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WOODWARD. JULIUS GAY. JOHN E. MORRIS. HORACE E. MATHER. MARY K. TALCOTT. JANE T. SMITH. WILLISTON WALKER. Library Committee, FRANCIS H. PARKER. SAMUEL HART. SHERMAN W. ADAMS.* Publication Committee, - FRANK FARNSWORTH STARR. ALBERT C. BATES. LEVERETT BELKNAP. Committee on Monthly Papers, • Deceased. ( P. H. WOODWARD. < CHARLES B. WHITING. FRANK FARNSWORTH STARR. (iii) 4 ■ ^ ORDERLY BOOK AND JOURNALS CONNECTICUT MEN WHILE TAKING PART IN THE American Revolution 177^-1778 (V) .C76' CONTENTS PAGE Orderly Book of Capt. William Coit's Company at siege of Boston, 1775, ..... 1 Journal of Ensign Nathaniel Morgan at siege of Boston, 1775, 99 Journal of Simeon Lyman of Sharon, 1775,. . . 111 Benjamin Trumbull's Journal of the expedition against Canada, 1775, . . . . .137 Benjamin Trumbull's Journal of the campaign around New York, 1776-77, . . . . .175 Roll of Benjamin Trumbull's company, 1777, . . 219 lournal of Oliver Boardman of Middletown in the Burgoyne campaign, 1777, . . . . .221 Journal of Bayze Wells of Farmington, in the Canada expe- dition, 1775-77, ..... 239 Journal of Joseph Joslin, Jr., of South Killingly, a teamster in Western Connecticut, 1777-78, . . . 297 (vii) PREFACE. Great interest is now being taken in the history of the War of the Revolution, and of the persons who participated therein. This collection of journals has been printed in order to facilitate the study of that period. The Society is indebted to Miss M. E. S. Coit, now deceased, for the use of the Orderly Book of Capt. William Coit's Company, and to Mr. James Terry of New Haven, for a copy of the roll of Benjamin Trumbull's Company. The other documents are the property of the Society. The printing of this volume was commenced some five years ago, and 192 pages had been printed when the present committee were elected. The index was made by Albert C. Bates, who also read the proof from the time this committee was put in charge of the work. Frank Farnsworth Starr, For the Publication CommitUr.. February, 1899. ( viii ) ORDERLY BOOK At Siege of Boston of CAPT. WILLIAM CO IT OF NEW LONDON April 2^ to August y, 177s WITH SKETCH OF CAPT. COIT CAPTAIN WILLIAM COIT By P. H. WOODWARD John Coit (e), the emigrant ancestor of most of the Coit family in America, is found in 1638 at Salem, Mass., whence he moved to Gloucester in 1644. He made one of the party that accompanied Rev. John Blinman from that seaport to New London, and to whom the townsmen granted lands Oct. 19, 1650. He was a ship carpenter. The business descended to his son Joseph, who, with his brother-in-law, Hugh Mould, built many " ships " ranging from twenty to one hundred tons. Daniel Coit, father of Capt. William, was town clerk of New London from 1736 till his death in 1773, at the age of seventy-five, with the exception of a sin- gle year. He married, second, Mehitable Hooker of Farm- ington, the mother of the subject of this sketch. Capt. Wm. Coit was born in New London Nov. 26, 1742 ; graduated at Yale College in the class of 1761 ; studied law, and was admitted to the bar, his certificate bearing the sig- nature of Gov. Saltonstall. He was a selectman in 177 1, and in December, 1774, was added to the local committee of cor- respondence raised the previous June. Early in 1775 he organized and drilled a military company at New London, contributing generously from his own resources toward its equipment. News of the fight at Lexington reached New London the night of April 20. A few hours later, Capt. Coit with a part of his command was on the road, hurrying to the scene of action. The first leaf of the orderly book bears the legend "Campt at Cambridge, April 23d A, D. 1775." It is probable that the detachment consisted of about twenty men and rode on horseback. Like hundreds of others from Note. — The writer is indebted to Miss M. E. S. Coit, granddaughter of Capt. Wm. Coit, for many facts contained in this sketch. Eastern Connecticut, they started under a sudden, tumultu- ous impulse. After a short stay, finding that hostilities were not likely to be renewed by Gen. Gage in the near future, many of the minute-men, including the detachment from New London, returned home to put their affairs in order for the serious work of war. May 25, the company (the Fourth of the Sixth Connecti- cut Regiment, Col. Samuel Holden Parsons commanding) started for Boston, marching via Norwich, Sterling, and Providence. Eight of the companies remained on duty at New London till June 17, when they were ordered to Boston and posted at Roxbury. No entries are made in the orderly book between April 26 and June i. Capt. Coit with his company marched from Cambridge to Bunker Hill while the battle was in progress, and aided the other troops from Connecticut in covering the retreat of the provincials. The last entry on the last page of the orderly book bears date "Roxbury 7th August, 1775," and at this point the record as preserved breaks off abruptly. On the 5th of October, 1775, the Continental Congress authorized Gen. Washington to employ two armed vessels to intercept British store-ships, and before the close of the month made provisions for four additional cruisers. Acting under a broad construction of his commission, the comman- der-in-chief had anticipated Congressional action. Capt. Coit was detailed from the army to take command of the armed schooner "Harrison," one of the first to be got ready for service. His instructions from Gen. Washington are dated Oct. 22, 1775, and are printed in this pamphlet. In brief, he is directed to seize supply ships bound to or from Boston ; to send prizes to the nearest and safest port ; to search diligently for papers tending to disclose the designs of the enemy ; to treat prisoners kindl}^ allowing them to retain their money and apparel ; to avoid any engagement with any vessel of equal or slightly inferior strength, " the design of this enterprise being to intercept the supplies of the enemy ;" and to be extremely frugal of ammunition. 5 During the war no more daring service was performed than by the sailors of the nascent republic. King George regarded them as pirates, while his cruisers seemed sufficient- ly numerous to seal up the ports of New England. In put- ting out to sea they took not merely the ordinary risks of war, but, as they had reason to expect, of ignominious death in case of capture. Capt. Coit claimed to be the first Ameri- can "to turn His Majesty's bunting upside down." In January, 1776, the Council of Safety of Connecticut authorized the construction by Uriah Hayden, at his yard in Saybrook, of a war ship, "to be 80 feet keel, 27 feet beam, and 12 feet hold," and of about 260 tons. July 11 Wm. Coit was appointed captain of this craft, which had been christ- ened the "Oliver Cromwell." Being in Lebanon the same day, Capt. Coit was called before the Council, when Gov- Trumbull with Homeric simplicity "gave him advice, in- struction, and admonition as to his conduct, etc." Early in August the masts were damaged by lightning ; but on the i8th of the month she sailed out of the Connecti- cut River, and reached New London the 20th. On the 23d of October the Council ordered her to sail on a cruise of about two months, but she was not ready. Jan. 28, 1777, she was ordered to proceed to sea immediately, but the crew deserted. In March, Melally, the First Lieutenant, was dis- missed, and Capt. Coit reported that he would sail as soon as supplies were received. As the result of various compli- cations, however, he was retired from the State service April 14. Later he commanded the "America," and perhaps other privateers. When Benedict Arnold burned New London, Sept. 6, 17S1, Capt. Coit was captured, and detained for a time on a prison ship near New York. Capt. Coit was tall, portly, soldierly in bearing, frank, jovial, somewhat eccentric, and very liberal. Among his peculiarities he wore a scarlet cloak, and hence was familiar- ly known as "The Great Red Dragon." Dec. 18, 1763, Capt. Coit married Sarah, daughter of Capt. John Prentiss, com- mander of the armed sloop "Defence," which convoyed five hundred Connecticut troops under Gen. Roger Wolcott from New London to Cape Breton in 1745. He died in London, England, in February, 1747. They had eight children, — three sons and five daughters ; the latter celebrated for beauty. Samuel Waldo said that Esther (Mrs. Clapp) had the handsomest face he ever painted. The eldest, Sarah, born in 1764, married George Lilling. ton of North Carolina, grandson of Col, Alexander Lilling- ton of the British Army. Gen. Lillington distinguished himself at the battle of Moore's Creek, N. C, where in February, 1776, about one thousand militia routed over fif- teen hundred Tories, composed in large part of Scotch High- landers. Esther, born Jan. 3, 1767, married Samuel Clapp in March, 1792. They lived under the shadow of Trinity Church, New York city, and the remains of both rest in the adjoining cemetery. Ann, born March 30, 1770, died March 30, 1792, on the day fixed for her marriage to the eldest son of Bishop Sea- bury. Elizabeth, the youngest daughter, married Joseph Bo- cage, a French exile, to whom Louis Philippe paid a lengthy visit while in this country. Mr. Bocage died in St. Lucia, where he owned a large estate. His widow died in Pine Bluff, Ark., at the residence of her grandson, Hon. G. W. Bocage. Of the sons, Daniel died at sea and Leonidas in child- hood. William, Jr., born Nov. 19, 177 1, married in 1800 Frances Murdock, daughter of Rev. Jonathan Murdock (Yale Col- lege, 1766). He sailed out of New York as master for twenty-six years. During the war of 181 2, at the solicita- tion of Commodore Decatur, he took command of the armed boats that watched the enemy from the mouth of the Thames. He advanced, too, a large sum to pay the boun- ties demanded by the sailors who enlisted to man the fleet of Commodore O. H. Perry "On Lake Erie. His vouchers were destroyed by fire in 181 8. As he had no duplicates, and as Commodores Perry and Decatur died in 1820, and the chaplain of the squadron about the same time, — the only officers having knowledge of the facts, — no part of the money was ever refunded either to him or to his heirs. In 1797, Capt. Wm. Coit, Sr., broken in health, left New London to visit his daughter in North Carolina, where he died in 1802. His dust rests in the family cemetery of the Lillingtons, on the banks of the Cape Fear river, thirty-five miles from Wilmington. His widow died in New York city in 1 81 3, and was buried in Trinity church3"ard beside her daughter, Mrs. Clapp. Both father and son made generous sacrifices for their country. No descendant of theirs has ever received pen- sion or bounty land, or asked for either. [ Inside Front Cover ] Mofes Fargos- Orderly Book keept By himfelf at Cambridge for the Ufe of Capt William Coits Company it Being the 4^^' Company and 6 Regment under Colo'' Samul Holden Parfons of Lyme IN CONNETICUT IN NEW ENGLAND IN AMERICA ^11 s Begining Apriel 23' [Title Page] ORDERLY BOOK fo r CAP* WILLIAM COITS COMPANY Campt at Cambridge, April 2 AD 1775 [The Orders] General orders Apniil 23^^ ^775 That Each Adjutant Serj*^ Maj'' and Each Ser^ be Imme- diatly provided With orderly Books in order Regularly to Enter the orders of the army. that the Adjutant genoral obtain as Soon as posable a Compleate Return of the army in order to Form an Eaqiul Duty Rool [VRoll-?J Genoral orders Aprail 24*^'' ^775 that the quarter Malter of Each Regment Be Derided to see that proper kittels be provided from Som of the Inhabatants for the Ufe of the provential troops untill the province Stores Can be Deliverd out and that the Commanding Officers of Each Company See that they be Returned in proper seson Field Officer of the Day Colo" Henlliaw Field Officer of the picquit to Night Col" porter Maj'" Sawyer the picquit to Contain seven Captans 14 Subal- tins 28 Serj^^ 300 Rank and File Field Officer for the Main guard Colo" Bridges Maj'" Curtan the Main guard to Confist of Six Capts 1 2 Subal- tains 24 Serj^^ 300 Rank and File and that the officers be prepaired this morning and Releave the prefant guard and that Vaults in some Convenant plafe for Each Regment Genoral orders Apriel 25^^ 1775 Field Officers of the Day Colo" Fry Maj'" Raymond The picquit to Confist of Seven Capt 14 Subaltans 28 ggjjts ^20 Rank and File Field Officers Colo" green Maj'" Miller 6 Capt"" 12 Subaltains 24 Serj*^^ 330 Rank and File be provided this morning at Nine oclock to Releve the prefant guard 14 Adjutant of the Day gager that i Captain 2 Subal- tains 2 Serj'^'^ and 40 privits be DeHverd and Repaire to the Farthert guard on Charleston Rode and there waite the orders of Mr Devons one of the Committe of safty To appear Immeadialy on the Common f, Osgood Brigade Maj'" Genoral orders Apriel 26 1775 Parole Hancock Field Officer of the Day Colo" Doolittle Field Officers of xht picquit to Night Col" Holdane Maj*" Biglow Field Officer of the Main guard Lev^ Bracket Dinf- more that 2 Companys be Datached from the picquit and posted as Follows (Viz) one at M*" Inmans and one at Charleston Rode that the Revaley Beat Every Morning at 4 oclock that at the Beating of the Troop the officers and picquit be Immeadatly Alembeled on the parade the tatoe to Beat Every Eveing at Nine oclock that after y^ Beating of the Tatoo there Be a profound Si lance through the Camp ^ Adjutant of the Southgate June 1^'' Genoral orders Parole Ipswiph Counterfign Newbury officer of the Day to Morrow Colo" Nixel [Nixon] Field officer of the picquit Guard to Night Maj"" Wood Field officer of the Main Guard to morrow Colo" Hutchesen Field officer of the Fitigue to morrow Lev*^ Colo" Robarlon 15 Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Nixon That the Commanding officer of Each Regment De- tachment or Company Daily Visit his solders whether in Barricks or in tents and obhge them to keep themfelfs there Barricks and tents Clean. The officers that Do not Strictly adhear to thele orders are to be Reported to head quarters and the Soldiers that Disobeys the officers orders In this Resped are to be Confined at the Main Guard untill they Shall Receve Som adequate punish- ment to a Crime So heanous that the officers shall oblige them to keepe there parade Clean and Bury there Stench Sam" Ofgood Maj'" of Brigaide Junes'^ 1775 Parole Marblehead Counteriign Lynn Field officer of the Day to Morrow Colo" Manffield Field officer ot the Picquit guard to Night Majr Field officer Main guard Lev'' Colo" Bond Officer of the Fitigue to Morrow Putnam adjutant of the Day to Morrow Putnam Genoral Orders that the Commanding officer of Each Regm'^ Detach- ment or Company oblige all that are of Duty under his Command to be paraded at 4 oclock in the afternoon and be Redy the Whipping 2 prifenors Steeling at 5 oclock Samul Ofgood Maj'" of Brigad June 4*^ 1775 Parole Beverly Counteriign Rowly Field Officer of the Day to Morrow Colo" Wood- brige I6 Officer of the Picquit to Night Butterik Field officer of the Main Guard to Morrow M. Le^ Co^ Parker Field officer of the Fitigue Maj'" Putnam Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Montague June 5^^ 1775 Parole Salfbury Counterfign Haverhill Field officer of the Day to Morrow Colo" Patterfon Field officer of the picqut Night Maj'" Poor of the Main Guard to Morrow Morning Lev* Colo" Whitting of the Fitigue to Morrow morning Maj*" Jackson Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Warner June 6'^ 1775 Parole Glouceller Counterlign Topsfield Field officer of the Day to Morrow Le*^ Colo" Prefcott Do of Picquit to Night Maj'" Putnam Do of the Main Guard to Morrow "^ Lev* Colo" Jones Do of the Fitigue to Morrow Morning Lev* Colo" Robartson Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Green June 7*^' 1775 Regmential orders That the Commanding officers of Each Regment De- tachment & Company make out a Compleat Return ot the Numbers in his refpedive Regment Detachment and Company the Number of arms Sutiable for Servic and how Many Rounds Each Man is furnished with ^; Samuel Olgood Maj' of Brigade • 1/ June S^^ General orders Parole Shelburn Counterfign Conway Field officer of the Day to Morrow Col° Seaman [Scammans] Do of the picqut to Night Maj'" Brooks Do of the Main Guard to Morrow M. Lev*^ Colo'^ Moultan Do of the Fitigue to morrow Morning Maj'" Stacy Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Marfdon Regmential orders That the Commanding officer of Each Company see his Company paraded on the Grand parade by 4. oclock in the afternown in order for Regmential Exerlises That Each Commanding officer See that his Clerk Calls over the Role Every Morning and Night before he Marches on the grand Parade and see that they are all there — that Each Commanding officer see thefe as well as the Regmentel Orders of Yerfterday pundully obeyed or he may Depend upon Suffiering according to the Rules of war Genoral orders June 9"* 1775 Parole Sunderland Counterlign Montague Field officer of the Day to Morrow Colo" Nixon Do officer of the Picquit to Night Maj"" Woods Do officer of the Main Guard to M.-M. Le' Co' Bond Do officer of Fitigue to Morrow M. Maj"" Wood Adutant of the Day Holdan from Cap* Coits Comp. 1 Sub" 1 Corp' & 15 privits Genoral orders June 10*'^ ^775 Parole Northfield Counterlign Brimfield Field officer of the Day to Mo'" Colo" Gerish Field officer of the picquit Night Maj*" Butrick Field officer ot the Main guard to Mor'^ Morning Lev^ Colo" Bracket Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Febdiget [Febiger] Draught of Cap^ Coit Company i Serj^ i Corperal & 9 Privits Genoral orders June ii*^^ ^775 Parole Glyn Counterfign Wilkes Field Officer of the Day to Mor^^ Colo" Manffield Field Officer of the Picquit to Night Maj^ putnam Field Officer of the Main guard to Mor^"" Morning Lev* Colo" Clark Field officer ot the Fitigue to Morrow Maj^ poor Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Putnam Draught of Cap* Coits Company one Serj* and 5 men for the picquit guard to Night ten Men for the Main guard to Morrow Morning Genoral orders June 12th 1775 Parole York Counterfign Kittery Field Officer of the Day to Morrow Colo" Wood- bridg Field officer of the picqut to night Maj*" Wood Field officer of the Main guard to Morrow Lev* Colo" park Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Montague Draught of Capt Coits Company one Serj* 1 Corparel sixteen privits for the picqut guard to Night • 19 General orders June 13''' ^775 Parole Whoburn Counterlign Concord Field officer ot the Day to Morrow Colo" prescoot Field officer ot the picquit to Night Maj'" Stacy Field officer ot the Main guard Colo" Roberlbn adjutant of the Day Hardy Head quarters Cambridge 13^^ June 1775 Genoral orders that a genarl Court Mariliell be held this day at the School houle at Nine Oclock to try such perlons as shall be Brought Betore them Colo" Fry Prel- adant Capts Coit Bancrott Frances Newall Leaibn Butler Leve^ fofter Hyde webb Kyes gognoug [Gagnong'?] Porter Members Joseph Trumble Judge advocate all Evedan[ce] to atend Draught ot Cap^ Coits Company 1 SubaP 1 Corparl & 8 privits for picqut gard 1 Serj* — 8 men for Fitigue Genoral Orders 14*^'' June 1775 Parole Wilks Counteriign Berwik Field Officer of the Day to Morrow Colo" Gardiner Field officer of the Picquit Night Maj'' Jackfon Field officer of the Main Guard Mo" Lev^ Col" Stern Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Hunt Regmentel orders that the officers of Every Company Belonging to Con- nedicut now Stationed in Cambridge Excepting Cap^ kotton in Cafe of an alarm Shall Repair on the grand parade where Lift. Waterman is Now Incampt and there waite for Further orders the officers ot Each Company 20 Viwing the Fire Locks and See that they be Fit tor Au6lion and Each man provided with 18 Round Car- theradegs and two Flints or more and in Cafe of an In- gagment that no man prefume to fire over a Battahon Engaged in Battahon that the officer of Every Company Parade with his own Company on the grand prade at Sun Riling in the Morning and at Four oclock in the afternoon ■p order genarol Putnam Dan^^ Tyler adjtat Genoral orders June 14'''^ 1775 that Each Colo" of Every Regment take and keep a List of his men there names when Inlisted plale of Refa- danc age Station and Comple6tion and order the Role to Be Called Every morning and Eving all officers See that all tumults & Diferances In Camp be Suprefsed that all Solders Repaire to there Barricks and Tents after the Beating of the Tato on penalty of Bering Con- fined that there Be no Noife in Camp after nine oclock at Night that the Field officers of the Day take Efpecail Care to prevent all grogge shops and it the owners of them Continue to sell Liquers to the Solders he is orderd to Stave all there Licquers all Officers see that there men attend upon prayers Morning and Eving allfo the Service on the Lords Day with there armes and accouterments Ready to march in Caie of any alarm that no Drums Beat after the parfon is on the Stage and the men Imeadiatly attend the Commanding officers of Each Regment see that there armes and amunition Be Veiwed Dayly and that there [be] none wanting that Every Regment keep a quarter Guard Tru Copey J Ward Scarty [Sec'y] 21 General orders June 15*^^ 1775 Parole Taunton — Counterfign Rehoboth Field Officer of the Day to Mor'^ Colo" Leammous* Field Officer of the picquit Night Maj*" Durkey Field Officer of the Main guard to Mor"^ Morning Lev* Colo" Nixon adjutant of the Day to Morrow Marfdon Regmental orders that the Refpetive officers who Fur nilli men tor the Picqut guard Stridly Examin there arms and Amunition before they march to see that the arms and Amunition of the picquit guard be Stridly Examined before they go upon Duty by the Command- ing Officer of the Picqut Draught of Cap*' Coits Company one Subaltain 1 Serj*^ 16 privits for the Main Guard to Morrow Morning c ctf 'SI u a; s Q 1 'E 1 On Command Main guard « - ^ on picquit guard Barick guard M 1 -0 on Fitigue 1 1 Sick 1 i-( 0:1 Servants •* Presant M N ' en C) CO N in The Report ot Cap'' Coits Company 'Very clear, but must be meant for " Scammons ". 22 General orders 16*'' June 1775 Parole Leabanon Counterlign Coventry Field Officer of the Dav m Colo" Nixon Field officer of the Picquit Night Maj"" Brooks Field Officer of the Main guard m. Lef Colo" Hutchfon Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Holden Draught Cap^ Coits Company One Subaltain 9 Privits tor the picquit guard one Serj' and seven privits for Advance guard To Night Genoral orders June 17*^ 1775 Parok Dearfeild Counterlign Conway Field Officer of the Day to Morrow Gerish Field officer of the Picquit to Night wood Field officer of the Main guard to"' Lev' Colo" Baldwin Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Febegin [Febiger] Regmential orders 17^'' June 1775 Capt. Coit and ten Privits mutt prade on the grand prade 6 oclock this attiernoon Equipt with two Days provefition Readay Dretsed and Blankets in order to march to the Releve of the Connecticut Troops at Charlestown 1^ order genoral Putnam Dan' Tyler Adjutant Genoral orders 18 June 1775 Parole Maiden Courteriign Westown Field officer of the Day M Colo" Mansfield Field officer of the Picquit Night Maj"" Poor 23 Field officer of the Main guard to morrow Morning Lev* Colo" Bond Adjuntant of the Day to Morrow Putnam Draught of Cap* Coits Company one Subaltain and 15 Privits for Fitigue to morrow Genoral Orders 19*^ June 1775 Parole Scarbouagh Counterfign Brunfwick Field officer of the Day to Morrow Col" Woodbrigde Field Officer of the Picquit Night Maj'" Stacy Field officer of the Main guard to Morrow Lev* Colo" Bruckit Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Montagu Regmential orders That the Cap* of Each Company Make a Return of there Company therin mentioning the Number Fit for Duty Sick and wounded Mising and the Number of armes Lost and that there Be a Regmential Courtmarfliel Immeadiatly Sit in order to try John Bray of Capt. Clarks Company Members for S'^ Courtmarfliell one Captain and 4 Subaltains '^. order genoral putnam Daniel Tyler Adjutant Genoral orders 20*^ June 1775 Parole Harpfwell— Counterfign Windham Field officer of the Day to morrow Colo" Fry Officer of the Picquit Guard to Night Captains Field officer of the Main Guard to mor'"' Lev* Colo" Brown Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Hardy 24 General Orders 20^^ June 1775 That all such perfons as may have in there Posesiton guns packs Clothing and other Apperals that was taken up sence the Engagment on Bunkers Hill that the own- er of Which are unknown are Required to Return them to headquarters that the Right Owners May have them again See the Next page [Regimental Orders under June 22] Genoral orders June 21*^^ 1775 Parole Pomphrett Counterfign Bristoll Field officer of the Day to Morrow Colo" W" Pres- cott Field officer of the Picqutt guard to Night Maj"* Jackfon Field officer of the Main Guard to M. Lev*^ Colo° Baldwin Adjutant of the Day to Morow Prcscott that Commanding officer of Each Regment Detach- ment and Company make a Compleat Return of there Number in there Refpetive Regm*^"^ Detachment and Company fit for Duty abfent on Furlow Deferted Sick and wounded in the Laft Engagment or Mising on a Count thereof Genoral Orders June 22^ 177S Parole Langdon — Counterfign Apilton Field officer ot the Day to morrow Col" Scammons officer of the Picquit Guard to Night Captains Field officer of the Man Guard to Mor"^ Lev* Colo*" Nixon Adjutant ot the Day to Morrow Marfdon 25 Se the Beging of the Last page [General Orders June 20] Regmential orders that every Comp^ Make out and Return to the Adju- tant a Compleat Return of the Number Men and Mifs- ing wounded of Guns and Blanckets Lost in the Last Ingagment at Charlestown this Day or by 9 oclock to morrow Morning Genoral orders 23^^ June 1775 Parole Lyman Counteriign Hopkins Field Officer of the Day to Morrow Colo" Glover officers officers of the Picqutt Guard to Night Cap- tains Field officers of the Main Guard to Mor'"" Maj'" Brooks Adjutant ot the Day to Morrow Glovers that Colo" Bruers Nixons Scammons Gerishs Littles Gardiners Manlfield Regments on or Near prospect hill the officers ot Sa*^ Regment not to Desert there posts upon any Conliderations whatever and Ufe there utmoil Endeavours to prevent the Doing the Same Genoral orders 24*^^ June 1775 Parole Trowbrigde Counteriign Wattes Field officer of the Day to Morrow Colo" Brigges officers ot the Picquit to night Captains Field officers of the Main Guard to Mor'' Lev*- Col" Stores Adjutant of the Day to Morrow — Fox Regmential orders that Every officer and Soldier under My Command and Cap'' Coits and thole officers and Solders in his 26 Company all Belonging to and Raised in the Colony of Connecticut are orderd on Every ocation when the Drums Beat to armes Immediatly to Repaire to the Parade Near the Incampment Laid out for my Regment and there form themlelfs and wait for Further orders and it is Further orderd that all the Drums and Fifes in the Regm'^ Do there Duty at the proper houres according to the Rules of there Duty in the Camp Sined By lirael Putnam Genoral orders June 25'^'^ ^775 Parole Halley Counterfign Freeman Field Officer of the Day to Morrow Col'' Fry officers of the picquit to Night Captains Field officer of the Main guard to M. Lev* Col" Rob- erfon Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Harday Genoral orders June 26'^' ^775 Parole Swanzey Counterfign Dartmouth Field Officer of the Day to morrow Col" Prilscott Officers of the Picquit Captains Field officer of the Main Gard to morrow Maj'" Johno [Johonnot; ct. June 28] Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Green Draught Capt. Coits Company for a scouting Party at Leachmers point to Night one Subaltain 1 Serj*^ 1 Corperal and 30 Privits to apear on the grand parade a Little Before Sunfett to Night Genoral Orders June 2"]^^ ^77 S Parole Prefscott Counterfign Dana Field Officer of the Day to morrow Colo" glover Officers of the Picquit to Night Captains Field officer of the Main guard to Morrow Maj'" wood Adjutant of the Day to morrow Gibbs Draught of Capt Coits Company for a Scouting party to Night one Subaltain one Serj^ i Corperl and 30 Privits Genoral Orders 28*'' June 1775 Parole Swanzey Counterfine Dartmouth Field officer of the Day to Morrow Col" Prescott of the Picquit Captains of the Main Guard to Morrow Maj^ Johnnot Adjutant of the Day to morrow Green Draught of Cap* Coits Companyany for Leachmeers point 1 Subateran 1 Serjant 1 Coparl and 30 privits Genoral orders June 29*^ 1775 Parole Washington Counterlign Virginia Field officer of the Day to morrow Colo'' Gerish Officers of the picquit to Night Captains Field officer of the Main guard to Morrow Maj'" Brooks Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Hardy Regmential orders 29*^^ June 1775 that the Regments in this Incampment parade to morrow morning at 5 oclock on the Common Where the Prisoners will be Brought from the Main guard and the Sentanc of the genorl Courtmarfliel will be put in Execution againft them the Officers Commanding Com- panys will take Care that the men in there Refpedive Companys turn out Immediatly when Called upon for Duty the adjutant will take Care to Bring the men 28 upon the Plafe of parade tor Guard, and other Duty, Perfisly at the time apointed by the adjutant Genoral For Fitigue of Capt. Coits Company to morrow one Serj^ 1 Corparel and twelve Privits Genoral Orders June 30*^^ 1775 Parole Pennsylvinia Counteriign Jamaica Field Officer of the Day to Morrow Col'^ Prefcott Field officer of the Main guard to morrow Morning Lev* Colo" Robarlon Adjutant ot the Day to Morrow Gibbs That all prophain Curling and Swearing and all Inde- fant Languge and Behavour will Not be tolerated in Camps the genoral Expects that all the officers from the higheft to the Lowell Rank Set a good Exampel to the Solders in this Camp that three Subaltains Be apointed to Dayly to Viset the Colage at Nine Oclock in the Morning to See that they are Swept Erly & that the officers Improving [.w, but?] Dwelling houles take Care that those Soldiers Who are quartered in the Same See that they are Daily Swept that the Field officers at Cambridge Charleston Medford See that the adjutant Make out a Liil ot all the names of all the officers and Rank and File Belonging to there Relpe6tive Regments & make out a Return Immediatly to the adjutant genoral that all posable Care Be taken that no Lewd Woman Com into the Camp and all Perfons are ordered to give Information ot Such Perfons if any there be that proper Metures may Be taken to Bring to Condine punifliment and Ride [rid] the Camp of all Such Noufances that the Rules and Regulations for the amarican army be Read 29 at the head of the Refpe6tive Companys By the Captain or such other Perfons as they Shall apoint once a weak Till Further Orders Of Cap*' Coits Company For Fitigue to Morrow i Serj^ 1 Corperal and 14 Privits Genoral orders 1^^ July 1775 Parole Bowdian Counterhgn Dexter Fild officer of the Main Guard to Morrow Lev*^ Col° Glover Field officr of the Day to morrow Lev'' Colo" Glover Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Fox that the adjutant of the Refpedive Regments Doing duty Cambridge Charlestown and Medway Mak a weekly Return to the adjutant Gen^^ at headquart^® of the Number of officers Ranck and File fit for Duty Number