaven were purified from evil spirits by the decree of God in Ye- shuah, in the second year of the first dawn. CYCLE OF AWSHONG 51 CHAPTER VII. And at the time mortals died, their spirits were taken by the asaphs to Ye- shuah. God said: Tell my Lords of Earth to teach mortals by inspiration and other- wise of my kingdom, Yeshuah. And through the Lords and the ashars, the name, Yeshuah, was established on the earth. God said: In the time of Kosmon, men shall say: Whence came the name of hea- venly things? But Yeshuah shall lie hid away, and Jehovih will in that day stretch forth His hand and disclose all. But mortals were thick of tongue, and could not say Yeshuah, and they said I-e-su; hence came the name of many men Iesu, signifying without evil. Jehovih spake through God saying: The end of the dawn cometh, and My emancipated sons and daughters shall re- turn to their places, taking the resurrected with them. But that the earth and lower heaven may not be left in darkness, pro- vide ye a God and Lords, and marshals and messengers, and all other officers, to rule and teach in My name. Suffer not My etherean hosts to remain longer than dawn, either on the earth or within atmos- pherea, for I shall take Earth into dark regions in order to build it up to a higher state for the time that cometh after. The Voice departed. God said: Let the members of the council deliberate on this matter, and speak before the Father. For I will provide also a heaven in the ancient place of Hored, and it shall be called Bis- pah, for it shall be a place of reception for the spirits of the dead preparatory to their being brought to Yeshuah. In the seventh year of dawn God com- manded his council to select another God and Lords and other officers; and the coun- cil proceeded, selecting the purest, holiest and most learned, and a record was made of these matters and deposited in the li- brary of Yeshuah. God called in his Lords of Earth, and they chose the first day of the new moon as the day on which to ap- point their successors, and God called the day Mas. When the chosen were in place before the throne, God said: By command of Jehovih are ye brought before me, His Son. In his name will I allot you to the places commanded by Him. Then he who had ranked highest in godliness was led up to the throne, and God said: In the name of Jehovih, and by His love, wisdom and power, do I declare thee God of Earth. The initiate said: All love, wisdom and power cometh from Jehovih. In His name and by virtue of His commandments re- ceive I all that is put upon me, for His glory forever. God then said: Give me a crown, O Je- hovih, for Thy Son. A scarlet light descended from above, and God reached forth his hands and wove it into a crown and placed it on the initi- ate's head, saying: God of Earth, thee I crown. And now shalt thou receive also the sacred triangle, which is the heirloom of the Gods of earth. And he hung it around his neck, adding: And since there can be but one God on Earth or in this heaven, I herewith uncrown myself in Je- hovih's name, and salute thee, God of Earth. Ah'shong now stood to the right, and God went and sat on the throne and there descended red and blue lights from above, enveloping him completely. He said: Let the initiates for Lords of earth approach the throne of the Most High Jehovih. The five Lords came forward. God said: Join hands and receive ye from Jehovih. By virtue of the love, wisdom and power of Jehovih vested in me, do I receive you as the highest chosen; and I proclaim you Lords of Earth, in Jehovih's name. Ac- cept these crowns from heaven above, which cannot be woven from earthly things. By their power you shall remain in accord with Yeshuah and the kingdoms above. God fashioned the crowns and crowned them Lords of the five divisions of the earth. The Lords said: In Thy name, O Je- hovih, do I accept that which Thou hast put upon me. With all my wisdom and strength and love will I serve Thee, O my Father, Jehovih! 52 CYCLE OF AH'SHONG The Lords retired and the es'enaurs sang, more than a million voices in con- cert. CHAPTER VIII. Now had the time come for the end of the first dawn of dan after the creation of man. And this was known in the ethere- an heavens, where lived countless millions of Jehovih's sons and daughters emanci- pated. And, as might be expected, they determined to descend from all sides to witness the labors of Ah'shong, and to re- ceive his works as a profitable lesson for their own future on other new worlds. Consequently, there began to appear in the firmament far-off stars, where the name of Ah'shong had been known for thousands of years. From all sides they came, grow- ing brighter and brighter, larger and larg- er. Ah'shong spoke to his companions, saying: Make ready, O my beloved, My friends and your friends are coming. Put our ship in order. Light the pillars of fire and spread out the sails, shining, that they may be glorified in Jehovih's name. The proper persons accomplished these things, and to the eastward of Yeshuah, the etherean ship of Ah'shong was anchor- ed; and so great was the size thereof that there was room for the ethereans of Anak- aron and upward of three hundred million of the redeemed of Earth besides. Ah'shong said: When our friends ar- rive, we shall join them and make an ex- cursion around the world, discovering its rank and glorious promises; but as to the nine hundred million drujas which I sent off to Hudaow, in Ji'ya, we shall pass thither on our way to Anakaron. Brighter and brighter grew the descend- ing stars, the etherean ships from far-off worlds; and larger and larger, till in ma- jesty they neared Yeshuah. Ah'shong then came down and sat at the foot of the throne according to the custom of Gods. God came down and cook him by the hand, say- ing: Son of Jehovih, arise, and take thy hosts and embark in Jehovih's ship, going wherever thou wilt. Ah'shong rose up. The es'enaurs and trumpeters pla.yed and sang. Then Ah'shong said: One more love have I in the world, O Jehovih. I go from Yeshuah, but my love remains. To thee, O God, will I look back in hope and love for thou wert raised by me. And to thy Lords what less could I say? Yea, and to all the hosts I leave with- in these realms. Ah'shong touched God's right hand, then saluting with the third sign of Emeth to Jehovih, departed, and the marshals conducted him off to the ship. Ah'shong and his etherean hosts rose up in curtains of light; and presently the ship was loosened from its anchorage and floated upward, and all the angels having entered it, the sails were spread out, and the mantles suspended on every side, till the whole vessel, with its thousands of masts and arcs, looked like a world on fire. The inhabitants of Yeshuah feared and trembled for the mighty works of the Gods and Goddesses; and yet, as the es'- enaurs on the departing ship chanted, more than a million voices, the Yeshuans sang with them, amidst their tears, with souls overflowing with awe and love and admir- ation. And at the same time the descending ships of other Gods and Goddesses from etherea were drawing nearer and nearer; and on every side the firmament seemed filled with worlds on fire. Presently they came, first one and then another of the ethereans, and they made fast to Ah'shong's ship, until thus more than five hundred were united into one mighty vessel, and yet so near to Yeshuah that all could be seen. And when they had united there were countless millions of angels thus in close proximity, many who had known one an- other for thousands of years, and some who were older than Earth, and knew its history. And these had companions as old as themselves; and they were ripe in experience with corporeal worlds, stars and suns in other regions of Jehovih's king- doms. So great was the wisdom of these Gods and Goddesses that to come within Earth's atmosphere was sufficient to en- able them to read all the souls and pray- ers of mortals, and all the thoughts and desires of the spirits of the lower heaven belonging to Earth. To each and all of them the Voice of Jehovih was ever present, and their power was like their wisdom. CYCLE OF AH'SHONG 53 Jehovih hath said: To the corporean I have given power to hear one or two things at the same moment of time; but My Gods can hear intelligently tens of thousands of men speaking at the same time. They can find a way to answer them also. When the ships were ready for depart- ure, Ah'shong said: Let us pass low over Yeshuah, and ye shall hear and see those I have founded in a new heaven. His companions said: Jehovih's will be done. And after they had visited Yeshuah they descended to the earth, and round about the places of the Lords; and when they had seen all, and heard the explana- tion, from those with Ah'shong, of the state the earth was in, and of the heavens of Earth, they rose and sailed toward Ana- karon, whither Ah'shong had invited them. CHAPTER IX. After the ascent of the etherean hosts of Ah'shong to etherea, God and his Lords worked faithfully as Jehovih had com- manded. The Lords, who were now called Adon- ya, were such as had been brought forth on Earth. And God, who had dominion in the atmospherea of Earth, was also' Earth- born; and so were all the angels of atmos- pherea the product of Earth. Jehovih said: Through the flowers of the field I express myself in color and per- fume; through the lion and mastodon I express myself with power and voracious- ness; through the lamb and the dove I ex- press myself in meekness and docility. Through man I express myself in words and actions; and all men, the wise and the ignorant, are channels of my expression. Some have thick tongues and poor speech, nevertheless they are My babes, My sons and daughters. After the se'muan age I gave to the earth from my etherean heavens sons and daughters, and they abode with mortals for three thousand years. And My ether- eans established loo'is on the lands of the earth, and they commanded the loo'is, say- ing: Your office is to lead man and wo- man by inspiration to dwell together as husband and wife. In Kosmon I will confound the wise man for he shall not know why man and woman lived not indiscriminately as the beasts. I will show him that they who pro- fess Me are led by Me, but they who deny Me go down to indiscriminate communion. Out of My works shall the lessons of the early days of Earth show the presence of My hand. But My loo'is was man and woman inspired to raise up sons and daughters to glorify Me and My works. Such as could comprehend Me, having faith that My presence should ultimately triumph for the highest and best, I com- manded to be called Faithists, and I will keep a thread of the line of Faithist on the earth till the end. God through his Lords sent loo'is to the I'hins, and by controlling the parent- age of the unborn brought into the world a new race of men of the same blood as of old, and these heard the Voice of the Lord. And man was delivered into wis- dom, peace and virtue, and the earth be- came as a garden of sweet smelling flowers and luxurious fruit. The first harvest was two hundred years, and the number of Brides and Brode- grooms was six hundred millions of grade ninety-two. The second harvest was two hundred years, and was eight hundred million an- gels, of grade eighty-nine. The third harvest was six hundred years, and was two thousand millions of angels of grade eighty-three-. The fourth harvest was five hundred years, and was twenty-three hundred mill- ion angels, of grade seventy-four. The fifth harvest was three hundred years, and was six hundred million angels of grade sixty-two. And now began wars in atmospherea, thousands of angels against thousands, and millions against millions. And again dark- ness came upon Earth and her hea- vens, and war and destruction were upon all the nations of the world, for so great was the number of spirits of darkness around mortals that they destroyed even their own cities and kingdoms. The sixth harvest was four hundred years, and was nine hundred million an- gels, of grade fifty-one. And this was the last harvest, for none were of sufficient grade to abide in the etherean heavens. For the attractions of the great wickedness 54 CYCLE OF AH'SHONG caused the angels of heaven to desert their schools and factories, and descend to mor- tals. At the end of the second cycle there were in atmospherea six thousand million angels of darkness who knew not who they were or where they dwelt; neither knowing nor caring whether there were other hea- vens or not. And man distinguished not his sister or mother, and woman distinguished not her brother or father. And man became as a harvest that is blighted and rotted be- cause of its rankness. Jehovih said: Now will I bewail thee, O Earth. The glories of thy heavens that are past and gone shall be a lesson to the Gods. Thy place of Hored and Moeb, once the holy place of My Son Sethantes, has been destroyed. Now Yeshuah, where floated the plateau of many resurrections, is filled with millions of souls that hear not and see not, but are forever burrowing deep in darkness. The plateaux are broken up, the substance scattered and unorganiz- ed. Nor is there anything left of the glorious work of the Gods in these hea- vens. Synopsis ok First sixteen cycles CHAPTER I. Sethanthes was the first God of Earth and her heavens, and his place was within the arc of Wan. And during his cycle of three thousand years, he raised up from Earth four thousand four hundred million Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih. After Sethantes came Ah'shong, sub- Chief in the realms of Hieu Wee in the Haian arc of Vehetaivi. And during his cycle, also three thousand years, Ah'shong raised up from Earth a harvest of seven thousand two hundred million Brides and Bridegrooms. The third cycle was under the domin- ion of Hoo Le, surveyor of Kakayes'sta in the arc of Gimmel, and his harvest was three thousand seven hundred million. The fourth cylce was under C'pe Aban, Chieftainess of Sulgoweron in the arc of Yan, and her harvest was four thousand eight hundred million. The fifth cycle was under Pathodices, road-maker of Chitivya in the arc of Yaho- mitak, and his harvest was six thousand four hundred million. The sixth cycle was under Goemagak, God of I'seg, in the arc of Somgwothga, and his harvest was seven thousand nine hundred million. The seventh cycle was under Goepens, God of Kaim, in the arc of Srivat, and his harvest was nine thousand three hundred million. The eighth cylce was under Hycis, God- dess of Ruts, in the arc of Hohamagollak, and her harvest was nine thousand four hundred million. The ninth cycle was under See'itcicius, inspector of roads in Kammatra, in the arc of Jusyin, and his harvest was ten thousand one hundred million. The tenth cycle was under Miscelitivi, Chieftainess of the arches of Lawzgowbak, in the arc of Nu, and her harvest was ten thousand eight hundred million. And now the world was full of people. All the continents and islands of the earth were inhabited by man: nor was there left any wilderness wherein man did not dwell But the generation of man had fallen from thirty-three to twelve years. And man and woman were at maturity at seven years old; and not many lived thirty years; but they were prolific, many of the mothers bringing forth two score sons and daugh- ters, and from two to four at a birth. And man dwelt in peace, and the earth was tilled, and brought forth abundantly of everything that was good for man to eat, and to clothe himself. And there were in those days great cities of hundreds of thousands of inhabitants; thousands and thousands of such cities, and in all the five divisions of the earth. And man built ships and sailed over the ocean in all di- rections, around about the whole world. By the angels of the Lord was he taught and guided in all things. And man had books, both written and printed; and the young were taught in schools a knowledge of the sun and moon and stars, and of all things that are upon the earth and in the waters thereof. This was therefore called the first period of civilization on Earth. Now, for the most part, all the people had become I'hins, small, white and yel- low. Nevertheless there were ground -^°o pie with long arms, who were large; but they dwelt by themselves, and their food was of all manner of flesh, and fish and creeping things. The ground people were brown and black, and they lived to be two hundred, and even four hundred, years old. Jehovih said: In the early days I raised up I'huans, and I gave them certain com- mandments, amongst which was not to co- habit with the Druks lest they go down in darkness. But they obeyed not My words; and lo and behold, they are lost from the face of the earth. Because the Thins have become a spiritual people and have pros- pered in peace and spirit, behold, they have degenerated in the corporeal body. They yield abundant harvests for My etherean realms, but are like untimely births. Now will I bring Earth into a'jian fields and forests for a long time, and the time of a generation shall be thirty-three years. For My harvests shall be of fruit that is mature. 56 SYNOPSIS OF FIRST SIXTEEN CYCLES And Jehovih brought Earth into new regions in the etherean worlds, and cov- ered it over with a'ji. And after a time many of the I'hins lost the generative de- sire; but the brown people burned with de- sire, and they laid hold of the I'hin women when they went into the fields, and thus brought forth again the I'huan race, the copper colored, strong and bright and quick. Accordingly the eleventh cycle, which was under Gobath, God of Ticongothaga, in the arc of Su'ie, brought forth a harvest of six thousand seven hundred million. The twelfth cycle was under F'aiyis, Goddess of Looga, in the arc of Siyan, and her harvest was two thousand six hundred million. The thirteenth cycle was under Zinea- thaes, in the arc of Oleganaya, and his harvest was one thousand two hundred million. The fourteenth cycle was under Toth- sentaga, road-maker in Hapan-nogos, in the arc of Manechu, and his harvest was only six hundred million. The fifteenth cycle was under Nimeas, God of Thosgothamachus, in the arc of Seigga, and his harvest was only forty million. The sixteenth cycle was under Neph, God of Sogghonnes, in the arc of Ar- broohk, and he failed to bring forth any harvest. CHAPTER II. Now the time of a generation of mor- tals had risen to eighty years, and there were many who lived to be three hundred years old. And they were large and strong and prolific, but were without judgment, not knowing their own species. And they mingled together, relatives as well as oth- ers; so that idiocy ?.nd disease were the general fate of the tribes of men. This is the grade of declension in the heavens of Earth after Kishalon had changed the period of generation from twelve years. Abner, seventh dawn of dan, enduring three thousand two hundred years in Has- taf, etherean a'ji seven, Hoe'tan, grade ninety-nine. Enseeni, Goddess of Marsef, etherean, dan of Gem, enduring three thousand years, grade ninety-three. Boaz, God of Horn, Orian field, dan of Josh, enduring two thousand seven hun- dred years, grade eighty-eight. Dai'vi, Goddess of Wowitski in a'ji thirty-six, dan of Ruth, enduring two thousand nine hundred years, grade ninety- two. Lia'mees, Goddess of War in Broek, dan forty, Orian field, enduring three thou- sand years, grade seventy-seven. Divi'yas, God of Hut in Habak, ji'ya twenty-two, dan of Neth, enduring three thousand one hundred years, grade sixty- nine. Roa'yis'yis, Goddess of Tamak, dan of Bent, one of Hud'du'owts, enduring three thousand and seventy years, grade sixty- one. Yij, Chief of Orian field, Lud in Goo, dan seventy-four, enduring two thousand six hundred years, grade fifty-eight. Gulyaniv, Chieftainess, Orian field, Ob'- Low in ji'ya forty, enduring three thou- sand four hundred years, grade fifty-one. From this time onward there was found no grade in the roadway of the solar pha- lanx sufficiently dense for the angels of Earth. Cycle of Aph CHAPTER I. In the time of the world twenty-four thousand years before the Kosmon Era, the solar serpent being in the arc of Noe, in the etherean heavens, and of the Sum of ji'ya eighty-seven, Earth and her hea- vens were in great darkness. Mortals had turned away from God and his Lords. In conceit and darkness had they shut themselves up. They had peopled the hea- vens of Earth with spirits of darkness, the drujas of men of darkness and canni- bals. Like devouring vermin their fetals had floated back upon them, and burrowed deep in pollution. Jehovih's Voice spake to the counsel- lors and high ruling chieftains of the ex- alted kingdoms in the firmament, saying: O ye Orian Chiefs, and etherean God- desses that dwell in the roadway of the great serpent, behold, the red star, Earth, hath attained her maturity, but she is rank. For fifty thousand years hath she played her part as an ornament of hea- ven and a harvester of bright souls for My exalted regions in the firmament. Call ye a council of those that plant My a'jian gar- dens and My a'jian fields; and of them that whirl My nebulous vortices in the firmament. And there assembled in the etherean gardens of Senaya, near the roadway of the solar phalanx, millions of Jehovih's high-raised Gods and Goddesses, and the place was like a park a hundred times larger than Earth; and round about on every side lie the crystalline borders of etherean worlds. And when they were as- sembled, Jehovih spake out of the light inherent, saying: Sixteen times have My etherean hosts redeemed Earth and her heavens from darkness into light, and yet ere the end of a cycle she falleth again, and her atmos- pherea with her. And her heavens are fill- ed with thousands of milions of spirits that know not Me and My emancipated worlds. Speak, O Gods and Goddesses. Thereupon Sut'loo said: O Jehovih, I have heard. Too prolific is Earth, this young daughter of heaven. Next spake Ka'waha, saying: Thou hast spoken, O Jehovih. Too prolific is the rich Earth. Her mortals are overpowered by her atmospherean hosts. For a time her people build up cities and nations, but they are soon overflooded with fetals and drujas, and the mortals devour one another as beasts of prey. Chi'jong said: Her people have tilled all the soil of Earth and covered it over with cities, but where are they? Her peo- ple have been learned in matters of heaven and earth, but their knowledge is dissipated by the dread hand of war. Dhu'itta said: Her people become wise in a day, but on the next they are fools. One generation becometh skilled in books and knowledge of the sun and moon and stars, and in the mathematics of corporeal things; but a generation followeth, and lo, her people are cannibals again. Gaw'zin said: I have heard, O Jeho- vih. I have witnessed, O Father. The red star is too prolific. She is like a garden too rich. Her products are overgrown, and they fall down and doubly enrich the soil again, to reproduce an imperfect giant stock that is barren. So are her sons and daughters; they run all to earthly sub- stance. Loo' wan said: Great Spirit, I have heard. We gather Earth's harvests for Thee, O Jehovih, but they are small. We gather Earth's harvests of dark spirits, O Jehovih, and they are ten times larger. Behold, there is no balance between them. Thus spake the Gods and Goddesses, till thousands of them had spoken. After that the Voice of Jehovih spake, saying: Ye are blessed, My sons and daughters. How can ye bequeath the administration of Earth and her heaven to the Earth-born, till she is made suitable as a gift from My hand? Now hear Me, O My sons and daughters. Five great divisions of the earth have I made, and they have all been 58 CYCLE OF APH inhabited over and tilled by mortals. Yea, on all the divisions of the earth have there been great cities and nations, and men and women of great learning. And as oft as they are raised up in light, so are they again cast down in darkness, because of the great desire of the spirits of the dead to return back to the earth. These drujas return to mortals and fasten upon them as fetals or as familiars, and inspire them to evil. Go now to Earth, O My beloved, and find the division of the earth where most of these drujas congregate, for I will uproot their stronghold. I will break them from their haunts and they shall no longer carry My people down to destruction. And now the council deliberated, and after a while caused the records of Earth and her atmospherea to be examined, and they discovered that the heaven of the land of Pan was beyond redemption because of the great numbers of the spirits of cannibals and of the multitude of fetals. It was as if a disease in the flesh be healed over externally, leaving the root of the disease within. The redemption of the cycle remained not with her, but evil broke out forever in a new way. Jehovih said: Now will I prune Earth and her heavens. Behold, the division of Pan shall be hewn off and cast be- neath the waters of the ocean. Her hea- ven shall be no longer tenable by the spir- its of destruction. And because man is without knowledge, let My Gods and Lords appoint certain masters of generations, who are ethereans of great wisdom, to abide with mortals and inspire such marriages as will best pro- mote spiritual growth. And there will come forth amongst all people certain ones capable of sar'gis and su'is, and they will heed the commandments of My Gods and Lords, forsaking evil and striving to serve Jehovih in all things. Go ye, therefore, down to Earth and provide nets and vanchas for receiving the spirits of darkness, and for receiving the spirits of mortals who shall perish in the waters. And provide ye a place in My ex- alted heavens suitable for them; and ye shall wall them about in heaven that they cannot escape, but that they may be weaned from evil. And when ye are come to Earth and its heavens, acquaint My God and His Lords with my decree, and say to them: Thus saith Jehovih: Behold, I will sink the land of Pan beneath the waters of the ocean, and her heaven will I carry away to a place in My firmament where she shall no longer engulf My people in darkness. Go thou, O God of Earth, and Thou, O Lord of Pan, down to My chosen, and say to them: Thus saith the Great Spirit. Behold, I will sink the lands of the earth beneath the ocean, because of the evil of the spirits of darkness. Hear Me, O My chosen, and heed My commandments. Go build ye ships on the mountains, and gather within the ships for My hand is surely stretched over the earth. My God of Earth and his Lords, shall gather together all the angels of the earth, from east to west and from north to south, to the land of Pan. My etherean ships of fire shall surround Pan on every side. And I will cut loose the foundations of the earth, at the borders of the ocean and the mountains of Gan, nor shall any prop or corner stone stay My hand. And I will send rains and winds and thundering; and the waters of the great deep shall come up upon the lands, and the great cities shall go down and be swallow- ed in the sea. And the rich valleys of Mai, with her thousand cities, shall be rent with the madness of men and women fleeing be- fore the waters of the ocean. And women and children shall fall by the way and be drowned; and men shall go down in the water and rise not. And the wide plains of Og, with her thousand cities, and with the great capital of Penj, and the temples of Khu, and Bart, and Gan, and Saing, shall sink to rise no more. And in the deluge, the air of hea- ven shall be filled with the screaming and wailing of millions of mortals going down to destruction. I will rescue them from darkness. I will carry them to a'jian regions which I previously created for spirits of darkness. And I will appoint over them Gods and Goddesses to teach them of Me and My kingdoms. And Earth and her heavens shall take a new start amongst My habitable worlds. CYCLE OF APH 59 Thus have I provided labor for My high raised angels in the places I created. CHAPTER II. Jehovih said: Hear Me, O ye etherean Gods and Goddesses. They desire not wisdom and resurrection. Their love lieth in darkness. To eat, to sleep and to de- vour are the delights of their souls. The first lesson of life they have not learned. The first heaven of Earth is to them the All of the created worlds. Hear My judg- ment upon them, My holy angels. For I have raised them up again and again. I have founded lower heavens for them that they might learn; but they fall the moment My Gods leave them alone. The drujas and fetals shall be carried to Hautuon and surrounded by walls of fire. And they shall be divided up into groups. Kin shall be torn away from kin, and friend from friend, and mother from daugh- ter, and father from son; for they are be- come as absorbents, sucking one another continually. And the walls of fire shall go up around them without ceasing, and they shall not escape. And they that guard them shall keep them from one another, that they shall do no evil. Neither shall they sleep nor rest, but be stirred up and made to know that they are alive, and can exist independent of fetal. For what more is the earth to these spirits of darkness, — what more is their first heaven,— than a place of perpetual devouring? Have they not made it a place of everlasting destruc- tion? They visit their evils upon mortals. The young child cannot escape them, nor the middle aged, nor the old man nor old woman. The heavenly kingdoms founded by Gods and Lords have become pest- houses for drujas and fetals. There is no place left for founding the upright and vir- tuous in heart. And God cried out to me, saying: Hear me, O Jehovih. Earth and her hea- vens are gone down in darkness. The Thin hath been despoiled on all the divisions of the earth save Pan. More than thir- ty thousand million angels are gathered on the surface of Earth, and they are too low in grade to be delivered. What shall Thy God do, O Father? Mortals are de- scending in breed and blood. Only as dis- eased vermin do they inhabit Earth. Their cities are destroyed, and they dwell after the manner of four-footed beasts. The inspiration of Thy God and his an- gels can no longer reach them. When they die and enter these heavens they art as festering sores upon one another, thou- sands of millions of them. For three thou- sand years have I labored with them, but the abundance of their darkness outmatch- eth Thy God. What shall I do with them, Father? How shall Thy God deliver so great a carcass of death? Now have I answered in the firmament of My holy sons and daughters. I have called them from remote places in heaven to witness the work of My hand. For as I made Earth and its heaven, so rule I over it to the same end for which I cre- ated it. When they are short of My meas- ure I lengthen them out. When they run foul, I prune them to My own liking, for they are Mine. Behold, the fool hath said: Jehovih hath made a failure. Behold, the Creator created a world for a certain pur- pose, but it ran foul of His mark. Did I not quicken man into life in my own way? At zero created I him, and I said: Two roads have I made, O man. One leadeth to everlasting light, and the other to everlasting darkness. Now have 1 shown him the darkness. It is My wit- ness whereby man knoweth My word is All Truth. Wherefore, then, should I not create the world, and man, and angels, that they go down in darkness? Is it not by darkness and pain that I push man for- ward? Yea, the conceited man would fail himself but for the failures I set up be- fore him. Wherefore, then, have I not created wisely? Have I not a right to do Mine own way? Are not all things mine? If a man die in the corporeal part, is he a failure? How else could man rise to My etherean worlds? He was not and I created him. He presumeth to look into My plans and judg- ments. By his little learning he exalteth his conceit and pretendeth to know all things. I cause grain to grow in the field, and the day before it is ripe I send wind and rains to destroy it utterly. I bring forth man with shapely limbs and strong arms, but in the day of his prime I cut him down. I gave the passion of love to the mother, but I take away her first-born. 60 CYCLE OF APH Know I not that first of all things, man shall be taught to know My power, and after that My wisdom? Shall man of Earth say: The Creator was angry, and so sent the land beneath the ocean? He hath not wisdom to comprehend that this day I cast out hell and destruction. The druj is his love, and as vampires they feed on each other to the ruin of both. But I know what is for their own good, and My decree hath gone forth. CHAPTER III. Aph, Orian Chief, said: When I was in the Orian arc of Noe, and the red star pass- ed the Utswowldayark, in the etherean group of Vorh, the Voice of Jehovih came to me saying: Go thou, My Son, and de- liver Earth. Take with thee all whom I may send. And I examined the records of the stars of heaven, and of Earth and the accounts of Jehovih's harvests, and I per- ceived the bondage and labor of the red star were of the seventh magnitude in the advance of habitable worlds. When His Voice called the legions in high heaven from every side, and below and above Earth, there moved myriads of shapely stars, which were ships of fire, coursing the firmament, whereon rode the Gods and Goddesses called by Jehovih to the labor of Earth and hada. Closing in on every side they came, and nearer and more compact, and brighter, with sparkling pil- lars of fire, till all the space around Earth was hedged in with this army of Jehovih's etherean ships of fire. Again I heard Jehovih's Voice saying: O Aph, My Son, My holy one, hearken to the Voice of Jehovih, Creator of Gods and Goddesses. Behold, I sent My Son Neph to the red star with wisdom and power. Long hath he been gone, long struggling with the black darkness of men and angels. As a valiant soldier rusheth into the hea- viest part of battle, and forgetteth himself in desperate contest, but ceaseth not to struggle on against all odds, even so for three thousand years hath My God, Neph, hoped to save whole all the limbs of Earth. From My holy place have I watch- ed the battle for everlasting life; but the too prolific Earth contributed more to the corporeal man than to the spiritual man. And I bring My legions to the rescue ot My valiant Son, Neph. Send thou to him, Aph, My Son. Proclaim to him and his Lords, and to his ethereans, My Just de- crees. Aph said: And I sent swift messengers down to hada, informing Neph, Son of Jehovih, of the march and presence of Gods, and of the decree of the Father; and 1 added thereunto, saying: O Neph, Son of Jehovih, come hither, bringing thy hosts with thee. Presently Neph answered me in Jeho- vih's name, saying: O Aph, Son of Jeho- vih, I come. My prayers are answered. All praise to the All Highest. Then we saw, making ready in hada, preparatory to ascending, the ship of Neph and his faithful hosts; and that which was seen from my place was also seen by myri- ads of Jehovihs' vessels surrounding the earth. And my place became as a central throne to which the hosts now made speed, swiftly and orderly. And in the time they came, also rose up the ship of Neph from hada. Meanwhile my ship rested on the borders of Chinvat, in the School of Hein, and from the moon seven agus. Jehovih said: Aph, My Son, put a walL of pillars of fire around about the land of Pan; for the false Gods and Goddesses of hada, when perceiving their habitation going down into the water, will endeavor to escape to Jud and Vohu, and other countries. But thou shalt not suffer one to escape; for they have migrated to this division of the earth because of its sump- tuous productions, the better to feast their evil desires. And thou shalt spread a net around the borders of Pan, against the line of the ocean and to the high north mountains; and che net shall encompass the continent of Pan, and it shall be to the height of a thousand miles, and in breadth so that no spirit of darkness can escape and find the way abroad. And when thou hast spread the net, thou shalt send a sufficient number of ethereans; and they shall take with them birth blankets; and in the time of destruction, when the mortals go down in death, thy servants shall receive the liberat- ed spirits on the birth blankets, and bear them to the atmospherean column of as- cent. And hither shall thy hosts receive CYCLE OF APH 61 them and provide them with food and clothes after the maner of es'yans. But it shall come to pass that many mothers shall perish in the waters, with children in the womb, which live by fetal, as is proper in My sight, for so I created them. Therefore, to all such fetals give special care for they are without sin. And when the mother is dead corporeally, and the fetal also, bring hence their spirits, but together and provide a volunteer angel of fetal power, and deliver the infant spirit to her to be nurtured until the proper time of weaning, and provide in the same place a home for the mother of the child, that she may inherit its love and mirth. When the Voice ceased, I, Aph, Son of Jehovih, looked about over the hosts as if in search of a sign that the time had come; but again Jehovih spake, saying: In the misfortunes of a fallen world, created I food for the warm love of My etherean Goddesses. Behold them here- about in millions, every one in hope of re- ceiving a prize of that which was lost in darkness, to raise up sons and daughters who shall rejoice in everlasting paradise. Think not that I gave the talent of love only to a mother for her child, and there the talent to end; for as the talent in its in- cipient stage bindeth her soul to her child, so doth the same talent in My Goddesses overspread a helpless world. Are they not as midwives and mothers to thousands and millions of souls being delivered from cor- poreal bondage into everlasting light? And who can number them? Here standeth a hundred milion come from Laygas; a hun- dred million from Inopta; two hundred million from Karduk; a hundred million from Buchk; two hundred million from Nin; two hundred and fifty million from Luth'wig; a hundred million from Pied; two hundred million from Raig; and fifty million from Naivis; two hundred million from Dak'dak; and two hundred and fifty million from Od. I spake in the etherean firmament, and they have an- swered Me. Yea, they come not as curi- osity seekers, and with empty arms; but behold them arrayed with their thousands and millions of small equipments suited to the newborn. What is there they have not remembered to bring with them in some part, for regimen or drapery, to rejoice the souls of them that are to be cut off from corpori CHAPTER IV. Again the Voice of Jehovih came to me, saying: My Son, make fast thy ship, for thy place shall be the head of the army of My hosts. And let thy consorts extend in a line from thy place down to the earth, for this shall be the delivery of them whom I shall cut off. So I made fast, and my messengers hastened to the congregating forces of heaven, informing the etherean groups on Jehovihs' ships of His commandments. And now came Neph. His ship rose up filled with his long laboring hosts. And I greeted him, saying: By the power and wisdom of Jehovih, the continent of Pan is to be cut loose and submerged, and her heavens carried away. Return thou to Earth and bring all the spirits of dark- ness from all the divisions of Earth and her heavens to Pan, that I may carry them away. Then Neph and his hosts viewed the imposing scene and returned back to Earth. Quickly now, the ships of fire formed in line, extending from my place down to hada, where rested Neph and his Lords of Earth, whose hosts extended to all the divisions of land and water, embracing the various heavenly kingdoms previously built by the Lords. And in the line of the etherean ships were stationed the pla- teaux of rank; and the hosts of Gods and Goddesses took their places according to the rank, of love, wisdom and power man- ifested in the etherean departments whence they came, with an Orian Chief at each ex- tremity. And I divided the line into sections, each with two hundred and fifty ships, and there were one thousand sections. And every ship was contracted ten thousand fold, which was the force required to break the crust of Earth and sink a con- tinent. Along the line I stationed senti- nels and talemen and messengers, without number, so that Jehovih's Voice and His Sons' voices could traverse in a moment of time to every part. And after that I formed the tube of transit, which extended in front of the ships, and from the earth to 62 CYCLE OF APH beyond Chinvat; and I filled it with the Earth's atmospherea to the extreme where it joined Io'sank, whither I had determined to deliver the drujas and fetals of such as were to perish in the ocean. For every ten sections I appointed one hundred mar- shals and one God, and for every ten Gods one Chief in Emuts. According to their rank in the heavens whence they came so appointed I them. These, then, were the Chief Emuts, to-wit: Agar, of the order of Achav, Son of Je- hovih, in Bowitch, from the corporeal star Godad raised in Ben of a'ji seventy, of sev- en hundred thousand years inhabitant of Gon. Hoe'ghi, Son of Jehovih, Marsh'wan of Hadom and Ag, nebulae four and Petrath; swift messenger of Jun, of the corporeal star Alanx, of one million two hundred thousand years inhabitant of Roth'wuk in Jois. Fist'humitaivi, Daughter of Jehovih, ji'ya'an Oods'lon in Kaih; Goddess of Ine; Goddess of Ad; Governess of Walwal, of the corporeal star Ter'wig, and of the plains of Exwer and Gohen, in the ether- ean arc of Labis, of one million three hun- dred thousand years. Hi'ata, Daughter of Jehovih, and nurse of Hue'enbak, in fifty-seven a'ji, of the cor- poreal star Heats, a milkmaid, Goddess of Luf, Goddess of the plateau of O'banf, in etherea, rank ninety, and of two millions of years inhabitant of Nud and Ix. Gon'leps, Son of Jehovih, God of Ney, God of Aper, God of Don, God of Mu, God of Reau; physician of Bo and of Ir, and of Jan'er; marshal of Kute and Oblin of Sharar, in etherea, of the a'ji'an field of Do; of seven hundred thousand years in- habitant of Onlof and Rick'tus. Neo, God of Lun and Hintaya; God of Mors, and of Thespune; Master of Peh and Savior of Woh'haggai, a'ji plain seven, and risen from the corporeal star Se'etiyi, and inhabitant of Sirne one million seven hundred thousand years. Sicci, Goddess of Nu, in Lotos and Rab; Goddess of Bad; Goddess of Ture; Goddess of Red, a'ji twenty, from the cor- poreal star Ith'mule, inhabitant of Suga one million of years; inhabitant of Ranna one million two hundred thousand years. Listiac'ca, Goddess of Man; Goddess of Hirze; Goddess of Som and Nye; Weaver of Olt'bak and Agimus; rank ninety; rais- ed on the corporeal star Mem; inhabitant of Das'sawig and Gabriomety two million nine hundred thousand years. Tussica, Goddess of Kol; Goddess of Lowst and Wittawhaggat; Goddessof Du'- e'jhi and Loo of Maggatza; Goddess of Ep; Goddess of Gek of Hennasshalonkya; Goddess of Tur in the ji'ay'an swamps of Dobbokta, fifty-five; raised on the corpor- eal sun Nitz, of the serpent Tan, inhabit- ant of Tayay'hitsivi, two million years; in- habitant of Palla one million seven hun- dred thousand years. Fiatisi, Goddess of Labbuk; Goddess of Saran'ya, in Gowlodo; Goddess of Iz; God- dess of Serl; Goddess of Lok'low; God- dess of Um of a'ji, seventy-five; Goddess of Wartz and Do'e'huitta; Goddess of Crayya; Goddess of Bak'hoo; Goddess of Teel and Ros'itz; Goddess of Mutz-mutz; Goddess of La'errets of Wouk'humhowtz; Goddess of Bil and Du'sk'wan'guessel; Goddess of Ork'sa; Goddess of Unksoot; Goddess of Si'huitta; Goddess of Shein; Goddess of Isa; Goddess of Ham; Goddess of Reikowow and Shuitit; Goddess of Daing and Gou'wok; Goddess of Faitta'- zammel; Goddess of Zittayya'howb of the gardens of Zittayya'bauf in a'ji seven; sur- geon of Lum'zon; nurse of Paigga of Sen- athais; nurse of Zid; nurse of Loosee; nurse of Home; nurse of Briathath; Queen of Ouppa; Queen of Rog'ga; disciplinarian of Tuh, of Kaibbi'summak, of Tootz'mutz, of Bir'bir, of Ctenski, of Rivvia, of Soon of Hadab, of Fussuhowtz and Ceres; rais- ed on the star Planzza; swift messenger in Bal and Wawa'lauk five hundred thou- sand years; swift messenger in To'wakka and Runfwot five hundred thousand years; inhabitant of Terashash one million years; inhabitant of the fields of Ni'jayay one million years; inhabitant of Gun five hun- dred thousand years; maker of corporeal roadways five hundred thousand years. So Fiatisi outranked all other Gods and Goddesses, and was special guest of honor, and the star of Fiatisi's etherean ship was stationed near the earth, that she might the better behold the deliverance of the spirits that were to be freed by the submersion of the land of Pan. CYCLE OF APR 63 CHAPTER V. When the etherean hosts were arranged in due order, I called out to Jehovih, say- ing: O Jehovih, deliver thou Earth from evil, for Thy glory forever! And now the vortex of Earth was closed in from the extreme, and the earth's crust was broken. A mighty continent was cut loose from its fastenings, and the fires of Earth came forth in flames and clouds. And the land rocked to and fro like a ship at sea in a storm. Again the vortex of Earth closed in about on all sides, and by the pressure sank the land beneath the water. And the mor- tals who lived thereon went down to death. And the delivering hosts hastened in all directions with their birth blankets, to receive the drujas and fetals and es'yans, bringing them to the place which had been provided for them. And their numbers were so great that even Gods had scarce seen the like before. And there were of drujas and fetals sixteen thousand six hundred million, many of whom had lived on earth as fetals and drujas, and many of whom were not capable of everlasting life. Now when Earth was delivered, and there was no escape for the spirits of the dead, and no returning to mortals, I called out to Jehovih, saying: Give me of Thy power, O Jehovih, and I will carry up all the plateaux of hell and the heavens of the buried continent. And Jehovih's hand swept over the ocean of the sunken land, cleaving all asunder, and I and My hosts rose, higher and higher, turning and rising. I said: Upward, O Jehovih; upward, O Jehovih. And all the hosts repeated the same words, for by their wills and knowledge they had strength in their Creator. CHAPTER VI. Jehovih spake to me, Aph, in the firm- ament, saying: Bring the new-born into the forests of Uk'loo and the ji'ay'an roads of the arc of Noe, in the etherean heaven of Hautuon; and when thou hast founded them on a world of their own, leave thou Gods and Goddesses with them, to sort them and provide according to their neces- sities, for all things shall be provided unto them that they may attain to knowledge and individuality. And when thou hast placed them, hasten thou with My Son, Neph, back to Earth where I have labor with the ships of the I'hins. And they were thus delivered. So I departed as soon as possible, tak- ing leave of Fiatisi, thanking her for her assistance in this great deliverance; and I took with me Neph, Son of Jehovih, and other thirty thousand Gods and Goddesses besides ten million ethereans who had had thousands of years' experience in heaven and on various corporeal worlds; and we came back to earth, even to the ocean where the land had gone down. And when I came to the ships in which the I'hins were escaped, finding the Gods who had them in charge, even as I had previ- ously commanded, Jehovih's Voice came to me saying: Bend thou the currents of the winds of heaven, O My Son, and shape the course of the ships, that they shall fall into groups, and thou shalt divide the groups, making four groups in all. And thou shalt drive the groups of ships before the winds of hea- ven, and bring them into the four different lands of the earth, according to its previous history and adaptation. For in all countries shall My chosen begin the laying down of the foundation of My everlasting kingdom, and they shall never more be destroyed by the people of darkness. So I divided my hosts according to the commandments put upon me, mak- ing four divisions of them. And I said unto Neph: Direct them, O God, to such countries as Jehovih hath shown thee; for, remember, thou art still God of Earth. I said: By thy light, Jehovih, I desire two ships to go to the north land, which was not sunken, for they shall be a testi- mony in time to come. Let Thy Gods, therefore, shift the winds and drive two ships aside from the rest, and in that same time my messengers will go and lead the way to the north land, whither Thy God shall shape the winds of heaven. Now, those in charge of the wind cur- rents divided the ships and drove two of them off to the north land. And the Gods and angels turned the currents about and 64 CYCLE OF APH drove the four groups of ships in four dif- ferent ways, according to the directions of God, Son of Jehovih. And the messengers of God lead the way, showing the Gods and angels of the wind the countries des- ignated by Jehovih. In one hundred and fifty days time all the ships of the Faithists were in the ports, and the people went ashore in the different countries whither they had been taken. Again Jehovih's Voice came to me, saying: Behold, my people are few in the' world, and lest they take the ships and sail about, and so get divided and lost, thou shalt send thy hosts down to the sea at night to sink the ships. And I told Neph what Jehovih had said, and he answered: My angels shall inspire the I'hins to take all things out of the ships, and this night shall thy hosts fulfill the commandment of Jehovih. And so it came to pass, that the I'hins took all their goods out of the ships, not knowing they were inspired; and in the night Neph sent angels down and they sank the ships. And in the morning the I'hins beheld their ships had disappeared, and they said with one voice: Of a truth, I know I was inspired, for I could not rest till all the goods were taken out of the ships. Let us, therefore, build an altar unto the Lord, and sing and dance, be- cause he is with us. And when Neph saw that their souls were propitious for good works and mir- acles, he stationed his ashars around the altars, and sent other ashars into the country, and they gathered fruit which was growing wild, and brought it to the I'hins, casting it on the altars, even whilst the people danced. Thus did I fulfill the work Jehovih commanded me, Aph, to do, whereupon I surrendered my commission to Neph. CHAPTER VII. Neph, God of Earth, said: Behold, O Aph, Son of Jehovih, by the power and magnificence of thy work am I bewildered in thy presence. Who can come so near the Almighty? Who but Jehovih hath at- tained beyond the power of thy soul? Who hath wisdom like unto thee, save the great Creator? Thou hast stretched a line beyond the moon, and by thy spoken word crushed in the side of the great Earth as if it were nothing. Thou hast said: Arise' and a world moved at thy command. Yea, thou hast the love and esteem of millions of Gods and Goddesses. And thou earnest against the winds of the earth, saying: Turn ye hither or turn ye thither, and the winds moved before thy words as an obe- dient child to its father's voice. Thou callest down the fire of heaven. It cometh at thy bidding, and thou sayest: O Jeho- vih, put Thy hand under the heavens of Earth, and straightway a light and floor wide as Earth fly into the place of thy de- sire. Now behold, thou hast said: O Je- hovih, I surrender my commission. I have finished that which Thou commandest me to do. Wherefore, O Aph, my soul hath great sorrow. But because thou hast clean- ed up the whole Earth and her heavens, as one might sweep the floor of a house, I am bowed down in gratitude. Then Aph, Son of Jehovih, said: O Jehovih, what have I done that Thy Son's love hath come to me? So far as I have become one with Thee, O Thou Everlast- ing Creator, so Thou showest me plainer and plainer that I am nothing. And yet Thy Son heapeth praise upon me, seeing I am but as a figure moved by Thy hand. Shall a man lose sight of the Almighty? Nevertheless, O Jehovih, who so weak in love as I, Thy servant? Because Thou hast quickened me in wisdom and power, so hast Thou made my love as a place that can never be supplied to the fill. How shall I find strength to leave this, Thy Son, on the far off Earth? Do I not glory in his love and great esteem; and yet know I not that I will repine because I have him not with me? Hear me, O Jehovih, for I will meas- ure Thy Son with swiftness. Scarce forty thousand years raised up to etherea, and yet Thou madest him God of Earth and her heavens. For three thousand years strug- gled he in the battle against evil and dark- ness and the broad heavens of ether- ea looked on in sympathy, love and hope, because of his tenacity in wis- dom and love. It was as one man fight- ing against a house on fire, and the place filled with helpless babes. And yet Thy God ceased not, nor once rested and said: It is useless; but forever renewed the bat- CYCLE OF APH 65 tie in new ways and stratagems. As a light showeth better in the dark, so did Thy Son Neph, O Jehovih, move the souls of even Gods and Goddesses in Thy ex- alted heavens. Then came Thy Voice, O Jehovih, say- ing: Go thou, O Aph, My Son, and de- liver Earth. And behold, the congregating of Gods and Goddesses; so eager to fly to the as- sistance of Thy honored Son. And Neph said. One favor, O Aph, Son of Jehovih, I ask of thee; which is that thou shalt tarry three days and honor my throne. For I will have it founded and ready; and My Lords shall have the honor of speaking to thee face to face. Aph, Son of Jehovih, said: By Thy permission, O Jehovih, I will tarry three days and three nights with Thy Son, God of Earth, and I will honor his throne and speak face to face with his Lords, that I may win their love. In three days' time the kingdom of God was founded, and situated in atmos- pherea over the land of Jaffeth, but the plateaux extended with two wings, so as to embrace Shem and Ham; and thither went the Gods with their Lords and at- tendants. Now, there were with the God of Earth two million spirts, earth-born, who had volunteered to serve two hundred years for the founding of the new kingdom of hea- ven, and they were well learned in official capacity, knowing how to found plateaux, with factories, mansions, hospitals, nurser- ies, and all such places as are required in heaven for the new-born, so that God only had to say: Do ye this, or so, and they ac- complished the same without error. And now from the hosts of Aph, Son of Jeho- vih, there came before God half a million etherean volunteers who desired to re- main two hundred years with God and his hosts. God said to them: Behold, Earth hath passed Tryista, and it is no longer lawful for any but Earth-born to hold the places of sub- Gods and sub-Lords and marshals; and since ye are from different stars raised, and from different etherean circuits, what shall I do that ye may be honored, and also profit- able to yourselves in development? Gaitivaya, chief spokesman for them, said: We desire to be laborers only. For what is two hundred years to us? We pray thee, appoint us not to the Thins, for they are already advanced, but appoint us to those who speak but little, and who bur- row in the ground. Neither do we desire a place in thy heaven, but we will abide with mortals, and in the first resurrection of those who are born in darkness. God said: Thou shalt remain, and thy people with thee. For since thou hast vol- unteered to leave thy high estate and come and dwell for one dan on the lowest of all places, laboring for the blind and dumb, thou shalt be recompensed with the love of millions in time to come. Then God departed, and Aph, Son of Jehovih, went with him; and they came into the midst of the kingdom of God, whereat they halted and God said: Here will I build my throne; and inasmuch as Sethantes in the olden time, called his place Hored, so will I call my place Hored also, and on the earth it shall be called the Mountain of God, for it shall be my home. So God stretched forth his hand, say- ing: Throne of Thy throne, O Jehovih. And there came down from the heavens above a great light, and it settled around about in the midst of the place of God and Aph, Jehovih's Son; and presently the light gathered up of the atmospherean substance and made it shining and con- densed, and the attendants built the throne of God, and fenced it around with pillars of fire, after the manner of Hored of the ancient days. And God ascended and sat on the throne, and Aph sat on the right hand of God, and the four Lords of Earth on the left hand; but the fifth Lord, Eolait, stood down at the foot. And he said: Behold the division of the earth that was mine is sunk beneath the sea. How then shall I sit on the throne of God? God said: Since thy labor hath been taken from thee, thou art as a parable on the newly dead who have lost the earth and have no place in heaven. Since the es'yan serveth a time through the proxy of others, so shalt thou in that which I will bestow upon thee. Know then, thou shalt sit on my right hand, for thou shalt be my assistant during the time of my so- 66 CYCLE OF APH journ; and after that whatsoever thou wilt. Eolait said: Thou hast honored me, O God. Jehovih's will be done. So God rose up, raising his hand, and said: O Thou All Light, crown Thou Thy Son, Vice-God of Hored, for Thine own glory forever. And as the light of etherea descended into God's right hand, he shaped it into a crown and placed it on Eolait's head, with the usual ceremony of such rank in heaven. And Eolait came and sat on the right hand of God. And in that same time, Aph, Son of Jehovih, rose up, whereupon God and the Lords and the people, sat down. Aph said: As a father is made to com- prehend his own early life by looking on his infant son, so hast Thou, O Jehovih, raised up before my eyes the images of times and conditions long past. In these, Thy Lords, Thou hast called me back to the time and place when first Thou and Thy Son crowned me a Lord and a Vice- God over one of the divisions of my native star. And my soul rose up to Thee in fear and prayer; for I understood how un- mindful men and angels are of the labor of Gods and Lords, and prone to rate themselves as Chiefs of all created things. But Thy Voice, O Jehovih, came to me, saying: Complain not, My Son, against the self conceit of men and angels, nor of their criticisms of My God and Lords; for to such boasters do I provide trials, which they perceive not till they are encompassed therewith. Suffer them, therefore, within thy dominions to grow up in their own glory, for I have sufficient labor for them, both in mortality and in heaven. And I perceived Thy wisdom, and ap- plied it through my angels; and when my people rose to the first resurrection, and the second resurrection, I knew where to place them. And Thy light came upon me in my place, saying: As thou hast profited in the first lesson, so shalt thou comprehent the second, and even up to the etherean heavens. Nevertheless, O Father, Thou suffer- edst all things to harass and perplex my soul; and I was filled with fear and rever- ence because of the great responsibility Thou gavest into my keeping. So great were my tribulations and trials that I called out to Thee in Thy holy place to remember all other Gods and Lords in Thy whole universe. And Thou saidst: Hear the words of thy Creator, My Son; for I created man to enter heaven as he entered mortal life, and dependent on those above him, that he might comprehend the unity between high and low, strong and weak, light and darkness; and I placed him in My mills wherein he should learn that even as oth- ers grind for him, so should he grind for those beneath him. Otherwise, of what profit is it for My Lords to come down from their liberty and glory in My ether- ean firmament and become Lords over the grovelers in the flesh, or over the es'yans in darkness? Shall selfishness reign in heaven, and everyone for himself? Have I not proven in mortal life that the love of doing good works unto others is all that insures a rich harvest of love in re- turn? Because they stoop from their high estate in order to promote My children which I created alive, are they not be- coming the more one with Me? And I perceived Thy wisdom, O Jeho- vih, and Thy power and wisdom came upon me tenfold. Then I sought forever after to go to the lowest and darkest places; but lo, when I had grown in Thy judgment, thou spakest again to me, say- ing: O Aph, My Son, because thou hast found the key to unlock the doors to the highest heavens, behold, thou art too mighty for small labor. Come, therefore, with Thy Creator, for I have a whole etherean world at thy command, and thy wisdom and power are required at My hand. And I obeyed Thy call, O Jehovih. And then again, after a time, Thou called me again, and my labors extended into many etherean worlds. But I love to look back and glorify Thee for my first Lord-dom, and to treasure up the millions of loves I found in those days. And again, O Jehovih, hast Thou blessed me to meet many millions of them in this pruning of the red star, Earth. Now hast Thou called me to speak on the throne of Thy God of Earth. Alas, Thy God hath said: O Aph, son of Jehovih, come thou and honor my throne. Whereas, O CYCLE OF APH 67 Jehovih, I am the most honored of men and Gods because I have again opened my mouth before Thee and in Thy name. All glory be to Thee, O Jehovih, now and for- ever. Then Aph, Son of Jehovih, sat down, and God signalled to the marshals, who proclaimed freedom for two days. There- upon the Gods and Goddesses of Aph's staff filed past the throne, and after them came the hosts of God, and then the hosts of the Lords, for they all desired to pass near and look upon Aph, and receive the signal of his blessing. And presently all the people joined in with the es'enaurs and sang a song of glory unto Jehovih, the All Highest. And when it was finished the multitude turned to recreation and social intercourse. CHAPTER VIII. When the time came, God called his proper officers, and they proclaimed his presence. And God said: As it was before the submersion, so shall it be now, for you shall fill the same places as before. Nev- ertheless, from this time forth, all work in heaven and on earth will be new, and as if nothing had been. Let My Lords and their attendants, and their ashars, prepare for their departure; and from such other volunteers as have come into my kingdom they shall receive as they desire, and be assigned to labor suited to them, whether it be with mortals or with spirits in the first resurrection. And my marshals, mes- sengers and asaphs shall travel throughout atmospherea, selecting and appropriating all suitable places for the spirits of the dead, and apportion builders and workmen, and erect factories, schools, hospitals, nur- series, and all other suitable places, adapt- ed to receiving those of the first resurrec- tion, as is done in all atmospherean hea- vens, and all who are thus received shall be called es'yans for the first five years; but after that they shall be called es'seans, signifying having separated from corporeal desire, being full residents of the es world. But those who will not become es'seans, being the spirits of druk mortals and fast- bound to the earth, shall be called drujas, signifying wandering spirits of darkness and of evil. And those who engraft them- selves on mortals shall be called fetals, sig- nifying sucklings, and these names shall continue in heaven and on earth to the end of the world. Wherein ye may perceive the fault of leniency of the Gods and Lords of old, be ye circumspect in these times. When God thus completed all his com- mandments, and the people were ready to depart, the es'enaurs and trumpeters sang and played a hymn adapted to the new hea- ven; and when this was finished, Aph, Son of Jehovih, spake, saying: Behold, the light of the high heaven ooens. Thy Son, O Jehovih, longeth for a great labor. I go on a journey farther than ten thousand suns. Fiatisi, Thy Daughter, O Jehovih, and Goddess of a thousand worlds, hath set apart to join two corporeal stars in a far-off heaven, whereon a thousand million shall be de- livered into spirit life in a single day. With her, by Thy will and power, O Jehovih, I go. But yet, let not these, Thy Gods and Lords and all their hosts, surmise I will forget one single soul of all that are here. And when the next dan appeareth, behold, I will return to them to enjoy a portion of their sweet love. And now he descended and sat at the foot of the throne, and God, suffused with tears, came down and took his hand, say- ing: Behold, he who is greatest maketh himself least of all. Arise, O Aph, Son of Jehovih, and crowned immortal God of the Arc of Noe, Son of the Almighty, arise and go thy way. So Aph rose up, and shaking hands with God and his Lords, descended to the borders beyond the foot of the pillars of fire, and his hosts with him, being ten mill- ion in number, where the proper persons had in readiness an ascending otevan wherein they all entered. At a given sig- nal the otevan started, but toward the east, and swift as a shooting star it sped forth, and presently disappeared in the distance. CHAPTER IX. Jehovih said: Neph, My Son, God of Earth, hear thou the Voice of Thy Creator. For as thou callest on Me in thy sore hour of trial, so did I come to thee and deliver Earth and her heavens through My Son of the arc of Noe in etherea. Remember now, the upraised of Hautuon, heaven of dark- 68 CYCLE OF APH ness, in Uk'loo, in the frmament, for they are thine until the next dan. God said: I have hear.d thy Voice, O Jehovih. But what shall Thy servant do? Behold Aph, hath left with the upraised children of darkness, Gods and Goddesses who transcend Thy servant so far in wis- dom and power that he scarce can look up- on them. How, then, shall it be with me, Thy servant? Jehovih said: Nevertheless, the up- raised children of darkness are thine own family, and the glory of thy house in hea- ven shall be the light thou shalt make manifest in them. Fear not, the Gods and Goddesses understand this matter. Therefore, when thou hast put Thy kingdom in order, and established the hea- ven of Earth in all its parts, and sta- tioned messengers betwixt thy throne and the thrones of Thy Lords on the earth, thou shalt leave thy Vice-God to rule in thy stead for a season, and thou shalt go to Hautuon, in the etherean forests, for they will be expecting thee. God said: Thy will be done, O Fa- ther. I perceive Thy wisdom and glory and justice. Now will I sojourn on my throne one year, and thou, my Vice God, shall relieve me whilst I go and visit my rebellious children in Uk'loo, where Gods and Goddesses are overseeing them. The Vice-God said: Thy will be done, O God of Earth. Ands in one year's time God had estab- lished heaven in such good manner that he could control the affairs of angels and men into the way of everlasting life. God informed his council, which consisted of five hundred thousand ethereans, men and women, of the words of Jehovih. When it became known in heaven that God was to make a visit of one year's time to Hau- tuon, his hosts from *far and near, to the number of ten million, came to see him de- part. And God proclaimed a day of rec- reation, and the people mingled together to converse on the matter of the deliver- ance of Earth and her heavens and the go- ing down of the continent of Pan. On the following day, all hands being refreshed and assembled in order, accord- ing to the discipline of Gods, God spake from the throne, saying: Hear the words of your God, and re- joice in the founding of a new heaven. Be wise in heeding that which I shall utter, and make yourselves steadfast in all proven things. Here are millions who stood by my side in the name of Jehovih, in the days of darkness in heaven and earth. For three thousand years our bat- tle lasted; and from out the darkness be- hold our prayers went up to Him who is over all and above all. And your God said: Surely Jehovih will deliver when the vor- tex mergeth into Hi'dan; and ye all re- peated the same thing; and the unity of our souls desire reached up to the Orian Chiefs, Jehovih's mighty Sons and Daugh- ters. For as it is proven that a man in con- flict with himself accomplisheth nothing, whilst he who is in harmony with himself is mighty, wherein he ruleth himself to a good purpose; even so hath it been proven that the unity of many angels can, by force of their wills in connection with their work, control the place and proceedings of a world. And ye became a star of faith in Jehovih. And they who were without faith in an All Highest Person, were without power, and of no effect save to build up discord to our proceedings. Whilst those who as- sumed to be Gods and Lords, but ignored Jehovih, were not sustained, for having nothing higher than themselves, they rose only to themselves. Which is manifested on earth, even as it was in those days in heaven, boasting of good works or of good prayers, but housing themselves about with the earnings of others. Did not these false Gods and false Lords set up self and worship it? And the fruits of their inspir- ation and their slaves under them, were the angels they sent to rule over mortals, for the glory of their philosophy, wherein mortals soon said the same things of them- selves, which was: Behold, there is no God nor Lord of wisdom in heaven and earth. Whereby the doctrines of the false Gods and Lords overturned their own kingdoms, changing heaven into hada. But when the Light of Jehovih came, ye and your God and Lords were one with His Voice. And now that your God and Lords have established a new heaven and new earth for the glory of Jehovih, he who CYCLE OF APH 69 labored so long in your love goeth to the other wing of the battle, where your breth- ren toiling with those in darkness, will re- joice to hear of your fruitful labors. Then God turned to the right, and said to Eolait, Vice-God of Earth: Because thou wert robbed of thy division of the earth, Jehovih hath bestowed thee well. Thou shalt therefore, hold the triangle of the Gods of Earth until thy God returns. Thereupon, God hung the triangle on Eolait's neck, saying: In Jehovih's name, all hail, God of Earth. The hosts of millions repeated: All hail, God of Earth. And Neph came down and sat at the foot of the throne; and God came down and took his hand, saying: Arise, O God, and go thy way. So Neph rose up, and the two, with their marshals and attendants, went down to where the proper persons had a ship with mantles and curtains in readiness, and Neph, and his hosts, five hundred thousand in number, entered the ship. Meanwhile the es'enaurs sang an anthem of Glory to Jehovih. At a given signal the ship start- ed upward, amidst the applause of millions of angels assembled. Like a star of light it shot upward higher and higher, till it was seen no more. CHAPTER X. The Council of Hored being in session, God ascended the throne, and the light of Jehovih fell upon him so that he was well night obscured from sight, and the Voice of Jehovih spake, saying: As by My presence, and of Mine own self I made each self, and gave thereto power of words, so do I in light manifest by words to My etherean hosts. As to the Lords of Earth ye have provided ashars, and above them asaphs, and betwixt all my kingdoms allotted messengers, so shall ye also provide for barbarians, familiar spirits, who shall be subject to the order of the ashars and their Lords. I create all men, whether I'hins or bar- barians, and your labor shall be not alone with My chosen, whom it is easy to save, but with those also who know Me not, and know not My es worlds. For, besides those destroyed by the flood, behold the earth is still covered over with men, wo- men and children. In the time of Aph, ye received volunteers from Osi, in etherea; give them this matter in hand. This was done, and they were divided up into groups, and the corporeans having already been numbered by the angels of heaven, the ethereans were distributed ac- cordingly. And these again selected and apportioned familiar spirits to abide with the barbarians. And these familiar spirits were the fathers and mothers and friends who had recently died, and still sojourned in the first resurrection. So the officers provided places on earth for these spirits and persuaded them to reappear before mortals in order to prove continued life. Jehovih hath said: Provide ye the way, but cause the familiars to do the labor, but do not make a familiar of the spirit of a young man or woman, lest they become fetals. So it came to pass that a new depart- ment of heaven and earth was opened, dur- ing the absence of Neph. At the end of one year Neph returned from the Hautuon colony, bringing with him five million vol- unteers, being of the third resurrection. And it being known in Hored when he would return, a great concourse of angels . gathered to receive him in honor, and to welcome the volunteers. So that when God's etherean star descended, the Vice- God, Eloait, proclaimed a recreation of ten days, which was to follow immediately after God should ascend the throne. And whilst the es'enaurs were singing, the ship of Neph alighted, and the marshals and hosts of honor proceeded to the places, and received God, who at once ascended to the throne and saluted Eolait, Son of Je- hovih, saying: By Thy will and power, O Jehovih, Thy Son rejoiceth. Eolait said: Welcome, God of Earth. And he saluted with the sign of Jeho- vih's name, and was answered in like man- ner. Without more ceremony he took off the triangle of the Gods and placed it on Neph's neck, saying: In Jehovih's name, receive thou the gift of the ancient Gods. God said: Let the marshals proclaim ten days of recreation, whilst we account to our loves how we found matters in Hau- tuon, and of the power of Jehovih mani- fested. 70 CYCLE OF APH CHAPTER XL The Voice of Jehovih spake through God, saying: Because a new heaven is es- tablished, and because the old hath been raised up, let signs be manifested whereby men and angels in after times may know what hath happened. For men and angels may forget the flood and the purging of Earth. Bethink ye, O Gods and Goddesses,, what shall be done? Eloait spoke in behalf of the Council, saying: What shall be done, O Jehovih? Jehovih said: In kosmon, men and an- gels shall ask for proofs. One will say: How is it possible to relate the words spo- ken in the olden time? Another will say: How can it be proven that the old heaven was taken away? Hear, therefore, the words of your Cre- ator; and when one saith: Behold in those days few men had the gift of words and speech, answer ye him, saying: Even so was it in heaven, and because they had not words they could not be made to under- stand. And another shall say: The Creator ruleth in large matters, but not in the small; and another shall say: Because the angels come in kosmon, so could they in the old- en time. And ye shall answer them, say- ing: Who knoweth the plan for an earth- quake, whether it be small or large before Jehovih? Is He not ever present, and do not certain conditions bring certain re- sults? And they will answer: Yea. Say ye: Give then, a name to the High- est Cause beyond all research and they will say: By the ancients called Jehovih. And they shall see that they have en- tangled themselves in a net. For if the condition of ignorance on earth begot ig- norance in heaven, how could the light of heaven come afterward to Earth save from above? Since, then, the light of hea- ven came from above, who should invent the wisdom of a flood to come upon the speech of nations? Give them, therefore, words in heaven and words on earth which are matters of this nature, and make the sounds thereof sacred, so that it shall be proven in Jaf- feth, Shem, Ham and Guatama, and in the heavens thereof. God said: Thou are all wisdom, O Je- hovih. Now have I a place for the new volunteers come from etherea. For this shall be their matter and business with the familiars who dwell with the barbarians. So, accordingly, they were alloted. And they were enjoined to sing to mortals the song of the flood; and they thus establish- ed its history to endure forever on the earth. CHAPTER XII. All things prospered in heaven for many years, nor were there great wars on earth, nor famines, nor epidemics. And the Lords appointed sufficient loo'is for all the Faithists, so as to control the I'hin marriages to bring forth sons and daugh- ters who would rejoice in heaven. And when they died their spirits were carried to heavenly places, and entered as es'yans. But the Lords appointed no loo'is over the barbarians, and only commanded the asaphs to watch for their spirits in the hour of death, and if possible, to bring them to the organic places of God in Hor- ed. This continued for many years, and in course of time, the familiar spirits aroused up the barbarians, and they began to have dreams and see visions when familiars talk- ed to them whilst they slept. And when this became common, Jehovih said: Behold, the time is come to appoint loo'is to abide with the barbarians. The I'hins are a harmless and defenseless peo- ple and cannot subdue the earth. There- fore, I have created the barbarian; for he shall drive away and destroy all evil beasts and serpents; and the forests shall fall down before him. For this purpose the loo'is shall select marriages with a view of raising up great kings and queens. But since, in the olden time, the kings depend- ed on the prophets of God for counsel, and thus were advised against killing any- thing I had created alive, so in this time of the new heaven ye shall permit the kings and queens to consult the spirits of the dead with the talents I have given them. This was done also; and the barbarians were attended by familiar spirits, many of whom called themselves God or Lord, or the name of some great king of the olden time. And these familiars, being stupid, supposed themselves to be such persons. The result of their stupid impressions was to inspire the barbarians to believe they CYCLE OF APH 71 were attended by Gods or Lords, or by the spirits of kings or queens; and so they held up their heads and began to think. For as it had been said by the Gods of ancient times: Some are led by flattery, some by self-conceit, some by duty, some by love of righteousness; so are there others who can be led to self improvement by persuad- ing them they are chosen especially by some God or Lord, or the spirit of a re- nowned king or queen, to work wonders. God said: There was a certain sick man who could not be cured by the physi- cians. So there came a foolish woman, seeing visions, and said to the sick man: To-morrow thou shalt be healed. God hath been trying thee; but thou hast prov- en thyself in soul, and thy God will with- draw the spell of thy infirmity. Behold, thy God standeth by thee. Now on the following day the sick man put forth his spirit and rose up and was well. Wherefore, it hath been adjudged even deceit may accomplish what truth could not. Suffer then the familiars to lead the barbarians on for a season, but be ye watchful at the proper time to appoint new spirits to be with them. To the messengers God said: Instruct the Lords that the time is come to reveal the seven tetracts to mortals, especially to the I'hins; for as the ashars are withdrawn a pace, so shall mortals advance a pace. These are the inheritances of all men born on the earth: AN ASH, which is persistent stubbornness by word or thought; ZIM- MAH, wicked device; RA, delight in be- ing bad; BELYYAAL, worthlessness; AVEN, vanity and self-conceit; DIBBAH, slander and reporting of evils; and SA- TAN, to be a leader, especially to the de- light of the other six entities. These are the members of the beast in. all men and women; nor is any one with- out them in some manner or degree. Go ye, therefore, to the Lords and say to them: Jehovih hath set the beginning of the resurrection through Aph, His Son, Chief of the Arc of Noe, to lay the te- tracts on the shoulders of mortals. The marshals of the Council provided messengers who were at once sent down to the different divisions of the earth; for the tetracts were some of the words se- lected in heaven to be given as everlasting names, whereby, in after ages, the tribes of Faithists might be discovered. And they were given alike to the Faithists of Guatama, Jaffeth, Shem and Ham, who were the sons of the Arc of Noe preserved on the earth in that day. For these words were provided in the Hebraic, Vedic and Algonquin languages, to be synonymous, till the coming of the kosmon era. CHAPTER XIII. The Voice of Jehovih came to God, say- ing: Hored shall advance to the second resurrection, and the first resurrection shall be established with My Lords. And every thirty-three years the Lords shall bring to this, My holy place, those who are capable of the second resurrection, where they shall be prepared for the next resurrection to etherea. Accordingly, every thirty-three years there was one migration from the Lords' first resurrection to that of Hored. God said: Close the gates of Hored, and from this time ever after only those of the second resurrection can enter. And it was so. And Hored was extended over Jaffeth, Shem and Ham; and over Guata- ma the Lords made two kingdoms, the first and second resurrections, and allot- ted the first to a sub-Lord in his own name, and over the second he presided in person, teaching his people of God in Hor- ed. As the distance of the sea lay be- tween these heavens, the Lord and his at- tendants maintained an etherean ship, and crossed the sea at intervals of eleven years. And now new colleges were established in the second resurrection, and the spirits began the study of elements and illustra- tions in es and uz, and the process of travel and of carrying corporeal entities. And these spirits were at times taken down to mortals by the ashars to assist in mira- cles. For the lessons in the second resur- rection embraced the mastery of corpor in alalysis and synthesis. And God visited Hautuon every eleven years, and remained one year of Earth's time; so that in two hundred years he made eighteen visits. On his first visit he brought back with him a number of volun- teers, being of those raised by the Arc of Noe; and the next visit he brought back 72 CYCLE OF APH twice as many as the first; and the next time three times as many as the second, and increasing for the eighteen visits. And on the last visit it was estimated how many he had brought back in all, and the num- ber was one thousand million. And they were raised to the second resurrection, having been under the training of Gods and Goddesses in Hautuon, under the di- rection of Aph, Son of Jehovih. And now that the time of dan was drawing near, and Aph should return to provide for the ascent of Jehovih's harvest, God looked up with a cheerful heart; for it was evident that by the expiration of the two hundred years from the submersion of Pan, many of the spirits delivered from Earth in that day would be prepared to take the second resurrection. Wherefore, God prophesied, saying: Through thee, O Jehovih, in another hundred years, I shall have delivered them into etherea as Thy Brides and Bridegrooms. CHAPTER XIV. Jehovih spake in the light of the throne of God in Hored, saying: Behold a star cometh. The Voice ceased, but God and his hosts knew the meaning, for it was the time of Aph to return and complete his deliverance of Neph and his hosts, and his Lords and their hosts. The Council look- ed up into the firmament; and the messen- gers who had heard the Voice, and who were departing on their various missions, also looked upward, even as they sped forth in their places; and they proclaimed it in the places of all the heavens of Earth, and to Lords and their divisions of the earth. And the angels of heaven and those that abode with mortals were so stirred up, and because of their presence mortals com- prehended that something unusual was about to happen. The Council of Hored knew not how they should proceed, for the event was to surpass in magnificence anything they had ever witnessed. God said: I have heard Thy Voice, O Jehovih. I know a star cometh, and great shall be the glory thereof. Give me light, O Father. How shall Thy servant know the decorum of Orian Chiefs? Behold, I am as one abashed with obscurity in Thy wide universe. Jehovih's Voice answered: Fear not, My Son. And let Thy council be strong also. Proceed at once to decorate thy peo- ple preparatory to receiving the resurrec- tion. And those who are to be My Brides and Bridegrooms clothe ye in white. The whole Council heard Jehovih's Voice, and they ordained officers to pro- ceed throughout atmospherea and put in effect Jehovih's commandment. And the decorated angels, and those prepared as Brides and Bridegrooms for etherea, were ordered to form in companies near the throne of God in Hored; and the officers of companies were also provided with badges, whereon was inscribed an account of their labor on earth and in heaven, the number and nature of their self sacrifices for others' good, and their grade in purity and power and wisdom. And the privates were decorated with stars to illustrate the same things, in degree and number; and the stations of their file in Hored were pro- vided in the order of music, rating them acording to their chord, and their social adaptability. For these things were done before eth- erean judges, to whom Jehovih had said: Let the people pass before you, and judge ye them, that being assorted and arranged they shall make one harmonious whole. For it is only by this they will have power to ascend and endure in My regions of light. There were one million of these judges, and they took up their stations in different parts of atmospherea, wherever the second resurrection had been established, every judge choosing a district for himself or herself, for they were both men and wo- men. And as the angels passed before them, the wisdom of the judges was so great they could comorehend all they had ever done, either on earth or in heaven. And by signals the proper officers were ad- vised how to decorate and adorn all of them. And as fast as companies of one thousand passed, they were provided with conductors who took them to their places, which had been previously determined by the command of God. Whilst the work was proceeding, lights began to appear in the firmament above. CYCLE OF APH 73 These were the marshals of the Orian fields in etherea in their star-ships, making course for Hored, and their number was legion. But presently one brighter and more powerful than the rest appeared, com- ing from the western arc of Onah'yi, and it steered direct to God's throne, growing brighter and larger as it came. And when it entered past Chinvat, and was well with- in the vortex of Earth in the belt of the moon's orbit, its light spread across the whole of atmospherea, Hored was illum- ined, and great was the enthusiasm of the angels of Hored. Not long the brilliant star delayed, for he who sailed it was a God of millions of years, and by his wis- dom attained to such mastery that the elements of Earth and atmospherea gave way, as .if appalled by a heaven on fire. Down came the star-ship whose majesty outweighed all ceremony, a very crown of magnificence, even to the arena of the Council of Hored. And he who came, at- tended by half a million, was Sue'ji, master of ceremonies. God rose up, saluting, and all the hosts rose up, saluting, whereupon Sue'ji as- cended the throne, greeted by God and his Council. Sue'ji said: In Thy name, O Jehovih. And God said: In Thy name, O Jehovih, welcome Thy Son. And presently all the place was aglow with a golden light, which ranks first in heaven of all colors, and the Voice of Je- hovih descended on Sue'ji, and he said: Behold, I came in the darkness and de- livered Mi, for she was of twins heavily laden. And the one dwelt with the moth- er, but the other I sent to nurse in Hau- tuon. And they are grown to maturity, a son and daughter twin. Turn ye to Hau- tuon; lo, the twin cometh. She was the puny child; but look ye upon her, O ye Gods and Goddesses. Her thousands of millions came in an avalanza from ji'ay'an worlds. Open your arms, O My beloved sons and daughters. The Voice ceased, and Sue'ji said: When the harvest of Hautuon arriveth, at- tended by the Gods and Goddesses who helped to deliver the children of darkness, and who have changed them into beacons of light, there shall be three days of recre- ation in atmospherea; for the hosts of Hau- tuon shall be shown their native world whence they came. But on the first day, behold, Aph, the Orian Chief, will de- scend in all his glory. And on the fourth day all your upraised sons and daughters shall ascend into the etherean worlds, where there are in waiting, to receive you, millions of millions of souls who have long dwelt in Nirvana. Sue'ji ceased speaking, having given commands as to the stations of his mar- shals around Earth and her heaven. God sent his messengers, saying: Go ye to Wak'hah and say: God saith: My heavens have been numbered, and the ac- count of my labors rendered and recorded in the libraries of Hored. And of all the hosts who have labored with thy God, be- hold, thou, Wak'hah, stands the highest in grade. Come, therefore, to the throne of thy God, and be anointed God of Earth for the next four hundred years. The messengers, attended by one thou- sand marshals, departed for Ad'jun, the place of labor where Wak'hah dwelt, be- ing a physician's nurse for es'yans and still born mortal children and those killed by abortion. And they delivered the message of God, to which Wak'hah replied: O Je- hovih, I have been all my life, now some thirty thousand years, trying to learn where I should be most serviceable to Thee and Thy sons and daughters. And when I think that I have found it, lo, a summons cometh from another way, say- ing: Come thou hither. It seemeth that Thou dost forever hurry us onward. Thy will be done, O Jehovih. So the marshals provided an otevan, and Wak'hah was conducted to Hored, to the foot of the throne of God, where he was saluted, according to his rank. CHAPTER XV Nearer and nearer came the visiting stars, the etherean ships from thousands of worlds, with countless millions of eman- cipated souls, dwellers in the Nirvanian regions of Jehovih. And when they reach- ed the boundary of Earth's vortex they halted a while, to form in rank and rank, that their glory might add to one another; and whilst they stood thus in the great vault of heaven there opened on one side a gateway amidst the star-ships; 74 CYCLE OF APH and far beyond came what appeared to be a strange and mottled sun, swaying to and fro, and this was the thousands of millions of spirits who were delivered from earth to Hau- tuon. And as it came into view ev- ery soul burst forth in one universal shout of applause. And as it came nearer, the curtains and sails and streamers, made of yellow, red and blue fire, began to wave and surge, like a ship in a rough sea, but steadily holding course in the un- dulating elements. Presently could be seen guardian ships, thousands and thou- sands, traveling beside the hosts of Hau- tuon. And the guardian ships were them- selves like stars, and carried millions of etherean souls who had been Gods and Goddesses on many worlds; and they form- ed wings for the Hautuon avalanza, to hold steady the course to the red star, Earth. And thus, in honored discipline, came the millions of Jehovih's worship- pers, who only two hundred years since were but as vermin delving in darkness, and deep buried in death, to whom Great Jehovih, and his exalted worlds were un- known. Brighter and brighter grew that great waving sun, sailed by the immortal Gods, and larger and more imposing, till, when it entered Earth's vortex, it became as living fire, large as Earth, and of bril- liant colors, from black to adamant, and blue and white, and purple, yellow, scar- let, pink, and of all shades; and living and sparkling, with the broad curtains suspend- ed, deep as the breadth of a world, with sails and flags that reached upward high as the moon. Midway in the vortex of Earth it halted, and the myriads of stars beyond now gathered in majestically from every side, till around Earth's atmospherea was not a place but glowed with Jehovih's fire of heaven. Music, which rose from the throne of God, a little while before, ceased; for here was the play of elements in harmo- ny. Moving, changing, forming, the great kaleidoscope of splendor forever evolved, new and glorious changes stretching abroad over the firmament of heaven. And now another gateway opened amidst the stars; and a cluster star was seen approaching from the southeast. It was as a star surrounded by stars, and brighter than all the others. This was the star-ship of Aph, the Orian Chief. At sight of which, all who were present turned in pride and wonder. Swift and mighty above all the countless millions of Gods and Goddesses assembled had he attained in the play and management of worlds. And at the sight of his etherean star, an- gels and Gods whispered: Aph! And the magic of his name, widely known in the Nirvanian fields of the emancipated heavens, spread abroad, till every soul ut- tered, Aph, in all the regions of atmos- pherea. Nearer and nearer he came, nor halted at Chinvat, the boundary of Earth's vortex; but steadily and with power, sailed on till his star stood in the doorway of heaven, and here halted as if to complete the wondrous scene. But a moment more, and all the fleets of the glorious star- ships moved onward toward Earth, and surrounding it on every side. And now the marshals took their parts. First, Sue'ji, chief over all the rest, from the throne of God, cried out: All hail, O Aph, Son of Jehovih. And the words were caught up on ev- ery side, and uttered in one breath around the world, went like an echo over all the heavens. Yet, nearer and nearer gath- ered the great star-ships and sun of Hau- tuon, till like a net they joined and filled Earth's atmospherea in the east and west and north and south, and below and above; on every side. Then Aph's fleet drew near, and he and his hosts alighted, and he ascended the throne, saying: All hail, O Neph, God of Earth. And this was also uttered by the mill- ions of hosts. Whereupon the signs and ceremonies of the Gods were briefly concluded, and a rec- reation of three days proclaimed. And the angel hosts came forth out of their ships. And for three days and nights the visitors dwelt on the earth and in the lower atmos- pherea; inspecting how Earth was made; its land and water; its mountains and valleys; its beasts of prey and beasts of burden; its birds and fishes; and above all, its mortal people and spirits who lin- gered on the earth. And then they CYCLE OF APH 75 surveyed atmospherea and the works of God and his Lords; their nurseries, hospi- tals, factories, schools and colleges. And the Chiefs from many worlds, and Gods and Goddesses, mingled together, and exchanged their varied experience in the wide regions of Jehovih's universe, of the management of both corporeal and es'- sean worlds, and of the cosmogeny of ether- ean worlds, and of the turning worlds from their orbitic courses, or changing their axic rotation, and of the deliverance of millions of souls into the ji'ay'an fields, and of the creation of new corporeal worlds and the dissolution of others, and the gath- ering together of the spirits who are thus disinherited, and of their final resurrection. Neither seemed there any end to Jehovih's universe, where such wonders go on for- ever. And on the fourth day the marshals called order; and so great was the disci- pline of the hosts and the arrangement of the star-ships, that in a moment of time order reigned amongst all these countless millions of people. When order was restored, God com- manded Wak'hah to rise, and he said: In Thy name, O Jehovih, I proclaim this, Thy Son, God of Earth for the next four hun- dred years. Guide him in wisdom and love, O Father. And God made a crown and placed it on Wak'hah's head, saying: Hail God of Earth, Jehovih's Son. And his words were repeated by the hosts. And then God took off the trian- gle, heirloom of the Gods of the red star, Earth, and hung it on Wak'hah's neck, saying: Take this heirloom, the symbol of three entities in one, and wear it for the glory of Jehovih. To which Wak'hah, now God, answer- ed: Thy will be done, O Father, Creator and Ruler over all. And all on the throne stood aside, and God ascended the throne and sat in the midst. The es'enaurs chant- ed and the hymn sounded around the whole world. Then Aph, Son of Jehovih, spake, saying: In four hundred years, O God, I will come and deliver thee and thy harvest, and thy Lords and their harvest, for the glory of Jehovih, the Unapproachable Al- mighty. Amen. And now Aph went and sat down at the foot of the throne, and God came down according to custom and took his hand, saying: Arise, Son of Jehovih, and go thy way. And Aph rose up, saluting, and he and his attendants departed and entered his star-ship. The es'enaurs chanted, the trumpeters played, and the solemn march of Jehovih's sea of fire sounded from hea- ven and Earth. The marshals now put the great works in order. Neph and his attendants were stationed on the right of Aph in a ship new built. Next to Neph the ship of his Lords and their attendants; after them, their marshals from the different divisions of Earth and atmospherea. Next to them the ships of the messengers; then the factors, then the nurses, then the physi- cians, and so on; and finally the divisions of Earth-raised, who Avere now adjourned to the sun-fleet, being of the same rank. And these comprised the harvest of Neph for Jehovih's emancipated realms; and the number of souls exceded all other harvests raised up from Earth. And now had come the time for the as- cent, and Aph said: Give us of Thy pow- er, O Jehovih. And his words were ech- oed in all places in heaven. And the ships started from their founda- tions, and slowly moved back outward from Earth. The es'enaurs played the march; the ethereans tore off strips of fabric and threw them down to Hored, and then formed flowers and leaves and per- fumed them, and cast them out, to fall in the lower heavens. Outward the etherean ships moved, and then parting the breadth of the world rose slowy upward. Pres- ently they turned, and were as one entire world; but with the rotation of the different stars began to separate, all except the har- vest of Neph, which was the central figure, led onward and upward by Aph, Son of the Great Spirit. Faster and faster rose the glorious scene, and more awful, and sparkling with splendor. Onward it rose higher and high- er, till it disappeared in the firmament above. CHAPTER XVI Now was atmospherea like a new hea- ven stripped of visitors, and ready to re- 76 CYCLE OF APH sume labor after a glorious festival. So God at once dispatched all hands to their places, and the factories, schools and col- leges, nurseries and hospitals, were once more alive with willing workers. And Hored prospered in every depart- ment; and so also did the departments of the Lords on Earth; and mortals also prospered under the light of the Great Spirit. For four hundred years God reigned in heaven, and his Lords under him, and the second dan of Aph fell up- on Earth. So God appointed An'on as his successor. And now Aph and his at- tendants came to deliver God, his Lords and people prepared for their resurrection up into etherea. And the number of Jeho- vih's harvest was one thousand million souls. And God and his Lords reigned their time, and they were also delivered by Aph, and the harvest of Jehovih was eight hun- dred million souls. And his successor, God of Hored and atmospherea, and his Lords, fulfilled their dan, and they and their harvests were de- livered by Aph also; and the number of souls delivered was six hundred million. And Jehovih commanded Aph to commit Earth and atmospherea to the successors of Ra'zan of Garowista, in the etherean phalanx of Ar'doth. And the next harvest of God and his Lords was two hundred million souls. After that Earth passed into the a'ji of Urk'stand for eight hundred years, and the light of the upper heavens was lost to Earth and atmospherea; so there was no harvest for the etherean realms. And because of the darkness in atmospher- ea it began to fall in grade; and the seven tetracts took root in Hored, and overspread the dominions of God and his Lords. And many in heaven rose up, and proclaiming themselves Gods and Lords, obtained followers, some to the extent of three million souls. And these false Gods made slaves of their followers, exacting service, and in lieu giving pitiful homes and regimen; and by the labor of their slaves embellishing their mansions and cit- ies in hada. Jehovih had said of old: Before mortals I keep death forever present that they may not forget the change from corporeal to spirit life. Otherwise, they would dispute it possible in My hands for these things to be. But My resurrections in heaven are far apart, and the inhabitants thereof lose faith in those above them. Through faith is all power and glory attained. And during the last thousand years of the cycle of Aph, there being no resurrec- tions to etherea, many fell into disbelief of the emancipated heavens, and so set about building up heavenly kingdoms on their own account, and for their own glory. And in order to have exalted kingdoms they sent their slaves back to mortals to inspire them with the glory of their false God's kingdoms, that others in turn might be- come slaves. And confusion reigned in heaven again, and it reacted on mortals, through the angels' presence, and war and misery overspread the nations and tribes of men on Earth. Thus ended the cycle of Aph, being two thousand six hundred years after the flood, and three thousand six hundred years in all. kM LORDS' RECORD FOR THE CYCLE OP APH CHAPTER I. Hear me, O man, I am the Lord of Earth, Son of Jehovih. I am one of thine elder brothers. I, thy Lord, with my brother Lords and Gods, in the name of Jehovih speak, saying: Peace and patience be unto all men, that ye may comprehend my words, and bear witness that heaven and earth in every part is Jehovih's and that all men and wo- men are His sons and daughters. As over mortal kingdoms, kings, so hath Jehovih in His heavens crowned cer- tain Chieftains for times and places, and given them titles by which they have been proclaimed to men and angels. And they are honored in high heaven, and known to the people on the earth as Jehovih's Lord of Earth, and my predecessors have been known for thousands of years amongst mortals as the Lord of Earth. If it be said: The king said thus; and generations after, it be said: The king said thus; all men know it was not the same man, but was nevertheless the king. So it is with the Lords, for all of them have been the Lord. Wherefore I, the Lord, by virtue of my authority, in Jeho- vih's name, proclaim the light and the darkness of the past, for inasmuch as I have been exalted by Jehovih, so are ye all in waiting for your turn in the heavens above to become Lords and Gods and Goddesses. To draw your souls up in heavenly as- pirations, to become one with the Father in righteousness and good works, Jehovih sendeth His sons and daughters down to the earth, to reveal the glory of His king- doms in the etherean worlds. But be- cause of the darkness of man's soul, man setteth up to mock the words of his Lord, saying: How can I become a Lord or a God? Behold, his word hath not been heard; none have written his speech. Was it. not so in all times of Earth? And because of this darkness amongst men, they have laid bare the iniquity of their own hearts. For out of the mouths of my chosen, who utter my words, come words of truth, love, wisdom, kind- ness, and the exaltation of virtue. But from those who deny me, come corrup- tion, war, avarice, and the love of earthly things for self-sake. Behold, they have quibbled about words and the meaning of words. One saith: How much of this came from the Lord, and how much from the prophet? Making of themselves mathematicians on a matter separate from the subject of the righteous- ness of their own souls. Are not all words at best but pictures and paintings of the spirit that findeth them? And whether the Lord or an angel carry the light to the prophet, what does it matter to the man or woman who seeketh to serve Jehovih by doing good works? if only the words help them in this work? Some have said: Behold, I have given all I had to the poor, and I rise early and visit the sick; and in the night I sit up with them; and I gather up orphans and helpless ones, and make them so joyous of heart they thank Jehovih they are created into life. Now, verily all men know that such behavior cometh from them that rec- ognize my word, whether it come from the mouth of a babe or the pen of a fool. Who, then, shall not find delight in the word of the Lord? for they are the ex- pression of Jehovih's light within him, and my word cometh as well now as in the old- en time? Behold, I am not for one man only, nor for one woman, nor for one book. But wherever the light of wisdom and the de- sire for virtue and holy deeds shine, there will my speech manifest. Is not Jehovih wide as the universe, and immutable? And to be in harmony with Him, is not this the sum of all wisdom? Therefore, if thy Lord or thy God hath attained to be one with the Father, and he come in dominion on Earth with his millions of angels and ye are inspired by them to do Jehovih's will, what discussion shall man have against heaven or its representative? 78 CYCLE OF APH LORDS' RECORD I declare freedom unto all men in Jeho- vih's name, but with freedom I also give the experience of the Lords of Earth. Suf- fer therefore my prophets on all hands to embellish the pictures of the past in their own way. Herein is wisdom, for they that strive for the light of my dominion shall receive my angels in Jehovih's name; and by the words they find to express my com- mandments shall they be known to be from me. All words come from the Lord; by him was man made upright on the earth. But as the light of a full-grown man dif- fereth from that of a child; so, in different degree was the light of men; and those with Jehovih's light were called Faithists, because they perceived that wisdom shaped all things, and ruled to the ultimate glory of the All One. But those of the lesser light were called Druk, because their trust was more in corporeal than in spiritual things. And the Faithists were also called the chosen people, because they had faith in Jehovih; but the Druks were classed as enemies to the Lord, because they sacri- ficed by means of war and death that which Jehovih made alive. And these two people have lived on the earth from the first. And I, the Lord, Son of Jehovih, gave a certain commandment to man, saying: Thou shalt love the Lord with all thy soul, thy wisdom and strength. But man had little strength in this matter; neither did I ask for more than he could give. And an- other commandment was: Thou shalt not kill, and if man had obeyed this command- ment there would have been no war in the world. In like manner gave I the light of heaven unto all men, but my enemies per- verted my words to justify themselves in sin. And if one man saith: The Lord said: Thou shalt not kill; and yet another man saith: The Lord said: Thou shalt kill; no man need mistake which is of the Lord in fact. For the Lord desireth not to see any man killed whom Jehovih created alive. And man multiplied and peopled Earth over, building cities and nations and prospering in all earthly things. But as I came to the earth to develop the soul of man chiefly, and for his own ultimate hap- piness in the etherean worlds, I labored not with such as heeded me not, but suf- fered them to go on in their own conceit; and they became divided against one an- other, and war and pestilence came upon mortals, resulting in their downfall. And the spirits of those that denied me on earth, still denied me in heaven; and in their stubbornness and conceit continued to dwell with man on the earth. So that in the course of time the world was overrun by spirits of darkness who knew not hea- ven. In all of the four great divisions of the earth, my enemies killed many of the Faithists, and there were but few left in mortality. In Pan there was a remnant, but they were scattered and in hiding from their evil pursuers. CHAPTER II. The Lord said: A wise physician am- putateth a diseased limb, and so preserveth the trunk to become healed. Saw I not the rankness of the tribes of darkness, the Druks; and that the proceedings of man would render Earth void? What is all the world if it bring not forth heirs unto ever- lasting life? Behold, my chosen had become de- spoiled on all the divisions of Earth save Pan. And they who had been their destroyers had in turn nearly exterminated one another. And as for the land of Pan, it was already in the throes of death. And spirits and mortals had become as a festering sore. The spirits of the dead, tens of thousands of millions of them, would not quit their hold on mortals whilst they lived on the earth. And I sent my angels around about the whole earth, and gathered in the spirits of darkness; gathered them unto the land of Pan. And I said: I will destroy man from the face of the earth; for the flesh of man is. corrupt, for by the eating of flesh and unwise cohabitation hath he corrupted his race upon Earth. And I, the Lord, called unto my chosen who were perse- cuted and hidden away in the valleys and mountains in the land of Pan. And I said unto them: Because ye have kept my commandments, and sown the seed of righteousness in your generations, you have found favor in my sight. Go, therefore, and build ships sufficient to carry all my chosen, and go within them CYCLE OF APH LORDS' RECORD 79 where none can pursue or destroy. For, behold, I will bring a flood of waters upon the land even unto the highest mountains, to destroy the corruption thereof. Take with you sufficient food to last one hundred and fifty days, for ye shall not be able to come forth to procure food. The ships were all built on the moun- tains and numbered one hundred and thirty-eight. I numbered them that were saved, and there were twelve thousand four hundred and twenty; and these were descendants of the first race of man on Earth. The ships were divided into five fleets; four fleets of thirty-four ships, and one fleet of two ships. The Lord said: I will name the fleets of my chosen Guatama, Shem, Jaffeth, Ham and Yista, and their names shall be everlasting on Earth. From these few Thins will I people the world over; and I will inspire them to write a history of the flood. And in one hundred and fifty days from the beginning of the flood, the ships were brought into their respective places, as the Lord decreed that they should. The fleet Guatama was carried to the eastward and the country where it landed was called Guatama. The Lord said: From this place shall my chosen spread out north and south. But they shall not inhabit the lands to the east or west; for they shall be testimony in time to come of the landing place from the continent of Pan. The fleet of two ships carried to the north was named Yista, which in the Panic tongue was Zha'Pan, which is the same country that to this day is called Japan, signifying, relic of the continent of Pan, for it lay to the north where the land was cleaved in twain. And the Lord said to them: Behold, eight dan'has shall come and of all people ye shall be reckoned the old- est in the world. And until I come and unlock the sea, ye shall remain an exclus- ive people from all tribes and nations. Preserve ye, therefore, the names of my rites and ceremonies, and especially the names of land and water, and the firma- ment above, and ships that plow the wa- ter, and all sounds whatever that man mak- eth in the throat and without the tongue and lips; for in the time of my glory on Earth ye shall also be glorified. Pre- serve ye also peace, righteousness and in- dustry, for ye shall be a testimony in the time to come of the presence of my hand and of the Great Spirit also. The fleet named Jaffeth was driven to the westward and north, and the country was called Jaffeth. The fleet named Shem landed to the south, and the country was called Shem. The fleet named Ham landed southwest, and the country was called the land of Ham. The Lord said: Behold, my chosen shall manifest many signs and words com- mon to one another in these different di- visions of Earth They shall remember the flood. They shall repudiate idols, but worship the Great Spirit, Jehovih. They shall have the crescent. They shall have the triangle. They shall preserve the four days of the change of the moon as sacred days, and they shall be called Sabbaths. They shall be circumcised. They shall remember the seven tetracts: DIBBAH, the enticing evil; RA, the flesh evil; ZIMMAH, the joking evil; BALY- YAAL, worthlessness; AVEN, vanity; AN ASH, delight in destruction; SA'TAN, desire for leadership for self sake. They shall have three lights: God's an- gels and Lords; the prophets; the rabbahs. They shall have three representative symbols of light: The sun, the moon and the burning flame. And my chosen shall use these lights and symbols, signs and seasons in all the divisions of Earth whither I have set- tled them. And in the Kosmorr era I will come and show them the framework of my building which I raise up to the Almighty. CHAPTER III. And now was the world of one language and one speech. In all places my people spake alike, man to man. The Lord spake unto the I'hins, saying: Behold the earth; I give it to you to be yours forever. Mingle not with the Druks, for they are without understanding and not heirs to everlasting life. Now many inquired of the Lord, say- ing: If these, having no understanding, be 80 CYCLE OF APH LORDS' RECORD not heirs to everlasting life, how shall it be with our children who die in infancy? The Lord said: This is a matter of seed, and not of learning. Whosoever is born of my chosen shall inherit my ever- lasting kingdom. And I said unto the guardian angels whom I had given to man: In the lands whither I will take my people, let them build mounds and walled cities, with lad- ders to enter, after the manner of the an- cients. In all divisions of Earth, alike and like shall they build. For in the time of Kosmon their relics shall be testimony that the I'hin preceded the I'huan, the cop- per-colored race, in all the world. So also will I, the Lord, provide in the Kosmon era to discover the sunken land of Pan, that mortals may comprehend the magni- tude of the work of the Lord. In those days the Thins dwelt not alone, but in cities and villages; and they were clothed; and they tilled the ground and brought forth grains and seeds good to eat; and flax and hemp from which to make cloth for covering the body. And their food was of herbs, roots, grains, seeds, and fruits of the earth; but they ate not flesh nor fish, nor of anything that breathed the breath of life. They toiled by day, bringing within their cities the fruit of their labor. And they slept within their cities and on mounds at night, that they might not be molested by beasts of prey and by serpents. And every city had one rabbah (head fa- ther), who knew the way of the Lord. By the rab'bah were the altars of the Lord built, and the times of the sacred days foretold. And the rab'bahs made records in writing on stone, which they taught to their successors, and to whomsoever de- sired to learn of the Lord. And the Lord abode with them; and they kept the com- mandments and multiplied in all the divi- sions of the world. And in course of time, there were thou- sands of cities and hundreds of thousands of inhabitants who had spread abroad over the lands of the earth. And they built ships and sailed abroad on the seas, and inhabited the islands thereof, north and south, and east and west. CHAPTER IV. The Lord said: That my people may remain upright, behold I give unto them and their successors forever, certain sacred words. Seven degrees of sacred rites bestow I unto my people. And no man shall take the second till he hath learned all the words of the first; nor shall he take the third till he hath learned all the words of the second; and so on, shall man learn all my sacred words. From mouth to mouth shall they be learned by every man and woman of my people. And the Lord said to his prophets: Go to the Druks and cause them to sit on the ground in a circle, and stand ye in the midst, saying: Behold, O Druk, the Great Spirit hath spoken; I have heard His Voice. His words are holy words. Who- ever learneth His words shall have power over sickness and poison and the flowing of blood. And, if a woman, she shall be- come fruitful and have great rejoicing. Hold up your hands and repeat the words of the Lord. I will serve the prophets of the Lord. Heal my flesh, O Lord, and cure poison. The Lord is spirit unseen in the hea- vens. He is all power and wisdom and love and anger. He can heal and he can tear the flesh, and strike dead. His prophets have his good grace; they can hear his voice and interpret him. The Lord is my guardian; ten times a day will I remember him. The Lord can stop blood; choke it up, O Lord. He can give blood stopping as a power of the prophet's hands. Confound my enemies, O Lord. The ashars shield me. I will honor the Thins, the sacred peo- ple of the Lord. They are my brethren. This was the first lesson. Blessed be the name of the Lord. He can make me to be alive after I am dead, and this is all he requireth of me, to say: Blessed be the name of the Lord. In the morning I will say it. At noon I will say it. At night I will say it. Blessed be the name of the Lord. I will wear clothes to hide my naked- ness, because the Lord requireth it of me. CYCLE OF APH LORDS' RECORD 81 I will not steal nor speak untruth. If my brother taketh what is mine, I will not be in anger, nor judge him; but I will lay the matter before the prophets of the Lord. I will do no violence for it is the Lord's commandment. This was the second lesson; and the third lesson was: I will have but one wife; I will go not after other women whilst she liveth. (I will have but one husband; I will receive no other man whilst my husband liveth). I will not allow any man or woman who is diseased to come near the oe'ugah. In the Lord's name I will drive them hence. I renounce them nor will I mingle there- with, for it is the Lord's commandment. The fourth lesson was: I forswear the hunt. But whatsoever cometh, and it is fit food for man to eat, I will kill it. I will take up fish in the name of the Lord, for they suffer no pain. I will till the soil and gather roots to eat, and fibres of barks for clothing, and live like the I'hins, the chosen people of the Lord. I renounce murderers ; nor will I marry with them, nor live as they live. They are the enemies of the Lord. I will curse no man, nor woman, nor child, for it is the Lord's commandment. I renounce anger and all weapons of death. They are enemies of the Lord. If a man injure me, I will lay the mat- ter before the Lord's prophet, for his judg- ment is holy. If a women entice me, I will go secrete myself and repeat the sacred words. I will respect the times of woman, for she is the gift of the Lord to be man's helpmate. When my wife hath a newborn child, I will do her labor for forty days, for it is the Lord's commandment. The fifth lesson was: The four days of the moon are the Lord's; on those days I will not labor. I will keep sacred the four days of every moon, and I will repeat the sacred words of the Lord thrice. And when the prophets say: Behold the Lord saith this is a sacred day; then will I keep that day holy. When the I'hins worship before the al- tar of the Lord, I will keep on the outer circle, for the I'hins are the chosen ser- vants of the Lord. When the I'hins march forth, following the prophets, I will come after them, for I will honor the Lord's chosen. When the prophets say: Pitch the tents here, I will do so, for the prophet cannot err. The sixth lesson was: I will provide for the sick, and for the woman with a newborn child. I will give first to the I'hins, then to the Druks. To warriors I will give in time of sick- ness, but when they are healed I will say: Go your way. And if a man be sick of poison, or a wo- man sick of poison, I will go to the same. But before I go in I will say: O Lord, I go in a place of danger. Come thou through thy ashars and protect me. For the Lord can encompass me around about, and I shall not receive the poison. The seventh lesson was: I will keep these holy words secret in the name of the Lord. When the Lord commandeth, saying: Go here, or go there, or build here a city, or a house or an altar; then will I do the Lord's bidding. Thus did the Lord establish laws amongst men; and because of the sacred- ness of the Lord's words, man treasured them and kept holy the commandments of the Lord. And when mortals repeated words for the stopping of blood, behold, my angels compressed the veins. Not the words stopped the blood, but by the words mortals became in concert with my hosts. And when a man went into the presence of dangerous diseases, repeating the sacred words, the angels protected him from the disease. And the Lord caused the rab'bah to make a wheel, and hang it beside the al- tar. And the meaning thereof was: As this wheel has no beginning or end, so is the Creator. Whosoever turneth the wheel once round hath said: In Thee, my Cre- ator, I trust. And the Lord made an image to stand beside the altar, where only holy men and women might pass, and the Lord called 82 CYCLE OF APR LORDS' RECORD the emblem fete, signifying: Beyond me there is no appeal. And the form of the fete was a circle and an all light center with four dark cor- ners cut off. And the Lord explained the meaning, which was: That there is a central light within man seeing clearly, but that the four dark cor- ners of the world beset him on all sides. And the Lord made an instrument and called it Gau, which was a triangle with a plumb line from the upper corner; and across the plumb line was a hollow reed for seeing through; and at the bottom end of the pumb line was a weight attached, which pointed to marks on the lower bor- der of the triangle. And the Lord explained to the prophets how to use the gau for proving all things, even as to the height of mountains, and the velocity of running waters, and how to lay the foundations of the temples. And the prophets on their part taught the Thins, but with them the mysteries were kept a secret against all the world. Hence, in af- ter time came the saying: Even the wick- ed were compelled to employ the Thins. In all there were two hundred and eighty signs and emblems and symbols and implements given by the Lord to his peo- ple; and when they were all completed the Lord taught the prophets the meaning; and these became the sacred language of mor- tals in all the divisions of Earth. Cycle of Sue CHAPTER I. Jehovih spake to Sue, Orian Chief, in the gardens of Atahavia, saying: Sue, My Son, behold the red star, the far-off Earth. Her harvests are blighted; she. has ceased to bring forth immortal souls to My un- ending realms. Sue heard the Voice, and answered: In Thy name, O Jehovih, will I summon My Gods of Hoit and Izaracha. And Sue, quick-perceiving God of two worlds in the etherean Seamar, sent swift messengers to Hoit and Izaracha. Then came Le Wing, God of Hoit; and presently Sivian, Goddess of Izaracha, and they stood before Jehovih's throne. Sue said: Jehovih's Voice spake to me, saying: Behold the red star, she bringeth forth no sons and daughters more to peo- ple My etherean realms. She is weak and out of tune and cometh this way. And I answered: In Thy power and wisdom, O Jehovih, will I visit the red star. Six years will I remain, stand on her soil, and course her heavens, and give such potency to her con- fused God and Lords as will make a thou- sand millions sing for joy. I have charts and maps of her atmos- pherean and corporeal parts; and a history of her, as yet, young and adventurous in the field of worlds. I have called you to accompany me. Then spake Le Wing and Sivian, say- ing: To do Jehovih's will and thine are we come to thee. To the swift messengers Sue said: Go proclaim my will throughout my etherean worlds, and summon up from Ithyivius a hundred million skilled volunteers. When the red star shall cross the boundary line of Izaracha, we will go forth in power in a ship of golden light. CHAPTER II. In the Arinisca of Portan of the ether- ean worlds of Hoit and Izaracha, flew the call of the Gods for volunteers, and so welcome was the sound thereof that hosts of ethereans rose up on every hand ready to volunteer and soon the required num- ber stood in waiting. And yet so vast were the fields and arcs of Izaracha that the hun- dred millions chosen were as but a fraction compared to those left uncalled. Coming near the throne of Sue in Hoit, the hundred millions formed in squares and stars, and the chosen God took his place at the head and front, looking to the low horizon, where rose the red star, Earth. And now the builders, who had measured the elements lying in the route toward Earth, formed their crescent ship of fire, and equipped it with mantles, curtains and banners. When the ship was completed, Jehovih's light encompassed it about on all sides, and though it was beau- tiful before, it was now illuminated and sparkling and bright as a sun, and rich in golden color. When Sue entered the ship the Voice of Jehovih spake, saying: Thou shalt go now, My Son, and give wider range to the tetracts both in angels and mortals. Give broader dominions to tyrant kings and queens on Earth, and greater scope to the self Gods and Lords, and thus increase their responsibility. Then all the hosts entered the etherean ship singing and rejoicing, observed by countless millions come to wish them joy on their six years' visit to Earth. Sue said: In Thy name, O Jehovih, and by virtue of Thy power in me vested, my hosts shall speed forth at my command. And Sue stretched forth his hands, and the mighty ship of heaven turned on its axis, cutting loose from the high firma- ment. And it turned, with its great cur- tains and banners sailing gracefully and swiftly through the blue ether. The music of her es'enaurs swelled and rolled along on the spheres of many worlds, where dwell countless millions of spectators view- ing the marvelous speed and power and brilliant colors of the great ship. 84 CYCLE OF SUE When the ship came to the bridge of Chinvat, and halted, to take in the plan of the whirling Earth, Sue said: Light of Thy light, O Jehovih. And at once as high as the moon and as bright as the sun, the il- luminated ship stood for three days and nights to over-awe the self Gods and war- rior kings and murderers of the earth, whose plentiful souls in chaos polluted hea- ven. And then slowly entered the vortex of Earth, for Sue desired that both cor- poreans and atmosphereans should witness the coming power. So that when the ship neared the disorganized Hored, the self Gods and Lords fled with their hosts, and left their well supplied kingdoms desolate, and rushed down to the earth in millions to hide themselves. But the true God and Lords stood firm in their depleted kingdoms, fearing naught, but in faith that this etherean ship was Je- hovih's answer to their long cry for help from the heavenly spheres. And by their pillars of fire still standing, great Sue knew where to land in the lower heaven. And when he neared the place his es'enaurs chanted and the trumpeters played. And God and his hosts sent up rockets, display- ing the three primary colors, and God's es'- enaurs joined in chanting with the hosts above. Presently the ship of fire was at the place of landing, and Sue, Jehovih's Son, descended with his host of a hundred mill- ion angels, led by Gussitivi, marshaless of the throne of Sue, in Izaracha. Sue said: Hail, O God of Earth. In Jehovih's name, I am come in power and wisdom. And God answered: Glory be to Thee, O Jehovih, that Thy Son hath come so far to bless Thy bewildered kingdom. Then they saluted, and God said: In the name of the Great Spirit come thou and honor my throne. So Sue went forward and greeted by shaking hands; and Sue ascended and sat on the throne, saying: I feel the light of the Father descending on my head. Presently the All Light enveloped Sue, and Jehovih's Voice spake through him, saying: Hear the words of thy Creator, My Son, and rejoice because I have not forgotten thee and thy people. Behold, this is the hour of thy redemption from the trials of tetracts, which are run abroad in My do- minions. Was it not worse than this in the olden time? And I came with My hosts and delivered them. I created man in darkness and gave to him no judgment, that the creation of his own thoughts might be for his own glory forever. But instead of beautifying his thoughts, he hearkeneth to tetracts and buries himself in darkness. The heaven I build for him he destroys, and then buildeth his own, but only to be displeased and turbulent. Nei- ther will he content himself with providing with his own hands, but searches out my most dutiful sons and daughters and makes slaves of them for his own exaltation. In the ancient times I sent My sons and daughters to search out these traitors, de- claring unto them that only by forsaking evil and practicing righteousness could they attain to My exalted kingdoms. Their evil places have I cast down, and rebuilt in honor and glory, that their own judg- ment might determine that virtue and good works are the sure foundation for happi- ness that will endure forever. But when I have raised them up in one cycle and made the lower heaven a paradise, alas, My ethereans have been gone away but a little while when the tetracts take root and grow, and turn all things upside down. But now will I build them up in a new way. Yea, I will appropriate the evil to their own good in a way they dream not of. The false Gods and Lords shall be arrested and brought before this judgment seat, and I will judge them by their own behavior and desires. Neither will I torment them nor abridge their happiness. Send, there- fore, My Son, thy marshals into the hidden places of these self Gods and Lords and say to them: Thus saith the hosts of hea- ven. Come, My Son, and inherit a king- dom in hada in thine own way, for lo, there is room for all; but that thou art not left behind, come quickly to Hored. And they will come, hoping to embellish themselves in the old manner. But My Light shall come in due time in Mine own way. The Voice ceased and Sue spake, say- ing: What Jehovih hath ordered, do ye. So marshals were sent in all directions in atmospherea to gather in the false Gods CYCLE OF SUE 85 and Lords who had deserted their domin- ions in fear of the light of Sue's etherean ship. And after many days the false ones were brought to Hored, and there were of them seven thousand Gods and Lords. Now when they were before Sue, Jehovih's Son, and arranged so that all could hear and see, the Light gathered about the throne, and Sue addressed them, saying: Hear me, O men and women. I have sent for you and you are here. In this I am pleased. Know, then, that what I speak shall be in love and tenderness. Ye have deserted Jehovih's kingdoms, and it must be because it pleased you better than to re- main. Is this not true? And ye also de- serted your own kingdoms? For a little while they consulted togeth- er, and then answered: Nay, it pleased us not to desert our own kingdoms; but we were afraid. Sue said: Who think ye I am? They answered: A God from some far-off world, but where it lieth we know not. We desire to know who thou art. Sue said: I am but an angel like your- selves. Fear me not. But since ye feared, and so deserted your kingdoms, does it not prove that ye are not the all highest? And do ye not perceive that because ye had no All Highest, ye were divided and inharmonious? Hear, then, that which I say, and con- sider my words. I want not your king- doms nor anything you have; but that har- mony may reign in heaven, I will give unto every one of you more than you had, and add power unto you also. Since ye behold I am come to Hored, the throne of the an- cients, perceive ye not that whatsoever ac- cordeth with me is of my power also? Take, then, your kingdoms and be Gods and Goddesses, and I will make you as part of one united whole. Again, they consulted together, and again they answered: Why shall we take our kingdoms? Our slaves have deserted us; our kingdoms are pillaged of all their value. Yea, our slaves have become wan- dering spirits, and are making their habit- ations with mortals. Sue said: What can ye say to these wandering spirits that will induce them to come away from mortals? To which they answered: If we prom- ise them provender and clothes, and plenty of rest, they will come. But when we put them to labor, they will run away, having tasted of liberty. Sue said: How, then, made ye slaves of them in the first place? To which they answered: We took them in the day their mortal bodies died, and they never saw nor knew any other place in heaven. So we appropriated them to our service dutifully. Sue said: Know, then, this is my con- clusion. First, that ye shall be made as sub-Gods to one confederacy, and your kingdoms shall be fair to look upon, and well supplied with all things. Behold, there are on earth, with the barbarians, hosts of familiars and fetals. Whoever, then, of you, will go down to the earth and bring them away to Hored, shall have them for his slaves. And who- ever bringeth the greatest number, to him will I award the greatest kingdom. And if it be that ye can find emissaries to work for you in bringing fetals and familiars away from the barbarians, then shall such labor be accounted to your credit. And ye shall station round about in the corporeal cities certain angels whose labor shall be to receive newborn spirits, on birth blank- ets, and bring them to your kingdoms also, for they shall be your slaves. After that manner spake Sue, and the false Gods and Goddesses were highly pleased, and they divided themselves into certain districts over mortals and for the lower heaven, and were at once sent off to labor in their own way, and they were named sub-Gods. Sue said: These sub-Gods have much weight with the barbarians, because they advise them in war. But, behold, it shall come to pass when the sub-Gods have rob- bed the barbarians of their familiar spirits the I'hin priests will have greater weight with them. And the sub-Gods will desire to find favor in my sight, and so teach their slaves, which will cause them to emancipate themselves in time to come. CHAPTER III. Jehovih spake through Sue, saying: Two states have I created open to all men, both on earth and in atmospherea, 8ti CYCLE OF SUE which are, liberty and bondage. And man I made to choose that which he will; but that he might not err I send my emanci- pated angels to explain these things before- hand. Even so are governments ordained by My holy ones, wherein ye may judge whether a government be of Me or against Me. For if it give liberty to all righteous works, and for the promotion of knowl- edge, providing teachers to the extent of the demand, it is of Me. But if the govern- ment maketh of itself a self, for which its aggrandizement is at the expense of My children's liberty, then it is against Me. For I have not created a people to be to-day as were their forefathers, but pro- vided them with perpetual growth in wis- dom and virtue; wherefore the rising gen- erations shall rebel against that which was well and good for their forefathers. All My governments understand this, whether on earth or in heaven. Whatever govern- ment accepteth not this rule, shall go down to destruction. For as I have hedged man about with sentinels, such as pestilence, poverty and hunger, in order to awaken him to knowledge and industry, so have I hedged in all governments with sentinels, such as rebellion, assassinations, war and bankruptcy. As pestilence proveth man's disobedience to My commandments, so do rebellion and anarchy prove the disobedi- ence of governments to the progressive spirit with which I created man. The self God saith: I will make a strong government. By armies and cruel masters will I bind the subjects in my do- minions. And he draweth up a multitude of laws, and heaps up books to explain the laws, and he says: Behold, how wise I am! Behold the great wisdom of my judges. Behold the great learning of my books. Behold my most perfect laws. Be- hold my armies that stand behind all, and in great power. But when a ship of fire appeareth in heaven, his kingdom is de- stroyed like a spider's web. For instead of choosing his Creator, Who is strong, he erecteth things that were as nothing. As thou hast apportioned to the self- Gods to take kingdoms, suffer them to hedge themselves about with a multitude of laws; but thou thyself shall have no laws save the rites and ceremonies, which thou shalt adorn with music and processions. And it shall come to pass that the domin- ions of the self-Gods will prosper for a season; and they will, for sake of self glory, deplete mortals of their familiar spirits and fetals. But in time after, their subjects will tire of the laws of the self- Gods, and hearing that thou hast no laws save rites and ceremonies, they will come to Hored of their own accord. And thou shalt make the nurseries, hospitals, facto- ries and places of education, into places of delight and recreation. Sue called the Council, and his own hosts from labor to recreation for one day, and the people mingled together rejoicing; for with the ethereans with the hosts of Sue were many who had been Earth-born, many thousands of years before, and their assurance of the emancipated heavens above had greater weight with the atmos- phereans than anything that others could say. Then Sue and his hosts visited the earth and atmospherea, and returned again to Hored. And Sue said: Behold, a time cometh, in all the atmospherean heavens, when the discipline of former days must give way to something new. And such a time is now in this kingdom. It may be likened to a young child that hath been led by the hand for a long time, but now hath be- come strong of limb so as to walk alone. For this purpose hath Earth been brought through the fields of Izaracha, and my hosts are come with music and wisdom. Hear then, my decree, O God of Earth, and thou shalt be the most blessed of Gods. Send thy messengers into all parts of at- mospherea, proclaiming a recreation of ten days, of music and dancing, and march- ing with pageantry and feasting. CHAPTER IV. When the time of the festival had come, there congregated in Hored, besides the etherean hosts more than a thousand mill- ion souls, to witness and to participate in the ceremonies. Sue said: Here is wisdom and folly; false Gods and their dupes; laziness and industry; swiftness and sloth. Yea, here is a world worthless before Jehovih. And why? Simply for lack of discipline and harmony. Every one is for self, and none CYCLE OF SUE 87 are producers for the general good. Alas, they are the same as mortals, but stript of flesh. They are of no value to one an- other, and consequently of no value to themselves. Now will I show thee, O God, that these hapless beings, with no joy in life nor hope of resurrection, shall become a great glory to Jehovih and His kingdoms. God said: It is over a thousand years since they have been visited by angels from the higher heavens. Many of them are learned but doubt that there are other heavens than the plateaux of the atmos- pherea of Earth. Millions and millions of them have never seen an etherean. Alas, I fear for them. Sue said: Fear not, O God. They are as mortar in my hands. Neither shall there be preaching to them, nor praying for them. They are tired of these things. But I will found a new light amongst them, and it shall speak for us. Hear me, then, and with the populace I shall be as one that is unknown. Call, then, thy es'enaurs, and thy trumpeters and harpists, and all the musicians belong- ing to thy kingdom and to the kingdoms of thy Lords, and let the procession begin. For in all public matters, those who are at the front, if wise, can lead on forever. Be politic, therefore, and shape the popu- lace whilst the self-Gods are amazed at the immensity of the hosts assembled. God did as commanded, and the people saw there was a head to the proceedings. Sue said: Send thy marshals and dec- orators to follow close after the musicians, distributing raiment to all who will follow in the procession. My etherean hosts are advised. They will stand by the way, and with marvelous swiftness, provide the rai- ment. And all possible extravagant colors and fabrics, and hats and ornaments, shall be distributed, and gratuitously. My hosts shall be arrayed in plain white; and they shall march not, but be as servants and workmen. And when the atmosphereans have played and sung over all the boundar- ies of Hored, then shall my etherean hosts sing and play and start the dance. All these things were done, and from the very start to the termination of the music there was harmony in every place and corner amongst the thousands of mill- ions assembled. Nor was there ever so extravagantly equipped a multitude in Earth's heaven. And so completely capti- vated were the people, their enthusiasm was boundless. Then came the etherean dance, which so far surpassed the ca- pacity of the atmosphereans that not one of them could join in. Neither could they take part in the etherean music. So the atmosphereans looked on, confounded by the excellence of that which was before their eyes. Thus ended the first day's proceedings, which to describe in full would require a large book. So the people were called to refreshment. And the ethereans, still dressed in white, and as servants and la- borers, provided the viands. And so easily and with such swiftness did they their work, that now for the first time did the more learned of atmospherea begin to ob- serve them with surprise and wonder. Presently inquiries were made as to who they were and whence they came. For so Jehovih created man, that when of his own accord he admireth the excellence of his neighbor, he goeth to the extreme in prais- ing him. So God said: On the morrow shall a new entertainment be given, and new rai- ment and new viands for the feast. And the hosts shouted with great vigor and praise. Then the people mingled together to converse on all they had witnessed. When the next day came the ethereans had been divided into groups, and the rites of the ancients and the hosts of a'ji in Partha were anounced, requiring extrava- gant toilets and millions of atmosphereans as assistants. So great was their ambition to take part that only by promises of some- thing in the next rites could the marshals make selections. Sue, Jehovih's Son, had previously sta- tioned signal bells at remote distances from one another, and connected them so the sounds would answer quickly. And in the intervening places, extemporized forests and waterfalls were arranged; and near the middle space one thousand columns of fire were erected. So in the morning of the second day, when all these glorious scenes were completed, and the ethereans, still plain and in white, stationed about, the at- mosphereans were more confounded than ever. 88 CYCLE OF SUE First came the birth rites ; then marriage rites; then death rites and the first resur- rection; then the rites of harmony. And the play represented a million of ethereans who went to a corporeal world and follow- ed it through its life, and to death and res- urrection; its darkness and inharmony and terrible suffering in atmospherea; ending with a tableau of a great sun descending to deliver them into everlasting paradise. So grand was the spectacle, and so sublime the music, and the spoken words, that thfe hosts of Hored wept, and laughed and shouted and prayed, as if their souls would break with joy. Thus ended the second day, and so com- plete was the glorious work that every soul had sworn a solemn oath to forsake the earth and lower heaven forever. Then God announced for the third day, the display of etherean power. And the people were so bewildered already that a child could have led the most stubborn of them all. So on the third day the ethereans dis- played their power over the elements of the atmosphere; making corporeal sub- stances and dissolving them at pleasure; making light into darkness and darkness into light; weaving fabrics and making dia- dems and precious stones. Gathering vi- ands from the essence of things evaporated up from the earth; founding plateau and temples in heaven; making ships and chains and musical instruments. And last- ly, the etherean marshals, with half a mill- ion ethereans, turned the winds and sent a heavy shower of rain down to the corporeal earth. And all the while the musicians of the hosts of Sue were discoursing music, the sweetness and grandeur of which surpassed the atmosphereans so far that they were as nothing. Because of the exhibition of great pow- er and wisdom, the third day had changed the aspirations of every man and woman in the lower heaven. And they were running hither and thither, pleading to be taken as apprentices or servants, pledging them- selves to do everything required of them. So it was decided that half of the next day should be given to initiating them as real beginners in the second resurrection. Then God spake to them, saying: I have pleaded with you for hundreds of years to put away your fine raiment and sparkling gems, and to begin adorning your souls, so as to become Brides and Bridegrooms of the Great Spirit. And you would not, but strove continually to adorn yourselves, forgetting to labor for those beneath you. Behold, now. stand Jehovih's Brides and Bridegrooms before you. Are they not plain? And are you not decorat- ed? But millions of voices rose up, saying: We will do whatever Thou shalt command, O God. Then God answered: Hear me, then, further: This it is to begin the second resurrection; to put away your jewels and diadems and ornaments, and above all things, to forsake self, and henceforth la- bor for others who are beneath you. If ye do this in a brotherhood, ye are already beginning the second resurrection. Nei- ther is there any other road to wisdom and power. Again the multitude cried out: We will do anything; we have faith. And God answered them: Suffer ye, then, a few to be initiated on to-morrow; but be ye patient and of good judgment; slow to resolve, but firm forever. So, on the fourth day, in the morning, behold, more than a hundred million spir- its had abandoned their showy raiment and stood arrayed in white, devoid of jewels and diadems, ready to be initiated and take the vows of the second resurrection. And accordingly new music was prepared, and the procession and ceremonies so arranged that the greatest possible glory would be manifested. Canopies were stretched over- head, and arches and columns on the bor- ders of the march, decorated with flowers and vines; and amidst these, half conceal- ed, were nestled the response singers, who were to speak for and with the initiates. And the glad and solemn sound of the Immortal Voice came upon the souls of millions impatient to vow themselves to a new life; and God and his hosts welcomed them with great joy. So grand and impos- ing were the ceremonies, that ere midday, another hundred million applied, also robed in white. And this was continued on the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth CYCLE OF SUE 89 days. And behold, a thousand million an- gels had taken the vows of the second res- urrection. CHAPTER V. After this manner were the words of the initiation, led by the etherean hosts: God on the throne said: Jehovih! Al- mighty! Almighty! Boundless! Response: How shall I comprehend Thee, Thou Mighty One? God: Thou higher than All Gods and Lords! Response: Who moves the universe, with power unlimited. God: Creator and controller of the cor- poreal worlds! Response: In Whose hands the ether- ean firmament is like a fruitful garden, wider than the boundaries of time. God: Whose members are all space. Response: Whose members are the all that is within space, beyond measure. God: Thou, O Jehovih! Thou foun- tain and terminus of all things! Response: Jehovih! Jehovih! Of Whom all things are but parts, attuned to Thy will! God: Thou All Person, O Jehovih! Incomprehensible. Response: Who speakest in the light. Whose Voice is the progress of the uni- verse. God: Jehovih, Thou all giver. By giv- ing, createth. Response: What are Thy secrets, O Mighy One? O Jehovih, everlasting and greater than magnitude. God: I see nothing in all the universe but Thee! All selfs are but fractions of Thyself, O Jehovih! Response: Who hath not beholden Thee, O Jehovih? Thy Person is in the east and west, north and south. God: Who hath not heard Thy Voice? Who hath not found Thy hand? Response: Without Thee, O Jehovih, I go not; I move not. I set out to do things of myself, and fail utterly. God: What is man before Thee, O Je- hovih? He setteth up a kingdom and it falleth as a house of straw. Response: O Jehovih, how I have wasted my time! My buildings were light- er than chaff! My virtues were but bub- bles, and they are bursted and gone! God: When will man learn to attune himself to Thee, O Jehovih? Response: How can I put away my- self, O Jehovih? Have I not said: I can- not put away mine own judgment? God: Man saith: I will not put away my judgment. Response: Have I not said: To pro- tect myself is the first law, and to preserve mine own the highest? God: Man assumeth to protect him- self, because he is without faith in Thee, O Jehovih; and to preserve his own which in fact is not his. And here the Light fell upon the throne, and Jehovih spake out of the Light, saying: I have called Thee, O man, from thy youth up! My voice hath never ceased in thine ear. Who can come into life without me? Who can measure his own footsteps? Behold, he treadeth on my ground. Of all that he is made, the substance is Mine. The kingdoms on the earth, and the kingdoms of Gods and Lords in heaven are My works. When they have faith in Me, I am with them in love, wisdom and power. Shall a man butt his head against a wall to prove he is greater than his Creator? Behold, I came in the ancient days, saying: Strive to become one with Me, and Thou shalt rejoice that I created thee, Strive to set up for thyself, and thy vanity shall in time pierce thee as a two-edged sword. I made thee, O man, with fondness for thy sons and daughters. Of love like Mine own I gave thee a part. And as Thou send- est to thy wayward son, beseeching him to return to thee, so do I bring My messen- gers from higher worlds to call thee. And, that thou mayest not mistake their higher place, I have given them power and wis- dom surpassing thine. The Voice ceased, and then the initiates said: Henceforth, I will serve only Thee, O Jehovih. For I know Thou wilt appropri- ate me wisely, O Jehovih. Accordingly, as the stone is hewn and polished, so wilt Thou put it in the walls of Thy house. My labor is to hew and polish and per- fect mine own soul forever. 90 CYCLE OF SUE My soul shall become as a shining star. My love like Thy etherean angels. And plain my raiment, and clean forever. Nor more will I boast, nor speak untruth, for- ever. Nor will I talk of myself. Nor criti- cise my brethren, for they are Thine, O Je- hovih! To do righteous works and lift up my fellows shall be my labor henceforth, forever. Make me strong in Thee, O Jehovih. And wise to do Thy will forever. Amen. CHAPTER VI. So impressed were the angels of at- mospherea with the words and music of the ceremonies, that the divided kingdoms, which were without unity and discipline before, were now replaced by extreme sanc- tity and decorum. Sue said: The false Gods and Lords have gone off to build kingdoms of their own, and know not what has taken place in Hored. Allow them to proceed until they have purified the corporeans from fa- miliars and fetals; and when they have fin- ished, call thou another festival of all these people, and also send word to the false Gods and Lords who deny Jehovih, the All Person, and they will come bringing their slaves with them adorned in extravagant raiment and jewelry. For they will expect by their pageantry, to triumph over all other Gods, hoping to carry back with them millions of subjects. So God did as commanded, and in course of time the false Gods and Lords stript the barbarians on the earth of their familiars and fetals, making slaves of such spirits in heaven. And God gave another festival and it was greater than the first, and there were present about three thou- sand million angels. And the false Gods and Lords came to the festival, equipped in chariots and ships, and with banners and flags, and crowns and diadems, and such wonderful extravagances, the like of which had not been in heaven since the time of the flood. And each and every false God and Lord endeavored to outdo the others in show and parade. The first day of the festival they neither won applause nor cen- sure. The second day they ceased to at- tract attention, for the thrift, purity and wisdom manifested in the countless mill- ions of the second resurrection caused even children to receive more praise than the false Gods and Lords with all their glitter and show. On the third day one-half of the false Gods and false Lords cast aside their adornments and appeared in plain white, pleading to be initiated into the mysteries of the second resurrection. And on the day following the rest of them came also, seeking like admission. And the Light of Jehovih spake through God on the throne, saying: Think O ye Gods and Lords, what are you doing? Yesterday you asked for king- doms, desiring to be rulers over your fel- lows. And ye obtained your desires, be- coming Gods and Lords over millions. And these became your dutiful subjects,, and ye adorned your thrones and your per- sons in great splendor. Behold I gave a festival, and ye came as living witnesses of what self-made Gods and Lords could accomplish. And your dutiful subjects came with you to attest their loyalty and good faith in your wisdom and power. Now you have cast aside your crowns and high estate, praying to become work- ers among the host of men and women. Are you not mad? And are you not mak- ing yourselves the destroyers of your own subjects? For behold, because of your ab- juration of pomp and glory, all your sub- jects are cast aside in ignorance and misery. With one voice the self-Gods and Lords answered: Alas, O God, what shall we do? We can give away our crowns, raiment and our jewels, and our thrones and kingdoms. But we cannot give away our subjects; they will not go. We have bound them to us; and we are bound to them because we accepted them. What shall we do, O God. The burden is more than we can bear. God said: Be not disconsolate. You have done a great work. You have res- cued millions of familiars and fetals. And even before you asked to be initiated into the second resurrection most of your sub- jects had already deserted you. Hear the judgment of your Creator, which is that when all your subjects and fetals are risen in wisdom and virtue and good works, so as to take the second resurrection, shall you be promoted. For only until then can ye have freedom of soul. CYCLE OF SUE 91 The Voice ceased, and the self Gods and Lords answered: Thou are just, O Jehovih. We will go to work amongst our poor and ignorant subjects, and make them comprehend Thy wisdom, power and justice. For ten days the festival lasted. Thus were first established rites and ceremonies in the lower heaven as a power to work wisdom and virtue. And after that time music, marchinsr and dancing were included in all ceremonies by the Gods and Lords of heaven. CHAPTER VII. In the fifth year of Sue he dispatched swift messengers to Opnetevoc, in etherea, saying: Thus saith Sue, God of two ether- ean worlds: Behold, I am sojourning on Earth, and with the God of Earth and his Lords, have prepared one thousand million Brides and Bridegrooms for Jeho- vih's etherean harvest. Greeting to Nista, of Ho and Tow'en, Goddess; in the name of Jehovih, send an airavagna and com- plete the resurrection of the Father's Brides and Bridegrooms. And the Goddess Nista, provided an airavagna, an etherean ship, resolving to come as commander in chief. Sue advised God, saying: Make thou of this matter a great testimony in thy heaven. Send, therefore, thy messengers into all parts, and to thy Lords on the earth, inviting all people to be present to witness the ascent of Jehovih's Brides and Bridegrooms. God did as commanded, and on the day of the appearance of Nista, daughter of Je- hovih, in her sun-ship, in the firmament, there were assembled in Hored countless millions of souls inspired of Jehovih. Great was the manifestation of delight when the sun-ship came in full view, descending like a world of fire. And when she passed Chin- vat and was fully within Earth's vortex, the enthusiasm of the people knew no bounds. They sang, and prayed and danc- ed and clapped their hands, as if mad with delight. Meantime the Brides and Bride- grooms had been arrayed in etherean white, and were now saluting those whom they were soon to leave. Quietly the etherean hosts filled their part in the great play of the immortal resurrection. Nearer and nearer came Nista in her sun-ship, slowly turning and descending, with ten thousand curtains suspended and waving, and ten times ten thousand ban- ners and flags waving. And then slowly down, lower and lower, till the airavagna rested on the plateau of Hored, to the south of the Temple of Jehovih. Gussitivi, marshaless to the throne of Sue, in Izara- cha, with ten thousand deputies, went for- ward, and with open arms received Nista, saluting her with the sign of the star and square, having been warm friends for two hundred thousand years in the plains of Oayad, in the etherean es'tu of Hi'dan. The es'enaurs of both hosts were chant- ing, and the angels of the airavagna com- ing forth in hundreds of thousands, to be saluted by the previously trained Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih, and by the hosts of Sue, the etherean laborers. And when Nista came up to the throne, God and Sue rose up amidst the light that was now fast gathering as a mantle of brilliant fire over the place of council. Sue said: All hail, O Nista, Jehovih's Daughter! God said: In Jehovih's name, welcome, O Nista. To which Nista an- swered: By the wisdom and power of Je- hovih, O my beloved. And Sue and God parted, and Nista as- cended and sat in the midst of the throne. After the ceremonies of salutation Nista said: Let the Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih approach the throne of God. The marshals then ushered the thousand million to their places, and the swift mes- sengers bounded them on all sides, so that the responses should be uniform and as if spoken by one person. And Nista spake from the throne, and the Brides and Bride- grooms responded in the usual form, and then took the necessary vows and renunci- ations of the earth and lower heaven, ac- cording to Jehovih's commandment. When the ceremonies were finished God proclaim- ed one day of recreation, which was partici- pated in joyously by four thousand million souls. So, on the next day, Nista and her hosts, with the thousand million Brides and Bridegrooms, entered the airavagna amidst the cheers and weepings of mill- ions of atmosphereans, who had never wit- nessed so grand a spectacle. 92 CYCLE OF SUE And then Nista, by the power of Jeho- vih, set her ship in motion, raised it up from the lower heaven; moved it upward by her command, saying: Arise! Arise! Airavagna. Embrace thou the realms of great Jehovih! The es'enaurs and trumpet- ers were singing and playing; and those ascending threw down flowers and per- fumes as pleasant remembrances to the countless millions below. And soon the airavagna disappeared in high heaven. And this, then, is what followed Sue's ministration: When the end of dawn had come, that is, the six years, he delivered God and his Lords and another thousand million Brides and Bridegrooms, taking them into the borders of Izaracha, where were assigned the a'ji'an fields of Rus'tsoo with twelve etherean worlds. And Sue left T-hi, as the anointed God of the lower heaven for the next four hun- dred years. And God (T-hi) anointed Lords for the divisions of the earth. And Earth and its heavens prospered, so that in the dan following there were raised up two thousand million Brides and Bridegrooms. From this time on there was a decrease in the etherean harvests for two thousand years, after which time there came great darkness on Earth and the heavens be- longing to it; and self Gods filled all at- mospherea, so that men and angels knew not whether there was a true God or Lord in all the universe. LORDS' RECORD FOR THE CYCLE OK SUE CHAPTER I. I, the Lord, a one time mortal, with my holy angels who had sprung from Earth in former times, walked with man to keep him upright. By command of the Lord, the angels watched over man, oft- times unknowingly to himself, in all good works and industry. By constant changes of watch the angels relieved one another daily. And in no time did the angels leave the Thins alone and without the light of heaven. And wheresoever the I'hins went the angels went also, and the angels often took on sar'gis, and were seen by man, and man talked with them face to face. And the angels told man what was good for him, showing him the way of righteousness. And man depended on the Lord and his angels for all things helpful to his understanding. Now when Earth was inhabited in many places, and there were thousands of cities and villages, the Lord said unto man: Behold, thou hast made the earth the joy of the Lord, and now I give it into thy keeping. And man answered: It is well. I can keep the earth, and I shall rejoice thereon because it is the gift of the Lord. The Lord said: If I stay with thee, day and night forever, thou wilt not put forth thine own power and judgment. Man said: Go thy way, O Lord. Then the Lord withdrew a while, taking his angels with him. Now in those days there were ground people dwelling in the wilderness, who had not the light of heaven in them, neither could they be made to understand. As one may discourse to an ox, and it heedeth not; so was speech to the people of darkness. Nevertheless in winter, when food was scarce, the ground people came to the cities of the I'hins, beseeching for food. And the I'hins, remembering the com- mandments of the Lord, went out unto them giving them food. Now, behold, the chosen were tempted by the people of darkness, and a new race was born on the earth, and they were called I'huans. These I'huans were copper colored and were ca- pable of speech. When the Lord beheld what had hap- pened, he called to the I'hins, saying: O ye that could dispense with the Lord. Gave I not unto you the mark of circumcision as a limit to the line of my chosen? Hear me now in my prophecy: The I'huan shall be taught the name of Jehovih, the Great Spirit, and the plans of Earth and heaven. And the I'huan shall inhabit the whole earth in time to come; and he shall have dominion over everything on earth. And in time to come the I'hin race shall disap- pear from the earth. The I'hins inquired of the Lord when these things should come to pass. The Lord said: According to the cycles some twenty-one thousand years. The Lord said: From this time forth the I'hins shall not mingle with any other people on the face of the earth. This is my commandment. And whosoever vio- lates my word shall be cast out of my cit- ies, and go and dwell with the barbarians. Inasmuch as the I'huans are your heirs, and are capable of everlasting life, ye shall be unto them the light of my kingdoms; teaching them peace, righteousness and mercy. But ye shall in no case allow them to live in your cities. Neither shall you raise a hand to do them harm. But if they come upon you in multitudes to take your stores, then shall ye depart out of that city, leaving the I'huans to take the goods and food for themselves. For you shall be as an example of non-resistance for the sake of establishing the love of the Lord in them. CHAPTER II. The Lord foresaw that the I'huans should be separated from the Druks, oth- erwise Yaks would again be born into the world. And he said unto the I'hins: Be- hold, the I'huans cannot hear the voice of the Lord. Therefore, go ye unto them, saying: Thus saith the Lord: If ye min- 94 CYCLE OF SUE LORDS' RECORD gle with the Druks your seed shall not in- herit everlasting life, but go down in dark- ness. And the I'hins went and told the I'hu- ans the words of the Lord. But many of the I'huans broke the commandment. And, indeed, Yaks were again born into the world. The I'hins said to one another: Are not these like those of the legends of old, who were made eunuchs and servants? The I'huans inquired the meaning; and when they were told they made a law unto themselves, making servants of both Yaks and the ground people wherever they came upon them. The I'hins feared for the judgments of the Lord, and they called out to him for a remedy. And the Lord answered them, saying: Because of the enmity betwixt these two races, behold they will not marry. Suffer ye the I'huans to do in their own way. For of what profit is it to bring forth heirs that cannot inherit my exalted heavens? Because the tribes of darkness cannot be made to understand, behold, their souls go out of being. So it came to pass that the I'huans made eunuchs of both sexes of the tribes of darkness, and they made slaves of them also. The Lord said: The I'huans shall have laws of their own. Let my chosen go unto them and make laws for them, saying: Thus saith the Lord: The I'huans shall be guardians over the I'hins, the sacred people; and through the I'hins will I bless the I'huans and make them mighty. Since it is not lawful for the I'hins to kill beast, nor bird, nor serpent; behold, their cities and mounds are invaded by all manner of evil beasts and serpents. The I'huans shall slay all such. And they shall guard around about the cities and mounds, where my chosen abide. Hear ye, then, the law of the Lord be- twixe the I'huans one with another: Whoso doeth an injury to his neighbor or to a stranger, the same shall be done unto him. Whoso taketh from another, shall return two-fold. Whoso killeth a man or woman, or child, shall be put to death. If a man marries his sister or mother, they shall suffer death together. Whoso oppresseth another shall be cast out of the tribe of his people. He that blasphemeth the Great Spirit shall be put to death. He that respecteth not the time of wo- man shall be put to death. The fields have I given to the I'hins, but the forest and wilderness have I, the Lord, given unto the I'huans. The I'huans learned the laws and obey- ed them; and they looked upon the I'hins as a sacred people, doing them no harm. The I'huans were a prolific people; four times more prolific that the I'hins, or the ground people. And they spread rapidly over the earth, in all the regions where the earth brought forth fruit and roots, flesh and fish. The I'huans were carnivorous, but the I'hins ate neither flesh nor fish. The I'hins dwelt in both the warm and the cold countries, for they clothed them- selves and built habitations. But the I'huans wore only a covering about the loins; neither built they any habitations; and they roved about far and near. For two thousand years, the I'huans prospered, and they became mighty in many countries. And in course of time they began to war upon one another. And for hundreds of years they descended lower and lower in darkness. And they obeyed no longer the com- mandments of the Lord, and mingled with the ground people, bringing forth heirs of darkness. Cycle ok Apollo CHAPTER I. Apollo, Son of Jehovih, resident of Pit- mus in etherea, and God of Sufad, Donga and Tah, in the south province of Bum, Orian Chief, Controller of Vortices, said: I, Apollo, Earth born of the continent of Pan, submerged by Aph, the Orian Chief, by Jehovih's command, proclaim in the name of Jehovih, Creator of Worlds, peace and wisdom unto all nations and tribes of men. Jehovih's Voice came to me in the eth- erean firmament, place of Pitmus, saying: Apollo, My Son, Thou God of Sufad, Donga and of Tah, behold the red star, Earth, she cometh through thy domin- ions. Go thou to her with thy hosts a suf- ficient number and give her a new God and call him Apollo. For neither men nor angels of the red star comprehend the har- mony of My works, and because of the in- harmony in their own souls they deny Me. They know no higher heaven. Behold, they have mutinied against My God and Lords. They have rejected My prof erred wisdom. Their delight is in war and deeds of vio- lence. As men on earth gather round to witness beasts in battle, so gather these countless millions of spirits to witness the kingdoms of mortals in war, fire and plun- der, and by their presence urge men to cruelty and cunning horrors. The false Gods and Lords have said: It is well that there be war and destruction. Otherwise, the earth would become too full; for they saw not the higher heavens. Their arguments were framed in a dark corner. And because of their evil inspira- tion mortals have the same philosophy and say: War is justifiable lest the earth be- come too full. For these dark angels shut out from mortals the higher light of faith in Me, thus justifying themselves in war and the slaying of those whom I cre- ated alive, and because they of heaven are given to deeds of darkness, their sins react on mortals, making druks out of men and women. Go, thou, My Son, and make them idolaters of harmony, symmetry and music, that they may become organically attuned from the time of their birth. I answered: I remember Earth, O Jeho- vih, men and women with long hair, and hands with claw nails, fierce and warlike; whose eyes were like a lion's, with mouth wide and falling open like a dog that is tired. I perceive thy wisdom, O Jehovih. So I called together a hundred million of Jehovih's sons and daughters, and told them what had been said, and they an- swered: We have examined the records of the red star since the time of Wan, and we perceive that the time has come for thy labor. And I commanded them to send an oni'- yah to the heavens of Earth and deliver her God and Lords and all persons who were capable of the second resurrection, and say ye to God and his Lords: Thus saith Apollo, son of Jehovih: Greeting in the name of the Father, and love unto you all. For your glorious work I have as- signed seven teres in Donga, where is pre- pared a place of rest and comfort. Thither gather your hosts. Earth and her heavens shall be left in darkness for thirty of her days, having neither God nor Lords. So my hosts departed for Earth in an etherean ship of fire led by Tu'ain, God- dess of Proe'king, place of great learning in the etherean mountains of Hore-tanad, and they delivered my message, and Earth was without a God or Lords for thirty days. And the Voice of Jehovih came to me, saying: The stories of Sue and his mighty resurrections, and of the Gods and God- desses who sang and danced before the at- mosphereans, are still preserved to mortals and angels of Earth. The people of the red star have become rich in rites and cere- monies, and prefer the, swift-footed to the slow, the nimble to the clumsy. The loo'is have well laid out the road to thy success. When the time came, I departed, and that all things should express the labor Je- hovih had given me, my oni'yah excelled in 96 CYCLE OF APOLLO beauty all other etherean vessels that had ever yet descended to Earth. I still re- membered my native star with well treas- ured pride. And why shall I not be proud of my native star, and hold up my head in etherea where I have neighbors who sprang from other star worlds? Shall a man forget his love because he is a God? When I was a mortal I loved my neigh- bors. When I entered the second resur- rection I loved all the people of Earth; and when I rose to etherea, my love ex- panded to a thousand worlds; but of all places how can I make Earth and her heavens second in the love of my soul? So from Thy etherean realms, O Jeho- vih, wherein for fifty thousand years Thy Gods and Goddesses had trained me in the descipline of Thy etherean heavens, I came down to the red star where Thou first quickened me into being, that I might ful- fill Thy mandates. Thy hand took me up; Thy hand sent me down. How shall I comprehend Thy magnitude, O Jehovih? What is the journey of a God before Thee? We build a ship for a hundred million, and are vain of its size and beauty, but when we launch out into Thy etherean realms, we fain would hide our faces in shame of our vanity. We sail through a thousand of Thy crystal worlds, and talk of great dis- tances, but the mirror of Thy boundless creation lieth still before us. We recall the red star, our native home, a single gem amidst the countless millions Thou hast cast into the universe, and we are speech- less because of Thy awful extent. As a mortal goeth into a dark cavern where the air is damp, so came my hosts, O Jehovih, into the vortex of Earth, the dull at- mosphere. CHAPTER II. Jehovih's Voice came to me, saying: Go around Earth with thy oni'yah, My Son, stir up the atmosphereans; which I did, saying: I, Apollo, once a mortal, proclaim: First, wisdom, peace and patience unto all men, and comprehensive judgment whereof I speak. Second, to perceive the reason of things as to what has been and what is to come. The Great Spirit is all harmony, abounding in time and in worlds. As one may assert that ripe fruit is nearer perfec- tion than that which is green, which is self evii lent, so he who asserteth that harmony is more to the order of Jehovih than that which is ill-formed and out of tune, hath little reason to prove his assertion before a wise man. Since, then, man perceiveth thai words at best are but slow and coarse repi esentations of the soul's conception of things, how much further lieth a God's wisdom beyond the reach of mortal un- derstanding. Remember, O man, that could thou in a moment recollect all thou had ever learned, thou would be wise in- deed. Wert thou in tune with thyself such would be thy wisdom. To become attuned first with thyself, then with thy immediate sun oundings, and then with Jehovih, so that thou can act, move and comprehend harmoniously, is to become one with the All One, which condition awaiteth all men, and is called in high heaven, Nirvana, be- cause to him that hath attained it, things past and things to come are as an open book. Marvel not, O man, that the Gods re- veal the words and signs of things long since perished corporeally. The proofs he could give thou could not understand, for the basis of spiritual entity lies not within the measure of the corporeal senses. Nev- ertheless Jehovih has given thee compari- sons. A portrait of a man showeth his looks even after his corporeal body is per- ished; and yet the picture is but a repre- sentative. To the spirit, the corporeal body is but a representative, being a manifested production of spirit. Let him who desires to comprehend Je- hovih describe the all highest constantly. To him that desires to comprehend the eth- erean worlds, the homes of spirits long ris- en in Nirvana, let him describe them. Fear not, O man, that thou shalt err. All the imagery thou canst devise is surpassed mill- ions of times in the magnitude of Jehovih's kingdoms. Until thou canst shoot an ar- row without striking the air, fear not for thy weak thoughts shooting amiss in Je- hovih's worlds. I, Apollo, proclaim against all vanity and self conceit in the souls of men, where- in every cycle asserteth itself wise and great and learned, and the ancients fools. For the evidence of wisdom lieth not in learning one thing only, but in the adaptation of CYCLE OF APOLLO 97 man to Jehovih and His works, in which measure the modern and the ancient stand not on their judgment in the matter, but by Jehovih's. For if the ancient was not per- fect in his place, neither art thou, O man, in thine. Jehovih revealed to the ancients that which was profitable to the soul of man in that day, and that which is profita- ble to the soul of man of this day is re- vealed to him now. Wherefore I, Jehovih's Son, am come to fulfill my labor even as all men in time must complete that which has been as- signed to them. Turn thine eyes inward, O man, and look at the spirit of things. Make thyself as a God looking down on Earth where man has been quickened into life and attained to strength and learning. Be- hold his temples and palaces; his work in stone and iron, gold and silver; his knowl- edge of the sun, moon and stars; with clothes for the body and shoes for the feet; with great generals and armies of soldiers. Is man civilized and war abounding? Who has measured the inhabitants on the earth and found them pure and wise? Do more people live on the land in peace and happi- ness than in cycles past? Because thou art different in many excellencies, thou shalt also remember that many great inventions are forgotten. The world has been peopled over and laid desolate many times. Hear me, O man of earth and ye angels of heaven. I proclaim harmony, symmetry and music. One man heareth music, and he crieth out: A tune, a tune. Another man heareth music, but he cannot discern, and he crieth out: A noise, a hideous noise. The one hath an ear for music, and the other has not. The one is one with music; the other, being discordant with himself, declares there is no tune, but only noise. Who has not beholden jehovih, the All Person? Who is it that crieth out, I behold Him not? There is no harmony, no symmetry, no music, no complete whole? Is not the judgment of the per- ceiver higher than he who perceiveth not? If the lack of an ear for music maketh a man dumb to a tune, is it not the lack of spiritual harmony that causes man to per- ceive not the everlasting presence of Je- hovih, the All Person? Can a man learn to sing who hears not the harmony of a tune? How much less, then, can a mortal or the spirits of the dead harmonize with the eternal whole if they perceive Him not? Hear me, O men and angels. From my words learn to be wise and deep perceiving, He who standeth in darkness seeth not. The time of Jehovih none can comprehend. Before my days, time was no nearer the be- ginning of the universe ,than now. There were men who believed that with death, all would be ended to every man. And Jeho- vih sent angels to prove him in his folly, and though they saw them and talked with them face to face, many would not believe. And in the lower, heaven they were the same. They would not believe in a higher heaven. And though ethereans came to them to prove them in their folly, and talked with them face to face, yet many would not believe. I have searched the disbelievers to understand their souls, and I have found they were begotten in inhar- mony. They pride themselves in their wis- dom, but that which they called wisdom was as a serpent in the soul. He who setteth himself up against the king, what is he? He who setteth himself up against the All Person, what is he? Where is the fruit he has brought to mar- ket? His speech is cunning in denial; his arguments for liberty the bait of hada. He crieth out in justification of his mutiny: Liberty, liberty! But he leadeth to inhar- mony and darkness. After that he rusheth to the front, crying out: Follow me! Fol- low me! I will lead to truth and light. And he himself becometh a God, but in falsehood, even as by falsehood he denieth the true God. A line lieth betwixt the man who hath too much opinion of his own, and he who hath no opinion at all. One is to be pitied, the other censured. Which, judge ye, do the Gods pity of these two, and which censure? Pity ye him who hath too much opinion of his own; for of all men he standeth the furthest from Jehovih. But the wise man and wise angel follow the median line be- twixt the two. CHAPTER III. Think not, O man, that the Gods de- liver the nations of the world in a day, or by miracles. They first inspire the nations with rites and ceremonies. Then come and 98 CYCLE OF APOLLO appropriate the rites and ceremonies. The hosts of high heaven, unseen by mortals, stir up the whole world, and in one gener- ation behold a new race is born, and man becomes unfitted for war and deeds of vio- lence. The self Gods turn from the peace- ful earth to find their old petty kingdoms broken down and gone. Be wise, O man, heed the voice of thy brother, God of three worlds. Man and woman and pro-creators. Whom they be- get are theirs not for a day, but forever, saith Jehovih. Take heed, O man, that thy offspring may be such as will glorify Jeho- vih and not bring bondage upon thee to drag thee down. Hear me, O man, the angels of heaven who are good, labor for those beneath them. This is their work day and night. Think not that they go away to idleness forever. To the etherean industry becom- eth rest. To those who have attained to be Gods, there is a spontaneous growth forever. Remember this and be wise. To the atmospherean and mortals, idleness leadeth downward forever; remember this also. The rose and the lily are perfect in their order. Being one with Jehovih they painted not themselves. Let thy soul be- come one with Thy creator; find thou the symmetry of flesh, the symmetry of spirit, the harmony of music, and consider wisely thy behavior. The star of Jehovih is within thy soul. Feed it, O man, and thou, O an- gel of heaven, and it will grow to be a God. Rob it, and thou shalt remain nothing. It is weak and dim in the vain; but in him who forgetteh himself in laboring for oth- ers, it is bright and of great power. CHAPTER IV. Jehovih spake to me, saying: Hear your Creator, O My Son. Thou shalt build a new kingdom in heaven and call it Gau; and it shall be thy judgment seat with a council of one hundred thousand men and women. Thou shalt appoint ten thou- sand Lords, and each of the Lords shall be named Apollo, and Earth and the inhabitants thereof shall be divided amongst them. And they shall inspire man to make images of stone and wood, and the images shall have short arms and long legs, and nails instead of claws on the fingers, and well formed mouths for motion of the cheeks. And the loo'is who have been prepar- ing mortals by birth, shall lead the angels around amongst mortals, finding the most comely formed men and women and young children, and when they have thus chosen them, they shall. report the matter to the Lords, and thou shalt send ethereans to such mortals and they shall be aroused by signs and miracles; and it shall be proven to the kings and queens and governors of all the nations of the earth that comeliness of form are pleasant in My sight. And those who are thus selected shall sing and dance by entrancement so that kings and queens shall be overcome by the achieve- ment. For I will make man wish to beauti- fy himself, and in so doing learn to per- ceive beauty and harmony in My works. So I founded Gau where Hored had been, extending over Jaffeth, Shem and Ham, and the rest of my atmospherean heavens I divided amongst my ten thou- sand Lords and Lordesses, whom I select- ed and ordained in the manner of the an- cients. And many of the ten thousand kingdoms of the Lords of Earth had their thrones within the corporeal tem- ples of worship where the hosts of angels assembled in council on the affairs of mortals, and to advise with them through the prophets. And they inspired kings and queens to erect images in the temples, and the images were given a name signifying harmony, symmetry and music, and the names varied in many countries because of the languages of the people, and mortals were taught by the inspiration of angels to make the im- ages. According to the perfection thereof were they favored by Jehovih, and the sign of Jehovih's approval was manifested in the time of the sacred dance given by the su'is, which was, if the whirling dance caus- ed many women to fall down by enchant- ment, then Jehovih was pleased. The -en- chantment of the women was what the Lords desired, for the impression of the soul of woman shapeth the unborn child. And when kings and queens came to consult on matters of war or personal ag- grandizement, my hosts answered them not to their own profit, but with the Voice of Jehovih. Neither was there a temple in all CYCLE OF APOLLO 99 the world for consulting the spirits but was controlled by my etherean hosts. And the false Gods and Lords having lost all inter- est in mortal affairs, became earnest work- ers to establish themselves in harmony, symmetry and music; and at the end of the time of dan there was not one false God or Lord in atmospherea. CHAPTER V. Jehovih spake in the light of the throne of Gau, saying: My Son, thou hast set the temples of earth wisely, and thy ten thou- sand Lords have the Voice of Thy Creator. Behold this dawn of dan has but five years and two hundred days. The five years are already gone. Call together thy etherean hosts, and they shall report to thee who shall be successors to God and thy Lords. And I answered: Thy will be done. So I sent messengers to God in Donga, and around about the world repeating what Jehovih had command- ed, and I said: When the time of dawn is complete, my hosts shall assemble in Gau, from whence we will ascend to our etherean worlds. Invite all the the people in all the kingdoms of atmospherea to be present. So the proper officers went to the li- braries of atmospherea to learn who of all the etherean hosts should be selected to re- main as God, and who as Lords, for the next four hundred years. And in twenty days the examiners returned and came be- fore the throne of God and the Council of Gau, whither God and his hosts had re- turned. Zadakawaski, chief speaker, said: We have found that Gur is the highest and most perfect of all the hosts of heaven, to be anointed God for the next four hundred years. Apollo said: I remember Gur from Ma- gel in Siftus in etherea, God of Rheata and a'ji seventy-two. Let the marshals go to him and acquaint him with Jehovih's de- cree. So ten thousand marshals prepared an otevan adorned with one thousand pillars of light, and with ten thousand musicians escorted Gur, and those who had been se- lected to be his Lords, before the throne of God. God said: I salute the, O Gur, in the name of Jehovih. And Apollo stretched forth his hand and Gur came and shook hands with him, standing by the throne. Gur said: That I have lived to see this day, O Jehovih, I am blessed indeed. Thy will be done. Apollo said: To be a weak man is nothing. To be a weak king is nothing. To be a weak God is nothing. But to be strong in Jehovih furnisheth food for the kingdoms of men and angels. Think not, O God and Lords, that to be a good God or Lord is easy. He who ruleth in heaven- ly matters must forever furnish food for the souls of angels and men. I will give you a parable suitable for Gods and Lords. A multitude go into a forest. One man go- eth a little before the rest, and he calls: Here, here. Then he goes a little farther and calls: Here, here; and the multitude follow. If the leader go too fast for the multitude, they will not follow. And if he does not go fast enough they cannot fol- low. The glory of the emancipated hea- vens in etherea lies in the development of every soul to ripeness and bloom, with none too fast and none too slow, but all as one with Jehovih. Think not that great thunders and terri- ble strategems can govern heaven and earth righteously. For as one man in an army may cause a panic, or one brave man's up- raised hand lead a nation on to victory, so can ye, O God and Lords, by wisdom in the smallest of Jehovih's plans, rule over Earth and heaven for the glory of His ever- lasting kingdoms. CHAPTER VI. God said: Behold, the dawn of dan is within thirty days to end, and all who choose, and are prepared for the third res- urrection, shall be taken up to etherea. Besides, thyself, O Gur, there are two hundred thousand ethereans who have vol- unteered to remain another four hundred years in these atmospherean heavens, and on earth. From them thou shalt select ten thousand Lords and bestow them with kingdoms over mortals. To thee, O Gur, I bequeath two thou- sand million atmosphereans who have been initiated in the second resurrection. And of the first resurrection, two hundred and fifty million; and of fetals three hundred million; and besides these, the inhabitants L.fC 100 CYCLE OF APOLLO of the earth (men, women and children), seven hundred million. God ceased speaking, and Gur said: Thy will be done, O Jehovih. Then the es'enaurs sang, and the trum- peters played the March of Apollo, Jeho- vih's Son. Presently, the marshals and messengers filed before the throne; and a light of golden fire came down from the throne of Helmatia, Orian arc of Tanaya, in etherea, and it fell about the throne of God, and many could not look thereon be- cause of the brilliancy. God raised up, and Apollo by his side. God said: I stretch forth my hand untu thee, O Jehovih. Behold, Thy Son Gur, God of Ra'yatuf, in etherea, an Earth-born, forty thousand years inhabitant of Thy emancipated realms. By Thy power, and in Thy name, O Jehovih, I proclaim him God of Earth. Be with him, O Father, that he may add unto Thy glory forever. Amen. God took off the triangle, and hung it on Gur's neck, saying: I now bestow thee with the heirloom of the Gods of the red star, the triangle of the ancients. And that thou mayest be still further honored, Apol- lo shall weave a crown for thy head. Apollo walked to the left and raised his hand upward, saying: Incomprehensi- ble All Light, weave me a crown for Thy Son, God of Earth. And whilst he spake there came from unseen space a flame of yellow fire and lodged on his hand. He turned it once round, and a crown with sparkling gems stood upon his fingers' ends, and he placed it on Gur's head. And Gur went and sat in the midst of the throne, saying: Throne of Thy throne, O Jehovih. All things are Thine. This shall be my resting place to do Thy will. When the new God was crowned the multitude of a thousand million applauded with great joy. When all was quiet, God rose up from the throne, saying to Apollo and to him who had been God: In Jehovih's name, come and honor my throne. Accordingly, they both sat down on the right hand of God. God said: In thirty days the dawn of dan will end. Let the marshals through the messengers proclaim the resurrection of two thousand million to the etherean heavens on that day. Proclaim it in all the heavens of Earth, inviting all to come who can; for it shall be a day of the feast of glory. But say not to any one that there has been a change of Gods, lest sorrow come upon the people. The marshals then selected messengers, a great number, and then sent them throughout the heavens of Earth, pro- claiming the commandments of God. God spake further, saying: For thirty days shall the Council deliberate on my ten thousand Lords, selecting and allot- ting them; and I will crown them in the name of the Father. Apollo then said: Now will I clothe myself in strange colors, that none shall know me, and during the thirty days I yet tarry, I will go round the earth, that I may again look upon the star of my birth. And he who had given up the throne said: I, too, will again visit the star of my birth. Accordingly, God said: Joy be unto ye twain, in Jehovih's name. Behold, I will throw a blanket over the throne, and ye shall change your attire, and when I withdraw it, ye may walk forth unknown. And this was done. CHAPTER VII. So Apollo visited all the great divisions of the earth, and the islands of the ocean; and his traveling attendants, companions and officers, made a record of all things they saw, especially those relating to the corporeans; their manners, sizes, color, habits, education and procreative capaci- ties; and the records were to be carried to etherea in the coming ascent. And Apollo and his companions then visited atmospherea, making like observa- tions of the people in the first and second resurrections, recording the number and kind of nurseries, hospitals, factories, schools and colleges, together with the asaphs, teachers and physicians, nurses and so on. And this record was also prepared so as to form a brief history of Earth's heaven. On the twenty-eighth day, Apollo and his hosts returned to Gau. In the mean- time, the word of God, commanding the assembly for the ascent of two thousand million of Jehovih's