Class Book _C__£_^ 4- 4^jr j? ■\ jn;".....^... .i.j..^..: jj;.. i;.'ji"" <'vM"''^ i- '■^ s;-'.!' n'tn ;•• re Q. o O (0 u 3 (D Q. h O T5 re a> CO a> o I o o / A GENEALOGICAL RECORD OF THE DESCENDANTS OF s„\, JACOB BEIDLER OF LOWER MILFORD TOWNSHIP, BUCKS CO., PA. TOGETHER WITH HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES ILLUSTRATED WITH PORTRAITS AND OTHER ILLUSTRATIONS BY REV. A. J. FRETZ, MILTON, N. J. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY REV. H. B. GARNER OF DOWNINGTOWN, PA. ' 1903 /J o<^ ^%€ PREFACE. The study of Genealogy is both interesting, and of great value. Its effects ought to be beneficial in maintain- ing the honor and integrity of a family extending back through a long line of progenitors whose memory should be cherished with loyal devotion to endless day, and whose virtues are worthy of emulation. It is commendable to be familiar with one's own family history, and eminently proper to put it on record in a convenient form for the benefit of future generations. Such records will be of incalculable value to genera- tions yet unborn, and will be highly prized by them, and upon the authors they will lavish lasting praise for having preserved from oblivion the traditions and history of the deeds and lives of the progenitors and their posterity. These geneological trees will become heirlooms in the family, and volumes will be sought for and placed in public libraries. In the family, too, they will wield an influence, as the lives of unselfish devotion to God, conscience, and family, of the forefathers are recounted, to keep unsullied and untarnished the family name. The work has been prepared at a much greater sacrifice of time than v/as anticipated. Had all promptly responded to communications the work would have been far easier, more complete, and less time and expense required. It is to be regretted that the records are not more complete, but, owing to the lack of interest in the work, some failed to respond and furnish the information desired. To Mr. Francis Beidler of Chicago, 111., belongs the credit of being the prime mover in securing the compilation of the Beidler History. Feeling a deep interest in the history of his ancestors and the origin of the family, he arranged for the collecting of the data and publication of the same in book form. IV PREFACE. The author acknowledges himself indebted to many of the family for kind favors received in the form of records and other data for the work, among whom may be especially mentioned those who have very materially aided the author in the work. They are: Rev. Harrison B. Garner of Downingtown, Pa. ; Judge Abraham M. Beitler of Philadelphia, Pa.; Joseph Beidler of Plumstead, Pa.; Levi N. Shelly of Dillinger, Pa.; Henry L. Shelly of Spin- nerstown. Pa.; Dr. M. P. Overholser of Harrisonville, Mo., and Miss Annie S. Overholt of West Overton, Pa., and others. AUTHOR. Milton, N. J., Aug. 6, 1903. INTRODUCTION. The desire to trace the ancestry of the present genera- tions, which have become so widely prevalent, for the past few years, is most laudable. It is no small honor to have had among the early settlers of this country those from whom we can claim our lineage. They were of the forces which gave character to the formative periods of our national life. This sturdy stock, to a large degree, had come through the adverse currents and storms of the religious persecutions, which were rife on the continent of Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Not only was it true of the early settlers of New England that they fled from the harsh restrictions of an established church in England, but also of many thousands who sought relief from the oppressive domination of the state church of Germany. The followers of Menno Simon found them- selves out of harmony with the polity of the Lutheran church, and sought for themselves a simpler and, as they claimed, purer mode of worship and service than was afforded by the great church of the Reformation. Unhappily for them they were in enforced, though unsought, opposition to the civil powers of the state which endeavored to secure uniformity of worship throughout its jurisdiction. To be other than Lutheran was to run counter to the authorized forms of religion. To differ from the legalized church resulted in fines, imprisonment and con- fiscation. The recalcitrant heretics who presumed to be- lieve otherwise than the prescribed orthodoxy of the state, had but little mercy shown them. Thus Protestants were repeating among themselves the hardships and sufferings which they had sought to escape by separation from the church of Rome. VI INTRODUCTION. Out from the midst of these turmoils many Mennonites sought refuge in the new country, which afforded a safe asylum to those who sought religious freedom. Emigration from the German states was quite general early in the eighteenth century. Many, following in the wake of Wil- liam Penn, sought homes for themselves in the unbroken wilderness of Pennsylvania. Jacob Beidler, the founder of this family in eastern Pennsylvania, doubtless was among the emigrants from the Rhenish Palatinate, whence so many of that faith seem to have come in the early years of the last century. Of his ancestry we have no knowledge. He came to this country when a young man and was married to Annie Meyer, daughter of Hans Meyer, who doubtless came from the same region about or prior to 1720, and was the progenitor of a numerous family. The history of his descendants is traced in the Moyer famJly records compiled by the author of this volume. Jacob Beidler settled in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa. The facts of his life are few that we have been able to glean. The conditions under which these early settlers gained a livelihood were onerous in the extreme. Their hardy endurance, thrifty economies, and sturdy piety as- sured their success. The pioneers of that period laid broad and deep the foundations on which the succeeding genera- tions were enabled to construct the fabric of our national Independence. If our forefathers were not to any great degree enrolled among those who fought to secure liberties during the Revolution, it was owing to their conscientious scruples against bearing arms. While others fought during those trying years of blood and tears, our fathers in tilling the soil and in prosecuting other industries, helped to supply the sinews of war. However, in later years when the nation's life was endangered by the throes of civil war, the sons of these peace-loving sires withheld not themselves from their country's call. In many a battlefield of the Rebellion they fought and fell and died. Engraven on many a monument erected to commemorate the deeds of the INTRODUCTION. VII heroic dead will be found the names endeared to families recorded herein, and again in these recent times when at the call of oppressed humanity our country sent her sons forth to battle among the islands of the tropics and of distant seas, it will doubtless be found that the strain of heroic blood has not ceased to flow in our veins. It would not go beyond the facts to claim that there are representa- tives of this family from its wide spreading branches in every state of the Union. There is no trade, business or profession but has registered among its members the kin of our ancient progenitor. Religion was the basis of the rugged virtues of the early colonists. The meeting-house was erected almost as soon as their homes. And prior to the rude structures in which they assembled for divine service, woods and valleys were made vocal with their songs of praise in the open air assemblages. We, who now enjoy all the luxurious appoint- ments of our modern church buildings, can scarcely realize the deprivations amidst which our forefathers carried on their religious services, and were happy, too, in these primitive surroundings, because they could worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences with none to molest or make them afraid. Of such God-fearing men and women were the first families of our ancestry composed. By dint of hard toil they wrought out for them- selves homes of comfort, and reared amid the simplicity of plain manners, homely graces and meagre resources, the children, who grew up to call them blessed. We of these later generations whose lot is so favorably conditioned, will do well to emulate their virtues. We may manifest the same power of endurance, if not in subduing the virgin soil, in overpowering the forces of evil which threaten our nation's perpetuity. We can cultivate their artless piety, which honored God in the home, reverenced Him in the sanctuary, and promoted His laws in the state. We may thus pass the heritage received from the fathers down to the generations which may follow us, not only unimpaired, but enhanced by the accumulated treasures of wisdom, knowledge and religion, the resultant of the forceful VIII INTRODUCTION. energies which we have consecrated in our day to the uplift of our common humanity. In closing these introductory remarks I desire to remind all interested in the work, of our lasting obligations to the compiler of this volume for the persistent and pains- taking efforts which have brought it to its present pro- portions. One who has never tried to secure such data cannot imagine the inertia and indifference to be overcome on the one hand and the meagreness of facts to be obtained on the other, nor again the difficulties in the way of secur- ing exact dates of births and deaths. But in spite of all these hindrances the author has by "patient continuance in well doing," been able to collect a wealth of facts and figures which are both surprising and gratifying. And again, there is not a living member of the families herein mentioned but has been placed under great indebtedness, also, to Mr. Francis Beidler, the one by whose disinterested contributions this book has become a possibility. Having a high estimate of the value of such a work and desiring for others as well as himself a knowledge of our common ancestry, he has fostered the undertaking with undimin- ished interest from its inception to its close. We, of the present, whose lines of lineage run back for nearly two centuries to the same honored source, may esteem it a welcome privilege to extend our cousinly greeting to one who has proven himself a worthy son of worthy sires. Yours in ancestral bonds, H. B. GARNER. Downingtown, Pa., July 1899. EXPLANATIONS. In the preparation of this work it will be observed that all descendants are recorded in the regular order of birth, from the oldest down to the youngest, throughout the entire connections, each generation being marked consecutively from first to last. The Roman numerals placed before each name designate the generation to which they belong, as — I. Jacob Beidler (first generation). II. Barbara Beidler (Newcomer) (second generation). III. Susanna Newcomer (Landis) (third generation). IV. Barbara Landis (Jacoby) (fourth generation). Beginning with the first (I.) ancestor, Jacob Beidler, all his children are named as near in order of birth as possible; then follows the daughter, Barbara Newcomer (II. generation), and her children (ill. generation) next, and so on down to the last of her descendants. Then the next daughter of Jacob Beidler, of the I. generation, viz. Anna (Beitler) Oberholtzer, is carried down in like manner to the last of her descendants, and so on throughout the entire connections. When marriages occur between members of the con- nection the husband carries the record. In the general index will be found the names of all descendants mentioned in the book, also names of those married in the family, and the pages on which their family records are given in the body of the book. To find family records see Index of Branches, where names of all who had children of the first, second and third generations are given. ABBREVIATONS.— Mrd. signifies married; S., single; Ch., church; Montg. Co., Montgomery county; Twp., town- ship; Ev. Ass'n, Evangelical Association; Presby., Pres- byterian; Luth., Lutheran; Menn's, Mennonites; Ger. Bap., German Baptists; Ger. Ref., German Reformed; Cong., Con- gregationalist ; Meth. Ep., Methodist Episcopal. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page CHAPTER I. Jacob Beidler. — Account of emigration to America; marriage to Anna Meyer; her family history; names of children 1 — 14 CHAPTER 11. Newcomer Branch. — Descendants of Barbara Beitler (b. 1737) and John Newcomer 15 — 72 CHAPTER III. Oberholtzer Branch. — Descendants of Anna Beitler (b. 1745) and Henry Oberholtzer 73—182 CHAPTER IV. Swartz Branch. — Elizabeth Beitler and Christian Swartz 182 CHAPTER V. John Beitler Branch. — Descendants of John Beitler (b. 1747, d. 1823) and Hannah Buckwalter (b. 1755, d. 1831) 183—272 CHAPTER VI. Abraham Beidler Branch. — Descendants of Abra- ham Beidler (b. , d. 1800) and Frone .273—286 CHAPTER VII. Jacob Beidler Branch. — Descendants of Jacob Beidler (b. about 1750, d. 1781) and Annie Lederach 287—321 CHAPTER VIII. Christian Beitler Branch. — Descendants of Chris- tian Beitler (b. 1754, d. 1827) and Susanna Shelly 322—334 TABLE OF CONTENTS OF GENEALOGICAL CHARTS. Chart Descendants of Pages No. 1, (I.) Jacob and Anna (Meyer) Beidler 19—334 No. 2. John and (II.) Barbara (Beitler) Newcomer 19 — 72 No. 3. Samuel and (III.) Susanna (Newcomer) Landis 19—28 No. 4, (III.) Jacob and Esther (Latshaw) New- comer 28 — 35 No. 5. (III.) John and Mary (Koppes) Newcomer 36 — 41 No. 6. (III.) Henry and Mary (Schleifer) New- comer 41 — 49 No. 7. Abraham and (III.) Elizabeth (Newcomer) Geisinger 49 — 52 No. 8. Daniel and (III.) Mary (Newcomer) Shelly 52—61 No. 9. (III.) David and Mary (High) Newcomer 61 — 72 No. 10. Henry and (II.) Anna (Beitler) Ober- holtzer 75—182 No. 11. Christian and (III.) Agnes (Overholt) Fretz 75—90 No. 12. (IV.) John and Frances (Shellenberger) Fretz 75—78 No. 13. (IV.) Henry and Susanna (Sherrick) Fretz 78—87 No. 14. Samuel and (IV.) Anna (Fretz) Stauffer. . 87—88 No. 15. (IV.) Christian and Catharine (Smith) Fretz 88—90 No. 16. (III.) Jacob and Elizabeth (Detweiler) Overholt 91—108 No. 17. (IV.) John and Elizabeth (Stauffer) Over- holt 91—97 No. 18. (IV.) Henry D. and Elizabeth (Sherrick) Overholt 97—100 No. 19. (IV.) Jacob D. and Mary (Freed) Overholt 100—101 No. 20. Christian and (IV.) Susan (Overholt) XII GENEALOGICAL CHARTS. Chart Descendants of Pages Stauffer 101—107 No. 21. (IV.) Martin D. and Mary (Shallenberger) Overholt 107—108 No. 22. Peter and (III.) Anna (Overholt) Loiicks.108— 124 No. 23. John W. and (IV.) Catharine (Loucks) Stauffer 108— 10» No. 24. (IV.) Henry and Mary (Myers) and Bar- bara (Stauffer) Loucks 109 — 112 No. 25. (IV.) Jacob and Catharine (Smith) Loucks. 112 — 114 No. 26. Jacob and (IV.) Mary (Loucks) Shupe. . .114— 115 No. 27. (IV.) Rev. Martin and Nancy (Stauffer) Loucks 115—119 No. 28. (IV.) John and Sarah (Bassler) Loucks. . .119— 121 No. 29. (IV.) Peter and Anna (Barkey) Loucks. .122— 124 No. 30. Samuel and (IV.) Sarah (Loucks) Dillinger 124—124 No. 31. (III.) Martin and Catharine (Overholt) Overholt 124—138 No. 32. Henry and (IV.) Susanna (Overholt) Shupe 124—128 No. 33. Jacob and (IV.) Esther (Overholt) Lane. .129— 132 No. 34. Adam and (IV.) Anna (Overholt) Tinstman. 132— 134 No. 35. (IV.) Abraham O. and Mary (Stoner) Overholt 134—135 No. 36. (IV.) Henry O. and Elizabeth (Bechtel) Overholt 135—138 No. 37. Jacob and (III.) Barbara (Overholt) Dur- stine 138—145 No. 38. (IV.) Abraham and Catharine (Sherrick) Durstine 138—141 No. 39. (IV.) Henry and Sarah (Pletcher) Durstine.141— 144 No. 40. (IV.) Christian and Catharine (Pletcher) Durstine 144 — 145 No. 41. Martin and (III.) Elizabeth (Overholt) Stauffer 145—155 No. 42. (IV.) Abraham and Mary (Newcomer) Stauffer 145—148 No. 43. (IV.) Henry and Susanna (Newmyer) Stauffer 148—150 GENEALOGICAL CHARTS. XIII Chart Descendants of Pages No. 44. Henry and (IV.) Anna (Stauffer) Sherrick.lSO— 151 No. 45. Samuel and (IV.) Sarah (Stauffer) Heath.151— 152 No. 46. (IV.) John T. and Susan (Strickler) Stauffer 152—155 No. 47. (III.) Abraham and Maria (Stauffer) Over- holt 155—170 No. 48. (IV.) Henry S. and Abigail (Carpenter) Stauffer 155—159 No. 49. John and (IV.) Anna (Overholt) Tinstman.159— 163 No. 50. (IV.) Jacob S. and Mary (Fox) Overholt. .163— 167 No. 51. (IV.) Abraham S. and Mary (Newmyer) Overholt 167—167 No. 52. John W. and (IV.) Elizabeth (Overholt) Frick 167—168 No. 53. (IV.) Christian S. and Catharine L. (New- myer) Overholt 169 — 170 No. 54. (III.) Christian and Elizabeth (Stauffer) Overholt 171—182 No. 55. (IV.) Abraham S. and Barbara (Sherrick) Overholt 171—177 No. 56. Christian and (IV.) Sarah (Overholt) Stoner 177—178 No. 57. (IV.) Henry and Sarah (Frick) Overholt. .178— 179 No. 58. John and (IV.) Elizabeth (Overholt) Stoner 180—180 No. 59. (IV.) Christian and Catharine (Leighty) Overholt 180—182 No. 60. (II.) John and Hannah (Buckwalter) Beitler 183—272 No. 61. (III.) Jacob and Mary (Landis) Beidler. . .187— 208 No. 62. (IV.) John and Rauchey Ann (Leacock) Beidler 189—193 No. 63. Isaac and (IV.) Elizabeth (Beidler) Walker.193— 200 No. 64. (IV.) Abraham and Sarah W. (Stephens) Beidler 201—204 No. 65. (IV.) Rev. Israel and Mary (Latshaw) Beidler 204—208 No. 66. (III.) John and Anna (Longacre) Beitler. .209—224 XIV GENEALOGICAL CHARTS. Chart Descendants of Pages No. 67. (IV.) Rev. Jesse J. and Elizabeth (Det- weiler) and Catharine (Rohr) Beitler. . . .210 — 211 No. 68. William and (IV.) Hannah (Beitler) Rogers 211—212 No. 69. (IV.) John and Thomazen H. (Thompson) Beitler 213—214 No. 70. Benjamin and (IV.) Mary J. (Beitler) Hawley 215—216 No. 71. Samuel and (IV.) Eleanor (Beitler) Bring- hurst 217—224 No. 72. John and (III.) Mary (Beidler) Landis... .224— 233 No. 73. Daniel and (IV.) Hannah (Landis) Long- acre 224—228 No. 74. (IV.) Abraham B. and Hannah (Miller) Landis 228—230 No. 75. (IV.) John B. and Ann (Himsicker) Landis.230— 232 No. 76. (IV.) Jacob B. and Hannah (Stubblebine) Landes 232—233 No. 77. (III.) Abraham and Mary (Brower) Beitler.233— 249 No. 78. (IV.) Daniel B. and Mary Ann Eliza (Merklee) Beitler 235—238 No. 79. Washington and (IV.) Hannah (Beitler) Garner 238—245 No. 80. Jacob and (IV.) Sarah (Beitler) Gibson. .245— 247 No. 81. (IV.) Joseph and Sarah (Cade) Beitler. . .247— 247 No. 82. (IV.) David and Elizabeth C. (Fiirey) Beitler 249—249 No. 83. (III.) Joseph and Mary (Benner) Beitler. .249— 252 No. 84. Isaac and (IV.) Sarah (Beitler) Stiteler. .249— 252 No. 85. Joseph and (IV.) Hannah (Beitler) Down- ing 252—252 No. 86. Moses and (III.) Ann (Beitler) Lewis 252—258 No. 87. Jesse E. and (IV.) Eleanor B. (Lewis) Philips 255—256 No. 88. Morgan and (IV.) Sarah (Lewis) Philips. .256— 257 No. 89. John S. and (IV.) Jane (Lewis) Davis 257—258 No. 90. (IV.) Isaac B. and Rebecca (Slawyer) Lewis 258—258 GENEALOGICAL CHARTS. XV Chart Descendants of Pages No. 91. John and (IIL) Hannah (Beitler) Lapp... 258 — 260 No. 92. (IV.) Jacob B. and Sarah E. (McCumber) Lapp 259—260 No. 93. Joseph and (III.) Elizabeth (Beitler) Downing; and Benjamin and (III.) Eliza- beth (Beitler) Riter 260—266 No. 94 (IV.) James and Margaret (Gheen) Down- ing 260—263 No. 95. Solon and (IV.) Sarah (Downing) Foster. 263— 263 No. 96 Morgan and (IV.) Mary Ann (Downing) Lewis 263 — 265 No. 97. (IV.) Charles C. and Hannah M. (Cos- grove) Riter 265 — 266 No. 98. (IV.) William W. and Sarah C. (Falkner) Riter 266—266 No. 99. Ezekiel and (III.) Eleanor (Beitler) Evans.267— 272 No. 100. (IV.) Thomas B. and Martha J. (Cheney) Evans 267—267 No. 101. William P. and (IV.) Hannah (Evans) Reiff 268—268 No. 102. (IV.) John B. and Louisa E. (Williams) Evans 268—270 No. 103. James W. and (IV.) Jane H. (Evans) Phipps 270—270 No. 104. Charles and (IV.) Mary (Evans) Frick 270—270 No. 105. (IV.) Evan B. and Annie R. (Garrett) Evans 271 — 271 No. 106. (IV.) Lewis H. and Phebe H. (Penny- packer) Evans 271 — 271 No. 107. (III.) David and Hannah (Evans) Beitler. 272— 272 No. 108. John and (III.) Mary (Beidler) Stahr 275—286 No. 109. (IV.) John and Sarah (Summers) Stahr. .275— 277 No. 110. Christian and (IV.) Mary (Stahr) Fluck. .278— 283 No. 111. (IV.) Samuel and Lydia (Clymer) Stahr. .283— 284 No. 112. Michael and (IV.) Anna (Stahr) Martin. .284— 285 No. 113. Alexander and (IV.) Elizabeth B. (Stahr) Texter 286—286 No. 114. (IL) Jacob and Anna (Lederach) Beidler. 289— 323 XVI GENEALOGICAL CHARTS. Chart Descendants of Pages No. 115. (III.) Henry and Susanna (Fultz) Beidler.289— 299 No. 116. (IV.) John and Anna and Mary (Kauff- man) Beidler 289—293 No. 117. (IV.) Jacob and Catharine (Nickey) and Susan (Kozer) Beidler 293—295 No. 118. John B. and (IV.) Susanna (Beidler) Adams 295—299 No. 119. (III.) Jacob and Susanna (Krout) Beidler. 299— 323 No. 120. Samuel and (IV.) Annie (Beidler) Stover. 300— 300 No. 121. (IV.) Aaron and Susanna (Kratz) Beidler. 300— 302 No. 122. Isaac and (IV.) Elizabeth (Beidler) Kratz. 302— 304 No. 123. (IV.) Henry and Sarah (Sammons) Beidler.306— 306 No. 124. (IV.) Nathan C. and Mary (Krout) and Elizabeth (Swartley) Beidler 307—312 No. 125. (IV.) Jacob and Mary Ann (Funk) Beidler.319— 320 No. 126. Jacob and (IV.) Susan (Beidler) Fretz. . .320— 322 No. 127. (IV.) Joseph and Maria (Bewighouse) Beidler 322—323 No. 128. (II.) Christian and Susanna (Shelly) Beitler 325—334 No. 129. Henry and (III.) Elizabeth (Beitler) Fretz 325—330 No. 130. Jonas D. and (IV.) Susan B. (Fretz) Moyer 326—327 No. 131. Philip K. and (IV.) Eliza B. (Fretz) Fretz 327—328 No. 132. (IV.) Henry B. and Elizabeth (Landis) Fretz 328—329 No. 133. Abraham and (III.) Nancy (Beidler) Moyer 330— 334 No. 134. (IV.) John B. and Hannah (Beidler) Moyer 330—331 No. 135. Daniel and (IV.) Susan (Moyer) Yoder. . .331— 331 No. 136. (IV.) Christian B. and Sarah (Landis) Moyer 332—332 No. 137. (IV.) Henry B. and Susanna (Kratz) Moyer 333—333 No. 138. Cornelius and (IV.) Mary Ann (Moyer) Loux 333 — 333 No. 139. (rv.) Abraham B. and Matilda (Koch) Moyer 334—334 I -5 I o 5 CD V> r+ 0) U a o o o Tl I o 3 n o 0! fD CD fD a> CHAPTER I. Jacob Beidler — account of coming to Pennsylvania, mar- riage to Anna Meyer, account of her family history and death, and names and marriages of children. I. Jacob Beidler, born in Germany about 1708, or 1709, emigrated to America in the early part of the eighteenth century. He is said to have been a "Redemptioner", that is, like many other German emigrants of Colonial times, he had not the money to pay his passage to America, and on his arrival in Philadelphia he was sold by the master of the vessel for a term of years, to a party who advanced the money for his passage over. It is quite evident that he served his time with some one in Chester county, Pa., as he at first lived in that county. He afterwards settled with his family in "Lower" Milford township, Bucks county, Pa., in what was then known as the "Great Swamp", and which was settled almost two centuries ago by English and Welsh Friends or Quakers, and by Germans of the Mennonite faith, who here sought and found refuge from the assaults of religious oppression in the fatherland, and here they and their descendants have lived side by side in peace and "brotherly love", generation after generation, for nearly two hundred years to the present time. The "Great Swamp" included in its territory several townships, and extended into the adjoining counties of Montgomery and Lehigh, with Quakertown as the central point. In the early settlement of this then wilderness dis- trict, much of the land was decidedly swampy and con- tinued so until the timber was cut down and the land drained. 2 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Tradition says the early settlers found the place covered with a luxuriant growth of grass, and mostly heavily timbered, while the forests were interspersed with small prairies, and a rich soil. Here, not having the facilities for building houses, they erected their rude dwell- ings of bark, and later built more substantial dwellings. The thrift and industry of the early settlers soon changed the aspect of the great swampy wilderness; land was cleared up and drained, the rude huts disappeared, and in their places v/ere erected more substantial dwellings, with ample barns for crops and cattle, and everywhere abundance prevailed. Wolves, bears, deer, panthers, and venomous snakes were numerous for years. Rattlesnakes were especially troublesome to the mowers, who were compelled to wrap their legs with hay or other material to ward off their bites. There were also Indians located in different places, but they were kindly disposed towards these peaceable followers of William renn and Menno Simon, and all through the years of bloody and devastating wars with the infuriated and often treacherous red men, there was no clash between them and these peaceable, non-resistant settlers. The wigwams of the Indians were generally along the banks of the creeks, and more particularly along Swamp Creek, a branch of the Perkiomen and Tohickon, not far distant from the Beidler homestead, and con- sequently they were close neighbors. Here on Swamp Creek there remained as late as 1770 a remnant of a once powerful tribe. These early settlers, followers of William Penn and Menno Simon, were people who had left their homes and kindred in the fatherland on account of their religious con- victions, and settled here where they might enjoy liberty of conscience. They were a quiet, unassuming, plain, in- dustrious and upright Christian people. A people of peace, conscientious sons of toil, mostly following the pursuits of agriculture, or were millers, weavers and carpenters, avoid- ing worldly honors and political ambitions. Later genera- -J 0) 3 O o 3 5' 3 3 O 3 ri-' CD o 3" -: o 3" I 3 W 3 a o •o T5 0) a to 3 a 3- n TO 3- t cn c T (S 2. JACOB BEIDLER. 3 tions, however, have entered more largely into other occupations and the higher professions, until now they occupy every walk in life, from that of the country school- master to that of the medical practitioner, public officials, counselors of the law, state legislators, judges of the courts, and college presidents. Then, too, among the descendants of these non-resistant pioneer settlers were even those who entered armed legions of war, commanded in battle and fell in defence of country, home and humanity. Jacob Beidler married Anna Meyer, daughter of Hans Meyer, a pioneer, who had emigrated from Europe, either Germany or Switzerland, in the early part of the eighteenth century, or about 1725, and settled in Upper Salford town- ship, Montgomery county. Pa., about two miles east of Salfordville, where he purchased a tract of land containing 216 acres, besides the usual allowance of 6 per cent for roads. The deed of Isaac Pennington and wife and Casper Wister, to Hans Meyer, bears date July 23, 1729. The original homestead of Hans Meyer is now owned and oc- cupied by Jacob L. Moyer, a great-great-grandson. Nothing is known of the life and characteristics of Hans Meyer. He was a Mennonite and worshiped at the Franconia meet- ing-house, where his remains were buried, but he has no tombstone. The family of Hans Meyer consisted of the following children, viz.: Barbara, Henry, John, Jacob, Elizabeth, Hester and Anna. Barbara Meyer was born about 1710, and married John Fretz, who with his brother. Christian Fretz, emigrated from near the city of Manheim, in the Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany, formerly known as the Palatinate, or Rhenish Prussia. The family had been for a number of centuries resident in Germany, but probably earlier were of Swiss origin. It is said the Fretz brothers emigrated to America during the "last persecution". The exact date is not known, but in all probability it was about 1725. They, too, had emigrated to America on account of religious persecution. John Fretz probably settled for a 4 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. time in Montgomery county, then in 1737 or 1738 purchased the homestead in Bedminster, Bucks county, Pa., and moved thereon, where he continued to live until his death in 1772. The children by his wife Barbara were: John, Jacob, Christian, Abraham and Elizabeth. John Fretz, Jr., born March 1730, married Mary Kolb, of Tinicum Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., in 1800; they emigrated to Canada, and settled in Lincoln Co., Ont., where he died "May 4, 1826, aged 96 years. He was a member and deacon of the first Mennonite church in Canada. Jacob Fretz, born about 1732, married Magdalena, daughter of William Nash. He at first lived near Erwinna in Tinicum township, on a farm later known as the Ervine place. He afterwards moved to Bedminster township, on the farm now owned by Aaron Yerger, where he died. Christian Fretz, born in 1734, married Barbara Ober- holtzer (daughter of Martin and Agnes Oberholtzer), of Bedminster Twp., Pa., in 1757. He inherited the old Fretz homestead in Bedminster, where he died May 1, 1803. His wife survived him twenty years and died May 8, 1823. It is a noteworthy fact that at the time of her death she was the mother of 12 children, had 109 grandchildren and 103 great-grandchildren. Abraham Fretz was born about 1736. He lived on a farm of 226 acres, located in the eastern part of Bedminster township, known as Fretz Valley, now owned by H. Erwin iretz and Reed Fretz, great-grandsons. Elizabeth Fretz, born July 19, 1739, married Jacob Kolb, May 22, 1760. He was born April 16, 1737. They at first lived in Tinicum township, and afterwards moved to near Blooming Glen in Hilltown township, where they died.* Henry Meyer, probably the eldest son of Hans Meyer, was born in Germany, and was brought to America by his * Many descendants have sprung from the above Fretz families, who are widely scattered over the United States and Canada, and for further account of them see Fretz Family History. o 5^ ■^ - -' "n o Q. -• ± JACOB BEIDLER. 5 parents when a year old. He married Barbara Miller, who came from Germany when eighteen years of age. He in- herited the old homestead of his father in Upper Salford, Montgomery Co., Pa. He was one of the original members of the Mennonite church of Franconia, Montgomery Co. He died about 1800. His children were: Henry, Mary, Jacob, John, Isaac, Annie, Barbara, Elizabeth, Christian, Abraham and Samuel. Henry Meyer, born 1750, married Susan Smith. He was a farmer, and lived in Plumstead township, and was an elder in the Mennonite church at Deep Run. Mary Meyer married Abraham Geisinger. Jacob Meyer, born April 18, 1754, died Oct. 11, 1826; married Maria Clemmer. John Meyers, born about 1756, died in 1814; married Catharine Souder, April 24, 1777. She died May 16, 1787. He married his second wife, Judith Fretz, July 3, 1788. He was a farmer and lived on the Durham road, southeast of Pipersville, Pa., and raised a large family. Isaac Meyer, born Dec. 31, 1759, died Dec. 31, 1832; married Magdalena Overholt. He was a farmer and lived in Bedminster township, where they died. Anna Meyer, born , married Abraham Kulp. Barbara Meyer, born , married John Wisler, farmer at Haycock, Bucks Co., Pa. Elizabeth Meyer, born , married Michael Shelly, farmer in Bucks Co., Pa. Christian Meyer, born , married Bergey. He was the grandfather of Rev. Isaac Meyer, and Rev. Abraham F. Moyer, both prominent ministers of the Menno- nite church. Abraham Meyer, died single. Samuel Meyer, born Aug. 30, 1770, died Nov. 30, 1831; married Mary Landis. He was a farmer and third owner of the Hans Meyer homestead in Montgomery Co., Pa. J6 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. John Meyer (son of Hans), married Mary Sensenich. "He was a farmer and blacksmith, and in early life moved to Bedminster, near Pipersville, and later to Plumstead township on the farm now owned by Amos Myers, a great- grandson. His children were: Henry, Abraham, Christian, Esther, Mary, Barbara. Henry Myers, born , died aged over 86 years. He married Margaret Geisinger. Farmer and blacksmith, lived in Plumstead township, near Smith's Corner. Abraham Meyer married Agnes Overholt. He lived in Plumstead township, and was also a blacksmith and re- paired edged tools. Christian Meyer, born April 24, 1772, died Nov. 15, 1850; married Hannah Derstine, May 5, 1799. He was a farmer and blacksmith, and lived on the old homestead in Plumstead. He was the grandfather of Amos Myers, the present owner of the homestead. Esther Meyers died, advanced in years, single. Mary Meyers died, advanced in years, single. Barbara Meyers married Charles Dyer. Jacob Myer (son of Hans) enlisted in the army in 1756, and nothing further is known of him. Elizabeth Meyer (daughter of Hans) married Christian Stauffer. They settled in Bucks county and lived and died on the farm in Bedminster now owned by Rev. A. M. Fretz. Their children were: Barbara, Esther, Ann, Mary. Barbara Stauffer married Jacob Hackman. She heired the homestead in Bedminster, which afterwards fell to her son, Jacob Hockman. Hester Meyer (daughter of Hans) married Nicholas Lear, of Providence Twp., Philadelphia Co., Pa. Their descendants have not been found.* * For further account of the descendants of Hans Meyer, see Moyer Family History. REV. J. SHELLY MEYER. (See page :i6.) JACOB BEIDLER. 7 Anna Meyer (daughter of Hans) married Jacob Beidler, the subject of this work. They settled at first somewhere in Chester county, and later in "Lower"* Milford township, Bucks Co., Pa., about one mile west of Spinnerstown, where he purchased a tract of 50 acres in 1753, and another tract of 70 acres and 111 perches was acquired by Proprietaries Patent of Thomas and Richard Penn, in 1760. In an article of agreement, dated May 1, 1801, Jacob Beitler agreed to convey to his son. Christian Beitler, and by his will, dated May 2, 1801, directed his executors therein named to convey to his son Christian all his lands, and in accordance therewith on April 8, 1811, John Beitler, surviving executor of Jacob Beitler, deceased, conveyed to Christian Beitler, of Milford township, the two messuages and two tracts of land in Milford township, containing 50 acres, and 70 acres and 111 perches, respectively. The indenture reads as follows: This Indenture made the eighth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven, Between John Beitler, of Richland** Township, in the County of Chester, and commonwealth of Pennsylvania, surviving executor of the last will and testament of Jacob Beitler, late of Milford Township, Bucks County, dec'd, of the one part, and Christian Beitler, of said Milford Town- ship, in the County of Bucks, in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, aforesaid Saw Miller, of the other part. Whereas, William Newman and Margaret, his wife, by In- denture bearing date the thirty-first day of December Ano Dom. 1753, for the consideration therein mentioned, did grant and confirm unto the said Jacob Beitler, deceased, and to his heirs and assigns, All that tract or piece of land situate lying and being in the Township Milford aforesaid, bounded and described as follows to-wit: Beginning at a post a corner of the herein described other tract; thence extending by the same east forty-six perches and three- * Now Milford township. ** Uwchland. 8 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. fourth of a perch to a post; thence by formerly Christian Shelly's now Henry Shelly's land south one hundred and eight perches and four-tenth of a perch to a hickory Tree, a corner of late Ludwig Shitz's now David Spinner's land; thence by the same West forty-seven perches and one- fourth of a perch to a post in the line of Ulrich Spinner's land now David Spinner's land; thence by the same North ninety-one perches and a half to a post in the line of the late Michael Eberard's now George Erdman's land; thence by the same east a half a perch to another post, and North eighty-nine perches and three-tenth of a perch to the place of beginning, containing fifty acres and the usual allowance of six per cent for roads, &c. (be the same more or less), and Wnereas, Thomas Penn, and Richard, late proprietors of Pennsylvania by Patent or grant under the great seal bearing date the eighteenth day of January Anno Domini 1760, for the consideration therein mentioned, did grant and confirm unto Jacob Beitler, deceased, and to his heirs and assigns, a certain tract or piece of land situate lying and being in the Township of Milford aforesaid, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a post, thence by land of late Abraham Shelly's east seventy-six perches to a post; thence by land of late Morris Morris south one hundred and sixty perches to the place of beginning, con- taining seventy-one acres and one hundred and eleven perches of land and the usual allowance of six per cent for roads, &c. To hold the said described two tracts of land with the Appurtenances to him, his heirs and assigns for- ever as in and by the said recited Indenture and Patent (which patent is on record in the office for recording of Deeds for the City and County of Philadelphia in Patent Book H., Vol. 20, page 410, &c.), relation being thereunto had, appears by force and virtue of which said recited In- denture and Patent the said Jacob Beidler (alias Poidler) became in his lifetime lawfully seized in his demesne of fee of and in the aforesaid two several tracts or pieces of land containing together one hundred and twenty-one acres and one hundred and eleven perches. And whereas, the said Jacob Beitler by a certain Article of Agreement, dated JACOB BEIDLER. 9f the twenty-first day of May A. D. 1801, for the consideration sum of six hundred pounds lawful money, did grant and sell the aforesaid two tracts of land unto his son, the above named Christian Beitler, under and subject to the payment of the said purchase money and certain reservations and lifely maintenance of the said Jacob Beitler and wife as in and by the said Article of Agreement may appear. And Whereas, the said Jacob Beitler being seized of and in the said two tracts of land as aforesaid made his last Will and Testament in writing, dated the twenty-second day of May A. D. 1801, wherein he did order and full empower John Beitler and John Newcomer (or the survivor of them), his executors of his said last Will and Testament, to sign, seal, execute and deliver a lawful Deed of Conveyance in fee simple for the said described two tracts of land unto his son, the above named Christian Beitler, sold in the above mentioned Article of Agreement, as in and by the said Will duly proven and remaining in the Register's office at New- town, recourse being thereunto had, appears. Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said John Beitler (surviving- executor of the last Will and Testament of said Jacob Beitler (dec'd), in pursuance of the trust reposed and powers vested in him by the said recited Will, and also for and in consideration of the assurance given by the said Christian Beitler for the punctual payment of the respective shares of the several heirs of the said Jacob Beitler, dec'd, out of the consideration money mentioned in said Article of Agreement according to the said Testator's recited Will, and also for and in consideration of the sum of five shil- lings lawful money to him in hand paid by the said Christian Beitler at and before the ensealing and delivery hereof, the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge, hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, released and confirmed and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff, release and confirm unto the said Chris- tian Beitler and to his heirs and assigns all the above mentioned and described two contiguous tracts or pieces of land by marks and bounds as above particularly described Together with all and singular the Buildings, Improve- 10 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. ments, woods, ways, water courses, rights, liberties, privi- leges, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever there- unto belonging or in any wise appertaining and the Reversions and Remainders, Rents, Issues and profits thereof. And all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demands whatsoever of him, the said Jacob Beitler, dec'd, and his heirs of in and to the hereby granted or mentioned to be granted premises. To have and to hold the said described two tracts or pieces of land Containing Together one hundred and twenty-one acres and one hun- dred and eleven perches of land & the allowance aforesaid, hereditaments and premises hereby granted or mentioned or intended so to be with the Appurtenances unto the said Christian Beitler, his heirs and assigns, to the only proper use and behoof of the said Christian Beitler, his heirs and assigns forever, and the said John Beitler, for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators, doth Covenant, prom- ise, grant and agree to and with the said Christian Beitler, his heirs and assigns, by these presents, that he, the said John Beitler, hath not heretofore done, Committed or wittingly or willingly suffered to be done or committed any act, matter or thing whatsoever whereby the premises hereby granted or any part thereof is or shall or may be impeached, charged or incumbered in title, charge, estate or otherwise howsoever. In witness Whereof, the said John Beitler hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. JOHANNES BEITLER. [seal] (In Grerman.) Sealed and delivered in the presence of DAVID SPINNER. CATHARINE SPINNER. (In German.) BUCKS COUNTY, ss. The eleventh day of April, Anno Domini 1811, before me, the subscriber of the Justices of the Peace in and for said County of Bucks, came the above named John Beitler and acknowledged the above written Indenture to be his act and Deed and desired the same to be recorded as such 'f%, rm \ JOSEPH L. NEWCOMER. (See page 33.) JACOB BEIDLER. 11 as the law directs. Witness my hand and seal the day and year first above written. DAVID SPINNER. [seal] To the homestead Christian Beitler in 1812 added by purchase from Henry Shelly a tract of three (3) acres and 57 perches adjoining. Christian Beitler died June 26, 1827, and Letters of Administration on his estate were granted July 16, 1827, to Henry Fretz, his son-in-law, the widow, Susanna, having renounced. April 28, 1828, Henry Fretz, of New Britain township, petitioned for inquest of the above real estate. His petition sets forth that Christian Beitler died intestate on the date above given, survived by a widow, Susanna, and issue, three children: Elizabeth, wife of Henry Fretz (the peti- tioner), Nancy, wife of Abraham Moyer, and Mary Beitler. The property as returned by a recent survey was found to contain 132 acres and 80 perches. The heirs neglecting to accept it at the valuation placed thereon ($37.50 per acre), it was sold after considerable delay, in November 1829 to Abraham Moyer for $36.75 per acre. The deed therefor, from Henry Fretz, administrator of Christian Beitler, to Abraham Moyer, is dated April 1, 1830. The homestead is now owned by Mrs. Alfred Ritter, who is a great-grand- daughter of Christian Beitler and granddaughter of Abra- ham Moyer, and resides on the property, but the old home- stead proper is occupied as a tenant house. Of the personality of the pioneer Jacob Beitler we know nothing, and the exact time of his immigration to America has not been ascertained, but it is said that he came with the "second immigration of William Penn." Jacob Beitler, a venerable pioneer, lived to the great age of 101 years, and is said to have become blind in his latter days. He made his Will in 1801, which was probated and registered May 12, 1810, and reads as follows: In the name of God, Amen. I, Jacob Beidler, of Lower Milford Township, in the County of Bucks and State of 12 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Pennsylvania, Yeoman, being weak in body, but of sound and perfect mind and understanding, Do make and put in writing this my last Will and Testament in manner & form following, that is to say — First, I order that all my Just Debts and funeral expenses be paid by my hereunto named Executors, and further I will and order my beloved Wife Anna shall have my Bed & Bedstead with all ap- purtenances thereunto belonging, likewise the chest with all what is in it for her use and and all other our Household Goods and Kitchen Furniture of whatsoever Sort it may be, and by whatsoever name it may be called, what we have at present, during her natural lifetime, and after her decease it shall be equally divided amongst all my children. Whereas, by a certain article of Agreement, dated the twenty-first day of this instant, I have sold all my Lands to my son. Christian Beidler, for the consideration of Six hundred pounds to be paid in ten Sundry Payments, as by the said Articles May Appear, which said sum shall be equally divided amongst all my Children. He, the said Christian Beidler, is to have his equal share of the said sum with the rest of my Children. I further give and be- queath out of the first Payment of the said six hundred Pounds the sum of fifty pounds to my Daughter Anna, the wife of Henry Overholtzer, her heirs and assigns. I also give and bequeath out of the first payment of the said six hundred the sum of fifty pounds to my Daughter Barbara, the wife of John Newcomer, her heirs and assigns. I also give and bequeath out of first payment of six hundred pounds the sum of fifty to my Daughter Elizabeth, wife of Christian Swartz, her heirs and assigns, and it is my Will and order that my son Christian shall pay the several last mentioned sums to my Daughters aforesaid as the same will become due in said Article, and it is my Will that after my said three Daughters are paid the several sums as aforesaid that then a full and equal division be made of the remainder of my personal estate, so that my son John Beidler may have his equal share with the rest of my children. Nevertheless it is also my Will that any sum or sums of money or Goods that any of my Children, either MRS. MARIA NEWCOMER. (See page 33.) JACOB BEIDLER. 13 Son or Daughter, have already had be included and counted in there share as part thereof, and it is further my Will that the Children of my Son Abraham, deceased, shall have an equal share with my Children out of my Estate, but shall be only entitled to the share to which their Father would have been entitled to if Living and that the same be divided amongst them in equal Shares, and also that the children of my Son Jacob, who is also deceased, have an equal Share with the rest of my children, but also shall be only entitled to the Share to which their Father would have been entitled to if living, to be divided amongst them in equal Shares, and I Will that the payments to my Grand- children shall only be twenty-five pounds a year until their respective Shares are paid off, and I will that my own Children be paid their full Shares out of my Estate before my Grandchildren receive their Shares or any part thereof out of the same. And it is further my Will and order that after the several Sums or parts of Legacies of my Daugh- ters is paid as aforesaid that then the remainder of my Estate be equally divided & that each of my Children have their equal portion of the same paid to them yearly ac- cording to the Seniority of Birth, all the whole is paid; and Lastly I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my son, John Beidler, and my Son-in-law, John Newcomer, to be the sole Executors of this my last Will & Testa- ment. And I do hereby authorize and empower them or the survivor of them to execute and deliver a good and suflEi- cient Deed of conveyance to my son, Christian Beidler, his heirs and assigns, for the Land Sold to him in the Article above mentioned. And I do hereby revoke all former Wills by me made, and do declare this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof, I, the said Jacob Beidler, have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty- second day of May, in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & one. his JACOB X BEIDLER. [seal] mark. 14 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Jacob Beidler to be his last Will & Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the testator. JACOB MUSSELMAN. FRANCIS SHELLY. Probated and Registered May 12, 1810. Farmer. Menn's. Children: 1. Barbara; 2. Anna; 3. Elizabeth; 4. John; 5. Abraham; 6. Jacob; 7. Christian. CHAPTER II. Newcomer Branch. Descendants of Barbara Beitler (born 1737) and John Newcomer. II. — 1. Barbara Beitler, born in 1737, died aged 73 years. Married John Newcomer. He was born in 1739, died aged 64 years, 11 months and 15 days. He was a farmer and lived and died in Upper Saucon Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa., on the place now (1898) owned by Charles Yeager. It is said that he was a Mennonite minister, and that he was imprisoned during the Revolutionary War "because being a Mennonite he was too conscientious to fight." The first meeting-house of the Mennonite congregation near Coopersburg, known as the Saucon Mennonite meet- ing-house, where John Newcomer and his wife are buried, was built about 1738, of logs. This was replaced by an- other in 1747. The present house was built in 1841. The first congregation worshiping there was the "Old School Mennonite", "and that body still retains all their original rights and privileges", but as there are scarcely any mem- bers of that creed remaining which still adheres to the creed of their fathers, they have had no regular pastor there since the death of Rev. Samuel Moyer in 1877. The "New School Mennonites" are now the only denomination holding services there. As no records were kept, it is im- possible to give the order in which the congregation was ministered to by its pastors, as two or three sometimes preached there at the same time, but among the early preachers was Rev. Jacob Meyer, who was born in Switzerland in 1721, died May 4, 1790, and who served as pastor till his death, but how long is not known. It is quite probable that John NeWcomer was associated with him as one of the ministers. John Newcomer made his Will in 1802, which was probated Dec. 7, 1804. His Executors were 16 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. his son, John Newcomer, Jr., and "Christian Beitler, his brother-in-law." The will reads as follows: In the name of God, Amen. I, John Newcomer, of Upper Saucon township, Northampton county, in the state of Pennsylvania, Yeoman, do find myself in an advanced age, but of sound and perfect mind, memory and under- standing, but considering the uncertainty of this mortal life, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, viz.: 1st. I Will and order that all my just debts and funeral expenses be speedily paid after my decease, by my herein- after named Executors. 2dly. I give and bequeathe unto my beloved wife, Barbara, a cow to have the choice out of my whole flock, the clock, two beds and bedsteads and bed- dings thereunto belonging, to take the choice out of all my beds, my ten plate stove, her chest, a table and such other of my household goods and furniture as she may choose or may have occasion for. I also give and bequeathe unto her the sum of one nundred pounds lawful money of Pennsyl- vania, to be paid to her in one year after my decease, the same to be paid out of my personal estate by my herein- after named Executors for her own use & at her own dis- posal in case she remains my widow. 3dly. I Will and order that my beloved wife, Barbara, shall have and enjoy all and singular the articles of sub- sistance, and the rights & privileges which I have re- served and agree upon for her in a certain article of agree- ment made between me and my tv/o sons, namely John and Henry Newcomer, bearing date the twenty-third day of this instant, as in and by the same may appear. 4thly. I do hereby give and bequeathe unto my said two sons, John and Henry Newcomer, the eight last yearly payments, each one hundred pounds, which they have agreed to pay unto me by the above mentioned article of agreement. 5thly. I do hereby give and bequeathe unto my son, Abraham Newcomer, the sum of four hundred pounds out of the last payment which he owes me and agreed to pay by a certain article of agreement bearing JOSEPH W. NEWCOMER, M. D. (See page 3o. ) BARBARA BEITLER. 17 date the twenty-third of this instant, as in and by the same may appear. 6thly. It is my Will and order that my six children, namely Susana, Jacob, Nancy, Elizabeth, Molly and David, each of them shall have his share (including what each of them has received of me in my lifetime), equal to the shares I have herein given to my three sons, namely John, Henry and Abraham, and those of my said six children which have not been advanced in my lifetime shall have a right to receive first a part of their or as much as will be an equal share of those that have been advanced in my lifetime and it shall be paid to them by my herein- after named Executors in yearly payments, as my said three sons are to pay the same according to the agreement aforesaid and after the shares are made equal amongst my said six children, then it shall be paid to them according to their rank of age, and when all the shares of my herein named nine children are made equal in the manner above set forth, then all the rest, residue, and remainder of my personal estate not otherwise herein bequeathea, of what kind & nature soever, I give and bequeathe unto my follow- ing nine children, namely Susana, Jacob, Nancy, John, Henry, Elizabeth, Abraham, Molly and David, equally, to be divided between them and to be paid in payments as they become due by my said three sons, according to their rank of age. 7thly. In case my said wife should happen to marry again then she is only to have the herein bequeathed house- hold goods and furniture, but all the other gifts hereby given and the privilege expressed in the heretofore men- tioned articles of agreement relating to her privilege on the premises and her yearly subsistance shall from thence cease, determin and be void. Lastly. I hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my said son, John Newcomer, and my brother-in-law, Christian Beitler, of Bucks County, to be the sole executors of this my last Will and Testament, and I do hereby give to him, the said Christian Beitel, full power and authority to sign, seal, execute and deliver a lawful Deed of Conveyance for one full, equal and undivided moiety or half part of the 18 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. whole into two full, equal parts to be divided of, and in two certain tracts of land which I have sold in a certain article of agreement, dated the twenty-third of this instant, unto my son, John Newcomer. And, also, full power and authority to sign, seal, execute and deliver a lawful Deed of Conveyance for the other one full, equal and undivided moiety or whole into two full equal parts to be divided of and in the said two tracts of land sold in the article of agreement aforesaid unto my son, Henry Newcomer. And likewise, full power to sign, seal, execute & deliver a lawful Deed of Conveyance for the plantation which I have sold in a certain Article of Agreement, dated the twenty-third of this instant, unto my said son, Abraham Newcomer. Further, it is my Will that the above said Deeds of Con- veyance shall be delivered unto my said three sons im- mediately or their well and sufficiently securing all and singular the payments and performance agreed upon and contained in the aforesaid Agreements, or when thought proper by my above named executors. Hereby revoking all other Wills and Testaments, legacies and bequests by me heretofore made and declaring this and no other to be my fast Will and Testament, in witness whereof, I have here- unto set my hand and seal this twenty-sixth day of Novem- ber, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and two. JOHANNES NEWCOMER. [LS] Signed, sealed, published, pronounced and declared by me, the said testator, as his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request have subscribed as witnesses. — Christian Schafer and Jacob Weber. Will proved Dec. 7, 1804. The children of John and Barbara Newcomer were as follows, viz: 1. Susanna; 2. Jacob; 3. Nancy; 4. John; 5. Henry; 6. Elizabeth; 7. Abraham; 8. Molly; 9. David. DR. GEORGE N. SWARTZ. (See page 44.) BARBARA BEITLER. 19 SECTION I. III. — 1. Susanna Newcomer, b. , d. , mrd. Samuel Landis, Apr. 27, 1783. He was b. , d. . Farmer and shoemaker. Menn's. Children: 1. Barbara; 2. John; 3. Abraham; 4. Elizabeth; 5. Samuel; 6. Mar- garetha; 7. Joseph; 8. Jacob; 9. Daniel; 10. Henry; 11. Anna; 12. David. IV.— 1. Barbara Landis, b. Jan. 16, 1784, d. Feb. 1849. Mrd. Conrad Jacoby. He d. in 1879, aged 86 years and some months. Mason. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Susan; 2. John; 3. Mary; 4. Samuel; 5. William; 6. Aaron; 7. Benjamin; 8. Henry; 9. Levi. V. — 1. Susan Jacoby, b. , d. Mar. 1851. Single. V. — 2. John Jacoby, b. in Springfield Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 11, 1811; d. in Lower Milford Twp., Lehigh Co., Nov. 10, 1892. Mrd. Mary Fackenthal. She was b. in Dur- ham Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., ; d. in Lower Milford Twp., Lehigh Co., Apr. 16, 1882. Farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Josiah; 2. Lewis; 3. Juliann; 4. Albina. VI. — 1. Josiah Jacoby, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 16, 1838. Mrd. Mary S. Beidler, June 7, 1862. P. O., Locust Valley, Pa. School teacher. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Calvin; 2. Silvy. VII.— 1. Calvin W. Jacoby, b. Sept. 27, 1864. Mrd. Lizzie Hanger. P. O., Plover, Pa. Farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: VIM. — Florence Jacoby. VII.— 2. Silvy E. Jacoby, b. July 6, 1872. Ref. Ch. S. VI. — 2. Lewis H. Jacoby, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Nov. 21, 1839. Mrd. Maria B. Slifer, June 3, 1865. P. O., Locust Valley, Pa. Teacher for 38 years, now farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Elmer; 2. Clara. VII. — 1. Elmer Augustus Jacoby, b. Apr. 24, 1869. Mrd. Iva Ramona Markley, of Skippack, Pa., June 26, 1901. P. O., 20 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Pennsbiirg, Pa. Instructor in higher mathematics in Perkiomen Seminary, Pennsburg, Pa., and Secretary of the institution. VII.— 2. Clara Minerva Jacoby, b. Feb. 10, 1876. Mrd. Charles D. Ott, Aug. 18, 1898. P. O., Coopersburg, Pa. School teacher. Ref. Ch. Children: VIM.— 1. Estella Marion Ott, b. Sept. 4, 1899. VIM.— 2. Arthur Roland Ott, b. July 8, 1901. VI. — 3. Juliann Jacoby, b. . Mrd. William Poering. P. O., Locust Valley, Pa. Children: VM. — 1. Howard Foering. P. O., Bethlehem, Pa. VI. — 4. Albina Jacoby, b. . Mrd. Peter Weaver. P. O., Locust Valley, Pa. Children: VII. — 1. Jennie Weaver, b. . Mrd. Dubbs. Res., Jersey City, N. J. V. — 3. Mary Jacoby. V. — 4. Samuel Jacoby, b. , d. . Mrd. Julean Cawley. She was b. July 25, 1815. Miller. Ref. Ch. Chil- dren: 1. Francis; 2. Isaac. VI.— 1. Francis C. Jacoby, b. July 27, 1835. Mrd. Susan Laubach. She was b. , d. . Children: 1. Mil- ton; 2. Stewart; 3. Morris. Francis mrd. second wife, Sarah Bartholomew. P. O., Quakertown, Pa. Miller. Ref. Ch. No issue by second marriage. VII.— 1. Milton Jacoby, b. Oct. 12, 1865. Mrd. Jennie Linn. P. O., Freemansburg, Pa. Children: VIM. — 1. Norma B. Jacoby. VIM.— 2. Russell xi. Jacoby. VII.— 2. Stewart Jacoby, b. Dec. 20, 1869. Mrd. Clara Cupple. P. O., Algona, Iowa. No issue. VII.— 3. Morris Jacoby, b. Oct. 21, 1877. Mrd. Mabel McKay. Res., 710 Florence St., Allentown, Pa. Children: VIM. — 1. Sarah I. Jacoby. I a 3 Q. > 3 3 SU CD o IT «D -5 3- O r+ N 0) -5 X o n en r+ Q. D o 0) ■o 33 c 3 CO Q. 3 cn r+ (D JS CD c o tn O O 13 BARBARA BEITLER. 21 VIM.— 2. Hilda E. Jacoby. VI. — 2, Isaac Jacoby, b. — arias. P. O., Bath, Pa. Miller. — , mrd. Amelia Zach- Ref. Ch., Children: 1. mrd. Mary Scholl. mrd. Ellen Smith. mrd. Cyrus Scholl. Irvin; 2. Edwin; 3. Preston; 4. Jacob; 5. Emma; 6. Milton; 7. William. VII. — 1. Irvin Jacoby. S. VII. — 2. Edwin Jacoby, b. P. O., Bath, Pa. One child: VIM. — 1. Irvin Jacoby. VII. — 3. Preston Jacoby, b. P. O., Bath, Pa. One cnild: VIM.— 1. Early Jacoby. VII. — 4. Jacob Jacoby. VII. — 5. Emma Jacoby, b. P. O., Bath, Pa. Children: VIM.— 1. Lizzie Scholl. VIM.— 2. Anna Scholl. VIM.— 3. Mamie Scholl. VIM.— 4. Willie Scholl. VII. — 5. William Jacoby. V. — 5. William Jacoby, b. , died in 1881. Mrd. Sabina Fry. P. O., Quakertown, Pa. Shoemaker. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Catharine; 2, Sarah; 3. Conrad; 4, Mary; 5. Thomas. VI. — 1. Catharine Jacoby, b. , mrd. Aaron Allen, dec'd. P. O,, Quakertov/n, Pa. Wheelwright. Ref, Ch. No issue. VI. — 2. Sarah Ann Jacoby, b. , mrd. John Landis. P. O., Quakertown, Pa. Children: 1. Ella; 2. William; 3. Jennie. VII. — 1. Ella Landis, b. , mrd. Fluck. P. 0., Allentown, Pa. VII. — 2. William Landis, b. , mrd. Rosier. P. O., Norristown, Pa. VII. — 3. Jennie Landis, b. . S. 22 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 3. Conrad Jacoby, b. , mrd. Olivia Funk. P. O., Quakertown, Pa. Laborer. Luth's. Children: VII. — 1. Annie Jacoby. VII.— 2. Addie Jacoby. VII.— 3. Eddie Jacoby. VII. — 4. Llewellyn Jacoby. VII. — 5. Frank Jacoby. VI. — 4. Mary Jacoby, b. , mrd. Fred Barndt. P. O., Quakertown, Pa. Painter. Mrs. B., Ref. Ch. Children: VII. — 1. Howard Barndt, b. . Res., Philadelphia, Pa. S. VI. — 5. Thomas Jacoby, b. , mrd. Hedrick. P. O., Quakertown, Pa. Blacksmith. Luth. Children: 1, Ida; 2. Adda; 3. Henry; 4. Aaron, etc. VII. — 1. Ida Jacoby, b. , mrd. Schoch. P. O., Richland Centre, Pa. VII. — 2. Adda Jacoby, b. , mrd. John Cassel. P. O., Richland Centre, Pa. VII.— 3. Henry Jacoby. S. VII. — 4. Aaron Jacoby. S. V. — 6. Aaron Jacoby, b. , mrd, Mary Llewal. P. O., Stinesburg, Pa. Miller. Ref, Ch, Children: 1. Emma; 2. Cyrus; 3. Aaron; 4. Edward. VI. — 1. Emma Jacoby, b. , mrd. Edward Grien- zeig. P. O., Stinesburg, Pa. Farmer. Luth's. Children: VII. — 1, Charles Grienzeig. VII. — 2. Laura Grienzeig, VII. — 3. Milton Grienzeig. VII. — 4. Ella Grienzeig. VI.— 2. Cyrus Jacoby, b. , mrd. Mary Weierbach. Res., South Bethlehem, Pa. Druggist, 4th and New Sts. Ref. Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Hattie Jacoby. VII.— 2. Willie Jacoby. X n 3 -i •< 9) 3 a. > 3 3 fi) [D (D o u- n s 3- O rl- N n ~i X o 3 n CO r+ fD su a (6 en r+ 3 o -J 3 o o -Q BARBARA BEITLER. 23 VII. — 3. Jacoby, d. infant. VII. — 4. Miriam Jacoby. VI. — 3. Aaron Jacoby, M. D., b. , mrd. . P. O., . Physician. Ref. Ch. No issue. VI. — 4. Edward Jacoby, b. , d. infant. V. — 7. Benjamin Jacoby, b. Dec. 15, 1820. Mrd. Rebecca Landis, Mar. 1, 1845. She was b. Dec. 18, 1819. P. O., Qual^ertown, Pa. Miller. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Quintus; 2. Emma; 3. Llewellyn; 4. Reuben; 5. William; 6. Irwin. VI.— 1. Quintus Jacoby, b. July 22, 1848. Mrd. Emma Bearss. Res., 2027 Gratz St., Philadelphia, Pa. Salesman. Episcopal Ch. Children: 1. Minnie; 2. Lillian; 3. Lloyd; 4. George; 5. Arthur; 6. Gertrude; 7. Mabel. VII. — 1. Minnie Jacoby, b. , mrd. Harry Baker. Res., 1830 N. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Hardware merchant. Episcopal Ch. Children: VIM.— 1. Stanley Baker. VII. — 2. *Lillian Jacoby, b. , d. small. VII. — 3. Lloyd Jacoby, b. . Res., Lancaster, Pa. Agent for Express Co. Episcopal Ch. S. VII. — 4. *George Jacoby, b. , d. small. VII. — 5. Arthur Jacoby, b. , d. infant. VII. — 6. *Gertrude Jacoby, b. , d. small. VII.— 7. Mabel Jacoby, b. . S. VI.— 2. Emma Jacoby, b. Dec. 11, 1850. Mrd. Charles U. Bachman. Res., 2321 Opal St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ins. Agt. Ref. Ch. Children: VII. — 1. Benjamin Byron Bachman. VI. — 3. Llewellyn Jacoby, b. Nov. 13, 1852, d. Apr. 9, 1858. * Lillian, George and Gertrude died small and were buried in one grave. 24 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 4. Reuben Jacoby, b. Aug. 29, 1854, d. Sept. 26, 1898. Mrd. Mary Lawless. Druggist. Ref. Ch. One child: 1. Maude. VII. — 1. Maude Jacoby, b. , mrd. Harry Johnston. Res., 1602 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. One child: VIM.— 1 Johnston. VI.— 5. William Jacoby, b. Apr. 1, 1858. P. O., Quaker- town, Pa. Druggist. Ref. Ch. S. VI. — 6. Irwin Jacoby, b. June 5, 1860. Mrd. Louise Caldwell. Res., 1634 Pine St., Phila., Pa. Life Ins. Agt. Mr. Jacoby, Ref. Ch. Mrs. Jacoby, Baptist. No issue. V. — 8. Henry Jacoby, b. , d. . Mrd. Cath- arine Shelly. Shoemaker. Mr. Jacoby, Ref. Ch.; Mrs. Jacoby, Menu. Children: 1. Emeline; 2. Willis; 3. Henry. VI. — 1. Emeline Jacoby, b. , d. , aged 21 years. S. VI. — 2. Willis Jacoby, b. , mrd. Perlena Shaffer. VI. — 3. Henry Jacoby, b. , mrd. Camilla Hart- man. P. O., Milford Square, Pa. Merchant tailor. Ref. Ch. Children: VII. — 1. Gertrude Jacoby. VII. — 2. George Jacoby. V. — 9. Levi Jacoby, b. , d. . Mrd. Cath- arine Ruhl, dec'd. One child: Climena. Levi mrd. second wife, Catharine Stover. Merchant. Ref. Ch. No issue. VI. — 1. Climena Jacooy, b. , mrd. Howard Bach- man. Res., Opal St., Phila., Pa. Ins. Agt. Luth's. Children: VII. — 1. Arty Bachman. VII. — 2. Warden Bachman. IV.— 2. John Landis, b. Jan. 16, 1784, d. . Mrd. Maria Kramer. Moved to the vicinity of Wooster, Ohio. Farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Thomas; 2. Catharine; 3. BARBARA BEITLER. 25 Eliza; 4. Samuel; 5. Reuben; 6. William; 7. Charles; 8. Susan; 9. Anna; 10. Mary; 11. Frank; 12. Sarah. IV.— 3. Abraham Landis, b. Dec. 28, 1784, d. . Mrd. Maria Hoss. Had children; all moved to the vicinity of Indianapolis, Ind. Farmer. Ref. Ch. IV.— 4. Elizabeth Landis, b. Jan. 3, 1786, d. Mrd. Roan. Lived in Juniata Co., Pa. IV.— 5. Samuel Landis, b. July 23, 1787, d. . Mrd. • Musselman. Had seven sons and two daughters: 1. Eliza; 2. Samuel; 3. James; 4. Jacob, etc. IV.— 6. Margaretha Landis, b. Nov. 25, 1788, d. . Mrd. Benjamin Jacoby. Children: 1. Samuel; 2. Peter; 3. Catharine; 4. Caroline; 5. Susan; 6. Benjamin; 7. John; 8. Levi. IV. — 7. Joseph Landis, b. Mar. 8, 1791, d. , mrd.- IV.— 8. Jacob Landis, b. Apr. 14, 1793, d. Mrd. Strunk. No issue. IV.— 9. David Landis, b. Dec. 5, 1795, d. infant. IV.— 10. Henry Landis, b. Dec. 26, 1796; d. Mar. 30, 1865. Mrd. Rebecca Swartz. Children: 1. Levi; 2. Eliza; 3. Peter; 4. Jacob, etc. IV.— 11. Anna Landis, b. in New Britain Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 9, 1797; d. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Mar. 30, 1865. Mrd. John B. Shelly, July 1821. He was b. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Sept. 11, 1799; d. there Feb. 8, 1886. Farmer. Menu's. Children: 1. Mary; 2. Susanna; 3. Diana; 4. Henry. 26 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. v.— 1. Mary Shelly, b. Aug. 13, 1822; d. Mar. 8, 1878. Mrd. Abraham O. Meyer, Sept. 2, 1841. He was b. in Lehigh Co., Pa., Aug. 6, 1820; d. May 12, 1900. P. O., 399 Hinman St., Aurora, 111. Farmer. Meth. Ep, Children: 1. Henry; 2. Catharine; 3. Josiah; 4. Levi. VI. — 1. Henry S. Meyer, b. in Lehigh Co., Pa., Aug. 6, 1842. Mrd. Mary A. Godshall, July 12, 1868. Res., 309 Bangs St., Aurora, 111. Agent for the Prudential Life Insurance Company of Newark, N. J. Meth. Ep. Children: 1. Min- nie; 2. Edna; 3. Lottie; 4. Stella. VII. — 1. Minnie Meyer, b. in Medina Co., O., Aug. 15, 1869. Mrd. Joseph W. Rooinson, May 26, 1892. Res., 1236 Garber Ave., Lincoln, Neb. Engineer (stationary). Cong. Children: VIM.— 1. Rhoda Mary Robinson, b. Apr. 8, 1893. VIII.— 2. Russell Meyer Robinson, b. Apr. 17, 1894. VIII.— 3. John Stanley Robinson, b. Sept. 30, 1895. VIM. — 4. William Joseph Robinson, b. May 7, 1897. VIM. — 5. Reuben Donald Robinson, b, Apr. 1, 1899. VIM.— 6. Henry Shelly Robinson, b. Jan. 31, 1901. VII.— 2. Edna Meyer, b. Dec. 19, 1876. VII.— 3. Lottie Meyer, b. July 28, 1880. VII.— 4. Stella Meyer, b. Nov. 9, 1883. VI. — 2. Catharine Meyer, b. in Lehigh Co., Pa., Jan. 22, 1846. Mrd. Ferdinand Kleyenseuber. Res., 24th and Fair- mount Ave., Richmond, Va. VI. — 3. Rev. J, Shelly Meyer, b. at Spinnerstown, Bucks Co., Pa., Nov. 2, 1849. Mrd. Lucy J. Rider, May 21, 1885. Res., St., Chicago, 111. At the age of fifteen years he moved with his parents to Philadelphia, where he was for the next fifteen years engaged as a clerk and book- keeper in a hat store, and learning a trade. At the age of thirty he attended Ponk College in Missouri; then he went to the Northwestern Seminary and studied for the ministry III. ABRAHAM OVERHOLT. (See page 155.) BARBARA BEITLER. 27 in the Methodist Episcopal church. Immediately after his marriage he and his wife started the training of women for mission work, in which they have since been engaged. They now have a school building with 234 dormitory rooms, and have plans for enlargement. The institution is known as the Chicago Training School, of which Mr. Meyer is the Superintendent, and Mrs. Meyer Corresponding Secretary. Meth. Ep. One child: VII.— 1. Shelly Rider Meyer, b. Sept. 5, 1887. VI. — 4. Levi S. Meyer, b. at Coopersburg, Lehigh Co., Pa., Aug. 23, 1859. Mrd. Emma Kratz, Aug. 12, 1885. P. O., Waukegan, 111. Receiving clerk for U. S. Sugar Refinery Co. Meth. Ep. Children: VII.— 1. Shelly Meyer, b. Aug. 13, 1886. VII.— 2. Elizabeth Meyer, b. Oct. 28, 1887. VII.— 3. Abraham Oren Meyer, b. Aug. 14, 1895. VII.— 4. Samuel R. Meyer, b. Jan. 15, 1897. v.— 2. Susanna Shelly, b. Feb. 22, 1824. Mrd. Joel Z. Shelly. Children: 1. Josiah; 2. Henry; 3. Edna. VI.— 1. Josiah Shelly. P. O., Quakertown, Pa. VI.— 2. Henry Shelly. VI.— 3. Edna Shelly. Mrd. Edwin Ritter. v.— 3. Diana Shelly, b. July 26, 1828. Mrd. Jeremiah F. Shelly. Children: 1. Emma. VI. — 1. Emma Shelly. Mrd. Jacob Ackerman. P. O., Spinnerstown, Pa. One child: VII. — 1. Minnie Ackerman. v.— 4. Henry L. Shelly, b. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., May 20, 1831. Mrd. Elizabeth Schliefer, Jan. 6, 1856. P. O., Spinnerstown, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. Children: 1. Malinda; 2. John. VI.— 1. Malinda Shelly, b. Feb. 16, 1858. Mrd. Abraham M. Geisinger, Apr. 27, 1882. Res., 2751 Darien St., Phila., 28 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Pa. Clerk. Menn's. Children: 1. Florence; 2. Helen; 3. Edith. VII.— 1. Florence S. Geisinger, b. Sept. 3, 1885. VII.— 2. Helen E. Geisinger, b. Oct. 21, 1893; d. Dec. 29, 1893. VII.— 3. Edith M. Geisinger, b. July 29, 1899. VI.— 2. John S. Shelly, b. Mar. 4, 1865; mrd. Mary Wieand. P. O., Spinnerstown, Pa. Menn's. One child: VII.— 1. Llewellyn Shelly. IV.— 12. David Landis, b. Apr. 3, 1800; d. ; mrd. Lydia Jacoby. Children: 1. William; 2. Maria; 3. Susanna; 4. Margaret; 5. Mary; 6. Lavina; 7. Elizabeth; 8. Henry; 9. David; 10. . V. — 4, Margaret Landis, b. ; mrd. Jacob Adams. P. O., Doylestown, Pa. V. — 7. Elizabeth Landis, b. ; mrd. Edward Hemerly. P. O., Doylestown, Pa. SECTION IL III. — 2. Jacob Newcomer, b. ; d. ; mrd Esther Latshaw. Resided in Vincent Twp., Chester Co. Pa., near the Yellow Springs. He died intestate, and let ters of administration on his estate were granted Feb. 15 1828, to his two sons John and Abraham. Children: 1 John; 2. Abraham; 3. Barbara; 4. David; 5. Ann; 6. Cath arine; 7. Joseph. IV. — 1. John Newcomer, b. in , 1800; d. July — , 1886; mrd. Elizabeth Jenkins. She was b. , 1811; d. Oct. 7, 1874. Teamster. Baptists. Children: 1. Sarah; 2. Esther. v.— 1. Sarah A. Newcomer, b. in Chester Co., Pa., July 27, 1834; d. at Norristown, Pa., July 19, 1895; mrd. James ABRAHAM O. TINSTMAN. ( See page 160.) BARBARA BEITLER. 29 B. Thomson, Oct. 27, 1853. He was born in Philadelphia. Pa., Apr. 22, 1829. Res., 626 Willow St., Norristown, Pa. Carpenter. Meth. Ep. Children: 1. Laura; 2. Ida; 3. Anna; 4. Emma. VI.— 1. Laura Thomson, b. July 8, 1855; d. Dec. 26, 1866. VI.— 2. Ida Thomson, Aug. 31, 1857; d. Sept. 2, 1891. VI. — 4. Emma I. Thomson, b. in Norristown, Pa., Nov. 1, 1864. Res., 626 Willow St., Norristown, Pa. Layer out of dead. Meth. Ep. Single. V. — 2. Esther Newcomer, b. in Chester Co., Pa., July 2x, 1839; mrd. L. D. Shearer, in 1857. He died . Children: 1. Effie; 2. Elmer; 3. Mary. Esther mrd. second husband, Wallace. Res. 555 2d Ave. Astoria, Long Island, N. Y. One child: 4. William. Vi.— 1. Effie Shearer, b. Dec. 29, 1860; mrd. David Cooper. 726 E. Clearfield Place, Astoria, L. I., N. Y. VI.— 2. Elmer Shearer, b. Apr. 30, 1862; mrd. ; Res., Greene St., Norristown, Pa. Painter. VI.— 3. Mary B. Shearer, b. July 30, 1866; mrd. Rodman. Res., 556 2d Ave., Astoria, Long Island, N. Y. VI.— 4. William Wallace, b. Dec. 8, 1876. Res., 555 2d Ave., Long Island, N. Y. Employed in mailing depart- ment of New York World. S. IV. — 2. Abraham Newcomer, b. ; d. about 1853-6, from strangulated hernia, at his home in West Vincent Twp., Chester Co., Pa.; mrd. Catharine . Farmer. Presby. One child: 1. Anna. V. — 1. Anna Maria Newcomer, b. ; mrd. Munshower. P. O., Phoenixville, Pa. IV. — 3. Barbara Newcomer, b. ; d. , aged about 22 years. Single. IV. Newcomer (daughter), b. ; died same autumn as Barbara. Single. 30 THE BEIDLER HISTORY, IV. — 4. David Newcomer, b. ; was drowned at about 30 years of age. Single. IV. — 5. Ann Newcomer, b. ; mrd. John Reed. Children: 1. Joseph; 2. infant. Mrs. Reed d. soon after birth of her second child, which also d. about same time. Carpenter. V. — 1. Joseph Reed. IV. — 6. Catharine Newcomer, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Dec. 12, 1812; d. at Wadsworth, Ohio, Aug. 1893; mrd. Jacob C. Longacre. He was b. in Chester Co., Pa., June 16, 1812; d. at Sharon, Medina Co., Ohio, in 1884. Shoemaker, later sawyer and farmer. Menn's. Children: 1. Joseph; 2. Henry; 3. Esther; 4. Deborah; 5. Jacob; 6. Mary; 7. Semella. V. — 1. Joseph F. Longacre, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Oct. 29, 1837; mrd. Louisa Jones, July 27, 1865. She d. July 16, 1887. One child: 1. Rudolph. Joseph mrd. second wife, Charlotte L Holdny, Sept. 28, 1893. Res., 70 Wilson Place, Cleveland, O. Carpenter and joiner. Ref. Epis. Ch. VI.— 1. Rudolph F. Longacre, b. Sept. 11, 1868; mrd. Nellie Sherwood, Sept. 26, 1889. P. O., Meadeville, Pa. Division freight agent, Erie Railroad Co. Attends Cong^l Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Mabel Ford Longacre, b. Aug. 7, 1890. VII. — 2. Gertrude Sherwood Longacre, b. Nov. 2, 1893. V. — 2. Henry Longacre, b. ; d. ; mrd. . One child: VI. — 1. Ellsworth Longacre, etc. P. O., Akron, O. V. — 3. Esther Longacre, mrd. Waltman. P. O., Wadsworth, O. V. — 4. Deborah Longacre, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Mar. 1, 1844; mrd. Frederick Alderfer, Mar. 3, 1864. He was b. in Montg. Co., Pa., May 4, 1838; d. at Sharon, Ohio, Aug. 2, BARBARA BEITLER. 31 1899. P. O., Sharon Centre, O. Saw milling and crate manufacturer. In 1899 he and his sons John and Frederick built a new saw mill and crate factory at the E. A. W. rail- road station, Sharon Centre, O., where the sons are doing a flourishing business. Frederick Alderfer was a man held in high esteem, a kind and affectionate husband and father, and an exemplary Christian. He was sick for a year, but was confined to his bed only eighteen days, when death came to his relief. He was very solicitous for the spiritual welfare of his family, and his prayer was that they might so live that they could meet him in the home beyond. His was a triumphant death, and as the veil that separates this from the future life was drawn aside, a glorious vision greeted his eye as he exclaimed, "What a beautiful car- riage is coming to take me through the clouds!" Menu's. Children: 1. Ella; 2. John; 3. Frederick; 4. Jacob; 5. Deborah; 6. Pearl. VI. — 1. Ella Catharine Alderfer, b. in Illinois, July 3, 1865; mrd. Almon Trump, Dec. 11, 1886. P. O., Sharon Centre, Ohio. Blacksmith. Luth's. Children: VII. — 1. Elno Trump, 12 years. VII. — 2. Rossie Trump, eight years. VII. — 3. Grace Trump; died, aged six weeks. VI. — 2. John Melvin Alderfer, b. in Medina Co., Ohio, Jan. 15, 1867; mrd. Stella Santee, July 1890. P. O., Sharon Centre, O. Sawyer and crate manufacturer. Meth. Ep. Children: VII. — 1. Ruth Alderfer, eight years. VII. — 2. Sterling Alderfer, three years. VI. — 3. Frederick Grant Alderfer, b. in Medina Co., O., Dec. 18, 1869; mrd. Nancy Hunt, June 1890. P. O., Sharon Centre, O. Sawyer and crate manufacturer. Menn. Children : VII. — 1. Walter Alderfer, ten years. VII.— 2. Cecil T. Alderfer. 32 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VII. — 3. Freddie Alderfer, five years. VI. — 4. Jacob Alderfer, b. in Medina Co., Ohio, Aug. 19, 1871. P. O., Siiaron Centre, O. Musician. Menn. Single. VI. — 5. Deborah Florence Alderfer, b. in Medina Co., O., Aug. 20, 1879; mrd. Austin Grubb, Aug. 27, 1898. P. O., Sharon Centre, O. Traveling salesman for church furniture. Menn. One child: VII.— 1. Vera Esther Grubb. VI. — 6. Pearl Permilia Alderfer, b. in Medina Co., O., Nov. 12, 1881. P. O., Sharon Centre, Ohio. Menn. Single. V. — 5. Jacob N. Longacre, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Sept. 22, 1846; mrd. Mary Ware, June 4, 1868. P. O., Sharon Centre, Ohio. Traveling general agent for th Great East- ern Fertilizer Co., and farmer. Methodist. Children: 1. Dawson; 2. Lottie. VI. — 1. Dawson S. Longacre, b. Jan. 12, 1873; mrd. Delia Anderson, Apr. 6, 1898. P. O., Medina, Ohio. Tele- graph operator, C. L. W. R. R. Congregational Ch. One child: VII. — 1. Leland Jacob Longacre, b. Nov. 1, 1898. VI. — 2. Lottie B. Longacre, b. Jan. 30, 1877; mrd. John Nisley, Oct. 25, 1898. P. O., Boneta, Ohio. Merchant. Methodist. V. — 6. Mary Longacre, b. in Pennsylvania, Sept. 3, 1851; mrd. Joseph Henry Gates, in Wadsworth, Ohio, Oct. 5, 1871. P. O., Doylestown, Ohio. Laborer. Three children: 1. Myrtle; 2. Emma; 3. Jacob. VI.— 1. Myrtle Mary Gates, b. Feb. 5, 1873. S. VI. — 2. Emma Catharine Gates, b. July 1, 1874. P. O., Doylestown, O. liaptist. S. VI.— 3. Jacob Henry Gates, b. Sept. 10, 1879. P. O., Doylestown, Pa. Rubber tire maker. S. V. — 7. Semella Longacre, b. in Wadsworth, Medina Co., Ohio, Feb. 7, 1857; mrd. B. F. Siegfried, Nov. 26, 1878. P. O., Wadsworth, Ohio. Repair work on furniture, etc. Ref. Ch. Children: CHRISTIAN S. OVERHOLT. (See page 1(39.) BARBARA BEITLER. 33 VI.— 1. Maud Lettie Siegfried, b. Jan. 30, 1883. Ref. Ch. VI.— 2. Ira Dawson Siegfried, b. Feb. 24, 1885. VI.— 3. Ceril Fredrick Siegfried, b. May 29, 1892. IV. — 7. Joseph Latshaw Newcomer, b. near Spring City, Chester Co., Pa., April 1817; d. at Petersburg, Menard Co., 111., July 16, 1896; mrd. Maria Royer, Aug. 10, 1837. She was born near Spring City, Chester Co., Pa., Apr. 24, 1815. P. O., Petersburg, 111. Shoemaker, afterwards farmer. Mrs. Newcomer is still living (1899), has a well preserved mem- ory, and is remarkably clever with the needle, having within two years nearly completed a sufficient number of patches for three silk quilts. In early life they were mem- bers of the Lutheran church and later joined the Presby- terian church. Children: 1. Joseph; 2. Elizabeth; 3. John; 4. Sarah; 5. William. V. — 1. Joseph Washington Newcomer, M. D., b. in West Vincent Twp., Chester Co., Pa., Sept. 17, 1838; mrd. Eliza Jane White, of Petersburg, 111., Dec. 5, 1867. She was b. Feb. 9, 1846; d. Apr. 17, 1881. Children: 1. Albert; 2. Joseph; 3. Irving; 4. Jean; 5. Paul; 6. Nathan; 7. Bertha; 8. John. Joseph mrd. second wife, Sarah Ellen Jenkins, Oct. 14, 1885. She was b. near Newton Hamilton, Mifflin Co., Pa. P. O., Petersburg, 111. Dr. Joseph W. Newcomer attended Fremont Academy near his home, after which he taught in the public schools in Chester and Berks counties, Pennsylvania, for part of five years. He then read medicine with Dr. Morris Fussell, of Chester Springs, Pa., and graduated at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Mar. 10, 1864. He served as assistant surgeon in the U. S. Navy (regular) from April 1864 to August 1865, resigning from the service at New Orleans Naval Hospital. While in the service he was on duty at Washington Navy Yard, New Orleans Naval Hospital and aboard the U. S. S. Seminole and the old Vincennes. In March 1864 he went to Ottawa, Illinois, and in July of the same year to Petersburg, Illinois, which has since been his home, and where he has ever since enjoyed a lucrative practice. Dr. Newcomer is Presi- 4 34 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. dent of the Board of Pension Examiners at Petersburg, 111. He is a member of the American Medical Association, the Illinois State Medical and the Brainard District Medical Societies. He is a member of Estill Post G. A. R. ; Salem Lodge No. 123, I. O. O. F.; Clinton Lodge, A. F. & A. M.; Dewitt Chapter St. Aldemar Commandery, and Peoria Con- sistory. He is a Ruling Elder of the First Presbyterian church of Petersburg, 111., of which the family are also members. VI. — 1. Albert Isaac Newcomer, D. D. S., b. Nov. 23, 1868; mrd. Althea Ray Jones, Sept. 26, 1899. P. O., Beards- town, 111. Educated in Petersburg (111.) High School, and graduated at the Dental Department of Vanderbilt Uni- versity, Nashville, Tenn. Dentist. Cong. Ch. VI. — 2. Joseph Hardin Newcomer, b. Sept. 23, 1870. Educated in city schools and in the University of Illinois at Champaign, 111. Traveling in the West (1899). Presb. S. VI.— 3. Irving Newcomer, M. D., b. Nov. 28, 1872; mrd. Neffa B. Emerson, of Bloomington, 111., Sept. 27, 1899. He was educated in the city schools and at Illinois College, Jacksonville, 111., and graduated at Jefferson Medical Col- lege, Philadelphia, Pa., May 1896, and is associated with his father in the practice of medicine at Petersburg, 111. Deacon First Presbyterian church, Petersburg, 111. Chil- dren: VM. — Emerson Royer Newcomer, b. July 1, 1900. VI. — 4. Jean M. Newcomer, A. B., b. Feb. 15, 1875. Educated at Rockford College, Rockford, 111., and is teach- ing in the Public High School, Harvard, 111. Presby. S. VI.— 5. Paul William Newcomer, b. Aug. 22, 187—. Educated at the University of Illinois, Champaign, 111.; at- tended one course of lectures at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, another at Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111. VI. — 6. Nathan Bennet Newcomer, b. Jan. 3, 1879. Student at Illinois College, Jacksonville, 111. Presby. VI.— 7. Bertha Newcomer, b. Mar. 22, 1880. Student at Illinois Female College, Jacksonville, 111. Presby. III. CHRISTIAN OVERHOLT. (See page 170.) BARBARA BEITLER. 35 VI. — 8. John Newcomer, b. Apr. 16, 18 — ; d. same day. V. — 2. Elizabeth Ann Newcomer, b. Sept. 1, 1841; d. Sept. 7, 1841. V. — 3. John Franklin Newcomer, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Oct. 15, 1842; mrd. Catharine Levengood, Dec. 25, 1869. P. O,, St. Peters, Pa. Farmer. Meth's. Children: 1, Joseph; 2. Lillie; 3. Bessie; 4. . VI. — 1. Joseph Newcomer, Jr., b. . P. O., St. Peters, Pa. VI. — 2. Lillie Newcomer, b. ; mrd. Frederick Sleigle. P. O., Parkersford, Pa. Baker. VI. — 3. Bessie Newcomer, b. ; d. . VI. — 4. Newcomer, b. . V. — 4. Sarah Louisa Newcomer, b. Oct. 14, 1846; d. aged about seven years. V. — 5. William Henry Harrison Newcomer, b. Sept. 8, 1850; d. aged about eleven years. SECTION m. III. — 3. Nancy Newcomer, b. about 1772; d. mrd. Jacob Fretz, son of Henry Fretz, known as "Shoe- maker Henry" — son of pioneer "Weaver" John (and wife Maria) Fretz. Jacob Fretz lived for some time below Doylestown, Pa., where he followed shoemaking. No chil- dren. After the death of his wife, Nancy Newcomer, he married her brother David Newcomer's widow, maiden name Mary High. They moved to Wadsworth, Medina Co., Ohio, where they died. No children. SECTION IV. III. — 4. John Newcomer, Jr., b. Jan. 18, 1774; d. Jan. 27, 1837; mrd. Mary Kopper, about 1808. She was b. Jan. 21, 1788; d. Jan. 1, 1872. Farmer and weaver. Lived near Zions Hill, Pa. Menn's. Children: 1. Anna; 2. Elizabeth; 3. Barbara; 4. Susanna; 5. Catharine; 6. Mary; 7. Sarah; 8. Rebecca; 9. John. 36 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. IV. — 1. Anna Newcomer, b. Oct. 10, 1809; d. ; mrd. Jacob Dotterer, dec'd. Blacksmith in Springfield Twp. Menn's. Children: 1. Henry; 2. Daniel; 3. John; 4. Milton; 5. Jacob. V. — 1. Henry Dotterer, b. ; mrd. Mohr. P. O., Passer, Pa. Children: Ephraim, Charles. V. — 2. Daniel Dotterer, b. ; d. . Single. V. — 3. John Dotterer, b. ; d. ; mrd. Lu- cinda Miisselman. Children: Alice, dec'd, etc. v.— 4. Milton Dotterer. V. — 5. Jacob Dotterer. IV. — 2. Elizabeth Newcomer, b. Dec. 8, 1810; d. in the spring of 1899. She had been a great sufferer for some years. About the year 1880 she became paralyzed, and from 1897 until she died she was unable to walk. S. IV. — 3. Barbara Newcomer, b. Nov. 20, 1812; d. mrd, Jacob Yoder. Farmer near the Saucon Mennonite church. Menn's. No children. IV. — 4. Susanna Newcomer, b. Nov. 17, 1814; d. Apr. 1, 1889; mrd. Aaron Reinhard. He was b. in Upper Saucon, Lehigh Co., Pa., Mar. 29, 1816; d. Sept. 25, 1898. Laborer. Mr. R., Luth.; Mrs. R., Menu. Children: 1. Elmira; 2. Francis; 3. Mary; 4. Mendon; 5. Edwin; 6. Emma. V. — 1. Elmira Reinhard, b. in Upper Saucon Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa., Aug. 11, 1844; mrd. Owen Hillegass, in 1875. P. O., Coopersburg, Pa. Farmer. Luth. Children: VI. — 1. ^nnie Hillegass, b. Jan. 27, 1876. P. O., Coopers- burg, Pa., Ref. Ch. S. VI.— 2. Lizzie M. Hillegass, b. Oct. 10, 1881. P. O., Coopersburg, Pa. Ref. Ch. S. V. — 2. Francis A. Reinhard. b. in Upper Saucon Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa., Apr. 28, 1846; mrd. Ascillia C. Mory, Mar. MRS. ELIZABETH OVERHOLT. i See ):ase ITn. ) BARBARA BEITLER. 37 22, 1873. P. O., Centre Valley, Pa. Carpenter and painter. Mr. R., Luth.; Mrs. R., Ret Ch, Children: 1. Ida; 2. Elmer. VI. — 1. Ida Hanna Reinhard, b. in Lehigh Co., Pa., Oct. 19, 1873; mrd. Charles C. Hohe. P. O., Emaus, Pa. Operator. Ref. Ch. Children: VII. — 1. George Washington Francis Hohe, b. Feb. 22, 1896. VII.— 2. Elmer Charles Hohe, b. Mar. 3, 1898. VI. — 2. Elmer Charles Reinhard, b. at Centre Valley, Pa., June 10, 1875. Res., 1316 Green St., Philadelphia, Pa. Insurance agent. Ref. Ch. Single. V. — 3. Mary Ann Reinhard, b. in Lehigh Co., Pa., Nov. 11, 1847; mrd. Levi Balliet. P. O., Friedensville, Pa. Black- smith. Luth. Children: 1, Harvey; 2. Ellen; 3. Emma; 4. Willie; 5. Jeremiah. VI.— 1. Harvey Balliet, b. in Lehigh Co., Pa., Dec. 27, 1869; mrd. Ida Frankenfield, , 1891. P. O., Durham, Pa. Harnessmaker. Luth's. Children: VII.— 1. Meda M. Balliet, b. Dec. 20, 1891. VII.— 2. William Maynard Balliet, b. Sept. 10, 1893. VII.— 3. Mary Alice Balliet, b. Jan. 5, 1896. VII.— 4. Oliver Edward Balliet, b. Sept. 5, 1899. VI.— 2. Ellen Balliet, b. June 30, 1872; d. Aug. 11, 1872. VI. — 3. Emma L. Balliet, b. in Lower Saucon Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa., May 6, 1873; mrd. Edwin A. Boyer, , 1890. P. O., Bowmanstown, Pa. Luth's. Children: VII.— 1. E. Frank Boyer, b. Nov. 30, 1890. VI.— 4. Willie Foster Balliet, b. Dec. 4, 1876; d. Dec. 12, 1876. VI. — 5. Jeremiah Iven Balliet, b. Mar. 18, 1881; d. Mar. 26, 1881. V. — 4. Mendon H. Reinhard, b. June 4, 1850; mrd. Liz- zie Oberholtzer. P. O., Morwood, Pa. Carpenter. Luth's. Children: 38 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 1. Annie Reinhard, b. Mar. 3, 1881. VI.— 2. Robert Reinhard, b. Oct. 16, 1883. VI.— 3. William Reinhard, b. Oct. 9, 1886. VI.— 4. Wesley Reinhard, b. Feb. 20, 1889. VI.— 5. Alvin Reinhard, b. Apr. 1, 1892. VI.— 6. Elmer Reinhard, b. May 11, 1895. V. — 5. Edwin Aaron Reinhard, b. Aug. 12, 1852; d. Dec. 27, 1857. V. — 6. Emma Rebecca Reinhard, b. Sept. 23, 1854; d. Dec. 24, 1857. IV. — 5. Catharine Newcomer, b. in Lehigh Co., Pa., June 16, 1817; d. at Reading, Pa., Feb. 17, 1891; mrd. David H. Gehman, Nov. 27, 1845. He was b. in Berks Co., Pa., Oct. 8, 1825; d. at Reading, Pa., Sept. 17, 1892. Blacksmith. Ger. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Amanda; 2. William; 3. Emma; 4. Alfred; 5. Edward. V. — 1. Amanda Gehman, b. in Lehigh Co., Pa., Oct. 11, 1846; mrd. Frank Hippensteal. P. O., Centre Valley, Pa. One child: VI. — 1. Morris. P. O., Centre Valley, Pa. V. — 2. William H. Gehman, b. in Lehigh Co., Pa., Oct. 17, 1848; d. at Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 17, 1897; mrd. Sue M. Daniel, of Marshall, 111., Jan. 22, 1884. P. O., Marshall, 111. Mr. Gehman enlisted Aug. 17, 1864, in Co. H., 54th Reg't, Pa. Vol., before he was quite sixteen years old, served one year, and was engaged in a number of battles. After his return he learned the blacksmith trade. In 1871 he went west, traveled in western and southwestern states, being em- ployed mostly with railroad companies. At the time of his death he was conductor of a passenger train at Memphis, Tenn. Mr. Gehman was a man who stood well with all who knew him, a quiet, unassuming gentleman, and was con- sidered the soul of honor, one of God's noblemen, of whom none need be ashamed. Episcopalians. Children: DR. JACOB A. SHESLER. (See page 174.) BARBARA BEITLER. 39 VI. — 1. Hazel Gehman, b. Jan. 3, 1887. VI.— 2. Leslie Gehman, b. Sept. 17, 1889. VI. — 3. Gary Hawthorne Gehman, b. Oct. 27, 1895. VI. — 4. Bonnie Dess Gehman, b. Jan. 6, 1897. V. — 3. Emma R. Gehman, b. in Lehigh Co., Pa., Feb. 15, 1850; mrd. trank Himmelreich. Res., 1116 Douglas St., Reading, Pa. v.— 4. Alfred H. Gehman, b. July 23, 1852; d. Nov. 24, 1871. V. — 5. Edward F. Gehman, b. in Lehigh Co., Pa., Oct. 30, 1854; mrd. Susan S. Clauser, . Res., 634 N. 10th St., Reading, Pa. Carriage-body maker. Ger. Ref. Children: 1. William; 2. Ralph; 3. Lloyd; 4. Edna; 5. Earl. VI. — 1. William C. Gehman, b. at Reading, Pa., Sept. 9, 1874. 137 N. Lindenwood St., Philadelphia, Pa. VI.— 2. Ralph D. Gehman, b. Feb. 13, 1882. VI.— 3. Lloyd E. Gehman, b. Dec. 30, 1884. VI. — 4. Edna F. Gehman, b. Dec. 5, ; d. . VI. — 5. Earl E. Gehman, b. June 25, 1889. IV.— 6. Mary Newcomer, b. Feb. 6, 1819; d. in 1888; mrd. Peter Schleifer. tie was b. in 1813; d. 1896, Farmer, near Zions Hill, Bucks Co., Pa. Menu's. Children: 1. Wil- liam; 2. Henry; 3. Mary; 4. Elmina; 5. Peter; 6. John; 7. Charles. v.— 1. William Schleifer, b. June 30, 1848, Lehigh Co., Pa.; mrd. Emma S. Weiss, Nov. 21, 1869. Res., 113 Gepp St., Bethlehem, Pa. Butcher. Menu's. One child: 1. Alice. VI. — 1. Alice Schleifer, b. ; mrd. William H. Rosenberger, in 1890. He was b. Aug. 9, 1868. P. O., Centre Valley, Pa. Butcher. Menn. Children: VII.— 1. Violet Rosenberger, b. Feb. 8, 1891. VII.— 2. Mildred Rosenberger, b. Mar. 9, 1895. 40 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. V. — 2. Henry Schleifer, b. ; mrd. Anna M, Snyder. Res., Allentown, Pa. (Whitehall Mills). Miller, Luth. Children: VI.— 1. Charles F. Schleifer, b. June 13, 1880. Luth. VI.— 2. Minnie E. Schleifer, b. Nov. 11, 1882. V. — 3. Mary Schleifer, b. , 1850; mrd. John Urmy, in 1872. He died in IS'iS, aged 41 years. Farmer. Menu's. Children: 1. William; 2. Ella. VI. — 1. William Urmy, b. in 1872; mrd. Aggie Weider. P. O., Coopersburg, Pa. Baker. Moravians. No children. VI.— 2. Ella Urmy, b. in 1874; mrd. Elmer Beck. P. O. Centre Valley, Pa. Employed in Bethlehem Iron Works. Mr. B., Luth.; Mrs. B., Menu. One child: VII.— 1. Beck, b. 1899. V. — 4. Elmina Slifer, b. in Saucon Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa., Apr. 1, 1852; d. at Quakertown, Pa., May 21, 1886; mrd. William H, Mininger, in 1869. P. O., Quakertown, Pa. Teacher, Ref. Ch. Child: 1. Alice. VI. — 1. Alice Virginia Mininger, b. at Zion Hill, Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 27, 1870; d. Mar. 7, 1887. Ref. Ch. v.— 5. Peter Schleifer, b. ; d. . V. — 6, John Schleifer, b. in Saucon Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa.; mrd. Dora Ackerman, in 1883. P, O., Zion Hill, Pa, Farmer. Luth. One child: VI.— 1. Clara A, Schleifer, b. Feb. 19, 1889. V. — 7. Charles Schleifer, b. ; mrd, Lydia Sten- ner. Farmer, Luth's. No children. IV. — 7. Sarah Newcomer, b. Feb. 5, 1821; mrd. Ephraim Geisinger. Farmer. Menu's. No children. IV.— 8. Rebecca Newcomer, b. Mar. 9, 1823; d. Aug. 24, 1«92; mrd. John Arnold. He was b. Mar. 17, 1816; d. Dec. 20, 1891. Farmer and Fellow-band and bending factory. BARBARA BEITLER. 41 Liith's. Children: 1. William; 2. Elemina; 3. Amanda; 4. Franklin; 5. Silvia. V. — 1. William A. Arnold, b. ; mrd. Emma Bar- ron. P. O., Coopersburg, Pa. V. — 2. Elemina C. Arnold, mrd. Henry G. Koch. V. — 3. Amanda R. Arnold. P. O., Coopersburg, Pa. S. V. — 4. Franklin J. Arnold. P. O., Coopersburg, Pa. S. V. — 5. Silvia E. Arnold, b. in Lehigh Co., Pa., June 23, 1862; mrd. Horace H. Erdman, Mar. 27, 1886. P. O., Milford Square, Pa. Merchant. Luth's. Children: VI. — 1. Florence Rebecca Erdman, b. Mar. 5, 1888. VI.— 2. Daniel Horace Erdman, b. Apr. 16, 1893. IV.— 9. John Newcomer, b. Feb. 15, 1832. Frederick, Pa. Shoemaker. Ref. Ch. S. SECTION V. ill. — 5. Henry Newcomer, b. in Saucon Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa., Aug. 11, 1776; d. Jan. 12, 1818; mrd. Mary Schleifer. She was b. ; d. March 1863. Farmer. Menu's. Children: 1. Susan; 2. Ann; 3. Sallie; 4. Mary; 5. Hannah; 6. Fannie; 7. John. IV. — 1. Susanna Newcomer, b. in Lehigh Co., Pa., Aug. 16, 1806; d. at Bath, Northampton Co., Pa., June 1, 1885, aged — years; mrd. Jacob Z. Swartz. He was b. ; d. in Lehigh Twp., Northampton Co., Pa., Oct. 1, 1864. Farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. David; 2. Henry; 3. Susanna; 4. Mary; 5. Jacob; 6. Elizabeth; 7. Sarah; 8. George; 9. John. v.— 1. David N. Swartz, b. Jan. 16, 1832; d. Feb. 20, 1889; mrd. Mary Newhart, in 1855. She was b. Jan. 12, 1831; d. Oct. 31, 18—. Farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Thomas; 2. Lydia; 3. Frank; 4. Daniel; 5. Melissa; 6. Meda. 42 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 1. Thomas A. Swartz, b. in Northampton Co., Pa., Jan. 5, 1856; mrd. Elmina L. A. Schwartz. P. O., Siegfrieds, Pa. Foreman. Ref. Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Orlin J. Swartz, b. Feb. 6, 1882; d. Apr. 3, 1885. VII.— 2. Jennie May Swartz, b. Aug. 4, 1884; d. Sept. 7, 1884. VII.— 3. Harry Swartz, b. July 5, 1895. VI.— 2. Lydia J. Swartz, b. Jan. 12, 1858; mrd. Henry M. Kleppinger, Dec. 25, 1896. P. O., Shoenersville, Pa. Employed at Coplay Cement Mill. Luth. No children. VI.— 3. Frank W. Swartz, b. Mar. 3, 1862; d. Mar. 21, 1877. VI. — 4. Daniel E. Swartz, b. in Northampton Co., Pa., May 9, 1864; mrd. Alice DeLong, Sept. 26, 1885, twin daugh- ter of Joel and Mary DeLong. She was born in Lehigh Co., Pa., Aug. 19, 1867. P. O., Cementon, Pa. Brakeman. Ref. Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Mabel Erma Swartz, b. June 11, 1886. VII.— 2. Ida Eliza Swartz, b. Oct. 9, 1896; d. Mar. 23, 1897. VI. — 5. Melissa C. Schwartz, b. Sept. 29, 1865; mrd. Alfred L. Helle, uan. 26, 1884. P. O., Cementon, Pa. Fore- man of Coplay Cement Mill. Luth. Children: VII.— 1. Charles Henry Helle, b. Dec. 10, 1884. VII.— 2. Alice Mary Helle, b. May 5, 1886. VII.— 3. Meda Francisco Helle. b. Mar. 14, 1889; d. Nov. 13, 1893. VII.— 4. Andrew Thomas Helle, b. Sept. 29, 1895. VII.— 5. infant, b. July 27, 1897; d. same day. VI.— 6. Meda R. Schwartz, b. Sept. 3, 1870; d. Feb. 16, 1898; mrd. Zeph. Battenfield, in 1890. P. O., Cementon, Pa. She was a member of the Lutheran church, and a regular teacher in the Sunday-school. Children: VII. — 1. Henry David Battenfield, b. Dec. 4, 1890. ^iCij/j. MINNIE SHESLEIR. I StH' I -'it^e ] Til. ) BARBARA BEITLER. 43 VII. — 2. Lewis Andrew Battenfield, b. Dec. 18, 1892; d. Jan. 14, 1893. VII. — 3. Meda Rebecca Battenfield, b. Jan. 28, ; d. Aug. 11, , aged 6 months, 13 days. V. — 2. iienry N. Swartz, b. in Allen Twp., Northampton Co., Pa., May 7, 1839; mrd. Hannah Fryer, at Reformed Parsonage, New Hanover Twp., Montg. Co., Pa., Mar. 31, 1863. P. O., Milton, Pa. Carried on the marble and granite business from which he retired in the spring of 1887. Ref. Ch. No children. V. — 3. Susanna Swartz, b. Aug. 27, 1841; d. Sept. 27, 1887; mrd. Levi J. Young, Mar. 25, 1867. P. O., Petersville, Pa. Blacksmith. Children: 1. Emma; 2. Laura; 3. Floyd; 4. Palmer; 5. Mark. VI. — 1. Emma Jane Young, b. in Lehigh Co., Pa., July 6, 1868; mrd. Rev. Samuel Franklin Hartzel, in 1890. P. O., Fredericksburg, Pa. Rev. Samuel F. Hartzel, son of Rev. Samuel and Cath. Hartzel, was born in Northampton Co., Pa., July 24, 1863. He was baptized Sept. 1863, by Rev. David Kuntz. In 1880 he joined the Reformed church by the rite of confirmation and laying on of holy hands by Rev. J. E. Smith. In 1882 and 1883 he prepared himself for teaching school. In 1884 he went west and attended the college at Franklin, Wis., from which institution he grad- uated in 1889. In the fall of 1889 he entered the seminary at Franklin, Wis., where he remained until 1891. Having a desire to study the English language, he took one year's course in theology at Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pa. In the spring of 1893, having finished the course in theology, he was examined and licensed at Farmersville, Pa., by East Pennsylvania Classis. In May 1893 he received a call by the Ann Strong Valley charge, where he was ordained and installed as pastor in July 1893. In this charge he labored five years. In 1897 he received a call to the pastor- ate of the "Old Klopps" church in Lebanon Co., Pa., where he is now laboring for tne Lord. His wife, while attending to family duties, also devotes a good deal of her energy 44 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. to Sunday-school work. She was baptized Aug. 7, 1868, by- Rev. David Kuntz, and Mar. 23, 1884, united with the Reformed church, being confirmed by Rev. W. J. Andrews. Children: VM.— 1. Esther Susanna Hartzel, b. Apr. 18, 1891. VII.— 2. Harry Samuel Hartzel, b. Sept. 9, 1892. VII.— 3. Anna Catharine Hartzel, b. Dec. 25, 1893. VII.— 4. Sarah Emma Hartzel, b. Oct. 1, 1894. VI.— 2. Laura Vestilla Young, b. July 30, 1870; d. in 1871. VI.— 3. Floyd Calvin Young, b. Jan. 9, 1874; mrd. Mamie K. O. Goldsmith, Apr. 5, 1898. P. O., Catasauqua, Pa. Painter. VI.— 4. Palmer J. Young, b. Aug. 20, 1875. Res., Easton, Pa. Clerk. VI.— 5. Mark Henry Young, b. Nov. 30, 1879. P. O., Nazareth, Pa. Clerk. V. — 4. Mary Swartz, b. ; mrd. Franklin Andreas. P. O., Bath, Pa. V. — 5. Jacob N. Swartz, b. at Catasauqua, Pa., July 31, 1845; mrd. Sarah C. Steckel, of Bath, Pa., Nov. 6, 1866. P. O., Emporia, Kansas. Bookkeeper with the Industrial In- vestment Co., Kansas City, Kansas. Ref. Ch. Children: VI. — 1. Quincy Robert Swartz, b. Jan. 1870; d. aged five months. V!.— 2. Meda Aquilla Swartz, b. Dec. 3, 1871; d. Apr. 18, 1893. V. — 6. Elizabeth Swartz, b. ; mrd. Daniel Knauss. P. O. Bath, Pa. v.— 7. Sarah Swartz, b. . P. O., Bath, Pa. S. V. — 8. Dr. George Newcomer Swartz (Schwartz) was born in Lehigh Twp., Northampton Co., Pa., Feb. 20, 1851; mrd. Mary C. Sensenbach, Apr. 9, 1877. P. O., Pen Argyl, Pa. Physician and surgeon. CHRISTIAN OVERHOLT. (See page ISO.) BARBARA BEITLER. 45 At the age of thirteen his father died. He then made his home with his brother Henry and became an apprentice in his steam marble works, where he served for four years besides attending the public schools. At the age of seven- teen he had mastered his trade and worked as journeyman for a short time. Although having acquired a common school education he felt a desire of obtaining a more liberal education. He accordingly entered Mount Pleasant Sem- inary, Boyertown, Pa., where he took an academic course and entered Palatinate College, Myerstown, Pa., in the spring of 1870. In January 1873 he became a member of the Sophomore Class at Ursinus College. Having deter- mined upon taking up the profession of medicine he en- tered the office of Dr. G. T. Fox, Bath, Pa., at the close of that term of college. Two shears later he graduated at Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City. Being desirous of a more extended knowledge of medicine he entered the Senior class at the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, where he devoted his time to special studies, and also graduated from that institution m the class of 1876. In July of the same year he located at Ackerman- ville, Pa., where he practiced his profession for a period of seven years. At this time things began to boom in what is now known as the great Slate Belt. Pen Argyl, now a thriving town of 4,000 inhabitants, was then unknown, and also the spot now flourishing with industries was a wilder- ness at the foot of the Blue Ridge mountains. Quarry after quarry was opened and developed, until the slate business assumed gigantic proportions. Thus Pen Argyl now bears the proud distinction of occupying a position in the center and heart of the great Slate Belt of Eastern Pennsylvania. Dr. Swartz, grasping the opportunity, moved his office to this booming town in its early days, and through his un- tiring efforts and skill as a physician and surgeon he kept apace with the progress of the rising town, gained many friends and enjoys a lucrative practice. Dr. Swartz served a number of years on the Board of Directors of the public schools, and is now the Secretary of the local Board of Health, which position he has held 46 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. for years. In 1894 he received the nomination for the Legislature on the Republican ticket and lacked but 207 votes of an election in a district whose Democratic majority of 3,500 to 4,000 was seldom known to be shaken. Children: VI.— 1. Sue M. Swartz, b. May 27, 1878. P. O., Pen Argyl, Pa. V. — 9. John W. N. Swartz, b. in Northampton Co., Pa., Jan. 27, 1853; mrd. Zella E. McCoskey. P. O., Milton, Pa. Merchant. Meth. Ep. No children. IV. — 2. Ann Newcomer, b. Nov. 3, 1808; d. Apr. 13, 1883, aged 75 years, 5 months, 10 days; mrd. Joseph P. Mathews.* He was b. Sept. 1, 1814. In early life he lived in Roxboro, but in 1866 he, together with his sons, built a store house at New Britain, Bucks Co., in which village he continued to live until his death on Mar. 23, 1897. Children: 1. Elwood; 2. William; 3. John. V. — 1. Elwood Mathews, b. ; mrd. Emma Keeley. She d. Aug. 1898. P. O., New Britain, Pa. Merchant at Bridge Point, Bucks Co. One daughter: VI. — 1. Mathews, b. . V. — 2. William Mathews, b. ; mrd. Cordelia James (a Widow Gerher). Children: VI.— 1. Howard. VI.— 2. Justus. V. — 3. John Mathews, b. ; mrd. Mary Large. Children: VI.— 1. Mattie; VI.— 2. Annie. * Joseph P. Mathews was a great-great-grandson of the Pioneer Simon Mathews who came from Caermarthen- shire, Wales, to the Welsh tract, Pencader Hundred, Dela- ware, in 1710. He was the son of Thomas Mathews, of Wales. In 1720 Simon Mathews removed from Delaware, to New Britain, Bucks Co., Pa. His children were John, Simon, Benjamin, Edward, Margaret, Ann, and Thomas, father of Joseph, father of Dr. John, father of Joseph P. BARBARA BEITLER. 47 IV. — 3. Sallie Newcomer, b. in Saucon Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa., ; d. Dec. 18, 1884; mrd. Daniel B. Shelly. He was b. in Milford, Bucks Co., Pa., ; d. at Allen- town, Pa., Feb. 13, 1883. Farmer. Menn's. Children: 1. Henry; 2. Anthony; 3. Lewis; 4. Mary; 5. Sarah; 6. Eliza. v.— 1. Henry N. Shelly, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 25, 1832; mrd. Susan Zetty, Nov. 3, 1860. P. O., Vera Cruz, Pa. Sawyer and lumber dealer. Menn's. Children: 1. Albanus; 2. Sallie; 3. Jennie; 4. Elwood. VI.— 1. Albanus Shelly, b. Sawyer. Menn's. Children: VII.— 1. Clarence Shelly. VII.— 2. Wilmer Shelly. VI.— 2. Sallie Shelly, b. - mrd. Rose Schantz, mrd. Daniel Schantz. Farmer and organist. Menn's. One child: VII. — 1. Norman Schantz. VI.— 3. Jennie Shelly. S. VI.— 4. Elwood Shelly, dec'd. V. — 2. Anthony Shelly, b. ; d. infant. v.— 3. Lewis N. Shelly, b. ; d. — Anna Maria Johnson. Moulder. Menn's. 1. Oscar; 2. Minnie, dec'd; 3. Rose. Centre, Pa. v.— 4. Mary Shelly, b. ; d. — mrd. Children: VI.— P. O., Richland — ; mrd. Reuben Solliday. Moulder. Mrs. S., Ger. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Alfred; 2. Elwood, dec'd; 3. Daniel. v.— 5. Sarah Shelly, b. v.— 6. Eliza Shelly, b. - d. -, single. d. -, infant. IV. — 4. Mary Newcomer, b. in Upper Saucon Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa., Mar. 11, 1812; d. at Hellertown, Northamp- ton Co., Pa., June 26, 1898; mrd. Joseph Riegel in 1830. He 48 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. was b. in Lower Saucon, Northampton Co., Pa., July 26, 1806; d. at Hellertown, Pa., Aug. 3, 1885. Merchant. Ref. Ch. in U. S. Children: 1. Catharine; 2. Henry; 3. Martin; 4. Samuel; 5. Charles. v.— 1. Catharine Riegel, b. Aug. 26, 1831; d. Apr. 25, 1900; mrd. Daniel H. Smith, May 25, 1887. Res., 17 Third St., South Bethlehem, Pa. No children. v.— 2. Henry Mathias Riegel, b. July 1833; d. at Heller- town, Oct. 1863; mrd. Susan Paul in 1853. She was b. in 1834. Merchant. Luth. Children: 1. Emma; 2. Katie. VI. — 1. Emma L. Riegel, b. at Freemansburg, Pa., in 1854; mrd. Edwin P. Kistler in 1878. Res., 440 N. 9th St., Allentown, Pa. United Evangelical Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Infant son, b. and d. 1880. VII.— 2. Henry S. Kistler, b. 1881. VII.— 3. Rhoda M. Kistler, b. 1888; d. 1893. V!l.— 4. Ruth C. Kistler, b. 1893; d. 1894. VI. — 2. Katie A. Riegel, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., Apr. 22, 1860; mrd. Rev. H. D. Shultz, Apr. 26, 1877. P. O., Sun- bury, Pa. Minister United Evangelical Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Gertrude May Shultz, b. Dec. 29, 1878; d. Nov. 22, 1885. VII.— 2. Emma Louisa Shultz, b. Feb. 12, 1880; d. Apr. 4, 1893. VII.— 3. Joseph R. Shultz, b. Sept. 17, 1883. VII.