Clnss rSF/r?£ Book 1 GcpyflghtiN?. COPYRJGHT DEPOSIT. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from The Library of Congress Breeding of Farm Animals B, V Merritt W; Harper Professor of Animal Husbandry in the New York State College of Agriculture at Cornell University NEW YORK ORANGE JUDD COMPANY LONDON Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Limited 1914 r n'K entering into resting stage. lUlU d. UU CdU Ui liu- -DiAGRAM Illustrating Cell Division OR Mitosis REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS AND GERM CELLS 1 5 bon and then breaks up transversely into a definite number of segments, known as chromosomes. In the meantime the centrosome has divided, and the tv\^o new bodies thus formed have migrated to opposite sides of the nucleus, each surrounded by its radiating lines, known as asters. The chromosomes arrange themselves end to end along the equatorial plane of the spindle, at right angles to its axis, and each chromosome splits lengthwise, one group migrating to each aster, forming a new nucleus. The cell wall becomes constructed, dividing the cyto- plasm between the two new cells, and the resting stage ensues during which preparation is made for another division. The chromosomes. — In the process of cell division which attends all growth there are three significant facts established concerning the behavior of the chromosomes, which are to play a very important part in our study of hereditary materials. First, the number of chromosomes is constant for all individuals of the same species. In farm animals the number is i6. Second, in all forms arising by sexual reproduction the number is thought to be even ; and, third, cell division consists essentially in a splitting of the chromosomes in such a manner that each daughter cell secures an exact equivalent of what is received by the other daughter cell of the same division. Cell division is, therefore, an exceedingly orderly procedure, whereby each daughter cell not only receives its share of the mass, but receives exactly the same number and kind of chromosomes as that of the other cell of the same division. THE GERM CELLS Not only is the individual composed of cells, but these cells are highly dififerentiated according to the function l6 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS they perform. In the study of heredity we recognize two distinct groups of cells — first, the sexual or germ cells of which the reproductive bodies and the organs producing them, both male and female, are composed; and, second, the somatic or body cells, of which the re- mainder of the body structure is composed. The former are capable of indefinite existence in a suitable medium, whereas the latter are destined to die and disintegrate with the body. Castle and others have shown that the germ cells are distinct from the body cells, although dependent upon them for nutrition and growth. Castle removed the ovaries from a white guinea pig just attaining sexual maturity, and inserted into her body ovaries from a black guinea pig not yet sexually mature. This grafted animal was mated with a white mafe. Now, numerous experiments have shown that white guinea pigs mated with white, without exception, produce only white young. In the course of a year, however, this grafted white animal, mated successively with a white male, gave birth to three litters of young which together consisted of six individuals, all black.* The egg cell. — Among farm animals the ovum of the female is remarkable for its enormous size when com- pared with the spermatozoon of the male or with body cells generally. This is especially true in the case of poultry. In structure the ovum presents the parts of a typical cell containing a large nucleus, in this case called the "germinal vesicle," with its chromatin network. The ovum is distended with stored nutrients to which its large size is due and upon which the young embryo sub- sists for a time. The egg cells are discharged, either singly, as in the case of the mare and cow; or in twos and threes, as is frequently observed in sheep and goats ; or in varying numbers, as in swine and carnivora. The sperm cells. — The spermatozoa of the male present a striking contrast to the ova of the female. The former *W. E, Castle, "Heredity," p. 31, REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS AND GERM CELLS 17 is very minute, many thousand times less than the bulk of the latter. The sperm cell resembles a minute, elon- gated tadpole, swimming very actively about by the vibrations of a long slender tail. This locomotion is Fig. 6 — Diagram of the Germ Cells 1. Egg cell. 2. Sperm cell size to compare with egg cell. 3. Sperm cell enlarged to show parts. A. Apical body. B. Nucleus. C. End knob. D. Middle piece. E. Envelope of tail. F. Tail piece. G. End piece. L. Nucleolus or germinal spot. M. Nucleus or germinal vesicle containing network of chromatin. N. Cytoplasm. necessary to bring the two germ cells together, as the egg cell is practically stationary because of its great bulk. In structure the sperm cell contains all the parts of a typical cell, but arranged in a different form and con- taining very little cytoplasm. The nucleus is the im- portant part. The nuclear network is much more dense than in the egg cell. While the egg cells are discharged singly or in comparatively small numbers, the sperm cells are discharged from the testicles of the male in practically countless numbers, although but one is used in the act of fertilization. This is due in part at least to the distance the sperm cells must travel as well as to the difficulty in reaching the egg cell. Spermatozoa possess remarkable vitality, remaining active in the genital passages of the female for days and 15 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS in some cases possibly for weeks. When mounted and protected from evaporation, they have been known to show vibratile motion after the lapse of nine days. Weak alkaline solution renders them more active, while acids, even very dilute, destroy them. Chromosome reduction. — Since the number of chromo- somes in a given class of animals is constant, and since fertilization requires the union of a sperm cell from the male with an egg cell from the female, each containing i6 chromosomes, is it necessary that the number be re- duced in the germ cells before fertilization, in order to Fig. 7 — Diagram Illustrating Maturation in the Egg Cell A. Initial phase. B. Formation of first polar body. C. Preparation for second division. D. Final results, three polar bodies and the egg after maturation. REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS AND GERM CELLS 19 prevent a doubling up in the new individual. This chromosome reduction takes place during cell division, and is termed maturation (Fig 7). In the egg cell the process is known as oogenesis and in the sperm cell as spermatogenesis. The mature Qgg — or sperm — cell, with half its normal number of chromosomes is termed a gamete, while the fertilized egg which is formed by the union of two gametes — male and female — is called a cygote, or yoked cell. In the male this reduction process is continuous, and mature sperm cells are stored in considerable numbers. In the female, however, the reduction takes place very rapidly and just prior to uniting with a mature sperm cell. In fact, in some instances, it is known to have occurred after the sperm cell has passed through the wall of the ovum. A diagrammatic representation of the process of maturation is shown in Fig. 8. The number of chro- mosomes (not shown in diagram) undergoes division, and thus re- mains constant in num- ber in each germ cell until the maturation division, or immedi- ately before the forma- tion of the mature sperm and egg cell, when they separate into two groups with- out splitting, each group going into a different cell. In this way the chromosomes are reduced to one-half the normal number. It is noteworthy in the case of the female that the mass of food is retained in the mature egg cell and Fig. 8 — Diagram Showing the Essential Facts IN THE Maturation of the Germ Cells 1. Sperm cell. 2. Egg cell. 3. Fertilized egg. A. Primordial division period. B. Growth period. C. Maturation period. 20 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS the other three cells perish, whereas in the male the four mature sperm cells are similar in appearance and each have the same possibilities. Fertilization. — The mature sperm cell or male gamete, by virtue of its power of locomotion, finds its way to the mature egg cell or female gamete, their chromosomes flocculate, thus restoring the normal number and com- pleting the zygote, in this case the embryo of the new animal. During the act of copulation the semen of the male is discharged into the vagina of the female, a part of the fluid passing through the dilated os uteri or neck of the womb. The spermatozoa work forward through the uterus into the Fallopian tubes or oviducts. Here they meet and surround the ovum from the ovary. Though many sperm cells may attach themselves to the exterior of the egg cell, but one penetrates to the interior. Which one enters is simply a matter of chance. This union of male and female reproductive bodies constitutes fertiliza- tion. The fertilized ovum now migrates back into the uterus, where with favorable conditions growth and development ensue. CHAPTER III THE DETERMINERS OF HEREDITY The resemblance between the new individual and the parent is not due to a direct transfer of the characters in question, but to some kind of "determiner" of heredity. Thus blood relatives do not inherit characters in the manner that real estate or personal property passes from one generation to another. There have been many theories advanced attempting to explain the phenomena of heredity, two of which are of special interest since they serve as the basic principle governing animal breeding. It is only fair to v/arn the reader that these theories are conflicting, and that the principle involved has been the most discussed question in modern times. The first of these theories advanced was that by Charles Darwin, and known as Darwin's pangenesis. The second was that by August Weismann and known as Weismann's germ plasm. Darwin's pangenesis. — Although not the first to at- tempt a theoretical explanation of the phenomena of heredity, Darwin set forth a provisional hypothesis which seemed so probable a speculation that it attracted world- wide comment. In view of the importance formerly at- tached to this theory of heredity, the hypothesis is given as stated by Darwin : 'Tt is universally admitted that the cells or units of the body increase by self-division or proliferation, retaining the same nature, and that they ultimately become con- verted into the various tissues and substances of the body. But besides this means of increase, I assume that the units throw off minute granules which are dispersed throughout the whole system ; that these, when sup- plied with proper nutriment, multiply by self-division, 21 22 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS and are ultimately developed into units like those from which they were originally derived. These granules may be called gemmules. They are collected from all parts of the system to constitute the sexual elements, and their development in the next generation forms a new being; but they are likewise capable of transmission in a dormant state to future generations and may then be developed. Their development depends on their union with other partially developed or nascent cells which precede them in the regular course of growth. Why I use the term union will be seen when we discuss the direct action of pollen on the tissues of the mother plant. Gemmules are supposed to be thrown off by every unit, not only during the adult state, but during each stage of development of every organism, but not neces- sarily during the continued existence of the same unit. Lastly, I assume that the gemmules in their dormant state have a mutual affinity for each other, leading to their aggregation into buds or into the sexual elements. Hence, it is not the reproductive organs or buds which generate new organisms, but the units of which each individual is composed. These assun:ptions constitute the provisional hypothesis which I have called pan- genesis."* He later states : "I am aware that my view is merely a provisional hypothesis or speculation ; but until a bet- ter one is advanced it will serve to bring together a mul- titude of facts which are at present left disconnected by any efficient cause." Weismann's germ plasm. — In view of the importance of an intelligent idea of the source of the hereditary sub- stance and its subsequent behavior the hypothesis is given as stated by Weismann : "According to my view, the germ plasm (the hered- itary substance of a germ cell) of multicellular organ- isms is composed of ancestral germ plasms or ids — the vital units of the third order — each nuclear rod or idant *Char1es Darwin, "Animals and Plants Under Domestication," Cliapter 27. THE DETERMINERS OF HEREDITY 2^ being formed of a number of these. Each id in the germ plasm is built up of thousands or hundreds of thousands of determinants- — the vital units of the second order — which, in their turn, are composed of the actual bearers of vitality, or biophors — the ultimate vital units. The biophors are of various kinds, and each kind corresponds to a different part of a cell ; they are, therefore, the 'bearers of the characters or qualities' of cells. Various but perfectly definite numbers and combinations of these form the determinants, each of which is the primary con- stituent of a particular cell, or of a small or even large group of cells (e. g., blood corpuscles). "These determinants control the cell by breaking up into biophors, which migrate into the cell body through the pores of the nuclear membrane, multiply there, ar- range themselves according to the forces within them, and determine the histological structure of the cell. But they only do so after a certain definitely prescribed period of development, during which they reach the cell which they have to control. "The cause of each determinant reaching its proper place in the body depends on the fact that it takes up a definite position in the id of germ plasm, and that the latter, therefore, exhibits an inherited and perfectly definite architecture. Ontogeny (development) depends on a gradual process of disintegration of the id of germ plasm, which splits into smaller and smaller groups of determinants in the development of each individual, so that in place of a million different determinants, of which we may suppose the id of germ plasm to be composed, each daughter cell in the next ontogenetic stage would only possess half a million, and each cell in the next following stage only a quarter of a million, and so on. Finally, if we neglect possible complications, only one kind of determinant remains in each cell, viz., that which has to control that particular cell or group of cells."* Opposite views. — According to Darwin, the deter- *August VVeismann, "The Germ Plasm," Part I, "The Material Basis of Heredity." M BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS miners of heredity, the gemmules, are given off from the body cells and dispersed throughout the whole system. While some of these gemmules are active and when properly nourished, multiply by self-division and ulti- mately develop into cells like those from which they were originally derived, other gemmules are dormant, and, having a mutual affinity for each other, collect into the sexual organs. According to Weismann, the determinants proceed from the germ plasm, the hereditary substance of the germ cell. These determinants control development by breaking up into biophores which migrate into the cell body, multiply there by self-division, and arrange them- selves according to forces from within. His idea of the "Continuity of the Germ Plasm" regards the hereditary material as passing from generation to generation with the minimum of influence from, or association with the body of the parent. According to this view the many changes which animals undergo from time to time are accounted for on the basis of selection. (Fig. 9.) S \Lx/2e. of -stjcczss/o/j ^Jijne. of *"^ jnhizritsncz Fig. 9 — Diagram Illustrating Weismann's Theory of Descent G. The germ cells, which by division give rise to the body cells (S), and to new germ cells (G), which separate from the body cells and repeat the process in each successive generation. Approved practice not involved. — These are the two main theories on the subject of heredity. Actual ex- perimentation to determine the facts seems impossible. The intense interest has arisen over the assumption that if the hereditary determiners follow the Darwin hypoth- esis it is easy to explain the possibility of acquired char- acters being inherited ; whereas, if the hereditary bearers THE DETERMINERS OF HEREDITY -^j proceed according to the Weismann theory, it is dif- ficult to understand how a modification acquired by the parent can be transmitted to the offspring. This question is of vital importance to the student of genetics and has been the object of much careful study. No doubt it is one of the most discussed questions of the present time, as scientific men are divided in their opin- ion, many stating with much emphasis that under no condition can a modification acquired by a parent be transmitted to the offspring; while others are equally as positive that such modifications may be inherited. In- teresting as this question is to the student of genetics, it is only fair, at this time, to assure the breeder of animals that in actual practice it is of secondary im- portance. The hereditary bridge. — Having briefly reviewed the major theories of heredity and the principles involved, we will now pass to a consideration of the most approved ideas, giving them in as much detail as possible in the space at disposal. While little is definitely known of the determiners of hereditary characters which appear in successive generations, yet it is obvious that, in any event, such determiners are obtained from the two germ cells — male and female — and that they pass to the new organism in the fertilized egg. This single cell is the actual bridge between parent and offspring, and it is the only bridge. The only actual fragment of the paternal organism given over to the new individual is the single maturated sperm cell which in fertilization unites Mnth the maturated egg cell, the only fragment from the maternal parent. The entire heritage is packed into this single cell. The matter appears all the more wonderful when we consider the small as well as the unequal size of the two germ cells, for it has been shown conclusively that the egg cell and the sperm cell are equal in their hereditary influence, even though the former contains many thou- 26 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS sand times the bulk of the latter. Thus the minuteness of the sperm cell is apparent when we reflect that the egg cell is about %25 of an inch in diameter. When we recall the marvelous array of characters which make up the sum total of what is obviously inherited, the am_aze- ment grows that so small a cell can contain such an enormous load. The fact that the heritage is completed at the time of fertilization is significant. Formerly there was much confusion in this matter. The statement was often made that the young animal's heritage was complete at birth. Now we understand the heritage to be completed, not at birth, but at a much earlier time, in fact at the time of conception. True, the subsequent development of the new individual may be retarded or accelerated by the care and nourishment of the maternal parent, before birth, as well as by the nourishment and training after birth. This is a matter of environment and development and cannot be considered as in any sense a hereditary relation. The hereditary material.- — The course of the hereditary determiners from their probable origin in the reproductive organs of the male and female to the mature sperm cell and egg cell respec- tively over the hered- itary bridge — the fer- tilized egg — to the em- bryo and thence to the F.G. 10-Shorthorn Bull "Shenstone ^^^ individual, SCCmS ALBINO ' clear and the route easily followed. However, the material nature and phys- ical make-up of these determiners is little understood and probably exceedingly complicated. It is conceded that there is something within the fer- THE DETERMINERS OF HEREDITY 2/ tilized egg that controls the unfolding of the developing organism. This control is complete with respect to both quantity and quality, and governs the time and rate of appearance of its various characters so that certain com- binations rather than others shall come about in defi- nite sequence. But just v^hat are the determiners of these hereditary qualities? Can they be discovered by the aid of the microscope, or are they chemical rather than morphological in their nature, such as enzymes, w^hich only the chemist can detect? The enzyme theory. — It has been suggested that hered- ity may ultimately be reduced to a series of chemical reactions depending upon the manner in w^hich various enzymes initiate, retard or accelerate successive chemical combinations occurring in the protoplasm. Thus it has been found that the blood of closely related varieties of dogs is chemically different, although from a morpholog- ical point of view it is apparently identical. Possibly these differences extend to individuals of the same variety. The possibilities in this direction seem unlimited when we reflect that an albumen compound having only 40 carbon atoms, a number by no means unusual, would make possible millions of combinations of atoms. At present, however, all that can be said for the enzyme theory is that it is a bare possibility. It is suggested in this connection with the thought that it might aid in a clearer understanding of the possible nature of the de- terminers of heredity. The chromosome theory of heredity. — Since the nuclei of sperm cell and the egg cell are the only portions of these cells that invariably take part in fertilization, it has been suggested that the entire factor of heritage is packed into the nuclei of these germ cells. Although not fully demonstrated, it is entirely probable that the chromatin is the main seat of heredity and that the hered- itary determiners are to be located in the chromosomes. 28 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS There are many reasons for this assumption, three of which are worthy of consideration. Notwithstanding the great relative difference in size between the sperm cell and the egg cell, they are prac- tically equivalent in their hereditary influence. This has been repeatedly shown by making reciprocal crosses be- tween the two sexes. The only features that are alike in the two cells are the chromosomes. The inference is, therefore, that they contain the hereditary determiners. The process of maturation by which the number of chromosomes is reduced one-half, as a preliminary step to fertilization, at which time the normal number is again restored, is just what is needed to bring together an en- tire complement of hereditary determiners, out of the partial contribution of the two parents. Since, in fer- tilization, no other part of the cells plays so consistent and important a part as the chromosomes, during this series of complicated changes, it would seem very prob- able that they contain the determiners of heredity. More- over, maturation is practiced by germ cells only. The fagt that certain chromosomes in the fertilized egg have been identified with particular features or combina- tion of features in the adult developing from that egg lends favor to the chromosome theory. This is strength- ened by the probable existence of an extra chromosome in connection with the determination of sex, as will be pointed out later in the discussion of sex in animal breeding. Such evidence as the foregoing has convinced many that in the chromosomes we have visibly before us the carriers of heredity. In fact, the supposition that the chromosomes, with certain chemical reservations, are the physical carriers of hereditary determiners forms an excellent working hypothesis. The determiners of heredity have been given a variety of names by various investigators, but it is sufficient for our purpose to con- sider the chromosomes as the physical basis of heredity. Chromosome combination. — Little is definitely known THE DETERMINERS OE HEREDITY 29 concerning the makeup of the chromosomes or the dis- tribution among them of the control of the various por- tions of the body. Whether one chromosome could of Fig. u— Shorthorn Cow "Maxwalton Missie" itself, if necessary, direct the development of the entire body, or whether the determiners of different parts or organs are carried in separate chromosomes, is largely a matter of conjecture. True, certain chromosomes in the mature egg have been identified with particular fea- tures in the adult, but this is by no means sufficient data to warrant the general assertion that each particular character in the body is always governed by a certain chromosome in the mature egg. At present all we can conjecture is that the combined chromosomes carry the determiners of heredity. In this connection the chromosomes that go astray in maturation are significant. The possible chromosome combination in the maturation of the germ cells — male and female— as w?ll as their union in fertilization may 30 . BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS explain much of the chance that attends all animal breeding. Origin of hereditary material. — Little is definitely known of the origin of the hereditary material. Men- tion is made of it at this time to show the difference in time of the development of the egg cells and the sperm cells and to point out the exact place of origin. The egg cells, we recall, are produced in the ovaries of the female. They are formed from specialized peritoneal cells known as germinal epithelium. In our domestic animals all permanent ova or egg cells are formed during fetal life, or very soon after birth, although they do not attain sexual maturity for some time, the period varying with the class of animal. The sperm cells are produced in the testicle of the male. These cells are produced in the specialized spermatogenic cells and are formed continuously throughout the productive period of the animal's life. Basis of controlling determiners of heredity. — To ob- tain the greatest possible control over heredity is the aim of the breeder. But, if the hereditary bearers largely are conveyed in the chromosomes of the germ cells, then no degree of human influence is conceivable. To find a basis of controlling heredity to improve farm animals we must consider the source of hereditary determiners. We have shown that whatever the determiners may be, they come from the parent, although, as we shall ' see presently, they are influenced by previous ancestors. In animal improvement, therefore, we must concentrate our attention and eft'orts upon the parents and the ancestors. They should be carefully developed in order to bring out their possibilities, and they should be of proven worth as breeders. By the selecting of animals containing the hereditary material with maximum possibilities of de- sired features and the minimum of those undesirable, we can achieve a general control over the hereditary characters of the offspring. CHAPTER IV HEREDITY IN ANIMAL BREEDING The behavior of characters as they pass from parent to offspring has been the object of much careful study. In considering the advisability of mating two animals it is exceedingly desirable to knov^^ the possibilities of the offspring. From time to time many attempts have been made to deduce laws which would serve as guides to the breeder. The complicated nature of heredity makes the formation of such laws exceedingly difficult. This is exhibited in the six fundamental propositions sug- gested by Brewer, late professor in the Shefffeld Scien- tific School of Yale University. Brewer's fundamental propositions — These proposals were given as suggestions in the breeding of farm animals, before the rediscovery of Mendel's law of heredity, hereafter to be considered, and are as follows: 1. Every animal must have two parents, and every animal resembles its parents in most of its characteris- tics. There is a force or tendency to keep offspring like their parents or descendants like their ancestors. This is called the law of inheritance (like produces like). 2. No two animals are alike or identical in all respects. Hence offspring are never precisely like their ancestors. This is known as the law of variation. 3. Vastly more animals are produced than are needed for breeding, and only those having the highest aggregate of good points should be used in breeding. This is called the law of selection. 4. By training, environment and selection in pairing, the form may be modified and the relative value of the various points or characters changed so as to better suit 31 32 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS the use or the fancy of the breeder. This is called breed- ing to points. 5. By continued breeding to points, the characters may be increased beyond what they were in the ancestry. This is called improvement of breeds. 