k-. ^ a, ..*«£. x^ fgto. %#+ « .'Site- «* s $&'\ *< '* * V' ..... V <*** **- ^V* r * o N ° ^ ^V r ^ v ^ l . «>♦ * o » • AND MONOGRAPHS HEYE FOUNDATION INDIAN NOTES AND MONOGRAPHS Edited by F. W. Hodge A SERIES OF PUBLICA- TIONS RELATING TO THE AMERICAN ABORIGINES INDIAN PATHS IN THE GREAT METROPOLIS BY REGINALD PELHAM BOLTON NEW YORK MUSEUM OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN HE YE FOUNDATION 1922 This series of Indian Notes and Mono- graphs is devoted primarily to the publica- tion of the result of studies by members of the staff of the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, and is uniform with Hispanic Notes and Monographs, published by the Hispanic Society of America, with which organization this Museum is in cordial cooperation. Only the first ten volumes of Indian Notes and Monographs are numbered. The unnumbered parts may readily be deter- mined by consulting the List of Publications issued as one of the series. ■■?■- OCT INDIAN PATHS IN THE GREAT METROPOLIS BY REGINALD PELHAM BOLTON CONTENTS PAGE I. Introduction 15 II. Manhattan,. its paths and settlements 35 III. Upper Manhattan paths 68 IV. Paths in the Bronx 90 V. Indian paths in Kings county 129 VI. The Home-lands of the Canarsee. . . 147 VII. Native paths in the Borough of Queens 171 VIII. Richmond paths 187 IX. Paths in nearby New Jersey 197 Notes 207 Bibliography 212 Maps consulted 217 Index of Stations 220 Index of Proper Names 242 INDIAN NOTES ILLUSTRATIONS Plates PAGE I. Jeffreys hook, now known as Fort Washington point 78 II. An Indian path, the trail through Shorakapkok 80 III. Rock-shelters at Shorakapkok, the Inwood village 82 IV. Indian burial of a dog at Shora- kapkok 84 V. Indian woman and child in a grave at Shorakapkok 86 VI. The Wading place at Kings- bridge 88 VII. The Albany Post-road, once the Hudson River path 94, VIII. The Mosholu, below Spuyten Duyvil hill 96 IX. Acqueegenom, the crossing place of the Westchester path over Bronx river 104 X. Weir creek Indian village-site, Throgs neck 112 XL Foreshore of Weir creek Indian village-site, Throgs neck 114 XII. Van Cortlandt avenue, once the Indian Shore path 116 - < c rt £ 5 T Q W < >, O -CI cr -c CD ft >■ bO CO C o Q -£ UJ fin DC UJ t5 > cl O o 3 o J-i < s T) O c < jj~ _] 4J D_ 0> o -4-3 -z. fl 5 O < 0) 5 3 o UJ J3 X a h- E UPPER MANHATTAN 89 which may account for traces of meals in small shell-deposits on the south side of the creek, and others on the opposite side of the stream on the sloping shore of the Island of Paparinemin. AND MONOGRAPHS 90 T IV.— PATHS IN THE BRONX (Maps VI, and VIL A, B, C, D) HE low land above Spuyten Duyvil creek at the Wading place, was the island Paparinemin, which was formed by the Mosholu, known later as Tippett's brook, on the west, and on the other side by a marshy tract through which meandered a small watercourse, fed by brooks from the steep hillside on which modern Kings- bridge is now situated. This island was a favored place for Indian residence, as it is sheltered by high hills in every direction, with an ample supply of fresh water. Its surface was composed largely of sand and cultivable soil. In the vicinity of 231st street, across the island, many traces of an occupied station have been found (18). Shell-pockets and scattered debris cover the upland, and near the middle of the area, upon the center line of that street, about INDIAN NOTES ft ' wab£n£; i //t i HE WADING BOLTON - INDIAN paths IN TH1 GRIA1 MKrROPoUi '. i f I - \ :5P V* 1 G c . W 4J \ f* u »« S 'IK o Ps * -v\-v arrr /» ' \ \ V * ft o S-'Z i* «J I/) < P ,0 . ft 0- '•'in I - ' '. |> ...-V-- -•sr 2S07* 3 ' (»l li- .X'. \ VI h V WAMNt ' l - ACC HARLCM R I V E R vD Ul i K ■ s : *j**n. WADING PLACE \\n THE MEETING oh fHI PATHS • - • . THE BRONX 91 two hundred feet west of Broadway, W. L. Calver discovered a fireplace, in the ashes of which there was standing upright a fine pottery vessel of Iroquois pattern, possibly neglected in a hurried abandonment of the place on the advent of some hostile party, by natives who never revisited the place to recover this domestic treasure. The path ran along Broadway close to this site, and then turned sharply to the east across the marsh-land at or near 231st street, where the bog was narrowest (see Map VI). A causeway was later con- structed at the same crossing by the settlers of Fordham. Over this important crossing all the native traffic necessarily passed between the Island of Manhattan and the outlying mainland north and east. At its landing on the Fordham side, the path reached the base of the Keskeskick highlands, the north part of which was later known as Tetard's hill. Here it divided into two trails passing north and south. That part of the trail extending northward was the Hudson River path which developed into the present Albany post-road. This AND MONOGRAPHS 92 INDIAN PATHS important path was the main line of com- munication between the Reckgawawanc and their relatives at Yonkers. It passed through the principal stations of neighbor- ing chieftaincies, at Dobbs Ferry, Tarry- town, Ossining, Croton, and Peekskill, crossed the Highlands at Continental Village, and entered the lands of the Wap- pinger, extending to the country of their oppressors, the Mohawk. In Kingsbridge village the old post-road existed until recent years, when it was cov- ered by a deep fill to its present level, and is now known as Albany avenue. On the east side of the line of this roadway, at 234th street, W. L. Calver, with the writer, found a shell-pocket with pottery fragments, evidently marking the site of a small camp alongside the trail. The path curved around Tetard hill as Albany avenue now runs, crossing near 238th street a small brook descending the hillside, and thence extending on a nearly straight course northward toward Van Cortlandt Park, where it found a practicable crossing over the Mosholu brook at 242d INDIAN NOTES X h- < fl- X OC z LU o ~> DC E CO UJ ~z. I o h- Q li. 3 o X X 111 CD X 3 h- O h-1 ai o O g QQ t H THE BRONX 93 street. 14 This was probably effected by stepping-stones at the foot of the cascade where in 1700 a dam and a sawmill were erected by Van Cortlandt, thus creating the present lake. In Indian days the brook made its way through a marshy tract ex- tending half a mile back to our present city boundary. Here the trail connected with a consid- erable village-site (19) which covered a space of several acres on the level land west of the lake. On this area, when the regrad- ing of the present playing-field was under- taken in 1890, J. B. James found many fire-pits, a number of native human inter- ments, and several dog-burials. The name of this village is not recorded: it may have been Mosholu, by which name the surround- ing locality has been known to recent times, but more probably was included in the title of the tract of Keskeskick, that formed the first sale by the local natives to the Dutch West India Company in 1639. That sale was made by Taquemack, the local sachem, but was also agreed to by Reck- gawack, indicating its connection with the AND MONOGRAPHS 94 INDIAN PATHS possessions of the chieftaincy of the Reckgawawanc. The trail passed to the south of this village-site along the low ridge, on which the Van Cortlandt mansion was later placed, crossed Broadway at 244th street, and turned north and extended parallel with Broadway. This old highroad, now re named Newton avenue, can still be seen, much in its original condition (pi. vii). In this vicinity traces of native stations were discovered by J. B. James, at 247th street near the Fieldston road and at Pas- cal avenue. These doubtless had some relation to the Keskeskick village. Beyond Mosholu avenue the old line of the highway is now abandoned, but its course may still be traced by the trees and stone fences that once lined it on both sides, as far as about 260th street, where it fell in line with Broad- way of today and so arrived at the north boundary of the City of New York. It was over this trail that the party of Dutch militia despatched by Kieft to raid the native settlement at Yonkers (20) passed in March, 1642, guided by Tobias Teunis- INDIAN NOTES THE BRONX . 95 sen, the pioneer settler of Inwood valley, who was probably well acquainted with the path The expedition must have left the main trail at some point in South Yonkers, with the intention of surprising the Weck- quaesgeek from an unexpected direction, as it lost its way in the dense woods and deep glens of the Sawmill River valley east of Yonkers, and was obliged to abandon the accomplishment of its ill-intentioned purpose. From some point near the village along- side the Mosholu brook, a branch trail must have extended to the Riverdale dis- trict, toward the native castle of Nip- nichsen (17) , 15 which was situated on the strategic position of Spuyten Duyvil hill, commanding an outlook over a wide expanse of land and water. Such a trail most prob- ably skirted the base of the hill by the line of the old Dash's lane, which extends along the west bank of the Mosholu (pi. vni) . The lane passes an occupied place, marked by scattered oyster-shells and a large pit filled with shells, bones, and carbonized AND MONOGRAPHS 96 INDIAN PATHS material, on a projecting tongue of land just south of the intersection of the lane with the recent extension of 238th street. This trail probably made its way round the base of Spuyten Duyvil hill close to the river bank, as shown in Map V, as far as the pre- sent Spuyten Duyvil railroad station. A scattered shell-deposit covered the area now buried under the railroad yard, and indicated the site of a native station con- veniently accessible across the stream from the Shorakapkok stations on Manhattan, the scene of abundant Indian life. Above this sheltered place, on the summit of the steep hill which was afterward known as Konstabelsche hook, or Berrians neck, there was the native station of Nipnichsen, which is said to have been a stockaded posi- tion. It overlooked the junction of the creek and the ' river, commanding a wide view of the great estuary, as well as of the Dyckman flatlands and all the surrounding hills. Such a defensive place was doubt- less planned as a refuge in case of incursion by the overbearing Mohawk, and must have been accessible by paths or trails INDIAN NOTES THE BRONX 97 leading from the various stations in the vicinity. It could not have been a desir- able place for permanent residence, on account of its exposure to every wind that blew, and its lack of water supply. It probably occupied the crest of the hill a few yards to the south of the site of old Fort Number One of the period of the Revolution, on which the house occupied at one time by the late William C. Mu- schenheim was built. In the garden of this residence, Dr Edward Hagaman Hall and the writer opened several small shell- pockets, which were, however, without objects of interest. Others may probably exist in the vicinity. W. L. Calver found shells and fragments of pottery near the site of Public School No. Twenty-four, on Kappock street, which is near an abundant spring of fresh water. Along the shore of the Hudson several shell-deposits mark the sites of fishing-camps on the lines of West 232d, 235th, and 245th streets. A site which indicates extensive utilization, and possible long residence, is that of the one-time farm dwelling of the Tippett AND MONOGRAPHS 98 INDIAN PATHS family on the same hill, but farther north, about the line of 231st street. Quantities of oyster-shells are imbedded in rich black soil. The place is sheltered, and flowing springs are nearby. Only a few fragments of native materials have so far been found there, but enough to justify the determina- tion of the place as an Indian station. 16 These traces indicate a limited use of the exposed Nipnichsen hill, which, however, does not detract from its importance as a place of aboriginal observation and of possible refuge. THE WESTCHESTER PATH Returning now to 231st street, where the Manhattan trail divided (see Map VI), we take up the study of the Westchester path, which turned south from the Albany trail at the crossing of the marsh at 231st street. This was a well known native pathway, recorded in history, utilized later by the white settlers, and extending through the present Borough of the Bronx in two branches — one connected with Westchester and the local stations in its vicinity, the INDIAN NOTES THE BRONX 99 other passing through Eastchester and Pelham to the long stretch of Sound-shore territory, which was occupied by the neigh- boring tribe of the Siwanoy. By its ex- tension in that direction and its connection with other trails, this path, now the Boston post-road, brought the tribes of the New England states into contact with their eastern brethren, and provided the means of communication by which the English settlers of the New England colony ulti- mately found their way into the territory of the Dutch. The native name of this important path was Sachkerah, derived from the Delaware shaiahik, meaning "the shore," and oana, or amy, "a path," or, in other words, it was "the Shore-road." It is quite pre- cisely located in the deed by which the natives confirmed the purchase by Archer from Elias Doughty of the tract of land which was included between the two branches of the path, extending from the point of crossing where they united, as far east as Bronx river. This interesting deed also preserved some local native titles, of which AND MONOGRAPHS _ 100 INDIAN PATHS mention has already been made of those upon the upper end of Manhattan Island. The south bounds of the tract were denned as extending on a line drawn southeast- wardly from the hook Saperewack, or Marble hill, and such a line is found rather closely to follow the native trail that led to the old town of Westchester. This line cuts Bronx river at a place which the deed re- corded as being -called Acqueegenom (119), evidently the Indian name of the locality where the path thus used as a boundary touched Bronx river, and probably, there- fore, the wading place over that stream. As ocque means "at the end of," or "as far as," aney "a path," and om "over," the name may denote "where the path goes over." The boundary ranged thence northward along Bronx river to a place called Cowangongh (120), which was the crossing of the upper or Shore path at Williamsbridge. This name is derived from cowang, "sl boundary," and ongk, "beyond," indicating the point of passing beyond the boundary of the former owners, which was the river. INDIAN NOTES THE BRONX 101 From this point the boundary ran west "on Sachkerah," the Shore path, "and so to the first place Muscoota," that is, fol- lowing the path back to Manhattan, it formed the northerly boundary of the tract. To make the matter more precise the deed stipulated, "so that from Muscoota to Sackerath [Sachkerah] it runs upon a straight east line to Broncks Ryver." A line due east and west from Williamsbridge touches the end of the Island of Manhattan. Sachkerah became the old Boston post- road, and as such is traveled today by thousands of automobiles, the modern suc- cessors of the swift and silent Siwanoy, whose patient effort and hardened feet wore the track that ultimately brought about their own displacement. In 1668 this thoroughfare again formed a boundary of property which Elias Doughty, the heir of Van der Donck's land-rights, sold to the farmers Tippett and Betts. This tract ran "west to Hudson's river and east to Bronck's River, with all the upland from Bronck's River south to West- chester Path." AND MONOGRAPHS 102 INDIAN PATHS - The path had first necessarily to ascend the steep Keskeskick hillside, which it accomplished (see Map VI) by proceeding south by way of Albany crescent to Bailey avenue, where it divided into its two parts, the Shore path, or Sachkerah, ascending the hill as the Boston post-road, now called Boston avenue, up to Sedgwick avenue. The lower path, which led direct to West- chester and the native stations in the south- eastern part of the Bronx, took a southerly route by way of Bailey avenue, around the bend of Spuyten Duyvil creek, toward the line of the old Kingsbridge road, which led to the village of Fordham, turning east at the Farmers' bridge opposite Muscoota or 225th street, Manhattan. This part of Westchester path, which will be first described, and is shown on Map VII, C, crossed the edge of some marshy ground near the bridge to Manhattan, where there is a patch of cultivable ground richly strewn with oyster-shells, indicating a small station and probably a planting- field. Crossing Heath avenue, the Lower path, INDIAN NOTES THE BRONX 103 as we shall describe it, steeply ascended the hill to Sedgwick avenue, and through the wooded upland went due eastward as Kingsbridge road now runs, past the site of the old Dutch Reformed church near the head of University avenue, and the Eighth Regiment armory on Jerome avenue, and bending irregularly but nearly within the lines of the present Kingsbridge road, it ascended the high ground and reached and crossed the present Concourse. Here it turned to the south around the present Poe Park, where the old Williamsbridge road, which is now part of Valentine ave- nue, later joined its route. It ran past the original site of Edgar Allan Poe's little home, and in front of the site of the old Valentine-Briggs farmhouse which has been very recently removed, on its western side, and so bending sharply east, it descended through the village of Fordham to Mill brook, at the head of Third avenue. Mill brook was crossed at some point north of Pelham avenue, probably at a shallow place where the brook widened out, which seems to have been due west of the AND MONOGRAPHS 104 INDIAN PATHS main College building, and the trail struck across the grounds of St John's College, on a line which may be that of the old rear driveway. Beyond the college it cut eastwardly through the site of Fordham hospital, and crossing the Southern boule- vard, entered Bronx Park. Traversing the park, it reached Bronx river, where there is a practicable wading place about one hundred and fifty feet north of Pelham parkway. This, the Indian Acqueegenom (119), is shown in pi. ix. Thence the trail extended to the Siwanoy settlements east of the Aquehung or Bronx river, to which the lower part of the stream formed not only a boundary but a physical bar- rier. Its extension and branches are de- scribed later. It would seem that some branch path must have extended toward native settle- ments in Ranachqua 17 or Morrisania, the southern part of the present Borough of the Bronx. The known sites are not numerous, but the fertility of the soil and the attractive natural features of the terri- tory, which were testified to by Jonas INDIAN NOTES co a i e n to «> oc £ }£ < Pm uj X X Z t- o u. oc O DQ tU Z o — < o CO CO O DC O ui X PL, s o UJ z> o o < THE BRONX 105 Bronck, were such as to constitute a very desirable locality for native occupancy. The tract, as shown by Map VII, C, was cut up by watercourses extending from the north to the south. On the west side, a stream known as Mentipathe, the later Cromwells creek, divided the lower part of the Keskeskick range of hills from the vale through which Jerome avenue now extends. Mill brook extended midway through the Ranachqua tract, rising at a point north of Fordham village and emptying into the Bronx kills at 130th street. The Sackwrahung tract on the east was cut by the stream of the same name, now known as Bungay creek, which extended as far inland as Intervale avenue, and the Quin- nahung or Hunts Point promontory was bounded by Bound brook on its west side, and by the Aquehung or Bronx river on the east. Native trails therefore must have made their way into these localities from the north, and one such trail probably extended to a landing place on the shore of Bronx AND MONOGRAPHS 106 INDIAN PATHS kill, opposite Harlem, from which con- nection could be made by canoe with the head of the Indian trail on Manhattan is- land, which has been described in Section III. In the vicinity of this probable landing place, traces of native occupancy were found in shell-pits and fire-pits (6) which were opened by W. L. Calver and the writer around the knoll on which the man- sion of Gouverneur Morris stood at 132d street, near Cypress avenue, where a fine spring of water was doubtless an attractive feature of the station. Native interments were also disturbed there, and shell-beds existed in the vicinity. The settlement and cultivated land of Jonas Bronck seems to have been made in that part of the Ranachqua tract directly opposite Harlem, west of the marshes and bogs along Mill brook, as is indicated in the crude map accompanying the Patent of 1676. The extent of the territory known as Ranachqua was not clearly defined, but it ran at least as far east as the Sackwra- hung district or Bungay creek, beyond which stream the West Farms purchase INDIAN NOTES THE BRONX 107 was made in 1663 from natives who were partly of Siwanoy and partly of Reckgawa- wanc affiliation. These physical conditions all seem to indicate that it was necessary for any connecting trails in the west part of the Bronx to extend from the lower Westches- ter path at some point or points in its course across the eastern part of the present borough. But the existence of such trails is not recorded in maps or deeds, and we can look for indications of probable routes only in the old-time Colonial roadways which took the same general direction. Thus the old High Bridge road which was in existence long prior to its receiving that name, was an ancient track used prior to the Revolution. It branched from the Kingsbridge road, the line of the Lower path, at or near the old Dutch Reformed church at Fordham, and followed approxi- mately the course of Aqueduct avenue along the range of hills, as far as Washington Bridge, thence via Boscobel avenue to East 169th street. A branch may have forked off along our present Jerome avenue leading AND MONOGRAPHS 108 INDIAN PATHS toward the end of the hill at Devoes point. This narrow tract of upland, extending from Highbridge to the present Macomb's Dam Park, was known to the natives as Nuasin, perhaps n'ashaue, "middle," ink, "place," indicating its situation between the waters of Cromwells creek and Harlem river. It is quite probable that there was some use made of this ridge for hunting and fishing by the natives. The old road crossed Cromwells creek near 169th street, and thence proceeded diagonally over farming land to the line of Walton avenue, and by East 153d street to Mott avenue. This led to East 138th street, whence the road proceeded in a southwesterly direction to the Morrisania landing-place, which was situated on dry land projecting into Harlem river just east of Willis avenue bridge, now covered by the New Haven Railroad yards. It was close to this place that Bronck established his home, the situation of which was disclosed in the discovery by W. L. Calver and the writer of a stone vault containing much household debris of very early character. INDIAN NOTES THE BRONX 109 Another old wagon-way, which is de- scribed by Jenkins, 18 branched off from the line of the Lower path at the place in Ford- ham where it crossed Mill brook, following the present Third avenue to East 182d street, along which it passed to East 181st street near Bronx river. If this was the successor of a pathway to Hunts point, which seems the natural direction for such a trail to have taken, it would have fol- lowed the line of the Boston post-road to East 177th street, thence by a line which later became the old West Farms road, joining the Southern boulevard at West- chester avenue and following the line of the latter to Hunts Point road, which led directly to the Quinnahung station (7) . Another, starting from the Ranachqua locality, perhaps at the station 6, probably followed the course of the Westchester road which is now Westchester avenue, and may thus have formed a cross-connec- tion between the landing-place and the stations in the eastern part of the Borough of the Bronx, though it would have involved the crossing of Bronx river by canoe at A1STD MONOGRAPHS 110 INDIAN PATHS the present location of Westchester ave- nue, since there is no fordable place there. The Hunts point or Quinnahung settle- ments (7) were probably fairly well-popu- lated stations, judging by the large deposits of shells at several localities, such as around the original Richardson house site just west of Drake Park, in shell-pits on and around the hillock at Eastern boulevard and Preble street, and extensive shell-de- posits around the shore-line of the extreme point, near the old Hunt mansion. The objective of the lower Westchester path, the course of which through Fordham to Bronx Park has been described, was, as previously mentioned, the Siwanoy settlements in the southeastern part of the Borough of the Bronx. This was the district which later became the township of Westchester, the refuge of those fleeing from religious persecution in New England. The native stations occupied several ad- vantageous positions within Westchester township, and one of them, which was situated on the old Bear Swamp road (13), INDIAN NOTES THE BRONX 111 was maintained by the dwindling native population as late as 1782. On crossing Bronx river at Acqueegenom in Bronx Park, near Pelham parkway, the path headed directly for that settlement, following the line of the Bear Swamp road, which has been maintained to our times. The irregular course of this old roadway can still be traced as it proceeds from the White Plains road in a southeasterly direc- tion. The native village (13) was situated on a sheltered slope of land on the east side of Downings brook, a small tributary of Bronx river, which has its source in the Bear swamp. Continuing on toward the village of Westchester, the trail crossed Seabrey creek, a little brook emptying into Hutchinson river, where the New Haven branch railroad now runs over it, and a short distance beyond entered the line of the West Farms road and extended into Westchester, where it divided into two trails, one running north at Silver street, and another extending eastward. It would seem most probable that the latter trail extended to and traversed AND MONOGRAPHS 112 INDIAN PATHS Westchester creek at the wide and shallow part of that waterway, now spanned by Westchester bridge, as this appears to have been the only practicable direction in which access could have been gained to the extensive district of Throgs neck. The old Throgs Neck road extending from the Westchester bridge is a natural line of travel, and passes directly to a site (102) on St Raymond's cemetery near the Eastern boulevard, where excavations for interments have from time to time dis- turbed shell-pits, indicating an Indian settlement. A trail could readily have been formed from this point, passing eastward over the upper part of Weir creek near the Town Dock road, which would lead to the site (12) of the Siwanoy village at the mouth of Weir creek (pi. x, xi). This ancient site is described in the publications of the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. 