•^. • .^x^^ ^' \ aV A>' -^n ^, v-^' •■>, ,0 o THE SOCIETY OF THE Colonial Dames of America IN THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. ID 1913- RICHMOND, VA. MITCHELL & HOTCHKISS. 1913. E\8 1 OFFICERS, 1912-13 President MRS. WILLIAM RUFFIN COX Vice-Presidents MRS. CHRISTOPHER TOMPKINS MRS. ARCHER ANDERSON Honorary Vice-Presidents MRS. JAMES LYONS MRS. REGINALD GILHAM Recording Secretary • .J* ^-^ /7C -^ Mc^i^ty ^' ' MR e - . J O RDAN XI Corresponding Secretary MRS. ROBT. A. LANCASTER Treasurer MRS. GRANVILLE G. VALENTINE Registrar MRS. REGINALD GILHAM Historian MRS. WILLIAM TODD ROBINS. BOARD OF MANAGERS. Mrs. R. a. Lancaster, Mrs. G. W. Mayo, Mrs. W. T. Robins, Mrs. J. Jordan Leake, Mrs. Granville G. V.alentine, Mrs. Reginald Gilham, Miss Anna B. Boykin, Mrs. J. Alston Cabell, Mrs. J. A. Hodges, Mrs. W. G. Stanard, Mrs. L. R. Hamberlin, Mrs. Arthur Scrivener, Mrs. Chiles M. Ferrell, Mrs. L. L. Lewis, Mrs. J. A. Lefroy. ADVISORY BOARD. Hon. J. Alston Cabell, Rev. Landon R. Mason, Hon. James Lyons, Mr. Archer Anderson, Jr. Mr. Rosewell Page. LIST OF MEMBERS. (The names of deceased members are marked with an astertck (*)• Those marked with a dagger (t) have resigned.) 912. ADAMS, MISS SALLIE. 66 Cabell Street, Lynchburg, Virginia. Fourth in de- scent from Samuel Duval, 1784. Member of the House of Burgesses and Convention. 43. ADDISON, MRS. JOHN. (Rebecca Ball).* Fifth in descent from Daniel Dulan^y, 1685-1753. At- torney General of Maryland, Judge of the Admiralty, Commissary General, Receiver General and Member of the Assembly. 375. ALEXANDER, MRS. L. D. (Orline St. John.)* Third in descent from William Bibb, 1735-1789. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 154. ALFRIEND, MRS. T. L. (Eliza Sanger Manson). 12 North Laurel Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Lewis Burwell, 1710. Member of the Council. 446. ALLEN, MISS ROBERTA ZIMMERMAN. The "Chevy Chase", Washington, D. C. Ninth in descent from John Catlett, 1724. Member of the House of Burgesses. 837. ALLEN, MRS. R. W. (Dorothy Edmonstone Zimmerman). The "Chevy Chase," Washington, D. C. Eighth in descent from John Catlett, 1724. Member of the House of Burgesses. 6 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 951. AMBLER, MISS MARY M. 1748 Corcoran Street, Washington, D. C. Third in de- scent from Edward Ambler 1733-1768. Member of the House of Burgesses. 24. ANDERSON, MRS. JOHN T. (EUzabeth Campbell Cul- len).* Sixth in descent from Alexander Spottswood, 1676-1740. Governor of Virginia, 1710-1722. 612. ANDERSON, MRS. R. B. (Jessie H. Goodwyn). 169 South Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Virginia. Elev- enth in descent from Dudley Diggs, 1583-1639. Mem- ber of the London Company. 730. ANDERSON, MRS. ARCHER (Mary Anne Mason). 103 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Larkin Chew, 1729. Member of the House of Btirgesses. 854. ANDERSON, MRS. W. A. (Mary Louisa Blair). Lexington, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Samuel Jordan, 1789. Member of the House of Burgesses . 1106. ANDREWS, MRS. E. F. (Marietta Minnegrode) . 1232 Sixteenth Street, Washington, D. C. Seventh in descent from Robert Carter 1663-1732. Speaker of the House of Burgesses, Treasurer, President of the Council and Acting Governor, 1726-1727. 1117. ANTRIM, MRS. J. LINWOOD (Dorothea Lee) 831 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Richard Lee, 1626-1663. Member of the House of Burgesses and the Council, Secretary of State, and Colonel of Troops under Govenor Berkeley. 1221. ARCHER, MISS LIESA BOLLING. 215 Shaffer Street, Richmond, Virginia. Ninth in de- scent from John Rolfe, 1585-1622. Member of the Council. Secretary of State and Recorder General. LIST OF MEMBERS / 196. ARMAT, MRS. MARIA BROOKE. 1700 Oregon Avenue, Washington, D. C. Sixth in de- scent from Colonel Miles Gary, 1620-1667. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1658-1660, and of the Council, 1663-1667. 131. ATTERBURY, MRS. J. T. (Annie C. Jones)*. Eighth in descent from Colonel John Washington, 1677. Member of the House of Burgesses. 812. AUSLEY, MRS. H. C. (Harriet Fuller).* Seventh in descent from Robert Gibbs, 1644-1715 Treasurer Province, 1670, Member of Council. 1702, Chief Justice, 1708, Governor, 1710. 454. AYERS, MRS. E, W. (Sallie Peyton Sawyer). f Third in descent from Valentine Peyton, 1686-1751. Members of the House of Burgesses. B 74. BAGBY, MRS. G. W. (Lucy Parke Chamberlayne). Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Daniel Parke, Sr., 1628-1679. Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Colonial Agent in England. 1076. BAKER, MISS MARY ELTINGE. 616 Prince Street, Alexandria, Virginia. Ninth in de- scent from Augustine Warner, Sr. , 1610-1674. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Coimcil. 152. BALL, MRS. CHARLES B. (Emma Read). 5 South Third Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in in descent from John Read, 1680-1749. Attorney Gen- eral, Member of the Council and House of Represent- atives of Massachusetts. » SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 1109. BALL, MISS MARY DULANY. Bewaley, Rio Visto, Virginia. Eighth in descent from William Ball, 1615-1680. Member of the House of Btirgesses and Colonel Commanding Militia of Lan- caster County. 201. BALLARD, MRS. THOMAS E. (Anne Overton Price). Hanover, Virginia. Fifth in descent from William Ran- dolph, 1681-1741. For forty years member of the House of Burgesses. 731. BARKSDALE, MRS. F. D. (Mary Dean Cannon). 2204 Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Moses Mansfield, 1640-1703. Deputy Governor's Assistant and Auditor. 908. BARKSDALE, MRS. G. A. (Edmonia Carter Powers). 509 East Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Benjamin Harrison, 1649. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 709. BARNETT, MRS. S. J. (Lelia Jefferson Harvie). 1634 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. Fifth in descent from John Harvie, 1721-1807. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Convention of 1775-1776. 722. BARNETT, MRS. GEORGE (Lelia Sinclair Montague). Huntly Post Oflfice, Virginia. Ninth in descent from Warham Horsmanden. Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. 1005. BARTON, MRS. L D. (Maria Eleanor Offutt). 144 Bowne Avenue, Flushing, New York. Fifth in de- scent from Colonel James Wood 1758. Colonel of Horse and Foot in French and Indian Wars, 1742- 1755. LIST OF MEMBERS 9 584. BATCHELDER, MRS. J. F. (Laura Lightfoot). 628 Salmon Street, Portland, Oregon. Eighth in de- scent from John Washington, 1627-1676 Member of the House of Burgesses. 498. BAYLOR, MRS. J, R. (Julia Howard) . 464 Vine Street, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Seventh in descent from John Howard 1661. Member of the House of Burgesses. 44. BAYLOR, MRS. JAMES B. (Ellen Bruce).* Fifth in descent from George Carrington, 1711-1785. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1748-1785, and County Lieutenant. 46. BEALE, MRS. W. R. (Lucy Preston). Buchanan, Virginia. Fourth in descent from William Preston, 1730-1783. Member of the House of Burgesses, Captain in Indian Wars prior to 1775. 456. BERG, MRS. W. G. (Ruby Moncure Burke).* Sixth in descent from Colonel Gerard Fowke. Member of the House of Burgesses. 616. BESSON, MRS. A. F. (Virginia Carolina Yancey). 343 T.cumseh Avenue, Mount Vernon, New York. Eighth in descent from Samuel Earle, 1692-1771. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 694. BEYEA, MRS. H. D. (Elizabeth Janvier Meredith). 1734 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Sev- enth in descent from Thomas Smith 1694. Mem- ber of the Coimcil and Governor of South Carolina. 1038. BLACKFORD, MRS. PELHAM (Evelyn Baylor). 102 North Linden Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from George Carrington, 1711-1785. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, 1748-1785. County Lieutenant. 10 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 1015. BLAIR, MRS. LEWIS H. (Martha R. Field). 511 East Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from John Bland, 1632. Member of the Virginia Company. 859. BLACKWELL, MISS EPIE DUNCAN. Ashland, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Joseph Black- well, Sr., 1787. Member of the House of Bur- gesses. 86. BLANTON, MRS. C. A. (Elizabeth Brown Wallace). 300 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Alexander Spottswood, 1676-1740. Gov- ernor of Virginia, 1710-1722. 1075. BOATWRIGHT, MRS. JAMES S. (Gertrude Floyd Harris) . Virginia College, Roanoke Virginia. Fourth in descent from Robert Harris, 1765. Member of the House of Burgesses. 830. ROLLING, MRS. G. M. (Irene Johnson). 1748 Corcoran Street, Washington, D. C. Fifth in de- scent from Benjamin Cave, -1762. Member of the House of Burgesses. 780. BOOCOCK, MRS. MURRAY (Miriam Dike). "Castalia" Keswick, Albet;marle County, Virginia. Ninth in descent from Elder Williams Brewster, 1563- 1643. One of the Founders of New Plymouth. 438. BOOKER, MRS. GEORGE (Laura Winder Garrett).* Eighth in descent from Sir George Yeardley, 1580-1627. Governor of Virginia. 746. BOOTHE, MRS. WM. J. (Lucy Lyons Lee). 406 North Washington Street, Alexandria, Virginia Fifth in descent from Thomas Lee, 1690-1750. Gover- nor of Virginia, President of the Council and County Lieutenant. LIST OF MEMBERS 11 910. BOOTHE, MRS. G. L. (Eleanor Carr). 112 South Columbus Street, Alexandria, Virginia. Sev- enth in descent from John Armistead, 1688. Mem- of the Council. 952. BORDEN, MRS. CHARLES E. (Hattie Taylor) . 218 Shaffer Street, Richmond, Virginia. Tenth in de- scent from Richard Borden, 1671. Nineteenth Signer of the Compact Creating Government of Aquid- neck, now Rhode Island. Treasurer of the Colony. Member of the General Assembly. 416. BORLAND, MRS. T. R. (Carrie Barney). f Seventh in descent from Thomas Macy, 1682. Member of the Massachusetts Legislature. 51. BOWLER, MRS. G. P. (May Williamson Taylor). f Fifth in descent from Francis Thornton, 1680 . Member of the House of Burgesses. 63. BOWLER, MRS. R. B. (AUce Bernard Taylor). Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fourth in descent from James Taylor, 1732-1814. Member of the House of Burgesses and of Conventions of 1774-1775. 26. BOYKIN, MRS. R. H. (Salie Venable) . Silver Spring Maryland. Sixth in descent from Abraham Venable, 1701-1708. Member of the House of Burgesses. 301. BOYKIN, MISS ANNA BROWN. 419 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Joseph Bridger, 1686. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 302. BOYKIN, MISS ELLEN PITTFIELD. 419 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Thomas Godwin, 1677. Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 12 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 214. BRADLEY, MRS. ALEXANDER (May Josephine For- rest). 16 Park Avenue, New Rochelle, New York. Tenth in descent from Edmund Lord Sheffield, 1564-1640. Mem- ber of the Virginia Company. 889. BRAGG, MRS. WM. A. (Bettie Osboume). 125 Marshall Street, Petersburg, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Benjamin Harrison, -1649. Clerk of the Council and Member of the House of Burgesses. 794. BRANCH, MRS. J. K. (Beulah Gould). 1 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from William Bradford, 1588-1657. Gover- nor of Plymouth. 796. BRECKENRIDGE, MRS. JULIA ANTHONY. 401 Fifteenth Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia. Sixth in descent from William Fitzhugh, 1651-1701. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1010. BRIDGERS, MRS. HENRY C. (Mary Meade Bernard). Tarboro, North Carolina, Ninth in descent from John Stith. Member of the House of Burgesses. 796. BROCKENBROUGH, MRS. J. C. (Jane Bayly Higgin- botham).* Eighth in descent from Edmund Scarburg, 1634. Member of the House of Burgesses. 376. BROCK, MRS. C. W. P. (Elizabeth Tyler). 206 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Thomas Leffingwell, 1622 , Judge of the Commission Court, Representative in the State General Court of Connecticut. 29. BROWN, MRS. ALEXANDER (Sarah Randolph Cabell).* Third in descent from Colonel William Cabell, 1730-1798. Member of the House of Burgesses. LIST OF MEMBERS 13 94. BROWN, MRS. LUCY PRYOR PAGE. 3 West 69th Street, New York City. Eighth in descent from Richard Bennett, 1674. Governor of Vir- ginia, 1652-1655. 676. BROWNE, MISS EMMILLY. Hampton, Virginia. Seventh in descent from William Ball, 1615-1680. Member of the House of Burgesses 1670-1677. 932. BROWN, MRS. BENJAMIN, JR. (Mary Celestine Green). Nokesville, Prince William County, Virginia. Ninth in descent from Peter Montague, 1603-1659. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1651-1658. 1212. BROWNE, MISS FLORENCE BAYLY. Accomac, Accomac County, Virginia. Seventh in de- scent from Richard Bayly, 1646-1728. Member of the House of Burgesses. 128. BRUCE, MRS. PHILIP A. (Betty Taylor). f Ninth in descent from Adam Thoroughgood, 1603-1640. Member of the Council. 719. BRUCE, MRS. A. C. (Mary Howard) . "The Winona' ', Baltimore, Md. Eighth in descent from Christopher Calthorpe, -1661. Member of the House of Burgesses. 10. BRYAN, MRS. JOSEPH (Isobel Lamont Stewart).* Fourth in descent from William Byrd, 1674-1744. Mem- ber of the Council, 1707-1744, and President of the Council. 1063. BRYAN, MRS. ST. GEORGE (Emily Nelson Page Kemp). 301 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Ninth in descent from John Page, 1627-1692. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 14 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 1194. BRYAN, MRS. THOMAS P. (Helen McGill Hamilton). 810 Park Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Twelfth in de- scent from Thomas Dudley 1576-1653, One of the Founders of the Masssahusetts Bay Colony. Governor of Massachusetts: one of the Founders of Harvard Col- lege. 1025. BUKEY, MRS. JOHN S. (Boberta Julia Magruder). Vienna, Fairfax County, Virginia. Eighth in descent from John Chew, 1590-1655. Member of the House of Burgesses. 825. BUDLONG, MRS. MttTON (Margaret Wilson). 10 South Highland Street, Hartford, Connecticut. Foiirth in descent from William McKee, 1732-1816. Captain in Colonial Wars. 343. BURRUSS, MRS. NATHANIEL (Margaret Walters Dey). 201 Diike Street, Norfolk, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Obadiah Holmes, 1660-1682. Commissioner to General Court of Providence Plantations, 1655-1676. 426. CABELL, MRS. ISA CARRINGTON. 329 Amsterdam Ave., New York, N. Y. Third in descent from George Carrington, 1711-1789. Member of the House of Burgesses and County Lieutenant. 590. CABELL, MRS. J. ALSTON (Ethel Hoyt Scott). Columbia, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Major Jonathan Haight, 1734-1780. Captain in French and Indian War. 1759. 1130. CABELL, MRS. ROYALL E. (Lillian Loraine). The Kenesaw, Washington, D. C. Fifth in descent from Colonel William Cabell 1730-1798. Member of the House of Burgesses, County Lieutenant. LIST OF MEMBERS 15 14. CAMERON, MRS. BENEHAN (Sallie Mayo). Hillsboro Street, Raleigh, North Carolina. Fourth in descent from John Mayo, 1737-1786. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1760-1772, Member of Convention of 1775. 22. CAMM, MRS. ANNIE BOYD.f 320 East Grace Street. Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Thomas Marshall, 1730-1790. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1762-1772, and of the Con- vention of 1775. 38. CAMPBELL, MISS MARTHA HILDERBURN.j Ninth in descent from Richard Bennett, -1674. Governor of Virginia, 1652-1655, and Member of the House of BurgeSvSes and of the Council. 1047. CAMPBELL, MRS. HUGH (Mary Austin Scott). 1201 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Christopher Branch, 1600-1682. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 1111. CAMPBELL, MRS. ARCHIBALD A. (Susie Stuart). Wytheville, Virginia. Seventh in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses, Attorney General. 855. CAPERTON, MRS. CLIFFORD R. (Helena Trench Lef roy) . Westhampton, Richmond, Virginia. Ninth in descent from William, first Earl of Northampton, 1630. Member of the Virginia Company. 1245. CARDWELL, MRS. CHARLES P. (Bessie Lee) Hanover C. H., Virginia. Seventh in descent from Colo- nel Richard Lee, 1626-1663. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council, Secretary of State. 16 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 1198. CARR, MISS EMILY CHRISTIAN. 2127 R. Street, Washington, D. C. Seventh in descent from John Armistead, -1688. Member of the Council. 716. CARR, MRS. ANNA DEANE. 314 North Harrison Street, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Lewis Bnrwell, 1710. Member of the Council. 125. CARRINGTON, MRS. C. V. (Avis Walker). 932 Park Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in de- scent from Robert Macy, 1682. Member of the Massachusetts Legislature. 883. CARRINGTON, MISS BESSIE L. 802 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from George Carrington, 1711-1785. Member of the House of Burgesses and County Lieutenant. 1236. CARRINGTON, MRS. RANDOLPH (Ella Gerdon). 1023 Jackson Street, Lynchburg, Virginia. Fifth in de- scent from Nathaniel Harrison 1677-1727. Member of of the Council and Auditor General. County Lieutenant. 683. CARROLL, MRS. JOHN W. (Sallie F. D. Adams). 803 Court Street, Lynchburg, Virginia. Third in de- scent from Samuel Duval, 1784. Member of the House of Burgesses and of Conventions. 600. CARSON, MRS. ROBERT, Jr. (Martha Ewing).t Shields, Pennsylvania. Seventh in descent from John Battaile, 1707. Captain of Rangers in 1692, Bur- gess from Essex, 1692-1696. 5. CARTER, MRS. T. N. (Agnes Mayo). 205 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Robert Carter, 1663-1732. Speaker of the House of Burgesses, 1695-1699, Treasurer, 1699, Presi- dent of Council and Acting Govermor, 1726-1727. LIST OF MEMBERS 17 1144. CARTER, MRS. ALFRED B. (Gertrude Caldwell). 1101 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sev- enth in descent from Valentine Hollingsworth, 1630- . Member of the Pennsylvania Assembly. Mem- ber of the Coimcil, Signer of Penn's Great Charter. 1002. CARY, MRS. T. A. (Maria Barry Abert). "Hampton," Henrico County, Virginia. Eighth in de- scent from Jacques Cortelyou, 1693. Surveyor General of the Province of New York from 1657 to 1683. Member of the Convention of Hampstead 1665. 106. CASEY, MRS. JOSEPH I. (Mary C. Martin). 13 130th Street, East New York City. Fifth in descent from Abraham Vcnable, -1769. Member of the House of Burgesses. 279. CASTLE, MRS. H. N. (Sallie Loyall Taylor). 168 Freemason Street, Norfolk, Virginia. Sixth in de- scent from Colonel George Newton, 1763. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 962. CATLIN, MRS. C. M. (Kate Montague).* Seventh in descent from Peter Montague, 1603-1659. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1051. CHISOLM, MRS. W. B. (Felicia Hall). f 68 Meeting Street, Charleston, South Carolina. Fifth in descent from Samuel Earle, 1692-1771. Member of the House of Burgesses. 373. CHRISTIAN, MRS. WALTER (Kate Brockenbrough Newton). 321 Sputh Third Street Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Richard Bennett, -1674. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council, and Gov- ernor of Virginia. 18 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 393. CLARK, MRS. F. T. (Annie Gholson Glasgow). 52 York Street, Norfolk. Virginia. Seventh in descent from Christopher de Graffeuried, Landgrave of the Prov- ince of Carolina. 856. COCKE, MISS ELLA MEREDITH. 206 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sev- enth in descent from William Byrd, 1674-1744. Re- ceiver General and President of the Council. 335. CODWISE, MISS MILDRED.f Tenth in descent from John Rolfe, 1585-1622. Secre- tary and Recorder General, 1617-1619, Member of the Council, 1617-1620. 756. COKE, MRS. JOHN A., Jr. (Anne E. Harrison). 1014 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Benjamin Harrison, 1649. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 39. COLEMAN, MRS. C. W. (Cynthia B. Tucker).* Sixth in descent from Richard Bennett, -1674. Governor of Virginia, 1652-1655, Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 69. COLEMAN, MISS ELIZABETH BEVERI^Y. Williamsburg, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Rich- ard Bennett, 1674. Governor of Virginia, 1652- 1655, Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 246. COLEMAN, MISS EUGENIE CRITTENDEN. 1320 First Street, Louisville, Kentucky. Sixth in de- scent from Colonel Richard Lee, 1620-1663. Secre- tary of State and Member of the Council. 1115. COLE, MISS MARY GOODE. P. O. Box 300, Petersburg, Virginia. Seventh in de- scent from Alexander Spotswood, 1676-1740. Gov- ernor of Virginia, 1710-1722. LIST OF MEMBERS 19 937. COLES, MRS. THOMAS B. (Charlotte James Berkeley). 909 Union Street, Brooklyn, New York. Tenth in de- scent from Nicholas Martian, 1591-1657. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1036. COLES, MISS SALLY LOZAN. Esmont P. O., Albemarle County, Virginia. Third in descent from John Coles. County Lieutenant of Al- bemarle County. 1094. CONRAD, MISS MARY LOUISE. The Portner, Washington, D. C. Fourth in descent from Robert Rutherford, 1728-1803. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1766-1769. 751. COOKE, MRS. J. A. (Mary Lewis Sams). 150 West Lanvale Street, Baltimore, Maryland. Eighth in descent from James Bray, Member of the Council. 558. CORSE, MISS VIRGINU BEVERLEY. The Plains, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Robert Beverly, 1657. Clerk of the House of Burgesses. 127. COULLING, MRS. W. M. (Henrietta Lee). Care Quartermaster General, Washington, D. C. Fourth in descent from Richard Lee, 1732-1794. Member of the House of Burgesses, and Signer of the Declaration of Independence. 191. COWARDIN, MRS. C. OB. (Anna Moale). 1108 Grove Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in descent from John Moale I, 1697-1740. Member of the Maryland Assembly. 21. COX, MRS. WILLIAM RUFFIN (Kate Hamilton Cabell). 609 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Judge John Alston, Associate Justice of North Carolina, 1724-1730. , 20 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 650. CRAME, MRS. DEWITT (Josephine Ricketts). 223 Forty-Eighth Street, Newport News, Virginia Seventh in descent from Johannas de Peyster, 1620- 1685. Burgomaster of New Amsterdam, 1673. 958. CRAWFORD, MRS. ANGUS (Susie Brown). Theological Seminary, Fairfax County, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Colonel Caleb Heathcote, 1665-1721. Royal Councillor of New York, 1692. Receiver of the Province 1702, Judge of Admiralty of New Jersey, New York and Connecticut. 1146. CREECY, MRS. DAVID R., Jr. (Willie Harvie). 302 South Third Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from John Harvae, 1742-1807, Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Conventions of 1775-1776. 356. CRENSHAW, MRS. WILLIAM A. (Lillian Moss). The Mount Vernon, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in de- scent from Charles Talbot, 1723 , County Lieuten- ant of Bedford County. 540. CRENSHAW, MRS. S. D. (Anne Warfield Clay). 919 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Colonel Nicholas Greenbury, 1627-1697. Member of the Council of Maryland, President of the Council, Colonel of Anne Arundel County, 1694. 549. CRENSHAW, MRS. RICHARD P. (Mary Lyons Mayo). Fourth in descent from John Mayo, 1730-1780. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, and of Convention of 1775. 507. CROPPER, MISS ROSINA MIX. Care Schmitt Piazza, Rome Italy. Ninth in descent from Edward Scarburg, 1634. Member of the House of Burgesses. LIST OF MEMBERS 21 774. CUMMING, MRS. HUGH S. (Lucy Booth). A. S. 25 Jamestown, Fort Monroe, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Mordecai Cooke, Member of the House of Burgesses. 687. CUMMINGS, MISS HELEN NORRIS. 603 Cameron Street, Alexandria, Virginia. Fifth in de- scent from David Bair, 1787. Lieutenant of the Pencadcr Hundred Company, Pennsylvania. 422. CUNNINGHAM, MRS. JOHN C. (Jennie Morton). Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania. Fifth in descent from Abraham Venable, 1700-1768. Member of the House of Burgesses. D 211. DARBY, MISS MARIA LOUISA. Villa Leonore St. Jean de Luz Basses, Pyrenees, France. Eighth in descent from Thomas Harris, 1583- . Member of the House of Burgesses. 183. DASHIELL, MRS. LANDONIA RANDOLPH MINOR. 920 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Elliot Benger, 1751. Deputy Post- master General for North America. 118. DAVENPORT, MRS. GIDEON A. (Ann Clarke Ruth- erford). 203 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Colonel Samuel Jordan, 1707-1789. Member of the House of Burgesses. 334. DAVENPORT, MRS. ISAAC (Helen Blair Tredwell Bryan). 510 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from John Aldcn, 1599-1687. A founder of Plymouth Colony, Deputy and Governor's Assistant. 22 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 544. DAVENPORT, MRS. CHARLES (Ellen T. McCaw). 716 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Vrginia. Ninth in descent from Edward Diggs, 1621-1671. Governor of Virginia. 580. DAVIS, MRS. A. K. (Lucy Pryor Mcllwaine). Southern Female College, Petersburg, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Richard Bland, 1710-1776. Member forty years of the House of Burgesses, Member of Con- ventions of 1775-1776. 925. DAVIS, MRS. CARL HALL (Julia Wyche Budd). Petersburg, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Daniel Leeds, 1655-1720. Governor of New Jersey and Judge of the Supreme Court. 1009. DAVIS, MRS. C. H. (Sallie Field Bernard). Petersburg, Virginia. Ninth in descent from John Stith. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1046. DAVIS, MRS. RICHARD B. (Nannie Hall). 126 Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Virginia. Fourth in in descent from John Lee, 1703 — Kings Attorney and Delegate from Lyme Connecticut to the General Assem- bly of the Colomy. 1100, DAVIS, MRS. WILLIAM B. (Harriet Wood Glass). 527 Eighteenth Street, Washington, D. C. Fourth in descent from Colonel James Wood, Sr. — , 1759. Colonel of Horse and Foot in the French and Indian Wars, 1742-1755. 970. DAVISON, MISS SARAH JAQUELIN. Middletown, Frederick County, Virginia. Eighth in descent from George Reade, 1671. Member cf the House of Burgesses and of the Coimcil. Secretary of State and Acting Governor. LIST OF MEMBERS "23 435. DEANS, MRS. JOHN (Clara Barr).t Third in descent from Captain James Ward, 1774. Captain in Colonial Wars. 95. DODGE, MRS. W. de L. (Francis Theodora Bland Pryor). 3 West Sixty-ninth Street, New York. Eighth in de- scent from Richard Bennett, 1674. Governor of Virginia, 1652-1655. 1017. DONNAN, MRS. MAXWELL. (Susanna Brooke Tuggle). 13 Perry Street, Petersburg, Virginia. Eighth in de- scent from Richard Lee. 166 i, Secretary of State and Member of the Council. 3. DOOLEY, MRS. JAMES H. (Sally May) . Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Edward Diggs, 1621-1675. Governor of Virginia, 1655-1658, AuditorGeneral 1671-1675, Member of the Council, 1654. 53. DOREMUS, MRS. C. A. (Elizabeth Ward). f Eighth in descent from Thomas Harris. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1623-1639-1646. 61. DOWNER, MRS. JAMES W. (Jennie Harrison). Hopkinsville, Kentucky. Sixth in descent from Benja- min Harrison, 1683-1710. Attorney General, 1698, and Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 907. DOYLE, MRS. VIRGINIA BARRON PENDERGRAST. Norfolk, Virginia. Sixth in descent from William Ar- mistead, 1716. Member of the House of Bur- gesses. 251. DRAKE, MRS. J. H. (Elizabeth Ott). 1006 Floyd Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Alexander Lillington, 1698. Gov- ernor of North Carolina. 24 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 775. DREWRY, MRS. W. F. (Bessie Seabury). 16 Filmore Street, Petersburg, Virginia. Sixth in de- scent from Colonel Clement Read, 1707-1763. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 1193. DREWRY MRS. WILLIAM S. (Virginia Douglas Wat- kins). 1037 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in de- scent from Clement Read, 1707-1763. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1748-62. County Lieutenant. 581. DUKE, MRS. FRANK W. (Rosa Pleasants Cocke). 1503 Grove Avenue, Richmond, Virginia, Seventh in descent from Richard Cocke 1665. Member of the House of Burgesses. 243. DUNN, MRS LANIER (Harriet Hildreth Heard). Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Major Ephraim Hildreth, 1608-1740. Major in Colonial Wars. 754. DUNN, MRS. EMMETT C. (Mary C. Reid). 504 Duke Street. Alexandria, Virginia, Seventh in de- scent from James Taylor 1673-1729. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1247. DUNLOP, MRS. RICHARD A (Julia Gilmer Anthony). 1015 Park Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from WilHam Fitzhugh, 1651-1701. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 806. DUTROW, MRS. MARY LEWIS SELDEN. 3408 West Avenue, Newport News. Ninth in descent from Augustine Warner, 1642-1681. Speaker of the House of Burgesses and Member of the Council. 493. DUVAL, MISS MARIA PENDLETON. Staunton, Virginia. Sixth in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses. LIST OF MEMBERS 25 158. DU BELLET, MISS NOEMIE P. 8 Rue Troyon, Paris, France. Seventh in descent from Miles Gary, 1667. Member o^ the House of Burgesses, and of the Council. 233. DU BELLET, MISS ELFRIDA. 8 Rue Troyon, Paris, France. Seventh in descent from Miles Gary, 1687. Member of the House of Burgesses, and of the Gouncil. E 142. EACHES, MRS. EWING (Summerville Hays.) 817 Floyd Avenue, Richmond, Vir«:;inia. Eighth in de- scent from Robert Beverley, 1687. Clerk of the House of Burgesses and Member of the Gouncil. 179. EARLY, MISS MARY JUDITH. 122 Harrison Street, Lynchburg, Virg'nla. Fourth in descent from Colonel Samuel Jordan, — ■ 1789. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 331. EARLY, MISS RUTH HAIRSTON. 122 Harrison Street, Lynchburg, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Jeremiah Early, 1705-1779. Lieu- tenant in Active Service in French and Indian Wars. 1057. EASLEY, MRS. MILDRED CABELL HORSLEY. 116 Federal Street, Lynchburg, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Samuel Duval. Member of the House of Burgesses and Conventions. 1227. EASLEY, MRS. JOHN C. (Lucy Gilmer Breckenridge). River View, Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Robert Breckenridge, 1772. Officer in Co- lonial War.^;^' 26 SOCIETY OP CO/.ONIAL DAMES 329. ELLERSON, MRS. J. H. (Ida Watkins). 316 East Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Thomas Harris. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1623-1639-1646. ' 432. ELY, MRS. R. T. (Anna Morris Anderson). University Heights, Madison, Wisconsin. Third in descent -from Colonel Richard Morris, Officer in Indian Wars. 599. ELLYSON, MRS. J. TAYLOR (Lora Hotchkiss). 10 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Gideon Hotchkiss, 1716-1807. Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut. 1185. FAISON, MRS. JOHN W. (Caroline Goree Shepard.) 632 Third Street, Brooklyn, New York. Fifth in de- scent from Samuel McDowell, 1735-1817. Cap- tain in Dunmore's War, 1774. 263. FARLAND, MRS. JOHN G. (Marion Morson Robins). 1643 Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from John Robins 1655. Member of the house of Biu"gesses. 270. FERRELL, MRS. CHILES M. (Katherine Douglass). 1616 Grove Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Richard Lee 1664. Member of the Council and Secretary of State. 60. FILER, MRS. S. J. (Maria Walker Rose). 36 Firglade Avenue, Springfield, Massachusetts. Fourth in descent from Colonel Samuel Jordan, 1707-1789. Member of the House of Burgesses, County Lieutenant of Buckingham. LIST OF MEMBERS 27 1058. FITZHUGH, MRS. WILLIAM B. (Mary Macon Fitzhugh). Sylvan Scene, Machepongo, Virginia. Ninth in de- scent from John West, 1590-1659. Governor of Virginia. 764. FLEMING, MRS. G. L. (Eltie Adams). 413 Madison Street, Lynchburg, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Samuel Duval, 1714-1784. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and Conventions. 31. FLOURNOY, MRS. H. W. (Rosa Buena Wood). 1400 Virginia Street, Charleston, W. Va. Fifth in descent from George Carrington, 1711-1785. Member of the House of Burgessesl748-1765, and County Lieu- tenant. 967. FOREST, MRS. DOUGLAS F. (Sallie Winston Ruther- ford). The Grafton. Washington, D. C. Fourth in descent from Colonel Samuel Jordan 1789. Member of the House of Burgesses. 928. FOWLKES, MISS M. E. D. H. Burkeville, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Dr. Leon- ard Hoar, 1630.1675. President of Harvard Col- lege. 1054. FOX, MRS. RICHARD (Bessie Garland Wilson). 505 W. Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in in descent from Samuel Meredith, 1732-1808. Cap- tain in Colonel Byrds Regiment, 1758. 948. FROST, MRS. D. C. ( Frances Josephine Marshall.) 611 Washington Street. Lynchburg, Virginia. Ninth in descent from Matthew Allyn, 1604-1670. Deputy to Massachusetts General Court, 28 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 923. FROST, MRS. GEORGE R. (Harriet Cazenove Minor). Houston Fairfax County, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Francis Thornton, 1682-1733. Member of the House of Burgesses. 452. FUNSTEN, MRS. O. H. (EHzabeth Hill Carter Minor). 1815 Monument Avenue, Richmond Virginia. Eighth in descent from Robert Carter, 1663-1732. Speaker of the House of Burgesses, 1695-1699. Treasurer, 1699. President of the Council and Acting Governor, 1726- 1727). G 1255. GALLAHER, MISS JULIET KITE. Waynesboro, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Colonel James Taylor, 1674-1729. Member of the House of Burgesses. 241. GARRETT, MISS MARY WINDER. Williamsburg, Virginia. Ninth in descent from Sir George Yeardly, 1580-1627. Governor of Virginia. 88. GAY, MISS MATOACA. Washington, D. C. Seventh in descent from John Rolfe, 1585-1622. Member of Council 1617-1620 Secretary of State and Recorder General 1617-1619. 839. GAY, MRS. WARE B. (Emma Dunbar). 900 West Franklin Street.. Richmond, Virginia. Tenth in descent from Isaac Allerton 1583-1659. Signer of the "Plymouth Compact," Deputy Governor, 1621 Mem- ber of the Council of New Amsterdam. 108. GIBSON, MRS. R. T. (Susan Baldwin Stuart).* Fourth in descent from Colonel Henry Peyton, 1781. Member of the House of Burgesses, County Lieutenant of Prince William County 1755-1756. LIST OF MEMBERS 29 894. GIBSON, MRS. HENRY (Nannie Higgenbotham). Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Ed- mund Scarburg, 1634. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1241. GIBSON, MISS MARY. 906 Park Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in de- scent from Colonel Henry Peyton 1781. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, County Lieutenant of Prince William County. 1242. GIBSON, MISS LUCY FITZHUGH. 906 Park Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in de- scent from Colonel Henry Peyton 1781. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, County Lieutenant of Prince William County. 7. GILHAM, MRS. REGINALD (Isabella Adair Pleasants). 11 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Tenth in descent from John Rolfe, 1585-1622. Member of the Council, Secretary of State and Recorder General. 254. GILL, MISS ALICE TAYLOR. 442 West Second Street, Maysville, Kentucky. Fourth in descent from Thomas Marshall, 1730-1802. Mem- ber of the House of Burgessess and of the Convention of 1775. 642. GILMER, MISS MARY RIDGWAY. 4327 Womall Road, Kansas City, Missouri, Fourth in descent from Dr. George Gilmer. Member of the House of Burgesses. 752. GILMOUR, MRS. A. D. P. (Elizabeth Monroe Taylor). Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Jans Stryker. Member of the Hempstead Convention, 1665. 30 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 934. GLASGOW, MISS ELLEN. 1 West Main Street, Richmond, Virginia, Seventh in descent from Christopher de Graffenried. Landgrave of the Province of Carolina. 1043. GLASS, MISS KATHERINE R. Fort Loudon Seminary, Winchester, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Colonel James Wood Sr., 1759. Colonel of Horse and Foot in French and Indian Wars 1742-1755. ^. 1064. GLOVER, MRS. ROLFE E. (Sarah Blair). 16 South Third Street, Richmond, Virginia. Ninth in descent from Miles Cary, 1620-1667. Member of the House of Btu-gesses and of the Council. 1072. GOLDSBOROUGH, MRS. RICHARD H. (Ellen Roy). The Richmond, Washington, D. C, Seventh in Da- scent from Richard Lee, 1626-1663. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council Secretary of State. 165. GORDON, MRS. J. J. (Alice Gertrude Wood)* Fifth in descent from George Carrington, 1711-1785. Member of the House of Burgesses and Coimty Lieu- tenant. 303. GORDON, MRS. W. W. (Frances Brokenborough).* Sixth in descent from Moore Fauntleroy, 1634. Member of the House of Burgesses. 893. GORDON, MRS. T. C. (Ruth Nelson Robins). 1001 Floyd Avenue. Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from William Nelson, 1711-1772. President of the Coimcil and Acting Governor. LIST OF MEMBERS 31 1288. GORDON, MRS. WILLIAM S. (Kate B. Gordon). 5 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Nathaniel Harrison, 1677-1727. Mem- ber of the Council, County Lieutenant of Surry and Prince George County, Auditor General. 620. GRAFTON, MRS. W. M. C. (Elizabeth Taylor Mason Bainbridge). General Office, Union Station, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Eighth in descent from George Mason 1st, 1681. Member of the House of Burgesses and County Lieu- tenant. 1110. GRAHAM, MISS JESSIE MONTGOMERY. Tazewell, Virginia. Fourth in descent from John Mont- gomery, 1717-1802. Officer in Colonial War. 75. GRAHAM, MRS. S. C. (Minnie Cox).* Eighth in descent from Miles Gary, 1620-1667. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Coimcil. 698. GRAY, MRS. T. T. (Ella Moray Watson). 603 North Broad Street, Elizabeth. New Jersey. Ninth in descent from John Rolfe. 