LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap. I'^^^l . Shelf .......R-Cr.2^^^,,. UNITED STATES OP AMERICA. ■/ BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF COL. D. R. ANTHONY, OF LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. [From the United States Kiographical Dictionary and Portrait Gallery j Daxtet, Keap AxTrroxv wfis l)oni at South Adams, Mas- sanlmst'ttR, on tlie 22ii(l oi' Au.Lnist, 1804. His parents were Daniel and L\\cy Anthony. His tatht-r belon.2:ed to the So- ciety of Friends, or Qnakers; he was a direct de'^cendant of Jolin Antiiony, -wiio emiirrated to this country from Wales, Inndini.^ at ])artmonth, jNlass., in KlKi. He was a manufactu- rer, and during the o;roater part of liis life was en,a:aiTed in the manufacture of cotton and woolen ^oods. He was a man of stronn; physical constitution, and much above the average in mental power, with quick perception, sound judgment, 2 '^f^ ^ ■ f\(,% resolute will, aud remarkable force of character — traits wliicli liavc been iuherited iu u greater or less de the Academy at I'nicm N'illage, New York, where he re- mained oftly al)out six moatlis, antl then went to work for his father—for a time in the cotton mill, then for a while as clerk in the store, and aftersvard for several years in the Hour mill. It should be remembered that a cotton manufacturing establishment, such as that here referred to as conducted by the tirm of Anthony, McLean & Co., consisted of the cotton mill proper, a store, Jiouring mill, saw mill, machine shop, bUu^ksmith shop, aud all the other necessary establishments that L^-o to make up a Now England manutacturing village. At the arre of twenty-three, lie removed to Rochester, New York, and being' out of employment, took a school in a coun try district and taught for two winters, for want of more congeuial employment. After this he went into the insur- ancebusine'>s, at w^hich he continued till the beginning of the war of t he rebel lion. In July, 1S54, he visited Kansas with the first colony sent out by the New England Emigrant Aid Societj-, under com- mand of the venerable Eli Thayer. During ihat visit to Jiansas he helped to found the city of Lawrence, there beipg at that time but one small house on the site where that city now stands. lu the fall of the same 5'ear he returned to Rocb- oster, where he rcmalnod in business as previously stated; till June, 1857, when he returned to Kansas, and located per- manently at Leavemvorth — which town had, at that time, be- f;'un to attract public attention— and has continued to be u resident of that city ever since. At the breaking out of the rebellion, in 1801, he joined the army of the Union and became Lieutenant-Colonel of the First Kansas Cavalry, afterwards known as the Seventh Kan- sas volunteers. The only battle in which he distinguished liimself was that of the Inttle liluc,,in November, 1801, in which he commanded, and won af'Tietory over a force ol ■jjuerillas of four times his number. '' ■ ' ' ' In June, 1802, Lieut.-Col. Anthony was in command of Brig.-Gen. liobt. B. MitchelTs Brigade, with iieadquarters at Camp Etheridge, Tennessee. At that time the negro ques- tion was giving the soldiers and olTicers of the Vnion army much trouble." As our lines advanced the slaves deserted tiie plantations, and made their way to freedom within tlu Union lines, but owing to the pi'o-slavery sentiment, or the desire to suppress the rebellion without interfering with sla- ver}', which prevailed to a vcr}^ great extent in the minds of many of the higher officers in the Union army, it was re- garded by them as a sacred duty to return runaway slaves to iheir masters, and while our armies might confiscate any other kind of property with impunity, a slave was sacred — was exempt from the ordinary laws of war — and the troops were required to drive all such out of their camps, and afford every practicable assistance in their power to masters i« 'Search of their absconding chattels. While this feeling ex- isted not only among a large number of army ofticers, but with a certain portion of the people of the North, and while the war was still l)eing thus prosecuted, and slavery was lu-- ing jn'otected, the following order was issued by Lieut. -C'oi. Anthony to the brigade under his command, Hkadql:akters MiTrnET,T/s Brigade, Ada'ax( e ( 'olu.aix, ) First Brigade, First 1>i vision (iexekalAhmv t)K the ,- Mississippi: Camj' Etheridge, Tennessee, J r>;E IStii, lSfi2. j [General Order No, 2(i.] 1. The imprudence and impertiiieuce of Ihf open and armed rebels, traitors, sece.ssioiiists, and southern rij^iclits luen. ol tliis section of tliH Stfite of Tennessee, in ariojiuntly demanding the right to.