Brides and Bride- CYCLE OF APOLLO 101 grooms, had aroused the people of the lower heaven; millions of them never hav- ing witnessed an ascent, nor seen an ether- ean adavaysit, a ship of fire. On the even- ing of the twenty-ninth day a light was seen high up in the firmament to the north- west, brilliant, like a star of the first mag- nitude. Presently it grew larger and brighter, and shot across toward the south- west, and then began to descend toward Earth, growing larger and brighter as it came. The people of the lower heaven knew it was the adavaysit of the third resurrction, and they rejoiced before Jehovih, singing and praying. And now the marshals com- menced to form the groups of Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih. And the groups were formed in stars, crescents, squares, circles and ovals, being classified according to their rates, and the groups had banners, and signals of colored lights, according to their rank in love and intelligence, or good works, or other characteristic virtues. And these groups were arranged into combina- tions, every combination representing the work done by a sub-Lord or sub-God. And these combinations were again formed into four divisions, representing the four great divisions of Earth, and the four Lords, Jehovih's sons. So that when the whole two thousand million spirits were in due form, they characterized Harmony, Sym- metry and Music, being the symbol of Apollo, Son of Jehovih. At midnight, the adavaysit reached Chinvat. Here the ship halted for four hours, and then c^gain began to descend, and rapidly, fearful to be- hold, becoming more scarlet within the vortex, but growing larger and more definite in figure. And when the adavaysit drew near, it was in the form and figure of the groups of Brides and Bride- grooms of Jehovih. It had fifty thousand curtains, and one hundred thousand ban- ners, and the hosts within the ship, seven million souls, bore each a streamer of phos- phorescent light, of all colors, shades and tints, and arrayed in symbols of the name, Apollo. Unlike all other etherean ships of fire that had as yet yisite^ Earth's heavens, it was provided with openings in the bot- tom, five hundred thousand in number, which were the places of entrance and exit. And the openings were studded with crys- tals of ceaseless fire, of all conceivable col- ore, shades and tints, sizes and figures, curves, circles, angles, crescents, and so on. And within the openings were the crystal and opaque chambers provided for the heirs of the third resurrection. And yet within these chambers, where the reports of the guardian angels of the lives and good works heretofore done by every man and woman of all the two thousand million who were to ascend to Jehovih's higher hea- vens. But in all the records there was not recorded one evil thing, or dark deed, or selfish thought, for of these things the as- cended hosts had long since purged them- selves, till they were gems of the pure light of the Father of all. High up within the ship were the beams and network of tim- ber and ropes and arches. And around about the whole ship was the photosphere of its power, so that the whole adavaysit was like a crystal ship within a globe of phosphorescent light; and yet, in fact, the ship was the true light, and the angels the light of that light, whilst the photosphere was really the shell of darkness made re- flective. And the size of the adavaysit was two thousand miles, east and west, and north and south, and seven thousand miles high. And the ship within it was one hundred miles, east and west, and north and south, and two hundred miles high, being light and habitable within as well as without, like the etherean worlds in the firmament. As Jehovih maketh worlds, and sendeth them forth in the places of His firmament; so in imitation of Him, His etherean Gods and Goddesses make adavaysits to traverse space from star to star, and from one ether- ean region to another. Great in wisdorn and power are Jehovih's Gods and God- desses. Yet they, too, were once but men and women, with corporeal bodies. Jehovih said; I have given power to spirits of the newly dead to clothe them- selves from the atmosphere with corporeal semblances of flesh and blood. And to My exalted atmospherean angels, I have given power to clothe themselves from ethe in forms of light. But to My exalted ethex- 102 CYCLE OF APOLLO can angels, I have given power to clothe their hosts with ships of fire, and otevans and adavaysits. CHAPTER VIII. Cventi, marshalless for the hosts of Apollo, with ten thousand marshals and fifty thousand respondents of ceremonies, made ready to receive the hosts of the ada- vaysits, commanded by Cim'iad, Goddess of Du'e'ghi, Goddess of Noad and Rak, in etherea, well known to Apollo, and to Phae'ja, God of Norse, long residents of Um, in etherea. Cim'iad was a small women, dark and of deep love, most jovial of Goddesses; and had long looked forward with joy to her pleasure of bringing so large a ship to deliver two thousand million of Jehovih's Brides and Bridegrooms. And so, when the adavaysit was about the land in Gau, Cim'iad looked out from the clusters of central stars, the ornaments of the throne within the ship, to see the hosts who were assembled beneath, and joyously clapped her hands with delight, and she was then saluted by Apollo and Phae'ja, and by God and his Lords. Presently the mighty ves- sel landed and made fast; and the ship of Apollo was moved up alongside and made fast to the adavaysit. Meantime Cim'iad came forth out of the ship, and was receiv- ed in the arms of Cventi, marshalless of Apollo, and then proceeded to the throne of God. All the while the musicians had been playing and singing; and the music of the lower heaven was thus united with the music of the upper heaven. God said: Welcome, O Daughter of Jehovih. Come thou and honor my throne and His name. Cim'iad said: By the grace and love of Jehovih, am I come, O God. And to thee, O Apollo, most wonderful of Earth-born Gods, how can I express my boundless love? And to thee, O Phaeja, long endur- ing Son of Jehovih, my soul is as a twin, for the glory of our everlasting Creator. Behold I am come in Jehovih's name to wed these two thousand million Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih. Phaeja said: Thy will and Jehovih's be done. And now they shook hands, and Cim'iad went and sat on the throne, salut- ing all the assemblage by making the sign of Jehovih's name with her right hand, which was answered by three thousand million spirits. And now the musicians played and sang the Stars of Jehovih. Meanwhile the All Light began to descend on Cim'iad's head, so brilliant that many could not look thereon. And Jehovih spake through Cim'iad, saying: I blow my breath upon a corporeal world, and man springeth forth into life. In the womb of Mi I fashion his spirit. When he is shapely I deliver him. I open the heaven of suns, and warm his soul. Brighter than diamonds he cometh forth, as stars for my everlasting worlds. Dress- ed as Brides and Bridegrooms for My chambers of Light and Love. In My arms shall they be blessed forever. In My man- sions rejoice forever. The respondents said: I am Thy Bride (or Bridegroom), O Jehovih. My soul findeth love in Thee only, forever. From Mi, my mother, Earth, who conceived me, I rise up. All praise to Thee, O Jehovih. And to thee, O God of Earth. And to ye, O Lords of Earth. Thy Lords, O Jehovih, raised me up. How can I render them joy for my stubbornness of heart. And Thy God, for my second resurrection. Thou made us brothers and sisters, O Jehovih. O joy of my soul. To Thee am I behold- en, O Jehovih, Everlasting Creator. The All Light answered: Behold Me, Brides and Bridegrooms. I am the All that is within All and Over All. Members of My body are all things, seen and un- seen, boundless, forever. Response: Who can give like unto Thee, O Jehovih? Not only gavest Thou myself, but sent Thy Gods and Lords to me to teach me how to live to enjoy Thy fullness. I will rise to Thy immortal king- doms, and learn the mysteries of Thy glo- ry and wisdom, O Jehovih. And when I am strong, I will go forth to them who are beneath me, and raise them up to rejoice forever. Jehovih said: Laborers with Me. Helpers and companions forever. With ye 1 wed. Response: With Thee we wed, help- mates, forever. In the glory of Thy worlds, without end. CYCLE OF APOLLO 103 Jehovih said: Mine are all harmony; all symmetry; all love; and will endure forever. Response: When I was in darkness, I fed on hate and anger, war and lust. But thou hast taught me harmony, symmetry and love, and I shall indulge in them forever. Jehovih said: Receive ye My mantles, and My crowns, O My beloved. The dark- ness is come and gone; the rain is dried up; and My flowers are blooming for you, My beloved. Response: Glory be to Thee, My Cre- ator and Preserver. All hail to Thy won- drous works, O Jehovih. In all my giving I cannot attain to Thee, forever. Thy crown shall shine in my behavior. Jehovih: Thou art Mine, forever. Amen. I am Thine, O Jehovih, forever. Amen. CHAPTER IX. When the marriage ceremonies were completed, and the music of five hundred thousand singers and players had ceased, the great light slowly diminished from about the throne, and God announced six hours' recreation and the angels of Gau and of the etherean heavens mingled to- gether joyfully. When the six hours' rec- reation was over, Apollo rose up, and after making the sign of Jehovih's name, stepped aside from the throne of God. Then Cim'- iad arose and gave the same sign, and then stepped aside. Then followed Phaeja, and when they stood on the floor of the throne where all the assembled millions could see them, the silence was so deep that it seem- ed as though time had come to an end. The marshals opened the arches of the adavaysit, but as yet not a soul moved from his or her place. Then Apollo, Cim'- iad and Phaeja, more loved than all the Gods who had as yet visited Earth and her heavens, came down and stood at the foot of the throne. God came down from the throne and took Apollo's hand, saying: Arise, O Son of Jehovih, and Go thy way. Apollo rose up and stood aside. And God now took the hand of Cim'iad, saying: Arise, O Daughter of Jehovih, and go thy way. Next he took the hand of the long- tried Phaeja, and both burst into tears and fell into each other's arms. Phaeja, who was of few words, was last to break the fond embrace. Then he, Apollo, and Cim'iad, marched forth to the etherean ship of fire, and God assumed the throne blind- ed by his tears. The mantles and crowns of Jehovih now fell on the two thousand million Brides and Bridegrooms. The awakening light of etherea bespoke Jeho- vih's awful presence. With one accord the hosts moved and went into the adavaysit amidst a shower of etherean flowers. Then bright Cim'iad stretched forth her slender hand and arm to Jehovih, saying: By Thy power, O Father, I command: Arise, Arise. Adavaysit, arise. And the mighty vessel, with the vessel of Apollo ad- joined, rose up from Gau, rocking, rising and moving to the music of a million trum- peters and singers. Higher and higher rose the etherean ship of fire, turning and ris- ing, passing beyond the vortex of Earth beyond Chinvat, out into the firmament of etherea, higher and higher till it was lost to sight. CHAPTER X. Jehovih said: Hear your Creator, O Gau. Make seven more plateaux for the second resurrection. Out of the idolatry of My Son, Apollo, will I beautify the in- habitants of Earth. And the cast and mold of men and of women shall become a great power. Make seven more plateaux in the second resurrection, and sort the es'- yans in the hour of birth. God and the Council perceived, and so God appointed workmen, and fulfilled the commandments of Jehovih. And he es- tablished seven hundred tributary king- doms of the second resurrection belonging to Gau. These sub-kingdoms were provid- ed with sub-Gods, of whom there were ten thousand. And the Lords had a suffi- ciency of guardian angels, ashars, and loo'is, so that they could direct any re- quired number to such mortals as they chose. The affairs of the sub-Gods were with matters in heaven, save when com- manded by the Lords for special work. So Jehovih changed the forms of the Earth-born, and they became worshippers of Apollo. And because of the idolatry of the women for Apollo, their children were born of good flesh, and shapely; so that in four hundred years, the hair on their heads 104 CYCLE OF APOLLO grew long and straight, and men began to have beards. Neither considered any young man any virtue in a young woman so important as her form; nor did young women value any virtue in man so great as a well-molded form. And when mortals died, and their spirits entered the first resurrection, half the labor of the asaphs, the receiving angels, was accomplished. So perfect was the way of heaven, that at the end of four hundred years, God and his Lords, and his sub-Gods, had ready for the third resurrection, eight and a half thousand million souls for Jehovih's har- vest, of grade eighty-eight. So Apollo sent Adova, division Goddess of Reth, in Coak, in etherea, down to the lower heaven, to deliver God and his hosts. And they were thus raised up to etherea in a sea of fire, and made one with Jehovih. In like manner was the next government on Earth and its heavens, and the next deliverance was ten thousand million souls, of grade sixty-five. In like manner was the next adminis- tration, and the deliverance was ten thou- sand million, of grade fifty. In like manner was the next administra- tion, and the deliverance was ten thousand million, of grade thirty-eight. So Apollo commanded these to be delivered in the a'ji'an fields of Oth, in Sanak and Orant, for they were unsuited for etherea. In like manner was the next administra- tion in the lower heaven and on the earth, and the deliverance was sixteen thousand million, but they were of grade twenty- four. And Apollo commanded them to be delivered in the nebulous straits of Kappa- wotchiaka. In like manner was the next administra- tion in the lower heaven, but on earth the kings and queens began to destroy ill- formed children and cripples, thus casting the ills of mortality into heaven. And Je- hovih received no harvest for the last dan of Apollo's cycle. Thus ended the cycle of Apollo, being two thousand eight hundred years. CHAPTER I. In the beginning of the cycle of Apollo the mortals on Earth brought forth off- spring who were deformed and unshapely. They sat on their haunches all day and even went hungry rather than seek for food. Jehovih's Voice spake to the Lords of the earth saying: Hear ye the words of your Creator, O My Beloved. Sing songs of Apollo and his Lords. Let my angels rejoice for the glory of My Son is upon them. I created Apollo for the glory of angels and men. In his idols and images shall my peoole behold the harmony of My beloved. With mine own hands moulded I the ankle, and foot and well-rounded thighs. Behold the arms of My Son with dimples and small wrists. His neck is straight and slender, smooth and round; his shoulders like hewn stone and tapering. His instep is high. He can spring like a deer swift as the wind. He sitteth not on his haunches all day with his hands down like a druk that is tired. He fleeth to the plain and the forest with swift feet. But the mortals on earth are without shapeliness before Me. Tney sit on their haunches, but Apollo cometh to the young mother's dreams, and shapeth her unborn, with limbs straight and shapely, with long hair on the head. He standeth by the idol and knoweth the mother's prayer. Who calleth on the name Apollo calleth on Je- hovih, Creator of all things. Bletsed are the Lords of Apollo. Blessed are they that bring forth in shapeliness like My Son A 11 •"' Apollo. In Shem, Ham and Jaffeth the Lords inspired mortals to build temples and im- ages in likeness of Apollo, and caused the young mother to look thereon, and by worshipping the images night and day she brought forth shapely, beautiful children. But in Guatama the Lord did after this manner: The Lord called to man, saying: Where are the Thins, the chosen of the Lord? Speak, O man; come forth at the call of thy Lord. Then spake man, answering to the call of the Lord, saying: More than four mil- lion are thy people, O Lord. The Lord inquired: Where are my people? Where is the place and boundary of the sacred people, the I'hins, whom I delivered in the time of the flood? And man answered, saying: From the head of the Ca'ca'tsak, the mountain river or rivers. In Thes'onka, wide as the ocean, and the mountain plains of Om. To the great cities of O'wan'gache and Na- thon; and Neshesh, and Tesumethgad and Naphal; and Yeshuah, by the Lake Owane, here standeth the tower of Rakowana, shining with copper and silver and gold. And by the river Raxaa, and her lake Jon'- gaii. And over the plains of Go'magat, and Takshan, where they build great boats with sails of cloth and beams across. And to the north land of Uphsic and E'chaung, where beginneth the still river Eph'su, running to the wide oceans, Vid and Sa- jins, where the I'huans dig deep down and bring copper and silver and lead in boats to the King of Avaya, Thuan monarch and good protector. The Lord said: The greatest place ot all thou hast not named. Search, there- fore and be wise. And man was ashamed before the Lor^, so he set out to get great learning to know of what the Lord spake. And traveled one year to the north, and many moons to the south and east. Man said: I found a rab'bah of great learning, both in books and spoken words; and not a few prophets of the Lord in the great cities. So I inquired, saying: Which is the greatest place of the Lord's chosen? And they answered even as I had answered the Lord. Then I came to the city of Ta'zuntqua, a place for the yearly dance in the valley of On'out'si, where the rab'bah's temple is covered with polished, copper; and I asked the same question. For the che'ba within me desired to make a record 106 CYCLE OF APOLLO LORDS' RECORD of all things valuable. But alas, I got no other answer than the echo of my own words. The Lord said: Where are my chosen? Where is the greatest place of the I'hins? Thou hast shown me the I'huans, their great cities and kingdoms; their places of great learning? But the greatest of all thou hast not shown. Man answered: I know not. The Lord said: In amongst the I'huans are the I'hins, the little sacred people. The little cities in the suburbs of the large cities of the I'huans. These are the greatest cities. Man inquired of God: How can that be? The I'huans outnumber the I'hins ten to one. The Lord said: These that build tem- ples of hewn stone, and cover them with polished copper are not my people. These warrior kings who fortify their cities with soldiers are not my people. But these are my chosen, that live in mounds, and in cities with wooden and clay walls. They are the greatest of all people. They dress not in gaudy colors, nor ornament them- selves with copper, silver and gold. They are the people of learning. They survey the way for the canals. They find the square and the arch. They lead the I'huan to the mines, where lead and copper and silver are buried. Without them the I'huan could not build his own house, nor provide the square of his temple. The I'hins are the greatest people. My chosen have shapely legs and arms, feet and hands, and their hair, which is white and yellow, grows long and straight. The Lord said unto the I'hins: You have built houses and temples for the I'huans, but of what avail are these things? They are at war tribe against tribe, nation against nation. They no longer hearken to the rab'bahs of my chosen. Long have I prophesied through my chosen, the I'hins. Now will I raise up prophets amongst the I'huans, the copper-colored race. The Lord was weary with laboring for the I'huans, for they went more after the way of darkness than light. And the Lord called hence his guardian angels, leaving the I'huans alone for a season, and spirits of darkness came upon them. And in that same time the Lord inspired his chosen to display the mold of their thighs, and their short shapely arms. And the I'huans tempted them contrary to law, and the I'huan women brought forth heirs of more shapeliness. And when these heirs grew to be men and women, they had the gift of prophecy, and of seeing visions, and of hearing the voices of the angels of heaven. And they are called Ongwee'ghan, signi- fying good shaped men. CHAPTER II. The Lord said: Do not allow the Ong- wee to dwell with the I'hins lest the seed of my chosen be lost. Thousands and thousands of the Ong- wees came into the world; came in the north, south, east and west. And they had long, coarse, black hair, but their skin was brown, and their arms were short like the I'hins. Very proud were the Ongwees. They would not mix with the I'huans; and they dared not mix with the sacred people, because of the commandment of the Lord. So the Ongwee'ghan became a new race in the world, having all the symmetry of the I'hins, and the savageness of the I'huans. And being feeders on flesh and fish, fell under the dominion of angels of the lower heaven, and they rejected the Lord. The Lord said: Even this will I ap- propriate for their own salvation in time to come. So the Lord commanded the I'hins to give to the Ongwees laws, rites and cere- monies; and these things were done as commanded. Then came the angels of the lower heaven, teaching the Ongwees the secret of making eunuchs of their enemies, the I'huans with the long arms; teaching them how to make spears and bows with arrows, and darts, fishing hooks and nets; teaching them how to make fire by strik- ing flint stones; teaching them how to cook flesh and fish and make them more palat- able. And this was the first cooked food for man since the days of the flood. The I'hins feared the Lord would visit a judgment upon the land because of the Ongwees killing and eating flesh; but the Lord said unto them: Suffer ye the Ong- wees to fulfill their labor, the land is too full of beasts and serpents. Nevertheless CYCLE OF APOLLO LORDS' RECORD 107 destruction shall come upon the I'huans, and the ground people, and the Ongwees. Their great cities shall be destroyed, and the land laid desolate; but they shall be built again with greater glory than be- fore. In three hundred years the large and handsome race, the Ongwees, transcended the I'huans. CHAPTER III. In the time of Apollo were the first prophets of God raised up from other than the I'hin race. And thy Lord commanded man to remember the God of harmony, symmetry and music, and to build images of them in all the divisions of the earth. In Guatama, the Lord raised up hunt- ers, whom he instructed in the methods of slaying beasts of prey and serpents. In the same period of time raised he up for the same purpose other men in Shem, Ham and Jaffeth. And the names of the great slayers were preserved in the mortal his- tories of these countries. Thus created the Lord a new race on Earth; and in all the divisions thereof, the new race came of the I'hins and the I'huans. They built great cities and estab- lished mighty kingdoms. Then the Lord sent I'hin priests to cir- cumcise the new race, the Ghan. And he commanded the Ghans to marry amongst themselves, promising to give all the world into their keeping. And the Ghans began to wear clothes after the manner of the I'hins; and the latter gave them rites and ceremonies, and taught them how to pray and dance be- fore Jehovih. The Lord said: Hear me, O man. Un- derstand the labor of the Lord. Jehovih saith to the Lord: Go thou to yonder earth, and make man upright. And the Lord accomplished it. Then saith Jeho- vih: Go yonder and make man shapely. And the Lord findeth a way to do this also. Forget not the Lord, for such labor will fall to thy lot when thou art long risen in heaven. Behold, there are millions of new worlds coming into being every day. Expand thy judgment; make thyself com- prehensive, that thou mayest fulfill in wisdom the glory of the Almighty. Hear the words of the Lord, O man; be considerate in thy little wisdom of the magnitude of the labor of thy Lord. Cer- tain times and seasons are allotted by Je- hovih for the development of new orders of men on the worlds He created. Accord- ing to the times and seasons and condition of Earth, so hath the Lord provided the race of man. To raise man up, that he may comprehend the beautiful creation, and that he may be adapted in harmony therewith, is the glory of thy Lord. Think not that as one division of Earth is made answerable to my will by a certain rule, that another division of the earth is provided in the same way. The Lord find- eth one place filled with beasts of prey and great serpents, which must be destroyed; and he provides a race of men to accom- plish this. And man is allowed to become carnivorous for a season. In another country the Lord findeth drouth and famine, and he provideth man with knowledge adapted thereto. So also are there seasons on Earth, when man shall be changed from one condition to an- other; according to the progress of Earth, so the Lord lifteth up man for the glory of the Almighty. Suffer not thy judgment to mislead thee as to a law of selection. There is no law of selection. Man hath no inspira- tion of his own, to select »and provide his progeny, neither in shapeliness nor judg- ment. He marrieth because of the flesh; nor careth he for the issue, whether they have long legs or short ones, or whether they become warriors or imbeciles. Nei- ther considereth he what may result there- from. And the Lord and his angels lead man unknowingly to himself, to fulfill his times and seasons. Cycle of Thor CHAPTER I. In the Holy Council of Gods and God- desses in Don'ga, the Voice of Jehovih came to Thor, Orian Chief, of Don'ga, in etherea, God of Palla, Surveyor of Torretz and Thassa, God of Galeb, Receiver of Saf- fer, and Hoesonya, God of Wartz and Lo and Yisain, Counselor of the etherean worlds Hituna, Ctaran, Seeing, Sethawan and Hababak, saying: My Son, behold the red star, Earth, is travelling from Mos to Dae, and is now dragging through the swamps of Asath. Thor spoke before the Holy Council, saying: The young world, Earth, com- eth our way. For three thousand, two hundred years, she will journey in the fields of Don'ga. Then the Holy Council deliberated on the matters of Earth and her heavens, and all other corporeal worlds that were to pass through Don'ga for three thousand years; and it was found that the dawn of dan would fall upon Earth first of all. Then called Thor for the swift messen- gers that, course the firmament in the re- gions of Apperwaith, the former roadway to Earth, to learn her history. And the swift messengers came and laid their report before the throne of Jehovih, as to what world Earth was, and the harvests of angels she had yielded up to the emancipated hea- vens. When their reports were finished, and deliberated on by the Holy Council, Thor, Son of Jehovih, said: For further knowledge as to the present condition of this world, Earth, it is my wish that Yathai, God of Gammotto, choose one million volunteers, and in an airiata, proceed to Earth and her hea- vens to visit her God and Lords, and ascer- tain the condition of their angels and mor- tals, and report back in Don'ga. So Yathai, God of Gammotto, was ap- pointed for this purpose, and he provided an airiata, and took with him one million ethereans, and proceeded to Earth and her heavens as commanded. And when Yathai came to the throne of God in Gau, God sent an invitation to his seventy-two Lords to come also. God said to Yathai: Behold, the Earth and these atmospherean heavens are full of false Gods and Lords. Yathai inquired how many there were. God said: More than thirty thousand Gods and one hundred and sixty thousand Lords. In every great city on earth there is a false God or Lord, and he has a small heavenly kingdom of his own. And the spirits of the dead in that place are his slaves, for his own exaltation. And in many of these heavenly kingdoms there are wars and anarchy, where the angels torment one another endlessly. Nor will these false Gods and Lords and their sub- jects admit that there are higher heavens than their own. The spirits of the newly dead are cap- tured and kept in ignorance of Jehovih and His vast creations; and made to bow in adoration to the false God or ; Lord, and they inspire mortals to the same worship, and in the time of death they fall as slaves into the dominion of him whom they wor- shipped. The wars in heaven have inspired mortals to war so that wars are continually raging on the earth. And such as are slain on earth battle fields linger on the battle fields still battling. These battle fields are all over the earth and are cov- ered with spirits in chaos and with the spirits of Druks, Yaks and ground people, who know nothing more than the beasts of the field. Return, therefore, O Yathai, to thy Orian Chief, Thor, Son of Jehovih, and. say to him: The Qod of Earth is power- less to rescue her angels and mortals from the great darkness upon them; and beseech him in Jehovih's name to help me to de- liver my kingdoms. Yathai inquired as to the rescue of men on earth, and as to the times of their ter- mination. CYCLE OF THOR 109 God said: In time to come the I'hin race,' the mound builders, will come to an end. And by that time the Ghans will have triumphed over all the races of Earth. When Yathai had obtained this infor- mation, and also learned the localities of the divisions of Earth and her heavens, he departed in his airiata with his compan- ions, and returned to Don'ga in etherea, Where he reported to Thor, Son of Jehovih, all he had learned of the condition of Earth and her heavens. Then came the Light of Jehovih to Thor, saying: My Son, take thou a suf- ficient host of ethereans, and go to the red star and her heavens, and deliver them in My name. CHAPTER II. So Thor called for thirty million volun- ters, and he provided, an avalanza, an etherean ship of fire, in which they embarked to travel to the red star, Earth. God and his Lords had been apprised of Thor's coming, and had the cs»pital made ready for his reception, and they had gathered all the angels of the second resurrection, and as many of the first as chose to come, to wit- ness the arrival of the ship of Thor arid his hosts. Outward, onward, through etherea sped Thor with his thirty million onward through etherean seas of Hoesonga, toward the arc of Mos, thence to Chinvat and still onward till they reached the pla- teau of Gau and anchored near the throne of God. Thor saluted in the name of Je- hovih, and God answered likewise, after which God proclaimed a day of recreation and the atmosphereans and ethereans min- gled together joyfully. When the day of recreation was over Thor ascended the throne and gave the following commands: Let one million coristables go to the false Gods and Lords and arrest them, and bring them to Gau for judgment. One million captors to possess the thrones and temples of the false Gods and Lords, and hold them. Eight million captors to gather in the angel slaves in all the hadan heavens. Six milliori dispersers to overthrow and disperse the hells. Six million physicians to remove fetals from mortals. Two million founders of es'yan nurser- ies for the spirits of infants and helpless ones born into heaven before their time. One million founders of hospitals for chaotic and diseased angels. Half a million marshals; half a million messengers; and three million builders. And these were selected by the proper officers and dispatched to their several places and duties. Then Thor reorganized the Council of Gau for the period of dawn. And God and his Lords rested for a season, whilst Thor and his hosts delivered Earth and her heavens. In one year all the false Lords and Gods and Goddesses were captured and brought to Gau; but Thor did not pass judgment upon them till they were all brought in. And on this occasion there were assembled in Gau millions of angels to witness the proceedings. Thor said to them: Perceive ye not that my power is greater than yours? How can that be? I have but thirty million; and of you there are more than thirty thousand million. Wherein, then, am I the more powerful? Behold, I have arrested all your heavens and heavenly rulers? How is this? Whence my power? No one could answer Thor. Then Thor said: My army is a unit. Yours are divided. This I declare unto you all: Jehovih first of all. To learn to master the elements of earth and heaven, this is the foundation for acquiring all power. Because ye bound yourselves in heavenly places on the earth, ye rose not up to the places prepared for you. An- swer me now: How standeth the world as to what is to come? Many of the false Lords and Gods an- swered after this manner: I fear to speak my mind, lest thou in anger cast me in hell. Thor said: Who hath learnt to know Jehovih, and to serve Him, feareth nothing On earth, nor in heaven. Fear is but the manifestation of weakness. Speak, there- fore, what ye desire. No harm shall befall you. Many of them said: This do I per- ceive, O God, the strongest Gods rule over 110 CYCLE OF THOR the weaker. The strongest mortals rule over the weaker. Therefore, make me thy slave; I am content. Then Thor said: A greater hardship give I unto all. I give you your liberty and freedom. Go, there- fore, whither ye desire; I ask no one to serve me, but say unto you: Go serve Je- hovih by lifting up whomsoever is beneath you. They answered: Where shall we go? We know not the way from one heaven to another, nor the way down to the earth. Thou sayest: Go serve Jehovih by lift- ing up such as are beneath us. Now, ver- ily, we cannot lift ourselves up. Had we great riches, or power, or wisdom, then would we willingly do for those beneath us. Thor said: Wait not for any of these things, but go at once and serve Jehovih. They answered: When we have first provided a way for ourselves, then will we serve Him. Thor said: Ye have spoken the dark- ness of all the world. I say unto you: Go serve Jehovih first. They answered: How can one serve Jehovih by lifting others up, if he have not clothes, nor food nor habitation? Thor said: It is well to ask that ques- tion to your own souls. Let it be the question ye ask yourselves every hour of the day; and watch for an opportunity to answer it by the labor of your own hands. Then Thor commanded the light of the pillars of heavenly fire to be raised to a higher grade, and the false Lords and Gods desired to flee before the brilliancy of the light, but knew not where to go. Thor said unto them: Why have ye assumed to be Lords and Gods, since ye cannot even master the elements in the lower heavens? I say unto you: The re- gions of Jehovih's universe are boundless. Let no one assume to do that which he cannot do; but little by little, learn to mas- ter the elements surrounding him, and he will in time learn to traverse Jehovih's beautiful firmament, a fit companion for Gods and Goddesses. Then spake the false Lords and Gods, saying: O that we had some one to show us the way. Then Thor allotted unto them teachers and disciplinarians, and they were taken into educational colonies and put to work. CHAPTER III. When the false Gods and Lords' were dismissed, Thor said: To induce men and angels to find the way of resurrection, this is the greatest of all teaching. Man saith: O God, raise up thy servant. And the Lord saith: Hold up thy hands and I will lift thee up. But man will not. Man saith: Send wise and holy angels to me, O Lord, to guide me in righteousness and good works. And the Lord saith. As thou asketh of God, even so do thou of thy fellows. But man will not. As it is with man on earth so do we find it in hada. To induce angels to de- velop themselves by taking hold with their own hands, and by the exercise of their own talents, this is the work of Lords and Gods. To rule over them without their knowing it, so as to lead them in the right way, this is wisdom. The first passion of man is to eat; the second, the sexual desire; the third, to make others serve him. And if he accom- plish the latter, then is he indeed the prince of evil. So also as man buildeth these habita- tions in his soul on earth, how vain his ef- fort for happiness in heaven. To teach him to undo all his past, and to make full restitution unto others, this is the work of Gods and Lords. Thor established two thousand educa- tional colonies in atmospherea, besides in- numerable places of manufacturing and building; teaching the angels of heaven how to provide habitations for those born of earth into spirit life. In three years of dawn Thor had pre- pared for etherean ascension four thou- sand million Brides and Bridegrooms. Now all this while the angels of atmos- pherea had been taught much in regard to the emancipated kingdoms in etherea; of the splendor and majesty and power of Gods and Goddesses. Thor spake from the throne of God, be- fore the Holy Council, saying: Send swift messengers to Betatis, Goddess of Terow, in etherea, greeting and say to her: Thus saith Thor, Jehovih's Son, Orian Chief of Don'ga: Come thou to the heavens of Earth. I have four thousand million Brides and Bridegrooms as Jehovih's harvest. CYCLE OF THOR 111 Provide thou an airiata of great size and splendor. The swift messengers departed. And proper officers at once set about making ready to receive Betatis. Others were sent into different parts of atmospherea to bring atmosphereans to Gau, that they might witness the glory of the higher heavens in the descent and ascent of the airiata. All these things were accomplished. Betatis came in great splendor; and all the kingdoms and sub-kingdoms of Gau were rilled with the thousands of millions come to witness the ceremonies. And the size of Betatis' airiata was. Diameter, east and west and north and south, two thousand miles to the borders of the photosphere, and nine thousand miles high. The ship within the photosphere was one hundred miles east and west, north and south, and was two hundred miles high. Of beams the entire length, there were twelve million four hundred thousand. And there were a sufficient number of chambers within the airiata for every soul to have one; and there were halls and temples also, suitable for music and other entertainments. The colors, shades and tints, the mir- rors with opaque ornaments, both movable and fixed, were provided in all possible ways, for ornament and service, the like of which for beauty, had never been surpassed in Don'ga. And when the whole airiata was completed, it looked like an oval globe of light, with a framework within alter- nately transparent and opaque, so as to add beauty to every part. And it was fitted and equipped for the third resurrection, having no storage places for atmospherea, or any- thing in common with the lower heavens. To add still further to its splendor, Be- tatis had her airiata ornamented with ban- ners and streamers illuminated, so that at a distance, when seen descending, the whole vessel seemed like a sun surrounded on ev- ery side with movable stars and waving streams of light. Among her hosts were one million trumpeters and harpists, and two million singers. In the fore part of the ship was the Holy Council chamber, with four million mem- bers. Above the Council chamber was the chamber of worship; and at either side were the halls for dancing and social reunion. When Betatis' ship neared the atmos- pherean kingdom of God, millions of her hosts stationed themselves on the galley beams and stay-lines, adding a scene of life to the etherean ship of surpassing beauty. With ballast Betatis had provided her ship, so that when she came within Earth's vortex she could stand where she desired whilst Earth and her heavens turned their axial course, that both mortals and angels might witness the brilliancy and glory of the works of Don'ga's chief Goddess. And thus Betatis stood just be- yond the plateau of Gau in her ship of fire, whilst Earth and her heavens made one revolution. The next day she descended into Gau, where God and his Lords, under direction of Thor, Jehovih's Son, had pre- pared the mighty audience. When the ship was made fast, the chief marshal of Betatis's hosts conducted Be- tatis up in front of the throne of God. Thor said: In Jehovih's name, welcome, Daughter of Light! Betatis said: Praise the Almighty. In love am I come in answer to thy prayer. Then spake God, saying: Welcome, O Goddess. Come and honor my throne. Then Betatis went forward and was greeted after the manner of Gods and God- desses. Then she sat in the midst of the throne, after which the ceremonies of ini- tiation for the Brides and Bridegrooms was accomplished. Then came a day of recre- ation. When it was completed, Betatis and her hosts, together with the four thou- sand million Brides and Bridegrooms, en- tered her airiata and departed upward for the etherean heavens. CHAPTER IV. In the fourth year of the dawn, Thor, Son of Jehovih, received from the Holy Council in Buru, of Don'ga, in etherea, a message from the Orian Chiefs allotting to Earth one hundred years' travel in Vocent. And Thor called up Waak, God of Rhines, and said to him: A sore travail hath Jehovih put upon these heavens. Go thou to Hey'loo, Son of Jehovih, and com- mand him to provide an avalanza sufficient to deliver twenty thousand million atmos- phereans to the a'ji'an forests of Gonaya. For the inhabitants of these heavens are too dark to endure the vocent of a hundred 112 CYCLE OF THOR years, and would be precipitated to the earth and engage in fetalism. An a'ji'an habitation in etherea is made after this manner. Amidst the ethe'ic waves, the ethereans gather up the atomic ele- ments floating therein, and giving them axic motion, propelling them forth aggre- gating the while, till from a mite it grow- eth as large as the whole world, and is habitable within and without by the spirits of the dead, the angels. Jehovih said: In likeness of the solid Earth, and moon and stars, that float in the unseen firmament, so made I atomic parts to all things, and made them to float in ethe. As the earth is to the air, and the ether above, so is an atom of corpor in the ethe'ic solution. Think not, O man, there is but one member of My Person, and that different conditions and states of that one comprise My universe. So Waak, God of Rhines, proceeded at once to Hey'loo, informing him of the de- crees of the higher heavens. Thor then sent a messenger to his Lords and mar- shals, to inform them also, and command- ing them to bring to Gau, all the lowest grades of angels from all parts of Earth. Thor appointed Ti'See'inij, Goddess of Ares, to superintend the reception of the angels, and to arrange them for entrance into the avalanza, and he gave her as as- sistants, five thousand marshals and cap- tains and one million es'enaurs. And these she apportioned to their respective duties and places. To accomplish all this Thor allotted seventy-seven of Earth's days. And so wisely were carried out all the proceedings that on the seventy-seventh day, the ava- lanza was at hand, and all the angels ready to enter therein. Accordingly these things were accomplished; the twenty thousand million angels were carried away on the avalanza, which was walled around on ev- ery side with pillars of fire, so that not one spirit could escape, even were he chaotic or imbecile. Waak and Hey'loo had entire charge of the migration; and they pro- ceeded upward and outward from Earth, seven diameters of Earth's vortex, which brought them into the forests of Gon- aya, where they alighted. Ti'See'inij, Goddess of Ares, had previously sent thith- er a sufficient force of angels, wise and strong, to provide for their reception. And when the avalanza arrived, all things were in readiness; and the angels were ap- portioned to different sections of the Gon- aya forests, according to their develop- ment. And proper officers and teachers were provided for them. Ti'See'inij established a throne of a'ji, and provided a temple of Council, and all such things as are required in the govern- ment of a new colony. And she promoted Hazadeka, a surveyor in Thalsia, to be God of Gonaya after the expiration of the time of dawn, and she gave him the title, God of Gonaya, for four hundred years. After the departure of the avalanza, Thor, Son of Jehovih, provided a new God unto Earth and her heavens, and crowned him, and bestowed upon him the triangle, the heirloom of the Gods of Earth. And the remaining time of dawn, Thor traveled about Earth and her heavens, making records of all things upon the earth, the records to be carried with him to Bum in the time of his ascent. In consequence of the depletion occa- sioned by the resurrection of the twenty thousand millions to Gonaya, God and his Lords were greatly relieved of their bur- dens both in Gau and on the earth. CHAPTER V At the time of the expiration of the dawn of Thor, peace and prosperity were established on earth and in heaven. And now came the time for the ascent of Thor with his hosts. So he sent swift messen- gers to etherea, asking to be delivered with his hosts, and six thousand million Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih. See We'ing, Goddess of Hotosk, in eth- erea, was appointed by the Council of Buru, to descend for Thor and his hosts, and his six thousand million Brides and Bridegrooms. Accordingly, See We'ing built her ship and gathered in her host, ten million, for the journey, and she named the ship Harp. The photosphere was flat to the north and south, but oval east and west. The openings were on the flat sides, with passages through. The crescent de- scribed a circle of three thousand four hun- dred miles and the depth of the Harp north and south was three hundred miles. CYCLE OF THOR 113 , The pillars of fire that ascended from the midst were one thousand seven hundred miles high. The stars within the photosphere were provided with five points; and each star had one million chambers, one chamber being allotted as the habitation of one Bride or Bridegroom; and there were seven thousand of these stars. The frame- work was crystalline, transparent and opaque, of all possible colors, shades and tints. Now besides the stars and their chambers the base of the crescent was pro- vided with a salon sufficient for one mill- ion musicians. God had commanded information to be sent to the Lords located on the earth, ask- ing them to invite all who chose to come and witness the ascent. And there came, besides the Brides and Bridegrooms, two thousand million angels, many not yet de- livered from the first resurrection. So See We'ing, Goddess of Hotosk, came down to Gau in her ship of fire, in great magnificence, and was received by Thor and by God and his Lords. And she ascended the throne and performed the marriage rite for the six thousand million. And after that a recreation of one day was proclaimed in Gau, during which time the atmosphereans and ethereans mingled to- gether freely. On the day following, Thor accompan- ied See We'ing into her ship; and their hosts went also, being nearly seven thou- sand million. And then amidst a rain of etherean flowers, See We'ing started her fire ship upward. God and his hosts remaining in Gau, saluted in the sign, Jehovih Forever, which was properly answered by the ascending millions. Then on its axis turned the great ship, rising aud turning, higher and higher. And in a little while only an ascending star was seen, and then it disappeared in the distance. Thus fulfilled Thor his great mission in dawn to -Earth and her heavens. Again Earth and its heavens pros- pered for another season of two hundred years, and the next dan there were deliver- ed five thousand million souls. And a new God and Lords succeeded, and they also prospered. The next harvest was four thousand million souls. But again false Gods and Lords began to set up kingdoms of their own in hea- ven, and in the cities of mortals. And ev- ery one called himself either Thor or Apol- lo. And the spirits who manifested in the temples, and in the oracles, all gave one of these names. And mortals who were obsessed believed themselves to be the re- incarnation of Apollo or Thor, for the ob- sessing spirits so called themselves. Oth- ers, more intelligent, said: Have not the prophets foretold that there was to be a second coming of Apollo? And are not these spirits, who appear through the sar'- gis, the very person? So great became the superstition of the nations of the earth, that in the fall of the leaf they found proof of the second coming of Apollo or Thor. Many of the spirits deserted the second resurrection in hea- ven, and returned to earth, to wait for in- formation concerning the coming event. Jehovih said: All corporeal worlds pass through the age of too much belief. As I gave man a judgment, that he might ex- amine and weigh a matter, so runneth he into unbelief. Then My angels go to him, and show him wherein he believed to lit- tle; but lo, he goeth to the other extreme, believing all things, and not using his judgment. God said: Why will not men and an- gels be patient, and wait till a matter is proven meritorious before they pursue it to extremes? The same sun shineth, the same stars stand in the heavens, and Earth, travels steadily on her way; her winds blow, her summers and winters come as in the olden time, yet man thinks that a great wonder is near at hand. And no won- der cometh and nothing new is near at hand. How shall I stay them, O Jehovih? Their desires for Apollo call down millions of spirits from my places of resurrection. And in trials and hardships they fall, and become suitable prey for designing false Gods and Lords. God and his Lords bewailed the dark- ness of Earth and her heavens. But high up in the etherean heavens, came the Voice of Jehovih, saying: Hear your Creator, O ye Gods and Goddesses. Behold the magnitude of My works. I labor not for the profit of this 114 CYCLE OF THOR man or that man; nay, nor for this people nor that people; nor for the inhabitants of one star and one heaven; but for the glory of millions of stars and millions of heavens. Doth not one corporeal man bewail a shower of rain? — and yet his neighbor re- joiceth thereat? One man prayeth for sun- shine and another for shade. Think not that I labor for each one separately, but for the perfection of the whole. Wherefore, then, shall the God of Earth and his Lords bewail the darkness that falleth on Earth in this day. I have prepared places of darkness in the etherean firmament, and places of light; and My corporeal worlds must travel through them. And these places of darkness and places of light are as changes of seasons for My harvests. Now Earth is passing through deep darkness, for the races of men must receive new growth corporeally for things that shall come after. As they absorb from the a'ji of My places in this age, so also do their souls become full of superstition and darkness. Thus went Earth into great darkness during the last six hundred years of the cycle of Thor, and there was no harvest from her for the etherean heavens. But the spirits deserted atmospherea in mill- ions and millions, and went down to the earth, to dwell with mortals. The light of Jehovih was shut out from men except the Thins. Thus ambition for improvement was at an end. They became as drones and vagabonds; and when they died their spirits continued to lie about in the places of their mortal life. And many of these spirits persuaded mortals to suicide, and they killed themselves by thousands and tens of thousands, and men had not courage to endure anything. They wanted to be with the spirits of the dead, to talk to them, to see them, and to be rid of earth trials. Neither had the spirits that congregated on earth any knowledge of the higher heavens. They did nothing useful to heaven or earth, not even to themselves. Thus ended the cycle of Thor; three thousand two hundred years. © LORDS' RECORD FOR CYCLE OK THOR CHAPTER I. The Lord foresaw that the knowledge of one generation could be handed down to the next by altars and temples, and by idols and images, and by painted signs and engraved words. The Lord said: Behold, I establish my- self with my chosen in written words. Now the time has come when all the races of men on Earth shall be made to know me. And the Lord commanded man to make stone and wooden images of every- thing upon the earth, and also engravings. And the Lord sent his angels down to man to inspire him in the workmanship of images and engravings, and man thus ac- complished the commandments of the Lord. The Lord said: As every living crea- ture has a name, so shall the image thereof have the same name. And the meaning of the images and en- gravings were as follows: A picture of a man was a man; a picture of a tree repre- sented a tree; a picture of a bird repre- sented a bird; and even so was everything represented by its own image. The Lord said: Thou shalt make the picture of a spear; and when thou desires to show which way a man goeth, thou shalt add to the graven image the likeness of a spear; and the way it pointeth shall show the way the man is going. Even so shalt thou express the going of everything. Thus man in every region of the earth made a written language. The Lord said: This shall be called Panic language, be- cause it is made of earthly images. The Lord said: As in the olden time man named all things according to their own spoken words and sounds uttered, so in the days of Thor came to the Ghans the written words of everything on earth and in heaven. When man had written the names of all things on earth, the Lord said: Thou shalt write the name of thy Creator. Then man inquired: How can I find a word to express the Creator? I know no name save the names I have already made. If I could hear the Creator, or see Him, then I could write His name. The Lord said: Thou hast named the wind which thou hast not seen: wh'sh. Name thou thy Creator. Then man drew a circle and called it O, for it represented that which was with- out beginning or end, and which contained all within itself. Then man drew a line cutting through the circle from east to west, to represent the light of the east traveling to the west. Then man drew a line from below upward, cutting the circle at right angles with the horizontal, to rep- resent the one road of all things from the bottom upward forever. The first line man called E, for it was the name the wind speaketh in the leaves. And the sec- ond line he called IH. And when man had completed the engraving, he called it E-O-IH. The Lord said: Keep thou His name and the image thereof a secret betwixt the rab'bahs and thy Lord. Neither shalt thou utter it aloud, for it is sacred. Betwixt thou and thy Creator stands Thy Lord. Behold, 1 am the key of life and death; through me shalt thou unlock all the mys- teries of heaven and earth. Neither shall my rab'bah, nor my prophets, call on the name of any spirit, except the Lord. And when man had attained to the knowledge of a written language, the, Lord said: Now shall he have books, and learn to keep records after the manner of the angels of heaven. And the Lord sent an- gels to man in different places, teaching them how to make books of skins, bark and cloth. CHAPTER II. In those days the lands of Jaffeth and Shem and Ham were inhabited by millions of I'huans and Ghans; but the countries lying between them were inhabited by I'hu- ans only. And the Lord spake to the peo- ple of Ham, saying: Behold, there are two other countries inhabited by kin of your kin, flesh of your 116 CYCLE OF THOR LORDS' RECORD flesh; they are Ghans also. And they speak and write with Panic words even as ye do. And the Hamites inquired: How far are the two other countries? Where are they? The Lord said: Gather together two thousand men and women; provide ye oxen and asses and all things requisite for a journey of four years; and I will lead you to your brethren, whose forefathers were also saved from the flood, by the little sa- cred people, the I'hins. The Hamites obeyed the Lord, having provided themselves as commanded, and started on their journey to Jaffeth and Shem in two companies of a thousand each. Then spake the Lord to the people of Jaffeth, saying: Behold, there are two other countries inhabited by kin of your kin, flesh of your flesh; and they speak and write the Panic words even as you do. The Jaffeth'eyans said: How far are the two other countries? Where are they? The Lord said: Gather together two thousand men and women; provide ye all things requisite for a journey of four years; and I will lead you to your brethren, whose forefathers were also saved from the flood, by the little sacred people, the I'hins. The Jaffeth'eyans obeyed the Lord, and having provided themselves as com- manded, started for Ham and Shem, in two companies of a thousand each. Then spake the Lord to the people of Shem in the same way, telling them of Jaffeth and Ham. And they also equipped themselves in two companies and started for Ham and Jaffeth. Thus the Lord inspired these three sep- arate peoples to go and visit one another, in the same period of time. And the Lord said unto them ere they started: Very fierce and savage are the I'huans who inhabit the wilderness on the way. Behold, they eat the flesh of both man and beast. But they will not harm the I'hins. Therefore, O my beloved, on your long journey take two score of I'hins. Through the I'hins can the Lord speak all languages, even the language of the barbarians, the I'huans. So after a journey of four years, the mi- grants from each country came to the place of their destination. And by their written and spoken words they knew one another. And the Lord inspired them to leave records of the journeys. And in all these countries there were made images of stone and copper, and engravings there- on of the children of Noe, and of the flood, and of the tribes of Shem, Ham and Jaf- feth. CHAPTER III. The migrants tarried in the countries they visited for two years, going much about, showing themselves, and relating the history of the country whence they came. And the Lord spoke to the mi- grants in their respective places, saying: The time is come for your departure. Re- turn to your own country, and there relate the glories of this other country. So they returned to their own homes. Now during the travel of the migrants, the Lord spake to them every day, through the I'hin priests. The Lord said: Keep together, O my beloved. Ye shall not be lost. But the journey was so long that many lost faith, and were not heedful of the words of the Lord. And some of them strayed off among the I'huans and were lost. Of the six thousand migrants, there were lost in all, three hundred and eighty- six people, men and women. Some were lost in one place and some in another. The Lord said: Sing ye songs of la- mentation for those who are lost, and this shall become a matter of record to the end of the world. And the time shall come when the Lord shall reveal the mystery of this day. So, when the people had returned to their respective places, they all sang songs of lamentation for the people that were lost. The Lord said: I have shown you the far-off people. I have marked out the road. Keep the road open between the great countries that I have shown you. One expedition shall start to the far-off countries every eleven years. And if per- chance ye find my chosen, bring them home. And on all the camping places of your journey ye shall build an altar to the CYCLE OF THOR LORDS' RECORD 117 Lord. Ye shall build it in a circle, and the congregation shall sit in the circle thereof, and the priest shall sit in the midst. And through my priests I will speak words of wisdom and comfort. But in all your jour- neys, keep aloof from the I'huans, the bar- barians, the man-eaters; for they have not kept my commandments but have mixed with the Druks. And carry with you on all your expeditions I'hin priests. In all your journeys ye shall encounter your brethren coming and going, who dwell in the far-off countries. And that ye may distinguish them, keep secret the sacred password of the rites of Emethachavah. So in the beginning of the cycle of Thor the Lord opened up many ways for the de- liverance of the tribes of men on Earth, and man prospered in the way of righteous- ness for a long time. Then darkness came upon the races of men; millions of them returned to savag- ery. And angels of darkness came upon the earth, many of them taking upon them- selves the semblance of corporeal forms, and dwelling with mortals, and engaging in practices whereof it is unlawful to write or speak. So that at the termination of three thousand years, the lands on Earth were covered with darkness. Cycle ok Osire CHAPTER I. Now Earth came into the dominions of Osire, Son of Jehovih, God of Lowtsin, an etherean world, where his reign a hun- dred thousand years had illumined many a corporeal star; who ruled in Lowtsin most amiably with equals, but was high strung with impatience toward self-willed ignor- ance. The Voice of Jehovih spake to him on his throne, saying: Osire, My Son, go forth and grasp the perishing Earth in her debauched flight, and proclaim thyself with uplifted rod; for as an indulgent father treads softly by his in- fant son, guiding him tenderly, and with wholesome advice, so have I through My Gods and Chiefs, coaxed the red star along for many thousands of years. But as a wise father turneth to his truant son, of lat- er years, commanding, so do I now through thee, stretch My hand over Earth and her heavens. She lieth deep buried in anarchy, and false Gods and Lords are despoiling her heavens with war, and casting down on the troubled Earth her millions of spirits of darkness. As driftwood on a surging sea, now riseth high on towering waves, and quickly plungeth down in the roaring wa- ters, to rise again and fall, and repeat for- ever the ceaseless struggle, so do the spir- its of the dead of earth, rise in heaven to be plunged back again in unending toil and darkness on the earth. My most holy God and his Lords are powerless to divert the terrible heedless- ness of men and angels. Osire summoned a million swift mes- sengers, well trained in the rise and fall of worlds, and bade them go to the red star, Earth, with great speed, promising suc- cor to God and his Lords of Earth, then return quickly back and report to Jeho- vih's throne in Lowtsin. When they had departed, Osire called together his Council, and told them the story that had stirred his soul with com- passion; of the spirits newborn in the at- mospherea of Earth who persisted in bur- rowing their souls down in hada, heedless of the call and persuasion of a loving God and Lords. Jehovih's Light overspread the throne of Osire, and curtained the Gods and God- desses around so that all were clear to comprehend the full history of Earth and her heavens. Yet not one soul moved to answer with haste, but slowly one by one, the speakers, each a representative of a thousand Gods and Goddesses, gave ut- terance to Jehovih's light upon them. And when the multitude had spoken, Osire rose up, and stood in the throne of Jehovih, mantled in white, like one new illumined with a great change in his long life's ad- ministration. To the Gods and Goddesses he spake: The veil of the arc of Se'ing uprises be- fore our hallowed shrine. Step by step, all things advance by Jehovih's will, and new roadways in etherea open up fields unex- plored by traveling stars; so onward, step by step, our own endless realm takes the course of manhood in its giant strides. By you have the worlds of corpor and es been blessed for hundreds of thousands of years. Your busy scenes in an old routine change now, and an Orian arc cometh. As an oscillatory star feedeth itself with a change of seasons, so hath Jehovih coursed the wave of his trav- eling suns, to give our etherean realms an endless life, diversified by change of scenes and constant surprises, which are the glory of the soul. As thus Osire, the Mighty, with a soul full of words, engraved by Jehovih's hand, discoursed on the glories awaiting the high worlds, where he and his brother Gods and Archangels dwelt in the All Perfect, there came back, hastening, as with Omnipo- tence impelled, the swift messengers from the slow Earth, with their etherean arrow ship shooting like a meteor on fire. Then came Hagan, spokesman of the messen- gers, before Jehovih's throne, his mantle CYCLE OF OSIRE 119 turned back, and his eyes radiant with sure knowledge, saluting in Jehovih's name. He. said: Osire, Jehovih's Son, and ye Gods and Goddesses, as the All Light gave Voice to our far-seeing God of Lowtsin, so stand I here to corroborate in Jehovih's name. The day of sweet persuasion to the Earth- born is done. Jehovih led the I'hins in fortuitous paths by gentle words and love, but left them weak before the warring ele- ments. But now Jehovih hath provided a race called the Ghans who can and will master the earth and subdue it. The Ghans are like untamed lions, born conquerors, with capacity to learn and reason, with faith in mastery, but not faith in Jehovih. As a man, having two sons, the one low-strung and passionless, the other in ceaseless mis- chief and desire for havoc, so stand the twain, the I'hins and the Ghans, on the earth. And when they die and enter hea- ven, the first, the I'hins, go as they are directed; but the second, the Ghans, still full of inherent stubbornness and self will, unheed the God and Lords; but back to the earth these well-formed and stately souls return, and set up heavenly kingdoms of their own, in darkness, and fain pursue with most relentless zeal their former ene- mies. And by their loud clamor they break up the kingdoms of Jehovih's Lords, and despoil them, proclaiming heaven and earth free to all. Thus the hapless souls in the lower heaven have been persuaded to fly from the hospitals and nurseries back to mortals, and there fasten them- selves as fetals, shutting their eyes against all further light. So mortals have given themselves up to doing the wills of the spirits of darkness, making spoil and desolation a holiday. We then came to God, Jehovih's Son, whose throne lieth in Gau, and he said: Take this message to Osire, Jehovih's Son, God of Lowtsin: Greeting, in the Father's name. Behold, the arc of Se'ing is at hand. Send thou, O God, a ship, and deliver my hosts, four thousand million. And after that, in due salutation, we hastened hither. CHAPTER II. Osire said: In written words will I set down explicit laws for these unruly false Gods, the Ghans, and give then bondage like the people of other worlds. O that they had had discipline before, instead of sweet persuasion. Send ye an es'elene, with suitable at- tendants, to deliver God, his Lords, and their hosts, the Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih; and leave Earth in darkness thirty days. And command my builders to provide me a ship for my hosts, and let the heralds go forth in Se'ing, anouncing that I am to visit Earth with fifty million helpers. Say'ah, scribe of C'taran, thus described the scene. Osire had spoken; his word had gone forth. Heaven was stirred up. Gods and Goddesses knew that new work was at hand. Earth had sons at last worthy the will and service of Gods. Osire, im- petuous and much loved God of Lowtsin, was going to visit these Earth sons. Say'ah said: When some Gods give command, the people move along; but when Osire decreed, the whole heaven of Lowtsin ran. And quickly now, the .man- dates were fulfilled. The ships were built; first, the es'elene, commanded by Yok, and equipped with five million souls, and start- ed off in haste to Earth to deliver God and his Lords, and such Brides and Bride- grooms as were prepared for the resurrec- tion. Next, the ship, Buer, an adavaysit, built for Osire and his hosts, fifty million. Osire said: Let swift messengers be stationed along the roadways; and they shall announce the proceedings of my Gods and Lords, and their whereabouts. And even so was the order of heaven executed. In due time Osire left his high place and with his hosts in the etherean ship of fire, started out toward Earth at break- neck speed; for such was the disposition of this most determined God. Nor halted he at Chinvat, the boundary of Earth's vortex, but sped on with banners and cur- tains flying, and martial music to stir up the souls of his hosts. Down he came to the earth with his fire ship, and sped round it, to learn its weak points; and next rose up a little to view the atmospherean spir- its who had presumed defiance toward high heaven. In the place where Gau had been (whose God had ruled by love for eight hundred years, and was unappreciat- ed by the crude boasters, the unlearned druj), there now stood castles and man- 120 CYCLE OF OSIRE sions of the false God, Utaya, round whom a million sentinels armed for battle were stationed to protect and do his will. Hither came Osire and over the battle- ments raised his ship, and brought it into the arena of the Council of hada. Then, halting, bade his marshals proclaim his voice: Come forth, O Utaya; behold my power. Thy sentinels stand appalled. 1 raised my hosts by higher law, and stand on my feet in thy citadel. Utaya said: Strange and audacious God. From what unmannerly region hast thou sprung? Know thou, Gods should kneel outside my walls and beg to know my will for an audience. Then Osire determined to hear his arguments, and thus spake: From Great Jehovih, I am come. I kneel to none save Him. To do His will in reverence am I come in power and ma- jesty. But erst I demolish thy pitiful walls, and cast thee down, suppliant, to do my will, tell me wherein excusest thou thy- self to turn from the exalted heavens and build here a kingdom of slaves for thy own glory? Utaya said: O thou jester! Erst I de- molish thee and thy ship, and enslave thy hosts as mine, I will then, pacify thy worth- less curiosity, that thou mayest hereafter know thy lesson well. But first, thou hast mocked me for my slaves. What more are thy hosts? Hast thou not tampered with their too willing love by stories of thy un- seen Jehovih, and persuaded them to suffer thee to lead them on to glory? Now I de- clare before thee, there is no Jehovih, no All Person. Hence, thy philosophy is founded on falsehood. The space is be- fore us; the worlds are before us; there is nothing more. Let him who will, assume a kingdom; let him who will, be a slave. I am Apollo. Osire said: When I shall have cast thee down, thou mightest say it was merely because it so happened, that one was stronger than another. So, then, that thou mayest remember my words are more in wisdom than in blind force, hear me whilst thou can, for it is not long that I can talk to such as thou. He who admitteth the uni- verse moveth in harmony and discipline, already admitteth the All Person, Jehovih. He who denieth the All Person, Jehovih, denieth unity in all things. If all things are not in unity, then are all things divided, . one against another. Wherefore, if there be greater strength in unison than in isola- tion, then therein hath unison won the bat- tle and become the All Person. Touching the matter of slaves; there is but one Master; and He ruleth over all; but it lieth in the power of each and every soul to attune himself to the All Person, which is freedom. Of such are my hosts. Thy slaves attune themselves to thee. They cannot rise higher than thou. My hosts have the universe for their model. Be- cause thou canst not find the cause of thy coming into life, why not say thou: A name I will call Him, and it shall be Jeho- vih? And now Utaya began with a long dis- course, which Osire waited not to hear, but turned to his marshals, saying: Break ye down the walls of Gau, and raise me ten thousand pillars of fire. I will here rebuild Jehovih's kingdom. Let the es'enaurs chant, All Hail to Osire, God of Earth! At which the astonished Utaya stood si- lently, as if to know if it were real, or but a frenzied dream, that any one should deny his power which had been established for three hundred years. Out of the ship came the hosts, and without waiting to be as- signed their part, every one in time to the music took their place in the citadel. Osire strode forward, and by the majesty of his power, overturned the throne of Utaya, the false God, and heaped the rubbish aside. Then stretching forth his hand, he said: In Thy name, O Jehovih, and by vir- tue of Thy power in me vested, do I here command the elements to do my will, and raise me a throne worthy of Thy Immortal Son. And quickly the substance of a throne was brought to the place by an un- seen power, and Osire formed it into a throne, and hung it round with transparent tapestry, woven with the elements of silver and gold. Meanwhile the laborers of Osire over- turned the walls of Utaya's city, and set free his millions of slaves, even whilst Utaya's officers, panic-stricken, dropped on their knees, pleading for pity, or fled to the earth. And Utaya, conjecturing the worthlessness of his stuff, compared to that which descended from the higher heavens, CYCLE OF OSIRE 121 shouted and called in vain to his most steadfast devotees. Osire's work could be compared to a man overturning the toys of a child. And Utaya, to prove his faith in himself, stood sole spectator, unmoved, but helpless, won- dering what would happen next. But now Osire, with no words of explanation or ex- cuse, ascended the new throne and gave the sign of Jehovih's name, which was an- swered by his mighty hosts; when, from the vault of heaven above there descended mantles of light, matchless in brilliancy. Utaya was himself illumined, and all his former evil deeds and cruelty stood out as if in huge black spots; and round on every side stood millions of souls, all pure, and transparent, washed by the ordeal of time and holy works. But Utaya was not all evil, or short in owning an honorable ad- versary; and so, quickly comprehending his awful plight in the midst of purity, first let fall a tear, which in pity blinded him from witnessing further his dire humilia- tion, and next weeping like a beaten school-boy, he cried out: Enough. Enough. Thou God. Take me hence from thy dissolving fire. I need- ed but to witness some great God's deed to find proof of mine own worthlessness. But Osire was not new to such a situa- tion, and proceeded with the affairs of hea- ven, appointing officers and laborers, and apportioning his High Council to do Jeho- vih's will, and so left Utaya alone a while in his own torments. O give me relief, cried Utaya, thou God of heaven and earth. I consume. I burn in purity's flame. For pity's sake, turn down the consuming fire. Osire halted from his labors long enough to answer thus: All Light cannot cease for convenience of one man. Clothe thyself, O false one, with robes of dark- ness, and hide thy cruel butcheries. Thou that wouldst have made slaves of my hosts, should be made of holier metal than to plead for help. Behold, not one of thy slaves have I taken, or asked to bow in obedience. To the righteous, the worlds are free. Only evil men and evil Gods quail before Jehovih's ceaseless fire. Meanwhile Utaya drew close around himself his glittering robes, and pulled his flashing crown down over his scalded eyes, which worthless fabric but fed the fury of the All Light that shone from the throne of God, Osire's resting place. The slaves of Utaya had fled, or lay piteously pros- trate, speechless with fear and wonder. Over these the hosts of Osire watched, and hastily took them beyond the now rapidly rising pillars of fire, where they were tem- porarily housed. Still the voice of Utaya rang aloud for help and pity; but to him none came. Then he saw that the prostrate victims fared bet- ter, and were less conspicuous. So Utaya cast himself prostrate, along with the rub- bish of his former throne. Then Osire sent Yesta, sister of Atonas, Goddess of Opsa, in etherea, to rescue him, and mantle him around with balm from the upper hea- vens. So Yesta and her band took Utaya hence, far beyond the boundaries of the newly built Gau. CHAPTER III. Osire spake from the throne, saying: Proclaim in the east and west, and north and south, that which has transpired in Gau. Go tell the false Gods and Lords in hada that Osire has come. Messengers started forth in every quar- ter of the world, inspired by the impetuous utterances of the commanding God. And so, half breathless, and in hastening speed, these young Gods and Goddesses, the mes- sengers, dropped in upon the Lordly de- famers of holiness, and told the tale of the overturned Gau where proud Utaya fell. And they inspired the false rulers to ex- pect even a worse calamity. Osire called his council, and appointed new places, with new officers, having no- thing in common with all past administra- tions of Gods of Earth. So far, these ap- pointments were from his etherean hosts, and moved by the fire of his own energy. Some were to build, some to survey and lay the course of streets, and places of hab- itation, and yet others to remove the old hospitals, nurseries and factories, and make way for new ones. There were millions of souls now scat- tered and lost in dire confusion, struggling in the outside darkness, whence rose a con- stant wail of fear and torment, strangely wild, compared to the glorious light fast 122 CYCLE OF OSIRE spreading from the rising pillars of fire about the throne of God. Osire's hosts, fifty millions, attuned to harmony, and pre- cision, were proceeding fast with their labor; not one but knew his part. Here, a road. Osire would speak; or with his hand command, An otevan to those helpless slaves, and his etherean workmen rushed to fulfill his commands. No loss of time or space to inquire how the matter should be done; for heaven's trained workmen had learned the power of concentrated effort, and the power of knowledge by which the elements stoop to do their wills. Jehovih saith: To learn the elements and master them is to become a God or Goddess. How, then, may the false Gods, by evil deeds, fortify their thrones? My etherean hosts come unarmed, and by a breath blow away their mighty kingdoms. And so it was in Gau. Only one Earth day had come and gone since Utaya reign- ed over a hundred million slaves, who daily brought tribute up from the earth to orna- ment his crown-like city; and now the dawn of another world stood supreme in the demolished kingdom.. What more pitiful sight than to see the former slaves still loyal to their deposed Utaya; coming to him in his banish- ment, fifty millions, swearing terrible oaths of fidelity to him forever. For so the Great Spirit created man, to even wed himself to misery and ignorance, to prove a most foolish love. And but for Utaya's guardians his very slaves had smothered him, in desperate effort to manifest fidelity. Then spake Yesta to him, saying: Raise thy voice against this unseemly crowd, and be commander still, at least to save thy- self. Remember how Jehovih gives this lesson to mortals, to say to evil: Away! For to allow first one and then another to fasten upon thee is as much a crime as a debauched passion unchecked. Bid them begone. For love of self, is a gift from Great Jehovih. Be thou thyself. It will be better for them also. Utaya, struggling, said: Alas, fair an- gel, these were my slaves. The hardest blow of all is their acknowledged love. The fire of the throne of Osire was tame to this. For hundreds of years, I gave these creatures pangs and wretchedness, and now they give me love. I cannot drive them hence. And Utaya bowed his head, sobbing, for such sudden great truths turned all his judgment into the darkness of his past deeds and wickedness, even whilst crowd- ing close on every side, the fifty million kept up their ceaseless assurances of endless love. Nor was there any way open to flight from their ignorant jargon and foul breath. So when Yesta saw how helplessly Utaya had given up, she raised her hand, saying: What shall I do, O Jehovih? And the Light descended, and Jehovih spake through Yesta, saying: Flesh of My flesh, created I man. From Mine own spirit gave I man a spirit also; and unto all men alike gave I all things in My worlds. But some men are not content with what I gave, but ask for more, even that they may have their fellows for sub- jects. To these I have given in answer to their prayers. Behold thou, then, O man, why seekest thou to put away to-day even what, a day since, thou didst pray for? They are as good to-day as yesterday. Thou hast said: Man can make himself whatsoever he will. So, thy Creator is worthless to thee. Love is the lightest of all burdens. If thou desirest not to carry their love, how didst thou carry their hate so long? Nevertheless, if thou desirest, thou canst put them away. They are thine, to do as thou wilt. Utaya said: How can I put them away? I cannot reason with fifty millions. Nay, before I persuaded a score, the first ones, so ignorant, would forget what I said. Tell me, then, thou Goddess, what shall I do to free myself from this great multi- tude? Yesta said: Call not on me, but on thy Creator; and not to be freed for thine own good, but for wisdom to do some good unto them over whom thou hast so long been a remorseless tyrant. These are a small curse to thee, compared to thine own judgment, for from thyself thou canst never flee. Thou shalt undo thy selfish deeds, which thou hast practiced so long. So. turn thou at once, and make oath to Him who made thee, that from this time forth thou wilt do good unto others with all thy wisdom and strength. CYCLE OF OSIRE 123 Utaya said: Alas, thy words are wise and holy, but I have no faith. Yesta said: Say not this. Thy words are another bondage on thy soul. To say, I have no faith, is to imprison thyself away from the All Light. Come, haste, or I leave thee; for if thou profess not faith, why shall I longer labor with thee? Say thou, I have faith in Thee, O Jehovih. I can, I will raise up these whom I have cast down. Utaya wept, and thus answered: O that I had faith like unto thee. But for long years I taught myself that prayer to Jeho- vih was not required of one so great and strong as I. Alas, I smothered out the fire. And, amidst his sobs, Utaya fell prostrate at Yesta's feet. Quickly now she raised her slender hand toward high heaven, saying: O Je- hovih, by Thy power vested in me, I here encircle this, Thy prostrate child, with ad- amantine light. Down from above there came phosporescent flames of light, and Yesta drew a circle round about, while the multitude stood back and looked on in wonder and fear but the surging mass be- yond pressed forward, shouting: Utaya! Utaya! Little by little, Yesta extended the light, and her assistants put up a structure to guard the place, so that in a little while it was like a miniature throne in heaven. Yesta then assumed the throne and so took command, placing helpless Utaya by her side. Meanwhile, her assistants sped through the multitude, making roadways, and selecting out the most intelligent of the former slaves and making guards of them. Yesta said to Utaya: Now will I give thee a lesson in righteousness; for thou shalt educate and develop all this host, thy former slaves, to thine own level, before thou shalt be raised. Think not it is easy to assume to be a God or a Lord, or even a mortal king. They that make servants of others must also raise them up to be an- gels of light. Heaven is just, as well as bountiful. To whom Jehovih hath given bountifully, it is commanded he shall give bountifully. For hundreds of years thou hast had the service of these hapless crea- tures; so shalt thou now serve them by making them intelligent men and women. Yea, till the lowest of them are thine own equals, of whom thou canst be proud, and say before the Father: Behold, my sister! Behold, my brother! — thou, Utaya, shalt not be free. Utaya said: I perceive thy words are from the All Highest. This is justice. I perceive now that whilst I rated myself su- preme judge of right and wrong, I judged with partiality to myself. Yea, without an All Highest, I perceive there can be no jus- tice in heaven or earth. O Thou All Light, how can I approach Thee? I have been feeding myself with an endless poi- son; my darkness was my fortress. Teach me the way, O thou angel of Light. What- soever Jehovih wills, that will I do, from this time onward, with all my wisdom and strength. So Yesta restored order, and divided the multitude into many parts, and sent officers amongst them to select and assort them, so that as soon as Osire should allot asylums and schools for them, they could be taken thereto. CHAPTER IV. Osire lost no time, but installed officers in Gau, and established his Council in as short a time as possible, crowning Ote God on the throne temporarily whilst he himself went forth to other regions to overturn false Gods and Lords. Leaving a sufficient guard and council, Osire, with a host of twenty million, went westward in atmospherea, over the central part of the great north lands, where Wotchak, a false God, was established with a hundred mill- ion slaves, to do his will. Wotchak, having been advised by mes- sengers of Osire's approach to Earth's heavens, supposing Osire to be from some remote star, and not knowing there were etherean worlds in the firmament, had walled his kingdom round with a new wall, and doubly fortified his throne, and attired himself and officers gaudily, hoping to overawe the coming God. To Wotchak Osire came, and waited not to be announced, nor halted for his sentinels, driving his ship straight up to the throne. Halt, halt! cried the astonished Wot- chak. Who dares to profane my throne and set all the rules of virtuous Gods at 124 CYCLE OF OSIBE defiance? Come down from thy ship and crawl on thy belly to thy sovereign God. Know thou, I am great Apollo. But Osire deigned only to say: By what authority hast thou made slaves of Jehovih's sons and daughters to augment thy self glory? And not waiting a reply, stepped down before the throne, even while a thousand well drilled ethereans stood with him in the form of a star. Then the upper light descended in great brilliancy. Wotchak was frightened, and fled from his throne, and all his council with him. Then spake Osire, saying to his hosts: Suffer not this false God and his council to escape. Encircle them around and hold them, to know my will and the decree of Jehovih. Presently, the ethereans brought back Wotchak, who cried out: O let me go! Take all, but let me go! What am I to thee? Osire answered him: Such hath been the history of these heavens. In ages gone, the usurping false Gods were suf- fered to go their way, leaving their former subjects helpless on the hands of the eth- erean hosts. That day is past. I am come to make such Gods know that their fate and responsibilities rest on the decrees of the Higher One, even the Creator, Jeho- vih. Behold, thou hast cast down and blighted a hundred million of Jehovih's children, making slaves of them to do thy will. As thou wert the cause of their fallen state, from liberty to bondage, so, now, thou shalt redeem them to freedom, wis- dom and truth. Whilst Osire spake, the proper officers let fall the light from the upper heavens, the like of which Wotchak had never seen. Presently all things became transparent, and the enraged Wotchak, foreseeing trouble, thus answered: Accuse me not, Thou audacious God. These, my council, urged me hundreds of years ago to my course, only praying they might remain my close advisers. I was their tool, and, if thou desirest justice, make them to feel the sting of repentant labor. Let them have my slaves. I want them not. I have been a most honest, up- right God. And now his counselors accused one another, all of them heaping the blame on Wotchak. Lighter and lighter grew the etherean flames, from which there was no concealment; and all their former false- hoods and cruel words and evil deeds, were unveiled, disclosing souls dark and hideous, with long covered up crimes, now made bare for the gaze of every eye. The scene brought the curious slaves in millions, and they all reassured the suffer- ing false God of their love and loyalty. And when Wotchak looked and beheld the abject wretches who claimed him as their worshipful God, he cried out: Enough! Enough! Unfeeling God! Thou art come in pretended right and peace; and because of thy power imposes on me and my coun- cil torments more terrible than I ever gave to slave of mine. Then Osire by waving his hand, caused his hosts to cast aside the false God's throne, with all its glittering gems, and to scatter abroad relics for the multitude. And now three pillars of fire were erect- ed and stood beside Osire and his attend- ants, which took all the strength and cour- age out of Wotchak and his confederates, and they crouched down at Osire's feet. Osire called Itu, saying: Take them without, and hand them over to their slaves a while. And Itu and his guard gathered them from the light and bore them hence. Quickly, now, Osire officered this newly conquered place in heaven, and called it Autat, signifying, foundation of perishable laws. And on a new throne, appointed Luce as temporary God, giving him acouncil of one thousand ethereans. And now Osire drew the plan for roads, and temples, and schools, and hospitals, and nurseries, and all such other habita- tions as are required by spirits newborn in heaven, leaving orders to have them com- pleted by a given time. Next, Osire ordered the divisions and selections to be made in the now scattered hosts of atmosphereans, and to have them all arrested and put into their proper places. These things he left in the charge of God, Luce, to be carried out. Far out in the plateau, Itu and his at- tendants carried Wotchak and his confed- erates, followed by forty million of his for- mer slaves. There Itu left Wotchak and his people, and Itu and his attendants went aside to witness what should transpire. CYCLE OF OSIRE 125 And now Osire departed with his ship and steered southward over the land of Shem, coming to a place in the lower hea- ven called Vibrahj, signifying resplendent, where ruled the false God Daveas, who had eight hundred million slaves, a thousand Lords and ten thousand Governors. And even as Osire rushed in headlong upon the other false Gods, so came he with his fire ship into the great city of Vibrahj, at this time the largest city in the lower heaven. Daveas had been warned by his sentinels, and so came to the front of his capital just in time to see the fearless Osire alight in front of the Council House. CHAPTER V. Osire said: In Jehovih's name, peace be unto thee. But Daveas replied: Nay, in the name of Apollo, who I am. How darest thou to approach my resting place except on thy belly? For four hundred years the honor of my kingdom has been revered by all visiting Gods; but thou com- est as a barbarian. Down, wretch, before I have thee bound and cast into prison. Osire said: Why should I not come before thee? Behold the Great Spirit cre- ated the whole universe for His sons and daughters. By what right hast thou usurp- ed any portion of it? And whence thy au- thority to bid me kneel to thee? But if thou canst show me wherein thou hast one just claim to enslave these people, rather let thy argument run thither, for I am come in the name of the Father to liberate them, that they may be prepared for the second and third resurrections. Daveas said: Think not that I have neglected to prepare for rebellious Gods like thee. Behold my millions of subjects! What is thy handful? Verily, I tell thee, I have prisons large enough to hold thee and thy hosts. Neither flatter thyself that I am ignorant. For two hundred years I work- ed in the so-called resurrections. I made myself a slave to the multitude, giving all my labor and time. Then I beheld my fol- ly, and so built a third resurrection myself. This is, therefore, my lawful kingdom. Moreover, I tell thee to thy face, thou wretch, there is no higher heaven than mine. Neither comest thou from a hea- ven great as mine. But having great self conceit, thou art come for mischief. I have heard of thee in other heavens. But now thou hast put thy head into the halter. Seize him, marshals! Seize him and his hosts! Cast them into prison. Osire spake not, but raised his hand upward, and suddenly his hosts cast forth sheets of light brighter than the sun. Daveas stood back affrighted, and his mar- shals fled. Presently, Osire, with a thou- sand attendants, stepped forth in flames of light, and went into the capital and sur- rounded Daveas, the usurper, but touched him not. And now the ship was illumined, and the sentinels of Daveas' Council fled. Then Osire spake, saying: By the strength of Thy hand, O Jeho- vih, destroy thou this house and throne. Then a great light from the upper hea- vens fell and rested on Osire's palms, and he overthrew the house and throne of Da- veas as easily as though they were made of straw; and as fast as Osire could give the commands his hosts pulled down and scattered the walls and temples. Meanwhile the officers of Daveas fled in terror, save such as were overcome by the light, and these fell and buried themselves amidst the rubbish. Hold, hold! cried Daveas. Give me air. I am perishing in a consuming fire, and he covered his face with his glittering robes. And now Osire called forth thunder and lightning, and the din and roar confounded all the eight hundred million souls, so they ran no further but stood and waited. Osire halted not, but went to a more suitable place to build his throne. Jeho- hovih, Almighty! he cried: Elements of Thy elements, O Father! Found here a throne for Thy son. And whilst his words went forth, the elements rose to do his will, and there was raised a most excellent throne, strong and adamantine, on which Osire ascended. Daveas had fallen down flat, weeping and wailing; but Osire, by a motion of the hand, called Wang-te, a most enlightened Archangel, with her attendants, to bear him hence, which was quickly done. Now, the place being clear, the hosts of Osire walled around a sufficient space for a city of a thousand million souls, with pillars of light, as brilliant as an arc in etherean firmament. Then Osire ap- pointed Klesta, Dawn Goddess, and he 126 CYCLE OF OSIRE gave her a council of fifty thousand ether- eans. Outside of the walls were Daveas and his eight hundred million subjects, in dire confusion. Wang-te, the Archangel, said to Dav- eas: Thou art favored to be free thyself awhile, to organize a new kingdom, but in holiness return and command obedience from this smothering host. Behold, thou hast taught them to believe thou art Apollo. Say to them now: I am not Apollo! I have been false! Daveas madly replied: Never! Jeho- vih and His kingdoms accursed be forever! Ye strange spirits, come from far-off king- doms, to despoil and overturn the most righteous place in heaven! Are Jehovih and His servants destroyers? To which Wang-te replied: This is no time for ar- gument. Behold these countless millions! If I withdraw from thee, and my attend- ants also withdraw, thou wilt be as one drowned amidst this sea of ignorance and horrid smells. For pity's sake purge thy- self of thy lifelong falsehoods and treacher- ous tyranny. Announce thyself as Daveas, as thou art, and I can save thee! Daveas rudely thrust her aside, saying: Never! I acknowledge to none! If there be a higher heaven, I will ascend thither as I am, Apollo! Wang-te said: In Jeho- vih' s name, put me not off! Remember what thou art and of the little thou hast seen, how powerless thou art before Om- nipotence! Thy fate is like that of all dic- tators, on the verge of a chasm of horrors. Daveas waited not to hear her further, but proclaimed aloud, Apollo! Apollo! and stood aside. And presently his former offi- cers rushed to him, and with that came the sea of millions of spirits, unorganized, un- washed, unfed, frightened and mad, for love of the name, Apollo, the meaning of which they knew not; and they became as a knot of serpents, entwined around Da- veas and his officers. And in the terrible brawl not one voice could be distinguished from another. And the outer extreme pressed inward on every side, and present- ly the eight hundred million were as a ball, a knot of darkness, with a dull and rumbling moan within, and fearful clamor on the surface, from which horrid smells issued. Wang-te and her attendants hastened back to the throne of Osire, Son of Jeho- vih, to tell what had happened. Osire said: What shall I do, O Father? Then the Light of Jehovih came, and Jehovih spake, saying: Consider My creation, My Son. The young child I made to fall with few bruises; but the full-grown man falleth heavily. Shall I make a separate rule to favor kings and queens of earth, and false Gods in heaven? Nay, I will make of Da- veas an example in heaven, and on earth, also. Because he hath spurned his own name, so will I make both angels and mor- tals to curse and shun the name Daveas. Osire said: Proceed ye with my king- dom, in the name of the Father. Let Da- veas remain as he is. Then Osire departed, taking the re- mainder of his hosts with him in his fire- ship; and he went to a heavenly place to the westward, where was Seru, a false God, with ten million slaves; and Osire de- stroyed Seru's kingdom also. Next he went to a heavenly place in the north, where Raka, a false God, had several mill- ion slaves; and Osire destroyed his king- dom also, liberating his slaves, and putting a guard over Raka. Thus went Osire throughout atmos- pherea, demolishing all the heavenly king- doms of the false Gods, of whom there were in all, seven hundred and eighty; but many of them had not a million subjects. Osire and his hosts labored thirty days destroying the kingdoms of the evil Gods, and when this work was completed Osire said to his hosts: In the next thirty days we will build to Jehovih. Take the ship, therefore, to Vibrahj, for there I will found my central kingdom. And after we shall have completed the work of starting the second resurrection on a sure foundation, then will we go down to the earth and overturn the kingdoms of the false Lords with men. Jehovih spake to Osire, saying: Send officers out into all the divisions of hea- ven where thou hast destroyed the evil kingdoms, to arrest all the false Gods whom thou hast dispossessed, and bring them hither that I may speak with them. Then Osire spake to the officers, say- ing: Go ye out into all the divisions of at- CYCLE OF OSIRE 127 mospherea, and arrest and bring hither all the false Gods whom I have dethroned, saying to each: Osire, God of the lower heavens, commandeth thy presence. Come thou, and hear the Voice of Thy Creator. But many will fear to come because of the Light. Say to all such: The light will be lowered for a short space of time; come, therefore, quickly. To all the knots where the false Gods are enveloped, shall ye take sufficient um- brae that ye may release them. But leave a guaid with each knot to hold them in their places. The officers went aboard as command- ed, and after many days the false Gods were arrested and brought before the throne of God. And there were assembled, one hundred thousand Archangels, of whom two thousand had risen to the rank of Gods and Goddesses, and thirty thou- sand to the rank of Lords and Lordesses. Osire said to the false ones: Greeting in the name of Jehovih! Do not fear me. Be not expectant of torture or punishment. Though I come in all power, my words shall be tempered with wisdom. But I can be no respecter of persons, nor swerve in the least from Jehovih's commandments. In Jehovih's name, I came to deliver those ye had bound; and through Him have I attained power to that end. For I cannot bind you, or cast you in prison. Have not my officers just delivered you from bond- age, and are now holding you free from the knots? Most of you are learned men of the sec- ond resurrection; but ye have used your wisdom for self-glorification, being proud to call yourselves Gods; not to teach them of Jehovih and His Kingdoms, but falsely teaching that your own kingdoms were the All Highest, thereby shutting out the true light from the unlearned. Jehovih hath blessed you with strong minds and handsome forms, whereupon ye have each of you falsely proclaimed ye were Apollo. Think not that this matter was not known in high heaven. I have here the reports of swift messengers, which were brought to me in the firmament above. I came not in ignorance of what you were doing; neither came I in weakness. More than a hundred thousand million, who have been raised up to etherea from Earth and her heavens, stood by my side. Besides these, a million times as many ethereans, from other worlds; and above all of these, the Great Orian Chiefs; and yet beyond, and over all, Great Jehovih! Have I not proved my power before you all? Did I go away in a corner and say: Come, I will show you my power? Nay, I came close to you all. As the Fa- ther first proveth power, so have I. That I may talk to you in wisdom, I have had you arrested and brought hither. Hear me then, and remember my words. In former cycles, the high Gods who descended to these heavens, finding false Gods, simply liberated their slaves, and put no labor of restitution on the false Gods. This was because the false Gods of those periods were too imbecile and unlearned. But Earth and her heavens have reach- ed a higher state. And with progression cometh responsibility. Ye bound your sub- jects to your kingdoms; and now ye can- not put them aside? Ye taught them your kingdoms were the All Highest and they must now be taught of Jehovih's king- dom. Ye taught them that you were the All Highest Gods! They must now be taught that Jehovih is the All Highest. Ye put aside the ancient rites and cere- monies, wherein the name of Jehovih was used, teaching them to sing to. you only. They must be taught new songs, substitut- ing the Great Spirit, to Whom none can attain, forever. Ye taught them to be un- thinking and contented as slaves. They must now be taught to think for them- selves, and to labor for everlasting liberty. And now, touching the law of the res- urrection, remember this is the same in all the created worlds; that the spirit of man groweth by giving away of whatsoever the spirit hath to give. If you have great learning, and you give of it, then more learning shall be added unto you; if ye have goodness of heart, and gentle words, then, by giving this away, more shall be added unto you. If ye have craft in inven- tions or mechanics, and ye bestow of these talents unto others, then will more be add- ed unto you. The corporeal man accumu- lated corporeal things by not giving them away, but the spirit of man only re- ceives greater wisdom by giving away. For he who locketh up the light of the Father 128 CYCLE OF OSIRE that is in him, cannot obtain more light. He who locketh up goodness of heart can- not obtain strength of spirit; and without strength of spirit no man can attain to the third resurrection. But, that men may learn to obtain strength of spirit, the sec- ond resurrection hath been established in atmospherea. The chief delight of man shall be, therefore, to find some way to impart his spiritual talents and strength to the great- est possible number of people. Think not that preaching to the ignorant is sufficient; but ye shall take hold with your own hands and show them how to accomplish. Yet not labor alone; for some are so created that ye cannot inspire them without rites and ceremonies and music. Now shall a man after having taught and raised up a few, say: Behold, what a good work I have done! But as long as he findeth a man, woman or child who is lack- ing in anything, he shall say to himself: Alas, what I have done is as nothing in the resurrection of my fellows. Ye have had your kingdoms. Yea, and boasted of them. Your boasts have as- cended to etherea. Will ye go thither and be asked: Where are your kingdoms? Shall it be said ye shirked the responsi- bility of caring for them whom the Father gave into your keeping? Osire ceased; and now a brilliant light descended around about the throne, and Je- hovih spake through Osire, saying: As I have given seasons to my corpor- eal worlds, so have I given times in the atmospherean heavens of Earth, where- in my etherean hosts came from my everlasting heavens to accomplish the resurrection of My Brides and Bride- grooms to etherea. And I sent Gods to teach these things to mortals and angels on the earth, and they proclaimed My words, saying: There is no such thing as individ- ual resurrection, for Jehovih created prog- ress to be in compact, that man might learn the strength of unison wherein the Creator is all power because He is the All One. And I caused them to give rites and ceremonies,, chief of which was the oath of service unto Me and My king- doms, wherein many bound themselves, which was, and is, the beginning of lib- erty. And I created examples on earth and in the lower heavens, that even the unlearned might understand Me and My works. For to him that begetteth children I gave bondage; but this is a bondage that circumventeth not liberty in time to come, for they can ascend to heaven and progress, together better than alone. But some gave themselves up to love earthly things, such as houses and money and kingdoms, which things have no resurrection. Hence, such bondage holdeth the person after death to the thing he loved. And many have set up kingdoms in the lower heavens binding themselves to things that have no resurrection but belong on the plateau in atmospherea where I created them. And to them who have bound themselves to their fellows, saying: I am thy salvation! it is like a young man saying to a maiden: Come, I will be thy husband. And she goeth to him in confidence. Here, then, is bondage, and neither of them can annul that which hath been united; for by their bondage, I am also a party to the contract. And in the same manner, they that assume kingdoms, professing to be Gods of salva- tion, and thus enticing My innocent ones unto themselves, become bound, not only to their subjects, but to the contract ot de- liverance unto salvation. The Voice ceased, and Osire said: If a man wed a woman with an evil temper, his glory lieth not in going away from her, but in teaching her to overcome her tem- per; or, if her husband be evil, her glory lieth not in going away from him, but in reforming him. It is wiser to accomplish whatever work Jehovih hath put in thy way, than to desert it for sake of per- sonal comfort. Nevertheless, there is a limit; and to the wise there is power to accomplish much that seemeth impossible. Hear ye, then, my judgment unto you: Ye shall again assume kingdoms, and every one have the same subjects he had before. And ye shall be provided with places and thrones and have councils of my Archangels also. And I will give each one of you an assistant God, who shall sit on your right hand for four years, which is the time of this dawn, teaching you what to teach and how to teach it. My hosts will now conduct you to the places prepared for you, around which are CYCLE OF OSIRE 129 erected walls of fire. And when ye are safely seated on your thrones, your former subjects shall be brought before you in groups, and adjudged to labor, and to schools, and such other places as are suit- ed to them, according to their strength and talents. And ye shall not be free from this labor until you have delivered your subjects unto the third resurrection. My hosts shall labor with you to this end, that Jehovih may be glorified in your harvests for the emancipated worlds. Therefore, in Jehovih's Name, receive ye ordination from my hands, by the power and wisdom of the Great Spirit. The officers showed them how to make the sign of Jehovih's Name, and how to stand before the throne; and then Osire said: By Thy Love, Wisdom and Power, O Jehovih, do I anoint these, Thy Gods, for Thy service, and for the exaltation of Thy kingdoms, forever! Amen. The light was now becoming so bril- liant that many of the newly made Gods quailed before it But the marshals stood beside them, and they passed before the throne of Osire, where they were crowned and arrayed as Gods of the second resur- rection; after which they were again con- ducted before the Council, and saluted in the sign of Jehovih's Name; and from thence they were taken to the kingdoms prepared for them to the time of martial CHAPTER VII. Thus Osire established Vibraj, the re- splendent heaven, with a thousand and eight hundred sub-kingdoms, in atmos- pherea, all under the commandments of the central kingdom. And then he estab- lished the roadways between them, and appointed seven hundred thousand messen- gers. And the several sub-kingdoms es- tablished their places of learning and la- bor; their hospitals and nurseries, and their innumerable asaphs, the receivers of es'yans. Osire said: Behold, there is order in heaven. Now will I appoint a God to hold dominion two hundred years; and during the remainder of the dawn of dan I will assist him. Let the examiners search, amongst my hosts, from such as sprang from Earth. So the examiners searched; and after thirty days they selected Konas; and when Osire was informed, he sent a thousand of his own attendants, in an otevan, and they brought Konas to Vibraj, to Jeho- vih's throne. Osire said: Greeting, in the name of the Father! Thou art chosen above all others; and, after the dawn of dan is ended, thou shalt be God of Earth for two hundred years. Before the ascent of my hosts and of my- self, behold I will crown thee. Till then thou shalt sit on my throne, and fill my place whilst I am absent. I have now restored order in heaven, having given all the inhabitants a purpose in concert, whereby their resurrection is founded. Now will I go down to the false Lord's kingdom, on the earth, and to the mortal kings and queens, and restore or- der there also. Konas said: Thy will and Jehovih's be done! I am exalted and rejoiced in what is bestowed upon me. Make me strong and wise, O Jehovih, that I may glorify Thy kingdoms! So, after due preparation, Osire de- parted privately, taking with him one hun- dred thousand attendants, going down to the earth and to the false Lords' king- doms, in the cities and temples of mor- tals. Seven days Osire spent traveling round about the earth, visiting angels and mor- tals, but telling none who he was, or what was his object; and then he halted his ote- van, which had been built for the purpose, in the regions of the mountains of We-ont- ka-woh, in Western Jaffeth. He said: We-ont-ka-woh shall be my headquar- ters for a season. Here, then, will I found the first Lord's kingdom for mortals, and inasmuch as mortals have made an idol of Apollo, so will I cast down Apollo, and make them know that I, Osire am Lord of Earth. Then spake We'taing, saying: Behold the glory of Jehovih from the first! In our journey around the earth we found the I'hins not idolators, but still worshipers of the Great Spirit, Jehovih. But as to the half-breeds, who can under- stand them? They believe nothing; they believe everything. They ask the idol for rain, and for dry weather; for strength to slay the Druks; for flesh to eat, and for 130 CYCLE OF OSIRE famine to be visited on their enemies. They are as living prey for drujas to feast on; they invite the darkest of all evil. And to do their wills in return, the drujas, the evil spirits, busy themselves inoculating the air with poison to kill their enemies. Osire said: With the Thins we have little to do; but as to the Ghans and the I'huans, they shall be converted into dis- believers of the presence of all spirits, save two, Jehovih and satan. To accomplish which end, I will give them three figures: The signs of seasons, which shall represent the Creator in all the parts of the living; the sign of the sun, with motion and all life coming forth; and the hand of man. CHAPTER VIII. Through Osire, Jehovih said: I created man with a corporeal life, that he might learn corporeal things; but behold the I'huans have lost all energy to acquire earthly knowledge, depending on their familiar spirits for information on everything; thereby wasting their mortal lives in non-impiovement. So that when they die and enter heaven they are easily made slaves of by evil spirits. Better were it for them had they no knowledge of spirit life, that they might put to service the tal- ents I created within them. See to this matter, O my Sons and Daughters; for their desire for the presence of the spirits of the dead will draw fetals upon them- selves, and they will go down in darkness like the ancients. The Voice departed, and then Osire said: Hear me, my brothers and sisters; this is my commandment to you, and to your successors. Possess ye the temples and oracles, where the familiar spirits speak; neither aUow ye familiars to come to kings, nor queens, nor governors, nor to leaders nor rulers of men; but take possession of all such, and answer ye the corporeans with corporeal knowledge only. And that ye may be as a unit unto mortals, give ye all the same name, Jehovih through His son Osire. For when ye answer at the oracle, or in the altar or temple, they will ask who the spirit is; and ye shall say: Osire, Son of Jehovih; doing this in my name and the Father's. And when ye speak by entrancement, through the seers and prophets, also assert the same thing. And they will ask: Why has the Son of Jehovih come to us? And ye shall say: Because ye are an idolatrous people, worshiping before stone and wood; where- by evil spirits take advantage of you, and rule you to your downfall. And they will reason amongst them- selves, saying: How know we, then, that thou thyself be not an evil spirit? And ye shall say: It is well that ye ask this, for I declare unto you, ye shall not worship Osire, but only Jehovih, the Creator. This doctrine only is safe. Again they will say: Who is satan and his attendants? Ye shall answer: Who- ever professeth any name except Jehovih is of satan. Now whilst ye are thus reasoning with them, certain ones in the temple will be worked by the familiar spirits, writhing and twisting, and ye shall say to the next akin: Behold, I will tell thee how to cast out the evil spirit. Thou shalt say: I charge, in the name of Jehovih, to depart. And they will do this, and at the time they use the words: In the name of Jehovih, depart! ye shall drive hence the familiars, thus proving the power of Je- hovih greater than all spirits. But that this matter may spread rap- idly, and be valued highly, impart the name of Jehovih in secret, not allowing them to speak it aloud. Choose ye, there- fore, certain mortals, and ordain them through the king, and their labor shall be to cast out evil spirits. It will come to pass in many places where ye dispossess the false Lords and their confederates, these evil spirits will inoculate the cattle and beasts of burden with poison, and they will die; and the evil spirits will show themselves to the dogs, and cause them to howl; and the evil spirits will obsess the swine, which are easily influenced, and the swine will appear drunk and foolish. All of which things ye shall prophecy to mortals beforehand, thereby attesting the wisdom of the Great Spirit. After these things are accomplished mortals will say further: Behold, thou Son of Jehovih, erst thou came Apollo told CYCLE OF OSIEE 131 us when the plant, and when to reap, when to bring the male and female cattle to- gether; but now that we have put him aside, what shall we do? And ye shall answer them: Come in the starlight and I will give you the signs, that ye may know these things yourselves. And where ye speak in the oracle or by entrancement, ye shall point out to them certain stars, and teach them the names thereof; and certain groups of stars, with their names also; and ye shall show them the travel of the sun, north and south, and give them a table of onk, divided into twelve groups, with twelve lines coming from the sun. And ye shall raise up priests by inspira- tion, and by entrancement, and through them illustrate the position of the sun in the signs of the onk. And the priests shall explain these things to the unlearned, that they may comprehend of their own knowledge. When these things are accomplished ye shall inspire the I'huans to go to the Thins and ask to be circumcised unto Jehovih; and the I'hins, being also under inspira- tion, will bestow them with the sign. CHAPTER IX. When Osire had completed his instruc- tions to his hosts, he sent messengers to Vibraj, saluting, in the name of Jehovih, calling for one million ethereans; and when they had come Osire divided them into ten thousand groups, giving each group one or more of his attendants, whom he had instructed. When all of them were in readiness for the work, Osire said: Experience hath proven that to dispos- sess familiar spirits in one place is but to drive them to another. It is wise, there- fore, that in the same day ye make an at- tack in one city or temple, ye shall do so in the principal places all over the earth, giving the familiars no place to fasten upon. Therefore, let the time of attack, in each and every place, be at the begin- ning of sunrise on the morrow; and ye shall possess all the temples, and places of the oracles, and the cities, and the kings, queens, rulers and leaders of men, driving hence, by stratagem or by force, all the false Lords, and all spirits professing the name of Apollo, or any representative spirit in the name of Apollo or Thor. And mortals will immediately recog- nize that some change is going on in the unseen world; and they will go to the places of spirit communion, asking for Apollo to explain; and ye shall answer: Apollo is cast out! Hear ye the wisdom of the Great Spirit, Jehovih! After which ye shall instruct them as I have commanded. So the ethereans drove out the false Lords of the earth, and they banished the familiars of all the kings, queens and leaders of men. And the ethereans taught in the temples and oracles, by entrance- ment and by inspiration, even as com- manded by Jehovih, through his son, Osire. But in all places the Great Spirit's name was made a secret; and it was com- manded of mortals that His name should only be spoken in a low whisper, because Jehovih speaketh to the soul of man silently. And these things were es- tablished; and this was the first universal teaching of the Great Spirit to mortals. And Osire decreed: One Lord shall ye give to every city and oracle; but every Lord shall profess Jehovih, being his Son. And this was also accomplished; and when the people consulted the oracles as to who the spirit was, the answer was: Je- hovih, through his Son, Lord of Earth or God of Earth. But it was made lawful to use the names Lord and God with audible words; and they were thus used and spok- en by mortals as the substitutive words, permissible in public, in place of the name Jehovih. Osire said: It is an easy matter to rule over the kings and queens and prophets, and all learned people, but not so easy to rule over the ignorant, who, having been accustomed to worship Apollo through the idols will long continue to do so. There- fore, ye shall cause the kings to issue edicts prohibiting familiar spirits, and for- bidding soothsayers and workers of magic; and teach ye mortals that these things come of satan. This was also done, according to the commandments; and now there was no place left for familiar spirits to obsess mortals. And these spirits distributed themselves after the manner of the spirits of the olden time, some going into swine 132 CYCLE OF OSIRE and living with them; whereupon Osire commanded his hosts to inspire the kings and queens to pass laws prohibiting the eating of swine's flesh, lest mortals be- come bound with fetals. Accordingly, this law was established on the earth. Some of the dispossessed spirits went into the for- ests to dwell, and some to the fountains and mists in waterfalls; others, who were depraved, dwelt in the fisheries and slaugh- ter houses, and still others in the kennels, with dogs and cats. Nevertheless there were many mortals who were dealers in magic and witchery, and these had an abundance of familiars. And when such mortals died the familiars went to their sons and daughters; and so it was said of them they inherited the gift of magic. Osire, having overcome the evil spirits, now called a council at We-ont-ka-woh; and there came five hundred thousand angels. Osire said: In Jehovih's name will I now deliver them I have cast out; and ye shall labor in conjunction with the Gods of atmospherea to this end. Behold, I have had the familiars enumerated, and there are more than six thousand million of them on earth. Ye shall go forth, there- fore, into all the divisions of the earth and proclaim a great festival, to be held in We-ont-ka-woh, inviting them hither. And ye shall provide them conveyance, bring- ing them across the seas in suitable ves- sels; and when they are congregated here I will destroy the ships so that they can- not return. This was accomplished, and more than five thousand million spirits came to the festival, where were provided for them food and clothes of fantastic colors to please the eye of the ignorant; and when they were provided with these things they were entertained with music and dancing, they themselves being taught to take part. For seventy days the festival lasted, and each day varied from another, and the multitude became so intoxicated with de- light and so broken off from their old habits and associations that they forgot all about the ships and conveyances. Osire spake to his council in private, saying: Provide ye an airiata large enough for all these people. So, whilst the festi val was going on the proper workmen built the vessel, and its capacity was suffi- cient to carry all the multitude of spirits, besides a sufficiency of regimen for them on a long journey. Now after the festival had lasted sev- enty days, Osire proclaimed order that he might speak unto them. He said: Brothers and sisters, in the name of Jehovih, greeting to you all. I am about to depart to a higher world. That ye might hear my voice, I proclaimed order. That ye may rejoice in my words, I speak in love and tenderness. My home is in a world far away, where there is no suffer- ing, no sorrow. And the spirit of my peo- ple is radiant with light. I would tell you of the beauty and glory of my home, but it would not be just to you. Ye would no longer be content to remain here. Be- cause ye suffered, and my soul was full of pity, I made this festival. The Great Spirit taught me how to make food and clothes, and to travel far and be not afraid. All the people where I live can hear the Voice of the Great Spirit. They learn all things by first learning to hear Him. His wisdom supplieth every want. My love will remain with you, but it will be a long time before I come again. The time of the festival is ended. Your time has come to return to your old places with these Lords of yours whom you have worshiped so long. When Osire began to speak the people desired at once to go whither he would decree; and when he suggested for them to return to their former Lords, who were also present, they answered with a uni- versal voice: Nay, never more with them! Osire said: I perceive ye desire to go with me and my hosts. I have learned to understand your souls. But do ye under- stand me? I mentioned the great glories in my heavens, but I did not tell you that we worked to make them; yea, we work every day. The Great Spirit made the tree to get its food and clothes without labor; but, behold, it hath no power to travel. Some things in the world labor not; but man, who hath neither feathers, nor hair to cover his body, is provided with talents. Talents are the greatest of all gifts. The air and the ground provide the substance of fruit and foliage to the tree, but the spirit who hath talent can find the sub- CYCLE OF OSIRE 133 stance of fruit and foliage in the air, and gather it. Lights of various colors were now being set up by the ethereans and the place enriched with the most enticing per- fumes. Osire proceeded: By the cultivation of talents, all things are possible unto all men and women. With a sufficiency of talent ye need no Lords nor oppressive rulers. I mentioned the great beauties of my etherean home. Ye go to the spray of fountains, and disport yourselves in rain- bows; but ye are in a small corner at best, and the substance of your joys are in per- petual failure. Behold the sprays and bows made by my hosts! Hear the music played by the elements of their handi- work. The hosts here overcast the entire mul- titude with the vapor of the air, converted into millions of kaledioscopic pictures, and filled the place with the music of currents of wind trained to tunes. The hosts were overjoyed beyond measure. Again Osire said: Hear me further; the festival must cease. Ye forget, I told you I must go. My marshals will now conduct me and my hosts to my fire-ship. As for ye, my heart is broken. I know the toils and hardships put upon you. But if ye desire these things, they are yours. The universal shout was: We will go with thee! Take us in your fire-ship. Teach us how to improve our talents! Osire said: What will the Lords do? Shall they remain without subjects? But the false Lords answered quickly: We will also go with thee and be thy servants to do thy bidding. Osire said: When I am on the ship I will answer. So he departed and went into the airi- ata, to the side of which his own fire-ship was made fast; and presently he command- ed all who chose to come aboard; and be- hold the whole of them, even more than five thousand million, went in. Osire at once commanded the ascent; and thus he delivered them high up in atmospherea, where the proper officers had already pro- vided a plateau of habitation for them; and the name of the plateau was Assan, signi- fying no escape, for here Osire intended to have them educated and purged from evil; nor was it possible for them to return to the earth. CHAPTER X. In Assan Osire appointed Sha'bon as God over the delivered hosts; and Sha'bon selected officers and teachers, and then di- vided the people into groups and sections, according to their development, and then erected schools, and nurseries, and facto- ries,- and put the inhabitants to work, feasting them with rites and ceremonies. After Assan was duly organized, Osire departed and went and visited in various kingdoms that had been established by his Lords. And the heavens of Earth were thus organized anew under Osire. And the whole time of organization was three years. But Osire spent the remainder of dawn in Vibraj, perfecting it as the central kingdom of atmospherea. And, lastly, he decreed the appointment of ten thousand Lords to dwell on earth; some at the tem- ples of worship, or oracles; some within the cities of the Ghans; and he decreed to his Lords as follows: Ye shall teach mortals of heavenly things by inspiration, but not through the oracles. Ye shall not allow them to commune with the spirits of the dead, not even their own kin. Ye shall not permit spirits to come to their mortal kin. And the spirits of those who die in infancy ye shall deliver to the asaphs in Vibraj. Ye shall not permit spirits to inhabit deserted houses, nor permit them to form habitations on the graveyards of the earth. Ye shall not permit spirits to inhabit caves or waterfalls on the earth. Ye shall not permit spirits to obsess mortals, nor to speak through them by en- trancement, unless they be such spirits as ye appoint in order to carry out these, my decrees; or masters of generation, whom ye shall appoint over mortals. Ye shall control the selecting and ap- pointing of guardian spirits over newborn mortals. And all such guardian spirits shall teach their wards nothing of heaven near the earth, but inspire them that it 134 CYCLE OF OSIRJE lieth far away, and very high, from which place none return. And the guardians shall also inspire their wards to consult God only, or his Lord, and to do this by secret prayer. And that the Lord and God are good- ness, wisdom, love and power. And that all evil cometh from tetracts born with man. And ye shall inspire mortals to acquire a knowledge of the sun and moon and stars, giving names unto them, together with their places in the firmament. And give them temples for observation and tablets for instruction. For in all things ye shall direct man's soul to the acouisition of corporeal knowl- edge, causing him to look into corporeal things to find a reason for the behavior of all created substance. And they shall not depend on the spirits for knowledge, for I am not laying the foundation for spiritual knowledge on earth; that must come afterwards. For as Jehovih first gave to man a corporeal life, and then a spiritual life, so am I laying a foundation for a new race on Earth; and from their kin shall spring the heirs of Kosmon, who shall embrace both cor- poreal and spiritual knowledge. But these shall rise in corporeal knowledge and go down in it. Ye shall teach them in truth, but they will in after generations contort your teachings into corporeal worship, prostrat- ing themselves before the sun and moon and stars, going down into disbelief in not only the spiritual life, but in the Great Spirit, and His Gods and Lords. All these things must come to pass on the corporeal world; nor is there any res- urrection in the latter days, unless these of this day go through the fall which I am preparing for them. For which reason ye shall found corporeal knowledge in the stars, and name them; for these things will be testimony in Kosmon of the fate of the worshipers of corporeal knowledge in the time of the Osirian cycle. So, leave noth- ing undone that can be done to make mor- tals put aside all spirituality, save to be- lieve in the Great Spirit and a distant heaven; but make them pursue knowledge wholly corporeal. For the labor of God and his Lords shall not always be to bring spirits back to earth, to learn of corpor, for this is not Jehovih's plan. A heaven shall be built up of corporeal knowledge, which shall have a base in the firmament of heaven, where spirits can be taught in time to come. Fear not that man can be too unbe- lieving in spiritual things in this age; Jehovih requireth even perfection in unbe- lief in certain periods of time. And this is the founding of that era on Earth. Therefore, do these matters with all your wisdom and strength; and may the Light of Jehovih be with you now and forever. CHAPTER XI. Who shall tell the story of the Gods of earth in the cycle of Osire! Their mighty kingdoms overspreading the whole earth! Hundreds and hundreds, and thousands! Their libraries of rec- ords of holy deeds! A council cham- ber of half a million souls! Hundreds of departments and thousands. Here a com- mittee to select young students to the col- leges of messengers; another to select students to the college of arts; another to select students of mathematics; another for prophecy; another for great learning; another for factories; another for com- pounding and dissolving elements. Then come the departments of the cosmogeny of the stars; then of the etherean worlds; then the roadways of the firmament; then a'ji and ji'ay and nebulae; then se'mu; then hi'dan and dan; then the dawn of dan; then histories of corporeal affairs, and of the affairs of the heavens, far and near; then genealogy of thousands of Orian chiefs; the creation of mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms. Indeed, to enumerate half of what cometh before a God and his council would itself fill a book. Who, then, O Jehovih, shall venture to tell the labor and wisdom of thy etherean Gods! And of the multitude of questions that come before the council from far-off places? A strange voice riseth up from the earth, saying: Have they anything to do in heaven? O, ye Gods! And one-half of the Earth-born coming hither in in- fancy! And the countless millions who CYCLE OF OSIRE 135 know little more than the beasts of the field! Having been falsely taught that these unfortunates would fly off to para- dise and possess great learning in the hour of death! O that their understanding could be opened up to Thy kingdoms, Thou All Extending Creator! That their eyes could look upon the greatness of even Thy lower heavens! To behold a thousand depart- ments reaching as wide as the world! And then the hundreds of thousands of branch departments, of hundreds of grades, adapt- ed to every soul that riseth up from the earth. O that they could look into the dark places of atmospherea! That they could see a million souls, crazed, wild and bat- tling, plunged into chaos by terrible war, not knowing they are dead! The cease- less toil of nurses and physicians, laboring day and night with them! O the dark- ness upon them! O the glory of thy ex- alted ones! Thy swift Gods of dawn! How they hear a hundred tongues at one time, and frame answers for all of them, and by a motion of the hand dispatch messengers to fulfill the same! How they select officers, to know a hundred at a glance, and know where to place them, that every one shall fit his place! Who is there, O Father, can frame into words the proceedings of heaven, so that mortals can comprehend even a fraction of Thy great glories! Shall a man light a candle and say it represents the sun? How, then, shall they find the affairs of mortals compara- ble to Thy kingdoms? O that they knew the meaning of the difference between All Light and the darkness of man's judg- ment! O that they knew Thee, Thou Central Sun of All Light! They have put away Thy person. Thy great Gods are but myths to them, because of the darkness of their souls. Behold, they look for a small man with a large sword! The power of great wisdom they know not. O that they could behold the coming and going of thousands of messengers from far-off kingdoms before the throne of God ! How he hath answered them instantly, and meanwhile heeded the voices of a thousand marshals! O that they knew the glory of order, the power of harmony! They have seen a clock with a hundred wheels, and the eye of its maker oversee- ing every part in motion, and they call it wonderful! But how can they compre- hend Thy councils, O Jehovih, Thy mill- ions and Thy God on his throne, mantled in Thy light, overseeing a whole heaven! What majesty of words can make mortals comprehend his wisdom, power and great labors ! CHAPTER XII. Osire, through his mathematicians, furnished the Lords with maps of cor- poreal stars, and moon, and sun, and the position of Earth with the sun-belt, and bestowed names of animals upon them. Showed where the region of cows was; the place of bulls; the place of bears; the place of horses; the place of fishes; the place of scorpions; the place of sheep; the place of lions; the place of crabs; the place of death; the place of life; and marked the seasons, and made sections to the year, which was the width of the sun- belt. And he placed the sun in the midst and made lines thence to the stars, with explanations of the powers of the seasons on all the living. When the tablets were completed and ready to be delivered to the Lords, Osire said: Take these and bestow them on mortals, both through the oracles and by inspiration, making them sacred with the prophets, seers, and priests, and their kings and queens. And ye shall inspire them to build tem- ples of observation, to study the stars; teaching by the gau and by the travel of the sun north and south, and by Cnest, and by dark chambers. For with the cul- ture of the corporeal senses man becometh vigorous, strong and independent; and with the culture of the spiritual senses in corporeans they become weak, sensitive and dependent. In the first case they ultimately be- come selfish and wicked, in the second case they become impotent and unadapted to corporeal life, and thus become extinct. On all corporeal worlds Jehovih hath provided two seasons for every race; a season for the development of the cor- 136 CYCLE OF OSIRE poreal senses and a season for the develop- ment of the spiritual senses. To find the balance, this is to find kosmon, which lieth far in the future. In this day, therefore, I give the mat- ter into your charge, in the name of Je- hovih, that you consider not the spiritual nature of the corporeans in any respect, leaving that matter to God and his sub- Gods, who will receive them at the time of their mortal death. But ye shall teach them to fear no spirit, nor Lord, nor God; teaching them that by their own wills they can cast out the tetracts. Rather inspire ye them to be Gods and Goddesses them- selves; and by their aspirations they will become large, powerful and fearless. CHAPTER XIII. And now the dawn of dan was finished. Order reigned in heaven and on earth. Men and angels had their eyes turned inward, to know of what capacity Jehovih had made them. And Earth and moon, the sun and stars, were shown in a new light to the senses of men; not to be shunned and despised, but glories given by the Great Spirit for useful purposes. Osire prayed to the Creator: Send for my resurrection, O Jehovih. I have up- rooted the evil of idol worship. I have opened man's eyes to Thy corporeal worlds and set a mark on men's souls, wherein man shall not come from earth to heaven, saying: Alas, I have no cor- poreal knowledge! Jehovih said: To further man's ulti- mate glory, I have decreed Earth to ji'ay'an fields for three thousand years, in which thy fruit shall have its full growth. Osire foresaw the times that from his decrees would spring corporeal philoso- phy, whereto man should look back in after ages, saying: Thence sprang the Osirian system. Yet he looked further on when men should become disbelievers of spiritual things, doing worship to the sun, moon and stars; and profess to find the cause and foundation of all things in corpor. Jehovih said: Man shall search all things in order to find Me; but I gave this labor not to one generation of men, nor to those of a hundred, or a thousand years, but to cycles. For when I come in Kos- mon to found My kingdom on earth, man shall have the testimony of all speculations and philosophies before him, together with the fruits thereof. And he shall judge that which is good by the evidence of the past. High in the arc of Se'ing rose Osire's call, where millions waited, knowing the dawn of dan on the red star was near its end. Swift messengers told the story of Jehovih's work through his Son, Osire, and, measuring the width of the harvest, laid the matter before the reigning God- dess, Antwa. And they embarked in an obegia, amidst music and dancing, five million souls aboard, commanded by Eticene, Goddess of Antwa's garden, an etherean plain, where dwelt ten thousand million souls. A place of rest for Gods and God- desses. Off to the red star, Earth, steered the obegia, the pride of Eticene, for the marriage festival of seven thousand million Brides and Bridegrooms, the yield of Osire's harvest for etherea. Meanwhile Osire and his hosts pre- pared in the usual way and awaited the coming of Jehovih's light within Earth's vortex. So the obegia pierced the vortex of Earth, with the hosts of Eticene aboard, and the Brides and Bridegrooms shouted with joy, whilst the millions of guests who assembled to witness the awe- inspiring ceremonies joined in applause. Down came the ship of fire, broad as a sea, adorned in majesty, to the floors of Vibraj. And from the mantles of light came Eticene, to salute Osire in the name of the Great Spirit, and receive his con- tribution to the emancipated worlds! Osire and his attendants, the Archangels gels of Lowstin, received Eticene under the sign of Ormazd, and then presented his delivered sons and daughters, seven thou- sand millions. Whereupon, due ceremo- nies were proclaimed, and the Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih entered the obegia. Osire saluted God, who was or- dained to be ruler of Earth and heaven, tor the next two hundred years, and departed, going into the obegia, the fire-ship, for a higher heaven, where waited millions of loves, calling to him to come home. Then upward rose the mighty ship, commanded by the slender Eticene, the young Goddess of Antwa's Garden, her little hands stretched upward to Jehovih. LORDS' RECORD FOR CYCLE OK OSIRE CHAPTER I. In the beginning of the cycle of Osire the angels in the lower heaven and mor- tals on the earth worshiped Apollo, and mortals depended on the angels to tell them when to sow, when to reap, and when to lay in stores for the winter; neither ob- served man the time for any of these things. But after having destroyed the kingdoms of the numerous false Apollos, Osire appointed a great many Lords on the earth, and when man sought to know the time for sowing and reaping, and of laying in stores, Jehovih's Lords answered them by teaching man to observe the po- sition of the stars in the firmament, and the Lord taught men to call the different groups by name that he might distinguish between them; and man became independ- ent and sought to find the cause of all things in corpor. Now Shem had many tribes who had settled on the borders of the sea at Haven- ti and Gats, and the Lord who dwelt with them spoke through the chief prophet Tah, who made a record on stone, and wood, and cloth, of the Lord's word, and these were preserved in the valens of the Lord. And when Tah died the mantle of the Lord's gifts fell on Tah's son; who also had power to hear the Voice; and he also kept a record of the Lord's words. And when he died his son succeeded in the same way, and because of this truth the Lord called all of them by the sacred name Tah, the order of which continued for a hun- dred generations. And these tribes filled the country far and near with cities; and yet, in all the while, they killed nothing that had been created alive on the earth, or in the waters, or in the air above. In the early days of the Thins the Lord spake through the chief prophet, saying: When the inhabitants of one city or tribe marry with those of another city or tribe, it is but just that the names of father and mother be given to the offspring. But man understood not the Lord. So accord- ingly the inhabitants combined the names belonging to the neighboring tribes, thus: One tribe said ut, another for the same thing said yat, and another tribe said wat, and another hoot, and so on. So the after generation said utyatwathoot (mean- ing wheat), and this was called the Yiha language. And so great was the number and size of the words used that the writ- ings of the ancient prophets were lost, be- cause none could understand them. The Lord spake, saying: Because I de- sired to preserve the genealogy of my chosen, ye have applied the law to things that are worthless in my sight. Ye have built a tower of words, so that your lan- guages are confounded one with another. The Lord said: Come now, into murdhan, and I will deliver you. So the people sat in crescent, and the Lord stood betwixt the horns saying: Be- hold, I am the spirit. My word shall stand against all the world. Hear, then, the commandments of the Lord: Because ye have built a tower of words, ye are confounded; but I come to deliver you. Neither will I write nor teach writ- ten words, for they are folly, save to the learned. By word of mouth will I teach, and ye shall repeat after me. And these shall be sacred words to the end of the world. So the Lord taught orally in the temple, face to face with the people, and they learned the words and the meaning there- of. And those who learned the best, the Lord named Ritjiv, because he made them teachers over others. The Lord said: Because ye have con- founded the language of the ancients I will give you a new language, and it shall be called Vede, meaning perfect; nor shall any man alter the words I give? And the Lord spake not about foolish stories, but taught man how to live that he might be happy himself and a glory to the Great Spirit. CHAPTER II. The tribes of Ham were of many colors, and the Lord caused the name Ham to stand as a living testimony to the 138 CYCLE OF OSIBE LORDS' RECORD coming time of Kosmon. For the Lord foresaw that the time would come when the nations would look back for histories of his peoples, and so the Lord caused cer- tain words and signs to be perserved which should be testimony in the later times of earth. Of all colors (black, white, yellow, cop- per, red, and brown) were the tribes of Ham. Nevertheless they were of I'hin blood having flat nails and short arms, and of such as desired to acquire knowledge. And the Lord brought them to a country of rich pastures, where lived but few natives, the dark people, with short hair. The Lord said: Behold the multiple lan- guage of the tribes of Shem, side by side with the tribes of Jaffeth. The latter shall use the derivation of the Panic language of this day even in Kosmon. For I gave unto the tribes of these two different lands my ten commandments and ten invocations, to be not written, but spoken and taught from mouth to ear, to be sacred in the language given. And I locked up sufficient of the Panic language in Jaffeth as a testimony to be discovered in after years, showing that unlike Ham and Shem, a mighty nation could retain one language for thousands of years. For I foresaw that philosophers would try to prove that languages were of mortal ori- gin, and that they would change according to the growth of knowledge amongst men. The tribes of Ham had previously loved to migrate westward, and the tribes of Jaffeth and Shem loved to stay within their own countries. Jehovih said: Having designed Ham for teaching the barbarian world of Me and My dominion, I also prepared them that through their blood men and women should have hair neither straight nor short, but long and curled, red, white and brown, where- by might be traced in after ages the gene- alogy of nations. Now, in the midst of these three great countries, Jaffeth, Shem and Ham, was the chief place of the I'huans, where they founded a new nation; and the Lord called them Par'si'eans, because he cre- ated them as a shield to guard his chosen, the I'hins. The difference be- tween the I'huans and the Par'si'eans was that the Ihuans lived near and about the I'hins, but the Par'si'eans lived in a nation by themselves. Nevertheless they were all of the same blood and kin, being half breeds betwixt the I'hins and the native Druks; and they were large and of the color of new copper. And because they were favored of the Lord, the Lord gave them separate laws, and commanded them not to mix with the Druks, which commandments they kept for more than a thousand years. But in course of time the Par'si'eans were tempted by the Druks, and some of them fell from their high estate and thev became cannibals. And the Lord sent the Ghans, to whom he delivered his oral scriptures, to travel in search of his people; and a number of the Ghans were lost in the wilderness; and this was the country of the Par'si'eans, and that land was filled with wild goats. And the lost Ghans not being flesh eaters could find no food, and they said: Come, let us live on goats' milk. And they so lived for a long season, taming the goats and keeping herds of them. And they roved about, driv- ing their herds with them, for which reason they were called Shepherd Kings. And the Lord looked on them with favor, saying: These that call themselves shepherd kings shall have this country. Out of the seed of these people will I work wonders. And the Lord taught the shepherd kings how to make leather out of skins. The shep- herd kings made bags of leather in which they carried milk, which was thus churned, and they made butter. CHAPTER III. It being not the will of Jehovih that man should be led forever, the Lord said: A teacher that doeth all things for his pupil also sacrifices his pupil; he who teacheth his pupil wrongly sinneth against the Father; he who teacheth his pupil not at all is accessory to evil. So standeth the Lord over the childern of men. Behold, I have demonstrated that my chosen can maintain themselves unharmed amongst barbarians; also that by unre- strained marriages a sacred people is quickly lost amongst barbarians; and that man, witnessing terrible conflicts, would rather desire sons of strong limbs and crafty minds, to do murderous work; from which condition he had no incentive CYCLE OF OSIRE LORDS' RECORD 139 to rise in gentleness and love for the glory of the Great Spirit. That I, your Lord, might show after generations, first, that without my hand in the work no good nor peace could come amongst men, and, second, that only by a race of I'hins, as examples of my power, through signs and miracles, could the bar- barians be reached for their own good. Not only did I leave the ruins of my cities, which had no gates of entrance, and houses without doors of entrance, that ye might have testimony of the race of I'hins, but I have shown you that only by such procedure could the barbarians be induced to seek a higher and better mode of living. CHAPTER IV. When the Lord established the five peoples who were saved from Pan; and he commanded them to preserve Panic words in their respective countries, and they so preserved them. And the following is what became of these I'hins: Those who came to Guatama survived twenty-one thousand years, and attained to one thousand large cities, and three thou- sand small cities, being more than four million souls, and then became extinct as tribes. And they never had any king or queen, or other ruler save the Lord, who ministered unto them through the prophets. And they retained their sacred name of Guatama to the last; but the I'huans called them Ooch'lo'pan, signify- ing people of another world. And in course of time they became diminutive, and de- sired not to marry. And there came great darkness on the earth, with falling ashes, and heat and fevers; and so the Lord took them up to heaven. Those who came to Jaffeth survived twenty-one thousand years, and attained to two thousand large cities, and seven thou- sand small ones, being more than eight million souls, and then became extinct as tribes. And they had no king, serving the Lord only. And they retained the name Jaffeth to the last. But the I'huans called them Tua Git, signifying people of spirit light. And then came a'ji on the earth, and it touched them with impoten- cy, and they brought forth no more heirs. Those who came to Shem survived twelve thousand years, and attained to six hundred large cities, and two thousand small cities, being more than two million souls, and they became extinct by amalga- mation. Neither had they any king, but served the Lord through the prophets. And they retained their name Shem to the last; but the I'huans called them Sri-vede- iyi, signifying people of the perfect light. And impotence came upon them and they disappeared, for many of them married with the I'huans, but their children became I'huans, neither having the silken hair nor the musical voices of the I'hins, nor the light of the upper heavens. And those who came to Ham survived twenty-one thousand years, and attained to one thousand two hunderd large cities, and three thousand small cities, being four million souls, but being of mixed colors. But they broke the law of God more than all other Faithists, and they mingled with the I'huans. And they had no kings or queens, serving the Lord only through the prophets. And they retained the name of Ham to the last, when they ceased to exist as a separate people because of their amal- gamation with the I'huans. But the tribes that went in the two ships to the north land (Japan) could not be distinguished after a thousand years from the I'huans, because they mingled therewith, and were lost as I'hins. Never- theless they redeemed the barbarians unto wisdom and peace. CHAPTER V. In the time of Osire, the Lord pro- vided for the light and knowledge, that had been with the I'hins, to be merged into the new races, the Ghans and I'huans. By the Lord and his angels was such foundation laid. Before this time the I'hins could not inspire the barbarians to make leather and cloth; nor could they inspire them to in- dustries of any kind. The Lord provided oracle houses unto the inhabitants of the earth wherein the Lord could speak face to face with mor- tals, through his angels chosen for this purpose; persuading them to industries, and peace and righteousness, after the manner of the I'hins; teaching them of the stars and sun and moon; showing them how to find the times and seasons of the 140 CYCLE OF OSIRE LORDS' RECORD earth, and inspiring them to observe the stars and name them. But the Lord taught not that man should worship them, but that he should learn their glory and majesty in the firma- ment. But man forgot his Creator because of the wonder of His works. Behold, O all ye that say there is no Lord, I have left a remnant of the barba- rians. Let them that find the cause of the progress of man, to come of the earth, go raise up the barbarian. I say to man: Go commune with the spirits of the dead; and man doeth it. I say: Come away from such worship and fall down before the stars; and man doeth it. Jehovih said: My Lord, go thou; call man to one thing to-day and let him wor- ship it. For man shall fall down and wor- ship everything in heaven and earth. By trying them shall man know them. For in the day of My glory, Kosmon, man shall put away all worshipful things save Me, his Creator. Jehovih said: It is not the plan of My heavens for the spirits of the dead to re- main on the earth, engaging in mortal servitude and practices. Behold, the way of My kingdom is upward. Rather shall man on the earth seek to rise upward than that the angels of heaven go downward. Hence the Lord carried away the spir- its of the dead, and he turned man's judg- ment to learning the glories of the lower kingdoms. And man advanced in great learning, both of the sun, moon and stars, and of all things on the face of the earth. The Lord said: These signs have I given to man that he may comprehend the cycles of his Creator. When spiritual re- search is chief amongst men, they advance not in science, art, nor inventions. But when man is bereft of spiritual aspiration he advanceth in corporeal knowledge and inventions. These signs show the changes being wrought on mortals by the hand of the Almighty, through His Gods and Lords. The Lord said: Behold, I raised up great kings and queens on the earth; and I gave them pageantry, and rites and cere- monies, after the manner of heavenly things. And these I made as an inspiration to the multitude, that they might learn to provide themselves with the luxuries of all cerated things. For I desired not that man should become spiritual until the earth and all manner of savage beasts and serpents were subdued. Otherwise man had de- scended into impotence and failed on Earth. These testimonies have I left be- fore thee, that the spiritual man inclineth to shut himself up in seclusion and prayer; but the Osirians go forth to work man- fully. Thus gave the Lord to man the names of the stars, and their seasons; and the seasons of the sun, moon and Earth. CHAPTER VI. Great became the wisdom and power of man on earth in that day, and his power and glory were greater than had ever been before. He established mighty kingdoms and sub-kingdoms over the lands of Jaffeth, Shem, Par'si'e and Arab- in'ya.. He excelled in building temples and palaces, and in all manner of inventions; in fabrics of linen and silk, and wool and fine leather; in writing books and tablets; in mathematics, in navigation and inland travel; in making thermom- eters, and barometers, magnetic needles, telescopes and microscopes; in chemistry and botany. Verily did the philosophers of those days know the mysteries of heaven and earth. And man became no longer thankful to God and his Lords; but man became con- ceited, saying: The Gods are fools! All things are Nature and of growth. Man has become wise in spite of God and His Lords. All things evolve into higher states. It is the natural order. Neither is there any All Person, Jehovih! He is void, like the wind. And the Lord saw the conceit of man, and he said: He that I have raised up turneth against me. Now, will I go away from man for a season, that he may learn wisdom. Behold, man shall also find that many of his fellows will turn against him. So the Lord departed out of the star chambers, and the places became filled with the spirits of the newly dead, who were not of the heavens above nor the way of the Almighty. And man inquired of them thus: Behold, thou art now a spiritl CYCLE OF OSIRE LORDS' RECORD 141 Tell me, is there any God or Lord or Je- hovih! And the spirits, desiring to flatter man, and not knowing the heavenly kingdoms, answered: Nay, there is no God, nor Lord, nor All Person, Jehovih! So the kings issued edicts, commanding the people to no longer worship God, nor Lord, nor Jehovih! But woe for the judg- ment of kings and queens. Man, having inherent worship in his soul, ceased indeed to worship God, and his Lords, and even Jehovih; but instead he took to worship- ing the stars. Now the spirits manifesting in the tem- ples advised one thing through one seer, and another through another; for they were of little knowledge and wholly un- organized. So presently the kings took to war against one another. Anarchy ensued, and man fell to destroying all the glories he had made. Thus again, after three thousand years of prosperity, man went down in darkness, again fell under the obsession of drujas, and again became a barbarian for three hundred years more. Cycle or Fragapatti CHAPTER I. In Horub, an etherean world on the borders of the arc of Aza, in the proces- sion of Sayutivi, Chod and Gorce, a region of light, where reigned Fraga- patti, Orian Chief of Obsod and Goo- matchala one thousand years; God of Varn, God of Lunitzi, Witchka, Schleinka and Dows, thirty thousand years; Survey- or of Gies, roadway and trail of Fetisi and Mark, seventy thousand years; Prim of Vaga, Tsein, Loo-Gaab and Zaan, forty thousand years. Fragapatti said: Jehovih spake to me in the capital of Horub, whilst sitting in the Council of Obsod, where sat my mill- ion Gods, and there came from the Al- mighty's throne a great light, and with the Matchless Voice, Jehovih said: My Son! Go to the red star, Earth. She cometh thy way; her coat is red with mortal blood! Fragapatti said to the Council of Gods: The Father saith: The red star cometh this way; her coat is red with mortal blood! The Gods and Goddesses turned to their tables to mark the time, and quickly the whisper ran to a million ears: The red star! Earth! Ye recollect it was the little star where Sethantes stood man upright, now some sixty thousand years ago; and Aph crushed in her walls and pruned her to the quick. And then they overhauled Earth's his- tory, these Gods and Goddesses; meas- ured her course to learn just when she would pass; and they found five years and fifty days would be her dawn of dan, her time to cross the arc of Aza. And as yet she roamed two hundred years away. Fragapatti said: Because the All Light hath given such long warning, great labor cometh anon. Let my swift messengers come; I would speak to them. Then the marshals ushered in the swift messengers, saluting before the throne. Fragapatti said: Autevat, my son, the All Light fell upon me, saying: My son, go to the red star, Earth; her coat is red with mortal blood! Now, by her time, she standeth more than two hundred years beyond the boundaries of Horub. For this I called thee and thy attendants. How long will it take thee to go and sur- vey Earth and her heavens and return? Autevat, well trained in such matters, said: Of Earth's time, forty days. Fragapatti said: What number of attend- ants wilt thou require for so great a dis- tance? And Autevat said: Twenty thou- sand. Fragapatti said: Provide thee, then, all thou requirest and go at once. And if thou shalt find the inhabitants of Earth suitable for sacred records, commission thou the God to send loo'is to raise up an heir for Jehovih's kingdom. Autevat said: Thy will and Jehovih's be done. And, duly saluting, he and his attendants withdrew, and, coming to Gat- wawa, ordered an arrow ship of twenty thousand gauge. In two days it was com- pleted; and during the time Autevat had chosen his attendants for the red star, Earth, to see what was the matter, that a God so far away as Fragapatti was could feel and know the flow of human blood! For as mortals can sense things a short distance, Jehovih's upraised Gods can feel the breath of the stars, and know when they are disordered, and the manner of their disorder. CHAPTER II. Fragapatti and the Council were deeply engaged in the Sortiv of an Orian arc, through which the phalanx of Inihab and her constellation was soon to pass; an etherean region where the star Un- howitchata had been dissolved some twenty days before and thirty thousand million bound spirits removed by the chief of Avaia and his band of etherean Gods, CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 143 who had drawn largely on the inhabitants of Ful, a garden of Horub, in Fragapatti's dominions. And Avaia had quartered the dismembered hosts near Sortiv, where the light of the arc fell sharply on them; to complete which concourse taxed the Gods for more help than was at hand. To rem- edy which, Fragapatti's hosts were extend- ing the ji'ay'an fields of Uth and lowering the grade suitable to the spirits of dark- ness rescued from Unhowitchata, a prolific world, bringing forth imperfect human souls too abundantly. And Inihab was soon to pass the arc of Sortiv, with her three hundred stars. many of them larger than Earth, to seventy of which the inhabitants of Horub would need go as redeeming Gods and Goddesses for the dawn of dan upon them. To apportion all of which. Fragapatti and his million Council had work on hand, so that the condition of Earth and her hea- vens weighed not seriously upon them. But in such period as would be forty days on Earth, Autevat and his attend- ants, with the arrow ship of fire, returned from Earth and her heavens, speeding close to Obsod, where the marshals re- ceived them, and announced them to the Council. Fragapatti said: Let Autevat and his attendants approach the throne. And Autevat went in, saluting, and stood before the chief, Fragapatti. Aute- vat said: In Jehovih's name, and by His power and wisdom, am I here to proclaim of the red star and her heaven. First, then: It is three thousand one hundred years since great Osire sowed the seed of mental culture amongst mortals, and it hath grown to be a giant, and a most merciless tyrant. To learn whereof I speak, God and his Lords gave me voice and word, and opened the libraries of their heavens, and accompanied me around about Earth, to all nations, tribes and wan- derers. To me the God of Earth said: Greeting to Fragapatti, in the name of the Father! And to thee, His Son! Take thou this record to him and his Council in Horub. For I am powerless through my Lords and hosts against such odds. From the time great Osire ascended to his etherean realm, our heaven yielded ample harvests for one thousand five hun- dred years. And God and Lords succeed- ed in regular order for every dan put upon Earth. But then came a change, for the a'ji'an fields pressed close on every side of heaven, and the souls of angels and mortals turned down to the earth. After which time only such as were already with- in the second resurrection strove for the upper grades. Thus our colleges, schools and factories were left vacant; for the hosts of es'yans, newborn from Earth, were stubborn in their earthly learning, spurn- ing wise counsel and association. And there were born from Earth into atmos- pherea millions and millions of spirits, who could not believe they were dead, but maintained they were confined in dark dungeons, howling and cursing day and night. For the seed of corporeal knowl- edge had taken root in the I'huan race. They had learned the motions, names and places of the stars, the moon and sun; and from these prophesied the affairs of nations and men. And duly marked out, with maps and charts, the destiny of things, according to the dates of corporeal births and movements, attributing the highest central cause to the sun. And thus they cast aside all spirit, even Jehovih, reasoning that if the sun made winter and summer, and grass to grow and die, so it ruled over animals and men. And so the temples built to observe the stars, before which men once fell down and worshiped Jehovih, became the places of decrees to horrid deaths of all who taught or believed in spirit. And now rose a mighty nation on earth of the I'huans, called Par'si'e, and they ignored the decrees of Gods and Lords to build no city larger than two thousand souls; for- sooth declaring the Gods and Lords to be but inspirations from the quickening power of the sun and stars, made dark and personal by the credulity of past ages. And so, in representation of the solar pha- lanx, they built Oas, a sun city, which standeth to this day of a million souls, sworn to make it the central ruler over all the world, and all other places tributary and paying for its glory. And over Oas they made a king, and called him King of the Sun, the kingship to be passed down from him to his heirs forever. And Oas was embellished and adorned above all other places that had been on the 14:4: CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI earth, the fame of which spread abroad over Jaffeth, Shem and Ham, betwixt which it lieth. Its colleges became fam- ous, and its observatories were of such magnificence that their roofs were covered with silver and gold. The mirrors and lenses and dark chambers within the tow- ers were so constructed that the stars could be read as well in the day as at night, and the records of observation cov- ered more than a thousand years by men of great learning. But now, alas, Oas as- pires not only to be the central sun in knowledge, but in power and dominion, over the whole world. And so, from her ample treasures, she sendeth forth armies to conquer and destroy, to gather and plunder, to build up her magnificence still greater. So Jaffeth, Shem and Ham ran red with human blood, whereat I raised my voice to high heaven, that Jehovih would send deliverance for the souls of men. For of the millions slain, whose spirits still lie on the battle-fields in chaos, or madly fighting some unseeen horror, none can be persuaded to come to holier places in heaven; whilst hosts of them rush madly into Oas, to find their souls accursed by mortals. So the heaven of Earth hath fallen to the earth, save the I'hins and the far-off I'huans, whose spirits my Lords gather in and prepare for resurrection. But amongst the Par'si'e nation, none more be- lieve the dead shall rise, nor that spirit is; but that with the mortal death there is the end, to which the king hath made a de- cree that never more shall man teach or preach of a heaven for spirits of the dead, nor proclaim a Great Spirit, a Creator. Autevat said: In such manner God dis- closed the affairs of earth and heaven, which things, in fuller detail, I, with my attendants, beheld in every land and king- dom. And as we sat in Vibraj, in the sacred circle, a light, a single star, ap- peared before us, even at the throne of God; and from its center the book of heaven fell, as if to send broadcast before mortals the plan and will of Jehovih, near at hand. At this God said: Tell me, Autevat, thou that travelest across the mighty heavens and art stored with the knowledge of Gods ruling over other worlds, what is the signal of this light and sacred book? To which I replied: This, O God: The time hath come to Earth to prove to mortals the things whereof the Gods and Lords have taught. History shall no longer be locked up with the chosen race, the I'hins, but it shall stand before all men. Thou shalt prove the resurrection before these stub- born kings, these slaughterers of men, that they may say, not as the I'hins, we believe the soul immortal, because handed down from the ancients, but because it hath been demonstrated before our eyes. God said: How shall this be? To which I replied: Not I, great God, can tell, for that department is not in my keep- ing. But this much I know: Thou shalt send loo'is into the city of Oas, and they shall raise up a su'is sar'gis of the fourth grade. All else leave thou till Fragapatti cometh. God said: To reach the fourth grade will require five generations, which shall spring from the I'hin race,' commingling the I'huans. Go, then, O Autevat, to thy etherean home before the Council of Obsod, to Jehovih's throne, and say to great Fragapatti: An heir to the light shall be born ere the dawn of dan of Horub. Autevat said: On learning these things I took my leave and came swiftly back to thy realm. Fragapatti said: It is well. In the time of the next dawn of dan on Earth I will take a vacation in which to fulfill Jehovih's plan on Earth and in her heav- ens. So saluting Autevat, who retired, Frag- apatti proceeded with his Council in the affairs of other worlds, having made a memorandum of the time and place Earth should near the plains of Horub, in the etherean worlds, some two hundred years yet to come. CHAPTER III. And when the time of dawn had come, Jehovih's voice spake to Fragapatti, in his etherean home, saying: My Son! Behold, the dawn of dan neareth the border of Horub, and God and Lords of Earth are proclaiming the name of My infant Son, Zarathustra. CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 145 So Fragapatti went into his etherean Council of Gods and Goddesses and said: The time hath come; the red star borders on the plains of Horub. Jehovih calleth! Then the Council rejoiced, for the weighty matters of hundreds of etherean worlds were settled for a space of time, with promised rest and recreation in cor- poreal fields. First spake Ad'ar, God of many worlds, a decreer of time in a'ji'an vortices, in the regions of Hispian suns, saying: O Jeho- vih, I rejoice that Thou hast decreed Frag- apatti five years' rest, the dawn of Earth in dan, with only Earth and her heavens to deal with. Next spake Fivaka, Goddess of three etherean worlds, the white-haired wielder of the Scimetar of Bars, period of Os, Car- bon fashioner of the arcs of Job and Sawl. She said: O Jehovih, what shall be the prayer of thy daughter Fivaka? What can her love devise for the rest and glory of our Orian Chief, Fragapatti? Then spake Che'sin, marshal in chief for seven etherean worlds, small man, with flowing beard, brought forth from the star Indr. He said: O Jehovih, make me con- tributor of my much love to the rest and glory of our Holy Chief, Fragapatti! Thus spake ten thousand Gods and Goddesses of their love and high esteem for the worker, Fragapatti, rich in love, power and wisdom, above all etherean Gods in Horub. Fragapatti said: Ten millions strong my hosts shall be. On Earth and her heavens, during the dawn of dan, five years and fifty days we shall have no other labor, thus making it as a holiday for Gods and Goddesses to redeem the fallen world ! When Fragapatti had spoken, the proper officers and workmen proceeded to their parts, and in seven days the Yattal announced the fire-ship, the beyan float, ready for the journey. Meantime, the se- lection of ten million redeemers had been made, and they came, every one like a brilliant star, to take their rooms in the monarch vessel. Fragapatti made Huod commander in chief, and gave him ten thousand aids. For the curtains and tallij, he made Metrav, Goddess of Rook, Mis- tress of the Flowing East. And for the spires, he made lata Mistress of Restless Morn. She was Weaver to Ga'ing, in Reth, four thousand years, and much loved, with black eyes, piercing. Of music Fragapatti made Theritiviv conductor. She was Goddess of Helm, an etherean world in the roadway Zi and Olus, four thou- sand years Mistress of Ne'alt and Exan; one time companion to Etisyai, the Vruiji, loved in Wan and Sangawitch for her mirth in adversity. Of the trumpeters, Fragapatti made Boan conductor; he was God of Ixalata, now on leave of absence. For Chartist, he made Yan the chief; he was Surveyor of Oatha, an etherean sea in the Orian arc of Wede and Hollenpoit- chava, also on leave of absence during the red star dawn. He made Hetta Chief Mis- tress of the Libraries. She was Goddess of Vitia in the Wails of South Eng, thirty thousand years Teacher of Imies, and ten thousand years Counselor of the Orian chief Erris, of the arc Wiamesse. Besides these, Fragapatti distributed the minor offices of the float to such Gods and Goddesses whose most exalted states were the extreme opposite. And thus they started on their course, amidst the ap- plause of thousands of millions of ethere- ans, wishing them love and joy on their mirthful cruise in furtherance of Jehovih's will. Speeding swiftly across the swamps of Ull, where seven corporeal stars were dis- membered a thousand years ago, now set with a'ji'an fields and forming nebulae; whereto they bring at times the drujas, the dark spirits of other worlds, that they may take on the semblance of corporeal forms to complete their neglected works in times past; the ship rose, and they shot into the pastures of Ze, where Lepsa, God of the corporeal star Tessa four hundred years, was caring for seventy million es'yans, col- onizing them to truth and good works. Lepsa knew the float was coming, and so had called a thousand million spectators, knowing they desired to see great Fraga- patti; and they sang and blew their trum- pets, rejoicing; to which the Gods and Goddesses of the float cast out myriads of arc'ian flowers and sweet perfumes. To Evul, now, the ■ ship made way, where seven etherean worlds bordered in 146 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI the arc of Nu, pastures of Elim, God of Ooh'sin, where congregated another host of two thousand million to see them pass, cheering and singing and playing with trumpets and stringed instruments; and to this God, Elim, Fragapatti caused the banners of the float to salute on the sign Jehovih's name, being friends for ninety thousand years, and Elim answered him with a million posts of light, amidst the waving of innumerable banners. Onward moved the float, the fire-ship, with its ten million joyous souls, now nearing the borders of Horub, the boun- dary of Fragapatti's honored regions, known for hundreds of thousands of years, and for his work on many worlds. Here, reaching C'vork'um, the roadway of the solar phalanx, near the post of dan, where were quartered five hundred million ethe- erans, on a voyage of exploration of more than four million years, rich stored with the glories of Great Jehovih's Universe. Their Koa'loo was almost like a world, so vast and stored with all appurtenances. They talked of going home! Their pilots had coursed the firmament since long be- fore Earth was made, and knew more than a million roadways in the etherean worlds, and where best to travel to witness the grandest contrasting scenes. By invitation, Fragapatti halted here awhile, and the hosts interchanged their love and discoursed on their purposes, re- joicing in the glories of Jehovih's everlast- . ing kingdoms; and though they had lived so long and seen so much, every one had new and wondrous works to tell of; for so great is the inventive power of the Great Spirit that never twice alike will one find the scenes in the etherean worlds, but ra- diantly different, moving into everlasting changes, as if each one were to outdo the former in beauty and magnificence. Onward sped Fragapatti's fire-ship, richly stored with the soul-stirring won- ders they had just heard from strange trav- elers. Presently the float neared Chin- vat. Here Fragapatti halted for a day, sending swift messengers down to the lower heavens and to the earth, to re- solve where he should anchor during dawn. And the next day he ordered the lights lowered, and now slowly moved toward the rolling Earth, down, down, till he reached the third grade of plateau from Earth's surface, called Haraiti. CHAPTER IV. Jehovih said: Here, My Son, in Hara- iti, have I laid the foundation of thy king- dom. Here make fast thy fire-ship; call forth thy hosts; build thou a throne. Frag- apatti said: Here will I build a throne, O Jehovih. Haraiti shall be my headquar- ters for the dawn of dan. Come forth, O ye Gods of dawn! Come forth, O ye God- desses of dawn! Hear the voice of the Son of Jehovih. The ship was anchored and the ten millions came forth and assembled in a living altar. Fragapattti raised his hand, saying: Throne of Thy throne, O Jeho- vih! And the hosts raised their hands, and the elements took shape and majesty, rising into a| throne brilliant as fire. Then Fragapatti ascended and sat on the throne, saying: Glory be to Thee, O Father! A light came down from the etherean firmament and covered the throne over with a canopy wide enough for five mill- ion men to sit under; and at the borders of the canopy the ethereans, whose work it was, set up columns of crystals, opaque and transparent, illuminated with all pos- sible colors, shades and tints. Fragapatti said: I will build here a Council Chamber, O Jehovih. And now the hosts, Gods and Goddesses, held up their arms and Jehovih cast down material with which they built the habitable Mouru, a council chamber and capital of Haraiti. Then all hands turned to prayers; then sang in praise. After which Fragapatti said: In Thy name, and by Thy Power and Wisdom, O Jehovih, will I now establish Earth's heavens anew. My marshals shall proceed down to Vibraj and com- mand the presence of God and his Lords, and all such others as can endure this light. They shall hear my voice and learn my decrees. Ten thousand marshals, saluting, de- parted for the earth and regions below. Fragapatti said: Meanwhile, I will ap- point my High Council of the first house of Mouru, Gods and Goddesses of dawn. Hear me, then, in the name of Jehovih. CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 147 Caoka, God of Airram; Ata-kasha, God of Beraitis; Airyama, God of Kruse; Pathe- ma, Goddess of Rhon; Maidayarrya, Mis- tress of Karyem; Gatha-Ahunavaiti, God- dess of Halonij ; Rama-quacktra, God of Veres; Vahista, God of Volu; Airam- ushya, God of Icisi, the Myazdas; Haptan- haiti, God of Samatras; Yima, God of Aom; Sudgha, God of Laka; I'ragha, God of Buhk-dhi; Elicic, Goddess of N'Syrus; Harrwaiti, Goddess of Haut-mat, in a'ji; Dews, Goddess of Vaerenthagna; Wette- maiti, Goddess of Dyhama; Quactra, God- dess of Aegima; Ustavaiti, Goddess of Maha-Meru; Cura, Goddess of Coronea; Yenne, Goddess of Aka; Caoshyanto, God of Aberet; Rathweiska, God of Huri; Cpentas, God of Butts; Vairyo, God of Nuga-gala; D'Zoata and her brother, Zaota, God and Goddess of Atarevasksha; Ratheweiskare, God of Nece; Yatha, God of Ameshas,. and Canha, God of Srawak, shall be members of the Council of Dawn. Fragapatti said: O Jehovih, behold the glory of my house! I have chosen only such as have ruled over whole worlds. Was ever a God favored with such a Coun- cil? Was ever so great a light sent to so small a world as the red star? Jehovih said: As I have created man to need relaxation . at times, so have I carried the same conditions to be desired by My highest of Gods. Neither have I exalted any God so high but the most menial office in his glory. Neither shall the autocrat learn sympathy till he liveth with a beggar, nor the highest man learn love and tenderness without taking a sea- son in the depths of misery. Fragapatti said: Shall the strong man forget he was once a child? Can an Orian Chief forget he was once a slave? Can he that is in the light forget those who are in the dark? Mighty art Thou, O Jeho- vih! I came to Earth and her heavens to rest myself in Thy service; but Thou wert here before me. Thy Voice riseth up to counsel me; yea, I am still but a child to Thee! CHAPTER V. When Fragapatti had selected both de- partments of his Council, which comprised one hundred thousand souls, he said: When a God espouseth a new kingdom it is customary for him to create his own capital and affix the boundaries of his lights and hall of audience; but when he hath Gods and Goddesses for his assist- ants, it is proper for them to help in the buildings. In this case I make it your labor to provide this realm. Hardly had his words gone forth when the Gods and Goddesses stretched forth their hands unto Jehovih, and the elements of the plateau took shape, and there stood the canopy of the new kingdom; then again they stretched forth their hands to Jehovih and there came materials of the* walls of the house of heaven; and yet again they stretched forth their hands to Jeho- vih, and there came also materials for the floor and foundation. And the house was called the House of Mouru, the place of the throne of Fragapatti in the lower heav- ens. On the plains beyond the house Fragapatti created a thousand fields, and in each of them he created ten thousand mansions, and every mansion was capable of one thousand souls, with roadways from one to another, Fragapatti designing them, his hosts being the workmen, in the wisdom and power of Jehovih. Whilst this work was going on, the marshals who went down to Vibraj re- turned, bringing God and his Lords with them, and also twelve hundred thousand spirits of the second resurrection. Fraga- patti commanded them to bring God and his Lords into the house of Mouru, and they were so brought. Fragapatti said: In the name of Jeho- vih, I salute thee, God of Earth, and thy Lords, and thy hosts. God said: In Thy name, O Jehovih r am I, and my Lords, and my hosts, blessed with great joy. Now that thou hast come, O Fragapatti, to redeem the Earth-born, this is a joyful period in the time of worlds. The Lords said: For ourselves and our hosts, O Jehovih, do we thank Thy Son, Fragapatti. Fragapatti said: That thou, O God, may know my decrees, I commanded thee and thy Lords and thy exalted hosts hith- er. Hear me, then, and to whom I send thee do thou my commandments, in the name of Jehovih. The time hath come when mortals on Earth shall begin 148 CYCLE OF FBAGAPATTI their lessons in spiritual things, being themselves made part in the building of Jehovih's kingdoms. Through thee, the present reigning God of Earth and her heavens, must be carried out the death and resurrection of thy chosen heir, Zara- thustra, to prove first, that man on the corporeal earth can live All Pure and with- out sin; second, that corporeal death be- longeth to the earth-body of man, and not to the spirit; and, third, that after death the same person can rise in spirit and ap- pear to mortals, to be seen and known; after which he shall show his final ascent toward the upper heavens in the arms of his God. Whilst this cometh upon thee in per- son, thou shalt also, through thy minister- ing angels, prove to mortals the advantage of virtue and truth over sin and darkness. For thou shalt cause to be stricken in death two men who are all impure; and they shall suffer death at the same time with thy heir, Zarathustra; but these shall not have power of themselves to appear before mortals after death. For mortals, shall hereafter be a testimony to one an- other of the reward of virtue, and the power of being one with the Gods who are Sons of Jehovih. But since all attesta- tion by spirits can be set at defiance by the craft of philosophers, thou shalt not wait till after the death of thy heir to teach the truths of the Father's kingdom, but beforehand. Causing Zarathustra, whilst yet mortal, to write down rules of mortal life, and doctrines, and faith, and repent- ance, and praise of the Great Spirit, and of prophecy, and all manner of righteous gifts, and the power of miracles, and the triumph of the spirit of man over cor- poreal elements. And when thou hast com- pleted these things thou shalt bring the spirit of Zarathustra to this House; but the druks who suffer death with him thou shalt deliver in the usual way to the places prepared for their resurrection. Tell me, then, how standeth thy heir? And ask of me whatsover thou wilt to as- sist thee to carry out these, my decrees, and it shall be granted unto thee. God said: Zarathustra hath attained his twentieth year, and comprehendeth the destiny put upon him. He is pure and wise, with faith and gentleness; but he is larger and more powerful than any other man in the world. He is instructed both in the spiritual and corporeal senses, hav- ing a knowledge of the books of the ancients, and of writing and of making of tablets. Fragapatti said: Five years thou shalt have in which to complete thy labor. De- part, therefore, to thy place, taking with thee such of thy Lords and hosts as thou mayest require. I will appoint a thousand messengers to travel betwixt thy place and this, that every day thou shalt ask for this or that, and whatever thy requests may be, it shall be granted unto thee. To which God replied: I will go now and cause Zarathustra to write a book of wisdom, and give him prophecy over the kings and nations and tribes of men. What I do shall be cited to thee in Mouru. Thus saying, God withdrew and select- ed such asssistants as he desired; and after this Fragapatti granted a day of recrea- tion, in which time the ethereans were made well acquainted with the conditions of mortals and of the thousands of mill- ions of spirits still lingering in the first resurrection, and in darkness and chaos. On the next day God and his hosts de- parted for the earth, well attended by thousands of volunteers from the etherean sojourners of Haraiti. CHAPTER VI. Fragapatti said: The Voice of Jehovih spake to me, saying: My Son, appoint thou an assistant chief to sit on thy throne, and go thou around about atmos- pherea, taking surveyors and inspectors with thee; for thou shalt see with thine own eyes the condition of the thousands of millions of spirits in hada. Fragapatti said: In Jehovih's name, I announce Athrava my assistant, God of Mouru. There was great rejoicing in the Council at this. Then came Athrava for- ward and ascended Jehovih's throne, and sat on the right hand of Fragapatti. Etherean lights fell upon the place on every side, and Fragapatti gathered from the elements and made a crown for Ath- rava, and crowned him. Officers and workmen were sent to build a conveyance CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 149 for Fragapatti, and for such attendants as he might take with him. So the next day Fragapatti chose his companions, thirty thousand, making Verethragna speaker, and he and they departed for their inspec- tion of hada and the Earth. His ship was built without lights or curtains, so they might travel unobserved. First, he in- spected the plateau of Haraiti, which prior to this had never been inhabited; and he found its distance from the Earth was equal to ten diameters of the Earth; and its east and west and north and south di- ameters corresponded in size to what the Earth would be were it that volume; that is, the superfice of the plateau was five hundred and twenty-eight thousand miles in every direction. And in the ratio of the number of mortals on the Earth, this plateau would inhabit five hundred and twenty-eight million souls. And yet this was not the thousandth part of the num- ber it could sustain. Fragapatti said: Such is Haraiti, O Jehovih. And yet there have been till now no spirits to come and inhabit it! Who can survey Thy works, O Father? Who shall fear for the limit of Thy handiwork? Verethragna said: And yet we shall find in the lowest places spirits huddled together like bees in a hive. And is it not so with mortals also? They cluster to- gether in cities and tribes, warring for inches of ground, whilst vast divisions of the Earth lay waste and vacant. Fragapatti said: Is this not the sum of the darkness of mortals and of spirits in the lowest realms? They know not how to live? A spider or an ant is more one with the Creator than they. Fragapatti and his companions now visited Zeredho, which was six diameters of the Earth distant. Here they found a colony of two thousand million spirits that had been founded by Osire three thousand three hundred years before; but not the same people, being such as came up from the Earth afterwards. They had a God named Hoab, an atmospherean two thou- sand one hundred years. And he was up- right and wise, and of most excellent good works; but, knowing nothing of etherea, had no ambition to rise thither. And his content had visted itself on the colony, and they were contented also. Fragapatti asked: To remain here for- ever, is this the extent of thy desires, Hoab? And Hoab answered him, saying: Yea, Master. What more is life than to reach the highest place and remain there? To which Fragapatti said: Is this the all highest? And Hoab said: Yea, Master. Any place and condition is the all highest if man make it so. None can attain higher than I; no people higher than my people. We are freed from the Earth and hada, and we desire not to return thither, nor to go to any other place. Fragapatti said: Let us walk a little that I may see thy kingdom. Hoab con- sented, and they walked along, seeing the inhabitants lying at ease, some amusing themselves weaving threads of light, then unraveling them and weaving them over again; others playing with crystals and lenses and opaque and transparent ele- ments, but not one doing anything for another; nor in fact needed they, for all were capable of doing for themselves. Now after they had traveled awhile Fraga- patti said: Hast thou not a desire to re- turn to the plateau below thee, Hoab, where the inhabitants are in misery and darkness, and bring them into thine own realm? To which Hoab said: Nay, Master. Let them shift for them- selves. Even if we helped them, they would be thankless. Nay, my doctrine is: Man is the highest of all things; the ele- ments are dumb; the worlds are many and wide. Let man choose a corner for him- self, and there settle forever. Fragapatti asked: Because a man chooseth a corner, is it necessarily his own? Hoab said: Our place was be- queathed us by our forefathers; of course it is ours, and will remain ours forever. Neither allow we any other spirits to set- tle in our dominions. Being far away from the rest of the world, we are not much molested. Fragapatti said: How came ye hither? Hoab said: Long ago there came a God hither, named Osire, bringing six thou- sand million drujas up from the Earth. With them he founded a colony here, with factories, colleges, hospitals and all things necessary to enlighten the people, giving them ample teachers. In course of time many of the inhabitants migrated away 150 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI from this place, and it was almost depleted of its people. But the Gods below this sent new supplies of inhabitants, of which we are the second and third installments; so we inherited the place, with all its fac- tories and educationals and other places. Fragapatti said: As ye were raised up by the Gods of other places, would it not give ye joy to raise up others who are still in darkness? Hoab said: Nay, Master. We are pure and refined; the atmosphere of drujas is unpleasant to us. They would vitiate our own happiness, besides entail- ing toil and responsibility upon us. We cannot mix with any people but the refined and holy. We take care of ourselves; let others do the same. Fragapatti said: Who thinkest thou I am, and my people with me? Hoab said: Visitors from some far-off realm, who are either discordant with yourselves or bent on meddling with the affairs of other peo- ples. We have had visitors before, and we never grieved when they left us. To which Fragapatti replied: Thou art strong in thy philosophy. To be satisfied with one's own self and be- havior is to be a God in fact. Hadst thou nothing to fear from immigration coming to thy shore, or to fear from some new philosophy undermining thy long estab- lished convictions, thou mightest indeed be the happiest of Gods and thy people the happiest of people. Hoab said: True. Thou perceivest wisely. O that there was nothing to fear, nothing to dread forever! Then Fragapatti said: And I declare unto thee, Hoab, that such a condition can be attained. For I have seen kingdoms in heaven so fortified. And wert thou and thy people prepared to receive the sacred secrets pertaining thereto, I would most willingly unfold them before thee. Hoab said: Thou art a wise God; tarry thou and teach us. Fragapatti said: I am now on a jour- ney and cannot remain longer; but on one condition I will return hither and disclose these matters, so that never more shalt thou fear for immigration into thy coun- try, nor for any philosophy which any man or God can teach. Exact a promise of se- crecy from all thy people. Hoab said: It shall be done. So Fragapatti and his hosts withdrew and proceeeded on their journey, promis- ing to return when notification had been served on Hoab's people. But Fragapatti inspected the whole superfice and found it capable of educating and providing for ten hundred thousand million spirits, whereas there were but two thousand million in Hoab's kingdom; and they inhabited only a small corner of the plateau; neverthe- less, Hoab laid claim to the whole. After this Fragapatti descended to the next plateau, the first grade plateau above the Earth, called Aoasu, signifying land and sky world, for the first spirit life after mortal death. Aoasu had its foundation on the Earth, and it undulated with moun- tains and valleys, having seas over the corporeal seas. And the outer superfice of Aoasu was from twenty to a hundred miles above the Earth's surface, and hab- itable within and without. But the first resurrections were within it and on the earth's surface, and the second resurrec- tion mostly on its superfice. On the road- way betwixt Aoasu and Zeredho, next de- scending, it was that Osire established Vibraj, which was now so depleted of its people that Fragapatti halted not to examine it, but proceeded to Aoasu direct. Here lay the mountains of Morn and Eve, and the mountains of Moon and Sun and Stars, chief of which groups were: Ushi- daho, Ushidarena, Erezifya, Fraorepa, Ezora, Arezura, Tudae, Bumya, Doitya, Raiodhita, Mazassavao, Autare, a place of light, inhabited by Hura, Lord of Vou- ta; Ereasho, Vata-gaiko, a place of Uz, signifying torments because of its dark- ness. This group of mountains was ninety miles higher than the Earth mountains of Jaffeth. South of these were Adarana, Aayana, Isakata, Somya, Kanaka-tafegrhao, Vahra and the double mountain Hamanakanna; eight ranges of the round mountains, Fra- vanku; the four peaks, the Vidwaana. These extended over the Earth mountains of Shem, and had an altitude above the Earth of one hundred miles. These were the oldest inhabited spirit heavens since the submersion of Pan, whose plateaus were carried up to a higher heaven. Extending east and west lay the group called the Red Men's group — Aezaka, CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 151 Maenaka, Vakhedrakae, Akaia, Tudhak- kae, Ishvakhaya, Draoshisvao, Cairivao, Nanhusmao, Kahayuyu, Autarekanhae, Karayaia, which were the first places in heaven for colonizing the spirits of the I'huan race. The next group lay to the west and south, which were Gichindava, I'huna- Varya, Raegamna, Akaya, Asha-Cteam- bana, Urinyovadidkae, Asnahovao, Usha- oma, Utsagaerenao, Cyamakhama, Cyama- ka, Vafrayaotso, Vafrayao, Vourrusha and Uasoakhao. To the south of this group were the Towering Eagles: Ijatarra, Adhutuva- vata, Ceptimavarenao, Cpentodata, Asna- voaya, Kairogakhaivacao, Tauraiosa, Ba- royo, Barocrayama, Fraayapoa, Udrya, Usayaokhava, Raevao. All of which groups were named by the Gods and Lords of the intermediate pla- teau during the time of the Yi-ha language amongst the mortals, being named after the amalgamation of the tribes of I'hins, every syllable in former ages being one tribe, whereof the Gods have made this testimony to endure from before the time of Fragapatti and Zara- thustra, wherein it may be proven to mor- tals and spirits that this division of the spirit world was revealed to man at the time language was carried to its highest compounding. Besides these mountains in the lowest heavens there were four thousand others, the names of which were fully registered in the libraries of heaven by Thor and his sub-Gods; but more than two thousand of them were uninhabited. Fragapatti said: Alas, these heavens! Who can measure the vanity of men and angels that cut loose from the Great Spirit, endeavoring to set up kingdoms on their own account! Their places perish. Behold these vagrant spirits, strolling about, or hiding amidst the ruins, millions of them prowling around, ashamed of their rags and nakedness. Verethragna said: I thank thee, O Je- hovih, that I am once again amongst the lowest! Keep me, O Father, amidst this darkness, till I shall never again forget the lowest of my brothers and sisters. I behold thy wisdom, O Jehovih! But for these cycles of time, in the dawns of which Thy ethereans can come down to witness the bounden in hell, they would themselves forget the horrors. O that Thou wilt not suffer me to rest till I have helped to raise them up to know Thee, and to be a glory within Thy works ! CHAPTER VII. Fragapatti surveyed Aoasu in the east, and his officers enumerated the spirits and recorded their condition, and then he called his conductors, saying: I have measured the East, take me now to the West. So the ship, with its passengers, was raised a little and started for the west, running low over the regions lying west of Ham, Shem and Jaffeth. Fragapatti said: I see the plan of the Gods on this star was to complete its inhabitation by going westward. For this reason I will see where they designed to have the Eve of Death and the birth of the Father's king- dom on the corporeal part. When they came to the Atlantic ocean they raised their ship still higher and sped across for the regions inhabited by the I'hins and I'huans. Arriving thither, they came to Ipseogee, a region in the lower heaven, where Hapacha, Lord of the I'hins, had a kingdom of seventy million souls, many of whom were I'huan spirits. Here Fragapatti halted and made fast his ship, remaining seven days. And Hapacha received him and his hosts and entertained them. And during the time of their so- journ Hapacha sent his otevan out around over all the heavens belonging to Guata- ma, north and south, taking the surveyors and inspectors of the hosts of Fragapatti into all inhabited places, so they could complete their records. In the meantime Hapacha conducted Fragapatti through- out his kingdom, exhibiting the factories, schools, colleges, hospitals and all such places as belong to the second resurrec- tion. Fragapatti said to Hapacha: In thee and thy kingdom I am well pleased. Thou shalt hear from me ere many days. At present I must depart. 