m. THE PEACE TREATIES Comprising The League of Nations Covenant Digest of the German Treaty Digest of the Austrian Treaty with Annotations by The American Mission at the Peace Conference Milestones on the Road to Victory INDEXED COMPLIMENTS OF The Continental National Bank INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA THE PEACE TREATIES Comprising The League of Nations Covenant Digest of the German Treaty Digest of the Austrian Treaty with annotations by The American Mission at the Peace Conference Milestones on the Road to Victory INDEXED COPYRIGHTED 1919 BY THE FEDERAL TRADE INFORMATION SERVICE NEW YORK AND WASHINGTON ^ s PUBLICATION of this book has been deferred until both Germany and Austria, the nations with which the United States was at war, had signed the peace terms of the allied and associated powers. No book which may have appeared hither- to is based upon the final and accepted draft of the two treaties with annotations by the American Mission at the Peace Conference. This book may be considered, therefore, as authoritative. The purpose is to present in easily understandable terms the treaties, which upon ratification by the United States Senate will end the war officially for the United States; with appropriate data relating to the great war. ©GI.A536180 TREATY OF PEACE WITH GERMANY TREATY OF PEACE WITH GERMANY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE BRITISH EMPIRE, FRANCE, ITALY and JAPAN, These Powers being described in the Treaty as the Principal Allied and Associated Powers, BELGIUM, BOLIVIA, BRAZIL, CHINA, CUBA, ECUA- DOR, GREECE, GUATEMALA, HAITI, THE HEDJAZ, HONDURAS, LIBERIA, NICARAGUA, PANAMA, PERU, POLAND, PORTUGAL, ROUMANIA, THE SERB-CROAT- SLOVENE STATE, SIAM, CZECHO-SLOVAKIA and URU- GUAY, These Powers constituting with the Principal Powers men- tioned above the Allied and Associated Powers, of the one part ; and GERMANY, of the other part; Bearing in mind that on the request of the Imperial German Government an Armistice was granted on November 11, 1918, to Germany by the Principal Allied and Associated Powers in order ^ that a Treaty of Peace might be concluded with her, and The Allied and Associated Powers being equally desirous that the war in which they were successively involved directly or in- directly which originated in the declaration of war by Austria- Hungary on July 28, 1914, against Serbia, the declaration of war by Germany against Russia on August 1, 1914, and against France on August 3, 1914, and in the invasion of Belgium, should be replaced by a firm, just and durable Peace, For this purpose the HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES represented as follows : THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, by: The Honourable Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States, acting in liis own name and by his own proper authority. The Honourable Robert Lansing, Secretary of State ; The Honourable Henry White, formerly Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States at Rome and Paris; The Honourable Edward M. House; General Tasker H. Bliss, Military Representative of the United States on the Supreme War Council; THE PEACE TREATIES HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF THE UNITED KINGDOM GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND AND OF THE BRITISH DOMINIONS BEYOND THE SEAS, EMPER- OR OF INDIA, by: The Right Honourable David Lloyd George, M. P., First Lord of His Treasury and Prime Minister; The Right Honourable Andrew Bonar Law, M. P., His Lord Privy Seal; The Right Honourable Viscount Milner, G. C. B., G. C, M. G., His Secretary of State for the Colonies. The Right Honourable Arthur James Balfour, 0. jVI. M. P., His Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; The Right Honourable George NicoU Barnes, M. P., Minister without portfolio ; And for the DOMINION OF CANADA, by: The Honourable Charles Joseph Doherty, Minister of Justice; The Honourable Arthur Lewis Sifton, Minister of Cus- toms, for the COMMONWEALTH of AUSTRALIA, by: The Right Honourable WilUam Morris Hughes, Attorney General and Prime Minister; The Right Honourable Sir Joseph Cook, G. C. M. G., Minister for the Navy ; for the UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA, by: General the Right Honourable Louis Botha, Minister of Native Affairs and Prime Minister; Lieutenant-General the Right Honourable Jan Christian Smuts, K, C, Minister of Defence; for the DOMINION of NEW ZEALAND, by: The Right Honourable William Ferguson Massey, Min- ister of Labour and Prime Minister; for INDIA, by: The Right Honourable Edwin Samuel Montagu, M. P., His Secretary of State for India ; Major-General His Highness Maharaja Sir Ganga Singh Bahadur, Maharaja of Bikaner, G. C. S. L, G. C. L E., G. C. V. O., K. C. B., a. D. C; THE PRESIDENT OF THE FRENCH REPUBLIC, by: Mr. Georges Clemenceau, President of the Council, Min- ister of War; TREATY OF PEACE WITH GERMANY Mr. Stephen Pichon, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Mr. Louis-Lucien Klotz, Minister of Finance; Mr. Andre Tardieu, Commissary General for Franco- American Military Affairs; Mr. Jules Cambon, Ambassador of France; HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF ITALY, by: Baron S. Sonnino, Deputy; Marquis G. Imperiali, Senator, Ambassador of His Majesty the King of Italy at London; Mr. S. Crespi, Deputy; HIS MAJESTY THE EMPEROR OF JAPAN, by: Marquis Saionzi, formerly President of the Council of Ministers; Baron Making, formerly Minister for Foreign Affairs, Member of the Diplomatic Council; Viscount Chinda, Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni- potentiary of H. M. the Emperor of Japan at London; Mr. K, Matsui, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipo- tentiary of H. M. the Emperor of Japan at Paris; Mr. H. Ijuin, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipo- tentiary of H. M. the Emperor of Japan at Rome; HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF THE BELGIANS, by: Mr. Paul Hymans, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister of State; Mr. Jules van den Heuvel, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Minister of State ; Mr. Emile Yandervelde, Minister of Justice, Minister of State : THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BOLIVIA, by: Mr. Ismael Montes, Envoy Extraordinary and Ministei Plenipotentiary of Bolivia at Paris; THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL, by: Mr. Joao Pandia Calogeras, Deputy, formerly Minister of Finance; Mr. Raul Fernandes, Deputy; Mr. Rodrigo Octavio de L. Menezes, Professor of Inter- national Law of Rio de Janeiro; THE PRESIDENT OF THE CHINESE REPUBLIC, by: Mr. Lou TsENG-TsiANG, Minister for Foreign Affairs; Mr. Chengting Thomas Wang, formerly Minister of Agriculture and Commerce; THE PEACE TREATIES THE PRESIDENT OF THE CUBAN REPUBLIC, by: Mr. Antonio Sanchez de Bustamante, Dean of the Fac- ulty of Law in the University of Havana, President of the Cuban Society of International Law; THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR, by: Mr. Enrique Dorn y de Alsua, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Ecuador at Paris; HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF THE HELLENES, by: Mr. Eleftherios K. Veniselos, President of the Council of Ministers; Mr. Nicolas Politis, Minister for Foreign Affairs; THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA, by: Mr. Joaquin Mendez, formerly Minister of State for Public Works and Pubhc Instruction, Envoy Extra- ordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Guatemala at Washington, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary on special mission at Paris; THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF HAITI, by: Mr. TertuUien Guilbaud, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Haiti at Paris; HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF THE HEDJAZ, by: Mr. Rustem Haidar; Mr. Abdul Hadi Aouni; THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS, by: Dr. Pohcarpo Bonilla, on special mission to Washington, formerly President of the RepubUc of Honduras, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary; THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA, by: The Honourable Charles Dunbar Burgess King, Secre- tary of State; THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF NICARAGUA, by: Mr. Salvador Chamorro, President of the Chamber of Deputies; THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF PANAMA, by: Mr. Antonio Burgos, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiai'y of Panama at Madrid; 4 TREATY OF PEACE WITH GERMANY THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF PERU, by: Mr. Carlos G. Candamo, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Peru at Paris; THE PRESIDENT OF THE POLISH REPUBLIC, by: Mr. Ignace J. Paderewski, President of the Council of Ministers, Minister for Foreign Affairs; Mr. Roman Dmowski, President of the Polish Nationd Committee; THE PRESIDENT OF THE PORTUGUESE REPUBLIC, by: Dr. Affonso Augusto da Costa, formerly President of the Council of Ministers; Dr. Augusto Luiz Yieira Scares, formerly Minister for Foreign Affairs; HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF ROUMANIA, by: Mr. Ion I. C. Bratiano, President of the Council of Ministers, Minister for Foreign Affairs; General Constantin Coanda, Corps Commander, A. D. C. to the King, formerly President of the Council of Ministers; HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF THE SERBS, THE CROATS, AND THE SLOVENES, by: Mr. Nicolas P. Pachitch, formerly President of the Council of Ministers; Mr. Ante Trumbic, Minister for Foreign Affairs; Mr. Milenko Vesnitch, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of H. M. the King of the Serbs, the Croats and the Slovenes at Paris; HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF SI AM, by: His Highness Prince Charoon, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of H. M. the King of Siam at Paris; His Serene Highness Prince Traidos Prabandhu, Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; THE PRESIDENT OF THE CZECHO-SLOVAK REPUBLIC, by: Mr. Karel Kramar, President of the Council of Ministers; Mr. Eduard Benes, Minister for Foreign Affairs; THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF URUGUAY, by: Mr. Juan Antonio Buero, Minister for Foreign Affairs, formerly Minister of Industry ; 5 THE PEACE TREATIES GERMANY, by: Mr. Hermann Muller, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Empire; Dr. Bell, Minister of the Empire; Acting in the name of the German Empire and of each and every component State. WHO having communicated their full powers found in good and due form have AGREED AS FOLLOWS: From the coming into force of the present Treaty the state of war will terminate. From that moment and subject to the pro- visions of this Treaty official relations with Germany, and with any of the German States, will be resumed by the Allied and Associated Powers. PART I. THE COVENANT OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS. (The League of Nations covenant constitutes the first section of each treaty. It is here given in full text as Part One of the German treaty, and, to differentiate it from the digest of the remaining sections, is set in larger type.) The High Contracting Parties, In order to promote international co-operation and to achieve international peace and security by the acceptance of obligations not to resort to war, by the prescription of open, just and honourable relations between nations, by the firm establishment of the understandings of inter- national law as the actual rule of conduct among Governments, and by the maintenance of justice and a scrupulous respect for all treaty obligations in the dealings of organized peoples with one another. Agree to this Covenant of the League of Nations. Article 1. The original Members of the League of Nations shall be those of the Signatories which are named in the Annex to this Covenant and also such of those other States named in the Annex as shall accede without reservation to this Covenant. Such accession shall be effected by a Declaration deposited with the Secretariat within two months of the coming into force of the Covenant. Notice thereof shall be sent to all other Members of the League. Any fully self-governing State, Dominion or Colony not named in the Annex may become a Member of the League if its LEAGUE OF NATIONS COVENANT admission is agreed to by two-thirds of the Assembly, provided that it shall give effective guarantees of its sincere intention to observe its international obligations, and shall accept such regula- tions as may be prescribed by the League in regard to its military, naval and air forces and armaments. Any Member of the League may, after two years' notice of its intention so to do, withdraw from the League, provided that all its international obligations and all its obligations under this Covenant shall have been fulfilled at the time of its withdrawal. Article 2. The action of the League under this Covenant shall bo effected through the instrumentality of an Assembly and of a Council, with a permanent Secretariat. Article 3. The x\ssembly shall consist of Representatives of the Members of the League. The Assembly shall meet at stated intervals and from time to time as occasion may require at the Seat of the League or at such other place as may be decided upon. The Assembly may deal at its meetings with any matter within the sphere of action of the League or affecting the peace of the world. At meetings of the Assembly each Member of the League shall have one vote, and may have not more than tluee Repre- sentatives. Article 4. The Council shall consist of Representatives of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers, together with Representatives of four other Members of the League. These four Members of the League shall be selected by the Assembly from time to time in its discretion. Until the appointment of the Representatives of the four Members of the League first selected by the Assembly, Representatives of Relgium, Rrazil, Spain and Greece shall be members of the Council. With the approval of the majority of the Assembly, the Council may name additional Members of the League whose Rep- resentatives shall always be members of the Council ; the Council with like approval may increase the number of Members of the League to be selected by the Assembly for representation on the Council, The Council shall meet from time to time as occasion may require, and at least once a year, at the Seat of the League, or at such other place as may be decided upon. THE PEACE TREATIES The Council may deal at its meetings with any matter within the sphere of action of the League or affecting the peace of the world. Any Member of the League not represented on the Council shall be invited to send a Representative to sit as a member at any meeting of the Council during the consideration of matters specially affecting the interests of that Member of the League. At meetings of the Council, each Member of the League represented on the Council shall have one vote, and may have not more than one Representative. Article 5. Except where otherwise expressly provided in this Covenant or by the terms of the present Treaty, decisions at any meet- ing of the Assembly or of the Council shall require the agree- ment of all the Members of the League represented at the meeting. All matters of procedure at meetings of the Assembly or of the Council, including the appointment of Committees to investi- gate particular matters, shall be regulated by the Assembly or by the Council and may be decided by a majority of the Members of the League represented at the meeting. The first meeting of the Assembly and the first meeting of the Council shall be summoned by the President of the LTnited States of America. Article 6. The permanent Secretariat shall be established at the Seat of the League. The Secretariat shall comprise a Secretary General and such secretaries and staff as may be required. The first Secretary General shall be the person named in the Annex; thereafter the Secretary General shall be appointed by the Council with the approval of the majority of the Assembly. The secretaries and staff of the Secretariat shall be appointed by the Secretary General with the approval of the Council. The Secretary General shall act in that capacity at all meet- ings of the Assembly and of the Council. The expenses of the Secretariat shall be borne by the Members of the League in accordance with the apportionment of the expenses of the International Bureau of the Universal Postal Union. Article 7. The Seat of the League is established at Geneva. The Council may at any time decide that the Seat of the League shall be established elsewhere. All positions under or in connection with the League, including the Secretariat, shall be open equally to men and women. Representatives of the Members of the League and officials LEAGUE OF NATIONS COVENANT of the League when engaged on the business of the League shall enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities. The buildings and other property occupied by the League or its officials or by Representatives attending its meetings shall be inviolable. Article 8. The Members of the League recognize that the maintenance of peace requires the reduction of national armaments to the lowest point consistent with national safety and the enforcement by common action of international obligations. The Council, taking account of the geographical situation and circumstances of each State, shall formulate plans for such reduction for the consideration and action of the several Govern- ments. Such plans shall be subject to reconsideration and revision at least every ten years. After these plans shall have been adopted by the several Gov- ernments, the hmits of armaments therein fixed shall not be exceeded without the concurrence of the Council. The Members of the League agree that the manufacture by private enterprise of munitions and implements of war is open to grave objections. The Council shall advise how the evil effects attendant upon such manufacture can be prevented, due regai'd being had to the necessities of those Members of the League which are not able to manufacture the munitions and implements of war necessary for their safety. The Members of the League undertake to interchange full and frank information as to the scale of their armaments, their military, naval and air programmes and the condition of such of their industries as are adaptable to war-like purposes. Article 9. A permanent Commission shall be constituted to advise the Council on the execution of the provisions of Articles 1 and 8 and on mihtary, naval and air questions generally. Article 10. The Members of the League undertake to respect and pre- serve as against external aggression the territorial integrity and existing political independence of all Members of the League. In case of any such aggression or in case of any threat or danger of such aggression the Council shall advise upon the means by which this obligation shall be fulfilled. Article 11. Any war or threat of war, whether immediately affectmg any of the Members of the League or not, is hereby declared a matter THE PEACE TREATIES of concern to the whole League, and the League shall take any action that may be deemed wise and effectual to safeguard the peace of nations. In case any such emergency should arise the Secretary General shall on the request of any Member of the League forthwith summon a meeting of the Council. It is also declared to be the friendly right of each Member of the League to bring to the attention of the Assembly or of the Council any circumstance whatever affecting international relations which threatens to disturb international peace or the good understanding between nations upon which peace depends. Article 12. The Members of the League agree that if there should arise between them any dispute likely to lead to a rupture, they will submit the matter either to arbitration or to inquiry by the Council, and they agree in no case to resort to war until three months after the award by the arbitrators or the report by the Council. In any case under this Article the award of the arbitrators shall be made within a reasonable time, and the report of the Council shall be made within six months after the submission of this dispute. Abticle 13. The Members of the League agree that whenever any dispute shall arise between them which they recognize to be suitable for submission to arbitration and which cannot be satisfactorily settled by diplomacy, they will submit the whole subject-matter to arbitration. Disputes as to the Interpretation of a treaty, as to any ques- tion of international law, as to the existence of any fact which if established would constitute a breach of any international obligation, or as to the extent and nature of the reparation to be made for any such breach, are declared to be among those which are generally suitable for submission to arbitration. For the consideration of any such dispute the court of arbitra- tion to which the case is referred shall be the Court agreed on by the parties to the dispute or stipulated in any convention existing between them. The Members of the League agree that they will carry out in full good faith any award that may be rendered, and that they will not resort to war against a Member of the League which complies therewith. In the event of any failure to carry out such an award, the Council shall propose what steps should be taken to give effect thereto. 10 LEAGUE OF NATIONS COVENANT Article 14. The Council shall formulate and submit to the Members of the League for adoption plans for the establishment of a Per- manent Court of International Justice. The Court shall hp competent to hear and determine any dispute of an international character which the parties thereto submit to it. The Court may also give an advisory opinion upon any dispute or question referred to it by the Council or by the Assembly. Article 15. If there should arise between Members of the League any dispute likely to lead to a rupture, which is not submitted to arbitration in accordance with Article 13, the Members of the League agree that they will submit the matter to the Council. Any" party to the dispute may effect such submission by giving notice of the existence of the dispute to the Secretary General, who will make all necessary arrangements for a full investigation and consideration thereof. For this purpose the parties to the dispute will communicate to the Secretary General, as promptly as possible, statements of their case with all the relevant facts and papers, and the Council may forthwith direct the publication thereof. The Council shall endeavor to effect a settlement of the dis- pute, and if such efforts are successful, a statement shall be made public giving such facts and explanations regarding the dispute and the terms of settlement thereof as the Council may deem appropriate. If the dispute is not thus settled, the Council either unani- mously or by a majority vote shall make and publish a report containing a statement of the facts of the dispute and the rec^ ommendations which are deemed just and proper in regard thereto. Any Member of the League represented on the Council may make public a statement of the facts of the dispute and of its conclusions regai'ding the same. If a report by the Council is unanimously agreed to by the members thereof other than the Representatives of one or more of the parties to the dispute, the Members of the League agree that thjey will not go to war with any party to the dispute which compUes with the recommendations of the report. If the Council fails to reach a report which is unanimously agreed to by the members thereof, other than the Representativea of one or more of the parties to the dispute, the Members of the League reserve to themselves the right to take such action as they shall consider necessary for the maintenance of right and justice. 11 THE PEACE TREATIES If the dispute between the parties is claimed by one of them, and is found by the Council, to arise out of a matter which by international law is solely within the domestic jurisdiction of that party, the Council shall so report, and shall make no recom- mendation as to its settlement. The Council may in any case under this Article refer the dispute to the Assembly. The dispute shall be so referred at the request of either party to the dispute, provided that such request be made within fourteen days after the submission of the dispute to the Council. In any case referred to the Assembly, all the provisions of this Article and of Article 12 relating to the action and powers of the Council shall apply to the action and powers of the Assembly, provided that a report made by the Assembly, if concurred in by the Representatives of those Members of the League represented on the Council and of a majority of the other Members of the League, exclusive in each case of the Representatives of the parties to the dispute, shall have the same force as a report by the Council concurred in by all the members thereof other than the Representatives of one or more of the parties to the dispute. Article 16. Should any Member of the League resort to war in disregard of its covenants under Articles 12, 13 or 15, it shall ipso facto be deemed to have committed an act of war against all other Members of the League, which hereby undertake immediately to subject it to the severance of all trade or financial relations, the prohibition of all intercourse between their nationals and the nationals of the covenant-breaking State, and the prevention of all financial, com- mercial or personal intercourse between the nationals of the covenant-breaking State and the nationals of any other State, whether a Member of the League or not. It shall be the duty of the Council in such case to recom- mend to the several Governments concerned what effective miUtary, naval or air force the Members of the League shall severally contribute to the armed forces to be used to protect the covenants of the League. The Members of the League agree, further, that they will mutually support one another in the financial and economic measures which are taken under this Article, in order to minimize the loss and inconvenience resulting from the above measures, and that they will mutually support one another in resisting any special measures aimed at one of their number by the covenant- breaking State, and that they will take the necessary steps to afford passage through their territory to the forces of any of the 12 LEAGUE OF NATIONS COVENANT Members of the League which are co-operating to protect the coven- ants of the League. Any Member of the League which has violated any covenant of the League may be declared to be no longer a JVIember of the League by a vote of the Council concurred in by the Rep- resentatives of all the other Members of the League represented thereon. Article 17. In the event of a dispute between a Member of the League and a State which is not a Member of the League, or between States not Members of the League, the State or States not Members of the League shall be invited to accept the obligations of member- ship in the League for the purposes of such dispute, upon such con- ditions as the Council may deem just. If such invitation is accepted, the provisions of Articles 12 to 16 inclusive shall be applied with such modifications as may be deemed necessary by the Council. Upon such invitation being given the Council shall immedi- ately institute an inquiry into the circumstances of the dispute and recommend such action as may seem best and most effectual in the circumstances. If a State so invited shall refuse to accept the obligations of membership in the League for the purposes of such dispute, and shall resort to war against a Member of the League, the provisions of Article 16 shall be apphcable as against the State taking such action. If both parties to the dispute when so invited refuse to accept the obligations of membership in the League for the purposes of such dispute, the Council may take such measures and make such recommendations as will prevent hostilities and will result in the settlement of the dispute. Article 13. Every treaty or international engagement entered into hereafter by any Member of the League shall be forthwith regis- tered with the Secretariat and shall as soon as possible be published by it. No such treaty or international engagement shall be bind- ing until so registered. Article 19. The Assembly may from time to time advise the reconsidera- tion by Members of the League of treaties which have become inapplicable and the consideration of international conditions whose continuance might endanger the peace of the world. 