6. The more uniform the ancestry in character and the more restricted in number, the more uniform and certain the resulting descendants. The converse holds equally true. The former is known as inbreeding, the latter as out-crossing. Complex nature of heredity. — Among animals reliable data illustrating the free play of heredity are exceedingly meager. The advanced registers contain much valuable material for the guidance of breeders, but it is selected material, as the animals failing to meet requirements are not recorded. Possibly the most complete data that have been collected, illustrating the free play of heredity, are those of the English scientist Galton. He worked upon the stature of English people. This material is used in this connection, as it illustrates as nothing else can the relation between offspring in general and their parentage. Later the principles involved will be confirmed in studies among dairy cattle and horses of speed. These data are given in the tabulation, in which the heights of 928 adult children are classified and compared with the heights of their parents. The heights of the adult children are listed at the top, and those of the midparents on the left. By midparental height is meant one-half of the combined heights of father and mother after increasing the mother's height by one-eighth. In his studies Galton found that women are one-eighth (12.5%) shorter than men. Thus he multiplied all female heights, both mothers and adult daughters, by 1.08 to convert them into male equivalents. By way of explanation we see that of the 928 persons whose heights were taken, 138 were 67.2 inches high. Of these, four were born from 71.5-inch parents; three from 70.5-inch CK ■^ O; lo v2 O VO „ oo »o O O K t>. o! 0>' 00 00 VO N^ \0 vo r^ O >o « >o 00 vc \ 2 43 3 68 5 183 — 219 1 00 1 1 t~0 ■* \ to VN N f<5 «* r^ 1 1 1 t^ f-) d - t~ S. O, Tj" -< ^ "* ! - ■* d (N "tX t^ O oo - 1 M VO rf o - \l ".1 ''I Tf lo On q CS lO CC ''^\ 00 1 r-5 1 1 fO r^ M — 00 so - v^ 1 -c r^ f - o f<5 00 oc \ 1 V - in IM X f^\ ^ ir. fS t^ >o « « Tj. VO in M X \ - 5 00 lis:: -^ lO lo \ \ io 00 o 00 1 - - - ill! to 1 ■* 1 >o VO I - 1 - 1 1 ^ - - lO o < 71.5 70.5 69.5 68.5 lO •<* "a P3 -4- SlUajBdpII^ JO S mspH 33 34 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS parents ; 27 from 69.5-inch parents ; and so on for the shorter parents. A careful analysis of the data in the table illustrates the very complex nature of heredity. In the discussion the relative terms low and high are used to designate short and tall stature respectively. ^ In his study the breeder may substi- tute any character he has under con- sideration, such as low and high milk yield, late and early maturity and like j characters. ! Offspring in gen- J eral resemble par- ents.- — S i n c e the measurements of the midparents are recorded at the one-half inch and the adult children at the two-tenths of an inch, exact comparison is not possible. However, if we compare the heights of the midparents with the heights Fig. 12 — Guernsey Bull "Hayes Cherub 2d" Offspring in General Similar to Parents Parental Low Similar High Total height offspring offspring offspring offspring 72.5 4 11 4 19 71.5 16 23 4 43 70.5 19 39 10 68 69.5 65 78 40 183 68.5 60 113 46 219 67.5 37 102 72 211 66.5 11 36 31 78 65.5 10 23 33 66 64.5 2 9 12 23 Total 224 434 252 910 Per cent. 25 48 27 100 HEREDITY IN ANIMAL BREEDING 35 of the three nearest groups of adult children, we will observe that there is general similarity between the parents and offspring. This is shown in the preceding tabulation, in which the parent is compared with the offspring, the latter being divided in three parts — sim- ilar, low and high — the similar including the sum of the three groups nearest the parental height, the low the sum of those below, and the high the sum of those above. This division of offspring slightly favors the tall stature, giving the high group a larger per cent than the low group, which no doubt would be reversed were exact comparison possible. The significant fact is that the similar, although including but three groups, contains 48 per cent of the total number of offspring. Particular offspring unlike the parent. — While in the main the new individual resembles the parent, in particu- lar cases, that is the best that can be said for it. The most striking feature of the table is that offspring are unlike their parents. There is limited similarity between specific parents and their particular off-spring. In other words, like parents as well as the same parents, in suc- cessive generations, produce unlike offspring, see any row in the table; and like offspring are produced by unlike parents, see any column in the table (p. 33). Every new individual inherits all of the characters of the race to which it belongs. Not all characters, how- ever, will be inherited with the same intensity. Some will be evident in the make-up of the new individual, while others will not be apparent. The visible char- acters of one parent, or even of both, give no assurance of what will appear in the offspring. In fact, there is no true guide whereby we may know for a certainty what will happen in individual cases. It is only fair to assure the breeder, however, that sufficient data have been col- lected to show how ofi'spring in general compare with the parentage, and how general as well as specific im- provement may be accomplished. 36 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS Some offspring higher and some lower than their parents. — The table indicates that no matter what the parents, whether low or high, some of the offspring will be lower and some higher than their parents. Thus, if we divide the table (p. 33) into two parts, as indicated by the diagonal line, placing those offspring that are superior to their parents below the line and those that are inferior above the line, we get the following results : Inferior to parents Superior to parents Number of offspring. . Per cent, of offspring. 517 55.7 411 44.2 Due to the dift'erence in recorded heights between parent and offspring, it is not possible to divide the table exactly. The results obtained, however, show clearly that 44 per cent of the offspring are superior to their parents, while 56 per cent are approximately equal or inferior to their parents. Medium offspring the most frequent. — A careful study of the table reveals the fact that mediocrity seems to be the common lot. This is in- dicated when we compare the average height of the midparents, which is 68.6 inches, with the average height of all adult children, which is 68.0 inches. Ob- serve how the population clusters about the number 34, which is the nearest representative of the aver- midparent and adult chil- dren. This is shown by the number of offspring con- tained within the light dotted lines, which includes 47 Fig. 13 — Guernsey Cow "Dolly Dimple" a^e heisfht of both the HEREDITY IN ANIMAL BREEDING 37 per cent of the total population. The principle involved here is that whatever the parent — high or low^ — the off- spring tend strongly toward the average of the race. The high parent and his offspring. — High parents pro- duce both low and high offspring. This is well illustrated in the case of the 70.5-inch parents, which are 2 inches above the average for all parents. Of the entire off- spring, 68 in number, one is almost a dwarf and 51 are lower than their parents, with seven distinctly below the average of the race. This tendency toward inferiority is known as regression. On the other hand, there are 17 offspring, or exactly one-fourth, superior to their excep- tionally good parents. The higher we go among the ex- ceptional parents the more this is true and the larger is the percentage of superior offspring. This tendency toward superiority is known as progression. The high offspring and his parents. — We now come to a consideration of the production of superior animals, the goal of all animal breeding. The table shows that su- perior animals may be produced in various ways. For example, while the offspring in the 72.2-inch column are clearly superior, ranging over six feet in height, yet they were produced by all kinds of parents, from the very tallest down to 65.5. While the parents were thus dis- tributed the greatest percentage of superior offspring came from extremely tall parents, although the greatest number came from medium parents. Thus the greatest number — 11 — came from a medium population of 183, or less than one in 17, whereas next to the highest — seven in number — came from a high population of 19, or more than one in three. In other words, we stand one chance in 17 to get a high offspring when selecting for breeding purposes from medium parents, and one chance in three when selecting from high parents. High parents produce both high and low offspring, and low parents produce both high and low offspring. But under suitable environment high parents produce 38 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS more high offspring and fewer low offspring, while low parents produce more low offspring and fewer high off- spring. Thus, if we divide the table into four parts as indicated by the heavy lines we get the following results : Low offspring High offspring Number Per cent. Number Per cent. High parents. Low parents. Total.... 241 296 45 55 295 96 537 100 391 Of the 537 offspring classified as low, 55 per cent of them are produced by low parents, while but 45 per cent are produced by high parents. The interesting fact is that of the 391 offspring classified as high, 75 per cent of them are produced by high parents, while only 25 per cent of them are the get of low parents. The law of ancestral heredity. — We have seen that the new individual inherits all of the characters of the race to which it belongs, but that many of these char- acters are not evident in the make-up of the animal. We now come to a consideration of the probable resemblance between the new individual and his parents and to the extent to which he resembles more remote ancestors. Galton and Pearson have given much study to this ques- tion, and although working along independent lines, they have arrived at practically the same conclusions. They state that on the average the two immediate parents contribute between them one-half of the effective heritage, the grandparents one-fourth, the great-grand- parents one-eighth, and so on to infinity, so that the total heritage would be represented by one. This is called "Galton's law of ancestral heredity," and applies to generations and not to individual offspring. According HEREDITY IN ANIMAL BREEDING 39 to this law, the effective heritage contributed by each generation and by each separate ancestor may be repre- sented as follows : Galton's Law of Ancestral Heredity Generation of Number of Hereditary contri- Hereditary contri- ancestors ancestors bution of each bution of each generation ancestor 1 2 l/i % 2 4 % Vio 3 8 % yo4 4 16 yi6 Vaso 5 32 1/32 yi02.i 6 6-1 V.U %ll!)(! This table is significant, as it indicates clearly the great importance of the immediate parents as well as the value of pure ancestors. Not infrequently, especially in animal Fig. 14 — Cheviot Shi;ei' ui' Guuu Tvin^ 40 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS breeding, much stress is placed on some noted remote ancestor. According to the table, a superior ancestor in the fifth generation has but one chance in over one thousand in stamping a character upon the offspring. The table also indicates the importance of pure an- cestors, if we wish to foretell the characteristics of the offspring. If all the lines are pure, then we may be reasonably sure that the oft'spring will be like his an- cestors. On the other hand, if the ancestors are mixed, no one can foretell what the offspring will be like. Reversion and atavism. — These two terms are used to designate characters reappearing in the offspring, but not visible in the parents. Unfortunately these terms are used more or less interchangeably. Best usage war- rants defining atavism as "grandparentism ;" that is, skipping a generation, with the result that a character in the offspring is unlike that of either parent, but sim- ilar to the character in one of the grandparents. Good examples are furnished by the frequent occurrence of red calves among Aberdeen-Angus from black parents, as well as of red and white Holstein-Friesian calves from black and white parents. On the other hand, reversion may be defined as the reappearance of a character which has not been manifest perhaps for many generations, although it was actually present in some remote ancestor. A good illustration is seen in the occurrence, now and then, of stripes or bars on the shoulders and legs of the horse. The appear- ance of a case of either atavism or reversion is interest- ing, but neither has any practical significance in animal improvement, as they can be discarded by selection the same as any other undesirable character. Blended, exclusive and particulate inheritance. — Some- times the oft'spring will be intermediate between the parents, showing a blend ; sometimes it will resemble "one or the other parent, showing exclusive inheritance ; while at other times the offspring will show traces of HEREDITY IN ANIMAL BREEDING 4I both parents, each distinct and separate, which is known as particulate inheritance. A good example of these three types of inheritance is furnished in the case of color among farm animals. In the coat color of horses blended and exclusive inheritance is common, while par- ticulate inheritance is occasionally observed. White and black parents often produce a roan or a gray of vary- ing shades ; at other times the offspring will inherit the color of one parent to the exclusion of the other, and thus be white or black; while occasionally, especially in the case of ponies, the new individual inherits the color of both parents, and is black and white or piebald. In such cases possibly the type of inheritance depends in a large measure on the purity of the coat color of the parent. The best illustration of particular inheritance is observed in the case of swine, where spotted offspring from black and white parents are very common, owing to the impurity of the coat color in the case of the parents, due to extended crossing in the formation of the breeds. CHAPTER V MENDEL'S LAW OF HEREDITY The most promising law for the guidance of breeders at the present time is that discovered by Gregor Johann Mendel, a teacher of the physical and natural sciences in a monastic school at Briinn, Austria, in the second half of the last century. For eight years Mendel made a series of studies, mostly with peas, on the behavior of certain hereditary characters, from which he drew some general conclusions now known as "Mendel's law of heredity," which deals with the inheritance of contrast- ing or allelomorphic characters in animals and plants. Although brief accounts of these experiments were pub- lished in 1865, they attracted no attention until 1900, when three botanists, de Vries of Holland, von Tscher- mak of Austria, and Correns of Germany, working in- dependently, came to much the same conclusions as those formerly stated by Mendel. Since 1900 Mendel's law has easily held first place among biological workers. The law when one pair of characters is involved, mono- hybrids. — To get the essential features of this law before us, we will consider an illustration. The case of -coat color among guinea pigs furnishes a good example. If we mate a black guinea pig of pure descent with a white one, the offspring will all be black, similar to the black parent, and none will be white. The black color dom- inates in the cross, and, as Mendel says, the white re- cedes from view. The black character, therefore, is called the dominant character, and the white the recessive character. Now, if two of these cross-bred black guinea pigs be mated with each other, one-fourth of the offspring will be of the same color as the white grandparent, one-fourth MENDEL S LAW OF HEREDITY 43 the same as the black grandparent, and one-half the same as the cross-bred black parents. In other words, one- fourth will be pure white, and when mated with each other will produce only white offspring; one-fourth pure black, and when mated with each other will produce only black offspring; and one-half cross-bred black, similar to their black parents, and will behave in a similar man- Such an experiment ner when mated with each other. is difficult, as we cannot tell the cross-bred black until they have been mated and their offspring observed. This phenomenon is not dif- ficult of explanation when but one pair of allelomorphic char- acters are involved. The ma- ture germ cells or gametes which united in the original cross were one black and the other white in character. Both characters were present in the cross-bred off- spring, but black, from its na- ture, dominated. When the cross-bred black individuals produce germ cells, the black and white characters separate from each other and pass into different cells. Thus the egq cells formed by a female cross- bred black are half of them black and half of them white in character. The same is true of the sperm cells formed by a male cross-bred black. The egg cell that is fertilized is as likely to l)e one as the other, and the pure black from the Fig. 15. — Black and White Guinea Pigs Showing Mendelian Phenomena 1. Black female guinea pig and her young. 2. White male guinea pig, father of black young. 3. Two of the grown up young of a black and white guinea pig. 4. A group of four young produced by the grown up animals above.* *Figs. 15 and 17 from "Heredity," by permission of both the author, W. E. Castle, and the publisher, D. Appleton & Company. 44 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS sperm cell sharing- in fertilization has similar possibili- ties. The results, therefore, would be as follows: Male gametes Cross-bred sperm cells Female gametes Cross-bred egg cells Zygotes WW = 1 W W pure white B W B W B B = 1 B B pure black "2 B W cross-bred black '; Diagram illustrating the union of male and female gametes, resulting in the occurrence of oflFspring ir Mendelian proportions. Perhaps the most convenient way of representing the supposed causes of Mendelian segregation, especially where more than one pair of characters is involved, is by the use of the four-square table. Along the top of the table are written the two kinds of characters that occur in equal numbers among the male germ cells of the cross- bred and along the left of .the table are written the same factors for the female germ cells. Black X white = black cross-bred Cross-bred male gametes W I B B B W s B pure cross-bred bo 0) black black ■s E \ Zygotes til -d B W WW XI W cross-bred pure o u black white Diagram illustrating the union of male and female gametes, resulting in Mendelian proportions when one pair of characters is involved. MENDEL S LAW OF HEREDITY 45 Dominants and recessives. — When two distinct vari- eties are crossed, in which one is dominant with regard to a certain character, while the other is recessive, the first hybrid generation (F^) is an impure dominant. On interbreeding the second generation (Fo) can be divided into four parts — one pure dominant, two impure dom- inants and one pure recessive. The impure dominants on interbreeding split into the same proportions, while the pure dominants and recessives each time breed true for all successive generations. This may be illustrated diagrammatically as follows : nn D(n) nfn) an. Fig. 16 — Diagram Illustrating Mendelian Dominants and Recessives, in Which DD Stands for Pure Dominants, RR for Pure Recessives and D(R) for Impure Dominants (After Herbert) It is important to remember that this discussion ap- plies to characters and not to individuals. Thus when w^e say that an animal arising from cross-bred parents 46 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS breeds true or pure, we mean only as to the single char- acter involved. The law when two pairs of characters are involved, dihybrids. — For convenience we will continue the illus- tration with guinea pigs, contrasting long and white hair with short and dark hair. If we mate a short-haired dark guinea pig of pure descent with a long-haired white one, the offspring will all be short-haired and dark. Thus short hair and dark hair are dominant, while long hair and white hair are recessive. If two of the cross- short — dark Xlong — w'.iite =short —dark cross-bred Cross-bred male gametes S D SVkT LD L W SS D D SS D W SL D D SL D W SD short dark short dark short dark short dark pure cross-bred cross-bred cross-bred SS D W SS WW SL D W S L W W 60 s w short short short short dark white dark white B cross-bred pure cross-bred cross-bred <+-. S L D D SL D W LL D D LL DW j^ LD short short long long o dark dark dark dark cross-bred cross-bred pure cross-bred SL D W SL WW LL DW LL WW L W short short long long dark white dark white cross-bred cross-bred cross-bred pure Diagram illustrating the union of male and female gametes, resulting in the occurrence of Mendelian proportions when two pairs of characters are involved. MENDEL S LAW OF HEREDITY 47 bred animals be mated with each other, four kinds of offspring will result : Dark and short-haired, like one grandparent ; white and long-haired, like the other grand- parent ; dark and long-haired, a new form ; and white and short-haired, a second new form. The segregation in the germ cells resulting in these forms can be clearly illustrated diagrammatically by the use of the sixteen-square table on the preceding page. Now, the four kinds of guin- ea pigs obtained from such a cross will not be equally numerous. Since, as we have seen in the black-white cross, dominants are three times as numerous as recessives, we should, therefore, expect the short-haired to be three times as numerous as the long-haired ones, and the dark ones to be three times as numerous as the white ones. Further, animals which are both short-haired and dark should be 3 times 3, or nine times as numerous as those which are not. Thus, we have the Mendelian proportion, nine short-haired dark, three long- haired dark, three short-haired white, and one long-haired white, which is closely approximated in actual experience. The breeding powers of these four forms are exceedingly com- plicated. The double recessive long-white is the only individual that will breed true. All other forms require trial breeding to establish their identity. This Fig. 17 — Guinea Pigs Illustrat- ing Mendelian Phenomena When Two Pair of Char- acters Are Involved L Long-haired white parent. 2. Short-haired dark parent. 3. Long-haired darlc, a new form arising when offspring of types 1 and 2 are interbred. 4. Short- haired white, a second new form arising when offspring of types 1 and 2 are interbred. 48 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS breeding power may be most conveniently exhibited in tabular form as follows : Distinguish- able types Zygotically different types Num- ber Breeding properties when mated with each other (1) SS DD 1 Produces short-haired dark only (2) S S D W 2 Produces short-haired dark, about 75 per cent, and short-haired while* about 25 per cent. 9 SD Short (3) S L D D 2 Produces short-haired dark, about 75 per cent, and long-haired dark about 25 per cent. Dark (4) SL DW 4 Produces short-haired dark ; short- haired white ; long-haired dark; and long-haired white in the ratio of 9:3:3:1 3 SW (5) SS WW 1 Produces short-haired white only Short White (6) SL WW 2 Produces short-haired white about 75 per cent, and long-haired white about 25 per cent. 3L D (7) LL D D 1 Produces long-haired dark only. Long Dark (8) LL DW 2 Produces long-haired dark about 75 per cent, and long-haired white about 25 per cent. 1 LW Long White (9) LL WW 1 Produces long-haired white only. Diagram illustrating the breeding properties of Mendelian offspring when two pairs of characters are involved. *New forms in italics. Three Mendelian principles. — Mendel's law as illus- trated in the crossing of pure animals with contrasting characters depends on three factors — unit-characters, dominance and segregation. In the illustration it was apparent that there was no relation between the length of hair and its color; each was transmitted entirely in- dependent of the other. The length of hair, therefore, is one unit-character, while the color of the hair is an- MENDEL S LAW OF HEREDITY 49 other. Ill the germ cells there are certain determiners of unit-characters which dominate others during the de- velopment ; thus they determine the apparent character of the individual by causing that character to become visible. This constitutes the dominant characters, as in the cross-bred black guinea pig in the illustration. The idea of segregation depends upon the conception that the animal is made up of a bundle of unit-characters which may be rearranged without disturbing the identity of the various characters. When like characters are joined together, as B with B (p. 44), the animal is said to be hoinozygous. On the other hand, when unlike char- acters are joined, as B with W, the individual is said to be heterozygous. Recessive individuals are always homozygous, as W W, for example. They do not con- tain the dominant character, otherwise they would show it. Creation of new forms. — When short-haired dark guinea pigs of pure descent are mated with long-haired white ones and the hybrid form resulting therefrom inter- bred, two new varieties arise — long-haired dark and short-haired white. New varieties may be created by gain, loss or transfer of characters from existing forms. Having obtained a new variety, the next step is to fix it so that it will breed true from generation to generation. To fix these new forms so that they will breed true is somewhat involved, especially when there are a number of dominant characters, although it would be compar- atively simple if dealing with a combination containing only recessive characters, as they are always homozygous and hence breed true from the beginning. The most direct method of fixing a new variety would be to test by suitable mating the unit-characters of each individual to determine which are homozygous, and breed from those, as they show only the desirable combination of characters, and to reject all heterozygous individuals, as they contain undesirable characters. Thus, if we were 50 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS to fix the short-haired white variety, we would deter- mine by mating the S S W W individuals in the tables (pp. 46 and 48), and select these for breeding, rejecting all others. In this way a pure race may be established. Such a method, though sure, is likely to be very slow, as the numbers are limited, and it involves the application of the breeding test to many individuals in order to deter- mine the homozygous individuals, most of which must then be rejected. It is, therefore, often better in practice to breed from all animals showing the desired characters — in this case short-haired white — and eliminate from their offspring such individuals as do not show the proper combination of characters. The short-haired white variety will thus be gradually purified and a large stock of it can be built up much more quickly. Application of Mendel's law. — The examples show that the coat color character and the length of hair character can be transferred from one guinea pig to another when separate animals possessing these particular characters are mated according to Mendel's law. The long-hair character of the original white animal was transferred to the dark animal ; and the short hair of the original dark animal was transferred to the white animal. Likewise, the white coat of the original long-haired animal was transferred to the short-haired animal, and the dark coat of the short-haired animal was transferred to the long- haired animal. In plants this transfer of characters from one individ- ual to another has been demonstrated to be of great economic importance. Thus the stiff character of the straw of low-yielding varieties of wheat has been trans- ferred to high-yielding varieties, in which much trouble had previously been experienced from broken straw. Likewise, immunity to rust in wheat has been transferred to varieties which formerly were very susceptible to rust. There are numerous examples of this sort among plants. Mendel's law of heredity 51 Among animals fewer cases of the Mendelian phe- nomena have been reported, although it is stated that the trotting and pacing habit among horses behaves accord- ing to Mendel's law, also that chestnut color is a Mende- lian recessive. The red and white color of Shorthorn cattle is said to be transmitted in Mendelian proportions, as is also the hornless character when appearing in horned breeds of cattle. Many features of the comb, the plumage and the rumpless condition of poultry have been shown to be inherited in accordance with Mendel's law. Poultrymen experience difficulty in breeding blue Andalusian fowls. When blue Andalusians are mated together, the offspring are of three colors — black, blue and white — in the Mendelian proportion of 1:2:1, while the result of crossing a black and a white is a blue Andalusian. This shows conclusively that the blue Andalusian is a cross-bred, and the significant point to remember is that it will not breed true. Transferring characters. — At the present time there is very little data available to show to what extent the more economic factors, such as high fertility, early maturity, rapid fattening, high quality in milk and like characters, follow the Mendelian proportions in transmission. In this connection James Wilson of the Royal College of Science, Dublin, Ire- land, makes some interesting observations. He says : "There are many cases of the transference of characters from one race to another. Modern Aberdeen-Angus cattle got their size, and probably their fattening capacity, from English Longhorns and Shorthorns ; their color from the old Celtic cattle ; their hornlessness from cattle brought from Scandinavia by the Norsemen, and probably also the shortness of the leg and the high quality of milk which they frequently manifest, from the same source. Shorthorns got their flecks from Dutch cattle and their white color from the white cattle existing in the North of England in the i8th century. The roans are crosses between the white and the red. The North Devons 52 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS probably got their shortness of leg from Norse cattle. The American polled Herefords and Durhams got their hornlessness chiefly from Norfolk polled, and some of it from Aberdeen-Angus cattle."