— 4. Laura Maud Shultz, b. July 13, 1886. VII.— 5. Esther Viola Shultz, b. May 15 1889. All members of the United Evangelical church. V. — 3. Martin Joseph Riegel, b. at Hellertown, North- ampton Co., Pa., Dec. 11, 1835; mrd. Annale L. Hess, Nov, 11, 1861. Res., 206 Northampton St., Easton, Pa. Dealer in pianos, organs, musical merchandise, books, stationery, etc. Ref. Ch. in U. S. One child: MRS. CATHARINE OVERHOLT. (See page 180.) i \ BARBARA BEITLER. 49 VI.— 1. Henry Martin Riegel, b. Mar. 3, 1864. Res., 206 Northampton St., Easton, Pa. Graduate of Lafayette College. Had degree of A. M. conferred. Assistant in his father's business. S. v.— 4. Samuel Peter Riegel, b. Nov. 1837; d. Nov. 1855. V. — 5. Charles Jacob Riegel, b. Jan. 28, 1841; mrd. Mary Ellen Hess. Grand Rapids, Mich. Children: VI. — 1. Samuel Peter Riegel. P. O., Grand Rapids, Mich. VI. — 2. Ambrose James Riegel. P. O., Grand Rapids, Mich. IV. — 5. Hannah Newcomer, b. ; d. ; mrd. Samuel Moyer, dec'd. Children: 1. Albanus; 2. Elwood, whereabouts unknown. IV. — 6. Fanny Newcomer, b. ; d. ; mrd. — Morris. Resided in Philadelphia. No children. IV. — 7. John Newcomer, b. about 1814; died when a young man. Another report says he went west when eighteen years of age, and all trace of him was lost, and was never heard from. SECTION VI. ill. — 6. Elizabeth Newcomer, b. in Upper Saucon Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa.; mrd. Abraham Geisinger. Lived and died in Milford, Bucks Co. Farmer and oil miller. Menn's. Children: 1. John; 2. Isaac; 3. Susanna; 4. Abraham; 5, Anna; 6. Thomas. IV. — 1. John N. Geisinger, b. ; d. . S. IV. — 2. Isaac Geisinger, b. ; d. IV. — 3. Susanna Geisinger, b. ; d. . S. 50 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. IV. — 4. Abraham Geisinger, b. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., in 1814; d. in Lehigh Co. in 1882; mrd. Reinhard. in 1841. She was b. in Upper Saucon Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa., in 1819; died there in 1893. Miller. Luth. Children: 1. William; 2. Rebecca. V. — 1. William A. Geisinger, b. in Lehigh Co., Pa., in 1842; mrd. Julia Bleam. in 1863. P. O., Standard, Pa. Formerly miller, now farmer. Luth's. Children: 1. Llewellyn; 2. John; 3. Sylvia; 4. Laura; 5. Emma; 6. Wil- liam; 7. Stella. VI. — 1. Llewellyn H. Geisinger, b. 1863; mrd. Lavina Solliday. P. O., Zions Hill, Pa. Farmer. Luth. Children: VII. — 1. Carrie L. Geisinger. VII.— 2. Ellen J. Geisinger. VI. — 2. John A. Geisinger, b. in 1866; mrd. Estella Doney, P. O., Limeport, Pa. Farmer. Luth. Children: VII. — 1. Nerva E. Geisinger. VII.— 2. Katie E. Geisinger. VII. — 3. May Julia Geisinger. VI.— 3. Sylvia S. Geisinger, b. in 1868; d. in 1872. VI. — 4. Laura R. Geisinger, b. , 1873; mrd. Charles E. Weaver. P. O., Lanark, Pa. Farmer. Luth. Children: VII. — 1. Anna Weaver. VII.— 2. Arthur C. Weaver. VII. — 3. Emma K. Weaver. VI. — 5. Emma L. Geisinger, b. , 1877; mrd. Victor E. Cressman. P. O., Standard, Pa. Carpenter. Luth. One child: VII. — 1. Verna J. Cressman. VI.— 6. William A. Geisinger, b. , 1877. P. O., Standard, Pa. Farmer. Luth. Single. o 3- CO CO-r -'- CD O m CD I" ^^ CO CI. CO' en r+ fT) -3 o o ■D BARBARA BEITLER. 51 VI.— 7. Stella J. Gelsinger, b. , 1888. P. O., Stand- ard, Pa. S. V. — 2. Rebecca E. Gelsinger, b. Apr. 5, 1851; mrd. Ed- win H. Solliday, May 19, 1872. P. O., Centre Valley, Pa. Luth's. No children. IV. — 5. Anna Gelsinger, b. ; mrd. Conrad Jacoby. No children. IV. — 6. Thomas Gelsinger, b. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., about 1820; d. in Montg. Co., Pa., Feb. 1894, aged 73 years; mrd. Susanna Gelsinger, in 1843. She was b. in Upper Saucon Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa., about 1823; d. in Montg. Co., Pa., in 1860. Miller and farmer. Menn's. Chil- dren: 1. Jacob; 2. Eliza; 3. Emeline. V. — 1. Jacob G. Gelsinger, b. in Upper Milford Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa., Oct. 26, 1845; mrd. Sallie Gottschall, in 1868. P. O., Rudy, Pa. Organist at the Old Goshenhoppen church, and dealer in musical instruments. Menn's. Chil- dren: 1. Elizabeth; 2. Thomas; 3. Kate; 4. Annie. VI.— 1. Elizabeth Gelsinger, b. Sept. 24, 1869; mrd. Henry R. Hunsicker. P. O., Lederachville, Pa. VI.— 2. Thomas Gelsinger, b. Mar. 6, 1871; d. in 1877. VI. — 3. Katie G. Gelsinger, b. in Upper Salford Twp., Montg. Co., Pa., Aug. 30, 1872; mrd. Charles B. Neidig, Oct. 14, 1893. P. O., Schwenksville, Pa. Laborer. Menn's. Children : VII.— 1. Gertie G. Neidig, b. Nov. 5, 1894. VM.— 2. Alice G. Neidig, b. Dec. 30, 1895. VI. — 4. Annie G. Gelsinger, b. in Upper Salford Twp., Montg. Co., Pa., Dec. 24, 1875; mrd. Morris E. Nyce, Aug. 21, 1895. P. O., Schwenksville, Pa. Teamster. Menn. Children : VII.— 1. Norman G. Nyce, b. May 17, 1897. VII.— 2. Howard G. Nyce, b. July 6, 1899. 52 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. V. — 2. Eliza Geisinger. b. , 1847; mrd. John A. Smith. P. O., Audubon, Pa. Two sons. V. — 3. Emeline Geisinger, b. in Saucon Twp., Lehigh Co., July 18, 1854 ; d. in Upper Salford, Montg. Co., Pa., Apr. 3, 1879; mrd. Hon. Milton H. Walters, Sept. 28, 1872. P. O., Rudy, Pa. Farmer, operating five farms, and also engaged in the insurance business. Mr. Walters has also served his district as a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature. Mr. Walters, Luth.; Mrs. Walters, Menn. Children: 1. Irvin; 2. Katie. Vl.—l. Irvin G. Walters, b. July 24, 1875; d. Jan. 19. 1895. Menn. VI.— 2. Katie Agnes Walters, b. Nov. 20, 1877; d. July 24, 1878. SECTION VII. III. — 7. Abraham Newcomer, b. Nov. 1, 1780; d. Apr. 4, 1853, aged 71 years, 5 months, 3 days; mrd. Susanna Kop- pes. She was b. Dec. 13, 1783; d. Apr. 24, 1881, aged 97 years, 4 months, 11 days. Lived and died near Skippack- ville, Pa. Pumpmaker. No children. SECTION VIII. III. — 8. Mary Newcomer, b. in Saucon Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa., about 1787; d. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa.; mrd. Daniel Shelly. He was b. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa.; d. in Upper Milford Twp., Lehigh Co., Pa. Spinning- wheel manufacturer and farmer. Mennonites. Children: 1. David; 2. John; 3. Daniel; 4. Jacob; 5. William; 6. Catharine; 7. Barbara; 8. Levi; 9. Henry. IV.— 1. David N. Shelly, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., July 23, 1807; d. Dec. 21, 1882; mrd. Barbara Bachman. She was b. at Coopersburg, Pa., Aug. 11, 1811; d. at Quakertown, Pa., Aug. 27, 1890. Miller. Mennonites. Children: 1. Mary; 2. Nettie; 3. Katharine; 4. Daniel; 5. John; 6. Clara; 7. Lydia; 8. Frank. BARBARA BEITLER. 53 v.— 1. Mary Shelly, b. ; d. . v.— 2. Nettie Shelly, b. . V. — 3. Katharine Shelly, b. ; mrd, Benner, v.— 4. Daniel Shelly, b. ; d. . V. — 5. John Shelly, b. ; mrd. . One child: VI.— 1. Howard Shelly. v.— 6. Clara Shelly, b. ; mrd. Smith. Chil- dren: 1. Florence; 2. Frank; 3. Nettie; 4. Robert. All drowned in the Johnstown (Pa.) flood. V. — 7. Lydia Shelly, b. ; mrd. Jones. Chil- dren: 1. Stella; 2. Harry; 3. Clara; 4. Herbert; 5. Lloyd. v.— 8. Frank Shelly, b. . P. O., Quakertown, Pa. IV.— 2. John N. Shelly, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Mar. 22, 1808; d. Jan. 1, 1867; mrd. Susanna S. Moyer. She was b. in Lehigh Co., Pa., Sept. 1, 1809; d. in Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 5, 1887. Cattle dealer. Menu's. Children: 1. Leanna; 2. William; 3. Mary; 4. Kate. v.— 1. Leanna Shelly, b. Oct. 12, 1831; d. Mar. 31, 1833. v.— 2. William Shelly, b. Jan. 5, 1835; d. Nov. 7, 1836. v.— 3. Mary Ann Shelly, b. Oct. 17, 1837; mrd. Jacob C. Krammes, Apr. 17, 1854. He was b. in Lehigh Co., Pa., Feb. 4, 1830. P. O., Steinsburg, Pa. Carriage builder. Luth's. Children: 1. Henry; 2. Daniel; 3. Leon; 4. John; 5. Granville; 6. Emma; 7. Elmira; 8. Laura; 9. Kate; 10. William; 11. Elmer. VI. — 1. Henry Krammes, b. Feb. 26, 1855; mrd. Ida Flora Berkenstock, Dec. 24, 1878. She was b. Feb. 12, 1862. P. O., Steinsburg, Pa. Carriage painter and trimmer. Luth. One child: VII.— 1. Hattie Norvella Krammes, b. Apr. 12, 1882. VI.— 2. Daniel Krammes, b. Sept. 23, 1857; d. July 28, 1876. Luth. S. 54 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 3. Leon Krammes, b. Apr. 6, 1860; d. Aug. 11, 1863. VI. — 4. John Krammes, b. June 13, 1862; mrd. Malinda C. Fluck, Sept. 26, 1885. P. O., Steinsburg, Pa. Wheel- wright. Mr. K., Luth.; Mrs. K., Ref. Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Herbert Raymond Krammes, b. Oct. 10, 1886. VII. — 2. Clarence Milton Krammes, b. Aug. 15, 1891. VII.— 3. Wilmer Jacob Krammes, b. Aug. 28, 1894. VI. — 5. Granville Krammes, b. Nov. 5, 1864; d. Nov. 8, 1868. VI. — 6. Emma Krammes, b. Apr. 20, 1867; d. Mar. 5, 1868. VI. — 7. Elmira Krammes, b. Mar. 2, 1869; mrd. William E. Hangen, May 19, 1888. P. O., Steinsburg, Pa. Carpenter and undertaker. Ref. Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Robert Henry Hangen, b. Mar. 10, 1889. VII.— 2. Maud Florence Hangen, b. Mar. 17, 1892. VI. — 8. Laura Krammes, b. Dec. 6, 1871; mrd. Harvey Yerger, Mar. 28, 1891. Res., 2408 Gratz St., Phila., Pa. Carpenter. Luth. One child: VII.— 1. Florence May Yerger, b. July 14, 1893. VI. — 9. Kate Krammes, b. May 9, 1874. VI.— 10. William Krammes, b. July 21, 1879. VI.— 11. Elmer Krammes, b. , 1880. V. — 4. Kate M. Shelly, b. June 18, 1844; mrd. Benjamin A. Heist, Feb. 28, 1863. Res., 2442 N. 6th St., Phila., Pa. Vestmakers. Luth's. One child: 1. Harvey. VI. — 1. Harvey B. Heist, b. Aug. 30, 1864; mrd. Ida Ackerman, June 8, 1884. Res., 2442 N. 6th St., Phila., Pa. One child: VII.— 1. Russel Stanley Heist, b. Oct. 15, 1893. IV. — 3. Daniel Shelly, b. ; d. in his youth. BARBARA BBITLER. 55 IV.— 4. Jacob N. Shelly, b. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 6, 1810; d. Nov. 13, 1890; mrd. Lydia Geislnger, Nov. 5, 1837, daughter of Philip and Elizabeth Geisinger. She was b. in Northampton Co., Pa., Feb. 6, 1819. P. O., Steinsburg, Pa. Farmer. Menu's. Children: 1. Elizabeth; 2. Mary, and two died in infancy. v.— 1. Elizabeth G. Shelly, b. Mar. 2, 1842. P. O., Steinsburg, Pa. Single. v.— 2. Mary G. Shelly, b. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Mar. 2, 1851; mrd. John A. Musselman,* of Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Nov. 13, 1869. P. O., Steinsburg, Pa. Farmer. Menu's. Children: 1. Ellen; 2. Harvey; 3. John. VI. — 1. Ellen S. Musselman, b. Dec. 28, 1870; mrd. Charles G. Taylor, Jan. 13, 1889. P. O., Steinsburg, Pa. Children: VII.— 1 Carrie M. Taylor, b. May 13, 1891. VM.— 2. Edna M. Taylor, b. Sept. 27, 1892. VII.— 3. Elma M. Taylor, b. July 9, '94; d. Oct. 29, 1899. VII.— 4. Clayton M. Taylor, b. Mar. 18, 1899. VI. — 2. Harvey S. Musselman, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 18, 1876. P. O., Steinsburg, Pa. Student at Lehigh University (Sophomore year 1899). VI. — 3. John S. Musselman, b. Aug. 24, 1880. P. O., Steinsburg, Pa. In the employment of Louis H. Smith, proprietor of Lafayette Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa. IV.— 5. Rev. William N. Shelly, b. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 8, 1814; d. at Allentown, Pa., Aug. 4, 1893; mrd. Sarah Geisinger, Sept. 23, 1838. She was b. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., in 1821; d. at Bowmansville, Lancaster Co., Pa., July 6, 1856. Children: 1, Amanda; 2. Philip; 3. Elizabeth. William mrd. second wife, Mrs. Anna Weikel, daughter of Henry Taylor, Dec. 24, 1856. She * Great-grandson of the Progenitor Samuel Mussel- man, who emigrated from Switzerland to America in 1725. 56 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. d. June 1881. Children: 4. Edwin. William mrd. third wife, Juliana Slough (nee ). Mr. Shelly was ordained to the ministry of the Mennonite church in Milford, Bucks Co., Pa., Nov. 20, 1855. After preaching the gospel in Mil- ford Twp. for 24 years, he was received upon his certificate as an ordained elder from the Evangelical Mennonite church, and licensed by the Quar. Conf., of Allentown Sta- tion, Eastern Conference, United Brethren in Christ, March 8, 1879, and subsequently preached in the United Brethren church at Bowmansville, Pa. V. — 1. Amanda Shelly, b. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Nov. 10, 1840; mrd. John L. Moyer, Dec. 17, 1864. Res., 104 N. 8th St., Allentown, Pa. Insurance agent. Meth. Ep. Children: 1. William; 2. Hattie; 3. John. VI.— 1. William Irwin Moyer, b. Feb. 24, 1866; mrd. Annie E. Breinig, in 1887. Res., 5th and Commercial Sts., Atchison, Kansas. Pharmacist. Methodist. No children. VI.— 2. Hattie Moyer, b. Sept. 5, 1871; mrd. J. Taylor Roth, June 2, 1891. Res., 620 N. 6th St., Allentown, Pa. Brick manufacturer. Meth. Ep. One child: VII.— 1. Dorothy Moyer Roth, b. Nov. 20, 1893. VI.— 3. John Robert Moyer, b. Jan. 16, 1881. v.— 2. Philip Shelly, b. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Mar. 7, 1842; d. in Kansas, Sept. 1898; mrd. Belinda Weaver. Children: 1. Sallie; 2. Hattie; 3. Howard; 4. Blanche; 5. Girney; 6. D. I. Mrs. Oliver Tarrant. P. O., Florence, Kansas. Philip mrd. second wife, Mrs. Mary Moyer (maiden name, ). Clerk in general mer- chandise house. Baptist. No children by second marriage. v. — 3. Elizabeth Shelly, b. at Bowmansville, Lancaster Co., Pa., Jan. 21, 1849; mrd. William M. Landis, Sept. 14, 1867. Res., Allentown, Pa. Butcher. United Evangelical. Children: 1. Edwin; 2. Laura; 3. Harry; 4. Sallie. VI.— 1. Edwin S. Landis, b. Sept. 19, 1868; mrd. Alice Berk. P. O., Allentown, Pa. Butcher. U. Evan'l Ch. Child: BARBARA BEITLER. 5T VM.— 1. Helen May. VI. — 2. Laura S. Landis, b. Dec. 23, 1871; mrd. William W. Hoffman. P. O., Allentown, Pa. Telegrapher. U. Evan'l. Children: VM.— 1. Owen W. VII. — 2. Irene May. VII.— 3. Edwin. VII.— 4. Ruth. VI.— 3. Rev. Harry S. Landis, b. Dec. 11, 1875. P. O., Allentown, Pa. Minister of United Evangelical church. S. VI.— 4. Sallie S. Landis, b. June 28, 1879; mrd. Palmer Danner. Silk weaver. Allentown, Pa. U. Evan'l Ch. Children: VII. — 1. Paul Danner, VSI. — 2. Dorothy Danner. V. — 4. Edwin Shelly, M. D., b. at Quakertown, Pa., Feb. 6, 1859; mrd. Mary A. Schletzbaum in 1885. She died in April 1897. Children: 1. William; 2. Ralph. Dr. Shelly mrd. second wife, Lillie E. Allen, June 1899. P. O., Atchi- son, Kansas. Physician. VI.— 1. William L. Shelly, b. May 11, 1889. VI.— 2. Ralph Shelly, b. July 23, 1894. IV. — 6. Catharine Shelly, b. near Milford Square, Bucks Co., Pa., in 1817; mrd. Henry Hiestand in 1835. He was b. near Kimberton, Chester Co., Pa., in 1809; d. in 1892. Farmer. Menu's. Children: 1. Daniel; 2. David; 3. Mary; 4. John; 5. Reuben; 6. Henry; 7. Amos. V. — 1. Daniel Hiestand, b. 1836; mrd. Eliza Lafre. P. O., Vincent, Pa. V. — 2. David Hiestand, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Jan, 10, 1838. Res., Kansas City, Mo. Carpenter. Bachelor. V. — 3. Mary Hiestand, b. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Sept. 10, 1842; mrd. Lewis Reinhart. P. O., Parkers 58 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Ford, Pa. Farmer, Baptists. Children: 1. Ella; 2. Harry; 3. Katie; 4. Jennie; 5. Bertha. VI.— 1. Ella Reinhart, b. Mar. 4, 1866; mrd. Dr. A. R. Savidge. He died June 25, 1896. P. O., Parkers Ford, Pa. VI.— 2. Harry Reinhart, b. June 22, 1869; mrd. Hattie Miller. P. O., Parkers Ford, Pa. Farmer. Children: VII.— 1. Gertrude Reinhart, b. Feb. 20, 1895. VII.— 2. Mary Reinhart, b. Mar. 30, 1897. VI.— 3. Katie Reinhart, b. Oct. 17, 71; d. June 27, 1876. VI. — 4. Jennie Reinhart, b. Jan. 6, 1875; mrd. Harry Grubb. P. O., East Coventry, Pa. Farmer. Children: VII.— 1. Mamie Grubb, b. Oct. 5, 1893. VII.— 2. Freddie Grubb, b. May 30, 1895; d. Dec. 23, — . VII.— 3. Nervie Grubb, b. Oct. 8, 1896. VII.— 4. Infant, b. Aug. 27, 1898; d. aged 23 days. , VI.— 5. Bertha Reinhart, b. Sept. 19, 1879; mrd. War- ren Beortolett. P. O., Spring Cily, Pa. Stove moulder. One child: VII. — 1. Ernest Beortolett, b. Aug. 27, 1898. v.— 4. John Hiestand, b. 1847; d. 1848. V. — 5. Reuben Hiestand, b. 1849; mrd. Ida Kate Mil- ler. P. O., Vincent, Pa. Retired merchant. One child: VI.— 1. Mary Hiestand, b. Aug. 26, 1885. V. — 6. Henry Hiestand, b. in East Vincent Twp., Ches- ter Co., Pa., Feb. 20, 1852; mrd. Annie J. Brownback, of Phoenixville, Pa., May 14, 1874. P. O., Parkers Ford, Pa. He has been engaged in the mercantile business at Parkers Ford for the past twelve years, and has also a third interest in a hosiery factory at Pottstown, Pa. Meth. Ep. Children : VI.— 1. R. Bertha Hiestand, b. Feb. 8, 1876. BARBARA BEITLER. 59 VI.— 2. Harry I. Hiestand, b. Jan. 26, 1882. Graduate of the Spring City (Pa.) High School in 1899. VI.— 3. K. Florence Hiestand, b. Aug. 27, 1884. V. — 7, Amos Hiestand, b. at Vincent, Chester Co., Pa,, May 21, 1855; mrd. Clara E. Brownback, Apr. 23, 1885. P. O., Vincent, Pa. Farmer. Ref. Ch. No children. IV. — 7. Barbara Shelly, b. ; d. young. IV.— 8. Levi N. Shelly, b. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., July 2, 1827; mrd. Mary Bleam, daughter of John Bleam, Oct. 1849. P. O., Dillinger, Pa. Retired farmer. United Brethren Ch. Children: 1. Catharine; 2. Henry; 3. Mary; 4. Allen. V. — 1. Catharine Shelly, b. Jan. 4, 1851; mrd. John G. Ackerman, Sept. 10, 1885. P. O., Dillinger, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. One child: VI. — 1. Edna Ackerman. v.— 2. Henry B. Shelly, b. Dec. 31, 1852; mrd. Kate Landes, daughter of Jacob Landes, Jan. 13, 1877. P. O., Dillinger, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. Children: VI.— 1. Clara Shelly. VI.— 2. Robert Shelly. VI.— 3. Naomi Shelly. VI.— 4. John Shelly. VI.— 5. Russel Shelly. v.— 3. Mary B. Shelly, b. Mar. 13, 1860; mrd. Eugene L. R. High, Sept. 24, 1885. P. O., Dillinger, Pa. Telegraph operator. United Brethren church. One child: VI.— 1. Ellwood S. High. v.— 4. Allen Shelly, b. May 2, 1864; d. Mar. 5, 1865. iV.— 9. Henry Shelly, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Jan. 24, 1829; d. at Sterling, 111., Sept. 13, 1867; mrd. Sarah Alderfer, 60 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Oct. 25, 1853. She was born in Montgomery Co., Pa., Apr. 14, 1836. Res., Sterling, 111. Cigarmaker. Methodists. Children: 1. Kate; 2. Mary; 3. John; 4. Eugene; 5. William; 6. Susie. V. — 1. Kate Shelly, b. at Western Star, Ohio, Oct. 13, 1855; mrd. Hon. Joseph Mattes, at Lyons, Iowa, May 20, 1879. P. O., Odebolt, Iowa. Hardware and implement dealer. He also has interests in the First National Bank of Odebolt, la., and is a member (1902) of the 29th General Assembly of Iowa. Presby. Children: VI.— 1. Grace Emily Mattes, b. Aug. 31, 1880. Attended Iowa College, at Grinnell, Iowa, for several years. VI.— 2. Howard Joseph Mattes, b. Feb. 3, 1882. At- tended the Northwestern Military Academy, at Highland Park, 111., for some time. He is now with Thos. Irvine Lumber Co., at Lawton, Wash. S. v.— 2. Mary Shelly, b. at Western Star, Ohio, July 20, 1858; mrd. Allen S. Dexter, of Albany, N. Y., July 14, 1880. Res., 429 Leavitt St., Chicago, 111. Luth's. Children: VI.— 1. Ora Dexter, b. Apr. 27, 1881; d. May 30, 1881. VI.— 2. Minnie Dexter, b. Dec. 15, '84; d. Dec. 17, 1884. VI.— 3. Edward Allen Dexter, b. Apr. 10, 1886. VI.— 4. Clayton Howard Dexter, b. July 5, 1888. VI. — 5. Louie Alonzo Dexter, b. Oct. 16, 1891. v.— 3. John F. Shelly, b. at Wadsworth, O., May 11, 1860; mrd. Alice Decker, Feb. 22, 1886. P. O., Sterling, 111. Farmer. Children: VI.— 1. Pearl Shelly, b. Nov. 26, 1886. VI.— 2. Roy Shelly, b. May 29, 1891. VI.— 3. Hazel Shelly, b. Nov. 12, 1893. V. — 4. Calvin Eugene Shelly, b. in Medina Co., O., Jan. 9, 1862; mrd. Mary Smith, Mar. 20, 1888. P. O., Skagway, Alaska. Conductor on White Pass & Yukon Railway. Methodists. Children: BARBARA BEITLER. 61 VI.— 1. Robert B. Shelly, b. Nov. 4, 1888. VI.— 2. Allen E. Shelly, b. Dec. 13, 1890. v.— 5. William Shelly, b. June 23, '64; d. Mar. 25, 1888. v.— 6. Susie Shelly, b. July 22, 1867; mrd. J. C. Work. P. O., Ord, Neb. SECTION IX. II!.— 9. David Newcomer, b. about 1789; d. in 1833; mrd. Mary High. She was born in Bucks Co., Pa., about 1790; died in Wadsworth, Medina Co., Ohio, May 2, 1862. Carpenter. Lived and died in Hilltown Twp., Bucks Co., Pa. Menu's. Children: 1. Barbara; 2. John; 3. Annie; 4. David; 5. Mary; 6. Susan; 7. Eliza; 8. Lavina; 9. Jacob. IV. — 1. Barbara Newcomer, b. Dec. 24, 1813; d. , 1862; mrd. Mathias Smith. Farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Jacob; 2. Caroline; 3. David; 4. Harvey; 5. Elizabeth. V. — 1. Jacob Smith, b. at Wadsworth, Ohio, Nov. 6, 1848; mrd. Sarah Strohl, Jan. 17, 1869. P. O., Athens, Mich. Wholesale lumberman. Protestant. Children: 1. Delbert; 2. Harry; 3. Minnie. VI.— 1. Delbert B. Smith, b. Nov. 4, 1869. Teacher. VI.— 2. Harry A. Smith, b. Mar. 21, 1873. Teacher. VI.— 3. Minnie P. Smith, b. July 23, 1877. Teacher. P. O. address of all: Athens, Mich. V. — 2. Caroline Smith, b. ; mrd. Wm. H. Yonkey. P. O., Wadsworth, Ohio. Farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Olive; 2. Newton; 3. Mabel. VI. — 1. Olive May Yonkey; mrd. John Hordes. P. O., Wadsworth, Ohio. Children: VM.— 1. Alton. VII.— 2. Orline. VII. — 3. George Everett. 62 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 2. Newton S. Yonkey. S. VI. — 3. Mabel Jeannette Yonkey. S. V. — 3. David Smith, b. ; d. 1876, aged 24 years; mrd. Janet Cramer, in 1876. No children. V. — 4. Harvey Smith, b. ; mrd. Corda Wagner. P. O., Wadsworth, Ohio. Restaurant. No children. V. — 5. Elizabeth Smith, b. ; d. young. IV. — 2. John Newcomer, b. Mar. 23, 1815; d. infant. IV. — 3. Nancy Newcomer, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., July 8, 1816; d. at Sterling, 111., June 7, 1888; mrd. John Kline, in 1838. He was born July 17, 1814; d. June 2, 1864. Farmer. Menn's. Children: 1. Henry; 2. Mary; 3. Susanna; 4. John; 5. Emeline; 6. Lavina; 7. Elizabeth; 8. Sarah. v.— 1. Henry N. Kline, b. in Montg. Co., Pa., Nov. 18, 1838; mrd. Mary A. Cassel. P. O., Mendon, Mich. Farmer. Children: 1. Frank; 2. Charles. VI.— 1. Frank Kline, b. May 5, 1867. VI.— 2. Charles Kline, b. Sept. 19, 1868. v.— 2. Mary Ann Kline, b. Oct. 1, 1840; mrd. Lewis Vogt, Oct. 2, 1860. P. O., Sterling, 111. Luth's. Children: 1. Susanna; 2. Margaret; 3. Josephine; 4. Agnes; 5. Emeline; 6. Edith; 7. Ida; 8. John; 9. Clara. VI.— 1. Susanna Vogt, b. July 13, 1861; mrd. Ross Overly, July 13, 1882. P. O., Sterling, 111. Children: VII.— 1. Nellie Overly, b. May 10, 1883. VI.— 2. Margaret A. Vogt, b. Oct. 10, 1862; mrd. Nor- ton Bush, May 25, 1883. He died Mar. 5, 1889. Children: V||._1. Franklin L. Bush, b. Apr. 1. 1884. VII.— 2. Gertrude G. Bush, b. July 10, 1885. VII.— 3. Mabel M. Bush, b. Nov. 3, 1886. VII.— 4. Henry liver Bush, b. Oct. 11, 1888. 1 1 BARBARA BEITLER. 63 Margaret mrd. second husband, John F. Johnson, June 4, 1891. P. O., Sterling, 111. Children: VII.— 5. Hattie Irene Johnson, b. May 6, 1892. VI.— 3. Josephine Vogt, b. Jiilj^ 28, 1866; mrd. Elmer Coopernell. He died May 29, 1886. One child: VII. — 1. Eva Maude Coopernell, b. Mar. 4, 1885; d. May 19, 1896. Josephine mrd. second husband, Daniel Grant, Dec. 11, 1891. VI.— 4. Agnes May Vogt, b. Mar. 3. 1868; mrd. William Kraft, Mar. 17, 1892. P. O., Sterling, 111. VI.— 5. Emeline Vogt, b. Mar. 14, 1871; mrd. Fred Duffield, Jan. 16, 1892. P. O., Sterling, 111. VI.— 6. Edith Vogt, b. Jan. 30, 1873; d. Apr. 4, 1873. VI.— 7. Ida May Vogt, b. Oct. 28, 1874. VI.— 8. John Martin Vogt, b. Jan. 3, 1877. VI.— 9. Clara Vogt, b. July 9, 1879. V. — 3. Susanna Kline, b. in Montg. Co., Pa., Sept. 3, 1842; mrd. Benjamin A. Schultz, in 1864. He died May 19, 1874. P. O., Sterling, 111. Cong. Children: VI. — 1. Samuel Henry Schultz, b. Apr. 8, 1865; d. Mar. 31, 1882. VI.— 2. James K. Schultz, b. Feb. 18, 1869. VI.— 3. Edwin K. Schultz, b. Jan. 15, 1872. v.— 4. John N. Kline, b. July 15, 1845; d. Apr. 21, 1887. V. — 5. Emeline Kline, b. Mar. 22, 1848; mrd. Edward H. Wildasin, May 17, 1867. P. O., Sterling, 111. Children: VI.— 1. Anna Lurame Wildasin, b. Feb. 13, 1868. VI.— 2. Joshua Wildasin, b. Nov. 1, 1872. V. — 6. Lavina Kline, b. Dec. 19, 1850; mrd. Abraham B. Hunsberger, Apr. 7, 1869. P. O., Sterling, 111. Baptists. Children: «4 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 1. Alvin R. Hunsberger, b. July 14, 1871. Elec- trician. VI.— 2. Bertha G. Hunsberger, b. July 7, 1876. Baptist. VI.— 3. Mabel A. Hunsberger, b. Mar. 7, 1885. v.— 7. Elizabeth Kline, b. May 10, 1857; mrd. Frank Compton, Aug. 18, 1874. P. O., Sterling, 111. Children: VI.— 1. Anna Belle Compton, b. Dec. 22, 1874; mrd. Ephraim B. Shumaker, Sept. 28, 1892. P. O., Sterling, 111. Baptists. VI. — 2. Clarence Eugene Compton, b. June 14, 1877. VI. — 3. Claude Elmer Compton, b. June 14, 1877 (twin) ; d. Aug. 29, 1877. VI.— 4. Olive Maud Compton, b. Mar. 26, 1879. VI. — 5. Eva Blanche Compton, b. Aug. 2, 1881. V. — 8. Sarah Ann Kline, b. Mar. 9, 1859; mrd. Andrew J. Pexton, Apr. 11, 1881. P. O., Sterling, 111. Children: VI.— 1. Edwin H. Pexton, b. Dec. 16, 1882. IV. — 4. David Newcomer, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., April 18, 1818; mrd. Barbara Gottshalk, b. ; died in St. Joseph Co., Ind., in 1856. They moved from Pennsylvania to Ohio and afterwards to St. Joseph Co., Ind., where Mr. Newcomer purchased a tract of land in an uncleared forest, and where by industry and continued hard labor he cleared a part of the land and made himself a comfortable home, which he occupied to the time of his death. This farm was located two and a half miles west of the present town of Wakarusa. When moving to it with his family he stayed all night with his brother-in-law, Wil- liam Overholt, six miles east of the new home on the same section line. In the morning they started for the new home at sun- rise, accompanied by several of the neighbors and several teams. The whole country was then an unbroken forest II. John Beitler's Mill, Chester Co., Pa. i BARBARA BEITLER. 65 without roads or even a wagon track. The company pushed forward as rapidly as they could, selecting the best ground to avoid marshes and water, cutting down and clearing away the undergrowth and small trees so as to open a road- way. When they reached the spot Mr. Newcomer had selected for his home, the sun was just setting, the whole day having been spent in making six miles. Mr. Newcomer was carpenter, cabinetmaker and farmer. Mennonites. Mrs. Newcomer died in 1856. Mr. Newcomer married his second wife, Esther Wismer, of Bucks Co., Pa. He died . He was a deacon in the Mennonite church during the latter part of his life. His second wife survived him a number of years. Children: 1. Jacob; 2. William; 3, Bar- bara; 4. Mathias; 5. Mary Magdalena; 6. Jonas; 7. Chris- tiana; 8. David G. V. — 1. Jacob Newcomer, b. in 1842, in Bucks Co., Pa. In the first draft made to reinforce the Union army during the rebellion of 1861-65 he was drafted and served his term. He came home sick and broken down, and died at home soon after. V. — 2. William Newcomer, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Jan. 7, 1844. Was drafted into the Union army in the first draft; he served his time, and was again drafted in the second draft, and served to the end of the war. Married Amanda Holderbaum. She died . Dunkards. Children: Three daughters; 4. Adam; 5. David; 6. William. VI. — 4. Adam Newcomer, b. May 4, 1878; mrd. Bertha Fletcher. Two children. .VI. — 5. David Newcomer, b. Dec. 10, 1880; mrd. Clara Gulp. One child. David, Dunkard; Clara, Mennonite. VI.— 6. William Harvey Newcomer, b. July 12, 1882; mrd. Mary Zimmerly. P. O., South Bend, Ind. No children. V. — 3. Barbara Newcomer, b. ; mrd. Jacob Gingrich. Employed in furniture factory at Goshen, Ind., for some years. Now reside at Prescott, Ark. Children: VI. — 1. Harvey Gingrich, mrd. Bertha Lutz. Children: One son and one daughter. 6 66 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 2. Ivo Gingrich, mrd. Lutie Yeager, June 1901. Live in Arkansas. VI. — 3. Elva Gingrich, mrd. Verrel Buck. Reside in Arkansas. V. — 4. Mathias Newcomer, b. in Ohio. Single. P. O., Mendon, Mich. Farmer. V. — 5. Mary Magdalena Newcomer, b. in Ohio, Mar. 2, 1850; mrd. Aaron Shaum, Mar. 19, 1874, in Elkhart Co., Ind. Farmer. P. O., Wakarusa, Ind. Children: 1. Ada Cecelia; 2. Clara Alice; 3. Sarah Catharine; 4. Emma Ar- villa; 5. Mabel; 6. Bertha Pearl; 7. Georgeana; 8. Jacob Roy; 9. Aaron Franklin; 10. Charles Nelson. VI. — 1. Ada Cecelia Shaum, b. Nov. 8, 1874; mrd. Daniel S. Weldy. He was b. Dec. 19, 1873. Shipping clerk Menno- nite Publishing Co., Elkhart, Ind. Mennonites. One child: 1. Gladys. VII.— 1. Gladys Weldy, b. Nov. 15, 1898. VI. — 2. Clara Alice Shaum, b. ; mrd. Charles C. Kline, July 17, 1897. P. O., Mendon, Mich. Farmer. Chil- dren: 1. Ernst; 2. John; 3. Ada. VII. — 1. Ernst Kline, died at the age of one month. VII. — 2. John Kline, died Sept. 1902, aged three years. VII.— 3. Ada Kline, b. in 1901. VI. — 3. Sarah Catharine Shaum, b. in St. Joseph Co., Ind., Feb. 18, 1878; mrd. Emil W. Guhse, Oct. 5, 1902. Em- ployed in Garden City Stationery Co. P. O., Elkhart, Ind. VI.— 4. Emma Arvilla Shaum, b. June 6, 1880. S. VI.— 5. Mabel May Shaum, b. Feb. 15, 1883. S. VI.— 6. Bertha Pearl Shaum, b. May 18, 1885. S. VI. — 7. Georgeana Shaum, b. July 6, 1887. S. VI.— 8. Jacob Roy Shaum, b. Oct. 24, 1889. VI. — 9. Aaron Franklin Shaum, b. Jan. 10, 1892; d. Jan. 30, same year. VI. — 10. Charles Nelson Shaum, b. Jan. 25, 18y6. (9 BARBARA BEITLER. 67 V. — 6. Jonas Newcomer, b. Dec. 22, 1851; mrd. Damy Snyder. P. O., Nampa, Idaho. Children: 1. Myrtle; 2. Maud; 3. Lizzie; 4. Ray. VI.— 1. Myrtle Newcomer, b. Aug. 13, 1873; mrd. in 1899. She died in Colorado about one year after marriage. VI.— 2. Maud Newcomer, b. Sept. 16, 1876; mrd. . Resides in Colfax, Washington. VI. — 3. Lizzie Newcomer, b. . Resides in Colfax, Washington. VI.— 4. Ray Newcomer, b. Jan. 24, 1886. V. — 7. Christiana Newcomer, b. in St. Joseph Co., Ind., ; died in California, Sept. 2, 1901. Tailoress. Mem- ber of Evangelical Association. S. V. — 8. David G. Newcomer, b. in St. Joseph Co., Ind.; mrd. Susan Weaver. P. O., Wakarusa, Ind. Children: VI. — 1. Calvin Newcomer. VI. — 2. Austin Newcomer. VI. — 3. Lizzie Newcomer. Died . VI. — 4. Nora Newcomer. VI. — 5. Emma Newcomer. VI. — 6. George Newcomer. Vl. — 7. David Newcomer. VI. — 8. Esther Newcomer. IV. — 5. Mary Newcomer, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 26, 1820; d. Aug. 1896; mrd. Charles Cassel, Oct. 8, 1840. He was born May 4, 1812; died at Doylestown, O., Jan. 12, 1888. He was blind for three or four years. Farmer. Baptists. Children: I.Anne; 2. David; 3. Mary; 4. Lovina; 5. Joel; 6. Sarah; 7. George; 8. Elizabeth; 9. Susanna; 10. Jacob; 11. Charles. V. — -1. Anne Cassel, b. Apr. 3, 1842; mrd. Louis Row- land, Jan. 9, 1868. Res., 233 N. Second St., Allentown, Pa. Railroad engineer. Ger. Bap. Children: 1. Clarence; 2, Elhanan; 3. Benjamin; 4. Albanus; 5. Lewis. 68 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 1. Clarence A. Rowland, b. in Wayne Co., Ohio, June 24, 1869; mrd. Gertrude G. Carmach, July 8, 1891. Res., 376 N. Clinton St., East Orange, N. J. Planer in machine shop. Meth's. Children: VII.— 1. Ralph Rowland, b. Sept. 20, 1894. VII.— 2. Ann C. Rowland, b. Oct. 24, 1896. VII.— 3. Elizabeth C. Rowland (twin), b. Oct. 24, 1896. VI.— 2. Elhanan W. Rowland, b. Mar. 24, 1871; d. Apr. 1, 1882. VI.— 3. Benjamin I. Rowland, b. Oct. 1, 1872; d. Apr. 1, 1882. VI. — 4. Albanus C. Rowland, b. in Montg. Co., Pa., May 1, 1874; mrd. Fannie S. Brower, Nov. 25, 1896. P. O., Port Providence, Pa. Stationary engineer. One child: VII.— 1. Rebecca M. B. Rowland, b. June 5, 1898. VI.— 5. Lewis C. Rowland, b. Oct. 15, 1876. Res., 27 Spruce St., Bloomfield, N. J. Toolmaker. Baptist. S. Of the children, Elhanan and Benjamin met with a very sad death. Clarence, the eldest, had gone to Port Provi- dence for the mail, and when returning was met about one- fourth mile from home by his brothers. By the roadside was a sand hole, into which all jumped except little Lewis. Suddenly the overhanging bank gave way and buried the three eldest and the fourth all but his head. Albanus told Lewis to give the alarm, and help soon came. Albanus was rescued uninjured. Clarence was next reached and was supposed to be dead, but was resuscitated in a little while. As soon as possible Elhanan and Benny were reached, but both were dead, though only covered with eighteen inches of sand. The funeral was largely attended. The ministers present were Revs. C. I. Thompson, Jacob Meyers, Jacob Gotwals and C. C. Walker. The sight was a sorrowful one, and many a strong man shed tears as he gazed upon the little forms so suddenly cut off upon the threshold of life. BARBARA BEITLER. 69 V. — 2. David Cassel, b. Aug. 1, 1843; mrd. Lucy Cra- mer. P. O., Sterling, 111. Children: VI. — 1. Huldah May Cassel, b. ; d. . VI.— 2. Walter Cassel. VI. — 3. Charles Harvey Cassel. VI.— 4. Clara Belle Cassel. v.— 3. Mary A. Cassel, b. Feb. 28, 1845; mrd. Henry N. Kline. (See Henry N. Kline family.) v.— 4. Lovina Cassel, b. Nov. 27, 1846; mrd. William Kindig. He died in 1872. P. O., Mendon, Mich. Baptists. Children: VI. — 1. Jesse DeCorsa Kindig. VI.— 2. Clyde Allen Kindig. v.— 5. Joel Cassel, b. Mar. 27, 1850; d. Feb. 11, 1853. v.— 6. Sarah Jane Cassel, b. Jan. 20, 1852; mrd. Charles G. Folsom, July 15, 1891. Res., 630 South Michigan St., South Bend, Ind. Heavy sheet iron worker. No children. V. — 7. George Cassel, b. Jan. 7, 1853. P. O., Kansas City, Kansas. v.— 8. Elizabeth Cassel, b. Sept. 18, 1855; mrd. David Beal, Oct. 9, 1873. He was born Oct. 28, 1851. P. O., Doylestown, Ohio. Carpenter. Children: 1. Mary; 2. Florence; 3. Willis. VI.— 1. Mary R. Beal, b. June 18, 1879; mrd. Fred W. Deutsch, July 1, 1896. He was b. Feb. 26, 1872. P. O., Doylestown, O. Farmer. VI.— 2. Florence A. Beal, b. Nov. 9, 1880. V!.— 3. Willis R. Beal, b. Feb. 8, 1886. V. — 9. Susanna Cassel, b. Aug. 14, 1857; mrd. Charles Betz. P. O., Mendon, Mich. Farmer. Children: VI.— 1. Ellen Betz. VI.— 2. Aden Betz. 70 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 3. Jennie Elta Betz, dec'd. VI. — 4. Russel Betz. VI. — 5. Benny Betz. VI.— 6. Mary Alfia Betz. v.— 10. Jacob Cassel, b. Sept. 26, 1859; mrd. Anna Kuhn. Oct. 21, 1893. P. O.. Oregon City, Oregon. Hotel- keeper. Children: VI.— 1. Anna Belle Cassel, b. July 8, 1894. VI.— 2. Ollie May Cassel, b. Aug. 16, 1896. V. — 11. Charles Cassel, b. in Medina Co., O., Jan. 17, 1863; mrd. Lucy Snyder, Jan. 17, 1885. P. O., Mendon, Mich. Children: VI.— 1. George Ellis Cassel, b. Feb. 28, 1886. VI.— 2. Frank Nelson Cassel, b. June 26, 1887. VI.— 3. Charles Everett Cassel, b. Oct. 20, 1891. IV.— 6. Susan Newcomer, b. Apr. 17, 1822; d. ; mrd. Mathias Smith (his second wife). He died in 1892. No children. IV. — 7. Eliza Newcomer, b. July 23, 1824; mrd. Hiram R. Fenimore, Oct. 10, 1860. He d. Apr. 14, 1891. Res., 128 Main St., Akron, O. Farmer. Baptists. Children: 1. Mil- ton; 2. Ella; 3. Hiram; 4. Adelbert. v.— 1. Milton M. Fenimore, b. Aug. 9, 1861. Ma- chinist. S. v.— 2. Ella N. Fenimore, b. Feb. 18. 1864. Res., 128 Main St., Akron, O. Saleslady. S. v. — 3. Hiram A. Fenimore, b. Feb. 26, 1866; mrd. Bes- sie May Usher, June 12, 1895. P. O., Strongsville, Ohio. Machinist. Baptists. Children: VI. — 1. Howard Fenimore, b. Sept. 1899. VI. — 2. William Dwight Fenimore, b. Aug. 10, 1901. BARBARA BEITLER. 71 V. — 4. Adalbert L. Fenimore, b. Feb. 9, 1868; mrd. Nora Hunt, Dec. 24, 1890. P. O., Petoskey, Mich. Machinist. Baptist. Children: VI. — 1. Helen Maria Fenimore, b. Nov. 10, 1891. VI.— 2. Ruth Elizabeth Fenimore. b. Nov. 4, 1893; d. Nov. 20, 1895. VI. — 3. Mabel Amelia Fenimore, b. July 14. 1895; d. Aug. 23, 1895. VI. — 4. Esther Minneola Fenimore, b. Feb. 5, 1897. VI. — 5. Ray Linden Fenimore, b. Apr. 10, 1901. IV. — 8. Lavina M. Newcomer, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 2, 1826; d. May 4, 1901; mrd. George Decker, Sept. 30, 1852. P. O., Barberton, Ohio. Shoemaker. Mr. Decker enlisted in Company A 179 Reg't Penna. Inf., Oct. 16, 1862, for nine months. On the 9th of Dec. following the Company left Camp Philadelphia for Yorktown, where it performed garrison duty until June 23, 1863, accompanied an expedi- tion up Ware and North rivers Apr. 7 and 8, 1863; May 7 it joined in a land and naval expedition against West Point, which was entirely successful. The Company was the first to land and take possession of the town. The Company returned to Yorktown May 12, and on June 4 started on an expedition to Ayletts, where it destroyed an iron foundry, machine shop and other Confederate Government buildings. This expedition was considered one of the greatest of the war. It marched 75 miles into the enemy's country. The whole force was 400 infantrymen. Returned to Yorktown June 6. The company also took an active part in the Peninsular campaign under General Dix; was in the ad- vance brigade which had heavy skirmishing on the 1st and 2d of July; had a spirited artillery duel on the 2d near Bottom Bridge. Returning to Yorktown July 10, the com- pany left there July 13 for Harrisburg, Pa., where it arrived on the 21st, and where Mr. Decker was discharged from the service of the United States July 27, 1863, on expiration of term of enlistment. Luth's. No children. 72 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. IV. — 9. Jacob Newcomer, b. July 7, 1830; d. Jan. 7, 1897; mrd. Catharine Daub. P. O., Wakarusa, Ind. Shoe- maker and farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Samuel; 2. Harvey. V. — 1. Samuel Newcomer, b. ; mrd. . P. O., Elkhart, Ind. Farmer. V. — 2. Harvey Newcomer, b. ; mrd. . P. O., Elkhart, Ind. Farmer. iMi'»»»»i6^i'»U' Quaker Meeting House, Chester Co.. Pa., where III. John Beitler \/vorshipped and was bLiried. CHAPTER III. Oberholtzer Branch. Descendants of Anna Beitler (born 1745) and Henry Oberholtzer. II.— 2. Anna Beitler, b. Mar. 24, 1745; d. Apr. 5, 1835; mrd. Henry Oberholtzer*, Jan. 3, 1765. He was b. Feb. 5, 1739; d. Dec. 5, 1813. The homestead of Henry "Overbold" In Bucks Co., Pa., was a tract of 175 acres and 44 perches at Deep Run, in Bedminster Twp., adjoining the Mennonite church property, which Wm. Allen conveyed to Abraham Black (Swartz), May 10, 1762, being a part of 6,653 acres surveyed to Wm. Allen, Mar. 5, 1730, being a part of 10,000 acres which William, Penn devised to his grandson, Springet Penn, and which Springet Penn, his younger brother (Apr. 10, 1729), and Wm. Penn (Apr. 16, 1729) conveyed to Wil- liam Allen. Abraham Black assigned all his right to above deed Sept. 20, 1762, to Agnes Nash, widow of William Nash, late of Bedminster Twp., deceased. The following is an abstract of the Indenture to Henry Overbold: Indenture made Nov. 7, 1774, between Agnes Nash, widow of William Nash, late of Bedminster, Bucks Co., Pa., and Henry Overbold, of same township and county, yoeman, to a tract of 175 acres and 44 perches, situated lying beginning at a post at a corner of land belonging to the Mennonite congregation, and in a line of Jacob Latherman's land, and from thence extending from said Jacob Lather- man's land north 41 degrees 55 minutes east. Sixty-one perches and eight tenths of a perch to a post in a line of Ralph Landis' land; thence by same south 47 degrees 5 * Son of Martin Oberholtzer, born in 1709; died Apr. 5, 1744; mrd. Agnes , Nov. 2, 1736. She was b. Abr. 18, 1713; d. Feb. 15, 1786. Children: Barbara, Henry, Maria, John, Martin. 74 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. minutes east twenty perches and four tenths of a perch to a post; thence by said Landis' and Peter Luke's land, respectively, north 44 degrees 50 minutes east; ninety-six perches to a post at a corner of said William Allen's other land; and from thence extending by the same south forty- seven degrees east, one hundred and seventy-two perches to a post, and south 43 degrees and 40 minutes, west 153 perches and % of a perch to a post; thence by the same, and said land belonging to the Mennonite congregation, respectively, north 48 degrees 25 minutes, west, 192 perches and a ^^ perch to the place of beginning, containing 175 acres and 44 perches. And for which Henry Overbold paid 357 £ 17 shillings and 2 pence. AGNES NASH. Witnesses: DIELMAN KOLB. JOSEPH NASH. Recorded Apr. 17, 1784, at Doylestown, Pa. Book 21, page 416. Indenture made Apr. 25, 1800, between Henry Overholt, of Bedminster Township, Yoeman, and Anna, his wife, and Andrew Loux, of same place, for sum of 1,500 £ gold and silver money HENRY OVERHOLT. ANNA OVERHOLT. Witnesses : ABRAHAM NASH. WM. M'NEELY. Recorded June 3. 1824. After disposing of his proprety in Bucks Co., Pa., Henry Overholt with his family emigrated with a colony of Fretzs, Loucks, Tinstmans and others, to Westmoreland Co., Pa., April 27, 1800. He had twelve children, all born in Bucks Co., Pa., several of whom were married prior to their removal to Westmoreland Co. The family settled on a tract of then wild land since known as the Overholt homestead at West Overton. Farmer, Mennonites. Children: 1. ANNA BEITLER. 75 Agnes; 2. Maria; 3. Jacob; 4. Annie; 5. Martin; 6. Barbara; 7. Elizabeth; 8. Henry; 9. Sarah; 10. Abraham; 11. Chris- tian; 12. Susanna. SECTION I. III. — 1. Agnes Overholt, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Oct, 15, 1765; d. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., June 15, 1850, aged 84 years, 8 months; mrd. Christian Fretz. He was b. in Bucks Co., Pa., about 1761; d. in Westmoreland Co., Apr. 5, 1849. He was blind for a number of years before his death. It was the custom on every Sabbath morning, for each mem- ber of his family to take his or her Bible and read aloud all at the same time. Much reverence was paid in his family to the Book of books. Farmer. Mennonites. Chil- dren: 1. John; 2. Henry; 3. Daniel; 4. Mary; 5. Anna; 6. Christian. IV. — 1. John Fretz, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Dec. 25, 1786; d. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 1, 1867, of apoplexy. He fell dead from his horse while on his way to a New Year's dinner. He was lame and walked with a crutch. Mrd. Frances Shellenberger. She was b. Feb. 15, 1797; d. Dec. 4, 1877. Tailor. Mennonites. Children: 1. Jacob; 2. Chris- tian; 3. John; 4. Martin; 5. Elizabeth; 6. Henry; 7. Abra- ham; 8. Daniel; 9. Frances; 10. Infant. v.— 1. Jacob Fretz, b. about 1814; d. Feb. 20, 1825. v.— 2. Christian Fretz, b. Dec. 12, 1816; d. Dec. 18, 1829. v.— 3. John Fretz, b. Sept. 27, 1819; d. July 18, 1848; mrd. Catharine Landis, of Westmoreland Co., Pa., in 1846. No children. v.— 4. Martin Fretz, b. about 1820; d. Nov. 1, 1821. v.— 5. Elizabeth Fretz, b. about 1821; d. Aug. 23, 1824. V. — 6. Henry Fretz*, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 20, 1824; mrd. Diana Myers, May 20, 1847. She d. . Children: 1. Emma; 2. Abraham; 3. Lydia. * In 1840 the name was changed from Fretz to Fretts. 76 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Henry mrd. second wife, Elizabeth Detweiler (widow of Henry S. Fretts). She d. . P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Farmer. U. B. One child: 4. Mary. VI.— 1. Emma Fretts, b. Apr. 28, 1848; d. Apr. 15, 1850. VI. — 2. Abraham E. Fretts, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Sept. 1, 1850; mrd. Mary E. Reamer, in 1871. P. O., Greensburg, Pa. Operating oil v/ells in Pennsylvania and Virginia. Mr. F., Baptist; Mrs. F., Presby. Children: VII.— 1. Infant son, b. Apr. 13, 1872; d. Apr. 22, 1872. VII.— 2. Ethel R. Fretts, b. Oct. 29, 1873. VI.— 3. Lydia Fretts, b. July 12, 1852; mrd. Martin B. Hough, in 1868. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Farmer, Methodists. Children: 1. Emma; 2. Nora; 3. Henry; 4. Myrtle; 5. Mitchell. VII.— 1. Emma Hough, b. Jan. 29, 1869. U. B. VII.— 2. Nora Hough, b. Aug. 20, 1870. VII.— 3. Henry F. Hough, b. July 27, 1873. VII.— 4. Myrtle Hough, b. Dec. 15, 1875. VII.— 5. Mitchell B. Hough, b. May 9, 1879. VI.— 4. Mary Fretts, b. Aug. 28, 1864; d. ; mrd. Louis Comp. One child: VII.— 1. Flora Comp. V. — 7. Abraham S. Fretts, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 9, 1827; d. July 16, 1898; mrd. Fannie Boyd, May 26, 1853. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Farmer. Methodists. Children: 1. John; 2. James; 3. Martha; 4. Emma; 5. Dempsey; 6. Carrie; 7. Olive; 8. Albert; 9. Lizzie. VI.— 1. John Wesley Fretts, b. Oct. 10, 1855; d. Apr. 22, 1858. VI. — 2. James B. Fretts, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Sept. 17, 1857. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Farmer and fruit grower. Meth. Ep. S. ANNA BEITLER. 77 VI.— 3. Martha Belle Fretts, b. Oct. 31, 1859; mrd. James L. Stauffer, Oct. 30, 1888. P. O., Stauffer Sta., Pa. Farmer. United Brethren. No children. VI. — 4. Emma Frances Fretts, b. Jan. 13, 1862; mrd. M. B. Porter, June 14, 1883. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Grocery- man. Methodists. Children: VII.— 1. Helen Edna Porter, b. Apr. 14, 1884. VII. — 2. Harry Pendleton Porter, b. June 14, 1886. VII. — 3. Benjamin Franklin Porter, b. Aug. 9, 1888. VI.— 5. Dempsey D. Fretts, b. May 22, 1864; mrd. Alice Anderson, Sept. 1885. P. O., Connellsville, Pa. Shooting gallery. Children: VII.— 1. Charles A. Fretts, b. Aug. 11, 1886. VII.— 2. William H. Fretts, b. June 12, 1888. VI.— 6. Carrie B. Fretts, b. Dec. 17, 1866. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. Meth. Ep. S. VI.— 7. Olive O. Fretts, b. Mar. 21, 1869. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. Meth. Ep. S. VI.— 8. Albert G. Fretts, b. Nov. 3, 1872; mrd. Maggie Nickols, Dec. 29, 1898. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. One child: VII.— 1. Mildred Fretts, b. Jan. 7, 1900. VI.— 9. Lizzie Luella Fretts, b. Mar. 2, 1875. V. — 8. Daniel S. Fretts, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., June 16, 1830; mrd. Kezia Jane Cunningham, Feb. 14, 1856. She d. Jan. 10, 1888. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Farmer. Metho- dists. Children: 1. John; 2. Mary; 3. Amzi; 4. William; 5. Barnet; 6. George; 7. Frank; 8. Harry; 9. Anna; 10. Cozie. VI.— 1. John C. Fretts, b. Feb. 27, '57; d. Apr. 13, 1859. VI. — 2. Mary Frances Fretts, b. Jan. 14, 1859; mrd. William Campbell. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Children: VM.— 1. Harry Campbell, b. Feb. 13, '85; d. Feb. 23, '85. 78 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 3. Amzi Burt Fretts, b. Mar. 13, 1861; mrd. Minerva Kifer. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Sheet roller. Children: VII.— 1. Ida May Fretts, b. Apr. 17, 1887. VII.— 2. Ethel Maude Fretts, b. Aug. 31, 1888. VI.— 4. William Dick Fretts, b. Apr. 14, 1863; mrd. Hat- tie Anderson, Oct. 9, 1890. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Iron worker. Methodist. Children: VII.— 1. Walter Fretts, b. Aug. 28, 1891. VII.— 2. Zana Kezia Fretts, b. Dec. 20, 1892. VII.— 3. Harry Fretts, b. Sept. 19, 1893. VII.— 4. William Clyde Fretts, b. June 22, 1900. VI. — 5. Barnet C. Fretts, b. Apr. 1865. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Postmaster, tobacco and cigar merchant. S. VI.— 6. George Elmer Fretts, b. Sept. 21, 1867. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Farmer. S. VI.— 7. Frank C. Fretts, b. Oct. 19, 1869; d. Nov. 4, 1871. VI.— 8. Harry C. Fretts, b. Dec. 14, 1872. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. Farmer. S. VI.— 9. Anna Luta Fretts, b. Apr. 8, 1875. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. S. VI.— 10. Cozie Jane Fretts, b. May 10, 1877; mrd. Burt Stauffer, in 1894. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Children: Vll.— 1. Maria Stauffer, b. Mar. 12, 1895. VII.— 2. Mary Frances Stauffer, b. Apr. 1897. V. — 9. Frances Fretts, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 10, 1833; mrd. Martin N. Stauffer. (See Martin N. Stauffer family.) v.— 10. Infant, b. Dec. 1839: d. Jan. 1, 1840. IV.— 2. Henry Fretz, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., May 12, 1791; d. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 22, 1845; mrd. Susanna Sherrick, Mar. 12, 1812. She was b. Nov. 28, 1799; d. Mar. ANNA BEITLER. 7& 5, 1874. Farmer. Menn's. Children: 1. John; 2. Chris- tian; 3. Nancy; 4. Henry; 5. Abraham; 6. Daniel; 7. Joseph; 8. Elizabeth; 9. Catharine; 10. Adam. V. — 1. John S. Frets, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 24, 1813; d. , 1898 (?); mrd. Elizabeth, daughter of John and Magdalena (Kephart) Bear, Dec. 24, 1835. She d. Aug. 24, 1889. Scottdale, Pa. Carpenter and farmer. Luth's. Children: 1. Hannah; 2. Henry; 3. Daniel; 4. Adam; 5. Sarah; 6. Infant. VI. — 1. Hannah Frets, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 14, 1836; mrd. Solomon B. Stoner, in 1856. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Farmer. United Brethren. Children: 1. Elmina; 2. Lyman; 3. John; 4. Betta. VII.— 1. Elmina Stoner, b. Feb. 11, 1857; mrd. G. R. Foss, Mar. 26, 1885. Shoe merchant at Washington, D. C. (1890). Mrs. Foss, Methodist. VII.— 2. Lyman F. Stoner, b. Sept. 18, 1858; mrd. Minerva Tarr, Dec. 25, 1883. She d. May 15, 1885. One child: VIM.— 1. Clyde T. Stoner, b. May 6, 1885. VII.— 3. John E. Stoner, b. Feb. 20, 1861; mrd. Maggie Andrews, May 12, 1887. Children: VIII.— 1. Vergie Stoner, b. May 13, '88; d. Nov. 13, 1889. VIII.— 2. Eorie Stoner, b. Nov. 4, 1889. VII.— 4. Betta Stoner, b. Aug. 23, 1865; mrd. J. W. Shelar, M. D., Oct. 18, 1888. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Physician. United Brethren. Children: VIM.- 1. Camelle Vere Shelar, b. Oct. 29, 1889. VI.— 2. Henry B. Fretz, b. Dec. 31, 1838. He enlisted in the army in 1861; d. in Tennessee, July 2, 1863, VI.— 3. Daniel B. Frets, b. Mar. 4, 1841; d. Mar. 24, 1872; mrd. Susanna Kellar. Farmer. Luth. Children: 1. Henry; 2. John; 3. Elizabeth; 4. Emma; 5. Samuel. VII.— 1. Henry H. Frets, b. June 14, '62; d. Oct. 30, 1872. VII.— 2. John E. Fretts, b. Oct. 14, 1864; mrd. Sue L. 80 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Murphy, Aug. 31, 1887. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Clerk. Children: VIM.— 1. Earl W. Fretts, b. May 31, 1889. VII.— 3. Elizabeth A. Fretts, b. June 5, 1866; d. Apr. 24. 1873. VII.— 4. Emma C. Fretts, b. July 7, 1868. U. B. VII.— 5. Samuel K. Fretts, b. Feb. 3, 1872; d. July 17, 1872. VI.— 4. Adam Frets, b. Jan. 24, 1845; d. June 1, 1876, VI.— 5. Sarah Frets, b. in 1847; d. in 1847. VI. — 6. Infant, born and died in 1850. V. — 2. Christian Fretz, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Nov. 30, 1814; d. May 6, 1848; mrd. . No children. V. — 3. Nancy Fretts, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Mar. 6, 1817; mrd. Michael Myers, Nov. 9, 1837. Retired farmer. United Brethren Ch. Children: 1. Agnes; 2. Susan; 3. Ann; 4. Catharine; 5. Henry; 6. Hannah; 7. Mahlon; 8. Elizabeth; 9. John; 10. Francis; 11. Franklin; 12. Amzi; 13. Abraham; 14. Mary; 15. Emma. VI.— 1. Agnes Myers, b. July 30, 1838; mrd. Daniel D. Hixon in 1861. P. O., . Farmer. Methodists. Children: 1. Amza; 2. William; 3. Chalmers; 4. Reuben; 5. Franklin; 6. Nancy; 7. Emma; 8. Homer; 9. Daniel; 10. Sarah; 11. Lyman. VII.— 1. Amza M. Hixon, b. Mar. 17, 1862; mrd. Belle Linsley. She was b. Aug. 23, 1867. Children: VIII.— 1. Walter S. Hixon, b. Dec. 30, 1886. VIM. — 2. Erma Oreta Hixon, b. Apr. 16, 1888. VIM.— 3. Lizzie May Hixon, b. July 19, 1889. VM.— 2. William B. Hixon, b. Apr. 6, 1864. VII.— 3. Chalmers D. Hixon, b. May 1, 1865. VII. — 4. Reuben G. Hixon, b. May 7, 1866. III. JACOB BEIDLER. ( See page 1S5.) ANNA BEITLER. 81 VM.— 5. Franklin S. Hixon, b. Aug. 23, 1867. VII.— 6. Nancy E. Hixon, b. Sept. 27, 1868. VII.— 7. Emma A. Hixon, b. May 4, 1870. VII.— 8. Homer H. Hixon, b. June 29, 1871. VII.— 9. Daniel F. Hixon, b. Oct. 14, 1872. VII.— 10. Sarah L. Hixon, b. Oct. 9, 1874. VII.— 11. Lyman F. Hixon, b. Oct. 13, 1875. VI. — 2. Susan Myers, b. Jan. 17, 1840; mrd. Martin Detwiler. VI.— 3. Ann Eliza Myers, b. Mar. 13, 1841; mrd. Boyd. VI.— 4. Catharine Myers, b. Sept. 23, 1842; mrd. Emanuel Stants. VI. — 5. Henry F. Myers, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 8, 1844; mrd. Sarah Rice, Feb. 3, 1870. She was b. May 20, 1844. P. O., Hartville, Ohio. Farmer. United Brethren. Children: 1. Edward; 2. Jacob; 3. Mamie. VII.— 1. Edward W. Myers, b. Mar. 20, 1871. VII.— 2. Jacob Rice Myers, b. Nov. 2, 1873. VII.— 3. Mamie R. Myers, b. July 20, 1876. VI. — 6. Hannah Myers, b. in 1845; mrd. Hiland Kelley. VI.— 7. Mahlon Myers, b. Dec. 14, 1846; mrd. Eliza Gaut. VI. — 8. Elizabeth Myers, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 6, 1848; mrd. Jesse A. Oglevee, Jan. 25, 1877. He d. Nov. 9, 1897. P. O., Vanderbilt, Pa. Farmer. Children: 1. Isaac; 2. Luella; 3. Francis; 4. Mary; 5. Elizabeth. VII. — 1. Isaac Newcon Oglevee, b. Aug. 27, 1878. VII.— 2. Luella Oglevee, b. Aug. 31, 1879. VII.— 3. Francis Oglevee, b. Aug. 28, 1881. VII.— 4. Mary Ellen Oglevee, b. Jan. 15, 1884. VII.— 5. Elizabeth Oglevee, b. Jan. 25, 1886. 82 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 9. John Lyman Myers, b. Dec. 12, 1849; d. Aug, 22, 1850. VI. — 10. Frances Myers, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Feb. 21, 1851; mrd. Samuel Ellenberger, Sept. 13, 1883. He was born in Fayette Co., Pa., Sept. 5, 1838. Res., 1144 Plain St., Canton, Ohio. Carpenter. Church of God. Children: VII.— 1. Clara Elizabeth Ellenberger, b. Aug. 16, 1884. Church of God. VII.— 2. Charles Berly Ellenberger, b. Mar. 16, 1886. Church of God. VII.— 3. Cyrus Franklin Ellenberger, b. Feb. 16, 1888; d. Sept. 22, 1889. VII.— 4. Goldy Myrtle Ellenberger, b. Jan. 4, 1891. VII.— 5. Samuel Henry Ellenberger, b. June 22, 1893. VII.— 6. Ruth May Ellenberger, b. May 28, 1898. VI.— 11. Franklin Myers, b. June 5, '52; d. Apr. 3, 1858. VI.— 12. Amzi Myers, b. Feb. 7, 1854; d. Apr. 27, 1858. VI. — 13. Abraham Myers, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., June 16, 1856. VI.— 14. Mary Ellen Myers, b. Oct. 25, 1858. VI. — 15. Emma Myers, b, Nov. 9, 1861; mrd. Joseph Hixon. V. — 4. Henry S. Fretts, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Mar. 6, 1819; d. July 15, 1857; mrd. Elizabeth Detwiler (dec'd), Dec. 24, 1844. Farmer, United Brethren. Children: 1. Susanna; 2. Mahlon; 3. Infant; 4. Franklin; 5. Sarah. VI. — 1. Susanna Fretts, b. Sept. 4, 1846; mrd. Samuel Loucks. (See Samuel Loucks family.) VI.— 2. Mahlon Fretts, b. June 14, 1849; d. Oct. 1851. VI.— 4. Franklin Fretts, b. Aug. 11, 1851; mrd. Mary Aultman, Oct. 5, 1875. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Farmer. United Brethren. No children. ANNA BEITLER. 83 V!. — 5. Sarah Fretts, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 20, 1855; mrd. George B. Kelly, Dec. 24, 1874. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. Children: VII.— 1. George Washington Kelly, b. Feb. 22, 1876; d. Jan. 9. 1877. VII.— 2. Harry F. Kelly, b. Mar. 18, 1879. VII.— 3. Eva May Kelly, b. May 10, 1886. v.— 5. Abraham Fretts, b. Jan. 16, 1821; d. in 1842. S. v.— 6. Daniel Fretts, b. Dec. 13, 1823; d. Aug. 1824. v. — 7. Joseph S. Fretts, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Nov. 9, 1825; d. Apr. 23, 1861; mrd. Martha Jane Porter, Aug. 13, 1846. She d. . Miller. United Brethren. Children: 1. John; 2. Susan. Joseph mrd. second wife, Mary Ann Ryan, Nov. 25, 1852. Children: 3. Lyman; 4. Catharine; 5. Mary; 6. Joseph. VI.— 1. John Wesley Fretts, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Sept. 12, 1847; mrd. Mary E. Shether, Dec. 5, 1867. She d. Feb. 1885. No children. Mrd. second wife, Louisa Burgie, of Switzerland. Lutheran. Adamsburg, Pa. On Oct. 14, 1864, he enlisted in the 67th Reg't Pa. Vol. as a substitute for Rev. Mr. Hickman of Mount Pleasant, Pa. He enlisted to serve for one year or during the war, was detailed to be regimental steward under T. F. Carson, and mustered out of service at Halls Hill, Va., July 14, 1865. VI. — 2. Susan Fretts, b. Feb. 1, 1850; died young. VI.— 3. Lyman R. Fretts, b. Sept. 3, 1853; d. Sept. 3, 1892; mrd. Alice Susan Stoner, Dec. 25, 1879. Early in life he engaged in teaching school, which he followed for fifteen years. He graduated from the National School of Elocution and Oratory, at Philadelphia, in the class of 1877. Later he engaged in farming at Scottdale, Pa. Methodists. Children: VII.— 1. Millicent N. Fretts, b. Oct. 23, 1881. VII.— 2. Kate Mary Fretts, b. Nov. 10, 1883. VII.— 3. Alice Alta Fretts, b. Dec. 13, 1886. 84 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VII.— 4. Sarah Joy Fretts, b. Apr. 9, 1889. VI.— 4. Catharine Fretts, b. Nov. 1, 1855; d. Mar. 17, 1883, while attending school at Ada, Ohio. She had won the highest respect of all who knew her, especially those who were her intimate friends. Methodist. VI. — 5. Mary Jane Fretts, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Apr. 28, 1858. VI. — 6. Rev. Joseph R. Fretts, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., June 4, 1860; mrd. Sadie N. Bryan, of Ada, Ohio, May 2, 1886. By working on the farm and teaching school he suc- ceeded in securing the means to attend the higher schools. He completed a course in the National School of Elocution and Oratory, at Philadelphia, in 1879. In 1884 he was licensed an exhorter in the Methodist Episcopal church, and a local preacher in April 1885. In 1886 he graduated from the Ohio Nor. University with the degree of A. B., and the same year he joined the Wisconsin conference of the Methodist Episcopal church. In 1888 he was transferred to the Pittsburg conference for the purpose of ordination, and at the session of that conference in October of that year he was ordained to deacon's orders, after which he was transferred back to the Wisconsin conference. In the fall of the same year he entered Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., as a divinity student, where he pursued his studies for some time. V. — 8. Elizabeth Fretz, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Apr. 15, 1828; d. Feb. 18, 1894; mrd. Samuel Detwiler, May 7, 1846. He d. Feb. 18, 1888. Miller and farmer. United Brethren Ch. Children: 1. Mary; 2. Henry; 3. Susan; 4. Elizabeth; 5. Ann; 6. John; 7. Joseph; 8. Jacob; 9. Samuel. VI.— 1. Mary Ann Detwiler, b. June 17, 1847; d. Oct. 6, 1851. VI. — 2. Henry F. Detwiler, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Jan. 21, 1849; Mrd. Josephine A. Van Gundy, of Sycamore, O., Nov. 16, 1876. He was quite early taught to work on the farm and run errands for his father. He began attending the public school at the age of five years, when he had to ANNA BEITLER. 85 learn to speak English. He continued working in summer and going to school in winter until his twentieth year, when he attended the West Virginia University, at Morgantown, one term of three months. On Aug. 10, 1869, he went to Otterbein University, at Westerville, O., where he com- pleted the prescribed classical course of study on June 3, 1875, after a continuous course of six years. On Jan. 14, 1875, he was registered as a student at law with the Hon. C. E. Boyer, of Uniontown, Pa. He began the study of law about Mar, 1, 1876, and remained in his preceptor's oflBce one year, when he was admitted to practice law in the several courts of Fayette Co., Pa., on Mar. 8, 1877, since which time he has continuously practiced his profession. While he makes no claim to more than ordinary ability, he has held his own fairly well and enjoys a comfortable prac- tice. He was mayor of Uniontown during the years 1883-4-5. He never but once aspired to any higher office, and then was defeated for district attorney. He is a mem- ber of the Y. M. C. A. and Meth. Ep. Ch. Children: VII. 1. Bessie R. Detweiler, b. Oct. 28, 1877. VII.— 2. William V. Detwiler, b. Dec. 28, 1881. VII.— 3. Fred Ward Detwiler, b. Aug. 22, 1889; d. Sept. 9, 1896. VI. — 3. Susan Catharine Detwiler, b. Jan. 13, 1852; mrd. James S. Boyd. P. O., Cawker City, Kansas. Farmer. United Brethren Ch. Children: 1. Cora; 2. Albert; 3. Harry; 4. Frank; 5. Bessie; 6. Detwiler; 7. Ruth; 8. John; 9. Anna; 10. Ralph; 11. Azalia; 12. Max. VI!.— 1. Cora M. Boyd, b. J».n. 27, 1872; mrd. John Sem- bower. He d. Dec. 1895. Cora mrd. second husband, Frank J. Walz, Apr. 14, 1898. VII.— 2. Albert Mason Boyd, b. Aug. 18, 1874. VM.— 3. Harry Ellsworth Boyd, b. Oct. 3, 1875; mrd. Delia Cramm, Apr. 14, 1898. VII.— 4. Frank H. Boyd, b. Jan. 3, 1878. VII. — 5. Bessie Marie Boyd, b. July 7, 1879. 86 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VII.— 6. Samuel Detweiler Boyd. b. Oct. 31, 1881. VII.— 7. Ruth Van Gundy Boyd, b. Oct. 14, 1884. VII.— 8. John Clyde Boyd, b. Oct. 22, 1885. VII.— 9. Anna Josephine Boyd, b. Sept. 12, 1887. VII.— 10. Ralph Harper Boyd, b. Oct. 31, 1890. VII.— 11. Azalia Belle Boyd, b. Apr. 1, 1893. VII.— 12. Max Dewey Boyd, b. May 15, 1896. VI.— 4. Elizabeth M. Detwiler, b. Oct. 29, 1854; d. Oct. 31, 1881. VI. — 5. Ann Maria Detwiler, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Feb. 15, 1858; mrd. Frank J. Burkhart, Dec. 20, 1894. United Brethren in Christ. Children: VII.— 1. Samuel Burkhart, b. Feb. 1897; d. Feb. 1897. VII.— 2. Lawrence Mason Burkhart, b. July 30, 1898. VI.— 6. John F. Detwiler, M. D., b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Sept. 20, 1860; mrd. Azalia O. Scott, May 11, 1892. Physi- cian. Meth. Ep. Children: VII.— 1. Azelma Elizabeth Detwiler, b. Dec. 21, 1895. VII.— 2. Miriam Joy Detwiler, b. Apr. 20, 1898. VI.— 7. Joseph Hooker Detwiler, b. May 8, 1863; d. Dec. 4, 1886. VI. — 8. Jacob Smith Detwiler, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Nov. 26, 1865; mrd. Lorena Newcomer, Dec. 20, 1894. Farmer. United Brethren in Christ. One child: VII.— 1. Harold Detwiler, b. Aug. 5, 1895. VI. — 9. Samuel Mason Detwiler, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., June 25, 1870; mrd. Alice Walters, June 17, 1896. Butcher. Presbyterian. Children: VII.— 1. Emma Elizabeth Detwiler, b. Mar. 16, 1897. V. — 9. Catharine Fretz, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 16, 1830; mrd. J. B. Stoner, Aug. 26, 1852. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. Farmer. United Brethren. Children: 1. Emma; 2. Mahlon; 3. Martin; 4. Susan; 5. Violetta; 6. Flora; 7. Samuel; 8. Solomon. ANNA BEITLER. 87 VI.— 1. Emma Stoner, b. Sept. 13, '53; d. May 30, 1854. VI. — 2. Mahlon F. Stoner, b. May 2, 1855; mrd. Emma J. Porter, May 10, 1883. Farmer. United Brethren. Children: i VII.— 1. Edwin Stoner, b. Jan. 14, 1885. VII. — 2. Joseph Benjamin Stoner, b. Aug. 17, 1888. VI.— 3. Martin N. Stoner, b. Mar. 21, 1857; d. May 19, 1875. VI.— 4. Susan Stoner, b. Jan. 30, 1860; mrd. Rev. H. F. Shupe, Aug. 12, 1885. Minister of the United Brethren church. Children: VII.— 1. Erma Shupe, b. Oct. 30, 1886. VII.— 2. Mary Shupe, b. Aug. 10, 1889. VI.— 5. Violetta Stoner, b. Nov. 12, 1862; d. Oct. 24, '63. VI.— 6. Flora May Stoner, b. Feb. 2, 1865; d. Dec. 28, 1882. VI.— 7. Samuel D. Stoner, b. Nov. 2, 1868; d. Nov. 23, 1871. VI.— 8. Solomon V. Stoner, b. Nov. 28, 1872; d. Oct. 3, 1876. v.— 10. Adam Fretts, b. Nov. 8, 1832; d. Sept. 21, 1841. IV.— 3. Daniel Fretz, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Dec. 1, 1792; d. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., July 13, 1873, aged 80 years, 8 months, 12 days; mrd. Hannah Fox. No children. IV.— 4. Mary Fretz, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., June 1, 1795; d. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Feb. 1, 1824, aged 28 years, 8 months. Unmarried. IV.— 5. Anna Fretz, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 24, 1799; d. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Feb. 2, 1878; mrd. Samuel Stauffer in 1818. He d. June 17, 1819. He was drowned 88 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. when their first and only child was six weeks old. Farmer. Menn's. One child: V. — 1. John F. Stauffer, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 11, 1819; mrd. Catharine Monosmith, Feb. 18, 1850. Farmer. Mennonites. Children: 1. Annie; 2. Samuel; 3. Elizabeth; 4. John; 5. Daniel; 6. Catharine; 7. Eli; 8. Ada; 9. Martin; 10. Sallie. VI.— 1. Annie Stauffer, b. Mar. 3, 1851; d. Dec. 1868. VI.— 2. Samuel Stauffer, b. May 2, 1853; d. Oct. 9, 1859. VI. — 3. Elizabeth Stauffer, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 15, 1854; mrd. Key. M. G. Potter, Nov. 17, 1880. VI. — 4. John M. Stauffer, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Mar. 20, 1857. VI. — 5. Daniel M. Stauffer, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Mar. 17, 1859; mrd. Barbara E. Saylor, Mar. 14, 1889. VI. — 6. Catharine Stauffer, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., July 1861; mrd. Jordan N. Stoner, Mar. 10, 1881. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Carpenter. United Brethren. Child: VII.— 1. Homer S. Stoner, b. July 17, 1882. VI.— 7. Eli M. Stauffer, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 3, 1864; mrd. Flora L. Sherrick, Jan. 21, 1885. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Children: VII.— 1. Infant son, b. and d. Oct. 21, 1886. VI. — 8. Ada S. Stauffer, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 17, 1866; mrd. T. W. Porter, May 12, 1887. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. Merchant. United Brethren. VI.— 9. Martin Stauffer, b. Apr. 1, 1869; d. Nov. 15, 1871. VI.— 10. Sallie Stauffer, b. Apr. 4, 1872. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. IV. — 6. Christian Fretz, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 17, 1802; d. Dec. 24, 1828; mrd. Catharine Smith, June 1826. She was b. Mar. 4, 1804. Carpenter and farmer. Mennonite; his wife, Lutheran. When censured for marry- ^«#» REV. JACOB A. BEIDLER, M . D. ( See iiage ISO.) ANNA BEITLER. 89 ing out of the church, he replied, "I raarried for love." He was an earnest and consistent Christian, faithfully following his conscientious convictions. One child: 1. John. V. — 1. John L. Fretz, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Sept. 14, 1828; d. Jan. 28, 1900; mrd. Mary Graft, Jan. 9, 1850. P. O., Dick, Pa. Farmer. His farm contains rich deposits of coal, and is very valuable. He and wife united with the Baptist church, of which he was ordained deacon in 1860. As a Christian he was highly respected in the neighbor- hood in which he lived. Children: 1. Christian; 2. Samuel; 3. Catharine; 4. Abraham; 5. Orlando. VI. — 1. Christian L. Fretz, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 13, 1851; mrd. Emeline Marsh, Oct. 7, 1872. P. O., Dick, Pa. Farmer. Baptist. Children: 1. John; 2. Jennie; 3. Samuel; 4. Mary; 5. William; 6. Charles; 7. Jacob. VII. — 1. John H. i'retz, b. Aug. 11, 1873; mrd. Cecelia Ghem Aug. 12, 1894. P. O., . Laborer. Baptists. Children: VIM.— 1. Christopher Fretz, b. Apr. 13, 1895. Vm.— 2. Emily Fretz, b. Mar. 21, 1897. VM. — 2. Jennie Fretz, b. May 14, 1875; mrd. Edward Fullerton, Mar. 22, 1892. P. O., . Engineer. Baptist. Children: VIII. — 1. Infant, d. unnamed. VIM.— 2. Henry Clyde Fullerton, b. Mar. 19, 1894; d. Apr. 22, 1894. VIM.— 3. Charles Fullerton, b. Apr. 31, 1895. VIM.— 4. Harold Fullerton, b. June 11, 1899. VII.— 3. Samuel H. Fretz, b. Aug. 31, 1877; d. Dec. 18, 1878. VII.— 4. Mary Maud Fretz, b. Aug. 15, 1879. VII.— 5. William Nathan Fretz, b. Dec. 11, 1882. VII.— 6. Charles Fretz, b. Apr. 24, 1885. 90 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VII.— 7. Jacob Fretz, b. Apr. 25, 1889. VI.— 2. Samuel Fretz, b. Dec. 20, 1852; d. Jan. 23, 1856. VI. — 3. Catharine Fretz, b. Nov. 14, 1854; mrd. John Farmer, Sept. 4, 1878. He was b. Sept. 2, 1855. P. O., . Farmer. Mr. F., Methodist; Mrs. F., Baptist. Children: VII.— 1. Lucy Ellen Farmer, b. Aug. 26, 1879; d. Aug. 30, 1880. VII.— 2. Mary Emma Farmer, b. Dec. 15, 1881. VII. — 3. Milton Everson Farmer, b. July 24, 1884. VII.— 4. Lloyd Vernon Farmer, b. Oct. 30, 1886. VI. — 4. Abraham Lincoln Fretz, b. Apr. 11, 1860; died Sept. 18, 1863. VI. — 5. Orlando tretz, b. Nov. 1865; died on the day of birth. SECTION II. III.— 2. Maria Overholt, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Dec. 22, 1766; d. ; mrd. John Myers. No children. SECTION III. III. — 3. Jacob Overholt, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 5, 1768; d. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 10, 1847; mrd. Elizabeth Detweiler. She was b. in Bucks Co., Pa., in 1775; d. Sept. 20, 1849. Veterinary surgeon. Menn's. Children: 1. John; 2. Henry; 3. Annie; 4. Jacob; 5. Susan; 6. Martin. IV.— 1. Rev. John D. Overholt, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 19, 1795; d. Aug. 28, 1878; mrd. Elizabeth, daughter of Christian Stauffer. She was b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 30, 1804; d. Nov. 4, 1842. Children: 1. Agnes; 2. Jacob; 3. Anne; 4. Elizabeth; 5. Christian; 6. John; 7. Aaron. John mrd. second wife, Mary Bixler. He was a minister of the Mennonite church for 48 years, of which time he was bishop 40 years. He preached at two churches every alternate Sabbath. ANNA BEITLER. 91 V. — 1. Agnes Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 27, 1822; mrd. Abraham Bachtel. Aug. 2, 1841. He d. Nov. 24, 1877. P. O., Newcomer, Mo. Farmer. Menn's. Children: 1. Anna; 2. John; 3. Elizabeth; 4. Mary; 5. Sarah; 6. Aaron; 7. Abraham; 8. Emma. VI.— 1. Anna Bachtel, b. Oct. 24, 1843; d. Oct. 4, 1848. VI.— 2. John Bachtel, b. Apr. 24, 1846; mrd. Caroline Flory. P. O., Indian Grove, Mo. Farmer. U. B. Ch. Chil- dren: 1. Infant; 2. Ola; 3. Ida; 4. John; 5. Lonnie; 6. Christina. VII. — 1. Infant daughter, died unnamed. VII.— 2. Ola Bachtel, b. ; d. . VII.— 3. Ida Belle Bachtel, b. . VII. — 4. John Lovice Bachtel, b. . VII. — 5. Lonnie Earl Bachtel, b. . VII. — 6. Christina Bachtel, b. . VI.— 3. Elizabeth Bachtel, b. Oct. 17, 1848; d. Dec. 8, 1880; mrd. George W. Armstrong. P. O., Greensburg, Knox Co., Mo. Farmer. Meth. Ep. Children: VII. — 1. William Lester Armstrong, b. . VII. — 2. Addie Blanche Armstrong, b. ; d. . VII. — 3. Emma Agnes Armstrong, b. . VI.— 4. Mary Bachtel, b. Oct. 12, 1851; mrd. Washing- ton Redding. P. O., Newcomer, Mo. Farmer. Meth. Ep. Children : VM. — 1. Charles Redding, b. . VII.— 2. Wilber Redding, b. . VII.— 3. Alice May Redding, b. — Vil. — 4. Bettie Agnes Redding, b. VII. — 5. Aaron Franklin Redding, b. - VII.— 6. Mary Redding, dec'd. VII. — 7. Infant daughter, d. unnamed. 92 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VII. — 8. Henry Clay Redding, b. VII.— 9. Lulu Verne Redding, b. . VI.— 5. Sarah Bachtel, b. Feb. 2, 1854; mrd. James M, Bernard, May 17, 1874. P. O., Pagosa Junction, Colo. Sawyer. Christian Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Lillian Bernard, b. Oct. 5, 1875; mrd. W. B. Cummings, Feb. 20, 1901. P. O., Pagosa Junction, Colo. Railroading. Christian Ch. VII.— 2. Myrtle Bernard, b. Feb. 5, 1878; d. Feb. 3, 1881. VII.— 3. John W. Bernard, b. Aug. 9, 1881. VII.— 4. Lena Bernard, b. Apr. 5, 1886. VII.— 5. Oma Bernard, b. June 2, 1891. VM.— 6. Marie Bernard, b. Oct. 12, 1894. VI. — 6. Aaron Bachtel, b. July 15, 1856; mrd. Louisa Flory. P. O., Newcomer, Mo. Farmer. Christian Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Ada Belle Bachtel. VII.— 2. Addie Arlien Bachtel. VII. — 3. Lona Luella Bachtel. VII.— 4. Harry Clyde Bachtel. VII.— 5. Virgil Venay Bachtel. VII.— 6. Mary Ruth Bachtel. VI.— 7. Abraham Bachtel, b. Sept. 23, 1859; mrd. Sadie Rehling. P. O., Brunswick, Mo. Farmer. Christian Ch. Children: VII.— 1. James Wilbert Bachtel. VII.— 2. Odas McKinley Bachtel. VII.— 3. Elmer Reed Bachtel. VI.— 8. Emma Bachtel, b. Sept. 26, 1865; mrd. William Syler. P. O., Brunswick, Mo. Farmer. Meth. Ep. Children: VII.— 1. Frank Wellington Syler. ANNA BEITLER. 93 VII.— 2. Cora Myrtle Syler. VII. — 3. Emma Florence Syler, VM. — 4. Clarence Martin Syler. VII.— 5. Earl William Syler. VII.— 6. Zola Mary Syler. VII.— 7. Susie Golden Syler. VII.— 8. Johnny B. Syler. V. — 2. Jacob S. R. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Apr. 26, 1826; d. Oct. 10, 1901; mrd. Susan K. Hugus, Dec. 11, 1849. She was b. Apr. 14, 1828. P. O., Streator, 111. Farmer. In 1855 he moved to Illinois and settled on the farm on which he died. In 1861 he went to Ottawa, 111., and kept a hotel until 1865, when he returned to the farm where he remained until his death. In December 1899 he and his wife celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage, on which occasion all his brothers and sisters were present. Mr. Overholt was admired for his genial good nature and his strong character as a truthful and upright man in all his dealings. He was loved and admired by his neighbors, and his death was mourned by them as though he were a near relative. Children: 1. Samuel; 2. Alice; 3. Charles; 4. Frank; 5. Byron; 6. Edward; 7. Thirza. VI.— 1. Samuel H. Overholt, b. Oct. 4, 1850; mrd. Eliza King. Res., St. Louis, Mo. Railroad official. No children. VI.— 2. Alice H. Overholt, b. Oct. 7, 1852; mrd. William H. Sparling. P. O., Casey, la. Farmer. Methodists. Children: VM.— 1. Carl Sparling. VII.— 2. Lee O. Sparling. VII. — 3. Susan N. Sparling. VII. — 4. Edward V. Sparling. VI.— 3. Charles H. Overholt, b. at Streator, 111., Dec. 22, 1855; mrd. Jennie Sparling, of Putnam, Putnam Co., 111., 94 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Sept. 30, 1884. P. O., Greenfield, Iowa. Farmer. Presby. Children: VM.— 1. Ralph S. Overholt, b. June 26, 1885. VII.— 2. Jennie S. Overholt, b. Apr. 10, 1891. VI.— 4. Frank H. Overholt, b. at Reading, 111., Apr. 23, 1857; mrd. Korahiiena Grove, Feb. 8, 1887. P. O., Green- field, Iowa. Blacksmith and machinist. Wife, Presby, Children: VII.— 1. Ward Grove Overholt, b. Apr. 29, 1888. VII.— 2. Madge M. Overholt, b. Mar. 29, 1890. VM.— 3. Vera S. Overholt, b. Nov. 12, 1891. VII.— 4. Jacob S. R. Overholt, b. Mar. 13, 1893. VII.— 5. Florette Lord Overholt, b. Sept. 5, 1894. VII.— 6. Inez Myrtas Overholt, b. Dec. 12, 1895. VII.— 7. Orval Otis Overholt, b. Apr. 12, 1898. VII.— 8. Cecil Lawrence Overholt, b. Jan. 25, 1900. VI. — 5. Byron H. Overholt, b. at Reading, 111., Apr. 10, 1860; mrd. Margaret Berry, Feb. 10, 1887. P. O., Greenfield, la. Farmer. Presby. Children: VII.— 1. Mattie B. Overholt, b. Nov. 20, 1888. VII.— 2. Sadie B. Overholt, b. Apr. 22, 1891. VI. — 6. Edward H. Overholt, b. near Streator, 111., Jan. 19, 1866; mrd. Blanche Kline. P. O., Streator, 111. Manu- facturer. Presby. No children. VI.— 7. Thirza H. Overholt, b. Mar. 31, 1869. P. O., Streator, 111. Presby. S. V. — 3. Anne Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Apr. 11, 1829; d. May 18, 1894; mrd. Alexander H. Boyd, Feb. 14, 1847. He was b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Apr. 30, 1823; d. July 27, 1901. P. O., Munster, 111. Farmer. Presby. Children: 1. Elizabeth; 2. Isabelle; 3. Mary; 4. Nancy; 5. Christopher; 6. Margaret; 7. Frances. ANNA BEITLER. 95 VI. — 1, Elizabeth Boyd, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Sept. 6, 1847; d. at Blue Springs, Neb., Sept. 3, 1884; mrd. George McFadden, Jan. 17, 1867. P. O., Mimster, 111. Chil- dren: 1. Flora; 2. Anna; 3. Cephas; 4. Boyd; 5. John; 6. Clark; 7. Ray. VI. — 2. Isabelle Boyd, b. in Hancock Co., Ohio, Sept. 24, 1849; mrd. Nicholas Weaver. P. O., Simpson, Kansas. Farmer. Baptists. Children: 1. David; 2. Fannie; 3. Reno; 4. Christopher; 5. Ralph. Vif.— 1. David B. Weaver, b. Mar. 21, 1872; d. in the Lancaster (Pa.) Hospital, Dec. 25, 1897. He had been an earnest Christian only a year, but in that short time he did much for the Master in presenting the richness and sweetness of the Christ-life to those with whom he was associated. Christian Ch. S. VII. — 2. Fannie Weaver, b. Jan. 30, 1874; mrd. Andrew Franks, Apr. 5, 1898. P. O., Glasco, Kansas. Farmer. Presby. Children: VIII.— 1. Andrie Beurel Franks, b. Apr. 16, 1901. VII.— 3. Reno J. Weaver, b. July 19, 1876. P. O., Simp- son, Kansas. Farmer. S. VII.— 4. Christopher C. Weaver, b. July 4, 1879; mrd. Sadie Darrow, Jan. 22, 1902. P. O., Simpson, Kansas. Farmer, VII.— 5. Ralph R. Weaver, b. Oct. 30, 1881. VI.— 3. Mary A. Boyd, b. Dec. 30, 1851; mrd. Alexander H. Patterson, Oct. 13, 1880. P. O., Streator, 111. Farmer. Presby. Children: VII.— 1. Ira D. Patterson, b. Sept. 26, 1881. VII.— 2. Edna V. Patterson, b. Aug. 5, 1884. VII.— 3. Robert J. Patterson, b. Feb. 2, 1887. VII.— 4. Paul H. Patterson, b. July 5, 1888. VI.— 4. Nancy Boyd, b. Feb. 9, 1859; d. Feb. 23, 1860. VI. — 5. Christian C. Boyd, b. in Livingston Co., 111., Jan. 96 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. 17, 1862; mrd. Lorinda Merritt. Mar. 14, 1894. P. O., Fre- mont, la. Farmer. Presby. Children: Vll.~l. Anna M. Boyd, b. Jan. 18, 1895. Vll.~2. Jonathan M. Boyd, b. May 30, 1896. VII.— 3. William M. Boyd, b. May 8, 1898. VII.— 4. Lorinda M. Boyd. b. Aug. 6, 1899. VI. — 6. Margaret G. Boyd, b. in Livingston Co., 111., June 19, 1864; mrd. W. E. Swift, Jan. 22, 1895. P. O., Streator, 111. Farmer. Presby. One child: VII.— 1. Gertrude swift. VI. — 7. Frances A. Boyd, b. in Livingston Co., 111., May 1, 1867. P. O., Streator, 111. Presby. S. V. — 4. Elizabeth S. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Sept. 29, 1831. P. O., Wooster, Ohio. S. V. — 5. Christian S. R. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 27, 1834. P. O., Wooster, O. S. V. — 6. John S. R. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 13, 1837; mrd. Maria O. Frick, in 1872. P. O., Wooster, O. Merchant miller. Luth's, Children: VI. — 1. Jay Overholt, died in infancy. VI. — 2. Lucy Overholt, died in infancy. VI.— 3. Grace Overholt, d. in 1894, aged 21 years. S. VI.— 4. Karl Overhoit, b. about 1877. S. Vl.— 5. John D. Overholt, b. in 1886. V. — 7. Aaron S. R. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 13, 1837 (twin to John). Mrd. Sarah Ann Overholt, Jan. 6, 1869. P. O., West Overton, Pa. Retired coke operator. He was for many years bookkeeper for the firm of A. & H. S. Overholt, of West Overton, Pa. After their death he became a partner in building and operating a large coke plant of the firm of A. S. R. Overholt & Co., afterwards A. C. uverholt & Co. He is at present a stock- holder in the United States Cast Iron & Pipe Foundry Co., JACOB A. BEIDLER. (See page iloTj ANNA BEITLBR. 97 one plant being at Scottdale, Pa. He also has interests in silver mines of Colorado. He is a fine and accurate busi- ness man, but few being better. In regard to some business matter a lawyer was heard to say, "If A. S. R. Overholt has counted it we need not look it over." He was universally liked by his employes, one of whom re- marked that "he would rather work for him than any one he knew, as he always knew what he wanted to do before he gave his orders to his men." He is kind hearted and generous to all. He, with his twin brother John, served for three years in the Civil war; enlisted Aug. 1862, in Co. A 15th P. V. C, and mustered out at Nashville, Tenn., as first sergeant, June 1865. He is the present occupant of the old homestead, where his great-grandfather, Henry Overholt, lived. Children: 1. Ralph; 2. Clyde. VI.— 1. Ralph Overholt, b. June 23, 1871; mrd. Mary Etta Husband, of Mount Pleasant, Pa., Oct. 26, 1899. Man- ager of the United States Iron, Pipe & Foundry Co., office at Pittsburg, Pa. Baptist. One child: VII.— 1. Margaret Overholt, b. Mar. 17, 1901. VI.— 2. Clyde Overholt, b. June 25, 1876. IV. — 2. Henry D. Overholt, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 19, 1797; d. in Fayette Co., Pa.; mrd. Elizabeth Sherrick, in 1824. She was b. in Fayette Co., Pa., in 1803; d. there in 1864. Farmer. Menu's. Children: 1. Anna; 2. Jacob; 3. John; 4. Elizabeth; 5. Susan; 6. Henry. V. — 1. Anna Overholt, b. in 1825; d. in Iowa City, Iowa, Sept. 28, 1897. S. v.— 2. Jacob Overholt, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Oct. 22, 1827; d. in Washington Co., Pa., Sept. 18, 1885; mrd. Amelia Lyon. She was b. in Germany; d. in Washington Co., Pa., Sept. 1865. Children: 1. Carrie; 2. John; 3. Charles. Jacob mrd. second wife, Elizabeth Stull, Oct, 18, 1866. She was b. Jan, 20, 1841. Farmer. Baptists. Chil- dren: 4. Isaac; 5. Rice; 6. Jacob; 7. Warren. 98 THE BBIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 1. Carrie B. Overholt, b. May 21, 1860. P. O., Bissell, Pa. S. VI.— 2. John Overholt, b. Oct. 16, 1863; mrd. Ida M. Hawkins, Nov. 10, 1887. P. O., Zollarsville, Pa. Farmer. Baptist. Children : VII.— 1. Thomas H. Overholt, b. Nov. 2, 1888. VII.— 2. Clarence E. Overholt, b. Nov. 10, 1890. VM.— 3. Samuel R. Overholt, b. Nov. 8, 1894. VI. — 3. Charles C. Overholt, b. in Washington Co., Pa., Apr. 10, 1865; mrd. George Etta Reed, June 4, 1894. P. O., McKeesport, Pa. Shoe merchant. Baptists. One child: VII.— 1. J. Reed Overholt, b. May 14, 1895. VI.— 4. Isaac S. Overholt, b. Mar. 25, 1868; mrd. Etta M. Nyswarner, of Racine, Pa., Dec. 29, 1893. P. O., Bissell, Pa. Farmer. Baptist. No children. VI.— 5. Rice B. Overholt, b. Mar. 10, 1870. P. O., Louis- ville, Ky. Collector. Baptist. S. VI.— 6. Jacob S. Overholt, Jr., b. Sept. 8, 1873; d. Aug. 8, 1893. VI.— 7. Warren R. Overholt, b. July 19, 1879. P. O., Bissell, Pa. School teacher. Baptist. S. V. — 3. John Overholt, b. . He enlisted in the 15th Pa. Cavalry, August 1862; died of typhoid fever in Nashville, Tenn., Mar. 1, 1863. His remains were brought home and buried in the Mennonite churchyard. V. — 4. Elizabeth Overholt, b. ; mrd. Rice Boyd. P. O., Longmont, Boulder Co., Colo. No children. V. — 5. Susan Overholt, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Jan. 28, 1836; d. Mar. 20, 1895; mrd. Jacob Myers, Sept. 28, 1855. He was b. Aug. 1. 1830; d. May 27, 1890. P. O., New Britain, Pa. Farmer. Baptists. Children: 1. Newton; 2. Ella; 3. Laura; 4. Harry; 5. Lizzie; 6. Dora. VI. — 1. Newton Myers, b. Mar. 28. 1857; mrd. Margie Mathews, Feb. 22, 1'884. P. O., New Britain, Pa. Children: [ ANNA BEITLER. 99 v r ' VII.— 1. Bessie Myers, b. July 27, 1886. VII.— 2. Carl Myers, b. May 13, 1891. VI.— 2. Ella Myers, b. Sept. 7, 1860; mrd. Frank Raile, Feb. 15, 1881. He died Feb. 1890. Farmer. Baptists. Children: VII.— 1. Harry Myers Raile, b. Nov. 22, 1881. VII.— 2. Walter J. Raile, b. Sept. 15, 1884. Ella mrd. second husband. Otto Reimhold, Dec. 1897. VI. — 3. Laura Myers, b. May 24, 1862; mrd. John Van Tour, Oct. 10, 1885. P. O., New Britain, Pa. Farmer. Bap- tists. Children: VII.— 1. Elsie Van Tour, b. July 21, 1886. VI!.— 2. Leroy Van Tour, b. June 2, 1891. VII.— 3. Dora May Van Tour, b. May 1, 1898. VI.— 4. Harry Myers, b. Apr. 29, 1864; mrd. Mamie L. Maynes, Feb. 15, 1887. Boot and shoe merchant. Children: VII. — 1. Clarence Eugene Myers, b. Jan. 31, 1888. VII. — 2. Howard Newton Myers, b. May 11, 1892. VI. — 5. Lizzie Myers, b. June 13, 1867; mrd. Harvey G. Magargal, Dec. 1, 1886. Railroad ticket agent. Baptist. Children: VII. — 1. Russel Myers Magargal, b. Sept. 17, 1887. VII. — 2. Harvey G. Magargal, Jr., b. Jan. 1891. VI.— 6. Dora Myers, b. Nov. 29, 1871. Baptist. V. — 6. Henry D. Overholt, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., , 1840; mrd. Belle B. Newmyer, Oct. 7, 1867. She d. May 1883. Children: 1. John; 2. Mary; 3. Harry; 4. Jessie; 5. Frederick; 6. Mabel; 7. Helen. Henry mrd. second wife, C. H. E. Fergeson, Dec. 27, 1888. Henry D. Overholt enlisted in the 15th Pa. Cav., and served three years in the late Civil war. He located in 100 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Iowa City, Iowa, in 1867, and engaged in the hides and tallow business, etc., for thirty years. He was then ap- pointed postmaster of Iowa City, Iowa, which position he still holds (1900). VI.— 1. John Franklin Overholt, b. July 15, 1869. S. VI.— 2. Mary E. Overholt, b. Jan. 22, 1871; d. May 16, 1898; mrd. E. F. Golley, Sept. 1895. Children: VII.— 1. Belle Golley. VII.— 2. Harry Golley. VI.— 3. Harry D. Overholt, b. Aug. 22, 1873; d. July 29, 1874. VI.— 4. Jessie May Overholt, b. Jan. 6, 1875. P. O., Iowa City, Iowa. S. VI.— 5. Frederick Edgar Overholt, b. Jan. 13, 1878. P. O., Alden, Iowa. Dentist. S. VI.— 6. Mabel E. Overholt, b. Nov. 16, 1880. P. O., Iowa City, Iowa. S. VI.— 7. Helen Belle Overholt, b. Apr. 18, 1883. IV.— 3. Annie Overholt, b. Feb. 8, 1804; d. Aug. 22, 1855; mrd. Abraham Sherrick. Children: 1. Susan; 2. Martin. V. — 1. Susan Sherrick; mrd. Stoner. v.— 2. Martin O. Sherrick. IV.— 4. Jacob D. Overholt, b. Aug. 27, 1806; d. Aug. 22, 1872; mrd. Mary Freed. Farmer. Menu's. Children: 1. Elizabeth; 2. Martin; 3. John; 4. Anna; 5. Joseph; 6. Abraham. V. — 1. Elizabeth Overholt, b. ; mrd. Wm. H. Landenberger. He was b. in Germany; d. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., June 2, 1883. Stone cutter. Methodists. Children: 1. Jacob; 2. John; 3. Mary; 4. Sadie; 5. Albert. ANNA BEITLER. 101 VI. — 1. Jacob Henry Landenberger. VI. — 2. John O. Landenberger, b. Nov. 28, 1861; mrd. Sadie B. Reed. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Butcher. Methodists. Children: VII.— 1. Myrtle May Landenberger, b. Mar. 29, 1884. VII. — 2. Lizzie R. Landenberger, b. Oct. 19, 1885. VII.— 3. Walter Landenberger, b. Nov. 10, 1888. VI. — 3. Mary Landenberger. VI. — 4. Sadie Landenberger. VI. — 5. Albert Landenberger. V. — 2. Martin F. Overholt, b. ; mrd. . P. O., Streator, 111. Children: 1. Samuel; 2. Myra. V. — 3. John F. Overholt. P. O., Grand Crossing, 111. V. — 4. Anna F. Overholt, dec'd. ; mrd. Joseph Laughery. P. O., Dawson Station, Fayette Co., Pa. V. — 5. Joseph Overholt. V. — 6. Abraham Overholt, died in the Civil war. IV. — 5. Susan Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 7, 1808; d. Dec. 24, 1863; mrd. Christian Stauffer, in 1828. He was b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 15, 1809; d. Mar. 12, 1886. Farmer. Formerly Mennonite, later Church of God. Children: 1. Elizabeth; 2. Henry; 3. Agnes; 4. Annie; 5. Abraham; 6. Sarah; 7. Emma. V. — 1. Elizabeth Stauffer, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Mar. 25, 1829; d. Sept. 28, 1899; mrd. George R. Mumaw, in 1849. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Farmer. United Brethren. Children: 1. Martha; 2. James; 3. Martin; 4. Elizabeth; 5. John; 6. Wesley; 7. Sallie; 8. Alice. VI. — 1. Martha Mumaw, b. near Scottdale, Westmore- land Co., Pa., Dec. 2, 1849; mrd. John W. Ruth, Jan. 22, 1873. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Lumber business. United Brethren. Children: 1. Maude; 2. Bessie; 3. Homer; 4. Alice; 5. Eleanor; 6. Ralph. 102 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VII.— 1. Maude L. Ruth, b. Nov. 3, 1873. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. Teacher. Graduated from Otterbein University, of Westerville, Ohio, June 16, 1895. United Brethren Ch. S. VII.— 2. Bessie V. Ruth, b. Oct. 16, 1875; d. Mar. 13, I8b6. Bookkeeper. Graduated from the Business College of Poughkeepsie, N. Y. United Brethren Ch. S. VII.— 3. Homer M. Ruth, b. Oct. 5, 1880. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. Lumber business. United Brethren Ch. S. VII.— 4. Alice B. Ruth, b. Feb. 17, 1883. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. United Brethren Ch. S. VII.— 5. Eleanor M. Ruth, b. Apr. 9, 1885. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. United Brethren Ch. VII.— 6. J. Ralph Ruth, b. Dec. 23, 1887; d. Nov. 18, '93. VI. — 2. James Mumaw, b. ; d. aged six weeks. VI. — 3. Martin Stauffer Mumaw, b. in East Huntingdon Twp., Westmoreland Co., Pa., Mar. 7, 1852; mrd. Minnie Jane Parke, of Stahlstown, Pa., Dec. 20, 1877. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. Mr. Mumaw remained on the homestead farm on which he was born until 1881, when he removed to Scottdale, where he still resides, and entered the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, in which service he still remains. He has been a member of the United Brethren church for twenty-eight years. His wife is of Scotch lineage, and a great-granddaughter of John Parke, an American soldier in the Revolutionary war. At the age of thirteen she united with the Methodist Episcopal church, of which she remained a member until she joined the United Brethren church with her husband in 1879. Chil- dren: 1. Laura; 2. Grace; 3. Glenn; 4. Joseph; 5. George; 6. Martha; 7. Martin. VII. — 1. Laura Parke Mumaw, b. Feb. 7, 1879. Grad- uated from the Scottdale High School in 1897, and since has been a student of Otterbein University, Westerville, Ohio. United Brethren Ch. VII.— 2. Grace Mumaw. b. Feb. 22. 1881. Graduated from the Scottdale High School in 1899. U. B. Ch. ANNA BBITLER. 103 VII.— 3. Glenn Hooker Mumaw, b. Sept. 30, 1884. VII.— 4. Joseph Parke Mumaw, b. Feb. 1, 1886. VII.— 5. George Edwin Mumaw, b. Dec. 23, 1891. VII.— 6. Martha Ruth Mumaw, b. Nov. 13, 1896. VII.— 7. Martin John Mumaw, b. May 30, 1899. VI. — 4. Elizabeth Mumaw, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 6, 1853; mrd. Austin F. Stoner, Feb. 19, 1874. Meth. Ep. Children: 1. Grace; 2. Jessie. VII.— 1. Grace Stoner, b. Oct. 30, 1874; d. Oct. 15, 1875. VII. — 2. C. Jessie Stoner, b. at Scottdale, Pa., Dec. 14, 1876. P. O., Rickreall, Oregon. Meth. Ep. S. VI.— 5. John Mumaw, b. Sept. 24, 1859. P. R. R. engi- neer. U. B. Ch. S. VI. — 6. Wesley Stauffer Mumaw, b. near Scottdale, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Nov. 26, 1861; mrd. Mary May Stickel, June 5, 1890. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Teamster. U. B. Ch. Children: VII.— 1. John Clayton Mumaw, b. Mar. 10, 1893; d. Dec. 16, 1895. VII. — 2. Roy Stauffer Mumaw, b. Jan. 15, 1897. VII.— 3. Melizene Stickel Mumaw, b. Apr. 20, 1898. VII.— 4. George R. Mumaw, Jr., b. Sept. 8, 1901. VI.— 7. Sallie O. Mumaw, b. near Scottdale, Westmore- land Co., Pa., Mar. 22, 1864; mrd. William Ferguson, Dec. 11, 1890. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. United Brethren. Children: VII.— 1. Maude Ruth Ferguson, b. Aug. 20, 1891. VII. — 2. George Mumaw Ferguson, b. Feb. 4, 1894. VII.— 3. John Mumaw Ferguson, b. Sept. 2, 1897. VI.— 8. Alice Mumaw, b. in Huntingdon Twp., West- moreland Co., Pa.; mrd. Samuel B. Reed, Sept. 18, 1890. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Meth. Ep. Children: VII.— 1. Jessie Reed, b. Jan. 3, 1892. 104 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VII.— 2. Elizabeth Reed, b. Sept. 9, 1893. VII.— 3. Nellie B. Reed, b. Jan. 14, 1897. V. — 2. Henry Overholt Stauffer, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 26, 1832; d. May 24, 1899; mrd. Eliza J. Culler, at Connellsville, Pa., Dec. 1, 1853. He went to Kansas in 1867, and settled in Nemaha Co. In 1876 he moved to Marshall Co., and in 1887 to Pottawattomie Co., where he remained until his death. He died at Manhattan, Kansas, where he had gone to receive medical treatment for one of his eyes. Shortly after retiring for the night he was suddenly taken with heart trouble, and died in a short time. His daughter, Miss Ella, was the only one of the family with him when he died. "Mr. Stauffer, all through life, exhibited traits of char- acter and a spirit of social deportment which attracted scores of men, women and children to him as confiding friends, who no doubt will deck his eternal brow with wreaths of undying love." He was firm and confiding in his belief of divine power in Almighty God, and all through the many adversities he encountered in life, he never lost sight of his obligations to God. This fact was clearly shown only a few moments before he closed his eyes in death, when he knelt beside his bed in the presence of his daughter and there offered prayer to God and committed himself to His care. He was a devoted husband and a kind and loving father. In his death his devoted wife and children realize that a vacancy in the family circle has been made that no earthly friend can fill. Farmer. Church of God. Children: 1. Ella; 2. Susan; 3. Emma; 4. Ida; 5. Bettie; 6. Christian; 7. John; 8. Harry; 9. Addie; 10. George; 11. Hallie. VI. — 1. Ella Stauffer, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Mar. 14, 1855. P. O., Olsburg, Kansas. Bookkeeper. Baptist. S. VI. — 2. Susan Stauffer, b. at Alverton, Pa., Apr. 22, 1856; mrd. Lyman S. Stoner, Nov. 10, 1881. He was acci- dentally killed Aug. 31, 1900. P. O., Alverton, Pa. Church of God. One child: 1. Frank. ill. JOHN BEITLER. (See iiage -08. ) ANNA BEITLER. 105 VII.— 1. Frank Stauffer Stoner, t). Nov. 13, 1882. Student in business college (1901). Church of God. S. VI. — 3. Emma Stauffer, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., June 30, 1857; mrd. Otto Klapp, Dec. 13, 1879. P. O., Fos- toria, Kansas. Farmer. U. B. Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Lida M. Klapp, b. 1881. VII.— 2. Henry O. Klapp, b. Feb. 24, 1882; d. Nov. 19, 1883. VII.— 3. Julia E. Klapp, b. Oct. 16, 1887. VII.— 4. Lulu B. Klapp, b. Aug. 27, 1890. VII.— 5. Otto A. Klapp, b. Dec. 25, 1892. VI.— 4. Ida Stauffer; d. in infancy. VI. — 5. Bettie Stauffer; d. in infancy. VI. — 6. Christian C. Stauffer, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Apr. 27, 1860; mrd. Addie M. Vroman, of Pottawatomie Co., Kansas, Dec. 28, 1892. P. O., Fostoria, Kansas. Farmer. Children: VII.— 1. Harry D. Stauffer, b. 1893. VII.— 2. Christian C. Stauffer, Jr., b. Sept. 10, 1894. VII.— 3. Ella M. Stauffer, b. Aug. 26, 1896. VII.— 4. Maud V. Stauffer, b. Sept. 3, 1898. VII.— 5. John G. Stauffer, b. Aug. 30, 1900. • VI. — 7. John J. Stauffer, b. . P. O., Fostoria, Pottawatomie Co., Kansas. VI, — 8. Harry Stauffer, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 18, 1865. P. O., Olsburg, Kansas. Farmer. Baptist. S. VI. — 9. Addie E. Stauffer, b. in Nemaha Co., Kansas, May 31, 1867; mrd. John T. Bartley, Dec. 1, 1898. They were married on the forty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mrs. Bartley's parents. P. O., Olsburg, Kansas. Dealer in cattle and general stock. No children (1901). VI. — 10. George Domer Stauffer, b. in Nemaha Co., 106 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Kansas, Jan. 27, 1869; mrd. Jennie Mills, Aug. 28, 1896. P. O., Fostoria, Kans. Clerk in general merchandise store. VI. — 11. Hallie Stauffer, b. in Nemaha Co., Kansas, Sept. 5, 1872; mrd. N. W. Price, Oct. 8, 1891. P. O., Fostoria, Kansas. General merchandise in the town of Fostoria, Children. VII.— 1. Bessie A. Price, b. Aug. 30, 1894. VII.— 2. Emma Blanche Price, b. May 3, 1899. V. — 3. Agnes Stauffer, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., July 3, 1834; d. Dec. 20, 1901; mrd. Isaac Cribbs Fox, in 1856. He was b. in 1829; d. Feb. 15, 1865. Farmer. Church of God. Children: 1. Christian; 2. Emma; 3. Alice; 4. Sarah; 5. Burton. Agnes mrd. second husband. Christian Fox, Aug. 13, 1868. P. O., Alverton, Pa. Farmer. Church of God. Children: 6. Minnie; 7. Nora. VI.— 1. Christian S. Fox, b. Feb. 25, 1857; d. Sept. 12, 1863. VI.— 2. Emma Ida Fox, b. Dec. 17, 1858; d. Mar. 29, '59. VI.— 3. Alice Stauffer Fox, b. Mar. 15, 1860; d. Sept. 14, 1863. VI.— 4. Sarah Stauffer Fox, b. Apr. 20, 1863. P. 0., Alverton, Pa. VI.— 5. Burton Stauffer Fox, b. Aug. 9, 1865; mrd. Maud Madison, June 8, 1898. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Teacher. One child: VII.— 1. Mabel Agnes Fox, b. Mar. 4, 1899. VI.— 6. Minnie Fox, b. Apr. 16, 1870; mrd. Jesse H. Matthews, Dec. 27, 1893. Res., Jackson, Mich. Business man. One child: VII.— 1. Stewart Fox Matthews, b. May 14, 1900. VI.— 7. Nora Agnes Fox, b. June 24, 1873. P. O., Al- verton, Pa. v.— 4. Annie O. Stauffer, b. Jan. 27, 1837; d. Jan, 13, 1840. ANNA BEITLER. 107 V. — 5. Abraham O. Stauffer, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 15, 1841; d. Jan. 18, 1864; mrd. Carrie Zimmer- man, in 1861. Minister of the Church of God. v.— 6. Sarah O. Stauffer, b. Mar. 29, 1843; d. Apr. 18, 1864. v.— 7. Emma O. Stauffer, b. June 28, 1847; d. Mar. 12. 1864. IV.— 6. Martin D. Overholt, b. Aug. 18, 1816; d. Mar. 18, 1859, aged 42 years; mrd. Mary Shallenberger, Dec. 22, 1843. She was b. Sept. 14, 1822; d. Feb. 5, 1855. Farmer and veterinary surgeon. Menu's. Children: 1. Joseph; 2. Christian; 3. Elizabeth; 4. James. V. — 1. Joseph S. Overholt, b. near West Overton, Pa., Oct. 20, 1845; mrd. Annie M. Smith, Dec. 4, 1867. P. O., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Cigar manufacturer. Meth. Ep. Chil- dren: 1. Clara; 2. Avery; 3. Mary; 4. Edwin; 5. Jennie. VI.— 1. Clara E. Overholt, b. Jan. 13, 1869; mrd. F. A. Plotner, Dec. 7, 1887. Meth. Ep. Children: VII.— 1. Anna R. Plotner, b. Feb. 16, 1889. Vil.- 2. Eva M. Plotner, b. Apr. 27, 1891. VI.— 2. Avery S. Overholt, b. Aug. 16, 1871. P. O., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Meth. Ep. V!.— 3. Mary M. Overholt, b. Sept. 27, 1874; mrd. George St. Clair, Oct. 25, 1899. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Meth. Ep. VI.— 4. Edwin M. Overholt, b. Sept. 9, 1881. P. O., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Meth. Ep. VI.— 5. Jennie S. Overholt, b. Mar. 1885; d. Apr. 1. 1892. v.— 2. Christian Overholt, b. Oct. 18, 1847; d. Mar. 17, 1849. v.— 3. Elizabeth Overholt, b. Feb. 5, 1850; mrd. Reuben B. Overholt. (See Reuben B. Overholt family.) 108 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. v.— 4. James M. Overholt, b. Aug. 10, 1852; d. Aug. 28, 1871. SECTION IV. III. — 4. Anna Overholt, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Nov. 25, 1770; d. Mar. 15, 1845; mrd. Peter Loucks. He was b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Dec. 19, 1760; emigrated to Fayotte Co., Pa., in 1800, and shortly after to Westmoreland Co., where he d. July 10, 1825. Farmer. Menu's. Children: 1. Cath- arine; 2. Henry; 3. Jacob; 4. Mary; 5. Martin; 6. Nancy; 7. John; 8. Peter; 9. Sarah. IV. — 1. Catharine Loucks, b. about 1793; d. in 1871, aged 78 years; mrd. John W. Stauffer. Farmer and miller. Menn's. Children: Five d. young, and 1. Sarah. v.— 1. Sarah Stauffer, b. in 1820; d. in 1858; mrd. Solomon Keister, in 1843. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Merchant, miller and farmer. Methodists. Children: 1. John; 2. George; 3. Albert; 4. B ; 5. A ; 6. Mary; 7. Fenton; 8. Lawrence. VI. — 1. John Keister, b. ; d. . VI.— 4. Pa. S. B. VI.— 5. Pa. S. A : VI.— 2. George Keister, b. ; d. in 1880. VI. — 3. Albert Keister, b. ; mrd. Agnes Fraser. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. F. Keister, b. 1850. P. O., Scottdale, L. Keister, b. 1852. P. O., Scottdale, VI.— 6. Mary Keister, b. 1853; mrd. Rev. J. S. Mills, in 1876. Children: 1. Alfred; 2. Alice; 3. Ellen; 4. Lucilla. VII.— 1. Alfred Mills, b. 1876. VII.— 2. Alice Mills, b. 1880. VII.— 3. Ellen Mills, b. 1882. VII.— 4. Lucilla Mills, b. 1885. ANNA BEITLER. 109 VI. — 7. Fenton Keister, b. 1855; mrd. Eliza Campbell. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. VI. — 8. Lawrence Keister, b. 1856; mrd. Cora Cormany. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Children: VII.— 1. Laverne Keister, b. 1888. VII.— 2. Donald Keister, b. 1890. IV. — 2. Henry Loucks, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., about 1794; d. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 1854; mrd. Mary Myers. Children: 1. John; 2. Peter. Henry mrd. second wife, Barbara, daughter of Henry and Betty (Rosenberry) Staufter, about 1825 or 1826. She was b. about 1807; d. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., March 1840. Laborer and teamster. Menn's. Children: 3. Joseph; 4. Henry; 5. Mary; 6. Betsy; 7. Anna; 8. Susie. V. — 1. John Loucks, b. ; mrd. . Children: VI. — 1. Will Loucks. P. O., Tarentum, Pa. V. — 2. Peter Meyer Loucks, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Nov. 19, 1820; d. in Holt Co., Mo., Jan. 19, 1898; mrd. Anna Forney, Oct. 29, 1843. She was b. in Harrison Co., O., Nov. 20, 1821; d. in Holt Co., Mo., Nov. 4, 1894. Car- penter and farmer. U. B. in Christ. Children: 1. Kate; 2. John; 3. Abraham; 4. Henry; 5. William; 6. Harriet; 7. Martha; 8. James; 9. Joseph; 10. Mary; 11. George. VI. — 1. Kate Loucks, b. in Holmes Co., Ohio, Aug. 1844; mrd. Daniel W. Thuma, Dec. 25, 1867. P. O., Ore- gon, Mo. Meth. Children: 1. Julia; 2. Anna; 3. Charles; 4. Harry; 5. James. VII.— 1. Julia E. Thuma, b. Dec. 24, 1868; mrd. A. W. King, Dec. 29, 1887. Meth. Children: VIII. — 1. Lorraine King. VIII.— 2. Gerald King. VIM.— 3. Katharine King. VIM. — 4. George King. 110 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VII.— 2. Anna W. Thuma, b. Apr. 25, 1870. In telephone office. Meth. S. VII.— 3. Charles H. Thuma, b. Dec. 18, 1873; d. Mar. 7, 1874. VII. — 4. Harry M. Thuma, b. June 17, 1875. Harness- maker. Meth. S. VII. — 5. James E. Thuma, b. July 11, 1884. VI.— 2. John F. Loucks, b. Apr. 1846; mrd. Mary C. Kunkel. P. O., Mound City, Holt Co., Mo. VI. — 3. Abraham Loucks, b. in Holmes Co., O., Jan. 26, 1848; mrd. Mrs. Mary E. Forney (nee Iddings), Feb. 9, 1879. P. O., Maitland, Mo. Farmer. Children: 1. Rosa; 2. Peter; 3. Marco; 4. Esther. VIL— 1. Rosa K. Loucks, b. Feb. 4, 1880; mrd. Charles M. Jackson, Oct. 31, 1900. VII.— 2. Peter I. Loucks, b. July 31, 1881. VII.— 3. Marco T. Loucks, b. Apr. 12, 1886. VII.— 4. Esther Ellen Loucks, b. Nov. 21, 1888. VI.— 4. Henry Loucks, b. 1850; d. June 1851. VI.— 5. William Zook Loucks, b. 1850; d. Mar. 1861. VI.— 6. Harriet Loucks, b. ; d. 1853. VI.— 7. Martha Loucks, b. Aug. 1, 1854; d. Feb. 10, 1890; mrd. John H. Lucas. P. O., Tonka wa, Okla. VI.— 8. James D. Loucks, b. Oct. 16, 1856; d. Nov. 4, 1899; mrd. Sarah Millerman, Apr. 9, 1890. P. O., Canton- ment, Okla. Farmer. Ger. Bap. Children: VII.— 1. Muriel M. Loucks, b. Feb. 18, 1891. VII.— 2. Nora Loucks, b. Mar. 11, 1893. Vil. — 3. James Ralph Loucks, b. May 11, 1894. VII.— 4. Clark Loucks, b. Oct. 22, 1895; d. Oct. 26, 1895. VII.— 5. Theron Ward Loucks, b. Dec. 9, 1896. ANNA BEITLER. Ill VI I.— 6. Ora Pearl Loucks, b. Feb. 2, 1899. VI.— 9. Joseph E. Loucks, b. Aug. 29, 1859. P. O., Frankfort, Kansas. VI.— 10. Mary F. Loucks (twin), b. Aug. 29, 1859; d. Oct. 10, 1860. VI.— 11. George S. Loucks, b. Dec. 21, 1868. P. O., Mound City, Mo, V. — 3. Joseph Loucks, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Apr. 5, 1828. P. O., Blue Springs, Neb. In early life, shoe- maker. Single. V. — 4. Henry S. Loucks, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Nov. 28, 1831; mrd. Caroline Wible, Nov. 5, 1863. P. O., Clayton, 111. Merchant. Presby. Children: 1. Anna; 2. Charles; 3. Edwin. VI. — 1. Anna Winnifred Loucks, b. Feb. 1, 1869; mrd. Alonzo A. Smallwood, Sept. 4, 1890. P. O., Clayton, 111. Mr. S., Meth. Ep.; Mrs. S., Presby. One child: VII. — 1. Chester Henry Smallwood, b. Sept. 20, 1891. VI. — 2. Charles Bennett Loucks, b. June 26, 1873; d. Sept. 6, 1873. VI.— 3. Edwin Arthur Loucks, b. Oct. 6, 1874; d. Nov. 17, 1874. V. — 5. Mary Loucks, b. near McClures Station, Fayette Co., Pa., July 18, 1834; mrd. Isaac N. Yother, Dec. 15, 1870. P. O., Liberty, Neb. They were married at Mt. Pleasant, Pa., and moved to Livingston Co., 111., in January 1871; from thence they moved to Blue Springs, Neb., June 20, 1872, where they remained until Mar. 7, 1883, when they removed to their present home near Liberty, Neb., where they have resided continuously ever since. Mr. Isaac N. Yother was born in Fayette Co., Pa., Sept. 29, 1842, son of Rev. Henry Yother, and moved with his parents to Living- ston Co., 111., in October, 1864, where he resided until his marriage and removal to Nebraska in 1872. Farmer, Christian church. Children: 1. Henry; 2. Carrie; 3. Winnie. 112 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 1. Henry L. Yother, b. in Reading Twp., Liv- ingston Co., 111., Nov. 6, 1871; mrd. Lida Gibson, of Tate, Neb., July 16, 1897. P. O., Liberty, Neb. School teacher in Gage and Pawnee counties, Neb., for the past eleven years. Graduated from Fremont Normal School, Fremont, Neb., July 25, 1894. He is a member and secretary of Masonic Lodge No. 152, A. F. A. M. Christian Ch. One child: VII.— 1. Paul Yother, b. Mar. 25, 1898. VI. — 2. Carrie E. Yother, b. near Blue Springs, Neb., Dec. 22, 1873; mrd. William K. Curry, Nov. 7, 1894. P. O., Armour, Neb. Hardware merchant. Christian Ch. VI. — 3. Winnie A. Yother, b. near Blue Springs, Neb., Oct. 1, 1880. P. O., Liberty, Neb. Graduated from the High School of Liberty, Neb., June 1, 1899. S. V. — 6. Betsey Loucks, b. — ■. ; d. aged 5 or 6 years. V. — 7. Anna Loucks, b. ; d. aged 3 years. V. — 8. Susie Loucks, b. ; d. 1845, aged 6^ years. IV. — 3. Jacob Loucks, b. Jan. 6, 1795; d. near Scott- dale, Pa., Sept. 10, 1880; mrd. Catharine Smith (widow of Christian Fretz), Oct. 1830. She was b. near Scottdale, Pa., Mar. 4, 1809. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Weaver. Mr. Loucks, Menn. ; Mrs. Loucks, Luth. Children: 1. Martin; 2. Anna; 3. Elizabeth; 4. Jacob; 5. Samuel; 6. Maria; 7. Catharine. v.— 1. Martin Loucks, b. June 16, 1832; mrd. Cope. P. O., North Baltimore, O. Children: 1. John; 2. Frank; 3. Jacob; 4. Albert; 5. Minnie. V. — 2. Anna Loucks, b. Nov. 23, 1834; mrd. Jacob Hor- ner. P. O., Bloomdale, O. Children: 1. Catharine; 2. Elizabeth; 3 Maria; 4. Mary; 5. Alice; 6. Samuel; 7. John; 8. Albert; 9. Infant, dec'd. V. — 3. Elizabeth Loucks, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., July 2, 1837. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Menn. S. REV. JESSE JONES BEITLER. t See ijayv li'tlt. ) i ANNA BEITLER. 113 V. — 4. Jacob M. Loucks, b. near Scottdale, Pa., Dec. 29, 1839; mrd. Mary M. Howard, Nov. 2, 1865. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Retired farmer. Luth. Children: 1. William; 2. Abbie. VI.— 1. William S. Loucks, b. Feb. 28, 1867. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Bookkeeper. Luth. S. VI.— 2. C. Abbie Loucks, b. Jan. 16, 1873. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. Luth. S. V. — 5. Samuel Loucks, b. Nov. 14, 1843; mrd. Susan Fretts, in 1865. P. O., Bloomdale, O. Farmer. United Brethren. Children: 1. Ada; 2. Alvin; 3. John; 4. Cora; 5. Lizzie; 6. Gertrude; 7. Rosa. VI.