13 THE PEACE TREATIES Article 20. The Members of the League severally agree that this Covenant is accepted as abrogating all obligations or understandings inter se which are inconsistent with the terms thereof, and solemnly undertake that they will not hereafter enter into any engagements inconsistent with the terms thereof. In case any Member of the League shall, before becoming a Member of the League, have undertaken any obligations incon- sistent with the terms of this Covenant, it shall be the duty of such Member to take immediate steps to procure its release from such obligations. Article 21. Nothing in this Covenant shall be deemed to affect the validity of international engagements, such as treaties of arbitra- tion or regional understandings like the Monroe doctrine, for securing the maintenance of peace. Article 22. To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of the late war have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the States which formerly governed them and which are inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world, there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilization and that securities for the performance of this trust should be embodied in this Covenant. The best method of giving practical effect to this principle is that the tutelage of such peoples should be entrusted to advanced nations who by reason of their resources, their experience or their geographical position can best undertake this responsibility, and who are willing to accept it, and that this tutelage should be exercised by them as Mandatories on behalf of the League. The character of the mandate must differ according to the stage of the development of the people, the geographical situation of the territory, its economic conditions and other similar cir- cumstances. Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone. The wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of the Mandatory. Other peoples, especially those of Central Africa, are at such 14 LEAGUE OF NATIONS COVENANT a stage that the Mandatory must be responsible for the adminis- tration of the territory under conditions which will guarantee freedom of conscience and reUgion, subject only to the maintenance of public order and morals, the prohibition of abuses such as the slave trade, the arms traffic and the liquor traffic, and the preven- tion of the establishment of fortifications or military and naval bases and of military training of the natives for other than police purposes and the defence of territory, and will also secure equal opportunities for the trade and commerce of other Members of the League. There are territories, such as South- West Africa and certain of the South Pacific Islands, which, owing to the sparseness of their population, or their small size, or their remoteness from the centers of civilization, or their geographical contiguity to the territory of the Mandatory, and other circumstances, can be best administered under the laws of the Mandatory as integral portions of its territory, subject to the safeguards above mentioned in the interests of the indigenous population. In every case of mandate, the Mandatory shall render to the Council an annual report in reference to the territory committed to its charge. The degree of authority, control, or administration to be exercised by the Mandatory shall, if not previously agreed upon by the Members of the League, be explicitly defined in each case by the Council. A permanent Commission shall be constituted to receive and examine the annual reports of the Mandatories and to advise the Council on all matters relating to the observance of the mandates. Article 23. Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of interna- tional conventions existing or hereafter to be agreed upon, the Members of the League : (a) will endeavor to secure and maintain fair and humane conditions of labor for men, women, and children, both in their own countries and in all countries to which their commercial and industrial relations extend, and for that purpose will establish and maintain the necessary international organizations; (b) undertake to secure just treatment of the native inhabi- tants of territories under their control ; (c) will entrust the League with the general supervision over the execution of agreements with regard to the traffic in women and children, and the traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs; id) will entrust the League with the general supervision of 15 THE PEACE TREATIES the trade in arms and ammunition with the countries in which the control of this traffic is necessary in the common interest; (e) will malce provision to secure and maintain freedom of communications and of transit and equitable treatment for the commerce of all Members of the League. In this connection, the special necessities of the regions devastated during the war of 1914-1918 shall be borne in mind; (/) will endeavor to take steps in matters of international concern for the prevention and control of disease. Article 24. There shall be placed under the direction of the League all international bureaus already established by general treaties if the parties to such treaties consent. All such international bureaus and all commissions for the regulation of matters of international interest hereafter constituted shall be placed under the direction of the League. In all matters of international interest which are regulated by general conventions but which are not placed under the control of international bureaus or commissions, the Secretariat of the League shall, subject to the consent of the Council and if desired by the parties, collect and distribute all relevant information and shall render any other assistance which may be necessary or desirable. The Council may include as part of the expenses of the Secre- tariat the expenses of any bureau or commission which is placed under the direction of the League. Article 25. The Members of the League agree to encourage and promote the estabhshment and co-operation of duly authorized voluntary national Red Cross organizations having as purposes the improve- ment of health, the prevention of disease and the mitigation of suffering throughout the world. Article 26. Amendments to this Covenant will take effect when ratified by the Members of the League whose Representatives compose the Council and by a majority of the Members of the League whose Representatives compose the Assembly. No such amendment shall bind any Member of the League which signifies its dissent therefrom, but in that case it shall cease to be a Member of the League. 16 LEAGUE OF NATIONS COVENANT ANNEX. I. ORIGINAL MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS SIGNATORIES of the treaty of peace. United States of America. Haiti. Belgium. Hedjaz. Bolivia. Honduras. Brazil. Italy. British Empire. Japap^. Canada. Liberia. Australia. Nicar.\gua. South Africa. Panama. Nev/ Zealand. Peru. India. Poland. *China. Portugal. Cuba. Roumania. Ecuador. Serb-Croat-Slovene State. France. Siam. Greece. Czecho-Slovakia. Guatemala. Uruguay. states invited to accede to the covenant. Argentine Republic. Persia. Chili. Salvador. Colombia. Spain. Denmark. Sweden. Netherlands. Switzerland. Norway. Venezuela. Paraguay. II. first secretary general of the league of nations. The Honourable Sir James Eric Drummond, K. C. M. G., C. B. ♦Because of dissatisfaction with the terms of the treaty, the del^ates of China, acting on instructions from Peking, did not sign. Neither China nor its citizens are entitled to any benefits or subject to any obhgations of a contractual nature under a treaty to which that Government is not a party. — American Mission at Peace Lonjcrence. 17 THE PEACE TREATIES PART II CHANGES IN GERMAN BOUNDARIES Germany relinquishes to France all of Alsace-Lorraine, to Belgium two small districts between Holland and Luxemburg, and to Poland the Southeastern end of Silesia, including Oppein, and the greater part of Posen and western Prussia, thus isolating eastern Prussia from the remainder of the empire by part of Poland. She relinquishes sovereignity over the northeastern end of eastern Prussia, which includes 40 square miles north of the river Memel, and the internationalized area around Danzig, consisting of a V between the rivers Nogat and Vistula, and a similiar strip of land on the west which takes in the city of Danzig. Rights of Sovereignity are given up over the Saar basin, containing 728 square miles between Bavaria and Luxemburg. The south- eastern third of eastern Prussia, and the area between eastern Prussia and the Vistula river north of latitude 53° 3', comprising 5,785 square miles, will decide nationality by popular vote, as will a part of Schleswig containing its 2,787 square miles. The boundaries of Germany will be determined as follows: 1. With Belgium: From the point common to the three frontiers of Belgium, Holland and Germany and in a southerly direction: the north-eastern boundary of the former territory of neutral Moresnet, then the eastern boimdary of the Kreis of Eupen, then the frontier between Belgium and the Kreis of Montjoie, then the north-eastern and eastern boimdary of the Kreis of Malmedy to its junction with the frontier of Luxem- burg: 2. With Luxemburg: The frontier of August 3, 1914, to its jimction with the frontier of France of the 18th July, 1870. 3. With France. The frontier of July IS, 1870, from Luxemburg to Switzerland with the reservations made in Article 4S of Section IV (Saar Basin) of Part HI. 4. With Switzerland: The present frontier. 5. With Austria: The frontier of August 3, 1914, from Switzerland to Czecho-Slovakia as hereinafter defined. 6. With Czechoslovakia: The frontier of August 3, 1914, between Germany and Austria from its junction with the old administrative boundary separating Bohemia and the province of Upper Austria to the point north of the salient of the old province of Austrian Silesia situated at about 9 kilometers east of Neustadt. 18 TREATY OF PEACE WITH GERMANY 7. With Poland: From the point defined above lo a point to be fixed on the ground about 2 kilometers east of Lorzendorf : the frontier as it will be fixed in accordance with Article 88 of the present Treaty; thence in a northerly direction to the point where the administrative boundary of Posnania crosses the river Bartsch: a line to be fixed on the ground leaving the following places in Poland: Skorischau, Trembatschau, Kunzendorf, Schlesie, Gross Kosel, Schreibersdorf, Rippin, Furstlich-Niefken, Pawelau, Tscheschen, Konradau, Johannisdorf. Modzenowe, Bogdaj, and in Germany: Lorzendorf, Kaulwitz, Glausche, Dal- bersdorf, Reesewitz, Stradam, Gross Wartenberg, Kraschen, Neu Middlewalde. Domaslawitz, Wedelsdorf, Tscheschen Hammer; thence the administrative boundary of Posnania north-westwards to the point where it cuts the Rawitsch-Herrnstadt railway ; thence to the point where the administrative boundary of Posnania cuts the Reisen-Tschirnau road: a line to be fixed on the ground passing west of Triebusch and Gabel and east of Saborwitz; thence the administrative boundary of Posnania to its junction with the eastern administrative boundary of tbe Kreis of Frausladt; thence in a north-westerly direction \o a point to be chosen on the ground between the villages of Unruhstadt and Kopnitz: a Une lo be fixed on the ground passing west of Geyersdorf, Brenno, Fchlen, Altkloster, Klebel, and east of Ulbersdorf, Buchwald, Ilgen, Weine, Lupitze, Schwenten; thence in a northerly direction to the northernmost point of Lake Chlop: a line to be fixed on the gromd following the median line of the lakes; the town and the station of Bentschen however (including the junction of the fines Schweibus-Bentschen and Zullichau-Bentschen) remaining in Polish territory; thence in a north-easterly direction to the point of junction of the boun- daries of the Kreise of Schwerin, Birnbaum and Meserilz: a line to be fbced on the ground passing east of Betsche; thence in a northerly direction the boundary separating the Kreise of Schwerin and Birnbaum, then in an easterly direction the northern boundary of Posnania to the point where it cuts the river Netze; thence up stream to its confluence with the Kuddow ; the course of the Netze; thence upstream to a point to be chosen about 6 kilometres southeast of Schneidemuhl; the course of the Kuddow; thence north-eastwards to the most southern point of the re-entant of the northern boundary of Posnania about 5 kilometres west of Stahren; 19 THE PEACE TREATIES a line to be fixed on the ground leaving the Schneidemuhl-Konitz railway in this area entirely in German territory; thence the boundary of Posnania north-eastwards to the point of the salient it makes about 15 kilometres east of Flatow; thence north-eastwards to the point where the river Kamionka meets the southern boundary of the Kreis of Konitz about 3 kilometres north-east of Grunau; a line to be fixed on the ground leaving the following places to Poland: Jasdrowo, Or. Lutau, KJ. Lutau, Wittkau, and to Germany: Gr. Butzig, Cziskowo, Battrow, Bock, Grunau; thence in a northerly direction the boundary between the Kreise of Konitz and Schlochau to the point where this boundary cuts the river Bredie; thence to a point on the boundary of Pomerania 15 kilometres east of Rummelsburg; a fine to be fixed on the ground leaving the following places in Poland: Konarzin, Kelpin, AdI. Briesen, and in Germany: Sampohl, Neuguth, Steinfort Gr. Peterkau; then the boundary of Pomerania in an easterly direction to its junction with the boundary between the Kreise of Konitz and Schlochau; thence northwards the boundary between Pomerania and West Prussia to the point on the river Rheda about 3 kilometres northwest of Gohra where that river is joined by a tributary from the north-west; thence to a point to be selected in the bend of the Plasnitz river about IH kilometres north-west of Warschkau: a fine to be fixed on the ground; thence this river downstream, then the median line of Lake Zarnowitz, then the old boundary of West Prussia to the Baltic Sea. 8. With Denmark: The frontier as it will be fixed in accordance v/iLh Articles 109 to 111 of Part III, Section XII (Schleswig). 20 TREATY OF PEACE WITH GERMANY PART III EUROPEAN POLITICAL CLAUSES The Scrap of Paper Germany agrees to the abrogation of the treaties of 1839 under the terms of which Belgium was established as a neutral state (the scrap of paper). She agrees in advance to any treaty or arrangement the allied and associated governments shall conclude in Ueu of the 1839 conventions. Belgian Sovereignty Germany agrees to recognize the full sovereignty of Belgium over the territory of Moresnet and over a portion of Prussian Moresnet and to surrender in favor of Belgium all rights over the circles of Eupen and Malmedy, the inhabitants of which may within six months protest against this change of sovereignty in whole or in part, final decision to be reserved to the League of Nations. Alliance With Luxemburg Canceled Germany renounces her treaties and conventions with the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg and agrees that that territory ceased to be a part of the German ZoUverein from January 1, 1919. She surrenders all rights of exploitation of Luxemburg railways and adheres to the abrogation of the Grand Duchy's neutrality, accepting in advance any international agreement reached by the allied and associated powers in connection with Luxemburg. Rhine Fortresses to be Demolished Germany agrees to the demolition of the armed fortresses (the iron ring which constituted the traditional Wacht am Rhine) in a zone fifty kilometres wide along the Left Bank of the Rhine. She will maintain no armed forces in this zone, conduct no manoeuvers and retain no facilities there for mobiliza- tion. (This territory has been regarded by the allied and associated govern- ments as a specially vulnerable danger point and the League of Nations Covenant — (q.v.) — provides that violation of this paragraph will be regarded as an affront against the peace of the world. Saar Coal Fields Ceded to France Germany cedes to France full ownership, unencumbered and free of debt, of the coal mines of the Saar Basin, with their subsidiaries, accessories and facilities, by way of compensation for destruction during the war of French coal mines and in partial reparation. The definite value for the purpose of crediting on the reparation account is to be later determined by the reparation commission. French rights in this territory shall be governed by German law in force at the signing of the armistice, excepting war legislation, but France shall replace German owners by French, it being understood that Germany undertakes to indemnify the German owners. Under the terms, France will continue to furnish the present supphes of coal for local consump- tion and will pay a just proportion of local taxes. 21 THE PEACE TREATIES As defined, the Saar Basin extends from the Lorraine frontier northward to Stwendel, including on the west the valley of the Saar as far as Saarholzbach and on the east the town of Homburg. The Saar Basins will be governed by a commission appointed by the League of Nations. There wiU be five members as follows: One French, a native of the Saar, three representing three different countries other than France or Germany. A chairman, designated by the League, shall act as executive. This commission will have full powers of government. This Commission shall administer railways and other pubhc utiUties and interpret the treaty clauses. Local courts will continue subject to the commission, which may modify the existing German legislation after consultation with a local representative assembly which it will organize. The commission can regulate taxes but local taxes shall be approved by the assembly. Labor laws shall be in harmony with local wishes and the League of Nations program. French and other labor may be freely utihzed, the French having permission to belong to French labor unions, Germany and the Saar commission shall maintain all rights acquired as to pensions and social insurance. A local gendarmerie shall maintain local order but there shall be no military service. The people will preserve their local assembUes, religious liberties, schools, language, nationality and may vote on local questions. Provision is made for changing nationality at option and facihty as to disposition of property is given those desiring to leave. The territory will be affected by the French Customs Systems, with no export tax on coal and metallurgical products going to Germany, nor on German imports into the Basin for local consumption. There wiQ be no restriction on circulation of French money. After fifteen years, a plebiscite shall determine the future course: whether under the League of Nations, union with France or with Germany. Residents over twenty years of age at the signing of the treaty shall vote. A certain review of this plebiscite is reserved to the League. Provision is made for ulti- mate purchase by Germany of the mines under certain conditions. Return of Alsace-Lorraine Germany restores the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine on a basis which will set up as nearly as possible the situation as it existed prior to the Franco- Prussia War of 1870-71 when they were wrested from France. She accepts the moral obligation for the seizure of these territories and the treatment of the people. The frontiers of the provinces are defined precisely as when taken by the Germans under the treaty of Frankfort, the restoration to take effect from the signing of the armistice. The provinces are returned free of all pubUc debt — that is, as French states, Alsace and Lorraine are not liable for any part of any debts for which they would be liable as portions of Germany. The citizenship of the provinces is handled in three classifications: French citizenship is immediately restored to one class composed of those who were French before 1871; a second class may make application for citizen- ship, and a third class may become naturalized within three years. This 22 TREATY OF PEACE WITH GERMANY class includes German residents and gives them an opportunity to remain in the provinces. This clause further provides that all property belonging to German ex-sovereigns passes to France without compensation. Also, France takes the place of the old German government as to the national railways and public utiUty concessions. The Rhine bridges and the responsibility for their upkeep also pass to France. Manufactured products of Alsace-Lorraine shall be admitted to Germany free of duty for five years, provided that such exports to Germany shall not in any one year exceed a total amount equal to the shipments to Germany on the basis of a three-year pre-war average. Textile materials may be admitted from Germany into the provinces and re-exported free of duty. Contracts for electric power from the Right Bank of the Rhine (German territory) shall endure for ten years. The Central Rhine Commission shall appoint a French Demonstrator who, for a period of seven years, which maybe extended to ten, shall administer the ports of Kehl and Strasburg as a single unit, property rights in both ports being safeguarded and equality of treatment given as respects traffic to the nationals and goods of every country. Excepting for the right withheld by France to annul in the p ubUc interest, contracts between Alsace-Lorraineers and Germans are vahd. For the most part, judgments of courts hold as between Germans and Alsace-Lorraineers, but in certain cases a judicial exequatur is required to validate. Political condemnations visited by the Germans are null and void and war fines exacted must be repaid. Certain further specific details are left for adjustment in later minor conventions between France and Germany. France, on six months' notice, may have canceled any contract, excepting debts incurred before the armistice, but if loss is thereby imposed, remunera- tion shall be paid on the basis of capital employed. Independence of German Austria Germany recognizes the complete independence of the new state of German-Austria and ratifies the boundaries traced. Independence of Czechoslovakia Germany recognizes the complete independence of the new state of Czechoslovakia, including the autonomous territory of the Ruthenians south of the Carpathians. She accepts in advance the boundaries to be determined upon, which, in the case of the German frontier, shall follow the frontier of Bosnia as it ran in 1914. Details as to self-determination of the people in respect of nationaUty and change thereof are agreed to. Establishment of Poland The new state of Poland ic erected by agreement of Germany to cede the greater part of Upper Silesia, West Prussia and Posen. A boundary conmiis- sion composed of five members representing the allied and associated powers 23 THE PEACE TREATIES and one representing Germany and one Poland is to be constituted within fifteen days after the signing of the peace to definitely align the boundaries. Provision is made for later treaties with Poland and the powers relating to self-determination of races, religions, matters of commerce, etc. East Prussia and Memel Clauses Plebiscites are provided for establishing the frontiers of these provinces. German troops are to evacuate and a joint commission of the powers is to arrange the vote for self determination of sovereignty. Danzig a Free C 'y Danzig and its district are constituted a free city under guarantees of the League of Nations and a resident of the city and a high commission of the League shall arrange details of a constitution. A joint commission of three representing the allied powers, one for Germany and one for Poland shall arrange and delimit boundaries. A convention shall be reached between Danzig and Poland whereby the city shall be included within the Polish customs frontiers. A free port is provided at Danzig and Poland's use of the port is guaranteed together with free use of utihties and communications and protection for Polish nationals. The Danish Frontier — Schlcswig Germany agrees that ten days after the signing of the treaty German troops shall evacuate the region north of a line running from the mouth of the Schlei, south of Kappel, Schleswig and Friedrichstadt along the Eider to the North Sea, south of Tonning, the workmen's and soldiers' councils shall be dissolved and the territory administered by an international commission of five including a representative from Norway and one from Sweden. Under the auspices of this commission secret votes shall be taken by the people to deter- mine under what sovereignty they shall five. Three zones are delimited, each extending farther southward than the previous and the people of each zone shall vote at stated times. The commission will draw the frontier on the basis of the returns of these plebiscites. Germany agrees to hand over to Denmark all territory north of the frontier thus drawn. Abolition of the Heligoland Forts Germany agrees to absolute demolition, under supervision of the allies, of all fortresses, military establishments, harbors and works on the islands of Heligoland and Dune, the demoUtion to be by German labor and at German expense. They may not be restored. Russian Clauses Germany agrees to the absolute cancellation of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty with the Maximahst government in Russia and agrees to respect as permanent and inalienable the independence of all territories which were a part of the former Russian empire. She agrees further to recognize the treaties made by the allied and associated powers with the new states which contain parts of the old Russian Empire, that is she agrees to recognize the new states. On behalf of Russia, the allies reserve to her the right to obtain restitution and reparation on the principles of the present treaty. 