* Wilson also gives an example of transferring the Jersey high quality milk, testing about 5 per cent, to Red Danish cattle, testing about 3.3 per cent butter fat, by practically the same method as that suggested in the discussion on creation of new forms (p. 49). f Possibilities of Mendelism. — The discovery of the Men- delian phenomena opens a vast field of research. Among animals practically nothing has been done to determine the possibilities of Mendelism. Few accurate observa- tions have been made, and those of Wilson are very sug- gestive. Think of the advantage to be gained could the high flow of the Holstein-Friesian, the high quality of Jersey milk and the early maturity of the Aberdeen- Angus be transferred to the Shorthorn, or could the vigor and fertility of the Large Yorkshire and the qual- ity of the Cheshire be transferred to the Poland China ! Likewise, think of the economic advantage to be gained could the quality of the Arabian, the endurance of the mustang, the action of the Standardbred, and' the fer- tility and longevity of the Thoroughbred be transferred to the Percheron ! Hitherto we have held such to be physically impossible, and no doubt much of it is, al- though, so far, exact proof is wanting. On the other hand, if we place reliance in Wilson's observations, then the triple-purpose cow — beef, butter, milk — not only seems to be a possibility, but very prob- able. We now have abundant data to show that fat cows give as much and more milk and butter fat than lean cows. Now, if high-quality fat can be transferred to the high-milking cow, then there is no physical reason why we cannot develop a triple-purpose cow; that is, a *James Wilson, "The Principles of Stock Breeding," pp. 95, 96. t James Wilson, "The Principles of Stock Breeding," pp. 126-132. MENDEL'S LAW OF HEREDITY 53 COW yielding a Holstein-Friesian flow of Jersey quality and at the same time producing Shorthorn beef. In view of the vast opportunity before the Shorthorn breeders, together with the strong demand for dual-purpose cattle, it seems strange that this is the only breed whose ad- herents are advocating dairy or dual-purpose cattle that has not established a system of advanced registry in which to record dairy performance. There seems to be no reason to doubt phenomenal development in dual-purpose and possible triple-purpose Shorthorns were the breeders given encouragement similar to that given the Holstein- Friesian breeders. Mendelism and reversion. — -Mendel's theory explains why reversions appear and why they gradually decrease with time. Take, for example, the red color among Aberdeen-Angus cattle. Among the original stock there were many colors, such as red, yellow, dun, brown, white and the like, although black predominated. However, red was the only color which was recessive to the desired color, black, and the only one which could be carried by a black animal without the animal showing its presence. Thus, by avoiding the other colors, they were rapidly eliminated. Not so with the red; it, being a recessive, was frequently concealed beneath the black. Red and white among Holstein-Friesian cattle act in a similar manner. Black animals which produce red calves are impure blacks. They contain both red and black determiners. When such a reversion appears the breeder usually eliminates the cow, lest some of her descendants may be similarly marked. No blame is placed on the bull with which she was mated ; nevertheless, he is equally responsible, for unless both are impure blacks or reces- sives, they could not have produced a red calf. In fact, the possible damage the cow could have done is very small when compared with the bull. On the average, when mated with pure black bulls, she could have pro- 54 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS duced only one impure black every two years, while the bull, even though mated with pure black cows, could have left 30 or 40 times that number. The breeder, of course, can have no suspicion that his stock is impure in color until two impure blacks are mated, for then only will the red appear, and that but one in four on the average. Limitations of Mendelism. — Practically all of the animal characters that have been mentioned as unit- characters, following Mendel's law, are external ones. These are of little importance in animal breeding. Few experimental attempts have been made to determine unit-characters of the body-form or function. Such fac- tors are exceedingly difficult to investigate. In a con- sideration of the inheritance of such factors the chief difficulty lies in the possibility that a number of char- acters are concerned, many of which, for various reasons, do not seem to follow the Mendelian phenomena. In fact, the importance of Mendel's law has been retarded rather than advanced by the attempt at universal applica- tion on the part of its adherents generally. Among farm animals experience in crossing types to improve the form or function has thus far proven very disastrous. This is a very common practice of the American farmer, but certainly does not seem to be a wise one. As has been seen, when but two pairs of unit-char- acters are involved the offspring are of four sorts, two of which are exceedingly difficult to fix (p. 49). This difficulty increases rapidly as the unit-characters in- volved increase. This is well illustrated by mating two guinea pigs with three pairs of characters, as color, length and direction of hair. Thus if we mate a short- haired, dark, smooth guinea pig with a long-haired, white and rough one the resulting offspring will be short- haired, dark and rough, these being the three dominant characters, two derived from one parent and one from the other. Now, if these short-haired, dark and rough cross-bred Mendel's law of heredity 55 animals be mated with each other the offspring will be of eight sorts and in the following proportions : 27 short-haired, dark, rough 3 long-haired, dark, smooth 9 short-haired, white, rough 3 long-haired, white, smooth 9 short-haired, dark, smooth 3 short-haired, white, smooth 9 long-haired, dark, rough 1 long-haired, white, smooth Likewise, if four pairs of characters are involved, the offspring will be of i6 different varieties and in the pro- portion of 8i : 27 : 27 : 27 : 27 : 9 : 9 : 9 : 9 : 9 : 9 : 3 : 3 : 3 •• 3 : I- The large number of new types and the difficulty of fixing them seems very remote, especially when we con- template the crossing of fixed breeds of farm animals. The trial breeding and the elimination necessary to fix new types, when only a few pairs of characters are in- volved is so great as to make it impractical. When but one pair is considered, only one in four is pure for one character, and the number of pure stock produced grows rapidly smaller as the number of characters increases, as shown in the tabulation : 1 pair 1 animal in 4 is pure for one character 2 pairs 1 animal in 16 is pure for any two characters 3 pairs 1 animal in 64 is pure for any three characters 4 pairs 1 animal in 256 is pure for any four characters 5 pairs 1 animal in 1024 is pure for any five characters The number of characters involved in crossing any of the breeds of farm animals is great, and the number of animals necessary for the trial breeding, as well as the very large elimination, places the practical working of Mendel's law in a very different light from that in which it appears to the plant breeder, where numbers are of no consequence. CHAPTER VI SELECTION IN ANIMAL BREEDING The breeding of useful farm animals depends very largely upon our ability to select animals with skill and judgment. In the discussion on heredity it was stated that the offspring inherit all of the characters of the race to which they belong. The offspring of given parentage, therefore, may be low, medium and high in any par- ticular character in which improvement is sought. In the discussion on Mendel's law it was also indicated that the best way to secure a given type so that it would be transmitted with reasonable certainty from parent to offspring was to select for mating those animals possess- ing in the most perfect form the characters which we wish to secure in the offspring. Selection is, therefore, the all-powerful agent in controlling the characters of farm animals generally. Objects of selection. — As has been suggested, the necessity for selection is based on the tendency of off- spring generally to vary, in all important characters, from their parents. Inferior animals should be eliminated from breeding, as they tend to reproduce themselves. On the other hand, superior offspring should be selected for breeding, as they also tend to reproduce themselves and to show still further improvement. Thus one of the primary objects of selection is to improve the an- cestry, preventing, so far as possible, the birth of unwel- come individuals not suited to the purposes of man. The animal breeder can prevent the birth of unprofitable individuals approximately in proportion as he is skilled in selection. Among our farm animals, especially meat-producing animals and males, more individuals are born than can 56 58 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS be used in breeding, so that it becomes necessary to reduce the number. A second object of selection, there- fore, is to reduce numbers. This affords the breeder an opportunity to influence the character and type of his animals, as only superior ones should be retained for breeding purposes. While selection is a very important factor in establishing type, it does not greatly reduce variability. This necessitates watchfulness on the part of the breeder, as he must eliminate all animals from breeding that do not meet the requirements of the given type. Standards of excellence in selection. — The breeder must have a definite ideal or a standard of excellence for his guidance in selecting his breeding animals. Among the great run of variation which every breeder will encounter, he must know which are useful, which are fanciful and which are mere novelties. The standard must not be altered by fancy considerations or by novel- ties, no matter how curious or attractive. The standard must be fixed in advance. It should be wisely chosen in the light of what is needed. D.ue con- sideration should be given to every influence. Once chosen, however, the standard should be preserved un- changed. Blood lines must be kept pure, not only within the breed, but within the strain or family with which we are working. This is emphasized by the law of ancestral heredity and by the fact that no matter what the parent, the offspring tends strongly toward the average of the race to which it belongs. History of the breeds. — When the breeder selects the individuals that are to reproduce, it must be done in the light of all the knowledge available. He must know the weak characters as well as the strong points of the breed with which he is working. This necessitates a thorough knowledge of the history of the breed. The absence of such intelligence is responsible for many failures. This is well illustrated in the case of the Percheron SELECTION IN ANIMAL BREEDING 59 draft horse and in Berkshire swine. Most of the breeds of draft horses, particularly those native to the British Islands, are rather heavy in bone. This has led the Eng- lish draft-horse breeders to select for refinement in bone. Not infrequently a Percheron draft horse breeder selects his animals on the same basis, which results in too light a bone and lack of endurance in the limbs. The explana- tion of this is that the light horse of Arabia played a very important part in the formation of the Pei'fcheron breed, which, therefore, is predisposed to light bone. The same is true of Berkshire swine. This breed of swine resulted largely from crossing the small, refined, quick- maturing Neapolitan hog upon the large English hog; and many are the Berkshire herds that have been ruined by selecting for breeding purposes the most attractive, refined and quick-maturing pigs. Breed peculiarities. — Not only is a knowledge of the history essential, but one must be familiar with the inherent faults of the breed with which he is working. He needs to know, for example, that the Clydesdale is often deficient in the rear ribs, which gives the body a rangy appearance ; that the Shire is often rather straight in the pastern, with heels low and flat ; and that the Belgian is often criticized for lack of substance in the bones of the legs. The breeder of Jersey dairy cattle should realize in advance that individuals are often extremely delicate, and the Holstein-Friesian breeder should know that the breed is rather rough, possessing a short tail. He who expects to breed Shorthorns needs to know that the breed is of many types, varying widely in excellence, while the Galloway breeder should not be surprised at consider- able roughness, particularly in aged animals. When breeding swine it is important to know that the Berkshire is naturally deficient in ham, and the Poland China in the shoulder; that the Chester White is a bit coarse in the bone ; and that the Duroc-Jersey is uneven 60 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS in type. These and the numerous other breed peculiar- ities, both desirable and undesirable, should be in the mind of the breeder before he begins his breeding opera- tions. Vigor, longevity and fertility. — We are so interested in securing a desired type or character that we often operate against valuable physical qualities, such as gen- eral thrift, endurance and fertility. This is best illus- trated in th« case of swine, although true of farm animals generally. Since the early-maturing, heavy- fleshed swine win in the show ring, they are selected for breeding. Such animals are often so refined that they lack vigor and fertility. Under such practice it is not surprising that many of our breeds of meat-producing animals lack vigor and longevity as well as fertility. Contrast with this the endurance and prolificacy of a few individuals that developed under more natural con- ditions. The noted Angus cow Old Granny (No. i m Angus Herd Book) produced 25 calves, the last one m the 29th year of her life, and she lived to the ripe old age of 36 years. The famous English Thoroughbred mare. Old Fanny Cook, produced 15 foals, giving birth Fig. 19 — Shropshire Sheep Uniform in Type SELECTION IN ANIMAL BREEDING 6l to twins at 22 years of age, and she lived to be t,t, years old. From a profitable point of view, the importance Fig. 20 — Brown Swiss Herd True to Type of selecting- to promote such physical properties, need not be dwelt upon. Large numbers promote uniformity. — Since our farm animals are so variable, in all important characters, large numbers are necessary in order to provide sufficient ma- terial to secure uniformity in type. This was suggested in our study of heredity, where it was stated that the offspring inherit all of the characters of his race. Sup- pose that we have a small uniform herd of even very exceptional animals — say, four cows and a bull. Since the offspring vary throughout the limits of the race, we would find it difficult to preserve even a single character on a uniform basis from generation to generation ; and the herd once exceptional and uniform would rapidly lose its identity. In this connection the practice to pursue will depend entirely upon the conditions. Thus the dairy breeder possessing a common herd of cattle varying in produc- tivity, some individuals scarcely paying for their keep, while others are paying a good profit, is often at a loss to know what disposition to make of the inferior in- 62 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS dividuals, particularly if they are regular breeders. In this case the inferior animals should be eliminated, even though the number of animals in the herd be materially reduced, as such individuals tend to reproduce others of their kind. The exceptional breeding animal. — Of even greater importance than uniformity in type, large numbers are absolutely necessary to secure the maximum value of the exceptional breeder. This is significant, since the excellence of any herd or breed is usually due to a iew exceptional breeders. We have' examples of this on every hand. The Hambletonian family of Standardbred trotting horses owes its high speed development to a very few exceptional animals descending from Hamble- tonian lo and his noted son George Wilkes. Of the thousands of Standardbred stallions recorded in Wal- lace's Stud Book, there are but ii with 150 or more performing offspring to their credit ; that is, offspring that have trotted a mile in 2 130 or better, or paced one in 2:25 or better. Now, of these 11 stallions, five are sons of George Wilkes and three are grandsons, while all are sons, grandsons or great-grandsons of Hamble- tonian 10, with all but one in the paternal line. In a similar manner, the Hal family of Standardbred pacers descended from Tom Hal, the Morgan family descended from Justin Morgan, and the American saddler descended from Denmark. Equally as good illustrations of the value of the excep- tional breeder and the importance of large numbers is found among dairy cattle. The De Kol strain of Hol- stein-Friesian dairy cattle owes its high milk and butter fat production to a very few exceptional animals descending from De Kol 2d. Of the thousands of bulls recorded in the Holstein-Friesian Herd Book, there are but five with 100 or more advanced register daughters to their credit ; that is, daughters capable of making the requirements for admission to the advanced register SELECTION IN ANIMAL BREEDING 63 — producing 12 pounds of butter fat per week at 5 years of age. These five bulls are sons, grandsons or great- grandsons of the phenomenal cow, De Kol 2d. While such remarkable breeding records depend on oppor- tunity, it serves to illustrate the importance of having large numbers of animals available with which to mate such exceptional breeders in order to secure maximum advantage. Comparative value of sire and dam. — Considering the offspring of a single mating, neither parent has any par- ticular advantage over the other, and both are prac- tically equal in controlling the characters of the offspring. On the other hand, the sire has a decided advantage over the dam in that he can influence large numbers in a breeding season, whereas the dam can control but one, or at most a few, as is the same of swine. The real dif- ference, therefore, is one of numbers. This principle is well illustrated in the case of the 11 Standardbred stallions referred to above, each with 150 or more performing offspring to his credit, whereas there are but few mares that have 10 or more performing off- spring in the list. The Holstein-Friesian bull. Lord Netherland De Kol, has 120 advanced register daughters, whereas Aaltje Salo 5th's Netherland, with eight ad- vanced register daughters, is the leading cow of the breed in the number of performing offspring to her credit (1913). Influence of the sire. — From the foregoing it is evident that the upper limit of the sire is comparatively very high and the dam very low. The statement is often made that the sire is half the herd, whereas he is far more than that. He is one-half the herd the first generation, three- quarters the second, seven-eighths the third and fifteen- sixteenths the fourth. So powerful is the influence of the sire that if careful selection be maintained for a few generations, he will mold the character of the entire herd. This fact should warn us of the necessity of exercising extreme care in the selection of the sire. 64 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS Fig. 21 — Poland-China Sow of Good Type The great influence of the sire is of advantage to the practical breeder, as he can improve his herd cheaply by the use of a good sire. Possibly the beginner with limited means should procure a number of rather plain females and a male of as good quality as he can afford, rather than to start with a small herd of good females and a male of fair quality. Suitability for mating. — Two animals to be suited for mating should be as nearly alike in general physical characters as it is possible to obtain. Since no two animals are exactly alike, we must strike an average between the characters of the parents and what we desire to get in the offspring. It is a serious but com- mon error to suppose that the bad points of one parent can be overcome by good characters in the -mate. The foundation of successful breeding lies in the mating of two animals each of which is as nearly perfect as pos- sible. When the offspring shows good qualities, the mating of the parents is considered a fortunate nick. The success or failure of the breeder often depends on his ability to discover these nicks and to make use of them. Some persons become very skilled in these, matters. CHAPTER VII UNIT OF SELECTION— CHARACTER The unit of selection is not the individual, but some particular attribute or character of the individual. Thus, hi the selecting of dairy cattle for breeding purposes, capacity to secrete milk is one of the chief characters sought ; in selecting beef cattle, ability to fleshen rapidly ; in selecting draft horses, v^eight ; and in selecting swine for breeding, capacity to fatten rapidly is one of the chief characters taken into account. Of course, in each case, many other factors or characters must be con- sidered, as certain characters are more or less dependent one upon the other. Character defined. — In common usage the term "char- acter" is loosely applied and has a variety of meanings. When one animal differs from another, we say he has different characters. Thus we say of one horse that he has speed, and of another that he has not speed ; whereas both have some speed, but only one has enough to be worthy of note. What we really mean, therefore, is that the character, speed, differs in the degree of develop- ment in the two animals. Now, when the speed has been improved, we speak of introducing a new character, whereas the improvement simply consisted of modifying a character already present. Such modification or development may be brought about by intensifying useful characters or by the sub- ordination of those that are less desirable. The fact that characters do not differ in kind, but only in degree, must be kept clearly in the mind of the breeder when selecting animals for breeding. The term character may be defined, therefore, as consisting of one of those details of form or function which, taken together, constitute the individual animal. 65 66 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS Germinal, acquired and congenital characters. — At- tempts have been made to group characters mto classes according to their mode of origin. Best usage warrants defining germinal characters as those having their origin in the germ plasm itself, as in the case of white, short- haired guinea pigs descending from dark, short-haired and white, long-haired guinea pigs (p. 47). Acquired characters are defined as those that originate within the individual under suitable environment, as the increased speed of the race horse, due to continuous training. Congenital characters are defined as those arising within the individual also, and usually in spite of anything it can do to prevent them, such as parental disease, the result of uterine infection ; unsoundness in horses, the result of in- herited weakness ; and the like. However, it is often dif- ficult to difl^er.entiate between these three groups, as the mode of origin cannot always be determined with certainty. Correlated characters. — In our selection to improve desirable characters or to subdue those that. are unde- sirable we should keep in mind the fact that certain characters seem to be so correlated as to move together, while others move in opposite directions, and still others move independent of each other. For example, there is a high degree of correlation between a capacious udder and high milk production, while there is a negative correlation between the amount of milk produced and the per cent of fat that it contains ; for, as the milk production increases, the per cent of fat usually de- creases. On the other hand, there is entire lack of correlation between the color of a cow and the amount of milk she gives, since black cows give as much and no more milk than white cows. This relationship is one of degree only, but it often becomes an important factor in selecting breeding animals. For example, delicacy is often associated with refinement, and sterility with early maturity. Thus, continued selection for refined, early-maturing animals UNIT OF SELECTION — CHARACTER 6/ often leads to barrenness and lack of vigor. In like man- ner the exceeding fineness of the Merino fleece has been attained at the cost of diminished vigor. There is a high degree of correlation between excessive fatness and sterility in both sexes, as well as be- tween fatness and troubles at- tending parturition in the fe- male once she becomes preg- nant. We have numerous ex- amples of such relationships, both good and bad, and the breeder will do well to ac- quaint himself with the more important of them before he F'g. 22— shire stallion -'lockinge , , . , , . . , HiNGlST" selects his breedmg anmials. Limit selection to useful characters. — In each of our breeds of farm animals we have so increased the number of characters that we are no longer able to find a very large proportion of them in any one Individual. In selecting our breeding animals we are often obliged to take those possessing some undesirable characters in order to get sufficient animals that meet the require- ments. This makes real progress very slow. Among the great number of characters which every breed presents, the breeder should know which are use- ful. He should decide upon a very limited number of these and put all of his energies into their improvement. This will have the decided advantage in that they will be found in a large number of animals, and he can, therefore, make his selection more rigid for the particular characters in question. A little effort in this direction would soon work wonders, as is exemplified in the speed of the trotting horse, where the time has been reduced from 2 :48>4 in 1810 to i :54^ in 1913. In this case speed alone was the requirement. Even more striking results have been attained with Holstein-Friesian cattle, where 68 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS the butter fat yielded in seven days has been increased from 21.2 pounds in 1894 to 35.3 pounds in 1913. In this case ability to produce butter fat was the requirement. Base selection on limited number of characters. — As suggested in the case of the trotting horse and dairy cow, where we base selection on one point, improvement comes rapidly. Of course the particular character in- volved depends on many subordinate factors, such as vigor, capacity, endurance and the like, but all unessen- Fic. 23 — Dutch Belted Herd of Excellent Type and Characteristic Markings tial points, as size, style, action and conformation, have been disregarded for the one object — speed in the trotter and high milk and butter fat production in the cow. On the other hand, difficulties in selection increase rapidly with the increase in number of factors on which selection is based. Let us assume a case where two characters are involved. If one of the required factors can be found in one-half of the individuals, then one-half of the animals are available for breeding. To this let us UNIT OF SELECTION CHARACTER 69 add a second character that can be found in one-third of the individuals. Now, the probability of finding the two characters in the same individual becomes -j^^ x % or Yq, so that but one animal in six meets the requirements. This is particularly true of characters that do not cor- relate, as color and milk production, or color and tend- ency to fleshen rapidly. Notwithstanding this fact, many of our breeds exhibit just such handicaps as is illustrated in the black color and white belt, a breed re- quirement of Dutch Belted cattle and Hampshire swine (Figs. 23 and 24). Records of performance. — After deciding upon the economic characters we are to strive to improve, a record of these characters should be kept, as such is invaluable in mating our animals. Such records are essential to highest development, as we are unable to tell what an animal can do simply by a physical examination. No one is so base as to claim to be able to tell how fast a horse can trot, or how heavy a load he can draw by looking at him, likewise no one can tell how much milk and butter fat a cow will produce, or how much wool a sheep will grow, on the basis of a physical examination alone. With a record of the economic character in question available for each individual, we are able to distinguish the high-producing from the medium and low-perform- ing animals. Such records enable us to mate the best with the best, and thus improve the particular character with which we are working. The remarkable success attained in breeding dairy cattle in recent years has been due in a large measure to the fact that the breeders kept a record of the milk and butter fat produced. Thus the breeders were able to know for a certainty, not only the records of the animals they mated, but the records of their ancestors as well. With most of our breeds of farm animals the difficulty comes in devising a scheme for measuring the particular characters for which the animals are produced. 