\ *F COMPENDIUM % i ° f % f UNITED STATES * | HISTORY ? % AND ^ % LITERATURE g "^ WILSON J* LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Ch[.;...uJ.rjp^yright No UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. • COMPENDIUM OF United States History and Literature WITH CONTEMPORARY EVENTS BY ANNIE E. WILSON Author of " Handy Helps in the Study and Reading of English History," " Handy Helps in the History and Literature of the United States," etc. X&l*'' -M D. C. HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS 1896 Copyright, 1896, By ANNIE E. WILSON. Navtoaoti ^vrss J. S. Custiing & Co. — Berwick & Smith Norwood Mass. U.S.A. PREFACE. New methods call for new books. No class in history is now limited to a single text-book or given over to the prejudices of any single author. With an outline of facts, dates, and important events, we skim the cream from a dozen of the best writers on the subject, and so divide the work of selection as to arouse the thought and interest of every pupil. Thus treated, the study of the history and literature of our country becomes what it should be to every American citizen — an absorbing and continually enlarging study. For such work we have aimed to provide a convenient skeleton in the following pages. It may also prove helpful in reviewing the course, and as a book of reference for after use. CONTENTS. Pioneer Explorers of the New World Adventurers and Discoverers Makers of the States Revolutionary War . Signers of Declaration of Independence First Administration Second Administration Third Administration Fourth Administration Fifth Administration Sixth Administration Seventh Administration Eighth Administration Ninth Administration Tenth Administration Eleventh Administration Twelfth Administration . Thirteenth Administration 2 4 12 13 16 20 22 26 30 32 34 33 40 44 48 50 54 vi CONTENTS PAGE Fourteenth Administration . . . . • ' . • 5 8 Fifteenth Administration 62 Sixteenth Administration 66 Seventeenth Administration 7° Eighteenth Administration 7 2 Nineteenth Administration 76 Twentieth Administration 80 Writers of the Day 84 Ruling Sovereigns of Europe 86 Index 87 COMPENDIUM OF UNITED STATES AND CONTEMPORARY HISTORY. PIONEER EXPLORERS OF THE NEW WORLD. Various efforts have been made to establish claims of other and earlier discoverers of the North American Continent. Historians are not fully agreed as to their validity or date. Still, in so far as- they come to us from Government records, they command our confidence. A.D. 432. Fu-sang (supposed to be America) visited by Buddhist monks from China, who explore the coast. 983. Eric the Red, an Iceland chief, plants a colony in Green- land, at Ericsford. 1000. Lief, son of Eric, with Bjarni and thirty-five men, sails along coast of Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Labrador, etc., landing on an island near Cape Cod ; makes per- manent camp at Mount Hope Bay, Rhode Island, naming the country " Vinland." 1003. Thorvvald, Eric's brother, leads a second expedition to Vinland, exploring Long Island Sound to New York harbor. 1007. The first European child born in Vinland was Snorri, whose parents were Thorfinn and Gudrid of Iceland. 10 1 2. Fighting between settlers puts an end to colony of Vinland. 1 1 70. Madoc, a prince of Wales, sailing westward, returned to report that he had left his men in a pleasant country. 1467. Columbus visits Iceland on a trading voyage. 2 ADVENTURERS AND DISCOVERERS ADVENTURERS AND DISCOVERERS. 1492. Columbus discovered San Salvador. 1493. Columbus' second voyage to America. 1494. Reputed voyage of the Cabots to Newfoundland 1497. John Cabot, from Labrador northward. The Cabots, Sebastian and John (English), Labrador or Cape Breton to the Carolina coast. Amerigo Vespucci, supposed voyage to North American continent. 1498. Marquis de la Roche (French), Nova Scotia. Columbus' third voyage. 1499. Pinzon (Spanish) discovers Amazon River. 1500. Gaspar Cortereal's (Portuguese) first voyage. 1 50 1. Cortereal, from Labrador northward. 15 1 2. Juan Ponce de Leon (Spanish), Florida. 15 13. Nunez de Balboa (Spanish), sighted the Pacific Ocean. 15 19. Francisco de Garay (Spanish), Gulf of Mexico to Missis- sippi River. 1520. Lucas Vasquez de Ayllon (Spanish), South Carolina. 1524. Giovanni da Verrazani (Italian navigator in employ of French), from North Carolina to Newfoundland. 1525- 1526. Pamfilo de Narvaez (Spanish), Florida. 1534. Jacques Cartier (French), Gulf of St. Lawrence. 1539-42. Hernando de Soto (Spanish), from Florida to Mississippi River. 1540. Francisco Vasquez de Coronado (Spanish), New Mexico. 1 54 1. Jacques Cartier and Jean Francois de la Roche, called Roberval (French), Quebec. 1542. Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo (Spanish), Pacific coast to Oregon. 1546. CONTEMPORAR Y E VENTS CONTEMPORARY EVENTS. Henry VII, king of England. Erasmus ill England. Louis XII, king of France. Perkin Warbeck executed. French take Genoa under Louis XII. Leonardo da Vinci, artist (145 2-15 19). Henry VIII, king of England. Wolsey, chief minister. Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio), artist (1483-15 20). Luther denounces indulgences. Luther burns the Pope's bull. Prussia a dukedom. Michael Angelo Buonarroti, artist (1475-1563). Tyndale translates the Bible into English. William Tyndale's New Testament published. King Henry VIII acknowledged "Supreme Head of the Church of England." House of Austria rules in Spain. Luther died. 4 MAKERS OF THE STATES 1547- 1553- 1554- 1559- 1561. 1562. Jean Ribaut (French Huguenot), at Port Royal, S.C. 1 5 64. Rene de Laudonniere ( French) , on St. John'sRiver, Florida. 1565. Pedro Menendez de Aviles (Spanish), St. Augustine. Sir John Hawkins visits Huguenots on St. John's River. 1572. 1576. 1580. Sir Francis Drake (English), west coast to Oregon. 1581. 1582. Antonio de Espejo (Spanish), Santa Fe\ 1583. Sir Humphrey Gilbert (English), Newfoundland. 1584. Philip Amidas and Arthur Barlow for Sir Walter Raleigh (English), North Carolina, Roanoke Island. 1586. Second Raleigh Expedition to Roanoke. 1587. Virginia Dare, first child of English parents born in terri- tory now the United States, at Roanoke. 1588. 1598. Hakluyt's Voyages published. MAKERS OF THE STATES. 1607. Captain John Smith, Virginia (1580-IJ31), writer and leader of colonists at Jamestown. 1608. Edward Maria Wingfield, writer: "A Discourse of Vir- ginia." 1609. William Strachey, writer, "Wrack and Redemption of Sir T. Gates " (alleged source of " The Tempest ") . " His- toric of Travaile into Virginia Britannia." 1 6 10. Sir Thomas W T est, Lord de la Warre, first commissioned lord governor and captain-general of Virginia, wrote " A Short Relation." HISTORY AND CONTEMPORARY EVENTS Edward VI, king of England. Bloody Mary, queen of England. Queen Mary of England marries Philip II of Spain. Elizabeth, queen of England. Mary Stuart in Scotland. Civil war between Catholics and Protestants in France. Protestants massacred in France, — St. Bartholomew. Titian (Ital., Tiziano Vecellio), Venetian artist (1477-1576). Netherlands rebel against Philip II of Spain. Plots to murder Elizabeth of England. Murder of the Prince of Orange. Spanish Armada sent against England. House of Bourbon on the throne of France. Edict of Nantes. HISTORY AND CONTEMPORARY EVENTS. Virginia settled by the English ; James I on the English throne. Jamestown. First church in the United States in Virginia. Louis XII, king of France. MAKERS OF THE STATES 1613. 1614. 1615. 1616. 16 19. First legislative Assembly in America at Jamestown, Va. 1620. 1 62 1. William Bradford, governor of Plymouth Colony. 1622. Francis Higginson, Massachusetts (1588-1630), writer. Nathaniel Morton, Mass. (1613-1685), writer. 1623. Ebenezer Cook, Maryland, writer. John Cotton, Mass. (1585-165 2), writer. William Wood (1580-1639), writer of New England: " New England's Prospect." 1625. Nathaniel Ward, Mass. (1578-1653), writer. 1626. Peter Minuit, first governor of New Netherlands. Roger Conant, governor of the Plantation at Salem (Naum- keag). 1627. Thomas Shepard (1 605-1 649), writer. 1628. John Endicott, Mass., leader of Massachusetts Bay colony. 1630. John Winthrop, first resident governor of Massachusetts, under charter. ^33- 1636. Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island, also writer. HISTORY AND CONTEMPORARY EVENTS Manhattan Island, N.Y., settled by the Dutch. Proposals of Spanish marriage for Charles I. Death of Shakespeare. Plymouth, Mass., settled by the Impeachment of Lord Bacon. Puritans. English colony at Cape Ann, Roger Conant, governor. Maine, with New Hampshire and Richelieu, prime minister of part of Massachusetts, granted France. to Ferdinando Gorges and John Mason. New Amsterdam (New York City) founded by the Dutch. New Jersey settled by Swedes. Charles I, king of England ; first Parliament dissolved. Siege of Rochelle. Settlement of Salem, Mass. Boston settled by English, from Salem. Maryland settled by English Catholics, sent by Lord Balti- more. Rhode Island settled by adher- ents of Roger Williams, exiled from Mass. Laud, bishop of London, Murder of Buckingham. War between France and Spain. Post Office for Scotland estab- lished. Christian religion prohibited in Japan. 8 MAKERS OF THE STATES 1638. Thomas Hooker, Conn. (1586-1647), writer. 1639. John Haynes, first governor of Connecticut, under consti- tution. Richard Mather, Mass. (1 596-1 669), writer. 1640. 1646. Peter Stuyvesant, last Dutch governor or director-general of New Netherlands. 1649. 1 65 1. Anne Bradstreet, Mass. (161 2-16 72), writer. 1654. Peter Folger, Nantucket Island, writer. 1658. Benjamin Tompson, Mass. (1640-1714), writer, " New England's Crisis." 1660. 1 66 1. Michael Wigglesworth, writer, "Day of Doom." 1664. Richard Nicolls, governor of New York. 1665. 1667. 1669. 1670. Sayle, governor of South Carolina. 1673. 1674. 1675- 1676. "The Burwell Papers." 1678. Increase Mather, Mass. (1639-1723), writer. 679. HISTORY AND CONTEMPORARY EVENTS g Delaware settled by Swedes. "The Scottish Covenant." Harvard College founded. Long Parliament (1640-1660). Execution of Charles I. North Carolina settled. Oliver Cromwell, Lord Pro- tector of England. Cromwell died. Settlers from New England in Charles II restored to English North Carolina. throne. Postal system for Great Britain. New Amsterdam taken by Eng- lish, became province of New York. Newark settled. Great plague and fire in Lon- don. Milton's " Paradise Lost ' ' written. Turks take Candia. South Carolina settled by Eng- lish. New York recaptured by Dutch. Discovery of Mississippi River by Marquette and Joliet. New York restored to English. King Philip's war. Bacon's rebellion. Bunyan's " Pilgrim's Progress " written. Titus Oates' popish plot. Habeas Corpus Act passed. IO MAKERS OF THE STATES 1682. William Penn, proprietor of Pennsylvania. 1683. Capt. Benjamin Church, Mass. (1639-17 18), writer. 1690. First newspaper in New England. 1691. 1700. Cotton Mather, Mass. (1663-1728), writer: " Magnalia Christi Americana." 1702. Robert Beverly, Va. (1675-17 16), writer: "History of Virginia." 1725. 1732. James Oglethorpe, governor of Georgia. *733- 1738. Cadwallader Golden, N.Y. (1 688-1 776), writer. 1740. 1742. James Blair, Va. (1656-1743), writer. 1744. William Byrd, Va. (1674-1744), writer: " Westover Papers." 1745 1746 175° I75 1 1753 1754 !755 *759 Jonathan Dickinson, N.J. (b. in Mass.), writer. James Logan, Perm. (1674-1751), writer. Congress of the Colonies at Albany. Jonathan Edwards, Conn. (1703-1758), writer. HISTORY AND CONTEMPORARY EVENTS \\ Pennsylvania settled by Quakers Rye-house plot. under William Penn. Philadelphia founded. Turks defeated by the Poles at William and Mary College Vienna. founded in Va. New Hampshire separated from Massachusetts. Yale College founded in Con- necticut. Queen Anne's war — England. Peter the Great, king of Russia, George Washington born. died. Georgia settled by English. Savannah founded. War of Polish succession. War of the Austrian succession. Oglethorpe's attack on St. Augustine. King George's war. First Methodist Conference in England. Charles Edward the Pretender lands in Scotland. Princeton College founded in Battles of Falkirk and Cul- New Jersey. loden. Ruins of Pompeii discovered. University of Pennsylvania Clive's successes in India. founded. Washington's embassy to French commander. Washington surrenders at Fort Necessity. Braddock's defeat. Seven Years' war. Niagara surrendered to English. British Museum opened. I2 REVOLUTIONARY WAR 1759- 1762. Benjamin Franklin, Penn. (1 706-1 790), writer and states- man. 1766. Richard Bland, Va. (1710-1776), writer: "Inquiry into the Rights of the British Colonies." 1767. John Dickinson, Del. (1 732-1808), writer and statesman : " The Farmer's Letters." 1773- REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 1775. Battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill. Washington made commander-in-chief. Daniel Boone settles in Kentucky. Continental army besieges Boston. Philip Freneau, N.Y. (1 752-1832), writer. 1776. Declaration of Independence, July 4. Battles of Brooklyn and Trenton. Colonies first called " United States," by resolution of Congress. Constitution of Virginia adopted. Thomas Paine, writer: "The Crisis." 1777. Constitution of New York established. Battle of Brandywine, and Burgoyne's surrender. Constitution of North Carolina adopted. Washington at Valley Forge. Articles of Confederation adopted. 1778. Alliance of France with United States. Clarke's expedition into Illinois. 1779. Alliance of Spain with United States. British besiege Charleston. Sullivan's Expedition against the " Six Nations." French and Americans storm Savannah. E VENTS 13 Capture of Quebec ; death of Wolfe and Montcalm. Stamp Act Congress. Destruction of tea at Boston. James Watt invents steam- engine. SIGNERS OF THE DECLA- RATION OF INDEPEND- ENCE. Josiah Bartlett, N.H. William Whipple, N.H. Matthew Thornton, N.H. John Hancock, Mass. John Adams, Mass. Samuel Adams, Mass. Robert Treat Paine, Mass. Elbridge Gerry, Mass. Stephen Hopkins, R.I. William Ellery, R.I. Roger Sherman, Conn. Samuel Huntington, Conn. William Williams, Conn. Oliver Wolcott, Conn. William Floyd, N.Y. Philip Livingston, N.Y. Francis Lewis, N.Y. Lewis Morris, N.Y. Richard Stockton, N.J. John Witherspoon, N.J. Francis Hopkinson, N.J. CONTEMPORARY EVENTS. Project undertaken by Catherine II of Russia to unite the Caspian Sea and the Arctic Ocean. The annihilation of Poland agreed on between Catherine II of Russia and Henry of Prussia. Joseph II, emperor of Germany. George III, king of England (1760-1820). Louis XVI, king of France (1774-1792). Death of Chatham (William Pitt). Spain unites with France against England. Sir William Herschel (1738- 1822), inventor of telescope. M REVOLUTIONARY WAR 1780. Constitution of Massachusetts adopted. Charleston surrenders to the British. Andre, British spy, captured. Benedict Arnold escapes. 1 781. Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. 1782. Treaty of amity and commerce between United States and Holland. Provisional articles of peace agreed upon. 1783. Independence of United States acknowledged by Sweden. Treaty of amity and commerce with Denmark. Spain and Russia acknowledge independence of United States. Definitive treaty of peace with Great Britain. 1784. Dissatisfaction with Articles of Confederation as first adopted. Indian title to Northwest Territory extinguished by treaty of Fort Stanwix. 1785. Death of General Green. 1786. Shays's Rebellion in Massachusetts. Convention called at Annapolis to consider advisability of union for benefit of commerce. Delegates from a minority of states met, but adjourned for fuller meeting in 1787. 1787. Insurrection in Massachusetts suppressed. Convention to form a Federal Constitution, George Wash- ington, President. Constitution completed and submitted to convention in each state Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey ratified the Con- stitution of United States. 1788. Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia ratified the Consti- tution. 1789. EVENTS 15 John Hart, N J. Abraham Clark, N J. Robert Morris, Perm. Benjamin Rush, Penn. Benjamin Franklin, Penn. John Morton, Penn. George Clymer, Penn. James Smith, Penn. George Taylor, Penn. James Wilson, Penn. George Ross, Penn. Caesar Rodney, Del. George Read, Del. Thomas McKean, Del. Samuel Chase, Md. Thomas Stone, Md. William Paca, Md. Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, Md. George Wythe, Va. Richard Henry Lee, Va. Thomas Jefferson, Va. Benjamin Harrison, Va. Thomas Nelson, Va. Francis Lightfoot Lee, Va. Carter Braxton, Va. William Hooper, N.C. Joseph Hewes, N.C. John Penn, N.C. Edward Rutledge, S.C. Thomas Heyward, Jr., S.C. Thomas Lynch, Jr., S.C. Arthur Middleton, S.C. Button Gwinnett, Ga. Lyman Hall, Ga. George Walton, Ga. Hyder Ali invades British pos- sessions in southern India. Hyder Ali defeated by the British. Gibraltar besieged by the Span- iards without success. Inauguration of the famous statue of Peter I in St. Petersburg. Preparing for war in the Crimea. Sir Joshua Reynolds, painter (1723-1792). Contest over the navigation of the Scheldt. Treaty of commerce France and Russia. between Treaty of commerce between England and France. Mozart, musician (1 756-1 791). Agent sent by Catherine II to renew treaty of commerce between China and Russia. New French Constitution. Triple Alliance. !6 FIRST ADMINISTRATION FIRST ADMINISTRATION (i 789-1 796). 1 789. President. — George Washington, Va. Vice President. — John Adams, Mass. CABINET. Secretary of State. — Thomas Jefferson, Va. (Sept. 26). Secretary of Treas. — Alex. Hamilton, N.Y. (Sept. 11). Secretary of War. — Henry Knox, Mass. (Sept. 12). Postmaster-Gen. — Samuel Osgood, Mass. (Sept. 26). Attorney-Gen. — Edmund Randolph, Va. (Sept. 26). Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Jay, N.Y. (1 789— 1796). GOVERNORS OF THE THIRTEEN STATES IN 1789. N.H. — John Sullivan. Del. — Joshua Clayton. Mass. — John Hancock. Md. — John E.Howard. R.I. — Arthur Fenner. Va. — Beverly Randolph. Conn. — Samuel Huntington. N.C. — Samuel Johnston. N.Y. — George Clinton. S.C. — Charles Cotes- N.J. — William Livingston. worth Pinckney. Penn. — Thomas Mifflin. Ga. — George Walton. Royal Tyler, Mass. (175 7-1826), writer : " The Contrast " (first acted American drama). John Parke, Del., poet. 1790. William Livingston, N.J. (1723-1790), writer: " Philo- sophic Solitude." "A Review of Military Operations in North America from 1753 to 1756." E VENTS 17 EVENTS. CONTEMPORARY EVENTS. ENGLAND. George III, king (1 760-1820). Ethan Allen, Vt., died Feb. 13. William Pitt, prime minister (1783-1802). FRANCE. First Congress under the new First Republic. Constitution met, April. GERMANY. Washington and Adams inaugu- Germany Proper : rated at New York, April 30. Joseph II (1 765-1 79°) • Prussia : Frederick William II (1786- 1790). Formation of Judiciary Depart- Bastile destroyed ; the royal men t. family of France brought to Paris. Convention of North Carolina Constantinople blockaded by ratified the Federal Constitu- the British from February 19 tion, November. to March 2. Rhode Island accedes to the new Constitution, May 29. First census of United States taken. Population 3,929,214. "Assumption Bill" passed. South Carolina adopted her present constitution. Ben- jamin Franklin died. Leopold II, emperor of Ger- many (1 790-1 792). Beginning of Jacobin Club in France. Titles of nobility abolished, etc. FIRST ADMINISTRATION 1 79 1. Francis Hopkinson, Penn. (i 738-1 791), writer : "A Letter on White-washing." "The Battle of the Kegs." Hymns, Ballads, etc. 1792. John Witherspoon, N.J. (1 722-1 794), writer: "The Characteristics." " History of a Corporation of Ser- vants." " Serious Inquiry into the Nature and Effects of the Stage." Ezra Stiles, Conn. (1727-1795), writer: "History of Three of the Judges of Charles I." "Diary" and Mis- cellanies. 