1585-1622. Member o£ the Council. Secretary of State and Recorder General. 1180. GRAY, MRS. ROBERT (Elizabeth Preston.) 814 Moore Street, Bristol, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Colonel William Preston, 1729—1781. Member of the House of Burgesses. 216,; GREEN, MISS LETITLA CRAIG. 240 Second Street, Danville, Kentucky. Seventh in descent from Robert Green, 1695-1747. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1736. 413. GREENE, MRS. J. N. (Chloe Tyler Whittle). 134 Boush Street, Norfolk, Virginia. Seventh in descent from James Bray. Member of the Coimcil. 32 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 646. GREENE, MRS. EMELINE DABNEY. 2411 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Sixth in de- scent from John Smith, 1715-1771. Member of the House of Burgesses. 534. GREEN, MRS. T. T. (Elisc Glen Davis Skinner).* Seventh in descent from Colonel John Washington, 1627- 1677. Member of the House of Burgesses and Colonel of Virginia forces. 942. GREENE, MRS. L. S. (Louise Burke.) 211 South Washington Street. Alexandria, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Isaac Allerton, 1630-1702. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 990. GREENE, MISS MARY BELL. 317 North Washington Street, Alexandria, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Robert Carter 1663-1732. Speaker of the House of Burgesses 1695.1699. Treas- urer, 1699. President of the Council and Acting Gov- ernor 1726-1727. 658. GREENHOW, MISS SALLIE WILLIAMS. 115 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Ninth in descent from John Page, 1692. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 664. GREEVER, MISS VIRGINIA HOLMES. Box 110 Chilhowie, Virginia. Sixth in descent from John Nash, 1776. Member of the House of Burgesses. 521. GRIGG, MRS. E W. (Lillie Goodwin). 169 South Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Dudley Diggs 1583-1639. Member of the London Company. LIST OF MEMBERS 33 886. GUDEBROD, MRS. CHRISTIAN (Mattie Leake). 65 West Ninth Street, New York City. Eighth in descent from Miles Gary, 1620-1667. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1292. COVER, MRS. AMOS M. (JaneMerritt). Richmond, Virginia, Eighth in descent from Daniel Brodhead, 1667. Chief Officer of the Mihtia in the Esopus. 423. GUILD, MRS. LA FAYETTE (Martha Aylett Fits).* Eighth in descent from Colonel John West, 1590-1659, Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. Governor of Virginia. 1216. GUEST, MRS. BERNARD R, (Eliza Laurens Chisolm). 1217 West Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in de- scent from Henry Laurens. Member of the South Carolina Provincial Congress, 1774. H 372. HALL, MRS. VIRGINIUS (Anne Fisher).* Fifth in descent from Le^Ais Burwell 1674. Pres- ident of the Council and Governor of Virginia. 304. HALL, MRS. CUNNINGHAM (Loulie Lyons). Rio Vista, Henrico County, Virginia. Ninth in descent from Colonel John West, 1590-1659. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. Governor of Virginia, 1635-1637. 250. HAMBERLIN, MRS. L. R. (Lily Wilson). 819 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Matthew Marable 1786. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 34 SOCIETY OP COLONIAL DAMES 1112. HAMILL, MRS. B. G. (Page Aylett Royall). Trenton, New Jersey. Tenth in descent from John West 1590-1659. Member of the Council and Govern- or of Virginia. 758. HAMILTON, MRS. R. P. (Sally Parke Wellford). Charlottesville, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Adam Thoroughgood, 1602-1640. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 41. HARRISON, MRS. M. B. ((Lucy Gray Henry). Brookneal, Campbell County, Virginia. Sixth in de- scent from Alexander Spotswood, 1676-1740. Govern- or of Virginia, 1710-1722. 800. HARRISON, MRS. J. S. (Josephine Pollard). 1800 Hanover Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Christopher Robinson, 1645-1693. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council, Secretary of the State. 888. HARRISON, MRS. CARTER (Kate Duval). Staunton, Virginia. Sixth in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses. 903. HARRISON, MRS. JOHN W. (Mary Kennedy Willson). 212 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Thomas Lewis, 1718-1778. Member of the House of Burgesses and of Conventions of 1775 and 1776. 766. HARRINGTON, MRS. H. S. (Anne Pickrell McKenney). 47 Claremont Avenue, New York City. Sixth in de- scent from Alexander Spottswood, 1676-1740, Govern- or of Virginia. LIST OF MEMBERS 35 268. HARRIS, MRS. NORVIN (Mannette True). 2805 Carondelet Street, New Orleans, Louisiana. Eighth in descent from William Randolph 1651-1711. Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 968. HARRIS, MISS MATTIE P. Roanoke, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Robert Harris 1765. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1142. HARVIE, MISS ELIZA MEADE. Richmond, Virginia. Third in descent from John Hankie 1742-1807. Member of the Conventions of 1775-1776, and of the House of Burgesses. 1147. HARVIE, M SS MARTHA OLD. Richmond, Virginia. Third in descent from John Har- vie, 1742-1807. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Conventions of 1775-1776. 1253. HARVIE, MRS. JAMES B. (Mary Lucy M'chaux). 12 South Third Street, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Christopher de Graffenried 1666-1735. Langrave of the Province of Carolina. 1097. HATCHER, MRS. CHARLES J. (Edmonia Carrlngton Watkins). Wytheville, Virginia. Fifth in descent from George Carrington 1711-1785. Member of the House of Bur- gesses, 1745-1764, and County Lieutenant. 904. HAZARD, MRS. H. W. (Catharine D. Willson). 16 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Thomas Lewis, 1718-1778. Member of the House of Burgesses and of Conventions of 1775- 1776. 604. HEALD, MRS. SARAH MORRIS.* Sixth in descent from Captain John Langhome. Mem* ber of the House of Burgesses, 1748. 36 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 439. HENDRICK, MRS. R. C. (Elizabeth Campbell). Falls Church, Virginia, Third in descent from William Winston, Lieutenant in French and Indian Wars. 336. HENNEMAN, MRS. J. B. (Marion Hubard). Ninth in descent from John Rolfe, 1585-1622. Secre- tary of State and Recorder General. Member of the Council. 34. HENRY, MRS. W. W. (Lucy Gray Marshall). 508 Seminary Avenue, Ginter Park, Richmond, Vir- ginia. Seventh in descent from Colonel William Browne, 1704. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1673- 1676-1677-1679-1682. Coimty Lieutenant of Surry County, 1687. 674. HENRY, MISS CHARLOTTE LANDON. Tazewell, Virginia. Sixth in descent from William Byrd, 1674-1744. Receiver General and President of the Council. 821. HENRY, MISS MILDRED IRVING. Amherst, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Alexander Spotswood, 1676-1740. Governor of Virginia. 578. HIGGINS, MISS MARY DE BREE. Norfolk, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Miles Gary, 1620-1667. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 799. HETZEL, MISS SUSAN RIVIERE.* Fifth in descent from Colonel Samuel Selden, 1693-1745. Deputy for Lynne at General Court and Colonel in In- dian Wars. 709. HODGES, MRS. J. ALLISON (Mary Gray). 107 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Jeduthan Harper, 1734-1819. Member of the Assembly from Chatham County, Nortti Carolina. LIST OF MEMBERS 37 79. HOGE, MRS. HOWARD D. (Lelia Skipwith Harrison). 1601 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Robert Carter, 1663-1732. Governor of Virginia, 1726-1727. 217. HOGSETT, MRS. J. J. (Mary Johnstone). Danville, Kentucky. Fourth in descent from Thomas Walker, 1715-1794. Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. 391. HOLBROOK, MRS. L. (Viola Vowers). 128 Central Park, South New York City. Eighth in descent from Nicholas Stillwell, 1612-1871. Lieuten- ant in Indian Wars. 514. HOLLADAY, MISS MILDRED MAUPIN. 208 Middle Street, Portsmouth, Virginia. Sixth in de- scent ftom Colonial Thomas Godwin, 1714. Speak- er of the House of Burgesses, Commandant of Nanse- mond County. 583. HOLLIFIELD, MRS. H. B. (Jennie Minetree). 104 Hammond Court, Thirtieth and R Streets, Wash- ington, D. C. Eighth in descent from Richard Bennett, 1674. Governor of Virginia. 610. HOLT, MRS R. O. (Katherine Curd). Lorton Valley, Fairfax County, Virginia. Fifth in de- scent from David Greenhill, 1772. Member o£ the House of Burgesses. 1186. HOLT, MRS. HENRY W. (Mary Caperton Braxton). Staunton, Virginia. Seventh in descent from John Armistead. Member of the Council 1688. 137. HOOE, MRS. JOHN (Mary Herbert). Warrenton, Virginia. Fifth in descent from William Fairfax, 1691-1757. President of the Council. 38 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 637. HORSLEY, MRS. J. D. ^Florence Massie).* 203 Federal Street, Lynchburg, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Richard Cocke, 1600-1665. Member of the House of Burgesses. 729. HORSLEY, MISS ELIZA RICHARDSON. Wingina, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Samuel Duval. Member of the House of Burgesses and of Conventions. 769. HORSLEY, MISS CATHRINE D. 203 Federal Street, Lynchburg, Virginia. Fifth in de- scent from Samuel Duval, 1714-1784. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Conventions. 983. HOUSTON, MRS. CHARLES F. (EHzabeth Price). 123 Huntington Place, Mount Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fifth in descent from Dr. James Craik. 1750-1814. Surgeon of the First Virginia Regiment in French and Indian Wars. 1243. HOUSTON, MRS. H. T. (Emily Taylor Glasgow). 1 W. Main Street, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Christopher de Graffenried Landgrave of the Province of Carolina. 23. HOWARD, MRS. CONWAY R. (Jane Colston). Staunton, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Robert Carter, 1663-1732. Speaker of the House of Burgesses, President of the Council Acting Governor, 1726-1727. 669. HOWARD, MRS. JULIAN (Eleanor Selden Washington). 317 North Washington Street, Alexandria, Virginia. Seventh in descent from John Washngton, 1627-1676 Member of the House of Burgesses. LIST OF MEMBERS 39 938. HOWISON, MRS. ALLEN M. (AnneHotchkiss). The Oalcs Staunton, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Gideon Hotchkiss, 1716-1807. Deputy to the General Court of Connecticut. 943. HUGER, MRS. WILLIAM E. (Lelia Gamett).t 34 Meeting Street, Charleston, South Carolina. Fourth in descent from James Mercer, 1736-1793. Member of of the House of Burgesses, 1761-1776. 453. HUGHES, MRS. FLOYD (Virginia Brock). 176 York Street, Norfolk, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Thomas Leffingwell 1622 . Judge of the Commission Court, Representative in the State Gen- eral Court of Connecticut. 572. HUGHES, MRS. R. W. (Eliza Mary Johnston).* Third in descent from WilHam Preston, 1729-1783. Member of the House of Burgesses, Captain of Rangers. 470. HUNTER, MRS. ROBERTA TRICE. 215 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Richard Johnson, 1734. Mem- ber of the Council. 531. HUNTER, MISS HARRIETT CORNELIA. 216 Freemason Street, Norfolk, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Maximilian Boush, 1728. Member of the House of Burgesses and County Lieutenent. 791. HUNTER, MRS. JAMES W. (Lizzie Aver Barnes). 216 Freemason Street, Norfolk, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Peter Ayer, 1646-1699. Representative Council of Safety of the People, 1689, Representative Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1680-83-86-95-96-98. Quartermaster Cornet. 40 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 846. HUNTER, MRS. JOHN (Mary Callis Boston). 201 East Franklin St., Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Colonel Nicholas Merriwether, 1667- 1744. Member of the House of Burgesses from New Kent, 1710-14, 1718-20. From Hanover, 1722-27-28. 385. HYDE, MRS. L. H. (Mary Marshall Stevens).* Seventh in descent from Lewis Burwell, 1710. Member of the Council. 1014. INGLES, MRS. WILLIAMS (Minnie Snow). Radford Virginia. Ninth in descent from William Brewster 1553-1644. One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Colony. Teaching and Ruling Elder of the Plymouth Plantation. 998. JENKINS, MRS. JOHN S. (Mary McKenzie Judkins). 24 Warren Crescent, Norfolk, Virginia. Seventh in descent from John Leavens 1683-1773. One of the Original Forty-four Proprietors of Killingly, Connect- icut. Served with Captain Israel Putnam in French and Indian Wars. 1113. JENNINGS, MRS. ARTHUR H. (Mary Lee). Lynchburg, Virginia. Seventh in descent frcm Thomas Jordan, 1634-1699. Member of the House of Burgesses. 135. JOHNSTON, MRS. LANGSTAFF (Lucie Greenhow). 505 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from John Page, 1627-1692. Member of the Council. LIST OF MEMBERS 41 299. JOHNSTONE, MISS ALICE. Danville, Kentucky. Fourth in descent from Dr. Thomas Walker, 1715-1794. Membsr of the House of Burgesses. 829. JOHNSON, MRS. J. E. (Eliza Dunlop). Wingina, Nelson County, Virginia. Eighth in decent from Benjamin Harrison, 1643. Clerk of tha Council and Member of the House of Burgesses. 831. JOHNSON, MRS. A. L. (Mary Meade Randolph). 38 Washington Terrace, East Orange, New Jersey. Ninth in descent from John Rolfe, 15S5-1622. Mem- ber of the Council, Secretary and Recorder General. 1279. JOHNSTON, MISS MARY GREENHOW. 505 West FrankUn, Strest, Richmond, Virginia. Ninth in descent from John Page, 1627-1892. Member of the Council. 87. JONES, MRS. I. N. (Louise Turner) . Lanexa, New Kent Co., Virginia. Sixth in descent from Alexander Spotswood, 1676-1740. Governor of Virginia, 1710-1722. 772. JONES, MRS. HORACE W. (Fanny Nelson.) 200 East Franklin Strest, Richmand, Virginia. Fourth in descent from WiUiam Nelson, 1711-1772. Presi- dent of the Council and Acting Governor, 803. JONES, MRS. T. C. (RosaheFontane). 6 North Second Street, Richmond. Virginia. Third in descent from Peter Fontaine, 1720-1772, County Lieu- tenant of Halifax County. 895. JONES, MRS. T. N. (May Wilson Pegram). Smithfield, Isle of Wight County, Virginia. Sixth in descent from William Edwards, 1721, Member of the House of Burgesses. 42 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 865. JORDAN, MRS. J. R. (Mary Randolph). Sixth in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Member of the Council and Attorney General. 8S9. JUNKIN, MRS. W. F. (Anne Aylett Anderson).* Eighth in descent from John West, 1590-1659. Mem- ber of the Council, 29 years Governor of Virginia. E 814. KAMMERER, MRS. E. P. (Mary Gamble). Seventh in descent from Miles Gary, 1620-1667. Mem- ber of the Covmcil. 878. KEEN, MRS. W. W. (Daisy Wilson). 819 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Matthew Marable, 1786. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 72. KEIM, MRS. G. de BENNEVILLE (EHzabeth C. Tre- zevant). 2009 De Lancey Place, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. Seventh in descent from Colonel William Claiborne, 1677. Secretary of State and Member of the Council, 1628 and 1650. 188. KENT, MRS, ANDREW W. (Nena Piatt). Care H. G. Piatt Crocker Building, San Francisco California. Ninth in descent from John Rolfe, 1585- 1622. Secretary and Recorder General,, 1617-1619, Member of the Council, 1617-1620. 1141. KELLEHER, MRS. DANIEL (Elise Meem).t Mount Jackson, Shenandoah County, Virginia. Sev- enth in descent from William Fitzhugh, 1651-1701. Member of the House of Burgesses. LIST OF MEMBERS ' 43 1222. KLUGH, MRS. W. W. (Jean Stobo Simpson). Clemson College, South Carolina. Sixth in descent from Joseph Ball, 1649-1711. Member of the House of Burgesses. 235. KNOX, MISS. LUCETTA MADISON. 303 East Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Gideon Macon. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1696. 1215. KUYK, MRS. D. A. (Margaret Parker Force). Highland Park, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Thomas Pierson, 1722. Member of Pro- vincial Assembly from Chester, Pennsylvania, 1708. 199. LAFFERTY, MRS. H. D. (Mary Burwell Alfriend). 12 North Laurel Street, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh descent from Lewis Burwell, 1710. Member of the Council. 740. LAIRD, MRS. E. C. (Mary Meade Burwell). 1702 Park Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Lewis Burwell. 1710. Member of the Council. 19. LANCASTER, MRS. R. A. (Williamine Cabell Carring- ton). 904 Park Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Paul Carrington, 1733-1818. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1765-1774, Member of the Con- vention of 1775. 822. LANCASTER, MRS. JOHN A. (Agnes E. Read). Ginter Park, Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Clement Read, 1707-1763. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1748-1762. County Lieutenant of Lunen- burg County. 44 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 1223. LANCASTER, MISS KATHERINE DABNEY. 904 Park Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in de- scent from Paul Carrington, 1733-1818. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1765-1774, and of the Con- vention of 1775. 671. LASSITER, MRS. F. R. (Fanney Page McGill).* Tenth in descent from Thomas Dudley, 1576-1653. Deputy Governor of Massachusetts, 1630 — 1634, Gov- ernor, 1634-1640 and 1645-1650, Major General, 1644. 776. LASSITER, MRS. C. T. (SalHe Alexander Hamilton). 32 Market Street, Petersburg, Virginia. Fifth in de- scent from Paul Carrington, 1737-1818. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Convention of 1776. 836. LAWTON, MRS. ST. J. A. (M. Ruth Jennings). 41 South Battery, Charleston, South Carolina. Sixth in descent from Charles Lynch, 1698-1753. Member of thr House of Burgesses. 757. LEAKE, MRS. J. J. (Lisa Beirne). The Chesterfield, Richmond, Virginia. Ninth in de- scent from John Stith. Was Member of the House of Burgesses from Charles City County, 1685. 860. LEAKE, MRS. W. J. (Clara Bierne) . 915 Park Avenue, Richmond, Virginia, Eighth in de- scent from Colonel George Reade, 1600-1671. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Council and Secretary. 955. LEE, MRS. FRANK T. (Lucy Harrison Nowell). Lynchburg, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Thomas Jordan, 1654-1699. Member of the House of Bur- gesses. LIST OF MEMBERS 45 769. LEE, MRS. W. B. (Eliza Perkins Duval Easley). Lynchburg, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Samuel Duval 1714 . Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of Conventions. 1034. LEE, MRS. CASSIUS F. (Mary Lloyd). 406 North Washington Street, Alexandria, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Thomas Janney, 1638 1696. Provincial Councellor of Pennsylvania. 107L LEE MISS MARY ELIZABETH. Gainsville, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Colonel Richard Lee, 1626-1663. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council, Secretary of State. 1179. LEE, MISS JULIET. 513 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Colonel Richard Lee, 1626-1663. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. Sec- retary of State. 280. LEFROY, MRS. J. ARTHUR (Sallie W. Montague). 305 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Peter Montague, 1603-1659. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 1152. LEIGH, MRS. EGBERT G. (Nowell Jones). 504 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Christopher Robinson, 1645-1693. Member of the House of Biu-gesses and of the Coimcil. Secretary of State. 431. LESTER, MRS. R. H. (Mary Ethel Philips).* Sixth in descent from Thomas Bouldin, 1706-1783. Captain in Colonial Wars. 46 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 733. LEWIS, MRS. G. V. (Anna Bemice Allinson). 305 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from William Cocper. Member of the Penn- sylvania Assembly 1682. 862. LEWIS, MRS. L. L. (JanieLooney). 313 West Franklin Street, R chmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Alexander Craighead, 1706-1766. Founder of a Colony in Mecklenburg, North Carolina. 763. LEYS, MRS. CHARLES (Sallie F. Du Val Adams Car- roll). 803 Court Street, Lynchburg, Virginia. Eighth in de- scent from William Claiborne, 1687-1777. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council, Treasurer and Secretary of State. 484. LIGHTFOOT, MRS. J. B. (Mary Washington Minor). 922 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. At- torney General and Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 902. LINDSEY, MRS. R. H. (Eliza Evans Willson). 600 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Thomas Lewis 1718-1778. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Conventions of 1775- 1776. 979. LINDSEY, MISS MARY HOWELL. 600 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Thomas Lewis. 1718-1778, Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Conventions of 1775-1776. 919. LIVEZEY. MRS. W. B. (Ellen A. Johnson). 4901 Himtington Avenue, Newport News. Virginia. Tenth in descent from Reverend Samuel Stone. 1602- 1663. One of the Framers of the Constitution of Con- necticut. Went to England with Winthrope to pro- cure Cha ter. LIST OF MEMBERS 47 1150. LLOYD, MRS. ARTHUR S. (Lizzie Blackford). Alexandria, Virginia. Ninth in descent from John Rolfe, 1585-1622. Member of the Council and Secre- retary of State. Recorder General. 982. LOGIE, MRS. B. R. (Anne London Zimmerman). 1792 Columbia Road, Washington, D. C. Seventh in descent from Colonel John Catlett Second, 1724. Member of the House of Burgesses. 17. LOTTIER, MRS. J. D. (Belle Cabell). 903 Floyd Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Colonel George Carrington, 1711-1785. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1748-1765, and County Lieutenent. 2. LYONS, MRS. JAMES (Elizabeth Henry). 508 Seminary Avenue, Ginter Park, Richmond, Vir- ginia. Eighth in descent from John West, 1590-1659. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. Governor of Virginia. 114. LYONS, MISS MARY MABEN. Gresham Court, Richmond, Virginia. Ninth in descent from John West, 1590-1659. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. Governor of Virginia. 296. LOVELL, MISS FANNIE B.f Seventh in descent from John Washington, 1634 — 1676. Member of thr House of Burgesses. 496. LUCE, MRS. H. J. (Katherine Hunter Maxley). 4 East 52nd Street. New York City. Fifth in descent from Abraham Venable, 1700-1768. Member of the House of Burgesses. 48 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 957. LUNN, MRS. MAURICE J. (Elizabeth Todd Robins). 50 Third Street, Oxford, Pennsylvania. Eighth in de- scent from John Robins, 1655. Member of the House of Burgesses. 611. LYNE, MRS. W. H. (Cassandra Oliver Moncure). Orange Court House, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Colonel Edwin Conway, 1681-1763, Member of the House of Burgesses. M 1209. MADDUX, MRS. HENRY C. (Kathrine Ray Oliver). University of Virginia. Tenth in descent from Augus- tine Warner, 1642-1681. Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. 965. MANVILLE, MRS. L. B. (Mary Willett) . Newport News, Virginia. Seventh in descent from William Earle, 1715. Deputy from Portsmouth to General Assembly of Rhode Island 1704-1706. 243. MARSHALL, MRS. JOHN (Rebecca Boyd). Maysville, Mason County, Kentucky. Seventh in de- scent from Augustine Warner, 1642-1681. Speaker of of the House of Burgesses. 1065. MASSIE, MISS NANNIE RHODES. Lewisberg, West Virginia. Eighth in descent from Augustine Warner, Sr., 1610-1674. Member of the Council. 656. MARSHALL, MRS. F. L. (Freda Darley Jackson). Centralia, Illinois. Seventh in descent from Augustine Warner, 1642-1681. Speaker of the House of Burgesses^ and Member of the Council. LIST OF MEMBERS 49 184. MARSHALL, MRS. FREDERICA ELLSWORTH. 436 Tracy Avenue, South Bozcman, Montana. ThTd in descent from Robert Rutherford. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1768-1769-1774. 362. MARSHALL, MRS. T. R. (Susan Seddon Taliaferro Well- ford). The Chesterfield, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in de- scent from Adam Thoroughgood, 1602-1640. Mem- ber of the Council. 1196. MARTIN, MISS EDMONIA BLAIR. 315 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Clement Read, 1707-1763. Member of the House of Burgesses and County Lieutenant. 778. MARTIN, MRS. T. S. (Lucy Day). Charlottesville, Virginia. Fourth in descent from John Day, 1776. Member of the House of Burgesses 1264. MARTIN, MRS. JAMES E. (Emily Rennolds). Fredericksburg, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Wil- liam Fitzhugh, 1651-1701. Member of the House of Burgesses. 319. MASON, MISS CAROLINE. The Eldon, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Third in descent from George Mason, 1725-1792. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, and Author of the Virginia Bill of Rights. 714. MATHEWS, MRS. E. M. (Mary Randolph Hubard). Darlington, South Carolina. Ninth in descent from John Rolfe, 1585-1622. Member of the Council, Sec- retary and Recorder General. 253. MAUPIN, MRS. J. F. (Edmonia F. Tomlin). 42 West Court Street, Portsmouth, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Sir John Randolph, 1693-1737. Attorney General, Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 60 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 8. MAYO, MRS. P. H. (Isabella Dixon Burwell).* Sixth in descent from Philip Ludwell, Member of the Council, 1674-1678, and from 1681-1687, Govenor of North Carolina. 9. MAYO, MRS. G. W. (Louisa Randolph). The Hanover, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Attorney General, 1694-1699, Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 15. MAYO, MISS JULIA.t Third in descent from John Mayo, 1737-1786. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1769-1772, Member of the Convention of 1775. 71. MAYO, MRS. MARGARETTA ELLEN WISE.* Fifth in descent from Colonel Tully Robinson, 1658-1723. Member of the House of Burgesses, Coimty Lieutenant of Accomac, 1715. 455.1 McABOY, ^^^S. T. N. (Alice Bland Brockenbrough).* Sixth in descent from William Ball, 1615-1680. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 564. McADAMS, MRS. G. B. (SalHe Read Branch). 914 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Christopher Branch. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1639. 390. McCABE, MRS. W. GORDON (Jane Osborne).* Seventh in descent from Benjamin Harrison. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1643. 37. McClelland, miss mary g.* Fourth in descent from Colonel William Cabell, 1730- 1789. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1758-1774. County Lieutenant of Amherst. Member of Conven- tions of 1774-1775 and of Committee of Safety 1775. LIST OP MEMBERS »1 847. McCABE, MRS. E. O. (Lily Norfleet Urquhart). 105 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Whitmel Hill, 1643-1697. Member of the North Carolina Assembly. 1070. MacDONALD, MISS ROSE MORTIMER ELLZEY. 609 Cameron Street, Alexandria, Virginia. Fifth in de- scent from Lewis Ellzey. Captain of Fairfax Rangers. 1184. McCLINTOCK, MRS. CHARLES T. (Tabitha Monroe). Box 4, Richmond, Virginia. Ninth in descent from Richard Townshend, 1607-1652. Member of the House of Burgesses, and of the Council. 1049. McILWAINE, MRS. WILLIAM B. (Sarah Joseph Al- ston Claiborne). 371 North Washington Street, Petersburg, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Colonel William Claiborne, 1587 . Secretary of State, Member of the Council, Treasurer for life, Deputy Governor. 881. McCULLOUGH, MRS. F. M. (Virginia Carter Hayes). 136 Freemason Street, Norfolk, Virginia. Sixth in de- scent from Robert Green, 1695-1747. Member of the House of Burgesses. 305. McDowell, MRS. HERVEY (Louise Irvine). 13 West Mill Street, Cynthiana, Kentucky. Third in descent from Samuel McDowell, 1735-1783. Member of the House of Burgesses. 178. McGUIRE, MRS. HUNTER (Mary Stuart). 513 East Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Henry Peyton, 1781. Member of the House of Burgesses, Lieutenant oi Prince William County. 52 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 418. McGUIRE, MISS MARY MADISON. 2121 O Street, Washington, D, C. Seventh in descent from Colonel George Reade, 1671. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 747. McGILVRA, MRS. SETH CURTIS (Kittredge Scott). 105 North Fifth Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in descent from John Madison. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1235. McNEIL, MRS. WALTER (Martha Dabney Chamber- layne) . 411 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from William Byrd, 1649-1704. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council, Receiver and Auditor General. 47. McLAIN, MISS LIZZIE.* Tenth in descent from John Rolfe, 1585-1622. Secretary of State and Recorder General, Member of the Council, 399. MERCER, MRS. CORBIN (Fanny Burwell Nelson). 501 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in descent from William Nelson, 1711-1772. President of the Council and Acting Governor. 773. MICHAUX, MRS. JACOB (Wilhelmine Henry Johnson). 323 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Ninth in descent from Nicholas Martin, 1591-1656. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1623-31-33. 414. MILLER, MRS. R. W. (Susan Beime Patton).t Richmond, Kentucky. Fifth in descent from Samuel McDowell, 1735-1817. Member of the House of Bur- gesses, Captain in Colonial Wars. LIST OF MEMBERS 56 690. MILLER, MISS ELVIRA HENRY. 314 Harrison Street, Lynchburg^. Virginia. Eighth in descent from John West, L590-1659. Governor of Vir- ginia, 1635-37. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 851. MILLER, MRS. MASON (Fanny Braxton Young). 412 West FrankHn Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Robert Carter, 1663-1732. Governor of Virginia. 103. MILLHOLLAND, MRS. J. A. (Virginia R. K.).* Seventh in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Speaker of the Houses of Burgesses. 429. MINETREE, MRS. J. P. (Betty Epps). 1723 P. Street, Washington, D. C. Seventh in descent from Richard Bennett, 1674. Governor of Vir- ginia, 1652-1655. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 845. MINOR, MRS. R. T. (Mary Bransford). Box 149, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Miles Carey, 1620-1667. Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. 155. MITCHELL, MRS. W. N. (Mary Warren Otey). 46 Columbia Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia. Sixth in de- scent from James Patton, 1753. Colonial Wars. 706. MITCHELL, MRS. S. P. (Matty Holladay). 321 Washington Street, Petersburg, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Colonel Thomas Godwin, -1714. Speaker of the House of Burgesses, Commandant of Nansemond County. 64 SOCIETY O? eOBONIAL DAMES 946. MITCHELL, MISS MARY E. Staunton, Virginia. Seventh in descent frOrii Benjamin Scott, 1625-1682. A London Commissioner and a Founder of the Town of Burlington, New Jersey. 102. MONTAGUE, MRS. MEREDITH (Emily T>ouise Trip- lett). 55 East 65th Street, New York City. Eighth in descent from William Ball, 1615-1680. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1670-1677. 300. MONTAGUE, MISS HELEN.* Eighth in descent fmom Peter Montague, 1603-1659. Member of the House of Burgesses. 374. MONTAGUE, MRS. A. J. (EHzabeth Lyne Hoskins). 1111 Grove Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in de- scent from William Lyne. Member of the House of Burgesses. 672. MONTAGUE, MRS, JEFFRY (Harriotte Lee Taliaferro). 106 North Linden Street, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Richard Lee, 1626-1663. Member of of the House of Burgesses, and of the Coxmcil, Secretary of State. 1183. MONTAGUE, MRS. J. J. (Anne Leiper Turner). 811 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Alexander Spotswood, 1676-1740. Gov- ernor of Virginia. 388. MONCURE, MRS. WILLUM (Belle Chapman). 525 North Blount Street, Raleigh, North Carolina. Eighth in descent from William Bernard, 1665. Member of the Council. 1189. MONCURE, MISS GABRIELLA BROOKE. 2326 19th Street, Washington, D. C. Ninth in descent from Dudley Diggs, 1621-1676. Governor of Virginia. LIST OF MEMBERS 6o^ 82. MOORE, MRS. WARNER (Marie Dunlop). 813 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Ninth in descent from John West, 1659. Governor of Virginia, 1636-1637. 493. MOORE, MRS. T. L. (Dorothy AUison).* Seventh in descent from Robert Brooke, 1602-1655. Member of the Council and Acting Governor of Mary- land. 781. MOORE, MRS. WILLARD E. (Florence Cabell). 120 Brunswick Street, Rochester, New York. Fourth in descent from George Carrington, 1711-1785. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 1030. MORAN, MRS. JANE W. BLACKBURN. 1255 New Hampshire Avenue, Washington, D. C. Fourth in descent from Richard Blackburn. Member of the House of Burgesses. 273. MORGAN, MRS. W. F. (Ethel Evelyn Smith). Post Office Box 104, Cooperstown, New York. Seventh in descent from Robert Beverly, 1686. Clerk of the House of Burgesses, and Member of the Council. 298. MORRIS, MRS. J. A. (Augusta Kent). 216 East Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Major John Mason, 1606-1672. Deputy Governor of Connecticut. 285. MORRIS, MRS. SARAH ELIZABETH WITHERS. 502 Greenup Street, Covington, Kentucky. Fourth in descent from Charles Lynch, 1700-1753. Member of the House of Burgesses. 762. MORTON, MRS. W. J. (Dorothy Ashby Moncure). Christ Church Rectory, Alexandria, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Edwin Conway. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1710-1742. 56 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 891. MORTON, MRS. JOHN (Florence Massie). 605 Dinwiddie Street, Lynchburg, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Richard Cocke, 1600-1665. Member of the House of Burgesses. 161. MOSBY, MRS. JUNIUS (Louise Burwell). 1800 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Lewis Burwell, 1710. Member of the Council. 651. MOSBY, MRS. C. L. (Corinne L. Nichols). Norfolk, Virginia. 'Ninth in descent from Andrew Ward, 1665. One of the first Governors of Connecticut. 707. MOYLER, MRS. JOHN (Mary Rowland Zlmmer). 147 Sycamore Stree, Pettersburg, Virginia. Tenth in descent from Sir George Yeardley, 1627. Gover- nor ot Virginia. 1055. MUNFORD, MRS. EDWARD S. (Lucy Nowell Clark). 2200 R. Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. Fourth in descent from Seth Ward, Member of the House of Bur- gesses. 739. MURDAUGH, MRS. ALBERT (Elizabeth Beverly Corse). The Plains, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Robert Beverly, 1657. Clerk of the House of Burgesses. 682. MYERS, MRS. F. K. (Roberta Atkinson Smith). f 22 King Street, Charleston ,South Carolina. Sixth in descent from Gideon Macon. Member of the House of Borgesses. 916. MYERS, MRS. BARTON (Kate Baldwin). , Norfolk, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Philip Bris- coe, 1724. Burgess for Charles County, Mary- land. LIST OF MEMBERS 67 N 1232. NALLE, MRS. EDWARD C. (Ella Ashby Bernard). The Cairo, Washington, D. C. Eighth in descent from Colonel John Stith. Member of the House of Burgesses. 929. NELSON, MRS. B. C. (Mary Harrison). 401 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from William Nelson, 1711-1772. President of the Colony of Virginia. 1107. NELSON, MRS. ROBERT C. (Mary Brame). The Hanover, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Alexander Spotswood, 1676-1740. Governor of Virginia. 1271. NELSON, MISS MARY ETHELINDE. R. F. D. 5, Henrico County, Virginia. Fourth in de- sdent from Thomas Nelson, 1728-1762. Signer of the Declaration of Independence. 906. NEWTON, MRS. VIRGINIUS (Mary Barksdale). 500 Roland Avenue, Roland Park, Baltimore, Maryland. Fifth in descent from Colonel John Bannister, 1734- 1788. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1012. NEWTON, MRS. WILLLVM B. (Mary Shields). 28 Boissevain Avenue, Norfolk, Virginia. Ninth in de- scent from Himiphrey Tabb, 1662. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1290. NORTHROP, MRS. WILLIAM (Lelia Skipwith Blair). "Norcroft" Manchester Station, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Samuel Jordon, 1789. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 68 SOCIETY OP COIONIAL DAMES 1018. NORTON, MISS NANNIE BURWELL. 616 Prince Street, Alexandria, Virginia. Eighth in de- Scent from Lewis Burwell, 1710-1752. Membei' of the House of Bxirgesses, and of the Gotmcil. Acting Gover- nor 1750. 633. OLIVIER, MRS. G. W. (Katherine Roy Pollard).* Ninth in descent from Augustin Warner, 1642-1681. Speaker of the House of Burgesses and Member of the Council. 790. OLCUTT, MISS ANNA MILES. 36 Mallery Place, Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania. Eighth in descent from Colonel Miles Cary, 1680-1724. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, 1702-1704-1706. 109. OPPENHEIMER, MRS. W. T. (Sarah Sergeant Mayo). 106 North Ninth Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in the descent from John Mayo, 1739-1780. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1769-70-71^ Member of the Convention of 1775. 613. ORTON, MRS. B. F. (Isabella Adair Pleasants). The Newport, Sixteenth and Spruce Streets, Philadel- I)hia, Pennsylvania. Seventh in descent from Richard Cocke, 1600-1665. Member of the House of Burgesses and County Lieutenant for Henrico. 111. OTEY, MRS. P. J. (Mollie Floyd). 907 Floyd Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Third in de- Scent from William Preston. Member of the House of Burgesses... LIST OF MEMBERS S9^ 1103. t)VERBY, MISS FRANCES HUNT. The Hanover, Richmond, Virginia. Tenth in descent froih Colonel John Page, 1692. Metnber of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. SS: PAGE, MRS. HUGH N. (Sally Newton). 154 York Street, Norfolk, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Colonel George Newton, 1678-1763. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1723-1726. 700. PAGE, MISS MILDRED NELSON. University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia. Sev- enth in descent from John Page, 1627-1692. Member of the Council. 1045. PAGE, MRS. EMILY CABELL CARRINGTON. The Ethelhurst, Washington, D. C. Sixth in descent from John Page, 1627-1692. Member of the Council. 