70 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS Actual breeding test valuable. — In selecting breeding animals we are confronted with the fact that certain individuals transmit their qualities with a high degree of certainty while others do not. This Is all the more confusing because the ex- ceptional breeder is not necessarily the excep- tional individual. Neither Hambletonian lo nor De Kol 2d were re- markable performers in themselves, although the former founded a great family of trotting horses, while the latter is the ancestress of the most cows the world has ever Fig. 24 — Hampshire Sow with Character- istic Markings remarkable strain of milk seen. The only method by which we can ascertain the actual breeding value of an animal is by a breeding test. In testing young females they should be mated with a male of known worth, or in testing a young male he should be mated with females whose breeding value is well known. The offspring of young animals thus mated will indicate which should be retained and which should be eliminated, although in the case of dairy cows it is neces- sary to have the performance of the offspring before we can know for a certainty. To save time, the young animals may be tested at a comparatively early age, es- pecially males. The common practice of putting a new, young sire into full service in a large herd, without a test of his breeding capacity, cannot be too strongly condemned, no matter what his individuality or his pedigree. Breeders' fancy points. — Many of our leading breeders have adopted breed standards that operate as a check upon the maximum development of useful characters. A UNIT OF SELECTION — CHARACTER 7I very good example of this is observed in the color mark- ings of Dutch Belted cattle, already mentioned. Accord- ing to this requirement every cow must first have a white belt about the body, which certainly adds nothing to her ability to produce milk. Many high-producing cows are eliminated from breeding simply because they are deficient in this character. Possibly this serves to keep the breed behind its competitors as milk-producing animals. The same principle is involved in nearly all of our leading breeds, as their standard of perfection calls for similar fancy points. Thus the Clydesdale and English Shire draft horse must have long hairs growing from the back of the cannons and fetlocks; chestnut color is favored among Suffolk draft horses and Hackney coach horses; the Holstein-Friesian cow must have a large escutcheon, a long tail and be black and white in color; the Jersey cow must have a black tongue ; the Ayrshire cow must have characteristically shaped horns and a straight back from base of horn to tail head ; and Hamp- shire swine must be black in color with a white belt, while Poland China and Berkshire swine must be black in color with six white points, as well as free from curl- ing hair along the back. Such fancy points add nothing to the usefulness of the individual ; they simply serve to complicate selection and act as a check upon maxi- mum development of economic characters. Fashionable breeding. — It often happens in the careers of a breed that fashionable strains or families make their appearance. Such families may owe their reputation to certain notable animals, or they may result from the activity of some promoter, and the popularity may, or may not be due to real merit. For a time animals be- longing to such families command a high price, and not infrequently many small breeders become actively in- terested, in the belief that they can make a large sum of money and sell out before the popularity wanes. They 72 UNIT OF SELECTION CHARACTER 73 often pay a very large sum of money for an animal to be placed in a small herd where there is utter lack of oppor- tunity. Under such conditions the breeder seldom realizes his money even though the individual animal may be an excellent one. It will be to the financial ad- vantage of the small breeder, as well as to the econ- omical advantage of the breed, for him to handle the best animals within his reach, and leave to the large breeder, with every advantage at his command, the pro- motion of fashionable strains. Passing fads. — The breeder's work is often compli- cated by fads and fancies of the public. A good illustra- tion is observed in case of the shape and size of hen's eggs. Some markets, especially New York City, pay more for white eggs, while other markets, as Boston, pay more for dark eggs ; some markets demand a roundish tgg, while others prefer those of oval shape. The same principle is involved in many other characters, such as action and color among horses, and the like. This is a serious consideration, as the breeder must supply the demand or his products will remain unsold. Since the breeder must sell his products or go out of business, there is nothing left for him to do but supply the demands of passing fads and fancies with as little destruction to his breeding animals as possible. Such demands can often be met by training, fitting and conditioning, especially in cases like the action and car- riage of horses. A passing fad can often be supplied by the sire, thus enabling the breeder to retain his female stock. No matter how pressing the fad, a few of the original breeding animals should be retained as a pro- tection against the day when the particular character involved shall no longer be in demand. CHAPTER VIII BASIS OF SELECTION— VARIATION In the discussion of heredity it was stated that in the main offspring resemble parents, but in an exact sense the new individual is never like either parent. This variation between parent and offspring is at once the hope and despair of the breeder, who seeks to hold fast to whatever he has found that is good, and at the same time tries to find something better. The practical breeder must keep clearly in mind the very important fact that offspring are exceedingly, variable, and while a few may be superior to their parents, more will be inferior to them. In order to improve or even maintain our animals in their present excellence we must reject those offspring that are inferior and select for mating those that are superior to their parents. Variation general among farm animals. — The most invariable thing about living beings is their variability. Not only are no two animals equal, but no two characters are exactly alike. To those unfamiliar with sheep, each animal of a flock may look exactly like the others, yet the trained eye readily recognizes differences arid can describe each so that those with equal training may recognize them. These differences extend to all char- acters. Two cows of like breeding may differ widely in the richness of their milk as well as in the amount produced ; two horses of the same breed may differ in conformation, action and pulling power; two steers of like breeding differ in their ability to fatten, and the meat may also differ, the loin of one being fine and tender while the other may be coarse in grain. Sheep, swine and poultry differ similarly. Variation basis of improvement. — If characters were BASIS OF SELECTION — ^VARIATION 75 absolutely fixed and unchangeable, then no improvement could be secured. The richness of milk as well as the amount produced could neither be increased nor dimin- ished, and the egg-laying capacity of hens would remain constant from generation to generation, and the off- FiG. 26 — Variation Among Light Horses Shetland pony. Thoroughbred. American saddler. Arabian. Standardbred. Hackney. 76 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS spring would be no better or poorer than the parent. As it is, with variability everywhere, our animals are both capable of improvement and liable to decline, since both are the logical consequence of free variability. It is obvious that a high degree of variability is favorable to advancement, as it gives free materials with which to use selection to advantage. Since variation is the controlling factor in the improvement, as well as the degeneration of our farm animals, we should make a care- ful study of the kinds, as well as the nature, the extent and the causes that control its appearance and determine its permanency. Nature of variation. — While there is much confusion among breeders, both plant and animal, as to the nature of variation, there are two kinds that the practical breeder must keep clearly in mind. In our discussion of the character as the unit of selection, it was shown that to be sure of the breeding capacity of an animal, we must have, not only a record of the performance, but a record of the breeding capacity as well. The state- ments there made carried the suggestion that a record of performance was not sufficient data to judge an animal's breeding capacity, as the offspring of some individuals are uniformly good, while the offspring of animals apparently as good are uniformly inferior. In other words, some individuals transmit their good qualities to their offspring, while others apparently do not. Further, some animals transmit the ability to show still further improvement under suitable environment, while others do not transmit such ability to their off- spring. Thus we have two kinds of animals — one class transmitting its good qualities, however attained, and a second class that does not transmit them. These two classes of animals give us the distinction between the two classes of variations. Thus we have one class of variation that is passed down from generation to genera- tion, and another class which is not thus handed down BASIS OF SELECTION — VARIATION JJ from parent to offspring. The class that is not trans- mitted is called non-inheritable variation, w^hile the class that is transmitted is called inheritable variation, although the former is often called somatic variation and the latter germinal variation. Non-inheritable variations. — From the breeder's point of view^ the distinction betw^een non-inheritable and in- heritable variations is significant. The former, while of inestimable value to the individual, is of no consequence in breeding. Whether desirable or undesirable such variations have no opportunity to affect the breed as a whole either favorably or unfavorably. On the other hand, from the standpoint of economic production alone, non-inheritable variations may be of prime importance. Good examples are observed in the case of high-produc- ing cows in a commercial dairy where no attempt is made to raise the calves, as well as in the case of high egg-laying hens on a poultry farm where all of the eggs are sold for consumption. Thus, where the product of the individual is the sole object sought, non-inheritable variations are as important as inheritable. In this con- nection it should be noted that frequently the very phenomenal producers are of the former sort, for rarely do they transmit their qualities to their offspring; par- ticularly is this true in case the product is of such a nature as to draw heavily upon the constitutional vigor, as in the case of egg-laying hens. Inheritable variations. — As this term is used to denote all variations, whether large or small and of whatever origin, that are transmitted from parent to offspring and from generation to generation, it is obvious that such variations are of prime importance to the breeder, as they are destined in time to exert a more or less permanent in- fluence upon the breed, whether for good or evil. True, it may not be possible for the breeder to distinguish between inheritable and non-inheritable variations at the time of their appearance. He may have to try them out 78 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS to differentiate between them, but such is the case in all forms of breeding, as has been clearly illustrated in the discussion of Mendel's law. It is this that makes records of performance, both in production and breeding capacity, so essential to successful breeding. Fig. 27- Percheron. Shire. -Variation Among Heavy Horses Suffolk Punch Belgian. Clydesdale. BASIS OF SELECTION VARIATION 79 The breeder must not become confused by the end- less number of variations, involving all shades of dif- ferences, that present themselves to his view as gen- erations come and go. He must learn to consider them, with the full realization that few will have a permanent influence upon the breed. He must become skilled, not alone in detecting useful characters, but those that are connected with transmission, since they are to mold the type. This calls for extended and careful observations as well as the keeping of accurate records of production and breeding capacity. Variations distinguished from the nature of the char- acters involved. — The breeder can gain an idea of the nature of variations by a careful consideration of the characters involved. Certain distinctions exist, which, if overlooked, will result in more or less confusion in selecting breeding animals. For sake of clearness useful characters may be divided into four groups : 1. Quantitative variations.— Th.Qse relate to differences in form and size. They are the simplest of variations, and we observe evidence of them on every hand. For example, two horses of the same breed may be practically alike, except one may be large and the other small ; even on the same horse one foot may be larger than the others, the two ears may not be of the same size, one eye may be larger than the other, and so on — all variations in size. In a similar manner, one cow may have a sym- metrical udder with four full quarters and with the teats well placed, while the other cow may have a very ir- regular udder with the hindquarters larger than the fore ones, and with the teats very unevenly placed — all varia- tions in form independent of size. 2. Qualitative variations. — Such relate to differences in quality. These are distinct from size and form and refer to the composition of the body, or to the inherent nature of the character involved. While not so simple as quan- titative, evidences of qualitative variations are also very 60 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS abundant. For example, of all the cows of a given breed, no two yield milk containing the same amount of fat ; in fact, the individual cow varies widely from day to day in the percentage of fat contained in the milk. Of two steers of like breeding, the meat of one may be fine in grain, high in flavor, tender and juicy; while the meat of the other may be of coarse grain, tasteless, tough and dry. The same is true of all meat-producing animals. Again, the quality of no two horses is alike. One has coarse, rough hair, thick hide and heavy, coarse bone ; the other has smooth, soft hair, soft pliable hide and fine smooth bone. While qualitative variations are not so easily detected, as a rule, they are of greater sig- nificance to the breeder than are those of either size or form. 3. Functional variations. — Such relate to deviations in the normal activity of the various organs or parts of the body, such as muscular activity, glandular secretions and the like. This group refers to variations in what the animal can do, and may be quantitative or qualitative. Each organ or part of the body has its own work to do, which is essentially dift'erent from that of any other organ or part. The activities of these various organs are not constant but exceedingly variable. Such deviations are of prime importance to the breeder who is interested in increasing the efficiency of the organs or parts as well as in their permanent improvement. While functional variations are often complex, in that a number of char- acters are likely to be involved, yet illustrations are ob- served on every hand. Among cows of the same breed- ing, no two give the same amount of milk; in fact, the individual cow does not give the same amount from day to day. Likewise, animals vary in fertility, the average cow or horse giving birth to but few, while, as we have seen, the Angus cow. Old Granny, produced 25 young, while the Thoroughbred mare. Old Fanny Cook, gave birth to 15 foals. These animals both lived to a ripe old age, indicating great vitality of all the organs. BASIS OF SELECTION — VARIATION 8l 4. Variations in pattern. — These have to do w^ith re- peated parts, such as extra teats on cattle and sw^ine, extra toes in cats and dogs, and the like. This group of variations is not common among animals, but evi- dences are everywhere observed among plants, as stool- ing of v^heat, oats, corn and the like. In selecting animals to improve definite qualities, the breeder should distinguish betw^een these four groups, as it w^ill give him a clearer idea of the nature of varia- tions and how to take advantage of them in his endeavor to improve animals for the service of man. Further, it is important to remember that each group may be of the non-inheritable sort, and thus affect the in- _,—_-, -«^i^^^ dividual only ; or each may be inheritable, and thus influ- ence the herd or breed. Degrees of variations.— Animals are not only exceed- ingly variable, but there is great difference in the degree fig. 28-KAMBouiLLET k^™ -uhio which one individual devi- ^°^" . 1 A 1 Fins wool type ates from another. A clear understanding of this is necessary to gain an idea of the nature of variations, and hence to be able to take advan- tage of such deviations as do appear. Continuous variations. — Darwin supposed that varia- tions were by nature continuous, and that new forms originated by the gradual accumulation of very small differences through a long period of selection. Accord- ing to this theory if all of the individuals that ever lived could be so arranged as to bring nearest together those that are nearest alike, it would then be found that they would grade into one another by insensible differences. For a long time such was commonly assumed to be the case, and no doubt is true of much of the variation among our animals. This, of course, means that the breeder 82 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS must exercise great caution in selection so as to take advantage of each slight improvement, as v^ell as to eliminate undesirable forms, even though the difference be small. Discontinuous variations. — It is now definitely known that not all variations are continuous, but that many are discontinuous; that is, the new individual differs from the parent by a wide margin. According to this idea, we should not expect to find all nature united by insensible gradations. This class of variations is far more numerous than is commonly supposed, and our animals deviate widely often in the line of improvement, but possibly more often in the line of deterioration. This necessitates even greater vigilance on the part of the breeder. Mutations. — This term was formerly used to denote a wide and discontinuous deviation from the type ; in fact, forming a new type, which bred true from the beginning. The common example was the case of the peach tree bearing nectarines. At present there is a tendency to employ the term mutant to signify any variation, whether large or small and of whatever origin, that is transmitted from parent to offspring and from genera- tion to generation. In the latter sense it denotes prac- tically the same as inheritable and germinal variation. Sports. — Wide deviations from established types were noted by Darwin, who called them "sports." Some per- sons consider sports and mutants synonymous. How- ever, the term sport is used here to denote a sudden and wide departure from the normal type that is not trans- mitted from generation to generation. Abnormality. — This term is used to denote a variation of greater magnitude than a sport. An abnormal part is distinctly different from the rest of the species. It may be transmitted for a few generations, but will soon disappear because of lack of adaptation. Malformation. — A variation so great as to interfere BASIS OF SELECTION VARIATION «3 ,/^ with the usefulness of an animal is called a malforma- tion. Since the individual seldom reaches maturity such deviations are of no economic importance to the breeder. Monstrosity. — This term is used to denote a variation of so great a degree as to ren- der the life of the animal impossible, or possible for a short time only, such as an individual with two heads. These terms simply repre- sent increasing degrees of deviation from the normal type of the race. While ab- normalities, malformations and monstrosities are often of interest, they have no permanent value and the breeder should eliminate them at once. Fig. 29 — Rambouillet Ewe Fine v/ool type Distribution of Cows as TO Per Cent of Butter Fat V* Ft 2.6 1 2.7 2 2.8 1 2.9 5 3.0 16 3.1 20 3.2 43 3.3 40 3.4 51 3.5 39 3.6 29 3.7 26 3.8 19 3.9 13 4.0 9 4.1 5 4.2 2 4.3 2 4.4 1 324 cent, of fat called value =V. ■[■cows in groups called frequency =F. Study of variation. — So universal is variability that when considering a large number of animals it is dif- ficult to compare individuals by the usual methods of ob- servation. Thus in a study of the quality of milk or the percentage of butter fat, taking a breed as a whole, it is difficult to determine whether advancement is being made from generation to generation, or indeed to determine with exactness whether the breed is hold- ing its advantage. This has led to the adoption of the statistical methods of study often called biometry. 84 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS To illustrate the method let us make a study of butter fat among Holstein-Friesian cows, taking the semi-official records in volume 23 of the advanced register. The dif- ferent individuals differ greatly in the percentage of fat produced, and to obtain an idea of the rank it is necessary to group them according to the per cent of fat produced, as in the tabulation on preceding page showing distribu- tion of cows as to per cent of fat produced. Finding the type. — The distribution table shows a total of 324 cows, varying from 2.6 to 4.4 per cent of fat, with 3.4 the most common per cent. This most common value is called the mode. Thus we say the 3.4 per cent of fat is the mode for the semi-official Holstein-Friesian cows entered in volume 2^ of the advanced register. To find the type it is not sufficient to know the most common value, but the average value as well. The average value is called the Finding the Mean mean. The average per cent of fat yielded by the 324 cows may be an entirely different value from the most common value. To ascertain this average value or mean multiply each group of the frequency distribution (F) by its corresponding value (V), add the results and divide by the total number of cows, as in the accom- panying tabulation showing method of finding the mean. This gives an average per cent of 3.44, differing slightly from 3.4, the most common value. In a similar manner the mode and mean may be determined for the flow of milk, and like characters that permit of definite v F FV 2.6 1 2.6 2.7 2 5.4 2.8 1 2.8 2.9 5 14.5 3.0 16 48.0 3.1 20 62.0 3.2 43 137.6 3.3 40 132.0 3.4 51 173.4 3.S 39 136.5 3.6 29 104.4 3.7 26 96.2 3.8 19 72.2 3.9 13 50.7 4.0 9 36.0 4.1 5 20.5 4.2 2 8.4 4.3 2 8.6 4.4 1 324 4.4 1116.2 1,116.2-7-324=3.44 mean = M. BASIS OF SELECTION — VARIATION 85 measurement. The mean or average value is usually accepted as the best representative of a typical individual. Variability or deviation from type. — In a critical study of variation we must determine the average deviation ; that is, the average tendency for each cow^ to deviate from the mean or average, v^hich is 3.44 per cent. From the mean the low^est cow^, which is 2.6 per cent, deviates .84; the next group of two cows each deviate .74, or a total deviation of 2 times .y /l — 1.48. Continue down the dis- tribution, and calculate the deviation of each group, then add all together to obtain the total amount by which all cows deviate from their average per cent of fat. Now, by dividing this amount by the number of cows, we shall obtain the average deviation of the cows, as in the tabula- tion showing method of finding average deviation. Finding Average Deviation v P V-M F (V-M) 2.6 1 -.84 0.84 2.7 2 -.74 1.48 2.8 1 -.64 0.64 2.9 5 -.54 2.70 3.0 16 -.44 7.04 3.1 20 -.34 6.80 3.2 43 -.24 10.32 3.3 40 -.14 5.60 3.4 51 -.04 2.04 3.5 39 .06 2.34 3.6 29 .16 4.64 3.7 26 .26 6.76 3.8 19 .36 6.84 3.9 13 .46 5.98 4.0 9 .56 5.04 4.1 5 .66 3.30 4.2 2 .76 1.52 4.3 2 .86 1.72 4.4 1 .96 0.96 324 76.56 76.56 -7-324 =0.23 + = average deviation. This gives 0.23-)- as the average amount by which each cow deviates from the average. Thus it gives a good measure of the variability in this particular lot of cows. 86 BREEDING OF FARAI ANIMALS The mean and the average deviation give a very good measure of the type as well as its stability, and afford a very convenient basis for comparing one year's work with another or one generation of animals with another where large numbers of individuals are involved. Plotting a frequency curve. — Such frequency distribu- tions as the above gradually rise from the low value to the mode and then descend to the high value. This is best illustrated by a system of plotting in which the dis- tribution is put into the form of a curve known as a "frequency curve." To plot such a curve, rule a sheet of paper both ways, arranging the values along the bottom and the fre- quency distribution on the left, preferably standardizing it. Connect the points where the perpendicular lines from the values cross the horizontal lines from the fre- quencies with a curved line. This irregular line con- stitutes the frequency curve and gives a true picture of the variation that exists among cows in the per cent of butter fat produced, as shown in Fig. 30. In this case the curve is not smooth, due to lack of sufficient num- bers to make it regular and uniform. 55 45 40 35 30 25 / \ 1 / \ / \ / \ / / \ 15 / \ 1 s \ 5 1 \ ^ ^ \ — _ Z.