19 It is probable that several other places on Throgs neck were occupied by the natives, one being indicated by shells and stone INDIAN NOTES THE BRONX 113 artifacts at Adees point, opposite the Weir creek station, and another (11) on Locust point, probably no more than a fishing camp, as it is without nearby water supply. The most important place on the east side of Westchester creek, however, was that known to the early settlers as "Burial point" (10), a place situated, but as yet unexplored, somewhere on the shore of Morris cove, near Old Ferry point. Upon the point several places, by the presence of shell-beds and by fragments of weapons, evidence the native occupancy of the promontory. It would be most probable that a trail would have led directly from the St Raymond's cemetery site by way of the Eastern boulevard and Ferris road, directly to Burial point, to which it is related that the Siwanoy of the entire district were wont to bring their dead for interment. 20 On the west side of Westchester creek, the wide tract now occupied by Unionport and Cornells neck spreads westward to Bronx river. Its native occupied places were of importance. On Screvens point, AND MONOGRAPHS 114 INDIAN PATHS now known as Castle point, there existed an Indian fortified position or "castle" (9), from which the local name is derived, situated on an elevation of about 60 feet above tide- water. Below this eminence spreads a tract of about eight acres of rich farm-land, abundantly furnished with oyster-shells and yielding from time to time fine specimens of native weapons and tools. At the extremity of that neck there is also a shore station, where evidences still exist of extensive native work in the manufacture of wampum from clam-shells. Such an important station as Castle point evidently required a pathway, which doubt- less must have connected it with the Siwa- noy village on the Bear Swamp road. The traffic between the two places could have passed most conveniently by way of the old Unionport road, which, after crossing Westchester avenue, followed the approxi- mate line of Avenue C, or Castle Point road, which leads directly to the site of the one-time Screven residence that occu- pied the hillock on which the Indian place of refuge was seen as early as 1614. INDIAN NOTES THE BRONX 115 By the same connection, the only prac- ticable route may be traced by which the village of Snakapins (8) could be reached on the modern Clasons point. An old lane which left the Unionport road and passed over the property of the New York Catholic Protectory, led nearly due south across Westchester avenue, to the neck, passing on dry ground through the narrow space between the heads of Pugsley and Barrett creeks, whose marshy areas barred access in any other direction. Such a trail on Cornells neck would have been necessarily more or less crooked, as the neck is cut up by small brooks and swampy areas, with isolated rocky patches which stand up like islands in the surround- ing sea of cattail rushes. The old "Mid- dle path" down the neck was its probable course, as it led directly to the native village of Snakapins, which was situated on the west side of Soundview avenue, at its intersection by Leland avenue. This, which is the one local station of which the native name was preserved, was dis- covered by Alanson Skinner and explored AND MONOGRAPHS 116 INDIAN PATHS in 1918 by him and Amos Oneroad, and the results published by the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. 21 This village-site contained about sixty fire-pits and shell-pits, with several human burials; and in its vicinity extensive shell- beds, on the surface of which hundreds of discarded weapons, tools, and fragments were gathered by the late Claude L. Turner, indicate the planting-fields and fishing stations associated with the village life of the Siwanoy. Returning to the upper Westchester or Shore path, which became the old Boston post-road, we find its starting point, now known as Boston avenue, in the village of Kingsbridge. Its course may be traced by reference to Map VII, A, C. This steep roadway connects at Giles street with Sedgwick avenue, where a little south of that intersection a small shell-pocket in the sidewalk gave an indication of a native rest-place alongside the old trail. Thence the path proceeded north on the latter avenue as far as the point where Giles street turns in from Fort Independence. INDIAN NOTES < o — r- Q N * ° A x Q S- h- < g u "J g> ■^ LU >*5 O s: ^ O • z > < u co DC -5 bO < ', 12 LU LLl >-i CD Z-S < z-a I LU ^ o -1 ^ h- < LU LU > < Q ill > THE BRONX 117 Here it diverged sharply to the east, passing through the northern part of the present Jerome reservoir, and it crossed the line of the old Croton aqueduct at Van Cortlandt avenue, following the course of the latter to Jerome avenue. These parts of the path are now, of course, lost in the reservoir. Making a bend like a flattened S, and crossing the Concourse, it turned around the north- ern side of the hill on which in the Revolu- tion the Negro Fort was constructed, and, descending to the Mosholu parkway, it went through Mill brook close to its source in a little pond situated near Jerome avenue. Thence curving northeastward, as Van Cortlandt avenue now runs, it passed the site of the old Varian homestead, which is still standing at Rochambeau street (pi. xh), and then continued diagonally across the site of the present Williams- bridge reservoir, in a northeasterly direc- tion, emerging therefrom at the point where the old Boston post-road used to meet the old Gun Hill road. It ran farther northeast to join the present Gun Hill road, on which line it turned, and followed it AND MONOGRAPHS 118 INDIAN PATHS eastward across Webster avenue and the New York and Harlem Railroad tracks, to the site of Williamsbridge, where it made a crossing over Bronx river at the place known as Cowangongh (120). The selection of the crossing of the stream at this particular point was doubt- less dictated by natural features. It may be noted that it is situated on a prominent tongue of land, diverting the course of the river some distance to the east. The ground north of the place selected for the cross- ing which now forms part of Woodlawn cemetery, is at a higher grade and would have made it inconvenient to pass in that direction. The river farther south is tor- tuous, and the banks appear to have been swampy. The position of the crossing was thus doubtless designed to take advantage of the best conditions for the convenience of the traveler. From the wading place at Williams - bridge the Shore path rose up the hillside to the line of the present White Plains road, and turning sharply to the north followed its course, which may still be INDIAN NOTES THE BRONX 119 traced in the irregular form of part of the west side of the avenue, up to 217th street. Thence it took the present straight course of the highroad over level land through Wakefield as far as East 228th street where it branched off toward the northeast, crossing five blocks diagonally to East 233d street, where it can be found again today as Bussing avenue. On this avenue it followed an irregular course to the bound- ary-line of the City of Mount Vernon, at the intersection of South Twelfth avenue and South Seventh street in that city. Thence it ran nearly due east, only two hundred to four hundred feet north of the New York City boundary, directly to the native station at old Eastchester village (21). The old road may still be traced by the ancient bowlder fences and old trees growing alongside as it falls sharply down- grade toward Hutchinson river. It has recently been cut down between high banks at the Kingsbridge Road station on the Bos- ton and Westchester Railway, the process exposing a shell-bed which doubtless indi- cates part of the site of the Siwanoy station. AND MONOGRAPHS 120 INDIAN PATHS Reaching the level of the old village street where a branch trail from West- chester joined it, the path turned sharply to the northwest, around the site of the old Schoolhouse Number One. Near the now abandoned entrance to the old Fowler estate, at the foot of the hill on which it is said a native "castle" was situated, the road turned northeast past St Paul's church and its extensive graveyard. It may be readily traced as the old un- paved country road beyond that point, where it meets and becomes Columbus avenue, Mount Vernon. It passed up a very steep incline at the Marsh View farm, and reached the line of East Sixth street, which was long known as the old Boston post-road, opposite the modern Dunham avenue. Here it descended, east by north, across the head of the marsh bordering Acqueanounck or Hutchinson river, and, as previously described (p. 31), made for a place where the water passed between dry ground on either side, a cross- ing-place strategically selected and prob- ably crossed on stepping-stones (pi. xin). • INDIAN NOTES x < I o ^ > c . or ^ DC LU C u i- .2 > w S - U rf 0= X £ z o = O ^ ^ to ^2 5^ < 4) x lu rd x £ ° |_ tn 3 •% 1 § £ bb X w I- -G * s o S z «*- Z> •£= o a THE BRONX 121 Examination of Map VII, A and B, will readily show that the whole direction of this ancient path was dictated by the impracticability of fording Hutchinson river at any point nearer the Sound than this place. From this crossing the path proceeded on the line of the original Boston post-road, through Pelham Manor, to its junction with the newer Boston post-road. This line it followed to New Rochelle, through which it passed by Huguenot street, and so by the line of the present Boston post-road, through Mamaroneck to Connecticut. Returning to the village of Eastchester, at the site of the old Schoolhouse Number One, the branch path which united with the Shore path became known as the East- chester road. In the confirmation of 1666, by Gover- nor Nichols, of the tenure of the Ten Farms of Eastchester, there is a reference to their boundary upon u ye now known and common pathway coming up from Westchester." This was the ancient native trail, which connected the settlements on the East AND MONOGRAPHS 122 INDIAN PATHS River shore and necks in the southeastern part of the Borough with the Eastchester station and the Shore path (Map VII, B, D). Jenkins says, "Before the days of theOest- dorp (Westchester) settlers it was a trail or path used by the Siwanoy." 18 It passed along the meadowlands of Westchester creek, starting from Main street at Silver street in the village of Westchester, and it followed higher ground near the edge of the marshes of the Acqueanounck until it crossed Pelham Parkway at the site of the old Ferris mansion, opposite which is the modern Pelham Heath inn. Thence passing straight north by west to a junction with the old Corsa lane, which runs through the tract now known as Pelham-Bay-View Park, it led northwest to the present Boston post-road (of 1798), where it turned north- eastward (pi. xrv) . The old roadway was known as the Eastchester road before that date, and led only to that village. At the Old Point Comfort tavern the newer road diverges east to the bridge over the creek, but the old pathway necessarily kept on the western side, and so passing INDIAN NOTES "i'iU cr UJ JT-. UJ X ■^ h l- n C/J cfi LLl > bn X o c o rr ^ 1- ll r (71 < _j fc u < u n cr > _j h- THE BRONX 123 northward it joined the Shore path, at the old schoolhouse site in Eastchester village. Two blocks beyond the crossing of Hutch- inson river, in the village of Pelham Manor, there diverged from the Shore path another trail which led southwardly to Anns hook, or Pelham neck, and thus came back within the boundaries of the metropolis. It has a particular historical interest, having been the means of leading the unfortunate Mrs Ann Hutchinson to her ill-timed set- tlement on the home-lands of the Siwanoy, and perhaps it was also the means of leading Thomas Pell into the district. It became known as, and is still in part called, Wolf's lane, as far as the later or New Boston post-road. Its course on the opposite side of that road was recently traced by William R. Montgomery, of Pelham Manor, by means of the old bowlder fences and line of trees which he found in vacant lots, extending to the Split Rock road (once miscalled Prospect Hill road, but happily renamed), which is the continuation of the line of this old Indian pathway. The line of this old trail passes the Split AND MONOGRAPHS 124 INDIAN PATHS Rock, crossing the brook near the site (22) of Ann Hutchinson's cabin (pi. xv). It dips under the New Haven Railroad's Harlem Branch, just east of which it meets the modern Shore road or parkway. Here it doubtless branched north and south. In the former direction it led to the nearby site (103) of a considerable native station situated close to the entrance gate and driveway to the one-time Bartow estate. This site was recently discovered and explor- ed by the Rev. W. R. Blackie, in behalf of the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, who so far has uncovered a number of fire-pits, a human interment, and a dog-burial. Situated as it is on the slope on which grew the historic oak tree under which Thomas Pell made the bargain for his manor with Maminipoe and Wampage, the local chieftains, it would seem probable that this may have been the site of their principal village. The locality of which this village formed the center was known to the natives as Laaphawachking, denoting a plowed or cultivated tract, which may well have been the use to which the natives INDIAN NOTES THE BRONX 125 put the level lands once included in the Hunter estate, and now turned into the happy hunting-ground of golfers. As in other cases, the title may have been applied also to the village-site. A trail appears to have extended farther north along the shore- line of Pelham bay. It doubtless connected with a wading place used by those natives who visited or lived on Hunter island (25) , and with those who were resident at a station (24) at Roosevelts brook, which runs into the Sound just below the boundary of the city and Pelham Manor, both of which locali- ties bear abundant evidences of native occupancy. Hunter island (25) was a native resort of some importance, as upon or near it was a great rock known as Mishow, regarded by the natives as a feature of their assem- blies and discussions. A careful examina- tion of the shores of this island and of Twin islands fails to determine which of the numerous rocks that may be found along the tide-swept front would have been likely to be the rock in question. There AND MONOGRAPHS 126 INDIAN PATHS are some uninhabitable rocks several hun- dred feet away from the shore, which are marked on the city map as Michaux Rocks, which thus appear to have absorbed the aboriginal name. Whatever may have been the position of this particularly ven- erated stone, it is evident from a number of indications that the two islands were much frequented by natives, whose arrow- heads have been found by scores on the sandy beaches, their shell-pits in the interior, and their kitchen-middens in sheltered coves along the shore. The brook now known as Roosevelts (24), a name dating back to the acquisition of property in that vicinity by that family early in the nineteenth century, may have been the Maninketsuck which Tooker says was a "strong flowing brook" in Pelham. This place is favorably situated, sheltered and provided with good drinking water, and its further exploration by the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, may, it is hoped, bring to light further evidences of the considerable native popu- INDIAN NOTES THE BRONX 127 lation which by all surface indications would seem to have made it their home. It would appear that a path must have extended beyond this point through the eastern part of New Rochelle to the impor- tant station at Davenports neck. Such a line of path or cartway is shown on a map of New Rochelle as early as the year 1710, extending from the vicinity of Pelham Manor along the shore-line and terminating near the head of the Titus Mill-pond, at the junction of Davenports neck with the mainland. Its course seems to coincide with that of the present Pelham and East Pelham road, now forming an extension of the Shore driveway. 22 Southward from the Split Rock road the other branch trail must have led across the head of Bartow creek to the line of the City Island road, and following that course would cross the swamp at Glovers rock, where later the New England men held in check the invading army of Great Britain. Thence it surely led to that point of land ex- tending into Pelham bay (23) , whereon ex- tensive beds of shell and carbonized materi- AND MONOGRAPHS 128 INDIAN PATHS als were discovered and explored by Mr M. R. Harrington (pi. xvi). He disinterred several human burials, which may, as alleged by the local historian, the Rev. Robert Bolton, have included those of the very Siwanoy chieftains who, under the Great Tree, sold their heritage to the specious Englishmen, bartering away for small consideration the broad acres of Pelham and Rochelle with their exten- sive shore-line, abundant fisheries, virgin forest, and well-watered uplands. INDIAN NOTES o <- _J oo tJ LU . 3 0_ — o — (J CC > >» O O — 3 UJ -a z o ■ t- CO CO Q, Z < Z S-, ^ o c — o C Q l"~ fcJC W O < c — CC d Z o Ll ffl O ^ 3 - Q- < LU ^ £ UJ > >, ° I h- - E X CO S| tn en Lu 5p 1 CD °s c3 DC _J -C U < &H "p Q u Z CC g < 2 § CO +- 1 < _l Mi _l LL .S LU o t X rt CO LU £ o z < <* Q °-s Z LU — I >• Ll h- - O -3 1> Z O O a 1- < X > < o X V.— INDIAN PATHS IN KINGS COUNTY (Maps VIII, A, B, C, D) HE Borough of Brooklyn covers an area which afforded consid- erable advantages for Indian residence. Its fishing and hunting facilities must have been superior and were capable of supporting a numerous population. The extensive shell-beds which are found at certain parts of the shore-line indicate a long period of settlement, and it is considered by Wood that the course of native migration had proceeded from the western end of Long Island to the eastern part. The tract composing the present borough, on the arrival of the white settlers was found to be largely a timbered district, around the margin of which the native stations were planted. The timber, however, was scant in quantity, as a result of the native practice 129 AND MONOGRAPHS 130 INDIAN PATHS of annually burning off the underbrush, for the purpose of clearing spaces for culti- vation and for the attraction of deer and smaller game. Large tracts of uplands were planted with corn, but the interior area was destitute of occupied stations, owing to the absence of watercourses. Compared with the large area of Kings county, the number of known stations is relatively small, and precise observations were not made in past times as to position and character. The interest and labor of modern local observers such as Austin, Armbruster, and Dove, in exploring and recording the position and condition of native occupied sites, together with the slender references in existing histories, have resulted in locating probably all of the chief places of residence of the one-time owners of the county. What is lacking, however, in regard to the native stations, is compensated by the existence of consider- able definite information on the subject of native pathways. Records fortunately exist, by which the main Indian trails are identified with the King's highways and INDIAN NOTES KINGS COUNTY 131 other old roadways which became the suc- cessors of native paths, so that their actual course is now traceable, and their systematic purpose becomes recognizable. The ingenious selection of their routes, their adaptation to topographical contours, and the connection they provided between the various native communities, are readily perceived on a study of the accompanying maps. Equally marked is the influence of these humble trails on the after-develop- ment of the great borough, as the pro- genitors of those arteries of traffic by reason of which old Brooklyn and its neigh- bors grew up together and ultimately became united in one great community. From far eastern regions the Long Island natives made their way along the Rockaway path to Brooklyn, and were joined by the Canarsee and the Nayack, converging by several byways along ancient paths, and uniting at the present Fulton ferry, where a short crossing of the East river brought them to Manhattan. The strategic importance of the south end of that island is well illustrated by the AND MONOGRAPHS 132 INDIAN PATHS • evident trend of these Long Island paths toward the same place as that upon which the mainland trails converged from the north and east. The area of Kings county was occupied at the time of the white men's invasion chiefly by the Canarsee. A sub-chieftaincy called the Marechkawick or Mareyckawick, occupied old Brooklyn. Stations are known to have existed at Flatlands, at Canarsie, at Bergen island, and at Gerritsen basin. Careful exploration of these village sites has been lacking, notwithstanding all the street grading and extensive building operations which have metamorphosed much of the surface of the present borough. Their neighbors on the Fort Hamilton tract, known as Nayack, were some of those Manhattan Indians who had sold their home-lands to the Dutch in 1626. Their territory extended on the east to the boundary of the old township of Newtown, wherein their neighbors and probably near relatives, the Rockaway, were resident. Gabriel Furman 23 fortunately recorded INDIAN NOTES KINGS COUNTY 133 some early observations of sites occupied by the Marechkawick. In 1824, when the street development of modern Brooklyn was in progress, "heads of Indian arrows, beds of oyster and clam shells, denoting the former residence of the aborigines, are frequently found in different parts of the town." There were thus, in all prob- ability, several groups situated within the area occupied by the Marechkawick, settled in favorable situations about the broad waters and marshes of the Wallabout and the Gowanus which .bounded the old township. The most definite of these early discov- eries is a site (66) which was exposed in the year 1826, on an eminence in the Fourth ward, which Furman precisely locates at Bridge street between Front and York streets, where, on a grass-grown hill sur- mounted by three conspicuous buttonwood trees, there were found burnt stones doubt- less forming part of the fireplaces of native lodges. Below the sod an extensive deposit was uncovered, consisting of ashes, shells, and carbonized material, with which were AND MONOGRAPHS 134 INDIAN PATHS mingled such objects as coarse pottery and arrowheads. Furman further notes that clay tobacco-pipes were discovered on this site, which indicate the occupancy of the place after white men had come in contact with the Indians. This village was not far from a water-supply in a brook rising nearby and entering Wallabout bay. It was doubtless situated on the southern side of the hill, which is shown on the Ratzer survey (see Map VIII, A) as situated between two other eminences upon the neck of land between the approach to the Brook- lyn bridge and the Navy Yard. This station was directly south, across the waters of East river, from the village of Rechtauck, on Corlears hook, and probably in full sight of the Werpoes hill on Manhattan. Its vicinity is now completely covered by modern streets and buildings. The tract of land on which it was situated was called Rinnegaconck, 24 which later became known as the Wallabout. As in other instaces, it would seem probable that the name would have been applied to the village as well as to its vicinity. The tract was INDIAN NOTES KINGS COUNTY 135 sold in 1637, "by special order of the rulers and consent of the community. " The name of Wallabout bay, which is so conspicuous a feature of the locality, has been attributed to Dutch origin as "Wall- boght," but it may be noted, as at least a coincidence, that the Delaware word waloh means "a ditch," and might not unreasonably be assumed to have been its original native name, adopted and modified by their successors. The first white settlement in Brooklyn was made upon the site of the native village known as Marechkawick (117). 