15G. PARKER, MISS ALICE N. 3439 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Fifth in descent from William Parker, 1703-1781. Judge of Admiralty, Member of Assembly, and Judge of the Su- preme Court of Massachusetts. 661 PARKER, MRS. H. H. (Charlotte Taylor Boykin). 616 Spaulding Building, Portland, Oregon. Fourth in descent from WilHam Bibb, 1735-1789. Member of the House of Burgesses. Ma PATTESON, MISS ANNE HARRIS. 327 West Seventy-Sixth Street, New York City. Eighth ill descent from Edward Diggs, 1621-1676. Governor of Virginia. 60 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 997. PATTEN, MRS. JOHN D. (Jeanie Maury Coyle). 2212 R. Street, Washington, D. C. Eighth in descent from Henry Fleete, Member of the House of Burgesses^ 1652. 292. PATTERSON, MRS. M. C. (Juanita Massie). Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Richard Cocke, 1600-1665, Member of the House of Burgesses and County Lieutenant. 953. PATTERSON, MRS. EDMUND H. (Susan Meade). 39 Union Street, Petersburg, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Sir Richard Everard, 1683-1733. Governor o£ North Carolina. 981. PATTILLO, MRS. W. A. (Grace Hank). Lynchburg, Virginia. Sixth in descent from John Brice, 1670-1713. Member of the Maryland House of Bur- gesses. 360. PAULSON, MRS. F. G. (Kate Macon). 515 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Fifth in de- scent from Gideon Macon, Member of the House of Burgesses. 869. PAUL, MRS. ROCKINGHAM (Susan Baldwin Gray). 1202 South Jefferson Street, Roanoke, Virginia. Fourth in descent from John Peyton, 1691-1760. Member of the House of Burgesses. 342. PECHIN, MRS. EDMUND C. (Mary Shelby). Buchanan, Virginia. Eighth in descent from George Dennison, 1620-1694. For fifteen sessions Member of the General Court of Connecticut, Captain in the Nar- ragansett Swamp fight in 1675. LIST OF MEMBERS 61 1192. PEGRAM, MRS. ROBERT B. (Susan Wright). Charleston, South CaroHna. Sixth in descent from Hancock Lee, 1653-1709. Member of the House of Burgesses. 367. PEMBERTON, MRS. J. L. (Josephine Lyons). The Chesterfield, Richmond, Virginia. Ninth in de- scent from John West, 1509-1059. Governor of Vir- ginia, 1635-1637. 83. PENDLETON, MRS. EDMUND (Margaret Riviere Hetzel). Laurel, Prince George County, Maryland. Fifth in de- scent from Colonel Samuel Selden, 1695-1745. Deputy for Lyme at General Court and Colonel in Indian Wars. 92. PERKINS, MRS. ALICE LEE MONCURE. 414 West Franlvlin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Colonel Gerard Fowke, -1669. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1663. 189. PERKINS, MRS. MONCURE (Lizzie Langhome). 413 West Franl<:lin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from John Langhome. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1748. 333. PERKINS, MISS MARY BELL. 414 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Edwin Conway. Member of House of Burgesses, 1710-1742. 284. PETERS, MRS. W. E. (Mary Sheffey).* Third in descent from William Preston, 1719 , Member of the House of Burgesses^. 980. PETTIT, MRS. L. O. (Kate Lewis Ayers). Big Stone Gap, Virginia. Seventh in descent from John Lewis, 1738. Commander of the Militia of Beverlv Manor. 62 SOCIETY OP- COLONIAL DAMES 16. PEYTON, MRS. THOMAS G. (Anne Gary).* Fourth in descent from Colonel Peter Jefferson, 1708-' 1757. Member of the House of Btirgesses. 736. PEYTON, MRS. RANDOLPH (Cornelia Fitz). 226 East Capitol Street, Washington, D. C. Ninth in descent from John West, 1590-1659. Governor of Vir- ginia and Member of the Council. 411. PINCKNEY, MRS. THOMAS (Camilla Scott). t Charleston, South Carolina. Ninth in descent from John West, 1590-1659. Governor of Virginia, and Mem- ber of the Council. 880. PINCKNEY, MRS. C. C. (Eliza Morton Morris). 803 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from James Craik, 1730-1814. Surgeon of the First Virginia Regiment, French and Indian Wars. 6. PLEASANTS, MRS. M. F. (Lydia Mosby).* Ninth in descent from John Rolfe, 1585-1622. Sec- retary of State and Recorder General, Member of the Council. 13. PLEASANTS, MRS. J. ADAIR (Virginia Gary Mosby).* 508 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Archibald Gary, 1720-1786. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1748-1774, Colonial Com- mittee of Correspondence, 1773-1774, Convention, 1775. 40. PLEASANTS, MISS VIRGINIA MOSBY. 11 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Attorney General, Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 93. PLEASANTS, MISS LOUISA McLAIN. 508 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Tenth in descent from John Rolfe, 1585-1622. Secretary of State and Recorder General, Member of the Council. LIST OF MEMBERS 63 1155. POLE, MRS. EDGAR A. (Mary Brockenbrough Clay- brook). Hot Springs, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Robert Carter, 1663-1732. Speaker of the House of Burgesses, Treasurer, President of the Coimcil and Acting Gover- nor. 239. POLK, MRS. RUFUS J. (Cynthia Martin). 501 East Seventh Street, Little Rock, Arkansas. Third in descent from Josiah Payne. Jr., 1734-1784. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, 1769. 802. POWELL, MRS. R. C. (Mary C. Gregory). 201 North Washington, Street, Alexandria, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Tristram Coffin, 1605-1681. Chief Magistrate or Deputy Governor of Nantucket. 901. POWELL, MISS REBECCA C, Alexandria, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Valentine Peyton, 1686-1751. Member of the House of Burgesses. 120. PRICE, MRS. THOMAS R. (Lizzie Campbell Triplett). 123 Huntington Place, Mount Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fourth in descent from Dr. James Craik, 1750-1814. Surgeon of the First Virginia Regiment. In French and Indian Wars. 1175. PRITCHETT, MRS. JAMES I. Jr.,(Mary Drake). 162 Sutherlin Avenue, Danville, Virginia. Sixth in de- scent from John Alston. Associate Justice of the Colony of North Carolina, 1724-1730. 20. PRYOR, MRS. ROGER A. (Sarah Agnes Rice).* Third in descent from Reverend David Rice, 1733-1783. Founder of a Colonial College. 1268. PRYOR, MRS. A. C. (Anne Augusta Bannister). 2119 California Avenue, Washington, D. C. Ninth in descent from John Rolfe, 1685-1622. Secretary of State, Recorder General, Member of the Council. 64 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES Q 64. QUINLIN, MRS. LEONARD G. (Mary Amis).t 18 East Twenty-fourth Street, New York City. Fifth in descent from George Taylor, 1711-1792. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1748-1758, and of Convention of 1775. R 1220. RANDOLPH, MRS. BEVERLEY H. (Mary Archer). 215 Shafer Street, Richmond, Virginia. Ninth in de- scent from John Rolfe, 1585-1622. Secretary of State and Recorder General. Member of the Coimcil. 1280. RAWL, MRS. BERNARD H. (Mary Dandridge Bunting). The Ontario, Washington, D. C. Fourth in descent from John West, 1590- . Governor of Virginia, 1635-37. 177. RANNIE, MRS. W. R. (LilHe Estel Goodloe).t 419 Forsythe Street, Jacksonville, Florida. Sixth in de- scent from John Peyton. 1691-1760. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1736-1757-1758. 400. READ, MRS. ST. JOHN H., Jr., (Marguerite Walters Burruss). 201 Duke Street, Norfolk, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Obadiah Holmes, 1606-1682. Commissioner to General Court of Providence Plantations, 1655-1676. 506. REED, MRS. W. T. (Alice Burwell). 1009 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sev- enth in descent from Lewis Bui*well, 1710. Mem- ber of the Council. LIST OF MEMBERS 65 468. REID, MRS. LEGH W. (Emma C. Jackson). 504 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia. Fourth in de- scent from James Taylor, 1732-1814. Member of the House of Burgesses. 701. RENAHAN, MRS. J. A. (Evelyn Marshall Kinney). 606 West One Hundred and Fifteenth Street, New York City. Fourth in descent from Jacquelin Ambler, 1742- 1798. Member of the Council. 234. RENNOLDS, MRS. ROBERT G. (Nellie Anderson). 202 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from John Addison, 1706. Member of the Maryland Council. 890. RENSHAW, MRS. R. H. (Anne Carter Wickham). University of Virginia, Virginia. Seventh in descent from John Carter, -1669. Commander-in-Chief of forces sent against the Rappahannock Indians. 1213. RENSHAW, MRS. W. C. W. (Martha Harvie Chafhn). Huntington, West Virginia. Ninth in descent from Thomas Purefoy. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 258. REYNOLDS, MRS. MATTIE BRUCE. 502 Greenup Street, Covington, Kentucky. Seventh in descent from Robert Beverly, 1680. Clerk of the House of Burgesses, Member of the Council and Officer in Colonial Wars. 96. RICE, MRS. H. C. (Marie Gordon Pryor).t Coles Ferry Post Office, Charlotte County, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Richard Bennett, 1674. Governor of Virginia. 1089. RICH, MRS. JOHN E. (Priscilla Withers Burwell). Burlington, New Jersey. Fifth in descent from John Blair, 1686-1771. Member of the House of Burgesses. 66 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 987. RICHARDS, MRS. WALTER B. (Mary M. Cocke). Riverside, Riverton, Warren County, Virginia. Ninth in descent from John Rolfe, 1585-1622. Member of the Coimcil, Secretary of the State and Recorder General. 504. RICHARDSON, MRS. JOHN (Mary Claiborne.) 1215 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, Mar>'land. Eighth in descent from Colonel John West, 1590-1659. Member of the House of Burgesses, and the Coimcil. Governor of Virginia. 1230. RIELY, MRS. HENRY C. (Marie Antoinette Evans). 1804 Park Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in de- scent from Valentine Peyton, 1686-1751. Member of House of Burgesses. 324. ROACH, MRS. M. C. (Catherine Shepard). 92 Highland Avenue, Yonkers, New York. Eighth in descent from Miles Cary, 1620-1667. Member of the Council. 995. ROBERTSON, MRS. ALEXANDER F. (Margaret Bris- coe Stuart). 120 Church Street, Staunton, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Valentine Peyton, 1686-1751. Member of the House of Burgesses. 78. ROBERTS, MRS. PERCY (Mary Skipwith). 795 North President Street, Jackson, Mississippi. Sixth in descent from Lewis Burwell 1710. Member of the Council. 81. ROBINS, MRS. W. T. (Sally Berkeley Nelson). Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in descent from William Nelson, 1711-1772. President of the Council and Act- ing Governor. LIST OP MEMBERS 67 417. ROBINS, MRS. C. R. (Evelyn Spottswood Berkeley). 8 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Edmond Berkeley, 1718. Member of the Council and County Lieutenant of Middlesex. 798. ROBINS, MRS. W. R. (Josephine Knox). . 211 West Lanvale Street, Baltimore, Md. Fifth in descent from Gerard Fowke, 1602-1734. Member of Maryland Colonial Assembly. 1. ROBINSON, MRS. W. RUSSELL (EvelynByrd Cabell).* Fourth in descent from Colonel Samuel Jordan, 1707- 1789. Member of the House of Burgesses, County Lieutenant of Buckingham. 203. ROBINSON, MRS. C. C. (Eliza Calloway Hubard).* Ninth in descent from John Rolfe, 1585-1622. Secretary of State and Member of the Council. 420. ROBINSON, MISS ELIZABETH MARSHALL.* Fourth in descent from Colonel Edwin Conway, 1681- 1763. Member of the House of Burgesses. 795.' . ROBINSON, MRS. T. W. (Frances Johnston). 428 North Washington Street, Alexandria, Virginia. Fourth in descent from George Johnston, 1700-1765. Member of the House of Burgesses. 861. ROBINSON, MRS. POITIAUX (Anne Hoomes Maury). 818^ West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. SixLh in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Attor- ney General, Member of the Council and Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 1267. ROBINSON, MISS MARTHA MAURY. 818H West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sev- enth in descent from WilHam Randolph, 1651-1711. At- torney General, Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council... 68 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 1162. ROBINSON, MRS. LEIGH (Alice Morson). The Farragut, Washington, D. C. Fourth in descent from Colonel William Cabell, 1730-1798. Member of the House of Burgesses. 318. ROLLER, MRS. JOHN E, (Lucy Brown Cabell). Harrisonburg, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Wil- liam Cabell, 1730-1798. Member of the House of Bur- gesses. 494. ROPER, MRS. BARTLETT (Elizabeth Anne Paul).* Fifth in descent from Alexander Spottswood, 1676-1740. Governor of Virginia. 1037. ROPER, MISS MARY PAUL. 22 South Market Street, Petersburg, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Alexander Spotswood, 1676-1740. Gov- ernor of Virginia. 675. ROSE, MRS. RUTHERFORD (Irene Tinsley).. Ginter Park, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Christopher Robinson, 1645-1693. Secretary of State, Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 236. ROUT, MRS. G. H. (Mary Young). Versailles, Kentucky. Fourth in descent from John Witherspoon, D. D. Signer of the Declaration of Inde- pendence. 666. ROUS, MRS. CHARLES (Frances A. Wood).t 252 West Hoffman Street, Baltimore, Maryland. Fifth in descent from Colonel John Nash, 1776. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and Coimty Lieutenant. 671. ROWLAND, MISS KATE MASON. 1610 Hanover Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Colonel George Mason I, 1626-1686. Member of the House of Burgesses, County Lieutenant of Stafford. LIST OF MEMBERS 69 27. ROYALL, MRS. W. L. (Judith Page Aylett). Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Patrick Henry, 1736-1799. Member of the House of Burgesses, of Continental Congress, 1774, and of Convention, 1775. 777. ROYALL, MRS. AUGUSTINE (Mary EHzabeth Ball). Forest Hill, Manchester, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Captain Thomas Harris. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1623, 1647. 198. RUCKER, MRS. DANA H. (Lulie Harrison). 300 Allen Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in de- scent from Benjamin Harrison, 1683-1710. Attorney General, Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 232. RUGGLES, MRS. C. H. ((Virginia Cabell). Kenosha Wisconsin. Third in descent from Colonel William Cabell, 1730-1798. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1757-1774, County Lieutenant of Amherst, Member of Conventions 1771-1775, and of Committee of Safety, 1775. 864. RUTHERFORD, MISS JANE MEADE. 822 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Colonel Samuel Jordan, 1789. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and County Lieutenant of Buckingham. S 52. SANDS, MRS. C. E. (Letitia Smith). f 125 East Twenty-first Street, New York City. Sixth in descent from Richard Lee, 1666. Secretary of of State and Member of the Council. L; 70 SOCIETY OP COLONIAL DAMES 2A9, SAMPSON, MRS. JOHN R. (Annie E. Woods).t Pantops, Charlottesville, Virginia. Fourth in descent from David Kennedy, 1783. Lieutenant of Vir- ginia Troops, 1755-1762. 490. SAMS, MISS FANNIE FORTESCUE. 122 Boush Street, Norfolk, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Miles Gary, 1620-1667. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 144. SCOTT, MRS. M. T. (Julia Green). Bloomington, Illinois. Sixth in descent from John Washington, 1629-1677. Wember of the House of Burgesses, 1666-1676. 554. SCOTT, MISS FRANCES BRANCH. 712 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Christopher Branch, 1600-1682. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 686. SCOTT, MRS. T. B. (Dora Stuart McGill). 815 Floyd Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Eleventh in descent from Thomas Dudley, 1576-1653. One of the Founders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Gover- nor of Massachusetts; one of the Founders of Harvard College. 848. SCOTT, MRS. R, G. (Ann Kittredge Thompson). 105 North Fifth Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Oliver Whiting, 1665-1736. Represent- ative to the General Court of Massachusetts, 1719, 1720, 1728. 885. SCOTT, MRS. JAMES A. (Anne Norvell Otey). 806 Court Street, Lynchburg, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Colonel Thomas Pettus. Member of the Council, 1642-1660. LIST OF MEMBERS 71 944. SCOTT, MRS. LOUTS S. (Mary Donaldson PoweU). 201 North Washington Street, Alexandria, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Colonel George Braxton, 1677- 1748. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1718-23- 26-34. 485. SCRIVENOR, MRS. ARTHUR (Lucy Cargill Pegram). 1002 West Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in de- scent from Benjamin Waller, 1716-1786. Member of the House of Burgesses. 59. SELDEN, MRS. CHARLES (Bessie Taylor). Ill North Fifth Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Francis Thornton, 1680 . Member of the House of Burgesses, 1723-1726. 1145. SELDEN, MISS CHARLOTTE COLGATE. Harlem Hospital, One Hundred and Thirty-six Street and Lenox Avenue, New York City. Eighth on de- scent from Moore Fauntleroy, 1665. Member of the House of Burgesses. 959. SENFF, MRS, C. H. (Gustavia A. Tapscott). Warren, Albemarle County, Virginia. Sixth in descent from John Waller, 1670-1754. Member of the House of Burgesses. 699. SHANDS,MRS. A. R. (Agnes Horner). 901 Sixteenth Street, Washington, D. C. Seventh in descent from Colonel Gerard Fowke 1669. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 811. SHEPPERD, MRS. HAMBLETON (Emily Carrington Page). The Ethelhurst, Washington, D. C. Seventh in descent from John Page, 1627-1692. Member of the Council. 72 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMEvS 113. COMTESSE de SIBOUR, (Mary Louise Johnson).* Seventh in descent from Edward Johnson, 1599-1672. Speaker of the Massachusetts Legislature. 170. SIMONS, MRS. W. W. (CaroHne Taliaferro Miller). f Eighth in descent from Robert Beverly, 1686. Clerk of the House of Burgesses and Member of the Council. 684. SIMPSON, MRS. R. W. (Maria Louise Garlington).* Fourth in descent from Edwin Conway, 1681-1763. Member of the House of Burgesses. 844. SLAUGHTER, MISS JULIA EDMONU. 311 East Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Clement Read, 1707-1763. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1748-1763, County Lieutenant of Lunenburg County. 487. SMALL, MRS. GEORGE (Mary Grant Jackson).* Sixth in descent from James Taylor, 1732-1814. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 58. SMITH, MISS MARGARET VOWELL. Alexander, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Augus- tine Warner, 1642-1681. Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses. 67. ;; SMITH, MRS. F. L. (Sarah Gosnelle VoweU).* Seventh in descent from Augustine Warner, Sr., 1611 1674. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council, 1659-1674. LIST OF MEMBERS 73 151. SMITH, MISS EDITH MINTUM. Willamsburg, Virginia. Ninth in descent from Roger Williams, 1598-1683. Founder of the Colony of Rhode Island. 185. SMITH, MRS. R. H. (Mary Douthat Barton). Care Planters National Bank, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Lewis Burwell, 1752. Pres- ident of the Council and Acting Governor. 218. SMITH, MRS. C. E. (Stella Hagan).* Seventh in descent from Richard Webb, 1719. Member of Assembly of Pennsylvania, 1705. 497. SMITH, MRS. HARWELL (Mary Brockenbrough).t 353 Telfair Street, Augusta, Georgia. Fourth in de- scent from John Mayo, 1737-1786. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1769-1772, and of Convention of 1775. 500. SMITH, MRS. BLAND SPOTSWOOD. 300 East Grace Street. Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Alexander Spotswood, 1676-1740. Gov- ernor of Virginia, 1710-1722. 695. SMITH, MRS. S. F. (Neville Mitchell). f York, Pennsylvania. Seventh in descent from John West, 1590-1639. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council and Governor of Virginia. 734. SMITH, MRS. G. A. (Mary Edmonia Taylor). 829 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from James Taylor, 1674-1729. IMember of the House of Burgesses. 814. SMOOT, MRS. W. B. (Margaret Le Compte Cator). 804 Prince Street, Alexandria, Virginia. Eighth in de- scent from Anthony Le Compte, 1673. Justice of Dorchester County, Maryland. 74 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 1024. SMOOT, MRS. WILLIAM A. Jr., (Harriet Fuller Ansley). Alexandria, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Robert Gibbs, 1644-1715. Treasurer of Province, 1670. Mem- ber of Coimcil, 1702. Chief Justice, 1708, Governor, 1710. 1057. SMOOT, MRS. WILLIAM A. Sr., (Bettie McGuire). 1111 Oronoco Street, Alexandria, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Colonel John Washington, 1627-1677. Member of the House of Burgesses. 973. SNOWDEN, MRS. HUBERT (Edith Ashby). 627 South Lee Street, Alexandria, Virginia. Third in descent from Captain John Ashby, 1740-1815. Cap- tain of Division of Troops sent against Border Indians by Lord Dunmore, 1774. 97. SPENCER, MRS. J. B. C. (Sallie 'Peachy).* Sixth in descent from John Blair, 1686-1771. Acting Governor of Virginia, 1768. 283. SPEER, MRS. A. A. (Mary Switzer Mead). Eighth in descent from Peter Montague, 1603-1659. Member of the House of Burgesses. 849. SPILLMAN, MRS. W. M. (Hennigham Lyons Scott). 909 Floyd Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Gerard Fowke, 1669. Member of the House of Burgesses. 407. STAIR, MRS. JACOB (Emma Brent). 258 Market Street, York, Pennsylvania. Sixth in de- scent from Gideon Macon. Member of the House of Burgesses. 963. STABLER, MRS. LAURENCE (Lucy Chandlee Lead- beater) . Alexandria, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Thomas Lloyd, 1640-1694, Deputy Governor of Pennsylvania. LIST OF MEMBERS 75 1256. STACY, MRS. CHARLES S. (Virginia Lewis). 803 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Charles Lewis, 1732-1774. Member of the House of Burgesses. Colonel of Virginia Militia. 159. STAHL, MRS. B. F. (Mary Byvank Watson).* Ninth in descent from John Rolfe, 1585-1622. Secre- tary of State and Recorder General, Member of the Council. 483. STANARD, MRS. W. G. (Mary Mann Page Newton). 1010 Floyd Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in de- scent from William Byrd, 1674-1744. Receiver Gen- eral and President of the Council. 755. STARR, MISS FRANCES LEIGH. Box 696, Newport News, Virginia. Eighth in descent from William Ball, 1615-1680. Member of the House of Burgesses. 123. STEGAR, MRS. F. D. (Ida Ellett).* Eighth in descent from John Rolfe, 1585-1622. Sec- retary and Recorder General and Member of the Council. 539. STETTINIUS, MRS. E. R. (Judith Carrington).t Sixth in descent from George Carrington, 1711-1785. Member of the House of Burgesses and County Lieu- tenant. 36. STEWART, MRS. JOHN (Mary Amanda Williamson).* Third in descent from William Byrd, 1674-1744. Pres- ident of the Coimcil. 870. STEWART, MRS. J. CALVIN (Avis Macy Barney). 1031 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Thomas Macy, 1682. Member of the Massachusetts Legislature. 76 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 852. ST. JOHN, MRS. W. H. (Eleanor Tarleton Reynolds). 81 Sigoumey Street, Hartford, Connecticut. Sixth in descent from Philip Lightfoot, 1689-1748. Member of the CouncU, 1733-1747. 573. STOKES, MISS MARGARET PICKETT. Stokes Post Office, Virginia. Ninth in descent from Edmund Scarburg, 1634. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1629-31-32. 35. STORER, MRS. BELLAMY (Maria Longworth). Cincinnati, Ohio. Seventh in descent from Captain Thomas Stegge, 1651. Speaker of the House of Burgesses, 1642. 633. STRATTON, MRS. H. P. (Ella Lawrence). 143 South Sycamore Street, Petersburg, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Thomas Lawrence, 1703. Officer in Colonial Wars, New York. 735. STRINGFELLOW, MISS MARGARET BURWELL. 318 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Alexander Spottswood, 1676-1740. Governor of Virginia. 73. STRONG. MRS. W. E. (Alice Corbin Smith). 5 East Sixty-Fifth Street, New York City. Seventh in descent from Henry Corbin, 1629-1675. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 1000. STRONG, MRS. W. C. (Mary Dallas). 2000 H Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Fifth in descent from Augustine Washington, 1694-1743. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 505. STROTHER, MRS. W. M. (Roberta Morgan). 601 Madison Street, Lynchburg, Virginia. Eighth in descent from John Stith. Member of the House of Burgesses. LIST OF MEMBERS 77 1293. STRUDWICK, MRS. EDMUND (Nannie Hughes). 822 Park Avenue. Fifth in descent from William Eaton, Member of the General Assembly of North Carolina, 1746-1753. 1156. STUART, MISS FLORA. Wythville, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Will- iam Randolph, 1651-1711. Speaker of the House of Burgesses, Attorney General. One of the Founders of William and Mary College. 1257. STUART, MISS SALLIE ASHTON. 719 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia. Eighth in de- scent from Charles Ashton, 1712-1781. Member of the House of Burgesses. 911. SUTER, MISS MARY DAVIDSON. 3026 N Street, Washington, D. C. Sixth in descent from George Reade, 1600-1671. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council, Acting Governor. 801. SWANSON, MRS. CLAUDE A. (EHzabeth Deane Lyons). Chatham, Virginia. Fourth in descent from George Carrington, 1711-1785. Member of the House of Burgesses. 380. TALIAFERRO, MISS JULIA. 314 North Twenty-Third Street, Omaha, Nebraska. Sixth in descent from John Taliaferro, 1720, Member of House of Burgesses. 518. TALIAFERRO, MRS, P. P. (Carrie Triplett). The Shirley, Richmond, Virginia. Ninth in descent from Richard Townshend. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 78 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 1265. TANNER, MRS. WALTER S. (Emily Knox). 1308 Grove Avenue, Richmond. Seventh in descent from Gideon Macon, Member of the House of Bur- gesses, 1696. 482. TAYLOR, MRS. HENRY P. (Mary Giles Robinson). Second Street Road, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from John Robins, 1734. Member of House of Burgesses. 64. THOMAS, MRS. W. D. (Maria L. Powell). 1121 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Valentine Peyton, 1751. Member of House of Burgesses, 1736. 332 THOMAS, MRS. RICHARD S. (Frances Boykin Jordan).* Seventh in descent from Thomas Godwin, 1677. Spealvcr of the House of Btirgesses. 427. THOMAS, MISS NANNIE JORDAN. Smithfield, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Thomas Godwin, 1677. Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses. 863. THOMAS, MRS. MATTIE BETTS. 312 Harrison Street, Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Matthew Marable. Member of the House of Burgesses from Mecklenburg County, 1768-1774. 1019. THOMAS, MRS. EMILY RIDLEY. 128 Dul<;e Street, Norfolk, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Humphrey Tabb 1662. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1129. THOMPSON, MRS. MORVEN (Page Carr Fox). 2127 R Street, Washington, D. C. Seventh in descent from John Armistead, 1635-1698. Member of the House of Bxirgesses. LIST OF MEMBERS 79 1136. THORNTON, MRS. R. EWELL (Sue Plummer). Fairfax, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Richard Bennett, 1666. Member of the Cotmcil and Governor of Virginia. 80. THURMOND, MRS. SOPHY DABNEY.f Seventh in descent from Augustine Warner, Jr., 1642- 1681. Member of the Coimcil and Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 149. TILLFORD, MRS. J. G. (Cornelia Van Ness Dean). 2013 O Street, Washington, D. C. Fifth in descent from James Taylor, 1727. Member of the House of Burgesses. 472. TOMPKINS, MRS. W. F. (Ann Tate Harrison). 1601 Grove Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Alexander Spottswood, 1676-1740. Gov- ernor of Virginia. 486. TOMPKINS, MRS. CHRISTOPHER (Bessie McCaw). 116 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Ninth in descent from Edward Diggs, 1621-1671. Governor of Virginia. 4. TRENT, MRS. PETERFIELD (Lucy Carter Burwell).* Sixth in descent from Edward Diggs, 1621-1671. Gov- smor of Virginia 182. TRIMBLE, MRS. W. P. (Cannie Webb Ford). 1019 Terry Avenue, Seattle, Washington. Sixth in descent from Cuthbert Span, 1700. Member of the House of Burgesses. 48. TRIPPE, MRS. MARTHA GARLAND WALKER. Fifth in descent from Henry Fitzhugh, 1686-1758. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 50 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 28. TROUBETSKOY, PRINCESS AMELIE. Castle Hill, Albemarle County, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Dr. Thomas Walker, 1714-1794. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, of Conventions of 1774-75 and of the Colonial Committee of Safety. 1775. 1086. TUGGLE, MISS MARIA VASS. Blackstone, Nottoway County, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Richard Lee 1664. Member of the Council and Secretary of State. 887. TURK, MRS. R. S. (Wilhe Ann Cary). 333 East Brawley Street, Staunton, Virginia Fouth in descent from John Mathews, 1757. Officer in Colonial War. 436. TURNBULL, MISS NELLIE ARMJSTEAD. The Brlstoe, Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Maryland. Fifth in descent from John Stith. Member of the House of Burgesses. 290. TUTTLE, MRS. ALBERT H. (Kate Austin Seeley). University of Virginia, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Captain Isaac Cowles, 1675-1756. Ensign, Lieutenant and Captain of the Second Company of Farmington and Represented Farmington in the General Court. 105. TYLER, MRS. LYON G. (Annie Baker Tucker). Williamsburg, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Rich- ard Bennett, 1674. Governor of Virginia. 750. VALENTINE, MRS. G. G. (EHse Calvin Bragg). 12 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Ninth in descent from Augustine Warner, Sr., 1610-1674. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. LIST OP MEMBERS 81 1235. VALENTINE, MRS. EDWARD P. (Martha Dabney Chambcrlaync) . 411 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from William Byrd, 1649-1704. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. Receiver and Auditor General. 1023. VAUGHN, MRS. GEORGE T. (Mary Townsend Ven- able). 1718 I Street, Washington, D. C. Sixth in descent from Abraham Venable 1701-1768. Member of the House of Burgesses. W 45. WADE, MISS ELLEN HARVIE. 203 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Miles Gary, 1620-1667. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Gouncil. 809. WALKE, MRS. F. A. (Belle Waller Tunstall) . 102 Grace Street, Norfolk, Virginia. Fifth in descent from Benjamin Waller, 1716-1786. Member of the House of Burgesses. 11. WALKER, MRS. JUDITH C. ROSE.* Third in descent from Colonel Samuel Jordan, 1707-1789. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1768-1769, County Lieutenant of Buckingham. 12. WALKER, MISS ANNIE ROSE. 201 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in descent from Colonel William Fitzhugh, 1651-1701. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1678-1687. 30. WALKER, MRS. W. J. (Columbia Stanard Hayes). 817 Floyd Avenue. Eighth in descent from Robert, Beverley, 1687. Clerk of House of Burgesses, 1670-1682, 1684-1686, Member of Council, 1676. 82" SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 49. WALKER, MRS. FRANK T. (Mary Blair Pryor).t Charlottesville, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Theoderick Bland, 1629-1671. Member of Council and Speaker of House of Burgesses, 1660. 1004. WALKER, MRS. WILLIAM B. (Lucy Henry). Tazewell, Virginia. Sixth in descent from William Byrd, 1674-1744. Member of the House of Burgesses. President of the Council. Receiver General. 1078. WALLER, MRS. HUGHES (Ida Thomas Hines). Morganfield, Kentucky. Sixth in descent from John Lightfoot 1707. Member of the Council. 501. WALLIS, MRS. J. T. (Mary Deans). 7 Trinity Place, Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Seventh in descent from WilHam Bassett, 1670-1723. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 624. WALLIS, MRS. J. M. (Alice Meredith). East Orange, New Jersey. Seventh in descent from Thomas Smith 1694. Member of the Council and Governor of South Carolina. 994. WARD, MRS. A. LYNCH (Natalie Otey) . 903 Wise Street, Lynchburg, Virginia. Sixth in descent from James Patton 1753. Colonel in Colonial Wars. 341. WARE, MRS. MARY SMITH f 405 Pembroke Avenue, Norfolk, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Augustine Warner, Sr., 1610-1674. Mem- ber of the Council. 364. WARDLAW, MRS. A. G. (Lee Field.) 5 Maple Street Converse Heights, Spartansburg, South Carolina. Fifth in descent from Henry Field, Jr, 1785. Member of the House of Burgesses. LIST OP MEMBERS 83 1226. WARING, MRS. JOHN L. (Blair Harvie). 1532 Oregon Avenue, Washington, D. C. Third in descent from John Harvie, 1742 — 1807. Member of the House of Burgesses and of Conventions of 1775- 1776. 1244. WARING, MISS ADELADE LANCASTER. 1532 Oregon Avenue, Washington, D. C. Fourth in descent from John Harvie, 1742 — 1807. Member of the House of Burgesses and of Conventions of 1775- 1776. 119. WARREN, MRS. MARSHALL, (Sara Bainbridge Shields). 254 Walnut Street, Brookline, Massachusetts. Seventh in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711, Speaker of House of Burgesses, 1671. 896. WARREN, MRS. C. W. (CaroHne Anthony Pegram). Bacons Castle, Surry County, Virginia. Sixth in de- scent from William Edwards, 1721. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1240. WARWICK, MRS. OTWAY (Elizabeth Gordon). 1601 Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Moore Fauntleroy 1664. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 42. WASHINGTON, MRS. L. W. (EllaBassett).* Sixth in descent from William Bassett, 1670-1723. Member of the Council. 857. WATKINS, MRS. R. W. (Fanny Mclvin). Houston, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Captain Edmund Scarburg, 1634. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1629-33. 84 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 259. WEBB, MRS. LUCY ROY MASON.* Eighth in descent from Adam Thoroughgood, 1602- 1640. Member of the Council. 759. WEEKS, MISS MARY EVELINA.* Eighth in descent from John Washington, 1627-1677. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1013. WEEKS, MISS FANNY HUNTER. 1920 Sunderland Place, Washington, D. C. Eighth in descent from John Washington, 1627-1677, Member of the House of Burgesses. 489. WEISIGER, MRS. C. N. (Eliza Humphreys). 411 Olive Street. St. Louis, Missouri. Sixth in de- scent from Nicholas Meriwether, 1647-1744. Member of the House of Burgesses. 784. WELLFORD, MRS. E. T. (Courtney Brooke Seldon). 222 Thirty-third Street, Newport News, Virginia. Ninth in descent from Augustine Warner, Jr., 1642- 81. Speaker of the House of Burgesses and Member of the Council. 107. WENDELL, MRS. JACOB (Marion Fendall). ' 106 East Thirty-fifth Street, New York City. Seventh in descent from Richard Lee, 1626-1665. Secretary of State and Member of the Council. 491. WHITEHEAD, MRS. CABELL (Bena Ayers).t 1314 Spring Street, Seattle, Washington. Fourth in descent from Valentine Peyton, 1686-1751. Member of House of Burgesses. 257. WHITE, MRS. HENRY A. (Fanny Beverley Wellford). 902 Pickens Street, Columbia, South Carolina. Eighth in descent from Augustin Warner, Jr., 1643-1681. Speaker of the House of Burgesses and Member of the Council., . LIST OP MEMBERS 85 193. WICKHAM, MRS. HENRY T. (Elise Warwick Barksdale). Richmond, Virginia. Fourth in descent from Thomas Tabb, 1769. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1748-1755-1762. 134. WIGHT, MRS. WILLIAM H. (Agnes Dunlop). Cockeysville, Baltimore County, Maryland. Ninth in descent from John West, 1659. Governor of Virginia, 1636 1637. 771. WIGHT, MRS. JOHN H. (Etta Brockenbrough Hayes) "Wildwood" Garrison, Maryland. Eighth in descent from Robert Beverley 1687. Clerk of the House of Burgesses, 1670-1682 and 1684-1686. Member of the Council. 797. WILLIAMS, MRS. R. P. (Margaret Fitz-Gerald Watson), 219 C Street.N. W., Washington, D. C, Fourth in descent from George Carrington, 1785. Mem- brt of the House of Burgesses. 882. WILLIAMS, MRS. F. D. (Mary Mason Anderson). 9 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Larkin Chew, 1729. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1218. WILLIAMS, MRS. LEWIS C. (Maria Ward Willaims). Second Street -Road, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Attor- torney General and Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 168. WILLUMSON, MISS KETURAH MOSS. Care V. S. Price, 111 Ingalls Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fifth in descent from James Taylor, 1674-1729, Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 86 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 815. WILLIS, MRS. E. J. ((Elizabeth Daingerfield Faunt- leroy). "Pembroke" Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Moore Fauntleroy 1665. Member of the House of Burgesses. 481. WILLS, MRS. J. W. (Juliet Pollard). 1610 Hanover Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Christopher Robinson, 1645-1693. Secretary of State and Member of the Council. 1229. WILMER, MRS. ARTHUR P. (Margaret White). 817 West Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Edward Dale 1655-1695. Member of the House of Burgesses 1677-82. 124. WILSON, MRS. W. A. (Lucy Porter Ford).*- Seventh in descent from Robert Beverley, 1686. Clerk of the House of Burgesses. 867. WILSON, MRS. G. F. (HattieBisseU). 119 Church Street, Staunton, Virginia. Seventh in de- scent from John Bissell, 1677. Founder of the Town of Windsor in Connecticut. 1177. WILSON, MISS ANNE WASHINGTON. 1439 Massachusetts Avenue, Washington, D. C. Eighth in descent from William Barton I 1717. Member of the House of Burgesses. 419. WINSTON, MRS. F. G. (Lillian Jones)* Fifth in descent from Christopher Robinson, 1645-1693. Secretary of State and Member of the Council. 993. WINSTON, MRS. JAMES O. (Bessie Ambler Harrison). Louisa, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Benjamin Harrison 1673 — 1710. Speaker of the House of Burgesses. LIST OF MEMBERS 87 129. WISE MRS. JOHN S. (Eva Douglas). 154 West Seventy-sixth Street. New York City. Sixth ' in descent from Robert Beverley, 1686. Clerk of the House of Burgesses and Member of the Council. 