— 1. Ada O. Loucks, b. Mar. 20, 1866; mrd. Walter C. Smith, June 15, 1882. P. O., Bloomdale, O. Farmer. United Brethren. Children: VII.— 1. Sylvia May Smith, b. Apr. 1, 1890. VI. — 2. Alvin Grant Loucks, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Apr. 25, 1869; mrd. Sarah Anne Stillwell, Sept. 27, 1891. P. O., Bloomdale, Ohio. Laborer. Children: VII.— 1. Eva May Loucks, b. May 19, 1892. VII.— 2. Roy Edman Loucks, b. Nov. 27, 1895. VI. — 3, John F, Loucks, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Nov. 27, 1872: mrd. Eva E. Perrine, June 5, 1894. P. O., Bloomdale, Ohio. Farmer. United Brethren. Children: VII. — 1. Leota Loucks, b. Sept. 5, 1900. VI. — 4. Cora E. Loucks, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 28, 1874; mrd. Robert H. Smith, in 1892. P. C, Bloomdale, Ohio. Clerk in dry goods store. United Brethren. Children: VII.— 1. Charley Smith, b. Nov. 21, 1892. VII.— 2. Neva Smith, b. Nov. 28, 1893. VI.— 5. Lizzie Loucks, b. Feb. 22, 1881; d. Mar. 11, 1882. VI.— 6. Gertrude M. Loucks, b. Mar. 11, 1884. 114 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 7. Rosa Ethel Loucks, b. Jan. 22, 1889. V. — 6. Maria Loucks, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 17, 1846; mrd. Isaac O. F. Stoner, Nov. 7, 1865. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Farmer. United Brethren Ch. Children: 1. Elmer; 2. Annetta; 3. Katie; 4. Walter. VI.— 1. Elmer E. Stoner, b. Aug. 14, 1868. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. Farmer. United Brethren Ch. S. VI.— 2. Annetta M. Stoner, b. Apr. 27, 1871. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. United Brethren Ch. S. VI.— 3. Katie O. Stoner, b. Jan. 18, 1875; mrd. R. G. Hixon, Dec. 24, 1895. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. United Brethren Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Arthur Glen Hixon. VII. — 2. Graden Stoner Hixon. VI.— 4. Walter F. Stoner, b. Sept. 14, 1879. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Laborer. United Brethren Ch. S. V. — 7. Catharine Loucks, b. Apr, 6, 1849; mrd. Wm. Sloan. P. O., Pitcairn, Pa. Children: 1. Cora; 2. Samuel; 3. Rilie. IV.— 4. Mary Loucks, b. Mar. 19, 1797; d. Apr. 14, 1880; mrd. Jacob Shupe. He was b. Mar. 15, 1789; d. June 4, 1870. Farmer. Church of God. Children: 1. Abraham; 2. Daniel; 3. John; 4. Anna; 5. Peter. V. — 1. Abraham Shupe. Mrd. Manda Hoover. P. O., White, Pa. Two sons and two daughters. Manda Shupe, etc. P. O., White, Pa. v.— 2. Daniel Shupe, dec'd. Mrd. . Children: Marcellus, etc. P. O., Alepollo, Pa. V. — 3. John Shupe, killed at battle of Gettysburg, Pa. V. — 4. Anna, burned to death while playing with fire when quite young. V. — 5. Peter L. Shupe, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., ANNA BEITLER. 115 June 11, 1829; mrd. Annie Byers. She d. Mar. 18, 1854. Children: 1. Jacob; 2. Marcellus. Peter mrd. second wife, Rebecca Aukerman. P. O., Alverton, Pa. Farmer. Church of God. Children: 3. John; 4. William; 5. Clark; 6. Mary; 7. Charley. VI. — 1. Dr. Jacob B. Shupe, b. Jan. 5, 1850; mrd. . P. O., Western Port, Md. Children: 1, Frank; 2. Braden. VI. — 2. Dr. Marcellus B. Shupe, b. June 17, 1853; mrd. Electa Skiff, June 5, 1884. P. O., Connellsville, Pa. Physician. VI. — 3. John Shupe, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 9, 1866. Res., 802 Publication Building, Pittsburg, Pa. Shorthand writer for Pullman Palace Car Co. Single. VI. — 4. William A. Shupe, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 9, 1868; mrd. Gertrude Mauk, Dec. 31, 1889. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Stationary engineer and machinist. Church of God. Children: VM.— 1. Ralph Shupe, b. Nov. 14, 1890. VII.— 2. Eva Shupe, b. July 13, 1892. VI.— 5. Clark Shupe, b. Oct. 10, 1870. P. O., Alverton, Pa. Weighs iron. S. VI.— 6. Mary Alice Shupe, b. Sept. 26, 1873; d. Aug. 30, 1874. VI.— 7. Charley Elmer Shupe, b. May 16, 1878. P. O., Alverton, Pa. Inspector of iron. S. v - IV. — 5. Rev. Martin Loucks, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Dec. 9, 1798; d. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Nov. 7, 1869; mrd. Nancy Stauffer, June 15, 1826. She was b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Feb. 9, 1808; d. at her home in Scottdale, Pa., June 19, 1900, aged 92 years, 4 months and 15 days. Farmer and minister of the Mennonite church. Martin Loucks emigrated from Bucks Co., Pa., with his parents in 1800, and settled at first in Fayette Co., but 116 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. later removed to East Huntingdon Twp., Westmoreland Co., where he lived until his death. He was ordained to the ministry at the Stonersville church in May 1833, and preached at the Stonersville (now Alverton) and the Penns- ville churches. Children: 1. Elizabeth; 2. Jacob; 3. Anne; 4. Catharine; 5. Abraham; 6. Peter; 7. Martin; 8. John. v.— 1. Elizabeth Loucks, b. Apr. 9, 1827; d. Sept. 14, 1877; mrd. David F. Stoner. No children. V. — 2. Jacob S. Loucks, b. in East Huntingdon Twp., (now Borough of Scottdale), Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 10, 1829; mrd. Mary Saylor, May 1853. P. O., Scottdale. Pa. Farmer. Menn's. Children: 1. Joseph; 2. Martin; 3. David; 4. Abram; 5. Aaron; 6. John; 7. (j^orge; 8. Nor- man; 9. Infant; 10. Ada; 11. Cora. VI. — 1. Joseph R. Loucks, b. July 10, 1855; mrd. Martha Stoner, Oct. 10, 1878. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Baker and grocer. Menn's. Children: VII.— 1. Homer S. Loucks, b. July 20, 1879; mrd. Mollie Provance, Nov. 28, 1899. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. VII.— 2. Minnie E. Loucks, b. Aug. 7, 1881. VII.— 3. Mary A. Loucks, b. July 8, 1883. VII.— 4. Maggie C. Loucks (twin), b. July 8, 1883. VII.— 5. Florence M. Loucks, b. July 22, 1885. VII. — 6. Lawrence J. Loucks, b. May 31, 1887; d. Sept. 14, 1887. VII.— 7. C. J. Loucks, b. Aug. 23, 1888. VII.— 8. Etta E. Loucks, b. Nov. 18, 1890. VII.— 9. Cecil P. Loucks, b. May 1, 1893. VII.— 10. Pauline Loucks, b. Mar. 17, 1895. VII.— 11. May Loucks, b. May 19, 1898. VI.— 2. Martin R. Loucks. b. Mar. 29. 1857. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Farmer. S. ANNA BEITLER. 117 V!.— 3. David S. Loucks, b. Feb. 15, 1859; mrd. Nellie Newcomer, Dec. 20, 1883. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. Children: VII.— 1. J. Lyman Loucks, b. Dec. 20, 1885. VII.— 2. Viola Olive Loucks, b. Feb. 16, 1888; d. Aug. 21, 1889. . VII.— 3. Laoma Lillian Loucks, b. Feb. 27, 1890. VII.— 4. Ada Willis Loucks, b. Jan. 19, 1892. VII. — 5. Jennie Grace Loucks, b. Aug. 17, 1893. VII.— 6. Celesta Modest Loucks, b. Oct. 9, 1898. VI. — 4. Abram R. Loucks, b. Jan. 8, 1862; mrd. Nettie Brown, Aug. 20, 1885. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Farmer. United Brethren Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Lydia Pearl Loucks, b. June 4, 1892. VII.— 2. Edwin Earl Loucks, b. Sept. 15, 1893. VII.— 3. Mary Blanche Loucks, b. Apr. 13, 1895. VI. — 5. Rev. Aaron Loucks, b. at Scottdale, Pa., Nov. 20, 1864; mrd. Amelia C. Medsger, Oct. 28, 1886. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Minister and bishop of the Mennonite church. Children: VII.— 1. Walter Medsger Loucks, b. Sept. 22, 1888. VII.— 2. William Jacob Loucks, b. Oct. 7, 1891. VII.— 3. Anna Loucks, b. Sept. 9, 1895. VI. — 6. John R. Loucks, b. Apr. 14, 1867; mrd. Annie Rittenhouse, Aug. 24, 1893. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Ice sales- man. Menn's. Children: VII. — 1. Margaret Irene Loucks, b. Jan. 17, 1896. VII.— 2. Ethel Jane Loucks, b. Apr. 27, 1899. VI.— 7. George S. Loucks, b. July 10, 1869; mrd. Melinda E. Davis. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Farmer. Menn's. Children : 118 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VII.— 1. Gladys Irene Loucks, b. Jan. 28, 1901. VI. — 8. Norman Loucks, b. Sept. 28, 1871. Came to his death by drowning in a spring, May 19, 1874. VI.— 9. Infant son, stillborn May 2, 1874. VI.— 10. Ada Loucks, b. Apr. 3, 1875. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Menn. S. VI. — 11. Cora Loucks, b. Oct. 24, 1879. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Menn. S. v.— 3. Anne Loucks, b. Nov. 29, 1831. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. S. v.— 4. Catharine Loucks, b. Oct. 23, 1834; d. Nov. 19, 1887. S. V. — 5. Abraham S. Loucks, b. at Fountain Mills (now Scottdale, Pa.), in 1838; mrd. Charlotte Ager, in 1861. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Retired farmer, Presby. Children: 1. Amanda; 2. Dortha;; 3. Meade; 4. Charles; 5. Albert; 6. John; 7. Nancy; 8. Petrina; 9. Royden; 10. Ruth. VI. — 1. Amanda M. Loucks, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 27, 1862. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Public school teacher. Presby. VI. — 2. Dortha May Loucks, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 7, 1864; d. Aug. 19, 1897; mrd. W. L, Kelly. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Editor. Presby. One child: VII.— 1. Charlotte Loucks Kelly, b. Nov. 8, 1896. VI. — 3. Meade Martin Loucks, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 12, 1866. Res., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Physician. VI.— 4. Charles Hunter Loucks, b. Oct. 18, 1868. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Cashier in bank. VI.— 5. Albert H. Loucks, b. Dec. 17, 1870. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. Engineer. VI.— 6. John S. Loucks, b. May 26, 1873. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. Hardware merchant. Presby. VI.— 7. Nancy Winifred Loucks, b. Sept. 1, 1875. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Presby. ANNA BEITLER. 119 VI. — 8. Petrina Pearl Loucks, b. May 30, 1878; d. Apr. 21, 1888. VI.— 9. Royden Keith Loucks, b. Nov. 25, 1880. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Attending Washington and Jefferson College. VI.— 10. Ruth Loucks, b. May 28, 1885. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. Presby. V. — 6. Peter Stauffer Loucks, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 3, 1841; d. at Scottdale, Pa., Nov. 6, 1897; mrd. Mary A. Boyd, May 29, 1878. She was b. near Connells- ville, Fayette Co., Pa., May 11, 1855. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Banker, iron and steel manufacturer. Meth. Ep. Children: 1. Arthur; 2. Edwin; 3. Martha; 4. Nancy; 5. Preston. VI. — 1. Arthur Boyd Loucks, b. at Scottdale, Pa., June 18, 1880. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Student at Washington and Jefferson College; will graduate in 1903. Meth. Ep. S. VI.— 2. Edwin Ralph Loucks, b. Sept. 19, 1882. P. O., Scottdale, Pa, S. VI.— 3. Martha Grace Loucks, b. Aug. 17, 1888. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. S. VI. — 4. Nancy Irene Loucks, b. Aug. 10, 1890. VI.— 5. Preston Stauffer Loucks, b. Aug. 13, 1894. V. — 7. Martin Loucks, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., July 2, 1843. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. S. V. — 8. .fohn Loucks, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Sept. 1^, 1848. Res., Philadelphia, Pa. S. IV. — 6. Nancy Loucks, d. young. S. IV. — 7. John Loucks, b. April 8, 1802; d. near Scott- dale, Pa., in 1885; mrd. Sarah Bassler, in 1827; b. Oct. 19, 1805; d. near Scottdale, Pa., in 1880. Farmer. Menn's. Children: 1. Peter; 2. John; 3. Catharine; 4. Sarah; 5. Nancy; 6. Mary; 7. Susan; 8. Joseph; 9. Solomon. 120 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. V. — 1. Rev. Peter Loiicks, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Mar. 1, 1828; d. in 1881; mrd. Anna Fox, in 1855. P. O., Alverton, Pa. Children: 1. Erastiis; 2. J. Lyman; 3. Wil- liam; 4. Etta. VI. — 1. Erastus F. Loiicks, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Feb. 1, 1857; mrd. Henrietta Hunsberger, Aug. 19, 1887. P. O., Jeannette, Pa. Teacher and principal of Barkeyville Academy for eight years, professor in Greek Department Findlay (Ohio) College for five years, now teacher in the High School at Jeannette, Pa. Church of God. Children: VII. — 1. Linna Louisa Loucks, b. May 6, 1894. VI. — 2. J. Lyman Loucks. P. O., Alverton, Pa. VI. — 3. Rev. William Elmer Loucks, b. at Alverton, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 29, 1863; mrd. Grace Louise Brown, July 30, 1891. P. O., Toledo, Ohio. Minister of the gospel. Baptist church. Children: VII.— 1. Eleanor May Loucks, b. Nov. 25, 1892. VII.— 2. Chester Hammond Loucks, b. July 25, 1899. VI.— 4. Etta Loucks, d. in 1898. v.— 2. John Loucks, b. Jan. 10, 1830; d. in 1831. v.— 3. Catharine Loucks, b. Oct. 21, 1832; d. in 1833. V. — 4. Sarah Loucks, b. near Scottdale, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. il, 1834; mrd. Daniel B. Stoner, in 1855. He was b. in East Huntingdon Twp., Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 1, 1829; d. at Scottdale, Pa., Apr. 10, 1896. Farmer and coke operator. Church of God. Children: 1. Franklin; 2. Alice; 3. Amelia; 4. Sarah; 5. Loucks; 6. Erastus; 7. Edwin; 8. Clarence; 9. Carrie; 10. Myrtle. VI.— 1. Franklin L. Stoner, b. Aug. 22, 1856; died Sept. 12, 1875. VI.— 2. Alice Susan Stoner, b. Mar. 3, 1858; d. Oct. 12, 1897; mrd. Lyman R. Fretts, Dec. 25, 1879. He d. Sept. 3, 1892. (See Joseph S. Fretts Family.) VI. — 3. Amelia Ann Stoner, b. Nov. 11, 1860; mrd. Isaac ELEANOR (BEITLER) BRINGHURST. (See page 21 tj. ) I I ANNA BEITLER. 121 Bowser, Feb. 14, 1893. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Farmer. Church of God. Children: VM.— 1. Paul Bowser, b. Jan. 14, 1894. VII.— 2. Ruth Bowser, b. Feb. 23, 1897. VI.— 4. Sarah Ida Stoner, b. Mar. 18, 1862; mrd. Wil- liam Ross Covert, Jan. 1, 1889. One child: VII. — 1. Ross (Jovert. VI. — 5. Loucks Stoner, b. May 30, 1865; d. Jan. 22, 1898; mrd. Abbie Chapman, June 29, 1892. No children. VI.— 6. Erastus L. Stoner, b. Oct. 9, 1868, near Scott- dale, Pa.; mrd. Katharine Hanna, July 21, 1896. She d. Feb. 28, 1897. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Principal of Public Schools. Presby. No children. VI.— 7. Edwin D. Stoner, b. Apr. 8, 1871; d. July 25, 1883. VI.— 8. Clarence E. Stoner, b. Sept. 13, 1874; d. Apr. 6, 1875. VL— 9. Carrie May Stoner, b. Sept. 23, 1876. VI.— 10. Myrtle Gail Stoner, b. Mar. 6, 1881. v.— 5. Nancy Loucks, b. Sept. 1839; d. in 1841. v.— 6. Mary Loucks, b. in 1841; d. in 1841. V. — 1. Susan Loucks, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Feb. 13, 1843; mrd. Thomas Raygor. P. O., Alverton, Pa. Chil- dren: VI. — 1. John; 2. Lizzie, dec'd; 3. Hazen, dec'd. v.— 8. Josepn Loucks, b. in 1847; d. in 1852. v.— 9. Solomon Loucks, b. in 1849; d. in 1852. IV. — 8. Peter Loucks, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Sept. 21, 1805; d. in Elkhart Co., Ind., Apr. 1895; mrd. Anna Barkey, Feb. 1, 1827. She was b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Sept. 1, 1808; d. in Elkhart Co., Ind., Apr. 1890. Farmer and shoemaker. Menn's. Children: 1. Susan; 2. Anna; 122 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. 3. Jacob; 4. William; 5. John; 6. Sarah; 7. Martin; 8. Isaac; 9. Catharine; 10. Peter; 11. Mary; 12. Jonas. v.— 1. Susan Loucks, b. Apr. 4, 1828; d. in 1830. v.— 2. Anna Loucks, b. Aug. 23, 1829; d. fall of 1890; mrd. David Swope. Children: 1. John; 2. Nancy; 3. Mary; 4. Thomas; 5. William. Anna mrd. second husband, John Buzzard. No children. v.— 3. Jacob Loucks, b. Sept. 9, 1831; d. 1893; mrd. Catharine Freed. P. O., Wakarusa, Ind. Children: 1. Wil- liam; 2. Samantha; 3. Mary; 4. Jacob; 5. Anna; 6. Jonas. VI. — 1. William H. Loucks. P. O., Wakarusa, Ind. VI. — 2. Samantha Loucks. P. O., Wakarusa, Ind. VI.— 3. Mary Loucks. Mrd. Dills. P. O., Os- ceola, Ind. VI. — 4. Jacob O. Loucks. P. O., Wakarusa, Ind. VI. — 5. Anna Loucks. Mrd. Schontz. P. O., Wakarusa, Ind. VI. — 6. Jonas Loucks. P. O., Wakarusa, Ind. v.— 4. William Loucks, b. Aug. 20, 1833; mrd. Martha Ann Rinebolt. P. O., Wakarusa, Ind. V. — 5. John Loucks, b. Sept. 18, 1835; mrd. Barbara Myers. P. O., Wakarusa, Ind. v.— 6. Sarah Loucks, b. Nov. 29, 1837; mrd. Tobias Myers. P. O., Nappanee, Ind. V. — 7. Martin Loucks, b. Mar. 11, 1840; mrd. Hannah Kilmer. P. O., Wakarusa, Ind. V. — 8. Isaac Loucks, b. in Ashland Co., Ohio, June 19, 1842; mrd. Rebecca Culp, Feb. 1, 1863. P. O., Falls City, Neb. Farmer. Brethren Ch. Children: 1. Aaron; 2. Mary. VI.— 1. Aaron W. Loucks, b. Nov. 19, 1864; mrd. Ida Jones. P. O., Falls City, Neb. Agriculturist. Children: VII.— 1. Ida May Loucks, b. June 22, 1897. ANNA BEITLER. 123 VII.— 2. Alma Fay Loucks, b. June 16, 1899. VI.— 2. Mary J. Loucks. b. Feb. 10, 1867; d. Apr. 16, 1886; mrd, Frank Canada, Dec. 31, 1885. v.— 9. Catharine Loucks, b. July 4, 1844; d. 1872; mrd. Henry Culp. P. O., Wakarusa, Ind. Children: 1. Ephraim; 2. Salome; 3. Anna; 4. Ida. VI.— 1. Ephraim Culp. P. O., Goshen, Ind. VI.— 2. Salome Culp. Mrd. Weaver. P. O., Wakarusa, Ind. VI.— 3. Anna Culp. Mrd. Cannon. P. O., Elk- hart, Ind. VI.— 4. Ida Culp. Mrd. Able. V. — 10. Peter B. Loucks, b. in Ashland Co., Ohio, Jan. 22, 1847; mrd. Mary E., daughter of David S. Holdeman, Sept. 20, 1868. P. O., Schley, Kansas. Farmer. Church of God. Children: VI. — 1. Anna Catharine Loucks, b. Sept. 4, 1869; mrd. Rollin Geisinger, dec'd. Carpenter. No children. Anna mrd. second husband, Bert C. Wade, July 3, 1899. Res., Washington Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Printer, Baptist. No children (1901). VI.— 2. Helena Loucks, b. Mar. 21, 1871; d. Mar. 28, '75. VI.— 3. Martin Loucks, b. Oct. 28, 1874; d. Feb. 9, 1882. VI.— 4. Martha Loucks, b. Nov. 28, 1877; d. Jan. 31, '82. VI.— 5. Sarah Loucks, b. June 22, 1880; d. Feb. 3, 1882. VI.— 6. Laura Loucks, b. Mar. 25, 1883. VI.— 7. Jesse Loucks, b. Sept. 23, 1884. VI.— 8. Dora Loucks, b. Apr. 5, 1886. VI.— 9. Jonas Loucks, b. Feb. 7, 1888. VI. — 10. Samantha Loucks, b. Aug. 2, 1890. VI.— 11. David Loucks, b. June 9, 1892; d. Dec. 16, 1894. 124 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. v.— 11. Mary Loiicks, b. Apr. 24, 1850; mrd. William Holdeman. P. O., Elkhart, Ind. V. — 12. Jonas Loiicks, b. Jan. 3, 1853; mrd. Anna Ray- mer. P. O., Wakariisa, Ind. IV. — 9. Sarah Loucks, b. 1808; mrd. Samuel Dillinger. He was b. Oct. 28, 1810. Children: 1. Anna; 2. Mary; 3. Catharine; 4. Sarah; 5. John; 6. Elizabeth; 7. Eliza; 8. Daniel; 9. Samuel. V. — 1. Anna Dillinger, dec'd; mrd. Joseph Hecksor. V. — 2. Mary Dillinger; mrd. Abraham Sherrick. P. O., Greensburg, Pa. V. — 3. Catharine Dillinger; mrd. Moses Hickson. P. O., Greensburg, Pa. V. — 4. Sarah Dillinger; mrd. J. C. Fox. V. — 5. John L. Dillinger; mrd. Mary Mclntyre. v.— 6. Elizabeth Dillinger; mrd. C. T. Hanna. V. — 7. Eliza Loucks; mrd. A. A. Hasson. V. — 8. Daniel L. Dillinger. P. O., Greensburg, Pa. V. — 9. Samuel Dillinger; mrd Katie Hutchinson. SECTION V. III. — 5. Martin Overholt, b. in Bedminster Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Nov. 1772; d. in Sangamon (now Logan) Co., 111., June 18, 1835; mrd. Catharine Overholt, daughter of Abra- ham Overholt, of Bucks Co., Pa., in 1802. She was b. in Plumstead Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Nov. 1, 1781; d. in East Huntingdon Twp., Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 21, 1866. Farmer and weaver. Menn's. Children: 1. Susanna; 2. Esther; 3. Anne; 4. Abraham; 5. Henry; 6. John; 7. Martin. IV.— 1. Susanna Overholt, b. Sept. 27, 1803; d. Sept. 1, 1885; mrd. Henry Shupe, Sept. 7, 1823. He was b. in West- moreland Co., Pa., Feb. 11, 1799; d. . Farmer. Luth's. ANNA BEITLER. 125 Children: 1. John; 2. Catharine; 3. Jacob; 4. Samuel; 5. Anna. V. — 1. John Shupe, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 23, 1824; d. Apr. 12, 1894; mrd. Julia Ann Rhoades, in 1852. She was b. Feb. 18, 1830. Farmer. Luth's. Children: 1. Oliver; 2. Polly; 3. Lafayette; 4. Alice. VI.— 1. Oliver P. Shupe, b. Sept. 21, 1852; d. in 1888; mrd. Mabel H. Sloan, June 25, 1874. Merchant. United Presbyterian. Children: VII.— 1. Walter Shupe, b. Sept. 14, 1875; d. Sept. 28, '78. VII.— 2. Grace S. Shupe, b. Jan. 3, 1878. VII.— 3. Edgar S. Shupe, b. Feb. 17, 1880. P. O., McKeesport, Pa. VII.— 4. Huston S. Shupe, b. Sept. 11, 1882. VI.— 2. Polly Ann Shupe, b. Nov. 9, 1853; mrd. William G. Pore, Dec. 12, 1872. P. O., Jacobs Creek, Pa. Laborer. Children: VII. — 1. Henry E. Pore, b. Jan. 9, 1874. Stone mason. P. O., Jacobs Creeks, Pa. S. VII.— 2. Alice S. Pore, b. Aug. 13, 1876; d. . VII.— 3. John J. A. Pore, b. Sept. 4, 1879. P. O., Jacobs Creek, Pa. Employed at coal mine. S. VII.— 4. Oliver Porter Pore, b. Aug. 10, 1881. P. O., Jacobs Creek, Pa. Bookkeeper. S. VI!.— 5. Florence Pore, b. June 13, 1888. VI. — 3. Lafayette Shupe, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 22, 1858; mrd. Mary E. Pore, May 21, 1885. P. O., Jacobs Creek, Pa. Farmer. Luth's. Children: VII.— 1. Ruth Alma Shupe, b. Mar. 1, 1886. VII.— 2. George P. Shupe, b. July 18, 1888. VII.— 3. Sarah A. E. Shupe, b. June 7, 1893. VI.— 4. Alice M. Shupe, b. Apr. 20, 1864; mrd. William Elliott, in 1885. P. O., Jacobs Creek, Pa. Mason. Baptist. Children: 126 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VII.— 1. Josephine Vera Elliott, b. Aug. 21, 1889. v.— 2. Catharine Shnpe (twin), b. Oct. 23, 1824; d. Aug. 1887; mrd. Joseph S. Hough, in 1845. He was b. Sept. 24, 1822; d. June 1866. Farmer and cabinetmaker. Mr. H., Luth.; Mrs. H., U. B. Ch. Children: 1. Susan; 2. Elizabeth; 3. Charlotte; 4, William; 5. Lawrence; 6. Lindley; 7. Sarah; 8. Josephine. VI. — 1. Susan Hough, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 30, 1846; mrd. J. R. Hough, in 1864. P. O., Smithton, Pa. Universalist. Children: 1. Mary; 2. Elmer; 3. Elizabeth; 4. Charlotte; 5. Lucy; 6. Minnie; 7. Alvin; 8. Lawrence; 9. Josie; 10. Ethel. VII.— 1. Mary Catharine Hough, b. Oct. 9, 1864; mrd. W. H. Wright, July 4, 1883. P. O., West Newton, Pa. Merchant. Children: vm.— 1. Octa Mae Wright, b. May 13, 1885. VIM.— 2. Harry Curtis Wright, b. Sept. 12, 1886. VII.— 2. Elmer Hough, b. Jan. 15, 1866; mrd. Florence Boltin, Aug. 30, 1890. P. O., Homestead, Pa. Civil engineer. Children: VIM.— 1. Victor Boltin Hough, b. June 19, 1891. VIM.— 2. Elmer Byron Hough, b. Aug. 21, 1893. VIM.— 3. Roscoe Rhoades Hough, b. Jan. 29, 1895. VIM.— 4. Scott Hough, b. Nov. 21, 1898. VII.— 3. Elizabeth L. Hough, b. Sept. 22, 1867; mrd. Frank T. Alter, Oct. 20, 1887. P. O., Homestead, Pa. Clothier. Meth. Ep. Children: VIM.— 1. Herbert Franklin Alter, b. Sept. 19, 1888. VIM.— 2. Ethel Clare Alter, b. Sept. 23, 1891. Vlll.~3. Ralph Jacob Alter, b. Aug. 20, 1895; d. Nov. 26, ]896. VIM.— 4. Russell Curtis Alter, b. Sept. 13, 1899; d. June 24, 1900. ANNA BEITLER. 127 VII.— 4. Charlotte Ann Hough, b. Aug. 27, 1869; mrd. David H. Smith, Oct. 25, 1894. P. O., Smithton, Pa. Miller. Spiritualist. Children: VIM.— 1. Weimer J. Smith, b. Aug. 11, 1895. VIM.— 2. Mildred Smith, b. June 26, 1900. VII. — 5. Lucy Maud Hough, b. Sept. 12, 1871; mrd. Robert F. Smith, in 1895. P. O., Smithton, Pa. Book- keeper. Mrs. S., music teacher. Universalist. Children: VIM.— 1. Sue Frances Smith, b. Dec. 13, 1895. VIM.— 2. Orah Dale Smith, b. Sept. 4, 1897. VIM.— 3. Robert Smith, b. May 31, 1899. VII. — 6. Minnie Florence Hough, b. Jan. 29, 1874; mrd. Ralph Theophilus. P. O., Knoxville, Pa. Bookkeeper. Mrs. T., music teacher. Christian Ch. Child: VIM.— 1. Donald Theophilus. VII. — 7. Alvin Curtis Hough, b. Jan. 7, 1876; mrd. Lula Cummings, Sept. 25, 1900. P. O., Homestead, Pa. Civil en- gineer. Methodist Ep. VII. — 8. Lawrence Edison Hough, b. May 13, 1879. P. O., Smithton, Pa. Car inspector. S. VII.— 9. Josie Pearl Hough, b. Jan. 27, 1881. P. O., Smithton, Pa. Music teacher. S. VII.— 10. Ethel J. Hough, b. Sept. 10, 1882. P. O., Smithton, Pa. S. VI.— 2. Elizabeth Hough, b. 1848; d. in 1854. VI. — 3. Charlotte Hough, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 1, 1851; d. Sept. 21, 1883; mrd. Joseph A. Smith, Dec. 25, 1875. He was born at Smithton, Pa., Sept. 1, 1849. P. O., Smithton, Pa. Paper maker. Children: VII.— 1. C. Edgar Smith, b. May 31, 1877. P. O., Smith- ton, Pa. Druggist. S. VII.— 2. Elma Maud Smith, b. . 3. 128 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 4. William H. Hough, b. Dec. 15, 1853; d. Nov. 1882; mrd. Elizabeth Neel. Children: VII.— 1. Thomas Hough. VII.— 2. Matilda Hough. VI.— 5. Lawrence Hough, b. Apr. 13, 1856; d. Aug. 1900; mrd. Honora Craig. Children: VII. — 1. Olive Hough. P. O., Homestead, Pa. VI. — 6. Lindlay L. Hough, b. Jan. 16, 1859; mrd. Maria L. Snyder, Oct. 25, 1883. P. O., Ruffsdale, Pa. Farmer, U. B. Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Harry E. Hough, b. Nov. 22, 1884. VII.— 2. Catharine Hough, b. Sept. 15, 1887. VII.— 3. Honora Hough, b. Oct. 25, 1891. VII.— 4. George S. Hough, b. Oct. 18, 1896. VI.— 7. Sarah E. Hough, b. Sept. 22, 1861; d. Mar. 1884; mrd. D. B. Hough, Oct. 25, 1882. VI. — 8. Josephine Hough, b. Mar. 17, 1864; mrd. Dr. G. S. Sutton, Jan. 17, 1884. P. O., Jeannette, Pa. Druggist. Baptist. No children. V. — 3. Jacob Shupe. P. O., Madison, Pa. V. — 4. Samuel Shupe, dec'd; mrd. Amy. Children: 1. Josephine, etc. VI. — 1. Josephine Shupe; mrd. Momyer. P. O., Smithton, Pa. V. — 5. Anna Shupe; mrd. Noah Zimmerman. Children: 1. David, etc. P. O., Ruffsdale, Pa. IV. — 2. Esther Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 11, 1804; d. July 11, 1880; mrd. Jacob Lane, Aug. 5, 1823. He was b. in Fayette Co., Pa., May 15, 1801; d. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Apr. 23, 1878. Farmer. Menn's. Children: 1. Anna; 2. Catharine; 3. Susan; 4. Martin; 5. Mary; 6. Hannah; 7. Elizabeth. REV. WILLIAM A. BRINGHURST. (See page 217. ) ANNA BEITLER. 129 v.— 1. Anna Lane, b. July 11, 1825; d. about 1863 or 64; mrd. Joseph Stoner, Feb. 1845. He was b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Apr. 26, 1816; d. at Scottdale, Pa., Mar. 11, 1891. Miller, carpenter, blacksmith and farmer. United Brethren. Children: 1. Maria; 2. Abraham; 3. Jordan; 4. Martin; 5. William, dec'd; 6. Jacob, dec'd; 7. James, dec'd. VI. — 1. Maria L. Stoner, b. at West Overton, Westmore- land Co., Pa., Jan. 17, 1846; mrd. Samuel D. Aultman, Nov. 11, 1868. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. United Brethren. Children: 1. Luella; 2. Ettie. VII.— 1. Luella S. Aultman, b. Dec. 30, 1870; d. June 8, 1887. VII.— 2. Ettie Mae Aultman, b. May 26, 1873; mrd. William A. Greene, Nov. 12, 1895. Mrs. Greene is a musician and lives in New York City. One child: VIM.— 1. Allen De Lane Greene, b. Sept. 1, 1896. VI. — 2. Abraham Stoner, b. in East Huntingdon Twp., Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 13, 1854; mrd. Hester A. Jones, June 14, 1877. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Manager of cold rollers for American Sheet Steel Co., Scottdale, Pa. U. B. Ch. Children: 1, Birdie; 2. Russell; 3. Blaine; 4. Franklin; 5. William; 6. Eva. VII.— 1. Birdie Mae Stoner, b. Apr. 18, 1878; mrd. Herbert B. James, Nov. 9, 1898. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. U. B. Ch. One child: VIII. — 1. Vernon Clarke S. James. VII.— 2. Russell J. Stoner, b. Dec. 7, 1881. VM.— 3. Blaine J. Stoner, b. Sept. 28, 1883. VII.— 4. Franklin J. Stoner, b. Nov. 3, 1886. VII.— 5. William J. Stoner, b. June 15, 1888. VII.— 6. Eva Jean Stoner, b. Nov. 7, 1890; d. Nov. 6, '94. VI. — 3. Jordan N, Stoner, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Nov. 3, 1858; mrd. Catharine, daughter of John F. Stauffer, 10 130 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Mar. 10, 1881. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Carpenter. U. B. Ch. One child: VII.— 1. Homer S. Stoner, b. July 17, 1888. VI. — 4. Martin L. Stoner, b. at Hawkeye, Pa., July 1, 1861; mrd. Mary A. Keefer, Nov. 30, 1882. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Cold roller. U. B. Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Anna May Stoner, b. Mar. 15, 1885. U. B. Ch. VII.— 2. Helen Stoner, b. Nov. 26, 1897. VI.— 5. William Stoner, dec'd. VI. — 6. Jacob Stoner, dec'd. VI. — 7. James Stoner, dec'd. V. — 2. Catharine Lane, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Mar. 4, 1827; mrd. John McGiffin, Apr. 20, 1851. P. O., United, Pa. Farmer. U. B. Ch. Children: 1. Martin; 2. Abraham; 3. Esther; 4. Jacob; 5. Henry; 6. John; 7. Elmina. VI.— 1. Martin L. McGiffin, b. Feb. 14, 1852; mrd. Mary Riley, Oct. 30, 1879. Res., 711 Somerset St., Johnstown, Pa. Clerk. U. B. Ch. Children: 1. Franklin; 2. Catharine. VII.— 1. Frank Garfield McGiffin, b. Jan. 18, 1882. P. O., Johnstown, Pa. Clerk. VII.— 2. Catharine McGiffin, b. July 28, 1883. P. O., Johnstown, Pa. Clerk. VI.— 2. Abraham L. McGiffin, b. Oct. 21, 1853; d. Jan. 24, 1868. VI.— 3. Esther L. McGiffin, b. June 27, 1855. P. O., United, Pa. U. B. Ch. S. VI.— 4. Jacob L. McGiffin, b. July 10, 1857; mrd. Sarah Killgore. P. O., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Laborer. Presby. Children: VII.— 1. Homer McGiffin. VII.— 2. Otto McGiffin. VI.— 5. Henry L. McGiffin, b. Aug. 5, 1859; mrd. Emma Stauffer. P. O., Hecla, Pa. Farmer. U. B. Ch. Children: ANNA BEITLER. 131 VII.— 1. John McGiffin. VII.— 2. Abraham McGiffin. VI.— 6. John L. McGiffin, b. July 8, 1861; d. July 19, 1898; mrd. Margaret Stauffer, Sept. 9, 1886. P. O., Scott- dale, Pa. Engineer. U. B. Ch. Children: VII.— 1. James Albert McGiffin, b. Mar. 16, 1888. VM.— 2. Alice Sophia McGiffin, b. Nov. 19, 1889. VII.— 3. Nora Olive McGiffin, b. Aug. 13, 1891. VII.— 4. Harry S. McGiffin, b. Mar. 2, 1893; d. Oct. 22, 1893. VII.— 5. Robert Rogers McGiffin, b. July 13, 1895. VII.— 6. Etta Naomi McGiffin, b. June 6, 1897. VI.— 7. Elmina L. McGiffin, b. Mar. 28, 1863; mrd. Wil- liam Momeyer. P. O., United, Pa. Laborer. Church of God. Children: VII. — 1. Maud Momeyer. VII. — 2. Oakie Momeyer. VII. — 3. Catharine Momeyer. VII. — 4. Anna Momeyer. VII. — 5. Homer Momeyer. VII. — 6. Frank Momeyer. VII.— 7. Infant. v.— 3. Susan Lane, b. Feb. 27, 1830; d. June 30, 1882; mrd. Joseph Stoner (husband of deceased sister, Anna). U. B. One child: VI. — 1. Bettie Stoner, b. in East Huntingdon Twp., Westmoreland Co., Pa., Sept. 23, 1866. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. United Brethren. Single. V. — 4. Rev. Martin O. Lane, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 20, 1832; mrd. Jane Shallenberger, June 7, 1853. She was b. ; d. Nov. 15, 1893. P. O., Altoona, Pa. Minister of the gospel, Church of the United Brethren in 132 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Christ. Children: 1. Mary; 2. Emily; 3. John; 4. Daniel; 5. Hannah; 6. Hattie; 7. Jacob. VI.— 1. Mary Ann Lane, b. Apr. 7, 1854; d. Oct. 14, 1856. VI.— 2. Emily Lane, b. Nov. 19, 1855; d. Oct. 25, 1856. VI.— 3. John Wesley Lane, b. Sept. 21, 1857; mrd. Emma Fink. P. O., Altoona, Pa. Traveling salesman. VI.— 4. Daniel F. Lane, b. July 22, 1860; d. Jan. 18, 1899; mrd. Nellie Rankin. She d. July 17, 1892. Pharmacist. Children: VII. — 1. James Franklin Lane. VII. — 2. Daniel Raymond Lane. Daniel mrd. second wife, Ella Christ. One child: VII. — 3. Fairyline Lane. VI. — 5. Hannah Maggie Lane, b. Nov. 13, 1867; d. Jan. ^, 1875. VI.— 6. Hattie May Lane, b. May 19, 1870; d. Feb. 24, 1898. VI. — 7. Jacob Franklin Lane, b. Oct. 8, 1874; mrd. Grace Goodman. P. O., Altoona, Pa. Clerk in shoe store. v.— 5. Mary Lane, b. May 30, 1837; d. Nov. 1856. V. — 6. Hannah Lane, b. Apr. 20, 1842; d. ; mrd. Jonas Mumaw. No children. v.— 7. Elizabeth Lane, b. Sept. 30, 1845; d. about 1870; mrd. Joseph W. Stoner. One child: VI. — 1. Cora Stoner, b. ; mrd. Dr. E. C. Leighty. She graduated in medicine, and is practicing with her hus- band in Pittsburg, Pa. IV. — 3. Anna Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 25, 1807; d. Oct. 24, 1893; mrd. Adam Tinstman, Mar. 1828. He was b. near Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Nov. 20, 1804; d. June 7, 1863. Farmer. Menn's. Children: 1. Catharine; 2. Jacob; 3. Martin; 4. Hattie; 5. Aaron. ANNA BEITLER. 133 V. — 1. Catharine O. Tinstman, b. near Mount Pleasant, Pa., Feb. 18, 1829; mrd. Josiah J. Mechling, Mar. 16, 1854. P, O., Greensburg, Pa. Farmer. Luth. Children: 1. George; 2. Annie; 3. Adam; 4. May; 5. Hattie; 6. Orange; 7. Allen. VI.— 1. George W. Mechling, b. Dec. 4, 1854. VI.— 2. Annie E. Mechling, b. Sept. 27, 1856; d. Dec. 16, 1895; mrd. Robert F. Welty. Children: VII.— 1. Catharine Welty. V 11.-2. Rissie Welty. VII.— 3. Hattie Welty. VI.— 3. Adam Q. Mechling, b. Feb. 7, 1859. S. VI.— 4. May Mechling, b. June 29, 1861. S. VI.— 5. Hattie C. Mechling, b. Aug. 2, 1863. VI.— 6. Orange Judd Mechling, b. Sept. 12, 1865; mrd. Jennie Monroe. P. O., Greensburg, Pa. Farmer. Three children. VI.— 7. Allen W. Mechling, b. Apr. 22, 1868; mrd. Gertrude E. Fisher. P. O., Youngwood, Pa. Farmer, V. — 2. Jacob F. Tinstman, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Sept. 30, 1831; d. Nov. 24, 1869; mrd. Nancy Wineland, of Findlay, Ohio, May 15, 1860. Carpenter and farmer. U. B. Children : VI. — 1. Elwin D. Tinstman, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Feb. 22, 1863; mrd. Mary E. Williams. P. O., Madison, Pa. Surveyor and farmer. U. B. One child: VII.— 1. Perry Denton Tinstman, b. Jan. 12, 1896; d. June 30, 1896. v.— 3. Martin O. Tinstman, b. Oct. 28, 1835; d. Feb. 15, 1873. Single. V. — 4. Hattie L. Tinstman, b. Mar. 21, 1840; d. June 24, 1893; mrd. Furry Newcomer, of Toledo, Iowa. No children. 134 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. V. — 5. Aaron O. D. Tinstman, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Mar. 22, 1842; d. Nov. 15, 1887; mrd. Mary Mellinger, of Mars Hill, Pa., July 4, 1871. She was b. Dec. 29, 1846. Farmer. U. B. Ch. Children: 1. Harry; 2. Martin; 3. Kathryn; 4. Alma; 5. Ralph; 6. Lizzie; 7. Maria; 8. Edna. VI.— 1. Harry M. Tinstman, b. May 17, 1872. P. O., Herminie, Pa. S. VI. — 2. Martin O. Tinstman, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., June 29, 1873; mrd. Emma Fox, Oct. 28, 1897. P. O., Herminie, Pa. Clerk. United Brethren in Christ. Children: VII.— 1. Mary Tinstman, b. Sept. 2, 1898. VI.— 3. Kathryn A. Tinstman, b. Nov. 13, 1874. P. 0., Herminie, Pa. S. VI.— 4. Alma M. Tinstman, b. Feb. 26, 1876. P. O., Herminie, Pa. S. VI.— 5. Ralph A. Tinstman, b. Jan. 21, 1879. P. O., Herminie, Pa. S. VI.— 6. Lizzie L. Tinstman, b. Feb. 2, 1880. P. O., Her- minie, Pa. S. VI.— 7. Maria O. Tinstman, b. Nov. 13, 1883. S. VI.— 8. Edna M. Tinstman, b. Feb. 22, 1885. IV. — 4. Abraham O. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., July 12, 1811; d. Apr. 24, 1893; mrd. Mary Stoner, Mar. 25, 1847. She was b. in Westmoreland Co.; d. Sept. 5, 1891. Farmer. Lived and died on the homestead of his father near West Overton. The farm adjoins the old Henry Overholt homestead, and is still in the Overholt name. Menn's. Children: 1. Susanna; 2. Annie; 3. John. V. — 1. Susanna S. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 20, 1849; mrd. David Longsdorff, Mar. 2, 1869. P. O., Indian Grove, Mo. Farmer. Christian Church. Children: 1. Frank; 2. Edna; 3. John. VI.— 1. Frank O. Longsdorff, b. Feb. 21, 1871; d. Dec. 20, 1893. ANNA BEITLER. 135 VI.— 2. Edna O. Longsdorff, b. Dec. 29, 1874; mrd. Abram W. Smith, Sept. 27, 1894. P. O., Indian Grove, Mo. Farmer. Christian Church. No children. VI.— 3. John O. Longsdorff, b. Aug. 29, 1880. P. O., Indian Grove, Mo. V. — 2. Annie S. Overholt, b. near West Overton, "West- moreland Co., Pa., July 1, 1851. P. O., West Overton, Pa. Menn. S. v.— 3. John S. Overholt, b. July 7, 1856. P. O., West Overton, Pa. Farmer. S. IV. — 5. Henry O. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., June 11, 1813; d. July 20, 1880; mrd. Elizabeth Bechtel. She was b. Apr. 10, 1819; d. Nov. 26, 1887. Farmer. In early life. Menu's.; later Meth. Ep. Children: 1. Catharine; 2. Maria; 3. Reuben; 4. Esther; 5. Isaiah; 6. Martin; 7. Lindlay; 8. Jessie. V. — 1. Catharine Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 1, 1840; mrd. John Stewart, Nov. 12, 1857. He was b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Oct. 22, 1828. P. O., Brunswick, Mo. Meth. Ep. Children: 1. Mary; 2. Elizabeth; 3. Chris- tian; 4. Maria; 5. Flora; 6. Henry; 7. Hattie; 8. Senora; 9. Mattie; 10. John. VI.— 1. Mary Ellen Stewart, b. Oct. 13, 1858; d. Nov. 3, 1865. VI. — 2. Elizabeth Stewart, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Oct. 13, 1860; mrd. Clarence Goodyear, Nov. 24, 1886. He was b. near Carlisle, Pa., Aug. 1, 1856. P. O., Newcomer, Mo. Meth. Ep. Children: VII.— 1. John E. Goodyear, b. Sept. 6, 1887. VII.— 2. Pearl Esther Goodyear, b. Nov. 7, 1892. VII.— 3. Harry A. Goodyear, b. Feb. 13, 1899. VI. — 3. Christian Stewart, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Oct. 1, 1862; mrd. Lizzie E. Swain, Dec. 24, 1891. She was b. Oct. 13, 1870. P. O., New Hall, Mo. Meth. Ep. Children: 136 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VII.— 1. Warner W. Stewart, b. Nov. 7, 1892. VII.— 2. John Elmer Stewart, b. Mar. 26, 1895. VII.— 3. Winnie May Stewart, b. Sept. 1, 1897. VII.— 4. Clarence Irvin Stewart, b. Feb. 22, 1900. VI. — 4. Maria Stewart, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Oct. 1, 1864. VI.— 5. Flora Stewart, b. Feb. 21, 1866; mrd. Joseph L. Howard, Jan. 4, 1893. He was b. in Adams Co., 111., Nov. 18, 1867. P. O., Newcomer, Mo. Meth. Ep. Children: VII.— 1. Jessie B. Howard, b. Jan. 17, 1894. VII.— 2. Ray T. Howard, b. Aug. 6, 1895. VII.— 3. Flossie Howard, b. Dec. 8, 1897. VII.— 4. Peter Howard, b. Mar. 11, 1900. VI.— 6. Henry Stewart, b. Sept. 21, 1868; mrd. Kate Wilson, Sept. 20, 1896. Reside in Oklahoma. Mrs. S., Christian Church. One child: VII. — 1. Beatrice Stewart, b. Aug. 22, 1898. VI.— 7. Hattie Stewart, b. Aug. 26, 1870; d. Aug. 29, '73. VI.— 8. Senora Stewart, b. May 12, 1873; d. May 22, '90. VI.— 9. Mattie Stewart, b. Mar. 25, 1877; d. June 27, '78. VI.— 10. John Irvin Stewart, b. Oct. 1, 1882. P. O., Newcomer, Mo. V. — 2. Maria B. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa,, Dec. 27, 1841; mrd. George Young, in 1884. He was b. Jan. 9, 1842. P. O., Brunswick, Mo. Meth. Ep. No children. V. — 3. Reuben B. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Nov. 17, 1844; mrd. Elizabeth S. Overholt, Sept. 10, 1871. P. O., Craig, Colo. Cong. Children: 1. Albert; 2. Edith; 3, John; 4. Alice. VI.— 1. Albert O. Overholt, b. June 17, 1872. VI.— 2. Edith May Overholt, b. May 1, 1875; mrd. P. H. Howard, Dec. 25, 1895. P. O., Craig, Colo. REV. DAVID R. LANDIS. (See page 233.) ANNA BEITLER. 137 VI.— 3. John O. Overholt, b. Dec. 18, 1878; d. June 19, 1879. VI.— 4. Alice J. Overholt, b. Oct. 30, 1881; d. Jan. 10, 1883. v.— 4. Esther Overholt, b. ; d. Feb. 1847. v.— 5. Isaiah B. Overholt, b. in Pa., Feb. 7, 1849; d. in California, Oct. 16, 1872; mrd. Tinstman. She was b. in State of New York. Children: 1. Ralph; 2. Allenia; 3. Willie; 4. Miles; 5. Reuben; 6. Claude. VI.— 1. Ralph T. Overholt, b. Oct. 7, 1873; d. Oct. 30, 1873. VI. — 2. Allenia Tinstman Overholt, b. Nov. 8, 1874; mrd. Albert Clair, Oct. 25, 1891. P. O., Indian Grove, Mo. Meth. Ep. Children: VII.— 1. Reuben Clair, b. Oct. 1, 1892. VII.— 2. Ralph Clair, b. Aug. 29, 1894. VII.— 3. Lucilla Clair, b. Nov. 17, 1896. VII.— 4. Clyde Clair, b. Mar. 21, 1899. VI.— 3. Willie H. Overholt, b. Apr. 29, 1877. VI.— 4. Miles H. Overholt, b. Jan. 16, 1880. P. O., Coil- bran, Colo. Editor " The Collbran Oracle." S. VI.— 5. Reuben Overholt, b. Apr. 3, 1882. VI.— 6. Claude Overholt, b. July 16, 1885. v.— 6. Martin Overholt, b. ; d. Apr. 20, 1859. V. — 7. D. Lindlay Overholt, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Oct. 24, 1859; mrd. Lizzie D. Kreider, Sept. 21, 1884. P. O., Mendon, Mo. Meth. Ep. Children: VI.— 1. Elmer C. Overholt, b. Jan. 2, 1888. VI.— 2. John K. Overholt, b. Jan. 28, 1890. VI.— 3. Raymond Overholt, b. Jan. 24, 1892. VI.— 4. Anna Belle Overholt, b. June 24, 1895. 138 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. V. — 8. Jessie F. Overholt, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Jan. 1, 1862; mrd. J. W. Likens, May 6, 1885. He was b. near Davenport, la., Dec. 2, 1857. P. O., Truro, Iowa. Meth. Ep. Children: VI. — 1. Verdie Belle Likens, b. Dec. 6, 1887. VI. — 2. Nola Blanche Likens, b. Apr. 23, 1889. IV. — 6. John O. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Feb. 10, 1816; d. Feb. 28, 1877. Farmer. S. IV. — 7. Martin O. Overholt, b. in East Huntingdon Twp., Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 17, 1824. P. O., West Overton, Pa. Farmer. He, with the heirs of his brother, Abraham O. Overholt, still owns and occupies the farm purchased by his father ninety years ago. It adjoins the original Overholt homestead. Mr. Overholt is a model man. Although he has never connected himself with any church, he has lived an upright, conscientious life. He has always taken great pleasure in hunting, and during his lifetime has killed nineteen wild turkeys. Although old in years, he has never grown old in disposition. He has a good memory, and can give dates and occurrences since he was a child, and in his day he was one of the best spellers in his township. In politics, he is an ardent Republican. Single. SECTION VL III. — 6. Barbara Overholt, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., April 1775; d. ; mrd. Jacob Durstine. He was b. Apr. 3, 1773, in Bucks Co., Pa.; moved to Westmoreland Co., Pa., in 1800, where he died. Children: 1. Anna; 2. Abraham; 3. John; 4. Henry; 5. Jacob; 6. Martin; 7. Christian; 8. Catharine; 9. Samuel. IV.— 1. Anna Durstine, b. Sept. 20, 1798; d. Feb. 28, 1875; mrd. John Long, Sept. 22, 1825. He was b. May 12, 1794; d. June 21, 1877. No children. ANNA BEITLER. 139 IV. — 2. Abraham Durstine, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Feb. 18, 1800; d. in Wayne Co., O., Mar. 9, 1898; mrd. Catharine Sherrick. She was b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Aug. 5, 1802; d. in Wayne Co., O., Sept. 14, 1865. Farmer. Church of God. Children: 1. Jacob; 2. John; 3. Abraham; 4. Anna; 5. Barbara; 6. Mary. V. — 1. Rev. Jacob Durstine, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 22, 1823; mrd. Mary Ann Hartman, Feb. 25, 1847. Res., 137 Bealle Ave., Wooster, O. Minister of the Church of God (Winebrennerian) until about 1876; afterwards he joined the Baptist church. He was always very active in all matters pertaining to church, school, and good citizen- ship. Children: 1. Frank; 2. Lee; 3. Alice; 4. Harvey; 5. Claribel. VI. — 1. Dr. Frank H. Durstine, b. at Mt. Eaton, Wayne Co., O., Feb. 5, 1848; mrd. Mary Henion, daughter of George M. Henion, of Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept. 4, 1872. Res., 757 Willson Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. F. H. Durstine taught school for several years, beginning at sixteen years of age. He graduated as Bachelor of Science in college in 1871; then served as superintendent of schools for several years, and graduated as Bachelor of Arts in 1878. Graduated in the regular school of College of Physicians and Surgeons of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Mich., in 1875. Collegiate degrees: M. S., A. M., M. D. Has practiced med- icine for twenty-five years. Cong. Children: 1. Nina; 2. Miriam; 3. Lillian. VII.— 1. Nina Laverne Durstine, b. Oct. 26, 1877. Liv- ing at home. Teacher of piano, organ and voice. Cong. Single. VII.— 2. Miriam Eola Durstine, b. Sept. 3, 1880. Living at home. Student in music and art. Cong. Single. VII.— 3. Lillian Winona Durstine, b. Feb. 14, 1884. Living at home. Student, high school and music. Cong. S. VI. — 2. Lee B. Durstine, b. Sept. 7, 185 — ; mrd. Kate Sarles, Dec. 25, 1878. Res., 389 Richmond Ave., Buffalo, 140 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. N. Y. Supt. of agencies for the New York Life Ins. Co. Cong. Children: VII. — 1. Florence S. Diirstine. Cong. S. VII.— 2. Roy S. Durstme. Cong. S. VI. — 3. Alice E. Diirstine, b. Apr. 6, 1860; mrd. Rev. Frank N. Riale, Dec. 28, 1887. Res., 757 Willson Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Presby. No children. VI.— 4. Harvey W. Durstine, b. Sept. 21, 1863; d. Aug. 3, 1866. VI. — 5. Claribel Durstine, b. Jan. 22, 1875. Res., 137 Beall Ave., Wooster, Ohio. Art instructor in the University of Wooster, Ohio. V. — 2. John Durstine, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Nov. 2, 1825; d. in Ashland Co., Ohio, Apr. 25, 1897; mrd. Elizabeth Freed, Feb. 28, 1847. She was b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Aug. 17, 1825; d. in Wayne Co., O., June 17, 1898. Farmer. U. B. Ch. Children: 1. Mary; 2. Infant; 3. Adaline; 4. Cyrus; 5. Lyman; 6. Ella; 7. Clark; 8. Kittie. VI.— 1. Mary Durstine, b. Oct. 29, 1848; d. Nov. 7, 1848. VI.— 2. Infant daughter, b. Oct. 26, 1849. VI. — 3. Adaline Durstine, b. Oct. 1, 1850; d. Dec. 14, '52. VI.— 4. Cyrus Durstine, b. Sept. 26, 1852; mrd. Mary Taggart. P. O., Mt. Eaton, Wayne Co., Ohio. VI. — 5. Lyman Durstine, b. Mar. 7, 1855; mrd. Martha M. Crise, June 18, 1885. She d. . Children: 1. Clytie; 2. Walter. Lyman mrd. second wife, Sarah A. Hively, Jan. 27, 1898. P. O., Madisonburg, O. Farmer. U. B. Ch. No children. VII. — 1. Clyte Amanda Durstine, b. Nov. 20, 1886; d. May 10, 1891. VII.— 2. Walter Clarence Durstine, b. May 26, 1888. VI.— 6. Ella Durstine, b. Nov. 9, 1857; mrd. Neal McCoy, Feb. 23, 1879. P. O., Wooster, O. Farmer. Luth's. Children: ANNA BEITLER. 141 VII.— 1. Dick L. McCoy, b. Nov. 24, 1879. Luth. VII.— 2. Artie A. McCoy, b. June 18, 1884. Luth. VI.— 7. Clark Durstine, b. June 1, 1860; d. Mar. 14, 1889; mrd. Adda Swinehart. U. B. Ch. No children. VI. — 8. Kittle Durstine, b. Mar. 24, 1865; mrd. Charles L, Alleshouse. P. O., vVooster, O. V. — 3. Abraham Durstine, b. in Holmes Co., O., July 2, 1828; d. May 2, 1888; mrd. . Son and daughter: VI. — 1. Albert Durstine. P. O., Nimisilla, Summit Co., O. VI.— 2. . v.— 4. Anna Durstine, b. Apr. 29, 1831; d. Aug. 9, 1834. V. — 5. Barbara Durstine, b. Dec. 14, 1835; d. Jan. 19, 1841. v.— 6. Mary Durstine, b. Sept. 7, 1840; d. Jan. 19, 1841. IV. — 3. John Durstine. Single. IV.— 4. Henry Durstine, b. Oct. 26, 1803; d. Nov. 25, 1887; mrd. Sarah Pletcher, in 1836. She was b. Mar. 16, 1816; d. Dec. 23, 1893. Farmer. Mr. D., Menn.; Mrs. D., Ger. Bap. Children: 1. Jacob; 2. John; 3. Catharine; 4. Barbara; 5. Anna; 6. Henry; 7. David; 8. Abraham; 9. Joseph, V. — 1. Jacob Durstine, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., June 10, 1837; mrd. Christine Echard, Jan. 15, 1860. She d. Oct. 12, 1887. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Farmer. Children: 1. Sallie; 2. Nehemiah; 3. Franklin; 4. Emily; 5. Henry; 6. Mary. VI.— 1. Sallie Durstine, b. Oct. 25, 1860. S. VI.— 2. Nehemiah Durstine, b. July 25, 1863; mrd. Amanda Hough, Apr. 4, 1893. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Foundry- man. U. B. Ch. Children: 142 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VII.— 1. Earl H. Durstine, b. Apr. 29, 1894. VII.— 2. Clarence H. Durstine, b. Sept. 10, 1896. VII.— 3. Hazel Durstine, b. June 10, 1898. VII.— 4. Ruby Durstine, b. June 15, 1900; d. Aug. 31, 1900. VII.— 5. Edgar Durstine, b. June 15, 1900; d. Aug. 11, 1900. VI. — 3. Franklin Durstine, b. Jan. 29, 1865; mrd. Mary Myers. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. VI. — 4. Emily Durstine, b. Jan. 21, 1869; mrd. George L. Leighty. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. VI. — 5. Henry Durstine, b. Oct. 23, 1872; mrd. Minerva Gilmore. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. VI.— 6. Mary Durstine, b. Sept. 22, 1876; mrd. W. I. Cotton. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. V. — 2. John Durstine, b. in 1839; was killed in the Civil war in the battle of Petersburg, Va., Apr. 2, 1865. S. V. — 3. Catharine Durstine, b. in 1841; mrd. James M. Bennett. P. O., Beatty, Pa. Children: 1. John; 2. Edward; 3. Abraham; 4. Marion; 5. Emerson; 6. Etta; 7. Emma; 8. Joseph. VI. — 1. John A. Bennett. P. O., Bakersville, Pa. VI.— 2. Edward M. Bennett. P. O., Mount Pleasant, Pa. VI. — 3. Abraham Lincoln Bennett. In British Columbia. VI. — 4. Marion Ward Bennett. In British Columbia. VI. — 5. Emerson Bennett. Res., Denver, Colo. VI.— 6. Etta Bennett; mrd. Philip Kalb. P. O., Cham- pion, Pa. VI. — 7. Emma Bennett; mrd. Bare. P. O., River City, Utah. VI. — 8. Joseph Bennett. P. O., Beatty, Pa. ANNA BEITLER. 143 V. — 4. Barbara S. Durstine, b. July 19, 1843; d. Dec. 29,1894; mrd. Cyrus T. Long, July 8, 1872. He was b. Nov. 22, 1840. P. O., Greensburg, Pa. Presby. Children: 1. John; 2. Henry; 3. Edwin. VI.— 1. Dr. John D. Long, b. Feb. 12, 187—. Res., 336 W. 14th St., New York. Member of U. S. Medical Service at the port of New York. Presby. VI. — 2. Dr. Henry D. Long, b. . At Johns Hop- kins University, Baltimore, Md. (1900). Presby. VI.— 3. Lieut. Edward C. Long, b. Apr. 13, 1878. A lieutenant in Co. I 45th Regiment U. S. Inf. Vol., in service in the Philippine Islands. Presby. All graduates of colleges. V. — 5. Anna Durstine, dec'd; mrd. James Leighty. No children. V. — 6. Henry H. Durstine, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., June 24, 1848; d. Dec. 22, 1894; mrd. Anna B. Brught, of Mt. Pleasant, Pa., Oct. 16, 1873. P. O., Wilmerding, Pa. Farmer. Church of God; later U. B. Ch. Children: VI.— 1. Ada Durstine, b. Feb. 22, 1875; d. Dec. 30, 1875. VI. — 2. Jessie Durstine, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Sept. 1, 1876. Professional nurse at Washington, Pa. S. VI.— 3. Sara Durstine, b. July 5, 1879. P. O., Wilmer- ding, Pa. Milliner. S. VI.— 4. Mary Durstine, b. Sept. 21, 1881. School teacher. S. VI.— 5. Ella Durstine (twin), b. Sept. 21, 1881. P. O., Wilmerding, Pa. Bookkeeper. S. VI.— 6. Richard Durstine, b. July 19, 1885. VI.— 7. Alice Durstine, b. Apr. 24, 1887. V. — 7. David P. Durstine, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Mar. 9, 1851; mrd. Annie Leichliter, Apr. 15, 1880. P. O., Sabetha, Kansas. Methodists. Children: 144 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 1. Jennie Maud Durstine, b. Jan. 8, 1882. VI.— 2. W. H. Durstine, b. July 2, 1883. VI.— 3. Hannah Grace Durstine, b. July 31, 1891. VI.— 4. Lillie Olive Durstine, b. July 2, 1894. VI.— 5. J. Ralph Durstine, b. July 28, 1898. V. — 8. Abraham H. Durstine, b. Sept. 15, 1853; mrd. Phoebe Ann Silliman, Oct. 1, 1878. She was b. Apr. 21, 1854. P. O., New Stanton, Pa. Children: 1. Mazzie; 2. Maggie; 3. Arthur; 4. Jennie. VI.— 1. Mazzie S. Durstine, b. July 24, 1879; mrd. Mor- ris Seigfried, Nov. 24, 1898. VI.— 2. Maggie M. Durstine, b. Feb. 15, 1881. VI.— 3. Arthur C. Durstine, b. Jan. 28, 1884. VI.— 4. Jennie H. Durstine, b. Dec. 19, 1887. V. — 9. Joseph P. Durstine, b. Jan. 17, 1856; mrd. Min- erva Strohm, Feb. 18, 1899. P. O., Lycippus, Pa. Farmer. Church of God. IV. — 5. Jacob Durstine. Single. IV. — 6. Martin Durstine; mrd. Harvey. Moved to Whiteside Co., 111. IV. — 7. Christian Durstine, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Mar. 29, 1812; d. July 28, 1887; mrd. Catharine Fletcher, July 1835. She was b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 1812; d. Aug. 9, 1882. Blacksmith. Baptists. Children: 1. Bar- bara; 2. Henry; 3. Infant; 4. Anna, V. — 1. Barbara Durstine, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Apr. 29, 1836; mrd. James Larimer. P. O., Donegal, Pa. V. — 2. Henry C. Durstine, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Apr. 11, 1838; mrd. Elizabeth Blystone, Nov. 1, 1860. P. O., Mount Pleasant, Pa. Served in the late Civil war, in which he lost his left arm at the shoulder in battle, July 20, 1864. Mrs. D., Luth. Children: X t * lp^ ^ ^ III. ABRAHAM BEITLER. (See page 233.) ANNA BEITLER. 145 VI.— 1. John Durstine, b. Aug. 17, 1861; d. July 13, 1873. VI.— 2. Henry B. Durstine, b. Apr. 20, 1864; d. May 18, 1883. VI.— 3. Infant, b. Jan. 21, 1867; d. Mar. 13, 1867. VI.— 4. Mary Durstine, b. Jan. 28, 1868. Luth. S. VI. — 5. Sarah Ann Durstine, b. Mar. 18, 1871; d. June 12, 1871. VI.— 6. Christian B. Durstine, b. June 19, 1872. Luth. S. VI.— 7. William Durstine, b. July 13, 1875. Luth. S.' VI. — 8. Catharine Viola Durstine, b. June 28, 1878. Luth. S. VI.— 9. Ira Durstine, b. Sept. 2, 1881. VI. — 10. Sherman Durstine, b. Nov. 23, 1885. V. — 3. Infant son, still-born . V. — 4. Anna Durstine, b. in 1845. IV. — 8. Catharine Durstine; mrd. Jacob Bowers. P. O., Dundee, O. IV. — 9. Samuel Durstine, b. ; mrd. . Children; V. — 1. George Durstine, etc. SECTION VII. III. — 7. Elizabeth Overholt, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., June 12, 1777; d. in 1833; mrd. Martin Stauffer, b. in Lancaster Co., Pa., Aug. 31, 1780; d. Mar. 8, 1869, in the eighty-ninth year of his life, in Fayette Co., Pa. Farmer. Menu's. Children: 1. Abraham; 2. Henry; 3. Anna; 4. Sarah; 5. John. IV.— 1. Abraham D. Stauffer, b. Oct. 31, 1802; d. in Fayette Co., Pa., May 13, 1849; mrd. Mary Newcomer, Mar. 15, 1827. She was b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Apr. 12, 1805; d. 11 146 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Apr. 10, 1845. Farmer. Menn's. Children: 1. Martin; 2. Maria; 3. Isaac; 4. Benjamin; 5. Ann; 6. Aaron; 7. Uriah. v.— 1. Martin N. Stauffer, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Oct. 23, 1828; d. Aug. 15, 1892; mrd. Frances Fretts, Nov. 14, 1850. In 1864 he enlisted in the army; on his return he moved to Mount Pleasant, Pa., where he served as justice of the peace for twenty-five years. U. B. Ch. Children: 1. Mary; 2. John; 3. Uriah; 4. Aaron; 5. Sherman; 6. Harry; 7. Infant; 8. Nellie; 9. Lena. VI. — 1. Mary I ranees Stauffer, b. Nov. 12, 1851; mrd. John Landis in 1872. P. O., Mount Pleasant, Pa. Engineer. U. B. Ch. Children: 1. Oakie; 2. Estella; 3. Jennie; 4. Frances. VII.— 1. Oakie S. Landis, b. Nov. 23, 1873; mrd. Robert Cook. P. O., Broad Ford, Pa. Bookkeeper. U. B. Ch. Children: VIM.— 1. Hazel Frances Cook, b. Jan. 22, 1893; d. Aug. 31, 1893 (weighed 214 pounds). VIM.— 2. Uarda Cook, b. May 9, 1896. VM.— 2. Estella C. Landis, b. Sept. 16, 1876. U. B. VII.— 3. Jennie Florence Landis, b. June 16, 1878. U. B. VII.— 4. Frances May Landis, b. May 18, 1880. VI.— 2. John Abraham D. Stauffer, b. Apr. 6, 1855. P. O., Allegheny City, Pa. Carpenter. VI.— 3. Uriah Hoover Stauffer, b. May 3, 1857. Res., 72 Ohio St., Allegheny City, Pa. Merchant. VI.— 4. Aaron C. Stauffer, b. Dec. 1, 1859. Res., Den- ver, Colo. Salesman. VI.— 5. Sherman M. Stauffer, b. Sept. 12, 1864. Res., 72 Ohio St., Allegheny City, Pa. Dentist. VI.— 6. Henry A. Stauffer, b. Nov. 9, 1866; mrd. Cora McGee, of Canton, O., July 1892. P. O., Allegheny City, Pa. Clerk. ANNA BEITLER. 147 VI. — 7. Infant daughter, still-born Apr. 1, 1869. VI.— 8. Nellie F. Staiiffer, b. Mar. 25, 1871. VI.— 9. Lena Stauffer, b. June 9, 1878; d. July 11, 1879. V. — 2. Maria Stauffer, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Apr. 23, 1830; mrd. Dr. James Loar, May 1, 1851. He d. June 12, 1894. P. O., Bloomington, 111. Physician. Christian Ch, Children: 1. Sadie; 2. Abraham; 3. Hester; 4. George; 5. Enna; 6. Lucy. VI. — 1. Sadie A. Loar, b. in Green Co., Pa., June 29, 1852; d. Apr. 16, 1885; mrd. Dr. George D. Sitherwood. P. O., Bloomington, 111. Dentist. Christian Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Pearl Sitherwood; d. in 1876. VII. — 2. Grace Sitherwood. VII. — 3. Doane L. Sitherwood. VI. — 2. Abraham D. Loar, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Jan. 30, 1855; mrd. Belle Bonnett, May 24, 1881. P. O., Bloom- ington, 111. Druggist. Christian Ch. No children. VI.— 3. Hester M. Loar, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Feb. 9, 1857; mrd. John W. Bonnett. P. O., Leroy, 111. Farmer. Christian Ch. Children: VII. — 1. James l>. Bonnett. VII.— 2. Yontz Bonnett. VI.— 4. George A. Loar, b. Dec. 22, 1862; d. in 1863. VI.— 5. Enna Loar, b. in Knox Co., O., June 2, 1868; d. Mar. 14, 1895; mrd. Delmore D. Darrah. P. O., Bloomington, 111. Editor. Christian Ch. Children: VII. — 1. Enna Lorraine Darrah. VI.— 6. Lucy Mae Loar, b. Aug. 29, 1873. P. O., Bloom- ington, 111. Christian Ch. S. v.— 3. Isaac N. Stauffer, b. Nov. 6, 1831; mrd. Lavina Johnston. P. O., Gladbrook, la. v.— 4. Benjamin Stauffer, b. Jan. 8, 1834; d. Feb. 3, '35. 148 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. v.— 5. Ann Stauffer, b. Oct. 2, 1835. P. O., Blooming- ton, 111. S. v.— 6. Aaron N. Stauffer, b. Apr. 15, 1838; d. ; mrd. . P. O., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. v.— 7. Uriah Stauffer, b. May 7, 1841; d. May 9, 1856. IV. — 2. Henry Stauffer, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Feb. 5, 1804; d. Jan. 26, 1849; mrd. Catharine Hough, dec'd. No children. Henry mrd. second wife, Susanna Newmyer, Aug. 19, 1829. She was b. Oct. 22, 1809; d. Apr. 5, 1888. Miller and distiller. Christian Ch. Children: 1. Smith; 2. Catharine; 3. Mason; 4. Henry; 5. Josiah; 6. Jacob; 7. James. v.— 1. Smith Stauffer, b. Nov. . 29, 1830; d. ; mrd. . v.— 2. Catharine Stauffer, b. June 21, 1832; d. Feb. 13, 1849. v.— 3. Mason Stauffer, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Dec. 18, 1833; d. Feb. 19, 1896; mrd. Candace D. Stone, Oct. 25, 1858. He served as a soldier in the Civil war, was engaged carry- ing mail and express nearly all his life and drove a stage over the Cumberland mountains before removing to Illinois. Mrs. Stauffer was b. Apr. 29, 1840, in Litchfield Co. Conn.; she was granddaughter of a Revolutionary soldier. Mrs. S., Christian Ch. Children: 1. Charles; 2. Susan; 3. Wil- liam; 4. Sadie, VI. — 1. Charles A. Stauffer, b. Nov. 3, 1859; mrd. Mary Frisbie. Res., 553 East Brooks St., Galesburg, 111. R. R. engineer. Christian Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Wildefred E. Stauffer. VII.— 2. Lola M. Stauffer. VII.— 3. Percey Stauffer. VI.— 2. Susan M. Stauffer, b. May 5, 1862; mrd. Frank Bradley. P. O. Davenport, Neb. Farmer. Meth. No children. ANNA BEITLER. 149 VI.— 3. William Josiah Staiiffer, b. July 20, 1864. Res., 620 7th St., Minneapolis, Minn. Merchant. Cong. S. VI. — 4. Sadie F. Stauffer, b. Jan. 12, 1873; mrd. Ira E. Adkins. P. O., Toulon, 111. Children: VII.— 1. Leroy W. Adkins. v.— 4. Henry Stauffer, b. Dec. 17, 1836; mrd. . P. O., Pawnee City, Neb. Farmer. Christian Ch. Served in the Civil war. Four children. v.— 5. Josiah Stauffer, b. Sept. 5, 1840; d. Apr. 22, 1868. S. V. — 6, Jacob Stauffer, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Apr. 26, 1842; mrd. Mary McCance, Apr. 11, 1866. P. O., Over, Neb. Farmer. Enlisted Aug. 14, 1862, in Co. F, 112th Reg't, 111. Inf. He served in twenty-two regular en- gagements; the principal ones were: Campbell's Station, Knoxville, Bean Station; Kelley's Ford; Resaca; Nash- ville, Atlanta, Utoy Creek, Columbia, Franklin, and Fort Anderson. He was never wounded or captured. He was present at the surrender of Johnston and his army. Was discharged from the service of the U. S., June 20, 1865. Christian Ch. Children: 1. Margaret; 2. Susan; 3. Cora; 4. James; 5. Harold; 6. Mabel. VI.— 1. Margaret Stauffer, b. Sept. 25, 1867; d. Mar. 27, 1882. VI.— 2. Susan Stauffer, b. Nov. 30, 1868; mrd. Henry Miller, Mar. 14, 1894. P. O., Over, Neb. Children: VII.— 1. Chester Miller, b. Sept. 24, 1896. VII.— 2. Lloyd Miller, b. May 3, 1898; d. July 13, 1899. VI.— 3. Cora Stauffer, b. May 31, 1870; mrd. Henry Stinehagen, Mar. 5, 1896. P. O., Garden City, Mo. Children: VII.— 1. Una Stinehagen, b. Dec. 17, 1896. VII. — 2. Lewis Stinehagen, b. Mar. 11, 1900. VI.— 4. James Stauffer, b. Nov. 1, 1871; mrd. Mattie Rowan. P. O., Over, Neb. Children: 150 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VII.— 1. Cora Stauffer, b. Sept. 21, 1898. VI.— 5. Harold Stauffer, b. June 18, 1881. VI.— 6. Mabel Stauffer, b. Oct. 20, 1883; mrd. Joseph Stinehagen, Feb. 15, 1899. P. O., Garden City, Mo. Child: VII. — 1. Hazel Stinehagen, b. June 9, 1900. V. — 7. James Stauffer, b. Aug. 26, 1844; mrd. . Res., 610 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan. Served four years as a drummer in Civil war. IV.— 3. Anna Stauffer, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Nov. 21, 1806; d. Oct. 6, 1875; mrd. Henry Sherrick. He was b. in Pennsylvania in 1804; d. in Missouri, Oct. 6, 1875. Farmer. Church of God. Mr. Sherrick died at five o'clock in the morning, and Mrs. Sherrick at ten, just five hours apart. Of the children, Daniel and Abraham died on the same day, and Mary and Anna were buried in one grave, thus there -were three double funerals in the family. Children: 1. Martin; 2. Daniel; 3. Abraham; 4. Elizabeth; 5. Sarah; 6. Joseph; 7. Anna; 8. Mary; 9. Catharine. v.— 1. Martin Sherrick, b. Dec. 8, 1827; d. May 15, 1828. v.— 2. Daniel Sherrick, b. Mar. 28, 1829; d. Oct. 21, '36. v.— 3. Abraham Sherrick, b. Mar. 22, 1831; d. Oct. 21, 1836. v.— 4. Elizabeth Sherrick, b. Sept. 3, 1833; d. Oct. 12, 1836. v.— 5. Sarah Sherrick, b. Mar. 5, 1836; d. Feb. 9, 1852. V. — 6. Joseph Sherrick, b. in Pennsylvania, Mar. 28, 1838; mrd. Mary Morris, in 1861. P. O., Fort Madison, Iowa. Farmer. Meth. Children: 1. Henry; 2. Anna; 3. John; 4. Elmer. VI.— 1. Henry J. Sherrick, b. Oct. 27, 1862; d. Dec. 25, 1862. VI. — 2. Anna R. Sherrick, b. July 27, 1864; mrd. James H. Boyd, Apr. 1890. P. O., Hamilton, Mont. Farmer. Meth. No children. ANNA BEITLER. 151 VI.— 3. John M. Sherrick, b. Feb. 13, 1867; d. Mar. 14, 1867. VI.— 4. Elmer G. Sherrick, b. Oct. 26, 1880. v.— 7. Anna Sherrick, b. July 31, 1840; d. Feb. 23, 1852. v.— 8. Mary Sherrick, d. Dec. 11, 1842; d. Feb. 20, 1852. v.— 9. Catharine Sherrick, b. Feb. 28, 1845; mrd. Wil- liam Strickler. P. O., Medil, Mo. IV. — 4. Sarah Stauffer, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Jan. 14, 1811; mrd. Samuel Heath, in 1830. He was b. in Maryland, in 1807; d. in Fayette Co., Pa., in 1864. Farmer (cabinet- maker by trade). Mr. H., Meth. Ep.; Mrs. H., U. B. Ch. Children: 1. John; 2. Elizabeth; 3. Mary; 4. Joseph; 5. Martin; 6. Abraham; 7. Maria. v.— 1. John R. Heath, b. Feb. 2, 1833; d. Dec. 10, 1899; mrd. Emma Burns. Res., 824 Vermont St., Quincy, 111. Children: 1. ; 2. George. VI.— 1. Heath; mrd. J. J. Williams. Res., 824 Vermont Si., Quincy, 111. VI. — 2. George Heath; d. in New Mexico in 1895. V. — 2. Elizabeth A. Heath, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., in 1835. P. O., Piedmont, Kansas. S. v.— 3. Mary Heath, b. in 1837; d. in 1840. V. — 4. Joseph I. Heath, b. in Fayette, Co., Pa., in 1839; d. in California in 1871 or 1872. S. V. — 5. Dr. Martin D. Heath, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Oct. 6, 1841; mrd. Margaret Woods, July 28, 1880. P. O., Pied- mont, Kansas. Physician. Children: VI. — 1. Robert Lee Heath, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., June 28, 1881. VI. — 2. Cleveland Heath, b. in Elk Co., Kansas, Oct. 10, 1883. VI. — 3. Sara Heath, b. in Elk Co., Kansas, Apr. 1, 1887. 152 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. V. — 6. Abraham Heath, b. 1843; d. in infancy. v.— 7. Maria Heath, b. in 1845; d. in 1872; mrd. J. F. Matchett. P. O., Paris, Monroe Co., Mo. One child: VI. — 1. Roberta Matchett; d. aged 19 years. IV. — 5. John T. Stauffer, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Mar. 7, 1815; d. ; mrd. Susan Strickler, Feb. 2, 1837. Farmer. Meth's. Children: 1. Henry; 2. David; 3. Joseph; 4. Eliza- beth; 5. Mary; 6. Martha; 7. Abram; 8. Catharine; 9. James; 10. Frank; 11. Belle; 12. George; 13. Meade. v.— 1. Henry W. Stauffer, b. Dec. 22, 1838; mrd. Cath- arine Booher, Jan. 22, 1861. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Laborer. Meth's. Children: 1. Alice; 2. Martin; 3. Charles; 4. Susan; 5. Elizabeth; 6. Albert; 7. Lucy; 8. Laura; 9. Rebecca; 10. Emma; 11. John; 12. Mary. VI.— 1. Alice D. Stauffer, b. Nov. 8, 1861; mrd. A. H. Herbert. P. O., Jeannette, Pa. VI.— 2. Martin E. Stauffer, b. Mar. 30, 1863; mrd. Emma Stewart. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. VI.— 3. Charles W. Stauffer, b. Jan. 16, 1865; mrd. Mary Herbert. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. VI.— 4. Susan Stauffer, b. Jan. 18, 1867; mrd. James Murphy. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. VI.— 5. Elizabeth Stauffer, b. June 2, 1869; mrd. Hays Wersing. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. VI.— 6. Albert Stauffer, b. Nov. 4, 1871; mrd. Cora Fretts. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. VI.— 7. Lucy Stauffer, b. Aug. 6, 1873. S. VI.— 8. Laura Stauffer, b. Mar. 26, 1875; mrd. John Beswick. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. VI.— 9. Rebecca Stauffer, b. Oct. 10, 1877. S. VI.— 10. Emma Stauffer, b. Aug. 8, 1879. S. VI.— 11. John T. Stauffer, b. Aug. 24, 1881; mrd. Daisie May. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. ,411 '"''•^.. MRS. MARY BEITLER. (See i)ase --j-j- > ANNA BEITLER. 153 VI.— 12. Mary M. Stauffer, b. Jan. 29, 1883; d. July 10, 1883. v.— 2. David R. Stauffer, b. Aug. 15, 1840. P. O., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. V. — 3. Joseph S. Stauffer, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., July 24, 1842; mrd. Florinda Ebersole, Oct. 24, 1870. P. O., Lecompton, Kansas, Farmer. U. B. Ch. Children: 1. Les- ter; 2. Jesse; 3. Clara; 4. Edward; 5. Willie. VI.— 1. Lester E. Stauffer, b. Nov. 19, 1871; mrd. Eva M. Brown, Jan. 1, 1892. P. O., Pomona, Kansas. Agent for Santa Fe R. R. Co. U. B. Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Walter B. Stauffer. VII.— 2. Laurite F. Stauffer. VI.— 2. Jesse E. Stauffer, b. June 11, 1873. P. O., Gun- nison, Colo. Pharmacist. U. B. Ch. VI.— 3. Clara Lillian Stauffer, b. Feb. 23, 1882. U. B. VI.— 4. Edward E. Stauffer, b. May 13, 1888. U. B. VI.— 5. Willie E. Stauffer, b. May 13, 1888; d. May 26, 1888. V. — 4. Elizabeth Stauffer, b. Jan. 17, 1844; mrd. Jonas Yothers. P. O., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. V. — 5. Mary M. Stauffer, b. in Fayette Co., Pa., Apr. 9, 1846; mrd. John W. Swain, Mar. 16, 1876. P. O., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Employed with Gas Co. Meth. Children: 1. Effie; 2. Elmer; 3. Ida; 4. Dasie; 5. Susan. VI. — 1. Effie Cleona Swain, b. Apr. 27, 1878; mrd. Rev. Harry Speer. P. O., Blairville, Pa. Free Methodist minister. Children: VII.— 1. Helen Virginia Speer, b. in 1901. VI.— 2. Elmer Strickler Swain, b. Mar. 18, 1880; mrd. Ruth Edna Crossland, in 1898. P. O., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Glass cutter. Church of God. Children: VII.— 1. Charlotte May Swain, b. May 10, 1899. 154 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VII.— 2. Ethel Marie Swain, b. Aug. 20, 1901. VI.— 3. Ida May Swain, b. Sept. 12, 1885. VI.— 4. Dasie Myrtle Swain, b. Feb. 3, 1888. VI. — 5. Susan Irene Swain, b. Dec. 30, 1892; d. June 12, 1895. v.— 6. Martha J. Stauffer, b. Apr. 18, 1848. S. v.— 7. Abram D. Stauffer, b. June 26, 1850. P. O., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. V. — 8. Catharine Stauffer, b. near Scottdale, Pa., July 17, 1852; mrd. B. F. Coughenour, July 1, 1875. Res., 2304 N. 10th St., Kansas City, Kansas. U. B. Ch. Children: VI. — 1. Albert F. Coughenour, b. June 20, 1876; d. Dec. 3, 1883. VI.— 2. John S. Coughenour, b. Aug. 17, 1878. VI. — 3. Ernest D. Coughenour, b. Dec. 13, 1882; d. May 10, 1885. VI.— 4. Ralph S. Coughenour, b. June 17, 1887. VI.— 5. Hazel S. Coughenour, b. Mar. 21, 1890. v.— 9. James L. Stauffer, b. Apr. 15, 1854. P. O., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. v.— 10. Frank P. Stauffer, b. Apr. 8, 1856. P. O., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. v.— 11. Belle Stauffer, b. Apr. 1858. P. O., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. V. — 12. George W. Stauffer, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 17, 1860; mrd. Lucinda Hesalrood, in 1883. P. O., Greene, la. Farmer. U. B. Ch. Children: VI.— 1. May Stauffer, b. Jan. 25, 1885. VI.— 2. Roy Stauffer, b. Nov. 4, 1886; d. Nov. 27, 1886. VI.— 3. Albert Edgar Stauffer, b. Oct. 26, 1887. VI.— 4. Edith Stauffer, b. Jan. 5, 1889. ANNA BEITLER. 155 VI.— 5. Edna Stauffer, b. Oct. 27, 1890. VI.— 6. John T. Stauffer, b. Sept. 29, 1893. VI.— 7. Ruth Stauffer, b. Mar. 14, 1897. VI.— 8. George Victor Stauffer, b. Dec. 31, 1899. v.— 13. Meade Stauffer, b. Apr. 6, 1863. P. O., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. SECTION VIII. III. — 8. Henry Oberholtzer, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., July 10, 1779. Moved to Westmoreland Co., Pa., with his parents. In 1809 he returned to Bucks county, to be married to a Miss Myers, but before the marriage took place he was kicked by a horse, from the effects of which he died, Apr. 10, 1809. His funeral services were held at the house of his uncle, Martin Oberholtzer (husband of his aunt, Eliza- beth Nash), where he died. Jacob* Oberholtzer preached at the house, and Jacob Gross at the Deep Run meeting house, where he was buried. SECTION IX. III.— 9. Sarah Oberholtzer, b. Feb. 11, 1781 or 1782; d. single. SECTION X. III. — 10. Abraham Overholt, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 19, 1784; d. Jan. 15, 1870; mrd. Maria Stauffer, daughter of Rev. John and Elizabeth Stauffer, Apr. 20, 1809. She was b. in Fayette Co., Pa., July 13, 1791; d. Nov. 1874. ** Abraham Overholt learned the weaver's trade in Bucks Co., Pa., and while his brothers cleared the land he * It is possible that the name is wrong, and should be Abraham, and not Jacob, as no Jacob Oberholtzer is known to have been a minister at Deep Run. ** Extracts from history of Westmoreland Co., Pa. 156 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. wrought at the loom for the family and the neighborhood. Mr. Overholt prosecuted his trade continuously till about 1810, when he and his youngest brother, Christian, pur- chased a special interest in the homestead farm, and after a couple of years' co-partnership with his brother in farm- ing he bought the latter's interest, comprising 150 acres, at $50.00 an acre, a price regarded high. This purchase in- cluded a log distillery, having the capacity of three or four bushels of grain per day only; at that time nearly every farm in the neighborhood possessed its private distillery. Mr. Overholt soon after the purchase built a stone distil- lery which had a capacity of from forty to fifty bushels per day, but he had no mill and got his grain chopped on Jacob's Creek in what is now Scottdale, and at Bridgeport. The hauling of the chop from these places to the distillery was principally by cattle driven by Mr. Overholt's younger sons, in whose minds dwelt long after vivid memories of those slow and dreary days, when the cattle were likely to stall at various points along the road. About 1834 Mr. Overholt built a brick flouring mill, and thereafter did his own chopping for the distillery. This mill and distillery were kept running until 1859, when both were taken down and on their site was erected a large structure comprising mill and distillery, the dimen- sions of which were 100 feet in length, 63 in width, and six stories in height. The capacity of the distillery is 200 bushels per day, that of the mill 50 barrels of flour. A short time before the erection of the new building, Mr. Henry S. Overholt, the oldest child of Abraham Overholt, purchased a half interest in his father's farm, flouring and distilling business. Abraham Overholt was the first dis- coverer of coal in that portion of Westmoreland county, and commenced its use before others used it. Prior to its discovery coal was brought from the other side of the mountains to the blacksmith shops of the region, and which it was found stood over the finest strata of coal. Mr. Over- holt used to exhibit his coal mines in an early day as a curiosity to visiting strangers from the East. Abraham Overholt as a business man was distinguished for the order ANNA BEITLER. 157 with which he conducted all his affairs, for his firmness in decision, for his promptness, great energy and punctuality. He was never known to disappoint a creditor seeking pay- ment. He was gentle to his employes and straightforward in all his dealings. As a citizen he was what his character would indicate. He was public spirited and one of the earliest and most ardent advocates of the present school system of the State. He was very successful in business, and his estate paid out to the heirs about $350,000. Mennonites. Children: 1. Henry; 2. Anna; 3. Jacob; 4. Abraham; 5. Elizabeth; 6. Martin; 7. Christian; 8. John. IV. — 1. Henry S. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 10, 1810; d. June 18, 1870; mrd. Abigail Carpenter, Feb. 10, 1846. She was b. Mar. 13, 1824; d. Aug. 29, 1898. Farmer, distiller and manufacturer of flour. Mrs. Overholt, Baptist. Children: 1. Sarah; 2. Benjamin; 3. Maria; 4. Abigail; 5. Abraham; 6. Henry; 7. Jennie. V. — 1. Sarah A. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 12, 1846; mrd. Aaron S. R. Overholt. (See Aaron S. R. Overholt family.) V. — 2. Benjamin F. Overholt, b. in Sewickley Twp., Westmoreland Co., Pa., July 19, 1848; mrd. Florence M. Osterhoute, July 16, 1884. She died Sept. 27, 1900, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Osterhout, at Ridgeway, Pa., where she was on a visit, and expected to return to Scottdale on the 16th, but on the Sunday evening previous she was somewhat indisposed, and before daylight it became necessary to send for the family physician. Con- sultation became essential, and two eminent physicians, one from Cleveland and one from Buffalo, were called, but all to no purpose. Mrs. Overholt was of that rare and rich temperament that she possessed the power of adapting her- self to everybody. Her sympathies were broad, and her religious life, while deeply spiritual and profoundly reven- tial, was ever lighted up with a glowing cheerfulness. Her presence in the church was a benediction to all. Her fervent and pathetic prayers and heart-to-heart talks in 158 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. the prayer meetings will long be treasured in the memories of her co-laborers in the church. To her pastor she was an inspiration in his work. Ever ready with a word of en- couragement and commendation, when necessary and ap- propriate, she was entirely free from adulation. Positive in her own convictions, she always emphasized them in the most kindly spirit. She was always tolerant and charitable, and by most intimate friends was never known to give expression to an unkindly sentiment. At her funeral the singers, with sorrowing, tearful voices, sang the songs she loved, and her pastor paid deserved tribute, while flowers in abundance covered the casket. God in His mercy com- fort the loved ones left. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Mr. Over- holt's occupation is that of manufacturing coke, and he is director of the United States Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co. Children: VI.— 1. W. H. Overholt, b. Apr. 9, 1886; d. Mar. 23, 1893. VI.— 2. Helen A. Overholt, b. Aug. 26, 1890. VI.— 3. Raymond D. Overholt, b. Apr. 17, 1893. VI.— 4. Mildred J. Overholt, b. Feb. 10, 1896. v.— 3. Maria C. Overholt, b. Apr. 3, 1853; d. June 21, 1893. V. — 4. Abigail C. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 8, 1855; mrd. Dr. John R. Smith, at West Overton, Pa., Oct. 28, 1886. Res., 396 Jennings Ave., Cleveland, O. Physician. Congregational Ch. Children: VI.— 1. Helen Maria Smith, b. Sept. 9, 1887. Res., Cleveland, O. Baptist. v.— 5. Abraham C. Overholt, b. Jan. 19, 1858; mrd. Gertrude Torrence, Jan. 16, 1890. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. President United States Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co. Children: VI. — 1. George Torrence Overholt, b. Aug. 2, 1891. VI.— 2. Henry Vinton Overholt, b. Dec. 12, 1898. ANNA BEITLER. 159 v.— 6. Henry C. Overholt, b. in 1861; d. Dec. 3, 1894; mrd. Blanche Douglass. Three children. V. — 7. Jennie C Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 10, 1862; mrd. Nathaniel Miles, Aug. 9, 1881. Res., 250 West 82d St., New York City, N. Y. Baptists. Children: VI.— 1. Roy Overholt Miles, b. Nov. 23, 1882. VI.— 2. Edwin Miles, b. Sept. 10, 1884. VI.— 3. Eugene Carpenter Miles, b. Sept. 20, 1886. IV. — 2. Anna Overholt, b. in East Huntington Twp., Westmoreland Co., Pa., July 4, 1812; d. at Tinstman's Sta- tion, Fayette Co., Pa., Mar. 29, 1866; mrd. John Tinstman*, Mar. 18, 1830. He was b. in East Huntington Twp., West- moreland Co., Pa., Jan. 29, 1807; d. at Connellsville, Fayette Co., Pa., Apr. 16, 1877. Farmer. Soon after marriage he moved to Sewickley Twp., and lived there on a farm until 1864, when he moved to Fayette county, still continuing a farmer. Several years prior to his death he moved to Connellsville, where he died. United Brethren. Children: 1. Maria; 2. Jacob; 3. Abraham; 4. Henry; 5. Anna; 6. John; 7. Elizabeth; 8. Abigail; 9. Emma; 10. Christian. v.— 1. Maria Tinstman, b. Feb. 11, 1831; d. May 30, '46. V. — 2. Jacob O. Tinstman, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Nov. 23, 1832; mrd. Annie Leighty, in 1859. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Children: 1. Abraham; 2. Maria; 3. James. VI. — 1. Abraham Tinstman, b. ; mrd. . Res., Cleveland, Ohio. VI. — 2. Maria May Tinstman. Single. VI. — 3. James Edgar Tinstman, b. ; mrd. . P. O., Scottdale, Pa. * Son of Jacob Tinstman, who was born in Bucks Co., Pa., in 1773, and wife, Anna Fox, a native of Chester Co., Pa. The father of Jacob Tinstman was a German who settled in Bucks county and removed to Westmoreland county very early in the history of the latter region. 160 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. V. — 3. Abraham O. Tinstman, b. in East Huntington Twp., Westmoreland Co., Pa., Sept. 13, 1834; mrd. Harriet Cornelia Markle, daughter of Gen. C. P. Markle, of West- moreland Co., Pa., July 1, 1875. P. O., Turtle Creek, Pa. Abraham Overholt Tinstman, born in Westmoreland Co., Pa., was reared on the farm where the Emma Mine Coke Works are now located. He received a common school education and remained on the farm until twenty- five years of age, when he went to Broad Ford, Fayette county, to take charge of the mill, distillery and lands of his maternal grandfather, Abraham Overholt. In 1864 A. O. Tinstman became a partner with his grandfather in the firm of A. Overholt & Co., and continued to manage this company's affairs until the death of the latter. Five years previous to this event Mr. Tinstman and Joseph Rist had bought six hundred acres of coal land near Broad Ford, and in 1868, in partnership with Col. A. S. M. Morgan, they opened what is now called the Morgan Mines, and engaged extensively in making coke. Morgan & Co. then controlled almost the entire coke business of that region, and built a mile of railroad to secure an outlet for their product. In 1870 Mr. Tinstman organized and built the Mt. Pleasant & Broad Ford Railroad, connecting with the Pittsburg & Connellsville Railroad at Broad Ford. He continued its president until he sold the entire road to the B. & O. R. R. six years later. This was the beginning of the development of the coke business in Westmoreland county. In 1871 he formed another coke company and associated with him Messrs. Joseph Rist and H. C. Frick, under the firm name of H. C. Frick & Co., thus establishing the great H. C. Frick Coke Co., and this firm built two hundred (200) coke ovens, now known as the "Novelty" and "Henry Clay" Works. In 1872 Morgan & Co. bought 400 acres of coal lands at Latrobe, and Mr. Tinstman also made extensive purchases of other coal tracts, which led to the loss of his entire possessions in the panic of 1873. He set bravely to work to retrieve his losses, and in 1878 and 1880 was enabled to purchase options on coal tracts in the Connellsville region. In the last named year he sold DANIEL B. BEITLER. (See page 234.) ANNA BEITLER. 161 thirty-five hundred acres at a good profit, and soon bought a half interest in the Rising Sun Coke Worlds. About this time he established the firm of A. O. Tinstman &, Co., in Pittsburg, and was highly successful in his operations. In 1881 he acquired Mt. Braddock and Pennsville Coke Works, and three years later sold all his coke interests. For the last ten years he has been engaged in the purchase and sale of coal lands in Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia. In 1879 was built the fine mansion which Mr. Tinstman and family now occupy. The grounds include the site where once stood a pioneer cabin, the home of Mrs. Myers, which gave shelter to George Washington after his raft had capsized in the Allegheny on one of his exploring expedi- tions. Presby. One child: VI.— 1. Cyrus Painter Markle Tinstman, b. Dec. 3, 1878. P. O., Turtle Creek, Pa. He is at present (1900) a cadet at the Pennsylvania Military College, at Chester, Pa. Presby. S. V. — 4. Henry O. Tinstman, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Sept. 27, 1836; mrd. Lydia K. Armell, Oct. 15, 1863. P. O., Mount Pleasant, Pa. Clerk. Baptists. Henry O. Tinst- man served in the Civil war as captain of Co. I 15th Pa. Cavalry. Children: 1. Charles; 2. George; 3. James; 4. Benjamin. VI. — 1. Charles Armell Tinstman, b. Apr. 15, 1866; d. Mar. 15, 1890. Baptist. S. VI.— 2. George Bonbright Tinstman, b. Nov. 17, 1868. Res., New York. Electrician. Baptist. S. VI. — 3. James Bonbright Tinstman, b. Apr. 10, 1871; d. Jan. 5, 1899; mrd. Frances H. DeWitt, Apr. 21, 1896. Bap- tist. No children. VI. — 4. Benjamin Evans Tinstman, b. Feb. 4, 1875; mrd. Nellie Gertrude Lusk, Oct. 18, 1900. P. O., Pittsburg, Pa. Cashier Equitable Life Assurance Co. Baptist. 12 162 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. V. — 5. Anna O. Tinstman, b. m Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 29, 1838; mrd. Rev. Loren B. Leasure, Nov. 20, 1855. He d. Nov. 9, 1882. He was formerly a minister of the United Brethren, and afterward of the German Reformed church. Children: 1. Maria; 2. Israel; 3. Ida; 4. Minnie; 5. Anna; 6. Loren; 7. Edna; 8. John. VI. — 1. Maria Elizabeth Leasure, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 28, 1857; mrd. James C. Cribbs, Sept. 22, 1878. P. O., Jeannette, Pa. Ref. Ch. Children. VII.— 1. James Leasure Cribbs, b. Nov. 29, 1879. VII.— 2. Charles Crock Cribbs, b. Aug. 28, 1881. VII.— 3. Anna Cribbs, b. Jan. 16, 1884. VII.— 4. Olive Cribbs, b. Apr. 6, 1888. VII.— 5. Elizabeth Cribbs, b. July 26, 1891. VI. — 2. Israel Painter Leasure, b. in Hempfield Twp., Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 11, 1859; mrd. Emma J. Stark, Feb. 20, 1883. P. O., Greensburg, Pa. Clerk. Children: VII.— 1. Mary Tinstman Leasure, b. Dec. 18, 1883. VII. — 2. Emma Kline Leasure, b. July 8, 1892. VI. — 3. Ida Leasure, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Nov. 24, 1861; mrd. Alfred Smith, Dec. 22, 1880. P. O., Jean- nette, Pa. VI. — 4. Minnie E. Leasure, b. Jan. 21, 1864; mrd. Archi- bald B. McGrew, Oct. 21, 1883. P. O., Greensburg, Pa. VI. — 5. Anna O. Leasure, b. Mar. 15, 1866; d. Sept. 3, 1886. VI.— 6. Loren Barkley Leasure, b. Oct. 8, 1870. S. VI.— 7. Edna Leasure, b. Jan. 2, 1874. S. VI. — 8. John Franklin Leasure, b. June 13, 1877. S. v.— 6. John O. Tinstman, b. Mar. 22, 1841; d. Oct. 30, 1862. He belonged to the Anderson troops, was in the battle of Antietam, and died soon after of typhoid fever, having been in the service only a short time. ANNA BEITLER. 163 v.— 7. Elizabeth Tinstman, b. July 16, 1843; d. June 15, 1846. v.— 8. Abigail Tinstman, b. Feb. 17, 1846; d. Nov. 16, 1865. v.— 9. Emma Tinstman, b. Aug. 9, 1849; mrd. Dr. W. J. K. Kline, in 1867. P. O., Greensburg, Pa. Physician. No children. V. — 10. Christian S. O. Tinstman, b. in Sewickley Twp., Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 17, 1851; mrd. Anna A. Miller, Apr. 18, 1893. Res., 425 Fourth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. General agent, real estate, mortgages and insurance, farms, coal and timber lands. Presby. No children. IV. — 3. Jacob S. Overholt, b. at West Overton, Pa., Oct. 18, 1814; d. at Broad Ford, Pa., Apr. 20, 1859; mrd. Mary Fox, daughter of Christian and Elizabeth (Funk) Fox, Dec. 29, 1836. She was b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 1, 1816; d. at Emma Mine, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 20, 1895. General business. Baptist. Children: 1. Maria; 2. Elizabeth; 3. Abraham; 4. Isaac; 5. Mary; 6. Fenton; 7. Christian; 8. Jacob; 9. Emma. V. — 1. Maria F. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 6, 1837. Res., Church St., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Baptist. v.— 2. Elizabeth F. Overholt, b. Nov. 15, 1839; d. Apr. 20, 1859. V. — 3. Abraham F. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Sept. 15, 1841; mrd. Martha Rist, Oct. 2, 1866. She d. in Denver, Colo., in 1882. P. O., Fort Collins, Colo. Civil engineer. Children: 1. Edwin; 2. George; 3. Mary; 4. Gertrude; 5. Max. VI. — 1. Edwin Stanton Overholt, b. in Connellsville, Pa., Aug. 29, 1867; mrd. Maud Hamilton, Jan. 26, 1898. P. O., Boulder, Colo. Prospector and miner. Children: VII.— 1. Elsie Gail Overholt, b. Sept. 7, 1900. VI. — 2. George W. Overholt, b. at Connellsville, Fayette 164 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Co., Pa., Apr. 24, 1869; mrd. Hattie Shultis, Jan. 1, 1894. P. O., Jefferson, Colo. Teamster. Children: VII.— 1. Charlotte Overholt, b. Sept. 30, 1894. VII.— 2. Mattie Catharine Overholt, b. Aug. 23, 1896. VII.— 3. Helen Gertrude Overholt, b. Jan. 23, 1899; d. Sept. 4, 1899. , VII.— 4. Keitha Litmer Overholt, b. Jan. 13, 1901. VI.— 3. Mary M. Overholt, b. Apr. 2, 1872; d. Nov. 23, 1890. VI. — 4. Gertrude R. Overholt, b. at Denver, Colo., Sept. 17, 1874; mrd. A. Woodward Stephens, Nov. 16, 1898. P. O., Ithaca, N. Y. Store manager. Baptists. Children: VII.— 1. Woodward Overholt Stephens, b. Sept. 4, 1899; d. Oct. 1, 1899. VII.— 2. Mary Overholt Stephens, b. Jan. 6, 1891. VI. — 5. Max Clark Overholt, b. at Denver, Colo., Apr. 19, 1877. P. O., Masonville, Colo. V. — 4. Isaac F. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., IMov. 4, 1843. P. O., Mount Pleasant, Pa. Coke manufac- turer. Served three years and two months in the Civil war. S. V. — 5. Mary Anne Overholt, b. near Mt. Pleasant, West- moreland Co., Pa., July 1, 1846; mrd. Capt. Cassius Clay Markle, Feb. 21, 1865. P. O., West Newton, Pa. Mr. Markle entered the army Aug. 25, 1861, as Second Lieutenant, Co. E, 105th Reg't P. V. I., Col. McKnight commanding. He was promoted to First Lieutenant, and at the second battle of Bull Run he was promoted to Captain of his company. He was appointed and served as Provost Marshal under General Birney, and subsequently was appointed Inspector General of Fort North on the Potomac, first under General Hoskin, and afterwards under General Hardin, and occupied that position at the time of expiration of his three-years' term of enlistment. He v/as honorably discharged, Sept. 3, 1864. Upon his return from the army he became actively ANNA BEITLER. 165 engaged in paper manufacturing and coke making, now retired. Children: 1. Cyrus; 2. Thomas; 3. Mary; 4. Sarah; 5. Jesse; 6. Margaret. VI. — 1. Cyrus Painter Markle, h. Feb. 12, 1866; mrd. Margaret C. Rholand, Oct. 10, 1899. P. O., Greensburg, Pa. Clerk in Register and Recorder's oflBce at Greensburg, Pa. He served through the campaign in Manilla, and was for seventy days on the firing line with the 10th Pa. Reg't. Mr. M., Presby.; Mrs. M., Baptist. Children: VII.— 1. Mary Jane Markle, b. May 24, 1900. VI.— 2. Thomas McMasters Markle, b. Feb. 25, 1868; mrd. Ida Landsperger, Sept. 6, 1899. P. O., West Newton, Pa. Lumberman. Mr. M., Presby.; Mrs. M., Luth, Children: VII.— 1. J. Webster Overholt Markle, b. May 10, 1900. VI.— 3. Mary Overholt Markle, b. Sept. 13, 1870; mrd. James Wade Shupe, Oct. 25, 1892. P. O., Mount Pleasant, Pa. Sup't Electric Light, Heat & Power Co. Presby. No children. VI.— 4. Sarah Bessie Markle, b. Feb. 2, 1873. VI. — 5. Jessie Benton Markle, b. May 25, 1875; mrd. Theodore Hawley, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1893. Sup't of Continental Paper Bag Co., Rumford Falls, Oxford Co., / Maine. Mr. H., Catholic; Mrs. H., Presby. Children: VII.— 1. Eleanor Markley Hawley, b. Aug. 25, 1894. VII.— 2. Dorothy Frances Hawley, b. Aug. 28, 1900. VI. — 6. Margaret Ziegler Markle, b. Mar. 8, 1878; mrd. Frank Watterson Jackson, Aug. 16, 1898. P. O., Mount Pleasant, Pa. Mr. Frank W. Jackson was born in Fayette Co., Pa., in 1874. He received his education in the Western Penn- sylvania Institute, Mr. Pleasant, Pa., from which he grad- uated in 1891 with honors, besides winning the H. K. Porter prize of $300, offered for the one best prepared for college. He then went to Bucknell University, from which 166 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. he graduated with the degree of A. B., in 1895, and then went to Chicago University for some time. He has been for the past five years Professor of Greek in the Western Pennsylvania Institute at Mt. Pleasant, Pa. In the spring of 1901 he was, by President William McKinley, appointed consul to Patras Greece. Mr. J., Baptist; Mrs. J., Presby. Children: VII. — 1. Marian Markle Jackson, b. Aug. 15, 1899. V. — 6. Fenton C. Overholt, b. at Overton, Westmore- land Co., Pa., Sept. 15, 1848; mrd. Ida A. Wright, Jan. 29, 1874. P. O., Kingriver, Cal. Farmer. Children: 1. Harry; 2. Mary; 3. Annie; 4. Omera; 5. Oscar; 6. George; 7. Lucy; 8. Emma; 9. Norma; 10. Baby. VI.— 1. Harry Webster Overholt, b. Sept. 29, 1875; d. Oct. 15, 1875. VI.— 2. Mary Virginia Overholt, b. Oct. 16, 1876; mrd. John M. McHaley, Apr. 29, 1896. P. O., Kingriver, Cal. Farmer. Children: VII.— 1. Harold Ray McHaley, b. Dec. 18, 1897; d. June 10, 1898. VII.— 2. Virginia McHaley, b. Mar. 6, 1899. VI.— 3. Annie Maria Overholt, b. July 22, 1879. VI.— 4. Omera W. Overholt, b. Nov. 24, 1881; d. Jan. 27, 1894. VI.— 5. Oscar F. Overholt (twin), b. Nov. 24, 1881; d. Feb. 14, 1882. VI.— 6. George Jacob Overholt, b. Oct. 23, 1883. Vi.— 7. Lucy Overholt, b. May 14, 1886. VI.— 8. Emma Louise Overholt, b. Apr. 21, 1890. VI.— 9. Norma Overholt, b. Jan. 2, 1893. VI.— 10. Baby Overholt, b. Feb. 28, 1900; d. Mar. 9, 1900. ANNA BEITLER. 167 V. — 7. Christian F. Overholt, b. in East Huntington Twp., Westmoreland Co., Pa., Nov. 13, 1850; mrd, Susan Evans McCIellan, of Warrensburg, Pa., Sept. 29, 1885. P. O., Scottdale, Pa. Sup't farm and col^e works. Baptist. Children: VI.— 1. Ernest McCIellan Overholt, b. June 1, 1889. V. — 8. Jacob Webster Overholt, b. at West Overton, Pa., Aug. 30, 1853. Res., So. Church St., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Coke manufacturer. V. — 9. Emma F. Overholt, b. Jan. 5, 1856; mrd. George A. Markle, Apr. 4, 1878. P. O., New Haven, Fayette Co., Pa. Children: VI. — 1. Gertrude Ashman Markle, b. Jan. 15, 1879. VI.— 2. Howard Overholt Markle, b. Dec. 18, 1881. IV.— 4. Abraham S. Overholt, b. Jan. 23, 1817; d. May 1863; mrd. Mary Ann Newmyer. Children: 1. George; 2, John; 3. Norman; 4. May. V. — 1. George W. Overholt; mrd. Agnes Ripple. P. O., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. v.— 2. John S. Overholt. V. — 3. Norman Overholt, deceased. V. — 4. Mary Overholt, deceased. IV. — 5. Elizabeth Overholt, b. at West Overton, Pa., June 2, 1819; mrd. John W. Frick, in 1847. He was born in Adamsburg, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Feb. 23, 1822; d. at Wooster, Ohio, Aug. 31, 1889. Farmer. Luth's. Chil- dren: 1. Maria; 2. Henry; 3. Annie; 4. Aaron; 5. Edgar; 6. Sallie. v.— 1. Maria O. Frick, b. at West Overton, Pa., Feb. 9, 1848; mrd. John S. R. Overholt. V. — 2. Henry Clay Frick, b. at West Overton, West- moreland Co., Pa., Dec. 19, 1849; mrd. Adalaide Childs, 168 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Dec. 15, 1881. Res., Pittsburg, Pa. Coke manufacturer, known as the H. C. Frick Coke Co., also known as the millionaire Steel Manager. Children: VI.— 1. Childs Frick. VI. — 2. Martha Frick, deceased. VI'.— 3. Helen Frick. VI. — 4. A son, deceased. V. — 3. Annie O. Frick, b. in Mt. Pleasant Twp., West- moreland Co., Pa., Aug. 21, 1852; mrd. James S. Braddock, Oct. 12, 1881. P. O., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Baptist. Children: VI.— 1. Homer F. Braddock, b. Nov. 18, 1883. ■ VI.— 2. Feme F. Braddock, b. Oct. 5, 1885. VI.— 3. Howard Clay Braddock, b. Jan. 23, 1889. VI.— 4. Elizabeth M. Braddock, b. May 1, 1892. V. — 4. Aaron O. Frick, b. in West Overton, Pa., Apr. 7, 1855. S. V. — 5. J. Edgar Frick, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 16, 1859; mrd. Alma Milburn, at Wooster, O., Feb. 1, 1882. P. O., Wooster, O. Children: VI.— 1. Charles Frick, b. May 26, 1883. VI.— 2. Gail Frick, b. Mar. 2, 1886. VI.— 3. Hazel Frick, b. Feb. 5, 1889. VI.— 4. Jay Edgar Frick, b. May 16, 1893. VI.— 5. John W. Frick, b. Apr. 17, 1896. V. — 6. Sallie O. Frick, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Mar. 21, 1862; mrd. William A. Lott, at Wooster, O., Sept. 26, 1894. P. O., Wooster, O. Children: VI.— 1. Elizabeth Lott, b. June 15, 1895. IV.— 6. Martin S. Overholt, b. at West Overton, Pa., Mar. 31, 1822; mrd. Maria, daughter of Rev. Sam. Wake- JUDGE ABRAHAM M. BEITLER. (See page 236.) ANNA BEITLER. 169 field.* P. O. Irwin, Pa. Children: 1. Hudson; 2. James; 3. Mary; 4. Franklin; 5. Harry; 6. Ada. v.— 1. Hudson W. Overholt, b. Feb. 15, 1849; mrd. Mullen. Res., Allegheny City, Pa. v.— 2. James C. Overholt, b. July 22, 1851. P. O., Irwin, Pa. v.— 3. Mary E. Overholt, b. June 10, 1854; mrd. Wm. Ritchie. Res., Brooklyn, N. Y. v.— 4. J. Franklin Overholt, b. Dec. 3, 1856. P. O., Irwin, Pa. v.— 5. Harry E. Overholt, b. July 22, 1860. P. O., Topeka, Kansas. v.— 6. Ada M. Overholt, b. Nov. 24, 1862; mrd. Wm. Caton. P. O., Irwin, Pa. IV. — 7. Christian S. Overholt, b. at West Overton, Westmoreland Co., Pa., Oct. 18, 1824; mrd. Katharine L. Newmyer, June 28, 1853. Res., 4008 Pine St., Philadel- phia, Pa. Christian S. Overholt has been a man of long and wide experience. His prominent connection with financial and industrial affairs made him an admirable and valuable member of the Pennsylvania Board of Commissioners. For many years he was the manager of the firm of Overholt & Co., of Broadford, Pa., a well known firm of distillers. Nearly a third of a century ago he retired from the firm and became president of the First National Bank of Mt. Pleasant, Pa. After ably performing the functions of this responsible post for a long time he retired from active business life and removed to Philadelphia, where he still resides. Baptist. Children: 1. Alice; 2. Charles; 3. Mary; 4. Elmer; 5. Anna; 6. William. V. — 1. Alice Carey Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Apr. 10, 1854. Res., Pittsburg, Pa. Baptist. S. * An old Methodist divine, who lived to the age of over ninety-five years. 170 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. V. — 2. Charles Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Apr. 1, 1856; d. Dec. 15, 1881; mrd. Eliza Lippencott New- myer. Baptists. Children: 1. Lu; 2. Elmer; 3. Ruth. VI.— 1. Lu Newmyer Overholt, b. Feb. 22, 1876; mrd. Claude Scott, Aug. 10, 1898. Baptists. One child: VII.— 1. Katharine Overholt Scott, b. June 1899. VI. — 2. Elmer Ellsworth Overholt, b. Feb. 23, 1878. Baptist. S. VI.— 3. Ruth Overholt, b. in 1881; d. young. V. — 3. Mary Virginia Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Nov. 28, 1858; mrd. Col. George Nox McCain, Jan. 21, 1879. Res., 4008 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Children: VI.— 1. Edith Overholt McCain, b. July 13, 1880. VI.— 2. Mills Marie McCain, b. Dec. 21, 1882. VI.— 3. Donald Rockefeller McCain, b. July 12, 1885. VI.— 4. Helen Katharine McCain, b. June 22, 1888. VI. — 5. Mary Virginia Lockwood McCain, b. Oct. 17, '91. v.— 4. Elmer Ellsworth Overholt, b. Aug. 23, 1861; d. Oct. 22, 1863. V. — 5. Anna May Overholt, b. Aug. 1, 1864; mrd. Carl Clayton Law, Oct. 17, 1889. Baptists. Children: VI.— 1. Katharine Overholt Law, b. Mar. 21, 1892. VI.— 2. Stanley Overholt Law, b. June 21, 1894. v.— 6. William Shadrack Overholt, b. Feb. 8, 1867; mrd. Helen Hollister, Nov. 12, 1889. Presby. No children. IV.— 8. John S. Overholt, b. June 1, 1826; d. Sept. 28, 1846. SECTION XI. III. — 11. Christian Overholt, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., July 18, 1786; d. in Hancock Co., Ohio, Jan. 11, 1868; mrd. Eliza- ANNA BEITLER. \ 171 beth Stauffer, Nov. 1811. She was b. Jan. 19, 1794; d. Nov. 21, 1887. He followed at different times the occupation of farming and distilling. In the autumn of 1858 he accom- panied his son Abraham to Fostoria, Ohio, where the latter had purchased a farm. During the remaining years of his life he made his home with this son. In disposition he was impulsive and quick spoken, but kind hearted and generous to a fault. His wife survived him nearly twenty years. She was a sister to his brother Abraham Overholt's wife, a daughter of Rev. John and Elizabeth Stauffer. Christian Overholt and his wife were faithful members of the Mennonite church, and after moving to the State of Ohio, they drove a distance of twelve miles to attend wor- ship in a church of their chosen denomination. To the grandchildren one of the most precious mem- ories is that of their grandmother. Her son and his wife were untiring in their devotion to her, while her presence in their home was ever like a gracious benediction. Her son often said of her, "I have never seen Mother out of patience, nor heard her utter one unkind word." She re- tained full possession of her mental faculties until her death at the age of nearly ninety-four years. Children: 1. Abraham; 2. Sarah; 3. Henry; 4. Anna; 5. Elizabeth; 6. Christian. IV. — 1. Abraham S. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Feb. 9, 1813; d. near Fostoria, Hancock Co., Ohio, Jan. 23, 1896; mrd. Barbara Sherick, Dec. 4, 1836. She was b. near Scottdale, Fayette Co., Pa., Nov. 12, 1813; d. near Fostoria, Ohio, Dec. 5, 1891. Farmer and sawyer. In early life they were members of the Mennonite church, but later united with the United Brethren. Children: 1. Anna; 2. Christian; 3. Elizabeth; 4. Jacob; 5. Joseph; 6. Abraham; 7. Sarah; 8. Mariah; 9. Barbara; 10. Martin. V. — 1. Anna Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., July 24, 1838; mrd. William Harned, Jan. 5, 1860. P. O., Jerry City, Ohio. Methodists. Children: 1. Ida; 2. Abra- ham; 3. Charles; 4. Alta; 5. Mamie; 6. Lettie; 7. Nellie. 172 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 1. Ida Harned, b. Dec. 27, 1860; mrd. James McLaughlin, Apr. 10, 1884. P. O., Jerry City, Ohio. Metho- dists. Children: VII.— 1. Floyd McLaughlin, b. Feb. 15, 1885. VII.— 2. Frank McLaughlin, b. Aug. 3, 1888. VII.— 3. Fern McLaughlin, b. Aug. 27, 1893. VII.— 4. Grace McLaughlin, b. Feb. 10, 1895. VI.— 2. Abraham Overholt Harned, b. Aug. 4, 1862; mrd. Eva Sherman, Feb. 27, 1885. P. O., Bowling Green, Ohio. Teacher. Methodists. Children: VII.— 1. Alta Harned, b. Jan. 14, 1886. VII.— 2. Don Harned, b. June 6, 1889. VI.— 3. Charles C. Harned, b. Sept. 13, 1865; mrd. Alice Hampshire, Apr. 14, 1889. P. O., Jerry City, Ohio. Oil pumper. United Brethren. Children: VII.— 1. Sidney Harned, b. Mar. 16, 1890. VII.— 2. Blanche Harned, b. Jan. 5, 1892. VII.— 3. Doice Harned, b. Oct. 24, 1893. VII.— 4. Olive Harned, b. Aug. 5, 1899. VI.— 4. Alta E. Harned, b. Aug. 15, 1867; mrd. Emma Brubaker, in 1888. P. O., Jerry City, Ohio. Oil pumper. Methodists. Children: VII.— 1. Glenna Harned, b. May 11, 1889. VII.— 2. Lyla E. Harned, b. Nov. 16, 1890. VII.— 3. Zoa M. Harned, b. Apr. 21, 1894. VII.— 4. Anna M. Harned, b. Jan. 18, 1896. VII.— 5. Zelda Grace Harned, b. Oct. 4, 1898. VI.— 5. Mamie Harned, b. Jan. 11, 1870; mrd. Fred Haight, Feb. 19, 1891. P. O., Jerry City, Ohio. Methodists. Children: VII.— 1. Foyl Haight, b. Mar. 22, 1892. ANNA BEITLER. 173 VII.— 2. Lettie Haight, b. Mar. 7, 1896. VI.— 6. Lettie Harned, b. Apr. 3, 1872; mrd. J. B. Mor- rison, July 12, 1897. P. O., Buckland, Ohio. Methodists. Children: Vil.- 1. William Luther Morrison, b. May 25, 1899. VI. — 7. Nellie Harned, b. May 18, 1876; mrd. Artemus Rice, Mar. 18, 1892. Res., 611 South Piatt St., East Toledo, Ohio. United Brethren. Children: VII.— 1. William Rice, b. Dec. 23, 1894. VII.— 2. Anna Rosina Rice, b. Oct. 7, 1896. V. — 2. Christian M. Overholt, b. near Port Royal, West- moreland Co., Pa., July 27, 1840; mrd. Emily J. Bernard, Aug. 20, 1863. P. O., Mark Center, O. Farmer. Meth. Ep. Children: 1. Cora; 2. Oscar; 3. Elfie; 4. Curtis; 5. Jesse; 6. Anna. VI.— 1. Cora Overholt, b. June 20, 1864. Res., 2814 Groveland Ave., Chicago, 111. Superintendent of Nurses Training School. Meth. Ep. S. VI.— 2. Oscar A. Overholt, b. Nov. 30, 1865, in Wood Co., Ohio; mrd. S. Irene Solenberger, Jan. 8, 1888. P. O., Hicksville, O. Farmer. Meth. Ep. Children: VII.— 1. Howard Overholt, b. May 1889. VII.— 2. Bruce C. Overholt, b. Aug. 27, 1891. VII.— 3. Mary B. Overholt, b. Feb. 21, 1897. VI.— 3. Effie Overholt, b. Feb. 17, 1868; mrd. Howard W. Farmer, D. D. S., in 1889. He died in 1895. P. O., Hicksville, O. Dentist. Meth. Ep. Children: VII.— 1. Troil O. Farmer, b. in 1890. VII.— 2. E. Blanche Farmer, b. in 1893. VII.— 3. Howard Wendell Farmer, b. in 1894. VI.— 4. Curtis A. Overholt, M. D., b. Jan. 19, 1872; mrd. Lizzie Huston. P. O., Plymouth, O. Physician. Meth. Ep. 174 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 5. Jesse B. Overholt, b. July 26, 1881. P. O., Mark Center, O. School teacher and farmer. Meth. Ep. S. VI.— 6. Anna B. Overholt, b. Aug. 15, 1883. P. O., Mark Center, O. Meth. Ep. S. V. — 3. Elizabeth Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 5, 1842; mrd. Dr. Jacob A. Shesler, Mar. 15, 1865. P. O., San Jose, Cal. Physician. Dr. Jacob A. Shesler was born near Lancaster, Fair- field Co., Ohio, Aug. 30, 1836. He was born and raised on a farm, and nothing of special interest occurred in his life until in the spring of 1852, when he, with a company of young men, left for California across the "Plains." Many interesting incidents of his perilous journey, for want of space, must be passed over, such as sickness and death on the train, a burial scene on the Plains, witnessing the cremation of an Indian chief, a war dance by 2,000 Indians, a murder on the emigrant road, the capture of the mur- derer, his trial, conviction and execution, all done between sunup and sundown, scenery of the South Pass of the Rocky Mountains, a narrow escape from a pack of wolves, a foot race for life from a band of hostile Pawnee Indians, "Devil's Gate" on the Sweetwater, and cordial reception by "Jim" Beckwith, a former Indian Chief of the Crow Indians, etc. Suffice it to say that he safely arrived in Butte county in September following without a dime in his pocket. Here he hired out to a mining company at four dollars per day and board. A few months later he had charge of the working "gang," and a short time subsequently he became one of the owners of the mine. Being a stranger in a strange land, and without experience, his life's struggles began with its alternations of successes and fail- ures. At one time his mining property in Sierra county was estimated to be worth from $80,000 to $100,000, but by trusting to the honesty of a "friend," he became involved in a law-suit which cost him over $3,000, and the loss of all his valuable mining property. In the great upheaval of political parties in 1856 he took an active part in the formation of the Republican ANNA BEITLER. 175 party in Sierra county and became its first candidate for the Legislature from the 17th Judicial District the follow- ing year. He was one of the nine delegates from Sierra county to the first Republican State convention ever held in California, which convened in the city of Sacramento, Feb. 16, 1860, for the purpose of electing delegates to the National Republican convention held in Chicago, which nominated the immortal Abraham Lincoln as its standard- bearer. On the 11th day of August 1860 Dr. Shesler boarded the steamer for Panama, and was on his way to his old Ohio home, which destination he reached in September, after an absence of eight years and five months. These were the most active years of his life and were crowded with many dangers, disappointments, successes and failures, labors of body and mind, interspersed with many incidents of pleasure. In 1863 he enlisted in the 49th O. V. L and served his time till after the close of the war. Soon after marriage he with his wife moved to the town of Fostoria, Ohio, where they resided until the fall of 1881, when, on account of the failing health of Mrs. Shesler, they moved to California, selecting the city of San Jose, Santa Clara county, as their place of residence, and where they still reside. In 1874 he began the study of medicine, and graduated from the Physio-Medical College of Cincin- nati, Ohio, in March 1877, which profession he is still fol- lowing as a "specialist." In 1891 he became afflicted with partial paralysis of the motor nerve, which deprived him of an active practice. Mrs. S., Christian Ch. Children: 1. Ada; 2. Minnie; 3. Walter. VI. — 1. Ada Shesler, b. in Fostoria, Ohio, Jan. 21, 1867; mrd. Edward C. Reene. Res., 1307 Mission St., San Fran- cisco, Cal. Merchant. No children. VI. — 2. Minnie Shesler, b. in Fostoria, Ohio, Dec. 4, 1867; d. May 26, 1896, at the hands of James C. Dunham, the notorious murderer of the McGlincy family, near "Campbell Station," Santa Clara Co., California. She was 176 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. a member of the Christian church, also of the Daughters of Veterans and other societies. VI.