1793- Jeremy Belknap, Mass. ( 1 744-1 798), writer : "History of New Hampshire." "Life of Watts. " "American Biographies." "The Foresters." 1794. Edmund Randolph, Va., Sec. of State (January 2). William Bradford, Penn., Attorney-Gen. (January 27). Timothy Pickering, Mass., Postmaster-Gen. (November 7) 1795. Timothy Pickering, Mass., Sec. of War (January 2). Oliver Wolcott, Conn., Sec. of Treas. (February 3). Joseph Habersham, Ga., Postmaster-Gen. (February 25.) Charles Lee, Va., Attorney-Gen. (December 10). Timothy Pickering, Mass., Sec. of State (December 10). E VENTS 19 Vermont admitted into the Union. First Excise Bill. Bank of United States incorpo- rated. Mint established at Philadelphia. Kentucky admitted into the Union. Constitutions of Delaware and New Hampshire adopted. Washington and Adams re- elected. Fugitive Slave Law passed. Cotton-gin invented by Eli Whitney, Mass. John Hancock died. British successes in India. Attempted flight of Louis XVI. Leopold II of Germany makes peace with Turkey. Tippoo Sahib cedes half his do- minions to England as the price of peace. England sends embassy to China. France declares war against Austria and Prussia. In France the Convention, 1792-1795. Francis II, emperor of Ger- many ( 1 792-1806). Louis XVI and Marie Antoi- nette beheaded. Christian religion renounced in France. Second partition of Poland. Insurrection in western Penn- sylvania. First Embargo Act. General Wayne defeats the Indians at the Miami. Jay's Treaty. Richard Henry Lee died. Treaty of peace concluded with Spain. Treaty of peace be- tween United States and Algiers. Francis Marion died. Fall of Robespierre. Kosciusko taken prisoner by the Russians. War between England and Hol- land. Revolutionary Tribunal sup- pressed in France. Direc- tory (i795~ I 799)- Final dismemberment of Poland by Russia, Prussia, and Aus- tria. Treaties of Basle. 20 SECOND ADMINISTRATION 1796. James McHenry, Md., Sec. of War (January 27). Hugh Henry Brackenridge, Penn. (1 748-1816), writer : " Modern Chivalry." " Ode on the Battle of Bunker Hill." SECOND ADMINISTRATION (179 7-1 800). 1797. President. — John Adams, Mass. Vice President. — Thomas Jefferson, Va. CABINET. Secretary of State. — Timothy Pickering, Mass. (continued). Secretary of Treas. — Oliver Wolcott, Conn, (continued). Secretary of War. — James McHenry, Md. (continued). Postmaster-Gen. — Joseph Habersham, Ga. (continued). Attorney-Gen. — Charles Lee, Va. (continued). Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Oliver Ellsworth, Conn. (1 796-1800). William Clifton, Penn. (1772-1799), writer : "Chimeriad." " The Group." " Talleyrand's Descent into Hell." 1798. Benjamin Stoddert, Md., Secretary of Navy (May 21). Elizabeth Ferguson, Penn. (1 739-1801), writer : Poetical Correspondence. Poetical Translation of Telemaque. Jonathan Mitchell Sewall, Mass. (1 748-1 808), writer: "Epilogue to Cato." " Eulogy on Laughing." Joseph Hopkinson, Penn. (1770-1842), writer: "Hail Columbia." E VENTS 21 Tennessee, formerly State of Franklin, admitted into the Union. Detroit relinquished by the British. Anthony Wayne died. English take Cape of Good Hope from the Dutch. Use of telegraph in England. Catherine II of Russia died. Napoleon Bonaparte ap- pointed Commander-in-Chief Washington's Farewell Address. of the army in Italy. ENGLAND. George III, king (i 760-1820). William Pitt, prime minister (1783-1802). American envoy, Monroe, re- called from France. New embassy sent to France. Treaty with France annulled July 7- Yellow fever in Philadelphia. Revenue of the Post Office, $46,000. The X. Y. Z. Correspondence. Act passed for raising provisional army, with Washington as commander-in-chief. Merchant vessels authorized to defend themselves against depredations. Alien and sedition laws passed. FRANCE. The " Coup d'Etat " of the 18th Fructidor (September 4). Napoleon in Italy. GERMANY. Germany Proper : Francis II (179 2-1 806). Prussia : Frederick William III (179 7- 1840). Bonaparte establishes demo- cratic government in Venice and Genoa. Bonaparte's expedition to Egypt, capturing Malta on the way. Pope Pius VI taken prisoner by the French. Richard C. Wellesley governor- general in India. Nelson's victory over the French in the " Battle of the Nile." THIRD ADMINISTRATION 22 1798. 1799. John Blair Linn, Penn. (1 777-1804), writer : "The Powers of Genius." "Valerian," etc. Thomas Jefferson, Va. (1 743-1826), writer : " Declaration of Independence." " Notes on the State of Virginia." Charles Brockden Brown, Penn. (1771-1810), writer: " Arthur Mervyn." "Wieland." " Ormond." "Edgar Huntley." " Clara Howard." " Jane Talbot." "The Man at Home." 1800. Samuel Dexter, Mass., Secretary of War (May 3). John Marshall, Va., Secretary of State (May 13). Samuel Dexter, Mass., Secretary of Treasury (Dec. 31). Roger Griswold, Conn., Secretary of War (Feb. 3, 1801). Joel Barlow, Conn. (1 755-181 2), writer: "The Vision of Columbus." " The Columbiad." " The Babylonian Captivity." "The Hasty Pudding," etc. Joseph Dennie, Mass. (1768-1812), writer: "The Farmer's Weekly Museum." "The Portfolio." THIRD ADMINISTRATION (1801-1808). 1 80 1 . President. — Thomas Jefferson, Va. Vice President. — Aaron Burr, N.Y. CABINET. Sec. of State. — James Madison, Va. (March 5). Sec. of Treas. — Samuel Dexter, Conn, (continued). Sec. of War. — Henry Dearborn, Mass. (March 5). Sec. of Navy. — Benjamin Stoddert, Md. (continued). Postmaster-Gen. — Joseph Habersham, Ga. (continued), Attorney-Gen. — Levi Lincoln, Mass. (March 5). E VENTS 23 Virginia and Kentucky resolu- tions. Treaties with Tunis and Prussia. American Navy, registers forty- two vessels. Patrick Henry died June 6. George Washington died Dec. 14, aged sixty-seven years. Peace with France. Provisional army disbanded. Seat of government removed from Philadelphia to Wash- ington. Population of United States, 5,305,482. Constitution of Kentucky went into effect. Mississippi Territory erected into a distinct government. Great Irish rebellion. French occupation of Switzer- land. Bonaparte becomes first consul of France. Paul I of Russia declares war with France. Battle of Marengo. Pius VII elected pope. Armed neutrality of Northern powers. The Code Napoleon. British Orders in Council affect- ing American commerce. First written message sent to Congress. War with Tripoli. University of Athens, in Georgia, established. About two hundred newspapers printed in the United States. ENGLAND. George III, king (1 760-1820). Rt. Hon. Henry Addington, prime minister (1801-1804). FRANCE. Consulate (1 799-1 804). Napoleon Bonaparte first con- sul. GERMANY. Germany Proper: Francis II (1 792-1806). 24 THIRD ADMINISTRATION 1801. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall, Va. (1801-1835). Alexander Hamilton, N.Y. (175 7-1 804), writer: Essays, critical, political, etc. Series of papers signed "Ca- millus" and " Pacificus." "The Federalist." 1802. Albert Gallatin, native of Switzerland, Sec. of Treas. (January 26). Robert Smith, Md., Sec. of Navy (January 26). Gideon Granger, Conn., Postmaster-Gen. (January 26). Nathaniel Bowditch, Mass. (1 773-1838), mathematician: "The American Practical Navigator." 1803. Dr. Benjamin Rush, Penn. (1745-1813), writer: Medical works. Essays, literary, moral, and scientific. Robert Treat Paine, Jr., Mass. (1 773-1 811), writer: "The Ruling Passion." "Adams and Liberty," "The Invention of Letters." 1804. Alexander Wilson, Scotland ( 1 766-1813), writer : "Ameri- can Ornithology." " Rab and Ringan, a Tale." Mis- cellaneous poems. Clement C. Moore, N.Y. (1779-1853), "Visit of St Nicholas," etc. 1805. George Clinton, Vice President (March 4). Jacob Crowninshield, Mass., Sec. of Navy (March 2). Robert Smith, Md., Attorney-Gen. (March 3). 1806. John Breckinridge, Ky., Attorney-Gen. (January 17). David Ramsay, M.D.,b. Penn., settled in S.C. (1 749-1815), writer : " History of the Revolution in South Carolina." " History of the American Revolution." " Life of Washington," etc. EVENTS 25 Louisiana ceded to France by Spain. Ohio admitted into the Union. New Orleans closed against United States merchandise. Prussia : Frederick William III (1797- 1840). Union between Great Britain and Ireland. Alexander I, czar of Russia. Religious worship restored in France. Turkey makes peace with France, permitting free navigation of the Black Sea. Louisiana purchased from France by United States. Treaty with Indians at Fort Wayne. The frigate " Philadelphia " in- jured and captured by pirates in the harbor of Tripoli. Tripoli bombarded by Ameri- cans. Alexander Hamilton killed in a duel with Aaron Burr. Lewis and Clark's Expedition for exploration of the Missouri (1804-1806). Thomas Jefferson re-elected. Treaty of peace with Tripoli. Pike's Peak visited by Zebulon Pike. Disputes with Spain respecting boundaries of Louisiana, and with England and France re- specting neutral rights. England renews war with France and Holland. Edinburgh Review founded. William Pitt, prime minister of England (1 804-1 806). Duke d'Enghien executed. In France — Empire ( 1 804- 1806). Napoleon I (Bonaparte), em- peror. Battle of Trafalgar. Lord Nelson killed. Lord Grenville, prime minister of England (1806-180 7). Death of William Pitt and Charles James Fox. War between Turkey and Russia. 2 6 FOURTH ADMINISTRATION 1806. 1807. Caesar A. Rodney, Del., Attorney-Gen. (January 20). Noah Webster, Conn. (1 758-1843), writer : "Grammati- cal Institute of the English Language." " Sketches of American Policy." " Dictionary." 1808. John Trumbull, Conn. (1 750-1831), writer : " McFingal." "The Progress of Dullness." FOURTH ADMINISTRATION (1809-18 16). 1809. President. — James Madison, Va. Vice President. — George Clinton, N.Y. CABINET. Sec. of State. — Robert Smith, Md. (March 6). Sec. of Treas. — Albert Gallatin, Penn. (continued). Sec. of War. — William Eustis, Mass. (March 7). Sec. of Navy. — Paul Hamilton, S.C. (March 7). Postmaster-Gen. — Gideon Granger, Conn, (continued). Attorney-Gen. — Caesar A. Rodney, Del. (continued). Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall, Va. (1801-1835). 1810. Gouverneur Morris, N.Y. (1752-1816), writer: Political satires, newspaper articles, etc. E VENTS 27 "Cumberland Road" Act passed. Aaron Burr's conspiracy. First steamboat (Fulton's) on the Hudson River. United States frigate " Chesa- peake " attacked by British war vessel. Congress passed Embargo Act. Francis II of Germany became Francis I of Austria. Slave trade abolished by Eng- land. Royal family of Portugal emi- grate to Brazil. Duke of Portland, prime minis- ter of England (180 7-1 8 10), French invade Spain. Joseph Bonaparte proclaimed king. Rome seized by the French. Embargo Act repealed. "The Henry Letters." ENGLAND. George III, king (1 760-1820). Duke of Portland, prime minis- ter (1807-1810). Treaty concluded with British envoy not ratified by his gov- ernment. His successor dis- missed by the President. All French and English vessels prohibited from entering United States ports. FRANCE. Empire (1804-18 14), Napoleon I, emperor. GERMANY. Austria : Francis I (1805-1835). Prussia : Frederick William III (1797— 1840). Peace ratified between Great Britain and the Ottoman Porte. Fifth coalition against France by Great Britain and Austria. Hon. Spencer Percival, prime minister of England (1810- 1812). 2 8 FOURTH ADMINISTRATION 1810. Henry Lee, Va. (1756-1818), writer: "Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States," etc. 181 1. James Monroe, Va., Sec. of State (April 2). William Pinkney, Md., Attorney-Gen. (December 11). 18 1 2. George Clinton, N.Y., Vice President, died April 20. Henry Dearborn, Mass., commander-in-chief in war of 1812. 18 13. William Jones, Pa., Sec. of Navy (January 12). John Armstrong, N.Y., Sec. of War (January 13). Elbridge Gerry, Mass., Vice President (March 4). Elbridge Gerry died, November 23. 18 14. George W. Campbell, Tenn., Sec. of Treas. (February 9). Richard Rush, Pa., Attorney-Gen. (February 10). R. J. Meigs, Ohio, Postmaster-Gen. (March 17). James Monroe, Va., Sec. of War (September 27). Alexander J. Dallas, Penn., Sec. of Treas. (October 6). Benjamin W. Crowninshield, Mass., Sec. of Navy (De- cember 17). 1815. William Jones, Penn., Sec. of Navy (January 12). W. H. Crawford, Ga., Sec. of War (March 3). 1 81 6. Rev. Timothy Dwight, D.D., Mass. (175 2-1 8 17), presi- dent of Yale College, writer : " Conquest of Canaan." " Theology Explained and Defended." Alexander Graydon, Penn. (1752-1818), writer: "Me- moirs." " Notes of a Desultory Reader." E VENTS 29 Astoria founded. Population of United States, 7> 2 39>9Q3- Battle of Tippecanoe, Novem- ber 7. Steamboat launched on Ohio River at Pittsburg. War declared against Great Britain. Louisiana admitted into the Union. Second Embargo Act passed. Buffalo burnt by the British. Perry's victory on Lake Erie. Washington captured by the British and burnt. British invade Louisiana ; repulsed at New Orleans. Jefferson's Library purchased by Congress. Embargo Act of 18 12 repealed. Hartford Convention. Signal defeat of British at New Orleans. War with Algiers. Indiana admitted into the Union. Colonization Society of United States founded, and Liberia established as a refuge for freed negroes from United States. Treaty of commerce and alliance between Great Britain and the Brazils. Louis of Holland abdicated, July 1. George IV regent in England, 1811. English and French fighting in Spain. Earl Liverpool, prime minister of England (1812-1827). French campaign in Russia. Burning of Moscow. Peace ratified between Russia and Turkey. Wellington clears Spain of the French. Jerome of Westphalia abdicates October 20. House of Bourbon restored to power in France ; Louis XVIII, king. Prussians occupy Paris. Ferdinand VII, king of Spain. Napoleon abdicates the throne of France. Treaty of Ghent. Germanic confederation formed. Battle of Waterloo. Fall of Napoleon. Holy Alliance. Buenos Ayres independent. 30 FIFTH ADMINISTRATION 1816. David Humphreys, Conn. (1753-1818), writer : " Life of Putnam." "Mount Vernon." "The Monkey who Shaved Himself and his Friends, a Fable," etc., etc. Francis Scott Key, Md. (17 79-1843), writer : "The Star- Spangled Banner." FIFTH ADMINISTRATION (1817-1824). 181 7. President. — James Monroe, Va. Vice President. — D. D. Tompkins, N.Y. CABINET. Sec. of State. — John Quincy Adams, Mass. (March 5). Sec. of Treas. — William H. Crawford, Ga. (March 5). Sec. of War. — George Graham, Va. (April 7). Sec. of Navy. — B. W. Crowninshield, Mass. (continued). Postmaster-Gen. — R. J. Meigs, Ohio (continued) . Attorney-Gen. — Richard Rush, Penn. (continued). Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall, Va. (1801-1835). John C. Calhoun, S.C., Sec. of War (October 8). W. Wirt, Va., Attorney-Gen. (November 13). 1818. Smith Thompson, N.Y., Sec. of Navy (November 9). Susanna Rowson, Mass. (1 762-1824), writer : " Victoria." "Mary; or the Test of Honor." "A Trip to Par- nassus." "Charlotte Temple." "The Volunteers." "Reuben and Rachel." A dictionary and two geographies, etc. 1819. Samuel Peters, Conn. (1736-1826), writer: "History of Connecticut." EVENTS Baltimore first city in United States lighted by gas. Tariff Act passed. National Bank Act passed. 31 Erie Canal begun. ENGLAND. George III, king (1 760-1820). Earl of Liverpool, prime minister (1812-1827). FRANCE. Mississippi Territory admitted Louis XVIII, king (1814-1824). into the Union. GERMANY. Austria : Francis I (1806-1835). First Institution for the Deaf Prussia : and Dumb established at Frederick William III (1797- Hartford, Conn. 1840). Blackwood's Magazine first pub- lished in Edinburgh. War with the Seminole Indians. Pensacola taken by General Andrew Jackson ; restored to Spain by order of United States Government. Congress passes resolution in favor of internal improvement by the government. Illinois admitted into the Union. AlabamaadmittedintotheUnion. First steamship sails for Europe. Chile independent. Queen Victoria born in May. Charles Kingsley born. 32 SIXTH ADMINISTRATION 1820. James McClurg, Va. (1 747-1825), writer: "Medical Essays." "The Belles of Williamsburg." "Sequel to the Belles of Williamsburg." Joseph Rodman Drake, N.Y. (1795-1820), writer: "The Culprit Fay," and other poems. Richard Henry Wilde, Ga. (1 789-1847), poet. 1821. Lindley Murray, Penn. (1 745-1826), writer : "Power of Religion on the Mind." " English Grammar." "Auto- biography," and poems. Robert Goodloe Harper, Va. (1765-1825), writer: Speeches, arguments, and letters. St. George Tucker, Va. (1 752-1827), writer : "Annotated Edition of Blackstone." Dissertation on Slavery, etc. Mason L. Weems, Va. (1 760-1825), writer. 1822. 1823. John McLean, Ohio, Postmaster-Gen. (June 26). John Rogers, Mass., Sec. of Navy (September 1). Samuel L. Southard, N.J., Sec. of Navy (September 16), 1824. SIXTH ADMINISTRATION (1825-1828). 1825. President. — John Quincy Adams, Mass. Vice President. — John C. Calhoun, S.C. CABINET. Sec. of State. — Henry Clay, Ky. (March 7). Sec. of Treas. — Richard Rush, Penn. (March 7). E VENTS 33 Convention meets in Massa- chusetts to amend the Con- stitution. MissouriCompromise Bill passed Maine admitted into the Union. Daniel Boone died. Florida finally ceded to United States by Spain. Missouri admitted into the Union. James Monroe re-elected Presi- dent. Death of George III and acces- sion of George IV of Eng- land. George IV, king of England (1820-1830). Mexico independent. Victor Emanuel of Sardinia abdicates. Greek war of independence began. The United States recognizes the South American republics. " The Monroe Doctrine : " that any attempt by an European power to gain dominion in America will be considered an unfriendly act by the United States. Lafayette's visit to the United States. The "Era of Good Feeling" (1821-1824). Panama Congress. Caroline, wife of George IV of England, died. Shelley died. Greeks defeat the Turks. Civil war in Spain. Greek victories under Marco Bozzaris. Death of Lord Byron at Mis- solonghi. Provisional government set up in Greece. Charles X, king of France (1824-1830). ENGLAND. George IV, king (1 820-1 830). Earl of Liverpool, prime minister (1812-1827). 34 SEVENTH ADMINISTRATION 1825. Sec. of War. — James Barbour, Va. (March 7). Sec. of Navy. — Samuel L. Southard, N.J. (continued). Postmaster-Gen. — John McLean, Ohio (continued). Attorney-Gen. — William Wirt, Va. (continued). Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall, Va. (1801-1835). John Quincy Adams, Mass. (1 767-1848), writer : "Lives of Celebrated Statesmen." John M. Mason, N.Y. (1770-1829), writer: Sermons, essays, and miscellanies. 1826. William Wirt, b. in Md. (1 772-1834), writer : "Life of Patrick Henry." "The Old Bachelor." "The British Spy." 1827. Samuel L. Mitchell, L.I. (1764-1831), writer: "History of the Botanical Writers of America." " The Fishes of New York." " Pythagoras and Sappho." Isaiah Thomas, Mass. ( 1 749-1 831), writer : "New Eng- land Almanac." " History of Printing." 1828. John Randolph, of Roanoke, Va. (1 773-1833), writer Orations, letters, etc. SEVENTH ADMINISTRATION (1 829-1 836). 1829. President. — Andrew Jackson, Tenn. Vice President. — John C. Calhoun, S.C. EVENTS 35 FRANCE. Controversy concerning lands of Charles X, king (1824 ; de- the Creek Indians in Georgia. posed 1830). Erie Canal opened. GERMANY. Corner-stone of Bunker Hill Austria : Monument laid. Francis I (1 806-1 835). Prussia : Frederick William 111(1797- 1840). First passenger railway opened in England. Greeks invite the protection of England. John Adams and Thomas Jeffer- John VI, king of Portugal, died, son died the same day, July 4. Treaty made with the Creek Indians ceding the Creek lands in Georgia. A protective tariff bill passed. Rt. Hon. George Canning, prime minister of England (April 24). Viscount Goderich (Earl of Ripon), prime minister of England (August 8). Battle of Navarino : Turks de- feated by allied French, Eng- lish, and Russian forces. Duke of Wellington, prime minister of England (Jan. 8). Independence of Greece ac- knowledged. ENGLAND. George IV, king (1 820-1 830). Duke of Wellington, prime minister (1 828-1 830). 36 SE VENTH AD MINIS 7 RA TION CABINET. 1829. Sec. of State. — Martin Van Buren, N.Y. (March 6). Sec. of Treas. — S. D. Ingham, Penn. (March 9). Sec. of War. — John H. Eaton, Tenn. (March 9). Sec. of Navy. — John Branch, N.C. (March 9). Postmaster-Gen. — William T. Barry, Ky. (March 9.) Attorney-Gen. — J. McP. Berrien, Ga. (March 9). Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall, Va. (1801-1835). Thomas Green Fessenden, N.H. (1771-1837), writer: "The Country Lovers." "The Terrible Tractoration," etc. 1830. Henry Pickering, N.Y. (1781-1831), writer: "The Dismantled Cabinet." " The Buckwheat Cake." "The House in which I was Born." Abiel Holmes, Mass., b. in Conn. (1763-1837), writer: "American Annals." "Life of Dr. Ezra Stiles." "Memoirs of the French Protestants." Rev. Aaron Bancroft, Mass. (1 755-1840), writer: "Life of George Washington." "Sermons on the Doctrines of the Gospel." 1 83 1. Levi Woodbury, N.H., Sec. of Navy (May 23). Edward Livingston, La., Sec. of State (May 24). Lewis Cass, Mich., Sec. of War (August 1). Louis McLane, Del., Sec. of Treas. (August 8). Roger B. Taney, Md., Attorney-Gen. (December 27). 1832. William Dunlap, N.J. (1766-1839), writer: "Life of Charles Brockden Brown." " History of the American Theatre." " History of the Art of Design in United States." "Memoirs of a Water Drinker." EVENTS 37 FRANCE. Charles X, king (i 824-1 830). GERMANY. Prussia : Frederick William III (1 797- 1840). Austria : Francis I (1 792-1835). Catholic emancipation in Eng- land. Treaty of Peace between Russia and Turkey. First steam railway in America, from Albany to Schenectady. Mormons establish themselves as a church, and settle in Ohio. Book of Mormons published. Webster's Reply to Hayne. Black Hawk war. Baltimore and Ohio railway opened, the first in America for passengers. The Southampton insurrection. Ex-President Monroe died. William IV, king of England (1830-1837). Earl Grey, prime minister of England (1 830-1 834). Successful French expedition against Algiers. Charles X of France retires to England. Louis Philippe, Duke of Orleans, king of France (1 830-1 848). Asiatic cholera in England. Belgium separated from the Netherlands. Nullification in South Carolina. Charles Carroll of Carrollton, died. Andrew Jackson re-elected. Compromise Tariff Bill passed. Disputed succession in Spain. Marriage of Leopold, king of Belgium, to a daughter of Louis Philippe of France. Reform Act passed by Parlia- ment. 38 EIGHTH ADMINISTRA TION 1833. Louis McLane, Del., Sec. of State (March 29). William J. Duane, Perm., Sec. of Treas. (May 29). Martin Van Buren, Vice President. Daniel Webster of Mass. (b. in N.H., 1 782-1852), writer Orations. John C. Calhoun, S.C. (1782-1850), writer: Orations. 1834. Benjamin F. Butler, N.Y., Attorney-Gen. (June 24). John Forsyth, Ga., Sec. of State (June 27). Levi Woodbury, N.H., Sec. of Treas. (June 27). Mahlon Dickerson, N.J., Sec. of Navy (June 30). 1835. Amos Kendall, Ky., Postmaster-Gen. (May 1). Henry Clay of Ky. (b. in Va., 1777-185 2), writer Orations. 1836. Cabinet officers all continued over from 1835. John Howard Payne, N.Y. (1 792-1852), author of "Home, Sweet Home." EIGHTH ADMINISTRATION (1837-1840). 1837. President. — Martin Van Buren, N.Y. Vice President. — Richard M. Johnson, Ky. CABINET. Sec. of State. — John Forsyth, Ga. (continued). Sec. of Treas. — Levi Woodbury, N.H. (continued). Sec. of War.— Joel R. Poinsett, S.C. (March 7). Sec. of Navy. — Mahlon Dickerson, N.J. (continued) EVENTS 39 John Randolph of Roanoke died. Removal of deposits from U.S. bank to the State banks. Senate passes resolution of cen- sure upon Jackson's action. Indian Territory organized. McCormick's reaping machine invented. Seminole war. Chief Justice Marshall died. Disastrous fire in New York city. Question of Executive patron- age debated in Congress. Arkansas admitted to the Union. Ex-President Madison died. Patent Office and Post Office at Washington destroyed by fire. Right of petition debated in Congress. Business panic. Texas declares her independ- ence of Mexico. Massacre at Alamo. Michigan admitted to the Union. Battle of Okeechobee : Semi- noles routed by General Taylor. East India trade thrown open. Sultan seeks aid of Russia against Ibrahim Pasha. Magneto-electric machine first made by Saxton in London. System of national education begun in England. Lafayette died, May 20. Viscount Melbourne, prime minister of England (July- November) ; Sir Robert Peel (December). Carlists' rebellion in Spain. Prince Augustus of Portugal marries the queen, and soon after dies. Viscount Melbourne, prime min- ister of England ( 1 835-1 84 1 ) . Ferdinand I, emperor of Austria (1835-1848). Civil war in Spain. Murderous attempts on the life of Louis Philippe of France. ENGLAND. Victoria, queen (1837 ). Viscount Melbourne, prime minister (1834-1841)0 FRANCE. Louis Philippe, king (1830- 1848). 40 NINTH ADMINISTRATION 1837. Postmaster-Gen. — Amos Kendall, Ky. (continued). Attorney-Gen. — Benjamin F. Butler, N.Y. (continued). Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Roger Brooke Taney, Md. (1837-1864). 1838. James K. Paulding, N.Y., Sec. of Navy (June 20). Felix Grundy, Tenn., Attorney-Gen. (July 7). Samuel Woodworth, Mass. (1785-1842), writer: "The Old Oaken Bucket." "The Forest Rose." "The Champions of Freedom." 1839. Timothy Flint, Mass. (1 780-1 840), writer: "System of Divinity." " Recollections of Ten Years Passed in the Valley of the Mississippi." " Francis Berrian, or The Mexican Patriot." William Ellery Channing, R.I. (1 780-1842), writer: Essays on Milton, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Fenelon \ also on "Self-Culture." [840. Nathaniel Beverly Tucker, Va. (1784-1851), writer: " The Partisan Leader." "George Balcombe." "Ger- trude." "Lectures on Government," etc. Samuel L. Knapp, Mass. (1 783-1 838), writer: "Bio- graphical Sketches." " Lectures on American Litera- ture." "The Bachelor, and Other Tales." Gulian C. Verplanck, N.Y. (1 786-1870), writer: "The Right Moral Influence and Use of Liberal Studies." " The American Student," etc. Henry D. Gilpin, Penn., Attorney-Gen. (January 10). John M. Niles, Conn., Postmaster-Gen. (May 18). NINTH ADMINISTRATION (1841-1844). 1 84 1. President. — William Henry Harrison, Ohio (b. in Va.). Vice President. — John Tyler, Va. E VENTS 41 American steamer "Carolina" GERMANY, attacked and burned by Austria : British. Ferdinand I (1 835-1 848). Annular eclipse of the sun. Proclamation forbidding citizens of the United States to aid insurgent Canadians. "Great Western" first arrives at New York. The " Sirius " preceded it by one day. Banks suspend specie payment. Patriot war in Canada. Coronation of Queen Victoria. Talleyrand died. Cabul occupied by the English. England makes war on China because the latter refused to allow the smuggling of opium into her dominions. Northeastern boundary disputes. Cunard steamship line opens between Liverpool and New York. Annexation of Texas question (1836-1845). "Sub-treasury Bill" passed. Marriage of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert. Frederick William IV, king of Prussia (1840-1861). William I. of Holland abdicated. M. Thiers (March 1), M. Guizot (October 29), min- isters of affairs in France. ENGLAND. Victoria, queen (1837 ). Sir Robert Peel, prime minister (1841-1846). 42 NINTH ADMINISTRATION CABINET. 1841. Sec. of State. — Daniel Webster, Mass. (March 5). Sec. of Treas. — Thomas Ewing, Ohio (March 5). Sec. of War.— John Bell, Tenn. (March 5). Sec. of Navy. — George E. Badger, N.C. (March 5). Postmaster-Gen. — F. Granger, N.Y. (March 6). Attorney-Gen. — J. J. Crittenden, Ky. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Roger Brooke Taney, Md. (1837-1864). Walter Forward, Penn., Sec. of Treas. (September 13). Abel P. Upshur, Va., Sec. of Navy (September 13). Charles A. Wickliffe, Ky., Postmaster-Gen. (September 13). Hugh S. Legare, S.C., Attorney-Gen. (September 13). John McLean, Ohio, Sec. of War (September 13). John C. Spencer, N.Y., Sec. of War (October 12). 1842. Joseph Story, Mass. (1 779-1845), writer : "Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States." " Lectures on the Science of Government." Dr. James Thacher, Mass. (1754-1844), writer: "Ameri- can Medical Biography." " Military Journal during the American Revolution." " Observations on Hydro- phobia," etc. Thomas R. Dew, Va. (1802-1846), writer: "Slavery." "Ancient and Modern History." Washington Allston, S.C. (1 779-1843), writer and artist: " The Sylphs of the Season." " Monaldi," etc. 1843. J onn C. Spencer, N. Y., Sec. of Treas. (March 3). Hugh S. Legare, S.C, Sec. of State (May 9). John Nelson, Md., Attorney-Gen. (July 1). Abel P. Upshur, Va., Sec. of State (July 24). Maria Brooks, Mass. (1795-1845), writer: "Zophiel." " Idomen ; or the Vale of Yermuri." " Esther, and other Poems." E VENTS 43 Statue of Washington placed in the Capitol at Washington. United States Bank again sus- pends payment. Attempt to revive U.S. bank under the guise of a " Fiscal Corporation Bill." President Harrison died, April FRANCE. 4, and was succeeded by House of Bourbon-Orleans. John Tyler, vice president. Louis Philippe, king (1830- 1848). GERMANY. Prussia : Frederick William IV (1840- 1861). Austria : Ferdinand I (1 835-1 848). Afghans revolt; British army annihilated in the Khyber Pass. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, born. Dorr's rebellion in Rhode Treaty of peace between Eng- Island. land and China ; several Northeast boundary between Chinese ports thrown open United States and Canadian to British merchants. provinces settled (Ashburton Treaty). Anti-rent difficulties in New York. Rhode Island adopts a new constitution enlarging the suffrage. Bunker Hill Monument com- pleted ; Daniel Webster the orator of the occasion. Dr. Whitman makes the journey overland to Oregon. Disruption of the Church of Scotland. Isabella II, queen of Spain. 44 TENTH ADMINISTRATION 1843. Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Mass. (1810-1850), writer: " Summer on the Lakes." " Papers on Literature and Art." "Woman in the Nineteenth Century." "At Home and Abroad." 1844. William Williams, Penn., Sec. of War (February 15). Thomas W. Gilmer, Va., Sec. of Navy (February 15). John Nelson, Md., Sec. of State (February 29). John C. Calhoun, S.C., Sec. of State (March 6). John Y. Mason, Va., Sec. of Navy (March 14). George M. Bibb, Ky., Sec. of Treas. (June 15). Lydia Maria Child, Mass. (1802-1882), writer: "Bi- ographies of Good Wives." " Hobomok." " Philothea." " History of the Condition of Women in all Ages." Ralph Waldo Emerson, Mass. (1803-1882), writer: " Conduct of Life." " Representative Men." "Essays and Poems," etc. Henry D. Thoreau, Mass. (181 7-1862), writer : " Walden, or Life in the Woods," etc. TENTH ADMINISTRATION (1 845-1 848). 1845. President. — James K. Polk, Tenn. (b. in N.C.). Vice President. — George M. Dallas, Penn. CABINET. Sec. of State. — James Buchanan, Penn. (March 5). Sec. of Treas. — Robert J. Walker, Miss. (March 5). Sec. of War. — William L. Marcy, N.Y. (March 5). Sec. of Navy. — George Bancroft, Mass. (March 10). Postmaster-Gen. — Cave Johnson, Tenn. (March 5). Attorney-Gen. — John Y. Mason, Va. (March 5). Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Roger Brooke Taney, Md. (1837-1864). Edgar Allan Poe, Md. (1809-1849), writer: "The / Raven," "The Bells," "Annabel Lee," and other poems and prose tales. E VENTS 45 First telegraph line built between Baltimore and Washington, under the superintendence of S. F. B. Morse, its inventor. "Fifty-four, forty," a democratic cry in the presidential cam- paign. French take possession of the Isle of Tahiti against the wishes of the natives, who preferred the English. Oscar, king of Sweden. ENGLAND. Victoria, queen (1837- Sir Robert Peel, prime minister (1841-1846). -)• Florida and Texas admitted into the Union. War declared against United States by Mexico. General Andrew Jackson died. Fremont takes possession of California. Cheap postal rates introduced. FRANCE. Louis Philippe, king (1830- 1848). GERMANY. Prussia : Frederick William IV (1840- 1861). Austria : Ferdinand I (1835-1848). Schlegel, the German poet, died. Anti-corn-law agitation in Eng- land. 46 TENTH ADMINISTRATION 1845. John J. Audubon, La. (1 780-1 851), writer: "Birds of America." " Quadrupeds of America." 1846. John Y. Mason, Va., Sec. of Navy (September 9). Nathan Clifford, Me., Attorney-Gen. (October 17). James K. Paulding, N.Y. (1779-1860), writer: "John Bull and Brother Jonathan." "The History of Uncle Sam and His Boys." "The Lay of the Scottish Fiddle." " Letters from the South, by a Northern Man." " Old Times in the New World," etc. Washington Irving, N.Y. (1 783-1859), writer : " Knicker- bocker's New York." "Tales of a Traveler." " Wolf- ert's Roost." "Sketch Book." Lives of Washington, Columbus, Goldsmith, etc. 1847. James Fenimore Cooper, N.J. (1789-1851), writer: " Deerslayer." " The Spy." " Last of the Mohicans." " History of the Navy of the United States." " Lives of American Naval Officers," etc. William H. Prescott, Mass. (1 796-1859), writer: "Ferdi- nand and Isabella." "Conquest of Mexico." "Con- quest of Peru." " Philip II." William A. Caruthers, Va. (1802-1850), writer: "Cava- liers of Virginia." " The Knights of the Golden Horse- shoe." " The Kentuckian in New York." 1848. Isaac Toucey, Conn., Attorney-Gen. (June 2). William Gilmore Simms, S.C. (1806-18 70), writer: "Martin Faber." "Castle Dismal, or The Bachelor's Christmas." " The Partisan." " Mellichampe." "Katherine Walton." "The Scout." " Beauchampe, a Tale of Kentucky," etc. John P. Kennedy, Md. (1795-1870), writer: "The Red Book." "The Swallow Barn." "Horseshoe Robinson." "The Annals of Quodlibet." "Life of William Wirt." " Mr. Ambrose's Letters on the Rebellion." EVENTS 47 Battle of Palo Alto, Mexico. War declared against Mexico. Iowa admitted into the Union. Smithsonian Institution organ- ized. Annexation of California and New Mexico to the United States. Wilmot proviso. Sewing machine invented by Elias Howe. Oregon question settled by treaty with Great Britain. Battles of Buena Vista and Cerro Gordo. Mexico sues for peace, Septem- ber 14. Hoe's printing press invented. The Afghans ally themselves with the Sikhs against the British. Corn-laws repealed in England. Civil war in Switzerland. Irish famine. Mendelssohn, German musician, died. Jerome Bonaparte returns to France after thirty-two years' exile. Kingdom of Poland made a Russian province. Treaty of peace with Mexico. Wisconsin admitted into the Union. John Quincy Adams died. Gold discovered in California. Mormons emigrate to Utah. Ferdinand I of Austria resigns imperial throne ; succeeded by Francis Joseph I, after- wards emperor of Austria and king of Hungary. Revolution and war in Hungary. Louis Kossuth, leader of revolu- tionists. Civil war in Switzerland ; expul- sion of Jesuits. 48 ELEVENTH ADMINISTRATION 1848. Richard Henry Dana, Sr., Mass. (1 787-1879), writer : " The Buccaneer." " Tom Thornton." " The Idle Man," and other essays. George B. Cheever, Me. (1807-1890), writer: "Ameri- can Commonplace Book of Prose." ELEVENTH ADMINISTRATION (1849-1852). 1849. President. — Zachary Taylor, La. (b. in Va.). Vice President. — Millard Fillmore, N.Y. CABINET. Sec. of State. — John M. Clayton, Del. (March 7). Sec. of Treas. — William M. Meredith, Penn. (March 7). Sec. of War. — George W. Crawford, Ga. (March 7). Sec. of Navy. — William B. Preston, Va. Sec. of Interior. — Thomas Ewing, Ohio (March 7). Postmaster-Gen. — Jacob Collamer, Vt. (March 7). Attorney-Gen. — Reverdy Johnson, Md. (March 7). Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Roger Brooke Taney, Md. (1837-1864). Archibald Alexander, Va. (1 772-1851), writer: "Evi- dences of Christianity." "History of Colonization on the W 7 est Coast of Africa." " History of the Israelitish Nation." 1850. Daniel Webster, Mass., Sec. of State (July 20). Thomas Corvvin, Ohio, Sec. of Treas. (July 20). William A. Graham, N.C., Sec. of War (July 20). James A. Pearce, Md., Sec. of Interior (July 20). N. K. Hall, N.Y., Postmaster-Gen. (July 20). John J. Crittenden, Ky., Attorney-Gen. (July 20). T. McKennan, Penn., Sec. of Interior (August 15). Alexander H. H. Stuart, Va., Sec. of Interior (Sept. 12). EVENTS 49 In France, Provisional govern- ment, February to December. French republic — Louis Napo- leon president, December 20. Public debt of United States, $63,061,858. "Vigilants" in California set up an independent government. Rush of gold-seekers to Cali- fornia — " forty-niners." General Taylor died, July 9. California admitted into the Union. Passage of the Omnibus Bill. Attempt of a few adventurers to seize Cuba and annex to United States. Fugitive slave law passed. ENGLAND. Victoria, queen (1837 ). Lord John Russell, prime min- ister (1846-185 2). FRANCE. Louis Napoleon, president of French republic. GERMANY. Prussia : Frederick William IV (1840- 1861). Austria : Francis Joseph I (1848- — )• Frederick Francis Chopin, Po- lish musician, died. Hungary declares itself free — Kossuth governor — but is overcome by Austria and Russia. Honore de Balzac, French novelist, died. Louis Philippe died in England. Wordsworth, English poet, died, April 23, aged 80 years. 