480. WISE, MRS. BARTON H. (Caroline Cohen). 116 North Morris Street, Richmond, Virginia. Eighth in descent from Thomas Savage, 1594 — 1627. Officer in Indian Wars. 371. WITHERS, MRS. A. W. (Katherine Page Vandergrift). Roanes Post Office, Gloucester County, Virginia. Eighth in descent from John Page, 1627-1692. Member of the Council. 743. WITHERSPOON, MRS. W. A. (Light Lawrence Leaven- worth). Westhampton Richmond, Virginia. Tenth in descent from Thomas Dudley, 1576-1653. Governor of Mass- achusetts. 381. WOOD, MRS. G. W. (Laura Alexander).! Fourth in descent from Captain Thomas Bouldin 1783. Officer in Colonial Wars. 174. WOOD, MRS. FRANC O. (Rebecca Wahn Tutt.) Woodhurst, Alhambra, California. Seventh in descent from Captain Daniel McCarty, 1679-1724. Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 133. WOODWARD, MRS. W. MINOR (Mary Stewart).* Third in descent from Richard Henry Lee, 1732-1794. Member of the House of Burgesses and Signer of the Declaration of Independence. 804. WOODWARD, MRS. S. M. (Zoe Goldsborough). 917 Floyd Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Sixth in de- scent from Robert Goldsborough, 1660-1746. Mem- ber of Maryland Assembly. 88 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 143. WORTHAM, MRS. C. E., JR., (Sara Gates Ford). 317 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Robert Beverley, -1686. Clerk of the House of Burgesses and Member of the Council. 18. WRIGHT, MRS. BOYKIN (Constance Margaret Cabell). f Fourth in descent from Colonel George Carrington, 1711-1785. Member of the House of Burgesses and County Lieutenant. 378. YARBROUGH, MRS. A. R. (Mary Norman Hall).* Ninth in descent from John Rolfe, 1585-1622. Sec- retary of State and Recorder General, Member of the Council. 1286. YOUNG, MRS. W. A. (Isadore Triplett) 107 C Street, S. E., Washington, D. C. Fourth in de- scent from George Taylor 1711 Member of the House of Burgesses, 1747-1758. TRANSFERRED. 737. JAMIESON, MRS. J. STEWART (Eleanor Wilson). 217 South Colimibus Street, Alexandria, Virginia. Seventh in descent from John Throgmorton, 1689. One of the Original Thirteen Proprietors of Rhode Island, Deputy to General Assembly at Newport, 1664-1675. 557. RAMSEY, MRS. (Clarise Sears). Westover, Virginia. Ninth in descent from Thomas Prince, 1600-1673. One of the historic founders of Plymouth Colony, Assistant, 1632-35-36-37-39-56. Governor and Treasurer of Plymouth County. LIST OF MEMBERS 89 511. ROWLAND, MISS ELIZABETH MORI MASON.* Seventh in descent from Colonel George Mason I, 1623-1686. Member of the House of Burgesses, County Lieutenant of Stafford. 644. TUCKER, MRS. H. ST. GEORGE (Martha Sharpe). Norfolk, Virginia. Ninth in descent from William Brewster, 1566-1643. Founder of New Plymouth Col- ony, 1620. 717. WHITFIELD, MISS EMMA MOREHEAD. 1800 Grove Avenue, Richmond, Virginia. Fifth in descent from William Whitfield II, 1715-1795. Mem- ber of the Assembly of North Carolina, 1761-1762. 1035. COCKE, MRS. LUCIAN (Sarah Cobb Johnson). Roanoke, Virginia. Seventh in descent from George Reade 1671. Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council Secretary of State and Acting Governor. 1295. MOFFETT, MRS. E. (Elvia Evalina Worth). 1014 W. Franklin St., Richmond, Virginia. Seventh in descent from Christopher Hussey, 1595 — 1688. Captain of Militia at Hampden, New Hampshire. NAVY. 84. ARNOLD, MRS. C. H. (Fanny Wood). Fifth in descent from Colonel Richard Calloway, 1780. Captain in French and Indian Wars. 873. BEATTY, MRS. F. E. (Anne Peachy). U. S. Navy Yard, Washington, D. C. Seventh in de- scent from John Blair, 1686-1771. Acting Governor of Virginia, 1768. 90 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 126. HEALD, MRS. EUGENE de F. (Mary Wood). Fifth in descent from Colonel Richard Calloway, 1780. Captain in French and Indian War. 813. FAHS, MRS. C. M. (Elizabeth Patterson Deans). 46 Boissevain Avenue, Norfolk, Va. Ninth in de- scent from Robert Higginson. Commander against the Indians. 389. MARSH, MRS. C. C. (Charlotte Taylor Evans). 324 Indiana Avenue, Washington. D. C. Fifth in descent from John Nevill, 1731-1808. Member of the Conven- tion of 1774. 828. OLIVER, MRS. J. H. (Marion Carter). Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island. Seventh in descent from John Carter, 1669. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Coimcil. 398. PERRY, MRS. J. H. ( (Ella Brooke). 420 West 118th Street, New York City. Eighth in descent from Henry Corbin, 1639-1675. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 190. REICH, MRS. H. F. (Emilie Grace Wood). 1339, 30th Street, Washington, D. C. Fifth in descent from Colonel Richard Calloway, 1780. Captain in French and Indian War. 576. EBERLE, MRS. E. W.(Sara Hamilton Harrison). Care Captain E. W. Eberle, U. S. Navy Department, Washington, D. C. Seventh in descent from Benjamin Harrison 1644-1712. Member of the House of Burgesses. 12S9. CRENSHAW, MRS. RUSSELL S. (Polly Robins). Care Russell S. Crenshaw, U. S. N., care U. S. Navy Department. Fifth in descent from William Nelson, 1711-1722. President of the Council and Acting Gov- ernor. LIST OF MEMBERS 91 1079. MUSTIN, MRS. HENRY (Courine de Forest Montague). Care Lieutenant Commander Henry Mustin U. S. N. Eighth in descent from Peter Montague, 1603-1659. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1190. GRANT, MRS. ALBERT W. (Florence Southall Sharp). Care Captain A. W. Grant U. S. N. Eighth in descent from Richard Cocke, 1600-1665. Member of the House of Burgesses and County Lieutenant. ARMY. 705. BUTLER, MRS. W. C. (Marion Bradford). Highland Falls, New York, Sixth in descent from Rob- ert Carter, 1663-1732. Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses, President of the Council and Acting Governor. 344. JORDAN, MRS. H. B. (Adelita Chartel Burruss). Care Captain H. B. Jordan U. S. A. Eighth in descent from Obadiah Holmes, 1606-1682. Commissioner to Court of Providence Plantations, 1655-1676. 1069. McCAIN, MRS. WILLIAM A. (Mary Earle). Care Lieutenent William A. McCain, U. S. A. Fifth in descent from Major Samuel Earle III, 1692-1771. Member of the House of Burgesses. Major in Colonial Wars. 1288. ELLIS, MRS. ROWLAND B. (Sadie Nalle). Care Rowland B. Ellis U. S. A. Fourth in descent from Thomas Barbour, 1735-1825. Member of the House of Burgesses. MEMBERS RESIDENT IN NON-COLONIAL STATES CALIFORNIA. 720. ANDERSON MRS. G. B. (Maria Carter) . • Fifth in descent from Robert Carter, 1663-1732. Speak- er of the House of Burgesses and Governor of Virginia. 351. ALDRICH, MRS. LOUIS (Virginia Foote). Eighth in descent from Richard Townshend, Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 547. RAGGETT, MRS. W. T. (Nelly Conway Rose). Seventh in descent from Colonel William Fitzhugh, 1651-1701. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1678- 1687. 352. BANNING, MRS. HANCOCK (Anne Ophelia). Fifth in descent from French Strother. Represented his Country for nearly thirty years in the General As- sembly. 652. CADY, MRS. F. R. (Constance Mary Lyons Harrison). Fifth in descent from Robert Carter, 1663-1732. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and President of the Council. 94 SOCIETY OP COLONIAL DAMES 1167. CAVE MRS. R. L. (SaUie Overton Bullock). Eighth in descent from John Waller, 1670-1754. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, 1714-1722. 546. COURTES, MRS. FRANK (Maud Carleton).t Sixth in descent from Gerard Fowke. Member of the House of Burgesses. 242. CRAIG, MRS. WILLIAM (RuthHairston). Seventh in descent from Colonel Lawrence Smith. Officer in Colonial Wars, 1675 1676. 822. CREED, MRS. WM. H. (Georgie Hindman Ellis). Fourth in descent from Captain Charles Ellis, 1719- 1759. Major in French and Indian Wars. 1195. CREED, MISS GEORGIE DEVEREUX. Fifth in descent from Charles Ellis, 1719-1759, Major in French and Indian Wars. 50. CRUX, MRS. G. A. (Cornelia Armisteed Newton).* Sixth in descent from George Newton, 1678-1738. Member of the House of Burgesses. 112. DARNEAL, MRS. HERVEY (Lulie Lee Otey). Seventh in descent from William Claiborne, 1585-1676. Secretary, Treasurer and Member of the Coimcil. 260. DENIS, MRS. GEORGE J. (Alberta Johnston). Ninth in descent from William Hancock, 1622, Member of the Virginia Company. 940. ELLIS, MISS MARY CAROLINE. Fourth in descent from Charles Ellis, 1719-1759. Major in French and Indian Wars. 1161. ELLIS, MISS GLADYS. Fifth in descent from Charles Ellis, 1719-1759. Major in French and Indian Wars. LIST OF MEMBERS 95 647. EVANS, MISS CLARISSA. Fourth in descent from John Evans, 1737-1834. Lieu- tenant in Lord Dunsmore's Campaign, 1774. 434. JACKSON, MRS. S. H. (Bertha Isabel Foote). Seventh in descent from Richard Townshend. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 708. HEARD, MISS LUCY THORNTON. Sixth in descent from Peter Presley, 1750. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 783. HEARD, MISS MARY E. Eighth in descent from Edward Diggs, 1621-1676 Member of the Council and Governor of Virginia. 644. HELLMAN, MRS. G. H. (Roberta E. Lee Wright). Seventh in descent from Robert Carter, 1663-1732. Member of the House of Burgesses and President of the Council. 975. HOLLSCHER, MRS. WILLIAM (Mizpah Friederick). Seventh in descent from Robert Carter, 1663-1732. Speaker of the House of Burgesses. Treasurer, Pres- ident of the Council and Acting Governor, 1726-27. 634. HOOPER, MISS ROSA. Eighth in descent from Robert Carter, 1663-1732. Member of the House of Burgesses and President of the Council. 194. HUIE, MRS. SARAH (EHzabeth Thompson).* Fourth in descent from Thomas Slaughter. Member of the House of Burgesses. 960. INGALLS, MRS. W. B. B.(Mary Swann Page). Seventh in descent from Col. John Page, 1627-1692. Member of the Council. 96 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 738. KNAPP, MRS. J. J. (Lilias Edwina Harrison). Seventh in descent from Benjamin Harrison, 1645-1712. Member of the House of Burgesses. 306. LIEB, MRS. SAMUEL F. (Lida Campbell Grissim). Eighth in descent from William Stone, 1603-1645. First Protestant Governor of Maryland. 328. LUSSON, MRS. PEDRO MERLIN, (Elizabeth Stanley Newton).* Sixth in descent from Colonel John Armistead. Mem- ber of the Council, 1687. 169. GILLIS, MRS. ALBERT W. (Louise Kimball Wright). Sixth in descent from Braxton, 1736-1797. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1761-1774, Signer of the Dec- laration of Independence. 545 MOORE, MRS. E. K. (Eva Carieton).t Sixth in descent from Gerard Fowke. Member of the House of Burgesses. 657. PAYSON, MRS. F. L. (Mary Isabelle Stewart). Ninth in descent from Richard Townshend. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1629-1642, Member of the Council, 1636-1647. 99L PERRY, MRS. F. L. (Mary Stuart Hooper). Eighth in descent from Robert Carter, 1663-1732. President of the Council and Acting Governor, 1726- 1727. 984. POSEY, MISS CLIO. Fourth in descent from General Thomas Posey, 1750- 1818. Quarter Master in General, Andrew Lewis' Division of Lord Dunmore's Expedition against the Indians, 1774. LIST OF MEMBERS 97 115. PRICHARD, MISS ELSIE GRIFFIN JOHNSTON. Tenth in descent from William Hancock, 1622. One of the Incorporators of the Second Charter of James First, May 23rd, 1609. 843. ROEDING, MRS. G. C. (Elizabeth Thorn) . Fifth in descent from Captain Charles Ellis, 1719-1759. Major in French and Indian Wars. 89. ROSE, MISS ANNA BROOKE. Fifth in descent from Carter Braxton, 1736-1797. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and Signer of the Dec- laration of Independence. 77. TALLANT, MRS. JOHN D. (Eliza Shaw Wright). Seventh in descent from Robert Carter, 1663-1732. Governor of Virginia, 1726-1727. 395. THOMPSON, MISS ROBERTA A. Seventh in descent from Lawrence Smith, 1700. Ofhcer in Colonial Wars, 1675. 396. THOMPSON, MRS. W. R. (Sallie Helena Huie) . Fifth in descent from Robert Slaughter. Member of House of Burgesses, 1768. 145. VAN WYCK, MRS. NANNIE CHURCHILL CRITTEN- DEN. Eighth in desceni* from Thomas Harris, 1586 . Member of House of Burgesses. 405. WILDMAN, MRS. ROUNSEVILLE (LetitiaS. Aldrich).* Ninth in descent from Richard Townshend, Member of the Council, 1636-1647. 816. WILLS, MRS. W. LE MOYNE (Susan Glassell Patton). Eighth in descent from John Washington, 1631-1677. Member of the House of Burgesses. m SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 56. WRIGHT, MRS. SELDEN STEWART (Joanna May- nard). Fourth in descent from Carter Braxton, 1736-1797. Member of House of Burgesses, 1761-1774, of the Con- vention of 1775, and of Congress 1774, and Signer of Declaration of Independence. 98. WRIGHT, MRS. STEWART SELDEN (Maria Byrd Hopkins) . Fourth in descent from William Byrd, 1674-1744. President of the Council. 949. WRIGHT, MRS. WILLIAM H. (Elna Warren Leib). Seventh in descent from Colonel William Russell 1757. Colonel in French and Indian Wars. 76. WRIGHT, MISS ANN AYLETTE BROOKE. Seventh in descent from Robert Carter, 1663-1732. Governor of Virginia, 1726-1727. ILLINOIS. 269. FISHER, MRS. GEORGE (Caroline Rose Walker). Fourth in descent from Colonel Samuel Meredith, 1727- 1808. Captain in Byrd's vSecond Virginia Regiment in French and Indian Wars. 62. KENNEDY, MRS. MADISON B. (Rose Walker). Fourth in descent from Colonel Samuel Jordan. 1707- 1789. Member of House of Burgesses, 1768-1769, County Lieutenant of Buckingham. 150. LYNDE, MRS. S. A. (Nannie Buell Pleasants). Fifth in descent from John Bulklcy, 1704-1753. Judge of the Supreme Court of Comiecticut for ten years. 275. LUCAS, MRS. BENJAMIN T. (Lucy Waddle). f Sixth in descent from Sir Richard Everard, 1733. Governor of North Carilina. LIST OF MEMBERS 99 115. MASON, MRS. HENRY B. (Francis Fay Calhoun). Ninth in descent from Thomas Welles, 1598-1659. Governor of Connecticut, 1655. 116. POTWIN, MRS. W. S. (Eliza Lewis).* Fifth in descent from John Lewis, 1669-1725. Member of the Council.* 192. PECK, MRS. WALTER L. (Mary Talcott). Seventh in descent from John Talcott, 1632-1660. Member of the General Court of Massachusetts and of the Council. 667. OWSLEY, MRS. HEATON (Caroline Dudley Harrison) Seventh in descent from Benjamin Harrison. Member of the House of Burgesses, Clerk of the Council, 1634- 1642. 315. RIDGLEY, MRS. CHARLES (Jane Maria Barrett). Seventh in descent from Augustin Warner, Sr., 1610- 1674. Member of the Council. 32. SHEPARD, MRS. HENRY M. (Francis Wells). Eighth in descent from William Pynchon, 1590-1652. One of the eighteen assistants named in the Massa- chusetts Bay Charter granted by Charles L, Member of the General Court. 92. STEVENSON, MRS. ADLAI E. (Letitia Green). Sixth in descent from John Washington, 1629-1677. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1663-1676. 1250. VINCENT, MRS. W. A. (Mary Lee Ridgely). Fifth in descent from Colonel Robert Lewis, 1672-1765. Member of the House of Burgesses. 33. WALKER, MRS. CAROLINE MATILDA ROSE.* Third in descent from Colonel Samuel Meredith, 1732- 1808. Captain in Byrd's Second Virginia Regiment, in French and Indian Wars. 100 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES MICHIGAN. 1006. BARNES, MRS. W. L. (Eva Marie Wendell Miller). Ninth in descent from Governor Samuel Matthews, 1660. Member of the Council and Governor. 1008. EDGAR, MRS. JAMES (Mary Goodloe). Fifth in descent from Major Robert Harris 1765. Member of the House of Burgesses. 961. MILLER, MRS. C. R. (Anna M. Hale). Eighth in descent from Thomas Beale, 1608 . Member of the Council, 1662. 368. NORTON, MRS. IDA FLETCHER. Eighth in descent from Richard Cocke, 1665. Member of the House of Burgesses. 595. PARKER, MRS. E. H. (Eleanor Carroll Lyster). Eighth in descent from Colonel Richard Lee, 1666. Member of the Council and Secretary of State. 1042. YATES, MRS. C. M. (Margaret Buchanan). Fourth in drscent from John Montgomery, 1717-1802. Officer in Colonial Wars. MINNESOTA. 920. ELLIOTT, MRS. H. (Janet January). Seventh in descent from John Armistead. Member of the Council. 640. HILL, MRS. J. C. (Mary Whaley Washington). Seventh in descent from John Washington, 1627-1670. Member of the House of Burgesses. 574. SHEPLEY, MRS. E. L. (Sophia Penn Perrin). Eighth in descent from John Page, 1632-1692. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. LIST OF MEMBERS 101 IOWA. 261. SIMS, MRS. A. V. (Ruth Hairston). Fifth m descent from Peter Perkins, 1813. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Convention of 1775. OHIO. 117. ANDERSON, MRS. DAVIS C. (Annie Wallingford). Sixth in descent from John Ashby, 1707-1797. Captain in regular service of Virginia in French and Indian Wars. 136. BEECHER, MRS. GEORGE B. (Nannie O'Hara). Fifth in descent from Samuel McDowell, 1817. Member of the House of Burgesses, and officer in French and Indian War. 543. BROWN, MRS. W. W. (Katherine Loving). Sixth in descent from John Taliaferro, 1720. Member of House of Burgesses. 596. BROWN, MRS. H. L. (EHzabeth Loving). Sixth in descent from John Taliaferro, 1720. Member of House of Burgesses. 66. DANDRIDGE, MISS MARY EVALINA. Fifth in descent from Alexander Spotswood, 1676-1740. Governor of Virginia, 1710 1722. 354. DAVIS, MRS. W. H. (Martha Taylor Saunders). Fourth in descent from James Taylor, 1732-1814. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1119. DREWRY. MRS. J. S. (Janet Louise March). Fourth in descent from Major Magnus Tate, 1732-1808. Officer in French and Indian Wars. 102 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 197. FOLLETT, MRS. JOHN D. (Ida Lee Rust). Fourth in descent from Richard Henry Lee, 1732-1794. Member of House of Burgesses and Signer of the Dec- laration of Independence. 165. GORDON, MRS. J. J. (Alice Gertrude Wood).* Fifth in descent from George Carrington, 1711-1785. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1748-1765 and County Lieutenant. 101. GROESBECK, MRS. HERMAN J. (Elizabeth Perry). Fifth in descent from Charles Lynch, 1700-1753. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 670. HALL, MISS BERTHA HEREFORD. Seventh in descent from John Washington, 1627-1670. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1164. HANCOCK, MRS. HARRIS, (Belle Clay). Fifth in descent from John Field. 1774. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, 1761-1768. 909. HOPKINS, MRS. M. S. (Matie Lockett). Eighth in descent from Colonel Richard Lee, 1597-1663. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 1266. McMICKEN, MISS JEANNIE. Fifth in descent from John McDowell 1742. Cap- tain of Militia in 1772. 1068. MARCH, MRS. PERRIN G. (Abigale Humphreys Tate) Third in descent from Major Magnus Tate, 1732-1808. Officer in French and Indian Wars. 348. MASSIE, MRS. SUSAN BURTON.* Sixth in descent from William Claiborne, 1587-1676. Member of the Coimcil and Secretary of State. LIST OF MEMBERS 103 415. MENZIES, MRS. COLIN C. (Belle Johnson). Sixth in descent from Benjamin Cave, 1762. Member of the House of Burgesses. 641. MORGAN, MRS. DANIEL (Lucy Bell Smith). Fifth in descent from Samuel MacDowell, 1735-1817. Member of the House of Burgesses. 437. OLDHAM, MRS. FRANCIS F. (Betty Washington Lovell). Sixth in descent from John Washington, 1634-1675. Member of the House of Burgesses. 164. PERRY, MRS. A. F. (Elizabeth Williams). Fourth in descent from Charles Lynch, 1700-1753. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1748. 187. PRICE, MRS. FLORIDA ASHBY WILLIAMSON.* Fifth in descent from James Taylor, 1732-1814. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Conventions of 1774-1775. 219. PUGSLEY, MRS. JACOB J. (Cornelia Dabney Price). Fourth in descent from Samuel McDowell, 1737 — 1783. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Conven- tion of 1775. 1168. RUNKLE, MRS. B. P. (Lalla McD. McM. Lewis). Fifth in descent from John McDowell 1742, Captain in Colonial War. 553. SKINNER, MRS. S. W. (Elizabeth Johnston Jones). Seventh in descent from James Taylor, 1729. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1056. STROWBRIDGE, MRS. W. M. (Mary McMicken). Fifth in descent from John McDowell 1742. Captain in Colonial War. 104 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 793. TALLMADGE, MRS. FRANK (Abbie May Hedges). Ninth in descent from Thomas Piirefoy, 1656. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 834. TATE, MRS. MAGNUS A. (Katherine Donnally). Seventh in descent from John Lightfoot, 1707. Member of the Council. 138. THOMAS, MRS. B. F. (Annie Taylor Jones). Seventh in descent from James Taylor, 1729. Member of the House of Burgesses. 347. TRIMBLE, MRS. ANNE PORTER.* Sixth in descent from William Claiborne, 1587-1676. Member of the Council and Secretary of State. 57. VAN VOAST, MRS. JAMES (Virginia Moss Harris).* Seventh in descent from Honorable Henry Soane. Member and Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 392. WARREN, MRS. W. D. (Jane Pendleton Dandridge). Fifth in descent from Alexander Spotswood, 1676-1740. Governor of Virginia, 1710 1722. 157. WINSLOW, MRS. J. F. (Judith White Stevenson). Fourth in descent from Carter Braxton, 1736-1797. Member of the House of Burgesses and Signer of the Declaration of Independence. COLORADO. 840. ARGO, MRS. ISABELLA GIVENS CHENAULT. Sixth in descent from Archibald Alexander, 1708 . Captain in French and Indian Wars. 370. BETHELL, MRS. W. D. (Cynthia Pillow). Third in descent from Josiah Payne, 1535-1784. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. LIST OF MEMBERS 105 1270. BROWNLIE, MRS. R. S. (Alma Hemming). Sixth in descent from John Nash 1776. Member of the House of Burgesses. 326. COCHRAN, MRS. R. L. (Anna Marshall). Sixth in descent from John Battaille, 1707. Member of the House of Burgesses and Captain of Rangers in service against the Indians. 1278. FOSTER, MRS. JOHN McE. (Bessie Perkins Bethell). Fourth in descent from Josiah Payne 1735-1782. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 537. GUNNELL, MRS. A. T. (EHzabeth Minor Hancock). Sixth in descent from John Waller, 1754. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 607. HAMLIN, MRS. C. C. (Seddie Gunnell). Seventh in descent from John WaLer, 1754. Member of the House of Burgesses. €85. HARRISON, MISS CLARA C. Ninth in descent from Benjamin Harrison, 1710. Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 977. HEMMING, MRS. C. C. (Lucy Key). Fifth in descent from John Nash 1776. Member of the House of Burgesses. 926. LYNE, MRS. HENRY (Eleanor Pope). Eighth in descent from Nathaniel Pope, 1600-1660. Lieut. Colonel in Command of Westmoreland County Troops. 122. PAGE, MRS. W. B. (Louise Blow). Fourth in descent from Benjamin Waller, 1716-1786. Member of the House of Burgesses. 106 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 1134. POPE, MRS. HORTON (Nancy Turner). Sixth in descent from Thomas Turner, 1758. Member of the House of Burgesses. 404. STERNS, MRS. ELLA POWELL. Sixth in descent from Valentine Peyton, 1686-1751. Member of the House of Burgesses. MISSOURL 171. ADAMS, MRS. R. M. C. (Jennie Claiborne). Seventh in descent from William Claiborne, 1609-1682. Secretary of State and Member of the Council. 173. AUSTIN, MRS. J. H. (Jeannette Smith). Seventh in descent from Captain Richard Townshend. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 175. BLOCK, MISS SALLIE CARR. Sixth in descent from Francis Thornton. Member of the House of Burgesses. 202. BOYLE, MISS FLORENCE. Sixth in descemt from Charles Mynn Thurston, 1738- 1812. Lieutenant in French and Indian Wars. 879. BROWN, MRS. W. G. (Isabelle White) . Fifth in descent from George Carrington, 1711-1785. Member of the House of Burgesses. 406. CASTLEMAN, MRS. G. A. (Lucie Read Cable). Fifth in descent from Benjamin Cave, 1762. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1133. CHILD, MRS. JESSE (Ella A. Morton). Sixth in descent from Abraham Venable, 1700-1768. Member of the House of Burgesses. LIvST OF MEMBERS 107 697. CHURCH, MRS. A. C. (Carlota Clark). Tenth in descent from William Hancock, 1622. Member of the Virginia Company under the Second. Charter of 1609. 460. DELAFIELD, MRS. WALLACE (Lizzie Hanencamp). Seventh in descent from John Stith. Member of the House of Burgesses. 425. DYER, MRS. C. G. (Mary Jeannette Anthony). Sixth in descent from Colonel William Fitzhugh, 1651- 1701. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1678-1687. 710. ELLISON, MRS. ANDREW (Julia Matilda). Fourth in descent from General William Russell, 1735- 1793. Captain of Rangers under General Braddock, 1755. Commanded a Company in the battle of Point Pleasant, 1774. 548. FILLEY, MRS. O. B. (Mary McKinley). Seventh in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Attorney General and Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses. 643. FULLER, MRS. J. M. (Berenice Morrison). Seventh in descent from John Stith. Member of the House of Burgesses. 267. GALENTINE, MRS. W. A. (Mabel Smith).* Seventh in descent from Richard Townshend, Mem- ber of the Council, 1636-1645. 153. GAMBLE, MRS. HAMILTON (Sarah Minor). Fifth in descent from Elliott Benger, 1757. Dep- uty Postmaster General for all of her Majesty's Do- minions in North America, 1740-1751. 108 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 892. GANTT, MRS. J. B. (Matilda Weidemeyer). Sixth in descent from Andrew Lewis, 1720-1781. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. Commanded Sandy Creek Exposition, 1756. Hero of Point Pleasant, 1774. 1154. GENTRY, MISS ELIZABETH BUTLER. Sixth in descent from Robert Harris, 1700-1765. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 147. GORDON, MRS. LINDELL (Mary Randolph Hutch- inson). Sixth in descent from WilUam Randolph, 1651-1711, Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 291. GRAHAM, MRS. B. B. (Christine Biddle Blair). Sixth in descent from Miles Cary, 1620-1667. Member of the Council. 592. GRATZ, MRS. ANDERSON (Laura Cary Bodley). Sixth in descent from Miles Cary, 1620-1667. Mem- ber of the Council. 307. GRAY, MRS. B. F.. Jr., (Elizabeth Crittenden Cabell). Seventh in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Attorney General, Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 264. GUY, MRS. W. E. (Katherine Lemoine). Sixth in descent from Alexander Spotswood, 1676-1740. Governor of Virginia, 1710-1712. 110. HARDAWAY, MRS. W. A. (Lucy Nelson Page). Eighth in descent from John Page, 1727-1780. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of Convention of 1775. 316. HOLMES, MRS. D. B. (Lyda Massie). Seventh in descent from Richard Lee, 1664. Member of the Council and Secretary of State. LIST OF MEMBERS 109 807. JOHNSTONE, MRS. J. (Hennine Gary Gratz). Sixth in descent from Colonel Miles Gary, 1620-1667. Member of the Council. 721. JONES, MRS. L. F. (MatHda Fontaine Berkeley). Eighth in descent from Major Thomas Walker, 1640- . Member of the House of Burgesses. 350. KARNES, MRS. J. VAN CLIFF (Mary A). Fifth in descent from Robert Harris, 1765. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 632. LANGHORNE, MRS.EDWARD (Mattie Sevier Churchill). Fifth in descent from WilHam Churchill, 1649-1710. Member of the Council. 1105. LOGAN, MRS. MARY HARRISON SHEPERD. Sixth in descent from Benjamin Harrison, 1673-1710. Attorney General and Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 704. MACFARLANE, MRS. G. B. (Alice O'Rear). Fourth in descent from John Woods, 1712-1791. Major and Lieutenant-Colonel of Virginia Militia, 1770. 1263. McAFEE, MRS. JAMES P. (Amita Mayo Alexander). Seventh in descent from John Bland, 1573 . Member of the Virginia Company. 65. O'FALLON, MRS. J. J. (Anna Harris). Seventh in descent from Thomas Harris. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1623-1647. 317. O'FALLON, MRS. MARY SHREVE CARTER. Fifth in descent from Robert Carter, 1663-1732. Gov- ernor of Virginia, Treasurer and Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 110 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 789. OLWER, MRS. R. B. (Marie E. Watkins). Sixth in descent from Abraham Venable, 1700-1768. Ivlember of the House of Burgesses and County Lieu- tenant of Louisa. 597. PITTMAN, MRS. WM. H. (Hannah Daviers). Seventh in descent from Colonel William Claiborne, 1589-1682. Member of the Council and Secretary of State for thirty years. 308. RALSTON, MISS FRANCES MARION. Sixth in descent from Alexander Spotswood, 1676- 1740. Governor of Virg'nia. 197. RYLEY, MRS. ALFRED W. (Frances Engleman). Sixth in descent from Joshua Fry, 1754. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and Colonel of the First Virginia Regiment. 353. ROBERT, MRS. P. G. (Bettie Scott).* Third in descent from John Jones. Member of House of Burgesses. 70. SHIELDS, MRS. GEORGE H. (Mary Harrison Leighton.) Sixth in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Speaker of the House of Burgesses, 1698, Attorney General, 1696-1698. 475. SKINKER, MRS. T. K. (Adela Bertha Rivess). Fourth in descent from WilHam Cabell, 1730-1796. Member of the House of Burgesses. 519. SHALLCROSS, MRS. WYATT (Lavinia Butler). Fifth in descent from Major John Lewis, Junior, 1669- 1754. Member of the Council. 1041. SLOAN, MRS. MARY H. CARTER. Tenth in descent from Sir Warham St. Leger 1617 . Member of the Virginia Company. LIST OF MEMBERS lit 999. STEPHENS, MRS. E. W. (Laura Moss). Sixth in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Attorney General and Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses. 100. THAYER, MRS. AMOS M. (Sidney Brother). Fifth in descent from Charles Mynn Thurston, 1738- 1812. Lieutenant in French and Indian War. 132. THAYER, MRS. W. B. (Sallie Casey). Seventh in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Speaker of the House ot Burgesses, 1698. 805. TOWLES, MRS. T. O. (Florence Ewing). Fifth in descent from Abraham Venable, 1700-1768. Member of the House of Burgesses for twenty years and County Lieutenant of Louisa. 655. VALLIANT, MRS. LEROY (Theodosia Worthington). Fifth in descent from Benjamin Cave, 1762. Member of the House of Burgesses. 141. WINCHESTER, MRS. J. R. (Eliza Atkinson Lee). Sixth in descent from Richard Lee, 1664. Sec- retary of State and Member of the Council. 598. WINN, MRS. C. W. (Mary Polk Branch). Fourth in descent from Colonel Nathaniel Edwards, 1709-1771. Member of the House of Biirgesses. WISCONSIN. 465. BOWLES, MRS. T. H. (Louise Cunningham), f Eighth in descent from Richard Cocke, Member of House of Burgesses. 1077. COOK, MRS. H. L. (Minnie W. Gathright). Ninth in descent from Richard Cocke, 1600-1660. Member of the House of Burgesses and County Lieu- tenant. 112 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES TENNESSEE. 509. ANDERSON, MRS. KELLER (Jean Robertson). Eighth in descent from Colonel George Reade, 1600- 1671. Member of the Council and Secretary of the Council. 266. ANDREWS, MRS. THOS. B. (Nannie Jacobs Heron). Fourth in descent from John West, 1777. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 146. BAXTER, MRS. G. A. (Ellen Douglas).* Sixth in descent from Robert Beverly, 1686. Clerk of the House of Burgesses and Member of the Council. 1011. BAXTER, MRS. GEORGE W. (Margaret McGhee). Fifth in descent from William Christian, 1714-1779. Captain in Indian Wars. 186. BERRY, MRS. HORATIO (Nannie Smith). Fifth in descent from John Donelson, 1718-1780. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 635. BERRY, MRS. W. W. (Alice May Allen). Ninth in descent from Nicholas Martain, 1657. Member of the House of Burgesses. 588. BOYLE, MRS. T. R. (Virginia Frazier). Fifth in descent from Robert McClenahan, 1774. Captain in Botetourt Regiment under Colonel Fleming. 872. BURKE, MRS. C. B. (Eleanor Richards). Seventh in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Speaker of the House of Burgesses and Attorney Gen- eral. LIST OP MEMBERS 113 1099. CAROTHERS, MRS. C. G. (Mary Blewett). Seventh in descent from Colonel Thomas Swann, 1680. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 1088. CHAPIN, MRS. ELISE NASH HUTCHESON. Sixth in descent from George Carrington, 1711-1785. Member of the House of Burgesses. 639. CHURCH, MISS FRANCES. Eighth in descent from George Reade, 1600-1671. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 530. COCHRANE, MRS. H. P. (Leighla O. Perkins). Eighth in descent from William Claiborne, 1677. Secretary of State and Member of Council, 1628. Mem- bre of Council, 1650. 139. DABNEY, MRS. C. W. (Mary Chilton Brent). Eighth in descent from Colonel Richard Lee, 1664. Secretary of State and Member of the Council. 1085. DAMMAN, MRS. PAUL (Anne Siler). Fourth in descent from Peter Perkins, 1739-1818. Member of the House of Burgesses and of Convention. 575. DAY, MRS. THOMAS (Mary Robertson). Ninth in descent from Colonel George Reade, 1671. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council, Secretary of State and acting governor. 293. DICKINSON, MRS. J. M. (Martha Overton). Eighth in descent from William Claiborne, 1587-1677. Member of the Council and Secretary of State. 1003. DISMUKES, MRS. JOHN L. (Andrea Russell Humes). Fifth in descent from WilHam Christian, 1724-1779. Captain in Indian Wars. 114 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 679. DOUGLAS, MRS. BYRD (Adelaide Wharton Gaines). Seventh in descent from William Farrar, 1594 . Member of the Council. 628. DUDLEY, MRS. GUILFORD (Anne Dallas). Eighth in descent from George Reade, 1600-1671. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Coimcil. 1269. EMNY, MRS. W. G. (Elizabeth Overton). Eighth in descent from Colonel William Claiborne, 1587-1677. Member of the Coimcil and Secretary of State. 638. FARNSWORTH, MISS ELISE WALTON. Ninth in descent from George Reade, 1600-1671. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 1044. FITE, MRS. L. B. (Eunice Williams). Sixth in descent from Josias Payne, Sr., 1705-1785. Member of the House of Burgesses. 964. GARNSEY, MRS. CYRUS (Deslandes Beauregard Dobyns), Jr. Ninth in descent from John Chew. Member of the House of Burgesses. 474. GILLESPIE, MRS. H. C. (Laura Cocke). Eighth in descent from Richard Cocke, 1665. Member of the House of Burgesses. 677. GRAY, MRS. C. W. (Mary Price). Seventh in descent from George Reade, 1600-1671. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 969. HARDY, MRS. FREDERICK (Charlotte Frances Graves). Seventh in descent from Anthony Armistead, 1640-1705. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1693-96-99, LIST OF MEMBERS 115 551. HOWELL, MRS. S. E. (Emma Bouldin Withers). Fifth in descent from Thomas Bouldin, 1706-1783. Captain in Colonial Wars. 309. HUME, MRS. WILLIAM (Mary Leland). Sixth in descent from Richard Lee, 1664. Mem- ber of House of Burgesses and Secretary of State. 1178. JOHNSON, MRS. W. N. (Carrie Lee Ewan). Tenth in descent from George Reade, 1671. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. Secretary of State and Acting Governor. 602. JOYNER, MRS. W. M. (Augusta Guy). Ninth in descent from William Claiborne, 1587-1677. Member of Council and Secretary of State. 1165. KIRKMAN, MRS. NORMAN (Nellie Preston Mayo). Ninth in descent from George Reade 1671. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. Sec- retary of State and Acting Governor. 245. LEA, MRS. OVERTON (Ella Cocke). Eighth in descent from Richard Cocke. Member of House of Burgesses. 1276. LEA, MISS ELIZABETH. Ninth in descent from Richard Cocke. Member of the House of Burgesses. 282. MATHES, MRS. JAMES H. (Mildred Spotswood). Fifth in descent from Alexander Spotswood, 1676-1740. Governor of Virginia, 1710-1722. 349. MITCHELL, MRS. R. W. (Rebecca Fox Park). Seventh in descent from Richard Cocke, 1600-1665, Member of House of Burgesses. 116 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 358. McNeill, MRS. W. a. (Rebecca P. Metcalf). Eighth in descent from Richard Cocke, 1600-1665. Member of House of Burgesses. 384. METCALF, MISS BESSIE BRENT. Eighth in descent from Thomas Bowler, 1679. Member of the Council. 900. NALL, MRS. E. H. (Wertie Appling). Sixth in descent from Abraham Venable, 1700-1768. Member of the House of Burgesses. 479. NORVELL, MRS. W. E. (Elizabeth Maury). Fourth in descent from Colonel Abraham Maury. County Lieutenant of Fairfax. 310. PERKINS, MRS. CALVIN (Susan Ashton). Sixth in descent from Edward Diggs, 1621-1675. Gov- ernor of Virginia. 868. PICKENS, MRS. LETCHER (Carrie Read). Fifth in descent from Clement Read, Sr., 1707-1763. Member of the House of Burgesses. 166. PILCHER, MRS. J. S. (Margaret H. Campbell). Fourth in descent from William Russell. Officer in Colonial Wars. 510. PHILLIPS, MRS. W. K. (Louise Porter). Ninth in descent from Colonel George Reade, 1600-1671. Member of the Council. 808. PLATER, MRS. R. C. (Anna Gay Butler). Eighth in descent from Colonel George Reade, 1600-1671. Member of the Council. 162. RICHARDS, MRS. EDWARD D. (Margaret Douglas). Sixth in descent from Robert Beverly, 1686. Clerk of House of Burgesses and Member of the Council. LIST OF MEMBERS 117 532. ROBERTSON, MRS. W. C. (Laura Lea). Ninth in descent from Richard Cooke. Member of House of Burgesses. 357. SEAY, MRS. G. W. (Jeannie Branch). Seventh in descent from Francis Eppes. Member of House of Burgesses and of the Council, 1652. 339. STRANG, MRS. S. B. (Frances Thorton). Fifth in descent from Francis Thornton, Sr., 1682 . Member of the House of Burgesses. 693. STUBBLEFIELD, MRS. D. R. (Hetty Kennedy Wilkin) Fourth in descent from William Edmiston, 1734-1822. Lieutenant in Indian Wars. 689. SYKES, MRS. CHARLES (Ella Gillespie). Ninth in descent from Richard Cocke, 1665. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1159. TIMBERLAKE, MISS MARY ELEANOR. Fifth in descent from Thomas Lewis, 1718-1790. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 1095. THOMPSON, MRS. JOHN (Mary McC. Overton). Eighth in descent from Colonel William Claiborne, 1587-1677. Member of the Council and Secretary of State. 1084. UNDERWOOD, MRS. R. B. (Katherine Baxter Ed- gington). Seventh in descent from Robert Carter, 1663-1732. Speaker of the House of Burgesses. Member of the Council and Treasurer of the Colony. 1137. VERTREES, MRS. J. J. (Virginia Dudley Park). Eighth in descent from John Bland, 1573-1632. Mem- ber of the Virginia Company. 118 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 156. WALLACE, MRS. C. B. (Mary Barbour). Fourth in descent from James Barbour. Member of the House of Burgesses. 