— 3. Walter H. Shesler, b. at Fostoria, O., Dec. 19, 1876. P. O., fean Jose, Cal. Christian Ch. S. v.— 4. Jacob Overholt, b. May 19, 1844; d. Sept. 14, 1867. S. V. — 5. Joseph Sherick Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Apr. 10, 1846; mrd. Maria Bucher, in 1870. She d. in 1874. Children: 1. J. B. ; 2. Arnolda. Joseph mrd. second wife, Laura Sherman, Sept. 21, 1876. P. O., Bloom- dale, Ohio. Farmer. United Brethren Ch. Children: 3. Blanche; 4. Sherman. VI. — 1. J. B. Overholt, b. at Fostoria, Ohio, Jan. 24, 1871; mrd. Lizzie Dunlap, Mar. 17, 1897. P. O., Van Wert, Ohio. Farmer. Meth. Ep. Children: VII.— 1. Anna Overholt, b. Dec. 11, 1897. VII.— 2. Maria Rae Overholt, b. Feb. 21, 1900. VI.— 2. Arnolda M. Overholt, b. Dec. 27, 1872; mrd. Jacob A. Linhart, Aug. 17, 1893. P. O., Bloomdale, Ohio. Farmer. Luth's. Children: VM.— 1. LeRoy O'Neal Linhart, b. Aug. 26, 1894. VII. — 2. John Sherman Linhart, b. May 14, 1896. VI.— 3. Blanche May Overholt, b. Oct. 17, 1877. P. O., Bloomdale, Ohio. VI.— 4. Sherman J. Overholt, b. Aug. 7, 1880. P. O., Bloomdale, Ohio. V. — 6. Abraham J. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 24, 1848; mrd. Almira Marietta, Jan. 14, 1869. She was b. in Stark Co., Ohio, Sept. 22, 1851. P. O., Fostoria, Ohio. Farmer. United Brethren Ch. Children: 1. Earl; 2. Mabel. VI. — 1. Dr. Earl L. Overholt, b. at Fostoria, Ohio, Mar. 2, 1870. P. O., Fostoria, Ohio. Physician and surgeon. United Brethren. S. HAROLD B. BEITLER. (See page 237.) ANNA BEITLER. 177 VI. — 2. Mabel Overholt, b. at Fostoria, Ohio, Mar. 6, 1874. P. O., Fostoria, Ohio. Teacher in Fostoria public schools. United Brethren Ch. S. V. — 7. Sarah Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Apr. 15, 1849; mrd. John W. Shoe, Sept. 9, 1869. P. O., Fostoria, Ohio. United Brethren. No children. V. — 8. Maria Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Mar. 26, 1851; mrd. Henry Morelock, Jan. 3, 1872. P. O., Fostoria, Ohio. Fruit grower. United Brethren. Children: VI.— 1. Bertha May Morelock, b. June 20, 1878; d. Aug. 28, 1878. VI.— 2. Charles H. Morelock, b. July 8, 1881. VI.— 3. Anna Maude Morelock, b. Feb. 4, 1889. V. — 9. Barbara Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 28, 1853; mrd. Charles Culbertson, Nov. 26, 1876. He d. Oct. 18, 1896. P. O., Fostoria, Ohio. United Brethren Ch. No children. V. — 10. Martin B. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Aug. 18, 1856; mrd. Samantha Biles, Dec. 25, 1878. She d. June 27, 1893. No children. Martin mrd. second wife, Anna Sherman, Dec. 9, 1897. P. O., Fostoria, Ohio. Fruit grower. United Brethren Ch. No children. IV. — 2. Sarah Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 9, 1815; d. June 30, 1837; mrd. Christian Stoner, May 7, 1835. He v/as b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa.; d. . He was a cabinetmaker and undertaker, and during his life- time he buried about one thousand persons. Menu's. Chil- dren: 1. Martin: 2. Lizzie, V. — 1. Martin Stoner, b. . P. O., Brunswick, Mo. V. — 2. Lizzie Stoner, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., June 11, 1837; mrd. John Haen, Sept. 6, 1860. P. O., North Balti- more, Ohio. Fa.rmer. Children: 1. George; 2. Alice; 3. Irvin. 13 178 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 1. George S. Haen, b. Aug. 7, 1861; mrd. Ada Rodgers. VI.— 2. Alice S. Haen, b. Dec. 25, 1864; mrd. Charles A. Fry. VI.— 3. Irvin S. Haen, b. May 13, 1867; d. Feb. 10, 1890. IV. — 3. Henry Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa,, Feb. 3, 1817; d. in Hancock Co., O., Sept. 13, 1863; mrd. Sarah Frick, Apr. 2, 1840. She was b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Apr. 17, 1820. P. O., Van Biiren, O. Farmer. Luth. Children: 1. Martin; 2. David; 3. Mary; 4. John; 5. Henry; 6. William; 7. Joseph. v.— 1. Martin Overholt, b. May 20, 1841. He enlisted in the war of the rebellion in 1862 for three years, served one year, when on account of sickness he was discharged from the service, came home and died Sept. 16, 1863. v.— 2. David F. Overholt, b. at West Overton, West- moreland Co., Pa., Sept. 7, 1843; mrd. Laura J. Hale, in 1868. She d. Feb. 14, 1877. Children: 1. Gertrude; 2. Ada; 3. Jennie. David mrd. second wife, Jennie V. McClel- lan, Sept. 28, 1882. P. O., Van Buren, Ohio. He enlisted in the late Civil war in 1864, served three months. Car- penter. United Brethren. Children: 4. Martin. VI.— 1. Gertrude A. Overholt, b. Feb. 14, 1869; mrd. George F. Kuhlman, Feb. 9, 1890. P. O., McComb, O. Farmer. Presby. Children: VII.— 1. Gail Malora Kuhlman, b. Feb. 11, 1891. VII.— 2. Ress Edward Kuhlman, b. Dec. 18, 1894. VI.— 2. Ada May Overholt, b. May 7, 1871; mrd. Charles A. Moorhead, Oct. 1, 1896. P. O., Findlay, Ohio. Oil pumper. Presby. Children: VII.— 1. Ross O. Moorhead, b. July 25, 1897. VII.— 2. William Harold Moorhead, b. Oct. 22, 1899. VI. — 3. Jennie Blanche Overholt, b. Aug. 11, 1875; mrd. John W. Probert. Res., 219-221 E. Market St., Akron, Ohio. Grocery merchant. Meth. Ep. One child: ANNA BEITLER. 179 V[|.— 1. Stanley Probert. VI.— 4. Martin Ray Overholt, b. June 13, 1886. v.— 3. Mary Overholt, b. June 23, 1846; d. June 10, 1865. V. — 4. John C. Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 10, 1849; mrd. Melissa Baker, May 18, 1876. P. O., Findlay, O. Carpenter. United Brethren. Children: VI.— 1. Sylvester Cletus Overholt, b. Jan. 29, 1878; d. Aug. 3, 1879. VI.— 2. Cloyce E. Overholt, b. Oct. 8, 1880. V. — 5. Henry Overholt, b. in Hancock Co., Ohio, Mar. 27, 1854; mrd. Nancy May, Sept. 17, 1882. P. O., Van Buren, Ohio. Carpenter. United Brethren. Children: VI.— 1. Clarence Overholt, b. Oct. 10, 1883. VI.— 2. Stella Overholt, b. June 25, 1885. VI.— 3. Forest Overholt, b. Mar. 31, 1887. VI.— 4. Lenne Overholt, b. Nov. 24, 1889. VI.— 5. Leota Overholt, b. May 7, 1892. VI.— 6. Willie Overholt, b. Oct. 16, 1894. V. — 6. William Overholt, b. near Van Buren, Hancock Co., Ohio., June 4, 1857; mrd. Gertie Redfern, in 1885. P. O., Humboldt, Kansas. Farmer. United Brethren. Children: VI.— 1. Lloyd Lee Overholt, b. June 16, 1886. VI.— 2. Alma Edna Overholt, b. June 1, 1887. VI.— 3. William Earl Overholt, b. Oct. 23, 1889. VI.— 4. Merle Redfern Overholt, b. Sept. 24, 1893. VI.— 5. Orpha Helen Ionia Overholt, b. Aug. 30, 1895. v.— 7. Joseph Overholt, b. Jan. 22, 1860; d. Mar. 13, '63. IV. — 4. Anna Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 4, 1819; mrd. James Irvin, Mar. 25, 1858. He was b. 180 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. ; d. . Anna mrd. second husband, John Bolton, Mar. 22, 1883. Res., 234 North Main St., Findlay, Ohio. Church of God. No children. IV. — 5. Elizabeth Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 1821; d. Mar. 3, 1898; mrd. John Stoner. U. B. Ch. Children: 1. Abraham; 2. Sarah; 3. Anna; 4. Alcinus. V. — 1. Abraham Stoner. P. O., Fostoria, O. v.— 2. Sarah Stoner; mrd. Stauffer. P. O., Fos- toria, O. V. — 3. Anna Elizabeth Stoner, b. in Hancock Co., Ohio, June 24, 1852; mrd. James Ambrose Purkey, Jan. 1, 1874. P. O., Bloomdale, Ohio. Farmer. Meth. Ep. Children: VI.— 1. Jesse Elmer Purkey, b. Oct. 2, 1878. P. O., Bloomdale, Ohio. Meth. Ep. VI.— 2. Mabel S. Purkey, b. Apr. 30, 1881. P. O., Bloomdale, Ohio. Meth. Ep. V. — 4. Alcinus Stoner, deceased; mrd. . P. O., jb'ostoria, O. IV. — 6. Christian Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Mar. 4, 1827; d. in Cass Twp., Hancock Co., Ohio, Jan. 9, 1898; mrd. Catharine Leighty, in 1852. She was b. in Pennsylvania, Sept. 1, 1831; d. in Cass Twp., Hancock Co., Ohio, in 1894. In 1860 they moved to Hancock Co., Ohio, Y\^here he purchased a farm of 240 acres, v/hich they improved and by their industrious labors made it one of the finest farms in the county. "Uncle Christ," as he was familiarly called, was highly respected by all who knew him. Converted in early life, he and his wife united with the Methodist Epis- copal church, and were consistent Christians. Of their nine children, the six surviving live on or near the old homestead: Children: 1. Lizzie; 2. Alsinus; 3. Ella; 4. Charles; 5. Clarence; 6. Frank; 7. Sherman; 8. Edgar; 9. Bertha. ANNA BEITLER. 1^1 V. — 1. Lizzie Overholt, b. at West Overton, Westmore- land Co., Pa., Mar. 10, 1854; mrd. G. W. Urie, Sept. 3, 1893. P. O., Bloomdale, Ohio. Farmer. Meth. Ep. V. — 2. Alsinus Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Dec. 6, 1855; mrd. Minerva Morehead. P. O., Portage Center,. Ohio. Children: VI.— 1. Lizzie Overholt. VI.— 2. Zella Overholt. VI.— 3. Hazel Overholt. VI.— 4. Ralph Overholt. VI.— 5. Hugh Overholt. V. — 3. Ella Overholt, b. in Westmoreland Co., Pa., Jan. 22, 1858; d. in Tennessee, May 25, 1900; mrd. L. Monroe Taylor, Nov. 17, 1887. P. O., Findlay, O. Meth. Ep. Cniidren: VI.— 1. Anna Taylor, b. Dec. 25, 1888. VI.— 2. Floyd Taylor, b. Feb. 13, 1890. VI.— 3. Clarence Taylor, b. Feb. 1, 1895. v.— 4. Charles Overholt, b. Apr. 22, 1860; mrd. Clara Linhart. P. O., Bloomdale, O. Children: VI.— 1. Gail Overholt. VI.— 2. Virgil Overholt. VI.— 3. Dean Overholt. VI.— 4. Zoa Overholt. VI.— 5. Charles Overholt. v.— 5. Clarence Overholt, b. May 10, 1862; d. Oct. 20, 1863. v.— 6. Frank Overholt, b. Mar. 3, 1865; d. May 25, 1900; mrd. Sarah B. Campbell. She d. Aug. 7, 1891. Children: 1. Edith; 2. Mearl. Frank mrd. second wife, Laura Borders, in 1893. P. O., Bloomdale, O. Farmer. Meth. Ep. 182 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 1. Edith Overholt. VI.— 2. Mearl Overholt. V. — 7. Sherman Overholt, b. Nov. 1, 1867; mrd. Nettie Berger. P. O., Bloomdale, O. Children: VI.— 1. Edna Overholt. VI.— 2. Carl Sherman Overholt. v.— 8. Edgar Overholt, b. Feb. 11, 1870. P. O., Bloom- dale, O. S. v.— 9. Bertha Overholt, b. Aug. 31, 1872; d. July x6, 1888. SECTION XII. III. — 12. Susanna Overholt, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Jan. 13, 1789. Died single. CHAPTER IV. Swartz Branch. — Elizabeth Beitler and Christian Swartz. II. — 3. Elizabeth Beitler, b. ; d. ; mrd. Christian Swartz. They lived in New Britain Twp., Bucks Co., Pa. On April 2, 1790, he and wife Elizabeth sold to Valentine Clymer ten acres of land in New Britain township. This is all we could learn. They probably had no children, or if they had, we have not been able to trace them. CHAPTER V. John Beitler Branch. — Descendants of John Beitler (b. 1747, d. 1823) and Hannah Buckwalter (b. 1755, d. 1831). II. — 4. John Beitler, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., in 1747; d. in 1823; mrd. Hannah Buckwalter. She was b. in Chester Co., Pa., in 1755; d. in 1831. They lived near Phoenixville, Pa. During the Revolutionary war he hauled cannons in Phila- delphia. "It is said he owned the first dray and helped to vacate Philadelphia when the English took possession," Farmer and miller. Menn's, Children: 1. Jacob; 2. John; 3. Maria; 4. Abraham; 5. Joseph; 6. Anna; 7. Hannah; 8. Elizabeth; 9. Eleanor; 10. David. John Beitler made his will the 6th day of October, 1823, which reads as follows: I, John Beitler, of Pikeland township, JOHN BEITLER. in Chester county, in the State of Pennsylvania, farmer, being weak in body and of sound mind, memory and understanding, but considering the uncertainty of this transitory life, do make and publish this my last will and testament, in manner and form following: To-wit, First. It is my will and I do order that all my just debts and funeral expenses be duly paid and satisfied as soon as conveniently can, after my decease. Item: I give and bequeathe unto my beloved wife Hannah, one thousand dollars; one cow, of her own choice; and one room that she may choose and privilege of the whole house, firewood cut and delivered at the door, two beds and furni- ture of her own choice, and such household and kitchen furniture as she may choose to keep for her own use, and, yearly, ten bushels of wheat, five bushels of rye, ten bushels of corn, and four bushels of buckwheat, a horse and chair during her natural life, one fat pig at least 200 pounds weight, and privilege to keep another yearly. The above 184 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. one thousand dollars to be her own, the rest during her natural life, in lieu of her dower. Item. I give and bequeath to my son David, thirteen hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents. Item. I also give and bequeath to my son David, the plantation whereon I live, to hold, to him, his heirs and assigns forever, valuing it at sixty dollars an acre, and he to have one equal tenth part out of that alter the said tenth part and the above thirteen hundred and thirty dollars and thirty-three cents is taken out of the said $bO per acre, he paying the remamder to my executors hereinafter to be named, in ten years after my decease, without interest; and as touching all the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, realty and personal of what kind and nature soever, tne same may be in the county of Chester or elsewhere, I give and bequeath to my ten children, share and share alike, I having bespoke a chair for my daughter Mary at one hundred and forty-five dollars, which she is to have as part of the said dividend. And lastly: I nominaie, constitute and appoint my sons Jacob and Joseph Beitler to be executors of this my will, hereby revoking all other wills heretofore made and declar- ing this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the sixth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three. JOHN BEITLER. [Seal.] Signed, sealed and declared by the said testator as his last will and testament; in the presence of us. JACOB LIGHTFOOT. DAVID LIGHTFOOT. West Chester, Pa., Oct. 27, 1823.— There personally appeared Jacob Lightfoot and David Lightfoot, who, being solemnly affirmed in due form of law, did see and hear John Beitler, the testator in the foregoing instrument of writing named, sign and seal, publish, pronounce and de- DAVID BEITLER. (See page 248.) JOHN BEITLER. 185 Clare the same as for his last will and testament, and that at the doing thereof he was of a sound mind and v/ell dis- posed mind and memory to the best of their knowledge and belief. Affirmed before D. Hiester, Regr. Letters testamentary given to Jacob and Joseph Beitler. SECTION I. III. — 1. Jacob Beidler, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Nov. 27, 1778; d. Dec. 25, 1864; mrd. Mary Landis, about 1802. She was b. near Franconia, Montgomery Co., Pa., in 1779; d. Aug. 14, 1823. Reared on a farm, industry, frugality and economy were a prominent part of his early education. Early trained in the religious faith of his forefathers he became a devout, conscientious and consistent member of the Mennonite church; full of zeal for the cause of his Master, a regular attendant on the services of the church and with an open hand of charity for the cause, setting a godly example be- fore his family and ever maintaining the deportment of a Christian man both at home and abroad. His advice and counsel were sought by many and he was esteemed as one of excellent judgment. When a young man he labored very hard, and later in life he related that many a time on awaking in the morn- ing his fingers were so stiff and swollen he was obliged to use one hand to open the fingers of the other before he could put on his garments. He also related that when a boy, during the year known as the cold season, he often went to mill on horse- back with a quantity of dried chestnuts, dried potatoes and a little rye in a sack to be ground for griddle cakes — an ample schooling to make the lesson of frugality impressive. About the year 18(J2 he wooed and won the hand of Mary Landis, who mutually with him as a loving and affectionate wife and faithful mother shared the joys and carried the burdens of life until her death, which came all 186 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. too soon in the year 1823. To them were born the following children: 1. John; 2. Elizabeth; 3. William; 4. Jacob; 5. Abraham; 6. Joseph; 7. Daniel; 8. Israel; 9. Mary; 10. Hannah; 11. Samuel; 12. Josiah. After marriage they settled on the farm in Chester Valley, a little over two miles from Valley Forge, on the road to Phoenixville, where now lives his daughter, Hannah Beidler. Here the children were reared and received their early education at the old Diamond Rock schoolhouse. During the years of their bereavement the eldest daughter, Elizabeth, took charge of the family and with a matronly hand administered the affairs with great credit. In the year 1825 he married Frances Roher, who with a motherly heart assumed the grave and responsible duties of the home, being much loved and respected by the chil- dren. She was b. Nov. 5, 1780; d. Apr. 8, 1855. At the time of this marriage, however, some of the older members of the family began to feel the necessity of pushing out into the world for themselves, thus diminishing the family cares at home; and with the coming and going of the years, Mr. Beidler became one of the thrifty and prosperous farmers of the valley. Not many years after his second marriage he built a commodious family residence on the northeast part of the old farm just at the foot of the Valley hill, with comfortable outbuildings, to which he retired, giving the care of the farm to his son. Rev. Israel Beidler. Some time in the 30's he built, or was instrumental in building, the Menno- nite meeting house in the valley, a little over one-half mile west of his home. For some reason, religious services were seldom held here and since his death the property has fallen into decay. April 8, 1855, he was again bereft, by the death of his second wife. He was fortunate, however, in having his youngest daughter, Hannah, still at home, who tenderly cared for him during the remainder of his life. He was exceedingly fond of fishing and after retiring from the farm he often went during the summer season to the JOHN BEITLER. 187 Schuylkill river and seldom returned without a good catch. He almost lived to see the close of the great rebellion, of which he was repeatedly heard to speak prophetically long years before it took place, as certain to come. He died Dec. 25, 1864, aged 86 years, 28 days, and his remains sleep in the quiet little churchyard beside those of loved ones gone before. After his death the homestead came into the possession of his daughter Hannah, who has presided there with matronly heart for nearly forty years. It, however, recently passed into the hands of her niece, Mrs. M. F. Kemble, of Philadelphia. It is still the dear old home and the hearts of the grandchildren turn toward it v/ith many fond re- membrances. And it is hoped a place so cherished may not soon pass into the hands of strangers. IV.— 1. John Beidler, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Oct. 14, 1803; d. in Canandaigua, Ontario Co., N. Y., Mar. 25, 1845; mrd. Rauchy Ann Leacock, Oct. 18, 1833. She was b. at Mt. Pleasant, N. J., Feb. ; d. in Lenawee Co., Mich., Dec. 12, 1883. John Beidler received a good education and was an excellent scribe. He was the oldest of eight chil- dren, in consequence of which his services were in great demand on his father's farm. On attaining his majority he engaged in the purchase of cattle and sheep for the Philadelphia market, often going on horseback as far west as the central and western portion of the State of Ohio and purchasing cattle for the Cincinnati market. In the spring of 1832 he went into the State of New York to purchase a drove of sheep which he procured principally in the county of Ontario, during which time he put up with an old gentleman, a well-to-do farmer in the township of East Bloomfield, by the name of John B. Allen. Here he became acquainted with Miss Rauchy Ann Leacock, Mr. Allen's granddaughter, and after marketing his sheep in Philadelphia, returned in the autumn and they were mar- ried Oct. 18, 1833. He purchased an excellent farm of 117 188 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. acres on the west shore of Canandaigiia lake, three miles from the village of Canandaigiia, in the county of Ontario. This farm contained an excellent apple orchard, which he greatly improved by grafting until it was said he had the best fruit in the county and none better in western New York. He was the first man in the State to attempt the shipping of green fruit to supply the then destitute western market. In the fall of 1848 he packed 1,200 barrels of choice apples, which he shipped, but owing to a lack of better facilities than the slow transportation of the Erie canal his apples were frozen before they reached Buffalo and the whole cargo was a total loss. He was exceedingly fond of fishing, and fish were then abundant. He v/as the first man on the lake to possess a large seine, which he and two others knitted during the winter season. He was counted the most successful fisherman on the lake. Other parties becoming jealous of his success came in the night and destroyed his seine. The perpetrators were never apprehended. Politically he was a strong Whig, and while greatly interested in putting others into office, he refused to hold any office himself. In the days of "Old Tippecanoe" he and one of his neighbors employed men and went into the woods and cut down a la,rge tree; they hev/ed out a large canoe 42 feet long, mounted it on wheels and put six span of horses be- fore it; twenty men rode in it with paddles, with the American flag for a sail, and rode to the election. In the month of October, 1844, he was taken ill with influenza, from which he suffered greatly in the head, and after being severely salivated with calomel a large seton v/as put in the back of his neck, all of which was of no avail. He lingered until March 25, 1845, when he died with what physicians termed abscess on the brain. He was not a member of any church, but was a moral, upright man, highly respected and greatly beloved, and kindly disposed; he was the friend of the poor. After his death the farm was sold, and the family, consisting of his wife, three sons and one daughter, removed to Chester JOHN BEITLER. 189 Co., Pa. Mrs. Beidler, Meth. Children: 1. Jacob; 2. Mary; 3, Henry; 4, George. V. — 1. Rev. Dr. Jacob A. Beidler, b. in Canandaigua, Ontario Co., N. Y., July 14, 1834; mrd. Ann E. Ingalls, of Dover, Mich., Mar. 28, 1859. P. O., Monroe, Wis. Minister and physician. He was not yet eleven years old at the death of his father, in March 1845. After removing to Chester Co., Pa., he was one year with his grandfather, and afterwards was with his uncle Abraham in Montgomery county until he had passed his sixteenth year, when he removed to Lenawee Co., Mich. Here, after attending school for a year, he engaged in teaching and later served two terms as superintendent of schools. He taught in Ohio, Michigan, Illinois and Missouri, and while in Illinois had the opportunity of taking up the study of medicine, which he pursued the greater part of two years privately, with the advantage of a hospital or infirm-ary practice. He then began the study of theology, in 1856, and was first licensed to preach the gospel in November 1858. In the spring of 1858 he and two others, Newell Sexton and Aretus Sexton, brothers, packed their carpet sacks and started on foot for the v/estern part of Missouri, a distance of over 300 miles. The rivers were swollen and no bridges, and they were often obliged to v/ade. On one occasion they v/aded across the bottoms of Linn river from one till four o'clock in the afternoon and were so chilled that Newell Sexton took fever and died. They vv^ere in water from knee deep up to their arms all that time and the water as cold as ice; often they were obliged to carry their carpet sacks on their heads that they might have a change of dry clothing on reaching the other side. In 1859, Mar. 28, he was married to Ann Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel C. and Almyra Ingalls, of Dover, Mich,, and, returning to the State of Missouri, settled at Hamilton in Caldwell county. Here he remained until the breaking out of the rebellion. In the autumn of 1860, after the presidential election, the excitement ran very high, making 190 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. it unsafe for people from the Northern States, and for six months they were not certain on going to bed at night that the house would not be burned over their heads. They lived in constant fear of their lives until the 27th day of April, 1861, when they were warned by a committee that they must leave the State or enter the rebel ranks, and were given thirty-six hours in which to make up their minds. After being notified a meeting was held at his house and they were not long in reaching a decision, as there were only eight Union families in town. So on Sun- day they gathered up a few things and on Monday morning at 7:30 o'clock left for Illinois. He landed in Quincy at 6 p. m., with a wife and one child and not money enough to buy a cracker, but God raised up friends for them. They left their house furnished and provisioned for the rebels. This was the second misfortune that overtook him, as he lost all his property in the crash of 1857. Returning to Michigan they were made comfortable and happy. In 1868 he entered the Synod of Northern Indi- ana and in January 1869 became pastor of Yellow Creek charge in Stephenson Co., 111., and united with the Synod of Northern Illinois, of which Synod he is still a member. He has been instrumental in building three new churches and organizing as many new congregations. He was pastor at Yellow Creek for six years, at Twin Grove two years, at Davis seven years, at Lanark eight years, and six years at Monroe, during which time he was pastor at Twin Grove also. He was several times honored with the Presidency of Synod, has often been placed on important committees in the work of the Synod, and was several times chosen as a delegate to the General Synod. For twenty-nine years he has continued a member of this body amid the coming and going of scores of his brethren, and is at this time its oldest active member. In 1878 he was legally authorized to continue the practice of medicine under the new law and is an active member of the Northwestern Homoeopathic Medical Society. He continued the practice during the years of his ministerial life as a secondary matter, al- though quite successful. Having passed his three score and JOHN BEITLER. 191 nearly four years he is still active, and with the poet can say: " The future lies before me, And I know not where I'll be, But where'er my path be leading. Savior, keep my heart with Thee." Lutherans. Children: 1. Carrie; 2. George; 3. Adah; 4. William. VI. — 1. Carrie Bell Beidler, b. in Hamilton, Mo., May 11, 1860; mrd. Daniel Jerome Kuns, D. D. S., Dec. 12, 1879. P. O., Morrison, 111. Dentist. Lutherans. One child: VI!.— 1. Adah Mae Kuns, b. at Davis, 111., Mar. 31, 1881. Presbyterian. VI.— 2. George Henry Beidler, D. D. S., b. at Mottville, St. Joe Co., Mich., Jan. 9, 1865; mrd. Ida Puterbaugh, of Lanark, 111., June 21, 1888. P. O., Lanark, Carroll Co., 111. Dentist. He, Luth.; she, Ger. Bap. Children: VII.— 1. Hazel Ann Beidler, b. Nov. 14, 1890. VII.— 2. Ethel Fay Beidler, b. Oct. 21, 1892. VI.— 3. Adah May Beidler, b. at Yellow Creek, 111., July 24, 1869; mrd. Leander Stevenson, Apr. 19, 1894. P. O., Monroe, Wis. Mr. Stevenson is a prominent boot and shoe merchant of Monroe City, Wis. Luth's. One child: VII.— 1. Jay Allen Stevenson, b. Mar. 31, 1895. VI.— 4. William Arthur Beidler, b. at Yellow Creek, 111., Apr. 11, 1871; mrd. Magdalena Reimer, of Chicago, July 31, 1902. He graduated at the Northwestern University Dental School of Chicago, Apr. 6, 1897, and has an office in Chicago. Res., 649 West 21st St., Chicago, 111. Dentist. Luth. v.— 2. Mary Elizabeth Beidler, b. in Ontario Co., N. Y., June 22, 1837. After the death of her father she removed to Chester Co., Pa., and lived with her grandfather, Jacob Beidler, and attended school until thirteen years of age, She was an amiable and intelligent girl. She sickened and died Mar. 14, 1852. 192 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. V. — 3. Henry Allen Beidler, b. in the town of Canan- daigua, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1841. After the death of his father he also removed to Chester Co., Pa., where he resided with his grandfather until the war of the Rebellion in 1861, when he enlisted, first in the three months' service, but before his time expired he enlisted in the 97th Regiment of Penn- sylvania Volunteers, Co. H, His company was sent to Florida to guard a point at or near St. Augustine. Here he remained until Apr. 3, 1864, when he returned home on fur- lough, at which time he re-enlisted during the war. Return- ing to his company he remained in Florida until they were ordered to join Sherman at Charleston, S. C, and with this army marched on Petersburg, Va. Before Petersburg he was wounded in the thigh, but was soon able to rejoin his company. In front of Petersburg his detachment lay in the trenches three days without relief, food or water. The weather was exceedingly hot and rainy; there was water in the bottom of the trenches from three inches to one foot in depth, and the boys were obliged to dig holes in the bank in which to lie. From where he lay he could throw a stone into the rebel works. The excessive heat and fatigue brought on fever and he was taken to the 18th Army Corps Hospital, but lived only three days. He expired on the 2d day of August, 1864, aged twenty-three years. He was a brave soldier, having on several occasions won promotion, which he refused. V. — 4. George L. Beidler, b. in Ontario Co., N. Y., Nov. 29, 1844; mrd. Phoebe Ann Jackson, Sept. 13, 1866. She d. Aug. 13, 1880. After the removal of the family to Chester Co., Pa., in the fall of 1845, he remained there but one year and with his mother went to the State of Michigan, where her father's people had settled some years before. Here he remained for some years, then removed to Illinois, where he remained six years, and then returned to Michigan, where he was married to Phoebe Ann Jackson. P. O., Corey, Mich. Mr. Beidler is a farmer in comfortable cir- cumstances, residing on a farm of 110 acres, which he pur- chased of his stepfather. Children: 1. Joseph; 2. Rauchy; 3. Olive; 4. Ella; 5. George. WASHINGTON GARNER. (See page 238.) MRS. HANNAH GARNER. (See page 238.) JOHN BEITLER. 193 Mr. Beidler mrd. second wife, Mary J, Fortonbaugh, Sept. 20, 1881. Children: 6. Maggie; 7. Gladys. VI.— 1. Joseph Beidler, b. Dec. 10, 1867. P. O., Ham- mond, Ind. Plumber. VI. — 2. Rauchy Ann Beidler, b. Aug. 5, 1869; d. Aug. 19, 1887. VI.— 3. Olive Beidler, b. Nov. 28, 1872; mrd. Jersey Rafenberg, Feb. 22, 1898. P. O., Corey, Mich. Farmer. Children: VII.— 1. Loren C. Rafenberg, b. Feb. 3, 1900. VI.— 4. Ella Beidler, b. Oct. 13, 1875; d. Apr. 29, 1898; mrd. Albert Ledbetter, Jan. 2, 1896. P. O., Corey, Mich. Farmer. One child: VII.— 1. Peter Ledbetter, b. Jan. 12, 1898. VI.— 5. George L. Beidler, Jr., b. June 25, 1877; mrd. Rhoda A. Arnold, Jan. 2, 1900. She was b. Aug. 2, 1882. P. O., Corey, Mich. Farmer. One child: VII.— 1. Florence M. Beidler, b. Nov. 21, 1901. VI.— 6. Maggie Beidler, b. Jan. 8, 1883. VI.— 7. Gladys Beidler, b. Feb. 20, 1894. IV.— 2. Elizabeth Beitler, b. Sept. 7, 1805; d. Oct. 8, 1870; mrd. Isaac Walker. He was b. July 16, 1804; d. Jan. 9, 1887. Farmer. Children: 1. Jacob; 2. Mary; 3. Thomas; 4. Hannah; 5. William; 6. Joseph; 7. Elizabeth; 8. Isaac. v.— 1. Jacob Beidler Walker, b. Nov. 13, 1829; d. Dec. 24, 1880; mrd. Hannah W. Stevens, Mar. 24, 1859. She was b. Mar. 24, 1837. P. O., New Centerville, Pa. Farmer. Children: 1. William; 2. Elizabeth; 3. Andrew; 4. Ella; 5. Isaac; 6. Maud; 7. Winfield; 8. Jacob; 9. Mary. VI.— 1. William K. Walker, b. near Church Hill, Mary- land, July 24, 1860; d. Jan. 7, 1900; mrd. Mary E. Stevens, Jan. 19, 1882. P. O., New Centerville, Pa. Farmer. Meth. Children: 1. James; 2. Jacob; 3. Thomas. 14 194 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VM.— 1. James Clay S. Walker, b. Oct. 30, 1882. VII.— 2. Jacob B. Walker, b. ; d. . VII.— 3. Thomas K. Walker, b. Aug. 19, 1889. VI.— 2. Elizabeth B. Walker, b. in Maryland, Dec. 16, 1863; mrd. Jas. Thomas Stevens, Dec. 28, 1881. P. O., Barclay, Md. Farmer. Meth. Ep. Children: VII. — 1. John Frederick Stevens, b. Jan. 5, 1883. VII.— 2. Hannah Elsie Stevens, b. Feb. 3, 1885. VII. — 3. Frances Lillian Stevens, b. Apr. 20, 1886. VII. — 4. James Clayland Stevens, b. Oct. 9, 1887. VII.— 5. Jacob Walker Stevens, b. Mar. 25, 1889; d. Aug. 8, 1889. VII.— 6. Mary Kemble Stevens, b. May 10, 1890. VII.— 7. Winfield Walker Stevens, b. July 16, 1891; d. Jan. 28, 1892. VII.— 8. Ella Walker Stevens, b. Oct. 13, 1892; d. Oct. 3, 1893. VII.— 9. Leila Williams Stevens (twin), b. Oct. 13, 1892; d. Sept. 5, 1893. VII.— 10. Elizabeth Molony Stevens, b. Mar. 22, 1895. VII. — 11. Miriam Roseberry Stevens, b. Oct. 13, 1897. VI. — 3. Andrew C. Walker, b. in Queen Anna Co., Md., Apr. 18, 1865. P. O., New Centerville, Pa. Farmer. Brethren Ch. VI. — 4. Ella R. Walker, b. in Queen Anna Co., Md., July 12, 1866. P. O., New Centerville, Pa. Brethren Ch. VI. — 5. Isaac W. Walker, b. at Church Hill, Queen Anna Co., Md., May 3, 1870; mrd. Maud L. Markwith, June 22, 1898. P. O., Orange, N. J. Stenographer. Presby. VI.— 6. Maud Walker, b. . VI.— 7. Winfield S. Walker, b. in Queen Anna Co., Md., JOHN BEITLER. 1»5 May 6, 1872. Res., 604 Girard Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Stenographer. Brethren Ch. VI. — 8. Jacob B. Walker, b. in Maryland, Mar. 9, 1874. Res., 200 Betz Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Stenographer. VI.— 9. Mary K. Walker, b. in Maryland, Aug. 14, 1876. P. O., New Centerville, Pa. Brethren Ch. V. — 2. Mary Frances Walker, b. Apr. 6, 1831, in Chester Co., Pa., near Valley Forge, on the old Walker homestead, which was Lord Stirling's headquarters during the Revolu- tionary war; mrd. William H. Kemble, May 27, 1852. He was b. Apr. 19, 1828; d. Sept. 26, 1891. P. O., Glenside, Pa. Mr. Kemble was a prominent and useful citizen. He held the office of State Treasurer, was President of the Phila- delphia Union Street Car Co., and President of the North W. Nat. Bank of Philadelphia. Previous to his death he erected the Woodbury (N. J.) Methodist Episcopal church as a memorial to his mother, at a cost of about $100,000. He was a wealthy man, his accumulations running up into the millions. Presby's. Children: 1. Clay; 2. Elizabeth; 3. Emma; 4. Isaac. VI. — 1. Clay Kemble, b. Mar. 7, 1853; mrd. Jennie Chambers. Res., 1504 Green St., Philadelphia, Pa. Children: VII.— 1. William H. Kemble, Jr., b. Aug. 27, 1880. VII.— 2. Florence Kemble, b. Nov. 22, 1882. VI.— 2. Elizabeth Kemble, b. Sept. 25, 1854; mrd. George R. Yarrow. Res., 2205 Green St., Philadelphia, Pa. Epis. Children: VII. — 1. Mary Frances Kemble Yarrow, b. July 25, 1877; d. Jan. 26, 1887. VII.— 2. Harry Crissy Yarrow, b. Oct. 18, 1880. VII.— 3. Walker Kemble Yarrow, b. Jan. 11, 1888. VII.— 4. William H. K. Yarrow, b. Sept. 24, 1891. VI.— 3. Emma Kemble, b. Oct. 25, 1856; d. Nov. 1, 1857. 196 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.-— 4. Isaac Walker Kemble. b. Nov. 1, 1857; mrd. M. Virginia Supplee. Res., 1122 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Children: VII. — 1. Elizabeth Supplee Kemble, b. Jan. 11, 1882. VII.— 2. Francis Walker Kemble, b. May 16, 1886. VII.— 3. M. Virginia Kemble, b. Jan. 15, 1890. V. — 3. Thomas P. Walker, b. in Tredyffryn Twp., Ches- ter Co., Pa., Apr. 8, 1834; mrd. Charlotte Emma Weber, Feb. 12, 1856. P. O., Pawling, Pa. Retired. Presby. Children: 1. Charles; 2. Mary; 3. Howard; 4. Charlotte; 5. Isaac; 6. William; 7. Emma; 8. Thomas; 9. Edith. VI. — 1. Rev. Charles Carroll Walker, b. at New Center- ville, Chester Co., Pa., Dec. 16, 1856. He was married to Amanda Harley, of Port Providence, Pa., Nov. 23, 1886, by Rev. John Hall, D. D., of New York. He was converted in 1873, and identified himself with the Presbyterian church. He was educated at Ivy Institute, Treemount Seminary; West Chester State Normal School ; Drew Theological Sem- inary, from which he graduated in 1882, and Princeton Theological Seminary, where he took a post graduate course in 1886-7, after which he taught school eight years. He is a member of the Presbytery of Chester, Synod of Pennsylvania, and has served as pastor of the Glen Riddle Presbyterian church for five years. P. O., Upland, Pa. Children: VII.— 1. Imogene Walker, b. Jan. 26, 1890. VII.— 2. Charles Harley Walker, b. June 15, 1895. VI.— 2. Mary W. Walker, b. Apr. 14, 1858; d. Jan. 18, 1865. VI. — 3. J. Howard Walker, b. in Chester Co., Pa., June 8, 1860; mrd. Laura R. Dallman, of Philadelphia, Nov. 22, 1881. P. O., Passaic, N. J. Merchant, running a fancy and staple grocery. For nine years he was postmaster at Mont Clare, Pa., where he conducted a large general store. Cong. Children: JOHN BEITLER. 197 VII.— 1. Howard Leon Walker, b. Sept. 17, 1882; d. Aug. 17, 1883. VII.— 2. Emma Claudine Walker, b. Nov. 23, 1884. . VII.— 3. Thomas Harold Walker, b. Aug. 17, 1889. VI!.— 4. Herbert L. Walker, b. Dec. 15, 1896. VII.— 5. Willis Walker (twin), b. Dec. 15, 1896. VI.— 4. Charlotte Elizabeth Walker, b. May 19, 1862. P. O., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Presby. VI. — 5. Isaac Newton Walker, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Sept. 27, 1864; mrd. Martha Sunderland. P. O., Pawling. Pa. Farmer. Methodist. No children. VI.— 6. William Kemble Walker, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Apr. 3, 1867. P. O., Dixmont, Pa. He graduated at Pierce's College of Business, Philadelphia, Pa., May 1883, and the Pennsylvania University, May 1891; is Assistant Superin- tendent of the Western Pennsylvania Asylum for the Insane at Dixmont, Allegheny Co., Pa. Unmarried. VI. — 7. Emma Marian Walker, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Sept. 6, 1869; mrd. Fredrick S. Drake. P. O., Overbrook, Pa. Member of the Philadelphia bar. Presby. No children. VI. — 8. Thomas Herbert Walker, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Apr. 24, 1872. P. O., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Merchant. Presby. VI.— 9. Edith Weber Walker, b. May 1, 1878. P. O., Bryn Mawr, Pa. Presby, V. — 4. Hannah Walker, b. at the old Curry homestead, Oct. 18, 1835; mrd. William Casselberry Weber, Feb. 22, 1855. He was born at Millgrove, Montgomery Co., Pa., Nov. 30, 1826; died at Edgewood, near Jeffersonville, Pa., Jan. 24, 1894. He was a farmer, but in early life taught school in Ohio and Pennsylvania, and for several years filled the office of Assessor and Tax Collector in Tredyffrin Twp., Chester Co., Pa. In politics he was a Republican. He was an Elder in the Presbyterian church at Jeffersonville up to the time of his death. Children: 1. Laura; 2. Elizabeth; 198 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. 3. Harrison; 4. Charlotte; 5. John; 6. Winfield; 7. Isaac; 8. Elmina; 9. Joseph; 10. Mary; 11. Ella; 12. Charles; 13. Norwood; 14. Emma; 15. James. VI.— 1. Laura Weber, b. Nov. 26, 1855; d. Oct. 14, 1856. VI.— 2. Elizabeth Weber, b. Oct. 3, 1856; d. July 18, '57. VI.— 3. W. Harrison Weber, b. Feb. 1, 1858; mrd. Mary Clover. P. O., Norristown, Pa. Children: VII.— 1. Charlotte Weber. VII.— 2. Mary H. Weber. VII.— 3. Helen Weber. VII. — 4. Stanley Harrison Weber. VII. — 5. Marguerite Weber. VI.— 4. Charlotte A. Weber, b. July 13, 1859; mrd. Prof. Wm. Henry Walker. P. O., New Centerville, Pa. Children: VII.— 1. Isabelle Walker. VII.— 2. Wm. Weber Walker. VII.— 3. Hannah Walker. VI.— 5. John C. Weber, b. Dec. 3, 1860; mrd. Lizzie Woodward. Presby. One child: VII.— 1. John C. Weber. VI.— 6. Winfield S. Weber, b. in Montgomery Co., Pa., Jan. 10, 1862; mrd. Elizabeth Cuthbertson, Sept. 25, 1890. Res., 611 DeKalb St., Norristown, Pa. Paper hanger. Presby. Children: VM.— 1. William Cuthbertson Weber, b. Feb. 20, 1893. VM.— 2. Marian Weber, b. Aug. 23, 1897. VI.— 7. Isaac Weber, b. Mar. 9, 1863; d. June 26, 1893. VI. — 8. Elmina Weber, b. in Lower Providence Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa., Oct. 25, 1864; mrd. Clayton B. Lamb, May 15, 1883. P. O., Jeffersonville, Pa. Presby. Children: JOHN BEITLER. 199 VII.— 1. Preston B. Lamb, b. Oct. 13, 1884; d. Oct. 20, 1885. VII.— 2. Lizzie Wells Lamb, b. Oct. 12, 1885. VII.— 3. Winfield Weber Lamb, b. Mar. 20, 1887. VII. — 4. Hannah Florence Lamb, b. June 3, 1888. VII.— 5. Clayton Biddle Lamb, b. Apr. 20, 1890; d. Sept. 14, 1890. VI.— 9. Joseph B. Weber, b. June 9, 1866; d. Sept. 24, 1867. VI. — 10. Mary Frances Weber, b. on the old Weber homestead near Jeffersonville, Montgomery Co., Pa., Dec. 30, 1867; mrd. George B. Schlotterer, June 11, 1896. Res., 112 North 2d St., Allentown, Pa. Yardmaster for the Philadelphia & Reading Railway at Terminal Junction. Mrs. Schlotterer before marriage taught school for eight years in Montgomery county, during which she took a trip to the World's Fair, Chicago, 1893, in company with her brother, W. S. Weber. She was chosen historian of the class of '88, Norristown High School, having graduated from that institution that year (1888), and at the com- mencement in the opera house she read an original poem on "Gettysburg." In addition to her household duties she finds time to write frequent historical sketches for the Nor- ristown Herald and the Schwenksville Item, being a weekly contributor to the latter paper from her home "Air Castle," Ironbridge. Her chief enjoyment is painting, for which she has inherited talent. She is the author of the following poems and sketches, viz.: Spring; Gettysburg; A Memoir; Valley Forge; Barriers Torn Away; Description of the White City from Lake Michigan; Mount Holly, N. J., and its Attractions; What April Brings; Fourth o' July; The Widow's Mite; In Memoriam of Adelaide Parmalee; De- scription of Wedding Festivities of Rev. Francis W. Beidler and Miss Ella Carr Weber; and A Trip up the P. & R. to Schuylkill Co. Presby. Children: VM.— 1. Martha Walker Schlotterer, b. Oct. 17, 1901. 200 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 11. Ella C. Weber, b. Mar. 2, 1869; mrd. Rev. Francis Beidler. (See Rev. Francis Beidler family.) VI.— 12. Charles Weber, b. May 30, 1872. VI.— 13. G. Norwood Weber, b. June 6, 1875. VI.— 14. Emma Walker Weber, b. Oct. 16, 1876. VI.— 15. James Wells Weber, b. July 1, 1881. V. — 5. William Walker, b. ; d. ; mrd. Maria Harmer. One child: VI. — 1. Linwood Walker; died young. V. — 6. Joseph B. Walker, b. ; mrd. Mary Cole- hower. She died . One child: 1. Harry. Joseph mrd. second wife, Mary N. McCann. Res., 1526 Fairmount Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. VI. — 1. Harry Walker, b. ; mrd. Ida Hart. V. — 7. Elizabeth Walker, b. in Lower Providence Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa., May 3, 1841; mrd. James G. Wells,* Apr. 16, 1867. He was b. in Norriston Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa., June 24, 1839; d. July 19, 1900. Res., 1112 Wallace St., Philadelphia, Pa. Druggist. Presby's. Children: VI.— 1. Willie K. Wells, b. in Philadelphia, May 27, 1868; d. May 29, 1880. VI. — 2. Hepsey Norris Wells, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 8, 1872. Presby. S. VI.— 3. Mary Wells, b. Oct. 24, 1879; d. Mar. 24, 1888. V. — 8. Isaac Walker, b. near Shannonville, Montgomery Co., Pa.; d. near Phoenixville, Pa., 1872; mrd. Mary Emily Roberts, Jan. 6, 1869. She was b. in Chester Co., Pa. P. O., New Centerville, Pa. Farmer. Friends. Children: 1. Benjamin. VI. — 1. Benjamin R. Walker, b. at New Centerville, Pa., * He was descended on his mother's side from Chas. Norris, one of the early settlers of Pennsylvania, in honor of whom Norristown received its name. JOHN BEITLER. 201 July 2, 1870. P. O., New Centerville, Pa. Merchant. Friend. Single. IV.— 3. William Beidler, b. Dec. 14, 1806; d. Sept. 16, 1813. IV.— 4. Jacob Beidler, b. Oct. 14, 1808; d. Sept. 7, 1813. IV.— 5. Abraham Beidler, b. Oct. 9, 1810; d. May 9, 1872; mrd. Sarah W. Stephens, Mar. 9, 1841. She was b. in Chester Co., Dec. 16, 1822; d. Mar. 20, 1864. Farmer. Menn. ; Mrs. Beidler, Friend or Quaker. Children: 1. Han- nah; 2. Annie; 3. Margaret; 4. Stephen; 5. William; 6. Ellen; 7. Fannie; 8. Harry; 9. Louisa; 10. Jacob; 11. Abra- ham; 12. Laura. V. — 1. Hannah Mary Beidler, b. at Chester Valley, Pa., Apr. 30, 1842; mrd. Mordecai Davis, Mar. 29, 1871. He was b. in Chester Valley, Pa., Oct. 13, 1829; d. at Chester Val- ley, Pa., June 27, 1898. Farmer. Friends. Children: 1. Ellen. VI. — 1. Ellen Stephens Davis, b. at Chester Valley, Pa., Aug. 28, 1872. P. O., Port Kennedy, Pa. Teacher, Friend. S. v.— 2. Annie L. Beidler, b. in Chester Valley, Pa., near Valley Forge, Mar. 5, 1844; mrd. Cyrus H. Caley, Mar. 16, 1865. He was b. at Radnor, Delaware Co., Pa., in 1842. P. O., Abrams, Pa. Farmer. Friends. Children: 1. Harry; 2. Sarah; 3. Ella; 4. Laura; 5. Oswald; 6. Jonathan; 7. David; 8. Hannah. VI.— 1. Harry Thomas Caley, b. Dec. 11, 1865; d. Apr. 13, 1867. Vi.— 2. Sarah Lucy Caley, b. May 11, 1868. V!.— 3. Ella Beidler Caley, b. Dec. 14, 1869; mrd. Wil- liam Z. Frederick, Nov. 7, 1891. P. O., Jefferson, Pa. Children: VI!. — 1. Anna Susan Frederick. 202 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VII. — 2. Frances Caley Frederick. VI. — 4. Laura Massey Caley, b. Dec. 6, 1873; mrd. Wil- liam Carver Moore, son of Richard and Elizabeth (Carver) Moore, Dec. 6, 1900. Children: VII.— 1. Cyrus Norman Moore, b. Sept. 12, 1902. VI.— 5. J. Oswald Caley, b. Apr. 4, 1876; mrd. Lydia Foulke Moore, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth (Carver) Moore, Nov. 14, 1900. VI. — 6. Jonathan Richards Caley, b. Mar. 8, 1878. VI.— 7. David Ashmore Caley, b. Aug. 21, 1880; mrd. Katharine D. Moyer, Sept. 9, 1902. P. O., Atlantic City, N. J. Bookkeeper. VI.— 8. Hannah Mary Caley, b. May 4, 1883. V. — 3. Margaret C. Beidler, b. in Montgomery Co., Pa., Jan. 4, 1846; mrd. Abraham M. Metz, Aug. 5, 1869. Res., 1314 Baltic Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Butcher. Children: 1. Sarah; 2. Thomas; 3. Frank. VI.— 1. Sarah Eliza Metz, b. May 13, 1870; mrd. Richard P. Harris, Nov. 28, 1895. Res., 130 N. Virginia Ave., Atlan- tic City, N. J. Carpenter. Presby. No children. VI.— 2. Thomas O. Metz, b. Aug. 10, 1874. P. O., 1314 Baltic Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Carpenter. Single. VI.— 3. Frank B. Metz, b. June 20, 1876; d. Oct. 1877. V. — 4. Stephen L. Beidler b. in Montgomery Co., Pa., Dec. 2, 1848; mrd. Emma Yarnall, Sept. 14, 1876. P. O., White Horse, Pa. Farmer. Children: VI.— 1. Lizzie \. Beidler, b. Dec. 29, 1878. VI.— 2. S. Leslie Beidler, b. Apr. 12, 1882. VI.— 3. William M. Beidler, b. Sept. 5, 1891. V. — 5. William S. Beidler, b. June 5, 1851; d. Jan. 16, 1864. V. — 6. Ella Beidler, b. in Chester Valley, Chester Co., Pa., May 5, 1853; mrd. Jonathan Elliott, Mar. 27, 1878. He JOHN BEITLER. 203 was born in Chichester, Delaware Co., Pa., Mar. 26, 1854. Res., 3210 Haverford Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Machinist. Baptists. Children: 1. Alva; 2. Roland; 3. Fannie; 4. Edna; 5. Norman; 6. Mary; 7. Paul. VI. — 1. Alva Wayne Elliott, b. in East Nottingham, Chester Co., Pa., Oct. 23, 1879; mrd. Blanche G. Jones, May 12, 1896. Res., 610 S. Mattact St., West Chester, Pa. Mergenthaler linotype operator in office of Daily Local News, West Chester, Pa. Clerk of Olivet Baptist church. West Chester. Children: VII.— 1. Edwin Russel Elliott, b. Dec. 28, 1896. VII.— 2. Francis Harold Elliott, b. Apr. 17, 1898; d. Sept. 27, 1898. VII.— 3. Raymond Arthur Elliott, b. Sept. 27, 1899. VII.— 4. Grace Marjorie Elliott, b. Nov. 16, 1901. VI.— 2. Roland A. Elliott, b. Oct. 23, 1882. Res., Phila- delphia, Pa. VI.— 3. Fannie L. Elliott, b. Nov. 20, 1884. VI.— 4. Edna B. Elliott, b. Dec. 29, 1886; d. in infancy. VI.— 5. Norman W. Elliott, b. July 9, 1888. VI.— 6. Mary E. Elliott, b. Jan. 8, 1890. VI.— 7. Paul D. Elliott, b. Dec. 1892; died in infancy. V. — 7. Fannie Elizabeth Beidler, born near Valley Forge, Montgomery Co., Pa., Nov. 6, 1854; mrd. Marine W. Thomas, Jan. 17, 1877. Res., 809 W. 7th St., Wilmington, Del. Engineer. Baptists. One child: VI.— 1. Joseph D. Thomas, b. Oct. 27, 1877; mrd. Mabel B. Boddy, daughter of John S. and Mary E. Boddy, Apr. 25, 1901. Machinist. Baptist. V. — 8. Harry Pawling Beidler, b. Mar. 18, 1856; d. May 29, 1856. V. — 9. Sarah Louisa Beidler, b. in Montgomery Co., Pa., June 25, 1857; mrd. Jonathan J. Roberts, May 17, 1882. 204 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. He was born in Montgomerj^ Co., Pa., June 1, 1852. Res... 35 N. Virginia Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Commission merchant. Presby. Children: VI.— 1. Mary Davis Roberts, b. Feb. 12, 1883. VI.— 2 VI.— 3 VI.— 4 VI.— 5 VI.— 6 Edith May Roberts, b. Jan. 28, 1886. Walter Jonathan Roberts, b. Jan. 24. 1890. William Bushby Roberts, b. Sept. 25, 1893. Edward Holstein Roberts, b. Nov. 24, 1894. Louisa Beidler Roberts, b. July 30, 1896. V. — 10. Jacob H. Beidler, b. in Upper Merion, Mont- gomery Co., Pa., Mar. 20. 1859; mrd. R. Jennie Shainline, Mar. 31, 1887. P. O., Abrams, Pa. Farmer and pork butcher. Attend Friends meeting. Children: VI.— 1. Helen A. Beidler, b. Apr. 2, 1888. VI.— 2. J. Warren Beidler, b. May 20, 1890. VI.— 3. Ethel J. Beidler, b. Jan. 22, 1893. VI.— 4. Anna L. Beidler, b. Dec. 12, 1894. VI.— 5. Howard J. Beidler, b. Jan. 23, 1898. V. — 11. Abraham Lincoln Beidler, b. May 6, 1861; d. Jan. 11, 1864. v.— 12. Laura May Beidler. b. Feb. 18. 1863; d. Dec. 25, 1863. IV.— 6. Joseph Beidler, b. Jan. 12, 1812; d. Oct. 21, 1834. iV.— 7. Daniel Beidler, M. D., b. Mar. 12, 1814; d. Nov. 27, 1872. He was assistant in the Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane for several years. Spiritualist. Single. IV. — 8. Rev. Israel Beidler, b. in Tredyffrin Twp., Chester Co., Pa., July 23, 1815; d. at same place, Feb. 16, 1876'; mrd. Mary Latshaw. She was b. in Pikeland Twp., Chester Co., Pa.; d. at St. Louis, Mo., Apr. 21, 1902. Farmer and minister of the "Reformed" Mennonite church, and JOHN BEITLER. 205 ivas stated preacher for Diamond Rock meeting near Howellville, and also at Mennonite church, Phoenixville, Pa. Buried at Phoenixville. Children: 1. Susanna; 2. Mary; 3. Theodore; 4. Joseph; 5. Sallie; 6. Jacob. V. — 1. Susanna Beidler, b. ; mrd. Gilbert H. Todd. Children: 1. William; 2. Mary; 3. Martha; 4. Charlotte. VI.— 1. William Todd, b. in 1868; mrd. Minnie Livey. P. O., Valley Forge, Pa. Insurance agent. Children: VII.— 1. Catharine Todd. VII.— 2. Gilbert Todd. VI.— 2. Mary Todd, born in 1871. S. VI.— 3. Martha Todd, b. in 1875. S. VI.— 4. Charlotte Todd, b. in 1879. S. v.— 2. Mary Frances Beidler, b. in 1842; d. in 1863. V. — 3. Theodore F. Beidler, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Nov. 2, 1844; mrd. Mattie S. Scrogin, of Kentucky, June 30, 1870. Res., 1260 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Coal merchant and manufacturer. Children: 1. Albert; 2. Howard; 3. Theodore; 4. Elliott; 5. Lillian. VI. — 1. Albert Beidler, deceased. VI.— 2. Howard Tait Beidler, b. July 21, 1872; mrd. Lena Martin Stevely, Dec. 9. 1899. She was b. May 1, 1876. Res., Cleveland, O. Children: VII.— 1. George Howard Beidler, b. Feb. 10. 1901. VI. — 3. Theodore Frelinghysen Beidler, Jr.; mrd. Nettie Lockwood. Res., Cleveland, O. Children: VII.— 1. Ford Elliott Beidler. VI.— 4. Elliott W. Beidler, b. at Warren, Pa., Apr. 1, 1877. P. O., Loomis, Washington. Mine operator. Presby. S. VI. — 5. Lillian Beidler, b. at Cleveland, O., Dec. 25, 1880; mrd. Seymour Austin Potter, Oct. 23, 1901. Res., Cleveland, Ohio. Steel and iron salesman. Episcopal. C: 206 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VII.— 1. Martha Kathryn Potter, b. Nov. 24, 1902. V. — 4. Joseph Beidler, b. in Chester Valley, Chester Co., Pa., Jan. 3, 1847; mrd. Agnes N. Stephens, Dec. 9, 1869. P. O., Saint Cloud, Minn. Miller. Presby. Children: 1. Francis; 2. Israel; 3. Joseph; 4. Harold; 5. Mary; 6. Edith; 7. Virginia. VI. — 1. Rev. Francis Walker Beidler, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Feb. 23, 1871; mrd. Ella C. Weber, May 12, 1898. P.O., Worcester, Mass. His early education was received in West Chester, Pa. When about thirteen years of age his parents moved to Minneapolis, Minn., where he spent several years in various employments, mainly in the flour mills of that city. Re- suming his studies, he graduated from Macalester College, St. Paul, Minn., in 1894, with the degree of B. R. In the fall of the same year (1894) he entered Princeton Theolog- ical Seminary and completed the course in that institution. In February 1897, several months before his studies were completed, he was called to supply the pulpit of the Cen- tennial Presbyterian church, at Jeffersonville, Montgomery Co., Pa., and on May 13 of the same year was ordained and installed as pastor of that church. In August 1900 he ac- cepted a call to the First Presbyterian church of Worcester, Mass., where unusual success has met his labors. Children: VII. — 1. Claude Brodhead Beidler, b. Aug. 8, 1900. VI.— 2. Israel Nelson "Ray" Beidler, b. Aug. 22, 1872; d. June 24, 1895. VI. — 3. Joseph Herman Beidler, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 21, 1874; mrd. Sarah Atherton Kidder, Nov. 28, 1893. P. O., Saint Cloud, Minn. Miller. Presby. Children: VII.— 1. Harold Herman Beidler, b. July 8, 1894. VII.— 2. Agnes Emily Beidler, b. Sept. 1899. VI.— 4. Harold Freeman Beidler, b. Feb. 18, 1877; mrd. Mabel Folsom, Oct. 23, 1901. P. O., Dickinson, N. Dak. Electrician. Presby. JOHN BEITLER. 207 VI. — 5. Mary Allison Beidler, b. Jan. 10, 1879. P. O., St. Cloud, Minn. Presby. VI.— 6. Edith Osmond Beidler, b. Feb. 2, 1882. P. O., St. Cloud, Minn. Presby. VI.— 7. Virginia May "Verna" Beidler, b. July 13, 1888. Presby. V. — 5. Sallie Latshaw Beidler, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Feb. 19, 1850; mrd. Joseph C. Batchelor, Oct. 13, 1870. Res., 254 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Wholesale coal dealer. Presby. Children: 1. Mary; 2. Jessie; 3. Ward. VI. — 1. Mary Israella Batchelor, b. Aug. 1, 1871; mrd. William Ruggles Watterson, Sept. 21, 1899. Res., Buffalo, N. Y. Children: VII. — 1. Joseph Batchelor Watterson, b. Aug. 7, 1900. VI. — 2. Jessie Hannah Batchelor, b. May 9, 1873; mrd. Maurice Saunders, Oct. 22, 1895. Children: VII.— 1. Sallie Saunders, b. Nov. 9, 1897. VII. — 2. Maurice Saunders, Jr., b. May 4, 1899. VI.— 3. Ward Atlee Batchelor, b. Aug. 15, 1875; mrd. Margaret Taylor, Sept. 8, 1898. Res., Buffalo, N. Y. Children: VII.— 1. Margaret Louise Batchelor, b. Feb. 17, 1901. V. — 6. Jacob Atlee Beidler, b. in Tredyffrin Twp., Chester Co., Pa., Nov. 2, 1852; mrd. Hannah M. Rhoades, of Phoenixville, Pa., Sept. 14, 1876. P. O., Willoughby, Lake Co., Ohio. He was educated in the country schools and attended Lock's Seminary at Norristown, Pa., for four years, after which he moved to Ohio and engaged in the coal business, and is still engaged as a coal operator. On May 10, 1900, he was nominated for Congress on the Republican ticket of the Twentieth district of Ohio, and was elected over both the regular Democratic nominee and an independent Republican candidate, and was re- elected to a second term at the fall election of 1902. Presby. Children: 208 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 1. Mary Frances Beidler. VI.— 2. Mabel Rebecca Beidler. VI. — 3. Joseph Arthur Beidler. VI. — 4. Jacob Dudley Beidler. IV.— 9. Mary Beidler, b. Sept. 14, 1817; d. Apr. 29, 1866. S. Menn. IV.— 10. Hannah Beidler, b. Mar. 25, 1819; d. Aug. 1902, at the homestead in Chester Valley, Pa., in the eightieth year of her life. Farmer. Menn. Single. IV.— 11. Samuel Beidler, b. June 27, 1821; d. July 2, 1822. IV.— 12. Josiah Beidler, b. Aug. 14, 1823; d. Sept. 4, 1823. SECTION II. III.— 2. John Beitler, b. Mar. 11, 1780; d. Dec. 22, 1872; mrd. Anna Longacre. She was b. Nov. 3, 1784; d. Nov. 26, 1858. He purchased the farm at Lionville and lived thereon the rest of his days. The farm was also the residence of his son, John Beitler, but is now (1899) occupied by the latter's son, Holland Beitler. John Beitler, the subject of this sketch, was of German descent and combined the generous hospitality and habits of industry for which the true type of his race are proverb- ial. Dying at the great age of nearly ninety-three years, he had survived all his youthful companions of his own age, and remained to the succeeding generations an object of veneration for purity of character and kindliness of nature, such as is rarely found. Lacking much book education, yet he possessed such clear common sense and soundness of judgment as to make his counsel sought by high and low. Though living to an age when most minds become feeble. MAJOR ABRAM B. GARNER. (See itage l'38.) JOHN BEITLER. 209 his intellect remained unclouded to the last, and he de- lighted to have his neighbors and acquaintances call to see him and talk over current events of the day. His mind was richly stored with reminiscences of the past, reaching far back into the dim distance beyond the memories of those by whom he was surrounded, and constituted a living his- tory of the neighborhood for three-fourths of a century. He was one of the County Commissioners of Chester county in 1838, and during his term the present county jail at West Chester was built. He was also a member of the State Legislature of Pennsylvania in 1843. To both of these positions he was chosen for his rare honesty and freedom from the scheming of the politicians. His funeral took place on the 26th of December, 1872, which was the most inclement day of the season; the respect in which he was held was proven by those attending regardless the extreme cold and blinding hail and snow. He lived to be loved by his grandchildren and great-grandchildren, an esteemed citizen. Full of years, at the advanced age of ninety-three, he passed away, the lamp of life slowly flickering out. He and wife were buried side by side in the Friends burying- ground at Lionville. Children: 1. Jesse; 2. Hannah; 3. John; 4. Mary; 5. Julia; 6. Eleanor. IV. — 1. Rev. Jesse Jones Beitler, b. in West Pikeland Twp., Chester Co., Pa., Feb. 4, 1805; d. in Charlestown, Chester Co., Pa., Apr. 13, 1863; mrd. Elizabeth Detweiler, Feb. 1, 1830. Children: 1. Eliza; 2. Sarah; 3. John; 4. Mary. Jesse mrd, second wife, Catharine Rohr. She was born in Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 15, 1807; d. in Chester Co., Pa., Sept. 22, 1849. Children: 5. Frances; 6. Catharine; 7. John; 8. Anna. Jesse mrd. third wife, Elizabeth Weisner. No children. Jesse Jones Beitler was a farmer by occupation, and lost his right hand in a threshing machine, Nov. 3, 1853. He then learned to write with his left hand. His neighbors were very kind to him and elected him to township oflSces from that time until his death. He was a minister of the 15 210 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Mennonite church, and he and his three wives are buried side by side in the old Diamond Rock Mennonite burying- ground, Chester Valley. v.— 1. Eliza Ann Beitler, b. Feb. 7, 1831; d. Mar. 27, 1890; mrd. James Showalter, Dec. 25, 1856. He d. Aug. 6, 1901. Children: 1. Frank; 2. Preston. VI. — 1. Frank Showalter. P. O., Phoenixville, Pa. VI. — 2. Preston Showalter. Died young. V. — 2. Sarah Beitler, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Apr. 6, 1833; mrd. Hon. Joseph E. Webster, Apr. 18, 1854. He was b. Nov. 2, 1827; d. Sept. 19, 1891. He was an active man in the church, and served in the State Legislature. P. O., Thurmont, Md. Children: 1. Anna; 2. Grant; 3. Amie. VI. — 1. Anna Virginia Webster; mrd. Wm. L. Ar- macost. VI. — 2. Grant Webster; mrd. Kate Ogle. VI.— 3. Amie Webster. v.— 3. John Beitler, b. Oct. 14, 1835; d. Oct. 15, 1835. v.— 4. Mary Beitler, b. Jan. 22, 1837; d. Apr. 8, 1838. v.— 5. Frances Beitler, b. Feb. 4, 1839; d. Apr. 1. 1849. v.— 6. Catharine Beitler, b. in Tredyffrin Twp., Ches- ter Co., Pa., Nov. 29, 1840; mrd. Henry Youngblood, Dec. 31, 1863. P. O., Secane, Del. Co., Pa. Laborer. Meth. Children: 1. Anna; 2. Alice; 3. Carrie; 4. Harry; 5. Agnes. VI.— 1. Anna Eliza Youngblood, b. Nov. 23, 1864; mrd. John J. McMenamin, July 16, 1890. Res., 3624 Brown St., Philadelphia, Pa. Flagman on the Pennsylvania Railroad. Catholics. No children. VI.— 2. Alice Christian Youngblood, b. Sept. 21, 1866; d. May 26, 1886. VI.— 3. Carrie Elizabeth Youngblood, b. Jan. 11, 1870. VI.— 4. Harry Augustus Youngblood, b. Sept. 7, 1874; mrd. Mary Emma Colington, of Delaware Co., Pa., Feb. 17, I JOHN BEITLER. 211 1894. She d. Oct. 24, 1894. One child: Josephine. Harry mrd. second wife, Annie A. Herbert, of Del. Co., Pa., Aug. 2, 1899. Res., 5069 Marion Ave., W. Philadelphia, Pa. Machinist. Catholic. VII. — 1. Josephine Youngblood, b. Sept. 3, and d. Sept. 28, 1894. VI. — 5. Agnes C. Youngblood, b. Feb. 28, 1877. V. — 7. John Beitler, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Jan. 28, 1842; mrd. Elizabeth Ann Hampton, Dec. 28, 1865. P. O., Pickering, Pa. Laborer. Methodist. One child: 1. Emerene. VI.— 1. Emerene M. Beitler, b. July 26, 1867; mrd. John E. Shoffner. Res., 552 Noble St., Norristown, Pa. Carpen- ter. Luth's. One child: VII.— 1. J. Edgar Shoffner, Jr., b. Apr. 10, 1890. V. — 8. Anna Beitler, b. in Tredyffrin Twp., Chester Co., Pa., May 16, 1844; mrd. George M. Mills, of Philadelphia, Pa., June 4, 1865. Res., 14 Carlton Ave., Jersey City Heights, N. J. Supt. of Machinery, Master Machinist for the Crandle Godley Co., of New York City, N. Y. Meth. Ep. Children: 1. Mary; 2. Thomas; 3. George. VI.— 1. Mary Hawley Mills, b. Nov. 4, 1866. Meth. Ep. Single. VI.— 2. Thomas Grant Mills, b. Jan. 7, 1869; mrd. Ida May Brown, of Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 26, 1895. Res., 2451 N. 31st St., Philadelphia, Pa. Salesman for the Sanquoit Silk Co., of Philadelphia, Pa. Attends Meth. Ep. church. One child: VII.— 1. George Atlee Mills, b. Oct. 23, 1896. VI.— 3. George Atlee Mills, b. June 15, 1874; d. Feb. 27, 1875. IV. — 2. Hannah Beitler, b. at Lionville, Chester Co., Pa., June 2, 1806; d. at Downingtown, Pa., Mar. 18, 1880; mrd. William Rogers, in 1828. He was b. in Berks Co., Pa., 212 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Feb. 12, 1798; d. Dec. 17, 1877. Tailor by trade, and mer- chant. Attended Friends meeting. Children: 1. John; 2. Jesse; 3. George; 4. Anna; 5. Ellen. V. — 1. John Beitler Rogers, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Jan. 27, 1830; d. at Downingtown, Pa., Apr. 24, 1871; mrd. Annie, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Himes) Ludwick, Feb. 2, 1865. She was b. in Chester Co., Jan. 3, 1842; d. Nov. 28, 1886. Merchant. Mr. R., Quaker, desc; Mrs. R., Episcopal. Children: 1. William; 2. Mary. VI. — 1. William Logan Rogers, b. near Downingtown, Pa., Dec. 9, 1865. P. O., Downingtown, Pa. He has until recently been engaged in the manufacture of bricks at Downingtown, Pa. Firm of Rogers & Miller. S. VI. — 2. Mary Hawley Rogers, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Oct. 7, 1867. P. O., Downingtown, Pa. S. v.— 2. Jesse Rogers, b. Apr. 8, 1832; d. Feb. 23, 1893; mrd. Annie M. Mullin, deceased. Children: 1. Ellen; 2. Charles; 3. Havard. Jesse mrd. second wife, Sarah J. Todd. No children, VI. — 1. Ellen Rogers; died in infancy. VI. — 2. Charles Sloan Rogers; died in infancy. VI.— 3. W. Havard Rogers, b. ; d. Dec. 19, 1895; mrd. Susan McFarland, Oct. 28, 1885. P. O., West Chester, Pa. Children: 1. Annie; 2. William. VII. — 1. Annie Mullin Rogers. VII. — 2. William Havard Rogers. V. — 3. George F. Rogers, b. at Downingtown, Chester Co., Pa., July 1, 1834; mrd. Louisa Thompson, Mar. 24, 1863. She was b. in Lee Co., 111., in 1837. P. O., Clarinda, Iowa. Miller and farmer. Mr. R., Friend; Mrs. R., Church of God. One child: 1. Hannah. VI. — 1. Hannah B. Rogers, b. in Whiteside Co., 111., June 20, 1864; mrd. Clarence L. Dawes, in Page Co., Iowa, Jan. 3, 1884. P. O., Beloit, Kansas. Baptist. One child: JOHN BEITLER. 213 VII. — 1. Florus Rogers Dawes, b. in Page Co., Iowa, Nov. 13. 1884. V. — 4. Anna Maria Rogers, b. Dec. 26, 1886; d. Mar. 13, 1867; mrd. Wm. Paxon Bedford, Feb. 18, 1864. He was b. in Philadelphia, July 22, 1838; d. Sept. 25, 1866. Farmer. Friends Ch. One child: 1. Sarah. VI. — 1. Sarah Paxon Bedford, b. at Media, Delaware Co., Pa., May 12, 1865. P. O., West Chester, Pa. Librarian. Attends Friends meeting. S. V. — 5. Ellen Rogers, b. at Downingtown, Chester Co., Pa., May 13, 1840. P. O., West Chester, Pa. Attends Friends meeting. IV. — 3. John Beitler, b. in Pikeland Twp., Chester Co., Pa., Oct. 15, 1808; d. at Lionville, Pa., Feb. 8, 1894; mrd. Thomazen H. Thompson. She was b. in Uwchland Twp., Chester Co., Pa., Apr. 29, 1813; d. at Lionville, Pa., Feb. 1, 1883. Farmer, Hicksite Quaker. Children: 1. Hannah; 2. Julia; 3. Levis; 4. Elizabeth; 5. John; 6. Anna; 7. Henry; 8. Holland; 9. Luman. V. — 1. Hannah R. Beitler, b. in Uwchland Twp., Chester Co., Pa., Dec. 5, 1833; mrd. James Trimble, Jan. 4, 1870. P. O., Glen Locke, Pa. Farmer. Episcopal Ch. No children. V. — 2. Julia Beitler, b. in Lionville, Chester Co., Pa., Sept. 30, 1835; d. Oct. 10, 1883. Friend. S. V. — 3. Levis Thompson Beitler, b. in Lionville, Chester Co., Pa., Nov. 27, 1837; d. Feb. 1901; mrd. Almira Ober- holtzer, Apr. 13, 1871, daughter of Elias and Catharine (Acker) Oberholtzer. P. O., Anselma, Pa. Carpenter. Mr. Beitler enlisted Sept. 21, 1861, in Co. C, 97th Reg't Pa. Vol., at West Chester, as a private. He participated in the following sieges and captures: Siege of Fort Pulaski, February and March 1862; capture of Fort Clinch and Fernandina, Fla., Mar. 5, 1862; siege of Charleston, S. C, Apr. 7 to July 7, 1862; capture of Legareeville, John's Island, S. C, June 5, 1862; occupation of James Island, S. 214 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. C, June 9, 1862, and re-occupation on July 9, 1863; siege of Forts Sumpter, Moultrie, Johnson, Wagner and Gregg, on Morris Island, S. C, July, August and September 1863; capture of Forts Wagner and Gregg, Morris Island, S. C, Sept. 7, 1863; capture of Camp Cooper, Fla., Feb. 10, 1864; capture of Woodstock and Kings Ferry Mills, on St. Mary's River, Ga., Feb. 16, 1864; action with rebel cavalry near Woodstock Mills, Feb. 22, 1864; capture of Bermuda Hun- dred and City Point, May 6, 1864, and battle of Green Plains, Bermuda Hundred, where he was wounded in the leg, May 20, 1864. He was discharged from the U. S. Hospital, Sept. 1864, with rank of Second Corporal. Luth's. One child: VI.— 1. Leila O. Beitler, b. Feb. 4, 1873. V. — 4. Elizabeth M. Beitler, b. at Lionville, Uwchland Twp., Chester Co., Pa., Oct. 27, 1840; mrd. Wilmer Smedley, Feb. 13, 1868. He died Aug. 20, 1877. Res., 122 S. New St., West Chester, Pa. Was a miller. Quakers. Children: 1. Anna; 2. Havard; 3. Lucy; 4. Susan. VI.— 1. Anna Beitler Smedley, b. Dec. 19, 1868. P. O., West Chester, Pa. Teacher in the Friends School. Mem- ber of Friends meeting. VI. — 2. Havard Wilmer Smedley, b. Mar. 5, 1870; mrd. Alice C. Ashbridge, Oct. 14, 1896. P. O., West Chester, Pa. A builder. Member of Friends meeting. No children (1898). VI.— 3. Lucy Irene Smedley, b. Apr. 8, 1873. P. O., West Chester, Pa. Teacher. Member of Friends meeting. VI.— 4. Susan Smedley, b. July 19, 1874. P. O., West Chester, Pa. Teacher. Member of Friends meeting. v.— 5. John Beitler, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Apr. 4, 1843; mrd. Annie M. Steen, Mar. 19, 1874. P. O., Chester Valley, Pa. Merchant. Children: VI.— 1. Florence C. Beitler. S. VI.— 2. John Beitler. S. JOHN BEITLER. 215 V. — 6. Anna Beitler, b. at Lionville, Chester Co., Pa., Sept. 17, 1847; mrd. Thomas Downing, Nov. 27, 1896. P.O., Lionville, Pa. Farmer. Luth. No children. v.— 7. Henry Beitler, b. May 27, 1850; mrd. Rachel Stephens, Feb. 6, 1877. P. O., Lionville, Pa. Farmer and miller. Children: VI.— 1. Mary S. Beitler, b. Aug. 29, 1879. VI.— 2. Laroy Beitler, b. July 19, 1881. VI.— 3. Julia M. Beitler, b. Apr. 1, 1883. VI.— 4. Alice P. Beitler, b. Aug. 12, 1886. V. — 8. Holland Beitler, b. at Lionville, Pa., Jan. 2, 1853; mrd. Sarah Downing, daughter of William and Tamsen Downing, of Uwchland Twp., Chester Co. She was b. Nov. 27, 1846. P. O., Lionville, Pa. Farmer. Lutherans. No children. V. — 9. Luman Beitler, b. at Lionville, Chester Co., Pa., June 13, 1855; mrd. Anna R. Pyle, Oct. 20, 1887. P. O., West Grove, Pa. Merchant. Friends. One child: VI. — 1. Joseph Horace Beitler, b. Apr. 17, 1892. IV. — 4. Mary J. Beitler, b. at Lionville, Chester Co., Pa., June 4, 1811; d. May 22, 1898; mrd. Benjamin Hawley, Mar. 30, 1837. He was b. in Chester Co., Pa.; d. at Lion- ville, July 26, 1850; buried at Lionville Friends meeting- house. Farmer. Quaker. Children: 1. John; 2. Bernard. V. — 1. John Beitler Hawley, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Jan, 28, 1838; mrd. Elvira Cooper. P. O., Calvert, Md. Children: VI. — 1. Herbert Hawley. V. — 2. Bernard Hawley, b. at Lionville, Chester Co., Pa., July 30, 1844; mrd. Emma Walter, Mar. 10, 1868. P. O., West Chester, Pa. Farmer. Quakers. Children: 1. Lena; 2. Abbie; 3. Mary; 4. Harry. VI.— 1. Lena B. Hawley, b. Oct. 21, 1869; mrd. Elmer B. Sharpless. Farmer. 216 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 2. Abbie W. Hawley (twin), b. Oct. 21, 1869. VI. — 3. Mary Hawley; d. in infancy. VI. — 4. Harry Hawley; d. in infancy. IV.— 5. Julia Ann Beitler, b. Dec. 6, 1814; d. Oct. 20, 1834. Friends meeting. S. IV. — 6. Eleanor Beitler, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Dec. 25, 1816; d. July 27, 1888; mrd. Samuel Bringhurst, in 1838. He was b. in Pennsylvania, Dec. 21, 1812; d. at Taylorsr ville, Utah, Apr. 12, 1888. Wagon maker. Samuel Bring- hurst and wife joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (commonly called Mormons), about the year 1845. They soon thereafter left Chester Co., Pa., and went to Nauvoo, Illinois, where they resided about a year, when they were driven away by a mob, with all the rest of the Latter Day Saints, from their homes and temple. They crossed the Mississippi river and went to the Rocky Moun- tains, taking their effects — farming implements, seeds, grain, provisions, bedding for themselves and family in one wagon, drawn by an ox team. While camping on the banks of the Missouri river in a tent, with the weather so cold as to freeze the river over, a son was born to them. After a long and tiresome journey they reached the Salt Lake Valley in September 1847. They at once set to work to prepare the soil to grow their crops and to build a fort for protection from the Indians. The land was very dry and barren, and ditches had to be dug so as to irrigate the land before any crops could be grown. The first year they suc- ceeded in raising enough for seed, with a little to spare for food. Provisions were very scarce, and they lived mostly on roots and wild fowls. The second year after they had planted their crops, millions of crickets came and the prospect was that they would destroy everything, but the gulls flew in flocks from the lake every day and devoured the crickets, and thus a part of the crop was saved and the people delivered from starvation. HENRY GARNER. (See page '2'.i'^.) MARY F. GARNER. (See page 2id.) JOHN BEITLER. 217 Samuel Bringhurst, being a mechanic, spent most of his time in making grain cradles, stocking plows and re- pairing wagons. In the spring of 1850 he went two hundred miles south of Salt Lake City and established another colony, after which he returned to Salt Lake City and con- tinued at his trade. As one of the first settlers of Salt Lake Valley he did a great deal to build up and improve the country, which in fifty-two years has increased in popula- tion to about 300,000. Children: 1. William; 2. Anna; 3. Henry; 4. Robert; 5. Samuel; 6. Eleanor; 7. John; 8. Mary; 9. Louis. V. — 1. Bishop Wm. Augustus Bringhurst, b. in Lion- ville, Uwchland Twp., Chester Co., Pa., Jan. 26, 1839; mrd. Selinda Dolby Palmer, Sept. 27, 1862; d. Nov. 10, 1891. Children: 1. William; 2. Howard; 3. Eliza; 4. Mary; 5. Mifflin; 6. Lorenzo; 7. George; 8. Franklin; 9. Daniel; 10. Henry. William mrd. second wife, Susan Adams Steele, May 25, 1867. Children: 11. John; 12. Annie; 13. Joseph; 14. Mary; 15. Eleanor; 16. Lewis; 17. Jesse; 18. Laura. William mrd. third wife, Mary Jenet Stapley, Dec. 13, 1884. P. O., Toquerville, Utah. Merchant. Children: 19. Marias; 20. Vida; 21. Samuel; 22. Vera; 23. Leo; 24. Charles; 25. Arvilla. Bishop William A. Bringhurst was born at Lionville, Chester Co., Pa., Jan. 26, 1839. Removed with his parents to the city of Nauvoo in the State of Illinois, in the year 1845, they having become members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints previous to moving west. In 1847 the family, consisting of father, mother and three children, crossed the plains, traveling one thousand miles to Salt Lake Valley in a wagon drawn by three yokes of cattle, the trip lasting all summer. They arrived in the valley in September of that year, having endured many hardships and privations consequent upon such a journey. William A. Bringhurst, during the early settlement of the country in common with the community, endured many privations and hardships caused by scarcity of food and 218 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. clothing; starvation stared them in the face, but through the mercy of the Lord they were preserved. During his boyhood days his time was spent herding cattle in the summer and attending school in the winter. His chances for obtaining an education were limited, having to labor almost continuously for the support of the family. At the age of sixteen he entered his father's shop and learned the wheelwright trade. In the spring of 1862 he entered the service of the United States as a volunteer, when a call was made by President Lincoln upon Governor Young for a company of volunteers to suppress Indian troubles east of Salt Lake, in which service he continued until the com- pany was disbanded on the 9th of August, 1862. Early in life he was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, by Apostle John Taylor. In the spring of 1866 he removed from Salt Lake City to Toquerville, Utah, a distance of 300 miles, and engaged in the mercantile business, which he still follows. On the 15th of February, 1874, he was ordained to the office of bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which office he continues to hold, presiding in the town of Toquerville. Considerable of his life has been spent upon the frontier, where continual vigilance was the price of safety from hostile bands of Indians. VI.— 1. William A. Bringhurst, Jr., b. Sept. 29, 1863; mrd. Martha Granger, Mar. 30, 1886. P. O., Toquerville, Utah. Farmer and fruit grower. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Children: VII.— 1. William Walter Bringhurst, b. Dec. 25, 1886. VII.— 2. Archie Bringhurst, b. Apr. 23, 1888. VII.— 3. Clara Bringhurst, b. Nov. 16, 1889. VII. — 4. Benjamin Bringhurst, b. June 7, 1891. VII.— 5. Selinda Bringhurst, b. Feb. 5, 1893. VII.— 6. Laura Bringhurst, b. Aug. 16, 1895. VM.— 7. Louis Granger Bringhurst, b. Nov. 9, 1899. JOHN BEITLER. 219 VII.— 8. Gilbert Bringhurst, b. Feb. 15, 1903. VI. — 2. Howard Bringhurst, b. Aug. 14, 1865; mrd. Laura M. Davis, Dec. 17, 1895. P. O., Toquerville, Utah. Farmer. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Children : VII.— 1. Howard Leland Bringhurst, b. Apr. 10, 1897. VII.— 2. Clara Selinda Bringhurst, b. Feb. 8, 1899. VII.— 3. Ernest L. Bringhurst, b. Nov. 9, 1901. VI. — 3. Eliza Bethula Bringhurst, b. at Toquerville, Washington Co., Utah, Mar. 14, 1868; mrd. Conrad Moroni Kleinman, Feb. 15, 1888. In March 1888 they moved to Mesa City, Arizona, a distance of 400 miles, and returned to Toquerville, Utah, in September 1889. In July 1894 they moved to Cedar City, Utah, and in June 1895 removed and settled at Oneida, Bannock Co., Idaho, where they now reside. Farmer. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Children: VII.— 1. Howard Conrad Kleinman, b. Jan. 22, 1889. VII.— 2. Mifflin Kleinman, b. Nov. 9, 1891. VII.— 3. Moroni Kleinman, b. Apr. 30, 1894. VII.— 4. George Kleinman, b. Aug. 4, 1896. VII.— 5. Myrtle Kleinman, b. Oct. 23, 1898. VI.— 4. Mary Ellen Bringhurst, b. Feb. 3, 1870; d. May 13, 1899, in childbirth; mrd. Walter Slack. P. O., Toquer- ville, Utah. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Children : VII.— 1. Salinda Slack. VII. — 2. Irma Slack. VII.— 3. Walter H. Slack, Jr. VII.— 4. Nellie Slack, b. May 13, 1899. VI.— 5. Mifflin Morris Bringhurst, b. Feb. 26, 1872. P. O., Toquerville, Utah. Common laborer and farmer. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. S. 220 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 6. Lorenzo Bringhiirst, b. Mar. 13, 1874. P. O., Toquerville, Utah. Minister of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, now preaching in South Carolina. S. VI. — 7. George R. Bringhurst, b. Mar. 3, 1876; mrd. Mary Lulu Harrison, Sept. 10, 1902. Minister of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, VI.— 8. Franklin P. Bringhurst, b. Jan. 19, 1878; mrd. Edna A. Lamb, Dec. 23, 1902. VI.— 9. Daniel Bringhurst, b. Sept. 22, 1879; d. Apr. 8, 1882. VI.— 10. Henry Bringhurst, b. Dec. 17, 1881. Children by second wife, viz.; VI.— 11. John S. Bringhurst, b. July 30, 1868; d. June 1, 1895; mrd. Marian A. Staple5^ Apr. 4, 1889. P. O., Mam- moth, Utah. Farmer. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Children: VII. — 1. Laura B. Bringhurst. VII.— 2. Lulu M. Bringhurst. VII. — 3. Anna M. Bringhurst. VII. — 4. Eva M. Bringhurst. VI.— 12. Annie A. Bringhurst, b. Mar. 30, 1870; mrd. John C. Naegle, Jr., Mar. 30, 1887. P. O., Bavispe, via El Paso and La Ascentum, Mexico. Farmer and stock raiser. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Children: VII.— 1. John W. Naegle, b. Apr. 12, 1888. VII.— 2. David E. Naegle, b. Mar. 5, 1890. VII.— 3. Katharine A. Naegle, May 25, 1892. VII.— 4. Lewis R. Naegle, b. Feb. 27, 1898. VII.— 5. Leona Naegle, b. Oct. 28, 190L VI.— 13. Joseph A. Bringhurst, b. Oct. 10, 1873; mrd. Adeline M. Hardy, June 16, 1895. P. O., Toquerville, Utah. JOHN BEITLER. 221 Rancher and farmer. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Children: VII. — 1. Hortense Bringhurst, b. Sept. 20, 1896. VII.— 2. Evelyn Bringhurst, b. Sept. 3, 1898. VII.— 3. Joseph E. Bringhurst, b. Jan. 29, 1901. VI.— 14. Mary E. B. Bringhurst, b. Aug. 21, 1876; mrd. Richard H. Duffin. P. O., Toquerville, Utah. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Children: VII.— 1. Lloyd Duffin. VII.— 2. Eva May Duffin, b. Mar. 21, 1899. VI.— 15. Eleanor C. Bringhurst, b. Feb. 8, 1878; mrd. Benjamin C. Granger. P. O., Toquerville, Utah. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. No children (1899). VI.— 16. Lewis M. Bringhurst, b. Sept. 5, 1880; d. Apr. 15, 1883. VI.— 17. Jesse W. Bringhurst, b. June 13, 1885. VI.— 18. Laura S. Bringhurst, b. Aug. 22, 1887. Children by third wife: VI.— 19. Marias William Bringhurst, b. Dec. 1, 1886. VI.— 20. Vida Bringhurst, b. Dec. 8, 1888. VI.— 21. Samuel Bringhurst, b. Dec. 24, 1892. VI.— 22. Vera Bringhurst, b. Nov. 3, 1894. VI.— 23. Leo Bringhurst, b. Jan. 23, 1897. VI.— 24. Charles Bringhurst, b. Dec. 22, 1898. VI.— 25. Arvilla Bringhurst, b. May 28, 1901. V. — 2. Anna B. Bringhurst, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Mar. 12, 1842; mrd. Jacob Houtz, in Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1857. P. O., Springville, Utah. Mormon. Children: 1. William; 2. Lydia; 3. George; 4. Samuel; 5. Frank; 6. Eleanor; 7. Enoch. 222 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 1. William Augustus Houtz, b. Apr. 17, 1860: d, same day. VI. — 2. Lydia Anna Houtz, b. in Salt Lake City, Jan, 28, 1862; mrd. James P. Strang, Dec. 3, 1879. P. O., Spring- ville, Utah. Farmer. Presby. Children: VII. — 1. James Jesse Strang. VII.— 2. Mark Strang. VII. — 3. Jacob Claude Strang. VII.— 4. Vere Strang. VII. — 5. Anna Bebe Strang. VII. — 6. Sarah Hazel Strang. VII. — 7. Eugenia Gale Strang. VI. — 3. George B. Houtz, b. in Salt Lake City, Apr. 11, 1864. P. O., Salt Lake City. Farmer. Mormon. VI. — 4. Samuel Bringhurst Houtz, b. in Springville, Utah, Sept. 23, 1866; d. May 3, 1891. VI. — 5. Frank E. Houtz, b. in Springville, Utah, June 2, 1868. P. O., Springville, Utah. Farmer. Mormon. VI. — 6. Eleanor Beitler Houtz, b. at Springville, Utah, July 2, 1870; mrd. Oscar L. Cluff, Dec. 25, 1889. He died . Mormon. Children: VII.— 1. Oscar Burne Cluff. VII.— 2. Owen Houtz Cluff. VI. — 7. Y. Enoch Houtz, b. at Springville, Utah, May 8, 1874. Telegraph operator. Mormon. v.— 3. Henry Bringhurst, b. Aug. 13, 1844; d. Mar. 21, 1846. v.— 4. Robert P. Bringhurst, b. Nov. 25, 1846; mrd. Elizabeth Jane Foster. P. O., Taylorsville, Utah. V. — 5. Samuel Bringhurst, b. at Salt Lake City, Utah, Apr. 7, 1850; mrd. Sarah E. Orr, Dec. 6, 1888. P. O., Tay- JOHN BEITLER. 223 lorsville, Utah. Farmer and stock raiser. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Children: VI. — 1. Ada Eleanor Bringhurst, b. Mar. 27, 1890, VI. — 2. Florence Bringhurst, b. Jan. 29, 1892. VI.— 3. Bessie Bringhurst, b. Feb. 11, 1894. VI. — 4. Marion Bringhurst, b. Aug. 11, 1896. VI.— 5. Edna Bringhurst, b. Nov. 3, 1898. V. — 6. Eleanor Bringhurst, b. Apr. 7, 1850; mrd. Wickel. Res., 658 T. I. East Salt Lake City, Utah. One child: VI.— 1. Nora Wickel, b. about 1874. S. V. — 7. John Beitler Bringhurst, b. in Salt Lake City, Utah, June 13, 1854; mrd. Emma F. Tripp, Jan. 3, 1876. P. O., Taylorsville, Utah. Farmer and stock raiser. Church of Latter Day Saints. Children: 1. Jessie; 2. Emma; 3. Mary; 4. John; 5. William; 6. Lucy; 7. Samuel; 8. Joseph; 9. Louis; 10; Arthur; 11. Heber. VI. — 1. Jessie Bringhurst, b. July 22, 1877; mrd. John W. Webster, Oct. 15, 1896. P. O., Taylorsville, Utah. One child: VII.— 1. John Webster. VI. — 2. Emma Eleanor Bringhurst, b. Feb. 14, 1879. VI.— 3. Mary Bringhurst, b. Feb. 19, 1881. VI.— 4. John Tripp Bringhurst, b. Aug. 11, 1883. VI.— 5. William A. Bringhurst, b. Jan. 13, 1886. VI.— 6. Lucy Bringhurst, b. Jan. 6, 1888. VI.— 7. Samuel Enoch Bringhurst, b. Jan. 27, 1890. VI.— 8. Joseph Willard Bringhurst, b. Aug. 31, 1892. VI.— 9. Louis Howard Bringhurst, b. Apr. 13, 1895. VI.— 10. Arthur Bryant Bringhurst, b. Dec. 7, 1897. 224 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 11. Heber Grant Bringhurst, b. Aug. 20, 1900; d. Feb. 8, 1902. V. — 8. Mary Bringhurst, b. June 14, 1854 (twin to John and born twenty-seven hours later) ; mrd. William Mon- tague. P. O., Salt Lake City, Utah. No children. V. — 9. Louis Bringhurst, b. in Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 24, 1856; mrd. Phoebe Brown, July 3, 1884. P. O., Taylorsville, Utah. Farmer. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Children: VI. — 1. Phoebe Grace Bringhurst, b. June 21, 1885. VI.— 2. Louis Scott Bringhurst, b. Feb. 6, 1887. VI. — 3. Eleanor Ann Bringhurst, b. Feb. 13, 1889. VI.— 4. Harvey Bringhurst, b. June 25, 1891; d. Oct. 26, 1895. VI. — 5. Chester Bringhurst, b. Dec. 10, 1893; d. Sept. 19, 1895. VI.— 6. Beatrice Bringhurst, b. Nov. 10, 1896. VI.— 7. Tracey Bringhurst, b. Feb. 13, 1899. VI.— 8. Mildred Bringhurst, b. Mar. 12, 1903. SECTION III. III.— 3. Mary Beidler, b. June 28, 1782; d. Jan. 7, 1858; mrd. John Landis. He was b. Jan. 18, 1775; d. near Trappe, Montgomery Co., Pa., Oct. 16, 1831. Farmer. Mennonites. Children: 1. Hannah; 2. Abraham; 3. Elizabeth; 4. John; 5. Jacob. IV.— 1. Hannah Landis, b. Nov. 22, 1805; d. Mar. 19, 1877; mrd. Daniel Longacre, Dec. 16, 1828. He was b. Nov. 29, 1792; d. Oct. 31, 1864. Farmer in Montgomery Co., Pa., Ger. Ref. Children: 1. Mary; 2. Lovina; 3. Elizabeth; 4. Levi; 5. Emanuel; 6. David; 7. Lewis. v.— 1. Mary Longacre, b. Nov. 22, 1829; d. Dec. 11, 1894; mrd. Rev. Alfred B. Shenkle, Nov. 2, 1866. He was REV. HARRISON B. GARNER. (,See l)a§-e 240.) 1 JOHN BEITLER. 225 b. Mar. 27, 1815. P. O., Millersville, Pa. Minister of the Reformed Church in the United States. No children. V. — 2. Lovina Longacre, b. in Montgomery Co., Pa., Mar. 29, 1832; mrd. Jacob Kulp, Feb. 3, 1849, in Mont- gomery Co., Pa. P. O., So. Charleston, Ohio. Farmer. Meth. Ep. Children: 1, Daniel; 2. Francis; 3. Virginia; 4. William; 5. Henry; 6. Mary; 7. Albert; 8. Levi; 9. Webster; 10. Hannah. VI. — 1. Daniel Kulp, b. in Pennsylvania, Apr. 5, 1850; mrd. Mary C. Dewey, Mar. 4, 1875. P. O., London, O. Supt. Madison Co. (O.) Children's Home. Meth. Ep. Children: VII.— 1. Charles S. Kulp, b. Jan. 23, 1876. VII.— 2. Frank E. Kulp, b. Aug. 3, 1877; d. Dec. 3, 1896. VII.— 3. Donna L. Kulp, b. Jan. 1, 1883. VII.— 4. LeRoy D. Kulp, b. Mar. 31, 1893. VI. — 2. Francis Kulp, b. Mar. 16, 1853; mrd. Maggie Minshall. P. O., Walnut Run, O. Farmer. Meth. Children: VII.— 1. Marvel Kulp. VII.— 2. Clara B. Kulp. VI.— 3. Virginia Kulp, b. Aug. 15, 1855; mrd. Leslie Dewey. P. O., Garwin, Iowa. Carpenter. United Brethren. Children: VII.— 1. Ralph Aldice Dewey, b. July 30, 1878. VII.— 2. Willie Kulp Dewey, b. Dec. 21, 1884. VII. — 3. Eva Luccal Dewey, b. Aug. 15, 1887. VII.— 4. Charles Roger Dewey, b. Aug. 10, 1892. VI.— 4. William Kulp, b. May 16, 1858; mrd. Lizzie Rudle. P. O., London, Ohio. Farmer. No children. VI.— 5. Henry Kulp, b. Oct. 14, 1861; mrd. Augusta May Hitchcock. P. O., Brighton, Colo. Farmer. No children. 16 226 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 6. Mary Jane Kiilp, b. June 18, 1864; mrd. George Crawford. P. O., Walnut Run, O. Farmer. Methodists. Children: VII.— 1. Ersel Crawford. VII. — 2. Bessie Crawford. VII. — 3. Harry Crawford. VI. — 7. Albert Kulp, b. Jan. 1, 1867; mrd. Carrie Thompson. P. O., London, O. Contractor and builder. No children, VI.— 8. Levi L. Kulp, b. July 25, 1869; d. Oct. 8, 1894. Methodist. VI.— 9. Webster Kulp, b. Aug. 6, 1873; mrd. Carrie L. Stillwater. Res., 706 South William St., So. Denver, Colo. Clerk in shoe store. One child: VII. — 1, Corinne Kulp, VI.— 10. Hannah E. Kulp, b. Dec. 8, 1875; mrd. Robert Minshall. P. O., So. Charleston, O. Farmer. Methodists. No children. V. — 3. Elizabeth Longacre, b. in Limerick Twp., Mont- gomery Co., Pa., Nov. 23, 1833; mrd. Jacob Buckwalter, Feb. 6, 1864. He was b. in Lower Providence, Montgomery Co., Pa., Dec. 1833, P, O., Lower Providence, Pa. Super- visor. Ger. Ref. Children: 1. William; 2. Elmer; 3. Daniel; 4. Emanuel; 5. Jacob. VI. — 1. William H. Buckwalter, b. in Lower Providence Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa., Nov. 23, 1864; mrd. Kate Hall- man, Oct. 17, 1888. P. O., Lower Providence, Pa. Farmer. Children: VII.— 1. Lizzie Buckwalter, b. Nov. 24, 1891. VII. — 2. Cora Buckwalter, b. Mar. 15, 1894. VII.— 3. Eva Buckwalter, b. May 1, 1896. VI. — 2. Elmer Buckwalter, b. in Upper Providence Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa., Oct. 22, 1866. P. O., William Penn, Pa, Merchant. Luth. S. JOHN BEITLER. 227 VI. — 3. Daniel Buckwalter, b. in Upper Providence, Oct. 30, 1868; mrd. Lizzie Landes, of Lower Providence, Dec. 1893. P. O., Lower Providence, Pa. Contractor and builder. Baptists. One child: VII. — 1. Jennie May Buckwalter, b. Jan, 19, 1898. VI. — 4. Emanuel Buckwalter, b. in Upper Providence Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa., Mar. 21, 1871; mrd. Esther Anderson, of Skippack, Jan. 1897. P. O., Trappe, Pa. Farmer. Ger. Ref. VI. — 5. Jacob L. Buckwalter, b. in Skippack Twp., Montgomei-y Co., Pa., Oct. 26, 1873; mrd. Amanda S. Hall- man, of Skippack, Pa., Feb. 22, 1896. Res., 2524 Corlies St., Philadelphia, Pa. Carpenter. Mennonites. One child: VII. — 1. Katharine Buckwalter, b. Jan. 31, 1899. V. — 4. Levi Longacre, b. June 28, 1836; mrd. Sarah Fretz, daughter of Jacob and Mary (Swartz) Fretz, Aug. 21; 1867. She was b. June 1, 1843. Res., 2323 N. 17th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Stair builder. Ref. Ch. Children: VI. — 1. Frank Longacre, b. Sept. 9, 1874; d. Sept. 19, 1874. VI. — 2. Edward Longacre, b. Dec. 17, 1877. V. — 5. Emanuel Longacre, b. near Trappe, Montgomery Co., Pa., Apr. 26, 1839; d. there June 2, 1894; mrd. Caroline Everhart Force, Jan. 7, 1865. She was b. near Phoenixville, Pa., Jan. 10, 1838. School teacher and farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Elizabeth; 2. Raymond; 3. Charles; 4. Wal- ter; 5. Carrie; 6. George; 7. Hannah; 8. David. VI.— 1. Elizabeth Longacre, b. Nov. 23, 1865. P. O., Yerkes, Pa. VI.— 2. Raymond F. Longacre, M. D., b. Aug. 18, 1867; mrd. . Res., 238 W. 73d St., New York. VI. — 3. Charles Longacre, b. July 16, 1869; mrd. . P. O., Yerkes,"Pa. 228 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 4. Walter F. Longacre, b. near Trappe, Pa., June 6, 1871. Res., 238 W. 73d St., N. Y. Teacher. Presby. S. VI. — 5. Carrie Longacre, b. Aug. 30, 1872. Res., 2102 Fitzwater St., Philadelphia, Pa. VI. — 6. George Longacre, b. June 2, 1874. P. O., Pros- pectville, Pa. VI. — 7. Hannah Longacre, b. Jan. 24, 1877. P. O., Yerkes, Pa. VI.— 8. David Longacre, b. Aug. 14, 1879. Res., 238 W. 73d St., N. Y. V. — 6. David Longacre, b. . Somewhere in Texas. S. V. — 7. Lewis Longacre, b. ; d. near Lincoln, 111., Apr. 18, 1883; mrd. Sophia Harbaugh, Dec. 18, 1872. She was b. in Franklin Co., Pa., Feb. 27, 1850. Farmer. Mrs. L., Baptist. Children: 1. Ellen; 2. Mary; 3. Fred. VI.— 1. Ellen Longacre, b. July 25, 1874; d. Sept. 28, 1898, at Elkhart, 111. S. VI. — 2. Mary Longacre, b. near Elkhart, 111., Dec. 24, 1876. P. O., Elkhart, 111. Teacher. Christian Ch. S. VI.— 3. Fred Longacre, b. Aug. 20, 1879. P. O., Elkhart, 111. Engineer. IV. — 2. Abraham Beidler Landis, b. near Trappe, Mont- gomery Co., Pa., Oct. £6, 1808; d. at the old Jacob Beidler homestead near Howellville, Chester Co., Pa., July 3, 1890; mrd. Hannah Miller, about 1839. She was b. at Trappe, Pa., Feb. 1, 1816; d. at Rogersford, Pa., July 29, 1851. Farmer. Mr. Landis, Menn.; Mrs. Landis, Luth. Children: 1. Mary; 2. James; 3. Jane; 4. Davis; 5. Daniel. Abraham mrd. second wife, Lydia Pool, Mar. 20, 1858. One child: 6. William. v.— 1. Mary Ann Landis, b. Dec. 19, 1840; d. June 19, 1845. V. — 2. James Miller Landis, b. near Schwenksville, Montgomery Co., Pa., Nov. 19, 1842; mrd. Emma Merinda JOHN BEITLER. 229 Good, Sept. 21, 1868; she died Jan. 25, 1902. Res., 1855 N. 12th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Chief clerk in First Vice- President's oflBce of Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Co. Members of Reformed Church in U. S. Children: 1. Bertha; 2. Herbert; 3. Charles; 4. Edward; 5. Arthur; 6. George. VI. — 1. Bertha May Landis, b. Aug. 24, 1869; mrd. Howard W. Curry, June 20, 1894. He died . Ger. Ref. Children: VII.— 1. Harriet Emma Curry, b. July 28, 1895. VII.— 2. Jean Curry, b. Jan. 30, 1897; d. Apr. 17, 1898. VII.— 3. John Edward Curry, b. Oct. 15, 1899. VI.— 2. Herbert Davis Landis, b. Dec. 21, 1870; d. July 8, 1871. VI.— 3. Charles Alfred Landis, b. June 6, 1872; d. May 28, 1878. VI. — 4. Edward Horace Landis, b. Nov. 16, 1876. Now a member of graduating class, department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania. Presby. VI. — 5. Arthur Spencer Landis, b. May 20, 1879; d. Apr. 16, 1880. VI.— 6. George Osborn Landis, b. Dec. 15, 1880. A student at high school. Presby. v.— 3. Jane Landis, b. Sept. 25, 1844; d. June 14, 1845. V. — 4. Davis Miller Landis, b. in Montgomery Co., Pa., May 3, 1846; mrd. Rita Shannon, Nov. 26, 1879. She died . Davis mrd. second wife, Margaret Shannon (sister to his first wife), Apr. 22, 1890. P. O., Davenport, Iowa, Master harnessmaker U. S. Arsenal, Rock Island, 111. One child: VI.— 1. Rita May Landis, b. Feb. 24, 1891. v.— 5. Daniel Miller Landis, b. June 22, 1848. Res., Philadelphia, Pa. S. 230 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. V. — 6. William Landis, b. Jan. 25, 1859; mrd. Lina Carter Stewart, Apr. 23, 1884. Res., 522 N. 8th St., Phila- delphia, Pa. No children. IV.— 3. Elizabeth Landis, b. Feb. 22, 1812; d. Sept. 1812. IV.— 4. John B. Landis, b. Jan. 30, 1814; d. in 1896; mrd, Ann Hunsicker, in 1837. She was b. in Montgomery- Co., Pa., July 5, 1817; d. Dec. 13, 1897. Plasterer, later farmer. Trinity Christians. Children: 1. Elizabeth; 2. Mary; 3. Esther; 4. Hannah; 5. Abraham; 6. John; 7. Annie; 8. Elias; 9. Kate; 10. Benjamin; 11. Henry; 12. Josephine; 13. Lincoln. V. — 1. Elizabeth Landis, b. in 1838; mrd. Daniel D. Bechtel. P. O., Collegeville, Pa. Children: 1. Henry; 2. John. VI. — 1. Henry L. Bechtel; mrd. . Three children. VI.— 2. John L. Bechtel; mrd. Custer. P. O., Collegeville, Pa. One child: VII.— 1. . V. — 2. Mary H. Landis, b. in 1840; mrd. Samuel M. Markley, Dec. 1, 1859. He was b. in Skippack Twp., Mont- gomery Co., Pa., Jan. 9, 1834. P. O., Trappe, Pa. Farmer. Ger. Bap. Children: 1. Elias; 2. John; 3. Catharine; 4. Jacob. VI. — 1. Elias L. Markley, b. in Montgomery Co., Pa., Aug. 24, 1860; mrd. Flora S. Cluster, Dec. 25, 1885. Children: VII.— 1. Ralph Emerson Markley, b. Nov. 9, 1886. VII.— 2. Clyde Audubon Markley, b. Jan. 9, 1889. VII.— 3. Miriam May Markley, b. May 11, 1892. VI. — 2. John L. Markley, b. in Montgomery Co., Pa., July 6, 1863; mrd. Martha Gaumer. P. O., Royersford, Pa. Gents' furnishing store. Lutherans. VII. — 1 and 2. Twins, d. in infancy. JOHN BEITLER. 231 VI.— 3. Catharine Markley, b. May 31, 1866. Ger. Bap. Single. VI.— 4. Jacob L. Markley, b. Aug. 11, 1870. Ger. Bap. Single. V. — 3. Esther Landis, b. . P. O., Gratersford, Pa. Single. V. — 4. Hannah Landis, b. ; d. ; mrd. Charles M. Hunsicker. Res., 2406 N. 16th St., Philadelphia, Pa, Children: 1. Sheridan; 2. Henry; 3. ; 4. Annie; 5. Clayton. VI. — 1. Sheridan Hunsicker; mrd. . VI. — 2. Henry L. Hunsicker. Res., Phila., Pa. S. VI. — 3. Hunsicker; d. young. VI. — 4. Annie L. Hunsicker; mrd. Rev. M. Mell. Res., Philadelphia, Pa. Presby. VI. — 5. Clayton Hunsicker. Res., Philadelphia, Pa. S. V. — 5. Abraham H. Landis, b. ; mrd. Hall- man. Res., 2438 Clarion St., Philadelphia, Pa. Six chil- dren; five living. V. — 6. John Horace Landis; mrd. Lizzie Kratz, daugh- ter of Michael A. Kratz. P. O., Conshohocken, Pa. One child, a daughter. V. — 7. Annie Landis; died young. V. — 8. Elias Landis; died young. V. — 9. Kate Landis, b. at Gratersford, Pa., Sept. 15, 1850; mrd. James A. Harley, Jan. 1, 1876. Res., 1848 N. 23d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Ger. Bap. Children: VI. — 1. Elmer Lemuel Harley, b. Apr. 9, 1877; d. Feb. 24, 1880. VI.— 2. John Warren Harley, b. May 26, 1879; d. July 10, 1883. VI.— 3. Jacob Linwood Harley, b. Dec. 1, 1881. Sales- man. Ger. Bap. 232 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 4. Wilbur Harley, b. May 1, 1888. V. — 10. Benjamin Franklin Landis, b. in Montgomery Co., Pa., May 3, 1852; mrd. Lillie R. Heckler, daughter of Charles Y. Heckler, Mar. 20, 1877. She died Mar. 17, 1893, aged 34 years. Res., 2611 Neff St., Philadelphia, Pa. Fore- man with M. L. Shoemaker & Co., Fertilizers Oil. Meth. Ep. Children: VI.— 1. Benjamin Franklin Landis, b. Feb. 20, 1878. VI.— 2. Lillie Mabel Lendis, b. July 8, 1883. VI. — 3. Sarah Eva Landis, b. Apr, 8, 1887; d. Oct. 21, 1887. V. — 11. Henry H. Landis, b. ; mrd. Longacre. P. O., Limerick, Pa. Four children. V. — 12. Josephine Landis, b. June 9, 1860; mrd. Peter C. Fritz, May 9, 1889. P. O., Royersford, Pa. Hosiery manufacturer. Meth. Ep. No children. V. — 13. A Lincoln Landis, b. . S. IV. — 5. Jacob Beitler Landis, b. in Montgomery Co., Pa., May 20, 1816 ; d. at Mont Clare, Pa., Feb. 8, 1878 ; mrd. Hannah Stubblebine, Feb. 27, 1840. She was b. June 29, 1818; d. at Mont Clare, Montgomery Co., Pa., Dec. 1866. Jacob Beitler Landis learned the wheelwright trade and conducted it near the Quaker meeting-house in Upper Providence Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa. About 1847 or 1848 he moved from there to Mont Clare, Montgomery Co., where he engaged in the wheelwright business for a while and subsequently engaged in the manufacture of brick. This business he continued in Phoenixville and in Mont Clare until his death. He was for many years a stockholder in and one of the directors of the First National Bank of Phoenixville, Pa. Baptist. Children: 1. Mary; 2. David; 3. Sarah. V. — 1. Mary Frances Landis, b. Dec. 23, 1840; d. about 1850. - M re (U c re 1. O o 3 O 0) +-' c o c E V re (/) JOHN BEITLER. 233 V. — 2. Rev. David Rogers Landis, b. in Upper Prov- idence Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa., June 4, 1846 ; mrd. Emma Rooke, Nov. 19, 1884. P. O., Lafayette, Ind. Rev. David Rogers Landis was educated at Grove Mont Seminary, Phoenixville, and at Lewisburg (now Bucknell University). In 1863 he enlisted in the 26th Regt. P. V. M., Co. F, and served during the Gettysburg campaign. In 1882 he was ordained at Pughtown, Chester Co., Pa., and set apart to the gospel ministry. He was pastor there and at West Chester, Pa.; Oak Lane, Philadelphia; Laramie City, Wyoming; Pierre, South Dakota; Jefferson, Iowa, and Algona, Iowa. At present he is pastor of the First Baptist church of Lafayette, Ind. One child: VI.— 1. Matilda Landis, b. Aug. 25, 1886. V. — 3. Sarah Emma Landis, b. in Mont Clare, Mont- gomery Co., Pa., Oct. 14, 1855; mrd. James H. Morris, Nov. 22, 1883. P. O., Pottstown, Pa. Cashier Pottstown National Bank. Baptists, Children : VI. — 1. Samuel Rea Morris, b. Aug. 30, 1885. VI.— 2. Paul Landis Morris, b. Oct. 14, 1887. VI.— 3. James Morris, b. July 16, 1889. SECTION IV. III. — 4. Abraham Beitler, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Mar. 6, 1785; d. June 23, 1866; mrd. Mary Brower, daughter of Daniel and Frances (Reiff) Brower, about the year 1810. She was b. Nov. 1, 1788; d. May 13, 1852. He settled on a farm near Pughtown, Chester Co., where he remained until early in the twenties. Owing to the depreciation in the value of farm properties during the stringent times of 1820 to 1825 his property was sold, and he became landlord of the Black Bear hotel at Paoli. He removed from there about 1830 to the hotel and quarries at Howellville, Chester Valley. It was here while superintending a blasting opera- tion that, owing to a premature explosion, a rock fell upon him and crushed his right leg below the knee, resulting in its amputation. He used an artificial wooden limb the rest 234 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. of his life and he became known far and near as the "man with the wooden leg." About 1836 he moved to Philadel- phia and became landlord of the Western Market Inn, on Market street between 16th and 17th streets. The site is now occupied by the freight depot of the Pennsylvania R. R. This stand was widely and favorably known to the farmers and market men of the adjacent counties, who were ac- customed to put up at " Beitlers " on their weekly trips to the Philadelphia markets. He continued in this business until a few years before his death, when he was succeeded by his son Daniel. He was a man of large physical propor- tions, being over six feet in height and of large frame and weight in proportion. He and his wife were adherents of the Mennonite church, and they are both buried with some of their children in the Diamond Rock Mennonite burying- ground in Chester Valley, not far from Howellville. Chil- dren: 1. Lewis; 2. Daniel; 3. Hannah; 4. Frances; 5. Nathan; 6. Sarah; 7. Joseph; 8. David; 9. John. IV.— 1. Lewis Beitler, b. Mar. 4, 1812; d. Sept. 11, 1815. IV. — 2. Daniel Brower Beitler, b. in Chester Co., Pa., May 31, 1814; d. in Philadelphia, Apr. 24, 1881; mrd. Mary Ann Eliza Merklee, Oct. 7, 1852. She was b. in Philadelphia, Pa., June 18, 1820, and died there Sept. 12, 1867. Daniel B. Beitler came to Philadelphia when a young man. He received a common school education in Chester county. His father's family was a large one and early in life he was compelled to assist his father in maintaining the family. While yet a boy he drove a six-horse team across the mountains to Pittsburg. After locating in Philadelphia he engaged in the feed business and then in the livery stable business. In 1860 he had three large stables, all in the Ninth Ward. He sold out his stables to take charge of the hotel which his father had conducted for years. This was the New Market Inn on Market street, above 16th street, a celebrated old-fashioned farmers' inn, which Daniel B. Beitler continued to run until the time of his death. It was frequented by the farmers of JOHN BEITLER. 235 Chester, Montgomery, Bucks and Delaware counties. Dur- ing the meetings of the Friends its capacity was taxed to the utmost, the inn being the headquarters of the Friends from the rural sections. Attached to the inn were extensive stables and on Market days from forty to seventy-five horses were accommodated. In those days the farmers hauled their produce to market. Early in life Daniel B. Beitler took a deep interest in politics. He was an ardent Republican. He was too old and not physically able to take part in the war of the Rebellion, but he became an active member of the Union League when that patriotic organization was formed, and gave valuable assistance in recruiting and equipping the various regiments sent to the front by it. His wife's sister was a volunteer nurse at the Cherry Street Hospital, which was located at Broad and Cherry streets, where wounded soldiers were cared for. His wife gave such assistance as her household duties permitted, but the resources of her kitchen and the services of her cooks were always at the command of her sister. Daniel B. Beitler was ever ready to assist the soldier boys, and many a large pot of coffee and many a ham and hundreds of loaves of bread found their way from his kitchen to the rendezvous of recruits in the neighborhood. On June 1, 1861, he was appointed by President Lincoln an inspector in the Custom Service and he filled this posi- tion to the time of his death, except during President John- son's term. He was a delegate to the National Republican Convention which placed General Garfield in nomination. He was for several terms a member of the Republican State Committee and for many years chairman of the Ninth Ward Republican Executive Committee. He was a great lover of sport with rod and gun and an ardent admirer of horses. For several years he owned the celebrated stallion " Brower Eclipse," whose colts were regarded as the finest in Del- aware and Chester counties. He always drove a pair of them and in the winter delighted to make trips to his relatives in Chester county. He drove his pair of bays and always took one or more of his children with him. He met 236 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. a hearty welcome everywhere, whether he visited his rela- tives or those who enjoyed his hospitality at his inn. He died in 1881 at the age of sixty-seven years. He had never accumulated a fortune, but he left his children the record of a blameless life and no man ever speaks of Daniel B. Beitler but in words of praise. His heart was tender, he was the friend of the needy and the oppressed, he strove to do his duty as a father, a husband, a friend, a neighbor and a citizen. He was known to his friends politically and so- cially and to every man, woman and boy in the old Ninth. Ward as " Uncle Dan " and this term was used as a term of endearment. His portrait appears in this volume. Meth. Ep. Children: 1. Abraham; 2. Amanda; 3. William; 4. Elsie; 5. George; 6. Lewis. V. — 1. Hon. Abraham M. Beitler, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., July 8, 1853; mrd. Julia L. Borneman, Oct. 16, 1879. Res., 1615 Poplar street, Philadelphia, Pa. Lawyer and Judge of Common Pleas Court No. 1, Philadelphia, Pa. Judge Beitler graduated from the Central High School of Philadelphia in July 1870, and entered the law office of C. Stuart Patterson. He was admitted to the bar in January 1875. In 1877 he was appointed an assistant to the City Solicitor. He continued in the law department of the City of Philadelphia, advancing by gradual promotions until 1888, he reached the position of first assistant to the then City Solicitor Charles F. Warwick, now Mayor of the city. He took part in many of the most important cases involving the city's interest during the many years he served as the city's counsel. On Oct. 1, 1891, he accepted of Mayor Edwin S. Stuart the position of Director of the Department of Public Safety, and he ably and acceptably filled this place until appointed by Governor Hastings in February 1896 to the vacancy in the Court of Common Pleas No. 1, caused by the death of Judge Allison. In the follow ing summer he was unanimously nominated for the full term of ten years by both the Democratic and Republican conventions and received at the polls every vote cast, the official count showing that he had received 228,311 votes — more than were cast for any of his colleagues on the ticket,. JOHN BEITLER. 237 and more than were ever given in any election in Philadel- phia to any candidate. He and family attend the Methodist Episcopal church. Children: 1, Harold; 2. Elise. VI. — 1. Harold Bornemann Beitler, b. at 1721 North 21st St., Philadelphia, Dec. 31, 1880. Educated in the public schools of Philadelphia and at Eastburn Academy, graduat- ing from the latter institution in 1897. Attended the law department of the University of Pennsylvania, and was admitted to the bar of Philadelphia county, July 3, 1902. Member of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. VI.