«;earch our camp for fugitive slaves, lias become a nui- ■'Unce, and will no lonfjer l^e tolerated. Oiticers will sea that tiiis cluss of men wlio visit our camp fry this purpose, are excluded from our lines. 2. .Should any such p(nsf)ns he found within our lines thev will be arrested and sent to headij^uarters. .'{. Any ofticer or soldier of this command who shall arrest a)id deliver to his master a fujjcitive slaNi% shall he summanlj' aud severely punished, accord i'nj< to the laws relative to sucli climes. 4. The stroner Union sentiment in this section is most grntify- intj, and all otlicers and soldiers in their intercourse ^\"ith the loyal aud those favorably disposed, are requested to act in their uvjual kind and courteous manner, aud pi-otect them to the fullest extent. By order of D. R. Anthony, Lieutenant Colonel, Seventh Kan- sas Volunteers, commandinef. W. \V, H. Lawrence, Captain and Assistant Adjutant General. Geueral Mitchell returned in a few days to headquarters, and resumed command of the brigade. He was greatly ex- cited and indignant because of the issuing of the order, but on account of the evident public sentiment among the mass- es of the people at home, as well as the rank and file of tlie army, in faver of it, he didn't like to take the responsibility of countermanding it. He summoned Col. Anthon}^ before him, when the following conversation ensued : Gen. M, — ''Col. Authon}', you will at onco countermand your order, No. 2G." Col. A. — "As a subordinate officer it is m}- duty to obey your orders, but you will remember, General, tliat Order No. 26 is a brigade order, and I am not now in command of the brigade. Of course you are aware the Lieutenant-Ccilonel of a regiment cannot countermand a brigade order V" Gen. M.— "Oh, that need not stand in tlie waj'. Col. Antho- ny ; I can put you in command long enough for that." Col. A. — "Do you put me in command of the brigade?" Gen. M. — "Yes, sir." Col. A. — "You say, Gen. Mitchell, I am now the command- ing officer of this brigade V" Gen. M. — Yes, sir, you are in command." Col. A. — "Then, sir, as commanding officer of this brigade I am not subject to j^our orders; and as to 3'our request that order No. 26 be countermanded, I respectfullj- decline to grant it. Brigade order No. 26 shall not be countermanded while I remain in command!" The order was never countermanded, Col. Antliony continued to carry out the letter and spirit of his order, with his own command, and refused to allow his troops to be used for chasing and catching runaway slaves. In no instance did a colored man or woman fleeing from slavery ever fail to find protection within his lines, ancl in no single instance was any such person ever delivered up to be returned to bondage, although demands were repeated- ly made for* them liy their former masters, who came with the authority of "General Orders" from the department com- mander, and armed with special and positive orders from the brigade commander. He declared that his soldiers were not there as slave-catchers, nor as police to guard the property of the country's enemies, and while he remained in command not a man' of his regiment ever engaged in sucli pursuits. For this refusal to surrender colored refugees and guard rebel i>roperty, Col. Anthonj^ was arrested by order of Gen, Mitclieil, upon the charge of insubordination. Col. Antliony's order, the reader will readily perceive, was in direct lontravention of Gen. Halleck's celebrated "Order No. o," and ot course created no small stir. The matter im- mediately became the subject of comment in the press and on the stump, all over the country, and the Senate of the United States, taking cognizance of it, passed the following resolution : Resolved, That the President Of the United States be directed to roramunlcate to the Senate any information he may have as to the reasons for the arrest of Lieutenant-C^nlonel D. R. Anthony, Of thp Seventh Kansas Regiment, if, in his opinion, such infor- mation can be given witliout injury to the public service. Gen. Hallcck restored Col. Anthony to active duty within sixty