792. WALLER, MRS. CLAUDE (Martha Armistead Nelson). Ninth in descent from WilHam Worlech, 1659. Member of the House of Birrgesses. 457. WASHINGTON, MRS. J. E. (Mary Boiling Kemp). Fifth in descent from Robert Boiling, 1646-1709. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 409. WATSON, MRS. J. H. (Hannah Robinson). Sixth in descent from Colonel Richard Lee, 1664. Member of the House of Burgesses and Secretary State. 1287. WILLIAMS, MRS. JOHN P. (Harriet Overton). Ninth in descent from WilHam Claiborne, 1587-1677. Member of the Coimcil Secretary of State and Treasurer of Virginia. 1050. WILKINSON, MRS. S. A. (Laura May Simpson). Ninth in descent from Lieut. Colonel Francis Eppes, 1655. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 582. WILSON, MRS. O. H. (Evelyn Richards). Seventh in descent from Robert Beverley, 1686. Clerk of the House of Burgesses and Member of the Council. 410. WOODWORTH, MRS. FRED (Mildred Overton Mathes)* Sixth in descent from Alexander Spotswood, 1676-1740. Governor of Virginia, 1710-1722. 445. WOODS, MRS. N. M. (Tallulah Cachet). Sixth in descent from Major Lawrence Smith, 1700 Officer in Colonial Wars. LIST OF MEMBERS 119 LOUISIANA. 346. ADAMS, MRS. T. A. (Mary Ellis). Seventh in descent from Colonel Richard Cocke, 1600- 1665. Member of the House of Burgesses, 782. BROWNE, MRS. R. H. (Maria Louise Withers). Descended from Colonel William Claiborne, 1589-1682. Member of the Council and Secretary of State. 711. CHAFFEE, MRS. CHARLES (Frances Fauntleroy). Seventh in descent from Moore Fauntleroy, 1665 Member of the House of Burgesses. 913. CHAFFEE, MRS. D. B. H. (Martha Mcllwaine). Eighth in descent from Richard Bland, 1710-1776. Member of the House of Burgesses for forty years and of the Conventions of 1775-1776, and of the Committee of Safety. 55. DICKSON, MRS. W. H. (Louise Livingston).* Eighth in descent from Robert Livingston, 1654-1728. Spesker of the General Assembly of New York. 387. DOANE, MRS. J. S. (Cecilia Beverley Smith). Seventh in descent from Richard Townshend. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 991. EDWARDS, MRS. JAMES N. (EHza Shore Dunlop). Seventh in descent from Benjamin Harrison, 1649. Clerk of the Council and Member of the House of Burgesses. 718. FAUNTLEROY, MISS LAURA WILLIAMS. Seventh in descnt from Moore Fauntleroy 1665. Member of the House of Burgesses. 120 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 1083. FRIERSON, MRS. PHILIP B. (Caro Butler WiUiam- son). Fourth in descent from Fielding Lewis, 1781. Member of the House of Btirgesses. 386 GORDOxN, MRS. F. L. (Bessie A. Smith). Seventh in descent from Richard Townshend. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, 1629-1642, and of the Council. 345. HALL, MISS H. H. (Mary F. Adams). Fifth in descent From Charles Lynch, 1762. Member of the House of Burgesses. 614. KOCK, MISS MARY ERSKINE. Eighth in descent from Benjamin Harrison. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1282. LUCAS, MRS. WILLIAM H. (Anne Bouldin Osboume). Sixth in descent from Colonel Thomas Bouldin, 1706- 1783. Captain in French and Indian War, 1758. 1074. LAURASON, MRS. S. McC. (Harriet Mathews). Ninth in descent from Henry Soane. Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 502. MAYER, MRS. AUGUST (Mattie Robards). Seventh in descent from John Washington, 1678. Member of the House of Burgesses. . 876. MERIWETHER, MRS. MINOR (Annie Finley McNutt Seventh in descent from John Carter, 1699. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 626. MOORE, MRS. J. T. (Odette ElHs). Eighth in descent from Richard Cocke, 1600-1665. Member of the House of Burgesses. LIST OF MEMBERS 121 68. MULLER, MRS. CAROLINE NICHOLAS. Fifth in descent from Robert Carter, 1663-1732. Gov- renor of Virginia. 1174. PIPES, MRS. D. W. (Anna Thornton Key Fort). Ninth in descent from Henry Soane. Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 753. RICHARDSON, MRS. T. G. (Ida Ann Slocomb). Sixth in descent from Thomas Beale, 1621-1676. Mem- ber of the Council. 412. TERRELL, MRS. C. F. (Lucy Burwell). Sixth in descent from Lewis Burwell, 1710. Mem- ber of the Council. o 430. TERRY, MRS. LUCIUS (MaryRobards). Sixth in descent from John Washington, 1631-1678. Member of House of Burgesses. 440. WHITE, MRS. A. S. (Ellen Virginia Tobin). Fifth in descent from John Smith, 1776. Officer in Colonial War. KENTUCKY. 1201. ARNOLD. MRS. J. M. (Eleanor Hart Talbot). Fourth in descent from Matthew Talbot, 1699-1758 County Lieutenant. 1120. BARNETT, MRS. I. S. (Evelyn Scott Snead.) Eighth in descent from Edmund Scarborough, 1634. Member of the House of Burgesses. 287. BARRETT, MRS. AMANDA R. Seventh in descent from Thomas Owsley, 1700 Member of the House of Burgesses. 122 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 1098. BAYLY, MRS. J. W. E. (Sue Spears). Seventh in dwcent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Speaker of the House of Burgesses and Attorney General. 327. BECKLEY, MRS. J. W. (Florence Colstore). Seventh in descent from George Mason, 1686. Member of the House of Burgesses and County Lieu- tenant. 615. BERRY, MRS. J. S. (Anita Gray). Seventh in descent from George Reade, 1600-1671. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 221. BLACKBURN, MRS. LUKE P. (Julia Churchill). Fifth in descent from John Armistead. Member of the Coimcil. 369. BONNIE, MRS. R. B. (Maude Williams). Fifth in descent from Benjamin Cave, 1762. Member of the House of Burgesses. 728. BOYD, MRS. C. D. (EH abeth Randolph Wallace). Fourth in descent from William Preston. Member of the House of Burgesses." 850. BOOTH, MRS. P. N. (Florence Coleman). Seventh in descent from Henry Willis, 1690-1739. Member of the House of Burgesses. 206. BOYLE, MRS. ST, JOHN (Anna McKinley). Sixth in descent from Isham Randolph. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1740, Adjutant General of Virginia. 238. BRENT, MRS. JACK L. (Fannie Beny). Fifth in descent from James Taylor, 1674-1729. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. LIST OF MEMBERS 123 355. BRUCE, MRS. HELM (Sallie White). Fifth in dcscnt from George Carrington, 1711-1785. Member of House of Burgesses. 1233. BRYANT, MISS VIRGINIA LEE. Fifth in descent from John Woods, 1712-1791, Lieu- tenant in French and Indian Wars. 25. BUCKNER, MRS. S. B. (Delia II. Claiborne). Eighth in descent from Will am Claiborne, Secretary of State, 1625-1637, Member of Council, 1625-1660, in 1642 made Treasurer for life, in 1653 Deputy Governor. Commanded expedition aga'nst the Indians, 1629 and 1644. 231. BUCKNER, MRS. B. F. (Helen Martin). Fourth in descent from James Taylor, 1674-1729. Member of House of Burgesses. 464. BUCHANAN, MISS ELIZABETH MILDRED. Sixth in descent from George Reade, 1671. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 536. BULLETT, MRS. T. W. (Annie Priscilla Logan). Sixth in descent from William Randolph, 1650-1711. Speaker of the House of Burgesses and Attorney Gen- eral. 477. BURBANK, MISS MARY TAYLOR. Sixth in descent from James Taylor, 1674-1729. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 478. BURBANK, MISS ANNIE THURSTON. Sixth in descent from James Taylor, 1674-1729. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 635. BURNETT, MRS. HENRY (Susanne Henderson Dallam) Fifth in descent from Richard Calloway, 1722-1771. Captain in French and Indian Wars, 1755-1764. i24 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 787. BURNETT, MRS. MUSCOE (Sarah Hicks Dallam). Sixth in descent from Richard Calloway, 1722-1778. Captain in French and Indian Wars. 281. BUTLER, MRS. PRIME (Roberta Boyle). Sixth in descent from Thomas Owsley, 1700. Member of the House of Burgesses. 330. CAINE, MRS. PAUL (Annie Atmore) . Sixth in descent from Nicholas Merriwether, 1667-1744. Member of the House of Burgesses. 515. CAMDEN, MRS. J. N. JR. (Susanna Preston Hart). Third in descent from WiUiam Preston, 1729-1783. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1766-1769, Coimty Lieutenant of Fincastle. 939. CHENAUXT. MRS. L. D. (SalUe Gibson Humphreys). Fifth in descent from William Preston, 1729-1783. Member of the House of Burgesses. Commander of Rangers in French and Indian War, 1754. 586. CHURCHILL, MRS. JOHN (Emma Nicholas) Fourth in descent from Robert Carter Nicholas, 1725- 1780. Member of House of Burgesses, 1764-1773. Treas- urer, 1766. 459. CLARKE, MRS. EDWARD H. (Hartley Tyler). Sixth in descent from Robert Carter, 1663-1732. Speak- er of the House of Burgesses, Treasurer, President of the Council, and acting Governor of Virginia. 833. CLARKE, MRS. F. W. (Letitia Conway). Sixth in descent from Colonel Edwin Conway, 1683-1764. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1131. CLAY, MRS. CASSIUS M. (Mary Harris). Fifth in descent from Robert Harris, 1765. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, 1736-1742. LIST OP MEMBERS 125 492. COURTNEY, MISS EMMA. Third in descent from Wiriam Christian, 1743-1786. Member of House of Burgesses. 566. CRAWFORD, MRS. C. R. (Pattie Craig Green). Seventh 'n descent from Colonel John Washington, 1631-1677. Member of House of Burgesses. 244. CULBERTSON MRS. S. A. (Louise Craig). Eighth in descent from William Claiborne, 1589-1677. Secretary of State and Member of the Council. 4,76. CULBERTSON, MRS. W. S. (Rebecca Keith Spears). S'xth in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Attorney General and Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses. 208. CUNNINGHAM, MRS. R. H. (Mary Atkinson). Seventh in descent from Richard Lee, 1664. Member of House of Burgesses. 1171. BEARING, MRS. W. G. (Margaret Chenault). Fourth in descent from William Woods 1753. Lieutenant in French and Indian Wars. 222. EUSTIS, MRS. J. T. (Mary Creel).* Fourth in descent frop^ James McAfee. Officer in Co- lonial Wars. 215. FINK, MRS. CARY NICHOLAS. Third in descent from Robert Carter Nicholas, 1725- 1780. Member of the House of Burgesses and Treasurer of Virginia. 289. GOFF, MRS. STRANDER D. (Elzabeth M. Buckner). Fifth in descent from James Taylor, 1674-1729. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 126 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 104.'-" GREEN, MRS. T. M. (Patty E. Craig). Sixth in descent from Colonel John Washington, 1631- 1677. Member of House of Burgesses, and commanded the expedition against the Seneca Indians in 1675. 130. GREEN, MRS. JOHN W. (Annie Amis). Fifth in descent from George Taylor, 1711-1792. Mem- ber of House of Burgesses, 1748-1758, and of the Con- vention of 1775. 713. GRUBBS, MRS. C. S. (Nannie Rodman). Eighth in descent from John Pleasants, 1640-1698. Elected Member of the House of Burgesses, but de- clined to take the oath at the session which convened March 2,1692-93. 295. HAGGIN, MRS. W. T. (Susan Brent). Sixth in descent from James Taylor, 1674-1728. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 950. HALDEMAN, MRS. BRUCE (Annie Milton). Fourth in descent from Thomas Barbour, 1735-1825. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1769-1772-1774 and of Convention of 1775. 827. HALLEY, MRS. S. H. (Katharine Anderson Helm). Sixth in descent from David Lewis, 1779. Major n French and Indian War. 237. HAYS, MRS. WILLIAM (Frances Adams). Sixth in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Attorney General and Speaker of the House of Biirgesses. 195. HELM, MISS VIRGINU BALL. Eighth in descent from John Taliaferro, 1720. Member of the House of Burgesses and Lieutenant com- manding Rangers. LIST OF MEMBERS 127 712. HELM, MRS. J. P. (Pattie Anderson Kennedy). Fifth in descent from David Lewis, 1779. Major in French and Indian War. 874. HELM, MRS. T. K. (Elizabeth Tebbs Nelson). Fifth in descent from George Taylor, 1711 — — . Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, 1748-58, and of the Com- mittee of Safety, 1774, and of Virginia Convention, 1775. 458. HUGHES, MRS. JOHN C. (Myra Boiling Kemp). Sixth in descent from George Reade, 1671. Mem- ber of House of Burgesses and of the Council. 526. HUGHES, MRS. W. A. (Sarah Thurston). Fourth in descent from Colonel Charles Myrm Thurston, 1738-1812. Lieutenant in French and Indian War. 229. HUMPHREY, MRS. A. P. (Mary ChurchHl). Sixth in descent from John Armistead. Member of the Council, 1688. 176. JACOBS, MRS. R. P. (Zilla Young). Sixth in descent from Richard Lee, 1663. Sec- retary of State and Member of the Council. 527. JONAS, MRS. E. A. (Margaret Dixon). Fourth in descent from Colonel Joseph Cabell, 1732- 1798. Member of House of Burgesses and County Lieutenant of Amherst. 931. JOYES, MRS. M. V. (Caroline Hancock Preston Barr). Fourth in descent from William Preston, 1729-1783. Member of the House of Burgesses, Commander of Rangers in French and Indian War, 1754. 1021. KELLY, MRS. CLINTON W. (Catherine Washington Harris) . Seventh in descent from Colonel John Washington, 1627- 1697. Member of the House of Burgesses. 128 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 858. LAWTON, MRS. H. W. (Mary Craig). Eighth in descent from William Claiborne, 1589-1682. Secretary of State, Treasurer and Member of the Coun- cil. 1234. LEE, MISS HORTENSE. Fifth in descent from John Woods, 1712-1791. Lieu- tenant in French and Indian Wars. 1197. LETCHER, MRS. R. P. (Anna Randolph Meade). Fifth in descent from WilHam Byrd I, 1652-1704. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Council, Audi- tor General. 992. LOCKETT, MISS BELL WALKER. Eighth in descent from Colonel Richard Lee, 1597-1663. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council, Secretary of State, County Lieutenant. 225. LOVELL, MRS. H. L., JR., (May Fallis Rodgers). Fifth in descent from James Allen. Captain in Colonial Wars. 212. LYONS, MRS. W. L. (Belle Clay) Fourth in descent from Josiah Payne, 1735-1782. Member of House of Burgesses, 1768. 181. MACKOY, MRS. W. H. (Margaret Chambers Brent).* Seventh in descent from Richard Lee, 1663. Member of the Council. 180. MARSHALL, MRS. ALEXANDER K. (Maria Louise). Sixth in descent from John Battaile, 1707. Member of House of Burgesses, 1693-1696. Captain of Rangers in active service against the Indians. LIST OF MEMBERS 129 841. MASON, MRS. J. K. (Claudia Hamilton Norton). Sixth in descent from Thomas Marshall, 1730-1802. Member of the House of Burgesses and of Convention, 1775-76. 618. MARRIOTT, MISS MAY. Sixth in descent from Henry Willis, 1690-1789. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 569. MAXFIELD, MRS. WILLIAM (Louisiana Breckenridge Gibson). Sixth in descent from Colonel William Preston, 1729- 1783. Member of the House of Burgesses and County Lieutenant. 414. MILLER, MRS. R. W. (Susan Breine Patton). Fifth in descent from Samuel McDowell, 1735-1817. Member of the House of Burgesses and Captain in Colonial Wars. 247. MONTFORD, MRS. RICHARD (Henri Barret).* Seventh in descent from Thomas Oswley, 1700. Member of the House of Burgesses. 696. MORRIS, MRS. J. H. M. (Fannie Craik). Sixth in descent from James Craik, 1730-1814. Sur- geon of the First Virginia Regiment, French and Indian Wars. 1040. MORTON, MRS. D. C. (Mary Ballard). Fifth in descent from Charles Mynn, Thurston, 1738- 1812, Lieutenant of Provincials under Colonel George Washington in the Expedition against Fort Duquesne, 1753. 1169. MURRAY, MISS ANNA E. Fifth in descent from Judge Cuthbert Bullett, 1740- 1791. Member of the Conventions of 1775-76. 130 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 915. MURRELL MRS. D. G. (Cornelia Randolph). Eighth in descent from Henry Soane. Spealcer of the House of Burgesses. 488. McDonald, MRS. DONALD (Betsy Breckenridge Carr.) Third in descent from Dabney Carr, 1743-1773. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 1224. McDowell, MRS. E. C. (Rosa Gray Pickett). Fifth in descent from vSamuel McDowell, 1735-1817. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1765-73-75-76. 1200. McFERRAN, MRS. J. B. (Josephine Barr). Fourth in descent from William Preston, 1729-1783. Member of the House of Burgesses, Commander of Rangers in French and Indian War, 1754. 220. McLennan, MRS. Alexander, (Rose Harbison). Fifth in descent from George Taylor, 1711-1792. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 922. OSBORNE, MRS. W. S. (Sallie Bouldin). Fifth in descent from Colonel Thomas Bouldin, 1706- 1783. Captain in French and Indian War. 1758. 165. PALMER, MRS. E. R. (Lucy Brent). Fifth in descent from James Taylor, 1674-1729. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 601. PENDLETON, MRS. D. L. (Sara Prewitt). Fifth in descent from George Taylor, 1711-1792. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, Committee of Safety, and Convention of 1775. 1067. PEPPER, MRS. R. P. (EHzabeth Prudence Starling). Fifth in descent from John McDowell. Captain of Military forces in Colonial Wars. LIST OF MEMBERS 131 570. PETER, MRS. R. A. (Letty Lee Todd). Sixth in descent from Thomas Todd, 1676. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 525. POPE, MRS. A. T. (Mary Tyler). Fourth in descent from Colonel Charles Mjmn Thurston,* 1738-1812. Lieutenant in French and Indian War. Member of Convention of 1775. 200. RAND, MRS. E. R. (Belle Brent Palmer). Sixth in descent from James Taylor, 1674-1729. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 85. RICHARDSON, MISS MARY CABELL. Fifth in descent from Benjamin Harrison, 1673-1710. Attorney General and Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses. 660. ROBINSON, MRS. G. A. (Rosa Duncan Johnston) Fourth in descent from William Preston, 1729-1783. Member of the House of Burgesses. "' 140. ROGERS, MRS. C. G. (Harriet Fallis). Fourth in descent from Captain James Allen, 1716-1810. Officer in French and Indian Wars. 205. RUTHERFORD, MRS. E. H. (Jane Young). Fourth in descent from Joseph Cabell, 1732-1798. Member of the House of Burgesses. 160. RUTLEDGE, MRS. A. M. (Rosalie Winston). Fifth in descent from John Robinson, 1683-1749. Pres- ident of the Council and Acting Governor. 692. SACKETT, MRS. F. M. (Olive Speed). Fifth in descent from Thomas Walker. 1714-1794. Member of the House of Burgesses and of Conventions of 1774-1775. 132 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 1033. SEMPLE, MRS. CHARLES (Virginia Braxton). Eighth in descent from Philip Ludwell, 1705. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. Governor of the Carolinas. 255. SHACKELFORD, MRS. J. T. (Mary Keen). Fourth in descent from Samuel McDowell, 1735-1817. Member of House of Burgesses, Officer in French and Indian War. 403. SNEAD, MRS. UDOLPHO (Emerin Rice Meriwether). Fifth in descent from Nicholas Meriwether, 1647- 1744. Member of the House of Burgesses. 227. SPEED, MRS. THOMAS (Lucy Madison Buckner). Fourth in descent from Richard Buckner. Clerk of the House of Burgesses. 810. STEWART, MRS. J. A. (Anna Briggs Carter). Seventh in descent from Edward Dale. Member of the House of Burgesses for Lancaster County, 1677. 945. STONE, MRS. S. H. (Pattie Harris). Fifth in descent from Robert Harris, 1765. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, 1736-1742. 361. STUART, MISS. SUSETTE GRAY. Sixth in descent from George Reade, 1671. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 172. TAYLOR, MRS. JOHN B. (Bettie Washington). Seventh in descent from Colonel John Washington, 1633-1674. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1666- 1676. 661. TEN BROECK, MRS. M. C. * Eighth in descent from Colonel Thomas Goodrich, • -1679. General in French and Indian Wars. LIST OF MEMBERS 133 1032. TRABUE, MISS ALICE ELIZABETH. Sixth in descent from James Taylor II, 1730. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1702-1710. 516. UNDERWOOD, MISS HELEN. Eighth in descent from Colonel Gerard Fowke, 1669. Member of the House of Burgesses. 663. UNDERWOOD, MISS DRUE. Eighth in descent from Colonel Gerard Fowke, 1669. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1204. WASHBURNE, MRS. G. R. (Mary Moore). Seventh in descent from John Haynie. Member of of the House of Burgesses. 294. WATTS, MRS. ROBERT (Margaret Anderson). Sixth in descent from Thomas Owsley, 1700. Member of the House of Burgesses. 930. WITHERSPOON, MRS. LISTER (Nettie Viley). Sixth in descent from James Hoknan, 1759. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1214. WOOD MISS CAROLINE. Fourth in descent from Martin Pickett, 1740-1804. Lieutenant in French and Indian Wars. Member of Convention of 1776. 589. WOOD, MRS. A. C. (Frances White). Sixth in descent from William Hatcher, 1614-1680 Member of the House of Burgesses for Henrico. 311. WOODWARD, MRS. J. K. (Clementine Davis). Seventh in descent from James Taylor, 1674-1729, Member of the House of Burgesses. 134 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 209. WOOLDRIDGE, MRS. POWHATAN (Mary Chambers)- Fifth in descent from Benjamin Cave, 1762' Member of the House of Burgesses. 467. WOOLLEY, MISS SOPfflA JOHNSTON. Fifth in descent from Larkin Chew. Member of the House of Burgesses. 204. YOUNG, MISS EUGENIA CRITTENDEN. Seventh in descent from Isaac Allerton, 1659. One of the founders of Plymouth Colony and Deputy Governor of Plymouth. ,226. YOUNG, MISS SARAH LEE. Sixth in descent from Richard Lee, 1663. Mem- ber of Council and Secretary of State. 230. ZANE, MRS. HAMPDEN (Emily Churchill). Fifth in descent from John Armistead. Member of the Council, 1688. INDIANA. 228. BENNETT, MRS. H. W. (Ariana Holliday). Fifth in descent from Patrick Henry. Member of the House of Burgesses, Governor of Virginia. 223. HOLLIDAY, MRS. W. J. (Lucy Redd). Fourth in descent from Patrick Henry. Member of the House of Burgesses, Governor of Virginia. 121. McKEE, MRS. JAMES R. (Mary Harrison). Fourth in descent from Benjamin Harrison, 1726-1791. Member of the House of Burgesses, Signer of the Dec- laration of Independence. 826. WILSON, MISS MARGARET COCHRAN. Third in descent from Colonel William McKee, 1732- 1816. Captain in Colonial Wars. LIST OF MEMBERS 135 ALABAMA. 1060. ABBOT, MRS. J. L. (Amelia Lyon Ross). Fourth in descent from James Lyon, 1736-1817. Lieu- tenant Colonel of Militia, 1760-1776. 823. ADAMS, MRS. ARTHUR (Carrie Walton). Fourth in descent from John Donelson, 1718-1785. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1249. ALDRICH, MISS HERBERT (Mary Louisa Bannester). Tenth in descent from John Rolfe, 1585-1622. Sec- retary and Recorder General. Member of the Council, 1617-1620. 648. BADHAM, MRS. VERNON (Leila Johnston). Seventh in descent from Richard Littlepage, 1654-1737. Member of the House of Burgesses. 921. BADHAM, MRS. H. L. (Helen Terry) . Seventh in descent from John Taliaferro, 1653-1720. Member of the House of Burgesses. 636. BARR, MRS. H. D. (Mary Malone McDonald). Ninth in descent from Richard Cocke, 1600-1665. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1644-1654. 265. BENAGH, MISS ELIZABETH R. Fifth in descent from Thomas Bouldin, 1706-1783. Captain in Colonial Wars. 1252. BEY, MRS. M. T. MOHARREN. (Ellen Scott Marks). Ninth in descent from Nicholas Meriwether, 1647-1744. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1710-1714. 394. BISHOP, MRS. J. L. (Agnes Ware). Seventh in descent from Lawrence Smith, 1700. Officer in Colonial Wars. 136 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 1061. BRAGG, MRS. WALTER L. (Elizabeth Thornton Marks).* Seventh in descent from Francis Thornton, 1682- - Member of the House of Burgesses. 617. BRICKLE, MISS MARY GLENN, Ninth in descent from Nicholas Martian. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1182. COBBS, MRS. J. L. (Ida Woodfin). Fourth in descent from John Mayo, 1737-1780. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 1027. COLEMAN, MISS CLAUDE VERDOT. Eighth in descent from Colonel Richard Cocke, 1600 — 1665. Member of the House of Burgesses. 630. COTHRAN, MRS. HUGH (Amy Louise Jordan).* Sixth in descent from Thomas Jordan, 1634-1700. Member of the House of Burgesses. 715. DABNEY, MRS. J. D. (Virginia Amelia Grout). Sixth in descent from Robert Boiling, 1646-1709. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 585. DEAN, MRS. L. Y. (Carolyn Sympson). Ninth in descent from George Read, 1671. Act- ing Governor and Secretary, Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council, 1102. DU ROSE, MRS. F. G. (Aimee Nelson). Fifth in descent from Thomas Nelson, 1716-1782. Secretary of the Council. 1277. ESTILL, MRS. GEORGE C. (Alice Dashiell Garth). Ninth in descent from John West, Governor of Virgina. LIST OF MEMBERS 137 613. FAIRFAX, MISS VIRGINIA. Eighth in descent from John Washington, 1640-1677. Member of the House of Burgesses. 552. FINCH, MRS. STANLEY (Waller Conway). Eighth in descent from William Fitzhugh, 1651-1701. Member of the House of Burgesses for eight years. 1108. FITZPATRICK, MRS. DAVID (Eleanor Hawkins Va.ss)* Eighth in descent from Richard Lee, -1664. Mem- ber of Council and Secretary of State. 1166. FRAZIER, MRS. J. E. (Octavia Fletcher). Fifth in descent from David Mason, 1740-1820. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 1052. GARRETT, MRS. AUGUSTA BIBB. Sixth in descent from William Bibb, 1735-1796. Mem- ber of Conventions of 1774-1775. 1273. GARTH, MRS. W. F. (Lena Garth). Sixth in descent from James Barbour IIL Member of the House of Burgesses. 1274. GARTH, MISS MARIA FEARN. Ninth in descent from John West, Governor of Virginia. 402. GLASS, MRS. F. P. (Mattie Byrd Pumell). Seventh in descent from Thomas Massie. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1723-1726. 673. GOLDSBY, MRS. T. J. (Agnes Winston). Fourth in descent from Anthony Winston, 1750-1828. Member of the House of Burgesses. 966. GOODLOE, MRS. E. L. (Judith Winston Stesle). Fourth in descent from Anthony Winston, 1750 . Member of the House of Burgesses. Hi SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 1140. GUNTER, MISS ANNE HOWARD. Eighth in descent from William Claiborne, 1587-1676. Secretary of the Colony. Member of the Council, 1627-1660. 788. HAG AN, MRS. W. J. (Rowena Snead). Fifth in descent from Richard Calloway, 1780. Member of the House of Burgesses. 321. HALL, MRS. HENRY (Lelia Cary). Sixth in descent from Anthony Armistead. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1693. 366. HALL, MRS. JOSEPH L. (Susan Morris Barker). t Seventh in descent from Nicholas Merriwether, 1667- 1744. Member of the House of Burgesses. 691. HARRIS, MRS. SCHUYLER (Anne de Woody Richard- son). Tenth in descent from Richard Cocke, 1600-1665. Member of the House of Burgesses. 359. HARWOOD, MISS MATTIE LEA. Eighth in descent from William Bernard, 1657. Member of the Council. 267. HENLEY, MRS. A. T. (Nannie Randolph Tayloe). Fourth in descent from John Tayloe. Member of the Council. 688. HOBBS, MRS. T. M. (Anne Davis Richardson). Ninth in descent from Richard Cocke, 1600-1665. Member of the House of Burgesses. 726. HOOD, MISS MARY CHALMERS. Eighth in descent from Jolin Lewis, 1669-1725. Mem- ber of the Council. LIST OF MEMBERS m 974. HORTON, MRS. E. W. (Laura Crenshaw). Eighth in descent from John Bland, 1573 . Mem- ber of the Virginia Company. 401. JAMES, MRS. MARY CUNNINGHAM.* Sixth in descent from Theodorick Brand, 1714-1784. Member of the House of Burgesses 365. JOHNSON, MRS. J. H. (NelHe Guild Hall). Fifth in descent from Josiah Payne, 1705-1785. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, 240. JONES, MRS. H. E. (Marion Wilmer). Fourth in descent from Colonel William Cabell, 1730-1798. Member of the House of Burgesses. 466. JONES, MISS SALLIE CARGHX.* Second in descent from John Jones. Member of the House of Burgesses. 818. JONES, MISS MATTIE MORAN. Sixth in descent from Captain Roger Jones, 1625-1701. Captain of a Sloop of War to suppress piracy in Chesa- peake Bay. 1020. LAMAR, MRS. J. S. (Bessie Ward) . Ninth in descent from Francis Thornton, 1682 . Member of the House of Burgesses. 608. LESESNE, MRS. H. (Lucy Calmes Rickaby).* Sixth in descent from William Waller, 1760 . Member of the House of Burgesses, 1742-1752. 1217. LEWIS, MRS. B. B. (Lucinda Rose Garland). Sixth in descent from William Fitzhugh, 1651-1707. Member of the House of Burgesses. 140 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 593. LIGON, MRS. GREENWOOD (Ellen Lee Barrett). Fourth in descent from Charles Barrett, 1771. Member of the House of Burgesses. 853. MASTIN, MRS. W. M. (Margaret Crawford). Sixth in descent from Edwin Conway, 1681-1763. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1029. MARKS, MISS FANNY LOCKETT. Ninth in descent from Nicholas Meriwether, 1647-1744. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1007. MAXWELL, MRS. C. W. (Josephine Louise Alston) . Fourth in descent from Colonel John Jones. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1772-1775. 277. MAYFIELD, MRS. J. J. (Susie Fitts Martin). Fifth in descent from Nicholas Faulcon. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Conventions of 1775- 76. 522. McCLELLAN, MRS. R. A. (Aurora Pryor). Seventh in descent from John Bland, 1573 . Mem- ber of the Virginia Company. 631. McLEOD, MRS. A. L. (Elizabeth Hails). Seventh in descent from George Mathews, 1812. Captain of a Company at the battle of Point Pleasant, 1774. 469. MONK, MRS. W. S. (Lucy Hall). Fifth in descent from Abraham Venable, 1701 . Member of the House of Burgesses. 819. MELVIN, MRS. E. C. (Gertrude Jones). Seventh in descent from Colonel Richard Lee, 1628 . Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. LIST OF MEMBERS 141 603. MONTGOMERY, MRS. W. G. (Sophia Perkins). Fifth in descent from Samuel Earle, 1692-1770. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, 1742-1750. 625. MORROW, MRS. HUGH (Margaret Smith). Seventh in descent from Thomas Jordan, 1634-1700. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1260. MORTON, MISS HATTIE. Seventh in descent from Henry Filmer. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1128. NORTHINGTON, MRS. M. P. (Mary Gaines Earle). Fifth in descent from Samuel Earle, 1692-1770. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, 1742-1750. 745. OTTS, MRS. R. F. (Frederica Reed). Sixth in descent from Abraham Venable, 1701 . Member of the House of Burgesses for twenty years. 591. PEACOCK, MRS. G. H. ((Elizabeth Selden). Eighth in descent from John Armistead. Member of the Council. 724. PEEBLES, MRS. W. S. (Memory Pryor). Seventh in descent from John Bland, 1573 . Mem- ber of the Virginia Company. 495. PITTS, MRS. A. D. (Julia Merriwether) . Seventh in descent from Nicholas Merriwether, 1678. Clerk of the Council. 725. PRYOR, MISS FRANCES SNOW. Seventh in descent from John Bland, 1573 . Member of the Virginia Company. 1138. REESE, MRS. W. J. (Margaret Elizabeth Walker) Seventh in descent from James Minge, 1637 . Member of the House of Burgesses, 1673-76, 1780-84. 142 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 866. RICKARBY, MISS AGNES C. Eighth in descent from John Waller, 1690 . Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 760. ROSS, MRS. MARY AMANDA LYON. Third in descent from Colonel James Lyon, 1738-1817. Lieutenant Colonel of Militia from 1760-1776. 560. SHELBY, MRS. D. D. (Annie E. Davis). Eighth in descent from Colonel William Bernard, 1657. Member of the Council. 555. SIMPSON, MISS JANET COLLIER. Fifth in descent from Colonel Thomas Bouldin, 1706- 1783. Captain in Colonial Wars. 379. SMITH, MRS. O. D. (Mary Antoinette Howell). f Seventh in descent from Lewis Burwell, -1710. Member of the Council. 1028. SMITH, MRS. S. H. (Angeline Warren). Seventh in descent from Robert Carter, 1663-1732. Speaker of the House of Burgesses and President of the Council. 954. STODDARD, MRS. A. O. (Cora Hooper). Fifth in descent from Colonel George Carrington. 1711- . Mem.ber of the House of Burgesses, 1749-1768. County Lieti tenant of Cumberland County. 914. TALIAFERRO, MRS. E. T. (Mary Scott Venable).* Fourth in descent from Nathaniel Venable, 1732-1808. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1143. TARDY, MRS.. C. M. (Annie Southerne). Tenth in descent from Thomas Purefoy, 1593-1640. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. LIST OF MEMBERS 143 322. TAYLOE, MRS. W. H. (Lucy Langhome). Seventh in descent from George Reade, 1671. Member of the Council. 462. THACH, MRS. R. H. (Eliza Lockhart Coleman). Sixth in descent from Richard Ccfcke. Member of the House of Burgesses. 325. THOMAS, MRS. W. B. (Helen Beverley). Sixth in descent from Robert Beverley, 1675-1716. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 542. THOMPSON, MISS METTA EASON. Eighth in descent from William Bernard, 1665. Member of the Council. 524. THURBER, MISS MARY CARTER. Seventh in descent from Robert Boiling, 1646-1709. Member of the House of Burgesses. 761. TRIPLETT, MRS. J. R. (Sallie Ross). Fourth in descent from Colonel James Lyon, 1738- 1817. Lieutenant Colonel of Militia from 1760-1776. 523. WALKER, MRS. R. H. (Memory Pryor McClellan). Eighth in descent from John Bland, 1537 . Mem- ber of the Virginia Company. 956. WARREN, MISS MARY ALICE. Eighth in descent from John Page, 1627-1692. Mem- ber of the Council. 579. WHITE, MRS. J. J. (Grace Triplett). Ninth in descent from Richard Townshend. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 508. WILLIAMS, MISS ANNE MARKS. Eighth in descent from Francis Thornton, 1682 . Member of the House of Burgesses, 1723-1726. 144 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 988. WINSTON, MISS JUDITH McGRAW. Fourth in descent from Anthony Winston, 1750-1828. Member of the House of Burgesses. 989. WINSTON MISS ANNIE HELAN. Fourth in descent from Anthony Winston, 1750-1828. Member of the House of Burgesses. 594. VAUGHAN, MRS. DAVID A. (Susan Kennon). Ninth in descent from Nicholas Martian, 1591-1657. Member of the House of Burgesses. 445. WOODS, MRS. N. M. (Tallulah Gachet). Sixth in descent from Major Lawrence Smith, 1700. Officer in Colonial Wars. TEXAS. 567. BELL, MRS. WILLIAM (Elizabeth Douglas Keeth).* Fifth in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Speaker of the House of Burgesses, Attorney General, one of the founders of William and Mary College. 1149. BRIGGS, MRS. G. D. (Olive Branch). Seventh in descent from Christopher Branch, 1600-1682. Memberof the House of Burgesses. 947. CLARKSON, MRS. J. F. (Sarah Devine). Eighth in descent from Edmond Scarborough - 1634. Member of the House of Burgesses. 379. CLARK, MRS. J. B. (Florence Anderson). Third in descent from Garland Anderson. Member of the Convention of 1775. 659. CLARK, MISS EDITH LANIER. Fourth in descent from Garland Anderson. Member of the Convention of 1775. LIST OF MEMBERS 145 210. CURRIE, MRS. J. R. (Katie Doswell Cabell) . Fourth in descent from Joseph Cabell, 1732-1798. Member of the House of Burgesses. 213. DABNEY, MRS. L. M. (Stella Hutcheson) . Sixth in descent from George Carrington, 1711-1785 Member of the House of Burgesses, 1747-1765. 313. DANAGH, MRS. JOHN (Annie Pendleton Shepherd). Ninth in descent from William Farrar, 1587 . Member of the Council. 383. de JARNETTE, MRS. GABRIEL HARRISON. Sixth in descent from Robert Boiling, 1646-1709. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 741. DOWNS, MRS. F. F. (Elma Keys). Seventh in descent from John Evans, 1737-1834. Col- onel in Mclntoschs' Campaign and Dunmores War, 1774. 421. DROUGHT, MRS. H. P. (Ethel Tunstall). Sixth in descent from Nicholas Meriwether, 1647-1744. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1087. ELTER, MRS. LILA BELLE WAGGENER. Sixth in descent from Rice Curtis, 1704-1774. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1172. ENGELKING, MRS. S. (Annie Laura James Williams). Ninth in descent from John Page, 1627-1692. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 517. FERRELL, MRS. C. C. (Rosa Freeman). Seventh in descent from John West, 1590-1659. Gov- ernor of Virginia. 146 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 681. FONTAINE, MISS ELIZABETH HENRY. Ninth in descent from John West, 1590-1659. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Council, and Governor of Virginia. 898. FONTAINE, MRS. L. B. (Elizabeth Ross Waggener). Ninth in descent from Colonel Rice Curtis, 1704-1774 . Member of the House of Burgesses, 1748-1756. 408. GOGGIN, MISS ANNE PAGE. Seventh in descent from John Page, 1627-1692. Mem- ber of the Council. 461. GOODMAN, MRS. R. L. (Susan A Shepard). Third in descent from Samuel McDowell, 1735-1817. Member of the House of Burgesses and Officer in French and Indian Wars. 727. Glenn, MRS. F. I. (Virginia Green). Fifth in descent from Robert Green, 1695-1748. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 1061. GREER, MRS. HAL. W. (Sarah Graham Irby). Fourth in descent from John Edmunds, 1770. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1262. GREEN, MRS. SAMUEL L. (Louise Tate). Sixth in descent from Henry Soane. Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 623. GRESHAM, MRS. WALTER (Josephine Mann). Sixth in descent from Patrick Calhoun, 1727-1795. Commander of Provincial Rangers 627. HARRIS, MRS. E. F. (EmmaGillison). Seventh in descent from Richard Lee 1664. Mem- ber of the Council and Secretary of State. LIST OF MEMBERS 147 1122. HENDERSON, MRS. F. W. (Maggie Miller). Fifth in descent from Abraham Field, 1774. Member of the House of Burgesses. Officer in Dun- mores War, 1774. 621. HICKS, MRS. F. M. (Margaret Robins Spence). Eighth in descent from Colonel Obedience Robins, 1600-1662. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1644- 1652 and of the Council, 1655-1659. 1048. JACKSON, MRS. S. J. (Laura Willis). Sixth in descent from General Evan Shelby, 1732 . General Commanding at the close of the Dunmore War. 1774. 529. JAMES, MRS. J. H. (Maria Williams). Eighth in descent from John Page, 1627-1692. Mem- ber of the Council. 1158. JARRATT, MRS. J. E. (Mamie Sue Steele). Fifth in descent from John Field, 1774. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. Officer in Dunmores War, 1774. 314. KAMMERER, MRS. E. P. (Mary Gamble). Seventh in descent from Miles Cary, 1620-1667 Mem- ber of the Council. 1031. KAMPMAN, MISS EVA H. Sixth in descent from Colonel Richard Calloway, 1719- 1780. Captain in French and Indian Wars. 541. KAMPMAN, MRS. ELIZABETH SAMPSON. Fifth in descent from Colonel Richard Calloway, 1719- 1780. Captain in French and Indian Wars. 512. KENNEDY, MRS. S. L. (Nora Jane Thompson) . Eighth in descent from Colonel Gerard Fowke, 1669. Member of the House of Burgesses. 