unfitt where Stationed what Number on Duty Daily what Duty whether in Camp on Furlow or ablent without Leave the Drumers in Camps attend on M^ John Bafsett Drum Ma]"" at 7 oclock to Morrow allfo Recv there orders Relpeting thre Duty July 2^^ 1775 Parole Pitts Counterfign Bradbury Field officer of the Day to morrow Col*^ Brackit Field Officer of Main guard Morrow M Maj"" wood Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Hardy Genoral Orders That Some Sutible Perfons in Each Company and Regment be Derided to Infped S'^ Companys Daily and that upon Finding any Complaints of Indisposion amonglt the men the Surgans of Each Regment will Examin thereinto and it there be any Symtoms of the Small Pox upon them that they Immediatly are Removed Draught of Capt Coits Company for a Scouting Party at Leachmeers Point one Subaltern 2 Serj^ i Corparel and thirty Privits Parole Lookout Field officer of the Day to morrow Col" gerry Field Officer of the Main guard to Mor''' Maj'" Poor Adjutant of the Day to morrow Gibbs Genoral Orders By His Exelancy genarel Washington Elq'' Com- mander In Chief of the Forfes of the Unitied Provinces of North America the Colo" or Commanding officer of Each Regment are ordered Fourthwith to Make two Returns of the Number of men in there Refpedive Regments Distinguehing thofe Who are sick wounded abfent on Furlow and alfb the Quantity of amunition that Each Regment has July 3^^ 1775 Parole Addington Counterlign Bedford By his Exalency genoral Washington Efq*" that one Exa6t Return be Maid by the proper officers of all the Provisions ordinance stores powder and Lead Working Tooles of all kinds tents Camps kittels and all other stores under there Refpedive Care Belonging to the armyes at Cambridge and Roxbury the Command- ing officers of Each Regment to Make a Return of the 31 number Blanckits wanted to Compleat Every man at Leait with one Article 2'^ the Honourable artemus ward Charles Lee Phillip Schyler and Isral Putnam Elq'"® are apointed Major Genorals ot the american army By the honou- arble Contential Congrels and Du obedince is to [be] paid unto them as Such the Contintial Congrels not having Compleated the apointrnent of the officers in s'^ army nor had Suffiste- ant time to Prepaire and Forward there Commisions so Every officer is to Continue to Do Duty in there Rank and Station he at Preiants holds untill Further orders Article 3^^ Thomas Mifflin Esq'" is Apointed by the Genoral of his adeCamps Joseph Reed Efq^ is in Like maner apointed Secretary to the genarol and they In Futer to be Coniidered and Regarded as Such Article 4 The Contitential Congrels having now taken all the Troops of the Several Coloneys which have bin Raised or which may be hearafter Raised for the Suport and Defenc of the Libertys of America into there pay and Service they are now the Troops of the United Provinces of North america and it is hoped that all Distincontions of Coloneys will be Laide aiide so that one and the [same] Spirite May Animate the whole and the only Conteil be who shall under this great and Trying Occa- tion Do the moft Efsential Service to the great and Common Caufe in which we are all Ingaged Article 5 It is Requirid and Expeded that an Exad Difepline be obfervied and Du Subordenation prvaile through the whole army any Failure in thefe afsential points mult Necfserly produce Exibeeme 32 hazerd Disorder and Confustion and [end] in a Shamfull Disapointement and Disgrace 6 article Moit Neturally Requires and Expeds a Du Obfervence of thele articles of war Eftablished for the goverment of the army which forbids prophain Curling and Swearing and Drunkennels and in Like Manner Requres and Expeds of all officers and Soldiers not Engaged in aduel Duty a Pundiul attendance on Devine Service to Emplore the Bleiings of heven upon the Means Ufed For Our Safty and Defence Article 7"' all officers are Required and Expeded to pay a Diligant attention to keep there men Neat and Clean to Vifet them often at there quarters Inculiate upon them the Nefeliaty of it as Afsental to there Health and Service they are particulerly to Se that they have Straw to Ly on if to be had and to make it known if Distitute of this article they are alfo to take Care that Nefiserays are provided in the Camps and Frequently Filled up to prevent Being oftenfive and Unhealthfull proper Notice will be taken of Such officers and Men as Shall Distinguish themiilves By a Due attention to thefe Nefsafery Dutys Article 8 the Commanding Officer of Each Reg- ment is to take perticuler Care that not more then two men of a company be absent on Furlow on the same time unlefs on Very Extraornary Cafes Article 9 Colo" Gardiner is to be Buryed to Morrow att three Oclock preiisly with the Militery honours So Brave and Gallant an Officer is worthy of who Fought Blead and Died in the Caufe of his Countray and Man- kind his own Regment Except the Comp^ at Maldain to attend on this Mornfull Ocasion the Plafe of thefe •Companys in the Lines on Prosped hill to Be Supplied 33 with Colo" Bio vers [Glover's | Regment until! the Fu- narl is over Article lo"' No Parsons Whatever is allowed to go to the Fresh pond a Fishing or on any other ocation as there May be Danger of Introducing the Small Pox into the army 1 1 Article It is Strictly Required and Commanded that there be no Peace of Canon no Small arms Firid from any ot the Lines or Else where Except in Cal'e of Nefesesary and Immedeate Defence or spefial order Givin for that Purpofs 12*^^ Article all Perfons Taken Delerters Coming out of Boifon who Can give any Intilagance ot any Capturs of any kind From the Enimy are to Be Imme- diatly Reported and Brought up to head Quarters at Cambridge Article 13*^^ Cap*^ griffin is Apointed Addacamp to genarl Lee and to Be Regarded as Such Article 14^^ the Guard for the Security of Waterman [ Watertown ?] is to be Strengthed By ading 30 men Immediaty Article 15 A Serjant and Six men to be Set at the horspitle as a guard and to apply to Do*" Rand Article 16 Complaint having Ben Maide againgst John Whight Ouartermafter ot Colo" Nixons Regment of Mesdemeanouers in Drawing out Provilions tor More men then the Regm'' Confistid ot and tor Abulive Be- havour a court-Marlliell Conlisting 1 Captain and 4 Lev^ is orderd to Be held on Sa'^ Whight at 9 Oclock to 34 Morrow morning who are to Make Due Enquiry Deter- min and Report Draught Cap^ [Coit's] Company for a scouting party one Subaltain 2 Serj*" and 30 Privits July 4*^^ By his Exalency genoral Washington Esq"" 1775 Parole Be[d?Jford Counterfign Cambrigde Genoral orders 1^^ the Adjutant of Each Regment is Requir^ To take Spefial Caire that all genoral orders are Communicated as well to the privit men as to the officers that there may be no Plee of Ignorance thy will be Deemed Anlwerable for all Confequinces Which may Follow from any Neg- lect of these orders 2 article a genoral Courtmafliill is orderd to Set to Morrow 10 Oclock A.M. For the Tryall of William Pattors* Charged with Leving his post while on Duty and a Sentinal David wells and Gidion Cole for for Sleeping or Leving there post as Senternals John Scot for Inlulting the Sentra or attemting to pafs the guard to Bolton James Foster for theft when the Wittnefs is to attend and the partys Charged are to have Notis this Day that they may be prepaired For there Trials Article 3 the Genoral moll genorally Recomends and Requires of all the officers that they be Exceeding Diligant and Strict in Preventing all Invations of Pri- vit Property in these Quarters or Elsewhere he hopes and Indeed Flatters himfelf that Every Privit Soldier will abhorr and Delist [from] Such pratices when he Confiders that [it] is for the prefervation of his own * Sic, but see July 7, g 10. 35 Rights Liberty and Property and them of his Fellow Countramen that he is now Called into Service that it is unmanly and Sules [sullies] the Dignity of the Great Caufe in which we are Caled to Ingag in to Violate that Property he is Called to protect and Elpeclioly that it is moft Cruel and Inconlistant Thus to add to there Distrefs of thofe of ther Countraman who are suffering under the lorn hand of Oprefion Article 4^^ the Genoral again Urges a Speedy and Jull Return of the Forfes Stores and provifion as De- iired in the orders allredy Ifsued and for the Futer thofe Returns to Be Made once a week on Saterday morning Regularly the Genoral is Much Pleafed with the Expe- dition and Care Which Som officers have allredy shune in there Obedance to this order Articole 5*^ the Colo" or Chiefe Commanding Officer of Each Regment is to Deri6t an officer of Each Company to Call over the Roles of there Men at 6 oclock oclock Every Morning and to Make proper inquire affter the Abfenters NB( William pattors"^' David Wells Belonging To Cap^ Gridleys Company and to Colo" Gridleys Reg- ment Gideon Cole Belonging To Cap^ Chelters Com- pany genoral putnams Regment John Scot Belonging to Murays Company Colo" Regment James Foiter Belonging to Butlers Company Colo" Nixons Regment Genoral Orders July 5^^ 1775 Parole Cumberland Counterfign Dudley A Genarel Courtmarfliel is orderd to Set tomor- row Ten Oclock for the Tryal of John Seymore John * Sic, but see July 7, § 10. 36 Batchler & William Crofton all of Colo'^ Gridleys Reg- men^ Charged with Defertion and theft at the same Time they are to hear and Determan the Cafe of Edward Dudley accufed of theft Notice to Be Given to the Prisoners to Day the Clothing Provided by the Mafsachufsets Committe of Supplies for thofe of there Goverment who Loll: there Clothes in the Late Action at Bunkers hill To Be Distributed to the Mort Needy and Nefsestius men in Each Regment and an account to be keept thereof By the Commanding officer of Each Regmt Draught Cap^ Coits Company for a scouting party at Leachmears point One Subalain 2 Serj* i Corper' 30 Privits General Orders July 6"' 1775 By his Exalency General Washingtown Parole Dorcheder Counterfign Exeter I®'' It is with in Expresable Concern that the gen- oral upon his Firil Arrivel in the Army Should find an officer Sentanced by a genoral Courtmartiel to be Cafli- ierd For Cowardife — A Crime of all others the molt Infames in a Soldier the moil Infames to an Army and the Lart to be Forgiven in as much as it m[a|y and often dos happen that the Cowardife of a single officer may prove the Deftrution of the whole Army Cambridge Head Quarters July 7"' 1775 Genoral orders By his Exelancy Genoral Washington Efq'" Parole Dorcheiler Counterfign Exeter 1^'' It is with Inexpresable Confern that the genoral upon his first Arrivel in the army should find an officer 37 Sentenced By a genoral Courtmartial to be Cashiered for Cowardile a Crime of all others the mort Infameus in a Soldiar the moft Infamius to an army and the Lall: to be Forgivin In as much as It may and often Dos happen that the Cowardile of a single officer may prove the Destrution of a whole army The Genoral therfore though with Great Conlern and more Efpesaly as the Tranlation happened Before he Had Command of the Troops thinks himlelf obliged for the Good of the Service to Aprove the Judgment of the Courtmartial with Re{pe6t to Capt John Calender who is hearby Sentanced to be Calliiered Capt John Calender is accordingly Cashiered and dismilsed from all Further Service in the Continnenteal army as an officer'^' the Genoral having Made all Due Inquires and Matuerly Confidired this matter is Lead to the above Determinations not only from the preticular Guilt of Cap* Calender But the Fatel Confequences of Scuch Conduct to the Army and to the Caufe of the f America he now therefore moft Erneftly Exorts Officers of all Rancks to Shew an Exampel of Bravery and Courage to there men Aluring them that Scuch as Due there Duty in the Day of Battle as Brave and Good officers Shall Be honoured with Every mark of Diftintion and Regard there names and Merits made known to the Genoral ConOTefs and all America while on the other hand he moft puntuly j; De[c]lares that Every officer be his Rank what it may Who Shall betray his Countray, Dishonour the Army and his Genoral by Bally keeping back and * Capt. Callender's commission was afterwards restored by Washington. See Frothingham's " Siege of Boston." f " Army" erased, " the" should be also. :|; Punctually, = scrupulously ; to be precisely adhered to. 38 Shrincking from duty in an Ingagment Shall be held up as an Infames Coward and punillied as Such with Utmoil: Martial Severity and no Connedion Intriit or Interfestion in his Behalf will avail to prevent the Strid: Execution of Juftas 2'^ Cap*^ Scots and Cap^ Stiles Companys from New hamfliire are to be Incorporated or aded to Colo" Ser- gants Regment Agreeable to the aplication Made for that purporfe 3'^ No officer or soldier posted in the Lines or for the Defence of them on prolpe6t hill or winter hill or Else where are upon any account to Sleep out of there Incampment or Leave it at Night the Tropes Raised in New hamfliire are perticulerly Required to Attend to this order from the perticular Curcomitances of the Situation 4*^'' No Soldier belonging to thefe pofts or Else where to be Suffered to Stragell at any Diifance from there Re- spective parade on any pertence without Leave from his OfBcer as an Unguarded hour may prove fatel to a whole army and to the Noble Caule in which we are Ingaged the Importance of which to Every man of Comman Underftanding Muft Inlpier Every Good officer and Soldier with the Nobelalt Ardour and Strictteif attention Leait he Should prove the fattel Inilrument of our Ruin 5^^^ the Adjutant Genoral is Required to make a Retun as Quick as polable of the Troops in Cambridge there Number and the Duty they Due (3th Complaints having ben made with Reiped: to the Bread as Being Sour and unholfom the Quarter Matter Genoral is hearby Derided to Inquire into the Matter and Report upon it at the Same time to Inform the 39 Backers that if any More Complaints are maide and they Shall Shall Be Found Juft they will be moil Severly puniflied 7^'' The Guards on the Rodes Leading to Bunckers hill are orderd not to Suffer any perion to pals them unLefs an officer is Sent Down from the Lines to it or they will be Severily puniflied 8'^ the General has Great Reafon and is highly Displeas'^ With the Neglenance and Inatention of thole officers who have plaled as Senterys at the outposts men with whofe Caricteras they are not accquainted he therefore orders that for the Futer no man Shall be Apointed to thofe Importent Stations who is not a Native of this Contray or has a wif or Family in It to whome he is known to Be Attached this is to be'Confiderd as a standing one and the officers are to Pay Obediance to it at there Pearl 9*^^ A Complaint of a moft Extraordeary kind hav- ing bin Maide to the Genoral that Soldiers Inlifted in one Regm*^ have ben Sedused to Reinlist into others by agents inployed for that Purpole under the Spacetious promies of money or Leave of Ablance From the army A proceeder Subverlive of all order Disapline and of the Very Existance of the army Cannot be Forgivin the strictell orders are therefore Given againft Scuch Pratices and the genoral moft Eraneftly Declares that if any agant or Soldier Shall hearafter be Found So offending he will punifli them with the Utmoft Severaty ■ lo'^ . A General Court Martial having Set upon William Patten""' and Reported that no Evedance apeared againit him to Soport the Charge the Genoral Defers his * Sic, but see July 4, twice. 40 Defsition upon the Report untill Further Confideration, in the Mean time the Adjutant gen" Is orderd to wait on Genorl ward by whom the prisoner was Confined and Learn from him upon whole Complaint and what wittnels there are to Suport it A Regmential Courtmartial is orderd to Set to morrow at Ten Oclock on Sam" Bartlet of the Company Late Cap*^ Calanders and Colo" Gridleys Regm*' Confined for Abufive Behavour A Genoral Court Martial to Set to morrow ten Oclock for the Trial thomas Dunly Charged with Steeling Each of the above priioners to have Notice to Day and the wittness in Like Manner orderd to Attentd In Order that all the Sick & the wounded may be Provided tor and taken Care of in the Beft way and manere posable it is orderd that when any Officer or Soldier is So ill Eather by A wound [or] otherwiie that the Surgan of the Regm^ to which he Belongs finds he Cannot be properly taken Care ot in Such Regm^ Such Surgan Send him to the Camp holpitale to which they Belong with a Certificate ot the mens Name the Com- pany And Regment to which he Belongs and in that Cafe the Surgan of the holpittle Shall Rcieve Sa'^ Sick and wounded and in Cale Such hospittle Shall be tow full in that Cale the Surgan ot Said hospittle Shall Send Such of his patiants as may be Removed with Safty to the hospittle at Watertown with the Like Certificat as abt)ve on which the Surgan of watertown hospittle Is to Receve and take Care of him Finas 41 Head Quarters Cambridge July 8"' 1775 General Orders Parole Efsex Counter Sign Falkland 1^*^ It is orderd that the Main Guard on no account Whatvever be without a Drum which is to beat to arms on any Alarms and Followed by all the Drums in the Camp on which Every officer & Soldier is Imeadiatly to Repair to the alarm post the Commanding officer of each Regm'^ or Corps in Cambridge as soon as there men are paraded after an alarm to send an officer to head quarters for Orders 3*^ the Commanding ofteser at Roxbury profpe6t Winter hill & Sewals point to Send Exprefes in Cafe of alarms to Head quarters with an account of there Situation & the Movement of the Enamy if they are not provided Each with horfes the Adjutant Gen^ to apply to Committee of Supplys Colo" Gridley of the artillery or the Next in Com- mand to Give in a Return of his men Stores and amunition Agreeable to the orders of the 1®^ Infant & to Distingulli the post to which his Regm'^ is aligned in Cafe of alarms the Same Deredion is Given as to a Return men amunition & Stores to the Commanding officers of the Regment Late Colo"^ Gardiners of Colo" Glovers and Colo" Gerishs who have Omitted Comply- ing with the above orders hitherto. The Commanding officer at winter prospe<5t hill And Roxbury are to Make perticuler Enquirer into the ammunition of the men in thole Lines and if there is 42 Any Diffissancy Immediatly to report it to the Genoral at head quarters 6^^ A Genoral Courtmartial is Orderd to Set on Munday Next at ten oclock tor the Trial of Lev*^ Brig- ham Charged with Refcuing a prisoner from Lawfull Custoday the prifoner to have Notice to Day Draught Cap^ Coits Company 1 Subaltran 2 Serjants i Corparl & 30 privits guard Leachmeers point Head Quarters Cambrige July 9^^ 1775 Parole Effingham -\ Countirfign Watertown Officer of the Day Colo" Brigges -, St The Contental Congrefs having Ben pleafed to Apoint Haratio Gates Efq'" Brigader Genor^ and Adjutant Gen- oral of the Army he is to be obeyed as Scuch and all orders tranfmitted Through him from the Commander in Cheaif Whether in writing or Verbal are to be Imeadiatly and puntuly Complyed with 2" All Soldiers more then two out of a Company who are presant Abfent on Furlow and all officers Non Comifsioned officers and Soldiers who have not Joyned there Refpedive Corps to be orderd Fourthwith to Camp the Commanding officer of the Corps to be anlwerable to the Genoral to an Obediance to these orders The Genoral or in his abfance the Commanding Officer at Roxbury to Send a Report Every Day in Writing Sealed up to the Commander in Cheaif to head quarters in Cambridge of all the Metearals Accomadations of the Providing [preceding?] Day Mentioning perticulerly 43 all arivels of Ships and Vefsels in the Bay with what Changes and Alterations are made in the harbour and in the Men of war tranfports and Floting Batter[ie]s &C Head Quarters July lo^*" 1775 Parole Fredrick Counteriign Clouchefter the Genoral Court Martiel of which Colo" w™ prefcot was presadent having tryed w"^ patten of Col" Gridley Reg^ and Found him Guilty of thriting [threatening] and abuiing a Number of perfons when a prisoner to the qur* gurd the Court M'^ sentance the prisoner to Ride the wooden horle Fifteen minots the Gen" aproves the sentance and orders it to be put in Execution at the head of the Reg*' David welles Soldier in Col" Gridleys Reg*" is by the above Court try'^ for Sleeping upon his post and is Accquited No noncomilioned officer or soldier but Such as are Guilty of Capitiel Crimes to be Confined in the Main Guard all thole guilty of Crimes tryable By Reg'^^ Courtmartiels to be Sent to the quar- ter Guard of there Relpedive Corps to [be tried] by a Reg*^ Court martial the Gen" Cort Martial whereof Col" prescot is presadint to Set again this Day at the ufall hour all Evidance and perfons Concernd to Attend the Court whinever a genar^ Court martiel is orderd it is Expeded that the Evidance and perfons by Whome the prisoners are Confined do punduly attend to Suport the acculition or they will be anfwerable at there peral the Col" of Mafsechufsets Reg'^^ to order one Subaltern from Each Company from thre Relpitv Corps fourthwith upon the Recruting Service proper Inftruttons will be given by the adjutant genoral 44 Head Quarters Cambrigde July 1 1*^^ 1775 Parole Guilford Counterfign Hartford Officer of the Day to Morrow Col" Glover officer of the Main Guard Maj"" Wood Adjutant of the Day Harday Genoral orders the Courtmartial of which Colo" William Prescott was Presadant is Defolved and A genoral Courtmartial to be Afembeled at Cambrigde as Soon as posable to try Such Parfons as Shall be Brought before them all Evedance and persons Concerned to attend the Court the Genoral underilanding there is a bad Cuilom Pre- vailing in the Non Commiiiond officers and Solders abiinting themfelfes from Guard under the Pretence of Going for provilions it is therefore ordered that all officers & Soldiers Bring there provifions to the Guard they Mount & on no pretence quit there guards untill Regulurly Dismifsed Notwithftanding the orders of the Provential Congrefs Some perfons are So Dairing as to Suply the Soldiers with Immoderate quantitys of Rum & other Speiratus Licquers any Seller tavern keeper or Lifanced Inholder who Shall Prefume after the Date of this Order to Sell to Any Non Commilioned officer or Soldir Any Spiritus Licqures whatever without an order in Writing from the Cap^ of the Company to Which Such Noncomifsiond Officer or Soldier Belongs he or they So offending May Expert to be Severly punihed Lev^ Col" Ward Presadant of the Court Martial Head Quarters Cambrigde July ll^*" 1775 Parole Falmouth Counterfign Worcester Officer of the Day to Morrow Colo" prescott 45 officer of the Main Guard Maj'" Wood Adjutant ot the Day to Morrow Tyler Genoral Orders the Adjutant Genoral will Diliver at orderly times a Sertan Number of printed Returns to the Adjutant of Each Reg'' So that no Excufe Can for the Futer be admitted for not making Regular and Exad Returns whin Demanded as it [is] only Filling up the Blancks with the Number proper to be plafed in them the Commander in Chief will not for the Futer admitt of any Paliative for [not] making a Full Return and is Refolved to Bring any officer of what Ranck Soever to a Courtmartial who is Found Delinquent When any Trumpeter or Flagg of Truce is Sent from Bofton or any poll; occupied By the Enamy they are to be Stoped by the Firft Sentra they are premitted to Aproch who is to Call for Serjant of the guard Who will Conduct them to the officer of his Guard and Such Trumpeter or Flagg of Truce is not to be Allowed to Ster one Step Beyoand that Guard the officer Com- manding that Guard will Send any Letters or Mefsegs Brought from the Enamy Immediatly to the Comander In Cheaif and to no Other Parfon A Genoral Court Martial of Line to Set at head Quar- ters in Cambrigde to morrow morning at 9 oclock Try Colo" Scammous* of the Mafsechufets forfes Accufed of Backwardnefs of his Duty in the Late Adcion upon Bunkers Hill the Adjutant of Colo" Scammous'''* Reg*' to warn all Evedance & perfons Conferned are to Attend the Court Colo" Nixon Preladent of the Aboe Court * Scammans, but too carefully made «'s to ignore. See Frothingham's " Seige of Boston " for the facts in the case. 46 Head Quarters Cambrigde 13^'' July 1775 Parole Georgia Counterfign Huntington as the army will be Fourthwith formd into Brigads the Adjutant Genoral will at orderly Times this Day Deliver to the adjutant of Each Regm* a number of printed Returns one of Which will be Imeadiatly Filld up & Signed by the Commanding officer of Each Regm* and Sent as Soon as poseble to the Adjutant gen' By the Adjutunt of Each Regm'^ on the Back of the Return it will be Nefsesary [to state] where and in what Manner the Regm*^ is at Prefant posted the Commanding officer at Chelfe is as soon as posa- ble after the Recept of this order to Derid all the Cattle upon pudding point Shirleys Point and the Intermediate Space Betwen . Powderhorn hill & See to be Driven of[f]and it is Recomended to the Commisary Genoral to Endevour to Agree with the Owners of Sa*^ Cattle and to Furnish them tor the Ufe of the army Head Quarters Cambrigde July 14*^ ^775 Parole Halifax Counterfign Invernels Field Officer of the Day to Morrow Colo" Bridges Do officer of the Main guard Maj*" Brooks Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Fox as the health ot the army princabilly Depends upon Clenlynefs it is Recommended in the Strongeil: Manner to the Commanding officers of Corps posts and Detach- ments to be Strictly Diligently in ordering the Nefsesarys to be Filled up once "^ week and new ons Dug the Streets of the Encampment and Lines to be Swept Daily & all awfull Carrion near the Camp be Imediatly Burid the officers Commandino; in Barricks or Quarters to be 47 anfwerable that they are Swept Every morning and all Filth and Durt be Removed from about the houfes next to Clenlynels Nothing is more Condufive to a Soldiers health then Drefsing his Vituels in a Deasant and proper Maner the officers Commanding Companys Should there- tore Duly Infped the Camp Kitchings and see that the men Drels there food in a hollom way the Commanding officers in thofe parts ot the Lines and Redouts where the pikes are plafced will order the Quarter Mailers in Courfe to see there pikes Greafsed Twife a weak they are to be anlwarable alio to See that the pikes are keept Clean and always Ready and fitt for Service, the Genoral obferving Great Great Remiisnefs and Neglad in the Several Guards in and About the Camps orders the officers Commanding any Guards to turn out his Guard Immediatly upon the Near Aproch of the Commander in Chief or any of the Genoral Offi- cers and upon pafsing the Guards the Commander in Chief is to be Receved with Refted arms the officers to Selute and the Drums to Beat a march; the Maj'" Geno- rals with Rested armes the officers to Salute and Drums to Beat two RufFels the Brig"" Genorals with Refted arms the officers to Salute and the Drums to Beat one Ruffell there Being Somthing aukard as well as Improper In the Genoral officers being Stoped at the out Pofts and for pafsing By the Sentenals and obiged often to send for the officer of the Guard who at Som times Happens as much unacquanted with the Person ot the Genoral as the privit men are While to Prevent Mistakes the Genoral officers and there Adecamps be Distinguflied in the Following Maner the Commander in Chief by Light Blew Ribband a Croft his Breaft Betwen his Coat and Waistcoat the Maj'' and Brig"" Genorals by a pink 48 Coulard Ribband Wore in the Like Maner the Adecamps by a Green Ribband A Courtmartial of which Colo" ward was preladant is Delolved Daniel Carmil of Colo" Patterlons Regment Tryed for Disobadance orders in Reinlisting and taking Advance Money twife over and for Drunkenefs is found Guilty of the Several Charges and ordered to Be whipt on the Bare Back with 39 Lashes and Discharged from the army The Genoral approves the Judgment and orders it to Be Executed to Morrow morning at the head of the Regment he Belongs to Head Quarters Cambrigde July 15*^'' ^775 Parole Verginia Counterfign Meryland The Commanding officer of each Regment to Report the Names of Such Men in there Refpe6tive Corps as are most Expert in the Managment of Whale Boats when any Commifioned or Noncomiliond officer is Sent upon any Datachment or duty of honour or Fetigue or to See the Execution of Any Perticuler work he is Soon as the Service is preformed to Make a report thereof to his Commanding officer it Being Found advantageus to the publick Service to Remove Sundry horn Cattle and Sheep From the Grounds upon which they are graling near Chell'ey to prevent there falling into the Enemys hands, it is Earn- ertey Recomanded to the Several Comifserays to purchafs Such of them as are fitt for Slaughter of the owners in order that they may Suffer the Leait Los posable from the Unavoidable nefsetity of Removing them from the Rapatious Claws of our Enamys Colo" Gridley Chiefe Enginniar is Defired to Report 49 what Schevaux detrize he Maide and What forwardnels thoie are in that are now Making it is nelsesary thole upon hand be Compleated without Delay notwithstand- ing the orders all Ready Given the Genoral hears with astonishment that [not] only Soldres But officers Unau- therysed are Continuelly Converiing with the officers and Centinls of the Enamy Any officer Noncomil'sioned officer or Soldier or Any Perfon whatfoever who is Deteded holding Any Couralpondance or Carring on any Converlation with the officers or Centernils of the advancd poll of the Enamy will be Immediatly Brought before A Genoral Court martial and punished with the Utmoft Severity The Genoral alone is to Judge of the propriaty of Any Intercoule with the Enamy and no one Else is to prelume to Interfear the Chief Enginnier Colo" Gridley to order an Engin- nier and a Field officer of arrtillery to Go Round the Lines and Redouts to Examin if the Guns are plafed properly in the ambrufsears and if the ambrufsiers are properly maid and properly Sloaped towards the Country the Enginnier and Artilery officer to Report to the Com- mander Commander in Chief as Soon as they Have Obeyd this order Field officer of the Day to Morrow Colo" Glover Do of the Main Guard to Morrow Maj^ Lee Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Hardy Head Quarters Cambrigde July iG*"^ ^775 Parole, Carolina Counteriign Springfield The Continnetal Congrels having Earnftly Recom- ended that thurlday Next the twenth*^"^ Inf ^ Be obferved by the Inhabents of all the Inglish Coloneys upon this 5 50 Contennent as a day of puplick humilation of Farting and Prayer that they may with United hearts and Voice unfaindly Confels there sins Before God and Suplecate the all-wife and Merfifull Desposer of Events to avert the Defolation and Calamities of an unnatural War the Genoral orders that Day to Be Religously obe- served by the Fories under his Command Exactly in the Manner Direded By the proclamation of the Con- tinnental Congrels It is therefore Stri6lly Injoyned all officers and Soldiers not upon Duty to Attend Devine Service at there Accumltomed places of Woshep as well in the Lines as the Incampmen[tsJ and Quarters and it is Expe6ted that all thofe who Go to Woshep Do take there armes Amunition and Accurterments and are prepared For Immediat Auticon if Called upon if in the Judgement of the officers the work Should Appear to be in Such Forwardnels as the Utmoil Security of the Camp Requres they