152 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI So Fragapatti told not who he was, nor what was his mission, but, gathering to- gether his hosts, departed, still going west- ward until he completed the circumference of the Earth. Now will I again go around the Earth, said Fragapatti, and inspect mortals and their kingdoms. So his conductors now ran the ship just above the lands, being guided by messengers familiar with the Earth and all the habitable places. And they zigzagged their course, going into all kingdoms, into all large cities, and into forests and plains, determining the condi- tion of the earth and its capabilities, as well as the conditions of mortals and their capabilities. And when Frag- apatti had completed this latter in- spection he returned to Mouru, in Hara- iti; and the whole time of his absence was twenty-seven days. And all the records obtained on the expedition were immedi- ately filed in Mouru, where the High Council and others who chose could read them. And on the third day thereafter Fragapatti resumed the throne of Jehovih, and was prepared to found anew the king- doms of atmospherea, and those of Earth, to overthrow or set aside what was not good, and to raise up both mortals and spirits who had proved themselves worthy. CHAPTER VIII. Now this was the manner of procedure in the House of Mouru: Fragapatti would announce the subject, then the rep- resentatives of hundreds would speak on the subject, each rank according to exalta- tion. When all that desired to, or whom Fragapatti asked, had spoken, then Fraga- patti would announce the decree, in the name of Jehovih. And this is an example of the decrees: Fragapatti said: What shall be the di- visions of the Earth and who the Lords thereof? And when the speakers of the House had expressed their light, then Fragapatti said: In the name of Jehovih these shall be the divisions of the Earth: Jaffeth on the east and north, by the sea and to the ice regions, and on the west to the mountains of Oh'e'loo, and it shall be called the first division. To the waters in the east and souths and westward to the highlands of E'zar, shall be named Shem. The south land shall henceforth be called Arabin'ya, encompassed by the sea. And north of this, the first country of the brown red race, shall be called Heleste, bordering on Shem and Jaffeth on the east and extending half way to the east on the west. Uropa shall be Goddess of the west part, and it shall be called after her. And the two great west lands shall be called North Guatama and South Guatama. And all the islands of the Earth shall be called Oce'ya, and the waters of the earth shall be called Oce'a, signifying mirror of the earth and sky. For the seven divisions of the Earth there shall be seven rulers of the rank of Lord God; and for South Oce'ya, one ruler of the rank of Lord; and for North Oce'ya, one ruler of the rank of Lord; and for Japan, one ruler of the rank of sub- God. Hear me, O ye Gods and Goddesses: Whom I shall proclaim from amongst you shall reign during the dawn of dan only, but they shall raise up successors in Je- hovih's name, to the same rank, to hold dominion two hundred years, the next succeeding resurrection. Fragapatti said: I proclaim, in the name of Jehovih, Ah-oan, Lord God of Jaffeth; Yima, Lord God of Shem; E'chad, Lord God of Arabin'ya; Gir-ak-shi, Lord God of Heleste; Uropa, Lord Goddess of Uropa; Yaton'te, Lord God of North Gua- tama; Kow'anea, Lord God of South Guatama; M'wing'mi, Lord God of South Oce'ya; Otshata, Lord God of North Oce'ya, and Soofwa, sub-God of Japan. Approach the throne, O ye Lord Gods and Lords, and sub-God, that ye may be annointed in the name of the Father, and duly crowned with the emblem of All Light. First came the Lord Gods, and they stood before the throne of Jehovih, now illumined brilliantly in gold and white. Fragapatti said: By Thy power and wis- dom, O Jehovih, which rest in me, do I annoint these, Thy Lord Gods, and be- stow to Thy kingdoms, for Thy glory. Receive ye this fire, for it is Jehovih's, an- CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 153 nointing with power and wisdom, that all men, women and children, mortals and spirits coming under your dominion may rejoice in their Creator forever! The Lord Gods responded: May I glorify Thee, O Jehovih, in the kingdom Thou hast bestowed upon me! In Thy name I receive this fire, for it is Thy bap- tism with power and wisdom. Whomso- ever Thou hast entrusted to my dominion will I cause to rejoice at all times, and to rise up forever in Thy numberless king- doms! And there came down from above a stream of light and settled upon them. Fragapatti said: And to you I be- queath, in Jehovih's name power to exalt successors, that ye may also bequeath to your successors power to exalt successors also; and so on till the next dawn of dan from the etherean kingdoms, for of such manner shall be the do- minion of the Gods and Lords of Earth and her heavens for a long season here- after. The Lord Gods responded: Thy pow- er, O Jehovih, do I accept, to exalt a suc- cessor to me in my dominions, with power to his successors after him, to the next etherean dawn of dan. Fragapatti said: Crown of Thy Crown, O Jehovih, do I weave of Thy golden light for these, thy exalted Sons and Daughter; and with my hand in Thy name crown them. Be Thou with them now and forever. Amen. Then Fraga- patti gathered of the light present, and fashioned crowns for them, and they came forward to the foot of the throne, and he crowned them. And now they sat down at the foot of the throne in ancient custom, and Fraga- patti came down from the throne, bring- ing attendant Gods with him; and they took the hands of the newly annointed Gods and raised them up; and Fragapatti said: Arise thou, O Lord God, and go thy way. Jehovih is with thee. Then they stood aside. Then came forward the two Lords. Fragapatti said: O Jehovih, by Thy pow- er and wisdom in me vested, do I appoint and announce these, Thy Lords, to their divisions of the Earth; and with my hands and in Thy name weave I a crown for each of them, and crown them Lords of Thy Light, for Thy glory. Amen. Hear me, O Lords; that which I be- stow in the name of the Father, and ye receive, ye shall also bestow in the name of the Father upon your successors at the end of this dawn of dan. Though a Lord God hath dominion, first with mortals, and, second, with the first heaven in his division which resteth on the Earth; and though a Lord hath dominion with mor- tals only, and with such ashars as minister unto them, ye twain are made Lords of far distant islands, where ye shall deter- mine many things in your own way, often being Gods also, which I also bequeath unto you and your successors forever. The Lords said:. What Thou hast put upon me, O Jehovih, I will do, with Thy power and wisdom, for Thy glory forever. Amen. I receive Thy crown with praise and thanksgiving, and will bestow it in Thy name upon my successor, bright as I now receive it. Fragapatti then laid the crowns upon them, and they sat at the foot of the throne also. Then Fragapatti took them by the hand and raised them up, saying: Arise, O Lords of Jehovih, and go your ways. And when they stood aside Soo'fwa came forward. Fragapatti said: In Thy name, O Jehovih, and by Thy power in me vested, do I this, Thy son, crown sub- God of his division of the Earth and its heavens. Of Thy Light I crown him and bestow him with a rod of water and a rod of fire, that he may have dominion in Thy name, and for Thy Glory. Amen! Hear me, O God: Thy duties make thee both Lord and God; but thy second resurrections shall be removed at short in- tervals, as thou shalt be hereafter informed. But thou shalt have power to appoint as- sistant Lords to be with thee, in my name and the Father's. And thou shalt also exalt a successor after thee, with pow- er to his successors also. In Jehovih's name, receive thou this crown of yellow light, for it is the emblem of the oldest habitable country above the waters of the Earth! And may the Father be with thee now and forever. Amen. He also sat at the foot of the throne, and Fragapatti raised him up, even as the 154 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI others, saying: . Arise, O God, and go thy way. So he stood aside. And now the es'enaurs sang and chanted; and the marshals led the way; and the newly em- powered Gods departed out of the House of Mouru. And there had been provided for them already a vessel sufficient to re- conduct them back to the Earth; and they entered the vessel, and amidst the flying banners and the music of the trumpeters they sped forward and were soon out of sight. CHAPTER IX. The hosts of the second resurrection were now conducted to the mansions pre- viously created in Haraiti by Fragapatti; and they were provided with teachers and occupations, according to their develop- ments. Fragapatti said: The marshals in chief will now send the builders of fire-ships be- fore me; I will speak to them. And when the builders had come, and duly saluted before the throne, Fragapatti said: Go build me an avalanza capable of carrying three thousand million angels, with as many rooms, capable of descent and ascent, and east and west and north and south motion, and prepare it with a # magnet that it may face to the north whilst traveling. The builders saluted, and then with- drew, and went and built the vessel. And it was two hundred thousand paces east and west, and the same north and south; its height was one thousand lengths, and the vesture around it was a thousand paces thick; and it was provided with etherean curtains, two hundred thousand; and with four hundred thousand banners, of all pos- sible colors, shades and tints. Besides there were fifty thousand small flags and streamers. The floor was woven in copy of a spider's net, extending from the center outward, and with circular bars at crosses; and the frame-work within was constructed with one million uprights, the entire height of the vessel; and yet across these were twenty million bars; and with- in the whole were the rooms and halls and places for musicians. When it was completed the builders notified Fragapatti. He said: Athrava, come thou and sit on the throne. I prom- ised to go and see Hoab and his colony, in Zeredho, when he should send me word regarding certain matters. Behold, mes- sengers have notified me, and Hoab de- sires to know how he shall establish his colony, that he may never more fear to be annoyed by other Gods and angels. Let fifty thousand musicians enter the ship with me, besides a sufficient number of captains and officers to manage the ship. The marshals at once made the proper selections, and took them to the ship, when they all entered, Fragapatti with them, and they departed. So Fragapatti returned to Zeredho, where the ambitious Hoab and his colony desired to be sole occupant forever. Hoab was waiting to receive him, having aroused up a suffi- cient number of his indolent subjects to maintain the semblance of a heavenly Council. But what a surprise! He had expected only a small vessel, with a few attendants. And now when he beheld the magnificence of the avalanza and the majesty of the band of musicians, so far transcending anything he had ever seen, he feared and was awe-stricken. Fragapatti approached slowly, but with Avon lights, and when the ship was near at hand, the hosts aboard cast out hundreds of thousands of perfumed ovaries, which exploded with beautiful colors, filling the atmosphere around about with the most delightful perfume. Finally the avalanza came to anchor, and Fraga- patti, without any ceremony, alighted, tak- ing a thousand attendants with him, and came directly up to Hoab, who was some- what abashed on account of his shabby ap- pearance. Fragapatti said: Friend and brother, peace and joy be unto thee and thy house! To which Hoab replied: All hail, Great Chief! Happiness attend thee and thy hosts! And were it not that I had pre- viously discovered thou wert a philosopher like myself, I would apologize for the vast difference betwixt the respective appear- ances of our hosts. But ye are welcome all the same! Fragapatti said: A mere incident of conditions, most noble God. Thou art aware, when children go on a holiday ex- cursion, they attire themselves in their CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 155 best; so it is better that I find an apology than that thou shouldst. Hoab said: Nay, Chief, there is a philosophy in this matter which hath wor- ried me of late. A thousand years ago, my colony was ambitious to attire itself in grandeur, and to build fine ships, and go on excursions also. Five hundred years later, they ceased building ships and going on excursions saying: What is the use? Latterly, they are utilitarians, doing just as little as posible. In fact, many of my subjects deny themslves comforts on the plea that they can do without them. Fragapatti said: Do you remember that when I was here before I remarked that without contentment no people had attained to peace; and thou didst acquiesce. Why, then shouldst thou not rejoice that thy people have thus subdued ambition and curiosity? Hast thou lost contentment in so short a time? Thou knowest I came hither to impart to thee and thy people the great secret, that ye may so fortify your- selves that ye shall never fear for Gods or angels molesting you. Hoab said: Hear me, O Chief: If my people lose all ambition for rites and cere- monies, and dancings and excursions; and keep constantly striving to deny them- selves of everything save what necessity calleth for; and if that necessity becometh smaller and smaller, where will it end? Will not all inspiration die out? For. to tell the truth, since my people have given up rites and ceremonies, and prayers and singings, they have also given up re- joicings of soul, and are becoming like a dead people. Fragapatti said: Then thou wouldst seem to prove that to hold on only to the useful in life would ultimately end in sui- cide to the state, to the family, to the in- dividual, and even to the soul? Hoab said: Many of my people are too lazy to clothe themselves; and because of shame, they seek secluded places, as they say, to live as they please. Do not such people commit suicide against the state? Has any man a right to withdraw himself from his fellows, saying: It suiteth me better? We have been told that in the first age of mortals they had no ambition to live together, being void of all talents, and that the Gods inspired them to lan- guage and to society, giving them rites and ceremonies as an inducement to make them harmonious and attractive to one an- other. Fragapatti said: How shall I account for the difference betwixt thy arguments now and the other time I was with thee? Thou desired me to believe that thou and thy people were the highest, best, happiest of all people in all the heavens. Why this change? Hoab said: Thou didst promise me thou wouldst teach us some way of pro- tection against being molested by other Gods and spirits from other kingdoms. Since then I have reasoned on the subject, and I perceive that if such a state of se- curity could be given to my people they would wander off in isolation, and even forget language and lose all judgment. How, then, was it thou told me thou hadst been in heavens where such a state of seeming impossibility existeth? Fragapatti said: Let not arguments sway thee, O Hoab. But rather examine proofs for thyself. I mistrusted that my statement to thee was too extravagant to be believed without evidence. Behold, then, what I have done. I brought a ves- sel large enough for all thy people, desir- ing that ye go with me to my kingdom, new founded in Haraiti; and if thou shouldst have any further desire, at the end of a few years, I will take thee and thy people to still another kingdom, in a far- off world. After that, if you still desire it, I will provide thee the same conveyance back to Zeredho, with power to rule over it to thy heart's content. Hoab said: Fairest of Gods! I feared indeed thou hadst come with the old story, to worship the All Light, the Unknowa- ble Nothingness, with foolish ceremonies, rites, prayers and songs of praise, which, however good for the ignorant and super- stitious, are worthless to a God as en- lightened as I am. This thou canst per- ceive with thine own judgment. Gladly will I go with thee, and I will persuade as many of my people as possible to go also. Thou art the first God that ever came to our heaven that wanted not to circumscribe our liberties, which neither I nor my people can tolerate. These things were then communicated 156 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI to the people of Zeredho; and after a few days they gathered together and went into the avalanza, every soul of them. Fraga- patti signaled the commander not to go direct to Haraiti, but by way of Utza, one of the hells in the Aoasu mountains, in- habited by thousands of millions of spirits in darkness, many of whom knew not who they were, nor had they names, being infants, idiots, chaotic and foul smelling. CHAPTER X. When they came to Utza Hoab cried out: What do my eyes behold? As I live, here are people that once belonged to Zeredho, mine own heaven! By what strange law left they my kingdom to come and dwell in these torments? Fragapatti caused the avalanza to halt, that information be obtained. So he called the drujas, and there came thousands of them, ragged and drunken. Hoab knew many of them, and he said: Know ye who I am? And they answered: Yea, Hoab, God of Zeredho. Again spoke Hoab, saying: For what reason left ye my glorious kingdom to come and dwell in this hell of iniquity? They answered, saying: Alas, that we left indeed! But since it is so, it is so. Hear us, then, O Hoab, this is the reason: Even as mortals oft leave purity in order to revel in sin. More reason we know not. Then spake Fragapatti, saying: Je- hovih saith: I have given man many tal- ents. Because the roadways are not open for their growth, he plungeth into dark- ness. Think not that ye can draw a line and say: O man, thou shalt not do this; for ye are powerless to hold him whom I created to go forward. And if he find not a way to go forward, he will turn and go backward. The drujas said: Yea, master; Zered- ho did not fill our souls. We were thirsty for amusement and lightheartedness. We heard no voice but utility. We sheared off all ornaments, and diversion, and art, and finally even music. We fain would hear from Zeredho, to know if they have not ceased to talk, and perhaps to live, for- sooth, Utility hath spoken. And they laughed and frolicked about like idiots and fools, mingling with harlots, thieves, liars and drunkards. Fragapatti caused the ship to move on a while, and then halted, and called other drujas, and questioned them in the same manner, and received answers of the same character. Again they moved onward, and the same was repeated. Finally they came to a place where all was darkness and noise' and confusion, where they even heeded not the ship, nor the calls made to them. Then spake Fragapatti to Hoab, saying: Has it not been proven to thee that man cannot stand still? * Hoab said: It is true. I perceive now that had I not come out of Zeredho I had not witnessed these things, nor had I seen Zeredho as I now see it. Fragapatti said: Be not hasty against thine own philosophy, for I will show thee thine own wisdom by and by. So they traveled seven days in hell, the lowest di- vision of hada, where there was neither government, order, truth, nor virtue, but only torments, wailings and cursings. Fragapatti said: Thou hast seen that these many people know not their own darkness. Hoab said: Is it not true, O Chief, that no man knoweth his own darkness? Who knoweth he is not on the downward road? Fragapatti said: Thou hast said man is the All Highest. But does it not come home to us all, as to the ancients, that to do good with all our wisdom and strength, and have faith therein, that we are on the road to the All Highest? Thou hast certainly proven, said Hoab, that Zeredho is not the All Highest, for it cannot retain its people. Even hell hath prevailed over her. And doth not hell pre- vail over all self-righteousness, and over riches, and kingdoms and empires? If, therefore, hell prevaileth, is not hell the most powerful? And if the most power- ful, is not hell, therefore, the All Highest? The ancients were happy in ignorance, for in believing in an All Person, a Creator, and that they should ultimately see Him, they had an object in view. But with the growth of wisdom we find we cannot re- alize such a Person, and so have no ob- ject in view ahead of us. Thus we recoil upon ourselves, and all is dead. Fragapatti said: Has man no lessons from the past? In the ancient times the Gods persuaded mortals to make stone CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 157 idols and worship them. And they were sufficient until man attained more knowl- edge. Again came the Gods to mortals, inventing a large man-God in the sky, persuading them to worship him. He was a sufficient God till man learned to com- mune with angels; and the angels contra- dicted that philosophy. But, Hoab, have we not a lesson in this, which is, that we must ever have an All Highest Person so far ahead that we cannot attain him? If this be true, when we have surpassed a Person whose figure and condition we can comprehend, is it not incumbent upon us to create within our own souls the thought of an All Person beyond our com- prehensibility? Hoab said: It seemeth so. But how canst thou teach thy soul to think of an All Person beyond man's comprehension? Fragapatti said: For a basis to reason from, let us consider the etherean, the at- mospherean and the corporeal worlds to constitute His body; and the motion there- in and thereof, the manifestations of His Power and His Wisdom. Since, then, we ourselves have these things in part, we find also, we have another attribute em- bracing all the others, which is combina- tion concentrated into one person. Shall we not then give to Him, who embraceth all things within Himself, combination concentrated into one person? Otherwise, He is our inferior, which cannot be. Therefore, being ourselves persons, are we not mere offshoots from the All Per- son? Otherwise, we could not have at- tained personality. Does not a child take its personality because its mother was a person? Can man have an entity save he receive it from an entity? Could man be a person, save he sprang from a Person? Hoab said: Thou art a great light, O Chief! Verily, thou hast unfolded a uni- verse before me! Yea, there must be an All Person! O that I had seen this philosophy before. Fragapatti said: Be not infatuated, O Hoab, with sudden appearances. For were I to show thee first, what it is to believe in an All Person, whose magnifi- cence surpasseth the universe itself, and then that man can attain to be one with Him, even as a note in music is one with- in a tune, I would so far enrapture thy soul that thou wouldst do nought but listen. Let us, therefore, suspend our re- search awhile, that we may devise some resurrection for this hell of suffering millions. CHAPTER XI. The avalanza was so constructed that the words spoken by Fragapatti and Hoab could be heard by all who chose to listen, of whom there were two thousand million on board. And when Hoab expressed con- viction, the same sentiment seized upon the whole assembly; whereupon Fragapat- ti raised his hand, saying: By virtue of Thy power, O Jehovih, will I illumine this hell! And by the strength of Fraga- patti's oneness with Jehovih there was created a sudden light so brilliant, none present save the ethereans could look upon him. Hoab bowed down, and hid his face, and Hoab's hosts were overcome with fear, prostrating themselves on the floors of the avalanza. Fragapatti said to the swift messengers: Go at once to Mouru, greeting, and say that Fragapatti demandeth at once, one million etherean volunteers, for signal centers in Aoasu's lowest hells, bringing rods of fire and water. The swift messengers departed hastily. Fragapatti then commanded that the ava- lanza be anchored for a day; and he and many of his hosts went into the hell, where the spirits were weeping and wailing, and cursing, or lying in drunkenness and leth- argy. Many of them were naked and foul smelling; and hundreds of thousands of them, having had diseased corporeal bod- ies, had carried with them into hell the substance of their corruptions, even the rottenness of plague and consumptions, and other diseases too terrible to mention. Fragapatti said: By Thy Power, O Jehovih, shall a wall of fire compass these people about. They shall not escape. For were they to return to mortals, they would inoculate them unto death. Fire, O Je- hovih, fire! Thou All Purifier! And he cast his hands outward and up- ward in majesty, and there rose up walls of fire on the face of the mountains; and the light thereof fell in the valleys of Ugh'sa, the pit of hell. To the east and west and north and south, Fragapatti 158 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI turned, saying: A wall of fire! A wall of fire! And he, himself, shone as a sun, united with the Eternal All Creator, whose voice was full of power to wield the ele- ments to his will. Presently there were hemmed into one field, more than five hundred million drujas, who by the sud- den transformation were roused up to des- perate wildness, with bated breath, run- ning hither and thither. And yet there were other millions of them so low and stupid and crazed, that the others ran over them as if they were but a heap of rubbish. Then Fragapatti went to Hoab, saying: For pity's sake, come thou and help me, and persuade thy hosts also. Hoab said: O friend and brother, do not mock me! Thou hast undone me en- tirely. I am nothing. My hosts are noth- ing. For pity's sake temper thine own light. It pierceth me through! Fragapatti said: Shall I not send thee quickly back to Zeredho, with thy hosts? Hoab said: My wish is nothing; my will is nothing! Thine and the Great All Power's will be done. Fragapatti said: If ever thou hadst faith in thy life, I charge thee now quickly to summon it to thy soul, for Great Je- hovih is with me now, and but ask and speak in faith to the Creator, and it shall be granted unto thee. Speak quickly, whilst yet the power holdeth upon me. Shall I put on a thousand-fold more light? Say thou: In faith I will endure all, for the glory of Jehovih! Give me of fire or torments, or whatsoever Thou wilt, O Jehovih! Hoab trembled, and then strained in every part, and at last suddenly sprang up facing the light, almost melting in the flame of fire, and he said: I will endure all in faith of Thee, O Jehovih! Give me of fire or torments, or whatsoever Thou wilt. Henceforth I will do for Thee for- ever! Presently his spirit took the crystal form, and the victory dawned upon his soul. A smile, denoting knowledge of All Holiness and Majesty gleamed in his countenance! The light began to retract and to reflect from his face, brilliant and sun-like. He had conquered and won. He said: Thanks, O Jehovih! Fragapatti said: Quick now, seize the goal; go forth practicing thy light for oth- ers, and it will grow giant-like. And Hoab was strong in faith, almost mad with the delight of such wondrous change; and he rushed forth, commanding, in the name of Jehovih, raising up hundreds and thousands, even as he had been raised, crystalizing. All one day and all one night they la- bored; and all the ethereans with them; and they rescued, and divided, and sub- divided the spirits of darkness into grades and sections. And many of the spirits be- longing to the hosts of Hoab were thus raised to the second resurrection, with light and power. But of the hunderds of millions of spirits in the torments of hell none were as yet raised even to the first resurrection. But they were stirred up and routed out of lethargy; and the sup- plies for their drunkenness were cut off by the walls of fire, created by Fragapat- ti, which went up day and night without ceasing. And Fragapatti stationed sentinels with power near the walls of fire, commanding them to cast in the elements of ughs and brimstone, so that the suffocating smell would prevent the drujas from escaping. On the second day, a million ethereans, with rods of water and rods of fire, came from Mouru, in answer to Fragapatti's commandment. And when they had arrived before him, and had saluted in the sign of Jehovih's name, he said unto them: Be- hold, I have established one signal center in hell. It will require a thousand more centers before we have broken them up and delivered them. From the rank of das the marshals shall select from amongst you ten thousand, to remain in this cen- ter and complete the work I have laid out. So the marshals selected from the ethereans of the rank of das ten thousand. Now the das are such as have attained to power with the rod with water, and the rod with fire, but not with the hand, like the ranks above them. They go amongst the denizens of a signal center with the two rods, casting water with one and fire with the other. And the hosts of spirits of darkness run for them, like cattle for salt; and the das thus discover and assort them; for the lowest spirits go for the CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 159 rods with water, and the highest for the rods of fire. Because the lowest spirits dread the light; and because the highest desire to be rescued from the lowest. On the second day, therefore, the das began work; and there were baptized with water many millions; but with fire only one million. The latter were then taken without and beyond the, walls of fire, and colonized, and clothed and fed, and guar- dians placed over them, preparatory to the nurseries, hospitals, schools, factories, and such other educationals as belong in the lowest heaven. On the third day the das went through the same labor again, and again many millions were baptized with water, and but two million with fire. The latter were also taken without and beyond the walls of fire, and colonized in the same manner as those of the previous day. Such, then, is the labor of the das in hell, baptizing and selecting; and it contin- ueth until all the people are taken beyond the walls. The last taken are, therefore, the low- est grade, and the first taken are the high- est grade. But the last are usually so low in knowledge and ambition that they move not of themselves, but are bestowed in nurseries and hospitals, to be cleansed from their foulness, and to be healed of their infirmities. CHAPTER XII. Fragapatti caused the ship, the ava- lanza, to be moved to other black moun- tains, deep buried in revolting crimes and misery, wherein no one with God-like power had ventured for hundreds of years. Again, he called down Jehovih's fire, and raised walls impenetrable, high on every side, affrighting and stirring up the self-condemned with frenzied fear. And they ran, all polluted with foul thoughts, which had clothed them about with terrible foulness, and oaths and curses and imprecations against all right- eousness. And Hoab, now a very sun, desperate to do overwhelming good deeds, even more a thousand times than in his self ease of other days he refrained from dark company lest he be polluted; proclaiming Jehovih, and working hard to stir them up, and by his quick and unmistakable zeal proved his soul's connection with the Al- mighty's Power. Fragapatti and Hoab rushed in, and hundreds of thousands of ethereans did likewise, laboring for Jehovih, cutting loose with flames of fire the demons' grips of torture on the helpless, and hurling them separate. None could escape be- cause of the walls around, now seething with the choking smell of brimstone, and must needs fall prostrate before the crys- talizing lights thrust at them, weeping and wailing. All day and all night Fragapatti and Hoab and the etherean hosts rested not, but waded into the hell of death. Turning them to the right or left, the miserable, devouring wretches, brothers and sisters of mortals and spirits, now engulfed in their own depravity, and by their desperate desire for sin holding millions of the mod- erately good as officers of torture, in order to glut their horrid desire of witnessing horrors. Into groups and series they roughly selected them as a starting point for the das that were to come after and more carefully divide them. Then Fraga- patti called the das and put them to work with their rods of water and fire, making stations beyond the walls of fire, where the naked, trembling, rescued sufferers and drujas were housed and fed, restrained by guardians of ample strength and foresight. For of such nature is the low man and low woman that love of evil in time de- lighteth to feed itself in evil more than in good, and will even turn against benefac- tors and spurn good offerings. Of whom Jehovih saith: As by fire the dross of metal is burned and cast out, leaving that which is pure; so created I the righteous with light from My counte- nance to burn out the dross which the wicked nestle in their bosoms. Go, then; deliver the wicked in hell, and make them clean with water and fire, and ye shall find a star in every soul. And as many of these as ye deliver, so is your glory in My etherean kingdoms. For each deliverer is as a sun around which these stars con- gregate, and they magnify one another forever. And when these stars have grown they also go and do in like manner; for it is of such that My exalted ones are in the 160 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI highest heavens, whom ye call Gods and Lords, and justly so, because of their su- premacy. Thus went Fragapatti through the lowest regions of Aoasu; for forty days and nights he and his hosts labored, and he broke up the regions of hell and cast out the souls of the tortured, thousands of millions of them. Neither was there left any place standing in all the lowest hells where evil held dominion. And there were esablished in those regions around about two hundred thousand colonies, comprised of the evil ones who had been rescued. But the very lowest, who knew not anything, who were: some in- fants who died at the time of birth; some infants of drunkards who came to the lower heavens with the intoxicating liquors or smoke of their mother's de- bauchery; some very young abortions, slain by their mothers and fathers; some chaotic, killed in wars, who were mad and crazed, howling, screaming and fighting, of whom there were nine hundred million. These Fragapatti had brought away from all the others, putting guardians over them for the present. Then he called together the crew of the avalanza, and all the hosts of Hoab, and Hoab himself; and when they were duly in order Fragapatti extemporized a throne and sat upon it, and thus spake, saying: Without Thee, O Jehovih, man is noth- ing. Nor can he stand upright, nor hold up his head, save but by Thee. When he cutteth himself off from Thee he falleth like a limb of a tree that is severed. He goeth about boasting: There is no All Person. But his words are as a severing knife, and he knoweth it not. He setteth up his judgment, saying: Thou wert good for fools, O Jehovih; but as for me, Thou art a fool- ish encumbrance. Yea, he saith: Who hath seen Jehovih? And he laughs at his cleverness. He says: What stood Jehovih upon when He created the worlds? How long slept He before He created? What a foolish Creator! He created sin and death. Who knoweth the size of his head, the length of His arm, the place He liveth or who hath heard His voice? Verily, there is no All Person, no All Highest, no Light. This is the second downward stage; and in the third he saith: A curse upon Faith! A curse upon all things! A curse upon myself! And then cometh hell and its horrors to swallow him up. But Thou art near, O Jehovih! Thy hosts traverse the universe. They come in Thy name, and Thy power and glory are with them. In their majesty they encoun- ter all evil; they cast out hell and its pris- oners. Then Fragapatti turned to Hoab say- ing: Speak Thou, O Hoab. Nine hun- dred millions that are still sleeping in death lie at thy -feet. These regions are unsuited for their treatment; whither shall we take them? Or shall we, because they are so dead, leave them to shift for themselves. Then rose Hoab, saluting, and tears were in his eyes. He said: Mighty art Thou, O Jehovih! Lo, I was on the verge of an everlasting fall! I was on a steep precipice, but saw it not. With blinded eyes I walked about. I lost Thy counte- nance. My family became strangers to Thee, and we were following close after, to become strangers to one another! Yea, I was ungrateful before Thee. I forgot that Thou hadst created me. I forgot that all the joys I had ever had were bestowed by Thee, and that by Thee I had been made capable of appreciating mine own judgment. And then I raised up my voice against Thee and turned Thee out of the world. Yea, I chose a corner, and appro- priated it for my own ease and glory, say- ing: To keep other Gods and angels away from my lands, this is all I desire. But thou wert mindful of me, O Jehovih! Thy Voice sounded in the heavens above, and Thy Son came down in Thy glory. He beheld my vanity and weakness, and he rebuked me not. Yea, I told him I loved not to go to those beneath me and raise them up. I said: Let them shift for themselves! Now am I rebuked in mine own words! Now have I cast myself out of hell. Be- hold, I said: Zeredho shall be a place for me and my people forever! None shall come hither to make us afraid or to annoy us. And Thy Son said to me: I can teach thee and thy people that ye shall never more fear to be annoyed by the low or by the evil-minded; nor shall ye fear CYCLE OF FRACAPATTI 161 for Gods or angels to come and inhabit Zeredho! Thus spake Thy Son, O Jeho- vih ! And he hath given us the secret. We no longer fear that others will encroach upon Zeredho. Behold, Zeredho is Thy place, O Jehovih! These unfortunates, these drujas, are Thy children. They shall go to Zeredho. I fear not pollution, nor do my hosts. We will wade into this filth like scavengers into a filthy street, and we will make these children like shin- ing stars in Thy firmament! Yea, nothing more can make us afraid, O Jehovih! We own nothing; we have nothing to lose. We are Thy servants, now and forever! Then spake Fragapatti, saying: Be- hold the size of my avalanza, O Hoab! If thou wilt but take the measure thou shalt find it just the size to take thee and thy hosts and these drujas. Think not that this matter so happened, for I sent before- hand and had all these unfortunates enum- erated, and thy people enumerated also. When Hoab perceived this great wis- dom in Fragapatti, and comprehended the care that had been used to accomplish so much, he made no reply at first, but, look- ing at him, burst into tears. Presently he said: By Thy power and wisdom, O Je- hovih, will I also lift my fellows up out of darkness and misery! CHAPTER XIII. Then Fragapatti sent swift messengers to Mouru, relating all that had been ac- complished, giving also the names of the generals and capains over the newly es- tablished colonies redeemed from Utza, in the Aoasuan mountains, that they might be registered in the libraries of Haraiti. And Fragapatti established a line of mes- sengers betwixt the colonies, and also from the colonies to Mouru, and appoint- ed the messengers to hold office during dawn. And when the affairs of this region of the lower heavens were completed, Fragapatti was ready to ascend with the mad and dumb drujas rescued from hell; and the proper persons carried them into the avalanza, being obliged to blindfold them because of the light. Nor did the drujas cease wailing and crying with fear and pain and craziness. But because of the multitude of infants, Fragapatti had previously provided five hundred thousand women of fetal, that the infants might be redeemed to everlasting life. Sixty thous- and physicians had Fragapatti aboard, and they worked hard resuscitating and restor- ing to consciousness the unfortunates. And of the hosts of Hoab, not one was there but went to work, willingly, as nurse and helper. Thirty thousand es'enaurs now played and sang, softly and gently as a breath of wind, carrying the tones around the ship as an endless echo, calling and answering from all directions, a continuous and en- rapturing change, now as if near, again as if afar off. So that the uninformed knew not whence the music came, nor how it was produced. When the great avalanza was ready to start Fragapatti went into the ship, being almost the last to enter. Already was the light gathering bright and dense about him. And then he called out: Arise! In Jehovih's name, upward rise! And as he spoke, behold, the avalanza moved, and presently the great fire-ship started upward, for all the hosts joined in the same expression, leaving the burning walls and signal centers flickering below, so that even hell overthrown shone with grandeur, Fragapatti spake to Hoab, saying; When I took thee and thy hosts from Zeredho, I promised to take thee to Mou- ru, the capital city of Haraiti, my king- dom. Now thou desirest me to go with these drujas to Zeredho. Do you think you could plan their salvation and restore them to light? To which Hoab replied: I perceive that of myself I can do nothing but go down hill, or at best keep on a level road. As I now comprehend All Light, there is no one thing in all the universe that can rise of itself. To attain to be one with Jehovih is the beginning of the resurrec- tion of the individual; but he who hath attained power to resurrect others is strong indeed. There are many who spasmodically resurrect others, but, alas, how few can keep them resurrected? Not only must he have the light of Jehovih within himself, but power to make others obtain the Light for themselves. Alas, I am weak! Fragapatti said: Understand thyself, O Hoab. Be not deceived, nor short in 162 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI faith to accomplish; for herein lieth the key to all Wisdom and Power. Suffer not thyself to go to the other extreme, saying, man of himself can accomplish nothing. To teach a child this is to hew off its legs and arms. To teach it that it can accom- plish is to make it giant-like. Hoab said: I perceive thy wisdom, O Chief. How, then, shall we find a line by which we can train this economy? If we inspire them not with faith to accomplish they will accomplish nothing. If we teach them they are dependent on Jehovih for all things, and that Jehovih doeth all things, and that no man can change his own destiny, that he is moved as a ma- chine; then we will make non-entities of our people. On the other hand, if we in- spire them that they can accomplish, it will grow upon them, and finally they will believe that they do all and Jehovih noth- ing. This was the mire my other king- dom ran into. Then spake Fragapatti, saying: Thou perceivest that reason can not solve the matter. Let us, then, suspend the subject, and I will take thee to Mouru and her kingdoms, and we may obtain facts more pertinent than opinion or reason. CHAPTER XIV. . Upward rose the avalanza with its con- trasting assemblage of the souls of light and the souls of darkness; the es'enaurs chanting anthems of praise and thanks- giving, while the drujas were engaged in cursing everything in heaven or earth, or in weeping and moaning, or in stupor, dull as if dead. Fragapatti had previously sent swift messengers to Ath- rava and the Holy Council of Mouru, where had descended the Light of Jeho- vih, whose Voice came upon them, saying: Lo, my hosts come in an avalanza; pre- pare ye a place for them. Choose ye from My ethereans and my atmosphereans thir- ty millions who shall receive the hosts of the avalanza, the nine hundred million in darkness. Go, ye, therefore, to the bor- ders of the sea Che-wan, near the cross- roads Tse-loo, where I have created the plains of Hoo'e'tse-gam, ample for their resurrection. And ye shall provide them houses and hospitals and nurseries, suita- ble for them to dwell in, being ready to deliver them when the avalanza arrives. Athrava and the Holy Council had re- sponded to this, and the swift messengers in turn had informed Fragapatti of the place prepared. Accordingly, the ava- lanza was landed in Hoo'e'tse-gam, where the thirty millions were in waiting to re- ceive them, disciplined by Ardi'atta, God- dess of Zhei, in etherea, first of the seven Ie'tas in Gom. And they had ten thous- and trumpeters, and four thousand two hundred other players. Ardi'atta had pre- pared the open fields in green, red and brown, and the green fields were near Che- wan, where the avalanza would land; hence it was called Hoo'e'tse-gam, signi- fying green for the newborn. Thus the drujas were delivered from the avalanza, on an open, green plain, neither too dark nor light, but suited to the diseased in mind. Fragapatti knew Ardi'atta, for her former kingdom in etherea lay in one of his own provinces, and before the ava- lanza landed he sent a message to her, saying: I will place the drujas on the green fields, and thou and thy hosts shall resuscitate them to consciousness, and they shall be selected and carried into the houses and nurseries which thou hast pro- vided for them. Thus were the drujas placed in the care of Ardi'atta and her hosts in Haraiti to re- ceive treatment prior to being carried to Zeredho, Four million of Hoab's hosts also remained with them, as volunteers, to assist in the redemption. Then Fragapatti directed the ship to be steered for Mouru, whither it arrived in due season; and there were in waiting to receive him more than one thousand million souls, and they had provided one million musicians, players and singers, who filled the place with a sea of sweetest melody. When Hoab looked upon the beauty and magnificence of the scene, and espe- cially the discipline, his soul was filled with rapture so that he could scarcely speak. And when he mastered himself a little he said: O, Fragapatti! How could one so exalted as thou come to me in Zeredho? When I see the perfect discipline of these heavens I am cast down and abashed be- cause of my former vanity. CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 163 Fragapatti said: To learn not to speak of one's self, whether praised or rebuked, is this not the right road to Jehovih? Hoab said: It is true; therefore the oppo- site must be the wrong road. CHAPTER XV. When the avalanza was made fast, and the hosts came forth, many of the Zered- ho'ans, fearing the brilliancy of the lights of Mouru, were permitted to go and dwell a little way off; but the others, led by Fragapatti and Hoab, entered the capital city and came before the throne of Jeho- vih, greeted by Athrava and the Holy Council. Athrava said: In the name of Jehovih, Chief, greeting: And to thee, O Hoab. Come ye and honor the throne of Mouru. Fragapatti said: Greeting to thee, Ath- rava; and to ye, most Holy Council, in the name of the Father! Hoab said: Greeting, in Jehovih's name! And then Fragapatti and Hoab went forward and ascended the throne and sat on the left hand of Athrava. At once the Light from the etherean worlds began to fall upon the throne and the whole coun- cil, and the color thereof was the most sacred golden yellow. Hoab had never seen such before, and was overwhelmed with fear and delight; but many of his hosts were obliged to hide their faces. Presently the light condensed over the throne, even whilst three thousand mill- ions looked on, until like a very sun it stood above Fragapatti's head. And then came the Voice of the Almighty Jehovih out of the midst of the light, saying: Hear the words of thy Creator, O ye angels of heaven! I, who created the cor- poreal and the es'sean worlds! Behold the works of My hands ! Who can find a place where I have not created? Think not that 1 cannot also create a voice and words. For is this not easier than to create a man who shall create words? Behold My corporeal suns amidst my corporeal star worlds! Behold My etherean suns amidst my es'sean worlds! I made corporeal darkness, and I made corporeal light. I made spiritual darkness, and I made spir- itual light! But I am the light of all light. As the wisdom of man inventeth words, so doth the Light of My Light come in words to them that can bear My Light. Behold My wisdom, O man, in creating souls out of the substance of cor- poreal darkness! Thus can their souls hear me and be not afraid. But when they have become pure souls, I come openly. Their throne becometh My throne, their voice My Voice. Hear, then, thy Creator, O Hoab! Thy people called to Me in their darkness, but I came not. Thy hand was upon them. Thou hadst said unto them: Behold my wide countries; my mountains and valleys; my bright rivers and refreshing winds. Come ye; they are yours to keep forever. And because thy hand was upon them they were beset with darkness. They could not find their way out; neither beheld they more the glory of My kingdoms. Yea, thou wert as a wanton going after My chosen, and thy voice lured them away from Me. But I spoke in Nirvana, high above, in My thrones of light. And My Sons and Daughters heard My Voice. I said unto them: Lo, the red star and her heavens are fallen in darkness! Go ye to them and deliver them into a new resur- rection. I had spoken in the ancient days, say- ing: Inasmuch as ye raise up those who are beneath you, so will I send those who are above down to you to raise you up. But they had forgotten My words; neither strove they more to raise up those who were in the hells below. And I said unto My Nirvanians: Go ye to Zeredho, for she hath enticed My holy ones away from Me. And ye shall give them a para- ble of compensation, and they shall come before My Light and hear My Voice. And ye shall take them to hell and cause them to deliver the drujas through the light of My countenance; and thereafter shall ye bring them to Mouru, that I may speak with them face to face. Hear the commandments of your Cre- ator, O Hoab, for that which I give unto you shall be inviolate. Thou shalt have dominion over the Earth and her heavens for two hundred years, commencing at the close of this dawn of dan. And thou shalt be crowned God, with power to raise up successors with power and wis- 164 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI dom. Be wise, O My children, and profit ye in the wisdom of My etherean hosts whilst yet the dawn of dan remaineth. The Voice ceased. Then spake Ath- rava, saying: In Thy name, O Jehovih, do I resign from Thy throne till it be the will of Fragapatti and Thy will also. And he rose up and stood aside. Then Fraga- patti went and sat in the midst of the throne. Fragapatti said: I proclaim three days recreation to the Holy Council and to the City of Mouru. Behold, my people shall mingle together as brothers and sisters, rejoicing in the Light of the Father. Be ye joyful, singing and dancing. The ascent to Jehovih's kingdoms may be lik- ened unto a ladder with steps, and not an even plain, and ye shall call this the first step in the resurrection of the Earth's heavens in this dawn. The hosts then mingled together, greet- ing and rejoicing, for the Zeredho'ans had long desired to - see the ethereans now dwelling in Mouru, and the ethereans had been equally desirous of seeing the atmos- phereans. CHAPTER XVI. When the time of recreation was ended Fragapatti ascended the throne of Jeho- vih and signaled to the marshals to pro- claim order. Then the vast multitude took their places, and the es'enaurs chanted anthems of praise, and when they finished the signal for business heavenly was given and Fragapatti said: Again am I about to depart, and again to leave the God of Mouru, Athrava, with you. And Hoab and such of his hosts as I may choose shall go with me. For, ac- cording to the rank and glory of Gods, I must now deliver Hapacha and his king- dom of Ipseogee, raised up from Guatama. Fragapatti then descended to the foot of the throne and sat down; and Athrava, God of Mouru for dawn, came down and took him by the hand and said: Behold, thou hast honored my throne, and the time of thy departure is upon thee. Arise, then, O God, and go thy way. And Fragapatti rose up and stood aside, and signaled for Hoab to go and be raised in the same manner, which he did, becoming wise in the behavior of Gods toward one another. The marshals had selected fifty thousand attendants, besides ten thousand es'enaurs, and at a signal from Fragapatti they marched forth out of the capital, followed by the hosts of Hoab and one hundred thousand ethereans. And when they were beyond the lights of Mouru, be- hold some of the hosts of Hoab rejoiced, because they were better pleased to be where there was less light. Yet there were seven hundred millions of them who re- joiced not, but rather loved the light. Then Fragapatti said: It is well that not all are of one mind. The seven hundred millions who love the light more shall be my traveling compan- ions to Ipseogee. Because they are strong in light, I have work for them. But the others shall be taken back to Zeredho, whither I will also come in due time. And after they are settled in Zeredho I will send a God to them, and they shall found a new kingdom, in Jehovih's name. There- fore, enter the avalanza all of you. The hosts entered the ship, and Fraga- patti gave the word to- be off, and they sped forth direct for Zeredho, led by swift messengers who knew well the near- est route and the lightest places. And the route taken was through the sea of Foo'- witcha and the Oram of Haiti. Hardly had they gotten under way when the light of the upper heavens began to descend upon Hoab, whose excitement from the wondrous scenes made him propitious to the change, and, feeling the buoyancy of the light, he thus spake: How could I forget Thee, O Jehovih, or Thy purposes observe and deny Thy designs? Why saw I not that at my quickening in my mother's womb I was the farthest from Thee? And yet, even then, Thy breath was upon me! And when Thou hadst fashioned me and badest me walk upright, Thou didst send Thy an- gels to me, saying: Behold, Thy Creator liveth! Thou art life of His life, flesh of His flesh. And He gave thee thyself in proof of Himself. I was conceived on the Earth in darkness and built up by Thine own hand. And Thou created the honey bee and bade him speak to my soul. He said* CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 165 Behold me, O man, I am a work- er. In a community I live with my brothers and sisters. I shut my eyes to things sour and bitter, and I store my house with sweet provender. I am the voice of Thy creator. Behold the harmony of mine house, and the provision I make for my newborn! And Thou also created the ant and bade him speak to me. The lesson he taught was: Behold, man, I am a worker. In a community 1 live with my brothers and sisters. I am the voice of thy Creator. Behold the in- dustry of mine house and the burdens we bear jointly into our stores. And Thou created the spider and bade him speak to me. He said: Behold me, O man! I am one with thy Creator. By the geometrical figures of the unseen worlds I build mine house. Think not that I reason or take lessons. I move by the spirit within me, which is the inspiration of the ever present Creator. And Thou didst hold up before mine eyes continually that the unseen ruled over the seen. Then I became vain before Thee, O Jehovih! I said: When I am dead and born a spirit, then will I see the unseen, and cannot err more. But lo, my folly in Thy sight! When I was risen in spirit I saw the spirit of things; but, alas, the soul lay still beyond. And to me the soul was now the unseen cause and ruler over the spirit. Again thy holy ones came from the etherean worlds, speaking to me, saying: Beyond the soul cometh Nirvana. Now have I beholden Thy crystal spheres and Thy matchless glories. Yea, I look into this sea of Foo'witchah, whith- er I had often gazed before, seeing noth- ing; but now beholding ships laden with Gods and Goddesses from Thy Nirvanian fields, in higher works and worlds moving. And Thy fire stirreth me to the soul, to expand to the mastery of these atmospher- ean heavens. O that I could vent the hal- lowed glory Thou hast bestowed upon me! O that I could thank Thee for the happiness I have because Thou hast cre- ated me! O that I could open up the souls of men to behold Thy wondrous works, and the majesty of becoming one with Thee, Thou Almighty Jehovih! O that they would hear me and believe! O that they would turn not away from Thy Light! O that they could learn to glorify Thee every day, for the little light and little joy they receive. How like Gods and Goddesses could they become in Thy kingdoms. But they harbor discontent; they discourse on the little they have re- ceived from Thee. Like the canker worm that groweth to devour, they feed their sorrows by recounting them over and over. For pain they cry out, and for dis- appointment they weep. Yea, they feed their own darkness, and in the end forget Thee, Thou All Light! Hoab ceased. Then Fragapatti said: Behold Thy wisdom, O Jehovih! Whom Thou wouldst make strong Thou hast made to feel adversity's sting. For the emergencies that . lie ahead Thou plannest Thy Gods to run near the cliffs whereon millions perish. Who can attain to know Thy wisdom, O Jehovih! Who can comprehend the millions of Thy Sons and Daughters? And yet Thou knowest every one, and carries them by a breath so gently they feel Thee not, nor know Thee. Within a very hair's breadth Thou takest them, and in the time of desperation Thy hand cometh to the rescue. Man saith: Now will I fortify myself with riches and houses, and all manner of possessions; adversity shall not come upon me. Mine is a kingdom I can see; but Jehovih is afar off. He has more faith in his possessions than in Thee. Thou art suffering him to go away from Thee in his vanity for a season, but sooner or later Thou wilt bring him in with a short turn, either on Earth or in heaven. And he goeth down as an example to hundreds and thousands that envied him. Thou hast set up the poor man in faith. He toileth day and night. He is weary and sore; he crieth out with hun- ger; his rags are a shame to him, but he remembereth Thee, O Jehovih! In Thy praise he singeth a song in his soul every- day. To do good unto others is his great delight. And Thy hand reacheth down to him in time thereafter; his soul is like a giant. Thou hast planned him for a very God in heaven! The spark of faith that was in him he nurtured, and it became as a mighty tree that fell not down before the blast. The good he received he exalted, and it fructified and grew as a harvest in 166 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI rich soil. In Thy praise are his songs, and they endure forever. His psalms are the voice of Thy loves, and the multitude of Thy people remember him. Thy work hath a sure foundation. Thy wisdom standeth before man's wisdom. No one hath found a failure in Thy word as it speaketh to his own soul. Thy labor is from the subtle and unseeen. But the vain man looketh to Thy object. In his mind he turneth Thy ways upside down. And Thou suffereth him to drink to the fill of his own vanity; and when he findeth himself in torments Thou findest a way to reach him and bring him home. Great is his glory when he findeth Thee. His voice becometh the love of Thy loves for- ever! For thou hast shaped him as an example, and given him scope to run his extreme for his own glory. Yea, Thou hast planned him to be one of Thy great workers that would not go down when he had at last found Thee. CHAPTER XVII. On the way to Zeredho Fragapatti and his hosts in the avalanza were joined by a ship of a thousand million explorers from the north regions, a thousand times further than the north star, of the seventh magnitude of light, even three higher than Fragapatti. Ctu, the Chief in command of the expedition, greeted in the sign Je- hovih's name, and Fragapati answered in he same sign; and by certain signals the ships approached and made fast, the es'enaurs of both singing and playing the same anthem, five million voices. Then Ctu came near to Fragapatti, sa- luting, and the hosts stood in line that they might hear what was said. And after due ceremonies, and acquainting each other with who they were, and whence they came, Ctu said: I see thou hast thy ship ballasted with a north magnet. Fragapatti said: This is but a five years' dawn, and I teach my hosts how to ballast that they may better read the maps and roadways of stars and suns. Of these, my hosts, five hundred millions have be- come capable of being delivered into ethe- rea, save in cosmogeny. I am providing them, that when they shall have ascended they may not be lost in the etherean worlds, or be dependent on others. Ctu said: What is the length of this serpent? Fragapatti said: Seven and one- eighth hoitumu. And he asked Ctu what distance he had come from his home, and Ctu said: One million four hundred and twelve thousand eight hundred thirty and two hoitumu. What time hath thy journey yet before thee? Ctu said: Five hundred thousand years. Then Fragapatti inquired how many star worlds Ctu had so far passed on the journey, and Ctu answered: Twenty thousand star worlds we have passed, some smaller than this red star, and some ten thousand times larger. Some of them yet liquid balls of fire, some newly crusted over, some with atmosphere and water and earth and minerals not yet separated, but boiling, seething, whirling; some firm and just entering the age of se'mu, and some old and worn out. And one we passed had become barren as to living creatures; and the God through whose pastures it passed dissolved and dissipated it in our presence, having invited thou- sands of millions of guests to witness the scene. Of atmospherean worlds we have passed more than ninety thousand; some of them larger than the vortex of this red star, and capable of giving homes to a million times a million of inhabitants; and yet on many of them there were no people. Thus they discoursed on the size and wonder of Jehovih's kingdoms; but their number and description were so vast only Gods themselves could comprehend them, and when they had about concluded Ctu remarked: The mortal desireth to become a spirit; then his ambition is to become an ethe- rean; next a Nirvanian; next an Oe'tan, and then to travel in the surveys of magni- tudes. But those ahead are still more sur- passing in magnificence! Who then can approach the Unapproachable, All High- est! He who fashioned the plan of all creations! Who is there that is not over- whelmed with devotion and awe of Him, who is Ever Present, that extendeth be- yond all limit, our Father, Jehovih? CHAPTER XVIII. When they drew near Zeredho, Ctu, with his ship and hosts withdrew, duly sa- CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 167 luting, and they sped on their journey. But Fragapatti halted on the borders of Zeredho and landed seven hundred mill- ions of his hosts, the others remaining aboard. Again the avalanza started forth. Fragapatti said: Now will I visit Yaton'- te, Lord God of North Guatama, and see what he hath accomplished, and perchance he will accompany us to Ipseogee. Now when they came to the sea of Ctevahwitich they raised the avalanza fifty thousand miles, for the benefit of Hoab, for here lieth the roadway of Terns, whither pass countless numbers of fleets filled with students in the dismembered warks belonging to the earth. Here the students learn the process of condensa- tion, and the process of dissolution of meteoric stones and small planets, such as a mortal could walk around in a day. On the outer extreme of this sea, the nebulae is in constant waves, where the vortices play, condensing and bursting, like whirl- winds on the earth or corporeal ocean. Here Fragapatti explained, saying: In this thou shalt behold the wisdom of Je- hovih, and the uniformity of His works.. Here lieth the first belt away from the Earth capable of having nebulae condensed into meteoric stones. All nebulae lying nearer than this to the Earth's surface is either thrown to the Earth or repulsed from it. Compute, therefore, the distance of this belt from the Earth, together with its density, and thou shalt find that it is the same distance that the wark belts are, with the stars in the firmament of the size of the Earth, and of its density and ve- locity. The first wark belt of the sun is, therefore, the place of its nearest planet, the second wark belt is the place of its next nearest planet, and so on, and these wark belts are all graded in distances ac- cordingly as I have spoken. Jehovih hath said: Two ways have I created for my mathematicians to prove My works; one is to measure that which is near at hand, in order to determine that which is far off; the other is, to observe that which is far off, in order to deter- mine that which is near. For, since man could not measure the wark belts of this world, I provided him with means to de- termine the wark belts of the sun, so that he might the better comprehend his own world. Fragapatti caused the avalanza to be driven in amidst a forest of whirlwinds, to illustrate and to explain, so that the hosts might observe. He said: Thou shalt per- ceive now, that such stones as are con- densed beneath the apex fall to the earth, whilst those ascending frequently rise toward the lighter plateau and explode, to be drawn back within the wark belt. This belt compareth unto the cloud belt near the Earth. Thither the wind currents make rain drops and snow flakes; here the currents make the first nebulous form- ations. Whilst Fragapatti was thus discours- ing, the avalanza rocked to and fro, and many of the people perceived now more than ever, the knowledge and power re- quired by angels and Gods, to contend successfully with the elements. But the beauty and grandeur of these fountains, these fire-spouts, whirlwinds of fire, to- gether with the roar and whistling of the flying stones, so enraptured Hoab and his hosts, that they could do naught but look and wonder at the glory thereof. For seven days and seven nights did Fragapatti and his hosts travel in this wark belt, observing and studying these miniature worlds, creating and dissipating, and on the eighth day the avalanza was lowered beneath the currents, and they sailed direct for the kingdom of Yaton'te, Lord God of North Guatama, piloted by messengers well acquainted with the course. But not being in a much fre- quented roadway they encountered few" ships of other Gods. Yaton'te had been apprised of Fraga- patti's coming, and had accordingly noti- fied his kingdom, and summoned seventy of his Lords to his capital, which was named after himself. So Yaton'te com- manded his otevan to be put in order, and having provided five hundred es'en- aurs in addition to his crew, together with his Lords and ten thousand attendants, went forth to the borders of Hagak, a thousand miles, to meet Fragapatti. And behold, the otevan was only as a small boat is to a ship, when compared to the avalanza. And when they approached 168 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI each other, Fragapatti caused the front of the avalanza to be opened, and the otevan entered within the walls and was made fast. And the hosts of the otevan came out and were received with great joy by Fragapatti and his people. Yaton'te had founded the throne of his kingdom a thousand miles north of the northern line of the sun on the Earth, and in the center betwixt the east and the west of North Guatama, and from the Earth upward five hundred miles, and it was here that Fragapatti came to see him. Five hundred miles westward lay Ipseo- gee, extending north and south two thou- sand miles, where reigned Hapacha, who was known as God of the West Wind. When the avalanza had reached Ya- ton'te's capital, and the hosts were duly landed in the lower heaven, Yaton'te as- cended his throne, and proclaimed recre- ation for three days and nights. Then Fragapatti said to Yaton'te: How glad I shall be to hear the story of thy adven- tures, and of thy success in this kingdom, for thy record must also be my record to be taken with me at the end of this dawn to the upper heavens. Hoab and his hosts shall also hear thy words. Yaton'te replied: I have done what I could. Nevertheless, he who hath built great kingdoms may find little to admire in a small one. Fragapatti said: The Creator has pro- vided us with a talent which enables us to live our youth over again in the young, and thus find a new way open to remind us of our follies in youth, and a new chan- nel in which to behold Jehovih's wisdom. Yaton'te answered thus: If a man con- vert his neighbor from evil to good, two things are accomplished, the triumph of the man and the reformation of the neigh- bor. If on the other hand a man fail to convert his neighbor, two misfortunes have transpired, the disappointment of one and the loss of glory to Jehovih. It is a strong man indeed that can recount his own failures and say he praises the Father because thereof. Fragapatti said: How shall we meas- ure magnitudes, O Yaton'te? Has not a mortal, that hath delivered one Druk into light as great a glory as a God that de- livereth hundreds of thousand? Is not the one as great in magnitude as the other? According to our worthiness in righteous persistence, no matter what our limit is, is not this the greatest glory? Jehovih com- manded man first to deliver himself, to master himself, to rule himself. He who can do this is a great ruler. Then Jehovih gave him a small kingdom to rule over, perhaps in the form of a drunkard, or a wanton, or even his own family, to right- eousness. He who doeth this is a great ruler. Is not, then, man's persistence in righteousness the whole glory of his king- dom? Yaton'te said: Yes. To try, and again to try, is the sum of the good a man does. And yet what man is there in heaven or on earth but can find an apology for the good work he accomplisheth? Does not the poor man say: O, if I had this, what great good I would ccomplish. And the rich man maketh the same speech; as also does the king. And yet Jehovih has given a kingdom to each and everyone of them. But he who can say: I have done all I could according to my strength and wis- dom, rateth among the highest of men and Gods. Hear me, then, O Fragapatti: and cause thyself to forget all the light of high heaven, and to imagine thyself in a place of darkness, where three thousand million spirits are vagrants, scattered far and wide on the corporeal earth. Such was this kingdom; but the spirits congre- gated not together in hells, as they did in the east, for they had no association; no Gods nor Lords. They were all perpetual migrants, except those who dwelt with the Druks and familiars. And the spirits of those who died in infancy, were taken by the spirits of their fathers and mothers, and cared for only until they gained suf- ficient knowlede to serve as vagrants. And all these spirits were without clothes or drapery of any kind, and devoid of shame; neither were they good or evil, nor had they desire for or knowledge of, a higher heaven, being content to simply rove about, to sleep and to eat. And they had at least a thousand different kinds of signs and utterances, which they had acquired on earth, and mixed up so that neither Lords nor Gods could converse with them. Thus I found them before I built this capi- tal amongst them. I traveled amongst CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 169 them with music and with fire, and gaudy apparel, in hope to gain their aspiration; but alas they neither smiled nor frowned on my fine shows, but vacantly gazed at us, or even fell asleep whilst our otevan was paraded before them. Then I came and built this capital and founded this throne to Jehovih. And then I sent to them, here and there, presents of gaudy attire, in hope to inspire the multi- tude through the few; but alas those attired soon divested themselves of their clothes, perfering nakedness. Thus my second venture became a failure. I then sent a hundred thousand preachers amongst them to portray the greater glory of a higher heaven. But alas, they heeded not, on if heeding would forget all that had been told them. And thus transpired the third fail- ure. Then we held a holy council, implor- ing Jehovih for light and power; and His Voice came to me, saying: Go to their mortal loves my son. Begin thou with es'yans. Then I commanded my hosts to go and live for a season amongst mortals; and they brought the es'yans to Yanton'te, under guard of the asaphs. And their kindred followed and desired to remain. And I said unto them: Behold, my place is fair, and my people are clothed. Save ye be clothed, also, ye cannot dwell with us, nor shall ye look upon your kindred whom I have taken for myself. And there came many mothers and fathers and broth- ers and sisters, belonging to the recent dead; and they allowed themselves to be clothed. Thus were the first of them clothed in my kingdom. Again I called my hosts together and said unto them: I will divide North Guatama amongst a thousand Lords, and they shall dwell with mortals, having a sufficiency of ashars to give one to each mortal man, woman and child. And when they die by natural death, or in war, the es'yan spirits shaH be brought to my king- dom. Then I provided nurses and places of entertainment for those who were brought here. But, alas, the tens of thousands of spirits who thus came because of their kin, and accepted clothing for sake of re- maining, had little talent and less de- sire for anything. At the next holy coun- cil the Light came to me, saying: Hear the Voice of thy Creator, O My Son; be- cause thou hast been diligent in striving for the resurrection of My children, I am come to thee. I created men naked, as the foundation of industry. But because this people followed in the Osirian age the abandonment of spirit communion whilst they were yet mortals, they lost sight of My countenance. Neither canst thou in- spire them to industry, save through cloth- ing the body; but, first of all, thou shalt make them ashamed of nakedness; other- wise there is no resurrection for them. Then I inquired of the Creator how I should teach them shame. He said: Thou shalt inspire them through mortals. Every plateau except the lowest shall be a thou- sand miles in breadth, and the lowest shall be two thousand miles in breadth. Each plateau shall have a rise of one degree, so that the plateaux shall extend from the earth up to thy kingdom like a stairway. And thy Lords shall provide subjective entertainments and subjective teaching for the two lowest plateaux. And it shall be provided with forests, lakes and rivers, and with all manner of animals and birds and fish, and of whatsoever is suitable food for the mortals. And the lowest pla- teau shall be called Hochedowa, signifying happy hunting ground. And there shall not be any real thing on these two plateaus save the inhabitants and their food, and the mirrors, lenses and machinery for pro- ducing subjective things. And when this work is completed ye shall teach mortals and say to them also: Go tell one an- other, for after death the soul shall go thither in great delight; but except ye wear garments to hide your nakedness ye shall not enter Hochedowa. Yaton'te said: When the lowest plateau was made habitable, covering a large por- tion of North Guatama, the Voice came again, saying: Through thy Lords, My Son, thou shalt possess all mortals, every man, woman or child, allowing not one of the drujas to come near them. And be- hold, I will send upon the land in many places great drouths, because of the con- struction of the plateaux, and these wan- dering spirits shall not find sustenance except through thee and thy Lords. And when they come to thee, thou shalt oblige 170 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI them to be clothed, and thou shalt show preference to all such as wear ornaments. Yaton'te said: This much have we accomplished, O Fragapatti. The founda- tion of my heavenly kingdom is broad and sure, but I have few subjects to show thee. Fragapatti said: Behold, I will take two days of rest, and then I will inspect thy places. Proclaim, therefore, recrea- tion for two more days. CHAPTER XIX. When the time of recreation was ended Yaton'te called his council together, and when he sat on the throne with Fraga- patti and Hoab on his left hand, the Voice of Jehovih came to him, saying: Behold, O My Sons and Daughters, in this heaven and on this land shall rise in time after those who shall begin the founding of My kingdom amongst mor- tals. For in the lands of the East, and the heavens of the East, I have given false Gods and Lords whom mortals fall down and worship, but in this heaven and this land no false God nor Lord shall ever be established by violence, for so I have de- creed. And to accomplish this end I have had these subjective heavens created, and they shall endure till the dawn of kosmon and the overthrow of war and mortal kingdoms. From this throne will I come in that day, through My Chiefs, and reveal the histories of My Kingdoms. And from this heaven I will extend outward until My kingdoms encircle the whole Earth. And whether the I'huans be mortals or spirits, ye shall teach them to worship none save the Great Spirit. For a ques- tion will arise amongst mortals in the be- ginning of kosmon as to whether mortals are ruled by the angels of heaven, and as proof to them I will keep out all false Gods, Lords and Saviours, and mortals, through the inspiration that shall descend from this heaven, through the spirits of the I'huan dead, shall become worshipers of the Great Spirit; for I, Jehovih, alone rule over all, and within all My works. And as ye find little inspiration amongst the hosts of wandering spirits now, so will the same lack of inspiration be manifested in the beginning of kosmon amongst mor- tals. The Voice ceased. Yaton'te called Et'seing, his assistant God, saying: Come thou and sit on the throne, whilst I accompany Fragapatti to inspect my dominions, and also' to visit God of Ipseogee, after which I will return hither. Et'seing sat on the throne, duly salut- ing. Then Fragapatti, perceiving that the great multitude desired to hear him speak, rose up and said: I am well pleased with what they have done, O Jehovih. Thou hast wisely chosen them, for in this dawn I perceive the foundation of that which will reach mortals in kosmon. And because Thou hast chosen this place, great is the respon- sibility of these Thy Lords and Thy Lord God. Because they have supplicated Thee, Thou hast guided them, and they cannot err. Because their work hath been slow, they have great honor in patience and per- sistence. May Thy Wisdom, Power and Love continue with them, for Thy glory, now and forever. Amen! Fragapatti ceased, but the light became brilliant above his head; and the Voice spake out of the Light, saying: More shall they concern themselves in a righteous foundation of My kingdom than in a multitude of conversions and res- urrections. For the standard of their Lords and Gods and their successors is of more value than tens of thousands of the redeemed who are of little wisdom and strength. The Voice ceased, and Fragapatti came down from the throne, followed by Ya- ton'te and Hoab. The es'enaurs chanted, All Hail, Great Jehovih's Power! And when they had advanced to Ctius they halted for a moment ,and then filed in front of the throne, saluting in the Sign of Om, and were answered by Fragapatti. After them came the marshals of the trav- eling hosts. Passing out of the capital to the place of the ships of fire, they entered the avalanza, with music and cheering; and thus they departed to survey the king- dom of Yaton'te, and then to go to Ipse- ogee. CHAPTER XX. After Fragapatti had examined the places of the asaphs and physicians which belong to the lower heavens, he descended CYCLE OF FEAGAPATTI 171 to Hochedowa, the happy hunting ground, in order to witness the games and tourna- ments, which were so far maintained by a great expenditure of labor on the part of the ethereans, in order to teach the dead by subjective illustrations. Jehovih had said: As mortal children can be taught by objective illustration, so can the young spirit be taught in a subjective school. Behold the rainbow! It is a subjective il- lustration to mortals of a bow without substance. Man bendeth a stick and saith: Behold a bow! And he holdeth it in his hand; but Mine he cannot touch. I cause mortals to teach their sons and daughters many combinations by the use of objects, that they should know a circle, a square ,a triangle, or learn to compute numbers by the use of objects. Inversely in the same way I created subjective means for the spirits of the dead, that they might be taught and amused by My works. To corporeans I gave corporeal eyes and corporeal ears, that they might attain to wisdom on the earth; and to a few I give su'is that they may see and hear things spiritually. To the spirits of mor- tals who die in infancy I give spiritual eyes, and spiritual ears; but without culti- vation they hear not corporeal things nor see corporeal things. But to such spirits as have fulfilled an earth-life, I have given capacity to see and hear after death the matters of both worlds. Nevertheless there are many spirits in heaven who have not fulfilled either a spiritual or a cor- poreal life, and they can see but little and hear but little; for which reason I com- manded that they should be called drujas, signifying spirits of darkness. And I send My Gods and My Lords, saying to them: Go to the spirits of darkness, for they neither see nor hear heaven nor earth, and are wandering about indifferent even to their own nakedness. And ye shall create mirrors and lenses, and optical illusions and delusions, and provide games and en- tertainments for them, so that their under- standing may be opened up for the glory of My kingdoms. CHAPTER XXI. When the avalanza arrived at Hoche- dowa it was lowered to as to serve as an observatory, in order that those therein could witness what was going on, and it could be moved about from place to place. And they witnessed the heavenly tourna- ments and games, the boating and fishing and hunting, and all other entertainments representative of what these angels had been engaged at in mortal life. And it came to pass that many drujas were re- stored to memory of earth life, restored to seeing and hearing, and to know they had entered another world, illustrating to their dull senses that it was possible for them to learn to see and hear understandingly. But there were also within these regions hun- dreds of millions of angels void of form and expression. Jehovih had said: When a man hath fainted, thou shalt arouse him by calling his memory to things past. And when the druj in heaven hath ceased to know who he is, thou shalt show him symbols of things past and thus awaken him. Jehovih had also said: Behold, O man, thou art the chief glory of my creations. And to thee only, O man, have I given immortality. For the beasts of the field I made like a vessel that is full of water, and when the vessel is destroyed the water flows back to the ocean. I quickened them into life by mine own hand, but when I take away My hand they are gone back into dissolution. As a drop of water evaporates and is seen no more, so is the spirit of all the animals I created before the Light of My countenance except thee, O man, to whom I gave power for ever- lasting life. And as a man may take a drop of water and put it in a phial and keep it for a long time, so have I given to my exalted angels power to take the spirit of a fish or of an animal and reclothe it with the semblance of a body for a season. And yet it is only a subjective existence. And as a man letteth a stone out of his hand, and it falls to the ground, so when my angels let go their hands on My spir- itual animals their spirits fall into the sea of My body, and are seen no more. Even so, also, I created the trees, the grass, the moss and all vegetable things that grow on the Earth. Fragapatti also visited the Washa'wow'- wow, the great hunting fields, and the places of tournaments, the Se'ka'to'si, 172 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI where thousands and tens of thousands of drujas were being amused and instructed and awakened to their condition and to their possibilities. And when Fragapatti and his hosts had seen the beauty and grandeur of this lowest of heavens, and made a record of the affairs, Yaton'te said: Now, O Fragapatti, have I shown thee the foundation of a great house, my king- dom, which is Jehovih' s also. I am at thy service to go whithersoever thou mayest desire. Then Fragapatti answered: I de- sire to descend beneath to Earth's surface, and survey the plains, and rivers and lakes, in the regions where the Father's King- dom will be founded. Let my mathemati- cians compute the time, and these things shall also be recorded in the etherean li- braries, for the benefit of the angels of that day. The mathematicians computed the time, and then Yo'tse'putu, the Chief, said: Eight thousand nine hundred years. So Fragapatti caused the avalanza to be lowered down to Earth's surface, and he coursed the land over, east and west, and north and south, and when he saw it was a fair country as to land and water, he said: Behold, the Wisdom of Jehovih in the foundation and plans for inhabiting and subduing Earth. And yet, eight thousand nine hundred years! O what innumerable millions on Earth will go down in dark- ness ere that day! Here the Light will fall! Here the beginning of the death of Seffas! Yet Thy hand, O Jehovih, is over all. CHAPTER XXII. Fragapatti sent messengers to Hapacha, God of Ipseogee, apprising him of the an- ticipated visit. So Hapacha hastily called in his Lords and captains, preparing a time of recreation and suitable reception and entertainments. And Hapacha arranged his hosts in this manner: First, one hun- dred thousand musicians, formed in eight parts of a circle. With each group he pro- vided one thousand marshals, and they stood in front of the musicians, with eight intervening spaces also. Next within he provided places for the messengers, of whom there were three hundred thousand. Then next came the asaphs, of whom there were one million; next came the ashars, of whom there were two million; next, the nurses and physicians. Then the teachers in factories and schools and colleges, and of all these there were four- teen million six hundred thousand.. Of the grade above the es'y ans there were twenty million, and of the second grade there were thirty million; but no es'yans were present. In the midst of the circle was the throne of Hapacha, now extended so as to ac- commodate his Lords. To the south of his throne were the seats of the captains; and in a crescent were his counselors, of whom there were one million. Hapacha having thus called them to- gether, and having explained to but few the purpose, now addressed all present, saying: By the Wisdom and Power of Jehovih I speak before you. Since our youth up we have been advised by the guardian angels, their Lords and God, to be firm in faith in Jehovih above all things. For it was de- clared to us, in the olden times, that there was a higher heaven and a lower heaven, and that through faith in the All Highest we should all ultimately ascend and dwell in His most Holy Kingdoms. Ye have been steady workers since your mortal lives were put away, raising up many for this kingdom, and causing them to rejoice in everlasting life. But as it has been prom- ised that the Gods above us would surely come and deliver all who were prepared for the next resurrection, ye have cher- ished hopes for wider fields of labor where ye may become more wise in Jehovih's Light. The time for that resurrection is near at hand for many of you. Our Fa- ther hath brought this heaven into a re- gion of light that ye may be prepared for still greater light beyond. And because of the new light that is with you many of the I'huan es'yans have deserted our nurseries and gone back to the earth, for they love the darkness on earth more than the light of heaven. My Lords have sent messen- gers to me from various parts of the earth, saying: As much as they have deserted your places in heaven, even so much have the es'yans returned to mortals in great numbers. And it hath come to pass that great manifestations of spirit presence are now common to mortals, men, women and children. Many of these es'yans have CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 173 adopted the roving habits of drujas, deny- ing that there is any higher heaven, hon- estly believing they will have an opportun- ity to reincarnate themselves and dwell again in mortal form; knowing no higher heaven, and knowing no happiness except the indulgence of lust through mortals. Being armed in prophecy, your God called you to witness the words and pro- ceedings of Fragapatti, who is on his way hither, accompanied by Yaton'te, God of Yaton'te, creator of Hochedowa. For more than six hundred years have many of us labored in this field, and our harvests for Gau have been the most esteemed of all the resurrections contributed by the Lords of Earth. To comport with our dig- nity, I have commanded the builders of otevans to have in readiness, representing these harvests, a vessel for my Lords and their attendants, and my chief marshal, to go part way and meet our visitors, bearing the sign of the triangle, and of fruit and the altar. Hapacha then gave instructions in full; and presently the receiving hosts departed in the otevan, with music and rejoicing, being cheered by the hosts who remained to put the house of Hapacha in order. CHAPTER XXIII. Fragapatti had previously visited Ha- pacha, but told not who he was, except that he was God of Lunitzi, in etherea. Consequently, Hapacha, now knowing that Fragapatti was coming, mistrusted not that it was the God of Lunitzi, but expect- ed to see him coming in great pomp and glory. For he had heard of the wonders Fragapatti had already accomplished in the eastern heavens, particularly the break- ing up of the hells of Aoasu and the deliv- erance of the tortured inmates. But, with neither lights nor curtains, Fragapatti came to Ipseogee, with the receiving hosts within his vessel, anchoring near the throne of Hapacha. Presently Fragapatti, Yaton'te and Hoab came down out of the ship, with the marshals on the left, and the receiving hosts on the right. Hapacha's es'enaurs sang, Jehovih's Name, O ye Lords and Gods. The hosts of the avalanza joined in singing, with trumpets, harps and triangles, and great was the glory of their music. When Fragapatti approached the throne the music ceased. Hapacha made the ancient sign of Jehovih's name, and asked: Who cometh here? Fragapatti answered: A Faithist in Jehovih! And he gave the countersign. Then Hapacha said: In His Name, welcome, brother, and thy hosts also. May Jehovih's Love, Wisdom and Power be manifested through me and my people during your sojourn with us. Fragapatti said: Jehovih is All Wise. He fashions some men as suns, and the light of their souls extendeth to etherea. And He sends swift messengers from His most exalted heavens to course the vast fields in etherea at certain times; and they passing through both light and dark places scan the distant kingdoms where mortals and angels dwell, and by their great wisdom discern the brightest, best souls, and carry the record thereof to the Gods above. And when these Gods descend to the re- gions wherein these gems are set, they visit them. Thus standeth thy record, O Hapacha, in the higher heavens. And when the Father called me to visit the red star and her heavens, I looked over Jeho- vih's messengers' reports where was set thy name, radiant with love. So to thee I came unknown, and thy great worth and the amity of thy hosts won my love. I promis- ed that thou shouldst hear from me soon, and so behold, Fragapatti is before thee. Hapacha said: For this I praise Jeho- vih. Come thou, O Fragapatti, and honor my throne in the name of the Father. And come thou also, Yaton'te, and thou, Hoab. And they went and sat on the throne, and Fragapatti sat in the midst. Again the es-enaurs sang and played, and whilst they sang the light of the upper hea- vens began to envelop the throne. Then spake Fragapatti, saying: Because ye have been faithful from the first, ye are become the light of Earth and of this heaven; and as ye have maintained your altars and times of worship, there have been maintained in the upper heavens al- tars and times of worship in conjunction with you. Thus have ye been blessed in hearing the Voice through all the darkness which Earth and her heavens have passed. As Jehovih hath given voice betwixt mother and child, though they be distant from each other, so in like manner has he 174 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI given voice to His kingdoms which are in sympathy in righteousness and love. As ye behold the light gathering about the throne, think not that I bring the light, nor that it is sent to me in person. There is a cord betwixt me and my etherean kingdoms, and I am one end thereof; the other end is my throne in etherea. When I sit in the midst of this throne, behold it is illumined by the light of the higher hea- vens. Think not that my heavens are the highest of all. The All Highest can never be attained. Nevertheless, my heavens are conected as with a cord to those above me, and they to still others above, and so on, forever, upward! The All Highest con- ceived of is called Jehovih; and no matter how far it descends, the Voice is still His Voice. Fragapatti ceased speaking, and a light, most brilliant like a sun, settled above his head. Many could not look upon it be- cause of its brightness. Presently, Jeho- vih's Voice spake out of the Light, saying: Rejoice, O Hapacha, in the name of thy Creator! Sing songs of delight, and let thy people hold up their heads. I have watched over thee and thy hosts. Ye have fulfilled the dawn of My Light. Yester- day I said: Sit ye here, stand ye here,, for to-morrow I come again. And this was My commandment for thousands and tens of thousands of years. But others remem- bered Me not. In the night they went down as a child that falleth asleep. And when I come on the morrow, behold, they had not awakened. And I roused them up and showed them My great Light. Again, I said to them: Three thousand years are as one day in My sight. Sit ye here, stand ye there; and remember Me. To-morrow I come again. But they went down in sleep. They remembered Me not, their Creator. But thou, O Hapacha, hast maintained the watch all night long. Thou art the first of Earth Gods who hath kept My kingdom safe in the lower heavens till the morrow come. Now I have come to de- liver thee and thy kingdom to Haraiti, whither thou shalt tarry till the close of dawn, when My Sons and Daughters shall bear thee and thy hosts upward to My emancipated worlds. The Voice ceased. Then spake Fraga- patti, saying: For three days I will tarry here. Two days shall be spent in recrea- tion, and on the third day thou shalt ap- point thy successor, and I will then speak again before thee and thy people. Hapacha then proclaimed two days of recreation, and the hosts of the avalanza mingled with the Ipseogee'ans, and great was the glory of those two days. CHAPTER XXIV. Hoab rejoiced not. He alone of all the people assembled was burdened in soul. He said: Jehovih, because I have seen that Thy Son Hapacha, one of Thy Gods in the lowest of heavens, has maintained his kingdom unto Thee till this dawn of light, I am rebuked. Thou gavest into my keeping a kingdom far higher than this, even Zeredho; and I went down as a child that falleth asleep. My kingdom forgot Thee; my people ceased to sing songs unto Thee. We buried ourselves in darkness. And thou hast chosen me to be the next God of Earth and her heavens. How shall I fulfill Thy commandments? How shall I know the way to choose Gods and Lords who will be steadfast and zealous? Fragapatti then said unto him: Through faith in Jehovih are all things accomplish- ed. Without faith in Him all things are uncertain. He who saith: I know Jeho- vih lives and reigneth, hath said wisely. But he who says: I go forth in Thy strength, O Jehovih, for I know that I shall accomplish, hath said much more. For his words maintain the power of the Father in Him. On the morning of the third day, Ha- pacha called the hosts from recreation to labor. The es'enaurs chanted a hymn of rejoicing, and then Hapacha said: To Thee, O Jehovih, are all things com- mitted, even as from Thee they came forth. Thy Voice is upon all men, but at times they hear Thee not. Thine eye is observant of all men. To teach men these simple things is to make Gods of them. To teach them to find Thee, to know Thee, to real- ize Thy Ever Presence and to become one with Thee, this is the labor of Thy Gods and Lords. In Thy name have I raised up one who is to succeed me, in this, Thy CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 175 kingdom. From Thy Light shall Thy Ori- an Chief weave a crown for him, and with mine own hands will I crown him. The marshals now brought forward Penoto, of Caracas, highly learned in dis- cipline, and when he stood before the throne of God, Fragapatti arose and said: Without a keynote, a number of instru- ments cannot be attuned to harmony. Many people, either angels or mortals, be- coming as a unit, are powerful over the elements surrounding them, but if such people disbelieve in an All Highest Per- son, they cannot harmonize, because each one is his own self esteemed all highest. They are without power, without unison, and without sacrifice, accomplishing little good on earth or in heaven. Think not that darkness belongs only to the earth, for there are those who rise to the second resurrection, and then fall into unbelief, and then the first resurrection. And some of them even fall into hell be- lieving that evil and destruction is good; and yet others become drujas engrossed in the affairs of mortals, and finally they be- come fetals and vampires on mortals. Whoever hath attained the height of his own ideal, is on the precipice of hell; but he who, finding the God of his forefathers too small for himself, inventeth one much higher, is a great benefactor. A fool can ridicule the ancient Person; his delight is to pull down; but a wise man furnisheth a greater All Person. To pull down the All Person, is to pull down His people. To try to make a non-appreciable Person out of Jehovih is to make one's self the oppo- site of a creator. To learn to create and to invent; to learn to congregate and to make, is to travel on the right road. To learn to pull down, to scatter, to annul, to disintegrate, to set things apart from one another, to find evil instead of good, to find folly instead of wisdom, to expose the ignorance of others instead of finding wis- dom in them— all these follow the first in- ception of disbelief in the All Person. And since, from disintegration of the compact betwixt the Creator and His chil- dren, the cord of communication is cut off with the exalted kingdoms in etherea, they have indeed double grounds for disbelief; nor can they comprehend how others can be believers in an All Person, much less to have faith in Him. For a community be- cometh One Person; a kingdom in etherea becometh One Person; a kingdom in the lower heavens becometh One Person; a kingdom on earth becometh One Person; each and every kingdom being a single figurehead; and as many of those kingdoms as are united, become One Person also, being a single figurehead of many parts, which is the perfection of each and every individual. Hence, as a single individual can cut himself off from Jehovih; so can a com- munity, or a kingdom, and so go down to destruction. The strongest, best man in the community is he who laboreth most to perfect the unity, that is, the Person of the community; the strongest man in the king- dom is he who laboreth most to perfect the Person of the kingdom; the strongest man in heaven is he who laboreth most to perfect the All Person of heaven. The weakest of men is the opposite of these. He laboreth to show there is no All Per- son in anything; verily, he is already falling away from the Father. Yea, he accuseth himself, for he saith: I neither see nor hear an All Person, nor believe I in one. It was said of old: First, testimony; sec- ond, belief; third, faith; and fourth, works; but I declare unto you that with the ex- panse of knowledge testimony must be strengthened. For in the olden times, an- gels and men could be commanded to be- lieve and they believed. Herein have many of the Lords and Gods of the lower heavens erred; for they furnished not to those beneath them the necessary testi- mony comporting with the advanced knowledge in heaven or on earth. A God shall devise food for meditation, because angels, as well as mortals, without an ad- vanced teacher, are as well off with none at all. It was said of old that a God taught the people on one of the stars to believe Je- hovih lived in a straw, and they rose in wisdom, harmony and unity. Then after- ward, another God came and taught them there was no Jehovih, because, forsooth, He could not live in a straw; and the people fell into disbelief, inharmony and disunion. Which, then, of these, was the wiser God? Yet I declare unto you, they were both necessary. For there are times when with- 176 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI out a habitation and a figure, the Great Spirit cannot be taught to either angels or mortals. The labor of the Gods is to lead the people upward, step by step, until they learn to be Gods and Goddesses themselves. On this world, mortals were first taught through stone and wooden idols; and after- wards by engraved images. In some of the mixed tribes it will be necessary to teach them Jehovih incarnated in mortal form, and by sympathy for his sufferings, teach them how to follow his spirit up to heaven. But all these subterfuges shall be set aside in the kosmon era. This heaven, more than any other heaven on Earth, will be esteemed by the etherean kingdoms; for beneath you on this part of Earth, will mor- tals first espouse the Father's kingdom. Therefore, let your labor be first of all to sow the seed of belief in an All Person,, the Great Spirit. As ye now sow, and build Jehovih's kingdom in your heaven, so, in the coming of the kosmon era, will the same teaching take root in the souls of mortals. Nor shall ye, under any circum- stances, permit Gods, Lords or Saviors to be established as worshipful beings, either in these heavens or on this land. For this land is dedicated to Jehovih for the over- throw of all idols, of Gods, Lords, Saviors, and of everything that is worshipped save Jehovih, the Great Spirit. Neither shall any of these idols be established with effect in these heavens or on this land. But be ye most circumspect to establish Jehovih, the All Person, in the souls of angels and mortals. Fragapatti ceased, but signalled for Ha- pacha to ordain Penoto, God of Ipseogee. Hapacha rose up, saying: Penoto, Son of Jehovih. Thou hast been chosen to be God of Ipseogee for six hundred years. Thou hast been favored with much travel- ing in heaven; and for thy benefit, many swift messengers from the emancipated worlds have explained to thee the domin- ions of the Great Chiefs. He through whose fields this world is now traveling, hath stood up before thee. He hath spok- en to thee and thy people. Heed thou his words and thou shalt be one with his king- doms in wisdom and power. And at the end of six hundred years, thou and thy harvest shall be called for by the etherean hosts. Be thou ready for them! And erst thou depart thou shalt raise up one suffi- cient to take thy place, and thou shalt be- stow him. Penoto said: Thy will and Jehovih's be done. That which is given me to do will I do with all my wisdom and strength, so help me, O Jehovih. Hapacha said: By virtue of Thy Love, Wisdom and Power, O Jehovih, vested in me, do I ordain this Thy son, God of Ip- seogee, for the period of six hundred years. Be Thou with him, O Jehovih, and may he and his works glorify Thee forever. Amen! Penoto said: Which I accept and cove- nant with Thee, O Jehovih, for Thy glory forever. Amen. The es'enaurs now sang: Thou Light and Person, Approved and Sung on High, Jehovih. Our God Hapacha. Thou Hast Called Him. Welcome, Penoto. Thou alone, Jehovih, remainest forever. Glory, glory, be to Thee, O Thou Creator. The light gathered brilliantly over Frag- apatti's head, and when the music ceased, the Voice of Jehovih spake out of the Light, saying: In the first days I blew My breath upon the lands of Earth, and man became a liv- ing soul. Then, in the second time, I moved My hand upon Earth, and man went forth in power. Thus near hath My Voice approached Earth. Be ye steadfast in My commandments. The time shall surely come when My Voice shall be heard by mortals on Earth. The Voice ceased, and then Fragapatti took the light in his hands, as one would take fine flax, and turning it about wove a most brilliant crown of a reddish hue. He said: Crown of Thy crown, O Jehovih, have I woven for Thy Son, God of Ipseogee. And he handed it to Hapacha, who said: And in Thy name, O Father, I crown him, second God of Ipseogee, for six hundred years. Be Thou with him, O Father. Amen. CHAPTER XXV. At the close of the fourth day, Fraga- patti commanded his hosts to embark in the avalanza; and the marshals conducted them in, taking first, the sons and daugh- ters of Ipseogee, being sixty million; next the Zererho'ans, ten million; and then CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 177 Fragapatti's etherean attendants, five mill- ion. When those were aboard, Fragapatti, Hoab, Yaton'te and Hapacha, rose up, and after making the sign of the setting sun, went down and sat at the foot of the throne. God, who was Penoto, stepped down and took Fragapatti's hand, saying: Arise, O Chief. The Father calleth. Frag- apatti rose up and stood aside. Then God raised Yaton'te and he stood aside, and then Hoab and he stood aside. And now came the greatest trial of all. God took Hapacha' s hand, saying: Arise, O God, Great Jehovih calleth thee! Go thy way and His. But they both burst into tears, and fell into each other's arms. Hapacha said: O Father! Penoto said: His will be done. And now the light gathered bril- liantly over the scene. Fragapatti moved forward, then Yaton'te, then Hoab, and next Hapacha. Penoto resumed the throne. The es'- enaurs chanted, and the light of the higher heavens descended over all the place, mak- ing the close of the scene like a sweet dream. Fragapatti and his hosts were gone. Like a bee that is laden with honey, flying from a field of flowers to its home, so returned Fragapatti with his avalanza to Haraiti, swiftly speeding through the vault of heaven, a shooting star in Jehovih's hand. Athrava, God of Haraiti and assist- ant to Fragapatti, knew that the avalanza was coming, and that Hapacha and his hosts were aboard, and he provided a glor- ious reception for them. So for the space of a thousand miles he caused two rows of pillars of fire to be erected, so that the ava- lanza should pass between them; and near the pillars were stationed trumpeters and harpists, one million, divided into one hun- dred groups. And they were so arranged, that when the avalanza passed, they could come aboard. Now more than one hundred and fifty millions of the spirits who had been rescu- ed from torture and madness in the hells of Aoasu had been restored to conscious- ness during the absence of Fragapatti. And Athrava had them clothed in gaudy appar- el, and they were bearers of perfumes, flow- ers and torches, as presents for the I'hin hosts of Hapacha. And the lights were lowered at the place of landing, to make it acceptable to those newly raised who were aboard. Athrava said: As for Mouru, within the walls of light it shall be rated seven; but when Fragapatti hath ascended the throne it shall be raised to nine. And in those days, nine in Haraiti was fifty per cent, of the capacity of endurance in the plateau. Jehovih had said: If they raise the light, it will be more acceptable to My etherean hosts, for they have dwelt a long time near the earth, and are thirsting for etherean light. But yet consider ye, here are thou- sands of millions of atmosphereans who cannot endure the etherean light but delight in a lower per cent. See to it then that the walls of light protect My hosts on one side, but raise ye the grade to nine within. Athrava said: There shall be flights of stairs leading over the walls of Mouru, and they shall be white and illumined on that day, which shall be sufficient for divid- ing the people according to the light suit- ed to them. The I'hins with Hapacha will go over the walls, for they entered their corporeal cities in the same way; besides, they are capable of enduring the light; but the I'huans with Hapacha will desire to re- main without. For them prepare ye a place of delight and rest. But in regard to the ethereans Athrava gave no orders, for they were capable of perceiving all necessary things without in- struction. CHAPTER XXVI. When Fragapatti entered the avenue of fire where Athrava had stationed the mu- sicians, with his avalanza, so great was the .delight of his hosts aboard they broke all bounds of propriety, and they shouted and sang with the trumpeters with the most exalted enthusiasm, becoming entranced with the enchanting scene about them, and seeing visions of etherea far above them. For Jehovih created man with seasons of clearness far in advance of his growth, which having realized, he returneth to his normal condition to prepare himself consti- tutionally. Along the road on either side, were mot- toes peculiar to the hosts of Hapacha, and to mortals of Guatama. When Hapacha saw these, he said: How is it possible? 178 CYCLE OF FBAGAPATTI Whence derived these Gods this informa- tion? But the light came to his own soul, saying: The wise and good sayings of men below, are borne by Jehovih's swift messengers to realms above. Hoab stood near by, and heard Hapacha's remark; and he said: How can men and spirits be inspired to wise and good sayings? Who had thought to erect such sign boards on the road to All Light! And yet what darker deeds are done when the soul of man find- eth curses and evil words to vent his aw- ful sins, and walls himself around with hor- rid imprecations, to face in after time and be appalled at the havoc of his own deadly weapons. How few, indeed, comprehend the direful thrust of hateful words, but which are placarded on the signboards of heaven, as his fruit sent to market! The poison dealt out of his mouth to his broth- er man! A man throweth a spear, deadly, and it falleth on the earth and lieth there; but words and sayings are more potent, scoring deep in the soul of things. Fair indeed is it with thee, O Hapacha, and with thy hosts also, with yonder pure scroll to enter Haraiti. As the ship passed the lights, the ether- ean musicians came aboard, being anxious to meet Hapacha and his hosts, especially the I'hins, and to congratulate them on be- ing the first harvest from the lowest hea- ven at the end of a cycle. There were just twice as many as Sethantes had prepared in the first dawn on Earth. Fragapatti call- ed the swift messengers belonging to the roads of Gon, in etherea, and he said unto them: Go ye to Sethantes, whose fields lie in the Roads of Gon, and say unto him: Greeting, in the name of Jehovih. The. red star, Earth, hath reached Obsod and Goomatchala, home of Fragapatti, who sendeth love and joy on behalf of sixty million, first harvest of ha'k, grade sixty- five. Of these messengers, four hundred departed, leaving a reserve of eight hun- dred, who continued on the avalanza. The spirits who were arrayed in gaudy attire, withdrew a little from the landing, fearing the light. The ship drew near the walls and was made fast, and two million mar- shals of Mouru came forward as an escort to conduct all who chose over the ascend- ing stairs. And so great was the faith of Hapacha's hosts, that over fifty million of them passed within the sea of fire, singing: Glory be to Thee, O Jehovih. Creator of Worlds. Seeing this great faith in them, Athrava commanded red and blue lights, to favor them, and there was not one of the whole number that turned from the light. And now many of them beheld for the first time the glory and power of Gods and Goddesses. Mouru was illuminated on every part. The structure of the temple, its extent and magnificent conception, with its hundred of thousands of mirrors and lenses, its transparent and opaque crystals, translucent and opaque circles and arches, hundreds of millions, which when viewed from any one place was unlike when viewed from another, as if each position were striving to outdo the other in beauty and perfection. So that a person could walk for a thousand years in the temple, and every moment see, as it were, a new place of surpassing grandeur. And so wonder- fully was it arranged that the faces of one thousand million people could be seen from any place where a person might stand, and all these people appeared to constitute a part of the building, being as jewel stones created by Jehovih for the ornamentation of the celestial abodes of His Sons and Daughters. Hoab, always quick to speak, said: O that angels and mortals would strive to make of themselves such jewels as these. Hapacha spake not, being overwhelmed with the beauty and magnificence of the scene. Yaton'te said: When thou art on the throne Fragapatti, I will leave for the king- dom of Yaton'te. Here then, I will take my leave. Fragapatti shook hands with him, saying: Jehovih be with thee. So Yaton'te remained where he was, but Hoab and Hapacha continued on with Fragapat- ti. All eyes were turned to Hapacha, whose persistence in faith in Jehovih had won the lower heavens to wisdom and love. And as they moved toward the throne, great Athrava rose up, smiling, holding out his hands to receive them. Next, and back of Athrava, were the five Goddesses, Ethro, of Uche and Rok; Guis- saya, of Hemitza, of the valley of M'boid, in etherea; Si'tissaya, of Woh'tabak, the one time home of Fuevitiv; Ctevi, of Nu, CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 179 Porte'Auga; and Rinava, of the swamps of Tholiji, in South Suyarc of Roads, near Zuh'ta and Hitch'ow, in the south etherean vault of Obsod. And the Goddesses also rose up with extended hands; and now, because of the brilliancy of their presence, the throne be- came a scene of hallowed light, and threads thereof extended to all the Council mem- bers, and by these were radiated outward so that every person in the Temple of Je- hovih was connected with the throne, which made every spoken word plain to all. Athrava said: In Jehovih's name, wel- come, O Fragapatti. And to thy hosts, welcome also. The Goddesses repeated the same words, and they were echoed by the entire audience. Fragapatti said: In Thy name, O Jehovih, am I delivered to my loves. Be Thou with us, O Father, that we may glorify Thee. Receive ye, O my people, Hapacha, Son of Jehovih, who rose up and stood in the dark all night long, in faith in Jehovih. Behold, I have delivered him and his hosts in dawn. And now there appeared, rising like a new sun, Jehovih's Light beyond the throne, reddish tinged, emblem of the Western Light, in honor of Hapacha. Then spake Jehovih out of the light, saying: With My breath create I alive the Earth-born child; with My hand quicken I the newborn spirit; and with My Light il- lumine I the soul of My Faithist. Behold I dwell in the All Highest place, and in the lowest of created things; whoever findeth Me, I find also; whoever proclaimeth Me, I proclaim in return. Hapacha, My Son, Savior of men! Of My Light shalt thou be crowned. The Voice ceased, and now Fragapatti advanced to the midst of the throne, and took of the light and fashioned a crown, and placed it on Hapacha's head, saying: Crown of Thy crown, O Jehovih, crown I Thy Son . In Thy Light shall he be wise and powerful, with Love to all Thy created beings, henceforth, forever. The Goddesses then received them, and after due ceremonies they all took their seats, Fragapatti in the midst of the throne. Athrava resigned at once, during the stay of Fragapatti. The es'enaurs now chanted: Glory Be to Thee, O All Light; the Per- son of Every Kingdom, High and Low; Who Hath Brought Our Brothers and Sis- ters Home. By natural impulse, Hapacha's hosts, fifty million, rose up and responded, sing- ing: To Thee, O Jehovih, How Shall Our Souls Find Words? Thy Sons' and Daugh- ters' Love, How Can We Recompense? Make us Light and Clear, O Father! Spotless Before Them and Thee! But the anthems were long and sung with brilliancy, rejoicing and responding, millions to millions. When the music ceased, Fragapatti said: With the close of dawn of dan, these hosts shall be received as Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih, and ascend with us to the regions of Goo- matchala, in etherea. The apportioners will therefore divide them into groups in Haraiti; with etherean teachers to prepare them. That this may be accomplished, I proclaim one day's recreation, to assemble on the next day in order CHAPTER XXVII. When they were called to order, Fraga- patti said: For the cenvenience of My hosts, the light shall now be raised two de- grees, in which case it will be well to per- mit the hosts of Hapacha to retire to the fields of Hukaira, in Haraiti, where Ath- rava hath already a place and teachers for them. Accordingly the conductors now re- moved Hapacha's hosts, all except one million who resolved to endure the light. The es'enaurs chanted whilst these ar- rangements were being carried out, and when they were accomplished the music ceased. The chief marshal said: Swift messsen- gers, who are waiting without, salute Je- hovih's throne, and his God, and pray an audience. Fragapatti said: Whence come they? And what is the nature of their bus- iness? The marshal said: From the Aoasu'an fields of Howts. Their business is of the Osivi knots. Fragapatti said: On the sign of Emuts admit them, greeting from God in Jeho- vih's name. The marshal withdrew and returned with one thousand swift messengers of 180 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI whom Adeline was Goddess. She advanc- ed to the left of the throne. Fragapatti said: Goddess Arieune, Greeting to Thee, in Jehovih's name! Pro- ceed thou. Arieune said: Greeting in love to thee, Fragapatti, and to all thy hosts. I hasten- ed hither from the fields of Howts, section twelve, on the one-time plateau and place of Hored, where are a thousand million in a knot. This I reported to the Lord of Jaf- feth, Ah'oan, whose forces are all employ- ed, and he sent me hither. Fragapatti said: It is well. Thou art dismissed. Hoab, canst thou untie the knot? Hoab said: I have faith to try. To which Fragapatti replied: Athrava will go with thee, but do thou the labor. Choose, therefore, thy hosts from my eth- ereans, and have a vessel built sufficiently large so that if thou findest it advisable to bring them away, thou canst do so. Re- tire, then, with the captain of the files, and make thy selections, and in the meantime give commands for the vessel to be built and put in readiness. Hoab said: With Jehovih's help I will deliver them. And he saluted, and with the captain of the files he withdrew and made his selections, choosing five million in all, of whom half were physicians and nurses. In the meantime he had the proper workmen build a vessel of sufficient capac- ity and strength, as advised by Fragapatti; and in seven days' time everything was completed, and Hoab commanded his hosts to enter the ship, and he and Athra- va embarked; and were conducted by the Goddess Arieune, in her arrow ship, to the place of the knot. CHAPTER XXVIII. The Goddess Arieune gauged the speed of her arrow ship to suit that of Hoab's vessel; so onward together they sped in a direct line, propelled as a rocket by con- stant emissions from the stern, the mater- ial being manufactured by the crew and commanders, who are skilled in wielding Jehovih's elements. As mortals find means to traverse the ocean and to raise a balloon, so do high-raised angels build and propel mightier vessels through the firmament. And when the ethereans, high raised in the most subtle spheres, send their ships coursing downward in the denser strata of a corporeal world, their ready workmen take in ballast, and turn the fans, and reverse the whirling screws to match the space and course of travel. And men learn this trade, having rank and grade ac- cording to their proficiency; many of them serving apprenticeships of thousands of years, becoming so skilled in wielding the elements, and in the knowledge of the de- grees of density, that thousands of millions of miles of roadways in heaven are as a well-learned book to them. And thus, con- versant with Jehovih's wide domains, they are eagerly sought after, especially in emer- gent cases, or on journeys of millions of miles; for so well they know the require- ments, the places of delight, the dangers of vortices and of eddies and whirlpools, that when a God saith: Take me hither, or yonder, they know the nearest way and the power required. For as Jehovih hath made icebergs on the corporeal ocean, danger- ous to corporeal ships; and heavy currents of wind; and currents in the ocean, so are there in etherea currents and densities which a well-skilled God can take advan- tage of, be is a slow trip of pleasure, or a swift one on urgent business to suffering angels or mortals. And be it God or God- dess, dispatched by a higher Council, to a distant place quickly, he or she must be al- ready acquainted with navigators sufficient to know whom to choose; and likewise, understand the matter well enough to help if required. For oft the navigators have not swift messengers to pilot them; and a short journey of fifty thousand miles may require as much skill as a million, and es- pecially in descending to a corporeal world. Hoab knew, and he managed well. Fol- lowing close on the arrow's trail till they neared the ruined plateau, and amidst the broken currents Arieune dropped along- side, perceiving Hoab's less wieldly vessel. and made fast. She said to Hoab: Behold, we are near the place. Then Haob asked: How foundest thou a knot in such a wasted country? Arieune answer- ed him: When Jehovih created woman, He gave to her two chief attributes, curiosity and solicitude for others. So, passing here, surveying the place where the first heavenly kingdom was, I remembered it had been CYCLE OF FBAGAPATTI 181 said that Aph left some island places where once a colony in heaven had been built, and I halted to examine it. A moan and terrible sound greeted me. I heard the Osivi knots, as I had oft heard others be- fore. We halted and made fast, and pres- ently went about searching led by the sad, sad noise, until we came to the great mound, the knot, a thousand million drujas bound in a heap; wailing, muffled, moan- ing, as if all the heap of them were in the throes of death, but could not die. Being myself powerless to overcome such fearful odds, I made note of the bearing of the re- gions where I should find the nearest God; and so having measured the knot, I set sail as thou hast heard. Hoab said: Every day I behold Thy wisdom, O Jehovih! In a new light thy wondrous judgment riseth up before me. Who but Thee, O Father, had seen the fruitage of curiosity made perfect in Thy Daughters? From the little bud seen in mortal form to the scanning of Thy hea- vens. As thus Hoab discoursed, they arrived at a suitable halting place, where they made their vessels fast, and then hurried to the knot. Without loss of time, Hoab walled the knot around with low fire, leav- ing a gateway to the east, where he placed a thousand sentinels. One million of this army he stationed outside the walls, and these were divided into groups of selectors, guardsmen, physicians, nurses and bearers, and manufacturers of fire and water. The selectors were provided with rods of fire and water, and blinds. Then Hoab stationed another millon be- twixt the knot and the gateway, and these were stationed in four rows, each two rows facing, and but two paces apart; so that betwixt the rows it was like a walled alley- way. And the other three million Hoab caused to surround the knot on every side. Each and every one of these was provided with a fire lamp, which they held in the right hand. And when all things were thus in readiness, Hoab commanded the attack to begin. And at once the at- tackers thrust their fire lamps in the face of the druj nearest by, and seizing them with the other hand pulled them away. So great is the fear of the drujas that at times they will not relinquish their grip at sight of the lamp, but often require to be nearly burned and stifled with the light before they release their hold. A knot is a mass of millions and mill- ions of spirits who becoming panic-strick- en, fall upon their chief, or leader, who becomes powerless in their grip, and is quickly rolled up on the midst of the knot. And when the deliverers thus begin at the exterior of the knot, peeling off the crazed and moaning spirits, they hurl them backward, where they are caught by the seconds, who in turn hurl them into the alley ways, where they are again thrust for- ward till past the gate in the wall of fire. From the time, therefore, that the druj receiveth the thrust of the first lamp in his face, he is not allowed to linger, but is whirled suddenly from one to another so quickly he cannot fasten to any person or thing. For were they to fasten on even the deliverers, first one and then another, soon a second knot would result. Thus to untie a knot of a thousand million crazed angels is not only a dangerous proceeding, but a feat of unusual grandeur to be undertaken by only five million ethereans. To provide against accident, Hoab ap- pointed Athrava to take charge of the de- livered after they were beyond the walls; for Athrava had received thousands of years' practice in such matters. So he di- vided and arranged the drujas into groups, placing guards with fire rods over them; and in some cases taking the groups away and walling them around with fire also. Now by the time five hundred million of the knot were released, some of the ex- ternal delivered groups began to tie them- selves in knots. And when Athrava saw this, he said to Hoab: Behold, they are becoming too numerous for my hosts. I have not sufficient guardsmen. Hoab said: Then I will cease a while, and instead of delivering, come and assist thee. Thus Hoab labored with those without, untying the small knots and arranging them in safer ways, placing a greater number of guards over them. This done, the es'- enaurs struck up lively music, starting dancings and marchings; for such is the routine of the restoring process practiced by Gods. Then come the nurses with cheerful words, with mirth and gayety, fol- lowing one diversion with another in rapid 182 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI succession. To the raving maniacs, and to the stupid, and to the hopeless blind, the physicians now turned their attention. Again Hoab and his army fell upon the knot, pulling the external ones away and hurling them out, but not so rapidly, hav- ing fewer deliverers, for he had bequeath- ed an extra million to Athrava, outside the walls. And after another three hundred million were delivered, Hoab ceased for a time, and joined with Athrava to assist and divide and group them in the same way as before. And he bequeathed another million of his army to Athrava, and then again resumed the attack on the knot, and thus continued till he reached the core of the knot, having untied the whole thou- sand million drujas, gradually lessening his own army and enlarging that of Athrava. And when Hoab came to the core of the knot, behold he found Oibe, the false God, who falsely styled himself Thor, the ether- ean. And in the midst of the knot they had jewels of rare value, and stolen crowns and stolen symbols, and rods, holy water, urns, incense, and a broken wheel of Je- hovih, a broken triangle of the Gods; and in fact a sufficiency of things whereof one might write a book in the description. Suf- fice it to say, a false God and his kingdom had collapsed and he fell, crushed in the glory of his throne. And there were with him seven false Lords, who were also crushed in the terrible fall. Oibe and his Lords, from their confine- ment in the knot, were also crazed and wild with fear, screaming and crying with all their strength, even as were all the others, like drunkards long debauched, delirious and fearful of imaginary horrors. Or as one's hand, long compressed, becometh numb, and when pressure is taken away it still seemeth to be bound. So would not Oibe and his Lords believe they were free, but still cried and called for help. At this time, there came from Ah'oan, God of Jafteth, a messenger whose name was Turbe, with forty companions and five hundred apprentices. Turbe was an atmos- pherean, three hundred years of age, Turbe said: Greeting from Ah'oan in Je- hovih's name. To whom shall I speak; to whose honor credit this deliverance, save Jehovih's? Athrava said: To Hoab, a Zeredho'an disciple of Fragapatti, who is sojourning in Mouru, capital of Haraiti. And Athrava further asked Turbe his name, whence he came, and especially if he knew about this knot before, and the history of its cause? To which Turbe replied: From Ah'oan this I have learned, that some four hundred years ago, one of the sub-Gods named Oibe, because of his mod- esty and birdlike fleetness, was promoted by Samati, who is now commissioned mas- ter of the I'huans by Fragapatti. This, whom Hoab hath delivered is Oibe, the one-time sub-God of honorable purposes. His kingdom prospered for two hundred years, and his name and fame spread throughout all these heavens, and even down to mortals, who were inspired by his admiring spirits to make images of birds and dedicate them to Oibe. He became vain of the flattery, and losing faith in Je- hovih finally came out in unbelief, saying there was no All Highest, save as each and every God chose to exalt himself. Within his dominions, which numbered nearly a thousand million angels, were a score or more of Lords under him; to the wisest of whom he began to preach his views, look- ing to personal laudation and glory. In the course of a score of years, the matter culminated in Oibe and a few of his favored Lords proclaiming a new kingdom, styled, The All Highest Kingdom in The All Highest Heaven. And the title he assum- ed was, Thor, the Only Begotten Son of All Light. Thor, the All Light Personated. Thor the Personal Son of Mi, the Virgin Universe. Thus Oibe turned away from the true God and his kingdoms; and he immediate- ly walled his kingdom around with a stand- ing army; promoting seven of his most efficient devotees as Lords; and others as generals and captains. And at once he sat about enlarging and enriching his throne and his capital, which he called Osivi, and known as Howts on the official charts. In the course of one hundred years his kingdom became a place of two thousand million souls. His chief city, Osivi, was the richest and most gaudy city that had ever been in these heavens. The streets were paved with precious stones. The pal- aces for himself, his Lords, and his mar- CYCLE OF FRAQAPATTI 183 shals and generals, were built of the most costly jewels with pillars, arches and cham- bers of the most elaborate workmanship, and of the most costly material. Oibe became a tyrant, and with the ex- ception of his Lords and a few favored friends, none were permitted to approach his throne but by crawling on their bellies, and even under guard. Nor were they per- mitted to raise their eyes upon him except at a very great distance. And all his sub- jects were his slaves in fact, though under progressive discipline. These slaves were sent far away into atmospherea, or else down to the earth, to gather tribute for the glory of Oibe and his favorites; nor did these slaves mistrust but they were working for Jehovih, believing that he lived in the capital Osivi. At first Oibe educated and otherwise improved his slaves; but finding them less obedient in consequence of knowledge, he finally destroyed all the heavenly schools and colleges, and resolv- ed to keep his subjects forever ignorant. Consequently the wiser of his subjects de- serted him, and his angels were without knowledge, knowing nothing except that they had to work for Thor forever. In addition to ignorance, Oibe kept his sub- jects forever in fear of himself, forever threatening them with terrible punish- ments if they ceased to pray to him as the only Personified All Light. And in the course of time, his people forgot all aspira- tion for any other heaven or any other God. Many of them were deputized to dwell with mortals as guardian spirits, persuad- ing mortals to worship Thor and Ibis, threatening them with being turned into serpents and toads after death if they obey- ed not these injunctions. Thus ruled Thor the false, for four hun- dred years in Osivi. Neither was it possi- ble for Samati to send an army of sufficient strength to overcome such a kingdom. But a change finally came. A light descended from the higher heavens six generations ago; and according to the legends of old, it was ominous that the Gods of higher worlds would intercede. So Samati taking advantage of this, sent emissaries to Oibe, and solicited him to give over his evil ways and re-establish Je- hovih. Thor, the false, sent back word saying: When I was a child I was taught to fear Jehovih, and I feared Him. After long experience I have discovered there is nothing to fear in all the worlds. If there be any Jehovih, He is without form or per- son or sense. I fear Him not. I revere Him not. My heaven is good enough for me and my Lords. As for my subjects, let no man, nor God, nor Lord, meddle with them. Samati, who was the lawful God of all these heavens, and of Earth, thus perceived no way to reach Thor's slaves, for the slaves were too ignorant to desire anything save Thor. Nevertheless, he sent word the sec- ond time to Oibe, saying: Thy kingdom is even now destitute of intelligent people sufficient to protect thee in case of panic. If a comet, or any sudden light, or the passage of an avalanza through thy domin- ions should take place, thou wouldst surely find thyself overthrown in a knot. Thy subjects look upon thee as the All High- est; they will surely rush upon thee. Oibe sent the messengers back with an insulting answer. Thus the matter stood until after Ah'oan's appointment as God of Jaffeth and her heavens, which at once cut off Oibe's emissaries to mortals, and con- fined him within his own kingdom. At this time Samati was commissioned to es- tablish the worship of Jehovih amongst mortals, and he communicated Oibe's po- sition to Ah'oan. Ah'oan sent embassa- dors to Thor, the false, beseeching him in the same manner to give up his personali- ty, and return with his kingdom to Jeho- vih, promising him the best of assistance: To this, Thor the false replied, by the mes- sengers, saying: Ah'oan, thou usurper! If thou desirest favors of me, thou shalt approach me as all Gods and angels do, by crawling on thy belly before me. Encroach thou not on My Most High Kingdom, or I will banish thee back to thy miscreant regions with stripes and curses. Ah'oan was surprised, but perceived that till trouble came upon Oibe nothing could be done for him. So, the time came; Jehovih suffered him to go the full period of self glory. Thus Oibe fell. Turbe ceased, and Athrava said: O Je- hovih, when will man cease to fall? Thou hast proclaimed thyself in all places, high and low. Thy Gods and Lords and count- 184 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI less angels have proclaimed Thee! Thou alone art the password to all the universe. Thy name hath a thousand exalted devices to win the souls of mortals and angels from darkness to light, and yet they turn away from Thee, Thou Creator of suns and stars and countless etherean worlds. And they set up themselves as an object of wor- ship. O the smallness of Gods and men. ^0 the vanity of Thy little children. Thou hast said to mortals: Go not into the marshes, for there is fever; build not large cities, for there is sin; go not after lust for there is death. But they go in headlong and they are buried and dead. To those who are risen in heaven Thou hast said: Remember the lessons of earth, lest ye fall! Remember the fate of self- -conceit, lest ye be scourged. Remember the king and queen, how they become bound in heaven, lest ye also become bound. But they will not heed. Vain self riseth up in the soul; they behold no other God but themselves in whom they acknowl- edge wisdom. CHAPTER XXIX. Hoab heard the story of Turbe, and he said unto him: Since I have heard these things, I am resolved to bind Thor, the false, and his Lords and send them with thee to Ah'oan. Because Thor insulted Ah'oan, it would be a just judgment for Ah'oan to restore him. My physicians shall bind them, that they do no harm in their madness, and I will have them put aboard. And when this had been accomplished and they were ready to start, Hoab said to Turbe: Give greeting to Ah'oan in the name of Jehovih; and say to him that ac- cording to the laws of these heavens, a false God or Lord, who hath led the people away from Jehovih, shall after his deliver- ance, be made to teach the truth to his deceived subjects. Neither shall he be promoted to any other labor until the low- est of his subjects have been raised up. Accordingly, after Ah'oan's companions have restored Oibe and his Lords to sound- ness of mind, he and his Lords shall be again bequeathed with their own king- doms. In the meantime I will in this same plateau begin the establishment of a new kingdom in Jehovih's name with these crazed drujas. Turbe and his companions then re-en- tered their boat and set sail at once for Ah'oan's kingdom; Thor, the false, and his Lords, wailing and crying with fear, know- ing nothing else. Hoab now turned his attention to the hosts of panic-stricken drujas, who were constantly forming themselves in knots, and yet being as rapidly severed by the ethereans. To Athrava, he said: How more helpless is a deranged spirit than a mortal. At one time they fly from us; at another they run together, or upon us, like molten gum, and we cannot keep them off. Athrava said: Behold the wisdom of the Father in creating man in a corporeal body. What a glorious anchorage for a young, a weak or a deranged spirit. What a home a corporeal body is. How better we could manage these crazed ones were they thus provided. Hoab said: Which showeth us the way we must proceed to restore them. Since we cannot create corporeal bodies for them, the Father hath given us power to provide for them subjectively. Thus Hoab and Athrava proceded. First walling the place around with fire, so none of the drujas could escape, and then divid- ing them into thousands of groups, making subjective bodies for them, to which they bound themselves willingly, and which pre- vented them from fastening to one another. And whilst they were thus provided tem- porarily by their teachers, and governors and nurses, many of them imagined them- selves to be kings and queens and high priests, and even Lords and Gods. For more than a hundred days, Hoab and Ath- rava labored in the above manner; and the phyisicians and nurses and es'enaurs la- bored to restore the minds of the people; and had them well nigh all restored and disciplined when messengers came from Fragapatti, saying: Behold the dawn of dan is passing swift- ly, and I must yet visit the Lord Gods in the different heavens of Earth. It is there- fore my decree that Athrava return to Mouru and resume the throne; and that Hoab return also, and join me as my stu- dent and companion on my journeys. Send these, my commandments, to Ah'oan, CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 185 greeting, in my name, and he will provide a Lord to rule over the delivered knot of Osivi. So Hoab and Athrava were relieved by a Lord appointed by Ah'oan, and whose name was Su'kah'witchow, an atmospher- ean pupil of Samati, of four hundred years, and of great resolution and proficiency. So Hoab provided Su'kah'witchow with a throne, and left four million teachers, nurses and physicians with him. And with the other million Hoab and Athrava de- parted for Mouru, in Haraiti. Fragapatti, having heard of the success of Hoab in delivering the knot, determined to honor him on his reception at Mouru. Accordingly, Fragapatti sent heralds out into Haraiti, proclaiming a day of recrea- tion, and inviting as may as chose to come to Mouru to receive Hoab. The proper officers provided musicians, flags, banners and fireworks, suitable for the enjoyment of hundreds of millions of the inhabitants of Haraita. Others provided one thousand reception boats to go and meet Hoab's ships. Fragapatti afterward said in regard to this matter: Hoab was to be the next God of Earth, and whatsoever would win the love, admiration and awe of his unlearned subjects would contribute to their resurrec- tion. CHAPTER XXX. So for one day there was great rejoicing in Mouru; and when it was ended, and the people retired to their respective places, Fragapatti said to Athrava: Come thou and resume Jehovih's throne. As for myself, I will go now and establish another habita- tion in Zeredho, and visit all the Lord Gods of Earth. And when I have complet- ed these labors, it will be near the end of the dawn of dan. See to it, therefore, that all who wish to prepare for the third resur- rection be duly notified. And now, when Fragapatti had risen up from the throne, swift messengers were announced from Sethantes, the inhabiter of Earth. The marshals were commanded to admit them. Presently the swift messen- gers came in, greeting in Jehovih's name. They said: Sethantes sends love to Fraga- patti. In this resurrection of dawn Seth- antes will visit Mouru. And he will also bring with him Onesyi, deliverer of the Brides and Bridegrooms of the first har- vest of Earth. When the message had been delivered, there was great rejoicing in the capital. Fragapatti thanked the messengers in Je- hovih's name, and they withdrew. Pres- ently, Fragapatti, Hoab and Hapacha, de- parted out of the capital, and when they reached the avalanza, the marshals had the accompanying hosts assembled, ten mill- ion, and they entered the ship amidst music and rejoicings. They started direct to the kingdom of Yima, Lord God of Shem and her heavens. Yima had been notified of their coming, and had had a piedmazr made in order to go and meet them. The pied- mazr was sufficient to carry ten thousand musicians, thirty thousand rowers, and two hundred thousand travelers; and such were the numbers who embarked on her to meet Fragapatti. Three years had now elapsed since Yima set out to establish Jehovih's king- dom in the heavens of Shem, and except through messengers little was known in Mouru of Yima's labors. Fragapatti had said of him: Yima liveth with the Voice; he canot err. In the seventh diaphragm of the east Apie, the vessels met, and Fragapatti open- ed the lower division of the avalanza, and took in Yima's boat and crew and passen- gers, amidst music and rejoicings. And, after due ceremonies, Fragapatti caused the avalanza to proceed, and conducted by Leaps, one of Yima's messengers, and they reached Astoreth, the capital of Yima's kingdom in atmospherea, first grade, and resting upon the earth. CHAPTER XXXI. After Yima's appointment by Fragapat- ti, he had come to these regions; and find- ing great darkness upon both spirits and mortals, he besought Jehovih in regard to the cause and cure thereof. The Voice of Jehovih came to Yima, saying: Whether spirits or mortals, they seek rather to obey their own self desires than My commandments. Behold, I sent them Apollo, and he gave them intercourse betwixt the two worlds, angels and mor- tals. And for a season they held up their heads and remembersd Me and My king- 186 CYCLE OF FEAGAPATTI doms. But presently they turned away from Me, and built to their own glory. I had shown them that by industry and perseverance they could attain to knowl- edge and power. But because mortals dis- covered that prophecy could come from the spirits of the dead, they ceased to per- fect themselves, and grew up in idleness. The angels loved not to labor for achieve- ments, being contented with the lowest. And they likewise fell in darkness, forget- tin Me and My higher places above. I called out to My Son, Osire, saying: Go thou down to Earth and her heavens, and build them up in My name. Wall them apart that there can be no promiscu- ous communion betwixt the two worlds. And Osire came and fulfilled My com- mandments; and the spirits that infested mortals, he drove away, and colonized them, cutting them off from the earth. And for a season, mortals prospered under My dominion, and they sought to improve the talents I created withal. But again they confounded My judgments and per- verted My laws. Every man on the earth hath a philosophy of his own; every spirit in these heavens hath a philosophy of his own. And there is no uniformity between any of them. Hear Me, then, My Son; thou shalt not teach as Osire did, nor yet as Apollo, but pursue a mean betwixt the two. Thou shalt select them permitting cer- tain spirits to return to mortals, and per- mitting certain mortals to attain su'is and sar'gis, and to see and commune with spir- its, making the process of communication a secret amongst mortals, and thus shut out the drujas of heaven. Behold, My Son, Samati, will come this way; labor thou with him and Zarathustra. Into God's hands have I given My decrees; he shall build on the earth. Build thou in heaven. As he buildeth for mortals, build thou for the spirits; and keep Thou open the doorway to My holy places in the heavens above. Jehovih's Voice also instructed Yima, saying: Go thou from place to place in these heavens and prove thy power, for the fool saith: What canst thou do that I cannot? When he sees the power that comes from My hand, he openeth his ears and eyes. Mortals have said: It is good to be good, but it is not practicable. They have said: It is wise to be wise, but wisdom runneth in a thousand roadways; every man for himself. The angels of these regions have said: It is good for us to unite into kingdoms; to have Gods and Lords; but who can unite us? Shall we sell our liberty to one person? And they will not unite; they dwell in inharmony. The profit of the one is the injury of others; they are barren of united good. One kingdom may have many good men and many good women, but be no good as a kingdom. I measure not the individuals, but the entire house- hold. I judge the virtue of a kingdom by the harvest it delivers unto me. When a kingdom cannot retain its own members, it is falling away from Me. The uprightness of its few is as nothing in My sight. The secret of the power of a kingdom lieth in its capacity to obey My commandments. CHAPTER XXXII. For a hundred days, Yima went through the lower heavens, displaying the mira- cles of the upper heavens; and his hosts who traveled with him enlisted pupils, and collected the spirits of young children. And in a hundred days he had many mill- ions of spirits, mostly helpless wanderers. With these he repaireth to Astoreth, and made ready to found his kingdom. Jehovih spake to him, saying: Fear not, My Son, because of the helplessness of thy subjects. He who would start a new king- dom is wise in choosing those who have no hobbies. Whosoever goeth forth in My name, I will be with him. Yima inquired of Jehovih who should be appointed Assistant God, and the Voice answered: Thulae. So Yima anointed Thulae; and he made Habal chief marshal of the capital. Again the Voice of Jehovih came to Yima, saying: Thou shalt appoint unto Shem one hundred Lords, and they shall have dominion over mortals. I will estab- lish temples to my Lords and Gods through My Son, Zarathustra, and thou shalt so provide thy heavenly kingdom, that Thy Lords shall inhabit the temples, commun- ing with the rab'bahs, who shall be called God-irs; but the communion betwixt spirits and mortals shall be known only to God-irs and priests. But mortals shall be left to believe that these fathers have attained to CYCLE OF FRACAPATTI 187 spirit communion by great purity and wis- dom. Likewise, when drujas manifest to mortals, it shall not be countenanced but as a mark of evil, raised up against truth. And when thou hast established thy king- dom, thou shalt cut off the supplies of the drujas, so they will become borrowers from thy people. In this manner, they will in time consent to labor. Yima then appointed one hundred Lords, who became the roots of the tree of heaven. The Aoasuan Lords were: Ithwa, Yaztas, Micros, Jube, Zarust, Horn, Paoris, Vadeve, Niasha, Cope, Drhon. The Thestasias Lords were: Kashvre, Tusht, Yain, Amesh and Amesha; Armait, Wai'iv, Vahois, Vstavia and Comek. The general Lords were called Ashem, meaning with voice; that is to say, Ashem- vohu, Lords in chief, given for the king- doms of the Sun, in the land of Shem. They were: Shnaota, Zathias, Mutu, Aoirio, Kaeshas, Cter'ay, Shakya, Thraetem, Gah- naetobirischae, Habarshya, Pai-tis'gomya, Huiyus, Hakdodt, Anerana, Tibalath, Ke- var, Darunasya, Hors, Maidoyes-hemo, Runnas, Gayomoratischi, Ba'ahraya, Zar- tushta, Kai'boryawich'wich'toe'benyas and Cpitama. And Yima made these twenty- five Lords controllers of the Voice, with mortals, to take the place of Samati after the death and ascension of Zarathustra, for which reason they were called the Ashem- vohu. The Lords of farmers and herdsmen were: Gaomah, Hoshag, Tamur, Jamshed, Freden, Minochihr-bani and Hus. The Lords of seafaring men were : Thae- tas, Mirh-jan, Nyas, Khaftras, Thivia, Agreft, Ardus'lor, Tanafar, Avoitas, Mar- ganesiachta, Hoakastanya and Vartuan. The Lordesses of births and mothers, the Hotche'che, were: Kaviti, Way'huts, Howd, Anechorhaite, Juveas, Wisseta, Ho- paeny, Ctnevirchow, Aivipohu, Cadhan, Hucrova, Dion, Balkwoh and Gamosyi. The Lords of buildings were: Iratha- ma, Haira'thracna, Heidas, Hutu, Coy'- gaga, Haira'-Wahti, Vivi'seeon, Muta'- hagga, Kaoyas, Macyo, Aims, Hodo, Trus- ivi, Verecopagga and Suyi. The Lords of time keeping who had dominion of the change of watch were: Co- purasastras, Vaitimohu and Howitchwak. Yima sent his Lords to their several places, and every Lord took with him a thousand attendant angels. Yima said to them before they departed: Stir the people up in your several places; and wherever ye find kings or queens or generals surround- ed by spirits that urge them on in their affairs, remove those spirits, leaving the mortals destitute of inspiration, and their kingdoms and armies will become disor- ganized and helpless. And whenever Sa- mati and Zarathustra come to a city, go ye also, laboring with them. And when Zara- thustra holdeth up his hands and saith: O Father, Light of Thy Light; gather ye of the substance round about, and shield him with a wall of fire. And if Zarathustra say: O Father, Ormazd, give Thy children food, then shall ye supply them fish and fruit. And if a king or captain raise a hand against Zarathustra, gather ye about him and shield him. And if a man draw a sword against Zarathustra, catch ye the blade and break it to pieces. Jehovih spake to Yima, saying: The time will come when the present mortal kingdoms shall fall. But the followers of Zarathustra, who will succeed them under Zarathustra, must be protected, as Zara- thustra is protected during dawn. For which reason thy Lords shall raise up oth- er Lords to take their places after the as- cent of this dawn. And the All Light and All Truth shall come to mortals through the priests who shall succeed Zarathustra. But as for kings of great cities, who will not accept My Light, they shall go down in darkness, and their kingdoms shall fall. Yima having established his Lords, now gave his attention to the heavenly king- doms of hada. CHAPTER XXXIII. Jehovih said to Yima: Thou shalt sep- arate the spirits who have some light from those wholly in darkness. Build thou, therefore, a throne and a plateau sufficient for three thousand million souls; and be- cause there are more females than males, thou shalt call the place of thy throne As- toreth. And when thou hast provided a house for thy Council, thou shalt send forth selectors, who shall bring unto thee as many as choose to come; and these shall be the foundation of thy kingdom. 188 CYCLE OF FBAGAPATTI Yima proceeded as commanded by the Father, and presently he had congregated around about Astoreth a sufficient number to establish places of amusement, places of worship and places of learning. Again, the Voice came to Yima, saying: Because thy kingdom is attractive, thou art flooded with idlers, who are of no profit to any one. To keep them away thou shalt wall thy kingdom around with pillars of fire. I created man so he will seek aught that is hidden, and if thou makest thy labors seclusive they will seek them. And when they come to thee thou shalt make a bargain with them for right- eous behavior erst thou feedest them. And when thou hast thus gathered in all who come in this way thou wilt have only half the present number. But those who are left will be without judgment, and thou shalt take them and bestow them in colo- nies and rank them. The lowest of all shall be the first rank; those who come after the pillars of fire are built shall be the second rank; and those who come with the selectors shall be called the third rank. And thy ashars shall drive all spirits away from mortals except such as are ap- pointed by thee or Thy Lords. For above all things, thou shalt seek to become con- troller over mortals, to the end that they become Faithists in Me. Yima then divided the spirits of heaven according to the commandment of the Cre- ator. After that he took possession of the wandering spirits of darkness, whether they were on Earth or in heaven, and he had them taken into places prepared for them. And he provided them with physi- cians, nurses and teachers, and they were made to understand that they were dead as to their earth bodies, and that they must give up the Earth. After this, Yima estab- lished places of learning in heaven, and places of labor, teaching the angels to clothe and feed themselves by their own industry. Again the Voice of Jehovih came to Yima, saying: Behold, My Son, the lower heaven hath reached Spe'oke. It is, there- fore, the time in which angels of the first grade be taught to build heavenly man- sions. Yima commanded the teachers and the superintendents of factories to prohibit the spirits from returning to mortals, save by permission. Yima said: It is wiser to in- spire spirits to rise in heaven after death than to have mortals drawing the angels down to the Earth. And My Lords on the Earth shall labor to this end also. So Yima taught new inspirations, both in heaven and on the Earth, which were that the spirits of the dead should build homes in heaven for their kindred, and that mortals should be taught that there were mansions in heaven for their souls after death. Yima said: Mortals becoming founded in this belief, will not so readily become wandering spirits after death. Whilst Yima was thus building in hea- ven, his Lords with their attendant spirits, were manifesting on the Earth, as had never been before since the foundation of this world. The temples of the stars were broken and thrown down by the spirits; the iron gates of the cities were taken off and carried into the forests; the palaces of kings and queens were unroofed, and the stones of the walls of the palaces were hurled from their places; even to the foun- dation, one stone was not left upon an- other; and these things were done by the spirits of heaven. Men, women and chil- dren were carried in the air by the angels, unharmed. The household goods were carried out, and the food of the tables were stripped off, even as mortals sat down to feast, and they were made to behold the food going away; with their own eyes mortals beheld these things. And they were made to see visions and to dream dreams of prophecy, and to have unusual powers. And in many places the spirits took on sar'gis, and walked about amongst mortals, being seen and felt; and they talked audibly, explaining to mor- tals the dominion of Yima and his Lords. In all things that Yima and his hosts did in heaven, his Lords worked in har- mony with him in their labor on the earth. Nevertheless, there were also vagrant spir- its on earth who belonged not to the kingdoms of heaven, but who made mani- festations on their own account; and they were given to lying, and to flattery, and to all manner of evil. Yima, little by little, CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTT 189 removed these evil spirits, and took them away to his colonies. Such, then, were Yima's labors when Fragapatti came to see him, and in honor of the occasion Yima had proclaimed rec- reation in Astoreth, and invited his Lords and captains and others to be present and take part in a season of enjoyment. CHAPTER XXXIV. On the arrival of the avalanza, the es'- enaurs of Astoreth, and the trumpeters of the colonies, sang a hymn in which the hosts aboard the vessels joined; and when they ceased, Thulae, assistant God of As- toreth, commanded the marshals to re- ceive the hosts, foremost of whom were Yima and his attendants, preceded by his traveling marshals and harpists, the latter being five thousand females led by We'- aytris, Goddess of Foes'ana, in etherea. After these ten thousand marshals of Fragapatti; then followed the swift mes- sengers, ten thousand; then Fragapatti with Yaton'te on the left and Hoab on the right; next in order came the musicians, and then the hosts in general. Yima ascended the throne at once, but Fragapatti and his hosts halted within the circuit of the altar. Beyond these were the guards of the lights, and outside of these were the Crescent Members of the Coun- cil. Yima said: In the name of Jehovih, I welcome thee, O Fragapatti, Chief of Ob- sod and Goomatchala, to the throne of God! In His wisdom and power I would have thee honor Astoreth by taking posses- sion in Jehovih's Name. Without replying, Fragapatti walked to the throne, saluting on the sign of high noon, which Yima answered in the setting sun. Yima stood aside, and when Fraga- patti ascended and stood in front of the throne, and in the center, he said: Into Thy possession, O Jehovih, re- ceive Thou this, Thy throne. Scarcely had Fragapatti spoken, when a Voice spake out of the Light saying: I made Earth wide, and filled it" with many things; and I gave man a corporeal body as a foundation that he might attain to the mastery of land and water, and as an abiding place for the assistance of his own soul. And I created atmospherea wider than Earth, and filled it with all manner of spir- itual things, and with the substance of the plateau; but I gave talents to the spirits of the dead with which to attain the mastery of all things in atmospherea. Whoever hath attained to these things is like a traveling sun. My Light is upon him. He prepareth the place, and My Voice cometh out of the Light thereof. Let My Sons and Daughters assemble. Where they are gathered together in My name, there am I also. My hand is upon them. My Power becometh one with them, and My Voice is possible in their midst. The Voice ceased. There were many present who had not previously heard the Voice of All Light, and because of the brilliancy they were blinded for a time, but recovered presently. Fragapatti then said: Hoab and Yaton'te, come ye and sit on the throne. And they did so; and in the same time the es'enaurs chanted, Hail to the Great Jehovih's Voice! His Sons and Daughters of Thou- sands of Years, are Returned Once More to Their Native Star, to Proclaim His Boundless Glory! Fragapatti said: In Jehovih's name, I proclaim a day of recreation, to resume labor at the sound of the trumpet in the east. And now the hosts mingled together, being buoyant with cheerfulness. And during the recreation, millions of ethereans went out into the plateau, visiting the places of learning, the factories and hospi- tals, and such places as belong to the lower heavens. On the next day at the call of the trum- pet, the people resumed their places, and when the music ceased, Fragapatti said: To thee, O Turbe, will I speak in the name of Jehovih. Thou art chosen by the Fa- ther to be assistant to Yima, Jehovih's Son, during this dawn, which is near its end, and after that thou shalt be Lord of these heavens and of the earth beneath for two hundred years. Because thou art wise and good Jehovih hath raised thee up, and great is thy glory. That thou mayest have strength and power, thou shalt in thy reign be called Yima also; for the time hath now come on Earth when mortals must learn to know the Lords and Gods who rule over them. 190 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI During the next two hundred years will Earth be traveling in my Orian fields, Goo- matchala, and thou shalt be one with me in thy dominions. I will send to thee whatso- ever thou shalt require at my hand. Thou shalt therefore, keep thy place in order; and if thou needest a'ji, I will send it; if thou needest dan, I will send it. Be less concerned about the spirits in thy heavens than about mortals. Mortals must have sufficient dan, that they become not as beasts. And thou shalt make a re- port every eleven years, and my messen- gers shalt deliver it to me. And I will bring the elements of Goomatchala to bear upon thy labor profitably to the Father. Be thou also careful of too much leni- ency towards the spirits in the first resur- rection. Do not allow them to abide with mortals as teachers. Remember thou that mortals so love their dead kindred, that they would even deprive them of hea- venly education rather than deny them- selves of the pleasure of having them with them. Remember, also, that the spirits of the recent dead, who are entered as es'- yans so love their mortal kindred, that they would seek no higher heaven than to lin- ger on the earth. Which habit groweth upon them, so that in two or three gener- ations they become drujas, worthless to themselves, knowing little of earth and less of heaven. Be thou firm, therefore, in holding dominion over the es'yans, permit- ting them only to return to mortals under guard; and especially preventing them teaching other than the Ormazdian relig- ion. Then thou shalt be circumspect in Astoreth; remembering that it is the part of a God to provide his kingdom for the development of all the talents Jehovih hath created withal. For thou shalt so commin- gle labor and recreation, rest and learning, that each shall be of equal attraction. And whether thy commandments be for angels or for mortals, thou shalt, first and last, inspire them to faith in the Creator, and to follow the little star of light He hath given to every soul. Fragapatti ceased. Jehovih said: I have drawn My cres- cent and My altar. Whoever would hear My Voice, and hear My commandments, let them hearken to the forms and ceremo- nies that shape the soul of things. I am Order; I am Statliness without severity; I am Love without passion; I am Wisdom by suggestion, and without dictation; I am the most silent, but most powerful! I am the least seen, but always present when asked for. And now, since the people knew Frag- apatti was about to depart, the proper offi- cers arranged them so that all could pass in front of the throne to receive his bless- ing. The es'enaurs sang, and the proces- sion began. The lights of the Council were lowered and Fragapatti lowering his lights, came down and stood at the foot of the throne, covered with light drapery, which fell down to his feet. His hands he held upward, and waving them gently, he cre- ated drapery, prefume, and wreaths of flowers, and presented something to every person who passed, of whom there were more than a thousand million. And when the entire company had passed, Fragapatti sat down at the foot of the throne. Then came down Yima and took his hand, say- ing: Son of Jehovih, arise and go thy way, and Jehovih be with thee. So Fraga- patti rose up and departed, and Hoab, Ya- ton'te, Yima and Thulae with him; Yima leaving Hi'etra, Goddess of Me'loo, on the throne of Astoreth. So they entered the avalanza, and, with music and rejoicing, departed on their journey. And Yima con- ducted them throughout his dominions, both in heaven and on earth. Fragapatti dwelt for many days with Yima and Thu- lae; and after he had inspected their la- bors, and his recorders completed their re- cord, which was to be taken afterward to etherea, and deposited in the libraries of Fragapatti's dominions, Yima made his adieu and discharged his piedmazr, and de- parted for Astoreth, where he arrived in due season. But Fragapatti proceeded to the dominion of Ah'oan, Lord God of Jaf- feth and her heavens. CHAPTER XXXV. The Voice of the Creator was with Ah'- oan from the time of his landing in these lower heavens, and Ah'oan chose a Coun- cil of ten thousand from his hosts, and they sat in a Council for light; and the Voice directed them to build a capital and a throne, and call the plateau thereof Sang'- hi, which he did. And when it was com- pleted. Jehovih said to Ah'oan: Thou are CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 191 My Lord and My God; the labor of thy hand shall endure on the earth and in hea- ven. I will dwell in whatsoever thou buildest. Make thyself an otevan, and go about and inspect all things in thy domin- ions, making a record of the same, which shall be deposited in the libraries of hea- ven, that angels and mortals may read them in after ages. Ah'oan, preparing, therefore, a place of record where the fol- lowing reports were deposited, built an otevan and traveled as commanded: These heavens are without order or or- ganization, save one kingdom, ruled over by Oibe, who falsely styleth himself Thor, the Only Begotten Son of Jehovih. The spirits of these heavens are mostly of the first resurrection; nevertheless, there are millions of them who believe they are not dead; and for the greater part, these are in chaos, still lingering on battlefields. In many places there are spirits who set up colonies, trying to provide themselves with homes and clothing, and to found heaven- ly abodes; but they are forever overrun and pillaged by drujas. With the mortals of Jaffeth, there are more than two thousand million angels, who know not how to get away from the earth. Of these, millions are fetals, making themselves as twin spirits to mortals. These spirits oft show themselves to mortals, and are believed to be doubles; but the spirits thus bound know not who they are, or whence they came; neither can they go away from the mortals to whom they are bound, and upon whom they live. As for the mortals of Jaffeth, they have cities of warriors, large and fierce. This region of Earth hath been in a'ji thirteen hundred years. Now when Ah'oan had thus discovered the condition of things, he returned to Sang'hi, and sat in Council, and Jehovih said to Ah'oan: Thou shalt appoint forty Lords to dwell on the earth; and to each Lord thou shalt give ten thousand assist- ants. And these Lords shall go down to the earth, and drive away the drujas, and take possession of the palaces of kings and queens, and of the temples of the stars; and then obtain control over the captains and generals of armies and blind their judgment and lead them astray, so that they will be powerless in war and destruc- tion. And when Samati, God of Zarathus- tra, travels in Jaffeth, thy Lords shall go with him with a sufficient number of an- gels to accomplish successfully all that Zarathustra professeth in My name. And thy Lords shall shield Zarathustra that no harm may come to him, and when enemies pursue him, thy Lords shall lead them as- tray or detain them and thus enable Zara- thustra to escape. For in this dawn My word shall be established on the earth to perish no more forever. And when thou hast thus established Thy Lords, giving them seventy colonies, thou shalt choose one from amongst the atmosphereans to be thy assistant God, who shall sit on the throne of Sang'hi during thy absence. And thou, and thy Holy Council, shall instruct thy assistant God in such manner that, when this dawn is ended, he shall become God in thy place, in My name, for the suc- ceeding two hundred years. Ah'oan ap- pointed the forty Lords, also an assistant as commanded, and these were the names of the Lords appointed: First, to have control over the worship of Jehovih on earth: The, Seung-bin, Go- magit, Ben-hong, She-ang, Bog-wi, Ah- tdong, Mwing-wi, Ah-tchook, Gonk-boy, Yuk-hoh, and Ah-wotch. Second, to have control over the palaces of kings and queens; and temples: Mina, Ah-chaung, Ahyot, Yowgong, Ohonto, Yongwe, and Ahma. Third, to have control over armies and kingdoms: Kear-ak-a, Geeouh-young, Bi, Gwan-gouk, Gee-ooh-young, Sam-sin, and Deth. Fourth, to have control over seafarers: Shopgee, Agan-ha, Rax and Lo. Fifth, to have control over mothers and births: Songheng, Someconc, Yahiti, Og- ne-kawas, and Hoah'ava. Sixth, to have control over marriages: First, the loo'is in general, and then: Ah- sam, Oanis, Yotsam, Iivitgom and Sap- sang. So Ah'oan sent his Lords with their assistants to their several places. And im- mediately afterwards he began the coloniza- tion of the angels in his heavens. And in one year he had raised up from Jaffeth more than a thousand million, and prepar- ed them with houses, hospitals, nurseries and factories, and all such things and 192 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI places as are required in hada. In the sec- ond year he delivered another thousand million, more than half of whom had to be taken away from the earth by force. And these he also provided with teachers and overseers in like manner. So by the time Samati, God of Zarathustra, was prepared to travel in Jaffeth, visiting the kings and queens, the Lords of Ah'oan had so far banished the drujas that they were power- less to prevent the decrees of Jehovih. And when Zarathustra went into Jaffeth, the Lords of heaven were with him, and God of the worship of Jehovih, was with him, and the kings and queens of earth were powerless before him. And when Zarathustra went to a city, and, being in- spired by God, and said: Fall down ye walls! the angels of heaven rent the walls and they fell. And when Zarathustra said: Come forth, ye spirits of the dead, the Lords seized the drujas and held them up so that mortals could see them. And when Zarathustra said: O Ormazd, give thy children food! the angels, having previous- ly provided fish and fruit, let it fall upon the people. And thus did Ah'oan's domin- ions extend down to mortals ; thus became the word of Zarathustra Jehovih's word to mortals. And now Fragapatti, Chief over all, was coming to inspect the labors of the Lord God Ah'oan, and of Samati. Ah'oan had sent commands to his Lords, and to their assistants, to return to Sang'hi, and remain three days in recreation. And Ah'- oan commanded the captains of the colo- nies of heaven to come, and to bring with them as many of their pupils and subjects as possible. And when Fragapatti's avalan- za came to Sang'hi, there were assembled upward of two thousand million souls to witness the pageantry which Ah'oan had provided. CHAPTER XXXVI. Never in these heavens had there been such pageantry, and display as when Frag- apatti's avalanza entered Sang'hi; never so many musicians distributed to lend effect to a procession. Of this matter, Ah'oan said: By the pageantry and the music were my hosts of delivered durjas made to realize the glory of the upper heavens; by the glory of those three days recreation did I shut out the attractions of the lower world. My people were entranced with de- light; they were as if born into the king- dom of heaven. But the greatest glory' of all. was when Fragapatti honored the throne of Sang'hi. Jehovih sent a light like a sun upon the place; and the Voice spake from the light, so that all the multi- tude saw the Light and heard the words of Jehovih. And when Fragapatti rose up and stood in the midst of the throne, the light was so brilliant that millions of the people fell down before its glory. But the lights were then lowered to suit the newly- born in heaven, and the people of etherea mingled with the atmosphereans explain- ing and inspiring them with the magnitude and glory of the higher heavens. After the recreation, and when the multitude were in order Fragapatti spake from Jehovih's throne, first, to Es'pacia, assistant Goddess to Ah'oan, who was to succeed him after dawn. To her he said: Es'pacia, Daugh- ter of Jehovih, hear thou my words: I am one with Jehovih, and in His name salute thee. Behold, from this time forth, Jeho- vih's word shall dwell with mortals. It shall become anchored to the earth, never to depart; though it may be mutilated and perverted, yet His hand is over it, and it shall not fail. As a mother delighteth in the first spoken words of her child, so shall we all take delight that Jehovih's word hath become engrafted on the earth. Before this time, the word was with the I'hin tribe, but be locked up in secret. It could not be maintained on earth, except by locking it up in secret, with a people prepared as seed for deliv- ering all the races of men. But now the word is delivered openly to mor- tals. If the spirits of the lower heavens know not Jehovih's word, they can be hereafter taken down to the earth and there taught His commandments. Prior to this time, the angels of these lower heavens had no anchorage of light; they constantly fell in darkness and pulled mor- tals down with them. Behold, the word of Light is now engraved through Jeho- vih's Sons, Samati and Zarathustra; it can- not be lost. Thou hast been chosen first Goddess of these heavens, and Lordess of this division of Earth, to maintain the light CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 193 of this dawn, to angels and mortals. To all the priests and cities of Zarathustra, thou shalt appoint the wisest of thy angel hosts, to protect them. But to such mor- tals as seek to destroy the Zarathustrians, thou shalt lend no assistance but leave them without protection; and maintain thy hosts in the temples of worship whilst they worship the Great Spirit. Throughout Jaffeth thou shalt inspire mortals to hang the wheel of the altar in country places, by the roadsides. And when mortals pass the places, they shall turn the wheel in re- membrance of the Creator. And thou shalt station at each one of these altars, angel sentinels, who shall have messengers to thy throne. And when a mortal passeth a wheel and turneth it, and is afflicted with sickness, thou shalt send angels to heal him. But if he turn not the wheel in re- membrance of Jehovih, and yet be afflicted with sickness, thy sentinels shall not send to thee, nor shalt thou send angels to heal him. Nevertheless, the wheel and the altar shall cause men to think; and if, after a disbeliever hath passed the wheel without turning it, and he be afflicted with sick- ness, and he repenteth, and when returning turneth the wheel, then shalt thou send to him in haste and heal him, that he may proclaim abroad what the Creator hath done for him. For as much as thou carriest out these decrees of All Light, so shalt thou remain united with my heavens above, which are united with those still above. And wherein thou shalt lack in power or wisdom, ask thou Jehovih, and I will answer thee in His name. Fragapatti then spoke to the Council, and afterwards walked down to the foot of the throne, where the marshals had pro- vided a place for the people to pass before him, even as they had done in Astoreth. Accordingly when the musicians began singing and playing, the people marched before him, and by the waving of his hands he created drapery, flowers and wreaths, and gave to all the people something, al- though there passed before him two thou- said million angels. CHAPTER XXXVII. So Fragapatti departed, and sailed for Hi-rom, the heavenly kingdom of E'chad, Lord God of Arabin'ya and its heavens. E'chad had also the Voice of Jehovih with him. After his appointment to this divi- sion of earth and heaven, Jehovih com- manded him, even as He had Ah'oan, to make an otevan and visit all the paces, and make a record, before he established his kingdom. And these things E'chad did, taking thirty thousand companions with him, who were surveyors, inspectors, recorders and enumerators, and of such or- der as are required in preliminary examin- ations of the earth and lower heavens. Be- sides these, he had also his hosts of musi- cians, his heralds and messengers. He spent forty days in this labor, and then the record was completed, of which E'chad had two copies made, one for his own kingdom in etherea and one for the hea- ven he was about to found. In these rec- ords, the numerators estimated one thou- sand million eight hundred thousand spir- its, wandering about, mostly on the earth, many of them falling into forgetfulness and dissolution. Many of them had forgot- ten who they were, and had no remem- brance of once having lived mortal lives. Millions and millions of them had forgot- ten their speech, and were dumb. Millions of them lived with mortals as fetals and familiars, depending upon the spiritual part of the food mortals ate and drank for their own existence. And yet other mil- lions of them pursued evil for evil's sake, inspiring mortals to war for the delight of seeing them destroy one another, and of persuading mortals to suicide, and to all manner of wickedness. In the region of Gavies there were four hells, in which there were sixty million souls in torments, tormenting one anothei with perpetual horrors, especially males and females doing what is even unlawful to mention. And these tormentors would bring in es'yans, fresh from the earth life, and cast them into their hells for these wicked purposes. For even as mortals de- light in vengeance, so can the talent grow until its feast lieth in the fruit of hell; nei- ther desire such spirits to have even their own torments lessened; nor could they of themselves escape were they to try. E'chad would fain have rushed in and delivered these hells, but Jehovih said unto him: Go thou first and establish Hi-rom, 194 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI with suitable habitations, and then return and deliver these hells, and thou shalt have places for them. So E'chad established Hi- rom, and appointed the Holy Council of one hundred thousand men and women. Sa-ac he made chief marshal; and he ap- pointed Geth'ya his assistant God. Jeho- vih said to him: Sixty Lords shalt thou appoint to thy division of Earth; and they shall dwell in the principal cities of Arabin'- ya, and have dominion over mortals. And each and every Lord shall have ten thou- sand ashars to do their commands. The following are the names of the Lords appointed by the Lord God for Arabin'ya: First, to have dominion over the worship of Jehovih on earth : Tsdasag, Bachar'Raab, Nathan, Neshu, Dath, She- phat, Gaon-ay, Cha'ya and Zeker. Second, the loo'is, special masters of generations: Achuzeh, Chata, Galah, Day'- yan, Aphsi, Ishah, Basar and Goi. Third, for destroying evil cities; and for protecting good ones, and for building new ones: Atsil, Sherngoth, Matshebah, Achime, Amos, Ahio, Yat-gaab, Zer, How- dawitch, Beodi, Machal, Yay'-baoth, Am- man, Fakir, Cephets, Bachre and Hiv-iv. Fourth, to abide on earth with rab'- bahs, and shield them in danger: Macha- veh, Emul, Ashshaph, Alcmosum, Lai- awotch, Trivi-yab, Herivir, Beli-gib, Bar- at'ay, Shav'ya, Tir and Bowd-wahtal. Fifth, to inspire to inventions: Kartum- mim, Moses, Beged, Chakasat, Mih-gad, Jagri, Hen-di, Sru, Amothes and Benguda. Sixth, to have control over altars and temples: Atman, Kril and Anach. In addition to these the Lord God ap- pointed censors of Hi-rom and her colonies in heaven; and the ashars appointed over mortals as guardians were directed to which colony to take their es'yans, where were stationed the asaphs, the receivers. As soon as E'chad had these matters completed, he descended into the four hells with his otevan, taking three million angels to help him deliver them. And when he arrived at the place, the power and light of Jehovih was upon him. And he and his hosts of angels surrounded the four hells. Fire of Thy Fire, O Jehovih! he cried. Give me here walls of fire to inclose these suffering hells! And there fell from the firmament above sheets of fire, walling the places around in such brilliant and suffo- cating flames that not one of the inhabit- ants could escape. And E'chad and his hosts attacked them right and left, raising pillars and walls of fire blinding to the dru- jas. Thus they marched through and through the four hells until the inhabitants were fallen prostrate before them, crying out. And of all the naked men and women, only the recent victims were ashamed. E'chad commanded: Now deliver those who are ashamed, making a place beyond the walls of fire; wall ye the place around and then clothe and feed them. So E'chad's hosts delivered those who were ashamed. Again E'chad called out: Begin now in sections and deliver the oth- ers into prisons, surrounded by fire, suffo- cating, so they cannot escape. And let not the light cease to fall upon them that will not be clothed. Better is it that they lay prostrate than to display themselves na- kedly. But as soon as they will accept and wear clothes, and cease cursing, deliver ye them into genial lights. For six days and nights E'chad labored in delivering the four hells." And there were amongst these drujas three and a half million in chaos, spirits who had lost their minds by the torments that other spirits had bestowed upon them. These E'chad had placed in his otevan, and sent to Hi- rom, to be treated by the physicians. But E'chad and many of his hosts remained with the groups of the delivered, further preparing them for resurrection. And now E'chad had them inspected, and he fur- ther searched the records of the earth to establish the origin of these hells, and as to who they were; and this is the substance of their history: In the lower country of Arabin'ya, there had been a tribe of I'huans of hundreds of years, who had attained to thirty cities, chief of which was Os'nu, which was the capital over all the rest. Os'nu was ruled over by Che-muts, a king of great wisdom and power in his youth; but after subju- gating all the large cities of Arabin'ya, he became a tyrant and a man of wickedness. Being learned in the earth, moon, and stars, he drew to his palace other men, and not a few women, of great learning, and to- gether they resolved upon obtaining from CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 195 the Thins, the sacred people, the secrets of their miracles and religion. Up to this time, all the people in the world respected the Thins, neither denied them in anything. Che-muts, the tyrant, said: Because from our youth we have been taught to revere the I'hins, we have become super- stitious regarding them. Now it is evi- dent that they have some other means of prophecy that consulting the stars. It is my command, therefore, that the different cities of I'hins be seized, and the people put to death, offering succor only to such as reveal their secrets. With their gifts of miracles and power of prophecy, I can march successfully against Par'si'e, Jaffeth and Shem, and I shall become king of all the world. And ye that help me in this matter, instead of merely having cities to rule over, as ye now have, shall have kingdoms with many cities. The learned men acceded to this, and shortly after the king's people fell upon the I'hins, pulled down their flimsy walls, put- ting them to flight, or slaying them out- right, offering no salvation save they would reveal their secrets, and give themselves up to marriage with the I'huans. Hab- bak, a chief rab'bah of the I'hins, went to see the king and expostulate. He said unto Che-muts: Behold, my people are older than this county. Our wisdom Com- eth not as other men's, but through mar- riage. How canst thou obtain the secrets of the womb? Besides this, we are sworn before our birth, by our fathers and moth- ers to secrecy in our religion. Thou de- sirest us to intermarry with thy people. I foresee thy aims. Thou hopest for the gift of prophecy, which if given to evil men would give them all power. But know thou, O king, he that desires prophecy for such purpose can never obtain it. Prophecy cometh by the other road. If my people intermarry with thine, it is simply the loss of mine. If thou hadst our passwords and our signs, they would avail thee nothing, being born as thou art. According to our number, we pay thee thy just tribute. I pray thee, then, to change thy decrees, and allow my people to remain as they have for thousands of years. Che-muts, the king, said: Why call ye yourselves I'hins? Hab-bak said: Be- cause we are Faithists in One Great Spirit. The king asked: What is the secret name of the Great Spirit? Hab-bak said: I can only repeat that name under certain rules; otherwise, I will lose my power of prophe- cy. Besides, if thou knew the name, it would be useless to utter it. To whomso- ever uttereth His name not in faith, it is void. Whoever uttereth His name for earthly gain or earthly glory, uttereth in vain also. Of what value, then, would the name be to thee, even if I violated mine own oath and revealed it to thee? The king mocked him, and had him seized and taken to the lion's den, of which all kings and rich people in those days, had one or more, as a place for cast- ing in their disobedient servants. And when Hab-bak was at the lions' den, the king again offered to save him if he would reveal even the name of the Great Spirit, hoping that by its utterance he could also heal the sick, restore the blind and deaf, and prophesy. Hab-bak said: Thou may- est cast me in, and I be devoured, suffer me beforehand, to prophesy concerning thee and thy kingdom. Yea, I will prophe- sy concerning myself. Hear thon, then, my words: Thou hast sought to destroy my peo- ple, who are, compared to thine, only as one little finger to a man's whole arm. In Os'nu, thou hast hundreds of thousands of people, and in other cities tens of thou- sands; so many that one man in his whole lifetime could not number them. Yet, as to my people, what are they? Not more than ten thousand, all told. Hear thou my words, not one thousand of my people canst thou destroy. Neither will my peo- ple raise a hand in self defense. But thou wilt cast me into the lions' den and I will be devoured. , And this little hat without a brim, will come out of the lions' den, and it will be a mighty power for thousands of years. It will