25 This would locate that Indian station at the old settlement which was built up on both sides of the native path, now Fulton street, in the vicinity of Lawrence and Jay streets. The name of the chieftaincy is denned by Tooker as meaning "at his fortified house," indicating some strategic and elevated position in which, for defensive purposes, the natives could gather behind a wall of palisades. A village-site alongside the path had no substantial elevation above AND MONOGRAPHS 136 INDIAN PATHS the contiguous area, nor had it any nearby source of water. Its position, however, was on the elevated tract of Brooklyn Heights, and its importance lay in its situa- tion at the narrowest part of the neck of upland between the marshes of Gowanus and Wallabout, through the center of which the main pathway passed. Between Gal- latin place and Elm place, where the old path diverged from its course somewhat to the southwest, would appear to have been the most likely position of this station, which bore the name and was doubtless the headquarters of the chieftaincy. On Fulton street at Hoyt street, there was established in later years the village cemetery, possibly succeeding native in- terments in favorable soil. The path here swerved slightly to the west toward the cemetery site. The Dutch Church was built on the east side of the line of the trail, and then the highway was opened on its eastern side, making the church plot an "island between two parts of the road." There was another station in the vicinity INDIAN NOTES KINGS COUNTY 137 of old Brooklyn of which more definite record is available. It is that which was known as Werpos (67) or Worpus, a name similar to that of the Manhattan village at the Kalch Hoek. Its position seems to have been in the immediate vicinity of the old dwelling of Fredrick Lubbersen, which was situated at Warren and Hoyt streets, in the old Tenth ward of Brooklyn. This dwelling was erected at the head of the branch of Gowanus creek which penetrated nearest to the village of Marechkawick and to the early white settlement which became its successor. The grant, which was dated 27 May, 1640, comprised "a certain piece of land upon the Long Island near Marechkawingh about Werpos, reaching in breadth from the kil and valley that come from Gowanes N. W. by N. and from the strand on the East River S. E. by E. ; 1700 paces of three feet each, and in length from the head of the aforesaid kil N. E. by E., and S. W. by W. to the Red Hook, under the express condition that if the savages shall voluntarily give up the maize land in the aforesaid piece, Fredrick Lub- AND MONOGRAPHS 138 INDIAN PATHS bersen shall be allowed to enter upon it in the width and extent of it." This maize-land, a native corn-field, is stated by Teunis G. Bergen 27 to have extended along the east side of Court street, between Atlantic avenue and Baltic street. It was doubtless bounded on the westerly side by the trail that later became Red Hook lane, which made a sharp bend at Pacific street probably around the corner of the maize-field. It was known in 1642 as "Sassian's maize-land," a name denoting "the sower," and the natives continued its cultivation until that date, after which they probably sold it to Lubbersen, since in 1645 it was described as "Frederick Lubbertsen's maize-land." The home which he established in its vicinity was close to the place called Werpos, near which there was a large Indian burying-ground, the interments in which were disturbed in the leveling of the vicinity for city devel- opment. In a court trial in 1741, some interesting testimony was given in regard to this locality, one witness recalling that old Jacob Hanse who lived in the old Lub- INDIAN NOTES KINGS COUNTY 139 bersen dwelling, ''said at his house on talking of Worpus — there's Worpus — pointing with his finger thro' his window to the head of the creek by his garden." The house doubtless faced south or south- west, and across the garden at the head of the creek there was a small hillock which may well have been the native site, occupying the intersection of Hoyt and Baltic streets. The place was so favorably situated in regard to shelter and water springs that it not only attracted to it the natives, but their successor, Lubbersen. It was prob- ably reached by a branch trail from Red Hook lane, that extended between Warren • and Wyckoff streets. In the same proceedings an old woman, Maritie Bevors, then 84 years of age, re membered going from Brookland "by the house of Lubbertse, and saw many little hills in the way from the house to the mill [B rower's mill] along the neck and enquired what the hills were and was answered by them with her that it was the Indian corn- land." It thus appears probable that the Werpos natives had other planting-grounds AND MONOGRAPHS 140 INDIAN PATHS along the neck toward Red hook, probably around Second and Third streets, west of Court street. _ The main Indian path that extended through the Borough of Brooklyn com- menced at the shore of the East river at the foot of the present Fulton street, and fol- lowed the line of that thoroughfare and Flat- bush avenue as far as Flatlands village, and thence extended as the present King's highway, to Gravesend and New Utrecht. Flint 26 says, "The early settlers widened this trail into a wagon road which retained for many years this rural character." It wa.s not until 1704 that the route was ordered to be laid out as a King's highway, "all along to Brooklyn towne afforesaid through the lane that now is." The route was admirably adapted to connect the native settlements on the Brooklyn penin- sula with those which were situated near the southerly shores at favorable places all the way from Canarsie to Fort Hamilton. It began at the nearest point of approach to the Island of Manhattan, thus affording a connection with its pathway that in > INDIAN NOTES KINGS COUNTY 141 turn communicated with the north and east mainland. From the landing at the foot of the later Fulton street, the heights were accessible by a reasonable grade, and at or near Prospect street a trail doubt- less branched off to the village at Rinne- gaconck. The path, following our present Fulton street, turned southeast at the Municipal building, near which point the old Red Hook lane branched off and led by a side path to the settlement at Werpos. This branchtrail made a sharp turn, as pre- viously mentioned, to avoid some obstruc- tion, perhaps the native planting-ground at Pacific street, and then followed the line of Court street directly to Degraw street, whence another old lane, which was existing in the eighteenth century, led southwesterly through the native corn-fields as described by old Maritie Bevors, to Red hook. Near the intersection of Nevins street with Fulton street the main pathway has now become Flatbush avenue, as it turned southward (pi. xvn). On its way over the range of hills on which Prospect park is situated, the present Flatbush avenue is • AND MONOGRAPHS 142 INDIAN PATHS laid out somewhat to the west of the course of the old path. It diverged east of the avenue at Hamon place, crossing Atlantic avenue at Fort Greene place. At this point two important branches set off west and east. The former was that which afterward became the Gowanus road, lead- ing to the district bordering on Gowanus bay, where native settlements existed. One of these was the site of the De Hart Bergen dwelling near Third avenue at 37th street (110). At this early settlement natives were still making their home as late as 1679, when Sluyter and Dankers, the Labadist monks, enjoyed the hospi- tality of the homestead, and noted in their diary the abundance and enormous size of the oysters gathered in the vicinity. Another nearby station was evidenced by the discovery by Adam Dove of a num- ber of artifacts in the cut for the Shore Line railroad at 37th street between Sixth and Seventh avenues (109). Other traces were found in Sunset Park near the lake. There was a native path somewhat farther southeast, paralleling the Gowanus INDIAN NOTES ' 31 , • &' -r KINGS COUNTY road, the course of which was on the lines of Sixth and Seventh avenues. It is shown in part on a survey of the properties along Gowanus bay, made in the year 1696 by Au- gustus Graham, and reproduced by Stiles. 27 The portion of this path thus recorded appears to have run in the direction best suited to travel from Fort Hamilton to old Brooklyn, and may very probably have been an extension of the old trail, which became the King's highway, rejoining the latter about the line of Fifth avenue in Bay Ridge. This old path passes very near the place at 37th street where Indian objects were found, as above mentioned, and its extension across the center of Greenwood cemetery is directly toward the main line of trail on Flatbush avenue at or near Battle pass in Prospect Park (pi. xviii). It is the trail mentioned in a declaration made 4 April, 1677, by two natives, "Zemo Kamingh otherwise known in his walks (or travels) as Kaus Hansen," and "Kenrom, both Indians," who recorded the bounds of the land of Paulus Vander- beeck to be "'a certain tree or stump on the Long Hill on the one side, and on the 143 AND MONOGRAPHS 144 INDIAN PATHS other the end of the Indian footpath, and that it extends to the creek of the third meadow, which land was previously sold by chief or sachem Ka." 28 That there were two paths in the Gowanus district is evidenced in a grant of April 5, 1642, by Kieft to Cornells Cool, of land u called Gouwanes reaching in width from the wagon road running through said land and Jan Petersen's land lying along the river," which further stipulated that the paths running over this piece of land shall remain open. 29 It seems very likely that this district was occupied by the natives whose chieftain was Gouwanes, since his name has persisted as its title. The old Gowanus road wound crookedly around the margin of the marshes, and near Fourth ave- nue, at 35th street, it became the old Nar- rows lane, which extended on some undefined course to the vicinity of Fort Hamilton, which was the district known as Nayack. Near 86th street it probably ran into the King's highway, the westerly end of the an- cient path known as Mechawanienck. It thus formed the connection by which we may INDIAN NOTES KINGS COUNTY 145 assume that the Manhattan natives resi- dent at Nayack were wont to pass on their way to revisit their one-time home, and such of their relatives as still clung to the island. A little south of Gowanus lane the main pathway divided. To the east it diverged toward Bedford, and southward it ran to Flatlands. Of the two, the former was probably the more important, since it extended through the borough of Queens to the heart of Long Island. It ran nearly due east, along the base of the Green hills, and was known in early days as the Rocka- way path, as it gave access to the country of that chieftaincy. Within the Borough of Brooklyn it followed first the line of At- lantic avenue, reaching Bedford Four- corners at the present Bedford avenue. Here another path, the old Cripplebush road, set off northward, extending to the Newtown turnpike road, which reached the districts of Bush wick, Williamsburg, and Greenpoint. There are no records nor observations of native residence in these localities, although the shore-line might have afforded good opportunities for fish- AND MONOGRAPHS 146 INDIAN PATHS ing. The heads of the extensive inlets at South Williamsburg, and that known as Bushwick inlet, would have been good localities to examine for Indian remains before they were filled in to present levels. The whole area was covered with keavy timber, of which the name Bushwick may be reminiscent, while Greenpoint or Grenen Hont Punt is evidently the Green Wood point from which the early settlers obtained their supply of hemlock poles. Greenpoint and Williamsburg were reached from the old trail on the present Flushing avenue, by the Bushwick road, a winding lane of which a small part still exists in Bushwick place, at the Bushwick Railroad station of the Long Island railroad. This road may have originated in an Indian trail. The old Wood Point road joined it at Metropolitan avenue, and extended up to Greenpoint. If the natives were accus- tomed to visit Greenpoint, this old track doubtless followed their woodland trail. It was certainly the first path trodden by the white men in that district. INDIAN NOTES VI— THE HOME-LANDS OF THE CANARSEE (Map VIII, C, D) RETURNING to the main path at Atlantic avenue near Fort Greene place, we follow its course south- ward. It ran as far east of Flatbush avenue as the intersection of Prospect and Vanderbilt avenues, and passed* east of the Plaza, across Eastern Parkway, reaching a lofty place on the site of Prospect reservoir. This place was probably selected as a lookout. Thence the trail turned across Institute Park into Prospect Park, through the famous Battle pass of the Revolution, west of the present avenue, emerging from the park at Malbone street, whence it followed the present avenue through Flatbush and as far south as East 26th street. It passed through the Valley grove, as the region about Midwood street was aptly titled, and thence almost due 147 AND MONOGRAPHS 148 INDIAN PATHS south through the woodlands of Flatbush. Where Cortelyou road now touches Flat- bush avenue, the old Canarsie lane set off eastwardly, extending directly to the plant- ing lands of the Canarsee chieftaincy, at the modern Canarsie, and the neck of land extending to Beach Park (pi. xix). This old lane seems to have been a natural line of access to this important locality, though no record of its use as a trail is existent. On the west it joined Cortelyou road and "the little lane" which led toward New Utrecht. Canarsie lane formed the north boundary of the first white settlement in the locality known as Achterveldt, a trian- gular tract bounded on the southwest by the main Indian path, and on the southeast by the Flatlands Neck road, another native pathway. Through the center of this tract the Paardegat inlet extended as far west as East 31st street at Foster avenue. This long watercourse, known in later years as Bedford creek, gave access by water to the vicinity of the path from Jamaica bay, and it is not improbable that the natives making their way to and from Bergen INDIAN NOTES > X Q. S < s o -a < — CJ o ui '55 CO id .s DC d en < u ^ M-c < < rf 5 I - - OJ Q = < '% O H °=^ >■ S 5 -I o £:£ THE CANARSEE 149 beach and Canarsie beach may have utilized it to avoid a tramp of four miles. The modern Canarsie, which was part of the township of Flatlands, or Nieuw Amersfoort, was an extensive station of the Canarsee (51). It is first mentioned (Jan. 21, 1647) in a grant by Governor Kieft to settlers of "a certaine tract of land situate on the south side of Long Island called Canarsie with all the meadows belonging." The name signifies "at or about the fence" — or, in other words, "the fenced-in place." The Dutch culti- vated part of the lands in this tract with the consent of the Indians prior to any purchase being made, and they doubtless fenced in the crops of both white and red cultivators. This name, therefore, seems to have been applied generally to the fenced- in area, the center of which was the pres- ent Canarsie, to which the natives clung, and stipulated in their sale of April 16, 1665, that "the purchasers once for always a fence shall set at Canarissen for the pro- tection of the Indians cultivation." Bounds of such a cultivated area may be indicated AND MONOGRAPHS 150 INDIAN PATHS by the old lanes which surround Canarsie, such as Varkens Hook road, Hobson lane, and the Mill road. Canarsie neck is marked on old maps as "Canarsee Planting Land" (pi. xx). The native settlement seems to have been near Beach Park, where numerous objects of native manufacture have been found by D. B. Austin and others. The most important native station, how- ever, was that known as Keskaechquerem or Keskaechqueren (104) , a name which indicates a place of meeting for some public purpose. The importance of Kes- kaechquerem as a meeting place for the natives coming from all directions would indicate its situation at some point where the main lines of travel converge. The station on Canarsie neck does not appear favorably in this regard. It seems to have been more of a place for the cultivation of crops and the manufacture of wampum. The most natural position for a place of meeting in this locality is Flatlands (104), a place where a known station existed, which is situated at the junction of paths INDIAN NOTES a. Is CD O CO h- O M o £T >■ THE CANARSEE 151 converging from four directions. At this place the "ancient path" from the west united with the main path from Manhattan on the north. It was reached by the trail on the Flatlands Neck road and HunterfLy road from the northeast, connecting with the Rockaway path. Nearby was Winip- pague, the Bergen Beach factory of wam- pum, and the large stations at Gerritsen basin and on Canarsie neck. From Clarendon road the main path, following Flatbush avenue, turned southeast on a straight line to this station at Flat- lands (104), six and a half miles from East river. This was the earliest white planta- tion, named Nieuw Amersfoort, embracing a broad tract of cultivable land. At this place the old trail divided, passing east to Winippague or Bergen beach, and west to Gravesend and New Utrecht. The Flatlands tract as granted June 16, 1636, comprised all the land between Gerritsen creek and Paardegat creek, including mod- ern South Flatbush, Yandeveer Park, and Westminster Heights Park. This, however, did not include Winippague, for that island AND MONOGRAPHS 152 INDIAN PATHS was granted to Captain John Underbill ten years later as a reward for his doughty services in slaughtering troublesome natives. The little settlement of Nieuw Amersfoort grew up at the intersection of the Indian paths, around a native station, the site of which became that of the church, while the Indians' burial-ground became its churchyard. Frederick Van Wyck 30 states that this place was the seat of religious rites, and relates also that Indian remains were disturbed from time to time in the burying-ground. The supply of water within this settlement, upon which it depended, was a spring at the head of a small stream leading to Jamaica bay. This brook extended between Avenues K and L, and found an outlet in the water- course that made of Winippague an island. Flatlands thus appears to have been, from all these circumstances, and from its situa- tion in the general direction in which the council-place was undoubtedly situated, the Keskaechquerem referred to in several of the early sales of lands. Its sachems in 1638 were Kakapetteyno, Menquaeruan, INDIAN NOTES TH E CANARSEE 153 and Suwiran. With Pewichaus, the local owner, the first-named sachem agreed to the sale in 1637 of Governors island, and the Rinnegaconck tract at Wallabout. The three chiefs entered into the deed for the sale in the following year of the great tract of Bushwick. Into this station a trail, the later Flatlands Neck road, came from New Lots. On this road, at the place of its crossing the Paardegat, there stood a white oak tree (on the line of Avenue G) which in 1666 marked the boundary of the township, and was so described in the Don- gan patent of 1685. The place was known to the natives as Muskyttehool, a Dutch application of the word, hole, to the Indian word musquetaug, "a place of rushes," very well describing the charac- teristic feature of the Paardegat (pi. xxi). This path was a direct means of communi- cation between the Flatlands station and Canarsie. It connected directly with the Hunterfly Road trail, of which it was evi- dently an extension, at the sharp bend in the latter at Howard and Sutter avenues AND MONOGRAPHS 154 INDIAN PATHS in East New York. It thus formed a short cut to Keskaechquerem from the Rocka- way path. From the Flatlands station another path must have extended to a well-defined native settlement at Bergen Beach (52), known to the natives as Winippague, or "fine water place." Practically an island, it was reached from the Flatlands district only by passing over a tract of marsh-land through which a crooked waterway mean- dered. The latter was crossed in Colonial times by the old Bergen Beach road at East 69th street and Avenue T, which is the narrowest part of the meadow. This old road connected with the Mill road which ran from Flatlands village at the point where the King's highway turned off from the present Flatbush avenue. We may reasonably assume that these old lanes were successors of the native trails. Scattered objects found upon the island indicate native residence there, and masses of discarded shells decide the position of a considerable Indian industry within its area. It was in fact one of the places where INDIAN NOTES BOLTON - INDIAN PATHS IN THE GREAT METROPOLIS THE INDIAN VILLAGE-SITE AT GERRITSEN BASIN, FROM A SURVEY AND OBSERVATIONS BY D. B. AUSTIN THE CANARSEE 155 the important manufacture of wampum was carried on. The position of native resi- dence might be expected to have been on the northern part of the island, near Avenue U and the Grand esplanade, because that part was near a fresh-water supply, and had a good beach for use as a canoe landing, while the southern part was bordered by marsh and had no stream nearby. From these observations it will be evi- dent that the native station at Flatlands occupied an advantageous and commanding position. It grew up at the junction of four important paths. It might well have been a wayside stopping-place where all the native gossips exchanged information. It could hardly have escaped being a center of barter for goods in exchange for fish and mollusks. We have warrant for assum- ing it to have been occupied for a long period, as the path that led westward from it was known to the Indians as Mechawanienck, "the ancient pathway." That name is recorded in a deed of 1652 in which the path was described as the southern bound- ary of a great tract extending from Gowanus. AND MONOGRAPHS 156 INDIAN PATHS Mechawanienck later became the "wagon path," under which name it is described in the Gravesend deed for the tract known as Makeopaca in 1682. We now find it retaining the name of Kings highway, which was applied in 1704, and as such it can still be followed from Flatlands through Kings Oaks and South Bensonhurst nearly to New Utrecht, where, at the present time, it ends at the intersection of Twenty-first avenue and 79th street. But in prehistoric days it ran through New Utrecht on the line of the modern 83d and 84th streets as far as Fifteenth avenue, beyond which its crooked course to the Fort Hamilton Parkway is entirely lost in the modern street lines. An early transaction in 1636, between certain natives of Keskaechquerem and Jacobus van Corlaer, conveyed to the latter a tract of salt marsh, called Castuteeuw, or Kes-asketu, i.e., "where grass is cut." This is described as being "the middlemost of three flats," which may be identified as those marshy areas that bound the INDIAN NOTES THE CANARSEE 157 Canarsie neck of cultivated land along the margin of Jamaica bay. The "middlemost" is apparently that tract which now includes Canarsie Beach Park, and is bounded on the westward by the Bestevaars kill or Paardegat basin. It was accessible by some pathway such as the old Meadow lane still shown upon the city map. "The westernmost of the flats, called Kestateuw," was the tract of meadow through which Paardegat creek makes its way, and "the easternmost" was the great marsh bounded by Fresh creek. Of these the western meadow became known, in 1652, as Amersfoort flat, or the flat "at the bay," and the title is still continued on modern maps. Proceeding from Flatlands westward, by the King's highway and its predecessor, the Ancient Path, another important native settlement was reached, which was situated at Gerritsen basin. This deep tidal inlet, extending northward from the waters separating Coney Island from the mainland, is also known as Ryders pond, though its AND MONOGRAPHS 158 INDIAN PATHS early colonial title was the Strome kill. Its head is a natural lake, the water in which was readily impounded by Hugh Gerritsen, who erected a dam and tide gate, with a flour mill, both of which are still existing. It was admirably suited to aboriginal residence, and was extensively utilized. A branch trail must have set off from the main path in a southerly direction, probably on the line of Ryders lane at East 25th street, extending south to a junction with the old Gravesend Neck road, by which the Indian station (50) was probably reached. This place, on which some Indian burials were disturbed in the grading of Avenue' U, and many objects found by D. B. Austin which evidenced native residence, will, it is hoped, be further explored by the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. Fortunately