5o T WELFTH AD MINIS TRA TION 1850. Joel R. Poinsett, S.C. (1779-1851), writer: "Notes on Mexico." " Essays and Orations on Practical Subjects." Andrews Norton, Mass. ( 1786-185 2), writer : "Genuine- ness of the Gospel." Poems, hymns, etc. 1851. William Ware, Mass. (1797-1852), writer: "Zenobia." "Julian." " Probus." "Letters from Palmyra." " Sketches of European Capitals." " Lectures on Allston." Francis Robert Goulding, Ga. (1810-1881), writer: "Young Marooners," etc. Eliza Leslie, Penn. (1 787-1858), writer : "Cook Book." "Juvenile Stories." "Mrs. Washington Potts." " Althea Vernon," etc. Horace Mann, Mass. (1 796-1859), writer : Speeches and lectures on education. Samuel G. Goodrich (Peter Parley), Conn. (1 793-1 860), writer : Universal history, pictorial histories of Eng- land, France, Greece, Rome, and the United States. 1852. John P. Kennedy, Md., Sec. of War (July 22). Samuel D. Hubbard, Conn., Postmaster-Gen. (August 3). Edward Everett, Mass., Sec. of State (December 9). George P. Morris, Penn. (1802-1864), writer: "Briar Cliff." "The Deserted Bride." "Woodman, Spare that Tree." " The Little Frenchman and His Water Lots." N. P. Willis, Me. (1806-1867), writer: "Letters from under the Bridge." "Two Ways of Dying for a Husband." "Hurry-Graphs." "Out-doors at Idle- wild." " Paul Fane." " Pencillings by the Way," etc. TWELFTH ADMINISTRATION (185 3-1 85 6). 1853. President. — Franklin Pierce, N.H. Vice President. — William R. King, Ala. EVENTS 51 John C. Calhoun died. Webster's "Seventh of March Speech" on the Compromise measure. Library of Congress burned. Destruction of Minot's Ledge Lighthouse. Southern Rights Association meets at Charleston, S.C. Yacht " America " wins the in- ternational cup. Scottish poet, Joanna Baillie, died. Electric telegraph opened be- tween France and England. Great exhibition, "Crystal Pal- ace," England. Gold discovered in Australia. "Coup d'Etat" at Paris. Louis Kossuth made tour of the United States. Henry Clay died. Daniel Webster died. The " Cuban Question." "Know-nothing" party comes into existence. " Bulwer- Clayton Treaty." Froebel, founder of the Kinder- garten, died. Thomas Moore, poet, died, February 26. Duke of Wellington died. Burmese war. ENGLAND. Victoria, queen (1837 ). Earl of Aberdeen, prime minis- ter (1852-1855). 52 TWELFTH ADMINISTRATION CABINET. 1853. Sec. of State. — William L. Marcy, N.Y. (March 5). Sec. of Treas. — James Guthrie, Ky. (March 5). Sec. of War. — Jefferson Davis, Miss. (March 5). Sec. of Navy. — James C. Dobbin, N.C. (March 5). Sec. of Interior. — Robert McClelland, Mich. (March 5). Postmaster-Gen. — James Campbell, Penn. (March 5). Attorney-Gen. — Caleb Cushing, Mass. (March 5). Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Roger Brooke Taney, Md. (1837-1864). William C. Redfield, Conn. (1789-185 7), writer: Author of the circular theory of storms, and other scientific observations. 1854. Henry Reed, Penn. (1808-1854), writer: "Lectures on English Literature." "Lectures on History, as illus- trated by Shakespeare." Calvin Colton, Mass. (1789-1857), writer: "A Manual for Emigrants to America." "The Americans, by an American in London." "The American Cottager." " Church and State in America." 1855. Dr. James G. Percival, Conn. (1795-1856), writer: " Zamor." " Clio." " Prometheus." " Maria, the Village Girl." James W. Alexander, N.J. (1804-1859), writer: "The American Mechanic and Working Man." " Consola- tion." "Thoughts on Family Worship," etc. Charles Hodge, Penn. ( 1 797—1878), writer: Commen- taries on Romans, Ephesians, First and Second Corin- thians. "Systematic Theology." " The Way of Life." "What is Darwinism," etc. E VENTS 53 First corps of engineers sent out to explore route for the Pacific railroad. Commodore Perry's expedition to Japan with overtures for commercial intercourse. The World's Fair, or Crystal Palace, opened in New York. Treaty with Japan. American vessel, " Black War- rior," seized at Havanna. FRANCE. Napoleon III, emperor (1852- 1870). GERMANY. Prussia : Frederick William IV (1840- 1861). Austria : Francis Joseph I (1848- — )• Santa Anna president of Mexico. Protocol signed by England, France, Austria, and Prussia for re-establishment of peace between Turkey and Russia. Kitto, Biblical scholar in Eng- land, died. Crimean war (185 3-1 85 6). Siege of Sebastopol begun. Political disturbances in Kansas. Revolution in Mexico ; Alvarez becomes president. Industrial exhibition at Paris. Death of Nicholas, czar of Russia. Alexander II, czar of Russia. 54 THIRTEENTH ADMINISTRATION 1855. Rufus W. Griswold, Vt. (1815-1857), writer : " Poets and Poetry of America." " Prose Writers of America." " Female Poets of America." 1856. Jared Sparks, Conn. (1794-1866), writer: "The Diplo- matic Correspondence of the American Revolution." " Life of Benjamin Franklin." " Library of American Biography." " Writings of Washington." George Bancroft, Mass. (1800-1891), writer: "History of the United States." " Literary and Historical Mis- cellanies." Harriet Beecher Stowe, Conn. (1812-1896), writer: "Uncle Tom's Cabin." "Oldtown Folks." "Minis- ter's Wooing." " Little Foxes." " House and Home Papers," etc. THIRTEENTH ADMINISTRATION (185 7-1 860) 1857. President. — James Buchanan, Penn. Vice President. — J. C. Breckinridge, Ky. CABINET. Sec. of State. — Lewis Cass, Mich. (March 6). Sec. of Treas. — Howell Cobb, Ga. (March 6). Sec. of War. — John B. Floyd, Va. (March 6). Sec. of Navy. — Isaac Toucey, Conn. (March 6). Sec. of Interior. — Jacob Thompson, Miss. (March 6). Postmaster-Gen. — Aaron V. Brown, Tenn. (March 6). Attorney-Gen. — Jeremiah S. Black, Penn. (March 6). Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Roger Brooke Taney, Md. (1837-1864). Joseph E.Worcester, Mass. (1784-1865), lexicographer : " Dictionary." EVENTS 55 Ohio River frozen over from De- Heinrich Heine, the German cember 24 to February 6. poet, died. Dred Scott Case. England declares war against Potomac River frozen over. China and against Persia. Walker's filibustering expedition. ENGLAND. Victoria, queen (1837 ). Viscount Palmerston, prime minister (1855-1858). FRANCE. Minnesota admitted into the Napoleon III, emperor (1852- Union. 1870). GERMANY. Mormon rebellion. Prussia : Frederick William IV (1840- 1861). Oregon Constitutional Conven- Austria : tion. Francis Joseph I (1848- — )• 56 7 III A' TEENTH AD MINIS TRA TION 1857. Joseph Addison Alexander, NJ. (1809-1859), writer: Commentaries on Psalms, Isaiah, Acts, etc. " Primitive Church Government," etc. 1858. Edward Robinson, Conn. (1 794-1863), writer: "Pales- tine, Past and Present," etc. Lydia Huntley Sigourney, Conn. (1 791—1865), writer: "Tales and Essays for Children." "Moral Pieces in Prose and Verse." " Letters to Young Ladies." C. J. Ingersoll, Penn. (1782-1862), writer: "Rights and Wrongs, Power and Policy of the United States of America." " Inchiquin's Letters." Thomas Reade Rootes Cobb, Ga. (1822-1862), writer: " History of Slavery." " Law of Slavery," etc. William Wetmore Story, Mass. (1 819-1895), poet and sculptor. 1859. Joseph Holt, Ky., Postmaster- Gen. (July 6). Catherine M. Sedgwick, Mass. (1789-1867), writer: " Stories for Young Persons." " Tales and Sketches of Home." D. P. Thompson, Vt. (1 795-1868), writer : " May Martin ; or, The Money Diggers." "The Green Mountain Boys." " Locke Amsden." " The Rangers." James Hall, Penn. (1793-1868), writer: "Sketches of History, Life and Manners in the West." " Legends of the West." " Border Tales." [860. Philip F. Thomas, Md., Sec. of Treas. (December 9). Jeremiah S. Black, Penn., Sec. of State (December 17). Edwin M. Stanton, Ohio, Attorney-Gen. (December 20). Joseph Holt, Ky., Sec. of War (December 30). Edward Everett, Mass. (1 794-1 865), writer: "Dirge of Alaric." Orations. Theodore Winthrop, Conn. (1828-1861), writer: "Cecil Dreeme." "John Brent." " March of the Seventh." Matthew F. Maury, Va. (1806-1873), writer: "Physical Geography." " Geography of the Sea," etc. John A. Dix, N.Y., Sec. of Treas. (January 10, 1861). EVENTS 57 Discovery of gold in Colorado, and silver in Nevada. First Atlantic cable laid, New- foundland to Valentia Bay, Ireland. John Brown's raid. Oregon admitted into the Union. Sepoy rebellion in India. Massacre of Cawnpore. Commercial panic in England. Benito Juarez president of Mexico, and acknowledged by the United States. Separation of Church and State in Mexico. Marriage of the Princess Royal of England to Frederick William of Prussia. India transferred to the Govern- ment of Great Britain. Earl of Derby, prime minister of England (1858-1859). Cable laid between Suez and Aden. Macaulay died. William H. Prescott and Wash- ington Irving died. The Lecompton Constitution (Kans.) adopted. Lords Palmerston and Russell prime ministers of England (1859-1865). Japanese embassy received at Washington. South Carolina secedes from the Union, December 20th. Major Anderson of United States army occupies Fort Sumter. Mississippi secedes Jan. 9, 1861. Florida secedes Jan. 10, 1861. Alabama secedes Jan. 11, 1861. Georgia secedes Jan. 19, 1861. Louisiana secedes Jan. 26, 1S61. Sir William Napier, British soldier and writer, died. Peace signed between England and China. Garibaldi in Sicily. 58 FOURTEENTH ADMINISTRATION 1 860. Horatio King, Me., Postmaster-Gen. (February 1 2, 1 86 1 ) . Thomas Buchanan Read, Penn. (1822-1872), poet: " Sheridan's Ride," etc. FOURTEENTH ADMINISTRATION (1861-1868). 1 86 1. President. — Abraham Lincoln, 111. Vice President. — Hannibal Hamlin, Me. CABINET. Sec. of State.— William H. Seward, N.Y. (March 5). Sec. of Treas. — Salmon P. Chase, Ohio (March 5). Sec. of War. — Simon Cameron, Penn. (March 5). Sec. of Navy. — Gideon Welles, Conn. (March 5). Sec. of Interior. — Caleb B. Smith, Ind. (March 5). Postmaster-Gen. — Montgomery Blair, Md. (March 5). Attorney-Gen. — Edward Bates, Mo. (March 5). Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Roger Brooke Taney, Md. (183 7-1 864). Salmon P. Chase, Ohio (1864-1873). Richard Hildreth, Mass. ( 180 7-1 865), writer : "History of United States." " Theory of Politics." A. B. Meek (1814-1865), writer: "Balaklava." "The Red Eagle." " Romantic Scenes in Southwestern His- tory." Oliver Wendell Holmes, Mass. (1809-1894), writer: " Autocrat of the Breakfast Table." " The Professor at the Breakfast Table," etc. EVENTS Texas secedes February i, 1861. 59 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. Organized in February, 1 86 1. President. — Jefferson Davis, Miss. Vice President. — Alexander H. Stephens, Ga. CABINET. Sec. of State. — Robert Toombs, Ga. Sec. of Treas. — C. G. Mem- minger, S.C. Sec. of War. — Leroy P. Walker, Ala. Sec. of Navy. — S. R. Mallory, Fla. Postmaster-Gen. — J. H. Rea- gan, Tex. Attorney-Gen. — Judah P. Ben- jamin, La. President Lincoln called for 75,000 men to coerce the seceded States. Five more states withdrew from the Union. Kansas and West Virginia ad- mitted into the Union. Fort Sumter fired on, April 1 2. Battle of Bull Run, July 21. ENGLAND. Victoria, queen (1837 ). Palmerston-Russell ministry (1859-1865). FRANCE. Napoleon III, emperor (1852- 1870). GERMANY. Prussia : William I (1861-1888). Victor Emmanuel declared king of Italy. Death of the Prince Consort of England. Garibaldi declined a command in United States army. Gatling guns invented. Emancipation of the serfs in Russia. 6o FOURTEENTH ADMINISTRATION 1862. Edwin M. Stanton, Sec. of War (January 22). Frederick S. Cozzens, N.Y. (1818-1869), writer: " Sparrowgrass Papers.' Charles F. Browne (Artemus Ward), Me. (1834-186 7), humorist. 1863. John P. Usher, Ind., Sec. of Interior (January 8). J. Lothrop Motley, Mass. (1814-1877), writer: "History of the United Netherlands." "Rise of the Dutch Republic." " Life and Times of John Barneveldt." Samuel Austin Allibone, Perm. (1816-1889), writer: "Critical Dictionary of English Literature." 1864. William P. Fessenden, Me., Sec. of Treas. (July 1). William Dennison, Ohio, Postmaster-Gen. (September 24) James Speed, Ky., Attorney-Gen. (December 2). Fitz-Green Halleck, Conn. (1 790-1867), writer: "Marco Bozzaris." "Field of the Grounded Arms." "Burns," etc. 1865. Hugh McCulloch, Ind., Sec. of Treas. (March 7). Andrew Johnson, Tenn., Vice President. James Harlan, la., Sec. of Interior (May 15). Alice Cary, Ohio (1820-1870), writer: " Clovernook." "Hager." " Married, not Mated." Phcebe Cary, Ohio (1 824-1871), writer : " Nearer Home." James R. Randall, Md. (1843 ), writer : "Mary- land, My Maryland." Maurice Thompson, Ind. (1844 ), writer: "By- Ways and Bird Notes," etc. 1866. O. H. Browning, 111., Sec. of Interior (July 27). Alexander W. Randall, Wis., Postmaster-Gen. (July 25). H. F. Stansberry, Ky., Attorney-Gen. (July 2^). George D. Prentice, Conn. (1802-1869), writer: "The Tempest." " Essays." "The Flight of Years," etc. Jacob Abbott, Me. (1803-18 79), History and Stories. E VENTS 61 Battle of the Monitor and the Merrimac, March 9. First issue of greenbacks. Emancipation proclamation. Death of Stonewall Jackson. Battle of Gettysburg. Habeas Corpus Act suspended, September 15. Nevada admitted into the Union. Antonio Lopez, dictator of Para- guay, died. Edward Leopold von Bismarck, Prussian minister of foreign affairs. Ismail, pasha of Egypt. French captured city of Mexico. Prince of Wales married Alex- andra of Denmark. Frederick VII, king of Den- mark, died. William M. Thackeray died. Archduke Maximilian made emperor of Mexico. Schleswig-Holstein war s Petersburg and Richmond evac- uated. Lee's army surrendered, April 9. President Lincoln assassinated, April 15. Andrew Johnson President. Joseph E. Johnston's army sur- rendered. Jefferson Davis captured. Volunteers of United States army disbanded. Laying of the Atlantic cable accomplished. Elizabeth Gaskell, English writer, died. Earl Russell, prime minister of England (November 6, 1865- July 6, 1866). Rebellion in Jamaica. United States secured the with- drawal of French troops from Mexico. Earl of Derby, prime minister of England (July 6, 1866). Seven Weeks' war between Prussia and Austria. 6 2 FIFTEENTH ADMINISTRATION 1867. Richard Henry Dana, Jr. (1815-1882), writer: "Two Years before the Mast," etc. 1868. Archibald Alexander Hodge, N.J. (1823-1886), writer: "Outlines of Theology." "The Atonement." "Pres- byterian Doctrine Briefly Stated." John M. Schoneld, N.Y., Sec. of War (June 2). Edward Everett Hale, Mass. (1822 ), writer: " Story of Massachusetts," etc. John A. Broadus, Ky. (1827-1895), writer: "Preparation and Delivery of Sermons," etc. FIFTEENTH ADMINISTRATION (1869-1876) 1869. President. — U. S. Grant, Ohio. Vice President. — Schuyler Colfax, N.Y. CABINET. Sec. of State. — Hamilton Fish, N.Y. (March 5). Sec. of Treas. — George S. Boutvvell, Mass. (March 5). Sec. of War. — John M. Schoneld, N.Y. (continued). Sec. of Navy. — Adolph E. Borie, Penn. (March 5). Sec. of Interior. — Jacob D. Cox, Ohio (March 5). Postmaster-Gen. — J. A. J. Cresswell, Md. (March 5). Attorney-Gen. — E. R. Hoar, Mass. (March 5). Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Salmon P. Chase, Ohio (1864-18 73). Morrison R. Waite, Conn. (1 874-1 John A. Rawlins, Sec. of War (March 12). George M. Robeson, N.J., Sec. of Navy (June 25). W. W. Belknap, la., Sec. of War (October 13). 1870. Columbus Delano, Vt., Sec. of Interior (November 1). Henry W. Shaw (Josh Billings), Mass. (1S20-1885), humorist. EVENTS 63 Purchase of Alaska. Nebraska admitted into the Union. Seceded States readmitted into the Union. Impeachment of President Johnson. Treaty with China. Maximilian defeated and shot in Mexico. Benjamin Disraeli, prime minis- ter of England (February 27). William E. Gladstone, prime minister of England (Dec. 9). Queen Isabella II driven from the throne of Spain. ENGLAND. Victoria, queen (1837 ). William Evvart Gladstone, prime minister (1868-1874). Pacific railroad completed. The Jay Gould monetary panic. FRANCE. Napoleon III, emperor (1852- 1870). GERMANY. William I, emperor (1 86 1-1 Suez Canal opened. Disestablishment of the Irish Church. Fifteenth amendment announced as part of the Constitution. Death of General Robert E. Lee. Franco-German war (1870- 1S71). Third republic in France. 6 4 FIFTEENTH ADMINISTRATION 1870. Louis Agassiz, Switzerland (1807-1873), writer: Contri- butions to the Natural History of the United States. Charles H. Smith (Bill Arp), Ga. (1826 ), humorist. 1871. William Cullen Bryant, Mass. (1 794-1878), writer: "Thanatopsis." "The Embargo." "The Ages." " History of United States," etc. Richard Grant White, N.Y. (1821-1885), essayist. Alexander H. Stephens, Ga. (1812-1883), writer : "His- tory of the War between the States." Richard Malcolm Johnston, Ga. (1822 ), novelist. 1872. Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mass. (1804-1864), writer: "Tanglewood Tales." "Mosses from an Old Manse." "House of the Seven Gables." "Marble Faun." "The Scarlet Letter," etc. J. T. Trowbridge, N.Y. (1827 ), novelist. 1873. Henry Wilson, Mass., Vice President. H. T. Tuckerman, Mass. (1813-1871), writer: "Italian Sketch Book." "Artist Life." "Thoughts on the Poets." "Characteristics of Literature." Essays, biographical and critical. John Le Conte, Ga. (1818-1891), scientist. 1874. B. H. Bristow, Ky., Sec. of Treas. (June 3). Marshall Jewell, Conn., Postmaster-Gen. (August 24). James Wood Davidson, S.C. (1829 ), historian. Benjamin P. Shillaber (Mrs. Partington), b. in N.H. (1814-1891), humorist. 1875. Edwards Pierrepont, N.Y., Attorney-Gen. (April 26). Zachariah Chandler, Mich., Sec. of Interior (October 19). John L. Le Conte, Cal. (1 825-1 883), scientist. Mark Hopkins, Mass. (1802-188 7), writer : " Lectures on Evidences of Christianity." "The Laws of Love, and Love as Law." 1876. Susan Warner, N.Y. (1819-1885), writer: "Wide, Wide World." "Queechy." "Daisy." "Old Helmet." " Melbourne House," etc. £ VENTS 65 Chicago fire. Damages recovered from Eng- land on account of the Ala- bama and other Confederate cruisers. Government of national defense in France (1870-1871). Paris famine. Battle of Amiens. Louis A. Thiers president of France (1871-1873). Bismarck first chancellor of German Empire. Stanley finds Livingstone at Ujiji in Africa. Great fire in Boston. Death of Horace Greeley. Credit Mobilier investigation. Death of Professor Morse, in- ventor of the telegraph. Railroad panic. War with the Modoc Indians. Chief Justice Chase died. Hiram Powers, American sculp- tor, died. Difficulties in Louisiana over the gubernatorial election. Slave emancipation in Brazil. Amadeus, king of Spain (1871- 1873). Marshal MacMahon president of France (1 873-1 879). Germans evacuate France. Livingstone died in Africa. Guizot, statesman and historian, of France, died. Benjamin Disraeli (Earl of Beaconsfield), prime minister of England (February 21, 1874). Fiji Islands formally annexed to Great Britain. Colorado admitted into the Sources of the Nile discovered. Union — the thirty-eighth General Diaz president of State. Mexico. 66 SIXTEENTH ADMINISTRATION 1876. Anna B. Warner, N.Y. (1820 ), writer: "Carl Krinken." " Mr. Rutherford's Children." " The Other Shore." Alphonso Taft, Ohio, Attorney-Gen. (May 22). William Taylor Adams (Oliver Optic), Mass. (1822 ), writer. Sarah Orne Jewett, Me. (1849 )> novelist. Edgar Wilson Nye (Bill Nye), Me. (185 0-1896), humorist. Justin Winsor, Mass. (1831 ), librarian and historian : " Readers' Handbook of the American Revolution," etc. SIXTEENTH ADMINISTRATION (1877-1880). 