— 2. Elise Julia Beitler, b. Dec. 6, 1888. V. — 2. Amanda Catharine Beitler, b. Nov. 12, 1855. Res., 1527 North St., Philadelphia, Pa. Teacher in Phila- delphia Grammar School. V. — 3. William Lejee Beitler, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 27, 1857; mrd. Mary B. Brown, Jan. 13, 1881. Res., 3121 Clifford St., Philadelphia, Pa. Hardwood mantles and wood work. Episcopal. Children: Vl.—l. Sidney H. Beitler, b. 1882. VI.— 2. William L. Beitler, Jr., b. 1885. VI. — 3. Mildred Beitler, b. 1895. Episcopalians. V. — 4. Elsie Mary Beitler, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 4, 1860; mrd. William G. Carroll, Dec. 20, 1882. Res., Oak Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. Insurance agent. Attends Baptist Ch. children: Vl.—l. Edwin S. Stuart Carroll, b. Nov. 7, 1883. VI.— 2. Helen Beitler Carroll, b. Sept. 11, 1886. VI.— 3. Arthur William Carroll, b. Jan. 21, 1889. VI.— 4. Elsie Carroll, b. Oct. 30, 1892. v.— 5. George Frederick Beitler, b. Apr. 7, 1862; died in infancy. V. — 6. Lewis Eug:ene Beitler, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 4, 1863; mrd. Clementina Worrilow Beck, June 12, 238 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. 1894. Res., 1921 N. 33d St., Philadelphia, Pa. He was private secretary to Governor Hastings, now deputy sec- retary, at Harrisburg, Pa. Children: VI.— 1. Edwin Fitler Beitler, b. June 23, 1895; d. Dec. 23, 1896. VI.— 2. Lewis Eugene Beitler, Jr., b. Apr. 19, 1897. IV. — 3. Hannah Beitler, b. near Pughtown, Chester Co., Pa., May 22, 1816; d. in Philadelphia, July 12, 1872; mrd. Washington Garner, son of Henry and Rebecca (Eaton) Garner, Mar. 13, 1837. He was born in Gwynnedd, Mont- gomery Co., Pa., Oct. 13, 1813; d. in Philadelphia, Jan. 19, 1886. He began business as a wheelwright in Howellville, Chester Co., in 1835, and in 1847 moved with his family to West Philadelphia, where he engaged in carriage and wagon building. To the latter branch of the business he gave his attention mostly and was successful in building up a first-class trade. In 1879 he received a bronze medal from the Agricultural and Industrial Society of Delaware county for the best specimen of a milk wagon, and another the same year for an express wagon from the same society. It 1880 he received a bronze medal from the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society for a light milk wagon. He re- tired from business in 1884. He was buried in Mount Moriah Cemetery, Philadelphia. Baptists. Children: 1. Abram; 2. Henry; 3. Harrison; 4. Mary. V. — 1. Abram Beitler Garner, b. in Howellville, Chester Co., Pa., Jan. 18, 1838; mrd. Jannetta Clark England, Nov. 11, 1871. Res., Newark, N. J. Major Garner graduated from the Philadelphia High School in 1858, and shortly afterwards became connected with the dry goods commission business in that city. In 1862 he enlisted as a private soldier in the Fifteenth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and served until the close of the war in the department of the Cumber- land and the military division of the Mississippi under Generals Rosencrans, Thomas, Grant and Sherman. The JOHN BEITLER. 239 fact that he was successively promoted to the oflBces of first sergeant, captain and major of his regiment is suflacient testimony as to the quality of his service to the country. After the close of the war he was for some two years engaged in commercial analysis and metallurgy in Philadel- phia, and in 1867 went to South America in connection with the gold mining operations of Venezuela in Guiana in that portion of the country which recently caused the territorial dispute between Venezuela and Great Britain, and came so near to involving this country in a war with the latter country during Mr. Cleveland's administration. In 1869 he returned to the United States, and in the following year entered the railway service in the construction of the Kan- sas-Pacific Railway from Carson to Denver, Colorado. He remained with that company until 1875, when he was ap- pointed general superintendent of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway at Sedalia, Mo. In 1880 he became purchas- ing agent of the Denver & Rio Grande Railway at Denver, and retained this position until offered a position with Murphy & Co., varnish makers, whose services he entered in January 1884. With this company he is still identified, representing it in the membership of the New York Paint, Oil and Varnish Club, of which organization he has twice been president. In October 1897, Major Garner was elected president of the National Paint, Oil and Varnish Associa- tion, and he is one of the most highly respected and most popular gentlemen connected with the association. He is also a member of the New York Commandery Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Baptists. No children. V. — 2. Henry Garner, b. June 7, 1839, in Howellville, Chester Co., Pa. He was educated in the public schools of Philadelphia. He entered mercantile life in 1852, and held various positions until 1860, when he became agent for a manufacturing firm of Philadelphia. He was in hearty sympathy with the Republican campaign of 1860, and cast his maiden presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln. After the election in November he traveled westward and south- 240 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. ward on business, stopping at the principal cities on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers until he reached New Orleans, in which city he was prosecuting his business when the war of the Rebellion broke out in 1861. Believing it would be profitable for him to remain he continued there in business until by force of circumstances he was compelled to enlist in the Louisiana State militia for three months service in the borders of the State, at the termination of which he expected to resume business. In this, however, he was disappointed, for at the end of their enlistment the militia- men were transferred, " nolens volens," into the regular Confederate army and pushed to the front in time to par- ticipate in the battle of Corinth or Pittsburg Landing. After this battle he was changed to the trans-Mississippi department and to the artillery service, where he took part in all the battles of the famous Red River and other cam- paigns under the rebel General Zachary Taylor. The close of the war found him very much broken in health. He resumed business in New Orleans, but in 1868 he was com- pelled by severe hemorrhages of his lungs to quit business and hasten north. Upon reaching Philadelphia his health rallied. He became associated with his father in the wagon business and continued until 1876, when with broken health he was ordered by his physician to Florida, where in a few weeks he died, on March 14, in the town of Palatka. His remains were brought home and interred in the family plot at Mount Moriah cemetery. At the time of his death he was a member of Mantua Baptist church of West Philadelphia. V. — 3. Rev. Harrison Brower Garner, b. in Howellville, Tredyffrin Twp„ Chester Co., Pa., Sept. 16, 1840. He re- ceived his early education in the public schools of Philadel- phia. In his thirteenth year — Mar. 4, 1853 — he entered the dry goods establishment of L. J. Levy &. Co., at that time the largest and most fashionable store in the city. In 1858 he was converted and united with the First Baptist church, (West) Philadelphia, now the Epiphany. In the fall of 1859 he went to Lewisburg, Pa., to enter upon a course of study preparatory to entering the ministery. He was graduated in 1865 from the University at Lewisburg, now the Bucknell CHARLES C. RITER. (See page liGo. ) JOHN BEITLER. 241 University, and received the degre of "A. B." In 1867 he completed a course in theology at the same institution, and also received the degree of 'A, M." from the college. Dur- ing his course of studies, which was contemporary with the Civil war, from 1861 to 1865, he responded twice to the call of the President for emergency troops, and enlisted first in September 1862 in a regiment of militia raised in Philadel- phia for service during the Antietam campaign. The regi- ment was sent to Wilmington, Delaware, and guarded Dupont's powder mill until after the battle, when the troops were returned and the regiment disbanded. Again in June 1863, at the call of the President for troops during the Get- tysburg campaign, in company with the students at Lewis- burg, who volunteered as a body and were organized at Harrisburg, Pa., into Co. A, 28th Regt., Pennsylvania militia, Col. James Chamberlain in command, and were duly sworn into the United States service during the emergency. From this service he received an honorable discharge, dated July 27, 1863, at Harrisburg, Pa. Aug. 2, 1864, he was appointed a delegate of the United States Christian Commission and was sent to the hospitals at Fort Monroe and City Point, Va., where for six weeks he did duty ministering to the sick and wounded soldiers. In September 1867 he was ordained to the gospel ministry and became pastor of the First Bap- tist church of Honesdale, Wayne Co., Pa. On Sept. 1, 1871, he resigned the pastorate of the church and entered upon missionary work in the county for the Wayne Baptist Asso- ciation. This relation was terminated Aug. 1, 1872. He then became associated with the firm of Smith, English & Co., theological book publishers, at 710 Arch street, Phila- delphia. He remained here until Aug. 1, 1878, when he accepted the call to the Calvary Baptist church of Hope- well, New Jersey. He resigned this connection in Septem- ber 1882 to assume charge of the theological publishing and book business at 710 Arch St., Philadelphia. The busi- ness was closed out in November 1886, when he was called to the pastorate of the Great Valley Baptist church, Chester Co., Pa. He entered upon his duties Jan. 1, 1887, and served the church until Apr. 1, 1893. For the three following 17 242 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. months he represented the Pennsylvania Baptist Educa- tional Society among the churches in the northeastern part of the State. On Oct. 1, 1893, he became identified with the mission enterprise of the Memorial Baptist church of Phila- delphia. The mission was located at 18th and York streets and is now the Bethlehem Baptist church. He labored with this interest until Dec. 1, 1895, when he was called to the pastorate of the First Baptist church, Downingtown, Pa., which relation he continued to hold until April 1, 1900, when he retired from the pastorate, and was appointed field secretary of the society for providing religious litera- ture for the blind, headquarters in Philadelphia. He re- signed his connection with this society on April 1, 1902, and became pastor of the Cold Point Baptist church of Montgomery Co., Pa., which relation continues to the pres- ent time. Mr. Garner was married on Mar. 12, 1868, to Miss Annie L. Evans, daughter of David and Mary Rowland Evans, formerly of New Britain, Bucks Co., Pa., then of Lewisburg, Pa. Miss Evans was born at New Britain on Oct. 20, 1845. Children: 1. Mary; 2. Henry; 3. Rowland; 4. Albert. VI. — 1. Mary Garner, b. July 13, 1869; mrd. Joseph Henry Tudor, Aug. 7, 1903. P. O., State College, Pa. Prof. Tudor graduated at Lafayette College in 1886, taking the C. E, and M. S. degrees. Student of mathematics, 1891 and 1892, at University of Goettingen, Germany, and at Johns Hopkins' University, 1892 to 1894. He is now associate professor of mathematics at State College, Center Co., Pa. VI.— 2. Henry Abram Garner, b. July 17, 1871. VI. — 3. Rowland Evans Garner, born and died Mar. 14, 1876. VI.— 4. Albert Rowland Garner, b. Aug. 17, 1877. Grad- uated at Bucknell University in 1899, taking the degree of B. S. He then entered Hahnneman Medical College of Philadelphia, Pa., and graduated as M. D. in 1902, when he received appointment as resident physician of the Grace Hospital, New Haven, Conn. At Bucknell he was active in athletics, being both on the university baseball team and JOHN BEITLER. 243 also for two years on the football team. He was a member of the Sigma Alpha Epsllon College Fraternity and of the Phi Alpha Gamma Medical Fraternity of Hahnneman. V. — 4. Mary Frances Garner, b. Jan. 17, 1842; d. Nov. 10, 1892, She graduated from the Girls' Normal School of Philadelphia in 1858 and received appointment as a teacher in the fall of the same year. In 1859 she became an assistant teacher in the Newton Girls' Grammar School and continued there until 1869, when she resigned to assume the principalship of the Belmont Girls' Grammar School, which was just organized. Early in 1873 she resigned her position to assume duties at home. At this time, under date of Feb. 24, 1873, she received from the school board of the 24th section of Philadelphia the following testimonial: " Whereas, Miss Mary F. Garner, principal of the Bel- mont Girls' Grammar School, is about to retire from the position she has so ably filled for the last four years, and as we feel we cannot part from her without acknowledging in the highest terms our appreciation of her labors among us; therefore, be it " Resolved, That the thanks of the board are due and are hereby tendered to Miss Mary F. Garner for the able and efficient manner in which she has conducted and ad- vanced the interests of the Belmont Grammar School from its opening to the present time. " That in our judgment it is to her energy and zealous discharge of duty that said school owes its present high position in the estimation of the board of public education and the citizens of this section. " That we extend to her the acknowledgment of our appreciation of her abilities as a teacher and her character as a lady; and that we sincerely hope that her future career may be as prosperous and happy as her past has been use- ful and successful." Miss Garner was reappointed to this position in 1875 and continued a most important factor in the further development of the usefulness of the school until in 1883, when she resigned to take charge of the Levering Con- ? 244 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. solidated Grammar School of Roxborough, Philadelphia. In closing her duties at this time she received the following token of esteem from the board of directors: " At a meeting of the board of directors of the 24th section held June 25, 1883, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: " Whereas, Miss Mary F, Garner has resigned the prin- cipalship of the Belmont Grammar School for Girls to as- sume the duties of principal of the Levering Consolidated School, 21st section; therefore, be it " Resolved, That it is with deep and sincere regret that we accept her resignation, and that in parting with her we lose a lady of refinement and culture, eminently fitted for the elevated position she has held for so many years. " Resolved, That we feel that she has been faithful in the discharge of the many and arduous duties committed to her care, and that our best wishes accompany her in her new field of labor. "Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be tendered her as an expression of our appreciation of her ability and valuable services." Miss Garner entered upon her new position with marked zeal and energy and was most successful in raising the standard of the school and in promoting its efficiency and usefulness. In the spring of 1886 she passed a successful examina- tion for a supervising principalship, but her state of health prevented her from accepting a position. On October 1st of the same year, owing to marked in- dications of failing health, she was compelled to resign from her school duties at Roxborough, very much to the regret of her associates and the board of directors. She immediately repaired to Colorado Springs, Colorado, where for three years she sought to recuperate her declining energies. In the summer of 1889 she returned to Philadel- phia, where the struggle for life continued until Nov. 10, 1892, when she received her promotion to the Higher School beyond. JOHN BEITLER. 245 She became a member of the First Baptist church of West Philadelphia (now the Epiphany) in 1859, under the ministry of the Rev. J. Harvard Castle, D. D. For a num- ber of years she was active as a Sunday school teacher, in which sphere she labored with characteristic zeal and devotion. In the year 1875 she united with the Mantua Baptist church, the Rev. J. G. Walker, D. D., pastor, and in 1883 was made associate superintendent of the Sunday school. At the time of her death she was an esteemed member of the Roxborough Baptist church, of which the Rev. J, E. Wilmarth, D. D., was pastor. This sketch gives an adequate estimate of this noble Christian character, which for more than twenty-five years made its impress for good upon the lives of scores and hundreds of the youths of Philadelphia, who came under her instruction and her example. S. IV. — 4. Frances Brower Beitler, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Feb. 11, 1819; mrd. Joseph H. Miller, Jan. 13, 1846. He died within a year after marriage. No children. Resided in Philadelphia, Pa. IV.— 5. Nathan M. Beitler, b. May 23, 1821; d. June 3, 1838. IV. — 6. Sarah Beitler, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Aug. 31, 1823; mrd. Jacob Gibson, in Philadelphia, Pa., Apr. 20, 1848. Removed to Salt Lake City, Utah, Apr. 3, 1850, where he died May 1, 1882. Res., 1067 Blaine Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. Mr. Gibson's occupation was that of farmer. Mrs. Gibson, member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (commonly called Mormons). Children: 1. Mary; 2. Hannah; 3. Sarah; 4. Jane; 5. Jacob; 6. Ab- raham. V. — 1. Mary Leota Gibson, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., June 2, 1849; mrd. George W. Young, Jan. 27, 1876. P. O., Wanship, Utah. Merchant and postmaster. Children: 246 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 1. George W. Young, b. Nov. 4, 1876; d. Feb. 1, 1879. VI.— 2. Grace R. Young, b. Jan. 1, 1880. VI.— 3. Blanche Young, b. Sept. 11, 1883. VI. — 4. Margaret Young, b. June 11, 1885. VI.— 5. Leota May Young, b. Sept. 3, 1887. V. — 2. Hannah Frances Gibson, b. at Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 2, 1852; mrd. Thomas Harrington, July 21, 1881. He died Mar. 11, 1884. Children: VI. — 1. Thomas Raymond Harrington, b. Nov. 9, 1882. VI.— 2. Warren B. Harrington, b. Jan. 26, 1884. Hannah mrd. second husband, Samuel Garn, Jan. 4, 1888. P. O., Sugar, Utah. Carpenter. Children: VI.— 3. Joseph Archie Garn, b. Mar. 16, 1889. VI.— 4. Stella Garn, b. Sept. 26, 1890; d. Sept. 24, 1892. VI.— 5. Ruby Frances Garn, b. Sept. 5, 1894. V. — 3. Sarah B. Gibson, b. at Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 16,1854; mrd. John Riches, Feb. 16, 1874. P. O., Mill Creek, Utah. Farmer. Children: VI.— 1. Mary Riches, b. Jan. 1, 1887. VI.— 2. Melvin Riches (twin), b. Jan. 1, 1887. VI.— 3. Sarah Leota Riches, b. June 17, 1880. VI.— 4. Jacob Gibson Riches, b. Feb. 16, 1883. VI.— 5. George W. Riches, b. Sept. 18, 1885. VI. — 6. Lawrence B. Riches, b. Mar. 31, 1888. VI.— 7. Nettie Erma Riches, b. Oct. 3, 1890. VI.— 8. Alice Irene Riches, b. Jan. 24, 1893. VI.— 9. Edith June Riches, b. June 27, 1896. V. — 4. Jane Elizabeth Gibson, b. at Salt Lake City, Utah, July 18, 1861. Res., 1067 Blaine Ave., Salt Lake City, Utah. S. JOHN BEITLER. 247 V. — 5. Jacob Gibson, b. at Salt Lake City, Utah, Mar. 21, 1865; mrd. Alice Almira North, Jan. 16, 1890. P. O., Nephi, Utah, Farmer. Children: VI.— 1. Jacob Clyde Gibson, b. Oct. 15, 1890. VI.— 2. Abraham B. Gibson, b. Feb. 14, 1894. VI. — 3. Charles Leon Gibson, b. Jan. 6, 1896. V. — 6. Abraham B. Gibson, b. June 27, 1868; d. Oct. 18, 1877. IV.— 7. Joseph Beitler, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Feb. 28, 1827; d. in Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 8, 1897; mrd. Sarah Cade, June 20, 1861, daughter of Samuel Wilmer and Eliza- beth Cade. She was b. in Philadelphia, Pa., Apr. 10, 1839. Coal merchant. Meth. Ep. Children: 1. Mary; 2. Fannie; 3. Daniel; 4. Martha; 5. Samuel. V. — 1. Mary Elizabeth Beitler, b. in Philadelphia, June 24, 1862; mrd. William R. Lott, Oct. 29, 1885. Res., 2406 Bouvier street, Philadelphia, Pa. Carpenter. Meth. Ep. Children: VI.— 1. Edith May Lott, b. May 3, 1887. VI.— 2. Marion Beitler Lott, b. Mar. 15, 1894. V. — 2. Fannie Beitler, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., June 24, 1864; mrd. William T. Tatem, Apr. 26, 1893. Res., 3414 N. 16th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Methodists. One child: VI. — 1. Edna Sherman Tatem, b. Jan. 1894. V. — 3. Daniel Brower Beitler, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 15, 1867. Res., 1507 Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Bank clerk. Graduate of Philadelphia High School. V. — 4. Martha Cade Beitler, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 12, 1872. Res., 1507 Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. S. V. — 5. Samuel Wilmer Beitler, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., May 21, 1877. Res., 1507 Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. S. Graduate from Philadelphia High School. 248 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. IV. — 8. David Beitler, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Dec. 9, 1830; d. in Philadelphia, Mar. 11, 1875; mrd. Elizabeth Grover Furey, June 2, 1859. She was b. in Ireland, Apr. 24, 1834. David Beitler moved to Philadelphia when a young man. He was a man of fine physique, of very pleasant man- ners and of more than ordinary capacity. On the 4th of May, 1858, he was elected an alderman in the Ninth Ward. The next month he was appointed committing magistrate at the Central station by Mayor Henry. He was continued in that position under Mayor Henry and under Mayor McMichael until the expiration of the latter's term in 1869. Mayor Fox, a Democrat, then came into office. Alderman Beitler was a Republican of exceedingly strong political bias and while he never allowed politics to control the dis- charge of his oflicial duties he refused to serve under a Democratic mayor. In 1872 William S. Stokley was elected on the Republican ticket and he at once reappointed Alder- man Beitler as committing magistrate. The committing magistrate is the representative of the mayor in the dis- charge of judicial duty at the Central police court. His duties are onerous and responsible. Alderman Beitler was recognized as one of the best committing magistrates Phila- delphia ever had. He served under every Republican mayor from the time of his election as alderman in 1858 until the time of his death. He died in commission, having been elected and re-elected by the people of his ward con- tinuously from 1858 to 1875. He was elected, too, in a ward in which the political parties were very evening divided, but his vote was always far in excess of that of his ticket. His judgment was so good and his knowledge of the law so much respected and valued that the leading lawyers in the city took to his court their important cases. He was a member of the Union League, having joined that patriotic organization at its foundation. He was a father kind and indulgent, as a friend steadfast, generous and true, and as an official fearless, intelligent and upright. He died beloved by his family id friends and respected by REV. JOHN S. STAHR, D. D. (See page 270.) JOHN BEITLER. 249^ all who knew him. Episcopal church. Children: 1. John; 2. David; 3. Mary. v.— 1. John Grover Furey Beitler, b. April 21, 1860; d. Jan. 9, 1863. v.— 2. David Clifford Beitler, b. July 8, 1864; d. at Oak- land, California, Nov. 3, 1895. Single. V. — 3. Mary Elizabeth Laura Beitler, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 27, 1866; mrd. Leonard Tapley, June 12, 1894, Res., 6624 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Episcopalians. No children. IV.— 9. John Beitler, b. Sept. 6, 1834; d. July 12, 1854. S. SECTION V. III. — 5. Joseph Beitler, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Feb. 16, 1787; d. May 16, 1841; mrd. Mary Benner. She was b. Feb. 13, 1796; d. Nov. 21, 1831. Farmer and miller. Lived at the old homestead farm in West Pikeland Twp., Chester Co., Pa.; buried in Windsor Baptist burying-ground in Uwchland Twp. Baptists. Children: 1. Sarah; 2. Henry; 3. Hannah. IV.— 1. Sarah Beitler, b. in Chester Co., Pa.; d. Feb. 1882; mrd. Isaac Stiteler. He was b. in Chester Co., Pa.; d. May 18, 1852. Farmer. Baptists. Children: 1. Joseph; 2. Peninah; 3. Mary; 4. Rebecca; 5. Hannah; 6. Anna; 7. Clara. Sarah mrd. second husband, Samuel Irey. One child: 8. Henry. V. — 1. Joseph Beitler Stiteler, b. ; died in the army during the Civil war, May 18, 1864. No children. V. — 2. Peninah Evens Stiteler, b. Aug. 8, 1842; d. Jan. 1, 1870; mrd. Isaac M. Wynn, Nov. 30, 1865. He was b, in Chester Co., Pa., July 5, 1840. Millwright, now farmer. Baptist. Children: 1. Frank; 2. Minnie; 3. Brook. 250 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 1. Frank Wynn, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Dec. 14, 1866; mrd. Mary E. Eyrich, Jan. 21, 1886. P. O., Warwick, Pa. Farmer. Baptists. One child: VII.— 1. Chester L. Wynn, b. Mar. 15, 1887. VI.— 2. Minnie L. Wynn, b. Sept. 11, 1868; d. Dec. 19, 1868. VI.— 3. Brook Wynn, b. Sept. 17, 1870; d. Apr. 13, 1871. v.— 3. Mary Stiteler, b. . S. V. — 4. Rebecca Jane Stiteler, b. July 17, 1845; d. at Marietta, Iowa, Mar. 11, 1876; mrd. Aaron Packer, Jan. 21, 1873. He was b. at Harrisville, Ohio, Mar. 23, 1846. P. O., Bridgeport, O. Farmer. Quaker. Children: 1. Isaac; 2. William. VI.— 1. Isaac Packer, b. Jan. 4, 1874; d. July 27, 1877. VI. — 2. William F. Packer, b. at Marietta, Iowa, Mar. 11, 1876; mrd. Edith Aikinson, Oct. 19, 1898. P. O., Adena, Ohio. Miller. Quaker. Children: VII.— 1. Lillian Catharine Packer, b. Mar. 9, 1903. V. — 5. Hannah Elizabeth Stiteler (twin with Rebecca), b. in Uwchland Twp., Chester Co., Pa., July 17, 1845; d. Mar. 30, 1902; mrd. Rev. Wm. Joshua Cleveland, May 18, 1873. P. O., Pine Ridge, S. D. Rev. William Joshua Cleve- land, M. A., priest in charge of missions of the Protestant Episcopal church to the Ogalala Sioux Indians, Pine Ridge reservation (Agency Dist.), So. Dak. Born at Columbus, Miss., Apr. 20, 1845; son of William Cleveland of Con- necticut, and Martha, nee Brooks, his wife, of Vermont. Graduate of Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y., class of 1869; student General Theo. Sem., N. Y., 1869-1870; student Berkley Theo. Sch., Middletown, Conn., 1870, until grad- uation in 1872. Ordained in 1872. First clergyman in charge of St. Clement's church, Wilkesbarre, Pa. Mis- sionary to Sioux Indians from October 1872 until present time, with exception of two years (1897-1899), when rector of Christ Church, Susquehanna, Pa., and vicar pro tern of JOHN BEITLER. 251 Calvary Chapel, Calvary Parish, New York City. Principal St. Paul's School for Indian Youths, Yankton Ind. Agency, S. D., 1878-1879. Editor "Anpao Kin," a missionary monthly in the Sioux language. Translator of hymns, etc. Editor of " Wakan Cekiye Odowan," a church hymnal with music, in the Soux language. Secretary of the Standing Committee of South Dakota; examining chaplain in South Dakota; trustee of the Cathedral; dean of the Niobrara Convoca- tion; twice delegate to the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. S. A.; member of the Pratt Sioux Commission, to treat with Sioux for cession of lands, in 1888; member of Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity; Knights Templar; Scottish Rite, 32d degree. Children: 1. William; 2. Martha; 3. Oliver; 4. Laura; 5. George; 6. George; 7. Ella. VI.— 1. William Claxton Cleveland, b. May 10, 1874; d. July 8, 1875. VI.— 2. Martha Elizabeth Cleveland, b. Oct. 10, 1875. P. O., Wakpala, S. D. Teacher. Prot. Ep. VI.— 3. Oliver Henry Cleveland, b. Nov. 26, 1876. P. O., Wakpala, S. D. Teacher. Prot. Ep. VI.— 4. Laura Have Cleveland, b. Sept. 20, 1882. P. O., Sioux Falls, S. D. Student. Prot. Ep. VI.— 5. George William Cleveland, b. Nov. 15, 1883; d. Dec. 15, 1883. VI. — 6. George Gasman Cleveland, b. Jan. 30, 1885. Prot. Ep. VI.— 7. Ella May Cleveland, b. Jan. 2, 1889. Prot. Ep. v.— 6. Anna Margaret Stiteler, b. July 4, 1849; d. Dec. 15, 1893; mrd. Joseph Kirk. v.— 7. Clara Virginia Stiteler, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Nov. 30, 1851; mrd. Montgomery Campbell, Jan. 1, 1876. P. O., Shenkel, Pa. Lineman. Baptist. One child: 1. Sarah. 252 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 1. Sarah Campbell, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Mar. 20, 1877; mrd. Savillian Ecker, Apr. 10, 1896. P. O., Potts- town, Pa. Lineman. Ifeethodists. One child: 1. Cora. VII. — 1. Cora May Ecker, b. ; aged two years. V. — 8. Henry Beitler Irey; mrd. Res., 704 Deem St., Reading, Pa. IV. — 2. Henry Beitler. Lawyer. Formerly treasurer of Chester Co., Pa. Removed to Orrville, Ohio. No children. IV. — 3. Hannah Beitler; mrd. Joseph Downing. Farmer. Baptists. Children: 1. George; 2. Sarah, V. — 1. George Downing, b. ; d. May 1, 1879; mrd. Mary King. No children. v.— 2. Sarah A. Downing, b. ,1856; d. Apr. 2, 1882; mrd. Andrew C. Cox, Apr. 4, 1878. He was b. in Philadel- phia, Pa,, 1849; d. at Downingtown, Pa., Sept. 7, 1879. Merchant. Mr. Cox, Episcopal; Mrs. Cox, Lutheran. Child: VI. — 1, Eva E. Cox, b. at E. Downingtown, Mar, 11, 1879. P. O,, E. Downingtown, Pa. Episcopal. S. Sarah mrd. second husband. Pulaski Fondersmith, de- ceased. No children. SECTION VI. III.— 6. Ann Beitler, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Feb. 1, 1789; d. Mar. 28, 1876; mrd. Moses Lewis*, Mar. 28, 1815. He was b. June 23, 1783; d. Sept. 14, 1859. Ann Beitler Lewis * Moses Lewis was a son of Isaac Lewis (b. Apr. 15, 1762; d. Nov. 17, 1825), and his wife, Sarah (Owen) Lewis (b. Mar. 27, 1765; d. July 17, 1825). Isaac Lewis favored the Methodists, and Sarah, his wife, was a Friend. Sarah Owen Lewis owned land in Upper Uwchland Twp., Chester Co., Pa., and was a slave owner. JOHN BEITLER. 253 after attaining her eightieth year cut a third full set of teeth. Mr. Lewis was appointed a trustee of Windsor Baptist Church, Apr. 27, 1833. In the autumn of that year a lease for a baptistry on his land was made for 999 years and a dressing room and pool were erected. Farmer. Baptists. Children: 1, Eleanor; 2. Sarah; 3. Hannah; 4. Mary; 5. John; 6. Jane; 7. Isaac. IV.— 1. Eleanor Beitler Lewis, b. May 26, 1816; d. Mar. 26, 1841; mrd. Jesse Evans Philips of East Nantmeal, Chester Co., Pa., Dec. 13, 1838. He was b. Jan. 4, 1816; d. Apr. 3, 1895. Eleanor Beitler Lewis was the belle of the neighbor- hood, and at the time of her marriage her father presented her with $1,000 and a chaise. The following was published in the West Chester newspaper, Apr. 1841: "Died in East Nantmeal, on the evening of the 26th ult., Eleanor, consort of Jesse E. Philips, in the twenty-sixth year of her age." **In recurring to the death of this amiable and interesting young woman, the mind is burdened with more than an ordinary degree of sorrow. To look at the transition we are about to record, strongly admonishes us that she was but mortal, the inhabitant of sublunary tenement, hastily va- cated and abandoned to the consuming caprice of progress- ive time. But while we are conscious she was but a creature of the dust, the responsible sphere she seemed called to occupy in life gave a delusive promise that she would long be permitted to remain an inmate of the earthly tabernacle. The mother of two children, the elder just ap- proaching that age in life when the maternal precepts and example point with a vivid and enduring effect to the future destiny of the child, the other but an infant, requiring all the solicitude and tenderness of an anxious mother to nourish and rescue from the paralyzing hand of disease. While she will be greatly lamented because of the helpless situation of her babes, her loss will be felt by the rising and adult world, for that modest benignity that character- ized her whole life. To her afflicted companion her demise was a source of unmitigated sorrow, which nevertheless 251 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. was submitted to with decent forbearance and pious resig- nation. To her various relations and acquaintances at large her transmutation will be sensibly felt and painfully ap- preciated. But while the soul is in anguish for the loss of our valued friend, it might be profitable to remember that the decree was conceived by Infinite Wisdom and executed by the arm of Omnipotence, and that the hand that was never slow to administer at the shrine of hu- manity, has ceased to perform its errand of mercy only that the spirit that prompted it might hasten to a full fruition of that celestial joy that a perfect faith in the saving power of a crucified Redeemer and a devout and Christian life, had ensured for her a ' joy unspeakable and full of glory'." She was reconciled to God through Jesus Christ and had a blessed hope of an acceptance in heaven. Her last words were: "Sweet Jesus! Dear Lord, take me home quick! " Jesse Evans Philips was treasurer of Chester Co., Pa., in 1874. He was proprietor and conductor of Fremont Academy at his home in East Nantmeal from 1847 to 1858. He was also a surveyor and employed by the government to do such work in the South. Was one of the three Philips brothers who have for upwards of fifty years officiated con- secutively as clerks for East Nantmeal Baptist Church. He was also a justice of the peace in East Nantmeal. He was a lineal descendant of Joseph Philips, born in Wales in 1716 at Pembrokeshire. In 1755 he sailed for America from the seaport town of Pembroke, accompanied by his wife, Mary, b. 1710, and their three sons, David, John and Josiah, The youngest son, Joseph, was born in this country. At the time of the Revolution these four sons took the side of the Colonies and commanded the 7th bat- talion, 2d company, Chester county militia, as follows: Captain, David Philips; first lieutenant, John Philips; second lieutenant, Josiah Philips; ensign, Joseph Philips. Commissioned May 5, 1777. Jesse Evans Philips was a grandson of Lieut, Josiah JOHN BEITLER. 255 Philips and his wife, Sarah Thomas*. Baptists. Children: 1. Rachel; 2. Annie. V. — 1. Rachel Anna Philips, b. in East Nantmeal, Ches- ter Co., Pa., Sept. 6, 1839; mrd. Joseph Eastburn Rapp, May 7, 1863. He was b. at Phoenixville, Pa., May 17, 1734. P. O., Norristown, Pa. Brick manufacturer. Has been deacon in the Baptist Church at Norristown for twenty years. Children: 1. Eleanor; 2. Hannah; 3. Mary; 4. Joseph; 5. Jesse. VI. — 1. Etoanor Rapp, b. in Norristown, Pa., Mar. 14, 1864; d. in Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 12, 1898; mrd. Thomas Marquand Guilbert, June 19, 1889. Res., 1807 N. 22d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Printer and publisher at 226 Ionic St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Guilbert was an unusually bright womL-- and accustomed to entertain and adorn society. She was a prominent member of Valley Forge Chapter, Daugh- ters of the American Revolution, and descended in four direct lines from prominent Colonial ancestry. Attend Universalist Church. One child: VII.— 1. Marquand Eastburn Guilbert*, b. Aug. 25, 1890. * Granddaughter of Rev. Owen Thomas, who was b. in 1691 at Grosgodelys in the parish of Cilmaullwyd, county of Pembroke, Wales. Rev. Owen Thomas came to America and was the fourth pastor of the Welsh Tract in New Castle Co. He removed to Vincent in May 1748, and died there in 1760. He had two sons, one of whom, David (the father of Sarah), was a captain in the French and Indian war. The marble slab over the remains of Rev. Owen Thomas in the Vincent burial-ground contains the following inscription : " Here lies the body of the Rev. Owen Thomas, who departed this life Nov. 12, 1760, in the 69th year of his age. " In yonder house I spent my breath, "And now lie slumbering here in death; " Those lips shall wake, and then declare, "Amen! to truths they published there." * His paternal grandparents are Nicholas Guilbert, a native of Guernsey, and Charlotte Marsh Guilbert, a native of England, both coming to America in their youth and residing since in Philadelphia. 256 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 2. Hannah Ann Rapp, b. Jan. 17, 1866; mrd. Wil- liam E. Phillips, Oct. 1886. P. O., Abrams, Pa. From May 1894 until October 1898 Mrs. Phillips was principal of a public school at K'gn. in Philadelphia. Coming of a race of teachers she found great pleasure in the work. Owing to changes in her family occasioned by death, she resigned, which was deeply regretted by many who came into associa- tion with her in her work of teaching. They reside on the Wm. Penn farm. Upper Merion, Pa., where Mr. Phillips is engaged in raising horses, etc. One child: VM. — 1. Joseph Leon Phillips, b. June 15, 1888. VI.— 3. Mary Elma Rapp, b. June 27, 1868; mrd. Edwy C. Fest of Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 1, 1892. Res., 4701 Spring- field Ave., West Philadelphia, Pa. No children. Vl. — 4. Joseph Lewis Rapp, b. Oct. 7, 1872; mrd. Mary Kirk Anderson of King, Prussia, Pa., June 5, 1895. Res., 104 Franklin Ave., Norristown, Pa. No children. VI.— 5. Jesse Phillips Rapp, b. Oct. 12, 1875. Medical -student at University of Pennsylvania (1899). IV. — 2. Sarah Lewis, b. July 19, 1817; mrd. Morgan Philips. He was b. Mar. 7, 1816; d. Feb. 27, 1889. Farmer. Baptists. Children: 1. Edwin; 2. Mary; 3. Lewis. V. — 1. Edwin Philips; mrd. Elizabeth Pinkerton. She was b. May 11, 1838; d. Dec. 18, 1874. Children: 1. Grace; 2. Corinne; 3. Mary; 4. Elizabeth. Edwin mrd. second wife, Henrietta Smith. Res., 1700 Vine St., Philadelphia. Baptists. Child: 5. Sarah. VI.— 1. Grace Philips. Baptist. S. VI. — 2. Corinne Philips; mrd. Thomas Palmer. Baptist. VI.— 3. Mary Elmira Philips. Baptist. S. VI.— 4. Elizabeth Philips. Baptist. S. VI.— 5. Sarah Philips. Baptist. S. REV. ISAAC S. STAHR. (See page 277. ) JOHN BEITLER. 257 V. — 2. Mary Ann Philips; died young. V. — 3. Lewis Philips; died young. IV.— 3. Hannah Lewis, b. May 28, 1819; d. Jan. 25, 1875. S. IV. — 4. Mary Ann Lewis, b. Dec. 12, 1820; d. May 30, 1850, S. IV. — 5. John Lewis, b. Dec. 26, 1821; died young. IV. — 6. Jane Lewis, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Jan. 27, 1824; mrd. John S. Davis, July 31, 1845. He died Nov. 17, 1897. P. O., Milford Mills, Pa. Farmer. Children: 1. Eleanor; ^. Lewis; 3. Mary; 4. Joseph; 5. William; 6. Sarah. V. — 1. Eleanor Davis, b. July 1846; d. in infancy. V. — 2. Lewis Moses Davis, b, in Upper Uwchland, Chester Co., Pa., May 28, 1847; mrd. Fannie J. Cross, Apr. 13, 1869. P. O., Tecumseh, Neb. Merchant. Presby. Chil- dren: 1. Flora*; 2. Charles; 3. Irene. VI.— 1. Flora J. Davis, b. June 6, 1870; d. Jan. 6, 1871. VI.— 2. Charles E. Davis, b. Oct. 20, 1873. VI.— 3. Irene W. Davis, b. June 12, 1881; d. Nov. 3, 1898. v.— 3. Mary Ann Davis, b. Dec. 30, 1849; lived five months. V. — 4. Joseph Elwood Davis, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Oct. 16, 1852; mrd. Stella Buffum, Aug. 20, 1876. P. O., Sutton, Neb. Artist. Children: VI.— 1. Carrie L. Davis. P. O., Milford Mills, Pa. VI. — 2. Minnie May Davis; died in sixth year. VI. — 3, John S. Davis; died in infancy. V. — 5. William Downing Davis, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Oct. 5, 1857. P. O., Milford Mills, Pa. Farmer. S. 18 258 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. V. — 6. Sarah Ann Davis, b. in Chester Co., Pa., May 9, 1863; d. Jan. 14, 1899. Her funeral was largely attended, as she was well and very favorably known, having taught school for a number of years. The floral tributes were very large and handsome. The principal piece was a de- sign, " Gates Ajar," presented by the pupils of Montrose Sunday School, of which she was the mainstay. As she was very active in Sunday school work, her loss will be deeply felt by the scholars. Funeral services were con- ducted by Rev. R. C. Wood, assisted by Rev. H. B. Garner and Rev. Mr. Keelor. Meth. Ep. IV.— 7. Isaac Beitler Lewis, b. Dec. 24, 1826; mrd. Rebecca Slawyer. Children: 1. George; 2. Annie. V. — 1. George Slawyer Lewis; mrd. Cora Harris. P. O., Royers Ford, Pa. Children: VI. — 1. Annie Lewis. VI. — 2. John Lewis. V. — 2. Annie Lewis; mrd. Levis Ranson. Children: 1. Mary. VI. — 1. Mary Anna Ranson; mrd. Bierbown. SECTION VII. III.— 7. Hannah Beitler, b. May 30, 1791; d. ; mrd. John Lapp. They moved to Gasport, N. Y., in 1836, where he died in 1878. Children: 1. William; 2. Isaac; 3. Joseph; 4. David; 5. John; 6. Elizabeth; 7. Mary; 8. Jacob. IV. — 1. William Lapp, deceased. Carpenter. IV. — 2. Isaac Lapp. Miller. IV. — 3. Joseph Lapp. P. O., Cowlesville, N. Y. Tanner. IV. — 4. David Lapp, deceased. JOHN BEITLER. 259 IV. — 5. Jolin Lapp, deceased. Miller. IV. — 6. Elizabeth Lapp, deceased. IV. — 7. Mary Lapp; mrd. Stout. P. O., Batavia, N. Y. IV. — 8. Jacob Beitler Lapp, b, in Bucks Co., Pa., in 1814; d. at Gasport, Niagara Co., New York, in 1878; mrd. Sarah E. McCumber. Miller. Mr. Lapp, Baptist; Mrs. Lapp, Presbyterian. Children: 1. James; 2. Florence; 3. Josephine; 4. Orlando. V. — 1. James Gillett Lapp, b. at Batavia, Genesee Co., N. Y., Dec. 25, 1842; mrd. Julia M. Roberts. Res., 1016 Niagara Ave., Niagara Falls, N. Y. Department collector and inspector U. S. C. Congregational Ch. Children: 1. Alice; 2. Charles; 3. Judson. VI.— 1. Alice J. Lapp, b. at Gasport, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1862; mrd. Emory J. Sylvester, Jan. 22, 1890. Res., 31 Furgison Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Children: VII.— 1. Will Lapp Sylvester, b. Sept. 5, 1893. VII.— 2. Ruth Isabelle Sylvester, b. Feb. 3, 1897. VI. — 2. Charles J. Lapp, b. at Royal ton, Niagara Co., N. Y., June 17, 1865; mrd. Helen Paxon of Bloomfield, N. J., Oct. 7, 1891. Res. 86 Orchard St., Newark, N. J. Druggist. Congregational. No children. VI.— 3. Judson D. Lapp, b. Aug. 10, 1869; d. Sept. 29, 1896. Jeweler. Single. V. — 2. Florence Lapp, b. in 1846; d. in 1870; mrd. Charles Day. V. — 3. Josephine L. Lapp, b. March 1852; mrd. Charles Day. Res., 130 Washburn St., Lockport, N. Y. V. — 4. Orlando M. Lapp, b. in Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1850; mrd. Martha M. Howd, Feb. 19, 1873. Res., 66 Lewis St., Lockport, N. Y. Mrs. L., Baptist. Children: 260 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 1. Florence J. Lapp, b. Oct. 24, 1874. P. O., 66 Lewis St., Lockport, N. Y. School teacher. Baptist. S. VI. — 2. Sara L. Lapp, b. June 4, 1877. Res., 66 Lewis St., Lockport, N. Y. Baptist. S. VI.— 3. Edward J. Lapp, b. Apr. 3, 1883. Res., 66 Lewis St., Lockport, N. Y. Student. SECTION VIII. III.— 8. Elizabeth Beitler, b. Feb. 1, 1794; d. in Han- cock Co., 111., Feb. 15, 1868; mrd. Joseph Downing, Jan. 13, 1813. He died in Chester Co., Pa., June 8, 1822. Farmer. Quaker. Children: 1. James; 2. John; 3. Thamazin; 4. Sarah; 5. Hannah; 6. Mary. Elizabeth married second husband, Benjamin Riter, Dec. 27, 1827. He was b. in Chester Co., Pa., July 27, 1801; d. in Illinois, Nov. 23, 1884. He Quaker; she Mormon. Children: 7. Charles; 8. Joseph; 9. Susan; 10. William; 11. Martha. IV. — 1. James Downing, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Feb. 12, 1816; mrd. Margaret Gheen. Children: 1. Benjamin; 2. Thomas; 3. Hannah; 4. Mary; 5. Lucy; 6. Jane; 7. Wil- liam; 8. Joseph; 9. George; 10. John; 11. Stephen. v.— 1. Benjamin Downing, b. Dec. 27, 1843; d. Dec. 27, 1843. V. — 2. Thomas Downing, b. Nov. 10, 1845; mrd. Sarah Brown, Dec. 28, 1870. P. O., Scandia, Kansas. Farmer. Children: 1. Clara; 2. Charles; 3. James; 4. Emily; 5. Edith; 6. Mary; 7. Nellie; 8. Arthur; 9. Lloyd. VI.— 1. Clara J. Downing, b. Oct. 18, 1871; mrd. Elmer M. Sothers. P. O., Courtland, Kansas. Farmer. Children: VII.— 1. Floyd Sothers. Vll.— 2. Gertrude Sothers. VI.— 2. Charles W. Downing, b. Dec. 26, 1873; mrd. Cecelia McLaughlin. P. O., Courtland, Kansas. Farmer. One child: JOHN BEITLER. 261 VII. — 1. William Edward Downing. VI. — 3. James Edwin Downing, b. Apr. 29, 1876; mrd. Arden Wheeler. P. O., Scandia, Kan. Farmer. One child: VII. — 1. Warren H. Downing. VI.— 4. Emily M. Downing, b. Aug. 14, 1878; mrd. George Tebow. P. O., Formoso, Kan. Farmer. One child: VII.— 1. Carl Tebow. VI.— 5. Edith Thomizan Downing, b. Aug. 19, 1880; d. July 1, 1881. VI.— 6. Mary Lucy Downing, b. June 10, 1882. S. VI.— 7. Nellie E. Downing, b. Aug. 1, 1884. S. VI.— 8. Arthur H. Downing, b .Nov. 14, 1886. VI.— 9. Lloyd E. Downing, b. May 15, 1891. V. — 3. Hannah E. Downing, b. at Nauvoo, 111,, Sept. 4, 1847; mrd. W. H. Brown, Aug. 27, 1867. P. O., Ponca, Okla. Farmer. Meth. Ep. Children: 1. Cora; 2. 011a; 3. Maude. VI.— 1. Cora M. Brown, b. June 22, 1868; mrd. H. M. Golden. P. O., Fry, Ind. Ter. Farmer. Children: VII.— 1. Viola B. Golden. VII.— 2. Myrtle E. Golden. VII.— 3. William H. Golden. VI.— 2. 011a V. Brown, b. Sept. 23, 1871; mrd. G. G. Wright. P. O., Ponca, Okla. Ter. Children: VII.— 1. Vernon O. Wright. VII.— 2. Mac. E. Wright. VI.— 3. Maude E. Brown, b. Feb. 28, 1881; d. Mar. 3, 1898; mrd. C. L. Russell. Farmer. One child: VII. — 1. Elvira Faye Russell. V. — 4. Mary Frances Downing, b. Apr. 14, 1849; mrd. A. M. Dayton. 262 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. V. — 5. Lucy Maria Downing, b. at Nauvoo, 111., Sept. 3, 1850; mrd. S. W. Gunter, Feb. 28, 1869. P. O., Scandia, Kansas, Farmer. Presbyterian. Children: 1. James; 2. Margaret; 3. Atlina; 4. Joseph; 5. John; 6. Charles; 7. George; 8. Frank; 9. Edith. VI.— 1. James Albert Gunter, b. Feb. 16, 1870. P. O., Liberty, Texas. Printer. VI.— 2. Margaret Belle Gunter, b. Nov. 28, 1871. P. O., Scandia, Kansas. VI. — 3. Atlina Jane Gunter, b. Dec. 7, 1873; mrd. Harvey A. Wrigley, Sept. 2, 18^6. P. O., Scandia, Kansas. Presbyterian. One child: VII.— 1. John Arthur Wrigley, b. Jan. 9, 1898. VI.— 4. Joseph William Gunter, b. Jan. 23, 1875; mrd. Anna Douglass, Nov. 1, 1899. P. O., Scandia, Kansas. Farmer. VI. — 5. John Claburne Gunter, b. Dec. 2, 1876; mrd. Emma Lippe, Apr. 26, 1899. P. O., Scandia, Kansas. Clerk in drug store. VI. — 6. Charles Samuel Gunter, b. Aug. 20, 1879; d. July 23, 1881. VI.— 7. George Elmer Gunter, b. June 11, 1881; d. June 2, 1882. VI.— 8. Frank Edgar Gunter, b. Aug. 25, 1883. VI.— 9. Edith May Gunter, b. Nov. 23, 1885. Presb. V. — 6. Jane Elizabeth Downing, b. Dec. 27, 1851; d. Apr. 5, 1883; mrd. Brown. V. — 7. William Gheen Downing, b. July 4, 1853; d. Aug. 15, 1853. v.— 9. Joseph Riter Downing, b. Sept. 23, 1854; d. Aug. 26, 1875. v.— 10. George W. Downing, b. Aug. 18, 1856; mrd. Clara Forcade, in 1882. Farmer. Children: JOHN BEITLER. 263 VI.— 1. Clara M. Downing, b. in 1884; d. in 1894. VI.— 2. Gailord Downing, b. in 1885. VI.— 3. Carl Downing, b. in 1893. v.— 11. John B. Downing, b. June 18, 1859; mrd. Estella M. Parks, in 1887. P. O., Scandia, Kansas. Farmer. Children: VI.— 1. Milo A. Downing, b. Apr. 14, 1888. VI.— 2. Elda M. Downing, b. Aug. 18, 1890. VI.— 3. Carey A. Downing, b. Nov. 9, 1895. v.— 12. Stephen A. Douglas Downing, b. Oct. 14, 1860. P. O., Scandia, Kansas. Farmer. S. IV. — 2. John Downing, b. ; mrd. Mary Couch Downing, daughter of William Downing. IV. — 3. Thamzin Downing, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Dec. 10, 18 — ; mrd. George Woodward. P. O., St. George, Utah. Bricklayer. Latter Day Saints. No children. IV.— 4. Sarah Downing, b. Oct. 11, 1819; d. mrd. Solon Foster, deceased. One son: v.— 1. Frank Foster. P. O., St. George, Utah. IV.— 5. Hannah B. Downing, b. Jan. 15, 1821; d. Dec. 4, 1842. IV. — 6. Mary Ann Downing, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Dec. 17,1822; d. near Powellton, 111., Feb. 6, 1875; mrd. Morgan Lewis, Dec. 25, 1845 (his second wife). He was b. in Chester Co., Pa., Apr. 21, 1814; d. in Powellton, 111., Feb. 8, 1894. Farmer. Quakers. Children: 1. Francis; 2. Evan; 3. Florence; 4. Ellen; 5. Ann; 6. Isaac; 7. Luanna; 8. Edith. V. — 1. Francis Marion Lewis, b. ; d. young. V. — 2. Evan D. Lewis, b. ; d. young. V. — 3. Florence Lewis, b. ; d. young. 264 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. V. — 4. Ellen Elizabeth Lewis, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Apr. 11, 1853; mrd. George W. Webb, Jan. 12, 1875. Farmer and stock raiser. Attend Lutheran and Presbyterian churches. Children: 1. Morgan; 2. Blanche; 3. William; 4. Frank; 5. Jasper, VI.— 1. Morgan Lewis Webb, b. Sept. 15, 1876. P. O., Nauvoo, 111. Graduated at Carthage College, May 18, 1899, with degree of B. S. He is now (1900) a student at the Wit- tenburg Seminary, Springfield, Ohio, preparing for the ministry of the Lutheran church. He has been an active member of the Y. M. C. A. for four years. S. VI.— 2. Blanche Edith Webb, b. Dec. 18, 1880. P. O., Nauvoo, 111. Member of the C. E. and Y. W. C. A. Luth. S. VI.— 3. William Webb, b. Nov. 24, 1885. VI.— 4. Frank Webb, b. Nov. 12, 1888; d. Aug. 11, 1889. VI.— 5. Jasper Kent Webb, b. Sept. 25, 1893. V. — 5. Ann Thomas Lewis, b. in Hancock Co., 111., June 26, 1856; mrd. F. M. Whitcomb, Feb. 27, 1881. P. O., Adrian, 111. Farmer. Children: VI.— 1. Clara M. Whitcomb, b. June 19, 1882. VI.— 2. Morgan Dwight Whitcomb, b. Nov. 22, 1887; d. June 25, 1888. V. — 6. Isaac Thomas Lewis, b. Sept. 15, 1858; mrd. Sarah A. Wilson, Sept. 10, 1885. P. O., Powellton, 111. Farmer. Presbyterian. Children: VI.— 1. Charles R. Lewis, b. Aug. 14, 1886. VI.— 2. Lee T. Lewis, b. Nov. 2, 1891; d. Jan. 27, 1892. VI.— 3. Morgan R. Lewis, b. Dec. 20, 1894; d. Mar. 26, 1895. VI.— 4. Joseph F. Lewis, b. June 12, 1896. v.— 7. Luanna L. Lewis, b. May 9, 1861; mrd. W. H. Thornber, in 1881. P. O., Powellton, 111. Farmer and sheep raiser. Children: 08 Q. o O w o m __ t~ ■— oo I ■M (U re be (U ^-^ +-> w (L> E M o I 1. V •c (U CQ J2 O O n\ JOHN BEITLER. 265 VI.— 1. Mary A. Thornber, b. Mar. 16, 1882. VI.— 2. Thomas W. Thornber, b. May 1, 1884. VI — 3. Edith M. Thornber, b. Feb. 24, 1886. v.— 8. Edith Lewis, b. at Nauvoo, 111., Oct. 1, 1865. P. O., 624 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. Stenographer. Episcopal. S. IV.— 7. Charles C. Riter, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Nov. 10, 1828; d. Mar. 16, 1898; mrd. Hannah Margaret Cosgrove, Dec. 25, 1855. She was b. in Ohio, Apr. 19, 1836. Veterinary surgeon and farmer. Mr. R., Quaker; Mrs. R., Presbyterian. Children: 1. Arthur; 2. Benjamin; 3. Lizzie. Mr. Riter moved to Nauvoo, 111., in the spring of 1846, and lived in the city during the Mormon war and exodus from the city. He served as city marshal two terms (1853- 1854), and was deputy sheriff of Hancock Co., 111., from 1854 to 1856. He was a staunch Democrat and took an active part in local politics. He also served as assessor of Appanoose township seventeen years in succession. In 1892 he was stricken with paralysis, and while unable to help himself much, he cheerfully bore his burden until death came to his release. V. — 1. Arthur Smith Riter, b. in Hancock Co., 111., Aug. 20, 1857; d. there May 11, 1882; mrd. lantha Belle Jones, July 7, 1878. She was b. in Hancock Co., 111., July 20, 1862. Farmer. Children: 1. Zula; 2. Charlie. VI.— 1. Zula D. Riter, b. Nov. 18, 1879. P. O., Court- land, Kansas. S. VI.— 2. Charlie W. Riter, b. in Hancock Co., 111., July 25, 1881. P. O., Courtland, Kansas. V. — 2. Benjamin W. Riter, b. in Hancock Co., 111., Apr. 13,1859; mrd. Melda Little, Oct. 24, 1883. P. O., Pontoosue, 111. Farmer. Presbyterian. Children: VI.— 1. Arthur L. Riter, b. Oct. 26, 1884. - VI.— 2. Harry C. Riter, b. Feb. 11, 1886; d. Dec. 8, 1886. 266 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.--3. Golda M. Riter, b. May 25, 1888. VI.— 4. Lizzie E. Riter, b. May 15, 1891. V. — 3, Lizzie Maria Riter, b. in Appanoose Twp., Han- cock Co., 111., Jan, 2, 1864; mrd. Frank C. Ferguson in 1879. P. O., Niota, 111. Farmer. Presbyterian. Children: VI. — 1. Benjamin Ford Ferguson, b. Jan. 12, 1880; d. Dec. 2, 1880. VI. — 2. Leda Margaret Ferguson, b. Dec. 1, 1881. Pres- byterian. S. VI.— 3. Lula Clare Ferguson, b. Feb. 22, 1884. VI. — 4. Charles Henry Ferguson, b. July 17, 1887. VI.— 5. Frank Robert Ferguson, b. Aug. 19, 1895. VI.— 6. Lizzie Edith Hannah Ferguson, b. Feb. 17, 1897. IV.— 8. Joseph D. Riter, b. in Berks Co., Pa., Apr. 18, 1830; mrd. Edith Davis, May 1, 1860. P. O., Powellton, 111. Retired farmer. No children. IV.— 9. Susan Riter, b. Oct. 2, 1831; d. May 14, 1839. IV.— 10. William W. Riter, b. Feb. 27, 1835; mrd. Sarah C. Falkner, Dec. 13, 1865. P. O., Powellton, 111. Farmer. Children: 1. Susan; 2. Catharine; 3. John. V. — 1. Susan B. Riter, b. ; mrd. J. P. Thornber. P. O., Powellton, 111. V. — 2. Catharine Riter, b. ; d. ; mrd. Amos Thornber. P. O., Powellton, 111. V. — 3. John H. Riter, b. ; mrd. Mary Schmitz. P. O., Powellton, 111. IV.— 11. Martha Riter, b. Feb. 19, 1837; d. Sept. 22, 1837. JOHN BEITLER. 267 SECTION IX. III.— 9. Eleanor Beitler, b. Feb. 5, 1796; d. Sept. 1870; mrd. Ezekiel* Evans, about 1818. He was b. June 24, 1791; d. in Uwchland Twp., Chester Co., Pa., May 29, 1870. Farmer. "Friends by precept." Children: 1. Thomas; 2. Hannah; 3. John; 4. Jane; 5. Mary; 6. Evan; 7. Lewis; 8. Rebecca; 9. Anna; 10. Webster. IV. — 1. Thomas B. Evans, b. Jan. 2, 1819; mrd. Martha J. Cheney. P. O., Chester Valley, Pa. Children: 1. Wil- liam; 2. Ezekiel; 3. Walter; 4. Mary; 5. John; 6. Ella; 7. Fannie; 8. Jane. V. — 1. William Evans, b. ; mrd. Snyder. V. — 2. Ezekiel C. Evans, b. ; mrd. Ida Stauffer. Res., — Summer St., Philadelphia, Pa. Three children. V. — 3. Walter Evans, b. ; died young. V. — 4. Mary Evans, b. ; died young. V. — 5. John K. Evans, b. ; mrd. May Singles. P. O., Malvern, Pa. Physician. One child: VI. — 1. Evans. V. — 6. Ella Evans, b. ; mrd. Dr. Calvin K. Christ- man, deceased. Children: VI. — 1. Daniel Christman. VI. — 2. Mary Christman. VI. — 3. Thomas Christman. V. — 7. Fanny Evans, b. . Res., Philadelphia, Pa. Single. V. — 8. Jane Evans, b. . IV. — 2. Hannah Beitler Evans, b. in Chester Co., Pa., May 22, 1821; d. at West Chester, Pa., Jan. 14, 1886; mrd. * Sixth son of Evan Evans and Jane Owen Evans. Evan Evans was a son of Thomas and Eleanor (Rees) Evans. Jane Owen was a daughter of William and Rebecca Owen. 268 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. William Pastorius Reiff, Apr. 6, 1848. He was b. in White- pain Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa., June 28, 1820. He was a son of John and Mary (Pastorius) Reiff, his mother being a descendant of the noted and learned Francis Daniel Pastorius. William P. Reiff was a manufacturer of giant powder, in which business he lost his life by an explosion at Norristown, Pa., Nov. 6, 1863. Attended Friends' meet- ing. Children: 1. Daniel; 2. Mary. V. — 1. Daniel Webster Reiff, b. in Montgomery Co., Pa., Feb. 16, 1849; mrd. Van Dyck. Children: 1. Mary; 2. Lillie. Daniel mrd. second wife, Laura Versalia Kinzer, in Lyon Co., Kansas, Feb. 21, 1878. P. O., Americus, Kansas. Farmer. Children: 3. Fred; 4. Jessie; 5. Maggie; 6. Francis; 7. Fay; 8. Ora. VI.— 1. Mary Reiff, b. . P. O., West Chester, Pa. VI.— 2. Lillie Reiff, b. . P. O., West Chester, Pa. VI.— 3. Fred Leighton Reiff, b. Nov. 5, 1879. VI.— 4. Jessie Mary Reiff, b. Jan. 29, 1881. VI.— 5. Maggie B. Reiff, b. Sept. 2, 1882; d. July 29, 1883. VI.— 6. Francis Clayton Reiff, b. Sept. 23, 1884. VI.— 7. Fay Virgil Reiff, b. July 24, 1887. VI.— 8. Ora Kinzer Reiff, b. Feb. 5, 1895. v.— 2. Mary Pastorius Reiff, b. Apr. 13, 1850; d. July 3, 18t)9. Single. IV. — 3. John Beitler Evans, b. in Chester Co., Pa., May 7,1823; d. in Dallas Co., Iowa; mrd. Luisa Esling Williams. She was b. in Chester Co., Pa., June 17, 1824. Farmer. Mr. Evans, Quaker descendant; Mrs. Evans, Ger. Bap. Chil- dren: 1. Anna; 2. Eleanor; 3. Henry; 4. Frank; 5. Ida; 6. John; 7. Charles; 8. Elmer; 9. Lewis; 10. Ulysses. JOHN BEITLER. 269 V. — 1. Anna Mary Evans, b. in Chester Co., Pa., July 30, 1850; mrd. John O. Kizer, Oct. 22, 1874. P. O., Salem, Va. Teacher. Luth. Children: VI.— 1. Edna Miller Kizer, b. Aug. 15, 1875; d. Apr. 20, 1880. VI.— 2. Edwin Oscar Kizer, b. Mar. 18, 1877. Graduate of Roanoke College. P. O., East Pittsburg, Pa. S. VI.— 3. Claudene Louise Kizer, b. Sept. 1878. P. O., Salem, Va. S. VI. — 4. Havard Evans Kizer, b. Jan. 1, 1881. VI.— 5. Lizzie Belle Kizer, b. Mar. 23, 1885. VI.— 6. Ruth Josephine Kizer, b. July 25, 1889. All members of Ev. Luth. Ch. and single. V. — 2. Eleanor Beitler Evans, b. Dec. 4, 1851, in Chester Co., Pa.; mrd. J. W. Kreps, Mar. 25, 1885. Res., Des Moines, Iowa. No children. V. — 3. Henry Ezekiel Evans, b. July 8, 1853, in Chester Co., Pa. P. O., Dallas Center, Iowa. V. — 4. Frank Reeser Evans, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Dec. 17, 1854; mrd. Sydney Michael, in 1878. She was b. 1856. P. O., Merchantville, N. J. P. R. R. foreman. Children: VI.— 1. Lizzie Ann Evans, b. Dec. 22, 1879. VI.— 2. Elmer E. Evans, b. Nov. 7, 1883. V. — 5. Ida Jane Evans, b. in Chester Co., Pa., July 30, 1856; mrd. Willard W. Beaver, Dec. 25, 1883. Res., 3518 Lafayette St., Denver, Colo. Mrs. Beaver was educated at Millersville State Normal School, Lancaster Co., Pa., and taught school four years in Chester Co., Pa., and four years in Dallas Co., Iowa, before marriage. Baptist. One child: VI. — 1. Lorena F. Beaver, b. June 7, 1886. V. — 6. John Williams Evans, b. ; d. . No children. V. — 7. Charles Frick Evans, b. Nov. 17, 1859. P. O., Des Moines, Iowa. Locomotive engineer. S. 270 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. V. — 8. Elmer Ellsworth Evans, b. Jan. 21, 1861; mrd. Myra I. Scoville, Oct. 8, 1891. P. O., Kendricks, Idaho. Farmer. Methodists. No children (1899). v.— 9. Lewis Hereford Evans, b. Oct. 14, 1863; mrd. Blanche Clarkson. P. O., Kansas City, Mo. V. — 10. Ulysses Grant Evans, b. . P. O., Kendricks,. Idaho. S. IV. — 4. Jane H. Evans, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Nov. 17, 1825; d. in Montgomery Co., Pa., July 1868; mrd. James W. Phipps, May 1851. He was b. in Montgomery Co., Pa., Nov. 17, 1825; d. in Chester Co., Pa., Oct. 1885. Cabinet- maker and farmer. Society of Friends. Children: 1. Wil- mer; 2. Evan; 3. Lydia; 4. Channing; 5. Ellsworth. V. — 1. Wilmer E. Phipps. P. O., Helena, Montana. v.— 2. Evan E. Phipps, b. ; d. . V. — 3. Lydia Anna Phipps, b. ; d. . V. — 4. Channing E. Phipps, b. ; mrd. . P. O., Stroudsburg, Pa. Three children. V. — 5. Dr. Ellsworth E. Phipps, b. in Whitemarsh Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa., Dec. 4, 1866. Res., 614 N. 33d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Dentist. S. IV. — 5. Mary Ann Evans, b. ; d. about 1890; mrd. Charles Frick, about 1850. P. O., Linfield, Pa. Lumber merchant. Ger. Bap. Children: 1. Lewis; 2. Montgomery; 3. Mary. V. — 1. Lewis E. Frick, b. ; mrd. Minnie Wilson. P. O., Linfield, Pa. Carpenter. Ref. Ch. V. — 2. Montgomery Frick, b. ; mrd. Sabilla Thomas, deceased. P. O., Linfield, Pa. No children. v.— 3. Mary Frick, b. . P. O., Linfield, Pa. Single. IV. — 6. Evan Beitler Evans, b. in Upper Uwchland Twp., Chester Co., Pa., Dec. 26, 1829; d. at Kelton, Pa., May JOHN BEITLER. 271 15, 1899; mrd. Annie R. Garrett, Oct. 16, 1867. She was b. in Willitown, Chester Co., Pa., Nov. 12, 1838. P. O., Kelton, Pa. Farmer, merchant and manufacturer. Friends. Chil- dren: 1. Franklin; 2. Walter. V. — 1. Franklin Garrett Evans, b. in Upper Uwchland Twp., Chester Co., Pa., Dec. 17, 1868; mrd. Annie Charlton Nelson, Dec. 7, 1893. P. O., Kelton, Pa. Farmer. Episcopal. No children. V. — 2. Walter Beitler Evans, b. in Chester Co., Pa., Jan. 31, 1872. P. O.. Kelton, Pa. S. IV. — 7. Lewis H. Evans, b. in Chester Co., Pa., July 1, 1832 ; mrd. Phebe H. Pennypacker, daughter of Nathan and Esther Pennypacker, in 1865. P. O., Font, Pa. Farmer and dairyman. Mr. Evans enlisted in 1861. His company, known as "Exton Guards," after being accepted into the State service, effected regimental organization, and was afterwards known as Co. K, 4th Reg't, Pennsylvania Reserve Corps. His regiment served with the army of the Potomac, and he was with his company and regiment in all the battles of said Potomac army, up to the battle of the Wilderness, when his regiment was detached from the reserve corps, and did severe service in West Virginia. Mr. Evans was promoted 2d and 1st lieutenant and captain. He was severely wounded in the battle of Cloyds Farm in West Virginia, which resulted in permanent injury to his left arm. He was mustered out in 1864, while commissioned captain. Mrs. Evans, Luth, One child: 1. Jennie. V. — 1. Jennie Evans, b. in Lancaster Co., Pa., Mar. 27, 1868; mrd. Dr. Victor W. Wickert, Apr. 29, 1896. Res., 1013 Penn St., Reading, Pa. Dr. Wickert graduated from the Philadelphia Medical College, and is now practicing his profession as physician in Reading, Pa. IV.— 8. Rebecca Evans, b. ; d. Oct. 10, 1892. S. IV.— 9. Anna Evans, b. . Res., 36 N. 19th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Single. 272 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. IV.— 10. D. Webster Evans; mrd. Elizabeth Wills. One child: 1. Howard. v.— 1. Howard Evans. Res., 614 N. 33d St., Philadel- phia, Pa. SECTION X 111.— 10. David Beitler, b. Mar. 10, 1799; d. in Iowa; mrd. Hannah Evans, daughter of Evan and Jane (Owen) Evans. She was b. ; d. . David Beitler at first lived on the homestead farm after his father's death, and farmed the place and ran the grist and saw mill. After a few years he sold his place there and moved to the White Horse, in the Great Chester Valley, where he lived a few years, and then went to Norristown, Pa., from which place he and his wife eventually followed their children to Iowa, where they both died. Children: 1. John; 2. Evan; 3. William; 4. Richard; 5. Harry; 6. Margaret; 7. Annie. IV. — 1. John Beitler; mrd. Emma Breitenbach, daugh- ter of Adam Breitenbach. IV. — 2. Evan Beitler, b. ; mrd. and moved to Iowa. IV. — 3. William Beitler, b. ; mrd. Lizzie Breiten- bach, daughter of Adam Breitenbach. Went to Iowa. IV. — 4. Richard Beitler, b. ; mrd. and went west. IV. — 5. Harry Beitler, b. ; mrd. and went west. IV. — 6. Margaret Beitler, b. ; mrd. George Brei- tenbach, son of Adam Breitenbach. IV. — 7. Annie Beitler. Went west. 7' Fvt <^^*»«s* *«»fl $ >*m II. Jacob Beidler's Tomb, Blooming Glen, Bucks Co., Pa., erected by his Grandson, Henry Beidler. CHAPTER VI. Abraham Beidler Branch. — Descendants of Abraham Beidler (born , died In 1800) and Frone . II. — 5. Abraham Beidler, b. ; d. in Lower Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 28, 1800; mrd. Frone . But little is known of Abraham Beidler. He lived in Milford township, Bucks county. His farm was situated one-half mile south of Stinesburg, just east of the turnpike, on a road leading off to the left, going towards Milford Square, A portion of his property, in 1842, was conveyed to Jacob N. Shelly, on which his widow still (1898) resides. Abraham Beidler made his will in 1797, which was proven Nov. 25, 1800. In his will he bequeathes to his son-in-law, John Star (Stahr), husband of his daughter Mary, " all his farm and plantation and appurtenances." From the will it is evident he had but one child, a daughter Mary. Farmer. Mennonites. Buried at East Swamp Mennonite church. The will of Abraham Beidler reads as follows: Whereas, I, Abraham Beidler, of Lower Milford, in the County of Bucks, Yeoman, being weak in body, but of sound mind and memory, do make and commit to writing this my last Will and Testament as follows: Imprimis, I will that my Just Debts and funeral Ex- penses be Carefully paid and Discharged. Item. — I give unto my beloved wife, Frone Beidler, all my Household Goods and all my moveable Effects wich Shall remain after my Debts be all paid. I give her also the full use and Privelidge of my house, and also Tenn bushells of Ry and Two bushells of wheat yearly and every year Seven Bushells of Pottatoes and Seven Bushells Indian Corne yearly. I give her also one cow to be kept on my farm Summer and winder with hay and Paster, and a fat hog weaing one hundred and fifty pounds, and Twenty-five pounds of beef, and ten pounds of flaxe, and Eight pounds tow, and half the garden, to be dunged yearly if she remains my widow. 19 274 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. I give unto my Son-in-law, John Star, all my farm and Plantation with all its Appurtenances, to hold to him and his Heirs for ever, I give also my Daghter Mary my Bible. Lastly, I do ordain and appoint my Trusty Friends, Peter Zetty and Abraham Gehman, of Lower Milford afore- said. Yeoman, to be my Executors of this my Last Will and Testament, utterly Revoking and Disannulling all other and former Will or Wills or Executors by me before this time made or named. Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In witnes were of I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the Thirtyeth Day of August in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred. His ABRAHAM Al-B BEIDLER. mark. Sealed and Declared by the Said Testator to be his Last Will in the presence of us. JOHANNES DRISEL. SAMUEL STAUSSER. SECTION I. III. — 1. Mary Beidler, b. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Nov. 24, 1779; d. in Haycock Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., May 2, 1862; mrd. John Stahr*, Apr. 30, 1795. He was born in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., July 30, 1768; died in Haycock Twp., Bucks Co., Mar. 30, 1851. He inherited the farm of his father-in-law, Abraham Beidler, in Milford Twp., Bucks Co. On Feb. 4, 1813, he and wife sold five acres of the farm to Christian Musselman, and on Apr. 10, 1817, he and his wife Mary conveyed the remainder of the farm (65^^ acres) to John Lapp, but on May 29, 1820, Sheriff Burgess made a deed to John Stahr of Haycock township * Son of John Stahr, born at Germantown, Pa., Aug. 15, 1743; married Susanna Bishop. He was the son of John Stahr, who, among 450 Palatines, sailed from Rotterdam, and landed at Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 26, 1737. ABRAHAM BEIDLER. 275 for the same premises, it having been seized by the sheriff on execution of John Stahr. On Apr. 4, 1821, John Stahr and wife Mary conveyed the property to Peter Snyder of Montgomery county, who on Apr. 5, 1842, conveyed fifty-four acres of said property to David Kemmerer, who on the same day conveyed it to Jacob N. Shelly, whose widow still (1898) resides thereon. After selling his farm in Milford township, he removed to Haycock township, where on Mar. 13 and May 17, 1817, he obtained title to three separate tracts of land, part of which he conveyed to his son, John Stahr, Jr., Dec. 3, 1829. John Stahr was a member of the Lutheran church, and his wife Mary after her marriage became a member of the Reformed church. Children: 1. John; 2. Mary; 3. Samuel; 4. Annie; 5. Elizabeth. IV. — 1. John Stahr, b. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 6, 1798; d. in Haycock Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., June 17, 1868; mrd. Sarah Summers, Dec. 25, 1828. She was b. in Tinicum Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 11, 1801; d. in Haycock Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 11, 1883. Teacher and farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Marietta; 2. Lewis; 3. Samuel; 4. David; 5. John; 6. Isaac. V. — 1. Marietta Stahr, b. In Haycock Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Nov. 30, 1829; d. ; mrd. John Drissel, Dec. 27, 1873. No children. v.— 2. Lewis Stahr, b. Dec. 15, 1832; d. Oct. 7, 1853. V. — 3. Samuel S. Stahr, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Jan. 6, 1836; d. at Keelersville, Pa., Nov. 17, 1877; mrd. Sarah Ann Horn, Nov. 9, 1861. She was b. Mar. 22, 1842; d. June 27, 1896. Shoemaker. Mr. Stahr, Ref.; Mrs. Stahr, Luth. Children: 1. David; 2. Sarah; 3. Samuel; 4. John. VI.— 1. David Stahr, b. Jan. 25, 1863; d. Dec. 26, 1890. VI.— 2. Sarah Ellen Stahr, b. Apr. 13, 1864; mrd. Alfred Crouthamel, Nov. 25, 1882. P. O., Church Hill, Pa. Ref. Ch. Children : 276 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VII.— 1. Martha Crouthamel, b. Apr. 3, 1884. VII.— 2. William Crouthamel, b. Oct. 23, 1885. VII.— 3. Harvey Crouthamel, b. Mar. 24, 1891. VI. — 3. Samuel Eugene Stahr, b. Apr. 13, 1864; mrd. Laura Romberger. Res., Philadelphia, Pa. One child: VII.— 1. Mildred Stahr, b. Aug. 3, 1893. VI. — 4. John Jacob Stahr, b. Mar. 7, 1872; mrd. Lizzie Stever. P. O., Bedminster, Pa. One child: VII.— 1. Eugene Stahr. v.— 4. David Stahr, b. Nov. 4, 1838; d. Aug. 16, 1851. V. — 5. Rev. John Summers Stahr, D. D., b. near Apple- bachsville. Pa., Dec. 2, 1841. He began to teach public school before he vv^as sixteen years of age. After teaching some years he entered Franklin and Marshall College at Lancaster, Pa., graduating with highest honors in 1867. He received the degree of A. M. in 1870; Ph. D. in 1883, and D. D. from Lafayette College in 1891. Immediately after graduation he received an appoint- ment in his Alma Mater; was tutor in German and history, 1867-8; assistant professor, 1868-71; professor of natural science and chemistry, 1871-87; financial agent, 1887-89; president pro tem., 1889; and was elected president in 1890, which position he still holds. Dr. Stahr studied theology privately under Rev. Dr. J. W. Nevin. He was ordained to the ministry of the Re- formed church in the United States, as assistant to Dr. Bausman at Reading in 1872. He has been a member of the International Sunday School Lesson Committee since 1890. He was a consulting member of the editorial staff of Funk and Wagnall's Standard Dictionary, and is a contributor to educational and religious periodicals. In 1872, Dr. Stahr was married to Miss Franconia E. Andrews, of Lancaster, Pa. Children: 1. Helen; 2. John; 3. Charles; 4. Mary; 5. Hugh. ABRAHAM BEIDLER. 277 VI. — 1. Helen Russel Stahr. Graduate of Wellesley College. Teacher, VI. — 2. John Miller Stahr, deceased. VI. — 3. Charles Patterson Stahr. Graduate of Franklin and Marshall College. Student of medicine at University of Pennsylvania. VI. — 4. Mary Belle Stahr. Graduate of Woman's Col- lege, Frederick, Md. VI. — 5. Hugh Andrews Stahr. Graduate of Franklin and Marshall College, class of 1899. V. — 6. Rev. Isaac S. Stahr, b. in Haycock Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., May 23, 1845 ; mrd. H. Camilla Applebach, June 11, 1879. P. O., Oley, Pa. Rev, Isaac S. Stahr was educated in the public schools of his native township and commenced to teach school in 1863. He followed teaching in the winter and working on the farm in the summer for eleven years. In 1874 he began to prepare for the ministry and entered the Theological Seminary of the Reformed Church, Lancaster, Pa., in the fall of 1874, and graduated in the spring of 1877. He was called to Lock Haven, Pa., to take charge of a mission, and entered upon his work there Oct. 1, 1877; he continued to labor there successfully for six years, and resigned Oct. 1, 1883. He was then called to become pastor of the Oley charge in Berks Co., Pa., entering upon the work there in March 1884, and has continued in the same, up to tha present (1898). Reformed Ch. in the U. S. Children: VI.— 1. Henry Irvin Stahr, b. Nov. 6, 1880. VI.— 2. Sadie I. Stahr, b. July 7, 1882. VI.— 3. Mary Cornelia Stahr, b. Aug. 10, 1885. VI.— 4. Camilla Belle Stahr, b. Feb. 27, 1889. VI.— 5. John Nevin Stahr, b. July 27, 1890; d. Aug. 3, 1891. 278 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. IV. — 2. Mary Stahr, b. in Haycock Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., about 1800; d. ; mrd. Christian Fluck. He was b. in Haycock township; d. . Members of Tohickon Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Hannah; 2. John; 3. Mary; 4. Susanna; 5. Philip; 6. Lydia; 7. David; 8. Elizabeth. V. — 1. Hannah Fluck, b. in Bedminster, Bucks Co., Pa., Sept. 30, 1819; d. August 1881; mrd. Jacob Fosbenner. He was b. in Bedminster, Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 2, 1812; d. in Rockhill township, Oct. 29, 1870. Weaver by trade and farmer. Ref. Ch. One child: 1. John. VI. — 1. John F. Fosbenner,* b. in Plumstead Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Sept. 7, 1845; d. June 10, 1892; mrd. Mary E. Lewis, Oct. 8, 1870. John F. Fosbenner was reared on a farm, until twenty- one years of age, when he learned the carpenter trade in Richland township. He followed his trade for about six years, then moved to Haycock township and engaged in farming. In the spring of 1885 he moved to Doylestown. In 1884 he was elected Registrar of Bucks county. He also held the office of Justice of the Peace for five years. In 1889 he removed to Sellersville, where he died. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Lewis; 2. Jacob; 3. Peter; 4. Solomon; 5. William. VII. — 1. Lewis Irwin Fosbenner, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Aug. 2, 1871; mrd. Emma Strieker, of Rockhill township. P. O., Sellersville, Pa. Cigarmaker. Ref. Ch. One child: 1. Harvey. VIM. — 1. Harvey Fosbenner. VII. — 2. Jacob Fosbenner, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Jan. 20, 1873; mrd. Lillie Lewis, of Sellersville, Pa. P. O., Sellers- ville, Pa. Cigarmaker. Ref. Ch. Children: ♦ His great-grandfather was born in Germany and rjam« to America at an early day, and settled in Bucks -"County. Some of the Fosbenners settled in Bedminster and "iRockhill townships. His grandfather, John Fosbenner, was a carpenter by trade and died in Rockhill township in his eighty-third year. ABRAHAM BEIDLER. 279 VIM. — 1. Lloyd Fosbenner. VIM. — 2. Elsie Fosbenner, VIM. — 3. Frederick Fosbenner. VII. — 3. Peter Fosbenner, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 26, 1875; mrd. Carrie Funk, of Trumbauersville, Pa. P. O., Trumbauersville, Pa. Clerk in store. Ref. Ch. One child: VIII. — 1. J. Miles Fosbenner. VII.— 4. J. Solomon Fosbenner, b. July 3, 1878. P. O., Sellersville, Pa. Cigarmaker. Ref. Ch. S. VII.— 5. Wm. Franklin Fosbenner, b. Jan. 28, 1888. v.— 2. John Fluck, b. Aug. 19, 1821; d. June 6, 1898; mrd. Hannah Overholt, Oct. 28, 1849. Farmer. Ref. Ch. No children. v.— 3. Mary Ann Fluck, b. Sept. 23, 1823; mrd. Jona- than Kline, Oct. 4, 1846. Tailor. Ref. Ch. No children. V. — 4. Susanna Fluck, b. in Haycock Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Jan. 21, 1829; d. Mar. 24, 1896; mrd. Peter Buchman, Oct. 13, 1850. P. O., Applebachville, Pa. Shoemaker. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Mary; 2. William. VI. — 1. Mary Jane Buchman, b. in Haycock Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Nov. 21, 1852; mrd. William S. Young. P. O., Geryville, Pa. Farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Maria A. Young, b. May 5, 1880. VII.— 2. Watson B. Young, b. Nov. 7, 1881. VII.— 3. Osborne F. Young, b. Apr. 15, 1884. VM.— 4. Howard B. Young, b. Feb. 11, 1887. VII.— 5. Laura J. Young, b. Oct. 1, 1888. VII.— 6. Alice B. Young, b. Oct. 26, 1889. VII.— 7. Flora B. Young, b. May 24, 1894. VII.— 8. Raymond P. Young, b. Nov. 6, 1895. VI. — 2. William H. Buchman, b. at Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 9, 1858; mrd. Ruth A. Watkins, Sept. 20, 1881. Res., 280 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. 1229 Cambria St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bricklayer by trade; at present on the Philadelphia police force, 22d district. Prot. Ep. Children: VII.— 1. Horace W. Buchman, b. Sept. 16, 1882. VII. — 2. Myrtle R. Buchman, b. Aug. 2, 1884. v.— 5. Philip Fluck, b. ; d. ; mrd. . Children: 1. Mary; 2. Daniel; 3. Leidy; 4. Malinda. VI. — 1. Mary Susanna Fluck, b. in Bedminster, Bucks Co., Pa., Dec. 17, 1864; mrd. Milton Gabel, Dec. 25, 1884. He was b. Oct. 11, 1861. P. O., Sellersville, Pa. Farmer. Lutherans. Children: VII.— 1. Harvey F. Gabel, b. Oct. 14, 1885. VII.— 2. Emma F. Gabel, b. Jan. 17, 1890; d. Mar. 17, 1890. VII.— 3. Albert F. Gabel, b. Apr. 24, 1892. VII.— 4. Raymond F. Gabel, b. Sept. 7, 1897. VII.— 5. Sallie F. Gabel, b. Dec. 20, 1901. VI.— 2. Daniel Fluck. VI.— 3. Leidy Fluck, b. . P. O., Danboro, Pa. VI.— 4. Malinda Fluck, b. ; mrd. Tilman Strohl. P. O., Dublin, Pa. V. — 6. Lydia Ann Fluck, b. ; mrd. Jacob K. Angeny. He was b. in Bedminster Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Jan. 8, 1821; d. . Farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. John; 2. David; 3. Clayton; 4. Jacob; 5. Mary; 6. Lydia; 7. Ida; 8. Emma; 9. Kate; 10. Amelia. Vl. — 1. John Henry Angeny, b. ; d. . V!.— 2. David F. Angeny, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Sept. 21, 1857; mrd. Sallie Leatherman, deceased. Children: 1. Erwin; 2. Beatty; 3. Willis; 4. Warren; 5. Flora. David mrd. second wife, Amanda Gross. P. O., Danboro, Pa. Carpenter and builder. Ref. Ch. Children: 6. Howard; 7. Clarence. 1 1 c_ • ^m i) & o 9k^T o * 2^^, u- i ' r^T*' 1 ^-'T,' UJ 1 if^ * n> ' y f - a. ■ .% ' n : 1 5- ' T * I ' ^. ■ o ^ I . ^ 3 ■ V ^ ^ t 1^ en ; (t. rt- i '■ [ _- fT i:; OJ fa Q. ao - 4 Q li ro CT! ftl 5- Q. - 3 ? • ■ 5' "!"■ 4-: . ■ en r+ CD -5 DO o tn O O -I ' 1 s ' ABRAHAM BEIDLER. 281 VII.— 1. Erwin L. Angeny, b. Nov. 20, 1882. VII.— 2. C. Beatty L. Angeny, b. Nov. 1, 1885. VII.— 3. Willis L. Angeny, b. Aug. 6, 1887. VII.— 4. J. Warren L. Angeny, b. Aug. 28, 1889. VII.— 5. Flora L. Angeny, b. Mar. 4, 1892; d. May 1, 1893. VII. — 6. Howard G. Angeny. VII. — 7. Clarence G. Angeny. VI. — 3. Clayton Angeny, b. . P. O., Applebachs- ville. Pa. VI. — 4. Jacob Angeny, b. . P. O., Gardenville, Pa. VI. — 5. Mary Angeny, b. ; mrd. John King. P. O., Kellers Church, Pa. VI.— 6. Lydia Anna F. Angeny, b. Feb. 12, 1866; mrd. P. Harvey Fluck, of Bedminster, Pa., Sept. 27, 1884. P. O., Kellers Church, Pa. Farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: VII.— 1. Laura Mabel Fluck, b. July 5, 1887. VII.— 2. Lydiann Fluck, b. Nov. 28, 1890. VII.— 3. John A. Fluck, b. Apr. 7, 1894. VII.— 4. Angeline May Fluck, b. Sept. 27, 1896. VII.— 5. Frank A. Fluck, b. Mar. 21, 1899. VI. — 7. Ida Angeny, b. ; mrd. Asher Weikel. P. O., Applebachsville, Pa. VI. — 8. Emma Angeny, b. ; mrd. Frank Smell. P. O., Applebachsville, Pa. VI.— 9. Katie Angeny, b. Aug. 28, 1869; mrd. Erwin S. Fluck, Nov. 4, 1899. P. O., Tohickon, Pa. Ref. Ch. VI.— 10. Amelia Angeny, b. May 28, 1878. P. O., Apple- bachsville, Pa. Ref. Ch. S. V. — 7. David S. Fluck, b. in Haycock Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 26, 1837; d. in Richland township, July 27, 1877; 282 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. mrd. Amanda Lewis, daughter of Jesse and Elizabeth (Stump) Lewis, Sept. 22, 1860. She was born in Rockhill Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 25, 1841. Carpenter. Mr. F., Ref.; Mrs. F., Luth. Children: 1. Lewis; 2. Jonathan; 3. Josiah. VI. — 1. Lewis L. Fluck, b. at Gardenville, Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 2, 1862; mrd. Lydian Hartman, Sept. 23, 1882. Children: VII.— 1. Dory Robert Fluck, b. July 19, 1883; d. Jan. 14, 1884. VII.— 2. Anna Laura Fluck, b. Dec. 20, 1884; d. Apr. 1, 1893. VII.— 3. Carrie Mabel Fluck, b. Nov. 12, 1890; d. Apr. 3, 1893. VII.— 4. Lewis Calvin Fluck, b. Nov. 12, 1890. VI. — 2. Rev. Jonathan Lewis Fluck, b. near Church Hill, Bucks Co., Pa., Sept. 17, 1864; mrd. Laura L. Ehl, Dec. 25, 1890. P. O., Myerstown, Pa. His early life was spent on the farm, and his early education was acquired in the then little red school house adjoining the farm known as Tohickon School, in Richland Twp., Bucks Co., Pa, He was apprenticed to learn the shoemaker's trade, from 1877 to 1879; served full apprenticeship in the milling business, and subsequently followed steam engineering, until Jan. 7, 1882, when he entered the academic department of Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pa. Entered college in the fall of 1884 and was graduated in the classical course with the class of 1888. Student at Yale Divinity School, New Haven, Conn., 1888 to 1889. At Union Theological Seminary, 1889 to 1890. Labored as a missionary of the Presbyterian Board in South Dakota during the summer of 1890, and was graduated from the School of Theology, Ursinus College, with the degree of B. D., in 1891. The degree of Master of Arts was conferred upon him in 1892. He received a unanimous call to the pastorate of St. Mathew's charge in Chester Co., Pa., May 12, 1891; was ordained to the ministry and installed pastor of said charge, June 16, 1891. Published ABRAHAM BEIDLER. 283 a history of the Reformed churches in Chester county in 1892. Resigned the pastorate of St, Mathew's charge, Dec. 30, 1894, and during the following three years was entirely occupied with a course of post graduate work at the University of Pennsylvania, in European history, political economy, political science and sociology. On Oct. 24, 1898, he was installed into the pastorate of the Reformed church at Myerstown, Lebanon Co., Pa., in the service of which he continues to the present time. No children. VI.— 3. Josiah Fluck, b. in 1869; d. in infancy. V. — 8. Elizabeth Fluck, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Aug. 1, 1841; mrd. Peter F. Nicholas. He was b. Apr. 1, 1834. P. O., Kellers Church, Pa. Harnessmaker. Ger. Ref. Children: 1. Mamie. VI. — 1. Mamie Nicholas, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., July 16, 1862; mrd. Grier Scheetz, son of Charles and Mary Mag- dalena (Hager) Scheetz, of Kellers Church, Pa. He was b. at Ottsville, Pa., Feb. 13, 1855. P. O., Perkasie, Pa. Mer- chant and manufacturer. Ger. Ref. Children: VII.— 1. Herbert N. Scheetz, b. Mar. 4, 1881. VII.— 2. George Scheetz, b. Mar. 24, 1883; d. . VII.— 3. Charles Morris Scheetz, b. July 26, 1894. IV. — 3. Samuel Stahr, b. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Sept. 25, 1808; d. Jan. 5, 1890; mrd. Lydia Clymer. She was b. in Bucks Co., Pa.; d. May 15, 1864. Farmer. Mr. Stahr, Ref. Ch.; Mrs. Stahr, Mennonite. Children: 1. Charles; 2. Maria; 3. Elizabeth; 4. Infant; 5. Abraham. V. — 1. Charles Stahr, b. ; d. aged about six months. v.— 2. Maria Stahr, b. Apr. 24, 1835. P. O., Cressman, Pa. S. v.— 3. Elizabeth Ann Stahr, b. Dec. 21, 1838. P. O., Cressman, Pa. S. 281 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. v.— 4. Infant (twin to Elizabeth), stillborn Dec. 21, 1838. V. — 5. Abraham C. Stahr, b. in Haycock Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., May 30, 1842; mrd. Mary Ann Stout, Oct. 12, 1872. P. O., Cressman, Pa. Cigarmaker. Ref. Ch. Children: VI.— 1. Son, stillborn, 1873. VI.— 2. Gertie S. Stahr, b. Jan. 2, 1875; d. aged 1 year, 1 month, 20 days. VI.— 3. Clara S. Stahr, b. Nov. 11, 1876; d. May 3, 1892. 'Ref. Ch. VI. — 4. Ida Stahr, b. 1877; d. aged six months. VI.— 5. Mary Helen Stahr, b. Oct. 13, 1879; d. Apr. 10, 1881. VI.— 6. Estella S. Stahr, b. Nov. 3, 1880. Ref. Ch. VI.— 7. Ada S. Stahr, b. Nov. 28, 1882. Ref. Ch. VI.— 8. Salome S. Stahr, b. Jan. 10, 1884. Ref. Ch. VI.— 9. Catharine Ann Stahr, b. Feb. 24, 1885. Ref. Ch. IV.— 4. Annie Stahr, b. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Dec. &, 1810; d. in Haycock Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., May 16, 1880; mrd. Michael Martin. He was b. in Richland Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Jan. 25, 1807; d. Feb. 4, 1890. Carpenter. Ref. Ch. One child: I.John. V. — 1. John S. Martin, b. in Haycock Twp., Bucks Co., Pa.; mrd. Susanna Afflerbach, Feb. 10, 1856. P. O., Thatcher, Pa. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Samuel; 2. William; 3. Mary; 4. Levi; 5. Charles; 6. Lewis; 7. Ida; 8. Sarah; 9. Ella; 10. Maria; 11. Harvey. VI. — 1. Samuel T. Martin, b. in 1856; mrd. Mary Wor- man. P. O., Shelly, Pa. Farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: VII. — 1. Emma Martin. VI. — 2. William Henry Martin, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., May 14, 1857; mrd. Mary B. Beck, of Hilltown, Pa., Sept. 27, 1879. Res., 2616 Franklin Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Fore- man in Rim's Bending Works. Ref. Ch. Children: ABRAHAM BEIDLER. 285 VII.— 1. William Earl Martin, b. Feb. 2, 1897. VII.— 2. LeRoy Martin, b. July 26, 1898; d. Jan. 31, 1899. VI.— 3. Mary Emma Martin, b. Sept. 9, 1859; d. Feb. 21, 1862. VI.— 4. Levi James Martin, b. Nov. 30, 1861; mrd. El- mina Funk. P. O., Church Hill, Pa. Children: VII — 1. Emma E. Martin. VII.— 2. Annie B. Martin. VII.— 3. James W. Martin. VII. — 4. Grover C. Martin. VII. — 5. Gertie L. Martin. VM.— 6. Levi C. Martin. VI.— 5. Charles Martin, b. Aug. 6, 1864; d. May 21, 1865. VI.— 6. Lewis Martin, b. Apr. 11, 1866. S. VI.— 7. Ida Matilda Martin, b. Oct. 9, 1868; mrd. Charles Trauger. P. O., Newportville, Pa. Children: VII. — 1. Horace Trauger. VII. — 2. Harry Trauger. VII. — 3. Raymon Trauger. VII.— 4. Sadie Ellen Trauger. VI. — 8. Sarah Ann Martin, b. ; mrd. Asa Hafler. P. O., Richlandtown, Pa. VI.— 9. Ella Amanda Martin, b. Sept. 14, 1873; d. Mar. 21, 1891. VI.— 10. Maria Elizabeth Martin, b. June 26, 1875; d. Feb. 22, 1884. VI. — 11. Harvey Jacob Martin, b. Aug. 24, 1878; mrd. Sadie Lovet, of Dollington, Pa. P. O., Brownsburg, Pa. Farmer. Ref. Ch. 286 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. IV. — 5. Elizabeth B. Stahr, b. in Haycock Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., July 13, 1825; d. in Bedminster Twp., Mar. 10, 1898; mrd. Alexander Texter. He was born in Haycock township, Aug. 12, 1823; died in Haycock township, Feb. 6, 1877. Carpenter. Ref. and Luth. Ch. of Tohickon, Pa. Children: 1. David; 2. Mary; 3. Hannah; 4. Allen; 5. Catharine; 6. Samuel. V. — 1. David S. Texter, b. in Haycock Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Feb., 6, 1851; mrd. Sarah Moyer, of Church Hill, Pa., Dec. 7, 1872. P. O., Church Hill, Pa. Carpenter. Lutherans. Children: 1. Simeon; 2. Levi. VI.— 1. Simeon M. Texter, b. Mar. 26, 1876; mrd. Ella Bealer, of Pennsburg, Montgomery Co., Pa, Laborer. Lutherans. No children (1898). VI.— 2. Levi M. Texter, b. Feb. 5, 1878. P. O., Perkasie, Pa. Printer. Lutheran. S. V. — 2. Mary S. Texter, b. in Haycock Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., July 6, 1852. P. O., Church Hill, Pa. S. v.— 3. Hannah Texter, b. Sept. 16, 1854; d. Nov. 16, 1854. V. — 4. Allen S. Texter, b. in Haycock Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 6, 1856; mrd. Addie F. Beck. Res., 1813 Sheridan St., Philadelphia, Pa. V. — 5. Catharine Texter, b. Apr. 15, 1857; d. Dec. 15, 1896. v.— 6. Samuel Texter, b. Oct. 23, 1858; d. Mar. 9, 1866. CHAPTER VII. Jacob Beidler Branch. — Descendants of Jacob Beidler (born about 1750, died 1781) and Annie Lederach. II. — 6. Jacob Beidler, b. about 1750; d. 1781; mrd. Annie Lederach. Jacob Beidler was a farmer and lived in Hilltown Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., about a mile west of Dublin, on the farm now owned and occupied by Abraham C. Moyer. A part of the old homestead, on which is now a saw and chopping mill, is owned by Jacob B. Rosenberger of Dublin, The farm owned by Jacob Beidler contained 97 acres and 155 perches. The old house stood in the meadow, a little below the site of the present dwelling. Jacob Beidler died before his children were grown up, and in his will appointed Henry Overholtzer and Henry Rickert as guardians of his children. He directed in his will that his children should be sent to school and well educated, and his sons when they arrive at proper age be "put to trades." He and wife were members of the Menno- nite church at Blooming Glen, and are buried there. He made his will in writing, Oct. 5, 1780, which was probated Mar. 26, 1781. His will reads as follows, viz.: In the name of God, Amen. I, Jacob Beitler, of the Township of Hilltown, in the County of Bucks, Yeoman, being weak of Body, but of sound Mind and Memory, Do this fifth Day, October, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty, make and publish this my Last Will and Testament in Manner and Form following (that is to say) : Imprimis, I commend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God who gave it me, and my Body to the Earth from whence it came, in Hope of a joyful Resurrection through the Merrits of my Saviour Jesus Christ; And as for 288 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. the worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me, I dispose thereof in the following manner: First, I give unto my beloved Wife, Anne Beidler, our Bed and Bedstead, with all the Furniture thereunto belonging, and a Chest with all the linnen in it, and all the Wares on the kitchen Shelves, one Iron Pot and one Milch Cow to chuse which she pleases, and of my Wheat and Rye and so much as will be sufficient for Bread for her for one year; Item — It is my Will that my Executors hereinafter named shall as soon as conveniently may be after my Decease sell all the Re- mainder of my Goods and Chattels, and pay my Debts, and one-third Part of the remaining Money unto my Wife, Anne Beidler; Item — I do hereby order my hereinafter named Executors or the Survivers of them to grant, bargain and sell my Tract of land situated in the township of Hilltown aforesaid, containing ninety-seven Acres and one hundred and fifty-five Perches, which said Tract of Land I have purchased of Jacob Kolb and Henry Rickert and paid the whole of the purchase Money unto them, but have not received an actual Conveyance from them for the same. Therefore it is my Will and I do hereby give full Power and Authority unto the said Jacob Kolb and Henry Rickert to make and execute a lawful and sufficient Deed, Title or Conveyance to the Purchaser of the same in Fee simple. And the Money arising from the Sale thereof I dispose thereof as follows, viz.: the Sum of one hundred Pounds thereof I give to my Wife, Anne Beidler. And the Re- mainder thereof and the remaining two Thirds of the Money from my personal Estate I give and order to be equally divided to my Sons Henry and Jacob and my Daughter Anne, share and share alike. And farther it is my Will that my Children shall be sent to School and well educated, and my sons I order when they respectively come to proper ages shall be put to Trades. And I do hereby nominate and appoint my Friends, Henry Overholtzer and Henry Rickert, to be Executors of this my Last Will and Testament and Guardians of my Children until they respectively come to their lawful ages. Item — It is my Will that if any of my Children should happen to die under lawful ages, leaving no CO QJ 5 — 3 CL > 3 3 CD (T) -5 CO r+ O ^ < ^' I "- o Q. 3 a> ■D T < CD o X m O o XI JACOB BEIDLER, 1750—1781. 289 lawful issue, that his or her share shall be equally divided between my surviving Children. In Witness whereof, I, the said Jacob Beidler, have to this my Last Will and Testa- ment set my Hand and seal on the Day and year first above written. JACOB BEITLER. [Seal.] Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Testator to be his Last Will & Testament in the presence of us. HENRY SEYSE. JOHN SEYSE. ABRA STOUT. Will proved Mar. 26, 1781. Children: 1. Henry; 2. Jacob; 3. Annie. SECTION I. III. — 1. Henry Beidler, b. in Hilltown Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., May 15, 1775; d. July 26, 1859, aged eighty-one years, four months and eleven days. Mrd. Susanna Fultz. He removed to Lancaster county when a young man, where he married his wife. They settled down on a farm near Rothsville, now owned and occupied by his grand- daughter, Mrs. Henry Cooper, where he and his wife died. He was a large man physically and of robust health. He wore his hair long, which his daughter Susanna platted for him every day, and at his death had a full set of natural teeth. He was by trade a carpenter. Children: 1. John; 2. Jacob; 3. Susanna; 4. Nancy. IV. — 1. John Beidler, b. in Lancaster Co., Pa., Dec. 28, 1802; d. Feb. 1888; mrd. Anna Kauffman. Children: 1. Henry; 2. John; 3. Leah; 4. Jacob; 5. Henry. John mrd. second wife, Mary Kauffman (sister to first wife). Miller, later farmer. Attended Menn. Ch. Children: 6. Amanda; 7. Catharine; 8. Susanna; 9. Mary. V. — 1. Henry Beidler, died in infancy. 20 290 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. v.— 2. John K. Beidler, b. Apr. 2, 1828; mrd. Sophia Ziegler, Nov. 1851. She was b. June 16, 1832; d. March 1877. One child: 1. Elizabeth. John mrd. second wife, Anna Maria Matthew, Dec. 1877. P. O., Oakville, Pa. Teacher, merchant, etc., now retired. Luth. One child by second wife: 2. Earl. VI. — 1. Elizabeth May Beidler, b. March 1857; mrd. John E. Mickey, May 1876. Res., Philadelphia, Pa. Sales- man at Wannamaker's. Presby. Children: VII. — 1. Rosie Mickey. VII.— 2. Roy Mickey. VII.— 3. Ruth Mickey. VI.— 2. Earl John Beidler, b. Apr. 1880. P. O., Oakille, Pa. P. O. clerk and running elevator. Single. v.— 3. Leah Beidler, b. Dec. 29, 1829; d. about 1850; mrd. Levi Mellinger. He d, about 1897. Farmer. One child, d. in infancy. v. — 4. Jacob K. Beidler, b. in Dauphin Co., Pa., Apr. 29, 1833; mrd. Elizabeth Beistline, Nov. 6, 1856. She was b. in Perry Co., Pa., Dec. 25, 1830. P. O., Carlisle, Pa. Farmer and miller. Brethren in Christ. Children: 1. John; 2. Susanna; 3. Madora; 4. Anna; 5. Jacob. VI.— 1. John B. Beidler, b. Sept. 29, 1857; mrd. Anna Shetron, Nov. 1882. P. O., Caprivi, Pa. Farmer. Church of God. No children. VI. — 2. Susanna Beidler, b. Apr. 2, 1859; mrd. Harry K. Shughart, Feb. 1881. P. O., Carlisle, Pa. Farmer. United Brethren. Children: VII.— 1. Calvin Shughart, b. Mar. 14, 1882. VII.— 2. Eva Shughart, b. Nov. 11, 1883. VI.— 3. Madora Beidler, b. Apr. 13, 1861; mrd. George M. Wetzel. P. O., Carlisle, Pa. Laborer. Church of God. No children. JACOB BEIDLER, 1750—1781. 291 VI. — 4. Anna Manda Beidler, b. near Carlisle, Pa., Nov. 6, 1868; mrd. Rev. Chas. E. Wagner, Dec. 10, 1896. Rev. Wagner is the son of Moses and Susan Wagner and was born in Cumberland Co., Pa., Aug. 29, 1869. He was educated in the public schools of the county, took a prepara- tory course at Mercersburg College from 1888-1890, entered the Sophomore class of Franklin and Marshall College in the fall of 1890, and graduated therefrom in 1893. He then immediately entered the Junior class of the Theological Seminary of the Reformed church at Lancaster, Pa., and graduated in 1896, since which time he has been engaged in the work of the ministry of the Reformed church in the U. S. and is now located at Delmont, Westmoreland Co., Pa, One child: VII.— 1. Eugene Clement Wagner, b. Jan. 31, 1901. VI.— 5. Jacob Michael Beidler, b. Jan. 2, 1871. P. O., Carlisle, Pa. Shoemaker. V. — 5. Henry Gilbert Beidler, b. in Lancaster Co., Pa., Apr. 10, 1836; d. in Cumberland Co., Pa., May 27, 1887; mrd. Margaret White, Dec. 24, 1857. She was born in Adams Co., Pa., Oct. 9, 1838. Miller. Lutherans. Children: 1. Annie; 2. Catharine; 3. Maud. VI.— 1. Annie L. Beidler, b. Aug. 13, 1858; d. Mar. 4, 1892; mrd. James M. Greason, Sept. 19, 1877. He d. . Farmer. Lutherans. Children: 1. Rose; 2. Herman; 3. Harry; 4. Infant. VII.— 1. Rose B. Greason, b. July 19, 1878. P. O., El- liottson, Pa. Nurse at Hygiene Home, Lancaster City, Pa. Ev. Ass'n Ch. VII.— 2. Herman F. Greason, b. Oct. 15, 1879. P. O., Carlisle, Pa. Farmer. VII.— 3. Harry G. Greason, b. Apr. 25, 1882. P. O., Carlisle. Pa. VII.— 4. Infant, b. Mar. 13; d. Mar. 15, 1887. VI. — 2. Catharine Beidler, b. in Cumberland Co., Pa., L 292 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Mar. 13, 1860; mrd. Frank P. Brehm, Feb 1, 1877. P. O., Elliottson, Pa. Coachmaker. Lutherans. Children: 1. Bessie; 2. LeRoy; 3. Margaret; 4. Percy; 5. Ruth. VII.— 1. Bessie M. Brehm, b. Sept. 21, 1877; mrd. Ed- ward Kell, Mar. 1898. P. O., Allen, Pa. Tinner. Mrs. Kell, Lutheran. VII.— 2. H. LeRoy Brehm, b. Feb. 12, 1880. P. O., Elliottson, Pa. S. VII.— 3. Margaret Brehm, b. Feb. 5, 1887; d. Sept. 19, 1888. VII.— 4. Percy Brehm, b. Feb. 1, 1889. VII.— 5. Ruth Brehm, b. Jan. 14, 1896. VI.— 3. Maud Beidler, b. Apr. 15, 1862; d. Feb. 7, 1882. S. V. — 6. Amanda Beidler, b. in Cumberland Co., Pa., Oct. 11,1838; mrd. Levi P. Snyder, Dec. 9, 1858. P. O., Carlisle, Pa. Retired farmer. Ref. Ch. No children. v.— 7. Catharine Beidler, b. Oct. 7, 1840; d. Aug. 1894; mrd. Francis Bear. P. O., Carlisle, Pa. Farmer. Children: 1. Elmer; 2. Anna; 3. Fannie; 4. Joseph. VI.— 1. Elmer Bear, b. ; mrd. Katie Albright. Children: VII.— 1. Bear. VII.— 2. Levi Bear. VII.— 3. Bear. VI. — 2. Anna Minerva Bear, b. ; mrd. Scott Allter. P. O., Plainfield, Pa. Farmer. Mennonites. Three children. VI. — 3. Fannie Bear, b. ; mrd. John Wert. P. O., Plainfield, Pa. Farmer. No children. VI. — 4. Joseph Bear. V. — 8. Susanna Beidler, b. May 3, 1843; mrd. Hezekiah Yoter, deceased. Teacher. One child: JACOB BEIDLER, 1750—1781. 293 VI. — 1. Barsty Yoter; was drowned at the age of twelve years. ^ Susanna mrd. second husband, John B. Diller. P. O., Diller, Neb. Farmer. Lutherans. No children. V. — 9. Mary Beidler, b. near Carlisle, Cumberland Co., Pa., Jan. 19, 1849; mrd. Joseph S. Brandt, Nov. 19, 1874. P. O., Mt. Holly Springs, Pa. Lutherans. Children: 1. Mame; 2. John; 3. Walter. VI.— 1. Mary E. Brandt, b. Apr. 2, 1876. Stenographer for the Mt. Holly Stationery & Printing Company, Mt. Holly Springs, Pa. Lutheran. Mrd. Percy Harman, July 3, 1901. VI.— 2. John B. Brandt, b. Feb. 22, 1878. Compositor in the printing department of the Mt. Holly Stationery & Printing Company, Mt. Holly Springs, Pa. Lutheran. Mrd. Myrtle Leidigh, Jan. 23, 1902. VI.— 3. Walter M. Brandt, b. June 14, 1883. Employed by the Mt. Holly Hosiery Co., Mt. Holly Springs, Pa. Luth. IV. — 2. Jacob Beidler, b. about 1812; d. ; mrd. Catharine Nickey. Farmer. Children: 1. Susanna; 2. John; 3. Nancy; 4. Aaron; 5. Wilson; 6. Abraham; 7. Catharine. Jacob mrd. second wife, Susan Kozer (or Cozer). Chil- dren: 8. Minnie; 9. Sabylla; 10. . V. — 1. Susanna Beidler, b. ; mrd. Emanuel Shug- hart. P. O., Carlisle, Pa. Farmer. Children: 1. William; 2. Peter; 3. Emanuel; 4. David; 5. Jacob; 6. Alfred; 7. Priscilla; 8. Anna; 9. Ellen; 10. Sarah; 11. . VI.— 1. William Shughart, b. ; mrd. Swartz. P. O., Blosserville, Pa. Farmer. Children: . VI. — 2. Peter Shughart, b. ; mrd. Nailor. P. O., Carlisle, Pa. Trucker. VI. — 3. Emanuel Shughart, b. ; mrd. Alice Zim- merman. 294 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 4. David Shughart, b. ; mrd. . No children. VI. — 5. Jacob Shughart, b. ; mrd. . VI.— 6. Alfred Shughart, b. ; mrd. Ida Snyder. P. O., Carlisle, Pa. Farmer. VI. — 7. Priscilla Shughart, b. ; mrd. Charles Blosser. P. O., Carlisle, Pa. VI. — 8. Anna Shughart, b. Jan. 1, 1867; mrd. John M. Cooper, June 2, 1887. P. O., Carlisle, Pa. Grocer. United Evangelical. One child: VII.— 1. Viola B. Cooper, b. July 14, 1889. VI. — 9. Ellen Shughart, b. ; mrd. Harry Browne- well. P. O., Carlisle, Pa. VI. — 10. Sarah Shughart, b. ; mrd. Christopher Spangler. P. O., Carlisle Springs, Pa. Farmer, VI. — 11. Shughart (a son); drowned. v.— 2. John Beidler, b. ; d. . Single. V. — 3. Nancy Jane Beidler, b. in Lancaster Co., Pa., Oct. 7, 1838; mrd. Amos Sweigert, Mar. 15, 1855. He was b. June 12, 1831; d. May 21, 1884. Butcher, later farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. William; 2. George. Nancy mrd. second husband, Mitchell. P. O., Sher- mansdale. Pa. No children. VI. — 1. William Sweigert, b. in North Middleton Twp., Pa., Aug. 22, 1857; mrd. Annie F. Rinehart, Apr. 3, 1878. P. O., Carlisle, Pa. Butcher. Children: VII.— 1. Lilly May Sweigert, b. Oct. 4, 1879; d. Oct. 25, 1889. VII.— 2. Bessie Maud Sweigert, b. Nov. 30, 1880. V VII.— 3. Mary Annie Sweigejj^, b. Aug. 27, 1883; d. n Nov. 2, 1887. VI.— 2. George W. Sweigert, b. Feb. 1, 1860; mrd. Annie Young, Dec. 24, 1878. She died . One son: JACOB BEIDLER, 1750—1781. 295 VII. — 1. Cletis LeRoy Sweigert; died aged five months. George Sweigert is somewhere in the West, residence unknown. V. — 4. Aaron Beidler, b. ; d. . S. V. — 5. William Wilson Beidler, b. near Carlisle, Pa., Mar. 3, 1841; d. June 21, 1901; mrd. Elizabeth Miller. She d. Jan. 5, 1894. Laundry. Children: 1. Elsie; 2. Nettie; 3. Royal; 4. Amanda; 5. Ethel; 6. Glen; 7. William. VI.— 1. Elsie Beidler, b. Jan. 11, 1868; mrd. John T. Harris, Oct. 15, 1890. Res., 143 Vine St., Council Bluffs, Iowa. No children. VI.— 2. Nettie Beidler, b. Mar. 19, 1872; d. Nov. 15, 1891. S. VI.— 3. Royal Beidler, b. June 7, 1875. S. VI.— 4. Amanda Beidler, b. May 22, 1877; d. Apr. 7, 1896. VI.— 5. Ethel Beidler, b. July 28, 1885. VI.— 6. Glen Beidler, b. July 3, 1888. VI.— 7. William Wilson Beidler, b. Mar. 17, 1891. v.— 6. Abraham Beidler, b. May 30, 1851; died 1892; mrd. Amanda Zinn. Engineer. Railroad engine inspector. One child: VI. — 1. Beidler, deceased. V. — 7. Catharine Beidler, b. ; mrd. Franklin Seitz. He died . No children. Mrd. second husband. V. — 8. Minnie Beidler. v.— 9. Sybilla Beidler. V. — 10. Beidler; died young. IV. — 3. Susanna Beidler, b. in Lancaster Co., Pa., — ; d. ; mrd. John B. Adams. He was b. ; . Fuller and farmer. Lived in Lancaster Co., Pa., 296 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. where they died. Lutherans. Children: 1. William; 2. Henry; 3. George; 4. Jacob; 5. Jeremiah; 6. Isaac; 7. Israel; 8. Aaron; 9. Mary; 10. John; 11. Infant; 12. Jef- ferson; 13. Aaron. V. — 1. William B. Adams, b. in Warwick Twp., Lancas- ter Co., Pa., Jan. 1, 1838; mrd. Agnes Kauffman, Sept. 27, 1885. She was b. at Brownstown, Lancaster Co., Pa., Oct. 28, 1861. P. O., Lititz, Pa. Farmer. Attends Luth. Ch. No children. V. — 2. Henry Harrison Adams, b. in Warwick Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., Sept. 21, 1840; mrd. Susan Gillinger, June 16, 1866, in Johnstown, Cambria Co., Pa. In the spring of 1870 he started in business at Holmesville, Ohio, where he is proprietor of Martin's Creek Woolen Mills, manufac- turing woolen goods. P. O., Holmesville, Ohio. Meth. Ep. No children. V. — 3. George B. Adams, b. in Ephrata Twp., Lancaster Co., Pa., Feb. 17, 1842; mrd. Elizabeth Minich, Feb. 20, 1866. She was b. at Chestnut Hill, Lancaster Co., Pa., Apr. 15, 1844. Children: 1. Henry; 2. Minerva; 3. Susan; 4. Agnes. George mrd. second wife, Harriet Mellinger. P. O., Akron, Pa. Blacksmith. Children: 5. Spencer; 6. William; 7. Aaron; 8. Theodore; 9. Sallie. VI. — 1. Henry M. Adams, b. at Cordillia, Pa., Mar. 7, 1867; mrd. Ada Seib, Mar. 23, 1889. P. O., Akron, Pa. Printer and cigarmaker. Children: VII.— 1. Gertie May Adams, b. July 19, 1890. VM.— 2. Arthur Adams, b. Feb. 9, 1892. VII.— 3. Elsie Adams, b. Feb. 27, 1895. VII.— 4. Charles Adams, b. Jan. 8, 1898. VI.— 2. Minerva Adams, b. Apr. 25, 1869; mrd. B. F. Lewis. P. O., Ephrata, Pa. VI. — 3. Susan Adams, b. in Lancaster Co., Pa., Mar. 14, 1873; mrd. Benjamin A. Peters, July 20, 1891. He was b. in Lancaster Co., Pa., Jan. 28, 1867; d. June 21, 1894. One ^ .■yij«*« '■M.iiHtfiii;<|tfBB»'' HENRY BEIDLER. (See page oii.-|. ) \ JACOB BEIDLER, 1750—1781. 297 child: 1. Leo. Susan mrd. second husband, William C. Good, of Ephrata, Pa., Nov. 6, 1895. He was b. in Lancaster Co., Pa., Dec. 24, 1859. Res., 1000 Ogden St., Philadelphia, Pa. Cigarmaker. Mrs. G., Lutheran. VII.— 1. Leo Basil Peters, b. July 9, 1892. VI. — 4. Agnes Adams, b. in Lancaster Co., Pa., May 1875; mrd. George Jacobs. He was b. in York Co., Pa., Oct. 27, 1868. P. O., Akron, Pa. Children: VII.— 1. Charles Jacobs, b. Dec. 24, 1892. VII. — 2. Irene Jacobs, b. Aug. 14, 1895. VII.— 3. Maggie Jacobs, b. Oct. 27, 1898. VI. — 5. Spencer Adams, b. Aug. 4, 1884. P. O., Akron, Pa. Employed in flour mill. S. VI.— 6. William Adams, b. Dec. 19, 1886. VI.— 7. Aaron Adams, b. July 10, 1888. VI.— 8. Theodore Adams, b. Aug. 2, 1890; d. Feb. 15, — . VI.— 9. Sallie Adams, b. Feb. 27, 1893. V. — 4. Jacob Adams, b. ; d. aged about four- teen years. V. — 5. Jeremiah Adams, b. ; mrd. . P. O., Lancaster, Pa., care of Eastern Market House. One child, died unnamed. Jeremiah mrd. second wife, Sallie Klise. Market master. One child: VI. — 1. Lizzie Adams, b. ; d. , aged six years. V. — 6. Isaac Adams, b. ; d. , aged about eight years. V. — 7. Israel Adams, b. in Lancaster Co., Pa., Jan. 24, 1851. P. O., Holmesville, Pa. Laborer. S. V. — 8. Aaron Adams, b. ; d. in infancy. V. — 9. Mary Adams, b. ; mrd. Henry Cooper. P. O., Rothsville, Pa. Farmer; live on the old Beidler homestead. Ev. Ass'n. Children: 1. Laura; 2. Susan; 298 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. 3. Graybil; 4. Henry; 5. Edna; 6. Minnie; 7. Jeremiah; 8. Sallie; 9. Aaron. ; mrd. John Hunsberger. VI. — 1. Laura Cooper, b. P. O., Lancaster, Pa. Children: VII. — 1. Chester Hunsberger. VII. — 2. Eugene Hunsberger. VII. — 3. Jeremiah Hunsberger. VI. — 2. Susan Cooper, b. mrd. George Shimp. P. O., Lancaster, Pa. Painter. Child: VII. — 1. Maria Shimp, b. ; d. young. VI.— 3. Graybil Cooper. VI. — 4. Henry Cooper. VI. — 5. Edna Cooper. VI. — 6. Minnie Cooper. VI. — 7. Jeremiah Cooper, b, ; d. VI.— 8. Sallie Cooper. VI. — 9. Aaron Cooper, b. ; d. . -, aged about V. — 10. John Adams, b. ; d. eighteen years. V. — 11. Infant, died unnamed. V. — 12. Jefferson Adams, b. ; d. ; mrd. Harriet Mellinger. Cigarmaker. Ev. Ass'n. Children: 1. Frank; 2. Harry; 3. John. VI. — 1. Frank Adams, b. P. O., Akron, Pa. Cigarmaker. VI. — 2. Harry Adams, b. - AKron, Pa. Cigarmaker. VI. — 3. John Adams, b. mrd. Sarah Price. mrd. P. O., V. — 13. Aaron B. Adams, b. mrd. Harriet Weid- man. P. O., 4951 W. King St., Lancaster, Pa. Hotelkeeper. Children: JACOB BEIDLER, 1750—1781. 