24 TREAT Y OF PEACE WITH GERMANY PART IV EXTRA EUROPEAN CLAUSES German Non-European Rights— Relinquishment of Colonies Germany agrees to renunciation of all her former rights outside Europe including rights, title and privileges to her own and her allies' territories and she agrees to accept whatever disposition is made of these holdmgs by the allied and associated governments. Colonies and Overseas Possessions Germany agrees to renounce in favor of the allied and associated govern- ments her overseas possessions and movable and immovable property in them passes to the government which shall hereafter be selected to exercise juris- diction. Repatriation of nationals and disposition of business shall lie wholly with the new government which shall lay down the conditions under which Ger- mans may reside and hold property in these colonies. The Cameroons Germany undertakes to pay damages suffered by the French m the Cameroons or the frontier zone through acts of German civil and military authorities and of individual Germans from January 1, 1900 to August 1, 1914. Germany renounces all rights under the treaty of November 4, 1911 and that of September 29, 1912 relating to Equatorial Africa and undertakes to pay France all deposits, credits, advances, etc., in accordance with an estimate to be made by the reparation commission. The right of the aUied and asso- ciated governments to regulate African traffic in arms and spirits is agreed to. Chinese Clauses All privileges and indemnities accruing to Germany as a result of the Boxer protocol of 1901 and all buildings, arsenals, wireless plants and other public property, excepting diplomatic or consular establishments in German concessions in Tientsin and Hankow and in other Chinese territory excepting Kiaochow are renounced by Germany in favor of China. Germany agrees to return to China at German expense all the antique astronomical instruments seized at the time of the Boxer uprising. Without the consent of the signa- tories to the Boxer protocol, however, China will take no measures for the disposition of German property in the Legation Quarter at Peking. The tariff arrangements of August 29, 1902 and the Whang-Poo arrangement of September 27, 1905, with the supplementary arrangement of April 4, 1912 remain in force except as to Germany. Germany accepts abrogation of her concessions at Hankow and Tientsin and China agrees to open them to international use, private property rights being respected. All claims against China for military measures taken by the latter during the war, such as intermnent of nationals and sequestration or liquidation of German property since August 14, 1917 are renounced by Ger- many. Germany renounces in favor of Great Britain her State property in 25 THE PEACE TREATIES the British concession at Canton and in favor of France and China johitly the German school in the French concession at Shanghai. Siam Germany agrees to recognize cessation of all agreements between herself and Siam, including the right of extra territory, as of July 22, 1917, and re- hnquishes to Siam without compensation all German pubUc property in that State excepting consular and diplomatic premises. German private property will be dealt with in accordance with the economic clauses of the Treaty. Measures taken by Siam during the war such as seizure of ships, internment of nationals, etc., are not subject to claim by Germany. German Influence in Liberia Destroyed Germany agrees to renunciation of all rights regarding Liberia, as defined under the agreement of 1911-12. She renounces her right to nominate a receiver of customs and her rights in settlement of the country. She recog- nizes Liberia's right to determine the status of Germans in Liberia and recog- nizes abrogation of former commercial treaties and arrangements, as of August 4, 1917. Morocco Germany renounces all rights and privileges under the act of Algeciras and the Franco-German agreements of 1909 and 1911 as to Morocco and also renounces treaties and arrangements with the Sherifian Government and she agrees not to intervene in negotiations between Morocco and France or other powers. She acknowledges supremacy of the French Protectorate in Morocco. Complete liberty of action as to Germans in Morocco is given the Sherifian Government and German citizens shall be subject to the common law. Ger- man movable and immovable property including Crown holdings — may be sold at auction, including mining rights, the proceeds going to the Sherifian Govern- ment and the amount deducted on the reparation account. Moroccan goods shall enter Germany on the same basis with French goods and Germany relinquishes her interests in the State Bank of Morocco. British Protectorate in Egypt Recognized Germany recognizes the British Protectorate in Egypt, declared Decem- ber 18, 1914 and renounces as from August 4, 1914, treaties, agreements, etc. between herself and Egypt. Germany will not intervene in negotiations between Egypt and Great Britain or the other powers. The powers given to the late Sultan of Turkey for securing the free navigation of the Suez Canal are transferred to Great Britain. Anglo-Egyptian goods shall enter Germany on the same basis with British goods and provision is made in detail for the handUng of matters of German nationals, a clause permitting German consent to changes in relation to the commission of pubHc debt. German property is confiscated. British Consular Tribunals shall act temporarily as courts. Treaties with Turkey and Bulgaria to be Recognized Germany agrees to accept any arrangements made between the allied 26 TREATY OF PEACE WITH GERMANY and associated powers and Turkey and Bulgaria with reference to interests in those countries claimed by Germany and her nationals. Abdication in Far East — Shantung Germany agrees to transfer to Japan all her rights, titles, privileges, etc., in Kaaochow, including railroads, mines and cables, and she agrees to similar abdication of her rights throughout Shantung. AU German rights to the Tsingtao-Tsinaufu Railroad, including all facilities and mining and exploita- tion rights also are transferred to Japan; also the cables from Tsingtao to Shanghai and Chefoo. All German State property, movable or immovable, in Kiaocshow, is transferred to Japan free of all charges. PART V RESTRICTION OF MILITARY FORCES As the initial step to the general limitation of armaments of all nations, the demobilization of the German army must take place within two months of peace. Its strength after March 31, 1920 may not exceed 100,000, including 4,000 officers, and comprising not more than seven divisions of infantry and three of cavalry, and to be used exclusively for the maintenance of internal order and control of the frontiers. Military divisions may not be grouped under more than two army corps headquarters staffs, thus abolishing the German general staff. The administrative service of the army, comprising the civilian personnel, not included in the number of effectives, is reduced to one-tenth of the total in the 1913 budget. Customs officers, first guards, coast gueu-ds and similar employes, may not exceed the number in 1913. Gendarmes and local police may be increased only in accordance with the growth of the population, and none of them assembled for military training. All munitions plants and arsenals, unless specifically exempted, must be closed within three months of peace. The exact amount of armament and munitions is specified and excesses must be surrendered or destroyed. Manufacture or importation of asphyxiating and analogous gases and liquids is forbidden, as well as the importation and exportation of war materials. Conscription is abolished and voluntary enlistments for terms of twelve consecutive years substituted. Discharges before the expiration of that period may not exceed 5 per cent of the effectives. Officers who remain in the serv ice must agree to remain imtil 45 years of age, and new officers must serve actively for 25 years. Only military schools that are indispensable to the units allowed shall exist two months after peace. Universities and educational establishments, shoot- ing and touring clubs and societies of discharged soldiers may not occupy themselves with military matters. All mobilization measures are forbidden. Germany may not send military missions to other countries. Fortresses and fortified and field works of all kinds within a zone of 50 kilometres of the Rhine must be dismantled within three months of peace, and the construction of others is forbidden. The fortified works on the southern and eastern 27 THE PEACE TREATIES frontiers may remain. Interallied commissions will establish headquarters at the German seat of government to supervise the execution of the terms of disarmament. Germany must give them complete facihties, pay their expenses, and the expenses of the execution of the treaty terms, including labor and necessary material. Restriclion of Naval Forces Naval forces must be demobilized within two months after peace. After that time Germany will be allowed 6 small battleships, 6 hght cruisers, 12 destroyers, 12 torpedo boats, and a personnel of 15,000 men, including officers. She may have neither military nor commercial submarines, nor reserve forces of men. Voluntary service only is permitted, with a minimum period of 25 years service for officers and 12 for men. No member of the German mercantile marine may have naval training. All German war vessels in foreign ports and waters will be surrendered and the final disposition of them decided by the allied and associated pov/ers. All war vessels and submarines under construction must be broken up within three months, and Germany must surrender modern destroyers, modern torpedo boats and aU submarines and salvage boats. Replacement of ships except those lost may take place only at the end of 20 years for battleships and 15 years for destroyers. Mines in the North and Baltic seas must be swept up as decided upon by the Allies. All fortifications defending passages through the belts on the Baltic must be demolished. The number and caliber of the guns of other coast defenses may not be increased. For three months after peace the wireless stations at Nauen, Hanover and Berlin may send only commercial messages and under the super- vision of the allied and associated governments. No additional stations may be constructed. Germany may repair submarine cables that have been cut and are not being used by the allied and associated powers. Fourteen parts of cables removed will be restored to Germany. Restriction of A ir Forces The entire air personnel is to be demobilized within two months after- peace except for 1,000 officers and men to be retained until October. Germany may retain 100 unarmed seaplanes until October 1 to search for submarine mines. All dirigibles are prohibited, as well as aviation grounds and dirigible sheds within 150 kilometers of the Rhine or the eastern or southern frontiers. The manufacture of aircraft and parts is forbidden for six months. All aeronautical material must be surrendered within three months, except seaplanes already specified. 28 TREATY OF PEACE WITH GERMANY PART VI PRISONERS OF WAR AND SOLDIERS' GRAVES A commission of allied and German representatives wiU carry out without delay at Germany's expense the repatriation of German prisoners and interned civilians. The Allies will determine the cases of German nationals who do not desire to be repatriated. Germany will accord facilities to commissions of inquiry in collecting information concerning missing prisoners of war, and imposing penalties on German officials who have concealed allied nationals. There will be a reciprocal exchange of information as to dead prisoners and their graves, and both parties will respect and maintain the graves of soldiers and sailors buried within their respective territories. Germany will assist any commission of an alHed or associated government in identifying, register- ing, maintaining and erecting suitable monuments over the graves, and each will afford all facilities for repatriating the remains of their soldiers. PART VII SURRENDER AND TRIAL OF THE EX-KAISER Surrender of the Ex-Kaiser is to be requested of Holland, a special tribunal composed of one judge from each of the principal great powers set up, and the Ex-Kaiser arraigned with full guarantees of the right of defense "for a supreme offense against international morality and the sanctity of treaties." The tribunal will be guided by the "highest motives of interna- tional poUcy" and will fix the pxmishment it feels should be meted out. Other individuals accused of acts in violation of the laws and customs of war are to be tried and punished by military tribunals under mihtary law. If the changes relate to nationals of only one state, the accused will be tried before a tribunal of that state; if they affect nationals of several states they will be tried before joint tribunals. Germany will hand over all persons so accused and all documents and information reqm'red to insure full knowledge of incriminating acts, discovery of offenders and the determination of responsi- bility. 29 THE PEACE TREATIES PART VIII REPARATION AND RESTITUTION Responsibility for the War On this point the text of the treaty reads: "The allied and associated governments affirm, and Germany accepts, the responsibility of herself and her allies for causing all of the loss and damage to which the allied and asso- ciated goverimients and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies." This clause recites that it is realized that Germany is incapable of making complete financial reparation of the damage caused, but it fists under seven headings the categories for which reparation wiU be enforced: (a) Damage by personal injiu-y to civilians caused by acts of war, on land and sea, directly or indirectly, including air raids. (b) Damage caused to civilians, including exposure at sea, resulting from acts of cruelty, and to civifians in occupied territory. (c) Damage caused by maltreatment of prisoners. (d) Damages to the aUied peoples represented by pensions and reparation allowances, capitafized at the signature of the treaty. (e) Damages to property other than naval or military materials. (/) Damage by enforced labor of civilians (the Belgian deportations). ig) Damages in the form of fines and levies imposed on the people of occupied towns and territories. Payment of Belgium's Debts Germany agrees to repay with 6% interest all sums borrowed by Belgium from her alfies up to November 11, 1918 as a result of Germany's violation of the treaty of 1839. To effect this Germany will at once hand over to the reparation commission five per cent, gold bonds maturing in 1926. Assessment of Damage The total obfigation of Germany to pay under the seven headings above enumerated shall be determined not later than May 1, 1921, by an inter-alfied reparation commission which shall hold hearings. Payments in liquidation of these damages shall be drawn into a schedule extending over thirty years, payments being subject to postponement in certain contingencies. The work of this commission is to be aided by Germany by such information and legisla- tion as shall be necessary and the commission's authority is expressly recog- nized by Germany. Germany shall enact the necessary legislation to make the commission's finding effective. She agrees immediately to restore certain identifiable cash and articles. Indemnity Instalment in Two Years Germany agrees, as an immediate step toward restoration, to pay to the alfies within two years the sum of one thousand million pounds sterling ($4,860,000,000 at normal exchange), this payment to be in gold, goods, ships or other specific forms. It is understood that this payment is not additional to the first one thousand million pound sterling bond issue, hereafter referred to, and it is understood that certain expenses, such as those of the army of occupation and for food, etc., may be deducted at the discretion of the allies. 30 TREATY OF PEACE WITH GERMANY Priority Status of Indemnity Germany agrees to permit the allied and associated governments periodically to examine her systems of taxation to determine that the tax burden is suffi- ciently heavy and it is expressly understood that the claims due the allies are a first lien upon the German resources, no domestic indebtedness taking precedence for hquidation. The treaty further says: "The measures which the alhed and associated governments shall have the right to take, in case of vol- untary default by Germany, and which Germany agrees not to regard as acts of war, may include economic and financial prohibitions and reprisals, and in general such other measures as the respective governments may determine to be necessary in the circumstances." The Reparation Commission The reparation commission shall be constituted as follows: One repre- sentative each of the United States, Great Britain, France, Italy and Belgium, a representative of the Serb-Croat-Slovene State or Japan taking the place of the Belgian Commissioner when the interests of either country are particularly at stake. When the claims of any other powers are being considered, that power shall have representation but without vote. Germany shsill be permitted to give evidence as to her ability to pay. The reparation commission shall make its headquarters at Paris, shall determine its personnel and procedure, shall have general control of all reparation matters, and shall be the exclusive agency of the allied and associated powers for receiving, holding, selling and distributing reparation payments. Procedure of Commission The commission must be unanimous in its decisions on questions involving the sovereignty of any of the aUies, cancellation of German obligations, time and manner of selhng, distributing and negotiating bonds issued by Germany, questions of postponement between 1921 and 1926 of annual payments beyond 1930 and any postponement after 1926 for more than three years; questions of assessment of damage and interpretations of provisions. On all other questions, majority vote will prevail. A nation may withdraw from representation on the commission but must give twelve months' notice. Thi& commission may require special issues of bonds from Germany to secure unpaid claims. Indemnity Bond Issues Bond issues are required of Germany on account of the claims and in acknowledgment of the whole, as follows: One thousand million poimds sterling ($4,860,000,000) maturing not later than May 1, 1921, without interest; two thousand million pounds sterUng ($9,720,000,000) bearing 2J^ per cent, interest between 1921 and 1926 and thereafter 5 per cent, with a 1 per cent, sinking fund, payment thereto beginning in 1926 and an undertak- ing to dehver bonds to an additional amount to two thousand millions pound sterling, at 5 per cent, under terms to be fixed by the commission. The interest is to be 5 per cent, unless otherwise determined by the commission in the future and payments, other than gold may be accepted by the commis- si THE PEACE TREATIES sion in the form of properties, commodities, businesses, concessions, rights, etc. Certificates of beneficial interest representing such payments by Germany may be issued by the commission to payees. Restilution for Destroyed Shipping Germany recognizes the right of the allies to the replacement ton for ton of merchant ships and fishing boats lost or damaged owing to the war. She agrees to cede to the alhes all merchant ships of 1,600 tons gross and upward, one-half of her ships between 1,600 and 1,000 tons gross and one-quarter of her steam trawlers and fishing boats. The commission will receive these vessels within two months, free of encumbrance. Germany further agrees during the next five years to build for the account of the allies merchant ships to the extent of not more than 200,000 tons annually. All inland naviga- tion ships taken by Germany in the war are to be returned within two months, any discrepancy in this restoration to be made up by transfer of German Rhine ships up to 20 per cent, of that fleet. Restoring Devastated Areas Germany agrees to undertake the restoration of the devastated war areas and the reparation commission is authorized to require Germany to replace destroyed articles, animals, machinery, etc., and to manufacture materials required for reconstruction, due regard being had meanwhile to Germany's essential domestic requirements. Within three months, Germany agrees to dehver to France 238,000 animals and to Belgium 137,400 animals, includmg horses, cattle and sheep. Payments in Coal Germany agrees to deliver to France 7,000,000 tons of coal a year and annually for ten years, an amount of coal equivalent to the difference between annual pre-war output of Nord and Pas de Calais mines and annual production during the next ten years. She agrees to deliver ten million tons in addition to Belgium and from four and one-half million to eight and one-half milhon tons to Italy, the amoimts being graduated upward from 1919 to 1924, prices to be prescribed. Luxemburg's needs also are to be supphed. Coke may be delivered in place of coal in the ratio of three tons to four. Germany further agrees to make deliveries to France for three years of benzol, coal tar and sul- phate of ammonia. Should these deliveries interfere with industrial conditions in Germany the commission may alter the requirements. Dyes and Chemicals Germany agrees to give the reparation commission an option on dyestuffs and chemicals, including quinine, up to fifty per cent, of the total stock in Germany on the effective date of the treaty and a similar option each six months to the end of 1924 up to twenty-five per cent, of the previous six months' output. As to detailed priorities and terms of these deliveries, the Reparation Commission shall have authority and notice shall be given Germany in advance of dates required for delivery. 32 TREATY OF PEACE WITH GERMANY Transfer of German Cables Germany agrees to transfer of specified cables desired by the allies, their value being credited against the reparation account. Special Provisions Germany agrees to hand over records, antiques, works of art, etc., taken from Louvain and other places to Belgium; the skull of the Sultan of Okwawa, a valuable political talisman, to the King of England; the Koran of the Caliph Othman to the King of the Hedjaz, and certain flags and papers, seized in the Franco-Prussian war, to France. PART IX FINANCIAL PROVISIONS Assumption of German Pre-War Debt The Powers to which German territory is ceded agree to assume a portion of the German pre-war debt which shall be determined by the reparation com- mission on the basis of the ratio between the revenue of the ceded territory and Germany's total revenues for the three years preceding the war, excepting France shall not assume any of Germany's pre-war debt which might be allo- cated to Alsace-Lorraine, nor will Poland assume any German pre-war debt created for the oppression of Poland. Any excess in value of German public property in these territories, over the amount of debt assumed shall be credited on the reparation account, except as to Alsace-Lorraine. Mandatories will not assume any such debts or give credit for German Government property. Germany renounces right of representation in State banks, commissions or other similar international economic or financial bodies. Cost of Armies of Occupation Germany agrees to pay the cost of the armies of occupation from the signing of the armistice so long as they are maintained, this to be a first charge on German resources, reparation being the next charge after payment for relief provisions. Germany agrees to yield up to the alfied and associated governments all money deposited in Germany, Turkey and Austria-Hungary in connection with war loans granted those countries by her and to transfer to the Allies all claims against Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria or Turkey in connection with agreements made during the war. Germany's renunciation of the treaties of Brest-Litovsk and Bucharest specifically includes the financial clauses. Expropriation of German Funded Interests Germany agrees, on request of the reparation commission, to expropriate rights or interests of Germans in public utilities in ceded territories or those under mandates and in Turkey, China, Russia, Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria and transfer them to the commission, which will give credit for the value. 33 THE PEACE TREATIES Brazilian Coffee Indemnity Germany agrees to repay to Brazil the proceeds of the sale of Sao Paulo coffee which she refused to permit Brazil to withdraw from Germany on the outbreak of the war. Gold Embargo Up to May 1, 1921 the German government may neither export nor permit the export or disposal of gold without the previous consent of the Reparation Commission. Acceptable Tender The financial clauses specially provide that when any monetary obligation is imposed by the Treaty in terms of gold marks, the creditors shall have the option of receiving in payment pounds sterling at London, gold dollars at New York, gold francs at Paris or gold lire at Rome; gold coin being defined as being of the weight and fineness of law of January 1, 1914. PART X ECONOMIC CLAUSES Customs Duties Restricted As to customs duties, the AUies shall have most favored nation treatment. Germany agrees to impose no customs duties higher than the lowest in force in 1914 and for certain wines, agricultural products, vegetable oils, artificial siUc and washed or scoured wool this restriction shall be maintained for two and a half years and may be extended by the commission. No customs tariff what- ever shall be imposed on goods originating in Alsace-Lorraine for a period of five years and of three years as to goods originating in former German territory ceded to Poland. Those governments fixing the amounts of goods to enjoy these privileges. A reservation is made as to Luxemburg. Freedom of German Ports Germany agrees to accord ships of the allied and associated powers for a period of five years the same rights in German ports as German vessels and to accord most favored nation treatment in fishing, coastwise trade and towage, including territorial waters. After the five-year period the arrangements shall be continued under reciprocity, subject to changes by the League of Nations. She agrees to permit ships of nations having no seacoast to register from German ports. Unfair Competition Germany agrees to give trade of the alfied and associated powers adequate safeguards against unfair competition and she agrees to respect laws and judicial decisions respecting regional appellations of wines and spirits. She shall have special care to suppress false wrappings, markings and such trade 34 TREATY OF PEACE WITH GERMANY trickery. Should the Gemian government engage in international trade, it shall have no special immunities. Treatment of Foreigners Germany agrees for five years to lay no special taxes or restrictions upon nationals of the alhes and, unless the League of Nations acts, for an additional five years German nationality shall not continue to attach to a person who has become a national of an allied or associated state. Multilateral Conventions — Railroads, Telegraph Germany is permitted to renew some forty multilateral treaties with the alhed and associated powers but special conditions are required as to some of the conventions, notably the postal and telegraph agreements. She must make reciprocal agreements with other powers and agrees in advance to the new con- vention to be drawn respecting international wireless traffic. The allied and associated powers reserve to themselves for five years sole rights of inspection and police as to the North Sea fisheries and the North Sea liquor traffic. Germany agrees in advance to adhere to the new international railway con- vention. Relief of Nations from Obligations to Germany The following nations are reUeved of their obligations toward Germany as to the following matters: China as to the Chinese customs tariff, the 1905 Whangpoo arrangements and the Boxer indemnity of 1901; France, Portugal and Roumania as to The Hague Convention of 1903 relating to civil procedure; and Great Britain and the United States as to Article 3 of the Samoan Treaty of 1899, which gave Germany certain rights and concessions in Samoa. Bilateral Treaties Germany shall renew on six months' notice at the request of any allied or associated state any treaty consistent with the principles of the Peace Treaty. Treaties entered into by Germany since August 1, 1914 with other enemy powers and with Roumania, Russia or governments representing parts of Russia are abrogated and concessions exacted from Russia under pressure are annulled. The allied and associated states are to enjoy most favored nation treatment under treaties entered into by Germany and other enemy states before August 1, 1914 and treaties between Germany and neutral states during the war.* *The effect of the main provisions of this section so far as concerns the United States is: (1) to restore our government to its pre-war status in its relations to Germany under international conventions; and (2) to rid the United States of a number of old treaties which were concluded with German states which combined to form the German Empire, and which have given rise to vexatious questions as to their application in view of the formation of the German Empire subsequent to their conclusion, the United States being enabled, however, to revive in a satisfactory manner, if it may so desire, any bilateral treaty concluded with the German Empire or with any German state. Stipulations were framed by the Economic Commission securing national treatment for vessels of the allied and associated powers. These stipulations have been inserted in the Treaty in Part XII (Article 327). 35 ^ iW^ THE PEACE TREATIES Payment of Pre-War Debts A plan for the paying of pra-war debts, including those arising from contracts suspended by the war, for adjustment of the proceeds of the liquida- tion of enemy property and the settlement of other obligations is adopted which provides for the estabHshment within three months of a system of debt clearing houses, one to be established in Germany and one in each allied and associated state assenting to the plan. Excepting in cases of pre-war insolvency of the debtor, each participating state assumes responsibility for the payment of all debts owing by its nationals to nationals of the enemy state. Direct payment from debtor to creditor and correspondence relating thereto are prohibited during this adjustment. The proceeds of the sale of private enemy property in each participating state may be used to pay the debts owed to the nationals of that state. Controversies over these debts may be settled by arbitration of the courts of the debtor country or by a mixed court of arbitration. On six months' notice to Germany any allied or associated state may decline to enter into this arrangement. Debts shall be paid in the cur- rency of the creditor and at pre-war exchange.* The stipulations indicated in the foregoing are of such a nature that they can take the place of comrnercial treaties and naturalization treaties if the allied and associated countries are for a time left without treaties which are abrogated by the war but which may be renewed. The provisions of these articles are all unilateral in their obligations. It can probably be said that for the most part the requirements of these provisions are in harmony with the present policy and practice of the United States with regard to the matters embraced by them. {Memorandum of American Mission at Peace Conference). *A system of clearing houses is created for the settlement of debts and other obligations due from nationals of the allied and associated powers to , German nationals, and vice versa. It was not deemed advisable that the I Government of the United States should undertake to assist in the settlement I of private affairs in accordance with this system; and therefore, largely at the I instance of the Arnerican Delegation, a provision (sub-paragraph (e) Article 1 296) was inserted in this Section so that Governments are excepterTTrom its operations, unless within six months after the coming into force of the Treaty notice is given of a desire to participate in the clearing house scheme. The . United States will therefore be excepted from the scheme, unless affirmatise ; action is taken with a view to participation therein. In order to make the plan workable, it is provided that: (a) Each state shall guarantee the payment of all debts owing by its nationals to nationals of the enemy state, except in cases of the insolvency of the debtor before the war; (b) The proceeds of the sale of private enemy property in each state shall be used by the said state to pay the debts of its own nationals; (c) Debtors and creditors in states formerly enemy are forbidden to settle their debts with each other; or to communicate with each other regard- m'j them. This plan may be desirable for Great Britain, but is extremely undesir- able, if not actually impossible for the United States. It is accordingly recom- mended that it be not accepted by the United States. 