148 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 1203. KOPPERL, MRS. M. O. (Waldine Zimpleman) . Eighth in descent from Samuel Mathews, 1592-1660. Governor of Virginia. 1225. MAXEY, MRS. T. S. (Mary Frances CampbeU). Eighth in descent from John Chew 1668. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, 1623-24-29-1642-43-44. 609. PRATHER, MISS MARY LUCRETIA. Fifth in descent from Archibald Alexander, 1708 . Captain in the Sandy Creek Expedition. 744. POTTER, MRS. M. H. (Aida Blackburn). Fifth in descent from General Evan Shelly, 1732 . General Commanding at the close of the Dunmore War, 1774. 927. POTTS, MRS. A. D. (Clara Hefley). Eighth in descent from Colonel Richard Lee 1663. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 629. PRESTON, MRS. JOHN (Annie Lewis White). Fourth in descent from William Preston, 1729-1783. Member of the House of Burgesses. 424. ROBERTS, MRS. C. S. (Nannie Du Val).* Seventh in descent from William Claiborne, 1587-1677. Member of the Council, Secretary of the State and Treasurer. 649. ROBERTSON, MRS. H. P. (Mary Gatlin Cooke). Sixth in descent from William Churchill, 1649-1710. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 320. SAMPSON, MRS. HENRY (Sarah Spottswood Fontaine) Eighth in descent from John West, 1590-1659. Gov- ernor of- Virginia. LIST OF MEMBERS 149' 877. SCRUGGS. MRS. G. P. (Marion Price). Fifth in descent from James Walker, 1707 . Cap- tain in French and Indian Wars. 1151. SHEERIN, MRS. G. G. (Lula Atkinson). Ninth in descent from Richard Bennett 1675. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. Governor of Virginia. 1124. SMITH, MRS. E. P. (Ella Wiley). Fifth in descent from Samuel Harris 1724 1794. Member of the House of Burgesses. 428. STONE, MRS. CORNELIA BRANCH. Sixth in descent from Christopher Branch, 1600-1682. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1132. STUART, MRS. D. F. (Bettie Heath Bocock). Tenth in descent from Colonel Richard Lee, 1647-1714. Member of the Council. 1272. TARVER, MISS JULIA MITCHELL. Ninth in descent from Miles Cary, 1620-1667. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 1153. TAYLOR, MRS. W. D. (Catharine Noland). Fifth in descent from James Barbour HI, 1732-1804. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1261. THOMPSON, MRS. WELLS (Caroline Tait). Sixth in descent from Henry Soane. Speaker of the House of Burgesses. 1104. THOMPSON, MRS. GEORGE (Anna Bland Baker). Eighth in descent from Richard Bennett, 1675. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Coimcil. Governor of Virginia. 150 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 274. THORNTON, MRS. E. C. (Mary Fitzhugh). Fourth in descent from Patrick Henry, 1736-1799. Member of the House of Burgesses and Governor of Virginia. 1114. VENABLE, MRS. C. S. (Mary Southall). Seventh in descent from Richard Cocke, 1600-1665. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1026. WAGGENER, MRS. FRANCES PENDLETON. Sixth in descent from Colonel Rice Curtis, 1704-1774. Member of the House of Burgesses. 897. WALKER, MRS. A. S. (Katherine Pendleton Waggener) Sixth in descent from Colonel Rice Curtis. Member of House of Burgesses. 232. WEEMS, MRS. B. F. (Maria Carrington). Fourth in descent from Paul Carrington, 1733-1818. Member of the House of Burgesses. 207. WELCH, MRS. S. M. (Elizabeth Fontaine McDoweU)* Third in descent from Samuel McDowell, 1735-1817. Member of the House of Burgesses. 985. WESTBROOK, MRS. MARY VIRGINIA WHITSETT. Third in descent from Anthony Winston, 1750-1828. Member of the House of Burgesses. 587. WHITE, MISS CLARA HERIOT. Ninth in descent from George Reade 1671. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. Sec- retary of State and Acting Governor. 986. WORRALL, MRS. E. C. (Fannie Denson). Fifth in descent from General Evan Shelby, 1732 . General Commanding at the close of Dunmores War, 1774, LIST OF MEMBERS 151 ARKANSAS. 1239. BACHE, MRS. FRANKLIN, (Nannie Greenway Trigg). Seventh in descent from William Byrd I, 1652-1704. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. Receiver and Auditor Generel. 471. BARROW, MRS. ALEXANDER (Annie McD. Armstrong) . Sixth in descent from Alexander Spotswood, 1676-1740. Governor of Virginia, 1710-1722. 1121. BRECKINRIDGE, MRS. J. C. (Sallie F Johnson) Sixth in descent from Richard Johnson, 1698. Member of the Council. 263. BUNCH, MRS. T. H. (Laura Crease Lewis). Fourth in descent from Charles Lewis, 1736-1774. Colonel in Colonial Wars. 1127. DAVIS, MRS. S. P. (Kate Embry Dowdle) . Seventh in descent from Peter Presley II, 1750. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1711-1747. 256. DICKENSON, MRS. W. W. (Fanny Rose). Seventh in descent from WilHam Fitzhugh, 1651-1701. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1171. FERRILL, MRS. J. W. (Ida Glenari Pickett). J^r\ Sfipfeh in descent from Colonel Martin Pickett, 1740- 1804. Lieutenant in French and Indian War, and Member of Convention of 1776. 337. FONES, MRS. JAMES A. (Martha EHzabeth Rison).* Fifth in descent from Edmund Booker, 1758. Member of the House of Burgesses. 152 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 653. FRY, MISS FANNIE D. Fifth in descent from Joshua Fry, 1754. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 748. FRIBERG, MRS. G. H. (Imogen Davis Thompson). Eighth in descent from WilHam Claiborne, 1589-1682. Member of the Council and Secretary of State. 503. FRY, MRS. WILLIAM, (Grace Greenwood Rector). Fifth in descent from Charles Mynn Thurston, 1728-1812. Member of the Convention of 1775. 562. GIBBON, MRS. T. E. (Ellen Rose). Seventh in descent from William Fitzhugh, 1651-1701. Member of the House of Burgesses. 271. HANGER, MRS. FREDERICK (Frances Marion Har- row). Fourth in descent from James Ward, 1774. Captain in Colonial Wars; kUled at the battle of Point Pleasant. 1139. HARDY, MISS STELLA PICKETT. Fourth in descent from Colonel Martin Pickett, 1740- 1804. Lieutenant in French and Indian War. 605. HILL, MRS. JOHN C, Jr., (Annie Eloise Hightower). Sixth in descent from Patrick Henry, 1736-1799. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and Governor of Virginia. 1254. KIRTEN, MRS. WILLIAM (Augusta Sims). Seventh in descent from Colonel Richard Johnson 1699. Member of the Council. 1176. LEE, MRS. R. E. (Rosalie Collier). Fifth in descent from Thomas Bouldin, 1706-1783. Captain in French and Indian Wars. i LIST OF MEMBERS 153 338. Mcdonough, MRS. J. B. (Sara Mason Martin). Fifth in descent from David Mason. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1118. MORRISON, MRS. J. W. (Ernestine Rector). Fifth in descent from Charles Mynn Thurston, 1738- 1812. Member of the Convention of 1775. 1238. MORRISON, MRS. H. R. (Mary Breckinridge). Fifth in descent from Robert Breckinridge, Officer in Colonial War. 1101. McKEE, MRS. CHARLES (Lebritte Lawrence). Seventh in descent from Richard Johnson, 1698. Member of the Council. 785. PHILLIPS, MRS. T. M. (Hallie Lawrence). Seventh in descent from Richard Johnson, 1698. Member of the Council. 744. POTTER, MRS. M. H. (Aida Blackburn). Fifth in descent from Evan Shelby. 1732 . Gen- eral Commanding at the close of the Dunmore War, 1774. 278. READ, MRS. J. F. (Lena Park). Sixth in descent from Richard Cocke, 1665. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1206. RECTOR, MISS AMELIA WALTON. Fifth in descent from Charles Mynn Thurston, 1738- 1812. Member of the Convention of 1775. 1207. RECTOR, MISS ROSE ANGELINE SALLY PHILLIPS Fifth in descent from Charles Mynn Thurston, 1738- 1812. Member of the Convention of 1774. 154 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 732. REYNOLDS, MRS. W. J. (Grace Buchanan). Fourth in descent from John Montgomery, 1717-1802. Officer in Colonial Wars. 1091. SAUNDERS, MRS. D. H. (Mildred Taylor Bradford). Seventh in descent from John Catlett, Jr., 1658-1724. Member of the House of Burgesses. 272. SCOTT, MISS FRANCES M.* Eighth in descent from Moore Fauntleroy, 1664. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1191. SCOTT, MISS CAROLINE. Sixth in descent from Colonel William Dangerfield 1769. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1748-1758. 262. SKIPWITH, MRS. E. H. (Catherine Henderson).* Eighth in descent from Richard Cocke, 1665. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1285. SLOAN, MRS. M. F. (Fannie E. Andrews). Seventh in descent from Captain Thomas Marshall, 1730- 1802. Member of the House of Burgesses and of Con- vention of 1776. 561. SMITH, MRS. H. W. (Jessie Alice Rose). Seventh in descent from William Fitzhugh, 1651-1701. Member of the House of Burgesses. 835. SMITH, MRS. J. R. (Mary Grace Harrow). Fifth in descent from James Ward, 1774. Cap- tain in Dunmores War, 1774. 463. TAYLOR, MRS. C. M. (Julia H. Prewitt). Third in descent from Richard Calloway, 1780. Officer in Coloni'al Wars. LIST OF MEMBERS 155 1246. TAYLOR, MISS ANNE HENRIETTA. Eighth in descent from Colonel John Catlett, Jr,. 1658- 1724. Member of the House of Burgesses. 662. TRIMBLE, MRS. D. L. (Ella Lee Withers) ."^ Eighth in descent from William Claiborne, 1587-1677. Member of the Council and Secretary of State. 678. TUFTS, MRS. A. A. (Nellie Scott). Third in descent from Thomas Scott, 1727-1804. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 606. WALKER, MISS SUE H. Seventh in descent from John Washington, 1633-1677. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1135. WHITHINGTON, MRS. G. P. (Susan Bullett Dixon Burbank). Seventh in descent from James Taylor, 1674-1729. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1702-1714. 1208. WOOTTEN, MRS. JANE ELIZABETH RECTOR. Fifth in descent from Charles Mynn Thurston, 1738- 1812. Member of the Convention of 1775. FLORIDA. k 924. BARRS, MRS. HENRIETTA CLARK. Ninth in decent from Henry Corbin, 1629-1675. Mem- ber of the Council. 817. BRYAN, MRS. W. J. (Janet George Allan). Seventh in descent from William Randolph, 1651-1711. Speaker of the House of Burgesses and Attorney General. 323, DISMUKES, MRS. J. T. (Elizabeth Elean Gibbs). Sixth in descent from Robert Boiling. 1646-1709. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 156 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 654. GREEN, MRS. T. D. (Julia Dismtikes). Seventh in descent from Robert Boiling, 1646-17b9. Member of the House of Burgesses. 768. LOVELL, MRS. C. P. (Mary V. Hocker). Fifth in descent from Abraham Venable, 1700-1768. Member ofthe House of Burgesses. 663. McFADDEN, MRS. H. C. (May Stanley Walker). Eighth in descent from Obedience Robins, 1600 . Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 1123. PULLER, MRS. J. D. (Minnie Boiling Dismukes). Seventh in descent from Robert Boiling, 1646-1709. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1090. VENABLE, MISS ELIZABETH MARSHALL. Fifth in descent from Abraham Venable, 1700-1768. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1173. WHITFIELD, MRS. B. C. (Susie E. Cameron). Sixth in descent from William Byrd, 1674-1744. Mem- ber of the Council, 1707-1744. President of the Council. 1173. WILCOX, MRS. C. H. (Anne Page Randolph). Sixth in descent from William Raftdolph, 1651-1711, Member of the Council and Attorney General. 941. WILLIAMS, MRS. JOHN K. (Mary Eloise CampbeU). Eighth in descent from John Armistead, ■ — 1697. Member of the Council. WEST VIRGINU. 842. ALDRIDGE, MISS IRENE GREEN. Fifth in descent from Robert Green, 1710-1748. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. LIST OF MEMBERS 157 1219. BAKER, MRS. R. M. ((Martha Taylor). Ninth in descent from George Reade, 1600, 1671. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council, Secretary of State. 703. BIGGS, MISS AGNES PEYTON. Sixth in descent from Valentine Peyton, 1686-1751. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1187. BIGGS, MRS. G. N. (EHzabeth Jane Bryson).* Fifth in descent from John Hite, 1792. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 1062. BIGGS, MRS. S. G. (Agnes Oliver Peyton). Fifth in descent from Valentine Peyton, 1686-1751. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1163. BIGGS, MRS. S. G. (Sallie Joe Hedges). Ninth in descent from Henry Filmer. Member of the House of Burgesses. . 622. BYRNE, MRS. W. E. R. (Amanda Austin) . Fourth in descent from Alexander McClanahan, 1734- 1819. Captain in Bouquette's Expedition in 1764. 1081. GALLERY, MRS. J. D. (Julia Van Bibber Welch). Sixth in descent from Andrew Lewis, 1720 . Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 1205. CECIL, MRS. NELSON, (Bessie Schon). Sixth in descent from John Lewis, 1678-1762. County Lieutenant of Augusts County, 1743. 528. CLARKSON, MISS MARIA WOOD. Ninth in descent from Nicholas Martian, 1591-1651. Member of the House of Burgesses. 158 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 1283. CLARKSON, MRS. H. B. (Maria Louise Laidley). Fifth in descent from John Hite, 1792. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 1275. DAVIS, MRS. B. T. (Celeste Clay Comer). Eighth in descent from Peter Jones I. Officer in Colo- nial War. 559. DICE, MRS. J. C. (Janie L. Price) . Third in descent from David Stuart, 1767, Cap- tain in Indian Wars. 442. DONNALLY, MRS. W. B. (Sallie Ashton Cotton). Fifth in descent from William Fitzhugh, 1651-1701. Member of the House of Burgesses. 450. DONNALLY, MRS. LOUISE FRY (Miriam Welch). Fifth in descent from John Lightfoot, — 1707. Member of the Council. 1053. ELKINS, MRS. BLAINE (MaryKenna). Sixth in descent from Andrew Lewis, 1720-1781. Gen- eral in Colonial Wars. 447. EYESTER, MRS. J. S. (Annie Jacquelin Ambler). Fifth in descent from Edward Jacquelin, 1668-1739, Member of the House of Burgesses. 1291. FAULKNER, MRS. CHARLES J. (Virginia Fairfax Whiting). Fourth in descent from Thomas Whiting, 1780. Member of the House of Btu-gesses and of Conventions. 1126. GAINES, MRS. MARJORIE LEWIS GENTRY. Sixth in descent from Andrew Lewis, 1720-1781. Gen- eral in Colonial Wars. Member of the House of Bur- gesses. LIST OF MEMBERS 159 1211. GEIGER, MRS. J. C. (Marcella Mai Lorentz). Fourth in descent from Alexander McClanaham, 1734- 1819. Captain in Bouquetts Expedition in 1764. At Battle of Point Pleasant, 1774. 770. JACKSON, MRS. MALCOM (Louise Fontaine Brown). Eighth in descent from John Walker, 1668. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 448. LANGLEY, MRS. A. L. (Mary Clarkson). Seventh in descent from Augustin Warner, Sr., 1610- 1674. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 820. LUCAS, MRS. D. B. (Evelina T. Brook). Seventh in descent from Thomas Taylor, 1667. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 786. MARSHALL, MRS. J. J. (Delia Page). Eighth in descent from John Page, 1627-1692. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 884. MITCHELL, MISS VIRGINIA LEWIS. Seventh in descent from John West, 1590-1659. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses and of the Council, and Governor of Virginia. 1081. McCOACH, MRS. J. M. (Lucy Sehon). Sixth in descent from John Lewis, 1678-1762. • County Lieutenant of Augusta County, 1743, 1160. MYERS, MRS. J. D. (Martha Holman). Fourth in descent from Joseph Morton, 1759. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1200. PAYNE, MRS. J. M. (Virginia Austin). Fourth in descent from Alexander McClanahan 1734- 1819. Captain in Bouquetts Expedition in 1764. At Battle of Point Pleasant, 1774. 160 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 779. PERRY, MRS. E. T. (Eleanor Craighill). Fifth in descent from Thomas Rutherford^ Member of the House of Burgesses. 444. PRICE, MISS MARGARET LYNN. Third in descent from David Stuart, 1767. Cap- tain in Indian Wars. 451. PRICE, MISS JENNIE STUART. Third in descent from David Stuart, 1767. Captain in Indian Wars. 1248. PUTNEY, MRS. JAMES (Mary EHzabeth Reed) . Sixth in descent from John Lightfoot, 1707. Member of the Council. 538. REED, MRS. R. J. (Mary Louise Butler). Ninth in descent from Samuel Jordan, 1623. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1213. RENSHAW, MRS. W. C. W. (Martha Harvie Chaffin). Ninth in descent from Thomas Purefoy. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 1080. ROBB, MRS. C. S. (Gay Estill). Sixth in descent from Colonel John Lewis, 1678-1762. County Lieutenant of Augusta County, 1743. 312. SEAL, MRS. J. R. (Nancy Wood). Fifth in descent from George Carrington, 1711-1785. Member of the House of Burgesses and Coimty Lieu- tenant. 1199. SEHON, MRS. EDMUND, (Jane Elizabeth Stuart). Fifth in descent from John Lewis, 1678-1762. County Lieutenant of Augusta Co., 1743. LIST OF MEMBERS 161 749. STAUNTON, MRS. F. M. (Elsie Quarrier Smith). Fifth in descent from Captain John Smith, 1668-177(3. Colonel in Indian Wars. 665. SMITH, MRS. CRUGER W. (Flora McDonald Green). Fifth in descent from Robert Green, 1695-1748. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 520. SNYDER, MRS. C. P. (Jane Ann Goshom). Fifth in descent from Joshua Fry, 1754. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 449. THAYER MRS. G. T. (Gertrude Venable). Fifth in descent from Abraham Venable, 1700-1768. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1202. THAYER, MRS. O. A. (Annette Putney). Seventh in descent from Thomas Todd, 1676. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1001. TRUSLOW, MRS. W. E. (Carrie Donnally).* Sixth in descent from John Lightfoot, 1707. Member of the Council. 1281. TRUSLOE, MRS. N. S. (Frances Lightfoot Fitzhugh). Ninth in descent from Thomas Goodrich, 1679. Officer in Colonial War. 1289. THOMAS, MRS. F. S. (Ruth Putney). Seventh in descent from John Lightfoot, 1707. Member of the Council. 568. VAN RENSSELAER, MRS. EUGENE (S. R. Pendleton) Eighth in descent from Captain Daniel McCarty, 1679- 1724. Speaker of the House of Burgesses, 1715-1720. 1116. VINSON, MRS. Z. T. (Mary Chaffin). Sixth in descent from Samuel Jordan, 1789. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 162 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 765. WALLACE, MRS. F. (Lillian Beale Moffitt). Fourth in descent from Colonel George Moffitt, 1735- 1811. Captain in Indian Wars. 443. WILSON, MRS. E. W. (Henrietta Cotton) . Fifth in descent from Colonel William Fitzhugh, 1651- 1701. Member of the House of Burgesses, 1678-1687. 433. WHITE, MRS. ROBERT (Ellen Elizabeth Vass) . Seventh in descent from Richard Lee, 1664. Member of the Council and Secretary of State. 441. WOODMAN, MRS. FRANK (Nannie Cotton). Fifth in descent from Colonel William Fitzhugh, 1651- 1701. Member of the House of Burgesses. MISSISSIPPI. 473. ANDREWS. MRS. F. H. (Mary E. Hunt). Ninth in descent from John West, ) 1659. Mem- ber of the Council and Governor of Virginia. 935. BALFOUR, MRS. G. P. (JuHa Shields). Eighth in descent from Charles Ashton, 1665-1716. Member of the House of Burgesses. 875. CRANE, MRS. J. H. (Annie Georgina Turner). Fifth in descent from Lewis Ellzey, 1786. Cap- tain in Indian Wars. 918. DUNCAN, MRS. B. C. (Lizzie Giles Townes). Seventh in descent from Captain Thomas Walker, 1625- . Member of the House of Burgesses. 905. DURHAM, MRS. E. M., Jr. (Mary Grey Wilkins). Eighth in descent from William Claiborne, 1587-1676. Member of the Council and Secretary of State. LIST OF MEMBERS 163 1148. FRASIER, MRS. J. H. (Annie Simpson) . Fifth in descent from Edwin Conway, 1681-1763. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 1237. HALSELL, MRS. R. E. (Helen Skip with). Sixth in descent from Robert Boiling, 1648-1709. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 917. JOHNSON, MISS WILLA A. Fifth in descent from Benjamin Cave, 1725-1756. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 1022. KEMPER, MRS. C. P. (Margaret Shepherd). Ninth in descent from Adam Thoroughgood, 1602-1640. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. 936. MARSHALL, MRS. G. M. (Agnes Shields). Eighth in descent from Charles Ashton, 1665-1716. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1188. PARMER, MISS ELLEN CABELL. Sixth in descent from Joseph Cabell, 1732-1798. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 1284. NEILSON, MISS A. LOU. Sixth in descent from George Heale, 1698. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 1059. PINTARD, MRS. Y. S. (Page Waller Morris). Sixth in descent from John Walker, 1673-1754. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 1066. ROWLAND, MRS. DUNBAR (Eron Opha Moore) . Fourth in descent from Robert Hairston, 1716-1795. Captain in Colonial War. 838. SHIELDS, MRS. JULIA DEVEREUX ASHTON. Eighth in descent from Charles Ashton, 1621-1672. Captain in Indian Wars. 164 SOCIETY OF COLONIAL DAMES 619. SMITH, MISS LINIA. Eighth in descent from Henry Soane. Speaker of the of the House of Burgesses. 978. SMITH, MRS. J. G. (Sarah Davenport Aldrich). Seventh in descent from John Buckner, 1631-1695. Member of the House of Burgesses. 288. WILLIS, MRS. JOEL (EHzabeth R. Harrison). Eighth in descent from John West, 1659. Mem- ber of the Council and Governor of Virginia. NEBRASKA. 976. PAGE, MRS. W. T. (Anne Page). Fourth in descent from Thomas Nelson, Jr., 1738-1789. Governor of Virginia and Signer of the Declaration of Independence. 1251. VINSOl'HALER, MRS. ARTHUR (Isabel Ellison). Fifth in descent from General William Russell, 1735-1793. Captain in Indian War, 1774. WASHINGTON. 933. ARNOLD, MRS. M. A. (Georgie Moss). Fifth in descent from Charles Talbot, 1723 County Lieutenant of Bedford Co. 1039. BOLCOM, MRS. H. S. (Evelina Stone Marfield). Eighth in descent from William Cocke, 1672-1720. Secretary of State. 972. BURWELL, MRS. E. T. Eighth in descent from Nathaniel Littleton, 1654. Member of the House of Burgesses and of the Council. LIST OF MEMBERS 165 1231. COLLINS, MRS. L. D. P. (Mary W. Bennett). Sixth in descent from Robert Harris, 17G5. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 971. DAKIN, MRS. P. W. (Egberta Olcott) . Eighth in descent from Miles Gary, 1608-1724. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses, 1700-1702-1704-1706. 1673. DOVEY, MRS. J. T. (Anne S. Delafield). Seventh in descent from Richard Henry Lee, 1732-1794. One of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. 1141. KELLEHER, MRS. ELISE MEEMS. Seventh in descent from William Fitzhugh, 1651-1701. Member of the House of Burgesses. 1092. McCORD, MRS. E. S. (Elizabeth Bennett). Sixth in descent from Robert Harris, 1765. Member of the House of Burgesses. 668. PRICE, MRS. J. E. (Mary D. Hickman). Fifth in descent from David Lewis, 1685-1729. Mem- ber of the House of Burgesses. 1093. STEDMAN, MRS. L. B. (Anne Bonneville). Fifth in descent from Captain John Lewis, 1678-1768. Officer in Colonial War. 1096. SWANSTROM, MRS. F. E. (Mary Ethel Semple). Sixth in descent from John Baylor. Member of the House of Burgesses. REGISTER OF ANCESTORS '■^h^, It is of course almost impossible in a work of this kind to avoid some inaccuracies, and if such are found the Registrar would beg the clemency of the Society. Every effort has been made to avoid such faults, and it is with hope that it may be found acceptable that the Registrar presents the register of names and ancestors of the Colonial Dames of Virginia. REGISTER OF ANCESTORS Since the publication of the last register of members the elegibility list of our Society has been altered and amended. This has caused several names on which members have entered, to become ineligible for further use. Such names on the list which follow this, are marked with a star.* Adams, Ebenezer >.-. 1735 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. . Adams, Richard 1726-1800 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Addison, John 1706 (Md) Member of the Maryland Coun- cil. Addison, Thomas 1679-1727(Md.) Member of the Maryland Coun- cil. Alden, John _ __1620-1687 (Mass.) One of the Historic Foimders of Plymouth Plantation. Deputy to Plymouth General Court. One of the Council of War. Treasurer Assistant 1632, '33, '34-'40, 1650-86. Allen, James 1 V16-1810 Officers at the Battle of Point Pleasant 1774. Allen, Arthur 1710 Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses. AUerton, Isaac ..1628-1702 County Lieutenant of West- moreland, Member of the House of Burgesses and Coimcil. Allerton, Isaac ..1583-1659 (Mass.) One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Colony, Assistant, 1621-34. Ailing, Roger 1674(Conn.) Treasurer of New Haven Colony 1661-1664. Ailing, John 1647-1717 Deputy from New Haven to the General Court. Judge of the County Court of New Haven. Allyn, Matthews 1632 1671 (Conn.) Deputy to Massachusetts Gen- eral Court 1635-36. Deputy to Connecticut General Assembly 1648-57. Assistant 1658-67. Commissioner of United Col- onies 1660-64. Alston, John (N. C.) Associate Justice of Supreme Bench of North Carolina 1724-30 Major and Colonel of Provincial Troops. Ambler, Jaquelin 1742- 1798 Collector and Naval Officer of North River, Member of the Council, Treasurer. Ambler, Edward 1767 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. 170 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS Amory, Jonathan 1640-1699 (S. C.) Treasurer of Province, Advo- cate General 1698. Speaker of the House 1695. Receiver Gen- eral 1699. Anderson, Garland Member of the Convention of 1775. Anderson, Richard 1735 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Anthony, John 1607-1675 Commissioner and Deputy. Andrews, William 1702 Member of the House of Bur- gesses for Northampton. Archer, Sampson Officer in Colonial Wars. Armistead, Gill 1762 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1762. Armistead, William.. Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1702. Armistead, Robert 1742 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Armistead , Henry Member of the House of Bur- gesses and County Lieutenant. Armistead, Anthony — Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Armistead, John Member of the Council. Ashby, John 1707-1797 Captain in French and Indian War. Ashton, Charles Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Aston, Walter... 1607-1656 Member of the House of Bur- gesses, kj Atherton, Humphrey 1609-1661 (Mass.) Deputy from Dorchester to Massachusetts General Court. Speaker of the House 1653. En- sign 1645. Captain of the An- cient and Honorable Artillery Company 1650-1658. Commis- sioner of the United Colonies 1653. Avery, James ..1620-1700 (Conn.) Deputy to Connecticut General Assembly. Captain New Lon- don Forces. Captain in King Philip's War. Ayer, Peter 1699 (Mass.) Deputy from Haverhill to the General Court of Massachusetts. Cornet of Haverhill Troop 1689. Aylett, William Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Aylett, William Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of Convention of 1775. Bainbridge, John -__-1732 (N. J.) Was first presiding Judge of Burlington County 1720-1732. Baker, Lawrence 1681 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Baker, Henry Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1666. Ball, George 1746 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Ball, Joseph 1629-1711 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Ball, William 1615-1680 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Colonel Commanding Militia of Lancaster County. REGISTER OF ANCESTORS 171 Ball, William, Jr ..1641-1694 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Ball, Spencer 1705-1767 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Ball, Spencer Mottram 1786 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Ball, James 1678-1754 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Banister, John 1734-1788 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1765. Barber, James Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1764. Barbour, Thomas 1735-1825 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of Convention of 1775. Barnes, Abraham 1778 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Barnwell, Nathaniel 1705-1775 (S. C.) Aide to General Oglethorpe in Florida Expedition 1740. Mem- ber Commons House. Barnwell, John 1724 (S. C.) 1707 Comptroller of the Colony. Colonel in Indian Wars. Mem- ber of the Council. Barr, David 1787 (Md.) Lieutenant in Colonial Wars. Barret, Charles 1771 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1751, 1757, 1758. Barrington, Francis Member of the Virginia Com- pany. Barton, William I. 1717 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Barton, William II 1634-1717 (Md.) Captain in Indian War, 1669. Bassett. William 1670-1723 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Bassett, William 1709-1744 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Bassett, Burwell 1793 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Batchelder, Stephen 1561-1660 (N. H.) One of the Historic Founders of New Hampshire. Battaille, John 1707 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Captain of Rangers 1690. Baylor, John Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1740-60. Bayly, Richard 1646-1728 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Beall, Alexander 1759 (Md.) Captain in Command of Fort Frederick, Maryland. Beall, Vivian ....1625-1717 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses, Commander of Forces in Calvert County, Maryland. Beale, Thomas Member of the Council. Beard, Richard (Md. ) Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Bedon, George .(S C.) Member of the South Carolina Assembly. Bell, David 1781 Captain in French and Indian War 1755. 172 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS Bell, Francis 1600 (Conn.) Deputy from Stamford to the General Court of New Haven Colony 1641, 1653-1659, 1661, 1664. Belt, Joseph ....1680-1761 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Benedict, Thomas 1617-1690 (N. Y.) Lieutenant of the Foot Company of Jamaica, Long Island 1665. Member of Convention at Hemp- stead 1665. Benger, Elliot 1751 Deputy Postmaster General for North America. Bennett, Richard 1674 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council, At- torney General, Governor of Vir- ginia. One of the Founders of William and Mary College. Bernard, William Member of the Council and of the House of Burgesses 1642-60. Berkeley, Edmund I 1718 Member of the Council. Coun- ty Lieutenant. Berkeley. Edmund II Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1736-1740. Berkeley, Edmund 1 1 1.. 1730-1802 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Conventions. Beverley, Robert Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Beverley, William Member of the House of Bur- gesses, County Lieutenant of Orange and Member of the Council. Beverley, Harry 1731 Officer in Service in Colonial Wars. Beverley, Robert i683 Member of the Council and Clerk of the House of Burgesses. Beverley, Peter . 1728 Clerk and Speaker of the House of Burgesses. Member of the Council, Treasurer. Bibb, William.... _1735-1796 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Conventions of July and December, 1775. Biles, William 1710 (Pa. ) Member of Assembly 1686. Member of Council 1672, '93, •94. Billopp, Christopher 1734-1827 (N. Y.) Member of Colonial Assembly ' for County of Richmond, New York, 1769-1775. Bissell, John.... 1591-1677 (Conn.) Deputy from Windsor to General Court 1648 1650-1656 1658 1664. Blackwell Joseph Sr 1787 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Blackburn Thomas 1740-1807 Member of Convention of 1775. Blackburn Richard 1702-1757 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Bladen William 1673-1718 (Md.) Commissary General of Mary- land. Blair John 1686-1771 Member of the House of Bur- gesses, Auditor General, Pres- ident of the Council and Acting Governor. Blair Archibald ■ 1736 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Bland Theodorick 1630-1671 Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses and Member of the Coun- cil. REGISTER OP ANCESTORS 173 Bland Theodorick 1714^1784 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. County Lieutenant of Amelia. Bland Richard 1665-1720 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Bland Richard 1710-1776 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Conventions. Bland, John 1632 Member of the Virginia Com- pany. Blount, Thomas 1650-1706 (N. C.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Blount, James ..1620-1686 (N.C.) Member of the Council and As- sembly of North Carolina. Boiling, Robert 1646-1709 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Boiling, Robert, Jr 1682-1749 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. ~ Boiling, John 1676-1729 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Boiling, John, Jr 1700-1757 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Boiling, Robert 1730-1775 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Booker, Edmund 1758 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Bonner, Thomas 1715-1778 (N. C.) Member of Assembly 1761 . Lieu- tenant Colonel 1775. Borden, John... .1640-1716 (R. L) Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1673-80-1700. Peace Commissioner to King Philip of the Narragansett Indians. Upheld the rights of Rhode Island against Massachusetts intrusion, Borden, William 1689-1748 (N.C.) Member of the North Carolina House of Burgesses 1745-46. Borden, William II 1731-1799 (N.C.) Delegate to Halifax, N. C. Con- vention to form State Consti- tution 1776. Borden, Richard 1671 General Treasurer of the Colony of Rhode Island. Member of the General Assembly. Bouldin, Colonel Thomasl706-1783 Captain in French and Indian War. Boush, Maximilian 1728 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and County Lieutenant. Bowen, William 1742-1804 Lieutenant in the Campaign of 1774. Was in the Battle of Point Pleasant. Bowes, Francis ..1684-1749 (N. J.) Judge of Hunterdon County 1728. Member of Court of Justices and Freeholders 1739. Bowler, Thomas 1679 Member of the Cotincil. Bowles, James 1727 (Md.) Member of the Covmcil. Bowman, Joseph 167-1-1762 (Mass.) Representative from Lexington to the Massachusetts General Court 1718, 1731-1737. Bowman, Edward 1620-1690 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Brackett, Richard ..1691 (Mass.) Deputj'' from Braintree to the General Court of Massachusetts 174 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS 1655, 1665, 1667, 1671, 1672, 1674, 1680. Bradford, William 1589-1657 (Mass.) One of the Founders of Plymouth Plantation. Governor 1621- 1633, 1635, 1637, 1639-1643, 1645- 1656, Commissioner of the United Colonies. Member of the Councils of War 1642, 1643, 1653. President of the United Colonies 1648. Commissioner on'.the Boundary between Ply- mouth and Massachusetts 1640. Bradford, William II _.._ 1624-1703 (Mass.) Deputy from Plymouth to the General Court 1657. Assistant 1658-1681. Treasurer of the Colony. Commissioner of the United Colonies 1682-1686. Member of the Coiuacils of War 1657, 1658, 1667. Deputy Gov- ernor of Plymouth Colony 1682- 1686. ;:- Bradstreet, Simon 1603-1697 (Mass.) One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Governor of Massachu- setts Bay 1679-1686, 1689-1692. President of the Council of Safety 1689. Councillor named in the Charter of 1692. Branch, Christopher 1678 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Braxton, George 1677-1748 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Braxton, George 1761 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Braxton, Carter 1797 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and Signer of the Decla- ration of Independence. Bray, James Member of the Council. Breckenridge, Robert. ..1728-1772 Captain in active service against the Indians 1756. Brent, Giles 1673 (Md.) Governor of Kent Island and Deputy Governor of Maryland, Treasurer, Lieutenant General and Admiral. Brent, Giles He raised a force of 800 men to assist Berkeley against Bacon in 1676 during Bacon's Rebel- lion. Brent, George Captain of a Troop of Virginia Horse 1670. Brent, William Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of Convention of 1776. Brewster, William 1560-1644 (Mass.) One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Colony. Chosen Teaching and Ruling Elder of Plymouth Plantation. Briscoe, Philip 1724 (Md.) Burgess for Charles County, Maryland 1699-1700. Brice, John I 1670-1713 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses Captain of Seven Hun- dred. Brice, John II 1705-1766 (Md.) Clerk of Anne Arundel County. Chief Judge of the Privincial Court. Mayor of Annapolis. Brice, John III .. 1738-1820 (Md.) Clerk of Court of Anne Arundel County. Judge of Orphans Court. Bridger, Joseph 1686 Member of the House of Bur- REGISTER OF ANCESTORS 175 gesses and of the Council, Ad- jutant General. Broadhead, Daniel_.1667 (N. Y.) Chief Officer of the Militia in theEsopus. Captainof the Gar- rison of the Esopus. Brooke, Robert 1602-1655 (Md.) Member of the Council, Acting Governor. Brooke, Thomas 1632-1676 (Md.) Member of the Lower House. Captain and Major of Militia. Brooke, Thomas 1660-1730 (Md.) Member of the General Assem- bly. President of the Council. Acting Governor. C o m m i s- sary General. Brooke, Michael 1663 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1657-1660. Brooke, John 1693 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1681, 1684, 1688, 1692. Brooke, Roger ._ 1637-1700 (Md.) Judge Commissioner of Calvert County. Brooke, George 1728-1782 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Conventions of 1775, 1776. Browne, Samuel 1669-1731 (Mass.) Member of the General Court and of the Council. Brown, William 1709-1763 (Mass.) Member of the General Court of the Colony. Brown, William 1639-1705 (Mass.) Member of the General Com- mittee and of the Council. Browne, William 1704 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and County Lieutenant. Brown, John 1630-1707 (Mass.) Commissioner of the United Colonies 1663-64. Assistant 1665-66. Purchaser of "The King's Province of Rhode Is- land 1659." Brown, Gustavus.1689-1762 (Md.) Presiding Justice of the Charles County Court from 1748-62. Brownell, Thomas ._ 1665 (R. I.) Commissioner from Portsmouth to the Court of Commissioners Rhode Island 1660-61-62-63. Brownell, George 1646-1718 (R- I.) Deputy from Portsmouth to the General Assembly 1699-1702. As- sistant 1706-07-08-09-10-11. Brownell, Stephens.. 