will Command there men to Abftain from all Labour upon that Solom Day It is with Much Suprile and Conlern that the Genoral in palsing along the New hampshire Lynes yerlterday obferved a moll: wanton Mifchieveus and unprofitble abufe of property in the Deftrution of many Valuable Trees Which were Standing along the Side of the Road out the way of our works or Guns he therefore Orders that affeclial Stop be put to Such Pratices for the Futer or Severe punifliment will Fall upon the tranfgrefsors of this order William Palfrey Elq*" is apointed adecamp to Maj"" Genoral Lee all orders whether Writen or Verbal Com- ing from genoral Lee and Deliverd by Cap' palfrey are to be puntuly Obeyed A perticuler Return to be Deliverd to the Adjutant 51 General to morrow at orderly times of the Regment of Artilery Distingushing how Every man and officer in that Corps is at prefant Employed and where ported F. Officer of the Day to Morrow Co^ Prefcott officer of the Main Guard Colo" Johnnott Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Tylor Draught of Cap* Coits Company One Subaltern 2 Serj' i Corperal & 30 Privits for Leachmeers point to Night Head Ouaters Cambrigde 17'^'^ July 1775 Parole Bofton Counterfign Salam there is Refon to apreheand that the Gen^^ orders are not Regulerly published to the Non Commiliond officers and Soldiers in the army as pleading Igornance of orders will not For the Futer Be admitted in Excule of any Delinquece it is once more ordered that the adjutants of the Sevirol Corps will be Exa6t in Seeing the orders Read Every Morning & Evning to the men of Duty of there Refpedive Corps as they may Depend upon Anfwering it before a Court Martial for any Negle6t of obeying this order the Geno^ Court Martial whereof Colo" John Nixon is Prefadent to Set again to Morrow moring at 8 oclok To try Such prisoners as Shall be Brought Before them all Evedance and perfons Concernd to attend the Court there being a Great Negled: in Sending in there Returns to the adjutant Genoral as Dereded in Genoral orders Fryday Last Efpesaly from the Regments posted in & Near Roxbury y"" Genorl Afuers the Commanding officers of Corps from whom the Returns are Expe6ted that he will not for the Future pals over the Sliteft Negled in Sending Returns to head quarters at the time Dereded 52 by the Gen" orders if there is any Remifsnefs in the Adjutants the Colon*" will not Du there Duty if they Do not Fourthwith Confin the trane:refsors officer of the Day Col" Roberibn of the Main Guard Maj'" Woods Adjutant of the Day Gibbs Head quarters Cambrigde July 18*^^ ^775 Genoral orders Camp Before Boston iS*"^' July 1775 Parole Wellmngton Counteriign Cheiler as the Chevaux de Frize is not in Readnefs the offi- cers Commanding the Differnt Lines and Redouts are as Soon as posable to provide Suffisant number of gab- ions Which are to Lay Emty at the Entirance of there Refpetive polls in order to be Filled up as ocation May Require Gen" putnam will fourthwith ordr his post to be Furnished with a Large Number of Fashines the officers Commanding the DifFerant pofts to Send an Exact account to head quarters this afternoon of all the Intrenching tooles In there pos[sess]ion Spaids pick axes wheel Barros hand Barrows axes and Crow Barrs to Mention there Number and Oualety ot any ot thefe Impliments that are Still wanting to Carry on thefe works 6 Capts 12 Subaltarens 12 Serj'^^ and 300 Rank & File to prade to morrow Morning Imeadiatly after Devine Service from the Reg'^'* now Stationed in Cambrigde as a working party to afist in Raising the Newhamfliire Lines Colo" Scammons of the Mafsechulsets Bay Forces Tryed by the Gen" Court Martial of which Col" John Nixon was presadant for Disobeden[ce] ot orders and Backwardnefs in Execution of his Duty the Court 53 after Duly Examening the Evidance for and Againll: the prisoner together with what the prisoner had to Say in his Defence are of Opinon that Col" Scamon is not guilty of the Crime wherewith he was Accufed and therefore Doth Acquit the prisoner Colo" Scamon to be Immeadiatly Dismist from his Areft If after what has happend the Enemy in Revenge of there late Lofes Should Dare of Inforfing our Lines the army may be Aluered that Nothing but there own Indolanc and Remifsnefs Can Give the Leaft hope of Sucefs to So Rash an Enterprife it is therefore Strongly Recommended to the Commanding officers of Corps Guards and Detachments that they be Asidously alart in prading there Men at there Several polls halt a hour"' Before Day Break and Remain there untill the Com- manding officer thinks proper to Dismifs the ye Geno^ hears with altonishment the many Frquant applications that has Bin mad to him as well By offi- cers as Soldiers for Furlow Brave men who are Ingaged in the Noble Caufe of Liberty Should Never think of Moving from there Camp while the Enamy is in Sight and anctious to tak Every advantige any Indisgretion on our Side may Give them the Geno^ Douts not But the Commanding officers of Corps will antispate his wiflies and Discourge thole under them from DisgrafefuUy Disiring to Go home untill the Camphain is Ended officer of the Day to Morrow Colo" Briges officer of the Main Guard Maj'" poor Adjutant of the Day Fox for Fitigue to Morrow i Subaltren 2 Serj^'' & 30 Pri- vits of Cap*^ Coits Company * " Anour" partly corrected. 54 July nf^ 1775 Camp Before Boilon at Cambrigde Parole Darby Counterfign Marbelhead Officer of the Day to Morrow Col" Glover officer of the Main Guard to Mo. Maj"" Brooks Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Hardy Head quarters Cambrigde 20^^ July 1775 Parole Albany Counterfign Ticonderoga Field Officer of the Day to Morrow Colo" Brickit Do. officer of the Main Guard to Mor^^ Mj"" Lee Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Tylor Genoral orders Cartain Drums in and Near Cambrigde Very Im- properly beat the Revelle this morning Before Day although the troops are orderd to be under armes half a hour''^* before Day Break it Dos not follow that the Drums are to Beat at that time the Revalley is to Beat when a Sentra Can See Clearly one thousand Yards aRound him and not Before All Adecamps and Maj'"^ of Brigads are to keep Reg- urlerly Entered in a Book all the Genoral orders of the army as well of those asf the Brigade they Belong to as the Genoral In Chief will not for the Future admit as an Excufe for the Breach of orders the plee of not knowing them Samuel Olgood Esq"" & Joseph Ward Esq"" Being appointed adecamps to Maj^ genoral ward they are to be obey'' as Such as all orders Coming from adecamps are to be Confidered as the orders of there Refpedive Genorls whether Writen or Verble & to be Fourthwith obeyed * "Anour" partly corrected. f Read "as those of." 55 It may be Nei'sesery once more to Repeat to the army that Every Adecamp & Maj'' Brigade Will be Distin- guiflied By a Green Ribband Certain Corps having Bin Dilatory in Dilivering Laft Saterday there weekly Returns as posatively Derided in Former orders the Genoral is Determined for the Future not to Excufe any Negled in Sending there Returns Every Saterday to the adjutant Gen" as the Commanding officers of Regments are to be aniwerable for the Disobedance of this order it is Expeded They are Exad in Obliging there Refpedive Adjutants to Fufill there Duty Regmential orders the Court martial that set this Morning for the Tryal of Nathaniel Tuftes Reports that the prisoner is Guilty of Infolent Behavour and therefore Sentance him to Remain Prisoner untill to morrow Evining at Six oclock and then to ask Pardon of the Serjant Major at the head of the Company the Sentance Confermed Head quarters Cambrigde 2 1^*' July 1775 Parole Maiden Counterfign Chelfey officer of the Day to Morrow Colo" Johonett officer of the Main Guard to Morrow Maj*" Woods Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Gibbs Draught of Cap'' Coits Company for Leachm'" Point 1 Serjant & 6 Privats 56 Head Quarters Cambrigde 22'^ July 1775 Parole Nantafkat Counterfigne Miilipe Field officer of the Day to Morrow Colo" Brigg officer of the Main Guard to Morrow Col" poor Adjutant of the Day to Morrow Fox Cap* Ifral putnam and Le*^ Samul Webb Being apointed agdcamp to Maj'" Ge"^ putnam they are to be obey as such in Regularty and Du Sobordernation it being so Esentially Nesafery to the Good order and Goverment of an army and without it the whole mull soon becom a sene of Disorder and Confution the Gen'^ Finds it Indespenlable Nefsefary without wating any Longer for Dispadhes from the Gen" Contennetal Congrefs Imediatly to Form the army into three grand Devifions and of Deviding Each of thefe grand Devif- ions in to 2 Brigades he therefore orders that the Fol- lowing Regm*^ to wit — Genoral Wards Gen" Thomas Colo" Fellows Colo" Cottons Colo" Danielfons Colo" David Bruers Compofe one Brigade and be under the Comand of Brigerder Genoral Thomas that Gen" Spencers Colo" parsons Colo" Lernords Col" Walkers Colo" James Reeds Independants Compofe Another Brigade to be Commanded by Brigder Gen" Spencer that thefe two Brigads Compofe the Right wing or Devision of the Army and be under the Command of Maj'" Gen" ward and Remain at Roxbury and its Southern Dependances That Colo" Starks Colo" poors Colo" Reeds New hamlliire Colo" Nixons Colo" Mansfields Colo" Dolit- tles Mafsefufets be Formed into another Brigade under the Command of Brigdr Gen" Sulavin and ported on winter hill 57 that Colo" Varnums Colo" Hitchcocks Colo" Churches Rodllland Colo" Whitconbs Colo" Gardiners Colo" Jonathan Bruers Mafsechutes be Formed into another Brigade and Commanded by Brigader geno^^ Green And ported upon profpe6t hill and thele two Brigades to Compole the Left wing or Second Devilion ot the Army under the Command of Maj'" Gen^^ Lee that Gen^^ Heaths Col" pattilbns Col" Scamons Colo" Gerishes Colo" Phinnies Colo" prelscotts be Formed into another Brigade and Commanded By Brigader Gen" Heath and be ported that Gen" putnams Col" Glovers Col" Fryes Col" Brigges Col" Woodbriges Colo" Sergants be Formed into Another Brigade under the Command of the Senor officer therein and untill the plealure of the Conten- nentel Congrefs be known thele to Brigades to Remain under the Command of Maj'^ Gen" putnam as alio a Corps Derelere [corps de reserve*?] for the Defence of the Several ports North of Roxbury not All Rede Named the araingment all Redey orderd to take plafe and is to be made as speedly as posable the""' & the Maj'"'^ Gen" are to See it Don accordingly Some Inconvin- inces may arile to Sertan Indeviduels By this Change But as the Good of the Service Requires it to be made, an alart and Redy Compliance is Expected all Aplica- tions from hencforward by officers or Soldiers for Leve * Left uncanceled in making a correction. 58 arc to be made to the Maj' Gen" Cominancling Each Devifion Who is to Judge of the propriety of the aj)[)lication and Grant Furlongs where they See Caul'e Without applying to the Commander in Chief provided it be not Contrary to Gen" orders Gen" Lees Regm^ is to take poll at N" two in Lew of Gen" Wards Colo" patterfons Remains at N° three to Ocpy N" 1 in the Redout betwen that and N" 2 Colo" Regm*^ to take poll: at the Redout at sewals point Colo" Gerishs Regm*^ to Furnfli the Companys for Chelfey Maldin and Medford of Cap*^ 1 Sub. & 6 privits for Lechmeers point to Night & 1 Sub*^ to Vifet Colleg to morrow Head Quarters Cambrigde 23"^ July 1775 Perole Brunfwick Counterlign Prinstown as the Continnental army hear Unfourtnatly have no Uniforms and Conlequentily many Inconvences mull arife from not being able always to Distingulh the Commifiond officers from the NonCommifion*^ and the NonCommiliond from the Privits it is Defired that som Badges of Dillintions May be Immediatly provided tor Inilance the Field officers may have Read or penk Coulerd Cockades in there hatts the Capts Yellow or Buff the Subalt""" Green they are to Furniili themlelfs accordingly the Serj*^^ May Distinguifli themfelfs by a Epaulet or Strip of Read Cloth sewed upon there Right Shoulder the Copralls one of Green the people Imployeci to Make Spears are Dilired by the Gen" to Make 4 Dozen of them Immediatly 13 Feet in Length and the wood part a gooddeal more Subilantial then the other allready made perticulerly in the New 59 hamfliire Lines are Rediculoully Short and slight & Can ani'wer no sort of purpole no more are to be made on the Same Modle The Commanding officers of the Differant Works & poll: are once more Injoyned to furnifli themfelfs with a Sufficant Number of gabbions & Fafliines which are to Stop up the Entrance of the Refpetive Redouts and Lines and to Repaire there works which may Either be Damiged by the wether or the Enamys Fire it is Obferved, that Several of the Entrays of the Redouts are still Left open with out any sort of Defence, the Commanding officers of Each Redout are therefore orderd to Cut a wide Deep Ditch at the Entrance and throw on a Strong Ridge of planck acrofs this is to be Done without Delay John Davis of Cap' Foiters Company in Colo" Grid- ley Regm* of Artilery Try'^ for Defertion & Sufpition ot Intending to Go over to the Enamy is Accquited by the Gen^^ Court Martial Enfign Crofton accufed by Colo" Sceammon ot Abufive & infulting Languge while the Said Col" Sceammon was under areft tryed by a gen" Court Mar- tial of which Colo" Nickfon was Preafadant the Court was unanamully of oppion that the prisoner was not Guilty and Do therefore Dismifs him With hounour Enfign Crofton is Fourthwith to be Dismifsd from his Arreil: Michiel Berry in Cap'' Parkers Comp^' and Colo" Prelcotts Regm*' Tryed by the same Gen'^ Court for Refusing his Duty & Inlisting in Another Company, the Court Condems the Prisoner and orders him to Receve 39 Lashes the Gen" orders the Sentance to be put in Execution at the head of the Regm*' the Delin- quit belongs to 6o Colo" Littles Regm'- ommitted in yerfterdyes orders is in Gen" Greens Brigade & to be polled on profped hill Head Quarters Cambrigde July 24^'' 1775 Parole Salsbury Counterfign Cumberland It being thought proper to Distingulli the Maj'"'* from the Brigadear Gen'' by som perticuler mark for the Future the Maj""^ Gen" will weare a Broad purpel Ribband Notwithrtanding the Gen"* orders Marking the Dis- tinguishing officers Adcamps &C the Geno"* are Frec- quently stoped by the Centrnels which Can only happen by the Cap^ Negleding to Read the orders to there Refpedive Companys If any Gen" officers adecamps or Mai'*" Brigade is again stoped through the Ignornce of the Centernels the Cap*® will be Confidered Relponlble as any Atempt of the Enamy From the Late Disapoint- ment may have the Rashnefs or hardnefs to make an atempt it will be Violent and Suden the Gen" Expeds the officers and soldiers Will be not only Relelute But alart to Defeet [it] and in perticuler he Inforles his orders to Every officer upon no Account Duty Excepted to Lay out of Camp But upon Every Ocation to shew by there Example that Acdivaty and Couarge to Defeat the Interprifing Enamy and notwithstanding the orders of the 11*^'' Inst Exprefsly Forbiding all officers and soldiers from Ouiting there Guard before they are properly Releafed and Dismifsed, the Gen" is Informed Such [un^Soldier Like pradices is still Commited he therfore orders that officrs & noncommi honed officers not to Suffer any perfon to Quit there guard upon any pertence 6i Care to be taken that the men are Suplied with pro vifion before they mount the Guard Report being Maid this morning to the Gen" that the Main guard Room is keep'' abominable Filthey and Durty that for the Future no Commanding officer is to Releve another upon that Guard untill he is Afuered that the officers and mens apartments are Cleaned & in Deafant order the Surgan of Every Regm'^ in the Lines Redouts or in or Near Cambrigde to Diliver to morrow at twelve at Noon to the adjutant Gen" at head quarters an Exa6t Return of the Sick in the Regm*" they Belong to the Names Ranks and Disorder of Each officer noncom- mifioned officer & Soldier to be Mentioned in the Return, the Return of the Surgans of the Corps Sta- tioned in or Near Roxbury to be Maide to the Com- mander Gen" at Roxbury tufday noon in the Maner and Form Dereded by the above order, and the Gen" Commanding at Roxbury will tranfmitt them to head Quarters on wenfday at orderly times Head Quarters Cambrigde 25^^'' 1775 Parole Halefax Counteriign York Field officer of the Day to Morrow L'^ Co' Robarson For the Main Guard to Morrow Maj"" woods adjutant of the Day to Morrow Gibbs Genoral orders Continuel Complaints being Maide that Soldiers of Regm''^ and Companys after Inlisting into one Company and Regm'^ have Gon and Inlisted into another Info- much that it would Ingrofs the Genorals hole time to hear the Disputes on the subject, for the Future any officers who have any Dispute with Regard to the men 62 Recruted are to aply to the Brigadear Commanding there Brigade who will order a Court martial of the Brigade to hear and Determin the matter the Gen" Court Martial of which Col" nixon was preafidant is to be Disoleved this Eving — and another Gen^' Court martial of the Lines to Set to morrow morning at the Ulal time & plafe to try such prisoners as shall be Brought before them all Evedinces and per- fons Conferned to attend the Court 26*^'' July 1775 Regmential orders the orderly Serj*^* of Each Company are Commanded fourthwith to Make Return of the number of tents in the Companys they belong to which are pitched and the Number not pitched in the poiestion of any in the Companys they Refpettively belong to and the Quarter mailer to make Return of all other tents and markque in the Regm*^ not in the pofestion of the Com- panys Roxbury 26th July 1775 Genoral orders Field officer of the Day to morrow Colo" perfons Genoral Thomas Reg^ to find a Cap^ for the Main guard All Guards and Fetigue men as Ufual Detale F C S S C P^ 1 o 4 4 4 153 Meeting houfe .... het" . .' 3 Main Guard morgan 5 Fetigue ...... Lee 6 Camp G babcock 3 Quarter G o * Huet. 63 Regmential orders Som Questions having alredey Risen about warning the Commilioned officers noncomilioned officers and Soldiers upon any Duty it cannot admit of a Dout but that it is the Duty of the adjutant to give Notice per- sonablely to the Commifioned officers and the Ser^ ot the Refpetive Companys to Notify all other people But the officers will all Study to Render the Duty of Every offcer and Soldiar as Efey as posable with the genoral good of the service and as the Adjutant from the Multiplicety of his Bulinefs may [at] times find it Difucalt to Give Notece perlbnably tis hoped the Com mi honed officers will Exept a Notifation from there non comifioned offiers when his Buifnefs Shall Render it Difucalt to notify them Perfonaly that a Regment^ Courtmartial be held at Cap*^ Gales Markque Cap^ Gale Preafadent Lev'' Baldwin Lev'' huet Lev'' Lee & Enfign Babcock Members Thomas Leeds a soldier in Lev*' Colo" Tylors Company Confined for pro- phain Swering the priloner being brought before the Court Denied the Crime Laid to his Charge : Evidance being produced againft him it Appeared to the Court that the prifoner is Guilty & that he Ihall pay a Fine of One Shilling A Regm" Court Martial held at the Prefadants Mark- que 25 July 1775 Cap" Cleft Presadent Le" Darrow Le*- Eldrige Enfign Morgan Lev" Latham Enfign Lat- imeer Members For the Tryal of such prisoners as were Brought Before Jofliua Chappel of the 5"'^ Company Confyned for prophane Swering was Brought Before sa'^ Court on 64 Examination Plead Guilty it is the opionion of the Court Sd Chapel pay the Fine of "one Shilling Lawt'ull money as a Fine. Rufas Brown of the 3'' Company Confined for prophain Swearing plead Gulty ot the Crime Laid to his Charge it is of the Opionon of this Court that Sa*^ Brown pay the fine of one Shilling Bynarjar Beebe a soldier in the 5^^ Company Confined of propain Swaring was Brought before S'^ Court & on Examination plead Guilty of the Crime Laid to his Charge it is the opinon of S"* Court that S'^ Beebe pay the Sum of one Shilling as a fine all Which fines are to be Dispofed of Agraeble to the Fifty firft Article of the Martial Law that a Court Martial hild the 19^^ July Cap^ Spicer preliidant Lev'' Raymond Lev'' Edmunds Lev'' Williams Lev" Catling Enfign Babcock D" Morgan Members Tryed Cumfort Chapell Soldier in Cap" Chapmans Company Confined for Disobying Orders and Making Disturbances in Camp the prisoner being Brought before S'^ Court Plead Gulty of the Latter Charge AUedged aganft him and found not guilty of the Former it is the opion of this Court that the prisoner pay a fine of 5 shillings LawfuU money to be Dispofed ot according to the 51 article of the Martal Law & be Return"^ to his Duty Regm" Court Martial held July 21"^' at Cap" Silles Marque Cap'' Sill Lev"^ Waterhoufe Lev" Bruiter Enfign hall Enfign Latimer Enfign Latham Members Try'^ Dan" McCain a soldier in Cap" Gailes Company Confined for Intemperate Drinking Spiritus Licquers when on guard for Swearing & quariling and is found guilty of the Crimes alledged to his Charge Sa'^ Court are of Opinon that the priloner pay a fine of ten Shillings LawfuU 65 Money to be Disposed of Agreeable to the 51*^^' article of the Martial Law & be Returned to his Duty Andrew Toaly a soldier in Cap* Ely Company tryed tor being out of Camp Contrary to orders and Breaking the windows of a houle in town Laft Saterday night was found Guilty of the Crime Laid to his Charge and Sentanced to pay Four Shillings Damige and two Shill- ings fine to be Disposed of as the Martial Law Deri6ts and to Make Confetion to the people Ingured Roxbury July 27*'' ^775 Parole Counterlign Genoral orders It is orderd that the quartermalfers of the Several Regments in this Camp that they take proper Care to see that y'' Spears or pikis in the Breaft works be Oyled and keept Clean Agreeable to the orders of the 14th Inf" which is to be Don twice a week therefore it is Nefesary that the quartermast[ers] Do meet at Adjutant Bruers office to morrow at 10 oclock in the morning in order to Settle the Rotation and times of Doing the Duty alio all adjutants are to Remmember that Genorall Returns mull: be Made to morrow Guards & Fetigue as LHual Field officer of the Day to Morrow Col"^ Eager Detale F C S S C Pts o 045 5 170 Camp g'^ En. Le* . . . Quarter g*^ ... Fetigue Lev* M'grecor ALiin g'^ Lev* Hyde . . Hallam . . Meeting g' 66 Head Quarters Cambrigde July 26th 1775 Parole amiterdam Counterlign amboye It is Recomanded to Commanding officers of Corps, that all Covering Made of Boards be Built in Form ot Barricks in the moil: advantagous Manner at the same time So Contrived as to be warm and Comortable in Cold wether All Perlons [ passes V] to be Discontinued for the Future and no perlon to be admitted into the Lines unlels Intredufsed by an officer who Can avouch for him or the ojder of the Commanding officer of the Lines it being Reprelented that the presant hospitle is not Larg anof to Contain the sick Lev*^ goven'" Olivers houfe is to be Cleared for that purpofe & Care to be taken that no Injury be Done it is notwithftanding y*" Strift and Repeeted orders given out againl!: firing small armes it is hourly praticed. all officers Commanding poll: Guards and Detachments to be Alart in aprehending all Future tranfgreisors. Cap*^ Clark of gen" putnams Regm"" Confind in arreft for Negled of Duty when on guard tryed by a genoral Court Martial is acquited and is Immediatly to be Relefed from his Arrelt Luis wood a soldiar In Cap*^ Norttons Company Colo" prefcotts Regm'' Confined for Abfenting himlelf without Leave and Refui'sing to take the oath and threatening to Leave the Army the Court Martial upon the Priibners pleading Guilty and prom- ising to be Obediant for the future Recommanded him to the Gen""" Merly who was pleafed to pardon the prisoner <^7 Roxbury after Orders that 16 men upon the hundred march to Dorchelter Meeting houle to morrow morning at the Beating ot the Revelle to Bring up Whale Boats to Reads Creek Cambrigde head quarters July 27"' 1775 Parole Bedford Counterfign Guilford John Trumble Esq^ Being apointed adeCamp to his Exelancy the Commander in Chief he is to be obeyed as Such A Court of Inquire to set to morrow morning at 8 oclock in the tuters Chamber M^" halis to Examin into a complaint Exhibeted upon oath in the publick News papers againft M^ Benjamin Whiting now a prisoner in the Colege all Evedance and perlons Conlerned to attend the Court For the Future when any Difsertors Com to any of the out Guards thy are without the Leaft Delay to be Sent with a Corperls Guard to the Next Guard in the Lines Who is Emmediatly to Exfort [escort] them in the Same Maner to the Maj'"'^ Gen" Commanding that Divihon of the Army who as Soon as he has Examined them will fourthwith Send them under a proper Exsort from his Guard to head Quarters Som of the Delerters being made Drunk who Came Laft Night from the Enamy before they reached head Quarters it will be Confiiderd as a Breach of order in any perfon who gives Rum to a Dilerter before they are Examined by the Gen" A Subaltern officers Guard to be mount'^ to morrow moring by 8 oclock at a Certan Distance from the Small pox hofpittle the officer to Com this Evening at 6 oclock to the adjutant Gen" for orders 68 Cambrigde Head Quarters 28 July 1775 Parole Cumberland Counterfign Brookline the Surgans of Learnords heaths Phineys Litles & Perfons Regm^'' having Neglected to Deliver in there Returns of the Sick in there Reljpective Regm^^ to the Adjutant Gen" thole Returns to be Deliverd in Fourth- with and the Surgans of those Regm'^ are to be more Exact in there obeadance to orders Detale C S S C Pts 5 5 5 151 Main Guard - . ^ , ^^ 4 ( Lev'' Darrow Quarter gd o Meeting houfe g Le^ Ray'^ 3 Fetigue Lev* Edmunds Burnam 6 Camp guard Enfig" adams o Camp at Roxbury 29"' July 1775; Gen" Ward obierves with Pleaiure the alartneis of Troops in this Camp, and would have the strictest attintion pay'^ to Exelant orders hearetofore Infisted on Isued by the hounourable Gen" Thomas perticulerly the orders in Cafe of an alarm thoie for the prefervation of privet property and thole Refpeting Clenleness in there Clole quarters and so forth as it is of the Utmoit Importance that we should be always prepaired Eaither for a suden attack from or Long Ingagment with the Inveterate or Enterpriling Enamys of our Libertys the officers Commanding pofts Guards Detachments and Corps will Examin the armes amunition and accouter- ments of there Refpetive Companys Every munday & thurfdays and see that all Defiltionces are Supplyed and 69 Every Soldier be Provided with at leaft thirty Roundes of Cartherages If by Uleing or any other Means the armes of the Soldiers Should [be] Renderd Unfittfor Emmediate Service the officers will See that they are Fourthwith put into the Bell: order for autcion the Commanding [officers] of Every Regm*' Corps and Detachment will Make out a Compleate Return of the names [ of] all officers noncomilioned officers and privits of there Relpeclive Command by Weniday Next the Commanding officers of the train ot artilery will make out a Return of all the ordinnance and ordinance Stores Belonging to this Incampment as oyllers and other Shelld Fifli are Very unholfom at this Sealon of the year no Perfon belonging to this Army is allowed to be stroling about on Marilies or other Plafes unnefesaryly Expofing themlelfs to the Enamys Fire The order of his Exelancy Gen^^ Washington Relpet- ing the Greeiing or oyling the Spears are to be Stridly obey'^ the Spears allfo to be stuck Perpendiculerly in the Ground (Blade upwards) Near the Brealt works as the Great Caufe of american Liberty is Vauftly Important the Gen^^ [trusts] that no officer or Soldier will Disire Leve of ablence Exept in Cafe of abfolut Nefsesity and then the Commanding officer of the Corps or Detachment to which the officer or Soldier Belongs Who wants the Furlow will Make aplication To the Gen" By the Commander of the Brigade to which he Belongs Two orderly Serjants are to attend at head quarters It is orderd that Every Commanding officer of a Com- pany Guard or Detachment be puntcul in seeing that ;o the Role of his Relpetive Command be Called over at Lealt twice a Day Field officer ot the Day to Morrow Colo*^ Danillon Colo" Bruer to Find a cap*^ the Main guard to Morrow Detales are made out for Main guard to morrow Detale esse privits 0344 100 Mane guard Douglas 3 Meeting houle 3 Quarter Guard o Camp Guard Melvill 3 officers for Guard Enfign Latham Main Guard Enfign Wade Meeting houfe picket Lev^ Williams Camp Guard Camp at Roxbury July 28th 1775 Regmen*' Courtmartial held agreeable to orders Cap^ Coit Presadant Cap'' Chapman Cleft Sill Spicer Lev^'' Rositer Eldrige Edmunds Thomas Brown of Maj'" Prentices Company Colo" Perfons Regm^ Confined for Disobedance of orders and Negled of Duty the prisoner plead not Guilty the Evadance being heard it is the oppion of this Court that Said Brown is not Guilty and therefore give Judg- ment that he be Releafed from the Guard 71 Cambridge Head Quarters lif^ July 1775 Parole Dartmouth Counterlign Cork a serjant and Six men to parade at head quarters at Eleven Oclock to Elcort Sertan Prisoners and Diserters To Woster this party to be Vitueled for this Day and tomorrow the Serjant will Reeve his orders from the adjutant M'' Benjamin Whiting Tryd by a Court of Inquire orderd in the Genoral orders of the 27th Inilant whereof Lev^ Colo" James Prefcott was Preafadant the Court having Maturely Confiderd the Evadance for and aganft the prisoner as well as what the Perlon had to offer in his Defence are of opinon that the prisoner is not Guilty of the Crime Lade to his Charge and Do therefore acquit the prifoner the Gen^^ therefore orders the prisoner to be Releled James McDaniel Tryed by a Genoral Court Martial Whereof Glover was preladant for Forging an order of Gen" putnams to obtain a quart of Rum and for abuhve Languge to Col" Gridley is Found Guilty and orderd to Reeve twenty Lashes the Gen'^ Conferms the Sentance & orders it to be Eexcuted after pray*" to morrow James Foster of Cap^ Butlers Company in Colo" Nixons Regm*^ try'^ by the Same Gen'^ Court Martial for Robing Do*'"' Foster Surgan of the Gen" hospittle being Found Guilty of the Charge is Sentanced to Reeve thirty Nine Lashes and Suffer one monthes Fatigue the Gen" approves the Judgment and orders it to be put in Execution at the head of the Regm'^ to morrow morning William winflow of Cap^ Perkins Company of artilery Try*^ by the Same Gen" Court Martiall for Stealing a Canon Cartherdige of powder is acquited 72 Camp Roxbury 2(/'' 1775 Detale C S S C Privits Main guard 120 3 Enfign plats Fetigue 6 Lev*^ Rofiter Meeting picq^ 3 Le*^ g'^lop Camp guard 4 Lev*^ Collin Quarter guard o Roxbury July 30^'' 1775 Parole Elex Counterfign Dub Ian Field officer of the Day to Mor"^ Colo" Coton Gen^^ Spencers Regm^ Finds a Cap^ Main Guard to Morrow A Gen" Court Martial of the Lines to Set to Morrow at ten oclock In the Morning For tryal of such Prisoners as shall be Brought Before the Court Gen" Ward Gen" Spencer Gen" Thomas & Colo" Fellows Regm^ to send Each of them a Captain Colo" Parlons Colo" Cotons Colo" Lernods Colo" Bruers Colo" Reeds Colo" Daniellbns Colo" walkers Colo" Henmans to Send Each of them a Subaltran to Meet at such place as shall be hearafter apointed and a Return to be Made to the adjutant at his office to morrow at twelve oclock with the Names of the Members Cambrigde orders William Tudor Esq'" being apointed Judg advocate of the Continnintial army he is in all things Relative to his office [to be] obey'' as such The Drumers and Fifers of the Regm**" in and about Cambrigde are Conitantly to attend the Drum and Fife Maj'"'' at the Ulual hours of Inltrution 73 N. B. — Colo" Pitckin is to Be presadant of the above Courtmartial Roxbury 31*^' July 1775 Detales C S S C P^^" 5 5 5 237 Main Guard . . Dote 3 Lev^ Brufter Meeting Picquit Fargo . 