a great part of the tract, including the pond and contiguous upland and marsh, will be preserved as a public park, by the recent generous gift of Messrs F. B. Pratt and A. T. White. Its area INDIAN NOTES tr. cc UJ O u. -~ Q 1 _• I §5 ^ 0. Si I- - t_ ° r- 10 < I- < .5 ui pi ^ . o Q 2 * o £ O M, C/3 5 THE CANARSEE 159 is illustrated in Map IX. Native occu- pancy extended over a considerable space on the western side of the basin. The water supply was provided by a good spring which is still running, and a broad and very fertile tract of farm land extends west of the site of the village which may be identified as the Indian Shanscomacocke. Mashanscomacocke, "a much enclosed place," was the name of a tract in the vicinity of Flatlands, which was sold in 1664 by natives (pi. xxii). It included features that identify it as the Gerritsen Basin station. "Upland and marshes, anyway belonging thereto, as the Strawn [Strome] Beach or Beaches, as namely that running out more westerly, with the Island adjoining, and is at the same time by the ocean sea wholly inclosed, called hoopaninak and Shans- comacocke, and Macutteris." The situation of the tracts included in the sale are evidently in the vicinity of the Strome beach. Now, the beach at the Strome kill, which is situated at the mill-dam, was an important feature of the AND MONOGRAPHS 160 INDIAN PATHS locality. It was particularly dedicated to public use, and the Gravesend Neck road extended to it (pi. xxin, xxiv). On the upland above the beach was the Indian burying-ground, where D. B. Austin un- covered interments having the appearance of being regularly disposed, about 35 feet apart. At this beach Hugh Gerritsen established his home, and all along the margin of the pond from the beach the natives have left abundant evidence of their occupancy of the upland which rises quite abruptly above the high-tide level in the pond (pi. xxn). The pond had other points of access, notably a sandy beach at the promontory near Avenue T, so that the inclusion of the Strome beach, or beaches, in the con- veyance of 1664, indicates that the sellers were describing its characteristic features. The name Shanscomacocke appears to be that which is intended to describe this en- closed pond area, and as such was probably the name of the village on its margin. The marshes "anyway belonging thereto" would have been the extensive tract of INDIAN NOTES BOLTON— INDIAN' PATHS OLD GRAVESEND NECK ROAD TO THE STROME BEACH, AT ITS TURN SOUTH TOWARD HUGH GERRITSEN'S MILL AND HOUSE. (STATION 50, MAP VIII, D) The left foreground when plowed disturbed Indian burials, part of the native settlement of Shanscomacocke Photograph by D. B. Austin, 1900. THE CANARSEE 161 salt meadows on either side of the Strome kill, and the particular reference to "that running out more westerly" points to the great tract between the kill and Shellbank creek, being well described by the name Macutteris, or Moskituash,- "a meadow." The "island adjoining," which "is by the ocean sea wholly inclosed," indicates Plumb island, a meadow island which is practically in ocean water. Barren island, or Equendito, which is also contiguous to the tracts of meadow, had been already disposed of by another transaction, in the previous month of April, and on Mill island, also adjoining, the family of Captain John Schenck had been settled for ten years, at Avenue V and East 62d street. We may therefore reason- ably presume that the village (50) to which the natives clung, as shown by a later deed, at least until 1684, was known as Shans- comacocke. The site was then included within the tract known as Makeopaca, which in that year was confirmed to the inhabitants of Gravesend. By this deed, natives of the Gravesend district, who we may assume to have been those still resi- AND MONOGRAPHS 162 INDIAN PATHS dent on the Gerritsen basin village-site, confirmed the sale of the northern part of the area which was included within the township of Gravesend. The bounds of Makeopaca, 'a great cleared space," are carefully detailed, and evidently included all of the area within the township (north of the line of the Gravesend Neck road, and of Lake lane) which had not been specifically included in those prior deals by which the site of the village, the Narrioch neck (69), and Mannahanning, or Coney island, had been secured by the white settlers. Makeopaca began at "the most eastward end of the beach called by the Indians Moeung, or "black miry, place," that is, at the head of Harway basin, where the old Beach lane reached Gravesend bay. It extended eastward along the Gravesend Neck road as far as Strome kill, or Gerrit- sen basin, thus taking in the village-site at that place (50) . Passing up this creek the bounds extended "from the head of said creek through the middle of the meadow [between Avenues P and Q], till they come to a white oak tree standing by the Flatland INDIAN NOTES THE CANARSEE 163 wagon path." This was the ancient trail, Mechawanienck, by that time expanded to the width of a wagon. Along this path the measurement proceeded "soe running to another white oak tree standing by Utrecht wagon path," which was the western extension of the same old line of travel. This tree stood close to Avenue 0, at West 10th street. A line drawn from the first point on the beach, through this tree, made the western boundary of Grave- send, "soe on a direct line to the Flatbush fence," which was struck at Foster avenue near Ocean parkway, meeting a similar line drawn on the east side from the head of Gerritsen creek through the white-oak tree first mentioned. The old path on the line of the King's highway led farther west to Gravesend (105), where there were settlements of natives which have not been precisely locat- ed. In a deed of 1650 the region was known as Massabarkem. 31 This name applied to the west part of Gravesend neck, lying between Gravesend creek and the inlet which extends north from Sheepshead AND MONOGRAPHS 164 INDIAN PATHS bay on the line of East 12th street and Homecrest avenue. The name was mis- handled by the scribe who engrossed the conveyance, but can be identified as Massa, "large," and peauke, "water-land," or land at the many waters, which aptly describes its situation, surrounded as it was by the meandering streams in three marshy tracts. The eastern part of Gravesend neck was the native Narrioch (69), naiag, "a neck," auke, "land," or "a point of land." Upon this tract is the Coney Island Jockey Club's racing ground. It was bounded on the east by Shellbank creek, a name strongly indicative of native residence. The neck was probably an appurtenance of the natives of the Gerritsen Basin station, and its grantor, Guttaquoh, was perhaps the sachem of that settlement. Through these tracts the Gravesend Neck road con- nected the early settlements of Lady Moody and her companions, with the home and mill of Hugh Gerritsen at the Strome beach. It is so natural a line of travel, though it paralleled the Mechawanienck trail, that it can hardly fail to have been the successor INDIAN NOTES >2 Q -I 2 O U X CO o ui — > 2 CD ° H u > U Q I- \- W UJ ifl m < — o -2 ^ O -^ < I- ^ < u Q- I 2 "~" -^ — D. < _l C Q. UJ o a cc _l 2 o < 3 O CO Q CO < Q O UJ €C Q < ^ * O O UJ o 2 n h CO THE CANARSEE 165 of a native pathway extending westward from the beach to the stations at Grave- send (pi. xxv). With the Narrioch tract the natives also passed title to Mannahanning, or "land on an island," being the contiguous area of what is now known as Coney Island. It may be noted that this name was originally applied only to the western extremity, which in those early days was a separate island. The remainder was further divided into two parts by a marshy area which was submerged at high tide. This extended east of Luna Park, where a small inlet set in from Coney Island creek on the line of Overton place., The eastern island was at first known as Gysbert's eylandt, and both were known as late as 1824 as Schryers hook. The island was doubtless reached from the mainland by a path which led direct from the site of Gravesend village (105) by what became later the old Shell road. This crossed the creek at a point where there was a little dry islet, and the road was marked on the Goodrich AND MONOGRAPHS 166 INDIAN PATHS map of 1824 as being "fordable at low water." Another old road led westward from Gravesend, which was known as Lake lane. It extended as Beach lane to the shore of Gravesend bay, at Bay 45th street. By such a line of travel the natives of the vicinity doubtless made their way to the shores of New York bay. Beyond Grave- send the ancient path proceeded through New Utrecht to Nayack, and there afforded ready communication, by a short canoe trip across the Narrows, with the natives of Staten Island, and the Raritan and Navasink in eastern New Jersey. Indian Pond (106) is a picturesque little lake which is situated near Mechawanienck, now Kings highway, upon the boundary of Gravesend and New Utrecht (pi. xxvi). This interesting natural landmark retained until quite recently its pristine character. It was the source of a brook, extending south between Avenues Q and R, at about the line of West 8th street in South Ben- sonhurst. The native deed of 1645 to Lady Moody and her associates mentions INDIAN NOTES BOLTON — INDIAN FATHS THE INDIAN POND, IN THE INDIAN FIELD. ALONGSIDE MECHA- WANIENCK, THEANCIENT PATHWAY ATTHEBOUND- ARY BETWEEN GRAVESEND AND NEW UTRECHT (STATIQN 106. MAP VIII. C) Photograph by Adam Dove THE CANARSEE 167 a "certaine pond in an old Indian field on the north side of the plantation of the said Robert Pennoyer," and thus affords us a clue to the existence of a native station with its accompanying planting field. The situation was desirable, alongside the native path, wiihin a short walk of the shore of Gravesend bay. The line of the ancient pathway proceed- ing further westward crossed the area later occupied by the village of New Utrecht (107). Its successor, the King's highway, made two sharp bends at Twentieth and at Eighteenth avenues, perhaps due to vil- lage developments or to cultivated tracts. From the turn at 20th street there extended to Gravesend beach a lane known as De Bruyn's (Brown's) lane. This was probably an Indian trail, and seems to indicate the existence of a native station preceding the establishment of the Dutch village. It extends from 81st street to the old margin of the bay, beyond Cropsey avenue, and is near the line of Twentieth avenue. It was the dividing line between the planta- tions of Anthony Jansen and others in AND MONOGRAPHS 168 INDIAN PATHS - 1643 and 1657. As such its probable exis- tence as a trail is indicated. It was utilized by the early settlers as a means of access to the salt hay meadows along the Benson- hurst shore. From New Utrecht the path proceeded on the line of 84th street to Fifteenth avenue, along the tract which, in 1652, Cornelis Van Werckhoven purchased of the natives of the locality. At that avenue, the Cortelyou lane was later constructed to the shore. Passing around the head of the marshy tract which is now included in Dyker Heights Park, the old highway entered the region of Nayack. The locality known as Nayack (68) is of particular interest as the refuge of the natives of Manhattan who made the sale of their home on the lower part of that island to Peter Minuit. The name denotes a point or angle of land, and as such may be appropriately applied to the Fort Hamil- ton tract, bounded probably by Dyker Heights Park on the south, and extending perhaps as far north as Yellow hook to meet the bounds of the home-lands of the INDIAN NOTES THE CANARSEE 169 Gouwanis chieftaincy. Through the heart of this district the old trail ran a crooked course, roughly approximating the line of 78th and 79th streets. At Third avenue it probably later became the Van Brunt or Bennett lane, which extended to the shore- line at 78th street, but as to which there is no record of its having been a native trail. Throughout this favored region of broad uplands and attractive shore there is no recorded information on the existence of native settlements. There was a deed of November 22, 1652, by Seisen and Mat- tano to Cornells Van Werckhoven for New Utrecht land "stretching from behind Mr. Paulus' land, called Gouwanis, across the hills to Mechawanienck, lying on the south- east side of Amersfoort and thence past Gravesend to the sea following the marks on the trees." This conveyance included all Bay Ridge and New Utrecht to the Graves- end line. Seisen was the same chieftain of Marechkawick who in 1637 sold Black- wells island. Mattano was chief of Nayack at the date of this deed, having succeeded Meijeterma after 1649. AND MONOGRAPHS 170 INDIAN PATHS That the Nayack natives who were the original owners of lower Manhattan were related to the Marechkawick Indians, is made evident not only by their removal to this territory, but by the joint action of their chiefs in this sale, and by the appearance, nineteen years later, of the sachem, Magan- wetinnernin, as the representative "for the tribe of Marychkenwingh and for Nayack." From these evidently close relations it is assumable that the Manhattan natives were Canarsee, and that their superiors or rulers were the sachems of the Brooklyn and Flatlands communities. We may even trace in Meijeterma who led the Manhattans of Nayack prior to 1649, and in Seyseys who ruled the Canarsee in 1637, the prob- able leading participants in that momen- tous sale in 1622, of the site of the future Great Metropolis. INDIAN NOTES 171 VII— NATIVE PATHS IN THE BOROUGH OF QUEENS (Maps I, and VIII, B) THE Borough of Queens, which is a part of the one-time county of that name, was added to the Metropolis in 1898. It is a very spacious tract, embracing within its area the old townships of Newtown, Flushing, Jamaica, and part of Hemp- stead, and the modern industrial district of Long Island City. It is divided from Kings county by a boundary-line drawn between the heads of Mespaetches or New- town creek and the source of Spring creek, the Hohosboco of the natives. The borough includes the entire tract which was occupied by the Rockaway chief- taincy extending from East river to Jamaica bay. Part of the Matinecock territory is also embraced within the northeastern bounds of the borough, in the township of AND MONOGRAPHS 172 INDIAN PATHS Flushing, and the districts of College Point, Whitestone, Bayside, and Little Neck. On the south it includes the easterly half of Jamaica bay as far west as the Raunt, and Rockaway beach from Rockaway point to Far Rockaway. Within the large territory much remains to be done in the direction of exploration and investigation, by which the limited information regarding its occupancy by the Indians may be considerably extended. The Rockaway, who are considered by Armbruster to have been the Marech- kawick of Brooklyn , or their near relations, were centered beyond the bounds of the Greater City at Rechquakie or Near Rocka- way, their chief village having been situated at Rockville Center. At Hewlett, which is a mile or so beyond the Queens County boundary, there was another station (55), and we know of other settlements beyond that locality. In the interior few traces of native life have been recorded. A station at Jamaica, which is known -to have existed, may have been that of some subordinate clan. Some INDIAN NOTES BOROUGH OF QUEENS 173 traces of occupancy at Flushing attest the residence of the Matinecock. Within the Newtown district another subordinate chieftaincy, the Mispat, re- sided in the region around the extensive inlet of Newtown creek, known to the natives as Mespaetches. The name of the inlet , according to Tooker , bears some reference to a bad water place or swampy locality, which well describes the character of the borders of the creek and of its branches. The native names of three branches of Newtown creek have been preserved. Canapaukah, which seems to indicate a shut-in water place, was later known as Dutch kills. This inlet extended in to the heart of Long Island City, its source being near the approach to the Queensboro bridge at Rapelye and Freeman avenues. Armbruster considers the name to indicate a bears' water place, and thinks that this was indica- tion of Canarsee ownership. The southwest extension of the creek was known as Quandoequareous. Its tor- tuous course extends inland as far as Tohn- AND MONOGRAPHS 174 INDIAN PATHS son avenue in Bushwick, and it partly forms the boundary between the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. Maspeth creek, which extends in a north easterly direction between the Laurel hill and Linden hill sections as far as Maspeth, perpetuates the native name of the entire inlet, and was probably applied to the native station (65) as well. The position of that settlement is indi- cated by the discovery from time to time of native artifacts upon the Maspeth hills The situation also appears to have been desirable for native residence, as the creek provided fresh water at its source, and the elevation afforded a wide view over sur- rounding country. A village-site might have been looked for in the vicinity of Borden avenue and Willow avenue. Neighboring territory lying south and east of this station was desirably sloping and well-drained land upon which the natives doubtless had their cultivated clearings. Northwest of Mispat, over the promon tory now forming the growing Long Island INDIAN NOTES BOROUGH OF QUEENS 175 City and its environs to Corona, a great tract of forest land extended to Flushing bay. This was known to the natives as Wandowenock, which Armbruster defines as "the fine land between the long streams" of East river and Flushing bay. The only known station within this broad region is at Ravenswood Park (111), on the bank of the east channel of East river, where a shellheap indicates native residence, and some native objects were discovered by W. L. Calver. It is not possible to suggest any particular line of trail connecting this place with Mispat. The path, if such there was, wound its way through the timber, which in later years was all cut off, through the narrow neck of dry land between the heads of the Sunwick and Canapaukah creeks, near the present entrance to the approach of the Queensboro bridge. The name of the "creek, called Sunwick," means "a stone house," according to Tooker, and is another illustration of the Indian practice of applying to contiguous waters the designation of abutting territory. AND MONOGRAPHS 176 INDIAN PATHS The name is connected with the tract on the north side of the creek, known to the natives as Sint Sinck, "a stony place," which in 1664 was sold to the Colonists by Shawestcout and Erramorhas. It would seem natural for the neck of land which these creeks enclosed to afford shelter to the aborigines, especially as the waters between the Hunters Point shore and that Of Minnahanonck, or Blackwells island, must have afforded good fishing, and the shallows of Mespaetches should have been the nursery of countless oysters. Flushing bay would appear to have been a very favorable place for native occupancy. North beach on Fishs point, the extremity of the promontory, is opposite Rikers island, beyond which a moderate stretch of still water separated it from Quinnahung and Snakapins, native settlements in the south part of the Bronx. From Flushing bay there set in west- wardly a watercourse, known to the settlers as Ludovics or Wessels brook. This was named in a deed of 1666 as a "certain creek INDIAN NOTES BOROUGH OF QUEENS called Sackhickneyah where Wessels mill stood." The creek extended inland with deep windings to the Trains meadow, a large tract of marsh-land which is still in great part existing in its original condition, fill- ing the large basin of lowland now partly occupied by North Woodside, and extending as far north as the Flushing turnpike. On the east of this area the old Trains Meadow road made its crooked way between Maspeth and North Beach on Flushing bay. The name which was thus applied to the creek in the conveyance above men- tioned, was probably that of the sea-shore path which followed its course, as pointed out by Tooker, 32 corresponding as it does to the Delaware words shajahik, "sea- shore," and aney, "a path." Such a pathway, if extended through the Mispat village as it might have been, on the line of Trimble avenue, would have been an important means of access to the still waters of the Sound, from the regions around the bay of New York, avoiding 177 AND MONOGRAPHS 178 INDIAN PATHS travel by canoe through the treacherous currents of Hell Gate. The natural line of communication be- tween these places and the mainland north and west, was the Rockaway trail, which ran from the Brooklyn path along the base of the hilly ground known as the Green hills that form the central backbone of the island from Fort Hamilton to North Hempstead. This path followed the line of the old Bedford and Jamaica highway, which the present Atlantic avenue and Jamaica avenue succeed. The path was expanded into a King's highway in 1704, and for many years bore that name. It became known later as the Jamaica and Brooklyn plank road, and sometimes as the Old Ferry road. In the village of Bedford it crossed, at the Four Corners, the junction of the Clove road, which was an old lane that may still be traced in part in the line of Canarsie avenue from Montgomery street southward to its old junction with the Canarsie lane, now the south boundary of the Cemetery of the Holy Cross in Flatbush. INDIAN NOTES BOROUGH OF QUEENS 179 The Clove road might have constituted a short-cut from the Canarsie region to the old Newtown road, which joined the main roadway at Bedford corners, and of which mention has already been made. This line of travel, by following Flushing avenue beyond Broadway, led very directly to Maspeth, the nearest station in Queens county, and to the territory now covered by Long Island City. It met at Linden hill the old Fresh Pond road, once known as the Kills path. This winding way was a very probable connection between the Maspeth station and the Rockaway path, with which it united at Euclid avenue in East New York. The Rockaway path crossed the boundary of the Borough of Queens, as does its suc- cessor Jamaica avenue, at Elderts lane, and passed thence almost due east toward Jamaica (101), skirting the south side of the Green hills through the Woodhaven and Richmond Hill districts, and entering Jamaica at Fulton street, where it joined another known trail that led north to Flushing. AND MONOGRAPHS 180 INDIAN PATHS Evidently proceeding farther east, as Fulton avenue now runs through Woodhull and Hollis, to the present district called Queens, the trail divided there, one branch passing due east to Hempstead, the other in a northeasterly direction to Jericho. These routes were later known respectively as the South Country road or the South Post-road, and the Middle Post-road or Jericho road. It would seem probable that the Hewlett and the Near Rockaway stations would have been connected with Hempstead by some branch trail proceeding directly south from the Southern post-road at Hempstead, possibly along die Valley Stream road. The main path to those native settlements was doubtless by the route of the old high- way from Jamaica, which led direct to Rockaway neck, and was practically an extension of the Flushing road. This old road, which may well have been an ancient path, passed over the meadows south of Jamaica, crossing the creek known to the natives as Skupash, the source of which was at Beaver pond in the old town, and thence INDIAN NOTES BOROUGH OF QUEENS 181 proceeding over the broad meadow-land bordering Jamaica bay, to a crossing over Hooker creek, where later a toll-gate was placed, thus reaching Rockaway neck, from which point the long stretch of Rocka- way beach would have been accessible by a branch path, while the main road pro- ceeded east to Hewlett (55). In this district the Rockaway natives had several settlements, including a station on Hog island (54), and not far away an important fortified station situated on Hicks neck, both having access to salt- water on Hempstead bay. Direct communication was doubtless well established between the residents in these large settlements and those of their kinsfolk living near the waters of the Sound, by passing through Jamaica, and thence north on the line of the Flushing road, which within Flushing is now known as Jamaica avenue. The settlement at Jamaica seems to have been occupied by a clan of natives who are thought to have been subordinate to the Rockaway, perhaps survivors of a prior AND MONOGRAPHS 182 INDIAN PATHS tribe of occupants. Their village was near the Beaver pond which once existed at the intersection of the Rockaway road and South street. From the pond a ' ' beaver path" led to the lodges. The exact location of the latter has not been recorded, but it would seem likely to have been at the intersection of the important paths which met at Flushing avenue and Fulton street. In the town of Flushing (53) some traces of native occupancy have been recorded. There was a tract on the north side of Broad- way, cultivated in the eighteenth century as a horticultural establishment, which was known as the Linnaean gardens. Within this area skeletons were uncovered indi- cating its use as a burying- ground. Prob- ably it was a station, and its planting- grounds were extended over the