be red with my blood shed because I am faithful to the Great Spirit in my oath. And it will be restored to my people, and it shall be called the Scarlet Hat! And in the day that it is carried in the streets of Os'nu, thou wilt be slain by thine own people. The king laughed, saying: A prophecy often causeth fools to carry it out. With that, he gave the executioners the sign, and they pushed Hab-bak on the trap, and cast 196 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI him into the den, where there were thirty- lions. And they devoured him. And his hat was colored red with blood; and some of the people who were superstitious in regard to the I'hins, procured the hat and went about repeating the prophecy of Hab- bak, and the multitude were anxious for some pretext to justify themselves in de- stroying the tyrant. So, presently the city was in riot, and the people fell upon the king and slew him, and also the learned men and women who were his counselors and subsidiaries. In the libraries of heaven it is recorded as follows: Because of the cruelty of Che- muts, king of Os'nu, on earth; thousands and tens of thousands of people had been put to death; and because they died in an- ger, and because of the injustice, their souls went into torment in hada, and they came and incensed the king to greater wickedness, in order to have him slain. And it came to pass that Che-muts, chief king of Arabin'ya, was slain by his own people, and the king's counselors were slain with him. And when their spirits were delivered from their mortal bodies, the drujas went in and beat them. And when it became known in hada that there was a newly started hell, other spirits brought their victims there and cast them in. And the drujas went around about the earth, in Arabin'ya, finding whomsoever they hated, bringing their spirits into hell, beating them and otherwise punishing them, until these four hells became the habitation of sixty million souls. CHAPTER XXXVIII. When E'chad had discovered the histo- ry of these hells, he searched and found the king's spirit, and also the counselors, but alas they knew nothing, but were more like one in a troublesome nightmare, from which there is no awakening. But E'chad appointed physicians and nurses for them, and it was three days be- fore they began to awaken, but yet at the time of Fragapatti's visit they were not sufficiently restored to know who they were or, if knowing one moment, would forget in the next. Yet it was not many days after the deliverance of the Hells that E'chad had the inhabitants removed to Hi- rom and the colonies thereof. E'chad having been informed by her- alds that Fragapatti was coming, sent word to his Lords, generals, captains, and superintendents of schools, factories, and hospitals, to come to Hi-rom and enjoy three days' recreation, bringing as many atmosphereans as they could with them. So when Fragapatti came, and the hosts of E'chad, there was great rejoicing for the space of three days; during which time Fragapatti visited all the places and labors of E'chad, having records made thereof, to take with him to etherea at the end of dawn. Now at the end of the three days' recreation, the trumpet in the east called the Council and hosts to order. Fragapat- ti sat in the midst of the throne, E'chad next him, and then Hoab and Yaton'te, and then Thulae and Es'pacia and Geth'ya, and others of lesser rank. A light imme- diately gathered above the throne, but this time deep scarlet, with white border. Fragapatti said: Thy Voice, O Jehovih, be upon these people. Whereupon, the es'- enaurs chanted a hymn, after which the Voice of Jehovih spake out of the light, saying: Whosoever raiseth up My children, do I raise up with Mine own hand. To whom- soever uttereth My words in wisdom and truth, do I speak from My judgment seat. Because ye have come down from your ex- alted kingdoms in the upper heavens, and raised up the drujas of these heavens, so come I from My All Highest Holy Place to raise you up. As ye have prepared to found My word with mortals, so prepare I here in Hi-rom a place of delight. Was I not with the I'hins since the creation of man on Earth? And wherein they have been faithful unto Me have I come in great security. The world rose up against My chosen and sought to destroy them, but they failed. And when they cast My faithful servant into the lions' den, he would not violate his oath, even though he suffered death. And I stretched forth My hand and took his hat, red with blood, out of the lions' den; and I gave power unto the hat. And into the far-off country of Jaffeth will I take the title of King of the Sun, and bestow it upon Ya'seang, and nei- ther Arabin'ya nor Par'si'e shall endure in holiness. Behold, I give you a new sign, in addition to the triangle, and it shall be CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 197 the sign of Hi-rom from this time forth, signifying faith even unto death. The Voice ceased, and Fragapatti turn- ed to the red light, and stretched forth his hand and took thereof, saying: Of Thy scarlet, O Jehovih! Give unto Thy servant a Hi-rom, as an emblem of this heaven. And he fashioned it into a hat without a brim, and laid it on the throne. Presently a swift messenger from without, desired admittance before Fragapatti, and he was permitted to come. He said: Greeting to thee, O Fragapatti, Son of Jehovih! And by the love of Eoch, God of Tshi, of Ude, grade six, am I sent before thee in Jehovih's name. Behold, one Hab- bak, is without, who was the wearer of Hi- rom. Fragapatti said: Admit him, and bid him approach the throne of God. The swift messenger retired, and presently re- turned, bringing in Hab-bak, faithful unto death. And he went up to the throne, and Fragapatti took the scarlet hat, saying: Second only to Jehovih's crown, with Hi- rom, cover I thy head in the name of the Creator. And he placed it on Hab-bak's head, and the light of it was so great that only ethereans could look upon it. Then Hab-bak said: By this, Thy Pow- er, O Jehovih, will I go now and deliver unto everlasting light the soul of him who slew me. And I will restore his council also. For they will remember the scarlet hat, and it will be as an anchorage for their crazed minds to rest upon. So Hab- bak saluted on the sign of the triangle and departed. And now was come the time of depart- ure for Fragapatti and his hosts. So he in- structed Geth-ya, and bade him travel with him. Then Fragapatti instructed the Coun- cil, which was after the manner of his in- struction to the preceding Councils. And then he descended to the foot of the throne, and the marshals caused the people to march before him. And Fragapatti creat- ed flowers, drapery and ornaments, and gave to every one something as they passed, though there were more than a hundred million souls. And when they had all passed, and resumed the places as- signed them, Fragapatti sat down at the foot of the throne in ancient custom, and E'chad descended, taking his hand, and he said unto him: Arise, O Chief, Thou Son of the Most High, and go thy way. Fragapatti rose up and, followed by the Gods and Goddesses officiating, they all went into the avalanza and departed, going to the kingdom of Gir-ak-shi, Lord God over Heleste and her heavens. CHAPTER XXXIX. When Gir-ak-shi arrived at this division of Earth, the Voice of Jehovih came to him, saying: My Lord, hear thou the Voice of thy Creator. I have no I'hins left in thy division of Earth. The I'huans have degenerated by marrying with the Druks. And thou art come to this, My farm, when it is grown up full of weeds and thistles. Look about thy division, and thou shalt find no loo'is, nor ashars of any avail to righteousness. Consider then, what shall be done, that both mortals and spirits may be made to know Me and My kingdoms. Gir-ak-shi found the mortals of Heleste to be barbarians, many of them naked, or clothed with the skins of animals to keep them warm in winter. Some of them bur- rowed in the ground, and some lived in houses made of bark, leaves and grass. And their food was mostly fish and flesh. Their cities were numerous but small, and every city spake a different language. Their weapons of war were clubs,, spears, bows and arrows. They had nekher iron nor copper, and used stone for cutting. Gir-ak-shi said: What incentive can I give such people that will raise them up? Gir-ak-shi then surveyed his; heavens, but alas, there were no kingdoms, no or- ganizations. As mortals lived and died, so their spirits continued around about in the same places. Gir-ak-shi said: What incentive can I give such angels that will raise them up? If I tell the mortals to till the soil and make clothes of flax and wool, my words will be interpreted as folly, or as implying hardships. If I tell the angels there are higher heavens, more beautiful, my words will be disbelieved. If I say that all growth depends upon exercise and labor, they will decline to grow. Have I not seen rich men and women in other countries whom I told that in order to rise they must learn to labor, and they heeded me not? 198 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI Jehovih said to Gir-ak-shi: Thou hast more than a thousand million drujas in thy department. The mountains, valleys and forests are filled with them, roving about. As thou wouldst entrap birds by rich bait, so shalt thou gather together all of these drujas thou canst. But as to mortals thou shalt bring famines into certain places, and thus drive them to observe the Unseen Cause of things. Gir-ak-shi called together his hosts, millions and millions. He said unto them: Form ye in sacred circles, hundreds of thousands, and go to the places I will point out, and invoke the higher heavens in Jehovih's name. Cast ye a famine here, and a blight in the animals of the forest. Into the water cast ye umbrae, that the fish may die. Make mortals stop and con- sider. Let the angels go then, and find the most prophetic amongst mortals, and make them prophesy concerning the fam- ines and the blight. Make ye their proph- ets objects of worship; then I can rule the inhabitants of the earth through the proph- ets. Concerning the angels, Gir-ak-shi said: Five heavenly places will I build for the drujas. One shall be called Monk, one Acha, one Troy, one Be-yome and one Hellen. And I will select five Lords to rule in my heavenly divisions: Ki-liope, Lord of Monk; I'tius, Lord of Acha; Foe- be, Lordess of Troy; Liriyi, Lordess of Be-yome, and Co'ye, Lord of Hellen. And ye shall make them places of feasting and sporting for one whole year; nothing that can be done to make them attractive for drujas shall be left undone. Into five divisions, half a million each, shall my hosts be selected and apportioned. Whose mission shall be to go around about throughout Heleste and bring in drujas to my five heavenly places. And I will build a plateau in these mountains, the Aguaadi- ca, with a Council of half a million. Let my Lords stand aside, and I will apportion to each of them their attendants. By the star-lights that fall upon them shall they be known and come forth. The Lords stod aside, in different places, whilst Gir-ak-shi selected the three million. After that he proceded according to the Voice of Jehovih, and conducted his hosts to the places Jehovih commanded. And after they were all placed, Gir-ak-shi, chose his own Council, and built a plateau and a throne to Jehovih on Mount Aguaa- dica and when he considered the wisdom of the manner Jehovih had directed him to thus law a foundation for so great a work, he soliloquized, saying: O Jehovih, will these drujas ever understand the manner of Thine armies? Will these mortals ever un- derstand the proceedings of Thy Lords and Gods? For one year the hosts entertained and fed and clothed the drujas sumptuously, and they won them away from the earth; won them to the kingdoms prepared for them. And then Gir-ak-shi commanded the founding of schools, factories and hos- pitals in heaven; and he appointed ashars and asaphs, and began the resurrection through his Lords. And when the fourth year arrived he had colonized in his hea- ven nearly all the drujas, giving them suffi- cient recreation to restrain them from re- turning to the earth. For a long time prior to Fragapatti's coming he had it proclaimed, giving invi- tations to them to be present. This he communicated to Fragapatti through mes- sengers. So, Fragapatti knowing the grade of the place determined to come in gaudy colors, and with sufficient music, very loud, and for the manifestation of power. Gir- ak-shi had his people attire themselves in the greatest gaudy colors; for by such man- ifestation do the unlearned judge of the glory and possibilities of high heaven. So, when Fragapatti's avalanza descended from above it was like a sea of fire, decorated in thousands of ways with banners, flags, cur- tains, and all other ornaments that would serve to convey the idea of greatness to the minds of the es'y an s- And Gir-ak-shi had also decorated his place, kingdom and throne, Aguaadica, in the most extravagant splendor. And he and his Lords, and his captains and generals, and his Holy Coun- cil were arrayed majestically. In addition to these things Gir-ak-shi had provided a feast, which was to succeed the ceremonies; and after the feast there were to be divers entertainments. But of these matters, who knoweth the thought of Jehovih! How hath He not provided to bring the dark soul to understanding! CYCLE OF FEAGAPATTT 199 Gir-ak-shi said: To teach mortal teach- ers how to teach the barbarian, O Jehovih ! To teach cold owe to impart warm mirth, O Jehovih! Shall they build a prison and decorate the convict in fine clothes, and bid him take his ease, beholding the virtuous working for him, O Jehovih! Will they ever learn Thy power of resurrection! CHAPTER XL. Fragapatti, and his hosts remained thir- ty days with Gir-ak-shi and great was the enjoyment of the people; and then Fraga- patti departed, going to the kingdoms of Uropa, first Goddess of a barbarian division on Earth. The Voice of Jehovih had been with her from the first, but there were but few corporeans in her division, and only six hundred million angels, mostly drujas. Nevertheless, Jehovih said unto Uropa: Thou shalt found here a kingdom in My name and it shall become mighty in heaven and on earth. Uropa said: What is the best way, O Jehovih? Jehovih answered, saying: As for the drujas, thy knowledge is sufficient; but as for the corporeans, behold, they have neither copper nor iron. Send to Arabin'ya five hundred of thy hosts of ashars who are well skilled in the art of inspiring mortals; and thou shalt cause fifty men who are skilled in mining and working copper and iron to migrate into thy lands. And thy ashars shall inspire them to find the ore, and to work the same, and they shall use the metal they procure for making tools and implements. So Uropa sent angels to Arabin'ya, and they inspired fifty men to go to Urooa, and find iron and copper, and work it. And in four years there had gone out of Arabin'- ya not less than twenty thousand men. And the ashars inspired them to marry with the Druks and half-breed I'huans, and in this way a new people was born into Uropa's division. In Zeigl, Uropa built her heavenly kingdom and founded the City of Oitch. In her holy Council were five hundred thousand angels; and she had also fifty thousand captains, and two million ashars consisting of both ethereans and atmos- phereans. Her heavenly kingdom was built in the same manner as Gir-ak-shi's. And in four years she had rescued nearly all the drujas in these regions of atmos- pherea. So when Fragapatti came to see her, she provided entertainments after the same manner as did Gir-ak-shi, having all her hosts present. After this Fragapatti visited Kow-anea and his heavenly kingdoms, and also his earth divisions. Next Fragapatti visited M'wing'mi and his heavenly kingdoms and earth divisions. Next he visited Ots'- hata, and his places, and then Soofwa. With all these Lords and Gods Fragapatti spent many days, examining and recording all the labor done; and he spake before them all, so that his voice was heard by nearly all the people of the lower heavens. And so great was the work accomplished by Fragapatti with any one of these Lords or Gods, that were a complete history written thereof it would require the whole of a mortal man's lifetime to read it. Nor is possible with earth language to describe the beauty and glory of any one of these recreations in his travels. CHAPTER XLI. The close of dawn was near at hand. Fragapatti returned to Mouru, the heaven- ly kingdom of Haraiti, in atmospherea, richly stored with knowledge of Earth and her heavens. The capital was illuminated, and the decorum of the higher heavens pre- vailed. Already there were assembled more than four million angels prepared for the third resurrection. Fragapatti notified his Lord Gods, and his Lords and Samati of the day and hour when he should ac- complish the resurrection. And then Frag- apatti called his swift etherean messengers and spake to them thus: The dawn of dan is near the close. The Brides and Bride- grooms of Jehovih will number ten thou- sand million souls. Two divisions will I make of grades fifty-five and seventy, for the forests and plains of Goomatchala. This ye shall communicate to Hoseis, God- dess of Alawatcha on the road of Affolkis- tan, saluting in Jehovih's name, and of His Son, Fragapatti, Chief. The swift messengers saluted, and then departed. Next he called the messengers for the kingdoms below, and of these mes- sengers there were twenty thousand, di- vided into twelve groups, who had been CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI previously apportioned to certain divisions of heaven and earth. To them Fragapatti said: Inform the Lord God of each division, and the Lords and officers under them to anoint their successors; put their kingdoms in order and appear at the throne of Mouru; to pro- vide such ships and such vessels as are suitable, and bring as visitors from their kingdoms and most holy places, as many atmosphereans as desire to come, that they may witness the ceremonies and the ascent of Jehovih's Sons and Daughters, for the resurrection of my hosts is at hand. And these commandments were carried unto all the divisions of the corporeal Earth and her heavens. Fragapatti then said unto Athrava: Thou shalt receive the Brides and Bridegrooms. As for myself, I will go down to the earth and receive God and Zarathustra, and they shall be borne in my ship to this place, and thence to etherea. In all places on earth and in heaven, the spirit inhabitants were stirred to the ut- most. In Haraiti, there were already more than four thousand colonies, and every one had thousands and thousands eligible to the third resurrection, who would depart in the coming ascension. Of these there were persons of every occupation, and they were perfect in their order, belonging to groups and series of grouos. And now the cap- tains and generals were re-organizing them into phalanxes; and the Gods again organ- izing the phalanxes into kingdoms. Zered- ho sent four hundred million souls to Har- aiti. The Lord Gods were arranging their groups in their several divisions, to be fur- ther organized after arriving at Mouru, from whence the ascension would take place. Some of these had a thousand mill- ion of their own resurrection, including those whom they had previously sent to Haraiti. Fragapatti sent special messengers to God, Samati, to learn the day appointed for Zarathustra's death; and he further alloted to Zarathustra three days in hada, in which to preach to mortals by the inspiration of God, and appointed the fourth day as the time of his ascension from the earth. And when all these matters had been ar- ranged, Fragapatti ordered the assembling in sacred circle of the Holy Council, Sons and Daughters of the Most High. The lights were raised, and only Gods and God- desses could remain near the throne of Je- hovih. Fragapatti commanded Hoab to stand in the midst of the circle, facing the judgment seat. Hear the words of thy Creator, O Hoab. With Mine own spirit quickened I thee into life. From thy youth up I have followed thee day by day, with a woman's tenderness. When thou didst try to run away from Me/ I followed after. I called My Son, high raised in My everlasting kingdoms, and I said unto him: O My Son, run thou quickly, for Hoab, My well beloved, is turning away from Me. Go thou and recover him; for he is My chosen. He shall be My God of the red star; her heavens shall bow down before him. I will raise him up and appoint him with My holy fire; his countenance shall shine like a sun. And Fragapatti, My Son, overtook thee in thy flight; with great cunning he captured thee unto My labors. And thou hast raised up thy voice and glorified Me; thine arms have been bared to the harvest; thy fruit is a song of glory. Have I not given thee experience in all things? I made thee to walk to the preci- pice of hell and fall not. The darkness of everlasting death I made to encompass thee; in the hour of thy despair I came and raised thee up. Have I not great profit in thee, My Son? My countless millions cry out in all places; they behold Me not; they know not of Me and My heavenly places. Like a troubled sea that knoweth no rest, the voices of mortals and angels cry out forever: There is no light! Wherefore, then, was I not wise in thee, O Hoab? I made thee of strong limb, and with arms reaching far; thy judgment I fashioned for the great multitudes. I say to the young bird with feathers: Fly! And it goeth away. I say to man: Go forth in My name! But he looks around. Again I say to him: Go forth! But he turneth to his neighbor for his opin- ion. Again I speak, calling: Come to me! But he standeth wondering. Again I say: Come! But he answers: By and by. Again I say: Come! He replies: I have not all light! And yet I call, and he saith: Alas, there is nothing! And he goeth down in darkness. He curses Me and ac- CYCLE OF FRAGAPATT1 201 cuseth Me of errors! He preacheth My shortness, and by his words cutteth him- self off from Me. In the foul smelling place of darkness, My holy angels cannot come. But I have provided a savior for those who are in darkness; and My shield is upon them. Thou shalt wear the triangle of the red star. Two hundred years thou shalt hold dominion over Earth and her heavens. In My name speak, O Hoab! Then spake Hoab, saying: Thy Voice is upon Me, O Father! My limbs are weak; my hands tremble like an old man that is palsied. Behold I have sought in vain to find anything perfect in me. I am as a trumpet that is bruised and split. There is no harmony or power within Me. Thou first gavest me a wife and sons and daughters to rule over and to raise up for Thy glory, but I failed utterly. My wife saw not with my ears, nor heard with my ears, nor judged with my judgment. We were like two instruments broken and out of tune. As for my sons, they went astray, like sheep without a herdsman; my advice was as weak to them as the shadow of a tree. And my daughters went away from my love, and chose young men in prefer- ence. Then I cried out unto thee, saying: O Jehovih, why gavest Thou me a king- dom? Behold, it is scattered and gone! Then I went down into the grave in sor- row. But Thy hand raised up my soul in heaven; and thou gavest me another king- dom. But my people would not see through my eyes, and my ears and my judgment were not wrong. And I turned about like one who is lost in a forest, and shutteth his eyes as to the direction of the sun, go- ing by the sound of a multitude of tongues. And my kingdom drew a boundary around itself, and shut out all light. And Thy Son came and delivered me and my people. Behold, I was as weak as a child. In my weakness Thy light came upon me. Never more shall I desire others to see through my eyes, or hear through my ears, or judge by my judgment. Thou hast healed me of my infirmity, O Jehovih. Only by one Eye can things be seen; by one Ear can things be heard; by one Judg- ment can things be judged. O Jehovih, thou hast said: Go forth in My name! I will go. Thou hast said: Thou shalt have dominion over Earth and her heavens! This will I accomplish also, by Thy Light and Power, O Jehovih! Then spake Jehovih through Fragapatti, saying: Accept Earth, O Hoab, My Son! My God! It is thine to keep and to rule over! Accept atmospherea, O Hoab, My Son, My God! It is thine to keep and rule over. Hoab said: I will be Thy Son, O Je- hovih! I will be Thy God, O Jehovih! From Thee I accept Earth to keep and to rule over! From Thee I accept Earth's heavens, to keep and to rule over! Again Jehovih spake through Fragapat- ti saying: What thou doest henceforth do thou in My name, for it is of Me. Hoab said: What I do henceforth do I in Thy name, O Jehovih! For I know it is Thee that doeth all glorious things. Jehovih spake through Fragapatti, say- ing: W T ith Mine Own hands weave I a crown for thee, My Son, My God of the red star! I place it on thy head for the glory of My kingdoms, which are endless in number and full of holiness! Wear thou My Crown, for it is with Wisdom and Pow- er! Then Fragapatti's hands were waved about by the Great Spirit, and a crown was woven and placed on Hoab's head, and it was brilliant and white, and studded with countless gems, millions. Hoab said: Crown from Thy hand, O Father! I accept it and wear it, emblem of Thy kingdoms, endless in number and full of holiness. I know Thou wilt ever be with me in Wisdom and Power! I will glorify Thee forever! My kingdoms shall glorify Thee forever! The chief marshal now conducted Hoab to the throne of Jehovih, and Hoab sat in the midst of the throne. In the meantime, the es'enaurs chanted a hymn of glory. Hoab then said: Fragapatti, Son of Jeho- vih, Orian Chief, come thou and honor my throne in the name of the Father. Then Fragapatti went to the throne and sat thereon. Next Hoab called up Athrava, then Hapacha, and then other Gods and Goddesses. Then Fragapatti said: Behold, the time of the death of Zara- thustra hath come. Abide ye here, and I will go quickly down to the earth and re- 202 CYCLE OF FBAGAPATTI ceive God and Zarathustra, and the hosts of God and his Lords. So Fragapatti departed, and sailed swift- ly down to Par'si'e, on the earth, and came to the place of meeting the morning of the fourth day after Zarathustra's death. For three days and nights his spirit had been preaching to the Faithists, explaining the kingdoms of Jehovih. So Fragapatti called unto God, saying: Behold, my Son, thy labor is done. In thee have I great de- light. Behold, my ship lieth by the river; my lights are raised for the everlasting thrones! God (Samati) said: That which Thou didst put upon me I have done! Be- hold, here standeth my son, Zarathustra. Zarathustra was then taking leave of his corporeal friends, for his soul was fast be- coming illuminated. He had looked up and beheld the ship of All Light, and he knew now the Voice of the Father. So Fragapatti went and took Zarathus- tra in his arms, saying: Come, my beloved. Thy home is yonder! So they went into the ship of fire and ascended to Mouru. CHAPTER XLII. And now the Lord Gods, and Lords and Gods, began to arrive in Mouru. The marshals, and their officers and workmen, had enlarged the landing places for the hosts of ships; receivers had been appoint- ed and allotted to their various places. Heralds and messengers had been provided with places of announcement; and lines of intercommunion had been laid, so that the words of heralds and messengers could be heard by all the millions in waiting. First came Ardi'atta, from Zeredho and Haraiti, Goddess over the spirits that had been delivered out of the hells of Aoa- su by Fragapatti and Hoab. And with her, her successor, Gaipon, manager of the hosts. Ardi'atti brought one thousand three hundred million souls in her ship, mostly visitors who have been delivered out of hell. Besides these, were twenty million raised to the degree of the third resurrection, clothed as Brides and Bride- grooms of Jehovih. These latter were the harvest of Ardi'atta, and in her charge. The receivers of her ship stationed it in its place, and then the receivers of her hosts conducted them to their places. And now came E'chad, Lord God of Arabin'ya, in his ship, with more than four thousand million souls, half of whom were Brides and Bridegrooms. His ship was received by the proper officers, and sta- tioned in its pace; and his hosts received by the proper persons, and conducted to their respective places. E'chad entered the south wing of the capital, with the Brides and Bridegrooms, and his successor was with the visiting hosts. When E'chad entered and stood before the throne, Frag- apatti saluted him on the sign Jehovih's Rest, and E'chad answered in The Glory of the Evening! Before the hosts of E'chad were landed and placed, there came Ots-ha-ta, Lord of North Oce'ya, with his successor, in a ship with thirty million, of whom two million were Brides and Bridegrooms. His ship was received and stationed in its place; and his hosts received and assigned to their places. Next came Kow'anea, God of South Guatama, with his successor, bringing sev- en hundred million souls, of whom sixty million were Brides and Bridegrooms. They were received by the proper officers and assigned to their places. Immediately afterwards, Yaton'te came, with his successor and his hosts. Yaton'- te's ship was the most beautiful of all that had yet arrived. His hosts were four thou- sand million souls; but of Brides and Bride- grooms he had but thirty million. Him Fragapatti saluted on the sign of the Star of the West, and Yaton'te answered in the sign of the Golden Circle! He and his hosts were then assigned their places. Now came M'wing'mi, God of South Oce'ya, and his little ship was laden with four hundred million souls, and he had three million Brides and Bridegrooms. His ship was received and stationed in its place, and his hosts received and stationed in their places. Next came Soo'fwa, God of Japan and her heavens. His was the most brilliant of all the ships, and he had three thousand five hundred million souls aboard, of whom two hundred million were Brides and Bridegrooms. His ship was received and stationed, and his hosts also; and when he entered before the throne, Fragapatti sa- luted him on the sign of Before the An- CYCLE OF FEAGAPATTI 203 cients! And Soo'fwa answered him in the sign of Little Star! And now came Uropa, most loved of all, Goddess of the barbarians. Her ship was the swiftest and best trimmed, and she brought one thousand million souls, of whom she had eighty million Brides and Bridegrooms as her harvest. When she entered before the throne of Jehovih, lead- ing her Brides and Bridegrooms, Fragapat- ti saluted on the sign, Persistent Fire! And Uropa answered him in the sign, Je- hovih's Trust! Now came great Ah'oan, Lord God of Jaffeth and her heavens. His ship was the largest of all, and he brought five thousand million souls, of whom nearly two> thou- sand million were Brides and Bridegrooms. When he came before Jehovih's throne, Fragapatti saluted him on the sign, The Power of Love! Ah'oan answered him in the sign, Everlasting Life! And now the ship of Gir-ak-shi came in, bringing a thousand million souls, of whom eighty million were Brides and Bride- grooms. Besides these, there were seventy-six other Gods, from departments of the grand divisions of the heavens, bringing some five million souls and some even twenty million. And there were Lords of islands, and Lords of small places on the earth, who had also come in small ships, bringing some five and some ten million souls. And all these Gods and Lords had Brides and Bridegrooms according to the place and number and condition whence they came. And they were all received and sta- tioned in their proper places. Thus there came to Mouru about thirty thousand mill- ion atmosphereans; and of these there were ten thousand eight hundred million prepar- ed as Brides and Bridegrooms unto the Great Spirit. Besides these, there were the hosts of Fragapatti, the ethereans, ten mill- ion, mostly Gods and Goddesses, and these formed the inner sacred circle of the Holy Council. Next to these were their succes- sors, ten million, who were to be the Holy Council of Mouru after the ascension. And outside of these were stationed the Lord Gods and their attendants, behind whom stood the successors, the Gods and Lords, with their attendants; and yet behind them, their visiting hosts. And occupying places amongst them all, the musicians, marshals, messengers, swift messengers, and heralds, were assigned their respective places. But so vast was the multitude of angels, and so great the glory, that one might look thereon all day and not even see the mill- ionth part; nor is it possible for corporeal words to convey but a crude picture of the magnificent scene. CHAPTER XLIII. God, Samati, said: In my hands gavest Thc?a the red star and her heavens, O Je- hovih! As an emblem of trust, and of the first, second and third resurrections. Thy Sons bestowed upon me the triangle. Be- hold, the time of my reign hath come to an end. Thou callest me to a higher world, with Thy holy harvest. But Thou hast raised up Thy Son, Hoab, who is of great wisdom and power in Thee. He shall be Thy God and Thy Son in the places I have been. To him, in Thy name, O Father, I bestow the triangle, symbol of Thee and of Thy created worlds. By my parting with it is the end of this dawn recorded. By Hoab's reception of it is his dominion be- gun. God then took off the triangle and hung it on Hoab's neck, saying: I salute thee, God of Earth. Immediately the es'enaurs chanted, Hail to Thee, O God, Son of Je- hovih! Now during the time of the arrival of the hosts of Gods and Lords and their res- urrection, there were to be seen, high in the firmament, above, two stars, like twins, de- scending. These were the avalanzas of Ho- seis, Goddess of Alatatcha, coming to' re- ceive the Brides and Bridegrooms of Je- hovih, to take them to the etherean realms prepared for them by the Orians of the higher heavens. Her avalanza was de- scending by the road of Affolkistan, and coming swiftly. Now between the glory of these lights, and the ceremonies in Mou- ru, the awe and grandeur on every side were overwhelming — the es'enaurs, the singers and the far-off trumpeters. There stood the great multitude of Brides and Bridegrooms, arrayed in white, like a vast sea of white, more than ten thousand mill- ion! The ships, like twin stars, grew and grew in size, till like two suns descending, 204 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATT1 they seemed as wide as the borders of Har- aiti! And whilst the multitude gazed and watched, Fragapatti rose up in his place on the! throne and called out, saying: Behold, the time hath now arrived for the brotherhood of Gods and Lords to be bestowed upon Earth and her heavens. As Earth is divided into many sections, so have I bequeathed to Earth many Lords, to hold dominion over mortals! And yet over all of these have I chosen and appoint- ed one God. For in this manner were the first heavenly kingdoms of the red star founded by Sethantes, Son of Jehovih. In the history that followed since his day, it has transpired that first one Lord and then another, lost power in his kingdom, and finally even the Gods were powerless to rule angels and mortals to righteousness. That ye may henceforth be strong, like the heavenly kingdoms on other worlds, I now decree Diva, in the name of Jeho- vih. And God and his Lord Gods, and his Gods and Lords of divisions, shall com- prise the Diva, and the members thereof shall be both male and female. And Hoab, who is God, high raised from Zeredho, shall be over all the rest and his title in the Diva shall be Div. Nevertheless, the name Div shall be used by all the members of Diva, when abiding in their several do- minions. But no other person, except Hoab, neither on earth nor in heaven, shall be entitled to the rank of Div. And the Diva shall meet in this capi- tal of Mouru thrice every earth year, to render reports unto one another of the matters of their several dominions; and when the meetings take place, each and every Lord and God, and Lordess and Goddess of Earth and her heavens, shall be present and fulfill these my command- ments. And when the members are as- sembled Hoab only shall have the title of Div; and the members shall salute him as Div, Son of All Light. The meetings of Diva shall be private; nor shall any person be present in Diva, save the novices who may be in preparation to become Lords and Gods by succession, and the novices shall not be entitled to speak in Diva. And each member of Diva shall render reports of his department, as to whether in need of assistance, or his capacity to provide emi- grants to other plateaux, and such report shall be made in person before Div; and when all the reports have been reviewed, Div shall render judgment thereon, giving to or exacting from any one or more of the dominions, according to the Voice of Je- hovih upon him. And the judgments of Div, Son of All Light, shall be called Divan law, from which there shall be no appeal. And the Lords and Gods shall carry these decrees down to mortals in their several domin- ions, rendering them unto the God-irs on earth, whereby mortals through the Rab'- bah, shall receive communion from the All Light. In the time of the assembling of Diva, swift messengers shall be in waiting, and immediately after laws have been made, such swift messengers shall depart from Mouru to the etherean kingdoms, in the roadway of Earth and her heavens, and ren- der the same unto the nearest Orian Chief, or other etherean God, Son of Jehovih. To the end, therefore, that my com- mandments shall be in the name of Jeho- vih, let God and Lord Gods, and Gods and Lords, and Goddesses and Lordesses, ap- proach the Father's throne, that I may be- stow them according to the rites and cere- monies of the Gods of other corporeal and atmospherean worlds. The marshals now conducted all of them before the throne except Hoab. First, Thulae, then Es'pecia, then Geth'ya, and so on, until the hosts of the dominions were before Fragapatti. And then God (Hoab) rose up and faced toward the west. Frag- apatti said: In Thy name, O All Light, do I cre- ate a Diva unto Earth and her heavens; and this, Thy God, I anoint as Div, with power to him to anoint his successor in like manner. May Thy Voice and Judg- ment be with him forever. And these Thy Lord Gods, and these Thy Gods and Thy Lords, and these Thy Goddesses and Thy Lordesses, do I anoint as members of Di- va; and to each and all of them give I power in Thy name to appoint successors after them for Thy allotted seasons. May Thy Wisdom and Power be with them forever. Amen. God said: In Thy Name, O All Light, do I accept the Diva. And on behalf of CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 205 my Gods and Lords, proclaim Thy Divan Power unto heaven and earth. The others responded: We will fulfill thy decrees, O All Light, now and hence- forth, forever. Be Thou with us in wis- dom and strength for Thy glory! Fragapatti then extended his hand up- ward, saying: (Inqua git s'ang, of Thy In- qua git s'ang, O All Light) Dominion within dominion, give me of Thy symbol, O Jehovih! And there came out of the light before the throne a substance, and Fragapatti seized it and formed therefrom, first, a hollow ball, and within a bail and a trian- gle; and he said unto them: Behold, O Jehovih, Thou didst call me from my high place in heaven, saying: Go thou unto the red star, Earth; her soil is wet with human blood! Her heavens are dead; My harvest is nothing. And I came and delivered Thy words to mortals, and washed Earth clean. And I gathered to- gether Thy lost children in the lower hea- vens, and have raised them up with power. Whereof, in token of Thy Light that was within me, have I become one within Thy labors, and I have raised up Gods and Lords in Thee also; that one perfect thing may be within another, after the manner of Thy created worlds, this, Thy Holy sign, do I bequeath unto them, to be theirs and their successors' forever! So Fragapatti bestowed the Lords and Gods, and his labors were finished. In the meantime, the sun ships of Hose- is drew near and landed, both to the south and west of Mouru, and so mighty and full of grandeur were they, the thousands of millions looking on were breathless in awe and wonder. Then the marshals of Hoseis' hosts, of whom there were thirty million aboard, descended out of the ship. And they spread a frowas from the ship even to Jehovih's throne, and Hoseis alighted from the ship and walked forward on the frowas, and Fragapatti and his hosts went and re- ceived her, and conducted her to the throne. And now, after due ceremonies betwixt the Gods and Goddesses, Athrava rose up and said: To Thee, O Hoseis, Goddess of Alawatcha, in the name of Jehovih, do I bestow the Brides and Bridegrooms of Earth and her heavens. They are the har- vest of Samati, God of the division of Haniostu, his Lords and Gods through the Orian Chief, Fragapatti, for Jehovih's emancipated heavens! Hoseis said: Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih, in His name, receive I you, to deliver unto the All Highest Worlds. And then Hoseis and Athrava proceeded in the ceremonies in the usual way, and were responded to by the ten thousand million Brides and Bridegrooms. When the ceremonies were finished, the time of the ascension was at hand. So Fragapatti and Hoseis, accompanied by their Gods and Lords, went down to the foot of the throne and sat down, and God, who had been Hoab, sat alone in the midst of the throne. The es'enaurs then sang a hymn on The March of Jehovih's Worlds! When it was concluded, God went down and took Fragapatti's hands, saying: Arise, O Son, and thou, O Daughter of Jehovih! Fraga- patti and Hoseis rose up, and then all the Gods and Lords rose up. Then Hoab, God, fell into Fragapatti's arms, and when they had embraced, God withdrew and re- turned to the throne. Fragapatti saluted him on the sign, Faithist, and God an- swered him in the sign, Forever! Where- upon, the hosts followed after Fragapatti and Hoseis and entered the great avalan- zas. Fragapatti gave his own avalanza to Athrava and his attendants, and they took from the magnet and made it rotary also. And when they were all aboard, Hoseis commanded the ascension, and the mighty fire ships rose up, turning and rising. Fragapatti created flowers and drapery, and cast overboard sufficient, so that all the twenty million remaining had every one some memento. In a little while the resur- rection was complete. The sun ships rose higher and higher, passing Earth's vortex and entering etherea, going to the king- doms prepared for them by the high raised Sons and Daughters of Jehovih. CHAPTER XLIV. As commanded by Fragapatti, the Diva met thrice every year in Mouru, and Div decreed laws and government unto mortals and angels after the manner herein describ- ed; and because the sessions of the Diva were long the members reclined on divans. 206 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI Div decreed: To establish birth rites with mortals; to teach mortals when their children were born to consecrate them to Diva under a rod with water, after the manner es'yans were baptized in heaven; with rites, ceremonies and words according to the Divan law. Div decreed: In the time of the bap- tism of mortal children the Lords shall ap- point ashars unto such children to keep them in the way of the Almighty. The ashars shall assemble in the house of a Zarathustrian at the time of the birth of a child, and they shall baptize the child with a rod, sprinkling water on its head, and by inspiration and otherwise induce the mor- tals to go through the same ceremony, having a rab'bah to perform with a rod which has been dipped in water. And the father or mother shall say: I bestow this, my child, to be a good Zarathustrian, ac- cording to the Divan law. Div decreed: A baptized child showeth it hath sprung from Zarathustrians, and hath inherent in it high possibilities. And if it die in infancy it shall not be received with the children of Druks in heaven, but in such place as will enable the parents after death to visit it with delight. Div decreed: To establish wedding rites and ceremonies, with words and proces- sions, in order to bind firmly monogamic marriages, according to the Divan law. Div decreed: In time of marriages, my Lords shall appoint new ashars unto man and wife, whose duties are to minister unto them as a small kingdom for the glory of Jehovih. Div decreed: They shall be married by the rab'bah with kin and friends present. The rab'bah shall say: Ormazd hath unit- ed you forever. Live ye in peace and love on earth, and ye shall dwell together in a heavenly place of delight after death. What Ormazd hath joined, no man can separate forever. And the bride and bridegroom shall say: I bestow myself to this my mate, a good Zarathustrian, according to the Divan law. Div decreed: To establish death rites and ceremonies, with words according to the Divan law. Div decreed: These are the sacred words in the confession previous to death: I confess, with repentance, I, a good Zara- thustrian, unto Thee, O Ormazd; and to the Lords of the heavenly hosts of Diva. Div decreed: In the birth rites, in the marriage rites, and in the funeral rites, re- cording angels of the Lord shall be pres- ent, and afterward report these things to my kingdom in heaven. Div decreed: All such mortals as carry out these rites and ceremonies, shall be called Zarathustrians. CHAPTER XLV. Div decreed: If a man be not too weak, he shall confess to the Lord with repentance. But if he be too weak to utter words, then shall the rab'bah confess him by holding the right hand whilst he saith the sacred words. And whilst this is being done, the ashars shall provide a sufficient number of spirits to receive the newborn, and bring him to the place in heaven that hath been previously selected for him. Div decreed: The child of a Zarathus- trian being to young to speak, shall not make confession, even through the rab'bah. The rab'bah shall say: O Thou, Master Light! Behold, my child is dead! Receive Thou its little, tender spirit! Take it to Thy heavenly places of delight! And the ashars shall take the young es'- yan to a place suited to it, and deliver it to the asaphs; and the asaphs shall examine it, and if it require fetal, they shall provide it in heaven if possible. But if it be too young, then the asaphs, with a sufficient guard, shall take it back to its mortal mother, or its mortal father, or to its broth- er or sister, or other near kin, or to whom- soever the asaphs shall find most advisable. And the spirit child shall be put to bed every night with such mortal as the asaphs shall have selected, that its spirit may draw sustenance sufficient to grow unto everlast- ing life. But the asaphs who have it in charge shall bring it away in the morning to its place in heaven. And in no case shall a spirit child be left to fetal with a contentious woman, nor with a drunken mortal man. Div decreed: If the es'yan be a Zara- thustrian, his spirit shall not be allowed to remain longer than three days and three nights about his mortal kindred. And then he shall be taken to his place in hea- CYCLE OF FRAQAPATTI 207 ven, and given into the keeping of the asaphs. Div decreed: Whilst the mortal rab'- bah is reciting prayers after death, in the morning, at noon and at sunset, the ashars shall assemble in the same house with the newborn spirit, and join in the singing and praying, for it will restore him and help him to realize what hath taken place. Div decreed: If the es'yan be a Zara- thustrian, and his kin in heaven be drujas, he shall not be taken to the heaven where they are; nor shall his kin be permitted to see him for thirty days. But after thirty days, in his own place in heaven, his kin, if drujas, may be permitted to see him, but only under guard. Div decreed: If the es'yan be a Zara- thustrian, and his kin in heaven belong to the organic heavens, then shall he be taken to them, and his abiding place shall be with them for a season. Div decreed: The same law shall apply in the case of a Zarathustrian woman as with a man. Div propounded: If a Zarathustrian be dead, and his spirit many years in a place of heavenly delight, and then his mortal wife die, and she be not a Zarathustrian, what shall be done with her? The members of the Diva all spake thereon, and then Div decreed: The spirit of such a woman shall not be taken to the place of her husband. For thirty days she shall be kept in a place suitable for her. After that she may visit her husband under guard; but until she ac- cept the Ormazdian law, she shall not dwell with her husband in heaven, nor with her children in heaven. And if she have mortal children she shall not be permitted to see them except under guard. Div decreed: The same law shall apply in the case of a Zarathustrian woman in heaven whose husband was not a Zara- thustrian; for he is bound by the same law, and shall be kept separate from his wife in heaven until he accept the Ormaz- dian religion. Div asked: If a Zarathustrian man have a wife who is not a Zarathustrian, and she have an untimely birth, whether by acci- dent or abortion, what shall be done with the spirit of the child? All the members of Diva spake thereon, and then Div decreed: Such child's spirit shall not be brought to heaven for a season, but shall be fetaled on its natural mother or father, day and night, until the full nine months are com- pleted, and then it shall be delivered with due ceremonies to the asaphs. After that it shall be fetaled according to the Divan law for the spirits of Zarathustrian infants. CHAPTER XLVI. Div decreed: If a Zarathustrian attain to maturity before he die, his spirit shall be es'yan two years. And during this time he shall be attended by not less than two asaphs when he goeth away from his heavenly home; and the asaphs shall teach him the mode of travel, the manner of knowing localities, both on earth and in the first resurrection. And they shall teach him the varieties and kinds of food suited to the highest and best education of a spir- it. And when he travels with his compan- ions in his own heavenly group, the asaphs of the group shall go along with him and them. And during these two years he' shall be provided from the stores in heaven with food and clothes, and he shall not labor to provide himself with anything. Div decreed: At the end of the two years the asaphs shall deliver him, and such of his group as are prepared, into the de- partment of first instruction, and his name shall be entered in the library of that de- partment as entered apprentice in the first resurrection. Here his first lessons shall be as to making clothes and providing food for himself and others. And he shall be entitled to participate in the recreations of the entered apprentice, such as music, dancing, marching, painting and other arts. Div decreed: Not less than two years shall he serve as entered apprentice, and longer if his proficiency be not sufficient for advancement. But when he is advanc- ed, he shall no longer be entered appren- tice, but a craftsman. And he shall be tak- en to a place suitable where his labor will contribute to the heavenly kingdoms. And his recreations shall entitle him to instruc- tion in both corporeal and es'sean knowl- edge. As a craftsman he shall serve seven years. Div decreed: The craftsman's examina- tion being completed, he shall then return to labor in the nurseries in heaven, becom- 208 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI ing assistant to the asaphs. And during this period he shall report himself at the roll call. And his teachers shall take him down to mortals and teach him how to see and hear corporeal things. And they shall also explain to him fetalism and the obses- sion of mortals by drujas, that he may un- derstand the cause of lying, stealing, tat- tling, conspiracies and murders amongst mortals. Div decreed: After he hath served three years as nurse assistant to the asaphs, he shall be promoted to the hospitals in hea- ven, as assistant to the physicians. And they shall teach him the restoration of spir- its in chaos, crazy spirits, deformed spirits, sick spirits, and spirits afflicted with foul smells who cannot clean themselves, and the spirits of women who produced abor- tion on themselves or allowed it to be done, and of monomaniacs, and all manner of diseased spirits. And the physicians shall take him with them when they go down to mortals to remove fetals, and he shall learn how they are severed safely to both. And they shall take him to the bat- tlefields, where mortals slay one another, whose spirits are in chaos or still fighting, and he shall assist in bringing them away from the corporeal place; and also learn how to restore them, and where to deliver them when restored. And if there be knots in any region near at hand, the physicians shall take him down to the same, and show him how they are mastered and delivered. And if there be any hells near at hand, the physicians shall take him thither and teach him how they are delivered and the people restored. For ten years shall he serve as assistant to the physicians. Div decreed: Having fulfilled the part of assistant physician, he shall be promoted to the full rank of nurse. And in that de- partment he shall serve ten years, which completeth his education in the nurseries, and he shall be emancipated therefrom, and all the nurseries in the lower heaven shall be free and open to him, and he shall go to whatever one he desires except when spe- cially commanded for a certain work by his Lord, or the God of his division. Div decreed: Having passed a satisfac- tory examination by his Lord, he shall be promoted to the full rank of physician. And in that department he shall serve fifty years, and then he shall be emancipated therefrom. And all the hospitals in the lower heaven shall be open to him, and he shall choose which of them he desires as his place of labor, unless otherwise required by his Lord, or the God of his division. Div decreed: He shall now pass an ex- amination by his Lord, and if he prove himself in a knowledge of the structure of both the corporeal and spiritual man, he shall be registered as entered factor, and he shall serve twelve years in forming and making fabrics for raiment, and other use- ful and ornamental purposes. Div decreed: Then his labor shall be gathering and transporting food for twelve years. Div decreed: Then for twelve years his labor shall be the wielding of large bodies and carrying the same long distances. Div decreed: He shall now enter the school of creation as an apprentice, learn- ing how to create. Thirty years shall he serve therein. Div decreed: Then he shall serve twelve years in learning Uz. Div decreed: He shall now be eman- cipated from the factories and all such places shall be free and open to him, ex- cept when otherwise required by his Lord or the God of his division. Div decreed: He shall now enter col- lege, and serve according to his talents from five to forty years; learning measur- ing distances, rotations, velocities, magnets, corporeal and es'sean; currents of vortices; roadways in vortices; how to measure vor- tices by their spiral force; how to find the center and periphery of vortices. Div decreed: He shall now enter archi- tecture as an apprentice, and learn the building of heavenly mansions and cities; and he shall serve eight years, and then, if proficient, be promoted to build judgment seats and thrones, and serve sixteen years. Div decreed: He shall now be eligible to the school of light and darkness, and learn the relative power and attraction and repulsion belonging to each; and his edu- cation here shall embrace practice and ex- periment; and he shall serve seventy years for the full course. After which, if he be proficient in creating light and darkness, he shall be emancipated from the colleges and schools, and all such places shall be CYCLE OF FRAGAFATTI 209 free and open to him, except when other- wise required by his Lord, or the God of his division. Div decreed: He shall now serve twen- ty-four years in building and propelling heavenly boats and small ships. Div decreed: He shall now travel fifty years in atmospherea and on the earth, and on the oceans of the earth. Div decreed: This shall complete the primary education in the first resurrection. CHAPTER XLVII. Div asked: After the spirit of a Zara- thustrian has completed his primary edu- cation, what shall he do then? All the members spake on this subject, and then Div decreed as follows: He shall serve two hundred years as an apprenticed loo'is. He shall become pro- ficient in the knowledge of the procreation of mortals, learning to prophesy what the offspring will be according to the parent- age; to discern how the es of a mortal gov- erneth the flesh as to good or evil; how the es of a mortal controlleth the sex and uti- mate size, health and strength of the off- spring. To learn which, the loo'is shall take him to thousands of mortals, and he shall make a record of what he has under ob- servation and when such mortals have chil- dren born, he shall make a record thereof; and he shall observe the character of the birth, and the foundation of the child, to- gether with what conditions surrounded the mother of the child. And he shall fol- low the child until it has grown up, mar- ried and begotten a child or children; and so on, to the sixth generation. Div decreed: After he hath served two hundred years he shall be examined by his Lord, and if found proficient in prophesy- ing to the sixth generation, he shall be en- tered as an ashar, on a list of four twelves for every moon's change. But the forty- eight ashars shall not have charge of more than one hundred and ninety-two mortals, unless otherwise specially allotted by the Lord or God in dominion. For four generations, or one hundred and thirty-three years, shall he serve as an ashar. And he shall learn to have domin- ion over his mortal wards day and night without making his presence known to them. To accomplish which he shall be- gin with his wards in their first infancy; re- maining with them whilst they sleep, talk- ing to the spirit of the mortal, teaching and persuading. Div decreed: Having served the full term as ashar, he shall be entitled to exam- ination by his Lord. But herein beginneth a new form of examination, which is that the examination pertains to his wards, as to what kind of fruit he hath sent to hea- ven, the grade of his es'yans being the standard. Div decreed: Having passed the exam- ination as ashar, he shall now be entered as asaph, where he shall serve thirty-six years. Here again his examination shall not be of himself, but of the harvest of his department Div decreed: His examination being complete, he shall now receive emancipa- tion from all preceding departments and decrees; and he shall have his choice in ali places he hath passed, unless otherwise specially detailed by the Lord or God of his division. Div decreed: He shall now be entitled to enter the school of the primary soul. His first lessons shall be in colors and sounds, both of corpor and es. First, be- ginning with gray of not more than three combinations; and when he hath mastered these, he shall have four, five, then ten, then a hundred and so on, until when any combination of colors is placed before him, he can instantly perceive every color, shade, and tint, and the apparent velocity of light, and its actinic force emanating And he shall pursue this study until he can create is es the counterpart of anything in corpor, or create in corpor the counterpart of anything in es. And for sounds, he shall proceed in the same way; first, learning a combination of three, so that when his teacher produces any three sounds together, he can hear them and determine the exact velocity of wave. Then he shall begin with four notes, then five, then ten, then a hundred, and even a thousand, which though made in the same instant, he shall detect every one, and the velocity and force of each. Div decreed: He shall now begin the practice of combining and creating color by sounds, and sounds by colors, both in 210 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI corpor and es. His teachers shall make explosions with and without light, and by his eye and ear only shall he be able to de- termine with what elements the explosions were made. Div decreed: He shall go far away from the explosions, and when the waves come to him, even though he heareth not the explosion, he shall be able to deter- mine by the waves, of what substance the explosion was made, and whether in light or darkness. And if in light, what colors were manifested. Div decreed: He shall now receive in- struction in the sounds of conversation. First, his teacher shall cause him to. hear two people conversing at the same time, missing nothing that is said; then three, four, five, then ten, then a hundred, and then a thousand, but no greater number in this department. Div decreed: He shall now analyze the waves of voice, wherein he can hear the sounds thereof. His teacher shall station him in a certain place and cause him to read the waves of sound that come to him, so that he knoweth not only the words spoken, but the kind of persons speaking or singing. Div decreed: His teacher shall now cause him to read the waves of sound em- ating from two persons talking at the same time, whom he cannot hear, and he shall understand not only the words spoken, but the kind of persons speaking. Then he shall read the waves in the same way for three persons, then four, then ten, then a hundred, and even a thousand. Div decreed: Then he shall be taken to a distance from a battlefield where mortals are in deadly conflict, but he shall not be sufficiently near to hear the sounds; and when the waves come to him, he shall read them and know the number of men in battle, the kind of weapons in use, and the cause of the contention. Div decreed: He shall now be promot- ed to be a messenger between Lords, and between the Lords and God. Div decreed: For one hundred years shall he serve as messenger, and at the end of that time his Lords and God shall ren- der his record, and promote him to be marshal. And now he shall be emancipat- ed from all preceding departments and de- crees to choose whatsoever he will, except when specially required by his Lord or God. Div decreed: For two hundred years he shall serve as marshal, and under as many as forty Lords and sub-Gods, and in as many as twenty heavenly kingdoms. Div decreed: He shall now be promot- ed to Lord, and have dominion over a city or nation of mortals, and over the spirits belonging to that city or nation. CHAPTER XLVIII. Div propounded: If a man be not a Zarathustran, and he die, what shall be done with him? All the members spake and then Div decreed: Inasmuch as he accepted not the Zara- thustrian law whilst a mortal, he is unsuit- ed to the highest exalted places in heaven. His education shall not run to the Lord- head nor to the God-head, for all official preference shall be to the Zarathustrian. He shall not be a column in the Father's building, nor of the arch-stones of great strength, but he shall stand as a plain brick in the wall. Div said: I am not created God merely to serve my time and there an end. But I am to look far ahead as to who shall be Lords and Gods over Earth and her atmos- pherea. Div propounded: What then shall be the course of a spirit who was not a Zara- thustrian, and after the members had spo- ken, Div decreed: He shall be delivered to the asaphs, who shall enter him in the nurseries as an es'- yan, where he shall remain six years, learning elementary powers and expres- sions. Div decreed: He shall then be appren- ticed in manufacturing and general labor, where he shall serve twelve years, unless previously instructed in these things whilst a mortal. Div decreed: He shall now enter a school and learn surveying and measuring without instruments, and determining what kind of emanations rise from the earth, their altitude and density; and he shall learn exploration; and enumeration in both corpor and es; the building of piedmazrs and otevans; the constructing of arrow ships, and all other vessels used in CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 211 the heavens to carry things from place to place. And he shall serve thirty years in these things. Div decreed: He shall now be promoted to restoring, nursing and caring for the drujas who are being rescued by the cap- tains, generals and Lords, in which ser- vice he shall serve for thirty years. Div decreed: Whatsoever service he did in mortal life in any of these things, shall stand to his credit two-fold in heaven. Div decreed: If he now acknowledge and practice faith in the Great Spirit, Jeho- vih, he shall be promoted to the college of creation, and taught to create light and darkness. After this he shall be taught to sar'gis flowers, trees and clothes, and to take elementary lessons in music and ora- tory, in which branches he shall serve fifty years. And then, he shall be entitled to examination, and if he can withstand the third grade of light, he shall be ranked Bridegroom to Jehovih. Div decreed: If he does not yet com- prehend faith in the All Person, he shall be granted freedom to all the places where hath served, and he shall be emancipated from all Lords and Gods, and from all la- bor and education, and honorably dis- charged, to pursue whatever he desires in heaven or earth. Nor shall the Lords nor Gods take more notice of him than due respect and honor. Div decreed: Because of the latter class rise the false Gods and false Lords, who oft set up kingdoms of their own in atmos- pherea, they shall not rise above the sec- ond resurrection. The Voice of Jehovih came to Div, saying: Without false Gods and false Lords, the lowest drujas would never be put to work. They who cannot be risen by persuasion, may be aroused by less scrupu- lous masters, who make slaves of them. CHAPTER XLIX. The Voice of Jehovih came to Div say- ing: That My Lords and My Gods may not err, thou shalt promulgate the founda- tion of the Divan law. Div perceived, and decreed: This is the foundation of Divan law: The decrees of God and his sub-Gods, Lord Gods and Lords. A kingdom in heaven riseth or falleth by Divan law. A kingdom or nation on the earth riseth or falleth by Divan law. The virtuous are rewarded and exalted by Divan law; the wicked are cast into trials by the Divan law. Those who are one with the Divan law, are free from the law; but those who reject me and my kingdoms are bound by Divan law. But this is not Divan law: Man to be created; to live a time on the earth, then die and enter heaven. These are done by the Ever Presence of the All Light, the Creator. This is Divan law: To assist man out of darkness into light; to give security to the helpless; to raise the souls of men to everlasting light; to minister unto the needy; to deliver them that are in pain; to teach man to desist laboring for himself; and to teach him to labor for others. But this is not Divan law: For seed to grow; for a tree to grow; for the spider to weave its web. These are done by the Ever Living Presence of the All Master. This is Divan law: To regulate the af- fairs of angels and mortals, for their ulti- mate resurrection; to lay the foundation for harmony in community; to gather to- gether the inharmonious and put them in tune. But this is not Divan law: To provide the earth with life, or to hold it in its place; to build the place of the higher or lower heavens; or provide corpor or to provide es. These things are done by the Ever Presence of the Creator, and shaped and molded by His hand through the Chiefs of the higher heavens. This is Divan law: To bring together in marriage wisely for the child's sake, and for the joy of all. But this is not Divan law: To give de- sire to marriage, or desire from marriage. These are from the All Person, the Master Light. This is Divan law: When a man walk- eth along, to take him by the hand and bend him to the right or left. But this is not Divan law: For the ' man to go forth. This he doeth by the Ever Presence of Jehovih, the Ormazd. 212 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI A carpenter buildeth a house, but he built not the logs nor the stone. The Diva buildeth kingdoms in heaven and on earth, and shapeth them for usefulness and beau- ty; and when they are old and useless the Diva abandoneth them, and they fall to pieces. Nevertheless Ormazd provideth the wherewithal for the whole. Div decreed: My Lords shall promul- gate the foundation of Divan law on earth and in heaven, so that mortals shall not worship Divan law. darkness quibble on the husks, but discern not the fruit within. Jehovih spake to Div saying: Man buildeth a house and it perisheth. Suc- ceeding generations must also build, other- wise the art of building would perish. Bet- ter that the building perish than the art of building. I created all men to labor and to learn. What less requireth My Gods and angels? Because language melteth away My Lords and ashars have constant employment. CHAPTER L. In the sixth session of Diva, Div de- creed: The Divan law shall be the higher law; and ye shall give to mortals a law copied after it, and the mortal law shall be called the lower law. One of the members of Diva asked: If a mortal judge sit in judgment between cer- tain men, by which law shall he judge? On this subject the members spake at great length, and Div decreed: He cannot discern the higher law but dimly; the lower law he can read plainly in a book. He shall therefore judge by the lower, but by the highest interpretation. Div said: The priests of the Zarathus- trians who have carried the alms-bowl, and lived in all things pure, being celibates and serving Ormazd only by going about doing good, have the higher law, the Divan law, and they shall judge by it. Nevertheless trouble cometh not into the world by those who strive to do right, but by those who evade. The time shall come when the judge shall not interpret according to the higher law, but he will strive to hide justice in a corner, using words to conceal his own perversion. It is by such men and such angels that hea- ven and earth will be blighted in time to come. For as through Zarathustra, Jehovih's Word hath been established on the earth; and since words themselves perish and are supplemented by new words, the time shall come when the higher law will fail, as a house on sand. For there are no words that are everlasting, and that are understood by all men alike. Words themselves are but as husks that surround the corn. Men in CHAPTER LI. Div propounded: A man and woman in mortal life were as Druks, being filthy and idle, begging from day to day, and yet they had born to them many children. And the children were also lazy and worthless, being beggars also. Now in course of time the man and woman die, and in time after, the children also, and none of them are yet entered into the first resurrection in heaven, being beggars still and dwelling around their old haunts. What shall be done with them? The Lords all spake on this subject, and then Div decreed the first Divan law to rule the Druk: Such spirits shall be reported by the ashars to the Lord, and the Lord shall send a captain with a sufficient army to bring them away from the earth, and enter them in a colony for such purpose. Div decreed the second Divan to rule the Druk: For thirty days such drujas shall be clothed and fed. If by this time they manifest no inclination to labor but are still lazy, they shall be removed to a re- gion where food can only be obtained by exertion." Div decreed the third Divan law to rule the Druk: This law shall also apply to mortals. Through the ashars shall they be inspired to migrate to cold and unproduc- tive regions. Div said: Herein hast Thou wisely planned, O Jehovih! For all Thy places in heaven and on earth shall be subdued and made to glorify Thee! CHAPTER LII. The Diva enacted many acts after the maner herein related, and the number was so great that all the spirits in heaven and CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 213 mortals on the earth, were far-planned, from their birth until they became Brides and Bridegrooms in heaven. Copies of these Divan laws were given to mortals through the Lords and ashars, either by inspiration or by words spoken in sar'gis. And in Jaffeth, Shem and Ar- abin'ya mortal kings decreed mortal laws based on the Divan laws. And heaven and earth became as one country, with one king, who was God; and his word ruled over all. And the Lords' kingdoms prospered, and the king- doms of the sub-Gods and Goddesses. And there were rites and ceremonies, and rec- reations, and games, and pageantry on the earth and in heaven, so great that one might write a thousand books thereon, and not have told the tenth part. So after God had reigned one hundred and ninety years, he descended from his heavenly place, and went about in all the Lords' dominions, and the sub-Gods' do- minions in the lower heavens, that he might rejoice before Jehovih for the great works he had done. And in all these hea- venly places there was great rejoicing be- fore God; and the es'enaurs made and sang songs of rejoicing; and the trumpeters and harpists proclaimed the glory of Jehovih's Presence. And God had the people numbered, that the Gods of the etherean worlds might send in dan for the great resurrection; and the xiumber of Brides and Bridegrooms to Je- hovih was found to be sixteen thousand million. Then God directed his fire-ship to run close to the earth, that he might survey mortals and their kingdoms. And he vis- ited all the great nations -of the earth,, to the south and north, east and west. And now his soul cried out in great sorrow be- cause the great peoples of the earth were turning celibates! And the Voice of Jehovih came to him, saying: Hoab, My Son, why sorrowest thou? And God answered saying: Be- hold, the earth is not peopled over; the plains and mountains are not subdued; the wilderness is filled with beasts of prey; the Zarathustrians are running into the same line as the Thins; they kill nothing; they live for the soul only; and since they have learned the bondage of the lower heavens they will not marry and beget offspring. Then Jehovih spake to God, saying: Call not down a'ji nor ji'ay, My Son! Fear not! In ten years, behold, I will bring Earth into dan, and thou shalt bring thy harvest into My emancipated worlds. So God sorrowed no more. And on his return to Mouru in the following sessions of Diva, there were passed one hundred and eight supplemental Divan laws. And so great was the power of the Zarathustrian religion on the earth that war ceased, and the tribes and nations dwelt together in peace. The people ceased to build large cities, and ceased striving for the things of earth. But they learned little except rites and ceremonies, prayers and hymns of praise to Ormazd, and to His Gods and Lords, and to Zarathustra, the All Pure. So Jehovih brought Earth into the re- gions of dan, and sent seven ships, and de- livered God and his harvest of sixteen thousand million angels, into places of de- light, the Nirvanian fields of Niscrossawot- cha, in etherea. Thus ended the dominion of Hoab on Earth, whose greatness had never been sur- passed. CHAPTER LIII. Then God bewailed the state of Earth, because man ceased to love anything thereon. His whole mind and heart were set upon heavenly things, and the earth was becoming like a neglected farm grown up with weeds and briers. So Jehovih an- swered God's prayers, saying: Behold, I will bring darkness upon Earth from every side. See to it then, My Son, for not only will man desire of the earth, but the angels in thy high heavenly places will for- sake them, and go down to the earth. And so it was; Jehovih brought ji'ay upon Earth, and it was in a state of dark- ness for four hundred years, and the sun shone not, but was like a red ball of fire, and corporeal things were without lights and shadows. And men's minds and hearts took after the nature of the corporeal world, losing sight of Ormazd and His heavenly promises, and they bethought them of the desires of earth, and of the pleasures of the flesh-life. Now during ji'ay there fell perpetual atmospherean 214 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI substance on the earth, of which the nature and kind of which the earth is made, but much more rarefied. And the plateau of Haraiti and Zeredho were driven down to the earth and near the earth; and the belt of meteoris was moved nearer by thousands of miles, and meteoric stones fell in many places upon the earth, like a rain shower, but burning hot, and with suffocating smell. And the affairs of mortals were changed; they built new cities, and became great hunters, ap- plying the wisdom of their forefathers to the matters of the earth. And the heavenly places of delight were broken up and de- scended to the earth; and the angels were cast upon the earth, turning away from faith in Ormazd, seeking joy in the affairs of earth. And God and his Lords were powerless unto righteous works, either with mortals or angels. But man and woman became prolific, and they grew large, and full of resolution and power. The Voice of Jehovih spake to God, saying: Maintain thou thy kingdom; and thy Gods and thy Lords under thee shall also maintain their kingdoms. Nor suffer thou My people to be discouraged with My works. Because I have sent darkness upon Earth to benefit mortals in mortality, so have I also given My heavenly hosts les- sons in My es worlds. Nor shall they call this a judgment upon them, nor say that I do these things in anger, nor as punish- ment, nor for benefit of one to the injury of others. Because thou wert guided by My voice and My commandments in be- stowing the Divan law, behold the strength and wisdom of thy pupils! For inasmuch as they learn to master the elements I cre- ated in atmospherea, so will they become triumphant in My etherean worlds. God perceived, and he and his Lords and sub-Gods fortified their kingdoms on every side, and provided assistance to their colleges, factories, hospitals and places of education, in order to maintain the angels who had sought resurrection. Neverthe- less, many angels believed a new or- der of light was coming on Earth, wherein Earth would become the all high- est abode for angels and Gods. Others having lived two or three hundred years in atmospherea, and never having been in eth- erea, began to disbelieve in the higher hea- vens, and finally to disbelieve in Jehovih, also. And in two hundred years later, God and his Lords lost influence and power with both angels and mortals. And the latter took to war, and the angels who had ministered unto them became wanderers and adventurers, without organization, and cared neither for truth nor wisdom, but flattered mortals for their own glory. And the kings and queens of the earth built temples for their familiar spirits, who as- sumed the ancient names of Gods and Lords. Now, when the next dan was near at hand, God enumerated his upraised hosts, and there were prepared as Brides and Bridegrooms for Jehovih's higher heavens twelve thousand million. And because it was less than the number of his predeces- sor, he cried out unto Jehovih, bewailing his weakness. And Jehovih answered him, saying: Bewail not, My Son! Thou hast done a great work. Neither ask thou that thou mayest remain another dan, for the next will not be so fair a harvest. So God grieved no more, but bestowed his king- dom on his successor; and his Lords did likewise, and so did his sub-Gods and all other persons having proteges. And God called together the Brides and Bride- grooms; and Jehovih sent down from eth- erea five great ships of fire, and "delivered God and his hosts into the emancipated worlds. CHAPTER LIV. In the twelve hundredth year after Frag- apatti, in the east colony of Haraiti, one Ctusk, a former Lord of Jehovih's host, re- nounced Jehovih, the Creator, and falsely proclaimed himself Ahura, the All Master; and he took with him three Lords of grade eighty-eight, and one thousand six hun- dred students of eight hundred years' res- urrection, none of whom were less than grade sixty, and were sufficient to pass as Brides and Bridegrooms. And these stu- dents took with them thirty-six thousand teachers, factors, and physicians, and nurses, all of whom were upward of grade forty. And Ahura appropriated to himself one colony of one hundred and ten million an- gels, together with the colleges, schools, CYCLE OF FRAGAPATT1 215 factories, and all things belonging therein. And the three Lords took their kingdoms, and by annexation made them part of Ahu- ra's kingdom. Now these three Lords' kingdoms comprised the largest habitable places of mortals in Vind'yu and Jaffeth, and the greatest heavenly places of angels in the first resurrection. And Ahura divid- ed up the regions he thus obtained, mak- ing confederate heavenly kingdoms, suffi- cient in number to give place of dominion to all his Lords and Gods, and to make sub-Gods out of all the one thousand six hundred students. And after that, Ahura numbered his people, and there were in his heavens more than three thousand million souls! God sent messengers to Ctusk, who had assumed the name, Ahura'Mazda, admon- ishing and inquiring: My Lord, whom I have loved, who by mine own hand was crowned in the name of Jehovih, why hast thou deserted the Father's kingdoms? Wherein hast thou had cause to complain against Jehovih? Wherein, against me, thy God? O my son, my Lord, say not thou hast gone so far thou canst not return! What canst thou ask of me that I will not grant unto thee? Nay, even judge thou me, and if thou desirest all the heavens and earth in my place, I will abdicate unto thee, and become thy lowest servant, or whatsoever thou wilt put upon me. Ahura returned this answer: Because I have nothing against thee, I have alien- ated myself and my kingdom from thee. I desire not thy kingdom, nor even mine own. Behold, I looked upon thee, and thou wert pure and holy. I looked upon the kingdoms of heaven, and the kingdoms of earth, and they were impure and unholy. Then came certain brother Lords to me, most wise Lords, and they said: A less pure God, a less holy God, would be more efficient. So, I was persuaded to my course. God replied to this, saying: Behold, we have a Diva! Why spakest thou not thus before me, face to face? And thy three great Lords were also Divas; and they were silent on the matter likewise. The Div would have decreed whatever was wise. Because I saw not thy thoughts, nor thy Lords; ye have heaped shame upon me. How shall I send my record to etherea? Shall I say: Behold, certain Lords con- sulted clandestinely, and then concluded to overthrow the Creator? And they have gone and set up a kingdom of their own, calling it the All Highest? Hear me yet, and I will endeavor to speak wisely unto thee. Thy messengers notified me some days since that thou hadst repudiated Jehovih, saying: There is no All Highest Person; I can make myself high as the highest! And thereupon thy messenger gave me a map, saying: Behold thou, here are the boundaries of the king- dom of Ahura'Mazda, the All Sufficient High God! I looked over the map, and beheld its great extent; and I said: He is a great God that can rule over all that! For I knew thee and thy education, which is as great as any Lord's in atmospherea. And thou knowest thou canst not control even a plateau! Canst thou raise thine hand and stay the a'ji, or the ji'ay, or the nebulas? Scarce canst thou change a sin- gle current of wind; nor canst thou cast a drouth on any land. And yet thou know- est there are Gods who can do these things by a motion of one finger! How darest thou, then, proclaim thyself an All Sufficient High God? But I will not rebuke the, for I desire thy love and thy help. I would win thee by any sacrifice I can make. Behold, there is great darkness in heaven and on earth. Wherein I may be short, I will rebuke my- self in after ages. I pray thee, then, return to me, and make exactions upon me and my kingdoms. With thy loss, behold, the Diva is broken up. With thy dismember- ment of heavens, others will follow. Alas, I will not look upon even that which my soul seeth. I plead for thy love and for thy assistance. Nevertheless, if the All Highest Light, for the All Best Good, showeth thee that thou art right, come not to me! I know the Great Spirit will sus- tain me, even though my soul is well nigh crushed to pieces to the loss of so fair a love. To this Ahura replied: How came the thought to me to do as I did, if it be not the wisest, best course? God replied: Because of the long reign of ji'ay, thou wert inoculated with dark- ness; even as a mortal, on a rainy day, los- eth his patience to be wise. 216 CYCLE OF FBAGAPATT1 Then Ahura sent the following message: I have been patient in mine answers; but now I will speak plainly. First of all, thou art All Pure, and Most Wise, above all other Gods. For more than two hundred years I have been a faithful Lord unto thee and thy kingdoms. At first the Great Light came to thee, and a voice came out of the light! Then I feared, and was awe- stricken. Because I believed thee so near the Creator, thine every word and act were to me worshipful. At last I rebuked my- self, saying to myself: Fool! Givest thou worship to man born of woman? Remem- ber thy Creator only. But the times changed; ji'ay fell upon heaven and earth. Our glorious kingdoms were cast down by the great darkness. Then I reasoned, saying to myself: Behold, when we were in light, Jehovih's Voice spake unto us. When the darkness came, the Voice came not. We sat in the Diva, in the altar circle, praying for light from the Father, but it came not. And I said: More we need the Voice in darkness than in light. For a hundred years we saw not the light of the Voice, nor heard the Voice speak. Thou hast said thou heardst it in thy soul! Who is there in heaven or earth that cannot say as much? In my soul I no longer believe there is an All Person. There are great Gods, a thousand times greater than I; but there is the end! Yea, some of those great Gods may have cast the ji'ay upon us. But that is not my mat- ter. There is room for thee and thy peo- ple; here is room for me and my people. Jehovih spake to God, saying: Answer thou not Ahura more. Behold, I will in- terpret him to thee: He will even yet per- suade angels and mortals that it was he who inspired Zarathustra. But he seeth it not himself. Permit him, therefore, to go his way; neither take sorrow to thy soul. Have I not, from the lowest to the high- est, given unto all men even that which they desired? Behold, I can use even bad men in the far future! Ahura will strive to walk upright for a long time, but because he hath cut Me off, he will also cut himself off in time to come. Behold, a mortal man striveth for riches honorably, and when he is rich, his riches cut him off from Me by the ruin he casteth upon his competitors. Nor can he extri- cate himself. Even so will it be with Ahura: His kingdom and his sub-king- doms, and his multitude of officers will cause him to enslave hundreds of millions of drujas, and they will draw him into a vortex from which he cannot escape. So God answered Ahura no more; but neveretheless, his heart was full of sorrow. Now, when the time of the meeting of Diva came, God foresaw that not more than one-half of them would be present, and he feared the questions that might come up. But Jehovih said unto him: Fear not, My Son; for even though many more leave thee, yet shalt thou preserve the Diva to the end of this cycle. So it came to pass that Jehovih stilled the tongues of all the Gods and Lords of the Diva in reference to Ahura, even as if they had never known him. And Ahura sent quizzers to different Gods and Lords afterward, to learn what action the Diva had taken in his case. But when he was told that he had not been mentioned, he becamed angered, and he swore an oath than he would build the largest of all hea- venly kingdoms. Because of the great darkness on hea- ven and earth, God sent hope and promise into all the kigndoms, urging his Lords and his sub-Gods to maintain faith, not only in themselves, but within the hearts of their respective inhabitants. Now, from the time of the secession of Ahura to the next dan would be three hundred years, and God knew this, though the multitudes in heaven and earth knew it not. And God commanded great recreations and extensive labors in order to prevent further dismem- berment. But in the course of a hundred years many were carried away by the ex- travagant stories told about Ahura's king- doms being places of great delight, and of ease and idleness. Ahura's Lords said unto him: Thou shalt adorn thy kingdom; thy throne and thy capital, Ctusk, shall be the largest and most ornamental of all places in the uni- verse; and our sub-kingdoms shall be places of great delight. And Ahura was persuaded, and began self-glorification, and his Lords with him. And in another hun- dred years Ahura had withdrawn and an- nexed unto himself in heaven the following provinces, with their sub-Gods: Etyisiv, CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 217 with seventy million souls; Howwak, with one hundred million souls; Hyn, with twenty million souls; D'nayotto, with eighty million souls; Erefrovish, with one hundred and ninety million souls; the whole of the kingdom of Gir-ak-shi, six hundred million souls; the whole of the kingdom of Soo'fwa, with eight hundred million souls. And all of these confederat- ed in the lower heavens, making the king- dom of Ctusk, with Ahura as Mazda in Chief, the central kingdom. The Diva was by this reduced to seven members, but these remained faithful. And God kept up the standard of resurrection for yet one hundred years more. And then Jehovih sent a region of dan to Earth, and the Most High heavenly hosts descended in fire-ships and took God and his harvest up to etherea. And with all the misfor- tune that befell God and his Lords, there were, nevertheless, six thousand million Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih raised up to the higher heavens. Now, when the etherean hosts came for the resurrection, knowing the darkness upon the lower heaven and the earth, they sent otevans, with heralds and trumpeters around the world proclaiming the resurrec- tion at hand, and asking all who chose, to repair to Mouru, in Haraiti. And the word was whispered throughout Ahura's kingdom: What! Then, of a truth, there must be higher heavens than this! Alas, had we been faithful till now, we had been Brides and Bridegrooms! So potent was this disaffection for Ahura, that five of his Lords broke membership, and re-affiliated with God and his kingdoms. And thus matters stood when God's successor came to the throne. CHAPTER LV. The next dan was five hundred years, and God and his heavenly kingdoms pros- pered before Jehovih. But as to the Lord's kingdoms on earth, and as to mortal king- doms and empires, not much light was manifested in them. Ahura, who had thus falsely taken, and was known by, the name of Ahura'Mazda, established Lords to rule over mortals. And these Lords were in direct opposition to God's Lords; for the latter taught the higher heavens and the All Person, Jeho- vih, or Ormazd, according to the language of mortals. But Ahura's Lords taught only one heavenly kingdom, which was Ahura's, called Ctusk, the All Holy Highest Hea- ven. God's Lords inspired mortals to ever- lasting resurrection; Ahura's Lords in- spired mortals to Ahura's kingdom, and there the end. And since mortals had built temples for their rab'bahs, who were gifted with su'is, the spirits congregated in the temples, and oft appeared in sar'gis, teaching openly their several doctrines. And the ashars that labored for Ahura ex- tolled the glory and the delight of Ctusk. and the wonderful majesty and power of Ahura. But the ashars of God's hosts in- spired and taught of the Unapproachable Great Spirit. For five hundred years were God's hosts confronted with this opposition; and mortals became divided into two great classes of worshippers, especially in Vind'- yu. And just before God's successor came into dominion, he propounded the matter in Diva; whereupon all the members spake at great length. Div decreed: Whatsoever is worship- ped, having comprehensible form or figure, is an idol. He that worshippeth an idol, whether of stone or wood, or whether it be a man or an angel, sinneth against the Creator. This was given unto all of God's Lords, and by them to the ashars, and commanded to be taught to mortals by in- spiration and otherwise. When the time of dan came there were seven thousand million Brides and Bride- grooms raised up to Jehovih's emancipated worlds, and the succeeding God and Lords came into dominion under more favorable auspices, but which were not to continue long. The Diva had extended to fourteen members; and God's Lords had succeeded in securing kingdoms in the principal parts of Jaffeth, Vind'yu and Arabin'ya. On the other hand, the emissaries of Ahura, the false, had been most active in extending the kingdom of their idol. Ahura was most cunning with the last Divan act: In- stead of interdicting it, he altered it, so it read as follows: Whatsoever is worship- ped having comprehensible form or figure, is an idol. He that worshippeth an idol, whether of stone or wood, or whether it 218 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATT1 be a man or an angel, sinneth against the All Highest, who is personated in Ahura'- Mazda, the Holy Begotten Son of all cre- ated creations! Then Ahura, determined to found a second heaven, decreeing to his emissaries as follows: Behold Gir-ak-shi, the heaven- ly region belonging above the lands of He- leste! Thither will I build a new heaven, greater than all other heavens, save Ctusk. And when Gir-ak-shi is well founded, I will people it with many millions of mighty angels. And my hosts shall descend to the corporeal earth; to the lands of Par'si'e, and Arabin'ya, and they shall obsess mor- tals day and night, and inspire them to go to Heleste, where they shall build great cities and kingdoms unto me and my hosts. And when these things are fulfilled, be- hold, I will send my hosts to Uropa, and build there also heavenly kingdoms and mortal kingdoms; and when these are es- tablished, behold, I will send into other countries, one after another, until my hea- venly kingdoms embrace all places, and until all the earth is mine. For I will be God over all, and ye that labor with me shall be my Lords and sub-Gods forever. And my kingdoms and your kingdoms shall be bestowed with glories and ornaments, the like of which has never yet been. Neither shall the Gods of other worlds come against me or mine to carry away my people. They shall no longer flatter them, calling them Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih, a thing none can see or compre- hend. So Ahura and his emissaries went to work to carry out these decrees, and in two hundred years they had inspired the Parsi'e'ans and the Arabin'yans to emigrate by tens of thousands to the land of Heleste, which was inhabited by Druks and wander- ers, full of wickedness. Ahura inspired his immigrants to fall upon the native Druks, and destroy them. Wherein had come to pass that which Jehovih spake in Mouru, saying: They who cannot be risen by per- suasion may be aroused by less scrupulous masters. For whilst Ahura's hosts were slaying the Druks of Heleste by tens of thousands, God's heavenly hosts were re- ceiving their spirits and conducting them away to other atmospherean regions. These, then, were the divisions of mor- tals on earth at this time: First, the Thins, who were the original Faithists. And they were capable of prophecies and miracles to such an extent that all other people call- ed them the sacred people. Neither did the great warriors of other nations and peoples molest them. The I'hins lived secluded and separate from all other people. Nev- ertheless, they were the seed of everlasting life on Earth, and the foundation for rais- ing up prophets and seers unto other peo- ples. Even as the mother of Zarathustra was of the I'hins, so was it with all men and women born into the world with su'is and sar'gis. For being near Jehovih, they had faith in Him, and Him only. The sec- ond race, equally ancient, was the Druks, the barbarian hordes, incapable of inspira- tion, save for their stomachs' sake. And though they were told a thousand times: Behold, ye have a spiritual body! they un- derstood not, cared not, and forgot it a moment after. And though it were said to them: Behold, there is a Great Spirit! they heard it not, nor understood, nor heeded the words. The third race was the Ihuans, born betwixt the I'hins and the Druks. To this race, in its early days, a commandment was given by God not to marry with the Druks, and they had maintained that law amongst themselves by the sign of cir- cumcision. This, then, was the first begin- ning of persecution against Faithists in Jehovih. When Ahura usurped his heavenly king- dom, and appointed guardian angels over mortals, he determined to leave nothing undone in order to overthrow the doctrine of Jehovih, the All Person. So he decreed as follows: Since, by the mark of the cir- cumcision, they have pride in being Faith- ists, I will not have circumcision. After the third generation whosoever hath this mark upon him is my enemy. He shall be pursued, and no profit shall fall to his lot. Suffer not little children to be maimed for my sake; rather let them be circumcised in heart. And Ahura put no restriction upon his mortal followers marrying, and it came to pass that those Druks not slain in He- leste married with the worshippers of Ahura. And about this same period of CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 219 time Jehovih brought Earth into a light region for two hundred years. And when the Diva was in session, Jehovih's Voice spake to Div, saying: Let My Sons be not cast down because of the sins of Ahura; rather be wise and appropriate from his wickedness that which will be good in the end. For as it was not lawful for My peo- ple to marry with the Druks, behold, Ahura hath made a law on his own account against circumcision, and it shall come to pass that by their sins even Druks shall be raised up to learn of Me and My king- doms. And it came to pass that a fourth race rose up in the world, and it was mongrel, being dark and short and less noble. The I'huans were red, and brown, tall and ma- jestic; the I'hins small, white, and yellow. And Jehovih put these marks upon His peoples that the races might be read in thousands of years. Ahura perceived this. One of his Lords said unto him: Thou Ahura, soughtest to disprove Jehovih in this. Ahura said: Behold, there are two senses to all men, the es and the corpor. When one is in abeyance the other acteth. This is su'is. Call together thy companions, and find a remedy; for I will prove all things in heav- en and Earth. For fifty years Ahura and his hosts tried by other means to have born into the world a great prophet and seer, but failed. Ahura said: I know the way of the loo'is; They decoy the Thin men to go with the I'huan damsels. But I have sworn there is no Jehovih; how, then, shall I go to the sacred people? And, after all, such a prophet might prove treacherous to my kingdom. So Ahura commanded his emis- saries to weigh the matter for another fifty years, and then to solve the problem. So Ahura's emissaries inspired thous- ands of experiments to be made, whereby a prophet or seer could be made amongst the mongrels. And Jehovih suffered them to discover that by pressing down the front brain of infants they could be made capable of su'is. And infants were strapped on boards, and another board strapped on the forehead to press the head flat; and every day the headboard was strapped on anew, tighter and tighter, un- til the forehead, which holdeth the corpo- real judgment, was pressed flat, and the judgment of the brain driven up into light-perceiving regions at the top of the head. Ahura thus raised up prophets and . seers, and they were willing instruments in his hands. And he sent into all the divis- ions of the Earth tens of thousands of angels, teaching this to mortals, thus lay- ing down the foundation for his grand scheme of reducing heaven and Earth into his own kingdoms. Jehovih spake in the Diva, saying: Even this permit ye. The Druks will heed more what one of their own people saith as a seer, than if the same thing were said a hundred times over by an I'hin. CHAPTER LVI. The next resurrection was six thousand million souls, and God and his Lords and his sub-Gods had maintained the Diva, and maintained all the orders of heaven and the divisions and kingdoms, except what had confederated with Ahura and his kingdoms. And God and his Lords had preserved their colleges, schools, fac- tories, hospitals and nurseries, and their standard in the temples with mortals. And of mortals who remained Faithists, the I'hins and Lords and ashars held com- mand for the glory of Jehovih. But of the mongrels, who were multiplying fast on Earth, Ahura, his Lords and ashars held command. But alas for the grade of Ahura's host in heaven! In less than one thousand years he had abolished his colleges and schools, save what pertained to acquiring a knowledge of Earth and atmospherea. He taught not his people to look higher for other worlds, and herein he began the work which was in after time to be his own downfall. Jehovih had said: Whoever provideth not a philosophy for the endless acquisi- tion of knowledge, dammeth up the run- ning waters I have made. Suffer Ahura to teach what he will; the time will come when he will be obliged to find an outlet for My created beings. And rather than acknowledge Me in My Person, he will profess to send souls back to earth to be re-incarnated. 220 CYCLE OF FBAGAPATTI Ahura's heavenly kingdoms numbered more than six thousand million souls, and half of them were little better than drujas, being slaves to certain masters, doing • whatsoever they were bidden without knowing, or desiring to know, the reason therefor. As yet there were six hundred years to pass before another dawn of dan, in which God, his Lords and their people had faith that Jehovih's hosts would come from on high to help deliver heaven and Earth out of darkness. On the other hand, Ahura, although having been taught the cycles in his early education, spread the word abroad in heaven and Earth that there were no cycles; that, as things are, they had been, and would continue to be. So, as much as God's hosts prophesied a coming light, Ahura and his hosts prophesied that nothing of the kind would come. Ahura, moreover, sent the follow- ing order to his Lords, to be taught in heaven and earth, to wit: Am I not he who inspired Zarathustra, the All Pure? Spake I not to him, face to face? Are not all created things mine own? Who, then, knoweth but that I will light up the world again? Behold, I am the Personation of Ormzad, Who was Voidance, but now is me, Ahura' Mazda. In me only is life and death and resurrection. Whosoever call- eth: Ahura'Mazda, Ahura'Mazda! is mine, and within my keeping. Suffer not thy judgment to be warped by prophets who hope for impossible things. In the sixth dan and the eightieth year, Ahura's numberless heavenly kingdoms began to be disturbed by his sub-Gods' lack of advancement, and so, sixty of them congregated together and appealed to Ahura, saying: In reverence to thee, O thou All High- est God! Many hundreds of years have we served thee. And we have paid thee trib- ute whenever thou hast required it of us. We have helped to adorn thy capital, Ctusk; with diamonds and pearls we have laid thy streets. Thy mansions have we built with .precious gems. And as to thy throne, what one of us is there but hath contributed to glorify it before thee? Yea, in all things have we been most loyal and tributary to thee. Nor are we unmindful of our own wisdom. We remember thy arguments of old. Thou didst say to thy God: Behold, thou hast long promised we should be raised to more exalted king- doms, but, behold, two hundred years have elapsed, and there is no advancement. This thou didst use as an argument for se- ceding from thy God's kingdoms. Behold, now we have served thee and thy king- doms more than a thousand years. We come to thee to know wherein we can now serve thee that thou mayest exalt us into kingdoms commensurate with our wisdom and power? To this Ahura replied, saying: Most humble and well-meaning Lords and sub- Gods, why came ye not before me, face to face? Why have ye consorted in private? Was not my capital, and my throne, the proper place for your argument? Had ye suggested anything whereby advancement was possible unto you, I had answered your demands. But his Lords and sub-Gods came not before him, but sent this answer, to wit: As thou promised us advancement pro- vided we served thee, so promised we our ashars, and our marshals and captains. Now they come to us, saying: For hun- dreds of years have we served: Give us preferment. But we have nothing to give. Think not, O God, that we are unwise, or that we hunger and come begging; or that diadems, or gems, or costly thrones, would satisfy us. We know what thou hast to give — promises! We know every corner of thy vast kingdom, and that all places are full, and that thou canst not exalt us. Wherefore, then, should we have spoken before the throrie in Ctusk? Would not our voices but breed mischief amongst thy other Gods and Lords? Rather let us err ourselves, than that we should injure thee and thy kingdoms. Hear us then, O Ahura'Mazda: Whence the desire for endless advance- ment if this heaven be all? If a little knowledge giveth power, wherein is not great knowledge desirable? We have destroyed our great colleges, saying: Higher than we, ye must not go! Remem- ber thou, O Ahura, we were students un- der the Faithist's God and Lords when thou secedest; and thou saidst unto us: Behold the long training of your course; a curriculum of a thousand years! Come CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 221 with me; I will give you kingdoms at once! So we came to thee, and we were suddenly puffed up with great pride. Be- hold now, we look abroad, and the same stars shine upon us. We have not visited them. We know not how to go so far. The countless etherean worlds lay far be- yond ours. We are told that they are hab- itable. We know not. We have no knowl- edge enabling us to get away from these heavens; save, indeed, back to the filthy Earth. To this Ahura replied, saying: It is plain to me ye are beside yourselves. This heaven is good enough. If there be higher heavens, let them come or stay. I go not to them. But, in truth, with your present convictions, I would be an unwise God not to grant you dismissal from my king- doms. This ended the matter, and the sixty sub-Gods then deliberated on their course, and finally sent to God, in Mouru, the fol- lowing address: In reverence to thee, God of the Faithists in Jehovih: We have had sub-kingdoms, and know our rank is beneath thine. But we are reaching out- ward and onward; to thee we submit our cause. First, then, there are sixty of us, of the rank of sub-Gods, and we hold seven hundred million subjects. Disaffection hath risen betwixt ourselves and Ahura'- Mazda, from whom we are alienated. But shall we unite our hosts into a new king- dom of our own, or affiliate with some mighty God, that is our question? What preferment canst thou give unto us if we turn our subjects over to thee? God answered them, saying: Brothers, hear me patiently, and consider my words. First, then I am not God of the Faithists, nor of any other people, but God of the lo- cality which was assigned me by the Fath- er, through His Son. Neither can ye give your subjects unto me; for by my service to Jehovih I can have nothing, and, least of all, my brothers and sisters. In the next place, I can give you no preferment; I have nothing, neither to give nor to sell. Wherein the Father giv- eth me wisdom and power, I impart them unto others. Besides, until ye have also learned to know that ye have nothing, nei- ther subjects nor jewels, also desiring nothing, save wisdom and strength to im- part to others, how hope ye to gain ad- mittance into my places of learning? And lastly, since ye have kingdoms of your own already, raise ye them up, and thus prove unto me your just merit. To this the confederated Gods replied: What meanest thou? That Gods and an- gels must labor for others than them- selves forever, and receive nothing there- for? God answered them: Even so; save and except ye shall receive an abundance of happiness, and it will endure forever! Here the matter ended for two years; and the sub-Gods, understood not the plan of Jehovih's kingdoms. But their kingdoms were out of sorts, having no head; and hundreds of thousands of their subjects were deserting them and return- ing down to the corporeal Earth, becom- ing wanderers and drujas. Finally the sub-Gods again appealed to God in Mou- ru, inquiring: Is not God a God, whether he be for another or for himself? Behold, we have helped to build up Ahura; he is a mighty God! If we affiliate with thee, we will la- bor to build thee up also. Yea, we will adorn thy throne and thy great heavenly city. But since we have been sub-Gods we desire not to enter thy service as menials and servants. What, then, shall we do, that both thou and ourselves may have honor and glory? God answered them, saying: Ye can- not serve me; I have no servants. Serve ye Jehovih only. Behold, we are all broth- ers, being sons of the same Great Spirit. As for building me up, sufficient is it for me that He who created me will build me up according to my just deserts. As for adorning my throne, ye can only bring substance to it from the lower kingdoms, which I desire not. Why will ye adorn the heavenly city of Mouru? Behold, it is but a resting place on the great journey to the kingdoms of endless light. In a few hundred years, at most, not only I but my hosts will rise from this place to return not to it forever. And lastly, to be a self-God, as is Ahu- ra, is to own all things possible, and hold on thereto; to be a God as I am, is to own nothing, and to retain nothing; but to be forever giving away all one receiveth. 222 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI Said I not to you before: Begin with your own hosts and exalt them. Inasmuch as ye asked for subjects, behold, the Father gave unto you. Think not that he will suf- fer ye now to cast them aside or barter them off. Nor shall ye suffer them to be- come wanderers, nor to return back to the Earth as drujas. As much as ye raise up the kingdoms that have been intrusted to you, so will ye also be raised up. Nevertheless, if ye desire to affiliate with Jehovih's kingdoms, the way is open unto you; and your first labor would be, to gather together all your own hosts, and to labor amongst them, teaching them wis- dom, strength and individuality equal to yourselves; and when the lowest of them all is so risen, then can ye enter the king- doms of the Father. As ye have had the profit of your subjects for hundreds of years, return ye now unto them service for service. Jehovih is Justice! The sub-Gods made no answer to this for a while, but Jehovih moved upon their hearts, and they perceived wisdom and justice, and they repented, bitterly be- wailing the loss of the thousand years in which they had espoused kingdoms. But they had neither power nor learning suf- ficient to extricate themselves; so they pe- titioned God for more light. Whereupon, God affiliated them, and appointed Vishnu Lord unto them and their hosts. And Vishnu took three hundred thous- and laborers, and went with them to Mai- traias, a heavenly place to the west of Vind'- ias, a heavenly place to the west of Vind'- yu, and there established a Lordly divis- ion, with messengers in connection with Mouru, in Haraiti. And Vishnu sent his captains with sufficient forces, under com- mand of the sub-Gods, to arrest such as had become wandering spirits, or had re- turned to the Earth as drujas. And whilst these were on this duty, Vishnu organized his Lord-dom, and this was the first Lord- dom established in heaven, as the lowest kingdoms had heretofore been on the Earth and with mortals. Jehovih's Voice had spoken to God in Diva, saying: Behold, the time is Coming when the sub-kingdoms of Ahura, the false, will begin to revolt. And they have thousands of millions of slaves who will strive to go back to the Earth to dwell with mortals. They dwell in darkness, and thou shalt not suffer them to regain the Earth, lest the races of men go down in darkness, even as before the submersion of Pan. For which reason, thou shalt es- tablish a Lord-dom, and raise a sufficient army to shield the inhabitants of the earth. And thou shalt make Vishnu thy Lord in My behalf. When it was known in Ctusk, the heav- enly place of Ahura, that sixty sub-Gods, with their hosts, had affiliated with Jeho- vih's kingdoms, general disobedience to Ahura was manifested by the remaining sub-Gods, of whom there were yet more than eight hundred, who had within their dominions upward of two thousand mil- lion angels, all slaves, with knowledge of no other heavenly place than the small pre- cinct where they had been kept in drudg- ery hundreds of years. The Voice of Jehovih came to God, saying: My Son, take advantage of the seed of disaffection in Ahura's kingdom. Send thou an otevan of great power throughout the heavenly kingdoms. And thou shalt put trumpeters in the otevan, and they shall prophesy the dawn of dan within two hundred years. God perceived, and he had his workmen build an otevan of great power; and he provided trumpeters, and sent them forth, saying to them: Ten years shall ye travel in the heavenly places around about the whole earth, prophesying. In less than two hundred years Jehovih's etherean hosts are coming. Prepare ye for the res- urrection; His kingdoms are open for the weary; His Lords and Gods will give you rest! Ahura summoned his council of false Gods, hoping they might invent a remedy to counteract so great a prophecy. And he and his Council sat forty days and forty nights in their heavenly capital; but there was no high light amongst them, merely each one giving his opinion. But at the end of forty days Ahura resolved upon the following method, to send a prophecy of his own. Accordingly, he had an otevan built, and sent trumpeters forth with these words, to wit: I, Ahura'Mazda, Only Son of the All Nothing Presence, personated in my Very- Self, proclaim from my All Highest Heav- CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 223 enly Judgment Seat! Hear my words, O ye Gods, and tremble! Hear me, O ye angels, and fall down! Hear me, O mor- tals, and bow down to my decrees. Be- hold, I sent my fire-ship, prophesying that in less than two hundred years I would come in a dawn of dan! But ye obeyed not; ye were defiant before me! Then I swore an oath against all the world! Ye shall know my power! Then I came down out of my holy, high heaven; and I am al- ready come. Now is the dawn of dan! I send my trumpeters first; after them come my lashers and enchainers, whose captain is Daevas, whose God is Anra'mainyus. I will have mine, and I will give Druks and drujas by thousands and tens of thous- ands over to everlasting torments. Ahura's Gods had become acquainted with him, during the hundreds and hun- dreds of years, and they no longer trem- bled at his commandments. In their hearts they knew he could not do what he professed; they knew his prophecies were vain boastings. Yea, his very trum- peters believed not what they proclaimed. CHAPTER LVII. In the one hundred and eightieth year preceding the dawn of dan; that is, two thousand nine hundred and twenty years after Fragapatti and Zarathustra, Jehovih sent swift messengers with six thousand etherean loo'is from the Nirvanian fields of Chen'gotha in etherea. And the swift messengers brought the following message to God of Earth: Greeting to thee, God of the red star and her heavens, in the name of Jehovih! By the love and wisdom of Cpenta-armij, Nirvanian Goddess of Haot-saiti, we speak in the Father's name. Peace and joy be unto thee, O God, and to thy sub-Gods and Lords, and Lord Gods and Goddesses. One hundred and eighty years of darkness will now come upon thy kingdoms. And then the darkness will go away, and dawn will be in the place thereof. And in the time of the great darkness, behold, the na- tions of the earth will go down. But the light of the Father's Presence will not be destroyed. A little seed shall endure amongst mortals. That that seed may be propitious to the labor of thy Goddess, who will come in that day, she sendeth herewith two thousand etherean loo'is for Vind'yu; two thousand for Jaffeth, and two thousand for Arabin'ya. And thy God- dess decreeth that thou shalt appoint unto these loo'is one of thy Gods, high raised, and he shall go with them, and his labor shall be with them. And the business of this, thy God, and of these, my loo'is, shall be to raise up heirs and followers, who shall be grown to maturity when I come. For through these that they raise up will I deliver the Father's chosen out of the afflictions that will be upon them in that day. To this God replied: In the name of Je- hovih, greeting and love unto Cpenta-ar- mij, Goddess of Haot-saiti. I receive thy loo'is with joy, and I appoint unto them my favored God, Yima, God of a thousand years' tuition, namesake of Yima, son of Vivanho, the sweet singer. So the swift messengers, with due cere- monies, left the six thousand etherean loo'- is and then departed. And God sent mes- sengers to Yima, commanding him to come to Mouru at once, deputing his assistant God to take his place and retain it until dawn. So Yima appeared presently before the throne of God, and the latter instructed him in all that had been commanded from on high. And Yima sent word to his for- mer kingdom for a thousand of his attend- ants, and they came also. Meanwhile, Yima conferred with the loo'is, who ex- plained to him all that they required. And after this they provided a piedmazr, and descended to the earth, to Jaffeth and Vind'yu and Arabin'ya. And Yima stationed his piedmazr mid- way betwixt the three countries, in the first plateau above the clouds, and called the place Hored, in honor of the first heaven- ly kingdom on the earth. And when he had founded his place and named it, he sent word to God, Jehovih's Son, who gave him five hundred messengers, mostly col- lege students. And God gave them, to re- turn, heine currents, so the ethereans could be supplied with regimen of their own or- der. Yima made the watches twenty-four hours, changing at sunrise every morning, and arranged so that one-half was on watch and the other half remained as relief watch. And he called in all ashars from the regions 224 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI of mortals where he designed labor; and when they had assembled in Hored, he thus addressed them, saying: Behold, it is yet one hundred and eighty years till the dawn of dan. At that time Cpenta-armij, Goddess of Haot-saiti, situ- ated in the Nirvanian fields of Chen-gotha, will come in the Father's name, and with wisdom and power! But until that time, great darkness will be in heaven and earth, especially in these regions. And it shall come to pass that the worshippers of Ahu- ra'-Mazda, will triumph in these lands. They will build great cities and kingdoms, and they will rule over the I'huans to great injury. But the Druks will be redeemed to everlasting life during this period; for the mongrels will wed with them, and their progeny will be capable of receiving light, even in mortality. But these mongrels will be great savages, nevertheless, and there will be cannibals over all these three great lands. And they that are slain in bat- tle will be cut up and put in vessels with salt, and their flesh will be thus preserved for food. But because the I'huans, who are Zara- thustrians, will not war, they will be en- slaved by the mongrels, except those who escape to the forests. And betwixt celibacy and torments, the Zarathustrians will have great suffering and bondage, and many of them will be discouraged and lose faith in the Creator. . But that their seed may be preserved and delivered out of bondage, ye shall raise up many who are capable of su'is; and in the time of dawn they shall be rescued from their enemies. Behold, here are present etherean loo'is who will go with you throughout these lands and survey the people, and provide also for such great lights as shall lead the people. After Yima thus instructed the ashars in a general way, he handed them over to the loo'is, who divided them into companies of thousands, and each loo'is had one com- pany of ashars. And when this was com- pleted they departed out of Hored, going to their several places. In eleven days thereafter, behold, a'ji began to fall on heaven and earth. The belt of meteoris gave up its stones, and showers of them rained down on the earth, and the sun became as a red ball of fire, and remained so for one hundred and six- ty-six years. And the peoples of Arabin'ya and Vind'yu and Jaffeth fell from holiness; the Zarathustrians gave up celibacy by hundreds of thousands, and married, and begot children in great numbers; many women giving birth to twenty, and some even to five and twenty children. And some men were the fathers of seventy children, and not a few even of a hundred. And the Zarathustrians, even the Faith- ists with the mark of circumcision, went and married with the mongrels, and they with the Druks, so that the foundations of caste were broken -up. So great was the power of a'ji that even the I'hins oft broke their vows and lived clandestinely with the world's people, begetting offspring in great numbers, not eligible to enter their sacred cities. And yet mortals saw not the a'ji; they saw their cities and temples, as it were, sinking in the ground; but they sank not; it was the a'ji falling and condensing. Jehovih had said: Whatsoever I give that feedeth corpor, inspireth man to cor- por; whatsoever I give that feedeth the es, inspireth man to es. And in the days of a'ji, neither angels nor men can inspire mortals with spiritual things, only they that are or- ganically grown in spirit can withstand. CHAPTER LVIII. Jehovih said: When a'ji cometh near a dawn of dan, let My loo'is be swift in duty; far-seeing in the races of men. I not only break up the old foundations of temples and cities in those days, but the foundations of the abuse of the caste of men. My Voice is upon the races of men. To-day I say: Preserve ye the caste of men: marry ye thus and so, every one to their own line. To-morrow I say: I will have no caste, for the races are becoming impoverished in blood; marry here, marry there! And I give them a'ji, and their desires break all bounds, and I raise them up giants and strong limbed. But in those days My loo'is shall fly swiftly and with great power, that a seed may be preserved unto Me and My king- doms. I come not for one race alone; but unto all men; as by My spirit created I them all alive, so is My hand over them to all eternity. And when the shower of a'ji is over, I send My high-raised Gods and CYCLE OF FRAG AP ATT I 225 Goddesses to gather together My flocks, and to proclaim unto them anew My Wis- dom and Power. And those that have been selected and preserved by My loo'is are the foundations of My new order. Ahura took advantage of the age of darkness to sow disbelief in Jehovih broad- cast over earth and heaven, and to gather in his harvest for the glory of his own kingdom. And when war and murder and lust were thus reigning on earth, Ahura decreed to his Lords, and they again to his ashars, and they again to mortals: That all that was required of any man or wo- man was not celibacy, nor carrying of the alms-bowl, nor any sacrifice whatever; but by saying prayers to Ahura'Mazda, and to his Lords, and to praise them was all sufficient; that on the third day after death they would ascend and dwell in Ahura's paradise. Nevertheless, such was not truth, for Ahura's emissaries caught the newborn spirits, and made slaves of them, commanding them to gather regi- men and substance for the glory of Ahura's heavenly kingdoms. In the fortieth year before dawn, the Voice of the Father came to God, saying: Mouru is becoming uninhabitable; Haraiti shall be moved into the earth; Zeredho shall be no more. Go not to Ahura with this prophecy; he hath denied My Voice; he will not hear. But I will take the foun- dations of Ctusk from under him, and it shall go down into earth. But thou, O God, My Son, I forewarn; for thy king- doms and thy upraised sons and daugh- ters shall be preserved through the dark- ness. They shall become My Brides and Bridegrooms; I will prepare a place for them in great glory. Call together the Diva, and I will speak before them, and My Voice shall be proclaimed throughout all these heavens, save in the heavens of Ahu- ra, where My Voice shall not be proclaim- ed. So God called the Diva, and they sat in the sacred circle, and the light, like a sun, gathered above God's head, saying: Come up above Haraiti; behold, I have broken up meteoris; I have fashioned a new pla- teau in the firmament above; whereon are all things plentiful for heavenly kingdoms. Come hither with thy Lord Gods, and with thy Lords, and I will show thee. And when thou hast seen, thou shalt possess the place and begin its inhabitation, taking thither thy hosts of thousands of millions. When the Light ceased speaking, it rose upward, and Div and Diva rose also and followed after; and thus Jehovih led them to the plateau; and it was called Craoshivi; and God and his sub-Gods possessed the place, and laid the foundation for inhabita- tion; and after that he and his Lords and Gods returned and counseled on the man- ner of removal. At this time there were four thousand million Faithists belonging to God's king- doms, most wise and upright, full of pur- ity and good works. But God and his Lords, and Lord Gods, had not sufficient power to remove so many angels, especial- ly as many of them were yet below grade fifty, and hence inclined downward more than upward. So, after due counsel, God decreed to build an avalanza capable of two hundred thousand, and to begin with the highest grades. God foresaw of his own wisdom that he should render unto Vishnu and his Lord-dom a sufficient force to protect the mortals of Vind'yu and Jaffeth and Ara- bin'ya, which were soon to be flooded by the hosts of Ahura being cast down on the earth. Accordingly, he sent for Vishnu, and when Vishnu was before the throne of God, the latter told him all the words Je- hovih had said in regard to Ahura and his kingdoms, to be precipitated to the earth; and told him about the new plateau, Crao- shivi, whither the Light had conducted them. And he further commanded Vishnu to return again to his own place, Maitraias, and survey the dominions, and estimate what force he should require in order to protect the mortals of those three earth divisions. Vishnu replied: As to the latter part of thy commandment, O God, I have al- ready accomplished. For I feared these things might come to pass, and I provided accordingly. The number I will require of and above grade eighty will be six hundred million! For I must have at least one an- gel for each mortal. God answered him, saying: Thou shalt have eight hundred million! Whereupon, Vishnu returned to his own place, Maitrai- as. God immediately sent forth selectors 226 CYCLE OF FBAGAPATTI with power; and they went into all the colleges at;d factories, and other places of Jehovih's kingdoms, and selected out the eight hundred million angels required by- Vishnu, and God sent them to Maitraias as soon as possible. Of the six hundred million angels taken to Maitraias, who had been subjects to Ahura's sub-Gods, besides a hundred million that had strayed off, be- coming wanderers and drujas, Vishnu found thirty million above grade fifty, and these he* appropriated at once, to work in concert with the sub-Gods in building schools, colleges, factories, and all such places required for the elevation of spirits. When he had thus established order, he called together the sub-Gods and said unto them: Think not that I am about to leave you; I am not about to leave you. But ye are not mine to keep; nor are ye hosts of mine. Ye asked for them in the first place, and Jehovih gave them to you. I have restored order; the time is now come when one of you must be chief captain over all the rest, and he shall apportion you according to his highest light. Choose ye, therefore, your captain, and I will give him a judgment seat and badge of office, and ye together shall comprise a Council. For I will make this a kingdom when the majority hath passed grade fifty. The sub-Gods deliberated for eight days, but, perceiving the responsibility of leadership, not one of them would accept the place. So they came before Vishnu, saying: We pray thee, release us, and raise thou up another person, and he shall be our captain. Vishnu said: A certain man and wo- man married, and they prayed Jehovih for offspring, and he answered their prayer, and they had many children. And now, when they beheld their responsibility to the children, they said unto the Great Spirit: We pray Thee, give the responsibility to some other persons. What think ye of them? Now I say unto you, Jehovih heard their first prayer, but not the second. If I serve Jehovih, how, then, shall I answer your prayers and appoint another person in your stead? It is a wise man that rush- eth not into leadership and responsibility; but he is a good man, indeed, who, having gotten in, saith: Now will I go ahead in Jehovih's wisdom and power with all my might. The Gods who are above us come to such a man and help him! Go ye, then, once more into Council, and appoint a chief captain. Hardly had Vishnu said this, when the sub-Gods perceived what was meant by the higher light, and the whole sixty held up their hands, saying: I will serve Thee, O Jehovih! Give me whatsoever Thou wilt! With that, Vishnu commanded them to appoint the one with the highest grade. This they did, and it fell upon Subdga; and accordingly, Subdga was made captain in chief of Maitraias, with rank sixty on the first list. So Vishnu created a judg- ment seat for Subdga and gave him a badge of office. And the other sub-Gods were made captains of divisions, and num- bered according to their assignment, and none of them were humiliated before their former subjects, but became trainers and disciplinarians in new fields of labor. And their former subjects were no longer call- ed subjects, but hosts, and they were lib- erated in all things, except liberty to re- turn to mortals. Hardly had Vishnu these matters set- tled, when the hosts, eight hundred mill- ion, came as the guard and shields of mor- tals. These Vishnu organized, making Maitraias the central throne over them; and he divided them into companies of one million, and gave to each company one marshal and one thousand messengers. And the marshals again subdivided their hosts into thousands, and numbered them, and to each thousand he gave one master, with his quota of messengers. Next, Vishnu divided the three great countries, Vind'yii, Jaffeth and Arabinya, into as many parts as he had appointed marshals; and the lands were mapped out, cities and towns and country places, and each marshal was assigned his place. And there was made a record of these things, with the maps and divisions, and the names of the marshals and masters; and it was registered in the libraries of heaven. So Vishnu's hosts were sent to their places and commanded to give daily reports of their labors, which were to be carried by the messengers to Vishnu. CYCLE OF FRAGAPATT1 227 CHAPTER LIX. In Mouru, God and his officers were using all their strength and wisdom to pro- vide for the removal of his hosts to Crao- shivi. The demand for builders, survey- ors and carriers, with power, was so great that God determined to send trumpeters through the kingdoms of Ahura, the false, asking for volunteers. For this purpose he sent twelve otevans in different direc- tions, some even going through the city of Ctusk, Ahura's capital, and they proclaimed aloud what they wanted. And it came to pass that in less than one year the otevans gathered out of Ahura's kingdoms seven- million angels capable of grade seventy, who were able to fill the places required. This was the most damaging blow of all to Ahura's kingdoms, for he thus lost the wisest and most powerful of his people. And this news went like fire before the wind. His sub-Gods began to revolt against him, claiming their own kingdoms. Many of them openly preached in their heavenly places against him, accusing him of falsehood and of being a mere pretend- er, with little power. Nevertheless, he had great power in the name Ahura'Mazda, for he was believed in heaven, to be the same God, even I'hua'- Mazda, that inspired Zarathustra. And mortals also, living and dying in this be- lief, could not be convinced otherwise. And when their spirits left their mortal bodies, Ahura's angels took them to the heavenly city of Ctusk, where they beheld its glory, shining and magnificent. And they took them in sight of Ahura's throne, but not near it, and they were obliged to crawl on their bellies a long distance even for this purpose. And the throne was kept radiant with perpetual fire. Then they were made to re-crawl their way back again, until out of the city. After that it was said unto them: Behold, we have shown thee Ahu- ra'Mazda's heavenly city and the glory of his throne. Himself thou canst not behold till thou hast performed the service which is required of all souls entering heaven. Nor canst thou come again to this city, most brilliant, majestic, till thou hast served under thy Lords and masters thy allotted time. After that thou shalt come here and dwell in peace and rest and hap- piness forever! And these spirits knew not otherwise, nor would they believe, if told; and they thus willingly made slaves of themselves hundreds of years, carrying provender, or doing drudgery to certain masters who were again serving the Lords and the sub- Gods, going through the same rites and ceremonies in heaven as they were accus- tomed to on earth. But Jehovih provideth for all things, wiser than the wisest Gods. He created His creations with a door on every side, full of glory and freedom. And out of the substance of earth and atmospherea con- joined, He created the animal and vegeta- ble kingdoms. And the trees of the earth, and the flesh of animals he created out of the elements of these two — earth and at- mospherea. And Jehovih created them that in death the corporeal elements should revert to the respective places where they belong. And in the death of a vegetable or of an animal, when the atmospherean part fleth upward, it carries with it a small part of the dust of the earth. Thus the earth giv- eth away of its substance into atmospher- ea, and in course of time, the fields become barren and produce not, and animals be- come barren and cease to propagate and their species go out of existence. And Jehovih created man subject to the same forces, and when Earth is in this period of giving off man loses his desire for the earth, and crieth out for the light of heaven. This giving off period lasts for hundreds of years. Then cometh a time for Earth to receive, and for hundreds of years the atmosphere becomes surcharged with substance from the regions far away, and when it is thus receiving it is called the time of a'ji, because that which falleth is a'ji. When a'ji cometh upon the earth, the drujas come also. The days of the darkness of earth are their delight; their harvest is in the rich falling a'ji; it suiteth their laziness and their inclination to live in idleness. They become in those days like an over-fed animal; and to their mas- ters, the false Gods, they become worth- less, for they derive their sustenance with- out labor. A'ji is their delight; but they are also like a foolish man drinking wine 228 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI with delight, who continueth till his de- light turneth to madness. So the dm- jas feast and disobey their masters; and then they become boisterous and unruly, full of disorder and evil intent, defiant, be- lieving themselves to be Gods and God- desses. Like a beggar with a pocket full of money, who lacketh discipline, and de- termineth to glut his passions to the fill, so it is with the drujas in the time of a'ji. Thus Ahura counted without Jehovih; in his heart he had conceived great power in his kingdom; but the long a'ji told upon his heavenly places seriously. His sub- Gods no longer paid him tribute, to sup- port in ease and glory his five million her- alds, his five million musicians, his five million ceremonious paraders, giving and providing for them constantly new cos- tumes and new palaces and new decora- tions. So, first one and then another of his sub-Gods revolted; and Ahura was powerless to enforce obedience, for so dense was a'ji that whomsoever Ahura sent forth only reveled in sumptuous feast- ings. And it came to pass that, af- ter a'ji set in, over six hundred of Ahu- ra's sub-Gods had dissolved all connection with him; and of the two hundred yet re- maining, who were situated close about Ctusk, Ahura's heavenly place, not ten of them could be relied upon in emergency. At this time Ahura resolved upon re- gaining his lost dominions, and it was like a man having lost heavily at the games, resolving to win or lose all. Accordingly, Ahura set his workmen to building parade ships, fifty thousand. He said unto his re- maining sub-Gods: Behold, I will tra- verse the heavens in such magnificence and glory that all angels and mortals shall fall down and worship me. And surely, too, this time of a'ji must come to an end; and in that day I will remember those that have been faithful to me. And I will also remember, with a curse, those who have been unfaithful to me. For fourteen years the workmen were building Ahura's fleet, and yet they had built but thirty thousand ships. For so great was the desertion of his skilled men that failure met him on all sides. But with these thirty thousand ships Ahura determined to travel throughout all the at- mospherean heavens. Accordingly, he called together his heralds, five million; his musicians, five million; his masters of cere- monies, five million; his masters of rites, five million; his marshals, ten million; his captains, twenty million; his generals, three million; his Lords, one million, and of his sub-Gods, one hundred and fifty, with their attendants, twenty "million; his bearers of trophies, ten million; his light- makers, ten million; his waterers, ten mill- ion; his torch-bearers, five million; his body-guard, thirty million. Besides these there were the bearers of banners, the pro- claimed, the road-makers, the surveyors, the directors, and so on, more than fifty million. And yet the traveling hosts, one hundred million, and waiters for them, one hundred million. In all there were upward of four hundred million spirits that went within the thirty thousand ships, and the ships were not full. And the ships traveled in the form of a pyramid, but not touching one another, and yet fastened together. And the base of the pyramid was four hundred miles wide every way, and four hundred miles high. And the belt of light around about the pyramid was a thousand miles in diam- eter every way; and it was ballasted to run within fifty miles of the earth's surface. Thus set out Ahura for a whole year's cruise in atmospherea; and wherever he went he proclaimed himself thus: Ahura'- Mazda, the Creator! The Only Begotten Son of the Unknowable! Behold, I come; I, the Creator! I have come to judge hea- ven and earth! Whoever is for me I will raise up to Nirvana; whoever is against me I will cast into hell. The pyramid reflected light in its trav- el; and Ahura's emissaries on earth used this as a testimony that all things were about to come to an end; the earth to be cast out, and heaven and hell to be filled up with spirits, each to its place, according to its obedience or disobedience to Ahura'- Mazda. On the other hand, Ahura's re- volted sub-Gods laughed at him; and, as for the over-fed and debauched drujas, they mocked at him. So it came to pass that when Ahura visited his revolted sub- Gods in their kingdoms, in stead of re- gaining their allegiance, he was sent on his way with hisses and groans. And yet never since Earth and her heavens were, CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 229 had there been such great show and pa- geantry. Before Ahura had visited half the king- doms in atmospherea he foresaw the futil- ity of his project; the probable downfall of his own mighty kingdoms began to break in on his heart. Enthusiasm for his name was on the wane, and all his magnificence had failed to restore him to what he had been. Now, whilst he was absent from Ctusk, the capital of his kingdoms, he had deput- ed Fravaitiwagga to reign in his stead, and to maintain the order and glory of his throne. Fravaitiwagga was a deserter from God's Haienne colony in Haraiti, where he had been educated two hundred years, and was expert in primary surveys, and buildings, but impatient for advance- ment beyond his capacity. He had now been with Ahura three hundred years, learning little, but feasting and frolicking, being a great flatterer of Ahura, and given to long speeches and flowery words. Whilst Fravaitiwagga was on the throne, and after the departure of Ahura on his excursion, there came to him one Ootgowski, a deserter from Hestir.ai in Zeredho, who had been in Ahura's ser- vice a hundred and fifty years, but banished from his heavenly place by Ahura on ac- count of gluttony and drunkenness, since which time he had been a wandering spirit, dwelling sometimes in one kingdom and then in another, and oft visiting the earth and gaining access to the oracles, and even to mortal priests, where he represented himself, sometimes as Ahura'Mazda, some- times as God, sometimes a favorite Lord, sometimes Fragapatti, and Thor, and Osire, and, in fact, any name he chose, is- suing decrees and commandments to mor- tals, then going away to return no more. Ootgowski came to Fravaitiwagga, and he said unto him: Greeting to thee, O God, in the name of Ahura'Mazda! Be- hold, I am sent to thee in great haste by our Creator, Ahura; who commandeth thy presence in the province of Veatsagh, where is holden a mighty Council with Ahura's re-affiliated sub-Gods. What pre- ferment Ahura'Mazda hath fashioned for thee I know not. To this Fravaitiwagga answered as followeth, to-wit: Who art thou, and from what king- dom? And above all, why art thou come without heralds and attendants? To this Ootgowski answered, saying: Behold me! Knowest thou not me? I am Haaron, God of Sutuyotha! Who else could come so quickly? W T ho else but I runneth fearless- ly unattended betwixt the kingdoms of the Gods? Fravaitiwagga had been drunk many days, and was so dazed with the pretentious Ootgowski that he took for granted that he was indeed Haaron, a great friend to Ahura. Fravaitiwagga called his Council together and appointed Semmes to be a God in his stead; and so Fravaitiwagga de- parted in an arrow-ship, with messengers, for Veatsagh, which lie in an entirely dif- ferent direction to where Ahura was trav- eling. Semmes, the deputized God of Ctusk, was faithful to his office for four days, and then proclaimed recreation until the trumpet call from the throne. And in this interval the debauchee, Ootgowski, obtained access to the floor of the inner chamber, and induced Semmes to accom- pany him, carrying off all the costly gems and jewels of the throne! And when with- out the capital, they embarked with their plunder in an arrow-ship to some unknown region. For many days the members of the Council waited for the trumpet call, but not hearing it, resolved to learn the cause. And after diligent search, not finding Sem- mes, but discovering that the throne had been plundered of its valuables, they were thrown into great confusion. In two days after this the throne was destroyed, the Council divided and gone, and the heaven- ly city of Ctusk turned to riot and plunder. And there were in Ctusk and near about, upward of four thousand million angels with no God, nor leader, nor any head whatsoever. Thus it came to pass that Je- hovih took the throne from Ahura, as had been prophecied. And whilst this was going on, Ahura was away with his pyramid fleet, being discomfited wherever he went. But in two hundred and twelve days after his depart- ure on his journey, messengers came to him and told him what had happened in Ctusk. Ahura gave orders to sail at 230 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATT1 once for his capital; which was done, and his pyramid fleet hastened with all possible speed. Suffice it, in a few days he was back in Ctusk, a witness to the rioting and plundering going on. But the majesty and splendor of his fleet quieted the peo- ple, and restored order for the time being; nevertheless he was without a throne and without a Council. CHAPTER LX. During the fall of a'ji, God decreed to his Lord Gods, to his Gods and Lords, and Goddesses, as follows: As ye have gathered of the rising atmospherean part of the living earth-substance, so shall ye now turn for your regimen above. It is in heaven now like unto the waters of the earth. When it raineth not, mortals go to the well and fetch up water out of the earth; but when it does rain, they go not to the well for water, but set out vessels, and the rain filleth them. So, in the times of dan, our hosts bring their regimen up from the earth. Wherein ye have many employed as laborers. Behold now, a'ji will rain down upon us sufficient and more than sufficient regimen for one hundred and eighty years. Suffer not, therefore, your laborers to fall into idleness, for this will lead to mischief. But immediately put them to other occupations; allow them to have no spare time. The mathematicians discovered there would fall no a'ji in Yaton'te, nor on the lands of Guatama. So, God sent from several divisions in the heavens laborers for those regions. Two heavenly kingdoms, Gir-ak-shi and Soo'fwa, of Heleste, and Japan, griev- ed God more than all the rest. For these had become strongholds for Ahura, who had pursued the warfare on earth till in those two great divisions all the Zarathus- trians had been put to death. And the mortal kings of those countries had issued laws commanding all people to be put to death who professed the Great Spirit, Or- mazd. And the law had been carried out effectually. So God bewailed Soo'fwa with lamen- tations. He said: O Japan, my beloved, down stricken! How can I restore to thee mortal seed? Thou art afar; no man on thy soil heareth the Creator's voice! How can I carry her; she lieth down with cold feet. Whilst God lamented, the voice of the Father came to him, saying: Hear Me in My wisdom, O My Son. I will not suf- fer Ahura to go thither. Withdraw thy guards from the evilest of men. Suffer him to go his way. Ahura shall be brought home before he visiteth Soo'fwa and Gir- ak-shi. God perceived; and he sent messengers to the guard over Ootgowski, saying to them: When ye come to the guard, even to the captains, ask permission to speak to Ootgowski. And the captain will permit. Whereupon, ye shall say to Ootgowski: My son, thou earnest hither, saying: Put a guard over me, for I am obsessed of Sa- tan. And God appointed a guard over thee. In this day, behold, God sendeth to thee, saying: I will no longer guard Oot- gowski. For his glory he shall enter the kingdoms of Jehovih and become a work- er for righteousness' sake. When the messengers had said this much to Ootgowski, the latter said unto them: God is wise; I volunteered to have myself put under guard, but I am tired thereof. Say to God, his Lords and sub- Gods, I will come to Jehovih's kingdoms and work, for righteousness' sake. But yet a little while I desire rest and travel. So Ootgowski was granted freedom pur- posely, and of his own accord he went and destroyed the foundations of Ahura's throne, as hath been told. And Ahura thus hastened home without completing the travel of the heavens. Jehovih said: Let them call the Cre- ator Ahura'Mazda, and call Ahura'Mazda the Creator. Since He hath not shown Himself in a ship, or in the figure of a man, behold, thy inspirers shall teach His Ever Presence. God perceived, and a record of the name was made and entered in the librar- ies of heaven. And God looked abroad and saw that the same thing was even so in Gir-ak-shi and Heleste. And God entered this also in the libraries of heaven. And the reading thereof, translated, is as fol- loweth: In the land of Heleste, the high- est, most sacred name of the Great Spirit, the Creator, was decreed by God to be Mazda; and the same thing is decreed of Japan. CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 231 Hence it was known from that time forth that the origin of the word Master, as applied to the Creator, sprang from those two countries only, and no other di- vision of the earth. Of this matter God said: In thousands of years this word shall be testimony to mortals of the war in heaven of this day, which reached not to the heavens of these two lands. So God had no footing in Japan nor in Heleste, nor had he sufficient power to es- tablish a God or Lord in either country, or in the heavens belonging to them. And when Diva assembled, God propounded this matter, on which the fourteen mem- bers spake at length. And then Div de- creed: To the swift messengers in at- tendance, and through them to the ether- ean Goddess, Cpenta-armij, deploring of Diva in Jehovih's name: Two heavenly kingdoms and two corporeal divisions have walled themselves about in idolatry. A'ji hath yet six years, and dawn twenty-six. In thirty days thereafter the star-ship, Gee'onea, from Haot-saiti, in etherea, made its appearance in the heavens above, first observed on the borders of the bridge of Chinvat. God sent immediately a swift- rising Ometr to meet the star-ship and conduct it to Craoshivi, whither he had gone with one of his transports, with two hundred million, well selected, to found a new city in heaven. In three days' time the star-ship landed in Craoshivi with one million laborers provided to endure till the coming dawn. After due salutations, Os, chief captain of the ethereans, said unto God: In Jeho- vih's name am I come to possess the hea- venly places, Soo'fwa and Gir-ak-shi, and their lands, Japan and Heleste. This work must be accomplished before dawn; be- fore the coming of Cpenta-armij. Send thou, therefore, thy messengers who know the places, that I may conduct my hosts thither to labor. God then gave messengers to Os, and the latter departed and went to the king- doms named; and it so happened, by the wisdom of Jehovih, that this took place at the same time that Ahura had returned and found his capital and throne demolish- ed. Hence Ahura was powerless to inter- fere with the labor of Os and his hosts. So Os divided his forces and possessed both Soo'fwa and Gir-ak-shi, together with the divisions of the earth belonging there- unto. And Os possessed the corporeal temples of worship, and the places of the oracles, and all places for consulting spir- its. And he taught not the name of Je- hovih, nor of the Great Spirit, nor of the Father; for none of these would be receiv- ed. But this he taught; thus he extolled; thus inspired of the Mazda, the Creator; of the Voice that spake to Zarathustra, the All Pure. To goodness and good works; to self-denial and love; to justice and truth; of mercy and obedience to the all highest light in the soul. CHAPTER LXI. But even Gods fail at times. For by failures do all persons learn there are higher powers. Only Jehovih never fail- eth. In the last month of the last year of a'ji, even whilst God, Jehovih's Son, and his Lord Gods, and his Lords and sub- Gods, were proud of heart that they should carry Earth and her heavens through safe- ly, they met sore trials. A comet came within Earth's vortex, and was drawn in, even as a floating drift is drawn within a whirlpool in a river. The substance of the comet was condensed, and fell on the earth in mist, and dust and ashes. And the earth, and the heavens above the earth, were in darkness twelve days, and the darkness was so great that a man could not see his hand before him. And during those days of darkness there were more than four score hells founded within Ahura's heavenly regions, and he was walled about by more than three thousand million angels; pilfered and stripped of all he had. And his re- maining sub-Gods were also bound in hell and robbed of all they had. And present- ly the angels ran for the spirits of the kings and queens who had been tyrants on earth, and they caught them, and brought them and cast them into hell also, taking vengeance on them with stripes and foul smells. And hundreds of thousands of spirits went and gathered foul smells and cast them into hell, and surrounded the hells on every side with foul gases, so that none could escape. So desperate became the madness upon them, that even the tor- mentors rushed in, making a frolic of mad- 232 CYCLE OF FBAGAPATTI ness. And whosoever had ever had an en- emy on earth now ran and caught him in hada and brought him; and they took and cast him into the tor- ments of hell And those who had been slaves hundreds of years to Ahura and his Gods, now caught every one they could lay hands on, and dragged them into hell. As soon as God's messengers came and told him what happened, God sent all his available forces to overthrow the place if possible. Vishnu, full of hope and cour- age, sent one-half of his forces to God's assistance, thereby risking the guardian- ship of the three great mortal kingdoms, Vind'yu, Jaffeth and Arabin'ya. And God sent messengers to the heavenly kingdoms of North and South Guatama, saying to the Gods of those places: Behold, Ahura, the false, is involved in torments; his hosts are upon him; three thousand million! Send all above grade seventy at once. To Uropa he sent also, saying the same thing, and adding thereto: Alas, my little wis- dom in sending off a thousand million of mine own hosts to Craoshivi at such a time! Craoshivi was the new plateau, difficult of access, and it was scarcely possible to recall his hosts in the time required. And God summoned the Diva, that they might sit for the Father's Voice; and the mem- bers came and sat in the usual way, and Jehovih spake unto God, saying: Peace be unto thee, My Son! Neither regret thou that thou sent thy most exalt- ed hosts to Craoshivi. Did I not lead thee thither? And I said unto thee: Possess this place, and send thou thy hosts hither. Neither grieve thou because I sent the nebulae and the darkness of that time. Is it more to thee to behold these things, than for mortals to witness the spring floods that wash away the summer's com- ing harvest? To learn to provide against contingen- cies, this is wisdom. Yet not All Wisdom is in man's heart, nor yet with My Gods. How canst thou perceive how it is with Ahura's soul, whether this hell be good or evil unto him in the end? If thou behold My sudden power, how much more must not Ahura feel it? Yet thou shalt deliver him out of hell; by thy hosts shall he and his sub-Gods be delivered. But far great- er shall be the torments of his own soul, than what his drujas can heap upon him. Then God inquired of Jehovih, saying: What is the most perfect way, to deliver Ahura and his subjects out of hell? Jehovih answered him, saying: Whom he hath despised, send; whom he hath ill- treated, send; whom he hath humbled, send. And when thy Lords and Gods are come to the place, let these, his abused enemies, take the hand of thy Lord or thy God, and they shall call out to Me in the name, Ormazd, the which name Ahura hath tried to destroy for the glory of his own. And at the sound of the name, Or- mazd, thy hosts shall cast burning light into the faces of the drujas, and thus scat- ter them away till Ahura be released; and he shall witness that he hath been released through the name, Ormazd. God sent E'chad, and Ah'oan, to de- liver Ahura out of hell, and they labored four years in accomplishing it, and then Ahura was free, and his hosts were divid- ed into groups of tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands; and God appoint- ed gene-als and captains over them — all except eight hundred million drujas that escaped from hell and through the guards' fires, and descended back to the earth, to torment and deceive mortals. So Vishnu failed in some degree to save the nations of the earth from the approach of evil spirits. Jehovih spake to Vishnu, comforting, saying: Because thou hast helped to deliver Ahura, thou shalt not take sorrow to thy heart. What are eight hundred million to thee? So Vishnu grieved no more. Now, during the time of the deliverance of Ahura, no less than six knots had been tied in hell, and in one of these Ahura and his sub-Gods had bcome bound, so there was no escape for them. But the outer and extreme knots were untied first, and as fast as the delirious spirits were rescued, they were carried without and beyond the fire-walls and placed un- der guard. Thus in sections was Ahura's hell cast out; and when the deliverers came to Ahura and his confederates they were all, save Ahura, in a state of chaos, frenzied with fear. But Ahura was not be- side himself, though in serious fright. Ah'- CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 233 oan, Lord of Jaffeth, spake to him, saying: In the name of God, and of Ormazd, I have delivered thee. How is it with thee? Ahura said: I am done! I am nothing! One God alone can do nothing. Do with me whatsoever thou wilt. I am thy ser- vant. Ah'oan said: Nay, be thou servant to none save Ormazd, thy creator. His name is the watch-word and the power in all the high heavens. By His name thou shalt become one among Godly com- panions. Ahura said: But thou must torment me first! Ah'oan said: Wherefore? My work is not to cast down but to lift up. So it is with all of Ormazd's Gods. Be- hold thou here, even thy sub-Gods, and such as thou hast in times past evilly used! See, they hold up their hands in prayer to Ormazd for thee! And is not the way of knowing angels and mortals, whether they be of the Creator? If they pull down, they are not His. If they slander or tor- ment, or speak evil of one another, or give pain, they are not His. How, then, shall I not do good for thee and restore thee to thy kingdom? Ahura said: Give me anything, but give me not my kingdom again; for of all torments this is the worst. Ah'oan said: Wouldst thou evilly treat them that had been thy subjects? If so, thou art not of the everlasting resurrection. Ahura said: Nay, I would see them not forever! I would hear them not, know them not forever. If, therefore, thou wilt do me good instead of evil, I pray thee take me afar off and alone, that I may meditate forever on the horrors I have passed through. Ah'oan said: Hear me now, once for all, and I speak in the name of the Great Spirit, Ormazd: Because thou hast served thyself and compelled others to serve thee for nearly two thousand years, thou hast become blind to the Ormazdian law, which is: That thine own peace and happiness can only come by making res- toration to thy servants, and by lifting up those whom thou hast cast down. How can I deliver thee away from them? I may take away thy person, but I cannot deliver thy memory. No man can be de- livered from himself. One way only is open for thee under the Ormazdian law; which is, that thou shalt take thy king- dom again, and deliver it unto righteous- ness, intelligence and good works. Serv- ing Ormazd by doing good unto them whom the Creator gave thee. Many of them have served thee more than a thous- and years,; wouldst thou now cast them off without recompense? Ahura said: Thou art just, O Ormazd! I perceive the wisdom of Thy Gods, and the bondage of man. Take me, O Ah'oan, put me in a way to carry out this great light. Ah'oan said: Hear thou thy sentence, in the name of Ormazd, the Creator; thou shalt be taken to a place of safety, which E'chad shall select; and thither shall thy most exalted people be taken, and put to work and to school, and in nurseries and hospitals; and thou shalt go about amongst them, teaching and encouraging them in industry and righteousness, for Ormazd's sake. And when thou hast cer- tain ones disciplined in this way, thou shalt receive another installment of thy people, and they shall be disciplined in the same way. And then another install- ment, and so on, until thou hast all thy kingdom. And that thou shalt be successful, these, my Lords, and generals, and cap- tains, shall go with thee and labor with thee and thy hosts. - And thou and thy people shall have no ornaments; and your raiment shall be light gray, alike and like, teachers and pupils, save when especially ordered otherwise by God and his depu- ties. And when thou and the majority of thy hosts have risen above grade fifty, thou shalt be crowned in the name of Or- mazd, and thy kingdoms shall have a throne, and thou shalt be one amongst the united hosts of the higher heavens. Till then, go thou to thy labors diligently, and may Ormazd abide with thee in wis- dom and power. Ahura said: Thou art just, O Ormazd. I will henceforth, forever, serve Thee with all my wisdom and strength! And then E'chad and his attendants led the way, and the marshals and gener- als and captains brought Ahura's hosts, the first installment, and they went to a 234 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI place called Ailkin, a heavenly place cap- able of seven thousand million, and there they founded the new colony for Ahura. But Ah'oan and his hosts continued their labors in delivering the hells, until they delivered the four score, and placed all the spirits under guard and discipline. CHAPTER LXII. Thus the cycle of Fragapatti drew to a close, being three thousand one hundred years. And at this time there were but few people on earth or in heaven, even Druks and drujas, but were capable of ev- erlasting life. Jehovih spake to God, saying: Now shalt thou enumerate the inhabitants of earth and heaven, as to all that I have created capable of everlasting life; and of My harvests since the habitation of Earth, when man first walked upright. And their numbers shall be entered in the libraries of heaven, to remain forever. So God called together a Council of mathematicians, and they numbered mor- tals and angels, and recorded their num- ber in the libraries of heaven. In Fragapatti's cycle were born ninety- two thousand million mortals on the earth. Of these ninety per cent, were born to everlasting life. Ten per cent, went into dissolution, as a drop of water evaporates before the sun and is seen no more. In Osire's cycle, ninety-one thousand million. Of these eighty-seven per cent, were born to everlasting life. Thirteen per cent, went into dissolution and were seen no more. In Thor's cycle, eighty-eight thousand million. Of these eighty-five per cent, were born to everlasting life, and fifteen per cent, to dissolution. In Apollo's cycle, eighty thousand million. Of these seventy-two per cent, were born to everlasting life. In Sue's cycle, eighty-seven thousand million. Of these sixty-two per cent, were born to everlasting life, and thirty- eight per cent, went into dissolution. In Aph' cycle, sixty-six thousand mil- ino. Of these fifty-four per cent, were born to everlasting life, and forty-six per cent, went into dissolution. In Neph's cycle, before the submer- sion of Pan, one hundred and twenty-four thousand million. Of these twenty-one per cent, were born to everlasting life, and seventy-nine per cent, went into dissolu- tion. And this comprised one-sixth of the people that had been created alive on the earth since man walked upright; that is three thousand seven hundred sixty-eight thousand million. But in the early days of man only a small percentage were born to everlasting life; and, first of all, only one per cent. And God gave thanks unto Jehovih, the Creator, because all the races of men on earth were now capable of everlasting life. Of the hells and knots springing out of hada since the days of Wan, this was the proportion: In the cycle of Fragapatti, two hun- dred and seventy-six hells, of average dur- ation, thirty years. Involved in these hells, two thousand million angels. Six- ty-four knots, of average duration, two years. Involved in these knots, one thousand million angels. In the cycle of Osire, three hundred and eighty-nine hells, of average duration, four hundred years. Involved in these hells, seven thousand million. Two hun- dred and twelve knots, of average durat- ion, three years. Involved in these knots, three thousand million. In the cycle of Thor, five hundred and ninety-one hells, of average duration, six hundred years. Involved in these hells, nine thousand million angels. Four hun- dred and thirty-six knots, of average dura- tion, six years. Involved in these knots, four thousand million angels. In Apollo's cycle, seven hundred and forty two hells, of average duration, eight hundred years. Involved in these hells, ten thousand million angels. Six hundred and four knots, of average duration, twelve years. Involved in these knots, five thousand million. In Sue's cycle, twelve hundred and seventy-three hells, of average duration, one thousand years. Involved in these hells, thirteen thousand million angels. One thousand and five knots, of average CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI 235 duration, thirty years. Involved in these knots, eight thousand million. In Aph's cycle, three thousand five hundred hells, of average duration, two thousand years. Involved in these hells, twenty-eight thonsand million angels. Two thousand knots, of average duration, fifty years. Involved in these knots, twenty- five thousand million. And these were the numbers of spirits cast into hell and into knots, from the submersion of Pan to the end of the cycle of Fragapatti; but at the dawn of each and every cycle, both the hells and the knots were delivered by the etherean Gods. Save in Fragapatti's cycle, when they were almost entirely delivered by the at- mospherean God. Prior to the submersion of Pan, com- monly called the flood, more than half the people entering the es world went into hell and into knots. And in all ages of the world there have been thousands and millions of spirits who delight in hell for certain seasons, even as is manifested in mortals who delight in debauchery, and vengeance, and war. Nor is a hell widely . different, as regards the spirit, from what war is amongst mortals. And as mortals of this day glorify themselves and their generals and captains for the magnitude of their havoc in war, so in the olden times, in atmospherea, there were such great boastings and laudations for such as inflicted the greatest torments and hor- rors in hell. And as mortals of the Druk order oft leave their evil ways for a season, and be- come upright and virtuous, loving decen- cy and righteousness, and then break faith and indulge in a season of debauchery, so in the es world has it been with mill- ions and thousands of millions of angels. In one day the teachers and physicians were rejoicing before Jehovih because of the steadfastness of their wards to right- eousness; and in the next day were left to deplore the loss of hundreds and thous- ands who had broken faith and gone off for indulgence's sake in some of the hells. And these had to be rescued, persuaded, threatened and coaxed back again and again to the nurseries and hospitals, or to the factories and colleges. Neither know- eth any one, save Jehovih, the labor and fretting and anxiety that were undergone by the teachers and physicians, and Lords and Gods, who had such drujas in charge. For even as it is beholden on earth that men of great learning and high estate oft fall, becoming lower than the beasts of the field, so in heaven were there hun- dreds of thousands, and even millions, oft high raised in the grades, that would stumble and fall into the lowest of hells, and even into the knots. Now, up to the last, God and his Lords maintained the Diva; and mortals some- what understood the matter, that there were certain laws in heaven that ruled over mortal kingdoms and empires. So that the words Div and Diva, and Divan laws, began to be realized as a concerted power in heaven greater than man's power. So Jehovih brought Earth and her heavens into another dawn of dan, in the arc of Spe'ta, in the Nirvanian roads of Salkwatka, in etherea. LORDS' RECORD FOR DAWN OK DAN CHAPTER I. In the beginning of the cycle of Fraga- patti, Samati, God of Earth, and her hea- vens, was assigned the labor of establish- ing the worship of Jehovih upon the earth amongst the I'huans. Mortal men had turned from their Creator and delighted in war. In order to thus establish the worship of Jehovih on earth, it had be- come necessary to raise up a mortal capa- ble of the Voice. In those days when an army captured a large city, slaying the people, they car- ried back the spoil to So-qi, king of Oas, capital of Par'si'e, and received rewards according to the amount of plunder. The wars were between the different nations of I'huans. The sacred people, the I'hins, had nothing for which they could be plun- dered; so they were unmolested. The I'hin prophet had said: Whoso- ever layeth up treasures in this world, shall find no peace! But ye have built so great a city that ye believe nothing can break it down. Now thou shalt see, O king, thy city shall prove the weakest of cities. There shall be raised up one man amongst the I'hins; and Oas, the mighty city, shall fall before his hand. I'hua'Mazda, God of Earth, sent cer- tain loo'is to look around, and afterward he called them and asked what they saw. They said: Work! Work! I'hua'Mazda said: Work it shall be. Go ye, holy mas- ters of generations, down to mortals close around about the city of Oas. And search ye out the seed of the I'hin race, and by inspiration lead them to the fairest daugh- ters of I'hua, in the City of Oas; and they shall be tempted, and a quickened fruit shall ripen in the city, sons and daughters. Again go ye to the I'hins and by inspira- tion bring others and have them tempted by the improved fruit. And yet again re- peat this method, and in the sixth genera- tion ye shall raise up a son having the gifts of su'is and sar'gis, and ye shall call him Zarathustra. The loo'is went and accomplished what had been commanded by God. And the child's mother's name was Too'che, and the father's name was Lo'ab. Too'che was su'is-born herself, and was obsessed by Sa'moan, an angel, before she conceiv- ed, and during the time of maternity not allowed to wake from her unconscious trance. And by the loo'is, her soul was oft taken to heaven to behold its glories, and then to return and inhabit her own body. Thus, the child was born in light, and on the day of its birth the obsession fled, and Too'che proclaimed within the city that no man was father to the child, but that she conceived from the All Light, so believing, because unconscious in gesta- tion. The learned men cast the horoscope, but found nothing in the stars to alarm the kings, or worthy of credence to the maid- en's story. The loo'is went before God, saying: Behold, a child is born capable of All Light. Then spake God, saying: I will come. Go ye and lead the way. CHAPTER II. When yet the child, Zarathustra, nursed, I'hua'Mazda spake through the child whilst its own spirit slept. Then again came the learned men, chief of whom was Asha, son of Zista, learned in a thousand stars and all living creatures, and in the bones of ani- mals no longer living. So Asha spake to Too'che, saying: Can thy suckling talk? Whereupon God answered him, saying: Not the child, but I, I'hua'Mazda. Think not, O man, these small lips utter words prompted by this child's soul. I am come to stay the cruel hand of war; to make man know there is an Unseen Master! Behold, this child hath no sex! It is an iesu, a passionless birth! To which Asha said: Can it be this wo- man hath a man hidden under her cloak, and hopes to evade the just punishment of the king? O, thou harlot! Thou told- est a shameful tale of conception without a CYCLE OF FRACAPATTI LORDS' RECORD 237 man! Thy lies are now added to others to make good the first. Out of the city, wretch, or thou shalt be stoned to death, and thy child with thee! Too'che made no answer, save with a flood of tears. Then spake I'hua'Mazda, saying: Hold thy hand on these lips, and perceive how I gesticulate with these lit- tle hands. Yea, take thou the little form in thine own arms. Then Asha feared, but fain would hide his fear, and so ,took the child, whilst I'hua'Mazda spake, saying: O man, that thou couldst behold the spirit and would temper thy judgment down to patience and wisdom! Asha said: If it be truth thou art the Mazda of the I'huan race, why hast thou come in so questionable weakness? What can a child do? Wieldest thou a sword with these little hands? I had hoped to see a God come in strength, and in majes- ty. I'hua'Mazda said: My wisdom is not man's wisdom; my weapons, not arrows and sharp swords! What is great in man's judgment is as nothing to me; what is as nothing to man, I will make great, for I shall overturn this mighty city. Because I am come in peace and love, the city shall be divided, man against man, and bloody war run riot in this walled kingdom. Asha said: To what end art thou come? For if it betrue that thou art a God born in this questionable shape, thou hast some motive more than to overthrow the city. I charge thee, then, most precious youth, tell me what thy purpose is, that justice may be done. I'hua'Mazda said: The cities of man are as nothing in my sight; I come to teach man of other worlds, and that the souls of the righteous shall live forever, I come to deliver man from darkness into everlasting light. Asha said: Thy words are wisdom, or else my sudden surprise hath unfitted my judgment. I will go now, that I may re- flect on this wonder. To-morrow I will come again. Keep this matter quietly. For if it be known that I, of so high es- tate, have talked in temperance on spirit- ual things, I will be doomed to death. CHAPTER III. When Asha had gone, I'hua'Mazda spake to Too'che, saying: Take thou thy child away and hide thyself lest the king have thee and thy child put to death. So Too'che departed with her child, and hid in another part of the city. Now Asha went direct to So-qi, the king, and related what had transpired. When he had finished the king said: Ac- cording to the histories of the ancients, when a God appeared amongst mortals, there were signs and miracles. Thou hast told me only words. Go, therefore, again to the child and say: The king desireth a miracle. Asha returned the next day, but the woman and child were gone and not one of the neighbors knew whither. Asha said: If I go before the king with this story, he will have me slain as an inventor of lies. So he returned not to the king. But where Too'che and her child dwelt, there came a maker of songs, by name Choe'jon, and he spake to the moth- er, saying: Where is the child? She an- swered: He sleepeth in the rack of hay; I will' bring him. So she brought the child from its bed of straw, and sticking to its mantle were straws that had no roots. I'hua'Mazda spake through the child, saying: I came to thee, O Choe'jon; I brought thee hither, for thou shalt frame songs about this babe. Choe'jon was frightened, but nevertheless he said: Can this be true, in this enlightened age? A miracle! Shall I talk to thee, O child? Then I'hua'Mazda said: Behold, thou speakest not to the child, but to I'hua'- Mazda. Take these straws to thy writing box and plant them in new earth, and in one day they shall grow and bear ripe wheat. So Choejon departed and planted the straws, and in one day, they grew and bore ripe wheat. Choe'jon had sung his songs before the king, and so had permission of the court; and he went and told the king of the mir- acle. The king said: The philosopher, Asha, told me about this child, and I sent him for a miracle, but he returneth not. Thou hast come and said: Behold, a mir- acle! What value is a miracle save to 238 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI LORDS' RECORD those who witness it? Shall thy king ac- cept a thing in belief only? Go, therefore, again to the child and bring it before me, that I may see with mine own eyes. Choe'jon returned to the place, but behold, mother and child were gone; nei- ther knew the neighbors whither. But she was concealed in another part of the city. And now there came before her one Os'shan, who was weeping because of the apparent death of his son. To him I'hua'- Mazda spake, saying: Weep not, O man; I have healed thy son and also given sight to thy daughter. Os'shan trembled at such words coming from the lips of a child, and he ran home, finding of a truth his son was healed, and his daughter restored to sight. In his joy he returned to the place, but mother and child were gone. Os'shan was hostler to the king, and capable of audience, and so he went and told the king of his good fortune. The king said: Asha, the philosopher, told me a fine story of this child, but when I sent him for information he returned not. Then came Choe'jon, the maker of songs, telling me what he had witnessed. I sent him to have mother and child brought before me, but he returned not. Now thou comest with a miracle, such as were told in the dark ages. Go thou, there- fore, and search the city over till thou findest this wonder and bring it before me. On the next day another man, the king's brother's son, came before the king, saying: This day I have seen such a wonder as would have been marvelous in the days of angels and Gods. Behold, a little child hath spoken such words of philosophy to me as to make me tremble. And yet, O king, thou knowest I am no coward. My house is hung with a hundred scalps. And this child already proclaim- ed Zarathustra in communion with God, I'hua'Mazda? To me it said: Why killest thou the sons and daughters of thy God? Think not that thy multitude of scalps are a glory before heaven. Behold, I am stronger with my little finger than So-qi, thy king. So-qi, the king, said: It is enough! Save this mother and child be brought at once before me, that I may behold the truth of these wonders, every male child in Oas shall be cast into fire! The king's brother's wife was with child, and the son's wife was with child, and they foresaw that the decree of the king touched them close- ly; so there went forth many searching for Too'che and Zarathustra. But I'hua'- Madza, directed the mother to go beyond the gates, and led her far into the Forest of Goats, where the tribes of Listians lived. I'hua'Mazda talked to the mother, saying: Twenty years shalt thou tarry in the forest, fearing naught, for thy God will provide for thee. And when thy son shall be larger and stronger than other men, be- hold, thy God will manifest for the re- demption of the races of men who are hunted and slain for the glory of the kings. So it came about that the mother and her son dwelt in the Forest of Goats until Zarathustra was a large man and of ma- ture years, and his size was equal to three ordinary men; nor could any number of men lay him on his back. CHAPTER IV. When So-qi, the king, issued the de- cree to have Zarathustra found and brought before him, otherwise all the male infants of Oas to be slain, the Lords sent travail on the king's wife and on the king's daughter, wife of Asha, the philos- opher, and the two women gave birth that same day to two sons, a month before their time, but nevertheless unto life and strength and beauty. Now, according to the laws of Oas, a king could not change his own decrees, for he had assumed the position of infallibility, whereupon he had doomed to death his own son and kin. Accordingly, after search had been made in vain to find Zarathustra, the king re- pented of his decree, but knew no way to justify a change of commandment. Asha, hearing of this, came out of concealment, saying to himself: Now will I go to the king and hold him to his dreree, even de- manding that he slay me also. So Asha came before So-qi, and after saluting, said: O king, I have- heard of thy strait, and am come to thee that I may counsel thee. The king was angered, and he said: Asha, thou earnest before me relating a CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI LORDS' RECORD 239 marvelous story regarding an infant son of a virgin who said she never knew man. Now, according to the laws of the City of the Sun, any man stating for truth that which he cannot prove, is already adjudg- ed to death. Shall not the law be fulfilled, because, forsooth, thou art near me in blood? Asha said: Most assuredly, O king, the laws must be carried out. Are they not the all highest? For it followeth that man being the all highest, his laws, above all else, must never be set aside. Therefore, thou shalt have me slain. Think not I am come before thee to plead an excuse in order to save myself; rather let all men perish than that the king's decrees go amiss. The king said: Thou art wise, O Asha. The laws cannot err, for they are the standard by which to judge all else. And he who hath risen to be king standeth by nature the infallible highest of all things. History hath proven this. But yet hear me, thou who hast wisdom from the move- ments of the sun and moon and stars; the king, being the all highest, how can he be bound? Cannot he decree new decrees forever? Asha said: I will not deceive thee, O king. I know thou art arguing not for me, but for thine own infant son, and for thy daughter's infant son. Neither have I come before thee in prowess, though I love life. But here is the matter: If thou change one law, thou admittest that all laws made by man may also, need chang- ing; which is to say, that wisdom is folly. How, then, shall the judge judge any man by the laws? Is it not setting up error in order to find truth? The king said: Thou reasonest well. Methought this morning, in my walk in the market gardens, when the soldiers were spreading the scalps of their enemies in the sun to dry, whether or not, in ages to come, the weaker nations and tribes of men might not attempt to justify their right to life. And were the kings to admit the fallibility of their decrees and laws, no man can foresee the end; for even slaves, servants and women will rise up against the laws, and claim their right to life. Wherein, then, would the world be large enough for all the people? Yet, wherefore, O Asha, cometh this heartache of mine against killing mine own son? Asha said: What are thy sympathies, O king? If thou wert to justify the es- cape of thy child's life for sympathy, would not my wife and my children justify their sympathy in desiring me to live? Nay, sympathy is the enemy of law and jus- tice. It is the evil in our natures that crieth out for evil. The laws must be maintained; the decrees must be maintain- ed; the king's word must be maintained. No man must suffer his judgment to go higher than the law, or the decrees of the king. This is the City of the Sun. If this city repudiate its own laws, what will not the tributary cities do? Will not they also begin to disrespect the laws, or say: Per- haps the laws are in error? This will come to anarchy. To one purpose only can a great kingdom be maintained. To divide the purposes and judgment of men is to scatter the glory of our civil liberty. Was it not disrespect of the laws, combined with superstition, that caused the nations of ancients to perish? The king said: What shall I do, O Asha? My son hath smiled in my face! Asha said: Thou shalt send me and thy son and thy daughter's son, and all male infants to the slaughter pen, and have us all beheaded and cast into the fire. Other- wise, it will come true what the infant Zarathustra hath said: Behold, my hand shall smite the city of Oas, and it shall fall as a heap of straw. Think not, O king, I am superstitious and fear such threats; but this I perceive; suffer the laws to be im- peached, and every man in Oas will set up to interpret the laws to be wrong and him- self right. And thy officers will rebel against thee on all sides, and the glory of thy kingdom will perish. CHAPTER V. So after the city had been searched for thirty days, and the mother and child not found, the king appointed a day for the slaughter according to his former decree, and there were ninety thousand male in- fants adjudged to death, the king's son among the rest. Whilst these matters were maturing, the Lord went to Choe'- jon, and inspired him to make songs about Zarathustra, the infant that was stronger 240 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI LORDS' RECORI than a king. And also songs about the decree of death to the ninety thousand infant sons of Oas. And the beauty of the songs, together with the nature of these proceedings, caused the songs to be sung in the streets day and night; and the songs approved in satire of the horrors, so the king could not prevent the singing. When the day arrived for the slaughter of the male infants, not more than a thou- sand mothers appeared at the place of ex- ecution with their infants, upward of eigh- ty-nine thousand mothers having risen the night previous and departed out of the gates. When the king, who had set apart the day as a holiday, arrived at the place of execution, and finding only a thousand in- fants present, he inquired the reason there- for, and having been told, he said: Can it be that mothers love their offspring more than they respect the decrees of the king? Asha was standing near, haying stripped himself ready for execution, and he an- swered the king, saying: Because they love their offspring, is it not the love of the flesh? And doth not the law stand above all flesh? In this mat- ter, then, because they have evaded the law, they have also adjudged themselves to death. Then came Betraj, the king's wife, bringing the infant. Betraj said: Here is thy son, O king, ready for the sacri- fice! Asha reasonest well; there must be an All Highest which never erreth! The same is the law of the king! Take thou thy flesh and blood and prove thy decrees! What! Why hesitate? If thou swerve from thy purpose, then shalt thou open the door for all men to find an excuse against the law. Doth not the sun blight a har- vest when he will? Yea, and strike dead our most beloved? Art thou not descend- ed from the Sun Gods? Who will obey the laws, if thou, thyself, do not? The king said: Behold, it is yet early morn. Let the officers go bring all who have escaped beyond the walls, and both mothers and children shall be put to death. Let the proceedings be suspended till then. Now there had congregated a vast mul- titude, anxious to witness the slaughter; and when the king suspended matters, there were up cries of disappointment. And many said: When a matter toucheth the king, he is a coward. The king re- turned to his palace, leaving Asha stand- ing stripped for the execution. And the multitude cried out: More is Asha like a king than So-qi! Let us make him king! We will not have a sheep for a king. And none could stay them, or be heard above their noise; and they ran after the king and slew him with stones, and they made Asha King of the Sun; and there was not one infant slain according to the decrees. God said: Think not, O man, that things happened without a cause, or that all things are left to chance. In my works I go beforehand and plan the way, even more carefully than a captain layeth siege to a city. Before Zarathustra was born I sent ashars to inspire followers. Think not that Asha made his own argu- ments; but by virtue of the presence of my ashars, he spake and behaved according to my commandments without knowing it. And even so was it with the king's wife; my angels also inspired her to speak be- fore the king. And those who fled out of the city were inspired by my hosts of an- gels. Yet with the king's decree I had no part, for I foresaw he would do this of his own will. And with the multitude in slay- ing the king, I had no part, for I foresaw they would do this of their own account. Neither would the multitude hear my voice, though I had spoken to every man's soul; for in them the tetracts were the as- cendant power. The multitude slew the king because he had gone so far from me he heeded me not. And I made Asha king, because he came so near me my power was with him through my ashars. CHAPTER VI. Now during the childhood of Zarathus- tra, God manifested no more through him; but he sent Ejah, one of his Lords, to be with Zarathustra, day and night. And Ejah taught the infant wisdom in all things. When Zarathustra was yet a child, the Lord began to manifest through him, giving signs and miracles and prophecy before the Listians who lived in the Forest of Goats. This forest was of the width of forty days' journey for a man in all direc- tions except the east, and in all that region there were no houses, the inhabitants liv- CYCLE OF FRAGAPATT1 LORDS' RECORD 241 ing in tents made of bark and skins. The Lord inspired Zarathustra to teach them to build houses, and tame the goats and to live in cities; the chief center of their hab- itations being on the river Apherteon and its tributaries. And it was from these inhabitants that sprang in after years the migrants called Fonece'ans, signifying out of the moun- tains. These people were I'huans, but be- cause of the cruelties of the Par'si'e'an kings they had fled and lived in the for- ests. The Lord said to Zarathustra: Behold the people who fly from the kings! I have made them kings over goats and the beasts of the fields. And from this time forth the Listians styled themselves shep- herd kings. And Zarathustra taught them that man should have dominion over the beasts of the forests, but that no man should have dominion over his neighbor. Consequently, every man of the Listians styled himself a king, and every woman styled herself a queen. Again, the Lord said to Zarathustra: Go thou, my son, whither I will lead thee, and thou shalt find a people sacred to the Great Spirit. So Zarathustra wandered beyond the Forest of Goats, and came to Hara'woetchij, to the south of the moun- tains of Oe-tahla, where were three large cities and twelve small ones, inhabited by I 'hins. Now the Lord had been with the Thins and foretold of Zarathustra coming. The Lord said to the high priest: Thou shalt allow Zarathustra to come within the walls of the cities for he is pure. So Zarathustra went in, and in the time of worship before the altar, the Lord appeared in a great light and commanded the high priest, saying: Behold, I have brought my son to thee. Him shalt thou anoint as a priest according to the I'hin laws; and thou shalt teach him the rites and ceremonies of the ancients. Accord- ingly Zarathustra was made a priest and was otherwise accepted as an I'hin, and be- stowed under the rod with water and with fire. And he also taught the sacred words, and the art of writing and making tablets; and of weaving cloth from flax and making clothes. Zarathustra remained with the I'hins seven years, fasting and praying, and singing and dancing before the Lord. And then the Lord commanded him to return through the Forest of Goats, which he did, teaching the Listians wher- ever he halted for a rest. At the end of another seven years the Lord said to Zarathustra: Behold, the dawn of light is come! Thou shalt leave thy mother with thy people, and I will lead thee to the city of thy birth. Zarathustra said: Tell me, O Lord, of the city of my birth. The Lord said: It is a great city, but it shall fall before thy hand; for I'hua'- Mazda hath turned his favor away from its kings. CHAPTER VII. In two days' journey Zarathustra came to Oas, and entered into the city, and he brought no provender with him. Now it was a law of Oas, that all strangers com- ing into the city, should bring provender as a testimony of fidelity to the laws and to the king. So, when he came to the inner gate, the keeper asked him for pro- vender; but Zarathustra answered him, saying: Naked I came into the world, and Ormazd asketh me not for provender. Is thy king greater than thy Creator? The keeper said: I know not thy words. Shall a servant explain laws? To which Zarathustra said: Thou art wise; neither shalt thou suffer for disobedience in let- ting me pass. The Lord will give thee food. When he had spoken thus there fell at the feet of the keeper an abundance of fruit, and the keeper feared, but stood aside, and allowed Zarathustra to pass in. The keeper not only told the people of the miracle, but told the king also. This was Asha, who had reigned since the death of So-qi, and no sooner did he hear of the miracle than he remembered the person whom he had seen in infancy. Asha, the king, sent officers at once to find Zarathustra, and bring him before the court. But the Lord knowing these things, inspired Zarathustra to go to the king; and accordingly he went himself be- fore the officers had returned. The king said: Who art thou, and for what purpose hast thou come before the king? Then spake I'hua'Mazda through Zara- thustra, saying: I am I'hua'Mazda, God of the I'huans. He through whom I 242 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI LORDS' RECORD speak is Zarathustra, whom thou sawest in his mother's arms. I have come before thee, O king, for two reasons: Thou hast sent for me; and I desire to use thee. The king said: Speak further, stranger, that I may approve of thy words. In the time of So-qi, said I'hua'Mazda, I made thee king of Oas, and from that day to this, my ashars have been with thee and heard thee oft praying privately for information of the infant thou sawest, for the question resteth heavily on thy judg- ment whether or no man be immortal. Sit thou with me this night privily, and I will show thee So-qi's spirit. Asha said: Thou wert to smite the city and it would fall. Behold, it standeth! Yet I desire not to stand in my own light. Zarathustra spake to him saying: Fear not, O king, for this philosophy. As thou wouldst bend a straw, so do the Gods wield the nations of the earth. The city will fall ere six years pass, and thou shalt be reduced to beggary, and yet thou shalt be happier than now. CHAPTER VIII. When night came, the king sat privily with Zarathustra; and I'hua'Mazda cast a light on the wall, and the spirit of So-qi came and appeared before Asha. So-qi said: Knowest thou who I am? And Asha said: Yea, So-qi. So-qi said: True, O king, the soul is immortal! And then it disappeared. Asha said: It seemeth to be So-qi. And yet, if it were he, would he not have called me Asha, instead of, O king? Then spake Zarathustra, saying: Call thou for some other spirit. Asha said: Allow the spirit of my wife to appear. Again the light appeared, and the spirit of Asha's wife inhabited it, and he saw her. Asha said: It is, indeed, like my wife! And then she disappeared. Asha said: Had it been my wife, she would have spok- en. Zarathustra said: Call thou for another spirit. Asha called for Choe'jon, the songster, who looked like no other man. And Choe'jon also appeared, and sang one of the songs about the slaughter of the infants. Asha said: It was like Choe'jon, but had it been him he surely would have mentioned the miracle. Then Zarathustra said: Call for anoth- er spirit. And Asha called and another appeared; and thus it continued until twen- ty of the spirits of the dead had shown themselves, and talked with him face to face, and every one had related things pertinent to themselves. Then spake Zarathustra, saying: To- morrow night shalt thou sit with me again. Now, on the next night, twenty other spirits of the dead appeared and spake face to face with the king. But yet he be- lieved not. Then spake I'hua'Mazda, say- ing: What will satisfy thee, O man? For I declare unto thee that spirit is not prova- ble by corpor, nor corpor by spirit. These are two different things; one groweth by aggregating, and the other by dissemina- tion. As by darkness light is known, and by light darkness known, similarly diverse are corpor and spirit known. Thy genera- tions, O king, have long been bred in un- belief in spirit, and unbelief is so entailed upon thee that evidence is worthless before thee. Who thinkest thou I am? Asha said: Zarathustra. Then Zara- thustra asked him: Who thinkest thou I am? Again Asha said: Zarathustra. To which I'hua'Mazda said: Because thou seest with thine eyes this corporeal body, and hearest with thine ears this corporeal voice, so dost thy cor- poreal judgment find answer. But I de- clare to thee, O king, that there is a spir- itual judgment as well as a corporeal judg- ment. There is a spiritual man within all men, which never dies. The spiritual man which is within, is the only one that can distinguish spiritual things; it is the only one that can recognize the spirits of the dead. Then Asha said: How shall I prove there be not some element belonging to the personally, that is a mirror, to repro- duce a semblance of whatsoever is within thy thoughts? I'hua'Mazda said: What would that profit thee, if proven? And what would it profit thee if not proven? Hear me, then, for this is wisdom: There are millions of spirits in heaven who are in the same doubt as thou art now in, not knowing that they are dead; especially those slain CYCLE OF FRAGAPATT1 LORDS' RECORD 243 in war, and those dying in unbelief in spirit life. Asha said: Who, then, sayest thou, thou art. I'hua'Mazda said: First, there is Or- mazd, the Creator, Who is over all and within all, Whose Person is the Whole. Then there are the unseen worlds in the firmament; then this world, and the stars and sun and moon. Then mortals, and the spirits of the dead. Because the spirits of the dead know not the higher heavens, Ormazd, the All Master, sendeth His exalted angels down to the earth as masters and teachers, hav- ing captains and high captains that their labor may be done orderly. The highest captain is called I'hua'Mazda. Know then, O king, that I, who speak, have thee and thy city and country in my keeping. I have come to stay man's bloody hand. And through Zarathustra I will reveal the laws of Ormazd, and they shall stand above all other laws. Because thou art the most skilled of men, I made thee king. Because thou hast seen that man must have an All Highest, I have come to thee. Yea, from thy youth up, and during thy long life, I have spoken to thy soul, say- ing: Asha, find thou the. All Highest! Asha, thou shalt have a strange labor be- fore thou diest! Asha, thou who hast at- tained to the measurement of the stars, shalt find the Power behind the stars! Asha said: Enough! Enough! O stranger! Thou turnest my head with wonders. I scarcely know if I am living or dead, because of the mastery of thy wisdom. Alas, my kindred are dead; my friends are fools! I have none to tell these wonders to. All thy days shalt thou live in my palace, and whatsoever thou de- mandest shall be granted unto thee. I'hua'Mazda said: Till I come again to thee, O king, keep thine own counsel. For the present I must return to the forest. Give, me, therefore, of thy choicest ink and brushes and writing cloth, and send thou two servants with me. Asha said: Permit me to be one of thy servants, and I will abdicate my throne. I'hua'Mazda said: I shall need thee where thou art. Thus ended the interview with the king; and the next day Zarathustra returned to the forest to write the Zarathustrian, I'hua'-Mazdian, and Ormazdian laws. CHAPTER IX. Zarathustra said: Interpret to me, O Holy One! I'hua'Mazda said: Zarathustra, All Pure! I will interpret; write thou. These, then, are the Ormazdian laws; the I'hua'Mazdian laws; the Zarathustrian laws: First, Ormazd was, and He created all created things. He was All. He is All. The All must have a name; and here I make a circle with cross lines and a leaf intersected, and thou shalt call it Ormazd, the All Master. Then I'hua'Mazda made a square, and painted four dark corners in it, and called them Anra'mainyus, the Uh'druk, the oppo- site to All Truth, All Light and All Good. And there stood within the corners of evil, the name of Ormazd, and it was light whilst the corners were black. I'hua'Maz- da said to Zarathustra: This symbol rep- resents the created creation. Hence, the name of the complete symbol is Fate, from which there is no escape. Zarthustra inquired of I'hua'Mazda, saying: Is evil, evil? Is good, good? I'hua'Mazda said: Evil is evil to man, but evil is not evil to Ormazd. Good is good to man, but good is not good to Or- mazd. Only two conditions are before Ormazd: Not evil, nor good; but ripe and unripe! To Ormazd, that which man call- eth evil, is unripe; to Ormazd, that which man calleth good, is ripe. But so that man be not confounded, thou shalt call unripe, evil; and ripe, good. Without green fruit, none could be ripe. Without evil, none could be good. Ormazd created all creations with all things to fill their own place. Zarathustra inquired of I'hua'Mazda: How many words are there that can be written? Then answered I'hua'Mazda, saying: Ten times ten thousand thousand are all the words that can be written. Then Zarathustra said: Write me down all the words, and explain their meaning to me, that I may go before the world teaching All Truth, that men be no longer in darkness. 