1. Our government should not accept the burden of guaranteeing the private debts owed by its citizens. This would be an obligation of unknown and probably very great proportions. 36 TREATY OF PEACE WITH GERMANY The provisions of the Treaty regarding payment of these debts Bire of such great importance that the fuU text of article is presented: DEBTS. Article 296. There shall be settled through the intervention of clearing offices to be established by each of the High Contracting Partias within three months of the notification referred to in paragraph (e) hereafter the following classes of pecuniary obligations: (1) Debts payable before the war and due by a national of one of the Contracting Powers, residing within its territory, to a national of an Opposing Power, residing within its territory; (2) Debts which became payable during the war to nationals of one Contracting Power residing within its territory and arose out of transactions or contracts with the nationals of an Oppos- ing Power, resident within its territory, of which the total or partial execution was suspended on account of the declaration of war; (3) Interest which has accrued due before and during the war to a national of one of the Contracting Powers in respect of securities issued by an Opposing Power, provided that the payment of interest on such securities to the nationals of that Power or to neutrals has not been suspended during the war; 2. The Treaty should not compel the United States to use the private property of Germans in our country for the payment of debts owed by other Germans to our citizens. To do so might amount to confiscation; moreover. Congress has expressly re served to itself the power to decide what shall become of the enemy property in the United States. On the other hand, there seems no objection to the United States retaining the enemy property, for the present, as a hostage or pledge to secure American rights, and then deciding in its own way what is the fair and proper course. To accept the clearing house system would commit the United States to a course which, it is firmly believed, Congress will not wish to follow. 3. To forbid om* citizens from adjusting their debts and accounts with former enemies privately, would be a wholly unnecessary and unjustificable interference with private affairs. It would be a most serious obstacle in the resumption of business and commercial relations. Our financial houses and business firms had many compUcated accounts, and transactions which were suspended by war. These houses, and especially the bankers, must speedily adjust their financial accounts. Otherwise commerce cannot be properly resumed. The Clearing House plan would compel all such adjustments and all payments to be made through governmental agencies. As regards other countries than the United States, the adoption of the Clearing House plan by some of them would be extremely detrimental to their own interests, and might be ruinous to a nation whose balance of private debts was largely in favor of Germany. The principle is already accepted, Article A, clause (e) that any Allied State may exclude itself from the operation of the clearing house plan. {Mem. orandum of American Mission at Peace. Conference.) 37 THE PEACE TREATIES (4) Capital sums which have become payable before and during the war to nationals of one of the Contracting Powers in respect of securities issued by one of the Opposing Powers, pro- vided that the payment of such capital sums to nationals of that Power or to neutrals has not been suspended during the \rar. The proceeds of liquidation of enemy property, rights and interests mentioned in Section IV and in the Annex thereto will be accounted for through the Clearing OflBces, in the cur- rency and at the rate of exchange hereinafter provided in para- graph (d), and disposed of by them under the conditions pro- vided by the said Section and Annex. The settlements provided for in this Article shall be effected according to the following principles and in accordance with the Annex to this Section: (a) Each of the High Contracting Parties shall prohibit, as from the coming into force of the present Treaty, both the pay- ment and the acceptance of payment of such debts, and also all communications between the interested parties with regard to the settlement of the said debts otherwise than through the Clearing Offices; (b) Each of the High Contracting Parties shall be respec- tively responsible for the payment of such debts due by its na- tionals, except in the cases where before the war the debtor was in a state of bankruptcy or failure, or had given formal indica- tion of insolvency or where the debt was due by a company whose business has been Uquidated under emergency legislation during the war. Nevertheless, debts due by the inhabitants of territory invaded or occupied by the enemy before the Armistice win not be guaranteed by the States of which those territories form part; (c) The sums due to the nationals of one of the High Con- tracting Parties by the nationals of an Opposing State will be debited to the Clearing Office of the country of the debtor, and paid to the creditor by the Clearing Office of the country of the creditor; (d) Debts shall be paid or credited in the currency of such one of the Allied and Associated Powers, their colonies or pro- tectorates, or the British Dominions or India, as may be con- concerned. If the debts are payable in some other currency they shall be paid or credited in the currency of the country con- cerned, whether an Allied or Associated Power, Colony, Protec- torate, British Dominion or India, at the pre-war rate of ex- change. For the purpose of this provision the pre-war rate of ex- 38 TREATY OF PEACE WITH GERMANY change shall be defined as the average cable transfer rate prevail- ing in the Allied or Associated country concerned during the month immediately preceding the outbreak of war between the said country concerned and Germany. If a contract provides for a fixed rate of exchange governing the conversion of the currency in which the debt is stated into the currency of the Allied or Associated country concerned, then the above provisions concerning the rate of exchange shall not apply. In the case of new States the currency in which and the rate of exchange at which debts shall be paid or credited shall be de- termined by the Reparation Conamission provided for in Part VIII (Reparation); (e) The provisions of this Article and of the Annex hereto shall not apply as between Germany on the one hand and any one of the aUied and associated powers, their colonies or pro- tectorates, or any one of the British Dominions or India on the other hand, unless within a period of one month from the deposit of the ratification of the present Treaty by the Power in question, or of the ratification on behalf of such Dominion or of India, notice to that effect is given to Germany by the Govern- ment of such allied or associated power or of such Dominion or of India as the case may be; if) The allied and associated powers who have adopted this Article and the Annex hereto may agree between themselves to apply them to their respective nationals established in their territory so far as regards matters between their nationals and German nationals. In this case the payments made by ap- plication of this provision will be subject to arrangements be- tween the allied and associated clearing offices concerned. Restoration by Germany of Enemy Property Germany agrees to restore or pay for all enemy property seized or damaged by her during the war, the amount due to be fixed by a mixed arbitral tribunal, and any excess of damage due from Germany to nationals of an alUed or associated state may be liquidated by the sale of private German property in the respective alUed or associated states' territories. Germany agrees to compensate its own nationals for such losses. She agrees to dehver within six months documents relating to property held by Germans in allied and asso- ciated states. All war legislation of the allied and associated states as to German property is confirmed and all claims by Germany against these governments for acts under exceptional war measures are abandoned.* •Provisions in these Articles deal with the disposition of property of enemy nationals which the belligerents have sequestered and in some cases, sold during the war, that is, property of the allied and associated powers in 39 THE PEACE TREATIES Cancellation of Pre-War Contracts Germany agrees to the cancellation of pre-war contracts between allied and associated nationeJs excepting the United States, Japan, and Brazil, Germany and property of German nationals in the allied and associated countries. Germany is obligated to restore the property of nationals of the allied and associated powers, to pay over the proceeds of property that has been sold, and to make compensation for damages committed to sequestered property. The allied and associated governments reserve the right to retain and to liquidate the property of German nationals and to hold the proceeds thereof as a pledge for the satisfaction of claims against Germany for losses growing out of any action by German authorities with reference to property of nationals of allied and associated countries. Provisions protect even the pre-war claims, so to speat, of the Government of the United States (Article 298, Annex, part 4). Claims for property damaged or seized in Germany must be passed upon by a mixed arbitral tribunal. The disposition of the property seized or liquidated by American authorities will, so far as the United States is concerned, be determined in the first instance by Congress. The United States by special stipulations is excepted from a scheme relating to a "clearing house" for claims which is applicable to other contract- ing parties. By these stipulations it is provided that the proceeds of liquidated German property may be used by the United States (or any other similarly situated country) "in accordance with its laws and regulations" (sub-para- graph (2), Article 297). It will be observed that the American Delegation has secured to the further- most possible extent a method of bringing about a set tlement of claims growing out of retention of or damage to American property in Germany, as well as the settlement of pre-war claims such as those growing out of the sinking of the "Lusitania" and certain American vessels. The responsibility or right is left with Congress to determine whether German property held in the United States shall be applied to the settlement of these clain)s. The principles for dealing with enemy property are as follows: 1. Germany is required to restore to the owners all private property seized in Germany, not already sold. As regards all such property which has been sold, it must either restore the property or pay the proceeds of sales to the government of the owner. Germany is also required to pay for any damages or injuries inflicted by its government upon the private property of the nationals of AUied citizens in Germany. The amount of said damages or injm-ies is to be determined by a mixed tribunal with a neutral president. The Allied countries are allowed to hold the property of German nationals in their countries, and at their option to sell such property and use the pro- ceeds: (1) to pay for the property of their citizens not restored or paid for by Germany; or (2) to pay for damages to their property in Germany; or (3) to pay debts of their nationals owed by nationals of Germany. In case, however, Germany keeps its obligation to restore or pay for the Allied property in Germany, the Allied countries would not have to use the proceeds of German property for such purposes. 2. In addition, the Allied countries are allowed, at their option, to use the German private property which is in their countries, to pay other claims against Germany, in accordance with the other terms of the Treaty. 3. Germany agrees to compensate its own nationals for any property of theirs retained or sold by the Allied states. The adoption of theabove principles will leave the United States free to deal with German property in the United States as Congress may decide. It may 40 TREATY OF PEACE WITH GERMANY and German nationals and excepting for accounts already performed, agree- ments for property transfers where the property already has passed, leases of land and houses, contracts of mortgages, pledges or hens, mining conces- sions, contracts with governments and insurance contracts. Controversies over contracts shall be settled by a mixed tribunal of arbitration consisting of one member representing Germany, one representing the associated states and one named by agreement, faiUng which agreement the President of Switzerland shall nominate. The jurisdiction of this tribunal extends only to contracts concluded before the signing of the treaty.* (a) return all or any part of the property to the former owners; (b) sell all or any part of such property and use all or any part of the proceeds of all sales to pay the claims of American citizens on account of their property and rights in Germany; (c) use the proceeds of such sales to pay any claims against Germany which may arise according to the other terms of the Treaty (e. g. on possible reparation or indemnity account). The Trading with the Enemy Act provides that the ultimate disposition ^ of the enemy property taken by the Alien Property Custodian shall be decideti jpC by Congress, after the war. The above plan provides for Germany's consent to this enactment. The United States agrees, however, to give due credit to Germany, for any property of its citizens (including the proceeds of sales) which the United States may apply to the purposes specified above and to give due credit either to Germany or to its nationals for the remainder of sucli — property or proceeds, not so applied. This stipulation expressly excludes the idea that the United States will confiscate any property. ' Meanwhile all acts under war legislation in all countries, including Germany, in dealing with enemy property, are confirmed, so that the titles to property sold by the Alien Property Custodian in the United States, as well as the titles to that sold by the German Government, are confirmed. This is intended to preclude, as far as possible, litigation to question such titles. {Memorandum of American Mission at Peace Conference.) *Most of the countries other than the United States have insisted upon a general plan by which contracts existing before the war, between their nationals and nationals of Germany shall be generally canceled. There are some exceptions like pecuniary Uabilities; and some special kinds of contracts like insurance are otherwise treated. The United States, Brazil and Japan, however, have not adhered to this plan, and are expressly excepted from its operation. In the United States many contracts were dissolved, under our laws, by the state of war. Examples are: partnerships; contracts requiring com- munication with the enemy; and, under decisions of our courts, contracts the performance of which was rendered unjust or inequitable on account of the changed conditions produced by the state of war. Other contracts were merely suspended. These last would be revived automatically unde r our laws, at the end of the war, and, so far as the United States is concerned, are treated as revived in this draft. The dissolution of all contracts which are now merely suspended, would entail great confusion and hardship upon many persons and businesses, in- cluding both those of the United States and of Germany; it would not seem just to cancel such contracts without the consent of the owners. The other countries represented on the Economic Commission have up])reciated the position of the United States in this respect and have con- 41 ^ K THE PEACE TREATIES Special Insurance Clauses Contracts for fire insurance are not considered dissolved by the war, even though premiums have not been paid during. the war, but such contracts do dissolve upon failure to meet the premium payment falling due three months after the peace. Life insurance contracts shall be validated by payment of accumulated premiums with interest falling due on such contracts during the war to be recoverable with interest. Marine insurance contracts are to be considered dissolved by the outbreak of the war excepting where the risk insured against already has been incurred. Where the risk attached, premiums due and sums due on losses are recoverable but where risks have not attached premiums paid are recoverable. Reinsurance treaties are abrogated unless invasion has made it impossible for the reinsured to find other reinsurance. At its option, any allied or associated state is empowered to cancel all contracts between its nationals and German life insurance companies, Germany agreeing to return the portion of its assets derived from such pohcies. Industrial, hterary and artistic property rights are reestablished. The right is reserved to impose conditions on German patents and copyrights in the pubUc interest and the special war measures of the allied and associated powers relating to such matters are ratified. Pre-war rights and licenses protecting infringement are canceled, excepting as between the United States and Germany. Industrial Property The following is a synopsis of the essential points of this section affecting American interests. The system of industrial property rights as it existed before the war is, generally speaking, restored. The industrial property rights of allied and asso- sented that this country, as well as Brazil, and Japan should leave unchanged the legal status of contracts to which their nationals are parties. Provisions is made, however, in Article I., whereby nationals of all the Allied and Associated Countries, the United States included, shall have access to a new tribunal with a neutral president, so that they iieed not be compelled to resort to German courts for the adjudication of their contractiiral rights after the war. \ Provision is made for the cancellation, with certain exceptions, of con- tracts concluded prior to the war by nationals of enemy countries. It was deemed advisable that the United States should be excepted from the greater portion of the provisions of this section (sub-paragraph... (c) , ajiicle 299). Controversies respecting private contractual rigbts must evidently therefore be determined by the appropriate judicial tribunals. Like nationals of other Allied and Associated States, American citizens will, however, have a right to go before a mixed arbitral tribunal in cases decided by German courts during the war, when such persons were not able to malie their defense. A mixed arbitral tribunal is created which functions in connection with the clearing house scheme and which must pass on claims for property seized or damaged in Germany. The interests of the United States appear adequate- ly protective in the organization of this tribunal, since one of the three judges composing it must be a national of a neutral country, and since, if the Govern- ment of the United States so decides, cases may be presented to the tribunal in English. {Memorandum of American Mission at Peace Conference.) 42 TREATY OF PEACE WITH GERMANY ciated powers which may have become invaUd by reason of the failure to pay annual taxes, or to meet any formal requirements, may be revahdated. Failure to "work" in Germany and in the other signatory countries dur- ing the war is waived as a cause of forfeiture of industrial property rights. Americans who were prevented by the war from patenting their inven- tions, registering their trademarks, etc., in Germany or in other signatory countries may do so now. Measures taken during the war by the United States by way of licensing or liquidating German patents are recognized as valid and remain effective. The right of the United States to impose conditions on German-owned Industrial Property, if in the future the national defense or public interest sh{)uld require it, is reserved by the United States and recognized by Germany. The liability of the United States or of those acting for it for infringements') incident to the prosecution of the war is waived by Germany for itself and for its nationals. License contract rights and rights of Americans to sue for infringements committed during the war by Germany or Germans are not surrendered by the Treaty. The Opium Traffic The contracting powers agree within twelve months, by enactment of requisite legislation, to bring the opium convention of January 23, 1912, into force, whether or not they have previously signed it or signed the protocol opened at The Hague in accordance with resolutions adopted by the Third Opium Conference in 1914. Integrity of Religious Missions The allied and associated powers agree that property of religious missions in territories belonging to or ceded to them shall continue their work under the control of the powers, but Germany renounces all claims in their behalf. PART XI AERIAL NAVIGATION IN GERMANY Germany gives full hberty of passage and landing of aircraft of the allied and associated governments over and in German territory, and equal treatment with German planes in the use of German airdromes and with most favored-nation planes in commercial traffic in Germany. Planes may cross Germany entirely without landing. She agrees to accept AUied certificates of nationafity, worthiness of craft, competency or ficense, and to apply the convention of the allied and associated powers to her own aircraft. These rules will apply until 1923 unless Germany is admitted to the League of Nations, or to the Air Convention before that time. 43 THE PEACE TREATIES PART XII PORTS, CANALS AND RAILWAYS Freedom of Transit Germany agrees to grant freedom of transit through her territories by rail or by water to passengers, goods, ships, carriages and mails from or to any of the allied or associated states, free of customs or transit duties, and without restrictions or discriminations based on nationality, means of transport or point of entry or departure. Shipments shall not be delayed, especially perishable goods, nor may Germany divert goods from their normal course in favor of her own goods. Germany agrees not to levy taxes discriminating against any port of the aUied or associated powers but agrees to grant such seaports such reductions in tariffs as enjoyed by her own nationals and afford the nationals of the alhed and associated powers equal rights with those of Germans in her ports and waterways. Free Zones in Ports Germany agrees to maintain free zones in German ports existing on August 1, 1914, with due facilities as to warehousing, packing, etc., without discrimination or charges except for expenses of administration and use. Goods leaving these free zones to enter Germany or entering the free zones from Germany shall be subject to the ordinary import and export taxes. International Rivers The following rivers are declared international with equal rights for all flags: The Elbe from the jimction of the Vltava, the Vltava from Prague, the Oder from Oppa, the Niemen from Grodno, and the Danube from Ulm. Their connections are included and the riparian states are required to assure good conditions of navigation within their territories where no special organization exists for such work. Appeal as to the upkeep of these international rivers may be had to the League of Nations which may arrange an international waterways convention. Special international commissions are provided for working out these plans. The Danube Limited to representatives of Great Britain, France, Italy and Roumania, the European Danube Commission resumes its pre-war powers and the Upper Danube is to be administered by a new international commission, pending a more permanent international arrangement to be reached within a year after the peace. The enemy governments agree to cede their interests and river facihties in territory they have ceded to new states and shall make reparation to the European Danube Commission for damages sustained during the war. Czechoslovakia, Serbia and Roumania shall be given any rights necessary to enable them to carry out navigation improvements along their shores. The Rhine and Moselle For the purpose of administration of the Rhine a central commission shall meet at Strasburg within six months after the peace, being composed as 44 TREATY OF PEACE WITH GERMANY follows: four representatives of France, which shall select the President of the commission; four of Germany, and two each of Great Britain, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. Germany agrees in advance to permit France to divert water from the Rhine to feed canals on the French side of the river while refraining from making such diAcrsions on the left bank. Germany must surrender to France all her drafts and designs for this part of the riAcr, that is the portion between the French frontiers. A deep-draft Rhine-Meuse canal may be constructed by Belgium, if she desires, within 25 years in which case Germany agrees to construct the part within her territory in accordance with the Belgian plans, and similar provision is made for other Rhine-Meuse canal enterprises. Germany agrees not to object if the General Rhine Commission extends its jurisdiction over the uj>per Rhine, lower Moselle and lateral canaJs. River Craft Ceded Germany agrees to cede to the allied and associated powers certain tugs, vessels and facilities for navigation on these streams, the United States naming an arbiter to work out specific details. Decisions shall be governed by precedents drawn from a pre-war period of five years, next preceding the war. Adjustments will be made against the reparation account for seizures. Shares in German navigation companies operating on the Rhine and such pro- perty as wharves and warehouses including those at Rotterdam at the outbreak of the war, must be handed over. Railway Facilities Germany agrees to co-operate in establishment of through ticket services for passengers and baggage; to insure rail communication between allied, associated and other states; to allow construction or improvement within 25 years of such new lines as necessary and to standardize her rolling stock in accordance with the standards of the other countries and generally to give most favored nation treatment on her railways. She agrees (should Italy and Switzerland so request) to the denunciation of the St. Gothard Convention and temporarily to execute instructions to the transport of troops and supplies and the esteiblishment of postal and telegraphic facilities. Exits for Czechoslovakia A commission of three representing Czechoslovakia, Germany and Great Britain shall work out details of a plan whereby the former may run trains to Fiume and Trieste on the Adriatic and secure a 99-year lease from Germany of terminal facilities in Hamburg and Stettin. Opening of the Kiel Canal Germany opens the Kiel Canal to free passage of war and merchant ships of nations with which she is at peace, with absolute equality and no extra- ordinary charges, Germany being responsible for upkeep of the canal. Ger- many shall estabUsh at Kiel a local authority to hear preliminary complaints but major controversies may be appealed to the League of Nations which may appoint an international commission to adjust such matters. 