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 5.Z 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 44 Fig. 30 — Plotting a Frequency Curve CHAPTER IX SOME CAUSES OF VARIATIONS Variations constitute the basis of all improvement as well as that of all decline. Because of this the breeder is especially interested in the causes of variations in animals, as well as in methods of their possible control. While exact causes are little understood, past experience has taught us that certain practices can be relied upon to give good results. The general causes of variations may be divided into two classes, those that arise within the body, largely in the form of inherited differences, and those that are external to the animal, such as dif- ferences in the environment. The breeder can influence the former but little, if at all ; while over the latter he has practically complete control. SOME EXTERNAL CAUSES OF VARIATIONS Everywhere about us we observe that animals of the same species vary widely according to the environment. The climate and the food, as well as favorable and un- favorable conditions, generally exert a profound influ- ence upon living beings. We can often tell the condi- tions under which an animal was grown simply by a physical examination. That the conditions in which an animal is obliged to live exert a direct effect upon his development is beyond question. In a general way our animals are the result of their environment, and improvement is possible only when the conditions of life are made more suitable. Good ex- amples are observed in the case of early maturity and increased fertility among cattle and swine. In nature the cow does not reach full maturity until five or six 87 OO BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS years of age; she does not breed until well along in years, and she usually gives birth to but few calves in her lifetime. On the other hand, when properly cared for, the cow may give birth to young before she is two years of age without injury to herself or the calf; she attains her growth at a much earlier period than in nature, and when properly managed may produce a num- ber of calves. Fig. 31 — Shropshire Ewe. Medium wool, mutton type. Swine show even greater improvement. In nature the sow gives birth to but one litter of one to four young each year, and it requires three to five years for these animals to attain full development, while under man's care the sow may annually give birth to two litters of six to ten young each, and in six months the pigs attain SOME CAUSES OF VARIATIONS 89 sufficient development to be bred again, as well as to be marketed to advantage. Climate and locality. — In nature there is a correlative influence between the climate and the kind of animals that exist under it. The characters that are most often affected are those that have to do with size and the external covering of the animal. The natural relation of climate to size is that animals inhabiting cold climates are usually small as compared with those of the same species inhabiting warm climates. When animals are exposed to cold, damp weather the hair becomes long and thick. In some instances the exposure produces a double coat of hair — an upper one being long and wavy and an under one short, fine and furlike. Galloway cattle furnish a good example. Formerly we were accustomed to associating a high degree of constitutional vigor with animals that were developed in rather cold or severe climates. It was also stated that they could not be transplanted to another climate without impairing their vigor. Experience dis- proves this, as many animals show ease of acclimation to wide changes of climatic conditions. There are numerous illustrations of where animals have been ex- ported from their own country to other countries and climates, and have shown as marked a degree of vigor as in their native land. In fact, in many cases they have shown marked improvement in constitutional vigor over the original animals. For example. Merino sheep were developed in the dry climate of the tablelands of Spain, where they were famous for the quality of their fleece. In the latter part of the eighteenth century they were exported to Germany, France and the United States. Although in each of these countries the climate is very different from that of Spain, yet the sheep rapidly im- proved in vigor and fleece covering until they far sur- passed the original Spanish animals. In like manner, Jersey and Guernsey cattle of the 90 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS Channel Islands have been exported to England, Europe and to the United States. In each of these countries they have become perfectly acclimated and have shown no loss in constitutional vigor, and, in fact, they have improved wonderfully over the original cattle. While the influence of climate and locality is great and the factors at work are exceedingly complex, yet from a practical point of view we may consider the food supply and more favorable conditions generally, such as sufficient shelter, proper care, including training and developing, as the more important causes of variation. Care and management. — In the breeding of animals the conditions of environment are changed or enlarged by man, who provides his animals with favorable con- ditions. The improvement derived from proper care and management is not fully appreciated by the average breeder. The development attained by our high-class animals is largely due to the favorable conditions pro- vided by man. A good example is observed in the speed of the trotting horse. In 1810, Boston trotted a mile at Philadelphia in 2:485^. This was the fastest mile ever trotted in harness and was not exceeded for 16 years. In 1912 Uhlan trotted a mile at Memphis in i :58. The conditions under which these records were made are significant. Boston was in training but a few months each year and was not worked out as trotters are at present. At the time he made the memorable mile he was driven to a high, wooden-wheeled, steel-tired, straight-spindled clumsy cart ; the harness was heavy and ill adapted to trotting; and the track over which he was driven was not as well constructed as are present- day tracks. On the other hand, Uhlan was in training practically throughout the year ; he was perfectly worked out, and in prime physical condition; he was driven to a low, wire-wheeled, pneumatic-tired, ball-bearing, per- fectly balanced cart ; the harness was light and perfectly adapted ; and the track was the fastest in the world. SOME CAUSES OF VARIATIONS 9I Food supply. — The food supply is of prime importance in effecting improvement among animals. No other con- ditions influence development to a greater extent. Large breeds are developed from small ones largely by increas- FiG. 32 — Belgian Mare "Bella" ing the food supply. In addition to the increase in size, there is also an increase in the constitutional vigor w^hen the animal is v^^ell fed. In order to secure increased development of all of the productive functions, the animal must be supplied w^ith more food than is required for the performance of the normal functions. A good example is observed in the increased yield of dairy cows. In the early days of official cow testing a weekly yield of 18 pounds of butter fat was considered exceptional. At the present time (1914) the record stands at 35.3 pounds of butter fat in seven days, practically double the record of a few years ago. Let us note the conditions under which these records were made. 92 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS Formerly the cows on test received no special prepara- tion before calving or subsequently. The daily food con- sisted of a moderate amount of one or two kinds of con- centrates or grains, all the hay they would consume with the run of pasture when in season. During inclement weather the animals were stabled, but never blanketed. They were fed and milked twice daily. Contrast such conditions with present-day methods. The cows are especially prepared for the test and often excessively fat; they are closely stabled and often heavily blanketed; they are fed all of the food they will eat, often as high as 40 or more pounds of concentrates, consisting of a dozen foods variously mixed, in addition to all of the silage, roots, cabbage, clover and alfalfa hay they will consume, the total daily ration often exceeding 100 pounds of food. Further, the cows are fed and milked four times each day. Training and development. — Just how much of the in- creased speed of the trotter is due to training, to favor- able conditions and to breed improvement is an open question. Likewise, just how much of the improvement in dairy cows is due to special preparation and develop- ment, to favorable conditions, and to general improve- ment of the breed is a matter concerning which we lack sufficient data to answer with any degree of accuracy. Certain it is, however, not least of these factors is train- ing and developing. In fact, they are the chief agents in bringing out efficiency, otherwise we would never know the fastest trotting horse or the highest-producing cow. Training and developing are not only useful agents in bringing out differences in the capacity of our farm animals, but they must be continued to keep the animals up to maximum efficiency. Thus, if we wish to breed a strain of fast-trotting horses or of high-producing cows, we must not only train the horses and develop the cows during the formation of the stud or herd, but we must SOME CAUSES OF VARIATIONS 93 continue to train and develop them as long as we remain in the business. The same is true of most characters which the animal breeder is seeking to improve, and in this they differ from unit-characters, as color, presence or absence of horns on cattle and sheep, and the like. It was stated in our discussion of Mendel's law that once we obtained a pure color strain it would breed true from generation to generation. While sufficient evidence is lacking to say that such is not true of speed among trotters, pulling power among draft horses and high milk and butter fat production among cattle, yet the facts will certainly remain unknown unless the animals are trained and developed so as to bring out their maximum efficiency. Use and disuse. — It must be evident to all that use stimulates and disuse dwarfs the development of many organs. The training of the race horse and the develop- ing of the dairy cow are good examples of normal de- velopment, but by constant use it is possible to stimulate some organs beyond the normal. There are many ex- amples of this in the human family, such as the blind reading by the touch of the finger tips, the deaf carrying on conversation by watching the lips, and using the toes to write. This is putting parts to entirely new use and requires constant and painstaking effort to accomplish the task. That disuse dwarfs organs is well illustrated in the case of the disappearance of legs from snakes and from whales, the lessening of the wings in certain birds and the loss of toes in many mammals including the horse, the prototype being a five-toed animal. Injuries and mutilations. — Not infrequently injury to a part sets up cell division which results in a local growth to support the injured parts. In the horse such growths are spoken of as blemishes. Notwithstanding popular opinion, the breeding animal is none the worse for blemishes the result of accidental injury. 94 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS Formerly there was much discussion among animal breeders as to the importance of mutilations, by which is meant the removal of parts after they have developed. The frequent appearance of tailless kittens gave credence to the belief that such mutilations were often transmitted, notwithstanding the fact that there is a breed of cats naturally tailless, which is no doubt responsible for the tailless kittens. For countless generations it has been the custom to remove the tails from lambs, with no signs of tailless sheep as the result, and from the remotest times the Jews have practiced circumcision, and are still at it. While of little interest to the breeder, male castration is a fertile cause of variation to the individual. In the castrated animal the general development of the head and neck will be arrested, he will remain lighter and finer, lacking the general coarseness of unaltered males. In fact, there is a profound difference in the development, extending to practically every character, the animal ap- proaching the general conformation of the female. Like- wise, females when deprived of their ovaries develop to some extent the characters of the male. Chemical agents. — While of little or no economic value, it is nevertheless interesting to note the influence of cer- tain dyes and chemical agents in producing variation. Long ago Darwin reported that swine feeding upon madder root possessed flesh abnormally red in color. Gage reports that feeding poultry vs^ith an aniline dye (Sodan Red III) resulted in eggs tinted with the red dye, and that chicks hatched from such eggs also were tinted. Riddle reports similar results with guinea pigs. In such cases the dye is held in suspension in the fats, and the coloring matter disappears with the fat. It has long been known that certain agents stimulated secretions and glandular activity. Hill reports that the injection into the veins of a thoroughly milked dairy cow of a saline extract of the pituitary bodies of cattle re- sulted in an immediate secretion of from 12 to 25 per SOME CAUSES OF VARIATIONS 95 cent of the normal flow, and the milk thus secreted con- tained 50 to 100 per cent more fat than normal stripping, although the flow was materially depressed at the next milking. Breeders' control of the external causes of variation. — Among successful animal breeders the opinion prevails that greatest development of useful characters and at- tributes can be attained only by providing animals with favorable conditions. Chief among these are suitable food; protection from cold, heat, enemies and all annoy- ing influences ; proper managemicnt ; and suitable preparation, including training and developing". So far as it is positively known, we have attained highest de- velopment of useful characters in no other manner. The breeder of animals should clearly understand this ; other- wise, he may be misled by the occasional individual that shows great improvement, as well as by those individuals that are exceedingly prepotent in transmitting their char- acters to their offspring. SOME INTERNAL CAUSES OF VARIATIONS There is little doubt but that the exact cause of the great bulk of variability is due to factors internal to the organism, mainly in the form of inherited tendencies. However, these internal influences are dependent, in part, at least, upon outside conditions for their oppor- tunity. The external conditions must be favorable in order to promote the development of inherited tendencies. Unfavorable conditions dwarf development, no matter how pure the heritage. Maturation a cause of variation. — The process by which the number of chromosomes in the germ cells — both male and female — is reduced to half is a preliminary step to fer- tilization is a very significant internal cause of variation. For the sake of clearness in illustrating the significance of this reduction, consider the case of a species in which four is the regular number of chromosomes, two of which 96 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS are eliminated at maturation. It is obviously impossible to know which two of the four bodies will be preserved. Let us consider the four chromosomes of the female to bear numbers from one to four, any two of which may be eliminated. Likewise, consider the four chromosomes of the male to bear numbers five to eight, any two of which may be split off at maturation. In this case any one of the following combinations is equally as likely as any other to be preserved in the germ cells during maturation : Possible Chromosome Combination in Maturation Female germ cell Male germ cell 1+2 2+3 1+3 2+4 1+4 3+4 5+6 6+7 5+7 6+8 5+8 7+8 Thus there are six possible combinations in a female of a species of four chromosomes. But our farm animals each possess 16 chromosomes in the germ cells, eight of which are eliminated at maturation. Calculated on the same basis, this would give 12,870* possible combinations in the maturation of the ovum. Reduction is similar in the male. While all four divi- sions of the spermatozoon remain functional, only one is utilized in fertilization, thus the possibilities are the same as in the female. *Suppose a female has 2 K chromosomes, of which half only are available, K |J_K Now the number of possible ways of selecting K among 2 K is ■ — , Thus in I K - I K case the number of chromes 5mes is 16 we have 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 ■ 5 ■ 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • IS • 16 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-1- 2 ■ 3 ■ 4 ■ 5 • 6 • 7 ■ Likewise the male chromosomes share similar possibilities. 12,870 SOME CAUSES OF VARIATIONS 97 Fertilization a cause of variation. — The process of fer- tilization in which the remaining chromosomes in the maturized germ cells flocculate to restore the original number is also an important internal cause of variation. Continuing w^ith the illustration, we now have six pos- sible maternal combinations and six possible paternal combinations of chromosomes any one being equally as likely as any other to unite in fertilization, thus giving the following combination of chromosomes : Possible Chromosome Combinations in Fertilization 1+2X5+6 1+4X5+6 2+4X5+6 1+2X5+7 1+4X5+7 2+4X5+7 1+2X5+8 1+4X5+8 2+4X5+8 1+2X6+7 1+4X6+7 2+4X6+7 1+2X6+8 1+4X6+8 2+4X6+8 1+2X7+8 1+4X7+8 2+4X7+8 1+3X5+6 2+3X5+6 3+4X5+6 1+3X5+7 2+3X5+7 3+4X5+7 1+3X5+8 2+3X5+8 3+4X5+8 1+3X6+7 2+3X6+7 3+4X6+7 1+3X6+8 2+3X6+8 3+4X6+8 1+3X7+8 2+3X7+8 3+4X7+8 There are 36 possible combinations of chromosomes in a species with four chromosomes. Thus it is possible for two parents with four chromosomes to have 36 off- spring, no two of which are identical. In the case of farm animals in which the regular number of chromo- somes is 16 we find there are 165,636,900* possible com- binations of chomosomes in fertilization. In view of the assumption that the chromosomes bear the hereditary determiners, it is not surprising that we never find two animals exactly alike, even when of the same parentage. Since we cannot control the chromo- somes in the vital processes of maturation and fertiliza- tion, there is undeniably a large element of chance in breeding. It is not justifiable, however, to assume that each chromosome is entirely different from all the others *Continuing our problem as in maturation, the possible combinations of chromo- somes in fertilizations is [I 2 K ■}' — 1 which in this case Is the same as [12,870]= = 165,636,900. IK -IK J gS BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS in the same parent. The fact that there usually is a general resemblance between parent and offspring, as well as between oft'spring of the same parents at different periods, leads to the assumption that the chromosomes are largely similar. Mendelism a cause of variation. — The most significant internal cause of variation under the control of the breeder is that brought about by the Mendelian phe- nomenae. In the discussion of Mendel's law it was clearly indicated how variations could be produced and how new forms could be established (p. 49). This is a comparatively simple matter where few unit-characters are considered, although it becomes exceedingly complex in the more economic attributes, especially those involv- ing many unit-characters. Atavism and reversion, both internal variations in which the individuals skip a generation or more in their inheritance and resemble former ancestors more than the immediate parents, can be accounted for on the basis of the Mendelian hypothesis. Cross-breeding a cause of variation. — Among farm animals the new individual is the product of two parents — male and female — and is of necessity unlike either, being a product of both. This is considered an internal variation, and is slight if the blood lines are similar. On the other hand, the mating of dissimilar animals results in radical differences. Formerly this was the chief means by which improvement was sought. It was observed that the mating of unrelated animals, or those which had existed under a different environment, resulted in offspring possessing increased constitu- tional vigor, greater prolificacy, and often individual im- provement. The great difficulty came, however, when an attempt was made to breed these cross-bred animals. The offspring of such cross-bred animals varied widely, some were good, more were inferior, and no one could foretell which way the offspring would develop. While SOME CAUSES OF VARIATIONS 99 productive of variation, cross-breeding- is objectionable as a system of breeding. Cell division a cause of variation. — Growth is the result of cell division. The individual cells of giants are no larger than those of normal animals, l:)Ut they are more numerous. Like- wise, the cells of dwarfs are not smaller, but fewer in number. Thus it follows that size, and to some extent the form, are depend- ent upon cell division If too few cells are formed, the animal will be small ; if the cells are many, the animal will be large ; while if too few in some parts or too many in others, the animal will be thrown out of proportion, which may be so serious as to result in a malformed animal. What the decide how far cell division Fig. 33 — Catalonian Jack influences are that shall proceed and when it shall stop in the case of each part we do not know. Certain it is that favorable conditions, such as food and care, exert a profound influence, especially while the animal is young and cell division is active. Aside from this, however, there are certain internal forces at work upon the normal exercise of which all typical de- velopment depends. Thus it follows that while cell division, and hence development, can certainly be influ- enced by favorable conditions, it is also manifest that absolute control is largely beyond the power of the breeder. Relative fertility and longevity. — While not ordinarily classified as causes of variations, relative fertility and longevity are important factors in the make-up of the characters of any particular breed. Animals are not equally fertile. Occasionally desirable attributes are lost through low fertility and sterility. A good example of lOO BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS this was observed in the Duchess family ^of Shorthorn^-, in many respects the most remarkable family of beef animals in the world. On the other hand, there may be certain characters that are correlated with highest fer- tility. If unrestricted, these will soon become the dominant characters of the breed. It is important, there- fore, that the breeder understand this, so that, if the fer- FiG. 34 — Span of Excellent Mules tile animals possess undesirable characters he may eliminate such characters, in so far as possible, by rigid selection ; and if the shy breeders possess very desirable attributes, he may take pains to preserve them, although there is little use in attempting to breed a strain, how- ever desirable, that is not at least fairly prolific. The make-up of the characters of a breed depends as much upon longevity as upon fertility. There is little use in attempting to breed a strain of short-lived animals. SOME CAUSES OF VARIATIONS lOI particularly of milk cows and horses, the former of which is valuable in proportion to her productive age, and the latter to the age to which he retains his vigor. Fig. 35 — Zebu Cattle, Native of Trinidad CHAPTER X INDIVIDUAL MERIT AND SELECTION The animals selected for breeding should be good repre- sentatives of the type and breed to which they belong. In recent years breeders have been attracted by the de- mand for purely bred stock and have often selected their breeding animals on the basis of the pedigree and with- out personal inspection. This is often a questionable practice, as many individuals find their way to the books of record simply because animals thus recorded are in very great demand, irrespective of their fitness for breed- ing purposes. In selecting foundation animals, they should be carefully examined, as animals lacking type or breed characteristics are likely to prove disappointing in the end. Not only should the animals themselves be carefully inspected, but their parents and offspring, if available, should also be critically noted. Especially is this true of the offspring, as they indicate the breeding capacity, and give us an idea of what to expect. So important is this that when selecting animals of our own breeding, it is suggested to breed those under consideration at an early age, so as to learn their breeding capacity as early in life as possible. If they should prove undesirable in- dividuals, we are able to discard them early and thus save needless expense in their maintenance. On the other hand, if they should prove desirable, we know it in time to secure maximum benefit. When young individ- uals are bred to determine the breeding capacity, they should be mated with animals of proven merit. The breeder a judge. — In animal breeding success de- pends very largely upon the ability to select animals with skill and judgment. There are three important factors to INDIVIDUAL MERIT AND SELECTION 103 be considered in choosing breeding animals — individual merit, pedigree and, when available, the performance of the animal. Among expert judges as v^ell as breeders there is much confusion as to the part each should play in making a choice. A few- breeders place individual excellence first, a few the pedigree, and a few others the performance, while the mass of breeders seem to have no very clear idea of the relationship be- tween the factors. The progress made in recent years in breeding trotting horses and dairy ^ ^ o «, P •^ Fig. 36 — Percheron Stallion "Idlefonse cattle IS gradually chang- ing our ideas of judging. Formerly we tried to estimate the capacity of a cow to give milk by a physical examination of her external characters. This was often disappointing, as many cows proved to be very good producers that were lacking in general appearance, and many cows that were of typical dairy form failed to make a good showing as producers. In other words, we cannot tell for a cer- tainty how fast a horse can trot or how much milk and butter fat a cow can produce by a physical examination. This can be determined only by trial — racing the horse and milking the cow. This is significant, and the breeder should distinguish clearly between individual merit and performance. The former is a matter of judgment, while the latter cannot be definitely known until a trial has been made of the animal's capacity. Types of animals. — While we cannot tell for a cer- tainty what an animal can do without test, yet animals assume rather characteristic forms or types because of the demand made upon them in the performance of their functions. Certain types, therefore, became correlated INDIVIDUAL MERIT AND SELECTION IO5 with certain functions. For example, in beef production it is very important that the animals take on flesh and that the body be plump and full, w^hereas in the produc- tion of milk this would be considered an objection, as the food should go to the production of milk and not to body fat. Thus these two classes of animals are of necessity widely different in type. The beef animial is compact and blocky and in general appearance resembles a brick set on edge, the top and bottom lines being parallel, and there is an even covering of thick flesh throughout the body. On the other hand, the large digestive and milking capacity of the dairy cow gives her a wedge shape as viewed from the side. She is deeper through the hips, flank and udder than through the shoulders and chest. She is lacking in flesh, spare and angular, with prominent shoulders, hips and rump. Likewise, horses, sheep, swine and poultry vary in type according to the purpose for which they are produced. Thus we have light, coach and draft types of horses ; wool and mutton types of sheep ; and lard and bacon types of swine, as well as dairy, beef and general-purpose types of cattle. (For complete list of types and breeds, see appendix.) Within a given type there is often much variation, and the breeder should study the demands of the market in order to produce that which is most desired. Not in- frequently the demands of the market vary according to the locality. A good example is observed in the case of draft horse type. New York City being a great shipping port, where much heavy hauling is done, demands a large and upstanding horse, whereas the dray work of Boston being much lighter, the market derhands are for a low-set, massive drafter of good conformation. Utility of types. — Since certain types are associated with certain functions, in a general way, they are useful in estimating the capacity of our animals. This is par- ticularly true in those cases where no record of perform- ance is available, as in all meat-producing animals, as I06 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS well as all horses other than trotters and pacers. The breeder must make a careful study of those types that are correlated with the particular products which he is trying to produce. Thus when the production of meat is the principal product sought, he must know the type associated with early maturity and with rapid fleshing, as well as that most sought by the butcher and packer, as such commands the highest price on the market. In all such cases the type is exceedingly useful, as it serves as the only guide at the disposition of the breeder in selecting his animals. Uniformity in type. — The animals selected for breed- ing should be uniform in size and type. This is of special importance in meat-producing animals and horses other than racers. Butchers and packers desire cattle, sheep and swine uniform in weight, so that the cuts of meat will run uniform as their trade demands. If the animals vary in size and type, the weight of the cuts of meat will likewise vary, and to this the butcher objects, as he cannot find a ready market for cuts of meat varying in weight. Likewise, uniformity is of importance in the wool-producing sheep, as an even uniform clipping of wool is to be desired. In the breeding of horses uniformity in size and type as well as color and quality is of prime importance. This is emphasized by the fact that a well-matched team will sell for a very much better price than when the two animals are sold singly. The market demands teams uniform in type, weight, quality, color and age, and it is the business of the breeder to supply the market de- mands. To obtain uniform offspring, it is essential to breed animals that are uniform in type, as this character has a tendency to be transmitted from parent to offspring. Breeds of animals. — Within each type there are a num- ber of breeds of animals, all of which conform to the gen- eral type to which they belong, but differ in respect to breed characteristics. In breeding pure-bred animals it INDIVIDUAL MERIT AND SELECTION 107 is as important to select individuals possessing the char- acteristics of the breed to which they belong as it is to select those true to type. The breed to select in founding a stud, herd or flock will depend entirely upon the attendant conditions, as Fig. 38 — Hereforh Bull "Point Comfort 14th" there is no best breed for all conditions. The intending breeder should make a careful study of the situation, tak- ing account of the market demands, the general environ- ment, as well as his own limitations, and select the breed best suited to his particular conditions, as certain breeds arc not well adapted to certain conditions. A good ex- ample of the principle involved is observed in the case I08 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS of dairy cattle. A careful study of the dairy industry reveals the fact that in general large cows are replacing small ones in localities where the land is level and easily grazed ; while small cows are replacing large ones in hilly communities where grazing is difficult. Standard of perfection. — Each of the more important breeders' associations have established a standard or a scale of points for the guidance of breeders. This stand- ard denotes the characteristics that each individual of the breed should possess. The scale of points, known as the score card, gives a percentage value to each part of the animal and designates the desirable conformation. This is illustrated in the following scale of points : SCALE OF POINTS FOR HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN COWS POINTS. Head — Decidedly feminine in appearance; fine in contour 2 Forehead — Broad between the eyes; dishing 2 Face — Of medium length ; clean and trim, especially under the eyes, showing facial veins ; the bridge of the nose straight 2 Muzzle — Broad with strong lips 1 Ears — Of medium size; of fine texture; the hair plentiful and soft; the secretions oily and abundant 1 Eyes — Large; full; mild; bright 2 Horns — Small; tapering finely towaids the tips; set moderately narrow at base ; oval ; inclining forward ; well bent inward ; of fine texture; in appearance waxy 1 Neck — Long ; fine and clean at juncture with the head ; free from dewlap; evenly and smoothly joined to shoulders 4 Shoulders — Slightly lower than hips ; fine and even over tops ; moderately broad and full at sides 3 Chest — Of moderate deoth and lowness; smooth and moderately full in the brisket ; full in the foreflanks (or through at the heart) 6 Crops — Moderately full 2 Chine — Straight; strong, broadly developed, with open vertebras 6 Barrel — Long; of wedge shape; well rounded; with a large abdomen, trimly held up (in judging the last item age must be considered) 7 Loin and hips — Broad; level or nearly level between the hook bones ; level and strong laterally ; spreading from chine broadly and nearly level; hook bones fairly prominent 6 Rump — Long; high; broad with roomy pelvis; nearly level laterally; comparatively full above the thurl; carried out straight to dropping of tail 6 INDIVIDUAL MERIT AND SELECTION IO9 Thurl — High; broa 3 Quarters — Deep; straight behind; twist filled with development of udder; wide and moderately full at the sides 4 Flanks — Deep; comparatively full 2 Legs — Comparatively short; clean and nearly straight; wide apart; firmly and squarely set under the body; feet of medium size, round, solid and deep 4 Tail — Large at base, the setting well back; tapering finely to switch ; the end of the bone reaching to hocks or below ; the switch full 2 Hair and handling — Hair healthful in appearance; fine, soft and furry; the skin of medium thickness and loose ; mellow under the hand; the secretions oily, abundant and of a rich brown or yellow color 8 Mammary veins — Very large; very crooked (age must be taken into consideration in judging of size and crookedness) ; entering very large or numerous orifices ; double extension ; with special developments, such as branches, connections, etc. 10 Udder and teats — Very capacious; very flexible; quarters even; nearly filling the space in the rear below the twist, extend- ing well forward in front; broad and well held up 12 Teats — Well formed; wide apart, plumb and of convenient size 2 Escutcheon — Largest; finest 2 Perfection 100 General vigor — For deficiency inspectors may discredit from the total received, not to exceed eight points. General symmetry and fineness — For deficiency inspectors may dis- credit from the total received, not to exceed eight points. General style and bearing— For deficiency inspectors may discredit from the total received, not to exceed eight points. Credits for excess of requirement in production — A cow shall be credited one point in excess of what she is otherwise entitled to for each and every ten per cent that her butter-fat record exceeds the minimum requirements for her age. The breeder should make a thorough study of the standard as well as the scale of points so as to be able to recognize desirable as well as undesirable character- istics. Not infrequently these breed standards call for certain fancy points of little or no economic value, such as escutcheon in the Holstein-Friesian cattle ; feather on the cannons and fetlocks of Clydesdale and Shire horses ; six white points in Poland China and Berkshire swine ; and the like ; but if the breeder is producing pure-bred animals, he is obliged to conform to breed standards, no BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS otherwise he will not be able to dispose of his animals to financial advantage. Value of breed characteristics. — For convenience of study we may divide the characteristics of a breed into two classes, basing our division upon the economic value of the feature in question. Thus we have breed char- acteristics that are useful and those that are not. To the latter group belong such features as color. So far as is known a red and white Holstein-Friesian cow is capable of yielding as much milk and butter fat as a black and white one, but according to the rules of the Holstein- Friesian Herd Book the former cannot be recorded, as only black and white animals are admitted. The same is true of color markings of Dutch Belted cattle, Poland China and Hampshire swine, and the like. The economic value of such characteristics should be clearly understood by the breeder, notwithstanding the fact that he must select his animals to conform to the breed standard, otherwise his animals will be discriminated against on the open market. On the other hand, many of the breed characteristics are exceedingly useful. This class is well exemplified in case of egg production in White Leghorn and Plymouth Rock poultry, the former laying a white egg, the latter a dark one. Some markets, notably those of New York City, prefer white eggs and pay a very high premium for them, while other markets, especially those of Bos- ton, demand dark eggs, although they do not pay so high a premium for them. Another notable example of useful breed characteristics is that of milk and butter-fat production in Jersey and Holstein-Friesian cattle. The former gives a medium flow of milk very rich in fat, while the latter gives a large flow which is only medium in the fat content. The breeder should make a careful study of all breed characteristics, valuable as well as otherwise, in order that he may select his breeding animals with judgment. INDIVIDUAL MERIT AND SELECTION III Age and individual merit. — The standards of perfection as well as the scale of points of the various breeds w^ere designed to apply to animals in the prime of life. As animals increase in age they lose much of their former symmetry, become more and more angular, the abdomen often becomes rather pendulous and the back more or less sw^ayed. Such changes are not taken into account by the standards, and it frequently happens that aged animals are discriminated against. This may be per- missible in the show ring, where animals are judged largely in accordance with the manner in which they present themselves. On the other hand, breeding animals should not be discriminated against on account of age so long as they retain their reproductive powers and vigor. The age of the parent does not affect the functions of the offspring. Males frequently become difficult to manage as they increase in age and are usually disposed of irrespective of their breeding qualities and a young and often un- proven male substituted in their place. This is a serious mistake, as it often happens that some of the best blood of the breed is lost in this manner. However, when the productive powers begin to wane, the animals should be disposed of, unless very exceptional breeders, as it is not economical to keep animals for breeding unless they are fairly fertile. Constitutional vigor. — While the standards of perfec- tion and scales of points lay considerable stress upon constitutional vigor, in many cases they unconsciously operate against it in that more weight is placed upon other characters, such as early maturity, refinement, and the like. This often proves a serious matter, as is demonstrated in many herds of swine where the dams have become so refined that they are very low in fer- tility as well as constitutional vigor. Where breeding animals are selected on basis of the standard of perfec- tion, the vigor often declines and in a few years the INDIVIDUAL MERIT AND SELECTION II3 breeder finds his animals deteriorating in their produc- tive functions. In selecting animals for breeding the constitutional vigor is one of the most important characteristics to be considered. No animal lacking in thrift should find its way into the breeding herd, no matter how^ excellent, no matter M^hat the pedigree and no matter how high may be the record of performance. CHAPTER XI PEDIGREE AND SELECTION The capacity of the individual to reproduce itself de- pends largely upon the purity of the ancestors. If the ancestors have been good for several generations, it is reasonably certain that the offspring w^ill be good ; if the ancestors have been poor for several generations, it is likewise reasonably certain that the offspring w^ill be poor; w^hereas if the ancestors have been mixed, some good and some poor, it is impossible to predict w^ith any degree of certainty what the offspring will be like. In view of such facts the character of the ancestors becomes a very important factor in selecting breeding animals as, in a general way, characters will be transmitted in pro- portion to the degree with which they have become fixed in the parents. Form and contents of a pedigree. — For their guidance in selecting animals breeders long ago established stud, herd and flock books in which the ancestors of pure-bred animals were recorded. Such a record is called a pedi- gree. It consists of the name of the animal, which is usually designated by a serial number for convenience in tracing the pedigree, although in some of the books the females are arranged alphabetically within the volume. The pedigree also records the date of birth, usually the color and markings, the name and number of the sire and dam, together with the name and address of both the breeder and owner. Most of the breeds have but one requirement for ad- mission to the books of record, which is that both sire and dam shall be recorded, although some breeds require in addition certain breed characteristics, as black and white color in the case of Holstein-Friesians. 114 PEDIGREE AND SELECTION II5 The following pedigrees, one of King of the Pon- tiacs, a noted Holstein-Friesian bull, the other of the famous Percheron stallion Calypso, illustrate the form and gives the data covered in the ordinary registered pedigree : 39037. King of the Pontiacs. B., Eastern Michigan Asylum, Pontiac, Mich.; O., The Stevens Brothers-Hast- ings Co., Lacona, N. Y. ; March 5, 1905 ; Pontiac Korn- dyke 25982-Pontiac Lunde Hengerveld 51585. Calypso 25017 (44577) _ Black; foaled May 6, 1897; imported in 1900 by Dun- ham, Fletcher and Coleman, Wayne, 111.; bred by M. Brossard, Department of Sarth, France. Sire, Theudis 25015 (40871) by Besigue (19602) by Brilliant III 11116 (2919). See Brilliant III (2919). Dam, Fatma (25787) by Brilliant III 11116 (2919). See Brilliant III 11116 (2919). Second dam, Rose (11 158) by Brilliant 1271 (755). Third dam, Madelon. In general the pedigree is a guarantee of the purity of the animal, although application for registry rests solely with the breeder. For this reason the value of a pedigree is largely dependent upon the reliability of the owner. When a breeder files a pedigree with the request that it be published, the secretary of the breeders' asso- ciation is in a position to know whether the sire and dam mentioned are really owned by the breeder, and to this extent the secretary can vouch for the accuracy of the pedigree. While some errors creep in through careless methods of record keeping, it is very rare, indeed, for a breeder to falsify a breeding record or substitute an in- ferior animal for the one mentioned in the pedigree. Tracing and writing pedigrees. — Since most pedigrees give but one generation of ancestors, they do not provide the breeder with all of the desired information in select- ing his breeding animals. To get this information in a comprehensive form, breeders trace down and write out ii6 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS the pedigree of the particular individuals which they choose to consider. There are two methods of writing pedigrees in common use in breeders' catalogs, sales' papers and other advertising mediums, in which owners fa- miliarizebreeders with the breed- ing of their animals. In one method the dam's line is pre- sented in detail, although the other ancestors are not taken into account. Formerly this method was used extensively. In the other method all of the ancestors are considered. Fig. 40 — Poland China Boar NoNPARiEL Marquis (55757) Roan. Calved January 13, Dam Bred by Rose of Forthton G. & W. Forth Kathleen 2d J. Forth & Sons Kathleen J. Forth Nonpariel 43d Jas. Russell Nonpariel 36th Jas. Russell Nonpariel 33d John Isaac Nonpariel 31st S. Campbell' Nonpariel 26th S. Campbell Nonpariel 24th A. Cruickshank Nonpariel 23d A. Cruickshank Nonpariel 17th A. Cruickshank 1905. Bred by W. C. Edwards & Co. Sire Marquis of Zenda (26064) Border Chief (18128) Defiance (8244) Sir William (7928) British Statesman (42847) High Sheriff 2d (702) Inkerman (31414) Sir Christopher (22895) Scariet Velvet (16916) Lord Sackville (13249) The Baron (13333) Matadore (11800) Bred by W. S. Marr J. & W. Russell Lt.-Col. Tyrwhitt John Miller S. Campbell W. Isaac S. Campbell R. Booth A. Cruickshank A. Cruickshank R. Chaloner W. Smith Lord Netherland De Kol 22187 lord Netherland De Kol 22187 B. Dec. 12, 1894 Bred and owned by E. C. Brill Netheriand De Kol's Perfection 17713 Susie De Kol 33688 Pietertje 2d's Koningen 10625 Netherland De Kol 10605 De Kol 2d'< Netherland 11584 Daisy De Kol 20201 Koningen Von Priesland 5th 's Netherland 3515 Pietertje 2d 3273 H. H. B. Netherland Alban 4584 H. H. B. De Kol 2d 734 Netherland Alban 4584 H. H. B. De Koi 2d 734 De Kol 2d's Prince 27o7 Belle Bamum 2422 PEDIGREE AND SELECTION 11/ and for convenience in study the pedigree is arranged in tabular form. The preceding pedigrees, one of Nonpariel Marquis, a Shorthorn bull, and the other the Holstein-Friesian bull, Lord Netherland De Kol, illustrate the two forms in common use. Fig 41 — Aberdeen Angus Bull "Leroy of Meadowbrook" In the case of Nonpariel Marquis we note that the pedigree runs entirely on the dam's side, and the ances- tors are given for ii generations. Were all of the an- cestors included for this period the pedigree would con- tain 4,094 individuals instead of 2^), as in the present form. Manifestly such pedigrees give little information for the guidance of the breeder. In the case of Lord Netherland De Kol all of the ancestors are given for the generations covered by the pedigree, which, of course, could easily be extended to the foundation animals of the breed. Such a pedigree gives a complete list of all the ancestors and is of the greatest significance in select- ing breeding animals. Comparative value of ancestors. — The former practice of recording ancestors entirely on the dam's side encour- ii8 BREEDING 07 EARM ANIMALS aged the idea of extending the pedigree to include very remote ancestors. Not infrequently pedigrees extended for twenty generations, as breeders associated great length of pedigree with high breeding qualities. We now have sufficient evidence to show that breeders formerly placed too high a value on extreme length of pedigree. Many of our best individuals that show a high tendency to reproduce their characters have secured their qualities from a comparatively short line of ancestors. It is the animals making up the pedigree for the first four or five generations that are of great influence in giving any in- dividual the power to transmit qualities. So great is the influence of the first four or five generations that it makes little difference what the individuals were back of that period. In our discussion of the law of ancestral heredity it was stated that the two immediate parents contributed between them one-half of the effective heritage, the grand- parents one-fourth, and the great-grandparents one- 'G. sire i/i(j Total heritage Sir 1/4 - rG. G. G. sire ^230 G. G. sire i/(i4 -| I^G. G. G. dam V^go rG. G. G. sire Vj-» G. G. dam 1/04 J. [G. G. G. dam y-r^o Total Dam Vi V2 ,G. dam i/i G. sire Vio G. dam Yiis % G. G. sire Vm G. G. dam %4 -G. G. sfre i/o4 G. G. dam Ma G. C. sire %4 G. G. dam %4 G. G. G. sire iV.c G. G. G. dam i/jr.d "G. G. G. sire 1/250 G. G. G. dam VL'go G. G. G. sire i/2r,o G. G. G. dam V-r.e G. G. G. sire ^256 G. G. G. dam y2r.o G. G. G. sire V-im G. G. G. dam %g« G. G. G. sire V^r.a G. G. G. dam Vi2:io Vio all others Vie PEDIGREE AND SELECTION 119 eighth, and so on to infinity, so that the total heritage would be represented by one. For convenience of study the preceding table is arranged in accordance with this law, and it shows the heritage contributed by each an- cestor for four generations . Fig. 42 — Aberdeen Angus Cow "Glencarnock Isla'' The table shows conclusively the fallacy of selecting an animal when only the female line is represented in the pedigree, as only the ancestors in italics would ap- pear. Thus of the thirty ancestors in the four genera- tions only seven would be represented and together they would contribute only about 40 per cent of the total heritage. Animal with inbred pedigree. — The relative influence of an animal in an inbred pedigree is a much-discussed question among animal breeders. Such a pedigree limits blood lines to few and closely related lines of descent, it increases prepotency, gives stability to the family, favors 120 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS uniformity and intensifies characters both good and bad. The pedigree of the famous Jersey bull Polonius gives a good illustration of an inbred pedigree. Polonius 2513 Sarpendon 930 Mercury 432 Europa 176 Lady 799 Jupiter 93 Jupiter 93 Saturn 94 Rhea 166 Alphea 171 Saturn 94 Rhea 166 Jupiter 93 Saturn 94 Rhea 166 Alphea 171 Saturn 94 Rhea 166 Saturn 94 "Rhea 166 Jupiter 93 Saturn 94 Rhea 166 Alphea 171 Saturn 94 Rhae 166 Europa 176 In a common pedigree there would be 26 ancestors in the four generations, representing 14 lines of descent, whereas in the pedigree of Polonius there are but eight individuals, representing two lines of descent. Saturn and Rhea each appears seven times, Jupiter four, Alphea three, Europa two, while each of the other three appears but once. According to the law of ancestral heredity PEDIGREE AND SELECTION 121 these eight ancestors collectively contribute ^^q of the total heritage, each individual contributing as follow^s : Males Sarpendon Vi Mercury Vie Jupiter %4 Saturn %4 Females Ledy V4 Europa Vs Alphea %4, Rhea %4 A still more remarkable case of condensing blood lines is observed in the pedigree of Alphea Czar. This pedi- gree traces back from four to eight generations and repre- sents 106 ancestors w^ith 52 lines of descent, w^hereas there are actually 14 ancestors v^ith but two lines of Fig. 43 — Dorsf.t-Horned Ram descent in the pedigree. Saturn and Rhea, the original animals, each appears 27 times, Jupiter 15, Alphea 12, Mercury 7, Europa 5, Phaedra and Leda 3 each, Nym- phaea 2, while Splendor the bull. Splendor the cow. Ele- vator, Hark Comstock and Mercury, Jr., each appears once. Pedigree with exceptional animal. — Our former methods of writing pedigrees encouraged the idea of placing much stress upon an exceptional ancestor, even 122 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS though he appears many generations back in the pedi- gree. Manifestly, in the light of the law of ancestral heredity, this practice seems unwarranted. This is par- ticularly true in case the individual in question has gained the notoriety through a show yard career, as this signifies little save that the animal was an exceptional individual. It gives us no assurance that the good qual- ities will be transmitted to the offspring. In fact, it very frequently happens that the reverse is the case, as there are few exceptional show animals that have produced offspring famous as breeders or show animals. We should not, therefore, place too much stress upon the exceptional animal unless the breeding powers have been fully demonstrated by an actual breed test. Value of family names. — In the development and im- provement of a breed of animals it not infrequently hap- pens that the descendants of some famous individual assume a family name. Such families are sometimes founded by a sire, but more frequently by a dam. Good examples of where families were founded by the sire are observed in the case of Standardbred horses where the Hambletonian family descended from Hambletonian lo, the Clay family from Henry Clay 8, and the Morgan family from Justin Morgan. Among the more noted families founded by dams, we have the Duchess family of Shorthorns descending from Duchess I by Comet and the De Kol family of Holstein-Friesians descended from De Kol 2d by Willem III, Animals belonging to such families frequently become very popular and their descendants in very great demand. There is usually keen rivalry among the breeders. Under such condi- tions breeders with unlimited means frequently pay fancy prices for the more promising individuals, with the idea that they can sell the offspring to advantage and make money on the transaction. This is more or less of a speculation, as a special market must be found for each animal sold. For the man who has the means and the PEDIGREE AND SELECTION 1 23 executive ability to conduct such a business, it may prove exceedingly profitable. The average breeder, however, should understand the matter thoroughly before paying a fancy price for a single individual simply because the animal happens to be a member of a family in great public favor. Significance of breeder's name. — The reward that oc- curs to the breeder who persists in his efforts to develop a strain or improve a breed of animals is unexcelled by that of any other profession. Everywhere we find breeders whose reputation is known far and wide. The mere fact that an animal was bred by them is sufficient rec- ommendation to establish its worth. Such men first make a careful study of the business, decide upon a strain and breed, then work out a definite method ^J^^feSi..,***'' ^ -^^^^^ of procedure which they ad- fic 44— duroc jersey boar here to persistently. In such cases the breeder's methods are a guarantee that none but good animals were used in the business, and that these were selected after a thorough consideration of the individual merit, pedigree and record of performance. Proportion of pure-bred animals, — Such statistics as have been collected show that there is a close relation- ship between the number of pure-bred animals in a local- ity and the general excellence of farm stock. Of the twenty counties in New York State containing the largest number of dairy cattle those with the largest number of purely bred animals include the counties in which the average production was highest and the counties which made the largest increase in yield during the past decade. In this connection it is interesting to observe that such statistics as are available in a few states show that the majority of stallions standing for public service are not 124 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS recorded. No doubt some of these unrecorded animals are useful sires. It is safe to say, however, that most of them are of little credit to the country, for many, even of those that are recorded, are unsuited for the service they are allowed to perform. The meager statistics that are available for cattle, sheep and swine indicate that a very large percentage of the males used for service are not recorded. In 1905, the Bureau of Animal Industry issued a report in which it estimated that of all horses in the United States 1.02 per cent were registered. For dairy cattle the per cent was given as 1.07, beef cattle 1.05, sheep 0.46 and swine 0.45. This gives evidence that a very large proportion of the sires in use throughout the country are unregistered. This no doubt accounts for much of the indifference attending animal breeding in this country. A, CHAPTER XII PERFORMANCE AND SELECTION It must be clearly recognized that, as a basis for estimating the breeding powers of an animal, nothing compares with an accurate test of just what the animal can do. While individuality and pedigree are important factors for the guidance of breeders, they both become secondary to a record of performance, the result of an actual test. In considering such a record, however, it is necessary to have full regard for the conditions under which it was made. Thus an individual with a moderate record made under adverse conditions may be just as valuable as one with a high record made under the most favorable circumstances. On the other hand, an increase of a fair degree of merit under limited opportunities is not a satisfactory assurance of the ability to produce excellent results when accorded the most favorable op- portunity. For many years we have kept an accurate record of the speed of trotting and pacing horses. These speed records have been recorded in Wallace's Year Book. More re- cently a system of testing milk and butter-fat capacity of dairy cows has been inaugurated. The results of such tests are recorded in the advanced register. We now have the speed records of thousands of horses as well as the milk and butter-fat records of thousands of dairy cows, going back many generations. These data, accu- rately collected and properly interpreted, furnish invalu- able aids to breeders in selecting their animals. Standards of performance. — Before an animal can be admitted to the advanced register it must first prove its worth by fulfilling certain requirements in an actual test. This is very different from the requirements of the stud, 126 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS herd and flock books, where an animal is eligible to ad- mission providing its sire and dam are recorded, although the animal must be thus recorded before it is qualified to enter the test for the advanced register. For the most part these standards of performance are not difficult. They were established with a view of encouraging large num- bers of animals to enter the test, as it was thought more Fig. 45 — Standardbred Stallion "Kremlin," 2:07% good would result from large numbers of fairly efficient animals than small numbers of highly efficient ones. Trotting and pacing standard. — When an animal meets these requirements and is duly registered, it shall be ac- cepted as a standard-bred trotter or pacer : 1. The progeny of a registered standard trotting horse and a registered standard trotting mare. 2. A stallion sired by a registered standard trotting horse, providing his dam and granddam were sired by a PERFORMANCE AND SELECTION 12/ registered standard trotting horse, and he himself has a record of 2 130 and is the sire of three trotters with records of 2 130 from different mares. 3. A mare whose sire is a registered standard trotting horse, and whose dam and granddam were sired by regis- tered trotting horses, providing she herself has a trotting record of 2 130 or is the dam of one trotter with a record of 2 :30. 4. A mare sired by a registered standard trotting horse, providing she is the dam of two trotters with records of 2:30. 5. A mare sired by a registered standard trotting horse, providing her first, second and third dams are each sired by a registered standard trotting horse. The pacing standard is similar except the word "pacer" is substituted for the word "trotter;" "pacing" for the word "trotting" and the speed standard 2 125 for 2 130, and the addition of a sixth paragraph, which is as follows : 6. The progeny of a registered standard trotting horse out of a registered standard pacing mare, or of a regis- tered standard pacing horse out of a registered standard trotting mare.* Holstein-Friesian seven-day standard. — When a cow meets the following requirements and is duly registered she may be admitted to the advanced register: A cow calving on or before the day she is two years of age shall make a record of not less than 7.2 pounds of butter fat in seven consecutive days ; and for every day that she may exceed two years of age at date of calving the requirement for the butter-fat record shall be in- creased .00439 of 3- pound. If calving on the day she is five years of age, she shall make a record of not less than 12 pounds of butter fat in seven consecutive days ; and no increase in production for increased age at date of birth shall be required for any cow calving subsequently. ♦Wallace's American Trotting Register. 128 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS Holstein-Friesian seven-day requirement by classes : Junior two-year-old ._ 7.2 pounds Senior two-year-old 8.0 pounds Junior three-year-old 8.8 pounds Senior three-year-old 9.6 nounds Junior four-year-old 10.4 pounds Senior four-year-old 11.2 pounds Full age 12.0 pounds Holstein-Friesian, Jersey and Guernsey yearly stand- ard. — If a test for the period of one year is commenced the day the cow is two years old, or previous to that day, she must produce, within one year from the date the test begins, 250.5 pounds butter fat. For each day the cow is over two years old at the beginning of her year's test, the amount of butter fat she must produce in the year is fixed by adding o.i (one-tenth) of a pound for each such day to the 250.5 pounds required for the two-year-old. This ratio of increase applies until the cow is five years old at the beginning of her test, when the required amount will have reached 360 pounds, which will be the amount of butter fat required of all cows five years old or over. These standards are based upon one complete year's record from the time of beginning, regard- less of any time which may be lost by being dry or calving during that period. Fig. 46 — Berkshire Sow « i • i , i -i Ayrshire yearly standard. — This calls for 214.3 pounds of fat at two years of age, with the addition of .06 of fat for each succeeding day up to three years of age, when the standard calls for 236 of fat, with the addition of .12 for each succeeding day up to five years of age, when the requirement is 322 pounds of fat. Brown Swiss yearly requirement. — This call for 222 pounds of fat at two years and six months of age, with the addition of .09 of fat for each succeeding day up to PERFORMANCE AND SELECTION 120 six years of age, when the requirement calls for 2)37 pounds of fat. The advanced register record. — A pedigree consists of the name and number of an animal, the name and number of the sire and dam, together with the name and address of the owner. These data tell us nothing of what the animal has done and gives us no assurance of what it is capable of doing. True, it signifies that the animal is purely bred, and in the case of famous families and noted owners adds commercial value, but as to actual produc- ing and breeding power it leaves us as much in the dark as we were before. Contrast with this the data given in the advanced register. The following Holstein-Friesian advanced register records, one of the noted cow, Belle Korndyke, the other a partial record of the bull. Lord Netherland De Kol, illustrate the form and give the data covered in the ad- vanced register. The first number following the name is the advanced register number and the second the herd book number. The first figure in the parenthesis in- dicates the number of advanced regis- ter daughters that each animal has ; the second figure the number of sons that are sires of tested daughters ; and the third figure the number of daughters that are dams of tested daughters. Under each animal's name will be found a list of tested daughters, together with their milk, butter fat and butter Fic. 47 — Dutch Belted Bull "Auten" VD On ON U « Q J J W MCDOO t^ CO — ' 00 -- o ro ■^ fO IT) li^ in fM "■*C0>O>OinN -:f Sj ^' ^r^'-i^oo — — oo-^inoorji^iooro — -^o 0>O50CMirjTC(M0qC0JaicJo6-"CccDrJM ^ojoo^— -r-'O^oi'^ rood oini/i-^ojporococj j^i/i'^r^^oofor«]0ooro^03t^co^o>"^ior0'^ S'-oo^fO-^fOrocjcD^-^iocDX'CDai — r^iO]CD^ ro ■* M CO •* lO ■*■* ■*roin CM-* ■*■*«-* CO "^c^ o; bJO -M C/] M-l M ° QO)0000O)O5CO '-J^!