% LIBRARY OF COi^GRESS. Shelf UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. % 1 3 RR RRTlPBen By SDITB m. TBeiWRS I' Illustrated by half-tone Gn^i' mac^ej sKT^o oub Her €)fe<^x«)eiL ^Ingerx^ UpoQ eac^ 6foorr| ;6fte falsL, ©Jftev, fteec|^uf o^ ^er prex^ence, Sr^ fo^sF^ trarK^jporf <^coaueiL. (i |t v\?as a budding v\?oodland I^eside a river's flov\?." i IS'JW^if^ fe^^^S?^c. t%'f='^'S^" rjjfMHifcTr~~' ~ *- ©Jfteir x^coQLjIiio" ooofte tKe fIfieA ©yHere 6rief tFie Pifiex^ 6fcco.— #t CDoA a 6u.c^c^ino" aooo<^fa"r|t» IsjooftesL ©Locjon cjoitR e\/e-6 agfoco, » i) iJor x«>iTff x^fte Fo^eiL tRe pPeaAance, ©Y^Here <^fte ftai. cJcoePt SePoco. ©WHere fifle<^ xijoor^ are x^ReiL; ©Jo "Bear tKeIr ^alnt rex^poii<*>e<^j ^fie 'Beat fier ^Hiai no' fteaiL. — ''!r?ejoIce coitft. vou ooe caar^ot, iJor ©eafHooariL are ooe x^peil." ''flay, W\?e feac|fea:>. J\ff rouT^tj tRe fac}efe<^(^ 6od>cage ©Ifte meffooo ecKoe^ ffeoo; :^ eK tRouAaliti Aotio'x^ter^) caroffeiL UHeir carofx^ aaofte tRe aooocj-^iri., ©YV'^ere coingei. fife a'rit) ^or^^ gitef ffee before tfie tempest, Mfe fear tRe foaofer'xi) aoroi^. " 5^eioice CJoitPi ^ou coe cannot, ©eatK fter^xi) our f Puttering tfiroti^." ''Ra^, bife CDiFP ^ou i.ePi^^er, iJor ^ou to bife 6ePong." ''^he serapb^-ebild of rapture." UHe x^erap^-cftlPi. of rap-fure, ©W^ere jov to Aoufx!) lA feaf, Upon a morn of (Kea^er^ Mac^e aPF tKe Sefe^ to peaP. Hfte mornino'-Afarxi), a"r2tD pPanefx^ Uftat tfirougft coi4e or6lfA oo^eeP, Sq unimagineiL antKemA 9eAoun<^e©L cKea^en'x^ cjoeaP. ©JHeIr antfiemxi) aoofte tfie xi>plnfxi> UHat x^fri^ee Iq rr^orfaf cfa^.— "Qejolce aoitfi ^ou coe canr^otl, ©eatfi ftenqA Ltd) xi)o eacfi ooa^.'' "©eatK x*)ftaff not ^ou 6efra^ ; ^or S arq Iso^e (#mmorfaf, oKlltj me x^Haff ©eaf^ o^^^-" £df//)6 A^. Thomas.