1695 (R.I.) Deputy from Portsmouth to the General Assembly 1719-22-25- 29-30-34-38-39-41-44. Assistant 1746-48-49-52-53-54. Bryan, Needham 1609-1767 (N. C.) Member of Assembly 1750-59. Bryan, William 1655-1742 (N. C.) Member of the Assembly 1739. Bryan, Alexander 1602-1679 (Conn.) Governor's Assistant 1668-69- 70-71-72-73-74-75-76-77-78. Bryson, James 1748-1809 (Penn.) Captain for defence against the Indians. Buchanan. John 1769 Officer in Colonial War. Buckner , William 1716 Member of the House of Bur- gesses for York 1714. 176 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS Buckner, Samuel 1763 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Buckner, Richard Clerk of the House of Burgesses 1713. Buckner, John 1631-1695 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Budd, William _. 1649-1722 (N. J.) Judge of Supreme Court. Mem- ber of Assembly. Buford, Abraham 1749-1833 Lieutenant at the Battle of Point Pleasant 1774. Bulkley, Peter ._ 1583-1659 (Mass.) One of the Founders of Concord. Bulkley, John -- 1704-1753 (Mass.) Judge of the Supreme Court of Connecticut for ten years. Bullitt, Cuthbert 1790 Member of the Conventions of 1775-78. Bull, John 1730-1824 Captain in French and Indian War. Burdett, William 1643 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Burgess, William 1622-1687 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Dep- uty Governor. Burnett, William 1688-1729 Colonial Governor of New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Burwell, Lewis 1710-1752 Member of the House of Bur- gesses President of the Council. Acting Governor. Burwell, Lewis 1716-1779 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Burwell, Nathaniel 1721 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Burwell, Lewis 1710 Member of the Council. Burwell, Lewis 1620-1653 ~ Member of the Council. Burwell, Armistead 1718-1754 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Burwell, Lewis 1684-1744 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Burwell, Carter Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Byrd, William 1652-1704 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Au- ditor General. Byrd, William 1674-1744 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. President of the Coun- cil. Receiver General. Colonial Agent in England. Byrd, William 1729-1777 Member of the Council. Colonel in French and Indian Wars. Cabell, William Member of the House of Bur- gesses, of the Committee of Safety and of Conventions of 1776. County Lieutenant. Cabell, Joseph Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Conventions. Cabell, John Member of Conventions of 1776 and County Lieutenant. *Cabell, Nicholas 1749-1803 Sixteen years a member of the Assembly. Colonel in Revolu- tion. Served under La Fayette. *Cabell, William 1687-1774 Surveyor to the Crown, Built Private Hospital, Mills and Churches. REGISTER OF ANCESTORS 177 ♦Caldwell, John Founder of Caldwell Colony in Lewisburg Virginia. Calloway, William Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Calloway, James 1736-1809 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Calloway, Richard 1780 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Major in French and Indian War 1755. Calthorpe, Christopher 1661 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Calvert, George 1582-1632 (Md.) Founder of Maryland. Calvert, Leonard 1606-1647 (Md.) Governor and one of the Found- ers of the Colony of Maryland. Camm, John 1718-1779 Member of the Council. Presi- dent of William and Mary Col- lege. Campbell, David 1835 He served in General Andrew Lewis' Campaign against the Indians 1774. Campbell, John 1674 (Penn.) Member of the Provincial Coun- cil. Cargill, John 1744 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Carlyle, John 1715-1784 Captain of First Virginia Reg- iment in French and Indian War. Carr, Dabney 1773 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Carrington, Paul 1733-1818 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Conventions of 1775-76. Carrington, George 1785 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1748-52-55-56-61-62-63- 64-65. Carroll, Charles 1664-1755 (Md.) Representative of the City of Annapolis in the Maryland As- sembly 1737. Carter, Charles, .-.l 1707-1764 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Carter, John 1669 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Com- mander in Chief of Lancaster County. Carter, John 1690-1743 Member of the Council. Sec- retary of State. Carter, Robert 1663-1732 Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses. Treasurer, President of the Council and Acting Governor. Carter, Charles, Jr 1796 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Carter, Landon Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Catlett, John 1058-1724 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Catlett, John, Sr 1630-1670 Colonel in Active Service with the Indians. Gary, Miles 1620-1667 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Gary, William 1657-1718 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. 178 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS Gary, Miles 1665-1708 One of the Founders of William and Mary College and Member of the House of Burgesses. Gary, Wilson 1680-1700 Gounty Lieutenant. Gary, Wilson 1703-1772 Gounty Lieutenant. Gary, Archibald 1720-1786 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Gary, Wilson Miles 1733-1817 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Gonventions of 1776. Garey, Eleazer ...1678-1754 (Gonn.) Member of the General Assem- bly. Gave, Benjamin, Sr 1762 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Ghaloner, Thomas.. 1559-1615 Member of the Virginia Com- pany. Ghauncey, Gharles 1592-1672 (Mass.) Second President of Harvard College 1654-1672. Chew, John Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Chew, Larkin Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Chew, Samuel 1677 (Md.) Member of the Council. Chiles, Walter, Jr.... ..1658 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and Speaker 1652. Mem- ber of the Council. Ghiswell, John Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Christian, Israel 1720-1784 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Christian, William 1743-1786 ^ Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Captain in 2nd Virginia Regiment in French and Indian War. Chrisman, Thomas 1651-1715 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Church, Richard 1706 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Churchill, William 1711 Member of the Council. Claiborne, Augustine 1721-1787 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Claiborne, William 1589-1682 Member of the Council and Sec- retary of State for thirty years. Claiborne, William III 1677 Officer in Service against the the Indians in Bacon's Rebel- lion. Claiborne, Philip Whitehead .1771 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Clagett, Thomas I 1678-1733 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1712. Glaggett, Thomas II 1702-1737 (Md.) Judge of Land Commissions. Glaypole, James 1634-1687 (Penn.) Registrar General for County of Philadelphia. Member of Leg- islative Assembly. Commis- sioner of Peace. Clapp, Roger 1609-1692 (Mass.) Lieutenant 1644. Member of Ancient and Honorable Artil- REGISTER OF ANCESTORS 179 erj'' Company 1646. Deputy 1652 thirteen years. Cocke, Richard 1600-1665 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1632-1644, 1654. Cocke , Thomas 1639- 1 697 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Cocke, William 1672-1720 Secretary of State. Cocke, Bowler, Jr 1726-1771 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Cocke, Bowler, Sr 1696-1771 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Cocke, Hartwell 1776 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Codrington, Simon Member of the Virginia Com- pany. Coffin, James ..1640-1720 (Mass.) Judge of the Court of Common Pleas Nantucket, 1696-1718. Chief Justice 1708-1718. Coffin, Peter ..1631-1715 (Mass.) Deputy from Dover to the Gen- eral Court of Massachusetts Bay. Lieutenant in King Philip's War. Councillor, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New Hampshire. Coffin. Tristram 1605-1681 (N. Y.) Chief Magistrate of the Island of Nantucket. Commissioned by Governor Lovelace of New York and by Sir Edward Andros 1677-1681. Coffin, Tristram, Jr 1632-1704 (Mass.) Representative from Newbury to the General Court of Mas- sachusetts Bay, 1695-1700-01-02. Cogdell, Richard (N. C.) Commissioner under the Crown. Member of the Committee of Safety. Cole, Samuel I 1693 (N. J.) Member of the Assembly 1682- 1685. Cole, Samuel II 1728 (N. J.) Member of the Assembly 1721- 1723. Cole, Willlian Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1718. Cole, William 1637-1694 Member of the Council. Secre- tary of State. One of the Founders of William and Mary College. Coles, John County Lieutenant. Coleman, Francis Sr 1700 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1769. Compton, William 1630 Member of the Virginia Com- pany. Conway, Edwin 1683-1764 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Contee, Alexander 1693-1728 (Md.) Member of the Lower House. Cooke, Mordecai Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Cooper, Joseph 1666 (N. J.) Member of the Governor's Coun- cil 1703 Corbin, Henry 1629-1675 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Corbin, Garvin 1779 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Cortelyou, Jacques.. 1693. (N. Y.) Surveyor General of the Prov- 180 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS ince of New York. Member of the Convention of Hampstead 1665. Cotton, John 1585-1652 (Mass.) One of the Foimders of Harvard College, One of the Minister;, of Parishes active in founding and forwarding the interests of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Preacher of first Election Sermon 1634. Courts, John 1747 (Md.) Held a commission in the army, was Second "Lord of the Manor" of Clean Drinking. Courts, John 1702 (Md.) Member of the Upper House of Assembly 1692. First "Lord of the Manor" of Clean Drinking. Courts, John 1697 (Md.) Member of General Assembly of Maryland 1637. Member of General Assembly 1647. Cowles. John 1689-1675 (Mass.) Represented Farmington in the General Court for Six Sessions. Cowles, Isaac 1675-1756 (Conn.) Ensign, Lieutenant and Captain of the Second Company of Farm- ington, and represented Farm- ington in the General Court. Crabb, Thomas 1660-1720 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1708-1711. Captain in Colony 1709-1711. Craik, James 1730-1814 Surgeon of the First Virginia Regiment in French and Indian War. Crane, Azariah 1648-1730 (N. J.) Deputy to Provincial Assembly. Crane, Jasper, Sr 1605-1681 (Conn.) Deputy from Branford to New Haven General Court 1653-1658. Deputy to Provincial Assembly of New Jersey 1669-1673. Crawford, David Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Crosby, Simon.. 1637-1724 (Mass.) Representative from Billerica in the General Courts 1690, '91-'97-'98. Crowshaw, Joseph 1667 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1659-60. Curtis, Rice 1704-1774 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1748-56. Cushman, Robert 1625 (Mass.) One of the Founders of Plymouth Plantation. Custis, John 1630-1696 Member of the Coimcil. Custis, John 1653-1713 Member of the Council. Com- mander in Chief of Militia on Eastern Shore. Cutler, John 1615-1717 (Mass.) Surgeon in King Philip's War 1676-77. Dagworthy, John 1756 Captain of a New Jersey Com- pany which he raised to serve against Canada 1746. Dale, Edward Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1677. Dandridge, William Member of the Council. Dandridge, Nathaniel West Member of the House of Bur- gesses. REGISTER OF ANCESTORS 181 Danforth, Nicholas _.1638 (Mass.) Deputy for Roxbury to the Gen- eral Court of Massachusetts Bay; two terms in 1638 and three terms in 1637. Dangerfield, William 1735 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Dangerfield, William 1769 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Dawson, William . 1752 Member of the Council. Presi- dent of William and Mary Col- lege. Day, John 1776 Member ef the House of Bur- gesses. DeHart, Jacob 1699 Member of the New Jersey As- sembly. DeMarest, David, about 1625 Delegate from Staten Island to Convention in Niew Amsterdam 1664. Denison, George 1620-1694 (Conn.) Deputy for Stonington to Con- necticut General Assembly. Captain of New London County Troops 1675-76. Captain of New London and Hartford Troops in Indian War 1689. Denison, Daniel 1613-1682 ^Mass.) Speaker of the House 1649, 51, 52. Secretary of the Colony. Com- missioner of the United Colonies. De Peyster, Johannes. ..1694-1789 (N.Y.) Mayor of Albany 1729-32. Re- corder 1726-28. Commissioner of Indian affiairs for the Province of New York. Paymaster of Provincial Troops. De Peyster, Abraham. ..1657-1728 (N.Y.) Member of the Governor's Coun- cil 1698-1702, "08, '10, '22. Mayor of New York City 1691. Chief Justice of the Province 1701. Receiver General 1708. Treas- urer of the Province 1706-21. Digges, Dudley 1663-1710 Member of the Council and Au- ditor General. Digges, Edward 1621-1675 Governor of Virginia. Auditor General. Member of the Coun- cil. Twice Agent of the Colony in England. Digges, Cole 1691-1744 President of the Council. Digges, Dudley 1790 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Committees of Safety and Correspondence. Dixon, Roger 1725-1772 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1769, '70, '71. Donelson, John 1718-1785 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1771-74. Doolittle, Abraham 1619-1690 (Conn.) Marshal of New Haven Colony. Dorsey, Edward 1705 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Judge of the High Court of Chancery. Douglas, William 1742-1777 (Conn.) Officer in Colonial forces 1758. Present at the capture of Quebec 1759. Douglas, George Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Drummond, Richard Member of the House of Bur- gesses. 182 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS Drummond, Hill • Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Dudley, Joseph 1647-1720 (Mass.-N. Y.) Deputy from Roxbury to the General Court of Massachusetts 1673, 74, 75. Assistant 1676- '83, '85. Commissioner of the United Colonies 1676-81. One of the Councillors of the Royal Province of New England, Presi- ident of the Council. Chief Justice of the Superior Court 1687, Chief Justice of New York 1691, "92. Member of the Gov- ernor's Council of New York. Governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay 1702-1715. Dudley, Thomas 1576-1653 (Mass.) One of the Historic Foimders of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Assistant Deputy Gov- ernor 1634, 1640, 1645, 1650. Commissioner of United Col- onies 1643, 1647, 1649. A Pounder of Harvard College. Dudley, William 1639-1701 (Conn.) Deputy from Saybrook to the General Court 1682-1687, 1689- 1695. Dulaney, Walter 1773 (Md.) Commissary General of Mary- land. Dulaney, Daniel, Sr 1685-1733 (Md.) Attomy General. Judge of the Admiralty. Commissary General. Receiver General. Member of the Assembly. Dulaney, Daniel Jr 1721-1797 (Md.) Commissary General. S e c r e- tary of State and Member of the Council. Dwight, Timothy... 1629-1717 (Mass.) Deputy from Dedham to the General Court of Massachusetts Bay 1691, 1693, 1694; Lieuten- ant 1683; Captain 1693. Du Val, Samuel 1783 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Convention of 1775. Earle, Ralph 1606-1678 (R. I.) Treasurer of Portsmouth 1649, 1651. Co mmissioner from Portsmouth to the General Court o f Commissioners o f Rhode Island 1650; Captain of Troop of Horse. Earle, John Officer in Colonial War. Early, Jeremiah 1705-1779 Officer in French and Indian Wars. Earle, Samuel 1692-1770 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Eaton, William 1759 (N. C.) Member of the Assembly. Col- onel of Militia 1754. Edloe, Matthew 1668 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1658. Edmiston, William 1734-1822 Ensign in Indian War under Col- onel Byrd 1760. Edmunds, John 1770 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Edmunds, Thomas Member of the House of Bur- gesses. REGISTER OF ANCESTORS 183 Edwards, Nathaniel 1771 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Deputy and Secretary of the State 1750. Edwards, William 1721 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Erlbeck, William ....1770 (Md.) Sheriff of Charles Court 1745. Colonel of Militia. Ellis, Charles,.. .1719-1759 Major in French and Indian Wars. EUyson, Robert Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1657-58. EUzey, Lewis 1786 Captain of Militia in Fairfax County 1756. Embrey , Henry Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Ennalls, Bartholomew.l688-(Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1678-1684. Eppes, Francis 1677 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Eppes, Francis 1659-1719 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1702-1703, 1704. Eppes, Francis 1734 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Eskridge, George Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Evans, John 1737-1834 Lieutenant in Lord Dunmore's Campaign 1774. Everard, Richard 1732 Governor appointed 1724, re- signed 1730. Fairfax, William 1691-1757 Member of the Council. Farmer, Thomas (N.J.) County Judge of Richmond County, New York 1712 and Judge of the Supreme Court of New Jersey and was Chief Jus- tice of said Court 1728-29. Farrar, William ...1587 Member of the Council. Farrar, William 1637-1677 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Faulcon, Nicholas. 1793 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Conventions of 1775-76. Fauntleroy, William 1684-1757 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Fauntleroy, Moore 1665 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Field, Henry, Jr 1785 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Convention of 1774. Field, Peter 1707 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Filmer, Henry Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Fitzhugh, William 1651-1701 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Fitzhugh, Henry Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Fleete, Henry (Md. & Va.) Member first Maryland Assem- bly 1637-8. Member of the House of Burgesses 1652. Floumoy, Thomas .1748-1803 County Lieutenant of Prince Edward Covinty. 184 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS Fontaine, Peter 1720 County Lieutenant of Halifax County. Ford, Thomas 1676 (Conn.)- - Deputy from Windsor to the General Court 1640, 1641, 1644, 1645. Fowke, Gerard 1667 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Fowke, Gerard II 1662-1735 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1694. Colonel of Militia 1692. Field, Abraham 1774 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Officer in Dunmore's War 1774. Freeman, John 1619-1717 (Mass.) Deputy for eight years from 1654. Captain in King Philip's War 1675. Major 1685. Judge of Court of Common Pleas 1692. Freeman, Edmund __ 1682 (Mass.) Assistant Governor of Plymouth Colony from 1640-1646. French, William_1604-1681(Mass.) Deputy from Billerica to the General Court 1660, 1663, 1664. Fuller, William (S. C.) Member of the Coimcil 1680. Captain of Provincial Troops. Fuller, Thomas 1727-1789 (S. C.) Member of Assembly 1752. Col- onel of Militia. Fry, John 1740-1771 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Fry, J oshua 1754 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Colonel in Command of Expedition against Fort Du- quesne 1754. Gallup, John Jr 1618-1675 (Conn.) Captain of one of the Connecti- cut Companies in the Narragan- sett Swamp Fight 1675 and killed then. ♦Gamble, Robert 1810 Captain in Continental Army of the Revolution. Gardiner 1681-1724 (Mass.) Representative from Salem to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay 1716, 1719, 1720, 1721, Gardiner, Thomas.. 1674 (Mass.) One of the Historic Founders of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Deputy from Salem to the Geneial Court 1637. Gassaway, Nicholas (Md.) Captain of Militia 1678. Major 1681. Assistant Commander of the Rangers 1691. Gibbs, John 1696-1764 (S. C.) Member Commons House As- sembly. Colonel of Provincial Militia. Gibbs, Robert.. 1644-1715 (S. C.) Treasurer 1670. Member of the Council 1702. Governor 1710. Gibson, Jonathan 1744 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1736-1740. Gilmer, George 1796 Member of the Convention of May 1776. Godfrey, John (S. C.) President of the Council 1685. Acting Governor 1685. Godwin, Thomas 1677 Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses. Godwin, Thomas Member of the London Company 1606. Godin, Benjamin 1748 (S. C.) Member of the Assembly 1712. REGISTER OF ANCESTORS 185 Goldsborough, Robert. ..1660-1746 (Md.) Member of Assembly 1704. Goldsborough, Charles.. 1707-1767 (Md.) Member of the Lower House of Assembly 1762. Member of the Council 1763, 1766. Gooch, William 1626-1655 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Goodrich , Thomas 1679 Appointed Major General by Bacon during his Rebellion. Gookin, John 1643 Member of Grand Assembly for Lower Norfolk Coimty 1639. Gore, John 1657 (Mass.) Was "Clerk of the Writs." Gorham, John 1620-1676 (Mass.) Lieutenant 1673. Captain Sec- ond Barnstable Company 1673. In King Philip's War. Gorton, Samuel 1593-1677 (R. I.) Commissioner, Deputy and Pres- ident of the Providence Planta- tions. de Graff enried, Christopher.. Landgrave of the Province of Carolina. *Grattan, John One of the first Trustees of Lib- erty Hall. Justice of Rocking- ham County. Gray. George 1725- 1800 (Penn.) Member of Assembly 1772-75. Member of the Committee of Safety 1775-76. Gray, Joseph 1770 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1744. Gray, William.. 1719 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1710. Green, John... ...1590-1659 (Mass.) Commissioner and Recorder General. Green, John 1730 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Green, Robert... ...1695-1749 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Green, James 1626-1698 (Mass.) Commissioner, Deputy Assist- ant. Member of the General Court of Tryals. Green, Job 1658-1745 (R. I.) Deputy and Assistant. Greene, Nathaniel.. 1786 (R. L) Member of the Rhode Island Legislature. Greenberry, Nicholas. . .1627-1697 (Md.) Member of the Council 1692-97. Keeper of the Great Seal 1693- 1694. Greenhill, David Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Griffin, Thomas 1733 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1718, '23, '26. Guerard, John (S. C.) Member of the Council 1768. Grymes, Philip Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1748 and of the Coimcil 1751. Receiver General 1749. Grymes John 1691-1748 Member of the Council and Re- ceiver General. Grymes, Charles.. 1697-1725 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. 186 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS Gwynne, David 1704 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Haight, Jonathan II ....1734-1780 (N.Y.) Captain in French and Indian War 1759. Promoted Major for bravery in taking Moro Castle, Havana. Hairston, Robert Member of the House of Btir- gesses. Hall, Richard 1688 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses 166&-1670. 1674-1685. Hale, Thomas.. -1658- 1730 (Mass.) One of the Colonial Militia who advanced upon the French and Indians at Montreal. Hamilton, Andrew. 1741-1835 (S. C.) Member of the Assembly of South Carolina. Hammond, John ...1638-1707 (Md.) Judge of High Court of Admir- alty. Member of the Council. Major General Western Shore. Hanson, Samuel (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Harlan, George .1650-1714 (Penn.) Member of the Assemblj'. Harmonson, Thomas II .1660-1709 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1691. Harmonson, George 1734 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1723-1726. Harper, Jeduthan 1734-1819 (N. C.) Member of Assembly from Chat- ham County. Lieutenant Col- onel. Harris, Robert 1765 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Harris, Thomas 1586 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1647. Harris, William 1679 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1652. Harrison, Benjamin 1643 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and Clerk of the Council. Harrison, Benjamin 1645 1713 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. One of the Fotmders of William and Mary College. Harrison, Benjamin 1726-1791 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of all Revolutionary Committees. Reporter and Signer of the Declaration of In- dependence. Harrison, Benjamin 167^-1710 Attomry General and Speaker of the House of Burgesses. Harrison, Nathanial 1677-1727 Member of the Council, Au- ditor General and County Lieu- tenant. Harrieon, Thomas 1665-1746 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Hart, Thomas 1727-1808 (N. C.) Member of Provincial Congress 1774. Hart, Nathaniel 1734-1782 (N. C.) Captain of Provincial Forces. deHart, John 1727-1795 (N. J.) Member of Continental Con- gresses of 1774, 1775, 1776. Hartwell, William Officer in Colonial Wars. REGISTER OF ANCESTORS 187 Harvie, John 1706-1767 Member of the Conventions of 1775-1776 and of the House of Burgesses. Hatcher, William 1614-1680 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1644-1645-1649, 1652, 1654, 1658, 1659. Hatch, Edmund.... 1720 (N. C.) Member of Assembly at Hills- boro 1775. Hatch, Samuel -...1745 (N. C.) Member of the General Assem- bly 1774. Lieutenant Colonel . 1775. Haynie, John Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1657-1658. Haynie, Richard 1724 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1695-1705. Captain of Militia. Heathcote, Caleb 1665-1721 (N. Y.) Major and Colonel. Judge of Admiralty of New Jersey and Connecticut. Heale, George I 1698 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Heale, George II 1728-1806 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Henley, Robert 1683 (Md.) Member ot the House of Bur- gesses and of the Assembly 1659, 1676, 1678, 1682, 1683. Henry, Patrick 1736-1799 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1765., Delegate to Con- tinental Congress 1774. Mem- ber of Conventions 1775-76 Governor 1776- 78-84-85. *Henry, John Commander of County Militia. Presiding Magistrate of Han- over County. Henry, James 1731-1805 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1772. Higginson, Robert 1646 Commander against the Indians after Second Massacre. Hill, Edward Sr .1663 Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses; Member of the Council; Commander against the Indians. Governor of Maryland. Hill, Edward Jr 1637-1710 Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses. Treasurer. Judge of Admiralty and Commander in Chief of Charles City and Sur- rey. Hill, Whitmel 1643 (N. C.) Member of North Carolina As- sembly. Hinton, John 1784 (N. C.) Colonel under Governor Tryon at Alamance 1771. Member of Convention at Hillsboro 1775. Member of Committee of Safety 1775. Hite, John 1792 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Hoar, Leonard 1630-1675 (Mass.) President of Harvard College. Holladay, Anthony 1717 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Holladay, Anthony 1760 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. HoUingsworth, Valentine. 1630 (Penn.) Signer of Penn's Great Charter. Member of the Council and of the Assembly 1683-87, 1695. 188 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS Hollingsworth, Henry ..1664-1721 Member of the Assembly 1695. Hollister, John 1665 (Conn. ) Deputy to the General Court 1644-1656. Hoknan, James 1759 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Holmes, Obadiah 1606-1682 (R. I.) One of the Founders of Mon- mouth, New Jersey. Commis- sioner to General Court of Provi- dence Plantations 1655-56, 1658, 1676. Holt, Thomas 1708 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Holton, William 1611-1691 (Mass.) Deputy from Northampton to the General Court of Massachu- setts Bay 1664-65-66-67-69-70. Holyoke, Elizur 1617-1676 (Mass.) Deputy from Springfield to the General Court of Massachusetts 1656, 1661, 1667, 1670, 1673, 1674, 1675. Hooe, Rice Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1622-23, 1644-45, 1647. Hooe, Rice Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Hooker, Thomas. ..1586-1647 (Conn.) One of the Founders of the Col- ony of Hartford and Author of its Constitution. Hooper, Henry 1676 (Md.) Captain in Calvert County Militia 1658. Hooper, Henry 1643-1720 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1694. Hoopes, Daniel 1723 (Penn.) Member of the Assembly. Hoopes, Joshua (Penn.) Member of the Assembly. Horsmanden, Warham Membei of the Council. Hotchkiss, Gideon 1716-1807 (Conn.) Deputy to the General Court. Howard, John 1661 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Howard, Francis 1700-1747 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Howell, John... ..1624-1696 (Conn.) Representative at Hartford 1644- 1651. Howell, Edward 1584-1665 (Conn.) Representative at Hartford 1647- 1653. Howland, John 1620-1672 (Mass.) One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Colony. Assistant 1632, '34, '35. Deputy to Gen- eral Court 1641, 1645-'58, '61, '63, '66, '67, '70. Hull, John.... 1624-1683 (Mass.) Captain of the Ancient and Hon- orable Artillery Company 1671, 1678. Treasurer of the Colony of Massachusetts. Assist- ant 1680-1683. Hungerford, Thomas II 1772 (Md.) High Sheriff of Charles County, Maryland. Hunter, David (Penn.) Captain of Militia 1758. Served in Campaign against Fort Du- Quesne. REGISTER OF ANCESTORS 189 Humphrey, Michael ..1695 (Conn.) Deputy from Sunsbury to Gen- eral Court at Hartford. Humphrey, Samuel 1656-1736 (Conn.) Representative of Sunsbtiry in General Assembly 1702-1719. Hussey, Christopher 1632-1685 (Mass.-N. H.) Deputy to General Court 1658, '59, '60, '72. Councillor of New Hampshire 1679-85. Hutchins, Francis 1699 (Md.) Member of the General Assem- bly and of the Council. Janney, Thomas 1638-1696 (Penn.) Provincial Councillor 1684-85- 86, 1691. Jacquelin, Edward 1663-1739 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Jefferson, Peter Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Jenings, Edmund 1659-1727 Attorney General. .Secretary of State. President of the Coun- cil and Acting Governor. Johnson, Edward 1599-1672 (Mass.) Speaker of the Colonial Legis- lature and one of the Members authorized to treat with the Commissioners of Charles II. Johnston, William 1771 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Johnson, Richard 1699 Member of the Council. Johnston, John (N. C.) Surveyor General of North Caro- lina. Johnson, Thomas 1734 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Johnson, Jacob Sr 1710 Member of the House of Bur- ges.ses 1692-93. Johnson, Jacob Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Johnson, Abner 1702-1757 (Conn.) Commissioned Captain of the First Company in Wallingford by Colonial Assembly 1749. Jones, John Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Jones, Gabriel 1724 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1774. Jones, Orlando Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Jones, Robin 1718-1766 (N. C.) Member of Assembly 1754-55. Jones, Peter I Officer in Colonial Wars. Jones, Peter II 1726 Officer in Colonial Wars. Jordan, Samuel 1707-1789 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and County Lieutenant. Kendall, William Member of the House of Bur- gesses and Speaker of the House 1657, 1662, 1663, 1686. Kellogg, Joseph 1626-1707 (Mass.) Lieutenant in Command at "Falls Fight" 1676. Kennedy, David 1783 Lieutenant, Quartermaster and Commissary 1755, '56, '58, '62. 190 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS Kennon, Richard Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1685-86. Kennon, Richard 1736 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Kennon, William Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1737-1740. Kent, John 1657 (Conn.) Repiesentative to the General Assembly 1724-25. Kent, Samuel Jr 1698-1772 (Conn.) Representative to the General Assembly 1737. Kent, Samuel 1630 (Conn.) Representative to the General Court. Kent, Elihu 1733-1814 (Conn.) Representative to the General Court. Captain of Militia. King, Robert 1697- (Md.) Member of the Lower House of Assembly 1690. Kinkead, William 1736-1821 Commanded the Virginia Rifle- men in the expedition against the Shawnees (Pontiac's War) 1764. Lanier, Robert 1743-1828 (N. C.) Member of the Fourth Provin- cial Congress of North Carolina. Langhorne, William Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Langhorne, John Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1748. Langley, William 1717 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1715. Laurens, Henry 1724-1792 (S. C.) Member of the Provincial Con- gress 1774. Lawrence, Thomas... 1703 (N. Y.) Officer in Colonial War. Lawrence, Jonathan 1737-1812 (N. Y.) Member of Provincial Congress 1775-1776. Lawton, Thomas 1681 (R. L) Commissioner from Portsmouth to the Court of Commissioners 1655, 1656, 1658, 1661. Lear, John 1695 Member of the Coimcil and one of the Founders of William and Mary College. Le Compte, Anthony. . 1673 (Md.) Justice of Dorchester County, Maryland. Leavenworth, Mark 1711-1797 (Conn.) Chaplain of 2nd Connecticut Regiment to Canada in French and Indian War 1760-1761. Leaven, Joseph. .1683-1773 (Conn.) One of the original 44 Proprie- tors of Killingly. Served with Captain Israel Putnam in French and Indian War 1756. Lee, Richard Jr 1647-1714 Member of the Council. Lee, Richard 1795 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1758-1775. Member of Conventions 1775-1776. Lee, Richard 1626-1663 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Sec- retary of State 1641. Colonel of Troops under Governor Berke- ley 1649. Lee, Philip (Md.) Member of the Council. REGISTER OF ANCESTORS 191 Lee, Thomas 1704 (Conn.) Representative to the General Court 1676. Lieutenant 1701. Lee, Henry 1729-1787 Member of the House of Bur- gesse? and of Convention of 1776. Lee, Hancock 1653-1709 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1688. Lee, Thomas 1690-1750 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. President of the Coun- cil and Acting Governor. County Lieutenant. Leffingwell, Thomas 1622 (Conn.) Lieutenant 1676. Judge of the Commission Court. Represent- ative in General Court. Legrand, Peter Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Lewis, John 1669-1725 Member of the Council. Lewis, John 1694 Member of the Council. Lewis, Fielding 1725 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Lewis, William 1724-1812 Colonel in French and Indian War. Lewis, Charles 1696 County Lieutenant of Gooch- land. Lewis, Robert 1704r-1766 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Lewis, Thomas Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1745-67. Member of the Council. Lewis, Charles.. 1744 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Colonel in Indian War. Killed at Point Pleasant. Lewis, Zachary 1702-1765 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Lewis, Andrew 1720-1781 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Officer in Colonial Wars Lightfoot, John-. 1707 Member of the Council. Com- mander in Chief of King and Queen County. Lightfoot, Philip I 1708 Surveyor General. Lightfoot, Philip II 1689-1748 Member of the Council. Lightfoot, William Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Lillington, Alexander 164.3-1697 (N. C.) Deputy Governor 1693-95.Judge of the Precinct Court 1690-94. President of the Council 1697. Lippencott, Richard 1639-1683 (N. J.) Deputy from Shrewsbury to the General Court of East Jersey 1669, 1670-77. Deputy of Plant- ers of New Jersey. Littlepage, Richard Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Littlepage, John. .1716 (R. I.) Deputy. Littlepage, James 1714-1769 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Littlefield, John.. 1716 (R. I.) Deputy. Littleton, Nathaniel 1654 Member of the Council and Com- mander of Accomac County. Littleton, Southy 1769 Officer during Bacon's Rebellion. Livingston, Henry 1714-1799 (N. Y.) 192 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS Member of the Colonial Legis- lature and Proprietor by letters Patent of the Office of Clerk of Dutchess County. Livingston, Robert Gilbert.. 