days after his arrest, being fully satisfied pnl/lic senti- ment sustained his (Anthony's) course. Col. Anthony re- signed, after having been in the military service only a little raore than a year. In April, iSOl, he was appointed postmaster at Leaven- worth by President Lincoln, which ol!ice he held lor about five years, when he was remoyed for refusing to support President Johnson's "policy." In March, 1863, he was nominated by the Republicans of Leavenworth as their candidate for Ma,yor, and was elected by a large majority. Up to that time, Southern syinpathiz- ers, rebel desperados, and gangs of lawless characters, had kept the loyal people of Leavenworth in a constant state of terror; acts of violence to the persons of law-abiding citizen were the rule rather than the exception, and murders were almost of daily occurrence. But Mayor Anthony determined to preserve order, and to that end adopted a very positive and vigorous policy, in dealing with the lawless element, and in this course had tne active support and co-opertaion of all the better class of citizens — many of whom favored a policy even more radical than that adopted by the Mayor, and Avere disposed to resort to summary measures. One no- table instance, in particular, is worthy of record: Near the North line of the city, on the AVest, stood several large buildings, occupied by disreputable women, and these houses were used as "headquarters" and places of general rendez- vous by the most hardened and desperate characters that in- fested the country. On the night of the 22nd of April, 1863, a meeting composed of a large number of the best citizen:- of the town was held, at which it was resolved that these nui- sances should be abated at once. The company then pro- ceeded to the vicinity of the houses referred to, headed bv several of the most prominent and respectable citizens of the town, and giving the inmates notice to vacate at once, set fire to the houses, one after another, and stood gnr.rd over the premises till the, whole were destroyed. The city papers of that date, in referring to the affair, all spoke ol it approv- ingly. This was a desperate remedy, but it was thought to be the only one that would reach "the case, and its eftect was almost instantaneous. The determination thus evinced by th^ people to rid the city of thieves and desperados, ta- ken in connection with "the resolute and vigorous policy adopted by the Mayor, resulted in putting an end to the an- archyand mob law that had held sway in Leavenworth for three years. Some of the results of Mayor Anthony's vigorous pelicy are sbown in tlie following letter w^i^ich appeared in the To^ peka Tribune., cfated April 19, — onlj a little more than a month after the inauguration of the new administration. The writer says : "A transition from a stormy day to clear and bright sunlight is not more pleasant than that which Leavenworth has exp'eri" eaced in its entrance upon the Anthony adnimi-stration, lorm- erly rogues dwelt here m the most luxurious prolusion; now they seek a more congenial clime ; formerly, dirty streets seemed one our of permanent institutions; now a filthy spot is an ex- ception, while chMuliues.s is the rule; formerly law seemed an inoperative something, but now it is a strong engine of power, oidministering justice speedily. His administration — both in the execution ot the lawM-. and the pror.'cution cf all works of public improvement — was characterized by the same indomitable energy whicli Mr. Anthony brin^t^-s to bear upon everythinLr he undertakes. During his term of office many of the most valuable and permanent improvements were made. DuriuL'' this period L«avenworth made marvelous growth, not only in material development but in population. One of the most exciting events that occurred during this administration — or indeed, at ahy other time in the history of Lsavenwort'li — was the arrest of Mayor Anthony by Brig.