3 Enfign hall Fetigue . . . Baldin . 6 Eng"*^ Nevins Camp Guard Perkins 4 Lev*^ Eldrige Quarter Guard L Fetigue to Night palmer Lev*^ Waterhof Roxbury J uly 31^'' 1 775 Gen^^ orders Parole Falkland Counterhgn adington Field officer of the Day to Morrow M"" Danilfon Colo" Reeds Regm* To find a Cap* Main guard to Morrow that all adjutants in the Masechulets Forses Send a Return to adjutant Bruers office this night with An acount of the number of Men in there Relpetive Regm*® that have not Receved there 40 Shillings advance pay Genoral wards orders That a Gen" Court martial be apointed to Set on tusday Next at Eiaght oclock in the Morning to be held at Gen' Spencers for the Tryal of Nathan Dogg [Dodged] Soldier in Cap*' Wells Company For Defer- tion all Evadance and perlbns Conlernd are to attend 74 the Court CoP pitkin Presadant Cap^ Jofiah Fay Ifral Chapin Dan'^ Lathrop Levi Wells & Ruben Davis Noah Hall amos Ellis John McGregor Silas Goodrich M' Skiner M'" Sheppard M"" pop[e] Levtanants that 600 men be paraded this afternoon at 6 oclock properly officer'^ Each man with a Kanteen for Battle water as no Man will be allowed to git water in the Night the plafe of parade is the orchard Wist of Mr Blanys Stores to be Imployed as Col" Putnam Shall Derid Cambrigde 31''^ July 1775 The Continnential Congrels having ben Pleafed to Apoint Joseph Trumbel Esq'" Comifsery Genoral to the Army of the Unitid Colonys all Comiferys heartofore Apointed by any of the Differant Coloneys Congrefs or by Perticuler Athoraty Fourthwith to Make an Exad Return of the Proviiions and all the Differant Spaces [species] of provifion they have in or Near the Camp at Cambrigde and Roxbury thereupon Comilery Gen^ Trumbel being afuered by the Report of his Clarkes afsistant or his own Examination that Return is Juft & tru is to Give a Reset for the Quantity Receved into his own hands which Receat will be a Good Voucher in pasing the Acounts of the Differant Coloneys Comi- sarys heartofore apointed and will be allowed as Such by the Comiferys at Prelant apoint*^ by the Several Coloneys [who] are Fourthwith to Make up there Accounts unto the 3^^ of Auguft inclufive Ready to be Laid Before the Commander in Chief and by him Transmitted to the Contennetial Congrefs or to be adjuft'^ and Finily Settled by him as the Contennential Congrefs Shall see proper to Derid 75 A Return Sined by the Commanding officer of the Regm*^ or Corps to be Deliverd to the adjutant Gen'^ to Morrow Morning at Gen" orders Time of the Names Rancks & Dates of the officers Comilions in there Respe6tive Regments and Corps Mentioning alfo the Vacances and how ocationed A Gen" Courtrnartial to Set Emediatly to Try Cap* Gardiner of Colo" Hitchcocks Regm'' for Courdife Denying his Post and Deferting his Men all Evadance and perlons Confernd to attend the Court Auguft 1^* 1775 Regmential orders Notwithftanding Former orders For making Return of the Number of tents in Each Company in the Reg- ment [there are] Great Complaints that more tents are in the Company or in the posestion of Idevideals Be- longing To the Companys then the Number Returned it is therfore orderd that the Commanding officer of Each Company Forthwith Mak a Return under his own hand of the Number of men in there Respective Companys and of the Number of tents in there Re- spective Companys or of any Noncomihond officer or soldier in there Company that Equil Juftus may be Don to the Companys Respecting the tents Complaints being Made of Great DeftruCtion of the Frute Belonging to the Inhabetants at Roxbury and that Damige has been Don to the owners of the Frute Such Personal Ingures have been Sufferd by the pratice of Throwing apples about the Camp It is orderd that all perlons Belonging to this Regment upon there peril Forbear Diftroying the Frute & alio that the aforesaid pratice be Immediatly disused 76 De tales esse privits 4 5 5 1^4 Main guard Sanders 4 Meet. Picqut 3 Camp Guard o O' Guard 2 Fetigue Night o Cambrigde Head Quarters i"^ augult 1775 Parole Gibralter Counterfign Fairfield the Gen" thanks Maj' Tuper and the ofBcers and Soldiers under his Command for there Gallant & Soldier Like Behavour in Possesing themlelfs of the Enamys poll at the Light houl'e and alio For the Number of Prifoners they Took there and Douts not But the Con- tinnential army will be as Famos for there Marsy as For there Valour 2 Subaltrans 2 Serj' 1 Drum 30 Bank & Fille To parade at head quarters by Noon to Elcort the Prilbners to Woster the Commanding officer to Bceve his orders From the adjutant Gen" For the Satisfaition of all Conlerned the Gen" Dereds the Following Befolution of the Legislature of this Colony to be Inierted in Genor^ order ( Vz) in the houle of Reprelentatives watertown July lif^ ^775 Whereas Sundry Complaints has Bin Made by Sundry Soldiers Raised by this Colony that they have not Reed, there allowance | advance?) pay of Forty Shillings agreeable to the Refolution of provential Congrels that A Com- mitte be apointed Fourthwith to Apply to the Colon [els] of the Sevarl Regm^^ Raised by this Colony and 77 to the Mufter and pay Mailers in the Cambridge and Roxbury and obtain of them A Compleat List of the Noncommiiiond officers and Soldiers in there Refped:- ive Regm^® Distingulliing thofe that have ben Mufterd and pay"^ From thofe that have not that such Methords may Be prefued as to Remove all Juft Grounds of Com- plaint and orderd that Colo" Cushing and IVP Webiter with Such as the honourable Boyday [shall appoint] shall Joyn and be a Committe for the purpofe above mentioned Sent up for Concurance Read and Concured James Warin Speaker attest peris Mortton Secratary the officers Commanding the Mafsechufetts Regm^"" will pay all Du attention to the Foregoing Refolutions one man from Every Company in Every Regm^ in the army to be apointed as Camp coleman to Du Per- ticuler Duty it mult be to attend the quarter Mafter & quarter Mafter Serj'^'^ to Sweep the Streets of there Respe6live Incampments To Fill up the old Nesesery houles & to Dig New ones to Bury all awfull Naufances that may poifon and affect the health of the Trops and the quarter Mafters to be anfwerable to there Com- manding officers a strict obfervance of this order by perfevering in the Conftant well Doing and untramilled Execution thereof to Remove that Odious Reputation which with But two much Reifon hath Stigmatised the Character of American Troops the Colo""^ and Commanding officers of american Troops are to be anfwerable to the Gen^' For all Du obediance to thefe orders the Gen'^ Finding it not uncomllomary for officers to Take the Liberty of abfenting them Selves from Camp without Leave for the Future any officer Found Guilty of So Glaring an offence againft all order and Difapline 78 & set So bad an Example to the Noncomifiond officers and Soldiers under there Command Such officers So offending May Depend upon being punished with the utmoft Severity Leart the Late Succefs againit the Enamy Should Occation any Relaxation in the alartnefs of Troops the Gen^' Reccommends it in the Strongeft maner to all the officers & soldiers in the Contennential army to be more Vigelant in there Duty and watchfuU of the Enamy as they will Sertanly take Every advantige of any Supine- nefs on our part Head Quarters Roxbury ault i^'' 1775 Feild officer of the Day to Morrow Maj"" prentice From Conne6ticut Colo" Cottons Regment to send a Cap^ to Morrow that all the officers that went with Maj"" Tuper to the Light houfe Ifland Repair to the adjutant Gen"'* office to morrow morning that all the houfehold Furneture and other affedls belonging to M'' Williams Minns which was taken from him yerilerday Morning at the Light houfe Ifland be Rellored to him again without Delay that all Partys that have ben out on any Expe- dition that obliged them to Expend any part or the Whole of there amunition upon there Return to make Emmediat application that they may be Suplyed With the Number of Rounds orderd Roxbury 2d Auguft 1775 Detales C S S C Privits 0444 151 Main Guard 4 79 Meeting Picqut 4 Camp Guard . . . Enfign adams . . 3 Fetigue 6 Quarter guard o Roxbury Auguft 2"^ 1775 Field officer of the Day to Morrow Colo° Sheperd Gen^^ Thomas Regm'' To Send a Cap* For Man guard to Morrow and Main guard the same as this Day orderd that the adjutant attend Exadly at 4 oclock in the afternoon To take Genor^ orders at which Time the orderly Drum will Beat on the Grand Parade and no Excufe to be taken for nonAtendance no second Read- ing of orders Cambrige Head quarters auguft 2** 1775 Parole Halifax Counterfign Geneve Cap* Oliver parker of Colo" prelcotts Regm* Tryed By a Gen^^ Court Martial whereof Colo" Glover was Preasadant for Defrauding his Men of there advance pay and by Falf Returns Imposing upon the Comifary and for Drawing More Money then he had men in his Company and for Selling provilions he by that Means obtained he is By the Court Found Guilty of the Whole Charge Laid againft him and Sentanced to be Cashiered and Mulcted of all his pay and Renderd Incaperable pf all Service, Cap* Criftopher Gardiner of Colo" Vernams Regm*^ in the Rode Illand Brigade Tryd. By a geno^ Court Martial whereof Colo" Church was preladant for Diserting his post is Found Guilty of his Crime Laid to his Charge and Unamoufly Sentanced to be Cashired as Incaperable of the Service of his Countray in any 8o Milkitary Capasaty the Genor' approves of Both Sen- tances and orders the Commanding officers of the Kegm^ to See the prisoners Dismifed from the army July ^^ 3d 1775 Detaile C S S C Privits 0444 151 Main guard 5 Meeting picqut 3 Fetigue 6 Camp guard o Quarter puard 2 Roxbury augull 3*^ ^775 Field officer of the day to Morrow Maj^ Mitchell of Colo" Walkers Regm*^ Colo" Learnods Regm* to Send a Cap^ for Main guard to Morrow That there be a meeting of all the Surgans in Rox- bury Camp at the Hospitle to Morrow at 3 oclock in the after Noon Head quarters Cambridge Auguil: 3'^ 1775 Parole Irland Counteriign Hartford When any plunder is Taken from the Enaniy not Excepted by the Continnential articles of war Such plunder muil be all Surendered to the Commanding officer and as soon as Convenant after his arivel at head quarters publick Notes mult be Maide that an autiton may be held in the Front of the Incampment for the sale thereof Next Day at Noon and the Money arifing therefrom is to be Equilly Devided Betwen the officers * Sic, but obviously a slip for August. & men that Took it this order is not to be Conltrud to Extend to premitting unlawfull and Ereguler Phmder- ing as any officer or soldier Who Shall be Found Guilty thereof will be punished with the Greateit Severaty All amores [armorers?] Belonging to any of the Regments in the Brigade posted in the Lines or in Cambrigde and thofe Imployed in the artilery to attend at headquarters by 8 oclock to Morrow Morning and noon [no one] will be Intitled to any pay hearafter who Dos not attend at that Time Roxbury Augulf 4^'' 1775 Details esse Privits 4 5 5 151 Lev'' galop . . eamp Guard . Hill Lathrop o Lev'' Rositer . . Fetigue . . Read Spicer 6 Enfign Wade . Main guard . hascoU gates 5 Enfign Latham . Metting picquit Douglal's Bill 1 Quarter guard Wait Burnam o Genoral orders Field officer of the Day to Morrow Maj"' Jacobs eolo"" Danilfons Regm" To Find a eap" for Main guard Morrow Fetigue Party & Main guard as Ufual eolo'' eoton eolo*" Bruers eolo" Danilfons to Send no Fetigue to Morrow after orders from Geno^^ wards that 300 men be Paraded this Night at the work houfe at 6 oclock & 300 men on the Grand Parade at the Same Time for a eovering Party with Sufficent officers the Fatigue Men to Draw there allowance of Rum Before Night and Each man have his eantine Full of water that eolo" Bailv 82 Comnianci the Covering party & a Field officer from Connedicut Command the Fetigue Party Colo" Walkers Rg'"t Yq Send 40 men For Each party the other Regm'"^ to Send the Same Number as orderd the Night before Last For Fetigue To Night Cap*^ gale Lev^ Eldrige Enfign Nevens Cambrigde Head quarters 4*"^ Augult 1775 Parole London Counteriign Iceland it with Indignation and Shame the Gen'^ oblerves that notwithftanding the Repeated orders which have Ben Given to pervent the Firing of guns in and about the Camp that it is Daily and hourly Pratised That Contrary to all orders Stragling Soldiers Do steal past the Guards and Fire at a distance Where there is not the Leall pofabilty of hurting the Enamy and Where there is no other End anfwerd but to waift there amunition and Expose themlelfs to the Redicule of the Enamy and keep there own Camp hariled by Frecquent & Continuel alarms to the hurt and Deterement of Every Good Soldier who is thereby Disturbed of his Natural Rest and at Length will Never be able to Dis- tingulli Between the Real and the Falf alarmes for that Relbn the Gen" Forbids in the mod: perremtory maner any Peribn or Persons whatloever under any Pertence to Pale the out Guards unlefs autherised by the Com- manding officer of that part of the Lines Signafyed in Riting which muil be Shewed to the officers of the Guard in there Posts any Person Offending in this Perticuler will be Considered in no other Light then a Common Enamy and the guards will have orders To fire on them as Such the Commanding officer of Every Regm^ is to Deri6t that Every man in his Regm*^ is Made accquanted with thefe orders to the End that no one may plead Ignor- ance and that all may be aprifd with the Consiquences of Disobediance the Colo" of Regm.'^'' and the Com- manding officers of Cores to order the Role of Each Company to be Called twice a Day and Every mans Amunition to Examined at Evening Role Calling and Such as are Found Difficant are to be Confined the Guards are to Aprehend all Perions Near there Posts whether towns people or Soldiers Roxbury 5^'' Augult 1775 Datails C S S C privits 4 4 4 151 Meeting picq*^ Dorince 2 Main guard . . . . Fargo 3 Fetigue Camp guard . . . Dote Quarter guard 2 Fetigue Night 7 officers For Fetigue this Night Cap*^ Chapman Roxbury 28"' July 1775 after Orders A Regmential Court Martial held agreeable to orders in the Camps at Roxbury Cap*' Coit Prefadent Cap* Chapman "\ . ,r 1 r , r, r^ t r^^ r \ Members f Lev"^ Roseter Cap* Cleft ' T t-pu • C-in* Snicer ' ""* ^""'"^ 1 ^'^'' Eldrige ^ \ e-11 I Court Martial 'v Lev^ Edmunds Cap'' Sill J 84 W" Wourthington Gale A Serjant in Cap^ Gales Company Colo" Parions Regni'^ Confined by Cap*^ Ely For Tradusing and most Scandeloufly afperfing the Charector of Cap* Ely, the Prisoner pled that he was not Guilty, upon Examination of the Evadences it apears to this Court that he is Guilty, and therefore Give Judgment that Said Serjant at the Head of the Regment be Redufed to the Ranks, then in the 4 moil publick Plafes in the Regm* make a publick acknowldgement to Cap* Ely for the Grofe abufe put on his Charicter and Beg Cap* Elys Forgivennefs in Default or Neglect of Such acknowligmt to be Pub- lickly Whipped at the Publick Post 39 Strips on his Naked Back then be Discharged by Being Drunid Without ye Lines of the Camp Carid in a horfe Cart as a Parfon of so Maliscous a Dispostion as unworthy the Name of a Soldier in the Preafant Glorious Cauie in which we are Ingaged Roxbury 3^^ auguU 1775 after orders A Regmential Court Martial held at Cap* Sills Markee Cap* Sill Prealadant T t T^i , • ^ Members ( Enfin Wade Lev^ Eldrige .- ^^ ! t^ r r • T . TA , of S'* -> Enhne Latimer Lev^ Darrow ^ x^ • , t- r tvt J Court Martial I Enhgn Nevens For the Tryal of Such Prisoners as were to be Brought Befor them Dan" Button Soldier in Maj*" prentice Comp-' Confined for Prophain Swearing being Brought Before S'^ Court on Examination of Evedanices was Found Guilty of the Crime Laid to his Charge it is the opioneon of this Court that the Prisoner pay a Fine of i ShiUing according to Law martial Roxbury augull 5"' 1775 Feild officer of the Day to Morrow Maj'" Tuper Colo" Holms Regment To Send a Cap*^ for Main guard to Morrow that the Main guard to Morrow & Picquit this Night be as Ufual that Colo" Reed Sind a Cap^ & Colo" a Subaltran For picquit this Night To Go to Colo" Bruers alarm post that all Adjutants Make a Duty Return to adjutant Bruer to morrow that the officer of the Day when he Goes the Round by Day be Strid [in not] Exhibeting any Information to any guard at what Time of the Night he Intends to Go the Rounds and S*^ officer is stridly Injoyned to Viset Every Guard in the Incampment The Commanding officer of Each Regment is to order a quarter Guard for the Regm*" and all offenders [in] Crimes that are [tried] By a Regmential Court Martial to be Confined to the Quarter Guard of the Regm* he Belongs Tow and the Commanding officer is to apoint a Regmential Court Martial to try such as may be Con- fined there the adjutant Gen^^ is To Furnish as many Fetigue men as Lev^ Colo" Putnam as may at [any] Time Judge Nesesary & Such a pat [party] to Cover the Same as the Colo" Shall think Recquset for the[ir] Safty the Main Guard is To Confist of 200 privit Men Genoral Wards orders That the officer of the Day and the Picquit of 300 Privits With the Full Compliment of officers for Each 86 & Each Guard is always to have a Field officer all Com- manding officers wheather of the Main or the O' Guard to mak a Return of Guards in the Following Maner What i No. Centerls Prisoners For what By whom Co:npany What Nights Centernls by Names Confind Confined Belong to Regm' Confined by Day Night The Commanding officer of Guards are to Make there Returns to the Commder of there Relpeclive Regm^*^ Colo" Fellows is to Remove his Regment to Dorchefter The i^^ InP and take O^^ in the Barrick now occupyed By Colo" Walkers Regm^ Colo" Walk- ers Regment Excepting the Company at Squantom to Remove to Roxbury on munday Next and Incamp in there tents & Barricks now Occupyed By Colo" Fellows Regm^ The Genoral hears with Sorrow that the many Wholfom orders which have Bin Ilued Refpe(5ting Privit property are often tranfgrefsed None may Expe6t any Lenaty for the Future that are Found Guilty of the Breach of the above Said orders and Efpefaly thofe that Rob the Corn Fields as the Safty of the Camp in a great mefure Depends upon the Strid Obfervince of the order Before the Dawn of the Day it Gives the Gen^' pain to hear that Som of the officers are Negledfull of there Duty and Confequently there Min [are so] for the Future the Gen' Expects Implifet obediance Will be paide to the order or orders that have Ben Ifued For the above Purpofe and Such as are Found Guilty may not Flatter themfelfs that they will Receve any Lenaty «7 Head Quarters Cambridge Auguil 5*^^' 1775 Parole Weftminil;er Counterfign Richmond For the Establishmet of order and to Prevent Dis- putes Between officers as well as Fixing a Regvder & proper Distrubution of the Commilions of the Conten- nential Army Part of which are alredy arrived from the Congress and the Reil: hourly Expeded it is Orderd that a meeting of the Field officers of Each Brigade be held to morrow Morning at ten oclock as Near as may be to the Center of the Incampment of Each Brigade who Are to Chofe by Ballad one out of there Body to Rep- refent them in Forming a Court for the Adjuftment and Final Settelment of Firil: the Rank of the Regm^^ of the Continnentill army & Numbering Each Regment accord- ingly and all DifFerance and Distintions are now to be Laide aside the Regm*® of the Several Provances that Form the Contential Army are to be Confiderd no Longer in a Seperate and Distind point of View But as Parts of the whole Army of the United Provinces Secondly the Rank of the Field officers of all the Regm^® Forming the Continnential army 3^^^ The Rank of all Cap*' Subaltrans & Staff officers and as Douts may Arife which Cannot be Determand by the 6 Field officers So Chofen By Ballad they are hearby Derided to Chole By Ballad one Brigadear Gen- oral Who will Periide as a moderater of the Court for Finaly Settling the Rank of all the Cores and all the Commifioned officers that Compofe the army of the United Coloneys this Court being Duly Conltetuted and apointed one to Set on munday morning Next at Decon Jones' in Cambrigde s S C Privits 4 4 4 151 3 Freeman 5 6 2 Details C Meeting picqut Lev'' Eldrig Main guard Enfign Wade quarter guard Enfign adams Fatigue Lev*' Darrow gen'^ guard Roxbury 6^^^ Auguft 1775 Field officer of the Day to Morrow Colo" Bruer Colo" [ y ] Regm* to Send a Cap'' for Main Guard to Morrow that Each Regm*' Send three men to augment the Main Guard to Morrow in the Lew of Colo" Fellows & Colo" walkers that are to Remove No Fetigue this Night Fetigue as Ufual that the men as has Been heartofore orderd for the Picquit parade at Sun set on the Grand Parade Cambrigde Head Quarters Aug^ 6"' 1775 Parole Manchell:er Counterfine Lanceiter Regmtial orders att a Regmtial Court Martail held at the Preasadants Tent Lev'' Darrow Presadant J t r- ] ] Members f Enfign Wade T ^^t TT^ "^ rot' S'^ -! Enfign Babcock Ixv Huet J Court Martial I Enfign Latham Thomas Freeman in Colo" Parfons Company Con fined on Sufpifion of Being Confederate with James Coleverfon of Cap" Parkers Company in Colo" Daniel- Ions Regm" tor Felonisly taking or Stealing a Shurt out 89 of the houle Thomas Shed Was Brought Before S'^ Court was Examined with the Evadances is Found not Guiky of the Crime Lade to his Charge it is the opinon of the Court that Sa"^ Freeman Should be Releafed from his Confinement Daniel McCan Soldier in Cap^ gales Company Con- find for Swearing & Striking was Brought Before Sa'^ Court on Examination of the prisoner and hearing the Evadance it is the opinion of this Court that the pris- oner is Guilty of the Crimes Laid to his Charge & For Swearing to pay a Fine of one Shilling according to the Law Martial & For Striking and other unjustyfi- able Infults to alexander keeney & others to Reeve ten Stripes on his Naked Body William Worthing[ton] Gale of Cap^ Gales Com- pany Confind by Adjutant Day for Belying him in a most Scandelouf & abufive maner, & For shamfuly afperfing his Charider in Righting thofe Scandelous Letters Deteded by Cap^ Ely was Brought Before Sai'^ Court and on Examination & hearing of the Evadances is found Guilty of the Crime Lade to his Charge it is the opinion of this Court that the Said Wm gale Make a Publick Confefion to adjutant Day at the head of the Regm*^ & then be Discharged from the Service and Ren- dered Unworthy to Serve as a Soldier in So Glorious a Caufe as the United Colonys are now Engaged in and If S'^ Gale Should Refufe to make his Confefsion as above to Said Day he is to be Drumed out of Camp 2 Miles from the Regment & there Let go wheare he Pleafes Provided he Return not Camp Chrstopher Darrow Preasad^ 90 Roxbury 7*^ Auguft 1775 Field officer of the Day To Morrow Colo"" Ward Gen" Spencers Regment to Find a Cap^ to Morrow lor Main guard That the quarter Mafters of the Several Regm'^'^ In- campt at Roxbury Make a Diligant Search through there Refpedive Regments and Colect all the Tooles which Belong to the Coloneys Service and Return them Imediatly To adjutant Bruer after which Every quartermarter To Draw Such Tooles as Shall be Nefse- sary for the Ufe of the Regment and give his Recept For them So that it may be known where the Tooles are as they are often wanted on an Emergancy Detales C S S C Pts 0455 144 Enfign Plat, quarter guard Raym'^ o Le^ William Fetigue Ely 5 gen" guard Billings o Lev* Ray"^ Main guard Willims 5" Eniign Lath'" Meeting Picquit Hallam o 91 [Inside back cover] The pitifion of Thomas Draper of Cap*' Whitings Com^ To his Exelancy Gen^' putnam S^ I Beg the Favour of a JDetachment of 43 Men as an advanc party to Go to aUtons point in order to take Som torys there to Bring them up in the Rear and Go in at the South End of Bolton and then Blow Up the Magaiine I want orders Whether to Give Quarters to the kings troops or not 1775 93 WASHINGTON'S COMMISSION TO Capt. COIT FOR NAVAL SERVICE. Instnictlous to Cap^ Coit, Coniniander of the arincd Schooner Harrison. 1. You being already appointed a Captain in the Army of the United Colonies of North America, are hereby direfted to take the Command of a Detachment of said Army and proceed on board the armed Schooner Harrison, lately fitted out & equipped with Arms, Am- munition & Provisions at the Continental expence. 2. You are to proceed as Commander of said schooner immediately on a cruise against such Vessels as may be found on the High Seas or elsewhere, bound inward or outward to or from Boston, in the Service ot the Minis- terial Army, & to take & seize all such Vessels laden with Soldiers, Arms, Ammunition or Provisions for or from said Army, or which you shall have good Reasons to suspeft are in such service. 3. If you should be so Succefsful as to take any of said Vefsels, you are immediately to send them to the nearest and safest Port to this Camp under a Careful Prize Master, directing him to notify me by Express immediately of such Capture with all Particulars, & there to wait my farther Diredion. 4. You are to be very particular and diligent in your Search after all Letters or other Papers tending to discover the Designs of the Enemy or of any other Kind, and to forward all such to me as soon as pofsible. 5. Whatever Prisoners you may take you are to treat with Kindness & Humanity as far as is consistent with your own Safety, their private stock of Money & 94 Apparel to be given them after being duly searched, & when they arrive at any Port you are to apply to the Committee or to any officer of the Continental Army Stationed at such Port for a Guard to bring them up to Head Quarters. 6. For your own Encouragement & that ot the other Officers & Men to Activity & Courage in the Service over and above your Pay in the Continental Army, you shall be entitled to one third Part of the Cargo of every Vefsel by you taken & sent into Port (military & naval Stores only excepted, which with the Vefsels & Apparel are reserved for the Public Service) which said third Part is to be divided among the Officers & Men in the following Proportions. Captain 6 shares l^^ Lieutenant 2"'^ Lieutenant Surgeon Ship's Master Steward Mate . Gunner Boatswain Gunner's Mate & Serjents Privates 7. You are particularly charged to avoid any En- gagement with any Vefsel of the Enemy, tho' you may be equal in strength or may [have] some small advan- tage; the Design of this Enterprise being to intercept the supplies of the Enemy, which will be defeated by your running into unnecefsary Engagements. In this your own Discretion &: Prudence must Govern. 5 ditto 4 ditto 4 ditto 3 ditto 2 ditto li ditto li ditto li ditto li ditto 1 ditto each 95 8. As there may be other vessels employed in the same service with yourself, you are to fix upon proper signals, & your stations being Settled so as to take the greatest Range, avoid cruizing on the same grounds. If you should happen to take prizes in sight of each other, the Rules which take Place among private Ships of War are to be observed in the Distribution of the Prize Money. 9. In Case of retaking the Vefsel of any Friend to the American Cause, I will recommend it to such Person to make a suitable Compensation to those who have done such a service, but such vefsels and cargoes do not come within the Diredions respeding other Vefsels. 10. You are to be extremely careful and frugal of your Ammunition, by no means to waste it on Salutes or for any Purpose but what is absolutely necelsary, G. WASHINGTON. Head Quarters, Octob. 