45 THE PEACE TREATIES PART XIII INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION Permanent Offices and Conference Members of the League of Nations agree to the permanent establishment of an international labor conference with a permanent international labor office. The Conference shall be composed of four representatives of each state, two from the government and one each from the employers and the employed and each may have an individual vote. Drafts of conventions or recommenda- tions of this Conference may form the basis of legislation and if such recom- mendations come up on a two-thirds vote of the Conference they must be sub- mitted to the state legislative bodies. Each state legislative body may reject the proposals without further obhgation or may enact the terms into law with such local modifications as appear requisite or may approve the principles involved, leaving the actual legislation to local subdivisions. The international labor office is to be estabhshed at the seat of the League of Nations, as a part of the League's organization. This office shall make inves- tigations and collect labor data and prepare matter for the Conference. It will publish a periodical in French, Enghsh and, permissively, in other lan- guages. Annual reports shall be made to the Conference by the member states covering labor legislation, etc. Governing Body The governing body of the Conference shall consist of an executive composed as follows: Twelve members representing govermnents, six em- ployers and six employes, terms to run for three years. Complaints of Lack of Co-operation The governing body may question any state as to the facts when complaint is made that the state has failed to carry out the terms of a convention relating to labor to which it is a party. If the government's reply is unsatisfactory, the governing body may publish it with comment. Should one state complain against another, the governing body may refer the matter to a commission nominated by the Secretary General of the League of Nations. Failure of such a commission to obtain a satisfactory issue may be followed by reference of the whole matter to a permanent court of internation al justice for final decision. Enforcement of Decisions While publicity will be held the chief weapon in enforcing decisions relating to labor controversies, economic action against a nation may be taken. First Conference at Washington The first meeting of the conference will be held at Washington in October, 1919, and the program shall include discussion of the eight-hour day, forty-eight hour week; prevention of unemployment; extension and appUca- tion of Berne conventions of 1909 prohibiting night work of women and 46 TREATY OF PEACE WITH GERMANY unhealthy work; employment of women before and after childbirth; maternity benefits and minimum wages for children. Nine Labor Clauses The nine clauses which constitute the general labor platform of the League of Nations are: Labor must not be regarded as a commodity; Right of association of employers and employes; Adequate wage to maintain a reasonable standard of living; The eight-hour day or forty-eight hour week; Abolition of child labor and promotion of education and welfare; Equal pay for equal work of men and women; Equitable treatment of all workers including foreigners; A system of inspection with representation for women. PART XIV TREATY GUARANTIES BY GERMANY.'— REOCCUPA- TION OF HER TERRITORY German territory west of the Rhine, with the bridgeheads, will be occupied by the Allied and Associated troops for 15 years as a guarantee of the execu- tion of the treaty. If the provisions are carried out faithfully by Germany, certain occupied sections, including the bridgehead at Cologne, will be eva- cuated at the end of 5 years; other districts, including the Coblenz bridge- head and territories nearest the Belgian frontier, at the end of 10 years, and the remainder, including the Mainz and Kehl bridgeheads, at the end of 15 years. If before the expiration of the 15 years Germany faithfully com- plies with all of the treaty provisions, the occupied forces will be withdrawn immediately. If Germany fails to execute the whole or part of her obliga- tions, either during the occupation or after the 15 years, the whole or part of the areas will be reoccupied immediately. All German troops who are now east of the new frontier shall return as soon as the Allied and Associated govern- ments deem wise. They will refrain from all requisitions and not interfere with measures for national defense by the government concerned. All questions regarding occupation not provided for in the treaty will be regulated by subsequent convention and with equal force and effect. PART XV MISCELLANEOUS FEATURES OF TREATY. — EFFEC- TIVE DATES OF TREATY Germany binds herself to recognize the full validity of the treaties of peace and subsequent conventions concluded by the Allied and Associated 47 THE PEACE TREATIES governments with the powers allied with Germany, and the decisions to be taken as to the territories of Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey. She agrees further to recognize the new states in the frontiers to be fixed for them. She agrees not to advance any pecuniary claims against an Allied or Asso- ciated power signing the present treaty that are based on events previous to the coming into force of the treaty. She accepts all decrees of Allied and Associated prize courts relative to German ships and goods. The Allies reserve the rights to examine all decisions of German prize courts. The treaty, of which the English and French texts are both authentic, shall be ratified and depositions of ratifications made in Paris as soon as possible. The treaty will become effective in respect to all of its provisions for each power on the date of deposition of its ratification. This part further abrogates the Franco-Swiss treaties respecting Savoy and Gex as neutrahzed zones and provides for revision of this arrangement. It is provided that the chairman of any commission established by the treaty may vote to decide ties. Ratification is dictated as follows: The deposit of ratifications shall be made at Paris as soon as possible. Powers of which the seat of the Government is outside Europe will be entitled merely to inform the Government of the French Republic through their diplomatic representatives at Paris that their ratification has been given; in that case they must transmit the instrument of ratification as soon as possible. A first proces-verbal of the deposit of ratifications will be drawn up as soon as the Treaty has been ratified by Germany on the one hand, and by three of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers on the other hand. From the date of this first proces-verbal the Treaty will come into force between the High Contracting Parties who have ratified it. For the determi- nation of all periods of time provided for in the present Treaty this date will be the date of the coming into force of the Treaty. In all other respects the Treaty will enter into force for such Power at the date of the deposit of its ratification. The French Government will transmit to each of the signatory Powers a certified copy of the proces-verbaux of the deposit of ratifications. 48 SEPARATE TREATY WITH FRANCE SEPARATE TREATY WITH FRANCE ASSISTANCE TO FRANCE IN THE EVENT OF UNPROVOKED AGGRESSION BY GERMANY Agreement Between the United States and France, Signed at Versailles June 28, 1919. Whereas the United States of America and the French Republic arc equally animated by the desire to maintain the Peace of the World so happily restored by the Treaty of Peace signed at Versailles the 28th day of June, 1919, putting an end to the war begun by the aggression of the German Empire and ended by the defeat of that Power; and. Whereas the United States of America and the French Republic are fully persuaded that an unprovoked movement of aggression by Germany against France would not only violate both the letter and the spirit of the Treaty of Versailles to which the United States of America eind the French Republic are parties, thus exposing France anew to the intolerable burdens of an unpro- voked war, but that such aggression on the part of Germany would be and is so regarded by the Treaty of Versailles as a hostile act against all the Powers signatory to the Treaty and as calculated to disturb the Peace of the world by involving inevitably and directly the States of Europe and indirectly, as experience has amply and unfortunately demonstrated, the world at large; and. Whereas the United States of America and the French Republic fear that the stipulations relating to the left bank of the Rhine contained in said Treaty of Versailles may not at first provide adequate security and protection to France on the one hand and the United States of America as one of the signa- tories of the Treaty of Versailles on the other; Therefore, the United States of America and the French Republic having decided to conclude a treaty to effect these necessary purposes, Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States of America, and Robert Lansing, Secretary of State of the United States, specially authorized thereto by the President of the United States, and Georges Clemenceau, President of the Council, Minister of Vv^ar, and Stephen Pichon, Minister of Foreign Affairs, specially authorized thereto by Raymond Poincare, President of the French Repubhc, have agreed upon the following articles: Article I. In case the following stipulations relating to the Left Bank of the Rhine contained in the Treaty of Peace with Germany signed at Versailles the 28lh day of June, 1919, by the United States of America, the French Republic and the British Empire among other Powers: "Article 42. Germany is forbidden to maintain or con- struct any fortifications either on the left bank of the Rhine or on the right bank to the west of a line drawn 50 kilometres to the East of the Rhine. "Article 43. In the area defined above the maintenance 49 THE PEACE TREATIES and assembly of armed forces, either permanently or temporarily, and military manoeuvres of Einy kind, as well as the upkeep of all permanent works for mobiUzation are in the same way for- bidden. "Article 44. In case Germany violates in any manner whatever the provisions of Articles 42 and 43, she shall be re- garded as committing a hostile act against the Powers signatory of the present Treaty and as calculated to disturb the peace of the world." may not at first provide adequate security and protection to France, the United States of America shall be boimd to come immediately to her assistance in the event of any unprovoked movement of aggression against her being made by Germany. Article II. The present Treaty, in similar terms with the Treaty of even date for the same purpose concluded between Great Britain and the French Republic, a copy of which Treaty is annexed hereto, will only come into force when the latter is ratified. Article III. The present Treaty must be submitted to the Council of the League of Nations, and must be recognized by the Council, acting if need be by a major- ity, as an engagement which is consistent with the Covenant of the League. It will continue in force until on the application of one of the Parties to it the Council, acting if need be by a majority, agrees that the League itself affords sufficient protection. Article IV. The present Treaty will be submitted to the Senate of the United States at the same time as the Treaty of Versailles is submitted to the Senate for its advice and consent to ratification. It will be submitted before ratification to the French Chamber of Deputies for approval. The ratifications thereof will be exchanged on the deposit of ratifications of the Treaty of Versailles at Paris or as soon thereafter as shall be possible. In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries, to wit: On the part of the United States of America, Woodrow Wilson, President, and Robert Lansing, Secretary of State, of the United States; and on the part of the French Republic, Georges Clemenceau, President of the Council of Ministers, Minister of War, and Stephen Pichon, Minister of Foreign Affairs, have signed the above articles both in the English and French languages, and they have hereunto affixed their seals. Done in duplicate at the City of Versailles, on the twenty-eighth day of Jtme, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, and the one hundred and forty-third of the Independence of the United States of America. [seal.] Woodrow Wilson. [seal.] Robert Lansing. [seal.] G. Clemenceau. [seal.] S. Pichon. 50 TREATY OF PEACE WITH AUSTRIA TREATY OF PEACE WITH AUSTRIA THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THE BRITISH EMPIRE, FRANCE, ITALY and JAPAN, These Powers being described in the present Treaty as the Principal Allied and Associated Powers; BELGIUM, BOLIVIA, BRAZIL, CHINA, CUBA, ECUADOR, GREECE, GUATEMALA, HAITI, THE IIEDJAZ, HONDURAS, LIBERIA, NICARAGUA, PANAMA, PERU, POLAND, PORTUGAL, ROUMANIA, THE SERB-CROAT-SLOVENE STATE, SI AM, CZECHO- SLOVAKIA and URUGUAY. These Powers constituting, with the Principal Powers mentioned above, the Allied and Associated Powers, of the one part; And AUSTRIA, of the other part; Whereas on the request of the former Imperial and Royal Austro- Hungarian Government an Armistice was granted to Austria-Hungary on November 3, 1918, by the Principal Allied and Associated Powers in order that a Treaty of Peace might be concluded, and Whereas the Allied and Associated Powers are ecpially desirous that the war in which certain among them were successively involved, directly or indirectly, against Austria-Hungary, and which originated in the declaration of war against Serbia on July 28, 1914, by the former Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Government, and in the hostilities conducted by Germany in alliance with Austria-Hungary, should be replaced by a firm, just and durable Peace, and Whereas the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy has now ceased to exist, and has been replaced in Austria by a republican government, and Whereas the Principal Allied and Associated Powers have already recog- nized that the Czecho-Slovak State, in which are incorporated certain portions of the said Monarchy, is a free, independent and allied State, and Whereas the said Powers have also recognized the union of certain por- tions of the said Monarchy with the territory of the Kingdom of Serbia as a free, independent and allied State, under the name of the Serb-Croat-Slovene State, and Whereas it is necessary, while restoring peace, to regulate the situation which has arisen from the dissolution of the said Monarchy and the formation of the said States, and to establish the government of these countries on a firm foundation of justice and equity; For this purpose the HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES have agreed as follows: From the coming into force of the present Treaty the state of war will terminate. Austria is recognized under the name of the "Republic of Austria." From that moment, and subject to the provisions of this Treaty, official relations will exist between the Allied and Associated Powers and the Republic of Austria. 51 THE PEACE TREATIES PART I Part I of the Austrian Treaty comprises the Covenant of tlie League of Nations, as presented in Part I of the Treaty with Germany. (See page 6.) PART II FRONTIERS OF AUSTRIA Article 27 The frontiers of Austria shall be fixed as follows: 1. Willi Switzerland and Lichienslein: the present frontier. 2. With Italy: From the point 2645 (Gruben J.) eastwards to Klopaier Spitz, thence eastwards to the summit of Dreiherrn Spitz, the watershed between the basins of the Inn to the north and the Adige to the south; thence south-south-eastwards to Marchkinkele, the watershed between the basins of the Drave to the east and the Adige to the west; thence south-eastwards to Helm Spitz, a line to be fixed on the ground crossing the Drave between Winnbach and Arnbach; thence east-south-eastwards to Osternig, about 9 kilometres northwest of Tarvis, the watershed between the basins of the Drave on the north and succes- sively the basins of the Sextenbach, the Piave and the Tagliamento on the south ; thence east-south-eastwards to about 2 kilometres west of Thorl, the watershed between the GaU and the Gailitz; thence eastwards to Pec, a line to be fixed on the ground cutting the Gailitz south of the town and station of Thorl and passing by Cabin Berg. 3. On the South, and then with the Klagenfurt area, subject to the Political Clauses: from Pec eastwards to Malestiger, the crest of the Karavanken; from Malestiger and in a north-easterly direction as far as the Drave at a point situated about 1 kilometre south-east of the railway bridge on the eastern branch of the bend made by that river about 6 kilometres east of VUlach, a line to be fixed on the ground cutting the railway between Mallestig and Faak passing through Polana; thence in a south-easterly direction to a point about 2 kilometres above St. Martin, the course of the Drave; thence in a northerly direction about 10 kilometres to the east-north-east of ViUach, a line running approximately from south to north to be fixed on the ground ; thence east-north-eastwards to a point to be chosen near a point about 10 kilometres north-west of Klangenfurt on the administrative boundary between the districts of St. Veit and Klagenfurt, 52 TREATY OF PEACE WITH AUSTRIA a line to be fixed on the ground passing through Taubenbiihel, Gallinberg and Freudenberg; thence eastwards to a point to be chosen on the ground west of Steinbruch Kogel, the administrative boundary between the districts of St. Veit and Klagen- furt; thence north-eastwards to the point on the Gurk where the achiiinis- trative boundary of the district of Yolkerinarkt leaves this river, a line to be flxed on the ground; thence north-eastwards to Speikkogl, the administrative boundary between the districts of St. Veit and V tilker- markt; thence south-eastwards 1 kilometre west of Kasparstein, the north-eastern boundary of the district of Volkerniarkl; thence eastwards to Hiihner Kogel, a line to be fixed on the ground passing north of Lavamiind. 4. With the Serb-Croat-Slovene Stale, subject to the Political Clauses: From Hiihner Kogel eastwards to Lorenzen, a line to be fixed on the ground passing;' thence eastwards to the point where it meets the administrative boundary between the districts of Marburg and Leibnitz, the watershed between the basins of the Drave to the south and the Saggau to the north; thence north-eastwards to the point where this administrative boundary meets the Mur, the above-mentioned administrative boundary; thence to the point where it meets the old frontiers of 1867 between Austria and Hungary 5 kilometres south-east of Radkersburg, the principal course of the Mur downstream; thence northwards to a point to be fixed east of a point about 16 kilo- metres north of Radkersburg, the old frontier of 1867 between Austria and Hungary; thence north-eastwards to a point to be fbced on the watershed between the basins of the Raab and the Mur about 2 kilometres east of Toka, a line to be fixed on the ground, passing between the villages of Bonis- falva and Gedoudvar. This point is the point common to the three frontiers of Austria, Hungary and the Serb-Croat-Slovene State. 5. With Hungary: From the point above defined north-eastwards to a point about 6 kilo- metres north-north-east of Szentgotthard, a line to be fixed on the ground passing through point .353 (Janke B.), then west of the Radkersburg-Szentgotthard road and east of the villages of Nagyfalva, Nemetlak and Rabakeresztur; thence in a general north-easterly direction to a point about 7 kilometres north-north-east of Pinka-Mindszent, a line to be fixed on the ground passing through Hochkogel, then south of the villages of Zsamand, Nemetbiikkos and Karacsfa, and between Nagy- saroslak and Pinka-Mindszent; thence northwards to Trott Ko, about 9 kilometres south-west of Koszeg, a line to be fixed on the ground, then east of Nagynarda and Rohoncz and west of Dozmat and Butschiag; thence north-eastwards to Kamenje about 2 kilometres south-east of Nikitsch, a line to be fixed on the ground, passing south-east of Leibing, Olmod and Locsmand, and north-west of Koszeg and the road from Koszeg to Salaraonfa; 53 THE PEACE TREATIES thence northwards to a point to be selected on the southern shore of Neusiedler See between HoDing and Hidegseg, a line to be fixed on the ground, passing east of Nikitsch and Zinkendorf and west of Kovesd and Nemet-Pereszteg; thence eastwards to a point situated about 8 kilometres south-west of St. Johann, a line to be fixed on the ground, crossing the Neusiedler See, passing south of an island, leaving in Hungary the branch railway running north- westwards from the station of Mexiko as well as the entire Einser canal, and passing south of Pamhagen; thence northwards to a point to be selected about 1 kilometre west of Antonienhof (east of Kittsee) , this point being the point common to the three frontiers of Austria, Hungary, and the Czecho-SIovak State; a line to be fixed on the ground, leaving entirely in Hungarian territory the Csorna-Karlburg railway and passing west of Wiist-Sommerein and Kr. Jahrndorf, and east of Andau, Nikelsdorf, D. Jahrndorf and Kittsee. 6. WUh the Czecho-SIovak State: From the point above defined north-westwards to the bend of the old frontier of 1867 between Austria and Hungary about 2)^ kilometres north-east of Berg, a line to be fixed on the ground, cutting the Kittsee-Pressburg road about 2 kilometres north of Kittsee; thence northwards to a point to be selected on the principal channel of navigation of the Danube about 434 kilometres upstream from the Pressburg bridge, a line to be fixed on the ground following as much as possible the old frontier of 1867 between Austria and Hungary; thence westwards to the confluence of the Morava (March) with the Danube, the principal channel of navigation of the Danube; thence the course of the Morava upstream, then the course of the Thaya upstream to a point to be selected about 2 kilometres south-east of the inter- section of the Rabensburg-Themenau road with the Radensburg-Lundenburg railway; thence west - north - westwards the above-mentioned administrative boundary between Lower Austria and Moravia situated about 400 metres south of the point where this boundary cuts the Nikolsburg-Feldsberg railway, a fine to be fixed on the ground passing through Dlouhyvrch, Rosenbergen, Wolfsberg, Raistenberg, and Kallerhaide; thence west-north-westwards the above-mentioned administrative bound- ary; thence westwards to a point to be selected about 3 kilometres east of the village of Franzensthal, the old administrative boundary between Lower Austria and Bohemia; thence southwards to Gelsenberg, about 5 kilometres north-northwest of Gmund, a line to be fixed on the ground passing east of the Rottenschachen- Zuggers road; thence southwards and then west-north-westwards to a point on the old administrative boundary between Lower Austria and Bohemia situated about 200 metres north of the point where it cuts the Gratzen-Weitra road, a line to be fixed on the ground passing between Zuggers and Breitensee, then through the most south-easterly point of the railway bridge over the Lainsitz while leaving to Austria the town of Gmiind and to the Czecho- slovak State the station and railway works of Gmiind (Wolfshof) and the junction of the Gmiind-Budweis and Gmiind-Wittingau railways, then passing through Grundbiihel, north of Hohenberg and Lagerberg; . 54 TREATY OF PEACE WITH AUSTRIA thence south-westwards the above-mentioned administrative boundary, then north-westwards the old administrative boundary between Upper Austria and Bohemia to its point of junction with the frontier of Germany. 7. With Germany: The frontier of August 3, 1914. Frontiers described by this treaty are traced on the map attached to the treaty, except as for such parts as are not yet defined. In the event of differ- ences between the text and the maps, the text will prevail. Boundary commissions wiU have to trace these frontiers on the ground. They shall have the .power of fixing those portions described as "a line to be fixed on the ground," and where a request is made by one of the states con- cerned, and it is deemed desirable by the commission, they may revise portions defined by administrative boundaries. This shall not apply, however, in the case of international boundaries existing in August, 1914, where the commis- sion will confine itself to the re-establishment of sign posts and boundary marks. The commissions shall endeavor in both cases to follow as near as possible the description given in the treaties, taking into account as far as possible admin- istrative boundaries and local economic interests. The decisions of the commissions will be taken by a majority, and will be binding on the parties concerned. Where a frontier is defined by a waterway, the phrases "course," or "channel" used in the descriptions of the treaty signify, as regards non-navi- gable rivers, the median line of the waterway or its principal branch, and as regards navigable rivers, the median lineof the principal channel of navigation. It will rest with the Boundary commission to specify whether the frontier line shall follow any changes of the course or channel which may take place, or whether it shall be definitely fixed by the position of the course or channel at the time when the treaty goes into force. The various interested states undertake to furnish to the Boundary com- missions all documents necessary to the tasks of the commissions, and espe- cially authentic copies of agreements fixing existing or old frontiers, all large scale maps in existence, geodetic data, surveys completed but unpublished, and information concerning the changes of frontier water courses. They under- take to instruct local authorities to communicate to the commissions all docu- ments, especially plans, cadastral and land books, and to furnish on demand all land books, details regarding property, existing economic conditions and necessary information. The various interested states will give every assistance to the commissions, whether direct or through local authorities, in everything that concerns local transport, accommodation, labor, and material necessary to the accomplish- ment of their tasks. The various states undertake to safeguard the trigonometrical points, signals, posts and frontier marks erected by .the commissions. The protocols defining the boundaries, with maps and documents, will be made out in trip- licate, with two copies forwarded to the governments of the limitrophe states, and a third to the government of France. Authentic copies will be delivered by France to the powers signing the treaty. PART III POLITICAL CLAUSES FOR EUROPE Austria, as far as she is concerned, renounces in favor of Italy all rights and titles to the territory of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy situated beyond the frontier laid down in Article 27, and lying between that frontier, 55 THE PEACE TREATIES the former Austro-Hungarian frontier, the Adriatic Sea, and the eastern fron- tier of Italy. Austria also renounces in favor of Italy in the same way all rights and title over the territory of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy which may be recognized as forming a part of Italy by any treaties which may be concluded for the purpose of completing the present settlement. A commis- sion, composed of five members, one nominated by Italy, three by the other Principal AUied and Associated Powers, and one by Austria, shall be con- stituted within fifteen days from the coming into force of the present treaty to trace on the spot the frontier fine between Italy and Austria. The decisions of the commission will be taken by a majority and shall be binding on the parties concerned. Persons having their residence in the territories of the former Austro- Hungarian monarchy, or who have been imprisoned, interned or evacuated, shall enjoy the full benefit of the provisions of Articles of the Economic Clauses relating to contracts. A special convention will determine the terms of repayment in Austrian currency of the special war expenditure advanced during the war by the territory of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy that is transferred to Italy, or by public associations in that territory on account of legislation of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. In fixing the amount of these sums Austria shall be credited with the amount which the territory would have contributed to Austria-Hungary to meet the expenses resulting from these payments, this contribution to be based and calculated according to the proportion of the revenues of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy derived from the terri- tory in 1913. The Itafian government will collect for its own account the taxes, dues and charges of every kind leviable in the territories transferred to Ital^-, and not collected on November 3, 1918. No sum shall be due to Italy because of possession of the Palazzo Venezia at Rome. State Property and Railroads in Italy. Subject to the provisions of the Financial Clauses relative to the acqui- sition of and payment for state property and possessions, the Italian govern- ment is substituted in all the rights possessed by the Austrian state over all railways in the territories transferred to Italy whjch were administered by the Railway Administration of said state, and which are actually working or under construction. The same will apply to the rights of the former Austro-Hunga- rian monarchy with regard to railways and tramway concessions within the above-mentioned territories. The frontier railway stations will be determined by a subsequent agreement. Austria will restore to the Italian government within three months all the wagons belonging to the Italian railways which before the war had passed into Austria and have not been returned to Italy. As of November 3, 1918, Austria renounces on behalf of herself and her nationals with regard to territories transferred to Italy all rights which she may be entitled to with regard to the products of the aforesaid territories under any agreements, stipulations or laws establishing trusts, cartels or other similar organizations. Central Power Stations. For a period of ten years after the present treaty comes into effecl, central electric power stations situated in Austrian territory, and formerly furnishing electric power to the territories transferred to Italy, or to any other estabUshraent the exploitation of which passes to Italy, shall be required to continue furnishing this supply up to an amount corresponding to the under- takings and contracts in force on November 3. 