- Gen. Thomas Ewing, Jr., then commanding the District of the Border, with headijuarters at Kansas City. Gen. Ewing had declared martial law in the district. Some of his detec- tives, in Leavenworth, had seized some horses, belonging to a colored man named Reed, claiming that they had been sto- len from parlies in Missouri, Mayor Anthony denied the right of the military to interfere where the civil authority was strong enough to enforce the law, directed his police to recover the horses, which they did. Several letters passed between the Mayor and the General in relation to the affair, in which Mayor Anthony showed very clearly that his course was in accordance with the laws of the country and the mil- itary orders of the department commander, which stated ex- Slicitly that the declaration of martial law did not suspend le functions of the civil government of the loyal States, and declared it to be ''the duty of all officers of such loyal States, 10 execute the State laws, as far as possible, in the same man- ner as if no United States troops Avere present," and further declared distinctly that it was "the duty of the military au- thorities of the United States to abstain from interference with tlie civil authorities, and to protect them from violence, if need be, in the discharge of their duties." and that "any re- sistance to, or interference with the civil authorities, while is? the discharge of their legitimate duties, by military ofiicer? or soldiers, i.<^ a crime which merits the sevarest punish- ment." There was no doubt in the mind of anybody as to the loy- alty of the city of Leavenworth, and with a police force abundantly able to enforce the law, the Mayor I'elied upon The orders' of the Commanding General of the Department to protect him in refusing to be interfered with in the discharge of his duties by the agents of a subordinate officer. Not- withstanding the fact that Mayor Anthony quoted the law, and tlie orders of the Department Commander, in vindica- tion of hi:,^ course, he was arrested by General Jawing f()r.,"in- terterii);.'; with the military authorities of the United, $tates, in the discharge of their duties." <, Tlie arrest created intense excitement throughout tiie'City, and an account of it is thus given in the daily Consep;vintii% of Septeinbcr 8. 1863 : ' .'.(,, i / Mnvor Antljonywas ye&teiday afternoon arrested "b'j^ '6n^' 6'f Gen. Ewlng\-j detectives In a most Indignant and bratafTiiauner^ While pertorming hKs official duties In his offico nbout three o'clock, the ofllter eiitercd the ]Ma.vor'.s office, seized Anthony rudely by tlio ann«, and said, "I want you, sir!" Mayor Ah- thony replied, "What do you want?"' The officor replied, "1 .'ir- rest you— go uith me I" Anthony asked, "Py wliat authority do .you arrest rae ?" Tlie officer answered, "Ry (rgd I am authojity'* — at the same time dra.i^gins him from the door, and orderinsrlhis men to '7^ro?^'' him Into tlie tniggy, some of whom ^\ ere dii-guised witli coverinirs over their laces. The order AVas obeycfl, and he was. rudely seized and thrown info the carnage, bis leet hanging over the side. The officer mounted his horse and ordered the <;river to drive on, and threatened to blow Antiionv s brains out jf he offered the h-ast resistance. They started tor Gen. Ewing't. headquarters at Kansas City. During the whole of t, his; war there lias been comparatively few arrests, in the loyal States, even of those who wer(^ the public oppouents of the Government, and the abettors of neason ; their disloyal acts have been overlooked in most instances becanse of the .strong desire ot the railitajy au- thorities to jealously guard the sacred rights of iiersoual liberty. =' -' No one will say that Anthony is disloyal, but on the cop- Trai y a most zealous mid earnest patriot, the Mayor of one of the- m-ost loyal cities in the Union, devoting bis whole time and means to guard the ciry ot Leavenworth, against such a,- fate as has befell Lawrenee. • '■■'■ - Tlie excitement here i.> intense;, the people seem paralyzed with astonishment, and can hard- ly realize the tacts. Meetings were held in various parts of the city last evening, and then united in a vast mass meeting, ex- pi'essing their indignation at this personal and most dastardly act." In the same paper occurs the followiug account of the mass meeting above referred U): • . "The whole city was a blaze or excitement, after the arrcGt of Mayor Anthony, and a little after dark the people assembled on the corner of Fifth and Shawnee, and organized a meeting by calling H. W. Ide to the chair. Col. E. N. O. Clough was elected secretary. I'lie following resolutions Avere then offered, ajid jjassed inianiniout-ly amid the Avildest excitement : Bcfnivecf, That we, the people of LeaveiiAvorth, in mas3>:rii"eet- mp; assembled, call upon the President of the United 8tate^ to re- move the General