22, 1775. Note. — The two following journals are by much more illiterate men than the preceding order-book; it is therefore not thought advisable in general to reproduce the spelling, except of proper names — which, as change sometimes involv^es guesswork that may be wrong, are uniformly left untouched — and wholly shapeless stumbles at words. Nothing but spelling, capitalization, and punftuation, how- ever, has been changed in the least. As samples of the original, and for philological suggestiveness, a few specimens are subjoined : — Morgan's Diary. July 14.] "A coat marfel Cap. Spiror Markee." Aug. 16.] "I fot out for Home the Son abought a Nower hi at Night." [Aug. 30.] "Thea was Captain walles failed to long pint In Stoingtown with his Shep and fore tenders and Begund to fire upon the town and fired a moft all Day and twas Judg it the ar was a bought fix hundred guns fired at the town kild No body. . . . And one of tham was loded with fuger and malafes and thea fa it be long to providence and our men fired upon tham when thea waf citen the vefels and killed fom of tham. . . . And walles came cros him and chas him up to the pint and he but jest efkaep." [Sept. 16.] " Last Nigh Raglor came out of Boilon and thea fired upon us tew Bum and fix Cannin and thea fired one cannin from our loer forte." [Sept. 18.] "This Day thea fierd 52 cannon and Booms upon our men tew work upon the Nack wheare thea was biling brest works." [Sept. 19.] "Thea fiered 12 canen . . . and thea com cloas to us." [Sept. 20.] " It reand very Heard in the fornoon and thea was very ftil this Day." [Sept. 21.] " Thes Day thea fired 16 or 18 cannon and Bums and one of the bums fel In to the fort." Sept, 25. J "It twas very ftil times and I took hors." Oct. 4..] " Our regment was free from Deuty becos wee musted." Oct. 6.] "Elish Cagefton Head Dis Charg. . . . Thea was fired all In a Nower. One of the presnor was . . . find for fheuten his gun of wille . . . and the ourther was one polle drom mager." [Oct. 8.] "Thea was a raglor com out of bofton and he fes thea was a Nother reglar fot out to fwim out from boston common and the other one fwim fo Neer the floot In Battre thea fe him and thea kich him." [Oct, 9.] " I fe one of the rif rif man wip 39 ftrips and was Drumd out of the camps 55 Drumburs and 60 fifers." [Oct. 10.] "And It twas very ftil times and It twas fub fpoues at general jage fot out for Home." [Oct. 11.] "At Night 9 a Clock It Begune to rane and thunder and a merkelbel ftorm of thounder and ran It twas." [Nov. 4.] "Thea was a raglor or tew our fentre fpide tham and thea heald them and thea Did Not Anfo." 13 98 [Nov. 6.] "One Plats . . . found gilte of Choken and Cusen." [Nov. 7.] "The reglors went ... to Cet fum Cattel but thea Cot Defeated." " Carrowed " [carried], and " shogers " [soldiers], invariably ; "a hailing up ther bots." Lyman's Diary. [Aug. 20.] " We got redy for to go to meting and the offercis Came and Said that we must not go to meting without britchis and it was so hot that I cold not bare to ware them." [Aug. 22.] "And they Rais a 170 Men and they martched to Rope Ferey and when they got theire the Man of War had Gawn of and then the armey came Back to New London." [Sept. 6.] " We played bawl all day jest about Sunset we heard 8 or 10 great guns tords Rodilan." [Nov. 1.] "There was some of our ridgment that went arter apples to the loer gard." [Nov. 4.] "And he would sware and dam us all." [Nov. 9.] "There was a larram and we turuned out and the world seemed to be fool of men and the cannans roring on both sids . . . and the cannon balls would whissle through the are and we cold see them strike in the water and make it fly as hy as the housen." [Nov. 22.] "I went to the flagatruse gard and the regalars fird severar times at our gards." [Nov. 28, 29.] " I went on forteague and helped carry 4 fasheans about half a mild." [Dec. 1.] "We was ordered to parade before the ginirals dore the hole ridgment and Jiniral Lee and Jini[ ] Solivan came out." Dec. 2.] " Our gard toock 4 of there horses and the morter peas." Dec. 10.] " We was ordred to parrade before the ginirals dore and we was counted of and and dismifsed and we we[ ] to the luten and he gave us a dram." [Dec. 23.] " I went and run some bolits and agred to work 2 months for Luke Camp and at Night I inted for the ich and had a fine rasl ov [ ] it." "Kich" or " Ceched," "tound," "mild" [mile], " brakefast," invariably ; " tuck " [took], " purteague," etc. [Paper A.] " It is hoped and expefted that as you vallow the sacred right and Liberties of your Contry you will shew a propper contempt and indignation towards those disafFefted miscreats who are at this Chrises deserting hur caws Our army will the very day of there desartion be stronger than ever but the spirit and virtu of the mager part sarv to render" etc. "Thus much may surfise for Jiniral Lee." [Rations.] " Bread or flower With 3 points of bear pr day and also malases a point of rice or a point of Indian meal . . . also one Jill of rum p'' man p"" day upon phiteague onely . . . milk malases candles sope vinegar coffy Chacolate Shugar Tobacco and onion in their Season and vegitables ... at the Dicretion of the general and feald ofi^ercis." JOURNAL of ENS'/ON NA THAN! EL MORGAN April 2 1 to Dec. ii, 1775 ITEMS OF THE SIEGE OF BOSTON FROM THE ROXBURY SIDE lOI April the 21, 1775. Then I listed and went to Bos- ton the first alarm, and returned the [ ] of the same, and listed the 7 day of May into the Colony's service for 7 months. June the 5*^^ day. Then we sot out for Newlondon and returned the 2d-^ day June. Sot out and marched for Boston the 22 day of the same, and arrived there 25th day of June, which was Sunday, and pitched our tents the same day and received 250 guns or more, tho it did no damage except burnt one house and our people fired 2 guns and one of them killed 4 men in the spot. Main guard one. June the 30 day. This day there was a man drummed out of camp [for] saying the general was a damned tory. June the 31. This day there was another man whipt 20 stripes for desertion from Captain Mot's company as he was marching to his station. The man's name that was punished was Thomas Clark. July the 4 day, 1775. General Washington who is Chief of Connecticut forces arrived here this day. Gen- eral Nathaniel Spencer who is second general he belongs to East Harford [Haddam]. And upon guard to Brokline. July the 6. This day there was a man sentenced to be whipped 39 lashes, which is executed, for desertion from Capt. Gale's company. July the 6 day. Josiah Kory was groggy this day and put under guard, but made a confession and came out [on] paying a fine of 6 shillings. July the 8. This day there was one man drowned at Cambridge as he went in to wash himself and could not swim and drowned immediately. Last night our people 102 went to set the guard house on fire where the regulars encamped and was insulted [assaulted] by the regulars. Very warm for some time before break of day but pros- ecuted our design without receiving any damage at all. This day Bennony Robins was put under guard for talking saucy [" Safy "j to our Capt. and was released on his confession [ of] his fault. This day there came a messenger out of Boston to have some relieve for the poor. July the 9. There is happened this day our Coll. called for all the sergeants in the regiment, and gave orders that every man turn out to divine service or have his name returned to the Coll. July the 10. This day there was four men listed out of every company in the regiment to go on an expedi- [tion] for some whale boats to Waymouth, which they found on shore in a grove of timber hid from the regu- lars, which our people carried to shore and went to an island named Long Island, and there they took 19 pris- oners and about 7 oxen and 8 cows and one horse and 4 hogs and a great quantity of housel [household] stuff. Capt. Cleft was the 2*^ in command that went. They got upwards of 40 boats and returned the 12^^^ day without receiving any damage. Brookline guard. July the 13. This day our people took down the bell from the meeting house and took out the glass and pews for fear of having them burnt. July the 13. This day there was 2 men called for out of a company to go and intrench against George's tavern, and there was another company went down to fire on the regulars at the same time and did so, and the regulars returned the fire [with] but 2 cannon and 103 killed one man — he was from Suffield — and hurt no man more. July the 14. There was 5 men went to Dochester tor the rest of the whale boats and I went with them. And I was a member of a court martial [at] Capt. Spiror['s] [^sic'j marquee. July the 18. This day the drums beat to arms about 1 2 clock, and went to our alarm post where we are to be in the day of battle. July the 20. This day we went to our alarm post at 2 clock in the morning. This day our people burnt the light house. This day there was a man drowned at Brookline. July the 21. This day at 5 o'clock there was a man shot through the left side and died soon. It was done through an accident. His name was Stephen Burden of Mendham in this province. July the 24. This day there was 14 sail of regulars went out somewhere, but where I can't tell yet. July the 25. This day the regiments waited upon General Ward into town. There was a court martial held at Capt. Cleft's markee. I was a member. The men was tried for swearing and fined one shilling apiece. July the 26 day. Yesterday the regulars fired 2 can- non from their breastwork, but did no damage. July the 27 day, 1775. A rainy day. I was upon the main guard and there was a ragers [regular] did run away last night from the regular comtous [jvV] which inform us that there is 6000 men in Boston. July the 30. This day there was 4 men called out a company for some private expedition. The men that I04 went was Thomas Kegwin, Bennony Robins, Beniamin Irish, Samuel Thompson. Capt. Cleft went 2[ d] com- mander and they expect to be gone 3 days. July the 31. This day the men came back from the private expedition all safe but one man that was shot. Our men took and killed 52 prisoners'" and plund[eredj the house and then sot it on fire and burnt it with several more buildings but was insulted [assaulted] warmly for some time and sot a man of war's tender on fire and barges. Willoam Gale was confined and was tried with a court martial f and was found guilty [of] defaming the adju- tant much. Sentenced to make a confession at the head of the regiment, then to be discharged from the army the 7 day of August. August the 1 day, 1775. This day the floating bat- tery sot out and come up against the breastwork, and she fired upon the breastwork and our men returned the fires upon them several times and she returned back, did no damage, and then our men fired from the fort 3 times 24 pound, and the first they fired went into the town and the next went to where they was intrenched and the next went into their barrack, and they fired one and stopped, and they have fired a great deal upon one another at Camebridge. August the 2 day. I was upon teage [fatigue], and the 6 day I was upon the main guard and very still time now. August the 8 day. This day we hear there is 10 men of war or transports came into Newlondon the 6 day. *That is, killed and captured 52 men. f See ante, pp. 84, 89. I05 * August the 4 day at night Timothy Sha and Jeorg Poller deserted. Roxbury, August the lo day, 1775, at night I was upon the meeting house picket, the 1 1 day I was took sick, and the 16 day I sot out for home, the sun about an hour high at night, and I got home the 18 day at night. [The entries of the siege from his departure to his return are written in a different hand and with much less illiteracy.] Roxbury, August 15, 1775. Col. Duglas came into Roxbury the 12 instant. Daniel Hopkins went home this day. August the 18. The regulars fired several times, they have not killed nor wounded any this day. As the main guard was relieving the regulars shot four times and wounded one of the riflemen. Yesterday William Hopkins went to the hospital. August the 28. Phinehas Stewart got a furlough and went home. The regulars has been firing at Cam- bridge yesterday and this day and killed two men and that is all. Timothy Shay and George Poller was punished for desertion, to go three weeks on fatigue and the[n] restored to their duty. [The following entry is written on the inside of the cover leaf, in his own hand and style.] August the 30 day, A.D. 1775. There was Captain Walles sailed to Long Pint in Stoingtown with his ship and four tenders, and begun to fire in the morn- * Dates so transposed in the journal, one of several indications that the entries were not all made on their date, but jotted down from memory at con- siderable intervals. 14 io6 ing upon the town, and fired amost all day, and twas judged that there was about six hundred guns fired at the town. Killed nobody, but wounded one man in his neck and damaged the houses some, and the tenders come up most to the wharf and took three or four ves- sel, and one of them was loaded with sugar and molasses, and they say it belong to Providence, and our men fired upon them when they was sighting the vessels and killed some of them. And the day before Capt. Eathen Clark was going to Blocks Island and a hundred men with him, and Walks came across him and chased him up to the point and he but just escaped. [In the new hand.] September ii, 1775. This day our people took five prisoners from the regulars. Informs that the regulars will be called home soon. The way that these regulars came away was one of them sot out to run away and he took a canoe and intended to land on Dochester, and when the enemy discovered the man going away there was four men and a sergeant took a boat and went after the man, and the wind and tide being with them so strong that they could not go back and so became an easy prey to our people, and now they are confined, [His own hand resumed.] September the 1 1 day I sot out for Boston and arrived there the 12 day. September the 15 day, A.D. 1775. Last night there was a regular come out of Boston, September the 16 day. Last night regular came out of Boston and they fired upon us two bomb and six cannon, and they fired one cannon from our lower fort. I07 September the 17, A.D. 1775. The regulars fired 2 bombs and six cannon, did no damage, and we gave them 8 or 10 and killed one regular and wound[ed] five more. September the 18. This day they fired 52 cannon and bombs upon our men to work upon the Neck where they was building breastworks. September the 19 day. I was upon works and they fired 12 cannon upon us and they come close to us. September the 20 day. And it rained very hard in the forenoon and they was very still this day. September the 21 day, A.D. 1775. This day they fired 16 or 18 cannon and bombs, and one of the bombs fell into the fort but did no damage. September the 22 day, A.D. This day they fired from all parts but fired nothing but powder. September the 23 day, A.D. The regulars fired one hundred and eight cannon in the forenoon upon Roxbury and upon the fort and did no damage and our people gave them 8 cannon. September the 25 day, A.D. 1775. I was upon the main guard, and it was very still times, and I took [hoarse ?]. September the 29 day. At night there was two regu- lars come out to Roxbury. September the 30 day. I was upon main guard and the regulars fired 39 cannon upon us but did no damage. October the 2 day, A.D. 1775. The regulars fired upon our men when they was going down upon picket 6 guns, but did no damage. October the 4. Our regiment was free from duty be- cause we mustered by muster master general. io8 October the 6. Elish Cageston had discharge, and the regulars fired ninety odd of cannon upon Roxbury and shot one man arm off and three cows, and they was fired all in an hour. And the same day I was upon reg- iment court martial. One of the prisoners was Peter Bourn was fined for shooting his gun off wild two shil- lings and six pence, and the other was one Polle drum major and he was brought before the court and he was found guilty of burning powder and making a stir in the camps and was fined five shillings. October the 7 day. At night there was a regular come out of Boston. October the 8 day. At night there was a regular come out of Boston, and he says there was another regular sot out to swim out from Boston Common and the other one swim so near the floating battery they see him and they catch him. The 9 day I see one of the rif[le]men whipped 39 stripes and was drummed out of the camps, ^^ drum- mers and 60 fifers. October the 10 day, A.D. 1775. I was upon main guard and it was very still times, and it was supposed that General Gage sot out for home. October the 1 1 day. At night 9 o'clock it begun to rain and thunder, and a remarkable storm of thunder and rain it was. October the 16 day, A.D. 1775". I was upon the main guard and it was very still times. October the 17 day, A.D. 1775. At night they come from Cambridge with their floating battery, and they fired upon the common, and they split their cannon and it killed two men and wound[ed] 6 more our men. 109 October the 21 day, A.D. 1775. I went upon main guard and it was a rainy day and it was very still times. The night before there was a regular come out of Boston. October the 26 day, A.D. 1775. I was upon fatigue. October the 30 day, A.D. 1775. At night I was upon picket. November the 4 day, A.D. 1775. At night I was upon picket, and there was a regular or two, our sentry spied them and they hailed them and they did not answer, and they fired upon them and we fired 12 or 14 guns at them. November the 5 day. The regulars did fire from all their ships, for it was powder plot day. November the 6 day, A.D. 1775. I was upon a regi- mental court martial upon one Plats belong[ing] to Capt. Ely's company, was brought before us and found guilty of choking and cursing, and was fined one shil- ling and for choking he was to confess to the man that he choked. November 9 day. The regulars went on Figment Pint to get some cattle, but they got defeated and went back, and they wounded three or four our men and took one of the riflemen. November the 1 1 day. At night I was up[on] picket. November the 15 day, 1775. At night there was three reg[ulars] come out from Boston. November the 16 day, 1775. At night I was upon picket. November the 23 day, A.D. 1775. I was upon duty tearing down barns. no December the 2 day. I was upon main guard. December the lo day. I was upon main guard. December the 1 1 day. I sot out for home about 2 o'clock, and I got to Mands and the next night we got to Lev. Edmon. JOURNAL of SIMEON LYMAN OF SHAI^ON Aug. lo to Dec. 28, 1775 113 August 1 1*^ We staid at Litchfield till about 4 o'clock, there we had a sermon preached to us by Mr. Bellowmy which I think I never heard outdone by anybody in my lite for liberty. He preached from Matthew \2^^\ Then we marched to Philops about 8 miles into Torrington, there we kept guard all night. August 12^^ The next morning we came to the tavern about 6 mile, there we went to breakfa[st]. Then we went to Farmingtound about 12 miles, there we staid all night at Landlord Porter's. Sunday morning, 13'^'^. We marched ['?] to Hartford about 1 2 miles to [torn ] Colwell, there we heard [ a] ser- mon in the afternoon. Then we went into the boat about 4 o'clock and we went to Rockyhill about 6 mile, there we staid that night. 14^''. The next morning we went to Middletown, there we had a breakfast, then we went to Had Lime and staid that night. 15^^. The next morning we set off and we sailed down to the lower end of Lime, then we went to shore and set off afoot and marched down to New Lonnen at the upper end of the town. 16. And the next morning we marched into the town about 5 miles, then we was stationed there. 17. [In] the forenoon we walked [round] the town, and in the afternoon we was called to arms and was marched up to the meeting house, and there was about 200 weight of tea brought and put in the middle of the road, and there was tar barrels and shavings and wood put on and then fire was put to it and consumed. There was about 400 soldiers under arms marched round 4 square, and there was a vast number of peo- ple and spectators around, some on housen and some on 15 114 the walk of the meeting house, with a French horn and drums and fifes. They marched around the fire, and there [ were] two that was with the tea that was blacked that came with the tea that was a running round on their heads, and so they continued till it was consumed, and then they gin a whoraw and came home. August 18*^^'. In the forenoon I went to work to pay for my washing, and in the afternoon we marched about 2 mile and exercised a while, and then we marched into the town. 19. We washed our clothes in the forenoon, and in the afternoon we marched out and exercised a while and came in, then there was 12 of us that was called out to guard the town. 20. Sunday morning we got ready for to go to meet- ing, and the officers came and said that we must not go to meeting without breeches, and it was so hot that I could not bear to wear them, and I did not go meeting in the forenoon. I went to see a crazy man and there was a man that he knew him, and he got mad, and I think I never saw such a sight in my life. He was chained and he would spring at us and hallo at us. There was one stout man that said that he never saw a man that he was afraid of before. In the afternoon I went to meeting. 21. In the morning we marched out about 3 quar- ters of a mile, then we fixed our guns, and in the after- noon we marched out about a mile and exercised, and just before night we discovered a ship, and they sailed around the lighthouse, and about 12 o'clock there came a post that they were agoing to land, and there was no small stir among the people, and we had not drawed our powder, and our orders was that all that had powder and 115 ball should fix out, and the companies got together about 186, and our captain was head, and the insign was with him, and Sergeant Porter and a corporal and 4 soldiers, that was all that could fix out, and they marched about sunrise 22, and about 8 o'clock they came in. The ship went off about daylight. In the afternoon we went off a sailing. [Detached entry later on: — And they raised a 170 men and they marched to Rope Ferey, and when they got there the man of war had gone off, and then the army came back to New London. This was the 22 day of August.] 23. The next day there was about 20 of us went aboard a sloop and went to Fisher's Island about 12 m. 24. We walked about and we went aboard of the old Spanish ship that was cast away. It was 8 rod long and four decks, and there was rooms as fine as any in the housen all papered off 25. In the morning we marched out before breakfast and we heard three great guns off on the Sound, and at night we heard 3 more, and we heard that they was chas- ing a brig. 26. In the morning we marched out and exercised, and the rest part of the day we was a drawing our powder and ball. Sunday, 27. In the forenoon I staid at home, and in the afternoon I went to church, and about noon there came a sloop in the harbor that was loaded with 12 swivels and 500 French guns, all loaded with 25 hundred of powder and ball. 28. We marched out in the morning and exercised, and in the afternoon we marched out again and exercised again. ii6 29. In the forenoon it rained, in the afternoon we exercised. 30. In the morning it rained, and we heard about 220 great guns fired at Stonningtound, and about noon there was a post came that they was a firing at the town and that we must be ready at a minute's warning, and they got ready to march, and about 2 o'clock we had orders that half of the companies must go, and they marched round in a single file and counted off 30 men and went off. 31. In the morning they fired some cannon and went out to sea and come in sight of us. There came a post to us that they had not hurt but 3 of our men and had gone off. They did not hurt the town much. The people was a moving all day as fast as possible out of New Londen. September i*\ A.D. 1775. In the forenoon there was four of us that went down to the lighthouse with our spyglass to see the ship, and we looked off and we see the Rose man of war and 3 sloops that they took from Stoningtound with 2 tenders. They all lay. at anchor, and about 3 o'clock Mr. Shaw had a sloop that sot sail, and when they came in reach of the ship they fired a gun and hailed them, and one of the tenders came and fetched them in to the ship, and they all hoisted sail and came in plain sight of the town, and we was all ordered to get all our things together as quick as we could by the mayor, and we got them all in a heap, and the ship went round the island and it was so late that [it] could not go off, and we carried our packs in our old store. 2 day. The company came into town about 8 o'clock, and about 9 o'clock we heard that the ship was returned 117 and all of us that did not go before must go, and about 12 o'clock we marched off, and about sunset we arrived to Stonington. We went to the tavern and staid that night. Sunday morning the 3. In the forenoon it rained, and in the afternoon I looked round the housen to see the damage they did the town. They fired 12 into the housen. Some went through 3 housen and some not one, they lodged in the housen. They went through a case of drawers and into a pillow where the man had just got off. 4. In the forenoon we marched to another house and fixed it to live in. [In] the afternoon we looked round the town and got some apples. 5. In the forenoon we played ball, and in the after- noon we looked around the town. Wednesday the 6. We played ball all day. Just about sunset we heard 8 or ten great guns towards Rodilan. Thursday the 7. I come upon guard and stood 3 times. Friday the 8. In the forenoon I digged in a well and got 8 pence, and in the afternoon there came two com- panies to town and we had orders to come out of town to go to Lime, and some of us came by water and the rest by land, and those that came by water was as sea sick as ever I see men in my life. I was sick with the rest. We had a very good wind, and we went round Fishis Island about 40 miles, and we arrived at New- londen about 9 o'clock at night to our old tent to our great joy with the rest of our soldiers. A Saturday the 9. In the forenoon I washed my clothes and in the afternoon we had orders to march to ii8 Lime, and we put all our things in our packs and put them aboard ot a sloop, and about 3 o'clock we marched off about 4 miles and stayed at the tavern. Sunday, 10^^. We marched about 3 miles over the rouefery \^s/c ; rope ferry] and got breakfast, then we marched about 4 miles to Governor Grisel's, and the captain and lieutenant came ashore and we stayed there that night. About 12 oclock our packs came ashore with the rest of our men. The next morning we got our packs. Monday, 1 1*. I went to cutting stork [stalks] and I cut all day. 12^^ day, Tuesday. In the morning we exercised, and in the afternoon the other company moved off and we moved in the house they was in and carried our packs. Wednesday, 13"'. I was upon guard, and I stood 3 times. Thursday, 14*^''. I wrote letters all the forenoon, and in the afternoon I played goold [goal] and got beat. Friday, 15'''^. In the forenoon we exercised, and in the afternoon we went up town to see a company train and get apples and cider, and the people was very kind to us. Saturday, 16*^^. I was upon guard, and it rained all night and our house leaked and we got wet through. I stood 3 times, 2 hours a time. In the afternoon we heard 10 great guns off to the west on the Sound. Sunday, 1 7*^'. I went to meeting, and when we came home we had orders to go to Boston immediately. Monday, 18'^''. We was a getting ready to move. We put up all our things ready to start off. Tuesday, 19*^^. We carried our packs down to the 119 water to put them aboard, and about half of the soldiers went by water and the rest by land, and we sat off and got amost there, and it began to rain and we got some wet. We got to Newlondon about 4 o'clock, and we staid to our old habitation that night. Wednesday, 20''''. We looked round the town, and about 8 o'clock at night our sloop came ashore with the rest of our soldiers. Thursday, 21*^^. In the morning we moved our packs in another sloop to go to Norrage, and about 10 o'clock we marched off by land and we got to Norrage Landain about 4 o'clock. • There we staid that night. Friday, 22'^''. We got our breakfast and set off and marched 8 miles, and it rained, and we staid at Captain Bornam that night. I see a clock that would play tunes with 10 hammers, and a loom that they wove stockings. Saturday, 23'^^ In the morning we got some viduals, and marched 7 miles into Plainfield and eat again, then to VoUingtound about 12 miles to Citiate and got supper. Sunday, 24*^. Morning, we got our breakfast and marched 8 miles to Covingtry, then we marched 6 miles and staid that night. There was 2 companies staid there that night and got supper, and Monday 25*^ the next morning we marched [to] Jonston, then to Providence, and we marched through in order 2 miles. The streets was paved and housen as thick as they could well stand, and many things to see. Then to Pawtucket and then to Attlebury, there we staid that night. Tuesday, 26^''. I was on guard, and we marched to Rentham, then to Wallpole, then to Dedham, there we staid that night. 120 Wednesday, 1"]^^. We marched into Rocksbury about noon and we staid in the town that night. Thursday, 28*"^. I looked round the town and found my old mates, and we moved our packs about halt a mile and fixed for our tents and staid that night. Friday, 29^'^. In the forenoon we went round the town, and in the afternoon we putted up our tents and marched through Cambridg to Charlstound, there we was stationed. We put up our tents. Saturday, 30"'. In the morning I went to Ploud Hill, and the regulars was exercised their cannon on Bunker's Hill, and they began to fire in the town and they fired at Roxbury 24 cannon and our men fired many. They never hurt one man of ourn, and I looked round the forts and I never see such work. There was a fort or a breastwork on every hill, and all sorts of work a going on. October l^^ Sunday. Night, the captain came to all of our tents and said that he would have us keep to our tents and not run about, and they did. Monday, 2*^^. I looked round the forts and went to the lower guard within about 60 rods of the regulars, and I see them a hauling up their boats. Tuesday, 3''^\ I rubbed up my gun and looked round the forts. Wednesday, 4"'. W[e g]ot some boards to fix our tents, and it rained and we did not do it. Thursday, 5*^. It rained, and I wrote a letter home and staid round house. Friday, 6^^^. I was not well, I went to the doctor and he said that I must eat light food, and in the morning our men fired 2 cannon from Roxbury at the regulars, and they fired 80, and one of the balls struck one of our 121 men and took his arm off, and killed 3 cows besides with some of the other balls. Saterday, 7^^. I was better and went down to the forts and looked round, and in the afternoon there was a man that was whipped 39 lashes and then drummed out of the camp with 16 drums and 8 fifes. At night I went to stay at a house to stay a few days. Sunday, 8^^. It rained in the forenoon, in the after- noon it was fine. Monday, 9^^ I wrote 2 letters and sent them by G. Pompilly. Tuesday, lo"\ I was very well, and came and lay in my tent. Wednesday, 1 1*^'\ The priest came, and at night he went to prayer with us, and at night it thundered and lightened and rained. Thursday, 12''^. I went to carry viduals to some of our men, and I went to the lower guard, and I see the regulars a digging a trench across the neck to make an island of Bunker Hill. Friday, 13*''. I went to Cambridge to get some wal- nuts and see the College. Saturday, 14*^. I went to carry victuals to the guard and viewing the forts and the regulars. Sunday, l5^^ Our minister preached 2 sermons. He preached from Dutrinomy 23^^ and 9'^ verse in the forenoon and afternoon, and he preached 2 very good sermons to the soldiers how it was best for us to do and what not to do. Monday, 16^^. We built a chimney to our tent and mended our old trousers. Tuesday, 17^^ I went to tend mason to build chim- neys to the barracks, and I listed to tend till the chim- 16 122 neys was done, and I was to be cleared from all duty and have a gill of rum a day. Wesdnesday, 18''^. I went to Mistick and got a horn and some apples. I sent a hand to work at the chim- neys, and there was some that went to the head of the works and said that we would not stay only a day or 2, so we was dismissed. Thursday, 19"'. It rained, and I worked at my horn the most of the day. Friday, 20*^. It rained, and I finished my horn and went up to Mistick and got some apples. Saturday, 21^^. I was on the flag of truce guard and it rained all day till just night, then I came on guard and I stood three times 2 hours at a time. I went to the orchard and got apples that was within about 60 rods of the regulars, and we backed about a boshes \^s2f, plain j. We could hear the organs and bells in the town of Boston a Sunday [_sic\ night. Sunday, 22"\ There came a ship in and they fired about 30 cannon to salute her. About 9 o'clock we was relieved and we came home, and then I went to meeting in the forenoon and afternoon, and the minister preached from the 2 of Thessalonians the 2 chapter and 16 verse in the forenoon and afternoon, and he preached very well. Monday, 23^'^ I went on fatigue, and I did about one hour's work and I got about half a pint of rum. Tuesday, 2^^^. It rained in the forenoon, and in the afternoon they drawed a great great gun up the bank from the floating battery. Wednes[day], 25^'\ In the morning I went to Mistick to draw provision for the company. In the afternoon our men fired their cannon that they drawed 1^3 up 3 times, the first time it fell short and struck in the water and the other went on Bunker Hill. The regulars fired the same day about 30 cannon, clear powder to clear them. Thursday, 2b^^. We got wood for our tents and wrote some letters. Friday, 27^^. I was on pick[et] guard, and in the morning there was one of the soldiers that took a gun, and not knowing it was loaded he snapped it, and it went off and went through 5 tents, and there was men in them all, and it w^nt within a few inches of 2 or three men and never hurt one man. The man was put under guard. There was a man that was buried that died with the camp distemper. He belonged to our regiment. Saturday, 28^^. I came off [?] guard about 9 o'clock, and it began to rain and it was a very cold rain. It rained all day, and at night it cleared off. Sunday, icf^. I was on the main guard, and about eleven o'clock the meeting began, and there was but one meting, and he preached from 2^^ of Chronicles 20**^ chapter and 20*"^ verse. The minister preached very well. Monday, 30**^. I came off guard and went out about 4 miles to Mistick and got some apples. Tuesday, 31^^. I sot out with some of our soldiers to see Lexington, and we had not got far before we saw the biggest sight that ever I saw in my life. I see a man that had his body almost covered with lice, and I heard that he died before night, and they said that the lice killed him. And I went to the town of Nottimy,* then to Lexington about 10 miles, and I see the housen * Menotomy, now Arlington. 