1877. President. — Rutherford B. Hayes, Ohio. Vice President. — William A. Wheeler, N.Y. CABINET. Sec. of State. — William M. Evarts, N.Y. (March 10). Sec. of Treas. — John Sherman, Ohio (March 8). Sec. of War. — George W. McCrary, la. (March to). Sec. of Navy. — Richard W.Thompson, Ind. (March 10). Sec. of Interior. — Carl Schurz, Mo. (March 10). Postmaster-Gen. — David M. Key, Tenn. (March 10). Attorney-Gen. — Charles Devens, Mass. (March 10). Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Morrison R. Waite, Conn. (1 874-1 i 1878. Bayard Taylor, Penn. (1824-1878), writer: "Miss Gil- bert's Career." "The Story of Kennett." "The Lands of the Saracen." " Byways of Europe." " The Poet's Journal," etc. Epes Sargent, Mass. (18 13-1880), poet. Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Mass. (1823 ), writer. J. G. Holland, Mass. (1819-1881), writer : " Kathrina." "The Titcomb Letters." "The Bay Path." "Bitter- Sweet." " Arthur Bonnycastle." EVENTS 67 War with the Sioux. Massacre of Custer's army. Centennial Exhibition, Philadel- phia, May-November. Great railroad strike. War with the Nez Perce Indians. Bell telephone invented. Edison phonograph invented. Yellow fever epidemic in Mem- phis, New Orleans, Grenada, etc. First resident Chinese embassy at Washington. Life-saving service of United States established. Fishery dispute settled with Great Britain. ENGLAND. Victoria, queen (1837 ). Benjamin Disraeli, prime min- ister (1874-1880). FRANCE. Marshal MacMahon, president (1873-1879). Thiers, French statesman and historian, died. GERMANY. William I, emperor (1861- The Turko-Russian war, 1877— 1878. Victor Emmanuel, king of Italy, died. Humbert, son of Victor Em- manuel, succeeds him on the throne. Afghan war. 58 SIXTEENTH ADMINISTRATION 1878. Sidney Lanier, Ga. (1842-1881), writer: "Tiger-Lilies." "Science of English Verse." "The English Novel." " From this Hundred-terraced Height," etc. George W. Cable, La. (1844 ), writer : "Old Creole Days." "The Grandissimes." " Dr. Sevier." Charles Etienne Arthur Gayarr£, La. (1 805-1 895), writer : " Creoles of History and Creoles of Romance." " His- tory of Louisiana." 1879. H. W. Longfellow, Me. (1807-1882), writer : " Hyperion." "Kavanaugh." "Evangeline." "Hiawatha." "Miles Standish." " Excelsior." " Psalm of Life," etc. Wendell Phillips, Mass. (1811-1884), writer: "The Lost Arts." Orations and lectures. Helen Hunt Jackson, Mass. (1 831-1885), writer : " Love's Largess." " Ramona." "Between Whiles." "The Hunter Cats of Connorloa." John Esten Cooke, Va. (1 830-1 886), writer: "Leather Stocking and Silk." " Surrey of Eagle's Nest." " Mo- hun." " Hilt to Hilt." " Fairfax," etc. Paul Hamilton Hayne, S.C. -(1830-1886), writer : "The Temptation of Venus." " Avolio," etc. John G. Saxe, Vt. (1816-1887), writer: "The Money King." " Rape of the Lock," etc. Harriet Prescott Spofford, Me. (1835 ), writer: " The Amber Gods." " New England Legends." " The Servant Girl Question," etc. 1880. Louisa May Alcott, Mass. (1832-1888), writer: "Little Women." " An Old-fashioned Girl." " Little Men," etc. E. P. Roe, N.Y. (1838-1888), writer: "From Jest to Earnest." " Barriers Burned Away," etc. Rebecca Harding Davis, Penn. (b. W. Va., 1831 ), writer : " Life in the Iron Mills." " Margaret Howth." " Kent Hampden," etc. Lucy Larcom, Mass. (1 826-1 893), poet. Cincinnatus Heine (Joaquin) Miller, Ind. (1841-), poet. Horace Maynard, Tenn., Postmaster-Gen. (May 19). EVENTS 6 9 Resumption of specie payments. F. J. P. Jules Grevy president of France (1879-188 7). Mississippi jetties built. Irish Land League formed. Population of the United States, 50,155,783. Centre of population, Cincinnati. Election of James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur. William Ewart Gladstone, prime minister of England (April 28). Venezuela separated from Co- lombia and Ecuador. George Eliot died, Dec. 22. House of Commons passes res- olution in favor of closing public-houses on Sunday in England and Wales, June 25. Jules Ferry, premier of France (September 22). y SEVENTEENTH ADMINISTRATION SEVENTEENTH ADMINISTRATION (1881-1884). 1. President. — James A. Garfield, Ohio. Vice President. — Chester A. Arthur, N.Y. (b. Vt.). CABINET. Sec. of State. — James G. Blaine, Me. (March 5). Sec. of Treas. — William Windom, Minn. (March 5). Sec. of War. — Robert T. Lincoln, 111. (March 5). Sec. of Navy.— William H. Hunt, La. (March 5). Sec. of Interior. — Samuel J. Kirkwood, Iowa (March 5). Postmaster-Gen. — Thomas L. James, N.Y. (March 5). Attorney-Gen. — Wayne McVeagh, Penn. (March 5). Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Morrison R. Waite (1874-1888), Charles J. Folger, N.Y., Sec. of Treas. (November 15). F. T. Frelinghuysen, N.J., Sec. of State (December 15). Benjamin Harris Brewster, Penn., Attorney- Gen. (Decem- ber 16). Rose Terry Cooke, Conn. (18 2 7-1 892), novelist. 2. Henry M. Teller, Col, Sec. of Interior (April 18). Timothy O. Howe, Wis., Postmaster-Gen. (January 5). William E. Chandler, N.H., Sec. of Navy (April 18). Donald G. Mitchell, Conn. (1822 ) , writer : " Dream Life." "Reveries of a Bachelor," etc. Sara J. Lippincott (Grace Greenwood), N.Y. (1823- ) , writer : " Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe," etc. Moses Coit Tyler, Conn. (1835 ), writer: " History of American Literature," etc. EVENTS 71 President Garfield shot (July 2) by Guiteau ; died Sept. 19. Vice President Chester A. Arthur became President. Star Route frauds. ENGLAND. Victoria, queen (1837 ). William Ewart Gladstone, prime minister (1880-1885). FRANCE. Francois J. P. Grevy, president (1879-1887). GERMANY. William I, emperor (1861- 1888). ' One hundred and twenty Egyp- tian soldiers massacred in the Sudan by the followers of a false prophet. Assassination of Alexander II of Russia. Alexander III, czar. Great floods in the Mississippi valley. Anti-polygamy Bill. Chinese Exclusion Bill. Garibaldi died. Arabi Pasha's rebellion. Bombardment of Alexandria. Lord Frederick Cavendish, lord- lieutenant of Ireland, assas- sinated in Phoenix Park, Dub- lin, May 6. Charles R. Darwin, author of " Origin of Species," died. J2 EIGHTEENTH ADMINISTRA IT ON 1882. John Boyle O'Reilly, b. in Ireland (1 844-1 891), poet. Julian Hawthorne, Mass. (1846 ), novelist. George William Curtis, N.Y., b. in R.I. ( 1 824-1 892) , writer : " Essays from the ' Easy Chair.' " " Prue and I," etc. 1883. A. J. Conant, Vt. (1821 ), writer: "Footprints of Vanished Races in the Mississippi Valley," etc. Augusta Evans Wilson, Ala. (1835 )> writer: " St. Elmo." " Beulah," etc. Francis C. Fisher (Christian Reid), N.C., writer: "Land of the Sky." " Bonny Kate," etc. Edgar Fawcett, N.Y. (1847 )> novelist and poet. M. V. Terhune (Marion Harland), b. Va. (1830 ), writer: "Alone." " Husbands and Homes." "Eve's Daughters," etc. 1884. Margaret J. Pjeston, Va. (b. Penn., 1825 ) : " Beech- enbrook." "A Handful of Monographs." "Colonial Ballads," etc. A. D. T. Whitney, Mass. (1824 ), writer: "A Golden Gossip." " We Girls." " Real Folks," etc. Abraham Joseph Ryan, Va. (1 834-1 886), poet : "Re- united." "Conquered Banner," etc. Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain), Mo. (1835- — ), humorist : " Innocents Abroad." " Roughing It," etc. Jefferson Davis, Miss. (1808-1889), writer: "The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government." EIGHTEENTH ADMINISTRATION (1885-1888). 1885. President. — Grover Cleveland, N.Y. Vice President. — T. A. Hendricks, Ind. CABINET. Sec. of State. — Thomas F. Bayard, Del. (March 5) Sec. of Treas. — Daniel Manning, N.Y. (March 5). EVENTS 73 Apache Indians captured by General Crook. Letter postage reduced from three to two cents each ounce. Treaty ratified between United States and Korea. Alexander H. Stephens died. Paul Gustave Dor£, French artist, died. J. R. Green, English historian, died. Eruption of Mount Etna. War in the Sudan. Bartholdi's Statue of Liberty formally presented by France to United States. French conquest and occupa- tion of Tonquin, and treaty of peace with China. General Diaz president of Mexico. Relief party discovered Lieu- tenant Greely, June 22. Germans in New Guinea. Dedication of the Washington Monument at Washington, February 21. ENGLAND. Victoria, queen (1837 ). Marquis of Salisbury, prime minister (June 24, 1885, to February 6, 1886). 74 EIGHTEENTH ADMINISTRATION 1885. Sec. of War. — William C. Endicott, Mass. (March 5). Sec. of Navy. — William C. Whitney, N.Y. (March 5). Sec. of Interior. — L. Q. C. Lamar, Miss. (March 5). Postmaster-Gen. — William F. Vilas, Wis. (March 5). Attorney-Gen. — Augustus H. Garland, Ark. (March 5). Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Morrison R. Waite, Conn. (1873-1888). Melville W. Fuller, 111. (1888 ). 1886. James Russell Lowell, Mass. (1819-1891), poet: "A Year's Life." " The Vision of Sir Launfal." " Biglovv Papers," etc. John Greenleaf Whittier, Mass. (1 807-1 892), poet: " Legends of New England." " Snow-bound," etc. John Lord, N.H. (1812-1894), writer : "Beacon Lights of History." Grace King, La. (181 8 ), writer : " Tales of a Time and Place." " Earthlings," etc. Lew Wallace, Ind. (1827 ), writer: "Ben Hur." " Prince of India," etc. Charles Dudley Warner, Mass. (1829 ), writer: "A Little Journey in the World." " In the Levant," etc. Frank R. Stockton, Penn. (1834 ), writer: "The Lady or the Tiger." "Rudder Grange." "House of Martha," etc. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward, Mass. (1844 ), novelist and poet. 1887. Thomas W. Knox, N.H. ( 1 835-1 896), writer : "The Boy Travelers in Central Europe," etc. Thomas Bailey Aldrich, N.H. (1836 ), writer: " Story of a Bad Boy." " Marjorie Daw." W. D. Howells, Ohio (1837 ), writer: "Their Wedding Journey." "The Quality of Mercy," etc. Edward Eggleston, Ind. (1837 ), writer: "The Hoosier Schoolmaster," etc. E VENTS 75 Death of General U. S. Grant, G. B. McClellan, W. S. Han- cock, John A. Logan, and Vice President T. A. Hen- dricks. Charleston earthquakes. Death of H. Seymour and S. J. Tilden. Presidential succession settled as follows : Vice President ; Sec. of State ; Sec. of Treas. ; Sec. of War ; Attorney-Gen. ; Sec. of Navy ; Postmaster- Gen. ; Sec. of Interior. Anarchist riot in Chicago. FRANCE. F. J. P. Jules Grevy, president (1S79-1887). GERMANY. William I, emperor (1861- 1888). Siege of Khartoum and death of Charles George Gordon. Louis Riel, leader of Canadian rebellion, captured. William E. Gladstone, prime minister of England (Febru- ary 6) ; Marquis of Salis- bury (August 3). France assumes a protectorate of Madagascar. English add Burmah to their East India possessions. New French cabinet announced ; M. de Freycinet president of council. Disputes concerning fisheries. Interstate Commerce Bill. Jenny Lind died. Mrs. Mulock-Craik died. M. F. Sadi-Carnot, president of France. " Queen's Jubilee." 7 6 NINETEENTH ADMINISTRATION 1887. F. Hopkinson Smith, Va., b. in Md. (1838 ), writer : " Colonel Carter of Cartersville," etc. Charles S. Fairchild, N.Y., Sec. of Treas. (April 1). William F. Vilas, Wis., Sec. of Interior (January 16). Francis Bret Harte, N.Y. (1839 ), writer: "The Luck of Roaring Camp." "The Heathen Chinee," etc. 1888. Donald McD. Dickinson, Mich., Postmaster-Gen. (Janu- ary 16). John Fiske, Mass., b. in Conn. (1842 ), writer: "The Critical Period of American History." "Out- lines of Cosmic Philosophy," etc. Henry James, Jr., N.Y. (1843 ), writer: "An In- ternational Episode." " Life of Hawthorne," etc. Will Carleton, Mich. (1845 )> P oet : "Betsy and I are Out." " Farm Legends," etc. Francis Marion Crawford, N.Y. (1845 )> writer: "The Witch of Prague." " Khalid," etc. John Bach McMaster, N.Y. (1851 ), writer: "His- tory of the People of the United States." " Life of Benjamin Franklin." NINETEENTH ADMINISTRATION (1889-1892). 1889. President. — Benjamin Harrison, Ind. (b. Ohio). Vice President. — L. P. Morton, N.Y. CABINET. Sec. of State. — James G. Blaine, Me. (March 5). Sec. of Treas. — William Windom, Minn. (March 5). Sec. of War. — Redfield Proctor, Vt. (March 5). Sec. of Navy. — Benjamin F. Tracy, N.Y. (March 6). Sec. of Interior. — John W. Noble, Mo. (March 6). Sec. of Agriculture. — J. M. Rusk, Wis. (March 6). Postmaster-Gen. — John Wanamaker, Penn. (March 6). Attorney-Gen. — W. H. H. Miller, Ind. (March 6). E VENTS 77 Total number of immigrants into the United States during the year, 509,281. Chief Justice Waite died. Chinese Exclusion Bill, forbid- ding entry of Chinese laborers into United States for twenty years. William I, emperor of Ger- many, died, March 9. Frederick III, his successor, died, June 15, after a rdgn of three months. William II succeeded, June 15. The two Dakotas, Washington, and Montana admitted into the Union. Johnstown disaster. Ill-feeling with Germany about Samoa. Jefferson Davis died. Statue of Franklin unveiled in Washington. ENGLAND. Victoria, queen (1837 ). Lord Salisbury, prime minister (July, 1886-August, 1892). FRANCE. M. Marie Francois Sadi-Carnot, president (1887-1894). GERMANY. William II, emperor (1888- )• 78 NINETEENTH ADMINISTRATION 1889. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Melville W. Fuller, 111. (1888 ). John Clark Ridpath, Ind. (1840 ), writer: "His- tory of the United States." T. C. De Leon, S.C. (1839 ), writer: "A Fair Blockade Breaker." " Creole and Puritan," etc. S. Weir Mitchell, M.D., Penn. (1829 ), novelist. Rebecca S. Clark (Sophie May), Me. (1833 ), Children's Stories. Edmund Clarence Stedman, Conn. (1833 ), poet. Louise Chandler Moulton, Conn. (1835 ), novelist. Celia L. Thaxter, N.H. (1 835-1 894), poet. Margaret E. Sangster, N.Y. (1838 ), Harper's Bazar, etc. 1890. Constance Fenimore Woolson, N.H. (1 848-1 894), writer : " Ann." " East Angels," etc. Joel Chandler Harris, Ga. (1848 ), writer : " Nights with Uncle Remus," etc. Frances Hodgson Burnett, Tenn. (1849 )> writer: "That Lass o' Lowrie's." "Little Lord Fauntleroy," etc. Thomas A. Janvier, Penn. (1849 )> wr iter : "The Uncle of an Angel," etc. Edward Bellamy, Mass. (1850 ), writer: " Looking Backward." William H. Hayne, S.C. (1856 ), poet. Margaret W. Deland, Mass., b. in Penn. (1857 ), novelist. 1891. Charles Foster, Ohio, Sec. of Treas. (February 24). Stephen B. Elkins, N.Y., Sec. of War (December 22). Amelia E. Barr, N.Y. (b. England, 1832 ), novelist. Wolcott Balestier, N.Y. (1861-1891), novelist. Mary N. Murfree (Charles Egbert Craddock), Tenn. (1850 ), writer: " In the Tennessee Mountains," etc. E VENTt 79 Government of Japan changed from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional government. Revolution in Brazil. Stanley reached east coast of Africa. Crown Prince Rudolph of Austria committed suicide. Idaho and Wyoming admitted into the Union. Chief of New Orleans police shot, as supposed, by Italians. Revolution in San Salvador and Argentine Confederation. Bismarck resigned offices of chancellor, president of Prus- sian ministry, and minister of foreign affairs, and received title of Duke of Lauenburg. Trouble between the miners and convicts in Tennessee. International Copyright Act. End of the Chilian war. Terrible earthquakes in Japan. Riots and massacres in China. 8q TWENTIETH ADMINISTRATION 1 89 1. Richard Harding Davis, Penn. (1865 ), writer: Short Stories. Lafcadio Hearn, La. (i860 ): Stories. "Chita; A Memory of Last Island," etc. James Whitcomb Riley, Ind. (1852 ), poet. Brander Matthews, N.Y., b. in La. (1852 ), novelist and poet. Palmer Cox, Canada (1840 ), writer: "The Brownies." Isabella McD. Alden (Pansy), N.Y. (1841 ), writer: Pansy Books. 1892. Martha J. Lamb, N.Y., b. in Mass. (1829-1893), his- torian : Editor of " Magazine of American History." Henry M. Stanton, Ky. (1834 ), poet. Katherine Pearson Woods, W. Va. (1853 ), novelist : " Metzerott, Shoemaker," etc. Frank L. Stanton, S.C. (1858 ), poet. Constance Carey (Mrs. Burton) Harrison, Va. (1835- ), writer: " The Anglomaniacs." "The Bachelor Maid," etc. Allen C. Thomas, Penn., b. in Md. (1846 ), writer: " History of United States," etc. TWENTIETH ADMINISTRATION (1893-1896). 1893. President. — Grover Cleveland, N.Y. Vice President. — Adlai E. Stevenson, 111. (b. Ky.). CABINET. Sec. of State. — Walter Q. Gresham, 111. (March 6). Sec. of Treas. — John G. Carlisle, Ky. (March 6). Sec. of War. — Daniel S. Lamont, N.Y. (March 6). Sec. of Navy. — Hilary A. Herbert, Ala. (March 6). Sec. of Interior. — Hoke Smith, Ga. (March 6). EVENTS Peary's first Arctic expedition. 81 Treaty signed by United States and Great Britain, agreeing to refer Behring Sea fisheries controversy to an interna- tional board of arbitration. Homestead, Penn., labor troubles. William Evvart Gladstone, prime minister of England (August 15)- General Diaz proclaimed presi- dent of Mexico for four years more, beginning De- cember 1. Centennial of French Revolu- tion celebrated, September 22. Tennyson died, October 6. World's Fair opened in Chicago. Supreme Court of United States sustained constitutionality of Geary Chinese Exclusion Act. Body of Jefferson Davis re- moved from New Orleans to Richmond, Va. Floods in the Mississippi River. Great financial distress. ■)• ENGLAND. Victoria, queen (1837- William Ewart Gladstone, prime minister (1892-1894) FRANCE: M. Marie Francois Sadi-Carnot, president (188 7-1 894). g 2 TWENTIETH ADMINISTRATION 1893. Sec. of Agriculture. — J. Sterling Morton, Neb. (March 6) . Postmaster-Gen. — Wilson S. Bissell, N.Y. (March 7). Attorney-Gen. — Richard Olney, Mass. (March 6). Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Melville W. Fuller, 111. (1888 ). Mary E. Wilkins, Mass. (1862 ), novelist: "A Humble Romance," etc. Amedie Rives, Va. (1863 ), novelist: "Virginia of Virginia." " Farrier Lass of Piping Pebworth." "The Quick or the Dead." M. Rutherford, Ga. (185 1 ), writer: "English Authors." " American Authors." Captain Charles King, N.Y. (1844 ), writer: "The Colonel's Daughter," etc. Eugene Field, Mo. (1850-1895), poet. Mrs. George C. Riggs (Kate Douglas Wiggin), Penn. (1858 ), novelist. Thomas Nelson Page, Va. (1853 ), writer: "On Newfound River." " Marse Chan,"etc. Robert Burns Wilson, Ky. (b. Penn., 1850 ), poet and artist. Harry Stillwell Edwards, Ga. (1854 ) : Dialect Stories. H. Jerome Stockard, N.C. (1858 ), poet. Molly Elliot Seawell, Va. (1859 ), writer: "On the Absence of Creative Faculty in Women." " Decatur and Somers," etc. Julian Ralph, N.Y. (1853 ), writer: "Our Great West." "On Canada's Frontier," etc. 1894. Frank Dempster Sherman, N.Y. (1S60 ), writer. Julia Magruder, Va. (1854 ), novelist : "A Magnifi- cent Plebeian," etc. M. G. McClelland, Va. (185 3-1 895), novelist : " Oblivion." " St. John's Wooing." " The Old Post Road," etc. E VENTS 83 President sent request to Con- gress in extra session for re- peal of Sherman Silver Bill. Heavy storms on the Atlantic seaboard from Florida to Maine. Peary's expedition to Arctic regions. Chinese Exclusion Bill declared constitutional by Supreme Court. GERMANY. William II, emperor (1888- )• Movement for annexation of Hawaii. French war in Dahomey. Death of Robert McAll of McAll Mission, France. Prince George, son of Prince of Wales, married Princess Victoria Mary of Teck. British battle-ships "Victoria" and " Camperdown " collided off Tripoli. Jerome Bonaparte died. Royal Government in Hawaii overturned. Labor disturbances in many states. Midwinter Fair in California. " Kearsarge " wrecked in the Caribbean Sea. George W. Childs died, Febru- ary 3. Earl of Rosebery, prime minis- ter of England, March 3. World's Conference of Y.M.C.A. in London. Earthquakes in Greece. 