244 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI LORDS' RECORD Then I'hua'Mazda wrote thousands of words and explained the meaning of all he wrote. Then I'hua'Mazda revealed the secrets of heaven and earth to him, and command- ed him to write them in a book, which he did; and this was the first sacred book, the Ormazdian law; the Zarathustrian law; the I'hua'Mazdian law. CHAPTER X. I'hua'Mazda said: Ormazd created a good creation. First, the land and water and firm things. Out of the unseen and void created He them. Second, the hea- venly lights; and the heat and the cold. Third, all living animals, and fish and birds. Fourth, man and woman. Then spake Ormazd through his son, Vivanho, saying: Speech! Voice! Words! And man and women were the only talk- ing animals created in all the world. Ormazd also created Aura'mainjus, with seven heads. The names of the heads were: Vanity, tattling, worthlessness, ly- ing, incurable wickedness, evil intentions for evil, and king and leader for self sake. Ormazd also created association, by words bringing men together. Ormazd created habitations, and dwell- ing places for the spirits of the dead. And Ormazd created sustenance for the spirits of the dead, haoma. He created the boon of rest for the weary. He created sweet- smelling and rich growing pastures. And Ormazd created combination, which is strength. Then power to receive knowl- edge. Ormazd shall be King, and thou shall acknowledge no other. He shall be thy All Highest love forever and above all other loves. Thou shalt not bow down in reverence to any except Ormazd, the Creator. Thou shalt covenant thyself to thy Cre- ator every day, and teach thy children to do likewise. Thou shalt keep holy the four moon's days, for they are the change of watch of the angels over men. Thou shalt not kill what thy Creator created alive. Thou shalt love thy father next to thy Creator, and obey his voice, and honor thy mother, because she brought thee forth by the will of thy Creator. Thou shalt not suffer thy desires to lead thee after woman. Thou shalt not be vain, for nothing is thine. Thou shalt not speak untruth.' Thou shalt not talk of thy neighbor be- hind his back, for Ormazd heareth thee, and the angels will go tell thy neighbor's soul what thou hast said. Thou shalt not be idle or lazy, or thy flesh will become weak and bear down thy soul. Thou shalt not envy, nor harbor hatred against any man nor woman nor child. Thou shalt not reprove any man nor woman for their evil, for they are the Cre- ator's. Thou shalt reprove thine own child, and teach him the right way. Thou shalt not lie with thy wife during pregnancy. Thou shalt not take to wife any of thy kin nearer than the fifth generation. Thou shalt not take to wife a woman of unclean habits. Thou shalt not commit the self-habit. Thou shalt not desire of thy neighbor more than thou wouldst give. Thou shalt fast one day of the fourth moon all thy life; nothing but water shall enter thy mouth. One whole year of thy life thou shalt dwell with the poor, live with the poor, sleep with the poor, begging for alms for the poor. CHAPTER XI. I'hua'Mazda said unto Zarathustra: Three castes have I made; the first are the I'hins, sacred above all other people, be- cause they keep my commandments; sec- ond, the I'huans, more powerful than oth- er people, because by them I will subdue the earth; and third, the Druks, the people of darkness and who are without power to learn. I'hua'Mazda said to Zarathustra: Re- member the caste of men; keep thy blood in the place I created thee; nor shalt thou marry but in the caste I created thee. I'hua'Mazda said: A thousand castes I created amongst the I'huans: The king, the doctor, the magician, the priest, the CYCLE OF FEAGAPATTI — — 245 farmer, the bearer of burdens, the messen- ger, swift-footed, and for all other occu- pations. Each and all within their own castes; nor shall they marry but in their own caste. After Zarathustra wrote all the com- mandments down, I 'hua'Mazda stooped down and kissed the book, which was made of cloth, saying: This is my holy book. Take it, O Zarathustra, thou All Pure, and go thou forth into the world, teaching and explaining it. Then Zarathustra kissed the book, say- ing: This is thy holy book, O I 'hua'- Mazda. I take it; and I will go into all the world, teaching it, and explaining it. Thus was completed the first sacred, holy book for mortals. And Zarathustra rose up from his writing, tall and hand- some, inquiring of I'hua'Mazda, saying: Whither shall I go first, O master? Then answered I'hua'Mazda, saying: Take my holy book, the Ormazdian law, the Zarathustrian law, first to Asha, king of the I'huans, king of Oas, the City of the Sun. Him I have prepared for thee and thy work before the day of thy birth. Then Zarathustra went forth, strong in faith; and he came to Asha, the king. And the king- said unto him: Thou hast tarried so long! Behold, I have cast the horoscope a thousand times. I have proved all the stars in heaven and named them, and made maps of them. And I have measured the power of one star over anoth- er star; and the powers of the stars on this world, and the powers of the sun and moon. I have sent into the great cities of the east, to men of great learning; and to the south and west, to men of great learn- ing. And then I sent to the kings of Jaf- feth and of Shem; to Baugh-ghan-ghad; to Bing-thah; and to the great city of Huug- sin, where the great philosopher, Ah- tdong, liveth. And from all of these I have obtained great wisdom. Hear me, then, O Zarathustra; I will speak to thee as if thy philosophy were true; but yet I believe it not: First, then, in all the stars there is nothing but lies; neither mattereth it not if a man be born under this star or that star! I am old now and haye observed thousands of men, even kings and queens, as to whether the stars rule over them, and I declare unto thee that the philosophy of the stars is nothing but lies. Yea, I have searched in mine own self, and I find I am often do- ing things contrary to my first intentions; but as to the cause, I know not. This also have I discovered: there is one kind of causes that lie with individu- als; and there is another kind of causes that lie with kings and kingdoms ; but, yet, I perceive that each and every mart is bound in his own channel by something stronger than himself. To find the cause of this, I have searched to the extent of all the stars in the firmament, but found not the truth. Now I ask thee, in the name of thy God, if thou canst prove this matter to thy king? Then answered Zarathustra, saying: Through my hand hath I'hua'Mazda writ- ten a most holy book, explaining many philosophies. This book have I brought unto thee, according to the commandments of my God. Read thou it. Then the king took the book and read it; and on the next day Zarathustra came before the king. The king said: Thy book saith thus and so, but it proveth little. Thy God asserteth he hath done thus and so, and that he created thus and so. First of all, then, I know not if there be a God; second, if there be a God, I know not that he com- eth to thee; and, third, if he come to thee, and he be a just God, why cometh he not to me? And yet, after all, for I doubt not thy wisdom will give sufficient answers to these questions, if it be true there are Gods unseen that rule over us, and spirits of the dead that come to us, persuading our souls unconsciously to ourselves, what mattereth whether we try or not, to obtain truth and wisdom? Shall not all things be left to the spirits of Gods and Lords? Knowest thou not that the an- cients believed these things? And yet what of the ancients? Were they not in darkness, and addicted to horrid rites and ceremonies, and murders, and savage- ry? With our wisdom of disbelief in their religions, have we not attained to great cities and empires? Behold our thous- ands and tens of thousands of large cities! And do they not all have just reason to be proud? For there is not one city but that its walls and gates are adorned with 246 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI LORDS' RECORD thousands of the skeletons and the skulls of serpents and lions, and the scalps of Druks. Then spake I'hua'Mazda to the king, through Zarathustra, saying: Hear thy God, O king, and be considerate of my words. There are two births unto all men; the first is from the mother's womb, and the second is from the corporeal body. Prior to the first birth, the will and power of the child is nothing as to shaping its own destiny. But prior to the spiritual birth, which is the mortal death, the man hath much to do as to shaping his future destiny in the next world. I declare unto thee, O king, that the cor- poreal man is, therefore, but half accom- plished as to his real life. He is but half his own master; but half the controller of his place and behavior in the mortal world; nevertheless, he is the first half, the first chooser. Think not that spirits and Gods rule men as if they were slaves or toys; for another power also lieth over man, which is neither spirits nor Gods nor stars, nor moon nor sun; but the cor- poreal surroundings that feed his earthly desires. This is the Ormazdian law: Not the corporeal stars, or corporeal earth, or cor- poreal man, ruleth over the spirit; but the subtle, the unseen to mortals, is the cause and ruler of all things. Asha said: O that I could believe this! O that I knew this were true! O that the unseen worlds could be opened up to my understanding! For I perceive there is more power and virtue in thy philosophy than in my decrees. But touching thy book, O Zarathustra, answer thou me this: Whom do the people in the world belong to, if not to me, the Sun King? Are not the people mine? I'hua'Mazda said: All belong to Or- mazd. Is it not here taught that man shall acknowledge obedience and worship to Ormazd only? Asha said: I so perceive. Answer me this, O Zarathustra: To disown the king and the king's decrees; will not this bring anarchy? For will not the rulers declare thy doctrine robbeth them of subjects? To which I'hua'Mazda permitted Zarathustra to reply. He said: Is it not hard for a man not to have the privilege to choose his own master? Behold, they are now impressed into war; yea, thou keepest standing armies, trained in the labor of death. And this for the glory of the Sun Kingdom. Now hear me, O king, for I am now speaking on my own accord, and no God is speaking through me. And I declare unto thee, I have attained power to go in spirit into the unseen worlds and behold with mine own eyes how it is with the spirits of the dead. And I declare unto thee there are great torments for the wicked. I have seen them in hell, with walls of fire going up around them day and night; suffocating fires of brimstone, from which they cannot escape. And those slain in war, both those that are for the king and those against the king, are equally cast into ceaseless torments, and even kings and queens with them, where all are wailing and cursing; and in their madness, doing wickedly unto others with all their might. The king said: If it be that thou canst go into heaven and hell, it must be true thou canst go to places on the corporeal earth the same way. Prove thou this to me, and I will believe all thou hast said. Then Zarathustra said: Tell me whith- er I shall go, that I may convince thee, O king? Asha said: Go thou to the tower of the horoscope and find the words on the calendar. Then spake I'hua'Mazda, saying: Have I not said I am I'hua'Mazda: and Zara- thustra has said he is Zarathustra. But this thou canst not see. Behold, thou shalt witness now thine own craft. Here return- eth Zarathustra. Then spake Zarathustra, saying: Thou saidst to me: Go to the tower of the horo- scope and find me the words of the calen- dar. Lo, I have been there, and already returned before thee. These, then, are the words of the calendar: To-ka, Seis, ctvai tnong, biang loo-singooh wotchich; an porh, an oot, an dhi, an git. Asha said: This is true. But how shall I determine that thou gatheredst not the calendar from my heart? For I had the knowledge in my heart since sunrise. Then answered Zarathustra, saying: Try me once again; yea, thou shalt ask me for CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI «*«.. — 247 some toy of thine, and I will go and pro- cure it. Asha said: Behold, when I was a boy I let fall into the river, betwixt the cliffs, at the outer wall, a golden case; go, thou, and bring it. Then spake I'hua'Mazda: Two condi- tions belong to all men, belief and unbe- lief. They are as seeds, planted in the soul of man whilst he is yet in his mother's womb; and when he is born into the world, they begin to grow within him. If man favor one only, it will grow at the expense of the other. Because of unbelief in man, he searched after truth and knowl- ledge; but because of belief in man, he findeth happiness; but the latter may lead to stupidity, and the former to cruelty. It is a wise man, therefore, that keepeth these two talents evenly balanced. Now whilst I'hua'Mazda spake, the long-lost golden case fell at the king's feet, and it was dripping with water. The king examined it, and then exclaimed: This is true. And yet, if there be spirits and Gods, how shall I determine which one brought this? May it not have been an evil spirit as well as a good one? Then spake I'hua'Mazda, saying: Have I not said, I will show thee thine own craft in finding some other reason than the right one? Asha said: O ye Gods, cannot ye heal me of my unbelief? My judgment show- eth me I am diseased in heart. O that my mother had been a believing woman before I was born! Tell me, O Zarathus- tra, or I'hua'Mazda, whoever thou art, for I perceive thou art not like any man under the sun, tell me what I shall do, that I may become thy servant? I'hua'Mazda said: On the morrow at sunrise I will come to thee again, with Zarathustra, and I will tell thee many things. CHAPTER XII. When the time had come, on the mor- row, the king said: I have not slept. All night I was as one burnt with a fever; for thy wondrous words and miracles have well nigh turned my judgment upside down. I'hua'Mazda said: Because a man can- not understand a thing, shall he cry out, Miracle! Now I declare I have done no miracle; nor hath Zarathustra. Yet to mortals these things are miracles! If so, is not man a miracle to himself? Is not procreation a miracle? This, then, I have found, O Asha, what man is not accus- tomed to, he calleth a miracle; after he hath seen a matter frequently, he calleth it a natural law. What man hast thou found that comprehendeth the first cause of any- thing under the sun? Why, then, shall a man waste his time in unprofitable re- search? Is it not wiser that man labor to raise his fellow-men out of misery and darkness, than to gratify his own personal desire for great learning? The king said: Thou reasonest well. And yet, what learned good man hast thou found who will not say: Yea, to do good is a pretty philosophy! And there endeth his aspiration. What, then, can I say, or what canst thou say, that the words will not be barren of fruit? I'hua'Mazda said: Thou art this day king of all the world; nor is there any other kingdom but payeth thee tribute. Whatsoever thou desirest is as a law unto all other kingdoms. For that reason am I come unto thee. Yea, thou wert born to this end. Hear, then, the voice of thy God, and thou shalt do that which is good for thy soul and good for all other peo- ple. Asha said: Almost am I tempted to accede to thy wishes ere thou hast re- vealed; but yet hear thou the voice of thy king; what matters it to me about the good of other people? Even if it be prov- en that great men have souls that live af- ter death, it is not yet proven that the Druks have souls also. If they have souls, then heaven must be a stupid place in- deed. For thou hast not shown me that man obtaineth wisdom by dying, nor is it reasonable that he should do so. Rather tell me, O Zarathustra, how I may get rid of the world; for of what use is life at most? I'hua'Mazda said: Because thou rejoic- est not in thy life, thou provest that thy philosophy is deficient, and not that the world is. For I will yet prove to thee that thou art overflowing with happiness. To believe the things I reveal and have faith therein, is to become happy. Then the 248 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI LORDS' RECORD king answered him, saying: To believe, there is the matter. I declare unto thee, there is not a grain of belief in my heart. How, then, can it grow? I'hua'Mazda said: He who can say, I can think of an All Highest, hath the seed of everlasting life in him. He who liveth the all highest he can; he who thinketh of the All Highest; he who talketh to the All Highest; he who tries to perceive from the standpoint of the All Highest, quickly transcendeth belief and becometh a very God in faith. He becometh master of him- self, and feedeth himself with happiness, even as men feed themselves with bread. Asha said: What wouldst thou have me do? To which I'hua'Mazda said: With the people thou hast greater authority than a God, greater than miracles. Thy decrees are all powerful. Thou shalt have copies of this book written on stone and cloth, one copy for every sub-kingdom in thy dominions. And thou shalt send it to them with a sword and a serpent, saying to them: Receive ye this book, for it is a Holy Book, the All Highest Law, the I'hua'Mazdian law, the Zarathustrian law, the Ormazdian law. And it shall be a rule and guide unto you and your king- dom forever. And every king in the Kingdom of the Sun shall serve one year in living with the poor, carrying the alms- bowl for sacrifices unto Ormazd. And when thou hast sent this decree forth into all the world, thou shalt thyself give up thy kingdom; and thou shalt give to the poor all thy gold and silver, and all thy treasures whatsoever, having nothing left unto thyself but the clothes that cover thee. And thou shalt go and live with the poor, carrying the alms-bowl thyself in the streets of Oas. And of the food thou gath- erest in the bowl, thou shalt give the choicest parts to the poor. But the poorest of all that is in the bowl shall be thy por- tion. At the end of one year thou shalt go about preaching the Ormazdian law, commanding the cessation of war and the abandonment of evil, and the acceptance of righteousness. The king said: What canst thou promise me if I do all these things? Then I'hua'- Mazda allowed Zarathustra to answer him: He said, Nothing! Did the Creator ask this, before He made the world? If thou desireth to approach thy Creator, do thou like unto Him. Nor is it my place, nor the angels' place, nor the place of God, to promise thee anything. Thou art not my servant; and thou shalt serve only the Master, All Light. And as I have taught thee, so shalt thou go and teach others, ex- plaining the Ormazdian law. Asha said: Do the Gods in heaven give rewards for good works and sacri- fices done on earth? Zarathustra said: He that doeth good works and maketh sacri- fices unto Ormazd hath his reward. For it is by this means that the soul of man becometh strong in the first and second resurrections in the next world. Asha said: To be with thee, O Zara- thustra, and feast on the wisdom of thy words, I would make any sacrifice. W T ilt thou go with me amongst the poor? I'hua'Mazda said: Nay, thou shalt go alone. And for company thou shalt pray to thy Creator, and make songs of praise unto Him, nor think no more of thyself than as if thou wert dead. The king said: It is said of madmen that they think they are not mad. How, then, am I to know but I am mad? Will not the world so adjudge me if I obey thy commandments? And cannot the world judge me better than I can judge myself? It was said of the ancients that Sudga ob- sessed old men and weak-hearted women; and it was for that reason Osiris came and slew him. If there be Gods in heaven, as thou sayst, mayst not thou have come to slay Osiris? I'hua'Mazda said: Thou are a great multiplier of arguments; but in all thy speech I have seen nothing that planneth the resurrection of men from darkness into light. And is not this the All Highest that man should aim at? Asha said: I am done. Thy judgment is greater than mine. All thou hast com- manded of me I will do. From this time forth I will serve only Ormazd, the Cre- ator. Thy God, O Zarathustra, shall be my God. Thy ways shall be my ways. Henceforth I will argue forever on the side of the Creator. And touching all matters, I will first ask myself what I shall say that would be like thy God would say it; and what I shall do that will fulfill the Ormazdian law. CYCLE OF FEAGAPATTI «»».■ -««. 249 CHAPTER XIII. Asha then issued the following decree: Asha, King of Oas, the City of the Sun, King of the Sun, ruler over the whole corporeal world, owner and possessor of all mortals, men, women and children, commander of all flesh, descended from the Sun Gods thousands of years, and whose forefathers were the fathers of all living creatures, Highest of men, and by whose good grace the inhabitants of the earth are permitted to live, and whose de- crees are the standard of all things, Mak- er of Justice and Maker of Truth, and whom none dare question, and on whose word the sun and moon and stars bow down, greeting: To the kings and queens of the east and west, north and south, over all the cities in the world, rulers in the temples of the stars, slayers of dragons, slayers of lions, slayers of tigers, and of men and of women and of children and serpents, hon- ored in the golgothas, and by millions of cowering slaves, owners of thousands of wives, and whose boats sail in lakes of mortal blood, and whose crowns are hon- ored by ten thousand men slain every year, sworn on the flesh of the thigh whose words are life and death; and most obedient to the Sun King, I command: First, that there is an Ormazd, Creator, All Person! Whose Soul is in all the world, and in all things in the firmament above; Who is Father; Who is the Light of Light, Creator of darkness and men, Who is forever The Going Forth; Who is the Cause of causes; larger than all things seen and unseen; the Power of all power. Second, I 'hua'Mazda, His Son. Pure and All Holy; Master of Men; Essence of Ormazd revealed in Word; Savior of Men; Holder of the keys of heaven; through whose help the souls of men can rise to Nirvana, the High Heaven. Third, Zarathustra, A man, All Pure, and born wise, being one with I'hua'Maz- da, who is one with Ormazd. Of Whom The Word says: He doeth without miracle. The raising of the dead; healing the sick by the laying on of hands; whose word of command bringeth forth ripe wheat, full grown, in a day; and doing all things that the ancients ac- credited to the Gods as miracles, but which the Ormazdian law showeth to be Natural Law to any one who is All Pure, and who draweth power from Ormazd, the Creator, and His holy angels. Fourth, A Book, holy and sacred, re- vealed by I'hua'Mazda to Zarathustra, the All Pure; and written on stone and cloth, revealing All Wisdom, which is called the I'hua'Mazdian law, the Ormazdian law, the Zarathustrian law, which is the All Highest Law in All the world, approved by Asha, the king of kings! Ten thousand learned scribes in my command have written a copy of The Holy Book, and I herewith command, I, King of the Sun: That this book shall be the All Highest law in all my sub-kingdoms, and that all my kings shall believe it and command the same of their subjects. Nor shall any man stand up against this, my decree, and live; nor shall any man alter one word or sign in this Holy Book; nor disbelieve one word it containeth. And my kings and sub-kings; and my queens and sub-queens, shall obey all the com- mandments, even as I obey them; nor shall any man, or woman, or child, ques- tion these things, as to whether they be the All Highest, or whether there be error in whatsoever cometh from my hand; for by my decree they are made All Truth! For I was raised up by Ormazd, for this purpose; and not one in the whole world hath power like unto me. And ye, to whom these holy words come, shall make oath on a serpent and a sword to obey these, my commandments, now and for- ever. Asha sent ofhcers to carry the books he had made to the kings and queens in the east and west, north and south; and those whom he sent were men of great learning, and of the highest caste; and they took with them serpents and swords, and gave them as commanded, exacting an oath from all who received them. CHAPTER XIV. When Asha, the king, had thus com- pleted the labor of making the books, and of sending them as commanded by Ihua'- Mazda, he sent for Zarathustra. for fur- ther counsel as to how he should abdicate the throne according to the Highest Light. 250 CYCLE OF FBAGAPATTI LORDS' RECORD And when I'hua'Mazda was before him, even before Zarathustra had yet come, Asha, said: Here cometh that quickened thought again! Behold, I sent for Zara- thustra in order to ask certain questions, and lo, my heart answereth me! Yea, I have nothing to do with what is not mine own! Now, whilst he thus framed his own answer, Zarathustra came and said unto him: Thou desirest to counsel in regard to abdicating thy throne? Behold thou, I'hua'Mazda hath been to thee even now, saying: What hast thou to do with that which is not thine own! Asha said: I have heretofore said: That which speaketh to my heart, what is it? Now according to thy wisdom, that that speaketh to ^ny heart is I'hua'Mazda! How shall one know it to be so? Zarathus- tra said: If a man ask the All Light, in ref- erence to his own affairs, and for his own concerns, then receiveth he an answer from the tetracts; but if he ask the All Light in reference to what he shall do for others, to render the highest good unto them, then is the answer from I'hua'Mazda. I de- clare unto thee, O Asha, he is a dark man indeed to whom the Creator speaketh not every day. Asha said: What, then, shall I do in a matter like this? As yet, all the world belongs to me. Presently I shall deliver it to itself; shall I not provide a ruler for them? Zarathustra said: Why, then, thou wilt be bound to give them one as good and as wise as thyself, otherwise thou wilt cheat them! Furthermore, doth not the Ormaz- dian law say: Thou shalt not have any king but thy Creator? Asha said: I so perceive. What then, shall I go away saying nothing? Then answered I'hua'Mazda, saying: Thou shalt do more than this; for thou shalt give liberty to all men, and proclaim unto them, commanding that they shall obey the doctrines of the Holy Book, serv- ing no master but the Creator. And when the people are completely broken up by thy decree, thou shalt go away, leaving thy throne and thy capital to whatsoever may come to them. Asha said: I perceive. That which hath been given me to do, I will do. Be- hold, I will bestow freedom on all the world; and with my alms-bowl go about begging. Heaven must be just, and it is right that I should have the experience of the poor as well as of the rich. How else would I ever become sufficiently wise to be a God in heaven? Yet one thing, O Zarathustra, and I will ask thee no more questions; thou hast said I must pray to Ormazd: Now, behold, I never prayed in my life? Who will teach me to pray? I'hua'Mazda said: Let thy lips utter thy holiest desires, and let thy soul seek constantly for new expressions magnifying the wisdom, love and power of Ormazd, the Creator. Neither shalt thou take a thought in regard to rules of prayer; the rules are for the unlearned. He who in- venteth a new prayer to Ormazd every day of his life hath done wisely indeed. For the glory of prayer is the strengthening of one's own soul to perceive the Higher Light. Prayer is not given in order to change the decrees of Ormazd, but to change one's self for the better. Asha said: If a man think a prayer, and use no words, is it well with him? I'hua'Mazda said: It is well with him; but it is better to add words also. It is well for Ormazd to think a universe, but better to create it. To begin to learn cre- ating, thou shalt use spoken words; the perfection of creating is to have the words bear fruit. He who omitteth words of prayer will in time omit prayer also, and his soul tendeth to barrenness. A vain man saith: I have no need to pray; Ormazd knoweth my soul! Why, then, shall not the field say: I shall pro- duce no harvest, because Ormazd knoweth my capacity! I declare unto thee, O Asha, the secret of all spiritual growth lieth in giving out the spirit: He who would grow in wisdom, must give out wisdom; he who would grow in love, must give out love; he who would grow in power of spir- it, must give out power of spirit. Bethink thee, then; if thou prayest silently, thy power goeth weakly to thy audience; but if thou prayest with words openly, thou givest to thine audience of thy fruit; and, for this glory, Ormazd provideth thee abundantly. When thou shalt go with thy bowl to feed the feeble, old, helpless, and blind, thou shalt teach them prayer and confessions; and thou shalt absolve them CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI «-o«d.. r E cor D 251 that are depressed because of their sins, that they may rejoice in their lives. CHAPTER XV. So Asha gave up all he had on earth, and went and lived with the poor, carry- ing the alms-bowl for one year, preaching to and praying for the poor. And it came to pass that at the end of the year he had thousands of followers. And he built al- tars for them, teaching them to worship the Creator; to restore the mark of circum- cision; to be upright before men; to labor for the helpless and distressed, and to do not to any man that which they desired not to be done unto themselves. And these people took the name of Zarathustrians, in contradistinction from the Par'si'e'ans. Nevertheless, they were the I'huan race, and the Ghans. And be- cause of their religion, they could not own property, neither houses, nor lands, nor cattle, nor beasts of burden. Many of them gave themselves into servitude to the Par'si'e'ans, but many of them lived on the contributions brought by converts who had had great possessions. When Asha abdicated the throne, there were many aspirants to his place, and the Council of the Sun was puzzled to know whom to select, that peace might reign in Oas; but they finally made Hi'ya'tseing king, because he was a great warrior, hav- ing bestowed to the city's Walls and gates more than ten thousand skulls. Hi'ya'- tseing assumed the titles of his predeces- sors, chief of which were King of the Sun, King of Kings, and King of Oas, the cen- tral city of all the world; and sent his- proclamations to the chief cities of Jaffeth, and Shem and Ham, commanding that certain presents be sent to him every year, amongst which were thousands of slaves. Hi'ya'tseing was a man of great learn- ing, and had traveled far and near, and he knew the people and the lands of the earth, and he knew the different products of the different lands, and the number of peoples in the great cities of the world, and the number of warriors belonging to the different -sub-kings under him. Besides these things he knew the stars and thefir places, and the groups of cows and horses, and bulls, and bears, and lions, and fishes, and serpents, even as they had been taught in the Hyartien period amongst the an- cients. Hi'ya'tseing said: The Fete hath made me king of all the world; hence, it is right that I am a king. He said: It is evident because Asha abdicated the throne, that man must have a religion. Because I know all rites and ceremonies of the ancients, I will give man a religion on my own account. Because Asha com- manded the Zarathustrian religion unto the far-off kingdoms, then are Asha and Zarathustra my enemies. Let my officers arrest Asha and Zarathustra and bring them before me. I will make an example of them. And on the day that Asha was arrest- ed, behold, the year of his carrying the alms-bowl was ended. Asha and Hi'ya'- tseing had known each other for many years. When Asha was before the king, he said: I have nothing in all the world; why, then, hast thou arrested me? The king said: Because thou gavest away thy possessions, thou art the most dangerous of men. I have decreed thee to be put to death. Art thou prepared? Asha said: Yea, O king. And yet, because of our long acquaintance, I ask of thee one boon, which is, that I may be put to death according to the Panic rites which were before the flood. And if, perchance, it be proven to thee there is a God with power to release me, and he so doeth it, then shall not thy hand be raised against me? The king said: Thy boon is granted. Accordingly, a wheel of uh'ga was built, and Asha was bound upon it, the king having appointed a guard to watch him till he should die. But because of the king's fear that the test might be tamper- ed with, he caused the yogernot to be set up in his private piazza, with the uh'ga facing the Gate of Lions, so that his pri- vate attendants might also watch. Great was the wailing and crying of the people when it was known that Asha had been decreed to death. The city of Oas became as a house of mourning and mad- ness, and it was divided against itself, some for Asha and some for the king. 252 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI LORDS' RECORD Because Asha was old, and thus is view of the king all day, the king repented, but he had no power under the laws to set aside his own decree. And when the sun went down, the king went before Asha, saying: Behold, thou hast been six hours on the wheel, and yet thy God hath not come to release thee. If thou wilt, there- fore, slay thyself with a sword, I will have thee taken down. Asha said: I declare unto thee, O king, I have no pain. Whether it be my mad- ness; or whether it be the Gods favor me, what mattereth it, since I suffer not? Nor have I a right to slay myself, since I cre- ated myself not alive. Moreover, if it be the will of my Creator, Ormazd, that I die on the wheel, then it is just. If it be not His will, then will He release me. There- fore, O king, I am content. The king said: This indifference com- eth of madness. And thy madness hath affected the City of the Sun. Have thy way, then, and die! The king returned to his palace, but on the next morning he came again, mak- ing the same proposal, and receiving sim- ilar answers. And at night he came again, repeating his offer, and again being re- fused, determined to come no more. Now on the night of the third day, Asha felt the power of I'hua'Mazda coming upon him, and he said unto the guard: Behold, this night I shall be released! See to it, therefore, as to whether the thongs are well fastened. For, if it so turn out that the Father release me, then will ye stand before the king accused of conniv- ing at my release. Accordingly, the guard re-examined the fastenings, and sent word to the king of what Asha had said. And the king replied: Nay, if he be released, then will I know of a truth there is a God; neither shall one man of my guardsmen stand accused. This they told to Asha, and Asha said: I say unto you, not only one shall stand accused, but all of you. And there were of them one hundred, being two watches of fifty each; but it being the change of watch, they all heard, and they laughed in deri- sion. And behold, in that same moment of time, the thongs fell off, and I'hua'Maz- da delivered Asha down from the uh'ga. And the spirit of I 'hua'Mazda was in Asha, nor was Asha himself, although con- scious of the things done through him. I'hua'Mazda said: Go ye and say to the king: Behold, Asha is delivered by the power of his God. Then the guards- men said: It is not morning; the king sleepeth. I'hua'Mazda said: I say unto you, the king sleepeth not, but is joyful with drink- ing wine with his courtiers. They went, then, and told the king, finding, of a truth, he slept not. And the king commanded them to bring Asha before him, which they did. Hi'ya'tseing said: What profit have my guardsmen in releasing this old man? Behold, it hath been said that thou, Asha, hadst gold and silver hidden away. I know now of a truth thou hast bribed these guardsmen to set thee free. For which reason, every man of these guardsmen shall be put to death, and their skulls mounted on the walls of Oas, and their skins tanned for leather. Away with them, ye mar- shals; bind them till the rising sun, and at that hour hew off their heads, as I have decreed. And now as for thee, thou old hypocrite and destroyer of liberty! What sayest thou? Asha said: According to thy promise I should now be free. There was no stipu- lation in thy decree that I should not bribe thy guardsmen. Behold, then, my wisdom! Have I not revealed to thee that thou canst not trust any man? The king said: Thou art the wisest of men. I had hoped to hear thee say thy God released thee, and I had here twelve swordsmen to hew off thy head. But be- 'cause, thou hast shown me great craft thou shalt live for a season, but only on condition that thou shalt leave Oas and never return. Then spake I'hua'Mazda through Asha, saying: Thou hast decreed the guardsmen to death at sunrise! Now I declare unto thee, O king, not one of them shall die as thou hast decreed. But I, I'hua'Mazda. will deliver them. Think not that I am Asha; I am not Asha, but a spirit, the God of the I'huans. Neither will I spirit away thy guardsmen by a miracle, but by natural nleans, and will I show thee that I am mightier through faith in my Creator than all kings. CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI LORDS' RECORD 253 The king said: It cannot be that there are Gods or spirits. Is man's judgment nothing? These things were suited to the dark ages. They affrighted men to jus- tice., and so served a purpose. But in this enlightened age man shall know justice and wisdom of himself. Whilst the king yet spake, I'hua'Mazda caused the attending spirits to assume mortal form by the curtains of Arizzi, back of the king, and they made a noise, so that the king turned to look, and he saw them. He feared, not knowing but they were evil persons concealed, and he said: Rob- bers! murderers! And he drew his sword and thrust at them; but they vanished! He said: Verily thou art a devil, O Asha! And he thrust his sword at Asha, but it fell from the handle. He said: Ye Fetes! Kill him! kill him! And whilst he was thus puzzled, Asha walked forth out of the palace, nor would the king's guards lay hands on him. CHAPTER XVI. When Asha went away from the king's palace, Zarathustra met him, and they went together to the prison where the guardsmen were confined, prior to the ex- ecution on the morrow at sunrise; and there came four hundred of the converts of Asha, and, when they stood around the prison, Zarathustra said unto them: Stand ye in the crescent of the living altar, for the power of Ormazd is upon me, and I will deliver this prison! And the keeper of the prison, and also his attend- ants, woke up, and came with spears, say- ing: Disperse! disperse! Or, by the King of the Sun, ye shall die! Zarathustra said: Art thou greater than I'hua'Mazda? Thrust, then, thy spear against my breast. The keeper did so, saying: Thy size is nothing to me, thou boaster! But lo, the shaft was broken in a thousand pieces, neither touched trie blade against his garments. Seeing which, the other spearsmen feared, and Zarathus- tra walked up to them and took their spears from them. And the Zarathustri- ans stood in the form of a living altar, and Zarathustra laid his hands against the front wall of the prison, saying: In thy wisdom and power, O Ormazd, deliver thou this prison! And, behold, the front wall opened as a door openeth, and the prisoners came out unharmed. Zarathustra said': On the morrow the king will decree to death every Faithist within the city. Go ye, therefore, while it is yet night, and command all my people to rise at once and depart out of the city, and I will lead them to a place of safety. So that same night the Faithists lied be- yond the walls. And it came to pass that on the next day, when the king heard what had trans- pired in regard to the prison, he decreed to death every Zarathustrian found within the city, even as prophesied by Zarathus- tra. But they were already gone, and there were of them four thousand six hun- dred and thirty, men, women and children. CHAPTER XVII. I'hua'Mazda spake to Zarathustra, say- ing: Explain these things to my people, for they shall not dwell in darkness nor in fear. Zarathustra said: What shall I tell them, O I'hua'Mazda? I'hua'Mazda said: My people are unit- ed; my people are delivered out of the evil city. To themselves, of themselves, and by themselves, have I delivered them, as a separate people. I found an easy way to unite them; I went not by a dark road. This is no miracle, but the manifestation of Faith in the All Light. Take them fur- ther away from Oas; far away in the for- est. And since Asha is an old man, and learned above all other men, he shall be the rab'bah over them. But as for thee, O Zarathustra, thou art young and strong. Thou shalt choose fifty men from amongst my people, well learned and strong, full of vigor. And they shall be thy companions; and thou shalt visit the large cities of Jaffeth and Shem and Ham. For four years shalt thou trav- el, delivering the Zarathustrian law; but at the end of that time thou shalt return to Oas, and to this people, my first chosen. And after, Asha shall go with thee to Oas, and thou shalt raise thy hand against the city, and it shall fall. Zarathustra then explained these things to the people, and thereafter took them to the valley of Yan'she, by the river Witch'- owitch ; and he divided them into three 254 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI LORDS' RECORD large cities and four small ones, after the manner of the Thins. And he appointed rab'bahs, and made Asha chief rab'bah over all the others. And Zarathustra chose fifty men, well learned, and vigorous; and they departed, to establish the Zarathustrian law in the cities of the east and south. I'hua'Mazda led them forth, speaking to Zarathustra, telling him whither to go, and directing him in the nearest roads, over the moun- tains and plains, and across the rivers, And wheresoever they went, I'hua'Mazda provided them with beasts of burden, and beasts to ride on, converting their owners to the Ormazdian law, who gave them all things required. The first large city Zarathustra came to was Tse'gow, on the plains of Jo'ab, high walled with wood and stone; and when he came to the gate thereof the keep- er demanded his name and business, speak- ing in another language, and Zarathustra understod him not. Then came I'hua'- Mazda, answering the keeper in his own tongue, saying: I am a servant of the Creator, Ormazd; I come to prove immortal life before the king. Send, then, to thy king, and he will admit me and my people. So the keeper sent to the king, who commanded that Zarathustra come before him. And when he and his attendants were thus before the king, the king said: Art thou he of whom the King of the Sun hath spoken? And what is thy business with me? Thy king, even the king of kings, is mad. Then an- swered I'hua'Mazda, saying: Zarathustra, of whom the Sun king spake, is before thee. I am here to prove to thee many things pertaining to what is written in the holy book. But ere I utter many words, I pray thee, that thy son, Ha'sing, and thy wife, Hi'ti'us, and thy daughters, Peutu, Zoo, He'in and Za- bee, be also present. The king said: How knowest thou the names of my people? And I'hua'Mazda said: Here stand familiar spirits, and they speak to me. Chief amongst them is Ay'- ay, thy grandfather, who slew himself; and next to him are thy kinspeople in spirit, Noa, Wess, Lut, Gan'ce, Mith'ce, Nim'- och, Wo'huin, Ruks and Pa'stctie. The king was concerned, for many of these had been slain in wars, nor knew he how Zarathustra discovered their names. So he sent for his wife and son and daugh ters, and they all went into an inner cham- ber, Zarathustra with them. I'hua'Mazda spake to the king, saying: Think not that Asha is mad because he hath given up all he had and gone to live with the poor. The Gods call all men mad who do otherwise, especially rich men, and kings, and rulers. For such men set value on things that they cannot retain but during mortal life at most. Asha set- teth value on that which will last forever. I would that all men would do as Asha hath done. Because of unbelief in the Great Spirit, man hath set himself up as the All Highest, and his trade hath be- come war and destruction. I came not to persuade thee to give away thy kingdom nor thy riches, nor yet for any glory or profit to myself. I speak for the hosts be- ing slain, tribe against tribe, city against city; I speak for the millions of spirits in darkness, who dwell on the battlefields. I'hua'Mazda thus gained the attention of the king, and, meanwhile, the angels who accompanied him took on semblance of mortals; and presently, the king and his family looked about and saw them, and were frightened; and the king drew his sword, saying: Who have entered thus, uncalled! But as he advanced, behold, the spirits disappeared. The king was amazed, I'hua'Mazda continued speaking: Concern thyself not because the spirits show themselves; neither call thou these appearances miracles. Spirits are always present; but because they thus clothed themselves with the semblance of corpor- eal parts, thou hast for the first time seen them. Whilst thou wast quiet, they came; with thy sudden passion they disappeared. The king said: Will they come again? Then answered I'hua'Mazda, saying: Since thy wife and thy daughters are frightened, why should they appear again? Yet hear thou me, O king! Since thy youth up thou hast been prepared for this. Thy wife is half-breed with the I'hins, the sacred people. The I'hins were preserved by the Gods to this end, for they are as the lea- ven, prepared for the resurrection of all the races of men. Because of this great vir- CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI LORDS' RECORD 255 tue in thy wife, the spirits of the dead can show themselves before thee. Whilst I'hua'Mazda thus spake, the angels again assumed sar'gis, and there were present several spirits whose mortal lives had been cut short by the king's own sword. Chief of these was Awetakeytha, one time king of the city of Tse'gow. The sar'gis spake to the king, saying: Think not that I am dead, O king! I am not dead, save in the corporeal part. As by thy sword thou didst cut me off, so by the sword shalt thou be pierced through. Next spake Too'Sain, another sar'gis, say- ing: Till thou art dead, O king, and thy soul cast into hell, I will not cease to tor- ment thee! Next spake Ghon, another sar'gis, saying: Before yesterday I brought venom from rotten flesh, and inoculated thee in the breath of thy mouth! Thou shalt cough blood and foul-smelling cor- ruption! Next spake Owd, saying: I am come from the land of the dead, O king, with the torments of hell for thee! Then spake We'Seay, a sar'gis, saying: I am thy first wife; why slewest thou me? Was not the world wide enough? Thus the spirits continued to speak, permitted by I'hua'Mazda to manifest their evil desires and passions in their own way; nor did one spirit appear who had a single good word of cheer for the king. Then the king spake, saying: Go away, spirits, or devils! I will see no more! And, with that, he swung his sword about fiercely; but when he quieted a little, I'hua'Mazda spake to him, saying: I declare unto thee, O king, heaven is filled with the spirits of the dead, and be- cause they were slain by thee, they lie in wait for thy spirit, when thou shalt die. Think not that by slaying a man thou art rid of him; only the corporeal part is with- in thy power. The soul never dieth. Or- mazd is just. Whom thou hast injured, thou shalt restore. The king said: If a man be a bad man, and I kill him, is it not a great good? I'hua'Mazda said: To kill him is a great evil. Thou shouldst convert him to good. The king said: But if he belong to me? Then I'hua'Mazda said: No man belong- eth to thee. The same Creator created all men; and they belong to Him. The king said: But I have possession of them. They are mine. If thy Creator is stronger than I, let Him take them. I'hua'Mazda said: To take them from thee would be no honor: but for thee to de- liver them is thine own honor. Now whilst the king's mind was thus engaged, the angels cut loose the tapestry about the walls, and let it fall to the floor, and with great confusion, the queen and her daughters rose up and fled. The king was angered, and thrust his sword at Zarathustra; but it broke into a hundred pieces, and yet no part touched Zarathustra. I'hua'Mazda said: Save thou repent of thy evil ways, I will withdraw my holy angels from this house, and thou shalt bear witness that ere the morning sun ap- pears, this palace shall not be left stand- ing. But the king was hardened. So, when I'hua'Mazda perceived there was no re- pentance in the king, he withdrew the Lord and his ashars, abandoning the pal- ace to evil spirits, but he sent guardian angels to inspire the queen and her daugh- ters to flee from the house that night, and they so fled. And the spirits of darkness went to the king's enemies and inspired them to go against the palace; and they so went, and destroyed it. The next day, Zarathustra went about in the city, which was in great tumult, and I'hua'Mazda spake through him to the people. And in one day he received more than a thousand followers; and when the king saw this, he decreed Zarathustra to death, offering a reward to whomsoever would slay him. The next day he preach- ed again before the people, and received great addition to his followers; and then the king ordered his soldiers, of whom there were ten thousand, to fall upon Zara- thustra and his people, and destroy them. But I'hua'Mazda had prophesied this to his adherents beforehand, and had advised them to flee. And many escaped before morning; but there were also many who were still within the walls when the sol- diers came upon them. Zarathustra stretched his hand up- ward, saying: Fire of Thy Fire, O Fa- ther! Give me here a wall of fire! And there rose up a wall of fire betwixt them 256 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI LORDS' RECORD and the soldiers; and the latter, seeing this, turned and fled, crying out; Shri! shri! — signifying spirit. Thus Zarathustra led them out of the city, and not one man or woman or child was injured. But it came to pass that the deeds done through Zarathustra were greatly exaggerated in relating them, so that people who had not yet seen him be- lieved the world was about to come to an end. Thus the king lost all discipline over the city; and the people lived without law or order; robbing one another, or de- stroying whatever stood before them. CHAPTER XVIII. Zarathustra called his fifty companions before him and I 'hua'Mazda said: Because these people are delivered from the ty- rant, they will become his enemies. A people long oppressed, love vengeance. This would thwart the Ormazdian law. Take them, therefore, away from the city, and divide them into groups, and I will send angels, capable of interpreting lan- guages. Behold, a God cometh not to ac- complish at random. Nor cometh he to one man only, in order to over- throw the evil of a whole world. My angels have been with you since the day of your birth and ye are a part of my army. After ye have divided these people, and conducted them into forests: ye shall begin to speak with new tongues, and these people will understand you. And ye shall build altars of worship to Ormazd, teach- ing these people songs and prayers and dancing, explaining to them the Ormaz- dian law. So, those who fled from the anarchy of the city, were led away, half a day's journey, and there encamped. And the companions of Zarathustra, who were called Inquas, were entranced, and com- prehended the language of the people, and could talk with them understandingly. So they built altars to Ormazd, and taught the people worship, and caused them to take an oath not to kill any man or wo- man or child, nor beast, nor bird; nor any animal created alive. And they bound them on the oath taken under the thigh, to eat only fruit and nuts and roots and bread, according to the Ormazdian law. And they divided them into families of tens and families of hundreds, and of a thou- sand, giving them one rab'bah for each, according to the Zarathustrian law. But Zarathustra returned into the city, and I 'hua'Mazda clothed him about with fire, at night, and with clouds in the day- light, so that the people could behold his power, and no man dare raise a hand against him. Then he commanded the people to gather together all the skulls on the walls, and the scalps that were hung about the houses and on the poles; and they were taken away and burned. And he disbanded the soldiers; and thus, the king was rendered helpless and left to stroll about, cursing. And Zarathustra advised the people to go out of the city and live; and they went forth by thousands, beginning new lives. After that, Zarathustra left the place; and at once it was filled with drujas, and they went to the Druks and inspired them to fire and plunder. And the great city of Tse'gow, with all its temples, and towers, and palaces, was quickly reduced to a heap of ashes. Zarathustra went before hundreds of thousands of the people, speaking by the voice of I'hua'Mazda. He said: I hear cer- tain ones saying: Whoever setteth value on earthly things, above heavenly things, it is good for him to have fire and de- struction. All things come of the Father, Ormazd, or by His permission. When He withdraweth His hand from a wicked city, evil spirits rush in. Others have said: Who are evil spirits? Why doth not Or- mazd destroy them? I say unto you, evil spirits are both yourselves and the dead. Whom ye have slain in passion, still live to torment you in spirit. Ye had their skulls hung on the gates and wails; your temples of science were portaled with the scalps of your enemies. The spirits of these people still live, though their bodies be dead, and they obsess you to deeds of wickedness. This is the Ormazdian law; when a man is dead, ye shall either burn the body, or bury it in the ground, that the spirit be not troubled. But ye bound them in spirit; to those who were slain, Tse'gow was an everlasting reminder of their own destruction and defeat. These spirits have gained ten-fold more than ye have CYCLE OF FEAGAPATTT LORDS' RECORD 257 lost by the fire; for now the Gods can de- liver them in heaven. For which reasons, I declare unto you that it is a great good that Tse'gow is destroyed. The world is large; the lands are very wide. Kill no man, woman, nor child. They are Or- mazd's. Neither shall ye build large cities; they are a curse on the face of the earth. Neither shall ye live alone, for such be- come bound to self; but dwell in families of tens and hundreds and thousands. Hath not the Father given you an example in the I'hins? They kill not, nor take that which is another's; nor are given to lust, nor war, nor quarreling. Where is the king's wife, Hi'ti'us? Where is Ha'sing, the prince? And the princesses, Peutu, and Zoo, and He'in, and Zabee? The multitude answered: They are gone! I'hua'Mazda said: I say unto you, they were gone, but they are returning. Presently they will be here. They shall speak before you. Presently the king's wife and son and daughters, came. Hi'ti'us said: Behold, Tse'gow is burned. Who hath seen the king? He'in and Zabee, the princesses, were very young girls, and they cried for their father. He had slain himself, cutting his bowels across with his sword. I'hua'Mazda spake through Zarathus- tra, saying: Come thou, Hi'ti'us, and and stand on the rocks so that all can see, and bring thy children. She came and stood beside Zarathustra. And now the Voice said: Let these bear witness whether the dead do not live in spirit? Hi'ti'us said: With my own eyes have I seen the spirits of the dead; with my own ears, heard them talk. My children shall hold up their hands if these things be true. The children held up their hands. Again Hi'ti'us said: Where is my husband, the king? Whilst they were yet standing on the rocks, the spirit of the king rose up before all the people, and He'in and Zabee cried out: Here is my father! Then spake I'hua'- Mazda, saying to the spirit of the king: Knowest thou that thou art dead? The spirit of the king spake loud, so that all could hear him; he said: No, I am not dead, but I have done a foolish thing, I cut my bowels across. Then Hi'ti'us said: I fear, indeed, the king is dead, and this is his spirit. He looks strangely! I'hua'Mazda said: There is no cut. Thy belly is unharmed. But the spirit persisted, saying: I thrust my hands in the hole, and yet thou sayest, there is no wound! Thou art mad! I re- member thee; it was thee who broughtest back these phantom enemies to torture me! I'hua'Mazda said: What enemies seest thou? The spirit answered: All I ever slew; a thousand or more! Away, ye tormentors! Ye mockers! I will thrust you through. The spirit of the king then stamped and raved, for he saw the spirits of the dead; but the audience saw them not, though they saw him, for he was in sar'gis form. I'hua'Mazda said: I say unto the, O king, thou art dead. Couldst thou but awaken to this fact, thou wouldst rise in spirit. Neither canst thou be delivered till these, thy enemies, are also delivered. Then answered the spirit of the king, say- ing: I banish thee from the city of Tse'- gow! Nor shalt thou ever return, under penalty of death! I'hua'Mazda said: I tell thee, O king, the city of Tse'gow is destroyed. There is not one house standing! The spirit of the king answered, saying: Thou tormentest me! Thou madman! Thou assertest lies in the face of facts! Begone, wretch! O that my belly were not cut across; I would at thee with vengeance! I'hua'Mazda withdrew the sar'gis, and the king could not be seen; nevertheless, his spirit continued cursing and raging all the same. The queen, Hi'ti'us, compre- hended the matter fully, and her heart was heavy with sorrow. Then I'hua'Mazda said to her: Re- member the faith of thy forefathers, the I'hins. Be thou strong in the Ormazdian law, and these sorrows will pass away. Nor is there anything in heaven or earth can satisfy the soul that is short before the law. To her that can say, I live the all highest, is happy indeed, and her happi- ness hath a sure foundation. And whosoever perceiving the dead are in torments, let them pray for them, sing- ing anthems unto the Father. Intercede ye with the All Light, to bestow them with peace. Think not that because of your 258 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI LORDS' RECORD prayers the All Light runneth with haoma. to feed the spirits of the dead. But this I declare unto you, that, by peace and joy in your devotions to the Father, the spir- its who are present are thus reclaimed to virtue and exaltation. These things will I yet show unto you; be steadfast and hopeful in Faith, and, when the evening hath come, I will again call up the spirits of the dead before you. CHAPTER XIX. Because of the destruction of Tse'gow, there were hundreds of thousands of peo- ple rendered homeless and destitute, and groups were surging about in all places, crying out for food, or for some needful thing. I'hua'Mazda said to Zarathustra: The ill-fortune of mortals is the good for- tune of the righteous Gods; but the good fortune of mortals is the glory of evil Gods. Think not that because Tse'gow is burned, and the people hungry, the Voice of the Father is out of place. Now is the time they will give ear. By the loss of earthly treasures, the soul seeketh for that which will endure forever. Go thou, therefore, and I will go with thee; and criers shall be sent out, calling the people to the valley of Tsoak'ya this night. When night came, Zarathustra went before the people, and there were tens of thousands of them. I'hua'Mazda spake to them, explaining the Ormazdian law. When he was done speaking, he took Hi'- ti'us, the king's widow, her children, and forty others, and made a crescent of them; and he stood betwixt the horns thereof. And to his left and right were many of his companions. Thus prepared, Zarathustra sang a song, such as the I'hins had taught him in his youth. And the drujas were ushered into the crescent, taking on sar'- gis, the king amongst the number. And the spirit of the king was softened, for they sang peace to his soul and joy for- ever; and presently he awoke from his madness, and realized he was dead; and he rejoiced in Zarathustra, and applauded him before all the people. And the spirits of darkness who were with him did like- wise. Zarathustra said: Ye shall not worship any man born of woman, nor call him sa- cred. One only, who is Ormazd, the Cre- ator, is Master over all the world. Hear ye now my voice unto Him! Zarathustra stretched his arms upward, full of energy, and I'hua'Mazda spake through him, saying: Light of Light, O Father, hear Thou Thy Son! With Thy Almighty hand bless these faithful suffer- ers! Scarcely had these words been spok- en when there fell from the air above, fish and fruit and grains and roots, and all things good to eat, more than sufficient to feed the famished people for three days; although there were more than thirty thousand of them. And all this while the sar'gis of the king looked on, and beheld what had been done; and he cried out with a loud voice: Blessed art Thou, O Ormazd! O that I had known Thee! O that I had sought to find Thee! Hi'ti'us, my wife! And my blessed babes! Swear ye to the king, ye will proclaim the I'hua'Mazdian law, for- ever! Swear it! Give me joy! Then Hi'ti'us and the children held up their hands as directed by I'hua'Mazda, swearing a solemn oath to maintain the love of Ormazd and the Zarathustrian law, forever. After these, there came thou- sands and thousands of others, who also swore in the same way. I'hua'Mazda then took away the sar'gis, and the spirits could not be seen by mortals. CHAPTER XX. Again on the next day Zarathustra ap- peared before the multitude, and I'hua'- Mazda spake through him, saying: I came not in an age of darkness, but of light and knowledge. I am not here to proclaim miracles; I serve the Father, Whose Son I am. In heaven there are two kinds of spirits; those who serve the earth and those who serve the Father. If ye serve the earth ye shall be ministered unto by the spirits of the lower heavens, who are bound to the earth. If ye serve the Father, ye are ministered unto by the spirits of the higher heavens. Because ye were united in prayer last night to the Father, His holy angels brought ye food. His harvests are over all the earth; His fields are broad. It is not just that He also gather it and bring it to you. To be just to Him, go ye and bring forth out of the rich earth whatsoever CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI LORDS' RECORD 259 ye need, rejoicing in Him. Cease warring; kill not anything He created alive, that walks on the ground or flies in the air. And no flesh save fish, which is cold in life, shall enter your mouths. In the morning, when ye first awake, pray to the Creator, Ormazd, after this manner: Glory be to Thee, Thou All Light! Because thou hast created me alive; I will strive with all my might to be upright before Thee; I have faith Thou hast created me wisely; and I know Thou wilt show me the right way. Make my eyes sharper to see into my own soul than into all else in the world, I will dis- cover its dark spots and wash them clean. Seal Thou up my eyes from the sins of others, but magnify their goodness unto me, that I may be ashamed of my unwor- thiness before Thee. This day will I run quickly to the distressed and helpless, and give them joy by some deed or word. Seal up my tongue against slandering any man, woman or child. Whosoever Thou feedest me with, is sufficient for the day; complaint shall not escape from my mouth. Quicken me all day, O Ormazd, with this, my prayer, that I may become a glory in Thy works. Amen! I'hua'Mazda said: Remember, that to utter words of prayer, but to practice not, is of little value. He that is true to his light is strong in soul; to be false to one's light is to put out the eyes and stop up the ears. He that would rise in heaven, let him begin to rise on earth. The resurrec- tion lieth in following the All Highest Light one already hath. He that doeth not this, is a fool to ask the Father to raise him up. Hell fire is his boundary in the next world. Because Ormazd gave away Himself, He created all things. By sac- rifice for the elevation of others doth a man begin to approach Ormazd. This is resur- rection in fact. CHAPTER XXI. I'hua'Mazda called together those who swore allegiance to the Zarathustrian law; and he separated them from the others, and there were in ten days thirty thousand professed followers. Nevertheless, I'hua'- Mazda spake to Zarathustra, saying: Of all these, only one in ten will remain long in faith. And to establish the tenth firmly is more valuable than to have ten times as many who understand not what they pro- fess. Zarathustra asked: How can a tenth be made firm? I'hua'Mazda said: Long ago I told thee to go and live with the I'hins. Zarathustra said: I understand. I learned the Wheel of Ormazd from the I'hins. Then said I'hua'Mazda: Make thou a Wheel of Ormazd. Zarathustra made a wheel, and hung it slanting, facing the sun at high noon. Then I'hua'Mazda explained to the peo- ple, saying: This is a symbol of the name of the Creator, Ormazd. Put it in the place betwixt the horns of the crescent, for it is sacred. Let the Faithists go with me, and I will explain. They carried it to the meeting-place and faced it in the same direction. And when the people stood in a circle around it, I'hua'Mazda said: The name of this place shall be Harel, and the name of the wheel shall be the Wheel of the Altar. Behold, then, ye have already sworn an oath under the thigh, in the custom of your forefathers, but ye shall now renew your oath on the Wheel of the Altar of Or- mazd, and His Holy Book. I'hua'Mazda then administered the oath unto many, wherein they covenanted to turn from evil and strive to do good; and each and every one turned the wheel once round, as a witness before the Father. When they had all covenanted, I'hua'- Mazda said: Ye shall make many wheels, and carry them along the roadways, and wherever one road crosseth another ye shall place a Wheel of the Altar; and ye shall dedicate the wheel to the Creator. And whoever passeth that way shall halt and remember his Creator; and he shall re- new his covenant, to turn from evil and strive to do good; and in testimony be- fore the Father, he shall turn the wheel once round. Thus was established the sacred wheel of the altar amongst the I'huan race. I'hua'Mazda spake to Zarathustra, say- ing: What is the most potent thing in ev- ery creature? Zarathustra said: The eye is the most potent. The eye is the most to be feared; the most desirable. The eye of man 260 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI LORDS RECORD can go away from man; his hand cannot go way from him, nor his foot. Man's eye can reach the mountains; to the clouds, the moon, the sun and the stars. I'hua'Mazda said: If the eye of man is the most potent, what follows? Zarathustra said: The eye of Ormazd is His most potent power over man. So, Zarathustra made a picture of an eye, and placed it over the altar. Where- upon I'hua'Mazda made the people cov- enant anew, but this time with the I'hua'- Mazdian law, the Ormazdian law. Where- in they said: I know Thine eye is upon me night and day; nothing is hidden from Thy sight, O Ormazd! And I'hua'Mazda commanded them to place a picture of an eye over the altars in all places of worship. Then came the first night of the new moon, and Zarathustra went into the place of worship; and a great multitude also came in. So I'hua'Mazda said: This is mas night for the spirits of the dead. That the widow, Hi'ti'us, may have joy this night, I will sing and pray for the spirit of the king. And, afterward, for all spirits who are in darkness. When they sang and prayed, the spirit of the king came in sar'gis, and talked to Hi'ti'us, and to oth- ers. And, after that, the spirit of the king prayed and sang with I'hua'Mazda. Thus was established the first night of the new moon as mas night for the spirits of the dead, and it was demonstrated before the living. I'hua'Mazda taught through Zarathus- tra for forty days and nights; teaching the Zarathustrian law, the Ormazdian law. And thousands and thousands of people were converted unto righteousness; and these were called disciples of Zazathustra. Zarathustra inquired of I'hua'Mazda what was the best, most potent thing for the generations of men. Then answered I'hua'Mazda, saying: The best, most po- tent thing for the generations of men is to teach the very young child the ever presence of the All Potent Eye, which sees into the body of mortals, and into the soul. Zarathustra inquired concerning very young children: Then I'hua'Mazda an- swered, saying: In three days and five days and seven days the rite of circumcision for the males, and piercing the ears for the females. And, when they are old enough, they shall be consecrated on the wheel. Zarathustra said: To consecrate, what is that? Then answered I'hua'Mazda: To profess the All Highest, the Creator, Or- mazd. And from that time forth the young child shall pray to Ormazd every night before going to sleep, and pray every morning as soon as awake to Or- mazd, renewing its covenant and acknowl- edging the presence of the All Potent Eye. Zarathustra inquired concerning chil- dren who were not thus provided. I'hua'- Mazda answered: If they die, they fall into the care of drujas and be- come drujas themselves; but if they live, they will grow up liars and Druks, killing and stealing. Zarathustra inquired concerning a con- secrated child, if it die? Then I'hua'- Mazda answered: If a consecrated child die, its spirit is received in heaven by the angels of Ormazd, and taken to a place of delight. When these things were explained to the disciples, the mothers brought their children before Zarathustra; and I'hua'- Mazda consecrated them on the altar, and they were baptized with water and fire, and given names by the rab'bah. CHAPTER XXII. Zarathustra, inquired concerning pro- tection against imposters. To which I'hu- a'-Mazda answered, saying: Prove all things on the altar. If a man come before the people saying: Behold, I am a prophet! and he teach strange doctrines, he shall be tied on the wheel with his face toward the sun at high noon. And if he be a true prophet, the spirits who dwell by the altar will set him free. But, if he be not releas- ed on the third night, the wheel shall be carried out into the forest and stood up by the bushes. And if he be an impostor, the wild beasts will come and devour his flesh. Zarathustra inquired concerning the wheel afterward. I'hua'Mazda said: When an impostor hath perished on the wheel, behold, the wheel shall be no longer used as before. But the disciples shall cut away the rim of the wheel, and cast it away, for it is useless. CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI «>„■.. RECORD 261 Zarathustra inquired concerning the government. To which I'hua'Mazda re- plied, saying: To thy disciples there is no need of government, save to do the Will of Ormazd. But no people are all pure; no people are all wise. Two kinds of gov- ernments created the Creator; the first is His Own, the Government of Ormazd; the second is the government of mortals. Zarathustra inquired if government did not abridge liberty. I'hua'Mazda said: The Ormazdian government giveth liberty; so far as man's government partaketh after the Ormazdian government, it giveth lib- erty also. Zarathustra inquired: What is the best man's government? To which I'hua'- Mazda replied: This is the best, most po- tent government: First, there shall not be more than two thousand people, so that they can know one another; and no city shall be larger than that. The wisest, best man shall be the high rab'bah; but the families of tens and fam- ilies of hundreds within the city shall have each, one rab'bah, being the wisest, best man. These rab'bahs shall be the govern- ment of the city. They shall have a gov- ernment house, and it shall be the place of decrees. Zarathustra said: How shall they make decrees, that the decrees pervert not liberty? I'hua'Mazda said: Ask not this, O man! He who crieth out constantly for his liberty is a selfish man, he is a Druk. Save a man be willing to sacrifice his lib- erty somewhat, for the public good, he. is unworthy before Ormazd. To find the amount of sacrifice, this is the business of the decrees. Zarathustra said: How, then, shall the rab'bah proceed? I'hua'Mazda said: When they are seated, the chief rab'bah shall an- nounce the subject; neither shall any other rab'bah announce the subject. But if a rab'bah have a subject, he shall state it beforehand to the chief rab'bah. After the subject is announced, then shall all the rab'bahs speak on the subject; but they shall not speak against one another; but each one declaring his highest light. When they have all spoken, then shall the chief rab'bah speak his highest light, which he gathereth from the others in the first place, but which is afterward illuminated by the Light of Ormazd, and this shall be the decree. Zarathustra inquired concerning the laws betwixt cities. I'hua'Mazda spake to Zarathustra, explaining the Ormazdian law. He said: A city is a family of one. A small village is a family of one; for which reason is a city called Ir. And every city shall have one God-ir, who shall be the best and wisest man. The God-irs shall meet in council to consider what is good for all the cities jointly. For some cities are situated for flax and wool, some for iron, and some for copper, and some for ships. Zarathustra inquired concerning the Council of God-irs. I'hua'Mazda answer- ed him, saying. The God-irs shall choose the best and wisest man amongst them, and he shall be called God-ir Chief. And he shall sit in the east in the Council chamber, and he shall present the sub- jects, after they have been told to him by the other God-irs. And when he hath pre- sented a subject, all the members shall speak upon it. And after they have all spoken, then the God-ir Chief shall speak, and his words shall be the decree, which shall be called the Zarathustrian law, because the All Light dwelleth with the Chief, and he cannot err. This is the Ormazdian law, the I'hua'Mazdian law, the Zarathustrian law. Zarathustra said: Of a walled city, what is the Ormazdian law? I'hua'Mazda answered, saying: To the I'hins, walled cities, to protect them from beasts and ser- pents; to I'huans, cities without walls. To the cities of the Druks, walls. This is the kingdom of I'hua'Mazda; they that have faith, why shall they build walls? They shall not hoard up gold and silver; none will rob them. After Zarathustra, two people will live. One shall be the people of this world; the other shall be the people of Ormazd. The former shall strive for earthly things; the latter for spiritual things. And there shall be no af- finity betwixt these two people. From this time forth, the Zarathustrian people, all ex- cept the little I'hins, who have faith in the Father, shall not have walled cities. But this world's people, having no faith in the Father, shall have faith in stone walls; 262 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI LORDS' RECORD whereby ye may know which are righteous in my sight. Zarathustra inquired concerning the smallest of cities. I'hua'Mazda answered him, saying: The smallest city is a man and his wife and children. And even as the people in a large city are one with one another, so shall a man and his wife and children be one with one another. And as a large city must have a head father, so shall a small one. Whatsoever hath no head is nothing. Zarathustra said: In the government of a large city, the fathers speak on a sub- ject, and after them, the head father de- creeth. I'hua'Mazda said: Even so shall it be in a family of husband and wife. The wife shall speak first, and the children next, if old enough; and after that the father shall decree. That which is a good law for a large city, is good for a small one. As the kingdoms in heaven are governed, so shall be the kingdoms of earth. Zarathustra inquired concerning a bad husband and a good wife, and a bad wife and a good husband? I'hua'Mazda spake to Zarathustra, the All Pure, saying: Who knoweth what is good and what is bad? Are not all men to give themselves as a sacrifice to the Father, and all women also? If a good woman is not willing to sacrifice herself to a bad husband, after having sworn to Ormazd, then she is not good, but a lover of herself. A good woman hath no self to serve. Because she findeth her husband bad, shall she also be bad? Is it not good for her in the place Ormazd pro- vided? Shall she set up her judgment against the Father's? There be men of evil, and of passion, who abuse their wives. Knoweth not every damsel this? For this reason, if she commit herself to her hus- band in the name of the Father, He heareth her. And He establisheth His Kingdom in her house. And that man and that wo- man have no longer themselves to consult as to their desires; for if the Father desir- eth her to leave her husband, or the hus- band to leave the wife, He taketh one of them to heaven. Think not that He chang- eth as the wind, or boweth Himself to please the caprice of man or woman. Rather let the good wife, with a bad hus- band, say to Ormazd: Because I was vain, Thou hast rebuked me, O Father. Because I sought to change my condition, Thou hast shown me I knew not what was good for me. Yea, thou hast shown me the folly of my judg- ment before Thee, and I will profit in turn- ing to Thy Will. I will not more open my mouth in complaint. Though I be scourg- ed with stripes, and made ashamed of my household, yet will I glorify Thee. The city Thou hast founded in me, will I be- gin at the foundation, and build up as a holy city, in Thy name. And she shall say to her husband, who beateth her: Because the Father gaveth thee to me, I will rejoice and sing in thy praise. Before I sleep at night, I will ask His blessing upon thee, and in the early morning, and at high noon. Though thou mayest hate me, yet will I do so great good works for thee, thou shalt love me. Though thou mayest kill me, yet will I go to heaven and build a house for thee. CHAPTER XXIII. When Zarathustra had divided the peo- ple, leading his followers away into suita- ble places, he looked back with compas- sion, and he said to I'hua'Mazda: What of them who will not accept the Ormaz- dian law? I'hua'Mazda answered him, saying: Behold, thy arms are full! Let the dead have dominion with the dead. Not only this generation, but many that come after thee, will be unable to accept the Ormazdian law. Zarathustra apportioned his people into cities and villages and families, but over the whole of them he appointed Yus'avak, one of his companions who came with him from Oas, as Chief. And when Yus'avak was established as Chief, Zarathustra and his companions traveled further, until they came to the city of Ne'ki'ro, kingdom of Aboatha, king of twelve generations through his forefathers, whose title was, Aboatha, Son of Uzza, Son of Nimrod, Son of the House of Tus'iang, who was descended from before the world was! Ne'ki'ro was a walled city, but the Zarathustrians gained entrance without paying tribute, because the law thus fa- vored strangers. Aboatha, in his youth, had traveled amongst the Par'si'e'ans, and knew the language; and when Zarathustra CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI to**.. BECOBO 26 S was before him, speaking in the Oas'an tongue, the king inquired his business, and how long he purposed staying, stat- ing moreover, that he had received the tablets of the Ormazdian law, with the in • terpretations, from the king of the Sun, Asha; and that he had desired to see Zara- thustra. Zarathustra said: I came to establish the Ormazdian law. In the name of the All Light will I blunt the edge of the sword and the spear. I have come in the person of I'hua'Mazda, and until I . have fulfilled the commandments upon me, I shall tarry within thy city. The king said: My city is not large; I have more scalps and skulls, for the size of my city, than any other king in the world. But know thou, O man, I am a philosopher. Many of my people are also learned people. Hear thou me, then, if thou hast a greater philosophy than I have, I will not only bequeath to thee the public skulls and scalps, to be thy treasures for- ever, but I will also give my skull and scalp into thy hand, as the most valuable treasure in the Jaffeth'ean empire. Zarathustra said: Though thou settest great value on skulls and scalps, because they are the product of labor, yet they are of no value to me, nor Ormazd. Neither have I any philosophy for thee. To ac- cept His will; to be servant unto Him, by doing good unto others, comprise the whole of the law, by which all men may be made to rejoice in their creation. The king said: Think not that I am as other men. I am not as other men. In the first beginning of all things, there were Seven and Nine things. I was one of them. By division, we created all there is in heaven and earth. Seven thousand and seven millions, and nine thousand and nine millions of times, have I divided myself. One-seventh and one-ninth of all there are of created things is my very self. Tell me, then, hast thou as great a philosophy as this? Zarathustra said: O the folly of men before Thee, O Ormazd! They run after that which flattereth self, seeing their fel- lows going down in death, and they raise not their hands to lift them up! I tell thee, O king, thy poorest slave that bring- eth out of the earth food for two men, hath a greater philosophy than thine! He that can rule over his own self-conceit, that speaketh not of himself, giveth a bet- ter philosophy of himself than thou hast. He who hath not yet risen from his moth- er's breast, hath more treasures to give than thou hast obtained with all thy phil- osophy. Ere three days have passed by, the city's skulls and scalps will be burned to dust. Nor will thy philosophy avail thee to stay the hand of I'hua'Mazda. .The king said: Proposest thou with this handful of men to battle with my army? Zarathustra said: I have spoken. There is no value in discoursing with any man who hath an opinion to establish, nor is man's opinion of value to raise up the souls of men. Bring thou, therefore, thy army, and command them to fall upon me and mine! The king said: Thou hast no weapons; think not that I battle with men who use their tongues, like women! Zarathustra said: Why boastest thou? Thy soldiers will turn and flee when thou bringest them against me! The king turned away then, and or- dered his officers to bring soldiers, and despatch Zarathustra and his companions, and to hang their skulls and scalps on the walls. Zarathustra and his companions went into the king's garden and formed in an altar. When the sun had set, and even- ing came, the king's soldiers, more than ten thousand, came upon them. I'hua'Mazda had great power, because of the faith of Zarathustra, and he spake with a loud voice, saying: Light of Thy Light, O Ormazd! Build me here a wall of fire! And behold, there fell from hea- ven curtains of fire, till a great wall stood betwixt the two peoples; nor would one soldier throw a spear or sling a stone; and many of them broke and fled. When the king saw the power of Zara- thustra, he feared for his kingdom; and not deciding at once what course to pur- sue, he went into his palace. Then came Zarathustra and his companions out of the garden, but the light extended up above Zarathustra's head like a pillar of fire. I'hua'Mazda spake to some who were near- est, saying: Run quickly and call the soldiers back, saying to them they shall be my soldiers, 264 CYCLE OF FEAGAPATT1 LORDS' RECORD and I will give them the weapons of the Creator. So, the messengers ran, and brought many of them back. I'hua'Mazda commanded them to gather the skulls and scalps from the city walls, and from the gates, and go and burn them, and the soldiers did these things. The next day after they were consumed, I'hua'Mazda began to preach, explaining the Ormazdian law; and he received many followers. The king had tried by all means to gather his soldiers together, but no one obeyed him. After that Zarathustra went to him, saying: If thou art one-seventh and one-ninth of all things, who thinkest thou I am? The king said: They say thou art a very Creator! But, as to my opinion, thou art only a magician. Thou canst not do anything real; for which reason, I hoped thou wouldst come before me. Know, then, thy end hath come! With that, the king struck at Zarathustra; but the king's sword was broken into pieces, and of non-effect. The king had two trained chetahs, large as the largest lions, and he ordered them to be unloosed and set upon Zara- thustra. And it was done; but, lo, the che- tahs came and licked his hands. But the king was hardened, and would not believe. I'hua'Mazda called the king to come near, and he came. He said unto the king: I am not thine enemy, but the enemy of evil; I come not to take thy kingdom. In a few days I shall leave this place. So, thy kingdom would be worthless to me. And yet I come to establish another kingdom, which is the Father's. I come to overthrow sin and wickedness, and to build up that which is good. And in so doing, it shall be known amongst men that the soul is immortal. Rather would I see thee and thy people alive and full pf joy, than to see them dead. Thou hast said thou understandest the Ormazdian law; perceiving there is also a king's law. The king's laws are for the earth- world; to punish the wicked and reward the val- orous; the Ormazdian law is for the Zara- thustrians, who need no kings. Thy sub- jects are for war and plunder; but the sub- jects of the Great Spirit are for doing good, and in love and mercy. And have I not shown thee that the Ormazdian laws are the stronger of the two? Yea, a hundred- fold. It is wiser for thee to espouse the stronger law. Thou hast gathered certain treasures, boasting of thy treasures' value. Because thou hast made a law of exchange for skulls and scalps, thou makest them valuable! Because a man bringeth a skull to thee, thou givest him bread. Now I de- clare unto thee, values consist not in the rate of exchange betwixt men. Shall a man gather a heap of stones, and say: Be- hold, they are valuable! Or iron, or gold, or copper, and say: Behold, they are val- uable! A piece of bread is valuable, or flax, or wool. Because man hath set value on things not valuable, he buildeth in false- hood and death. The man who hath the most All Light, hath the greatest valua- bles. For by the Light of the Father all righteous things can be obtained easily. Whilst I'hua'Mazda was yet speaking, the spirit of Zarathustra went abroad, and, with ten thousand other spirits, brought fish and fruit, and let them fall around about the place. The people ran and gath- ered them up for food. The king made no reply at first, for he was encompassed about with evil spirits, who were angered with I'hua'Mazda and his proceedings. Presently the king said: Because I am transcended by thee, it is no longer useful for me to live. With that, he cut his body across, and fell dead. And Zarathustra commanded that the king's body be laid straight for three days; and it was done; and there came thousands of people to look upon the king, and wit- ness that he was dead. And they saw of a truth that the bowels were gushed out of the wound, and that there was no breath in him. So I'hua'Mazda allowed the spirit of the king to live three days in torments, and then he called his disciples around him, saying: Now will I raise the king to life, and it shall be testimony in Jaffeth. And Zarathustra pushed the bowels back into the body, and drew the place shut, saying: In Thy name, O Ormazd, heal I this man's body, as a testimony of Thy Wisdom and Power! And when Zarathustra had drawn his hand over the wound twice, it was healed. And then Zarathustra said: O Fa- ther, as by Thy spirit Thou didst quicken CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI ">«.. -««.. 265 into life this, Thy child, in his mother's womb, restore Thou him to life! And the king was healed, and restored to life before the people; and he awoke and looked about, and then rose up. He said: I was dead and in hell, and I saw millions of the dead, and they were in hell also. And there went up around about them fires of burning brimstone, and none could escape. CHAPTER XXIV. When the king was restored, he was as another man, having su'is, and believing in the immortality of the spirit; and he ask- ed Zarathustra what now he should do that he might escape the fires of hell after death. I'hua'Mazda spake through Zarathustra, saying: Think not what thou canst do to escape hell fire, for that would be laboring for self. Think what thou canst do to save others. For which reason thou shalt prac- tice the Ormazdian law. One year thou shalt dwell with the poor, carrying the alms-bowl, according to the Zarathustrian law. After that thou shalt preach the I'hua'Mazdian law, of the denial of self for the good of the city, teaching the turn- ing away from earthly things, and striving for spiritual things, having faith in Or- mazd. The king said: All these things can I do, yet one thing I cannot do, which is having faith in Ormazd. If He be a Per- son, and created all the creation, is He not the foundation of evil as well as good? If He heretofore created evil, or by in- competence suffered it to enter into crea- tion, may He not do so in after time, even after death? Phua'Mazda said: When a potter hath a pot half made, sayest thou it is an evil pot? Nay, verily, but that it is not yet completed. Even so are all men, created by Ormazd. Those who are good are completed, but those who are evil are un- finished work. But the Creator also gave to man knowledge, that he might see him- self in the unfinished state, and the Creator gave to man power and judgment, that man might turn to and help complete him- self, thereby sharing the glory of his crea- tion. The man that doeth all this has al- ready escaped hell fire. The king inquired concerning animals, to which I'hua'Mazda answered, saying: Animals are of the earth creation, and are completed in the place of their dwelling. Neither hath any animal aspiration to make itself better or wiser, that it may contribute to the creation. And some men have no more aspiration than an animal serving the flesh only. Only the torments of hell can stir them up. When I'hua'Mazda explained the Or- mazdian law, the quarter of which is not here related, the king comprehended, whereupon he took vows on the altar, and under the eye, according to the Zarathus- trian law. So when those people were re- stored, Zarathustra left one of his travel- ing companions with them, as God-ir in Chief, and Zarathustra departed, taking his other companions with him. Whereof it is recorded in the libraries of heaven, showing that the next city king- dom was likewise delivered, and the peo- ple became Zarathustrians. And again Zarathustra departed, and came to another city, which was overthrown and delivered also. Until it came to pass that Zarathus- tra overthrew and delivered twenty and four cities and kingdoms in Jaffeth. And after that he departed to the up- per lands of Shem, where he also over- threw and delivered many cities and king- doms, establishing the Zarathustrian law. For two whole years he labored in Shem; and so great was the power of Ormazd upon Zarathustra that all the cities and kingdoms of Shem threw of the bondage of the Sun Kingdom of Par'si'e. After that Zarathustra traveled toward Ham, which was called Arabin'ya. But in those countries Zarathustra had not so great success, because the people were not learned in books, nor in the stars, nor tab- lets. Nevertheless, Zarathustra delivered many cities. So I'hua'Mazda said to Zara- thustra: Return, now, to thine own coun- try; and thou shalt overthrow yet seven cities and seven great kingdoms; and after that thou shalt return to Oas, and it shall fall before thy hand, and the prophecies made in thy childhood shall be fulfilled. So Zarathustra returned to Par'si'e and went to the seven great cities and king- doms, and overthrew them; and many of them were destroyed utterly by fire and by 266 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI LORDS' RECORD war; but Zarathustra delivered the faithful and established the Zarathustrian law with all of them. Asha had continued with the Zarathus- trians; but in consequence of the persecu- tions of the kings of Oas, they had been obliged to retire further into the forests and plains and unsettled regions, where roved the Listians, the wild people. To these the Zarathustrians were friends, and the Listians came in great numbers, and dwelt near about the Zarathustrians. After Zarathustra had completed his travels, he returned to the Forest of Goats, in the first place, to meet his followers, and to rejoice with them for the great light I'hua'- Mazda had bestowed upon them. So, when Zarathustra returned to them, there was great rejoicing; and there were pres- ent Zarathustra's mother, and many of the Listians who knew him in his childhood. After many days of rest and rejoicing, I'hua'Mazda came to Zarathustra, saying: Behold, the time hath now come to go against the city of thy birth. Take Asha with thee, and I will cause Oas to fall be- fore thy hand. Accordingly, Zarathustra took Asha and returned to the gates of Oas; but he was known at once; and when he demanded admittance, he was refused, because the king had previously decreed his banishment and death, there being@an offer of reward to whomsoever would de- stroy him and bring his skull to the king. CHAPTER XXV. In those days, Pon'yah was king of Oas, and, by title, King of the Sun; King of the middle of the world; King of Kings; Mightiest of mortals; Owner of all human flesh; Ruler of the earth, and Mas- ter of Life and Death! For nearly four years had Zarathustra been absent, and the effect of his preach- ing in foreign lands had been to cut off the paying of tribute to the City of the Sun. For which reason, Pon'yah, king of Oas, had sworn an oath under his own thigh to pursue Zarathustra, and have him slain. Accordingly, the king had equipped many different armies and sent them in search of Zarathustra; but I'hua'Mazda led Zarathus- tra in a different way or sent spirits to in- spire the soldiers to go another way. Con- sequently, none of the armies sent to cap- ture Zarathustra ever found him. When he was heard of in one city, and the sol- diers came to that city, he was gone. And so it continued, until now Zarathustra had returned to the very gates of Oas. Because Zarathustra was the largest man in the world, he was easily known; and from a description he would be easily rec- ognized by those who had never seen him before. The keeper of the gate, whose name was Zhoo'das, thought to obtain the re- ward, and hit upon the following plan, say- ing to Zarathustra: I know thee; thou art Zarathustra, who art banished under pen- alty of death. I have no right to admit thee within the city, nor have I a desire to witness thy sure death. But if thou wilt secrete thyself, till the change of watch, when I am absent on the king's reports, thou mayst take thine own risk. But if I admit thee, I will also be put to death. Zarathustra said: As for myself, I fear not; but I would not have thee put to death on my account. Where, then, can I secrete myself, till the change of watch? Zhoo'das, the keeper of the gate, said: Within the chamber of the wall. Go thou, and thy friend with thee. So Zarathustra went into the chamber of the wall, and Asha went with him. And now, when they were concealed, Zhoo'das called his wife and said unto her: Be thou here, walking back and forth, that they who are concealed will think it is I. And I will run quickly to the guards, and they shall come and seize Zarathustra, for whom the reward is offered. And the keeper's wife came and walked back and forth; and the keeper ran quickly and brought the guards, one thousand men, with spears and swords and war clubs and slings and bows and arrows, and they surrounded the place of the chamber on all sides. And then spake Zhoo'das ironically, saying: Come forth, Zarathus- tra, now is the change of watch! And Zarathustra and Asha came forth and beheld what was done. Zarathustra said to Asha: The Light is upon me. Go thou with me. No harm shall come to thee. But the time has come when the CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI «■- ««« 267 prophecies made in my youth shall be ful- filled. CHAPTER XXVI. So Zarathustra fell into the power of the Sun King; and the soldiers caused him and Asha to march in their midst to the place of the skulls. And there came forth thousands of people to witness the proceed- ings; for at this time there were many who were in sympathy with Zarathustra, as well as many against him. And in order to stay the multitude, the captain of the army called out many soldiers in addition to those who made the arrest. Others ran to the king's palace, carrying the news of his arrest, and the place he had been taken to. The king^said to the heralds: Though this man shall die, it is fit that proper judg- ment be rendered against him, as an exam- ple before all men. Go, therefore, to the executioners, and command them to bring Zarathustra into my presence, that I may adjudge him to death according to law. This was done, and Zarathustra was brought before the king, who accosted him, saying: By thy behavior thou art accused be- fore thy king, and I adjudge thee to death. But that thou mayst be as an example be- fore the world, I will render my judgments before the heralds, who shall proclaim my words unto all who desire to witness thy death. First, then, thou wert ordered for ar- rest by my predecessor, and thou did not deliver thyself up to my soldiers; neither could they find thee. For which thou art adjudged to death. Second. Without permission from the King of the Sun, thou hast traveled in for- eign lands, sowing seeds of disallegiance against the Central Kingdom. For which thou art adjudged to death. Third. The King of Kings offered a ransom for thy head, and the king's sol- diers were disappointed in finding thee. For which thou art adjudged to death. Fourth. In thy youth thou didst threat- ed to overthrow the city of Oas, the City of the Sun, and failed to make thy word good, thereby being a teacher of lies. For which thou art adjudged to death. Fifth. Thou hast cut off the foreign tribute to the rightful Owner of the whole world! For which thou art adjudged to death. Sixth. Thou hast revived the doctrines of the dark ages, teaching of spirits and Gods, which things cannot exist, because they are contrary to nature, and contrary to the laws of the King of the world! For which thou art adjudged to death. Seventh. Thou hast taught that there is an unseen Creator greater than thy king; which is contrary to reason. For which thou art adjudged to death. Eighth. Thou returnedst to Oas not openly, but as a thief, and hid thyself in a chamber of the wall. For which thou art adjudged to death in the manner of thieves, which is the most ignoble of all deaths. Therefore, I command the executioners to take thee to the den of thieves and cast thee therein; and on the morrow, at high noon, thou shalt be hung up by thy feet along with the thieves where thou shalt be left hanging till thou art dead. That my judgment may appease thy best friends, what sayest thou against my decrees? Zarathustra said: All the charges thou hast made against me are true this day; but ere to-morrow's setting sun I will have disproved some of them. To-day thy king- dom is large; in two days I will be dead, and thou wilt be dead; and this great city will be destroyed. Yea, the Temple of the Sun will be rent in twain, and fall as a heap of rubbish. The king laughed in derision, and then spake to Asha, saying: Thou art an old fool. Go thy way. So Asha was liberated, and Zarathustra was taken to the den of thieves and cast therein. And the den of thieves was surrounded by the dens of lions that belonged to the king's gardens. And a bridge passed over, and, when the pris- oners were within, the bridge was with- drawn. And no prisoner could escape but would fall a prey to the lions, which were fed on the flesh of the persons executed ac- cording to law. CHAPTER XXVII. During the night, Pon'yah, King of the Sun, bethought him that perhaps he might obtain the secrets of Zarathustra, as re- gards his powers with uz, and he sent him 268 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATT1 LORDS' RECORD the following message, to-wit: If thou wilt reveal the secrets of thy power to thy king, thy life shall be spared; and if thou wilt prostrate thyself before the King of Kings, saying: There is none higher! thou shalt have five cities to rule over all thy days. To which Zarathustra sent back the following reply, to-wit: Zarathustra hath no secrets to reveal; neither desireth he five cities, nor one city, to rule over. To-morrow I shall die, and on the following night thou also shalt die. And yet, erst thou diest, thou shalt see the temple of the stars rent in twain and fall down; and the city of Oas shall fall and rise no more; and Ya'seang, in Jaffeth, shall become King of the Sun, and his dy- nasty shall stand thousands of years. The king was surprised at such an an- swer, and so angeerd that he smote the messenger with his sling, and he fell dead, and the king ordered his body to be cast into the den of lions. It was near the middle of the night when the body was brought, and Zarathustra, being tall, saw- above the wall, and he called out, saying: Cast not the body into the dens with the lions; for I will call him to life in the name of Ormazd. And the men laid the body down by the outer wall, and Zarathus- tra said: He that is standing by the body shall lay his hand upon it. And the man laid his hand on the flesh of the man's body betwixt the neck and the back, and Zarathustra said: The words I say, say thou also: Life of Thy Life, O Ormazd! Restore Thou this, Thy son, to life! And behold, the man awoke to life, and opened his eyes, and presently rose up; and Zarathustra bade him depart out of the city. Now the arrest and con- demnation of Zarathustra had caused thou- sands of people to assemble around about the prison; and they beheld the man re- stored to life; and some of them went with him out of the city. And all night, after that, Zarathustra healed the sick, and re- stored the blind and deaf, by calling over the walls in the name of the Father. When it was near sunrise, the next morning, the place of the executions was crowded with spectators. Many of the Zarathustrians believed that Zarathustra would liberate himself by the power upon him; and on the other hand, the king's people, especial- ly the learned, desired to realize his execu- tion, for they denounced him as an impos- tor. The latter said: If he be the Master of the I'huans, let him prove his powers whilst he is hanging by the feet. It was the law of Oas to keep twelve executioners, representing twelve moons, and at sunrise every morning they put to death whomsoever had been adjudged to death the previous day. Now, there were in prison with Zarathustra two thieves, condemned to the same ignoble death. And they were weeping and moaning! Zarathustra said to them: Weep not, nor moan, but rather rejoice. He Who gave you life is still with you. He will provide another and better home for your souls. Behold, I weep not, nor moan. They who put us to death know not what they do. Rather should the multitude pity them than us. Ye shall this day escape from the tyranny of Oas. Zarathustra preached till high noon, and when the light fell on the top of the temple (of the stars) the twelve execution- ers entered the prison and bound the pris- oners' hands together behind their backs; then with another rope they tied the feet, bringing the rope up the back of the legs and passing it betwixt the arms; and they carried the end of the ripe up over a beam and down again; and the executioners seiz- ed the rope and pulled upon it. And they swung the bodies of the victims high above the walls and made fast, leaving them hanging there. Thus was Zarathustra hung betwixt two thieves; and whilst he was yet alive a bolt of light fell upon the temple of the stars, and it fell to the round. And when the dust rose it was as a cloud that magnified itself, till the air of the whole city was choking; and there came another bolt of light, and behold, the walls of the city fell down, and Zooh'das perished in the chamber of the wall. The multitude ran for the king; and when they brought him out of the palace, another bolt of light fell on the palace, and it was crumbled into dust. The king called to his guards, but they obeyed him not, but fled; and so, the multitude slew the king. The learned men then went down to the place of executions, and Zara- thustra was not yet dead; but the two CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI LORDS' RECORD 269 thieves were dead. And Zarathustra said unto the learned men: Now will I give up my body, and behold, ye shall say I am dead. Let the executioners then take down my body and cast it into the lions' den, and ye shall witness that they will not eat of my flesh. And some shall say: Behold, the lions are not hungry. Thereupon shall ye cast in the bodies of the two thieves, and lo, the lions will fall upon them and eat their flesh. Then shall the learned men say: Be- hold Zarathustra's virtue lay in different flesh. Now I declare unto you, these things are not of the flesh, but of the spirit. For angels shall gather about my body and prevent the lions from tearing my flesh. Of which matter ye shall prove before the multitude; for in the time the lions are devouring the flesh of the thieves, the an- gels will go away from my body, and, be- hold, the lions will return and eat of my flesh also. Whereby it shall be proved to you that even lions, the most savage of beasts, have spiritual sight, and are gov- erned by the unseen world. When Zarathustra had thus spoken to the learned men, he spake to the Father, saying: Receive Thou my soul, O Or- mazd! And his spirit departed out of his body. So they cast the body into one of the dens, wherein were seven- teen lions, but they fled from the body. Then the executioners cast in the bodies of the thieves, and behold, the lions fell upon them instantly. And when the angels went away from Zarathustra's body, the lions returned to it and ate also. And the keepers turned in other lions, and all the flesh was eaten. And the multitude ran and brought the body of Zhoo'das and cast it in, and the lions ate it also. And next they cast in the king's body, and the lions ate of it, and were appeased of their hunger. Now when it was night, some of the Zarathustrians gathered together at a neighbor's house; and Asha was present, and they formed a living altar in order to pray for the soul of Zarathustra, and for the two thieves, and for Zhoo'das, and, lastly, for the king. And now, came the learned men, saying: Why have ye not, during all these years, notified us of these things? Behold, Zarathustra is dead! Asha said: Have I not carried the alms-bowl pub- licly, proclaiming them from day to day? And the learned people said: Pity, old Asha! A knave hath dethroned his rea- son! Now I declare unto you, it is the same now as in the olden time; the learned men are farther away from the Father than are those devouring lions. Ye look into the corporeal world for light, and truth, and power, but are blind to the spirit, which underlieth all things. I de- clare unto you, whether it be heat or light, or disease, that floateth in the air, or growth that cometh out of the air, in all things it is the unseen that ruleth over the seen. And more powerful than heat and light, and life and death, is Ormazd, the Person of all things. Till ye have learned this, I can explain nothing that ye can comprehend. And yet, to know this, is the beginning of the foundation of ever- lasting happiness. Whilst Asha was thus speaking, behold, the soul of Zarathustra came and stood be- fore them, and he was arrayed in the sem- blance of his own flesh, and in his own clothes. And he spake, saying: Fear not; I am the same that was with you and was hanged and died, whose flesh was devoured by the lions; I am Zarathustra! Marvel not that I have the semblance of a corpor- eal body, for its substance is holden to- gether by the power of my spirit. Neither is this a miracle, for the spirits of the liv- ing hold in the same way, each its own corporeal body. As iron attracteth iron, the spirit may learn to attract from the air a corporeal body of its like and measure. Then inquired one who was present: Where are the two thieves? To which Zarathustra said: As steam riseth from boiling water, without shape or form, so are their spirits this hour. For this reason was I sent into the world by the Father. Let him who would become controller of his own spirit unto everlasting life, learn the Ormazdian law, seeking to grow in spirit, instead of living for the things of this world. Behold, there are here present Lords of the Hosts of Heaven, who are Sons and Daughters of the Most High Or- mazd, the Creator. They will now gather 270 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI LORDS' RECORD together and reclothe the thieves, and show you of what like they are. Present- ly the two drujas, the thieves who were hanged with Zarathustra, stood before the people in sar'gis, and they raved, and cursed, and moaned; but they were blind and dumb as to the place. Then Asha in- quired of them, as to who they were and what they wanted, but they only cursed him, and added that they were to be hanged. Asha said: Behold, ye are already dead, and your spirits risen from the earth! To which they replied by curses against the king. And now the Lords of heaven brought the spirit of the king, but he knew not that he was dead, and he cursed also; whereupon the spirits of the thieves fell upon him with evil intent, and all the peo- ple beheld these things. But the Lords of heaven took away the sar'gis, and the drujas could not be seen more by mortals. Zarathustra said: As on the earth they were angered and dumb, they cling to the earth. For which reason ye shall sing an- thems and pray for them three mornings at sunrise; three high-noons, and three evenings at sunset. Do ye this also, hence- forth, forever, for three days, for all your kindred who die, or who are slain. And ye shall utter only words of love for the dead; for whosoever uttereth curses for the dead, bringeth drujas upon himself. In your love and forgiveness do ye raise them out of the torments of hell. And inasmuch as ye raise up others, so doth Ormazd raise up your own souls. One who was present asked how long a spirit lingered around about? To which Zarathustra said: Some for three days, some for a year, some for a hundred years, and some for a thousand years! Until they have wisdom and strength to get away. But after three days ye shall no longer desire the spirit of the dead to re- main with you; rather shall ye say to Ormazd: Deal Thou with him and with us in Thine Own way, O Father; we are content. Better is it for the spirits that ye remember them high up in paradise; for these thoughts will enable you to rise after ye are dead. Remember that All Light answereth everything in heaven and earth after its own manner: If ye kill, ye are answered in torments sooner or later: If ye utter falsehood, ye are answered in falsehood: If ye curse, ye will be cursed in return: If ye hate, ye will be hated: If ye seclude yourselves, ye will be excluded: If ye keep evil company in this world, ye will be bound in evil company in heaven: As ye seek to become a leader of men, remem- ber that they whom ye rule over will be your burden in heaven: If ye teach not, ye shall not be taught: If ye lift not oth- ers up, none will lift you up. CHAPTER XXVIII. On the following evening, when the Zarathustrians were assembled for prayer and singing, the soul of Zarathustra again appeared before them in sar'gis, teaching the Word of Ormazd. He said: Two people there are on earth; the one is engrossed in the affairs of earth; the other in the affairs of heaven. Better is it for ye to be of the latter. The fool will say: If all people are engrossed with the affairs of heaven, then who will provide on earth? Such is the argument of all Druks. Fear not, therefore, for the earth people becoming short of votaries. So also will it be said of celibacy. The Druks will say: If all people become celi- bates, then will the race of man terminate. Wherefore, I say again unto you, fear not, for there will be plenty left who are full of passion, and are less mindful of the king- doms of heaven. Let all who can, live for the Higher Light; the lower will ever be supplied suf- ficiently. Even as ye find two peoples on earth, so also do two peoples exist in heaven. The one followeth the Highest Light, and ever riseth toward the highest heavens. The other followeth the affairs of earth, and riseth not, and hence is called druj. The latter engageth in quarrels amongst mortals, inspiring them to evil and low designs. One present asked: How shall we know one another, whether we be of hea- ven or of earth? Then Zarathustra an- swered, saying: Seek to know thyself; thou art not thy neighbor's keeper. Search thine own soul a hundred times every day, to know if thou practicest the All Highest light. Neither shalt thou find excuses for CYCLE OF FRAGAPATTI -«.„ E cop B 2 71 thy shortness; nor reflect overmuch on past errors, but use them as inspiration to perfect thyself henceforward. Another one present asked: How of thieves, and falsifiers, and murderers? Zarathustra said: The man who serveth himself only is worse than any of these; there is no resurrection for him. But if a man cease his evil way, and practice vir- tue, he is on the right road. A falsifier is like one with a clean gown on, that goeth about casting filth upon it; he soileth his own spirit. A thief is worse than an overburdened beast; he carrieth his stolen goods not only in this world, but in heaven, to the end of his memory. A murderer is like a naked man who is ashamed, and cannot hide from the multi- tude. When he is in heaven, his memory of the deed writeth in human blood a stain on his soul, which all others see. Another one asked: According to the I'hua'Mazdian law, the highest, best men forsake the world, laboring to raise up the poor and ignorant, reciting prayers and anthems; taking no part in the affairs of people who are engrossed in the matters of earth; who, then, shall be the govern- ment of the wicked? To which Zarathus- tra answered, saying: When there are not sufficient men and women for such purpose, there will be no wicked to govern. With all thy preach- ing that the highest, best man will not de- sire to be a leader of men, nor a king, nor a governor, yet there will be plenty left who will fill these places, even though they beheld the walls of hell opened up to receive them. Another one asked: If the Zarathus- trians separate, and live by themselves, what will be their power to do good amongst the evil? To which Zarathustra said: As the highest heavens send Lords and masters down to mortals, so shall the Zara- thustrians send emissaries amongst the wicked, preaching the truth, and citing the example of the Zarathustrian cities (communities). For above all philosophy that man may preach, practice holdeth the highest place, and is most potent. Therefore, practice the Ormazdian law toward one another in all things. Avoid men of opinion; men of learning who have pride therein; men of argument; men who quibble for proofs in unprovable things; men who wish to be known as wise men; men who deny; men that can see defects in everything, and have nothing good to offer in place thereof. Shun the disbelieving man, for he is diseased, and may inoculate thee; the flat- terer, for he is purchasing thee; a woman, for woman's sake; or a man, for man's sake; company, for company's sake; for all these imply that the Creator is less in thy sight, and not so well loved. One asked concerning spirits. To which Zarathustra said: For the affairs of earth, consult the spirits of the earth, the dru- jas; for the affairs of everlasting resurrec- tion, consult thy Creator, and His holy spirits will answer thee in His name. And to whichever thou hast made thyself com- panion, there will be thy abiding place af- ter death. See to it that thou becomest not in- veigled by drujas, for spirits can assume any name and form; but weigh their words, whether they be wise, and accord- ing to the Ormazdian law. If they teach not the highest heavens, consider them by their words. To flatter thee, they will pro- fess to remember thee in another life; and to please thee, say thou wert a king, and has lived many lives on the earth. But to rise up, away from the earth, and from the lower heavens also; it was for bestowing this word unto men that I was sent into the world. It is to teach you to know the Father's upper heavens, and the way to reach them, that His words were given unto men. As it was in the olden time, so will it be again ere another generation pass away. Drujas will teach that the spirits of the dead go into trees and flowers, and inhab- it them; and into swine, and cattle, and birds, and into woman, and are born over again in mortal form. Argue not with them; their philosophy concerneth not thee. Whether they be in darkness or in light judge thou by the glory and beauty of the heavens where they live. If their words are of the earth, they belong to the earth; if they are servants to false Gods or false Lords, they will preach him whom they serve. But these matters are nothing 272 CYCLE OF FRAGAPATT1 LORDS' RECORD to thee; for thou shalt serve the All High- est, the Creator. And in regard to the heaven whither thou wouldst ascend after death, magnify it with all thy ingenuity unto the All High- est Perfection. People it with thy highest ideals for thy companions. Then see to it that thou makest thyself a fit companion for them also. If thou do this with all thy wisdom and strength, all the days of thy life, the Father will be with thee, and thou shalt be a glory in His works. For three days and nights, after his res- urrection from death, Zarathustra thus preached to his followers, and Asha wrote down the substance of his words, and they were preserved unto the generation 5 of Faithists from that time forth. And these words were called the Ormazdian law, the I'hua'Mazdian law, the Zarathustrian law. And these were the first heavenly words given to mortals on tablets, skins and cloth, except such words as were given in secret to the tribes of I'hins, of which the different nations oi the earth knew no- thing. On the morning of the fourth day, when the disciples sat in crescent, which was called the living altar, Zarathustra came again in sar'gis. He said: Behold, the time hath come for me to rise out of hada, where I have dwelt for three days. The Gods who were with me all my life are gathered together here, and there are millions of them. Just near the river yonder standeth the boundary line of a heavenly ship of light. It is wider and higher than the eye can see! A million angels are singing in that ship ! And there are Great Gods and Great Lords in it; so bright mine eyes can scarce look upon them. They are all Sons and Daughters of Ormazd. The drujas are all run away now. Their foolish gabble is hushed. It is as if another world had come alongside, so majestic that this one was lost. High above, yon- der, something like a sun illumines the ship of fire. I know it is he who hath come for me. I go now. Whither I go I will build for you all. And thou, O Asha; the Gods have thrown a mantle of light over thee! A chain of light reacheth from thee to Ormazd! Asha was overcome, and would fain have gone to Zarathustra; but the latter said: Stand thou, that I may kiss thee! So Zarathustra kissed Asha, and disap- peared. CHAPTER I. Jehovih spake to Cpenta-armij, Goddess of Haot-saiti, in Nirvana, in the arc of Spe-ta, Commander of the South fields of Abarom, in the Orian Plains of Bilotho- witchieun, of a reign of two hundred thou- sand years; Surveyor for Otaias, ten thou- sand years; Leader of the Oixan, seventy thousand years; Captain of Geliyas' road- ways, in the forest of Lugga, twenty thou- sand years; Founder and Ruler of Isaas, thirty thousand years; Trencher of the Haigusets swamps, four thousand years; Goddess of Nor, Goddess of Eunigi, God- dess of Poutu, each ten thousand years, saying: My Daughter, behold, the red star and her heavens come thy way. She will be in thy dominions for a space of four years and thirty-two days, which time it will take her to cross the arc of Spe-ta. Open thou thy fields in Abarom, and give her forty years' indulgence. Cpenta-armij answered, saying: I see the red star, Earth, O Jehovih! Like a wandering ship in a wide ocean she cometh through my fields, the young Earth, travel- ing on, carefully, in the roads of Salkwatka. Hath she so soon, but little more than sixty thousand years, overcome her enduring knots and torturing hells? In Thy Wisdom and Power, O Jehovih, I will go in person to this corporeal world, and encourage her God and Lords for the excellent labor done. Jehovih said: Call thy Council, and pro- claim from My throne the Feast of the Arc of Spe-ta. Then Cpenta-armij called her High Council, a hundred millions, Sons and Daughters of Jehovih, and she ascend- ed to her place in the midst of the throne of the Great Spirit. And there were present: Obed, God of Oise, in Embrahk; Gavaini, Goddess of Ip- thor of the Solastis Plains; Ab, First Shriever of Riv-Seing; Holon-ho, God of Loo-Gam; Raisi, Goddess of Esdras; Wishtse, God of Zuth, in Ronega; and all these Gods and Goddesses were above a hundred thousand years raised in etherean realms, and knew Earth before inhabited by man. On a visit to Cpenta-armij were: Owks, Orian Chief of Maiter-lan, fifty thousand years, Marshal of Wiski-loo, thirty thou- sand years, God of Tunsin, in the Tarps Roads, ninety thousand years; and See- wah-Gon, Chieftainess of the Orian arc of Su-los, two hundred thousand years, Mis- tress of Aftong, in the Plains of Bel, three hundred thousand years, Pilotess of Lu- wow-lu, one hundred thousand years, God- dess of Eune, in the Mountain of Gem- king; and Ha-o-ha, Founder of Ogee, of Siam, of Wick-a-wick, and the twelve Nir- vanian Old-tse, in Lo-owtz, Eli-hagam, to- gether with their traveling hosts, each five million. Cpenta-armij said: For Thy glory, O Je- hovih, I proclaim the Feast of the Arc of Spe-ta. And these, my visiting hosts, shall enjoy the four years' deliverance of the red star and her heavens! Then responded Owks, and then See- wah-Gon, then Ha-o-ha, speaking at great length, and rejoicing for the invitation. And they related many adventures on oth- er stars in the time of the arc of deliver- ance, the arc of Spe-ta, and with what Gods and Goddesses they journeyed, and with what Chiefs and Chieftainesses. So Cpenta-armij spake to her chief mar- shal, saying: Send thou heralds to the builders, and order me an airavagna capa- ble of five hundred million, and of speed, grade sixty. After this thou shalt select from my attendants one hundred million, and after that three hundred million of the Egisi. With these, and with my visitors, I will start for the red star in twenty days. The proper officers attended to these things, and whilst they were moving about, behold, the red star, Earth, rose up in the far-off place, the roadway, and the es'enaurs saw it, and they chanted. 274 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ What is yonder? The red star, Jeho- viii! She rideth round the sun, two hun- dred and seventy million miles. Around about her, close; what is that filled with angels, thousands of millions! It is her atmosphere, traveling with her. That little red star is a world, O Father! And the thousands of millions of angels, why do they stay in such heavens, O Je- hovih! Then the trumpeters afar off answered: She that spinneth round the sun is the red star, Earth, a new world, a generator of the souls of men. The Gods have called her, but she will not hear. Her atmos- phere is full of angels struggling for the earth. But Thy hand is upon them, O Je- hovih! Thy trumpeters will line the roads of Salkwatka. Then sang the es'enaurs: How lovely are Thy works, O Jehovih! Too lovely are Thy places, O Jehovih! Too lovely is the red star, Earth, O Jehovih! Thy chil- dren love it while in mortal form; after death too much they love it, O Jehovih! The pipers answer for Jehovih from the Wide East: O so little to love, made I Earth, the red star. I gave her poisoned weeds and vines and grasses; millions of death-dealing serpents. Then I created poisoned marshes and terrible fevers. In sore travail, and full of misery created I man on Earth, that he should turn and look upward for a holier place. Then sang the es'enaurs: Too lovely createdst Thou Thy atmospherean heavens, O Jehovih! Thy bounden heavens that travel with the red star, Earth. The spirits raised up from the mortal earth find too much to love in Thy lower heavens, O Jehovih! The pipers again answered for Jehovih: My lower heavens created I full of dark- ness and evil possibilities. A place for madness created I it; a place for lying and deceit; full of hell and torments. To drive man upward; to blow My breath upon him, to lift him up, as one lighteth the fire by blowing. Cpenta-armij spake from Jehovih's throne, saying: What is the deliverance of man? Is it from his mother's womb? Is it from his corporeal body? Is it from the corporeal world and her atmosphere? Three births hath the Father given unto all men. In the first, man hath nothing to do, as to his shaping or time in his mother's womb. In the second he hath a little more to do as to directing his course during his mortal life; but for the third, for the higher heavens, he must work for his own deliver- ance. Cpenta-armij said: Three kinds of earth deliverance for man created the Creator: First from his mother's womb, coming cry- ing, blank and helpless; second, from the tetracts, serious and full of fear; third, from the enemies of the Great Spirit. This is the Feast of Spe-ta. CHAPTER II. Cpenta-armij said: I looked afar, and saw Earth and her heavens traveling on. I listened to the voice of mortals! A mer- chant counted over his gains; he said: This is heaven! A drunkard quaffed a cup of poison; he said: This is heaven! A wanton said: This is heaven! A general, red with blood, counted the badges on his breast; he said: This is heaven! A tyrant, rich in toil- ing slaves, said: This is heaven! Then a vast multitude, all smeared with the blood of war, pointed to a field of mortals slain, and said: This is heaven! A farmer stretch- ed wide his arms toward his great posses- sions, uncultivated; he said: This is heaven! A little child with a toy said: This is hea- ven! Then spake Jehovih, saying: None of these canst thou convince to the contrary. They are not ready for deliverance. I listened to the voice of the spirits, the angels traveling with Earth. A wanderer, going about, with nothing to do, said: This is heaven! An obsessor of mortals said: This is heaven! The fairies, the butterfly angels, the triflers, that forever look in crystal waters to behold their own forms, said: This is heaven! The rollicking, deceiving angels, who went and inspired mortals to falsehood; these angels said: This is heaven! Vampire angels, that nestle in the atmosphere of mortals, largely living on their substance, said: This is hea- ven! Evil angels obsessing mortals for murder's sake, to make mortals burn houses and torture helpless creatures, said: This is heaven! CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 275 Then spake Jehovih, saying: None of these canst thou convince to the contrary. They are not ready for deliverance. Again I listened to the sounds coming from the far-off earth. And I heard the prayers of mortals. The king prayed for his kingdom and for himself. The general prayed for success in war. The merchant for great gains; the tyrant for great au- thority. Jehovih said: Only the earth can an- swer such prayers. I listened again for the prayers of mortals; they had great afflictions, dire dis- eases, and famines, and wars; the mer- chants were bankrupt, and there was great suffering, and they prayed for deliverance. Jehovih said: Shouldst thou deliver them they would return to their old, evil habits. I say unto thee, the merchant shall be bankrupt; the king shall fail; the general be overthrown; the healthy shall be sick for a season. Save they know- My power, they cannot learn; save they feel affliction, they will not help one another. Shall a man say: O Jehovih, come Thou and heal the sick? Shall he not first of all recognize My will and know My power? To give money to the drunkard, what good is that? To give wealth and earthly prosperity to them that acknowledge not Me, is to set them against Me. To give healing to the fevered, is to teach them that I have no power in the unseen air. Answer not thou the prayers of these. I listened once more to the prayers of mortals. And they were such as lived ac- cording to their higher light; they purified the flesh by pure food, and by bathing every day; and they went about doing good constantly, hoarding up neither clothes, nor silver, nor gold, nor anything earthly. And they purified their thoughts by putting away the evil tongue, and the evil eye, and evil ear; and many of them were bound by the kings, and the tyrants, and the laws of mortals; and some of them were sick. And they prayed, saying: Great is my affliction, Jehovih. I know that in Thy sight I am justly punished. But hear Thou my prayer, O Father! Make me strong, that I may carry heavy burdens for the weary; give me liberty, that 1 may go about helping the poor forever. Give me wisdom, that I may uncover Thy glories before men. Jehovih said: Go thou, My Daughter, and deliver them. They are ready for de- liverance! Answer thou the prayers of such. Then I called my hosts together, five hundred millions, in the Nirvanian hea- vens in Haot-saiti, in etherea, the highest heaven. And we entered into the airavag- na, as swelling high on every side, the music of millions cheered us on. Upward, high up shone the glimmering red star, toward which now our steersman pointed our ship, and thitherward turned our buoy- ant souls, saluting our starters with a hap- py good-by! Arise! Arise! By my vested power in Thee, O Jehovih, shall the elements fall before my will! Arise; onward! To the red star, speed on! Airavagna, upward, on! Thus spake Cpenta-armij, her voice mel- low and sweet, but so tuned to the spheres it could be heard the breadth of a world. And Jehovih, with Whose power and will she had learned to be as one, by long experience and studying submission to His will, lent a willing ear and a strong hand. Out shot the flames, the buoyant force manufactured by less skilled workmen learning the trade of Gods, where whirled the million screws of fire, propelling, till the mighty ship reeled, and turned, and rose from its foundation, with all its joyous hosts aboard, shouting loud, and singing praise to Him who ruleth over all. Then turning round and round, slowly, the great airavagna began her course in the roadway of Salkwatka, in etherea, toward the red star, the young Earth. Nearing first the Oixanian Spars of Ochesu, where were gathered near the road ten million spectators to see the God- dess pass in her ship; and their banners waved, and their music burst forth; who were answered by the airavagna's cheer- ing hosts and sailing streamers. She halt- ed, to salute in honor, the Goddess Yuetis- iv, and then ascended a thousand miles. Again onward, turning the breadth of the road, a million miles, to the right, to salute Vultanya, Goddess of the swamps of Ailassasak, where stood by the portico of 276 CYCLE OF CPEJSTA-ABM1J her heavenly palace seventy million pupils, in their thousandth year of tuition, to re- ceive the passing- blessing of the Orian Chieftainess, Cpenta-armij. And blither, but a halt, as it were a nod, and downward on their heads Cpenta-armij sent a shower of newly-created flowers from the sphere above, and in turn heard their chorus rise joyfully, in as many million words of love and admiration. Still onward, upward sped the airavagna, her hosts viewing the scenes on every side, the richest part and most glorious places of Salkwatka. Where the ether- ean worlds, rich in the glitter of swamps shining on the countless rainbow arches and crystal pyramids, afford an extensive view of the new Orian boundaries of Ote- son's broad kingdoms. Here course the thousands of excursionists from the meas- ureless regions of the Huan lights, where are to be seen a million varieties of fire- ships, of sizes from ten miles across to the breadth of a world, in unceasing travel, in tens of thousands of directions. By music alone, some their ships pro- pelled, the vibratory chords affording pow- er sufficient in such high-skilled hands, and the tunes changing according to the re- gions traversed. Others, even by colors made in the waves of sound, went forward, carrying millions of angels, every one at- tuned so perfectly that his very presence lent power and beauty to the monarch ves- sel. And downward and upward, and east and west, and north and south, and of every angle and course; such were the traveling regions of Wellagowthiij, in the etherean fields of Oteson. And of the million ships, with their tens of thousands of millions of spirits, the great Goddess, Cpenta-armij, could turn her well-learned eyes on any one, and know its home regions, and from what Orian pastures sailed; or perhaps Nirvan- ian rivers! And her visiting friends, Owks, and See-wah-Gon, and Ha-o-ha, stood by her side, reading the coursing fleets, and relating to one another who they were, and the great Chiefs aboard, with whom thousands of years ago they had been together taming some rambling star and quieting its disturbed vortex, or per- haps surveying a roadway many millions of miles through an a'ji'an forest. And coming then to the Crossings, near Bilothowitchieun, where was a small colo- ny, ninety million etherean weavers, super- intended by Cpenta-armij 's ward, Hoewu- el, God of two thousand years, who knew she was coming has way, and had lighted the roadway a hundred thousand miles in honor thereof, she turned the airavagna and cast the streamers and banners, salut- ing. Here again Cpenta-armij sent down to her beloved sons and daughters, for ev- ery one, flowers and keepsakes; and on every flower was written the history and mission to Earth and her heavens. And then again the airavagna upward rose and sped on. Thus in Jehovih's wide universe went forth the Chieftainess, Cpenta-armij, toward the red star; passing through ten thousand varieties of etherean worlds and roadways in the ji'ay'an fields and forests of high heaven, seeing millions of etherean ships going hither and thither, every one knowing its own mission and field of labor, whilst the highest raised Gods and Goddesses could exchange cour- tesies with the fiery vehicles, and speak them, to know whither bent, and for what purpose. Then rising high; here on a level lieth Earth. At Chinvat, just beyond the sweep of the moon, Cpenta-armij halted to view the rolling Earth, her land and water; and her atmospherean heavens, the sojourning place of the newly dead, and of such as have not aspired to rise to holier heavens. Then Cpenta-armij ordered the aira- vagna to take a downward course, steer- ing straight toward the habitable earth. Slowly now, turning slowly, and descend- ing; viewing all the regions on every side in the great vortex, she spies the plateau Craoshivi, the place of God, new founded. And Cpenta-armij, stretching forth her slender hand, itself like a stream of fire, she crieth out: Behold my anchorage! Here bring my ship and make fast, where riseth now the voices of my weary God and his Lords, of me so long expectant. In Thy wisdom and power, O Jehovih, I will raise them up! CHAPTER III. Jehovih spake to God, ruler of Earth and atmospherea, saying: Well done, CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 277 O My Son! The beginning of the end of thy trials is at hand. I have spoken in the highest heavens, in My etherean worlds; in the gardens of Haot-saiti, near the arc of Spe-ta, to My Daughter, who hath attained to be One with Me, a Nirvanian in the re- gions of Chen-gotha, the holy Cpenta- armij. Her ship, an airavagna, with five hun- dred million etherean deliverers on board, hath started on the road Salkwatka, swiftly bound to thy regions, to thy new plateau, Craoshivi. Send thou word to Yima to come, and to Vishnu, and to Os, each to come in rank, attended by ten million, grade above seventy, with es'enaurs, and marshals, and captains, and generals, to come to Crao- shivi. And send £hou invitations to thy Diva to come, and to thy sub-Gods, and to thy Lord Gods, and to thy Lords, in all the di- visions of heaven and the divisions of the earth; and to bring of their people all above grade fifty. And to thy marshals give thou a list of all who will be with thee in Craoshivi on that day. And thy marshals shall apportion and divide and arrange all thy hosts thus assembled in Croashivi, according to grade, approaching thy throne in four lines, east and west and north and south, and thy throne shall be the extreme east. And in the centre of the cross shall thy marshal provide space sufficient for the hosts of Cpenta-armij to land her airavag- na, and to disembark. But at the extreme boundary of the lines of thy hosts thou shalt draw a circle, and thither shall thy light makers erect pillars of light,. making the circle as a wall of light; and, as the diameter of the circle is to the distance down to the earth's surface, so a tenth thereof shalt thou make as the summit of the apex of the canopy of thy capital chamber, for the Holy Council of thy God- dess. Cpenta-armij. God said: Thy will be done, O Jehovih! And thereupon God sent word by his mes- sengers, as commanded by the Great Spirit; sent invitations to all the Gods and Lords of heaven and earth, commanding them to come to Craoshivi. And the Lord Gods, and Gods and Lords, thus notified, appointed substitutes to rule in their places. And they made ote- vans, every one suitable to the number of angels he was to take with him, and they embarked and rose up from their several places in atmospherea and the earth, and. being guided in their courses by such ex- perts as had learned the way, they came to Craoshivi, where they were received by the chief marshal of God and his officers, and allotted their several places, according to their respective grades. But as the plateau was above grade fifty in Earth's vortex, so there were no angels of less grade than fifty amongst all the hosts assembled. And Jehovih commanded God to num- ber the angels thus assembled in Craoshivi, and there were seven thousand nine hun- dred and seventy-five million eight hun- dred thousand, officers and all. And the day and the hour of their as- sembling, when they were numbered, was the self same time that Cpenta-armij's fire- ship arrived at Chinvat, when her light burst in full view to the hosts of God in Craoshivi. And they all beheld her com- ing; saw the manner in which a Chieftain- ess cometh to the lower heavens. And be- cause of the great glory before them, they burst forth in a song of praise to Jehovih, the seven thousand million. Jehovih spake to God, saying: Ascend thy throne, My Son, and allot the Council and thy officers to their place, for quickly now, behold, My Daughter will descend. And when she cometh, My Voice will be with her for the years and the days of the dawn of dan. So God caused his Council and his mar- shal and his Diva to take their places and be in readiness for the emancipated Sons and Daughters. And presently the descend- ing star grew brighter and larger, larger and brighter, till like a sun she shone abroad over all the plateau of Craoshivi. In awe stood the Gods at sight of the sublime spectacle; for the light of the aira- vagna was brilliant, and unlike all the lights of the lower heavens, and new to nearly all the people. Nearer and nearer descended the ship of light, till soon the music of her hosts de- scended down to those beneath, who, awe- stricken and buoyant with delight, burst forth, entranced with the glory thereof, 278 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ singing, by the force of Jehovih's light upon them, the same glorious anthem. And now the marshals cleared the way, for close at hand came the airavagna, over the bows of which Cpenta-armij shone like a central sun, and her visiting hosts, Owks and Ha-o-ha and See-wah-Gon, with her; and but for Cpenta-armij holding out her taper hand, the hosts below would not have known which of the four great lights Jehovih had sent. Presently the cur- tains swept across the high pyramid of the capital, and then the transparent blankets and crystal frame-work; and now the an- chors were let down, three hundred thou- sand; lower and lower, slowly came the mighty ship, till her screen-work, from which the anchors hung, touched the very floors of the capital; and, all radiant with holiness, before God and his hosts stood the ethereans, the glory of the most high heavens. The attendants then quickly spread the homa; the masters of arches opened the floor and sides of the airavagna, and there, seated or standing, was ready the central part of the etherean Council chamber. Then came forth the Chieftainess, Cpenta- armij, accompanied by Owks and Ha-o-ha and See-wah-Gon and arriving before the throne stood, waiting for the salutation and the sign. God, still sitting on his throne, said: Daughter of Jehovih, Chieftainess of Haot- saiti, in the name of the Father! And hereupon he gave the sign Arc of Spe-ta! Cpenta-armij and her three companions sa- luted in the Sign of the Circuit! Which was the highest compliment any God of Earth had ever received. Cpenta-armij said: By Jehovih's com- mand am I before thee, O God. In Love and Wisdom and Power am I come. Be- hold, my Voice is His Voice, Creator of Worlds! God said: My throne is founded in Je- hovih's name. Come thou and honor it, and bring thy most high Gods and God- desses with thee. They went forward then, and all the Gods and Goddesses, and Lords and Lord- esses stood up, saluting by shaking hands; and then Cpenta-armij went and sat in the midst of the throne. Meanwhile, the es'enaurs chanted a hymn of thanksgiving. Cpenta-armij, being controlled by the Voice of Jehovih, said: For joy created I man and woman; for seasons of labor and seasons of recreation. Be ye mirthful be- fore Me, and jubilant toward one another, in remembrance of My creations. And when I call you to labor, behold, Mv hand will move upon you for the furtherance of My kingdoms in their resurrections. Hereupon the multitude descended from their places of stateliness, and com- mingled together joyfully. And those who were on the throne came down and min- gled with the multitude, saluting and re- joicing. CHAPTER IV. For two whole days Cpenta-armij left the people in recration, but on the third she ascended the throne; and even in that same moment of time, a light spread abroad over all the place, so that the people comprehended indeed what was meant by Jehovih's hand being upon them. And they all resumed their places, where- upon Jehovih spake through Cpenta-armij, saying: Whom I brought with Me from Haot- saiti shall be My Council during dawn; but the portals shall remain open on every side. Who are not of My Council are not bound unto these, My labors, and the same shall go and come as they choose, remem- bering the call of their respective Gods. For know ye all, that whoever aspireth to Me shall come to Me. Ye being above grade fifty are already more to Me and for Me than against Me or from Me, and in equal degree are cast upon your own re- sponsibility. For such is the light of My kingdoms, from the first to the highest: To the child, no responsibility; to grade twen- ty-five, one-quarter; to fifty, one-half; to seventy-five, three-quarters; but to the emancipated in My etherean realms, re- sponsibility not only to self but to all who are beneath. Wherein My highest worlds are respon- sible for the lowest, being bound unto one another through Me for the resurrection of all. In this day am I come to deliver My Gods down to the earth, to walk on the CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 279 earth with mortals, raising them up in My name. They who shall be raised up in Me; even though still of the earth, shall be holden alike responsible for all who are beneath them; for with My light and power before them, and doing in My name, they that are beneath them will hold them, not only on the earth, but in heaven, for their labors and words. The Voice departed, and then Cpenta- armij spake in her own behalf, saying: Once around the earth and heaven will I now travel, seeing with mine own eyes and hearing with mine own ears, even as is commanded of me by the Father; that I may know of mine own knowledge the condition of mortals and of the spirits who dwell both with them and in the lowest hea- vens. He who is still your God shall abide with you, and on this throne, until I re- turn. Cpenta-armij then descended and sat at the foot of the throne, and Owks and Ha- o-ha and See-wah-Gon with her, whereup- on God went down and took her hand, say- ing: Arise, O Goddess, and go thy way. And then he raised up the other three in the same way, and they saluted and stood aside. Now, as soon as God raised them up, the All Light settled upon him, and he again ascended the throne and sat in the midst. Then spake Cpenta-armij, saying to God: . Jehovih hath commanded the raising of a voice in four divisions of the earth; what is thy light, O God? God said: In Jaffeth I have raised up a man named Po, an I'huan of the I 'hin side, of grade ninety-live. In Arabin'ya I have raised up a man named Abram, an I'huan of the I'hin side, of grade ninety-five. In Vind'yii I have raised up a man named Brahma, an I'huan of the I'hin side, of grade ninety- nine. In Guatama I have raised up a man named Eawahtah, an I'huan of the I'hin side, of grade ninety-five. The loo'is who have accomplished this labor are still with their wards, but are ap- prised of thy coming. Behold, I send with thee messengers who will answer thy com- mands. Hereupon, Cpenta-armij, with her hosts, departed, and entered on otevan which God had had previously prepared for her; and she took with her one million attendants, going straight down to the earth. And first of all to visit mortals and mortal king- doms, kings and queens, temples and ora- cles, and then to see Po and Abram and Brahma and Eawahtah, all of whom were sufficiently illumed to see her and to know she was the Person of the All Voice. Next after these she visited all the hea- venly kingdoms belonging to the earth, go- ing first to the heavenly kingdom belong- ing to Japan; thence to Ah'oan, of Jaffeth; thence to E'chad, and so on until she saw them all. After that Cpenta-armij returned to Craoshivi, making a circuit sufficient to examine all the plateaux below the belt me- teoris.* Now the whole time Cpenta-armij had been gone was thirty and two days. Whilst she had been absent, God extended the re- ceiving grounds of Craoshivi twelve thou- sand miles in breadth toward the south, and founded sixty colonies. For even now were, and would be, for the four years to come, ships arriving daily with hundreds of thousands of angels who were being pre- pared for the degree of Brides and Bride- grooms to Jehovih, ready for the third res- urrection. Messengers had arrived in Craoshivi daily from Cpenta-armij, so that God knew when she would return. And accordingly he had prepared all things in readiness, and she was received in the name of the Father, in due ceremony. And Cpenta-armij ascended the throne of God and sat in the midst, and a light like a sun settled around about her. Her com- panions, Gods and Goddesses, now sat not near her, though on the throne to the right and left. Whilst they were taking their re- spective places, the es'enaurs were chanting anthems, and the awe and majesty of the scene were magnified to the utmost. CHAPTER V. When the light fell full upon Cpenta- armij, the Voice of Jehovih spake through her, saying: In thee whom I made God over Earth and her heavens I am well pleased; by My hand hast thou raised them up; through thee have I maintained the Diva even unto this day. 280 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ Thou shalt have honor in My exalted heavens because thou art the first in Spe-ta; but thou shalt crown thy glory by descend- ing to the earth and walking with mortals for the term of four years, even with My Son, Brahma. And when thy time is com- pleted, I will come and deliver thee and Brahma. In My name shalt thou raise thy voice and establish Me amongst men; and I will be with thee in wisdom and power. Take thy attendants and proceed to thy labor; in whatsoever thou desirest of Me, call, and I will answer, for I have messengers who shall labor betwixt us. God then saluted, and withdrew. Next came Yima, and to him Jehovih spake, saying: Being one with God, thou shalt labor even as he laboreth; and thou shalt descend to the earth, even to My corporeal Son, Po, who hath been prepared in My name, and with him shalt thou walk the earth four years. And thou shalt speak in My name, establishing Me amongst mortals, to the end that My chosen shall be delivered into My kingdoms. For thou shalt lead them away from the mortal kings, and teach them to know Me as their only King. Take, then, thy attendants and go to thy labor, and at the end of four years I will appoint a successor to thee, and I will deliver thee into My etherean kingdoms. Yima then saluted and stood aside. Next came Vishnu, renowned for his labor in Vind'yu and her heavens. To him Jehovih said: Being one with God, thou shalt with him fulfill the completion of the Spe-ta in My name. To which end thou shalt descend to the corporeal earth, even Arabin'ya, and dwell thereon for the period of four years, with My corporeal Son, Abram. With Abram shalt thou walk and sojourn day and night, speaking and laboring in Me as fully as My very Self. And thou shalt de- liver My chosen away from the kings' peo- ples, teaching them to have no king but Me, their Creator. To Abram shalt thou reveal My name, Jehovih, and establish it in secret, with due rites and ceremonies. And at the end of four years I will appoint a successor to thee; and thee will I deliver into My emancipated worlds. Take, then, thy attendants and depart to thy labor, and I will be with thee in wisdom and power. Vishnu then saluted and stood aside. Next came Os, sent by the etherean regions of Haot-saiti to deliver the king- doms of Japan and Heleste and their hea- vens, but who was now relieved by the Divan successor. To Os Jehovih spake, saying: In honor of thy volunteering in the days of darkness for the relief of God and his kingdoms, I now create thee God of the first Spe-ta of the red star, and crown thee with Mine Own hand. And, lo and behold, even with these spoken words, a light descended in the form of a crown and settled upon his head. Thereupon Jehovih said: In which I have made thee a lawful Div with corporeal power. And thou shalt descend to the corporeal earth, even to Guatama, and walk with My Son Eawahtah, whom the loo'is have pre- pared for My Voice, for the term of four years, sojourning with him day and night, gathering together the remnants of My lost tribes, and establishing them in faith of the Great Spirit, in the name, Egoquim, suita- ble to the language I have created for them. And at the end of four years I will ap- point a successor to thee; and thee I will restore into My etherean worlds. Take, then, thy attendants and depart to thy labor, and I will be with thee in wisdom and power. Then Os saluted and stood aside, and the Voice departed; then Cpenta-armij, on her own account, said: This hour, even now, I dissolve the Diva with honor and glory unto them. The kingdoms ye ruled over shall be my kingdoms during dawn; in the Father's name I assume them and their affairs. Peace and love and wisdom and power be with you all, amen. The four inspiring Gods then departed, and in the outer circuit of Craoshivi they had in waiting, which their attendants had prepared beforehand, each one an otevan fully equipped and ready, into which they embarked, with their attendants, fifty thou- sand each. The musicians then saluted them, even as they moved off, severally, in direct lines for the earth. Cpenta-armij then lowered the light a little, and her three visiting companions, Owks, Ha-o-ha and See-wah-Gon, sat near CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 281 her on the throne, even before her etherean Council, five hundred million. Cpenta-armij said: I have visited the earth and her heavens, even her heavens on her very surface. By the power vested in me, I release from duty all Lords and Gods, and sub-Gods, and sub-Lords, on the earth and in the heavens of the earth. This my messengers will communicate to them, commanding them, in my love and wis- dom, which are one with the Father, to come at once to Craoshivi, that I may hon- or them and apportion them for the third resurrection, which will occur in four years. • To the Lord-dom, Maitraias, founded by Vishnu, I appoint and allot Yugsaesu Lord, with thirty million of my etherean hosts, to be chosen by himself. Let Yugsa- esu come before me! Yugsaesu then came before Jehovih's throne, and Cpenta-armij said unto him: Repair thou unto Maitrai- as, taking thy hosts with thee. And when thou art come to the place, possess it in Je- hovih's name, and order it after the manner of a Lord-dom, providing sub-kingdoms unto thy place as may be required. And thou shalt have dominion over all angels that are already with the plateau of Maitraias, or such as may be hereafter sent to thee from the other heavenly divi- sions and from the earth. And thou shalt provide thy kingdom unto the service of the Father, chiefly to prevent angels return- ing to the earth to obsess and pollute mor- tals. For thou shalt find hundreds of mill- ions of them who> have no aspiration but destruction. Many of them were slain in wars on the earth, and are still seeking vengeance, and if escaping to the earth, obsess mortals to burn cities, and to mur- der, and to all manner of wickedness. Thy labor, O Lord, is not to reform them or teach them, for I shall appoint and allot others to that end; but thou shalt la- bor wholly and entirely to prevent the re- turn of Maitraisans to mortals. And that thou shalt be strong before them, thou canst draw from all other heavenly king- doms, which I shall found, a sufficient guard to enforce my commandments. For four years shalt thou labor in this matter, and thou shalt also raise up one with thy Lord-dom, to be thy successor af- ter thee. Take, then, thy hosts and go to thy labors, and the Father will be with thee in wisdom and power. Yugsaesu then made his selections from Cpenta-armij's hosts, and they came and passed before Jehovih's throne, saluting, and then withdrew and went into a ship which had, likewise, been prepared for them by the proper persons; and, having saluted with music, they departed, Yugsaesu and his hosts, rejoicing. Again Cpenta-armij spake, saying: Be- hold, the time is now come upon the earth when I will divide and allot unto each of its several great divisions heavenly kingdoms accordingly. To Japan, because she is a remnant of the submerged continent, I establish a hea- venly kingdom, and it shall be called Suasu. To Jaffeth, because she has preserved much of the first language, I establish a heavenly kingdom, and it shall be called Hi-jee-tse. To Vind'yti, because she is the most ad- vanced in holiness of all the earth, I estab- lish a heavenly kingdom, and it shall be called Vri-mij. To Arabin'ya, because she is the foun- dation of Jehovih's migratory hosts who shall go forth around the earth, I establish a heavenly kingdom, and it shall be called Paradise. To Heleste, because she was rescued from darkness by Os in time to meet this arc, I establish a heavenly kingdom, and it shall be called Spe-ta. To Uropa, because she was first founded by a woman, I establish a heavenly king- dom, and it shall be called Himmel. To South Guatama, because she is the least inhabited of all the great divisions of the earth, I establish a heavenly kingdom, and it shall be called Ahden. To North Guatama, because she is the ground on which the circumscribing of the earth by the different nations shall take place, where the revelations of heaven and earth shall be made to man, I establish a heavenly kingdom, and it shall be called Kosmon. To all the South Islands, I establish a heavenly kingdom, and it shall be called Flue. To all the North Islands, I establish a heavenly kingdom, and it shall be called Sin-Yot. 282 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ Hereupon the light of Jehovih over- spread Cpenta-armij, and His voice spake through her, saying: To My ten heavenly kingdoms which I have made through My Daughter, behold, I choose ten Lords, and My ten Lords shall go to the kingdoms I apportion unto them. In My name shall My Lords build unto Me ten heavenly places of delight, for the spirits of the dead that rise up from the earth. And My Lords shall establish in My kingdoms places of learning and places of labor; places for the sick and helpless an- gels that rise up from the earth, that My Lords shall raise them up, to know Me and the glory of the worlds I have created for them; inspiring them to perfect themselves in wisdom and purity and power, that they may arise and inherit My etherean heavens. And My Lords shall appoint ashars unto mortals at the time of their corporeal birth; and the said ashars shall be appointed in watch and watch, that they may relieve one another, having a time of labor and a time of rest. And My Lords shall so appoint My ashars that each and every ashar shall have a hundred changes of labor with a hundred different mortals, in order to learn all the varieties of men and women I have created. And the number of ashars shall be equal to the number of mortals dwelling on the earth. And My Lords shall appoint asaphs to reside in heaven, sufficient in number to re- ceive the spirits of all who die on the earth, which they shall receive from the ashars in My name. And the asaphs shall take such angels, thus received, and place them in the regions My Lords shall have prepared for them, where there shall be sufficient teach- ers and nurses and physicians in My hea- venly places to administer unto them. And My Lords shall provide discipline to the spirits thus received, who shall be trained according to the Divan law which I established through My Gods, which shall extend beyond the es'yan even to the thir- tieth grade. And My Lords shall provide for them that have attained to the thirtieth grade to be sent in suitable ships to this place, Crao- shivi, and deliver them to My Daughter, Cpenta-armij, and to her successor, God or Goddess, who shall have dominion over the whole earth and her heavens. For behold, it is the nature of man on the earth to go after earthly things instead of heavenly; and it is the nature of the es'yan to strive for the earth instead of My higher heavens. Be ye guarded, therefore, to lay a foundation to prevent angels and mortals from going downward; to provide inspiration to make them desire to ascend to My holy regions. The Voice now departed, and Cpenta- armij spake of her own account in Jeho- vih's name, saying: Whomsoever I call, let them come be- fore Jehovih's throne, for they shall be the Lords whom I shall anoint for the heavenly kingdoms I have established: Le-tzoo, Lord of Suasu, a heavenly place over Japan. Oe-wah, Lord of Hi-jee-tse, a heavenly place over Jaffeth. Loo-gam, Lord of Vri-mij, a heavenly place over Vind'yu. Ha-kappa, Lord of Paradise, a heavenly place over Arabin'ya. Jes-Sie, Lordess of Spe-ta, a heavenly place over Heleste. Yo-han, Lord of Himmel, a heavenly place over Uropa. Hinot-tse, Lordess of Ahden, a heavenly place over South Guatama. Ami, Lordess of Kosmon, a heavenly place over North Guatama. Horam, Lord of Flue, a heavenly place over the Southern Islands. Puetse, Lordess of Sin-Yot, a heavenly place over the Northern Islands. All the angels named came before Cpenta-armij when called, and they now stood abreast Jehovih's throne, whereupon the All Light overspread the place, and the Father's Voice spake through Cpenta- armij, saying: Ye are My Lords and Lordesses, by Me raised up and allotted your places. For four years shall ye labor, even to the end of this dawn; and ye shall provide successors to take your places after you. And herein lies your greatest glory and Mine. For they that succeed you shall hold dominion two hundred years. And they in turn shall provide successors after them, and so on, for these successions shall continue till the arc of Bon. With Mine own hand weave I crowns, and crown you severally for My kingdoms! CYCLE OF CPENTA-ABMIJ 283 When these words were spoken, the now fast gathering light, of a variety of col- ors, took the shape of ten separate crowns, and descended on the heads of the Lords and Lordesses. The Voice ceased, but Cpenta-armij spake on her own account, in Jehovih's name, saying: My Lords and Lordesses, go to your labors in the love, wisdom and power of the Father, and He will be with you; and ye shall be a glory in His kingdoms. Choose ye, therefore, each and every one ten million of my hosts, who shall go with you to your places, to be afterward ex- changed or divided, as I may direct. That ye may choose in order, he who was first appointed shall choose first; the second next, and so on until ye have all chosen. All these Lords and Lordesses were of the Higher Light, and knew beforehand, and had in like manner already chosen their attendants, so that at a given signal the multitudes thus chosen rose up and came before the throne, forming ten groups of ten million each. And they at once formed in line and passed before Jehovih's throne, saluting in the sign, Birth of Spe-ta on the earth, and Cpenta-armij answered in the sign, Jehovih and the lower heavens. Cpenta-armij said: For the glory of this scene,. I bequeath a day of rest, that my hosts may witness the departure of the fleets of Jehovih's Lords and Lordesses. At once the hosts joined in a mighty chorus of thanksgiving and praise; and they went without and saw the ships laden with the joyous crews; saw them set their great fleet in motion; sang and shouted to them in Je- hovihs' love, for the glory of His high hea- vens. CHAPTER VI. In the beginning of the second year of Cpenta-armij in Craoshivi, messengers came before Jehovih's throne, saluting, and greeting from Ctusk, who now lived under the name, Ahura, and submitted the follow- ing communication, to-wit: Ctusk, who hath become Ahura, a ser- vant of Jehovih, and is now God of Ailkin by just judgment of Jehovih, desireth audi- ence with the Most High-Raised Cpenta- armij, Daughter of the Great Spirit. To this Cpenta-armij answered: Greet- ing, in love to my brother Ahura. By the Grace and Power of Jehovih, come and see me, bringing thy attendants. Now, after the lapse of a few days, Ahura came to Craoshivi, attended by one million, escort- ed by music, and proclaimed according to the discipline of the higher heavens, with heralds and trumpeters. And Cpenta- armij 's hosts received Ahura and conduct- ed him and his hosts within the capital chamber; and Ahura went before Jehovih's throne, saluting on the sign, Second pla- teau, and Cpenta-armij answered in Nirvan- ian Road, Salkwatka.. She said: In the name of the Great Spirit, Whose Daughter I am, I welcome thee in love and high esteem. I know all thy past rec- ord, and look upon thee as the founda- tion of one of Jehovih's brightest suns. Long have I desired that thou shouldst pe- tition to come, to see me, and greet thee in the Father's name. Ahura said: O thou Most High Chief- tainess, of hundreds of thousands of years, how can I stand before thee? I know thou hast seen many truants in thy day, and watched their course thousands of years. Thou canst see before me all that awaiteth me and mine; the past and the future are as an open book before thee. That I have stood before thee and looked upon thee, I am blessed above all things since the day of my birth. Behold, the hand of the Great Spirit hath appeared before me; I comprehend the only road that leadeth on to everlasting resurrections; I know that the One All Per- son must ever stand as the key-note for angels and mortals. Without Him, a man is as a ship without a rudder; the seas around about him drive him to ruin in the end. Blessed is he who hath had the ex- perience of this in an early day of his life. Nervous and full of fear is he who hath been tried two thousand years ! Then spake Cpenta-armij, saying: I per- ceive thy desires, O Ahura! I understand why thou art before me. Thy wisdom is great indeed. Thou perceivest that thy pla- teau is in the second removal from the earth. Thou fearest that some of thy hosts will forsake Jehovih, and usurp kingdoms of their own, even as thou didst in time past. Thou desirest me to raise thy plateau farther away from the corporeal earth. 284 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ Ahura said: If it be Jehovih's will, even for this purpose am I come before thee! Now came a great light, bright, like a sun, and settled over the throne, envelop- ing the Goddess, Cpenta-armij, and Jeho- vih's Voice spake out of the light to Ahura, saying: My Son, My Son, why hast thou so lit- tle faith! Behold, I am with thee even as with this, My Daughter. All thou lackest is faith. Go thou back to thy plateau and raise thou it thyself. My Daughter shall come to thee, and show thee, and thou shalt not fail. To have faith in Me is to be one with Me; to lack faith in Me is to be far removed from Me. Ahura said: O Jehovih, teach Thou me how to begin to have faith. To find the beginning, there is my stumbling block! Jehovih said: By trying Me, there is the beginning. By learning to know thine own power in Me; and to know My power in thee; that is the sum of all power and wis- dom. By the lack of faith in Me, man set- teth up himself; by the lack of faith in Me, the self-assuming Gods built kingdoms for themselves. The failure of man is proof of My pow- er; the failure of all kingdoms is proof of the lack of faith in Me, whereby My power is manifested over them. First, after the abjuring of self, cometh the constant mani- festation of power through faith, the exam- ple of which holdeth the multitude to Me and My works. Inasmuch as thou hast suffered fear in thy soul for a relapse in thy kingdom, thou hast opened the door for disaster. Have I not proved this on earth? — wherein the faith of a captain leadeth his soldiers on to victory, and his lack of faith breaketh them down in weakness. Think not, O Ahura, that My examples are less with My Gods. If, therefore, My Daughter should come to thy kingdom and raise it up, behold, she would lessen thy hosts' faith in thee. For which reason thou shalt return to Ailkin, and proclaim to thy people that thou wilt raise thy plateau. And though millions of them will consider it a vanity, and beyond thy power, behold, I will provide unto thee that thou shalt not fail. Ahura said: I perceive Thy Wisdom, O Jehovih! That which Thou hast put upon me, I know I shall accomplish through Thee. The Voice departed, and Cpenta- armij spake on her own account, saying: Thou shalt proclaim a day for this great work; and thou shalt send invitations to me and my hosts, and to my Gods and Lords, Goddesses and Lordesses. Send thou, therefore, thy surveyors and inspectors, and determine whither thou wouldst raise thy plateau, and thou shalt be provided from my hosts whatever assistance thou mayest need. Ahura then saluted, and he and his hosts departed without the capital chamber, where they rested awhile in recreation with the etherean hosts, and then they entered their ship and departed, and returned to Ailkin. After which Ahura appointed the day for the resurrection, and sent messen- gers throughout atmospherea, proclaiming what he would do, inviting Gods and Lords, with their attendants, to come and spend the day with him. Jehovih spake to Cpenta-armij, saying: Send thou thy mathematicians to estimate the grade of Ahura's plateau; and send thy surveyors to the place he hath chosen, that thy hosts may know the power required; and provide thou from thine own hosts, privily, suitable stationers that Ahura shall not fail. For, in time to come, Ahura shall be one of My greatest Gods. CHAPTER VII. Ahura, immediately on his return to his kingdom, set about accomplishing this great labor. Now there were with Ahura many who had been sub-Gods and captains and gen- erals under him whilst he was in rebellion against Jehovih and His kingdoms; and when they heard of the proclamation they said within their souls: What, is it possible Ahura is at his old games? For they knew not his concert with the kingdoms above, and so believed not in his power. Jehovih moved upon Ahura, and in- duced him to send numerators and graders throughout his kingdom, to take the meas- ure of those who had faith, and of those who had no faith; and of those who had neither faith nor doubt. And these Ahura graded and numbered, so when the time came he should know where to place them. Then he numbered the unlearned CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 285 and dumb; and then the enthusiastic; and he graded them and arranged them also. When he had this much accomplished, there came to him one Anuhasaj, a former sub-God, and he said to Ahura, privily: I love thee, Ahura, and for that reason come before thee. Thou shalt meet only failure and disaster in thy undertaking. How many times, in thy mighty kingdom of Ctusk, didst the All High fail to come to thee? Ahura said: Because of thy love I re- joice in thee; but because of thy lack of faith I deplore thee. How long will it be before angels and mortals understand the Father and His kingdoms? Behold, in the days of Ctusk I labored not for Jehovih, but for myself and my exaltation, and for the exaltation of my kingdom for mine own ends. Hence the All High came not to an- swer my prayers. Now, in this matter, I am doing that which is not for me, nor for my kingdom for mine own sake, but for the Father's sake only. And I know He will not fail me. Anuhasaj said: Hath it not been from the time of the ancients till now, that cer- tain ones say that by prayer and faith all things are possible, assuring us, moreover, that by such are all things accomplished on earth and in heaven? And yet, who hath not witnessed more failure than success? I do not desire to discourage thee, O Ahu- ra, but I know so well the lack of faith on the part of all men, and that to get one's self weaned away from self is the weakest talent in the soul. And, for which reason, too, it is ultimately the greatest glory. But this would seem to me expedient: To have Cpenta-armij and her hosts do this resur- rection for thee. Ahura said: Even thine every thought have I already fulfilled. And through the Chieftainess came the Father's Voice, com- manding me to do this resurrection on mine own account. To this Anuhasaj made no reply, but in his soul he was not free from the tetracts, being jealous that Ahura had advanced him in obtaining the Father's commands. But Ahura perceived it not, and he said unto Anuhasaj : The hosts of Ailkin have been numbered, and there are four thousand five hundred million. And within the grades above es'yan there are one hundred and seventy thousand schools, two hundred and thirty thousand colleges, four hundred thousand factories, and two hundred thou- sand hospitals. Behold, on the day of resurrection I shall have the Han-od-wotcha recreation for my hosts. Let this, then, be thy labor, to have the matter proclaimed throughout Ailkin. Anuhasaj said: By Jehovih's leave and thine, I am satisfied. Thus ended the matter, and Ahura re- membered, afterward, that Anuhasaj had not answered positive acceptance, and so x\hura feared, and, to make doubly sure, called Evasan, and committed the same charge to him. Now when the time came, Anuhasaj fulfilled not his part, but Evasan did; and Evasan, moreover, came to Ahura, bring- ing answers from all the departments. In the morning of the day of the resur- rection, Ahura sent for Anuhasaj and in- quired concerning the matter. Anuhasaj said: Nay. I issued not thy proclamation nor thy invitation; for I reasoned on the matter, saying to myself: If the resurrection be a failure, then would it indeed be better that the ignorant know not of it. Ahura said: To do well one's part, is this not the highest? Anuhasaj said: It is the highest. Even so have I done that which seemed the highest in mine own sight. Ahura said: The resurrection was not for thee nor for me, but for the hosts. For thou hadst previously admitted that the resurrection of this plateau was the high- est, best thing to be done. Because it seemed impracticable in thy sight, thou were not justified in withholding thy hand. Thou shouldst have striven to accomplish that which was for the universal good, not even whispering thy distrust to any one. Then, had it failed, thine own soul had been clear. For which reason Jehovih came to me, and I was admonished to depute Ev- asan in thy stead, and he hath fulfilled my commands. Anuhasaj made no reply, but went away in displeasure, and for the present the matter was dismissed. Ahura had sent invitations to the Lords of all the divisions of the earth, asking them to come, bringing their attendants 286 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ with them. Of these the following came, to wit: Oe-wah, Lord of Hi-jee-tse; Ha- Kappa, Lord of Paradise; Loo-gam, Lord of Vri-mij; Jes-Sie, Lordess of Spe-ta; Ami, Lordess of Kosmon; Horam, Lord of Flue; and Puetse, Lordess of Sin-Yot, each bringing one million attendants, be- sides hundreds of thousands of visitors of lower grade. Cpenta-armij, with her visitors, Owks, and See-wah-Gon, and Ha-o-ha, and five million attendants, and five and thirty mill- ion visitors, from Craoshivi, came in an avalanza made for the purpose. The place of removal which Ahura had decided to inherit was in the second belt below meteoris, known in atmospherea at that time as Vara-pishanaha, which laid above the land of Vind'yii, a heavenly place, uninhabited. From Ailkin to Vara- pishanaha was fourteen hours in grade twenty-five, which was the average of Ahura's hosts; but its enlargement in the upper belt would be as fifteen to nine. Cpenta-armij and her hosts were the first to arrive in Ahura's dominion; for she had determined that nothing should lead to failure in Ahura's enterprise. Through her advice Ahura stationed water-bearers the entire distance of travel, lest, in the ex- citement, the drujas might run into knots or riot. For such is the nature of dark- ness, both on earth and in the lower hea- vens: the low delight to dwell in a city, or near a place of filth, if companionable, rather than go to a place of isolation where improvement is possible. Jehovih had said to Ahura: Suffer not thy drujas to know thou wilt remove them so far from the earth; confide thou only with the wise in reference to thy destiny. Cpenta-armij had said to Ahura: Provide thy drujas a holiday in parade, with rites and ceremonies. And Ahura perceived how the matter had to be, and he appor- tioned eighty million of his hosts to pro- vide parades, rites and ceremonies for the drujas of his hosts, and of these drujas, ranking below grade five, there were one thousand two hundred million, being such angels as knew not the left hand from the right, nor could remember to count five from one day to the next. And yet the next thousand million, rating below grade twelve, knew so little more, they were scarcely wiser than beasts in the field. Cpenta-armij, seeing these, exclaimed: O Jehovih, how long must Ahura labor with these in order to raise them to grade ninety-nine! O that they who set them- selves up as Gods knew what lay before them! O that leaders of men knew! O that mortal kings and queens knew the bondage that they lay down for themselves! What a work in the lower heavens for them before they can ascend! And yet, O Jehovih, Thou art just. Some one must labor with these unfortunates. It is well that man aspireth to be king, and Lord and God. CHAPTER VIII. When they were assembled for the resur- rection of the thousands of millions, Cpen- ta-armij went and stood at the right hand of Ahura, and next to her stood Owks; and on the left hand stood See-wah-Gon and Ha-o-ha, and the Voice of Jehovih fell upon Ahura, saying: Extend My lines to the four corners of the world; give into Mv labor the highest grades. Acco- dingly, the marshals drew the line on the plateau, and the hosts of etherea stood equally toward every corner, arrang- ed in phalanxes of ten million, each having the form of a quarter of a circle; leaving the lines of power from center to circumfer- ence, and the distance thereof was equal to the width of Vind'yu on the corporeal earth. And the centre of the plateau was high raised, so that Ahura stood on the highest place, which laid near the Capital of the Council. Now it so happened that the jealous Anuhasaj stood twelfth on the east line, being the thirteenth from Ahura's left hand. Cpenta-armij said to Ahura: Behold, the line is shattered. Ahura said: I feel no- thing; how sayest thou, The line is shat- tered? She answered him, saying: He who doeth Jehovih's work must deal as Jehovih dealeth. Only those who are in concert with thee must labor with thee. Otherwise thy best endeavors will be thwarted. Ahu- ra said: O thou far-perceiving Goddess! In my much love and sympathy I admitted Anu- hasaj to the lines. He hath been my best CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 287 friend. Cpenta-armij said: Thou shalt know but One Friend, Jehovih. Ahura perceived, and he now felt the shattered place, and he sent his chief mar- shal to Anuhasaj to bring him from the rank. And when Anuhasaj was before Ahura, the latter said unto him: Because thou servest thyself, thou shalt stand not in line; behold, there is but One to serve, even Jehovih. Anuhasaj said: A joy upon thee and thy scheme. Because thou art powerless, thou hast singled me out as an excuse before these Gods and Goddesses! Ahura made no answer, but spake be- fore Jehovih, saying: Give me strength for Thy Children's sake, O Father! Behold, I have cut loose the foundations of Ailkin; with high-extending cords I have bound her to Vara-pishanaha. By virtue of Thy power in me I will raise her up. In Thy name, let my hosts in will command: Arise! Upward! Onward! O Ailkin! Arise! upward! onward! O Ailkin! Arise! upward! onward! O Ailkin! With the third enunciation, which came from the thousands of millions in concert, behold, the plateau moved from her found- ation; turned a little, then slowly, upward arose. Loud shouted all the inhabitants of that heaven; with their own universal will the Great Spirit stretched forth His hand and raised up the heavenly continent. Even as with His hand He toucheth a cor- poreal continent and sendeth it beneath the ocean, so raiseth He His heavenly places toward His emancipated worlds. Yea, be- cause of His Spirit upon His people they desire it risen; with them and Him, All is One. And now, the Gods, with unbroken will, held their places as it were a day for the corporeal earth, and not a God or Goddess from the single purpose in thought strayed a moment of time and no distracting thought intervening; for such is the will and mastery of Gods over their own thoughts. Even then, to keep up the con- certed force joyously, those who had the drujas in charge set the games and tourna- ments going, with racing and music, such as should leave not one idle moment for all the hosts of Ailkin, nearly five thousand million. Upward and onward rose the great pla- teau, making straight course for Vara-pish- anaha. Ahura stood in the eyes of the un- learned populace as the greatest and most masterly of all the Gods. One alone, even Anuhasaj, stood awhile transfixed with dis- appointment and chagrin, even hoping some mishap to Jehovih's proceedings. And, finally, he went wandering about, sore and out of sorts with all righteousness. Thus was raised the heavenly place, and no longer called Ailkin, but Vara-pishana- ha, home of Ahura and his hosts. And now, when they were securely established in the place, and the Gods and Goddesses broke from line, they all came greeting to Ahura. And, even in the same moment of time, a messenger came from God, who was with Brahma on the corporeal earth, bringing to Cpenta-armij the following commandment, to-wit: In Jehovih's name, give thou a throne and crown to Ahura for me, and in my name. I promised him thus! The light came upon Cpenta-armij, and Jehovih spake through her, saying: Behold the work of My hand, O Ahura, My Son! In the substance of heaven fashion I thee a throne and high-raised capital. And with Mine own hands weave thee a crown. From this time forth thou shalt be My God, and I will abide with me. Whilst the words were being spoken, the throne rose up before Cpenta-armij's hand, and a high-raised capital came and stood over and about the throne. And there descended from the heavens above bows of light and color, which in Cpenta- armij's fingers were shaped and woven into a crown, which alighted on Ahura's head. And there went up from the hosts a uni- versal shout of praise and thanksgiving. Then broke in the trumpeters, seven mill- ion, and after they played a while, the es'enaurs chanted, The Concerted Hosts of Jehovih! Thus was founded Jehovih's heavenly kingdom, Vara-pishanaha; thus established Ahura his dominions where rebellion and secession were cut off forever. And Cpenta- armij gave to Ahura a thousand messen- gers, and opened a roadway to Craoshivi. Ahura ascended his throne, and the Gods and Goddesses saluted him, God of Vara- pishanaha, and they and their attendants departed to their several places. 