1918. Austria admits the right TREATY OF PEACE WITH AUSTRIA of Italy to the free use of the waters of Lake Raibl, and its derivative water course, and to divert the said waters to the basin of the Korinitza. Civil Judgments Reviewed. Judgments rendered since August 4, 1914, by the coiu-ts in the territory transferred to Italy in civil and commercial cases between the inhabitants of such territories, and other nationals of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy shall not be carried into effect until after the endorsement by the corresponding new court of such territory. All decisions rendered for political crimes or offences since August 4, 1914, by the judicial authorities of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy against Italian nationals, including persons who may obtain Italian nationality under the present treaty, shall be annulled. In all matters relating to proceedings instituted before the present treaty coming into effect before competent authorities in the territory transformed to the Italian government, the Italian and Austrian judicial authorities re- respectively shall until the coming into force of a special convention on this subject be authorized to correspond with each other direct. Requests thus presented shall be given effect to so far as the laws of a pubUc character allow in the country to the authorities of which the request is addressed. Appeals to the higher Austrian authorities, judicial and administrative, who are beyond the limits of the territory transferred to Italy concerning decisions of administrative or judicial authorities of this territory shall be suspended. The records shall be submitted to the authorities against whose decision the appeal was taken. They must be transmitted to the competent Italian authorities without delay. All other questions as to jurisdiction, procedure or the administration of justice will be determined by a special convention between Italy and Austria. The Serb-Croat-Slovene Slate. Austria recognizes the complete independence of this state. Austria renounces so far as this state is concerned all rights and title over territories of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy situated outside of the frontiers of Austria as laid down in the provision governing the frontiers of Austria, or by any treaties concluded for the purpose of completing the present settle- ment. A commission of seven members, five nominated by the principal Allied and Associated powers, one by the Serb-Croat-Slovene state, and one by Austria, shall be constituted within fifteen days from the coming into force of the present treaty to trace on the spot the frontier Une between Austria and the Serb-Croat-Slovene state. The decisions of the commission wiU be taken by the majority and shall be binding on both parties. The inhabitants of the Klagenfurt area will be called upon to the extent stated below to indicate by a vote the state to which they wish the territory to belong. THE KLAGENFURT PLEBISCITE The Klagenfurt area is divided into two zones for the purposes of a plebiscite, these zones being ships extending east and west across the area. A commission will prepare the plebiscite, being composed of four members nominated respectively by the United States, Great Britain, France and Italy, one by Austria, one by Serb-Croat-Slovene State. The Austrian member par- ticipating only in respect of the second zone and the Serb-Croat-Slovene member only in respect of the first. A majority shall rule. Austrian troops shall occupy the second zone and Serb-Croat-Slovene troops the first. The troops shall be limited in number and speedily re- placed by locally recruited police. The first zone plebiscite shall be within three months of signature and if the vote is in favor of annexation to the Serb-Croat-Slovene State, a proc- 57 THE PEACE TREATIES lamation shall call for a vote In the Second zone three weeks later. If the vote in the first zone is for Austria, no further plebiscite shall be taken, the whole area remaining under Austrian sovereignty. Right of Suffrage. Equal suffrage for all who on January 1, 1919, had attained the age of 20 years and who had been residents of the zones since January 1, 1912, shall prevail, regardless of sex. A majority vote shall rule. The general super- vision of the Commission shall endure untU the issue is finally determined and Austria and the Serb-Croat-Slovene State shall share expenses. Obligations of Serb-Croat-Slovene Slate. The Serb-Croat-Slovene State agrees to make treaties with the Powers to protect the interests of the various races within her borders, and grants freedom of transit and equitable commercial treatment. Czechoslovak State. Austria recognizes the new Czecho-Slovak State, including autonomous territory of the Ruthenians south of the Carpathians. Sovereignty of the portions of the old Empire given to Czechoslovakia is renounced. Fifteen days after effectiveness of this treaty a Commission, composed of seven members, five representing the Powers, one the Czecho-Slovak State, and one Austria, shall mark the boundaries prescribed in the preceding sec- tions on the ground, a majority ruhng. The Czecho-Slovak State agrees not to erect fortifications on its territory on the right bank of the Danube south of Pressburg. This State further agrees to give protection to the races within its terri- tory and to accord freedom of transit and equitable commercial treatment and to make treaties to this effect. Roumanian Clauses. Austria renounces in favor of Roumania her title over said portion of the old Duchy of Bukovina lying within the new Roumania. Roumania agrees to accord protection to the races within her borders and to accord freedom of transit and commercial equity. She will make treaties accordingly with the Powers. The new States all agree to abide by the obligations~to accept parts of the Austrian Debt as provided in the Financial Clauses. Protection of Minorities. f In agreeing to grant full liberties to all her inhabitants, Austria contracts to regard treaty provisions eliminating discrimination as to nationality, language, race or rehgion as fundamental law. Austria agrees to accord citizenship to all nationals without further formality who are nationals on the effective date of the treaty. The right of the people to use their own languages before the Courts shall not be abridged. People of linguistic minorities may establish their own schools and other institutions. The teaching of the German language may be made obligatory but in addition provision must be made for instruction in the various native languages. Minorities shall receive fair shares of public expenditures. Austria consents to the guarantee of these protections by the League of Nations. They may be modified by a majority of the Council of the League. Provision is made for referring disputes under these sections to the League or the Permanent Court of International Justice, the decision of which shall be final. Transfers of Nationality. Persons possessing right of citizenship in dismembered States throw off the old Austrian nationality, and take on that of the new State exclusively. In the case of territory ceded to Italy, nativity in the territory is the basic rule of transfer, an optional system being provided for others. 58 TREATY OF PEACE WITH AUSTRIA As to the Scrb-Croat-Slovene State, citizenship may be obtained by those in newly ceded territory only by permit. The High Contracting Parties agree not to hinder these options. A vrife and minors under 18 years shall be governed by the option of husband and father. Belgian Polilical Clauses. Austria undertakes to agree to revision of the treaty of April 19, 1S39, relating to Belgian neutrality and to assent to treaties which may be made between the Powers and Belgium and the Netherlands. Luxemburg. Austria agrees to the termination of the regime of neutrality in Luxem- burg and assents to any arrangements which may be made between that Grand Duchy and the Powers. Schleswig. Austria recognizes the terms made with Germany regarding restoration of Schleswig to Denmark. Turkey and Bulgaria. Austria undertakes to recognize arrangements between the Powers and Turkey and Bulgaria with reference to rights, privileges and interests which may be claimed by Austria or her nationals in those countries. Russia and Russian Stales. Austria acknowledges the independence of all States which were part of the old Russian Empire on August 1, 1914. The cancellation of the Brest- Litovsk treaty and agreements with any Russian factions is affirmed. Russian claims for restitution from Austria are reserved. Austria further agreesto recognize any treaties which the Allies may make with Russia or Russian States. General Provisions. The independence of Austria is declared inalienable except by consent of the League of Nations. Austria agrees to guard against compromising this independence pending her admission to the League. Austria recognizes and accepts the frontiers of Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary Poland, Roumania, the Serb-Croat-Slovene State and the Czecho-Slovak State, as may be determined by the Allied and Associated Powers. Austria recognizes the treaties made or to be made with her former Allies. She con, firms recognition of aU new States erected. She will not molest inhabitants of states wliich were parts of the old Empire. Surrender of Archives. Austria shall hand over to the Powers all archives, plans, deeds, etc., pertaining to dismembered sections. Where this is impractical, access shall be given to such papers. Separate conventions shall be drawn between Austria and each of the dismerobered States insuring civil and commercial rights, etc. PART IV AUSTRIAN RIGHTS OUTSIDE EUROPE Rights, titles and privileges of the old Empire outside Europe are re- nounced and Austria agrees to recognize measures in respect of such rights which may be taken by the Powers. 59 THE PEACE TREATIES Morocco. Rights and privileges acquired by the General Act of Algeciras of April 7, 1906, and by the Franco-German Agreement of February 9, 1909, and November 4, 1911, are renounced. Treaties and arrangements between the old Empire and the Sherifian Empire are abrogated as of April 12, 1914. Austria will not intervene in negotiations between other powers and Morocco. The regime of the capitulations in Morocco is renounced by Austria and the French Protectorate recognized. The Sherifian Government shall be free to handle nationals of Austria as It deems proper and special privileges hitherto obtained by Austrians are abrogated. All Austrian property in Morocco passes to the Maghzen without com- pensation, including property of the Cro\TO. As to private property of Aus- trian nationals, the Economic Clauses of this treaty shall govern. This extends to mining rights. State Bank of Morocco. Austria shall insure transfer to a representative of the French Govern- ment shares representing Austria's portion of the capital of the State Bank of Morocco. This representative shall administer these shares with the co- operation of the State Bank. This transfer does not prejudice debts owed by Austrian nationals to the State Bank. Moroccan goods entering Austria shall enjoy the same treatment accorded French goods. Egypt. The terms relating to Egypt are identical with those contained in the treaty with Germany. (See page 26.) Siam. The terms relating to Siam are identical with those contained in the treaty with Germany. (See page 26.) China. Austria renounces in favor of China all benefits and privileges resulting from the final protocol signed at Peking, September 7, 1901 (The Boxer Protocol). All indenmities thereunder are renounced as from August 14, 1917. From the coming into effect of this treaty the Powers shall apply, as con- cerns them respectively: (1) The Arrangement of August 29, 1902, regarding the new Chinese customs tariff; (2) The Whang-Poo Arrangement of September 27, 1905, and supple- ments. But China is not bound to grant Austria the privileges under those Arrangements which she accorded the old Empire. Austria cedes to China buildings, vessels and all other public property in the Austro-Hungarian Concession at Tientsin or elsewhere in Chinese territory. However, an exception is made as to diplomatic property and property in the Legation Quarter at Peking. Austria agrees to abrogation of the leases under which the Tientsin concession was held. China declares her intention to open the concession to international trade. In the abroga- tion of the Tientsin lease lots owned by nationals of the Allied and Associated Governments are excepted. Austria waives all claims against China on account of internment of Austrian nationals. Renunciation is also provided of claims in connection with capture of Austro-Hungarian ships in China and liquidation, sequestra- 101°^^"^ control of Austrian properties, rights, etc., in China since August 14, 1917. As to these liquidations, however, the economic clauses shall prevail. 60 TREATY OF PEACE WITH AUSTRIA PART V MILITARY AND NAVAL AND AIR CLAUSES Military Clauses. Within three months of the coming into force of the present Treaty, the military forces of Austria shall be demobilized to the extent prescribed here- inafter. Universal compulsory military service shall be abolished. The Austrian Army shall in future only be recruited by means of voluntary enlistment. The total military forces shall not exceed 30,000 men, including officers and depot troops. The proportion of officers shall not exceed one- twentieth of the total effectives, and that of the non-commissioned officers one-fifteenth of the effectives. All organizations or preparations for war other than is permitted are forbidden. All measures of mobilization are forbidden. Plans for requisitioning animals or other transport are forbidden. The number of gendarmes, customs officers, foresters and police must not exceed the number similarly employed in 1913, and shall not be increased except to maintain the proportion to the population. These officials must not be assembled for military exercises. Eccniiting and Military Training. All officers must be regulars. Officers retained in the present army must undertake to serve in it up to the age of 40. Officers released from the pres- ent army must not take part in military exercises, theoretical or practical. Officers appointed must undertake to serve for 20 years. The number of officers discharged for any reason before their term of service expires must not exceed in any year one-twentieth of the total. The enlistment period for non-commissioned officers and privates must be for not less than 12 consecutive years. The proportion of men discharged before their term expires must not exceed one-twentieth of the total strength. Schools, Educational Establishments, Military Clubs and Societies. The number of students attending military schools shall be strictly in proportion to vacancies. Superfluous military schools shall be abolished. Educational establishments other than military schools, as well as sport- ing and other clubs, must not occupy themselves with any military matters. Armament, Munitions and Material, Fortifications. Three months after the effective date of the treaty, the armament of the Austrian army shall not exceed prescribed figures. Any excess in effectives shall be used for replacements. The number and calibre of guns constituting the normal armament of existing fortified places in Austria shall be reported immediately to the Powers, and will constitute maximum amounts. Within three months, the amount of ammunition shall be reduced to 1500 rounds per gun for guns of 105 mm. and under; 500 rounds per gun for guns of higher calibre. The manufacture of arms, munitions and war material shall be restricted to one government factory, limited to the material necesseury for the forces authorized. Manufacture of sporting weapons unsuitable for military use is permitted. Within three months all unauthorized arms factories shall be closed or 61 THE PEACE TREATIES converted to commercial uses, and all arsenals shall be closed, and their staffs discharged, except in the cases of authorized depot arsenals. Within three months all arms, munitions and war material in excess of that authorized shall be handed over to the Alhed and Associated Powers. The importation and exportation of arms, munitions and weu^ material is forbidden. Manufacture or importation of teuiks and armored cars is forbidden. Nat)al Clauses. From the effective treaty date, all Austro-Hungarian warships, sub- marines included, are declared to be finally surrendered. All monitors, torpedo boats and armed vessels of the Danube Flotilla will be surrendered. Austria will, however, have the right to maintain on the Danube for river police, three patrol boats selected by the Commission. The auxihary cruisers and fleet auxiharies named below wiU be disarmed and treated as merchemt ships. (32 ships are named.) All warships under construction shall be broken up, work commencing as soon as possible after the treaty date. Materials resulting from the breaking up shall be used only for commercial purposes and may not be sold to foreign countries. Construction or acquisition of submarines, even for commercial purposes, is forbidden in Austria. All arms, ammunition and other naval war material, including mines and torpedoes which belonged to Austria-Hungary at the time of the armistice of November 3d, are declared fully surrendered. Use of Wireless. During the three months from the effective treaty date, the high-power wireless station at Vienna shall not be used to transmit inessages concerning military, naval and poUtical questions of interest to Austria or its war allies, without assent of the Powers. The station may be used for commercial messages under supervision of the Powers, who wiU name the wave length. During the period Austria shall not buUd high-power wireless stations in her own territory or in Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria or Turkey. Air Clauses. The armed forces of Austria must not include any military or naval air forces. No dirigible shall be kept. Within two months from the treaty date the persormel of air forces shall be demobilized. During the six months following the enforcement of the treaty, the manu- facture, import or export of aircraft or their parts is forbidden. On the coming into force of the treaty, all aeronautical material must be delivered at Austria's expense to the Powers, within three months. Inter- Allied Commissions of Control. AH military, naval and air clauses containing time limits for execution shall be executed by Austria under control of Inter-AUied Commissions appointed by the Powers. It will be the special duty of commissions to receive from Austria notifica- tions regarding location of munitions, armament of works, and locations of factories for production of war materials. Commissions will take delivery of munitions, supervise destruction of works or transforming of material and select points of deUvery. General Articles. Austria undertakes not to send to any foreign country any military, naval or air mission, nor to allow such mission to leave her territory. The jKDwers undertake that they will not enroll in nor attach to their forces any Austrian national for the the purposes of assisting in training such 62 TREATY OF PEACE WITH AUSTRIA forces, or otherwise employ any Austrian as niilit8U"y, naval or aeronautic instructor. But France may recruit for her Foreign Legion in accordance with her laws. As long as the treaty remains in force Austria undertakes to submit to any investigation which the council of the League of Nations, acting if need be by majority vote, may consider necessary. PART VI PRISONERS OF WAR AND GRAVES This Part is identical with Part VI of the German Treaty (see page 29). PART VII PENALTIES Austria recognizes and assumes responsibiUty for warlike aggression against the AUied and Associated Powers. As to general clauses this Part is identical with Part VII. of the German treaty. (See page 30.) Additional sections of this Part pecuhar to the Austrian treaty are described as follows: The provisions relating to the surrender of persons guilty of criminal acts against nationals of the Allied and Associated Powers extend to the dismem- bered States. If transfer of nationahty from Austria has been effected the new State may try the case and inflict the punishment. REPARATION PAYMENTS. Article 181. Austria shall pay in the course of the years 1919, 1920 and the first foin" months of 1921, in such instalments and in such manner (whether in gold, commodities, ships, securities or otherwise) as the Reparation Commission may lay down, a reasonable sum which shall be determined by the Commission. Out of this sum the expenses of the armies of occupation subsequent to the Armistice of November 3, 1918, shall first be met, and such supplies of food and raw materials as may be judged by the Governments of the Principal AUied and Associated Powers essential to enable Austria to meet her obliga- tions for reparation may also, with the approval of the said Governments, be paid for out of the above sum. The balance shall be reckoned towards the liquidation of the amount due for reparation. The Reparation Commission is described and its powers fixed as in the German treaty. The sections relating to actual payments on account of reparation are as follows: The Reparation Commission shall receive instructions to take account of: (1) The actual economic and financial position of Austrian territory as dehmited by the present Treaty; and (2) The diminution of its resources and of its capacity for payment resulting from the clauses of the present Treaty. 63 THE PEACE TREATIES As long as the position of Austria is not modified the Com- mission shall take account of these considerations in fixing the final amount of the obligations to be imposed on Austria, the payments by which these are to be discharged, and any postponement of payment of interest which may be asked for by Austria. (c) The Conunission shall talie from Austria, by way of security for and acknowledgment of her debt, gold bearer bonds free of all taxes or charges of every description established or to be estabfished by the Austrian Government or by any authorities subject to them. These bonds will be delivered at any time that may be judged expedient by the Commission, and in three por- tions, of which the respective amounts will be also fixed by the Commission, the crowns gold being payable in conformity with the Financial Clauses: (1) A first issue in bearer bonds payable not later then May 1, 1921, without interest. There shaU be specially applied to the amortisation of these bonds the payments which Austria is pledged to make in conformity with this Part, after deduction of the sums used for the reimbursement of the expenses of the armies of occupation and other payments for foodstufl^s and raw materials. Such bonds as may not have been redeemed by May 1, 1921, shall then be exchanged for new bonds of the same type as those provided for below. (2) A second issue in bearer bonds bearing interest at 2J^ per cent, between 1921 and 1926, and thereafter at 5 per cent, with an additional 1 per cent, for amortisation beginning in 1926 on the whole amount of the issue. (3) An undertaking in writing to issue, when, but not until, the Commission is satisfied that Austria can meet the interest and sinking fund obligations, a further instalment of bearer bonds bearing interest at 5 per cent., the time and mode of payment of principal and interest to be determined by the Commission. The dates for the payment of interest, the manner of employ- ing the amortisation fund and all other questions relating to the issue, management and regulation of the bond issue shall be determined by the Commission from time to time. Further issues by way of acknowledgment and security may be required as the Commission subsequently determines from time to time. In case the Reparation Commission should proceed to fix definitely and no longer provisionally the sum of the common charges to be borne by Austria as a result of the claims of the Allied and Associated Powers, the Commission shall immediately annul all bonds which have been issued in excess of this sum. (d) In the event of bonds, obligations or other evidence of indebtedness issued by Austria by way of security for or ac- knowledgment of her reparation debt being disposed of out- right, not by way of pledge, to persons other than the several Governments in whose favour Austria's original reparation in- debtedness was created, an amount of such reparation indebted- ness shall be deemed to be extinguished corresponding to the nominal value of the bonds, etc., so disposed of outright, and the obUgation of Austria in respect of such bonds shall be con- 64 TREATY OF PEACE WITH AUSTRIA fined to her liabilities to the holders of the bonds, as expressed upon their face. (e) The damage for repairing, reconstructing and rebuilding property situated in the invaded and devastated districts, in- cluding reinstallation of furniture, machinery and other equip- ment, will be calculated according to the cost at the date when the work is done. (/) Decisions of the Commission relating to the total of partial cancellation of the capital or interest of any of the verified debt of Austria must be accompanied by a statement of its reasons. Livestock. In connection with reparation of livestock, this treaty provides for the following transfers: To the Italian Government, 9,050 domestic animals; To the Serb-Croal-Slovene Government, 4,825 domestic animals; To the Roumanian Government, 5,025 domestic animals. The animals delivered shall be of average health and condi- tion. Reparation in Goods. In monthly instalments as the Reparation Commission shall direct, Austria shall deliver to the Powers suppUes of furniture in hard and soft wood to an extent justified by seizures in the war. The price of this furniture shall be credited on the reparation accoimt. Austria shall give to the Powers an option running for five years for annual deUvery of raw materials, as follows : Timber and timber manufactures; Iron and iron alloys; Magnesite. The quantities of these materials for which the Powers may call shall be limited to annual pre-war importations of the same commodities from Austria, revised to accord with the size and resources of Austria as ILxed in this treaty. Prices and practices in cormection with these commodities shall be on the same basis as Austria's domestic trade in them. The Commission shall arrange details of notice to be given of exercise of these options, due regard being had for Austria's internal industrial situa- tion. Cables. Austria renounces in favor of Italy ownership of cables connecting with Italy and in favor of the AUied and Associated Power cables connecting with the new States. The States shall provide for working and upkeep of these cables. Credit for the cables taken shall be given on the reparation account. The Trieste-Corfu cable arrangement between the private owners and Austria shall continue, Italy being substituted for Austria. Special Provisions, Restoration of Records, Etc. Austria undertakes to surrender to the Powers records, documents, objects of art and antiquity and scientific and other kindred material taken from invaded territory. The same provision extends to require return of property of this character to States now dismembered. As to objects brought from private owners, the financial clauses shall apply where appropriate. Historical Records. In respect of ceded territories, Austria shall deliver to the Powers all documents and historical material possessed by public institutions which may 65 THE PEACE TREATIES have a direct bearing on the history of these territories, which have been removed dimng the last ten years, and in the case of territory ceded to Italy, since 1861. In the case of the new dismembered State the period shall be twenty years. Austria recognizes that she remains bound to Italy under the Treaty of Zurich of 1859, of Vienna of 1866, and of Florence of 1868, to restore such articles therein referred to as remain in Austria. Spoliation of Italy. Within twelve months a committee of three jurists, appointed by the Reparation Commission shall decide whether the Hapsburgs or other Houses which have reigned in Italy have violated rights of Itahan provinces in carry- ing off certain valuable articles. It£jy and Austria agree to abide by the decision. Other Special Restitutions. Belgium, Poland and Czecho-Slovakia may submit claims for restitution to be examined by the same committee. They also and Austria will abide by the decision of the Committee. Crown Colleclions. Regarding the famous historical collections of the Austro-Hungarian Crown, the articles comprising them are not to be dispersed for twenty years and in that period the Government of the ceded and dismembered territories may lay claim to such of these objects as form naturally a part of the intellec- tual patrimony of those territories. Austria undertakes amicably to negotiate the return to such territories of articles of this class on terms of reciprocity. She shall make inventories and catalogues to further this purpose and mean- while students who are nationals of the AUies and Associates shall have access to them. Art Treasures Subject to Restoration. Following is a hst of the more important art treasm^es on which the com- mittee mentioned above shall pass, classified by the likely claimants: Tuscany. Crown jewels of the Princess Electress of Medici and other domanial property of the Medici removed from Venice; Medici furniture and plate and the Jewel or Aspasios owed to the Crown of Tuscany; Astronomical instruments of the Academy of Cimento removed by the House of Lorraine; MODENA. A "Virgin" of Andrea del Sarto and four drawings of Corregio removed by Duke Francis V; The MSS. of Bibha Vulgata; Breviarium Romaiium and Oflicium Beatae Virginis carried off by Duke Francis V, to- gether with the bronzes he took; Two pictures by Salvator Rosa and a portrait by Dosso Dossi, long claimed by the Duke of Modena on old account; Palermo. Objects made at Palermo for the Norman kings in the twelfth century and carried off to Vienna; Naples. Ninety-eight MSS. taken from the Library of S. Giovanni a Carbonara and other Neapolitan libraries and sent to Vierma; Various other documents taken from the State archives at Milan, Mantua, Venice and Florence; 66 TREATY OF PEACE WITH AUSTRIA Belgium. A Rubens triptych, old armour and arms, the Treasure of the Toison d'Or, old coins and MSS. taken from Brussels; Poland. The gold cup of King Ladislas IV and an undescribed "object" removed before the Partition of Poland; CzECHO-SlO V AKI A . Documents, historical memoirs, etc., removed by order of the Empress Maria Theresa, and archives of the Royal Aulio Chancellery of Bohemia and works of art from Lhc Royal Cha- teau of Prague. PART IX FINANCIAL CLAUSES Reparalion a First Charge. Subject to exceptions of the Reparations Commission, the cost ot repara- tion and other treaty costs shall constitute a first charge upon the assets and revenues of Austria. An embargo is laid upon the export of Austrian gold effective until May 1, 1921, except by permission of the Powers. The cost of the armies of occupation within the new frontiers oi Austria shall be paid, these payments to be made in crowns or other lawful money at agreed exchange rates. Other costs shall be paid in the currency of the coun- try to which payment is due. Surrender of Material Confirmed. The surrender of material under the terms of the Armistice is expressly confirmed. Of this material, that having no military value shall be assessed and credited to the Austrians on the reparation account, excepting, of course material or goods turned over which previously had been taken from nationals, of the Allied and Associated Powers. Priority of Charges. . . /-■ r • Following is the priority of the charges against Austria: Cost ot armies of occupation under Armistice; cost of armies under this treaty; cost of reparations provided in this treaty; cost of other and supplemental conven- tions. The Powers may vary this order sUghtly in connection with food sup- plies. ..... The Powers retain the right to dispose of enemy property m their juris- diction at the date of signature of this treaty. But lawful mortgages made before the war between nationals of Austria and those of the Powers are not prejudiced. Disposal of Debts of Transferred Territories. Those portions of the former Empire dismembered by the treaty shall assume proportions of the debts of the Empire secured by railways, salt niines and other property. The Reparations Commission shall have discretion in the allocation of this debt. After allocation, responsibiHty shall not go beyond the new state. The amount allocated shall be deducted from any sums owed by dismembered States to the old Empire. However, there shall be no shift- ing of specific property as security, no matter how it may be allocated among the new states. The same property must secure as before the war. Overdue instalments owed by Austria on account of purchase of railways or similar property shall be counted as among the debts secured within the meaning of these terms. 