same tract that afterward formed the garden. A mile to the east, on the Duryea farm, objects of native manufacture evidenced the presence of the Indians. The Flushing sta- tion appears to have been the headquarters at one time of the leading sachem of this part of Long Island, for in 1664 Tackapoosa. INDIAN NOTES BOROUGH OF QUEENS 183 son and survivor of the great Mechowodt. the Ancient One, was resident there. The Matinecock were at one time numer- ous, and their villages and contiguous cultivated fields were scattered all over the territory they occupied, but disease and warfare so reduced their number that their planting land became waste and their homes were abandoned. The line of Broadway was evidently a natural line of travel between their Flushing settlement and their stations on the North shore. Armbruster states that at the time of the arrival of the first white settlers an Indian trail existed where now Broadway runs. At Little Neck (122), within the boundary of the borough, the path passed a native station and burial-ground. In this vicinity abundant shellheaps and native objects indicate its favorable advantages for native residence. Beyond Little Neck the trail went for- ward to Manhasset, providing means of access from such stations as those at Dosoris, Port Washington, and others along the North shore of Long Island. - AND MONOGRAPHS 184 INDIAN PATHS • It seems probable that this North-shore trail would have been an extension of the Sackhickneyah, which at Corona was but about a mile away from Flushing. The two, however, were separated by the broad marshes extending on the west side of Flushing creek. Across part of this boggy tract a narrow neck of dry land extends nearly two-thirds of the distance, over which Broadway now makes its way, uniting Jackson avenue with Flushing avenue. A canoe ferry over the creek was doubtless a necessary supplement to travel by this route, an effort which would have been warranted by the distance it saved, and the avoidance of a long tramp down to Jamaica to join the Rockaway path. This shore-path route would also have provided a short-cut from the north shore of Long Island to the island of Manhattan, by a canoe trip across East river below Hell Gate. Such long trails and tedious detours to avoid watercourses and marshes must have appeared very aggravating at times to those natives living on the shores facing INDIAN NOTES BOROUGH OF QUEENS 185 each other across the waters of East river. Hell Gate offered an obstruction to free passage which led to the tradition among the natives of the region to the effect that at some remote period it had been possible for their predecessors to cross the dangerous rapid by stepping from one exposed rock to another. A folk-story of much the same imaginative character is related by Robert Bolton, regarding the Stepping Stones rocks off Pelham neck. That legend recorded the pursuit by the natives of "Manetto," the Evil Spirit, through Westchester county to the Sound shore, where, escaping to City island, he stepped across to a safe retreat on Long Island by the use of the Stepping Stones, leaving the imprint of one foot which may still be seen upon a bowlder near Eastchester. He is said to have landed from his leap over the Sound in Flushing bay, on great rocks which were splintered by the impact. Having thus comfortably rid the mainland of that undesirable alien, the story leaves Lhe bur- den on Long Island of proving whether his Satanic Majesty skipped back again, over AND MONOGRAPHS 186 INDIAN PATHS the gate of hell, to Manhattan, or still remains resident in the Borough of Brook- lyn, playing the devil with metropolitan politics. INDIAN NOTES 187 VIII— RICHMOND PATHS (Map I) HE island known to the Indians as Aquehonga-Monacknong, our present Staten Island, was a favored place for native residence. Though its limited area offered relatively restricted facilities for wild animal life, the range of rugged hills that extend from its northeast corner at St George, to the old county town of Richmond near its center, probably sheltered quan- tities of small game and birds that supplemented the fish and shell-fish which teemed in the shallow waters surround- ing the island and provided the natives with their readiest means of subsistence. The eastern and western shore-lines were deeply indented with marshy tracts, some extending far inland. The area available for cultivation was thus considerably re- duced by mountain, marsh, and sand-dunes, AND MONOGRAPHS 188 INDIAN PATHS so that all the important native settlements are found to have been established around the shores, and only in a few places were small stations located inland. The native ownership of the borough was divided, its residents being members of several chieftaincies, who were settled upon that part of the coast contiguous to their mainland relatives, those on the north being the Hackensack and possibly the Tappan, those on the west and at the southern extremity the Raritan, and on the east and possibly in some inland posi- tions, the natives of Nayack, those one- time residents of Manhattan who removed to Fort Hamilton. As these were all of Unami-Delaware affinity, they appear to have lived in amicable relations and to have had a well-recognized right and title to their share in the ownership of the little island. Favored by nature as it was, and situ- ated in so commanding a position, the island unfortunately attracted the cupidity of the white man, and his usual process of expropriation of its unhappy tenantry INDIAN NOTES RICHMOND PATHS 189 took place, marked with injustice and treach- ery that resulted in a bloody tragedy of fifty years, culminating in the complete dismissal of the remnant of its native population in 1670. Perhaps the animosity thus created and continued, and at any rate the contempt of the early settlers for all native subjects, led to the abandonment of the Indian names of their numerous sta- tions, since none of them have been pre- served, and their location has been decided only by the persistent efforts of interested archeologists. Similar neglect befell the native paths or trails that must have connected these friendly settlements, and we are left to conjecture their courses by consideration of the location of the native stations and their physical surroundings. But the topography of the island is so pronounced and varied in character as to lend considerable aid in indicating the probable routes of the necessary paths by which these natives communicated with one another, and, as is found to have been the case elsewhere, these are frequently those natural lines of grade and avoidance AND MONOGRAPHS 190 INDIAN PATHS • of bogs and waterways which the old roads of the successors of the primeval pro- prietors are found to follow. Thus the mountainous range from St George to Rich- mond, and the extensive marshes of the Fresh kills extending therefrom to the Arthur kill, divide the island longitudinally and reduce the opportunity for convenient access from west to east to one or two passes which afforded reasonable grades, such as the Clove road. A trail over that pass would have connected the north and northwestern sections, occupied by the Hackensack, with the easterly and southern parts of the island, the latter being con- veniently reached by a line of trail approxi- mating the Richmond road and Amboy road, which traverse the base of the hills and avoid the marshes and waterways be- tween Arrochar and Tottenville. On the west side of the range of hills the old Richmond turnpike passes through native sites from New Brighton and Silver Lake to Linoleumville, and on the north shore several important settlements were doubtless connected by some path that INDIAN NOTES RICHMOND PATHS 191 paralleled the Kill van Kull between West New Brighton and Howlands hook. This trail would probably have followed the shore-line as closely as the present shore- road, as far as Mariners Harbor, where it would have terminated at the Bowmans Brook site, with a branch path to the south, extending past Arlington station, to Old Place and Bloomfield. The native settlements on Staten Island were both ancient and extensive. They are described by Skinner, 33 who explored the majority of the sites, and to whom we are indebted for most of our available information. One of several stations at West New Brighton was situated on the shore at Peltons cove, or Upper cove (72), on the line of the present Shore road. A village of extensive character, and one which was asserted to have been the scene of important gatherings and ceremonies in ancient times, was situated at Cedar and Dongan streets, West New Brighton, and burials within its area were found on the site of the parish house of the Church of the Ascension. Other camp-sites were AND MONOGRAPHS 192 INDIAN PATHS situated at the Harbor Hill golf-links (86), above Castleton avenue at Silver lake (78) , on Harbor hill near Harbor brook and Lafayette avenue, and some scattered relics along the Shore road near St George. Farther west along the shore, at Mariners Harbor, or Arlington, a station (74) existed on a sandy knoll on South ave- nue, opposite the railroad station. A larger and more ancient village and burial place (73) was found at Bowmans brook (or Newtons creek), under the site of the Milliken Brothers' steel works, beyond which, at Western avenue and the Shore road, a more recent site was found. At Old Place (75) in the same district, on a sandy promontory known as Tunissens neck, a large village of ancient character existed. Farther south at Watchogue, now Bloom- field (76), a quantity of relics indicate oc- cupancy of a site which did not, however, present the characteristics of a settled village. At the junction of Union avenue and the Watchogue road (87) there were burials and probably a village-site, and INDIAN NOTES Q LU cc E < — z> LU 0- OQ 2 < Q h-" ^ 2 2 c, CL 1- UJ j- c D. 2 a. LU a. 'j. h ^ LU X UJ LU Cu 2 _1 O H X s CO h- LU eS LU CD £ I CO DC <4-l h 2 O o <: O X LU o Q < >- 3 UJ D o CO s _i X Q UJ C c3 5 o DC _o LU O o UJ DC < Lu or < LU DC CL X LU < < O <+H £ LU x o o 1- h- < 4J CC _l co 3 o < — o h- ^ U co LU > < DC LU Ld CC Q. h- < h- co U. z LU o o _l CO ^ _i ^ ^ > 1- o o o z LU > < O UJ z: h X — \- RICHMOND PATHS 193 scattered relics have been found on the sand-dunes between Chelsea and Travisville. On both sides of Long Neck, or Lino- leumville (77, A), scattered relics have been found indicating its use as a camp, probably during the summer season. Farther inland, at New Springville (89), there were indications of a station and burials. It would seem probable that a trail may have connected these fishing stations with a large camp-site (90) not far from Richmond, at the Ketchum mill-pond, on Simonsons brook, and that an extension may have traversed the old Mill road to Richmond, and thence connected with the Amboy road, forming a short-cut across the center of the island. This, however, can be only conjectured. The stations in the southwestern part of the island begin at Green Ridge (91), where, on a space between Journeay avenue and Annadale road, relics of ancient character have been found. Far out in the marsh- lands near the outlet of the Fresh kills, the tortuous channels form an island (79) AND MONOGRAPHS 194 1 INDIAN PATHS known as Lakes island. This afforded numerous relics, even as far back as 1843, when Thoreau visited the place and picked arrowheads from the soil. Scattered settlements appear to have existed in the southwestern portion of the island around Woodrow (82), where, along the line of Sandy brook (81), on the Wort farm, and over the fields to Rossville (80) and Kreischerville, signs of native occu- pancy and cultivation are found. The locality was favorable for such purposes, and it may well have been so utilized by the overflow population of the great settlement on Ward point (83) beyond Tottenville. This place, sometimes described as Burial ridge, was evidently of considerable impor- tance and large extent. Recent explora- tions by the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, conducted by M. R. Harrington, are increasing the store of information as to its extent and char- acter (see pi. xxvn, xxviii). Situated on the "high sandy banks" that gave its name to Aquehonga, with the great oyster-beds of Raritan bay extending INDIAN NOTES RICHMOND PATHS 195 around it, and the tidal waters that surge round the point swarming with fish, the station was admirably suited to native life; while across the river, by a short ferriage, the great Minisink path came down through Perth Amboy, on which the traders of the Lenni Lenape made their way to the sea- coast with the products of their mountain homes. Along the easterly shore from Ward point to Arrochar, small deposits indicate native life at several favorable situations. At Princes bay (92) there are cultivable grounds, a fine water-supply, high banks and good fishing facilities, and along the banks several deposits have been noted that determine the presence of the red man. At Seguine point (93) there was a fishing camp, a site south of the Woods of Arden (94) at the mouth of the Great Kills, and another at Oakwood (95). At the head of that inlet, in the salt meadow, traces were found by Alanson Skinner, indicating the use of the place as a 'clam drying" ground. Nothing more has been traced between that locality and Arrochar AND MONOGRAPHS 196 INDIAN PATHS (96) , at which place, near the railroad station on Richmond avenue, there is an ancient site, probably one of the earliest on the island. At Stapleton (97) there was a station. Such sites on this side of the island could have been reached only by branch paths extending from some inland route, such as the Richmond and Amboy roads. These are indicated in Map I on the lines of old roadways which suggest the most natural routes. INDIAN NOTES co CO - 1— 1— 3 - w : _ £ >^ -* a> (!) C 52 '5 z cu 'E r -j — o S c ! C CL Ctf ^r • 'Ej)^; U 'i_ c o ;pj a> c +-• IX— PATHS IN NEARBY NEW JERSEY (Maps I; VIII, A; X) A STUDY of the system of Indian paths in the Metropolis would be incomplete without considera- tion of those traversing the con- tiguous territory on the west side of the waters of the bay and of the great estuary of the Hudson. Staten Island, which is substantially a part of that territory, has already ^ been considered, and is found to have had an extensive occupancy, composed of natives owing allegiance to several chieftaincies. The narrow waterway that divided the island from the mainland on the west and north formed no tribal boundary. We find that the natives of the island held title on the west to a large part of the area of the towns of Woodbridge, Linden, and Elizabeth, and that those on the north were in close communication with their fellow 197 AND MONOGRAPHS 198 INDIAN PATHS tribesmen of the Hackensack who were resident on Bergen neck. That promontory, bearing a singular topographical resemblance to Manhattan, evidently had superior attractions as a place from which the pur- suit of oystering and fishing could be car- ried on. A considerable settlement existed at Constable point (71), and there was a fishing station on the opposite side of the point, near the Central Railroad tracks on the shore of Newark bay. Constable point was practically an island separated from Bayonne by a wide tract of marsh with watercourses extending from Centerville to the Kill van Kull. At Gamoenepa (118), the modernized form of which name is Communipaw, a Hackensack station was continued up to Colonial times, situated upon the point of dry land which there extended into the waters of the Upper bay, directly opposite the extremity of Manhattan Island. Another station, whose existence is marked in our city's history by the black record of the indiscriminate slaughter of its occupants in 1643, was Aressick, or INDIAN NOTES NEW JERSEY 1 199 Paulus hook (114), now included in the modern Jersey City, probably situated at a point about a block south and west of Exchange place. It was thus directly across the river from Werpoes, and is likely to have had considerable communication, by canoe, with Manhattan. It had nearby a neighboring community in the native village of Harsimus (115), situated in the cove about the present Henderson street and 5th street, in modern Hoboken. At Castle point, the trading station of Hobokan Hackingh (116), was established a place of some importance, which by its position on the highest southerly ground along the river-front commanded the passage of trade to and from the Island of Manhattan. By some route we may feel assured that these natives of Bergen neck, and others occupying North Bergen and the Palisade region, found their way around the Hacken- sack meadows to the trails from those mountain regions on which the traders from the interior tribes made their way AND MONOGRAPHS 200 INDIAN PATHS with the products of the chase to the mark- eting place at Sapohanikan. Direct progress toward the west, from the stations on the bank of Hudson river along Bergen neck was barred to native travel by the extensive swamp-land that extended around the head of Newark bay for about sixteen miles inland to Hacken- sack. It was, perhaps, a common custom to transport goods and travelers by canoe across the Hackensack, which could have been best accomplished at Kearney, but in the absence of the means of water ferriage the traveler was compelled to journey to some point farther inland, where a crossing by wading could be effected. The Hacken- sack was approachable at Little Ferry, where dry ground extends on both sides to the margin of the river, but as Over peck creek there unites with it, the waters are broad, and only at low water could a crossing have been practicable. The probability is that the line of travel took a longer route around high and dry ground near Englewood, crossing the nar- INDIAN NOTES NEW JERSEY 201 rowed stream at New Bridge, thence advanc- ing westward toward the great bend of Pas- saic river which, emerging from the moun- tain at Great Falls, loops around the city of Paterson and thence descends in a southerly course parallel with Hackensack river. At modern Passaic the river takes a horseshoe turn around the site of the native station of Acquacanonck (70), the headquarters of the chieftaincy of that name. A short distance north of its junction with Saddle river there is a shallow place used as a ford in Colonial times, which was probably a crossing used by the Indians on their way to the homes of the Acquac anonck along the Passaic valley ^ and thence through the Short hills to the west. Those who sought the region inhabited by the warlike Minsi, who were settled in the Preakness valley and Pompton plain, probably took a path around the bend of the Passaic river, or cut across country from New Bridge on the Hackensack past Maywood, over Saddle river near Areola, and passing around the Passaic at Hawthorne found themselves on the line of the Pomp- • AND MONOGRAPHS 202 INDIAN PATHS ton road, at the entrance of the pass through the Watchung mountains. From Pompton an old roadway, possibly the successor of a trail, followed the course of the Ramapo river along the base of the southern Ramapo mountains, by which route the traveler would have reached Suffern most conveniently. There two known Indian trails diverged, one leading into the narrow valley of the Ramapo river through the heart of the mountains to the Highlands, and the other turning eastwardly along Mahwah creek directly to Haverstraw. Through these mountain trails there doubtless flowed a great part of the traffic that brought the pelts and game of the wild forests to Manhattan, and carried back again over their steep and tortuous courses the coveted beads of wampum for which they had been exchanged. • The Minisink path was an important native highway which connected the bay of New York and the sea coast with the mountain regions of upper New Jersey in which the Lenni Lenape made their home. This great pathway was so well known a INDIAN NOTES BOLTON-INDIAN PATHS IN THE GREAT METROPOLIS h'l-TiiMi T — ~ — ~ i---r— *-■- r---T- Original map of a portion of eastern Ne\ tiguous to Staten Island, showing a part of th 1750 as an exhibit in the Elizabeth boundary dj MAP XI embracing the native sales of territory con- of the Minisink path. Drawn probably about Courtesy of the New York Historical Society.) NEW JERSEY 203 feature of east New Jersey that it appears prominently in ancient maps, such as that reproduced as Map X, on which its entire course is marked from Navasink to Minisink. This path commenced at Portland point on Navasink river, probably at some village- site favorably situated for deep-sea fishing and oystering, and proceeded west, to the north of Middletown, passing around the south side of Pidgeon Hill, north of Mount Pleasant, to Middletown Point, through which village it passed and crossed Mat- tewan creek, and curved northward to South Amboy, where it reached a wading place on Raritan river west of Perth Amboy. Another interesting map, which is included in a collection of surveys of the Colonial period in possession of the New York Historical Society, is reproduced, by the courtesy of that Society, as Map XI. This map shows in some detail the topography of part of the territory through which the path passed. It relates to a dispute be- tween the towns of Newark and Elizabeth as to their respective boundaries, and is evidently the work of some surveyor AND MONOGRAPHS 204 INDIAN PATHS acquainted with the historical side of the subject, as it records not only the bounda- ries but the dates and even some of the native names of the tracts purchased from the natives dwelling in the territory between Raritan and Passaic rivers, and from Staten Island to the Cushetonk hiF.s. One of the most important boundary lines was the Minisink path, which trav- erses the region between the two rivers above mentioned, and was used as the western boundary of the earliest native conveyance, comprising that tract contig- uous to Staten Island from Amboy to Elizabeth, which it states was "claimed by the Indians of Staten Island" and was sold by them in 1664. The point of its crossing of Raritan river was about two miles west of Perth Amboy, where a fordable depth was doubtless found at a place which is marked on the old survey as Kents neck, the native name of which was Matockshegan, indicating by its use of the words matta, "bad," tuck, "a creek," and perhaps oushachen, "slippery," the awkward and difficult INDIAN NOTES NEW JERSEY 205 nature of the wading place. The path appears to have taken a fairly straight course nearly due north from this point, on a line which is not followed by any main road of later periods. Keeping to the west side of Rahway river, it reached Springfield; thence it passed through the Short hills to Northfield and Livingston, where it crossed the Passaic into Morris county. Its course may be traced beyond that point by old roadways through Sussex county to the island of Minisink in Dela- ware river, which is situated halfway be- between Hainesville and Milford. 34 This is stated by Whitehead to have been the only native path or trail in upper New Jersey of which there is any definite record. Its importance is evident on examination of its course around the waters of the metropolitan area, as it afforded the desired access to the ocean without the necessity of passing over the mountains of the Ramapo, avoiding also the extensive swamps of the Passaic and the Hackensack. It formed so direct a means of contact with the natives of the Delaware tribe that it can hardly AND MONOGRAPHS 206 INDIAN PATHS have existed without a number of branch trails, connecting through the hills with the homes of natives resident in the East Jersey district, and probably extending, by some such routes as those previously described, to the trading-place on the Hudson, thus establishing contact between the Delawares and their blood relatives on the Island of Manhattan, and the ad- joining territories on the mainland and Long Island. INDIAN NOTES 207 NOTES 1. Valentine's Manual for 1865, pp. 572 and 652. 2. On the other hand, Mr M. R. Harrington, in a personal communication to the author, says of the name Werpoes or Worpus: "There seems to be nothing in recorded Delaware to help us here, but the Natick word waapu, 'raised up,' with the diminutive -5 added, would seem to indi- cate 'a slight elevation.' This would ac- cord with the Kolch hill, the most con- spicuous elevation of the neighborhood." 3. Doc. Hist.. State of N. Y., vol. ii, p. 1039. 4. Information by Mr M. R. Harrington, who says: "Taking into account the inter- changeability of the letters / and r, the Delaware roots of these names, both of which are used, might belexau-taney-k, 'at the sandy town,' or lexau-tuk, 'sandy river.' " 5. Minetta or Manetta. This brook was not sufficiently distinctive to deserve a title derived from the Manitto, the Great Spirit, nor could it have had any connection with meruit ey, an island. It is most probable that it is a corrup- tion of the prosaic menantachk indicating the "wooded swamp" through which the upper part of the brook meandered. — M. R. Harrington. AND MONOGRAPHS 208 INDIAN PATHS 'rising ground." — Harrington. 1865, pp. 608 and 6. Aspetong; Ashpetong. An elevation, scarcely sufficiently conspicuous to de- serve the name of a hill, seems to be in- dicated by the Delaware aspi, "lifted up," and the locative-owg, "an elevated place, or as we should say, Information by M. R 7. Valentine's Manual for 638. 