124 where the regulars rummaged and broke the windows and burnt some, and I see 5 mortar pieces to fling bombs, I never see any before, they was about 3 foot long and ten inches across, and we got some apples and came home by night. November 1*^^ Wednes[day]. I came on main guard about noon. I received 4 letters from home. It seemed as if I had got at home when I had read them and heard that they was all well. There was some of our regi- ment that went after apples to the lower guard, and the regulars fired three guns and one of the balls cut off the feather of his hat and did not hurt none of them. Thursday, 2^^. I came off guard, and in the after- noon I went out about 4 miles and got some apples, and I got about a peck of walnuts. Friday, 3*^*1 It rained till about noon and then it slacked, and the regulars fired 25 cannon from the ships to salute, and about 4 o'clock they fired a cannon from the floating battery and the bullet came so near that we heard it whistle through the air. Saturday, 4*^''. I was on quarter guard, and I stood 6 hours 2 hours at once, and there was one that was drunk and they put him under guard, and I had to keep him 2 hours and he would try to get out, and I stood with my gun and bayonet and he would crowd on it, and I pricked him and he would swear, and the sergeant told me to keep him in the house, and he would not go, and I pushed him down and bid him to stand, and he would swear and damn us all, and about 10 o'clock he [I?] was relieved. Sunday, 5*^^. We had a new minister, and he preached from St. John 3*^ and 17*^ verse, and it was the day of thanksgiving with the regulars, and about 125 one o'clock they began to fire, and they fired a 190 cannon as fast as I could count. Monday, 6*^'^. It was my turn to cook, and about 12 o'clock the regulars fired 25 cannon from the ships to salute, and I see Master Williams and he told me that he had seen a letter that I wrote about his coming down, and he told me that he was married. Tuesday, 7*^^. I come on quarter guard and it rained all day, and I stood 3 times 2 hours in the night. Wednesday, 8^^'. It was a very clear day, and 3 of us went to Notimy about 4 miles, and got about half a bushel of walnuts and a peck of apples, and we returned. Thursday, 9^''. In the forenoon I wrote letters, and about 12 o'clock there was a larum and we turned out, and the world seemed to be full of men, and the can- non roaring on both sides, and the small arms a crack- ing and the cannon balls would whistle through the air, and we could see them strike in the water and make it fly as high as the housen, and the regulars landed about 500 to get some of our cattle, and the riflemen way- layed them and fired on them and the regulars ran, and our men whorawed and fired and the regulars pulled on their oars and went off, and we stayed about half an hour and we had orders to return to our tents, and it began to rain and it rained all night. Friday, 10*^. I went on Prospect Hill to hear the news of the battle, and we heard that they found 5 regulars dead, and they took one of the riflemen and wounded 3 more of them, and they was in high spirits. Saturday, ii*"^'. I was on main guard and I stood 5 hours, 4 hours to keep the prisoners. Sunday, 12"'. It was my turn to cook. The 126 minister preached a sermon from 2"' of Chronicles 13*"^ chapter and 23*^^' verse. Monday, 13'''. I went to Nottimy about 4 miles, and we got about 3 pecks of apples, and we .come down about 2 miles and we went and pulled 4 bushel of turnips, and we had a pack and we brought them home and they gave us 8 pence for them. Tuesday, 14'^''. It was a fine pleasant day, and I went to see them dig turf to make a fort atop of the hill against the old ship. There was about 2 hundred men. They was out of the regulars' sight, and they intended to make a breastwork in the night right against the old ship, and fix some cannon and drive them out of the harbor, and they was fixing for another on Chelcy side, and they thought that the regulars had discovered something, and we was ordered to have our guns in the best order and be ready at a minute's warning to turn out on the latum if called. Wednesday, 15*^'\ I was on main guard, and it rained all day and it was a very cold storm, and I stood 4 times one hour and 20 minutes at a time, I stood 3 times in the house. Thursday, i6"\ It cleared off cold, and it was Thanksgiving with us,* and we took and fried some fresh meat and stewed some apples, and about 9 o'clock there was a latum, and they ordered 10 men out of a company to go to the picket guard and staid all night. Friday, 17*^''. I was on picket guard, and it was very cold and our men went to the barn to live, and fixed our beds and moved our things. Saturday, i8^^ We finished our room and moved all of our things to the barn. * But see entry under 23d. 127 Sunday, 19''''. We had a fine sermon preached to us from Esther 8''*' and 6*^^ verse. He talked to the colo- nel and captains, then to the soldiers. Monday, 22^'\ I washed my clothes, and about 1 1 o'clock at night there was a larum, and our regiment turned out 400 men and we marched round a while and they could not find out as there was any regulars, and they dismissed them and ordered us to turn out between daylight and sunrise, and we returned to our beds. Tuesday, 21*^^ In the morning we turned out and marched round about an hour, and we had orders to turn out the next morning and man out our forts, and then we was dismissed and come home, and it was my turn to cook and I cook, and at night there came a light snow. Wednesday, 22*". I was on picket guard, and I went to the flag of truce guard, and the regulars fired several times at our guards but did not hurt any of them. At night our men fired at them several times. They was about 20 rods apart. I stood 4 hours, two hours to the lower guard. There was 3 sheep that run from the regulars, and our men got one and killed it, and at night our men built a fort on Litchamores Point right against the old ship. Thursday, 23. It was Thanksgiving with us, but we did not expect to keep it only by fighting. The regu- lars moved round their floating batteries and we was ordered to be ready for a larum. Friday, 24'''. I went to Litchamore Point and I could see in the town of Boston and the ship, and then I went to Cambridg and see the artility [j"/f], and looked round the town, and about one o'clock they fired 1 5 cannon to salute. 128 Saturday, 25*^''. It was a fine day, and I was on main guard. The sentries fired at each other all day by spells. Sunday, 26'^. It stormed the most of the day, and we stayed in and read all day. Monday, 27*'\ I washed some of my things and put them up. Tuesday, 28'''^. I went on fatigue and helped carry 4 fascines about half a mile. Wednesday, 29^^. In the morning the whole regi- ment was ordered to parade before the genera[l's] door, and they formed a hollow square, and the general came in and made a speech to us, and then those that would stay till January must follow the fifers and col., and the captains turned out and they marched round the com- pany several times, and there was about a 100 soldiers turned out. The most of them had listed to stay another year, and they was led down to the colonel's and treated, and the rest was dismissed to return to their tents again, and I washed my clothes, and about sunset we went out and chose 2 corporals, and then they brought 2 bottles of brandy and they drinked it, and then they was dismissed. Thursday, 30^^. About 1 2 o'clock they fired about 10 cannon to salute. In the afternoon we was ordered out to see who would stay 3 weeks longer, and there was but three that would stay and they had listed to stay another year, and they dismissed them. December, Friday, i^^\ We was ordered to parade before the general's door, the whole regiment, and General Lee and General Solivan came out, and those that would not stay 4 days longer after their enlistments was out they was ordered to turn out, and there was 129 about 3 quarters turned out and we was ordered to form a hollow square, and General Lee came in and the first words was "Men, I do not know what to call you, [you] are the worst of all creatures," and flung and curst and swore at us, and said if we would not stay he would order us to go on Bunker Hill and it we would not go he would order the riflemen to fire at us, and they talked they would take our guns and take our names down, and our lieutenants begged of us to stay and we went and joined the rest, and they got about lo of their guns, and the men was marched off and the general said that they should go to the work house and be confined, and they agreed to stay the four days, and they gave them a dram and the colonel told us that he would give us another the next morning, and we was dismissed. There was one that was a mind to have one of his mates turn out with him, and the general see him and he catched his gun out of his hands and struck him on the head and ordered him to be put under guard. Saturday, 2^'\ I was on quarter guard in the morn- ing. They was paraded before the colo[ners] door and he gave us a dram, and then they read some new orders to us and they said that we must not go out of our brigade without a written pass from our captain, and before night there was a paper set up on the general's door not to let the soldiers have any victual if they would not stay 3 weeks longer, and they said that they was 50 miles in the country, and some was mad and said they would not stay the 4 days, and the paper was took down as soon as it was dark, and another put up that General Lee was a fool and if he had not come here we should not know it. The sentries fired at each other all day by spells, and at night our guard took 4 130 of their horses, and the mortar piece that our men took from the reguhirs was brought to Cambridge. It was 13 inches across. They brought several chests of small arms, and General Put| nam | dashed a bottle on it and called it the royal Congress. Sunday, 3*^''. It was my turn to cook, and at night we had orders that if we would stay till 10*^'^ we should have a written pass, and we telt a good deal better for it. Monday, 4*^^. I wrote a letter and drawed off the advertisement that was sat up to keep us from having anything on the road.^" Tuesday, 5^''. I went over to Chelsey about 7 miles, and I see 6 loads of the balls and shells, and I see the ships. There was a vast number of them, and I could see the castle and the town, and I see about 20 sail off on the sou[th], and they said that there was some of our privateers after them. Wednesday, 6*^^. I was on main guard, and I stood 4 hours. Thursday, 7'^. We was ordered to march out 10 o'clock and 3 regiments more, and we manned out a breastw^ork and exercised awhile, and then we marched down and the generals come and we marched round awhile, and we was ordered to parade the next morning at 10 o clock, and then we was dismissed. Friday, 8*"^. It was a cloudy day and we did not go out to exercise, and in the forenoon I fixed my things and put them in my pack, and in the afternoon there was two soldiers came from Roxbury to see us, and I went rou[nd] down to Ploud Hill and to the lower sentries, and then to Prospect Hill and see the cann[on |, and then we came home to our barn. *See Paper A at the end of this journal. 131 Saturday, 9'^. The whole regiment was ordered out on the parade, and we was ordered to stand three deep, and the captains was in the front and the lute and the sergeants in the rear, and the general came round the whole and we all made a salute to him, and then we was ordered to march down before the general's door, and those that was agoing to stay another year should march out and front the regiments, and they was dismissed to go to their tents, and the officers was ordered to view our arms, and then we was dismissed and we came home, and then we was ordered to turn [in] our guns and ammunition and our guns was to be priced, and orders was that all that was not w^ll might march off, and those that had sent for horses and hey (no others) sot off, and when it came night we had orders to go on Ploud Hill and handle the lances all night, and they all said that they would not go, and they did not get one. Sunday, 10*^^. In the morning we was ordered to parade before the general's door, and we was counted off and dismissed, and we we[nt] to the luten and he gave us a dram, and then we marched off to Cambridg and I see the brass mortar piece, and then we marched to Watertow^n and then to Waltham and then to Western, then to Sutbury. There we stayed all night and I got a good supper and lay in a good bed. We traveled 15 miles and it w^as wet and sloppy and it rained all night. Monday, ii*^^'. We marched to Morlbury, then to Northbury, then to Shrewsbury and stayed that night. It was very bad traveling, and we went 21 miles and got a good supper. Tuesday, 12^^. It was very cold, and we went to Woster 6 miles and got breakfast, and then we went to Lester, then to Spencer, then to Brookfield, there we 132 staid all night and got a good supper of veal. We went 24 miles. Wednesday, 13*'^ In the morning we went 5 miles and got a breakfast. There we went off to go to Northampton, and went to Were town and then to Belcher[town], and there we stayed all night and got a supper. We went 23 miles that day. Thursday, 14^''. We sat off and went 6 miles to Hadley and got a breakfast, and then we came to Northampton about 10 miles and I went round and see my friends that day. Friday, 15*^^. We went to Southampton and see my friends. Saturday, 16*^^. We sat off about sunrise and marched Murrifield,* then to Glascof to Landlord Pease's, and there we overtook our lieutenant and sergeant, and we made a stop and got some viduals, and then we went to Loudon4! then to Sandersfield. There we stayed that night at Spring's and got a good supper. We went 27 miles that day over the hills and holes [hollows]. Sunday, ly^^. We sat off and went 6 miles and got a breakfast at Tidingham,§ then to New Maltbury, then to Sheffield, then to Salisbury. There we stayed that night. We went 20 miles that day. Monday, 18*^''. I got home and found my friends and relations all well, to my great joy. Tuesday, IQ*"^. I went round to see the neighbors. Wednesday, 2o"\ I went to mill and did not do much that day. Thursday, 2i'^'\ I went to Townhill and got me a gun. *Murrayfield, now Chester, f New Glasgow, now Blandford, X Now Otis. § Tyringham, 133 Friday, 11}^. I scoured my gun and went to get some thrashing and I could not. Saturday, 23^^^. I went and run some bullets and agreed to work 2 months for Luke Camp, and at night I [o]inted tor the itch and had a fine wrastle ov[erJ it. Sunday, 24^*'. It snowed all day and it fell about knee deep. Monday, 25*^''. I tried my gun, and we had a fine Christmas a shooting at a mark. Tuesday, 26^^'. I" went to Canan to see my friends. Wednesday, 27*^''. I came home. Thursday, 28*"^. I went to work for Luke Camp. [Paper posted on Gen. Lee's tent. See page 129, ante.] To the Publicans and other Housekeepers residing on the different roads betwixt Cambridge, Newlondon, and Hartford. Fellow Citizens : It is hoped and expected that as you value the sacred right and liberties of your coun- try, you will show a proper contempt and indignation towards those disaffeded miscreants who are at this crisis deserting her cause. Those who for want of zeal or courage, at a time when everything conspires to give us victory over our wicked enemies and tyrants, can so basely abandon their colors, those who by a traitorous desertion in the hour of trial would open a possibility to the enemy of enslaving you, have forfeited all title to be treated not only [as] fellow citizens but as men. You therefore, gentlemen, are most earnestly entreated 134 and conjured to give testimony of your virtue and patriotism by punishing to your utmost those vile refugees. In short, you are requested not to admit into your houses or furnish with any refreshment those bands of deserters now sneaking homeward to infate [ infedij their relations and neighbors with cowardice and every bad quality, but to consider them as reprobates to vir- tue, honor, God, and their country, for in these lights they may justly be considered, particularly when it is known that it was only requested of them to remain three weeks longer, which they (oh scorn to the name of Amarica) have most basely refused to comply with. Thanks however to God Almighty, who has hitherto so manifestly prospered our cause, this vile dastardly spirits is so far from being general that our army will the very day of their desertion be stronger than ever, but the spirit and virtue of the major part serve to render the infamy of those particulars more conspicuous. Thus much may suffice for General Lee. B Allowance to the army, that is ^ quarters of a pound of pork or i pound of beef and i pound of bread or fiour with 3 pints of beer per day, and also molasses, a pint of rice or a pint of Indian meal, and 6 ounces of butter, and also 3 pints of beans or peas each man per week, and also one gill of rum per man per day, upon fatigue only and at no other time, milk, molasses, candles, soap, vinegar, coffee, chocolate, sugar, tobacco, and onions in their season, and vegetables to be pro- vided for said troops at the discretion of the general and field officers. NoTK. — The two following journals were kept by Benjamin Trumbull, D. D., author of the classic History of Conne6ticut, during his service as chaplain of the First Connedicut Regiment in the Revolution, to which position he was appointed by the General Court at its April Session, 1775. He varied his duties with those of private soldier and volunteer orderly. Dr. Trumbull was born in Hebron, Conn., Dec. 19, 1735; graduated at Yale, 1759; became pastor of the Con- gregational church at North Haven, Conn., 1760, and remained such (except for the Revolutionary intermis- sion) till his death Jan. 23, 1820 — just short of sixty years. Strong in body, he was in spirit a nervous en- thusiast, of sensitive perceptions, quick emotions, and the zeal of a devotee. The first journal relates to the Canada expedition, at first under Schuyler, then under Montgomery, with Wooster heading the Connedicut troops; it closes just before the disastrous assault on Quebec, but with Mont- real, Chamblee, and St. John's in American hands. The second is concerned with the operations around New York, 1776-7. Both were bought at> the Brinley Library Sale in Boston, in April, 1893, by Mr. James J. Goodwin of Hartford, who presented them to this Society. Another MS. copy of the first journal is in existence, with slight additions to the one here given; but none of the second, and the letter which acceptably fills a gap in it is also new. (136) A CONCISE Journal or Minutes OF THE PRINCIPAL Movements Towards St, Johns SIEGE AND SURRENDER OF THE FORTS THERE ^775 [By Benjamin Trumbull] 18 July 26"' Colonel Waterburys Regiment embarked tor Albany. July 28*^'' arrived at Albany after a run ot about 28 Hours. The 2if^^ marched tor half Moon. ^qUi j^o arrived at Half Moon and encamped there. August 7"' a Division ot Five Companies Struck their Tents and marched to the tiy above Still Water. The 8'^' marched to Point Pleasant about Two miles below fort Edward. The next Day marched to Kings- bury. From this Place the Regiment took their Rout by Skeensborough'"" and the Baggage was carried by the Way of Lake George. The Road to Skeensborough was very slippery and wet one night was very rainy and the men after a fatiguing Day had nothing but Hemlock Bushes to cover them, were very wet and uneasy; this was the Night of the 10"' of August. 11*"'' The men marched on for Skeensborough where they arrived greatly fatigued about 10 o'Clock A. M. The Boats were all ready and the Regiment immediately embarked for Ticondaroga, and arrived the Same Day. The Tents and Baggage were not arrived the men were therefore obliged to lodge under Boards Till the 13^'^ On the 13"' The Tents and Baggage arrived and the Regiment encamped, at Ticondaroga. August Monday 28"' The whole Army embarked at 6, o'clock in the Afternoon for S^ John's. 29 Arrived at Crown Point. 31'^'' Embarked for S^ Johns again on the 2'''^ of September arrived at the Isle of Mot in Lati- tude 44°5i. Monday 12 o'Clock September 4^'' Gen- eral Schuyler arrived and gave orders to proceed onward and the Troops embarked and arrived at the Isle Au * Whitehall. (139) I40 Noix about 7 in the Evening. Cap* Benedict was sent with a Party to view S*^ John's. On his return he dis- covered a Party ot Indians in a Boat on whom they fired and Supposed they killed 2 or 3. September 6"' The Army consisting ot between 900 and 1,000 men proceeded from the Isle au noix for S*^ Johns. Of this Number 200 were of the 1 Batalion of the Yorkers, all the Rest of the Army were of Colonel Waterburys Regiment. The whole Number when they embarked at Ticondaroga consisted ot about 1 200 men. a consid- erable Number were left Sick at Crown Point, many others fell Sick on y"" Way and were left with a Small Party at the Isle au noix. The Army arrived within Sight of the Forts at S* Johns about 2 o'Clock P. M. In order to Etfect a Sate Landing the General with his Aaid de Camp Brigade Major advanced about 40 Rods in Front ot the Main Army until they came within one mile and an Halt ot the Forts, from which y^' were Saluted with a warm canonnade, when orders w^re given tor the Brigade Major to fall back and land five Boats on the Left. As soon as he had reached the Shore the whole Army who appeared to be pressing on in the Front landed wheeled to the left & on the Right of first Boats in the Same Place. By this manuver the Enemy who had laid their Am- bush turther down where it seemed the General and Advanced Boats were about to land, were deceived and the Troops all landed without Opposition. The Troops having all made good their landing and the Centries and out Guards being properly placed the General gave orders for the Army to advance on the Right towards the Fort, by that Time the main Body had Advanced 50 Rods they were attacked on the Left by 141 an Ambuscade, consisting ot Indians and Canadians, who began a heavy fire on that Wing. The Army immedi- ately wheeled to the Left in order to Face the Fire of the Enemy, and charged them with great Spirit & Firmness. After a fire of about half an Hour the Enemy gave way and retreated fast keeping up a Scattering fire as y^' ran off. Five of the Americans were killed on the Spot and three others mortally wounded, who expired before the next Morning. Major Hobby and Captain Mead were slightly wounded with three Privates. The whole Loss was in the Companies of Major Hobby and Capt. Mead who commanded ori the Left. After the Action the Army marched back to the Edge of the Lake, and threw up a Small Breastwork, but soon finding that they were within Reach of the Enemys Shells, which in the Evening began to come plentifully into the Camp, they thought prudent to move up the Lake and encamp about three quarters of a mile farther South of the Forts. They threw up a Small Breastwork and tarried in y*^ Camp till Morning. September 7*'' The General finding the Enemy had niuch more Strength by Water than he Expected, and having Neither Ordnance, Shells or Ball proper for a formal Siege judged proper to retreat to the Isle au Noix. The General on this Occasion thus Addressed the Troops in General Orders. Camp Near S' John's Sep^"" j^^ 1775. " The General thought it expedient to advance to S'^ John's in Order to try the disposition of the Canadians & give you an Opportunity of taking up Arms in the Common Cause : but being in no condition to under- take a Siege either with Respect to Artiliry or Num- bers, and finding that the Enemy- have a vessel of Force launched and nearly completed he thinks it absolutely 142 necessary to return to the Isle Au Noix to make such Preparations there as may effectually prevent the Ene- nivs naval Force from entring the Lake. The General hopes the Troops will not be disperited at their Return, and if attacked that they will behave in a manner worther of the noble Cause in which they have engaged. The troops to embark forthwith with- out Hurry and without noise" &c. The Army returned to the Isle Aux Noix the same Day. Lord's Day Sept. lo y" Army embarked a 2"^^ Time for the Fort at S'^ Johns &c. Nothing very ma- terial happened from this Time 'till the 13 when orders were given for the Embarkation of the Guns Mortars and Carriages on Board of the Batteaus and Row Gal- lies on the 14*^'' and orders were given for the Army to move down the River the 15. After these orders which were given the 13*^^ something very curious happened. The General intimated y*^ it would not be safe to go un- less a number of volunteers could be procured to board the Enemies Shiping should they make an attack upon them, and on the Day following the General thus Ex- pressed himself in General Orders. Camp at Isle Aux Noix Sep^"" 14*'' 1775. The Persons who would distinguish ymselves in y"" Cause of Liberty and their Country, and chuse to offer their Service to man the Boats which are designed to board the Enemies Schooner will give in their Names to the Brigade Major, by Ten o'Clock Tomorrow Fore- noon. What could be the Design of this extraordinary ma- nuvre cannot be certainly determined, but it was the general Conje(^ture that the General was discouraged as to his Accomjilishing any Thing important against the Enemy. Their Naval Force appeared so formidable 143 that he feared the Event of an Engagement on the Lake, and their Fortresses were so strong so well manned & so well provided that he could give himself very little hopes of Success. He feared that much Blame would fall on him, and to shift this from himself and lay it on the Troops, in such Circumstances it was im- agined would not be disagreeable. The matter there- fore being declined by the men in a publick manner when invited by General Orders would exculpate the chief Commander and throw all the Blame on the in- ferior Officers and Soldiers. What the Design might be is not so very material the Event was this that no particular Name was given in but a general Answer was made by the Troops To this Effect, That y^ were all volunteers and had been from the Beginning, and were ready to attempt any Thing which could be ... be thought practicable and Reasonable. On this a Council of war was called September 15. When the Council first met Things looked so discour- aging that it seemed to be the General Opinion that the Army was not able to proceed; but while the Matter was in debate a Letter was handed in from AL Living- ston giving an Account of some Advantages which he had obtained over the Enemy, urging the Array to come on immediately and incouraging them that 3,000 Canadians would join them on their Landing. On the Receipt of this Letter It was determined to go forward immediately. The greatest Impediment in the Way was the Enemies Schooner. It was not thought Safe to proceed unless a certain Number of Officers and men would engage to attack and Board her at all Adven- tures. Colonel Waterbury and Major Douglas with T44 320 Engaged to undertake this Business and went on Board the Watercraft tor tliat Purpose. Lord's Day September 17 The Army embarked a Third Time for S' John's. The whole Force in this Part of the country had been collected, the Scattered Troops were brought on that had arrived at Ticonda- roga, and the Green mountain Boys had joined the Army. The whole thus mustered amounted to about 1400 effective men. The Army arrived the same Day at the uper Breastwork, and encamped there just in the Evening. Colonel Beadles Regiment advanced For- ward and took Post in the North or lower Breastwork, as an Advanced Guard. Monday Morning September, 18*'^ Major Brown who had been previously sent of from the Isle Aux Noix into Canada, and on the 17 had taken 4 Hogsheads of Rum and several Carriages and some clothing from the Enemy was attacked by them above the forts. The Fire was heard in the Camp South of the Forts. On this 500 men under the Com- mand of Colonel Bedel who had orders to Pass the Forts and cut of the Communication between them and the adjacent Country were hastened off immediately to assist major Brown and his Party w° at the Time of the Action did not exceed 50, men of the Provincials, joined with 30 or 40 Canadians. His Party consisted originally of towards 100 men, but one half of them were placed as Guards at Chambly and the adjacent Country. The General marched at the Head of the Detachment of 500 men and passed the Forts. The Regulars who came out with several Field Pieces and 3 or 400 men drove Major Browns Party from their Breast Work and took the Ground on the Appearance of Colonel Beadles Party the Regulars Fired their Field 145 Pieces and discharged a few voUies of small Arms and retreated, almost before our men had marched into open veiw so as to fire on them with any Advantage. No man was lost on the Side of- the Provincials, Capt. Watson was badly wounded and afterwards taken up by our men another was wounded and taken. This was all the loss we sustained. The Regulars lost one or two. One was killed with a Cannon ball Shot from their own Canon. Our People took and ever after main- tained their Ground. The Rest of the Army Advanced to the lower Breast Work and began to clear a Place for an Encampment. Encamped and cast up a Breastwork. On the same Day Colonel Allen with Captain Dug- gan and 6 or Seven men went off to Chambly in Order to raise a Regiment of Canadians at Chambly and along the River Sorrell and the adjacent country. September 19^^^ Major Brown with a Party of about 50 or 60 men was sent off to Le Praire. On the 20*^^^ He Surprized a Party ot Regulars Indians and Canadians, who were at that Post: took one Regular Prisoner, 4 Pipes of Wine, 8 or 10 Barrels of Pork about Ten Fir- kins of Butter, some Powder Clothing Shoes &c. The Army were employed on the 18^^ and 19 princi- pally in clearing Ground for an Encampment in encamp- ing Reconnoitering &c. A Party of 100 men were also sent off on the 19*^^ to Join Colonel Beadle in the North encampment. The State and Situation of the main Army & Water Craft at this Time was as followeth. — Viz in the Grand Encampment South of S^ John's about 400 men who were to carry on the Siege. On Board the Water craft 330 : — On the Advanced Posts North of St John's viz. 19 146 at Beadles Encampment, at Chambly and Le Praire 600. The Encampment South of S*^ John's Lay About a mile and a Quarter from the Lower Fort, had a Small Breast Work on the North and West of it, on the East lay the Lake. The place of the Encampment was a low miry Ground, so that the Tents and all the Streets between them were wet and miry, so that in the wet and rainy Seasons the mud and Water was near over Shoe, and the men in order to be dry were obliged to raise the Ground with Bushes Barks and Flags in order to be dry. The Shiping Bateaux and Water Craft lay about 20, or 30 Rods higher up the Lake than the Encampment ranged in a Line accross the Water. The Force on the Lake consisted of the Schooner Liberty mounting 2, 4 Pounders and two 2 D° with 8 or 10 Swivels. The Sloop Enterprise mounting 2 Brass 6 Pounders and four Iron 3 D° with 1 1 Swivels. The Gundalo " Schuyler mounting one 12 Pounder in her Bow and twelve Swivels on her Sides. The Gun- dalo Handcock mounting the Same metal. Two Ba- taux with Swivels. About the 19^^ and 20*'' The Troops began to clear the Road to the Bumb Battery South of the Fort and to erect said Battery. On the 21*''^ Colonel Warner with a Detachment of 200 men was sent off from Colonel Beadles Encamp- ment to Lepraire and Longael. Colonel Allen having taken his rout along the Country from Chambly to the mouth ot the Sorell, and from thence to Longael where arrived on the 24'^^ Thought Proper with a Small Number of men to at- tempt the Taking of Montreal. On the 25 He passed * Gondola — /. e., lighter; large flat-bottomed boat. '47 the River St Lawrence with a Party of about 30 Provin- cials which he collected from the advanced Guard or Party at longael joined with 40 or 50 Canadians, and marched for Montreal. He was met on his Way about Two miles from the City with a Superior Number of Regulars, Canadians, and Johnsons Rangers. After a Short Engagement he was defeated and taken Prisoner with about 30 of his Party. 