299 VI. — 1. Arthur Adams. VI. — 2. George Adams. VI. — 3. Ivan Adams. VI. — 4. Harriet Adams. VI. — 5. Helen Adams, b. ; d. young. IV. — 4. Nancy Beidler, b. ; d. young. SECTION II. Ill — 2. Jacob Beidler, b. in Hilltown Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 5, 1776; d. Feb. 8, 1866; mrd. Susanna Krout, daughter of Jacob and Annie (Swartley) Krout, Dec. 8, 1807. She was b. Jan. 25, 1784; d. Apr. 25, 1864. Jacob Beidler's father died when he was quite young, and he went to live with his uncle, Christian Beitler, of Lower Milford township. After the death of his uncle, Christian Beitler, he went to live with his mother and learned the weaving and afterwards the carpenter trade, but later engaged in farming. He lived in Bedminster township, on the Dublin road, on a farm adjoining the English meeting house. The farm is now owned by his grandson, Nathan S. Beidler, of Philadelphia. It is said, "that while a Beidler in name, he was in nature a Lederach." Mennonites. Children: 1. Annie; 2. Aaron; 3. Elizabeth; 4. Henry; 5. Nathan; 6. Jacob; 7. Christian; 8. Susanna; 9. Joseph, IV. — 1. Annie Beidler, b. near Plumsteadville, Pa., Sept. 12, 1808; d. Mar. 2, 1893, aged eighty-four years, five months, eighteen days; mrd. Samuel Stover, in Dec. 1836. He was born near Pipersville, Pa., in 1804; d. Feb. 18, 1888. He was a son of Jacob Stover, and grandson of Pioneer Henry Stauffer, of Bedminster Twp., Bucks Co., Pa. Mr. Stover bought the new dwelling and the mill (now known as Myer's roller mills) and about fifty acres of land from his father, Apr. 27, 1836, for $8,000, where he lived the 300 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. remainder of his life. He rebuilt the mill the same year, and again rebuilt it in 1862. He was a successful business man and all his dealings marked him as being a moral, con- scientious man. Miller. Mennonites. Children: 1. Susan; 2. Eliza. V.—l. Susan B. Stover, b. Dec. 1839; d. March 1842. V. — 2. Eliza Beidler Stover, b. at Stover's Mills near Pipersville, Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 1844; mrd. Christian M. Myers, Feb. 1863, great-grandson of Pioneer Hans Meyer, of Upper Salford, Montgomery Co., Pa. Mr. Myers took charge of his father-in-law's mills and in 1885 completely remodeled them, putting in a complete roller process at the expense of $9,000. He has also remodeled the dwelling, supplying it with steam heat, hot and cold water, bath room, etc. After conducting the business for thirty-one years, he rented the mill to other parties, and now lives a retired life. Children: 1. Samuel; 2. Hugh; 3. Ira. VI. — 1. Samuel Horace Myers, b. May 1864; mrd. Eleanor Matilda Stover, Feb. 22, 1893. Mr. Myers graduated from Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., June 25, 1888, and from the lav/ department of the University of Pennsylvania, June 17, 1892. He was immediately admitted a member of the Philadelphia bar, and has practiced ever since. Res., 5438 Morris St., Philadelphia, Pa. Presby. One child: VII. — 1. Roberta Myers. VI.— 2. Hugh Ely Myers, b. Aug. 30, 1871. He graduated from Lafayette College, June 21, 1893, and from the depart- ment of chemistry of the same college, in 1895, with the view of following analytical chemistry as a profession. He now (1896-7) has charge of the chemical laboratory of the Kemble Furnace & Iron Works at Riddlesburg, Bedford Co., Pa. VI.— 3. Ira Stover Myers, b. Aug. 3, 1876. He graduated from the Germantown (Pa.) Academy, June 14, 1893, and graduated at Lafayette College, class of 1898. He is in the law oflBce of his brother S. Horace, Philadelphia, Pa. JACOB BEIDLER, 1750—1781. 301 IV. — 2. Aaron Beidler, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., May 12, 1810; d. Nov. 2, 1875, at Champaign, 111., aged sixty-five years, six months and twenty-one days; mrd. Susanna Kratz, June 15, 1841, She was a great-granddaughter of Pioneer John Valentine Kratz, of Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa., and was born Sept. 20, 1816; died at Champaign, 111., Sept. 17, 1894, aged five days less than seventy-eight years. Lumber merchant. Baptists. Children: 1. Irene; 2. Minerva; 3. Louis; 4. Lizzie, v.— 1. Irene Beidler, b. May 21, 1842; mrd. R. M, Eppstein,* Mar. 26, 1864. Res., 95 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, 111, Dealer in pianos and organs. One child: VI. — 1. Aaron R. Eppstein, b. at Champaign, 111., Dec. 29, 1875. v.— 2. Minerva Beidler, b. at Springfield, 111., May 31, 1845; mrd. Wesley T. Pratt, of Essex, Conn., Mar. 1, 1863. Res., 3039 Gray St., Denver, Colo, Contractor, Meth, Children: 1, Helen; 2, Louis; 3. Anna. VI. — 1. Helen Maria Pratt, b. in New Orleans, La., Mar. 14, 1866, Teacher in the Denver city schools VI. — 2. Louise Irene Pratt, b. in New Orleans, La., Sept. 27, 1867. Teacher in the Denver city schools. VI. — 3. Anna Isabelle Pratt, b, in New Orleans, La., Jan, 8, 1871; mrd, Clarence Franklin Richie, June 30, 1898, Res., 3039 Gray St., Denver, Colo. v.— 3. Louis Henry Beidler, b. Apr. 4, 1848; d. Sept. 13, 1873, while on a trip south for his health. Mrd. Mary Bradley,** daughter of B. C. Bradley, Mar. 19, 1872. She was b, in Versailles, Ky„ Mar. 7, 1849, Lumber merchant. Baptists. One child: 1. Gertrude. ♦ A descendant of the Wiesbaden (Germany) family of Eppstein. ** She is a lineal descendant of Thomas Win, of Wales, who founded Thomas Win Castle in 1617. 302 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 1. Gertrude Louis Beidler, b. Mar. 6, 1873; mrd. Frank Howe Cornell, Mar. G, 1901. Res., Oak Park, 111. Home Insurance Co. v.— 4. Lizzie Lelia Beidler, b. July 26, 1859; d. May 15, 1861. IV.— 3. Elizabeth Beidler, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Sept. 1, 1811; d. May 27, 1894, aged eighty-two years, eight months and twenty-six days; mrd. Isaac Kratz, Oct. 20, 1831. He was a great-grandson of Pioneer John Valentine Kratz, of Salford Twp., Montgomery Co., Pa., and was b. July 15, 1807; d. May 4, 1879, aged seventy-one years, nine months and nineteen days. Farmer; lived in Plumstead township. Mennonites. Children: 1. Susanna; 2. Mary; 3. Jacob; 4. Henry; 5. Isaac; 6. John; 7. Abraham; 8. David. V. — 1. Susanna Kratz, b. Aug. 12, 1832; mrd. Henry B. Moyer. (See Henry B. Moyer Family.) v.— 2. Mary B. Kratz, b. Nov. 17, 1833; d. Mar. 14, 1837. V. — 3. Jacob B. Kratz, b. in Montgomery Co., Pa., Dec. 12, 1835; mrd. Catharine Loux, of Tinicum Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 21, 1860. She was b. Jan. 20, 1834. P. O., Pipers- ville. Pa. Farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Isaac; 2. Lizzie. VI. — 1. Isaac L. Kratz, b. in Montgomery Co., Pa., Nov. 19,1865; mrd. Minnie Nora Ott, Mar. 4, 1890. P. O., Pipers- ville, Pa. Miller. Ger. Ref. Children: VII.— 1. Jacob Kratz, b. Jan. 10, 1891; d. Mar. 12, 1891. VM.— 2. Julia Pearl Kratz, b. Feb. 16, 1893. VI.— 2. Lizzie A. Kratz, b. Oct. 13, 1868; mrd. Milton B. Geho, Feb. 2, 1889. Farmer. Mr. G., Lutheran; Mrs. G., Ger. Reformed. Children: VII.— 1. Katie E. Geho, b. June 30, 1893. VII.— 2. Edna M. Geho, b. July 12, 1896. JACOB BEIDLER, 1750—1781. 303 VII.— 3. Henry W. Geho, b. Nov. 25, 1897. v.— 4. Henry B. Kratz, b. Aug. 2, 1838; mrd. Leah Meyers, Nov. 10, 1860. She d. Mar. 1890. Children: 1. Syl- vanus; 2. Emma; 3. Jonas; 4. Leidy; 5. Mary; 6. Harvey; 7. Horace; 8. Henry. Mr. Kratz mrd. second wife, Kate (Godshall) Gerhart, Apr. 11, 1891. P. O., Bedminster, Pa. Farmer. Mennonites. Children: 9. Daniel; 10. Lizzie; 11. Lewis; 12. Edwin; 13. Katie. VI. — 1, Sylvanus Kratz, b. Sept. 2, 1861; mrd. Sarah Meyers. P. O., Pipersville, Pa. Farmer. Mennonites. Children: VII. — 1. Infant; died unnamed. VII. — 2. Aaron Kratz; died in infancy. VI. — 2. Emma Jane Kratz, b. Mar. 31, 1864; mrd. Wil- liam H. Fulmer, Oct. 1, 1887. P. O., Blooming Glen, Pa. Farmer. Mr. F., Mennonite. One child: VII. — 1. Leah Anna Fulmer, b. Jan. 8, 1889. VI. — 3. Jonas Kratz, b. Feb. 4, 1866; mrd. Lizzie Sine, in 1886. P. O., Bedminster, Pa. Farmer. Mennonites. One child: VII.— 1. Estella Kratz, b. in 1886. VI. — 4. Leidy M. Kratz, b. in Bedminster Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Sept. 11, 1868; mrd. Lizzie B. Ott, of Bowmansville, Lancaster Co., Pa., Jan. 10, 1891. P. O., Richlandtown, Pa. Miller. Mennonites. Children: VII.— 1. William O. Kratz, b. Oct. 22, 1893. VII.— 2. Blanche O. Kratz, b. Jan. 8, 1897. VI. — 5. Mary Ellen Kratz, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Jp,n. 6, 1870; mrd. Daniel Hartzell. P. O., Waxall,'Pa. V|._6. Harvey Kratz, b. May 29, 1873. P. O., Bed- minster, Pa. 304 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI.— 7. Horace Kratz, b. May 31, 1875. P. O., Kellers Church, Pa. S. VI.— 8. Henry W. Kratz, b. Mar. 5, 1879. P. O., Dublin, Pa. S. VI.— 9. Daniel Kratz. VI. — 10. Lizzie Kratz. VI. — 11. Lewis Kratz. VI.— 12. Edwin Kratz, b. May 11, 1898. VI.— 13. Katie Kratz (twin), b. May 11, 1898; died in infancy. V. — 5. Isaac B. Kratz, b. May 5, 1841; mrd. Sarah Ann Nace, Nov. 4, 1865. She died . Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Jonas; 2. Lizzie; 3, Franklin. Isaac mrd. second wife, Mary Fretz, Nov. 21, 1886. P. O., Fricks, Pa. Mason. Mrs. Kratz, Baptist. No children. VI.— 1. Jonas N. Kratz, b. Aug. 23, 1866, in Bucks Co., Pa.; mrd. Annie McCandless, Nov. 11, 1891. Res., 4919 Olive St., West Philadelphia, Pa. Railroader. No children. VI. — 2. Lizzie N. Kratz, b. in Hilltown Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., July 28, 1868; mrd. Linford L. Ford, Jan. 7, 1889. Res., 2439 Stanley St., Philadelphia, Pa. Meth. Ep. Children: VII.— 1. Viola May Ford, b. Mar. 24, 1890. VII.— 2. Earl K. Ford, b. Mar. 17, 1895. VII.— 3. Linford Carl Ford, b. June 16, 1896; d. May 27, 1898. VI.— 3. Franklin N. Kratz, b. Jan. 14, 1873; d. Dec. 9, 1891. Harnessmaker. V. — 6. John B. Kratz, b. June 25, 1844; mrd. Annie L. Fretz, Sept. 7, 1876. P. O., Bedminster, Pa. Farmer. Men- nonites. Children: VI.— 1. Isaac F. Kratz, b. Jan. 31, 1881. VI.— 2. Irene F. Kratz. b. Sept. 6. 1884. DR. REUBEN H. ANDREWS. < See ]3age oHm. > JACOB BEIDLER, 1750—1781. 305 v.— 7. Abraham B. Kratz, b. May 13, 1847; d. Apr. 19, 1865. v.— 8. David B. Kratz, b. Aug. 20. 1850; d. ; mrd. Anna Myers. She was b. Mar. 1, 1846. Saddler. P. O., Lansdale, Pa. Children: VI. — 1. Samuel Kratz. VI.— 2. Steward Kratz. IV. — 1. Henry Beidler, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Nov. 27, 1812; d. Mar. 16, 1893, aged eighty years, three months, nineteen days. Mrd. Sarah Sammons, Apr. 23, 1860. She was b. at Geddes, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1831; d. Oct. 2, 1886, aged fifty-four years, ten months, four days. Henry Beidler passed his boyhood and early manhood on the farm, re- ceiving a good common school education and laying the foundation of his financial success. It was here that he earned his first thousand dollars, a fact to which he pointed with pardonable pride. In the spring of 1843, attracted by the superior inducements offered in the West to young men of enterprise and thrift, he removed to the then sparsely settled State of Illinois, and located at Springfield in the grocery trade. After five years of success in this business, he, in 1848, removed to Chicago, and engaged in the lumber business in partnership with his brother, Jacob Beidler, who was then in business there. In 1855 Mr. Beidler went to Muskegon, Mich., and took charge of the manufacturing branch of the business there, his brother continuing in charge of the Chicago branch. The business rapidly increased, and, under his careful management, brought to its promoters large returns, so that in 1876 the subject of this sketch was enabled to retire from active participation in the business, with an ample competence. At that time he returned to Chicago, where he made his residence permanent, and retained an interest in the busi- ness for several years, when the firm was dissolved by mutual consent. 21 306 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. After retiring from active business, Mr. Beidler spent much of his time in travel throughout all parts of his native land, and also visited some foreign lands. During his travels he collected a great variety of curiosities, con- sisting of rare shells, precious stones, etc., v/hich he preserved in a handsome cabinet at his home. Throughout his life Mr. Beidler was known for his business in- tegrity and firm adherence to the strict principles of justice and equity, so that wherever known, his word was regarded as good as his bond. He was a man of generous impulses, cheerful, genial, benevolent and charitable. His political sentiments were Republican, though he never took any part in political matters, more than to per- form his duties as a citizen. Mr. Beidler held broad and liberal views on religious questions, and, with his family, was identified with the "People's Church," under the pastoral care of H, W. Thomas, D. D. Mrs. Beidler was a woman of many noble qualities, a fond and devoted wife and mother, and by her kindness and goodness of heart, her charities, and purity of life, endeared herself to a large circle of friends. One child: 1. Herbert. V. — 1. Herbert Alpine Beidler, b. in Chicago, 111., Aug. 22, 1861; mrd. Ida Louisa Merriman, Jan. 20, 1887. He went with his parents to Muskegon, Mich., where they resided until the fall of 1876, when the family returned to Chicago, and where he has resided ever since, until the last few years, which have been spent at Williams Bay, Wal- worth Co., Wis. Mr. Beidler was educated in the public schools at Muskegon, Mich., and Chicago, 111., graduating from the High School of Chicago. He then went to Greylock Institute, So. Williamstown, Mass. After that he finished his education at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. He then spent about three months in travel in the West, going as far as the Pacific Coast. On his return from the West, he began work as draughtsman in a manufacturing concern, and finally became vice-president of the same company. Later this company dissolved and a new one was formed in the same line of business. He became JACOB BEIDLER, 1750—1781. 307 president of this company, and so continued until he sold out in 1895, since which time he has not been in any active business. No children. IV.— 5. Nathan C. Beidler, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 22, 1814; d. Aug. 10, 1888, aged seventy-four years, five months and eighteen days. Mrd. Mary Krout, Jan. 11, 1836. She was b. Mar. 25, 1810; d. Oct. 22, 1850. Children: 1. Aaron; 2. Mary; 3. Jeremiah; 4. Susanna; 5. Jacob; 6. Ann; 7. Sarah. Nathan mrd. second wife, Elizabeth Swartley, grand- daughter of Pioneer Jacob Swartley, Aug. 28, 1851. She was b. in Bucks Co., Pa., June 20, 1818; d. Feb. 5, 1897, aged seventy-eight years, seven months and fifteen days. Farmer. Mennonites. Children: 8. Maggie; 9, Elizabeth; 10. Emma; 11. Nathan; 12. Barbara. v.— 1. Aaron Beidler, b. Mar. 7, 1839; d. Oct. 5, 1840. V. — 2. Mary Ann Beidler, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 23, 1840; mrd. Henry Rosenberger, in 1861. He was b, in 1837; d. July 14, 1891. Res., 2047 N. 12th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Farmer and later merchant. Mennonites. Children: 1. Ella; 2. Katharine; 3. Emma; 4. Minerva; 5. Henry; 6. Anna; 7. Ida, VI. — 1. Ella Rosenberger, b. Nov. 7, 1862. Dressmaker. Meth. Ep. VI. — 2. Katharine Rosenberger, b. Nov. 7, 1864. Meth. Episcopal. VI. — 3. Emma Rosenberger, b. Sept. 4, 1866. Dress- maker. Meth. Ep. VI. — 4. Minerva Rosenberger, b. Apr. 9, 1868. Seam- stress. Meth. Ep. VI. — 5. Henry B. Rosenberger, b. Mar. 14, 1877; d. Jan. 5, 1895. 308 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 6. Anna Rosenberger, b. June 16, 1879; d. Mar. 24, 1883. VI. — 7. Ida Rosenberger, b. July 5, 1881. V. — 3. Jeremiah Beidler, b. Aug. 7, 1842; mrd. . P. O., Damon, Chehalis Co., Washington. V. — 4. Susanna Beidler, b. Dee. 1, 1843; mrd. Joseph Aimes. P. O., Hilltown, Pa. Painter. Children: 1. Nathan; 2. Delia; 3. Harrison; 4. Pearl; 5. Rachel, dec'd; 6. Infant. V. — 5. Jacob Beidler, b. In Bucks Co., Pa., Sept. 14, 1845; mrd. Elizabeth Godshalk. Children: 1. Mary; 2. Nathan; 3. Clara. VI. — 1. Mary Ann Beidler, b. in Hilltown Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Mar. 15, 1869; mrd. Abraham Swartz, of Dublin, Pa., Mar. 3, 1892. P. O., Dublin, Pa. Farmer. Mennonites. Children : VII.— 1. Bertha Swartz, b. May 29, 1893. VII.— 2. Norman Swartz, b. Jan. 6, 1896. VII.— 3. Raymond Swartz, b. Mar. 3, 1898. VI.— 2. Nathan G. Beidler, b. in Hilltown Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 25, 1871; mrd. Mary Derstine, of Deep Run, Mar. 10, 1894. P. O., Blooming Glen, Pa. Farmer. Menno- nites. Children: VII.— 1. Samuel Beidler, b. Jan. 12, 1895. VII.— 2. Ida Beidler, b. Dec. 1896. VII.— 3. Clara Beidler, b. Aug. 25, 1898. VI.— 3. Clara Beidler, b. New Britain Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Feb., 7, 1873; mrd. Abraham B. Moyer, Sept. 21, 1893. He was b. Sept. 1870. P. O., Silverdale, Pa. Baker. Menno- nites. Children: VII.— 1. Mabel B. Moyer, b. Oct. 13, 1894. JACOB BEIDLER, 1750—1781. 309 VII.— 2. Wallace Moyer, b. Feb. 8, 1898, deceased. V. — 6. Ann Eliza Beidler, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 18, 1847; mrd. Adolph Schremp, July 6, 1878. Divorced. Chil- dren: 1. Charles; 2. Clarence. Ann Eliza mrd. second husband, Peter Miller, Jan. 9, 1890. P. O., Dublin, Pa. Mason. Ret Ch. VI. — 1. Charles H. Schremp, b. May 8, 1880. Res., Philadelphia, Pa. Employed in meat establishment. S. VI. — 2. Clarence Edward Schremp, b. Sept. 4, 1886. v.— 7. Sarah Beidler, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 15, 1849; mrd. Emil Johnson. Res., Philadelphia, Pa. No children. V. — 8. Mary Magdalena S. Beidler, b. in New Britain, Bucks Co., Pa., May 6, 1852; mrd. Dr. R. H. Andrews, Oct. 7, 1875. Dr. Reuben High Andrews, only child of Aaron and Barbara Andrews, was born in Hilltown Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Jan. 20, 1850. His father was for some years a " boss " carpenter and later on purchased a small tract of land along a creek in Hilltown township, near the site of an old saw- mill, about a mile west of Dublin. Here he erected a dwell- ing and a grist mill; the family living there until the father died. After the death of his father, Reuben went to live with his Grandfather Andrews, in Marlborough township, Mont- gomery county, but in less than two years his grandfather also died, and his mother about this time was married again, to Henry S. Krout, a farmer of Bedminster Twp., Bucks Co. There Reuben worked on the farm, attending the district school during the winter months. When about eighteen years of age he went for a short time to a school, then known as the Excelsior Normal Institute, at Carversville, with the object of preparing for teaching. He taught his first term of public school at what was then known as Upper Sellersville School. After this he attended for a term the Keystone State Normal School, at Kutztown. This was 310 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. followed by another term of teaching, this time his own district school in Bedminster township. About the same time he commenced to study medicine under the tutorship of the family physician, Dr. Moses Rice, of Hagersville. While Mr. Andrews was a substitute teacher in New Britain township. Dr. Rice was taken ill and died. Afterwards he studied with Dr. J. H. Krause, of Plumsteadville. Having entered the medical department of the University of Penn- sylvania, he graduated in the spring of 1874, and at once entered upon the duties of his chosen profession at Kulps- ville, Montgomery county, where he soon gained a liberal patronage. In the fall of 1875 he married Mary M., daughter of Nathan Beidler, of Bedminster, Bucks county. In the spring of 1876 he moved to Lansdale, Montgomery county, where he purchased a lot and erected a dwelling. While here engaged in the active duties of his profession, he con- ceived the idea of publishing a monthly medical journal, " The Medical Summary," the first number of which was issued in March 1879. In the early part of 1881 he bought a half interest in the local weekly newspaper, " The Lans- dale Reporter," and during the same year erected a building on Main street, as a home and office for the newspaper and printing establishment. In the spring of 1884, on account of failing health and rapidly increasing duties professionally and with the medi- cal journal, he sold his practice and dwelling to Dr. Samuel Seese. He at once bought a property in Philadelphia, where he moved and lived for a year, when he sold it and moved back to Lansdale, having before purchased a lot adjoining his former home, and on this lot he now built one of the finest residences in that section at the time. About the same time he purchased the other half interest in the Reporter and printing business, which business was con- ducted by himself for about a year, when he sold it. Shortly afterward he again moved to Philadelphia, where he since devotes almost his entire time to the medical journal, doing only a select practice. A few years ago he purchased No. 2321 Park Ave., where he now resides. For the past nine years no edition of the Medical Summary has been less than JACOB BEIDLER, 1750—1781. 311 10,000 copies. It is a national journal and circulates in every section of the country. Never seeking public oflEice, he was, however, elected a member of Lansdale Borough Council for three consecutive terms, being chosen president of that body for two terms. At the time of his removal to Philadelphia he was a member of the School Board. Baptists. Children: 1. Lotta; 2. Florence; 3. Beatrice; 4. Russel. VI.— 1. Lotta Grace Andrews, b. Feb. 24, 1877. Grad- uated in the classical course of the Philadelphia High School for Girls, and after graduating in above school was at once admitted at Bryn Mawr College, from which she graduated in class of 1902 and is now (1903) a medical student at the Woman's Medical College, of Philadelphia. Baptist. VI. — 2. Florence Mabel Andrews, b. Jan. 4, 1879; mrd. Walter Boenning Newman, Nov. 5, 1902. Res., 4606 Green St., Germantown, Philadelphia. She graduated in the classical course of the Philadelphia High School for Girls, after which she took a special two-year course at the M. M. Jones School of Elocution and Physical Culture, Philadel- phia. Baptist. VI. — 3. Beatrice Lilla Andrews, b. Dec. 12, 1885, is a graduate of " Montgomery Terrace," a select private school, Broad St., Philadelphia. Baptist. VI.— 4. Russel Harold Andrews, b. May 27, 1894; d. Feb. 16, 1895. v.— 9. Elizabeth S. Beidler, b. July 8, 1854, in Bucks Co., Pa.; mrd. Benjamin F. Shearer, Oct. 7, 1875. P. O., Dublin, Pa. He has been in business at Dublin, Pa., since 1870, first as salesman, then as partner, and now as sole proprietor of the business, that of merchandise. Presby. Children: VI. — 1. William Kneetler Shearer, b. Apr. 4, 1877; d. Apr. 11, 1877. VI.— 2. Gertrude Harriet Shearer, b. July 30, 1879. Presby. S. 312 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 3. Herbert Benjamin Shearer, b. July 21, 1883. Presby. V. — 10. Emma Beidler, b. in New Britain Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., July 30, 1855; mrd. Clinton Frankenfield, of Dublin, Pa., Nov. 21, 1874. P. O., Dublin, Pa. Merchant. Mrs. Frankenfield was confirmed in Christ Ev. Lutheran Church of Lower Tinicum, Pa., Oct. 23, 1875, by Rev. W. S. Emery. Children: VI. — 1. Howard B. Frankenfield, b. Mar. 4, 1876. Res., Allentown, Pa. In the clothing business. Luth. S. VI.— 2. Evaline Frankenfield, b. Sept. 5, 1881; d. Apr. 22, 1882. VI.— 3. Oscar Roy Frankenfield, b. June 27, 1883. VI.— 4. B. Bertram Frankenfield, b. July 3, 1885. V. — 11. Nathan S. Beidler, b. near Chalfont, Bucks Co., Pa., Dec. 4, 1857; mrd. Lillian Kochersperger, Sept. 15, 1881. Res., 1904 N. 32d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Merchant. Children: VI.— 1. Nathan Percival Beidler, b. June 18, 1883; d. Aug. 9, 1883. VI.— 2. Lillian Beidler, b. July 30, 1885; d. Dec. 14, 1885. VI.— 3. Leon K. Beidler, b. Oct. 5, 1886. V. — 12. Barbara Beidler, b. in New Britain Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Sept. 15, 1862; mrd. Edward Hafler, Dec. 9, 1886. P. O., Perkasie, Pa. Shoemaker by trade, now farmer. Methodists. Children: VI.— 1. Nellie Hafler, b. Aug. 28, 1887. VI.— 2. Warren Hafler, b. May 5, 1889; d. May 30, 1889. VI.— 3. James Hafler, b. Mar. 15, 1890; d. same day. VI.— 4. Elizabeth Hafler, b. Feb. 25, 1891. VI.— 5. Frederick Hafler, b. Feb. 20, 1893; d. May 29, 1893. VI.— 6. Edward Hafler, b. May 18, 1894. JACOB BEIDLER. (See page :Jlo.) JACOB BEIDLER, 1750—1781. 313 IV. — 6. Jacob Beidler was born in Bedminster Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Dec. 20, 1815. Brought up on a farm among a people with whom frugality, unceasing industry and thrift were foundation principles, little time that could be utilized for working was allowed to be otherwise occupied. In winter the children attended the country school, running home quickly when the sessions ended to look after the animals and do the chores, but in the summer months there was no school. The children were then needed to help on the farm. At one time, the children of the neigh- borhood were sent to Sunday school, but the rumor that a Sunday school advocate was about to introduce a bill in the legislature to compel attendance, excited a feeling of opposition to Sunday schools and the children were kept at home, going to Mennonite meeting in the morning, but otherwise having no religious exercises. Few books were found in the home, but a newspaper came weekly, being taken jointly with another family in the neighborhood. Hospitality in certain forms was universal. Not to be able to furnish a bountiful meal on short notice to a wagonload of unexpected guests would have been a con- fession of incapability on the part of any housekeeper. With chickens in the barnyard, rows of pies in the spring- house or cellar, jelly and preserves in the storeroom, milk and eggs at their disposal, guests and hostess working together would soon provide a feast. Even to peddlers and tramps the region was known as a section where they would be well housed and well fed. As the father was farmer, carpenter, cabinetmaker, legal adviser for neighbors and, on a small scale, capitalist, there could easily be found enough work to keep the chil- dren of the family busy. That each boy should be given a trade was a principle of the fathers, and Jacob Beidler learned to be a carpenter. The story of a good sized farm house built by him and his cousin, hewed from the trees, painted and made complete for $115 and board, was one of the favorite tales, in later years, of the builder. One winter, after having worked during the summer months, feeling the need of more education, he entered a 314 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. boarding school, but the sudden change from active outdoor life to quiet indoor occupation did not agree with him and he had to leave school, to be doctored at home. The stories of the great West, however, penetrated into this secluded place and Jacob Beidler decided in 1842 to try his fortune in a new country. Going to Pittsburg he took the boat down the Ohio river to Cairo. From there he went to St. Louis and on to Springfield, 111. With rigid ideas of morality, fixed habits of calculating frugality, accustomed to hard work and application to tasks on hand, this tall, bony, rosy cheeked young countryman started out to see if his dream of worldly success — to be some time worth $20,000 — could be made real to him in this Western State. He felt that he was ignorant, felt that strangers would think him unsophisticated, but the strenuous life which was the common lot of all his asso- ciates had prepared him to maintain his own, even though he should be the subject of comment and laughter. In Springfield he at first worked at his trade and then embarked in the grocery business. In the spring of 1844 he went East, and was married, April 22, to Miss Mary Ann Funk. She was the daughter of Jacob and Margaret Halde- man Funk and was born in Hilltown Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 5, 1821. When about seven years of age she and her younger sister Catharine were left motherless. Later the father married again and a family of little children came to fill the home. In helping to care for them she had much to do. At that time a short period of schooling was thought to be sufficient for a girl. Only reading, writing, arithmetic and sewing were taught. Domestic science, though not bearing then so pretentious a name, knitting and spinning were taught and practiced at home. This young wife was well fitted to bear her share in the work of the home and returned with her husband to begin her married life among strangers in Springfield, 111. But within a few months the desire of her husband to go to Chicago had settled into a determination, and in the fall of 1844, after packing their personal possessions, including the household linen, of which every well-endowed Bucks county maiden had a JACOB BEIDLER, 1750—1781. 315 goodly store, the young couple started on the trying trip from Springfield to Chicago. A rainy season had made the roads so bad that again and again the team had to be extricated from the mud and the wife was in despair lest the new venture would be ended by death on the prairies. But after days of discouragement the city of Chicago was reached, and Jacob Beidler found employment as a car- penter, working for Van Osdel Bros. & Thorp. A little home was established, where the hard working, careful housewife early and late worked and planned to make every dollar that came in, go as far as possible in providing for present absolute necessities and in savings for future needs or capital. The little fortune that she had brought with her, as well as the capital that her husband had, were not any too well invested, but to have encroached on either for daily living would have been contrary to all rules and habits, so labor and privation continued. Sickness and the loss of two children as tiny infants told on the hopefulness of the mother, but the restless energy of Jacob Beidler was ever looking out for opportunities of bettering his fortune. In 1845 a little carpenter shop was established in con- nection with James McGee, under the firm name of Beidler & McGee. In 1846 Mr. Beidler bought out his partner and in 1847 opened a lumber yard at the northeast corner of West Water and Randolph streets. In 1848 he was joined by his brother Henry from Springfield, 111., and in 1850 the shop connected with the lumber yard was sold out to James Lyon. In 1854 it was decided to manufacture lumber at Muskegon, Mich., and Mr. A. F. Hathaway was admitted to the firm, which became J. Beidler & Bro. & Co. Later an- other brother, Aaron Beidler, was admitted, the firm name continuing as before. In 1856 Aaron Beidler and A. F. Hathaway retired and M. J. Brown and R. P. Eastman were admitted. In 1860 they withdrew and the firm became J. Beidler & Bro., Chicago, 111., and J. & H. Beidler, Muskegon, Mich., under which name the business was con- ducted until 1871, when the J. Beidler & Bro. Lumber Co., an Illinois corporation, for the Chicago business, with Jacob 316 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Beidler president, M. F. Rittenhouse treasurer and A. F. Beidler secretary, and the Beidler Manufacturing Co., a Michigan corporation, for the Muskegon business, with Henry Beidler president and J. D. Follmer secretary and treasurer, were organized. The Beidler Manufacturing Co. continued in business until 1886 and the J. Beidler & Bro. Lumber Co. until April 1891. In 1861 Mr. Beidler started John F. Funk and James McMullen in the lumber business, under the firm name of McMullen, Funk & Co. This firm continued until 1866. In 1866 Jacob and Henry Beidler started B. L. Anderson in the lumber business, under the firm name of B. L. Ander- son & Co., and this firm was in business until May 1868. In 1873 the South Branch Lumber Co. of Chicago, an Illinois corporation, was organized, with Jacob Beidler president, B. F. Ferguson treasurer, and Francis Beidler secretary, and continued in business until May 1, 1893. In May 1886 the Eastern Lumber Co., an Illinois cor- poration, operating at Tonawanda, N. Y., was organized. Jacob Beidler was president until his death. Several Chicago business men, among whom were Mr. Perry Hannah, Mr. John F. Funk, Mr. B. L. Anderson, Mr, John Oliver, Mr. P. L. Auten and Mr. M. F. Rittenhouse, have commenced their business careers in the employ of Mr. Beidler, and in the success of these different young men he always took great satisfaction, although claiming from them no obligation except as he said, "good will which we owe each other." During these years, which, with a few exceptions, were prosperous financially, several changes of residence had been made. For a while they lived over the shop. Homes on South Water and North Wells streets were followed in 1856 by one more to the outskirts of the West Side. A house was purchased on Morgan street near Washington street, and the next year a house that was very satisfactory to Mrs. Beidler was built next door and into this the family of four children was moved. In 1862 the parents and six children moved into the Lind house on the northeast corner JACOB BEIDLER, 1750—1781. 317 of Morgan and Washington streets, where the youngest of the six sons was born in 1864. The Third Presbyterian Church was in the neighbor- hood of these homes, and Mr. Beidler, who had united with the First Presbyterian Church some years before, grew much interested in the Third Church. The large stone edifice which the society built, left it deeply in debt and in the struggle in which this involved them Mr. Beidler under the pastorate of Rev. Arthur Swazey, D. D., with three or four others, stood foremost in being ready to give time, effort and money that the work and the credit of the church might not suffer. He believed that the same prin- ciples of economy and honesty that govern creditable com- mercial transactions should govern the financial manage- ment of religious organizations. As treasurer of the trustees he preferred to advance from his own means the money needed to pay bills for running expenses rather than leave the bills unpaid. When the Third Church in 1877 voted to sell the building and move further west, being opposed to the plan, he changed to the Eighth Presbyterian Church, then under the pastorate of Dr. J. M. Worrall, and by his efforts and gifts helped to free it from debt. He then directed his efforts in behalf of the Jefferson Park Presbyterian Church, which was nearer his home and under the charge of Dr. Francis L. Patton. Mr. Beidler and his wife were members of this church and he a trustee at the time of his death. He was interested in the Pres- byterian Hospital and a trustee of Lake Forest University, a chair in which he endowed. He gave his aid toward providing a home for the Y. M. C. A. of the West Side and toward the regular objects of church benevolence he was always a contributor. Though never active in politics, he entered the City Council at the time of the Reform Ticket in 1876 and served two terms. He belonged to the Republican party. Building was ever his hobby, and in the large buildings which he erected for manufacturing and warehouse pur- poses on West Washington boulevard, he took great pride. He moved in 1873 into the Gardner house on South 318 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Sangamon street. The family then consisted of six sons and one daughter. Marriage and death entered the circle, so that in March 1898, when he died, there were left in the home but the wife and two unmarried sons. One son — John — was drowned in 1881, and another son — William H. — had died six months before his father. The married daughter lived in a house built by her father on the homestead grounds and two married sons resided in the city. Though no sickness that could be called sickness troubled the last years of Mr, Beidler's life, he ceased his hold on business and an active life, and gradually his memory grew dim. Perhaps he himself, although never acknowledging the fact, was conscious of this, for he took less and less part in conversation, lost his former sense of mortification in being found asleep during the hours of the day, and failed to recognize many whose faces had once been familiar to him. From Thursday morning, March 10, 1898, he remained in bed, protesting at first against it to the nurse, who had been his faithful attendant for six months. Two days later he became unconscious and on Tuesday morning, March 15, 1898, at about 2 o'clock, the spirit took its flight. On March 17th the body was laid in Rosehill Cemetery in the lot where already his two sons and two grandsons had been buried. The funeral services were conducted at the house by the Rev. Frank DeWitt Talmage, pastor of the Jefferson Park Presbyterian Church; Dr. D. C. Marquis, of McCormick Theological Seminary, and Rev. J. G. K. McClure, of Lake Forest University, The old home was still kept up after the death of Mr. Beidler, for Mrs. Beidler felt that no other house could be home to her and with Mr. Beidler's former nurse as com- panion and her two youngest sons, she lived there for nearly two years, reluctantly as her strength failed relinquishing little by little her close supervision of domestic matters. She never realized the wish of her later years to visit once again the scenes and friends of her early days, for the infirmities of age prevented, but in the last week of her life the names and incidents of long years JACOB BEIDLER, 1750—1781. 319 before seemed to fill her mind. After less than a week's confinement to bed, during the last days of which she was unconscious, she passed away on Thursday, at 8 p. m., Jan. 25, 1900. The oldest of a large family of children, a young wife in a new country, the mother of a large family, the help- meet of her husband in providing for the future of those children, she led a busy life, full of work, care and anxiety. No one knows as do those children how much of her hus- band's financial success and home comfort were due to this little woman whom strangers thought so frail. Children: 1. Joseph; 2. Infant; 3. Augustus F.; 4. William H.; 5. Francis; 6. Emma; 7. John; 8. David; 9. George. v.— 1. Joseph Beidler, b. Sept. 12, 1845; d. Oct. 22, 1845. V. — 2. Infant daughter; died unnamed. v.— 3. Augustus F. Beidler, b. Oct. 5, 1848; mrd. Mary Louise Hannah, Oct. 16, 1890. Residence, Hinsdale, 111. Real estate business. Congregational. Children: VI. — 1. Augustus Hannah Beidler, b. Dec. 28, 1891. VI.— 2. J. Francis Beidler, b. Mar. 30, 1894. VI.— 3. Robert Ayres Beidler, b. Jan. 10, 1896. v.— 4. William Henry Beidler, b. July 20, 1851; d. Sept. 15, 1897; mrd. Ada M. Gregory, July 5, 1877. Lumber dealer in Chicago. Episcopalians. Children: VI. — 1. William Gregory Beidler, b. Dec. 24, 1880; d. Aug. 20, 1881. VI. — 2. Walter Henry Beidler, b. June 10, 1883; d. Apr. 9, 1884. v.— 5. Francis Beidler, b. in Chicago, 111., Oct. 18, 1854; mrd. Elizabeth M. Loose, Mar. 8, 1893. Res., Chicago, 111. Lumber dealer, Chicago, 111. Children: VI.— 1. Francis Beidler, Jr., b. Nov. 26, 1897. VI.— 2. Elizabeth Loose Beidler, b. July 17, 1901. 320 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. v.— 6. Emma Beidler, b. Feb. 28, 1857; mrd. Arthur B. Camp, Oct. 5, 1887. Chicago. Presbyterians. Children: VI.— 1. Mary Beidler Camp, b. Aug. 11, 1889. VI.— 2. Jay Beidler Camp, b. Aug. 23, 1891. VI.— 3. Gertrude Elizabeth Camp, b. June 23, 1898. v.— 7. John Beidler, b. Dec. 16, 1859; d. July 22, 1881. Presbyterian. Single. v.— 8. David Beidler, b. Apr. 13, 1862. Res., Gumee, 111. Poultry farmer. Presbyterian, Single. v.— 9. George Beidler, b. Oct. 28, 1864; mrd. Margaret Emily Young, Feb. 22, 1900. Real estate. Chicago. Children: VI.— 1. George Beidler, Jr., b. Feb. 11, 1901; d. Mar. 10, 1901. VI.— 2. John Jacob Beidler, b. June 7, 1902. IV.— 7. Christian Beidler, b. Sept. 8, 1817; d. Feb. 15, 1826. IV.— 8. Susan Beidler, b. in Bucks Co.. Pa., Feb. 14, 1820; d. Aug. 30, 1901; mrd. Jacob Fretz, Nov. 19, 1839. He was a great-grandson of Pioneer John Fretz, of Bed- minster, Bucks Co., Pa., and was b. in Bedminster township, Oct. 14, 1803; d. there Nov. 28, 1869. He was a farmer and lived on a part of the old homestead of his grandfather, Abraham Fretz, in Bedminster township. Mennonites. Chil- dren: 1. Emma; 2. Mary; 3. Reed; 4. Rachel; 5. Abra- ham; 6. Lizzie; 7. Infant; 8. Susan; 9. Philip; 10. Anna. V. — 1. Emma Fretz, b. Apr. 1, 1841; mrd. Abraham M. Leatherman, Nov. 1, 1862. He was b. Sept. 18, 1832. P. O., Gardenville, Pa. Farmer. Presbyterians. Children: 1. Horace; 2. J. Kirk; 3. Henry; 4. Erwin. VI. — 1. Horace Leatherman, b. Feb. 1, 1864; d. Apr. 18, 1671. MRS. MARY ANN (FUNK) BEIDLER. (Sue page ol'd.) JACOB BEIDLER, 1750—1781. 321 VI.— 2. Jacob Kirk Leatherman, b. Jan. 26, 1866. P. O., Doylestown, Pa. Formerly school teacher, later admitted to the bar of Bucks county as an attorney-at-law, and is practicing at Doylestown, Pa. S. VI.— 3. Henry W. Leatherman, b. Aug. 30, 1867; mrd. Clara Mumbauer, Sept. 25, 1895. Children: VII.— 1. Warren Fretz Leatherman, b. Oct. 8, 1896. VII. — 2. Emma Pearl Leatherman, b. in 1901. VI. — 4. Erwin Ely Leatherman, b. Apr. 21, 1871; mrd. Blanche Wilkison, in 1899. She died in June 1903. Twin children : VII. — 1. Nelson Wilkison Leatherman, b. 1900. VII. — 2. Marian Emma Leatherman, b. 1900. v.— 2. Mary Fretz, b. May 21, 1842; d. Sept. 22, 1842. v.— 3. Reed Fretz, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Mar. 19, 1844; mrd. Amanda Loux, of Carversville, Pa., Jan. 27, 1870. P. O., Bedminster, Pa. Farmer. Mrs. F., Presbyterian. Chil- dren: 1. Jacob; 2. Minerva; 3. Anna; 4. Nelson; 5. Mabel; 6. Mary. VI.— 1. J. Franklin Fretz, b. Nov. 27, 1870; mrd. Minnie May Trauch, May 20, 1903. P. O., Perkasie, Pa. School teacher. Ger. Ref. ; wife, Lutheran. VI.— 2. Minerva Fretz, b. July 21, 1872; mrd. A. Oscar Martin, Jan. 19, 1896. Architect. Ger. Ref. Children: VII.— 1. Marian Kathryn Martin, b. May 1900. VII.— 2. Margaret Fretz Martin, b. Feb. 1902. VI.— 3. Anna Laura Fretz, b. Aug. 18, 1873; mrd. Reading G. Palmer, July 3, 1902. Rose florist. Mrs. P., Presbyterian. One child : VII.— 1. Anna Maria Palmer, b. June 22, 1903. VI.— 4. Nelson O. Fretz, b. Nov. 3, 1875. Clerk. VI.— 5. Mabel C. Fretz, b. Nov. 3, 1877. Ger. Ref. VI.— 6. Mary M. Fretz, b. Dec. 30, 1879. Ger. Ref. 22 322 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. V. — 4. Rachel Fretz, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., May 1846; mrd. William H. Slotter, Dec. 1882. Mr. and Mrs. Blotter previous to their marriage were both engaged in teaching school. Mr, Slotter for a number of years served as county superintendent of schools of Bucks Co., Pa. P. O., Doyles- town, Pa. Mr. S., Ger. Ref. ; Mrs. S., Menn. One child: VI. — 1. Jacob Fretz Slotter, b. Jan. 16, 1885; d. June 6, 1892. V. — 5. Abraham Ely Fretz, b. ; died from injuries received by being thrown from a horse. V. — 6. Lizzie Fretz, b. Nov. 5, 1850; mrd. Nelson K. Leatherman, Mar. 19, 1874. He was b. Mar. 18, 1850. P. O., Doylestown, Pa. Commission business. Baptist. Children: VI. — 1. Warren Fretz Leatherman, b. Feb. 29, 1880; d. Aug. 25, 1880. VI. — 2. Susan Pearl Leatherman, b. June 19, 1882. V. — 7. Infant son. v.— 8. Susan Fretz, b. May 23, 1856; d. July 24, 1856. v.— 9. Philip Kirk Fretz, b. Nov. 19, 1858; mrd. Charlotte, daughter of Hon. L. B. La Barre, Oct. 23, 1879. No children. v. — 10. Anna Laura Fretz, b. Nov. 19, 1861; d. Sept. 18, 1862. IV. — 9. Joseph Beidler, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., July 12, 1821; mrd. Maria Bewighouse, Nov. 26, 1844. She was a granddaughter of Abraham and Agnes (Fretz) Bewighouse, and great-granddaughter of Pioneer John Fretz, of Bed- minster Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., and was b. Aug. 25, 1825. P. O., Plumsteadville, Pa. Retired farmer, Mennonites. Chil- dren: 1. Susanna; 2. Israel; 3. Samuel; 4. Mary; 5. Anna; 6. Sarah. v.— 1. Susanna Beidler, b. Mar. 20, 1846; d. Aug, 14, 1847, JACOB BEIDLER, 1750—1781. 323 v.— 2. Israel Beidler, h. in Bucks Co., Pa., July 2, 1847; inrd. Isabella A. Smith, in 1873. She was b. in Northampton, Mass., June 27, 1850; d. in Chicago, 111., Apr. 5, 1891. One child: 1. George. Israel married second wife. Expressman. VI. — 1. George Francis Beidler, b. in Chicago, 111., May 8, 1881. P. O., Elgin, 111. Brushmaker. S. v.— 3. Samuel Beidler, b. Oct. 6, 1849; d. Oct. 4, 1899; mrd. Rachel Shaddinger, Jan. 12, 1878. P. O., Plumstead- ville, Pa. Farmer. Mennonites. Children: VI.— 1. Howard Beidler, b. Nov. 10, 1878. VI.— 2. Susie Beidler, b. Apr. 26, 1881. VI.— 3. Mary Emma Beidler, b. Oct. 24, 1885. VI.— 4. Henry Beidler, b. Apr. 13, 1890. v.— 4. Mary Beidler, b. Jan. 4 ,1852; d. Oct. 14, 1862. V. — 5. Anna Eliza Beidler, b. Feb. 19, 1854; mrd. John Myers, Mar. 15, 1883. He was b. Apr. 17, 1833. P. O., Doylestown, Pa. He was an engineer for a number of years, but is now farming. Presbyterians. No children. v.— 6. Sarah Beidler, b. July 27, 1856; d. July 31, 1856. SECTION III. III.— 3. Annie Beidler, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Oct. 20, 1778; d. Oct. 7, 1852, aged thirteen days less than seventy- four years. Mrd. Henry Licey. No children. CHAPTER VIM. Christian Beitier Branch. — Descendants of Christian Beitler (born 1754, died 1827) and Susanna Shelly. II. — 7. Christian Beitler, b. Aug. 9, 1754; d. June 25, 1827; mrd. Susanna Shelly, daughter of Jacob Shelly. He was a farmer and " sawmiller," and inherited the old Beitler homestead in Lower Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., from his father, where he lived and died. The homestead consisted of two messuages and two tracts of land in said township, containing fifty acres, and seventy acres and 111 perches, respectively, which Jacob Beitler had by articles of agree- ment, dated May 1, 1801, agreed to convey to his son, Christian Beitler, and by his will, dated May 2, 1801, directed his executors therein named to convey to his son Christian. In 1812 Christian Beitler purchased of Henry Shelly a tract of three acres and fiftj^-seven perches adjoin- ing. Christian Beitler died June 25, 1827, and letters of administration on his estate were granted July 16, 1827, to Henry Fretz, his son-in-law, the widow Susanna having renounced. April 28, 1828, Henry Fretz, of New Britain township, petitioned for inquest of the above real estate. His petition sets forth that Christian Beitler died intestate, survived by a widow and three children: Elizabeth, wife of Henry Fretz (the petitioner) ; Nancy, wife of Abraham Moyer, and Mary Beitler. The property, as returned by a recent survey, was found to contain 132 acres and 80 perches. The heirs neglecting to accept it at the valuation placed thereon ($37.50 per acre), it was sold after considerable delay, in November 1829, to Abraham Moyer for $36.75 per acre. The deed therefor from Henry Fretz, administrator of Christian Beitler, deceased, to Abraham Moyer is dated Apr. 1, 1830, CHRISTIAN BEITLER. 325 recorded in Deed Book No. 66, page 401, at Doylestown, Pa. Mennonites. Buried at East Swamp Mennonite church. Children: 1. Elizabeth; 2. Nancy; 3. Mary. SECTION I. III. — 1. Elizabeth Beidler, b. in Lower Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 10, 1787; d. Dec. 24, 1852; mrd. Henry Fretz, May 14, 1809. He was b. in Bucks Co., Pa., June 24, 1787; d. June 9, 1874, aged eighty-six years, eleven months and fifteen days. He was a son of Mark Fretz, of New Britain, Bucks county, and grandson of Pioneer John Fretz, of Bedminster, Pa. Henry Fretz inherited and lived on the old homestead of his father in New Britain, vv^here he built the first steam mill in Bucks county. Children: 1. Susan; 2. Christian; 3. Eliza; 4. Henry; 5. Mark. Henry mrd. second wife, Mary Fretz, daughter of John Fretz, of Hilltown township, and great-granddaughter of Jacob Fretz, son of Pioneer John Fretz, of Bedminster. No children by this marriage. IV. — 1. Susan Beidler Fretz, b. in Bucks county, June 4, 1810; d. June 9, 1889, aged seventy-nine years, five days. Mrd. Jonas D. Moyer, of Montgomery county, Nov. 23, 1830. He was b. July 25, 1801; d. Nov. 20, 1873. He was a son of John and Elizabeth (Detweiler) Meyer and grandson of Pioneer Rev. Peter Meyer, of Springfield township, Bucks county. He was a farmer and inherited the old (Detweiler) homestead in Franconia township, Montgomery county, with 100 acres, from his father. The old homestead in the time of his father was a large log cabin that was built before the Revolutionary war. It was used as a meeting house before the Franconia meeting house was built. In 1855 Mr. Moyer sold the homestead farm, and a year later removed to Germantown, Pa., where he engaged in the grain and feed business. In 1859 he removed to North Wales, Pa., where he continued in business up to the time of his death. Mennonites. Children: 1. Eliza; 2. Henry; 3. William; 4. Susan. 326 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. v.— 1. Eliza Moyer, b. Sept. 3, 1831; d. Apr. 27, 1858; mrd. John S. Clymer, deceased, Nov. 1850. Merchant tailor, later proprietor of Washington Hotel, Germantown, Pa. Mrs. C, Trinity Christian. Children: VI.— 1. Adeline Clymer, b. 1852; d. June 4, 1857. VI.— 2. Eliza Clymer, b. 1858; d. July 6, 1858. v.— 2. Henry Fretz Moyer, b. Aug. 31, 1833; mrd. Mary A. Shearer, of North Wales, Pa., Nov. 17, 1862. Res., 1131 Diamond St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lutherans. Children: 1. Harvey; 2. J. Warren; 3. Frank; 4. Addie; 5. Florence. VI. — 1. Harvey S. Moyer. Printer in New York. S. VI. — 2. J. Warren Moj'er. Mrd. Jennie Clausen, of Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 1894. Assistant clerk in Phila- delphia. One child: VII. — 1. Madeline Moyer. VI. — 3. Frank S. Moyer. Mrd. Emma Wolf. Jeweler. One child: VII. — 1. Wayne Moyer. VI. — 4. Addie Moyer. VI. — 5. Florence Moyer. v.— 3. William Moyer, b. Aug. 6, 1837; d. in infancy. v.— 4. Susan F. Moyer, b. Feb. 25, 1839; mrd. Ellas A. Hunsicker, of Collegeville, Pa., Dec. 25, 1855. Res., 1842 Master St., Philadelphia, Pa. He was grain merchant for twenty years, on Broad street, opposite the Baltimore depot, Philadelphia; at present, life and fire insurance agent. Presbyterian. Children: 1. Ella; 2. Clayton. VI.— 1. Ella M. Hunsicker, b. Feb. 15, 1857. S. VI.— 2. Clayton M. Hunsicker, b. Mar. 25, 1860; mrd. Amelia Seigel, of Philadelphia, Dec. 5, 1893. Res., 2018 Master St., Philadelphia, Pa. Life and fire insurance agent. In 1891 he was elected to the Common Council of the Twenty-ninth Ward, and re-elected in 1895 to serve his third term. One child: CHRISTIAN BBITLER. 327 VII. — 1. Katharine S. Hunsicker, b.Mar. 7, 1895. IV. — 2. Christian B. Fretz, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 5, 1814; d. ; mrd. Elizabeth Fretz, daughter of Abra- ham and Rachel (Kratz) Fretz. They had one child; died unnamed. IV. — 3. Eliza B. Fretz, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Sept. 2, 1817; d. ; mrd. Philip K. Fretz, son of Abraham and Rachel (Kratz) Fretz and grandson of "Weaver" John Fretz of Bedminster, Pa., Nov. 22, 1836. He was b. June 25, 1809; d. Jan. 12, 1892. Farmer. Children: 1. Susan; 2. Anna; 3. Rebecca; 4. Henry; 5. Jacob. V. — 1. Susan Fretz, b. in Bedminster Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 16, 1838; d. ; mrd. Mahlon Meyers. He was b. May 6, 1839; d. Jan. 22, 1869. No children. V. — 2. Anna Fretz, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 25, 1840. Meth. Ep. Res., Wheaton, 111. Unmarried. V. — 3. Rebecca Fretz, b. in Bedminster Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Aug. 21, 1843; mrd. James L. Reber, Mar. 23, 1864. Res., Wheaton, 111. Manufacturer of canned goods; sole proprietor of the Reber Preserving Co. of Chicago. Meth. Ep. Children: 1. Erwin; 2. Schuyler; 3. Philip; 4. James; 5. Gertrude; 6. Edna. VI. — 1. Erwin Myers Reber, b. at North Wales, Pa., Dec. 28, 1864; mrd. Marietta Ruppee, Feb. 20, 1885. P. O., Wheaton, 111. Manager of the Reber Preserving Co. Meth. Ep. Children: VII. — 1. Hazel Reber. VII.— 2. Vivian Reber. VI. — 2. Schuyler Colfax Reber, b. at Bedminster, Pa., Sept. 11, 1867. P. O., Wheaton, 111. Lawyer in Chicago, 111. Baptist. S. VI.— 3. Philip Eugene Reber, b. Sept. 14, 1871; d. May 1, 1883. 328 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. VI. — 4. James Watt Reber, b. at Chicago, 111., Feb. 23, 1878. Student at Wheaton College (1898). Meth. Ep. VI.— 5. Gertrude Pearl Reber, b. Apr. 29, 1880; d. Apr. 25, 1883. VI.— 6. Edna Myrtle Reber, b. May 6, 1884. Meth. Ep. V. — 4. Henry Erwin Fretz, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 6, 1847; mrd. Amanda Moyer, daughter of Christian and Bar- bara (Godshalk) Moyer, Dec. 1, 1870. P. O., Bedminster, Pa. Farmer. Mennonites. Children: 1. Edgar; 2. James; 3. Warren; 4. Philip; 5. Erwin; 6. Lizzie; 7. Eugene; 8. Herbert; 9. Florence. VI.— 1. Edgar M. Fretz, b. Oct. 19, 1871; d. Feb. 13, 1875. VI. — 2. James Oscar Fretz, b. in Bedminster Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Jan. 1, 1873. VI.— 3. Warren Fretz, b. in Bucks Co., May 3, 1875; mrd. Clara Bissey, Sept. 16, 1896. She was b. Feb. 22, 1877. P. O., Chalfont, Pa. Coal merchant. VI.— 4. Philip K. Fretz, Jr., b. Sept. 7, 1876. VI.— 5. Erwin Clarence Fretz, b. Oct. 30, 1878. VI.— 6. Lizzie Bertha Fretz, b. Mar. 1, 1881. VI.— 7. Eugene Fretz, b. Mar. 23, 1883. VI.— 8. Herbert Fretz, b. July 12, 1885. VI.— 9. Florence Fretz, b. July 8, 1887. v.— 5. Jacob Fretz, b. in Bucks Co., Apr. 18, 1852; d. ; mrd. Josephine Berks, July 25, 1877. One child: VI. — 1. James Gfarfield Fretz. IV.— 4. Henry B. Fretz, b. Aug. 6, 1820; d. Sept. 17, 1859; mrd. Elizabeth Landis, Oct. 24, 1844. Farmer. Chil- dren: 1. Ralph; 2. Henry; 3. Mary; 4. John. v.— 1. Ralph L. Fretz, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 5, 1846; d. Jan. 29, 1897; mrd. Martha Jane Beideman, Sept. J. FRANKLIN FRETZ. ^See page oi'i.) r CHRISTIAN BEITLER. 329 3, 1870. She was b. Mar. 10, 1851. Res., Norristown, Pa. Painter. Lutherans. Children: 1. Anna; 2. John. VI.— 1. Anna E. Fretz, b. Aug. 2, 1872; mrd. Wm. H. Vaughan, Nov. 1, 1894. P. O., Norristown, Pa. Children: VII.— 1. Martha E. Vaughan, b. June 10, 1895. VII.— 2. Maria Wilde Vaughan, b. Sept. 3, 1898. VII.— 3. Lewis Reuben Vaughan, b. Mar. 11, 1902. VI.— 2. John B. Fretz, b. Feb. 28, 1875; mrd. Rachel Jane Noll, of Lewisburg, Pa., Nov. 15, 1899. P. O., Norris- town, Pa. Educated in the public schools of Norristown, graduating June 28, 1894. He engaged for a time in the milling business, but later accepted a position as postal clerk in the local post office. One child: VII.— 1. Fretz, b. Mar. 8, 1901. V. — 2. Henry L. Fretz, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., June 4, 1851; mrd. Mary E. Smith, daughter of Wm. G. Smith, of Montgomery Co., Pa., Apr. 26, 1877. P. O., 672 George St., Norristown, Pa. Miller. Ger. Ref. Children: 1. Clara; 2. Ethel; 3. Josephine. VI.— 1. Clara Viola Fretz, b. May 12, 1880; mrd. Albert C. Meixell, of Lewisburg, Pa., July 5, 1897. VI.— 2. Ethel Maud Fretz, b. July 24, 1883. VI.— 3. Josephine Smith Fretz, b. July 23, 1892. v.— 3. Mary E. Fretz, b. June 20, 1853; mrd. Joseph E. Detweiler. He d. Mar. 28, 1890. Carpenter. Children: 1. Theodore; 2. Ross. Mary mrd. second husband, Abel N. Myers, Mar. 9, 1895. P. O., Lansdale, Pa. Carpenter. No children. VI. — 1. Theodore Fretz Detweiler, b. Aug. 7, 1874. VI.— 2. Ross Fretz Detweiler, b. July 20, 1888. V. — 4. John Mark Fretz, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Aug. 22,, 1857. Res., 672 George St., Norristown, Pa. Miller. S. S30 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. IV. — 5. Mark B. Fretz, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., July 24, 1824; mrd. Mary Landis, Sept. 13, 1849. P. O., Lansdale, Pa. Miller. Mennonites. No children. SECTION II. III. — 2. Nancy Beidler, b. ; mrd. Abraham Moyer, . He was b. ; d. . Farmer and sawyer. Lived and died on the old Christian Beidler home- stead. He erected the new buildings at that part of the old homestead where Alfred Ritter lives. Mennonites. Children: 1. John; 2. Susan; 3. Christian; 4. Henry; 5. Mary; 6. Abraham. IV. — 1. John B. Moyer, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Feb. 9, 1818; d. in 1903; mrd. Hannah Beidler (daughter of John Beidler) deceased. Farmer. Mennonites. Children: 1. Abraham; 2. Levi; 3. Annie; 4. John; 5. Henry; 6. Mary. V. — 1. Abraham Moyer, b. ; mrd. Savilla Barndt. Res., 2452 Reece St., Phila., Pa. Lutherans. One child: VI. — 1. Leon Moyer. V. — 2. Levi B. Moyer, b. in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa., Dec. 3, 1853; mrd. Elmira Kepler, of Lower Milford, Lehigh Co., Pa., Jan. 23, 1874. She was b. Mar. 1, 1854. P. O., Milford Square, Pa. Farmer. Lutherans. One child: VI. — 1. Alfred K. Moyer, b. in Lehigh Co., Pa., , 1874; mrd. Flora Markley, Feb. 18, 1893. P. O., Milford, Pa. Miller. Lutherans. Children: VII. — 1. Florence Miriam Moyer, b. , 1893. VII.— 2. Stanley M. Moyer, b. , 1897. V. — 3. Annie Moyer, b. ; mrd. William Fisher. P. O., Spring Mount, Pa. Clerk. U. Ev. Ch. Children: 1. Jacob; 2. Morris. VI. — 1. Jacob Fisher. S. VI.— 2. Morris Fisher. S. CHRISTIAN BEITLER. 331 v.— 4. John B. Moyer, Jr. Mrd. Sarah Shaffer. P. O., Richlandtown, Pa. Farmer. Ref. Ch. No children. V. — 5. Henry B. Moyer. Mrd. Amanda Seachrist. P. O., Steinsburg, Pa. Ref. Ch. Children: VI. — 1. Jennie Moyer. VI.— 2. Robert Moyer. VI. — 3. Annie Moyer, V. — 6. Mary Moyer. Mrd. Samuel Weaver. Res., 2452 Reece St., Philadelphia, Pa. Carpenter. Lutheran. Children: VI.— 1. Stella Weaver. VI. — 2. Mary Weaver. IV. — 2. Susan Moyer, b. ; mrd. Daniel Yoder. He was b. about 1819; d. June 7, 1881, aged sixty-two years. Farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Abraham; 2. Eliza. V. — 1. Abraham Yoder. P. O., Center Valley, Pa. Farmer. Ger. Bap. S. v.— 2. Eliza Yoder, b. July 28, 1848; mrd. Alfred A. Ritter, Aug. 4, 1869. P. O., Spinnerstown, Pa. Farmer. Owns and occupies the old Beidler homestead in Milford Twp., Bucks Co., Pa. Mr. R., Luth.; Mrs. R., Ger. Ref. Children: 1. Infant; 2. Martha. VI. — 1. Infant; died unnamed. VI.— 2. Martha Jane Ritter, b. May 19, 1879; mrd. Frank S. Bumbauer, Jan. 11, 1898. P. O., Spinnerstown, Pa. Farmer. Ref/ Ch, IV. — 3. Christian B. Moyer, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 24, 1823; d. in 1901; mrd. Sarah Landis, Oct. 8, 1848. She was b. Mar. 4, 1827; d. Feb. 7, 1895. P. O., Doy-lestown, Pa. Retired miller. Mennonites. Children: 1. Mary; 2. Clementine; 3. William; 4, Abraham; 5. Christian. 332 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. V. — 1. Mary A. Moyer, b. Nov. 16, 1850; mrd. Oliver H. Smith, Sept. 11, 1869. P. O., Doylestown, Pa. Farmer. Lutherans. One child: 1. Emily. VI.— 1. Emily Smith, b. Nov. 2, 1870; mrd. Isaiah B. Long, Mar. 23, 1893. P. O., Doylestown, Pa. Brickmaker. Lutherans. One child: VM. — 1. Raymond Long. v.— 2. Clementine Moyer, b. Jan. 18, 1853; d. Oct. 23, 1895; mrd. Josiah Fry. Green grocer. Lutherans. Chil- dren: I.Anna; 2. Rosa; 3. Nellie; 4. Jessie. VI. — 1. Anna Mary Fry. VI.— 2. Rosa May Fry. VI.— 3. Nellie Blanche Fry. VI. — 4. Jessie Fry, deceased. V. — 3. William L. Moyer, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., July 7, 1856; mrd. Martha J. Baird, Dec. 30, 1880. She d. Mar. 14, 1883. No children. William mrd. second wife, Mary E. Beale, May 19, 1885. She d. Oct. 1, 1898. Res., 352 N. 2d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Clerk. Presbyterian. Children: VI. — 1. Leonard Fells Moyer, b. Apr. 6, 1888; d. June 23, 1889. VI.— 2. Edna Margery Moyer, b. Sept. 16, 1890; d. Apr. 19, 1895. v.— 4. Abraham L. Moyer, b. Dec. 23, 1860; d. Mar. 6, 1892; mrd. Jennie Bowlby. Paint and varnish business. Children: VI. — 1. Sarah Elizabeth Moyer, deceased. VI. — 2. Norman C. Moyer, deceased. * V. — 5. Christian L. Moyer, b. Mar. 5, 1867; d. Aug. 10, 1895. Paint and varnish business. Attended Presbyterian church. S. CHRISTIAN BEITLER. 333 IV. — 4. Henry B. Moyer, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Sept. 5, 1826; mrd. Susanna Kratz, Sept. 18, 1858. P. O., Spinners- town, Pa. Farmer. Children: 1. Eliza; 2. Ellen. V. — 1. Eliza Ann Moyer, b. Mar. 1, 1860; mrd. Henry Trumbore. P. O., Quakertown, Pa. No children. v.— 2. Ellen M. Moyer, b. Apr. 16, 1869; mrd. Edwin Kulp, Aug. 29, 1885. He was b. Sept. 4, 1864. P. O., Quakertown, Pa. Cigarmaker. Children: VI.— 1. Ida L. Kulp, b. Apr. 7, 1886. VI.— 2. Charles H. Kulp, b. Oct. 2, 1887. VI.— 3. Pearly M. Kulp, b. Dec. 20, 1888. VI.— 4. Sadie V. Kulp, b. Sept. 7, 1890; d. Nov. 9, 1890. IV. — 5. Mary Ann Moyer, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Mar. 2, 1833; d. Apr. 23, 1871; mrd. Cornelius Loux, in 1856. He was b. July 3, 1831. P. O., Richlandtown, Pa. Farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. Annie; 2. Amanda; 3. Horace. V. — 1. Annie Elizabeth Loux, b. Oct. 5, 1856; mrd. Milton H. Biehn, in 1888. P. O., Richland Center, Pa. Ref. Ch. Children: VI.— 1. Horace L. Biehn, b. Mar. 10, 1889. VI.— 2. Alice L. Biehn, b. Dec. 25, 1890. VI.— 3. Milton L. Biehn, b. Feb. 16, 1894. VI.— 4. FrauK L. Biehn, b. Apr. 16, 1896; d. Jan. 2, 1897. V. — 2. Mary Amanda Loux, b. Dec. 21, 1857. S. v.— 3. Horace M. Loux, b. Dec. 25, 1863; mrd. Martha L. Eichner, Feb. 13, 1897. P. O., Richlandtown, Pa. En- gineer and machinist. Ref. Ch. One child: VI. — 1. Cornelius Taylor Loux, b. Jan. 1, 1898. IV. — 6. Abraham B. Moyer, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Nov. 23, 1835; mrd. Matilda Koch, May 19, 1861. She was b. in 334 THE BEIDLER HISTORY. Lehigh Co., Pa., Apr. 23, 1842. P. O., Milford Square, Pa. Farmer. Ref. Ch. Children: 1. William; 2. Elmina. V. — 1. William K. Moyer, b. in Bucks Co., Pa., Apr. 9, 1864; mrd. Ida Baringer, in 1887. She was b. Dec. 9, 1867. P. O., Milford Square, Pa. Laborer. Ref. Ch. Children: VI.— 1. Charles Moyer, b. Feb. 13, 1888. VI.— 2. Ellen Moyer, b. Jan. 18, 1890. v.— 2. Elmina Moyer, b. Apr. 13 ,1867; d. May 10, 1882. SECTION III. III. — 3. Mary Beidler, b. ; d. single. JOSEPH BEIDLER. (See page 3i'2.) GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEI DLER HISTORY. No. 1. II. Generation. . Barbara Beitler (1737) married John Newcomer. I! I. Generation. 2. Anna Beitler 1745-1835) married Henry Oberholtzer. Susanna Newcomer — -Samuel Landis. Jacob Newcomer — Esther Latshaw. Nancy Newcomer — Jacob Fretz. John Newcomer — Mary Koppes. Henry Newcomer — Mary Schleifer. 6. Elizabeth Newcomer — Abraham Geisinger. 7. Abraham Newcomer — Susanna Koppes. 8. Mary Newcomer — Daniel Shelly. 9. David Newcomer — Mary High. ' 1. Agnes Overholt (1765-1850) — Christian Fretz. 2. Maria Overholt (1766) — John Myers. 3. Jacob Overholt (1768-1847)— Elizabeth Detweiler. 4. Anna Overholt (1770-1845)— Peter Loucks. 5. Martin Overholt (1772-1835)— Catharine Overholt. 6. Barbara Overholt (1775)— Jacob Durstine. 7. Elizabeth Overholt (1777-1833)— Martin Stauffer. 8. Henry Overholt (1779-1809); d. single. 9. Sarah Overholt (1781); d. single. 10. Abraham Overholt (1784-1870)— Maria Stauffer. 11. Christian Overholt (1786-1868)— Elizabeth Stauffer. 12. Susanna Overholt (1789); d. single. Page 19-72 3. Elizabeth Beitler married Christian Swartz. 4. John Beitler (1747) married Hannah Buckwalter. 5. Abraham Beitler (—1800) married Frone — . 6. Jacob Beidler (1750-1781) married Annie Lederach. No trace of children, if any. 1. Jacob Beidler (1778-1864). 2. John Beidler (1780-1872). 3. Mar>' Beidler (1782-1858). 4. Abraham Beidler (1785-1866). 5. Joseph Beidler (1787-1841). 6. Anna Beidler (1789-1876). 7. Hannah Beidler (1791). 8. Elizabeth Beidler (1794-1868). 9. Eleanor Beidler (1796-1870). 10. David Beidler (1799). Mary Beidler (1789-1862)— John Stahr. 1. Henry Beidler (1775-1859). 2. Jacob Beidler (1776-1866). 3. Anna Beidler (1778-1852). 75-182 182 183-272 273-286 287-323 7. Christian Beitler r 1. Elizabeth Beidler (1787-1852)— (1754-1827) Henry Fretz. married "^ 2. Nancy Beidler — Abraham Moyer. Susanna Shelly. [ 3. Mary Beidler; d. single. 324-334 23 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEI DLER HISTORY. No. 2. III. Generation. O o S\ CO 3 ^ O H w <: m Susanna Newcomer married Samuel Landis, Apr. 27, 1783. 2. Jacob Newcomer married Esther Latshaw. IV. Generation. r 1. Barbara Landis (1784-1849)— Conrad Jacoby. 2. John Landis (1784) — Maria Kramer. 3. Abraham Landis (1784) — Maria Hoss. 4. Elizabeth Landis (1786)— Roan. 5. Samuel Landis (1787) — . . . Musselman. 6. Margaretha Landis (1788) Benjamin Jacoby. 7. Joseph Landis (1791) — 8. Jacob Landis (1793) — Strunk. 9. David Landis (1795); d. in infancy. 10. Henry Landis (1796-1865)— Rebecca Swartz. 11. Anna Landis (1797-1865)— John B. Shelly. Il2. David Landis (1800) — Lydia Jacoby. 1. John Newcomer (1800-1886)— Elizabeth Jenkins. 2. Abraham Newcomer — Catharine 3. Barbara Newcomer; d. single. 4 Newcomer; d. single. 5. David Newcomer; d. single. 6. Ann Newcomer — John Reed. 7. Catharine Newcomer (1812-1893)— Jacob C. Longacre. 8. Joseph L. Newcomer (1817-1896)— Maria Royer (1815). Page 3. Nancy Newcomer married Jacob Fretz. John Newcomer (1774-1837) married Mary Koppes (1788-1872). 5. Henrv Newcomer ^ (1776-1818) married Mary Schleifer. No issue. 1. Anna Newcomer (1809) — Jacob Dotterer. 2. Elizabeth Newcomer (1810-1899); d. s. 3. Barbara Newcomer (1812) — Jacob Yoder. 4. Susanna Newcomer (1814-1889) — Aaron Reinhard (1816-1898). 5. Catharine Newcomer (1817-1891)— David H. Gehman (1825-1892). 6. Mary Newcomer (1819-1888)— Peter Schleifer (1813-1896). 7. Sarah Newcomer (1821) — Ephraim Geisinger. 8. Rebecca Newcomer (1823-1892)— John Arnold (1816-1891). 9. John Newcomer (1832); single. 1. Susanna Newcomer (1806-1885) — Jacob Z. Swartz. 2. Ann Newcomer (1808-1883) — Joseph P. Mathews. 3. Sallie Newcomer — Daniel B. Shelly. 4. Mary Newcomer (1812-1898)— Joseph Riegel (1806-1885). 5. Hannah Newcomer— Samuel Moyer. 6. Fannv Newcomer — Morris. 7. John 'Newcomer; lost sight of. 19-28 28-35 35 35-41 41-49 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 2. H < < as CO Ph O Z o J Q s^ M H Ph pq pq J CQ h o o 1— 1 P5 Hj <^ ■ Oh ~" < m III. Generation. 6. Elizabeth Newcomer married Abraham Geisinger. 7. Abraham Newcomer (1780-1853) married Susanna Koppes. 8. Mary Newcomer (1787) married Daniel Shelly. David Newcomer (1789-1833) married Mary High (1790-1862). IV. Generation. 1. John N. Geisinger; d. single. 2. Isaac Geisinger; d. single. 3. Susanna Geisinger; d. single. 4. Abraham Geisinger (1814-1882)— Reinhard. 5. Ann Geisinger— Conrad Jacoby. > 6. Thomas Geisinger (1820-1894) — Susanna Geisinger. I No issue. r 1. David N. Shelly (1807-1882)— Barbara Bachman (1811-1890). 2. John N. Shelly (1808-1867)— Susanna S. Moyer (1809-1887). 3. Daniel Shelly; d. young. 4. Jacob N. Shelly (1810-1890) — Lydia Geisinger (1819). 5. Rev. Wm. Shelly (1814-1893) — Sarah Geisinger and Anna Weikel. 6. Catharine Shelly (1817)— Henry Hiestand. 7. Barbara Shelly; d. young. 8. Levi N. Shelly (1827) — Mary Bleam. 9. Henry Shelly (1829-1867) — Sarah Alderfer (1836). 1. Barbara Newcomer (1813-1862) — Mathias Smith (—1892). 2. John Newcomer (1815); d. in infancy. 3. Nancy Newcomer (1816-1888) — John Kline. 4. David Newcomer (1818) — Christiana Godshall. 5. Mary Newcomer (1820-1896) — Charles Cassel (1812-1888). 6. Susan Newcomer (1822) — Mathias Smith (—1892). 7. Eliza Newcomer (1824) — Hiram R. Fenimore ( — 1891), 8. Lavina Newcomer (1826-1891) — George Decker. 9. Jacob Newcomer (1830-1897) — Catharine Daub. Page 49-5^ 52 52-60 60-72 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEI DLER HISTORY. No. 3. IV. Generation. o u I— I Q P O 1-9 O o m Barbara Landis (1784-1849) married Conrad Jacoby. John Landis (1784) married Maria Kramer. V. Generation. 1. Susan Jacoby; d. single. 2. John Jacoby — Mary Fackenthal. 3. Mary Jacoby. 4. Samuel Jacoby — Julean Cawley. 5. William Jacoby — Sabina Fry. 6. Aaron Jacoby — Mary Llewal. 7. Benjamin Jacoby — Rebecca Landis. 8. Henry Jacoby — Catharine Shelly. 9. Levi Jacoby — Catharine Ruhl. r 1. Thomas Landis. 2. Catharine Landis. 3. Eliza Landis. 4. Samuel Landis. 5. Reuben Landis. 6. William Landis. 7. Charles Landis. 8. Susan Landis. 9. Anna Landis. 10. Mary Landis. 11. Frank Landis. 12. Sarah Landis. Page 19-24 24-25 5. Abraham Landis (1784) mrd. Maria Hoss. . Elizabeth Landis (1786) mrd Roan. Children, not recorded. 25 No record. 25 5. Samuel Landis (1787) married Musselman. < ( 1. Eliza Landis. 2. Samuel Landis. 3. James Landis. 4. Jacob Landis, etc. I 25 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEI DLER HISTORY. IV. Generation. V. Generation. 6. Margaretha Landis (1788) married Benjamin Jacoby. 1. Samuel Jacoby. 2. Peter Jacoby. 3. Catharine Jacoby, 4. Caroline Jacoby. 5. Susan JacobJ^ 6. Benjamin Jacoby. 7. John Jacoby. , 8. Levi Jacoby. No. 3. Page 25 Pi < < O o o 1-5 m Q H tf Ph tf H H H H^ J g pq fQ ^ 1^ O Ph q <1 ^ ^ w ^ P5 < pq 7. Joseph Landis (1791) mrd 8. Jacob Landis (1793) mrd Strunk. 9. David Landis; d. in infancy. 10. Henry Landis (1796) married Rebecca Swartz. 11. Anna Landis (1797-1865) married John B. Shelly. 12. David Landis (1800) married Lydia Jacoby. No record. 25 No children. { I 25 25 1. Levi Landis. 2. Eliza Landis. 3. Peter Landis. 4. Jacob Landis, etc. 25 '■ 1. Mary Shelly — Abraham O. Meyer. 2. Susanna Shelly— Joel Z. Shelly. 3. Diana Shelly — Jeremiah Shelly. 4. Henry L. Shelly — Elizabeth Schliefer. 1. William Landis. 2. Maria Landis. 3. Susanna Landis. 4. Margaret Landis — Jacob Adams. 5. Mary Landis. 6. Lavina Landis. 7. Elizabeth Landis — Edward Hemerly. 8. Heni-y Landis. 9. David Landis. LIO. 25-28 28 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEI DLER HISTORY. No. 4. IV. Generation. V. Generation. 'l. John Newcomer f 1. Sarah A. Newcomer- Pi H < O O H O ►-5 P5 Page tf Pi tf H B H w o o < 1-5 <; m Pi -! James B. Thomson. (1800-1S86) Elizabeth Jenkins. L 2. Esther Newcomer— L. D. Shearer. Wallace. 2. Abraham Newcomer mrd. Catharine .... 3. Barbara Newcomer d. single. ■■{ 4. Newcomer (daughter) ; d. single. { 5. David Newcomer single. ■{ 6. Ann Newcomer married John Reed. 7. Catharine Newcomer (1812-1893) married Jacob C. Longacre. r 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Joseph 1#. Newcomer (1817-1896) married Maria Royer. 28-29 1. Anna Newcomer — Munshower. 29 29 29 30 1. Joseph Reed. 2. Infant. 30 Joseph F. Longacre — Louisa Jones. Henry Longacre. Esther Longacre — Waltman. Deborah Longacre — Frederick Alderfer. Jacob N. Longacre — Mary Ware. Mary Longacre — Joseph H. Gates. Semella Longacre— B. F. Siegfried. 30-33 1. Joseph W. Newcomer — Eliza J. White. 2. Elizabeth Newcomer; d. in infancy. 3. John F. Newcomer — Catharine Levengood. 4. Sarah L. Newcomer; d. young. 5. William H. Newcomer; d. young. 33-35 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 5. IV. Generation. V. Generation. r 1. Henry Dotterer — Mohr. ! "^ Daniel Dotterer; d. single. Page 00 00 00 pi I^ w H R W H Z o o <1 -* t- t^ PH P5 H H M J J °^ Q H H B o « g Cq O _.^ o 1-3 1-5 Anna Newcomer (1809) ■ married ! 2. John Dotterer — Lucinda Musselman. Jacob Dotterer. 2. Elizabeth Newcomer (1810-1899); died single. 3. Barbara Newcomer (1812) mrd. Jacob Yoder. . Susanna Newcomer (1814-1889) married Aaron Reinhard. 4. Milton Dotterer. 5. Jacob Dotterer. 5. Catharine Newcomer (1817-1891) married David H, Gehman. Mary Newcomer (1819-1888) married Peter Schleifer. 7. Sarah Newcomer (1821) married Ephraim Geisinger. No children. 1. Elmira Reinhard — Owen Hillegass. 2. Francis Reinhard — Ascillia C. Mory. 3. Mary A. Reinhard — Levi Balliet. 4. Mendon H. Reinhard — Lizzie Oberholtzer. 5. Edwin A. Reinhard; d. young. 6. Emma R. Reinhard; d. young. 1. Amanda Gehman — Frank Hippensteal. 2. William H. Gehman — Sue M. Daniel. 3. Emma R. Gehman — Frank Himmelreich. 4. Alfred H. Gehman; d. single. 5. Edward F. Gehman — Susan S. Clauser. 1. William Schleifer — Emma S. Weiss. 2. Henry Schleifer — Anna M. Snyder. 3. Mary Schleifer — John Urmy. 4. Elmira Schleifer — Wm. H. Mininger. 5. Peter Schleifer — 6. John Schleifer — Dora Ackerman. 7. Charles Schleifer — Lydia Stenner. No children. 36 36 36 36-38 38-39 39-40 40 Rebecca Newcomer (1823-1892) <; married John Arnold. n- Wm. A. Arnold — Emma Barron. Elemina C. Arnold — Henry G. Koch. 3. Amanda R. Arnold; single. 4. Franklin J. Arnold; single. 5. Silvia E. Arnold — Horace H. Erdman. 40-41 9. John Newcomer (1832); single. 41 i GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEI DLER HISTORY. No. 6. IV. Generation. Pi < < O o fa H u 02 tf tf « H H H w m ^ S o PQ O u H ^ Pi ^ w -«W 1. Susanna Newcomer (1806-1885) married Jacob Z. Swartz. 2. Ann Newcomer (1808-1883) married Joseph P. Mathews. 3. Sallie Newcomer married Daniel B. Shelly. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mary Newcomer I 2. (1812-1898) ^ 3 1 5: married Joseph Rlegel V. Generation. David N. Swartz — Mary Newhart. Henry N. Swartz — Hannah Fryer. Susanna Swartz — Levi J. Young. Mary Swartz — Franklin Andreas. Jacob N. Swartz — Sarah C. Steckel. Elizabeth Swartz — Daniel Knauss. Sarah Swartz. Dr. Geo. N. Swartz — Mary C. Sensenbach. John W. N. Swartz — Zella E. McCoskey. Elwood Mathews — Emma Keeley. Wm. Mathews — Cordelia James. John Mathews — Mary Large. Henry N. Shelly — Susan Zetty. Anthony Shelly; d. in infancy. Lewis N. Shelly — Anna M. Johnson. Mary Shelly — Reuben Solliday. Sarah Shelly; d. single. Eliza Shelly; d. in infancy. Catharine Riegel — Daniel H. Smith. Henry M. Riegel — Susan Paul. Martin J. Riegel — Annale L. Hess. Samuel P. Riegel; d. single. Charles J. Riegel — Mary E. Hess. Hannah Newcomer married Samuel Moyer. Page 41-46 46 47 47-49 Albanus Moyer. Elwood Moyer. 49 6. Fanny Newcomer married Morris. No children. 49 7. John Newcomer. - No record. 49 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 7. tf H I— ( O K IV. Generation. 1. John Geisinger d. single. V. Generation. ■■{ Page 49 Isaac Geisinger; f d. single. i 49 3. Susanna Geisinger; d. single. 49 Q pq pq w o u t-5 H O O H m <^ N • I— I = J 4. Abraham Geisinger , (1814-1882) 1 mrd Reinhard. (^ f 1. William A. Geisinger — Julia Bleam. Rebecca E. Geisinger — Edwin E. Solliday. 50-51 < < Pi < P5 5. Anna Geisinger married Conrad Jacoby. No children. 51 -6. Thomas Geisinger (1820-1894) married Susanna Geisinger. 1. Jacob G. Geisinger — Sallie Gottschall. 2. Eliza Geisinger — John A. Smith. 3. Emeline Geisinger — Hon. Milton H. Walters. 51-52 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEI DLER HISTORY. No. 8. IV. Generation. 1. David N. Shelly (1807-1882) married Barbara Bachman. V. Generation. (■ 1. Mary Shelly; deceased. 2. Nettie Shelly; deceased. 3. Katharine Shelly — Benner. 4. Daniel Shelly; deceased. 5. John Shelly— 6. Clara Shelly— Smith. 7. Lydia Shelly — Jones. 8. Frank Shelly. Page 52-53 < z < o ►-5 I— I < ^- '^°^i^^-^-i o^ii?"^ r 1- Leanna Shelly; d. in infancy. (1808-186 J 2. William Shelly; d. in infancy, married . 3. Mary A. Shelly— Jacob C. Krammes. Susanna S. Moyer. L 4. Kate M. Shelly— Benjamin A. Heist. 3. Daniel Shelly. 4. Jacob N. Shelly (1810-1890) married Lydia Geisinger. { 53-54 54 r 1. Elizabeth G. Shelly; single. J 2. Mary G. Shelly — John A. Musselman. ! 3. Infant. L 4. Infant. 55 PJ Pi P5 H H H pq PQ ^ S SO >r* Ti r-\ PQ O U < 5. Rev. W. N. Shelly (1814-1893) married Sarah Geisinger, Anna Taylor, Juliana Slough (nee ). 6. Catharine Shelly (1817) married Henry Hiestand. 7. Barbara Shelly d. young. Amanda Shelly — John L. Moyer. Philip Shelly — Belinda Weaver. Elizabeth Shellv — Wm. M. Landis. Dr. Edwin Shelly- Mary A. Schletzbaum. 1. 2. 3! 4. 5. 6. L 7. ■■{ 55-57 Daniel Hiestand — Eliza Lafre. David Hiestand; single. Mary Hiestand — Lewis Reinhart. John Hiestand; d. small. Reuben Hiestand — Ida K. Miller. Henry Hiestand — Annie J. Brownback. Amos Hiestand — Clara E. Brownback. 57-59 59 8. Levi N. Shelly (1827) married Mary Bleam. r 1. Catharine Shelly — John G. Ackerman. J 2. Henry B. Shelly— Kate Landes. 1 3. Mary B. Shelly— Eugene L. R. High. L 4. Allen Shelly; d. small. 59 Henry Shelly (1829-1867) married Sarah Alderfer. 1. Kate Shelly — Hon. Joseph Mattes. 2. Mary Shelly— Allen S. Dexter. 3. John F. Shellv— Alice Decker. 4. Calvin E. Shelly— Mary Smith. . 5. Susie Shelly— J. C. Work. 59-61 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. IV. Generation. V. Generation. rl. Barbara f 1. Jacob Smith — Sarah Strohl. Newcomer | 2. Caroline Smith < o h-l < (1813-1862) married Mathias Smith. John Newcomer (1815); d. in infancy. 3. Nancy Newcomer (1816-1888) married John Kline. -1 Wm. H. Yonkey. Janet Cramer. 3. David Smith I 4. Harvey Smith — Corda Wagner 5. Elizabeth Smith; d. young. No. 9. Page 61-62 62 tf P5 P^ H H H c u < 1-3 o 4. David Newcomer (1818-1856) married Barbara Gottshalk. 5. Mary Newcomer (1820-1896) married Charles Cassel. 1. Henry N. Kline — Mary A. Cassel. 2. Mary A. Kline — Lewis Vogt. 3. Susanna Kline — Benjamin A. Schultz. 4. John N. Kline — . 5. Emeline Kline — Edward H. Wildasin. 6. Lavina Kline — Abraham B. Hunsberger. 7. Elizabeth Kline — Frank Compton. 8. Sarah A. Kline — Andrew J. Pexton. 1. Jacob Newcomer; d. single. 2. William Newcomer — Amanda Holderbaum. 3. Barbara Newcomer — Jacob Gingrich. 4. Mathias Newcomer; single. 5. Mary M. Newcomer — Aaron Shaum. 6. Jonas Newcomer — Damy Snyder. 7. Christiana Newcomer; d. single. 8. David G. Newcomer — Susan Weaver. 1. Anna Cassel — Louis Rowland. 2. David Cassel — Lucy Cramer. 3. Mary A. Cassel — Henry N. Kline. 4. Lovina Cassel — William Kindig. 5. Joel Cassel; d. young. 6. Sarah J. Cassel — Charles G. Folsom. 7. George Cassel. 8. Elizabeth Cassel — David Beal. 9. Susanna Cassel — Charles Betz. 10. Jacob Cassel — Anna Kuhn. 11. Charles Cassel — Lucy Snyder. 62-64 64-67 Susan Newcomer (1822) r married 'i Mathias Smith. I No children. 7. Eliza Newcomer (1824) J married } Hiram R. Fenimore. 8. Lavina M. Newcomer (1826-1901) married L George Decker. .^' •^Tmo^imT'^^'' r 1. Samuel Newcomer, married ] „ Catharine Daub. ^- ■"• C 1. Milton M. Fenimore; single. ' 2. Ella N. Fenimore; single. 3. Hiram A. Fenimore — Bessie M. Usher. t 4. Adelbert L. Fenimore — Nora Hunt. No children. Harvey Newcomer. 67-70 7a 70-71 72 73 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEI DLER HISTORY. No. 10. III. Generation. < < H 9 H M pq O o r-i 00 05 tf H o g o in CO CO to I— I H < < Agnes Overholt (1765-1850) married Christian Fretz. Maria Overholt (1766) mrd. John Myers. 3. Jacob Overholt (1768-1847) married i Elizabeth Detweiler (1775-1849). IV. Generation, 1. John Fretz (1786-1867)— Frances Shellenberger (1797-1877). 2. Henry Fretz (1791-1845) — Susanna Sherrick (1799-1874). 3. Daniel Fretz (1792-1873)— Hannah Fox. 4. Mary Fretz 1795—1824); d. single. 5. Anna Fretz (1799-1878)— Samuel Stauffer (—1819) 6. Christian Fretz (1802-1828)— Catharine Smith (1804—). No children. 1. Rev. John D. Overholt (1795-1878)— Elizabeth Stauffer (1804-1842). 2. Henrj' D. Overholt (1797)— Elizabeth Sherrick (1803-1864). 3. Annie Overholt (1804-1855)— Abraham Sherrick. 4. Jacob D. Overholt (1806-1872)- 4. Anna Overholt (1770-1845) married Peter Loucks (1760-1825). Freed. 1. Catharine Loucks (1793-1871)— John W. Stauffer. 2. Henry Loucks (1794-1854) — Mary Myers and Barbara Stauffer. 3. Jacob Loucks (1795-1880) — Catharine Smith (1809). 4. Mary Loucks (1797-1880) — Jacob Shupe (1789-1870). 5. Rev. Martin Loucks (1798-1869) — Nancy Stauffer (1808-1900). 6. Nancy Loucks; d. young. 7. John Loucks (1802-1885) — Sarah Bassler (1805-1880). 8. Peter Loucks (1805-1895)— Anna Barkey (1808-1890). 9. Sarah Loucks (180S) — Samuel Dillinger (1810). Page 75-90 90 Mary 5. Susan Overholt (1808-1863)— Christian Stauffer. 6. Martin D. Overholt (1816-1859) — Mary Shellenberger 90-108 108-124 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 10. III. Generation. < OS CO !3 O ^ s H o « ^ H M 2 iri H •^ t- W W Ph o H u tJl h5 1—1 H ■ m 5. Martin Overholt (1772-1835) married Catharine Overholt (1781-1866). IV. Generation. 1. Susanna Overholt (1803-1885)— Henry Shupe (1799). 2. Esther Overholt (1804-1880) Jacob Lane (1801-1878). 3. Anna Overholt (1807-1893)— Adam Tinstman (1804-1863). 4. Abraham O. Overholt (1811-1893) — Mary Stoner (—1891). 5. Henry O. Overholt (1813-1880)— Elizabeth Bachtel (1819-1887). 6. John O. Overholt (1816-1877); single. 7. Martin O. Overholt (1824); single Page 124-138 Barbara Overholt (1775) married Jacob Durstine (1773). 1. Anna Durstine (1798-1875)— John Long (1794-1877). 2. Abraham Durstine (1800-1898)— Catharine Sherrick (1802-1865). 3. John Durstine; d. single. 4. Henry Durstine (1803-1887) — Sarah Fletcher (1816-1893). 5. Jacob Durstine; single. 6. Martin Durstine — Harvey. 7. Christian Durstine — Catharine Fletcher. 8. Catharine Durstine — Jacob Bowers. - 9. Samuel Durstine. 138-145 Elizabeth Overholt (1777-1833) married Martin Stauffer (1780-1869) r 1. Abraham D. Stauffer (1802-1849)— Mary Newcomer (1805-1845). 2. Henry Stauffer (1804-1849) — Catharine Hough & Susan Newmyer. 3. Anna Stauffer (1806-1875)— Heniy Sherrick (1804-1875). 4. Sarah Stauffer (1811)— Samuel Heath (1807-1864). 5. John T. Stauffer (1815)— Susan Strickler. 19. Henry OberholtzerJ (1779-1809) died single. SarahOberholtzer (1781 or 1782); - d. single. 145-155 155 155 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 10. CO rH 00 r-t I a» CO (4 IS] o f^ PQ H O III. Generation. 10. Abraham Overholt (1784-1870) married Maria Stauffer. IV. Generation. 1. Henry S. Overholt (1810-1870)— Abigail Carpenter. 2. Anna Overholt (1812-1866)— John Tinstman. 3. Jacob S. Overholt (1814-1859)— Mary Fox. 4. Abraham S. Overholt — Ann Newmyer. 5. Elizabeth Overholt (1819-1847)— John W. Frick. 6. Martin S. Overholt (1822)— Maria Wakefield. 7. Christian S. Overholt (1824)— Katharine L. Newmyer. L 8. John S. Overholt (1826-1846). Page 157-170 CO 00 I a m o H < 11. Christian Overholt (1786-1868) married Elizabeth Stauffer. 1. Abraham S. Overholt (1813-1899)— Barbara Sherrick. 2. Sarah Overholt (1815-1837)— Christian Stoner. 3. Henry Overholt (1817-1863)— Sarah Frick. 4. Anna Overholt (1819)— James Irvin and John Bolton. 5. Elizabeth Overholt (1821-1898)— John Stoner. 6. Christian Overholt (1827-1898)— Catharine Leighty. .12. Susanna C Overholt"! died single. L 170-182 182 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 11. IV. Generation. V. Generation. CO 00 oi OS 00 'S^ C^ 00 N Eh o ■ w o ^ <: <5 H P H nn rH iH m p- Oh I— I o > o o U5 O CO LO 00 00 lO ITS 1. John Fretz (1786-1867) married Frances Shellenberger, 2. Henry Fretz (1791-1845) marriea Susanna Sherrick. 3. Daniel Fretz (1792-1873) mrd. Hannah Fox. Mary Fretz (1795-1824) d. single. 5. Anna Fretz (1799-1878) mrd. Samuel Stauffer. 6. Christian Fretz (1802-1828) mrd. Catharine Smith. 1. Jacob Fretz (1814-1825). 2. Christian Fretz (1816-1829). 3. John Fretz (1819-1848)— Catharine Landis. 4. Martin Fretz (1820-1821). 5. Elizabeth Fretz (1821-1824). 6. Henry Fretz (1824)— Dianna Myers and Elizabeth Detweiler. 7. Abraham Fretts (1827-1898) — Fannie Boyd. 8. Daniel S. Fretts— Kezia J. Cunningham. 9. Frances Fretts (1833) — Martin N. Stauffer. 10. Infant; b. 1839; d. 1840. ' 1. John S. Frets (1813)— Elizabeth Bear. 2. Christian Fretz (1814-1848). 3. Nancy Fretts (1817)— Michael Myers. 4. Henry S. P'retts (1819-1857)— Elizabeth Detweiler. 5. Abraham Fretts (1821-1842). 6. Daniel Fretts (1823-1824). 7. Joseph S. Fretts (1825-1861)— Martha J. Porter and Mary A. Ryan. 8. Elizabeth Fretts (1828-1894)— Samuel Detwiler. 9. Catharine Fretts (1830)— J. B. Stoner. LlO. Adam Fretts (1832-1841). No children. Page 75-78 78-87 87 87 1. John F. Stauffer — Catharine Monosmith. r < 1. I John L. Fretz — Mary Graft. 87-88 88-90 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 12. l-H 00 00 t^oopq V. Generation. ri. Jacob Fretz (1S14-1825) d. young. 2. Christian Fretz (1816-1829) d. young. 3. John Fretz (1819-1848) mrd. Catharine Landis. 4. Martin Fretz (1820-1821) d. in infancy. 5. Elizabeth Fretz (1821-1824) d. young. Henrv Fretz (1824) mrd. Diana Myers, Elizabeth Detweiler. VL Generation. { { i No children. L td CO i.'s ^ ^OOOOC/D t— I r-li— I ^ rn rHr-lT-l OBJH Abraham S. Fretts J (1827-1898) 1 married Fannie Boyd. Daniel S. Fretts (1830) married Kezia J. Cunningham. Page 75 75 75 75 75 1. Emma Fretts (1848-1850). 2. Abraham E. Fretts (1850)— Mary E. Reamer. 1 3. Lvdia Fretts (1852)— Martin B. Hough. 4. Mar^' Fretts (1864)— Louis Comp. 1. John Wesley Fretts (1855-1858). 2. James B. Fretts (1857). 3. Martha B. Fretts (1859)— James L. Stauffer, 4. Emma F. Fretts (1862)— M. B. Porter. 5. Dempsey D. Fretts (1864)— Alice Anderson. 6. Carrie B. Fretts (1866). 7. Olive O. Fi-etts (1869). 8. Albert G. Fretts (1872)— , ,. , , Maggie Nickols. 9. Lizzie L. Fretts (1875). 75-7& 76-77 9. Frances Fretts (1833) mrd. Martin N. Stauffer. 10. Infant (1839-1840) d. unnamed. 1. John C. Fretts (1857-1859). 2. Marv F. Fretts (1859)— William Campbell. 3. Amzi B. Fretts (1861)— Minerva Kifer. 4. William D. Fretts (1863) — Hattie Anderson. 5. Barnet C. Fretts (1865). 6. George E. Fretts (1867). 7. Frank C. Fretts (1869-1871). 8. Harry C. Fretts (1872). 9. Anna L. Fretts (1875). 10. Cozie J. Fretts (1877)— Burt Stauffer. (See Martin N. Stauffer Family Chart.) 77-78 78 78 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 13. CO tH 00 -^ '-^ -i^ 05 05 00 CO"* 1-1 t-00 I iHi-105 ^ I 05 tHC- N l-H Ob P4 Hoooooo MrHi-l'-l Q I ' ' r:^5co5 CQiHt-ItH OmJH o . V. Generation. John S. Frets (1813-1898) married Elizabeth Bear. Christian Fretz (1814-1848). Nancy Fretts (1817) married Michael Myers. VI. Generation. 1. Hannah Frets (1836)— Solomon B. Stoner. 2. Henry B. Frets (1838-1863). 3. Daniel B. Frets (1841-1872) — Susanna Kellar. 4. Adam Frets (1845-1876). 5. Sarah Frets (1847). 6. Infant (1850); d. unnamed. 78 1 No children. Henry S. Fretts (1819-1857) married Elizabeth Detweiler. Abraham Fretts (1821-1842) d. single. 6. Daniel S. Fretts (1823-1824) d. in infancy. { 80 80 1. Agnes Myers (1838) — Daniel D. Hixon. 2. Susan Myers (1840) — Martin Detweiler. 3. Ann E. Myers (1841)— Boyd. 4. Catharine Myers (1842) — Emanuel Stants. 5. Henry F. Myers (1844) — Sarah Rice. 6. Hannah Myers (1845)— Hiland Kelley. 7. Mahlon Myers (1846)— Eliza Gaut. 8. Elizabeth Myers (1848)— Jesse A. Oglevee. 9. John L. Myers (1849-1850). 10. Frances Myers (1851) — Samuel Ellenberger. 11. Franklin Myers (1852-1858). 12. Amzi Myers (1854-1858). 13. Abraham Myers (1856). 14. Mary E. Myers (1858). 15. Emma Myers (1861) — Joseph Hixon. 80-82 ' 1. Susanna Fretts (1846)— Samuel Loucks. 2. Mahlon Fretts (1849-1851). 3. Franklin Fretts (1851) — Mary Aultman. L 4. Sarah Fretts (1855)— George B. Kelly. 82-83 83 83 24 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 13. V. Generation. VI. Generation. 00 K N Eh 'I 1—1 O .X BO ^>H < 05 lO olo o . 7. Joseph S. Fretts (1825-1861) married Martha Jane Porter Mary Ann Ryan. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. L 6. . Elizabeth Fretts (1828-1894) married Samuel Detwiler (1888). r 1. 2. 9. Catharine Fretts (1830) married J. B. Stoner. John W. Fretts (1847)— Mar>' Shether and Louisa Burgie. Susan Fretts (1850). Lyman R. Fretts (1853)— Alice S. Stoner. Catharine Fretts (1855-1883). Mary J. Fretts (1858). Joseph R. Fretts (I860)— Sadie N. Bryan. Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. Adam Fretts (1832-1841) d. young. { 83-84 Mary Ann Detweiler (1847-1851). Henry F. Detwiler (1849) — Josephine A. Van Gundy. Susan C. Detweiler (1852)— James S. Boyd. Elizabeth M. Detwiler (1854-1881). Ann M. Detwiler (1858) — Frank J. Burkhart. John F. Detwiler — Azalia O. Scott. Joseph H. Detwiler (1863-1886). Jacob S. Detwiler (1865)— Lorena Newcomer. Samuel M. Detwiler (1870)— Alice Walters. 84-86 Emma Stoner (1853-1854). Mahlon F. Stoner (1855) — Emma J. Porter. Martin N. Stoner (1857-1875). Susan Stoner (I860)— H. F. Shupe. Violetta Stoner (1862-1863). Flora M. Stoner (1865-1882). Samuel D. Stoner (1868-1871). Solomon V. Stoner (1872-1876). 86-87 S7 GENEALOGICAL CHART—BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 14. CO tH oo ^ oooooo I— I,— I ^ T-H Q ■ I I rni-i,-irH <;^ . V. Generation. John F. Stauffer (1819) married Catharine Monosmith. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 9. 10. VI. Generation. Annie Stauffer (1851-1868). Samuel Stauffer (1853-1859). Elizabeth Stauffer (1854)— M. G. Potter. John M. Stauffer (1857). Daniel M. Stauffer (1859)— Barbara E. Saylor. Catharine Stauffer (1861)— Jordan N. Stoner. Eli M. Stauffer (1864)— Flora L. Sherrick. Ada S. Stauffer (1866) — W. T. Porter. Martin Stauffer (1869-1871). Sallie Stauffer (1872). Page 87-88 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 15. 00 joo oooo CQ i-H -rH OO - u V. Generation. VI. Generation. r 1. Christian L. Fretz (1851)— Emeline Marsh. Page John L. Fretz (1828-1900) married Mary Graft. 2. Samuel Fretz (1852-1856). 3. Catharine Fretz (1854) — John Farmer. 4. Abraham Lincoln Fretz (1860-1863). L 5. Orlando Fretz (1865-1865). 88-90 -> GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 16. . 05 ^^ -* CO 00 T-H 1-1 00 I T-l ITS I t^ OJ !>• CO tH tS] H O Q H O < < H H M ■rr M rH 00 OO H ?: CD pq C i-H W D4 H O H J ^ cq . 1-5 iV. Generation. ri. Rev. John D. Overholt (1795-1878) married , EJlizabeth Stauffer,"" (1804-1842) Mary Bixler. 2. Henry D. Overholt (1797) < married Elizabeth Sherrick. V. Generation. 1. Agnes Overholt (1822)— Abraham Bechtel. 2. Jacob S. R. Overholt (1826-1901)— Susan K. Hugus. 3. Anne Overholt (1829-1894)— Alexander H. Boyd. 4. Elizabeth S. Overholt; single. 5. Christian S. R. Overholt; single. 6. John S. R. Overholt— Maria O. Frick. 7. Aaron S. R. Overholt— Sarah A. Overholt. 1. Anna Overholt (1825-1897); single. 2. Jacob Overholt (1827-1885) — Amelia Lyon. 3. John Overholt (1863). 4. Elizabeth Overholt — Rice Boyd. 5. Susan Overholt (1836-1895)— Jacob Myers. 6. Henry D. Overholt (1840) — Belle B. Newmyer. Page 91-97 3. Annie Overholt - (1804-1855) mrd. Abraham Sherrick. 4. Jacob D. Overholt (1806-1872) married Mary Freed. 1. Susan Sherrick — Stoner. 2. Martin O. Sherrick. 97-100 100 5. Susan Overholt (1808-1863) married Christian Stauffer (1809-1886). 1. Elizabeth Overholt ^Ym. H. Landenberger. 2. Martin F. Overholt. 3. John F. Overholt. 4. Anna F. Overholt- -Joseph Laughery. 5. Joseph Overholt. 6. Abraham Overholt. 100- 1. Elizabeth StaufCer (1829-1899) — Geo. R. Mumaw. 2. Henry O. Stauffer (1832-1899)— Eliza J. Culler. 3. Agnes Stauffer (1834-1901) — Isaac C. Fox and Christian Fox. Annie O. Stauffer (1837-1840). O. Stauffer (1841-1864)— Carrie Zimmerman. Stauffer (1843-1864). Stauffer (1847-1864). 101 5. Abraham 6. Sarah O. 7. Emma O. 101-107 6. Martin D. Overholt (1816-1859) married Mary Shallenberger 1. Joseph S. Overholt (1845)— Annie M. Smith. 2. Christian S. Overholt a847-1849). 3. Elizabeth Overholt (1850)— Reuben B. Overholt. 4. James M. Overholt (1852-1871). 107-108 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 17. V. Generation. r 1. 9 eowQo Km'"' > _: O = .'-3 1. Agnes Overholt (1822) married Abraham Bachtel. 2. Jacob S. R. Overholt (1826-1901) married Susan K. Hugus. r 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. L 7. 3. Anne Overholt (1829-1894) married Alexander H. Boyd. L 7. VI. Generation. Anna Bachtel (1843-1848). John Bachtel (1846) — Caroline Flory. Elizabeth Bachtel (1848-1880)— Geo. W. Armstrong. Mary Bachtel (1851)— Washington Redding. Sarah Bachtel (1854)— James M. Bernard. Aaron Bechtel (1856) — Louisa Flory. Abraham Bachtel (1859) — Sadie Rehling. Emma Bachtel (1865)— Wm. Syler. Samuel H. Overholt (1850— Eliza King. Alice H. Overholt (1852)— Wm. H. Sparling. Chas. H. Overholt (1855)— Jennie Sparling. Frank H. Overholt (1857)— Korahuena Grove. Byron H. Overholt (I860) — Margaret Berry. Edward H. Overholt (1866)— Blanche Kline. Thirza H. Overholt (1869). Elizabeth Boyd (1847-1884)— George McFadden. Isabelle Boyd (1849) — Nicholas Weaver. Mary A. Boyd (1851) — Alexander H. Patterson. Nancy Bovd (1859-1860). Christian C. Boyd (1862)— Lorinda Merritt. Margaret G. Boyd (1864)— W. E. Swift. Frances A. Boyd (1867). 4. Elizabeth S. f Overholt-< (1831); single. L 5. Christian S. R. r Overholt^ (1834); single. L 6. John S. R. Overholt (1837) ^ married Maria O. Frick. 1. 2 3! 4. Jay Overholt; d. infant. Lucy Overholt; d. infant. Grace Overholt; d. aged 21 years. Karl Overholt (1877). John D. Overholt (1886). L7. Aaron S. R. 1. Ralph Overholt (1871)— Overholt] Mary E. Husband. (1837) mrd. i 2. Clyde Overholt (1876). Sarah Ann Overholt ^ Page 91-93 93-94 94-96 96 96 96 96-97 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 18. V. Generation. VI. Generation. Page C5 00 ■"^ I I 00 KM hcQ JOOOOI> 't't-Hi-ItH Q I I ^ Cirtoo rQiHi-ii— 1 Mpfhffi ;« H Anna Overholt (1825-1897) d. single. { 2. Jacob Overholt (1827-1885) married Amelia Lyon. John Overholt (—1863) d. single. 4. Elizabeth f Overholt - 7. Warren R. Overholt (1879). 97-98 { 98 No children. 98 1. Newton Myers (1857) — Margie Mathews. 2. Ella Myers (I860)— Frank Raile. 3. Laura Myers (1862) — John Van Tour. 4. Harry Myers (1864) — Mamie L. Maynes. 5. Lizzie Myers (1867) — Harvey G. Magargal. 6. Dora Myers (1871). 98-99 1. John F. Overholt (1869), 2. Mary E. Overholt (1871-1898)— E. F. Golley. 3. Harry D. Overholt (1873-1874). 4. Jessie May Overholt (1875). 5. Frederick E. Overholt (1878). 6. Mabel E. Overholt (1880). 7. Helen B. Overholt (1883). 99-100 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 19. CO r-t 00 C5 00 iO CO N.^ Pi H ^>hP5 Pi ■ioooooo Q 1 I I gpi Om ;?; 12; >> oo V. Generation. Elizabeth Overholt. married Wm. H. Landenberger. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. VI. Generation. Jacob H. Landenberger. John O. Landenberger (1861) — Sadie B. Reed. Mary Landenberger. Sadie Landenberger. Martin mrd. . . F. Overholt 3. • John F, Overholt^ L Page {•■ Albert Landenberger. Samuel Overholt. Myra Overholt. 100-101 101 No report. 101 4. Anna F. Overholt r married J no report. Joseph Laughery. [ 5. Joseph Overholt.^ no report. L Abraham r OverholtJ d. single. j^ 101 101 101 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 20. [x]cort-ll. Ella Stauffer (1855). Susanna Stauffer (1856) — Lyman S. Stoner. Emma Stauffer (1857)— Otto Klapp. Ida Stauffer. Bettie Stauffer. Christian C. Stauffer (I860)— Addie M. Vroman. John J. Stauffer. Harry Stauffer (1865). Addie E. Stauffer (1867)— John L. Bartley. George D. Stauffer (1869). Hallie Stauffer (1872)— N. W. Price. 104-106 '' 1 9 Agnes Stauffer (1834-1901) married Isaac C. Fox, Christian Fox. 4. Annie O. Christian S. Fox (1857-1863). Emma Ida Fox (1858-1859). 3. Alice S. Fox (1860-1863). 4. Sarah S. Fox (1863). 5. Burton S. Fox (1865)— Maude Madison. 6. Minnie Fox (1870)— Jesse H. Mathews. 7. Nora A. Fox (1873). Stauffer J (1837-1840) \ d. young. 5. Abraham O. Stauffer f (1841-1864) ] No report, mrd. Carrie (_ Zimmerman. 6. Sarah O. Stauffer r (1843-1864) J d. single. ]^ 106 106 7. Emma O. Stauffer (1847-1864); d.single L I 107 107 107 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 21. ana Pi B Q I— I m cc o u < •-5 U5C~ 05 CO -^ LO 00 OO 00 r-t 1— I T— I I I I U5 00«£> t--c^oo saw eo H H O ^^ W O 00 o to m u p o Pi H K la 00 tH I o P PQ M Pi John Loucks (1802-1885) married Sarah Bassler. 8. Peter Loucks (1805-1895) married Anna Barkey. V. Generation. 1. Rev. Peter Loucks (1828-1881)— Anna Fox. 2. John Loucks (1830-1881). 3. Catharine Loucks (1832-1833). 4. Sarah Loucks (1834)— Daniel B. Stoner. 5. Nancy Loucks (1839-1841). 6. Mary Loucks (1841-1841). 7. Susan Loucks (1843)— Thomas Raygor. Joseph Loucks (1847-1852). Page 8. 9. Solomon Loucks (1849-1852). 119-121 1. Susan Loucks (1828-1830). 2. Anna Loucks (1S29-1890)— David Swope and John Buzzard. 3. Jacob Loucks (1831-1893)— Catharine Freed. 4. William Loucks (1833)— Martha A. Rinebolt. 5. John Loucks (1835) — Barbara Myers. 6. Sarah Loucks (1837) — Tobias Myers. 7. Martin Loucks (1840) — Hannah Kilmer. 8. Isaac Loucks (1842) — Rebecca Culp. 9. Catharine Loucks (1844-1872)— Henry Culp. 10. Peter D. Loucks (1847)— Mary E. Holderman. 11. Mary Loucks (1850)— Wm. Holderman, .12. Jonas Loucks (1853) — Anna Raymer. 121-124 ). Sarah Loucks (1808) married Samuel Dillinger. 1. Anna Dillinger — Joseph Hecksor. 2. Mary Dillinger — Abraham Sherrick. Catharine Dillinger — Moses Hickson. Sarah Dillinger — J. C. Fox. 5. John L. Dillinger — Mary Mclntyre. 6. Elizabeth Dillinger — C. T. Hanna. Eliza Dillinger — A. A. Hasson. Daniel L. Dillinger. Samuel Dillinger — Kate Hutchinson. 3. 4. 7. 8. 9. 124 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 23. 00 05 00 JOOOOOO Q I I I □ lOOfO CQT-H'r-lr-l 9(yEHiXi RhmM ■CQ >-v V. Generation. ^ 1. Sarah StaufCer ^ (1820-1858) married Solomon Keister. VI. Generation. 1. John Keister; d. 2. George Keister (1880) 3. Albert Keister — Agnes Fraser. 4. B. F. Keister (1850). 5. A. L. Keister (1852). 6. Mary Keister (1853)— Rev. J. S. Mills. 7. Fenton Keister (1855)— Eliza Campbell. 8. Lawrence Keister (1856) — Cora Cormany. Page 108-109 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEI DLER HISTORY. No. 24. CO <; I CO ^ tqeo'f lo -lOOOOOO I— ItHi-H iH Q 1 I I r -1 'T' t^ 05 = .> V. Generation. John Loucks married VI. Generation. \- 1. Will Loucks. L Page 109 Peter M. Loucks (1820-1898) married Anna Forney (1821-1894). 9 10 Thurma. Kunkel. Iddings. 1. Kate Loucks (1844)— Daniel W. 2. John F. Loucks (1846)— Mary C. 3. Abraham Loucks (1848) — Mary E. Henry Loucks (1850-1851). William Zook Loucks (1850-1861). Harriet Loucks ( — 1853) Martha Loucks (1854-1890) — John H. Lucas. James D. Loucks (1856-1899) — Sarah Millerman. Joseph E. Loucks (1859). Mary F. Loucks (1859-1860). Lll. George S. Loucks (1868). Joseph Loucks (1828) single. { 109-111 111 r 1- 4. Henry S. Loucks (1831) mrd. ^ 2. Caroline Wible. 3. Anna W. Loucks (1869)— Alonzo A. Smallwood. Charles B. Loucks (1873-1873). Edwin A. Loucks (1874-1874). Ill 5. Marv Loucks (1834) mrd. Isaac N. Yother. 6. Betsey Loucks d. young. Anna Loucks d. young. 8. Susie Loucks d. young. ^ 1. 1 3. Henry L. Yother (1871)— Lida Gibson. Carrie E. Yother (1873)— Wm. K. Curry. Winnie A. Yother (1880). 111-112 ii: { { 112 ii: GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 25. V. Generation. VI. Generation. Page 00 1-i I a CO [^ • K'-loo No rl. Martin Loucks (1832) mrd Cope. LCJ CO'f 00 ^00 00 1^ M,-H,-li-l Q I I > W t^t^C- rQi-lT-lrH < • - > L 2. Anna Loucks (1834) married Jacob Horner. r 1. 2. 3. 4. ^ 5. 6. 8. 9. 3. Elizabeth Loucks J single. 1 4. Jacob M. Loucks f . (1839) mrd. ^ 1- Mary M. Howard. L 2. 5. Samuel Loucks (1843) mrd. Susan Fretts. 6. Maria Loucks (1846) mrd. Isaac O. F. Stoner. 7. Catharine Loucks. (1849) mrd. "William Sloan. John Loucks. Frank Loucks. Jacob Loucks. Albert Loucks. Minnie Loucks. Catharine Horner. Elizabeth Horner. Maria Horner. Mary Horner. Alice Horner. Samuel Horner. John Horner. Albert Horner. Infant dec'd. 112 William S. Loucks (1867). C. Abbie Loucks (1873). 112 112 113 1. Ada O. Loucks (1866)— Walter C. Smith. 2. Alvin G. Loucks (1869)— Sarah A. Stillwell. 3. John F. Loucks (1872) — Eva E. Perrine. 4. Cora E. Loucks (1874) — Robert H. Smith. 5. Lizzie Loucks (1881-1882). 6. Gertrude M. Loucks (1884). I 7. Rosa E. Loucks (1889). 1. Elmer E. Stoner (1868). 2. Annetta M. Stoner (1871). 3. Kate O. Stoner (1875)— R. G. Hixon. 4. Walter F. Stoner (1879). 113 114 1. Cora Sloan. 1. Samuel Sloan. 3. Rillie Sloan. 114 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 26. CO 1-1 00 Oi CO Wis O '-* V. Generation. '1. Abraham Shupe married Manda Hoover. VI. Generation. i No report. Page 114 2. Daniel Shupe married , TOO 00 00 Q I I I 3. John Shupe d. single. Anna Shupe d. young. 11. L Marcellus Shupe. 114 114 114 5. Peter L. Shupe (1829) mrd. Annie Byera, Rebecca Aukerman. 1. Dr. Jacob B. Shupe (1850). 2. Dr. Marcellus B. Shupe (1853)— Electa Skiff. 3. John Shupe (1866). 4. Wm. A. Shupe (1868)— Gertrude Mauk. 5. Clark Shupe (1870). 6. Mary A. Shupe (1873-1874). 7. Charley E. Shupe (1878). 114-115 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 27. V. Generation. Vl. Generation. 1-1 00 CO o CI ' oc °o Wo^-i |03cQ I— ItHt-ItH Q I I I fnr-l,-lTH -H Elizabeth Loucks f (1827-1877) mrd. -j No children. David F. Stoner. Page 115-116 2. Jacob S. Loucks (1829) mrd. Mary Saylor. 1. Joseph R. Loucks (1855) — Martha Stoner. 2. Martin R. Loucks (1857). 3. David S. Loucks (1859)— Nellie Newcomer. 4. Abraham R. Loucks (1862) — Nettie Brown. 5. Rev. Aaron Loucks (1864) — Amelia C. Medsger. 6. John R. Loucks (1867) — Annie Rittenhouse. 7. Geoi'ge S. Loucks (1869)— Melinda E. Davis. Norman Loucks (1871-1874). Infant (1874); stillborn. Ada Loucks C1875). 9. 10. 11. 3. Anne Loucks (1831) single. 4. Catharine Loucks (1834-1887) d. single. 5. Abraham S. Loucks* (1838) mrd. Charlotte Ager. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 110. 6. Peter S. Loucks (1841-1897) married Mary A. Boyd. 7. Martin Loucks (1843) single. 8. John Loucks (1848) single. Cora Loucks (1879). 116-118 118 118 Amanda M. Loucks (1862). Dortha M. Loucks (1864-1897)— W. L. Kelly. Meade M. Loucks (1866). Charles H. Loucks (1868). Albert H. Loucks (1870). John S. Loucks (1873). Nancv W. Loucks (1875). Petrina P. Loucks (1878-1888). Royden K. Loucks (1880). Ruth Loucks (1885). 118-119 Arthur B. Loucks (1880\ Edwin R. Loucks (1882). Martha G. Loucks (1888). Nancv I. Loucks (1890). Preston S. Loucks (1894). 119 119 119 25 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 28. CO 00 eo tf U3 00 Moo 00 tH CSJ'^oo V. Generation. 1. Rev. Peter Loucks (1828-1881) married Anna Fox. VI. Generation. Page MM'*' 00 't; 00 00 00 I— ItH 1-H rH ft) I- l~- CO rH ^.^ ^^^^ 1. Erastus F. Loucks (1857) — Henrietta Hunsberger, 2. J. Lyman Loucks. 3. Rev. Wm. E. Loucks (1863)— Grace L. Brown. ^ 4. Etta Loucks (—1898). 119-'l20 2. 3. John Loucks (1830-1831) d. in infancy. { Catharine Loucks f (1832-1833) -\ d. in infancy. I . Sarah Loucks (1834) mrd. Daniel B. Stoner (1829-1896). r 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. .10. Nancy Loucks (1839-1841) d. young. Mary Loucks (1841) d. in infancy. . Susan Loucks (1843) mrd. Thomas Raygor. 120 120 Franklin L. Stoner (1856-1875). Alice S. Stoner (1858-1897)— Lyman R. Fretts. Amelia A. Stoner (I860)— Isaac Bowser. Sarah I. Stoner (1862)— Wm. R. Covert. Loucks Stoner (1865-1898)— Abbie Chapman. Erastus L. Stoner (1868)— Katharine Hanna. Edwin D. Stoner (1871-1883). Clarence E. Stoner (1874-1875). Carrie M. Stoner (1876). Myrtle G. Stoner (1881). 120-121 121 121 { John Raygor. •Lizzie Raygor; died. Hazen Raygor; died. Joseph Loucks (1847-1852) d. young. Solomon Loucks (1849-1852) d. young. 121 121 121 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 29. CO ■F-H 00 I e<3 { I— ItHt-IiH Q ' I I Wc- c-oo rAi-tT-^T-i _:fqHi-l V. Generation. 1. Susan Loucks (1828-1830) d. young. 2. Anna Loucks (1829-1890) married David Swope, John Buzzard. 3. Jacob Loucks (1831-1893) married Catharine Freed. 4. William Loucks (1833) mrd. Martha A. Rinebolt. 5. John Loucks (1835) mrd. Barbara Myers. 6. Sarah Loucks (1837) mrd. Tobias Myers. 7. Martin Loucks (1840) mrd. Hannah Kilmer. 8. Isaac Loucks (1842) mrd. Rebecca Gulp. ^ 9. Catharine Loucks (1844-1872) married Henry Culp. VI. Generation. Page 122 1. John Swope. 2. Nancy Swope. 3. Mary Swope. 4. Thomas Swope. 5. William Swope. 1. Wm. H. Loucks. 2. Samantha Loucks. 3. Mary Loucks — . . . 4. Jacob O. Loucks. 5. Anna Loucks — .... 6. Jonas Loucks. 122 .Dills. Schontz. I L ; t I No report. No report. No report. No report. 122 122 122 122 122 1. 2. 3. 4. 10. Peter B. Loucks. (1847) mrd. Mary E. Holdeman. 2 3.' 4. .5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Aaron W. Loucks (1864) — Ida Jones. Mary J. Loucks — Frank Canada. Ephraim Culp. Salome Culp — Weaver. Anna Culp — Cannon. Ida Culp — Able. Anna C. Loucks (1869) — Rollin Geisinger. Helena Loucks (1871-1875). Martin Loucks (1874-1882). Martha Loucks (1877-1882). Sarah Loucks (1880-1882). Laura Loucks (1883). Jesse Loucks (1884). Dora Loucks (1886). Jonas Loucks (1888). Samantha Loucks (1890). David Loucks (1892-1894). 122-123 123 11. Marv Loucks f (1850) mrd. ^ No report. William Holdeman. [ 123-124 124 12. Jonas Loucks (1853) mrd. Anna Raymer. -i No report. I 124 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 30. CO tH 00 tH I GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 33. V. Generation. ««> 1-100 00 tH J-t I I 1-1 0)00 eot- Kg- hhhS 1/ 1/ moscooo Hcooooo I— I 1-1 1-1 rH Q I 1 1 Wt-c-00 nQi-iiHi-i Anna Lane (1825—1863-4) married Joseph Stoner (1816-1891). Catharine Lane (1827) married John McGiffin. 3. Susan Lane (1830-1882) mrd. Joseph Stoner. 4. Rev. Martin O. Lane (1832) mrd. Jane Shallenberger (—1893). 5. Mary Lane (1837-1856) d. young-. 6. Hannah Lane (1842) mrd. Jonas Mumaw. { Page 7. Elizabeth Lane (1845-1870) mrd. Joseph W. Stoner, { VI. Generation. 1. Maria L. Stoner (1846)— Samuel D. Aultman. 2. Abraham Stoner (1854) — Hester A. Jones. 3. Jordan N. Stoner (1858)— Catharine StaufEer. 4. Martin L. Stoner (1861)— _ _^„„. ^^ Mary A. Keefer. 5. William Stoner. 6. Jacob Stoner. 7. James Stoner. 129-130 1. Martin L. McGiffin (1852)— Mary Riley. 2. Abraham L. McGiffin (1853-1868). 3. Esther L. McGiffin (1855). 4. Jacob L. McGiffin (1857). 5. Henry L. McGiffin (1859)— Emma Stauffer. 6. John L. McGiffin (1861-1898)— Margaret Stauffer. 7. Elmira L. McGiffin (1863)— Wm. Momeyer. 1. Bettie Stoner (1866). 130-131 131 1. Mary Ann Lane (1854-1856). 2. Emily Lane (1855-1856). 