8 4 T WEN TIE TH ADM IN IS TRA TION 1894. Samuel Minturn Peck, Ala. (1854 ), poet. Edith M. Thomas, N.Y., b. in O. (1854 ), poet. John Kendrick Bangs, N.Y. (1862 ), writer: " Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica," etc. Orelia Key Bell, Ga. (1864 ), poet. Danske Dandridge, b. Denmark (1861 ), poet. James Lane Allen, Ky., novelist : "John Gray." "Ken- tucky Cardinal," etc. E. R. P. Allan, Va., writer : Stones for the young. Robert Grant, Mass. (1852 ), novelist and poet: "The Little Tin Gods-on-wheels." Henry J. Van Dyke, N.Y. (1852 ), "The Other Wise Man," etc. 895- OTHER WRITERS OF THE DAY. 1896. John Fox, Ky. : "The Mountain Europa," etc. Agnes Repplier, Pa. : Essays. Alice French : " Octave Thanet." Stories. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Wis., poet. Evelyn Everett Green : Historical Romance. Mat Crim, La. : Southern Stories. Maud Wilder Goodwin : Historical Romance. Ruth McEnery Stuart, La. : Southern Stories. Will Allen Dromgoole : Tennessee Dialect Stories. Mildred C. Watkins, Va. : American Literature. Abbe Carter Goodloe, Ky. : " College Girls." Mamie S. Paden, Col., poet. EVENTS 85 Coxey's army march on Wash- ington ; leaders arrested. Lexovv investigation committee, New York. American Railway Union de- clare boycott of Pullman cars. United States troops sent to Chicago to suppress riots. Strike ended July 15. Wilson Tariff Bill, with Senate amendments, became a law. Tammany overthrown in New York. Hon. Walter Q. Gresham, Sec. of State, died, May 28. Richard Olney, Mass., Sec. of State (June 7). Judson Harmon, O., Attorney- Gen. (June 7). William L. Wilson, W. Va., Post- master-Gen. (March 1), in place of Wilson S. Bissell resigned. Police reform in New York City. Utah admitted into the Union, January, 1896. Threatening of war with Great Britain over Venezuelan boundary. Constitution of the Hawaiian Republic proclaimed, July 4. Revolution in Korea. President M. F. Sadi-Carnot of France stabbed by anarchist. M. Casimir-Perier elected presi- dent, June 27. Sir Austin Henry Layard, ex- plorer, died, July 5. New Atlantic cable. China and Japan began war. The old boundary dispute be- tween Brazil and Argentine Confederation settled by arbi- tration (President Cleveland) in favor of Brazil. Death of Alexander III of Russia; Nicholas II, czar. M. Felix Faure president of France, January 1 7. Death of crown prince of Siam. Cowfa Maha Vigararat pro- claimed crown prince of Siam, January 17, while in England at school. Lord Salisbury, prime minister of England (June 24). Japan victorious in war with China. Korea transferred to protection of Japan. Murder of the queen of Korea. Massacres in Armenia. Fighting in the Transvaal. 36 RULING SOVEREIGNS RULING SOVEREIGNS OF EUROPE. Austro-Hungarian Monarchy . . . Emperor Francis Joseph. Belgium King Leopold II. Bulgaria King Ferdinand. Denmark King Christian IX. France M. Casimir-Perier, elected president June 27, 1895. Germany Emperor William II. Great Britain Empress or Queen Victoria. Greece King George I. Italy King Humbert I. Mexico General Diaz, elected De- cember 1, 1892, for four years. Monte Negro Prince Nicholas. Netherlands Queen Wilhelmina. Norway and Sweden King Oscar II. Portugal King Carlos I. Roumania Prince Charles I. Russia Czar Nicholas II. Servia King Alexander. Spain King Alphonso XIII. Swiss Republic President M. Adrian Lache- nal, elected December 13, 1 895, for one year. INDEX. A. Abbott, Jacob, 60. Aberdeen, Earl of, 51. Absence of Creative Faculty in Women, On the, 82. Adams and liberty, 24. Adams, John, 13, 16, 19, 20, 35. Adams, John Quincy, 30, 32-34, 47. Adams, Samuel, 13. Adams, William Taylor (Oliver Optic), 66. Addington, Rt. Hon. Henry, 23. Administration, First, 16. Administration, Second, 20. Administration, Third, 22. Administration, Fourth, 26. Administration, Fifth, 30. Administration, Sixth, 32. Administration, Seventh, 34. Administration, Eighth, 38. Administration, Ninth, 40. Administration, Tenth, 44. Administration, Eleventh, 48. Administration, Twelfth, 50. Administration, Thirteenth, 54. Administration, Fourteenth, 58. Administration, Fifteenth, 62. Administration, Sixteenth, 66. Administration, Seventeenth, 70. Administration, Eighteenth, 72. Administration, Nineteenth, 76. Administration, Twentieth, 80. Afghans, 43, 47. Afghan war, 67. Africa, History of Colonization on West Coast of, 48. Agassiz, Louis, 64. Ages, The, 64. Alabama, 31, 57. "Alabama," Confederate cruiser, 65. Alamo, massacre at, 39. Alaska, purchase of, 63. Albany, 10, 37. Albert Edward, 43. Alcott, Louisa May, 68. Alden, Isabella McD., 80. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 74. Alexander, Archibald, 48. Alexander I, 25. Alexander, James W., 52. Alexander, Joseph Addison, 56. Alexander II, of Russia, 53, 71. Alexander III, of Russia, 71, 85. Alexander, King of Servia, 86. Alexandra of Denmark, 61. Alexandria, 71. Algiers, 19, 37. Alien and sedition laws, 21. Allan, E. R. P., 84. Allen, Ethan, 17. Allen, James Lane, 84. Alliance, of France, 12. Alliance, of Spain, 12. Alliance, Triple, 15. Allibone, Samuel Austin, 60. Allston, Washington, 42. Alls ton, Lectures on, 50. Alone, 72. Alphonso XIII, King of Spain, 86. Althea Vernon, 50. Alvarez, 53. Amadeus, king of Spain, 65. Amazon River, 2. Amber Gods, The, 68. Ambrose s, Mr., Letters on the Rebellion, 46. American Annals, 36. American Authors, 82. Americatt Biographies, 18. American Commonplace Book 0/ Prose, 48. American Cottager, The, 52. 87 88 INDEX American Literature, Lectures on, 40; History of, 70. American Mechanic and Workingman, The, 52. American Medical Biography, 42. A?nericati Naval Officers, Lives of, 46. American Practical Navigator, The, 24. American Revolution, Reader's Handbook of, 66. American Student, T/i€, 40. Americans, 12. Americans by an American in London The, 52. Amerigo Vespucci, 2. Amidas, Philip, 4. Amiens, battle of, 65. Amsterdam, New, 7. Ancient and Modern History, 42. Anderson, Major, 57. Andre, 14. Anglomaniacs, The, 80. ^4««, 78. Annabel Lee, 44. Annals of Quodlibet, The, 46. Annapolis Convention, 14. Anne, Queen, 11. Annexation of Texas, 41. Annotated Edition of Blackstone, Annular eclipse of sun, 41. Anti-corn-law, 45. Anti-polygamy Bill, 71. Apache Indians, 73. Arabi Pasha, 71. Arbitration by President Cleveland 85. Arctic Ocean, 13. Argentine Confederation, 79. Arkansas, 39. Armada, Spanish, 5. Armstrong, John, 28. Arnold, Benedict, 14. Arthur Bonnycastle, 66. Arthur, Chester A., 69, 70, 71. Arthur Mervyn, 22. Arthur Middleton, 15. Artist Life, 64. Ashburton Treaty, 43. Asiatic cholera, 37. Assumption Bill, 17. Astoria, 29. At Home and Abroad, 44. Atlantic cable, 57, 61. Atonement, The, 62. Audubon, John J., 46. Augustus, Prince, 39. Australia, gold in, 51. Austria, 19, 27, 31, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45 47- 49, 53- 55- Austria, House of, 3. Austria signed protocol for peace be- tween Turkey and Russia, 53. Austrian succession, war of, 11. AustrOrHungarian monarchy, 86. Autobiography, 32. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, 58. Avolio, 68. Ayllon, Lucas Vasquez de, 2. B. Babylonian Captivity, The, 22. Bachelor, and Other Tales, The, 40. Bachelor Maid, The, 80. Bacon, Lord, 7. Bacon's Rebellion, 9. Badger, George E., 42. Baillie, Joanna, 51. Balaklava, 58. Balboa, Nunez de, 2. Balcomb, George, 40. Balestier, Wolcott, 78. Ballads about Authors, 66. Baltimore, 31. Baltimore, Lord, 7. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 37. Balzac, Honore de, 49. Bancroft, Aaron, 36. Bancroft, George, 44, 54. Bangs, John Kendrick, 84. Bank, National, 31. Bank of United States, 19. Banks suspended specie payment, 41,43. Barbour, James, 34. Barlow, Arthur, 4. Barlow, Joel, 22. Barr, Amelia E., 78. Barriers Burned Away, 68. Barry, William T., 36. Bartholdi's statue, 73. Bartlett, Josiah, 13. Basle, Treaties of, 19. Bastile, 17. Bates, Edward, 58. INDEX 8 9 Battle of the Kegs, The, 18. Bayard, Thomas F., 72. Bay Path, The, 66. Beacon Lights of History, 74. Beaconsfield, Earl of, 65. Beauchamp : A Tale of Kentucky, 46. Beechenbrook, 72. Behring Sea fisheries, 81. Belgium, 37, 86. Belknap, Jeremy, 18. Belknap, W. W., 62. Bellamy, Edward, 78. Belles of Williamsburg, The, 32 ; Sequel to, 32. Bell, John, 42. Bell, Orelia Key, 84. Bells, The, 44. Ben Hur, 74. Benjamin, Judah P., 59. Berrien, J. McP., 36. Betsy and I are out, 76. Between Whiles, 68. Beulah, 72. Beverly, Robert, 10. Bibb, George M., 44. Bible, 3. Biglow Papers, 74. Biographical Sketches, 40. Biographies of Good Wives, 44. Birds of America, 46. Bismarck, 61, 65, 79. Bissell, Wilson S., 82. Bitter- Sweet, 66. Black Hawk war, 37. Black, Jeremiah S., 54, 56. Black Sea, 25. " Black Warrior," 53. Blackwood's Magazine, 31. Blaine, James G., 70, 76. Blair, James, 10. Blair, Montgomery, 58. Bland, Richard, 12. Bonaparte, Jerome, 47, 83. Bonaparte, Napoleon, 21. Bonaparte, Napoleon, First Consul, 23. Bonaparte, Napoleon, Emperor, 25, 27. Bonaparte, Napoleon, abdicated, 29. Bonaparte, Napoleon, Essay on, 40. Bonaparte of Corsica, Mr., 84. Bonny Kate, 72. Boone, Daniel, 12, 33. Border Tales, 56. Borie, Adolphe E., 62. Boston, 7, 12, 13. Boston, great fire in, 65. Botanical Writers of America, History of, 34- Bourbon, house of, 5, 29. Bourbon Orleans, house of, 43. Boutwell, George S., 62. Bowditch, Nathaniel, 24. Boycott of Pullman cars, 85. Boy Travelers in Central Europe, The, 74- Bozzaris Marco, 33. Bozzaris, Marco, 60. Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, 20. Braddock's defeat, 11. Bradford, William, 18. Bradstreet, Ann, 8. Branch, John, 36. Brandywine, battle of, 12. Braxton, Carter, 15. Brazil, 27. Brazil, revolution in, 79. Breckinridge, John, 24. Breckinridge, John C, 54. Brent, John, 56. Brewster, Benjamin Harris, 70. Briar Cliff, 50. Bristow, B. H., 64. British Museum, 11. British orders affecting American com- merce, 23. British spy, 14 British possessions, 15. British Spy, The, 34. Broadus, John A., 62. Brooklyn, battle of, 12. Brooks, Maria, 42. Brown, Aaron V., 54. Brown, Charles Brockden, 22. Brown, John, 57. Browne, Charles F. (Artemus Ward) , 60. Brownies, The, 80. Browning, O. H., 60. Bryant, William Cullen, 64. Buccaneer, The, 48. Buchanan, James, 44, 54. Buckingham, murder of, 7. Buckwheat Cake, The, 36. Buena Vista, battle of, 47. 90 INDEX Buenos Ayres, 29. Buffalo, 29. Bulgaria, 86. Bull Run, battle of, 59. " Buhver-Clayton Treaty," 51. Bunker Hill, battle of, 12. Bunker Hill monument, 35, 43. Bunyan, 9. Buonarroti, Michael Angelo, 3. Burgoyne, 12. Burmah, 75. Burmese War, 51. Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 78. Burns, 60. Burr, Aaron, 22, 25, 27. Burwell Papers, The, 8. Butler, Benjamin F., 38, 40. Byrd, William, 10. Byron, Lord, 33. By- Ways and Bird Notes, 60. Byways of Europe, 66. Cable between Suez and Aden, 57. Cable, George W., 68. Cabot, John, 2. Cabot, Sebastian, 2. Cabrillo, 2. Cabul, 41. Calhoun, John C, 30, 32, 34, 38, 44, 51. California, 45, 47; " Vigilants " in, 49; Goldseekers, 49. Cameron, Simon, 58. Ca mil 'I us, 24. Campbell, George W., 28. Campbell, James, 52. " Camperdown," British battle-ship, 83. Canada, Patriot war in, 41. Candia, 9. Canning, Rt. Hon. George, 35. Cape Ann, 7. Cape Breton Island, 2. Caribbean Sea, 83. Carleton, Will, 76. Carlisle, John G., 80. Carl Krinken, 66. Carlos I, King, 86. Carnot, M. Marie Francois Sadi, 75, 77, 81, 85. " Carolina," American steamer, 41. Caroline, wife of George IV, 33. Carroll, Charles, 15, 37. Cartier, Jacques, 2. Caruthers, William A., 46. Cary, Alice, 60. Cary, Phcebe, 60. Casimir-Perier, M., 85. Caspian Sea, 13. Cass, Lewis, 36, 54. Castle Dismal ; or, The Bachelor s Christ- mas, 46. Catherine II, 15, 21. Catholics, 5, 7. Cavaliers of Virginia, 46. Cavendish, Lord Frederick, 71. Cawnpore, Massacre of, 57. Cecil Dreeme, 56. Census, first of the United States, 17. Centennial Exhibition, 67. Cerro Gordo, battle of, 47. Champions of Freedojn, The, 40. Chandler, William E., 70. Chandler, Zachariah, 64. Channing, William Ellery, 40. Characteristics of Literature, 64. Characteristics, The, 18. Charles Edward, The Pretender, 11. Charles I, 7, 9. Charles I, History of Three of the Judges 0/18. Charles I, Prince, 86. Charles II, 9. Charles X, 33, 35, 37. Charles Egbert Craddock. See Murfree. Charleston, 12, 14. Charlotte Temple, 30. Charter, 6. Chase, Salmon P., 58, 62, 65. Chase, Samuel, 15. Chatham, Death of, 13. Cheever, George B., 48. " Chesapeake," frigate, 27. Chicago, Anarchist riot in, 75. Chicago fire, 65. Chicago, World's Fair in, 81. Child, Lydia Maria, 44. Childs, George W., 83. Chile, 31. Chilian war, 79. Chimeriad, 20. China, 15, 19. China, riots and massacres in, 79. INDEX 91 Chinese Bill, 71, 77, 83. Chinese Exclusion Act, Geary's, 81. Chinese Embassy at Washington, 67. Chinese ports thrown open, 43. Chita : A Memory of Last Island, 80. Chopin, Frederick Francis, 49. Christian Reid. See Fisher. Christian IX, King, 86. Christian religion, 7, 19. Church, first, 5. Church a?id State in America, 52, Church, Capt. Benjamin, 10. Cincinnati, 69. Circular theory of storms, author of, 52. Civil War in France, 5 ; in Spain, 33, 39. Clara Howard, 22. Clark, Abraham, 15. Clark, Rebecca S. (Sophie May), 78. Clarke's expedition, 12. Clay, Henry, 32, 38, 51. Clayton, John M., 48. Clayton, Joshua, 16. Clemens, Samuel (Mark Twain), 72. Cleveland, Grover, 72, 80. Clifford, Nathan, 46. Clifton, William, 20. Clinton, George, 16, 26, 28. Clio, 52. Clive, n. Clymer, George, 15. Coalition against France, 27. Cobb, Howell, 54. Cobb, Thos. Reade Rootes, 56. Code Napoleon, The, 23. Col. Carter of Cartersville, 76. Colden, Cadwallader, 10. Colfax, Schuyler, 62. Collamer, Jacob, 48. Colonel's Daughter, The, 82. Colonial Ballads, 72. Colonies, 10. Colonization on West Coast of Africa, History of, 48. Colonization Society, 29. Colorado, 57, 65. Colton, Calvin, 52. Columbiad, 22. Columbus, 2. Columbus, Life of, 46. Commander-in-chief, 12, 21. Commentaries on Constitution of the United States, 42. Commercial panic in England, 57. Commons, House of, 69. Compromise Measure, 51. Conant, A. J., 72. Conant, Roger, 6, 7. Conduct of Life, 44. Confederation, Articles of, 12, 14. Confederate States, 59. Congress, 10, 17, 23, 31, 39. Congress, Stamp Act, 13. Congress, library of, burned, 51. Connecticut, 8, 11, 14 ; History of 30. Conquered Banner, 72. Conquest of Canaan, 28. Conquest of Mexico, 46. Conquest of Peru, 46. Consolation, 52. Constantinople, 17. Constitution, 12, 14, 33. Constitution, Federal, 14. Constitution, French, 15. Consulate, 23. Continental army, 12. Contrast, The, 16. Contributions to Natural History, 64. Convention, 14, 17. Convention meets in Massachusetts, 33. Cook Book, 50. Cook, Ebenezer, 6. Cooke, John Esten, 68. Cooke, Rose Terry, 70. Cooper, James Fenimore, 46. Corn-laws, 47. Cornwallis, Surrender of, 14. Coronado, Francisco de, 2. Cortereal, Caspar, 2. Corvvin, Thomas, 48. Cosmic Philosophy, Outline of, 76. Cotton-gin, 19. Cotton, John, 6. Country Lovers, The, 36. "Coup d'Etat," 21, 51. Coxey's Army, 85. Cox, Jacob D., 62. Cox, Palmer, 80. Cozzens, Frederick S., 60. Crawford, Francis Marion, 76. Crawford, George W., 48. Crawford, W. H., 28, 30. Q2 INDEX Credit Mobilier investigation, 65. Creek Indians, 35; Treaty with, 35. Creole and Puritan, 78. Creoles of History and Creoles of Ro- mance, 68. Cresswell, J. A. J., 62. Crim, Mat, 84. Crimea, war in, 15, 53. Crisis, The, 12. Critical Dictionary of English Literature, 60. Critical Period of American History, The, 76. Crittenden, J. J., 42, 48. Cromwell, Oliver, 9. Crook, General, 73. Crowninshield, Benjamin W., 28, 30. Crowninshield, Jacob, 24. Crystal Palace, 51, 53. Cuba, 49. " Cuban Question," 51. Culloden, battle of, 11. Culprit Fay, The, 32. " Cumberland Road " Act, 27. Cunard steamers, 41. Curtis, George W., 72. dishing, Caleb, 52. Custer's Army, massacre of, 67. Dahomey, French war in, 83. Daisy, 64. Dakotas, two, 77. Dallas, Alexander J., 28. Dallas, George M., 44. Dana, Richard H., Sr., 48. Dana, Richard H., Jr., 62. Dandridge, Danske, 84. Darwin, Charles R., 71. Davidson, James Wood, 64. Da Vinci, Leonardo, 3. Davis, Jefferson, 52, 59, 61, 72,77; body of removed, 81. Davis, Rebecca Harding, 68. Davis, Richard Harding, 80. Day of Doom, 8. Dearborn, Henry, 22, 28. Decatur and Somers, 82. Declaration of Independence, 12, 22. Declaration of Independence, signers of, 11, 13- Deerslayer, 46. Deland, Margaret W., 78. Delano, Columbus, 62. Delaware, 9, 14. Delaware, constitution of, 19. DeLeon, T. C, 78. Denmark, 14, 86. Dennie, Joseph, 22. Dennison, William, 60. Derby, earl of, 57, 61. Deserted Bride, The, 50. De Soto, Hernando, 2. Detroit, 21. Devens, Charles, 66. Dew, Thomas R., 42. Dexter, Samuel, 22. Diary, 18. Diaz, General, 65, 73, 81. Dickerson, Mahlon, 38. Dickinson, Donald McD., 76. Dickinson, Jonathan, 10. Dickinson, John, 12. Dictionary, 26, 30, 54. Diplomatic Correspondence of the Ameri- can Revolution, The, 54. Directory, 19. Dirge of Alaric, 56. Discourse of Virginia, A, 4. Dismantled Cabinet, The, 36. Disestablishment of Irish church, 63. Disraeli, Benjamin, 63, 65, 67. Disruption of church of Scotland, 43. Dissertation on Slavery, 32. Dix, John A., 56. Dobbin, James C, 52. Dore, Gustave, 73. Dorr's rebellion, 43. Dr. Sevier, 68. Drake, Joseph Rodman, 32. Drake, Sir Francis, 4. " Dred Scott Case," 55. Dromgoole, Will Allen, 84. Duane, William J., 38. Dublin, 71. Dunlap, William, 36. Dutch, 7. Dwight, Rev. Timothy, D.D., 28. E. Earthlings, 74. Earthquakes in Greece, 83. INDEX 93 Earthquakes in Charleston, S.C., 75. East Angels, 78. Eaton, John H., 36. Ecuador, 69. Edgar Huntley, 22. Edinburgh, 31. Edinburgh Revietu, 25. Education, national, 39. Edwards, Harry Stilhvell, 82. Edward VI, 5. Edwards, Jonathan, 10. Eggleston, Edward, 74. Egyptian soldiers massacred, 71. Eliot, George, 69. Elizabeth, Queen, 5. Elkins, Stephen B., 78. Ellery, William, 13. Ellsworth, Oliver, 20. Emancipation, Catholic, 37. Emancipation Proclamation, 61. Emancipation of slaves in Brazil, 65. Emancipation of serfs in Russia, 59. Embargo Act, 27 ; First, 19 ; repealed, 29. Embargo Act, second, 29. Embargo, The, 64. Embassy, new, sent to France, 21. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 44. Endicott, John, 6. Endicott, William C, 74. Enghien, Duke d', 25. England, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 45, 49, 51. 55. 57. 59. 63. 6 7. 71. 73. 