8. Shepmoes. Though we might derive this from the Delaware word sipo, a river, plus the suffix -es, meaning little, there is a closer resemblance to the recorded Natick sepomoese, and it would seem more prob- able that it is a title descriptive of a local feature, "the little brook."— M. R. Har- rington. 9. Valentine's Manual for 1864, p. 847. 10. Rechawanes, Rechewanis. Far from indicating a great space of sand, as has been suggested by Riker and others, the precise derivation appears to be the Del- aware lexau-hannes-s or "sand-stream- little," descriptive of the small creek that flowed between its sandy banks. Rech- ewas point thus appears as hxau-es or "little sand point."— M. R. Harrington. 11. Conykeekst. The Delaware kwene-aki- es-k indicates the character of the tract as a long-place-little-at, or long narrow tract, perhaps wooded, bounded west by the marsh lands and east by the surging waters of the East river. — M. R. Har- rington. 12. Riker, James, History of Harlem, p. 282. INDIAN NOTES NOTES 13. Skinner, Alanson, Archeological Investiga- tions on Manhattan Island, Indian Notes and Monographs, vol. ii, no. 6, 1920. 14. Mosholu. A simple explanation of the name is offered by the Delaware Mosxo- X&eu, meaning clear (not turbid), which may well have been the character of the bright waters of the brook, bounding over the cascade in front of the village- site. — M. R. Harrington. 15. Nipxichsen. A more satisfactory defini- tion of the name applied to this hilltop station than has been heretofore sug- gested, is found in the Delaware mbi- nishkeu, or as it appears in its Natick form, nip-nishkeneunque, signifying muddy or dirty water. This could be • very reasonably applied to the rain-water pond which in certain seasons filled the hollow space back of the site of the old Tippett dwelling. — M. R. Harrington. 16. Bolton, R. P., A Pioneer Settler's Home, Quarterly Bulletin, N. Y. Historical Society, vol. v, no. 1, New York, 1921. 17. Raxachqua. The Ranach qua tract, which formed the apex of the great peninsula covered by Westchester county, was significantly described by its native name, evidently derived from the Delaware wunaXkwaloye, "the extreme end." — M. R. Harrington. 18. Jenkins, Stephen, Story of the Bronx, p. 214. 209 AND MONOGRAPHS 210 INDIAN PATHS 19. Skinner, Exploration of Aboriginal Sites at Throgs Neck and Clasons Point, New York City, Contributions from the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, vol. v. no. 4, pt. 1, New York, 1919. 20. Bolton, Robert, History of Weschester County, 3d ed., ii, p. 578. 21. Skinner, op. cit., vol. v, no. 4, pt. 2, New York, 1919. 22. Bolton, Robert, History of Weschester County, 3d ed., vol. i, p. 686. 23. Furman, Gabriel, Antiquities of Long Island. 24. RlNNEGACONCK, RlNNEGOCONCK. The Delaware lenniga-xunk, or Bark-house hill, is a satisfactory and distinctive description, according with the native settlement on the hill, the traces of which were above described. — M. R. Harrington. 25. The patent of 1646 to Van Tienhoven describes Breukelen as "formerly called Marechkawick." The village planting- grounds were in the vicinity, as described in the grant of land to Frederick Lubber- sen in 1640. 26. Flint, M. B., Early Life on Long Island. 27. Stiles, H. R., History of Brooklyn, vol. i, p. 52. 28. Stiles, ibid., vol. i, p. 49. 29. New York Colonial Documents, xiv, 39 30. Van Wvck, Frederick, Historical Guide of the City History Club, 1913. 31. Munsell, J., History of Kings County. 32. Tooker, W. W., Indian Place Names on Long Island. INDIAN NOTES NOTES 33' Skinner, A nthropological Papers of the A meri- can Museum of Natural History, 1909. 34. Heye, G. G., and Pepper, G. H., Explora- tion of a Munsee Cemetery near Mon- tague, New Jersey, Contributions from the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, vol. ii, no. 1, New York. 1915. AND MONOGRAPHS 212 BIBLIOGRAPHY Armbruster, Eugene L., History of Long Island, Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Brooklyn, 1914 (The Eagle Library, No. 182.) •, The Ferry Road on Long Island, New York, 1919. Beauchamp, Wm. M., Aboriginal Occupation of New York, Bulletin 32, N. Y. State Museum, Albany, 1900. -, Indian Names of New York, Fayette- ville, N. Y., 1893 Bolton, R. P.-, The Indians of Washington Heights, Anthropological Papers, American Museum of Natural History, vol. in, New York, 1909. , New York City in Indian Possession, Indian Notes and Monographs, Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, vol. n, no. 7, New York, 1920. Bolton, Rev. Robert, The History of the County of Westchester, 1st ed,. New York, 1848, and 3d ed., New York, 1905. Boyd, S. G., Indian Local Names with their Interpretations, York, Pa., 1885. City History Club, Historical Guide to the City of New York, 1913. Cook, Harry T., The Borough of the Bronx, 1639-1913, New York, 1913. Denton, Daniel, Description of New York, 1670, New York, 1845 (reprint). Flint, Martha B., Early Life on Long Island, New York, 1896. Ftjrman, Gabriel, Antiquities of Long Island. New York, 1875. INDIAN NOTES BIBLIOGRAPHY 213 Hall, Edward Hagaman, A Brief History of City Hall Park, American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society, 15th Annual Report, p. 383, Albany, 1910. Handbook of American Indians, edited by Frederick W. Hodge, Bulletin 30, Bureau of American Ethnology, Washington, 1907-1910. Hanna, Charles A., The Wilderness Trail, New York, 1911. (Two vols., with 80 maps.) Heye, G. G., and Pepper, G. H., Exploration of a Munsee Cemetery near Montague, New Terse} 7 ', Contributions from the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, vol. ii, no. 1, New York, 1915. Higgins, Charles M., Brooklyn and Gowanus in History, Kings County Historical Society Magazine, August, 1916. (The) Indians of Greater New York, Anthro- pological Papers, American Museum of Natural History, vol. in, New York, 1909. Innes, J. H., Ancient Newtown, The Newtown Register, Elmhurst, L. I., 1898-1899. , New Amsterdam and its People, New York, 1902. Jameson, J. F., Narratives of New Netherland, New York, 1909. Janviee, Thos. A., In Old New York, New York, 1900. Jenkins, Stephen, The Old Boston Post Road, New York, 1914. The Greatest Street in the World, New York, 1911. -, The Story of the Bronx, New York, 1912. AND MONOGRAPHS 214 INDIAN PATHS Munsell, J., History of Queens County, New York, 1882. Nelson, Wm., The Indians of New Jersey, Paterson, N. J., 1894. New York. Colonial Documents of the State of New York, vol. xrv, Albany, 1883. New York City, Department of Finance, Colonial Highways of Greater New York, New York, 1907-1908. Onderdonk, Henry, Queens County in Olden Times, Jamaica, 1865. — , Revolutionary Incidents of Queens County, New York, 1846. Prime, Nathaniel S., History of Long Island, New York, 1845. Riker, James, Annals of Newtown, New York, 1852. , Harlem, its Origin and Annals, New York, 1881. Ruttenber, E. M., History of the Indian Tribes of the Hudson River, Albany, 1872. , Indian Geographical Names, Proceedings of New York State Historical Association, 1906. Schrabisch, Max, Indian Rock-shelters in Northern New Jersey and Southern New York, Anthropological Papers, American Mu- seum of Natural History, vol. in, New York, 1909. Indian Habitations in Sussex County, New Jersey, Geological Survey of New Jersey, Bulletin 13, Union Hill, N. J., 1915. Skinner, Alanson, Exploration of Aboriginal Sites at Throgs Neck and Clasons Point, New York City, Contributions from the Museum of INDIAN NOTES BIBLIOGRAPHY 215 the American Indian, Heye Foundation, vol. v, no. 4, New York, 1919. Skinner, Alanson, Archeological investigations on Manhattan Island, New York City, In- dian Notes and Monographs, Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, vol. n, no. 6, New York, 1920. Sluyter and Dankers, Journal, 1679. In Transactions of the Long Island Historical Society, vol. i, Brooklyn, 1867. Strong, Thos. M., History of Flatbush, New York, 1842. Thompson, B. F., History of Long Island, 2d ed., New York, 1843. Tooker, William Wallace, The Indian Place Names on Long Island, etc.. New York, 1911. Amerindian Names in Westchester County. In Shonnard, History of West- chester County, New York, 1900. Trumbull, James H., Indian Names in Connec- ticut, Hartford, 1881. Ulmann, Albert, A Landmark History of New York, New York, 1901. Valentine, David T., History of the City of New York, New York, 1853. Van der Donck, Beschryving van Nieuw Nederland, Coll. N. Y. Hist. Soc, 2d series, vol. i, 1841. Waller, H. D., History of the Town of Flush- ing, Flushing, 1899. Whitehead, William A., East Jersey under the Proprietary Governments, Newark, 1875. Wilson, R. R., Historical Long Island, New York, 1902. AND MONOGRAPHS 216 INDIAN PATHS Winfield, C. H., History of the Land Titles of Hudson County, New York, New York, 1872. ■, History of Hudson County, New York, New York, 1874. Wood, Silas, Sketch of the First Settlement of Long Island, Brooklyn, 1865. INDIAN NOTES MAPS CONSULTED Atlas of 23d ward, City of New York. Atlas of 24th ward, City of New York. 2d edition. Survey by Robinson and Pidgeon, published by E. Robinson, N. Y;, 1887. Bergen Point, N. J. An original map of the point up to "Weehawk," made by an un- known person in 1767, having upon it a note of distances made by Robert Erskine in 1779. Shows old dwellings, farms, and roadways. In possession of the New York Historical Society. Brooklyn, Borough of. Rand & McNally, Chicago, 1903. Brooklyn, The City of. Old prints, in annual publication, 1856 to 1864. In possession of the American Geographical Society. Brooklyn, The City of. Watson, 1879. Brooklyn, The City of. M. D'ripps, 1853, 1871. Brooklyn, The City of. Alexander Martin, 1839. Elizabeth, N. J. An original map, apparently drawn about 1750, in possession of the New York Historical Society, showing the original purchases of lands from the Indian proprie- tors, and land in controversy at that time. (See our Map XI.) Also another survey of the same district, without the purchased lands. Geological Survey. United States. Maps 217 AND MONOGRAPHS 218 INDIAN PATHS covering the area of the greater city and of eastern New Jersey. Hudson River. Vingboom, 1639. In the Li- brary of Congress. Hudson River, The, between New York and Albany. Goodrich, 1824. Hudson River, Topographical map of the. Lloyd, 1864. Hudson River Valley, The. Atlas. Watson, 1891. Indian Trails. Map in Charles A. Hanna's The Wilderness Trail, New York, 1911. Manhattan and Brooklyn, The Ratzer survey of. 1766. Valentine's Manual for 1854. Manhattan farm properties. Valentine's Manual for 1852. Manhattan Island, Map of the Commissioners of. 1807. Valentine's Manual for 1853, p. 260. Manhattan Island, 1664. The Nicolls map. Monmouth, N. J., An orig nal survey of part of Monmouth county, 18th century, showing old roadways. In possession of the New York Historical Society. Mount Vernon, N. Y., and environs. Survey by William Bracher. Goldthwaite, 1890. New Jersey, by Robert Hornor. New Jersey, The Province of, by William Faden. London, 1778. New Jersey, East. An original map "''by a Society of Gentlemen in America," covering the counties of Hunterdon, Sussex, Bergen, Essex, and part of Morris, etc., from actual survey. In possession of the New York Historical Society. INDIAN NOTES MAPS CONSULTED 219 New Jersey, East. In Tilden's Map of New York, 1863. New Jersey, State of, by J. Low. New York, 1796. New York and its Vicinity. Surveys by H. F. Walling. Published by S. D. Tilden, N. Y., 1863. New York City. Maps published in the Man- ual of the Common Council of the City of New York, by D. T. Valentine. Indexed in the volume for 1857, p. 565. New York City in 1742-1744, by D. G., drawn in 1813. Valentine's Manual for 1852. New York, Southern, including Long Island. William Damerum, 1815. Westchester county. Beer, 1872. Westchester county, Atlas of, by Jos. R. Bien. Published by Julius Bien, New York, 1893. Westchester county. Walling, 1863. AND MONOGRAPHS 220 INDEX OF STATIONS ON THE MAPS Note: The numbers applied to the stations are those adopted in "New York City in Indian Possession" up to No. 27 and from I s * os. 50-58, 65-83, 86-97, new numbers being applied to stations not described in that work from 98 onward. See Indian Notes and Mono graphs, vol. n, no. 7, 1920. 1. Kapsee (Map VIII, A). The extremity of the island of Manhattan; probably applied also to the rocks in the tideway. ("The Indian name for the extreme point of the upland was Kap-se" — Ben- son.) (See Valentine's Manual, 1852, p. 462.) The Dutch name for the point extending south of Pearl street was Schreyers Hoek. 2. Werpoes (Maps II; III; VIII, A). A native village-site at the Kalch Hoek, a hill which overlooked the Kolch or Collect ponds. The village was prob- ably situated on the line of Elm street, between Duane and Worth streets, the center being cut by the line of Pearl street, which, when graded, disclosed masses of shells. See 15th Annual Report American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society. 3. RECHTAUCKorRECHTANCK (Maps II; VIII, A). A village-site on Corlears hook, on Manhattan island. Natives who had INDIAN NOTES INDEX TO STATIONS taken refuge there were massacred by Dutch soldiery at the order of Governor William Kieft, 1643. The most natural position for such a station was near a fresh-water pond and brook at the present Jefferson, Henry, Clinton, and Madison streets, facing south on an open beach on East river. 4. Sapohanikan (Maps II; VIII, A). A station, but probably no more than a landing and trading place, utilized as the nearest convenient point of access to Hoboken, when peltries and goods were brought by the Hackensack for barter. It was situated on the shore of the slight indentation of the river-front between Bethune and Horatio streets, in what is now "Greenwich Village." 5. Rechewanis (Map IV). Rechewas point, Montagnes point, "Little Sand Stream." The tract of marsh and upland extend- ing south of Harlem kill to 91st street as far west as Fifth avenue, to Hellgate bay, on East river. This was the home district of Rechewac, chief of the Reck- gawawanc, and was occupied by him and his people until 1669. It probably in- cluded a native village known as Ko- naande Kongh. 6. Ranachqua (Map VII, C). The tract purchased of the sachem Rechewac and others by Jonas Bronck in 1639, and by him renamed "Emmaus." The name probably applied also to a native station of which traces have been found around 221 AND MONOGRAPHS 222 INDIAN PATHS the site of the one-time Gouverneur Morris mansion at Cypress avenue and 131st street. Quinnahung (Maps VII, C, D). The Great Planting Neck, the modern Hunts point. Several sites around this favored locality are marked by native debris: (1) Around the site of the one-time house of the Richardson family, particu- larly about the spring nearby, near the old Hunt burial-ground. (2) On the Dickey estate on the Hunts Point road at Randall avenue. (3) On a mound surrounded by marsh-lands on the line of Eastern boulevard,' if extended. (4) At the extremity of the point, in front of the site of the one-time Hunt mansion. Snakapins (Map VII, D). A native village, the name of which was recorded, of extensive character, situated on a tract of sloping ground on the west side of the present Soundview avenue, where it is intersected b}^ Leland avenue. The site was covered by about sixty lodges. In the vicinity, south of the village, there was probably an extensive planting- ground. Fishing stations were situated along the shore, and t at Clasons point. The site was explored by Alanson Skinner for the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, in 1918. See Contributions from the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, vol. v, no. 4, part n, New York, 1919. Castle point or Castle hill (Map VII, INDIAN NOTES INDEX TO STATIONS 223 D). An important native station, the name of which has not been recorded, consisting of a palisaded enclosure, or fort, on the high mound on the west bank of Westchester creek, which was the site of the Screven residence. A village probably extended on the south side of the hill, the site being marked by debris. On the extreme point is a large shell- neap containing the discarded shells used in making wampum beads. The place was seen by Adrian Block on his voyage through the Sound in 1614. The hill, being about 60 feet in height, is quite conspicuous from the water. 10. Burial point (Map VII, D). On Zeregas neck, or Old Ferry point. This place is said to have been the site of a burying- ground to which the natives brought their dead from the interior country. There are deposits of shells and scattered native objects along the shores of the point, indicating native occupancy. The probable site of the burial place is a mound facing Morris cove on the border of the marsh at the foot of the Ferris estate. The place is in full sight of Castle hill (9). 11. Locust point (Map VII, D). Wrights island or neck on Throgs neck. Along the shore-line native objects indicate its former occupancy, probably as summer fishing places. Locust point, distinguished by a cluster of locust trees, is now under water at high-tide. AND MONOGR APHS 224 . INDIAN PATHS 12. Weir creek (Map VII, D). On Throgs neck. An important native station situated on the shore at the mouth of the creek, on the Brown estate, near a small spring of fresh water. Its name is not recorded, but the site was in use by the Siwanoy after their contact with white men. It has been carefully ex- plored by the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. 13. Bear swamp (Map VII, C). The site of a native village at Downings brook, on the present Bear Swamp road. This village, the name of which is not re- corded, was probably a principal station of the Siwanoy of the Bronx district, as they continued to occupy it until 1782. 14. Jeffreys hook (Map I). Manhattan Island, on the east bank of the Hudson, the modern Fort Washington point. A fishing station, evidenced by deposits of shells and charcoal, and by arrows found among the rocks on the beaches. Sever- al rock-shelters and camp-sites also have been traced along the riverside as far south as 158th street. 15. Muscoota (Map V). The modern Dyck- man tract, comprising all the low- lands draining into Sherman basin, and the marsh meadows along the shore of Harlem river, which was referred to as "the Kil Muscoota." These lands extended as far north as Marble hill. The name indicates a meadow or place INDIAN NOTES INDEX TO STATIONS 225 where rushes grow. Around the tract evidences of native occupancy were found, at 196th to 201st streets, 208th and 209th streets, 213th street, and at 219th street. In the interior of the area a ceremonial site at 212 th street and sundry places marked by food-pits have been discovered. 16. Shorakapkok (Maps I, V). A name, fortu- nately preserved, applied to the locality under Inwood hill and to the western part of Spuyten Duyvil creek, on the bank of which, in the glen now called Cold Spring hollow, large deposits of debris, food-pits, and rock-shelters attest the long-continued native residence. The well-known Indian cave is one of the features of Shorakapkok. (See pi. n.) 17. Nipnichsen (Map I). Berrians neck, Spuyten Duyvil hill. The site of a palisaded station, the precise position of which is not known. The name de- notes a muddy pond. Native debris was found on the summit overlooking the Hudson, but a more probable site has been recently discovered- near a small pond on the line of 231st street. 18. Paparinemin or Papirinemin (Maps V; VI; VII, C). Applied both to the island which became the site of the village of Kingsbridge, and to that part of Spuyten Duyvil creek contiguous thereto. A favorite resort of the Reckgawawanc, one of whose stations was on the line of 231st street overlooking the crossing of AND MONOGRAPHS 226 INDIAN PATHS the main path to the north and east countries. 19. Mosholu or Keskeskick (Maps VII, A, C). An important village-site on the west bank of Mosholu brook, near the Van Cortlandt mansion in Van Cort- landt park. The title Keskeskick ap- plied to the range of hills forming part of Kingsbridge, Fordham, and Univer- sity Heights, probably as far south as Washington bridge. The village-site was close to the Van Cortlandt mansion. It was destroyed by grading the playing field. See Skinner, Archeological In- vestigations on Manhattan Island, In- dian Notes and Monographs, vol. n, no. 6, 1920 20. Nappeckamak (Map VII, A). The mod- ern Yonkers. A principal station of the Reckgawawanc chieftaincy which was probably situated near the outlet of the Neperah river, not far from Getty square, being thus close to the line of the Hudson River trail. 21. Eastchester (Map VII, A). A native station at the junct.'on of the shore path and the path leading from the site of the town of Westchester. Said to have been a "castle." It probably occupied the high ground on the south side of the old Kingsbridge road, west of the New York, Westchester and Boston Railway tracks, where some traces of native occupancy are visible. INDIAN NOTES INDEX TO STATIONS 227 22. The site of Ann Hutchinson's house, on the east side of Eastchester creek, near the Split Rock (Map VII, B). It was along- side the Indian path which is the pres- ent Split Rock road. Here Ann Hutch- inson and her family were massacred in 1643. 23. Anns hook, possibly Asumsowis, the mod- ern Pells point (Map VII, B), Pelham neck, or Rodmans neck. The site of a considerable station, explored by M. R. Harrington on the northeastern side of the neck, and evidenced by large masses of shells and charcoal, and several human burials. This may have been the place in Pelham known to the natives as Asumsowis, which Tooker (Amerindian Names in Westchester County) considers to have been a personal name. 24. Maninketsuck (Map VII, B). Roose- velts brook, close to the northern bound- ary of the City of New York. A site favorably situated along the north side of the brook, evidenced by quantities of shells and debris. Explored by Morgan H. Secor. 25. Mishow (Map VII, B). The present Hunter island, probably including the contiguous Twin islands, now part of Pelham Bay Park. At several favorable places there are traces of native occu- pancy and many arrowheads have been found on the sandy beaches. The place is supposed to have been a resort for AND MONOGRAPHS 228 INDIAN PATHS ceremonies with which the great rock of Mishow was connected. 26. Shippa (Map VII, B). Now Davenports neck. A large station of the Siwanoy. 27. Echo bay (Map VII, B). New Rochelle. At Echo bay and in Hudson Park re- mains indicate Indian occupancy. 50. Shanscomacocke (Map VIII, D). A large Indian village and burying-ground on the shore of the Strome kill, Gerritsen basin, or Ryders Pond, Flatlands. Ex- plored by D. B. Austin. Many objects plowed up in the course of cultivation in the vicinity are in possession of Mr. Ryder, resident nearby. 51. Canarsee (Map VIII, D). The princi- pal station of the chieftaincy known by that name. This is supposed to have been situated at or near the present locality known as Canarsie; but there being no natural water supply, it is evident that the name was that of a locality, probably including the whole neck, on which were extensive planting- grounds. The station, as indicated by native objects discovered, was in the vicinity of Canarsie Beach Park, east of the line of Avenue M. The tract to the north and west is marked on old city maps as the "Canarsee planting land." The real headquarters of the tribe appears to have been Keskaech- querem (104). 52. Winippague (Map VIII, D). The modern Bergen beach. Some native objects, INDIAN NOTES INDEX TO STATIONS 229 which include grooved axes, indicate native occupancy of this favorable place. Its aboriginal name denotes "a fine water-place" (Tooker, Indian Place Names). Armbruster says there are immense shell-beds on this island. D. B. Austin states that these beds cover the area of the center of the island, and that they were probably debris from the manufacture of wampum. 53. Flushing (Map I) . Site of a large village of the Matinecock chieftaincy. Arm- bruster (Hist. L. I., its Early Days, etc., 1914) says eleven native burials were disturbed within the area of the Linnasan gardens in 1841, and in 1880 a burying ground, on which were stone artifacts, was disturbed on the Thomas P. Duryea farm, a mile from Flushing. 54. Hog island (Map I), situated in Brose- were bay, south of Hewlett. A station of the Rockaway chieftaincy, probably an appendage of the large village at Hewlett (55). 55. Hewlett (Map I). About two miles beyond the boundary of Queens county, south of Valley Stream, was a native station of considerable extent. At this site many objects were discovered by George H. Pepper in an exploration con- ducted for the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. 58. Cow bay (Map I). Site of a Matinecock village. This was explored in 1900 by M. R. Harrington, who found great AND MONOGRAPHS 230 INDIAN PATHS quantities of material in shell-pits, also many burials. The greater part of these objects is in the American Museum of Natural History, and one fine pointed- bottom jar is in the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. 