or Generals who caused the outrages lately committed upon the people of -Leavenworth, and cMluminating in the arrest of Mayor Anthony of said city, when it is univer- sally known that said city is one of the most loyal jn the Union, and said Mayor one of the most loyal men of said city. lie&olved. That a committee of three be appointed to telegraph to the President; if that produce no favorable result, then they write the President and lay ]>efore him a statement of the out- rages committed upon the people of Kansas, culuminating in the of the Mayor of this city." After being held as a prisoner for a few hours, Mayor An- thony was released unconditionally, and immediately re- turned home, arriving the next evening, h;;ivin;^^ been away but a little more than twenty-four hours. His return was characterized by the most excited and enthusiastic demon- station that Leavenworth ever witnessed. The tbll evi- dence jiroducecl is of tlie lowest auil worthless kind. NM a man ot character was iutv()ilu(.-«>«l as a witnc;>s as;ain^t Col. An- thony, lie hiinselt introduood no witn('>;s to sustain his charac- ter or niana^^einent of tlie pOKt-o(Ucc. Col. Antliouy is a very in- dependent man ; if he don't think a man honest or fit for an oi- office on thu Republican ticket, 'ho.Avil! not support him. At the election last fall he was placed in antagonism to two or lhre«» men on the Republican ticket whom the declined tosuppcnt. bonce the post-ottice tight. The petition for the removal of Col. Anthony is support' d bo- seven men making; chaises .wytporta/ bji false offidnciln— now «d- mitted to be false by the parties who maile them. Col. Anthony's petition for his retention as I'tost master of Loavonwortli iHsi-^ned by seveuty-ei^ht of ihe most prominent jncn in Ijcaven worth. Kansas, and lie is also sustained by the Kansas press scncrallv He keeps his ottice in perfect order. IIis books are perfect iu t^v's- tem, and his accounts will show at a i^lance that Col. Anthon^' knows how to perform the duties of a hrst-class postmaster. I cannot conclude this report without expressing; to you uiy con- tempt for men who resort to such vile means to edVM-t the remov- al ofany man from a public position. 1 respectlulJy reconunend that the chaises ajiainst Col. D. K. Anthony, postma;ai.'r at Leav- enworth be dismissed." The charges \Yerc accordingly vasmissed. On the 22nd of Marcji, 18Tb, he was oppoinled^l-cistmaster at Lcavenworlh by Pj'esident Hayes, and was nnaniinously Cvmllrmcd by the Senate, this bciiip his fourth appointment to this position. Col. Anthony has been known to the public as a journal- ist since 1861. In January of that year he established the Leavenwortli Comevvaii\)e, of which he was sole j^roprietor and publisher till July, 18G2, when he sold it to A. C. & D. W. Wilder. The^irst i^sue of this paper contained the news of the admis..ion of Kansas into the L'nion as a Slate, and a bundle of the; papers was carri(:d by the proprietor himself, on horseback, to Lawrence— a distance of about thirty miles — where the Legislature was in session, arid as there was no telegraph line at that time to Lawrence, the young Goiiscrta- live gave to the ni(,'ml)fu-s the first news of Ihe fa(?t'that the State had been admitted. This gave an ausy>icious Com- mencement to the new journnl which, under Col. Anthony's energetic managcinenl, soon ro^^c to promt uetice as oiic of the best and most enterprising papers of the West. - ' In 3Lireli, 18(M, Col. Anthony purchased the Bulfeiin, ■^yhich he publislKul for several* years, and in 186S'sold it W. S. IJurke. Fn :\[ay, 1871, he purchased the Timc.<<, wifli which the ^Conservative had ]n-eviously been united, and in November ®f the same year, he again purchased the Bulletin, and aUo tmited that paper with thn 7Y;//^.