4 or 5 were killed in the Field of Battle, and two who were taken died afterwards of their Wounds. The Enemy lost four. One Regu- lar killed on the Spot, Major Carnes & M'" Patterson were mortally wounded and died the evening and night Following. — Another of the Enemy died ot his wounds afterwards. — This Rash and ill concerted measure of Colonel Allen had no good influence on the Affairs of the united Colonies in Canada. It not only served to dishearten the Army and weaken it, but it prejudiced the people against us and both made us Enemies and lost us Friends. Nothing very material happened from the 20 till the Gun and Bumb Bateries were opened. The Army were employed from the 17 to the 25 in Cutting Roads and in Building a Bumb & Gun Battery South ot the Forts in getting up Canon Mortars Shells &c. to the Breast Works and in Preparing to open the Batteries. The Enemy kept up a warm fire on them almost every Day but did little Damage. On the 23*^ One man was killed with a Canon Ball. September 25''^ This Day about 3 o'Clock in the Af- ternoon the Bumb Battery and two Gun Battery were opened and began to Play on the Forts. A very hot fire continued on both Sides till night. Tuesday and Wednesday 26*^'^ & 27*^^ were very cold 148 wet and Stormy. About 3 o'Clock on Wednesday the Storm abated and a heavy Fire began on both Sides and continued till night. We had one man killed with a Shell, and another wounded. Thursday and Friday very cold tor the Season wet & Stormy, and little Business done. Very uncomfortable living in Swampy wet Camp. — Saturday 30*^^ Sept*" The cold and Storm con- tinues. Sunday October i^'^ It yet remains cold and Stormy. The Advanced Posts send for more men and we have reports of a large Body of Canadians collecting and preparing to come against us. We go to work at our Breastwork round the Encampment, to make it more defensible against the Canadians and Indians. Monday and Tuesday the 2'^ and 3'"'^ are cold and Stormy. This was as Dark a Season as ever the Troops saw during the whole Siege of S*^ John's. The Weather was exceeding discouraging, the ground on which the Army were encamped exceeding mudy and Wet, and the whole adjacent country wet and miry. The News from montreal and the Country of Canada were far from being encouraging. It was reported that Carlton had not less than 14, or 1500 men with him at Montreal. This was nearly the Truth as we learned afterwards. The Canadians seemed to grow cool and fearful, & some went off and left the Army. The Indians behaved in a Suspicious manner, would go and view our Batteries, and then would be seen going into the Forts to the Enemy, and things appeared very discouraging on almost every Account. But our men still hold out and determine to do all that they possibly can in y'-' Common Cause of their Country. — Provisions were scanty about this Time the out Posts at Lepraire grew fearful of Tarrying and were reinforced. 149 The Canadians on the 3'''^ Begin an Entrenchment on the East Side of the Lake opposite the uper Fort about 80 or 100 Rods distance and throw up a small Breast- work, There was towards 200 of them employed in this Business. Wednesday, October 4^^. A fair Pleasant Day. About Ten o'Clock the Regulars attempted to cross the Lake in their Row Galley or Floating Battery and drive off the Canadians from their Intrenchment and Breast- work on the East Side of the Lake. They fired Canon and Small Arms very warmly but our People a Small Number of whom were on that Side the Lake assist by the Canadians were able to defend the Works, and the Regulars after a Sharp fire on both Sides returned again to the Forts without doing any Damage. The Evening following the old Sow with Shells &:c arrived from Ticondarogo. On the 6*'^ The old Sow is Placed on the Bumb Battery & in the Evening Seven Shells were flung from her on the Forts. The Enemy in Return fiung 24. — y''^. Nothing material happens. 8'^^ Stormy bad weather, little Business done. From the 8*^'' To the thirteenth nothing very material hap- pened, the weather was cold. On the 1 1 Seth Case of Cap'' Meads Company was wounded with a Shell and died on the 12''''. About this Time it was determined in a Council of War to Build a Battery on the East Side of the Lake in order to destroy the Enemys Shiping and to anoy them in the Forts, — This was against the mind of the General and he never gave any General Orders for it. On the 14 A Battery was opened consisting of 2 12 Pounders and 2 Fours D". — This Battery did good Execution and I50 in a Day or Two Sunk the Enemy Schooner and opened a more safe Passage Down the Lake. 15^'\ One of Cap*" Dimons men dies with Sickness and one man is killed in the East Encampment. i6^^\ Three Cannon Pass the East Battery and go down the Lake. These went to Chambly and Longale, about this Time a Battery was built at and Chambly, and the 18'^ the Place Surrendered. See a Particular Account of this Siege Surrender &c in another Place. October 2 1''^ Saturday The Prisoners taken, at Cham- bly coming up the River to our Encampment North of the Forts, a Truce was Sent to the Fort Desiring Liberty for them to pass the Forts. Liberty was granted. The next Day the Regulars Sent a Flag out of the Fort de- siring That three of the Officers Wives which were among the Prisoners might be released and Sutfered to come into the Fort. This was granted. Monday 23^^^. The Prisoners were sent off" for New England with an Escort out of the S" Batalion of New Yorkers under the Command of Capt Willet. 24^^. Nothing Remarkable. Wednesday 25^'' One of the 1 Batalion of yorkers killed with a Canon Ball in the Camp. Thursday 26^^. A Pleasant Day. General Wooster with Part of his Regiment arrives at Cap' Mots Encamp- ment. General Wooster goes up to the main Encamp- ment and has an Interview with General Montgomery. Friday l.'f^ General Woosters Regiment Cross the Lake above the Fort, pass it on the East Side and then cross the Lake again below the fort and take Post in the Lower Encampment north of S*^ John's. — The Same Day the Mortars and Canon from the Bumb and Gun Bat- terys were removed to Head Quarters in order to pre- 151 pare the Army for a movement above the Fort. The next Day the Principal Part of the Army marched by the Forts and took Post in the North Encampments above them. An Account of the Artilery carried up from Ticonda- roga to S*^ John's in order to Carry on the Siege of the Forts there exclusive of what has been already mentioned on board the Water Craft 3 Mortars 1, 5 Inch one 8 Inch D° and one 13 Inch. — 3 12 Pounders 2 9 D° 2, 6 D° 3, 4 D^ — The Twelves and Sixes were excellent Pieces double fortified. [Leaf gone.] Night, until they had fired, as they Supposed 1000, or 1,100 Shot. On our Side one man was killed right out on the Platform, another had his Leg foot and Thigh torn all to Pieces with a shell, had his Leg cut of about nine o'clock as near the trunk of his body as possible, he bore the Operation with great magnanimity but did not Survive the Night. Three more were wounded but two of them very Slightily. In the Evening, the Generals Sent a Truce into the Fort proposing Terms to them if y^ would Surrender. They desired Time till morning before y^ gave their answer. Thursday Nov'" 2 the Garrison Sent Captain Williams and Captain [blank] with a truce and an Answer to the Generals Letter. They desired a Cesation of Hostilities for four Days, and agreed that if they should not have re- lief from Canada in four Days they would propose Terms of Surrendery. They doubted of the Truth of General Carltons being defeated on Monday. The Generals as- sured them on their Honour that the Fact was true, and as y'' were not Satisfied by the Examination of the Pris- oner w'^ the Generals Sent in with the Truce, whom they Examined under Oath, General Montgomery refered 152 them to the other Prisoners w^ were on board the Sloop Enterprise for further Satisfaction. He refused a Cessation of Hostihties for the Term proposed assured them that if y^ gave him further Trouble he should be obliged to treat them with Less Honour and Favour, and desired the garison if y^' would not comply with the Terms, he proposed to fire a Canon without ball as a Signal. The Officers of the Fort having Examined the other Prisoners on Board the Sloop immediately entered on a Treaty and made proposals of Surrendery. They desired to march out with the Honours of War be sent to Some Sea Port Town and the first opportunity to be shiped for England, they also desired that the Canadians might be suflfered to return to their Farms, These articles the Gen- erals would not agree to. The Commanding officers about 9 o'clock Post Meridiem Signed the Following Articles of Capitulation. S^ John's 2"*^ November 1775. Articles of Capitulation proposed by Major Charles Preston for his Majesty's Forts at S^ John's in the Prov- ince ot Canada. Art. i''^ All acts of Hostility shall cease on both Sides till the Articles of Capitulation shall be agreed upon and signed. Answer. Agreed. Ar*^ II. The Garrison shall be allowed all the Honors of War, and Suffered to proceed with their Baggage & Effects to the most convenient Port in America, from thence to embark for great Britain as soon as they shall be furnished with Transports and Provisions by his Ex- cellency General Gage, or Commander in chief of his Majesty's Troops in America. 153 Answer. The Garrison shall march out with the Honors of War: This is due to their Fortitude and Perseverance. The non Commission'd Officers & Privates shall ground their Arms on the Plain South of the Fort, and imme- diately embark on board such Boats as shall be provided for that Purpose. The Officers shall keep their Side Arms, and their Fire Arms shall be put up in a Box, and delivered to them when those unhappy disputes are ended if they do not chuse to dispose of them before. The Garrison must go to Connedicut Government or Such other Province, as the Honourable Continental Con- gress shall direct, there to remain till our unhappy dit^^er- ences shall be compromised, or till they are exchanged- Our Prisoners have been constantly treated with a Broth- erly AfFedion. The Etieds of the Garrison shall not be with held from them. Article III. An Officer or Ouartermaster from each Corps shall be allowed to pass to Montreal upon Parole of Honour, there to transad and settle the Business of his Resped- ive Corps, and to bring up their Baggage Clothing and Pay; for which Purpose they shall be furnished with Carts and Battaux. Answer. Agreed to in the fullest Latitude. Article IV. The Canadian Gentlemen, Inhabitants, and other Per- sons residing in this Province, and now at S'^ John's shall be permitted to return immediately to their Respedive homes with their Arms and Baggage^ & remain secure in their Persons and Effeds. 20 154 Answer. Answered in the second Article; The Canadian Gen- tlemen and others being part of the Garrison. Article 5. V. The sick and wounded shall be taken proper Care of and permitted to join their respective Corps, or return to their Respe6tive homes upon their Recovery. Answer. The sick and wounded shall be taken Care of by their own Surgeons, and when recovered follow their Respedive Corps. Article VI. As soon as the Above Articles shall be signed Major Preston will deliver up the Forts with the Amunition, Provisions &c. Answer. To morrow Morning at 8 o'Clock the Garrison will March out having first ColleAed their Baggage and effeds together, in a convenient Place for embarkation and leaving a Guard for its Protection. The Officers must be upon Honor with Resped to their Baggage; for should any Canadian, or others effed his escape, his baggage shall be given as plunder to the Troops. The Quartermaster General with proper Commissaries will attend at 8 o'Clock to receive the Artilery, Amu- nition, Naval Stores &c. The deserters from the Continental Army shall not be included in the Stipulation for the Garrison. The Commanding Officer to sign and deliver the Ar- ticles of Capitulation by sunset this Evening. Charles Preston Major 26 Regiment Comm^ at S* John's. November 3 the Fort Stores and Shiping Ordnance 155 &c. were delivered up, and the American Troops took Possession of them. The Following is a List of Arms Captives, ordnance Military Stores Entrenching Tools Provisions and the Like Surrendered with the Forts at St John's. Officers of the 7*^'' Regiment ( Francis Kinneer ( Thomas Hesketh Cap'"^ < Timothy Newmarch -I Bailly. (. Peter Dundee ( 5 Alexander Hay George Peacock John Freeman killed John Despard Philip Anstruther . .leu 26' Captains William Duffee Charles Hughes John Andrie Campbel Lieutenants 8 taken 1 killed Regiment taken at S*^ John's Major Charles Preston Commander. ] Andrew Gordon ) Francis Stewart j John Strong j John Levingston Captain Williams of the Train of Artilery. — 1 Major, and 5 Captains. \ Lawrence Dulhuntly William B. Burro ugh Edward Willington Lieutenants 6 James Gurdon Ensign Ens. Robert Thomas WilHam Richardson Lieut^ > George Cupbaidge Danold M'^Donald Edward Thomson Ad- jutant The whole The whole Number of Officers British Soldiers Privates . Carpenters Sailors and Canadians Number in- cluding Wo men & chil- dren about 600 28 75 Total, Women & Children excluded 528 156 Add English McCoy Capt of y'' Emigrants Naval Stores taken. The Schooner, called by the Regulars the Brave or Royal Savage, of about 70 Tuns full riged pierced for 14 Guns 6 and four Pounders. One Rowgally carrying in her Bow one Brass 24 Pounder, and pierced for 2 Six Pounders — Besides she would have carried 20 Swivels. Bataux about 10 or 12 and 11 Bark Canoes, some of them were very large. The vidorious Americans nametl the Schooner The Yankee, and gave the Name of Douglas to the Row Gaily in honor to Commedore Douglas. Six Anchors and Several Coils of small Riging 8 Barrels of Pitch, 1 of Rosin 3 Gallons of oil, and 3 or four Cags of Painting, and several Hawsers. Ordnance and military Stores An Account of Captives, Stores Provisions Ordnance &:c. taken by the Americans at Chambly on the iS**" of Octo'" 1775. Officers taken Names. Major Stoptord Cap^ Brice Godwin Lieu^ Hamer Harrison Shuttleworth Capt AUge of the Sloop at S^ John's M'" M'' Cleugh Commissary. Soldiers 76 — 84 Soldiers Women and Children about . . . 100 157 Provisions, Ordnance & Warlike Stores Flower Rice Peas Pork Damaged Butter Gun Powder Swivel Shot Musket Balls Musket Catriges French Arms Royal Brass Mortars Shells Hand Granades Arms of" the Royal Fuzilears Accoutrements tor the Same Besides there was taken a large Quantity ot Riging for Vessels, viz. Sails Cables, &c. A Return of Captives Brass and Iron Ordnance and Mortars Provisions &c Taken in the Forts at S*^ John's November 3^^ 1775- 80 Barrels 11 D« 7 D« 134 D° 7 D° 6 Ferkins 124 Barrels 300 1 Box 1564 150 3 61 500 83 83 Captives near 600 2 — 24 Pounders 1 — 12 D° 4— 6 D° 2—4 D'' 3 D" found &c 8— 3 D« 20 17 Brass Cannon Iron Canon 6 — 9 Pounders 1—8 D° 11—6 D" 1—5 D" 1—4 D« 2—3 D' 22 Iron Cannon 17 39 Canon Brass and Iron in the whole. ♦Another copy by Mr. TruinbuU in possession of this Society corrects this figure to 6564. 158 13 — 5 ''^^h^^ '^"^ match fuse Smoke Balls Mortars t half Diameter &c. ^"^" \ 4 4 and f D° Shiping and water Craft — One large Schooner pierced 7 Iron Mortars ^^^j. ^^ q^^^ Q^e Gunda- 2 — SinchHowitsBrass. ^^^^^ .^^^ ^ Number of Canon Balls and Shells g^it:oes. for Mortars three or four Powder about a Bar- Tun, or Cart load. ^^i ^ g^^rel of Pork Small Arms 520 ^bout 6 or 7 Barrels of Arms for the p^^s, and a Small French 4 Boxes 200 Quantity of Rice. o ] This is the Exadest 720 Stands -^T- -r>k /- /-I 1 Account 1 am able at Nme Drums, o Cutlasses • r ^ , TT u rresent to p;ive or what and 20 Hatchets. , ^ . o we have taken m Smce upon a lust Sur- , . ^, . . .^ , J , this Place, vey It IS judged there are ^ . rS r c,v At Chambly and this Place CO or ()0 1 uns or Shot / , o, ,, /- n , • 1 1 we have taken a fine and Shells, 01 all kmds also , t-» 1 , A T /-I Artilery and Powder about 40,000 Musquet Cat- ^, „ , , „ , . , r^ T 1 Shells and ball enoucfh rid^ies 20 or 20 Cart Load . • , 1 1 ^, r 1 o o u l^or a Considerable or 1 un 01 other Stores Such as Catridge Paper Quick ^ November Third Colonel Easons Regiment Marched forwards for Sorrell. This Day was Stormy and Principally taken up in taking a List and Inventory of the Ordnance Stores ^Sz:c. Considerable Snow fell the Evening following. Satur- day November 4'^'*" Parties were ordered to work in the Forts get the Stores Secured &c. This was a wet heavy Day w'' prevented the Marching of the Troops. Lords Day November C. The Two Connedicut 159 Regiments were ordered to return into the Stores 400 of their Poorest Arms and Accutrements and to Receive the Same Number of the Kings Arms Cartrige Boxes Bayonets &c. They made the Draught. The Cartridge Boxes had about 30 Rounds a Piece in them; some had more amounting to the Number of about 12,000. The vacancies were this Day filled up by the appointment of New officers in s"^ Regiment. The Same Day Parties were ordered to work in the Fort and get out the Artilery and Stores necessary for the Siege of Montreal. The same Day the first Battalion of the New Yorkers had orders to march forwards and marched accordingly. Cap' Cock is appointed commander of St Johns Forts. November Monday 6*^'' General Wooster's Troops were ordered to march for Mountreal. Colonel Water- bury with his Regiment marched about 1 1 o'Clock. General Woosters marched a Part of them about 1 o'clock, and the Rest were detained for want of Carts and Carriages to Carry our Baggage. The Day was cloudy and heavy and towards night it rained hard. The Roads ever Since Friday have been mud and mire and Scarce a Spot of dry Ground for miles together. The Land is all Flat in this Country and a great Part of it drowned Lands for 50 or an 100 miles on End. Our People have lived in mud and mire most of the Time since they began the Siege. There is but little Settled weather in these Parts this Season of y"" year, our men Sometimes have been Wet near Twenty Days together. The Fatigues and hardships of the Men During a Siege of Fifty Days have been unusually hard, they lay in a Swamp, and traveled a great Part of the Time in mud & Water had an obstinate Enemy to Encounter, well Skilled in Defence, well Secured by i6o strong Works, well Supplied with Military Stores, and had a fine Artilery as well as a large Number of men to defend their Forts. Notwithstanding God delivered them into our Hands and y'^ with the Loss of few Men, not more than 2o ever being Lost in the whole Siege and in all the Rencounters they had with the Enemy from first to last. Few were Sick for the Season and Scarce any who have been Sick have died in the Camp during the whole Time. So few perhaps at this Sea[ son | and in this Country were ever known to die out of Such an Army. These Things all Show the Wonderful Goodness of God and the most Conspicuous Interposi- tions of a Divine hand. And what has rendered this Good[ness | of God Still more remarkable, and proclaimed his Patience and Longsufi^ering even to Astonishment, has been its Triumphing and reigning over the greatest Wickedness. Perhaps there never was a more ill gov- erned Profane and Wicked army among a People of Such Advantages, on Earth. It is Supposed by the Enemy that they fired during the Siege 2,500 Shells, and as many Balls, and yet with all this dreadful fire 20 only were killed. It is 12 Days Since I have been on this Ground and amidst the Terrible fire which has been kept up two only have been killed; those were of the Artilery men under the Command of Capt Lamb : New Yorkers. The other was of Colonel Eason Regiment, he died on his march from the South encampment to this Place, he had been unwell and seemed to die of Fatigue being in a Weak State. One of the other[s | was killed at the Breast Work November 1^' the other was mortally wounded and lived only about 9 Hours. i6i The Night of Monday 6 Nov*" was very Stormy and Tempestuous the Ground in and all Round the incamp- ments and in the Fort was muddy & in a manner drowned with Water. Tuesday 7^^ Nov"" the Rain ceased the wind hailed Round into the West, and there was an appearance of the approach of fair Weather. The Rest of General Woosters Regiment Expe6ted to march this Day, but no carriages came in to carry our Baggage which Pre- vented. The men were employed to-day in moving canon collecting Stores in the Fort, and getting out Canon & Balls, &c for the Siege of Montreal: a Num- ber of fine Brass Field Pieces were brought this Even- ing from the Fort and came down as far as our North Encampment with Powder and Shot to Supply them. gth Wednesday, Was warm and cloudy, we were not able to march this Day for want of Carriages for our Baggage. This Day the Cannon were moved from the North West Battery to Water in order to proceed down the Lake in Bataux for Montreal. Stores and Several Pieces of Canon were forwarded for the Same Service and Captain Lamb with the Artilery and Artilery Com- pany, and a Small Guard marched for Montreal. Thursday November 9 Cloudy but Warm & Pleas- ant for this Season and for this Climate. The men on the Ground are employed in loading the Heavy Artilery, Carriages, and Shells Balls &:c into Bataux. Towards Night the Canon & Some Stores fell down the Lake and went on to Chambly. It begins to rain, the Ways are dirty and Slippery so that it is difficult to Walk without falling. The Whole Country is water and mud & not a dry Spot to be found. The Night is very Stormy. 1 62 Friday Nov'" lo. The Ground is covered with Snow & it is yet rainy and Snowy. Some of the Regulars Wives and Children this morning came up from Mon- treal in a miserable Plight, Women badly clothed, Chil- dren bare foot and almost naked & covered almost with Mud and Water, and have in these Circumstances to go on 400 miles to New England. My Heart pitied them, and I wished to be able to help them. Th[r ]ough Continual Fatigue and Wet Weather, our Soldiers fall Sick very Fast. There are now in the three Connedicut Regiments 210 or more Officers and Sol- diers Sick. One was buried yesterday out of the York 4^^ Batalion this is the 4*^^ who has died on the Ground Since my arrival at S^ Johns. This Day the Baggage of the Regulars loading 30 or 4[o] Wagons passed us on the Way to New England. The whole day wet and uncomfortable. The men on the Ground are em- ployed in gathering up Entrenching Tools Shot &c, and in conveying them to the Fort, and in Securing the Powder of w'^ there were more than an 100 Barrels to be moved into the fort, which had been placed in Stores, but badly built for that Purpose during the Siege. This Day Ensign Fisk came in with 3 or 4 French Prison- ers, from Le Praire. Saturday November 1 1^'^ Anno 1775. This morning is cold and Sower, the Ground is white with Snow, and it rains and Snows, bids fair for a Tem- pestuous Season. Colonel Ward rallies his Regiment early in order to march to Le Praire, Part of our Baggage was loaded and some Tents Struck; but Colonel Bedle ordered it all to be unloaded, and would suffer nothing to go i63 forward belonging to General Woosters Regiment ex- cepting Some Part of the Quartermasters Stores. Seing that the Regiment were not like to march and looking upon it important that the General should know our Situation, at a quarter after 1 1 o'Clock I determined to march forward for Le Praire and began my March with two Soldiers for my Pilots. I arrived at Le Praire 18 Miles from S*. John's just as it began to be dark. I marched the whole of the Day in Mud and Water some- times midleg high and in general over Shoe carried a Small Pack a Case of Pistols by my Side, with my Gun Cartouch Box &c. The whole Day was Stormy it rained and Snowed, till about Sunset, when the Snow and rain ceased and the Wind blew up raw and Cold at North West. Under our Feet was Snow and Ice and Water, over our Heads Clouds Snow and rain, before us the mountains appeared all white with Snow and Ice. It was remarkable to See the Americans after almost in- finite Fatigues and Hardships marching on at this ad- vanced Season, badly clothed, and badly provided for to Montreal, pressing on to New Seiges and new Con- quests. This Day the Entrenching Tools came on and in the afternoon Colonel Ward With yt Part of Gen- eral Woosters Regiment which had been left behind began his March for Le Praire. I was very wet and Weary, got into a Small Warm Room, dried my Feet and clothes and had a Comfortable Night. This day the Generals who arrived at Lepraire on Wednesday the S^^ Instant, passed the River S^ Law- rence about nine miles from Montreal and Landed on S''. Pauls Island. The Field Pieces and light Artilery came up the Night before, the Evening of the lo^"^ In- stant. A Considerable Part of the Army Passed the 164 River with them and landed without Opposition. Of the Connedicut Troops Part of General Woosters Regi- ment, and Colonel Waterbury's Went over, on this first Embarkation: there were not Boats for the other Troops. Lords Day November 12 was a cold Blustering Day, wind at Northwest, cloudy and Sower, difficult Passing the River on account of the Wind and Current w"^ is rapid and Strong. Colonel Ward comes in to Day with his Party, and the Troops w'^ had crossed the River, with the Generals. Marched into the Subarbs of Montreal and Encamped just without the City. Monday November 13. The Generals marched into the City just at Evening. The Citizens before their Entrance Proposed Terms of Capitulation, but the Gen- erals observed that y^ had no Right to any Capitulation. That y^ had no men to defend them no Artilery or any means of Defence; that the Troops came not as Ene- mies but as Friends to proted them, and as y^' pretended to be affraid that the Troops would Plunder them they Assured them that they should not be plundered but should be Safe in their Persons and Estates. Towards Night the cold increased and the Ground by morning was much more dring [ dry] than it had been and the Streets which had been over Shoe in Mire were so Stiffened y'' it was tolerably dry and Comforta- ble Walking. Monday Morning Nov'". 