65. Mespaetches (Map VIII, B). The modern Maspeth. The name is applied to Newtown creek and the contiguous swampy area, and probably to the place of residence of some natives known as the Maspeth tribe. The name denotes "at the bad water place" (Tooker, Indian Place Names). 66. Rinnegaconck (Maps II; VIII, A). A native site, evidenced by debris, fire- pits, and weapons, which existed on a hillock at Bridge street. This site is described and located by Gabriel Fur- man (Antiquities of Long Island, 1875). The name was applied to the vicinity of Wallabout bay, and probably included this occupied station. 67. Werpos, Worpus (Map VIII, A). A village in the 10th ward of old Brooklyn, bearing the same name as the Man- hattan village (2). It was situated near Hoyt and Baltic streets, on the old farm of Fredrick Lubbersen, and was then a close neighbor of Marechkawick (117). 68. Nayack (Map VIII, C). The name de- noting a point of land, probably applied to the whole neck which now includes Bay Ridge and Fort Hamilton. The position of the native village to which INDIAN NOTES INDEX TO STATIONS the inhabitants of lower Manhattan retired is not known. It would have been favorably situated at the southeast end of the United States reservation near the water supply in Dyker Heights Park. 69. Xarrioch (Map VIII, D). That part of Gravesend neck lying to the east of the town between Squam creek and Shell- bank creek. It is probable that native sites may be discovered along the latter water-course. The tract seems to have been an appendage of the Shanscoma- cocke village (50). 70. Acquacanonck (Map I). The modern city of Passaic, a station, probably the principal headquarters, of the chief- taincy of the Acquacanonck. On the west bank of the Passaic river there was an Indian burying-place. The name, as usual, was applied to contiguous territory. 71. Constable point (Map I). An extensive village-site and native burial-place ex- isted at this point, which is the southern extremity of Bergen neck. It was so isolated from the neck by swamps ex- tend ng from Bayonne to the Kill van Kull that it must have been reached mainly by canoe. x\nother occupied station is evidenced by shell-deposits on the west side of Bergen neck, at the right-of-way of the Central Railroad of New Jersey. 72. Peltons cove (Map I). A village-site at the Upper cove, West Xew Brighton. 231 AND MONOGRAPHS 232 INDIAN PATHS It is now completely covered by modern improvements. As far back as 1850, Indian burials were reported to have been disturbed there. In 1903 a few traces of native occupancy were found along the line of the Shore railroad. 73. Bowmans brook (Map I). An extensive village and burial place, of apparent Hackensack occupancy, situated along the brook, sometimes known as New- tons creek, or De Harts brook, dis- charging into the Kill van Kull. This was explored in 1903 by Alanson Skinner, who found more than a hundred frre- and shell-pits, and a number of human interments, with much pottery, and bone, antler, and stone implements. 74. Mariners harbor (Map I). At Arling- ton station, a native village-site, with human interments, was discovered and explored in 1901, and further developed in 1918 by Alanson Skinner. 75. Tunissens neck (Map I), or Old Place. A native site which yielded pottery, bone, and stone objects, indicating village life. 76. Watchogue (Map I). A camping site on Big Hummock, at Bloomneld, the name denoting "hill land" (Tooker, Indian Place Names). Surface discoveries indi- cated seasonal occupancy. 77 and 77 A. Long neck (Map I). Now Linoleumville. A native site on the sand-dunes. INDIAN NOTES INDEX TO STATIONS 233 78 79 80 81 S2 Silver lake (Map I). A native camp-site on the shore of the lake, on which shell- pits were found. Fresh kill (Map I). At Lakes island, where there is now a garbage incinerat- ing plant, there were many evidences of native occupancy, some having been observed by Thoreau and mentioned in his letters. Rossville (Map I). A shellheap, with evidences of vary ancient existence, was explored by Alanson Skinner. Sandy ground (Map I). At Bogardus Corners. A village-site was discovered by Alanson Skinner. Woodrow (Map I). Along Sandy brook there are evidences of native occupancy spread over a considerable area, apparently forming an extension of the village at Bogardus Corners (81). 83. Ward point (Map I). Near Tottenville. This very extensive native station is evidenced by masses of debris, accumu- lated to a considerable depth and spread irregularly over many acres. Part of the site was explored in 1898 by George H. Pepper, who discovered a number of burials, and many objects have since been unearthed through further explora- tion by M. R. Harrington for the Mu- seum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. Harbor hill (Map I) . An Indian site at the Harbor hill, at the golf links, was 86 AND MONOGRAPHS 234 INDIAN PATHS disclosed by the explorations of Alanson Skinner. 87. Chelsea (Map I). At the junction of the Bloomfi.eld road and Union avenue, a native station with a burying-ground existed. 89. New Spring ville (Map I). On Corsons brook. A site reported, but not explored. 90. Simonsons brook (Map I). On the north side of Richmond creek. At the Ketchum mill-pond there are evidences of an occupied station. 91. Green ridge (Map I). A site is noted by Skinner near the Richmond plank road, between Journeay avenue and Anna- dale road. 92. Princes bay, Princess bay (Map I). An unexplored site at the bay, and another site marked by a shell-pit arid scattered objects on the shore halfway to the lighthouse, all indicate native stations, probably for fishing purposes. 93. Segulne point (Map I). A camp-site, probably a fishing station. 94. Woods or Arden (Map I). On the shore, near the mouth of Great kills, there is a place which shows signs of native occu- pancy, but not of extensive character. 95. Shawcopshee, the modern Oakwood (Map I). The probable name of the Great kills, which may have been the refuge, for about 16 years, of the Nayack natives when they removed from Long Island. At the head of the kills there INDIAN NOTES INDEX TO STATIONS 235 are signs of occupancy, but they are not indicative of long-continued residence. 96. Arrochar (Map I). An ancient settle- ment is indicated. 97. Stapleton (Map I). A station is re- corded, but its position is indefinite. 98. Conykeekst (Maps I, IV). The tract known by this queer title is now the modern Harlem, east side. A native fishing and oystering station evidently existed at 121st street, on the line of Pleasant avenue (or Avenue A), which probably bore the local name. 99. Shepmoes (Map VIII, A). At east 14th street, probably near Second avenue, there was a small station or plantation, which may have been named from some nearby brook. (Colonial Docs. N. Y., vol. xiv, p. 110.) 100. Tubby hook (Maps I, V). At this point, extending into the Hudson river at Dyckman street, there was a very an- cient station, the extensive deposits of debris being located on the shore of the "Little Sand bay," on the south side of Dyckman street. It was recently explored by Alanson Skinner for the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation. 101. Jameco (Tooker) , Chamakou (Armbruster) (Map I). The modern Jamaica. A native settlement seems to have existed near the Beaver pond, whence the name of the locality was derived, "yemacah" denoting the beaver, according to AND MONOGRAPHS 236 INDIAN PATHS Tooker. Armbruster considers the name to be that of a small tribe of survivors of original natives of Long Island, overcome by the Canarsee. "The beaver path" led from the native village to the pond. 102. Throgs neck (Map VII, D). A native site is indicated by burials which have been disturbed at St Raymond's ceme- tery on the Throgs Neck road. 103. Laaphawachking (Map VII, B). Pelham Bay park on the Bartow estate. A locality name probably applied to a quite important native site, close to the Shore road or Pelham Bridge road, with- in the Bartow property now owned by the City of New York. This site, which was discovered and explored by the Rev. W. R. Blackie, for the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, gives evidence of considerable size and length of occupancy. 104. Keskaechquerem or Keskaechqueren (Map VIII, D). Flatlands. There was a native village at this place, on the site afterward and still occupied by the Dutch church, on Flatbush avenue, near its junction with the King's Highway, old Flatlands Neck road, and the Mill road. There was also a burying-ground. The important position occupied by this station, at the junction of these trails, and its situation in the locality where the famous Council-place was known to exist, seem to indicate it as INDIAN NOTES INDEX TO STATIONS 237 the gathering place known by the native name which denotes a place where pub- lic meetings took place. (See Colonial Docs. N. Y., vol. xrv. pp. 14, 36.) 105. Massabarkem or Gravesend (Map VIII, C). The village established by Lady Deborah Moody and her associated refugees. The acquisition of land con- veyed a tract misspelled as above, but ind eating "land by the great water," and probably applied to whatever native settlement existed in the vicinity, such as the planting-grounds at the Indian pond (106). (See Munsell, Hist. Kings Co., p. 18.) 106. The Indian pond (Map VIII, C). A pond of fresh water, situated at the locality now known as Marlboro, around which the natives had a cultivated tract. The pond has long retained its name, appear- ing on modern maps. 107. New Utrecht (Map VIII, C). Probable site of a nat ve station, perhaps the home of Chippahig, who had sold lands which on their eastern bounds touched the western line of Gravesend at the Indian pond. There was a native path extending from the main path through the site of New Utrecht, which ran to the beach at Gravesend bay. It indicates the probability of a native settlement at its junction with the ancient pathway. 108. Muskyttehool (Map VIII, D). A lo- cality at the Paardegat or Bedford creek, where it is crossed by the Flatlands AND MONOGRAPHS 238 INDIAN PATHS Neck road. It was used as a boundary- mark. 109. Sunset park (Map VIII, C). Benny- water pond, in Sunset park, west of Greenwood, was an Indian site located by Adam Dove, of Gowanus. Near- by, at 37th street near Sixth avenue, objects were disturbed, indicating the existence of a station, near an Indian path which was known and used as a boundary in 1696. 110. Gowanus bay (Map VIII, _C). At the De Hart Bergen house-site there is record of Indian occupancy and im- mense oyster-shell beds, etc., in the Journal of Sluyter and Dankers. This may have been the home of the chief Gouwane. Its position is in the vicinity of Third avenue at 37th street. 111. Sun wick, Sunwicks, Suns wicks (Map VIII, B). A native station, indicated by shell-deposits and a few objects, on the shore of East river, at Ravenswood Park, near the creek which is recorded as bearing this name. 112. Minnahanonck (Map VIII, B). Black- wells island. The island was owned and perhaps occupied by natives of the Marechkawick or Brooklyn chieftaincy. 113. Pagganck (Maps II; VIII, A). Nutten island, Nut island, now Governors island. Owned and probably occupied by natives of the Marechkawick chieftaincy. 114. Aressick, or Paulus hook (Maps II; VIII, A). A native village was INDIAN NOTES INDEX TO STATIONS 239 situated on this favorable promontory, which was acquired from the occupants by Director Kieft in 1638. It has a dramatic interest as the scene of the bloody massacre of its unfortunate inhabitants by the Dutch soldiery in 1643. 115. Harsimus, or Ahasimus (Maps II; VIII, A). Site of a native village on the Jersey side of Hudson river, between Paulus hook (114) and Hoboken (116). Probably the name was H 'ashim-muck, that is, "the place where there is a spring of drinking water." The place is indicated on Ratzer's survey on the north side of the cove formed by the hook, about the present 5th street and Henderson street. 116. HOBOKAN, Or HOBOKAN-HACKINGH (Maps II; VIII, A). A native station of importance, situated near Hudson and 2d streets, at Castle point. It was evi- dently a trading place, whence goods were transported across the Hudson to Sapohanikan (4), and by its position on the Bergen peninsula was best situated to foot travel toward the mountain regions north and west. 117. Marechkawick or Mareyckawick( Map VIII, A). The headquarters of the chieftaincy of that name, probably situ- ated on the main trail from the ferry (Fulton street) at or near Gallatin place and Elm place. The name was probably applied to its vicinity, including nearby AND MONOGRAPHS 240 INDIAN PATHS planting-grounds (Colonial Hist. N. Y., vol. xrv, p. 5). The village cornfields covered the space between Atlantic ave- nue and Baltic street, east of Court street. 118. Gamoenepa, or Communipaw (Map I). The name, denoting "where the water remained," was applied at times to the whole of Bergen neck. Near the shore- line there was some dry gound situated in the midst of a wide area of marsh, which may have been occupied as the village-site, but the precise position of the Indian village is not recorded. 119. Acqueegenom (Map VII, C). A native name indicating the situation of the crossing over the Aquehung or Bronx river, at or near Pelham parkway, of the path to Westchester. The nearest known station of the natives was that on the east side of the river (13). 120. Cowangongh (Map VII, A). A name applied to the place where the shore path, "Sachkerah," crossed the Bronx river at Williamsbridge, on the line of the Gunhill road. The name indicates it as a sort of boundary place where the territory of the Weckquaesgeek and Siwanoy met. 121. Seton falls (Map VII, A). Near the bend of Rattlesnake creek, on the Seton estate, there is a cave, near a small cataract, and some embankments, said to have been constructed by natives. This is a reputed Indian resort in dense. INDIAN NOTES INDEX TO STATIONS woodlands, well suited to the purpose of a hiding place, and about midway be- tween the Shore path and the West- chester-Eastchester path. 122. Little Neck, or Douglaston (Map I). A favorite locality for native occupancy, evidenced by abundant shell-deposits, and the signs of a village and burial- ground, probably of the Matinecock. 122a.PuDDLNG rock (Map VII, C). A glacial bowlder, stated to have been used by natives as a resort, situated at the Boston road, south of East 166th street, Borough of the Bronx (Historical Guide to the City of New York, City History Club, p. 212, 1913\ It is not near any water supply, and is therefore unlikely to have been a permanent station. (Inadvertently omitted from the map.) 241 AND MONOGRAPHS 242 INDEX OF PROPER NAMES Academy street, 85 Achterveldt, 148 Acquacanonck, Acqueanounck, 34, 120, 122, 201, 231. See Hutchinson river Acqueegenom, 100, 104, 111, 240 Adees point, 113 Ahasimus, 239. See Harsimus Albany avenue, 92 Albany crescent, 102 Albany Post-road, 19, 79, 91 Albany trail, 98 Amboy (N. J.), 38, 204 Amboy road, 190, 193 American Museum of Natural History, 230 Amersfoort, 157, 169. See Nieuw Amersfoort Ancient One, The. See Mechowodt Ancient Pathway, the, 155, 157. See Mechawa- nienck Annadale road, 193, 234 Anns hook, 123, 227 Aqueduct avenue, 107 Aquehonga, 194 Aquehonga-Monacknong, 187 Aquehung, 104, 105, 240. See Bronx river Archer, John, 99 Areola, 201 Aressick, 198, 199, 238. See Paulus Hook Arlington Station, 191, 192, 232 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Armbruster, Eugene L., 45, 130, 172, 173, 175, 183,229,235,236 Arrochar, 190, 195, 235 Arthur kill, 190 Aspetong, see Ispetong Astor place, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65 Asumsowis, 227 Atlantic avenue, 138, 142, 145, 147, 178, 240 Atlantic Highlands, N. J., 38 Audubon lane, 78 Austin, D. B., 130, 150, 158, 160, 228, 229 Avenue A, 74, 235. See Pleasant avenue Avenue C, or Castle Point road, 1 14 Avenue G (Kings), 153 Avenue K (Kings), 152 Avenue L (Kings), 152 Avenue M (Kings), 228 Avenue O (Kings), 163 Avenue P (Kings), 162 Avenue Q (Kings), 162, 166 Avenue R (Kings), 166 Avenue T (Kings), 154, 160 Avenue U (Kings), 155, 158 Avenue V (Kings), 161 Bailey avenue, 102 Baltic street (Kings), 138, 139, 230 Barren island (Equendito), 161 Barrett creek, 115 Barrier Gate, 67 Bartow creek, 127 Bartow estate, 124, 236 Battery, the, 38 Battle pass, Prospect Park, 143, 147 Bay Forty-fifth street, 166 Bayonne, N. J., 198, 231 243 AND MONOGRAPHS 244 INDIAN PATHS Bay Ridge, 143, 169, 230 Bayside, 172 Beach lane (Kings), 162, 166 Beach Park (Kings), 148, 150 Bear Swamp, 110, 111, 114, 224 Bear Swamp road, 224 Beaver Path, the, 236 Beaver pond, 180, 182, 235 Beaver street, 52 Bedford (Kings), 145, 178 Bedford avenue, 145 Bedford corners, 179 Bedford creek, 148, 237 Bedford Four-corners. 145 Bedford highway, 178 Bennett lane (Kings), 169 Bennywater pond, 238 Bensonhurst, 168 Bergen beach, 148-149, 151, 154, 228. See Winippague Bergen Beach road, 154 Bergen, De Hart, 238 Bergen, Hon. Teunis G., 138 Bergen island, 132 Bergen neck, 198, 199, 200, 231, 240 Bergen peninsula, 239 Berrians neck, 96, 225. See Konstabelsche hook Bestavaer brook, 60, Bestevaars kill (Kings), 157. See Paardegat basin Bethune street, 58, 221 Betts, William, a farmer, 101 Bevors, Maritie, 139, 141 Big Hummock, 232 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Blackie, Rev. William R., 124, 236 •Blackwells island, 67, 169, 176, 238 Block, Adrian, 223 Bloomfield, 191, 232 Bloomfield road, 234 Bloomingdale crossroad, 63 Bogardus Corners, 233 Bolton, Rev. Robert, 128, 185 Bolton road, 84 Borden avenue (Queens), 174 Borough of Bronx, 25, 30, 47, 90, 98, 102, 104, 107, 109, 110, 176, 224, 241 Borough of Brooklyn, 25, 39, 50, 51, 55, 129, 131, 132, 133, 135, 137, 140, 143, 145, 170, 172, 174, 186, 230, 238 Borough of Queens, 145, 171, 174, 179, 180 Boscobel avenue, 107 Boston & Westchester Railway. See New York, Westchester and Boston Railway Boston avenue, 116 Boston Post-road, 30, 31, 99, 101, 109, 116, 117, 121, 122, 123 * Boston Road, 63, 241. See Post Road, the Bound brook, 105 Bowery, the, 42, 49, 50, 55, 57, 58 Bowmans brook, 191, 192, 232. See Newtons creek Breakneck hill, 76, 77 Bridge street, 133, 230 Broad street, 52 Broadway, 19, 45, 47, 49, 52, 53, 63, 76, 79, 80, 85, 86, 87, 91, 94 Broadway (Queens), 179, 182, 183, 184 Bronck, Jonas, 104-105, 106, 108, 221 245 AND MONOGRAPHS 246 INDIAN PATHS Broncks river, Broncks Ryver, 101. See Bronx river Bronx borough, see Borough of Bronx Bronx kills, 105-106 Bronx Park, 104,110,111 Bronx river, 99, 100, 104, 105, 109,. Ill, 113, 118, 240 Brookland, 139 Brooklyn, see Borough of Brooklyn Brooklyn Bridge, 134 Brooklyn Heights, 136 Brooklyn path, 178 Brooklyn plank-road, see Jamaica and Brook- lyn plank road. Brosewere bay, 229 Brower's mill, 139 Brown estate, 224 Brown's lane, see De Bruyn's lane Bungay creek, 105, 106 Burial point, 113, 223 Burial ridge (S. I.), 194. See Tottenville Burr's corners, 66 Bushwick, 145, 146, 153, 174 Bushwick inlet, 146 Bushwick place, 146 Bushwick Railroad station (L. I. R. R.), 146 Bushwick road, 146 Bussing avenue, 119 Calver, W. L., 86, 91, 92, 97, 106, 108, 175 Canapaukah, 173 Canapaukah creek, 175 Canarissen, 149 Canarsee Indians, 40, 43, 131, 132, 147, 148, 149, 170, 173, 228, 236 Canarsee Planting Land, 150, 228 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Canarsie, 132, 140, 148, 149, 150, 153, 179, 228 Canarsie avenue, 178 Canarsie beach, 149 Canarsie Beach Park, 157, 228 Canarsie lane, 148, 178 Canarsie neck. 150, 151, 157 Castle Hill, 222, 223. See Castle Point (Bronx) Castle Point (Bronx), 114, 222 Castle Point (N. J.), 199, 239 Castle Point road (Bronx), 114 Castle ton avenue, 192 Castuteeuw, or Kes-asketu, 156 Catiernut hill, 54 Cave, Indian, see Indian Cave, the Cedar street (S. I.), 191 Cemetery of the Holy Cross, Flatbush, 178 Center street, 42 Centerville, 198 Central Park, 62, 68, 69, 71 Central Railroad of New Jersey, 198, 231 Chamakou, see Jamaica, Jameco Chatham square, 55 Chatham street, 55 Chelsea (S. I.), 193, 234 Cherry street, 50, 55 Chippahig, 237 Church of the Ascension (S. I.), 191 City Hall Park, 42, 49, 54 City Island, 185 City Island road, 127 Clarendon Road (Kings), 151 Clasons Point, 48, 115, 222 Clinton street, 56, 221 Clove of the Kill, 76 Clove road (S. I.), 178, 179, 190 247 AND MONOGRAPHS 248 INDIAN PATHS Cold Spring Hollow, 84, 225 Collect pond, see Kolch pond College Point, 172 Columbus avenue Mt. Vernon, 120 Communipaw (N. J.), 198, 240. See Ga- moenepa Concourse, see Grand Concourse Coney Island, 157, 162, 165 Coney Island creek, 165 Coney Island Jockey Club, 164 Connecticut, 121 Constable point, 198, 231 Continental Village, 92 Conykeekst, 72,-73, 74, 235 Cool, Cornells, 144 Cooper street, 86 Corlears hook, 56, 67, 134, 220 Cornells creek, 113, 115 Corona (Queens), 175, 184 Corsa lane, 122 Corsons brook, 234 Cortelyou lane, 168 Cortelyou road, 148 Council-place, the (Kings), 236 Court street, 138, 140, 141, 240 Cowangongh, 100, 118, 240 Cow bay, 229 Cripplebush road, 145 Cromwells creek, 105, 108 Cropsey avenue, 167 Cross road, 66 Croton, 92 Croton aqueduct, 117 Croton reservoir, 66, 71 Cushetonk hills, 204 Cypress avenue, 106, 222 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Dankers, see Sluyter and Dankers Dash's lane, 95 Davenports neck, 127, 228 De Bruyn's lane, 167 Degraw street, 141 De Hart Bergen, see Bergen, De Hart De Harts brook, see Newtons creek De la Montagne, 68, 75 Delaware, state o f , 38 Delaware Indians, 69, 82, 99, 135, 177, 205, 206. See Lenni Lenape Delaware river, 22, 205 Depot lane, 79 Devoes point, 108 Dickey estate, 222 Division street, 55 Dobbs Ferry, 92 Dongan Patent of 1685, 153 Dongan street, 191 Dosoris, 183 Doughty, Elias, 99, 101 Douglaston, 241. See Little Neck Dove, Adam, 130, 142, 238 Dover street, 50, 55 Downings brook, 111, 224 Drake Park, 110 Duane street, 47, 49, 53, 220 Dunham avenue, 120 Duryea, Thomas P., 182, 229 Dutch Church (Kings), 136, 236 Dutch kills, 173 Dutch Reformed Church (Bronx), 103, 107 Dutch, the, 132, 135, 149, 153, 167, 220, 221, 239 Dutch West India Company, 93 Dyckman street, 62, 80, 84, 85, 235 249 AND MONOGRAPHS 250 INDIAN PATHS Dyckman tract, 85, 86, 96, 224 Dyker Heights Park, 168, 231 Dykman, Jan, 78 Eastchester, 30, 99, 119, 121, 122, 123, 185, 226 Eastchester creek, 227 Eastchester road, 121, 122 Eastchester, Ten Farms of, 121 Eastern Boulevard, 110, 112, 113, 222 Eastern Parkway, 147 Eastern Post-road, 64, 66, 67 East Jersey, see New Jersey East New York, 154, 179 East Pelham road, 127. See Pelham road East River, 21, 41, 44, 45, 49-50, 54, 55, 57, 60, 66, 68, 69, 121-122, 131, 134, 137, 140, 151, 171, 175, 184, 185, 221, 238 East Sixth street, Mt. Vernon, 120. See Old Boston Post Road Echo bay, 228 Eighth Regiment Armory, 103 Eighth street, west (Kings), 166 Eighteenth avenue (Kings), 167 Eighty-first street, 66 Eighty-first street (Kings),. 167 Eighty-second street, 66 Eighty-third street, 66 Eighty-third street (Kings), 156 Eighty-fourth street (Kings), 156, 168 Eighty-fifth street, 66 Eighty-sixth street (Kings), 144 Eighty-eighth street, 68, 71 Elderts lane, 179 Elizabeth (N. J.), 197, 203, 204 Elm place (Kings), 136, 239 INDIAN NOTES INDEX 251 Elm street, 220 Emmaus, 221 Englewood (N. J.), 200 Equendito, 161. See Barren island Erramorhas, 176 Euclid avenue (Kings), 179 Evil Spirit, see Manetto Exchange place, Jersey City, 199 Farmers' bridge, 102 Far Rockaway, 172 Ferris mansion, 122, 223 Ferris road, 113 Fieldston road, 94 Fifteenth avenue (Kings), 156, 168 Fifth avenue, 65, 66, 67, 68, 72, 221 Fifth avenue (Kings), 143 Fifth street (Hoboken), 199, 239 Fift3^-first street, 65 Fifty-second street, 65, 66 First avenue, 60, 70, 72 Fish's point, 176 Fitch, John, 46 Flatbush, 147, 148, 163, 178 Flatbush avenue, 140, 141, 143, 147, 148, 151, 154,236 Flatlands, 132, 140, 145, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 162, 170, 228, 236 Flatlands Neck road, 148, 151, 153, 236, 237- 238 Flushing, 171, 172, 173, 179, 181, 182, 183, 184, 229 Flushing avenue, 146, 179, 182, 184 Flushing bay, 175, 176, 177, 185 Flushing creek, 184 AND MONOGRAPHS 252 INDIAN PATHS Flushing road, 180, 181 Flushing turnpike, 177 Fordham, 91, 102, 103, 105, 107, 109, 110, 226 Fordham Hospital, 104 Fordham University, see St. John's College Fort George, 80, 81 Fort Greene place, 142, 147 Fort Hamilton, 50, 132, 140, 143, 144, 168, 178, 188, 230 Fort Hamilton parkway, 156 Fort Independence, 116 Fort Number One, 97 j Fort of 1812, 72 Fort Washington, 80 Fort Washington Park, 79 Fort Washington Point, 79, 224 Forty-first street, 66 Forty-fourth street 65 Forty-seventh street, 66 Forty-eighth street, 65, 66 Foster avenue, 148, 163 Four Corners, the, 178 Fourteenth street, east, 64, 235 Fourth avenue, 65, 66 Fourth avenue (Kings), 144 Fourth ward (Kings), 133 Fowler estate, 120 Freeman avenue (Queens), 173 Fresh creek (Kings), 157 Fresh kill, Fresh kills, 190, 193, 233 Fresh Pond road, 179 Fresh Water pond, 44 Front street (Kings), 133 Fulton avenue, 180 Fulton ferry, 131, 239 ■ INDIAN NOTES INDEX 253 Fulton street: (Kings) 135, 136, 140, 141; (Queens) 179, 182 Furman, Gabriel, 132, 133, 134, 230 Gallatin place, 136, 239 Gamoenepa, 198, 240. See Communipaw Gansevoort street, 58, 59 Gerritsen Basin, 132, 151, 157, 159, 162, 164, 228 Gerritsen creek, 151, 163 Gerritsen, Hugh, 158, 160, 164 Gerritsen, Wolphert, 44 Getty square, Yonkers, 226 Giles street, 116 Glovers rock, 127 Godwin, Joseph, 88 Godwin's island, 88 Goodrich map, 165-166 Gouwane, Chief, 238. See Gowanus Gouwanis chieftaincy, 169 Governors island, 153, 238. See Nut island, Nutten island Gowahasuasing, 83 Gowanus, Gowanes, Gouwanes, 133, 136, 137, 144, 155, 238 Gowanus bay, 142, 143, 238 Gowanus creek, 137 Gowanus lane, 145 Gowanus road, 142-143, 144 Graham, Augustus, 143 . Grand Concourse, 103, 117 Grand Esplanade, 155 Gravesend, 140, 151, 156, 161, 162, 163, 165, 166, 169, 237 Gravesend bay, 162, 166, 167, 237 Gravesend beach, 167 AND MONOGRAPHS 254 INDIAN PATHS Gravesend creek, 163 Gravesend Neck, 163, 164, 231 Gravesend Neck road, 158, 160, 162, 164 Great Britain, 127 Great Falls (N. J.), 201 Great Kills, 195, 234 Great Maize Land, The, 79 Great Planting Neck, 222. See Hunts Point Great Tree, the, 128 Green hills, 145, 178, 179 Greenpoint, 145, 146 Green Ridge, 193, 234 Greenwich avenue, 59 Greenwich landing, 39 Greenwich Village, 221 Greenwood, 238 Greenwood cemetery, 143 Green Wood point, 146 Grenen Hont Punt, see Greenpoint Gunhill Road, 117, 240 Guttaquoh, a sachem, 164 Gysbert's eylandt, 165 Hackensack, 50, 198, 199, 200 Hackensack (chieftaincy), 188, 190, 221, 232 Hackensack river, 198, 200, 201, 205 Hainesville (N. J.), 205 Hall, Dr. Edward Hagaman, 86, 97 Hall of Records, 54 Hamilton, Alexander, 77 Hamilton square, 66 Hamon place, 142 Hanse, Jacob, 138 Hansen, Kaus, or Zemo Kamingh, 143 Harbor Brook, 192 Harbor Hill, 192, 233 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Harbor HiU golf-links, 192 Harlem, 31, 63, 75, 106, 235 Harlem commons, 66 Harlem creek, 69, 75, 76 Harlem kill, 68, 221 Harlem lane, 74, 75 Harlem river, 74, 77, 81, 85, 108, 224 Harrington, M. R., 69, 82, 83, 128, 194, 227. 