288 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ CHAPTER IX. In the third year of dawn Jehovih spake to Cpenta-armij, saying: Gather to- gether the officers of thy traveling hosts, and take with thee thy companions, and go and visit all the Lords and Lordesses of the earth, of thy appointing. And let thy recorders make their accounts of the af- fairs of the earth and her heavenly king- doms, that they may be taken to, and en- tered in, the libraries of the Nirvanian kingdoms. Also thou shalt set thy collectors of Brides and Bridegrooms to work in Crao- shivi; and give to thy collectors otevans, that they may also visit thy Lords' king- doms and collect all the angels prepared for the next resurrection, and bring them to Craoshivi, where they shall be classified. For in the coming resurrection thou shalt provide twelve avalanzas, and those who are raised to the etherean heavens thou shalt cause to be divided according to their grade and rate, and have them delivered into regions suitable to their advancement. During the time prior to this, the Lords had contributed largely to Craoshivi, and already there were upward of twenty thousand million angels capable of taking the third resurrection. The departure of Cpenta-armij on this visit was important, for it involved the selection of the next suc- ceeding God of earth and heaven, who should sit on the throne during her ab- sence. At this time, the reigning God was with Brahma on earth. To him Cpenta-ar- mij sent messengers, acquainting him with the commandments of Jehovih. God answered through his messengers, saying: Greeting, in the name of Jehovih, to Cpenta-armij, His Daughter, Chieftain- ess! The reigning God deputeth thee, O Goddess, to make the selection in his stead, to be crowned at the termination of dawn. And now, accordingly, Cpenta- armij sent forth her examiners, to search after the highest, best, most learned of all that had been raised up of the earth, capa- ble of the God-head. For sixty days her examiners were at work, and on the sixti- eth day, in the evening, they had completed the search. And it fell upon Thale of Pe- ola, of corporeal birth, five thousand years. Thale, a tiller of the soil in corpor, born in spirit in Yueson, ninety years; five years in es'yan; thirty years in factories; in the. nurseries, ninety years; in the colleges, one hundred and eighty years; projector, sev- enty years; surveyor, sixty-five years; measurer, two hundred years; entered an etherean airavagna, and traveled seven hun- dred years; returned to the lower heavens of the earth and was Lord in six succes- sions for each of the chief earth divisions twelve hundred years; was called by Ona- vissa, Goddess of Ni-yi-ag-ag-ha to clear the roads of Chenshaya, beyond Chinvat, where he labored six hundred years. Re- turned again to earth and her heavens, and served as captain and general four hundred years; served as marshal seven hundred years, under four different Gods and Lords; and the balance of the time traveled as messenger and swift messenger. Of the rates in a thousand, he was nine hundred and ninety-nine. And he knew the whole Earth and her capabilities; could read a thousand million voices at the same time, and interpret them and answer them, and had even created plateaux. He knew the atmospherean heavens, habitable and unin- habitable; the roadways; the oceans and nebulous regions; knew the ascending and descending ethe; knew the power in the different rings of Earth's vortex; knew the c-vork-um, and its times and places. Cpenta-armij sent a delegation of one million angels to wait on Thale and bring him before the throne at Craoshivi, send- ing them in her private otevan, and under the guardianship of her chief marshal, with this commandment: Thale, of Peola, greeting to thee, in the name of Jehovih, Who commandeth thy immediate presence at the throne in Crao- shivi. Of all the honored in these hea- vens, thou standest first on the list, and art appointed by our Father the next succeed- ing God, through His Daughter, Chieftain- ess of Haot-saiti. In my stead thou shalt sit on the throne whilst I complete my labor in dawn; after which thou shalt be crowned, of Earth and her heavens, Je- hovih's God! Cpenta-armij knew Thale, for he had sojourned in Otaias, in etherea, three hun- dred years, where she had been Surveyor ten thousand years. So when he came before Jehovih's throne, Cpenta-armij was CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 289 rejoiced to meet him in person; neverthe- less, she first saluted in rank, saying: My brother, welcome in the Father's name, and joy be unto thee. Jehovih hath called thee to this throne; thou shalt be one of the pillars of His everlasting- tem- ples. What I put upon thee in the Father's name, thou shalt consider from Him. Thale said: Before Thee, O Jehovih, I bow to Thy decrees, which come through Thy High-Raised Daughter, Chieftainess of Haot-saiti. I accept whatsoever is given me to do, that will raise up man to rejoice in his creation. By virtue of Thy power in me, O Jehovih, I know I shall not fail. May Thy Light be upon me! Cpenta-armij now raised the light to the highest atmospherean grade, and said unto Thale: Approach Jehovih's throne, O my brother, and hold up thy hands to- ward Hign Noon, as the symbol of the highest light, for as the sun is to Earth and atmospherea, so is Jehovih to the soul of man and to the etherean worlds. Thale stepped to the foot of the throne, and the marshal stood beside him. The whole Council were seated, and sweet mu- sic rose from the es'enaurs, and added to the solemn scene. Thale then faced the place of High Noon in the temple and held up his hands, saying: I am in Thy service, O Jehovih! Jehovih spake out of the light over Cpenta-armij 's head, saying: Thale, My Son, thou art My God, and thou shalt have dominion over Earth and her hea- vens for two hundred years. Whatsoever thou shalt do shalt be of Me. Thy word shall be My word; thy labor My labor. And thou shalt have Lords and kingdoms, and all manner of heavenly places; and all of them shall be My places through thee. And at the expiration of thy service, thou shalt raise up a successor to thee, who shall be worthy of thee and Me. And he shall have dominion for Me and in My places; and likewise raise up a suc- cessor to come after him, and so on until the next dawn of dan. Be thou joyful in dominion; My worlds are places of delight, mirth, peace, love, righteousness, and good works. The Voice ceased, and then Cpenta-ar- mij spake on her own account, saying: He who will crown thee will come at the end of dawn; till then thou shalt hold dominion in the Red Hat. Approach the Judgment Seat, my brother, and I will give to thee in Jehovih's name. With that, Cpenta-armij gathered from the colored rays of light a substance light as ethe, and made a red hat and put it on Thale's head. Thale then sat down on the throne. Thereupon Cpenta-armij said: Council of Jehovih, hear my voice. A new God have I raised up unto my labor. And thou, O God, hear my voice. A new dominion have I given into thy keeping. For one year I shall now visit my Lords and Lordesses in the first plateaux of Earth, for it is a part of my labor for the Father. And when I shall have finished with them, I shall return to my present reigning God of Earth, who is with Brahma, and I will deliver him and Brah- ma, and return again to this kingdom, whence the etherean resurrection will take place. Provide ye accordingly in all things, even as I would were I here; and number the Brides and Bridegrooms one hundred and sixty days in advance, and send swift messengers to etherea, to the Nirvanian fields and forests in Chan-us-hoag, and thence through Salkwatka to Haot-saiti, in the etherean fields of Abarom, finding six regions, suitable for grades from sixty to ninety. And ye shall send greeting to my sister, Chue-in-ista, Goddess of Oambuyu, asking her to deliver us. Thus saying, Cpenta-armij, and Owks, and See-wah-Gon, and Ha-o-ha took leave, and in their own proper way departed out of Craoshivi, and in the airavagna de- scended to the lowest plateau, and so visit- ed the Lords of the lower kingdoms. CHAPTER X. The Lords and Lordesses gave not much labor to Cpenta-armij; for they had long been high-raised Gods and Goddesses in other worlds, and knew their parts well. But to each heavenly place Cpenta-armij sent her heralds in advance, and the Lords and Lordesses in turn sent receiving es- corts to meet the airavagna. And when the Chieftainess arrived, she was asked in the usual manner to honor the throne, and she thus sat on all the thrones, ruling in person, and in her presence the Voice 290 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ABMIJ of Jehovih spake in the Light before the assembled Council of the Hosts, and it was thus fulfilled in the Arc of Spe-ta that the Voice had circumscribed the whole Earth. And when Cpenta-armij was about to depart from each heavenly place, she al- ways descended to the foot of the throne of the Lord, and sat thereon; and the Lord went down and took her hand, saying: Arise, O Goddess, and go thy way; the Father calleth thee! And then would she arise and depart to another Lord or Lord- ess, in like manner. Cpenta-armij took with her three thou- sand angel scribes and recorders; three thousand artists; and three thousand geol- ogists and mineralogists. Jehovih had said to Cpenta-armij : Thou shalt make reports of the land and water and air of the earth; and of all the living thereon and therein, with pictures thereof; two copies shalt thou make; and when the end of dawn is come, thou shalt take the two copies with thee in thy ascension to My etherean worlds. One copy shalt thou put on record in the library of Haot-saiti, and the other copy shalt thou send to the Hyperiis Council of the United Chiefs and Chieftainesses, for their deliberations. For the Hyperiis Council shall deter- mine from this, thy report, what is good for Earth; as to whether she shall be changed in her course, or broken up and divided; or whether she needeth a'ji or dan; and they shall send out road-makers to that end, or send vortices against her vortex, to break it or rule over it, accord- ing to My light upon them. Besides these, Cpenta-armij had a thou- sand recorders, whose business it was to prepare reports of the Lords' kingdoms, and of the factories, colleges, nurseries, hospitals, the hells, if any, and knots, if any; to record the grade and number of spirits in each heavenly place; to record the earthly kingdoms, and kings and queens and their subjects, their occupa- tions and grades, and their rate of corporeal life age. To record the percentage of fa- miliar spirits with mortals; the fetals, the drujas; as well as the ashars and asaphs; and the temples and oracles in use by mor- tals; the altars and places of worship. To record the number of Thins still inhabiting the earth; the number of pure I'huans, who worshiped only one Great Spirit; the Druk order, who always have idols or sav- iors, and are given to war. One full moon of four quarters remain- ed Cpenta-armij with each one of the Lords of Earth; and then she departed, going into all the habitable places on the earth, and in the heavens that rested on the earth. In ten moons she had completed her labor with the Lords of the first resurrection; had witnessed the manner in which the Lords sent away the upraised to Craoshivi, to enter the second resurrection. And her scribes and recorders had completed their labor also. And now the Chieftainess sent her aira- vagna back to Craoshivi, with her visitors, Owks, See-wah-Gon and Ha-o-ha. But for herself she had a piedmazr built; and, taking ten thousand attendants, besides the workers of the boat, she descended on to the very earth, to visit the four Gods, in the four great divisions of the earth; with Eawahtah; with Brahma; with Abram, and with Po. With each of these she spent twelve days, and then she departed and went to Maitraias, the heavenly place, the only Lord-dom of Earth, where ruled Yug-sae-su, with thirty million. Here she remained twelve days also; and the inhab- itants gave a tournament and festival. After this Cpenta-armij departed for Craoshivi, for the end of dawn was near at hand. CHAPTER XI. In the Council of Craoshivi the Voice of Jehovih came to Cpenta-armij, saying: Be- hold, the red star neareth the fields of Ab- arom; Great Oteson hath filled the sinks and slues of Yoswakak; thousands of mill- ions of My Sons and Daughters behold the Feast of Spe-ta. Hear thou thy Creator, O Cpenta-ar- mij! For thou shalt spread broad the ta- ble of My hosts; such as hath never been before in Haot-saiti. And thou shalt send for Obed, God of Oise; Gavaini, God- dess of Ipthor; Ab, Shriever of Riv-Seing; Raisi, Goddess of Esdras; Wish-tse, God of Zuth; Harava, God on Yon-yon; Vraga- piet, Goddess of Zoe; and Loo-chung, God of Ata-bonaswitchahaha. And thou shalt CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 291 send for the Gods and Goddesses of the Plains of Cnoe-Chang; and for the Gods and Goddesses of the Chi-ha-wogo Roads; and for all the Gods and Goddesses in their own Nirvanian fields; and for the Great Chief, Shoo-lo, of the Roads of Jinihassij, and for all the Gods and Goddesses in his dominions in My etherean worlds. And yet thou shalt remember of thine own knowledge many Gods and God- desses; and thou shalt charge thy com- panions, Owks, and See-wah-Gon, and Ha- o-ha, to sit in Council with thee, that ye may remember such Chiefs and Chieftain- esses, Shrievers, Gods and Goddesses, whose company may be delightful: And thou shalt command them in My name to meet in the Feast of Spe-ta, for it is the first in this, My new world. Make way for them; make place for them, O My Daughter! Make wide the roadways in My lower heaven; make My Holy Feast glor- ious. Cpenta-armij said: Too wide are the dans of Earth; too far apart and cumber- some, O Father! More than twenty-four thousand million will be my harvest unto thee, O Jehovih! Great is Thy wisdom in Spe-ta; the time for the beginning of quar- ter ascensions, fifty years. Thy Gods and Goddesses, O Jehovih, and Thy Chiefs and Chieftainesses, will bind up these loose heavens into whole- some discipline. I will send my swift mes- sengers into Thy far-off etherean worlds, and bring Thy Sons and Daughters to Thy Feast. Cpenta-armij sent off into the wide hea- vens, high beyond Earth's heavens, invi- tations to tens of thousands of high-raised Sons and Daughters of the Great Spirit. Then she called her surveyors and table- makers before Jehovih's throne, and said unto them: The end of dawn is near at hand; I will give a feast, a very great feast. Go ye and survey the ground from Craoshivi to the Lakes of Oochi-loo, in etherea, and for the length thereof make ye a width in the form of Fete; and the road of the Fete shall be sufficient for the passage of twelve avalanzas abreast; and the depth of the Fete shall be as from the surface of the earth unto Chinvat. Within twelve sios of Abarom, and of the height of the circuit of Bilothowitchieun shall ye carry the bor- der flames; and the flames shall be of dou- ble currents, going and coming, that the food of the feast may be brought from any region suited to the high-raised grades. And the arc of the feast shall encompass the whole Earth, and extend outward and downward to the belt of Craoshivi, and then downward in two lines, east and west; and the downward lines shall be like the feet of a compass, one stationary and the other movable. And the light that ex- tendeth from the arc down the movable line shall rest on the delivered hosts. of Abram, and it shall bear upon his people, that they may hereafter draw Light direct from the Father's throne in Craoshivi; and it shall move westward and be as an inheritance of Jehovih's light upon His corporeal sons and daughters. But the line that standeth in the east shall be a base line and center, whither shall descend the Father's light upon the delivered sons and daughters of the hosts of Brahma and Po. And because of the arc of Spe-ta upon them, they shall remain in their own divisions of the earth. And for the deliverance of the harvests of each quarter, the high-raised foot of the arc shall stand to the four quarters, east, west, north and south. Jehovih then spake through Cpenta- armij, saying: For I will illume the feet thereof, and My new world, Earth and her heavens, shall rest in the light of My Roads forever. That no man, having My examples before him, can misunderstand Me. Behold, only one lesson a day is given to a child; and to a youth, two lessons a day; and to a mature man, many lessons a day; so, in the early creation of man, I give few lessons; then in the youthful age of the race, many more lessons; but when the race hath attained to full manhood, behold, I place My light at their feet, that they may receive My lessons every day. In one time I send the angels to lead man up to a knowledge of Me and My places; but when man hath attain- eded to think for himself, I set up My arc of Spe-ta; and it is as a candle in the firma- ment of heaven, wherefrom My Light fall- eth upon the soul of My people, without any interpreter, save Mine Own Voice. 292 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ For which reason, when one of My worlds hath attained to Spe-ta, I come to deliver them from kings, and queens, and priests, and angels, and it is as the maturity of a son in his father's house, when he in- viteth his neighbors and spreadeth a feast. Open wide thy places, O Cpenta-ar- mij! A great joy is upon My etherean worlds; My high-raised Sons and Daugh- ters shall have great glory in Earth and her heavens. Behold, I have proclaimed Myself in the words of mortals; four high- raised sons have learned to know their Father in heaven. CHAPTER XII. Cpenta-armij said: Who cannot un- derstand Thy models, O Jehovih! Thou hast sh ,wn to mortals the food of the flesh, a: i the source of the substance of the blood. As a symbol before them of Thy es'sean worlds and Thy es'sean peo- ples, Thou hast created Thy corporean members; to receive and to impart, but this is not all. Thou createdst poison, to show man that anything which receiveth not, and imparteth not, is death. Most wisely, O Father, hast Thou pro- vided the degrees of sustenance unto ail Thy creations: To the corporean, corpor- eal food; to the atmospherean, atmospheric food; to the etherean, ethe'ic food. Wide will I spread my tables, O Jehovih. Thy Gods and Goddesses, and Thy high-raised Chieftains, shall sit at the Feast of Spe-ta. The Chieftainess sent swift messengers into the regions of etherean worlds, near the Roadway of the Great Serpent, five hundred thousand swift messengers. Down to the atmospherean regions she sent mes- sengers to the Gods and Lords, her labor- ers, ten thousand messengers. To her in- vited guests she provided each one million attendants. Next Cpenta-armij sent fifty thousand arrow-ship makers in the regions of Cvent- agma, in the etherean Itis, to prepare cere- monial salvers and connecting rods, so that all the thousands of millions, being united, could hear the Voice of Jehovih from her throne, movable, in her airavagna. Twelve counterparts to these she sent down to the lowest heavenly regions, so the All Light should pierce the corporeal Earth. And now, when her well-skilled work- men, of tens of thousands of years' experi- ence, had saluted and gone to their re- spective labors, the Chieftainess spake be- fore the Council, saying: Because of my arc upon Earth and her heavens, the Light of our Father will forever remain with mortals and in the hadan fields. But, behold, even as a young man, coming to maturity, goeth away on his own account, in great hope and self-conceit of his pow- ers, to meet many misfortunes and great darkness, so will it be with Earth and her heavens after Spe-ta. Because I plant my arc in these heavens, and say to the Gods thereof, Ye are free! behold, there shall rise numerous false Gods of great power. And as a young man going forth is puffed up with conceit, so will the at- mospherean Gods believe they know all things, and so bring great darkness and misery upon their kingdoms and upon themselves. But the Light of my arc shall stand; shall grow like a small seed planted; and in time to come, both angels and mortals shall understand that there is but One All Light, a very centre, to W r hom all Gods are but as small diadems. As a young man of the earth must have experience of his own to realize his own shortness, so must even the Gods of these lower heavens be left to run with a loose rein, for the glory of Jehovih, and for themselves in final de- liverance. For which reason, hereafter the bondage of the discipline of the God and his Lords shall be as nothing. Only hells and knots shall they longer cast out with fire and water; only by persuasion, and the example of practice, shall they hold do- minion in their respective places. As in the early days, a king ruleth with a rod and with tyrannical laws; and as, in a riper age, the king and his armies give way to a power vested in the people, so shall my arc be the giving of the lower heavens, and the earth beneath, into the keeping of themselves. But my arc, which is the foundation of the Father's upper kingdoms within the lower heavens, shall stand forever. I go now on my journey down to the earth, in my airavagna, to receive and de- liver my four Gods, Os, and Vishnu, Yima, and Ela-elia, God in Chief. CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 293 Thus sajdng, Cpenta-armij descended to the foot of Jehovih's throne, and the Light fell upon Thale, and he rose up from the throne and descended, taking her hand, saying: Arise, O Goddess, and hear thou the Voice of thy Father, Creator and Ruler! Behold, thy labor on Earth and her heavens is near the end; and because of thy steadfastness, I am honored in thee, My Daughter. Whilst thou art delivering My Gods, behold, I will be with thee, and whatsoever thou desireth of Me I will give unto thee. My Sons and Daughters shall receive the visiting hosts from the high heavens, and allot them places in the feast; and My Sons and Daughters shall receive and adorn My Brides and Bridegrooms; and My trumpet- ers shall proclaim Me in My works, from the surface of the earth to the farthest places in Salkwatka. Yea, My Light- makers shall plant the staff of My holy fire in the throne of Craoshivi, and the foot thereof shall pierce Earth in the land of Vind'yu, to receive and deliver My Earth Son, Brahma. Cpenta-armij stood aside, and then said: To ye, my loved companions, Owks, and See-wah-Gon, and Ha-o-ha, when the staff of the Father's Light hath descended to Earth, come ye then to me quickly in my arrow-ship of fire, for it shall be a signal betwixt us that in that hour I will raise up my Gods from the corporeal Earth; and I will open the earth and bring forth the bodies of my son, Brahma, and his wife, Yu-tiv, whose youngest son holdeth the leaven of the Osirian law. And I will have there assembled the hosts of my ten Lords, and I will deliver into their hands and for their successors, the fulfillment of the Divan laws. Her companions responded: In Jeho- vih's love, wisdom and power, we will be there. CHAPTER XIII. The Light of Jehovih now spread over Haot-saiti and lined the Road of Salkwat- ka, in etherea, extending from the Orian Banks of Loo-che-wan to the Oixinian Spars of Ochesu. The Cross Roads, Chi- ea-wha-chong, and the plains of Sha-tu- matz, were as seas and worlds of crystal fire. And in the piercing light, the old- time Gods, of millions of years agone, sped forth in awful majesty, in answer to the prayers of Cpenta-armij. And there rose over Earth and her heavens, farther than Chinvat, a trident arc, broad as a world, of shimmering light, the countless rays of ethe, as mortals see the glimmering air in a summer's day: but the ethe was of every color, hue and tint, reflective and brilliant, the clear soul of things separate, the very breath of Jehovih. It was the beginning of the form of the arc of Spe-ta, the deliverance of Earth and her heavens into a new condition; to be- stow it upon itself, ratified by the ceremony of a festival for the Gods and Goddesses of hundreds of millions of miles in that re- gion of etherea. Msanwhile, their high-raised compan- ion, Cpenca-armij, known and loved in hundreds of etherean worlds, was down on the low earth, laying the corner-stone for Jehovih's everlasting kingdom, whereon should fall, presently, from out the arc of Spe-ta, a shaft of fire. And, touched by the hand of Immortal Light, was Brahma, long trained to look toward Jehovih; for his angel wife rose upward, leading his vision toward a realm amongst the Gods and Goddesses, whom he beheld in countless numbers receiving her most royally. Thus gazing on the glor- ious scene, the great man in soul came forth, leaving his corporeal part stretched on the ground. And Cpenta-armij and God received the spirit of Brahma, and he held his place in the sacred circle with mortals three days. Then, on the fourth day, the Chieftainess signalled her swift messengers; and they touched the currents along, till they ran high beyond Earth's vortex, where the stationed Gods of etherea fastened on the ethe'ic wave, extending to the great arc over all. It was the signal for the shaft of light; and when the signal shot upward, and the shaft of light began to pierce Earth's vortex, making way for Craoshivi, it was also the signal for Owks, See- wah-Gon, and Ha-o-ha, to fly instantly for their arrow-ship and make all speed for Cpenta-armij ; which they did, even as a flash of light darteth forth, guides and di- 294 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ rectors of Jehovih's flame to the grave of Brahma and Yu-tiv. And down fell the bolt of light, piercing the new disturbed ground, rich with mortal tears; and as a breath of wind would move a heap of feathers, so did the light, by the wave of Cpenta-armij's hand, blow the earth away, and lift up the buried forms of two dead lovers, Brahma and Yu-tiv, and marched them before the mortal audi- ence, newly animated, and lovingly, hand in hand, triumphant over death. Then great Brahma, now quickened in Cpenta-armij's arms spake from Jeho- vih's throne, a few words, to the loving sons and mortal concourse, then took final leave. Cpenta-armij seized the folds of the shaft of light, as a mortal would the ropes and canvas of a toy ship, and wrapping the earthly part of Brahma and Yu-tiv about securely, wheeled in line her own ship and gathered in the etherean current from high heavens. Then raising her hand, the known sig- nal to the great workers in the trident arc above, the exchanging currents of the traveling flame began, and now raised up the whole etherean hosts and the bodies of Brahma and Yu-tiv, which had not as- cended a mile before they were etherealiz- ed, scattered and gone, and the souls of the two sweet loves in cognizance and fel- lowship with the millions of Jehovih's Sons and Daughters now swiftly made way for Craoshivi. Cpenta-armij's work was done. In the arc of light and companionship of her compeers, the feast was open, and the thou- sands of millions in rapport sat along the series of tables, hundreds of millions of miles, to relish food brought from more than a thousand worlds. Meanwhile, God, to finish his labors, re- sumed his throne in Craoshivi, just in time to receive the twelve avalanzas sent from Yuckowts' factories, in Abarom, in etherea, to receive the four-and-twenty thousand million Brides and Bridegrooms in Jeho- vih's name, who were to take the degree of third resurrection and be raised beyond Earth's vortex and emancipated in the etherean realms of Haot-saiti. Chue-in-ista, Goddess of Oambuyu, chief commandress of the fleet, having been apprised of the number of initiates, had prepared twelve thousand rings, a thousand for each avalanza; and the fleet in turn was , in a ring, and the ring ex- tended sufficiently wide to encircle the holy capital and throne in Craoshivi, so that when it had descended to its place, God and his officers, and the Holy Council of Earth and heaven, now thirty million members, were in the centre of the audi- ence. On every side, far as the eye could see, stood the Brides and Bridegrooms of Jehovih, arrayed in spotless white, fearless before the Light and ceremonies. When the fleet landed, Chue-in-ista, the commandress, came forth from the east, facing God on the throne. She said: Thy voice, O God, hath called the name of Je- hovih. Behold, I am His Daughter, sent by Him to know thy will and Holy De- sires? God said: Behold, I am His Son! Thou art my Sister! Hear me, then, in our Fa- ther's name. I have here a harvest of four and twenty thousand million angels brought up out of Earth, pure and holy, for Jehovih's emancipated kingdoms. Chue-in-ista said: In His name let them answer before me, that I may witness their wisdom and power sufficient to dwell in All Purity. My Father and I are one; my hosts have crossed the Nirvanian pastures; they no longer feed on substance rising from below, but on the Light emanating from etherean realms above. God said: I know Thou hast provided me, O Jehovih! Then here responded the hosts of Brides and Bridegrooms, saying: By Faith I know I am safe in Thy kingdoms, O Jeho- vih. Take me to Thy emancipated worlds; give me scope and power and wisdom for greater works. Then followed the full ceremony of the third resurrection in the usual way( which was witnessed by Cpenta-armij and other Chieftainesses and Chiefs above, who were at the feast of the arc of Spe-ta) ; and when God said: O Jehovih, give me crowns for Thy Sons and Daughters, Brides and Bridegrooms for Thy etherean worlds! There were cast down by Cpenta-armij and her hosts, four and twenty thousand million crowns; and they alighted on Jehovih's Brides' and Bridegrooms' heads. CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 295 And now God turned to Thale, who was to be his successor for the next two hun- dred years. God said: In Jehovih's name, to thee I bestow the crown of Earth and her heavens. And to thee also do I be- queath the triangle, symbol of the Gods of Earth, and the inqua, and the trident, sym- bolical of the arc of Spe-ta; and emblem of resurrection. Thereupon, he who had been God laid the crown and jewels on Thale, saying: Hail, O God of Earth! Thale said: In Thy name, O Jehovih, will I be God of Earth and her heavens till the next dan! Be Thou with me, O Fa- ther! Thus ended the ceremonies: He who had been God descended to the foot of the throne and sat down; and then God, who had been Thale, came down and took his hand, saying: Arise, O God, and go thy way. And he rose up and prepared to de- part, for now had the ceremonies lasted one full day. Cpenta-armij signalled the hosts for the close of the festival, and with her airavagna passed over and above the fleet, and gave Chue-in-ista, the commandress, the sign, whereupon the ascent began. The tens of thousands of millions of angels entered their respective places. The music of the es'enaurs and of the trumpeters sounded, and resounded, to the distance of a hundred worlds. Upward rose the fleets; downward fell the showers of flowers and perfumes to those left behind. Higher and higher the great world of lights; higher and higher, till soon they passed beyond Earth's vor- tex and disappeared. CHAPTER XIV. Lords and Lordesses in the lower king- doms of these My heavens. Neither shall it be dark during thy reign; and thy labor shall be productive of a great har- vest for My etherean worlds. For which reason thou shalt prepare to reap every fifty years. And for each reaping, behold, My daughter Cpenta-armij will send to thee ships of deliverance for all thou may- est have prepared as Brides and Bride- grooms. And behold, I give a new law unto thee; which is, that thou shalt cause thy Lords to deliver unto thee for thy kingdoms all whom they have raised to grade fifty, in advance of thy reapings, in divisions of time like unto thine. And thou shalt call together to thy capital thy Lords from all the divisions of the earth, once every reap- ing; and ye shall sit in Council of Div for seven days each time, and ye shall consti- tute My Holy Eleven; nor shall the Div be larger or smaller than eleven during its life-time. And the Div shall make laws relating to the affairs of each of the hea- venly places, to make them harmonious, one with another, and these shall be called Divan Laws. God inquired concerning the light and darkness of the cycle. Jehovih said: The first division shall rate seventy; the sec- ond, sixty; the third, fifty; the fourth, forty; the fifth, thirty; and the sixth, twenty. God inquired concerning the Lord of the Lord-dom of Maitraias. Jehovih an- swered him, saying: Because he is not a teacher, he shall not be eligible to the rank of Div. But he shall have the benefit of all the decrees, and all the kingdoms of My other Lords; for he is the earth's body- guard, and a beneficent unto them. Jehovih spake to God on the throne, in Craoshivi, saying: These are My divisions in the cycle of My Daughter, Cpenta-ar- mij: Two hundred years; four hundred years; five hundred years; three hundred years; four hundred years, and six hun- dred years; after which I shall send dawn. Five successors shalt thou have, and their reign shall be be according to the divisions I have made. Forty years' indulgence in a great light have I allotted to thee, My Son; so thou shalt perfect all the orders of CHAPTER XV. When the Diva were assembled, God propounded the duties of the Lord-dom. On which the members spake at length, and then God decreed: First: The Lord God of Maitrias shall not have, from this time forth forever, per- mission to use violent force, neither by fire nor water, except in hells or knots. Second: By the Arc of Spe-ta: By the decree of the Most High: The Lord God 296 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ of Maitraias is bound by the same rule as the Lords of the lowest heavens; whose walls and pillars of fire are abolished, save on special ocasions; whose respective king- doms are open and free for all spirits above the es'yan grade. Third: The Lord God of Maitraias' times and successors shall be the same as the Diva: The stations of the hosts of the Lord God shall be according to the hea- venly realms of the Lords, with Maitraias as the Lord-dom in chief. Fourth: The hosts of the Lord God shall be distinguished from ashars and asaphs by the name Mishm, but of a single one the name shall be Mishm-ah. And their leaders shall be called captains and generals. Fifth: The labor of the Lord God shall be to prevent drujas returning to the earth to dwell with corporeans; to capture dru- jas on the earth and carry them off to the nearest Lord's heavenly place, and there deliver them. Force by violence being abolished, the mishm shall devise strata- gems, by games and tournaments, or oth- erwise persuasively. Sixth: The mishm shall not arrest fe- tals, nor infants, nor the wards of ashars, nor spirits in chaos on battle-fields; for these labors belong to the Lords and their hosts. Seventh: Where there are companies of millions of drujas, and the Lord God hath not a sufficient number of mishm, the Lord God shall summon the nearest Lord for help, and it shall be given unto him. Eighth: In no case shall it be the la- bor of the Lord God to teach the captured drujas, nor to house them, nor to provide them with schools, nor factories, nor hos- pitals, nor nurseries, for these labors are the Lord's, to whom the Lord God of Maitraias shall deliver them. Ninth: To prevent the establishing of heavenly kingdoms by self-constituted Lords and Gods, otherwise false Lords and false Gods; the Lord God of the Lord-dom of Maitraias shall be the central head, in conjunction with all the Lords of the low- est heavens; and his voice will be the rule and guide as to the manner of such labor. Tenth: The Lord God shall have one hundred thousand messengers; and he shall determine their stations and routes of travel. CHAPTER XVI. In God's heavenly place, Craoshivi, Je- hovih said: For My chosen on the earth, of Abram, and Po, and Brahma, and Ea- wahtah, provide thou in Craoshivi- for they shall not tarry in the lowest heavens. And for the infants of My chosen, who die in infancy, suffer them not to be en- gulfed in hada, but bring them also to the place of My God. The Diva then decreed: Lines of road- ways from the earth up to the kingdom of God for such transport; and appointed of- ficers and laborers to prevent the spirits of God's chosen from falling into the hands of the drujas, and to bring them to Crao- shivi. The Diva said: On the third day after the death of a mortal, his spirit shall be borne to the home of God. And it was so. The Diva decreed: The labor of the Lords of all the divisions of hada and of the earth shall be with the undelivered sons and daughters of the earth and her heavens; but in no case shall they labor more with the Faithists; for the Faithists, mortals and spirits, come under the higher law, which is of Jehovih, through His Son, God of Crao- shivi. And herefrom rose the saying: The be- lievers go to God, but the unbelievers go to his Lords; they that live the higher law on earth escape hada. Now it came to pass in course of time that some corporeans, who belonged not to the societies of Faithists of any of the tribes of Jehovih's chosen, became believ- ers in the All Person, and that to live by the All Highest light was the fulfilment of the Divan law. And they joined not the Faithists, nor followed the rites and cere- monies. God propounded this in Diva: Where shall the spirits of such be deliv- ered? Behold, even on the earth they have delivered themselves away from the Druks; shall we now permit them to fall into the kingdoms of mixed company in hada? To have faith in One Great Person, the Ever Present; Creator and Ruler, is well; but to have such faith, and yet not CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 297 committing one's self to an association of brethren of like faith, proveth such lack of discipline as requireth beginning at the fifth grade in the es'sean world. Upon this the Diva decreed: A separ- ate kingdom shall be prepared for those who profess faith in Jehovih, but are with- out practice. The name for the kingdom shall be Me-de, and its place shall be in the first plateau above the earth. CHAPTER XVII. Jehovih spake to God, saying: When thou hast founded Me-de thou shalt make Me-de-ci laws; and thou shalt send thy surveyors down to hada and to the eaith also, and they shall choose a heavenly place for thy new kingdom. And thither shalt thou go and create a plateau and holy place and capital, and provide a throne for it. And when thou hast completed thy work thou shalt call to the throne a sub-God. who shall rule in the place with love, wis- dom and power, in My name. But since many of My chosen forget Me ani so apostate themselves, thy sub-God shall also receive their spirits, and his kingdom shall be their kingdom till they are \ urged of their sins. God spake in the Council of Cr; ! oshivi, relating what Jehovih had said t y him, and the Council then ratified the cot,imand- ments of Jehovih. And there was selected one A-chung-le, and made sub-God of Me- de, with the title Anubi, signifying media- tor, and judge of grades. God said: Anubi shall have a badge, and a pair of scales; with mine own hands will I invest him. And, accordingly, the place, the king- dom, the person, and the badge of office, were duly established by God under the commandment of Jehovih through his kingdom of Craoshivi. And the term of office was made to correspond with God's and his Lords'. Thus was put upon the throne in the heavenly place, Me-de, Anu- bi, who had been A-chung-le, an angel of a thousand years in the colleges of Jeho- vih, most wise and full of love, and indus- trious withal. Again Jehovih spake to God, saying: From this time forth My colleges shall be in Craoshivi; from this time forth My schools and primaries shall be in the king- doms of My Lords. The Diva afterward made this another section of the Divan law. So God and his Lords removed all his colleges and places of great learning to Craoshivi; but the schools and primary educationals were left in the dominions of the Lords, their heavenly places. Now, during the dawn of dan, four etherean Gods had sojourned on the earth, walking with four mortals, namely: With Po, of Jaffeth; Abram, of Arabin'ya; Brah- ma, of Vind'yu, and Eawahtah, of Guata- ma. And the four Gods preached through these four men, explaining Jehovih and His kingdoms; and the angels of Jehovih inspired many followers unto them. For four years these Gods dwelt on the earth, and then ascended into the upper heavens. Jehovih spake to God concerning the matter, saying: For four years I bestowed My light in Person on the corporeal- earth, and then I departed; For which reason I left four substitutes, Lords of heaven, on the earth, with My four peoples whom I delivered. And I commanded these My substitutes to abide upon the earth for forty years, in order to indulge My chosen. Provide thou unto them; for My substitutes are ethereans; and thou shalt have their places filled by atmospher- eans from the highest grades. The Diva then made a section of the Divan law, providing for the four who stood highest in the grades in Craoshivi to take the places, to dwell with the Faithists in the names of the Great Spirit; and the names given were: To Jaffeth, Te-in; to Aarabin'ya, Jehovih; to Vind'yu, Ormazd; to Guatama, Egoquim; according to the languages, and to the capabilities of mortals to pronounce words. The Diva then made another section of the Di\an law, which was the title to be given to the four angels thus provided to bestow the Voice of Jehovih on mortals, and the title was O-yra. The Divan law provided that each O-yra should have ten thousand attendants; an- 298 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ gels from above the eightieth grade, from the colleges of Craoshivi, and their attend- ants were to sojourn on the earth with the Faithists as inspiring spirits and protect- ors; and made the term of office for the O-yra eleven years each; and the same for their attendants. The Divan law explained the duties of the O-yra and their attendants, which were: that the O-yra should reside with the chief rab'bah or high priest, and be his inspirer; being with him day and night; and by vir- tue of his presence make the chief rab'bah know the voice of the All Highest. And the attendants first in rank were to dwell in the same way with the ordinary rab'bah, and for the same purpose. And the other attendants were to dwell with the multi- tude in like manner and for the same pur- pose. And each O-yra was to have a heavenly place in the mortal temple, where he could meet his attendants in Council in reference to the Faithists and their af- fairs. The Divan law made the O-yra and his attendants the heavenly kingdom for the ashars of the Lords who dwelt with mor- tals. The Divan law provided for the O-yra to increase the number of his attendants, according to the increase of the number of Faithists in each of the four divisions of the earth. Such, then, were the chief of the Divan laws made in heaven in the cycle of Cpen- ta-armij, during the first two hundred years. And all the kingdoms of atmospherea were established and officered; and all the people in these heavens became organic as soon as passing the es'yan age. Nor was there any dissatisfaction amongst any of the Gods or Lords, or other officers, or in any of the colleges, or hospitals; and never since the foundation of this world had there been such prosperity in the resurrections of the inhabitants of heaven. CHAPTER XVIII. And the harmony of heaven reigned on earth; war ceased amongst men on all the divisions of the earth. And man began to esteem wisdom, truth, virtue, and in- dustry. The inspiration of the angels set man to imitating the affairs of heaven. He built schools and colleges, nurseries and hospitals; and factories for silk, linen and cotton cloth; and for making paper, glass, and leather; and for smelting iron, copper, silver and gold. Three great peoples sprang up on the earth within two hundred years; in Jaffeth, in Vind'yu, and in Arabin'ya; and a fourth great people were overspreading Heleste in every quarter. And the kings of Heleste were sending emigrants by thousands and thousands into Europa. The Lords sent ashars of great wisdom to dwell with mortals, to teach them by in- spiration in regard to all knowledge; to teach them to spin and weave finely; to teach them the seasons, the times of the earth, and moon,. sun, and stars; to observe them with lenses, as had been the case in the cycle of Osiris, but was lost on the earth. The spirits of thousands of years previous were brought back to the earth, to reveal to mortals the lost arts and sci- ences. By night and by day these angels remained in the presence of mortals, and spake unto the souls of men, and made them understand. And the Lord God of Maitraias restrain- ed the drujas of heaven from coming back to afflict mortals or lead them astray. He guarded the earth around on all sides, so that, in heaven, the Lords and the Divan hosts, in mirth, styled him The Savior of Men! Jehovih rebuked them, saying to God: Thev that sow in mirth oft reap in sor- row. But even the Lords, with all their wisdom, saw not what was in store for their successors. The O-yra, the four angels with their thousands of assistant angel hosts, dwelt on the earth, with the Faithists; inspired them in peace, and rites, and ceremonies; inspir- ed them in prayers, and psalms, and sacred dances; dwelt with them day and night; talked to their spirits when they slept; led them by inspiration to happy marriages, that they might beget offspring capable of the Voice. And in each of the four coun- tries the Faithists became as bands of brothers and sisters. And there came to them from the kings' peoples tens of thou- sands, and joined them, living as Faithists, casting their wealth into the rab'bahs' hands, for the benefit of the poor. CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 299 In two hundred years there were in Jaf- feth three million Faithists. In Arabin'ya there were two million Faithists. In Vind'- yu there were four million Faithists. In Guatama there were one milion Faithists. But the Faithists were mostly poor people, and inhabited many far-apart regions. But the kings' peoples were rich, and had large cities, an abundance of elephants, horses, camels, asses, and cheetahs. The Faithists had little learning as to books and instruments for measuring the stars, and moon, and sun; they derived their knowledge from the angels of the Lords. The Faithists' knowledge pertain- ed mostly to perfecting the soul; but the knowledge of the kings' people pertained mostly to earthly matters, and to the grat- ification of self. CHAPTER XIX. The Anubi's labor on earth was to win the disaffected of the kings' peoples into association; and as far as possible to bring them to the rites of the Faithists. Anubi sent tens of thousands of angels into all the regions of the earth. By inspiration and otherwise these angels established the rites of Anubi. By these rites even kings were converted to the full ceremonies of the brethren. And by the same means were the Mai-chung, of Jaffeth, made into Faith- ists; and by the same rites were the Efhns, of Vind'yu, converted into Faithists, adopt- ing all the rites and ceremonies of Emetha- chavah afterward. And it came to pass in course of time that there were no suffering poor in all the world. The Faithists had gathered them all up and made brethren of them; and the contributions to the Faithists by the kings' peoples rendered all the people comforta- ble. For the degree of Anubi any one (who desired to learn heavenly things) was eligi- ble. The rites and ceremonies were in dark chambers; and the angels of heaven, clothed in sar'gis, took part therein. And the an- gels taught mortals by the voice the mys- teries of spirit communion; how to sit in circles and crescents; taught the four dark corners, and the four bright sides; taught them how to ascertain from what grade in heaven the spirits came; how to keep off evil spirits; how to attract righteous spirits; taught them how to develop in su'is and sar'gis; the application of lotions to the skin that would make poundings and rap- pings. The second degree taught the people of the Great Spirit and His secret names; taught them His high holy heavens, where all is rest and happiness forever. Whoever took the second degree had to live one year with the poorest of the poor, going about soliciting alms, reserving only the poorest of things for himself. And if he found a person naked he must take off his clothes and give them to that person. Men and women alike served the same conditions. The third degree taught the dominions of God and the Lords, and the place of their abiding, and their respective labors in heaven. And the members must learn the names of the God or Gods, Lord or Lords, and the Divan laws; the words of saluta- tion; the anthems; the prayers; the praise; the positions of utterance; the orders of marching, and to write sacred names. The fourth degree taught the arrange- ment of the heavens; the places of the sun and stars and moon; the places and grades of the unseen worlds; the localities of the lower and higher heavens and the places and dominions of false Lords and false Gods; the places in hada, and of hells and knots; of familiar spirits, and also of fetals, both harmless and the destructive vampires, that live on mortals and in swine and cattle, that induce mortals to eat flesh food for that purpose; the key to the place of the north star; the position of the earth's vor- tex; the vortices that move the corporeal worlds, and hold them in place; and the rules for building temples and pyramids, with their spirit chambers. Besides this there was the fifth degree, which reached the secret of life in the flesh; to enter the prophetic state; to esti- mate numbers without counting; to find propoi^tions and distances without meas- uring; to forecast the time of things; to find the weight of things without weighing; to find the power of the capstan before it is made, and of the lever and screw; to find the friction of things before they were moved, in order to know the power required. The fifth de- gree was called the degree of prophecy; 300 CYCLE OF CPENTA-AEMIJ and the place of initiation was called the college of prophecy. In this degree the angels came in sar'- gis and taught these things orally, and mor- tals initiated thus learned them. But no one could take the fifth degree without hav- ing become proficient in all the four pre- ceding degrees, and without the recom- mendation of the rab'bah who had charge of the college. And such was the wisdom of God that only Faithists could receive the degrees, save the first degree; and, there- fore, the greatest knowledge of the earth was kept in secret with the Faithists. And the kings' people, even the richest and most powerful, were beholden to the sons and daughters of the Faithists. To build a palace or a temple, or an aqueduct or canal, or a ship or any great affair, the kings and the kings' people were obliged to employ Faithists of the fifth degree to superintend the work. CHAPTER XX. Jehovih spake to God in Craoshivi, his heavenly place, saying: Behold, I have given great light to Earth and her hea- vens hundreds of years; and My Gods and Lords are becoming conceited in their own power and wisdom to rule in heavenly places. Now I will try them for a season, by sending them a'ji'an darkness; for My Gods and Lords must learn to master the elements I have created in the firmament. So Jehovih brought Earth and her heavens into a dark region for a season. Anuhasaj, a one-time sub-God under Ahura, the false, was cast into hell, and then delivered out of hell, whereupon ne repented, and became a Faithist in heaven; serving many years in holy works in Ailkin, a heavenly place of great wisdom. And it came to pass that Ailkin was raised into a new heavenly place, called Varapishanaha; and in the removing, behold, Ahura order- ed Anuhasaj from the line because of his inharmony. And Anuhasaj allowed him- self to become angered. Satan said unto Anuhasaj: Who art thou, that one of less wisdom ordereth thee? Anuhasaj said: Alas, I am a fool, and without will to assert myself. For many years Anuhasaj became a wandering spirit in heaven, going froia kingdom to kingdom, doing nothing; and at times de- scending to the earth, observing the king- doms of the earth. Satan came again to him and said: Go thou to Ahura, who offended the, in pres- ence of the Chieftainess, Cpenta-armij, and say to him: O God, I crave thy for- giveness. Thou wert right, and I was wrong. I have repented most bitterly. Now I come to thee, with faith in Jehovih. Him will I serve forever. Turn me not off, O Ahura; remember thine own one-time shortness; and the high Gods above thee accepted thee. Ahura will delight in thee and take thee at thy word. And thou shalt enter Vara- pinshanaha, asking for the lowest of places; practicing humility in all thy behavior. But be thou fruitful in making acquaint- ances with such as shall serve thee after- ward. And whether it be fifty years, or a hundred, or two hundred, bide thou thy time. But the time shall surely come when thou shalt be exalted; and thou shalt solicit and accept a place in the dominions of the Lord God in the Lord-dom of hea- ven and earth, Maitraias. And whether it be one hundred years more, or two hun- dred years, it mattereth not to thee, but thou shalt finally attain to the Lord-dom. and be duly installed and crowned Lord God of heaven and earth And when thou art thus exalted thou shalt seek to have appointed such Lords to the ten divisions of earth as are thine own special friends. And it shall come to pass that the whole Earth and her heavens shall be thine, and thy title shall be Lord God, and all people on earth and in heaven shall be thy ser- vants. And it came to pass in course of another hundred years, Anuhasaj was promoted on the staff of the Lord God, the guardian, where he served the Lord God one hundred and seventy years. So the Lord God named Anuhasaj for his successor. So God came from Craoshivi and crowned Anuhasaj Lord God of heaven and earth; with great pageantry and dis- play, God gave him a throne and placed him upon it. And from this time forth An- uhasaj was known and saluted as Lord God, which is the first rank below God. The Lord God said unto himself: Who first shall I bring into my favor? Satan CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 301 said: Thou shalt first bring into thy favor, Anubi, Master of the Scales of Heaven, and when thou hast trained him to thy liking, thou shalt call him Thy Son and Savior of Men! The Lord God then questioned: Who next shall I bring into my favor? Satan said: Thou shalt next bring into thy favor the ten Lords of the heavenly kingdoms of the earth. And when thou hast them to thy liking, thou shalt exalt the chief one of them to be above the rest; and him that thou exaltest thou shalt call Osiris, for it is a name loved on earth and in heaven. Thou shalt re-establish thy Lord-dom and call it Hored, and it shall be the cen- tral kingdom of all the heavens belong- ing to Earth. And Anubi shall send the spirits of his department to thy heavens; and Osiris and all the other Lords shall send the spirits of their departments to thy kingdom. And in no case shall any more spirits be sent to Craoshivi; for all people in heaven and earth shall be taught that thy kingdom is the All Highest Place; and that thou art the All Highest God, even the Creator of all things; and all angels and mortals shall be thy servants. Then went the Lord God to work ear- nestly, but slowly and surely. The Lords of all the divisions of the earth were his special friends, and such as would willingly do his bidding. And they were learned and of high grade of heavenly ex- perience of more than a thousand years. And the Lord God told no one in heaven or on the earth of his designs; gave no sign or token of his behavior that would make messengers or swift messengers look at him to read him; and he passed for the meekest and holiest of Gods. But the time came at last for which the Lord God had labored hundreds of years; and he gave a festival in his heavenly place, inviting the Lords and captains and generals and marshals, whom he knew would willingly do his bidding. And they came even as the Lord God had planned, and it was a l4me of great joy. And when the feast was ended, the Lord God spake before them, as one moved in sorrow to do a solemn duty for the sake of Jehovih. The Lord God said: O my brothers, hear the words of your Lord God! Behold, I have charge of the Lord-dom of heaven and earth, I am as a guardian that stand- eth by a corn-field to see the corn grow unmolested. My experience is not of a year, nor of a hundred years, but of thou- sands of years. In Jehovih's name, I speak before you; for the love I bear for the souls of men and angels. I belong not to the Diva as do ye Lords; my voice findeth vent in the full- ness of the Father in me. Who is here that hath not seen great decline, during the last hundred years, in these heavens, in the faith of angels in the All Person? Speak, then, O ye Lords; and if ye have hearts for more energetic service for the Father and His kingdoms, now let your tongues have iull liberty, as becometh Gods. Anubi said: Thou art wise, O Lord God. God of Craoshivi layeth the blame on a'ji. Then spake Hi-kas, whose heavenly place was over Jaffeth; he said: My Lord God and my Lords, before your wisdom I bow. I am but as a child in heaven, little more than a thousand years. My tongue should be silent before you, my long ex- perienced Lords. Hear me though in my little wisdom, and pity me for it. To the east or west, or north, or south, all things grow, in heaven and on the earth; I have seen no greater wisdom than this. One thing groweth not, the Diva. Behold, the Diva made laws hundreds of years ago, and they were wise laws in the time they were made. Ye and I, all of us, are bound by the old Divan laws. The laws have not grown. Gods older than I am, and Lords also, tell us that the All Light is a Person and hath Voice; and moreover that long ago He spake to high- raised Gods, saying: These things shall be thus and so. I appeal to your judgment, O my Lord God and my Lords, was that not a wise doctrine for the ancients? For on this au- thority angels and mortals fell down and worshipped Him they saw not. And they were obedient to the will of their mas- ters and teachers on this self-esserted au- thority of a Person no one had seen! Which is to say: It is wiser to worship Him we know not, and cannot compre- hend, and is therefore as nothing before us, than to hearken to the words of most wise Gods and Lords. If to worship that 302 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ which we are ignorant of is the highest of worship, then the fool is the greatest of worshippers. For he is ignorant of all things. And by virtue of this reason, he who is the wisest must be the poorest of worshippers. And of a truth, is it not so, both in heaven and on earth? With the acquisition of knowledge, they all put away the Unknowable; the ig- norant are devout worshippers. Shall we hold our tongues, saying: Wh-ce, wh-ce! The ignorant must not hear the truth; the whole truth. To do this, are we not hypo- crites? Some have come to us from far-off regions, saying there are more delightful heavens, much higher! Why, then, shall we not all run away and leave this? My Lord God, and my Lords, these heavens are good enough, if improved. The earth is good enough, if improved. We want larger kingdoms and more adorned thrones in our heavens and on the earth. Next spake Che-le-mung, whose hea- venly kingdom was over Arabin'ya. He said: My Lord hath spoken soul words. With knowledge, what more need angels or mortals? What value to them is it to say: Beware! The Unseen heareth and seeth? Or, halt and consider the Divan laws? My Lord God, for the wisest and best and most honest to assume dominion, this I have not seen. Thy kingdom should be the largest and most adorned of all kingdoms. And thou shouldst have, to labor with thee, Lords with kingdoms greater than all Crao- shivi. Cannot our Gods and our Lords make these heavens the greatest of all re- gions in the universe? Shall we and our people forever run off to etherea in search of higher heavens? And not improve our own? To exalt a place by going away from it, who hath seen this done? Arc-wotchissij spake next: his heavenly kingdom was over Vind'yu. He said: O that I had not struggled so long to put away wisdom like this! All that hath been spoken I have understood. But I curbed my soul; I thought I was alone in such reason. Now, so suddenly, I have not words well schooled. I speak little, lest I trip myself. It is the joy of my life to lis- ten to such wise arguments. Another time I will say more. After him spake Baal, whose heavenly kingdom was over Heleste and the south end of Jaffeth to the sea, a young Lord of great promise. He said:, How shall one of my inexperience speak before such Gods as are here! But because ye have touched upon a matter dear to my soul, my words will forth. I have seen all these heavens, and even Craoshivi, waning for hundreds of years. Our kingdoms are like old women, resigned to routine, living, but dead. W T e have the same rites and ceremonies as the ancients; parades and salutations and an- thems sung for thousands of years; and to whom? A figure-head that is void of shape and person and sense. Who is here that hath not deserved honor more than such a being? My Lord God hath labored two thousand years! I have seen him in Vara- pishanaha for more than a hundred years, stooped to the vilest labor, over bad-smell- ing drujas, teaching them, washing them! The Lord God should have a kingdom wide as Earth, and a million attendants to do him honorable parade. And when he goeth forth he should have hundreds of thousands of heralds and trumpeters to proclaim he is coming. We need wider fields and more pomp and glory in our hea- vens; and kingdoms with great capital cit- ies, and thrones arrayed in splendor. . Then rose Ashtaroth, assistant to Baal, and Lordess of the East Wing of his hea- venly place. She said: Here are other Lordesses, who can speak wisely. As for me, my words are few. The ancients have taught us to be plain in all things. And we have made our heavens like orchards stript of leaves and blossoms. As fast as angels are made bright and useful, they are persuaded to become Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih, and fly off to re- mote worlds. Our own beloved Earth, that brought us forth, together with her hea- vens, are thus forever stript of the most valuable fruitage and ornament. We all know that atmospherea is ex- tensive enough to contain all the angels Earth will bring forth in millions of years! I appeal to thee, my Lord God, and to ye, most wise Lords, are not these Brides and Bridegrooms hoodwinked by the tales of the etherean Gods? And by the parade and pageantry of the marriage "ceremony? And by the fire-ships, and pomp and splendor of the marshals, and trumpeters, and music, and the high-raised CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 303 Gods? Behold, we have here one who can invent all these glories, even our Lord God. He should have such a heavenly place of splendor that the Brides and Bride- grooms would fly to him instead of the far- off heavens. After this manner spake the Lords and Lordesses, and when they had all spoken, there rose up Anuhasaj, now lawfully anointed Lord God. He said: CHAPTER XXI. Most wise Lords, in your words ye have done me great honor. There let the matter end. I perceive what any one can under- stand, which is that the center of the hea- vens should be here. Why should the heirs of Earth and atmospherea be car- ried off to other heavens? Sufficient it is for us that we cultivate our own. I am not competent for so great a work. Rather shall ye choose from amongst yourselves the highest, best, wise man, and make him your God. I will be his servant to do whatso- ever he putteth upon me. I have traveled far, and took the measure of many worlds. I declare unto you there are no glories in the far-off worlds, but can be built up in these heavens, and even on the very earth. Hear me then and judge ye, not for my fitness, but for my unfitness, and so dismiss me save to make me your servant. Send not off the highest raised angels, but make these heavens suitable unto them. Make this kingdom the All Highest heavenly kingdom; and make your God the highest of all Gods, even the Creator. Him shall ye surround with a capital city, a heavenly place paved with diamonds and most pre- cious gems. And his throne shall be the most exalted of all glories. To which none can approach, save by crawling on their bellies. Yea, such majesty shall sur- round your God as becometh a Creator: and such newly-invented rites and ceremo- nies, dazzling beyond anything in all the worlds ! The rights and ceremonies should be car- ried to the highest perfection. Without rites and ceremonies a people are as a dead people; they are as an army without disci- pline. In fact, discipline is void without the formalities of rites and ceremonies. To not have these is to have every one do for self, which is the dissolution of all union. Baal hath spoken wisely on this; we need new rites and ceremonies, adapted to the high- est grades. We shall no longer bow to a God we know not, a scattered substance wide as the universe! Because ye have spoken, I am pleased. Because ye have come to my feast, I am delighted. To be with one's own loves, what joy is greater than this? It hath been said, man shall love all alike; but I say unto you that that is impossible. We have our preferences, and we delight to come to- gether. Who shall say us nay? And yet, my Lords and Lordesses, shall we not deliberate on these things? And council with our best loves upon it; for such is the construction of the mind that it oft seeth better through others' eyes. And, above all, shall we not mature the subject to know if in our own souls we are sincere, doing all things for the good of heaven and earth, and not for ourselves. Ye know how Ahura's kingdom prospered until he began to work for his own glory, but from his errors learn to avoid similar ones. And now, since the time of the feast is ended, and our respective kingdoms waiting us, I declare the assembly dissolved. Arise, then, my Lords and Lordesses, and go your ways. And whatsoever ye may desire to communicate to me on this matter, do ye even so through messengers, which ye al- ready have. CHAPTER XXII. Satan went to all the Lords and Lord- esses in hada, and said unto each and every one: Thine shall be exaltation without la- bor; because thou art wise, others shall serve thee; and great shall be thy glory. As thou hast witnessed the rites and cere- monies, in Craoshivi, of the high-raised Gods, even so shall it be with thee. Be- hold, the heavens of Earth shall become the brightest and most glorious of all hea- vens. Be thou patient, enduring anything, for thou shalt surely, in time to come, be second to none, the highest of Gods! And thy name shall be sung in the ceremonies, and shall be honored even in the far-off heavens. It shall be said of thee, thou art amongst the youngest of Gods, that by thine own self-will mastered all things so suddenly that even the oldest of Gods 304 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ stood appalled at thy daring. Be thou pa- tient, and seeming most humble, and bide thou thy time; thou wert born to be a leader even amongst Gods. Be secret; dis- closing naught. Satan said to Anuhasaj, the Lord God: Be thou dignified, and by thy much-pre- fessed love, like a father unto all the oth- ers. And it shall come to pass that they will thrust these great dominions upon thee. Now whilst these matters were with these Lords, behold, in far-off Craoshivi Jehovih spake to God on the throne, before the Council of Jehovih's Son, saying: Be- cause I indulged thy Lords and Lordesses in prosperous places, they are becoming forgetful of Me. For so I created man, in prosperity he idolizeth himself. He saith: Behold me! What great things I can do: Yea, I am wise; I perceive the nothingness of the Creator! And he buildeth to his own ruin. I created life and death all around him, that he might learn My power ere he quitteth the earth. And hada I made wide, with a place of ascent and a place of descent. Upward I placed My holy lights, saying: Come! Downward, I made dark- ness, saying: Beware! hell lieth thither! But they plunge into misery headlong. God said: What have they done, O Je- hovih? Jehovih said: They are con- spiring together to rebel against the manner of My everlasting kingdoms. Sum- mon thou the Diva before thee, and bid them speak outright as to what they de- sire. God sent messengers into all the divi- sions of the lowest heavens, to the king- doms of Jehovih's Lords and Lordesses, as the Father had commanded, summoning them to Craoshivi. Satan spake to Anuhasaj, the plotter of the mischief, saying: Lest God in Crao- shivi get wind of this matter, and so set at naught thy long-laid plans, send thou to him, saying: Greeting, in love to thee, Son of Jehovih, God of Earth and her heavens. From the light before me I am resolved to resign the Lord-dom. Search, therefore, and provide one in my place. Satan continued to Anuhasaj : Send thou to thy Lords and Lordesses, saying: Greeting in love to thee, Lord of Jehovih. I foresee that many will desire me to take the place of God of Earth and her hea- vens. Seek thou to relieve me of this, and choose one less radical, that thou mayest the more fully indorse him. Behold, I am about to resign the Lord-dom, and desire to see thee. The Lords and Lordesses received the two communications at the same time; and they severally laid the matter before their Holy Councils; and great was the excite- ment therein. That which had been planned to be in secret was thus made public in all hada in a day, before thousands of millions! At once the Lords and Lord- esses hastened to Anuhasaj 's capital; and they were each attended by ten thousand attendants. Now when they were assem- bled, perceiving that God in Craoshivi knew of the matter, they were by their own shame further incited to disobey the Divan summons, and at once proceed to found a consolidated kingdom, with Anuhasaj at the head. Anuhasaj pretended that he de- sired not the Godhead, and only agreed to serve provided they installed him with oaths of fidelity. So, after a session of three days, Anuhasaj was elected and enthroned in Hored, a new heavenly place, and crowned Our God of Earth and her heavens, the Very Lord God. Thus he became a false God. But they crowned him not with the true crown, for that was with God in Crao- shivi; but they made one, creating it in the sacred circle. But since he could not be crowned by those beneath him, they were in a quandary how to proceed. Then satan spake to Anuhasaj, saying: Command them to lie on their bellies in token of submission to thee, and say to them: Lay the crown at my feet, and I will stand with my head bare; and when ye have prostrated yourselves, I will com- mand the crown in my own name to rise up and lie on my head; and if it so rise, then know ye of a truth our work is the highest, best work. Anuhasaj then repeated this to the Lords and Lordesses, and they laid down on their bellies, each being anxious to show fidelity, in hope of exaltation. And when they were down and saw not, Anu- hasaj, having not power in Light, said: Crown of these most holy, wise Lords and Lordesses of heaven and earth, arise thou and lie on the head of him who shall have dominion on earth and in these heavens! CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 305 And thereupon he stooped down slyly and with his own hand raised it up and crowned himself, and commanded the Lords to rise up. And behold, some of the Lords and Lordesses said they saw with the second sight of the soul, and that the crown rose of its own accord, being under the will of the circle! And they clap- ped their hands, saying: All Hail, Our God! All Hail, Our God! All Hail, Our God! Proclaiming him in the east and west and north and south. He responded: The Lord, your God, reigneth! Peace be unto you. Behold, the heavens and earth are mine; be ye stead- fast unto me, and ye shall be glorified in my name. Ye that have been Lords and Lord- esses shall be Gods and Goddesses, with great power and with mighty kingdoms. As I foresaw this, so have I provided for you beforehand. In this very time and place will I crown you and apportion you with great glory. Yet think not that this is the last; it is but the first, and temporary until the new heavens are founded with broader boundaries. CHAPTER XXIIL Anuhasaj said: I, the Lord, your God, being the All Highest, through your choice, decree, for sake of harmony and concert in our .labors, the establishment of a De'yiis. As the Craoshivians have had a Diva, so will I have a De'yiis. And by virtue of mine own authority I proclaim ye, my Lords and Lordesses, as the holy members thereof. As the Diva hath been taught in these heavens, so also be the De'yus, whereof I assume the chief head. As the Diva had laws, so also shall our De'yus; and they shall be promulgated on the earth, and taught to mortals as the laws of De'yus. Therefore by my own voice I dissolve the Diva of heaven; and it shall not be from this time forth forever. And whosoever of ye being members thereof, shall this day resign the Diva, and send word to the ruler of Craoshivi, for his benefit, and for his kingdom's benefit. And the ruler of Craoshivi shall con- tinue in his own place and kingdom; for it is his. And the ruler of Vara-pishanaha, called Ahura, shall continue in his own place and kingdom, for it is his. First, then I take unto myself Anubi, the Lord loved by you all, and he shall be my associate, and his title shall be Master of the Scales of Heaven, for he shall de- termine the grades of the spirits and send them to their respective departments. On earth his title shall be Savior of Men, Son of De'yus. Second, thou, Hi-kas, shalt be Ruler over Jafreth and its heavenly kingdom: and thy title shall be Te-in, and of the first rank of God of the Earth. Third, thou, Wotchissij, shall be ruler over Vind'yu and her heavenly kingdom, and thy title shall be Sudga, and of the first rank of God of the Earth. Fourth* thou, Che-le-mung, shalt be ruler over Arabin'ya and her heavenly kingdom, and thy title shall be Osiris, and of the first rank of God of the Earth. Fifth, thou, Baal, shalt be ruler over Heleste and her heavenly kingdom, and thy title shall be Baal, and of the first rank of God of the Earth. Sixth, thou, Ashtaroth, shalt be ruler over Par'si'e, and its heavenly kingdom, and thy title shall be Ashtaroth, of the first rank of Goddess of the Earth. Seventh, thou, Fo-ebe, shalt he ruler over Uropa and her heavenly kingdom, and thy title shall be Fo-ebe, and of the first rank of Goddess of the Earth. Eighth, thou Ho-jab, shall be ruler over Japan and her heavenly kingdom; and thy title snail be Ho-jab and of the first rank of God of the earth. After that the false God made appoint- ments for the other divisions of the earth and their heavenly places, and after that he said unto them: All my Gods and Goddesses shall have thrones in their places, and holy councils and attendants as becometh Gods of the first rank. And every one shall have a capital city, with subsidiaries according to the number and place of their spirits and mortal subjects. And every God and God- dess shall manage his or her own kingdom in his or her own way; but every one shall nevertheless be tributary to my kingdom, according to the exactions I put upon him or them. That ye may resign the Diva, and choose your assistants, before being crowned, I declare a day of recreation, to assemble at the trumpeter's call. 306 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ Hereupon the hosts relaxed from duty and made their resignations of the Diva, and sent them with messengers to God in Craoshivi, but not one of them mentioned the new state of affairs resolved upon. On the next day, at the trumpeter's call, they assembled again; and Anuhasaj said unto them: Come ye with me, and I will show you the place of Hored and its boundaries; for it shall not be my kingdom alone, but yours also, for my kingdom shall be the kingdom of your kingdoms. And they entered an otevan, and, com- ing in the fourth belt below meteoris, in the sign of the twelfth arc of Chinvat; and Anuhasaj said: From this time forth this belt shall be called Hored, and it shall be my place forever. It shall be the central kingdom of all Earth's heavens. And the multitude said: Hail, Kingdom of Hored, the holy hill, place of the Most High God! And it was known thereafter as the belt of Hored, hill of God. It was a three-quarters belt, and the base thereof was ten thousand miles from the earth, and the summit was fifteen thousand miles high; habitable within and without. And its ascending rank in the grades was twen- ty, that is, it was easily habitable by spirits that had attained to that grade; being above the grade of infants and drujas, and above the region of hells and knots, save in cases of great panic. Now, from the first place of Hored, where Anuhasaj crowned himself, which was the eastern base of the hill, to the place for his capital city, he made a roadway and called it Loo- hored, and it was the only opened roadway to the kingdoms below. So it came to pass Anuhasaj had two capital cities; and the first was called the City of the Gate of Heaven, that is, Anubi; and the other was called the Place of Everlasting Rest, that is, Sanc-tu. Anuhasaj said to Anubi: Behold, the City of the Gate of Heaven shall be thy place. And thou shalt determine the rate of all souls who desire to enter the Place of Everlasting Rest. Thou shalt be judge over them. And whosoever is not for me shall not enter, but shall be cast into the kingdoms of hada. And those that are for me, thou shalt send unto me. And thou shalt have a Holy Council of one hundred thousand; and of examiners thou shalt have one million. And thy capital shall be guarded on every side but one, with pil- lars of fire, so that none can pass but by the Gate of Heaven. And of guardsmen thou shalt have seven millions, divided into seven watches, one for each day. Of mes- sengers betwixt thy place and mine, thou shalt have ten thousand; but betwixt thee and the Gods and Goddesses of the lower kingdoms, thou shalt have five hundred thousand. But, of thine own choice, shall be the number of es'enaurs, trumpeters and marshals, and thy attendants also. And all Gods and Goddesses coming to me, or sending messengers to my holy place, shall come through thy city, even through the Gate of Heaven; and they shall come ac- cording to certain rites and ceremonies which I shall give unto thee. Come, there- fore, and receive thy crown. Thus was crowned Anubi; and after him were crowned the other Gods and Goddesses; and Anuhasaj bequeathed to each one his own kingdom, according to the custom of the ancients. And when these matters were completed, he again spake before them, saying: Behold, the ex- ample I have made before you; even before I provided myself for mine own kingdom I have given unto every one all things re- quried. It is meet and proper, therefore, that ye contribute unto me and my place workmen and materials, that I may build in great glory also. For, as I am exalted, and my kingdom made glorious, so have ye whereof to preach gloriously to your inhab- itants of the place in store for them. Thus Anuhasaj placed the Gods and God- desses under obligations to himself, and they acquiesced in his proceedings, saying: Nay, we will not only contribute men and women for this purpose, but we will labor with our own hands for the space of twen- ty days, helping to build the capital city, and to open roads, in all directions. CHAPTER XXIV. Anuhasaj never established the De'yiis as projected at first, but took the name De'yus upon himself, and became known in the heavens by that name. When he had thus established Hored in its entirety, he gave a feast to the Gods and Goddesses; and after it was ended, previous to their departure, he spake before them, saying: CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 307 The time of duty is now upon you, and upon me, the Lord your God, also. Be ye then solicitous of these things I speak of, that in the everlasting times we may be brethren, and there shall be no other Gods, but ourselves forever. Behold, I have given into your hands to manage your own kingdoms in your way; for which reason I can no longer say, do ye this, or do ye thus and so, for my affairs are in mine own kingdom. But wherein I have wisdom I freely impart, and the choice is yours, whether ye will follow my advice or other- wise, for ye are of equal rank with me. And, moreover, my kingdom is dependent upon you, and not yours upon mine. Hear ye then my words as if I were but one in a Council with wise Gods: To overturn Jehovih and His domin- ions on the earth and in these heavens will be your first labor. And whenever corpor- eans embrace Him, calling themselves Faithists in the Great Spirit, or Faithists in Jehovih, of Faithists in Ormazd, or by any other name signifying the All Light, or Unseen, or Person or Ever Presence, ye shall pursue them, and destroy them off the face of the earth. To do which ye shall use the oracles, or prophets and seers, or magicians, or inspiration; and ye shall set the kings and queens of the earth to war upon them, and spare them not, man, wo- man or child. And of spirits of the dead who fall into your respective kingdoms, being Faithists, bring them before Anubi and his hosts, and he shall send them into regions of darkness, saying to them: Behold, ye have your Jehovih! And Anubi shall place guards over them, and they shall not know where to go, but will cry out in their dark- ness. Whereupon they shall be sworn into servitude in Hored to the Lord your God forever, and become slaves within your kingdoms. And ye shall teach both mortals and spirits that Hored is the All Highest hea- ven, and that it is the place of the All Highest God, even De'yus. For them to attain which, ye shall exact servitude of them in your heavens accordingly as ye may desire. In the rites and ceremonies, both in your heavens and on the earth, shall ye en- force the exchanging of words signifying Great Spirit to words signifying Lord God r who is of the form and size of a man, de- claring of a truth that I sit on my throne in judgment of the world, for it is mine, and ye are one with me. And all songs of praise shall be changed; and prayers and beseechings to your God, instead of Jeho- vih, or Ormazd, or the Great Spirit. For both mortals and angels shall be made to know that he is my enemy, leading my peo- ple astray. And as to the prophets and seers on the earth, who will persist in preaching or singing to the Great Spirit, ye shall incite torture and punishment and death unto him. And whether I be De'- yus, or God, or the Lord God, or the All Perfect, me only shall they worship, for- ever. And my place, Hored, shall be the sacred hill of God, forever! And none shall approach me but by crawling on their bel- lies; for I will so exalt my lights that none can stand before me. When the Lord God had finished his discourse, the other Gods responded in love and adoration. Thus ended the feast, and, according to the rites in other hea- vens, the Gods and Goddesses went and sat at the foot of the throne, and De'yus came down and took them by the hand, one at a time, and raised them up, saying: Arise, O God, and in my name, and wis- dom, and power, go thy way. CHAPTER XXV. Swift messengers coursing the heavens, from far-off etherean worlds, bound for destinations remote, passed over the re- gions of Hored; and the high-raised travel- ers felt the discordant plots of satan's Lord God and his hosts, thus bent to overthrow the Great Spirit's happy world. And so they sent word to Cpenta-armij, through whose fields the solar serpent moved along. And her Most High Council, one with the Creator, cast about to know the cause and treatment of the dastardly outrage. Then spake Jehovih to His Daughter, Chieftainess, saying: The Lord God was duly honored in My name, and swore be- fore Me to serve faithfully, forever, by his highest light. Hold thou him to his pur- pose, and bind him in the world he hath assumed to rule for his own glory. And to his fellow-Gods, conspirators against Me, Who brought them into being, give 308 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARM1J thou them full sway to destroy My wor- shippers. Let them raise the name of their God, and bait mortal kings and queens to glut themselves in the havoc of My chosen, the Faithists. Earth neareth her greatest corpor- eal growth, and these self-assuming Gods shall build monuments through their mor- tal emissaries, in the greatest divisions of the earth; temples and pyramids, and ora- cle-palaces, which shall stand thousands of years as testimony of the audacity of Gods and Saviors. To honor whom, the Lord God hath sworn to make angels and men suppliant slaves in heaven and earth. For I will use the corporeal temples and pyramids they shall build on the earth at the expense of My chosen, as testimony, in coming ages, of the oppression in the hadan-heavenly kingdoms of these self- Gods. Till which time I cannot teach mor- tals of the vanity of the lower heavens, save in the deserted ruins of their molder- ing monuments. For in kosmon, mortals shall know that even as the earth hath been a place of foolish sacrifice to persons born of woman, so were My heavens debauched in that day by similar oppression and cru- elty. Let him who is falsely crowned Osiris, build in the Osirian field, and him who is proclaimed De'yus, build in the hadan field, for the time shall come when these testi- monies shall be required in the sum of earth and heaven. For I will show them that without an All Highest Person there is no resurrection for angels or men. Of which they that are slaughtered, ten thou- sand million, and bound by the Lord God, shall swear, in kosmon, the fall of all things save Me. Down to the lower heavens, to God in Craoshivi, sent Cpenta-armij swift mes- sengers, with the words of Jehovih, com- forting to God and his hosts, as to the wide plans on which the Father layeth the destinies of worlds. And God received them, and now comprehended why, alas, his Diva came not, nor answered his call but by resigning. But God, the true ruler of heaven and earth, now saw how the prosperity of the indulged heaven had made bad men out of most holy Gods, even as prosperity on the earth closeth up man's eyes against his Creator, making himself an egotist in self, and vociferous as to Jehovih's shortcom- ings, according to man's views. And God remembered how he had prayed for the continuation of the light in heaven, which Jehovih granted him; and he repented now, saying: O Jehovih, why said I not: Thy will be done; let darkness come! Had I not seen on the earth how night must follow day, and winter follow summer; that I must need pray for endless light in a hea- ven where Thy sons and daughters are as yet but babes in the time and course of worlds? Mine own judgment should have shown me that seasons of darkness should follow seasons of light in Thy lower hea- vens. For, then, had these half-tried Lords and Gods stopped to consider ere they rushed into so mad a scheme. God called together the Holy Council in Craoshivi, and told them of the words of the Creator, through His High-Raised Daughter. Then the Council spake, all who chose, and the thirty milions listened. And, meanwhile, messengers fresh from Hored, the seat of rebellion, came in, bringing full news to Craoshivi of the pro- ceedings of the Lord God, alias De'yus, and his self-Gods and Goddesses. When the full particulars had been related, and the Council had spoken upon it, then the light of Jehovih came upon God, and God said: In the name of our Father, I will speak to these Gods and Lords and acquaint them with Jehovih's words. Yea, I will entreat them to return even as they were. Then God, overwhelmed by the terrible adversity of the heavens intrusted to his keeping, as in a small degree the captain of a merchant's ship, far out at sea, meet- ing with a mishap of broken masts, stript to the hulk, and rudder gone, powerless to save, feeleth the burning shame of incom- petence before mariners, so God, before the High-Raised Chiefs of the etherean worlds, must helplessly view his shattered kingdoms. With great sorrow God sent word to De'yus and his Gods, of Jehovih's warning; and he pleaded for them to re- turn, as a father pleadeth to a wayward son. Off went the messengers swiftly; and God, even though long schooled to ad- verse trials and suspensions, burned with impatience for his messengers to return, CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 309 hoping that his sweet pleadings might yet reverse the scenes. Then came back the messengers, empty handed! Not one of the truant Gods had deigned to answer them. And God wept, scarce believing his messengers, that so great an insult could be heaped upon him, who had done nothing whereof any one could complain. Then Jehovih came and spake to God, saying: Weep not, My Son! He who followeth his highest light from day to day, great is his glory; and in what- soever he loseth he shall regain a thou- sand-fold. Behold, I will bring love to thee that thou knowest not of: Remember thou, as this season is upon Earth and her heavens, even so do I send a season like unto it upon all My worlds. CHAPTER XXVI. In course of time, word came to Ahura, in Vara-pishanaha, of the proceedings of the Lord God, now styled De'yus, and of the revolt of all the lowest heavens in one fell swoop. And Ahura remembered his own shortcomings, thousands of years ago, and the terrible bondage that came upon him in the end. And he knew De'yus, who had been a sub-God under him hun- dreds of years, the same Anuhasaj, who had tried to break the lines in the arc of Spe-ta, in the resurrection of Ailkin. So Ahura prayed to Jehovih, before the Holy Council in Vara-pishanaha, to know what he should say or do in the matter, or if nothing at all. Jehovih answered him, say- ing: My Son, thou art no longer a child. Address thou the Lord God, or not ad- dress him, as seemeth fit in thine own eyes. Behold, I suffered thee to try the same road, that thou mightest understand Me and My kingdoms. Thereupon Ahura determined to send word to De'yus, in his own name, and in his own way. This, then, is what he sent: To Anuhasaj, my one-time sub-God, greeting to thee in justice and wisdom. Wert thou inexperienced I would treat thee with respect. But thou knowest thou art false. And because thou art false, thou shalt reap in falsehood. Behold, the day shall come when thy Gods will desert thee; for such is the tree thou hast planted in thy kingdoms. This rule holdeth on earth and in all the heavens. Can that which is unborn, restrain its own birth? Or that which is not quickened into life, restrain the Creator's hand? So also is it of him that soweth for self; he shall reap a harvest of selfs. And thy Gods will be for themselves, and thy marshals, and all thy hosts; every one pulling in an opposite way. Not suddenly will these things come upon thee; for thou shalt have a mighty kingdom and great honor and glory, such as no other God before thee hath had in these heavens. And thy people shall be jealous to serve thee, striving with all their might to outdo one another in worshipful obedience to thee. And thy name, even the names of De'yus and Lord God, shall be worshipped for a season, on the earth above all names that have ever been given in falsehood. And yet the time shall come that thy names shall be cast out of earth and heaven. Even the deeds which thou shalt do will be the means of making thy names execrable. Think not, O my Lord God, that thou wilt deal righteously, and keep thyself holy. Behold, I, too, was a revolted God that sat up a kingdom for mine own glory. And, in the time of the beginning thereof, I was most resolute to practice righteousness in all things. But the surroundings over- came me; for as I was allied to self, so selfish officers under me beset me on all occasions, and I was forced to find new places and new glories for them, or, by their grumbling, they would sow my fields with mutiny. I was powerless in the great kingdom I built up. Thou knowest the re- sult. Thinkest thou the larger thy king- dom, the greater will be thy power to avert thy fall? My experience was the opposite of this. I admonish thee in wisdom and justice; I know thou art doing these things not for the raising up of the fruit of the earth, but for thine own aggrandizement and glory. And I say unto thee, the time will surely come when thy Gods will do the same things against thee. And in that time the wise and learned and truthful will fly from thee, but the drujas and slaves will not leave thee; but thou shalt be en- vironed with them, and cast into hell. Thou shalt heap misery upon millions of 310 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ thy subjects, but thou shalt not escape the hand of justice: Thou shalt reimburse them every one. Thou hast cast thy net in shoal water; thine own feet shall be tan- gled in the meshes thereof. Behold, I, too, once craved a great heavenly kingdom; now I weep day and night because I have it. And thou, too, shalt experience the time of scalding tears, to be rid of that which thou cravest now. Yet, how else shall the dumb be rais- ed in heaven? Who else shall minister to the wandering spirits that overspread the earth? And the evil drujas? And the lust- ers, and foul-smelling? Shall I say to thee: Go on, thou self-presuming Lord God, the Great Spirit hath a rod for thee! Yea, He answereth the ambition of men and Gods sooner or later; in a way they think not of, He bringeth them up with a short turn. Thou art like a man desirous of great bulk, that shutteth up the pores of the skin of his flesh; thou seekest to shut up the course of the heavens that riseth out of the earth, upward forever. And as the one choketh up with a foul smell, and dieth, so shall it be with thy kingdom. Behold, the way of everlasting light is outward, on- ward, away from the corporeal worlds; but the way of darkness is toward the earth. Sayest thou the spirits of the dead shall not rise away from the earth? And in their ignorance of the higher heavens, become guides to mortals! Behold, thou hast traveled far; and thou struttest about, saying: It is enough; I, the Lord God, have traveled in the far-off heavens; stay ye at home, and work for me forever, that I may be glorified! Wilt thou say: I, the Lord God, I, De'- yus, am the only Son of the Void! Behold, my kingdom lieth in a little corner! Come and worship me, the Lord God, and ye shall see me on my throne! Or wilt thou say: The impersonal space, senselessness, by accident fructified itself in corporeal substance, and became me, the Lord God, in size of a full-grown man, and then I created all the creations! Wherefore let men and angels fall down and worship the man, De'yus, who dwell- eth in Hored, a ripple in the lowest hea- vens! I profess not to love thee, Anuhasaj, but justice toward them beneath thee. For thou shalt hoodwink mortals, and even an- gels of little experience, to believe thou wert the very Creator; but thy Gods know thee as to who thou art, and the Gods above thee know also. All thy days at most have been but two thousand and seven hundred years! And the time shall come upon thee that thou shalt be forced by thine own fault to assert thou wert the very Creator, Whose worlds have run thousands of mill- ions of years! Who can carry so great a falsehood as this! And not carrying it, it shall fall down on thee and on thy people, and take root and spread abroad till thy place and thy Gods' places are the founda- tions of nothing but lies. For the rule holdeth in all places, high and low, that according to the seed sown so shall be the harvest, whether good or bad. Nor can any man or God alter this rule, or bend it to the right or left. If it be Jehovih's will that some one shall make the name of God, and Lord God, and De'yus, execrable on earth and in heaven, it may be well that thou hast put thyself into the yoke to that end. Yet I would not have thee so, could I prevent it. Thou wert one time my sub-God, and I remember thee well; thou wert young and full of promise. My judgment spake to me of thee, saying: A sub-God, to be proud of for thousands of years! But my judgment was not Jehovih's. My love for thee was early nipped in the bud. For thou wert forever talking of thyself. Thou madest thy neighbor Gods sick by forever relating thy experiences and thy prophe- cies as to what thou wouldst do. And when Jehovih encompassed me about in mine own evil, thou didst tantalize me be- cause I had not followed thy advice. Now I repeat unto the, I could not follow any one's advice. And thou, too, shalt be en- vironed about, and be unable to follow any one's advice. For such is the bondage of the Godhead, save we cut ourselves loose, making Jehovih the Head and Front, and ourselves His servants. For the God should not only be the greatest in his kingdom, but the most menial servant of his people; forever throwing off responsi- bility, and forever urging his subjects not to idolize him, but Jehovih! Forever showing them that their God is nothing more than themselves; that they must CYCLE OF CPENTA-AEMIJ 311 stand alone, and become, not slaves to their God, but independent beings full of manliness, having faith in the Great Spirit only. By which the God bindeth not him- self nor his people; giving full sway to the love of liberty in every soul, but in tender- ness and love that harmonize with Jeho- vih's proceedings. Now when thou earnest back to me after I was delivered out of hell, and my king- doms raised to Vara-pishanaha, thou didst profess to understand these things, and of a truth, to love this philosophy. And thou didst pray fervently to Jehovih, repenting of thy former ways, taking part in the rites and ceremonies. Then I opened by heart to thee. My much love for thee, as when I first knew thee, returned upon me a thousand fold. In joy and in tears I fell upon thee, and I praised Jehovih that He had sent me so sweet a love. In each oth- er's arms we repented and we swore our mutual love forever, then we saw the way of Jehovih clear, and He made us strong and wise, full of rejoicing. And we fell to, hand in hand, laboring with drujas, dark and most foul, teaching them day and night, forever repeating to their stupid minds. And when we were both well nigh exhausted thousands of times, and we withdrew for a short time, we rested in each other's arms! Then we reasoned and philosophised on the plans and glories of Jehovih's works; hopefully watching signs of prog- ress in our wards. O the glory of those days! O the richness of thy wisdom and love to me in those days of darkness! For a hundred years we toiled thus, and I was blessed, and my people were blessed by thee, thou star of our love. Then we raised them up, my wards, four thousand millions, were lifted a small way up out of darkness, and our far-off Goddess, Atcheni, needed one who was great, like unto thee, to travel in other regions. And I parted with thee. My soul was as if divided in twain. For hundreds of years thou traveledst and be- came rich in knowledge; but not to return to me, to my bursting heart! What more can I say? Thou art in thy place, and I am in mine; but Jehovih is with Wisdom, Love, Truth and Fidelity, for these are His abiding places. CHAPTER XXVII. De'yus replied not to Ahura, God of Vara-pishanaha, but sent the messenger away without a word. And satan came again to De'yus, saying: Send word to thy Gods to be firm, for this day hath Ahura and the God of Craoshivi beset them to return to Jehovih's worship. De'yus feared nevertheless, so he pon- dered deeply as to what was the best thing he could do. Satan said: O Lord God, this is the best thing thou canst do: For all the Divan laws destroyed, make thou De'yus laws instead. Why shalt thou follow in the footsteps of the ancients? The Lord God said: Yea, yea! I will not be bound by the laws of the ancients, but I will have laws of mine own, and they shall be called the Laws of the Lord God. Satan said: These, then, shall be thy words, O Lord God, which shall be the laws of De'yus, to wit: I, the Lord God, have made self-preser- vation the first law. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy soul, thy heart and mind. Him only shalt thou worship now, henecforth and forever. Thou shalt not worship Jehovih; He is void; He is nothing. Nor shalt thou wor- ship any idol of anything, on the earth or in the heavens of the earth. Whoever wor- shippeth anything save me, the Lord God, shall be put to death. Behold, I am a God of justice and truth; I am a God of anger; vengeance is mine. I have a gate at the hill of Hored; my guardians are cherubims and seraphims, with flaming swords. Whosoever raiseth his arm against me shall be destroyed. Whosoever putteth the mark of the cir- cumcision on a male child shall be put to death. Neither shall any man do evil for evil's sake; nor by violence oppress any man, woman or child. Whoever exalteth me on earth, him will I exalt in heaven. Whoever over- throweth other Gods, save the Lord God, who is the De'yus of heaven and earth, him will I exalt in heaven. Now it came to pass that these decrees of the false God were established on the earth. And the name of De'yus became 312 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ABMIJ paramount to all other Gods in Vind'yu and eastern Par'si'e; and the name Te-in, in JafFeth, and the name Lord God, in Ar- abinya. And these peoples had now a new sacred book given to them. And yet all of these names represented one angel only, Anuhasaj, a one-time mortal. Prior to this the Faithists on earth were taught non-resistance; to ignore leadership; to return good for evil, and to dwell to- gether as brethren. But now, because of the decrees of Anuhasaj, alias De'yus, Faithists were led astray, becoming war- riors, and aspiring to become kings and rulers. Nevertheless, many of them still called themselves by names signifying Faithists, but changing their belief from the Great Spirit to a God in shape and figure of a man, with attributes like a mortal. And mortals in these countries made im- ages of cherubims and seraphims, having flaming swords; and images of Anubi hold- ing a pair of scales. In addition to these earthly decrees, An- uhasaj, alias the Lord God, made heavenly decrees betwixt his own kingdom and the kingdoms of his Gods. The chief decrees were: That, .for the first one hundred years, all angels borne up out of the earth shall fall into their respective divisions, and shall belong as subjects to my Gods, to be appropriated by them in their own way. That after the hundredth year, my Gods shall deliver to me one-tenth of their subjects of the highest grades. De'yus made two hundred laws in ref- erence to the kingdoms of his Gods, as to their boundaries and ornamentation, pro- viding great pageantry and countless num- bers of heralds, staff-bearers, musicians, and players of oratory, besides innumera- ble servants and decorators, so that the pa- geantry might be in great splendor. When he had completed these forms and system of government, he sent an invitation to his Gods to again feast with him, that they might ratify his laws and receive them. And the laws of De'yus were ratified and accepted by the Gods; and they went away rejoicing, returning to their respective kingdoms, where they fell to work at once to provide themselves in their glory. CHAPTER XXVIIL Thus was established the Confederacy of Selfs; that is, the false Lord God, and his false Gods, were as many kingdoms united into one; yet every God was secretly sworn unto himself, for his own glory. From the time of the beginning of the re- volt until it was completed as a confederacy was sixty and four days, and the number of inhabitants in these heavens at that time was eight thousand million, men, women and children. And they were well ordered, in nurseries, and hospitals, and schools, and colleges, and factories, and in building ships, and in surveying and in road-mak- ing, and all such other occupations as be- long to the lower heavens. Four thousand million of these were presently sent to Hored, to De'yus. De'yus at once set about the work laid out, and issued a decree commanding the destruction of all otevans and other vessels plying to the upper plateau, Craoshivi; and commanding the seizing and destroying of fire-ships or other vessels that might come from the upper regions down to the lower. De'yus said: My people shall not ascend to other heavens. I have made the earth and this heaven sufficient unto all happi- ness and glory. Whosoever buildeth a vessel, saying: I will ascend; or if he say not, but my judges discover him, he shall be cast into the hadan region, prepared for him. And if a man or a woman preach in my heavens, and say: Behold, there is a higher heaven, that person shall be cast into hell, as my son judgeth. And I, De'yus, command the locking up of all the books in the libraries of my heavens that in any way teach of Jehovih or Ormazd, or of heavenly kingdoms above mine or greater. For I, the Lord God, will have but one kingdom, and I will draw all people into it to abide with me forever. And my Gods, and my marshals, and gen- erals and captains, shall take their hosts and go around about the regions of Hored, and make a clean roadway, and cut off all connection with the outer kingdoms. And they shall place in the roadway around my heavens a standing army, sufficient to guard my kingdom and my Gods' kingdoms for- ever. And no man-angel, nor woman-an- gel, shall pass outward beyond my roadway forever. These things were carried out, save as to the libraries. But there were destroyed four thousand otevans and other ascend- ing ships; and of the places for manufac- CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 313 turing ships for the outer heavens there were destroyed more than seven hundred. And there were thus thrown out of employ- ment seven hundred million, men and wo- men! And many of these were compelled to go to Hored, where they were assorted as to grade, and put to work, beautifying the capital and Council house and palace of the Lord God, the false. Others were impressed into the standing army, being allotted seasons and years. After the outward extreme of hada was thus secured in every way, De'yus turned to the interior. He said: Now will I hide such text-books in my heavenly places, as relate to higher kingdoms and to Jeho- vih; for from this time forth He is my enemy and I am His. Upon my own self have I sworn it; the name of Jehovih and of Ormazd shall be destroyed in heaven and earth; and my name, De'yus, even the Lord God, shall stand above all else. For sixty days, the armies of destruc- tion traversed the lowest heavens, high and low, far and near; and they hid away many of the records, and books, and maps, relating to the higher atmospherea and to the etherean worlds beyond; and in sixty days the work of destruction was complete in these heavens, and there was nothing left within sight to prove or to teach the higher heavens, or of Jehovih, or Or- mazd. The Lord God, the false, said: Let my name and my place, even Hored, be re- placed instead of those destroyed, for I will make the name De'yus to rule in one- half of the world, and the name Lord God to rule in the other half. The inhabitants of heaven and earth shall know where to find me, and shall behold my person, and witness the strength of my hand. Yea, they shall know my pleasure and ny dis- pleasure, and serve me in fear and trem- bling. And the books in the schools and col- leges of these heavens were thus made to rate De'yus, and the Lord God as the All Highest, Most Sacred, Most Holy. When these things were established thus far, De'- yus gave a great feast, and brought into his companionship all the valorous fight- ers and destroyers that had proved them- selves great in fulfilling his command- ments. In the meantime, the laborers and officers in charge had extended and beau- tified the palace and capital of the Lord God in Hored beyond anything ever seen in these heavens. So that at the time of this feast, the place was already one of magnificence and glory. And the order, and temper, and discipline of the officers, and servants, more than one million, who had charge of preparing and conducting the feast, were so great that the assembled Gods and great generals, and governors, and marshals, and captains, for a long while, did nothing but ejaculate applause and astonishment. Besides these, De'yus had provided re- ceiving hosts, fifty thousand, and of es'- enaurs and trumpeters half a million, and proclaiming heralds one hundred thousand; and the latter, when conducting the dis- tinguished visitors into the presence of De'yus, proclaimed them, amidst the ap- plause of the Council, such honor surpass- ing anything that any of them had ever witnessed. The substance of the feast, being above grade twenty, which was above the animal region, was, consequently, of vegetable and fruit es'pa from the earth, previously brought by trained shippers and workers, for this especial occasion. But there was no es'pa of flesh or fish present on the ta- bles; but an abundance of the es'pa of wine, and this was called su-be. The walls of the chamber of the feast were ornamented with sprays of colored fire, and from the floor of the chamber there rose upward innumerable fountains of perfume, which were also es'pa brought up from the earth, and forced up in the fountains by more than one million ser- vants, impressed into service from the re- gions of shippers, which had been destroy- ed previously. At the feast, with the Lord God and his Gods, there were in all one thousand, two hundred guests; and the feast lasted one whole day, and the Gods and guests ate and drank to their hearts' content, and there were not a few who felt the intoxica- tion of the rich su-be. When the feast was ended, De'yus, through his marshals, signified that he would speak before them; and when quiet was restored, he said: With greater joy hath any one in a mat- ter than to make others happy! Because 314 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ ye served me, doing my commandments, behold, I have served you. My feast hath been your feast; my substance have I given unto you, that ye may rejoice in the glory I have received from your hands. Yet think not that the Lord, your God, so end- eth this proceeding: I will not so end it. I have commanded you here that I may honor those that deserve honor from me, your God. My Gods have also great ex- altation in the labor ye have done in my heavens, for my heavens are their hea- vens, and yours also. Because ye have destroyed the ascension, the most worth- less and foolish of things, and cleared away the rubbish of my heavens, ye have also prepared a place for endless glory for yourselves. For which reason, and in jus- tice to you, I have appointed this time to promote you all, according to your great achievements. Nor shall ye fall back on my promotion, resting in ease; for I have a greater labor for you, as well as greater honor and glory. Behold, I have commanded the earth and her dominions; and ye, my Gods, shall subjugate her to my name and power. And ye that have proved yourselves most valiant in heaven shall be their chosen offi- cers to go down to the earth in my name, with millions of my heavenly soldiers, to plan and fix the way of mortals unto my hand. As ye have cast out the names of Jehovih and Ormazd in heaven, even so shall ye cast them out on the earth. Remember ye, I am a God of anger; I have declared was against all ungodliness on the earth. Whoever worshippeth the Great Spirit under the name Jehovih, or Ormazd, shall be put to death, both men and women. Only little children shall ye spare, and of them shall ye make slaves and eunuchs and whatsoever else that shall profit my kingdoms. Whether they have an idol of stone, or of wood, or of gold, or of copper, they shall be destroyed. Neither shall it save them to make an idol of the Unseen; for such is even more offensive in my sight than the others. Nor will I leave alive one Faithist on the face of the earth. To accomplish which, my Gods shall select ye who are of my feast; accord- ing to their rank shall they choose; and when ye are thus divided and selected, ye shall receive badges from my hand, and re- pair with my Gods to the places and ser- vice they desire. And when ye are come down to the earth, ye shall possess your- selves of the oracles and places of worship, driving hence all other angels, and Gods, and Lords, and familiars. And when mor- tals come to consult the spirits ye shall answer them in your own way in order to carry out my commandments. And when ye find prophets and seers, who accomplish by the Unseen, who have with them spirits belonging to the king- dom of Craoshivi, ye shall drive away such spirits and obsess the prophet or seer in your own way. But if ye cannot drive hence the Ormazdian angel, then shall ye go to the depths of hell in hada and bring a thousand spirits of darkness, who are foul and well skilled in torment, and ye shall cast them upon that prophet until he is mad. But if it so happen that the proph- et or seer be so protected that spirits of darkness cannot reach him, then shall ye send evil spirits in advance of him to the place he frequenteth, and they shall inoc- ulate the place with virus that shall poison him to death. But if a prophet of Jehovih repent and renounce the Great Spirit, and accept De'yus, or the Lord God, then shall ye drive all evil away from him, and put a guard around about him, for he shall be my subject in time to come. And whether ye reach a king of the earth by means of the oracles, or through prophets and seers, or by obsession, it mat- tereth not; but ye shall come to him by some means, either when he lieth asleep or is awake, and ye shall inspire him with the doctrines and the love of the Lord your God. And he shall rise up in great war, and pursue all people who do not profess De'yiis, or the Lord your God; for he shall be as an instrument in your hands to do my will. When De'yus ceased speaking, the Gods immediately made their selections, and the generals and captains were thus allotted to new places. And now the attendants carried away the tables of the feast, and the Gods, each with his captains and gen- erals, faced toward De'yus, and formed twelve rows; whereupon De'yus conferred badges, as previously promised. De'yus then departed to the Council chamber, and took his seat on the throne. The guests, CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 315 and Gods, and Councilors, entered the south gate, and went and stood in the midst of the floor of the chamber; where- upon the Lord God saluted them, Warriors of God, and they answered in the Sign of Taurus, signifying, to enforce righteous- ness, for the image of a bull was one of the signs above the throne. These, then, are the names of the Gods and Goddesses, with their generals and captains, that were empowered in heaven to go down to the earth to subjugate it unto the Lord God, the false: The Gods and Goddesses were; Anubi; Hikas, now called Te-in; Wotchissij, now called Sudga; Che-le-mung, now called Osiris; Baal, Ashtaroth, Fo-ebe, Hes-loo, He-loo, Orion, Hebe and Valish. Their generals were: Hoin, Oo-da, Jah, Knowteth, June, Pluton-ya, Loo-Chaing, Wah-ka, Posee-ya-don, Dosh-to, Eurga- roth, Neuf, Apollo-ya, Suts, Karusa, My- ion, Hefa-yis-tie, Petoris, Ban, Ho-jou-ya, Mung-jo, Ura-na, Oke-ya-nos, Egupt, Hi- ram, T'cro-no, Ares, Yube, Feh-tus, Don, Dan, Ali-jah, Sol, Sa-mern, Thu-wowtch, Hua-ya, Afro-dite, Han, Weel, Haing-le, Wang-le, Ar-ti-mis, Ga-song-ya, Lowthar, Pu, Tochin-woh-to-gow, Ben, Aaron, Nair- wiche, Gai-ya, Te-sin, Argo, Hadar, Atstsil, E-shong, Daridat, Udan, Nadar, Bog-wi, She-ug-ga, Brihat, Zeman, Asrig, Oyeb, Chan-lwang, Sishi, Jegat, At-ye-na and Dyu. Their captains were: Penbu, Josh, Yam- yam, Holee-tsu, Yoth, Gamba, Said, Drat- ta, Yupe-set, Wag, Mar, Luth, Mak-ka, Chutz, Hi-rack-to, Vazenno, Hasuck, Truth, Maidyar, Pathemaydn, Kop, Cpen- ta-mainyas, Try-sti-ya, Peter, Houab, Van- aiti, Craosha, Visper, Seam, Plow-ya, Yact- ta-roth, Abua, Zoatha, Kacan-cat, Hovain, Myazd-Loo, Haur, Abel, Openista, Isaah, Potonas, Kiro, Wishka-dore, Urvash, Ash- esnoga, Cavo, Kalamala-hoodon, Lutz- rom, Wab, Daeri, Kus, Tsoo-man-go and Le-W T iang. Besides these, there were one thousand officers of lower rank; and now, when they were sealed as to rank, place and allot- ment, they withdrew; and De'yus gave a day of recreation that the Gods with their officers might make the selections from the multitude, for their private soldiers. And in one day's time the armies were made up, three thousand million angels, and they departed down to the earth to destroy the Faithists and the names Jehovih and Or- mazd, and establish De'yus, otherwise the Lord God, the false. CHAPTER XXIX. God, in Craoshivi, bewailed heaven and earth. He said: Great Jehovih, how I have failed in Thy kingdom! Behold, Thou gavest into my keeping Earth and her heavens, and they have gone astray! Jehovih said: Behold the plan of My government; which is, to come against nothing in heaven or earth; to seize noth- ing by the head and turn it round by vio- lence to go the other way. Though I am the power that created them, and am the Ever Present that moveth them along, I gave to them to be Gods, with liberty to find their own direction. I created many trees in My garden, the greatest of which is the tree of happiness. And I called out unto all the living to come and dwell in the shade of that tree, and partake of its fruits and its perfumes. But they run after prickers and they scourge themselves; and then, alas, they fall to cursing Me, and accusing Me of shortness in My government. I confined them in their mother's womb for a season, showing them there is a time for all things. But they run forward hurriedly, desiring speedy happiness and wisdom, without halting to observe My glories by the road-side. I said unto them: Even as I have given liberty unto all My people, so shall ye not impress into your service your brothers and sisters. But the self-assuming Gods make slaves of their fellows; they build roads round about, and station armies of soldiers to prevent My newborn from com- ing to My most glorious kingdoms. They go down to the earth and inspire kings and queens, and rich men, to do the same things. And they portion out to their ser- vants, saying to them: Serve ye me, and I will do for you. They little think that their servants will become as thorns, and stones, and chains, and spears against them in the far future. They build up a justice of their own, saying: As much as my ser- vants labor for me, so will I render unto them. But I have said unto them that no 316 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ man shall serve another but for love, which shall be his only recompense. The king and the queen of the earth, and the rich man, shut their own eyes against Me, thinking by that means I can- not see them; they flatter themselves that in heaven they will give the slip to their servants. But I sowed a seed of bondage in My garden, and I said: Whosoever bindeth another, shall himself be bound. And behold, when they are risen in hea- ven, their servants and their soldiers come upon chem; their memory is as a troubled dream that will not away from them. Nev- ertheless, with these great examples before them, still there are angels in hada that have not profited therein. For they say unto themselves: I will build a great king- dom in heaven; I will become the might- iest of Gods; millions of angels shall serve me; I will shut out the Great Spirit and His far-off heavens; I will wall my place around with an army of soldiers, and with fire and water. As a libertine stealeth an unsuspicious damsel to abuse her; and, in time, she wak- eth up to the matter but to curse him, so do the false Gods steal upon the inhabit- ants of My places and carry them into bondage. But the light of My understand- ing dwelleth in the souls of My little ones; it waiteth for the spring sun; and it will spring up and grow into a mighty tree to accuse these Gods. God inquired concerning warfare? Je- hovih said: I answer all things by good. To the good at heart, I give good thoughts, desires and holy observations. To the per- verse of heart I hold up My glories and the beneficence of virtue and peaceful under- standing. To them that practice charity and good works unto others, laboring not for self, I give the highest delight. Though they be pricked in the flesh with poverty and wicked persecutions, yet their souls are as the waters of a smooth-running river. Amongst them that practice evil, and de- struction, and war, I send emissaries of benevolence and healing, who have plente- ous words of pity. These are My arrows, and spears, and war-clubs, O God: Pity, gentle words, and the example of tender- ness. Soon or late, these shall triumph over all things in heaven and earth. Behold, these wars in hada and on the earth will continue more than a thousand years. And the inhabitants will go down in darkness, even to the lowest darkness. For which reason, thou and thy successors shall provide not hastily, as if the matter were to change with the wind. But thou shalt organize a new army of deliverers for My Faithists, and it shall have two branches, one for the earth and one for hada. And the business of thy army shall be to rescue My people from them that seek to destroy them. And as to the spir- its of the dead who were Faithists on the earth, provide thou means of transporta- tion and bring them to thy new kingdom, which thou shalt call At-ce-wan, where thou shalt provide a sub-God, and officers, and attendants, hundreds of millions. And in At-ce-waq, thou shalt provide the sub- God all such places and nurseries, hospi- tals, factories, schools, colleges and such other houses and places of instructions re- quired, in the kingdoms of My Lords in hada. And when thou hast this matter in good working order, thou shalt speak before thy Holy Council"; in My name shalt thou say to them: Two hundred thousand hath Je- hovih called; by Him am I commanded to find them; and they shall be wise and strong and without fear. For they shall be angel-preachers in Jehovih's name to go down to Hored, the place of De'yiis, the Lord God the false, and to the kingdoms of his Gods; and their labor shall be to preach and proclaim the Father and His glories in the etherean worlds. And my preachers shall not say one word against the Lord God nor his Gods; but rather the other way; by majesty of Jehovih's love, be loving towards them and their officers and subjects. For by this means shall thy preachers have peaceful dwellings in these warring kingdoms; and thus their voices shall have great weight. For the greatest wisdom of a great diplomatist is not to be too opposite or too vehement, but concil- iating. And thy preachers shall travel constant- ly in the lowest kingdoms, teaching and explaining My boundless worlds, sowing the seed of aspiration with the wise and with the ignorant, and especially with the CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 317 enslaved. And to as many as become con- verted, and desire to ascend to Craoshivi, thou shalt say: Go ye to the border of your kingdom, whither the Father's laborers have a ship to take ye to His kingdom. But thy preachers shall not go with them to excite suspicion or hate, but continue on preaching and inciting the slaves to ascend to higher and holier heavens. Then God, of Craoshivi, fell to work to carry out the commandments of Jehovih. And his Council labored with him. At-ce- wan was established and Yotse-hagah was n c-de the sub-God, with a Holy Council of one hundred thousand angels, with a thou- sand attendants, with fifty thousand mes- sengers. He was provided with a capital, and throne, and with ship-makers and builders of mansions, one million angels. After that God and the Council of Crao- shivi organized all the armies as command- ed by Jehovih. And there were in these armies, all told, seventeen hundred million two hundred and eight thousand five hun- dred and sixty, all of whom were above grade fifty, and some as high as ninety. And it so turned out that these organ- izations were completed and in working or- der two days prior to De'yus and his hosts beginning their war on the earth. But the Faithist angels were distributed mostly in hada and the regions above. So that whilst De'yus' hosts of three thousand million were gone down to the earth, there were of Faithist angels for the same place but four hundred thousand, save the ashars who were in regular service. CHAPTER XXX. De'yus was no slow hand; not a dull God. He had two thousand seven hundred years' experience, and his soul quick and strong in mighty works. He rushed not in without first measuring the way, most de- liberately and in great wisdom. At first he felt his way along, to humor the populace, doing as if by proxy Jehovih's commands, till safely fell into his dominion and power his flattered Gods and officers, then boldly launching forth: I, the Lord God, com- mand? The very audaciousness of which unbalanced his friends' judgment, and made them believe for a fact that De'yus was the foremost and greatest, mighty God. To do whose will, and reverently applaud his name, was the surest road to home laurels. To win great majesty to himself, and after having sworn to havoc the whole earth in order to establish the name De'- yus, and Lord God, he called to his side his five chief friends: the Gods, Hikas. falsely named Te-in; Wotchissij, falsely named Sudga; Che-le-mung, falsely named Osiris; Baal, and Ashtaroth. And thus in dignity De'yus spake to them: It is well, my Gods, ye stand about and see the battles; but let your generals and high captains go forth and mingle in the bloody work. In your kingdoms be con- stantly upraising your magnificence, and in times sallying forth to the earth valiantly, as when kings and queens and prophets are to win a victory, or be plunged into mortal death, to show how your august presence turned the tide of battle. Then hie ye back in dignity to your thrones, leaving your officers and inspiring hosts to go on in the game of mortal tragedy. Then spake Osiris, the false, saying: To exalt thy name, O De'yus', thou Lord God; and to persuade mortals that thou, of all created beings can stand in Hored, and by thy will control the victory to whomso- ever applaudeth thee and praiseth thy name, be thou to me the bond of my sol- emn oath, so will I lose or win battles on the earth accordingly as they shall honor thee and despise the Great Spirit, or any other God or Lord. Then Te-in, the false, said: To keep mortals in constant war for a thou- sand years; to teach them that battles are won or lost according to the loudest call and praise to thee, O De'yus, under thy thigh will I be as an oath renewed from everlasting to everlasting. Sudga, the false, said: By all my parts, to shape the arms and legs of the unborn in comeliness, shall my legions drum into the ears of enciente women a thousand years, swearing them to thy name, O De'- yus; or, if refusing, to curse with crooked- ness all their progeny. And when these mothers sleep, my legions shall find their souls in their dreams, and give them de- light or torment, accordingly as they, when awake, applaud thee, my most mighty Lord God. Baal said: To overturn the oracles of Jehovih, and to make the prophets and 318 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ seers receive and announce thy name, O De'yus, thou Lord God of heaven and earth, have I already sworn more than ten thousand oaths. Ashtaroth said: The work of my legions shall be to deal death to thy enemies, O De'yus. To them that raise the name Je- hovih, or Ormazd, or Great Spirit, my le- gions shall carry foul smells into their noses whilst they sleep. And for thy ene- mies, who may win a battle against thy people, my legions shall carry inoculation from the rotten dead; in the air shall they carry the virus to the breath of them that will not bow down to the name, Lord God! De'yus answered them, saying: So spoken, so shall these things be; I, the Lord your God, command. Send forth your generals and high captains thus de- creed; to each and every one sufficient armies to carry out these, our high re- solves. Into three great armies shall my legions be divided for the earth battles: one to Jaffeth, one to Vind'yu, and one to Arabin'ya and the regions lying west and north. Of the latter, thou, Osiris, shalt have chief command; and thou, Baal, and thou, Ashtaroth, ye twain, so linked in love and one purpose, shall be the earth managers to Osiris' will. For your efficient service, behold, I have given you these high-raised generals and captains: Jah, Pluton-yah, Apollo-ya, Petoris, Hi-ram, T'cro-no, Egupt, Ares, Yube, Ali-jah, Afro-dite, Ar- ti-mis, Ben, Aa-ron, Argo, Atstsil, Nadar and Oyeb, besides Peter, Yact-ta-roth, Haur, Abel, Said, Josh and Wab, who shall be the conquering spirits to play on both sides in battles, urging stubborn mortals on to religious feud till both sides fall in death, or till one, to me and my Gods, boweth down in fear and reverence. And they shall sing their names in mortals ears day and night, and teach them to live in praise of the Lord, your God, the De'yus of heaven and earth, and to be most daring in the overthrow of Jehovih, most hated of Gods. To thee, Te-in, another third of my le- gions is committed, to deal with the land of giants, Jaffeth, and urge them on in the same way, to greatness or to death, doing honor and reverence to me and my king- doms. High raised are thy generals: Wah- ka, Ho-jou-ya, Oke-ya-nos, Thu-wowtch, Haing-le, Tochin-woh-to-gow, and Eurga- roth, besides Yam-yam, Hi-rack-to and Kancan-cat, Isaah, Lutz-rom and Le- Wiang, and others of high grade and power. And to thee, O Sudga, in like manner have I given another third of my legions to play battles with mortals for a thousand years. Like Osiris and Te-in, to set mor- tals up in war, and move them one way and then another, and thus plunge them into each other's bloody arms and death. That they may learn to know of a truth that they are but machines and playthings in the hands of angels and Gods; that they are worked like clay in a potter's hand, till they cry out: Enough! I will bow my head to God, who is Lord over all, great De'yus. Yea, more, I will fight for him and drink even my brother's blood, if De'- yus but prosper me and mine in slaying Faithists, fool-worshippers of Ormazd, the Unseen and Scattered Wind. To him, in likeness of a man, with head and legs, and arms in boundary and size of a man, sitting on a throne in Hored; to him, the great Lord God, will I ever bow in reverence. And thou, O Sudga, shalt play war in Vind'yu, with the most numerous, highest learned people of the earth. For which purpose thou shalt have these, my high- raised generals and captains: Asij, Gaeya, Naiswichi, Samen, Yube, Sol, Mung-jo, Don, Hefa-yis-tie, Lowtha, Daridrat, Udan, Brihat, Bogir, Eshong, Weel, Van- aiti, Plowya, Vazista, Kiro, Cpenista, Vis- per, Cpenta-mainyas and Urvasta, and many others, most determined to rescue the earth from the dominion of far-off Gods. De'yus continued: Go forth, ye Gods. And as fast as mortals fall in battle, gather the spirits of the dead into groups, not suf- fering them for pity's sake to lie in chaos, but bring them to your kingdoms in easy riding ships. And when thus housed, apply your physicians and nurses diligently, to re- store them to their senses and new condi- tion; and when they wake up in heaven, beholding the great glory of your thrones and kingdoms, initiate them by solemn rites and ceremonies to sworn servitude to your- selves and to me, your Lord God, to in- herit such bounteous kingdoms. And ye shall thus despoil those of earth to make them know my power and yours, so shall CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 319 ye pursue those newly arrived in heaven to make them swear solemnly against Jeho- vih, the Great Spirit; the Ormazd, and against all others Gods, but if they stub- bornly refuse, though in heaven, even as they did on earth, take them before my son, Anubi, who shall further examine them; and if they still refuse, Anubi with his strong guard, and brands of fire, shall send them down in hell. I, the Lord God, have spoken; my com- mandments are gone forth in heaven and earth; whosoever praiseth and glorifieth me, with everlasting service for the exalt- ation and glory of my kingdoms, shall en- ter into everlasting happiness; but whoso- ever will not bow down to me shall be cast into everlasting torments. CHAPTER XXXI. Now sallied forth the captains gener- als, and well-disciplined hosts of hada, the angels of De'yus, bent on independence to the earth and heaven from all other rulers save the Lord God, and to establish him forever. Foremost of the three mighty di- visions was Osiris' army, of more than a thousand million angels, going boldly forth to cover the great lands of the earth, Ara- bin'ya, Par'si'e, and Heleste. In the front, dashing madly on, was Baal, and next him, his assistant Goddess, Ashtaroth, followed by their first attend- ants and high exalted officers. Some of whom displayed great maps of mortal cit- ies and cultured lands, where the peaceful worshippers of Jehovih dwelt, hundreds of thousands. And the lists of altars and temples to the Great Spirit, where the righteous came daily and deposited their earnings and products as sacrifices for benefit of the weak and helpless. And the wide fields, where toilers brought out of the earth, religiously, wheat, and flax, and cotton, and barley, as gifts from the Great Spirit. And the canals, filled with boats, carrying produce, and fruit, and cloth, in interchange, one district with an- other. And the mounds and tree-temples of the I'hins, the sacred people, small, white and yellow; the forefathers and fore- mothers of the great I'huan race, the half- breeds, betwixt the brown burrowers in the earth and the I'hins. Over these maps, and charts, and lists, the generals and cap- tains discoursed as they descended to the rolling earth; most learnedly laying plans to overturn Jehovih's method, and build up De'yus, the God of Hored. Osiris himself, to display such dignity as becometh a great God , halted in his heavenly place, and now head-quarters of the belligerents. And so rested on his throne, with his tens of thousands of mes- sengers ready to answer his summons and bear his will to the remotest parts of his mighty army, and to bring him back news in return of the nature of the proceedings. And betwixt Osiris' and De'yus' thrones another long line of messengers extended, a thousand angels, high raised and reso- lute, suitable to travel in the everchanging atmospherean belts of great velocity. Beside Baal, on the downward course to the earth, but a little behind him, woman- like, was Ashtaroth, with her thousand at- tendants, all accoutered to show their high esteem for their warring Goddess. By the oft-changing wave of her hand, her part of the army had learned to know her will, and most zealously observe her commands. And now, on every side, farther than the eye could see, the thousand millions rushed on, some in boats, some in ships and otevans, and others in single groups, descending. As one can imagine an earth- ly kite sufficient to carry its holder high up in the wind, so, reversed, and single-hand- ed, hundreds of thousands flew toward the earth by ballast flags, the most daring of angels. Toward the earth they came as if on a frolic, full of jokes and loud boasting, sworn and swearing to forever clear the earth of Jehovih's worshippers. Many of them, long trained in schools and colleges and factories, in heaven, only too glad for a change of scenes and labor, and all prom- ised by their superiors that now they were to take their first lessons in becoming Gods and Goddesses. Of whom thousands and thousands hoped for some daring deed, in order to gain sudden promotion. To the east and west, and north and south, Baal and Ashtaroth spread out their armies, wide as the three great lands they had sworn to subdue unto the Lord God, who, of woman born, was the most pre- suming son the earth had yet brought forth. And to alight on the earth, to flood the temples and altars with so great an abun- 320 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ dance of spirits as would drive Jehovih's ashars into disastrous confusion, and van- quish them, was the theme and project. To be foremost in so great a work was the temptation of promotion, which caused them on every side to strive with their ut- most speed and power. Which Jehovih foresaw, and so spake to -God in Craoshivi, warning him; whereof due observance of the danger had been communicated by messengers to the managing angels in the altars and temples of worship. And these again, through the rab'bahs and the oracles, had spread abroad amongst mortals the threatened dangers, cautioning them. Thus Jehovih's angels fortified themselves, through the faith of mortals, and held on, bringing together their scanty numbers, knowing well that by Jehovih's law they must not resist by arms, but only through words and good example, high-toned by faith in the Father over all. Down, down, down on these, on every side came the destroying hosts, the thou- sand million; with oaths and loud clamor rushing for the altars and temples; flying suddenly to the holy arcs; in hundreds of thousands of places, shouting: Avaunt this arc! Avaunt this altar! Avaunt this temple! Ye Jehovihian usurp- ers, begone! In the name of the Lord our God! We command! But alas, for them, every arc, and altar, and temple to Jehovih was invincible. There stood His angels, so strong in faith, unmoved and majestic, that even the as- sailing spirits halted, overawed. And as they stood a moment, contemplating whence came so great majesty, to be in such common place, the Jehovihians made this reply: To none we bow in adoration but Great Jehovih! Whose Very Self contributed to make us what we are, His servants in do- ing good unto others, with all our wisdom and strength. In Him we stand to shield his helpless ones by virtuous peace and love harmonious. Wherefore, then, come ye in arrogance, demanding our wards to service of your God, born of woman? The Osirians said: Fly, O sycophants! Ye that bow down in fear and trembling to One hollow as the wind, and Personless. Too long have earth and heaven been ca- joled by far-off foreign Gods, who come hither to win subjects for their kingdoms' glory, by that pitiful tale of an Ever Pres- ent Over All, Whom none have seen nor known. Begone! Give us these earthly anchorages! To build earth and heaven, in unit, to be ruled by Gods whom we know and reverence! The Jehovihians said: Is this your only power? By threats and commands? O harmless words, in mockery of truthful Gods! No good works nor promises, save to exalt the self of earth and hada, and glorify your masters, born only equal with yourselves. Why not rush in and carry us off, ye that are a thousand to one, and by your deeds prove the great source whence ye draw your power? The Osirians said: To give ye a chance of liberty, to save ye from the Savior's judgment, Anubi, who shall cast ye into hell, we hoped to find your willing depart- ure in peace. Behold, ye, then, we will wall this altar around and shut off the at- tendant ashars with mortals, and flood the place with drujas, to obsess them to total madness. If, then ye love your wards, as ye profess, abandon all to us, for the glory of De'yus, whose son is Osiris, our com- manding God. The Jehovihians said: Words! words! words! At first no explanation, and only your command. Now, forsooth, an argu- ment! And presently ye will withdraw, deceived in what your commanding Gods told you would result. We tell you we will not hence, save by command of our su- periors, Jehovih's highly raised to prece- dence. The Osirians said: For which reason, behold our Lord God, who was honored in the title through Jehovih's hand; whom ye should obey according to your oaths. The Jehovihians said: Till such time the Lord God put aside Jehovih, we were his; but when for his self-glory ne denied his Creator, his false position freed us from our obligations. To obey him now, would make us false to Jehovih, and torever weak- en us in reaching the Nirvanian kingdoms. But now the clamoring angels, Osirians, in the background crowded forward men- acingly, and the tide rose to the highest pitch. The morning sun was dawning in the east, a most wonderful assistant to Je- hovih's sons in time of battle; and their CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 321 messengers brought from the fields and country plaecs many ashars who had been on watch all night with sleeping mortals. The Osirians saw them coming; knew the turn, one way or another, was at hand! But by the audacity of the Jehovihians, one to a thousand, were kept looking on in wonder till the sun's rays pierced their weapons and melted them in their hands. First one and then another of the Osir- ians, then tens and hundreds and thou- sands, turned away or looked about, dis- comfited, like a host of rioters attempting to assault a few well-trained soldiers, and, becoming affrighted, turn and flee harm- lessly. So Jehovih's sons and daughters won the victory in the first assault, save in rare instances, one in a hundred, where the Osirians triumphed and got possession. CHAPTER XXXII. And over all the lands, east and west and north and south, of Arabin'ya and Par'si'e, and Heleste, stood the discomfit- ed Osirian angels, in groups, tens of thou- sands, unseen by mortals, and considering how best to proceed to overthrow Jehovih and His worshippers. Meantime, messen- gers and map-makers bore the disastrous news to Osiris, who in turn sent word on up to De'yiis, the self-Lord God, who now, through Osiris, his most favorite God of power, sent these commands: When night is on and mortals sleep, my hosts shall fall upon the ashars, the guard- ian angels, and drive them hence, obsess- ing every man, and woman and child, in these great divisions of the earth. What care I for the altars and temples and ora- cles and arcs? Possess ye the mortals be- fore the morrow's morning sun. Hear ye the command of De'yus, the Lord your God, through his high-raised son, Osiris! And the well-stationed messengers plied all day long to the near and remote parts of the assaulting armies, giving De'yus' commands. And ere the sun went down, the whole thousand million knew their work, and were wheeled into line, to march with the falling darkness, and pounce fur- iously upon the ashars of Jehovih. But the true God, in Craoshivi, had been warned by Jehovih's Voice of the course of events, and he had sent his mes- sengers with all speed down to the earth to warn them of the enemy's designs that night; which they acomplished none too soon, for, already, when they had com- pleted their most exhaustive work, the sun had dropped below the western horizon. So, at the midnight hour, the terrible approach began on all sides; and to each and every guardian spirit there came ene- mies, in tens, and hundreds, and thousands, shouting: Begone, thou Jehovihian fooll The Lord our God and his son, Osiris, command! Away from thy sleeping mor- tal ward, or by the voice of God we will cast thee, bound, at Anubi's feet, food for hell! Begone! Each Jehovihian answered; To Great Jehovih I am sworn! Though ye bind me and cast me into hell, by the Great Spir- it's hand I will free myself and come here again and teach his sacred name. And re- peat forever my peaceful mission to raise up this heir of Jehovih! Again the threatening adversaries stormed, and wondered whilst they storm- ed, that one alone stood so boldly in face of such great odds and flew not away at once. And every ashar laid his hand on the sleeping mortal in his charge, for by this his power was multiplied a thousand- fold, and raising up his other hand, thus addressed the All Highest: By Thy Wis- dom and Power, O Jehovih, circumscribe Thou this, Thy sleeping heir, that whoso- ever toucheth the mortal part shall cut him- self off from Thy everlasting kingdoms ! And, with the words, a circle of light fell about the place, bewildering to the as- saulters, who, having once halted, opened the way to their own cowardice to recoil within them, a most valiant warrior against unrighteous deeds. Whereupon, a war of words and arguments ensued, till again the morning sun rose upon the almost harm- less assault, and left the Osirians discom- fited and ashamed. Though not in all places, for in some extremes they waited not for words but rushed in and laid hands on the mortals, gaining power sufficient to hurl clubs, and stones, boards, stools and even tables about the house, and so roused, wide awake, the mortal occupants. Who, seeing things tumble about by some unseen pow- er, were quickly up and frightened past composure. Some hurried on to the rab'- 322 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ bahs, some to the oracles and temples, to inquire about the trouble betwixt the ruling Gods. And in these few places, when once De'yus' spirit-soldiers gained possession, they fastened on in thousands, even quar- reling as to who had most honor in the hellish work. And yet not one of the ash- ars in all the lands was seized or borne away. And now, in the time of the rising sun, the messengers of the Lord God flew hast- ily to Osiris' kingdom, where he sat on his throne, expecting news of an overwhelm- ing victory. And when they told him of the most pitiful failure, save in so small a degree, Osiris raved and swore: By my soul, I swear an everlasting curse, but I will fill all the hells in hada with these fool-hardy ashars! Yea, even though I go down to the earth in person, and with Baal and Ashtaroth go from house to house throughout the world! Osiris again sent word to De'yus, who was of vast experience, and not so hasty; a wiser God, and better acquainted with the tides in mortal energy to serve Jehovih. So De'yus sent back word to this effect: To rest the soldiers three days, that the surveyors might measure the stature of mortal faith, and so make the third attack more successful. And with these words concluded: Because of the long spiritual peace amongst mortals, there must be many grown to intellectual disbelief in an All Highest. For groveling down in the earth to measure the rocks, and to study the hab- its of worms and bugs, for generations, their seed hath brought forth many skep- tics, believing nothing of spiritual kind, but rating high their own judgment. With these, for lack of faith in Jehovih, the ash- ars are powerless to ward off my soldiers. Mark them out in every city and in all the country places, and again at midhour of the night, fall upon them, crowding^ away Je- hovih's ashars. Besides these, find the ignorant and superstitious amongst mor- tals, who are lazy and of lustful desires, for by their habits the ashars have little power in their presence. Mark these also, and, at midnight, fall upon them and possess them. And go ye amongst the rich, whose sons and daughters are raised in idleness and pleasure; whose thoughts seldom rise to heaven: for with them the ashars are also weak to protect them, who are most excel- led: subjects to spirits fond of sporting pleasures. Mark ye them also, and at mid- pleasures. And such as still flatten the head, and are dull in judgment. Mark ye them also, and at midnight fall upon them, driving hence the ashars. Abandon ye the altars and arcs and temples and oracles, and all the strongest, most zealous Faithists, for the present. Thus prepared, Osiris and Baal and Ashtaroth, for the third assault on Jeho- vih's angels and mortals. And their mill- ions of groups were kept in constant drill, ready for the work. The first fire and flush of boasting was already gone from them, save of a few, and the serious aspect of a long war stared them in the face. CHAPTER XXXIII. Thus laid the three great countries, Ara- bin'ya, Par'si'e and Heleste, of which Par'- si'e was mightiest, peopled with very gi- ants; lofty-bearing men and women, of red, copper colored; and with an abundance of long black hair; high in the nose and cheek bones; with determined jaws, and eyes to charm and command; mostly full-blooded Ihuans, half-breeds betwixt the I'hins and the burrowers in the ground, the brown people, dull and stupid. The Par'si'e'ans were a proud race, built up in great come- liness by the God Apollo, whose high-rais- ed office was to fashion the breeds of mor- tals into noble forms. Foremost in all the world was Par'si'e in all great deeds, and in men of learning, and in ancient wars. It was here great Zarathustra was born and raised for Jehovih's Voice and corporeal words. Here the first great City of the Sun was built; Oas, whose kings aspired to rule all the world; and great riches amongst men were here first tolerated by the Gods. A strip of Par'si'e'an land cut betwixt Jaffeth and Vind'yu, and extended to the sea in the far east; but the great body laid to the west, covering the Afeutian Moun- tains, still plentiful in lions and tigers and great serpents. In these mountains came the I'huan hunters to catch lions and tigers to fight in the games, where men oft, un- armed, went into the arena, and fought CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 323 them with their naked hands, choking them to death before applauding multitudes. From these mountains the hunters supplied the private dens of kings and queens with lions, whose duty was to devour thieves and other prisoners, according to mortal law. And oft these traveling hunters dwelt with the sacred little people in the wilder- ness, the I'hins, whom Jehovih had taught to charm even the great serpents and sav- age lions and tigers to be their friends and worshippers. And herefrom sprang a peo- ple called Listians, who, living mostly in the forests, went naked, to whom the I'hins taught the secret of charming and sa- cred hand power, who worshipped Jeho- vih, owning no man nor God as master, for which the Great Spirit named them Shep- herd Kings, for they ruled over flocks of goats, which supplied them with milk, and butter, and cheese, and wool for cloth for crotch-clothes, the only covering they wore. These Shepherd Kings, the Listians, lived in peace, wandering about, making trinkets, which they oft exchanged with the inhabitants of cities and the agricul- tural regions. One-fourth of the people of Par'si'e were Listians, who were well guarded by Jehovih's angels. And these were such as De'yus meant to obsess for future use in terrible wars, but the other three-fourths lived in the fertile regions of Par'si'e, the lands of which were rich in yielding ample harvests. The cities were filled with mills, and factories, and colleges, and common schools, free for all people to come and learn; and altars, and temples of worship, and oracle structures, made with- out windows, so Jehovih's angels could come in sar'gis and teach His Holy Doc- trines. Besides which were temples and observatories for studying the stars, which were mapped out and named. And next to these were the Houses of Philosophy, in all the cities; where great learned men un- dertook to inquire into the things of earth, to learn the character and property thereof. And whether of fish, or worm, stone or ores, iron, silver, gold, or copper, they had learned to read its worth and na- ture. And of things dead, no longer liv- ing on the earth, and of strange stones, and of skins and bones of animals, their houses were well filled, for benefit of students and visitors. It was these that De'yus meant to have his armies possess, body and soul, for his own glory, knowing that by their researches in such matters for many gen- erations they had strayed away from Jeho- vih. For such is the rule pertaining to all children begotten on the earth. If the fa- ther and mother be on the downward road in unbelief, the child will be more so; but if on the upward way, to glorify an All Highest, the child will be holier and wiser than its parents. In olden times the Gods had inspired the Par'si'e'ans to migrate toward the west and inhabit the lands of Heleste, also a country of giants, but less given to rites and ceremonies; and they carried with them three languages: the Panic, of Jaffeth, the Vedic, of Vind'yu, and the Par'si'e'an; and because they used the same sounds, mostly, but different written characters, a confused language sprang out of these, and was call- ed Fonece, and the people thus speaking were called Foneceans. Hence, Fonece is the first and oldest of mortal-made lan- guages; and this was styled in heaven the period of emancipation of mortals from the dictatorship of angels in regard to written signs and characters and words. Jehovih had said: In that respect man on earth hath advanced enough to stand alone; and it was so, for, from that time to this, neither Jehovih nor his angels have given any new language or written characters to mortals. And all languages that have come from that time onward, are but combinations and branches, and amalgamations and malform- ations of what existed then on the earth. The Helestians were rich in agriculture, and in herds of cattle and goats, both wool goats and hair goats; for it was in this country that the angels first taught man how to breed the goats for hair or wool, according as he desired. And these people were also mostly worshippers of Jehovih, and had many altars and temples; dwelling in peace, and loving righteousness. Arabin'ya had four kinds of people with- in her regions; the I'huans, the Listians, the I'hins, and the brown burrowers in the ground, with long noses and projecting mouths, very strong, whose grip of the hands could break a horse's leg. The brown people, though harmless, were na- 324 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ABM1J ked, living mostly on fish, worms, bugs and roots; and they inhabited the regions of the great river, Tua. Over these people, to sub- due them and destroy them, Osiris allotted his great angel general, Egupt, servant of De'yus. Egupt called the region of his al- lotment after himself, Egupt. In the time of Abraham this country was called South Arabin'ya; but when, in after years, the great scholars entered the rec- ords in the kings' libraries, the later names were used, being written in the Fonecean language and not Eguptian, which was the language of the unlearned. But the chief part of all the people in Arabin'ya were I'huans, of color and size and figure like the Par'si'e'ans; being also the offspring of the I'hins and the brown earth-burrowers, from whom they inherited corporeal greatness, even as from the I'hins they inherited holiness of spirit. And the flat heads had mostlv disappeared from Ar- abin'ya. And here were thousands of cities, great and small, even as in Par'si'e and Heleste, and they had colleges and houses of Phil- osophy, even like Par'si'e, besides thou- sands of public libraries, which supplied books freely to the poor, who came here to be taught in the sciences, and in the arts of painting, engraving and sculpture, and in astronomy, and mathematics, chemistry, minerals, and assaying. But the Listians were the only people who dealt in charms and the secrets of taming serpents and beasts by virtue of the hand, and by cur- ious scents, prepared secretly. And the Listians maintained the fifth rite in the res- urrection, whereby, on the fifth day after death, the soul of the dead appeared in mortal semblance to his living people, and advised them lovingly, after which he as- cended in their burning incense going to Tehovih! Of such, then, were the people over whom the Lord God named De'yus had set his thousand million, to subdue for his own glory. And thus it came to pass, Jehovih spake in Craoshivi, saying: The time shall come when angels and mortals shall know of a truth that the Lord God is a false God, and a vain-glorious usurper. For I will leave one race of I'huans on the earth, in Guatama, even till the era of kos- mon. And men and angels shall see and understand that man of himself never in- venteth a God in figure of a man born of woman. And that only through the inspir- ation of My enemies, who build kingdoms in hada for their own glory, hath any peo- ple ever fallen from My estate to worship a God in image of man. CHAPTER XXXIV. And now came the third assault of Osir- is' legions of angels, innired to desperate madness by the harangues of their gen- erals and captains. And every mortal was marked out, and his degree of faith in the Great Spirit known, so the destroyers knew well where to strike effectively. At mid- night again came the Osirians, rushing on, and by force of numbers laid their hands on many mortals, millions! Held fast, and hurled missiles furiously about the sleeping apartments, to rouse from sleep their mortal victims, who, to wake and see no cause for the whirling stools and ta- bles, and the terrible noises and blows in every corner of their houses, sprang up af- frighted, and at a loss to know what to do. In many places the angels of De'yus spake audibly in the dark, saying: There is but one God, even the Lord your God, great De'yus, on the throne of Hored. Bow down in reverence before him, or de- struction and death shall be your doom' The Osirian angels, gloating in their much success, now filled every house, where they had fastened on, and made all such places head-quarters for their cap- tains and generals and thousands and tens of thousands of angel servants, who were proud and boastful, most hilarious, making hideous noises about the house walls. In many instances the ashars were crowded off; for because of the small faith and little spirituality in the mortals captured, their power was weak. But not in all cases had the Osirians won, but were in hundreds of thousands of families overcome or baffled till the rising sun, which drove them off, leaving the Je- hovihians still victorious. But sufficient was the glory unto Osiris and his legions, wherefrom messengers were sent to De'yus speedily, with most exaggerated tales of the victories won. In Par'si'e there fell this night twelve hundred thousand men, women and child- CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 325 ren into the clutches of the hosts of De'yus, the Lord God. the false. In Arabin'ya the fallen victims numbered two million; and in Heleste one million and a half! But not yet had the captured mortals realized what had happened; they only knew frantic noises, and flying missiles disturbed them all night long. Many rushed forth to the oracles and altars to learn the cause, and to know if, in truth, the angels of heaven were at war; if Gods had come, as had been told in the old legends, to afflict mortals. The learned acknowledged not the cause to be angels, but sought for cracks in the wood, or concealed persons, or animals, failing in which excited their disbelieving souls so they proclaimed each special won- der, a hundred times magnified. Th unlearned believed in the angels thus suddenly come upon them; and culti- vated their coming, and hearkened to their words, to put away Jehovih and accept De'yus: for otherwise, after death, their souls would be weighed by Anubi, and, for lack of faith in the Lord God, instead of Jehovih. cast into everlasting hell. And such mortals, willing tools to follow spirits' advice instead of Jehovih's light within their own souls, were led through the Anubian ceremonies, but malformed by substituting words to glorify De'yus, and Osiris, his so-called son. But the philosophers searched deeper, to find if, of a truth, the soul were immor- tal: and if it be a very truth that the souls of the dead come thus back, setting at de- fiance nature's laws, as they called the com- mon things around about them? What, then, were the sum and substance of the created worlds, and ultimate end, the all highest place for man? Which the Os- irian angels answered, explaining that the first heavenly place was hada, wherein were many hells; and that the all highest hea- ven was Hored, where the Lord God sat on his throne in great glory. And around him on every side were thousands of mill- ions of angels who had attained to ever- lasting peace, with nothing more to do but to bow and sing praises unto their God forever! CHAPTER XXXV. Not many more days passed, till Osiris called together his legions and gave them four days' recreation and a great feast. And after the feast was over, he thus spake from his temporary throne on Mount Ag- ho'aden. that is, a place in the sky over the earth mountains of Aghogan, in Par'si'e; complimenting them, saying: In the light and power of life and death I speak! Greeting, in Deyus' name, high- est of Gods! In his love, to glorify you all for your great victory, this feast was spread, and my voice upraised in your praise. First, to thee, Baal, wise and powerful amongst Gods, for thy great energy and glorious success, do I bestow the Sign of the Sacred Bird, Iboi, to be thine forever. And next, to thee. Ashtaroth, the God- dess that never tireth, or is without a strat- agem, for thy glorious success I bestow thee with the circle and the true cross, to be thine forever. To thee, Hermes, most unflinching of generals, second in rank to Lord, for thy victories won, I bestow the Inqua. To thee, Apollo-ya, I bequeath a bow and arrow, for thou shalt break the bonds of the creed of circumcision, and tempt mortals to wed by no law but by the im- pulse of the heart. For as the Faithists have been bound by their sign to marry not outside their own people, so shalt thou teach the opposite; for by the cross of the breeds of men, they shall be broken off from Jehovih. To thee, Posee-ya-don, I bestow a mod- el ship, for thou shalt have dominion over sea-faring men in all these divisions of the world. To thee, He-fa-yis-tie, I bestow a forge and tongs, for thy dominion over mortals shall be with the workers of metals and weapons of war. To thee, Pluton-ya, I bestow a torch and brand of fire, for thou shalt rule over mortals for the destruction of cities and houses, to whomsoever will not bow down to De'yus as the highest God. To thee, Urana, queen of the es'enaurs, the very stars of my armies, I bestow a quill and staff, for thou shalt have dominion over the songs of the earth, inspiring mor- tals to sing praises unto the Lord our God. After this manner Osiris went through the list, bestowing and assigning medals, and signs, and symbols, and emblems upon the generals and the captains, and exalting 326 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ many of the privates for daring deeds done, and for victories. And then Osiris allotted to the generals and captains tens of thou- sands of angels especially adapted to their respective work; and he placed Baal and Ashtaroth as chiefs over them. Next Osir- is organized a new division of angels, an army of one hundred million, distributed into one hundred parts, and called this army See-loo-gan, signifying angels who travel about amongst mortals in systematic order, to measure them as to how best they can be used for the glory of the hea- venly kingdoms; and to possess them, or hand them over to be obsessed, as may be deemed profitable. hX Pluton-ya's request, Osiris made his selection for him, and then further explain- ed, saying: To thee, all privilege in thy line. If thou find fire not well suited to destroy a city, even though thousands of mortals be obsessed at the same time to fire it, thou shalt command thy army to car- ry virus and inoculate mortals unto death; or to fill the city with epidemic air, well poisoned, throwing mortals into fevers so they shall die. For in all cases, whether Baal or Ashtaroth, or any of thy superior officers, say to thee: Destroy thou that city, or this city, or that family, or this family, or that man, or this man; thou shalt so fall upon the man or place as commanded, and accomplish it. And now, with due ceremonies, and with excellent music, the assemblage was commanded back to the earth to resume work. And Osiris' messengers bore the news to De'yus, well exaggerated, extolling the fidelity of Osiris to the highest. From this time forth no masterly raids were made by the Osirians, but they improved the well-adapted times to give to mortals an abundance of wonders in angel manifesta- tions; which bait mortals caught at ea- gerly. And they were, for the most part, easily persuaded to follow angel advice, and so fell to work and built temples, and es- tablished oracles of their own; obliterating the doctrine of the Great Spirit, and substi- tuting the words: The Lord God, and De'- yus, and Anubi, his holy Son and Savior and Judge of the world; and Osiris, God's commanding Lord of the earth. And mor- tals traveled about throughout all regions, preaching and explaining spirit commun- ion, and establishing the Anubian rites and ceremonies, but never using the names Great Spirit or Jehovih, save but to deride and accurse. The rites taught virtue, and love, and truth, and the acquisition of knowledge, but taught not peace, but war, which was maintained to be justifiable if done for the glory of the Lord, or for the Lord God, or for the Son, the Savior, An- ubi, whose sign was a pair of scales, and who was sometimes called Judge, and Keeper of the Gate that led to the upper heaven, Hored. Wherefore it came to pass that the mortal adherents of Osiris began to war on the Faithists and take their pos- sessions. And inasmuch as the Faithists, by their pledges to Jehovih, dared not re- sist by weapons of death, but only by walls around their cities, and by stratagems, and by running away, the Osirians had easy victories in most instances. In ten years the Osirians began to build great cities, after the manner of the an- cients ; and to gather in their plunder taken from the Faithists. And Osiris, and Baal, and Ashtaroth, through their angel hosts, chose from amongst mortals the largest and strongest, most warlike, and by means of the oracles declared them kings and queens, and instructed them in building pal- aces and having thrones after the manner of Lords and Gods. And directed mortals how to make themselves powerful by or- ganization and obedience to the kings and queens, who were recognized as adopted sons and daughters of the Lord God. Now it came to pass, in course of time, that in consequence of the great abundance of angel manifestations, mortals sought by this means to obtain knowledge of heaven and earth, and especially in regard to the end of man. And the Osirian hosts, being the only angels engaged in the matter of establishing De'yus, answered them, say- ing: The life and the end of man are to glorify God, who is Lord of heaven and earth. And the mortals pressed the matter fur- ther, asking: Who is God? What are the worlds? Whence came all things? How were the Creation and the Creator? For an answer to these questions, Osiris sent messengers to the Lord God in Ho- red; whereupon De'yus called a Council of his Gods and Lords, to meet in Hored, to CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 327 solve the matter, that a uniform answer might be given unto all the divisions of the earth. In the meantime, and before the Council assembled, satan spake to De'- yus, saying: If thou admit a Creator save thyself, thou art undone. For is this not the point whereon hang the power and do- minion ofjehovih? The Lord God said: Behold, the Great Spirit signifieth every- where. But I am only as a man, small compared to the size of the worlds! Satan said: It mattereth not; thou shalt say thou wert the Creator of heaven and earth. De'yus sa id: But this is not truth? How, then, shall I say, I created heaven and earth? Satan said: When Osiris hath come before thee, say thou to him: Whom hast thou found amongst mortals to be the greatest and wisest, best su'is? And when he telleth thee, say thou to him: Osiris, my son, him thou sayest is the greatest su'is shalt thou inspire in person. And thou shalt cause him to write answers to the questions of mortals, that the learned and the ignorant alike may know me and my kingdoms. Behold, be- fore my time both heaven and earth were void as to a Godhead, save to the servants of Jehovih. In this respect, thou shalt per- suade thy seers to know I created them from voidance unto mine own glory. CHAPTER XXXVI. Anuhasaj, alias the Lord God, had said to Te-in, the false, to whom he gave in charge Jaffeth and her heavenly places: In the self same time that Osiris and his hosts fall upon his divisions of the earth, even in that day and hour shalt thou and thy hosts fall upon Jaffeth, possessing the temples and altars, and places of oracles, where they serve the Great Spirit under the name Or- mazd, and thou shalt subdue them to me under the name Joss, who is and ever shall be Ho-Joss of heaven and earth. So Te-in, the false, with his thousand million warriors sped forth, downward, to the earth, wide spread his army, to cover the whole of Jaffeth, in hope to capture it suddenly. And, even as Osiris plunged into the temples and oracle-houses, and about the altars, in the dead of night, to drive away Jehovih's guardian angels, so, like him, and even worse, Te-in was baf- fled and repulsed, and saw the morning sun arise upon his shame in total failure. And then he, too, with his mighty legions, went stalking about all day long on the earth, waiting for the next night's assault on sleeping mortals, and to receive new or- ders from the Lord God, as to the next proceeding. Then came the second night, and Te-in went in, with his army, furious because of the last night's cowardly failure. And to the sleeping mortals, men, women and children, hied them with oaths and loud boastings, threatening Jehovih's angels with the tortures .of hell if they did not in- stantly resign all unto Ho-Joss, the all highest ruler, dweller in Hored. But faithful stood the Jehovihians; laid their hands on the sleeping mortals, and became all powerful against the terrible odds, and held them in abeyance again, till the sun arose and scattered Te-in's hosts, ashamed and sulky, in most pitiful defeat. Which news Te-in now, most painfully, sent to his commanding God. To him, even as to Osiris, De'yus sent word to next attack the houses of the men of learning, the unbelievers; the ignorant and the superstitious; to abandon, for the present, the arcs, and temples, and oracle- houses, and the Faithists, firmly sworn. De'yus said: Send thou thy numerators and mathematicians; and measure and mark all mortals in Jaffeth, as to their vul- nerable points, and map their localities; and when thou hast completed this work, set apart another night for an attack upon them. And thy hosts shall fall not upon the Faithists who are firm in the Great Spirit, Ormazd, but upon the weak and disbelieving, the skeptical and much learn- ed philosophers, who are weak in spirit, and thou shalt not fail. So Te-in enummerated the Jaffeth'eans as commanded, marking them as to their vulnerable points, whether in disbelief in spirit, or if given to lust, or to hasty pas- sions, or to telling lies, or to stealing, or to murder, or to hypocrisy, or to desire for leadership. And before the time of battle, Te-in knew the grade of every mortal in Jaffeth. And he called his generals and captains before him in his heavenly place, Che-su-gow, over the Chesian Mountains, 328 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ twenty miles high, showing them the lists and maps. Take these, he said, and distribute them before my mighty armies, and ere to-mor- row night they shall learn every mortal's place and quality; and in the night my le- gions shall rush upon the places, laying hands on the sleeping mortals, thus gaining power; and they shall hurl missiles, with terrible noises, through the houses of the sleepers, and so arouse them to awake and behold the war of heaven carried to their homes. The generals and captains took the lists and maps, and had millions of copies made of them, and then sent them into all the re- gions of De'yus' militants; and besides sent proclaimers, millions and millions, with terrible oaths against the Great Spirit, but who extolled the munificence of De'yus to the utmost; appealing to their love of independence, and to their power to cast off all other rulers forever, save Ho-Joss. And now, when the night of battle came, the infuriated angel warriors of Te- in marched in lines, millions strong, toward the sleeping mortals. Spread broad their great armies, covering the land of Jaffeth from east to west and from north to south. Over Flang'e'loe, the City of the Sun, were sent thirty million of Te-in's warring an- gels, sworn to subjugate the people of great learning, alive or dead, and scatter the angels of Jehovih, or bind them and cast them into hell. Over the city of Pen Goo were Te-in's hosts, twenty million; and over the cities of Tsee, and Wung, and Ha-tzo, and Ne King, and Zoo Wun, each twenty milion of Te-in's angels of war. Besides these there were millions and millions stationed over the great valley of Wan, and in the mountains of So Jon. In the plains of Wow Gan were stationed sev- enty million. Five million were allotted to each of the following cities, to wit: Sum Cone, Ah-gee, Ah-sin, Chang ha, Gee Ooh-young, Gwan Gouk, Na'tji, Yuk Hoh, Ah-Tosh, Ah Koan, Chaung, Shon, Nu- Kingdo, Ghi Sam, Seung, Chog, Doth, Jawh, Bing-tah, Gha, Haih, Huug, Wing- tze, Ni Am, Ah Sam and Zow-lin. In the mountains of Witch How Loo were sta- tioned eighty million. On the borders of the sea, for sea-faring men, and for their wives and children, were one hundred and ninety million of Te-in's angel soldiers, ready for the assault. Besides these were tens of thousands of smaller armies, sta- tioned in the small cities and country places waiting for the signal to attack. Now, in this age, Jaffeth had attained to great wisdom in many things, save in war, in which the people were as babes. More than half her people were Faithis.ts, followers of Po, worshippers of the Great Spirit. And they practiced peace and dwelt in communities. Many of the cities were composed of families of tens, and hun- dreds, and thousands, but nowhere more than two thousand. And the city families were after this manner: The manufactur- ers of woolen cloth, one family; of linen cloth, another; of silken cloth, another; of leather, another; of paper, another; of transportation, another; and so on, till all departments were full; and of these combinations were provinces of fifty thou- sand, and a hundred thousand, and two hundred thousand inhabitants. And in the country places there were small cities, whose people tilled the soil and gathered the fruits of the earth, and they exchanged goods with the manufacturers who dwelt in large cities. The government was by priests, one for each communion family, and the priests who were called Wa-shon, were the receiv- ers and distributers of goods, and they min- istered in the temples and at the altars of worship in the name of the Great Spirit, Ormazd, sometimes called Po-e-tain, and sometimes Eolin, and by other names also. Besides the schools and colleges there were Houses of Philosophy, and Houses of Prophecy, and Houses of As- tronomy, thousands and thousands. The Jaffeth'eans were large, being I'hu- ans, with one degree more of the brown people's blood in them than the Par'siV- ans. Nor in all the world was there, at that time, so strong a people, and clean and jovial, high aspiring, with great gentleness. And because the land was tilled and made to bloom on every side, the angels of hea- ven named it the Flowery Kingdom; and because the people reveled in song, poetry, and oratory, they were called Lambs of the Great Spirit in the Flush of Spring Time. CYCLE OF CPENTA-ABMIJ 329 And these things were well known to De'yus, and to Te-in, the false, and to hun- dreds of millions of the assaulting angels, sworn to subdue them to Ho-Joss or to everlasting destruction. But because of the power of Jehovih with the most faith- ful of the Faithists, the arcs and temoles of worship had stood unharmed by the Sa- tanic raid. Equally so the Te-ins failed to overpower the Great Spirit's guardian an- gels. So now, after due preparation, the time came for another assault, this time upon the mortals having the least faith in Jehovih. On the other hand, the true God, Son of Jehovih, sent word from his throne in Craoshivi to the guardian angels dwelling with these mortals, so unmindful of the Father's care. He said: Come defeat, or disaster, or terrible darkness, overpowering your utmost strength, still struggle ye, in the name of Jehovih. The true Faithist knoweth nothing impracticable, but doeth his utmost for his highest light, though failure stare him in the face. For once dis- trust or weakness entereth the human soul, the man slideth backward down the hill of faith; whilst he who will not consider re- sults, save to serve Jehovih right on, fail or not, riseth, even though his project fail. With this and no other word from Je- hovih, the Faithists stood about their weak and helpless wards on the low earth, wait- ing for the thousand million angels of Te- ins. But not in any lengthened suspense, for when the sun stood with the widest part of the earth between, the midnight hour, the militants came rushing on, with oaths most hideous, and by their dense flood of numbers reached the sleeping mortals and laid hands on them. Then, with joy run to madness because of triumph, sent hurling round about appurtenances in the dwell- ings. And, in many places, with audible speech thus held forth in the dark to the affrighted mortals: From Sanc-tu I come, to lay in the dust every mortal born that will not down in reverence to Ho-Joss, ruler of worlds. Give ear, O man; the anger of heaven's Creator is let loose upon a disobedient race! And then, to give semblance of truth to the words, the angel intruders let fly such knocks and poundings that they moved many a house on its foundation^ and rous.ed the mortals, panic-stricken, to find the cause, or to hasten quickly to re- pentance and prayers. But not all was their victory; for the Jehovihians firmly held the power in hun- dreds of thousands of places. And yet the Te-in's hosts had a wonderful victory. Te-in quickly sent word to De'yus, ex- ulting, and exaggerating the victories won. And in turn, De'yus congratulated him and his army, his thousand million, who, now anchored on the earth, and with mortals,, frolicked about in all regions. And in Jaffeth, in course of time, the same questions arose as in Arabin'ya; ques- tions from mortals to the spirits; as to the destination of the soul of man; as to the or- igin of things;. as to the heavenly places? And Te-in in turn sent word on up to De'- yus, in Hored, as to what answer should be given. It was thus, that he, too, was sum- moned to Sanc-tu, in Hored, to meet with. Osiris, and Baal, and Ashtaroth, and Sud- ga, subduer of Vind'yu. CHAPTER XXXVII. Sudga, the false, sent by De'yus to- overturn the Great Spirit's dominion in Vind'yu, and to establish the highest hea- venly place, Hored, was wiser than Osir- is or Te-in in his wicked work. For he did not permit his army, his thousand mill- ion to rush on for the places of worship and for the oracle-houses. But most delib- erately halted his forces in Haroyu, the lowest heavenly place over the mountains of Vivrat, in Vind'yu, three miles high and broad as the earth, and a commanding sit- uation. Whence, in a sure way, he sent his measurers on ahead down to the earth, to measure mortals, as to their weakness- and strength in faith in Jehovih, and other rulers, heavenly; to map them and mark to number them. Great was the peace and beauty and glory of Vind'yu in that day. Her rivers and canals coursed the country over, and her industrious sons and daughters, two hundred million, were, in the eyes of the angels, the pride and glory of the earth. Hundreds of thousands of her people were prophets and seers. And so abundant was spiritual light amongst the people, that even those who learned but one language 330 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ could understand and speak with people from remote parts; words and sentences they had never learned; even when first meeting them. Like the inhabitants of Jaf- feth, as to government and industry, most- ly by the exchange of goods, and not by buying and selling, lived the Vind'yuans. Sudga said to his generals and captains: Only by confounding the languages of these people can they be broken up and subdued. Behold, they are becoming as Gods; knowing and understanding in ad- vance of the words spoken. Fall ye upon them, and possess them, and obsess them, all who are easily captured. Get ye a foot- hold here and there in the first place; and in their commerce cripple them. It is a strong city that maketh all kinds of goods; it is a weak - 1 ace indeed that dependeth on another, which is far off. Such people are •easily tripped up. Behold, I will teach these people that I am the only militant before whom every knee shall bow; or, failing to win them thus, I will set city against city, and country place against country place; all against one another, for which their super- abundant languages will furnish excellent material. Sudga opened the door at night for his hosts to fall on the weakest of mortals, as to faith in Ormazd, Who had become as a stale story to hundreds of thousands of men and women. In Vind'yu had women risen in knowledge, higher than the high- est of women in other parts of the world. In the Houses of Philosophy and Houses of Science women were foremost, as to men, and skeptical as to the Ormazdian power. On rushed Sudga's legions; and even as Osiris and Te-in won in the third assault, so Sudga won in the first. And he, too, sent word to De'yus, and exaggerated be- yond all bounds of truth, as to his vic- tories. Nevertheless, his hosts were suf- ficiently anchored on the earth to claim an everlasting: victory for De'yus and to es- tablish his name. And here, also, after a few years, the questions came from mortals, asking thus: Behold, ye cut off the heavens of the an- cients, the Nirvanian regions beyond Chin- vat. Ye teach us that De'yus is the All High Ruler. What, then, is the all high- est for man? How came the worlds? Whence came man? How was the creation created? To answer which Sudga sent to De'yus for instructions. And De'yus sent to Sudga, even as to the other Gods, an in- vitation to meet in Hored, to hear the words of the Lord God, to learn his com- mands. Thus went the five great warrior Gods before De'yus, taking with them each his ten thousand attendants, besides thousands of trumpeters. De'yus had a good feast prepared for them; and had sent receivers forth to meet them and conduct them to Sanc-tu in great splendor. CHAPTER XXXVIII. Great was the pomp and parade and glory, in Hored, when De'yus' victorous Gods and their companions and attend- ants came in answer to his summons. The trumpeters of Hored were stationed along more than a thousand miles on the heaven- ly roadways, and in turn the trumpeters and heralds of the visiting Gods extended in advance of the Gods themselves an equally great distance. All the way were the roads lined with flags and banners, and millions of spectators, who had formerly been in schools and colleges in heaven, but were now emancipated from the restrictions of self-improvement, and used as applauders, to sing and shout praises to De'yus for his own glory. The table of the feast was private and in secret, and only prepared for the Gods and their close companions, one hundred all told, but the serving host numbered more than one thousand souls. Whilst at the feast, De'yus said to Osir- is: Speak thou of thy exploits, and of Baal and Ashtaroth and their valorous legions. Then Osiris explained the nature of the earth countries, and of the battles and in- cidents, well exaggerating to the last re- sult. After Osiris had finished his story, De'yus said to Te-in: Speak thou of thy exploits and of thy generals and captains, and of thy valorous legions. Whereupon, Te-in displayed the maps of the earth regions where he had been, and his battles, and final success, also much ex- aggerated. And now, after he had finished his story, De'yus said to Sudga: Speak thou of thy generals and captains and thy valorous legions. CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARM1J 331 Then Sudga explained the earth region where he had fought and won, extolling his generals and captains, and his hosts, well exaggerated also. When they had all finished their hilarious acounts, and ap- plauded one another in sufficient zeal, in that same time the feast of eating and drinking was ended. Whereupon De'yus stood up and said: I new declare the feast ended. Let the tables be removed. Behold, I will speak from the throne, in private, before my five Gods only, save mine own marshals. But unto all others I declare a time of recrea- tion and sport, to be called again to duty when I have finished with my Gods, of which my marshals will inform the trum- peters, who shall sound the call. Speedily, now, the attendants took away the tables; and the hosts all withdrew, leav- ing only the Gods and De'yus and his mar- shals. Whereupon De'yus ascended the throne, and then spake, saying: I, the Lord your God, who am De'yus of heaven and earth, declare unto you, my Gods and earth rulers, in mine own name, and with love abounding: To declare my doctrines and creations, that all the earth may be subdued alike unto me and mine forever. To surpass not mine own age in my doctrines, nor to explain my axioms. But to surpass the understanding of mor- tals sufficiently unto their knowledge of earthly things, and so appease their curios- ity, as to the questions they put to ye, my Gods. Neither will I bind myself as Ahura did; for I will not explain who I am, save that man is in mine own-likeness; nor when the beginning of things was. This heaven I created; and ye also bear witness that I have established the earth in me, through your valorous deeds. I, who am your God, look not to mat- ters of a day, or a year; my times are as one time, for from this time forth forever this heaven and the earth are mine, time without end. In which ye behold days and years and the generations of men on the earth pass rapidly. Who, then, shall think seriously of the inhabitants that now are yours and mine? Behold, the earth is fruitful; a thousand years are but as one day; and there shall spring up out of the earth thousands of millions of souls new- born. For them are my answers shaped, more than for such as now are. In the beginning I created this heaven and the earth unto mine own name and glory. For they were void and without order; darkness was upon them. Where- upon I moved upon them, saying: Let there be light; and there was light. And I drew a line betwixt darkness and light for they had worshipped the void instead of me. Whereupon I declare this the morn- ing and evening of the first day. And I have divided those that were void, and es- tablished my firmament betwixt them, even as land betwixt water and water. And my firmament is heaven, and I have made it to be over such as were void, like water. And this was the morning and evening of the second day. CHAPTER XXXIX. Osiris, being commanded of God to speak, said: Give us one day, O De'yus, that we may digest this matter. Thereupon De'yus gave them one day; and on the next day, when they were assembled, the Gods ratified every word De'yus had spoken. Again De'yus spake, saying: And I saw that the earth was good and that heaven might reign thereon. And I saw that the earth brought forth grass, trees, fruit and seeds, everything after its own kind; and I said: Behold, they are good. Neither attributed I evil unto anything on the earth, or in the waters, or in the air above. But I separated the light from darkness; this was the substance of my creation. And this was the morning and evening of the third day. Again Osiris asked for a day, that the. Gods might weigh the words of the Lord God. And God gave them a day; and when they were again assembled, De'yus said: Let there be Gods in the firmament above the earth; and they shall separate the darkness from the light of the earth that man may know me and my kingdoms. And my Gods shall teach signs and seasons and days and years, forever, unto the sons of men. And I made myself to rule the light of the world; but Osiris I made to rule the darkness of the world, which is the earth, my footstool. And this was the morning and evening of the fourth day. 332 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ Again De'yus gave the Gods one day, to weigh the matter of his words, and to ratify them, which they did. Again De'yus said: Let the waters of the earth bring forth abundantly the mov- ing creatures that live; and let the fowl fly above the earth in the air of the firraa ment. For they are good. Let them be fruitful and multiply, every living, creature, and fill the earth, and the waters of the earth, and the air above the earth, every creature after its own kind. Wherefore my blessing is upon them. And this was the morning and evening of the fifth daj'. And De'yus gave his Gods a day to weigh his words and ratify them, which they did. And then De'yus said: And now, my Gods, let us make man in our own fashion; and in likeness of ourselves, let them have dominion also, but over the fish in the waters, and the fowl in the air, and over the cattle, and over the earth, and over every living creature upon the earth. And this was the morning and evening of the sixth day. And ye shall go to them and say to mortals : In our own likeness are ye created, male and female, and God's blessing is upon you. Be ye fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the earth, and the fishes, and fowl, and every living creature on the earth, for they are yours forever! And behold, ye have every herb, and seed, and fruit, which is on the face of the earth, and the roots that grow in the earth, and they shall be your food. But of whatsoever hath breath- ed the breath of life man shall not eat. Again De'yus gave the Gods a day of rest, in order to weigh the matter and rati- fy it. And again De'yus spake, saying: The Lord your God said unto thee, Osiris; and to thee, Te-in; and to thee, Sudga: Search thou amongst mortals for one high in su'is, for when I announce my doctrines, thou shalt go to such mortal and cause him to write my words, saying: Such are the words of the Lord, thy God. In answer to which I bid ye all now speak before me. Osiris said: According to thy com- mandments have I searched and have found Thoth the highest man in su-is, and he dwelleth in Arabin'ya. Then spake Te-in, saying: In like man- ner, also searched I, and found Hong, in my division of the earth, the highest man in su'is, and he dwelleth in Ho'e Sin. Then answered Sudga, saying: Even so have I accomplished in Vind'yu, and I have found one Anj-rajan. De'yus said: To these mortals go ye and give my doctrines in your own ways; according to the languages of mortals, and their capacity to understand. Neither bind I you to my exact words, nor limit you, save that what I have spoken shall be the foundation. Thus, then, endeth the feast; and behold, it is the seventh day; for which reason I sanctify it and declare it a day of recreation. CHAPTER XL. On the following day the Gods depart- ed, with due ceremonies, after the manner they came, and returned to their kingdoms, and thence down to the earth, each one to his own division. And each of the three Gods -went to his own chosen mortal who had power to see and hear spiritual things. And the Gods possessed them by their presence, and inspired them to write the words of De'yus, word for word; and they were so written, alike and like, in the three great divisions of the earth. And copies of them were made and filed in the libraries, and in the houses of philosophy of mortals. But when these matters were thus en- tered, in answer to the queries of mortals, as to the origin of man and his destiny, they were not deemed sufficient by the' learned men. Many of them said: The Lord God hath evaded our questions. Then satan came to each of the three Gods who had the matter in charge, and he said unto them: Consult with one an- other as, to what shall be done. So Osiris sent messengers to Te-in and to Sudga, asking them to come to Agho'aden, his heavenly place, for consultation. And, in due course of time, Te-in and Sudga came to Osiris, to his throne, where they were received in great honor and glory. And presently Osiris' marshals cleared the place, so the interview was private, for even the marshals stood afar off. Osiris said: What shall we do without a Creator in fact? I know not if my judg- ment be beside itself, for it is said they CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 333 that lose their reason are the last to dis- cover it. The time was when De'yus, our much-loved Lord God, said: Whilst ye labor on earth for me and my kingdoms, behold, I will reciprocate in all things. Neither shall ye ask for aught but it shall be granted unto you. Hear me then, O my brothers, in my complaint; mortals have asked us, to know the origin or man, and his destination; and to know the cause of good and evil. These things I submitted unto our Lord God, in Hored, to learn his will and decree. There- upon he sent messengers to me announcing a feast, on which occasion he would an- swer the questions of mortals satisfactorily. Ye and I went to the feast, and De'yus hath furnished us with something, which is nothing. For mortals can also perceive that what the Lord God hath said leaves their questions still unanswered. De'yus is my friend, and I desire not to press him further on the subject; and so I have called you, to learn of you how ye managed the same issues? Te-in said: Before our heavenly king- doms were confederated, Anuhasaj pro- fessed that he would announce himself the head and front of all created creations. Shall we say his courage is less? And so excuse him? Sudga said: When he should have said: I created man in mine own image, behold, he hath weakly said: Let us make man! Is it not clear, then, that he shirketh from the responsibility, and desireth ourselves com- mingled in the pitiful story? Hear me, then, my brothers; I am asked how I have answered the issues with mine own division, and say unto you, I have been in the same quandary, and have not answered at all. Te-in said: Neither have I. But that we may be justified in so doing, behold, the Lord God said unto us: I bind you not to my words, nor limit you, save that what I have spoken shall be the founda- tion. Now, it is clear, that if we admit that sin is in the world, we must find a way to justify the Lord God, whose ser- vants we are. If he be not justified, then is sin justified. For mortals perceive good and evil understandingly; but to justify a good God for permitting evil is not an easy matter. For in the breath we praise him, we must praise his works, of which sin is apparent; and in the same breath that we condemn sin, how shall we glorify De'yus? For have we not proclaimed him the foun- dation of all things; the head and front, before the creation was created? Was not this our battle-cry to urge our angel war- riors on to overthrow Jehovih? And hath not our loud-praised Lord God said: Let us make man! A child should have more courage than this! Sudga said: It is plain we all under- stand these issues, and perceive, also, what is required of us. For since De'yus hath left us liberty to add to his doctrines, ac- cording to our own judgment, is it not well that we agree upon a doctrine, even as De'yus professed prior to the confeder- acy? And thus give it to mortals? Osiris said: This is wisdom, O my brothers. To make our Lord God the Creator, we must account unto him all things, both good and evil. Wherefore we shall give two masters to man, the one be- ing the serpent, the earth, the lowest in- spirer; and the other the voice of our Lord God. Sudga said: My brother hath spoken wisely. And yet, is the term two masters the wisest term? For in declaring the Lord God the highest, we must make him master over the earth also. Te-in said: Why shall we not adopt the Eolin of the ancients, substituting the words Lord God? And make a com- mandment over man, forbidding him hearkening to the serpent, lest he be led away from the Lord God, and throw the cause of sin upon man, for violating the Lord God's commandment. Osiris said: Most wisely spoken, my brothers. For by accusing man, through the serpent, we clear the Lord God. CHAPTER XLI. On the following day the three false Gods, Osiris and Te-in and Sudga, wrote their account, each one in his own way. And when they were read, Orisis' stood clearer than either of the others'; but nev- ertheless, Te-in's and Sudga's had much merit. So it came to pass that Osiris' ac- count was adopted, with interpolations from the others'. This, then, is the com- pleted report: 334 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ These are the times of earth and heaven when created; the time the Lord God cre- ated them. And the Lord God formed man out of the dust of the earth, and quickened him through his nostrils with the breath of life, and man became a living creature. And God caused mists to rise up from the waters, and spread over the earth, and rain upon it. And he caused trees and herbs to grow up out of the ground; every- thing that is pleasant for the sight and good for food. Thus out of the ground the Lord God caused man to come forth, being of the earth, of the land of Sepe'a. To dress the land and keep it pleasant, the Lord God commanded man, saying: This shall be thy labor, in which thou shalt be perfected unto everlasting life. Of all things in the land of Sepe'a mayst thou freely take and enjoy. And man prospered on the earth for a long season; and he was naked and not ashamed. And God planted the tree of knowledge in the land of Sepe'a, and he said unto man: This tree have I planted; partake thou not of it, for it pertaineth to life and death. And God called the name of the first man A'su. And the Lord God caused man to name all things on the earth, and in the waters, and in the air above the earth, and whatsoever man called every living crea- ture, that was the name thereof. And the Lord God caused A'su to fall into a trance; and an angel of heaven came and stood by his side. And the Lord God drew from the flesh, and from the bones, and from the blood of A'su, and thus made woman, and brought her unto A'su. And the Lord God repeated his com- mandment unto woman, saying: Thou shalt sojourn for a season on the earth, and cleave unto A'su, for he is thy husband, and thou art his wife; and thou shalt par- take of all things on the face of the earth, save of the tree of life, which is both good and evil, for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. But the serpent, the earth, said unto the woman: I say unto thee, in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt have thine eyes opened, and shalt become as a God- dess, creating offspring. And the woman was more easily per- suaded than man, for she had confidence in the serpent; and they partook of the fruit thereof; and, of a truth, their eyes were opened, and they beheld their nakedness. And presently they heard the Lord God walking in Sepe'a, and they hid them- selves in the bushes. And the Lord God said: Where art thou, A'su? And A'su said: Because we heard thee walking, we hid ourselves, for we were naked. The Lord God said: Who told thee thou wert naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree whereof I told thee thou shouldst not eat? A'su said: The woman thou gavest me to be with me, led me, saying: Behold, it is good fruit; and we ate thereof. The Lord God said: Woman, what hast thou done? And the woman answered saying: The serpent beguiled me. And the Lord God said unto the serpent: Because thou hast done this, thou art accursed, and thou shalt not rise up from the earth, but return to dust whence thou earnest. Unto the woman the Lord God said: Because thou hast conceived, thou shalt have great sorrow; in sorrow bring forth children; thy desire shall be to thy hus- band, and he shall rule over thee. And I will put enmity betwixt the serpent and thine offspring; and the flesh shall call one way, which is unto earth, but the soul of man shall call unto me, the Lord God. And though the serpent bite, yet man shall bruise him, and subdue him. And God taught man to make coats of skins and be clothed. And the Lord God said: Lest man partake further, becoming of one of us, he shall go out of Sepe'a, where I created him. So he drove man our of Sepe'a backward, and gave him cher- ubims to hold him on every side, to pre- serve unto man the tree of life, that man might not only fulfill the spirit, but the flesh also. When Osiris had gone thus far, Sudga interposed, saying: If we say, Becoming one of us, will not man say: Behold, there are more Gods than the Lord God? Te-in said: Because De'yus said: Let us make man, shall we not use us in this instance? Osiris said: Hear me, my brothers, yet further; for I have previously found a way out. For I have divided the Lord from God; that is to say: CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 335 And the Lord God said: Because man hath learned good and evil, I am as twain unto him, for I am Lord of the earth and God of heaven. And that which is on the earth is the Lord's, and that which is in heaven is God's. And A'su called his wife's name We-it, for she was the fountain of all men. And We-it brought forth a son, Cain, saying: I have begotten a son from the Lord. And she brought forth another son, Abel. And the first-born was begotten in darkness, but the second in the light of the Lord. And the Lord had more respect unto the second, Abel, than unto the first, Cain. In course of time Cain brought of the fruit of the ground and offered it unto the Lord. And Abel brought for the Lord, as his offerings, the firstlings of his flocks. And Cain perceived that the Lord had more respect for his brother, and Cain was wroth, and his countenance fell. And the Lord said unto Cain: Why- art thou jealous? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? And if thou doest not well, sin lieth at thy door. But Cain would not be reconciled be- cause of the darkness in him, and when he and his brother were walking in the fields, Cain turned upon Abel and slew him. God said: Behold, darkness is between men; the son begotten in darkness falleth upon him begotten in the light. And it shall come to pass on the earth from this time forth that the righteous shall be per- secuted by the unrighteous. And the Lord said unto Cain: Where is Abel, thy brother? And he said: I know not. Am I my brother's keeper? The Lord said: The voice of thy brother's blood crieth out unto me from the ground: Now art thou accursed from the earth, for it hath opened to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand. In my sight thou shalt be a fugitive and a vagabond upon the earth. And because thou hast shed blood, blood shall not cease to flow from thy sons and daughters forever. Cain said: O Lord, my punishment is greater than I can bear. For I am become the first foundation of all the wars on the earth; for thou hast hid thy face from me; and it shall come to pass that every one that findeth of me in them shall be slain also. And the Lord said unto Cain: Whoso- ever slayeth thee or thine, vengeance shall be upon him seven-fold. And the Lord wrote upon Cain's forehead the word Asugsahiben, signifying, Blood for sake of self, a mark, lest any finding him might kill him. And from this time forth Cain lost the voice of the Lord, because he went off into darkness. And Cain took a wife and begot heirs, and they were called Cainites, and the heirs after them were called the tribe of Cainites, which survived him nine hun- dred and ten years, after which they were divided into six and twenty tribes. And We-it bore another son, Seth, in place of Abel, whom Cain slew. And after these came the generations of men, good and evil. And the Lord God said: Behold, I created man without sin, and I gave him warning, that he might remain holy on the face of the earth. But woman hearkened not to my counsel, but to the serpent, and sin came into the world. Therefore shall woman bring forth in pain all the genera- tions of the earth. Thus it was that the Lord God created man; in the likeness of God created he him. And the sons of Cain were called tribes, even unto this day, but the sons of the righteous were called sons of God; where- fore it was said of old: Behold the tribes of earth and the sons of heaven. And the Lord said: Shall I not accord to myself to choose what I will? For this right I gave to man also. And from that time after the sons of God were called' God's chosen. And it came to pass that man multiplied on the face of the earth; and the tribes were mightier than the sons of the Lord God, and the wickedness of man became great in the earth, and the desires of his heart were evil continually. And the Lord God repented that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the Lord God said: I will destroy man whom I have created; nor will I spare beast nor creeping thing in the place I gave. Behold, I will bring a flood of waters upon the lands of the earth, and I will destroy all flesh wherein is the breath of life. But my covenant is with my chosen, who shall not be destroyed by the flood of waters. 336 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMId And God's sens in Noe took with them pairs of the living, of beasts and birds, ac- cording to the commandments of God, to keep the seed alive on the earth. And when the earth was six hundred years in Noe, the flood of waters was come upon the earth. And for forty days and forty nights the rains fell, and the fountains of the sea came up on the lands of the earth. And man and beast alike, that drew the breath of life, died, for the land was no more. But the heirs of Noe suffered not; and the ships of the arc, whither the Lord had concealed them, rode upon the waters. And God made a wind to pass over the earth; and the fountains of the deep were stopped, and the rain of heaven restrained, and the ships of the arc borne upon dry land. And the Lord God said: Behold, I will build a new earth and a new heaven. For these, my sons, have proven their faith in me. Neither will I again destroy the tribes of men because their hearts are set on evil. And the Lord God swore an oath by the bow of the arc, saying: This is the token of the covenant which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth. And by the sons of Noe was the whole earth overspread, and the Lord blessed the earth, and said: Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for man; even as the green herb I have given. But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall man not eat. For surely your blood of your lives will I require; of every beast will I require it; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man that feedeth on liv- ing flesh and blood. And whosoever shed- deth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed; for in my image made I man. And ye, be ye fruitful, and multiply, and bring forth abundantly in the earth, and inhabit it, for it is yours for perpetual gen- erations. Thus ended the words of Osiris. Te-in said: Because of flesh and blood, thou art wise, my brother. Sudga said: Hereon hangeth the glory of our enterprise. For man being less restrained than in the Divan laws, will accept the new readily. After this, Osiris prepared a book of generations of men on earth; and these were the substance of the doctrines of De'- yus and his Gods. And Osiris and Te-in and Sudga departed, and came down to the earth, to their mortal wards, and inspired their wards to write then.: in mortal words, according to the languages in the places where they lived. And they were so writ- ten by these seers; and copies of them were made and put on file in the libraries of the records of the kings and queens of earth, in Arabin'ya, Jafreth and Shem. CHAPTER XLII. Now, after the three false Gods, Osiris and Te-in and Sudga, had revealed these things to mortals, they sent messengers to De'yus, praying audience with him, that they might disclose to him what they had done. De'yus, therefore, appointed a time of meeting, and the Gods came before him and made their report. After which De'yus said: In all ye have done I acquiesce; neither have ye said aught that I would not have said, save that I desired not to laud myself with mine own mouth. And thus ended the matter, as to how mortals were taught to worship the names Lord and God, and Lord God, and Joss, and Ho-Joss, and De'- yus, and Deity, and Dyaus, and Zeus, and various other names, according to the lan- guages of the people of Jaffeth, Vind'yu, Arabin'ya, Par'si'e, and Heleste. And thousands of millions of angels of De'yus and his Gods, who were sent down to mor- tals, inspired them and taught them the same things through seers, prophets, and magicians, and through other people also, by dreams and visions. And mortals were taught the secret of spiritually going out of their own corporeal bodies, and returning safely; and in this state they were taken subjectively to the kingdom of De'yus, where they beheld him even as a man, sitting on a throne; and they saw the great glory of the kingdom, and beheld the worshippers, millions of them, glorifying De'yus, the false Lord God. And these persons became preachers on the earth; enthusiastically stirring men up on every hand to draw the sword, spear and sling to go forth in battle, to overthrow the doctrine of the Great Spirit and estab- lish De'yus. And it came to pass that they thus accomplished the will of De'yus in all these divisions of the earth. The Jehovih- CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 337 ians, being non-resistant, were powerless before them. Kings and queens on the earth accepted these doctrines, and they marshaled their armies in all directions to establish De'yus, who had said unto them: As much as ye exalt me and my kingdoms, so will I exalt you. As I behold, ye are become wise and powerful to rule over many on the earth, so will I give unto you large kingdoms in heaven. And the false Lord God and his false Gods prospered in earth and heaven, as to themselves and their kingdoms, nine hun- dred years, and at this time the Faithists of the earth were reduced to a small frac- tion of people, mostly hid away, as sheep from wolves. But in nine hundred and fifty years, behold, the worshippers of the Lord God, the false, began to quarrel and fight amongst themselves. Even as by blood they had established him, so by blood were the kings and queens of the earth over- throwing one another. Because of the warfare, schools, and col- leges, and houses of philosophy were wasted away; the factories for spinning and weaving were destroyed and the lands not tilled. And now of the heavenly kingdoms of De'yus and his Gods, this is what occurred: They had accumulated twenty-eight thou- sand million spirits, all of whom were ser- vants to De'yus and his Gods. For the most part they were below ten, whilst three thousand million were below grade five, which is helplessness. Jehovih had so made man and angels that, whosoever had learned to abnegate self and to labor more for others than themselves, was already above grade fifty, and his ascension should be perpetual thereafter; whilst they that were below grade fifty, who had not put away self, should incline downward, toward the earth. Wherein it had come to pass that the false Lord God and his false Gods were bur- dened with their kingdoms. And though they were adorned to the utmost, having vast cities for their heavenly capitals, with millions of attendants, and millions of mu- sicians, who were forever inventing new and wonderful music, and playing and sing- ing, millions and millions in concert, with millions of trumpeters, near and far off, to fashion echoes beautiful to the ear; and though they had decorators forever invent- ing and changing their thousands of mill- ions of flags and banners, and the orna- ments for the pageantry; though they had thousands of heavenly cities, built with hea- venly precious stones, and gems of splen- dor, and with roadways and streets paved with heavenly diamonds and pearls; and though they had tournaments, heavenly, and games, rites and ceremonies, prostra- tions and salutations without end, with great ships, heavenly, capable of coursing atmospherea in journeys and excursions, ships to carry hundreds of millions of an- gels, whose chief occupation was to sing and chant the glory, power and dominion of De'yus and his Gods; yea, though a large book could not contain a description of the thousandth part of their wonderful glory, yet each and every God began to see coining danger. Jehovih had said: Two precipices have I left open for testing man's strength, and they are: great prosperity and great ad- versity. And satan counseled them in the guise of a good friend. First, he said to De'yus: Thou greatest of Gods! Who is like unto thee? Thou hast routed Jehovih and His hosts in heaven and earth; they are as a remnant skulking away. I will not only praise thee for what thou hast accomplished, but I will chide thee for thy failings. Thou art too honest for thine own good; too pure for thine own benefit; too unsuspecting as regards thy Gods. Being thyself honest, thou hast easily attributed honesty unto others, and they have taken advantage of thee. In the first thou saidst to thy Gods: Maintain ye your schools, colleges, and factories, and otherwise prepare the spirits of the dead unto resurrection. And as fast as they arrive at grade thirty, send ye them to my kingdom, that Hored may be glorified forever. But thy Gods used the angels as slaves, to build up the glory of their own kingdoms. They have allowed their heavenly places of edu- cation, for the most part, to be scattered and gone. Neither have they inspired mor- tals to instruction, as I warned thee at the first. And mortals have thrown aside their schools and colleges, and their places of art, and have become riotous, and given to 338 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARM1J gross living, and there is no resurrection in them. Which matters show thee that, soon or late, all the spirits of the earth will be of no grade at all, but as fetals and vam- pires to live on mortals. De'yus said: Why are mortals become gross livers? Satan answered him, saying: Behold, in thine own revelation to mortals thou saidst to them: Partake not of fish, nor flesh, nor blood, for food, nor of any- thing that breatheth the breath of life. And now, behold, what came to pass: Thy three Gods, whom thou hadst elevated and trusted, fell to and made other revelations, wherein they said: Partake of fish and flesh; for they desired to please mortals. And lo, it hath come to pass that man not only warreth for thee, but he warreth to the right and left, for it is in his blood, after the manner of beasts that feed on flesh. Thy Gods had no right to give this law unto man without first consulting thee, to know thy will and pleasure. De'yus said: Alas, it is true. What shall I do? Satan said: Thou shalt call thy Gods before thee and chide them in thine own way, and command them to go down to mortals and re-establish learning and industry, instead of war. De'yus said: Even so shall they come and receive my reprimand. They shall know of a truth that I am the Lord their God. Satan spake to the other false Gods, saying unto each: O thou wisest of Gods, who shouldst in fact be at the all highest God- head in heaven, because of thy great wis- dom and integrity. When thou puttest forth thine hand to do a thing, it is done; for thou wert born into life dif- ferent from all others, and for the highest of glories. And because of thy greatness, behold, all the Gods of heaven are jealous of thee and fear thee, all of which thou knowest of thine own knowledge. Now, whilst I accord this unto thee, I will also chide thee for thy shortness: For, because thou art honest thyself, thou believest the same of others; wherefore thou art cheated and ill-used on all hands. In the first place, thou didst send thy highest grades to the Lord God, to be his; yea, thou hast robbed thine own kingdom of its finest and best subjects for the glory of De'yus. And who is De'yus more than thou? Is he not a coward? for he feared to give his own doc- trines to mortals; but he abridged his words till they were worthless. And thou and thy fellow-Gods made his doctrines up in full for him! Yet thou servest him as if he were thy superior. The false Gods said: Alas, it is true, with all my wisdom I have acted like a fool. Because I was too honest and pure for De'yus and his Gods, they have taken advantage of me. What shall I do? Satan said: I told thee at the first, that the time should come when thou shouldst rise to be higher than all other Gods. Be- hold the time is near at hand when thou shalt strike the blow. Thou shalt not only have thine own kingdom, but the kingdoms of thy companion Gods; and even De'yus shall be tributary unto thee and thine. The false Gods said: What shall I do? And satan answered, saying: De'yus will scent the danger to his kingdom, and he will summon his Gods for consultation. Be thou ready with thine answer unto him and them; not hastily, for such is the manner of the weak; but most deliberately, in high holiness of purpose, for the good of mor- tals and spirits. Thus alike and like spake satan unto all the false Gods; and they nursed the planted seed; held it in the light and shade to see it grow, until it became the very giant of each one's understanding. CHAPTER XLIII. In course of time De'yus called the meeting of his Gods in Hored, and Osiris and Sudga came; and great were the pa- geantry and show that day; and the pomp and glory and splendor of Sanc-tu; with thousands of milions of trained slaves, with their dashing officers of high rank. For at this time it was nearly seven hundred years since even generals and high captains could come into the presence of the Lord God, the false, save by crawling on their bellies, even for miles. And in and around about the heavenly house of the capital were erected fifty thou- sand pillars of fire, kept forever going by the labor of his slaves, some of whom stood in their tracks laboring at one thing for more than a hundred years, without change of watch, or rest, being threatened with CYCLE OF CPENTA-AEMIJ 339 hell, and being too impotent to believe oth- erwise. None could walk upright to the throne of De'yus save his high Council, his high marshals, and his Gods, and Anubi. And none else were permitted to look upon him, under penalty of being cast into hell. At first his Gods came to feast with him once a year for more than a hundred years; after that, for awhile, once in six years; and afterward, only once in fifty or a hun- dred years; and then only by special com- mand. So it came to pass that the coming of De'yus' Gods was an occasion of rejoicing and glory to upward of twelve thousand million inhabitants of the kingdom of De'- yus. For, far and near, they were extra clothed and fed, and granted freedom for the time being. On the last occasion referred to, the Gods were received by hundreds of mill- ions, called the receiving hosts, in fire- ships of great size and brilliancy, and thus conducted up to the roadways of the court, nearer than which the receiving hosts dared not approach. There the Gods were met by De'yus' high Council and high marshals, and with them entered the area and walked up to the high arch of the capital, which led into the place of the throne of De'yus. When inside of the Arch, the Council and marshals parted on either side, and, with the head bowed, chanted an anthem of praise to De'yus. The Gods also bowed with respect and friendship, and walked in the midst directly toward the throne. When they were near at hand, the vice- Gods, on either side of De'yus, rose up, saying: In the name of the Lord God of the heavens of the earth, who come here, upright, and as Gods? The Gods responded: Behold, we are sons of the Lord God, great De'yus, and of a truth are we Gods ! We demand audience with our Godhead, for the glory of our kingdoms and his. De'yus said: Peace, O my vice-Gods! I do recognize these, my brother Gods. Greeting, in the name of heaven and earth. » The Gods responded: Greeting unto thee, O Lord God, mightiest of Gods. In thy mighty name, De'yus, we salute thee worshipfully, to know thy will and pleas- ure, that we may serve thee in wisdom, and power, and love. De'yus said: Welcome, O ye Gods; the freedom of Sanc-tu is at your hands. Be- hold, 1 will clear my place, that we may consult together privily for the good of an- gels and mortals. Thereupon De'yus gave a signal for all his officers and attendants to retire beyond the Arch, which they did. And now that the ceremony of reception was over, De'yus came down from his throne and greeted the Gods cordially by clasping hands, after which they all sat down on the foot seats of the throne; and there were present De'yus, and Osiris, and Sudga, and no others within hearing; for Te-in had not come. And for a while they talked together like long-separated friends; and lo and be- hold, the satan that was within each one of them began to fail him in regard to re- proving the others. For even the smoth- ered seed of love which the Great Spirit had given them began to swell up, as if about to burst forth a mighty power. So the time passed on, and none dared ap- proach the subject of his soul's resolu- tion. Till at last, De'yus, the most schooled in satan's cause, put an end to their old- time stories and trivial conversation; he said: So much have I loved you both, and am now moved by your august presence, that with all my majesty and power I am weaker than a young child: who will un- concernedly reprove its own father. Or more I am like an old man that, in the ab- sence of his child, findeth cause to quarrel with it; but on seeing it return, breaketh down utterly, and turneth from his previous grieving to an outburst of manifest love. Osiris said: What can move thee to this seriousness, O De'yus? For even as thou hast spoken, so hast thou uttered the sentiment that has long lain on my heart. But which now, in reverence to thee and thy great kingdoms, causeth me to melt down like snow in a summer's sun. Pray thee, go on! Sudga said: As I live, ye twain, so far my superiors as before whom I am nothing, have spoken the very sentiment of my soul. Pray ye twain, go on; for so great is my love unto you, your most extravagant wish shall be answered by me, though I labor a thousand years to accomplish it. 340 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ Thereupon De'yus sweetly told his tale, even as satan had taught him. And then he bade Osiris speak his mind, and also Sudga speak his; whkh they did, even as satan had taught them their parts. When they had finished, De'yus, much surprised by their pitiful tales, even as the others were at his, thus spake: My Gods, how much easier it is to find fault with these affairs than to find a rem- edy. I have seen such as find fault with their neighbors, the kingdom, or the ancients, and yet they accomplished the same faults themselves. We all do know that one of the complaints we had against the old Divan laws was their bond- age over the Lords and their dominions. Whereupon, when we confederated, it was to give independence to each and every Lord to rule his own heaven and division of the earth in his own way. And this was granted unto all my Lords and unto me and my kingdom likewise. And behold where it hath harvested! In the fullness of my soul I gave you certain doctrines to give unto mortals, chief of which was to make my names worshipful on the earth. But I bound you not, saying: Do ye this, and no more. But I said unto you: Here is the substance of the foundations of my doctrines. Go ye unto mortals and teach them these things, adding or abridging ac- cording to your own wisdom. And this ye accomplished, and added thereunto the temptation to mortals to become carnivor- ous, whereby the grades have fallen woe- fully. And now ye find fault with me for exacting a certain number of slaves annu- ally of a certain grade; complaining that your own kingdoms are becoming flooded with drujas. Osiris said: Hear me, O Lord my God, for I have labored for thee and thy king- dom many a hundred years. Nor are my words in passion, but well considered; wherein, therefore, if I err, I ask no ex- cuse on account of hastiness. First, then, that our confederacy was founded to make a mighty kingdom, heavenly, having do- minion over mortals on the whole earth; of which kingdom thou wert to be the chief and greatest glory, and ourselves the second. To all of which our songs to this day bear testimony but as for songs or testimonies in the libraries of heaven, that our confederacy was founded chiefly to get rid of the Divan laws, I have not seen nor heard of one. Sudga said: What I have done is done. I was commanded to a division of the earth, to subdue it unto De'yus, and I have so accomplished it. I have listened to your complaints, but neither hath offered a rem- edy. Ye twain are higher in rank and wis- dom than I; when ye have spoken to the purpose I will also speak. Fon my part, I am thankful there are no Divan laws to bind me. De'yus said: The remedy lieth in over- turning the cause of the falls in the grades. For the sake of glorifying themselves, my Gods have suffered places of learning and industry to fall to pieces, both in heaven and earth. There be such as give glory unto charity, and unto rites and ceremo- nies; but I say unto you, my Gods, Indus- try and Learning stand higher than charity or rites and ceremonies; especially so stand- eth industry that yieldeth profitable sup- port. Osiris said: Where, O Lord my God, lieth the difference betwixt that which is written or spoken? In thy opening words thou hast even now reiterated the bondage of the Divan laws over the Lords. And in the next breath thou sayest: I command you to re-establish the places of learning and industry. Sudga said: Are not written laws less arbitrary than spoken ones? for we see them beforehand, and are not, therefore, shocked by the sudden audacity. De'yus said: In either case is it not true that the highest in power and mightiest in the plans and arrangement of his king- doms must either take jibes and insults from his inferiors, whom he hath lifted up and made what they are, or otherwise fall broken-hearted on the loss of their love and worship? For on all hands we behold, alas, beneficiaries are apt to turn like ven- omous serpents, and strike, even though .the blow would send themselves into de- struction. Osiris said: That is most especially true, O De'yus, where the highest kingdoms owe their glory and greatness to those that have been subsidiary and built them up. None are so slow to see their danger as CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 341 they that are exposed to it. There be such who, holding high places, if but their slaves knew who they were and how deceived, would bind them in knots and cast them into hell. Sudga said: But in such cases is it not better, O my wise brothers, that the high- est who have been raised up by the toil and industry of others, that labored to have them glorified, turn from their own glory and selfish ends, and divide up their ill- gotten kingdoms, and bestir themselves by sending assistants to those that have them in their power? De'yus said: Most wisely spoken, both my Gods. But how shall we teach apes and monkeys to know their masters? They crook their tails and squeal, imagining themselves great monarchs. Whereas, were they cut off from their masters, they would come to grief most ignominiously, or be the foremost plunged into torments. Osiris said: Thou wisest of Gods, is it not most strange, wonderful, how better we can see others' shortness than our own? Nor are we much quicker to find a way to save them, which we oft could do were they not self-conceited fools, than to guard our arms, so that when they show the least sign to do us wrong, we inwardly swear within our souls to hurl them into hell. Sudga said: O my loves, it is a sad re- flection, when we survey mighty king- doms at their quarrels, knowing that, if either dare raise a hand to destroy, we our- selves hold the key whereby they can be, both, stript of their highest subjects and their greatest glories, and left in the ruins of their own evil. But the wise bide their time, and oft are fortified when others know not of it. De'yus said: My most wise Gods, ye have spoken great wisdom. I will weigh your words and be governed accordingly. For your most holy visit I am honored above all I deserve. Osiris said: Words cannot express my reverence for thy spoken words, O De'yus. Sudga said: I am bowed with sorrow to leave the place of so much wisdom, love and power. And now Osiris and Sudga stepped backward four paces each, but separate from each other, with their heads still bowed. By a signal, the vice-Gods re-en- tered and stood beside the Gods, and then all, with heads bowed, raised their hands and saluted in the sign Central Sun. De'- yus answered them on the sign Music of the Satellites. Slowly now, and with measured step, to low sweet music, backward, the Gods and vice-Gods crossed the area and passed the Arch, where the vice-Gods left them and returned within. But the Gods were now met by the high Council and high marshals and conducted to the entrance gate, where they left them, and they were received, Osiris and Sudga, by their hosts and recon- ducted to their ships, with great pomp and honor, and they at once set sail for their own heavenly kingdoms. Now, in this whole proceeding, the Gods were all sur- prised that Te-in came not, nor, by messen- ger or otherwise, answered the summons; nor could one of them imagine the cause. CHAPTER XLIV. Te-in, whose heavenly kingdom contain- ed three thousand million angels, being in- formed when Osiris and Sudga were gone to Hored, satan said to him: Now is thy time, call thy Council together; proclaim thyself God of heaven and earth, mighty in all regions, the Central Kingdom of the Eternal Heavens! Choose from amongst thy Council the highest grades, and make them Lords under thee. Jaffeth must be subdued to one nation of peo- ple, and this shall be thy footstool, and thy heavenly kingdom's head- quarters. After which thy Lords shall proceed to the lands of Par'si'e, and Ara- bin'ya, and inspire the inhabitants thereof to another central kingdom, and when mor- tals are thus subdued to limited numbers, thou shalt have but few to deal with in or- der to make thyself God of the whole earth. So on the day of De'yus' meeting with Osiris and Sudga, Te-in severed the bonds betwixt his heavenly kingdom and all others, and he chose twelve of his highest grade in the Holy Council, and made them Lords of the earth; but he allotted no por- tion of the earth to any one alone. He said: I will not give them kingdoms; this is the strongest way; to keep everything in one's own hands. Te-in, then, through his Lords, whom he sent down to the earth, made Kan Kwan 342 CYCLE OF CPENTA-AEMIJ mortal king of Jaffeth, with the title, King of the World, and Sun, and Moon, and Stars! And the Lords caused Kan Kwan to build an oke'spe, where he could re- ceive the commandments of Te-in, the hol- iest, all highest ruler of heaven, as to what he should do in order to subdue the earth unto himself. Te-in said: And, my Lords, say ye to Kan Kwan when the earth is subdued unto himself: Behold, I will also come down and dwell in the temples he buildeth for my Lords. And when the king goeth forth and subdueth a place unto himself, he shall immediately build a worshipful temple and dedicate it to me and my Lords, whose names ye shall give alike and like in all places. For I will not confuse mortals with a. multiplicity of heavenly Lords. And the king shall show unto the people that there is but one High Ruler in heaven, whether he be called Joss or Ho-Joss, or Te-in, or Po-tein, and that I am the Per- son. But in no case shall the king suffer the worshippers of the Great Spirit to re- main alive upon the earth. My Lords, take with you, each, one million angels, strong and cunning in war; twelve million are sufficient; for ye shall not scatter them about, but keep close in the neighborhood of war and of the king. As when a fire -burnetii, beginning from a spark and spreading outward till a city is consumed, so be ye concentrated and po- tent. This is the whole art of war. And whilst mortals sleep, your angels shall come upon them and give them dreams and vis- ions of glorious success, make them see themselves in the heat of battle, rushing through the jaws of death unscathed, whilst their manly arms slay about them on every side their enemies by the score in flowing blood. For when these mortals awake and remember their dreams, they will be well whetted for the valorous work. But as to those that are to be conquered, let your angels go to them whilst they sleep, and give them dreams and visions of horrid deaths; make them see the heat of battle and themselves overpowered on every hand, and, pierced with sword and spear, they fall, dying in great agony. For when such mortals wake up and remember their dreams, they are half conquered already. My Lords, ye shall inspire the king to be merciful and gentle; and when his sol- diers come to a place to subdue it, they shall send truce-men before them, inquir- nig: Who say ye, shall be the ruler? And if the people answer: We are Kan Kwan's slaves, they shall not be slain. Te-in said: My Lords, amongst mortals, what is righteousness? Now one Lord said: Rites and ceremonies. Another said: To wor- ship thee, O Te-in. Another said: To fol- low the doctrines of the ancients. Another said: To purify one's self. Another said: To do good with all one's might. Anoth- er said: To practice truth. Another said: To harm no man. Te-in said: Not one of you knoweth righteousness. Behold how you stand: The doctrines of the ancients were their own, and they are as dead. To put on a dead man's clothes, will they make the wearer like the dead was? Rites and ceremonies are what show- men train their horses with, to run or leap, or lie down, to please their masters. To purify one's self! What is that? A mortal man's body cannot be purified, for it is rotten at best. To do good with all one's might! Who knoweth the meaning of that? To cut off a crushed foot to save a man's life: Give him pain in the cutting, even whilst he is suffering. Then it is well that some men's heads be cut off for their own good. Yea, even nations extirpated. Let him that doeth, then, do with all his might. See ye not that in this, that before one attempt- eth to do good, he is his own judge, judg- ing by his own judgment? To practice Truth! What is that? The Jehovihians say: Jehovih is All Truth. But Jehovih is nothing, scattered as the wind. Then truth is nothing. Wlio hath found a man but saith: To see as I see, is to see the truth; to see as thou seest, is to see falsely? A man told lies knowingly, and practiced them; and he was all truth to himself, for he. was a liar. Therefore, he practiced truth. To worship me is unrighteousness in stead of righteousness. To worship Joss is unrighteousness; to worship the nonde- script, Jehovih, is unrighteousness, and to worship Po is unrighteousness also. Be- hold this matter: The large trees in the forest were smothering out the small ones; CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARM1J 343 and the small ones said: We praise you, giant oaks, for the many blessings we have received; be merciful unto us! The large trees laughed at them, and they died. Is this not Jehovih? Is this' not the Gods? For all mortals, at best, are but as un- hatched eggs; and when they are dead, their souls are as hatched chickens, for the Gods to play with, and to use in their own way. Teach ye this to mortals; and tell them, moreover, to choose what God they will; and if it be me, then I will labor for them; if it be not me, then am I against them. This, then, is righteousness: Reciprocity betwixt Gods and mortals; reciprocity be- twixt mortals themselves; to war for opin- ion's sake in order to develop steadfast- ness; to help the helpless; to feed and clothe the stranger, and to worship the fa- ther and mother. CHAPTER XLV. Te-in's Lords and their angels departed out of Che-su-gow, Te-in's heavenly place, and descended to the earth on their mis- sion; and this is what came of it: Kan Kwan was the son of Kwan Ho, a flat-head; but Kan Kwan came of the con- verts to the Brahmin priests, and so had not his head flattened. But because su'is and sar'gis had long been in their family they descended to Kwan all the same. And he could see and hear the angels and their Lords; hear all the words spoken to him, a most excellent thing in a king, when drujas are restrained from observing him. The Lords guarded Kan Kwan on every side, day and night, and Kwan being stu- pid, because of the flat heads of his par- ents, he was well suited to carry out all that was commanded of him. So he at once announced himself with all his titles, and sent heralds hither and thither to proclaim him and let all peoples and kings know that he was coming to subdue them unto himself. Kwan issued this decree: Kan Kwan, king of the world, and of the sun, and moon, and stars, I command! I, son of the sun, son of Te-in, behold! There is but one ruler in heaven, Te-in! There shall be but one on earth, Kan Kwan. ' Bow your heads down! I come! Choose ye: to bow down, or to die. One or the other shall be. When the world is subdued to me, I will war no more! In those days there were many great kings in Jaffeth, and their kingdoms were in many places far apart. Betwixt them, in a sparse region, in the Valley of Lun, lay the city of Ow Tswe, and this was the small kingdom of Kan Kwan, known for a thou- said years. When other kings heard of Kwan's proclamation they laughed. And this is the vanity of mortals, for they heed not the power of the Gods over them. So Kwan started with an army of four thousand soldiers, men and women, with spears, axes, scythes, swords and slings, and bows and arrows; and he marched against Tzeyot, a city of a hundred thou- sand people; and here ruled king Cha Ung Chin, with twenty thousand soldiers. Cha Ung Chin laughed. He said to his cap- tain: Send a thousand women soldiers and kill Kwan and his army; they are mad and know not what war is. The captain went forth to battle, but he took beside the thousand women soldiers a thousand men soldiers. But behold, Kwan and his soldiers knew no drill, but they ran forward so strangely that their enemies knew not how to fight them, and they fled in fear, save the captain and a hundred women, who were instantly put to death. But not one of Kwan's army was killed. Cha Ung Chin was angry, and he sent ten thousand soldiers against Kwan's rag- ged army; and when the battle was begun, the angels cast clouds before the hosts of Cha Ung Chin, and they thought they he- held hundreds of thousands of soldiers coming upon them, and they turned and fled also, save five hundred, who were cap- tured and instantly slain, men and women. Cha Ung Chin said: It is time now I go myself. My laziness has cost me dear. On the morrow I will lead thirty thousand pressed men and women, and make it a day of sport to slaughter Kwan's army. So the king sent his marshals to select and summon his soldiers during the night. Many were too frightened to sleep; and those that slept had such visions and dreams that when they awoke they were as persons nearly dead. Cha Ung Chin, next morning, sallied forth out of the city to battle, going before 344 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ his army. When he saw the pitiful army of Kwan, he said: Of a truth, the world is going mad! That such fools have courage is because they know not what a battle is. With that he rushed forward, faster and faster, calling to his soldiers. But they stretched out in a line, after him, for they trembled from head to foot, remembering their dreams. Presently Kwan and his army started for them, not with orderly commands, but screaming and howling. Cha Ung Chin's soldiers took panic, broke ranks and fled in all directions, save one thousand, including King Cha Ung Chin, who were captured and instantly slain. And on the same day Kan Kwan went and possessed the city, Tzeyot, command- ing obedience and allegiance of the people. And on the following day he set twenty thousand men to work building a temple to Te-in, pulling down other edifices for the material thereof. Nor had Kwan a learned man in all his army; but the Lords with him showed him how to build the temple, east and west and north and south, and how to make the archways and the pil- lars to support the roof; and the sacred chambers and altars of sacrifice. Of brick and mortar and wood built he it, and when it was completed it was large enough for twelve thousand people to do sacrifice in. And it was, from first to last, forty days in building. Besides this, Kwan put another ten thousand men and women to clearing houses and walls away, and making new streets in many ways; so that at the time of the first sacrifice the city of Tzeyot looked not like itself; and Kwan give it a new name, Lu An, and commanded all the peo- ple to call it by that name, or suffer death. Kan Kwan made the people go and do sacrifice to Te-in in the temple every morn- ing; enforced a day of rest for each quarter of the moon; enforced worship on the part of children to their fathers and mothers, the father taking first rank. Then Kwan made them pray for those who were slain in battle. And these are the words he commanded them: Te-in! Father of Life and Death! Who feedeth on suns and stars! Whose refuse is mortals. In thy praise I bow my head. For thy glory I lie on my belly before thy altar. I am the filthiest of things; my breath and my flesh and my blood are rotten. Death would be sweet to me if thou or thy sol- diers would slay me. For my soul would come to thee to be thy slave forever. Behold, my brothers and sisters who fought against thee are dead, and I glorify thee because thereof. We have buried their carcasses deep in the ground, good enough for them. But their spirits are lost and wild on the battle-field, howling about. O Te-in, Father, send thy spirits from Che- su-gow, thy heavenly place, to them, to help them out of darkness. And we will ever praise thee, our mightiest, all highest ruler! When they made the sacrifice they laid down on their bellies, certain ones prompt- ing them with the words which Kwan re- ceived from the Lords. After this; Kwan appointed them a gov- ernor, Ding Jow, who was the first gov- ernor of a province in Jaffeth. For as a Lord is to a God, so is a governor to a king. And this was the first of that order established by the Gods of hada. Jehovih had said: Independent king- doms shall not exist side by side; nor shall one be tributary to another; but there shall be one whole, and the lesser shall be parts thereof, not over nor under them, but as helpmates. The wicked will not see this now; but their own wickedness will bring it about in time to come.- CHAPTER XLVI. Kan Kwan again went forth to conquer and subdue, going to the southward, to Ho-tze, a large city having five tributary cities, ruled over by Oo-long, a king with two hundred wives and thirty thousand sol- diers, men and women, well disciplined. Kwan's army was now seven thousand strong, but without discipline; and with no head save himself. And on his march through the country he compelled the farm- ers to embrace the Te-in religion, under penalty of death. Now when he had come near Ho-tze, he sent an order for the king to surrender, even after the manner as at the city he had already conquered. Oo-long laughed when told of the kind of company that had come against him, and he sent only women soldiers, eight thousand, to give him battle. When the armies were near together, the Lords said CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 345 to Kwan: Send thou a truce, and beseech thine enemy to surrender under penalty of death; for the angels of Te-in will deliver them into thy hand, and not one shall die. A truce was sent, and the whole of Oo- long's army surrendered and made oaths of allegiance to Kwan, and not one was slain. Oo-long, when informed of it, said: Now will I go with all my army and slay this ragged king and all his people, and also my eight thousand who have surren- dered. So he marched to battle with twen- ty-two thousand soldiers. Kwan's army was scattered about the fields. Oo-long said to his captain: Go, thou, tell this fool- ish king to set his army in line of battle; I desire not to take advantage of a flock of sheep. The captain started to go, but ere he reached the place, he fell down in a swoon, for the angels overpowered him. The king saw his captain fall, and he cried out to his army: It is enough! My army have never seen such fools, and know not how to battle with them. Come, I will lead! At that, he rushed on, followed by his thousands. Instantly, Kwan's army set up their screams and howls, and ran forward in every direction; and Oo-long's army broke and fled, save one thou- sand two hundred who were captured, Oo- long amongst them; and they were instant- ly slain. But of Kwan's army only one man was killed. The Lords sent messengers to Te-in in his heavenly place, informing him of Kwan's success. Te-in returned this com- mandment: In what has been done I am well pleased; but suffer not your mortal king, Kan Kwan, to win so easily hereaf- ter; but let him have losses, that he may not forget me and my Lords and my hosts of angels. Place ye him in straits, and cause him to pray unto me; and his army shall pray also. And when they have thus sacrificed, deliver him and his army from their straits, and make him victorious for a season. Kwan entered the city of Ho-tsze with- out further opposition, and possessed him- self of it. At once he caused thirty thou- sand laborers to fall to work building a temple to Te-in. Another twenty thousand he caused to pull down houses and make other streets, more beautiful. In twenty- eight days the temple and the streets were completed; and on the twenty-ninth day the sacrifices commenced, and all the people were obliged to swear allegiance to Kwan and to Te-in, or be slain. And on the first day there were slain four thousand men and women worshippers of different Gods, but for the main part the Great Spirit, who would not take the oath. After that, none refused, and so Kwan gave the city a new name, Tue Shon; and he appointed So'- wo'tse governor, and commanded the trib- utary cities to come under the yoke. After that, Kan Kwan went forward again to conquer and subdue; and the Lords of heaven and their twelve million angels went with him and in advance of him, preparing the way. And the news of his success was spread abroad amongst mortals also, well exaggerated; so that the inhabitants of cities far and near feared him. The Lords suffered Kwan to con- quer and subdue yet three other large cities without loss to his army; and Kwan began to think it was himself that possessed the power, and not Te-in. The next city, Che-gau, was a small one, of fifty thousand inhabitants. Kwan in- quired not of Te-in through the Lords as to how to make the attack, but went on his own judgment. Now there ruled over the city a woman, Lon Gwie, a tyrant little loved, and she had but four thousand sol- diers, and Kwan had seven thousand. Kwan, arriving near, demanded the place; but the queen answered him not with words; but had her soldiers in am- bush, and thus fell upon Kwan's army, and put one-half of them to death; and yet the queen suffered small loss. Kwan, not find- ing his Lords with him, fled, and his re- maining army with him. But the Lords urged the queen to pursue him, and she again fell upon them and slew another half, and crippled hundreds more. But the queen suffered small loss. The Lords then spake to Kwan, where he had escaped, and said unto him: Be- cause thou wert vain and remembered not me, who am thy heavenly ruler, Te-in, I have labored to show thee that of thyself thou art nothing. Then Kwan prayed to Te-in, saying: Most mighty ruler of hea- ven and earth, thou hast justly punished 346 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ me. I pray thee, now, with good repent- ance, in the bitterness of my shame. What shall I do, O Te-in? I am far from home, in a strange country, and my army is well- nigh destroyed. All nations are against me; a sheep is safer in a forest with wolves than I am in these regions. The Lord said unto Kwan: Now that thou hast repented, behold I, Te-in, will show thee my power. For thou shalt gather together the remnant of thy army and turn about and destroy the queen and her army, or put them to flight and possess the city. Kwan, on the next morning, being in- spired by his Lords, prepared for battle, though he had but seven hundred men. On the other hand the Lords and their an- gels appeared in the dreams and visions of the queen's army, saying to them: The queen is deceived and led away into a trap. Kwan will be joined in the morning by fifty thousand men. Prepare therefore, to die to-morrow. On the morrow, then, on the queen's side, the soldiers related their fearful dreams to one another; and hardly had they finished when Kwan's army came upon them. And the angels, more than fifty thousand, took on sar'gis, seem- ing even like mortals. At sight of this, the queen's army were so frightened they could not flee, save a few, but nearly the whole army surrendered, throwing away their arms and lying down. Kwan and his army fell upon them and slew them, more than four thousand, who were rendered powerless by the angel hosts with them. Kwan then went into the city, doing as pre- viously in other cities, establishing himself and Te-in. Such, then, was the manner of Te-in, the false, of establishing himself in JafTeth. CHAPTER XLVII. Sudga, the false God of Vind'yu and her heavens, whose heavenly kingdom con- tained more than three thousand million angels, on his way home from Hored, said to himself: Two things I am resolved upon: to proclaim myself Creator and Ruler of Heaven and Earth; and to change the name of my heavenly place and call it Ahl-burj, the Mountain of the Clouds. Satan spoke to Sudga, saying: Thou all highest God. In the land of Vind'yu, down on the earth; and in the heavens above the land of Vind'yu; what God hath labored like unto thee? Thou didst establish De'yus, for nearly a thou- sand years in these regions. Thou possess- est by right that name, and thou shalt call thyself Dyaus and Sudga; and thy heavenly place shall also be Hored, because, for- sooth, it is also a heavenly mountain. And so Sudga at once fell to work moving his capital and throne, and to founding his new place. And he also chose twelve Lords, saying to himself, after the manner of Te-in: Though I will have twelve Lords to rule over mor- tals, yet will I not give to any one of them a certain division of the earth for himself. And when Sudga was thus founded in his new heavenly place he called his Lords about him and said unto them: Go ye down to mortals, to T-loyovogna, who hath a small kingdom in the valley of Hachchi- satij, in Vind'yu, for I will make him king of all the earth, even as I am ruler of hea- ven. And by obsessions and otherwise ye shall lead him forth to conquer and subdue. Precede ye him in his journeyings, and cause mortals to fear him, that they be easily overcome. Twelve million angels I allot to you as your army, nor shall ye return into my presence until ye have made made T-loyovogna king of Vind-yu. After that I shall bestow you according to merit. The twelve Lords, with their twelve million angels of war, departed for the earth, and came to Varaja, the city where lived and ruled T-loyovogna, and they cov- ered the regions even beyond the Valley of Hachchisatij. T-loyovogna was the son of Hucrava, who was the son of Han Cyavarat, who was the son of Aipi- vohu, sacred in su'is to the Gods and Lords of heaven. So T-loyovogna talked with Sudga's chief Lord, who said unto him: Behold, thou shalt proclaim thyself king of all the world; for I and the hosts of heaven are with thee. T-loyovogna said: Alas, mine is the weakest of kingdoms; I have not a thou- sand soldiers. Other kings will laugh at me. But the Lord answered him, saying: CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 347 What are mortal kings in the hands of Dy- aus, he who was Sudga? I say unto the nations of the earth: Go down! and they fall. I say: Rise ye up! and they rise. Man looketh to stone and clay and water for great power; but I that am unseen am greater than all the lands and the waters of the earth, for I rule over them, and over heaven also. I will have but one king on the earth; and as I rule the angels of hea- ven, even so shalt thou rule mortals, and es- tablish thee and me forever! For thy heirs, and their heirs after them, shall have do- minion over every kingdom and country in the world. T-loyovogna said: I fear thee, O Dy- aus; I know thy power. But how can a king go to war without soldiers? Or an army without arms? The Lord answered him: Send thy proclamation unto kings far and near, commanding them to bow down unto thee. And presently I will come unto thee and lead thee forth, and thou shalt conquer and subdue them, and not a hair of thy head shall be harmed. T-loyovogna did as commanded; and some days after his proclamation had been sent unto the nearest kings, all of whom knew him well, he mustered his army of seven hundred men and one hundred wo- men. And they that had neither spear, nor sword, nor scythe, nor bow and arrows, took clubs, and clappers, and pans, to make noise with, and others took lanterns. The first city they approached was Ab- tuib, ruled over by Azhis, who had an army of four thousand men and one thousand women. When near the place, T-loyovog- na sent his demand for the surrender of the city. Azhis answered him not, but said unto his army: Go ye and surround yon- der fool, and destroy him and his army. Now, behold, the night came on, very dark, ere the attack was made. And the Lord said unto T-loyovogna: Command thy soldiers to light their lamps. T-loyo- vogna said: I fear, O Lord; for will not lamps expose us unto death? But the Lord said: Light the lamps! So when the lamps were lighted the enemy began to march as if to surround them, some going one way and some the other. And the Lord's angels made lights also, to the left and to the right, so that the enemy, in or- der to surround the lights, kept extending in two lines, away from each other. Pres- ently, they judged by the lights that there were tens of thousands of soldiers come against them. Suddenly, now, T-loyovog- na's army sounded their pans and kettles, and set up furious howls and screams; and in the same time the angels of heaven cast stars of light in the midst of Azhis' army, and they became panic-stricken and fled in all directions, save three hundred who were captured and put to death. Then T-loyo- vogna sent one hundred men into the city and captured Azhis and slew him. After this, T-loyovogna entered the city and de- clared the place his. And whilst it was yet night, thousands and thousands of the people came and prostrated themselves before T-loyovogna, swearing allegiance. And in the morning of the next day he proclaimed himself king; and he impressed thirty thousand men to build a temple to Dyaus; and yet other twenty thousand to change the streets, and otherwise beautify the place. In forty days the temple was completed, and was large enough for eight thousand souls to do sac- rifice in at one time. T-loyovogna com- pelled the people to prostrate themselves on their bellies and pray to Dyaus, whose home was in Ahl-burj, a high heavenly place, a mountain above the mountains. After this T-loyovogna changed the name of the city to Savazata, signifying, first fire-place; and he appointed to rule over it Vistaqpa, to be governor, with right to bequeath it to his son after him. For Sudga had said: To concentrate power, this is the greatest. There shall be but one heavenly ruler, and his Lords shall be his helpmates. Even so shall there be but one king, and his governors shall be his help- mates in the same manner. T-loyovogna then marched forward, to conquer and subdue another city; which he accomplished also, and changed the name, appointed a governor, making all the peo- ple swear allegiance to himself as king, and to Sudga, the Dyaus, as heavenly ruler, cre- ator of worlds. In this way, even after the same manner as Kan Kwan in Jaffeth, did T-loyovogna proceed in Vind'yii, from city to city, con- quering and subduing. For the Gods, Te- in and Sudga, had oft conferred together on 348 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ this subject previously, and had long ex- perience in manipulating mortals in their games of life and death, nor did mortals mistrust the power above them. CHAPTER XLVIII. At this time the heavenly kingdoms of Baal and Ashtaroth contained more than twelve thousand million angels. When Osiris, the false God of Arabin'- ya and her heavens, left De'yus in Hored, satan spake to him, saying: Osiris, thou art a fool! Thou deservest to be ground to dust! Behold thy wisdom and power, and yet thou cringest to thy infer- iors on every side. Wert thou not made as well; and withal, as masterly in making others to bow to thy will and decrees? What more is required for Gods or men, than to make slaves of others, to do him honor and reverence? Then Osiris said: O that I had struck out from the first for my- self! But I will amend my time. When I am in my heavenly place I will send to the earth to my laboring Gods, Baal and Ashtaroth, to come to me, and I will make our three kingdoms into one, and mine shall be chief. And I will offer emoluments to the best, highest grades in Hored, there- by drawing from De'yus his best fruits and flowers, and I will send to him some two or three thousand million of my super- abundant drujas. Accordingly, when Osiris arrived at Agho'aden, his heavenly place, he sent messengers down to the earth to Baal and Ashtaroth, summoning them at once to his presence. And they came, being attended, each, with ten thousand companions, be- sides heralds, musicians and trumpeters. Osiris had made great preparation for them. His receiving hosts, one million, were newly adorned for the occasion. The roadway, for three hundred miles, was il- lumed with pillars of fire. The Holy Coun- cil, half a million, were in extra session. The laborers, four thousand million, were granted a day of rest. So that when Baal and Ashtaroth entered the heavenly capi- tal, it was a magnificent scene, and as if in fact Osiris, the false, was a mighty God. Great were the ceremonies and saluta- tions between the Gods, as also with the generals, captains, marshals and others; to describe which a whole book might be written and yet not mention one-half. Af- ter the reception, Osiris proclaimed an ex- tra day of recreation to Agho'aden, and in the meantime he and Baal and Ashtaroth retired to a private chamber beyond the throne, to the east, to consult on the mat- ters cf heaven and earth. Osiris said: My brother and sister, ye are my loves; the worlds are all vain else! De'yus is the most selfish of Gods, and un- reasonable. He said to me: Thou shouldst keep up the grades! Now, behold ye, his own grades are broken down. As I and other Gods send him contributions in sub- jects, so remain such subjects; no more education for them in Hored. Then he complaineth and assumeth to dictate. And this for De'yus' glory. Not a word for lifting angels or mortals up out of dark- ness. Baal said: A most unreasonable God. Saidst thou not to him: O that I had the power and means thou hast! What great good I would do! Ashtaroth said: This I have found be- fore, the greater power a God hath, the less he doeth for others' good. As for my part, what good can I do? I have scarce two thousand million slaves, all told! O that I had a kingdom like De'yus! But what proposest thou, O Osiris, thou far- seeing God? Baal further said: Ashtaroth, thou wise Goddess, thou hast expressed mine own soul. My kingdom is but little larger than thine. I am a very helpless God indeed. But once I reach De'yus' means, my soul's delight will be to fill all the heavens full of schools and hospitals! But speak thou, Osiris, whatsoever thou hast resolved is wise. As for myself I have been two thou- sand years trying to put myself in good po- sition first, so I could help others. Osiris said: To cut loose from De'yus; this is wisdom. To send drujas into De'- yus' kingdom, is greater wisdom. To es- tablish Agho'aden as the all highest hea- venly kingdom, with myself at the God- head, and ye twain to be my sole Gods of the earth, is the greatest wisdom. Baal said: As I swear, thou hast spoken at last what I have for five hundred years CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 349 hoped to hear thee say. To thee am I sworn forever. Put thou upon me whatso- ever thou wilt. Ashtaroth said: Now am I blessed above all Goddesses. What I have heard thee speak is what I would have spoken. Osiris said: It is enough, then, this I proclaim, and on our crossed hands we swear: Agho'aden, All Highest Heaven! Osiris, Son of the All Central Lights! The Most High God! His only Son, Baal, Ruler of the Corporeal Earth! His only Daughter, Ashtaroth, Ruler of the Corpor- eal Earth! Fidelity and Union forever! Thus they swore themselves into the Godhead. And on the next day Osiris sent messengers to De'yus, in his heavenly place, informing him of what had been done, and adding thereto: But thou, De - yus, I cut thee off from these earth regions. Get thy supplies whither thou canst. Ad- versity doth a proud soul some good. CHAPTER XLIX. Osiris said to Baal and Ashtaroth: Go ye down to the earth and subdue it; and your first labor shall be in Arabin'ya, and Par'si'e, and Heleste; after that ye shall fall upon remote parts and subdue them unto ourselves also. But go ye not as other Gods, to destroy mortals, for we want them to propagate and make subjects for us. Nor pursue ye them, tribe against tribe, putting them to death if they worship not Osiris or Baal or Ashtaroth. Nay, not even the worshippers of the Great Spirit, except those whose spirits we cannot catch at time of death; them destroy. But suffer mortals to worship as they may, and if they worship the Creator, say unto them: It is well. If they worship Ahura, say: It is well. If De'yus: Yea, it is well; for all of these are but one person, who is Osiris, whose high heavenly place is Agho'aden. Thus teach them. This also shall ye do: Re-establish places of learning, teaching the Osirian law; <~ause to be rebuilt, houses of philos- ophy, oracles and temples; and in all such places where mortals come to consult the spirits, provide ye spirits who shall answer through the oracles for benefit of our dominions. It was ourselves that gave the name Lord God to the Arabin'yans; it was ourselves that gave the name De'yus to Par'si'e and Heleste. Let us not waste ourselves undoing what hath been done, but appropriate it to ourselves. Such, then, was the basis on which these three Gods set out to establish heaven and earth. Osiris gave to Baal and Ashtaroth, in addition to their own kingdoms, twelve Lords each, to labor with them in the earth department; and every Lord was al- lotted one million spirit soldiers, to be under the Lord's jurisdiction. With this, Baal and Ashtaroth returned to their heavenly kingdoms on the earth, and at once set about their labors. First, by inspiring mortal kings and queens, who, being thus inspired, impressed tens of thou- sands and hundreds of thousands of their subject to do the building. And in seven years' time there were built in Parsi'e and Arabin'ya four thousand altars for the sa- cred dances; seven thousand temples of sacrifice, four hundred and seventy oracle temples, and thirty-one sar'gis temples, where the Lords took on corporeal forms and talked and reasoned with mortals; es- pecially on the stars and moon and on the earth; teaching the philosophers the four motions of the earth; axial, oscillaic, or- bitic and vorkum; the plan of the hissa- gow, and the cycles of the earth; the cycles of the sun, and the cycle of the sun's sun; the north star-belt therein, and the vortices that move them all. And the inhabitants of Arabin'ya and Par'si'e and Heleste began again to pros- per, and became mighty. But after many years, behold, Baal and Ashtaroth rebelled against Osiris, and seceded from him. And this was the end of the heavenly confederacy founded by De'yus. As for the far-off Gods in other divisions of the earth, they seceded at the time Osiris and Te-in and Sudga did. And from this time on, no more spirits were sent to the Lord God, the false, the author of the name De'- yus. When Baal and Ashtaroth seceded from Osiris and resumed their own kingdoms, behold, in all the divisions of the earth, ev- ery God was for himself and his own king- dom. But between Osiris and Baal and Ashtaroth a triangular war ensued in refer- ence to the boundaries and divisions of the land of the earth. 350 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ Now, therefore, the self-Gods had be- come the beginning of a new order of do- minion in heaven and earth, every one in his own way. CHAPTER L. After the meeting between De'yiis and Osiris and Sudga, when De'yiis was left alone, he thus reasoned: Since Sudga and Osiris have thus left me uncivilly amidst a most disgusting quarrel, it must follow that on their arrival home they will secede, taking their kingdoms with them. Well, it will be well; I will the more warmly bind my fellowship to Te-in, and we twain shall overthrow Sudga and Osiris, and take all their spoils. Whilst De'yiis thus soliloquized, mes- sengers came from Che-su-gow, Te-in's heavenly place, bringing this word: Greet- ing to thee, our Lord God: Te-in hath se- ceded, and taken both his heavenly and his corporeal diminions unto himself. With an army of two hundred million angel war- riors he is walling his heavenly kingdom around on every side; none can pass or re- pass without his permission. Before De'yiis recovered from his sur- prise, behold, other messengers came from Sudga's heavenly place, saying: Greeting to thee, our Lord God: Sudga hath seced- ed, taking with him his heavenly kingdom and his earth dominions, Vind'yu! With an army of two hundred million angel warriors he is walling his heavenly king- dom around on every side; none can pass or repass without his permission! De'yus said: So alike and like! Then these ras- cal Gods had this planned beforehand! Presently other messengers arrived, say- ing: Greeting to thee, our one-time Lord God of heaven and earth! Osiris and Baal and Ashtaroth have seceded, taking their heavenly kingdoms and their mortal do- minions with them. I, Osiris have spoken. Thy higher grades I will draw unto myself; my lower grades I will banish unto thee! De'yus said: Well, it is well. I will now make stronger the other heavenly di- visions unto me; and the earth divisions, too long neglected by me; Uropa, Guata- ma, North and South, and their heavenly places. But whilst he thus soliloquized, behold, messengers arrived from these places, also announcing their secession in like manner. Then De'yus was silent for a long while, considering. But satan came to him, saying: Darkness cometh unto all the great, for by this the light is made to shine brighter. Now, since all access to the corporeal earth is cut off, and since all thy supplies for food and raiment must come up from the earth, it followeth that thou shalt lower Hored, thy heavenly place, nearer to the face of the earth. The which accom- plished, thou shalt send ten thousand mill- ion of thy warrior angels against these re- bellious Gods and despoil them of their dominions, and cast them into hell, and repossess thou the whole earth. De'yus said: It is true! My way is clear. These rascally Gods know not how foolishly they have exposed themselves. Hored is wide enough to cover them up. And by fire will I chase the drujas upon them, ten thousand million strong; flood them with such foulness that their king- doms will go to pieces under them and suf- focate them in the horrid stench. De'yus then called together his vice- Gods, and his Holy Council, and his high- est raised officers; and he related to them what had occurred, and his plans ahead. But that he might the better deliberate and gain their acquiescence, he granted a day of recreation, to meet on the following day at the trumpet call. ' But on the day of recreation, no less than seven hundred million of his highest grades left him and Hored, and descended to the hea- venly kingdoms of his former Gods, some to one and some to another, whilst a few of them descended to the earth to found small kingdoms of their own. Danger was already staring De'yus in the face. Accordingly, he at once chose his offi- cers, and set them to work, but owing to their lack of knowledge in such matters, only a small section was bound and lowered at one time, at which rate a hundred years would be required to accomplish the work. Hereat, De'yus' heart began to fail him. The prophecies of the higher Gods, that he and his kingdoms would be ultimately CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 351 broken up and cast into hell, began to show signs of realization fearful to contemplate. De'yiis had no time for war, but must now use every stratagem in his power to prevent dismemberment in his own king- dom. In these straits a good fortune came to him in a ji'ay'an harvest falling in all the atmospherean heavens, compressing and falling, so that his lowest grades were pro- vided with sustenance from above, and they were pacified. Jehovih had spoken to Cpenta-armij, in her far-off etherean worlds, saying: Be- hold, Earth, she entereth now the ji'ay'- an fields of Tu'e'vraga, in My high roads, Loo-sutsk. A little while will I feed the self-Gods of the lower heavens, and lead them on to know My power. CHAPTER LI. Jehovih spake to God, His Son, in Cra- oshivi, saying: Prepare thou, for the fall of ji'ay in atmospherea. Earth and her heavens enter Loo-sutsk, seventy years in the rates of seven hundred; forty years in five hundred; twenty years in a'ji! Be thou advised; for Craoshivi shall fall to thirty, and Hored be buried in the earth. Call thou My Son, Ahura, and reveal My words! So God, in Craoshivi, advised his High Council, and also sent messengers in haste to Vara-pishanaha, to Ahura, and ac- quainted him. After this God propounded in Council. What can Craoshivi do for Anuhasaj ? Thereupon the members spake at great length, more than a thousand of them. So God decreed: A commission to wait on Anuhasaj and inform him of his dan- ger, and offer to succor and save him. This is the message thus sent: To thee, O Anuhasaj, greeting in Jeho- vih's name, and by our love assured. Thou art adjudged to be in perilous condition. Behold, one hundred and thirty years' pressure will fall on the heavens of Earth; Craoshivi will go down to the depths of hada. Reach up thy hands, and I will come and save thee and thy kingdom. Wilt thou withdraw thine armies and per- mit the resurrection of thy lowest grades? Anuhasaj answered in these words: Who art thou that thus assaileth my peace- ful kingdom? Thou pretended son of the Void Nothingness? Call thou on me as becometh one with thy small kingdom, and if thou need help for thyself, or for thy pau- pers, I will give unto thee! Thereupon God returned this answer: Be thou patient with me, O brother: If it be that I am proved to be in darkness, and thou in the light, I will make thee ample amends. If on the other hand I be in the light, and thou in darkness, I will say naught that would wound thee. If thou wilt apply thyself diligently to solve the place of Earth and her heavens thou wilt find in truth the coming pressure whereof I told thee. Think not that my words are spoken at random, but try them by proph- ecy and by mathematics. As to the coming danger, it is an easy matter to estimate. A thousand years ago, when thou first established thyself and thy heaven, Hored possessed an average grade above fifty. And there were four thousand million of them. In two hundred years thou hadst six thousand million, and the grade was raised to sixty-five. In the next two hundred years the number was nearly doubled, but the grade had fallen to forty. And two hundred years later the inhabitants had nearly doubled again, but the grade had fallen to twenty-eight. In the next two hundred years, the increase in numbers was at the same rate as the de- crease in the grade. Now behold, thy twenty-eight thousand million, more than half of whom are in Hored, are below grade ten. And when thou didst first possess Hored, a ten grade could not survive thereon. Think not that some accidental thing will raise so great a weight. Look into this matter, as to what thou hast done! Thou hast persuaded thy hosts not to look up to Jehovih and His kingdoms, and lo, they incline downward to the earth. Yea, they have already filled the earth with war and destruction. Thou shalt not hope to throw these things on thy Gods, for they will turn against thee and accuse thee. At present they are content to found kingdoms of their own. But they will also come to an end. Because they have seceded from thee, let it be evidence that all the highest grades will follow in the same way. 352 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARM1J As for Craoshivi, her lowest grades are above fifty, and therefore self-sustaining; her highest grades are ninety-nine and her average eighty-eight. And hundreds of millions of these are such as my Lords have rescued from thy bondage; others, such Faithists on the earth as thy false Gods put to death for refusing to bow to thee. And have they not proved it is bet- ter to suffer death than to renounce faith in Jehovih? Otherwise they had now been within the company of thy slaves, toiling in darkness. Yea, my kingdom is made up of those that were despised and abused; and of those that thy Gods slew in war, chaotic and mad. For my asaphs followed thy cruel wars and gathered in the spirits of the slain, whom thou wouldst not have. Thou callest them poor still. Why, so they are; they are washed white as snow; and because they have been taught to keep on casting aside all accumulation, save knowl- edge and goodness of heart, in which they are rich indeed. They would come to thee now in pity to take thy people by the hand and deliver them away from thee and darkness. And if thy slaves be not delivered away from thee, they will surely, soon or late, turn upon thee and cast thee into hell. I pray thee, therefore, assume thou conversion to Je- hovih, and cast thy kingdom upon Him whilst thou may. For I have the power and the means to deliver thee and thy slaves. Yea, I will give thee a new name, and hide thee away, that they cannot find thee. And thou shalt be one with me in my holy place. Thus the matter remained. CHAPTER LII. In Vara-pishanaha Ahura had now toil- ed nearly two thousand years with his peo- ple, who for a great part had been drujas, but were now high in the grades. More than two thousand million of them had been raised into light; becoming Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih, and had been delivered into the etherean worlds. But Ahura suffered not his dominions to be depleted, but did after the manner of God in Craoshivi, and sent down to hada and to the earth and gathered in, both the fallen angels of De'yus and his false Gods, and also the chaotic and foul-smelling spir- its, wild and frenzied; and Ahura had them brought to Vara-pishanaha and there sorted, and nursed and restored and put to school and to factories, and taught and developed; hundreds of millions of them becoming bright, wise and of great love and power. God sent to Ahura, saying: Greeting to thee in the name of Jehovih: Because of the coming darkness which will soon press upon atmospherea from every quarter, and the trials that will be put upon Gods and angels, let us unite our heavenly kingdoms! Let us bring our plateaux together, and thy kingdom shall be my kingdom, and mine shall be thine; and one of us shall be manager in heaven, and the other shall de- scend to hada and to the earth during the great darkness. To this Ahura replied: Greeting to thee, God of Earth and her heavens, and with love and most high reverence. There is wisdom in thy design. I will do whatso- ever thou demandest, to fulfill this great work. So God, of Craoshivi, and Ahura, brought their forces to bear on their re- spective plateaux, to unite them. And their places were two thousand miles apart, to the northeast and southwest; and Vara- pishanaha was seven thousand miles below Craoshivi. Now the coming pressure would drive them both down near the earth's surface; to steer Vara-pishanaha to the northeast- ward, and to steer Craoshivi to the south- westward, would bring one over the other; and to lower the grade of Craoshivi would bring the twain in contact. And the in- habitants of both dominions were so high in power and wisdom that their presence was higher than the place they inhabited. So that the element of the plateaux was all that was required to be moved. To find the power required, and to ar- range the ranks for the proceding, God appointed officers and set them to work, and the officers reported back that the work could be completed in twelve years. And Ahura united with God; and there were en- gaged in this labor three thousand million angels. And they made a bridge betwixt the two plateaux, and it was completed during the first year; and it so connected them that millions of angels could pass and repass whilst the work was going on. CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 353 Yet God's labors and Ahura's labors is receiving the spirits of the earth, of the Faithists, and of others from the regions of hada, ceased not. Their thousands of otevans sailed the heavens in every direction, gathering in the unfortunate. And now that the self-Gods in hada had quarreled amongst themselves and separ- ated, De'yus' blockade was broken. His mighty standing army against Jeho- vih's believers had melted away; and the otevans sped hither and yonder unmolested. And they gathered in many a thousand; yea, tens of thousands, of De'yus' highest raised angels. The lowest would not come, they had been taught to hate with vengeance Jehovih and His worshippers; to look upon all ills as from Jehovih; to look upon all good de- lights and blessings as the gifts of De'yus, the Lord their God. Suffice it to say, in twelve years the great heavens, Craoshivi and Vara-pish- anaha, were united and become as one place. And there was a time of rejoicing and delight; great recreation and commun- ion; great rites and ceremonies, and wor- shipping and rejoicing before Jehovih. Al- ready was the pressure of ji'ay upon the heavens and the earth. Hored was fast falling toward the earth; De'yus' highest raised had already gone; his kingdom was becoming a kingdom of fools and idlers, a most dangerous class when once want and starvation come upon them. De'yus, still stubborn, and, withal, hop- ing for a change from some cause he saw not, had now no longer time to quarrel with his truant Gods, but from day to day, liour to hour, was kept on a strain to avert the threatened doom. Meanwhile, the false Gods, his own ■one-time pupils, were now heaping into his distracted kingdom millions and millions of drujas, who had been taught on earth that .all that was required of them was to call on the Savior, Anubi, and the Lord God, and that when they died they would go straight to glory to dwell on the holy hill of the Lord God. And these poor creatures the self-Gods now applauded, helping them on, saying: Yea, go on; your Savior, Anubi, will open the gate and pass you in. Hence- forth, forever, ye shall do nothing but bow to De'yus. And these spirits of darkness, like idi- ots, were bowing all the time, day and night, doing nothing but bowing, and say- ing: Blessed Anubi! He can save me! Glory to the Lord our God! Then they would begin again: Blessed Anubi! My Savior! Glory be to De'yus! For this was all they knew; neither would they hear nor see else; they were as wild people; with outbursting eyes, looking for Anubi; looking for De'yus; but bowing incessant- ly in all directions; millions of them, tens of millions. Anubi gave up his olace in conse- quence, and in fear of them; and his hea- venly city was like a house without a keep- er, where throngs go in and out, around about, forever shouting: O my blessed Savior, Anubi! Glory be to the Lord God. But Anubi was with the false Lord God, striving to help him find some means of escape or safety. CHAPTER LIII. Darker and darker, the hadan fields palled before the touch of Jehovih's hand, to try the self-assumed Lord God and his heavenly works. As if an epoch new and terrible had come to one so audacious, who foremost in heaven and earth had sought to banish the worship and the name of the Great Spirit from mortals, and give them instead a heavenly ruler in the image of man. For before this, all nations knew the office of Gods and Lords, and reverenced them as Jehovih's high officers, raised up spirits of the dead, wise and powerful. But now, in five great divisions of the earth, satan's hadan chief had bound mortals to his name, with threatened penalties, and even death, for mentioning Jehovih's name. And, to put them to the test, made oaths on burning flesh, that whoso would not eat thereof should die. For this was the criterion before the courts that they who refused fish and flesh food, or would not pollute the body by intoxicating drinks and noxious smoke, were possessed of Je- hovihian worship, and so deserved torture and death. So the names of Lord and God, and Lord God, and De'yus, had now become for a thousand years fixed in mortals' minds as the Creator, a large man sitting on a 354 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ throne in Hored, his heavenly seat, watched and guarded by his son, Anubi, keeper of the scales, and of the gate to heaven. To make a plausible story of which, the an- gels, through oracles, and magicians, and priests, and prophets, proclaimed that: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and all things therein and. there- on. And he was tired, and rested; and, as if creation was a completed work, left cer- tain laws to run the wonderful machine whilst he sat afar off, looking on; smiling at the pranks of mortals, and their failure to understand him, with a devil and a hor- rid fire to torture their souls, if they sang not in praise of this compounded, false Lord God. Thus turned he, their false God, the voice of mortals from Him Who is Ever Present, Whose speech hath every soul heard, Whose Presence moveth all things in heaven and earth! The false God turned them to sing and pray to himself, so he should clutch and bind their souls in end- less slavery; untaught, half fed; as drudges, to bring into his capital, provender and building stones to glorify him forever. Over Jaffeth, far and wide, this traitor to Jehovih had sealed in stone, and papy- rus, and wood, and sacred cloth, his name, Ho-Joss, to suit the Panic voice; as whilst in Vind'yu he made them engrave it Dy- aus, to fit the Vedic tongue; and thence in Fonece to suit the higher-spirited race, Adonia-Egad, and go over to Heleste, and, in less distinct Greece, whisper Zeus, saying: These words are watchwords to gain Anubi's ear, and turn the scales for endless paradise, saying: Go ye, engrave my names; and, in mortal librar- ies, register my great exploit, of how I cre- ated the world. And make me spotless pure, letting sin into the races of men by Osiris' cunning tale of We-it's weakness by fault of the earth. For I am not come like Jehovih's captains, spirits sent to rule men for a season, but a very God of blood and bones, who once, in terrible anger, flooded the earth to drown my disobedient sons and daughters. Make ye them to tremble and draw long breath when my name is spoken, or, by mine own soul, I will hurl heaven and earth into the endless chaos! Pressing downward ji'ay came, slowly and surely, the very motion spake as a million tongues, serious, awful. For many of the hosts of De'yiis were deserting him on all sides. As one in a small way may see on a sinking ship, how the expert swimmers, with strong arms, leap into the water boldly and swim for the far-off shore, whilst the helpless, in frantic rage, cluster fast upon the distracted officers, hindering them from doing good. • So began the tumult in the fast decending plateau, Ho- red, which was increased a hundred-fold by the flood of drujas cast upon De'yus' kingdom by his own traitorous false Gods. De'yiis' generals and captains first tried music to hold the forty thousand million to peace and order; but the es'enaurs them- selves took fright, and fled by the million, flying down to the earth to Osiris', or Te- in's, or Sudga's kingdoms, and over-flood- ing mortals with ghostly revelries. Next, by parades, and rites, and great proces- sions, did De'yiis' officers seek to divert the panic-stricken millions. Thus for years this maddened God with wonderful strength of will almost held his own, inventing tens of thousands of strata- gems. But at last, in the downward course, Hored touched upon the corporeal earth; and suddenly, as if startled by the shock, the frantic millions screamed, and then, alas, all order died. The doors of hell were opened! The maddened mob broke loose to pillage or to destroy De'yus' throne and capital, with all their splendor. And then rushed in the fault-finders, shouting: Thou lying God, but like a man, who art thou? And thou, Anubi, deceiving judge! A thou- sand horrible deaths to thee! But the unlearned drujas knew not who was rank or officer, God or judge, but seized the pale and trembling De'yus and Anubi, and more than a million officers, overpowered them, by ten million to one, pressed on by the foul-smelling crowd. And now, with blows and kicks and cuffs, on every side began the awful fray. Till stretched as wide as the Earth, the count- less millions were plunged into hell. Here- upon, to right and left, was now an un- ceasing combat, and all the hosts of the Lord God were sworn for vengeance CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMU 355 against any one they came against. Then came the torturers, casting into hells most offensive smells and suffocating gases, crammed in the nose and mouth of their victims. No more were De'yiis and Anubi seen, but swallowed up in measureless darkness where every soul sought nothing good, but labored hard to give unto others excruciating tortures for vengeance sake. CHAPTER LIV. God in Craoshivi prayed Jehovih what he should do to release De'yus and Anubi; Jehovih answered, saying: My Son, thou shalt first labor for them that desire; who- so courteth darkness deserveth not thy hand. I have proclaimed from since the olden time, warning to them that put Me away; but in their self-conceit they denied My person and power. Wert thou, this day, to deliver from hell De'yus and Anu- bi, and their thousands of millions of self- torturing slaves, they would but use their deliverance to mock My creation, saying: It lasted not; it was but a breath of wind. In four hundred years I will bring Earth into another dawn of light. Till then, let De'yus and Anubi and their hosts take their course. God inquired concerning Osiris and Te- in and Sudga, and Jehovih answered him, saying: Sufficient unto them is the light they have received. Suffer them also to take their course, for they also shall be- come involved in hells of their own build- ing. But be thou attentive to My Chosen, the Faithists, in all parts of heaven and earth; not suffering one of them to fall into the hells of My enemies. God acquainted Ahura with Jehovih's words; then Ahura prayed to Jehovih, saying: O Father, grant Thou to me that I may go to Osiris, and to Te-in, and to Sudga, to plead Thy cause. Behold, De'- yus is locked up in hell; even high-raised Gods would not find it safe to go to him. Jehovih said: Why, O Ahura, desirest thou to go to Osiris and to Te-in and to Sudga? Knowest thou not, how difficult it is to alter the mind of a mortal man; and yet these self-Gods are ten-fold more stubborn! Ahura said: I know, I cannot change them; to break this matter of conceit, and all learned men are liable to fall therein, none but Thou, O Jehovih, hast power. But these self-Gods were long ago my most loved friends; behold, I will go to them as a father would to a son, and plead with them. Jehovih gave permission to Ahura to visit them, the three great self- Gods. So Ahura fitted out an otevan, and with ten thousand attendants, and one thousand heralds, and with five thousand musicians, besides the officers of the fire-ship, set sail for Che-su-gow, Te-in's heavenly place, over Jaffeth. And when he arrived near the place he halted and sent his her- alds ahead to inquire if he could have au- dience with Te-in. Te-in received the heralds cordially, and being informed of their object, sent back this word: Te-in, the most high ruler of heaven and earth, sendeth greeting to Ahura, commanding his presence, but for- bidding Ahura and his hosts from speak- ing to any soul in Che-su-gow save Te-in. Ahura received this insulting message with composure, and then proceeded and entered the capital city, the heavenly place of Te-in, where he was met by one million slaves, arrayed in the most gorgeous man- ner. These conducted him and his at- tendants to the arena, where Ahura was received by the marshals, who brought him to the throne, leaving the attendants in the arena. Here Te-in saluted on the sign of Taurus, and Ahura answered in the sign of Friendship. Te-in signalled privacy, and so all oth- ers fell back, leaving Ahura and Te-in alone. Te-in said: Come thou and sit beside me on the throne. Ahura said: Be- cause thou hast not forgotten me I am re- joiced. And he went up and sat on the throne. Te-in said: Because thou art my friend I love thee; because thou art beside me I am rejoiced. It is more than a thousand years since mine eyes have beholden thee. Tell me, Ahura, how is it with thyself and thy kingdom? Ahura said: As for myself I am hap- py; for the greater part, my kingdom is happy also. My trials have been severe and long enduring. But of my four thou- sand million, more than half of them are 356 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ delivered beyond atmospherea, high rais- ed; and of the others they grade from fifty to ninety. Te-in said: And for more than two thousand years' toil, what hast thou gained hy striving to raise up these drujas? Ahu- ra said: This only, O Te-in, peace and re- joicing in my soul. Te-in said: Hereupon hang two phil- osophies: One seeketh peace and rejoic- ing by laboring with the lowest of the low; the other, by leading the highest of the high. As for me, the latter suiteth me better than the former. I tell thee, Ahura, all things come of the will; if we will our- selves to shut out horrid sights and com- plainings, such as the poor druk and the druj indulge in, we have joy in a higher heaven. To me it is thus; sympathy is our most damnable enemy, for it bindeth us to the wretched and miserable. To put away sympathy is to begin to be a great master over others, to make them sub- servient to our wills. Ahura said: Is it not a good thing to help the wretched? Te-in answered: To help them is like drinking nectar; to make one's senses buoyant for the time being, that is all. They relapse and are less res- olute that before, and depend on being helped again. For which reason he who helpeth the wretched doth wrong them -woefully. To make them know their places, this is the highest. For have not ■even the Gods to submit to their places? To learn to be happy with one's place and condition is great wisdom. Herein have thousands of Gods fallen; they helped up the poor and wretched; as one may, in sympathy to serpents, take them into his house and pity them. They immediately turn and bite their helpers. But speak thou, O Ahura; for I have respect to thy words. Ahura said: If a man plant an acorn in a flower-pot, and it take root and grow, one of two things must follow: the growth must be provided against or the pot will burst. Even thus draweth, from the sources around about, the lowest druj in heaven. None of the Gods can bind him forever. Alas, he will grow. All our bondage over them cannot prevent the soul, soon or late, taking root and grow- ing. How, then, can we be Gods over them forever? Te-in said: Thou art a God over them; I am a God over them. Where is the dif- ference? Ahura said: I am not in mine own name; though I am God over them, yet I am not God over them. For I teach them they shall not worship me, but Jehovih. I train them that I may raise them away from me. Neither do my people serve me, but serve the Great Spirit. Thou teachest thy drujas that thou art the all highest, and that they shall be contented to serve thee everlastingly. Thou dost limit them to the compass of thy kingdom. I do not limit my subjects, but teach them that their progression is forever onward, upward. Te-in said: How do we not know but the time will come unto them, and they shall say: Alas, I was taught in error. They told me there was a Great Spirit, a Person comprising all things, but I have found Him not. Will they not then revolt also? Was not this the cause of De'yus' fall? He had searched the heavens to the extreme, but found not Jehovih. Then he returned, and possessed himself of heaven and earth. Although he failed, and is cast into hell, it is plain that his sympathy for drujas caused his fall. From his errors, I hope to guard myself; for I shall show no sympathy for the poor or wretched; neither will I permit education on earth or in hea- ven, save to my Lords or marshals. When a mortal city pleaseth me not, I will send spirits of darkness to flood it unto destruc- tion. Yea, they shall incite mortals to fire the place, and to riot and death. Thus will I keep the drujas of heaven forever busy playing games with mortals, and in bringing provender and diadems to for- ever glorify my heavenly kingdom. Ahura said: Where in all the world hath a self-God stood and not fallen? Te-in said: Thou mayest ask of mor- tals: Where is a kingdom or a nation that stood, and hath not fallen? Yet thou perceivest nations continue to try to found themselves everlastingly. But they are leveled in time. Things spring up and grow, and then fall into dissolution. Will it not be so with ourselves in the far fu- ture? Will we not become one with the CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 357 ever-changing elements, and as nothing, and wasted away? Ahura said: One might say of man and spirits: There were some seeds plant- ed; and many of them rotted and returned to earth; but others took root and grew and became large trees. But yet, is it not true also of the trees that they have a time? For they die, and fall down, and rot, and also return to earth. Admit this to be true, O Te-in, and that the time may come when thou and I shall pass out of being, doth it not follow that for the time we live we should contribute all we can to make others happy? Te-in said: If by so doing it will ren- der ourselves happy, with no danger to our kingdoms, then yea, verily. For which reason are we not forced back after all to the position that we shall labor for our own happiness, without regard to oth- ers? One man delighteth in art, another in philosophy, another in helping the poor and wretched; another in eating and drinking, and another in ruling over oth- ers; shall not they all have enjoyment in the way of their desires? Shalt thou say to him that delighteth in eating and drinking: Stop thou; come and delight thyself help- ing the wretched! Ahura said: This I have seen; the in- telligent and clean have more delight than do the stupid and filthy; the rich more en- joyment than the poor. As for ourselves, we delight more in seeing the delighted than in seeing the wretched. More do we delight to see a child smile than to hear it cry; but there be such that delight more to make a child cry than to see it smile; but such persons are evil and take delight in evil. Shall we, then, indulge them in their means of delight? Or is there not a limit, as when we say: All men have a right to that which delighteth themselves, provided it mar not the delight of others? Te-in said: Thou hast reasoned well. We shall delight ourselves only in such ways as do not mar the delight of others. Whereupon Ahura said: Then I am not delighted with the manner of thy king- dom; and thou shouldst not practice what giveth me pain. Because thou hast re- solved to educate not mortals nor angels, thou hast raised a hideous wall in the face of the Gods. Te-in said: This also wilt thou admit: That as we desire to delight ourselves we should look for the things that delight us, turn away from things that delight us not. Therefore, let not the Gods turn their faces this way, but to their own affairs. Ahura said: Thou art wise, O Te-in. But this I have found; that something within us groweth, that will not down nor turn aside. In the beginning of life we look to ourselves, which the nature of the young; but when we grow, we take a wife, and we delight to see her delighted; then cometh offspring, and we delight to see them delighted. After this, we delight to see our neighbors delighted; and then the state, and then the whole kingdom. This delight to be delighted groweth within us; and when we become Gods we delight no longer in the delight of a few only, but we expand unto many kingdoms. As for my- self, I first delighted in the delight of Vara- pishanaha; but now I delight to see other Gods and other kingdoms delighted. For that, I have come to thee. I fear thy fate. I love thee. I love all thy people, good and bad. Behold, -this I have found, that it is an easier matter to allow a river to run its course than to dam it up; to dam up a river, and not have it overflow or break the dam, this I have not found. The course of the spirit of man is growth; it goeth onward like a running river. When thou shuttest up the mouth, saying: Thus far and no farther! I fear for thee. I tried this matter once; I was flooded; the dam was broken. I see thee shutting out knowl- edge from mortals and angels; but I tell thee, O Te-in, the time will come when the channel will be too broad for thee. Te-in said: How shall I answer such great wisdom? Where find a God like unto thee. O Ahura? And yet, behold, the Lord God, Anuhasaj, toiled with thee hun- dreds of years, and learned all these things; yea, he traveled in the far-off heavens, where there are Gods and kingdoms which have been for millions of years. And he came back and renounced the Great Per- son, Jehovih. He said: All things are not a harmonious whole; but a jumble; a dis- ordered mass, playing catch as catch can. 358 CYCLE OF CPENTA-AEMIJ Ahura said: And what hath befallen liim? And is here not a great argument? For we behold in all times, conditions and places, in heaven and on earth, wherever people assume doctrines like unto his, they tbegin to go down into hell. They flourish a little while, but only as a summer plant, to yield in the winter's blast. This I have seen for a long time coming against these heavens, even thine, that, as darkness crushed De'yiis, S o will thy heavenly do- minions soon or late fall, and in the shock and fray thou wilt suffer a fate like unto De'yus. Te-in said: For thy wise words, O Ahura, I am thy servant. I will consider thy argument, and remember thee with love. In a thousand years from now I may be. wiser; and I may have my kingdom so built up that it will be an argument stronger than words. Hereupon the two Gods brought their argument to a close, and Te-in signalled his vice-Gods and marshals, and they ■came; and when Ahura and Te-in had sa- luted each other, Ahura was conducted away from the place of the throne, and af- ter that beyond the capital. The vice-Gods and marshals delivered bim to his own at- tendants, and with them he embarked in his otevan, and set sail for Sudga's hea- venly kingdom, over the land of Vind'yu. CHAPTER LV. Sudga, after assuming a heaven unto himself, moved it over the Nua Mountains and called it Hridat, in which place he had eight thousand million angel slaves, after the same manner as Te-in's. Sudga's cap- ital city, Sowachissa, his highest heavenly seat, was modeled after the fashion of Sanc-tu, De'yus' heavenly place in Hored, at the time of its greatest magnificence. The capital house of Sudga was made of precious stones and gems, the work of thousands of millions of angels for many years. And when Hored was pillaged, prior to De'yus being cast into hell, mill- ions of its most precious ornaments were stolen and brought to Hridat. The streets of Hridat were paved with precious stones; and an arena surrounded the palace on every side, set with crystals of every shade and color, and of every conceivable man- ner of workmanship. On the borders of the arena stood five hundred million senti- nels, arrayed in splendor such as only Gods had looked upon. Inside the line of sentinels were one million pillars of fire, kept brilliant day and night, by the toil of five hundred million slaves. Inside the line of the pillars of fire were one mill- ion marshals, so arrayed in splendor one could scarce look upon them. These were watch and watch, with two other groups of one million each, and they stood watch eight hours each. None but the vice-Gods and the high marshals could cross the arena to the pal- ace, walking, but must crawl on their bel- lies, and for every length crawled, they must kiss the pavement and recite an an- them of praise to Sudga, who now took both names, Sudga and Dyaus. Neither must any one repeat the same anthem twice, but it must be a new anthem for each and every length of the person. For a tall person, a thousand lengths were re- quired, from the line of marshals to the palace, a thousand anthems. So that only the few, as compared to his millions, ever laid eyes on the throne of Sudga. And after they so beheld him on the throne, for they were only permitted to gaze upon him but once, and that at a great distance, and amidst such a sea of fire they scarce could see him, then they must re-crawl back again to the place of beginning, again reciting another thousand anthems. Which made Sudga almost inaccessible, and per- mitted only such as were favored to even look upon him, which with the ignorant is a great power. When Ahura came to the capital and sent word to Sudga who he was, praying audience, Sudga gave orders to admit him, commanding Ahura to walk upright into his presence, along with the vice-Gods. Accordingly, in this manner Ahura came before Sudga, and saluted in Love and Es- teem, answered by Sudga in Friendship of Old. The latter at once commanded pri- vacy, and so all others withdrew, and Ahu- ra and Sudga went up and sat on the throne. Sudga said: Because thou hast come to see me I am overflowing with joy. Be- cause I know thou hast come to admonish CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 359 me for my philosophy and the manner of my dominions, I respect thee. Because thou didst once try to found a kingdom of thine own, and failed, I sympathize with thee; but because thou went back on thyself and accepted Jehovih, and so was rescued from thy peril, I commiserate thee. Ahura said: To hear thy gifted tongue once more is my great joy. To know that no misfortune was in store for thee and thy kingdom would give me great delight. Because I love thee, and the people of thy mighty, heavenly kingdom, I have come to admonish thee and plead for Jehovih's sake. As for myself, I have found that to cast all my cares on Him, and then turn in and work hard for others, these two things give me the greatest happiness. Sudga said: Can a brave man justly cast his -cares upon another? Was not thyself given to thyself for thyself? If so, thou desirest none to work for thee? If so, how hast thou a right to work for oth- ers? If thou prevent them working out their own destiny, wrongest not thou them? Moreover, thou sayest: To cast thy cares on Jehovih, and to work hard for others, these two give thee the great- est happiness. Therefore, art thou not selfish to work for thine own happiness? For is not this what I am doing for myself in my own way? Ahura said: Grant all thy arguments, O Sudga, where shall we find the meas- ure of righteous works but in the sum of great results? For you or me to be hap- py, that is little; for a millions angels to be happy, that is little. But when we put two kingdoms alongside, and they be the same size, and have the same number of inhabitants, is it not just that we weigh them in their whole measure to find which of the two kingdoms hath the greater number of happy souls? Would not this be a better method of arriving at the high- est philosophy? Sudga said: Yea, that would be higher than logic, higher than reason. That would be the foundation of a sound the- ory. Ahura said: And have we not found, both in heaven and earth, that all king- doms that are overthrown have the cause of their fall in the unhappiness and disaf- fection of the ignorant. As soon as the masses begin to be in unrest, the rulers apply vigorous measures to repress them, but it is only adding fuel to the fire; it deadens it for a while, but only to have it burst forth more violently afterward. Sudga said: Thou reasonest well, O Ahura; go on. Ahura said: How, then, shall we de- termine the happiness of two kingdoms, in order to determine which hath the greater happiness? Are not revolts evi- dence of unhappiness? Hear me, then, O Sudga; where, in all the Jehovihian heav- ens, hath there ever been a revolt? And on Earth, where have the Jehovians, the Faithists, rebelled against their rulers? Behold, in the far-off etherean heavens, the Nirvanian fields, hath never been any God or Chief environed in tortures. As for my own kingdom, my people will not re- bel against me, nor need I fortify myself against disaster. Sudga said: Thou art wise, O Ahura. The only way to judge a kingdom's hap- piness is by the peace and contentment and civility of its people toward one an- other, and by the confidence betwixt the ruler and the ruled. He who hath to guard himself liveth on the eve of the de- struction of his kingdom and himself. And yet, O Ahura, remember this: The Jeho- vihians of heaven and Earth are high raised ere they become such; any one can be a ruler for them, for they know righteous- ness. But I have to deal with Druks and drujas. How, then, canst thou compare my kingdom with the Nirvanian king- doms? Ahura said: Alas, O Sudga, I fear my arguments are void before thee. Thou showest me that the line betwixe selfish- ness and unselfishness is finer than a spi- der's web. Even Gods cannot distinguish it. And yet, behold, there was a time when I said: I will be a mighty God, and bow not to the Unknown that brought me into being. For this I labored long and hard; the responsibility of my kingdom finally encroached upon my happiness. Long after that I put away all responsibil- ity, and made myself a servant to Jehovih. Then a new happiness came upon me, even when I had nothing that was mine in heav- 360 CYCLE OF CPEJSTA-ARM1J en and Earth. It is within my members as a new tree of delight. This it is that I would tell thee of, but I cannot explain it. It baf- fles words, even as a description of the Great Spirit is void because of His won- drous majesty. Such is the joy of His ser- vice that even Gods and angels cannot de- scribe it. With its growth we look famine in the face and weep not; we see falling ji'ay and fear not; with the ebb and flow of the tide of Jehovih's works we float as one with Him, with a comprehensive joy. Sudga said: To hear thy voice is joy to me; to not hear thee is great sorrow. Behold, I will consider thy words of wis- dom. In thy far-off place I will come in remembrance and love to thee. Thus ended the interview, and Sudga signalled his vice-Gods and high marshal to come; whereat he saluted Ahura in the sign of Craft, and Ahura answered him in the sign, Passage of Time. And then Ahura, betwixt the vice-Gods, led by the high marshal, departed, passed beyond the arena, where the vice-Gods and high marshal gave him into the charge of the marshal hosts, who conducted him be- yond the line of sentinels, where Ahura joined his own attendants and went with them into his otevan, and set sail for Agho'aden, Osiris' heavenly place, which had been over Par'si'e, but was now moved over Arabin'ya. CHAPTER LVI. At this time Osiris' heavenly kingdom numbered thirteen thousand million an- gels, good and bad. And it was the largest heavenly kingdom ever established on Earth. It was built after the manner of Sudga's; that is, modeled after Sanc-tu, in Hored, but more magnificent than Sudga's kingdom, and far larger. The arena-way was five thousand lengths of a man across; so that approaching visitors to the throne must crawl two thousand lengths in order to approach the throne. And they also had to repeat an anthem of praise, or a prayer, for every length crawled, going and coming. And they were, like at Sud- ga's, permitted to approach only to within a long distance from Osiris; whilst the ar- ray of lights around him were so dazzling that scarcely any could look upon him. And they that thus approached were so reverential that their minds magnified Osiris' glorious appearance so much, they verily believed they had looked into the Creator's face, and saw, of a truth, man was of his image and likeness. And thou- sands, and even millions, that thus crawled to look upon him, afterward went about in heaven preaching Osiris as the verita- ble All highest creator of heaven and Earth. Osiris made his Godhead to consist of three persons: first, himself, as The Foun- tain of the Universe, whose name was Un- speakable; second, Baal, His Only Begot- ten Son, into whose keeping he had assign- ed Earth and all mortals thereon; and, third, Ashtaroth, His Virgin Daughter, into whose keeping he had assigned life and death, or rather the power of beget- ting and the power to cause death with mortals. Osiris was the most cunning of all the self-Gods; for thus he appropriated the tri- angle of the Faithists; thus appropriated the names and powers of the Lord God, the false (now in hell), for only through Baal and Ashtaroth could any mortal or spirit ever attain to approach the arena of the throne in Agho'aden. And here again they had to pass the high sentinel, Egupt, before they were entitled to the right to crawl on their bellies over the sacred pave- ment, the way to the heavenly place. Only the vice-Gods of Osiris and his chief marshal could walk upright to the capital palace, and they with heads bowed low. And when Osiris was informed of Ahura's coming he sent word that he should come upright, with head erect, but veiled from head to foot. To this Ahura gladly consented; and, being thus veiled by Egupt and handed over to the vice- Gods and the chief marshal, he walked up- right till he came to the high arch of the palace; here they halted, and Ahura sa- luted on the sign, Old Time Love, and Osiris answered in the sign, Joy in Hea- ven. Whereupon Ahura left the vice-Gods and walked near the throne, and Osiris came down, and they embraced in each other's arms, not having seen each other for more than a thousand years. Osiris signalled the vice-Gods and chief marshal CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 361 to fall back, and they did so, and they as- cended the throne and sat thereon, pri- vately. Osiris said: This is a great joy! To meet one's loves, is not this greater, after all, than all the pomp and glory of the Gods? Ahura said: True; but who is wise enough to live to enjoy so cheap a glory? We run afar off; we build up mighty king- doms, and our places are replete with great magnificence; in search after what? Whilst that which doth cost nothing, love, the greatest good of all in heaven and Earth, we leave out in the cold. More de- light have I to again look upon thy buoy- ant face, and hear the music of thy voice, than I ever had in my heavenly kingdom of seven thousand million angels. Osiris said: Is it not so with all Gods, and with mortal kings and queens? They boast of the extent and power of their countless millions; and yet they have not more to love them than would match in numbers their fingers' ends, whom they can take into their arms in the fullness of reci- procity. What, then, are pomp and glory? Are not kings and queens of Earth but watch-dogs, to guard the flesh and bones of other mortals? And are not the Gods equally base in their trade of ruling over foul-smelling drujas? Ahura said: It is so. But whence is this great desire to rule over others; to lead them; to be applauded; and to revel in the toil of the millions? Would it not be wise for the Gods who understand this, to resign their mighty kingdoms and go along with their loves to feast in the great expanse of the universe? Osiris said: True, O Ahura. But who hath power to do this? Certainly not the Gods. And is it not so with mortals? For thousands of years, have they not been told: Except ye give up your earthly king- doms, and give up your riches, ye cannot rise in heaven. But, behold, the rich man cannot give up his riches; the king can- not give up his kingdom. They are weak indeed! As well expect an unhatched bird to fly. Yet such souls become but slaves in our dominions. This do I perceive also, of mine own kingdom, I cannot give it up; because, forsooth, I cannot get the de- sire to give it up, although my judgment saith it would be the highest, best thing for me. Ahura said: Are not great possessions- like unto dissipation? I have seen mortals who admit the highest, best thing to do is to live the highest, best one knoweth, and straightway go off and pollute the body by eating flesh and drinking wine. They also know the right way, but to attain to the desire to put in practice what one knoweth to be the highest, they have not reached. Osiris said: Yea, all this is dissipation. And if a man give away what he hath, is not that also dissipation? Can it be true,. O Ahura, that even as we manipulate mor- tals, to drive them to war or to make them play peace, to make them destroy their kingdoms and build up others by our an- gel amies, which they know not of, that we ourselves are ruled over by the Gods in the etherean heavens? Ahura said: It seemeth to me thus, Osiris: That the etherean Gods above us rule us, but not in the same way, but by their absence from us when we do unjust- ly, and by their presence when we do righteously. We rule over mortals by di- rect action upon them, shaping their des- tinies by our heavenly wills, and they are often cognizant of our angel servants be- ing with them. But when we cannot ap- propriate a mortal to do our wills, we withdraw our angels and suffer him to fall into the hands of drujas. Not that the Gods above us, O Osiris, send evils upon us; but that we foster evils within our own kingdoms which take root, like thorns and nettles in a neglected field, and they grow and environ us. Even this I have seen in thy heavens in the far future. It will come upon thee, O Osiris, and with all thy wisdom and strength thou wilt meet the same fate as De'yiis, and be cast into hell. Osiris said: Were I to judge by all the self-Gods who have been before me, I should assent unto thy wise judgment. But hear thou me, O Ahura, for mine is not like any other heavenly kingdom, nor formed for mine own glory only. This, then, is that that I will accomplish: I will cast out sin from amongst mor- tals, and all manner of wickedness; and I will give them a heavenly kingdom on .362 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ Earth. They shall war no more, nor deal unjustly with one another; nor have suf- fering, nor immature deaths, nor famines, :nor sickness, but peace, love, righteous- mess, good works and nobleness. For I will go down to them in person in time to •come; and I will take with me angels high raised, and appoint them unto mortals, :and give them corporeal bodies for their pleasure, and they shall be the teachers of man on Earth. And man shall put away all selfishness, deceit, lust, and lying; and the races of man shall be taught how to .beget offspring in purity and wisdom. And in that day I will take back the dru- jas of heaven and engraft them on mortals and re-raise them up with understanding. Wherefore, O Ahura, though I fortify myself in all this, am I not laboring in the right way? Ahura said: It seemeth to me a dan- gerous proceeding. I would compare thy plan to that of a teacher who took his pu- pil into a place of vice to teach him virtue. Osiris said: It hath been so said; but I will cast the higher love down into the "lower. Ahura said: Why, so thou canst; but, alas, it will remain down, and forever grov- el on the earth. I have seen a sweet maid- en wed to a vicious husband, and she lifted him not up, but he pulled her down. Will it not be so with the higher love, when 'thou weddest it to the earth? Behold the manner of the oracles! We appoint high-raised angels to answer the questions of mortals, to lead them up to virtue and wisdom; but, alas, mortals come not to the oracles to learn these things, but to learn wickedness, and war, and earthly gain. Will it not be so with thy kingdom found- ed on Earth? Instead of helping mortals up, mortals will pull down the angels to answer them in their most sinful desires and curiosity. Osiris said: Thou hast great reason on thy side, and facts withal to sustain thee. Yet forget not, O Ahura, I shall have a temple built of stone on earth, and a chamber where I can come and command the kingdom through the mortal king. Ahura said: Behold, my mission is fruitless. I have now visited my three loves, Te-in, and Sudga, and thee. And I cannot turn one. In this I have great sor- row; for I fear the time may come when great darkness will be upon you all. Osiris said: I will consider .thy wise words, O Ahura. And though thou now goest from me, my love will follow thee. Hereupon Osiris signalled the chief marshal and the vice-Gods, and they came. Then Osiris and Ahura embraced each other and departed, both saluting in the sign, Love Forever. Ahura retired even as he came, but backward, the vice-Gods on either side and the marshall leading the way. After they crossed the arena Ahura was delivered to Egupt, and the chief mar- shal, and the vice-Gods returned to Osiris. Egupt passed Ahura on to his own at- tendants, who conducted him to his fire- ship, wherein they embarked and set sail for his own heavenly place, Vara-pishana- ha. CHAPTER LVII. Jehovih permitted the self-Gods to prosper for more than four hundred years; and Te-in, Sudga, and Osiris became the mightiest Gods that ever ruled on the earth. Te-in had two vice-Gods, Noe Jon and Wang-tse-Yot. Next, chief high mar- shal, Kolotzka, and under him thirty thou- sand marshals. Chief general, Ha-e Giang, and under him one hundred thousand gen- erals and high captains. Of these, twenty thousand were allotted to the dominion of mortals in Jafreth; the others served in heaven, mostly about the throne of Te-in. Chiefly distinguished on Earth were Te- in's fourteen chief generals: Kacan-cat, Yam-yam, Tochin-woh, Ho-jon-yo, Wah- ka, Oke-ya-nos, Haing-le, Lutz-rom, Le- Wiang, Thu-wowtch, Eurga-roth, I-sa-ah, To Gow and Ah Shung. These generals were divided into two parts, seven each; and they were allotted equally, of the twenty thousand rank generals deputed to Earth; and these again were allotted each thirty thousand angel warriors. Te-in had said to these fourteen chief generals: When ye come to the earth, and, finding two cities near together, both of which worship other Gods than me, ye shall divide yourselves into two parts; and one army shall go to one mortal city and the other to the other, and by inspiration and otherwise ye shall bring the cities to CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 363 -war against each other, until both are broken down, or destroyed. After which ye shall inspire another city, that wor- shipped me, to come and possess both of those that are destroyed. Better is it to make our enemies kill each other than to kill them ourselves. And such was the mode of warfare by Te-in that all the land of Jaffeth was sub- dued unto himself in less than a hundred years, except a million Faithists, scat- tered here and there; and the Listians who were in the mountains and wildernesses. And great and costly tem- ples were built in all the cities of Jaft'eth, and dedicated to Te-in, Creator and Ruler of Heaven and Earth. Now, as to the worshippers of Joss and Ho-Joss, they were not converted but sub- dued, and they worshipped their God in secret, and made rites and ceremonies whereby they might know one another and the better escape persecution. Many of these were rites after the manner of the ancient rite of Baugh-ghan-ghad. Of the great cities destroyed in these wars were: Hong We, Chow Go and Sheing-tdo. For Hong We the wars last- ed twenty years; and there were slain within the city five hundred thousand men, women and children. The wars of Chow Go lasted forty years, and within her walls were slain three hundred thousand men, women and children. For Sheing-tdo the wars lasted twenty-five years, and there were slain within her walls three hundred thousand men, women and children. In the destruction of Hong We there were consigned to ashes four hundred bouses of philosophy; two thousand four hundred colleges, and twelve thousand public schools. All of which had been made glorious in the reign of Hong, the king of the city. Because he worshipped Ho-Joss, his great city was destroyed. In Chow Go there were destroyed six hundred houses of philosophy and two hundred colleges of Great Learning. Here was the Temple of Jonk, which was dedi- cated to the worship of Joss, and which, in building, required twenty thousand men twelve years. It had two thousand pillars of Awana stone, polished; and at the blood altar it had twelve thousand skulls, of which the great king Bak Ho was slaugh- terer in the name of Ho-Joss. The throne of worship for the king was set with dia- monds and pearls; and it had a thousand candlesticks of gold and silver. And the fine silk drapery and fine wool drapery within the temple were sufficient, if spread out, for five hundred thousand men to lie down upon. And the drapery was painted and embroidered with pictures of battles and wars; and of scenes in heaven. For the ornamentation of which drapery twenty thousand men and women had labored for forty years. All of which were destroyed, together with all the great city and all its riches and magnificence. Sheing-tdo was a city of fashion and splendor, inhabited by the richest men in the world. She had a temple called Cha- oke-king, dedicated to learning, but in fact appropriated to the display of wealth and pageantry. It was round, with a high projecting roof, the eaves of which rested on ten thousand pillars of polished stone. There were four hundred doorways to en- ter the temple; but, within each doorway, one came against the square columns of precious stones that supported the roof inside; and to either side of the columns were passageways that led into the four hundred chambers within. In the center of the temple, artificial stalactites, twenty thousand, hung from the roof; these were made of silk and wool and fine linen and painted, and of colors so bright that mor- tal eye could scarce look upon them, and they were as ice with the sun shining thereon, forming rainbows in every direc- tion. Here came kings and queens and governors of great learning; for here were deposited copies of the greatest books in all the world. Besides the temple of Cha-oke-king, there were seven great temples built to Joss, either of which was large enough for ten thousand men to do sacrifice in at one time. For five and twenty years the peo- ple of Sheing-tdo fought to save their great city from destruction, but it fell, was destroyed by king Bingh, and all the temples with it. Next to these were the following great cities that were destroyed: Gwoo-gee, which had one hundred houses of philoso- pry and forty colleges for great learning; 364 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARM1J one temple, with eight hundred polished pillars and two thousand arches; thirty temples of wheat and corn sacrifice; one storehouse, where wes stored food for one hundred thousand people in case of fam- ine, sufficient for eight years; and all these, and the libraries of the records of the Gods and Lords of earth, and all such things within the city were burnt to ashes. The city of Young-ooh, of two hun- dred thousand inhabitants, which had sev- enty houses of philosophy, and thirty-five colleges of great learning, besides many schools; one . Temple of the Stars, where lectures were given daily to the people to teach them the names and places of the stars and their wondrous size and motion; forty temples of sacrifice, seven of which were large enough to hold all the inhabit- ants of Young-ooh, the great city. By king Shaing it was laid in ashes, and no- thing but heaps of stone remained to tell where the city had been. The city, Gwan-she, which had thirty houses of philosophy, and seventy temples of sacrifice, two Temples of the Stars ded- icated to Joss; eighty-five colleges of Great Learning, and also a feed-house, stored sufficiently to feed the city seven years; and there were two hundred thousand in- habitants within the city walls. Twelve years the people of this city fought against the incited plunderers, the warriors under the God Te-in, but were conquered at last, and their city laid low. And the great cities, Ghi, and Owan, and Chong, and Goon, and Ca-On and Jong-wong, and Sow, and Wowtch-gan, and Sem-Sin, and Gee, and Tiang, and Choe, and Doth, and Ah-mai, and Cone Shu, and Guh, and Haingtsgay, and Ghi- oo-yeng, and Boy-gonk, all of which had houses of philosophy and colleges of great learning, and public schools, and temples of sacrifice, ana feed-houses, and hundreds of thousands of inhabitants. And all these cities were destroyed, and only heaps of stones left to show where they had been. Besides these, there were more than two thousand cities of less prominence destroyed. And yet, of villages and small cities, so great were they number destroy- ed, that no man ever counted them. City against city; king against king; man against man; for the inhabitants of Jaffeth were obsessed to madness and war and destruction; almost without cause would they fall upon one another to de- stroy; for so had Te-in sent his hundreds of millions of warring angels to inspire mortals to destroy all knowledge, and in- struction, and learning, and philosophy,, and to destroy all trace of all other Gods, and Lords, that he alone might reign su- preme. And these angels taught mortals- how to make explosive powder, and guns to shoot with, more deadly than the bow and arrow; and taught the secret of under- mining a city and blowing it up. So the fair land of Jaffeth, with its wis- dom and great learning, became as a dis- tracted and broken-up country. In all di- rections the bones of mortals were scatter- ed over the lands; nor could the land be tilled without digging amongst the skulls. and bones of the great giant race of I'hu- ans that once had peopled it. And of those who were not destroyed, one might say: They were a poor, half-starved, sick- ly breed, discouraged and helpless, badly whipped. And the spirits of the dead were on all the battlefields, lighting up the dark nights by their spirit fires, and in the morning and the twilight of the evening they could be seen by hundreds and thousands, walk- ing about, shy and wild! But an abun- dance of familiar spirits dwelt with mor- tals; took on sar'gis forms, and ate and drank with them, and even did things of which it is unlawful to mention. Thus was Jaffeth won to the God Te-in. CHAPTER LVIII. Two vice-Gods had Sudga, Brihat and Visvasrij. Next to these, Sudga's heaven- ly chief marshal, Atma, who had four thou- sand marshals under him, and equally di- vided amongst them to command, one thousand million heavenly warring angels. Atma had authority over thirty thousand generals and captains, to whom were al- lotted two thousand million angels. Chief of the heavenly generals were: Shahara, Vasyam, Suchchi, Dev, Nasakij, Tvara, Watka, Shan, Dorh, Hudhup, Nikish, Ha- CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 365 jara, Hwassggarom, Viji, Yatamas, Brah- ma, Goska, Fulowski, M'Duhitri, Yaya- mich-ma, Hijavar, Duth, Lob-yam, Hi- gup and Vowiska. And these falsely as- sumed the names of the ancient Gods and .Lords of thousands of years before. Sudga had said to them: That my name may be magnified before the new- born in heaven, ye shall also magnify your own names by taking the names of Gods and Lords who are revered in heaven and Earth, for all things are free unto you. But unto none others do I give privilege to choose the names of the ancients. Sudga then made the following his Pri- vate Council: Plow-ya, Vazista, Kiro, Cpenista, Visper, E-shong, Bog-wi, Low- tha, Brihat, Gai-ya, Sa-mern, Nais-wiche, Yube, Sol, Don, Mung-jo Urvash, Cpenta- mainyus and Vanaiti; and to each of them ten thousand attendants. Then Sudga made two great captains, Varsa arid Baktu, and he said unto them: Two thousand million angels have I al- lotted to go down to the earth, to the land of Vind'yu, to subdue mortals and have dominion over them permanently, and I di- vide the two thousand million betwixt ye twain. But all other angels shall remain in my heavenly kingdom and work for me, and embellish it, and beautify my heaven- ly cities, especially my holy capital. Now, when ye twain are permanent on Earth, and secured in the temples and ora- cles, ye shall survey all the lands of Vind'- yu, and the cities, large and small, and all the people therein. And, behold, all men shall be subdued unto my two names, Sudga and Dyaus; and when a city stand- eth, wherein the people worship any other Gods or Lords, that city shall ye destroy, and all the people therein. City against city shall it be, man against man; for as I am the highest God of heaven, so will I be the God of Earth, and its Lord. And ye twain, in finding two cities to be destroyed, shall divide, one going with his angel war- riors to one city, and the other to the oth- er city; and ye shall inspire them against each other unto death; and when they are laid low, ye shall bring into the place, to inhabit it, my worshippers. Thus descended to the earth the two de- stroying captain Gods, Varsa and Baktu, with their two thousand million angel war- riors. And they spread out over the land of Vind'yu, where were many king- doms and thousands of cities; and they came to mortals asleep or awake, and in- spired them to havoc and destruction, for Sudga's sake. And there were laid in ru- ins, in twelve years, four thousand cities. And chief of these were Yadom, Watcha- da, Cvalaka, Hoce-te, Hlumivi, Ctdar and Yigam, each of which contained more than one million souls, and some of them two million. In all of these there were places of great learning, and schools and temples of sacrifice. In Ctdar the roof of the temple was made of silver and copper and gold; and it had one thousand columns of pol- ished stone, and five hundred pillars to support the roof. The walls were covered with tapestry, painted with written words and histories of heaven and Earth, and of the Gods and Lords and Saviors of the ancients. Within the temple were seven altars of sacrifice, and four thousand ba- sins of holy water for baptismal rites. Within the walls of the temple were niches for five hundred priests, for the confession of sins, and for receiving the money and cloth and fruits of the earth, contributed by the penitent for the remission of their sins. Through the central passage within the temple drove the king in his golden chariot, when he came for sacrifice; and the floor of this passage was laid with sil- ver and gold. In the center of the temple floor was a basin filled with water, and the size of the basin was equal to twenty lengths of a man. In the middle of the basin was a fountain throwing up water. And on the east and west and north and south sides of the ba- sin were four pillars of polished stone, with stairs within them; and the tops of these pillars were connected by beams of inlaid wood of many colors, polished fine- ly, which were called the Holy Arch of Sudga. On the summit of the arch was a small house called the Voice of the Oracle, for here sat the king's interpreter of heaven and Earth, the reader of visions. And the spirits of the dead appeared in the spray of the fountain, sometimes as stars of light and sometimes in their own forms and features, and were witnessed by the multitude. 366 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ Within each of the five hundred pillars was a sacred chamber, for benefit of the priests communing with angels. In the east pillar was an opening from top to bot- tom, a slatway so the multitude could see through the pillar, which was hollow its entire height. This was occupied by the king's high priest or priestess, as the case might be, and this person had attained to adeptship, so that the angels could carry him up and down within the pillar, even to the top thereof, which was equal to fifty lengths of a man. And the multitude thus beheld him ascending and descending. In the west pillar was the library of the temple, which contained a history of its important events for a period of eight hundred years; of the priest and high priests, and of the kings of the city. Next to the Temple, which was called Tryista, stood the House of Learning, were congregated the wise men and wo- men, skilled in philosophy, music, astron- omy and mineralogy. The House was made of polished stone and wood interlock- ed, and in front with one hundred and for- ty columns of polished stone and wood. Within the house were the skins and bones of thousands of creatures, ancient and modern, which were classified and named; and with these were books of philosophy and history, all of which were free to the public one day in seven. Next to the House of Learning was the Temple of Death, dedicated to all kinds of battles, battles betwixt lions and men, ti- gers and men, and betwixt lions and tigers, and elephants, and betwixt man and man. And so great was the Temple of Death that its seats could accommodate three hun- dred thousand men, women and children. The temple was circular, and without a roof over the arena. But the greatest of all buildings in Ctdar was the king's palace, commonly called Temple of the Sun. This was also made of polished stone, and on the four sides had eight hundred columns of pol- ished stone; and next to the columns were fifty pillars, on every side connected by arches twelve lengths high, whereon rested a roof of wood and stone; and yet on this was surmounted another row of four hun- dred columns of polished wood, inlaid with silver and gold, and these were connected on the top by other arches ten lengths high, and on these another roof, and on the top of this a dome covered with gold and silver and copper. From the arena to the dome its height was twenty-eight lengths. To enter the temple from the west was a. chariot roadway, so that the king and his visitors could drive up into the arena of the palace in their chariots. But as for the interior of the king's palace, a whole book might be written in the description there- of, and yet not tell half its richness and beauty and magnificence. Besides these great buildings there were four hundred and fifty Temples of Dark- ness, dedicated to the spirits of the dead. These were without any opening save the door; and when the communers were with- in, and the door shut, they were without light. In the midst of these temples, spirits and mortals congregated, and the spirits taught mortals the art of magic; of making seeds grow into trees and flowers; of pro- ducing serpents, trees and flowers; of carrying things through the air; casting sweet perfumes and casting foul smells; of casting virus to one's enemy, and inoculat- ing him with poison unto death; of finding, things lost; of bringing money to the poor, and flowers and food to the sick; of enter- ing the dead sleep, and of becoming uncon- scious to pain by force of the will. Nor could any man or woman attain to be a priest in the Temple of Tryista until he mastered all the degrees in the Temples of Darkness. The angels of Sudga decided to destroy this city; and, accordingly, they inspired a war betwixt it and the city of Yadom, which was second unto it in magnificence,, and possessed of temples and palaces like unto it also. Yea, but to describe one of these great cities was to describe the other,, as to mortal glory. For seven hundred years had these cities enjoyed peace with each other, half a day's journey apart, on the great river, Euvisij, in the Valley of Rajawichta. And the captain God, Varsa, chose one city, and the captain God, Baktu, chose the other city; and each of them took from their thousand million angel warriors a suf- ficient number, and inspired the two great cities unto everlasting destruction. Even as mortals turn savage beasts into an arena, CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 367 to witness them tear and flay each other, even so sat these captain Gods in their heavenly chariots, witnessing the two great cities in mortal combat. And when one had too much advantage, the angel hosts would turn the tide, or let them rest a while; then urge them to it again, holding the game in such even balance as would insure the greatest possible havoc to both. Eight years these battles lasted; and hundreds of thousands of men, women and children were slain; and when thus the great cities were reduced, the Gods let loose The Band of Death, whose angel of- fice was to carry poison virus from the rot- ten dead and inoculate the breath of the living; and then in desperate madness make mortals fire their cities, to keep them from falling into other hands. And in eight years these great cities, with their mighty temples, were turned to ruin and to dust; and of the people left, only the ig- norant few, starving, helpless wanderers, could tell the tale of what had been. Sudga had said: All knowledge amongst mortals is inimical to the Gods in heaven; therefore I will destroy all knowl- edge on Earth. And this was the same doc- trine maintained by Te-in, God of Jaffeth. In such manner proceeded the captain Gods of Sudga over all the land of Vind'- yu, laying low all kingdoms, and cities, and places of sacrifice, and places of learn- ing. And in one hundred years the mighty people of Vind'yu were reduced to beg- gary, and to scattered tribes of wanderers. The great canals were destroyed, and the upper and lower country became places of famine and barrenness. And in the valleys and on the mountains, in the abandoned fields and in the wildernesses, lay the bones and skulls of millions of the human dead. And lions and tigers came and prowled about in the ruined walls of the fallen tem- ples and palaces. Nor were there left in all the land a single library, or book, or the art of making books, or anything to show what the great history had been. Thus perished the Vedic language, the language of song and of poetry, and of great oratory, except where the few Faith- ists, who had escaped through all these wars, had preserved it in a small degree, and still in secret worshipped the Great. Spirit. CHAPTER LIX. Osiris, the false, on setting up a hea- venly kingdom of his own, and dominion, over Arabin'ya, Par'si'e, and Heleste, said:: Let Te-in and Sudga pursue their course in destroying; mine shall be in the oppo- site way. Three kinds of bad people I have found in heaven and Earth: They that are forever finding fault with, and pulling down, what others have built up; they are most crafty in argument to find the flaws in others, the inconsistencies, errors and shortness; but there is nothing in them to build up anything in heaven or Earth The next bad man is he who findeth fault,, not only with all that hath ever been, but. with all propositions designed for a new state of affairs. He is as worthless as the shaft of a spear without a head. The third bad man I found is he who, seeing the faults and errors of others, harpeth not upon them, but plungeth into work with something new and bold, involving him- self and others in disaster. And these three have the great multitude, the world, to take care of! I alone am capable of de- stroying and building up. The non-resistance of the Faithists. hath ever made them dependent on the mercy of their neighbors, in heaven and Earth. They must be destroyed, and their doctrines also. In destroying their doc- trines, I must give something in the place. I have labored to put away Jehovih and es- tablish the Lord God; now to put away the latter and establish myself as myself would take me hundreds of years. Better, then, is it, that since De'yus is cast into hell, I take the names, Lord God, and De'yus, and Creator, and all such as are acceptable in heaven and Earth. Neither will I rob them of their rites and ceremonies, but so add thereunto, that, by the superior glory, they will accept mine. Nor will I abridge mortals of their learning; but, on the con- trary, be most exacting and high in aspira- tion; for by this will I win the approval of the wise and learned. Mortals love idols; therefore L will give them idols. Male and female will I give unto them. «368 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ Osiris then called Baal, Ashtaroth and Egupt into his heavenly Council chamber, and said unto them: Two idols shall ye inspire mortals to build unto me; and one shall be the figure of a male horse, with a man's head and chest and arms, and he shall point upward, signifying, heavenly rest; and the other shall be the figure of a mare, with the head and breasts and arms •of a woman. And she shall hold a bow and arrow before her, and behind her a sword -and a rose, signifying, for righteousness' sake. And the male idol shall be called Osiris, and the female, Isis. For wherein I assert myself creator of all the living, I must show unto men that I .am male and female. Which of a truth is the fountain of all that is in heaven and Earth, wherein Projection and Reception are the sum of all philosophy. In which ye shall teach that to go forth is Osiris, and to rest in meekness is Isis; for which the an- cients used the bull and the lamb. For I was a globe, boundless as to size, and swift as to motion. And I put forth a -wing for flying, and a hand for labor, by which are all things conquered and sub- dued. And beneath the wing I set the Lamb of Peace, as a sign of the flight ot the defenceless; but under the hand I set the head of a bull, as the sign of my do- minion. And I made heaven and earth with wings flying forth, bearing the serpent and the sun. Square with the world, and cir- cumscribed, have I made all things, good and powerful. And in man's hand I placed the key to unlock the mysteries of the firm- ament of heaven, and the power, wisdom, riches, and glory of the earth. Into his hand I place a club, to slay the lion, or to subdue him. For I am like unto man, hav- ing created him in mine own image, and dominion over all the inhabitants I created on Earth. I am the light, and the life, and the death. Out of myself made I all that live or have lived. The sun in the firmament I set up as a symbol of my power. The stars, and the moon, and things that speak not, and know not, are the works of my hand.. Without me nothing is, nor was, nor ever shall be. Whoso goeth forth warring for the right is for me, and I am with him. With warriors I am a god of war; with the peace- ful I am a lamb of peace. To do, is of me; to not do, is not of me, but of death. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, blood for blood, mercy for mercy; but force unto all things, with will to conquer, for in these am I manifest unto men. For in the be- ginning I created the world of mine own force; and this is my testimony, justifying force even with violence when the greater good cometh to the greater number. Here- on hangeth my law; in which any man can understand that had the Faithists fought for righteousness, they would have long since mastered the world and subdued it unto their God. What, then, is the strat- agem of Gods, save by some means to re- duce men and angels unto oneness in all things? When Osiris had thus addressed the three Gods, he waited for them to speak. Baal said: This is a foundation; we have never had a foundation for men nor angels. Ashtaroth said: This is a head and front to lead the world. Egupt said: The wis- dom of the Faithists was in having a di- rect course. Osiris said: Then will I revise the doc- trines of earth and heaven. I will not say this is for De'yus, nor the Lord, nor God, nor Osiris, nor Apollo, nor any other God. But I will give that which all save Jehovih- ians can accept. For I will allot unto God all things, not defining which God, or what God, but God only; the rest will I manage in Agho 'aden, my heavenly king- dom. Go ye, therefore, to mortals, and revise the things of De'yus unto God; and if mortals question of the oracles to know who God is, say ye: He is Osiris, to the Osirians; Apollo, to the Apollonians; Isis, to the Isisians; he is the Creator, the mas- tor, the all, out of whom were crated all things; he who created man in his own im- age; who dwelleth on a throne in heaven. But if they question further, asking if he is the ever present, answer them: Nay. And if they say: Is he Jehovih, the Great Spirit? answer them, Nay. For I will not allow one Faithist to dwell alive on the face of Earth. CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 369 CHAPTER LX. In Haikwad, in Par'si'e, dwelt king Lu- thag, a man of great wisdom and kingly power. His capital city, Sowruts, lay on the border of Fonecea, and had twelve trib- utary cities, each city being ruled over by a king. And great drouth came upon the regions ruled by Luthag; and, being a king of benevolence, he sent inspectors far and near, to find a country of water and good soil. But alas, they found not what was desired. Luthag consulted the oracles, and be- hold, the angel, Egupt, came and answered the king, saying: Send thou thy seer and I will lead him. So the king sent for his high seer, and told him the words of the oracle. The seer said: Wherever thy God touches thee, suffer me to touch also, and perhaps I can hear thy God speak. The seer touched the king in the place, and at once Egupt spake to him, and he heard. So the angel Egupt led the seer into the land of Egupt, which at that time was called South Arabin'ya. The seer knew not the country, and he asked the angel. The angel said: Behold, the land of Egupt. Thus was named that land. The seer found the land fertile and well watered; and he returned to Par'si'e and in- formed the king. Thereupon the king commanded his people to migrate to Egupt. And they so went, in the first year fifty thousand, and in the second year one hundred thousand; and for many years afterward an equal number. These things occurred in the seven hun- dredth year of the reign of De'yus in Hor- ed. And in the space of two hundred years more, behold, the land of Egupt was peo- pled over with millions of people; for the drouth and famines in countries around about drove them hither. Luthag sent his son to govern the land of Egupt, and he made it tributary to the kingdom of Sowruts. The son's name was Haxax; and when he was old and died, he left the governorship of Egupt to his son, Bakal, who broke the allegiance with Par'- si'e and established all of Egupt as an in- dependent kingdom. Bakal's son, Goth, succeeded him; and Goth enriched his kingdom with great cities and temples, and places of learning, and founded games and tournaments. Goth's daughter, Rabec, succeeded him; and was the first queen of Egupt. Rabec still further enriched the great land with cities and places of learn- ing. Thus stood the country at the time De'yus was overthrown in his heavenly kingdom. And now for seventy years the Gods, Osiris, Baal, and Ashtaroth, and Egupt, had not much power with mortals. And during this short period, the shepherd kings migrated into Egupt in vast num- bers; and, in sympathy with these, and of kindred faith, were the followers of Abra- ham, the Faithists, who also migrated rap- idly into Egupt. Meantime the kingdom had passed from Rabec to her oldest son, Hwan; and to his oldest son, Naman; and to his oldest son, Sev; and to his daughter, Arma; and to her oldest son, Hotha; and to his oldest son, Rowtsag. And here stood the matter when Osiris resolved to revise the records of mortals and angels as regardeth the history of creation by God; which he did according to his own decrees, which were as hereinbefore stated. So it came to pass that through the or- acles, king Rowtsag bestowed upon the li- braries of Egupt the history of the crea- tion of heaven and Earth, with the origin of sin, and the creation of man, the first of whom was thence called Adam, in- stead of A'su, adopting the Par'si'e'an word instead of the Vedic. And these records were the same from which Ezra, three thousand years afterward, made selec- tions, and erroneously attributed them to be the doctrines of the Faithists, who were called Iz'Zerlites. And the rec- ords of the Faithists were not kept, nor permitted in the state records, but kept amongst the Faithists themselves, for they were outlawed then, because they would not adopt the Saviors and Gods of the state. Rowtsag's son, Hi-ram, succeeded him; and Thammas, his son, succeeded Hi- ram. Thammas was a seer and prophet, and could see the Gods and talk with them understandingly. Thammas was succeeded by his daughter, Hannah; and she was suc- ceeded by Hojax, who was the builder of the Temple of Osiris, commonly called the Great Pyramid. In honor of the prophet of De'yus, the first mortal servant of Osir- is, whose name was Thoth, Hojax named himself, Thothma, meaning, God-Thoth; 370 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ for Osiris told Hojax: Thou art the very Thoth re-incarnated; and behold, thou shalt be God of Earth. Thothma could hear the Gods and talk with them understandingly. And to him, Osiris, through his angel servant God, Egupt, gave especial care from his youth up. At the age of sixteen years, Thothma passed the examination in the house of philosophy, and in astronomy and miner- alogy. At seventeen he passed The Build- er's School and the Histories of the Thou- sand Gods. At eighteen he was admitted as an Adept in Life and Death, having power to attain the dormant state; and to see without his mortal eyes, and to hear without his mortal ears. At nineteen, he as- cended the throne, it being the time of the death of his father and mother. For be- cause Osiris desired to use Thothma, he sent his destroying angels, and they inoc- ulated the breath of Hannah and her hus- band, and they died by poison in the lungs. Osiris, through his servant God, Egupt, thus spake to Thothma, saying: My son, my son! Thothma said: I hear thee, O God; what wouldst thou? Osiris said: Provide thou a dark chamber and I will come to thee. Thothma provided a dark chamber, and then Osiris through his ser- vant God, came to him, saying: Thou hast great wisdom, but thou for- gettest thy promise! Thothma said: In what, O God? Osiris said: When thou wert in heaven, thou saidst: Now will I go down to Earth and re-incarnate myself, and prove everlasting life in the flesh. For many years Osiris had told this same thing to Thothma until he believed faithful- ly he had so been in heaven, and returned, and re-incarnated himself for such purpose. And he answered Osiris, saying: Like a dream it so seemeth to me, even as thou sayest. Osiris asked Thothma what was the greatest of all things. Thothma said: There are but two things, corporeal and spiritual. Osiris said: True. What then is wis- dom? Thothma said: To acquire great corporeal knowledge in the first place; and in the second, to acquire spiritual knowl- edge. But tell me, thou God of wisdom, how can a man attain the highest spiritual knowledge? Osiris said: To come and dwell in hea- ven and see for one's self. Thothma said: How long shall a man sojourn in heaven in order to learn its wisdom? Osiris said: One day; a hundred days; a thousand years, a million years, according to the man. Thothma said: If one could leave the corporeal part for a hundred days and trav- el in heaven for a hundred days, would it profit him? Osiris said: To do that is to master death. Behold, thou hast already attained to power of the dormant state. To control the course of the spirit; that is the next lesson. Thothma said: Behold, O God, I have attained to the power of the dormant state, even as the magicians who submit to be buried for ninety days. Yea, and I go hence in spirit, and see many things, but my soul is like a breath of wind, and goeth at random. Osiris said: Provide thou me a tem- ple, and I will come and teach thee. Thothma said: How to keep the body so long, that it be not damaged, that is the question? The magicians who have been buried long, and being dug up and resusci- tated, find their bodies so damaged that they die soon after. Osiris said: Thou shalt build a Tem- ple of Astronomy, and dedicate it unto Osiris, Savior of men and angels, God of heaven and Earth. And it shall be built square with the world, east and west, and north and south. And the observing line shall be with the apex of the Hidan vor- tex, which lieth in the median line of the variation of the north star. In the form of a pyramid shalt thou build it; measure for measure, will I show thee every part. And thou shalt provide such thickness of walls that no sound, heat, nor cold, can enter therein; and yet thou shalt provide chambers therein, suitable for thyself and for thy chiefs, and thy friends, who are also adepts. For I have also provided Earth unto heaven, and heaven unto Earth; and my angels shall come and dwell for a season on Earth; and my earth-born shall go and dwell for a season in heaven; yea, they shall come to me on my throne and behold the glories I have prepared for them. Nor shall my temple be exclusive, but open unto all who will pursue the philoso- CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 371 phies of earth and heaven. For which rea- son thou shalt build it with the sun, moon and stars; and it shall be a testimony unto the nations of Earth that thou art the high- est of all mortals, and first founder of ev- erlasting life in the flesh. For as the an- gels of heaven can return to Earth and take upon themselves corporeal bodies for a season, so shalt thou master thine own flesh to keep it as thou wilt. For this is the end and glory for which I created man on Earth. CHAPTER LXI. Osiris then instructed king Thothma to drive out of the land of Egupt all the Faithists, especially the shepherd kings, who could not be made slaves of. Thoth- ma impressed an army of two hundred thousand warriors, and drove off the shep- herd kings, putting to death more than three hundred thousand of them. And from the Faithists he took all their posses- sions, such as houses and lands, and suffer- ed them not to hold any mortal thing in possession; neither permitting them to till the soil, save as servants, nor to engage in any other labor save as servants. And there went out of the land of Egupt, to es- cape the tyranny of Thothma, three mill- ion Faithists, including the shepherd kings, the unlearned. And in regard to the Faith- ists who remained in the land of Egupt, Osiris, through king Thothma, made the following laws, to-wit: Thou shalt not possess any land, nor house, nor ox, nor any beast of burden, nor cow, nor calf, nor shall thy people possess an altar of worship, nor temple, nor place of sacred dance. But a servant and a servant of servants shalt thou be all the days of thy life. But in thy sleeping place and in the sleeping place of thy family thou shalt do worship in thine own way, nor shall any man molest thee therein. Thou shalt not profess openly thy doc- trines under penalty of thy blood and thy flesh; nor shalt thou teach more in the schools or colleges; nor shall thy children receive great learning. And of thy arts, of measuring and working numbers, thou shalt not keep them secret longer, or thy blood be upon thee. And if thou sayest: Behold, the Great Spirit; or Jehovih, the Ever Present, thou shalt suffer death, and thy wife and thy children with thee. And if a man query, to try thee, asking: Who created the world? thou shalt answer: Be- hold, God! And if he further ask: Think- est thou the Creator is Ever Present? thou shalt say: Nay, but as a man that hath fin- ished his labor, he sitteth on his throne in heaven. And if he further ask thee: Where is God? thou shalt answer: On the Moun- tain Hored, in heaven. And if he still fur- ther ask thee: Is the Ever Present a Per- son? thou shalt say: Nay, the Ever Pres- ent is void like the wind; there is but one ruler in heaven and Earth, even Osiris, who is Lord the God, Savior of Men. Who doeth not these things shall be put to death; whoso boweth not unto Thothma, my earthly ruler, shall not live, saith God. These laws were entered in the libraries of Egupt, and also proclaimed publicly by the scribes and seers. And yet with these restrictions upon them there remained in the land of Egupt more than two million Faithists. And it came to pass that Thoth- ma began the building of the Temple of Osiris, and he impressed two hundred thou- sand men and women in the building there- of, of which number more than one-half were Faithists. And these laborers were divided into groups of twelves and twenty- fours and forty-eights and so on, and each group had a captain; but for series of groups of one thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight men and women, there were generals, and for every six generals there was one marshal, and for every twelve generals one chief, and these chiefs were of the Privy Council of the king. And the king allotted to every chief a separate work; some to dig canals, some to quarry stone, and some to hew the stones; some to build boats, some to provide roll- ers, and others timbers, and yet others, capstans. Two places the surveyors found stone with which to build the temple, one was above the banks of the great river, Egon r at the foot of Mount Hazeka, and the other was across the Plains of Neuf, in the Moun- tains of Aokaba. From the headwaters of Egon a canal was made to Aokaba, and thence by locks descended to the Plains of Neuf, and thence to Gakir, the place chosen by the king for the temple to be built. 