^'. A few years later-~oxi the firat of January^ lS76---ho pur. 12 chased tbe Cornnin> uii aud united that journal also ^vith the Times, thus acquiring complete command of the newspaper feituatiou, and unitiur:; under one proprietorshiff and one management, all the morninii: papers of Leavenworth. After purchasing tlie Times he retired from other business except the post office, and cave liis time and attention to his paper, and by untiring industry and" good business management has succeeded in building up one of the most extensive and prolitable newspa]K»r establishments in the West. Col. Anthony's life has been distinguished by an unusual degree of activity, in business, in politics, and in journal- ism. His name has been prominently before the people of the State for a greater length of .time tlian that of any otlier public man thai the State has ever had. Kansas has had a large number of men who have figured prominently in puli- lic affairs, for longer or shorter periods, and then passed out of sight, but there has not been a time since l\[r. Anthony took up his residence in Kansas — four years before the Ter- ritory was admitted into the Union as a State — when he has not been conspicuously before the people of the common- wealth, and recognized by everybody as one of her live men. He is a man of iudomilalde energy aud untiring industry — oualities, which, united to unusual physical strength and endurance, enable him to accomplish a marvelous amount of work. He is a man of positive .characldr, and like all such char- acters, everywhere, has warm friends, and bitter enemies — and it is stating the case very moderately to say that his friends are as warm aud his enemies as bitter as those of any other man in Kansas. The opposition of his enemies, both personal and political, has been o'l the most violent charac- ter, going so far, on more than one occasion, as to satisfy him and his friends, that plans were being laid to take his life. The only overt act of this character, however, was on the evening of the 10th of May, 1875. As he was entering the Opera Ilouse at Leavenworth, in which a large audience of ladies and gentlemen had assembled, he was assaulted by an obscure person, who was probably procured for the pur- pose, amd a desperate attempt was made to murder him — an attempt which, it was thought at the time, had been success- ful, and, indeed, as is well known now, nothing but his ex traordinary physical constitution, aided in a great measure by his resolute will, prevented his d -ath at that time. Three shots were fired at him, only one of which took effect; thi.> was fired from a distance of but a few inches — so close that when the pistol was discharged the ]jowder burnt his face. This shot took effect, and the consequences resulting from it are thus described by a distinguished physician. Dr. Tifhn Sinks, editor of the Leavenworth }[erUr(il Herald: "On Monday, :May 10th, at 10 o'clock r. Af., D» R. Anthony, aged .t1, wasshol while ou the second fliirht of staii's of the Opera House. The weapon used was h. Colt's Home pistol, cnrryine a Slightly conical ball weighing oue-lourth of au ounce, and ineas- 13 uriug three-eighths of au inch in diameter. The nmzzle of the pistol when flred was so near his person that the rlgtit side of his face, near the inouth, was powder burnetl and his whiskeis singed. The ball passed tiiroui;li the right clavicle almost exact- ly to the lous;itndinal cmtre, iractnring it in its entirely, wound- ed the sub-clavian artery and lodged somewhere lu his body. The fracture was a comminuted one, but the impropriety of handling the partsfor fear of disturbing the coagulum prevented an accurate determination of tlie condition of the bone. Im- mediately after the receipt of the injury he walked deliberately up from six to ten steps, twelve feet across tlie tloor, and sat down upon a stool, or rather a chair M'itliout a back, several of which were ranged against the wall. I being near reached him almost Instantly, auil asked him two questions to which here- plied. He then became too faint to preserve tJie sitting posture and I laid him gently *lown upon the cliairs and made search for the wound at ttiepoint indicated by liim in reply to my ques- tions. When found, bright artei ial blood was flowing perpendic- ularly there from about an incli in lieiglit and tliree-eights of an inch in diameter. The appearance presented was that of a foun- tain playing at a very low pressure. Within six seconds after the wound was exposed the blood suddenly ceased to flow, and botii respiration and pulsation stopped All present supposed he was dead. In about one minute, or perhaps less (as we only yuess at time in such cases,) respiration again began in a very feeble way, and it was tullj' fifteen minutes thereafter before the faintest pul- sation could be detected at the left wrist. I liave been thus min- ute in the description tliatotliers m ay form an estimate of the time that elapsed from the reception of tlie \vouiid