67 THE PEACE TREATIES With some latitude provided for exceptions, debts allocated to new states shall be expressed in such new state's currency and in exchange relation to the Austrian kronen on a basis which existed at the dismemberment. Where these debts were expressed in foreign currency, the expression shall continue; where they were expressed in Austrian gold, the British pound Sterling and the United States gold dollar shall be substituted. Old Austrian Debt. The dismembered states shall assume fair proportions of the unsecured bonded debt of the old Empire, the distribution being made in accordance with the average revenues of the provinces affected during 1911, 1912 and 1913. Bosnia and Herzegovina are excepted from this. Austrian debts of other categories are chargeable to Austria alone. But these terms do not apply to Austrian currency deposited with the Austro-Hungarian Bank as security for note issue. For the purposes of these terms, the old Austrian unsecured debt shall be regarded tne debt as it stood on July 28, 1914, after deducting that portion which represents the Uability of the former Hungarian Government under certain special imperial statutes. Within three months the new states shall stamp the bonds representing that part of the general debt allocated to them. If in the inventory, shortages in relation to the amount allocated appear, the new state shall issue enough new bonds to make up such shortages. Generally the old terms shall be followed excepting that the new state is responsible. Contrariwise, new states finding on inventory more of the old bonds than allocated to them, shall have credit. Provision is made for the exchange of old bonds for new by the holders. Under the pleasure of the Beparations Commission arrangements for funding and consoUdating these various bonds may be effected. Provision is made for treating certain sections as local areas with pre- served integrity as borrowing units, as, for instance, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Austrian War Debt Bonds. Each dismembered state shall stamp its proportion of old Austrian war bonds, withdraw them and replace them by certificates, the bonds being sent to the Beparations Commission. New states need not recognize these war bonds as their obligations unless they elect. If the new states repudiate the war bonds, as they are free to do, neither they nor their nationals may have recourse to any dismembered state. Austria alone is responsible for the old war debt. Within two months of signature of this treaty, the dismembered States shall stamp the currency notes issued by the Austro-Hungarian Bank existing within their territories. The new states have the option of replacing, within twelve months, these notes with their own. Any notes withdrawn by the new governments shall be held at the disposal of the Beparations Commis- sion. The same course shall be followed as to replaced notes. Liquidation of Austro-Hungarian Bank. The Austro-Hungarian Bank shall be liquidated from the day after the signature of the treaty. Following are the instructions, in detail, for this important liquidation: The liquidation shall be conducted by receivers specially appointed for that purpose by the Reparation Commission. In conducting the liquidation of the bank, the receivers shall fol- low the rules laid down in the Statutes or other valid instru- ments regulating the constitution of the bank, subject however to the special provisions of this Article. In the case of any doubt arising as to the interpretation of the rules concerning the liquidation of the bank, whether laid down in these Arti- 68 TREATY OF PEACE WITH AUSTRIA cles and Annexes or in the Statutes of the bank, the decision of the Reparation Commission or any arbitrator appointed by it for that purpose shall be final. The currency notes issued by the bank subsequent to Octo- ber 27, 1918, shall have a claim on the securities issued by the Austrian and Hungarian Governments, both former and exist- ing, and deposited with the bank by those Governments as security for these notes, but they shall not have a claim on any other assets of the bank. The currency notes issued by the bank on or prior to Octo- ber 27, 1918 (in so far as they are entitled to rank at all in conformity with these Articles), shall all rank equally as claims against all the assets of the bank, other than the Austrian and Hungarian Government securities deposited as security for the various note issues. The securities deposited by the Austrian and Hungarian Governments, both former and existing, with the bank as se- curity for the currency notes issued on or prior to October 27, 1918, shall be canceled in so far as they represent the notes converted in the territory of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy as it existed on July 28, 1914, by States to which territory of that monarchy is transferred or by States arising from the dismemberment of that Monarchy, including Austria and the present Hungary. The remainder of the securities deposited by the Austrian and Hungarian Governments, both former and existing, with the bank as security for the currency notes issued on or prior to October 27, 1918, shall be retained in force as security for, and in so far as they represent, the notes issued on or prior to October 27, 1918, which on June 15, 1919, were outside the Umits of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy as it existed on July 28, 1914, that is to say, firstly, aU notes of this description which are presented to the Reparation Commission in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Article,* and, secondly, all notes of this de- scription which may be held elsewhere and are presented to the receivers of the bank. No claims on account of any other currency notes issued on or prior to October 27, 1918, shall rank either against the general assets of the bank or against the securities deposited by the Austrian and Hungarian Governments, both former and exist- ing, as security for the notes, and any balance of such securities remaining after the amount of securities mentioned in para- graphs 10 and 11 has been calculated and deducted shall be canceled. All securities deposited by the Austrian and Hungarian Governments, both former and existing, with the bank as se- curity for currency note issues and which are maintained in force shall be the obligations respectively of the Governments of Austria and the present Hungary only and not of any other States. The holders of the currency notes of the Austro-Hungarian Bank shall have no recourse against the Governments of Austria or the present Himgary or any other Government in respect of any loss which they may suffer as the result of the liquidation of the bank. ♦Providing that withdrawn notes shall be held at the disposal of the (Commission. 69 THE PEACE TREATIES The new States shall furnish the Commission with full records and data regarding these withdrawals and replacements. The Commission shall give receipts which will form the basis for claims against the assets of the Bank in liquidation. Upon completion of liquidation, the Commission shall destroy the withdrawn notes. No notes issued on or prior to October 27, 1918, wherever held, will rank as claims against the Bank unless they are presented through the Government of the country in which they are held. Coinage. Each dismembered State, including Austria, shall deal as it thinks fit with token coinage and no State may have recourse against any other State on this account. Disposal of Old Croivn Lands. Each new or dismembered state of the old Empire shall acquire all property and possessions within its territory which belonged to the old im- perial or present Austrian Government. Not only strictly government prop- erty but also crown lands are included. The Reparations Commission shall deduct the value of such possessions from Austria's reparation account and debit the recipient on the same account. Special provisions are made to respect the integrity of certain properties held by cities, communes, etc. Austria Renounces Foreign Banking Interests. Austria renounces, so far as she is concerned, all rights accorded to her or her nationals by Treaties, Conventions or Agreements, of whatsoever kind, to representation upon or participation in the control or administration of Com- missions, State Banks, Agencies or other financial or economic organizations of an international character exercising powers of control or administration and operating in any of the Allied or Associated States, or in Germany Hungary, Bulgaria or Turkey, or in the dependencies of these States, or in the former Russiein Empire. Turkish Gold Surrendered. Austria agrees to deliver within one month of signature to the Powers the gold deposited in the Austro-Hungarian Bank in the name of the Council of the Administration of the Ottoman Public Debt as security for the first issue of Turkish Government currency notes. Brest-Litovsk Treaty Renounced. Austria renounces any benefit from the terms of the Treaty of Brest- Litovsk and that of Bucharest and supplements. Money, securities, negotia- able instruments and goods received imder these treaties are to be restored to Roumania, or to the Powers. Final disposition of these shall later be deter- mined by the Powers. German Gold Transfer Recognized. Austria recognizes the gold transfer exacted from Germany in the treaty with that country, this gold having been security for loans to Austria. Assumption of Utility Holdings. It is provided that on six months' notice Austria shall on behalf of the Reparations Commission acquire any rights of her nationals in public utility, undertakings and concessions in Russia, Turkey, Germany, Hungary or Bulgaria, their dependencies or possessions, or the dismembered states and deliver these rights to the Commission. Austria shall indemnify her nationals for such acquisitions and shall have credit therefore on the reparation account. Austria undertakes to prevent the impeding of such transfers by the countries named. 70 TREATY OF PEACE WITH AUSTRIA Austria undertakes to transfer to the Powers claims she has against Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey, credit to be given her on the reparation account. Standards of Acceptable Money. Monetary obhgations arising from the treaty expressed in gold kronen, shall unless specificially provided for otherwise, be payable at the option of the creditor in pounds sterling in London, gold dollars in New York, gold francs in Paris and gold lire in Rome, all to be of weight and fineness provided by law on January 1, 1914. Adjustments of Companies. Any financial adjustments, such as those relating to any banking and insurance companies, savings banks, postal savings banks, land banks, mort- gage companies or other similar institutions, operating within the territory of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, necessitated by the partition of that Monarchy and the resettlement of public debts and currency provided for by these Articles, shall be regulated by agreement between the various Governments concerned in such a manner as shall best secure equitable treat- ment to all the parties interested. In case the Governments concerned are unable to come to an agreement on any question arising out of this financial adjustment, or in case any Government is of opinion that its nationals have not received equitable treatment, the Reparation Commission shall, on the application of any one of the Governments concerned, appoint an arbitrator or arbitrators, whose decision shall be final. Pension Liability. Where nationals of the old Empire have become nationals of new states iabihty of Austria under old civil and military pension laws expires. PART X ECONOMIC CLAUSES Austria undertakes that goods, natural products or manufactured articles, exported to or imported from any one of the Allied or Associatedl States, shall not be subject to other or higher duties, or discrimination in procedure, even by indirect means, such as customs regulations, than are imposed upon like goods to or from other States. Every favor, immunity or privilege regarding the importation, exportation or transit of goods granted by Austria to any foreign country whatsoever shall automatically and without request be ex- tended to all the Allied and Associated States. Products in transit by ports which, before the war, were in the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy, shall for three years enjoy reductions of duty specified under the Austro-Hungarian Customs Tariff of February 13, 1906, when imported by such ports into Austria. However, the Alfied and Associated Powers agree that these provisions wiU not be invoked to secure the advantage of arrangements made by Austria with Himgary or the Czecho-Slovak State. For six months after the treaty becomes effective, Austria wUl not impose import duties higher than the most favorable duties appHed July 28, 1914. For the succeeding thirty (30) months, this provision shall continue to be appfied exclusively to importations of fruits (fresh and dried), fresh vegetables, olive oil, eggs, pigs and pork products, and live poultry, in so far as such products rates conventionalized by treaties in effect July 28, 1914, with the Allied or Associated Powers. The Czecho-Slovak State and Poland undertake that they wiU not for fifteen years impose any export charges on coal to Austria different from 71 THE PEACE TREATIES charges on coal sent to other countries. Special agreements shall be made between the three as to the supply of coal and raw materials reciprocally. Pending such agreements, but in no case more than three years, the Czecho- slovak State and Poland will not impose any export duty or other restrictions of coal or hgnite exports to Austria, up to a reasonable quantity, to be fixed, failing agreement between the States, by the Reparations Committee. Aus- tria in return shall furnish the Czecho-Slovak State and Poland raw materials as ordered by the Commission. The Czecho-Slovak State and Poland under- take during the same period to ensure that purchasers in Austria have as favorable opportunity for purchase of such products as citizens of any other country. The High Contracting Parties agree to recognize the flag flown by the vessels of any Contracting Party having no seacoast. Austria undertakes to adopt all necessary legislative and administrative measures to protect goods of the Allied or Associated Powers from unfair competition, as provided in the treaty with Germany. Austria undertakes not to subject nationals of the Allied or Associated Powers to any taxes or restrictions not imposed on other aliens or her own citizens, and furthermore to recognize any new nationality acquired by her former nationals. Obligations imposed in the customs clauses shall cease to have effect five years from the date the Treaty becomes effective, unless otherwise specified, or unless the Council of the League of Nations shall at least twelve months before the expiration of that period extend them, with or without amendment. Nevertheless, after three years, unless the League of Nations decides other- wise, an Alhed or Associated Power shall not require fuIfiiUment of the clauses regarding customs charges and regulations unless that Power accords correla- tive treatment to Austria. If the Austrian Government engages in international trade, it shall not in respect thereof, have any rights, privileges or imnuinities of sovereignty. • Other general provisions are identical with Part X of the German treaty (page 35). MULTILATERAL AND BILATERAL TREATIES The provisions in respect to multilateral and bilateral treaties are identical with those contained in the German treaty (see page 35) and in addition Austria undertakes to adhere also to the conventions for the protection of literary and artistic works, for the suppression of white phosphorus in matches, and regarding the unification of commercial statistics. Clearing Office System. The system of clearing offices established for the liquidation of interna- tional debts is identical with that established in the Treaty with Germany (page 36) excepting that the following provision is added: The amount of all taxes or imposts on capital levied or to be levied on Austria on the property, rights and interests of the nationals of the AlHed or Associated Powers from November 3, 1918, until three months from the coming into force of the present Treaty, or, in the case of property, rights or interests which have been subjected to exceptional measures of war, until restitution in accordance with the present Treaty, shall be restored to the owners. Property Rights and Interests. The sections deafing with these subjects including such matters as con- tracts, trademarks, copyrights, etc., are in every respect identical with the provisions of the similar sections of the Treaty with Germany. 72 TREATY OF PEACE WITH AUSTRIA Industrial Properly. This section in the treaty is identical with the general provisions of the German treaty (page 42), except for the following new matter: Individuals formerly nationals of the Austrian Empire, including Bosnia- Herzegovinians, those who acquire the nationality under the present Treaty, of an Allied of Associated Power, are designated in the provisions following as "nationals of the former Austrian Empire,"_^the remainder as "Austrian nationals." All transferred nationals shall continue to enjoy in Austria all the rights they were entitled to, in industrial, Uterary or artistic property under legisla- tion in force at the time of the transfer. Questions concerning the nationals of the former Austrian Empire as well as Austrian Nationals not dealt with in the present Treaty shall form the subject of a special convention between the states concerned, Austria included, within three months from the elfective- ness of the Treaty and not to conllict with its terms. Restoration without delay to nationals of the former Austrian Empire of their property, rights and interests, situated in Austrian territory. Taxes and imposts on capital levied or increased on the property, rights and interests of nationals of the former Austrian Empire since November 3, 1918, shall be returned to the owners and the property, rights or interests restored shall not be subject to any tax levied in respect of any other property or business owned by the same person. If taxes have been paid in anticipation on property removed from Austria, the proper proportion for the period subse- quent to removal, shall be returned. Legacies, donations and funds given or established in the former Austro-Hangarian monarchy for the benefits of nationals of the former Austrian Empire, shall be placed by Austria, where the funds in her territory, the disposition of Allied or Associated Power of which the person interested is now a national, in the condition the funds were in July 28, 1914, taking account of proper payments. Notwithstanding previous provisions the property rights and interests of Austrian nationals or companies controlled by them, situated in the terri- tories of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy, shall not be subject to retention or liquidation and shall be restored to the owner freed from any measure of this kind. Contracts for the sale of goods for delivery by sea concluded before Jan- uary 1, 1917, between nationals of the former Austrian Empire on the one part and the administration of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy, Austria, or Bosnia-Herzegovina or Austrian nationals, on the other part, shall be annulled except in respect to a debt arising thereunder. All other contracts between such parties made before November 1, 1918, and were in force on that date will be maintained. With regard to prescriptions, limitations, and forfeitures in the trans- ferred territories, the ride of suspension shall be applied with substitution for the expression "outbreak of war" of the expression "date, which shall be fixed by administrative decision of each Allied or Associated Power, at which relations between the parties became impossible in fact or in law" and for the expression "duration of the war" of the expression "period between the date above indicated and that of the coming into force of the present Treaty." Transfer of property rights or interests belonging to a company incorporated under the laws of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy in which AUied or Associated nationals are interested to a company incorporated in accordance with the laws of any other power, is not to be impeded in any way by Austria, and she undertakes to faciUtate such transfer and render assistance in the restoration of property, riglits or interests to Allied or Asso- ciated nationals or corporations of property in Austria or in transferred territory. The clearing office system shall not apply to debts between Austrian 73 THE PEACE TREATIES nationals and nationals of the former Austrian Empire, and subject to certain provisions in the case of new states these debts shall be paid in the legal currency of the state of which the national of former Austrian Empire has become a national with an exchange rate equal to the average quoted on the Geneva Exchange during the two months preceding November 1, 1918. INSURANCE COMPANIES. Insurance companies whose principal place of business was in territory previously part of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy, shall have the right to carry on their business for ten years after the effectiveness of the Treaty in Austrian territory, without the rights they enjoyed before transfer being affected by the change of nationality and no higher taxes or charges shall be imposed upon them than on national companies nor any measure in derogation of their rights of property not imposed on Austrian companies and adequate compensation shall be paid in event of the application of any such measures. The provisions shall apply only so long as Austrian companies, previously carrying on business in transferred territories, are given reciprocal treatment. Special agreements will determine the division of the property of associa- tions or public corporations carrying on their functions in territory which is divided in consequence of the present Treaty. A special convention shall determine all questions relative to the records, registers, and copies in connection with the protection of industrial, hlerary or artistic property and fix their eventual transfer. The Austrian Government undertakes without prejudice to other pro- visions of the Treaty to hand over to the proper Power such portion of the reserves accumulated by the Government or administrations of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy or by public or private organizations under their control, as is attributable to the carrying on of Social or State Insurance in such territory. The Power receiving the funds must apply them to the performance of the obligations arising under such insurance, and the condi- tions of delivery shall be determined by special conventions. Where the special conventions are not concluded witliin three months after the effective- ness of the Treaty the conditions of transfer shall in each case be determined by a Commission which shall recommend suitable action to the Council of the League of Nations, whose decisions shall bind Austria and the other Government concerned. PART XI AERIAL NAVIGATION This Part in the Austrian Treaty is identical with Part XI in the Treaty with Germany (see page 43). PART XII PORTS, WATERWAYS AND RAILWAYS Section I GENERAL PROVISIONS The general provisions of this Part are identical with those of Part XII in the German treaty (see page 44) except as to sections in the German treaty applicable locally and the following in this treaty: TREATY OF PEACE WITH AUSTRIA CLAUSES RELATING TO THE DANUBE General Clauses Relating to River Systems Declared International The Danube from Ulm shall be international, together with the navigable parts of the river which provide more than one state with access to the sea, and that portion of the Morava (March) and the Thaya (Theiss) forming the frontier between Czecho-Slovakia and Austria and waterways connecting navigable parts of the river. The contemplated Rhine-Danube navigable waterway also would be included. The nationals, property and flags of all countries shall be treated equally on the international waterways. Austrian vessels must obtain authority to carry passengers and goods between Austrian ports and those of an aUied country. Fair charges may be levied against alhed vessels plying on the specified rivers in proportion to the expenditures necessary to keep the channels in navigable condition, without any unnecessary detailed examination of cargoes. Equal rights for allied vessels in international waters are provided. When the river forms a frontier, passengers and goods shall be exempt from all customs formalities. No dues of any kind shall be levied along the coiu-se or at the mouth of the international waterways sxcept those specified. Bona fide customs and harbor charges by the riparian states are permissible, however. Riparian states are required to maintain safe and satisfactory conditions of navigation on the international waterways. Complaint of neglect to carry out this provision may be made by the riparian states to the tribunal created for this purpose by the League of Nations. The tribunal is armed with the necessary power to enforce suspension or suppression of works undertaken by the riparian states of a nature which would impede navigation in the international section. The temporary regime shall be superseded by one to be laid down in a General Convention cfi-awn up by the Allies, and approved by the League of Nations, relating to the waterways recognized in such convention as haying an international character. This Convention would apply to the specified river systems as international, and Austria undertakes to adhere to the General Convention. Concession by Austria to the Allies, within a maximum period of three months from the date of notification to be given her, of a proportion of the tugs and vessels remaining registered in the ports of the Danube river system after the deduction of those surrendered by way of restitution or reparation is provided. Austria shall also cede material of all kinds necessary to the Allies for the utifization of the river system. . , , The number of tugs and boats to be surrendered would be determined by an arbitrator nominated by the United States, and all vessels turned over to the AUies must be in good operating condition. Where the surrender ot the vessels involves a change of ownership, the arbitrator shall deter nune the rights of the former owners as of October 15, 1918, and the amount pf com- pensation to be paid, and to whom the compensation should revert. Although final allocation of the surrendered vessels will be made by the arbitrator, a joint commission, composed of representatives of the AUied countries would operate the vessels pending allocation, the net receipts of the operation ot the vessels to be disposed of by the Reparation Commission, Special Clauses Relating to the Danube. The European Commission of the Danube reassumes the powers it pos- sessed before the war, composed, however, only of representatives of the Alhes, and where the competence of the Commission ceases, the Danube systems vrill be governed by a commission representing the riparian states. 