77, 8i, 83, 85. England declares war against China and against Persia, 55. England signed protocol for peace, 33. English Literature, Lectures on, 52. English Authors, 82. English Grammar, 32. Envoy, American, recalled, 21. Epilogue to Cato, 20. Era of Good Eeeling, 33, Erasmus, 3. Erie Canal, begun, 31 ; opened, 35. Erie, Lake, 29. Espejo, Antonio de, 4. Essays from the Easy Chair, 72. Essays and Orations on Practical Sub- jects, 50. Esther, 42. Etna, Eruption of, 73. Eulogy on Laughing, 20. Europe, 31. Eustis, William, 26. Evangeline, 68. Evarts, William M., 66. Everett, Edward, 50, 56. Eve's Daughters, 72. Evidences of Christianity, 48. Ewell, Alice Maud, 84. Ewing, Thomas, 42, 48. Excelsior, 68. Excise Bill, First, 19. Expedition to Japan, 53. F. Fair Blockade Breaker, A, 78. Fairchild, Charles S., 76. Fairfax, 68. Falkirk, battle of, 11. Farm Legends, 76. Farmer s Letters, The, 12. Farmer's Weekly Museum, The, 22. Farrier Lass of Piping Pebworth, 82. Faure, M. Felix, 85. Fawcett, Edgar, 72. Federalist, The, 24. Female Poets of America, 54. Fenelon, Essay on, 40. Fenner, Arthur, 16. Ferdinand and Isabella, 46. Ferdinand I, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47. Ferdinand, King, 86. Ferdinand VII, 29. Ferguson, Elizabeth, 20. Ferry, Jules, 69. Fessenden, Thomas Green, 36. Fessenden, William P., 60. Field, Eugene, 82. Field of the Grounded Arms, 60. Fifteenth Amendment, 63. " Fifty-four, forty," 45. Fiji Islands, 65. Fillmore, Millard, 48. Fiscal Corporation Bill, 43. Fishery disputes, 67, 75. Fishes of New York, The, 34. Fish, Hamilton, 62. Fisher, Francis C, 72. Fiske, John, 76. Flight of Years, The, 60. Flint, Timothy, 40. 94 INDEX Florida, 4, 33. 45- 57. 8 3- Floyd, John B., 54. Floyd, William, 13. Folger, Charles J., 70. Folger, Peter, 8. Footprints of Vanished Races in the Mis- sissippi Valley, 72. Foresters, The, 18. Forest Rose, The, 40. Forsyth, John, 38. Forward, Walter, 42. Foster, Charles, 78. Fox, Charles James, 25. Fox, John, 84. France, 3, 5, 7, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 29, 3 1 . 35. 37. 39. 43. 45. 53. 55. 59. °3. 6 7. 69, 71, 75, 77, 81, 85, 86. France, coalition against, 27. France, disputes with, 25. France, empire in, 25, 27. France, history of, 50. France, king of, 13, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39. 43- France, provisional government in, 49. France, religious worship in, 25. France, war with, 21, 23. France, republic in, 17, 49. France signed protocol for peace, 53. France, third republic in, 63. Francis Berrian ; or, The Mexican Pa- triot, 40. Francis I, 27, 31, 37. Francis Joseph I, 47, 49, 53, 55, 86. Francis II, 19, 23. Franco-German war, 63. Franklin, Benjamin, 12, 17. Franklin, Benjamin, statue of, 77. Franklin, State of, 21. Frederick VII, 61. Frederick III, 77. Frederick William II, 17. Frederick William III, 21, 25, 27, 31, 35. Frederick William IV, 43, 45, 49, 53, 55- Frelinghuysen, F. T., 70. Fremont, 45. French, Alice (Octave Thanet), 84. French cabinet, 75. French Occupation of Switzerland, 23. French Revolution, centennial of, 81. Freneau, Philip, 12. Freycinet, M. de, 75. Froebel, founder of kindergarten, 51. From Jest to Earnest, 68. From this Hundred - Terraced Height, 68. Fugitive Slave Law, 19. Fuller, Melville W., 74, 78, 82. G. Gallatin, Albert, 24, 26. Garay, Francisco de, 2. Garfield, James A., 69, 70, 71. Garibaldi, 57, 59, 71. Garland, Augustus H., 74. Gaskell, Elizabeth, 61. Gatling guns, 59. Gayarre, Charles Etienne Arthur, 68. Genoa, 3. Genoa, democratic government in, 21. Geographies, 30. Geography of the sea, 56. George, Prince, 83. George III, 13, 17, 21, 23, 27, 31. George IV, 29, 33, 35. George I of Greece, 86. Georgia, io, 11, 14, 57. Germanic confederation, 29. Germans evacuate France, 65. Germany, 13, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 35, 37, 41, 43, 45, 49, 53, 55, 59, 63, 67, 71, 75, 77. 83. 86. Gerry, Elbridge, 13, 28. Gertrude, 40. Gettysburg, battle of, 61. Ghent, Treaty of, 29. Gibraltar, 15. Gilbert's Career, Miss, 66. Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 4. Gilmer, Thomas W., 44. Gilpin, Henry D., 40. Gladstone, William Ewart, 63, 69, 71, 75, 81. Goderich, Viscount, 35. Golden Gossip, A, 72. Goldsmith, Life of, 46. Goodrich, Samuel G., 50. Good Hope, Cape of, 21. Goodwin, Maud Wilder, 84, Gordon, Charles George, death of, 75. Gorges, Ferdinando, 7. Gospel, Genuineness of the, 50. Gospel, Sermons on Doctrines of the, 36. INDEX 95 Goulding, Francis Robert, 5c. Governor, 6, 8. Government, Lectures on, 40. Grace Greenwood. See Lippincott. Graham, George, 30. Graham, William A., 48. Grammatical Institute of the English Language, 26. Grand issimes, The, 68. Granger, F., 42. Granger, Gideon, 24, 26. Grant, Robert, 84. Grant, Ulysses S., 62, 75. Gray, John, 84. Graydon, Alexander, 28. Great Britain, 9, 14, 57, 65, 86. Great Britain and Ireland, 25. Great exhibition in England, 51. Great financial distress, 81. Great Irish rebellion, 23. Great plague, 9. " Great Western," 41. Greece, History of, 50. Greece, independence of, 35. Greece, 86; provisional government in, 33- Greeks defeat Turks, 33. Greeks invite' protection of English, 35. Greeley, Horace, death of, 65. Greely, Lieutenant, j^- Greenbacks, 61. Green, Evelyn Everett, 84. Green, General, death of, 14. Green, J. R., 73. Green Mountain Boys, The, 56. Grenada, yellow fever in, 67. Grenville, Lord, 25. Gresham, Walter Q., 80, 85. Grevy, F. J. P., 69, 71, 75. Grey, Earl, 37. Griswold, Roger, 22. Griswold, Rufus W., 54. Group, The, 20. Grundy, Felix, 40. Guiteau, 71. Guizot, M., 41, 65. Guthrie, James, 52. Gwinnett, Button, 15. H. Habeas Corpus Act, 9. Habeas Corpus Act suspended, 61. Habersham, Joseph, 18, 20, 22. Hail Columbia, 20. Hakluyt's Voyages published, 4. Hale, Edward Everett, 62. Halleck, Fitz-Green, 60. Hall, James, 56. Hall, Lyman, 15. Hall, N. K., 48. Hamilton, Alexander, 16, 24, 25. Hamilton, Paul, 26. Hamlin, Hannibal, 58. Hancock, John, 13, 16, 19. Hancock, W. S., 75. Handful of Monographs, A, 72. Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe, 70. Harlan, James, 60. Harmon, Judson, 85. Harper, Robert Goodloe, 32. Harper s Bazar, 78. Harris, Joel Chandler, 78. Harrison, Benjamin, 15, 76. Harrison, Constance Carey (Mrs. Bur- ton), 80. Harrison, William Henry, 40, 43. Hartford, 31 ; Convention, 29. Hart, Francis Bret, 76. Hart, John, 15. Harvard College, 9. Hasty Pudding, The, 22. Hawaii, 83, 85. Hawkins, Sir John, 4. Hawthorne, Julian, 72. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 64. Hawthorne, Life of, 76. Hayes, Rutherford B., 66. Hayne, Paul Hamilton, 68. Hayne, William H., 78. Haynes, John, 8. Hearne, Lafcadio, 80. Heathen Chinee, The, 76. Hendricks, T. A., 72, 75. Heine, Heinrich, 55. Henry VII, 3. Henry VIII, 3. Henry Letters, The, 27. Henry of Prussia, 13. Henry, Patrick, 23. Herbert, Hilary A., 80. Herschel, Sir William, 13. 9 6 INDEX Hewes, Joseph, 15. Heyward, Thomas, 15. Hiawatha, 68. Higginson, Francis, 6. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 66. Hildreth, Richard, 58. Hilt to Hilt, 68. Histoire of Travaile into Virginia Bri- tannia, 4. History of a Corporation of Servants, 18. History of New Hampshire, 18. History of Slavery, 56. History of the American Revolution, 24. History of the American Theatre, 36. History of the Art of Design in United States, 36. History of the People of the United States, 76. History of Three Judges of Charles I, 18. History of Uncle Sam and His Boys, The, 46. History of the War between the States, 64. History of Virginia, 10. Hoar, E. R., 62. Hobomok, 44. Hodge, Archibald Alexander, 62. Hodge, Charles, 52. Hoe's printing press, 47. Holland, 14, 19, 25. Holland, J. G., 66. Holmes, Abiel, 36. Holmes, Oliver Wendel, 58. Holt, Joseph, 56. Holy Alliance, 29. Homestead, Penn., labor troubles, 81. Hooker, Thomas, 8. Hooper, William, 15. Hoosier School Master, The, 74. Hopkins, Mark, 64. Hopkins, Stephen, 13. Hopkinson, Francis, 13, 18. Hopkinson, Joseph, 20. Horse-shoe Robinson, 46. House and Home Papers, 54. House in which I zvas born, The, 36. House of Martha, 74. House of the Seven Gables, 64. Hozvard, Clara, 22. Howard, John E., 16. Howe, Elias, 47. Howe, Timothy O., 70. Howells, W. D., 74. Hubbard, Samuel D., 50. Hudson River, 27. Huguenots, 4. Humbert, son of Victor Emmanuel, 67, 86 Humble Romance, A, 82. Humphreys, David, 30. Hungary, revolution and war in, 47. Hungary declares itself free, 49. Hunt, William H., 70. Hunter Cats of Connorloa, The, 68. Huntington, Samuel, 13, 16. Hurry- Graphs, 50. Husbands and Homes, 72. Hyder Ali, 15. Hyperion, 68. I. Ibrahim Pasha, 39. Idaho, 79. Idle Man, The, 48. Idomen; or, the Vale of Yermuri, 42. Illinois, 12, 31. Immigrants, number of, T]. Impeachment, 7, 63. Inchiquin's Letters, 56. Independence of the United States, 14. India, 19, 21, 39, 57. Indian Territory, 39. Indiana, 29. Indians, 19. Industrial exhibition at Paris, 53. Ingersoll, C. J., 56. Ingham, S. D., 36. Innocents Abroad, 72. Inquiry into the Rights of the British Colonies, 12. Institution for deaf and dumb, 31. Insurrection, 14, 19. International Copyright Act, 79. International cup, 51. International Episode, An, 76. Interstate Commerce Bill, 75. In the Tennessee Mountains, 78. Invention of Letters, The, 24. Iowa, 47. Irish Land League, 69. Irish famine, 47. Irving, Washington, 46, 57. Isabella II, Queen of Spain, 43, 63. Ismail Pasha of Egypt, 61. Israelitish Nation, History of, 48. INDEX 97 Italian Sketch-book, 64. Italians, 79. Italy, 21, 67, 86. J- Jackson, General Andrew, 31, 34, 37, 39 45- Jackson, Helen Hunt, 68. Jackson, Stonewall, death of, 61. Jacobin Club, 17. Jamaica, Rebellion in, 61. James I, 5. James, Henry, 76. James, Thomas L., 70. Jamestown, 4, 5, 6. Jane Talbot, 22 . Janvier, Thomas A., 78. Japan, 7, 53. Japan, earthquakes in, 79. Japan, government of, 79. Japanese embassy, 57. Jay, John, 16, 19. Jefferson, Thomas, 15, 16, 20, 22, 25, 35 ; Library of, 29. Jerome of Westphalia, 29. Jesuits, 47. Jeweil, Marshall, 64. Jewett, Sarah Orne, 66. John Bull and Brother Jonathan, 46. John VI of Portugal, 35. Johnson, Andrew, 60, 61. Johnson, Andrew, impeachment of, 63. Johnson Cave, 44. Johnson, Reverdy, 48. Johnson, Richard M., 38. Johnston, Richard Malcolm, 64. Johnston, Samuel, 16. Johnston's Army, Joseph E., 61. Johnstown disaster, jj. Joliet, 9. Jones, William, 28. Joseph II, 13, 17. Journey in the World, A Little, 74. Juarez Benito, 57. Judiciary department, 17. Julian, 50. Juvenile stories, 50. K. Kansas, 53, 59; Lecompton Constitution, 57. Katherine Walton, 46. Kathrina, 66. Kavanaugh, 68. " Kearsarge," 83. Kendall, Amos, 38, 40. Kennedy, John P., 46, 50. Kent Hampden, 68. Kentuckian in New York, The, 46. Kentucky, 12, 19. Kentucky, constitution of, 23. Kentucky Cardinal, 84. Key, David M., 66. Key, Francis S., 30. Khalid, 76. Khartoum, siege of, 75. Khyber Pass, 43. King, Captain Charles, 82. King George's war, 11. King, Grace, 74. King, Horatio, 58. King, William R., 50. Kingsley, Charles, 31. Kirkwood, Samuel J., 70. Kitto, 53. Knapp, Samuel, 40. Kiickerbocker 's New York, 46. Knights of the Golden Horse-shoe, 46. Know-nothing party, 51. Knox, Henry, 16. Knox, Thomas W., 74. Korea, revolution in, 85 ; murder of queen, 85. Kosciusko, 19. Kossuth, Louis, 47, 49, 51. Labor disturbances, 83. Lachenal, M. Adrian, 86. Lady or the Tiger, The, 74. Lafayette's visit to United States, 33. Lafayette died, 39. Lamar, L. Q. C, 74. Lamb, Martha J., 80. Lamont, Daniel S., 80. Land of the Sky, 72. Lands of the Saracen, The, 66. Lanier, Sidney, 68. Larcom, Lucy, 68. Last of the Mohicans, 46. Laud, bishop of London, 7. 9 8 INDEX Laudoniere, 4. Laws of Love and Love as Law, The, 64. Law of Slavery, 56. Layard, Sir Henry, 85. Lay of the Scottish Fiddle, The, 46. Leather Stocking and Silk, 68. Le Conte, John, 64. Le Conte, John L., 64. Lectures on Allston, 50. Lectures on Evidences of Christianity, 64. Lectures on History as illustrated by Shakespeare, 52. Lee, Charles, 18, 20. Lee, Francis Lightfoot, 15. Lee, General Robert E., 63. Lee, Henry, 28. Lee, Richard Henry, 15, 19. Lee's army, 61. Legare, Hugh S., 42. Legends of New England, 74. Legends of the West, 56. Legislative Assembly, First, 6. Leon, Juan Ponce de, 2. Leopold II of Germany, 17. Leopold II of Belgium, 86. Leopold, marriage of, 37. Leslie, Eliza, 50. Letter on White-washers, A, 18. Letter postage reduced, 73. Letters from Palmyra, 50. Letters from the South by a Northern Man, 46. Letters from under the Bridge, 50. Letters to Young Ladies, 56. Levant, In the, 74. Lewis and Clark's Expedition, 25. Lewis, Francis, 13. Lexington, battle of, 12. Lexow, investigation committee, 85. Liberia, 29. Liberty, statue of, 73. Library of American biography, 54. Life and Times of John Barneveldt, 60. Life in the Iron Mills, 68. Life of Benjamin Franklin, 54, 76. Life of Charles Brockden Brown, 36. Life of Columbus, 46. Life of Dr. Ezra Stiles, 36. Life of Goldsmith, 46. Life of Patrick Henry, 34. Life of Putnam, 30. Life of Washington, 24, 36, 46. Life of Watts, 18. Life-saving service, 67. Lincoln, Abraham, 58, 59, 61. Lincoln, Levi, 22. Lincoln, Robert T., 70. Lind, Jenny, 75. Linn, John Blair, 22. Lippincott, Sara J. (Grace Greenwood), 70. Literary and Historical Miscellanies, 54. Literature and Art, Papers on, 44. Little Foxes, 54. Little Frenchman and His Water Lots, The, 50. Little Lord Fauntleroy, 78. Little Men, 68. Little Tin Gods-on-wheels, The, 84. Little Women, 68. Liverpool, Earl, 31, 33. Lives of Celebrated Statesmen, 34. Livingston, Edward, 36. Livingston, Philip, 13. Livingston, William, 16. Livingstone, 65. Locke Amsden, 56. Logan, James, 10. Logan, John A., 75. London, 9. Longfellow, H. W„ 68. Long Parliament, 9. Looking Backzvard, 78. Lopez, Antonio, 61. Lord, John, 74. Lord Protector, 9. Lost Arts, The, 68. Louisiana, 25, 29, 57, 65. Louisiana, History of, 68. Louis XII, 3, 5. Louis XVI, 13, 19. Louis XVIII, 29, 31. Louis of Holland, 29. Louis Napoleon, 49. Louis Philippe, 37, 45, 49. Love's Largess, 68. Lowell, James Russell, 74. Luck of Roaring Camp, The, 76. Luther, 3. Lynch, Thomas, Jr., 15. INDEX 99 M. Macaulay, 57. MacMahon, Marshall, 67. Madagascar, 75. Madison, James, 22, 26,39. Magazine of American History, 80. Magnalia Christi Americana, 10. Magneto-electric machine, 39. Magnificent Plebeian, A, 82. Magruder, Julia, 82. Maine, 7, 33, 83. Mallory, S. R., 59. Malta, 21. Man at Home, The, 22. Manhattan Island, 7. Mann, Horace, 50. Manning, Daniel, 72. Manual for Emigrants to America, A, 52. Marble Faun, 64. March of the Seventh, 56. Marco Bozzaris, 33. Marco Bozzaris, 60. Marcy, William L., 44, 52. Marengo, battle of, 23. Margaret Howth, 68. Maria, the Village Girl, 52. Marie Antoinette, 19. Marion, Francis, 19. Marion Harland. See Terhune. Marjorie Daw, 74. Marquette, 9. Marriage of Princess Royal of England, 57- Marse Chan, 82. Marshall, John, 22, 26, 30, 34, 36, 39. Martin Faber, 46. Mary, Bloody, 5. Maryland, 6, 7, 14. Maryland, My Maryland, 60. Mary ; or, The Test of Honor, 30. Mason, John, 7. Mason, John M., 34. Mason, John Y., 44, 46. Massachusetts, 6, 7, 11, 14. Massachusetts, insurrectionary troubles in, 14. Massachusetts, Story of, 62. Massachusetts Bay Colony, 6. Mather, Cotton, 10. Mather, Increase, 8. Mather, Richard, 8. Matthews, Brander, 80. Maury, Matthew F., 56. Maximilian, Archduke, 61, 63. May Martin ; or, The Money Diggers, 56. Maynard Horace, 68. McAll, Robert, 83. McClellan, George B., 75. McClelland, M. G., 82. McClelland, Robert, 52. McCIurg, James, 32. McCormick's reaping machine, 39. McCrary, George W., 66. McCulloch, Hugh, 60. McFingal, 26. McHenry, James, 20. ' McKean, Thomas, 15. McKennan, T., 48. McLane, Louis, 36, 38. McLean, John, 32, 34, 40, 42. McMaster, John Bach, 76. McVeagh, Wayne, 70. Medical essays, 32. Medical works, 24. Meek, A. B., 58. Meigs, R. J., 28, 30. Afelbourne House, 64. Melbourne, Viscount, 39. Mellichampe, 46. Memming«r, C. G., 59. Afe?noirs, 28. Memoirs of a Water Drinker, 36. Memoirs of the French Protestants, 36. Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States, 28. Memphis, yellow fever in, 67. Mendelssohn, 47. Menendez, Pedro, 4. Merchant vessels authorized to defend themselves, 21. Meredith, W. M., 48. " Merrimac," battle of, 61. Methodist conference, first, 11. Metzerott, Shoemaker, 80. Mexico, 33, 39, 45, 61, 63, 65, 86 ; French troops withdrawn from, 61. Mexico, church and state in, 57. Mexico, city of, 61. Mexico, New, 47. Mexico, Notes on, 50. Mexico, peace with, 47. Mexico, president of, 57, 65, 73, 81, 86. IOO INDEX Mexico, revolution in, 53. Mexico sues for peace, 47. Miami, 19. Michigan, 39. Middleton, Arthur, 15. Midwinter fair in California, 83. Mifflin, Thomas, 16. Miles St an dish, 68. Military Journal during American Revo- lution, 42. Miller, Cincinnatus Heine (Joaquin), 68. Miller, W. H. H., 76. Milton, 9. Mi It 071, Essay on, 40. Miners and convicts in Tennessee, 79. Minister's Wooing, 54. Minnesota, 55. . Minot's Ledge Lighthouse, 51. Mint, 19. Minuit, Peter, 6. Mississippi, 57. Mississippi jetties, 69. Mississippi River, 9, 81. Mississippi territory, 23, 31. Mississippi valley, floods in, 71, 81. Missolonghi, 33. Missouri, 25; Compromise Bill, 33. Mitchell, Donald G., 70. Mitchell, S. Weir, 78. Mitchill, Samuel L., 34. Modern Chivalry, 20. Modoc Indians, war with, 65. Mohun, 68. Monaldi, 42. Monetary panic, 63. Afoney King, The, 68. " Monitor," battle of, 61. Monkey who Shaved Himself and His Eriends, The, 30. Monroe, James, 21, 28, 30, 33, 37. Monroe Doctrine, 33. Montana, 77. Montcalm, 13. Monte Negro, 86. Moore, Clement C, 24. Moore, Thomas, 51. Moral Pieces in Prose and Verse, 56. Mormon rebellion, 55. Mormons, 37, 47 ; Book of, published, 37. Morris, George P., 50. Morris, Gouverneur, 26. Morris, Lewis, 13. Morris, Robert, 15. Morse, S. F. B., 45, 65. Morton, John, 15. Morton, J. Sterling, 82. Morton, L. P., 76. Morton, Nathaniel, 6. Moscow, 29. Mosses from an Old Manse, 64. Motley, John Lothrop, 60. Moulton, Louise Chandler, 78. Mountain Europa, The, 84. Mount Vernon, 30. Mozart, 15. Mr. Rutherford's Children, 66. Mrs. Washington Potts, 50. Mulock-Craik, Mrs., 75. Murfree, Mary N. (Charles Egbert Crad- dock), 78. Murray, Lindley, 32. N. Nantes, edict of, 5. Nantucket Island, 8. Napier, Sir William, 57. Napoleon III, 53, 55, 59, 63. Narvaez, Pamfilo de, 2. Navarino, battle of, 35. Navy, American, 23. Navy of United States, History of the, 46. Nebraska, 63. Necessity, Fort, 11. Nelson, John, 42, 44. Nelson, Thomas, 15. Nelson's, Lord, victory over the French, 21. Nelson killed, 25. Netherlands, 5, 37, 86. Neutrality, armed, 23. Nevada, 57, 61. New Amsterdam, 7, 9. Newark, 9. New England, 6, 9. New England Almanac, 34. New England Legends, 68. New England's Crisis, 8. Neiv England's Prospect, 6. Newfoundland, 2, 4. Newfound River, On, 82. New Guinea, Germans in, 73. INDEX OI New Hampshire, 7, 11, 14; History of, 18 New Hampshire, constitution of, 19. New Jersey, 7, 9, 11, 14. New Mexico, 2, 47. New Netherlands, 6, 8. New Orleans, 25, 29, 67, 81. New Orleans, police shot in, 79. New Orleans, yellow fever in, 67. New'spaper, 10, 23. New Testament, 3. New York, 8, 9, 12, 17, 43, 53. New York City, 7. New York, disastrous fire in, 39. Nez Perce Indians, war with, 67. Niagara, 13. Nicholas I of Russia, death of, 53. Nicholas II of Russia, 85, 86. Nicholas, Prince, 86. Nicolls, Richard, 8. Nights with Uncle Remus, 78. Nile, sources of, 65. Nile, battle of the, 21. Niles, John M., 40. Noble, John W., 76. North Carolina, 2, 4, 9, 12, 17. Northeast boundary disputes, 41, 43. Northwestern territory, 14. Norton, Andrews, 50. Norway and Sweden, 86. Notes of a Desultory Reader, 28. Nova Scotia, 2. Novel, The English, 68. Nullification in South Carolina, 37. Nye, Edgar Wilson (Bill Nye), 66. Oates' popish plot, 9. Oblivion, 82. Observations on Hydrophobia, 42. Octave Thanet. See French. Ode on the Battle of Bunker Hill, 20. Oglethorpe, James, 10, 11. Ohio, 25, 37. Ohio River, 55. Okeechobee, battle of, 39. Old Bachelor, The, 34. Old Creole Days, 68. Old-fashioned Girl, An, 68. Old Helmet, 64. Old Oaken Bucket, The, 40. Old Post Road, The, 82. Old Times in the New World, 46. Oldtown Eolks, 54. Olney, Richard, 82, 85. Omnibus Bill, 49. On Canada's Erontier, 82. Opium, 41. Orange, Prince of, 5. Oregon, 2, 4, 43, 47, 57. O'Reilly, John Boyle, 72. Origin of Species, 71. Ormond, 22. Ornithology, American, 24. Oscar, king of Sweden, 45. Oscar II, King, 86. Osgood, Samuel, 16. Ossoli, Margaret Fuller, 44. Other Shore, The, 66. Other Wise Man, The, 84. Our Great West, 82. Out-doors at Idlewild, 50. P. Paca, William, 15. Pacific coast, 2. Pacific Ocean, 2. Pacific railroad, 53, 63. Page, Thomas Nelson, 82. Paine, Robert Treat, 13, 24. Paine, Thomas, 12. Palestine, Past and Present, 56. Palmerston-Russell, 59. Palmerston, Viscount, 55,57. Palo Alto, battle of, 47. Panama Congress, 33. Panic, business, 39. Pansy Books, 80. Paradise Lost, 9. Paraguay, 61. Paris, 17. Paris famine, 65. Parke, John, 16. Parley, Peter, 50. Parliament, 7. Partisan, The, 46. Partisan Leader, The, 40. Patent and post offices burned, 39. Paul Pane, 50. Paul I of Russia, 23. Paulding, James K., 40, 46. Payne, John Howard, 38. Peace between England and China, 57. 