^ O Q ■* (O Tl- ^CD oi/) Od ro OCO) — l^tCOJCD crO^O) SH O NM ■— -mcocO'*CDO) '*1^'- 00^ 102 o ^ ^ttj O u S f^ ."S 2s . . . . CO -^ o r^ j2 o u ■- Q •- T3 -a ^^S r^ ^o^- mir>"*cDoo — O)'^ oq orjrj'*coO'"ro^ 00 ^ - " - 01 Q Pi O >-(r5CD'*rot^cocot-int^cDCMi^o>cDCMi^c'j'*ir! -^ OJ J o w p Q < K H C»2CM C)0> OCD m ' CD — z _ 00 "* • ' (N oq ^ 0010 ,co txi =-05p CO OJCD (M . coT-i'£cooo yr ii V CM D- ^ 4>'— ' — M M.CJ 4) _ " .5 g o o 0, '£"£■ "^ U t- Q^i=i r- i^ , taiCOCO « rrj CO " CO D o -a , - u _ c c E D 0) 4) ■" M-H -l-l O rt O t-i O 5 bJ3 O j3 c^ si i T3.S.3 O d O ^ biO 130 PERFORMANCE AND SELECTION 131 record, as well as the age at which the record was made, and following the list of daughters with records will be found, printed in italics, the names and herd book num- bers of the sons that are sires of tested daughters, and of the daughters that are dams of tested daughters. Following the name of each tested daughter will be found three numbers. The first is the animal's advanced register number, the second is the number of the volume of the advanced register in which the record given may be found, and the third the herd book number. Follow- ing this is the milk, fat and butter record ; also the age at which it was made. Value of advanced register record in selection. — To get the data contained in an advanced register record before us in a more concrete form, let us tabulate the pedigree Pedigree of Lord Netherland De Kol 22187, Including THE Advanced Register Records* Koningen Von Friesland Sth's Netherland 3515 Pietertje 2d's Koningen 10625 Pietertje 2d 1-3-0 3273H. H. B. ' ' Netherland DeKol Perfection 17713- Netherland Alban 14-14-23 5484H.H.B. Netherland De Kol 1-3-5 10605 De Kol 2d 734 536.8 milk, 21.261 fat 2-7-5 Lord Netherland De Kol 22187 Netherland Alban 120-31-99 5,484 H.H.B. ' DeKol 2d 's 1-3-5 Netherland 11584 • De Kol 2d 734 22-21-28 536.8 milk, 21.261 fat 2-7-5 Susie De Kol 33688 r De Kol 2d's Prince 475.5 milk 2767 20.245 fat Daisy De Kol 5-4-8 20201 Belle Barnum 2422 *Made up from Vol. 24 of the Holstein-Priesian Advanced Register. of Lord Netherland De Kol, similar to that on page ii6, but including the advanced register data. This means that Lord Netherland De Kol has 120 132 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS daughters with advanced register records; that 31 of his sons have daughters w^ith records; and that 99 of his daughters are the dams of daughters v^^ith advanced register records. His sire, Netherland De Kol's Perfec- tion, has 14 daughters v^ith records ; he has 14 sons that have daughters w^ith records ; and he is the sire of 2^ dams that have advanced register daughters. His dam, Susie De Kol, has a record of 475.5 pounds of milk and 20.245 pounds of fat in seven days, as w^ell as five daugh- ters v^^ith records ; she has four sons that are the sires of daughters with records ; and she has eight daughters that are the dams of daughters with records. Like data are given for each ancestor that has an advanced register record. In like manner, to get the data contained in Wallace's Year Book before us in a more concrete form, let us tabulate the pedigree of the Standardbred horse, Aller- ton, who leads the list with 257 performing get to his credit. (P. 133.) This gives us practically the same data as that given in the Holstein-Friesian pedigree. It signifies that Allerton has 199 trotters and 58 pacers to his credit in the year book; that 85 of his sons have sired 197 trotters and 116 pacers; and that 61 of his daughteis are the dams of 63 trotters and 19 pacers, making a total of 395 performers in the second generation. Similar data are given for each ancestor in the pedigree. The sire. Jay Bird, has a total of 706 performers in the second generation ; George Wilkes, the grandsire, has 3,394, and Hambletonian 10, the great grandsire, has 1,836, while both parents have 964, the four grandparents 3,641, and the great-grandparents have 5,620 performers in the second generation of offspring, making a total of 10,225 in the three generations of an- cestors. Of course, wherever the same ancestor occurs twice the performers are counted twice. Exact measure of breeding capacity, — This standard is an absolute one, and gives an exact measure of the breed- es; •*o oft w^ 3 1 :^L 2ei ,rt ft 1) O) -M -t-> p O fe O ■ - w O IN •^ U w c Z lO -H g^ I- lu 5 > Fig. 63 — A Prize-Winnmng Flock of Oxford Sheep County of Oxford conceived the idea of developing a new breed of sheep combining the desirable qualities of the long-wooled breeds and of the Down breeds. They began by miating compact Cotswold rams with Hamp- shire ewes. Later Southdown blood was introduced to some extent, although the Hampshire was the chief source of Down blood in the Oxford Down foundation. As would be expected from its Cotswold ancestry, the Oxford has a long and coarse fleece, although from the Hampshire line it inherits desirable mutton qualities. Origin of the Holstein-Friesian. — This breed name is of American origin, there being no breed of the name in Europe, the native home of the breed. The Friesian cattle originated in the province of Friesland, Holland, where they became so popular that many were exported to Germany, Denmark, Belgium and the United States. The Holstein cattle originated in the province of Hoi- 194 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS stein, Germany, where they also became very noted and were exported to many countries, including the United States. Thus in Europe the Friesians and Holsteins are separate and distinct breeds. The two breeds, however, have essentially the same origin and are similar in all important characteristics. In order to promote the wel- fare of the two breeds, the breeders and importers in this country finally came together and united their in- terests, agreeing to call the breed Holstcin-Friesian. Origin of the Standardbred horse. — The formation of this breed is of interest in the consideration of the origin of breeds, as we can trace present-day Standardbred horses back through the Thoroughbred on the one hand and the Hackney and Norfolk trotter on the other hand, to the time of Darley Arabian. This relationship is illustrated in the chart on opposite page showing the descent of the Standardbred horse from Darley Arabian through the Thoroughbred line on the left and through the Hackney and Norfolk trotter line on the right ; also the relationship of the II stallions with 150 or more performers, the figures not in parenthesis following the names indicating the number of performers. Q S p4 Q < < o g 11 ^^ 2 x: (1) o<- -O- O s a m oO fe s; 1— t ^ o m < U 1/3 W <5 <; C cd IS CHAPTER XVIII IMPROVEMENT OF BREEDS While breed improvement was due very largely to judicious selection, suitable mating and better care on the part of breeders generally, it is of interest to note the factors that gave encouragement to such methods. In the development of the breeds many factors exerted a favorable influence, chief of w^hich w^ere the establish- ment of books of record, of breeders' associations, and of live stock shows. Since the books of record gave in- formation concerning the ancestors of a given animal capable of meeting the requirements, it enabled the breeder to select his animals with intelligence, as well as to keep the blood lines pure. Before the introduction of such records it was not possible to learn the merit of a given animal's ancestors, and hence impossible to es- timate, even approximately, what the offspring would be like. Origin of pedigrees. — It was to promote the develop- ment and to preserve the purity of the Thoroughbred or English race horse that books of record were established. So far as is known there were no records of breeding or performance previous to the eighteenth century. True, through advertisements, sales' papers, catalogs, and the like, many pedigrees had gained currency, but they were all shaped on fashionable lines, and many, if not most of them, were fictitious. In 1709 a racing calendar of note was published. Others followed, perhaps the most no- table being the Racing Register, published by Bailey Brothers. The records were intended largel)^ for the convenience of men who wagered money, and who cared little for blood lines, hence mistakes were of frequent occurrence. Such was the condition of English pedi- IMPROVEMENT OF BREEDS 197 grees when, toward the close of the eighteenth century, Weatherby and Pick started their stud books. In 1786, Pick published "A Careful Collection of All the Pedigrees Possible to Obtain," and in 1791 Weatherby published an "Introduction to a General Stud Book." These publications were the forerunners of Pick's Turf Register and of Weatherby's General Stud Book. The first volume of both the Register and the Stud Book was published in 1803. Four volumes of Pick's Turf Register appeared and then the publication was discontinued, while the General Stud Book continued as the official organ of the Thoroughbred in England. This represents the first successful attempt to record genealogy of farm animals. The second book of record to make its appearance was the Shorthorn Herd Book. Acting upon his own in- itiative, Coates collected the pedigrees of Shorthorns of note, and after much difficulty in obtaining the necessary financial assistance, published the first volume of the herd book in 1822, although it was not until 1876 that the British breeders, organized as the Shorthorn Society of Great Britain, took charge of the preparation and pub- lication of the pedigree records. Following the lead of the Thoroughbred and Shorthorn breeders, the advo- cates of each breed of note established and maintained a book of record. The more popular breeders maintain a separate book of record in each country where they are extensively bred. For list see appendix. Eligibility to registration. — At present in America, practically all books of record limit registration to the offspring of registered parents, although during the formative period of the breeds the standard was less rigid. Thus some breeds admitted animals with five or seven top crosses, and others, providing the animals contained a certain per cent of blood already in the book of record. Such is the case even today in many foreign countries. In addition to the purity of blood, some breed 198 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS associations require certain breed characteristics. Thus Holstein-Friesian cattle, to be eligible to registration, must be black and white, and a red and white animal, although of pure breeding, is not eligible. To provide the finances necessary to publish the book, there is usually a pro rata charge for each animal recorded. ^^^-a^:^ ««. ^-^ Fig. 64 — Hereford Heifer "Scottish Lassie'' Advanced register. — The ordinary pedigree is merely a guarantee against mixed blood lines and gives us evi- dence that the individual belongs to a specific breed. It gives us no information as to whether or not a particular individual is a good one. The animal may be the best or the poorest of the breed, but there is nothing in his pedigree whereby we may judge of his merit. The advanced register gives us the desired information, as the performance of the animal is recorded therein. It is a kind of second registration, based upon performance, and furnishes us a guarantee of quality. Among horses it is based upon their track records (p. 126), and among IMPROVEMENT OF BREEDS I99 dairy cattle upon the amount of milk and butter fat pro- duced within a given length of time according to an official recognized test (p. 127). Breed associations. — Upon their ow^n initiative Weatherby and Coates compiled and published the first volumes of the General Stud Book and of the Shorthorn Herd Book. The business grew so rapidly, however, and there was so much detail connected with the registration, such as tabulation of pedigrees, publication of the books of record, and the like, as well as with financing the undertaking, and later with the management of the ad- vanced register work, that it became necessary to pro- vide some method whereby the work could be done sys- tematically. This led to the organization of associations, the membership of which consisted largely of breeders interested in the development of a particular breed. Thus the advocates of each breed formed a breeders' association to conduct the business connected with the management of the breed. Upon the payment of a mem- bership fee any breeder may become a member of the association of the breed he handles. In many of the associations the charges for registration of animals owned by members are less than for those owned by non- members. These associations are considered the official organs of the breeds and have been very potent factors in the general improvement and advancement of the several breeds of farm animals. Live stock shows. — One of the most important factors in the early development and improvement of the breeds of farm animals was the live stock show. This is es- pecially true of Britain, where animal fairs have been held for centuries. Following the lead of England, live stock shows have been encouraged and given financial assistance by practically all countries where animal pro- duction constitutes a large part of the agricultural in- dustry. The value of live stock expositions for the purpose of 200 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS stimulating improvement is emphasized by the interest shown in our town, county, state, national and interna- tional expositions. Were they not powerful factors in the improvement and advancement of the breeds of farm animals, they would not be so universally recognized or so extensively patronized by either the exhibitors or breeders. The fact that a successful show yard career adds greatly to an animal's commercial value as an individual, Fig. 65 — Beef Cattle Parade on Show Grounds as well as to the economic value of the get afterwards, stimulates much interest among the exhibitors, and each tries to outdo the other. This competition results in maximum development of the individuals and brings out the best animals of the various breeds. Further, such expositions have been very useful in familiarizing the people at large with breed characteristics and in provid- ing an opportunity to compare one breed with another. British methods.— Following the formation and de- velopment of the Thoroughbred horse, Britain enjoyed an era of live stock improvement which resulted in the organization of more than a score of separate and distinct breeds of farm animals, including horses, cattle, sheep and swine. Since we import from Britain large numbers IMPROVEMENT OF BREEDS 201 of four breeds of horses, six breeds of cattle, nine breeds of sheep and four breeds of swine, the methods of breed improvement, on the little group of islands, the total area of which is much less than that of the State of California, are of more than passing interest. Of the 88 breeds listed in the tabulation of breeds of farm animals in the ap- pendix, 44 claim Britain as their native home. The natural conditions such as the uneven topography, the varied climate and the fertile soil, together with the stock-loving habits of the people, favored the propaga- tion and improvement of numerous types and breeds of farm animals. Advancement was also promoted by the system of husbandry and by the relationship between tenant and landlord, the land being rented under such terms as to favor the breeding and improvement of farm animals. It was recognized that the animals of certain counties were distinct from those of other counties in the rate and manner of growth as well as in fattening qualities. Each of these sections took pride in developing its animals, and there was often keen rivalry among the counties or sections. There was a total absence of in- discriminate crossing of animals from different counties. This resulted in the development of many distinct breeds each with its distinctive characteristics. As it was in Britain that live stock shows were inau- gurated, it was there that they proved their worth in stimulating interest in breeding. From their inception, these shows have been very potent factors in live stock improvement. They were systematized by the Royal Agricultural Society of England, established in 1839, since which time they have attracted world-wide attention, until at present all animal-producing nations hold sim- ilar shows. It is only fair to state, however, that the most signifi- cant factor in stimulating improvement is the demand created for the stock by America and other leading 202 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS animal-producing nations, largely drawing on Britain for improved blood. As the animals are intended for breed- ing purposes and to introduce new blood into other coun- tries, there seems to be no limit to the price foreign buy- ers are willing to pay, especially if the animal has a successful show yard career, or in the case of racing horses a successful turf career back of him. French methods. — Since the Percheron draft horse is so very popular, the methods employed in the improve- ment of the breed are of interest. In order to provide horses for war purposes the early monarchs interested themselves in horse breeding. Since the establishment of the "Administration des Haras" during the reign of Louis XIV, the French government has made systematic efforts to promote the horse-breeding industry. Not- withstanding the political disturbance and war, the gov- ernment purchased stallions in large numbers, import- ing many from foreign countries, notably Arabia. In 1833, by royal decree, the French Jockey Club was organized and a stud book established. This did much to further the industry. In 1870 the management of the government horses was given over to the Department of Agriculture and Commerce. The general control was placed in charge of a director, who was assisted by sub- directors, inspector, superintendents and veterinarians, all of whom must be graduated from the horse depart- ment at Le Pin. This is significant, as it contributes to the uniformity of the horses throughout France, and is in striking contrast to American methods as set forth by the various state stallion laws, where instead of a few inspectors with a common ideal, there are many inspec- tors with equally as many ideals. There are three classes of government stallions in France : First, those owned by the government ; second, those owned privately, but subsidized by the govern- ment — when thus subsidized the owners receive an an- nual allowance from the Minister of Agriculture; third. IMPROVEMENT OF BREEDS 203 stallions owned privately, and, having been passed upon by the officials and found w^orthy, are approved or au- thorized for public service. All other stallions are pre- vented by a law passed in 1885 from standing for public service. With the exception of some aid to the improvement of fine-wooled sheep, the government has interested itself in horse breeding only and similar aid has not been ex- tended to other classes of farm animals, with the result that other classes of French animals are little known outside of France. Further improvement needed. — If the propagation of farm animals is to retain its present position in the agri- cultural industry, the animals must be improved so as to yield larger returns for the expenses involved. The in- creasing price of stock foods makes this imperative, notwith- standing the remarkable advancement already attained as in- dicated in the discussion of results accomplished (p. 171). Even in the case of such a phenomenal animal as the pig, weighing 300 pounds at six to eight months of age, each pound of gain will require approximately four pounds of grain or its equivalent, which, with grain at $20 a ton will make a feed cost alone of four cents a pound, to say nothing of the shelter or lots, the insurance or risk from death, the labor and the cost of the parents or their inaintenance. The need of further improvement is better il- lustrated in the case of Fig. 66— Cheshire Hog of Excellent Tyi'e the beef animal that weighs say 1,400 pounds at 18 months, phenomenal individ- ual that he is. In order to force a steer to make such a gain it would be necessary to feed approximately six pounds of 204 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS grain or its equivalent, and at least one-half as much hay for each pound of gain. With grain at $20 and hay at $10 a ton this would make a food cost alone of 7^ cents a pound, to say nothing of the other expenses incidental to the business of raising and fattening animals for beef. This calculation is based upon the most phenomenal animals of the class to which they belong, yet the food cost is very high, and only a very small percentage of the nutri- tion or energy of the food is recovered in the product. Need of extending improvement. — While further im- provement will be welcome, the greatest need at the present time is to extend such attributes as have already been attained. Some horses are fast enough, some pos- sess sufficient quality, some stylish enough, some suf- ficiently smooth gaited, and some large enough ; but few, possibly none, possess these attributes in the proper pro- portion so as to secure maximum efficiency. Surely draft horses are too slow and lack the endurance and quality characteristic of light horses. While the phenomenal individuals mentioned above produce meat fairly economical, in the main, it is pro- duced only at enormous expense of feed, requiring, roughly speaking, six pounds of grain or its equivalent for each pound of gain in the case of swine ; 8 to 10 pounds of grain or its equivalent in the case of sheep; 12 to 15 pounds of grain or its equivalent in the case of cattle. Likewise the hen that lays 275 to 300 eggs in a year is doing much more than we have a right to reasonably expect her to do, but the hen on the average farm lays less than four dozen eggs in a year. If common animals could be improved to even approximate the efficient ones in economic production it would prove a most significant factor in advancing agricultural as well as human inter- ests generally, and would give the propagation of animals a new lease which they could hold for some time to come. A good example of the need of extending improvement to the common animals is observed in the case of dairy IMPROVEMENT OF BREEDS 205 cattle. There is greater variation in the production of dairy cows than that of any other class of farm animals. To illustrate this variation the following tabulation is arranged comparing the average annual production for both milk and butter of all cows in the United States by decades with the monthly and yearly production of the leading high-producing Holstein-Friesian cows. This is not a comparison of the poorest and the best, but of the average for all cows in the United States and the best. Average Yearly Production Per Cow in the United States Year Milk, Butter, Year Milk, Butter, pounds pounds pounds pounds 1850 1,436 61 1890 2,709 115 1860 1,505 64 1900 3,646 155 1870 1,772 75 1910 3,520 150 1880 2,004 85 Production for One Month Name of cow Milk, pounds Butter fat, pounds 80% butter, pounds K. P. Pontiac Lass Valdessa Scott 2d Pontiac Lady Korndyke Johanna De Kol Van Beers 2,316 2.934 2,497 2,764 137 131 125 121 171 164 157 151 Production for One Year* Banostine Belle De Kol Pontiac Clothilde De Kol 2d. High-Lawn Hartog De Kol... Colantha 4th's Johanna 27,404 25,318 25,592 27,432 *May Rilma, a G'lernsey cow, exceeded these records in the production of butter fat, producing 1,073.4 pounds of butter fat from 19,673 pounds of niir< in 365 days, now the world's record for butter fat. 20b BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS Thus the leading cows produce approximately as much milk and butter in one month as the average cow in the United States produces in one year. Further, the lead- ing cows produce almost lo times as much in a year as that produced by the average cow. There seems no reason to doubt that the average cow could be advanced to produce approximately one-third that of the lead- ing cows, providing proper methods were employed in feeding, breeding, care and management. In this case one-half of the present number of cows would give us as much milk and butter as we now receive. This would result in a very great saving of food, labor and shelter and advance the dairy industry to one of the most profit- able branches of a2:riculture. CHAPTER XIX BUILDING UP A HERD The inevitability of the dairy cow warrants a discus- sion on building up the herd. There is great variation in the productiveness of dairy cows, some producing lo times that of others. Notwithstanding this variability she responds to judicious care and breeding more per- fectly than does any other class of farm animals. This means, of course, that the dairy cow is susceptible to much improvement. It is safe to say that not over one-fourth of the dairy cows in the United States are capable of producing 7,500 pounds of milk and 300 pounds of butter fat in one year, even if reasonably well fed. The breeder should not be satisfied until the poorest cows in his herd are capable of producing the above amount. If all the dairy cows in the United States were developed to this point, the average production for each cow would be approximately double what it is at the present time. To put it the other way around, and what is more desirable from the breed- er's point of view, one-half of the present number of cows would be capable of producing approximately the same amount of milk and butter fat than we now obtain. Such advancement is by no means impossible. In fact, it is within reach of practically all breeders who are willing to practice judicious methods of management, feeding and breeding. The inevitability of the dairy cow. — If the past and present movements of farm animals may be accepted as a criterion as to future movements, the dairy cow is soon to become our principal source of animal food. There are at least two very significant reasons for this assumption. In the first place, no other farm animal can produce food 207 .208 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS as cheaply as the dairy cow. As the human population increases this is to become more apparent, as it will be necessary to produce animal food more economically in order to avoid a scarcity of human foodstuffs. In the second place, at the present time, the products of the dairy cow are practically indispensable as an article of human diet, especially for infants. The principal product, milk, is of such a nature that it cannot be trans- ported a great distance, thus necessitating the keeping of large numbers of dairy cows near the centers of dense population. The importance of fresh, clean, sw.eet milk as an article of human diet is frequently impressed upon the physicians and health officers in the larger cities dur- ing the hot days of midsummer, as at such times there is often a high infant mortality largely due to the lack of fresh, sweet milk, which is often exceedingly difficult to obtain, especially if traffic is partially interrupted for a few days. The use of pure-bred animals. — It is universally ac- cepted, all things considered, that purely bred animals excel grades. For this reason well-bred animals com- mand a fancy price which often prohibits their use ; nevertheless they have a number of very strong advan- tages over grades, chief of which are their capability of higher production, their stimulating effect upon the breeder, thus favoring general improvement, and the in- creased value of their offspring- These advantages are often sufficient to offset the high price. It has been shown conclusively that there is a close relationship between the number of pure-bred animals in a community and the general excellence of all farm animals. Of the 20 counties in New York state having the largest number of dairy cattle those containing the largest number of pure breds include the counties in which the average yield was highest and the counties which made the largest increase in yield during the past decade, BUILDING UP A HERD 209 The use of grade animals. — While the ideal condition would be to have only high-producing, purely bred animals, at the present time this is impossible because of the small number of such animals available. A very small percentage of the cattle are pure bred, and of this number many are inferior or diseased, which renders them