3. John W. Lane (1857)— Emma Fink. 4. Daniel F. Lane (1860-1899)— Nellie Rankin. Hannah M. Lane (1867-1875). Hettie M. Lane (1870-1898). Jacob F. Lane (1874). 131-132 132 -! No report. L 1. Cora Stoner — Dr. E. C. Leighty. 132 132 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 34. /^?0 1-1 00 00 iH r-l I I iH 0500 . CO c-^~^ t-lHCO Nw' 00 Ph J^ oh V. Generation. '1. Catharine O. Tinstman (1829) mrd. Josiah J. Mechling. TOO 00 00 Q I 1 1 Ph l-O rM t^ R t~ t^oo CO '-I th 1-1 o » VI. Generation. George W. Mechling (1854). Annie E. Mechling (1856-1895)— Robert F. Welty. Adam Q. Mechling (1859). May Mechling (1861). Hattie C. Mechling (1863). Orange J. Mechling (1865)— Jennie Monroe. Allen W. Mechling (1868)— Gertrude Fisher. Page 132-133 2. Jacob F. Tinstman r (1831-1869) mrd. J 1. Nancy Wineland. (^ Edwin D. Tinstman — Mary E.Williams. 133 3. Martin O. ^ Tinstman! (1835-1873) 1 d. single. ^ 4. Hattie L. Tinstman f (1840-1893) mrd. < No children. Furry Newcomer. L 133 133 5. Aaron O. Tinstman (1842-1887) married Mary Mellinger. 1. HariT M. Tinstman (1872). 2. Martin O. Tinstman (1873)— Emma Fox. Kathrj^n A. Tinstman (1874). Alma M. Tinstman (1876). Tinstman (1879). Tinstman (1880). Tinstman (1883). Tinstman (1885). 3 4 5. Ralph A. 6. Lizzie Ij. 7. Maria O. 8. Edna M. 134 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 35. COCO 1-H CO 00 rH tH I I iH ooo eot- Nl-rlOO ^'^ I P2 H ^ >-0 M JCOOOOO Q I I I n LO -M iH Wt-c^oo oo oo V. Generation. 1. Susanna S. Overholt (1849) mrd. David Longsdorff. VI. Generation. Page ' 1. Frank O. Longsdorff (1871-1893). 2. Edna O. Longsdorff (1874)— Abram W. Smith. 3. John O. Longsdorff (1880). 134-135 Annie S. Overholt (1851) single. 135 John S. (1856) Overholt single. 135 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 36. V. Generation. OOt-IoO i-t I 00 0500 1 S2a tq CO CO 00 TOO 00 CO •-li-li-l,-! Q I I I n 1.-5 C-l CO CQi-Ii-ItH Catharine Overholt (1840) mrd. John Stewart (1828). VI. Generation. r 1. Mary E. Stewart (1858-1865). 2. Elizabeth Stewart (I860)— Clarence Goodyear. 3. Christian Stewart (1862) — Lizzie E. Swain. 4. Maria Stewart (1864). 5. Flora Stewart (1866)— Joseph L. Howard. 6. Henry Stewart (1868)— Kate Wilson. 7. Hattie Stewart (1870-1873). 8. Senora Stewart (1873-1890). 9. Mattie Stewart (1877-1878). 10. John Irvin Stewart (1882). Page Maria B. Overholt f (1841) mrd. J No children. George Young. i 135-136 136 Reuben B. Overholt (1844) mrd. Elizabeth S. Overholt. ^ 4. Esther Overholt (1847) d. young. Albert O. Overholt (1872). Edith M. Overholt (1875)— P. H. Howard. John O. Overholt (1878-1879). Alice J. Overholt (1881-1883). 136-137 137 5. Isaiah B. Overholt (1849-1872) mrd Tinstman 6. Martin Overholt ( — 1859); d. young. 7. D. Lindlay Overholt (1859) mrd. Lizzie D. Kreider. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ralph T. Overholt (1873-1873). Alenia T. Overholt (1874)— Albert Clair. Willie H. Overholt (1877). Miles H. Overholt (1880). Reuben Overholt (1882). Claude Overholt (1885). 137 137 1. Elmer C. Overholt (1888). 2. John K. Overholt (1890). 3. Ravmond Overholt (1892). 4. Anna Belle Overholt (1895). > ■ OverholtJ 1. Verdie Belle Likens (1887). ~ (1862) mrd. 1 2. Nola Blanche Likens (1889). J. W. Likens. ^ 137 138 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 37. 00 I P5 CO H o 5 <1 W H? P5 00 t- tH 1-1 ♦-5 > O < Pi <: Pi ^^ m IV. Generation. . Anna Durstine (1798-1875) mrd. John Long. 2. Abraham Durstine (1800-1898) married Catharine Sherrick. V. Generation. No children. 1. Rev. Jacob Durstine (1823)— Mary Ann Hartman. 2. John Durstine (1825-1897)— Elizabeth Freed. 3. Abraham Durstine (1828-1888). 4. Anna Durstine (1831-1834). 5. Barbara Durstine (1835-1841). 3. John Durstine single. 4. Henry Durstine (1803-1887) married Sarah Fletcher. 5. Jacob Durstine single. 6. Martin Durstine married Harvey. 7. Christian Durstine, (1812-1887) mrd. Catharine Fletcher. 8. Catharine Durstine mrd. Jacob Bowers. 9. Samuel Durstine mrd Page 138 ^ 6. Mary Durstine (1840-1841). 138-141 { 141 1. Jacob Durstine (1837)— Christine Echard. 2. John Durstine (1839-1865); single. 3. Catharine Durstine (1841) — James M. Bennett. 4. Barbara S. Durstine (1843-1891)— Cyrus T. Long. 5. Anna Durstine — James Leighty. 6. Henry H. Durstine (1848-1894)— Anna B. Brught. 7. David F. Durstine (1851)— Annie Leichliter. 8. Abraham H. Durstine (1853)— Fhebe A. Silliman. 9. Joseph F. Durstine (1856). Minerva Strohm. 141-144 144 No report. 144 1. Barbara Durstine (1836) — James Larimer. 2. Henry C. Durstine (1838)— Elizabeth Blystone. 3. Infant son, stillborn. 4. Anna Durstine (1845). 144-145 No report. i 1. George Durstine 145 145 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 38. CO T-l as CO U3 00 C"> Ho co^ -Pi I— IHH 5i I— I Qpn W CO i~ ci jooc-co ^ tHtH i-H Q 1 — 1 QQ,-ll_l,H - A = <5 1. Rev. Jacob Durstine (1823) mrd. Mary Ann Hartman 2. John Durstine (1825-1897) married Elizabeth Freed (1825-1898). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 3. Abraham r -^ Durstine J (1828-1888) I 2 mrd ^ 4. Anna Durstine J (1831-1834) 1 d. young. ^ 5. Barbara Durstine C (1835-1841) J d. young. ^ ^6. Mary Durstine r (1840-1841) J d. young. 1 Page Dr. Frank H. Durstine (1848)— Mary Henion. Lee B. Durstine — Kate Sarles. Alice E. Durstine (I860)— Frank N. Riale. Harvey W. Durstine (1863-1866). Claribel Durstine (1875). 138-140 Mary Durstine (1848-1848). Infant daughter (1849). Adaline Durstine (1850-1852). Cyrus Durstine (1852) — Mary Taggart. Lyman Durstine (1855) — Martha M. Crise & Sarah A. Hively. Ella Durstine (1857)— Neal McCoy. Clark Durstine (1860-1889)— Adda Swinehart. Kittie Durstine (1865)— Chas. Alleshouse. 140-141 Son. Daughter. 141 141 141 141 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 39. V. Generation. 00 <71 CO CO C5 t>- CO 00 2H i8| LLj CO t-OO , -lOOC-OO Mi-ItHtH Q I ^— ' I LJ U5 CO Wc-'^oo rnr-o-ii-i fl. Jacob Durstine (1837) mrd. Christine Echard < (1887). 2. John Durstine (1839-1865) d. single. 3. Catharine Durstine (1841) mrd. James M. Bennett. 5. Anna Durstine married James Leighty. 6. Henry H. Durstine* (1848-1894) mrd. Anna B. Brught. 7. David P. Durstine (1851) mrd. Annie Leichliter. Abraham H. Durstine (1853) mrd. ^ Phoebe Ann Silliman. 9. Joseph P. f Durstine (1856) mrd. ] Minerva Strohm. •- VI. Generation. Sallie Durstine (1860). Nehemiah Durstine (1863) — Amanda Hough. Franklin Durstine (1865) — Mary Myers. Emily Durstine (1869) — George L. Leighty. Henry Durstine (1872) — Minerva Gilmore. Mary Durstine (1876)— W. I. Cotton Page 141-142 142 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Barbara S. , ., Durstine J i" (1843-1894) mrd. ] ^■ Cyrus T. Long. *- ^' John A. Bennett. Edward M. Bennett. Abraham L. Bennett. Marion W. Bennett. Emerson Bennett. Etta Bennett— Philip Kalb. Emma Bennett — Bare. Joseph Bennett. Dr. John D. Long. Dr. Henry D. Long. Lieut. Edward C. Long. No children. 1. Ada Durstine (1875-1875). 2. Jessie Durstine (1876). 3. Sarah Durstine (1879). 4. Mary Durstine (1881). 5. Ella Durstine (1881). 6. Ptichard Durstine (1885). 142 143 143 L 7. Alice Durstine (1887). 143 1. Jennie M. Durstine (1882). 2. W. H. Durstine (1883). 3. Hannah G. Durstine (1891). 4. Lillie O. Durstine (1894). 5. J. Ralph Durstine (1898). 143-144 1. Mazzie S. Durstine (1879)— Morris Seigfried. 2. Maggie M. Durstine (1881). 3. Arthur C. Durstine (1884) 4. Jennie H. Durstine (1887). No children. 144 144 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 40. (M OS CO 00 NrH Hog 0^ u Oh Z I— I u 00 t^ Q S^P-I'-I 00 m o o <; 1-5 I in i-ii-l O I— I H Q H - -ci V. Generation. 1. Barbara Durstine (1836) mrd. James Larimer, VI. Generation. { No report. 2. Henry C. Durstine. (1838) mrd. Elizabeth Blystone. 3. Anna Durstine (1845); single. { Page 144 f 1. John Durstine (1861-1873). 2. Henry B. Durstine (1864-1883). 3. Infant. 4. Mary Durstine (1868). 5. Sarah A. Durstine (1871-1871). 6. Christian B. Durstine (1872). 7. William Durstine (1875). 8. Catharine V. Durstine (1878). 9. Ira Durstine (1881). 10. Sherman Durstine (1885). 144-145 145 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. IV. Generation. v. Generation. No. 41. ^3 I 05 H N H o f^S5 M ri TOO 00 00 PI I I ^ lO L- . u. Robert Matchett. Page 151 151 151 151 151 152 152 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 46. V. Generation. CO 00 1-* I CO Oi 00 00 fl. Henry W. Stauffer (1838) mrd. Catharine Booher. VI. Generation. Page 1. Alice D. Stauffer (1861)— A. H. Herbert. 2. Martin E. Stauffer (1863)— Emma Stewart. 3. Charles W. Stauffer (1865)— Mary Herbert. 4. Susan Stauffer (1867)— James Murphey. 5. Elizabeth Stauffer (1869)— Hays Wersing. 6. Albert Stauffer (1871)— Cora Fretts. 7. Lucy Stauffer (1873). 8. Laura Stauffer (1875)— John Beswick. 9. Rebecca Stauffer (1877). 10. Emma Stauffer (1879). 11. John T. Stauffer (1881)— Daisie May. 12. Mary M. Stauffer (1883-1883). 152-153 2. David R Stauffer-^ No report. (1840). L 153 Eq CO CO tH TOO 00 00 t-lr-n-lTH rftrHrHH H w. 3. Joseph S. Stauffer (1842) married Florinda Ebersole. 4. Elizabeth <- Stauffer J (1844) mra. i Jonas Yothers. I 5. Mary M. Stauffer (1846) mrd. John W. Swain. 1. Lester E. Stauffer (1871)— Eva M. Brown. 2. Jesse E. Stauffer (1873). 3. Clara L. Stauffer (1882). 4. Edward E. Stauffer (1888). 5. Willie E. Stauffer (1888-1888). No report. 1. EfRe C. Swain (1878)— Rev. Harry Speer. 2. Elmer S. Swain (1880) — Ruth E. Crossland. 3. Ida M. Swain (1885). 4. Dasie M. Swain (1888). 5. Susan I. Swain (1892-1895). 153 153 6. Martha J. f Stauffer-^ (1848); single. L 7. Abram D. f Stauffer-^ No report. (1850). I 153 154 154 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 46. eo T-l 00 • ecoo do 00 /I r; locoLo HH CO fOi— I J 00 00 00 'r' tH t-ItH Q 1 1 -^ Slot- V. Generation. 8. Catharine Stauffer (1852) mrd. B. F. Coughenour. James L. r Stauffer J (1854). [ 10. Frank P. r StaufferJ (1856). [_ 11. Belle Stauffer (1858). I 12. George W. Stauffer- (1860) mrd. Lucinda Hesalrood. ifi.&SsiB<^,l> VI. Generation. 1. Albert F. Coughenour (1876-1883). 2. John S. Coughenour (1878). 3. Ernest D. Coughenour (1882-1885). 4. Ralph S. Coughneour (1887). 5. Hazel S. Coughenour Page 154 No report. 154 No report. 154 No report. 154 1. May Stauffer (1885). 2. Roy Stauffer (1886-1886). 3. Albert Stauffer (1887). 4. Edith Stauffer (1889). 5. Edna Stauffer (1890). 6. John L. Stauffer (1893). 7. Ruth Stauffer (1897). 8. George V. Stauffer (1899). 154-155 r 13. Meade Stauffer ^ No report. (1863). I, 155 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 47. IV. Generation. CO T-l 00 I OS CO N O • K W M few |o r* . ri 00 05 Eh m ^ U5 o Eq M t~ 3 CO 00 M ^ rH Oh ■^ 00 <; 1-5 I— I < E-1 o p^ > O Henry S. , Overholtj (1810-1870) married Abigail Carpenter Anna Overholt (1812-1866) married John Tinstman, Jacob Overholt (1814-1859) married Mary Fox. 3. 4. 5. 6. , 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. V. Generation. Sarah A. Overholt (1846)— Aaron S. R. Overholt. Benjamin F. Overholt (1848) — Florence M. Osterhoute. Maria C. Overholt (1853-1893). Abigail C. Overholt (1855)— Dr. John R. Smith. Abraham C. Overholt (1858)— Gertrude Torrence. Henry C. Overholt (1861-1894)— Blanche Douglass. Jennie C. Overholt (1862)— Nathaniel Miles. Maria Tinstman (1831-1846). Jacob O. Tinstman (1832)— Annie Leighty. Abraham O. Tinstman (1834) — Harriet C. Markley. Henry O. Tinstman (1836)— Lydia K. Armell. Anna O. Tinstman (1838)— Rev. L. B. Leasure. John O. Tinstman (1841-1862). Elizabeth Tinstman (1843-1846). Abigail Tinstman (1846-1865). Emma Tinstman (1849) — Dr. W. J. K. Kline. Christian S. O. Tinstman (1851)— Anna A. Miller. Page 159-163 Maria F. Overholt (1837). Elizabeth F. Overholt (1839-1859). Abraham F. Overholt (1841)— Martha Rist. Isaac F. Overholt (1843). Mary A. Overholt (1846)— C. C. Markle. Fenton C. Overholt (1848)— Ida A. Wright. Christian F. Overholt (1850)— Susan E. McClellan. Jacob W. Overholt (1853). Emma F. Overholt (1856)— Geo. A. Markle. 163-167 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 47. IV. Generation. V. Generation. eo 00 Oi ^ CO Tt< ^ tH O H P^ P5 fe f>^ w ^ g 12; tf ^ H <1 P M H m O u < o 00 00 I -*i 00 I— I < O > O < <5 4. Abraham S. Overholt a817-1863) married Mary A. Newmyer. 5. Elizabeth Overholt (1819) married John W. Frick. ^ 1. Geo. "W. Overholt — Agnes Ripple. 2. John S. Overholt. 3. Norman Overholt; dead. 4. Mary Overholt; dead. 1. Maria O. Frick (1848) — John S. R. Overholt. 2. Henry C. Frick (1849) — Adelaide Childs. 3. Annie O. Frick (1852)— James S. Braddock. 4. Aaron O. Frick (1855). 5. J. Edgar Frick (1859)— Alma Milburn. 6. Sallie O. Frick (1862)— William A. Lott. ;. Martin S. Overholt^ (1822) mrd. Maria Wakefield. 7. Christian S. Overholt (1824) mrd. Katharine L. Newmyer. Page 167 4. 5. , d. John S. Overholt f (1826-1846); 4 single. L 167-168 1. Hudson W. Overholt (1849) — Mullen. 2. James C. Overholt (1851). 3. Mary E. Overholt (1854)- Wm. Ritchie. 4. J. Franklin Overholt (1856). 5. Harry E. Overholt (ISSO). 6. Ida M. Overholt (1862)— Wm. Caton. 168-169 1. Alice Carey Overholt (1854); single. 2. Charles Overholt (1856)— Eliza L. Newmyer. 3. Mary V. Overholt (1858)- Col. Geo. Nox McCain. Elmer E. Overholt (1861-1863). Anna M. Overholt (1864) — Carl C. Law. William S. Overholt (1867)— Helen Hollister. 169-170 170 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 48. V. Generation. VI, Generation. Page fl. Sarah A. Overholt f (1846) mrd. -^ See Aaron S. R. Overholt Family Chart. Aaron S. R. L 155-157 Overholt. .^.i i 5« . m CO c^ t- -1 00 00 00 Mr-I tH 1-1 Q I I 1 Wc- t-oo rfti-iTH,-! Dip Dig 2. Benjamin F. Overholt (1848) mrd. Florence M. Osterhoute (-1900). 1. William H. Overholt (1886-1893). 2. Helen A. Overholt (1890). 3. Raymond D. Overholt (1893). 4. Mildred J. Overholt (1896). 3. Maria C. Overholt (1853-1893). I T 158 158 4. Abigail C. Overholt f (1855) mrd. ] 1. Helen Maria Smith (1887). Dr. John R. Smith. (. 5. Abraham C. Overholt r 1. George T. Overholt (1891). (1858) mrd. ■{ Gertrude Torrence. I 2. Henry V. Overholt (1898). 6. Henry C. Overholt f (1861-1894) mrd. -j No report. Blanche Douglass. [ 158 158 159 7. Jennie C. Overholt (1862) mrd Nathaniel Miles n 1. Roy Overholt Miles (1882). 2. Edwin Miles (1884). 3. Eugene Carpenter Miles (1886). 159 ^> GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 49. 00 tH I (TO-* • NCoo V. Generation. 1. Maria Tinstman (1831-1846) d. young. 2. Jacob O. Tinstman (1832) mi'd. Annie Leighty. VI. Generation. H- Ir-lT-lrH Q I I 1 -W KH » <:oo I 3. Abraham O. Tinstman (1834) mrd. I Harriet C. Markle. 1. Abraham Tinstman. 2. Maria M. Tinstman. 3. James E. Tinstman. 1. Cyrus P. M. Tinstman (1878). 4. Henry O. Tinstman (1836) mrd. Lydia K. Armell. 5. Anna O. Tinstman (1838) mrd. Rev. Loren B. Leasure. Page 159 159 160-161 1. Charles A. Tinstman (1866-1890). 2. George B. Tinstman (1868). 3. James B. Tinstman (1871-1899) — Frances H. Dewitt. 4. Benjamin E. Tinstman (1875) — Nellie G. Lusk. 1. Maria E. Leasure (1857)^- James C. Cribbs. 2. Israel P. Leasure (1859) — Emma J. Stark. 3. Ida Leasure (1861)— Alfred Smith. 4. Minnie E. Leasure (1864) Archibald B. McGrew. 5. Anna O. Leasure (1866-1886). 6. Loren B. Leasure (1870). 7. Edna Leasure (1874). 8. John F. Leasure (1877). 161 6. John O. r Tinstman J (1841-1862); 1 d. single. 7. Elizabeth f Tinstman-=^ (1843-1846); L d. young. 8. Abigail TinstmanJ (1846-1865); 1 d. young. 9. Emma Tinstman f (1849) mrd. < Dr. W. J. K. Kline. L No children. 162 162 163 163 163 ^10. Christian S. O. Tinstman f (1851) mrd. i No children. Anna A. Miller. [_ 163 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEiDLER HISTORY. No. 50. eo r-i 00 iH I eOTf 1-100 I /I V. Generation. 1. Maria F. f OverholtJ (1837); single. t 2. Elizabeth F. r OverholtJ (1839-1859); d. s. \ Abraham F. Overholt (1841) mrd. Martha Rist. 3. 4. 4. Isaac F. r OverholtJ (1843); single. \ TOO 00 06 I-I,-(tHtH O I < ' ■ai '00 rH 00 I— Ir-I rHrH PH t- I- ^T Cfl'^'-^l-l -< . > V. Generation. 1. Maria O. Frick f (1848) mrd. ■{ John S. R. Overholt I 2. Henry Clay Frick (1849) mrd. Adelaide Childs. 3. Annie O. Frick (1852) mrd. James S. Braddock. 4. Aaron O. Frick (1855); single. J. Edgar Frick (1859) mrd. Alma Milburn. VI. Generation. See John S. R. Overholt Family Chart. 1. Childs Frick. 2. Martha Frick, deceased. 3. Helen Frick. 4. A son, deceased. 1. Homer F. Braddock (1883). 2. Feme F. Braddock (1885). 3. Howard Clay Braddock (1889). 4. Elizabeth M. Braddock (1892). Page 167 5. Sallie O. Frick f (1862) mrd. i 1. William A. Lott. L 167-168 ■•68 16S Charles Frick (1883). Gail Frick (1886). Hazel Frick (1889). Jay Edgar Frick (1893). John W. Frick (1896). Elizabeth Lott (1895). 168 168 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 53. CO T-l oo I H N o •111 go V. Generation. fl. Alice Carey f Overholt^ (1854); single. I VL Generation. 1^ " tHtH iH Q I I ^^ I-HLO-+I .PQr-lTH I— i r 1. Lu N. Overholt (1876)— Claude Scott. ^ Charles Overholt j "- "^^ ^^- '^vernoit usvb)— ^ "■(1856-1881) mrd. 1 2. Elmer E. Overholt (1878). Eliza Lippencott I 3. Ruth Overholt (1881) Newmyer. Page 169 170 . Mary V. Overholt (1858) mrd. Col. George Nox McCain. 1. Edith Overholt McCain (1880). 2. Mills Maria McCain (18S2). 3. Donald Rockefeller McCain (1885). 4. Helen Katharine McCain (1888). 5. Mary Virginia Lockwood McCain (1891). 4. Elmer E. Overholt r (1861-1863); J d. young. |^ 5. Anna May Overholt f (1864) mrd. \ Carl Clayton Law. [ 6. William S. Overholt f (1867) mrd. -j Helen Hollister. [ 1. Katharine Overholt Law (1892). 2. Stanley Overholt Law (1894). No children. 170 170 170 170 ::> GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEiDLER HISTORY. No. 54. IV. Generation. V. Generation. Page eo 00 00 00 ii P <; O tf ^ M K B »T^ PQ O 1. Abraham S. Overholt (1813-1896) married Barbara Sherrick. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 10. Anna Overholt (1838)— Wm. Harned. Christian M. Overholt (1840)— Emily J. Bernard. Elizabeth Overholt (1842)— Dr. Jacob A. Shesler. Jacob Overholt (1844-1867). Joseph S. Overholt (1846) — Maria Bucher and Laura Sherman. Abraham J. Overholt (1848)— Almira Marietta. Sarah Overholt (1849)— John W. Shoe. Maria Overholt (1851)— Henry Morelock. Barbara Overholt (1853)— Charles Culbertson. Martin B. Overholt (1856)— Samantha Biles. la 00 CO (£> 00 00 Ifl CO ■* 00 1-5 t-l H Q I— I PQCC p H .q ^ J O CO W ^> oi Hi-Hr-lr-l Q I I I LJin «5CO Wp:|HH <> <;oo -i No report. Page 177 2. 'Lizzie Stoner (1837) mrd. John Haen. 1. George S. Haen (1861)— Ada Rodgers, 2. Alice S. Haen (1864)— Charles A. Fry. 3. Irvin S. Haen (1867-1890). 177-178 z> GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 57. V. Generation. VI. Generation. Page fl. Martin Overholt (1841-1863); d. single. I N H O •ffi go ^^ -1 00 00 00 I— IrHTHT-l Wc-t-oo rnr-lr-HTH r-i ^^s^s»/ <100 2. David F. Overholt (1843) mrd. Laura J. Hale and Jennie V. McClellan. 178 ( 1. Gertrude A. Overholt (1869)— Geo. F. Kuhlman. 2. Ada M. Overholt (1871)— Chas. A. Moorhead. 3. Jennie B. Overholt (1875)— John W. Probert. ^ 4. Martin Ray Overholt (1886). 178-179 3. MaiT Overholt (1846-1865); d. single. 179 ^* "^^m?)' mrd^'^^^V 1- Sylvester C. Overholt (1878-1879). Melissa Baker. L 2. Cloyce E. Overholt (1880). 179 5. Henry Overholt (1854) mrd. Nancy May. 6. William Overholt (1857) mrd. Gertie Redfern. r 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Clarence Overholt (1883). Stella Overholt (1885). Forest Overholt (1887). Lenne Overholt (1889). Leota Overholt (1892). Willie Overholt (1894). Lloyd Lee Overholt (1886). Alma Edna Overholt (1887). William Earl Overholt (1889). Merle Redfern Overholt (1893). Orpha Helen Ionia Overholt (1895). 179 179 Joseph Overholt (1860-1863); d. young. { 179 27 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 58. Moo T-* OO Oi C5 Pi p O U V. Generation. VI. Generation. r 00 CO 00 Lft CO '"' 1. Abraham Stoner.-i No report •1 Page 180 Sarah Stoner married Stauffer. 1 No report. 180 3. Anna E. Stoner f 1. Jesse Elmer Purkey (1878). (1852) mrd. ■{ James A. Purkey. L 2. Mabel S. Purkey (1881). r 4. Alcinus Stoner. -! No report. 180 L 180 => GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 59. coSoQ -I 00 00 20 rO^rH 1-1 — CQPH V. Generation. Lizzie Overholt (1854) mrd. G. W. Urie. VI. Generation. r S No children. L Page 180-181 2. Alsinus Overholt (1855) mrd. Minerva Morehead. 3. Ella Overholt (1858-1900) mrd. Monroe Taylor. Charles Overholt (1860) mrd. Clara Linhart. 1. Lizzie Overholt. 2. Zella Overholt. 3. Hazel Overholt. 4. Ralph Overholt. 5. Hugh Overholt. 1. Anna Taylor (1888). 2. Lloyd Taylor (1890). 3. Clarence Taylor (1895). ^ 1. Gail Overholt. 2. Virgil Overholt. 3. Dean Overholt. 4. Zoa Overholt. 5. Charles Overholt. 181 181 181 5. Clarence Overholt i (1862-1863); [ d. young. 6. Frank Overholt ^ (1865-1900) mrd. J 1. Edith Overholt. Sarah B. Campbell, | 2. Mearl Overholt. Laura Borders. '^ 7. Sherman f -, -.^ ^ /-^ , ,j. (1867) Overholt-^ 1- ^^^a- Overholt. mrd. Nettie Berger.l 2- Carl Sherman Overholt. 181 181-182 182 8. Edgar Overholt (1870); single. I 182 = > 9. Bertha Overholt (1872-1888); d. single. 182 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 60. III. Generation. H z 00 H < pq Jacob Beidler (1778-1864) married Mary Landis (1779-1823). John Beitler (1780-1872) married Anna Longacre (1784-1858). IV. Generation. 1. John Beidler(1803-1845)— Rauchy A. Leacock. 2. Elizabeth Beitler (1805-1870)— Isaac Walker. 3. William Beidler (1806-1813). 4. Jacob Beidler (1808-1813). 5. Abraham Beidler (1810-1872) — Sarah W. Stephens. 6. Joseph Beidler (1812-1834). 7. Daniel Beidler (1814-1872), 8. Rev. Israel Beidler (1815-1876)— Mary Latshaw. 9. Mary Beidler (1817-1866). 10. Hannah Beidler (1819-1902). 11. Samuel Beidler (1821-1822). L12. Josiah Beidler (1823-1823). Page 183-208 1. Rev. Jesse J. Beidler (1805-1863)— Elizabeth Detweiler. 2. Hannah Beitler (1806-1880)— William Rogers. 3. John Beitler (1808-1894)— Thomazen H. Thompson. 4. Mary J. Beitler (1811-1898)— Benjamin Hawley. 5. Julia A. Beitler (1814-1834). 6. Eleanor Beitler (1816-1888)— Samuel Bringhurst. 208-224 6 m w o 00 I Eh I— t m a o Mary Beidler (1782-1858) married John Landis (1775-1831). 1. Hannah Landis (1805-1877)— Daniel Longacre. 2. Abraham Landis (1808-1890)— Hannah Miller. 3. Elizabeth Landis (1812-1812). 4. John B. Landis (1814-1896)— Ann Hunsicker. 5. Jacob B. Landis (1816-1878)— Hannah Stubblebine. Abraham Beitler (1785-1866) married Mary Brower (1788-1852). 5. Joseph Beitler (1787-1841) married Mary Benner (1796-1831). {I 224-232 Lewis Beitler (1812-1815). Daniel B. Beitler (1814-1881)— Mary A. E. Merkles. Hannah Beitler (1816-1872)— Washington Garner. Frances B. Beitler (1819)— Joseph H. Miller. Nathan M. Beitler (1821-1838). Sarah Beitler (1823)— Jacob Gibson. Joseph Beitler (1827-1897)— Sarah Cade. David Beitler (1830-1875)— Elizabeth Gruver. John Beitler (1834-1854); d. single. 233-249 Sarah Beitler (1882)— Isaac Stiteler. Henry Beitler. „ Hannah Beitler— Joseph Downmg. 249-25iJ GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 60. 00 H P t>^ PQ CO (M 00 iH I o g K o 1-5 III. Generation. '6. Ann Beitler (1789-1876) married Moses Lewis (1783-1859). 7. Hannah Beitler (1791—) married John Lapp (—1878). r 1. o 3. 4. 5. 6. IV. Generation. Eleanor B. Lewis (1816-1841)— „ , ^ Jesse Evans Philips. Sarah Lewis (1817)— Morgan Philips. Iiannah Lewis (1819-1875)—; d. single. Mary Ann Lewis (1820-1850); d. single. John Lewis (1821); d. young. Jane Lewis (1824)— John S. Davis. Isaac B. Lewis (1826) — Rebecca Slawyer, William Lapp. Isaac Lapp. Joseph Lapp. David Lapp. John Lapp. Elizabeth Lapp. Mary Lapp— Stout. Jacob Lapp (1814-1878)— Sarah E. McCumber. Page 252-258 258-259 . Elizabeth Beitler (1794-1868) married Joseph Downing ■ (—1822), Benjamin Riter (1801-1884). 9. Eleanor Beitler (1796-1870) married Ezekiel Evans (1791-1870). 1. James Downing (1816) — „ ^ , Margaret Gheen. 2. John Downmg — Mary C. Dov/ning. 3. Thamzin Downing (1814) — , ^ George Woodward. 4. Sarah Downing (1819)— Solon Foster. 5. Hannah Downing (1821-1842). 6. Mary A. Downing (1822-1875) — Morgan Lewis. 7. Charles C. Riter (1828-1898) — Hannah M. Cosgrove. 8. Joseph D. Riter (18.30)— Edith Davis. 9. Susan Riter (1831-1839). 10. William W. Riter (1835)— Sarah C. Falkner. .11. Martha Riter (1837-1837). 260-266 ' 1. Thomas B. Evans (1819)— Martha J. Cheney. 2. Hannah B. Evans (1821-1886)— William P. Reiff. 3. John B. Evans (1823) — Louisa E. Williams. 4. Jane H. Evans (1825-1868)— James W. Phipps. 5. Mary A. Evans (-1890)— Charles Frick. 6. Evan B. Evans (1829-1899)— Annie R. Garrett. 7. Lewis H. Evans (1832)— Phebe H. Pennypacker. 8. Rebecca Evans; d. 1892, single. 9. Anna Evans; single. 10. D. Webster Evans— Elizabeth Wills. 267-272 10. David Beitler (1799) mrd. Hannah Evans. -Emma Breitenbach. -Lizzie Breitenbach. 1. John Beitler- 2. Evan Beitler. 3. William Beitler- 4. Richard Beitler. 5. Harry Beitler. 6. Margaret Beitler — George Breitenbach. 7. Annie Beitler. 272 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEI DLER HISTORY. Mo. 61. CO I in P5 P <5 05 m I— I Q < IV. Generation. 1. John Beidler (1803-1845) mrd. Rauchey Ann-^ Leacock. V. Generation. r 1. Rev. Dr. Jacob A. Beidler (1834)— Ann E. Ingalls. 2. Mary E. Beidler (1837-1852). 3. Henry A. Beidler (1841-1864). 4. George L. Beidler (1844)— Phoebe A. Jackson. Page 187-193 2. Elizabeth Beitler (1805-1870) ^ married Isaac Walker. 1. Jacob B. Walker (1829-1880)— Hannah W. Stevens. 2. Mary F. Walker (1831)— W^illiam H. Kemble. 3. Thomas P. Walker (1834)— Charlotte E. Weber. 4. Hannah Walker (1835)— William Casselberry. 5. William Walker — Maria Harmer. 6. Joseph B. Walker— Mary Colehower. 7. Elizabeth Walker (1841)— James G. Wells. 8. Isaac Walker (-187 2)— Mary E. Roberts. 193-200 00 00 I I c- oo O H H t-5 »-5 3. William Beidler (1806-1813); d. young. Jacob Beidler (1808-1813); d. young. 201 I 201 5. Abraham Beidler (1810-1872) ^ married ^Sarah W. Stephens. 1. Hannah M. Beidler (1842)— Mordecai Davis. 2. Annie L. Beidler (1844)— Cyrus H. Caley. 3. Margaret C. Beidler (1846)— Abraham M. Metz. 4. Stephen L. Beidler (1848)— Emma Yarnall. William S. Beidler (1851-1864). , Ella Beidler (1853)— Jonathan Elliott. Fannie E. Beidler (1854) — Marine W. Thomas. Harry P. Beidler (1856-1856). Sarah L. Beidler (1857)— ^ ^ ^ ^ Jonathan J. Roberts. Jacob H. Beidler (1859)— . R. Jennie Shainline. 11. Abraham L. Beidler (1861-1864). 12. Laura M. Beidler (1863-1863). 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 201-204 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 61. 00 I . til tf O 2 H P Q <^ ^ ^ :2; ^ p:5 CO '^ 00 oo 00 p w GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 63. eo 00 1-1 I la V. Generation. H 00 00 §2 1. Jacob B. Walker (1829-1880) married Hannah W. Stevens VI. Generation. William K. Walker (1860-1890)— Mary E. Stevens. Elizabeth B. Walker (1863)— Jas. T. Stevens. Andrew C. Walker (1865). Ella R. Walker (1866). Isaac W. Walker (1870)— Maud L. Markwith. Maud Walker. Winfield S. Walker (1872). Jacob B. Walker (1874). Mary K. Walker (1876). Page 193-195 LiJ c-i cri t>. TOO 00 00 I— l^iHrH Q I I I Ht-ooio W t~c-oo rniHTH,-! o QQ I— 1 1— I mm Oh OH .N — I— I 2. Mary F, Walker (1831) mrd. William H. Kemble (1828-1891). Clay Kemble (1853)— Jennie Chambers. Elizabeth Kemble (1854)— Geo. R. Yarrow. Emma Kemble (1856-1857). I.saac W. Kemble (1857)— M. Virginia Supplee. 3. Thomas P. Walker (1834) mrd. Charlotte E. Weber r 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 195-196 Rev. Chas. C. Walker (1856)— Amanda Harley. Mary W. Walker (1858-1865). J. Howard Walker (I860)— Laura R. Dallman. Charlotte E. Walker (1862). Isaac N. Walker (1864)— Martha Sunderland. William K. Walker (1887); single. Emma M. Walker (1869)— Frederick S. Drake. Thomas H. Walker (1872). Edith W. Walker (1878). 196-197 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 63. V. Generation. VI. Generation. CO 00 in r^ (M 1 \-f 00 00 00 o 00 D2^' ncO'*' o -1 CO 00 00 •— l,-l ^ ,-( Q I I I Cc^oOLft Wt-c-oo nni-iT-iTH "JHH I— I l-H -:_.N . Hannah Walker (1835) mrd. Wm. Casselberry Weber (1826-1894). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. L15. 5. William Walker married \ 1- Maria Harmer. L 6. Joseph B. Walker married f Mary Colehower, \ 1- Mary N. McCann. I 7. Elizabeth Walker f 1. (1841) mrd. \ 2. James G. Wells [ 3. (1839-1900). 8. Isaac Walker (—1872) mrd. Mary E. Roberts. Page Laura Weber (1855-1856). Elizabeth Weber (1856-1857). W. Harrison Weber (1858) — Mary Clover. Charlotte A. Weber (1859)— William H. Walker. John C. Weber (I860) — Lizzie Woodward. Winfield S. Weber (1862)— Elizabeth Cuthbertson. Isaac Weber (1863-1893). Elmina Weber (1864)— Clayton B. Lamb. Joseph B. Weber (1866-1867). Mary F. Weber (1867)— George B. Schotterer. Ella C. Weber (1869)— Francis Beidler. Charles Weber (1872). G. Norwood Weber (1875). Emma W. Weber (1876). James W. Weber (1881). 197-200 Linwood Walker; d. j'oung. 200 Harrv Walker — Ida Hart. Willie K. Wells (1868-1880). Hepsev Norris Wells (1872). Mary Wells (1879-1888). 200 200 1. Benjamin R. Walker (1870). 200 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 64. CO 00 y-^ T-t Ttl I CO in 00 IC i-H C^ r tH CI ^-^ (M t-7 h^r ryJ ^ Jr; 0-3 ^ -r 1 H 'M CO t~ T CCOO CO I— I ,-1 ,— I ,H Q I I I LJ t^OOO P-l t- t^OO -Wffiffl 1-5 <5 — :m V. Generation. '1. HannahM.Beidler (1842) mrd. Mordecai Davis (1829-1898). Annie L. Beidler (1844) mrd. Cyrus H. Caley (1842). 3. Margaret C. Beidler^ (1846) mrd. Abraham M. Metz VI. Generation. 1. Ellen S. Davis (1872). Page 201 1. Harry T. Caley (1865-1867). 2. Sarah L. Caley (1868). 3. Ella B. Caley (1869)— W. Z. Frederick. 4. Laura M. Caley (1873)— Wm. C. Moore. 5. J. Oswold Caley (1876) — Lydia F. Moore. 6. Jonathan R. Caley (1878). 7. David A. Caley (1880) — Katha,rine D. Moyer. 8. Hannah M. Caley (1883). 201-202 1. Sarah Eliza Metz (1870)— Richard P. Harris. 2. Thomas O. Metz (1874); single. 3. Frank B. Metz (1876-1877). 202 4. Stephen L.Beidler J 1 (1848) mrd. V 2. Emma Yarnell. "^ 3. 5. William S. Beidler r (1851-1864); J d. young. i 6. Ella Beidler (1853) mrd. Jonathan Elliott. o. 6. 7. 7. Fannie E. Beidler r 1 (1854) mrd. J ' Marine W. Thomas. I 8. Harry P. Beidler f (1856); ^ d. in infancy. [ Lizzie Y. Beidler (1878). S. Leslie Beidler (1882). William M. Beidler (1891). 202 202 Alva W. Elliott (1879)— Blanche G. Jones. RoUand A. Elliott (1882). Fannie L. Elliott (1884). Edna B. Elliott (1886); deceased. Norman W. Elliott (1888). Mary E. Elliott (1890). Paul D. Elliott (1892); deceased. 202-203 Joseph D. Thomas (1877)— Mabel E. Boddy. 203 203 9. Sarah L. Beidler (1857) mrd. Jonathan J. Roberts. 10. Jacob H. Beidler (1859) mrd. R. Jennie Shainline. 11. Abraham L. Beidler f (1861-1864); j d. young. I 12. Laura M. Beidler f (1863); ] d. in infancy. (. Marv Davis Roberts (1883). Edith May Roberts (1886). Walter J. Roberts (1890). William B. Roberts (1893). Edward H. Roberts (1894). Louisa B. Roberts (1896). Helen A. Beidler (1888). J. Warren Beidler (1890). Ethel J. Beidler (1893). Anna L. Beidler (1894). Howard J. Beidler (1898). 203-204 204 204 204 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 65. 00 Km =^ P2P5 1. V. Generation. Susanna Beidler married Gilbert H. Todd. VI. Generation. 1. William Todd (1868)— Minnie Livey. 2. Mary Todd (1871). 3. Martha Todd (1875). 4. Charlotte Todd (1879). Page 204-205 2. Marv F. Beidler (1842-1863); d. single. 205 3. Theodore F. Beidler, (1844) mrd. Mattie S. Scrogin. 1. Albert Beidler; deceased. 2. Howard T. Beidler (1872)— Lena M. Stevely. 3. Theodore F. Beidler — Nettie Lockwood. 4. Elliott W. Beidler. 5. Lillian Beidler (1880)— Seymour A. Potter. 205 , -loooooo Mi-Hi-lrH Q 1 1 1 LJ t-OOUJ rQrHr-liH 9WHH -MpQCQ J^ 4. Joseph Beidler (1847) mrd, Agnes N. Stephens. 5. Sallie L. Beidler (1850) mrd. Joseph C.Batchelor 1. Rev. Francis W. Beidler (1871)— Ella C. Weber. 2. Israel N. Beidler (1872-1895). 3. Joseph H. Beidler (1874)— Sarah A. Kidder. 4. Harold F. Beidler (1877)— Mabel Folsom. 5. Mary A. Beidler (1879). 6. Edith O. Beidler (1882). 7. Virginia M. V. Beidler (1888). 206-207 Mary I. Batchelor (1871)— Wm. R. Watterson. Jessie H. Batchelor (1873)— Maurice Saunders. Ward A. Batchelor (1875)— Margaret Taylor. 207 Jacob A. Beidler (1852) mrd. Hannah M. Rhoades. 1. Mary Frances Beidler. 2. Mabel Rebecca Beidler. 3. Joseph Arthur Beidler. 4. Jacob Dudley Beidler. 207-208 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 66. IV. Generation. V. Generation. CO 00 r-l I P5 00 oo < w ^ o (H w ^ ^ < <1 W ^ 6. Catharine Beidler (1840) mrd. Henry Youngblood. . John Beitler (1842) mrd. Elizabeth A. Hampton. . Anna Beitler (1844) mrd. George M. Mills. 2. 3. 4. L 5. VI. Generation. Frank Showalter. Preston Showalter; deceased. 1. Anna V. Webster — Wm. L. Armacost. 2. Grant Webster — Kate Ogle. 3. Annie Webster. Page 210 210 210 210 210 Anna E. Youngblood (1864)— John J. McMenamin. Alice C. Youngblood (1866-1886). Carrie E. Youngblood (1870). Harry A. Youngblood (1874) — Mary E. Colington. Josephine Youngblood (1894-1894). 210-211 Emerene M. Beitler (1867)— John E. ShofCner. 211 Mary H. Mills (1866). Thomas G. Mills (1869)— Ida M. Brown. George A. Mills (1874-1875). 211 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 68. 00 1 in 12^^ ^<^^ ^g5 «^S BS^ f^P^^ H^o2 ^M;z;P^ <:^<^:3 ^^^d ;^'<^t^ <5W<^ D3 TOO 00 M,H,H Q ' ' V. Generation. 1. John B. Rogers (1830-1871) mrd. Annie Ludwick (1842-1886). I. Jesse Rogers (1832-1893) mrd. Annie M. Mullen, Sarah J. Todd. Vi. Generation. William Rogers (1865) ; single. Mary Rogers (1867); single. ^ 1. Ellen Rogers; d. in infancy. 2. Charles S. Rogers; d. in infancy. 3. W. Harvey Rogers (-1895)— Susan McFarland. Page 211-212 3. George F. Rogers (1834) mrd. Louisa Thompson (1837) 4. Anna M. Rogers r (1836-1867) mrd. J ^ Wm. P. Bedford |^ '{ 1. Hannah B. Rogers (1864)— Clarence L.. Dawes. Sarah P. Bedford (1865); single. 212 212 212 (1838-1866). WpiP^p^ 15. Ellen Rogers ~i— it-(i-t -pqpqw (1840); single. { 212 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 69. CO 00 I 00 00 CO V. Generation. VI. Generation. ia 00 in • r-l ^^"^ < O '1. Hannah R. Beitler f (1833) mrd. S No children. James Trimble. L 2. Julia Beitler (1835-1883); d. single. 3. Lewis T. Beitler f (1837-1901) mrd. \ 1. Lelia O. Beitler (1873). Almira Oberholtzer. (. K CO 'M Tl<' ^oooooo Q I 1 I Wt-t~So -pqfflM ooo . • • Page 213 213 213-214 4. Elizabeth M. Beitler (1840) mrd. Wilmer Smedley (—1877). 5. John Beitler (1843) mrd. Annie M. Steen. 6. Anna Beitler (1847) mrd. Thomas Downing. 1. Anna B. Smedley (1868). 2. Havard W. Smedley (1870)— Alice C. Ashbridge. 3. Lucy Irene Smedley (1873). 4. Susan Smedley (1874). 1. Florence C. Beitler. 2. John Beitler. I No children. 214 214 215 7. Henry Beitler (1850) mrd. Rachel Stephens. 8. Holland Beitler (1853) mrd. Sarah Downing (1846). 9. Luman Beitler (1855) mrd. Alice R. Pyle. 1. Mary S. Beitler (1879). 2. Leroy Beitler (1881). 3. Julia M. Beitler (1883). 4. Alice P. Beitler (1886). No children. I 1. Joseph H. Beitler (1892). 215 215 215 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 70. 03 00 in 00 00 ^^^^ H 03 03 00 Joooooo M;*00rH pQCPfQ V. Generation. 1. John B. Hawley (1838) mrd Elvira Cooper ley r Page 215 Bernard Hawley (1844) mrd. Emma Walter. VI. Generation. 1. Herbert Hawley. 1. Lena B. Hawley (1869)— Elmer E. Sharpless. 2. Abbie W. Hawley (1869). 3. Mary Hawley; d. in infancy. L 4. Harry Hawley; d. in infancy. 215-216 28 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEI DLER HISTORY. No. 71. V. Generation. CO >-N 00 00 t-l 00 ' 00 < pHffl 00^ Dhcoimoo .00 00 00 h-l'-l'-liH 1 1 1 (-51— I HH -cam 1. William A. Bringhurst (1839) mrd. Belinda D. Palmer,' Susan A. Steele, Mary J. Stapley. VI. Generation. 1. William A. Bringhurst (1863)— Martha Granger. 2. Howard Bringhurst (1865) — Laura M. Davis. 3. Eliza B. Bringhurst (1868)— Conrad M. Kleinman, 4. Mary E. Bringhurst (1870-1899)— Walter Slack. 5. Mifflin M. Bringhurst (1872). 6. Lorenzo Bringhurst (1874). 7. George R. Bringhurst (1876)— MaiT L. Harrison. 8. Franklin P. Bringhurst (1878) — Edna A. Lamb. 9. Daniel Bringhurst (1879-1882). 10. Henry Bringhurst (1881). 11. John S. Bringhurst (1868-1895) — Marian A. Stapley. 12. Annie A. Bringhurst (1870)— John C. Naegle, Jr. 13. Joseph A. Bringhurst (1873) — Adeline M. Hardy. 14. Mary E. B. Bringhurst (1876)— Richard H. Duffin. 15. Eleanor C. Bringhurst (1878) — Benjamin C. Granger. 16. Lewis M. Bringhurst (1880-1883). 17. Jesse W. Bringhurst (1885). 18. Laura S. Bringhurst (1887). 19. Marias William Bringhurst (1886). 20. Vida Bringhurst (1888). 21. Samuel Bringhurst (1892). 22. Vera Bringhurst (1894). 23. Leo Bringhurst (1897). 24. Charles Bringhurst (1898). 25. Arvilla Bringhurst (1901). Page 217-221 .2. Anna B. Bringhurst (1842) mrd. Jacob Houtz. 1. William A. Houtz (1860-1860). 2. Lydia A. Houtz (1862)— James P. Strang. 3. George B. Houtz (1864). 4. Samuel B. Houtz (1866-1891). 5. Frank E. Houtz (1868). 6. Eleanor B. Houtz (1870)— Oscar L. ClufC. 7. Y. Enoch Houtz (1874). 221-222 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 71. V. Generation. VI. Generation. CO 00 oo 00 CO C' Longacre (1829-1894)— Rev. Alfred B. Shenkle. 2. Lovina Longacre (1832) — Jacob Kulp. 3. Elizabeth Longacre (1833) — Jacob Buckwalter. 4. Levi Longacre (1836) — Sarah Fretz. 5. Emanuel Longacre (1839-1894) — Caroline Everhart. 6. David Longacre; single. 7. Lewis Longacre (-1883) — Sophia Harbaugh. Page 224-228 < Q < z X o »-5 Abraham B. Landis (1808-1890) married Hannah Miller (1816-1851), Lydia Pool. 1. Mary Landis (1840-1845). 2. James M. Landis (1842)— Emma M. Good. 3. Jane Landis (1844-1845). 4. Davis M. Landis (1846) — Rita Shannon. 5. Daniel M. Landis (1848); single. 6. William Landis (1859)— Lina C. Stewart. rJ CO 00 pq ■M LSI J OO 00 ►-I iH 1-1 n t- c-i H^?2 3. Elizabeth Landis f (1812). died in infancy. 1 228-230 230 John B. Landis (1814-1896) married Ann Hunsicker (1817-1897). 5. Jacob B. Landis (1816-1878) married Hannah Stubblebine (1818-1866). 1. Elizabeth Landis (1838)— Daniel D. Bechtel. 2. Mary H. Landis (1840)- Samuel M. Markley. 3. Esther Landis; single. 4. Hannah Landis — Chas. M. Hunsicker. 5. Abraham H. Landis. 6. John H. Landis — Lizzie Kratz. 7. Annie Landis; d. young. 8. Elias Landis; d. young. 9. Kate Landis— James A. Harley. 10. Benjamin F. Landis (1852) — Lillie R. Heckler. 11. Henry H. Landis — Longacre. 12. Josephine Landis (1860) — Peter C. Fritz. ^13. A. Lincoln Landis; single. 230-232 1. Mary F. Landis (1840-1850). 2. Rev. David R. J^andis (1846)— Emma Rooke. 3. Sarah E. Landis (1855)— James H. Moore. 232-233 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 73. CO CO 00 MH CV5 oOt- KI -M LO t^ ■^ 00 00 00 t— ItH T-liH O ' ' ' W'^iooo W t- t^oo fn,-iTH,H -MWm ■ .K V. Generation. '1. Mary Longacre (1829-1894) mrd. Rev. Alfred B. Shenkle. VI. Generation. 2. Lovina Longacre (1832) mrd. Jacob Kulp. No children. 1. Daniel Kulp (1850)— Mary C. Dewey. 2. Francis Kulp (1853)— Maggie Minshall. 3. Virginia Kulp (1855)— Leslie Dewey. 4. William Kulp (1S58) — Lizzie Rudle. 5. Henry Kulp (1861) — Augusta M. Hitchcock. 6. Mary J. Kulp (1864)— George Crawford. 7. Albert Kulp (1867)— Carrie Thompson. 8. Levi L. Kulp (1869-1894). 9. Webster Kulp (1873) — Carrie L. Stillwater. 10. Hannah E. Kulp (1875)— Robert Minshall. Page 224 225-226 3. Elizabeth Longacre (1833) mrd. Jacob Buckwalter. 4. Levi Longacre (1836) mrd. Mary Fretz. 5. Emanuel Longacre (1839-1894) married Caroline Everhart. 1. William H. Buckwalter (1864)— „ _, Kate Hallman. 2. Elmer Buckwalter (1866). 3. Daniel Buckwalter (1868) — Lizzie Landis. 4. Emanuel Buckwalter (1871) — Esther Anderson. 5. Jacob L. Buckwalter (1873) — Amanda S. Hallman. 1. Frank Longacre (1874-1874). 2. Edward Longacre (1877). 1. Elizabeth Longacre (1865). 2. Raymond F. Longacre. M. D. (1867). 3. Charles Longacre (1869). 4. Walter F. Longacre (1871). 5. Carrie Longacre (1872). 6. George Longacre (1874). 7. Hannah Longacre (1877). 8. David Longacre (1879). 226-227 227 6. David Longacre. i No report. 227-228 228 7. Lewis Longacre f 1. Ellen (—1883) mrd. ■< 2. Mary Sophia Harbaugh. L 3. Fred Longacre (1874-1898). Longacre (1876). Longacre (1879). 228 I' o o GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 74. ►J HP Km <;^ U3 .00 coco 00 tH '-'2 con ^^ s§ V. Generation. fl. Mary Ann Landis (1840-1845); d. young. , James M. Landis (1842) mrd. Emma M. Good. VI. Generation. Page 228 1. Bertha M. Landis (1869)— Howard W. Curry. 2. Herbert Davis Landis (1870-1871). 3. Charles Alfred Landis (1872-1878). 4. Edward H. Landis (1876). 5. Arthur Spencer Landis (1879-1880). 6. George Osborn Landis (1880). P^ooooo TOO 00 00 Mj-HtHt-I Q I I I 2 ^-|^^ 00 r5-<*iooo Wt-t-QO rn r-ii-tT-i 3. Jane Landis (1844-1845); d. in infancy. { 228-229 229 .WW m 1—1 Q < < 4. Davis M. Landis r (1846) mrd. J Rita Shannon, [ Margaret Shannon. ^ 5. Daniel M. Landis f (1848); ] single. L 1. Rita May Landis (1891). . William Landis (1859) mrd. Lina C. Stewart. No children. 229 229 230 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 75. V. Generation. rl. Elizabeth Landis VI. Generation. CO in ■r-l t— t;: 1-1 30 (1838) mrd. 7 J' ^T"^, ^"^^"tf " Daniel D. Bechtel. 1 2. John L. Bechtel. 2. Marv H. Landis (1840) mrd. Samuel M. Markley 3. Esther Landis; single. 1. Elias L. Markley (I860)— Flora S. Cluster. 2. John L. Markley (1863) — Martha Gaumer. 3. Catharine Markley (1866). 4. Jacob L. Markley (1870). 4. Hannah Landis married Charles M. Hunsicker. \i 1. Sheridan Hunsicker. 2. Henry L. Hunsicker. Hunsicker; deceased. Annie L. Hunsicker — M. Mell. 5. Abraham H. f Landis^ Have children, mrd Hallman. [ P^coooo TOO 00 CO Q 1 1 I S-^OOi-l Wc-t-oo rQi-ii-iTH -WW . w 6. John H. Landis married Lizzie Kratz. 7. Annie Landis; d. young. 8. Elias Landis; d. young. 9. Kate Landis (1850) mrd. James A. Harley. ■{ Have children. L No report. No report. r 1 ■1 10. Benjamin F. Landis, (1852) mrd. Lillie R. Heckler. Elmer L. Harley (1877-1880). John W. Harley (1879-1883). 3. Jacob L. Harley (1881). 4. Wilbur Harley (1888). 1. Benjamin F. Landis (1878). 2. Lillie M. Landis (1883). 3. Sarah E. Landis (1887-1887). 11. Henry H. Landis r . ^-eport. Have children, mrd Longacre.| ^""^ ^ 12. Josephine r Landis; nq children. (1860) mrd. 1 Peter C. Fritz. 13. A. Lincoln f Landis;-; single. L Page 230 230 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 231 232 232 232 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 76. CO 00 tH I to t£> 00 r-l I 00 1-4 00 H OH V. Generation. 1. Mary F. Land is (1840-1850); d. young. VI. Generation. Page 232 -I Hcooooo JOOOOOO •— 'l-ll-l T-i n I I I [j f-C-l to S-*00,H Wc-t-oo 2. David R. Landis r (1846) mrd. \ i. Matilda Landis (1886). Emma Rooke. |^ 3. Sarah E. Landis r i. Samuel Rea Morris (1885). (1855) mrd. J 2. Paul Landis Morris (1887). James H. Monus. [^ 3. James Morris (1889). 233 233 = > GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEi DLER HISTORY. No. 77. 00 U5 to lO 00 00 00 Pi H H Pi U H ffi Pi Z Pi ^ H < Pi Pi I— I I— I H H P5 W ^§ o W . Pi = w GO OO t- to ■* 00 ^ M «X. pq 'M 1— I w o o <^ ►-5 IV. Generation. 1. Lewis Beitler (1812-1815). V. Generation. i 2. Daniel B. Beitler (1814-1881) married "^ Mary A. E. Merklee (1820-1867). 3. Hannah Beitler (1816-1872) married J Washington Garner i (1813-1886). 4. Frances B. Beitler r (1819) mrd. j Joseph H. Miller, i 5. Nathan M. f Beitler^ (1821-1838). [ Sarah Beitler (1823) mrd. Jacob Gibson (—1882). 7. Joseph Beitler (1827-1897) married Sarah Cade (1839). Page 233 1. Hon. Abraham M. Beitler (1853)— o . T ^ _ Julia L. Borneman. 2. Amanda C. Beitler (1855). 3. William L. Beitler (1857)— ^ T^, • -.^ -^ . Mary B. Brown. 4. Elsie M. Beitler (I860)— ^ ^ William G. Carroll. 5. George F. Beitler (1862) ; d. in infancy. 6. Lewis E. Beitler (1863) — Clementina W. Beck. f 233-237 1 Abram B. Garner (1838) — „ ^^ _ Jannetta C. England. 2. Henry Garner (1839-1876); single. 3. Rev. Harrison B. Garner (1840) — , ,, _ Annie L. Evans. 4. Mary F. Garner (1842-1892); single. 238-245 No children. 245 245 1. Mary L. Gibson (1849)— „ , George W. Young. 2. Hannah F. Gibson (1852)— „ ^ Thomas Harrington. 3. Sarah B. Gibson (1854)— John Riches. 4. Jane E. Gibson (1861); single. 5. Jacob Gibson (1865)— Alice M. North. 6. Abraham B. Gibson (1868-1877). 245-247 1. MaiT E. Beitler (1862)— William R. Lott. 2. Fannie Beitler (1864)— William T. Tatem. 3. Daniel B. Beitler (1867). 4. Martha C. Beitler (1872); single. 5. Samuel W. Beitler (1877); single. 247 ^;.?o^\^'l^?s®^*^®^ r 1- John G. F. Beitler (1860-1863). (1830-1875) mrd. J 2. David C. Beitler (1864-1895); d. single. Elizabeth G. Fury L 3. Mary E. L. Beitler (1866)— C^^^'i)' Leonard Tapley. L9. John Beitler (1834-1854); d. single. i 248-249 249 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 78. CO 00 ,-1 o CO £2 00 00 l-H tH I ^^ la M ^ .H (MM Hoo2 McO«CiH E3'^^tooo ^00 00 00 I— ll-Hl-ll-i Q ' ' ' K'^'oot-i pyt-t-oo rft'-Hi-iT-i ~ f-l I— I hH -pQWpq .Pig V. Generation. 1. Hon. Abraham ^ ., M. BeitlerJ },• (1853) mrd. 1 ^• Julia L. Borneman. ^ 2. Amanda C. f Beitler-^ (1855); single. L 3. William L. f 1. BeitleH 2. (1857) mrd. I 3. Mary B. Brown. 4. Elsie Mary f 1. BeitlerJ 2. (1860) mrd. 1 3. William G. Carroll. ^ 4. VI. Generation. Harold B. Beitler (1880). Elise Julia Beitler (1888). Page 235-237 237 Sidney H. Beitler (1882). William L. Beitler (1885). Mildred Beitler (1895). Edwin S. Stuart Carroll (1883). Helen Beitler Carroll (1886). Arthur William Carroll (1889). Elsie Carroll (1892). 237 237 George F. Beitler f (1862); d. in infancy. I 3. Lewis E. Beitler f (1863) mrd. < }■ Clementina Beck. L -• Edwin Fitler Beitler (1895-1896). Lewis Eugene Beitler, Jr. (1897). 237 237-238 = > GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 79. CO 00 I 00 00 CO i-H 00 < 00 V7 00 << I— I '^< V. Generation. VI. Generation. <00tH ■t-oo 1. Abram B. Gamer f (1838) mrd. i No children. Jannetta C. England. { Page 238-239 Henry Garner (1839-1876); d. single. { 239-240 3. Rev. Harrison f 1- Mary Garner (1869) — Joseph H. Tudor. B. Garner) 2. Henry Abram Garner (1871). (1840) mrd. 1 3. Rowland E. Garner (1876-1876). Anna L. Evans. L 4. Albert Rowland Garner (1877). 240-243 4. Mary F. Garner (1842-1892); d. single. { 243-245 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEI DLER HISTORY. No. 80, V. Generation. VI. Generation. CO 00 iH i 00. Q I— I m PQ o o 1-5 CO to CO 00 00 00 I I •»r 00 «0^ >— < I— I ■mpQ ^^ ^-< f^. George W. Young (1876-1879). fl. Man- L. Gibson ! '■ ^^ace R. Young (1880). (1849) mrd. -{ 3. Blanche Young (1883). George W. Young, j 4. Margaret Young (1885). [ 5. Leota M. Young (1887). Page 2. Hannah F. Gibson (1852) mrd. Thomas Harrington") and Samuel Gam -! 1. 2 3. 4. 5. Thomas R. Harrington (1882). Warren B. Harrington (1884). Joseph Archie Garn (1889). Stella Garn (1890-1892). Ruby Frances Garn (1894). Sarah B. Gibson (1854) mrd. John Riches. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Mary Riches (1877). Melvin Riches (1877). Sarah Leota Riches (1880). Jacob Gibson Riches (1883). George W. Riches (1885). Lawrence B. Riches (1888). Nettie Erma Riches (1890). Alice Irene Riches (1893). Edith June Riches (1896). 4. Jane E. Gibson (1861); single. Jacob Gibson (1865) mrd. Alice A. North. -! Jacob Clyde Gibson (1890). Abraham B. Gibson (1894). Charles Leon Gibson (1896). G. Abraham B. Gibson f (1868-1877); < d. young. L 245-24& 246 246 246 247 247 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 81. 00 ■iH I la in 00 00^ V. Generation. I. Mary E. Beitler (1862) mrd. William R. Lett. a VI. Generation. Edith May Lett (1887). Marion Beitler Lott (1894). hSl. 2. Fannie Beitler (1864) mrd. William T i 1. Edna Sherman Tatem (1894). Tatem. I Page 247 247 ^ 3. Daniel B. Beitler f (1867); '^OO'^OOO Q 1 I 1 K-* 00(M Wt-c~oo PQCwC -pQfflW single. \ 247 4. Martha C. f Beitler-j (1872); single. I ^5. Samuel W. f Beitler-^ (1877); single. [_ 247 247 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 82. CO 00 Pi H 00 uo CO T— I I 00 00 P5 o w < K H H W N h- ( V. Generation. ri. John G. F. Beitler, (1860-1863); d. young. 2. David C. Beitler (1864-1895); d. single. VI. Generation. Page 24» fO to LiO a (£> t- 00 00 00 rn ,-1 r-( rH rM s.^ v_^ \^ 249 00 CO L3. Mary E lO o •* CO CO l^ I>- 00 L. Beitler (1866) mrd. Leonard Tapley. No children. 24» H K W W « pq 55 § P o 1-5 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 83. CO 00 ITS Pi CO 1—1 OJ « U H ^ Pi < < Hi P H m w o u < IV. Generation. '--■ r^ r# :■:? fl. Sarah Beitler (-1882) mrd. Isaac Stiteler (-1852), Samuel Irey. 00 00 I < a ^ pa H mm ^ W M n, O W H, 02 O ■ >-> 2. Henry Beitler. 3. Hannah Beitler married Joseph Downing. V. Generation. ' 1. Joseph B. Stiteler (-1864); no children. 2. Peninah E. Stiteler (1842-1870)— Isaac M. Wynn. 3. Mary Stiteler. 4. Rebecca J. Stiteler (1845-1876)— Aaron Packer. 5. Hannah E. Stiteler (1845-1902)— Rev. Wm. J. Cleveland. 6. Anna M. Stiteler (1849-1893)— Joseph Kirk. 7. Clara V. Stiteler (1851)— Montgomery Campbell. ^ 8. Henry B. Irey. No children. Page 249-252 252 1. George Downing (■ 2. Sarah A. Downing 1879)— Mary King. (1856-1882)— Andrew C. Cox. 252 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 84. eo 00 I I— I ^«< V. Generation. 1. Joseph B. I Stiteler. ] (-1864). I 2. Peninah E. Stiteler^ (1842-1870) mrd. Isaac M. Wynn. 3. Mary Stiteler; single. VI. Generation. -too 00 00 w 05 •^rH I— I C> No children. 1. Frank Wynn (1866)— Mary E. Eyrich. 2. Minnie L. Wynn (1868-1868). 3. Brook Wynn (1870-1871). Page 249 249-250 250 4. Rebecca J. r ^ jgaac Packer (1874-1877). .104,. 10-7^% ^^^M -• William F. Packer (1876)— (1845-1876) mrd. | Edith Atkinson. Aaron Packer. 5. Hannah E. Stiteler (1845-1902) married Rev. Wm. J. Cleveland. r 1. William C. Cleveland (1874-1875). 2. Martha E. Cleveland (1875). 3. Oliver H. Cleveland (1876). 4. Laura H. Cleveland (1882). 5. George W. Cleveland (1883-1883). 6. George G. Cleveland (1885). 7. Ella May Cleveland (1889). 6. Anna M. Stiteler f (1849-1893) i No report. mrd. Joseph Kirk. [ 250-251 251 7. Clara V. Stiteler ^ (1851) mrd. J Montgomery i ^^ Campbell. ^ Sarah Campbell (1877)— Savillian Ecker. 8. Henry B. Irey. J No report. 252 252 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 85. CO in , 1—1 M t-i 1-1 - PQ m ^- /.^l^-.^^2!,i?- L^I^^s r 1. Rachel A. Philips (1839)— (1816-1841) mrd. ^ ^ Joseph E. Rapp. {l Jesse E. Philips (1816-1895). Sarah Lewis (1817) mrd. Morgan Philips (1816-1889). Hannah Lewis (1819-1875); d. single. Marv Ann Lewis f (1820-1850); i d. single. L 5. John Lewis (1821); d. young. L 2. Annie Philips. 252-256 Edwin Philips — Elizabeth Pinkerton. Mary Philips; d. young. Lewis Philips; d. young. 256-257 257 257 Jane Lewis (1824) mrd. John S. Davis (-1897). 1. Eleanor Davis (1846); d. in infancy. 2. Lewis M. Davis (1847)— Fannie J. Cross. 3. Marv A. Davis (1849) ; d. in infancy. 4. Joseph E. Davis (1852)— Stella Buffum. 5. William D. Davis (1857); single. 6. Sarah A. Davis (1863-1899); d. single. 7. Isaac B. Lewis (1826) mrd. Rebecca Slawyer. / Ll- George S. Lewis — Cora Harris. Annie Lewis — Levis Ranson. 257-258 258 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 87. eo 00 ^^ 00 Q, las to I— I i* 00 1-1 Hitt-oo OapqS V. Generation. 1. Rachel A. Philips (1839) mrd. Joseph E. Rapp. 2. Annie Philips. VI. Generation. 1. Eleanor Rapp (1864-1808)— Thomas M. Guilbert. 2. Hannah A. Rapp (1866) — Wm. E. Philips. 3. Mary E. Rapp (1868)— Edwy C. Fest. 4. Joseph L. Rapp (1872) — Mary K. Anderson. 5. Jesse P. Rapp (1875). No report. Page 255-256 255 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEI DLER HISTORY. No. 88. CO 00 1-1 I lO la <, i-L( ^ S pi 9 'A CQ O V < t-5 -Mt-T-I 00 CO 00 rfOOj/J 05 oi^ V. Generation. 1. Edwin Philips married Elizabeth Pinkerton* (1838-1874), Henrietta Smith. VI. Generation. 1. Grace Philips. 2. Corinne Philips — Thomas Palmer. 3. Mary Elmira Philips. 4. Elizabeth Philips. 5. Sarah Philips. Page 2. Mary A. Philip d. young. 3. Lewis Philips; d. young. s;-J 1 256 257 2.57 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 89. CO oo I to la P5 H < PCJU HP OS 9 H W m o u < 1-1 Mr: So On V. Generation. 1. Eleanor Davis (1846-); died in infancy. . Lewis M. Davis (1847) mrd. Fannie J. Cross. VI. Generation. -M t^ t^ 00 00 00 T-lrH'-t I I • -^t-oooo t^ t_ t- WHS oz< Page 257 1. Flora J. Davis (1870-1874). 2. Charles E. Davis (1873). 3. Irene W. Davis (1881-1898), 257 3. Mary Ann Davis f (1849-); J died in infancy. [^ 4. Joseph E. Davis (1852) mrd. Stella Buffum. 257 1. Carrie L. Davis. 2. Minnie May Davis; deceased. 3. John S. Davis; d. in infancy. 257 5. William D. Davis f (1857); single j 6. Sarah Ann Davis f (1863-1899); j died single. I 257 258 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 90. CO 00 r-« I <,00 H P m C o »-5 oooo WW i-ti— 1_, V. Generation. George S. Lewis married Cora Harris. VI. Generation. 1. Annie Lewis. 2. John Lewis. Page 258 2. Annie Lewis married Levis Ranson. 1. Mary Anna Ranson. 258 \ GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 91. CO 00 th r I H 00 00 <5 o t-5 Cm T 00 m c o I— ( PQ W 00 f 1. Alice J. Lapp (1862)— B. J. Sylvester. . James G. Lapp ! „ ^, , x x /-.o^ex tt i r> (1842) mrd. ^ 2. Charles J. Lapp (1865) — Helen Paxon. Julia M. Roberts. [ 3 judson D. Lapp (1869-1896) ; d. single. Pagi 2. Florence Lapp (1846-1870) { No report, mrd. Charles Day. ^^ I 259 PQ m o a < t-5 3. Josephine L. f (1852) Lapp^^ No report. mrd. Charles Day. (^ . ^ , ^ TVT T \ 1- Florence J. Lapp (1871). L4. Orlando M. Lapp | (1850) mrd. ■{ 2. Sara L. Lapp (1877). Martha M. Howd. ! „ -^, .:■ t t ^ /iooon L 3. Edward J. Lapp (1883). 259 259 260 - = > GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 93. IV. Generation. 00 00 o 00 00 u in Qj h3 £^ tf U ^ H p .5 S W ^ W "M «> J 00 CO ^ l-H 1-1 ^_( t>- "^ CO i-H tH 1—1 s_^ ^_^ M tf P5 O til H ~ l-H t-4 - pq W o H — I— I 3. Thamzin ^ (1814) Downing! married 1 George Woodward. '- 4. Sarah Downing (1819-) mrd. Solon Foster. 5. Hannah B. f Downing <^ (1821-1842) [ died single. 6. Mary A. Downing (1822-1875) married Morgan Lewis (1814-1894). No report. No children. 1. Frank Foster. 260-263 263 263 263 263 1. Francis M. Lewis; d. young. 2. Evan D. Lewis; d. young. 3. Florence Lewis; d. young. 4. Ellen E. Lev/is (1853)— Geo. W. Webb. 5. Ann T. Lewis (1856)— F. M. Whitcomb. 6. Isaac T. Lewis (1858) — Sarah A. Wilson. 7. Luanna L. Lewis (1861) — W. H. Thornber. 8. Edith Lewis (1865); single. 1. Arthur S. Riter (1857-1882)— lantha B. Jones. 2. Benjamin W. Riter (1859) — Melda Little. 3. Lizzie M. Riter (1864)— Frank C. Ferguson. No children. 263-265 7. Charles C. Riter (1828-1898) m.rd. Hannah M. Cosgrove"" (1836). 8. Joseph D. Riter r (1830) mrd. I Edith Davis. i 9. Susan Riter r (1831-1839); \ died young. i 10. William W. Riter r 1. Susan B. Riter— J. P. Thornber. (1835) mrd. ■{ 2. Catharine Riter— Amos Thornber, Sarah C. Falkner. [ 3. John H. Ritei' — Mary 11. Martha Riter f (1837-1837); ] died in infancy. [ 265-266 266 260 266 266 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 94. pi-ioo -KfQ . OH •J V. Generation. Benjamin f (1843) Downingi died in infancy. I VI. Generation. Page Thomas Downing . (1845) mrd. X Sarah Brown. Hannah E. Downing f (1847) mrd. W. H. Brown. i Mary F. r Downing! (1849) mrd. 1 A. M. Dayton. l- 260 1. Clara J. Downing (1871)— E. L. Sothers. 2. Charles W. Downing (1873)— Cecelia McLaughlin. 3. James E. Downing (1876) — Arden Wheeler. 4. Emily M. Downing (1878) — George Tebow. ^. Edith T. Downing (1880-1881). 6. Marv L. Downing (1882). 7. Nellie E. Downing (1884). 8. Arthur H. Downing (1886). 9. Lloyd E. Downing (1891). 260-261 1. Cora M. Brown (1868)— H. M. Golden. 2. Olla V. Brown (1871)— G. G. Wright. 3. Maude E. Brown (1881-1898)— C. L. Russell. No report. 261 261 5. Lucy M. Downing^ (1850) mrd. S. W. Gunter. 1. James A. Gunter (1870). 2. Margaret B. Gunter (1871). 3. Atlina J. Gunter (1873)— H. A. Wrigley. 4. Joseph W. Gunter (1875) -Anna Douglass. 5. John C. Gunter (1876) — Emma Lippe. 6. Charles S. Gunter (1879-1881). 7. George E. Gunter (1881-1882). 8. Frank E. Gunter (1883). 9. Edith May Gunter (1885). 262 6. Jane E. Downing r (1851-1883) I No report, mrd Brown. (^ 7. Wm. G. Downing r (1853-1853); J died in infancy. [ 9. Joseph R. Downing f (1854-1875): J died single. I 262 >62 10. George W. Downing (18.'6^ mrd. Clara Forcade. 1. Clara M. Downing (1884-1894). 2. Gailord Downing 1885). 3. Carl Downing (1893). 11. John B. Downir (1859) mrd. Estella M. Parks. 12. Stephen A. D. Downing (1860); single. { Milo A. Downing (1888). Elda M. Downing (1890). Carey A. Downing (1895). 262-263 263 26; GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 95. l-H He go ^pqo Z V. Generation. 1. Frank Foster. VI. Generation. No report. Page 263 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 96. H I— I go ^% m V, Generation. Francis M. Lew died young. 2. Evan D. Lewis died young. VI. Generation. Florence Lewis died young. { Page 263 263 263 - « 4. Ellen E. T^ewis (1853) mrd 1. Morgan L. Webb (1876). 2. Blanche E. Webb (1880). 3. William Webb (1885). George W. Webb. 4. Frank Webb (1888-1889). L 5. Jasper Webb (1893). 264 . Ann T. Lewis (1856) mrd. F. M. Whitcomb. {;: Clara M. Whitcomb (1882). Morgan D. Whitcomb (1887-1888). 264 G. Isaac T. Lewis (1858) mrd. Sarah A. Wilson. Charles R. Lewis (1886). Lee T. Lewis (1891-1892). Morgan R. Lewis (1894-1895). Joseph F. Lewis (1896). 264 7. Luanna L. Lewisj 1- (1861) mrd. . 2. W. H. Thornber. L o Mary A. Thornber (1882). Thomas W. Thornber (1884). Edith M. Thornber (1886). 264-265 Eflirh Lewis (1865); single. ( 265 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 97. I— I PQr-jcq O- V. Generation. . Arthur S. Riter (1857-1882) married lantha B. Jones. Benjamin W. f Ritei j 2. (1859) mrd. 1 3. Melda Little. i ^ Pi u . Lizzie M. Riter (1864) mrd. LFrank C. Ferguson. 1. 2. O 4. 5. 6. VI. Generation. Zula D. Riter (1879). Charlie W. Riter (1881). Arthur L. Riter (1884). Harry C. Riter (1886-1886). Golda M. Riter (1888). Lizzie E. Riter (1891). Benjamin F. Fergruson (1880-1880). Leda M. Ferguson (1881). Lula C. Ferguson (1884). Charles H. Ferguson (1887). Frank R. Ferguson (1895). Lizzie E. Ferguson (1897). Page 265 263 265-266 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 98. M 1-1 00 fj pq p£3P z< ^ (*0 ^ Q 'H w o- •-5Z V. Generation. 1. Susan B. Riter f married -{ No report. J. P. Thornber. (. VI. Generation. Page 266 -^ 2. Catharine Riter married Amos Thornber. »— I M No report. 266 John H. Riter married Mary Sehmitz. No report. 266 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 99. CO 00 xa in IV. Generation. Cl. Thomas B. Evans (1819) mrd. Martha J. Cheney. P5 H < o 00 as z < U2 < < is WW V. Generation. William Evans — Snyder. Ezekiel Evans — Ida Stauffer. Walter Evans; died young. Mary Evans; died young-. John K. Evans — May Singles. Ella Evans — Dr. Calvin K. Christman. Fanny Evans; single. Jane Evans. Page 267 . Hannah B. Evans f 1. (1821-1886) mrd. -] William P. Reiff ^ 2. (1820-1863). 3. John B. Evans (1823-) mrd. Louisa E. Williams 6, (1824). 7. Pi Q I— I H ^ H H CO o (M l^ 00 CO t- to U < 1-5 P5 P5 a o S3 - a 1. Jane H. Evans (1825-1808) James W. Phipps (1825-1885). 10. I Daniel W. Reiff (1849) VanDyck and Laura V. Kinzer. MaiT P. Reiff (1850-1869); d. single. 267-268 Anna M. Evans (1850) — John O. Kizer. Eleanor B. Evans (1851) — J. W. Kreps. Henry E. Evans (1853). Frank R. Evans (1854) — Sydney Michael. Ida J. Evans (1856)— Willard W. Beaver. John W. Evans. Charles F. Evans (1859); single. Elmer E. Evans (1861) — Myra I. Scoville. Lewis H. Evans (1863) Blanche Clarkson. Ulysses G. Evans; single. 268-270 Wilmer E. Phipps. Evan E. Phipps. Lydia A. Phipps. Channing E. Phipps. Dr. Ellsworth E. Phipps (1866); single. 270 5. Marv Ann Evans (-1890) mrd. Charles Frick. 6. Evan B. Evans (1829-1899) mrd. Annie R. Garrett (1838). 7. Lewis H. Evans (1832) mrd. Phebe H. Pennypacker. 8. Rebecca Evans (-1892); died single. Anna Evans; single. Lewis E. Frick — Minnie Wilson. Montgomery Frick — Sabilla Thomas. Mary Frick; single. 270 Franklin G. Evans (18G8)— Annie C. Nelson. Walter B. Evans (1872); single. 270-271 Jennie Evans (1868) — Dr. Victor W. Wickert. 271 271 10. D. Webster f Evans -^ 1. Howard Evans. mrd.Elizabeth Wills t 27? GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 100. CO 00 1—1 I la c- . V. Generation. 1. William Evans mrd Snyder. VL Generation. No report. Pag^e 267 2. Ezekiel Evans married Ida Stauffer. Walter Evans; died 5'oung. p « O o < coders CO -" OO WBa2 ^^ . Mary Evans; died young-. 5. John K. Evans married May Singles. Ella Evans married Calvin K. Christman. 7. Fannie Evans; single. S. Jane Evans. r -{ No report. L 567 1 2G7 267 \ 1 No report. 267 1. Daniel Christman. 2. Mary Christman. 3. Thomas Christman. 267 1 I 2r,7 No report. 267 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEI DLER HISTORY. No. 101. in ^m^ CO to 00 tf ^ 00 V. Generation. 1. Daniel W. Reiff married Van Dyck, Laura V. Kinzer. VI. Generation. 1. Mary Reiff. 2. Lillie Reiff. 3. Fred L. Reiff (1879). 4. Jessie Mary Reiff (1881). 5. Maggie B. Reiff (1882-1883). 6. Francis C. Reiff (1884). 7. Fay Virgil Reiff (1887). 8. Ora Kinzer Reiff (1895). Page 268 Mary P. Reiff (1850-1869); died single. 268 30 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 102. V. Generation. VI. Generation. Page 00 1—1 ^-^ troo Eh 55m Anna Mary Evans (1850) mrd. John O. Kizer. 1. Edna M. Kizer (1875-1880). 2. Edwin O. Kizer (1877). 3. Claudene L. Kizer (1878). 4. Havard E. Kizer (1881). 5. Lizzie B. Kizer (1885). 6. Ruth J. Kizer (1889). 268-269 Eleanor B. Evans f (1851) mrd. -{ No children. J. W. Kreps. i^ 263 Q 1-1 m w o o < coo CO 00 Henry E. Evans - (1853). , Frank R. Evans (1854) mrd. Sydney Michael. 5. Ida Jane Evans (1856) mrd. Willard W. Beaver. No report. 1. Lizzie Ann Evans (1879). 2. Elmer E. Evans (1883). 1. Lorena F. Beaver. 269 269 269 ■1 6. John W. Evans 7. Charles P. Evans f (1859); < single. L 269 269 . Elmer E. Evans (1861) mrd. Myra I. Scoville. 9. Lewis H. Evans (1863) mrd. Blanche Clarkson. No children (1899), 270 No report. 270 10. Uly.sses G. Evans single. ■I 270 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 103. CO 00 U5 to Eh05 Km 1 in 00 00 CI 00 Oh I— I fin H <; V. Generation. VI. Generation. fl. Wilmer E. f Phipps. -^ No repoi, Page 270 2. Evan E. Phipp died. ipps;j 270 i 3. Lydia A. died. ^coooo -1 00 00 00 M,-lTHrH Q I I I rit-ix>io Wc-c-oo Phipps; 270 Oh ^^ •"31— I c og 4. Channing- E. f Phipps-^ No report, mrd [ 5. Dr. Ellsworth f E. Phipp.s-1 (1866); single. ^ 270 270 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 104. eo 00 I \a ITS o 00 Has <:- PC Cm U I— I V. Generation. Lewis E. Frick married Minnie Wilson. VI. Generation. No report. Page 270 J 2. Montgomery Frick married Sabilla Thomas. No children. 270 3. Mary Frick; single. { 270 ^ffj o> GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 105. CO 00 I GO 00 ; ]t~(£> t>-00 V. Generation. 1. Franklin G. Evans. (1868) mrd. Annie C. Nelson. VI. Generation. No children. Page 271 "Walter B. Evans (1872); single. { 271 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 106. CO 00 rH I vo 5 CO. > ^ PhooOM Mri t— CO r: 00 00 00 Mr-C-tT-l OhkH -mmg w V. Generation. 1. Jennie Evans (1868) mrd. Dr. Victor W. Wickert. VI. Generation. { I'age 271 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 107. CO oo I IV. Generation. V. Generation. < < Pi H u m < z z < m Z < > H P I— I W m o o < CO I CI Oi CO OJ I lH I— I W z w o *-5 I— I 1. John Beitler married Emma Breitenbach. 2. Evan Beitler. 3. William Beitler married Lizzie Breitenbach. 4. Richard Beitler married 5. Harry Beitler married 6. Margaret Beitler married George Breitenbach 7. Annie Beitler. No report. Page 272 No report. 272 No report. 272 No report. No report. No report. No report. 272 272 272 272 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 108. IV. Generation. V. Generation. Page 03 < CSO 00 03 < O ►-5 CI. John Stahr (1798-1868) married Sarah Summers (1801-1883). O (M O CD 00 00 03 o u < Q m m Q I— I W <5 . Mary S. Stahr (1800-) mrd. Christian Fluck. Samuel Stahr (1808-1890) married Lydia Clymer (-1864). Annie Stahr (1810-1880) married Michael Martin (1807-1890). U Elizabeth B. Stahr (1825-1898) married Alexander Texter (1823-1877). 4. 5. >- 6. '- 1. 3. 4. 5. Marietta Stahr (1829) — John DrisseL Lewis Stahr (1832-1853). Samuel S. Stahr (1836-1877)— Sarah A. Horn. David Stahr (1838-1851). John S. Stahr, D. D. (1841)— Franconia E. Andrews. Isaac S. Stahr— H, Camilla Applebach. 275-277 1. Hannah Fluck (1819-1881)— Jacob Fosbenner. 2. John Fluck (1821-1898)— Hannah Overholt. 3. Mary A. Fluck (1823)— Jonathan Kline. 4. Susanna Fluck (1829-1896)— Peter Buchman. 5. Philip Fluck. 6. Lydia A. Fluck — Jacob K. Angeny. 7. David S. Fluck (1837-1877)— Amanda Lewis. 8. Elizabeth Fluck (1841)— Peter F. Nicholas. 278-283 Charles Stahr; died young. Maria Stahr (1835); single. Elizabeth Ann Stahr (1838); single. Infant; stillborn. Abraham C. Stahr (1842)— Mary A. Stout. 1. John S. Martin — Susanna Afflerbach. 283-284 284-28r> 1. David S. Texter (1851)— Sarah Moyer. 2. Mary S. Texter (1852); single. 3. Hannah Texter (1^54); dieri in infancy. 4. Allen S. Texter (1856)— Addie F. Beck. 5. Catharine Texter (1857-1896); d. single. 6. Samuel Texter (1858-1866); d. young. 286 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 109. 00 00 IftO 00 00 00 P5 V. Generation. fl. Marietta Stahr (1829-) mrd. John Drissel. 2. Lewis Stahr (1832-1852); died single. 3. Samuel S. Stahr (1836-1877) married Sarah Ann Horn (1842-1896). VI. Generation. rigcooo H'^o^oo 4. David Stahr (1838-1851); died young. 5. John S. Stahr, D. D. (1841-) mrd. Franconia E. Andrews. 6. Rev. Isaac S. Stahr J (1845-) mrd. i H. Camilla Applebacli. L No children. r^ Page 275 275 1. David Stahr (1883-1890). 2. Sarah E. Stahr (1864)— Alfred Crouthamel. 3. Samuel E. Stahr (1864)— Laura Romberger. 4. John J. Stahr (1872)— Lizzie Stever. 275-276 276 1. Helen Russell Stahr. 2. John Miller Stahr. 3. Charles Patterson Stahr. 4. Mary Belle Stahr. 5. Hugh Andrews Stahr. 276-277 1. Henry Irvin Stahr (1880). Sadie 1: Stahr (1882). 3. Mary Cornelia Stahr (1885). 4. Camilla Belle Stahr (1889). 5. John Nevin Stahr (1890-1901). 277 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 110. V. Generation. VI. Generation. <; 00 1. Hannah Fluck (1819-1881) mrd. f Jacob Fosbenner S 1- John F. Fosbenner — Mary E. Lewis. (1812-1870). L -looooo M,_I,H 00 el I tH Page 278 2. John Fluck (1821-1898) mrd. Hannah Overholt. No children. 279 3. Mary Ann Fluck f (1823) mrd. < No children. Jonathan Kline. [ 279 4. Susanna Fluck (1829-1896) mrd Peter Buchman . L 2. Mary J. Buchman (1852)— Wm. S. Young. Wm. H. Buchman— Ruth A. Watkins. 279-280 5. Philip Fluck married r 1. Mary S. Fluck (1864)— Milton Gabel. 2. Daniel Fluck. 3. Leidv Fluck. L 4. Malinda Fluck— Tilman Strohl. A 280 6. Lydia Ann Fluck married Jacob K. Angeny (1821-). 7. David S. Fluck (1837-1877) mrd. Amanda Lewis (1841). 8. Elizabeth Fluck (1841) mrd. Peter F. Nicholas (1834). 1. John H. Angeny. 2. David F. Angeny (1857)— Sallie Leatherman. 3. Clayton Angeny. 4. Jacob Angeny. 5. Marv Angenj^— John King. 6. Lydia A. F, Angeny (1866)— P. Harvey Fluck. 7. Ida Angeny— Asher Weikel. 8. Emma Angeny— Frank Smell. 9. Katie Angeny (18r.9)-Ervm S. Fluck. 10. Amelia Angeny (1878); smgle. 280-^81 r 1. Lewis L. Fluck (1862)—. Lydian Hartman. 2. Rev. Jonathan L. Fluck (1864)— Laura L. Ehl. ^ 3. Josiah Fluck (1869); died in infancy. 282-283 1. Mamie Nicholas (1862)— Grier Scheetz. 283 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 111. P PQ W O o 00 V CCS BO V. Generation. n. Charles Stahr died in infancy VI. Generation. OOOOoo I I On MQ ■^^ ■ GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 112. o 00 TH O Lo 00 OOt-I tH ^-^ I 00*7 P5 Cnt-t Q h-l H M M O u P5 Q p— I le-l MO COCO 00 00 a>o t~ 1-1 c~oo as -5WH < V. Generation. 1. John S. Martin married Svisanna Afflerbach. VI. Generation. r 1. Samuel T. Martin (1856)— Mary Worman. 2. William H. Martin (1857)— Mary B. Beck. 3. Mary Emma Martin (1859-1862). 4. Levi J. Martin — Elmina Funk. 5. Charles Martin (1864-1866). 6. Lewis Martin (1866); single. 7. Ida M. Martin (1868)— Chas. Trauger. 8. Sarah A. Martin — Asa Hafler. 9. Ella A. Martin (1873-1891); single. 10. Maria E. Martin (1875-1884). 11. Harvey J. Martin (1878)— Sadie Lovet. Page 284-285 GENEALOGICAL CHART— EEIDLER HISTORY. No. 113. 00 tH I CO ^ H < < u < Pi Q K I— I J?; < f1 - B P3 T-l W Ph o H u J < >-5 1— 1 H -I W III. Generation. fl. Henry Beidler (1775-1859) married Susanna Fultz. Jacob Beidler (1776-1866) married Susanna Krout (1784-1864). 13. O O < Annie Beidler (1778-1852) married Henry Licey. IV. Generation. Page 1. John Beidler (1802-1888)— Anna Kauffman and Mary Kauffman. 2. Jacob Beidler (1812-)— Katharine Nickey and Susan Kozer. 3. Susanna Beidler — John B. Adams. 4. Nancy Beidler; died young. 289-299 1. Annie Beidler (1808-1893)— Samuel Stover. 2. Aaron Beidler (1810-1875)— Susanna Kratz. 3. Elizabeth Beidler (1811-1894)— Isaac Kratz. 4. Henry Beidler (1812-1893)— Sarah Sammons. 5. Nathan C. Beidler (1814-1S8S) Mar>' Krout and Elizabeth Svvartley. 6. Jacob Beidler (1815-1898)— Mary Ann Funk. 7. Christian Beidler (1817-1826). 8. Susan Beidler (1820-1901). Jacob Fretz. I. 9. Joseph Beidler (1821)— Maria Bewighouse. 299- No children. 323 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEI DLER HISTORY. No. 115. IV. Generation. U tsl 05 Q M w z < m m 1. John Beidler (1802-1888) married Anna Kauffman, Mary Kauffman. r 1. .! 5. 2. Jacob Beidler (1812) mrd. Catharine Nickey. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. V. Generation. Henry Beidler; died in infancy. John K. Beidler (1828)— Sophia Ziegler and Anna M. Matthew. Leah Beidler (1829-1850) — Levi Mellinger. Jacob K. Beidler (1833) — Elizabeth Beistline. Henry G. Beidler (183G-1887) — Margaret White. Amanda Beidler (1838)— Levi P. Snvder. Catharine Beidler (1840-1894) — Francis Bear. Susanna Beidler (1843)— Hezekiah Yoter. Marj' Beidler (1849)— Joseph S. Brandt. Page 289-293 Susanna Beidler — Emanuel Shughart. John Beidler; died single. Nancy J. Beidler (1838) — Amos Sweigert. Aaron Beidler; died single. William W. Beidler (1841-1901)— Elizabeth Miller. Abraham Beidler — Amanda Zinn. Catharine Beidler — Franklin Seitz. Minnie Beidler. Sybilla Beidler Beidler; died young. 293-295 W S5 S tJ ^ <» M O lO W tf « O fq H Q Q < m o u < »-3 . Susanna Beidler married John B. Adams. 1. William B. Adam.s (1838) — Agnes Kauffman. 2. Henry H. Adams (1840) — Susan Gillinger. 3. George B. Adams (1842) — Elizabeth Minich, Harriet Mellinger. 4. Jacob Adams; died j^oung. 5. Jeremi?ih Adams. 6. Isaac Adams; died young. 7. Israel Adams (1851). 8. Aaron Adams; died in infancy. 9. Mary Adams — Henry Cooper. 10. John Adams; died young. 11. Infant; died unnamed. 12. Jefferson Adams — Harriet Mellinger. 13. Aaron B. Adams — Harriet Weidman. Nancy Beidler; J died young. "! 296-299 299 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 116. fa P < < 13 C . (A @HP^ V. Generation. '1. Henry Beidler; died in infancy. 2. John K. Beidler (1828) mrd. Sophia Ziegler, Anna M. Matthew. 3. Leah Beidler (1829-1850) mrd. Levi Mellinger. VI. Generation. Page 289 Elizabeth M. Beidler (1857)— John E. Mickey. Earl J. Beidler (1880). 289-290 1. One child; died in infancj', 290 4. Jacob K. Beidler (1833) mrd. Elizabeth Beistline (1830). r 1. 2 -I 3. 4. L 5, John B. Beidler (1857)— Anna Shetron. Susanna Beidler (1859) — Harry K. Shughart. Madora Beidler (1861)— George M. Wetzel. Anna M. Beidler (18R8)— Rev. Chas. E. Wagner. Jacob M. Beidler (1871). 290-291 Ki-ic; 00 py ooiftoo jc-cooo Q I I I □ O ITS CI - .> 5. Henry G. Beidler (1836-1887) Tvird. Margaret White (1838). 1. Annie L. Beidler (1 858-1892)— James M. Greason. 2. Catharine Beidler (I860)— Frank P. Brehm. 3. Maud Beidler (1862-1882); died single. 291-292 6. Amanda Beidler f (1838) mrd. ^ No children. Levi P. Snyder. [ 292 r 1. Bear— Katie Albright. 7. Catharine Beidler J 2 Anna M. Bear— Scott Allter. 'Franlls'k'Sr'- 1 '■ F«""'« Bea,-John Wert. L 4. Joseph Bear. 292 8. Susanna Beidler r HezekfahTo^ter, ' ^- ^arsty Yoter; died young. 292-293 John B. Diller.' ^^ r 1. Mary E. Brandt (1S76)— 9. Marv Beidler Perev Harmon. (1849) mrd. J o. John B. Brandt (1878)— Joseph S. Brandt. ) Mvrtle Leidigh. L 3. Walter M. Brandt (1883). 293 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 117. V. Generation. u « « « H N O < m H WO '1. Susanna Beidler married Emanuel Shughart. H,H i-HrH CQrHi-lM u33w -WMg O^ . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. VI. Generation. William Shughart — Swartz. Peter Shughart — Nailor. Emanuel Shughart — Alice Zimmerman. David Shughart. Jacob Shughart. Alfred Shughart — Ida Snyder. Priscilla Shughart — Charles Blosser. Anna Shughart — John M. Cooper. Ellen Shughart — Harry Brownwell. Sarah Shughart — Christopher Spangler. Page 2. John Beidler; died single. 3. Nancy J. Beidler ^ (1838) mrd. J Amos Sweigert ] (1831-1884). l 4. Aaron Beidler; died single. 5. William W. Beidler (1841-1901) married Elizabeth Miller (-1894). 6. Abraham Beidler (1851-1892) J married H Amanda Zinn. L Catharine Beidler r married \ Franklin Seitz. (^ 8. Minnie Beidler. \ Son; drowned. 293-294 294 William Sweigert (1857)— Annie F. Rinehart. George W. Sweigert (I860)— Annie Young. 294-295 295 1. Elsie Beidler (1868)— John T. Harris. 2. Nettie Beidler (1872-1891); d. single. 3. Royal Beidler (1875); single. 4. Amanda Beidler (1877-1896). 5. Ethel Beidler (1885). 6. Glen Beidler (1888). 7. William W. Beidler (1891). 1 Beidler; deceased. No children. 9. Sybilla Beidler 10 Beidler; died young. . i No report. No report. i 295 295 295 295 295 295 31 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 118. V. Generation. VI. Generation. '1, William B. Adams f (1838) mrd. \ No children. Agnes Kauffman. (_ 2. Henn^ H. Adams f (1840) mrd. i No children. Susan Gillinger. [ -99l Page 295-296 296 . George B. Adams (1842) mrd. Elizabeth Minich. Jacob Adams; died young. 1. Henry M. Adams (1867) — Ada Seib. 2. Minerva Adams (1869)— B. F. Lewis. 3. Susan Adams (1873) — Benjamin A. Peters. 4. Agnes Adams (1875) — George Jacobs. 5. Spencer Adams (1884). 6. William Adams (1886). 7. Aaron Adams (1888). 8. Theodore Adams (1890-). 9. Sallie Adams (1893). 296-297 297 5. Jeremiah Adams f mrd A 1- Lizzie Adams; died young. Sallie Klise. L r I i 6. Isaac Adams; died young. 7. Israel Adams (1851); single. 8. Aaron Adams; died in infancy. 9. Mary Adams married Henry Cooper. 10. John Adams; died young. 11. Infant; died unnamed. 12. Jefferson Adams r i. Frank Adams — Sarah Price, married J 2. Harry Adams. Harriet Mellinger. [ 3. john Adams. 297 297 297 297 Laura Cooper — John Hunsberger. Susan Cooper — George Shimp. Graybill Cooper. Heni-y Cooper. Edna Cooper. Minnie Cooper. Jeremiah Cooper; deceased. Sallie Cooper. Aaron Cooper; deceased. 13. Aaron B. Adama married Harriet Weidman. 1. Arthur Adams. 2. George Adams. 3. Ivan Adams. 4. Harriet Adams. 5. Helen Adams; deceased. 298 298 298 298 298-299 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 119. IV. Generation. CO 00 P5 < < H I— I < 1. Annie Beidler (1808-1893) mrd Samuel Stover (1804-1888) ■{■: , Aaron Beidler (1810-1875) mrd. Susanna Kratz (1816-1894). tH to 00 cr> t- 00 p H CQ rH i-H f^ ^^ s^ O H H I o J K^ •^ I— I HH -WW o o h3 '-5 Elizabeth Beidler (1811-1894) married Isaac Kratz (1807-1879). 4. Henry Beidler (1812-1893) mrd. Sarah Sammons (1831-1886). 3. 5. 5. Nathan C. Beidler (1814-1888) married Mary Krout (1810-1850), Elizabeth Swartley (1818-1897). ^ 1. 9 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 11. 12. V. Generation. Susan B. Stover (1839-1842) ; d, Eliza B. Stover (1844)— Christian M. Myers. young. Page 299-300 Irene Beidler (1842)— R. M. Eppstein. Minerva Beidler (1845) — Wesley T. Pratt. Louis H. Beidler (1848-1873)— Mary Bradley. Isaac B. Kratz (1841)— 300-302 Susanna Kratz (1832) — Henry B. Moyer. Mary B. Kratz (1833-1837); d. young. Jacob B. Kratz (1835) — Catharine Loux. Henry B. Kratz (1838)— Leah Meyers. Isaac B. Kratz (1841)— Sarah A. Nace and Mary Fretz. John B. Kratz (1844) — Annie L. Fretz. Abraham B. Kratz (1847-65); d. single. David B. Kratz (1850-)— Anna Myers. Herbert A. Beidler (1861) — Ida L. Merriman. 302-304 305-307 Aaron Beidler (1839-1840); d. infant. Mary A. Beidler (1840) — Henry Rosenberger, Jeremiah Beidler (1842). Susanna Beidler (1843) — Joseph Aimes. Jacob Beidler (1845)— Elizabeth Godshalk. Ann E. Beidler (1847) — Adolph Schremp and Peter Miller. Sarah Beidler (1849) — Emil Johnson. Mary M. Beidler (1852)— Dr. R. H. Andrews. Elizabeth S. Beidler (1854)— Benjamin F. Shearer. Emma Beidler (1855)— Clinton Frankenfield. Nathan S. Beidler (1857)— Lillian Kochersperger. Barbara Beidler (1862)— Edward Hafler. 307-312 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 119. IV, Generation. V. Generation. 00 00 < pi (^ H z o P5 < m m P4 H Q W _ _ O W H Q T-H to 00 «o t- 00 tH tH I I o CO p m « oo r6. Jacob Beidler (1815-1898) married Mary Ann Funk (1821-1900). Susan Beidler (1820-1901) married Jacob Fretz (1803-1869). Page 1. Joseph Beidler (1845-1845); d. infant. 2. Infant daughter; d. unnamed. 3 Augustus F. Beidler (1848)— Louisa Hannah. 4. William H. Beidler (1851-1897)— Ada M. Gregory. 5. Francis Beidler (1854) — Elizabeth M. Loose. 6. Emma Beidler (1857)— Arthur B. Camp. 7. John Beidler (1859-1881); died single. 8. David Beidler (1862); single. 9. George Beidler (1864)— Margaret E. Young. 313-320 7. Christian Beidler f (1817-1826); \ died young. t 320 Id. Joseph Beidler (1821) mrd. Maria Bewighouse (1825). 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 4. 5. I 6. Emma Fretz (1841)— Abraham M. Leatherman. Mary Fretz (1842-1842); d. in infancy. Reed Fretz (1844) — Amanda Loux. Rachel Fretz (1846)— William H. Blotter. Abraham E. Fretz; died single. Lizzie Fretz (1850)— Nelson K. Leatherman. Infant son; died unnamed. Susan Fretz (1856-1856); d. in infancy. Philip K. Fretz (1858)— Charlotte La Barre. Anna L. Fretz (1861-1862); died young. 320-322 Susanna Beidler (1846-1847); d. young. Israel Beidler (1847)— Isabella A. Smith. Samuel Beidler (1849-1899)— Rachel Shaddinger. Mary Beidler (1852-1862); died young. Anna E. Beidler (1854)— John Myers. Sarah Beidler (1856-1856); d. infant 322-323 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 120. !£;00 00 00 1-^00 I T-l ■* ' rHOO ^ S iH CD CO 00 t0 05 C-OOOO f^O«5 00 t- t-oo CQi-It-It OHHH I-5I-HI-HM V. Generation. 1. Susan B. Stover (1839-1842); died young. 2. Eliza B. Stover (1844) mrd. Christian M. Myers. VI. Generation. Page 300 1. Samuel H. Myers (1864)— Eleanor M. Stover. 2. Hugh Ely Myers (1871). 3. Ira Stover Myers (1876). 300 --> GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 121. 00 00 00 tH ■00 OH ^ I— I ^ <^ < < m P4oo«c~- j I- CO 00 Q I I I no«oo f -1 lO t^ 1-1 CQtH rHi-l ooq • • . V. Generation. VI. Generation. 1. Irene Beidler f (1842) mrd. } 1. Aaron R. Eppstein (1875). R. M. Eppstein. I Pag-e 300-301 2. Minerva Beidler < (1845) mrd. Wesley T. Pratt. 1. Helen Maria Pratt (1866). 2. Louisa Irene Pratt (1867). 3. Anna I. Pratt (1871)— Clarence F. Richie. 301 ^°nSs^Vs7^f "^^^""f 1- Gertrude L. Beidler (1873)- (1848-1873) ^ Frank H. Cornell, married |^ Mary Bradley. 301 Lizzie L. Beidler] (1859-1861); 1 died young. 301 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 122. to 00 °°oo UHoo V. Generation. 1. Susanna Kratz VL Generation. r oo^ooi -_:N — ~i— ' -J H (1832) mrd. i See Henry B. Meyer Family Chart. Henry B. Meyer. I Marv B. Kratz (1833-1837); died yeung. Page 302 302 . Jacob B. Kratz (1835) mrd. Catharine Loux. [ I Henry B. Kratz (1838) mrd. T^eah Meyers, Kate Gedshall. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9. 10. 11. 12. '^IS. Isaac L. Kratz (1865)— Minnie N. Ott. Lizzie A. Kratz (1868)— Milton B. Geho. 5. Isaac B. Kratz (1841) mrd. Sarah Ann Nace, Mary Fretz. 6. John B. Kratz (1844) mrd. Annie L. Fretz. 7. Abraham B. Kratz (1847-1865); died single. David B. Kratz (1850) mrd. Anna Myers. 302 Sylvanus Kratz (1861) — Sarah Meyers. Emma Kratz (1864) — Wm. H. Fulmer. Jonas Kratz (1866) — Lizzie Sine. Leidy M. Kratz (1868)— Lizzie B. Ott. Mary E. Kratz (1870)— Daniel Hartzell. Harvey Kratz (1873). Horace Kratz (1875). Henry W. Kratz (1879). Daniel Kratz. Lizzie Kratz. Lewis Kratz. Edwin Kratz (1898). Katie Kratz (1898-); died in Infancy. 302-304 Jonas N. Kratz (1866)— Annie McCandles. Lizzie N. Kratz (1868)— Linford L. Ferd. Franklin N. Kratz (1873-91); d. single. 304 Isaac F. Kratz (1881). Irene F. Kratz (1884). 304 304 1. Samuel Kratz. 2. Steward Kratz. GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 123. CO 00 00 00 00 CO ^-00 <;k <:^. pJOO 1^0 05 ^t-oooo Ql I I tJiC-C^OO pKHH -CQBW OU^ • a - = > V. Generation. L. Herbert A. , (1861) Beidler J married j Ida L. Merriman. I VI. Generation. No children. Page 306 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 124. H H COHH I— I V. Generation. ''1. Aaron Beidler (1839-1840;; died young. 2. Mary Ann Beidler (1840) mrd. Henr>' Rosenberger "! (1837-1891). I VI. Generation. Page 307 L 1. Ella Rosenberger (1862). 2. Katharine Rosenberger (1864). 3. Emma Rosenberger (1866^. 4. Minerva Rosenberger (1868). 5. Henry B. Rosenberger (1877-1895). 6. Anna Rosenberger (1879-1883). 7. Ida Rosenberger (1881). 3. Jeremiah Beidler f (1842) mrd. i No report. 307-308 308 M rH i_i -pQpqpq 4. Susanna Beidler (1843) mrd. Joseph Aimes. 5. Jacob Beidler (1845) mrd. Elizabeth Godshalk 6. Ann E. Beidler (1847) mrd. Adolph Schremp, - Peter Miller. 7. Sarah Beidler (1849) mrd. Emil Johnson. 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. Nathan Aimes. Delia Aimes. Harrison Aimes. Pearl Aimes. Rachel Aimes; deceased. Infant. 1 1. Mary A. Beidler (1869)— Abraham Swartz. 2. Nathan G. Beidler (1871)— ^ Mary Derstine. 3. Clara Beidler (1873)— Abraham B. Moyer. 1. Charles H. Schremp (1880). 2. Clarence E. Schremp. No children. 308 309 309 8. Marv M. Beidler (1852) mrd. Dr. R. H. Andrews. r 1. 9 3. 4. 9. Elizabeth S. Beidler r i (1854) mrd. J 2 Benjamin F. Shearer ]^ 3* Lottie Grace Andrews (1877). Florence M. Andrews (1879) — Walter B. Newman. Beatrice L.. Andrews (1885). Russell H. Andrews (1894-1895); died in infancy. 309-311 10. Emma Beidler (1855) mrd. Clinton Frankenfield. r 1. L 11. Nathan S. Beidler /• (1857) mrd. J Lillian | Kochersperger. ^ -12. Barbara Beidler (1862) mrd. Edward Hafler. 1. 2. 3." 4. 5. 6. William K. Shearer (1877-1877). Gertrude H. Shearer (1879). Herbert B. Shearer (1883). Howard B. Frankenfield (1876). Eveline Frankenfield (1881-1882). Oscar R. Frankenfield (1883). B. Bertram Frankenfield (1885). Nathan P. Beidler (1883-1883). Lillian Beidler (1885-1885). Leon K. Beidler (1886). Nellie Hafler (1887). Warren Hafler (1889-1889). James Hafler (1890-1890). Elizabeth Hafler (1891). Frederick Hafler (1893-1893). Edward Hafler (1894). 311-312 312 312 312 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 125. 00 a> 00 5g I 03" Jt^-oooo Q ' I I PQfqW OoO V. Generation. Joseph Beidler (1845-1845); died in infancy. Infant daughter; died unnamed. Augustus F. Beidler^ (1848) mrd. Louisa Hannah. VI. Generation. Page 319 319 1. Augustus Hannah Beidler (1891). 2. J. Francis Beidler (1894). 3. Robert Ayres Beidler (1896). 319 4. Wm. Henry , Beidler J 1. William Gregory Beidler (1880-1881). (1851) mrd. i o. Walter Henry Beidler (1883-1884). 319 Ada M. Gregory. *- ^ 5. Francis Beidler (1854) mrd. ]lizabeth M. Loose. 6. Emma Beidler (1857) mrd. Arthur B. Camp. 7. John Beidler (1859-1881); died single. Francis Beidler (1897). Elizabeth Loose Beidler (1901). 1. Mary Beidler Camp (1889). 2. Jay Beidler Camp (1891). 3. Gertrude Elizabeth Camp (1898). 319 320 I 320 8. David Beidler (1862) ; J single. t J 9. George Beidler C 1. George Beidler, Jr. (1901-1901); d. inf. (1864) mrd. A 2. John Jacob Beidler (1902). Margaret E. Young. L 320 320 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEI DLER HISTORY. No. 126. V. Generation. VI. Generation. to oo . I OS ■* zo 00 00 a Q I— I "Ml— I -MM mw Oo 1-5 1-5 00 COO t-OOO rH.H,-l I I I owo ITS t-(M t-t— 00 - = > Emma Fretz (1841) mrd. Abraham M. Leatherman. 2. Mary Fretz (1842-1842); died in infancy. ^ 1. 2 3. J 3. Reed Fretz (1844) mrd. Amanda Loux. 4. Rachel Fretz f (1846) mrd. i 1. William H. Blotter. L 5. Abraham Ely Fretz; died single. 6. Lizzie Fretz (1850) mra. Nelson K. Leatherman. 7. Infant Son; died unnamed. S. 9. Susan Fretz (1856-1856); died in infancy. I Philip Kirk Fretz f (1858) mrd. \ Charlotte La Barre. i^ vio. Anna Laura (1861-1862) Fretz;. died in infancy. Horace Leatherman (1864-1871); died. J. Kirk Leatherman (1866). Henry W. Leatherman (1867) — Clara Mumbauer. Erwin E. Leatherman (1871) — Blanche Wllkison. Page 320-321 321 J. Franklin Fretz (1870)— Minnie M. Trauch. Minerva Fretz (1872)— A. Oscar Martin. Anna L. Fretz (1873)— Reading G. Palmer. Nelson O. Fretz (1875). Mabel C. Fretz (1877). Mary M. Fretz (1879). Jacob Fretz Blotter (1885-1892). 1. Warren F. Leatherman (1880-1880). 2. Susan Pearl Leatherman (1882). No children. 321 322 322 322 322 32S 322 322 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 127. 00 00 05 W Q M m o t-5 ^^ CO ^1 croooo t2^P5 WW V. Generation. 1. Susanna Beidler (1846-1847); died young-. 2. Israel Beidler (1847) mrd. Isabella A. Smith. 3. Samuel Beidler (1849-1899) married Rachel Shaddinger. Mary Beidler (1852-1862); died young. Anna E. Beidler (1854) mrd. John Myers. VI. Generation. Page 322 1. George Francis Beidler. 323 ^ 1 Howard Beidler (1878). Susie Beidler (1881). 3. Mary Emma Beidler (1885). 4. Henry Beidler (1890). 323 323 No children. 323 o o 6. Sarah Beidler (1856-1856); died in infancy. 1 323 00 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 128. III. Generation. IV. Generation, r 1. H < to Z m 1 H P I— I H M M O U '1. Elizabeth Beidler (1787-1852) married Henry Fretz (1787-1874). r 1. Eh 72 lO 2. Nancy Beidler married 1 4. Abraham Meyer. Susan B. Fretz (1810-1889)— Jonas D. Meyer. Christian B. Fretz (1814-) — Elizabeth Fretz. Eliza B. Fretz (1817)-) — Philip K. Fretz. Henry B. Fretz (1820-1859)— Elizabeth Landis. Mark B. Fretz (1824)— Mary Landis. 325-330 John B. Meyer (1818-1903)— Hannah Beidler. Susan Meyer — Daniel Yoder. Christian B. Meyer (1823-1901)— Sarah Landis. Henry B. Meyer (1826)— Susanna Kratz. Mary Ann Meyer (1833-1871)— Cornelius Loux. Abraham B. Meyer (1835) — Matilda Koch. 330-334 3. Mary Beidler; died single. I 334 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 129. >^ 1—1 I 00 < Z K CI ITS 00 00 \a 00 H fi 1— I rn th th r-i v^ v_/ « Pi Pi O H H ;< H H - P5 m X W ^ < Pi N CO IV. Generation. Susan B. Fretz (1810-1889) Jonas D. Moyer ^ (1801-1873). V. Generation. 1. Eliza Moyer (1831-1858)— John S. Clymer. 2. HeniT F. Moyer (1833)— Mary A. Shearer. 3. William Moyer (1837); d. in infancy. 4. Susan F. Moyer (1839)— Elias A. Hunsicker. ChristianB. Fretz r (1814-) mrd. J Elizabeth Fretz. [ Eliza B. Fretz (1817-) mrd. Philip K. Fretz (1809-1892). 1. Henrv B. Fretz (1820-1859) married Elizabeth Landis. Mark B. Fretz (1824) mrd. Mary Landis. Page 325-327 1. One child; died unnamed. 1. Susan Fretz (1838)— Mahlon Meyers. 2. Anna Fretz (1840); single. 3. Rebecca Fretz (1843) — James L. Reber. 4. Plenry E. Fretz (1847)— Amanda Moyer. 5. Jacob Fretz (1852-)— Josephine Berks. 327 327-328 1. Ralph L. Fretz (1846-1897)— Martha J. Beideman. 2. Henry L. Fretz (1851)— Mary E. Smith. 3. Mary E. Fretz (1853)— Joseph E. Detweiler, Abel N. Myers. 4. John M. Fretz (1857); single. 328-329 No children. 330 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 130. eo 00. H Q m O u < 1-5 t— ca OS (MIOOO 00 00 00 t~-c-oo OH" V. Generation. 1. Eliza Moyer (1831-1858) married John S. Clymer. J. Henry F. Moyer (1833) mrd. Mary A. Shearer. 3. William Moyer (1837-); died in infancy. 4. vSusan F. Moyer (1837) mrd. Elias A. Hunsicker. 1 VI. Generation. 1. Adeline Clymer (1852-1857); d. young. 2. Eliza Clymer (1858-58); d. in infancy. 1. Harvey S. Moyer. 2. J. Warren Moyer — Jennie Clausen. 3. Frank S. Moyer— Emma Wolf. 4. Addie Moyer. 5. Florence Moyer. Page 326 326 326 1. Ella M. Hunsicker (1857); single. 2. Clayton M. Hunsicker — Amelia Seigel. 326-327 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 131. ^1< tH t-hO I 00 V. Generation. Susan Fretz (1838-) mrd. Mahlon Meyei's (1839-1869). Anna Fretz (1840); single. VI. Generation. . Rebecca Fretz (1843) mrd. James S. Reber. PJ C<1 iOtH lOOCOOO Q I I ^^ •-Sl-ll-H , No children. { Henry E. Fretz (1847) mrd. Amanda Meyer. Page 327 . Jacob Fretz (1852-) mrd. Josephine Berks. 327 1. Erwin M. Reber (1864) — Marietta Ruppee. 2. Schuyler C. Reber (1867>. 3. Philip E. Reber (1871-1883); d. young. 4. James W. Reber (1878). 5. Gertrude P. Reber (1880-83); d. young. 6. Edna M. Reber (1884). 327-328 1. Edgar M. Fretz (1871-1875); d. young. 2. James O. Fretz (1873). 3. Warren Fretz (1875) — Clara Bissey. 4. Philip K. Fretz, Jr. (1876). 5. Erwin C. Fretz (1878). 6. Lizzie B. Fretz (1881). 7. Eugene Fretz (1883). 8. Herbert Fretz (1885). 9. Florence Fretz (1887). 1. James Garfield Fretz. 328 328 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 132. oo •00 HH V. Generation. 1. Ralph L. Fretz (1846-1897) mrd. Martha J. Beideman. ■^ CO 00 00 r; lo 00 M QQi-tTHTH OH I— I H cc I— I P5 O prJN HH I— I to H WW H;z; WH ^> a- VI. Generation. 1. Anna E. Fretz (1872)— Wm. H. Vaughn. 2. John B. Fretz (1875)— Rachel J. Noll. Page 328-329 . Henry L. Fretz (1851) mrd. Mary E. Smith. 3. Mary E. Fretz f l. (1853) mrd. ] Joseph E. Detweiler, 1^ 2. Ross F Abel N. Myers. ^ 1. Clara V. Fretz (1880)— Albert C. Meixell. 2. Ethel M. Fretz (1883). 3. Josephine S. Fretz (1892). Theodore F. Detweiler (1874). 329 Detweiler (1888). 329 John M. Fretz (1857); single. { 329 32 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 133. IV. Generation. V, Generation. H < < Q I— I ffl < < O < t-5 w I— I u a fQ p^ >^ O H P 1. John B. Meyer (1818-1903) married Hannah Beidler. 2. Susan Meyer marriea Daniel Yeder. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. {i Christian B. Mover. (1823-1901) mrd. Sarah Landis (1827-1895). 4. Henry B. Meyer | (1826) mrd. •< Susanna Kratz. i 2. 5. Mary Ann Meyer (1833-1871) married Cornelius Leux. r 1. 2. 3. Abraham B. f 1. Meyer ; (1835) mrd. S ^ Matilda Koch. |^ -^^ Page Abraham Meyer — SaA'illa Barndt. Levi B. Meyer (1853) — Elmira Kepler. Annie Meyer — William Fisher. John B. Meyer — Sarah Shaffer. Henry B. Meyer — Amanda Seachrist. Mary Meyer— Samuel Weaver. 330-331 Abraham Yeder; single. Eliza Yeder (1848)— Alfred A. Ritter. 331 Mary A. Meyer (1850) — Oliver H. Smith. Clementine Meyer (1853-1895)— Jesiah Fry. William L. Meyer (1856) Martha J. Baird. Abraham L. Meyer (I860)— Jennie Bewlby. Christian L. Meyer (1867-95); d. single. 331-332 Eliza A. Meyer (I860)— Henry Trumbere. Ellen M. Meyer (1869)— Edwin Kulp. Annie E. Loux (1856)— Milton H. Biehn. Mary Amanda Loux (1857); single. Horace M. Leux (1863)— Martha L. Eichner. 333 333 William K. Meyer (1864)— Ida Baringer. Elmina Moyer (1867-1882); d. single. 333-334 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 134. St' rH [-» rH ^ TOO -lOi Q ' Q ' PQCWct H .^ — PQZ • ^ Z ^ o l-H ^ o - V. Generation. Abraham Moyer married Savilla Barndt. Levi B. Moyer (1853) mrd. Elmira Kepler. 3. Annie Moyer married William Fisher. 4. John B. Moyer married Sarah Shaffer. 5. Henry B. Moyer married Amanda Seachrist. 6. Mary Moyer married Samuel Weaver, VI. Generation. 1. Leon Moyer. Page 330 /i. Alfred K. Moyer (1874)— Flora Markley. I 330 t 1. Jacob Fisher. 2. Morris Fisher. No children. 1. Jennie Moyer. 2. Robert Moyer, 3. Annie Moyer. 1. Stella Weaver. 2. Mary Weaver. 330 331 331 331 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEI DLER HISTORY. No. 135. 00 00 Oi 00 I— I 02 V. Generation. 1. Abraham Yoder; single. 2. Eliza Yoder (1848) mrd. Alfred A. Ritter. VI. Generation. Page 331 r 1. Infant; died unnamed. 1 2. Martha J. Ritter (1879)- 331 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 136. OS 00 00 CO Q < < Q ' O I— I I— I o 12; I— I V. Generation. . Mary A. Moyer (1850-) mrd. Oliver H. Smith. VI. Generation. 1. Emily Smith — Isaiah B. Long. Page 332 Clementine Moj' (1853-1895) married Josiah Fry >'erj 2. Anna Mary Fry. Rosa May Fry. 3. Nellie B. Fry. . 4. Jessie Fry; deceased. 332 3. William L. Moyer f 1. Leonard F. Moyer (1888-1889). (1856) mrd. \ Martha J. Baird. I 2. Edna M. Moyer (1890-1895). 4. Abraham L. Moyer f 1. Sarah E. Moyer; deceased. (1860-1892) mrd. \ Jennie Bowlby. L 2. Norman C. Moyer; deceased. 332 332 5. Christian L. Moyer f (1867-1895); died single. \ 332 - > GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 137. MmN V. Generation. VI. Generation. L. Eliza Ann Moyer f (1860) mrd. \ No children. Henry Trumbore. I Page 333 = W L Ellen M. Moyer (1869) mrd. Edwin Kulp. 1. Ida L. Kulp (1886). 2. Charles H. Kulp (1887). 3. Pearly M. Kulp (1888). 4. Sadie V. Kulp (1890-1890); deceased. 333 GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 138. fflO Q ' Q fQ = ^ V. Generation. L. Annie L. Loux (1856) mrd. Milton H. Biehn. 2. Mary A. Loux (1857); single. 3. Horace M. Loux (1863) mrd. Martha L. Bichner. L VI. Generation. 1. Horace L. Biehn (1889). 2. Alice L. Biehn (1890). 3. Milton L. Biehn (1894). 4. Frank L. Biehn (1896-1897). Page 333 333 li. Cornelius Taylor Loux. 333 < M I— I < GENEALOGICAL CHART— BEIDLER HISTORY. No. 139. ^3 l-H H-l -<: V. Generation. 1. William K. Moyer (1864) mrd. Ida Baringer. 2. Elmina Moyer (1867-1882); died single. VI. Generation. 1. Charles Moyer (1888). 2. Ellen Moyer. Page 334 { 334 INDEX OF BRANCHES. Gen. Page I. Jacob Beidler, married Anna Meyer 1 II. Barbara Beitler, married John Newcomer 15 III. Susanna Newcomer, married Samuel Landis 19 IV. Barbara Landis, married Conrad Jacoby 19 IV. Jolm Landis married Maria Kramer 24 IV. Abraham Landis, married Maria Hoss 25 IV. Elizabeth Landis, married Roan 25 IV. Samuel Landis, married Musselman 25 IV. Margaret Landis, married Benjamin Jacoby 25 IV. Joseph Landis, married 25 IV. Jacob Landis, married Strunk 25 IV. Henry Landis, married Rebecca Swartz 25 IV. Anna Landis, married John B. Shelly 25 IV. David Landis, married Lydia Jacoby 25 III. Jacob Newcomer, married Esther Latshaw 28 IV. John Newcomer, married Elizabeth Jenkins 28 IV. Abraham Newcomer, married Catharine 29 IV. Barbara Newcomer, died single 29 IV. David Newcomer, died single 30 IV. Ann Newcomer, married John Reed 30 IV. Catharine Newcomer, married Jacob C. Longacre 30 IV. Joseph L. Newcomer, married Maria Royer 33 III. Nancy Newcomer, married Jacob Fretz 35 III. John Newcomer, Jr., married Mary Koppes 35 IV. Anna Newcomer, married Jacob Dotterer 36 IV. Elizabeth Newcomer, died single 36 IV. Barbara Newcomer, married Jacob Yoder 36 IV. Susanna Newcomer, married Aaron Reinhard 36 IV. Catharine Newcomer, married David H. Gehman 38 IV. Mary Newcomer, married Peter Schleifer 39 IV. Sarah Newcomer, married Ephraim Geisinger 40 IV. Rebecca Newcomer, married John Arnold 40 IV. John Newcomer, single 41 III. Henry Newcomer, married Mary Schleifer 41 IV. Susanna Newcomer, married Jacob Z. Swartz 41 IV. Ann Newcomer, married Joseph P. Mathews 46 IV. Sallie Newcomer, married Daniel B. Shelly 47 IV. Mary Newcomer, married Joseph Riegel 47 IV. Hannah Newcomer, married Samuel Moyer 49 IV. Fanny Newcomer, married Morris 49 506 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— INDEX OF BRANCHES. Gen. Page IV. John Newcomer 49 III. Elizabeth Newcomer, married Abraham Geisinger 49 IV. John N. Geisinger, died single 49 IV. Isaac Geisinger, died single 49 IV. Susanna Geisinger, died single 49 IV. Abraham Geisinger, married Reinhard 50 IV. Anna Geisinger, married Conrad Jacoby 51 IV. Thomas Geisinger, married Susanna Geisinger 51 III. Abraham Newcomer, married Susanna Koppes 52 III. Mary Newcomer, married Daniel Shelly 52 IV. David N. Shelly, married Barbara Bachman 52 IV. John N. Shelly, married Susanna S. Moyer 53 IV. Jacob N. Shelly, married Lydia Geisinger 55 IV. Rev. William N. Shelly, married Sarah Geisinger and Anna Weikel 55 IV. Catharine Shelly, married Henry Hiestand 57 IV. Levi N. Shelly, married Mary Bleam 59 IV. Henry Shelly, married Sarah Alderfer 59 III. David Newcomer, married Mary High 61 IV. Barbara Newcomer, married Mathias Smith 61 IV. Nancy Newcomer, married John Kline 62 IV. David Newcomer, married Christiana Godshall 64 IV. Mary Newcomer, married Charles Cassel 67 IV. Susan Newcomer, married Mathias Smith 70 IV. Eliza Newcomer, married Hiram R. Fenimore 70 IV. Lavina M. Newcomer, married George Decker 71 IV. Jacob Newcomer, married Catharine Daub 72 II. Anna Beitler, married Henry Oberholtzer 73 III. Agnes Overholt, married Christian Fretz 75 IV. John Fretz, married Frances Shellenberger 75 IV. Henry Fretz, married Susanna Sherrick 78 IV. Daniel Fretz, married Hannah Fox 87 IV. Mary Fretz, died single 87 IV. Anna Fretz, married Samuel Stauffer 87 IV. Christian Fretz, married Catharine Smith 88 III. Maria Overholt, married John Myers 90 III. Jacob Overholt, married Elizabeth Detweiler 90 IV. Rev. John D. Overholt, married Elizabeth Stauffer and Mary Bixler 90 IV. Henry D. Overholt, married Elizabeth Sherrick 97 IV. Jacob D. Overholt, married Mary Freed 100 IV. Annie Overholt, married Abraham Sherrick 100 IV. Susan Overholt, married Christian Stauffer 101 IV. Martin D. Overholt, married Mary Shallenberger 107 III. Anna Overholt, married Peter Loucks 108 IV. Catharine Loucks, married John W. Stauffer 108 IV. Henry Loucks, married Mary Myers and Barbara Stauffer 109 IV. Jacob Loucks, married Catharine Smith 112 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— I N DEX OF BRANCHES. 507 Gen. Page IV. Mary Loucks, married Jacob Shupe 114 IV. Rev. Martin Loucks, married Nancy Stauffer 115 IV. Nancy Loucks, died single 119 IV. John Loucks, married Sarah Bassler 119 IV. Peter Loucks, married Anna Barkey 121 IV. Sarah Loucks, married Samuel Dillinger 124 III. Martin Overholt, married Catharine Overholt 124 IV. Susanna Overholt, married Henry Shupe 124 IV. Esther Overholt, married Jacob Lane 128 IV. Anna Overholt, married Adam Tinstman 132 IV. Abraham O. Overholt, married Mary Stoner 134 IV. Kenry O. Overholt, married Elizabeth Bechtel 135 IV. John O. Overholt, single 138 IV. Martin O. Overholt. single 138 III. Barbara Overholt, married Jacob Durstine 138 IV. Anna Durstine, married John Long 138 IV. Abraham Durstine, married Catharine Sherrick 139 IV. John Durstine, died single 141 IV. Henry Durstine, married Sarah Pletcher 141 IV. Jacob Durstine, single 144 IV. Martin Durstine, married Harvey 144 IV. Christian Durstine, married Catharine Pletcher 144 IV. Catharine Durstine, married Jacob Bowers 145 IV. Samuel Durstine, married 145 III. Elizabeth Overholt, married Martin Stauffer 145 IV. Abraham D. Stauffer, married Mary Newcomer 145 IV. Henry Stauffer, married Catharine Hough and Susanna Newmyer 148 IV. Anna Stauffer, married Henry Sherrick 150 IV. Sarah Stauffer, married Samuel Heath 151 IV. John T. Stauffer, married Susan Strickler 152 III. Henry Oberholtzer, died single 155 III. Sarah Oberholtzer, died single 155 III. Abraham Oberholtzer, married Maria Stauffer 155 IV. Henry S. Overholt, married Abigail Carpenter 157 IV. Anna Overholt, married John Tinstman 159 rv. Jacob S. Overholt, married Elizabeth (Funk) Fox 163 IV. Abraham S. Overholt, married Mary Ann Newmyer 167 IV. Elizabeth Overholt, married John W. Frick 167 IV. Martin S. Overholt. married Maria Wakefield 168 IV. Christian S. Overholt, married Catharine L. Newmyer 169 IV. John S. Overholt, died single 170 III. Christian Overholt, married Elizabeth Stauffer 170 IV. Abraham S. Overholt, married Barbara Sherrick 171 IV. Sarah Overholt, married Christian Stoner 177 IV. Henry Overholt, married Sarah Frick 178 IV. Anna Overholt, married James Irvin and John Bolton 179 IV. Elizabeth Overholt, married John Stoner 180 508 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— INDEX OF BRANCHES. Gen. Page IV. Christian Overholt, married Catharine Leighty 180 III. Susanna Overholt, died single 182 II. Elizabeth Beitler, married Christian Swartz 182 II. John Beitler, married Hannah Buckwalter IS.*} III. Jacob Beidler, married Mary Landis 185 IV. John Beidler, married Rauchy A. Leacock 187 IV. Elizabeth Beitler. married Isaac Walker 193 IV. Abraham Beidler, married Sarah W. Stephens 201 IV. Joseph Beidler, died single 204 IV. Daniel Beidler, died single 204 IV. Rev. Israel Beidler, married Mary Latshaw 204 IV. Mary Beidler, died single 208 IV. Hannah Beidler, single 208 III. John Beitler, married Anna Longacre 208 IV. Rev. Jesse J. Beitler, married Elizabeth Detw^eiler. Catharine Rohr and Elizabeth Weisner 209 IV. Hannah Beitler, married William Rogers 211 IV. John Beitler, married Thomazen Thompson 213 IV. Mary J. Beitler. married Benjamin Hawley 215 IV. Julia A. Beitler, died single 216 IV. Eleanor Beitler, married Samuel Bringhurst 216 III. Mary Beidler, married John Landis 224 IV. Hannah Landis, married Daniel Longacre 224 IV. Abraham B. Landis, married Hannah Miller and Lydia Pool.. 228 IV. John B. Landis, married Ann Hunsicker 230 IV. Jacob B. Landis, married Hannah Stubblebine 232 III. Abraham Beitler, married Mary Brower 233 IV. Daniel B. Beitler, married Mary Ann Eliza Merklee 234 IV. Hannah Beitler, married Washington Garner 238 IV. Frances B. Beitler, married Joseph H. Miller 245 IV. Sarah Beitler, married Jacob Gibson 245 IV. Joseph Beitler, married Sarah Cade 247 IV. David Beitler, married Elizabeth Grover 248 IV. John Beitler, died single 249 III. Joseph Beitler, married Mary Benner 249 IV. Sarah Beitler, married Isaac Stiteler and Samuel Irey 249 IV. Henry Beitler 252 IV. Hannah Beitler, married Joseph Downing '. 252 III. Ann Beitler, married Moses Lewis 252 IV. Eleanor B. Lewis, married Jesse Evans Philips 253 IV. Sarah Lewis, married Morgan Philips 256 IV. Hannah Lewis, died smgle 257 IV. Mary A. Lewis, died single 257 IV. Jane Lewis, married John S. Davis 257 IV. Isaac B. Lewis, married Rebecca Slawyer 258 III. Hannah Beitler, married John Lapp 25S IV. William Lapp 258 IV. Isaac Lapp 258 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— INDEX OF BRANCHES. 509 Gen. Pag-e IV. Joseph Lapp 258 IV. David Lapp 258 IV. John Lapp 259 IV. Elizabeth Lapp 259 IV. Mary Lapp, married Stout 259 IV. Jacob B. Lapp, married Sarah McCumber 259 III. Elizabeth Beitler, married Joseph Downing and Benjamin Riter 260 IV. James Downing', married Marg-aret Gheen 260 IV. John Downing-, married Mary C. Downing- 263 IV. Thamzin Downing-, married George Woodward 263 IV. Sarah Downing-, married Solon Foster 263 IV. Hannah B. Downing-, died sing-le 263 IV. Mary A. Downing, married Morgan Lewis 263 IV. Charles C. Riter. married Hannah M. Cosgrove 265 IV. Joseph D. Riter, married Edith Davis 266 IV. William W. Riter, married Sarah C. Falkner 266 III. Eleanor Beitler, married Ezekiel Evans 267 IV. Thomas B. Evans, married Martha J. Cheney 267 IV. Hannah B. Evans, married William P. Reiff 267 IV. John B. Evans, married Louisa E. Williams 268 IV. Jane H. Evans, married James W. Phipps 270 IV. Mary A. Evans, married Charles Frick 270 IV. Evan B. Evans, married Annie R. Garrett 270 IV. Lewis H. Evans, married Phebe H. Pennypacker 271 IV. Rebecca Evans, died single 271 IV. Ann Evans, single 271 IV. D. W. Evans, married Elizabeth Wilis 272 III. David Beitler, married Hannah Evans 272 IV. John Beitler, married Emma Breitenbach 272 IV. Evan Beitler, married 272 IV. William Beitler, married Lizzie Breitenbach 272 IV. Richard Beitler, married 272 IV. Harry Beitler, married 272 IV. Margaret Beitler, married George Breitenbach 272 IV. Annie Beitler 272 II. Abraham Beidler, married Frone 273 III. Mary Beidler, married John Stahr 274 IV. John Stahr, married Sarah Summers 275 IV. Mary Stahr, married Christian Fluck 278 IV. Samuel Stahr, married Lydia Clymer 283 IV. Annie Stahr, married Michael Martin 284 IV. Elizabeth B. Stahr, married Alexander Texter 286 II. Jacob Beidler, married Annie Lederach 287 III. Henry Beidler, married Susanna Fultz 289 IV. John Beidler, married Anna Kauffman and Mary Kauffman... 289 IV. Jacob Beidler, married Catharine Nickey and Susan Kozer (or Cozer) .... 293 510 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— I NDEX OF BRANCHES. Gen. Page IV. Susanna Beidler, married John B. Adams 295 IV. Nancy Beidler, died young 299 III. Jacob Beidler, married Susanna Krout 299 IV. Annie Beidler, married Samuel Stover 299 IV. Aaron Beidler, married Susanna Kratz 300 IV. Elizabeth Beidler, married Isaac Kratz 302 IV. Henry Beidler, married Sarah Sammons 305 IV. Nathan C. Beidler, mrd. Mary Krout and Elizabeth Swartley 307 IV. Jacob Beidler, married Mary Ann Funk 313 IV. Christian Beidler, died young 320 IV. Susan Beidler, married Jacob Fretz 320 IV. Joseph Beidler, married Maria Bewighouse 322 III. Anna Beidler, married Henry Licey 323 II. Christian Beitler. married Susanna Shelly 324 in. Elizabeth Beidler, married Henry Fretz 325 IV. Susan B. Fretz, married Jonas D. Moyer 325 IV. Christian B. Fretz, married Elizabeth Fretz 327 IV. Eliza B. Fretz, m.arried Philip K. Fretz 327 IV. Henry B. Fretz. married Elizabeth Landis 328 IV. Mark B. Fretz, married Mary Landis 330 III. Nancy Beidler, married Abraham Moyer 330 IV. John B. Moyer, married Hannah Beidler 330 IV. Susan Moyer, married Daniel Yoder 331 IV. Christian B. Moyer, married Sarah Landis 331 IV. Henry B. Moyer, married Susanna Kratz 333 IV. Mary Ann Moyer, married Cornelius Loux 333 IV. Abraham B. Moyer, married Matilda Koch 333 III. Mary Beitler, died single 334 GENERAL INDEX. All names marked thus — are persons married into the family. Gen. Page — Ackerman, Dora 40 6 Ackerman, Edna 59 — Ackerman, Ida 54 — Ackerman, Jacob 27 — Ackerman, John G 59 7 Ackerman, Minnie 27 5 Adams, Aaron B 298 6 Adams, Aaron 297 5 Adams, Aaron 297 6 Adams, Agnes 297 6 Adams, Arthur 299 7 Adams, Arthur 296 7 Adams, Charles 296 7 Adams, Elsie 296 6 Adams, Frank 298 5 Adams, George B 296 6 Adams, George 299 7 Adams, Gertie M 296 6 Adams, Harriet 299 6 Adams, Harry 298 6 Adams, Helen 299 5 Adams, Henry H 296 6 Adams, Henr>^ M 296 5 Adams, Isaac 297 5 Adams, Israel 297 6 Adams, Ivan 299 — Adams, Jacob 28 5 Adams, Jacob 297 5 Adams, Jefferson 298 5 Adams, Jeremiah 297 — Adams, John B 295 5 Adams, John 298 6 Adams, John 298 6 Adams, Lizzie 297 5 Adams, Mary 297 6 Adams, Minerva 296 6 Adams, Sallie 297 6 Adams, Spencer 297 6 Adams, Susan 296 6 Adams, Theodore 297 5 Adams, William B 296 6 Adams, William 297 — Adkins, Ira 149 7 Adkins, Leroy W 149 — AfHerbach. Susanna 284 — Ager, Charlotte 118 — Aikinson, Edith 250 6 Aimes, Delia 308 6 Aimes, Harrison 308 — Aimes, Joseph 308 6 Aimes, Nathan 308 6 Aimes, Pearl 308 6 Aimes, Rachel 308 Gen. Page 7 Alderfer, Cecil T 31 6 Alderfer, Deborah F 32 6 Alderfer, Ella C 31 — Alderfer, Frederick 30 6 Alderfer, Frederick G. ... 