until com- plete syncope supervened. It certainly could not exceed one minute. The amount ot blood lost was estimated at about two quarts. No pulsation was discovered in the radical artery of the right side, nor has there ever since been any. There was an en- tire paralysis of motion In the right arm and hand, but not of sensation ; on the contraiy for two hours his chiel complaint was &t pain in that arm and hand. As soon as possible after reaction began, ice was applied to the wound and kept renewed lor ten days. I^rom tiie time that re- action began until four o'clock the next morning, when it was pretty well established, the process consisted in a series of altera- tions, from extreme depression to partial reaction, the pulse be- coming imperceptible at the wrist, the respirations slow and la- bored,; the surface cold and clammy, with loud expressions of agonj', then gradually reversing tile order until comparative calm, warmth ami comfort were obtained. The frequency of the depressions grew less and less as the weary night progressed. For two hours alter the reception of the wound he was entirely blind, but could distinguish his wife and some others around iiim by their voices. About an hour after the reception of the wound he vomiteil freely. At five o'clock in the morning he was carrletl to his residence and a hypodermic injection of one-fourth of a grain of morphia administered, wliich subdued all pain and enabled him to sleep two hours. At ID A, ir., liis clothing was removed and he was placed in bed. Considerable swelling existing both below and above the clavicle, immediately inand around the wound a large and firm coagulunt had formed, surticieut indeed to maintain almost perfect coaptation of the fragments of the clavicle. Immediately after the wound was ex- posed on the night of its reception, I inserted the little fingerof my left hand into it, but was almost instantly inished away by the surging crowd around. This momentary investigation was the only one made, and from it I learned that the bone was per- forated by a circular opening -that the edges of this were serra- ted and that the bone was fractured across, whether at right angles or obliquely could not be determined. The blue and con- gestetl condition of the arm and hand that existed disappeared next morning. The temperature ol the limb was considerably less than that of the corresponding one, but not sufficiently so as to require artificial heat. The pulse at the left wrist was tolera- bly full, stong and regular, and beat ninety to the minute. He 14 oxpvpsf'«ed liimsell as being almost euti rely free from pain, and was quite cheerful. l.Uiring Tuesday and Wednesdaj' nights he rested (juitely and slept a few minutes at a time with frequent iutervaJs, ^ On Wednesday mornins,!:, tliirly-tvvo horirs alter the wound was rrt'oived an exanfination' revealed the fact that tlie coagulum in rhe proximal end of the arlery had been forced out and that a Jarse traumatic aneurism existed. The aneurlsmal thrill lind iir?f.7 were M-ell marked. The supra and infra-clavicular spaces, ami in fact the entire clavicular region was so filled by coagula andetfusion that no very definite idea of the extent of the aueur- ishi could beft.rmed, nor Aviiether it was circumscribed or dif- 'fused. iVusculatlon revealed an absence of respiratory murmur and of vocal fremitus in the posterior portion of tlie right lung, indicating a collection of serum or blood, or both, in the thoracic cavity, and warrantinp; tlie .supposi1«ion that the costal pleura was wounded. The aneurisraal tumor was ovoid in shape, something resem- bling a pullett's es^g, its apex being above the clavicle, and near- ly one-half iucli from the external bonier of the scalenus anh'cus liiuscle, extending downward and a little upward, its chief por- Tiou being below the clavicle, inoasuring in its" long diameter Three inches, aud its short diameter two and a half inches. An- teriorly it projected above the level of the clavicle, and to the sense of toucli, it vseemed as though nothing btit the skin inter- posed between the finger and the surging tide beneath. By pressing the finger down deeply, rather between than ex- ternal to the scalene muscles, the subclavian arteiy could be compressed over the margin of Mie rib, and when done the tumor subsided, and all pulsation in it ceased, showing conclusively that the artery