229, 233 Harsen's crossroad, 66 Harsimus (N. J.), 199, 239. See Ahasimus Harway basin, 162 H'ashim-muck, 239 Haverstraw, 202 Hawthorne (N. J.), 201 Heath avenue, 102 Heermans, Augustine ; 43 Hellegat, 70 Hell Gate, 36, 69, 70, 71, 178, 184, 185, 186 Hellgate bay, 221 Hempstead, 171, 180 Hempstead bay, 181 Henderson street, Hoboken, 199, 239 Henry street, 56, 221 Hewlett, 172, 180, 181, 229 Hicks neck, 181 Highbridge, 107, 108 Highlands, 92, 202 High sandy banks, see Aquehonga Hills of Jochem Pieter, 76 Hobokan, 59, 239 Hobokan Hackingh, 199, 239 Hoboken, 39, 199, 221, 239 Hobson lane, 150 Hog island, 181, 229 Hohosboco, 171 255 AND MONOGRAPHS 256 INDIAN PATHS Hollis, 180 Holy Cross Cemetery, Flatbush. See Ceme- tery of the Holy Cross Homecrest avenue, 164 Hooker creek, 181 Hoopaninak, 159 Horatio street, 58, 221 Howard avenue, 153 Howlands hook, 191 Hoyt street, 136, 137, 139, 230 Hudson, Hendrik, 50 Hudson Park, 228 Hudson river, 19, 21, 31, 40, 41, 44, 45, 53, 58, 62. 63, 76, 91, 97, 101, 197, 200, 206, 224, 225, 226, 235, 239 Hudson street (N. J.), 239 Huguenot street, 121 Hunt burial-ground, 222 Hunt mansion, 110, 222 Hunter estate, 125 Hunter island, 125, 227 Hunterfly road, 151, 153 Hunters Point, 176 Hunts Point, 105, 109, 110, 222 Hunts Point road, 109, 222 Hutchings, John, 46 Hutchinson, Mrs. Ann, 123, 124, 227 Hutchinson river, 30, 111, 119, 120, 121, 123. See Acqueanounck Hyatt tavern, 86 Indian cave, 84, 225 Indian pond, 166, 237 Indian trail, 72 Institute Park, 147 Intervale avenue, 105 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Inwood, 80, 81, 95 Inwood hill, 83, 84, 225 Iroquois, 91 Isham estate 84 Isham street, 86 Island of Manhattan, see Manhattan Island of Paparinemin, see Paparinemin Ispetong, 60 Jackson avenue, 184 Jamaica, 171, 172, 179, 180, 181, 184, 235 Jamaica and Brooklyn Plank Road, 178 Jamaica avenue, 178, 179, 181 Jamaica bay, 36, 148, 152, 157, 171, 172, 181 Jamaica highway, 178 Jameco, 235. See Jamaica James, J. B., 93, 94 Jansen, Anthony, 167 Jay street (Kings), 135 Jefferson street, 56, 221 Jeffreys hook, 224 Jenkins, Stephen, 53, 87, 109, 122 Jericho, 180 Jericho road, 180. See Middle Post-road Jerome avenue, 103, 105, 107, 117 Jerome reservoir, 117 Jersey City, 199 Johnson avenue, 173-174 Johnson Foundry, 83 Journeay avenue, 193, 234 Jumel, Madame, 78 Ka, a sachem, 144 Kakapetteyno, a sachem, 152 Kalch Hoek, 42, 43, 137, 220 Kamingh, Zemo, or Kaus Hansen, 143 257 AND MONOGRAPHS 258 INDIAN PATHS Kappock street, 97 Kapsee, Kap-se, 33, 51, 220 Kaus Hansen, see Hansen, Kaus Kearney (N. J.), 200 Kenrom, an Indian, 143 Kents neck (N. J,), 204 Kes-asketu or Castuteeuw, 156 Keskaechquerem, Keskaechqueren, 150, 152, 154, 156, 228, 236 Keskeskick, 91, 93, 94, 102, 105, 226 Kestateuw, 157 Ketchum mill-pond, 193, 234 Kieft, Gov. William, 94, 144, 149, 221, 239 Kill Muscoota, 224 Kill van Kull, 191, 198, 231, 232 Kills path, 179 Kingsbridge, 31, 39, 73, 82, 87, 90, 92, 116, 225, 226 Kingsbridge avenue, 87 Kingsbridge road, 67, 102, 103, 107, 226 Kingsbridge Road station (B. & W. Ry.), 119 Kings county, 43, 129, 130, 132, 171 Kings highway, 34, 130, 140, 143, 144, 154, 156, 157, 163, 166, 167, 178, 236 Kings Oaks, 156 Kingsway, 25. See Post-road Kips bay, 66, 67 Kissing Bridge, 66 Knoll, The, 80 Kolch hill, 44, 45, 47 Kolch pond, 44, 53, 54, 220 Konaande Kongh, Konaandekong, 63, 68, 70, 71, 221 Konstabelsche hook, 96. See Berrians neck Kreischerville, 194 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Laaphawachking, 124, 236 Labadist monks. See Sluyter and Dankers Lafayette avenue, 192 Lafayette street, 47 Lake lane, 162, 166 Lakes island, 194, 233 Larchmont, 38 Laurel hill, 174 Lawrence street, 135 Leland avenue, 115, 222 Lenni Lenape, 39, 195, 202, See Delaware In- dians Lenox avenue, 72, 74 Leonard street, 47 Lexington avenue, 65, 68 Linden (N. J.), 197 Linden hill, 174, 179 Linnaean gardens, 182, 229 Linoleumville, 190, 193, 232 Little Ferry, 200 Little Kolch, 44. See Kolch pond Little Neck, 172, 183, 241. See Douglaston Little Sand bay, 80, 235 Little Sand stream, 221 Livingston (N. J.), 205 Locust point, 113, 223 Long Hill, 143 Long Island, 38, 39, 40, 41, 50, 129, 131, 132, 137, 145, 149, 182, 183, 184, 185, 206, 234, 236 Long Island City, 171, 173, 174-175, 179 Long Island Railroad, 146 Long Island Sound, 21, 36, 121, 125, 177, 181, 185, 223 Long Neck, 193, 232 Lower bay, 36 259 AND MONOGRAPHS 260 INDIAN PATHS Lower path, 102, 107, 109 Lubbersen, Lubbertse, Lubbertsen, Frederick, 137-138, 139, 230 Ludovics brook, 176. See Wessels brook Luna Park, Coney Island, 165 Macomb's Dam Park, 108 McGown's (McGowan's) pass, 31, 61, 67, 72, 75 Macutteris, 159, 161 Madison avenue, 65, 68, 70 Madison Square, 65 Madison street, 56, 221 Maganwetinnemin, a sachem, 170 Mahican, 17 Mahwah creek, 202 Main street, 122 Makeopaca, 156, 161, 162 Malbone street, 147 Mamaroneck, 121 Maminipoe, 124 Manetto, 185 Manhasset, 183 Manhattan, 19, 25, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 47, 50, 51, 52, 57, 61, 62, 68, 74, 87, 88, 91, 96, 98, 100, 101, 102, 106, 131, 132, 134, 137, 140, 145, 151, 168, 170, 184, 186, 188, 198, 199, 202, 206, 220, 224, 230, 231 Manhattan street, 76 Manhattans, the, 170 Manhattanville, 69 Maninketsuck, 126, 227 Mannahanning, 162, 165. See Coney Island Marble Hill, 81, 82, 85, 86, 100, 224 INDIAN NOTES INDEX 261 Marechkawick, Mareyckawick, Marvchken- wingh, 132, 133, 135, 137, 169, 170, 172, 230, 238, 239 < Marechkawingh, 137 Mariners Harbor, 191, 192, 232 Market street, 56 Marlboro, 237» Marsh View farm, 120 Marychkenwingh, see Marechkawick Mashanscomacocke, 159 Maspeth, 174, 177, 179, 230 Maspeth creek, 174 Maspeth tribe, 230 Massabarkem, 163, 237. See Gravesend Matinecock Indians, 171, 173, 183, 229, 241 Matockshegan, 204 Mattano, 169 Mattewan creek, 203 . Maunsell, General, 77 May wood (N. J.), 201 Meadow lane, 157 Meadows, the, 70 Mechawanienck, 144, 155, 156, 163, 164, 166, 169 Mechowodt, the Ancient One, 183. See Tac- kapoosa Meijeterma, 169, 170 Menquaeruan, a sachem, 152 Mentipathe, 105 Mere, The, 72 Mespaetches, 171, 173, 176, 230 Metropolitan avenue, 146 Michaux Rocks, 126. See Mishow Middle Path, the, 115 Middle Post-road, 180. See Jericho road Middle Road, 66 AND MONOGRAPHS 262 INDIAN PATHS Middletown (N. J.), 203 Middle town Point (N. J.), 203 Midwood street, 147 Milford (N. J.), 205 Mill brook, 103, 105, 106, 109, 117 Mill island, 161 Mill road, 150, 154, 236 Mill road (S. I.), 193 Milliken Brothers' Steel Works, 192 Minetta, 60 Minisink, 203 Minisink, island of, 205 Minisink path, 21, 39, 195, 202, 204 Minnahanonck, 176, 238. See Blackwells island Minsi, 201 Minuit, Peter, 43, 50, 168 Mishow, 125, 227, 228. See Hunter island Mispat, 173-175, 177 Mitchel square, 78 Moeung, 162 Mohawk, 19, 40, 57, 92, 96 Montagne family, 68, 75 Montagne's Flat, 69 Montagnes point, 221 Montgomery, W. R., 123 Montgomery street; 178 Monument lane, 59 Moody, Lady Deborah, 164, 166, 237 Morrisania, 73, 104, 108. See Ranachqua Morris county (N. J.), 205 Morris cove, 113, 223 Morris, Gouverneur, 106, 222 Morris, Roger, 78 Morris street, 53 Mosholu, 90, 93, 226 Mosholu avenue, 94 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Mosholu brook, 92, 95, 226 Mosholu Parkway, 117 Moskituash, 161. See Macutteris Mott avenue, 108 Mount Pleasant, 203 Mount Vernon, City of, 119 Municipal Building, 50 Municipal Building (Kings), 141 Muschenheim, William C, 97 Muscoota, 72, 81, 82, 101, 102, 224 Museum of the /American Indian, Heye Founda- tion, 81, 84, 112, 116, 124, 126, 158, 194, 222, 224, 229, 230, 233, 235, 236 Muskyttehool, 153, 237 Nagel homestead, 85 Naghtongh, 57. See Nechtank Nappeckamak, 226 Narrioch, 164, 165, 231 Narrioch neck, 162 Narrows lane (Kings), 144 Narrows, The, 33, 39, 166 Nassau street, 53, 54 Navasink, 166, 203 Navasink river, 203 Navy Yard, 134 Nayack, 50, 131, 132, 144, 145, 166, 168, 169, 170, 188, 230, 234 Near Rockaway, 172, 180. See Far Rockaway, Rechquakie, Rockaway, Rockaway Beach, Rockaway Point Nechtank, 57. See Naghtongh Negro Fort, 117 Neperah river, 226 Nevins street, 141 New Amsterdam, 32, 36, 37, 61, 75, 76 263 AND MONOGRAPHS 264 INDIAN PATHS Newark (N. J.), 203 Newark bay, 198, 200 New Boston Post Road, 123. See Boston Post Road New Bridge (N. J.), 201 New Brighton, 190 Newcastle (Del.), 38 New England, 20, 21, 99, 110, 127 New Haerlem, 61, 72 New Haven Railroad, 108, 111, 124 New Jersey, 22, 39, 41, 59, 166, 197, 202, 203. 205, 206, 239 New Lots, 153 New Netherland, 21 New Rochelle, 121, 127, 228 New Springville, 193, 234 Newton avenue, 94 Newtons creek (S. I.), 192, 232. See Bowmans brook, De Harts brook Newtown (Queens), 132, 171, 173 Newtown creek, 171, 173, 230 Newtown inlet, 60 Newtown road, 145, 179 New Utrecht, 140, 148, 151, 156, 166, 167, 168, 169, 237 New York and Harlem Railroad, 118 New York Bay, 166, 177, 197, 202 New York Catholic Protectory, 115 New York Central Railroad, 86 New York commons, 66 New York Historical Society, 203 New York, Westchester and Boston Railway, 119, 226 Nichols, Governor, 121 Nieuw Amersfoort, 149, 151, 152. See Flat- lands INDIAN NOTES INDEX Ninetieth street, 66 Ninety-first street, 221 Ninety-second street 67, 70 Ninety-fourth street, 63 Ninety-fifth street, 68 Ninety-sixth street, 62, 63, 68 Ninety-seventh street, 71 Ninety-eighth street, 68, 71 Nipnichsen, 95, 96, 98, 225 North Beach, 176, 177 North Bergen (N J.), 199 Northfield (N. J.), 205 North Hempstead, 178 North river, see Hudson river North shore, 183, 184 . North Woodside, 177 Nuasin, 108. See Macomb's Dam Park Nut island, 238. See Governors island Nut- ten island Nutten island, 238. See Governors island. Nut island Oakwood, 195, 234 Observatory place, 66 Ocean parkway, 163 Oestdorp, 122. See Westchester Old Boston Post-road, 120 See Boston Post- road, Boston Road Old Ferry point, 113, 223 Old Ferry road, 178 . Old Place, 191, 192, 232 Old Point Comfort tavern, 122 Old Wreck brook, 55 One Hundredth street, 68, 70 One Hundred Third street, 69 One Hundred Fourth street, 72 265 AND MONOGRAPHS 266 INDIAN PATHS One Hundred Fifth street, 67, 68 One Hundred Seventh street, 67, 69 One Hundred Eighth street, 73 One Hundred Tenth street, 72, 74 One Hundred Eleventh street, 72, 74 One Hundred Fourteenth street, 74 One Hundred Fifteenth street, 75 One Hundred Twentieth street, 72 One Hundred Twenty-first street, 72, 235 One Hundred Twenty-third street, 73, 74 One Hundred Twenty-fourth street, 76 One Hundred Twenty- fifth street, 72, 76 One Hundred Thirtieth street, 76, 105 One Hundred Thirty-first street, 222 One Hundred Thirty-second street, 106 One Hundred Thirty-eighth street, 108 One Hundred Forty-first street, 77 One Hundred Forty-third street, 77 One Hundred Forty-seventh street, 77 One Hundred Fifty-third street, 78, 108 One Hundred Fifty eighth street, 78, 224 One Hundred Sixtieth street, 78 One Hundred Sixty-sixth street, 241 One Hundred Sixty-eighth street, 78 One Hundred Sixty-ninth street, 107, 108 One Hundred Seventy- third street, 79 One Hundred Seventy-sixth street, 79 One Hundred Seventy-seventh street, 79, 109 One Hundred Seventy-ninth street, 79 One Hundred Eightieth street, 79 One Hundred Eighty-first street, 79, 109 One Hundred Eighty-second street, 109 One Hundred Ninety-fifth street, 80 One Hundred Ninety-sixth street, 225 Oneroad, Amos, 81, 116 Oranges, the, 38 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Ossining, 92 Out Ward, 42, 57 Overpeck creek, 200 Overton place, 165 Paardegat, 153, 237 Paardegat basin 157 Paardegat creek, 151, 157 Paardegat inlet, 148 Pacific street, 138, 141 Pagganck, 238 Palisade region, 199 Paparinemin, Papirinemin, Papparinamin, 32 82, 88, 89, 90, 225 Park avenue, 71 Park drive, 71 Park Row, 47, 49, 53, 54, 55 Pascal avenue, 94 Passaic (N. J.), 201, 231 Passaic river, 21, 201, 204, 205, 231 Passaic valley, 201 Paterson (N. J.), 38, 201 Paulus hook, 199, 238, 239. See Aressick Paulus, Mr., 169 Pearl street, 45, 47, 51, 54, 55, 220 Peekskill, 92 Pelham, 30, 99, 126, 128, 227 Pelham avenue, 103 Pelham Bay, 125, 127 Pelham Bay Park, 227, 236 Pelham-Bay-Yiew Park, 122 Pelham Bridge road, 236 Pelham Heath Inn, 122 Pelham Manor, 121, 123, 125, 127 Pelham neck, 123, 185, 227 Pelham Parkway, 104, 111, 122. 240 267 AND MONOGRAPHS 268 INDIAN PATHS Pelham Road, 127 Pell, Thomas, 123, 124 Pells point, 227 Peltons cove, 191, 231 Penadnic, 76 Pennoyer, Robert, 167 Pepper, George H., 229, 233 Pequot, 20, 40 Perth Amboy (N. J.), 195, 203, 204 Petersen, Jan, 144 Pewichaus, 153 Pidgeon Hill (N. J.), 203 Pieter Tuynier's fall, see Tuynier, Pieter Plaza, the, 147 Pleasant avenue, 74, 235. See Avenue A Plumb island, 161 Poe, Edgar Allan, home of, 103 Poe Park, 103 Point of Rocks, 76 Point Rechewanis, 69. See Rechewanis Pompton (N. J.), 202 Pompton Plain (N. J.), 201 Pompton road, 201-202 Portland point, 203 Port Washington, 38, 183 Post Road, 25, 63. See Boston Road, Kingsway Potters hill, 54 Pratt, F B , 158 Preakness valley, 201 Preble street, 110 Prescott avenue, 84 Princes bay, Princess bay, 195, 234 Prospect avenue (Kings), 147 Prospect Hill road, 123 Prospect Park, 141, 143, 147 Prospect reservoir, 147 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Prospect street (Kings), 141 Public School No. 1, 120, 121 Public School No. 24, 97 Pudding rock, 241 Pugsley creek, 115 Quandoequareous, 173 Queens, see Borough of Queens Queensboro bridge , 173, 175 Queens county, 172, 179, 229 Quiet Vale, 75. See Vredendal Quinnahung, 105, 109, 110, 176 Quinnikeek, 73 Rahway river, 205 Ramapo mountains, 202, 205 Ramapo river, 202 Ranachqua, 73, 104, 105, 106, 109, 221. See Morrisania Randall avenue, 222 Randel, John, 66 Rapelye avenue, 173 Raritan, 166, 188 Raritan bay, 194 Raritan river, 21, 203, 204 Rattlesnake creek, 240 Ratzer, Lieut. B., 46, 52, 134, 239 Raunt, the, 172 Ravenswood Park, 175, 238 Rechewac, Reckgawack, chief of the Reckgawa- wanc, 68, 70, 93, 221 Rechewanis, 68, 69, 73, 221 Rechewas point, 68, 221 Rechquakie, 172. See Far Rockaway, Near Rockaway, Rockaway, Rockaway Beach, Rockaway Point 269 AND MONOGRAPHS 270 INDIAN PATHS Rechtauck, Rechtanck, 56, 57, 134, 220 Reckgawack. See Rechewac Reckgawawanc, 34, 63, 68, 71, 73, 78, 92 94, 107, 221, 225, 226 Red Hook, 137, 140, 141 Red Hook lane, 138, 139, 141 Revolution, the, 107, 117, 147 Richardson house, 110, 222 Richmond, 39, 187, 190, 193 Richmond avenue, 196 Richmond creek, 234 Richmond Hill, 179 Richmond Plank road, 234 Richmond road" 190 Richmond turnpike, 190 Riker, James, 32, 72, 75 Rikers island, 176 Rinnegaconck, 134, 141, 153, 230 Riverdale, 95 Riverside Drive, 80 Riverside Park, 63 Rochambeau street, 117 Rochelle, 128 Rockaway, 37 Rockaway (chieftaincy), 132, 171, 172, 181 229 Rockaway Beach, 172, 181 Rockaway neck, 180, 181 Rockaway path, 131, 145, 151, 154, 178, 179 184 Rockaway Point, 172 Rockaway Road, 182 Rockville Center, 172 Rodmans neck, 227 Roosevelt street, 44, 54, 55 Roosevelts brook, 125, 126, 227 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Rossville, 194, 233 Run, The, 80 Rutgers, Anthony, 44 Ryder, Charles, 228 Ryders lane, 158 Ryders pond 157, 228 Sachkerah, Sackerath, 33, 99, 101, 102, 240 Sackhickneyah, 177, 184 Sackwrahung, 105, 106 Saddle river (N. J.), 201 St. George, 187, 190, 192 St. John's College (now Fordham University). 104 St. Nicholas avenue. 74, 77 St. Paul's Church, 120 St. Raymond's cemetery, 112, 113, 236 Sandberg, 60 Sand hill, see Sandberg Sandy brook, 194, 233 Sandy Ground, 233 Saperewack, 82, 86, 100. See Marble Hill Sapohanikan, Sappokanikke, 58, 59, 63, 221, 239 Sassian's maize-land, 138 Sawmill river, 95 Schenck, Captain John, 161 Schoolcraft, H. R., 57, 60 Schreyers hoek, Schryers hook, 51, 165, 220 Screven residence, 114, 223 Screvens point, 113. See Castle point Seabrey creek, 111 Seaman avenue, 83, 84, 87 Second avenue, 64, 65, 66, 70, 74, 235 Second street (Kings), 140 Second street, Hoboken, 239 271 AND MONOGRAPHS 272 INDIAN PATHS Secor, Morgan H., 227 Sedgwick avenue, 102, 103, 116 Seguine point, 195, 234 Seisen, 169 Seton estate, 240 Seton falls, 240 Seventh avenue, 75 Seventh avenue (Kings), 142, 143 Seventeenth street, 65 Seventy-first street, 66 Seventy-seventh street, 66 Seventy-eighth street (Kings), 169 Seventy-ninth street, 62 Seventy-ninth street (Kings), 156, 169 Seyseys, a sachem, 170 Shanscomacocke, 159, 160, 161, 228, 231 Shawcopshee, 234 Shawestcout, 1 76 Sheepshead Bay, 163-164 Shell road, 165 Shellbank creek, 161, 164, 231 Shepmoes, 64, 235 Sherman basin, 224 Sherman creek, 80 Shippa, 228 Shorakapkok, 81, 83, 84, 87, 96, 225 Shore driveway, 127 Shore Line railroad, 142, 232 Shore path, 100, 101, 102, 116, 118, 121, 122 123, 241 Shore road, 30, 31, 33, 99, 124, 236 Shore road (S. I.), 191, 192 Short Hills (N. J.), 201, 205 Shrewsbury river, 22 Silver Lake, 190, 192, 233 Silver street, 111, 122 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Simonsons brook, 193, 234 Sint Sinck, 176 Siwanoy, 34, 40, 99, 101, 104, 107, 110, 112. 113, 114, 116, 119, 122, 123, 128, 224, 228; 240 Sixth avenue, 67 Sixth avenue (Kings), 142, 143, 238 Sixty-second street, 66 Sixty-second street, east (Kings), 161 Sixty-third street, 66 Sixty-sixth street, 66 Sixty-eighth street, 66 Sixty-ninth street, east (Kings), 154 Skinner, Alanson, 79, 81, 115, 191, 195, 222. 226, 232, 233, 234, 235 Skupash, 180 Sluyter and Dankers, 63, 142, 238 Smith's tavern, 66 Snakapins, 48, 115, 176, 222 Sound shore, 21, 30, 40, 99, 185 Soundview avenue, 115, 222 South Amboy (N. J.), 203 South avenue (S. I.), 192 South Bensonhurst, 156, 166. See Benson- hurst South Country road, 180 South Flatbush, 151. See Flatbush South Post-road, 180. See South Country road South river, see East River South street (Queens), 182 South Seventh street, Mt. Vernon, 119 South Twelfth avenue, Mt. Vernon, 119 South Williamsburg, 146 Southern boulevard, 104, 109 Split Rock, 123-124, 127, 227 273 AND MONOGRAPHS 274 INDIAN PATHS Spring Creek, 171 Springfield (N. J.), 205 Spuyten Duyvil, 32, 75, 83, 95, 96, 225 Spuyten Duyvil creek, 82, 83, 90, 102, 225 Squam creek, 231 Stapleton, 196, 235 i1"?l TP ^TT"PPf~ il Staten Island, 50, 166, 187, 191, 197, 204 Stepping Stones rocks, 185 Strawn beach, see Strome beach Strikers bay, 62, 63. See Ninety-sixth street Strome beach, 159, 160, 164 Strome kill, 158, 159, 161, 162, 228 Stuyvesant, Governor, 60 Stuyvesant street, 60 Suffern, 202 Sunset Park, 142, 238 Sunwick, Sunwicks, Sunswicks, 238 Sunwick creek, 175 Sussex county (N. J.), 205 Sutter avenue, 153 Suwiran, a sachem, 153 Swamp, The, 44 Tackapoosa, son of Mechowodt, 182 Tappan, 188 Taquemack, 93 Tarry town, 92 Ten Farms of Eastchester, 121 Tenth avenue, 86 Tenth street, west (Kings), 163 Tenth ward (Kings), 137, 230 Tetard's hill, 91, 92 Teunissen, Tobias, 94-95 Third avenue,. 65, 66, 70, 103, 109 Third avenue (Kings), 142, 169, 238 INDIAN NOTES INDEX Third street (Kings), 140 Thirtieth street, 65 Thirty-first street, east (Kings), 148 Thirty-second street, 66 Thirty-fifth street (Kings), 144 Thirty-seventh street, 65 Thirty-seventh street (Kings), 142, 143 238 Thirty-eighth street, 66 Thirty-eighth street (Kings), 238 Thirty-ninth street, 65 Thoreau, 194, 233 Throgs Neck, 112, 223, 224, 236 Throgs Neck road, 112, 236 Tiebout farm, 64 Tippett family, 97-98, 101 Tippett's brook, 90 Titus Mill-pond, 127 Tooker, W. W., 43, 126, 135, 173, 175, 177, 227 229. 230, 232, 235, 236 Tottenville, 190, 194, 233 Town Dock road, 112 Trains Meadow, 177 Trains Meadow road, 177 Transverse road, 71. See Ninety-seventh street Travisville, 193 Trimble avenue, 177 Tubby hook, 80, 235 Tunissens neck, 192, 232 Turner, Claude L., 116 Turtle Bay, 66, 67 Tuynier, Pieter, 85 Twelfth street, east, 60 Twelfth street, east (Kings), 164 Twentieth avenue (Kings), 167 Twentieth street (Kings), 167 275 AND MONOGRAPHS 276 INDIAN PATHS Twenty-first avenue (Kings), 156 Twenty-third street, 65 Twenty-fifth street, east (Kings), 158 Twenty-sixth street, 65 Twenty-sixth street, east (Kings), 147 Twenty-eighth street, 65 Twenty-ninth street, 66 Twin islands, 125, 227 Two Hundred First street, 225 Two Hundred Fourth street, 84, 87 Two Hundred Seventh street, 84, 86 Two Hundred Eighth street, 225 Two Hundred Ninth street, 85, 225 Two Hundred Twelfth street, 85, 225 Two Hundred Thirteenth street, 225 Two Hundred Seventeenth street, 119 Two Hundred Eighteenth street, 86 Two Hundred Nineteenth street, 225 Two Hundred Twenty-fifth street, 82, 86, 102 Two Hundred Twenty-eighth street, 119 Two Hundred Thirty-first street, 90, 91, 98, 225 Two Hundred Thirty-second street, 97 Two Hundred Thirty-third street, 119 Two Hundred Thirty-fourth street, 92 Two Hundred Thirty-fifth street, 97 Two Hundred Thirty-eighth street, 92, 96 Two Hundred Forty-second street, 92 Two Hundred Forty-fourth street, 94 Two Hundred Forty-fifth street, 97 Two Hundred Forty-seventh street, 94 Two Hundred Sixtieth street, 94 Unami Dela wares, 188 Underhill, Captain John, 152 Union avenue, 192, 234 INDIAN NOTES INDEX 277 Unionport, 113 Unionport road, 114, 115 United States reservation, 231 United States Ship Canal, 86 University avenue, 103 University Heights, 226 Upper bay, 198 Upper cove, 231. See Peltons cove Utrecht. 163. See New Utrecht Valentine avenue, 103 Valentine-Briggs farmhouse, 103 Valeyen, 70 Valley grove, 147 Valley Stream, 38, 229 Valley Stream road, 180 Van Brunt lane, 169 Van Corlaer, Jacobus, 156 Van Cortlandt, Frederick, 93, 94, 226 Van Cortlandt avenue, 117 Van Cortlandt Park, 92, 226 Vanderbeeck, Paulus, 143 Vanderbilt avenue (Kings), 147 Van der Donck, 101 Vandeveer Park, 151 Van Werckhoven, Cornelis, 168, 169 Van Wyck, Frederick, 152 Varian homestead, 117 Varkens Hook road, 150 Verrazano, 33 Vredendal, or "Quiet Vale", 75 Wading place, 31, 39, 86, 87, 88, 90 Wakefield, 119 Wallabout, 133, 134, 136, 153 Wallabout bay, 134, 135, 230 AND MONOGRAPHS 278 l INDIAN PATHS Wallboght, 135 Wall street, 52 Walton avenue, 108 Wampage, 124 Wandowenock, 175 Wappinger, 40, 92 Ward point, 194, 195, 233 Warren street (Kings), 137, 139 Washington bridge, 107, 226 Washington Heights, 75, 77 Washington square, 60 Washington street, 58 Watchogue, 192, 232 Watchogue road, 192 Watchung mountains (N. J.), 202 Waverly place, 60 Webster avenue, 118 Weckquaesgeek, 41, 57, 95, 240 Weir creek, 112, 113, 224 Werpoes, Werpos (Manhattan), 43, 48. 49, 50, 53, 57, 199, 220 Werpoes hill, 134 Werpos, Worpus (Brooklyn), 50, 137, 138. 139, 141, 230 Wessels brook, 176. See Ludovics brook Wessels mill, 177 Westchester, 98, 100, 102, 110, 111, 112, 120, 121, 122, 226, 240 Westchester avenue, 109, 110. 114. 115 Westchester bridge, 112 Westchester county, 185, 227 Westchester creek, 112, 113, 223 Westchester path, 21, 31, 98, 101, 102, 07, 110, 116 Westchester road, 109. See Westchester ave-, nue INDIAN NOTES INDEX Westchester-Eastchester path, 241 Western avenue, 192 West Farms, 106 West Farms road, 109, 111 Westminster Heights Park, 151 West New Brighton, 191, 231 White, A. T., 158 Whitehall street, 51, 52 Whitehead, W. A., 205 White Plains road, 111, 118 Whitestone, 172 Wickquaskeek, Wickguaskeek, 32, 76 Williamsbridge, 30, 100, 101, 118, 240 Williamsbridge reservoir, 117 Williamsbridge road, 103 Williamsburg, 145-146 Willis avenue, 108 Willow avenue, 174 Winippague, 151, 152, 154, 228. See Bergen beach Winthrop, 37 Wolf's lane, 123 Woodbridge (N. J.), 197 Woodhaven, 179 Woodhull, 180 Woodlawn cemetery, 118 Wood Point road, 146 Woodrow, 194, 233 Wood, Silas, 129 Woods of Arden, 195, 234 Wort farm, 194 Worth street, 49, 220 279 AND MONOGRAPHS 280 INDIAN PATHS Wrights island, 223 Wyckoff street, 139 Yellow hook, 168 Yonkers, 38, 92; 94, 95, 226 Y'ork street, 133 Zeregas neck, 223 INDIAN NOTES INDIAN NOTES i ■J. Sp *■ > ■ j$ H 16 89 MUSEUM OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN r o V &°* ? : * v ^ \S 4^ ^ &* J> % • / 1 <^ *•"* <^> *' *<2* P9 V-V ^^ " ?£!K%5&\ ^bf 4^^ / ^ "^ 4* 'iSsNl' *+ V 4. *