31 7 Alderfer, Freddie 32 6 Alderfer, Jacob 32 6 Alderfer, John M 31 6 Alderfer, Pearl P 32 7 Alderfer, Ruth 31 — Alderfer, Sarah 59 7 Alderfer, Sterling 31 7 Alderfer, Walter 31 — Albright, Katie 292 — Allen, Aaron 21 — Allen, Lillie E 57 — Allter, Scott 292 8 Alter, Ethel C 126 — Alter, Frank T 126 8 Alter, Herbert F 126 8 Alter, Ralph J 126 8 Alter. Russel C 126 — Alleshouse, Chas. L 141 — Altman, Mary 82 — Anderson, Alice 77 — Anderson, Delia 32 — Anderson, Esther 227 — Anderson. Hattie 78 — Anderson, Mary K 256 — Andreas, Franklin 44 6 Andrews, Beatrice L 311 6 Andrews, Florence M 311 6 Andrews, Lotta G 311 — Andrews, Maggie 79 — Andrews, Dr. R. H 309 6 Andrews, Russell H 311 6 Angeny, Amelia 281 7 Angeny. Clarence G 281 6 Angeny, Clayton 281 7 Angeny, C. Beatty L 281 6 Angeny, David F 280 6 Angeny, Emma 281 7 Angeny, Erwin L 281 7 Angeny, Flora L 281 7 Angeny, Howard G 281 6 Angeny, Ida 281 — Angeny, Jacob 280 6 Angeny, Jacob 281 7 Angeny, J. Warren L 281 6 Angeny, John 280 6 Angeny, Katie 281 6 Angeny, Lydia A. F 281 6 Angeny, Mary 281 512 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. Gen. Page 7 Angeny, Willis L 281 — Armell, Lydia K 161 5 Arnold. Amanda R 41 5 Arnold Elemina C 41 5 Arnold, Franklin J 41 — Arnold, John 40 — Arnold, Rhoda A 193 5 Arnold, Silvia E 41 5 Arnold, William A 41 7 Armstrong, Addie B 91 7 Armstrong, Emma A 91 — Armstrong, George W 91 7 Armstrong, William L. ... 91 — Ashbridge, Alice C 214 — Aukerman, Rebecca 115 7 Aultman. Ettie M 129 7 Aultman, Luella S 129 — Aultman, Samuel D 129 7 Bachman, Arty 24 — Bachman, Barbara 52 7 Bachman, Benjamin B 23 — Bachman, Charles 23 7 Bachman, Howard 24 7 Bachman, Warden 24 6 Bachtel, Aaron 92 — Bachtel. Abraham 91 6 Bachtel, Abraham 92 7 Bachtel. Ada B 92 7 Bachtel, Addie A 92 6 Bachtel, Anna 91 7 Bachtel, Christina 91 6 Bachtel. Elizabeth 91 7 Bachtel, Elmer R 92 6 Bachtel, Emma 92 7 Bachtel. Harry C 92 7 Bachtel. Ida Belle 91 7 Bachtel, James W 92 6 Bachtel, John 91 7 Bachtel. John L 91 7 Bachtel, Lona L 92 7 Bachtel, Lonnie E 91 6 Bachtel, Mary 91 7 Bachtel, Mary R 92 7 Bachtel, Odas 92 7 Bachtel, Ola 91 6 Bachtel, Sarah 92 7 Bachtel. Virgie V 92 — Baird. Martha J 332 — Baker. Harry 23 — Baker, Melissa 179 8 Baker, Stanley 23 6 Balliet, Ellen 37 6 Balliet, Emma L 37 6 Balliet, Harvey 37 6 Balliet, Jeremiah 37 — Balliet, Levi 37 7 Balliet. Mary A 37 7 Balliet. Meda M 37 7 Balliet, Oliver E 37 6 Balliet, Willie F 37 7 Balliet, William M 37 — Bare. 142 — Barndt. Fred 22 7 Barndt, Howard 22 6 6 7 7 7 Gen. Page — Barndt, Savilla 330 — Baringer, Ida 334 — Barkev, Anna 121 — Bartholomew, Sarah 20 — Bartley, John T 105 — Bassler. Sarah 119 6 Batchelor, Jessie H 20/ — Batchelor, Joseph C 207 7 Batchelor, Mai^garet L 20 < Batchelor, Mary 1 207 Batchelor, Ward A 20 < Battenfield. HeniT D 42 Battenfield, Lewis A 43 . Battenfield, Meda R 43 — Battenfield, Zeph 42 — Beal. David 69 6 Beal, Florence A 69 6 Beal, Mary R 69 — Beale. Mary E 3.J^ — Bealer. Ella 286 6 Bear, Annie M 292 — Bear, Elizabeth j^ 9 6 Bear, Elmer 292 6 Bear, Fannie j^j' — Bear, Francis 29^ 6 Bear, Joseph 29^ 7 Bear, Levi 29^ — Bearss. Emma 2d 6 Beaver, Lorena F 269 — Beaver. Willard W 269 — Bechtel. Daniel D 230 — Bechtel, Elizabeth 135 6 Bechtel. Henry L 230 6 Bechtel, John L 230 — Beck. Addie F 286 — Beck, Clem.entina W 23/ — Beck. Elmer 40 — Beck. Mary B 284 6 Bedford. Sarah P 213 — Bedford. William P 213 — Beideman, Martha J 0^8 — Beistline. Elizabeth 290 5 Beidler. Aaron ^g.T Beidler. Aaron 300 Beidler. i^aron 307 Beidler, Abraham M 201 Beidler. Abraham L 204 Beidler. Abraham 2(3 Beidler, Abraham -95 Beidler, Adah M 191 Beidler. Agnes E 206 Beidler, Albert 205 Beidler, Amanda 292 Beidler. Amanda 295 Beidler. Anna Tv 204 Beidler. Anna M 291 Beidler. Anna E 323 Beidler. Annie L 201 Beidler. Annie L -91 Beidler. Annie 299 5 Beidler. Ann E 309 3 Beidler. Annie 3-,3 R Beidler. Augustus F 319 6 Beidler. Augustus H 319 5 Beidler. Barbara 312 4 5 4 5 2 5 6 7 6 5 6 6 6 5 5 6 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. 513 Gen. 5 Beidler, 4 Beidler, 7 Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, — Beidler, 7 Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, Beidler, ir'age Catharine 292, 295 Christian 320 Claude B 206 Clara 308 Clara 308 Daniel 204 David 320 Edith 207 Elizabeth 193, 302 Elizabeth M 290 Elizabeth S 311 Elizabeth L 319 Elizabeth 325 Ella 193 Ella 202 Elliott W 205 Elsie 295 Emma 312, 320 Ethel F 191 Ethel J 204 Ethel 295 Fannie E 203 Florence M 193 Ford E 205 Rev. Francis W. 206 Francis 319 Francis 319 George H 191 George L 192 George 320 George L 193 George 320 George H 205 George F 323 Gertrude L 301 Gladys 193 Glen 295 Hannah M 201 Hannah 208 Hannah 330 Harold H 206 Harold F 206 Harry P 203 Hazel A 191 Helen A 204 Henry A 192 Henry 289 Henry 289 Henry G 291 Henry 305 Henry 323 Herbert A 306 Howard J 204 Howard T 205 Howard 323 Ida 308 Irene 301 Rev. Israel 204 Israel N. R 206 Israel 323 Jacob 185 Rev. Jacob A. ...189 Jacob 1 Gen. Page 4 Beidler, Jacob 201, 293, 313 5 Beidler, Jacob H.K 204 Beidler, Jacob A 207 Beidler, Jacob D 208 Beidler, Jacob 287 Beidler, Jacob K 290 Beidler, Jacob M 291 Beidler, Jacob 299 Beidler, Jacob 308 Beidler, Jeremiah 308 4 Beidler, John 187, 289 5 Beidler, John K 290 Beidler, John E 290 Beidler, John B 290 Beidler, John 294, 320 Beidler, John J 320 Beidler, Joseph 193 Beidler, Joseph 204, 322 Beidler, Joseph 206, 319 Beidler, Joseph H 206 Beidler, Joseph A 208 Beidler, Josiah 208 Beidler, J. Francis 319 Beidler, J. Warren 204 Beidler, Laura M 204 Beidler, Leah 290 Beidler, Leon K 312 Beidler, Lillian 205, 312 Beidler, Lizzie Y 202 Beidler, Lizzie L 302 Beidler, Louis H 301 Beidler, Madora 290 Beidler, Mabel R 208 6 Beidler, Maggie 193 5 Beidler, Margaret C 202 Beidler, Mary E 191 Beidler, Mary F 205 Beidler, Mary A 207, 308 Beidler, Mary F 208 Beidler, Mary 208 Beidler, Mary 274 Beidler, Mary 293, 323 Beidler, Mar>' A 307 Beidler, Mary M. S 309 Beidler, Mary E 323 Beidler. Mary 334 Beidler, Maud 292 Beidler. Minnie 295 Beidler, Nancy 294 Beidler, Nancy 299 Beidler, Nancy 330 Beidler, Nathan C 307 Beidler, Nathan G 308 Beidler, Nathan S 312 Beidler, Nathan P 312 Beidler, Nettie 295 Beidler, Olive 193 Beidler, Rauchey A 193 Beidler, Robert A 319 Beidler, Royal 295 Beidler, Samuel 208 Beidler, Samuel 308 5 6 2 5 6 3 5 5 33 514 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. Gen. Page 5 Beidler, Samuel 323 5 Beidler, Sallie L 207 5 Beidler, Sarah L 203 5 Beidler, Sarah 323 6 Beidler, S. Leslie 202 5 Beidler, Stephen L 202 6 Beidler, Susanna 290 5 Beidler, Susanna. .205, 292, 293, 308 4 Beidler, Susanna 295 4 Beidler, Susan 320 6 Beidler, Susie 323 5 Beidler, Svbilla 295 5 Beidler, Theodore F 205 6 Beidler, Theodore F 205 6 Beidler, Virg-inia M 207 6 Beidler, William A 191 4 Beidler, William 201 6 Beidler, William M 202 5 Beidler, William S 202 5 Beidler, William W 295 6 Beidler, William W 295 5 Beidler, William H 319 6 Beidler, William G 319 6 Beidler, Walter H 319 3 Beitler, Abraham 233 5 Beitler, Hon. Abraham M. 236 6 Beitler, Alice P 215 5 Beitler, Amanda C 237 3 Beitler, Ann 252 2 Beitler, Anna 72 5 Beitler, Anna 211, 215 4 Beitler, Annie 272 2 Beitler, Barbara 15 5 Beitler, Catharine 210 2 Beitler, Christian 324 4 Beitler, Daniel B 233 5 Beitler, Daniel B 247 4 Beitler, David 248 5 Beitler, David C 249 3 Beitler, David 272 6 Beitler, Edwin F 238 4 Beitler, Eleanor 216 3 Beitler, Eleanor 267 6 Beitler, Elsie J 237 5 Beitler, Elsie M 237 2 Beitler, Elizabeth 182 5 Beitler, Elizabeth M 214 3 Beitler, Elizabeth 260 5 Beitler, Eliza A 210 6 Beitler, Emerene M 211 4 Beitler, Evan 272 5 Beitler, Fannie 247 6 Beitler, Florence C 214 5 Beitler, Frances 210 4 Beitler, Frances B 245 5 Beitler, George F 237 4 Beitler, Hannah.. 211, 238, 252 3 Beitler, Hannah 258 5 Beitler, Hannah R 213 6 Beitler, Harold B 237 4 Beitler, Harry 272 Gen. Page 5 Beitler, Henry 215 4 Beitler, Henry 252 5 Beitler, Holland 215 4 Beitler, Rev. Jesse J 209 2 Beitler, John 183 3 Beitler, John 208 4 Beitler, John 213, 249, 272 5 Beitler, John 210, 211, 214 6 Beitler, John 214 5 Beitler, John G. F 249 6 Beitler, John H 215 4 Beitler, Joseph 247 3 Beitler, Joseph 249 5 Beitler, Julia 213 6 Beitler, Julia M 215 6 Beitler, Julia A 216 6 Beitler, Laroy 215 5 Beitler, Levis T 213 6 Beitler, Leila 214 4 Beitler, Lewis 233 5 Beitler, Lewis E 237 6 Beitler, Lewis E. J 238 5 Beitler, Luman 215 4 Beitler, Margaret 272 5 Beitler, Martha C 247 5 Beitler, Mary 210 6 Beitler, Mary S 215 4 Beitler, Mary J 215 3 Beitler, Mary 224 5 Beitler, Mary E 247, 249 6 Beitler, Mildred 237 4 Beitler, Nathan M 245 4 Beitler, Richard 272 5 Beitler, Samuel W 247 4 Beitler, Sarah 245 6 Beitler, Sidnev H 237 5 Beitler, William L 237 6 Beitler, William L 237 4 Beitler, William 272 — Benner, Mary 249 6 Bennett, Abraham L 142 6 Bennett, Edward M 142 6 Bennett, Emma 142 6 Bennett, Emerson 142 6 Bennett, Etta 142 — Bennett. James M 142 6 Bennett, John A 142 6 Bennett, Joseph 142 6 Bennett. Marion W 142 7 Beortolet. Ernest 58 — Beortolet. Warren 58 — Berger, Nettie 182 — Bergey. 5 — .Bernard, Emily J 173 — Bernard, James M 92 7 Bernard, John W 92 7 Bernard, Lena 92 7 Bernard, Maria 92 7 Bernard. Myrtle 92 7 Bernard. Oma 92 — Berry. Margaret 94 — Beswick, John 152 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. 515 Gen. Page 6 Betz, Aden 69 6 Betz, Benny 70 — Betz, Charles 69 6 Betz, Ellen 69 6 Betz, Jennie 70 6 Betz, Mary A 70 6 Betz, Russell 70 — Bewighouse, Maria 322 6 Biehn, Alice 333 6 Biehn, Frank L 333 6 Biehn, Horace L 333 6 Biehn, Milton L 333 — Biehn, Milton H 333 — Biles, Samantha 177 — Bissey, Clara 328 — Bleam, Julia 50 — Bleam, Mary 59 — Blosser, Charles 294 — Bly stone. Elizabeth 144 — Boltin, Florence 126 — Bolton, John 150 — Bonnett, Belle 147 7 Bonnett, James L 147 — Bonnett, John W 147 7 Bonnett, Yontz ...147 — Booher, Catharine 152 — Bosler, 21 — Bowlby, Jennie 332 — Bowser, Isaac 120 7 Bowser, Paul 121 7 Bowser, Ruth 121 7 Boyd, Albert M 85 — Boyd, Alexander H 94 7 Boyd, Anna J 86 7 Boyd. Anna M 96 7 Bovd, Azalia B 86 7 Boyd, Bessie M 85 6 Boyd, Christian C 95 7 Bovd, Cora M 85 6 Boyd, Elizabeth 95 7 Bovd, Fannie 76 7 Boyd, Frank H 85 6 Bovd. Frances A 96 7 Boyd, Harry E 85 6 Boyd, Isabella 95 — Boyd. James S 85 — Bovd, James H 150 7 Boyd, John C 86 7 Boyd. Jonathan M 96 7 Boyd, Lorinda M 96 6 Boyd. Margaret G 96 6 Boyd, Marv A 95 — Boyd. Mary A 119 7 Boyd, Max D 86 6 Bovd, Nancy 95 7 Boyd. Ralph H 86 — Bovd. Rice 98 7 Boyd. Ruth V 86 7 Bovd. Samuel 86 7 Boyd. William M 96 — Boyer, Edwin A 37 7 Boyer, E. Frank 37 Gen. PasT© 6 Braddock, Elizabeth M 168 6 Braddock, Feme F 168 6 Braddock, Homer F 168 6 Braddock, Howard C 168 — Braddock, James S 168 — Bradley, Frank 148 — Bradley, Mary 301 6 Brandt, John B 293 — Brandt, Joseph S 293 6 Brandt, Mary E 293 6 Brandt, Walter M 293 7 Brehm, Bessie M 292 — Brehm, Frank P 292 7 Brehm, H. LeRoy 292 7 Brehm, Margaret 292 7 Brehm, Percy 292 7 Brehm, Ruth 292 — ■ Breinig, Annie E 56 — Breitenbach, Emma 272 — Breitenbach, George 272 — Breitenbach, Lizzie 272 6 Bringhurst, Ada E 223 7 Bringhurst, Anna M 220 5 Bringhurst, Anna B 221 6 Bringhurst, Annie A 220 7 Bringhurst, Archie 21& 6 Bringhurst, Arthur B 22a 6 Bringhurst, Arvilla 221 6 Bringhurst, Beatrice 224 7 Bringhurst, Benjamin ....218 6 Bringhurst, Bessie 223 6 Bringhurst, Charles 221 6 Bringhurst, Chester 224 7 Bringhurst, Clara 218 7 Bringhurst, Clara S 219 6 Bringhurst, Daniel 220 6 Bringhurst, Edna 223 6 Bringhurst, Eleanor C. . . . 221 5 Bringhurst, Eleanor 223 6 Bringhurst, Eleanor A. ...224 6 Bringhurst, Eliza B 219 6 Bringhurst Emma E 223 7 Bringhurst, Ernest L 219 7 Bringhurst, Eva M 220 7 Bringhurst, Evelyn 221 6 Bringhurst, Florence 223 6 Bringhurst, Franklin P 220 6 Bringhurst, George R 220 7 Bringhurst, Gilbert 219 6 Bringhurst. Harvey 224 6 Bringhurst, Heber G 224 6 Bringhurst, Henry 220 5 Bringhurst, Henry 222 7 Bringhurst. Hortense 221 6 Bringhurst, Howard 219 7 Bringhurst, Howard L. . . . 219 6 Bringhurst, Jesse W 221 6 Bringhurst, Jesse 223 6 Bringhurst, John S 220 5 Bringhurst, John B 223 6 Bringhurst, John T 223 6 Bringhurst, Joseph A 220 516 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. Gen. 7 Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst — Bringhurst 6 Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Bringhurst Joseph E 221 Laura 218 Laura B 220 Laura S 221 Leo 221 Lewis M 221 Lorenzo 220 Louis G 218 Louis H 223 Louis 224 Louis S 224 Lucy 223 Lulu M 220 Marias W. . . . 221 Marion 223 Mary E 219 Mary E. B. ..221 Mary 223 Mary 224 Mifflin M 219 Mildred 224 Phoebe G 224 Robert P 222 Samuel 216 Samuel 221 Samuel 222 Samuel E 223 Selinda 218 Tracey 224 Vera 221 Vida 221 William A.... 217 William A.. Jr. 218 William W 218 7 6 Brown, Cora M 261 — Brown, Eva M 153 — Brown, Grace L 120 — Brown, Ida M 211 — Brown, Mary B 237 — Brown, Nettie 117 6 Brown, Olla V 261 — Brown, Phoebe 224 — Brown, Sarah 260 — Brown. William H 261 — Brownback, Annie J 58 — Brownback, Clara E 59 — Brower, Fannie S 68 — Brower. Mary 233 — Brubacker. Emma 172 Brught, Annie B 143 Buchman, Horace W 280 Buchman, Mary J 279 Buchman, Myrtle R 280 — Buchman. Peter 279 6 Buchman, William H 279 — Bucher, Maria 176 7 Buckwalter, Cora 226 Buckwalter, Daniel 227 Buckwalter, Elmer 226 Buckwalter, Emanuel ....227 Buckwalter, Eva 226 Buckwalter, Hannah 183 7 6 7 6 « 7 Gen. Page — Buckwalter, Jacob 226 6 Buckwalter, Jacob L 226 7 Buckwalter, Jennie M. ...227 7 Buckwalter, Katharine ...227 7 Buckwalter, Lizzie 226 6 Buckwalter. William H. ..226 — Buffum. Stella 257 — Bumbauer, Frank S 331 — Burgle, Louisa 83 — Burkhart, Frank J 86 7 Burkhart, Lawrence M. . . 86 7 Burkhart, Samuel 86 — Burns, Emma 151 7 Bush, Franklin L 62 7 Bush, Gertrude G 62 7 Bush, Henry 62 7 Bush, Mabel M 62 • — Bush, Norman 62 — Buzzard, John 122 — Byers, Annie 115 — Cade, Sarah 247 — Caldwell, Louisa 24 — Caley, Cyrus H 201 6 Caley, David A 202 6 Caley, Ella B 201 6 Caley, Hannah M 202 6 Caley, Harry T 201 6 Caley, Jonathan R 202 6 Caley, J. Oswald 202 6 Caley, Laura M 202 6 Caley, Sarah L 201 — Campbell, Eliza 109 7 Campbell, Harry 77 — Campbell, Montgomery ...251 6 Campbell, Sarah 252 — Campbell, Sarah B 181 — Campbell. William 77 — Camp, Arthur B 320 6 Camp, Gertrude E 320 6 Camp, Jay B 320 6 Camp. Mary B 320 — Canada. Frank 123 — Carmach. Gertrude G 68 — Carpenter, Abigail 157 6 Carroll. Arthur W 237 6 Carroll, Edwin S 237 6 Carroll, Elsie 237 6 Carroll, Helen B 237 — Carroll, William G 237 6 Cassel, Anna B 70 5 Cassel, Anne 67 — Cassel, Charles 67 6 Cassel, Charles H 69 5 Cassel, Charles 70 6 Cassel, Charles E 70 6 Cassel, Clara B 69 5 Cassel. David 69 5 Cassel. Elizabeth 69 6 Cassel, Frank N 70 5 Cassel, George 69 6 Cassel, George 70 6 Cassel. Huldah M 69 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. 517 Gen. Page 5 Cassel, Jacob 70 5 Cassel, Joel 69 — Cassel, John 22 5 Cassel, Lavina 69 — Cassel, Mary A 62 5 Cassel, Mary A 69 6 Cassel, Ollie M 70 5 Cassel, Sarah 69 5 Cassel, Susanna 69 6 Cassel, Walter 69 — Cawley, Julean 20 ■ — Chambers, Jennie 195 — Charlton, Annie 271 — Chenev, Martha J 267 — Childs, Adelaide 167 — Christ, Ella 132 — Christman, Calvin K 267 6 Christman, Daniel 267 6 Christman, Mary 267 6 Christman, Thomas 267 — Clair, Albert 137 7 Clair, Clyde 137 7 Clair, Lucilla 137 7 Clair, Ralph 137 7 Clair. Reuben 137 — Clarkson, Blanche 270 — Clausen, Jennie 326 — Clemmer, Maria 5 6 Cleveland, Ella M 251 6 Cleveland. George W 251 6 Cleveland, George G 251 6 Cleveland. Laura H 251 6 Cleveland, Martha E 251 6 Cleveland, Oliver H 251 — Cleveland. Rev. William J. 250 6 Cleveland. William C 251 — Clover, Mary 198 — Cluff , Oscar L 222 7 Cluff, Oscar B 222 7 Cluff, Owen H 222 — Cluster, Flora S. 230 6 Clymer, Adeline 326 6 Clvmer, Eliza 326 — Clvmer, John S 326 — Clymer. Lydia 283 — Colehower, Mary 200 — Colington. Mary E 210 7 Comp, Flora 76 — Comp. Louis 76 6 Compton. Anna B 64 6 Compton. Clarence E 64 6 Compton. Claude E 64 6 Compton, Eva B 64 — ■ Compton. Frank 64 6 Compton, Olive M 64 8 Cook, Hazel F 146 — Cook, Robert 146 8 Cook, Uarda 146 6 Cooper, Aaron 298 — Cooper, David 29 6 Cooper, Edna 298 — Cooper. Elvira 215 6 Cooper. Graybill 298 Gen. Page 6 Cooper, Henry 298 — Cooper, Henry 297 6 Cooper, Jeremiah 298 — Cooper, John M 294 6 Cooper, Laura 298 6 Cooper, Minnie 298 6 Cooper, Sallie 298 6 Cooper, Susan 298 7 Cooper, Viola B 294 — Coopernell, Elmer 63 7 Coopernell, Eva M 63 — Cope, 112 — Cormany, Cora 109 — Cornell, Frank H 301 — Cosgrove, Hannah M 265 — Cotton, W. J 142 6 Coughenour, Albert 154 — Coughenour, B. F 154 6 Coughenour, Ernest D. ...154 6 Coughenour, Hazel S 154 6 Coughenour, John S 154 6 Coughenour, Ralph S 154 — Cox, Andrew C 252 6 Cox. Eva E 252 — Craig, Honora 128 — Cramer, Janet 62 7 Crawford, Bessie 226 7 Crawford, Ersel 226 — Crawford, George 226 7 Crawford, Harry 226 7 Cressman, Verna J 50 — Cressman, Victor E 50 7 Cribbs. Anna 162 7 Cribbs, Charles C 162 7 Cribbs, Elizabeth 162 — Cribbs, James C 162 7 Cribbs, James L 162 7 Cribbs, Olive 162 — Crise, Martha M 140 — Cross. Fannie J 257 — Crossland, Ruth E 153 — Crouthamel, Alfred 275 7 Crouthamel, Harvey 276 7 Crouthamel, Martha 276 7 Crouthamel, William 276 — Culbertson, Charles 177 6 Gulp, Anna 65 — Gulp, Clara 65 6 Gulp, Ephraim 123 — Gulp, Henry 123 6 Gulp, Ida 123 — Gulp, Rebecca 122 6 Gulp, Salome 123 — Gummings, Lula 127 — ■Cunningham. Kezia J 77 — Cupple. Clara 20 7 Currv, Harriet E 229 — Currv. Howard W 229 7 Currv, Jean 229 7 Currv. John E 229 — Currv. TVilliam K 112 — Guthbertson. Elizabeth ...198 — Daniel. Sue M 38 518 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. Gen. Pagre 7 Banner, Dorothy 57 — Banner, Palmer 57 7 Banner, Paul 57 — Ballman, Laura R 196 — Barrah, Belmore B 147 7 Barrah, Emma L 147 — Baub, Catharine 72 6 Bavis, Carrie L 257 6 Bavis, Charles E >,o7 — Bavis, Edith 266 5 Bavis, Eleanor 257 6 Bavis. Ellen S 201 6 Bavis, Flora J 257 6 Bavis, Irene W 257 — Bavis, John S 257 6 Bavis, John S 257 5 Bavis, Joseph E 257 — Bavis, Laura M 219 5 Bavis, Lewis M 257 — Bavis. Malinda E 117 5 Bavis. Mary A 257 6 Bavis, Minnie M 257 — Bavis. Mordecai 201 5 Bavis, Sarah A 258 5 Bavis. Wiliam B 257 — Bawes, Clarence L 212 7 Bawes. Florus R 213 — Bay. Charles 259 — Bayton, A. M 261 — Becker, Alice 60 — Becker, George 71 — BeLong, Alice 4 2 — Berstine, Hannah 6 6 Betweiler, Ann M 86 7 Betweiler, Azelma E 86 7 Betweiler, Bessie R 85 — Betweiler. Elizabeth. . .82, 209 6 Betweiler. Elizabeth M 86 — Betweiler. Elizabeth 90 7 Betweiler, Emma E 86 7 Betweiler, Fred W 85 7 Betweiler, Harold 86 6 Betweiler, Henry F 84 6 Betweiler. Jacob S 86 6 Betweiler, John F 86 6 Betweiler, Joseph H 86 — Betweiler, Joseph E 329 — Betweiler, Martin 81 6 Betweiler, Mar\' A 84 7 Betv/eiler, Miriam J 86 6 Betweiler, Ross F 329 — Betweiler, Samuel 84 6 Betweiler, Samuel M 86 6 Betweiler, Susan C 85 6 Betweiler, Theodore F. ...3'^9 7 Betweiler. T\nninm V 85 — Beutsch. Fred W 69 — Bewitt. Frances 161 7 Bewev. Charles R 225 7 Bewey, Eva L 225 — Bewey, Leslie 225 — Bewev. Mar^^ C 225 7 Dewey, Ralph A 225 Gen. Page 7 Bewev, Willie K 225 — Bexter, Allen S 60 6 Bexter. Clayton H 60 6 Bexter Edward A 60 6 Bexter, Louie A 60 6 Bexter, Minnie 60 6 Bexter, Ora 60 — Biller, John B 293 Bill Bill Bill Bill Bill Bill Bill — Bill 5 Bill 5 Bill 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 nger. Anna 124 nger, Catharine 124 nger, Baniel 124 nger, Eliza 124 nger, Elizabeth 124 nger, John L 124 Mai-v^ 124 Samuel 124 Samuel 124 Sarah 124 50 36 mger, inger, inger, inger, — Boney, Estella 6 Botterer, Alice 5 Botterer, Baniel 36 5 Botterer, Henry 36 — Botterer, Jacob 36 5 Botterer, Jacob 36 5 Botterer, John 36 5 Botterer, Milton 36 — Bouglass, Anna 262 Bouglass, Blanche 159 5 6 5 6 6 4 5 5 4 Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown Bown — Bown 4 Down Bown Bown Down Bown Bown Down Bown ng, Arthur H 261 ng. Benjamin 260 ng, Carl 263 ng, Carev A 263 ng, Charles W 260 ng, Clara J 260 ng, Clara M 263 ng. Edith T 261 ng. Elda M 263 n^. Emily M 261 ng. Flora E 261 ng, Gaylord 263 ng. George 252 ng, George W 262 ng, Hannah E 261 ng. Hannah 263 ng, James E 261 ng. .Tames 260 ng. Jane F 262 ng, John B 263 ng. John 263 na:. Joseph 252 ng. Joseph R 262 ng. Lucy M.. 262 ng. Marv L 261 ng. Marv F 261 ng. Marv C 263 ng, Marv A 263 ng, Milo E 261 ng, Nellie E 261 nsr. Sarah 263 ng. Sarah 215 ng. Sarah A 252 ng. Stephen A. D 263 ng, Thamzin 263 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. 519 Gen. Page — Downing, Thomas 215 5 Downing, Thomas 260 7 Downing, Warren H 261 7 -Downing, William E 261 5 Downing, William G 262 — Drake, Frederick S 197 — Drissel, John 275 — Dubbs, 20 — Duffield, Fred 63 7 Duffin, Eva M 221 7 Duffin, Llovd 221 — Duffin, Richard H 221 — Dunlap, Lizzie 176 Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine 6 Durstine 6 Durstine 7 Durstine 4 Durstine 6 Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine — Durstine 5 Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine 6 Durstine 5 Durstine Durstine Durstine Durstine 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 4 5 6 5 5 6 4 4 6 6 7 6 7 6 6 7 7 6 6 7 6 6 5 5 5 6 6 4 6 6 4 6 5 Abraham 139 Abraham 141 Abraham H 141 Ada 143 Adaline 140 Albert 141 Alice E 140 Alice 143 Anna 138 Anna.. 141, 143, 145 Arthur C 144 Barbara 141, 143, 144 Catharine 142 Catharine V. ...145 Catharine 145 Christian 144 Christian B 145 Claribel 140 Clarence H 142 Clark 141 Clyte A 140 Cvrus 140 David P 143 Earl H 142 Edgar 142 Ella 140, 143 Emilv 142 Florence S 140 Frank H 139 Franklin 140 George 145 Hannah G 144 Harvev W 140 Hazel 142 Henrv 141 Henry 142 Henrv H 143 Henrv C 144 Henrv B 145 Ira 145 Jacob 138 Jacob 139 Jacob 144 Jennie M 144 Jennie H 144 Jessie 143 John 140, 142 John 141 John 145 Joseph P 144 Gen. Page 6 Durstine, J. Ralph 144 6 Durstine, Kittle 141 6 Durstine, Lee B 139 7 Durstine, Lillian W 139 6 Durstine, Lillie 144 6 Durstine, Lyman 140 6 Durstine, Maggie M 144 4 Durstine, Martin 144 6 Durstine, Mary .. .141, 142, 143, 145 5 Durstine, Mary 141 6 Durstine, Mazzie S 144 7 Durstine, Miriam E 139 6 Durstine, Nehemiah 141 7 Durstine, Nina L 139 6 Durstine, Richard 143 7 Durstine, Roy S 140 7 Durstine, Rubv 142 6 Durstine, Sallie 141 4 Durstine. Samuel 145 6 Durstine, Sara 143 6 Durstine, Sarah A 145 6 Durstine. Sherman 145 7 Durstine, ^Valter C 140 6 Durstine, W. H 144 6 Durstine. William 145 — Dyer, Charles 6 — Ebersole, Florinda 153 — Echard. Christine 141 7 Ecker, Cora M 252 — Ecker. Savillian 252 — Eichner. Martha L 333 7 Ellenberger, Charles B 82 7 Ellenberger, Clara E 82 7 Ellenberger, Cyrus F 82 7 Ellenberger, Goldy M 82 7 Ellenberger, Ruth M 82 — Ellenberger, Samuel 82 7 Ellenberger. Samuel H. . . 82 6 Elliott, Alva W 203 6 Elliott, Edna B 203 7 Elliott, Edwin R 203 6 Elliott, Fannie L 203 7 Elliott, Francis H 203 7 Elliott, Grace M 203 — Elliott, Jonathan 202 7 Elliott, Josephine V 126 6 Elliott, Mary E 203 6 Elliott, Norman W 203 6 Elliott. Paul D 203 7 Elliott, Ravmond A 203 6 Elliott, Roland A 203 — Elliott. William 125 — Emerson. Neffa B 34 '6 Eppstein, Aaron R 301 5 Eppstein. Minerva 301 — Eppstein, R. M 301 6 Erdman. Daniel H 41 6 Erdmnn. Florence R 41 — Erdman. Horace H 41 5 Evans, Anna M 26?^ 4 Evans, Anna 271 5 Evans, Charles F 269 520 THE BEIDLER HISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. Pagre D. Webster 272 Eleanor B Z69 Ella 267 Elmer E 269 Elmer E 270 Evan B 270 Ezekiel 267 Ezekiel C 267 Fanny 267 Frank R 269 Franklin G 271 Hannah B 267 Hannah 272 Henry E 269 Howard 272 Ida 1 269 Jane 267 Jane H 270 Jennie E 271 John K 267 John B 268 John W 269 Lewis H 270 Lewis H 271 Lizzie A 269 Marv 267 Marj^ A 270 Rebecca 271 Thomas B 267 Ulvsses G 270 T^^alter 267 Walter B 271 William 267 — Everhart. Caroline 227 — Eyrich, Marj^ E 250 — Fackenthal. Marv 19 — Falkner, Sarah C 266 7 Farmer. E. Blanche 173 — Farmer, Howard W 173 7 Farmer, Howard W 173 Farmer, John 90 Farmer, Lloyd V 90 Farmer, Lucy E 90 Farmer, Mary E 90 Farmer, Milton E 90 Farmer, Troil, 173 Fenimore, Adelbert L 71 Fenimore, Ella N 70 Fenimore, Esther M 71 Fenimore, Helen M 71 — Fenimore, Hiram R 70 5 Fenimore. Hiram A 70 Fenimore. Howard 70 Fenimore, Mabel A 71 Fenimore, Milton M 70 Fenimore, Ray L 71 Fenimore, Ruth E 71 Fenimore, William D 70 — Fergeson, C. H. E 99 6 FerpTuson, Benjamin F 266 6 Ferg-uson. Charles H 266 — Ferguson, Frank C 266 6 Ferguson. Frank R 266 Gen. 4 Evans 5 Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans — Evans 5 Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans Evans 7 7 7 7 7 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 Gen. Page 7 Ferguson, George M 103 7 Ferguson, John M 103 6 Ferguson, Leda M 266 6 Ferguson, Lizzie E 266 6 Ferguson, Lulu C 266 7 Ferguson, Maude R 103 — Ferguson. William 103 — Fest, Edwv C 256 — Fink, Emma 132 — Fisher, Gertrude E 133 6 Fisher, Jacob 330 6 Fisher, Morris 330 — Fisher, William 330 — Fluck, 21 7 Fluck, Angeline M 281 7 Fluck, Anna L 282 7 Fluck, Carrie M 282 — Fluck, Christian 278 6 Fluck, Daniel 280 5 Fluck, David S 281 7 Fluck, Dory R 282 5 Fluck, Elizabeth 283 — Fluck. Erwin S 281 7 Fluck. Frank A 281 5 Fluck, Hannah 278 5 Fluck, John 279 7 Fluck, John A 281 6 Fluck, Rev. Jonathan L. ..282 6 Fluck, Josiah 283 7 Fluck, Laura M 281 6 Fluck, Leidv 280 6 Fluck, Lewis L 282 7 Fluck, Lewis C 282 6 Fluck, Lvdia A 280 7 Fluck, Lvdiann 281 6 Fluck. Malinda 280 5 Fluck, Mary A 279 6 Fluck, Marv S 280 5 Fluck, Philip 280 5 Fluck, Susanna 279 — Flory, Caroline 91 7 Foering, Howard 20 — Foering, William 20 — Folsom, Charles G 69 — Folsom, Mabel 206 — Fondersmith. Pulaski ....252 — Forcade, Clara 262 7 Ford, Earl K 304 — Ford, Linford L 304 7 Ford, Linford C 304 7 Ford. Viola M 304 — Forney. Anna 109 — Fortonbaugh. Mary J 193 8 Fosbenner, Elsie 279 8 Fosbenner, Frederick 279 8 Fosbenner, Harvey 278 — Fosbenner, Jacob 278 7 Fosbenner, Jacob 278 6 Fosbenner, John F 278 8 Fosbenner, J. Miles 279 7 Fosbenner. Lewis 1 278 8 Fo.'^benner. Llovd 279 7 Fosbenner, Peter 279 THE BEIDLER HISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. 521 7 Fosbenner, William F 279 — Foss, G. R 79 — Foster, Elizabeth J 222 5 Foster. Frank 263 — Foster, Solon 263 6 Fox, Alice S 106 — Fox, Anna 120 6 Fox, Burton 106 — Fox, Christian 106 6 Fox, Christian S 106 6 Fox, Emma 1 106 — Fox, Emma 134 — Fox, Hannah 87 — Fox, Isaac C 106 — Fox, J. C 124 7 Fox, Mabel A 106 — Fox, Marv 163 6 Fox, Minnie 106 6 Fox, Nora A 106 6 Fox, Sarah S 106 — Franks, Andrew 95 8 Franks, Andrie B 95 6 Frankenfield. B. Bertram. 312 — Frankenfield, Clinton 312 6 Frankenfield, Evaline 312 6 Frankenfield, Howard B. ..312 — Frankenfield, Ida 37 6 Frankenfield, Oscar R 312 — Frazer. Agnes 109 7 Frederick, Anna S 201 7 Frederick, Frances C 201 — Frederick, William Z 201 — Freed. Elizabeth 140 6 Fretts, Abraham E 76 5 Fretts, Abraham S 76 5 Fretts, Abraham 83 6 Fretts, Adam 80 5 Fretts, Adam 87 6 Fretts, Albert G 77 7 Fretts, Alice A 83 6 Fretts, Amzi B 78 6 Fretts, Anna L. 78 6 Fretts, Barnet C 78 6 Fretts, Carrie B 77 6 Fretts, Catharine 84 5 Fretts, Catharine 80 7 Fretts, Charles A 77 6 Fretts, Cozie J 78 5 Fretts, Christian 80 5 Fretts, Daniel S 77 6 Fretts, Daniel B 79 5 Fretts, Daniel 83 4 Fretts. Daniel 87 6 Fretts, Dempsev 77 8 Fretts, Earl W 80 7 Fretts, Elizabeth A 80 5 Fretts, Elizabeth 84 6 Fretts, Emma 76 6 Fretts, Emma F 77 7 Fretts, Emma C 80 7 Fretts, Ethel R 76 7 Fretts, Ethel M 78 5 Fretts, Frances 78 Gen. Pag-e 6 Fretts, Frank C 78 6 Fretts, Franklin 82 6 Fretts, George E 78 6 Fretts, Hannah 79 7 Fretts, Harry 78 6 Fretts, Harry C 78 4 Fretts, Henry 78 6 Fretts, Henrv B 79 7 Fretts, Henry H 79 5 Fretts, Henry S 82 7 Fretts, Ida M 78 6 Fretts, James B 76 6 Fretts, John W 76 6 Fretts, John C 77 5 Fretts, John S 79 7 Fretts, John E 79 6 Fretts, John W 83 5 Fretts, Joseph S 83 6 Fretts, Joseph R 84 7 Fretts, Kate M 83 6 Fretts, Lizzie L 77 6 Fretts. Lvdia 76 6 Fretts, Mahala 82 6 Fretts, Martha B 77 6 Fretts, Marv 76 6 Fretts, Mary F 77 6 Fretts, Mary J 84 4 Fretts, Mary 87 7 Fretts, Mildred 77 7 Fretts. Millicent N 83 5 Fretts, Nancy 80 6 Fretts, Olive 77 7 Fretts, Samuel K 80 6 Fretts, Sarah 80, 83 6 Fretts, Susanna 82 6 Fretts, Susan 83 7 Fretts. William H 77 6 Fretts. William D 78 7 Fretts. William C 78 7 Fretts. Milter 78 7 Fretts, Zana K 78 — Fretz, Abraham 4 6 Fretz, Abraham L, 90 5 Fretz, Abraham E 322 — Fretz, Rev. A. M 6 4 Fretz. Anna 87 5 Fretz, Anna L, 322 5 Fretz, Anna 327 6 Fretz, Anna E 329 — Fretz, Annie L. 304 6 Fretz. Annie L 322 6 Fretz. Catharine 90 7 Fretz. Charles 89 — Fretz. Christian 3 5 Fretz. Christian 75 — Fretz, Christian 4 4 Fretz. Christian 88 6 Fretz. Christian 89 4 Fretz. Christian B 327 8 Fretz, Christopher 89 6 Fretz, Clara V 329 4 Fretz. Daniel 87 6 Fretz. Eds-ar M 328 522 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. 5 6 6 6 6 5 Gen. Page 4 Fretz, Eliza B 327 — Fretz. Elizabeth 4 — Fretz, Elizabeth 327 5 Fretz. Elizabeth 75 8 Fretz, Emily 89 Fretz, Emma 320 Fretz. Erwin C 328 Fretz. Ethel M 329 Fretz. Eugene 328 Fretz. Florence 328 Fretz, Henrv 75 — Fretz, Henry 325 5 Fretz. Henry E 328 i Fretz, Henrv B 328 5 Fretz. Hem-y L 329 6 Fretz, Herbert 328 — Fretz, Jacob 4 — Fretz, Jacob 35 5 Fretz, Jacob In 7 Fretz, Jacob 90 — Fretz, Jacob 320 6 Fretz, J. Franklin 321 6 Fretz, James 328 7 Fretz. Jennie 89 — Fretz, John 3 — Fretz, John, Jr 4 4 Fretz, John 75 Fretz, John 75 Fretz, John L 89 Fretz. John H 89 Fretz. John B 329 Fretz, John M 329 Fretz, Josephine S 329 Fretz, Judith 5 5 Fretz, Lizzie 322 Fretz, Lizzie B 328 Fretz. Mabel C 321 Fretz, Mark B 328 Fretz, Martin 75 Fretz, Man,' 87 Fretz, Mary M 89 — Fretz. Mary 304 5 Fretz. Mary 321 Fretz. Marv M 321 Fretz, Mary E 329 Fretz, Minerva 321 Fretz. Nelson 321 Fretz. Orlando 90 Fretz, Philip K 322 — Fretz. Philip K 327 6 Fretz. Philip K 828 Fretz. Rachel 3^2 Fretz. Ralnh L 328 Fretz. Rebecca 327 Fretz. Reed 321 Fretz. Samuel H 89 Fretz, Samuel 90 — Fretz, Sarah 227 5 Fretz. Susan 322 4 Fi^ftz. Su.san B 325 5 Fretz. Susan 327 6 Fretz. "Warren 3'^8 7 Fretz. William N 89 5 5 7 6 5 6 6 6 4 5 4 7 6 5 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 7 6 Gen. Page 5 Frick, Aaron 168 5 Frick, Annie 168 6 Frick. Charles 168 — Frick, Charles 270 6 Frick. Childs 168 6 Frick, Gail 168 6 Frick. Hazel 168 6 Frick, Helen 168 5 Frick, Henry C 167 6 Frick, Jay E 168 — Frick, John W 167 6 Frick, John W 168 5 Frick. J. Edgar 168 5 Frick, Lewis B 270 5 Frick, Maria 167 6 Frick, Martha 168 5 Frick, Mary 270 5 Frick, Montgomery 270 5 Frick, Sallie 168 — Frick, Sarah 178 — Frisbie. Mary 148 — Fritz, Peter C 232 6 Frv, Anna 332 6 Frv, Jessie 332 — Frv, Josiah 332 6 Frv, Nellie B 332 6 Frv, Rosa M 332 — Fry, Sabina 21 — Fryer, Hannah | . 43 8 Fullerton. Charles 89 — Fullerton, Edward 89 8 Fullerton, Harold 89 8 Fullerton. Henry 89 7 Fulmer, Leah A 303 — Fulmer, William H 303 — Fultz, Susanna 289 — Funk, Carrie 279 — Funk, Elmina 285 — Funk, Marv Ann 314 — Funk, Olivia 22 — Furev, Elizabeth G 248 7 Gabel, Albert F 280 7 Gabel, Emma F 280 7 Gabel, Harvey F 280 — Gabel. Milton 280 7 Gabel, Ravmond F 280 7 Gabel, Sallie F 280 6 Garn, Joseph A 246 6 Garn, Ruby F 246 — Garn, Samuel 246 6 Garn, Stella 246 5 Garner. Abram B 238 6 Garner. Albert R 242 5 Garner. Rev. Harrison B. ..240 5 Garner. Henry 239 6 Garner. Henry A 242 6 Garner. Mary 242 5 Garner. Marv F 243 6 (Earner, Rowland E 242 — Garner, Washington 238 — Garrett. Annie R 271 6 Gates, Emma C 32 6 Gates, Jacob H 32 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. 523 Gen. Page — Gates, Joseph 32 6 Gates, Myrtle 32 — Gaumer, Martha 230 5 Gehman, Alfred H 39 5 Gehman, Amanda 38 6 Gehman, Bonnie D 39 6 Gehman, Gary H 39 — Gehman, David H 38 6 Gehman, Earl B 39 6 Gehman, Edna F 39 5 Gehman, Edward F 39 5 Gehman, Emma R 39 6 Gehman, Hazel 39 6 Gehman, Leslie 39 6 Gehman, Lloyd E 39 6 Gehman, Ralph D 39 5 Gehman, William H 38 6 Gehman, William C 39 7 Geho, Edna 302 7 Geho, Henry W 302 7 Geho, Katie E 302 — Geho. Milton B 302 — Geisinger, Abraham 5 — Geisinger, Abraham M. ... 27 — Geisinger, Abraham 49 4 Geisinger, Abraham 50 6 Geisinger, Annie G 51 7 Geisinger, Carrie L 50 7 Geisinger, Edith M 28 7 Geisinger, Ellen J 50 6 Geisinger, Elizabeth 51 5 Geisinger, Eliza 52 5 Geisinger, Emeline 52 6 Geisinger, Emma L 50 — Geisinger, Ephraim 40 6 Geisinger, Estella J 51 7 Geisinger, Florence S 28 7 Geisinger, Helen E 28 4 Geisinger. Isaac 49 5 Geisinger, Jacob G 51 4 Geisinger, John N 49 6 Geisinger, John A 50 7 Geisinger, Katie E 50 6 Geisinger, Katie G 51 6 Geisinger, Laura R 50 6 Geisinger, Llewellyn H. . . . 50 — Geisinger, Margaret 6 7 Geisinger, May J 50 7 Geisinger. Nerva E 50 5 Geisinger, Rebecca E 51 — Geisinger, Rollin 123 — Geisinger, Sarah 55 4 Geisinger, Susanna 49 — Geisinger, Susanna 51 6 Geisinger, Sylvia S 51 4 Geisinger, Thomas 51 5 Geisinger, William A 50 6 Geisinger, William A 50 — Gheen, Margaret 260 6 Gibson, Abraham B 247 5 Gibson, Abraham B 247 6 Gibson, Charles L 247 5 Gibson, Hannah F 246 — Gibson, Jacob 245 Gen. Page 5 Gibson, Jacob = 247 6 Gibson, Jacgb C 247 5 Gibson, Jane E 246 — Gibson, Lida 112 5 Gibson, Mary L 245 5 Gibson, Sarah B 246 — Gillinger, Susan 296 — Gilmore, Minerva 142 6 Gingrich, Eva 66 6 Gingrich, Harvey 65 6 Gingrich, Iva 66 — Gingrich, Jacob 65 — Godshall, Mary A 26 — Golden, H. M 261 7 Golden, Myrtle E 261 7 Golden, Viola B 261 7 Golden, William H 261 — Goldsmith, Mamie 40 7 Golley, Belle 100 — Golley, E. F 100 7 Golley, Harry 100 — Good, Emma M 228 — Good, William C 297 — Goodman, Grace 132 — Goodyear, Clarence 135 7 Goodyear, Harry A 135 7 Goodyear, John E 135 7 Goodyear, Pearl E 135 — Gottshall, Sallie 51 — Gottshalk, Barbara 64 — Graft. Mary 89 — Granger, Benjamin C 221 — Granger, Martha 218 — Grant, Daniel 63 7 Greason, Harrj^ G 291 7 Greason, Herman F 291 — Greason, James M 291 7 Greason, Rose B 291 8 Greene, Allen 129 — Greene, William A 129 — Gregory, Ada M 319 7 Grienzeig, Charles 22 — Grienzeig, Edward 22 7 Grienzeig, Ella 22 7 Grienzeig, Laura 22 7 Grienzeig, Milton 22 — Grove, Korahuena 94 — Grubb, Austin 32 7 Grubb, Freddie 58 — Grubb, Harry 58 7 Grubb, Mamie 58 7 Grubb, Nervie 58 7 Grubb, Vera E 32 — Guhse, Emil W 66 7 Guilbert, Marquand E 255 — Guilbert. Thomas M 255 6 Gunter, Atlina J 262 6 Gunter, Charles S 262 6 Gunter, Edith M 262 6 Gunter, Frank E 262 6 Gunter, George E 262 6 Gunter, James A 262 6 Gunter, John C 262 6 Gunter, Joseph W 262 524 THE BEIDLER HISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. Gen. Page 6 Gunter, Margaret B z62 — Gunter, S. W 262 — Hackman. Jacob 6 6 Haen, Alice S 178 6 Haen, George S 178 6 Haen, Irvin S 178 — Haen, John 177 — Hafler, Asa 285 — Hafler, Edward 312 6 Hafler, Edward 312 6 Hafler, Elizabeth 312 6 Hafler, Frederick 312 6 Hafler, James 312 6 Hafler, Nellie 312 6 Hafler, Warren 312 — Haight, Fred 172 7 Haight, Foyl 172 7 Haight. L,ettie 173 — Hale, Laura J 178 — Hallman. Amanda S 227 — Hallman. Kate 226 — Hamilton. Maud 163 — Hampshire. Alice 172 — Hampton. Elizabeth A. .,.211 — Hanna. C. T 124 — Hannah. Louisa 319 — Hanger, Lizzie 19 7 Hangen, Maud F 54 7 Hangen, Robert H 54 — Hangen, William E 54 — Harbaugh. Sophia 228 — Hardy, Adeline M — Harley, Amanda 196 6 Harley, Elmer L 231 6 Harley, Jacob L 231 — Harley, James A 231 6 Harley, John W 231 6 Harley. Wilbur 232 — Harned, Abraham 172 6 Harned, Alta E 172 7 Harned. Alta 172 7 Harned, Anna M 172 7 Harned. Blanche 172 6 Harned. Charles C 172 7 Harned. Doice 172 7 Harned. Don 172 7 Harned. Glenna 172 6 Ha rned, Ida 172 6 Harned, Lettie 173 7 Harned, Lyla E 172 6 Harned, Mamie 172 6 Harned, Nellie 173 7 Harned, Olive 172 7 Harned, Sidnev 172 7 Harned, Zelda G 172 7 Harned, Zoa M 172 — Harned, William 171 — Harris, Corda 258 — Harris, John T 295 — Harris, Richard P 202 — Harrison. Mary L 220 — Harrington, Thomas 246 6 Harrington, Thomas R. ...246 Gen. Page 6 Harrington, Warren B. . . . 246 — Hart, Ida 200 — Hartman, Camilla 24 — Hartman, Lydian 282 — Hartman, Mary A 139 — Harman, Percy 293 — Harmer, Maria 200 7 Hartzell, Anna C 44 — Hartzell, Daniel 303 7 Hartzell, Esther S 44 7 Hartzell, Harry S 44 — Hartzell, Rev. Samuel F. . . 43 7 Hartzell, Sarah E 44 — Hasson, A. A 124 — Hawkins, Ida M 98 6 Hawley, Abbie W 216 — Hawley, Benjamin 215 5 Hawley, Bernard 215 7 Hawley, Dorothy F 165 7 Hawley, Eleanor M 165 6 Hawlev, Harrv 216 6 Hawley, Herbert 215 5 Hawlev, John B 215 6 Hawley, Lena B 215 6 Hawley, Mary 216 — Hawley, Theodore 165 5 Heath, Abraham 152 6 Heath, Cleveland 151 5 Heath, Elizabeth A 151 6 Heath, George 151 5 Heath. John R 151 5 Heath. Joseph 151 5 Heath, Maria 152 5 Heath, Martin D 151 5 Heath. Mary 151 6 Heath. Robert L 151 — Heath, Samuel 151 6 Heath. Sara 151 — Hedrick, 22 — Heckler. Lillie R 232 — Hecksor. Joseph 124 — Heist. Benjamin 54 6 Heist. Harvey B 54 7 Heist. Russel S .' 54 — Helle, Alfred H 42 7 Helle, Alice M 42 7 Helle, Andrew 42 7 Helle. Charles H 42 7 Helle, Meda F 42 — Herbert. A. H 152 — Herbert. Annie A 211 — Herbert. Marv 152 — Hess. Mary E 49 — Hemerly. Edward 28 — Henion. Mary 139 — Hesalrood. Lucinda 154 — Hickson. Moses 124 5 Hiestand. Amos 59 6 Hiestand. Bertha 58 5 Hiestand. Daniel 57 5 Hiestand. David 57 6 TTiostnnd. Florence 59 6 Iliostand, Harry 1 59 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GEN ERAL INDEX. 525 Gen. Paee — Hiestand, Henry 57 5 Hiestand, Henry 53 5 Hiestand, John 58 5 Hiestand, Mary 57 6 Hiestand. Mary 58 6 High, Elwood S 59 — Hig-h, Eugene L. R 59 6 Hillegas, Annie 36 6 Hilegas. Lizzie M 36 — Hillegas, Owen 36 — Himmelreich, Frank 39 — Hippensteal, Frank 38 6 Hippensteal, Morris 38 — Hitchcock, Augusta M. ...225 — Hively, Sarah A 140 7 Hixon, Amza 80 7 Hixon, Arthur G '114 7 Hixon, Chalmers D 80 — Hixon, Daniel D 80 7 Hixon, Daniel F 81 7 Hixon. Emma A 81 8 Hixon, Erma O " 80 7 Hixon, Franklin S " 81 7 Hixon, Graden S II4 7 Hixon, Homer H. . . . 81 8 Hixon, Lizzie M .'. 80 7 Hixon, Lyman F 81 7 Hixon. Nancy E 81 7 Hixon, Reuben G " 80 7 Hixon. Sarah L 'si 8 Hixon, Walter S 80 7 Hixon, William B 80 — Hockman, Jacob, Jr 6 ^ Hoffman, Edwin 57 7 Hoffman, Irene 57 7, Owen W. . * ' ' 57 7 Hoffman. Ruth '..'/ 57 — Hoffman. William W. . . 57 — Hohe. Charles C 37 7 Hohe, Elmer C '.'. 37 7 Hohe. George W. F. , . * 37 — Holdney. Charlotte L ...'.'. 30 — Holdeman, Marv E 123 — Holdeman. William ..!]!! '124 — Holderbaum. Amanda 65 — Hollister. Helen 170 — Hoover. Manda 114 7 Hordes. Alton [ 61 7 Hordes. George 61 — Hordes. John ," 61 7 Hordes. Orline " 61 — Horn. Sarah A 275 6 Horning, Albert ll') 6 Horning. Alice 112 6 Horning, Catharine ! ! ! 112 6 Horning, Elizabeth I12 — Horning, Jacob 112 6 Horning. John 112 6 Horning, Maria '112 6 Horning, Mary ' * 112 6 Horning. Samuel ,112 — ■ Hoss. Maria 25 7 Hough, Alvin C , 107 ^^^- Pag- — Hough, Amanda 141 i Hough, Catharine 126 ' 128 — Hough, Catharine ' 148 7 Hough, Charlotte A " "127 6 Hough, Charlotte '197 7 Hough, Elizabeth L !!l26 6 Hough, Elizabeth 197 7 Hough, Elmer '196 8 Hough, Elmer B 1^6 7 Hough. Emma * 76 7 Hough, Ethel J. ., 127 7 Hough. George S !!'*128 7 Hough, Harry E "i98 7 Hough, Henry F. . . 75 / Hough, Honora i^s — Hough, Joseph s ;::i26 b Hough, Josephine 128 7 Hough, Josie P 127 -Hough, J. R :::::i26 ( Hough, Lawrence E. . . 197 6 Hough, Lawrence .. "'i98 6 Hough, Lindlav L 128 7 Hough, Lucy M. . . "127 -- Hough, Martin B 76 7 Hough, Matilda "i98 7 Hough, Minnie F. , . . "'197 7 Hough. Mitchel B 76 7 Plough, Mvrtle " * 76 7 Hough, Nora ?« 7 Hough, Olive 193 8 Hough. Roscoe R "i96 6 Hough. Sarah E '128 8 Hough, Scott "*1'>6 6 Hough, Susan "i96 7 Hough, Thomas "198 8 Hough, Victor B 126 6 Hough, William H "i28 6 Houtz, Eleanor B. . . 22'' 6 Houtz, Frank E "'2''9 6 Houtz. George B. 992 — Houtz, Jacob 2^ 6 Houtz. Lydia A '. 2^9 6 Houtz, Samuel B. .. 999 6 Houtz. William A ."."'229 6 Houtz, Y. Enoch ■■2'>2 — Howd, Martha M 259 7 Howard. Flossie 136 7 Howard. Jessie B. , . "l36 — Howard. Joseph L 136 — Howard. Mary M. . . 119 7 Howard. Peter 135 — Howard. P. H 136 7 Howard. Rav T. .. 135 — Hugus. Susan K .'.." 93 — Hunsicker, Ann 93Q 6 Hunsicker. Annie L. .. '231 6 Hunsicker. Clayton M 326 6 Hunsicker, Charles M 231 — Hunsicker. Elias A 395 R Hunsicker. Ella M '326 6 Hunsicker, Henry L. . , 931 7 Hunsicker. Katharine S..'!327 6 Hunsicker, Sheridan 231 526 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. Gen. Page — Hunsberger, Abraham B. . . 63 6 Hunsberger, Alvin R 64 6 Hunsberger, Bertha G. •••64 6 Hunsberger, Chester 298 7 Hunsberger, Eugene 298 — Hunsberger, Henrietta 120 7 Hunsberger, Jeremiah 298 — Hunsberger, John 298 6 Hunsberger, Mabel A 64 — Hunt, Nancy ^| — Hunt, Nora Jl — Huston, Lizzie 1'3 — Hutchinson, Katie 124 — Iddings, Mary E jlO — Ingalls, Ann E 189 5 Irey, Henry B 252 — Irvin, James 1^9 — Jackson, Charles M HO — Jackson, Frank W 165 7 Jackson, Marian M 166 — Jackson. Phoebe A 192 7 5 6 7 7 7 6 7 7 7 6 5 5 6 7 7 Jacobs — • Jacobs 7 Jacobs Jacobs Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby — Jacoby 5 Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby — • Jacoby 6 Jacoby — Jacoby 6 Jacoby 8 Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby 8 Jacoby 6 Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby 7 7 6 7 7 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 5 6 8 Jacoby Charles 297 George 297 Irene 297 Maggie 297 Aaron 22 Aaron, M. D., 23 Aaron 22 Adda 22 Addle 22 Albina 20 Annie 22 Arthur 23 Benjamin 25 Benjamin 23, 25 Calvin W 19 Catharine 21 Catharine 25 Caroline 25 Climena 24 Clara M 20 Conrad 19 Conrad 21 Conrad 51 Cvrus 22 Early 21 Eddie 22 Edwin 21 Edward 23 Elmer A 19 Emma 21 Emma 22. 23 Emeline 24 Florence 19 Francis C 20 Frank 22 George 23. 24 Gertrude 23. 24 Rattle 22 Henry 22 Henry 24 Henry 24 Hilda E 21 Gen. 7 Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby 7 Jacoby 8 Jacoby 7 Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby 8 Jacoby 7 Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Jacoby Page Ida 22 Irvin 24 Irvin 21 Irvin 21 Isaac 21 Jacob 21 John 19, 25 Josiah 19 Juliann 20 Levi 24, 25 Lewis H 19 Llewellyn 22 Llewellyn 23 Lloyd 23 Mabel 23 Mary 20 Mary 22 Maude 24 Milton 20 Minnie 23 Miriam 23 Morris 20 Norman B 20 Preston 21 Quintus 23 Reuben 24 Russel H 20 Samuel 20, 25 Sarah A 21 Sarah 1 20 Silvy E 19 Stewart 20 Susan 19, 25 Thomas 22 TVilliam 21 William 21 William 24 Willie 22 Willis 24 — James, Cordelia 46 — James, Herbert B 129 8 James, Vernon C. S 129 — Jenkins, Elizabeth 28 — Johnson, Anna M 47 — Johnson. Emil 309 7 Johnson, Hattie 1 63 — Johnson. John F 63 — Johnston, Harry 24 — Johnston. Lavina 24 — Jones. Althea R 34 6 Jones. Clara 53 6 Jones. Harry 53 6 Jones. Herbert 53 — Jones. Hester A 129 6 Jones. Lloyd 53 — Jones. Louisa 30 6 Jones. Stella 53 — Kalb. Philip 142 — Kauffman. Agnes 296 — Kauffman, Anna 289 — Kauffman. Mary 289 — Keefer, Mary A 130 THE BEIDLER HISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. 527 Page .. 46 ..108 ..108 ..108 ..109 ..109 ..108 ..108 ..109 109 Gen. — Keeley, Emma 6 Keister, Albert 6 Keister, A. L 6 Keister, B. F 7 Keister, Donald 6 Keister, Fenton 6 Keister, George 6 Keister, John 7 Keister, Laverne 6 Keister, Lawrence 6 Keister, Mary 108 — Keister, Solomon 108 — Kell, Edward 292 — Kellar, Susanna 79 7 Kelly, Charlotte L 118 7 Kelly, Eva M 83 — Kelly, George B 83 7 Kelly, George W 83 7 Kelly, Harry F 83 — Kelly, W. L 118 6 Kemble. Clay 195 6 Kemble, Elizabeth ! ! !l95 7 Kemble, Elizabeth S 196 6 Kemble, Emma 195 7 Kemble, Francis W 196 7 Kemble, Florence 195 6 Kemble, Isaac W 196 7 Kemble, M. Virginia 196 — Kemble, William H 195 7 Kemble, William H 195 — Kepler, Elmira 330 — Kidder, Sarah A 206 — Kifer, Minerva 78 — Killgore, Sarah !i30 — Kilmer, Hannah 122 6 Kindig, Clyde A 69 6 Kindig, Jesse 69 — Kindig. William 69 — King, A. W 109 — King. Eliza 93 8 King. George .*.'*109 8 King. Gerald ! ' 109 — King. John 281 8 King. Katharine 109 8 King. Lorraine 109 — King, Mary 252 — Kinzer. Laura V * " 268 — Kirk. Joseph 251 — Kistler, Edwin P ." 48 7 Kistler, Hem^v S 48 7 Kistler. Rhoda M 48 7 Kistler. Ruth C 48 6 Kizer, Claudene L 269 6 Kizer. Edna M 269 6 Kizer. Edwin O '.'.269 6 Kizer. Havard E 269 — Kizer. John 269 6 Kizer. 'Lizzie B 269 6 Kizer. Ruth J 269 7 Klapp, Henrv O !l05 7 Klapp. Julia E 105 7 Klapp, Lida M 105 7 Klapp. Lulu B 105 — Klapp, Otto 105 Gen. Page 7 Klapp, Otto A 105 — Klemman, Conrad M 219 7 Klemman, George 219 7 Klemman, Howard C 219 7 Klemman, Mifflin 219 7 Klemman, Moroni "219 7 Kleinman, Myrtle 919 — Kleppinger, Henry M. .".'.*' 42 — Kleyenseuber, Ferdinand., 26 7 Klme, Ada 66 — Kline, Blanche ." 94 6 Kline, Charles ' q') —- Kline, Charles C " * 66 5 Kline, Elizabeth ' " 64 5 Klme, Emeline 63 7 Kline, Ernst * 66 6 Kline, Frank 6^ 5 Kline, Henry N " " 6^ — Kline, John \ 6'^ 5 Kline, John N 63 7 Kline, John ' ' " * ' 55 — Kline, Jonathan ,' ." ' '279 5 Kline, Lavina '63 5 Kline, Mary A ' 6^ 5 Kline, Sarah A ." * " 64 5 Kline, Susanna 63 — Kline, W. J. K .'.""l63 — Klise, Sallie 297 — Knauss. Daniel ^44 — Koch, Henry G 41 — Koch, Matilda 333 — Kolb, Jacob ' 4 — Kolb, Mary " " ' 4 — Koppes, Mary \\\" 35 — Koppes, Susanna W 52 — Kozer, Susan 293 — Kraft, William \\' 63 — Kramer, Maria 24 7 Krammes. Clarence M '. 54 6 Krammes. Daniel 53 6 Krammes. Elmer 54 6 Krammes. Elmira .*.*.'" 54 6 Krammes. Emma 54 6 Krammes. Granville ." 54 7 Krammes. Hattie 53 6 Krammes, Henrv 53 7 Krammes. Herbert ' 54 — Krammes, Jacob C 53 6 Krammes. John 54 6 Krammes. Kate ..'. 54 6 Krammes. Laura .' .' 54 6 Krammes. Leon 54 7 Krammes, Wilmer J ' 54 6 Krammes. William 54 5 Kratz, Abraham B 304 7 Kratz, Blanche 303 6 Kratz. Daniel 203 5 Kratz. David B 304 6 Kratz. Edwin 304 — Kratz. Emma 27 6 Kratz. Emma J 303 7 Kratz. Estella 303 6 Kratz, Franklin N 304 528 THE BEIDLER HISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. 5 6 6 6 5 5 7 5 6 6 Gen. 6 Kratz Kratz Kratz Kratz Kratz — Kratz 6 Kratz Kratz Kratz Kratz Kratz Kratz Kratz 7 Ki-atz 6 Kratz Kratz Kratz Kratz Kratz Kratz — Kratz 5 Kratz Kratz Kratz Kratz Kratz Kratz — Kratz 6 Kratz 7 Kratz 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 5 Harvey . Henry B. Henry W. Horace . . Irene F. . Isaac .... Isaac L. Isaac B. Page ...303 ...302 ...303 ...303 ...304 ...302 ...302 ...304 Jacob B 302 Jacob 302 John B 304 Jonas 303 Jonas N 304 Julia P 302 Katie 304 Lewis 303 Leidy M 303 Lizzie A 302 Lizzie 303 Lizzie N 304 Lizzie 231 Mary B 302 Mary E 303 Samuel 304 Sarah 303 Steward 304 Susanna 302 Susanna 301 Svlvanus 303 William 303 — Kreider, Lizzie D 137 — Kreps, J. W 269 — Krout, Mary 307 — Krout. Susanna 299 7 Kuhlman. Gail M 178 — Kuhlman, George F 178 7 Kuhlman, Ress E 178 — Kuhn, Anna 70 — Kulp, Abraham 5 6 Kulp, Albert 226 7 Kulp, Charles S 225 6 Kulp, Charles 333 7 Kulp, Clara B 225 7 Kulp, Corinne 226 6 Kulp, Daniel 225 7 Kulp, Donna L 225 — Kulp, Edwin .333 Kulp, Francis 225 Kulp, Frank E 225 Kulp. Hannah E 226 Kulp, Ida L 333 Kulp, Henry 225 — Kulp, Jacob 225 7 Kulp, LeRov D 225 Kulp, Levi L 226 Kulp, Marvel 225 Kulp, Marv J 226 Kulp, Pearlev M 333 Kulp, Sadie V 225 Kulp, Virginia 225 Kulp, Webster 226 Kulp, William 225 7 7 7 7 7 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 6 4 5 — Kunkle, Mary C. .110 Gen. Page 7 Kuns, Adah M 191 — Kuns, Daniel J 191 — Lafre, Eliza 57 Lamb, Clayton B 198 Lamb, Clayton B 199 Lamb, Hannah F 199 Lamb, Lizzie W 199 Lamb, Preston B 199 Lamb, Winfield W 199 Landis, Abraham 25 Ijandis, Abraham B 228 Landis, Abraham H 231 Landis, A. Lincoln 232 Landis, Anna 25 Landis, Anna 25 Landis, Annie 231 Landis, Arthur S 229 Landis, Barbara 19 Landis, Benjamin F 232 6 Landis, Benjamin F 232 6 Landis, Bertha M 229 5 Landis, Catharine 24 — Landis, Catharine 75 5 Landis, Charles 25 Landis, Charles A 229 Landis, Daniel M 229 Landis, David 25, 28 Landis, David R 233 Landis, Davis M 229 Landis, Edwin 57 Landis, Edward H 229 6 Landis, Edwin S 56 5 Landis, Elias 231 5 Landis, Eliza 25 4 Landis, Elizabeth 25, 230 5 Landis, Elizabeth 28, 230 — Landis, Elizabeth 328 7 Landis, Ella 21 Landis, Esther 231 Landis, Estella C 146 Landis, Frank 25 Landis, Frances M 146 6 Landis, George 229 4 Landis, Hannah 224 5 Landis, Hannah 231 6 Landis, Rev. Harry S 57 4 Landis, Henry 25 Landis, Henry H 232 Landis, Helen M 57 Landis, Herbert D 229 Landis, Jacob 25 Iiandis, Jacob 25 Landis, Jacob B 232 5 Landis, James 25 5 Landis, James M 228 5 Landis, Jane 229 7 Landis, Jennie 21 7 Landis, Jennie F 146 — Landis, John 21 4 landis. John 24 — Landis. John 146 4 Landis, John B 230 5 Landis, John H 231 6 5 4 5 5 5 6 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GEN ERAL INDEX. 529 5 6 5 6 Gen. 4 Land 5 Land Land Land Land Land Land — Land 4 Land 5 Land — Land 5 Land 5 Land 5 Land 5 Land — Land 6 Land 7 Land 5 Land — Land 5 Land 6 Land — ■ Land 5 I^and Land Land Land Land Land — • Land 5 Land 5 Land 7 Land 5 Land — Land 5 Land 4 5 6 5 Page s, Joseph 25 s, Josephine 232 s, Kate 59 s, Kate 231 s, Laura S 57 s, Levi 25 s, Lillie M 232 s, Lizzie 227 s, Margaretha 25 s, Margaret 28 s, Mary 5, 185 s, Mary 25 s, MsLvy A 228 s, Mary H 230 s, Marv F 232 s, Marv 330 s, Matilda 233 s, Oakie S 146 s. Peter 25 s, Rebecca 23 s, Reuben 25 s, Rita M 229 s, Samuel 19 s, Samuel 25 s. Samuel 25 s. Sallie S 57 s, Sarah 25 s, Sarah E 232 s, Sarah E 233 s, Sarah 331 s. Susan 25 s, Thomas 24 s, William 21 s. William 25 s, William M 56 s. William 230 Landenberger, Albert ....101 Landenberger, Jacob H. ..101 Landenberger, John O. ...101 Landenberger, Lizzie R. ..101 Landenberger, Mary 101 Landenberger, Myrtle M. ..101 Landenberger, Sadie 101 Landenberger, Walter ....101 — Landenberger, William H, .100 — Landsperger, Ida 165 6 Lapp. Alice J 259 6 Lapp, Charles J 259 Lapp, David 258 Lapp, Edward J 260 Lapp, Elizabeth 259 Lapp, Florence 259 Lapp. Florence J 260 Lapp, Isaac 259 Lapp. Jacob B 259 Lapp, James G 259 — Lapp, John 258 4 Lapp, John 259 Lapp, Joseph 258 Lanp, Josephine L 259 Lapp. Judson D 259 Lapp. Mary 259 Lapp, Orlando M 259 6 6 6 7 6 7 6 7 4 6 4 5 6 4 4 5 4 5 6 4 5 Gen. Page 6 Lapp, Sara L 260 5 Lane, Anna 129 5 Lane, Catharine 130 6 Lane, Daniel P 132 7 Lane, Daniel R 132 5 Lane, Elizabeth 132 6 Lane, Emily 132 7 Lane, Fairy lane 132 6 Lane, Hannah M 132 5 Lane, Hannah 132 6 Lane, Hattie M 132 — ■ Lane, Jacob 128 6 Lane, Jacob F 132 7 Lane, James F 132 6 Lane, John W 132 5 Lane, Martin 131 6 Lane, Mary A 132 5 Lane, Mary 132 5 Lane, Susan 131 — ■ Large, Mary 46 — Larimer. James 144 — Latshaw, Esther 28 — Latshaw, Mary 204 — Laubach, Susan 20 — Laughery, Joseph 101 — Law, Carl C 170 6 Law, Katharine 170 6 Law. Stanley 170 — • Lawless. Mary 24 — Lear, Nicholas 6 — Leacock, Rauchey A 187 6 Leasure, Anna 162 6 Leasure, Edna 162 7 Leasure, Emma K 162 6 Leasure, Ida 162 6 Leasure, Israel P 162 6 Leasure, John F 162 — Leasure, Loren B 162 6 Leasure, Loren B 162 6 Leasure, Maria E 162 7 Leasure, Mary T 162 6 Leasure, Minnie E 162 — Leatherman, Abraham M. .320 7 Leatherman, Emma P. ...321 6 Leatherman, Erwin E 321 6 Leatherman, Henry W. ...321 6 Leatherman, Horace 320 6 Leatherman, Jacob K 321 7 Leatherman. Marian E. ..321 7 Leatherman, Nelson W. ..321 — Leatherman. Nelson K. ..322 — Leatherman, Sallie 280 6 Leatherman, Susan P 322 7 Leatherman, Warren F. . .321 6 Leatherman. Warren F. ..322 — Ledbetter, Albert 193 7 Ledbetter. Peter 193 — Leidigh, Myrtle 293 — • Leichliter, Annie 143 — Leightv, Annie 159 — Leigh ty. Catharine 180 — Leigh ty, George L 142 — Levengood, Catharine .... 35 34 530 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. Gen. — Lewis 5 Lewis 6 Lewis 5 Lewis — Lewis 6 Lewis 5 Lewis 4 Lewis 5 Lewis 5 Lewis 5 Lewis 5 Lewis 5 Lewis 4 Lewis 4 Lewis 5 Lewis 4 Lewis 4 Lewis 6 Lewis 6 Lewis 6 I^ewis — Lewis 5 Lewis 4 Lewis — Lewis — Lewis 6 Lewis — Lewis 4 Lewis — Licey. Henry Likens, J. W Amanda 282 Ann T 264 Annie 258 Annie 258 B. F 296 Charles R 264 Edith 265 Eleanor B 253 Ellen E 264 Evan D 263 Francis M 263 Florence 263 George S 258 Hannah 257 Isaac 258 Isaac T 264 Jane 257 John 257 John 258 Joseph P 264 Lee T 264 Lillie 278 Luanna L 264 Mary A 257 Mar>- E 278 Morgan 263 Morgan R 264 Moses 252 Sarah 256 323 138 6 Likens. Nola B 138 6 Likens, Verdie B 138 — Linhart, Clara 181 — Linhart, Jacob A 176 7 Linhart. John S 176 7 Linhart. LeRoy 176 — Linn, Jennie 20 — Linsley. Belle 80 — Lippe, Emma 262 — Little, Meda 265 — Livey, Minnie 205 — Llewal, Mary 22 6 Loar, Abraham D 147 6 Loar, Enna 147 6 Loar, George A 147 6 Loar, Hester M 147 — Loar, James 147 6 Loar, Lucy M 147 6 Loar, Sadie A 147 — Long, Cyrus T 143 6 Long, Edward C 143 6 Long, Henry 143 — Long, Isaiah B 332 — T^ong, John 138 6 Long, John D 143 7 Long, Raymond 332 — Longsdorff, David 134 6 Longsdorff. Edna 135 6 Longsdorff, Frank 134 6 Longsdorff. John 135 6 Longaore. Carrie 228 6 Longaore, Charles 227 Gen. Page — Longacre, Daniel 224 6 Longacre, David 228 5 Longacre, David 228 6 Longacre, Dawson S 32 5 Longacre, Deborah 30 6 Longacre, Edward 227 5 Longacre, Elizabeth 226 6 Longacre, Elizabeth 227 6 Longacre, Ellen 228 6 Longacre, Ellsworth 30 5 Longacre, Emanuel 227 5 Longacre. Esther 30 6 Longacre. Frank 227 6 Longacre. Fred 228 6 Longacre, George 228 7 Longacre, Gertrude S 30 6 Longacre, Hannah 228 5 Longacre, Henry 30 — Longacre, Jacob C 30 5 Longacre. Jacob N 32 5 Longacre, Joseph F 30 5 Longacre, Lavina 225 7 Longacre, Leland J 32 5 Longacre, Levi 227 5 Longacre, Lewis 228 6 Longacre, Lottie B 32 7 Longacre, Mabel F 30 5 Longacre. Mary 32. 224 6 Longacre, Mary 228 6 Longacre, Raymond F 227 6 Longacre, Rudolph F 30 5 Longacre, Semella 32 6 Longacre, Walter F 228 — Loose, Elizabeth M 319 6 Lott, Edith M 247 6 Lott, Elizabeth 168 6 Lott, Marion B 247 — Lott, William A 168 — Lott. William R 247 — Loux, Amanda 321 5 Loux, Annie 333 — Loux, Catharine 302 6 Loiix, Cornelius T 333 — Loux. Cornelius 333 5 Loux. Horace M 333 5 I-oux. Mary A 333 6 Loucks, Aaron 117 6 Louck. Aaron W 122 6 Loucks, Abram R 117 6 Loucks. Abraham 110 5 Loucks. Abraham S 118 6 Loucks, Ada 113 7 Loucks. Ada W 117 6 Loucks, Ada 118 6 Loucks, Albert 112 6 Loucks, Albert H 118 7 Loucks, Alma P 123 6 Loucks. Alvin G 113 6 Loucks. Amanda M 118 6 Loucks. Anna C 123 6 Tjoucks. Anna W Ill 5 Loucks. Anna 112. 122 7 Loucks. Anna 117 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. 531 Gen. Page 6 Loucks, Anna 122 5 Loucks, Anne 118 6 Loucks, Arthur B 119 5 Loucks, Betsey 112 4 Loucks, Catharine 108 5 Loucks, Catharine ....114, 118, 120, 123 7 Loucks. Cecil P 116 7 Loucks, Celesta M 117 6 Loucks, Charles H 118 6 Loucks. Charles B Ill 7 Loucks. Chester H 120 7 Loucks, Clark 110 6 Loucks, Cora E 118 6 Loucks, Cora 118 6 Loucks, C. Abbie 113 7 Loucks. C. J 116 6 Loucks, David S 117 6 Loucks. David 123 6 Loucks, Dora 123 6 Loucks, Dortha M 118 6 Loucks, Edwin A Ill 7 Loucks. Edwin E 117 6 Loucks, Edwin R 119 7 Loucks, Eleanor M 120 5 Loucks. Elizabeth 112, 116 6 Loucks. Erastus F 120 7 Loucks, Esther E 110 7 Loucks, Ethel J 117 7 Loucks, Etta E 116 6 Loucks, Etta 120 7 Loucks. Eva M 113 6 Loucks, Frank 112 7 Loucks, Florence M 116 6 Loucks, Georg-e S Ill, 117 6 Loucks, Gertrude M 113 7 Loucks. Gladys 1 118 6 Loucks. Harriet 110 6 Loucks, Helena 123 4 Loucks, Henry 109 6 Loucks, Henry 110 5 Loucks, Henry S Ill 7 Loucks, Homer S 116 7 Loucks. Ida M 122 5 Loucks, Isaac 122 4 Loucks. Jacob 112 6 Loucks, Jacob 112 5 Loucks, Jacob M 113 5 Loucks, Jacob S 116 5 Loucks, Jacob 122 6 Loucks, Jacob 122 6 Loucks. James D 110 7 Loucks, James R 110 7 Loucks, Jennie G 117 6 Loucks. Jesse 123 5 Loucks. John. 109, 119, 120, 122 6 Loucks. John F 110. 113 6 Loucks. John 112 6 Loucks. .John S 118 4 Loucks, John 119 6 Loucks. John R 117 6 Loucks. Jonas 122. 123 5 Loucks, Jonas 124 Gen. 6 Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Ijoucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks — Loucks 7 Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks Loucks 5 6 7 6 6 7 6 7 7 7 6 7 7 6 5 4 6 6 6 7 5 7 5 6 4 7 7 6 6 7 6 6 7 7 6 6 4 5 7 6 7 7 5 5 5 4 5 6 6 7 6 7 6 6 6 5 6 4 5 Page Joseph E Ill Joseph Ill, 121 Joseph R 116 J. Lyman 117 J. Lyman 120 Kate 109 Laoma L 117 Laura 123 Lawrence J 116 Leota 113 Linna L 120 Lizzie 113 Lydia P 117 Maggie C 116 Martin 123 Martin ..112, 119, 122 Martin 115 Martin R 116 Martha 110, 123 Martha G 119 Marco T 110 Maria 114 Margaret 1 117 Mary 111, 121, 124 Mary F Ill Mary 114 Mary A 116 Mary B 117 Mary 122 Marv' J 123 May 116 Meade M 118 Minnie 112 Minnie E 116 Muriel M 110 Nancv W 118 Nancy 1 119 Nancy 119 Nancy 121 Nora 110 Norman 118 Ora P Ill Pauline 116 Peter M 109 Peter 108 Peter 1 110 Peter S 119 Peter 120 Peter 121 Peter B 123 Petrina P 119 Preston S 119 Rosa K 110 Rosa E 114 Roy E 113 Rovden K 119 Ruth 119 ??amantha... 122, 123 Samuel 113 SJarah 123 Sarah 123 Sarah 122 Solomon 121 532 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. Gen. Page 5 Loucks, Susie 112 5 Loucks, Susan 121,122 7 Loucks, Viola 117 7 Loucks, Walter M 117 6 Loucks, Will 109 6 Loucks, William Z 110 6 Loucks, William S 113 7 Loucks, William J 117 6 Loucks, William E 120 6 Loucks, William H 122 5 Loucks, William 122 — Lovet, Sadie 285 — Lucas. John H 110 — Ludwick, Annie 212 — Lusk, Nellie G 161 — Lutz, Bertha 65 — Lyon, Amelia 97 — Madison. Maud 106 — Magargle, Harvey G 99 7 Magargle, Harvey G 99 7 Magargle. Russel M 99 — Markle. Cassius C 164 6 Markle, Cyrus P 165 — Markle, George A 167 6 Markle. Gertrude A 167 — Markle, Harriet 160 6 Markle, Howard 167 6 Markle, Jessie B 165 7 Markle. J. Webster 165 6 Markle, Margaret Z 165 7 Markle, Marv J 165 6 Markle, Marv 165 6 Markle, Sarah B 165 6 Markle. Thomas Mc 165 6 Markley, Catharine 231 7 Marklev, Clvde 230 6 Markley, Elias L 230 — Markley. Flora 330 — Marklev. Iva R 19 6 Markley, Jacob L 231 6 Markley, John L 231 7 Marklev. Miriam M 230 7 Markley. Ralph E 230 — Markley. Samuel M 230 — Markwith, Maud L 194 — Marietta. Almira 176 — Marsh. Emeline 89 7 Martin. Annie B 285 — Martin, A. Oscar 321 6 Martin. Charles 285 6 Martin. Ella A 285 7 Martin. Emma 284 7 Martin. Emma E 284 7 Martin. Gertie L 285 7 Martin. Grover C 285 6 Martin. Harvev J 285 6 Martin. Ida M 285 7 Martin, James W 285 5 Martin. John S 284 7 Martin, LeRov 285 6 Martin, Levi J 285 7 Martin. Levi C 285 6 Martin. Lewis 285 Gen. Page 7 Martin, Margaret F 321 6 Martin, Mary E 285 6 Martin, Maria E 285 7 Martin, Marian K 321 — Martin, Michael 284 6 Martin. Samuel T 284 6 Martin, Sarah A 285 6 Martin, William H 284 7 Martin. William E 285 — Matchett, J. F 152 6 Matchett, Robert 152 — Mathew. Anna M 290 6 Mathews, Annie 46 5 Mathews, Elwood 46 6 Mathews, Howard 46 5 Mathews. John 46 — Mathews, Joseph P 46 6 Mathews, Justus 46 6 Mathews, Mattie 46 5 Mathews. William 46 — Matthews, Jesse H 106 7 Matthews. Stewart F 106 6 Mattes. Grace E 60 6 Mattes, Howard J 60 — Mattes, Hon. Joseph 60 — Mauk. Gertrude 115 — May, Dasie 152 — May, Nancy 179 — Maynes. Mamie 99 — McCance. Marv 179 — McCann. Mary N 200 — McCandles, Annie 304 6 McCain, Donald R 170 6 McCain, Edith 170 — McCain. George N 170 6 McCain. Helen K 170 6 McCain. Marv V. L 170 6 McCain, Mills M 170 — McClellan. Susan E 167 — McCoskey. Zella E 46 7 McCov, Artie A 141 7 McCov, Dick L 141 — McCoy. Neal 141 — McCrew, Archibald B 162 7 McFadden, Anna 95 7 McFadden. Boyd 95 7 McFadden, Cephas 95 7 McFadden, Clark 95 7 McFadden, Flora 95 — McFadden. George 95 7 McFadden, John 95 7 McFadden. Rav 95 -- McFarland. Susan 212 — McGee. Cora 146 6 McGiffin, Abraham L 130 7 McGiffin. Abraham 131 7 McGiffin. Alice S 181 7 McGiffin. Catharine 130 6 McGiffin. Elmina L 131 6 McGiffin. Esther L 130 7 McGiffin, Frank G 130 7 McGiffin. Harrv S 131 6 McGiffin, Henry L 130 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. 533 7 McGiffin, Homer 130 6 McGiffin, Jacob L 130 7 McGiffin, James A 131 — McGiffin, John 130 7 McGiffin, John 131 6 McGiffin, John L 131 6 McGiffin, Martin L 130 7 McGiffin, Nora 131 7 McGiffin, Otto 130 7 McGiffin, Robert R 131 7 McHaley, Harold R 166 — McHaley, John M 166 7 McHaley, Virginia 166 — McKay, Mabel 20 — McLaughlin, Cecelia 260 7 McLaughlin, Fern 172 7 McLaughlin, Floyd 172 7 McLaughlin, Frank 172 7 McLaughlin, Grace 172 — McLaughlin, James 172 — McMenamin, John J 210 6 Mechling. Adam 133 6 Mechling, Allen W 133 6 Mechling, Annie E 133 6 Mechling, George W 133 6 Mechling, Hattie C 133 — Mechling, Josiah J 133 6 Mechling, May 133 6 Mechling, Orange J 133 — Medsger, Amelia C 117 — Meixell. Albert 329 — Mell, Rev. M 231 — Mellinger, Harriet 296, 298 — Mellinger, Levi 290 — Mellinger, Mary 134 — • Merriman, Ida L 305 — Merritt, Lorinda 96 — Merklee, Mary A. E 234 — Metz, Abraham M 202 6 Metz, Frank B 202 6 Metz, Sarah E 202 6 Metz, Thomas 202 — Meyer, Abraham 5, 6 — Meyer, Abraham 26 7 Meyer, Abraham 27 — Meyer, Anna 5, 7 — Me3^er, Barbara 3, 5, 6 6 Meyer, Catharine 26 — Meyer, Christian 5, 6 7 Meyer, Edna 26 — Meyer, Elizabeth 5, 6 7 Meyer, Elizabeth 27 — Meyer, Esther 6 — Meyer, Hans 3 — Mever. Henry 4, 5, 6 6 Meyer. Henry S 26 — Meyer, Hester 6 — • Meyer, Isaac 5 — Meyer, Rev. Isaac 5 — Meyer, Jacob 5, 6 — • Meyer, John 6 6 Mever, Rev. J. Shelly 26 7 Meyer, Lottie 26 Gen. Page 6 Meyer, Levi S 27 — Meyer, Mary 5, 6 7 Meyer, Minnie 26 — • Meyer, Samuel 5 7 Meyer, Samuel R 27 7 Meyer, Shelly R 27 7 Meyer, Shelly 27 7 Meyer, Stella 26 — Meyers, John 5 — Meyers, Leah 302 — Meyers, Mahlon 327 — Meyers, Sarah 303 — Michael, Sidney 269 — Mickey, John E 290 7 Mickey, Rosie 290 7 Mickey, Roy 290 7 Mickey, Ruth 290 6 Miles, Edwin 159 6 Miles, Eugene C 159 — Miles, Nathaniel 159 6 Miles, Roy 159 — Milburn, Alma 168 — Millerman, Sarah 110 7 Mills, Alfred 108 7 Mills, Alice lOS 7 Mills, Ellen 108 — Mills, George M 211 7 Mills, George A 211 6 Mills, George A 211 — Mills. J. S 108 7 Mills, Lucinda lOS 6 Mills. Mary H 211 6 Mills. Thomas G 211 — Miller, Anna A 163 — Miller, Barbara 5 7 Miller, Chester 149 — Miller, Elizabeth 295 — Miller, Hannah 228 — Miller, Hattie 58 — Miller. Henry 149 — Miller, Ida K 58 — Miller, Joseph H 245 7 Miller. Llovd 149 — Miller. Peter 309 — Minich. Elizabeth 296 6 Mininger, Alice V 40 — Mininger, "William H 40 — Minshall, Maggie 225 — Minshall, Robert 226 7 Momeyer, Anna 131 7 Momeyer, Catharine 131 7 Momeyer. Frank 131 7 Momeyer, Homer 131 7 Momeyer. Maud 131 7 Momeyer, Oakie 131 — Momeyer. William 131 — Monroe, Jennie 133 — Monagvie. William 224 — Monosmith. Catharine .... 88 7 Moore, Cvrus N 202 — Moore, Lvdia F 202 — Moore. William C 202 — Moorhead, Chas. A 178 534 THE BEiDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. Gen. Page 7 Moorhead, Ross 178 7 Moorhead, William H 178 6 Morelock, Anna 177 6 Morelock, Bertha M 177 6 Morelock, Charles H 177 — Morelock, Henrv 177 — Mory, Ascillia C. 36 — Morris, James H 233 6 Morris, James 233 Morris, Mary 151 Morris. Paul L 233 Morris, Samuel R 233 Morrison, J. B 173 Morrison, William L 173 6 6 5 4 6 6 5 6 i. 5 5 5 6 5 5 .5 6 6 6 6 7 6 6 5 5 4 6 4 5 fi 6 5 rt ( 7 5 4 r, n 6 Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moj-er Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Mover Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Mover Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Moyer Mover Moyer Mover Abraham 5 Abraham 330 Abraham 330 Abraham L 332 Abraham B 333 Abraham B 308 Addie E 326 Alfred K 330 Amanda 328 Annie 330 Annie 831 Catharine D 202 Christian B 331 Christian L, 332 Charles 334 Clementine 332 Edna M 332 Eliza 326 Eliza A 333 Ellen M 333 Ellen 334 Elemina 334 Frank S 326 Florence 326 Florence M 330 Harvey 326 Hattie 56 Henry F 326 Henry B 331 Henry B 333 Jacob L 3 Jennie 331 John B 330 John B 331 John L, 56 John R 56 Jonas D 325 J. Warren 326 I^eon 330 Leonard F 332 Levi B 330 Mabel B 308 Madeline 326 Marv 331 Marv A 332 Marv A 333 Norman C 332 Robert 331 Sarah E 332 Gen. Page — Moyer, Sarah 286 5 Moyer, Susan F 326 4 Moyer, Susan 331 — Moyer, Susanna S , . 53 7 Moyer, Wallace 309 7 Moyer, Wayne 326 6 Moyer, William S 53 5 Moyer, William 326 5 Moyer, William L 332 5 Moyer, William K 334 — Mullin, Annie M 212 — Mumbauer, Clara 321 6 Mumaw, Alice 103 6 Mumaw. Elizabeth 103 — Mumaw, George R 101 7 Mumaw, George E 103 7 Mumaw, George R 103 7 Mumaw, Glenn H 103 7, Grace 102 6 Mumaw. James 102 6 Mumaw, John 103 7 Mumaw, John C 103 — • Mumaw. Jonas 132 7 Mumaw, Joseph P 103 7 Mumaw, Laura P 102 6 Mumaw, Martin 102 7 Mumaw, Martha R 103 6 Mumaw, Martin 102 7 Mumaw. Martha R 103 7 Mumaw, Melizene S 103 7 Mumaw. Rov S 103 6 Mumaw, Sallie 103 6 Mumaw. Wesley S 103 — Munshower, 29 — Murphy. James 152 — Murphv. Sue L 79 6 Musseiman, Ellen S 55 6 Musseiman, Harvey S. ... 55 — Musseiman, John A 55 6 Musseiman. John S 55 — Musseiman, Lucinda 36 — Myers, Abel M 329 6 Myers. Abraham 82 6 Myers, Agnes 80 6 Myers. Amzi 82 — Myers. Anna 304 — Myers. Barbara 122 7 Myers, Bessie 99 6 Mvers. Catharine 81 7 Mvers, Carl 99 — Myers. Christian M 300 7 Mvers. Clarence E 99 — Myers. Diana 75 6 Mvers, Dora 99 7 Mvers, Edward W 81 6 Mvers, Ella 99 6 Myers. Elizabeth 81 6 Mvers. Emma 82 6 Myers. Frances 82 6 Mvers. Franklin 82 6 Mvers. Hannah 81 6 Mvers. Harrv 99 6 Myers. Henry F 81 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. 535 7 Myers, Howard N 99 6 Myers, Hugh Ely 300 6 Myers, Ira S 300 7 Myers, Jacob R 81 — Myers, Jacob 98 6 Myers, John L 82 — Myers, John 90 — Myers, John 323 6 Myers, Laura 99 6 Myers, Lizzie 99 6 Myers, Mahlon 81 7 Myers, Mamie R 81 6 Myers, Mary E 82 — Myers, Mary 109 — Myers, Mary 122 — Myers, Michael 8 6 Myers, Newton 98 7 Myers, Roberta 300 6 Myers, Samuel H 300 6 Myers, Susan 81 — Mvers, Tobias 122 — Nace, Sarah A 304 7 Naegle, David E 220 — Naeg-le, John C 220 7 Naeg-le. John W 220 7 Naegle, Katharine A 220 7 Naegle, Leona 220 7 Naegle, Lewis R 220 — Neel. Elizabeth 128 7 Neidig, Alice G 51 — Neidig, Charles B 51 7 Neidig. Gertie G 51 4 Newcomer. Abraham 29 3 Newcomer, Abraham 52 6 Adam 65 6 Newcomer. Albert 1 34 5 Newcomer. Anna M 29 4 Newcomer, Ann 30, 46 4 Newcomer, Anna 36 6 Newcomer, Austin 67 4 Newcomer. Barbara. 29, 36, 61 5 Newcomer, Barbara 65 6 Newcomer. Bertha 34 6 Newcomer. Bessie 35 6 Newcomer. Calvin 67 4 Newcomer. Catharine. . .30, 38 5 Newcomer. Christiana .... 67 4 Newcomer, David 30, 64 3 Newcomer, David 61 6 Newcomer, David 65, 67 5 Newcomer, David G 67 4 Newcomer, Eliza 70 5 Newcomer, Elizabeth A. . . 35 4 Newcomer, Elizabeth 36 3 Newcomer, Elizabeth 49 7 Newcomer, Emerson R. . . 34 6 Newcomer, Emma 67 5 Newcomer, Esther 29 6 Newcomer, Esther 67 4 Newcomer, Fanny 49 — Newcomer, Furry 133 6 Newcomer, George 67 4 Newcomer, Hannah 49 Gen. Page 5 Newcomer, Harvey 72 3 Newcomer, Henry 41 6 Newcomer, Dr. Irving .... 34 3 Newcomer, Jacob 28 5 Newcomer, Jacob 65 4 Newcomer, Jacob 72 6 Newcomer, Jean M 34 — Newcomer. John 15 4 Newcomer, John ...28, 49, 62 6 Newcomer, John 35 5 Newcomer, John F 35 3 Newcomer, John. Jr 35 5 Newcomer, Jonas 67 4 Newcomer, Joseph 33 5 Newcomer, Dr. Joseph W. 33 6 Newcomer, Joseph H. ... 34 6 Newcomer, Joseph, Jr. ... 35 4 Newcomer, Lavina M 71 6 Newcomer, Lillie 35 6 Newcomer. Lizzie 67 — Newcomer, Lorena 86 4 Newcomer, Mary.... 39, 47, 67 3 Newcomer, Mary 52 5 Newcomer, Mary M 66 — Newcomer, Mary 145 5 Newcomer, Mathias 66 6 Newcomer, Maud 67 6 Newcomer, Myrtle 67 3 Newcomer, Nancy 35 4 Newcomer, Nancy 62 6 Newcomer, Nathan B 34 — Newcomer, Nellie 117 6 Newcomer, Nora 67 6 Newcomer, Paul Wm 34 6 Newcomer, Ray 67 4 Newcomer, Rebecca 40 5 Newcomer, Samuel 72 4 Newcomer, Sallie 47 5 Newcomer, Sarah A 28 5 Newcomer, Sarah L 35 4 Newcomer, Sarah 40 3 Newcomer, Susanna 19 4 Newcomer, Susanna. .. .36, 41 4 Newcomer, Susan 70 5 Newcomer, William H 35 5 Newcomer, William 65 6 Newcomer, William H. ... 65 — Newhart. Mary 41 — Newmyer. Belle B 99 — Newmyer. Catharine L. ...169 — Newmyer. Eliza L 170 — Newmyer. Mary A 167 — Newmyer. Susanna 148 — Nicholas. Peter F 283 6 Nicholas, Mamie 283 — Nickey. Catharine 293 — Noll, Rachel J 329 — North, Alice A. 247 7 Nyce. Howard G 51 — Nyce. Morris E 51 7 Nyce. Norman G 51 — Nyswarner. Etta M 98 — Oberholtzer, Almira 213 536 THE BEIDLER HISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. Gen. — Oberholtzer, — Oberholtzer, 3 Oberholtzer, — Oberholtzer, 3 Oberholtzer, — Ogle, Kate . 7 Oglevee, 7 Oglevee, 7 Oglevee, — Oglevee, 7 Oglevee, 7 Oglevee, 5 5 4 3 5 5 4 5 5 3 5 5 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 5 5 3 6 4 5 6 7 5 4 6 5 6 6 6 3 5 5 5 6 7 Page Barbara 4 Henry 73 Henry 15.5 Lizzie 37 Sarah 155 210 Elizabeth 81 Francis 81 Isaac N 81 Jesse A 81 Luella 81 MaiT E 81 Osterhout, Florence M. ...157 Orr, Sarah E 222 Ott, Arthur R 20 Ott, Charles D 20 Ott, Estella M 20 Ott, Lizzie 303 Ott, Minnie N 302 Overly, Nellie 62 Overly, Ross 62 Gen. Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Aaron S. R 96 Abraham 101 Abraham 134 Abraham 155 Abraham C 158 Abraham F 163 Abraham S..167, 171 Abraham J 176 Abigail C 158 Agnes 6 Agnes 75 Agnes 91 Ada M 169 Ada M 178 Albert 136 Alcinus 181 Alice H 93 Alice J 137 Alice C 169 Allenia T 137 Alma L 179 Anna 97, 171 Anna F 101 Anna 108 Anna B 137 Anna ..132, 159, 179 Anna M 170 Anna B 174 Anna 176 Anne 94 Annie 100 Annie M 166 Annie S 135 Arnolda M 176 Avery S 107 Baby 166 Barbara 138 Barbara 177 Benjamin F 157 Bertha 182 Blanche M 176 Bruce C 173 6 6 6 5 7 6 6 5 6 7 6 7 6 5 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 5 4 6 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 3 4 5 6 6 5 7 6 5 6 4 5 5 7 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Page Byron H 94 Carrie B 98 Carl 182 Catharine 124 Catharine 135 Cecil L 94 Charles H 93 Charles C 98 Charles 170, 181 Charles 181 Charlotte 164 Clara E 107 Clarence E 98 Clarence 179 Clarence 181 Claude 137 Cloyce E 179 Clyde 97 Christian S. R. . . 96 Christian 107 Christian F 167 Christian S 169 Christian 170 Christian M 173 Christian 180 Cora 173 Curtis A 173 David F 178 Dean 181 D. Lindlay 137 Earl L 176 Edgar 182 Edith 182 Edith M 136 Edna 182 Edward H 94 Edwin M 107 Edwin S 163 Effie 173 Elizabeth 96 Elizabeth 98, 100. 107, 163, 174 Elizabeth 145 Elizabeth ..167, 180 Ella 181 Elmer C 137 Elmer E 170 Elmer E 170 Elsie G 163 Emma L, 166 Emma F 167 Ernest Mc 167 Esther 128 Esther 137 Fenton C 166 Florette L 94 Forest 179 Frank H 94 Frank 181 Frederick E. . . .100 Gail 181 George T 158 George W 163 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. 537 Gen. 6 5 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 7 4 5 4 4 6 5 4 5 7 5 6 7 6 5 5 3 5 7 5 6 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 5 6 7 6 6 5 4 5 6 5 6 5 5 6 6 4 4 5 5 6 5 7 6 Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt — Overholt 6 Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Overholt Page George J 166 George W 167 Gertrude 178 Grace 96 Hannah 279 Harry D 100 Harry Yl 166 Harry B 169 Hazel 181 Helen B 100 Helen A 158 Helen G 164 Henry D 97 Henry D 99 Henry O 135 Henry S 157 Henrv V 158 Henry C 159 Henry 178 Henry 179 Howard 173 Hudson W 169 Hugh 181 Inez M 94 Isaac S 98 Isaac F 164 Isaiah B 137 Jacob 90 Jacob S. R 93 Jacob S. R 94 Jacob 97, 176 Jacob S 98 Jacob D 100 Jacob S 163 Jacob W 167 James M 108 James C 169 Jay 96 Jennie B 178 Jennie C 159 Jennie S 107 Jennie S 94 Jesse B 174 Jessie M 100 Jessie F 138 John D 90 John S. R 96 John 98 John 98 John F 100 John F 101 John S 135, 167 John 137 John K 137 John 138 John S 170 John C 179 Joseph 101, 179 Joseph S. . .107. 176 J. B 176 J. Franklin 169 J. Reed 98 Karl 96 Gen. 7 Overholt, 7 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 5 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 7 Overholt, — • Overholt, 7 Overholt, 3 Overholt, 5 Overholt, 5 Overholt, 5 Overholt, 5 Overholt, 7 Overholt, 5 Overholt, 4 Overholt, 3 Overholt, 5 Overholt, 5 Overholt, 4 Overholt, 5 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 5 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 5 Overholt, 5 Overholt, 5 Overholt. 7 Overholt, 7 Overholt, 7 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 6 Overholt. 6 Overholt, 6 Overholt. 5 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 7 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 7 Overholt. 6 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 6 Overhoolt 6 Overholt. 5 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 6 Overholt, 7 Overholt, 5 Overholt, 4 Overholt, Page Katharine 170 Keitha L. 164 Lenne 179 Leota 179 Lizzie 181 Lizzie 181 Lloyd L 179 Lucy 96, 166 Lucy N 170 Mabel E 100 Mabel 177 Madge M 94 Magdalena 5 Margaret 97 Maria 90 Maria B 136 Maria C 158 Maria F 163 Maria 177 Maria R 196 Martin F 101 Martin D 107 Martin 124 Martin 137, 178 Martin 138 Martin S 168 Martin B 177 Martin R 179 Mary E 100 Mary M 107, 164 Mary A 164 Mary V 166 Mary 167 Mary E 169 Mary V 170 Mary B 173 Mattie B 94 Mattie C 164 Max C 164 Mearl 182 Merle R 179 Mildred J 158 Miles H 137 Norman 166 Norman 167 Omera N 166 Orpha H. 1 179 Orval 94 Oscar F 166 Oscar A 173 Ralph S 94 Ralph 97, 181 Ralph T 137 , Raymond 137 Raymond D 158 Reuben B 136 Reuben 137 Rice B 98 Ruth 170 Samuel H 93 Sadie B 94 Sarah 177 Sarah 177 538 THE BEIDLER HISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. Gen. 6 5 6 5 4 4 5 3 6 i 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 6 7 7 7 7 7 Overholt, Overholt, Overholt, Overholt, Overholt, Overholt, Overholt, Overholt, Overholt, Overholt, Overholt, Overholt, Overholt, Overholt, Overholt, Overholt, Overholt, Overholt, Overholt, Overholt, Overholt. Packer, Packer, Packer, Packer, Palmer, Palmer, Palmer, Palmer, Patterson. Patterson, Patterson, Patterson, Patterson, Parks, Paxon, 6 6 5 6 6 7 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 Page Sherman J 176 Sherman 182 Stella 179 Susan 98 Susan 101 .124 ,134 ,182 , 94 , 98 , 94 Susanna .... Susanna S. . . Susanna .... Thirza H. . . . Thomas H. . . Vei-a S Virgil 181 Warren R 98 Willie H 137 Willie 179 William S 170 William 179 William E 179 W. H 158 Zella 181 Zoa 181 Aaron 250 Isaac 250 250 250 321 321 217 Lillian C William F Anna M Reading G. ... Selinda D Thomas 256 Alexander H. . . 95 Edna V 95 Ira D 95 Paul H 95 Robert J 95 Estella M 263 Helen 259 H. ..271 113 296 297 64 64 ps. Corinne 256 ps, Edwin 256 ps, Elizabeth 256 ps, Grace 256 ps. Jesse E 253 ps. Joseph L 256 ps, Lewis 257 ps, Mary E 256 ps, Mar>' A 257 ps, Morgan 256 ps, Rachel A 255 ps, Sarah 256 ps, William E 256 ~ 270 270 270 270 270 270 Pennypacker, Phebe Perrine, EA^a E Peters, Benjamin A. Peters, Leo B Pexton, Andrew J. . Pexton, Edwin H. . . Phil Phil Phil Phil Phil Phil Phil Phil Phil Phil Phil Phil Phil E. Rachel Sarah William E. . . Phipps, Channing E. Phipps, Dr. Ellsworth Phipps, Evan E Phipps, James W. . . . Phipps. Lydia A Phipps. Wilmer E. . Pinkerton. Elizabeth 256 Pletcher, Bertha 65 Gen. Page — Pletcher, Catharine 144 — Pletcher, Sarah 141 7 Plotner, Anna R 107 7 Plotner, Eva 107 — Plotner, F. A 107 — Pool, Lydia 228 7 Pore, Alice S 125 7 Pore, Florence 125 7 Pore, Henry E 125 7 Pore, John J. A 125 — Pore, Mary E 125 7 Pore, Oliver P 125 — Pore, William G 125 7 Porter, Benjamin F 77 — Porter, Emma J 87 7 Porter, Harry P. . .'. 77 7 Porter, Helen E 77 — Porter, Martha J 83 — Porter, M. B 77 — Porter, T. W 88 7 Potter, Martha K 206 — Potter, M. G 88 — Potter, Seymour A 205 6 Pratt, Anna 1 301 6 Pratt, Helen M 301 6 Pratt, Louisa 1 301 — Pratt, Wesley T 301 7 Price, Bessie 106 7 Price. Emma B 106 — Price, N. W 106 — Price, Sarah 298 — Probert, John W 178 7 Probert, Stanley 179 — Purkey, James A 180 6 Purkey, Jesse E 180 6 Purkey. Mabel S 180 — Puterbaugh, Ida 191 — Pyle. Anna R 215 — Rafenberg, Jersey 193 7 Rafenberg. Loren C 193 — Raile, Frank 99 — Raile, Frank N 140 7 Raile. Harry M 99 7 Raile, Walter J 99 — Rankin, Nellie 132 — • Ranson, Levis 258 6 Ranson. Mary A 258 6 Rapp. Eleanor 255 6 Rapp. Hannah A 256 6 Rapp. Jesse P 256 — • Rapp, Joseph E 255 6 Rapp. Joseph L 256 6 Rapp. Mary E 256 — Ravmer, Anna 124 6 Reber, Edna M 328 6 Reber, Erwin M 327 6 Reber, Gertrude P 328 7 Reber, Hazel 327 — Reber, James L 327 6 Reber, James W 328 6 Reber. Philip E 327 6 Reber, Sohuvler C 327 7 Reber, Vivian 327 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. 539 Gen. Page — Reamer, Mary E 76 — Redf ern, Gertie 179 7 Redding, Aaron 91 7 Redding, Alice 91 7 Redding, Bettie A 91 7 Redding, Charles 91 7 Redding, Henry C 92 7 Redding, Lulu V 92 7 Redding, Mary 91 7 Redding, Wilber 91 — ■ Redding, Washington .... 91 7 Reed, Elizabeth 104 — Reed. George Etta 98 7 Reed, Jessie 103 — Reed, John 30 5 Reed, Joseph 30 7 Reed, Nellie B 104 — Reed, Samuel B 103 — Reene, Edward C 176 — Rehling. Sadie 92 5 Reiff, Daniel W 268 6 Reiff, Fay V 268 6 Reiff, Francis C 268 6 Reiff, Fred L 268 6 Reiff, Jessie M 268 6 Reiff. Lillie 268 6 Reiff, Maggie B 268 6 Reiff, Mary 268 5 Reiff. Mary P 268 6 Reiff. Ora K 268 — Reiff. William P 268 — Reimbold. Otto 99 — Reimer. Magdalena 191 — • Reinhard, Aaron 36 6 Reinhard. Alvin 38 6 Reinhard. Annie 38 5 Reinhard. Edwin A 38 6 Reinhard. Elmer C 37 6 Reinhard. Elmer 38 5 Reinhard, Elmira 36 5 Reinhard. Emma R 38 5 Reinhard. Francis A 36 6 Reinhard. Ida H 37 5 Reinhard. Mary 37 5 Reinhard. Mendon H 37 6 Reinhard. Robert 38 6 Reinhard. Wesley 38 6 Reinhard. William 38 — Reinhart. Annie F 294 6 Reinhart, Bertha 58 6 Reinhart. Ella 58 7 Reinhart. Gertrude 58 6 Reinhart, Harry 58 6 Reinhart. Jennie 58 6 Reinhart, Katie 58 — • Reinhart, Lewis 57 7 Reinhart, Mary 58 — Rhoades, Julia A 125 — Rice, Artemus 173 7 Rice. Anna R 173 — Rice. Sarah 81 7 Rice. Wiliam 173 6 Riches. Alice 1 246 Gen. Page 6 Riches, Edith J 246 6 Riches, George W. , 246 6 Riches. Jacob G 246 — Riches, John 246 6 Riches, Lawrence B 246 6 Riches, Mary 246 6 Riches, Melvin 246 6 Riches, Nettie E 246 6 Riches, Sarah L 246 — Rholand, Margaret C 165 — Richie, Clarence F 301 6 Riegel, Ambrose J 49 5 Riegel, Catharine 48 5 Riegel, Charles J 49 6 Riegel. Emma L 48 6 Riegel, Henry M 49 5 Riegel, Henrv M 48 — Riegel, Joseph 47 6 Riegel, Katie A 48 5 Riegel. Martin J 48 5 Riegel, Samuel P 49 6 Riegel, Samuel P 49 — ■ Riley. Mar;!.' 130 — Rinebolt, Martha A 122 — Ripple. Agnes 167 — Rist, Martha 163 — Ritchie. William 169 5 Riter, Arthur S 265 6 Riter, Arthur L 265 — • Riter, Benjamin 260 5 Riter. Benjamin W 265 5 Riter. Catharine 266 6 Riter. Charlie W. W 265 4 Riter. Charles C 265 6 Riter, Golda M 266 6 Riter. Harry C 265 5 Riter. John H 266 4 Riter, Joseph D 266 6 Riter, Lizzie E 266 5 Riter. Lizzie M 266 4 Riter. Martha 266 4 Riter. Susan 266 5 Riter. Susan B z66 4 Riter. William W 266 6 Riter. Zula D 265 — Ritter, Alfred A 331 — Ritter, Edwin 24 6 Ritter. Martha J 331 — Rittenhouse. Annie 117 — Roan. 25 6 Roberts, Edith M 204 6 Roberts. Edward H 204 — Roberts. Jonathan J 203 — Roberts, Julia M 259 6 Roberts. Louisa B 204 — •Roberts. Marv E 200 6 Roberts. Marv D 204 6 Roberts, "V^^alter J 204 6 Roberts. William B 204 8 Robinson. Henrv S 26 8 Robinson. John S 26 — Robinson. Joseph W 26 8 Robinson. Reuben D 26 540 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. Gen. Page 8 Robinson, Rhoda M 26 8 Robinson, Russell M 26 8 Robinson, William J 26 — Rodman, 29 5 Rogers, Anna M 213 7 Rogers, Annie M 212 6 Rogers, Charles S 212 6 Rogers, Ellen 212 5 Rogers, Ellen 213 5 Rogers, George F 212 6 Rogers, Hannah 212 5 Rogers, Jesse 212 5 Rogers, John B 212 6 Rogers, Mary H 212 6 Rogers, W. Havard 212 6 Rogers, Wiliam 212 7 Rogers, William H 212 — Rogers, "William 211 — Rohr, Catharine 209 — Roher, Frances 186 — Romberger, Laura 276 — Rooke, Emma 233 6 Rosenberger, Anna 308 6 Rosenberger, Ella 307 6 Rosenberger, Emma 307 — Rosenberger, Henry 307 6 Rosenberger, Henry B. ...b07 6 Rosenberger, Ida 308 6 Rosenberger, Katharine ..307 7 Rosenberger, Mildred 39 6 Rosenberger, Minerva ....307 7 Rosenberger, Violet 39 — Rosenberger. William H. . . 39 7 Roth, Dorothy M 56 — Roth, J. Taylor 56 — Rowan, Mattie 149 6 Rowland, Albanus C 68 7 Rowland. Ann C 68 6 Rowland, Benjamin F. ... 68 6 Rowland, Clarence A 68 6 Rowland, Elhanan 68 7 Rowland, Elizabeth C 68 — Rowland, Louis 67 6 Rowland, Lewis C 68 7 Rowland, Ralph 68 7 Rowland. Rebecca M. B. . . 68 — Rover, Maria 33 — Rudle, Lizzie 225 — Ruhl, Catharine 24 — Ruppee, Marietta 327 — Russell, C. L 261 7 Ru.ssell. Elvira F 261 7 Ruth. Alice B 102 7 Ruth, Bessie V 102 7 Ruth, Eleanor 102 7 Ruth, Homer M 102 — Ruth, John W 101 7 Ruth. Maude L 102 7 Ruth, Ralph 102 — Ryan. Mary A 83 — Sammons. Sarah 305 — Santee. Stella 31 — Sarles, Kate 139 Gen. Page — Savidge, Dr. A. R 58 — Saunders, Maurice 207 7 Saunders, Maurice 207 7 Saunders, Sallie 207 — Saylor, Barbara E 88 — Saylor, Mary 116 — Schantz, Daniel 47 7 Schantz, Norman 47 — Schantz, Rose 47 7 Scheetz, Charles M 283 7 Scheetz, George 283 — Scheetz, Grier 283 7 Scheetz, Herbert 283 — Schremp, Adolph 309 6 Schremp, Charles 309 6 Schremp, Clarence 309 — Schletzbaum. Mary A 57 6 Schliefer, Alice 39 6 Schliefer, Charles F 40 5 Schliefer, Charles 40 6 Schliefer, Clara A 40 — Schliefer, Elizabeth 27 5 Schliefer, Elmira 40 5 Schliefer, Henry 40 5 Schliefer, John 40 5 Schliefer, Mary 40, 41 6 Schliefer, Minnie E 40 — Schliefer, Peter 39 5 Schliefer, Peter 40 5 Schliefer, William 39 — Schlotterer, George B. ...199 7 Schlotterer, Martha W. ..199 — Schmitz, Mary 266 — Schoch, 22 8 Scholl, Anna 21 — Scholl. Cvrus 21 8 Scholl, Lizzie 21 8 Scholl, Mamie 21 — Scholl, Mary 21 8 Scholl, Willie 21 — Schultz, Benjamin A 63 6 Schultz, Edwin K 63 6 Schultz, James K 63 6 Schultz, Samuel 63 — Schwartz, Elmina L. A... 42 6 Schwartz, Meda R 42 6 Schwartz. Melissa 42 — Scott. Azalia 86 — Scott. Claude 170 — Scoville, Myra L 270 — Scrogin. Mattie S 205 — Seachrist. Amanda 331 — Seib, Ada 296 — Seigel. Amelia 326 — Seitz. Franklin 295 — Sembower. John 85 — Shaddinger. Rachel 323 — Shaffer. Perlena 24 — Shaffer. Sarah 331 — Shainline. R. Jennie 204 — Shallenberger. Jane 131 — Shallonberger. Mary 107 — Shannon. Margaret 229 1 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. 541 Gen. Page — Shannon, Rita 229 — Sharpless, Elmer E 215 — Shaum, Aaron 66 6 Shaum, Aaron F 66 6 Shaum, Ada C 66 6 Shaum, Bertha P 66 6 Shaum, Charles N 66 6 Shaum, Clara A 66 6 Shaum, Emma A 66 6 Shaum, Georgeana 66 6 Shaum, Jacob R 66 6 Shaum, Mabel M 66 6 Shaum, Sarah C 66 — Shearer, Benjamin F 311. 6 Shearer, Effie 29 6 Shearer, Elmer 29 6 Shearer, Gertrude H 311 6 Shearer, Herbert B 312 — Shaum, L. D 29 6 Shaum, Mary B 29 — Shaum. Mary A 326 6 Shaum. William K 311 8 Shelar, Camelle V 79 — Shelar, Dr. J. W 79 — Shellenberger. Frances ... 75 6 Shelly, Albanus 47 5 Shelly, Allen 59 6 Shelly, Allen E 61 5 Shelly, Amanda 56 5 Shelly, Anthony 47 4 Shellv. Barbara 59 6 Shelly, Blanche 56 5 Shelly, Calvin E 60 — Shelly, Catharine 24 5 Shelly, Catharine 53, 59 4 Shelly, Catharine 57 5 Shelly. Clara 53 6 Shelly, Clara 59 7 Shelly. Clarence 47 — Shelly, Daniel 53 4 Shelly. Daniel 54 — Shelly. Daniel B 47 4 Shelly, David N 52 5 Shelly. Diana 27 6 Shellv. Edna 27 5 Shellv. Eliza 47 5 Shelly. Elizabeth G 55 5 Shelly. Elizabeth 56 6 Shelly. Elwood 47 6 Shelly. Emma 27 5 Shelly. Frank 53 6 Shellv. Girnev 56 6 Shelly. Hattie 56 6 Shelly. Hazel 60 6 Shellv. Henry 27 5 Shelly, Henrv L, 27 5 Shelly, Henry N 47 5 Shelly. Henry B 59 4 Shelly. Henry 59 6 Shellv. Howard 53. 56 4 Shelly. .Jacob N 55 — Shellv. Jeremiah F 27 6 Shelly. Jennie 47 Gen. Page — Shelly, Joel Z 27 — Shelly, John B 25 5 Shelly, John 53 4 Shelly, John N 53 6 Shelly. John S 28 6 Shelly, John 59 5 Shelly, John F 60 6 Shelly, Josiah 27 5 Shelly, Kate M 54 5 Shelly, Kate 60 5 Shelly, Leanna 53 4 Shelly, Levi N 59 5 Shelly, Lewis N 47 7 Shelly, Llewellyn 28 5 Shelly. Lydia 53 5 Shelly, Malinda 27 5 Shelly, Marv B 59 5 Shelly, Mary 26,47,53,60 5 Shelly, Mary A 53 5 Shelly, Mary G 55 — Shelly, Michael 5 6 Shelly, Minnie 47 6 Shelly, Naomi 60 5 Shelly, Nettie 53 6 Shelly, Oscar 47 6 Shelly, Pearl 60 5 Shelly. Philip 56 6 Shelly, Ralph 57 6 Shelly, Robert 59 6 Shelly, Robert B 61 6 Shellv. Rose 47 6 Shelly. Roy 60 6 Shelly, Russell 59 6 Shelly, Sallie 47,56 5 Shelly, Sarah 47 5 Shelly, Su.sanna 27 — Shellv, Susanna 324 6 Shelly. Susie 61 5 Shelly, William 53. 61 4 Shelly, Rev. William N. . . 55 6 Shelly, William L 57 7 Shelly. Wilmer 47 ^ Sherwood. Nellie 30 — • Anna 177 — Sherman. Eva 172 — Sherman, Laura 176 — Sherrick, Abraham ...100, 124 5 Sherrick. Abraham 150 6 Sherrick, Anna R 150 5 Sherrick, Anna 151 — Sherrick. Barbara 171 — ■Sherrick. Catharine 139 5 Sherrick. Catharine 151 5 Sherrick. Daniel 150 ^ Sherrick, Elizabeth 97 5 Sherrick. Elizabeth 150 6 Sherrick, Elmer G 151 — ■ Sherrick. Flora L 88 6 Sherrick. Harvey J 150 — • Sherrick. Henrv 150 6 Sherrick. John M 151 5 Sherrick. Joseph 150 5 Sherrick, Martin 100 542 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. Gen. Page 5 Sherrick. Martin 150 5 Sherrick, Mary 151 5 Sherrick, Susan 100 6 Shesler, Ada 175 — ■ Shesler, Jacob A 174 6 Shesler, Minnie 175 6 Shesler, Walter H 176 — Shether, Mary E 83 — Shetron, Anna 290 — Shenkle, Rev. Alfred B....224 — • Shimp, George 298 7 Shimp, Maria 298 — Shoe, John W 177 — ShofCner, John E 211 7 Shoffner, J. Edgar 211 6 Showalter, Frank 210 — Showalter, James 210 6 Showalter, Preston 210 6 Shughart, Alfred 294 6 Shughart, Anna 294 7 Shughart. Calvin 290 6 Shughart, David 294 6 Shughart. Ellen 294 — Shughart, Emanuei 293 6 Shughart, Emanuel 293 7 Shughart, Eva 290 — Shughart, Harry K 290 6 Shughart, Jacob 294 6 Shughart, Peter 293 6 Shughart, Priscilla 294 6 Shughart, Sarah Z94 6 Shughart, William 293 — Shultis. Hattie 164 7 Shultz. Emma L 48 7 Shultz, Esther V 48 7 Shultz, Gertrude M 48 — Shultz, Rev. H. D 48 7 Shultz, Joseph R 48 7 Shultz, L-aura M 48 5 Shupe, Abraham 114 6 Shupe, Alice M 125 5 Shupe, Anna 114,128 5 Shupe, Catharine 126 6 Shupe, Charles E 115 6 Shupe, Clark 115 5 Shupe, Daniel 114 7 Shupe, Edgar S 125 7 Shupe, Erma 87 7 Shupe, Eva 115 7 Shupe, George P 125 7 Shupe, Grace S 125 — Shupe, Henry 124 7 Shupe, Huston S 125 — Shupe, H. F 87 — Shupe, Jacob 114 5 Shupe, Jacob 128 6 Shupe, Jacob B 115 — Shupe. James W 1 65 5 Shupe, John 114.125 6 Shupe, John 115 6 Shupe, Josephine 128 6 Shupe, Lafayette 125 6 Shupe, Marcellus B 115 Gen. Page 7 Shupe, Mary 87 6 Shupe, Mar>' A 115 6 Shupe, Oliver P 125 5 Shupe, Peter D 114 6 Shupe, Polly A 125 7 Shupe, Ralph 115 7 Shupe, Ruth A 125 5 Shupe, Samuel 128 7 Shupe, Sarah A. E 125 7 Shupe, Walter 125 6 Shupe. William A 115 — Siegfried. B. F 32 6 Siegfried, Ceril F 33 6 Siegfried. Ira D 33 6 Siegfried, Maud L 33 — Silliman, Phoebe A .-144 — Sine, Lizzie 303 — Singles, May 267 7 Sitherwood, Doane L 147 — ■ Sitherwood. George D 147 7 Sitherwood, Grace 147 7 Sitherwood, Pearl 147 7 Slack, Irma 219 7 Slack, Nellie 219 7 Slack, Salinda 219 — Slack, Walter 219 7 Slack, Walter H., Jr 219 — Slawyer, Rebecca 258 — ■ Sleigle, Frederick 35 — Slifer, Maria B 19 6 Sloan, Cora 114 — Sloan, Mabel H 125 6 Sloan, Rilie 114 6 Sloan, Samuel 114 — Sloan, William 114 6 Slotter, Jacob F 322 — Slotter, William H 322 — • Smallwood, Alonzo A Ill 7 Smallwood, Chester H. ..Ill 6 Smedlev. Anna B 214 6 Smedley, Havard W 214 6 Smedlev. Lucy 1 214 6 Smedley. Susan 214 — Smedlev. Wilmer 214 — Smell, Frank 281 — Smith, Abram W 135 — Smith, Alfred 162 — Smith. Annie M 107 5 Smith. Caroline 61 — • Smith, Catharine 88 — Smith. Catharine 112 7 Smith. Charles 113 7 Smith. C. Edgar 127 — Smith, Daniel H 48 5 Smith, David 62 — Smith, David H 127 6 Smith, Delbert 61 5 Smith. Elizabeth 62 — Smith. Ellon 21 7 Smith. Elma M 127 6 Smith. Emilv 3.^2 6 Smith. Frank 53 6 Smith. Florence 53 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. 543 Gen. Page 6 Smith, Harry A 61 5 Smith, Harvey 62 6 Smith, Helen M 158 — Smith, Henrietta 256 — Smith, Isabella A 323 5 Smith, Jacob 61 — Smith, John A 52 — Smith, John R 158 — Smith, Joseph A 127 — Smith, Mathias 61, 70 — Smith, Mary 60 — Smith, Mary E 329 8 Smith, Mildred 127 6 Smith, Minnie P 61 6 Smith, Nettie 53 7 Smith, Neva 113 — Smith, Oliver H 332 8 Smith, Orah D 127 6 Smith, Robert 53 — Smith, Robert H 113 — Smith, Robert F 127 8 Smith, Robert 127 8 Smith, Sue F 127 7 Smith, Sylvia M 113 — Smith, Walter C 113 8 Smith, Weimer J 127 — Snyder, Ida 294 — Snyder, Levi P 292 — Snyder, Lucy 70 — Snyder, Maria L 128 — Solenberger, S. Irene 173 6 Solliday, Alfred 47 6 Solliday, Daniel 47 — Solliday, Edwin H 51 6 Solliday, Elwood 47 — Solliday, Lavina 50 — Solliday, Reuben 47 — Sothers, Elmer M 260 7 Sothers, Floyd 260 7 Sothers, Gertrude 260 — Souder, Catharine 5 — Spangler, Christopher ....294 7 Sparling, Carl 93 7 Sparling, Edwin V 93 — Sparling, Jennie 93 7 Sparling, Lee 93 7 Sparling, Susan N 93 — Sparling. William B 93 — Speer, Harry 153 7 Speer, Helen V 153 — Stants, Emanuel 81 — Stark, Emma 162 — Stapley, Marian A 220 — Stapley, Mary J 217 5 Stahr, Abraham C 284 6 Stahr, Ada S 284 4 Stahr, Annie 284 6 Stahr, Catharine A 284 6 Stahr, Camilla B 277 6 Stahr, Charles P 277 5 Stahr, Charles 283 6 Stahr, Clara S 284 6 Stahr, David 275 Gen. Page 5 Stahr, David 276 5 Stahr, Elizabeth A 283 4 Stahr, Elizabeth B 286 6 Stahr, Estella S 284 7 Stahr, Eugene 276 6 Stahr, Gertie 284 6 Stahr, Helen R 277 6 Stahr, Henry 1 277 6 Stahr, Hugh A 277 6 Stahi', Ida 284 5 Stahr, Rev. Isaac S 277 4 Stahr, John 275 6 Stahr, John J 276 5 Stahr, Rev. John S 276 6 Stahr, John M 277 6 Stahr, John N 277 5 Stahr, Lewis 275 5 Stahr, Marietta 275 6 Stahr, Mary B 277 6 Stahr, Mary C 277 6 Stahr, Marv H 284 4 Stahr, Mary 278 5 Stahr, Mary 283 7 Stahr, Mildred 276 6 Stahr, Sadie 1 277 6 Stahr, Salome S 284 5 Stahr, Samuel S 275 6 Stahr, Samuel E 276 4 Stahr, Samuel 283 6 Stahr, Sarah E 275 6 Stauffer, Aaron C 146 5 Stauffer, Aaron 148 5 Stauffer, Abram D 154 5 Stauffer, Abraham 107 4 Stauffer, Abraham D 145 6 Stauffer, Ada S 88 6 Stauffer, Addie E 105 5 Stauffer, Agnes 106 6 Stauffer, Albert 152 6 Stauffer, Albert E 154 6 Stauffer, Alice D 152 5 Stauffer, Ann 148 4 Stauffer, Anna 150 6 Stauffer, Annie 88 5 Stauffer, Annie 106 — Sta,uffer. Barbara 6, 109 5 Stauffer, Belle 154 5 Stauffer, Benjamin 147 — Stauffer, Burt 78 5 Stauffer, Catharine 88 — Stauffer. Catharine 129 5 Stauffer, Catharine. . .148, 154 6 Stauffer, Charles A 148 6 Stauffer, Charles W 152 — Stauffer, Christian 6.101 6 Stauffer, Christian C 105 7 Stauffer, Christian C. Jr. .105 6 Stauffer, Clara L 153 6 Stauffer. Cora 149 7 Stauffer. Cora 150 6 Stauffer, Daniel M 88 5 Stauffer. David R 153 6 Stauffer, Edith 154 544 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GEN ERAL INDEX. Gen. 6 Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Staviffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, — Stauffer, 5 Stauffer, 5 Stauffer, — Stauffer, 6 Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauft'er, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, — Stauffer, 6 Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer, Stauffer. — Stauffer, 5 Stauffer. 6 Stauffer, 5 Stauffer, 7 Stauffer. 6 Stauffer, 6 Sttauffer 5 Stauffer. 5 5 6 5 6 7 6 4 6 5 5 6 7 6 6 6 7 6 6 7 5 6 Page Edna 154 Edward E 153 Elizabeth 88, 152 Elizabeth . ..90, 170 Elizabeth... 101, 153 Eli M 88 Ella 104 Ella M 105 Emma 105, 152 Emma O 107 Emma 130 Frank P 154 George D 105 George W 154 George V 154 Hallie 106 Harry D 105 Harry 105 Harold 150 Henry 104 Henry A 146 Henry 148 Henry 149 Henry W 152 Ida 267 Isaac N 147 Jacob 149 James L 77 James 149 James 150 James L 154 Jesse E 153 John F 88 John M 88 John G 105 John J 105 John W 108 John A. D 146 John T 152 John T 152, 154 Joseph S 153 Josiah 149 Laura 152 Laurite F 153 Lena 147 Lester E 153 Lucy 152 Lola M 148 Mabel 150 Margaret 131 Margaret 149 Maria 78 Maria 147 Maria 157 Martin 88 Martin 145 Martin N 145 Martin E 152 Martha J 154 Marv 78 Marv F 146 Marv 153 Mary M 153 Gen. Page 5 Stauffer, Mason 148 7 Stauffer, Maude V 105 6 Stauffer, May 154 5 Stauffer, Meade 154 — Stauffer, Nancy 115 6 Stauffer, Nellie F 147 7 Stauffer, Percey 148 6 Stauffer, Rebecca 152 6 Stauffer, Roy 154 6 Stauffer, Ruth 154 6 Stauffer, Sadie F 149 6 Stauffer, Sallie 88 — • Stauffer, Samuel 87 5 Stauffer, Sarah 107 5 Stauffer, Sarah 108 4 Stauffer, Sarah 150 6 Stauffer, Sherman M 146 5 Stauffer, Smith 148 6 Stauffer, Susan. . .104, 149, 152 6 Stauffer, Susan M 148 6 Stauffer, Uriah H 146 5 Stauffer, Uriah 148 7 Stauffer, Walter B 153 7 Stauffer, Wildefred E 148 7 Stauffer, William J 149 6 Stauffer, Willie E 153 — St. Clair, George 107 — Steokel, Sarah C 44 — Steele, Susan A 217 — Steen, Annie M 214 — Stenner, Lydia 40 — Stephens, Agnes N 205 — Stephens, A. W 164 7 Stephens, Mary 164 — Stephens, Rachel 215 — Stephens, Sarah W 201 7 Stephens. Woodward O 164 — Stevely, Lena M 205 7 Stevens, Elizabeth M 194 7 Stevens, Ella W 194 7 Stevens, Frances L 194 — Stevens, Hannah 193 7 Stevens, Hannah E 194 7 Stevens, Jacob W 194 — • Stevens, James T 194 7 Stevens. James C 194 7 Stevens, John F 194 7 Stevens, Lelia W 194 — Stevens, Mary E 193 7 Stevens, Mary K 194 7 Stevens. Miriam R 194 7 Stevens, Winfield W 194 7 Stevenson, Jay A 191 — Stevenson, Leander 191 — Stever, Lizzie 276 7 Stewart, Beatrice 136 7 Stewart, Clarence 1 136 6 Stewart. Christian 136 6 Stewart, Elizabeth 135 — Stewart, Emma 152 6 Stewart, Flora 136 6 Stewart, Hattie 136 6 Stewart. Henry 136 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. 545 Gen. Page — Stewart, John 135 7 Stewart, John E 136 6 Stewart, John 1 136 — Stewart, Lina C 230 6 Stewart, Mary E 135 6 Stewart, Maria 136 6 Stewart, Mattie 136 6 Stewart, Senora 136 7 Stewart, Warner W 136 7 Stewart, Winnie M 136 — Stillwell, Anna 113 — Stillwater, Carrie L 226 7 Stinehagen, Hazel 150 — • Stinehagen, Henry 149 — Stinehagen, Joseph 150 7 Stinehagen, Lewis 149 7 Stinehagen, Una 149 5 Stiteler, Anna M 251 5 Stiteler, Clara V 251 5 Stiteler, Hannah E 250 — Stiteler, Isaac 249 5 Stiteler, Joseph 249 5 Stiteler, Mary 250 5 Stiteler, Peninah E 249 5 Stiteler, Rebecca J 250 — Stone, Candace D 148 6 Stoner, Abraham 129 5 Stoner, Abraham 180 5 Stoner, Alcinus 180 6 Stoner, Alice S 120 Alice S 83 6 Stoner, Amelia A 120 7 Stoner, Anna M 130 5 Stoner, Anna E 180 6 Stoner, Annetta M 114 6 7 7 7 6 6 7 6 6 7 6 7 6 8 6 6 7 6 7 7 7 7 Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner, Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Stoner Austin F 103 Bettie 131 Betta 79 Blaine J 129 Birdie M 129 Carrie M 121 Christian 177 Clarence E 121 Clyde T 79 Cora 132 C. Jessie 103 Daniel B 120 David F 116 Edwin D 121 Edwin 87 Elmer E 114 Elmina 79 Emma 87 Eorie 79 Erastus L 121 Flora M 87 Frank S 104 Franklin L 120 Franklin J 129 Grace 103 Helen 130 Homer S 88, 130 Isaac O. P 114 Gen. Page 6 Stoner, Jacob 130 6 Stoner, James 130 7 Stoner, John E 79 — • Stoner, John 180 6 Stoner, Jordan N 129 — • Stoner, Jordan N 88 — Stoner, Joseph 129 — Stoner, Joseph W 132 7 Stoner, Joseph B 87 — Stoner, J. B 86 6 Stoner, Katie 114 5 Stoner, Lizzie 177 6 Stoner, Loucks 121 7 Stoner, Lyman F 79 — Stoner, Lyman S 104 6 Stoner, Mahlon F 87 6 Stoner, Maria L 129 6 Stoner, Martin L 130 6 Stoner, Martin N 87 5 Stoner, Martin 177 — ■ Stoner, Martha 116 6 Stoner, Mary 134 6 Stoner, Myrtle G 121 7 Stoner, Russell J 129 6 Stoner, Samuel D. 87 6 Stoner, Sarah 1 121 5 Stoner, Sarah 180 — Stoner, Solomon 79 6 Stoner, Solomon V 87 6 Stoner, Susan 87 8 Stoner, Vergie 79 6 Stoner, Violetta 87 6 Stoner, Walter F 114 7 Stoner, William J 129 6 Stoner, William 130 — Stout, Mary A 284 — • Stover, Catharine 24 — Stover, Eleanor M 300 5 Stover, Eliza B 300 — Stover, Samuel 299 5 Stover, Susan B 300 7 Strang, Anna B 222 7 Strang. Eugenia G 222 7 Strang, Jacob C 222 — Strang. James P 2,22 7 Strang, James J 222 7 Strang, Mark 222 7 Strang, Sarah H 222 7 Strang, Vere 222 — Strieker, Emma 278 — Strickler. Su.san 152 — Strickler. William 151 — Strohl. Sarah 61 — Strohl. Tilman 280 — • Strohm. Minerva 144 — Stubblebine. Hannah 232 — Summers. Sarah 275 — Sunderland. Martha 197 — Supple. "Virginia 196 — Sutton. G. S 128 — Swartlev. Elizabeth 307 7 Swain. Charlotte M 153 6 Swain. Dasie M 154 35 546 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. Gen. Page 6 Swain, Effie C 153 6 Swain, Elmer S 153 7 Swain, Ethel M 154 7 Swain, Ida M 154 — Swain, John W 153 — Swain, Lizzie E 135 6 Swain, Susan 1 154 — Swartz, Abraham 308 7 Swartz, Bertha 308 — Swartz, Christian 182 6 Swartz, Daniel E 42 Swartz. David N 41 Swartz, Elizabeth 44 Swartz, Frank W 42 5 Swartz, Dr. George N 44 7 Swartz, Harry 42 Swartz, Henry N 43 Swartz, Ida E 42 Swartz, Jacob N 44 — Swartz, Jacob Z 41 7 Swartz, Jennie M 42 Swartz, John W. N 46 Swartz, Lydia J 42 Swartz, Mabel E 42 Swartz, Mary 44 Swartz, Meda A 44 Swartz, Norman 308 Swartz. Orlin J 42 6 Swartz, Quincy R 44 7 Swartz, Raymond 308 — Swartz, Rebecca 25 5 Swartz, Sarah 44 Swartz, Sue M 46 Swartz, Susanna 43 Swartz, Thomas A 42 Sweigert, Amos 294 7 Sweigert, Bessie M 294 7 Sweigert, Cletis L 295 6 Sweigert, George W 294 7 Sweigert, Lillie M 294 7 Sweigert, Mary A 294 6 Sweigert, William 294 7 Swift. Gertrude 96 — Swift. W. E 96 — Swineheart, Adda 141 — Swope, David 122 6 Swope, John 122 6 Swope, Mary 122 Swope, Nancy 122 Swope. Thomas 122 Swope, William 122 5 5 6 7 7 5 5 6 7 5 6 7 7 6 5 6 Svler. Clarence M 93 Svler. Cora M 93 Svler, Earl W 93 Svler, Emma P 93 Svler, Johnnv B 93 Svler, Susie G 93 — Svler, William 92 7 Svler, Zola M 93 — • Svlvester, Emorv J 259 7 Svlvester, Ruth 1 259 7 Sylvester, Will L 259 — Tapley, Leonard 249 Gen. Page — Tarr, Minerva 79 6 Tatem, Edna S 247 — Tatem, William T 247 — Taylor, Anna 55 6 Taylor, Anna 181 7 Taylor, Carrie M 55 — Taylor, Charles G 55 6 Taylor, Clarence 181 7 Taylor, Clayton M 55 7 Taylor, Edna M 55 7 Taylor, Elma M 55 6 Taylor, Floyd 181 — Taylor, L. M 181 7 Tebow, Carl 261 — Tebow, George 261 — Texter, Alexander 286 5 Texter, Allen S 286 5 Texter, Catharine 286 5 Texter, David S 286 5 Texter, Hannah 286 6 Texter, Levi M 286 5 Texter, Mary S 286 5 Texter, Samuel 286 6 Texter, Simeon M 286 8 Theophilus, Donald 127 — Theophilus, Ralph 127 6 Thomas, Joseph D 203 — Thomas. Marine W 203 — Thomas, Sabilla 270 6 Thomson. Emma 1 29 6 Thomson, Ida 29 — • Thomson, James 29 6 Thomson. Laura 29 — Thompson, Carrie 226 — Thompson, Louisa 212 — Thompson, Thomazen H...213 — • Thornber, Ainos 266 6 Thornber, Edith M 265 — Thornber, J. P 266 6 Thornber, Mary A 265 6 Thornber, Thomas W 265 — Thornber. W. H 264 7 Thuma. Anna W 110 7 Thuma, Charles H 110 — Thuma. Daniel W 109 7 Thuma. Harry M 110 7 Thuma, James F 110 7 Thuma, Julia 109 — Tinstman, Aaron O. D. ...134 6 Tinstman. Abraham 159 5 Tinstman. ^i^braham O. ...159 5 Tinstman. Abigail 163 — Tinstman. Adam 132 6 Tinstman. Alma M 134 5 Tinstman. Anna 162 6 Tinstman. Benjamin E 161 5 Tinstman. Catharine O. ..133 6 Tinstman, Charles A 161 5 Tinstman, Christian S. O. .163 6 Tinstman. Cyrus P. M. ..161 6 Tinstman. Edna 134 6 Tinstman. Edwin D 133 5 Tinstman. Elizabeth 163 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. 547 Gen. Page 5 Tinstman, Emma 163 6 Tinstman, George B 161 6, Harry M 134 5 Tinstman, Hattie L 133 5 Tinstman, Henry 161 5 Tinstman, Jacob F 133 5 Tinstman, Jacob 159 6 Tinstman. James E 159 6 Tinstman, James B 161 — • Tinstman, John 159 5 Tinstman, John 162 6 Tinstman, Katharyn A. ..134 6 Tinstman, Lizzie L 134 5 Tinstman, Martin 133 6 Tinstman, Martin 134 7 Tinstman, Mary 134 6 Tinstman, Maria 134 5 Tinstman, Maria 134 6 Tinstman, Maria M 159 7 Tinstman. Perry D 133 6 Tinstman. Ralph A 134 7 Todd. Catharine 205 6 Todd. Charlotte 205 — Todd, Gilbert H 205 7 Todd. Gilbert 205 6 Todd, Mary 205 6 Todd, Martha 205 — Todd. Sarah J 212 6 Todd. William 205 — • Torrence, Gertrude 158 — Trauch, Minnie M 321 — Trauger, Charles 285 7 Trauger, Harry 285 7 Trauger, Horace 285 7 Trauger, Raymond 285 7 Trauger, Sadie 285 — Trimble. James 213 — Tripp. Emma F 223 — • Trumbore. Henry 333 — Trump, Almon 31 7 Trump. Elno 31 7 Trump. Grace 31 7 Trump, Rossie 31 — Tudor. Joseph H 242 — Urie, G. W 181 6 Urmy, Ella 40 — Urmv. John ". . 40 6 TTrmy. William 40 — TTsher. Bessie M 70 — ■ VanGundv, Josephine A. . . 84 7 Van Tour, Dora M 99 7 Van Tour, Elsie 99 — Van Tour, John 99 7 Van Tour. Leroy 99 7 Vausrhn. Lewis R 329 7 Vaughn. Maria W 329 7 Vaughn. Martha E 329 — Vaughn. William H 329 6 Vogt. Agnes M 63 6 Vogt. Clara 63 6 Vagt. Edith 63 6 Vogt. Emeline 63 6 Vogt, Ida M 63 Gen. Page 6 Vogt, John M 63 6 Vogt, Josephine 63 — Vogt, Lewis 62 6 Vogt, Margaret A 62 6 Vogt, Susanna 62 — Wade, Bert C 123 — Wagner, Rev. Charles E. ..291 — Wagner, Corda 62 7 Wagner, Eugene C 291 — Wakefield, Maria 168 6 Walker, Andrew C 194 6 Walker, Benjamin R 200 6 Walker, Charles C 196 7 Walker, Charles H 196 6 Walker, Charlotte E 197 6 Walker, Edith W 197 6 Walker, Elizabeth B 194 5 Walker, Elizabeth 200 6 Walker, Ella R 194 7 Walker, Emma C 197 6 Walker, Emma M 197 5 Walker, Hannah 197 7 Walker, Hannah 198 6 Walker. Harry 200 7 Walker, Herbert L 197 7 Walker, Howard L 197 6 Walker, J. Howard 196 — Walker, Isaac 193 6 Walker, Isaac W 194 6 Walker, Isaac N 197 5 Walker, Isaac 200 7 Walker, Imogene 196 7 Walker, Isabelle 198 5 Walker. Jacob B 193 7 Walker, Jacob B 194 6 Walker, Jacob B 195 7 Walker, James C. S 194 5 Walker, Joseph B 200 6 T^^alker, Linwood 200 6 Walker, MaiT K 195 5 Walker, Marv P 195 6 Walker, Maud 194 7 Walker, Thomas K 194 5 Walker. Thomas P 196 7 Walker. Thomas H 197 6 Walker. Thomas H 197 7 "V^T-alker, Willis 197 6 Walker, William K. ..193.197 — Walker. William H 198 7 Walker. William W 198 — Walker, William 200 6 T\^Tlker. Winfield S 194 — Wallace, 29 6 Wallace. William 29 — Walter. Emma 215 — Walters. Alice 86 6 Walters. Irvin G 52 6 T^^alters, Katie A 52 — Walters, Milton H 52 — Waltman. 30 — Walz. Frank J 85 — Watkins. Ruth A 279 — Watterson, William R 207 548 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GENERAL INDEX. Gen. Page — Ware, Mary 32 7 Weaver, Anna 50 7 Weaver, Arthur C 50 — Weaver, Berlinda 56 — Weaver, Charles E 50 7 Weaver. Christopher C. . . 95 7 Weaver, David B 95 7 Weaver, Emma K 50 7 Weaver, Fannie 95 7 Weaver, Jennie 20 6 Weaver, Mary 331 — Weaver, Nicholas 95 7 Weaver, Ralph R 95 7 Weaver, Reno J 95 — ^ Weaver, Samuel 331 6 Weaver, Stella 331 — Weaver. Susan 67 6 Weber. Charles 200 — Weber. Charlotte E 196 7 Weber, Charlotte 198 6 Weber. Charlotte A 198 6 Weber. Elizabeth 198 6 Weber, Ella C 200 6 Weber, Elmina 198 6 Weber, Emma W 200 6 Weber. G. Norvs^ood 200 7 Weber. Helen 198 6 Weber. Isaac 198 6 AVeber, James W 200 6 Weber, John C 198 7 Weber. John C 198 6 Weber, Joseph B 199 6 Weber, Laura 198 7 Weber, Marguerite 198 7 Weber, Marian 198 7 Weber. Mai-v H 198 6 Weber, Marv F 199 7 Weber. Stanlev H 198 6 Weber. W. Harrison 198 — Weber. William C 198 7 Weber. William C 198 6 Weber. Winfield S 198 6 Webb. Blanche E 264 6 Webb. Frank 264 6 Webb. George W 264 6 Webb. .Tasper K 264 6 Webb, Morgan L, 264 6 Webb. William 264 6 Webster. Anna V 210 6 Webster. Annie 21 6 Webster. Grant 210 — Webster. John W 223 7 Webster. John 223 — Webster. Joseph E 210 — Weider, Aggie 40 — Weidman. Harriet 298 — Weierbach. Marv 22 — Weikel. Asher 281 — Weisnor. Elizabeth 209 — T\''eiss, Emma S 39 — Woldv. Daniel S 66 7 T^^eldv. Gladvs 66 6 Wells, Hepsey N 200 G 6 6 7 7 7 en. Paee Wells, James G 200 AVells, Mar\' 200 Wells. Willie K 200 Welty, Catharine 133 Welty. Hattie 133 Weltv, Rissie 133 Welty. Robert F 133 Wersing, Hays 152 Wert. John 292 Wetzel. George M 290 Wheeler. Arden 261 White. Margaret 291 Whitcomb. Clara M 264 Whitcomb. F. M 264 Whitcomb, Morgan D 264 Wible. Caroline Ill Wickel. 223 Wickel. Nora 223 Wickert. Dr. Victor W 271 Wildason, Anna L 63 Wildason, Edward H 63 Wildason. Joshua 63 Wilkison. Blanche 321 Williams. J. J 151 Williams, Louisa E 268 Williams. Mary E 133 Wilson. Minnie 270 Wilson. Sarah A 264 Wineland. Nancy 133 Wisler. John 5 Wolf. Emma 326 Woods. Margaret 151 Woodward. George 263 Woodward. Lizzie 198 Work, J. C 61 Worman. Mary 284 TVright, G. G 261 Wright. Harry C 126 T^^right. Ida A 166 Wright. Mac E 261 Wright. Octa M 126 Wright, Vernon 261 AVright. W. H 126 Wricrlev. Harvev A 262 Wriglev. John A 262 W^'nn. Brook 250 Wvnn. Chester L 250 Wvnn. Frank 250 Wvnn. Isaac M 249 T\^mn. Minnie L 250 Yarnall. Emma 202 Yarrow. George R 195 Yarrow. Harry C 195 Yarrow. Mary F 195 Yarrow. Walker K 195 Yarrow. William H. K 195 Yerger. Florence 54 Yerger. Harvey 54 Yoder. Abraham 331 Yodor. Daniel 331 Yodor. Eliza 331 Yodor. Jacob 36 Yonkey, Mabel J 62 THE BEIDLER H ISTORY— GEN ERAL INDEX. 549 6 Yonkey, Newton S 62 6 Yonkey, Olive M 62 — Yonkey, William H 61 6 Yoter, Barsty 293 — Yoter, Hezekiah 292 6 Yother, Carrie E 112 6 Yother, Henry L 112 — Yother, Isaac N Ill — Yother, Jonas 153 7 Yother, Paul 112 7 Yother, Winnie A 112 7 Young. Alice B 279 — • Young, Annie 294 6 Young. Blanche 246 6 Young, Emma J 43 7 Young. Flora B 279 6 Young, Floyd C 44 — • Young, George 136 — Young. George W 245 6 Young. George W 246 6 Young. Grace R 246 7 Young. Howard B 279 6 Young. Laura V 44 7 Young, Laura J 279 Gen. Page 6 Young, Leota M 246 — Young. Levi J 43 6 Young, Margaret 246 — Young, Margaret E 320 6 Young. Mark H 44 7 Young, Maria 279 7 Young, Osborne F 279 6 Young, Palmer J 44 7 Young, Raymond P 279 7 Young. Watson 279 — Young. William S 279 6 Youngblood. Agnes 211 6 Youngblood, Alice C 210 6 Youngblood, Anna E 210 6 Youngblood, Carrie E 210 6 Youngblood, Harry A 210 — Youngblood, Henry 210 7 Youngblood, Josephine ...211 — Zacharias, Amelia 21 — Zettv. Susan 47 — Ziegler. Sophia 290 — Zimmerly, Mary 65 — ■ Zimmerman. Alice 293 — • Zinn, Amanda 295 i \ ^->iFJi ^;^^P^P^^ii!??W^5!»?^^