1713- 1789 (N. Y.) Member of the Provincial Con- gress 1775-1776. Lloyd, Thomas 1694 (Pa.) Master of Rolls 1683-90. Keeper of the Great Seal 1683. Councillor 1684-88. President of. Governing Council 1684- 88, 1690-91. Deputy Governor 1691-93. Lloyd, Edward 1695 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council of Maryland. Lloyd, Philemon 1647-1685 (Md.) Member of the Assembly 1671- 74. Lockhart, Samuel. (N. C.) Delegate from Northampton to Hillsboro Conventions. Logan, Benjamin 1743-1802 Captain in Dunmore's War 1774. Long, Nicholas 1797 (N. C.) Member of Provincial Assembly 1774. Colonel of Minute Men and Commissary General 1775. Member of the Committee of Safety 1775. Lore, Samuel Sr 1720-1787 (Md.) Member of the Convention from Charles County 1774-75-76. Member of the Committee of Safety 1775. Lothrope, John 1584-1653 (Mass.) One of the ministers of Parishes active in founding and forward- ing the interests of Plymouth Colony. Lowe, Henry 1717 (Md.) Member of the Lower House 1701—2. Ludwell, Philip 1704 Member of the Council. Secre- tary of State. Ludwell, Philip Jr Member of the Council and Au- ditor General. Lynch, Charles 1700-1753 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1748. Captain in 1745. Lyne, William ■ Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Lyon, James 1S17 Ensign, Major, Lieutenant Col- onel of Militia 1760-1776. Macy, Thomas 1682 (Mass.) Member of Massachusetts Leg- islature. Macon, William 1694-1773 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Macon, William Jr 1725-1813 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Macon, Gideon Member of the House of Bur- vesses 1696. Madison, John Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1704-07. Magruder, Samuel 1711 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Magruder, John 1694-1750 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1728-45. Mansfield, Moses 163^1703 (Conn.) REGISTER OF ANCESTORvS 193 Deputy Governor's Assistant, Auditor. Marable, Matthew Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1768-74. Maris, George (Penn.) Judge of the Court. Member of the Provincial Assembly 1684- 1695. Marshall, Thomas ..1730-1802 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Surveyor General.. Martian, Nichola.s 1591-1657 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Marvin, Reignold 1663-1676 (Conn.) Representative of Lynn at the General Court 1670-72-76. Lieutenant when Lynn was at- tacked by Andros. Mason, George I.. 1686 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1675-76-79, '84. County Lieutenant of Stafford 1675. Mason, George II .i.. .J'.. 1716 Coimty Lieutenant of Stafford 1699-1700. Captain of Rangers. Mason, George III 1670-1735 Member of the House of Bur- gesses, 1718, '23, '26. County Lieutenant of Stafford. Mason, David Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Mason, George IV 1725-1792 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of Constitutional Convention at Philadelphia. Mason, John 1600-1672 (Conn.) Deputy to Massachusetts Gen- eral Court 1635-36. Deputy to Connecticut General Court 1737- 41. Deputy Governor 1662, As- sistant 1642-59. Mason, Thomson 1733-1785 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1758-9, '61, '67, '68, '69, '70, '71. Mason, Francis 1697 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Mason, Hugh 1605-1678 (Mass.) Captain 1652. Judge 1650-61. Deputy to the General Court 1643-77. Commander in the ex- pedition against the Dutch 1664. Selectman twenty-nine years. Massie, Thomas Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1723-26. Massie, William Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1748. Mathews, George 1739-1812 Captain in Company in Battle of Point Pleasant 1774. Mathews, Samuel 1592-1660 Governor of Virginia 1657. Mathews, John 1711-1757 Sergeant and Captain. En- listed June 12, 1754 in Captain Mercers Company. ' Maury, Abraham 1731 County Lieutenant of Halifax. Mayo, John 1736-1786 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of Conventions of 1775-76. Mazyjck, Benjamin 1661-1735 (S. C.) Justice of the Peace 1734. McAfee, James 1737-1809 Lieutenant in active service in French and Indian Wars, was in the Battle of Point Pleasant 1774. McCarty, Daniel 1679-1724 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1715-20. 194 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS McClenahan, Robert Killed at Battle of Point Pleas- ant 1774. McDonald, Angus 1778 Colonel in Indian Wars. McDowell, Andrew (Penn.) Captain in the Associated Regi- ments of Chester County 1747. McDowell, Samuel 1735-1814 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1773, '75, '76. Captain in Dunmore's War. McDowell, John 1714-1742 Captain of Militia in service in war against the Indians. McKee, William 1732-1816 Captain in Colonial Wars and Colonel in the Revolution. Meade, David 1744-1830 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Meade, Andrew 1745 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Judge of Court and Colonel of Militia. Melyn, Cornelius 1602-1674 (N- Y.) President of the Council of "Eight Men" in Nieuw Nether- land 1643. Patroon of Staten Island 1644. Merriwether, Nicholas. .1647-1744 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1702-14. Merriwether, Nicholas 1678 Clerk of the Council. Mercer, James 1736-1793 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1761-76. Meredith , Samuel 1732 Colonel of Second Regiment raised in Virginia. Merriman, Nathaniel... .1613-1694 (Conn.) Deputy from Wallingford to Gen- eral Court 1674, 1678-1681, 1683, 1685. Captain of Dragoons New Haven County 1675. Middleton, Thomas... 1766 (S. C.) Member of the Commons 1742- 1766. Captain of Body Guards 1741. Middleton, Arthur 1681-1737 (S. C.) President of the Council 1719. Governor 1727-30. Middleton, Edward.. 1685 (S. C.) Member of the Council. Minge, James 1637 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1673-76, 1680-83, 1684. Moale, John I.. ..1697-1740 (Md.) Member of the Assembly 1729. Moale, John II... 1731-1798 (Md.) Member of the Conventions of 1774-75. Delegate to Assembly Moflfatt, George 1735-1811 Captain of Militia in Indian War. Colonel in the Revolution. Montague, Peter 1603-1659 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Montgonery , John 1717-1802 Officer in Colonial War. Moore, Bernard Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1748, '51, '53, 55, '56, '58. Moore, John... .1686-1749 (N. Y.) Member of the Council. Moore, James 1640-1729 Governor of the Province of Carolina from 1700-1705 Morgan, Francis 1652 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Morgan, Daniel 1736-1802 Officer in French and Indian War. Ensign 1758. Lieuten- ant 1762. Captain 1771. Morris, Robert.. 1734-1806 (Penn.) Signer of the Declaration of In- REGISTER OF ANCESTORS 195 dependence. Member of Con- gress 1775. Morton, Joseph 1759 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. *Mosby, Littleberry 1729-1809 High Sheriff of Cumberland County. Moseley, Edward 1661-1736 Member of the House of Bur- gesses, one of the Knights of the Golden Horseshoe. Moseley, Edward H 1783 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Munford, Robert L.. -..1744 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Munford, Robert II Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Nash, Jonn Sr 1776 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Coimty Lieutenant. Captain in Indian War. Mem- ber of Convention 1775. Neale, James 1615-1684 (Md.) Member of the General Assem- bly and Privy Councillor. Nelson, Thomas 1716-1782 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Covmcil. Nelson, Thomas 1738-1762 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and Conventions and Signer of the Declaration of In- dependence. Nelson, William 1711-1772 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. President of the Coun- cil and Acting Governor 1770-72. Neville, John 1731-1803 Officer in Braddock's Expedition 1755. Member of Convention 1774. Newton, George 1678 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1723-26. Newton, Thomas 1713-1794 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1712. Newton, Thomas 1742-1807 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1769, '71, '72. Member of Conventions 1775, 1776. Nicholas, Robert Carter 1725-1780 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1764-73. Treasurer 1766. North, William^.^. 1723 (Mass.) Recorder and Assistant to Chief Magistrate 1678. Clerk of Court 1676-80. Associate Jus- tice of the Colony. Clerk of Court of Admiralty held at Island of Nantucket, 1680. Nott, John 1682 (Conn.) Commanded men from Weath- ersfield in Pequot War. Was Representative from 1665-74. Ogle, Samuel 1750 (Md.) Governor of Maryland. Osborne, Thomas Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Osborne, Edward 1781 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Owsley, Thomas 1663-1700 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Page, John 1632-1692 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Page, Matthew 1659-1703 Member of the Council. Page, Mann 1691-1730 Member of the Council. Page, Mann, Jr 1718 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. 196 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS Page, John 1744-1808 Served with General Washington in French and Indian War. Palin, John 1737 (N. C.) Member of the Council 1725. Justice of North Carolina 1731- 32. Parke, Daniel 1628-1679 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Treasurer, Colonial Agent in England. Parke, Daniel 1710 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Col- onel in English Army at Blen- heim and Governor of Leeward Islands. Parker, William 1703-1781 (N. H.) Judge of the Supreme Court and of Admiralty. Member of As- sembly. Parsons, Joseph 1647-1729 (Mass.) Judge of County Court of Hamp- shire, Representative from Springfield 2 years. Represent- ative to General Court from Northampton 12 years. Partridge, Samuel 1695-1740 (Mass.) Judge and Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. Rep- resentative to the General Court. Member of the Council. Patton, James Colonel in Indian War. Killed by Indians 1753. Payne, Josiah, Sr... J... .1735-1782 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Peabody, Francis 1614-1698 (Mass.) One of the Founders of New Hampshire. Lieutenant of Mil- itary Company 1668. Peabody, John 1720 (Mass.) Deputy from Boxford to General Court 1689-92, 1695, '97, '98, '99, 1700, '1, '3, '8, '10-13. Captain 1712. Pendarvis, Joseph (S. C.) Member Colonial Assembly. Receiver of Funds for St. Augustine expedition. Pendleton, John 1719-1799 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Perkins, Peter 1813 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of Conventions. Percival, John 1683-1744 (Ga.) A Founder of the Colony of Geor- gia. Percival, Richard 1551-1620 Member of the Virginia Com- pany. Perley, Thomas 1641-1709 (Mass.) Early Representative to Gen- eral Court. Perry, Samuel 1661-1730 (Mass.) Representative to General Court several years. Captain in Colonial Militia. Peyton, Valentine. . ..1687-1751 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Peyton, Henry 1781 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1761. County Lieutenant. Pickett, Martin 1740-1804 Lieutenant in French and Indian War and Member of Convention of 1776. Pierson, Thomas 1722 (Penn.) Member of Provincial Assembly from Chester Covmty 1708. \ REGISTER OF ANCESTORS 197 Pinkard, John 1690 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Pitt- Robert Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1652. Pitkin, William 1635-1694 (Conn.) Commissioner of United Col- onies for Colony of Connecticut Plater, George. -A694-1755 (Md.) Member of the Council. Attor- ney General and Secretary of State. Piatt, Epenetus II ._1744 (N. Y.) Member of the Colonial Assem- bly of Long Island. Pleasants, John 1640-1698 Elected Member of the House of Burgesses but declined to take the oath at the Session of 1692- 93. Posey, Thomas 1750-1818 Quarter Master in General Andrew Lewis's division of Lord Dunmore's expedition against the Indians, 1774. Pope, Nathaniel 1659 (Md. & Va.) Member of the Maryland Legis- lature. ♦Powell, Levin 1737-1810 Member of Loudon Committee of Safety 1774. Lieutenant Col- onel Continental Line. Powell, Ambrose 1788 Officer in Colonial War. Power, James Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Poythress, Francis 1633 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1645-47. Commanded against the Indians 1645. Poythress, Peter Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Convention of 1775. Poythress, John Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Presley, William 1656 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Presley, Peter 1750 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Presley, Peter 1693 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Preston, William 1729-1783 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. County Lieutenant and Colonel in the Revolution. Prince, Thomas 1600-1673 (Mass.) One of the Historic Founders of Plymouth Plantation. Gover- nor of the Colony 1634, 1638, 1657-1672. Assistant 1632, 1635, 1636, 1637, 1639-56. Treasurer. President of the Councils of War 1657, 1658, 1667. Prout, John___ 1689-1776 (Conn.) Treasurer of Yale College. Purefoy, Thomas Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Cotincil. Putnum, Nathaniel 1621-1700 (Mass.) Representative to General Court 1690, 91. Lieutenant of Military Company 1683. Pynchon, William 1590-1661 (Mass.) One of the Patentees and of the Eighteen Assistants named in the Charter of Charles the First granted to the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Magistrate and a Member of the General Court. 198 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS Was the Founder of Springfield 1632. Randolph, William 1651-1711 Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses, Attorney General, One of the Founders of William and Mary College. Randolph, Richard 1691-1742 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Treasurer of Virginia. Randolph, Isham 1698-1749 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Adjutant General of Virginia. Randolph, William 1712-1744 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Randolph, Thomas Mann 1741-1793 Member of Conventions of 1774, 1775, 1776. Randolph, Peter 1708-1767 Member of the Council and Sur- veyor General of Customs Randolph, William II--_1681-1741 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Randolph, John 1693-1737 Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses 1736. Treasurer 1734-37. Attorney General. Randolph, Thomas 1690-1731 Coimty Lieutenant. Randolph, John 1727-1784 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and Attorney- General. ^ Randolph, Edmund Member of Revolutionary Con- vention 1776. Rawson, Edward. _ 1693 (Mass.) Deputy from Newbury to Gen- eral Court 1638-49. Secretary of the Colony 1650-86. Read, John 1680-1749 (Mass.) Attorney General. Member of of the Council and Member of House of Representatives sev- eral years. Read, Clement 1707-1763 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Reade, George 1671 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Sec- retary of State and Acting Gov- ernor, and Commanded the forces of James City. Read, Isaac 1746-1778 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of Conventions of 1774-75. Reid, John (N.J.) Lieutenant Colonel of State Militia 1709. Reading, John Sr 1687-1713 (N. J.) Represented Gloucester in the Council 1689-1707. Reading, John. .1686-1767 (N. J.) Member of the Coimcil 1713- 1758. Deputy Governor, Gov- ernor. *Rice, David 1733-1816 \/ One of the Founders of Hampden A Sidney College. Rice, Edmund 1639-1663 (Mass.) Deputy from Sudbury to General Court 1640, '43, '52, '53, '54. Commissioner of Lands. Richardson , Josiah 1635-171 1 (Mass.) Captain in West Regiment of Middlesex County during French and Indian War 1689-97. Ridgely, Henry 1.1641^1711 (Md.) Member of the Council. Ridgely Henry III 1694-1750 (Md.) Presiding Justice of Anne Arundel County 1733-42, REGISTBR OF ANCESTORS 199 Ridgely, Nicholas 1694-1755 iMd.) Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Counties of New- Castle, Kent and Sussex 1746-55. Risteau, George (Md.) Member of the Convention and Committee of Safety 1775-76. Roane, William 1785 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Robertson, James 1743-1814 Officer at Battle of Point Pleas- ant 1774. Robinson, Christopher. .164.5-1693 Member of the Council and Sec- retary of State. Robinson, Tully 1658-1723 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and County Lieutenant 1715. Robinson, Christopher ,1681-1727 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Robinson, Christopher. .1705-1768 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1752-58. Robinson, John, Sr 1638-1794 President of the Council 1726. Robinson, John Jr 1766 vSpeaker of the House of Bur- . gesses for twenty-eight years. Robinson, Henry Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Robins, John Membei- of the House of Bur- gesses 1646-49. Robins, Obedience. 1600 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Rogers, John 1631-1684 (Mass.) President of Harvard College 1682-1684. Rolfe, John 1585-1622 Member of the Council. Secre- tary of State and Recorder General. Rolfe, Thomas 1615 Officer in War with Indians. Maintained Colonial Forts for which he was honored with special grants and privileges by by the Colony. Roman, Philip (Penn) Judge in 1703, and Member of the Assembly 1692-95. Rose, Hugh 1743-1797 County Lieutenant 1777-1781. Member of the County Com- mittee of Safety 17774 Vs. *Rose, Robert 1704-1751 Eminent Minister of the Estab- lished Church. Ruffin, John Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1738. Rutherford, Robert.. Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Rutherford, Thomas Captain in 1742. Rutledge, John.. 1739-1800 (S. C.) Delegate to Congress in New York 1765. Member South Caro- lina Convention 1774. Sabin, John 1666-1742 (Conn.) Major in French and Indian Wars. Sayles John 1633-1681 (R. I.) Assistant Treasurer. Deputy Commissioner. Scarburg, Edmund 1634 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1629-31, 1632. Scarburg, Edmund 1616 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Surveyor General of the Colony for life by Appointment 200 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS of Charles II. Speaker of the House of Burgesses 1645. Savage, Thomas 1594-1627 Officer in Indian Wars. Savage, John 1624-1678 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Schureman, John 1729-1795 (N. J.) Delegate to Provincial Congress held at Trenton May, Jtme and August 1775. Member of the Committee of Safety 1775. Schuyler, Pieter 1657-1724 First Mayor of the City of Al- bany 1686-1694. Member of the Governor's Council 1692-1720. Acting Governor as President of the Council 1709-1719. Selden, Samuel 1695-1745 (Conn.) Captain 1740. Representative to General Court 1744. Colonel 1745. Sergeant, Jonathan Dickinson 1746-1793 (N. J.) Clerk of Conventions 1774-75. Member of Committee of Safety. Sheffield, Edmund 1564-1609 Member of the Virginia Com- pany. Shelby, Evan 1720-1794 (Md.) Captain in Maryland and Vir- ginia Militia. Shelby, Isaac 1750-1826 Lieutenant in Virginia Militia. Shepard, Jacob. _._. 1734-1773 (N. C.) Member of the Assembly. Sheppard, Joseph 1727-1782 (N. J.) Member of the Committee of Safety 1774. Shield, Robert 1717-1773 Captain in French and Indian Wars. Shippen, Edward 1639-1712 (Penn.) Member of the Assembly 1695- 1700. Speaker 1695. Member of the Council 1695-1712. Presi- dent of the Council 1702-04. Slaughter, Thomas Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1768. Slaughter, Robert Served in Campaign against the French and Indians. *Slaughter, James Lieutenant in the Continental Line. Slocum, Giles 1680- 1749 (R. I.) Deputy from Portsmouth to the General Assembly 1705, 1717, 1718, 1720, 1722, 1724, 1725. 1726, 1735-1739. Assistant 1722, 1723. Slocum, Giles Jr (R. I.) Deputy from Portsmouth to General Assembly 1705, 1717. 1718, 1720, 1722, 1724, 1725, 1726, 1735, 1736, 1738, 1739. Smith, Walter 1711 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Smith, John Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses 1657-58. Smith, Robert 1720-1803 Military Service in French and Indian Wars. Smith, John 1719 Member of the Council and County Lieutenant. Smith, Daniel 1781 Officer in Colonial War. Smith, John 1776 Officer in Colonial Wars. Smith, Francis 1762 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1752-58. REGISTER OF ANCESTORS 201 Smith, Lawrence 1700 Commander against the Indians and Colonel of Militia against Bacon. Smith, Robert ..1687 Member of the Council and Major General. Smith, Richard (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses and Attorney General. Smith, John 1715-1771 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Smith, Nehemiah 1646-1727 (Conn.) Deputy to the General Court. Member of the Governor's Coun- cil 1703-1705, 1711-1715, 1724. Smith, Samuel 1602-1680 (Conn. Mass.) Deputy to the Connecticut General Court 1640, 1641, 1643, 1651, 1653, 1655, 1656, 1662. Deputy from Hadley to the Gen- eral Court of Massachusetts Bay 1661, 1663-1665, 1667, 1668, 1671, 1673, 1678. Smith, Thomas 1694 (S. C.) Member of the Council and Cas- sique 1691, 1693. Landgrave and Governor. Smith, Thomas (S. C.) Landgrave 1704. Smith, Thomas (S. C.) Landgrave. Smith, Nicholas 1666-1734 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Soane, Henry , Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses. Soane, William Member of the H:ouse of Bur- gesses. Southern, John... .1600 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1623, 1629, 1630. Span, Cuthbert 1700 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Spaulding, Edward. -.1670 (Mass.) Selectman from 1654-1661. One of the Proprietors of Newfield. Sparhawk, Nathaniel.... 1597-1647 (Mass.) Representative to General Court several years. Spencer, Nicholas 1689 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1666-76. Secretary of State 1678-1689. Spotswood, Alexander... 1676-1740 Governor 1710-22. Rebuilt Wil- liam and Mary College. Spotswood, John 1758 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and County Lieutenant. Sprigg, Thomas-. 1670-1728 (Md.) Member of the Lower House. Major and Lieutenant. Colonel of Militia. Stanley, John Wright 1742 (Md.) Judge of the Court of Admiralty. Stanley, John Md.) Surveyor of Provinces of Mary- land. Starbuck, Edward. 1604 (N. H.) Representative to the General Court 1643 and Chief promoter of Settlement, Chief Magistrate of Nantucket Island. Starnyarne, James 1703 (S. C.) Member of Assembly 1692, Col- onel of Provincial Militia. Stanton, Thomas... 1615-1678 (Conn.) Was Interpreter in Pcquot War with forces of Connecticut and Massachusetts. Was Interpre- 202 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS ter General 1643-1678. and in King Philip's War was of great service. Stegg, Thomas 1652 Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses. Stephen, Adam 1730-1791 Commanded a Company in Ohio Expedition 1754, Against the Creeks 1758. In charge of Fron- tier defenses 1763. Stevens, William (Md . ) Justice for Dorchester County 1669. Stevens, John 1692 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Stewart, David. .1707-1776 (Del.) Captain in Delaware Militia 1747. Stillwell, Nicholas 1671 Commanded a Company of Horse in the Indian uprising in Virginia 1644. Accompanied an Expedition against the Euso- pas Indians 1663. Stith, Drury Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Stith, John Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1685-92. St. Leger, Warham Member of the Virginia Com- pany. Stockton, Richard 1707 (L. I.) First Lieutenant of Company of Horse 1665-1669. Stone, John (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- / gesses, and Delegate to the As- -^ sembly 1678-83. Stone, William ..(Md.) First Protestant Governor of Maryland 1649-54. Stone, John ....1695 Commander of Rappahannock County. Stone, Simon (Mass.) Deputy to the General Court from Watertown 1678, '79, '80, '81, '83, '84, '86, '89. Strachey, William 1634 Member of the Council 1610 and Secretary to Lord Delaware's Commission. Strong, John the Elder. ..1605 (Conn.) Representative to the General Court 1641-44. Strother, French Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Strycker, Jan 1615-1697 (N. Y.) Captain of Troops at Midwout, Long Island 1673. Delegate to the Conventions of 1653, 1663, 1664, 1665, 1674. Stuart, David 1762 County Lieutenant 1755. Mem- ber of the Council 1756. Cap- tain in Indian War. Stubblefield, George Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Swann, Thomas 1680 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1645-49. Member of the Council 1660. Lieutenant Col- onel of Militia 1652. Swarm, Thomas. 1705 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1693, 1695, 1696, 1698. Syme, John Sr 1732 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Syme, John Jr Member of the House of Bur- gesse.s and of all Revolutionary Conventions of 1774-1776. REGISTER OF ANCESTORS 203 Tabb, Humphrey- 1662 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Tabb, Thomas 1769 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Tabb, John.- 1797 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Talbot , Charles 1723 Lieutenant in French and Indian Wars. Talbot, Matthew 1699-1758 County Lieutenant. Talcott, Samuel 1634-1691 (Conn.) Lieutenant at Wethersfield 1677, Captain of Troops 1681 . Deputy to General Assembly 1669-84. Assistant 1685, '86 '87, '89, '90, '91. Talcott, John 1660 (Conn.) Member of the General Court of Massachusetts 1634. Member of the General Court of Connect- icut and one of the Chief Magis- trates of that Colony. . Talcott, John... 1632-1688 (Conn.) One of the original Patentees of Connecticut Charter Charles II, 1662. Talcott , Joseph 1669-1741 (Conn.) Governor of Connecticut from 1725-1741. Taliaferro, Lawrence 1726 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Taliaferro, John 1720 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Tapp, Edmund 1653 (Conn.) Patentee of Milford, Judge of Civil and Criminal Courts 1639, Governor's Assistant 1639. Member of Council of War 1644. Tasker, Thomas 1699 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1692-94 and Treasurer. Tasker, Benjamin (Md.) Governor, President of the Coun- cil. Delegate to Albany Con- vention 1754. Tate, Magnus 1732-1808 Officer in Colonial Wars. Taverner, John Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Taylor, George 1711-1792 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1748-58. Committee of .Safety 1774. Convention 1774. Taylor, James 1670-1729 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1703-14. Taylor, Thomas Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Taylor, James 1732-1814 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Conventions of 1774, 1775, 1776, 1778. Taylor, John 1779 Member of the Council. Taylor, William 1738-1800 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Taylor, Isaac 1728 (Penn.) Member of Provincial Assem- blies 1705, '10, '12, '19, '20, '21, '22. Tayloe, William ..1710 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Tayloe, John 1687-1747 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Tazewell, John... 1781 Clerk of the Convention of 1775. Teackle, John 1693-1721 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1721. , 204 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS Tebbs, Daniel Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1766, '68, '69, '71, '72, '74. Temple, Benjamin Officer in French and Indian War. Thacker, Edwin II 1745 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1723, 1726. Thomas, Cornelius Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Thomas, Philip 1600-1711 (Md.) Lieutenant of Provincial Forces. High Commissioner governing Maryland 1656-58. Thomson, Stevens 1670-1713 Attorney General 1703-1713. Thomson, William 1727-1796 (S. C.) Officer in Colonial War and Mem- ber of the South Carolina As- sembly. Thornton, Francis 1680 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Thoroughgood, Adam 1603 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council 1637. Thoroughgood, Adam Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1666. Throckmorton, Gabriel Officer in Colonial War. Throgmorton, John.... 1687 (N. J.) Deputy to General Assembly at Newport 1664-68, '70-75. On July 21st 1640 he and 38 others signed an agreement for a form of Government. Thurston, Charles Mynn, 1738-1812 Lieutenant of a Company of Pro- vincial Troops 1758 in the im- mediate Command of General Washington at Fort DuQuesne. Todd, Thomas 1676 (Md. and Va.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1674-75. *Towles, Oliver Colonel in the War of Independ- ence. Townshend, Richard 1596 Member of the Council. Tracy, Thomas. 1610-1685 (Mass.) Court Commissioner 1662. Lieutenant 1673. Member of Colonial Assembly more than twenty sessions. Travers, Raleigh. 1674 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1661-1663, 1666-1670. Treat, Robert.. .1621-1710 (Conn.) Deputy Governor and Governor for 30 years. Treat, Richard ..1669 (Conn.) Assistant 1657-64. One of the Patentees of Connecticut 1662. Member of John Winthrop's Council 1662. Tredwell, John Representative of Queens Coun- ty, New York, 1694. Turber ville , John. 1728 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1703-4. Tucker, George Member of the Virginia Com- pany. Tucker, Robert 1767 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. .^ Tudor, John 1779 (N. Y.) Advocate General 1684. Cap- tain in French and Indian Wars 1687-90. Register of the Court of Vice-Admiralty of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. REGISTER OF ANCESTORS 205 Tufts, Peter 1648-1721 (Mass.) Commissioned Lieutenant of Cavalry 1699. Tunstall, Richard 1776 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1766-69. Turner, Nathaniel .. 1646 (Mass.) In Pequot War. Governor's Assistant 1639. Captain of Mil- itary Ship "Phantom" which was lost 1646. Turner, Thomas 1758 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Turner, Henry 1751 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Upton, John Member of the House of Bur- gesses and Mint Master General of Virginia. Underbill, John 1650-1700 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Van Schuyler, Philip Pieterse 1626-1683 (N. Y.) President of the Convention. Governor. First Mayor of Al- bany. Captain of a Company of Albany. Troops. Van Dyke. Nicholas 1738-1789 (Del.) Member of the Committee of Correspondence 1774. Member of the Convention 1776. Van Hook, Lawrence 1670-1724 (N. Y.) Judge of Court of Quarter Ses- sions 1715-20. Van Horn, Abraham.. 1749 (N. Y.) Member of the Council. Venable, Nathaniel 1732-1808 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Venable, Abraham 1701-1768 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. In Colonial Army. Wade, Armiger 1708 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1657. Waggoner, Andrew 1742-1813 Captain in Virginia Militia under General Braddock when that General was defeated. Walke, Anthony I 1692-1768 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Walke, Anthony II 1726-1782 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Walker, Thomas 1640 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1663. Walker, Thomas ..1714-1794 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Conventions of 1774-75, of the Committee of Safety 1775, and of the first Council of State. Walker, John Member of the Council. Wallace, James 1772 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1769-1772. Waller, Benjamin 1716-1784 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Conventions. Judge of the General Court. Waller, John 1670-1754 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Walton, George... 1724- 1803 (Ga.) Lieutenant and Captain. Ward, James! 1774 Captain in Colonial Wars, killed at Point Pleasant 1774. Ward, Seth 1769 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. 206 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS Ward, Andrew 1665 (Conn.) Member of Colonial Courts of Connecticut and Massachusetts. One of the First Governors of Connecticut. Ward, Edward- -169^1766 (N. C.) Colonel in First Indian Wars. Waring, Sampson 1670 (Md.) Provincial Commissioner 1655. Member of the Lower House of Delegates. Captain of Militia. Waring, Thomas 1753 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Waring, Francis 1771 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Warner, Augustine Sr ._ 161 1-1674 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council. Warner, Augustine Jr_.__ 1642-1681 Speaker of the House of Bur- gesses and Member of the Coun- cil and Colonel of Gloucester Troops. Warren, Thomas Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1644-58, 1663-66. Washington, Lawrence .1661-1697 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Washington, Augustine, .1694-1743 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Washington, John 1633-1677 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and Colonel Commanding Forces against the Indians. Waters, William ...___ ..1638-1685 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Waters, Edward 1584-1628 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and Commander of Eliz- abeth City County. Watkins, Benjamin Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Conventions of 1775-76. Webb, Richard 1719 (Penn.) Member of the Assembly. Webb, William 1753 Member of the Assembly. Webster, John 1661 (Conn.) Governor's Assistant 1639. Deputy Governor 1655. Founder of the Colony of Connecticut. Webster, Robert 1637 (Conn.) Representative 1651-1658. Welles, Thomas. 1598 -1660 (Conn.) Was chosen Chief Magistrate at Hartford 1637. First Treas- urer. Moderator of the General Court 1654. Deputy Governor 1654-59 and Governor. Welles, John ...1636-1659 (Conn.) • Representative from Stratford 1656. Judge of Probate Court 1657-59. Welles, Samuel 1660-1731 Deputy to the General Court for Many Years. Welles, Samuel.. ...1630-1675 Commanded Company Great Fork Fight with Narragansttt Indians 1675. West , John. . - 1720-1777 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. West, John 1590-1659 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1629, '30 and of the Coun- cil 1630-59. Governor of Vir- ginia 1635-37. West, John 1632-1691 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. West, Nathaniel Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Westwood, William 1770 Member of the House of Bvx- REGISTER OF ANCESTORS 207 gesses 1731 1738, 1740, 1742, 1744-1749, (1752, 1755, 1756-1758. Wheeler, Thdmas 1672(Conn.) Lieutenant and Representative 1670-71. Wheeler, NathanieL . 1726 (N. J.) One of the Founders of Newark and an Officer of the Town 1682. White, Nathaniel 1629-1711 (Conn.) Deputy in evcryv^ General Court from 1659-1710. Captain in In- dian War. Whitfield, William II ..1715-1795 (N. C.) Member of the Assembly 1761- 62. Whiting, Thomas Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Whiting, Oliver- 1665-1736 (Mass.) Representative from Billerica to the General Court 1719,1720, 1728. Whiting, Samuel. 1597-1679(Mass.) Active in founding and forward- ing the interests of the Colony Minister at Lynn. Whiting, Henry Member of the Council 1744. Whittington, William rl720 Colonel in Indian Wars 1711. Wilcox, John . Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1657-58. Willard, Simon. 1634-1676 (Mass.) Deputy to the General Court. Captain in 1646. Sergeant- Major 1653. Commander in Chief of Expedition against Ninigret 1654. Wilbore, vSamuel Jr. (Mass. & .R I.) Governor's Assistant 1665-69, '77, '78. Deputy 1664-'65, '69, '70. Commissioner 1656-58-59- 60-62-65. Wilbore, Samuel Sr 1656 (Mass. & R. I.) One of the Original Proprietors Aquidnock 1638. Clerk of the Train Band 1639. Sergeant 1645. Williams, Roger ..1599 (R. I.) Founder of Rhode Island and President of the Colony of Prov- idence Plantations. Williams, Nathaniel.. ._ 1741-1805 (N.C.) Member of the Provincial Con- gress 1775. Williams, Isaac I 1638-1708 (Mass.) Representative to the General Court 5 or 6 years . Commanded a Troop of Horse. Williamson, David (N. J.) Member of the Committee of Correspondence. Deputy to Provincial Congress 1775. Willing, Charles. 1728-1754 (Penn.) Mayor of Philadelphia 1748-54. A Founder of the Universisity Pennsylvania. Willis, Francis Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Willis, Henry 1690-1739 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1718-23. Founder of Fredericksburg. Willoughby, Thomas Member of the Council- Wilson, William Naval Officer of Lower James River. Member of the House of Burgesses. Winship, Edward 1635-1688 (Mass.) Deputy to General Court 1663- 64, 1681-86. Ensign 1647 Lieu- tenant 1663. Winston, William 1710 208 REGISTER OF ANCESTORS Lieutenant in French and Indian War 1755. Witherspoon, John 1722-1794 (N. J.) Signer of the Declaration of In- dependence. Wood, James Sr 1759 Colonel in the French and In- dian Wars of 1742, 1755. Wood, Abraham Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1656 and Member of the Coimcil 1657. Woods, William 1753 Lieutenant in French and In- dian Wars. Woodhouse, Henry 1655 Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1647- 52. *Woodson, John He came as Surgeon in the first Company of soldiers sent to Jamstown under Sirjohn Harvey. Woodward, John. 1681-1766 (S. C.) Member of Commons House Assembly 1706-17. Colonel of Provincial Militia. Woodward, Henry 1685 (S. C.) Member of the Grand Council. Deputy for Lord Shaftsbury. Woolford, Roger 1701 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1671, '74, '75, '78, '81, '82. Woolford, Thomas 1751(Md.) Justice Dorchester County 1726- 33. Woolman, Richard .-.1680 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Wormley, Ralph 1652 Member of the House of Bur- gesses and of the Council.. Wormley, Ralph 1651-1703 Secretary of State. President of the Council. One of the Founders of William and Mary College. Wormley, Christopher 1698 Member of the Council 1683-1698 Wormley, Ralph 1786 Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Wormley, Ralph 1744-1806 Member of the Council. . Worrall, John 1658 (Perin.) Member of Provisional Assem- bly 1716. Worthington, John 1650-1701 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses 1699-1701. Captain of Horse 1677. Worthington, Nicholas ..1734-1793 (Md.) Justice in Anne Arundel Coimty 1768-1782. Worthington, Thomas... 1691-1753 (Md.) Member of the House of Bur- gesses. Yarrall, Francis 1660-1721 (Penn.) Member of the Provincial As- sembly 1711. Yates, William 1764 President of William and Mary till 1764. Yeamans, Jolin.. 1605 -1676 (S. C.) Colonial Governor of Clarendon County which included all the territory now known as South Carolina and Georgia. Yeardley , Argall 1621-1655 Member of the Council and Com- mander of the Eastern Shore 1642. Yeardley, George 1627 Member of the Council. Deputy Governor and Governor of Vir- ginia. vV' <^^^ ^ <->• 3 -i ^.