wounded could not have been any of the branches of the subclavian, as those that pass in the neighborhood of the wound are given ofl" interior to the i)Oint at which compression wns made, and establishing the correctness of the original diagg nosis. What had before seemed impossible was now rendered possible, viz : the ligation of the artery external to the scalene muscles. But the statistics of such operations presente^ ibund wlien the wound first liealed. Tlie aperture ia tlie broken artery he finds considerably smaller than at first, and the Doctor expresses the opinion that it may, in course «')f time, close up entirely. We have given considerable space to this incident in Ool. Anthony's history, and have been thus minute in details, be- cause the case is one that has more than a bio.orapliicai im- portance. It is a case that has particular interest to physi- cians and sur£!:eons throuuhout the world, since it is believed to l)e without parallel in liistory. It also shows the strong '])h3^sical constitution of the man, and illustrates, better than any language might, his imhmiitable will power, which kept him alive under cir- cumstances which would have caused Ihe death of any man of less resolute determination. Col. Anthony- is a man of positive convictions, and is un- tiring and uncompromising in the support or defense of wliflt he conceives to lie the right, la politics, as in everything else, friends and enemies alike always know where to find him. He is deficient in diidomacy, and has but little of the C[Uality commonly known as "policy." Tlie ends that a more ]>ol it ic person might reach by strategic means, he at- tains b}' straight, hard blows, and rarely I'ails to deal a blow that he thinks ought to be struck, through fear of its possi- ble unpo]mlarity : hence the adverse results that so frecjuent- ly attend his political ventures. His speeches and writings are always marked by the directness and force of theii- state- ments, and the almost total absence' of imagination, humor or rhetoric. He is a man of extraordinar}' firmness. He is readily influenced by kind mea-nires, l)ut resents vigoroush" any attempt at coercion, resisting Ibrce with force, to the last ■ ':treme. He is remarkabl}' domestic in his habits, for erne who has been so much in public life. He is devotedly attached to his family— consisting of his wife, two daughters and a sod — and his leisure hours are given almost wholly to home pleasures, Ph3\sically, he is of equare, solid frame, "built IG for strength," is six feet tall, ami weighs one linndred antl eighty jiounds. Ilis voice is clear and po\\-er fill, and in pub- lic speaking he has no ditlicnlt}' in making himself distinct- ly heard and understood by evci-yone, in the largest out- door audience. His ^vhole political life has been a struggle in defence of the rights of the common i)eople. He refused to acknowl- edge any distinction of race or color long before the United States government recognized the black man as more than a "chattel," and from the time he first entered into public life,as an opponent of "know-nothingism" he has stood consisten- ]y and unttinchingl3^upon the i)latform of human rightsJioUl- iiig this grand principle paramount to all ]K)licies and ]iar- ties, always holding lirmly to the belief lliat the right must in tlie end prevail, and that time brings all things even. He is the champion of liberty and equality, religious and polit- ical, in the broadest sense. While wedded to no religion himself, he recognizes the right of ever}- man to the fullest jirotection of the government in the enjoyment of his indi- vidual opinions and convictions, and is always ready to come To the assistance of the oppressed or ostracised of whatever church or creed, whether Protestant or Catholic, Greek or •Tew, jNLohammedan or Pagan. As is the case with all men who light for principle, and refuse to compromise with circumstances,his life has been a stormy one — a succession of struggles — a series of contests — a life of incessant activity' and unremitting etlort ; an e\])e- rience which has taught him to welcome victorj- with little or no demonstration, and to accept deioat com])lacen11j. As a Inisiness man, he is exact, systematic and methodical ; as a politician he is radical, aggressive and earnest; as a friend, lie is firm, active and devoted, and as an enemy — one had better choose some otlier man.