unfit for foundation animals on which to build a future herd. In general, therefore, the breeder must use the best-producing animals available without respect to purity of blood for foundation stock. By the grading-up process, that is, by continually se- lecting and breeding the cows that are the best producers to a purely bred bull of proven worth, it is entirely pos- sible and by no means difficult to establish a herd of grade cows that will equal in the production of milk any herd of pure-bred animals. The enterprising and progressive breeder, however, will hardly be content with grades only. In the beginning his bull will be purely bred, and presently he will want a pure-bred cow to match, then one or two more. Thus he will be steadily and properly working toward a pure-bred herd and gaining in knowl- edge and experience at the same time. This will prove a much more economical as well as more satisfactory plan, especially with the beginner or those unaccustomed to purely bred cattle, than to purchase a pure-bred herd in the beginning, as the risk is too great for those lacking in practical experience. Foundation animals. — In building up the herd the most important as well as the most difficult animal to select is a suitable bull to head the herd. His breeding, his ability to get uniformly high-producing offspring and his individuality should be carefully considered. It goes without saying that he should be a good individual of the breed to which he belongs, and that he should be of proven worth as well as purely bred. The most important factor in selecting the foundation cows is a record of performance of each animal under 210 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS consideration. In building up a herd this is indis- pensable. Without it, advancement is uncertain and per- manent improvement is not possible. Of course, only uniformly high-producing cows should be secured. If the herd to be improved is already organized, then the first problem is to separate the high-producing from the low-producing cows. At the present time a very large percentage of the dairy cows do not yield sufficient product to pay for the food they consume, when figured at prices obtainable on the farm, to say nothing of the labor and other expenses. Could all such inferior cattle be eliminated, this alone would very materially advance the dairy industry. After the foundation animals have been decided upon and the herd assembled, it is important that the animals be given the best of care. This is essential to improve- ment, as highest efficiency depends on maximum develop- ment, which, in turn, depends on judicious management. The first generation. — If the sire has been well chosen, the calves of the first generation are likely to be fairly uniform, even though their dams be of mixed breeding. If convenient, all of the heifer calves should be retained. A great advantage in building up a herd by the grading- up process is the opportunity afforded to raise a large number of individuals up to the time they begin to pro- duce. This provides large numbers from which to select, which results in more rapid improvement than though the numbers were limited. It often happens, however, owing to lack of facilities for rearing calves, that some selection must be made at birth. In this case retain the heifers from the high-producing dams, disposing of those from the low-producing cows. Breeding the young heifers. — There are many perplex- ing questions arising in the second generation of the grading-up process. In the first place, the young heifers should be bred and developed much as suggested in the discussion developing the heifer (p. 311). BUILDING UP A HERD 211 If the original sire was a young- one at the time of his purchase, there will be a considerable number of his half- blood offspring ready to breed while he is still in the height of his power. As there has been much said against the practice of inbreeding, most breeders hesitate to breed a bull to his own offspring. But if inbreeding is ever likely to be followed by useful results it will be under just such conditions, and in proportion as both the bull and the half-blood heifers show strong individual vital powers the practice is recommended. In the majority of cases the very best bull to breed to a lot of high-quality, uniform, half-blood heifers is their own sire, especially if it is de- sired to secure greater uniformity and greater average pro- duction in their offspring. On the other hand, suppose the breeder wishes to change bulls and procures an animal equal in productive capacity but of slightly different type from the original sire. In all probability their second generation calves, even though they are three-fourths pure blood, will not be nearly so uniform a crop as the first generation or half- blood calves. Further, such offspring frequently show little, if any increase, in average production, although a few individuals may show marked improvement. This will prove the skill and patience of the breeder. Continued judicious selection the means of improve- ment. — The heifers that show marked improvement are the ones to be relied on to carry the herd forward in im- provement. It is the continued elimination of the low- producing and the judicious selection of the high-produc- ing that advances the general average of the herd. As generations come and go, the characteristics of the pure- bred sire will become more fixed and the herd more uni- form in type and capacity. From the production stand- point, the herd will become practically equal to purely bred animals, although the male offspring should not be used for breeding, as they would tend to stimulate reversion toward the low-producing and common-bred ancestors. 212 BREEDING OF FARM ANIMALS The Glista family-* — This family takes its name from Glista 7857, the ancestress of the Holstein-Friesian herd at Cornell University, Since Glista herself was rather inferior as a producer, the development of this family gives a good illustration of the building up of a herd from a common individual. As would be expected from Glista Glista 2nd Gl. Netherland Gl. De Kol Gl. Iota Gl. Ernestine Fig. 67 — "Glista Ernestine," 24.410 pounds butter fat in seven days and her ancestors. *"The Cornell Dairy Herd," H. H. Wing; "The Cornell Countryman," Nov. 1913, pp. 44-51. BUILDING UP A HERD 213 SO common a foundation cow, not all descendants have shown uniformly good qualities. The number of inferior animals is not larger than would usually appear in any course of breeding. By judicious selection these have been eliminated from the herd. It is interesting to trace the advancement of the descendants of this inferior cow up to Glista Cora, with a record of 24.129 pounds of butter fat in seven days as a senior three-year-old, to Glista Ernestine, with a record of 24.410 pounds of butter fat as a junior four-year-old, and to Glista Eglantine, with an aged record of 25.912 pounds of butter fat in one week. Glista Omicron, Glista Eglantine's dam, has a record of 25.282 of butter fat (Figs. 67 and 68). In the following tabulation the relationship of all the indi- viduals in the family is shown in the line of female descent, together with the length of time they remained in the herd and their average yield in pounds of fat per year during the time they were in the herd. A study of the table re- veals some of the uncertainties as well as some of the difficulties with which the animal breeder must work. Glista 2d, the poorest cow in the first generation of off- spring, is in direct line of ascent to Glista Ernestine and Glista Eglantine, now considered to be the best cows in the herd, all things considered. Glista Delta, the best cow in the second generation, left no female descendants, and her line became extinct. The table also illustrates very clearly the wide variation in relative fertility and longevity, some of the cows giving birth to but one calf and then failing to breed again, while others remain fertile until late in life, producing 10 calves and remain- ing productive for 10 years. Advancement requires time. — While the tabulation shows rapid improvement in the first two generations of offspring, yet in point of time progress was slow, as is like'ly to be the case in any breeding operations involving the larger animals. Glista 3d produced three bull calves in succession and no heifers, while Glista 4th produced a«2c.a s a cs * e N •° •^ s «ca oCO >,-* ore's" oS ^ j:; ^ - « — ^ — t r § :2'".i:. k: • cs _; o Moo (Sim 3 "^ 7i< '^< ' ^ tn \o Cv ro •^ lo CO rs PO "* r^ ts " rn O — CN CN ^ ■^ fN -^ OO rj cs -H O -H ro t^ ts CS —I C^ o fN vo —' tN w CO O* ^^ lO CO cs so o to OS ■* oo tN so -" IT) — . -). 0 00 r^ so rl CN ^ O " Tj< ^ fN »-i SO OS cv] "1 00 — < O W w fO (N lO "5 (N '^ r^ OS — . CN CS »-. ^ (TN rs ^ ^ ^ PO lO Os OS ^H ro *-( (N ^ ^ (^ lO OS Os <-c lO SO CO ■rt ro lO CO -- 01 3 3 Q 1— . o 01 o U W « ^ l-( fT) CN fS '^ \0 00 cs r^i -^ O ■^ CN T-. r<) 00 O "N r-. ■^ "TN O^ -^ "^ CO '-' ID t-, O 'i^ \0 O *^ UO 00 Ol 1.^ "-J f* o S o w w S ^ o w 1^ -* (M a: cc ro rt< i^ ^ IN ro V3 lO 00 ■^ CS VH ■^ (N CN -^ ^ O fTi Ov CN 00 '-H ro f^l to o CK ts VO C^ 00 -< ir> 00 »- o •* r^ \o CN "^ -o LO 00 IN m -!l< s ^ < en be ^ z o f^ o cs ^ ^ "1 CO ■rt ^ O f^ IN CS o -^ (M CS " -#10 fC ■* lO rj r) ■* th M ro O ^ c^l On O -^ < 2; O & S^ ^ o ^ o O w M ro f^) CN r^ 00 oC fN ^ (N ^ -^ O O O CM i~- ■^ O Ti^ 00 t>] r^ (N ^ in lo C^ tH lO Q :^ > s W c2 00 On f- 00 tN (N ^ fN "1 \0 o •/) Ov •^ 00 rs NO O ":(< 0\ fO 00 CN NO -H ro lO o CO Ti< On CN CO 00 CN »^ CN O - -H VO I ° S U o < < 2 8 1 < lO \o Ov n "* u^ 00 o fl •* o> (M m VO 00 rt cs lO "^ ^ CO CN (M rt CN -rt* ^ ^^ tS CS '^ ^ fo to \o tN '^ ^ -* -O a> CS M '-I rj cs '-I p^ rO O 00 — rj lO O CO O —I rt ro lO CN rr) lo CS —I rO 00 c^ CN (N CN ^ \0 *^ ^ fS IT) VO CO tH 00 CK «-i 00 -^ — t-H r>i ^ lO VO -* lo ro '^ cs ": O w Cv o CO 0-. 00 CN CN CN VO t^ O CO rf) (N lO v^ Ov CN W CO ^ C^ ^ S I ^ ^ I S O W w INDEX A Abdallah 195 Aberdeen Angus cattle 319 Abortion 268 accidental 269 age immunity 276 avenue of infection 271 avoid using infectious bulls.... 272 carbolic acid for 271 causes 269 control 271 infectious 270 isolate infected cows 272 kinds 268 methylene blue for 271 prevalence 268 treatment 272 use disinfectants freely 272 Abnormality 82 Accidental abortion 269 Accumulative development 166 in cattle 170 in trotter 168 Acquired character 66, 166 Advanced register 198 animals without registered par- ents 150 bulls 147 bulls, breeding 148 cows, breeding 142 established 141 improvement 145 number of cows 158 record 130 testing 226 value of 132 Afterbirth, retained 291 A. & G. Netherland De Kol 216 Age and individual merit Ill in selection Ill Allerton 133 Alphea 121 Alphea Czar 121 American Merino sheep 319 American saddle horse 316 Andalusian jack 318 Angus cattle 319 Animals, costly 3 decreasing 3 distribution 5 number 2 propagation 9 provide clothing 1 provide food 1 provide labor 1 value 2 Ancestors, comparative value 117 Ancestral heredity 38 Appleton & Company 43 Arabian horse 316 pony 317 Artificial impregnation 261 Asphyxia 298 Associations, testing 224 Atavism 40 cause of variation 98 Average deviation 85 Ayrshire cow 318 standard of performance 128 B Bailey Racing Register 196 Bakewell, Robert 188 methods 190 principles 189 Banostine Belle De Kol 205 Bear 280 Beef-animal development 312 Beef, cost of production 4 Belgian horse 317 Belle Korndyke 164 performance 129 Berkshire swine 320 Beaver 280 Biparous 281 Blackfaced Highland sheep 321 Bladder 11 Blended inheritance 40 Breed associations 199 Breed characteristics, value of 110 peculiarities 59 prepotency 152 Breeder, exceptional 62 young 227 Breeders' fancy points 70 name, significance of 123 Breeders of breeders 156 of performers 156 Breeding, animals, management 256 capacity, measurement 132 community 219 complicated business 220 cross breeding 179 grading 178 inbreeding 181 line breeding 180 pure-bred breeding 177 systems 176 test valuable 70 Breeds 316 formation of 185, 191 history of 58 improvement 196 in selection 106 origin 187 poultry 32 1 327 328 INDEX Page Brewer 31 fundamental propositions 31 British methods 200 Broad ligaments 11 Brown Swiss cow 318 standard of performance 128 Buffalo 280 Building up a herd 207 Bulls, advanced register 147 improvement due to 216 influence of 217 Business of breeding 219 Butter fat production increased. 171 records, influence of 141 C Calf, asphyxia 298 castration 305 development 311 diarrhea 300 feeding 307 infectious diarrhea 301 preparation for birth 285 Calypso 115 Canary birds 281 Care a cause of variation 90 of breeding animals 256 Castle, W. E 16 "Casting the wethers" 291 Castration a cause of variation. ... 94 of males 305 Cat 280 Catalonian jack 318 Cattle, cost of production 4 number 2 prepotency 158 prolificacy 242 value 2 causes of variations 95 Cells 12 centrosome 13 chromatin 13 chromosomes 15 cytoplasm 13 division 14 division a cause of variation . . 99 egg 11, 16 germ. 15 mitosis 14 nucleus 13 protoplasm 14 sperm 12, 16 spermatogenic 12 Centrosome 13 Character 65 acquired 66 congenital 66 correlated 66 defined 65 dominant 42 germinal 66 limit in selection 68 modifying 166 recessive 42 transferred 51 unit of selection 65 useful 67 Page Chart of GHsta family 214 Chemical agents a cause of variation 94 Cheshire swine 321 Chester White swine 320 Cheviot sheep 320 Chilled lamb 303 Chromatin 13 Chromosomes 14, 15 combination 28, 96 control of heredity 29 in maturation 29 reduction 18 reduction a cause of variation 96 theory 27 theory of sex 233 Cleveland bay horse. . 316 Climate a cause of variation 89 Clothing 1 Clydesdale horse 317 Coats 197 Shorthorn Herd Book 197 Colantha 4th's Johanna 205 Color blindness 235 Colt, asphyxia 298 castration 305 constipation 299 development 310 diarrhea 300 feeding 307 navel infection 300 scrotal hernia 304 umbilical hernia 303 Community breeding 219 advantages 220 centers 223 education features 226 Conception 258, 260 Congenital character 66 Constitutional vigor in selection. .. Ill Comet 192 Constipation 299 Continuous variation 81 Co-operative breeding 184 Correlated characters 66 Correns 42 Cotswold sheep 321 Cow, accumulative development. . . 170 advanced register 151 care of 282 cow pox 295 dairy, development 141 difficult parturition 288 economical usefulness 208 estrum 258 eversion of the uterus 291 garget 294 gestation 279 gestation table 323 inevitability of 207 mammitis 296 milk fever 293 milk secretion altered 296 pregnancy 158, 279 prepotency 158 prolificacy 242 retained afterbirth 291 with advanced register records 142 with records as breeders 145 INDEX 329 Page Cow pox 295 treatment ■'^° Cow-testing associations 224 Creation of new forms 49 Crops 2 Cross-breedmg -i '^ cause of variation ^o Cryptorchids defined 254 Cystic degeneration 254 Cytoplasm ^^ D Dairy cattle, accumulative develop- ment 170 prepotency 158 development 141 economical usefulness 208 inevitability of 207 Dam, disease 288 value of 63 Darwin, Charles 21 pangenesis 21 De Kol 2d 164 Delaine Merino sheep 319 Delivering the young 287 Development 7, 138, 174, 313 a cause of variation 92 accumulative 166 of dairy cow 141 of trotter 1^8 of young 306 Deviation, average 85 Devon cattle 319 de Vries 42 Diarrhea 300 infectious 301 Dihybrids 46 Disease of the dam 288 of new-born 298 of reproductive organs 254 of young animals 298 Disuse, a cause of variation 93 Discontinuous variation 82 Dog 280 Domestication a necessity 185 Dominant character 42 Dorset sheep 320 Drugs for sterility 255 Ducks 281 Duroc Jersey swine 320 Dutch Belted cow 318 Dutch Hengerveld De Kol 216 Dysentery 301 E Eari Korndyke De Kol 216 Egg cells 11. 16 when formed 30 Eggs, cost of production 4 Egg-producing hens, high 172 Egg-production 135 Elephant 280 Embryo 262 blastula stage 262 Page Embryo, formation 262 grastula stage 262 morula stage 262 mulberry stage 262 Environment 6, 313 and development 7, 138, 174 Enzyme theory 27 Equipment expense reduced 220 Essex swine 320 Estrum 258 when appearing 258 Eiwopa 121 Evolution of farm animals 186 Ewe, care of 282 difficult parturition 288 estrum 258 gestation 280 gestation table 323 mammitis 296 milk secretion altered 296 pregnancy 280 Excellence, standards of 58 Exclusive inheritance 40 Excitability 252 Exmoor pony 317 Exposure 7 Extending improvement 204 External causes of variation. . .87 to 94 Eyes, sore 302 F Fallopian tubes 10 Family name, value of 122 Famous grandsires 155 Famous Holstein-Friesian cows.... 163 Fancy points, value of 109 Fashionable breeding 70 Feeding young 307 Females, disposal of 224 organs 10 reproductive organs, dilation of 256 size of 252 Fertility 60 Fetal movements 278 Fetus development 258, 263 position 264 size 265 Fertility a cause of variation 99 Fertilization 20 cause of variation 97 combinations of chromosomes . . 97 influence on sex 233 Fillies, breeding 240 Foals, feeding 307 preparation for 285 Food 1 and product 4 supply a cause of variation... 91 Formation of breeds 1H5 new breeds 191 Foundation animals 209 Fowls, cost of production 4 Fox 280 Freemartins defined 253 French Canadian cow 318 330 INDEX Page French coach horse 316 French draft horse 317 French Jockey club 202 French methods 202 Frequency curve 86 Functional variation 80 G Gage 94 Galloway cattle 319 Galton 32 Galton's law of ancestral heredity 39 Gamete 19 Garget 294 treatment 295 Geese 281 Gemmules 22 George Wilkes as a breeder 154 Germ cells 15 hereditary bridge 25 hereditary material 26 Germ-plasm 22 German coach horse 316 Germinal character 66 Germinal vesicle 16 Gestation 277 ewe 280 duration of 278 mare 279 signs 277 sow 280 table 322 Giraffe 280 Glista Cora's record 213 Glista Eglantine's record 213 Glista Ernestine's record 213 Glista Omicron's record 213 Glista family 212 chart 214 Goat 280 Grade animals, uses of 209 Grading.... 178 Great sires, breeding of 140 Guernsey cow 318 standard of performance 128 Guinea 281 H Hackney horse 316 Hampshire sheep 320 Hampshire swine 320 Heifers breeding 210, 242 development 311 Hens, high egg-producing 172 prolificacy 246 Heredity 7, 21 ancestral 38 basis of control 30 bridge 25 carriers 28 completed 26 complex 32 determiners of 21 in animal breeding 31 laws of 31 Heredity, measurement of 132 modifying characters 167 prolificacy 246 Hereditary material 26 origin 30 Hereford cattle 319 Heritage in nuclei 2 7 Herd, building up 207 breeding up 212 difficulties of improvement.... 213 first generation 210 Glista family 212 Hermaphrodites defined 253 Hernia, scrotal 304 umbilical 303 Heterozygous 49 High- Lawn Hartog De Kol 205 Hill 94 History of the breeds 58 Hog, see swine. Holstein-Friesian cattle origin 193 centers 223 cows 318 scale of points 108 yearly standard 128 7-day standard 127 Homozygous 49 Horned Dorset sheep 320 Horses, breeding the filly 240 cost of production 4 development. , 310 estrum 258 in productive industry 1 number 2 pregnancy 279 prepotency 153 prolificacy 240 telegony 267 value 2 Hubback 192 Human population 2 Hybrids often sterile 253 I Id 23 Idleness and overfeeding 250 Impregnation, artificial 261 Improvement, basis of 74 due to prepotency 152 due to selection 137 extended 204 methods employed 174 needed 203 results accomplished 171 a slow process 173 takes time 213 Improving farm animals 6 Inbreeding 181 Inbred pedigree 119 Indian pony 317 Individual merit in selection 102 Individual prepotency 153 Infectious abortion 270 Inheritable variation 77 Inheritance, blended 40 exclusive 40 INDEX 331 Page Inheritance, particulate 41 sex limited 234 Injuries a cause of variation 93 Internal causes of variation. .95 to 101 Intra-uterine influence 266 Irritability 252 Italian jack 318 J Jersey cow 318 standard of performance 128 Jennet 280 Johanna De Kol Von Beers 205 "Joint ill" 300 Judge, value of 102 Jupiter 121 E Kerry cow 318 Kidney 11 King of Pontlacs 115 K. P. Pontiac Lass 205 L Labor 1 Lamb asphyxia 298 breeding 244 castration 305 chilled 303 development 312 diarrhea 300 feeding 307 preparation for 285 sore eyes 302 sore mouth 302 Large Yorkshire swine 321 Law of ancestral heredity 38 of heredity 31, 42 Ledy 121 Leicester sheep 321 Leisering 11 Ligaments, broad 10 Lincoln sheep 321 Line breeding 180 Lion 280 Live stock shows 199 Locality a cause of variation 89 Longevity 60 cause of variation 99 Lord Netherland De Kol 116 performance 130 M Macmillan Co 13 Majorca jack 318 Male, castration 305 size of 252 Malformation 82 Maltese jack 318 Management, a cause of variation 90 of breeding animals 256 Mating, suitability for 64 Page Maturation 18 cause of variation 95 oogenesis 19 spermatogenesis 19 Mammitis 296 treatment 296 Mare, care of 282 difficult parturition 288 gestation table 323 mammitis 296 milk secretion altered 296 pregnancy 279 market facilities increased 222 Mean 84 Meat, producing 135 Mendel, G. J 42 Mendel's law, application 50 creation of new forms 49 dihybrids 46 dominants 45 gamete 43 of heredity 42 limitations 54 monohybrids 42 possibilities 52 recessives 45 reversion 53 transferring characters 51 zygote 44 Mendelism a cause of variation.... 98 Mendelian principles '. 48 Mercury 121 Merit in selection 102 Metamorphosis 12 Mexican pony 317 Middle Yorkshire 321 Milk, cost of production 4 cisterns 12 glands 12 gland, number 12 secretion altered 296 Milk fever 293 treatment 294 Mitosis 14 Mode 84 Monohybrids 42 Monstrosity 83 Mouth, sore 302 Morgan horse 316 Multiparous 281 Mutants 82 Mutations 82 Mutation a cause of variation 93 N Navel infection 300 Neck of womb 10 Need of improvement 203 Netherland Nemus 217 New-born, disease 298 New forms 47 fixing 49 Nick 64 Non-inheritable variation 77 Nonpariel Marquis 116 Nucleus 13 Z2>2 INDEX O OflFspring, development 306 disease 298 high 37 higher than parents 36 lower than parents 36 medium most frequent 36 number at birth 281 relative development 309 similar to parents 34 unlike parents 35 Oogenesis 11 Organs, Fallopian tubes 10 female 10 male 12 OS uteri 10 ovaries 10 reproductive 10 vagina 10 uterus 10 vulva 10 Origin of breeds 187 Orlofl horse 316 Os uteri 10 opening 256 Ova 11 Oviducts 10 Ovulation 259 Ovaries 10 Overfeeding and idleness 250 Overwork and adverse conditions.. 250 Oxford sheep 193 Oxford Down sheep 320 P Pacer, accumulative development.. 168 Pacing standard 127 Pangenesis 21 Parents influence young 306 Particulate inheritance 40 Parturition, difficult 288 normal 286 preparation for 285 signs of 284 wrong presentation 290 Pea hen 281 Pearson 38 Pedigree 196 Alphea Czar 121 and performance 133 and record of performance. ... 131 Calypso 115 Comet 192 contents of 114 form of 114 inbred 119 in selection 114 King of Pontiacs 115 Lord Netheriand De Kol 116 Nonpariel Marquis 116 origin 196 Polonius 119 showing value of ancestors .... 118 tracing 115 with exceptional animal 121 writing 1 15, 1 16 Page Percheron horse 317 Performance 59 and prepotency 161 and selection 125 and vigor 134 Ayrshire 128 breeding test 70 Brown Swiss 128 Guernsey 128 Holstein-Friesian 127 Jersey 128 pacing standard 127 record of 131 standards of 125 trotting staniard 126 value of in selection 131 Pick.W. M 197 Picks Turf Register 197 Pig, asphyxia 298 castration 305 constipation 299 development 312 diarrhea 300 feeding 307 preparation for 286 scrotal hernia 304 sore mouth 302 thumps 203 umbilical hernia 303 Pigeons 281 Plymouth Rock barring 235 Poitou jack 318 Poland China swine 320 Polled Durham cattle 319 Polonius 119 Pontiac Belle De Kol 205 Pontiac Clothilde De Kol 2d 205 Pontiac Lady Korndyke 205 Population, cow 2 horse 2 human 2 poultry 2 sheep 2 swine 2 Poultry, breeds of . . . 32 cost of production 4 number 2 prolificacy 246 value 2 Pregnancy 277 ass 280 cat 280 beaver 280 buffalo 280 ewe 280 giraffe 280 dog 280 elephant 280 lion 280 mare 279 signs 277 squirrel 280 rabbit 280 sow 280 wolf 280 Pregnant animals, care of 282 Premature birth 268 INDEX 333 Prepotency and performers breed dairy cattle individual in horses in sex Presentation, normal Prince Ybma Spofford De Kol. Prolificacy cumulative effect desirable ._ factors influencing heredity in cattle in horses in poultry in sheep in swine Progression Propagation of farm animals Protoplasm Pure-bred animal, economic useful ness percentage of proportion of uses of breeding Purposes of breeding Page 152 161 152 158 153 153 165 286 216 237 239 238 237 246 242 240 246 243 244 37 9 14 208 124 123 20S 177 170 Qualitative variation 79 Quantitative variation 79 Racing Register 196 Rabbit 280 Rambouillet sheep 319 Rat 280 Recessive character 42 Records reduced 169 Red Polled cattle 319 Reduction of chromosomes 18 Reproductive organs 10 diseased 254 female 10 male 12 Register, advanced 198 Registration rules 197 Regression 37 Relative development 309 Results accomplished 171 Retained afterbirth 291 Reversion 40 and Mendelism 53 cause of variation 98 Rhea 121 Ridglings defined 254 Royal Agricultural Report 188 Running records reduced 173 Saturn 121 Sarpendon 121 Page Scrotal hernia 304 Selection 8, 56,313 and improvement 137 basis of 74 based on performance 69 breeder a judge 102 breed peculiarities 59 complicated by fancy points . . 70 exceptional breeder 62 fashionable breeding 70 fertility 60 history of breeds 58 large numbers important 61 limit number of characters .... 68 limit to useful characters 67 longevity 60 means of improvement 211 nick 64 object 56 passing fads 73 performance 125 standards of 103 standards of excellence 58 suitability for mating 64 uniformity in type 106 unit of 65 value of breeds 106 value of breed characteristics. . 110 value of dam 63 value of fancy points 109 value of merit 102 value of pedigree 114 value of record 131 value of sire 63 value of types 103 value of vigor Ill vigor 60 Sex, equality 229 in breeding 229 control not desirable 235 Sex determination 229 alternating ova 230 age and vigor 231 chromosome theory 233 external 229 female testicle 230 fertilization on 233 food supply 231 internal 231 male testicle 230 sexual excitement 231 time of breeding 230 Sex differences slight 232 Sex-limited inheritance 234 Sex prepotency 165 Sexual use, excessive 251 Sheep, cost of production 4 number 2 prolificacy 243 value 2 Shetland pony 317 Shire horse 317 Shropshire sheep 320 Shorthorn cattle 192, 319 Show awards, value of 135 Sir Beets De Kol 216 Sire, influence 63, 217 334 INDEX Page Sire, value of 63 great 139 of breeders 159 of performers 159 Small Hopes Korndyke DeKol.... 217 Small Yorkshire swine 320 Southdown sheep 320 Sow, care of 282 difficult parturition 289 estrum 258 gestation 280 gestation table 323 mammitis 296 pregnancy 280 with secretion altered 296 Sore eyes 302 Sore mouth 302 Sperm cells 12, 16 when secreted 30 Spermatogenesis 12 Spermatozoa 12 Sports 82 Squirrel 280 Standard of perfection in selection 108, 125 Holstein-Friesian 7-day 127 Standards of performance 125 pacing 127 trotting 126 Standardbred horse 194 origin and descent 195 Sterility 248 causes 249 excessive sexual use 251 excitability 252 hybrids 253 idleness 250 importance 248 irritability 252 overfeeding 250 prevalence 248 tirhidity 252 use of drugs 255 use of yeast solution 256 Stock shows 199 System of breeding 176 co-operative breeling 184 cross breeding 179 breeding from best 183 grading 178 inbreeding 181 Hie breeding 180 pure bred breeding 177 Suffolk Down sheep 320 Suffolk horse 317 Suffolk swine 320 Sussex cattle 319 Swine, cost of production 4 number 2 prolificacy 244 value 2 T Table of breeds 316 Tamworth swine 321 Telegony 267 Page Testicles 12 Testing associations 224 Thoroughbred horse 192, 316 Time records, influence of 138 Timidity 252 Thumps 303 Tracing a pedigree 115 Training, a cause of variation 92 and developing. . . . 7, 138, 174, 313 the trotter 310 Transmitting capacity 132 Triple-purpose cow 52 Trotter, accumulative development 168 development 138 Trotting records reduced 169 standard 126 Turkey 281 Type, deviation from 85 finding 84 mean 84 mode 84 uniformity in selection 106 utility of in selection 105 value of in selection 103 U Udder. 11 Umbilical hernia 303 Uniformity favored 61, 221 Uni parous 281 Use a cause of variation 93 Uterine influence 266 telegony 267 Uterus 10 eversion 291 inflammation 293 V Vagina 10 inflammation 293 Valdessa Scott 2d 205 Value of ancestors 117 Variability 85 Variation 74 abnormality 82 among heavy horses 78 among light horses 75 basis of improvement 74 breeders control 95 causes of 87 to 101 continuous 81 degrees of 81 discontinuous 82 finding type 84 functional 80 general 74 inheritable 77 in pattern 81 malformation 84 mean 82 method of study 83 mode 84 monstrosity 83 mutation 82 non inheritable 77 INDEX 335 Variation, nature of 76 qualitative 79 quantitative 79 sport 82 Victoria swine 321 Vigor 60 and performance 134 in selection Ill von Tschermak 42 Vulva 10 W Weatherby 197 Weatherby's General Stud Book. . . 197 Weismann, A 21 Weismann's germ plasm 22 Welsh pony 317 West Highland cattle 319 "White scours" 301 WilUams, Dr. W. L 272 Page Wilson, James 51 Wolf 280 Womb 10 neck of 10 opening 256 Wool producing 135 Writing a pedigree 115 Wrong presentation 290 Y Yeast solution for sterility 256 Yearly production for cows 205 Young breeders 227 delivering 287 disease 298 number at birth 281 2 Zygote 19 STANDARD BOOKS PUBLISHED BY ORANGE JUDD COMPANY NEW YORK CHICAGO Ashland Building People's Gas Building 315-321 Fourth Avenue ISO Michigan Avenue An^ of these hooks will be sent by mail, postpaid, to any part of the world, on receipt of catalog price. We are always happy to correspond with our patrons, and cordially invite them to address us on any matter pertaining to rural books. Send for our large illustrated catalog, free on appli- cation. First Principles o£ Soil Fertility By Alfred Vivian. There is no subject of more vital importance to the farmer than that of the best method of maintaining the fertility of the soil. 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