02 INDEX Peace between Great Britain and Otto- man Port, 27. Peace between United States and Great Britain, 14. Peace between Russia and Ottoman Port, 29. Peace with France, 23. Pearce, James A., 48. Peary's Arctic expedition, 81, 83. Peck, Samuel Minturn, 84. Peel, Sir Robert, 39, 41, 45. PenciUings by the V\ 'ay, 50. Penn, John, 15. Penn, William, 10, 11. Pennsylvania, 10, 11. Pensacola, 31. Percival, Dr. James G., 52. Percival, Hon. Spencer, 27. Perry, Commodore, 53. Perry's victory, 29. Peter I, statue of, 15. Peter the Great, 11. Peters, Samuel, 30. Petersburg, 61. Philadelphia, 11, 21, 23, 67, " Philadelphia," frigate, 25. Philip II,s. Philip II, 46. Philip, King, 9. Phillips, Wendell, 68. Philosophic Solitude, 16. Philothea, 44. Phcenix Park, 71. Phonograph, 67. Physical Geography, 56. Pickering, Henry, 36. Pickering, Timothy, 18, 20. Pierce, Franklin, 50. Pierrepont, Edwards, 64. Pike's Peak visited by Zebulon Pike, 25. Pilgrim's Progress, 9. Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, 16. Pinkney, William, 28. Pinzon, 2. Pirates, 25. Pitt, William, 17, 21, 25. Pittsburg, 29. Pius VII, 23. Plymouth, 7. Plymouth colony, 6. Poe, Edgar Allan, 44. Poetical Correspondence, 20. Poetical Translation of Telemaque, 20. Poets and Poetry of Atnerica, 54. Poet's Journal, The, 66. Poinsette, Joel R., 38, 50. Poland, 11, 47. Poland, annihilation of, 13. Poland, final dismemberment of, 19. Poland, second partition of, 19. Poles, 11. Polish succession, 11. Politics, Theory of, 58. Polk, James K., 44. Pompeii, ruins of, 11. Pope Pius VI, 21. Population of United States, 23, 29, 69. Population of United States, centre of, 69. Portfolio, The, 22. Portland, Duke of, 27. Port Royal, 4. Portugal, 86; royal family of, 27. Postal System for Great Britain, 9. Post Office for Scotland, 7. Potomac River frozen over, 55. Powers of Genius, The, 22. Power of Religion on the Alind, 32. Powers, Hiram, 65. Prentice, George D., 60. Presbyterian Doctrine Brief y Stated, 62. President, 14, 16, 20, 22, 26, 30, 32, 34, 38, 40, 44, 48, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 70, 72, 76, 80. Presidential succession settled, 75. Prescott, William H., 46, 57. Preston, Margaret J., 72. Preston, William B., 48. Pretender, The, 11. Primitive Church Government, 56. Prince Consort, death of, 59. Prince of India, 74. Princeton College, 11. Printing, History of, 34. Probus, 50. Proclamation against Americans aiding Canada, 41. Proctor, Redfield, 76. Professor at the Breakfast Table, The, 58. Progress of Dullness, The, 26. Prometheus, 52. Prose l\ 'r iters of America, 54. Protestants, 5. INDEX I03 Provisional army, 21, 23. Prue and I, 72. Prussia, 3, 17, 19, 21, 25, 27, 31, 35, 37, 41,43,45,49,53,55,59,61. Prussians occupy Paris, 29. Psalm of Life, 68. Puritans, 7. Pytlmgoras and Sappho, 34. Quadrupeds of America, 46. Quakers, 11. Quality of Mercy, The, 74. Quebec, 2, 13. Queechy, 64. Queen's Jubilee, 75. Quick or the Dead, The, 82. R. Rab and Ringan, 24. Railroad, first steam, in America, 37. Railroad panic, 65. Railroad strike, 67. Railway, first passenger, in England, 35 Raleigh, Sir Walter, 4. Ralph, Julian, 82. Ramona, 68. Ramsay, David, 24. Randall, Alexander W., 60. Randall, James R., 60. Randolph, Beverly, 16. Randolph, Edmund, 16, 18. Randolph, John, 34, 39. Rangers, The, 56. Rape of the Lock, 68. Raphael, Sanzio, artist, 3. Raven, The, 44. Rawlins, John A., 62. Read, George, 15. Read, Thomas Buchanan, 58. Reagan, J. H., 59. Real Folks, 72. Recollections of Ten Years passed in the Valley of the Mississippi, 40. Red Eagle, The, 58. Red Book, The, 46. Redfield, William C, 52. Reed, Henry, 52. Re-establishment of peace between Tur- key and Russia, 53. Repplier, Agnes, 84. Representative Men, 44. Republic, first, in France, 17. Reuben and Rachel, 30. Reunited, 72. Revenue of Post Office, 21. Revieio of Military Operations in North America from 1753-1756, A, 16. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 15. Rhode Island, 6, 7, 17, 43. Ribaut, Jean, 4. Richmond, Va., 81 ; evacuated, 61. Ridpath, John Clark, 78. Riel, Louis, captured, 75. Right Moral Influence and Use of Liberal Studies, The, 40. Rights and Wrongs, Power and Policy of the United States of America, 56. Riggs, Mrs. George C. (Kate Douglas Wiggin), 82. Riley, James Whitcomb, 80. Rise and Fall of the Confederate Gov- ernment, 72. Rise of the Dutch Republic, 60. Rives, Amelie, 82. Roanoke Island, 4. Roberval, 2. Robeson, George M., 62. Robespierre, 19. Robinson, Edward, 56. Roche, Marquis de la, 2. Rochelle, siege of, 7. Rodney, Ccesar, 15, 26. Roe, E. P., 68. Rogers, John, 32. Romantic Scenes in Southwestern His- tory, 58. Rome, 27. Rome, History of, 50. Rosebery, Earl of, 83. Ross, George, 15. Roughing It,j2. Roumania, 86. Rudder, Grange, 74. Rudolph, crown prince of Austria, 79- Ruling Passion, The, 24. Rush, Benjamin, 15, 24. Rush, Richard, 28, 30, 32. Rusk, J. M., 76. Russell, Lord John, 49, 57, 61. 04 INDEX Russia, ii, 14, 15, 19, 23, 25, 37, 39, 53, 71,85,86; Emancipation of serfs in, 59. Russia, French in, 29. Rutherford, M., 82. Rutledge, Edward, 15. Ryan, Abraham Joseph, 72. Rye-house plot, 11. St. Augustine, 4, 11. St. Bartholomew, 5. St. Elmo, 72. St. John's River, 4. St. Jo/m's Woo big, 82. St. Lawrence Gulf, 2. St. Petersburg, 15. Salem, settlement of, 7. Salisbury, Marquis of, 73, 75, 77, 85. Samoa, 77. Sangster, Margaret E.,78. San Salvador, revolution in, 79. Santa Anna, 53. Santa Fe, 4. Sardinia, 33. Sargent, Epes, 66. Savannah, 11, 12. Saxe, John G., 68. Saxton, 39. Sayle, 8. Scarlet Letter, The, 64. Scheldt, navigation of, 15. Schenectady, 37. Schlegel, 45. Schleswig-Holstein war, 61. Schofield, John M., 62. Schurz, Carl, 66. Science of English Verse, 68. Science of Government, Lectures on, 42. Scotland, 5, 11. Scottish covenant, 9. Scout, The, 46. Seat of Government, 23. Seawell, Molly Elliot, 82. Sebastopol, siege of, 53. Seceded states, 57, 59, 63. Sedgwick, Catherine, 56. Self-culture, Essay on, 40. Seminole Indians, war with, 31, 39. Sepoy rebellion, 57. Serious Inquiry into the Nature and Effects of the Stage, 18. Servant Girl Question, The, 68. Servia, 86. Seven Years' war, 11. Seven Weeks' war, 61. Sewall, Jonathan M., 20. Seward, William H., 58. Sewing machine, 47. Seymour, H., 75. Shakespeare, 7. Shaw, Henry W., 62. Shays's Rebellion, 14. Shelley, 33. Shepard, Thomas, 6. Sheridan's Ride, 58. Sherman, Frank Dempster, 82. Sherman, John, 66. Sherman, Roger, 13. Sherman Silver Bill, 83. Shillaber, Benjamin P. (Mrs. Parting- ton), 64. Short Relation, A, 4. Siam, crown prince of, 85. Sigourney, Lydia Huntley, 56. Sikhs, 47. Simms, William Gilmore, 46. Sioux, war with, 67. " Sirius," The, 41. Sketch Book, 46. Sketches of American Policy, 26. Sketches of Eu?opean Capitals, 50. • Sketches of History, Life and Manners in the West, 56. Slave emancipation, 61, 65. Slavery, 42. Slave trade, 27. Smith, Caleb B., 58. Smith, Captain John, 4. Smith, Charles H. (Bill Arp), 64. Smith, F. Hopkinson, 76. Smith, Hoke, 80. Smith, James, 15. Smith, Robert, 24, 26. Smithsonian Institution, 47. Snow-bound, 74. Sophia May. See Clark. South American republics, 33. i Southampton insurrection, 37. Southard, Samuel L., 32, 34. South Carolina, 2, 8, 9, 14, 17, 57. South Carolina, History of the Revolution in, 24. INDEX :o5 Southern Rights Association, 51. Spain, 3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 14, 25, 29, 86. Spain, Carlists' rebellion in, 39. Spain, civil war in, 33, 39. Spain, disputed succession in, 37. Spain,»disputes with, 25, Spaniards, 15. Sparks, Jared, 54. Sparrow-grass Papers, 60. Specie payments, 69. Speed, James, 60. Spencer, John C, 42. Spofford, Harriet Prescott, 68. Spy, The, 46. Stage, Serious Inquiry into the Naturt and Effects of, 18. Stanley, 79. Stansberry, H. F., 60. Stanton, Edwin M., 56, 60. Stanton, Frank L., 80. Stanton, Henry M., 80. Stanwix, Fort, 14. Star Route frauds, 71. Star-spangled Banner, The, 30. States, Confederate, 59. Steamboat, first, 27. Steamboat, first, on the Ohio, 29. Steam-engine, 13. Steamship, 31. Stedman, Edmund Clarence, 78. Stephens, Alexander H., 59, 64, 73. Stevenson, Adlai E., 80. Stiles, Ezra, 18. Stockard, H. Jerome, 82. Stockton, Frank R., 74. Stockton, Richard, 13. Stoddert, Benjamin, 22. Stone, Thomas, 15. Stories for Young Persons, 56. Storms on Atlantic seaboard, 83. Story of a Bad Boy, 74. Story of Kennett, The, 66. Story, Joseph, 42. Story, William Wetmore, 56. Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 54. Strachey, William, 4. Strike ended, 85. Stuart, Alexander H. H., 48. Stuart, Mary, 5. Stuart, Ruth McEnery, 84. Stuyvesant, Peter, 8. Sub-treasury bill, 41. Sudan, 71. Sudan, war in, 73. Suez Canal, 63. Sullivan, John, 16. Sullivans Expedition against the "Six Nations," 12. Sultan, 39. Summer on the Lakes, 44. Sumter, Fort, 59. Supreme Court of United" States, 16, 20, 24, 26, 30, 34, 36, 40, 42, 44, 48, 52, 54, 58, 62, 66, 70, 74, 78, 81, 82, 83. Surrey of Eagle's Nest, 68. Susanna Rowson, 30. Swallow Barn, The, 46. Sweden, 14. Sweden, king of, 45. Swedes, 9. Swiss Republic, 86. Switzerland, civil war in, 47. Switzerland, expulsion of Jesuits from, 47. Sylphs of the Season, The, 42. Systematic Theology, 52. System of Divinity, 40. T. Taft, Alphonso, 66. Tahiti, Isle of, 45. Tales and Essays for Children, 56. Tales and Sketches of Home, 56. Tales of a Tune and Place, 74. Tales of a Traveller, 46. Talleyrand, 41. Talleyrand's Descent into Hell, 20. Taney, Roger Brooke, 36, 40, 42, 44, 48, 52, 54. 58. Tanglewood Tales, 64. Tariff, 31, 37. Taylor, Bayard, 66. Taylor, General Zachary, 39, 48, 49. Taylor, George, 15. Tea, destruction of, 13. [51. Telegraph between France and England, Telegraph, first line, 45. Telegraph in England, 21. Telemaque, Poetical Translation of, 20. Telephone, Bell, 67. Telescope, inventor of, 13. Teller, Henry M., 70. Tempest, The, 60. :o6 INDEX Temptation of Venus, The, 68. Tennessee, 21. Tennyson died, 81. Terhune, M. V. (Marion Harland), 72. Terrible Tractoration, The, 36. Texas, 39, 41, 45, 59. Thacher, Dr. James, 42. Thackeray, William M., 61. Thanatopsis, 64. Thanet, Octave. See French. That Lass 0' Lowrie's, 78. Thaxter, Celia L„ 78. Their Wedding Journey, 74. Theology Explained and Defended, 28. Theology, Outlines of, 62. Thiers, M. Louis A., 41, 65, 67. Thomas, Allen C, 80. Thomas, Edith M., 84. Thomas, Isaiah, 34. Thomas, Philip F., 56. Thompson, D. P., 56. Thompson, Jacob, 54. Thompson, Maurice, 60. Thompson, Richard W., 66. Thompson, Smith, 30. Thoreau, Henry D., 44. Thornton, Matthew, 13. Thoughts on Family Worship, 52. Thoughts on the Poets, 64. Tiger Lilies, 68. Tilden, S. J., 75. Tippecanoe, battle of, 29. Tippoo Sahib, 19. Titcomb Letters, The, 66. Titian, 5. Tompkins, D. D., 30. Tompson, Benjamin, 8. Tom Thornton, 48. Tonquin, French in, 73. Toombs, Robert, 59. Toucey, Isaac, 46, 54. Tracy, Benjamin F., 76. Trafalgar, battle of, 25. Transvaal, 85. Treaty, 14, 15, 21, 23, 25, 27. Treaty between China and Russia, 15. Treaty between England and France, 15. Treaty between France and China, 73. Treaty between France and Russia, 15. Treaty between Great Britain and the Brazils, 29. Treaty between United States and Korea, 73- Treaty of peace between England and China, 43. Treaty of peace between Russia and Turkey, 37. Treaty with China, 63. Trenton, battle of, 12. Tribunal, revolutionary, 19. Tripoli, 83. Tripoli bombarded, 25. Tripoli, harbor of, 25. Tripoli, peace with, 25. Tripoli, war with, 23. Trip to Parnassus, A, 30. Trowbridge, J. T., 64. Trumbull, John, 26. Tucker, Nathaniel Beverly, 40. Tucker, St. George, 32. Tuckerman, H. T., 64. Tunis, 23. Turkey, 19, 25. Turko-Russian war, the, 67. Turks, 11. Turks defeated, 33. Two Ways of Dying for a Husband, 50. Two Years before the Mast, 62. Tyler, John, 40, 43. Tyler, Moses Coit, 70. Tyler, Royal, 16. Tyndale, William, 3. U. Uncle of an Angel, The, 78. Uncle Tom's Cabin, 54. Union, states admitted to, 19, 21, 25, 29, 31. 33- 39. 45. 47.49. 55. 57, 59. 61, 63, 65. 77, 79, 85. Union, states withdrawn from, 57, 59. United Netherlands, history of, 60. United States, 5, 12, 14, 19, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31. 43. 45. 47. 49. 61, 67, 69, 73, 77, 81, 85. United States, bank of, 19, 39, 43. United States, Constitution of, 14. United States, government of, 31. United States, History of, 50, 54, 58, 64, 78, 80. United States, life-saving service of, 67. United States, newspapers in, 23. United States, public debt of, 49. INDEX 107 United States troops sent to Chicago, 85. Universal History, 50. University of Athens, Ga., 23. University, Pennsylvania, 11. Upshur, Abel P., 42. Usher, John P., 60. Utah, 47, 85. V. Valentia Bay, 57. Valerian, 22. Valley Forge, 12. Van Buren, Martin, 36, 38. Van Dyke, Henry J., 84. Venezuela, 69, 83. Venice, democratic government in, 21. Vermont, 19. Verplank, Gulian C, 40. Verrazanni, Giovanni da, 2. Vespucci, Amerigo, 2. Vessels, merchant, 21. Vessels, French and English, prohibited, 27. Victor Emmanuel, 33, 59, 67. Victoria, 30 ; Queen, 31, 39,41,45, 49,51, 55. 59. 63. 67, 71. 73. 77, 81, 86 ; coro- nation of, 41 ; marriage of, 41. "Victoria," British battle-ship, 83. Victoria Mary of Teck, 83. Vienna, 11. Vilas, William F., 74, 76. Virginia, 4, 5, 12, 14, 23. Virginia, Notes on the State of, 22. Virginia of Virginia, 82. Virginia, West, 59. Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, 23. Vision of Columbus, 22. Vision of Sir Launfal, The, 74. Visit of St. Nicholas, 24. Volunteers of United States army, 61. Volunteers, The, 30. W. Waite, Morrison R., 62, 66, 70, 74, 77. W'alden, or Life in the Woods, 44. Wales, 69. Wales, prince of, 43, 61. Walker's filibustering expedition, 55. Walker, Leroy P., 59. Walker, Robert J., 44. Wallace, Lew, 74. Walton, George, 15, 16. Wanamaker, John, 76. War between England and China, 41, 55- War between England and Holland, 19. War between France and Spain, 7. War between Turkey and Russia, 25. War between United States and Mexico, 47- War declared against Great Britain, 29. War with Algiers, 29. W r ar, Greek, 33. Warbeck, Perkin, 3. Ward, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, 74. Ward, Nathaniel, 6. Ware, William, 50. Warner, Anna B., 66. Warner, Charles Dudley, 74. Warner, Susan, 64. Warre, Lord de la, 4. Washington City, 23, 29, 43, 73, 77. Washington, George, 11, 14, 16, 21, 23; Embassy to French, 11 ; Farewell Ad- dress, 21 ; Statue of, 43. Washington, George, Life of 24, 36, 46. Washington monument, 73. Washington, State of, 77. Waterloo, battle of, 29. Watt, James, 13. Way of Life, The, 52. Wayne, Fort, 25. Wayne, General Anthony, 19, 21. Webster, Daniel, 38, 42, 43, 48, 51. Webster, Noah, 26. We Girls, 72. Weems, Mason L., 32. Welles, Gideon, 58. Wellesley, Richard C, 21. Wellington, 29, 35, 51. West, Sir Thomas, 4. Westover Papers, 10. What is Darwinism f 52. Wheeler, William A., 66. Whipple, William, 13. White, Richard Grant, 64. Whitman, Dr., 43. Whitney, A. D. T., 72. Whitney, Eli, 19. Whitney, William C, 74. Whittier, John Greenleaf, 74 Wickliff, Charles A., 42. Wide Wide World, 64. io8 INDEX Wieland, "21. Wiggin, Kate Douglas. See Riggs. Wigglesworth, Michael, 8. Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, 84. Wilde, Richard Henry, 32. Wilhelmina, Queen, 86. Wilkins, Mary E., 82. William and Mary College, 11. William I of Holland, 41. William I of Prussia, 59, 63, 67 ; emperor of Germany, 71, 75, 77. William II, 77, 83, 86. William IV of England, 37. Williams, Roger, 6, 7. Williams, William, 13, 44. Willis, N. P., 50. Wilmot proviso, 47. Wilson, Alexander, 24. Wilson, Augusta Evans, 72. Wilson, Henry, 64. Wilson, James, 15. Wilson, Robert Burns, 82. Wilson Tariff Bill, the, 85. Wilson, W. L., 85. Windom, William, 70, 76. Wingfield, Edward Maria, " A Discourse of Virginia," 4. Winsor, Justin, 66. Winthrop, John, 6. Winthrop, Theodore, 56. Wirt, William, 30, 34. Wirt, William, Life of 46. Wisconsin, 47. Witch of Prague, The, 76. Witherspoon, John, 13, 18. Wolcott, Oliver, 13, 18, 20. Wolf, 13. Wolfert's Roost, 46. Wolsey, 3. Woman in the Nineteenth Century, 44. Women in all Ages, History of the Con- dition of, 44. Woodbury, Levi, 36, 38. Woodman, Spare that Tree, 50. Woods, Katherine Pearson, 80. Wood, William, 6. Woodworth, Samuel, 40. Woolson, Constance Fenimore, 78. Worcester, J. E., 54. Wordsworth, 49. World's Conference of Y. M. C. A., 83. World's Fair, 81. World's Fair ; or, Crystal Palace, 53. Wrack and Redemption of Sir T. Gates, 4. Writings of Washington, 54. Wyoming, 79. Wythe, George, 15. " X. Y. Z. Correspondence," 21. Y. Yacht "America," 51. Yale College, 11. Year's Life, A, 74. Yellow fever, 21, 67. Yorktown, 14. Young Marooners, 50. Z. Zamor, 52. Zenooia, 50. Zophiel, 42. History. Sheldon's General History. For high school and college. The only history foV lowing«the "seminary" or laboratory plan, now advocated by all leading teachers. Price, $1.60. Sheldon's Greek and Roman History. Contains the first 250 pages of the above book. Price, #1.00. Teacher's Manual to Sheldon's History. Puts into the instructoi 's hand the key to the above system. Price, 80 cents. Sheldon's Aids to the Teaching of General History. Gives list of essential books fur reference library. Price, 10 cents. 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