75 THE PEACE TREATIES Austria is pledged to accept the regime to be laid down for the Danube by a Conference of Powers to meet one year after the Treaty goes into force. The country also is pledged to make to the European Commission of the Danube all restitutions, and indemnities for damages inflicted on the Com- mission during the war. Hydraulic System. Agreements shall be made between the Austrian states to safeguard the interests and rights acquired by each of them, when use is made of water or hydrauhc power, the source of which is on the territory of another state. Faihng an agreement, the matter shall be regulated by an arbitrator appointed by the Council of the League of Nations. Pending an agreement, central electric stations and waterworks shall be required to continue the supply up to an amount corresponding to the con- tracts in force November 3, 1918. RAILWAYS Freedom of Transit to Adriatic. Free access to the Adriatic Sea is accorded Lo Austria, who will enjoy free- dom of transit over the territories and in the ports severed from the former Austro- Hungarian monarchy. Special conventions between the states or administrations concerned wili lay down the conditions of the exercise of this right and will settle in particular the method of using the ports and the free zones existing in them, the establishment of international joint services and tariffs, including through tickets and way-bills, and the maintenance of the Convention of Berne of October 14, 1890, and its supplementary provisions until its replacement by a new convention. Freedom of transit will extend to postal, telegraphic and telephonic services. With the object of insuring regular utihzation of the railroads of the former Austro-Hungarian monarchy owned by private companies which will as a result of the treaty be situated in the territory of several states, the admin- istrative and technical reorganization of the hnes shall be regidated by agree- ment between the companies and the states. In case of failure to agree, the question shall be submitted to arbitrators designated by the council of the League of Nations. Within five years from the going into force of the treaty, Italy may require the construction or improvement on Austrian territory of the new trans- Alpine lines of the Col de Reschen and the Pas de Predil. (Jnless Austria decides to pay for the works herself, the cost of construction or improvement shall be paid by Italy. An arbitrator appointed by the council of the League of Nations shall determine the portion of the cost which must be repaid by Austria to Italy on account of the increase of revenue on the Austrian railway system resulting from these works. Austria is required to hand over to Italy gratui- tously the surveys for the construction of the following railway lines: The line from Tarvis to Trieste by Raibl, Plezzo, Caporetto, Canada and Gorizia; The local line from S. Lucia de Tolmino to Vaporetto; The hne from Tarvis to Plezzo (new scheme) ; The Reschen Une coimecting Landeck and Mais. In view of the importance to the Czecho-Slovakia state of free communi- cation between that state and the Adriatic, Austria recognizes the right of that state to run its own trains over the section of certain railway lines included within her territory, but these trains shall not engage in local traffic except by agreement. Such running powers will include the right to estabUsh sheds with small shops for minor repairs to locomotives and rolling stock and to appoint representatives when necessary to supervise the working of trains. The conditions under which the rights of the Czecho-Slovak state sheJl be 76 TREATY OF PEACE WITH AUSTRIA exercised shall be laid down in a convention between its railway administration cmd that of the Austrian systems concerned subject to arbitration and points of difference by an arbitrator nominated by Great Britain. In the event of this agreement as to the interpretation of the convention or of difficulties arising unprovided for in the convention, the same form of arbi- tration will be conducted until such time as the League of Nations may lay down some other procedure. PART XIII LABOR PROVISIONS In the Austrian Treaty this Part is identical with Part XIII of the Treaty with Germany (see page 46). PART XIV MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Austria undertakes to accept the conventions made by the Allied and Associated Powers with other powers in respect of traffic in arms and liquors. The remainder of this Part is practically identical with Part XV of the Treaty with Germany (aee page 47). 7? THE PEACE TREATIES DECLARATIONS OF WAR AND SEVERANCES OF DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS RETWEEN NATIONS Following is a complete list of the declarations of war and severances of diplomatic relations, with the date of each, in connection with the present war: DECLARATIONS OF WAR Austria v. Belgium, August 28, 1914. Austria v. Japan, August 27, 1914. Austria v. Montenegro, August 9, 1914. Austria v. Russia, August 6, 1914. Austria v. Serbia, July 28, 1914. Brazil v. Germany, October 26, 1917. Bulgaria v. Roumania, September 1, 1916. Bulgaria v. Serbia, October 14, 1915. China v. Austria, August 14, 1917. China v. Germany, August 14, 1914. Cuba V. Germany, April 7, 1917. Cuba V. Austria, December 16, 1917. France v. Austria, August 12, 1914. France v. Bulgaria, October 16, 1915. France v. Germany, August 3, 1914. Germany v. Belgium, August 4, 1914. Germany v. France, August 3, 1914. Germany v. Portugal, March 9, 1916. Germany v. Roumania, August 28, 1916. Germany v. Russia, August 1, 1914. Great Britain v. Austria, August 13, 1914. Great Britain v. Bulgaria, October 15, 1915. Great Britain v. Germany, August 4, 1914. Great Britain v. Turkey, November 5, 1914. Greece (Provisional Government) v. Bulgaria, November 23, 1916. Greece (Government of Alexander) v. Bulgaria, July 2, 1917. Greece (Provisional Government) v. Germany, November 23, 1916. Greece (Government of Alexander) v. Germany, July 2, 1917. Guatemala v. Germany, April 21, 1918. Haiti V. Germany, July 12, 1918. Honduras v. Germany, July 19, 1918. Italy V. Austria, May 24, 1915. Italy V. Bulgaria, October 19, 1915. Italy V. Germany, August 29, 1916. Italy V. Turkey, August 21, 1915. Japan v. Germany, August 23, 1914. Liberia v. Germany, August 4, 1917. Nicaragua v. Austria, May 6, 1918. 7a DECLARATIONS OF WAR Nicaragua v. Germany, May 6, 191S. Panama v. Germany, April 7, 1917. Panama v. Austria, December 10, 1917. Portugal (resolution authorizing intervention as an ally of England) v. Ger- many, November 23, 1914. Portugal (military aid granted) v. Germany, May 19, 1915. Roumania (allies of Austria considered it a declaration of war) v. Austria, August 27, 1916. Russia v. Bulgaria, October 19, 1915. Serbia v. Germany, August 6, 1914. Siam V. Austria, July 22, 1917. Siam V. Germany, July 22, 1917. Turkey v. Roumania, August 29, 1916. Turkey (holy war) v. Allies, November 11, 1914. United States v. Austria, December 7, 1917. United States v. Germany, April 6, 1917. SEVERANCES OF DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS Austria v. Portugal, March 15, 1916. Austria v. Serbia, July 26, 1914. Austria v. United States, April 8, 1917. Belgium v. Turkey, October 30, 1914. Bolivia v. Germany, April 14, 1917. Brazil v. Germany, April 11, 1917. China v. Germany, March 14, 1917. Ecuador v. Germany, December 7, 1917. France v. Austria, August 11, 1914. France v. Turkey, October 30, 1914. Germany v. Italy, May 23, 1915. Great Britain v. Turkey, October 30, 1914. Greece v. Austria, July 2, 1917. Greece v. Turkey, July 2, 1917. Guatemala v. Germany, April 27, 1917. Haiti V. Germany, June 16, 1917. Honduras v. Germany, May 17, 1917. Japan v. Austria, August 25, 1914. Liberia v. Germany, May 8, 1917. Nicaragua v. Germany, May 19, 1917. Peru V. Germany, October 5, 1917. Roumania v. Bulgaria. August 30, 1916. Russia v. Bulgaria, October 5, 1915. Russia v. Roumania, January 28, 1918. Russia V. Turkey, October 30, 1914. Turkey v. United States, April 20, 1917. United States v. Germany, February 3, 1917. Uruguay v. Germany, October 7, 1917. 79 THE PEACE TREATIES MILESTONES OF THE ROAD TO VICTORY The number of men serving in the armed forces of the United States during the war was 4,800,000 of whom 4,000,000 served in the army. It took three years for the EngKsh armies in France to reach a strength of 2,000,000, but the Americaui armies did it in one-half of that time. Out of every 100 men who served, 10 were National Guardsmen, 13 were Regulars, and 77 were in the National Army. In the physical examinations, the states of the Middle West made the best showing. Country boys did better than city boys, whites better than colored, and native-born better than foreign-born. In this war, the United States raised twice as many men as in the Civil War, and at one-twentieth of the cost for recruiting. There were 200,000 army officers. Of every 6 officers, one had previous mihtary training with troops, 3 were graduates of officers' training camps, and 2 came directly from civil life. Our participation in the war lasted 19 months. Half a million men were sent overseas in the first 13 months, and a million and a half in the last 6 months. Half of the troops landed in France, and half of them in England. The highest troop carrying records are those of July, 1918, when 306,000 soldiers were carried to Europe, and May, 1919, when 330,000 were brought home to America. The greatest troop carrier among the ships was the Levialhan, which landed 12,000 men, or the equivalent of a German division, in France every month. One-fourth of all the troops who went overseas were assigned to the Services of Supply. The average American soldier in France wore out a slicker and overcoat every 5 months; a blanket, flannel shirt, and breeches every 2 months; a coat every 79 days; a pair of shoes and puttees every 51 days; a pair of drawers and an undershirt, every 34 days; and a pair of woolen socks every 23 days. In 1912 the American army allotted 4 machine guns for each infantry regiment. In 1919 the allotment is 336 machine guns per regiment. American plants produced a greater number of complete units of artillery than all those purchased from the French and British during the war. In the first 20 months after the declaration of war by each nation. Great Britain produced more artillery than the United States, but the United States excelled the British record in the production of heavy artillery and light and heavy ammunition. American armies had in France 3,500 pieces of artillery, of which nearly 500 were made in America. They used on the firing line 2,250 pieces of which 130 were made in America. American aviators used 2,698 planes at the battle front, of which 667 80 MILESTONES ON THE ROAD TO VICTORY were of American manufacture. American aviators brought down 755 enemy planes in action and lost 357. Two out of every three of the American soldiers who reached France took part in battle. American divisions were in battle for 200 days, and engaged in 13 major operations. During the last 4 months of the war, American divisions held a longer front than that held by the British armies. In October, 1918, the American divisions held 101 miles of front line, or 23 per cent, of the entire western front. The most intense concentration of artillery fire ever recorded was that of the American troops in the battle of St. Mihiel, when our artillery fired more than 1,000,000 shells in four hours. The Meuse-Argonne battle lasted for 47 days, during which 1,200,000 American troops were engaged. The total battle deaths of all nations in this war were greater than all the deaths in all the wars of the previous 100 years. The war cost the United States considerably more than one million dollars an hour for over two years. Our expenditures in this war were sufficient to have carried on the Revo- lutionary War continuously for more than 1,000 years at the rate of expenditure which that war actually involved. The total war cost of all nations was about $186,000,000,000 of which the Allies spent two-thirds and the enemy one-third. ESTIMATED TOTAL WAR EXPENDITURES OF PRIN- CIPAL NATIONS TO APRIL 30, 1919 (All figures in bilUons of doUars and excluding normal expenses) Billions of dollars 39 Germany ^ British Empire France _ United States Austria-Hungary Russia Italy ^l Belgium, Roumania, Portugal, Jugo-Slavia » Turkey and Bulgaria Japan and Greece Total expenditures ^^^ 81 THE PEACE TREATIES GROSS TONNAGE OF SEAGOING MERCHANT VESSELS LOST AUGUST 1, 1914-NOVEMBER 11, 1918* Countries Total Enemy Action Marine Risk WORLD TOTAL 15,413,603 13,022,861 2,390,742 ALLIES AND NEUTRALS. . 15,027,718 12,743,674a 2,284,044 United States 825,417 8,899,650 5,302,642 394,658 7,756,659 4,592,357 430,759b Great Britain 1,143,000c Other Countries 710,285d Norway ■ 385,885e 1,177,001 846,333 888,783 240,860 200,829 345,516 182,933 203,190 167,865 93,136 83,819 120,176 25,464 4.275 6,027 1,419 3,973 758 279,187 Italy France Denmark Sweden Greece Russia Holland Spain Portugal Belgium Japan Brazil Argentine. . Uruguay Peru Roumania Persia ENEMY COUNTRIES 106,698 Germany Austria 273,605 35,599 76,681 187,340 15,166 76>681 86,265 20,433 Turkey a. Recorded by British Admiralty, unconfirmed by official reports of other coimtries. b. U. S. Shipping Board, Division of Planning and Statistics Report for vessels 500 gross tons and over. c. No figm-es available for further distribution of marine risk losses. d. Tabulated by Statistical Branch, British Ministry of Shipping for vessels 500 gross tons and over, July 1, 1914-October 31, 1918. e. From British Admiralty's Report of German and Austrian Mercantile Vessels and from reports of the Allied Maritime Transport Council as reported to February 1, 1919. *United States Shipping Board, Division of Planning and Statistics. 82 MILESTONES ON THE ROAD TO VICTORY EFFECT OF WAR ON SHIP TONNAGE (Figures in round numbers) United States United Kingdom Other Countries World At outbreak of war War losses Gross reduction to Added by building Added by seizures Tonnage, November 11, 191S Added to April 1, 1919 (net estimate) Tonnage, April 1, 1919 Gain or loss 7,900,000 900,000 7,000,000 3,400,000 500,000 10,900,000 900,000 11,800,000 +3,900,000 19.250,000 9,000,000 10,250,000 4,800,000 700,000 15,750,000 675,000 16,425,000 -2,825,000 15,250,000 5,100,000 10,150,000 2,500,000 1,175,000 13,825,000 550,000 14,375,000 -875,000 42,400,000 15,000,000 27,400.000 10,700,000 2,375,000 40,475,000 2,125,000 42,600,000 +200,000 Of the American tonnage, about 6,500,000 is upon inland waters. LOSS IN VALUES THROUGH SHIP SINKINGS United States United Kingdom Other Allies and Neutrals World's Total Ship values ($200 a ton) . . . Cargo values ($100 a ton)... Property, money and lives in- sured ($10 a ton) .... Earning power ($6.75 a ton a month) $182,370,800 91,185,400 9,118,540 134.033,122 $1,808,748,800 904,374,400 90,437,440 1.340,331,217 $1,022,452,600 511,266,300 51,122,639 759,521,023 $3,013,572,200 1,506,786,100 150,678,610 2,233,885,362 Total for ships sunk $416,707,862 $ 52,568.383 $4,143,891,857 $521,371,841 $2,344,322,553 $294,721,962 $6,904,922,272 Ships damaged. . $868,662,180 Total marine $469,276,245 i $4,665,263,698 $2,639,044,515 $7,773,584,458 83 THE PEACE TREATIES AMERICAN DATA FOR THE MEUSE-ARGONNE BATTLE Days of battle 47 American troops engaged 1,200,000 Guns employed in attack 2,417 Rounds of artillery ammimition fired 4,214,000 Airplanes used 840 Tons of explosives dropped by planes on enemy lines 100 Tanks used 324 Miles of f)enetration of enemy line, maximum 34 Square kilometers of territory taken 1,550 Villages and towns liberated 150 Prisoners captured ■, 16,059 Artillery pieces captured 468 Machine guns captured 2,864 Trench mortars captured 177 American casualties 120,000 FIGURES OF AMERICAN PARTICIPATION IN THE WAR Total armed forces, including army, navy, marine corps, etc. . 4,800,000 Total men in the army 4,000,000 Men who went overseas 2,086,000 Men who fought in France 1,390,000 Greatest number of men sent in one month 306,000 Greatest number of men returning in one month 333,000 Tons of supplies shipped from America to France 7,500,000 Total of men registered in draft 24,234,021 Total draft inductions (men) 2,810,296 Graduates of Line Officers' Training Schools 80,468 Cost of war to June 30, 1919 $30,427,000,000 Cost of army to June 30, 1919 $14,930,000,000 Battles fought by American troops 13 Months of American participation in the war 19 Days of battle 200 Duration of Meuse-Argonne battle (days) 47 Americans in Meuse-Argonne battle 1,200,000 American casualties in Meuse-Argonne battle 120,000 American battle deaths of war 50,000 American wounded in war 236,000 American deaths from disease 56,991 Total deaths in the army 112,422 84 MILESTONES ON THE ROAD TO VICTORY WAR CASUALTIES Americans lost at sea 692 British subjects lost at sea 20,620 Ejiglish men, women and children the victims of air raids and bombardment 1,270 Belgians killed in various ways 30,000 French killed in various ways 40,000 Neutrals killed by submarines 7,500 Armenians, Syrians, Jews and Greeks massacred or starved by the Turks 4,000,000 Deaths beyond the normal mortality from influenza and pneu- monia induced by the war 4,000,000 Serbian dead through disease or massacre 1,085,441 DEATHS DUE TO WAR MiUtary deaths 7,462,813 Civilian deaths 9,185,523 Total 16,648,336 BATTLE DEATHS IN ARMIES ENGAGED IN PRESENT WAR, 1914-1918 Russia 1,700,000 Germany 1,600,000 France 1,385,300 Great Britain 900.000 Austria 800,000 Italy 330,000 Turkey 250,000 Serbia and Montenegro 125,000 Belgium 102,000 Roumania 100,000 Bulgaria 100,000 United States 60,000 Greece 7,000 Portugal 2,000 Total 7,461,300 85 OcO OM oo oo O CD O '-< CD O (0^*4 6?o oo mI2 =?<= ^ oo o i:j o H 1—4 o o o cc0 0<>) ooo O'CS 6§ 6? o w p < -<• o " »-t oo O CR O t^ C^ 1-t ^6§ t^ M ss S°- oo "Jco « o 6?S5 O O O CO O 30 oo oco O !N o oo "O O O o o o O s -^J* r-i T-( CO O CO *-i ^H t^iM 00 &? 6- 6§ 65 i-H CO CO t^ rH oo »-t »o 55 %B ■ ta »."o S-D '1 2 gS •S-g " ffl " fe - c feo- fe a i-S =^5 "^S SZ -SQ -SO S c ra ra « C/3 O H l-H ^ I O H w «^ £S ^ n o ss; Oi— »— CO mco oo o o r» o lO^ en^ coco CJ CJ o o esoi CD o C3 §1 CO CD ^ CJ o'oj o s s 2 "Sr 2 od rCin CUC3) C5 C C *; !2 io r^cn ea QJ » CO ^ tno °i^ CD rC o>i-^ «9- N OPO 5 £§^ £? s? Ot^ OCO oo OOO OOl oo O oo o o •— • O*-" oo coco o t^ t^ o o g o s o oo o'o" Of- o_ o o CO IC o_ o o" COI^ m'co o" "^ o o t^C-) o ■*t* o ^_o ICO o-a< CO o O-H t>- w& ~f^ &? is o o o-* «CO gs oo 2 IC f^ C3 O 'J* lc*t o o lO O o-< o?5 ai^ oS: C5 ■»** oo oo 2 o "5 -^ o oo oo o K) ■^ Q o" o"o" CJ — ^,^ o'o' o oc Pi o oo 22 Tt< Oi o o oo oo o o oTo' C3 t3 o cq«3 — IU5 o t-i o CO C»CO o TO 6§65 6? 6§ II -«! o — Ot)< oo C<1CD cot- °2 o o c; -^ o ^o o o too co c^ oo o O o o cc o oo oo o lO rt o" o" o'o TjiiC COTJI o'o" o' o -< IT) o oo o o 2 o o_o_ oo o o" o cooo' 2' o. o SC; CO o o « oi ^6? s? o OiC Ord oo CO CD OOO oo o o 2 o OiO oS oo COCM oa> "2 r* ": o o o" o o t^ o" o o oo o"o oo oo o oo o'o" oo 1 t^ Cl o o o o oo ot^ c E5Z o o" cTo o'lra o' 2^ ui o OOO )S'° 2 o o OOS Oi t-H Of o" lo ■*co" S ^ N CJ £^ 6§ 6§ II K- o O-H G-ri* oo ot~ >rt o OO o « o 2 o o »^ Ot)< t^ »ra oo o o o o o_?! oo o'o' 0'r> ot^ CO coco oo o'o" x; o o o o oo oo « ''il S o o o oo oo c »c o o o'o ■=2 o CO c> o ICO o o oS 05^ C^ o o a"* CO " c o OM oo oo 22 w o o o> ooco OO o oo oo s o o o'o oo; o"o o oo 22 H o o oo oo lO 00 ■*^f^ oo"od Hi ■^i^C'l o Pi ^ oo OU5 oo o o o oo oo OCSl §s c CO c §§ o'o oo c o g^g s oo oo o ir. o'ln >c"o o Z c» t2£ CO—I 52 o ;s s ^ 1 II CG c C eg z 'c » J j= 11 £ ■£ . t c Ul cc x:£ ^ e" s s-l — c "c ■c c S c 3 CO < p ^ 1' o t» _c c t. c >• a .c Ul cc _x •5E 1 = >• S; = ■k£ c c 1 i { a H II : II ll c ■ z e 7 o s 2 2 c C - h H ■ H h ■ u THE PEACE TREATIES AMERICAN LOANS TO ALLIES * The following advances have been made by the United States Treasury to the Allies. These debts are represented by demand obligations bearing 5% interest. Belgium $343,445,000.00 Cuba 10,000,000. 00 Czecho-Slovakia 55,330,000.00 France 3,047,974,777.24 Great Britain 4,316,000,000. 00 Greece 48,236,629.00 Italy 1,618,775,945.99 Liberia 5,000,000. 00 Roumania 30,000,000. 00 Russia 187,729,750. 00 Serbia 26,780,465. 56 §9,689,272,567. 84 A total of $10,000,000,000 in loans to the Allies has been authorized by Congress and it is expected that within a short time the whole authorization will be utilized. =•= Corrected to September 10, 1919. 88 INDEX INDEX TO GERMAN TREATY PAGE Air Forces Clauses 28 Air Navigation 43 Aggression Under League, Art. 10 9 Air Control, Under League 9 Arbitration Under Ijeague 10 Armaments, Reduction Under League 9 Armaments, Rhine Forts Demol- ished 21 Alsace-Lorraine Clauses 22 Armaments, Military Clauses. ... 27 Armaments, Naval Clauses 28 Armaments, Air Clauses 28 Belgian Clauses 21 Bilateral Treaties 35 Bond Issues, Indenmity 31 Boundaries, German 18 Brazilian Coffee Indemnity 34 Bulgaria, Treaties with 26 Cables Transfer 33 Cameroons 2.5 Canals, Kiel 45 Canals, Ports, Railways 44 Chinese Clauses 25 Clearing Offices 3G Clearing Offices 37 Coal, Pa3Tnents in 32 Coal, Saar Fields Ceded 21 Colonies 25 Commission, Reparations 31 Competition, Unfair 34 Contracts, Pre- War 40 Cancellation, Mortgages, Etc 40 Covenant, League of Nations. ... 6 Customs Clauses 34 Czechoslovakia 23 Debts, German Pre-War 33 Debts, German Pre-War 36 Debts, German Pre-War 37 Discipline, under League 12 Dispute, under League 10 Between Members and Non- members 13 Dyes and Chemicals, Payments in 32 Damages, Defined 30 Danish Frontier 24 Danube Commission 44 PAGE Danzig, Free City of 24 East Prussia and Memel 24 Economic Clauses 34 Customs, Ports, Competition . . 34 Mutilations, etc.. Treaties 35 Pre-War Debts 36 Clearing Offices 36 Effective Dates 47 Egypt 26 Embargo, Gold 34 Enemy Property, Restoration.. . . 39 European Political Clauses 21 Extra European Clauses 25 German Colonies 25 Chinese Clauses 25 Siam, Liberia, Morocco, Egypt. 25 Financial Provision 33 Pre-War Debt, Cost of Occupa- tion 33 Gold Embargo, Brazilian Coffee 34 Foreigners, Treatment of 35 Forts, Heligoland, Demolished. . . 24 Forts, Rhine, Demolished 21 Free Ports 44 Funded Interests, Expropriation of 33 German Austria 23 Gex Zone 48 Gold Embargo 34 Graves and Prisoners 29 Guaranties, Treaty 47 Heligoland Forts Demolished. ... 24 Indemnities 30 Industrial Property 42 Insurance Clauses 41 International Rivers 44 Kaiser, Surrender and Trial of . . . 29 Kiel Canal 45 Labor Organization 46 Governing Body 46 Procedure 46 General Clauses 47 League of Nations Covenant 6 League of Nations, How Con- stituted 6 League of Nations, Colonies Under 14 89 PAGE League of Nations, Mandatories. 15 League of Nations, Seat of 8 League of Nations, Ratification. . 15 League of Nations, Red Cross. . . 16 League of Nations, Secretariat. . . 8 League of Nations, Treaty Reg- istration 13 League of Nations, Treaties to be made 15 League of Nations, War under. . 12 League of Nations, Votes of Members. 8 Liberia 26 Luxemburg Clauses 21 Mandatories under League 15 Members of League 17 Military Clauses 27 Miscellaneous Provision 47 Morocco 26 Moselle 44 Multilateral Treaties 35 Naval Clauses 27 Navigation, Aerial 43 Obligations under League, Art. 10 9 Obligations under League 14 Opium 43 Patents 43 Poland Established 23 Political Clauses 21 Ports, Canals Railway 44 Ports, Freedom of 34 Preamble, German Treaty 1 Pre- War Contracts 40 Pre-War Debt . 33 Prisoners and Graves 29 Prize Courts 48 Railways, Ports, Canals 44 PAGE Railways, Through Services 45 Ratification of Treaty 48 Red Cross under League 16 Religious Missions 43 Rcoccupation 47 Reparation and Restitution 30 Damages, Indemnities 30 Reparation Commission 31 Bond Issues 31 Shipping, Coal, Dyes 32 Responsibility for War 30 Restoration of Devastated Areas. 32 Restoration, Property 39 Rhine 44 Rhine Forts Demolished 21 River Craft Ceded 45 Rivers, International 44 Rivers, Danube 44 Rivers, Rhine 44 Rivers, MoseUe 44 Russian Clauses 24 Saar Coal Fields Ceded 21 Savoy Zone 48 Schleswig 24 Shantung 27 Shipping 48 Shipping, Restitution of 32 Siam 26 Signatories, German Treaty 1 Special Provisions 33 Tie Votes 48 Trademarks 43 Transit, Freedom of 44 Treaty Guaranties 47 Treaty, Ratification of 48 Trial of Kaiser 29 Turkey, Treaties with 26 INDEX TO AUSTRIAN TREATY PAGE Aerial Navigation 74 Air Clauses 62 Archives, Surrender of 59 Armament, Reduction 61 Arms, Traffic in 77 Austria, Treaty with 51 Austro-Hungarian Bank, Liqui- dation of GS Bank, Austro-Hungarian, Liqui- dation 69 Banking Interests, Foreign 70 Belgian Clauses 59 Bilateral Treaties 72 Boundaries 52 Boundaries Recognized 59 Boundary Commissions 55 Brest-Litovsk Treaty 70 Bulgarian Clauses 59 Cables 65 PAGE China Clauses 59 Civil Judgments 57 Clearing Offices 72 Coinage, Disposition of 70 Commercial Clauises 72 Commission, Reparations 63 Competition, Unfair 72 Contracts, Etc 73 Copyrights, Etc 72 Crown Lands, Disposition 70 Customs Clauses 71 Czecho-Slovak State 58 Danube Clauses 75 Debt, Old War 68 Debts of Transferred States 67 Debts, Settlement of 72 Economic Clauses 71 Egypt Clauses 60 Extra European Clauses 59 90 PAGE Financial Clauses 67 Reparation 67 Surrender of Materials 67 Debts 67 Foreign Banking Interests 70 Gold, German Transfer 70 Gold, Turkish, Surrendered 70 Graves and Prisoners 63 Industrial Property 73 Insurance Companies 74 International Rivers 75 Klagenfurt Plebiscite 57 Labor Provisions 77 Legacies, Donations, etc 73 Liquidation of Austro-Hungarian Banks 68 Liquor Traffic 77 Livestock Reparations 65 Luxemburg Clauses 59 Minorities, Protection of 58 Military Clauses ; 61 Miscellaneous Provisions 77 Money Standards Acceptable. ... 71 Morocco Clauses 60 Multilateral Treaties 72 Nationality, Transfers of 58 Naval Clauses 62 Navigation, Aerial 74 Penalties 63 Pension Liability 71 Political Clauses 55 PAGH Ports, Waterways, Railways 74 Power Stations, Central 56 Preamble 51 Priority of Charges 67 Prisoners and Graves 63 Property Rights, Etc 72 Railroads, State, in Italy 56 Railways, Ports, Waterways 74 Railways, Transit, Etc 76 Railways, Italian Projects 76 Reparations 63 Reparations : Livestock 65 Goods 65 Restoration of Art Works 66 Rivers, International 75 Rivers, Danube 75 Roumanian Clauses 58 Russian Clauses 59 Schleswig Clause 59 Serb-Croat-Slovene State 57 Siam Clauses 60 Special Provisions 65 State Property in Italy 56 Trademai-ks, Etc 72 Transit, Railways 76 Treaties, Mutilated and Bilateral 72 Treaty, Brest-Litovsk 70 Turkish Clauses 59 Utility Holdings 70 Wireless Clauses 62 MISCELLANEOUS PAGE American War Contributions ... 80 American Loans to Allies 88 American Participation Figures. . 84 Argonne, Data 84 Casualties, War 79 Debts, War, of Belligerents 86 Diplomatic Severance Dates 79 PAGE Expenditures of Belligerents 81 France, Separate Treaty with 49 Shipping, Losses in Values 83 Shipping Losses of World 82 Shipping War Effect on Tonnage. 83 Treaty with France 53 War Declarations, Dates 78 91 WTNKOOP HALLENBBOK CBAWrOBD CO, NBW TOBK LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 020 953 319 4 #