372 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ And as for the logs used in building, they were brought down the waters of Egon, even from the forests of Gambotha and Rugzak. These logs were tied togeth- er and floated on the water to the place re- quired, where, by means of capstans, they were drawn out of the water ready for use. As for the stones of the temple they were hewn in the region of the quarries. And when properly dressed, were placed on slides by capstans, and then, by cap- stans, let down the mountain sides, to the water, whereon they were to float to the place required for them. The floats were made of boards sawed by men skilled in the work, and were of sufficient length and width to carry the burden designed. And at the bottom of the floats were rollers, gudgeoned at the ends. Now when a stone was let down from the place of its hewing on to the float, it was ready to be carried to its destina- tion. And when the float thus arrived near Gakir, ropes, made of hemp and flax, were fastened to the float, and, by means of cap- stans on the land, the float was drawn up an inclined plane out of the water, the roll- ers of the float answering as wheels. When all things were in readiness for building the temple, the king himself, be- ing learned in all philosophies, proceeded to lay the foundation, and to give instruc- tion as to the manner of building it. These were the instruments used by the king and his workmen: The gau, the length, the square, the compass, and the plumb and line. Nor were there any other instruments of measure or observation used in the en- tire building of the temple. And, as to the measure called a length, it was the av- erage length of a man, after trying one thousand men. This was divided into twelve parts, and these parts again into twelve parts, and so on. After the first part of the temple was laid,' the builders of the inclined plane be- gan to build it also, but it was built of logs. And when it was raised a little, an- other layer of the temple was built. Then again the inclined plane was built higher, and another layer of the temple was built; and so on, the inclined plane, which was of wood, was built up even the same as was the temple. The width of the inclined plane was the same as the width of the temple, but the whole length of the inclined plane was four hundred and forty lengths. Up this inclined plane the floats, with the stones thereon, were drawn by means of capstans, and by men and women pulling also. For four and twenty years was Thoth- ma building the temple; and then it was completed. But it required another half a year to take away the inclined plane used in building it. After that it stood free and clear, the greatest building that had ever been built on Earth or ever would be. Such, then, was Thothma's Temple of Osiris, the Great Pyramid. Jehovih had said: Suffer them to build this, for the time of the building is midway betwixt the ends of Earth; yea, now is the extreme of Earth's corporeal growth; so let it stand as a monument of the greatest corporeal aspiration of man. For from this time forth man shall seek not to build hmself everlastingly on the earth, but in heaven. And these things shall be testimony that in the corporeal age of Earth man was of like aspiration, and in the spiritual age of man in an oppo- site condition of corporeal surroundings; for by Earth I prove what was; and by man prove what Earth was and is at cer- tain periods of time. CHAPTER LXII. When the temple was completed, and the king and his four high priests entered into the Holy Chamber, the false Osiris, through his servant God, Egupt, came in sar'gis, and spake unto the king, saying: Here am I, O king! Thothma said: My labor is well rec- ompensed. That thou hast come to me, O Lord my God, I am blessed. Osiris said: Keep holy my chambers; suffer no man, nor woman, nor child, that dwelleth on the face of Earth, to know the myster- ies of these, my holies, save and except my adepts. Here layeth the key of ever- lasting life. Thothma said: How sayest thou, the key of everlasting life? Osiris said: Here- in is that which is of good and evil, as I commanded thy forefathers; to eat whereof man shall become as Gods, and live for- ever. For this is the triumph of man over CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 373 death, even for which I created him on Earth. Thothma said: Shall only we five know these things? Osiris said: Nay, verily; else the light of my kingdom would not be full. Behold, thou, how I built the temple! Was it not in the keeping of adepts? So, then, as I have given unto thee to know my kingdom, thou shalt give unto others, not suffering these lights to come, save through my commandments. Now in the second month after the tem- ple was completed, Thothma, the king, having put the affairs of his kingdom in order, went into the Holy Chamber, and thence ascended into the Chamber of Life and Death, leaving the four chief priests in the Holy Chamber. And Thothma cast himself in death by swallowing his tongue. Whereupon the priests closed the entrance and sealed the king within. Osiris, through his servant God, Egupt, said unto the priests: One alone shall re- main; in quarter-watch shall ye dwell with- in the Holy Chamber, and I will remain also. And the priests cast lots, and divided the watch in six hours each, unto every day. And Osiris sent Baal to the spirit of Thothma, and took him to Agho'aden, Osiris' heavenly place, showing unto the spirit the glory of the throne, saying: Be- hold the God of Gods. Thothma said: It is a great glory; lo, mine eyes are blinded by the light of the Lord my God. After this, Baal took the spirit of Thothma into a thousand heavenly places in Osiris' kingdom, and showed him the glory thereof. Thothma said unto Baal: Thou angel of God, thou hast shown me of a truth, God is in the image of man. Nor is there any but one God, who ruleth over all. Baal said: How sayest thou, then; who is God? Thothma said: How sayest thou? For behold, his glory was so great I could not look upon him. Then answered Baal, saying: Only an- gels and mortals; these are the sum of all things. He, thou hast looked upon, was even as thou art; a one-time mortal on a far-off star-world. He attained unto the Godhead, to create a world unto himself, even as thou, who art an adept, canst cre- ate flowers and plants and serpents. Thus he came into the void regions of space and created Earth and her heavens, and they belong to him, for they are his. And in like manner is every star-world, created and ruled by a God like unto thy God, who is Lord of all. Thothma said: O that all people knew these things! O that I may remember them when I am returned to Earth. Baal said: More than this shalt thou remember; for I will now take thee to the hells of the idolaters and the Jehovihians. Baal then took the soul of Thothma to the hells of De'yus, and showed him the hor- rors thereof. But he took him not to the regions of God, in Craoshivi. Now when Thothma had traveled in heaven for thirty days, Baal brought his spirit back to the Chamber of Death, and showed him how to regain his corporeal part, which he did. And then Baal sig- nalled unto Egupt, and the latter spake to the priest on watch, saying: Behold, Thoth- ma hath returned; go and bring thy broth- er, and deliver him into the Holy Cham- ber. And when they came they unloosed the sealing stones and delivered the king into the Holy Chamber, and he was awake from his trance, and remembered all he had seen in heaven, which he related to the high priests who were with him. And both Baal and Egupt came in sar'gis and talked in the Holy Chamber with Thothma and the priests. For one day the king remained in the Holy Chamber, that his spirit be reconciled to the flesh; and on the next day he and the priests came forth out of the temple and sealed the door thereof, and placed the king's guard in charge, that no man or woman might molest the place. Now Thothma had been in the death trance forty days. The three angels, Egupt, Baal and Ash- taroth, came into the altar in the king's palace that night, and showed themselves to the college students who had attained adept. Baal spake orally before them, di- recting his words to the king, saying: Be- hold, I am the angel of God thy Lord, whom thou hast beholden in heaven; I am the same who traveled in heaven with thee. What I speak, I say in the name of the Lord our God, whose servant I am. On the morrow shall thy high priests draw lots, and one of them shall enter the Cham- 374 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ ber of Holies, in the Osirian Temple, and do even as thou hast. And after him, be- hold, another of the high priests shall do likewise; and so on, until the four have had thy experience. And it came to pass that the four priests in turn cast themselves in death, and vis- ited Osiris' heavenly kingdoms, and also many of the hells of De'yus, being led in spirit by Baal or Ashtaroth, Egupt being the guardian God of the temple. When they had thus accumulated the same knowledge of heaven and Earth, the five of them were of one mind as to at- taining life everlasting in the corporeal body. Osiris said: Behold, I will bring many back who are already dead; and they shall call unto their embalmed bodies and wake them up and inhabit them. Go ye, then, to the root of the matter, and pre- pare my people, for I will come in person and inhabit the temple ye have built; and my heavenly kingdom shall descend even to the earth. Prepare ye the Column of the Stars! Thothma built a column to the east line of the slat, seven lengths, and the height was thirty-six lengths; of wood and stone built he it, with an opening from the bot- tom to the top, and the width of the open- ing was six lengths. In the walls thereof was a winding stairway, and there were windows looking out to the east and west and north and south, that the stars from every quarter might be observed. On the summit of the column were dwelling-places for the seers and mathematicians with places for the measuring instruments and lenses. When this was completed, Thoth- ma built of wood and stone an external wall across the slat of the temple; and with- in this wall were stairs also, and these led to the top of the pyramid. This wall was also provided with windows, that the north- ern stars might be observed. Thothma made an observing column for the sun, and it was provided with lenses of all colors, so that adepts standing at the base of the pyramid could see the sun at every hour of the day, and distinguish the spots and their changes. A gau was set within each of the angles of observation, that the relative position of the sun with northern stars could be determined every day. By these two columns, therefore, Thoth- ma and his mathematicians measured the sun and moon and stars, as to the distances and sizes thereof. And Osiris comanded the king to send into the far-off lands of Earth his wisest mathematicians, to ob- serve the winds of heaven, and the drouth upon Earth; and the abundance of the yield of the earth in different regions, in differ- ent years and seasons; and to observe fam- ines and pestilences, and all manner of oc- currences on the face of Earth. He said un- to the king: When thy mathematicians are returned to thee with their accumulated wisdom, thou, or thy successor, shall exam- ine the sun and the stars and moon, as com- pared to the things whereof the mathemati- cians shall relate, one year with another; and three years with another three years, and five with five, and seven with seven, and so on for hundreds of years, and thou- sands of years. And when thou hast taken in the term of three thousand three hundred years, and compared the sun and moon and stars, as relate to the occurrences of Earth, thou shalt have the key of prophecy for three thousand three hundred years ahead. And thou shalt say of this land and of that land; and of this people and of that peo- ple, how it will be with them, and thou shalt not err. Thothma, the king, called together his mathematicians, and, according to their grade, chose from amongst them twelve hundred. These he divided into groups of one hundred each; and he gave them a suf- ficient number of attendants; and he sent them to all parts of the world, al- lotting to them sixteen years each for ob- servation, according to the commandments. And they took with them all kinds of in- struments to measure with besides scribes to make the records of such matters as came before them. And they wene through- out Arabin'ya, and Vind'yu, and Jaffeth, and Par'si'e, and Heleste, and Uropa, even across to the western sea; and to the south extreme of Arabin'ya, and to the great kingdoms in the interior, and to the north of Heleste and Par'si'e, and Jaffeth, to the regions of everlasting snow. And in sixteen and seventeen years they returned, save some who died on the jour- neys. And most wonderful was the knowl- CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 375 edge these mathematicians gained. In some countries they found philosophers who had the knowledge required even at their tongues' end. Thothma received them in great pomp and glory, and award- ed all of them with great riches. And Thothma had these things rewrit- ten and condensed into books, and named them books of great learning, and they were deposited within the south chamber .of the pyramid, where never harm could come to them. And Thothma made it a law, that other mathematicians should travel over the same regions for every sixteen years and make like observations; and after them, yet other mathematicians to succeed them, and so on for three thousand three hundred years. And accordingly, a new expedition started forth. Now during the absence of the first mathematicians, Thothma and his philosophers observed the sun and moon and stars every day, and a record was made thereof, as to their places and movements, and as to the earth in the regions fo Thoth- ma's home kingdom. And these observa- tions were reduced to tablets and maos, and a record made of them in the Par'si'e'an language, which was the language of the learned. For the Eguptian language of that day was spoken mostly by the un- learned, and was mixed with the Fone- cean. After the mathematicians returned. Thothma and his philosophers examined the whole matter as compared with the maps and tablets of the heavens, and the facts deduced therefrom were written in a separate book and called The Philosophies of God and His Son Thothma, King of Earth. Copies of this book were made and sent into the lands of Arabin'ya, Vind'yii, Jaffeth, and Par'si'e, and Heleste, and Uro- pa, to the priests of God, but the original book was filed in the Holy Chamber, in the Temple of Osiris. Thothma applied himself to impart wis- dom unto all men. And during his reign he built in the land of Egupt seventy-seven colleges of Great Learning, twelve colleges of prophecy, two hundred houses of philos- ophy, seven adepteries, and three thousand free schools, and four thousand houses of sacrifice unto Osiris, Savior of all men. Three hundred and forty obelisks to God, thirty triumphal arches to De'yus, four thousand oan-nus to the Creator, and these were mounted on pedestals of polished stone, and stood at the street corners. And there were graduated to the rank of adept during Thothma's reign more than four thousand men and three hundred women, all capable of the death trance, and of going about in spirit. And of these over seven hundred were permitted within thir- ty years to test the death cast of the holy chamber in the pyramid. And their spirits were conducted into Osiris's heavenly re- gions, and sojourned there for many days, and returned to their bodies unharmed. Because of the position of the chambers, there was no action upon their bodies whilst in the trance. Thus did Thothma prove himself to be one of the wisest and greatest men that ever dwelt on the face of Earth. He be- lieved all things the Gods told him, be- lieved he was Thoth re-incarnated, and be- lieved he would never die as to the flesh. The false Osiris, through his servant God, Egupt, had said to Thothma: This is the manner of heaven and Earth, as regardeth man: All men are re-incarnated over and over until perfected to immortal flesh; and in that day man hath so perfected his adep- tism he can remain on Earth or ascend to heaven, even when he desireth. Hence of all knowledge, adeptism is the greatest. Thothma asked if there were any new creations. Satan prompted Osiris, who said: Nay; thy spirit is old as Earth. At first it was small and round, like a grain of mustard, only it was spirit. And the multitude of these seeds comprise the All Unseen. When one of them taketh root in gestation, then is the beginning. And it is born into the world a frog, or an ass, or worm, or lion, or small creeping thing; and it liveth its time and it dieth. And the spirit hieth back into another womb, and it is born forth a man low as to knowl- edge, evil as to life. And he liveth a time and dieth again; but again the spirit hieth back to another womb, and it is born forth again, another man, but wiser as to knowl- edge, and less evil as to life. And this continueth to hundreds of generations and to thousands. But he who hath attained adeptship hath it in his power to call forth 376 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ out of the earth his own corporeality: he needeth no longer to go through the flesh of others. Thothma was wise even in his belief; for when he was growing old, and behold- ing his flesh sunken, and his eyes growing hollow and dim, and his hands getting with- ered, he inquired of the Gods, saying: I know thou hast taught me truth, O God. I am weak before thee, as to judgment, and curious in my vanity. Osiris said: Speak thou, O king! Thothma said: By all the force of my will; and by my great learning, I cannot stay the withering of the flesh. If, there- fore, I already dry up like a mummy, above the power of my will, how will it be with me when I am further emaciated? Satan prompted Osiris to answer the king, and so he said: Until thou art even more emaciated thou canst not understand the power of thine own soul. • With this the king was reconciled, and even at the time he was tottering on his last legs he began to build a new palace, saying: After I have changed this flesh into immortal flesh, hither will I come and dwell forever. And I shall be surrounded by adepts, wise and faultless. And this shall be the first colony of the kind I will build on Earth. But afterward I will build many colonies of like kind; more and more of them, until I have all Earth redeemed to immortal flesh. For of such shall be my kingdom, and all men and all women on Earth shall own me Lord of all. Nevertheless, with all Thothma's wis- dom, and the wisdom of his Gods, he fell on a stone and died suddenly on the day he was one hundred years old. CHAPTER LXIII. When Thothma was quite dead the priests carried his body into the temple, fully believing his spirit would return from heaven and transform the body from cor- ruptible into incorruptible flesh to live for- ever. And they laid the corpse in the place previously designated by the Gods, and sealed it up according to the commands of the false Osiris, Savior of men. Osiris had said: Whoso believeth in me, him will I save unto everlasting life, and though he lose his body, yet again shall he find it, and the corruptible flesh shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye, and become incorruptible unto life everlasting, with the spirit that abideth therein. On the fifth day the priests opened the chamber, for according to the Laws of Miracles, on that day, the spirit should ac- complish the feat; but behold, it came not and the body still lay cold and dead. But the Gods came in sar'gis and said unto the priests: Seal ye up the body for other five days. And the priests did as commanded; and after that they examined it again, but life had not returned. Again they were commanded to seal it up for other five days, which they did, but life returned not. Houaka, who was now the high priest, inquired of Osiris concerning the matter. And Osiris, through his servant God, Egupt, answered him, saying: Go bring a young man who is warm in the blood, which is life in the flesh, and he shall be the seventh son of an adept, and know how to cast himself in death. The priests brought Xaian, who, was in his twenty-fourth year, and when he came into the Holy Chamber he was bid to cast himself in death for the benefit of the king's soul. And Xaian thus cast himself, and he was sealed in the chamber of death for five days along with the king's corpse. And in five days the priests brought both bodies into the Holy Chamber, according to in- structions. And Osiris came and com- manded them to stand around the bod- ies, and when they had done so, the angels from Osiris' kingdom came and spirited away the body of the king, and they brought back the spirit of Xaian to inhabit the body of Xaian, and put it in possession thereof, making believe it was the spirit of Thothma returned. Houaka said to the Gods: Where is the body of Thothma? Hath it been trans- formed? And the Gods answered: It hath gone to heaven, and will return after many days. But as to the spirit of the king, behold, he is with thee. And the priests spoke to Xaian. believing it was Thothma. And after three days they came forth out of the temple and recrowned Xaian, Thothma the Second, and they proclaimed it abroad that these things were true, although they knew to the con- trary. CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 377 As to the spirit of Thothma, at the time of death, it was taken to Agho'aden and put amongst the servants of Osiris' hea- venly kingdom, and thus enslaved. So Xaian became king of Egupt. Now, as regardeth the false Gods, Osi- ris and his confederates, they never tried to reincarnate the spirit of Thothma, but because of the virtues and the wisdom of Thothma, they used him for the benefit of Osiris' heavenly kingdom, and to estab- lish Osiris everlastingly on the earth as the all highest God. As to the kingdoms of the land of Egupt, which succeeded Thothma for hundreds and hundreds of years, the Eguptians were the most learned peo- ple in the world, and especially in a knowledge of the stars, and the sun and moon, and in adeptism and miracles. But woe came unto them; the land became flooded with hundreds of millions of dru- jas; and as to the people of Egupt, the chief desire was to be able to return in spirit after death and dwell with mortals. These spirits lost all sight of any higher heavens than to dwell on the earth; they knew no other. And they watched about when children were born, and obsessed them, driving hence the nat- ural spirit, and growing up in the new body of the newborn, calling themselves re-incarnated; and these drujas professed that when they had previously lived on Earth they were great kings, or queens, or philosophers. And they taught as their master, Osiris, the false, did: That there was no higher heaven that here on Earth, and that man must be re-incarnated over and over until the flesh become immortal. Not all of these spirits drove hence the natural spirit; but many merely engrafted themselves on the same body; and, whilst such persons lived, these spirits lived with them and dwelt with them day and night; not know- ing more than their mortal companion. And when such person died, behold, the druja went and engrafted itself on another child, and lived and dwelt with it in the same way; and thus continuing, generation after generation. And because of these indulgences many of the spirits came in sar'gis in the fami- lies of the Eguptians; eating and drinking with them corporeally; yea, and even do- ing things whereof no man may speak, whereby dire disease seized upon the flesh of mortals; and their blood and their flesh became inhabited with vermin. The peo- ple became idlers and vagrants; the lands were not tilled, and the places of learning became deserted ruins. CHAPTER LXIV. ■m In Par'si'e and Heleste, also under the dominion of Osiris, Baal and Ashtaroth, because of the persecutions of Faith- ists, and shepherd kings, the Listians, these people fled into Par'si'e and Heleste for hundreds of years, and they built cities and established kingdoms. And none of these accepted the Lord, or God, or De'- yus, but for the most part worshipped the Great Spirit. Nevertheless, they were not Faithists in purity; for they engaged in war and lived not in communities, with rab'bahs as rulers, but dwelt together after the manner of warriors. To Baal and Ashtaroth was committed the duty of subjugating these people unto Osiris, Savior of mortals. So Baal and Ashtaroth, finding them stubborn in the worship of the Great Spirit, finally resolved to make them destroy one another, after the same manner as Te-in, in Jaffeth, and Sudga, in Vind'yu; and they asked Osiris for armies of warring angels for that pur- pose. Osiris gave them the following great angel generals and high captains: Jah, Apollon-ya, Petoris, Pluton-ya, Hi- ram, Ben, Yube, Ali-jah, Ares, Sa'wang, T'crono, Afro-dite, Argo, Oyeb, Nadar, Abel, Said, Ar-te-mis, Yac-ta-roth, Wab, Josh and Haur; and besides these there were the following deserters from Te-in and Sudga: Clue, Jon, I-sa-ah, Yam- yam, Luth, Bar, Hote, Ki-dom, Athe- na, Hira, Oke-ya-nos, Hermes, Posee-ya- don, Ura-na, Hace, T'sodus, Rac-Rom, Mi-kak, Tol, Taes, Wo-wouski, Sur, Ala- jax and Hesmoin. And Baal and Ashtaroth cast lots for each of the above generals and captains, and they were divided equally be- tween them. And Osiris gave to Baal and Ashtaroth, each, five hundred million warring angels. And thus armed, they descended to the earth, to the 378 CYCLE OF CPENTA-AEMIJ objectionable regions, of Par'si'e and He- leste. In those days these great divisions of the earth were divided into many na- tions and kingdoms. And a kingdom was not measured according to the land, but according to the number of cities that paid tribute to the central city; though some kingdoms had but one city. These, then, are some of the largest cities that Baal and Ashtaroth determined to destroy, to-wit: Su-yan, with five trib- utary cities; Lakao, with two tributaries; Haugun, with eight tributaries; Waas, with three; Lowga, with six; Tol, with six; Sun, with five; Tos, with four; Troy, with six; Abed, with two; Athena, with twelve; Hess, with four; Ituna, with twelve; Fado, with ten; Tuns, with seven; and Wa'ke'at, with seven. And besides these there were many large cities without any tributary cities, which were also doomed to everlast- ing destruction. The first great cities thus turned to war on each other were Haugun and Low- ga; Ashtaroth choosing Haugun and Baal choosing Lowga. These two cities were both of more than four hundred years' standing, and contained each a half mill- ion inhabitants, besides their tributary cities. Tojak was king of Haugun; he was the son of Soma, who was the son of Atyis, the necromancer. And of Lowga, Turwea was king; he was the son of Diah, son of Bawn, the philosopher. When Baal and Ashtaroth, with their armies from heaven, came near to these cities, they halted and built a temporary kingdom in the mountains of Zoe. Baal said to Ashtaroth: Behold, thou hast had the choice of cities, give thou me the first assault? Ashtaroth said: On thine own terms shall these battles be, and I will beat thee. To it, then; set on Lowga. Baal went to Turwea in his dreams and told him his son was waylaid by the peo- ple of Haugun, and, moreover, that Tojak had determined to come upon him and pos- sess the city. When Turwea awoke, he was troubled about his dream, and he in- quired of the oracle concerning the mat- ter. Ashtaroth had possession of the ora- cle, and she answered the king, saying: Thou art a seed of the Faithists, why fear- est thou for a dream? Have a caution of thy dreams; tell not thy son, for this day he goeth on the hunt, and thy words might bring about that which otherwise might not be. The king went his way, but Ash- taroth sent inspiring spirits to the king, saying: To caution thy son, that would be wisdom. And the king went out and cau- tioned his son. Ashtaroth then went to Tojak's wife, and gave her a dream that the Prince of Lowga went On a hunt, to all appearances, but came near Haugun for a very different matter, which was no less than the slay- ing of herself and husband. The queen awoke suddenly, and in fear, and told the king her dream. Tojak said: Foolish wo- man; it was but the fault of thy diseased blood, which, coursing the heart, gave thee a foolish dream. Tojak dismissed the matter. On the next day, the angels kept inspiring the queen to send her servants to the place of her dreams, to which she ac- ceded; and her servants were armed with spears, and instructed to kill whomsoever came in their way, as if by accident. Thus it came to pass that Turwea's son was slain. Turwea inquired of the oracle, and was answered by Ashtaroth, saying: Why comest thou to me for comfort; is not thy son dead by thine own fault? I said unto thee: Mention not the matter of thy dream to thy son, for oft it happeneth that telling of a thing bringeth it to pass. Turwea said: I am justly rebuked, O Apollon-ya! But tell me, thou that know- est all things, since one part of my dream hath come true, may not the other part, and of a truth, Tojak come to possess my kingdom? Ashtaroth said: If I tell thee, thou wilt tattle, and do nothing in thine own defence. Turwea then made oath to obey the oracle; whereupon she commanded him to inarch with all his army against Tojak, and suddenly demand satisfaction in ten thousand lives, to bal- ance the loss of the prince. This ended Ashtaroth's part with the city of Lowga; and now she went to Hau- gun, whilst Baal took charge of Lowga, sending his legions of angels to the people of Lowga, to inspire them with madness because their prince was slain. Ashtaroth, on her part, now assumed control of the oracle in Haugun, and sent her warring angels to the people of the city, advising them of the justice of slay- CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARM1J 379 ing the prince, because he was come, not on a hunt, but to slay the king and queen. And Ashtaroth, further, told the king, To- jak: Try thou me as to my truthfulness: Behold, in two days the warriors of Tur- wea will be at thy city's gates; be thou ready for them and drive them hence, or lo, thy city will be reduced to dust and ashes. Of course the prophecy of Ashtaroth came true, and Tojak now believed he was in the protection of the Gods. The queen said unto him : I commanded my servants to slay the prince, for the Gods showed it to me that only by this could thy life and mine be preserved. The king, Tojak, jus- tified the queen, saying: Thou hast been the preserver of my life and thine. Baal, God of Lowga, thus marched the mortal armies against the city of Haugun, whilst Ashtaroth marched the armies of the latter place to battle against them. And thus, as mortals play a game with sticks and pegs, so played this God and Goddess a game with the mortals of these two great cities; played give and take to see the battles lost or won; and they used their legions of angels to inspire the mortals on, or to make them at times turn and flee. And whilst the Gods rested, amusing themselves by feasting and by talking over the sport of mortal death, the two great cities would also gain a little rest, but only to renew the bloody work. For four years the Gods and angels kept these two mortal cities at war; and though they lay a day's journey apart, all the way was strewn with the bones of the slain. And in four years they were reduc- ed to dust and ashes; and as to the people of the last year, for the most part, they were inoculated with the poisoned air of the dead, and they died also. And yet it came to pass, Baal beat Ashtaroth in the battle of death, for he caused all his people to be slain, whilst yet a few of Ashtaroth's remained. Thus did Baal and Ashtaroth pursue the other great cities of Par'si'e and He- leste. And the time of the destruction of any two or three cities varied from two years to ten years. For the destruction of Athena and Troy it required twelve years. And for the destruction of Ituna and Fado it required eleven years. Betwixt Su-gun and Lakao it required two years to bring them to war. Betwixt Athena and Troy it required three years to bring them to war. Two hundred vampires, angels of lust, were set upon a prince of Troy, and in des- peration he was driven to kidnap an Athe- nian princess, who was led to exposure by Baal's angel hosts. In this great battle Ashtaroth won the game, having succeded in having the whole of the Trojans de- stroyed. In the war between Tos and Sun, which lasted nine years, it was an even game, for both cities were entirely destroyed and all the people in them, and also their tribu- tary cities as well. But the city of Tol was destroyed within itself, for there was no city near enough to war upon it. The angels brought virus from the dead of oth- er regions, and inoculated the breath of the people of Tol, and their flesh festered, and they died without war. The whole time of destruction was one hundred and six years; and after that Par'- si'e and Heleste were wasted and desert, and wild beasts coursed the country far and near. Osiris had said: I will make the land of Egupt the greatest country in the world; I will have the place of my dominion near at hand. Satan had said to Osiris: If thou destroy not Par'si'e and Heleste, be- hold, Baal and Ashtaroth will rebel against thee, choosing these lands for their own kingdoms. CHAPTER LXV. Jehovih had said: I created man blank, as to good and evil, and gave him liberty: And I gave liberty also to the spirits of the dead. But these spirits set themselves up as Gods; and to glorify themselves used mortals in their own way. For they found that mortals could be turned to good or evil, to war or to peace, to virtue or to lust, according to the inspiration of the angels watching over them. But in this I provided a remedy also, and without abridging their liberty, which was, that the Gods, in contention for mortal souls, should fall out and ultimately destroy their own heavenly kingdoms, wherefrom angels and mortals should escape from bondage. And this was so. Te-in and Sudga and Osiris, even whilst their wars and machina- 380 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARM1J tions were going on with mortals, were scheming for mastery in hada, each to overthrow the others, and involve them in ruin. And it thus came to pass that a tri- angular war ensued in these two heavens, in which upward of ten thousand million warring angels were engaged hundreds of years. For, as mortals engage in corporeal warfare, so do angels engage in es'sean warfare. For though they cannot kill one another, they can bind and enslave and cast one another into hells, and surround them with never-ending fire, so they can- not escape. And the warring Gods send their armies forth to make captives of their enemies, who, when seized, are ei- ther made subjects of, or else cast into tor- ments. And these armies of warring an- gels, hundreds of millions strong, go into the kingdom of another God, and into suburban districts, carrying hence the sub- jects, with all their acquisitions. And yet at times these raiding armies venture too far, and are themselves captured and cast into torments. So that Gods in hada wall their kingdoms round with standing ar- mies, even as they have taught mortals to defend themselves. And their enemies seek to invent means to break these ar- mies through, and go in and plunder and destroy. In times of which madness no voice from Jehovih's angels can gain an attentive ear amongst them; even the same as when mortal kings are at war, for one to say to them: Behold, Jehovih is All Peace! They will even curse Jehovih and peace, so do the fighting angels threaten and curse if one of Jehovih's holy ones interpose in peace and love. As like a burning fever or canker worm that needeth run its course, before a heal- ing balm availeth good, so Jehovih permit- teth the Gods to pursue their reign, till helpless, they fall, environed in the harvest they sowed. For a time cometh to every man and woman born, on earth or in hea- ven, when sore disaster, if nothing else, will cast him helpless in agony, to make him own the Mighty Power Who created him; and make him supplicate in pity for some helping hand to lead him safely to the All Person's pleading Voice. Then he is ready to listen; to turn from Gods, and Lords, and Saviors, and Sons who profess to save; and to stand upright before the Father, and learn to know Him, and will- ingly learn peace, love, reason and truth. Jehovih hath said: In every soul I made a door, and in this My Light shineth. Herein My Voice speaketh; but they turn away, and go after them that speak to the external ear; a serpent biteth them, and they are cast in poison and in death! Man on Earth hath said: I will not heed Thy still small voice, O Jehovih, which speaketh to the soul; I will obey the king, that leads on to war, and with loud noises and violent oaths pursueth death- dealing as a virtuous trade. Not Thou, O Jehovih, shall be my master, but the king, who hath great pageantry. Behold, I will stand in his great armies, or be led on to death, even as the king willeth me; for he is my Savior and my defence. His Gods shall be my Gods; his Lords my Lords; his Savior my Savior; by blood and heroic butcheries will I prove my loy- alty. And even so have thousands of mill- ions of angels in hada said: Not the still small voice of my soul will I obey; but yonder gaudy God, whose sacredness is so great none can approach him but by crawl- ing on their bellies! He shall be my Lord and Savior; his battles shall be my battles; to feed the hells of hada with his enemies shall be my trade. Even to them that choose darkness and evil have I given liberty, also; for they shall learn by experience, in time to come, that all these guides and leaders, be they kings, or Gods, or Lords, or Saviors, are but snares, from whom, soon or late, they must turn in order to rise out of the hells they have built for others. For, because they put Me afar off, or denied My Per- son, or called Me Void like the wind, I cut them not off; but they cut themselves off from Me, and thus fell into torments. For I am as near to the corporean as to the es'sean; let them, then, disown their kings and Gods, and whomsoever hath a kingdom to glorify; and they shall es- pouse Me, for I am Ever Present. For this, all people shall do, either on earth or in heaven. My kingdoms are not by vio- lence or by war, but by liberty to every soul; and whoso practiceth peace, love, and liberty unto others, are My chosen. They are on the way of everlasting resurrection. CYCLE OF CPENTA-AP^LIJ 381 CHAPTER LXVI. About the time Baal and Ashtaroth had destroyed the inhabitants of Earth in Par'si'e and Heleste, they applied to Osir- is, demanding promotion to separate king- doms of their own. They said: Thou knowest of a truth that for sake of confederacy we merged our own king- doms into thine; to make thee powerful against the wars of Te-in and Sudga in heaven. And to do thy will we have laid desolate the mortal kingdoms of Par'si'e and Heleste. For which things thou didst promise us in the start we should have great kingdoms in heaven. Now behold, heaven is but one vast scene of war! And this also do we per- ceive, that the mighty contests are without any prospect of an end. As these heavenly wars raged hundreds of years ago, even so do they this day. Yea, the heavenly forces are becoming less disciplined and less scru- pulous from year to year. By evidence of which it is plain that thy heavens, and Te- in's, and Sudga's, will soon or late be cast into interminable hells. To prevent which, we ask of thee, our God, to give us each a section to ourselves, and we will subdue the places and govern them in our own way. Osiris answered them, saying: Of all the Gods, who but I hath done a hand's turn to raise mortal subjects to a higher plane? Te-in's course was destruction; so was Sudga's. And by much importuning ye twain persuaded me to have the mortals of Par'si'e and Heleste destroyed. And now, in the time when most of all we should be united, ye importune me to have my great kingdom disrupted and divided. Peaceive ye not that we have the balance of power in our favor? And also, that if in these troublesome times ye espouse new kingdoms, we will all be at the mercy of Te-in and Sudga. For which reason I be- seech you both to postpone the matter till we have driven our enemies from our doors. Let us be faithful to the confeder- acy. Now in this affair Baal and Ashtaroth came not to Osiris in person, but sent messengers, as if they were ashamed of their own proposal. And yet, on the other hand, Osiris invited them not to his king- dom. Ashtaroth said to Baal: See what Osir- is hath done! He taketh us for children; giving us sweet promises if we will but keep right on serving him. I tell thee, Baal, thou mayest serve Osiris; but from this time forth I am none of his! Behold, I will mark, out a kingdom of mine own, and I will establish it and rule it in mine own way. Moreover I will send word to Te-in and Sudga; and if Osiris oppose me, they shall know his vulnerable points. Baal said: Even so will I; and I will establish a kingdom alongside of thine, and if our enemies attack us we can the better defend ourselves. So said, so done. And Baal marked out for his heavenly kingdom over Heleste and northwestern Arabin'ya; and Ashta- roth marked out for her heavenly kingdom over Par'si'e and northeastern Arabin'ya. And the twain no sooner chose their gen- erals and captains, and founded their hea- venly thrones, than they sent word to Osir- is and to Te-in and to Sudga. A general dismemberment of these mighty kingdoms took place. In Osiris' heaven there revolted one Kabbath, who took the name Thammas. He was a gen- eral, whom tens of thousands of angel offi- cers delighted to serve. He marked out his heavenly place over western Egupt, and established his throne and officers, and had himself proclaimed to mortals through the oracles as The Only Son of the Great Spirit, The Savior of Men. Teos-judas also revolted from Osiris, and established a heavenly kingdom over South Arabin'ya. Besides these there were: Marcus, Delos, Acta, Hebron, De-bora, Julta, Wab, Thais, and D'nor, great generals and captains in Osiris' heavenly kingdom, all of whom re- volted and began setting up heavenly kingdoms of their own. And in Sudga's heavenly kingdom more than one thousand generals and cap- tains revolted and began to establish hea- venly kingdoms of their own. Of these the most prominent were: Judsa, Vishnu, Eorata, Chrisna, Histaga, Vivaulias, Hiras, Haroyu, Ahhoma, V'ractu and Tivirassa. And in Te-in's heavenly kingdom more than eight hundred generals and captains revolted, and established kingdoms of their own. Of these the most powerful were: Chong, Ho-Tain, Dyut, Cow, Ghan. Su- 382 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ Lep, Djhi, Hiss, Me Lee, Wang, Hop-jee and Kaab. And all the revolted ones called them- selves Gods or Lords or Saviors, and en- deavored to establish an earthly habita- tion as well. And all of them took with them millions and millions and tens of millions of angel followers; and some of them had more than a hundred million subjects to start with. So anarchy began to reign in hada. Order was broken down; warfare was di- vided in a thousand ways, and neither an- gels nor Gods could more discover what this war or that war was about, save to in- flict torments on others. And so great was the conflict that over more than half of Earth all the lowest heaven was but one continuous succession of knots and hells. To inflict pain and disorder and destruction was the work of twenty thousand million angels in darkness. And now, alas, over all the earth where war had raged hundreds of years, were thousands of millions of spirits in chaos, not knowing in fact they were in the spirit world, but still battling against all who came along, to the left and to the right, be- fore and behind, screaming, bawling with madness, striking out in madness, in un- ceasing agony, in an unending nightmare of madness. And from the mighty hosts of darkness, the drujas, now pestering the people on Earth, were hundreds of millions of familiars taking to fetalism! Vam- pire* spirits who suck the blood and flesh of mortals till the brain and heart are wild and mad! Till the mortal is driven to nameless deeds of horrors, des- perate with the foul obsession. Spirits who bring poison and horrid smells to af- flict mortals with; spirits who delight to feed on the flesh of mortals which is cor- rupted with scabs and running sores. Spir- its that teach re-incarnation and lust as the highest, most exalted heaven. And now the mighty hosts of Anuhasaj, alias De'yus, the Lord God, the false, broke in on every side, and spread here and there for foulness and for fuel to feed their thousands of hells. And these in re- membrance of Osiris' hated name and treachery went for his great kingdom, fol- lowed by thousands of millions of angels, desperate with long-continued slavery, roused for deeds of vengeance. Forth into his capital Agho'aden, they rushed, beat- ing down the pillars of fire and high arch- ways and rushing into the throne of Osiris, seized him and his vice-Gods and high marshals and dragged them off and cast them into foul-smelling hells, hideous with the wail and roar of maniacs and tantaliz- ing drujas, and. with kicks and blows and poundings covered them up in foul dark- ness, heaped deep and smothering in suf- focating gases. Then off ran other legions for Te-in and his high officers, and to pillage his kingdom also. And him and them they seized and bore off in triumph to equally horrid hells. And then others for great Sudga ran, even more desperate for ven- geance' sake; and him they also caught, despoiling his mighty kingdom, and cast him into hell. And for many of the lesser Gods they ran, and broke them down utterly, and cast them into hells. Only two Gods of the past days in those regions escaped, Baal and Ashtaroth, who fled to save themselves for a more opportune season to carry out their wicked schemes. Of the self-Gods of Uropa, and North and South Guatama, little need be said. They established weak heavenly kingdoms and succeeded in inciting mortals to war, but to no great destruction. Their hea- venly kingdoms were for the most part failures; their thrones were poor and dilap- idated almost from the start. Of these great divisions of the earth mortals were too scattered and few to be profitable for false Gods. In Guatama they had not forgotten the lessons of I'tura, the false God who had ruined their forefathers. They were wary, and for the most part preserved their allegiance to the Great Spirit. CHAPTER LXVII. By the pressure of ji'ay, Craoshivi had descended near the earth, and some places bordered upon it. Darkness had over- spread the land of Earth in some regions for seven hundred years, so that the sun shone not, save as a red ball of fire. And nebula fell in many places to a depth of three lengths, so that even the places of CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ 383 the great cities of Earth, which had been destroyed, were covered up, and it was like a new country. Which was beneficial to Jehovih's angels, in assisting them to de- liver hosts of the chaotic spirits, whose mortal part fell in dread war. For such was the labor of the true God in Craoshivi, Son of Jehovih, and of his hosts of uprais- ed angels. To gather in from every quar- ter of Earth and her heavens the fallen vic- tims of the self-Gods; to restore them to reason and to happier and holier scenes; and to teach them righteousness and good works. Jehovih had said to God, His Son: Be- cause one man cannot lift up the whole world he shall not grieve, nor cease doing what he can. For his glory lieth in exert- ing himself to the full. Because the self- Gods have come against thee, they are against Me also; because they have es- poused to be Creators, and thus proclaimed themselves for their own glory, they shall have their fill. Before these times, the false Gods were content to proclaim their own names; but lo and behold, they have made the Lord God as the Creator, and set him up as a man, on a throne, to worship him! And Te-in, and Sudga, and Osiris! All of woman born, and knowing My breath upon them. Sufficient is it for thee, My Son, to gather in the afflicted and dis- tressed, and restore them and deliver them in light and truth. Keep thou thy schools and colleges in heaven; and thy nurseries and hospitals, and factories, and thy fleets of swift-flying otevans and airavagnas. And send thou thy faithful volunteers, and make the afflicted to rejoice and hold up their heads in great joy. But to them that will not hear; and to them that curse thee and Me, seeking to destroy for their own glory, be thou silent. My hand is upon them. My ji'ay'an shower covereth Earth and heaven. In their own game shall they cast themselves in darkness and destruc- tion. And all the while the self-Gods were at their evil deeds, the Faithists, Jehovih's angels, worshippers of the Ever Present, All Person, coursed the heavens along in their fire-ships, calling in the persecuted children of Jehovih. Calling loud and cheerfully through the heavens of the evil Gods, and over the kingdoms of the earth; calling in these words: Come! Come! The Father's kingdom is free! Come! Come! In peace and qui- etness thou shalt be thine own master! Behold, the Father's places rise higher and higher! Not downward, to the lower king- doms, nor to the earth, nor to re-incar- nation, the invented tale of drujas; but up- ward to wisdom, goodness, love and hap- piness. Because ye have put away the All Person, ye have fallen in the mire; ye have closed your eyes to yonder higher heaven. Come, O ye that are in bondage! Cut loose from all! Fly to Him Who brought ye forth to life! Disown the world! And self! And all the Gods and Saviors! Lords and kings! Be Jehovih's! Sworn to peace and love! To good works and right- eousness! Come! Come! Our otevans are free! Our airavagnas full of comfort. O come and be our loves! Be fellows, one with Jehovih. ' And they gathered in millions and thou- sands of millions! For hundreds and hun- dreds of years they labored in the dis- tracted regions of hada; toiled and toiled till wearied and prostrate, tens of thou- sands of times; then rested a while, invigor- ated for more energetic work. But not alone nor unseen, these toiling millions, hundreds of millions of Jehovih's angels, faithful Sons and Daughters. For the labor built up their own spirits to be as very Gods and Goddesses in noble endur- ance. Which was written in their fair faces, so the high-raised messengers of far- off heavens, traveling past, beheld Jeho- vih's soul in them. And so bore the news to other worlds of the darkness of Earth and her evil Gods, and of the faithful, struggling hosts of Jehovih in their uphill work. And now Earth and her heavens crossed the boundaries of the ji'ay'an forests, and rolled slowly towards the homes and do- minions of other etherean Gods. LORDS' RECORD FOR DAWN OR DAN CHAPTER I. HISTORY OF PO. For the four divisions of the earth Je- hovih gave four Sons of holy light and power for the voice of God and his Lords: Po, of Jaffeth; Abram, of Arabin'ya; Brahma, of Vind'yu, and Eawahtah, of Guatama, whose records are everlasting on the earth, which are testimony that these men were raised up by Jehovih for His Own glory, and for the deliverance of men. These are the generations of the line of Light from the time of Zarathustra: Shu Sa, Gwan, Loo, Sam, Dhi Jo, Wee, Him, Gow, See, Wing, He Wen, Tse Kong, Lam Ne, Moo Yow Tine, Luts, Hime, Mai Se, Hong, Ghee, Wan Ghee, Tse Loo, succeeding one another. All the foregoing were seers and proph- ets of God having the Voice from their youth up, and were each in turn a shield and guardian unto the chosen of God. God said: With Tse Loo, behold, the Voice was lost. But I called aloud on the face of the earth, and my Light spread abroad. And there came a woman of Che Song, named Ha-se, an I'hin, through whom the Voice was regained. Ha-se had seven sons and seven daughters, all of whom heard the Voice, and saw the Light. And God divided the fourteen sons and daughters, one from another, and sent them in different ways. These, then, are the tribes that sprung of them: King, Si, Gwe, Loo, Hi-Gah, Hi-se-Gua, Yo, Ha Fung, Ne, Hi Lam, Se'ing, Yuth Lo, Jon, Ying'e and Ho Lun Gow. From the line of Ha Fung sprang Enamjo and Ze'zoo, half I'hin. From Ying'e sprang No'e and Yu Laim: also Yu'tse and He-ah. And God commanded the He-ahns to dwell towards the south, and they so dwelt. From the line of King descended the We Yah-Ho; and they lived towards the north and made fellowship with the Foe- Sim, who were I'huans by blood, and also followers of the Zarathustrian law under the name Sa Sin, having rab'bahs whom they called bah. From the tribes of Foe- Sim sprang Han; and from We Yah-ho sprang Hi and Te-Wing'e; both of which tribes had the Light and the Voice. And all the north regions of Jaffeth dwelt in peace and happiness. And God looked upon them and blessed them in all things. Nevertheless, it came to pass that the tribes of Han forgot the commandments of God; and Le Han, a mighty chieftain, rose up amongst them, and re-established the Osirian doctrines; that corporeal knowledge should stand higher than the Ormazdian law. Han usurped the central throne of Jaf- feth, calling himself, Han, King of the Sun. And so Han gave himself up to getting knowledge, and to enforcing knowledge upon the people. Han issued the following decree: Han, King of the Sun! Behold, there is one sun and his satellites. There shall be but one kingdom, with satellites. Behold me, I am the sun king! I will put away all other doctrines and learning. Let all the world bow down to me! Han was asked: Shall a man not wor- ship the Unseen? He answered: Better is it to worship a stone, which thou canst see. Worship not in words, but in works; worship not in prayer, but in doing right- eously. What is prayer but crying to one's own weakness? If there be an Unseen Light, He will do His own way. What is the use of praying to Him? Rites and cer- emonies to Him are the expression of folly. Rites and ceremonies to our forefathers are excusable. If their souls continue to exist, the rites and ceremonies may give them good pleasure. So, Han abolished the worship of Je- hovih and His God and Lords. God look- ed down from his holy hill in heaven, and he said: It is well; let Han have domin- ion. Behold, Han enraptureth the multi- tude with his new doctrines, remembering not that these doctrines were tried thou- sands of years before. God prophesied through his prophet CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ ">«».. „ co « 385 Zewing'e, saying: Hear me, O Han, and all ye people of the whole world. I prophe- cy by the Voice and Light; I know my words are true words: By words the soul is bent; by not praying to the Unseen, the Unseen will be forgotten. By the abolition of rites and ceremonies to the Gods, the Gods will be forgotten. Man will rise up in self-conceit against his Creator, saying: Behold me; I am the highest of all things; my judgment is the greatest of all wisdom. And the tribes of men will aspire to estab- lish opinions as fundamental doctrines. War and destruction will come upon the nations! Han would not heed the prophecy of God. Han established what was called The First Han Dynasty, and it overspread the land of Jaffeth from centre to circumfer- ence. And there came of the laws of Han great persecution against the Faithists, the worshippers of Jehovih. Han said: Try them by the food they eat; and whoso refuseth to eat fish or flesh shall suffer death. Neither shall any man nor woman have favor in the courts, who holdeth sacred the life of a cow, or a horse, or dog, or any other animal on the face of the earth, or in the waters, or in the air above the earth. So the Faithists, the followers of the Zarathustrian law, were outlawed, and were tortured and put to death on every hand. And it had come true as prophesied by Ze- wing'e. God said: Behold, they have not only forgotten the Creator and denied His Per- son in words, but in behavior also. For they no longer hold sacred anything He created alive, even man. CHAPTER II. From Ze-wing'e, God raised up proph- ets for seven generations. Ze-wing'e be- gat Do Tse, who begat Yin, who begat Hi Ne, who begat Lan Se'ang, who begat Dhi Hsotch'e, who begat Ho Lon, who begat Po, who was an iesu in birth. When Po was yet very young, the voice of God came to him, saying: Be steadfast in the doc- trines of thy forefathers, eating neither fish nor flesh. Thy God will protect thee, and thou shalt gather together the scattered tribes of Zarathustrians, the Faithists, and re-establish them in this great land. In those days many of the Zarathustri- ans were celibates; and the king saw his people being reduced by war, and he made a law against celibacy, commanding all men to marry, and all women to bring forth children, or be put to death. When Po was grown up, God said to him: Behold, thou canst not fulfill the law, for thou art iesu- born. But I will bring thee a wife like unto thee, who is also barren, but ye twain shall be blessed with three children, and thou shalt call them Wan-ge, To-ghan and Tse Loo. And it came to pass that a woman of Hong Ge, with three adopted children, es- caped from the tyranny of Dhi'Wan, flee- ing to the southern tribes of Hi See Gua and Yo, and Gwan Gooh; and, with her, Po wed, and he named his wife Ah T'dowh Jee. Po was twenty years old when he married, and he went with his wife and three children to the country of Heng'a Di, which name signified border land, and he labored at scutching flax and hemp. And God came to Po, saying: What is the extent of thy fidelity to the All High- est Light? Po said: I will obey Him in all things. God said: Wouldst thou sacrifice thy three sons, if commanded by thy Creator? Po said: They are the Creator's, not mine. How dare I sacrifice that which is another's? God said: Thou art wise; thou knowest the Ormazdian law. Then Po asked: Who art thou? Who is this that cometh upon me silently, ask- ing questions? God said: Go thou, visit Hi Seiang, the philosopher, and question him. Hi Seiang was governor of the south province of Heng'a Di, and was, withal, a man of great learning. Po came to him and questioned him, saying: What is this that asketh us questions? Why do we question and answer ourselves all day long? Hi Seiang answered: Are we not two selfs? Do we not discourse within our- selves like two selfs? Po said: Which, sayest thou, is the superior self, that which questioneth within 386 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARM1J LORDS' RECORD us forever, or that which is forever answer- ing? The governor said: That which asketh questions must be the superior self. Po said: Who is it? Hi Seiang said: It is nothing, it is something. Po answered him, saying: It appeareth to me, these two selfs are two different persons; one belongeth to the flesh, the other to the Creator. Because this ques- tioning self is the same one that seeth and heareth Gods and angels. Hi Seiang said: What sayest thou? God and angels? Po replied: God and angels. To which the governor took exception, saying: Dost thou too defy the law? Po said: What I see I see, what I hear I hear. Something external to ourselves made us, and ruleth over us. The governor asked: Have we not rid the world of superstition? Why dealest thou with doctrines that were in the dark ages? I tell thee there are two things only in all the universe; the unseen firmament, and the corporeal worlds that float there- in. Their action and reaction on each oth- er produce what we call life, which is but an effervescence that cometh and goeth, and there is the end. The laws are right. Han hath done a good thing in abolishing the doctrines of the ancients. Whilst they were yet talking, God sent a blaze of fire into a bush standing near by, and a voice spake out of the flame, say- ing: Who, then, sayest thou I am? For verily I am! The governor saw the light, and beheld that the bush was not burnt; and he also heard the voice. Hi Seiang said to Po: Be- hold, thou comest to me, knowing I am a philosopher, and thou hast cast a spell in the bush, like a magician. I am master of a thousand books, and am registered as a man of great learning. Thou hast offended me: Po said: Why accusest thou me? For is it not just for me to accuse thee of cast- ing the spell? I cast it not. Again did God appear and speak, say- ing: Accuse thou not this, my son, Po. Thou shalt labor with him. Behold, I give into thy keeping the country of Feh; for even this hour hath died Moo Gwon. The tribes of Ghan shall be gathered together in Feh and Heng'a Di. Hi Seiang, the governor, was astonish- ed at the words of the Light; and he sent a servant, to ascertain if Moo Gwon was dead; (the distance being a day's journey each way) and he found it to be true. Hi Seiang, the governor, sent for Ah Sin to come and investigate the nature of Po. So, when the three were together, God wrote in the sand the word Te-in, and it was as if a flame of fire pierced the ground. Po said: From this time forth Te-in shall be the name of the tribes who have faith in the Creator only. Because He alone hath written it. Ah Sin said: How canst thou distin- guish betwixt that which is written by the spirits of the dead, and that which is writ- ten by the Creator? Po said: Light cometh in light; dark- ness cometh in darkness. Hi Seiang asked: Sayest thou, thou canst see the angels and the Gods? Po said: I see the angels, but the Gods I cannot see. Angels are like ourselves; but the Gods are as a flame of fire. Now, whilst they were thus discoursing, a light in the form of a triangle came and rested on Po's head, and the word Te-in was inscribed on the sides of the triangle. The governor said: What signifieth this? And Po, being under the influence of the light of God, said: Call me Te-in; I am the Father (rab'- bah) over all the living. I write in the sand, and speak in the mouths of my seers and prophets. He that ye call Po is my Son, begotten for the deliverance of my chosen out of the bondage of Han and his satellites. Behold, my people are impris- oned and tortured; persecuted and abused. And ye twain have kingdoms taxed for the glory of Han in his unrighteous work. Provide ye also triangles, and espouse me, and I will deliver your kingdoms also. Hi Seiang and Ah Sin both desired some pretext to throw off the yoke of the Han dynasty, and now lent willing ears to the instruction of Po and the Voice. Ac- cordingly, the learned men of these prov- inces were called together, to learn of God, through Po, the mysteries of earth and hea- ven, and especially as to the great mon- archy. When these Councils were assem- CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ «>— ■ -obo 387 bled, God cast his light upon Po, and they all saw it. And the words Po spake were called Vede'or. Word by word learned they wisdom of God, repeating them over and over, which was called Learning by the Mouth, being in contradistinction from learning by books and tablets. God said: Great trials will come upon my people. The kings will seek to destroy the doctrines of Te-in. For which reason ye shall not write nor engrave my words until the coming of Kosmon. CHAPTER III. These, then, are the sacred laws given through Po, by God. Seek to bring forth heirs that will be a glory to thy Creator. Marry not because of the impulse of the flesh, but consider thine own spirit and the spirit of thy spouse. Shut not up thyself in celibacy, but multiply and adorn the earth. Thy Creator provided milk for the in- fant; but with the coming of the teeth, thou shalt provide for their service also. Feed thou him according to the Ormazd- ian law. To make him a warrior, give thou him fish and flesh. To make him pa- tient and strong, with docility, remember the camel and the ox, feeding on the herbs that grow on the earth. Ne-gwon asked: Was not celibacy the highest of all laws? Is it not so now? God said: There are times for all things. In the days of Zarathrustra celibacy was the first of laws. In those days man was not ready for these laws. Yet thou shalt not call the one law higher than the other. The fullness of earth knowledge requireth marriage, yet the bondage after death holdeth the spirit of man for six genera- tions to his own heirs. By celibacy, a man's soul is not bound after death by the love he beareth his children to lingec about the earth, and he may ascend quickly into paradise. The man or woman that is weak, or deformed, or blind, or deaf, or with run- ning sores, and he who is iesu, shall not marry, nor bring forth heirs. Nor shall he who is ieus, take sorrow to his soul; for this is the testimony of the Father that his race is' emancipated from the earth. Teachers in public shall be celi- bates; children, who decide that they will become teachers, or priests, or priestesses, shall take vows of celibacy. For such per- sons are married to the Great Spirit; and they shall be as Gods and Goddesses, knowing no more love to one person than another. Remember that they who marry, are chosen by Ormazd to raise up offspring for the glory of heaven and earth; and they shall dwell together in peace, love and har- mony. Thou shalt not marry but once; neither shalt thou look after any other partner all the days of thy life. The husband shall be the master of the house; but when he is not present, the wife shall be master. Thy sons at the age of eleven years, and daughters at the age of nine years, shall begin to learn maxims. And at that same time they shall be consecrated to the Creator and committed to His service. The wise shall rule over the foolish, but to raise them up. The rich shall apportion their riches for the benefit of the city. The poor shall reverence the rich and take council from them. Behold, I have given many gifts unto my people: the woman to give suck; the very strong man to carry burdens; the wise man to oversee the city; the learned man to explain the ancients; the prophet to hear my voice; the magician to hear the voice of angels; the physician to heal the sick; every several one gave I good gifts. Thou shalt not covet another mans' gifts, but be wise in discovering thine own, and using them for the benefit of the city. Neither shalt thau covet another man's riches, nor anything that is his. What more is a rich man than a watch-dog? Behold, it is his matter, whether he fulfilleth my command- ments. According to every man's gifts do I require of him, as to what he can do 1 for the people of his city. To the poor man, my exactions are lighter than a straw. For the ignorant man, and for the very young child, I provided the wise and the rich as Gods to raise them up. As they minister unto them, so do I bless them for their labor. What they do corporeally for the resurrection of those beneath them, so do I answer them in spirit in my resurres- tions in the heavens. 388 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ LORDS' RECORD Seven castes have I made for my chos- en: The first are the prophets; the second, such as have the highest genealogy; the third, the rab'bahs and priests; the fourth, the spe-e-su; the fifth, physicians; the sixth, the rich, and seventh, the very poor. Each and every caste shall remain by itself; all of them are worthy before me, and are equally my children. Thou shalt not kill, for food to eat, anything that breathes the breath of life. Thou shalt love to search for thy Cre- ator in all things on the earth, in the earth, in the waters, and in the air above the earth. Thou shalt love to search for all that is good in thy neighbor; but to excuse all the evil that is in him. Thou shalt keep sacred the days of thy God, and cause all thy people to rejoice in the delightful creations of thy Creator. Thou shalt obey the prophet of thy God; and be obedient to the rab'bah of the city. Next to these, thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother, and pay reverence to thy grandfather and grandmother. In the temple of thy God, remember that all men are alike; for even as death layeth the high and the low alike, so stand my people in the house I have built. Thou shalt respect the opinions of all men; for even thyself may be in error. Thou shalt speak but little of thyself or anything that is thine; for all others have a history also. Thou shalt make thyself compatible unto others in all righteousness. To re-instate the Zarathustrian law, the largest city shall not exceed two thousand souls; and the smallest shall be ten fami- lies. Save they are celibates, in which case a city may be as small as eight souls, hav- ing one rab'bah or priest. The best, high- est learned men, who shall be a celibate, shall be the priest and ruler of the city; and the sins of the people of the city shall be upon his head. But if it be a large city, he may choose one, or as many as six priests, to rule with him; and in that case the sins of the city shall be upon them When a matter cometh up, the priest shall call whom he will to speak thereon; and when they have spoken, he shall de- cree by his highest light, and that shall be the law without repeal, save by himself. It shall be lawful for the governor, who is the chief priest, prior to death, to repeal all his laws; so that his successor shall make new laws. For no man shall be bound after death by his own laws, in which case he could not come back and re- peal them. But as regardeth the laws a governor or chief priest maketh whilst he ruleth over a city, and over all persons whom he hath ruled during his life-time, he shall be responsible for them, both in this world and the next. For if a priest or governor maketh a law of darkness, and his people live by that law, their souls will be in darkness in the next world through his fault, and he shall answer to them in the next world for what he hath done in this. Wherein the manufacture of copper or iron, or other things, requires more than two thousand people, there shall be another city, with five breadths of the first city be- tween them. And the government of the second city shall be like unto the govern- ment of the first. But in no case shall there be more than four cities near about in the same country. Ye shall neither hire nor be hired; nei- they amongst yourselves nor with the kings' peoples. Nor shall ye have servants nor masters, for ( all shall be alike servants to Ormazd only. Sin-wah inquired: Was it not taught in the Zarathustrian age to respect the caste of men according to the number of their servants? And whether, according to the descent of men, they were born of parents who had risen above servitude for many generations? God said: The old law was for the olden time. It was a good law to improve the breed of men for special trades and learning. And that law hath fulfilled its purpose. The physician hath found great cures; and he knoweth all the parts of the flesh and the blood. The min- er knoweth the different kinds of stone, and the metals in them, and how to extract them. The farmer knoweth grounds and the yield thereof, and what they will best bring forth. The spinner and weaver have found the best of fibres for paper and for cloth. And so hath it come to pass in all departments; by the Zarathustrian 'law of caste have they perfected these things suf- ficient unto the requirement of man. For which reason ye shall teach all things unto CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ ">-.■ «"" 389 all; and they shall work with their own hands at all industries; remembering that the highest and most perfect man is he that can do all things. Jon-Le inquired. Since a man dieth in a few years at most, why shall he strive to learn things that pertain to the earth? God said: All learning is as a gymnasi- um to the spirit. Knowledge is the strength of the soul. Ye shall teach all things unto your sons and daughters, perfecting them in the talents created withal. First, to use- ful labors; second, to learning; third, to music and art, sculpture and painting; fourth, to mining; and fifth, to perfection. And ye shall intersperse labor and learning with recreation, not only in rites and cere- monies, but in harmless games, as in danc- ing, racing and playing, old and young. Cultivating joyous hearts, for these are outspoken words of glory to the Great Spirit. Every governor, and priest, and rab'- bah, shall provide for a successor; by the light of the All Highest shall they be chosen. CHAPTER IV. Hi Seiang became converted to the doc- trines of Po as taught by God, who was called Te-in in those days in that country. Ah Sin and Hi Seiang and Tse Gow en- tered into compact to throw off the domin- ion of Han, and so notified him. Han thereupon declared war against them. And he pursued them cruelly, laying waste a great country. Po and his followers were thus driven toward the south; and on their way they gathered up the Faithists of the tribes of He-ah. Now it came to pass that Han's success in war was so great that he concentrated not his armies, but caused them to scatter in different ways. And behold, he went so far that the barbarians fell upon his ar- mies and destroyed them. And Han per- ished by the blow of a barbarian woman. In the fourth year of the inspiration of Po, he returned and possessed the coun- tries of Feh, Heng'a Di and Se Lov, and he reinstated Ah Sin and Hi Seiang as governors. Hi Seiang called a council of thirteen kingdoms of Jaffeth, and after seventy days' deliberation Hi Seiang was made ruler over Jaffeth, receiving the title, King of the Sun. And he established the doctrines of Po by law, changing the name of All Light, to Te-in, signifying God. And he stopped all persecution against the Faithists; and he prohibited idol worship. And Po traveled east and west, north and south; teaching and displaying mirac- ulous things. And God was with him at all times and places. Gathering together the chosen; explaining and practicing the commandments of God (Te-in). And man ceased to worship all idols and Gods ami saviors; worshipping the Creator only. CHAPTER V. HISTORY OF ABRAM. Out of the hosts of Par'si'e, who were of the people of Shem, who were since the submersion of Pan, came Abram, a man chosen by God, in the arc of Spe-ta, for the deliverance of the Faithists of Arabin'- ya. These, then, are the generations of the line whence came Abram, that is to say: Of Shem and the seventy tribes, first going forth beyond the mountains of Owatchab- habal, Tur who settled in Par'si'e, and his descendants Raf-bak, and his descendants Goe, and his descendants Wawa, and his descendants Sadr. In Sadr the line was lost, but through his daughter Bar-bar re- gained through the I'hins in the land of the Goats, where the Listians lived, having fled from the tyranny of the kings of Oas. From Bar-bar was descended Egount, from him Dir, from him Wow-sha, from him He-lial, from him Rac-ca. And here the line ran by female heirs, beginning in Rac-ca's daughter, Hess, from whom was descended Gil-gil, from whom was de- scended Thussa, from whom was descend- ed She, from whom was descended seven generations in su'is; and it was lost in We- ta-koo, but regained again through Thin seed, and appeared in Re-both, and again su'is extended through these generations: Arfaxad, Sala, Eber, Prleg, Roo, Sa-rug, Nahor and Terah; but in Terah the line was lost, but regained by I'hin seed, from whom sprang Geth, from whom sprang Gus, from whom sprang Ra-bak, from whom sprang Ya-shem, and by I'hin seed sprang Ti-lot, and by I'hin seed Shi-ar, and by I'hin seed Shir-ra, from whom descended Na-hor the second, from whom sprang Abram. 390 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ LORDS' RECORD Abram was of pure blood, an I'huan; and the light of su'is had been with his forefathers and foremothers since the flood, and he was large and red, like new copper, and had black hair and long beard, fierce to look upon; but his soul was gentle as a woman's. Abram could see without eyes and hear without ears, knowing things by the light of God which dwelt in him. Wherefore God chose Abram to gather to- gether the Faithists in Arabin'ya and the adjacent countries, even as he had appoint- ed Po in Jaffeth. In those days there were great kings and men of great learning, and they had books of learning and instruments for measuring things far and near. Abram knew of these things, for he had been a ser- vant in a king's family where learned men and women congregated. And so, know- ing the power of God was upon him, he ran away in his youth, and lived amongst the Listians, who made baskets and trink- ets in the forests, which they sold to the kings' peoples. And God spake to Abram, saying: Fear not for men of learning; neither grieve thou for the learning in books. When they are forgotten, thy words and thy labors will overspread the world. And God lived with Abram, teaching him and working miracles through him. And it so happened that the Listians in their rambles, selling wares, told the slaves of the kings about the wonders of Abram. And the slaves fled from bondage and went into the wilderness in search of Abram. And when they came before him, he spake unto them, day by day, as they came, saying: Why have ye come? I called you not! And when they could not answer, Abram said unto them: God brought you. Man of himself doeth nothing. Search, then, the records of your generations; for ye are descended from the Faithists of old. And they searched, and found not one had come but was descended from before the time of Zarathustra. Abram said: Think not that God cometh to one man alone; when he provideth a voice he also provideth ears and hearts. Because ye have been faithful unto him, he calleth you to deliverance from your ene- mies, who are God's enemies also. CHAPTER VI. When there had come to Abram in She- a-do-wan four thousand five hundred souls, God spake to Abram, saying: Come, now; I will lead thee and thy people into anoth- er country. God led Abram away from He-sa, his native place, where he was a maker of baskets, and took him to the ancient land of Ham, which had been devastated by Druks, before the flood, as the name signi- fieth; whereafter God surnamed him Abra- ham, and made him chief rab'bah over the Faithists of Arabin'ya. So Abram led his people thence and came into Lower Howd-Lutz. And it came to pass that in the next year after they de- parted out of She-a-do-wan a famine came upon the land, and the enemies of God were cut off, and could not pursue Abram and his people. God said: Because they have not raised up one out of the sons of Ham, thy name shall be, henceforth, Abra- Ham, and it shall be testimony in thou- sands of years of my records in the libra- ries of heaven. After this it was that Abram was called Abraham, and he built altars of worship and altars of sacrifice, ac- cording to the commandments of God. Now it came to pass in the early days of Abraham, he told his brothers that the light and power of God were with him; and, though others believed in Abraham, yet Lot, Abram's brother, and Lot, Abram's nephew, believed not in Abraham, saying of him: He was born naturally, and is wise of his own judgment. God said to Abraham: Behold, it is an easy matter to commune with spirits, but to judge righteously of them is not so easy. For which reason thou and thy wife, and one hundred picked men, shall go and visit Sodom and Gomorrah in the valley of Siddim, where Lot lives. And Abraham and his people went as commanded by God, and visited the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah; and God spake privily to Abraham, saying: I will destroy these cities, for they are as hells for evil spirits; but Lot shall escape for thy sake. And when they came to Sodom, behold, angels walked amongst the people, and the people knew they were angels, but cared not for them. And there were laws made by Bera, king of Sodom, regarding the be- CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ w- "«»» 391 havior betwixt angels and men. And Abra- ham, being pressed by the presence of God, said unto his people: Behold, there are an- gels that love to dwell in lust, and to par- take with mortals; to eat with them; to lie down with them, and to partake in all un- godly pleasures. God, through his angels, rained down fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomor- rah, and they were burnt and destroyed. Lot, the elder, escaped, and went and lived in a cave. Now, after Abraham and his people were returned to Jireh, his camp, and it was night, God said to Abraham: Be thou steadfast, and show thy people that they may understand my words. And whilst they were yet praying before the altar, God withdrew from Abraham, and suffered the evil angels, who had fol- lowed them from Sodom and Gomorrah, to draw near about the altar. And one of the angels clothed in a great light, with a crown, and with sparkling gems, appeared, so all the multitude of people could look upon him. Abraham said: Who art thou? And the spirit said: I am thy God, ruler of hea- ven and earth! Abraham said: I am thy servant; what wouldst thou? And the spirit said: Thou shalt take thine only son, Isaac, and thy hosts who were with thee at Sodom and Gomorrah, and go with me whither I will lead thee, for I have a great work for thee. Abraham said: Whatsoever thou puttest upon me to do, that will I do. So in the morning Abraham and his son Isaac, and the hosts who had been with Abraham to Sodom and Gomorrah, as- sembled together. And Abraham spake, saying: Whither, O God? The spirit an- swered, saying: Take sticks and a fire- brand and come thou to the summit of yonder hill, for thou shalt restore the rites of burnt offerings. So Abraham told what God had said, and they started, and Isaac carried the bundle of willows, such as basket-makers use, saying: This will light the large pieces; but what wilt thou burn for an offering, O father? And Abraham said: God will provide. And when they ascended to the place Abraham gathered logs and heaped them up, and Isaac placed the willows. Then spake the spirit, saying: What shall a man love above all things in the world? And Abraham said: His Creator. And the spirit said: For which reason thou shalt offer thine only son, Isaac, as a burnt offering. And it shall be testimony before thy people that thou wilt obey God even to the sacrifice of thine own flesh and kin. Abraham said: Show me that thou art God, that I may not err; for I have been commanded not to kill. And the spirit departed away from Abraham, perceiving that he knew the higher law. Anl Isaac was grieved at heart, for he desired to witness what a sac- rifice was. And the people, seeing a ram near at hand, went and caught it, and slaughtered it, and sprinkled the blood on the sacrifice, and they lighted the fire and roasted the flesh, and took it and gave it to the poor. And Abraham called the place Jehovih- Jireh, and they returned to the camp; and Abraham, being moved of God, spake be- fore the people. CHAPTER VII. Abraham said: This testimony declare I unto you, whereof witnesses are of your own brethren, that even the chosen of God can be deceived by evil angels; for they can take any name and form; and, having no fear of God before them, declare false- hood for truth and darkness for light. And, as ye have seen, the evilest of cities, even as the purest, may be the abiding place of angels. For which reason ye shall not seek signs and miracles, for these may be of evil spirits, even to the showing of their bodies and of conversing learnedly. It is not in the power of man to know by words and signs, or by oaths or promises, what is truth. One thing hath the Father created with- al, which is His Own Light. Wherefore be ye believing toward men and angels; and wherein they teach ye according to the Father, which is life unto all, and happi- ness unto all, they are holy. If man or an- gel say: Visit the sick, and administer to the distressed, follow his advice, for it is of the Father. But if man or angel say: Do thou thus, and thou shalt have profit, or glory, or applause, obey him not, for he ad- 392 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ LORDS' RECORD viseth for thyself and not for the brother- hood of men. He is not of God. For spir- its will come in disguise of your fathers and mothers who are dead, professing love and profit to you. Believe them not, save they teach you to sacrifice self for the good of others. The wicked in heart, having profited in herds, and in gold and silver, say: Behold, God hath blessed me! But I say unto you, they are cursed, and not of God. Has he gathered you here together be- cause ye were rich? Ye were slaves, and in poverty; sick, and in bondage. And he came and delivered you. Be ye like unto him, and he will abide with you. If a man come, saying: Behold, this is my coat; give it to me! Thou shalt say: Prove thy- self as to who thou art. But if a man come to thee, saying: Thy herd has gone astray; thou shalt not say to him: Prove thyself as to who thou art. But go thou, and see after thy herd. If. a spirit say: Be- hold, I am thy father, say to him: It is well; what wouldst thou? And when he an- swereth thee, consider if his words be of God. And if his words be not of God, which are for the glory of the Creator, thou shalt challenge him to prove himself. As God is captain of heaven and earth unto all righteous souls, so is there a satan who is captain over evil spirits. And inas- much as the kings' peoples have not faith in the Father, their souls fall a prey to sa- tan and his hosts. Let not any man flatter himself, saying: Behold, I have joined the Faithists; my soul shall escape hell. For in that day and hour God may be putting him to the test, to see if his heart be for good works and holiness. For as ye profess God, ye are doubly bound to practice godliness in your behavior towards men and angels. CHAPTER VIII. When Lot the younger escaped out of Sodom, he halted in a small city called Ben-ah, and tarried there whilst Sodom and Gomorrah were being consumed with fire; and because he was saved, he called the place Zoar, because he was a worship- per of the doctrines of Zarathustra, who was called in the Fonecean language Zoa- raastra. And the place was called Zoar for more than a thousand years. When Lot departed out of Zoar, there went with him two tribes, and there were born of the house of Lot, offspring to the two tribes who accompanied him, and these became the nations in after years known as Moab- ites and Ammonites, who were of the Fo- neceans, as their names show, and they followed the doctrines of Zarathustra. In former years God appeared to Abra- ham in a dream, and said unto Abraham: Thou shalt be a father to many peoples. When Abraham awoke he told Sarai, his wife, and she was troubled, being bar- ren, and she prayed God for Abraham's sake. Now it happened that Hagar, Sarai's maid, had a son, and called his name Ishmael; and Sarai was jealous of Hagar, and abused her during pregnancy. And God spake to Abraham, saying: Because of the hatred betwixt thy women, Hagars' son will be as a wild man; his hand shall be against every man, and every man shall be against him. Abraham said: How, O God? And God said: I told thee thou shouldst be a father to many peoples, and thou told Sarai, thy wife. Now Sarai became vain in her di- sires for offspring, and, in her eagerness, she opened the door of thy house to satan, and hence this matter is upon thee. Go, therefore, my son, and reconcile thy wo- men. And Abraham told Sarai what God had said. And Sarai inquired of Abraham, saying: Before God, tell me is Ishmael thy son? And God shall judge betwixt us. Abraham said: Teach me, O God, to an- swer Sarai, that I may reconcile them. And God said: Behold, thy Creator is the Fa- ther of all the living. And when Abraham told Sarai God's words, she cried in sorrow and repentance, saying: Thou art wise, O God! For what matter is it to me, since I know that Ish- mael is thy son, and Hagar is thy daugh ter? And Sarai went to Hagar and said: O my sister, I have sinned before God. I saw thy son, and knew the Creator gave him, but I turned against mine own soul, ?nd loved not thy treasure. Hagar said: Saidst thy God that Abra- ham was father to my child? And Sarai said: Nay, O Hagar. Hagar said: Nei- CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ .OROS' RECORD 393 ther said I thy husband was Ishma^'s fa- ther. So they were reconciled, and W right of the beginning of Abraham's nations, Ishmael was Abraham's son be^re God, but not in the flesh. Sarai had a son, and he was called Is- aac, because he was born of Sarai after she had passed the time of child-bearing. And when Hagar beheld that Sarai bore a son, Hagar became jealous for Ishmael's sake, and she wept before Abraham. Hagar said: I am an Arabin'yan woman, and I left my people for thee. Behold, I am not fa- vored of thy God. Abraham said: Have I not been as a father *o thee ana thy son? Yea, when all peopl° reviled thee because thou hadst a child in maidenhood, laying it on me, I denied thee not, nor justified my- self before the kings' people, suffering these things for God's sake, and thine, and thy child's. Complain not, then, against my house, no* my wife, nor my son, Isaac; all things are of the Creator. And Hagar was pacified for a season, but afterward returned to grief and jeal- ousy, and finally resolved to depart away from Abraham's house. Then said Abra- ham to Hagar: The matter lieth with thee. And I give thee, according to the custom of the Arabin'yans, a jug with water, and bread and blankets. So Hagar persisted, and Abraham provided her, and she de- parted, taking Ishmael with her, and she went into Par-an and dwelt there. In those days Arabin'ya was divided into many kingdoms, some having one city and some two, and some as many as six cities. And they were constantly at war one with another, and the victors always changed the names of the kingdoms. The largest and most powerful always called it- self the Sun Kingdom, after the manner of the Par'si'e'ans. In the Sun Kingdom dwelt men and women of learning, and they had tablets and books and maps relat- ing to heaven and earth, which books, maps and tablets were kept in a library, the summit of which building was used as an oracle for consulting with the spirits, called Lords of heaven. For which pur- pose, a man or woman, whose head had been flattened in infancy, sat by a table covered with sand, whereon the spirits wrote with the finger. And the person so communing with the spirits was called ^E'jin in the South Arabin'yan language, and was in rank next to the Sun King. Now, no matter what wars took place, the library, the temple of the oracle and the ^E'jin were sacred, and never suffered harm even betwixt enemies. The kings kept scribes whose business was to write and to translate, and to keep the records of the kingdom. Besides these, there were gatherers of news, who held the second rank of scribes. Now when Abra- ham and his people came into Arabin'ya, the matter was entered in the records of the different kingdoms, with especial ref- erence to Abraham's professing to hear the voice of God, for he had not a flat head, and moreover, had good judgment of his own, quite unlike the iE'jins in the tem- ples. But because Abraham gave no coun- sel as to war or to earthly gain, he was not favored by any of the kings, and suffered to go his way unmolested. When Sodom and Gomorrah were de- stroyed, the kings' people heaped the blame of it upon Abraham's head, and there rose up enemies against Abraham in those re- gions. And they also accused him of at- tempting to burn his son Isaac as a sacri- fice to his God, after the manner of the heathen of old. And they accused Abra- ham of being the father of Ishmael, by his servant-maid, and of driving Hagar and Ishmael away to Par-an after he tired of her. And these accusations, and many more of like wickedness, were heard of by the news gatherers, the scribes, and they wrote them down, and their records were entered in the libraries of the kings of Arabin'ya. Abraham perceived these matters, and he wept before God, saying: Alas, O God, would that I had great learning and could write my record truthfully before men! God answered him, saying: Thy faith being in Jehovih, it is well with thee. In thousands of years, one Ezra shall send his scribes into these countries to gather news, even as do the kings of this day. And his scribes shall translate from these records, with all their errors and falsehoods, and Ezra shall publish the mat- ter as the history of The Deliverance. 394 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ LORDS' RECORD Abraham hearing this of God, bowed down his head and wept, saying: Thy will be done! And God comforted him, say- ing: The God of heaven and earth will come afterward and render the records of thy life, which are not dead, but of life everlasting. Since, then, thy people shall be honored by even that which shall come from their enemies, how much greater will be their glory when God of heaven speak- eth for thee and them! CHAPTER IX. Abraham inquired of God concerning the peoples of the kings and of the Faith- ists. And God said: Whomsoever I lead to thee shall be thine; thou shalt henceforth be father to all men and women and chil- dren that are thine. And they shall be thy family. But all other peoples shall not be thine; nor shalt thou be to them a father nor a prophet. Neither shalt thou make laws for the kings' peoples; nor laws be- twixt thy people and them. Of thine own people shalt thou be, and for thine own people shalt thou be forever. Nor shall thy people have anything in common with the kings' peoples, nor any other peo- ples with them; nor enter into treaties, nor alliances with them in any way what- soever. Both thy labor and the labor of thy people are for Jehovih. through thy God. But touching the intercourse betwixt thine and the kings' peoples, be circum- spect to the value of a fraction in buying and selling, to give the full value. Neither suffer my chosen to accept presents, or otherwise to become obligated to other peoples, for it is the law of God. For it shall not be said by the kings' peoples: Be- hold, I made them! For I say unto thee, neither kings nor rich men make the peo- ple of thy God. Whosoever would give thee gifts, let liim quit his people and come and dwell with my people in person and spirit. I cannot be put off with money and with gifts, like a peevish child or a wanton wo- man. Shall a man say: Here are gifts for thy God, he is a good enough God! But as for my soul it is too good to give to thee or thy God. Neither shalt thou suffer thy people to marry with the kings' peoples, for the same reason. But whosoever will marry my daughters, let him come and dwell, first, with my people, proving that he hath for- saken all the idolatrous gods for Jehovih's sake. It shall be the same of thy sons; if they desire strange damsels for wives, they shall first bring them to dwell one year pmongst my chosen. Abraham inquired concerning govern- ment. And God said unto Abraham: To each people to dwell together in peace, order, harmony and love; being disciplined to these, what more is required? Govern- ment belongeth to the kings' peoples. Abraham said: O God, teach thou me, for I am as one in the dark cellar groping about. Behold, my people are unlearned. God said: Who is learned? I say unto thee, he who knoweth the stars and the rocks, and mountains and valleys, and all that is living and dead, and the tongues of the ancients, but knoweth not the Creator, is unlearned. But he that knoweth the Cre- ator is learned indeed. Better is it that thy people dwell in tents and under trees; and their children roll on the ground, and die not, but grow strong in person and in spirit for the glory of the Creator, than to dwell as the kings' peoples, in magnificent cities, and in lust and death. Before thy God, thy people are a most learned people. Abraham inquired of God concern- ing servitude. And God answered him, saying: There is but one Master, even Je- hovih; thy people shall be His servants only. But all people have loves; a damsel saith to her lover: I will be thy servant, and he marrieth her. A man saith to an- other: Thy judgment is greater than mine; I will be thy servant. And the man taketh him in love to work for him. Therefore, for convenience' sake, thou mayest say, master and servant. Nevertheless, my chosen shall not, in fact, have either mas- ters or servants; for the one shall not have authority over the other but by love and free consent. Abraham asked concerning the products of labor. God said unto Abraham: Even as I have said of servants and masters, so also is it of the productions that come out of the earth. Nothing belongeth to any man, for all things are Mine, saith the Cre- CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ LORDS' RECORD 395 ator. Nevertheless, for convenience' sake, thou mayest say: This is his product, or that is such a one's product. But still he holdeth it only by his Creator's consent. Let all men render unto the Creator His creations, for they are Jehovih's. After that, Abraham said: Some men grow flax, and some wool, and some corn; but the seasons bring forth not alike unto all. Others spin and weave; and others make butter and cheese. And yet this hap- peneth also: One man is strong, another weak; one riseth with the sun and toileth all day; another sitteth on the bank, .fishing. Now when the products are brought in, there are no two that are equal. And God said: Every man's matter is betwixt him and his Creator. According to diligence and industry He rewardeth them in the end. He that perceiveth this, knoweth his heavenly Father; he that per- ceiveth it not, dwelleth in darkness. Abraham said: Shall the lazy be re- buked, and they that shirk be upbraided? And God said: Nay. -Let all thy peo- ple bring their products and cast them be- fore thee, saying: This is my sacrifice unto Jehovih; distribute thou it. And if some bring not anything, neither rebuke them nor pity them; they are the sons and daughters of thy God. And if some deco- rate themselves with fine raiment, or jew- els, censure them not; thy God searcheth their hearts. Abraham asked concerning lands. God said: Consider thy God. Did I go to the king and to the rich man and say: Give thou me thy sons and daughters? Nay, but I went to them that were despised by the rich, and by the king, and I said: Come ye! And they came. And when thou wert come hither, did I say: Take thou the king's lands, or the rich man's? Nay, but I led thee to that which was neglected and waste in the eyes of the kings' peoples, and I said: This is thy inheritance. Sufficient is it for thee and thy people to buy burying- places for the dead, which shall not be dis- turbed. But of all other lands, neither buv nor sell. And after thy people have improved a place, and a king cometh against thee, say- ing: Either by purchase or by battle, I will have this land; thou shalt say: Nay, nei- ther by purchase nor by battle, shalt thou inherit that which is the Creator's; but if thou desirest the land, then will I give it thee without money and without battle. And it shall come to pass upon my chosen that they shall be driven from place to place, whither I will lead them; and they shall make the waste lands to bloom like gardens, and the deserts to yield ample har- vests; for they shall dig wells, and till the soil, and prove unto the nations of the earth the glory of my works. And they shall be cut down and driven away, and scattered, but I will come and gather them together. Their places shall be inherited by idolaters and worshippers of strange gods, who will build mighty temples. But my people shall not build in stone, nor wood, nor iron, that shall endure; for they shall go from place to place, proclaiming me and my works; but where they have been, there shall be nothing left on the earth to show their labors. But when I have taken them across all the earth, and they are scattered as dust before the wind, and no man can say: Here is a nation of the children of Abraham, lo, I will raise up my voice for them. And in that day temples of stone and mortar of the idolaters will still be standing. But a voice shall go up from the whole earth, even from the far-off nations of the earth, saying: Who laid the foundations of the temple of Jehovih! Who were the sons and daughters of Abraham! CHAPTER X. When Abraham's wife was getting old, her ears were opened to hear the voice of God. And God said unto her: Concern- ing thy son, Isaac, hear thou thy God, the God of Abraham: My labors are not for a day, nor without judgment. Behold, in the land of Es-seth, the place of thy hus- band in his youth, have I built for many generations concerning the seed of my peo- ple. For which reason thy son Isaac shall take a wife that shall inherit my voice. Before the time of thy husband's father's father, I sent my angel from heaven, say- ing: Go thou and raise up an heir to hear my voice, for I will dwell for a season with the children of men. And my angel fulfilled his part, and I have come and talk- ed with thee and with thy husband face to face. And even in like manner can I talk 196 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ LORDS' RECORD to thy son, Isaac, and he can hear me also. And Isaac shall raise up heirs to my voice through his wife, to whom he is not known in this day. Sarai told Abraham what God had said to her; and so Abraham and Sarai went to the altar which Abraham had built, and they prayed alone; and God came and spake, saying: What would ye? And Abraham said: Concerning our son Isaac's wife? And God said: Because of the blessing of Sarai, thy wife, who hath been upright all her days, I will give her comfort in her old age. Send thy servant to the land of thy fathers, and I will send my angel with thy servant, and he shall come to a maiden who shall be Isaac's wife. So, Abraham called his servant, who was overseer over his goods, and he said to him: Equip thyself with camels and asses, and with servants, and with jewels I will give thee, and go thou to Syria, the land of my fathers, and bring a damsel hither, who shall be Isaac's wife. The overseer said unto Abraham: Alas me! How shall, thy servant choose a wife for thy son? Or, if choosing, how shall he induce her to come so far? Abraham said: That which God hath commanded of me, I have told thee, save that God saith: My angel shall go with thy servant, and he shall not err. So the servant of Abraham, in fear and trembling, equipped himself with ten cam- els and twenty asses, and with thirty ser- vants, taking presents and goods, and de- parted, and the journey occupied two and twenty days. And all the while the over- seer reasoned upon what he should say, for he had misgivings that he was on a fool's errand. Nevertheless, he prayed to God that he might do his own part wisely. So when he came near Abraham's father's people, the angel of God spake in his heart, saying: She that cometh with a pitcher on her head shall be Isaac's wife. Say thou to her: Wilt thou give me a drink? And she will say: I will give thee a drink, and also draw water for thy servants, and for thy camels. And the overseer looked, but saw no damsel, and he marveled; but presently he saw many damsels, one of whom had a pitcher on her head; and his heart failed him till she came near, and he said: Give me a drink? And she gave him a drink and said unto him: Thou art a stranger; pray thee, I will water thy camels and give drink unto thy servants. And so she gave as she said: and when she had finished, the overseer said unto her: Who art thou? And she answered him, and he perceived she was Isaac's niece by Abraham's father's second wife, but of no blood kin. And then she asked the overseer who he was and whence he came; and he told her, even from Abra- ham, whose servant he was. So she invited him to her people's house, and she ran ahead with joy to tell who had come so far, bringing word from Abraham. Now when the camels and asses had been fed, and straw spread for the travelers to lie upon, and when repast was spread for them to eat, the overseer rose up, perceiv- ing the way of God, and he said: Till I have spoken, eat not, but hear ye the words of God. So he related the object of his visit as commanded by God, and in refer- ence to the angel of God, and the words that came to him. And when he had finish- ed, the power of God came upon the dam- sel, whose name was Rebecca, and she rose up and spake, saying: Isaac shall be my husband, and I shall be his wife, for I know this matter is of God! So, accordingly, after some days, Re- becca departed from her people, and by her faith in God came to Abraham's home, and Isaac took her to wife, and Sarai re- joiced before God because of the light of his kingdom through Abraham's heirs. And God said unto Abraham: Divide thou thy people into families of tens, and families of hundreds, and families of thou- sands, and give to each family one rab'bah, and yet to all of them together one chief rab'bah. And make thou thy will, and ap- point thy son Isaac and his heirs by his wife Rebecca to be thy successor, that my voice may remain with my chosen. And Abraham made his will and did in all things as God commanded; and he fur- ther made the rab'bahs officers in the rites of Emethachavah, and communicated to them the sacred name of the Creator, and the plans of the upper and lower heavens, the dominion of God and the dominion of CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ «*«.. «««-» 397 satan, which were kept secret with the rab'- bah. God said: Behold, there is a time to clear up all things, present and past: Were Abraham father to Hagar's son, Ishmael, and had he been true to the law of sacri- fice amongst the heathen, then, Ishmael, being first-born, would have been chosen for the burnt offering. CHAPTER XI. HISTORY OF BRAHMA. These are the races of Brahma: Gons, Shone, Gamma, This, Ram, Zerl, Mex, Shriv, Vat, Eun and Delta, each a thousand years. Of Gamma and Delta, in the upper country (Wa-wa-o-gan), were born Gu-sem and Hagu by Gamma, and by Delta, Yots, Rammu, Borgl, Otesiv and Riv. Gamma was of the fourth descent of Git-ow; and Delta the third descent of E'wangga, — I'hins from the land of Jaffeth. The ascending caste of light in the lower country (Ho-jon-da-tivi) was by Ram, first; then Zerl, I'hin migrants from the land of Ham; then Shriv, then Vat, then Gons and Eun, the half-breed Druks; then Shone, and then This. The Zarathustrians who survived the darkness of the cycle of Fragapatti were: Zarathustra from the races of Shone and This; and of Zarathustra, Haman; of Ha- inan, Wonchakaka, who begat Zoar, who begat Theo, who begat Andassah, who be- gat Mur, who begat Romsat; these were tribes of the Zarathustrian order, who re- jected idols, Lords, Gods, Saviors, kings, queens and all other rulers on the earth, or in the heavens above the earth, save Or- mazd, the Creator, and in Him had faith that to do righteously, and practice good works, made the nearest perfect man. The Light by the Voice was lost in the sixth hundredth year after Zarathustra, but re- gained in Romsat by the I'hins, whence came the tribe Lojon, who begat Thone- galahogreif, who begat Subinij, and from him to Wowthutchisubinij, which were forty-four generations, and the Voice al- ways came to the chief rab'bah. In Chusa-king the Voice was lost, but again restored by the I'hins, whose heirs were called Wah-sin-chung, who begat Avar, who begat Irigavagna, who begat Ben-haoma, from whom was descended thirty generations, the chief rab'bah of whom could hear the Voice. Ben-haoma numbered the Faithists of his day, and there were of them four thousand, men, women and children, and all other nations and tribes in Vind'yu were idolaters. Through the descendants of Romsat the Voice was again regained by the I'hins, through a tribe called Shiriviyata, who be- gat Them-saga, who begat Friavamarga- lum, who wed with the I'hins and begat Thace, who begat with the I'hins Anu, who begat with the I'hins Maha, who be- gat with the I'hins Brahma, who had both voice and power from the Father. And he was called Brahma because of his great wisdom. The angels of Ormazd had prophesied, saying: Out of thy seed shall come one called Brahma, who shall have su'is with power. Things that were revealed in Zara- thustra have been lost, but shall be recov- ered in Brahma. Romsat had prophesied, moreover: With the coming, of Brahma is the end of the I'hin race in Shem (Vind'yu). Brahma said: Have all men stars? Be- hold, since my childhood up, I have had a star above my forehead. No man could answer Brahma. They said: Brahma is foolish, with all his wis- dom. Brahma asked the star: Who art thou? God said: I am thy star; I am the light of the second heavens. Brahma asked: What is thy name, O star, thou mysterious light? God said: Call me Ormazd; I am the same light that spoke to Zarathustra in the olden time. Brahma asked: Who art thou, O Or- mazd, thou voice of light? God said: With one only shalt thou commune, thy Creator. One only shalt thou worship, He who created thee alive. Brahma said: Why hast thou taken up thy abode above my head? God said: At- tain thou to be one with thy Creator, in wisdom, and goodness, and purity, and thou shalt answer thine own questions. Then Brahma applied to the rab'bah, the Zarathustrian priests, and he learned abnegation of self, and the rites and cere- monies of the ancients. 398 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ LORDS' RECORD When Brahma was grown up, God said to him: Arise, my son, and I will lead thee into another country, where thou shalt marry, and settle down for a long season. Brahma said: Peaceful have been my slumbers, and joyous my wakeful hours all my life. I have made labor a pleasure, and I give all I have to the poor, doing thy commandments with all my wisdom and strength. From my youth up I killed not any living creature of thine that walks on the earth, or swimmeth in the waters, or flieth in the air. Neither ate I of anything that had ever breathed the breath of life; and I have been most abstemious in plain food and water only, according to the Zar- athustrian law. Hear Thou me, O Or- mazd; for I will break my soul unto Thee, and hold nothing back. Ormazd said: It is well. Brahma said: Woe is me, if my soul turneth toward woman! Was I not wed to Thee, O Ormazd? Was I not Thy Bride- groom from my youth up? Why, then, protectest not Thou me unto Thyself? Or- mazd said: In times past I raised up many an iesu, and they, were without flesh de- sires all their days. Such men could not perpetuate the earth; they were good for their day. Zarathustra was an ie-su. My Light is now for them that can perpetuate. All things are possible in my hands. Grieve not, nor smother out any talent I created unto the pure in flesh. Brahma said: If I have a woman, O Ormazd, may I not lose my love for Thee? Ormazd said: By faith in Me thou shalt triumph by the road I marked out for thee since before thou wert born. Arise, then, O Brahma, and follow thy star. I will lead thee. Brahma said: Can there be another way than by celibacy? Can a married man serve Ormazd? So Brahma traveled, and came into the country of Etchoyosin, where lay the mountains of Talavitcha, under King Tya- ma, who had enforced the Zarathustrian re- ligion with sword and spear, and with chains and death, being himself sole inter- preter. When Brahma came to Au'watcha, he halted to inquire the way to the high priest's house, that he might be absolved for twenty days in Tyama's kingdom, ac- cording to law, paying the price as appor- tioned for strangers. In answer to his summons, there came to the gate, the damsel Yu-tiv, fairest of women, draped, also, to go before the priest for confession. Brahma inquired of her concerning the priest and the tax. Yu- tiv informed him, and, moreover, said: I am going hither, and shall delight to lead thee to the place. So Brahma went with Yu-tiv, and when they were gone a little way she said unto him: Whence earnest thou, and what is thy mission? Perhaps I may serve thee. Be- hold, I see a star above thy head I Brahma said: Seest thou a star? Now I say unto thee, there is an old legend that the pure in heart, looking upward, oft see their own paroda, and think it belongeth to another. Yu-tiv reassured Brahma she saw a star, whereupon Brahma took heart and said: Yea, I have a star, and the Voice of Or- mazd cometh to me at times. For some years I strove to be a priest, for I saw the wickedness of the world, and, moreover, the tyranny and tortures of the ha'ko, and my soul cried out for the op- pressed who had faith in the Great Spirit more than in the priests. And Ormazd came to me and said. Brahma, My son, forsake thy studies, and take thy broad-axe and go and hew logs. Behold, I will come to thee some time, and thou shalt bless the earth. So I gave up my studies and be- came a hewer of wood, living abstemiously day and night, and praying and striving with all my soul and with all my strength to purge myself of all earthly thoughts. So I grew, as thou beholdest, to be a large man of great strength. But, alas, evil overtook me; my soul desired a woman. And I cried out unto Ormazd, saying: Why hast Thou put this matter upon Thy son? Lo, I strove to be wedded to Thee only; I shut my eyes to all the earth, but Thou hast suffered me to fall. Rescue Thou me, I pray. Then spake Ormazd to me. saying: Be- hold, I have revealed My word through such as have no earth desires; but that time is past. I will now prove unto the nations of the earth that I have power in directing the flesh, that heirs may be born unto Me. Arise, therefore, and go whither I will lead CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ «*-o. «cob B 399 thee, for thou shalt take a wife and raise up seven sons, and I will deliver My people unto liberty. So I rose up and walked after the light of my star; thus far have I come, but how much farther I must go I know not; but I will go to the end of the earth if Ormazd require it of me. Yu-tiv said: I pity thee, O man! One so holy should never with woman wed. To win such a man's love, the best of women would forget her God! To bear thee one child, instead of seven, a woman would cleave the earth in twain. It would be like peopling the world with Gods and God- desses. O promise me, stranger, thou wilt turn from such unholy desires. I know not what moveth me past all modesty thus to speak to thee, but before Ormazd, Cre- ator of heaven and earth, erst thou earnest to my father's gate a voice spake in mine ear, saying: Quickly, thou, put on thy robes for confession, and hasten to the priest. I tell thee, O man, to save thee, the angels of Ormazd came to me. It is true that two can see more than one. Brahma said: Who art thou, woman? Yu-tiv said: A weaver of mats; no more. My father liveth in yonder thatch; my mother's soul ascended to heaven, giving me birth. She was of the I'hins. From place to place my father and I have been driven; all the ills of earth are written on my soul. And the rudeness of men; the light-heartedness of women! By day and by night my soul crieth out for the miseries of the earth. O the sins of the earth! O the death of little infants! O the trials of the poor! O the suffering of the sick! O the anguish of the imprisoned! O stranger, stranger, stranger! People not this world more! Let us turn our souls upward; to Nirvana; to the regions of endless paradise! To the voices of angels and Gods! To wis- dom that erreth not; to music never dis- cordant! To love that never separateth! Never! Brahma said: Now I beseech Thee, O Ormazd, that I may never marry! But be- cause Thou hast raised up here so fair a woman, and withal so wise, give me leave that I may dwell near at hand! Then spake Ormazd, out of the midst of the voices of their stars, saying: Hold up thy hand, O man! Hold up thy hand, O woman! And they held up their hands, and Ormazd said. I am the Father, and ye are My children. That I may have joy, dwell ye near together. Now after this, Brahma and she pro- ceeded to the priest's house and made their sacrifices, and returned and came to Yu- tiv's father's house, and the father's name was Ali-egan-is, called Ali. And Yu-tiv told her father all that had happened, but Brahma said little. Ali said: What the All Light doeth is well done. My house is ample. Brahma shall sojourn as long as he desireth. Brahma said: Of mine own accord I am not master of many words. When it pleaseth Ormazd to speak with me, I will raise my voice. Then Yu-tiv spread mats and provided food, and set it before Brah- ma, and he ate; and after that they said prayers according to the laws of the king, and then retired to sleep. When morning came, Brahma and Yu- tiv rose early, and came and spake togeth- er, in joy greeting, and they were moved to shake hands, though such a proceeding was not according to the fashion of the country, save betwixt relatives. And it came to pass that there were much togeth- er during the day, and in the evening they walked together, but touched not one the other. Now on the second day, when they walked together, they held hands. And on the third day they joined arms. And on the fourth day they kissed each other. And after that they were only separated at night when they slept But it came to pass that they were so delighted with each other that they sat up nearly all night, so as not to be separate. And all the while they neglected not their devotion to Ormazd; but finally they sat up all night, sleeping not, save in each other's arms. Yu-tiv said: Since we sit up all night, it is wiser to sit on mats than on stools. Brahma said: It is wiser. So they pro- vided mats, half raised and half spread down, for a season, and finally laid the mats full length and laid down together. But Brahma followed his trade in that country, and it came to pass they had a son born to them, and his name was Whe- ish; and in time another son, and his name 400 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ LORDS RECORD was Vus, and then Git-un, and Vede, and Oos, and Sa-it. Now after they lived together as man and wife, the voice of Ormazd came not to Brahma; though the angel of Ormazd re- mained, and at times talked to both Brah- ma and Yu-tiv, his wife. Now during all the time, until after the birth of the sixth son, Yu-tiv had faith in Ormazd, and was a Faithist, in her whole heart. But during all these years she had only communion with the angels, and withal had suffered many hardships in common with Brahma. And their love abated not, and Yu-tiv be- lieved in her husband, and encouraged his aspirations. He had said to her ten thou- sand times: I know Ormazd will come; through me will He deliver the Faithists out of bondage. And she believed in him; and believed these things would come to pass, and believed her sons would have the Voice of the Creator with them also. But after the birth of the sixth child, Yu-tiv lost faith in the Father! She said: All my life I have been in error. There is no All Per- son. There is no Voice, save the spirits of the dead, and they know little more of heaven than we. The Creator is dumb, like the wind; His voice is like the wind, it speaketh nothing. And after that, she ceased to use the name Or- mazd, or Father, but said, Eolin, after the manner of the ancients. And Brahma ceased more to speak in presence of Yu-tiv of the coming of Ormazd to himself; and he also adopted the name Eolin, signify- ing, like the wind, void of shape or person. Whilst this state of unbelief was upon them, they had another child born to them, and they called his name Hog, signifying, Fact, or without inspiration; an animal that root- eth in the ground. Yu-tiv weaned Hog when he was three years old, and, on the day following, the voice of God came to Brahma, saying: Brahma! Brahma! And Brahma said: Here am I, O Eolin. And the Father said: Be thou faithful another eighteen years! I shall be with thee to the end! Brahma was so delighted, he ran home and told Yu-tiv, but she rejoiced not; she made no answer. Silently she looked up- ward for a long while, and then she said: Eighteen years! Hog will be twenty-one. And thou and I will be old. CHAPTER XII. For eighteen years more Ormazd spake not to Brahma, but Brahma remained faithful, and Yu-tiv was full of hope. But when the time was fulfilled in Ormazd's own way, He came with renewed light, which was on the twenty-first birthday of Hog. Whilst Brahma and his family were seated on mats, eating breakfast at sunrise, lo, a light, as of a sun, came within the hut, and passed over Brahma's head, and then disappeared. And out of the void, in the space above their heads, came these words: From this time forth the twenty-first birth- day shall be the time of maturity for man. Be ye watchful for the Voice of Ormazd; He is Ever Present! And all of them saw the light and heard the words, save Hog, and Hog, hav- ing been begotten in unbelief, neither saw the light nor heard the voice. And when they all had exclaimed: Behold the light! Hear that voice! — Hog thus spake before them: For many a year ye have prophe- sied this should come to pass when I should reach my twenty-first birthday. For the love ye all bear me, I know ye would not put a joke upon me; but I am serious- ly grieved that ye say: Behold the light, and hear the voice! For I say unto you, these things are not in reason, and cannot be so. But in much hope and faith, all of which ye have cultivated for years, ye al- low your imaginings to stand for realities. Now whilst Hog thus spake, the light came again and stood over Brahma's head whilst one might count twenty; and the Voice said: Blessed art thou, O Brahma; blessed thou, O Yu-tiv! These things had to be fulfilled. I preach not by reason alone, but provide living examples! Again all of them saw and heard the manifestation of Ormazd, save Hog, and he saw not, and heard not the words of the Spirit. Hog said: Have I not eyes good as the best? Show me a hair that I cannot see; let fall a mite that I cannot hear. Then Whe-ish, the first-born, an- swered him, saying: First, my brother, I greet the with my love, for thou art the fairest and best of all the great sons of this God and Goddess, our father and mother. And I appeal to thee in thy great wisdom, how CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ LORDS' RECORD 401 have we all imagined the same light at the same time and place? And greater yet, how have we imagined the same spoken words? Hog replied: How can my answers cope with one who hath wisdom like unto thee, O my brother? Thou hast confounded me; but yet I understand not wherein thou, and ye, my most loving brothers, can see and hear things that I cannot. Have we not all the same parts, so like unto one another that our neighbors scarce distinguish us? And above all, we are all the same fruit from a father and mother, the holiest and wisest of created beings. Now spake Yu-tiv, saying: I am before Thy judgment, O Ormazd! That which I have done, I have done! Deal Thou with me for my great unbelief; I have sinned against heaven and earth. Even whilst Thou quickened into life within my womb this star of everlasting light, lo, I put out his eyes and stopped his ears against Thee. The unbelief of my soul penetrated the walls of my womb and shap- ed the fruit of my holy husband into a man of darkness. O Ormazd, why was Thy daughter born! Hog said: O thou Goddess, mother! Weep not, but rejoice for the glory of my birth. That thou and my holy father, a very God amongst men, brought me into life, my soul is boundless in rejoicing. I de- clare unto thee, O mother, I am not in darkness, nor am I blind and deaf. If there be another world, what mattereth it to me? The glories of this one are bound- less. And if there be a Great Light and a Voice, what are they to me! Thou hast so filled my every vein of blood with thy warm love, and with the sweet love of these, my holy brothers, and with the wis- dom of my father, God of men, that I know nothing but to rejoice and to invent praises and thanks to you all, with all my wisdom and strength. And now the Light gathered within the soul of Brahma, and he was as one with the Father. Ormazd, the Creator, then spake through Brahma, saying: I created the earth not to be despised, but that it should be the glory of man. This was the Zarathustrian law, but, for sake of profit, and bondage, and evil, they have perverted My doctrines and bound up My peoples. They profess Me, even Ormazd; but they have turned My commandments and My doctrines upside down. I came through Zarathustra and de- livered them that called on Me in faith; and they became My chosen for a season; but they permitted evil to usurp their hearts they squandered My substance in building temples and providing a superabundance of priests and priestesses. They raised up the sword and spear for Me; by blood and death they established kingdoms and called them by My name, Ormazd! The spirit of My Voice they put aside; but the words they retained, and added earthly meaning thereto. Whereby they proclaim darkness for light, and light for darkness. And the poor and distressed that worship Me in truth and in spirit have learned to hate the words established. For which reason they are persecuted, and bound, and taxed, and despitefully used. Yea, they that would kill not because of their natural love to Me and My created sons and daughters, they impress into ser- vice of war, taking them from their kin- dred, saying to them: Come away from peace and kill! Be thou a slayer of men; be a soldier of death for the glory of the king. I commanded them, in the olden time, to kill not at all. My words were plain, but the kings commanded the priests to interpret My words whereby war might be justified. I commanded them against taking that which was another's. My words were plain. But the kings commanded the priests to interpret the meaning, so the kings could exact tribute for their own glory. And so they levy wheresoever and whensoever they will, saying: For the de- fence of the king and the country! Thus have they perverted My commandments from beginning to end. But I declare unto you, that in My sight, to kill one man, I will hold him accountable who doeth it; and ten times accountable . if he kill ten men, and a hundred times for a hundred. They shall not hide death and murder from My sight by the word war. Neither shall they excuse stealing by levying tax for the king or the country's protection. For by their own evil, hath it come to pass that they talk about protection. Have I made 402 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ LORDS' RECORD a law that one king or one country shall protect itself against another- Seest not any man that these doctrines come of the flesh and not of the spirit? They profess to be Faithists in Me. But straightway they go and build forti- fications of earth, and stone, and wood. And they that know Me in spirit and truth, perceiving I am wrongly interpreted for evil's sake, being such as rebel in their souls against these iniquities, they seize and impress for their lifetime as slaves, or, if refusing, they kill them. And they that work such wickedness say: Behold, we have the Zarathustrian law, the I'hua'Maz- dian law, the Ormazdian law; ours is the holy, the revealed word. Let no man raise up his voice against these truths, or he shall surely be put to death! I said: Behold, I will go and de- liver them that have faith in Me in spirit and truth. And I went over the lands of the earth, but I found no man in whom My light could shine. And I called My holy masters of generations, My angels high raised in heaven, and I said unto them: Come ye and dwell on the earth many generations, and by inspiration raise ye up one in whom My light shall shine, for I will surely deliver My people. Now I declare unto you who are assem- bled, the time is at hand, and ye are all so many parts in My work. Even through My angels named ye these sons; according to their names, so will I establish My king- dom. Suffer, therefore, Vede to write down the words I have spoken, for lo, he hath learning and memory provided to that end. Be ye watchful, when I come again! Jehovih (Ormazd) ceased, and Brahma woke as from a trance, though he had heard all that was said. So Vede remem- bered the spoken words, every one, and he wrote them down on cloth prepared for that purpose. And this was the beginning of a new name of a people on the earth, though they were Faithists in fact, and no- thing but Faithists; but they were called by their neighbors sometimes Vedans and sometimes Brahmins. CHAPTER XIII. The next morning, at sunrise, Jehovih spake again, through Brahma, saying: As I prepared a way for My Voice, be ye wise in laboring to show this light unto all peoples. Neither take ye sorrow to your souls for the latest born, even Hog; for he is also in my keeping, and his wisdom shall be the glory of the earth. For is not all fact interpreted by each and every man from the light of his own standing place? Wherein error com- eth into the world by the darkness of men, in not perceiving rightly the things I have created. Behold, one man seeth the forest with reference to its value in logs; another for splints for mats; another for shade to lie in; another for its solitude; and they all alike see by what dwelleth in them, but they see through their own several win- dows. Consider, then, the injustice of man that saith: Ye shall see as I see; hear as I hear; or who saith: This I have proven for a truth, and that for an un- truth; or who saith: Behold, we are many witnesses, and we attest. Whilst Jehovih was thus speaking, an angel appeared and stood in the doorway of the hut, and all save Hog looked and saw the angel, and witnessed the color of the angel's hair and eyes, and the clothes he wore. And they pointed, saying in a whisper: Behold, an angel of heaven! Then spake Jehovih, illustrating, say- ing: Whilst yet no one hath spoken, let one at a time privily describe to Hog the appearance of My angel in the doorway. Accordingly, they all, save Brahma, told Hog all that pertained to the angel, and they accorded one with another. And Je- hovih said: Speak thou, My Son, Hog. Hog said: To whom shall I speak? For, be Thou my very father, or, of a truth, the Creator, I know not. God said: Who say- est thou the Creator is? Hog said: Even as the wind; the great void; without per- son, or shape, or sense. God said unto him: For which reason I say unto thee, because of the unbelief of thy father and thy mother, whilst thou wert in thy mothers' womb, thou art as CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ LORDS' RECORD 403 thou art. This have they attested unto thee thousands of times since thou wert weaned. And they have also attested to thee as of- ten, that during the bringing forth of thy brothers, they were in the fullness of faith in Ormazd. Thou wert born of the earth, and can only see with earthly eyes, and hear with earthly ears, and can reason only with earthly reason. Hog said: Then of a truth I shall go down to earth and there shall be no more of me; but these, my sweet brothers, and this Goddess and this God, my very father and mother, shall inherit everlasting life? God said: I would place two eggs be- fore thee, with the birds within them near- ly hatched; now with one thou shalt or>en the shell a little, and the young bird seeth out; the other thou shalt leave closed. Say- est thou one bird will have much advantage over the other when they are hatched? Or that one shall not live, because, forsooth, it saw not through the shell? Such, then is thy way to everlasting life. Of thy darkness I will make light that will reach unto millions. Thy sacrifice is the sacri- fice of a very God amongst Gods. Hog said: Because of thy great wis- dom, I fear to speak in thy presence. But thy words come out of his mouth who is the sweetest and holiest of created beings. Therefore I take courage in mine argument. Now, behold, they have all described the angel in the door; alike and like have they described it in all particulars. And the wisdom of thy words goeth to the bot- tom of things, not like the words of man, but faultlessly. Thou hast made me to be- hold I am bound as with iron hoops, and must go that way all my days. Against this I complain not; for I perceive it is not within my judgment to know even myself, as to what is good for me. This, however, thou hast shown me. I was molded as I am; I am as I am. If I have faults, they are not my faults. Neither are they of my father or my mother; for the cause of their unbelief at that time lay not with themselves, but with thee. God said: Thy words shall Vede also write down; the glory and wisdom of the earth shall come out of thy mouth. The manner of my edifice shall be shown unto the inhabitants of the earth. Thou hast seen the king's temple and how he buildeth it. For the fine posts he sendeth his best hewers into the forest, and they choose the straightest and strongest trees, and fell them and hew them, and polish and en- grave them, and the posts are set up in the front as strength and ornament. But as to the walls of the temple, the king calleth not the best hewers, but the choppers, and they also go into the forest to bring logs, not the straightest and handsomest, but what- soever their axes come upon. And their timbers are put in the walls with mortar and withes. And the temple is completed to the king's will. Jehovih said: Of such is My hea- venly edifice; I send not winter to please one man, nor summer; nor the rain. I consider in what way I shall induce men to raise up one another, and to be consider- ate. Through Me, thy father and thy mother and thy brethren, and all Faithists that follow these, My doctrines, shall learn to consider the unbelief of mortals, and the impossibility of one man seeing through another man's eyes. For as I have raised you up a house in love, one to an- other, so will I show the wisdom of disbe- lief, and its necessity on the earth. The foremost of all lessons is that all men shall have liberty; and no man's judg- ment be binding on another's; for all do not see alike, nor can they understand alike. That ye shall be alike considerate to them that see not My light, or My Person, even as to those who are born in su'is; for they are the same flesh and blood, and their spirits they have even from the same Cre- ator. For the evidence of the past and of the present is before you, that men en- deavor to enforce their doctrines by saying: Behold the Word of Ormazd! Thus hath He spoken! and I am His priest! Bow down your heads! Whereas, man shall not bow down, but hold up his head and rejoice. They that seek to enforce Me are My enemies. Nor have I said of this man or that: Hear ye him, for he is Truth. Shall the Creator make one greater than Himself, and thus cut Himself off? And yet the 404 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARM1J LORDS' RECORD kings and the priests of this day assume this in I'hua's name. And the mothers and fathers of many have become discouraged because of their great hardships; and they bring forth heirs that have eyes but see not, ears but hear not. God said: In the days of Zarathustra, I came to deliver them that had faith but were in bondage; to-day I am come to prove three worlds unto men, and to teach them how they shall bring forth heirs with eyes to see, and with ears to hear spiritual things, with liberty unto all men: First, of the earth and its fullness; second, the in- termediate world of spirits, where all shall sojourn for a season; and, third, the- Nir- vanian worlds beyond Chinvat, where lieth unending paradise for the pure and wise. CHAPTER XIV. On the next morning, at sunrise, God spake again to Brahma, saying: Consider the fruit of the earth, and the pasturage in the fields. The male and the female feed on the same grass; the one yieldeth milk, the other is for the yoke; neither can any man change these creations. What man shall say to another: Feed thou on this; or on that? But they take of them that are born in darkness, and raise up priests! The food for the flesh, or even fasting, cannot bring su'is. The air warm- eth the earth; not the earth the air. The spirit enlighteneth the corporeal part, and not the corporeal part the spirit. Light is the freedom of all; to know this is the be- ginning of wisdom. Nevertheless, without suffering, some that are bound would not know they are bound, or, if knowing, would not desire freedom. At this time, Hog, the youngest born, was greatly moved, whereupon God bade him speak. Hog said: O that I could believe these things! O that 1 could see! O that I could hear! O the misery of my darkness! O the horrors of the suspense of not knowing a matter! Bitter is my soul, and full of anguish! O the madness of this hour upon me! Wherein, O Wisdom, forgottest Thou the time of my begetting, to let me spring up as an offensive weed in such a garden of paradise! And he bowed his head and wept; and then spake Yu-tiv, his mother, that brought him forth. She said: I perceive Thy light, O Father, but I cannot bear it. Thou didst unlock my members to bring forth these seven Gods! Never woman on the whole earth brought forth so rich a harvest; but yet my soul is tortured to the very centre! O that the light of my soul could be trans- ferred to this God of men! And she also wept. Now spake Sa-it, saying: Next nearest am I to thee, O my sweet brother, Hog. No love lieth so fondly to thee as mine. And as to thee, Yu-tiv, my Goddess moth- er, thou hast most wisely named me Abun- dant. For in our love hath Ormazd pro- vided us equal to the highest of Gods. Be- cause I have witnessed that this purest and best of brothers cannot see spiritually, my soul is mellowed toward all the world. Yea, my outstretched arms shall receive the darkest of men, and my soul shall go up in praise of Ormazd forever! Oos spake next; he said: Most wisely am I named Space; for it hath pleased Or- mazd to show me the breadth of His Crea- tions. What belief or what unbelief is there that He hath not provided a glory for! Because my sweet brother, Hog, has been thus blessed with darkness, he shall be guardian unto me in earthly wis- dom all my days. In my faith I know it is well with him; yet in my love I would that he could see as we all see! Then spake Git-un, whose name signi- fied Time. He said: Behold, I am the fourth born, and, as it were, in the middle. Whose love is so delightfully hedged about as mine! Who so surrounded by the Light of heaven and earth! At one end behold my father, God of men; the very voice of heaven and earth; interpreter of the Creator's words! At the other end, the best, sweetest brother ever created on the earth, with all the wisdom of men and angels. O the glory of this hour! O the delight to be with these Gods, and with I'u-tiv, Goddess of women! Then Vus, the second born, spake. He said: Wherein shall I glorify Thee, O Or- mazd, and not glorify myself! I am full to overflowing with delight for the love of these, my brothers, and father, very Godsl CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ LORDS' RECORD 405 But for Yu-tiv I have more than love. I preceive through my own sweet mother how the different castes of men are made! O mother, how nearly a righteous woman dwelleth with the Creator! Whe-ish said: To rank one's thoughts and desires ever high; would not this de- liver the world? Vede said: To know the truth and ever speak it in love and kindness, would not this deliver the world and establish Or- mazd? Now woke Brahma from his trance, and he spake, saying: To find the Father; to know Him; to reveal Him; these are all, and for His glory only. Now again spake God, saying: Wiser than all the rest is Brahma. Who of ye all hath not spoken of himself or herself? Who hath uttered a word of praise or of thanks, and left out self? Judge ye, then, what is required of men that my spirit may find utterance through their lips. Then the Voice departed for that day; and the angel of God appeared in the door, so that all save Hog could see him. The angel said: That ye may see the spirits of the intermediate world, come ye at midnight and sit in the sacred circle in the grove of Ebon. We will appear in sar'- gis. Hog heard not the angel, but the oth- ers told him what the angel said. Accord- ingly, at midnight they sat in circle in the grove of Ebon. CHAPTER XV. And the angel of God appeared in the midst of the circle, in sar'gis, and talked with them face to face. And Hog said unto the angel: Of a truth, I know thou art not mortal, and yet thou hast the sem- blance of flesh, and limbs, and arms, and a very body, and art clothed withal and thy clothes are like mortal clothes. Now I tell thee face to face, I believe thou art no an- gel of the dead, but a very reflected self- substance, produced out of the substance of my father. How sayest thou? The an- gel answered, saying: Mortal words cannot convince thee; neither the words of a spirit. Behold, I will show thee a friend of thine who is dead. With that, the angel showed the spirit of Hog's friend who was dead, and the man's name was Aara-acta; and so Hog said unto him: Thou art a very counter- part of him I knew. What is thy name? The spirit answered: Aara-acta! I tell thee, O Hog, these things are true. I am the spirit of thy friend; yea, I am that very friend. Hog said: Where dwellest thou? Where hast thou been? Art thou happy? Hast thou visited all the heavens? The spirit answered him, saying: I dwell on the earth even as before death; I am happy; the glory of my pres- ent world surpasseth the earth. I have not visited the highest heavens. I am only as yet in the first resurrection. Up above us there are heavens where all the people are Gods and Goddesses. I cannot go there; they are too white. The spirit then disappeared, and Hog said: What I have seen I have seen; what I have heard I have heard. Yet I believe not that I have seen a spirit nor heard one. A spirit must in reason be thin and subtle and airlike. Then spake the angel of God, saying: How shall I please this man, O Ormazd? This day I showed myself in the door of the hut, thin and subtle and airlike, and he saw me not, nor heard me. Who can find a way to open this man's soul to Thy Wis- dom, O Ormazd? Now spake Yu-tiv: Great is the glory of Thy angel, O Ormazd! Heavenly are the spirits of the dead. Welcome, O ye angels of heaven! Then spake Whe-ish, saying: Even the lowest of heavens hath great glory! O the delight to dwell in such a paradise! Then Vus spake, saying: Such wisdom and truth! What are Thy kingdoms, O Father, when even the first heaven hath such glory. Git-un said: Be- cause I have lived to behold these things, I will proclaim Thy wonders, O Ormazd, as long as I live! Vede said: Truth is Thy mightiest work, O Ormazd! Oos said: How wisely hast Thou framed Thy worlds, O Ormazd! Even Thy lowest of angels are the delight of my soul! Next spake Sa-it; he said: Give us of Thy abundance, O Ormazd. Open wide the gates of the 406 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ LORD'S RECORD lower heavens. I will take Thy angels to my arms and rejoice forever! Brahma then came out of his trance, though he had heard and seen all. He said: Whoever cometh that can make me better, and show me how most to benefit Thy world, him, O Ormazd, send Thou unto me. And lo, first of all, Brahma was answer- ed! A light, bright as a sun, stood in the midst of the cricle, and it was higher than the clouds, and displayed a staff on which was a banner of gold and silver; and on the banner, stars clustered to spell the words, Love, Wisdom and Power! Presently 'the scene changed, and the angel of God said: He that spake last (Brahma) hath been answered first, be- cause his words reached to the Fountain Head. Wheresoever ye send your prayers, there are ye answered. To which end I will now open the gates of the lower heavens, and ye shall witness what ye may. The angel withdrew the lights, so that great darkness might be upon the circle. Presently, Yu-tiv started as if affrighted somewhat. Then Vus sprang up, saying: What was that? And then another started, till presently all but Brahma and Hog were wild and startled, whispering: What do mine eyes behold! O that foul smell! O that vulgar touch! And then one screamed; and another, and another, until all broke and fled, screaming and crying out in fear and distress; flying in the darkness of the grove, frantic; almost dead with fear! Hog ran not; saw nothing to fear; heard nothing to dread; felt nothing to make him ashamed. And his father, Brah- ma, ran not, nor was afraid, and the twain called to the rest, pleaded, coaxed and call- ed in vain; could not stop them; could not find them in the darkness. They returned to the hut, Brahma and Hog saw the torches burning brightly, and came in and found Yu-tiv and her sons huddled togeth- er in each other's arms, white and pale as death. Hog asked the reason. Yu-tiv said: Sh , are they gone? Sh , keep them away! Then spake Vus, saying: O my brother, ask not what we saw! Ask not what we felt, and what felt us! These things would not be lawful to mention! Say no more, in heaven's name! The air of heaven is full of drujas. Now spake Vede, saying: Alas, O my father, I dropped the holy book, the Veda I am writing. In my fright I let it fall. It is not sized yet, and should it rain ere morning, the holy words will be lost! And not for a thousand worlds would I go back to the grove this night. Oos said: Nor I, for a thousand worlds! Whe-ish said: For all the gold and silver in the world I would not go there this night. So they all spake save Hog, and with all the love they bore for Ormazd's words, nothing doubt- ing they were His very words, not one would venture amongst the evil spirits they had seen, to recover the book. Then spake Brahma, saying: For many generations Ormazd hath labored for this; I will go myself; I know He will protect me at all times and in all places. And Brahma rose up to depart; but then spake Hog, saying: Nay, father; thou art old; I am fresh and young, and I know there are no spirits but in the imagination of men. I will go alone! Nor will I bear a lantern nor a torch; nor will I whistle nor sing. I will confront all the evil spirits of hell and their captains. I will recover that book this night though I scrape every leaf from Ebon grove! And mark ye, too, I will return unscathed; nor will I see nor hear a spirit whilst I am gone. So, Hog and Brahma only were fearless With that Hog departed, and after a while he returned, rejoicing, bringing the book; and he said: I neither saw nor heard a spirit, and I declare unto you-that none of you saw nor heard them, for there are none. By the extreme bent of your minds, these imaginings seem real. And as to the great Light, with the words Love, Wisdom and Power, which I also saw, I say unto you, it is some emanation from this, our holy and most loved father. How oft have we heard him use those same words! And as to those figures that talk- ed, and had the semblance of men and women, even to their garments, I say unto you all, they emanate from the same source, even from our father, Brahma. CYCLE OF CPENTA-AEMIJ 407 Now spake Yu-tiv, saying: O happy- unbelief, my son! O that I had been born as thou! O that I had never seen such sights as I saw this night! Then said Oos: O happy brother, our youngest born! Would that I were like unto thee! O the vulgarity of those hands that came upon me this night! Vus said: O that I had never known the unseen world! O that I had been born in darkness like unto thee, our most favored brother! After that manner they all spake de- ploringly of their gift of su'is; and when they had thus spoken, the angel of God spake through Brahma, saying: Whilst it is yet night, I speak. With the dawn, at sunrise, is the Father's Voice. Hear me, then, briefly, expecting not much wisdom, for I am not long born in heaven: Two great men created the Creator, the Faithist and the unbeliever; the one who hath passed through the trials of the flesh, and attained to the Father's Voice; for in becoming one with the Father, he no long- er standeth in fear of anything in heaven or earth. The glory of constant resurrec- tion is before him forever. All men who have not attained to this may be likened unto a man going up a slippery hillside, who oft riseth high, but suddenly slideth low. They glorify themselves for their own light and wisdom and good gifts, rejoicing for self-sake for the glories that have fallen upon them. But they are cowards. Nevertheless, the Creator created a great man amongst these; and such is the unbelieving man. He hath neither gold nor silver, nor house nor land; and he is without spiritual sight or spiritual hearing; but his glory is in understanding his own understanding. He it is that subdueth the forest, and tameth the beasts of the field to man's service. He goeth alone in the dark, fearing naught. He followeth not the course of any man, but searcheth for him- self; the priest cannot make him believe, nor can the angels of heaven; none can subdue his judgment. He beholdeth the glory of the earth and of manhood. He calleth to the multitude, saying: Why per- mit ye others, even priests, to think for you? Arise, O thou, and be a man! Arise, O thou, and be a woman! He inspireth of the earth and for the earth; through his arm are tyrants and evil kings overthrown. Through him are doc- trines and religions sifted to the bottom, and the falsehood and evil in them cast aside. Yea, who but Ormazd could have created so great a man as the unbeliever? And these two men, the Faithist and the unbeliever, do mostly all the good that is done in the world; the one laboreth at the top of the hill, calling upward; the other laboreth at the bottom of the hill, pushing upward. CHAPTER XVI. On the next morning, at sunrise, Or- mazd spake again through Brahma, and Vede wrote down the words; and on the succeeding morning, in like manner; and so continued for forty days; and in forty days, behold, the Veda was completed; the holy words of Brahma were written. God said to Brahma: Go, now, and preach my gospel unto whomsoever will hear; proclaiming liberty to all who will follow thee. I will be with thee to the end. And thou shalt take Yu-tiv, thy wife, and all thy sons with thee, even Hog, the youngest born. So Brahma went forth preaching by day, and exhibiting the spirits of the dead by night. But to the chosen he spake at dawn, in the early morning, the time the All Light was upon him. And his sons also preached and explained; and Yu-tiv ex- plained to all women how it was with her when pregnant with her sons. Only Hog preached not; neither opened he his mouth before the populace as to his unbelief. In his soul he said: These things may be true, and if they be true, it is well. If they be not true, still the believing of them, by the populace, worketh righteousness and goodness. With all my philosophy, I cannot move the multitude to righteous- ness. But my father maketh them as a flock of sheep; they cease from evil, and they practice good fellowship. Therefore, I will stand by my father to the end. When Brahma came near a city, he halted outside the walls, that according to law the kings could not stay his voice. 408 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ LORDS' RECORD And the multitude came out of the city to hear him, and many returned not; but re- mained with Brahma and his sons in their camp. And when Brahma moved to an- other city they went with him. And in a little while the hosts of Brahma were as an army of thousands. And not a few of them were men and women of wealth, and they cast their treasures at Brahma's feet, say- ing: Take thou this trash, and give me of everlasting life instead. But men of learn- ing came not to Brahma; neither came the priests, nor kings, nor magicians, nor con- suiters of oracles. God said: Take thy hosts and establish them in families of tens, and of twenties, and of hundreds, and of thousands, and give thou a head father unto each and every family. And thy people shall be a people unto themselves, having nothing in common with the kings' peoples. Behold, my angel will go with thee, and show the waste lands, such as the kings' peoples de- sire not; and thou and thy people shall pos- sess the lands and dwell together in love and wisdom, doing good to one another. So Brahma did as commanded, and he so established the families in the mountains and valleys of Roam, and his people dwelt there, in all six thousand eight hundred and twenty, men, women and children. And there came to Brahma a certain cap- tain-general of the army of King Syaytha- ha, of the West Kingdom of Vind'yu, wherein lay the city of Gowschamgamram- mus, of a million inhabitants, and he said unto Brahma: In the name of the king, mightiest of men, Syaythaha, am I before thee, O Brah- ma. Behold, the king sendeth thee gold, silver and copper, saying: Brahma is good! Brahma shall give me the blessing of hea- ven! Brahma answered the captain-general, saying: Brahma saluteth the king, might- iest of men, Syaythaha, in the name of Or- mazd, the Creator, in love and in these wise words, that come to the soul of Brah- ma. Brahma sendeth the king's servant, even the captain-general, back to the king, with his gold, silver and copper, saying: Deal thou with thy Creator and not with men! The Great Spirit holdeth all bless- ings in His own hands. Give Him thy treasures ! The captain-general departed and re- turned with his gold, silver and copper to the king, and told the king Brahma's words. The king was pleased with the wis- dom of Brahma, but withal felt rebuked and sore at heart. So Ormazd suffered sa- tan to possess the king for a season; and the king resolved to destroy Brahma and all his people. And he commanded the captain-general to assemble together fifty thousand men, with arms, ready for battle. And when they were thus prepared, and started on their journey, which would re- quire seven days, the king bethought him to inquire of the oracle as to his best mode of success. Now the angel of God had taken pos- session of the oracle, and yet the magi knew it not, nor did Syaythaha. So the king came before the sand table, and the spirit wrote these words: He who hath be- come one with Ormazd is mightier than an army. Take off thy crown, O king, might- iest of men, and thy golden robes, and all that is fine and fair to look upon, and clothe thyself in the poorest of garments, even as a Druk that wandereth about. But thy crown and thy costly robes, and thy raiment, fine and fair to look upon, put upon thy body servant. And ye twain shall go in advance of the army, even before Brahma. And thou shalt witness that the man who professeth to labor for the poor will fall upon his belly before the man of riches and power. And behold, O king, thou shalt feel justified in destroying him that falleth before the crown and robes, knowing he is a hypocrite. The king was pleased with this, and he fulfilled all that was commanded of the oracle; and when he came near Brahma's camp, a man came before the king's ser- vant, saying: Behold, O king, command me as thou wilt! And he prostrated him- self on the ground before the king's ser- vant. Whereupon the king, dressed as a Druk, came to him and said: Who art thou? And the man answered: Begone, beggar! My matter is with the king! The king ordered the man to be seized and taken away and put to death; and the advance guard fell upon the man and slew CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ ^o.. r.coho 409 him with war clubs. And when the man was quite dead, Brahma came, and neither the king, nor any of his advance guard, knew him. And Vus and Whe-ish were with their father, and the three came and stood by the dead man. Brahma then took the king's hand, saying: Thou that art in the garb of a Druk come hither, for thou hast flesh and blood unto holiness. Lay thou one hand on the dead man; put thine other hand on my head, for I will prove Ormazd before thine eyes. Behold, thou who hast tried to kill Brahma, killed an- other person! And when the king's hands were placed, Brahma stood by the head of the dead man, and his two sons by the heart; and Brahma said: In Thy name, O Ormazd, and by Thy power in me, return thou to life, O man! And arise! Arise! Arise! And behold, the man was brought to life, and rose up and stood before the mul- titude. The king trembled with fear, and the guard stood back, amazed. And, as for the servant arrayed in the king's garb, he cast aside the crown and robes, and fled into the forest. Brahma said unto the king: Here stand- eth the angel of Ormazd, and the angel saith thou art the king in disguise, and, moreover, that he, the angel, advised thee to come here for this purpose, saying to thee in the oracle: He that hath become one with Ormazd is mightier than an army! The king said: This is true. I swear before Thee, O Ormazd, henceforth I will wear such garments as these I have on, and my life shall be given to Thy service. Let who will take my kingdom and all I called mine. So Syaythaha joined Brahma's hosts; and with Syaythaha came his brothers and their sons and daughters. And, those that came, cast into a heap whatsoever goods or moneys they had, and the head fathers of the families divided and distributed the same according to their best wisdom. And Brahma's people, by commandment of Brahma, called themselves not Brahmins, but Vedans. In those days the language of the kings of Vind'yu, and of the men of learning, was All-ao, signifying, Out of All that is Good. But the Vedans were the unlearn- ed, and their language was imperfect, and of many meanings for every spoken and written word. And God foresaw the lia- bility to corruption of the Brahmin relig- ion, and he spake to Brahma, saying: Be- hold, I have given thee seven sons, six of light and one of darkness. Thy six sons of light shall establish each one a school amongst my chosen, and teach my scrip- tures by word of mouth. And all that henceforth become rab'bahs shall be capa- ble of repeating every word of the Veda by heart. And, in after ages, if the plates and the books of my holy religion are destroy- ed by war, it mattereth not. The sub- stance of thy labors shall live. Then did Brahma's sons as commanded, each and every one becoming a teacher. And again God spake to Brahma, saying: Arise, and go where my angel will lead thee, taking thy wife and thy son, Hog, with thee. And thou shalt travel yet two years from place to place, and then return thither, for thy labor will be completed. CHAPTER XVII. The place thus founded by Brahma was called Haraoyo, and his people, at this time, extended to seven cities and thirty villages, and possessed all the country of Roam, which had been uninhabited hun- dreds of years. And the Vedans cultivated the lands, living on fruits, roots, and on bread made of wheat grown in the fields; but they ate neither fish nor flesh, nor any- thing that had breathed the breath of life. Brahma and his wife, Yu-tiv, and his youngest son, Hog, departed from Hara- oyo, accompanied by seven disciples, and went forth under the direction of the an- gels of Ormazd, to preach and explain the Veda, carrying one book with them. And they went first to the northeast, through the kingdoms of Haomsut, and Ali-oud, and Zeth, and Wowtichiri; thence westerly to Hatiqactra, where the tyrant, Azhi-Aven, had built a temple of skulls, after the man- ner of the ancients. Azhi kept six dens of lions, for devouring his condemned slaves. So, because of oppression, the kingdom of Azhi was profitable unto Ormazd. From 410 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ ««o.. -«•« Hatiqactra Brahma obtained three thou- sand followers. And when Brahma had seven thousand followers, the angel of God directed him to the plains of Cpenta-ar- maiti. And here he established his people, dividing them into families and villages, and appointing rab'bahs unto them. And Cpenta-armaiti became known over all the world. After this the angel directed Brahma to go to the southwest, through the king- doms of H'spor and Vaetaeyo, and Aram- ya, and thence to Dacyama, to the city of H'trysti, where Ormazd had a host of one thousand already inspired to join Brahma. And now the angel directed Brahma to ^ake his hosts to the mountains of T'cara- rativirwoh, and establish them; which he did. And behold, the time of Yu-tiv and of Brahma was near an end, for they were grown quite old. The angel said to Brahma: Great hath been thy labor. Very great Yu-tiv's! Where in all the world is such a woman? From the day thou first beheld her! For the glory of thy sons! And in her age to fol- low thee, walking so far! Behold, O Brah- ma! Yu-tiv is weakening fast. Rise up and take her back to Haraoyo! The moun- tains of Roam are calling her! And thy faithful son, Hog, strong and tall. Take him back with his mother. Haraoyo is calling. Brahma went and looked at Yu-tiv, and his soul spake within him, saying: O Or- mazd, have I not forgotten her in Thee, the mother of my sons? O her proud young soul when first I saw her! Alas, I see she is tottering and feeble Brahma went nearer to Yu-tiv and she spake to him, saying: O Brahma, thou God of men! I know not if my eyes are turning dim. But O, I have seen so strange a sight, even toward the high sun. It was myself I saw, rising, going upward! The earth going downward! Then I called: Ormazd! Not alone! Behold, my God is yonder! Let me back to Brahma! Then 1 thought the Creator brought me back and said: Go thou quickly and see thy godly sons in Haraoyo, for thy time hath come! Brahma said: My angel saith: Go thou back to Haraoyo, thy labor is nearly fin- ished. For this reason I came to thee. It is well, therefore, for us that we return, taking Hog with us. So Brahma, and Yu-tiv, and Hog, with five remaining disciples, departed for Har- aoyo, which lay three days' journey for a man to walk, and they knew not how Yu- tiv would go, for she was worn to the last step, and, above all, her shoes were worn out, and she had only pieces of cloth to her feet. And whilst they were deliberat- ing having only gone a short distance, Hog perceived, going in another direction, a score of soldiers, mounted on horses, and they were leading a number of spare horses with them. Then the soul of Hog spake within him, saying: Behold, my father hath made many con- verts in his day, made good men out of bad ones. And he hath ever refused money, and gifts, and presents. Now, whatever justice liveth I know not; but many of the rascals who became followers of my father were conscience-stricken with ill-gotten gains, and, finding that my father would not receive their stuff, they tried me, and behold, my pockets are full of gold and dia- monds. In truth, it may have been a very devil prompted me; but I am supposed not to know the higher light, but to know the lower. Of myself and for myself I want not these things. If they belong to Or- mazd, it followeth I should not keep them. Therefore, if I give of gold or diamonds to those soldiers, they will give me a horse for my angel mother to ride on. Who knoweth but by the way of these soldiers is the nearest road for this gold to find its way to Ormazd? So Hog went away and purchased a horse, and brought it to his mother, say- ing: Behold, a man giveth thee a present in the name of Ormazd, but forbiddeth thee to retain it save to ride to Haraoyo, whith- er thou shalt sell it and give the money to the poor. Yu-tiv said: A good man he was, and wise, for only on his own conditions could I have accepted the horse. Accordingly, Yu-tiv was mounted on the horse, and they CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ «».■ ««.» 411 proceeded on their way, going slowly, for Brahma was also near the end. And after seven days they arrived at Haraoyo, where they were received by Brahma's sons, and by all the multitude of disciples. But ow- ing to Yu-tiv's deep love for her sons, and being worn out withal, and having wit- nessed the glory of righteous works fulfill- ed through her husband and her sons, the strain was too much for her corporeal parts. And they brought straw and stretch- ed her along, and a bundle of straw under her head. Then she spake, saying: First to Thee, O Ormazd, my blessing, because Thou createdst me alive, to enjoy Thy glories. Next, O Brahma! My hus- band, my blessing on thee. God of men! Thou hast taught me the fullness of earth and heaven! O the glory of having been thy wife! Then she called Whe-ish and said: O my son, my first-born! My blessing on thee. Because I have watched thee from the hour of conception, I have had the wisdom of creation demonstrated before me. O the joy when first mine eyes beheld thee; I am going now, to prepare a place in heaven for thee! And, after that, Yu-tiv blessed all her sons, and coming to Hog she said: My blessing on thee, O my latest born, God of men! To all my other sons I have told my love, but to thee my soul overfloweth, I am as a dumb woman. Thou hast been a very God in all thy ways, and believest not in Ormazd; nor in heaven nor angels! For which reason I look upon thee as the high- est of all creations. Thou art good for goodness' sake; wise for wisdom's sake; happy in finding a way to master all un- happiness! And these were Yu-tiv's last words; she shut her eyes. She was dead! So they took her body, and robed it in white, and on the fourth day buried her in the forest of Roam. CHAPTER XVIII. On the day of Yu-tiv's death, Brahma said: Sing no. songs; pray in silence only. Let her soul be in quiet with Ormazd. On the second day Braham said: Pray in whispers, praise in whispers, the best, good deeds of the dead. On the third day Brah- ma said: Burst forth a song of praise to Ormazd; extol the virtues of the dead. On the fourth day Brahma said: In song and in prayer bid the dead arise and go onward,, upward! Thus they put Yu-tiv in the ground on the fourth day; and then they went and sat in the sacred circle and sang and prayed for her soul to go on to Nirvana. And when they had finished, a light came down the midst of the circle, and an angel in, white appeared. It was Yu-tiv; the spirit of Yu-tiv in the glory of Ormazd, the Cre- ator! Then spake the angel Yu-tiv, saying: Out from the head of the corporeal body the spirit is born; and angels stand around;, on a spirit blanket receive they the spirit of the dead. One day, in quiet, they keep the spirit, teaching it to reconcile and under- stand. On the second day, the spirit hear- eth the prayers of the earth-people coming upward; and on the third day, the spirit understandeth death and birth of spirit. And on the fourth day, when ye sang: O' Goddess, arise from the dead! The Father calleth thee from on high! Arise, O God- dess, and go thy way! Then was my spirit, free from the earth; resting in the arms of Gods and Goddesses, who had come from, on high to receive me. Thus, O my belov- ed, on the third day is the first resurrec- tion; and, to the holy, the second resurrec- tion beginneth on the fifth day. After the fifth day call ye me not back again! My labor lieth yonder! I must build houses for you all. Thus Ormazd sendeth me on. before! If it be His will for me to return, to you at times, I will return. His will, above all; this is the greatest wisdom. Whe-ish, her first-born, asked: What of the angels of the intermediate world, O 1 mother? Then answered his angel mother, saying: They were shown to us in Eboni grove! Alas, some of them do not begin the resurrection for a thousand years! Then came the angel Yu-tiv over, near Hog, her latest born, whom she loved so well. She said: Canst thou see me, my son? Hog answered: Nay, I see only a glimmering light faintly: I hear a voice,, but it soundeth not like my mother's voice. Yet, if it be that there is a soul that liveth after death, and if of a truth, thou art the very spirit and soul of her who brought me- 412 CYCLE OF CPENTA-AEMIJ ^ ««•« forth, be thou not unhappy because of my unbelief. As for myself, I am happy be- cause thou broughtest me forth in unbelief; neither would I of my own will be any oth- er way. Whether our eyes be blue or black, or whether we are tall or short, or whether we are believers or disbelievers, even as we are created, and to fill our place in doing good unto others with all our wis- dom and strength, is this not glory enough? Yu-tiv said: O thou wisest of men! In the day thou art born in heaven, thou shalt not linger long in the intermediate world, but be crowned a very God indeed! Here endeth my labors with the earth, O ye, my beloved! An otevan waiteth by the way for me to ascend; the Gods and Goddesses are calling me! Farewell, my beloved! Farewell! And now the music of heaven descend- ed, and even whilst the mortals sang, the very gates of heaven opened, and the an- gel Yu-tiv rose upward in a sea of fire! But behold, the love of great Brahma was too much for him! His eyes raised up- ward after the ascending light, and his soul burst within him. He fell down and stretched himself on the cold earth! He, too, was dead. Then burst the mighty hearts of Brah- ma's sons. The whole earth shook with the wail of Gods. The wind, the air above the earth, stood still, and the forest of Roam shuddered as if the earth were rent in twain. Then wailed the sons and daugh- ters of Haraoyo. Though no man uttered it yet all knew that great Brahma was dead. CHAPTER XIX. The angel of God came in the sacred circle and stood in the midst. He said: Greeting, in the name of Ormazd! In His name I speak before you. First, then, who of all that was dearest to Brahma, he or she, shall arise! And behold, there arose every man, woman and child, more than ten thou- said. The angel said: By the side of Yu-tiv shall ye, his most beloved, bury his body. On the third day after his death, even at the hour of his death, shall ye bury him. And around about the grave shall ye sit thrice a day, morning, noon and night, for one hour, singing and praying for the soul of Brahma, for two days. And behold, on the evening of the second day ye shall behold the graves of both Brahma and Yu- tiv opened, and their very bodies will come forth, and Brahma shall speak with you face to face. The angel then disappeared. And the people did as commanded; and they sat watching around the graves in a circle, at a distance of ten paces therefrom. And the brothers favored Hog above all the rest, that he might be converted. And accordingly, in the evening of the sec- ond day, when the sun had been two hours set, there descended into the midst of the circle a light, bright as the sun, so that the multitude held their hands before their eyes; and so bright was the light that the graves were burst open. And in the space of a moment of time, the light was lowered so all could look therein; and, behold, Brahma and Yu-tiv, arm in arm, stood in the midst of the circle, even with their flesh and bones and their burial robes. Brahma said: Have ye faith in the Cre- ator; with Him are all things possible. He is the All Master of all things. Accept ye not, forever, any God, or Lord, or Sav- ior, or priest or king, but Him, the ever- lasting All One. Practicing good works unto all men; abjuring self in all things; and Ormazd will dwell with you and in you forever. Then Brahma and Yu-tiv came near Hog, that he might see clearly. Hog said: Art thou truly Brahma, my father; and thou, too, Yu-tiv, my mother? Yu-tiv spake not, but Brahma said: I am thy fa- ther, even Brahma. To practice the high- est light a man hath; this is all that is re- quired of any man. Hog said: Of a truth it is my father! Of a truth it is my mother! Brahma said: We are blessed! This is the first belief: to believe in the spirit surviving the corporeal body; the second belief is to learn the All Person. After this cometh faith. Hog said: Thou hast proven the first, but as to the All Person, I cannot under- stand. Brahma said: As I and thy mother have revealed ourselves to thee, and so CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ "*°" «co, D 413 proven ourselves, so in due season will Ormazd reveal Himself unto thee. And this was the end. Brahma and Yu-tiv rose up in the sea of fire, smiling and waving their hands in love to those be- neath, higher and higher, till they disap- peared in the sky. Then went the people, and witnessed that the graves were open and the bodies gone. They filled up the places, and set a post inscribed: Tomb of Brahma and Yu-tiv, God and Goddess. CHAPTER XX. HISTORY OF EAWAHTAH. In Guatama, in the Middle Kingdom, by the sea of So-ci-a-pan, came down from heaven, Gitchee, the Creator, the World- Maker, Manito! With silence, speaking in the soul of things. He said: Speak, O earth! Have eyes, O earth! Have ears, O earth! Behold Me, your Maker! The earth answered Him, not with words, boasting, but raised up man! Man said: Here I am, O Gitchee! The Creator looked and beheld the Thins of Guatama standing before Him, the lit- tle people, white and yellow. Gitchee said: Because thou hast answered me in faith, O earth, thy ong'wee (talking animals) shall be called I'hin. Thus was named the first talkers; men with mouths for words; ears for words. Then Gitchee called the I'hins to- gether, and said they were good; even the handsomest of all created creations. And he commanded them to marry, male and female, and beget heirs. And they obeyed Gitchee's commands; but the dumb earth cast clouds upward, and blinded the ways of the I'hins, and they strayed away from the mounds, and came to black Druks, which speak not; have no words; being dumb like the black mud of the earth where they burrowed. In the darkness of the earth the I'hins mingled with the Druks, and behold, a second born speaking animal stood upon the earth, tall, and red, and strong, swift and handsome. Gitchee said: I blame thee not, O I'hin! I saw the darkness; saw thy straits! But never more shalt thou dwell with Druks, nor with this new race, those with faces like new copper. Call then I'hua; for they shall be protectors over my chosen, the I'hins, for- ever. The I'hua shall drive away the baugh and mieu and great serpents, and all man-slaying beasts; for I will make mighty nations out of the seed of the I'huans. The first I'huan's name was O-e-du, and his wife's name was Uh-na; and they be- gat Owena and Dan and Shu-sa, but they had no more heirs. At a time soon after, the second man, whose name was Ka-ka- wooh, and whose wife's name was Wees, begat Somma, and Pan-ah, and Kac-ak, and Ku-bak, and Jessom. And these were the first tribes of I'huans in the land of Guatama (after the flood), and they dwelt together, marrying and begetting offspring,, dwelling in peace. And the I'hins taught them in all things, so they became an hon- or on the earth and a glory unto the Crea- tor; but they were mixed so together that one tribe had no preference over another. So they were called the tribe of Oedukka- kaooh, of the middle kingdom, Waneopan- ganosah. In the valley of Owak, by the river Ho- e-jon-wan Gitchee created another tribe called Bak-Haw-ugh, and to the north of them, in the mountains Meiu-how-an-go- to-bah; and their tribes commingled, and Gitchee named them Bakhawughmeouhow- augotobah. Jesson, son of Rakaooh, married We- pon, daughter of Bakhawughmeiuhowan- gotobah, and they begat Sto-gil-bak, and he begat Kom, and he begat See, and she married Ban, son of the tribe Rakaooh, and Ban's first-born son's name was La- ban-a-see. And Labanasee was born in su'is of the second order, and could hear the voice of the Great Spirit. And the Voice remained with Labanasee during his life-time, which was one hundred and twenty and five years, when he died. And the Voice descended to Le- banasee's son, Hootlabanasee, who lived one hundred and one years, and he died, and the Voice descended to his son, Hata- panagooshhootlabanasee; and thence to his son after him, named Arapanseekasoodat- ivhatapanagoosshhootlabanasee. Thus were represented the eighteen tribes of Gitchee's chosen amongst the heirs to the Voice. 414 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ABMIJ LORDS' RECORD Gitchee said unto Ara: Arise and go forth; my hand will guide thee. So Ara rose up and departed by the hand of the Creator, and came to the valley of Owg, broad and sweet-smelling, full of health- giving food and air and water. And there came with Ara into Owg one thousand men, women and children; and they built a city and called it Eftspan, signifying place of beauty. And these took the name of the tribe of Ara, which name survived one thousand seven hundred and fifty years. And their people were tens of thousands. After the tribe of Ara lost the Voice, there was raised up Sho-shone, of the tribes of Sto-gil-bak. And Gitchee raised His hand before Sho-shone and pointed the way, and Sho-shone departed out of the country of Tabachoozehbakkankan and came to Owg, and took to wife Hisam, daughter of Ooeguffanauha, and they begat E-a-ron-a-ki-mutz, a son of great beauty and strength, a swift runner. And the voice of Gitchee-Manito came to Earon- akimutz and remained with him during his natural life-time, which was ninety years. And to his son, Fassawanhootaganganea- ronakimutz, and thence to his son, Monag- oamyazazhufassawan-hootaganganearonak- imutz. And Monag inhabited the regions of the plains of Yiteauazow, and his people became mighty in cities and agriculture. For four thousand years the Voice of the All Father remained with the regular suc- cession of the heirs of Monag, but their names and their cities' names became so long that no man could speak them or write them. So Gitchee raised up Honga, son of Ab, of the tribe of Oedu, of the land of the Mid- dle Kingdom. And Honga went into the mountains of Ghiee, sloping to the east. Gitchee spake to Honga, saying: Thou shalt take Oebe for thy wife; out of thy seed will I raise up a greater tribe than all other tribes; and thy first-born son shall have thy name; and thy son's son shall be called Honga also; and thy sons' sons' son, and so on forever. For I am wearied with the burden of names; thy Great Creator hath spoken. Then asked Honga, saying: What if I have no son, but only daughters? Or if my son or my son's son, have only daugh- ters? Gitchee answered: The first daughter. So, in course of time, Honga married and begat heirs; and the Voice of the Great Spirit remained with the tribes of Honga, and it came to pass that he who heard the Voice, who was always the chief prophet for the tribe, was called Honga; but the people them- selves were called ong'wee. And the generations of Honga were called — first Honga; second Honga; third Honga; and so on. And this was the be- ginning of the counting of time in Guata- ma. Neither knew any man the number of generations before the time of Honga the first. And the land became full of cities, from the east to the west, and from the north to the south, and the people dwelt in peace, tribe with tribe. In those days the kings and learned men devoted their lives to building ca- nals and finding places and roadways for them, and herein laid the great glory and honor of men at that time. And Gitchee perceiving the virtue and wisdom of men, sent his angels to teach man canal - making; to teach man to com- pound clay with lime and sand, to hold water; to teach man to find the gau, the level, and the force of water. The angels also taught man to make pots and ket- tles; to burn the clay in suitable shapes; to find copper ore and silver ore, and gold and lead for the floors of the oracle cham- bers, clean and white shining, suitable for angels. And they taught man how to soften copper like dough; how to harden copper like flint rock, for axes and mat- tocks for building canals; taught man how to work the ore in the fire and melt it; and how to make lead into sheets, like cloth. Taught man to till the soil and grow wheat and corn; taught the women how to grind it and make bread. Taught the hunters how to slay the lion and the tiger and the mastodon, the Hogawatha, the Rooting Animal of Wisdom. CHAPTER XXI. These, then, were the principal kings of that day: Lanoughl, king of Eboostakgan, a city of tens of thousands, in the valley of Aragaiyistan. Lanoughl was the son of CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ to™., -co.. 415 Toogaoogahaha, who was the son of Evil- phraiganakukuwonpan, who was the son of Oyoyughstuhaipwehaha, who built the canal (oseowa) of Papaeunugheutowa, which ex- extended from the sea of Hoola'hoola'pan to the plains of Aigonquehanelachahoba, near the sea of Sociapan, where dwelt Heo- thahoga, king of kings, whose temple was roofed with copper and silver. Of ten thousand boats was the canal, ex- tending along, carrying copper and silver from the north regions to the cities of the valley of Hapembapanpan, and to the cities of the mountains of Oaramgallachacha, and to Ghiee, home of Honga the first, the mightiest of red men. Next in power to Lanoughl was Tee- see-gam-ba-o-rakaxax, king of the city of Chusanimbapan, in the plains of Erezehoe- gammas, with twelve tributary cities ex- tending along the river Akaistaazachahaus- tomakmak, to the mountains of Nefsaida- wowotchachaeengamma. And the third king in power was Chia- wassaibakanaizhoo, of the city of Inuistaha- . hahacromcromahoesuthaha, and to him were tributary seven and twenty cities and their kings. Chiawassaibakanalszhoo was the son of Tenehamgameralhucksukhaistomaipowwas- saa, who was son of Thusaiganganenosata- makka, who built the great east canal, the Oseowagallaxacola, in the rich valley of Tiedaswonoghassie, and through the land of Seganoegaly alyuciahomaahomhom , where dwelt the large men and women, the Ongewahapackaka-ganganecolabazkoaxax. The fourth great king of Guatama was Hooagalomarakkadanapanwowwow, king of the city of Itussakegollahamganseocola- bah, which had seventeen tributary cities of tens of thousands of people. And his kingdom extended from sea to sea in the Middle Kingdom. Here was the temple of Gilofif, with a thousand collumns of pol- ished mahognay, and with a dome of cop- per and silver. And within Giloff dwelt the Osheowena, the oracle of the Creator, for two thousand years. The fifth great king was Penambatta, king of the city of Liscararzakyatasagan- gan, on the High Heogula Ophat, with thirty tributary cities of tens of thousands of inhabitants. Here was situate the school and college of great learning, the Ahazaho- hoputan, where were taught tens of thou- sands of students. Penambatta was learn- ed, and had traveled far, devoting his life to imparting knowledge. He had six thou- sand attendants, besides six hundred and forty officers. The sixth great king was Hoajab, son of Teutsangtusicgammoo ghsapanpan, founder of the kilns of Wooboohakhak. Hoajab's capital city was Farejonkahomah, with thirty-three tributary cities, of tens of thousands of inhabitants, of the plains of He'gow. The seventh great king was Hiroughs- kahogamorghtabakbak, and his capital city was Hoesughsoosiamcholabonganeobanzh- ohahhah, situate in the plains of Messogo- wanchoola, and extending eastward to the mountains of Gonzhoowassicmachababdo- huyapiasondrythoajaj, including the valleys of the river Onepagassathalalanganchoo- choo, even to the sea, Poerthawowitcheo- thunacalclachaxzhloschistacombia. He had forty and seven tributary cities of tens of thousands of inhabitants. Betwixt the great kings and their capi- tals were a thousand canals, crossing the country in every way, from east to west and from north to south, so that the seas of the north were connected with the seas of the south. In kanoos the people trav- eled and carried the productions of the land in every way. Besides the canals men- tioned, there were seven other great canals, named after the kings who built them, and they extended across the plains in many directions, but chiefly east and west. These were : Oosgaloomaigovolobanazhooegollo- pan, and Halagazhapanpanegoochoo, and Fillioistagovonchobiassoso, and Anetiabo- lalachooesanggomacoaloabonbakkak, and Ehabadangonzhooeportalicha-boggasa-me- gticheepapa, and Onepapollagassayamgan- shuniatedo egonachoogangitiavatoosom- chooibalgadgad, and Hachooaolagobwotch- achabakaraxexganhammazhooelapanpan. Besides all these inhabited regions there lay another country to the far west, fifty days' journey, the land of Goeshallobok, a place of sand and salt, and hot, boiling wa- ters. And this region was a twenty days' journey broad, east and west, and fifty days' journey north and south. 416 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARM1J - RDS . BE co RB In the High North lay the kingdom of Olegalla, the land of giants, the place of yellow rocks and high spouting waters. Olegalla it was who gave away his king- dom, the great city of Powafuchawowitch- ahavagganeabba, with the four and twenty tributary cities spread along the valley of Anemoosagoochakakfuela; gave his king- dom to his queen Minneganekashaka, with the yellow hair, long, hanging down. And the queen built temples, two hundred and seventy, and two adjacent to the spouting waters, where her people went every morn- ing at sunrise, singing praise to Gitchee, Manito, the Creator. South of Olegalla lay the kingdom of Onewagga, around about the sea of Chusa- mangaobe-hassahgana-wowitchee, in the valley of Mauegobah, meaning, Con- secrated Place of the Voice, a kingdom of forty cities. Here reigned for twenty gen- erations the line of kings called Wineoh- gushhagusha, most holy and wise, full of manliness and strong limbed. On the east- ward of the lake lay the Woohootaughnee, the ground of games and tournaments, where came tens of thousands every au- tumn to exhibit their strength, carrying horses and oxen, and running and leaping, running races with the trained aegamma. And to the strongest and swiftest, the king gave prizes of handsome damsels, with straight limbs and shapely necks, proud, who loved to be awarded handsome, mighty husbands. Next south lay the king- dom of Himallawowoaganapapa, rich in le- gends of the people who lived here before the flood; a kingdom of seventy cities and six great canals coursing east and west, and north and south, from the Ghiee Moun- tain, in the east, to the west mountain, the Yublahahcolaesavaganawakka, the place of the king of bears, the Eeughohabakax. And to the south, to the Middle Kingdom, on the deserts of Geobiathaganeganewoh- woh, where the rivers empty not into the sea, but sink in the sand, the Sonagalla- kaxax, creating prickly Thuazhoogallak- hoomma, shaped like a pear. CHAPTER XXII. Then came the God of evil, Itura, sow- ing evil in the temples and on the altars. Yea, with a false tongue and cunning came he, before the prophets, stealing their eyes away, stealing their ears away; holding up his hand, saying: It is the Great Spirit's hand. And I'tura obsessed the nations and tribes of men to worship him; infatuating them with the stories of far-off countries, and the glory of kings and queens. And he set on foot a war of plunder; brought ten thousand times ten thousand evil spirits to aid and abet mortals in war. And I'tura, the God of evil, taught mortals to flatten the head, to make prophets for him, and behold, the land of Guatama became a land of seers and prophets and conjurers, seek- ing evil for the sake of evil; consulting the spirits of the dead for war and for earthly glory in blood and death. And the fair land of Guatama was over- spread with human blood. Fell war spread along throughout all the mighty kingdoms; kingdom against kingdom; city against city; man against man. And the holy tem- ples were pulled down or burnt; and the canals broken and wasted; the cities burnt and the fields laid desolate. Neither grew there any grain; the grinding mills of the women were silent, like the dead stretched over all the fields! Into the forest, afar off, fled the women with the children, hungry, weeping, starving. And the cities went down; the nations went down; the tribes of men were broken up; only remnants here and there remained. And where had been great and mighty peoples, lay only heaps of ruins, past the power of man to rebuild. Then looked down from the highest heaven, the Creator, the Great Spirit; saw the work of desolation; saw I'tura at his bloody work. And the Great Spirit cried out with a loud voice, so that earth and heaven shook with the power of His voice; sifted all things, as a woman sifteth meal. And He found one grain of corn not ground by the God of evil, found Honga! The tribes so fast sworn to the Great Spirit that the evil Gods' and evil spirits' words rolled off and took no hold on them. The Great Spirit saw the tribes of Honga, they that stuck most to the I'hins, the sacred little people, white and yellow, oft marry- ing with them, thus preserving heirs to the Voice. And He called loud and long. Honga! Honga! Honga! The Crea- tor would not be put off with silence; called CYCLE OF CPENTA-AEMIJ LORDS' RECORD 417 again: Honga! Honga! Honga! Again He called: Honga! Honga! Honga! In the first call, I'tura and his evil hosts ran away. In His second call, it was like spring-time, after heavy winter. And in the third call, it was like budding summer. And there came up a sprout of the seed of Honga, an I'huan; taller than any other man with a bright shining face like copper; shining as if all the destroyed temples glis- tened in his broad head. And he spake, saying: Here, O Great Spirit, here am I! And the Great Spirit said: Who art thou, My Son? And he an- swered: I am Son of the Creator. Then asked the Great Spirit: Of what tribe? And he answered: My genealogy is of the spirit. Of the I'hin my mother; of the I'huan, my father. Then said the Creator: For which rea- son I name thee Eawahtah, spirit and flesh even balanced, best of men. Come thou with Me; walk along with Me; thou shalt re-instate the tribes of men; deliver them out of darkness. Eawahtah said: I am Thy servant, O Great Spirit. What shall I call Thee, that the tribes of men be no longer distrustful? Then answered the Creator: Call Me after the wind, O Eawahtah! Eawahtah said: How after the wind? The Great Spirit said: Come with Me, My Son. Then Eawahtah walked along and came to a place where the wind blew in the leaves. The Creator said: Tell Me, My Son, what saith the wind in the leaves? And an- swered Eawahtah: E! Then the Creator took Eawahtah to the big sea water, and asked: What saith the wind in the water, My Son? And Eawahtah answered: Go! Then took the Creator Eawahtah to the high crags, the rocks above the clouds, piercing, where the wind whistled; and He said: What saith the wind, My Son? And Eawahtah answered: Quim! And the Great Spirit said: Call Me Egoquim, O My Son. I am the earth and all that is in the earth and on the earth, and all the stars and moon and sun; they all My. members. And the air above the earth, the Atontea, is another mem- ber of My Person. And higher yet; in the high place above the air, is the ethe, the great penetrator; and that is also a member of My Person. I am every- where, far and near; all things thine eye seeth; all things thine ear heareth are of Me and in Me. Behold the flowers of the field; I color them. Behold the ant and the honeybee; I lead them; the bird I teach how to build. Man alone is stubborn, setting up ways of his own. O that he could learn to be one with Me! To move and labor with Me! Then spake Eawahtah, saying: Holy Egoquim! I will go and teach man, give him Thy words; make him understand. Egoquim said: For that labor called I thee forth, made thee tall and handsome, with strong limbs and broad shoulders. Come, then, My Son, I will go with thee; into all the lands; amongst all the scat- tered tribes; thy voice shall be My Voice. So near thee will I stand, when thou open- est thy mouth to speak, fear not, I will give thee words; thou shalt not err. CHAPTER XXVII. Eawahtah inquired: What shall I say; how teach the sons and daughters of men? Egoquim answered Eawahtah, saying: One Great Person, even Egoquim, Cre- ator and Ruler over all in heaven and on earth. Him shalt thou have and no God, nor Lord, nor idol, nor man, nor an- gel, to worship, forever! Him shalt thou love above all things in heaven above, or on the earth, or in the waters of the earth! And thou shalt teach Him to thy children, and command them to teach Him to their children, and so on forever! And thou shalt forswear all Gods, and Lords, and idols, to worship them not forever! And the same to thy children, and to their children after them, forever! And thou shalt deal unto all men, and women and children, as justly and kindly as to thine own mother, out of whose breast thou wert fed when thou wert help- less and of no strength. Teaching this to thy children, and to their children after them, forever! And to the sick and helpless; to the stranger and the man that cometh afar; to the widow who is destitute; to the child that hath no father; thou shalt be both fa- 418 CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARMIJ f«.. r CC oro ther and mother to them; and take them into thy house and feed them; and give them skins and cloth to wear; and if they be lost thou shalt go with them and show them the way. Commanding these things unto thy children, and to their children after them, forever! And thou shalt not tell lies; nor speak falsely against any man, nor woman, nor child; nor break thy word of promise, even though death come upon thee to induce thee otherwise. Unchangeable as the set- ting and rising sun shall be the word of thy mouth! And thou shalt command this to thy children, and to their children after them, forever! And thou shalt not take and possess that which is another's; nor suffer thy chil- dren to do so, nor their children after them, forever. And thou shalt respect the times of wo- man; and when she is bearing unto thee, thou shalt not lie with her; nor give her heavy labor, nor angry words, nor fret her; but be obedient to her, doing whatsoever she asketh thee to do, for it is her time, and she is thy queen. Teaching this to thy young men and to thy young women, and to theirs that come after them, forever; for their young are begotten of Me, and I will have them shapely, and strong, and brave! Thou shalt labor six days, but on the seventh, the moon's day, thou shalt not labor, nor hunt, nor fish, but go to the altar of thy Creator and dance and sing before Me; and sit in silence to hear my words, which I speak into the souls of men, and of women and children. Teach- ing this to thy children, and to their chil- dren that come after them, forever. Thou shalt restore the rites and cere- monies of Choe-pan and Annubia-pan but thou shalt not flatten the head to drive the judgment of the brain away to the prophetic regions. Teaching these things to thy children, and to their children after them, forever! Then rose up Eawahtah, Son of Ego- quim, saying: I am Thy servant! Lead thou me, for I am going in Thy name, even to the end of the world! When thus spake Eawahtah, Son of the Great Spirit, a Light came over him, daz- zling, brilliant, lighting the way, showing him the way. And so great was the spirit on Eawahtah, that when he came to the river, he rose up like an angel, sailed over and landed safely on the other side. Nei- ther knew he whither he was going; knew not the places of the scattered, destroyed peoples. And the angels of Egoquim went before him; went into the forests and valleys, calling to the souls of the suffering, starv- ing, dying, saying to them in their despair: Egoquim, the Mighty, is coming! His Son! Behold him! He holdeth the keys of Hochedcwa, the heavenly hunting ground. Come forth from your hiding! Come forth, O My beloved! It is your Heavenly Fa- ther calling. And the women heard! The little children, with sore, bleeding feet! The proud, brave men gave ear! They said: Why do we fight? Why do we de- stroy? It was a wicked God! He called himself the Savior, — the wicked monster, I'tura! Then came Eawahtah; came first to the kingdom of Took-shein, and to his queen, Che-guh, in the land, Anagoomahaha, the flat-heads. Told them all the words of the Great Spirit, Egoquim. Then spake Took-shein, saying: To me the Great Spirit hath spoken; told me all the words thou hast. I know all thou hast said is true. Then spake Che-guh, saying: To me spake Gitchee, the Great Spirit. True are all thy words, O Eawahtah. By thee will all the scattered tribes be gathered together. Many tribes will there be of the red man. Then spake Eawahtah, saying to his good host and hostess: Your place shall be the centre: from your place I will extend outward, always bringing in fol- lowers. Whilst thus they talked, a Light came above them. Look, said Took-shein: It is the hand of Egoquim! Look, said Che-guh: It is the Voice of Gitchee! Then spake Eawahtah: It is a ship of fire coming down from heaven! I hear the voice of the angel of Egoquim, the Mighty! Then Eawahtah went and stood betwixt Took-shein and Che-guh, holding their CYCLE OF CPENTA-ARM1J ^- BE coro 41 g hands, so the Voice of Egoquim could speak plainly. Then spake Egoquim, saying, speaking out of the ship of fire: Yea, My beloved! I am with you! Behold, My worlds are wide and many. When My back is turned, evil Gods come to steal My children; tell them lies to win them; tell them they are My Sons come to save them! Hard is the fate of those that worship them; but they are Mine. I look around at times; I set the evil Gods flying. Be of strong heart, O My beloved! Many races will come and go on these lands. But the red man shall possess it; inhabit it far and near. Then shall come another evil God, to flay and destroy My sons, and daughters, to cover all the lands over with pure blood. Then will I come again and rout the evil God, raise up My sons and daughters, full of glory. From far over the water will I bring their kindred, who worship none born of woman; a wise speaking people. A people that war not; who kill not the weaker nations. I will come in the Tenon- achi, and the Hoochiquis; My hand shall reach around the earth in that day. I will chase away all Gods and Saviors born of woman. Only the Great Spirit shall all men worship. Go forth, My son; build wide My foun- dation; in this land will I found My earth- ly kingdom. Then upward rose the ship of heaven; and Eawahtah buckled on his traveling slippers; bade good-by to Too-shein; filled his pockets with the bread of Che-guh; kissed her hand good-by, and started. For many years traveled Eawahtah, over all the regions of Guatama; teaching, gather- ing together, swearing the people ever af- ter to be firm to the Great Spirit; made them swear solemn oaths that never more would they listen to any save the Cre- ator; made them swear they would never be caught by another cunning Savior, like I'tura, whose people delight in war. Into villages gathered Eawahtah the frightened tribes, and taught them writing and engraving; taught them the secret name of the Great Spirit, Egoquim; and explained to them the moon, how to keep the seventh day for worship. The Creator saw the great work of Ea- wahtah; saw the people gathered together in tens of thousands of places. Then spake the Creator to Eawahtah, saying: Forty mighty nations shalt thou found, O My son; and every nation shall be an in- dependent nation; but all the nations shall be united into a brotherhood of nations, as one mighty people, and that one shall be called O-pah-E-go-quim. Build thou a model for them, O Eawahtah. Then Eawahtah made the nations; unit- ed them into one mighty people, and called them the nations of Opahegoquim. And they planted the country over with corn- fields, and dwelt in peace. Cycle of Lika CHAPTER I. In the far-off etherean worlds spake the Voice of Jehovih, saying: Lika, My Son! Behold the red- star, Earth. She cometh thy way; she mergeth dark and soiled from the forests of ji'ay, in the swamps of Bonas- sah. She will cross thy etherean fields, Ta- kuspe, Opel, and Wedojain, dripping with the odor and dross of the ji'ay'an swamps. Go thou to her, and wash clean her soil and her atmospherean heavens. Lika said: I will go to the red star, Earth, O Father! I will deliver her into purity and faith. Thy chosen shall be delivered from bondage; Thy God made triumphant on Earth and in her heavens. Lika called to his high Council, in his etherean kingdom, Vetta'puissa, in the Plains of Peo'ya, off the Road of Ahtogo- nassas, at the high Arc of Bon, made light by the holy angels of tens of thousands of years; and he said: Behold the red star, Earth; the Voice of Jehovih came to me, saying: Go thou to her, O My Son, and wash clean her soil and her atmospherean heavens. And I said: I will go, O Father! I will deliver her into purity and faith. Five hundred million etherean hosts will I take with me. For five years and forty days will I and my hosts sojourn on the red star and in her heavens. Her God shall be restored and delivered in Jehovih's name. According to the rank of harvest of the gardens of Honyon, so shall my marshals choose and record my hosts. Then spake the historians of the ether- ean libraries of the Vorkman Road, where had traveled Earth for tens of thousands of years. And they detailed the affairs of Earth for many cycles past; made plain be- fore the Gods assembled all the history of Earth and her heavens. Then Lika sent swift messengers off to Earth and her heavens; in arrow-ships of fire they sped forth, twenty thousand, well skilled in coursing the etherean heavens and penetrating the atmospherean vortices of traveling stars; to obtain the details of her God and her false Gods; her Lords and false Lords; her hadas and her hells; to scan her libraries and hastily return to Vet- ta'puissa, to lay the matters before the high Council and Lika, the Nirvaniaft Chief. Lika sprang from the corporeal star Atos, which traverseth the roads, Yatas- ko-owen, of the south circuit of Thoese, the vortex of another far-off sun, and was raised to etherea in the cycle of Sai-kah, one hundred and twenty-five thousand years, by Meth-ya, Goddess of Ori-iyi, af- terward Chieftainess of Yeuna-gamaya. And Lika rose to be God of Avalassak four thousand years; God of Kemma, six thou- sand years; Inspector of Judas' etherean roads at the a'ji'an swamps of Hennassit, fifteen thousand years; Surveyor of Iwalt, two thousand years; Surveyor of the Wa- cha excursion, four thousand years; Re- corder of Hitte-somat, eight thousand years; Deliverer of Habian vortices, twen- ty-six thousand years; Measurer of densi- ties in Ablank, one thousand years; Re- corder of the Ratiotyivi, two thousand years; God of the Home Plains of Cteve- rezed, twelve thousand years; Chief of Mah-ha-dewin, twenty thousand years; and Chief of Vetta'puissa, twenty-five thousand years. Lika had for his high Council thirty thousand Chieftains and Chieftainesses, of grades of more than a hundred thousand years in the etherean worlds; five hundred thousand of the rank of Inspectors; seven million of the rank of Gods and Goddesses; and of the rank of Lords and Lordesses, more than half a thousand million. Of the Rapon hosts there were seven Chiefs and nine Chieftainesses, who were Lika's private companions. First, Reb- sad, Chief of Sotissav, forty thousand years; Sufristor of Sheleves, sixty thou- sand years; Marshal of Zele'axi, twenty CYCLE OF LIKA 421 thousand years; Master of Bassaion, sev- enty thousand years; and he passed twen- ty thousand year on the journey of Loo- soit-ta-vragenea, besides thousands of oth- er journeys of less duration. Next to Rebsad was Yanodi, ( Chieftain- ess of Ure, seventy thousand years; Chief- tainess of the Roads of Sallatamya, seven- ty thousand years; Marshaless of Petan- asa, forty thousand years; Goddess of the ji'ay'an forest of Loo-loo-woh-ga, sixty- five thousand years; besides Goddess of Mor, Goddess of Chichigennahsmmah, Goddess of El, and of Raumba, and of Zee. Next to Yanodi was Thazid, Goddess of Zoleth, Mistress of Yith-kad, Chief- tainess of Hagu, Chieftainess of De'baur, and of Hachull, and of the Roads of Olea- skivedho, besides Goddess of more than one hundred etherean worlds. Then came Thoso, Chief of Kassarah and Dassamatz, ninety thousand years; God of Saxax, seven thousand years; God of Chennesa, God of Hoxora, God of Fi- ben, God of Hotab, each six thousand years; surveyor of the Lymthian Roads, twelve thousand years; marker of meteors, two thousand years; Fireman of Thostus on the Ibien excursion, thirty thousand years. Next to Thoso came Miente, Chieftain- ess of Gawl and Sanabtis, in whose domin- ions the star T-lemos was uzated, when Gai-loo opened the Road of Enjxiustus for the Nizaigi vortices of Messak; Chief- tainess of Lam-Goo and Kud, Goddess of Itzi, Goddess of Ashem and of the Baxgor Wing, Goddess of the Duik Swamps, and Lordess of Sus and Havrij ; in all one hun- dred and seven thousand years. Chema-jius stood next; she was Chief- tainess of Hors-ad and Tu and Okadad, Goddess of Asthy, and Hid, and Sheau- gus, and Jagri, Surveyor of Arvat and the Vadhuan Roads; surveyor of Anchas; sur- veyor of the Han Mountains in the ether- ean Uuj of Drij-Lee; in all two hundred and sixty thousand years. Next stood Murdhana, Chieftainess of D'hup and Hen-Dhi, Chieftainess of Hap- pa and Hirish, surveyor of Sepher and Daka, Inspector of Anachu, and Zadon, and Edau, and Medtisha, and Roth; in all ninety thousand years. Oshor stood next: Chief of Out-si and of Yotek, and of Samoan, and of Yad- akha, maker of the Bridge of Weasitee, Marshal of the Honlaguoth expedition, and, besides these places, God of seven etherean worlds; in all one hundred and twelve thousand years. Next came Yihoha, Chief of Shung- how and Agon, Chief of Neo-sin, God of Izeaha, and Kaon, and Ahsow, and Una, and Yuk-Hoh, and Ahgoon. He was also the builder of the Raxon etherean arches; in all ninety thousand years. Hisin was next: Chief of the Kionas Belt, where Yagota, the Orian Chief, walled the Plains of Maga, the Nirvanian home of the delivered hells of Mina half a million years before. Hisin was here called Creator of Wit, because of establishing his Chieftaincy on the ruins of hell. He was also Chief of Mamsa and Jauap, God of Gah, and of Darah, the region of fountain flowers; in all ninety thousand years. Bowen was next: Chief of Apaha, for- merly the Farms of Lung-wan and Srid, Chief of Vadhua, and of the Valleys of Nasquam, where a million years before the Chief of Chaksa disrupted the Atmospher- ean Sakri, and liberated from its four thou- sand hells more than thirty thousand mill- ion angel slaves in chaos. Bowen had also served as God of Amaan, and Havat, and Shedo, and Pivan; and as measurer of Pra- cha and Xeri, and Asthus, surveyor of Ulam, and Sheyom, and Chozeh, and Zad- ark; in all eighty thousand years. Gwan Goo was next: She was Chief- tainess of Andol, the place of the one-time apex of the Karowgan vortex, where was formed the star Ogitas and sent on its course by Aclon-guin, Orian Chief of Shegoweasa. This vortex, when first formed by Aclon-guin, was three hundred thousand million miles long and was com- etary thirty thousand years in Aclon-guin's hands. Gwan Goo was also Chieftainess of Ahsa-thah and Waegon; Goddess of Anoa, and of Howgil, and of Zahaive; in all one hundred and thirty thousand years. Geehoogan was next: Chieftainess of Sumatri in the By-roads of Yotargis, Chief- tainess of the four etherean worlds, Yoni, Ogh, Theum and Wachwakags; surveyor of Unshin, Zarihea and Keanteri; inspec- tress of Saguiz, and Hagimal, and Hafha, 422 CYCLE OF LIKA and Borax, and Rab, and Shor-loo; in all eighty thousand years. Next stood Bachne-isij, Chief of Ya- halom, where the Gein Maker, Tarmoth, cleared the Forests of the a'ji'an Haloth, in making a roadway for Havalad's group of Shemasian corporeal stars, in which la- bor he engaged ninety thousand million Nirvanians for four thousand years, and the distance of the road was more than one hundred thousand million miles. Bach- ne-isij was Chief of Agwan, and Shoe-nas- tus, and Hador, and Ad; God of Vach, and of Kuja, and Rai, and Kathab, and Cynab, and Buhd, and Abbir; measurer of the mountains of the etherean worlds, Vij- hath, and Hakan, and Dis; measurer of the arches in the etherean world Niksh; con- structor of the Plains in the Nirvanian world Chom; in all .one hundred and thir- ty thousand years. Rehemg was next: Chieftainess of Ot- askaka, commonly called World of Shin- ing Waters, a great visiting place in Nir- vana; she was Goddess of Theasapalas and Timax, weigher of Sultzhowtcih in the Ofel Plains; in all one hundred thousand years. Then stood Antosiv, Goddess of Munn, renowned because she was of two hundred and sixty thousand years, and had declin- ed exaltation above the rank of Goddess. CHAPTER II. Far and wide, spread the words of Li- ka, over the Plains of Poeya, where traveled Earth and her heavens. Far off, toward the northern group of twinkling stars, gazed the etherean millions; rose the voice of millions: Where is the red star? Where lieth Earth and her troubled hea- vens? Is not this the young star, a satel- lite that traveleth with the hidan sun? What is the angle and course of this little, traveling world, that our eyes may feast on the road where soon our Chief will send Jehovih's redeeming ships? Then they pointed, surmising, by the red-like color and tedious motion, which was Earth, one of the small gems that Je- hovih had placed in the measureless firma- ment. And they gazed thereon, speaking with souls of delight: Great art Thou, O Jehovih, to build so wide. To stud the etherean woi^ds with gems like these; to provide a place for the souls of men to germinate. Surely her people, the sons and daughters of the red star, must behold etherea; must realize the difference betwixt a short corporeal life and this endless par- adise. Can it be that they have, in their small heavens, unscrupulous false Lords and false Gods who set themselves up to be worshipped as creators, whom mortals name with bated breath? And have they, too, a host of Saviors, who profess to have the key to all the roads that lead into this great expanse, the etherean worlds? Some excuse mortals have who are brought forth to life on the central suns, to be stubborn in their egotism of their Lords and Saviors and Gods; but on one so small like Earth, how can it be? Then came back Lika's swift messen- gers in their arrow-ships; messengers at- tained to be very Gods in wisdom, and in swiftness. And they quickly told the tale, about their visit to the red star and her heavens; told how the God of Earth, Son of Jehovih, had struggled on, but had been outmatched by all odds by self-Gods and self-Lords, who had plunged thousands of millions of hapless souls into torturing hells. And this news Lika spread abroad in his etherean dominions, which only need- ed to be told once, for every sympathetic soul by his shocked appearance told it to others, which spread instantly to thousands of millions of high-raised ethereans. And when Lika said: Five hundred million an- gels shall go with me to the troubled Earth and her heavens; in short time the volunteers were ready to be enrolled on the list. Then Lika inquired more fully of the swift messengers, and they answered him, saying: Earth hath passed her corporeal maturity, and mortals have set up a prya- mid to mark the time thereof. The days of the highest, greatest audacity of the self-Gods are past, and are memorized by the pyramid also; for in that self-same time, they taught mortals to worship the God as the Lord and the Savior, instead of the Great Spirit, Jehovih. But darkness is upon the self-Gods, and they are bound in hells; and spirits are also bound in hells. Behold, this is the first dawn of dan on CYCLE OF LIKA 423 Earth since she passed the limit of her greatest corporeality. CHAPTER III. Lika said to his chief marshal: Enroll thou my hosts, five hundred million, and appoint unto them captains and generals, and grade them and apportion them. Be- side these give me one million singers, one million trumpeters, one million attend- ants, one million heralds, one million mes- sengers and one million recorders and wait- ers. Lika called his chief builder and said unto him: Build me a fire-ship, an aira- vagna, with capacity for a thousand mill- ion; and provide thou the ship with offi- cers and workmen sufficient. Consult thou with my mathematicians as to the distance to the red star, and as to the densities through which the ship shall pass, and as to the power required, and the time of the journey, and provide thou all things sufficient therefor. Then Lika spake to the high Council, saying: For the time of my absence my vice-Chief, Heih-Woo, shall hold my place. Touching matters whereof ye desire my voice before I go, speak ye! Atunzi said: Behold, O Lika, the star, Yatis, headeth towards the a'ji'an Forests of Actawa, and she hath not passed the esparan age! Lika said: To clear the forest Actawa I appoint Eashivi, Goddess, with three thousand million laborers. Eashivi, how sayest thou? Eashivi said: Thanks to Jehovih and to thee, O Lika. I will at once choose my laborers and pro- ceed to make the road. Wan Tu'y said: Erst thy return, O Lika, the Hapsa-ogan vortex will cross the south Fields of Vetta'puissa. She hath twenty thousand million souls in grades of sixty and seventy. Lika said: To her as- sistance for three years I appoint Tici-king, God, with fifty million for his hosts. How sayest thou, Tici-king? Tici-king said: By the love of Jehovih, I rejoice in this labor. In sufficient time will I prepare my hosts and accomplish what thou hast given into my keeping. Wothalowsit said: In four years the hosts of E'win will return from the double stars, Eleb and Wis, with their harvest of forty thousand million angels. How shall they be apportioned? Lika said: To Bonassah, six thousand million; to Opel, two thousand million; to Wedojain, five thousand million; to Feuben Roads, seven thousand million; to Zekel, four thousand million; to Huron, three thousand million; to Poe-ga, six thousand million; to Yulit, one thousand million, and to Zulava, four thousand million; and I appoint Misata, Goddess, to provide the places in these several heavens for them, and to have charge of their selection and allotment. And I give to her five million angels for her laboring hosts. How sayest thou, Misata? Misata said: It is Jehovih's gift; I am rejoiced. I will prepare myself and my hosts. Ching Huen said: Behold the star- world, Esatas, in her se'muan age will cross the Roads of Veh-yuis in three years hence! Lika answered Ching Huen, say- ing: To cross these roads of light in her se'muan age would blight her power to bring forth animal life sufficient unto her wide continents. The trail must be filled with se'muan forests to preserve her ges- tative season. To this labor I appoint Ieolakak, God of Esatas' se'muan forests in the Roads of Veh-yuis, four thousand years. And I allot to Ieolakak six thou- sand million laborers. How sayest thou, Ieolakak? He answered: This is a great labor; by the wisdom and power of Jehovih, I will accomplish it. Veaga-indras said: In two years the fleets of Leogastrivins will return from their voyage of four thousand years, bring- ing two thousand million guests from the Iniggihuas regions. Who shall provide for their reception? Lika said: Yeanops- tan, with ten million hosts. How sayest thou? Yeanopstan said: A most wel- come labor, O Lika. Hiss-Joso said: The Arches of Ras- sittissa, the etherean world of Yungtsze's Plains, are to be cast in four years. Lika said: To Suttuz six million arches, and to Iviji four million arches, and to each of them one hundred million laborers. How say ye? Then spake Suttuz and Iviji say- ing: By the help of Jehovih the labor will be accomplished. Sachcha said: The star- world, Neto, will in two years hence pass through the 424 CYCLE OF LIKA south Fields of Takuspe. Lika said: This will be great labor, and I appoint Urassus, with Salas, to accomplish it. And I give to them three years, with four thou- sand million laborers. How say ye? Then answered Urassus and Salas saying: With fear and trembling we rejoice at this great work. By Jehovih's wisdom and power, we shall accomplish it. After this manner Lika made more than a thousand appointments to be ac- complished ere he returned from Earth and her heavens; but ordinary matters he left with his vice-Chief, Heih-Woo, and to the high Council, and select ten million. Jehovih had said: Even as I provided a little labor unto mortals to develop the talents I created withal, so in like manner provided I greater labor unto the high- risen inhabitants in My etherean worlds. For which reason let My children learn the secret of harmonious and united labor with one another. I gave labor to man not as a hardship, but as a means of great rejoicing. And the talents I gave in cor- por, I gave not to die in corpor, but to continue on forever. As I gave talent for corporeal mathematics, and talent for cor- poreal buildings, even a talent for all things on corporeal worlds; even so I pro- vided I in My etherean worlds for the same talents, but spiritually. Wherein man on the corporeal world, judging the adaptability of talent to corporeal things, may comprehend the nature of the labors I provided in My exalted heavens for the same talents. Neither let any man fear that his talents may become too exalted for the work I have provided; for until he hath created a firmament, and created suns and stars to fill it, he hath not half fulfilled his destiny. CHAPTER IV. Jehovih spake in the light of the throne of Kairksak, in Vetta'puissa, saying: Lika, My Son! This is My road and My jour- ney. With thee and thy hosts My Voice shall travel with power; on Earth will I lay my foundation, in spirit and word. Thy companion Chiefs and Chieftainesses shall go with thee; they shall help deliver the inhabitants of Earth and her heavens. My enemies have marked their labors in tem- ples and pyramids. Because their hearts rose not up to Me they descended into stone, the most dead of all things. They have carried the inhabitants of Earth down to darkness and death. Suffer their monu- ments to stand as testimonies of them that hated Me, that denied Me, that believed not in Me, the All Person. My building shall be the most subtle of all things, the spirit of Mine own body. Verily shall it be a monument within the souls of My chosen. Nor will it go away again in darkness, but it shall encompass the whole earth. For thou shalt find My chosen a scattered people, persecuted and enslaved, the most despised of all the races of men. But I will show My power with them; I will raise them up; the things I do through them, and the words I speak through them, shall become mighty. Their words shall be treasured forever; and none can match them in wisdom of speech, or in the craft of good works. But the learned men of all other peo- ples shall be forgotten; their wisdom shall be like the wind that bloweth away. The self-Gods and self-Lords that led them astray shall be as a serpent that biteth it- self unto death. Yea, as long as their pyramids and temples stand, their own falsehoods shall stare them in the face. They have bound themselves in their own bulwarks; they shall yet be My laborers, thousands of years, to undo the evil they sowed on Earth. Nor shall they look down from heaven and behold with joy their temples and pyramids; but as one behold- eth a coal of fire burning in the flesh, so shall their edifices cry out unto them for- ever: Thou False One! And it shall be to them a burning fire that will not die out. And their great learning, even of the stars a