13^^. It is Still Cloudy the Wind Northwest and quite blowy and blustering: It is on this Account difficult Passing the River. Our men yet abide in Tents both officers and Common Soldiers are cold and endure much hardship. No Particular 165 orders are yet received from the Generals as to the Troops on this Side. The Generals with that Part of the army w'^ had Landed with y'" at S\ Pauls Island, just at Night entered the City of Montreal. Orders were Sent over for the Soldiers at Le Praire to come over to Montreal. I passed over just at Night. Tuesday November 14'''^ 1775- This was a fair Pleas- ant Day for the Season. The Troops w'' were come for- ward from S\ John's to Lepraire Generally passed over the River to the City. Incouragements were published yesterday and to Day [to] enlist the Connecticut Troops anew. And General Montgomery declared his Willingness to give papers to Such as were disposed to return while he Thanked the Troops for their Good Services. Governor Carlton on Saturday evening when our Men were marching into the Confines of the City Left it with his Regulars [ajmounting to about 80 in Number, with Some Canadians who had entered into the Measures of the Ministry, fell down the River with Eleven Ships and vessels One with nine Pounders 2, and a Number of Smaller Guns another with 4 guns &c, there are a very considerable Number of Guns but their Number and y*" Bigness of the Ships and Guns I cannot deter- mine, only thus far that their Heaviest Mettal is 2 9 Pounders, before his Departure he destroyed most of the Bataux belonging to the King distributed among the nobless and one Way or other conveyed away almost the whole of the Kings Stores, and Spiked all the Canon they Left and filled them with Balls &c Some Houses which had been built for the Kings Service they damaged, braking out the Windows and Sashes i66 taring up the Floors, &c. Orders were given by Gen- eral Prescot to burn them but on the application of Some Gentlemen of the Town representing that it would expose the whole Town to be consumed in one general Conflagration, he declared that Such a Thing as burning Said Houses had never entered into his Heart, and En- quired who had given such Orders; they told him Gen- eral Prescot. He however countermanded the Orders. General Carlton is said to have some Humanity, dis- avows his having ever set the Savages on the Americans. The Harsh and inhumane Things w*^ have been done this Way are rather ascribed to General Prescot, S*". Luke La-Corn Cap^ Frasier and others of their Charader and the Nobless. Wednesday November 15^'\ Snows and is a very Stormy Day the Streets extremely miry & dirty. The troops have no wood nor Provisions this Morning, are very impatient, are averse to enlisting and long to be dismissed home. The whole day was very Stormy the Wind North East and a Steady fall of Snow. The Evening was more Tempestuous than the preceeding Day. M^ Levingston who had been dispatched on Mon- day Evening the 13 Instant to the mouth of the Sorell about 45 Miles from Montreal to assist in Stoping Gov"". Carlton and his Fleet, who left the City the Saturday Evening, Sent an Express to General Montgomery acquainting him, that Gov^ Carlton and his Fleet had not Passed the Batteries at the Sorrel. That 4 Twelve Pounders had arrived & one 9 Pounder in Addition to the Two Six Pounders which had been before fixed in a Two Gun Battery : That three of the Twelve Pounders and the 9 Pounder were fixed in a New Battery to good 16/ Advantage; that one Twelve Pounder was fixed in a large Gundalo with a number of Swivel Guns, and that She waited in the Midst of the River for the Fleet, that all things were in Readiness to receive it in a Warm Manner and y* no Pains would be Spared to Stop it. The Messenger who came with the Letter said the Ships were drawn up on a Line about one mile on this Side our Batteries. This Evening being the Evening preceding the pub- lick Thanksgiving, I meditated on the various Occur- ances of the Past Year w"" Demand my Praise and Thanksgiving; I refle6t how my Family are employed how they wish to have their Head with them to lead in the Work"^^ of Praile, and what a meloncholly Time it is with them, and Pray God in his Great Mercy to Support y"\ direct them, and fill them and me with Gratitude, preserve us and bring us together again in his good Time. I pray God to bless my People and to assist them in the Duties of the Morrow, Thursday Nov^. i6'''\ I wake early and Praise God for the Mercies which he has bestowed on me in Life, and especially for all his goodness to me and my Family Since the Last Thanksgiving, wish to keep the Day but can only Bless God for his Goodness to me & my coun- try, shall soon be crowded with Company. There is no Disposition here to religious Duties. We have not had one Day of Thanksgiving or one publick Prayer or- dered for all the vidories of this Season. I hate such Company and ardently wish tor the Return of Seasons of Domestick and publick Worship. The Day is very Stormy; a Letter arrived to day from Colonel Eason ac- quainting the General that Gov^. Carlton had attempted * Sic. i68 to pass our Batteries, but had been Repulsed and one of his Ships greatly Damaged. That they had moved up the River about two Leagues: That Some of the Ships had attempted to Land Some of their men and Effects but were attacked by a French Captain with such bravery y^ y^ were not able to effect their Design. Just at Night I took my Leave of the General and Friends at Montreal and passed the River below the City about Sunset. Travelled up through Snow Ice and mud to Le Praire, was wet & mudy almost to my knees and much fatigued. Friday Nov'" 17"'. A Cloudy raw day, so bad travel- ling that y'' Canadians cannot be perswaded to carry our Baggage and we know not what to Do. I hope in God's Help and mercy. I have offered four Dollars only to have my Chest carried from Le Praire to S^ John's but could not obtain it. The Weather is cold the Ground covered with Snow and all things Put on the Appearance of Winter. I am unwell and between three and four Hundred miles from Home. At 8 o'clock, in the Even- ing the clouds dissipate and the Air becomes clear, and the Cold increases. ■ Saturday Nov'^ 18*^''. A clear cold morning. I am not so Well as I was yesterday. I am Sick at my Stom- ach and distressed in my Bowels with some Fever, but I trust and believe in God y* he will direct all y*" concerns me in the best manner. To him I commit myself and Family and all that Concerns me. At 20 Minutes after 10 having Luckily got a man to carry my Baggage to S\ John's I marched from Le Praire for that Post, on my March I was met with a Horse by a Gentleman who Earnestly importuned me to 169 go to Chambly and marry his Daughter. His reasons were such as that I thought it my Duty to go with him, and Married WiUiam Morison and Mary Grajo, was genteely treated received a half Johannes and returned to S^ John's about 8 o'Clock. Though the Day had been clear and fair it was overcast in the Evening and bid fair for a Storm, General Wooster's and Colonel Waterbury's Regiments arrived this Evening at S^ John's. Letter of Benjamin Trumbull. Camp North of S^ Johns Friday 6 o' in the Morning Nov^ 3*^, 1775. Honoured Sir, General Wooster with the Troops under his Com- mand, after an Expeditious and fatiguing March, arrived in the Camp, on the west side of the Lake, South of S\ Johns, the 26^^ of Odober. The next Day we passed the Lake" and marched down about three Miles on the West Side of the Lake about One Mile and an half below the Fort. The principal Fart of the Army which had encamped on the west of the Lake South of S^ Johns marched down and joined us the Next Day and the Two Generals pitched their Tents in this Encampment. The following Night the ground was marked out for a New Breast Work and Battery on an advantageous rising ground about Eighty Rods North West ot the Fort; two hundred men were employed in ereding the Battery and that night Raised the Works four feet high so that it Served as a tolerable cover. The canon and heavy baggage were put on board the Water Craft and [pas]sed the fort in the night. The Time from Sunday morning 'till Wednesday was spent in clearing roads in preparing the platforms drawing up Canon to the Breastwork, carrying up Shot and warlike stores and in making Catriges for the Army and in fill- ing Shells. General Wooster finding that the artillery men were too weak ha[n]ded, and not sufficient to cary on the cannonading and Bumbarding so warmly and Expeditiously as he desired, made a draught out of the Connedicut Troops who had been most used to Gunery Set them to makin Catridges and appointed them to asist in managing the Guns, w"^' they did to good purpose. These things greatly forwarded the Work and made the Canonade much more terrible than it could otherwise have been. On Wednesday morning the North west Battery was operied between the Hours of nine and Ten when this and the East Battery kept up a terrible and almost incessant Fire on the Fort for about 6 Hours. In this Time it is supposed y* We fired about a thousand canon Ball, and more than an Hundred Shells. The firing ceased about an Hour, by Sun, and the General sent a Truce with a Letter to the Commander of the Garrison proposing Favourable Terms if he would give up the Fort, they answered the Letter and next Day a treaty commenced, and about Nine o'Clock the Last Evening the Articles of Capitulation were signed, and at 8 o'clock this morning the Garrison are to march out with their Arms to the Parade and lay them down, and our Troops are to take possession of the Fort, and to deliver all the Kings Stores Arms Ordinance Shiping &c to us. They are to have their Baggage and to remain Prisoners of War 'till the present Troubles shall be set- tled, or till they Shall be exchanged for other Prisoners. Several Things have contributed not a Little to this 171 important acquisition. The Arrival of General Woos- ter and his troops, his great activity and Engagedness in the Service, as well as that of his men, animated and gave a Spring to the whole Army, and served to in- timidate the Enemy. The taking of Chamblee with so many Prisoners and such large Stores, on the 16 [i/r] of Odober contributed its Influence, to this happy Event, and especially the Defeat of Governor Carlton at Longale on the 30'^'' of October, by Colonel Warner. Governor Car[l]ton with about 800 Men attempted to cross the River and Land at Longale, Major Warner with 300 brave Fellows opposed his Landing for five Hours till Night came on and Carlton with his Party withdrew. Four Indians were found dead on a small Island on which some of them Landed, two were taken Prisoners with two Canadians, some arms and a few other Things of no great Consequence. Colonel Warner had one Four Pounder w° was w^ell Served and it is Supposed did great Execution. There was very remarkable inter- position of Divine Providence in this affair [ ] not one man either Killed or wounded. The Prisoners were brought up to S''. Johns, and the Regular Officers were allowed to Examine the French men and made them Sware upon the Holy Evangelists to the Truth of what they Related. These Events together with the Terrible fire we made upon them the Day before Deter- mined them to comply with our Terms. If I can get a Copy of the Articles of Capitulation, and an Inventory of the Ordnance Stores, &:c. at S^ John's before the Express is sent off I shall inclose them to your Honour in this. [General Woojster though he is not insensible that he is abused by not having his Rank in the Continental 172 Army pursues the general good of the country with great Stead[fastne]ss and vigour. There appears to be great Harmony between him and | other] Generals. General Montgomery does nothing of importance without Gen- eral Woosters advice ; and though there has not been that harmony by any means in the Army w*^ is absolutely necessary in Order to having measures prosecuted with vigour and Success, yet all those uneasinesses seem to have subsided on General Woosters arrival, and great Harmony now prevails in the Army. The whole Army now at S\ Johns does not exceed two Thousand effed- ive Men. One half of this Number belong to Con- necticut. There are about 700 hundred men at Longail, Chambly & Le-Praire. A Number must be left at this Post to repair the Building[s], Fort and Shiping, a Number more must be sent off with the Prisoners, so that I imagine we shall not be more than 2,300 or 2,400 Strong, if we all join at Montreal. The prospeds are so fair that it is Determined to proceed on with the Army toMorrow for that Post Horses and Teams are preparing with all Expedition to carry forward Canon, Boats, Provisions &c. to that Post. The Souldiery are very healthy considering the great Fatigues and hard- ships they have to endure, and I believe will go forward with good Spirits notwithstanding the Season is so far advanced. Our Men have had such a Taste of the Offi- cers in the New York department, that I am persuaded they would never proceed any further were not General Wooster with them, and I believe it will be impossible ever to enlist them to Serve this Way again under any Officers but their own ; and perhaps it is well worthy of Consideration, whether the Common Cause will not 173 Suffer should not General Wooster, before another Sea- son, have his Rank in the Army. I beg leave to Congratulate your honour on the Success of the American Arms in this Part of the Continent, and to subscribe myself with great Esteem and [cor|diality your Honors obliged Friend, and most obedient Humble Servant, Benjamin Trumbull. JOURNAL OF THE CAMPAIGN AT NEW YORK 1776-7 [ Bv Benjamin Trumbull] (175) I Cover leaf missing, with the beginning of the diary.J and apparent Friendship, earnestly invited you on Board the Fleet, and intimated that Lord Howe had Instructions enabling him to reconcile all Matters, if there were in us any Disposition to reconciliation. The American Officers had no Instru6tions to go on Board and therefore declined it. Lord Howe said General Washington's Message contained Matters of so Serious a Nature that he wanted Time to give an Answer, and desired they would not expect it till Tomorrow. The same Day a Flag was sent to Amboy with Let- ters to the Governors of the Continent, excepting those of New England, with Lord Howes Proclamation of Pardon to all such as would lay down their Arms, and swear Allegiance to his British Majesty; and intimating the ample Powers with which his Lordship was vested to receive any Governments, Bodies of men, or Individ- uals into the Kings Protedion on their Laying down their Arms and asking Pardon. These Letters were sent to General Washington, and by him forwarded to the Congress. By these Letters it appears, That, we are not /to expert any Thing from them but Devastation and slaughter unless we absolutely submit to their Will. July 16^^ 1776. Towards Night the Flag expeded from Lord Howe came up brought two Letters one to Lieut. Colonel Camel,'"^ in answer to his at Boston, and another Direclied to George Washington Esq'". &c, &C-, &c. As it did not give the General his Title he would not receive it. * Sir Archibald Campbell, taken prisoner in Boston Harbor just after Howe left it, March 17 previous. 23 (177) 178 Friday July 19"'. A Flag came from Lord Howe desiring a personal interview with some principal Offi- cers of the Army. General Washington appointed the Next Day tor an Interview with their Adjutant General. On Saturday July 20^^ Adjutant came up again and was Met by Genral Washington and several of the other Generals of the united States. His Tarry was about 15 Minutes. Nothing very material passed be- tween them. Saturday July 20*. General Washing[tonJ had an Express bringing a Letter from General Lee, acquaint- ing him with the Defeat of the British Fleet and Army before Charlestown. Several Capital Ships were much Damaged, a frigate 28 Guns abandoned, burnt and blown up. 172 of the Enemy killed and wounded. Among these were several Officers of Consequence. Lords Day July 2i''\ There was some firing between the British and Continental Troops at Bergens Point, but nothing very material happened. Tuesday July 23'"'^ an Account arrived from Phila- delphia, that Lord Dunmore was driven from Gwyns Island : Three Tenders fell into the Hands of the Ameri- cans, Three vessels, two small ones and one large one Supposed to be the Dunmore was burnt by the Enemy. Several of the Enemys soldiers and officers were killed or wounded. 150 Graves and 12 Dead Negroes were found there, one Piece of Canon, one Tent &c. Some ot the Regulars who went up the River, some Time Since, attempted to pass the Battery at the High Lands, but received Damage and returned. They landed some of their men at Peeks Kill, burnt the House of M' John Lilly and a field of corn; A Number of the Militia attacked and killed Seven of them without any Loss, on their Side. 179 July 24*^''. This Day the Declaration of Lord Ms- count Howe of the Kingdom ot Ireland '^' was pub- lished in one ot the New York Gazett's. Five Died Sabbath Day and Monday out ot the General Hospital. July 25'''. Yesterday a Man Died out of Colonel Gay's Regiment in Brigadier Wadswowrths Brigade, three more I understand out of the General Hospital. Saturday July 27*^^. Timothy Cadwell of Cap*" Sedg- wicks Company departed this lite. He belonged to Harttbrd West Division, and was about 21 Years ot Age. The same Day one Died out of Colonel Seldens Regiment. Monday July 29*''. Abraham Ives of Wallingford Aged about 22 years died. He was in Cap*^ Brockets Company in Colonel Douglasses Regiment. Saturday 7, Sabbath Day 5 or Six and Monday 10 Sail came up through the Narrows and joined the Fleet at Staten Island. The Latter Part ot Last Week and the Beginning of this Three Row-Gallies from Connect- icut, and Two trom Providence arrived at New York. A Considerable Number of Troops arrived also trom Massachusets Bay. This Day Two large Fire ships were ordered round into the North River. Three Gallies also put round into the Same River; and Captain Stanton took out two Nine Pounders, and took in two eighteen D" and began to get in Readiness to move into the said River after them. f July 30''' the Two Row Gallies from Connecticut which had been Stationed about the City of New York having taken in Heavy Guns and being Supplied with * Sic. ( " June " in text : an obvious slip. I So all Necessaries for Action hailed round into the North River and sailed up the River in the Night. August 1^^ The Two Galleys from Providence got round into the North River, and Sailed up the River. The New York and 2 of the Connecticut Gallies went up as far as Kings Bridge some Days before. August i^''. Between 20 and 30 Sail of Ships came up the Narrows, and joined Lord Hows Fleet. The Same Day the Chevaux De Frize, and Four Large Ships were got down some in to the North River, and some off against Governors Island South of the Town. This Day Sergeant Phinehas Hough of Wal- lingford in Co'. Douglasses Regiment Departed this Life, in the 31^'' Year of his Life, leaving a bereaved Widow and three Children. The Evening of the same Day Joined in Wedlock Anderson and Mary Ann Cooper, August 2"^^. A Regiment of Soldiers came in from the Massachusets. '3^^ D". The Chevaux De Frize was got round into the North River. August 3*^. The Six Row Gallies Engaged the Kings Ships up Hudsons River for about one Hour and an Half Receiving Some Damage they drew off in order to refit and engage them again. They Lost one or two men and had several Badly wounded. D". 4*'\ 15 Sail of the Enemies Ships came up and Joined Lord Howes Fleet on Staten Island. D". Eliab Hall of Wallinford belonging to Cap^ Runnels Company departed this Life Aged about 21 Years. The 4^'\ and fifth the Chevaux De frize's were got up the North River about as far as Fort Washington, & i8i about the 6 & Seventh were sunk in the Chanel off against that Fort. From the third to the lo Ships and Chevaux De frizes were HaUing round, and making up the North River to Said Place and men were constantly employed in Sinking them. August 6"\ A Man died out of Colonel Sages Reg- iment, belonging to Killingley. Toward the Evening of the 8*'' Three Frigates fell down through the Narrows, and in the Night it is said about 30 Sail of Transports went out with them. This occasioned an Alarm in the Army about Midnight. It is Supposed that these Ships and Transports are going round into the Sound in order to Stop our Communica- tion that Way, and to land an Army on the East of us above King's Bridge to act in concert with the Fleet I and] Army which are to go up North River, and so cut off the Retreat of the whole Army if they can. August 9*^^. 900, or a 1000 men arrived from Mary Land, in the Evening One Company arrived from the New Jersey, Part of General Herd's Brigade. The Same Day a Soldier Died in Colonel Sages Regiment, and another in Colonel Douglasses Regiment. One a more Regiment has arrived from the Massachu- sets. Three in the whole have arrived from thence. August 10''^. Part of A Regiment arrived from New Jersies. Sunday August 1 1'^^. A Fleet of Sixty Sail appeared at the Hook and off at Sea. Monday ]2*-^. between Sixty and Seventy Sail of Ships of War and transports arrived at Staten Island, and Many Canon were fired from the Ships. They have now a large Fleet and Army. Our Fire Ships are all ready and we are waiting for a Suitable Wind to run down with them. I 82 Monday 12''\ Isaac Ford ot" Captain Isham's Com- pany in Colonel Chesters Regiment Died ot a Byleous Fever. Two died the Same Day in Colonel Selden's Regi- ment, and one in Colonel Silliman's. Thursday August 15^''. One Dickinson Died out ot Colonel Douglasses Regiment. He was ot Cap^ Wig- gins Company, and belonged to Hadam. The Enemy this Day were discovered to be very Busy in getting men on board their Ships. 40 Transports were moored and lay otF receiving men on board down towards the Narrows. Boats were seen so thick on the Waters and there was so much passing & repassing that it seemed almost as though there had been a Bridge ot Boats a forming across the Waters. Deserters which come from the Enemy represent that they despise the America[n] Army, and expect to make an easy Con- quest of them at once. They the report that they Care neither for our Numbers, nor our Preparations. They Bost themselves on Conquering us as though they had put otf the Harness. O God plead our Cause against them: humble their Pride and Save thy People with the Right Hand of thy Power. The Evening betore the 15''' the General expeded, that the Enemy would attack us the Nex| t ] Morning and gave orders tor the Form of Battle. But a heavy rain and contrary wind probably prevented their attack- ing us. Friday Morning \(f^. The Wind is against the Enemy. Two Small Fire Ships which had been sent up the North River in order to burn the Ships and Tenders on i83 the River made an attempt upon the Enemy, grapled one of the fire vessels to the Phenix, and the other to one of the Tenders. The Tender took fire and burnt up, the Phenix Cut herself Loose and got away not much Damaged. The fire vessel was too Small and the Season was very Still or She would have Shared the Same Fate with the Tender. Many Troops are arriving in Town. Two or three Battalions from the Southward came in yesterday and to Day, and part of Several Regiments from Connecticut, of the Militia of y^ State. Saturday ly'"". The Wind holds Still against the Enemy and Troops arrive fast from Conne6ticut. Sunday i8*^. Rainy and Wind at North East Fresh against the Enemy. The Ships up the River came down with a Smart Wind and Tide were fired upon from all our Batteries very briskly but got by, apparently without any great Damage they Fired very Smartly upon the Batter- ies and Town but hurt no man, nor did any Damage except firing through a few Houses, w"" did very little Mischief Monday 19"'. The Rain abates, but the Wind re- mains yet unfavourable for the Enemy, and The Army have another Day for Business. They are employed in raising Breastworks, and in Sinking Ships in the Narrow Channel between the City and Governor's Island. More of the Militia come in to Day. A Regiment From old Windsor and the adjacent Towns came in towards Night, and also CoP Wadsworths Regiment. This Day Sergeant Oliver Treat, and Oliver Stevens both of Colonel Chester's Regiment died at the Regi- mental Hospital. Tuesday August 2o^'\ A Calm pleasant Day, the Wind right to bring on the Enemy, though hardly brisk enough. We expert them this Morning. The Day passeth without any Disturbance from the Enemy. Some Companies of Mihtia come in this Day from Connecticut, a Number of Ships were Sunk this Day between the City and Governor's Island. 2i^\ a Pleasant Day and wind fair for the Enemy. But they do not attack us, a great Number of their Ships and Transports fall down through the Narrows and make dispositions as though they would Land on the Island which is doubtless their Design. This Night about 8 o'Clock comes on a most terrible Storm of Thunder and Lightning. Several Houses in the City were Struck with Lightning. The old City Hall in Particular and a large House in w'^ were a Num- ber of the Connecticut Militia. One man was killed outright and three more much hurt. Several Boxes of Catridges took fire by the Lightning in the Same House and blew up. Three Officers, One Captain, one Lieu- tenant and an Ensign of Colonel MacDougalls Batalion were killed together in one Tent. Lieut Homes of Ashford in Colonel Chesters Hospital, aged 53 years departed this Life, and John Goodyear of Colonel Douglas's Regiment died the Same Day. August 22. There is this morning a great Motion of the Enemy. Many Transports and Some Heavy Ships fall down through the Narrows and before noon begin to Land on Long Island. The out Posts of the Conti- nental Army Set Fire to the Corn buildings &c before the Enemy which make a great Smoke and Show. The Account this Day is that four or five Thousands are landed on the Island. It is probable to me that more than double that Number have or will soon Land there, i85 as it appears to me that half the Transports or more are gone out through the Narrows, Huntingtons, Tylers, & Silimans Regiments were ordered on to Long Island with a Regiment of Riflemen, and were Transported across with much Expedition. Colonel Sages also passed over to Governors Island. Colonel Chesters was ordered to be in readiness to pass over to the Island, and Colonel Wyllys's and one Bat- talion of the New Yorkers. August 23. There were Colonel Wyllys's and Colo- nel Chesters Regiments ordered to march tor the Island and between Twelve and one OClock they Passed over to said Island. Colonel Lashers Battalion the 1 Batalion of the New York Militia soon crossed after them ; and the third Batalion of New Yorkers also passed over to resist the Enemy. This Day Ebenezer Cook died out of CoP. Doug- lasses H[ospital]. Several Rencounters happened be- tween the Enemy and the Troops of the united State[s] this Day. In the Forenoon 300, or 400, advantageously posted were driven from their Post by the continental Troops 20 or 30 Cattle taken from them and Some Grain and buildings burnt which y^ had taken posession of In the Afternoon a more general Firing happened with the Enemy in w° they were worsted and retreated about half a Mile. A number of Officers hangers were taken and one Dead Body. A Number of Houses were deserted by the Enemy, and fired by our Troops, with Stacks of Grain &c Saturday August 24"'. Our Troops and the Enemy Canonade and Fire at each other; but nothing very material happens. Their Camp apears Large, consist- ing of many Thousands, it Seems of a great Part of the 24 i86 Enemies Army. Two or three Regiments more from the Continental Army were ordered onto the Island, and passed over in the Afternoon. Some few were wounded both yesterday and to Day by the Enemy. One died of his Wounds this Day. Colonel Martin of one of the Jersey Battalions very badly wounded. Sabbath Day August 25^^'. Several Battalions pass over to Long Island; and advanced Parties keep Skir- mishing with each other, and Some few are killed and wounded on either Side. The Enemy appear to be en- trenching in the Plain Country and our Troops fortify on the Hills around y"\ We had at New York a quiet Sabbath I preached three Sermons. The Evening and Night were very rainy. We have had of late much wet Weather. This Day Sergeant Curtice Died out of Colonel Chesters Regiment. Monday August 26^^ The Regulars began in the afternoon to advance in Large Colums up towards flat Bush, and some were seen to file off towards the Grand Road to New-Town &c. Some Skirmishing happened but nothing very material passed. 27. Tuesday Morning as early as three o'Clock Our Out Posts were some of them attacked, and it Soon ap- peared that the Enemy by a Strategem, had passed a road on our Left and brought on their ["? | Light Horse and Light Infantry, so as to surround our Men, and Lord Sterling with a considerable party of Men, who went out to his Assistance, were flanked and in a marmer Surround them so that many of them were killed and taken. Lord Sterling is missing, and General Sullivan, Colonel Was Killed, Colonel Clark is missing and many other officers. Colonel Huntingtons Regiment a great Part of them are missing. All our out Posts were Lost, and the Enemy advanced near the Lines. 1 87 Aug. 28. Wednesday Morning about 3 o'Clock General Parsons got into our Lines having made his Escape from the Enemy with Seven men only. He had to fight through the Enemy as he says Six or Seven Times. Thursday August 29"\ it was determined by a Coun- sil of War to attempt a Retreat from Long Island if possible. Orders were out in the afternoon for the Reg- iments''^" that had been on the Lines for Several Days to Parade at Seven OClock at the Head of their Regi- ments,'"' when they Should be relieved by a Number of Troops w° it was represented were to arrive under General Mercer. All the afternoon Things were embarking on Board out of the Sight of the Enemy and as soon as ever the Dusk of the Evening favoured the regiments began to embark in vessels Boats &c. for N. York, and passed with great Expedition and they kept embarking and passing all Night as fast as possible and passing with Stores Ammunition &c., &c. The Same was done from red Hook. Were not discovered by nor had any Disturbance from the Enemy until Morning at Eight O'Clock all was still and Quiet. August 30 Friday. About nine oClock the Kings Troops advanced to the River and got possession of all Lines & Forts on the Island. Some of the Shiping moved up towards the town, one Large one was towed on near to Governors Island, and demanded a Surrender and as it was represented forbid the Commanding officer to send off any man to the City. However boats were towards evening sent down to the Island and the Troops * Sic. i88 began to come off. Upon this the Kings Troops began to Canonade them from the Fort we built on long Island, and from the Shore further down and from red Hook but to very little Effe6t. The Troops were almost wholly brought of by dusk in the Evening and many of the Tents and in the Night many other Things were brought off. The Heavy Pieces of Canon both on Long Island and on Governors Island I suppose fell into the Hands of the British Troops. Several large Ships in the Evening came up near the Town but did not Fire up on it, nor did our Batteries on them, the Night was quiet and undisturbed. Saturday August 31''' Was for the most Part quiet. Our Boats were manned with volunteers who employed themselves in getting off Tents Provisions, Chests Small Canon &:c which had been left the Day before when our People precipitately abandoned it. Colonel Sage Com- manded on the Island who did himself no great Honour. But volunteers this Day kept on the Island perpetually and this brought on a Smart Fire between them and the Ships at Times especially towards Night. A Number of Ships got up near the Town off against the Island this Day. Yesterday the 30 a young man died out ot Colonel Douglass's Regiment, and two have died with Sickness out of Colonel Chester's, and Eight or Ten Slain or taken by the Enemy, this Week. Sabbath Day September l^^ The forenoon was quiet and undisturbed and my Regiment attended publick Worship. In the interim of public Worship the Reg- iments had orders to hold themselves in immediate Readiness for marching, this prevented our Meeting in the afternoon. 1 89 This Day it was determined that the Army Should consist of three grand Divisions, the Right Wing lying at New York, the Centre division to take post at and about Harlem. The Left wing to be placed at and near Kingsbridge. The Left wing to consist of about 10,000 men the others of about 8, or 9,000 each. The Right Wing to be commanded by General Putnam, the Centre by General Spencer, and the Left by Generals Heath and Mifflin. The Number of Brigades to com- pose each Body was fixed. As Some Generals had been taken and others were unwell it was determined to fix on a Number as Commandants to have the Management and Condud: of a Number of Regiments. Colonels Silliman, Douglas and Chester were appointed for this Purpose, and had four or Five Regiments each assigned to their Command. Monday September 2"^^ The Regiments under the Command of Silliman, Chester and Douglas remained under orders to be ready to march at the Shortest Notice, but not to march till further orders. The ships and Transports drew up nearer and nearer the Town, a Frig- ate of about 20 Guns run up between Red Hook and Governors Island, and about 2 or three o'Clock in the Morning came up by the Town, which occasioned a considerable fire from our Battery on the East River for a Short Time. Tuesday Morning the Ship coming to Anchor at Turtle Bay near the Stores, Two heavy Canon and a Hobitz were drawn over on to the Hills to fire upon her. In the Mean time Colonel Douglas with his Regi- ment was ordered to Turtle Bay, when with great Ex- pedition they got out of the Stores Some Thousand 190 Barrels of Flower and rolled them over the Hill out of the Way of the Canon from the Shiping as Soon as the Stores were cleared and the Stores got oif out of the Fire of the Shiping Colonel Douglas gave Notice of it to the Major who Commanded the Artilery, and between 8 and 9 o'clock in the Morning Major Cary began to Fire on the Frigate from an i8 and 12 Pounder, and an 8 Inch Hobitz, which put them into the utmost Confusion. They soon got out many of their men and y^ pushed off for long Island Cut of their Cable, and got out Boats to tow her up the River the Tide favoured her design and there was a Small breeze up the River, so that She got up Slowly out of the Reach of our Canon. The Artilery fired Exceeding well, and put a great many Shot into her. They hit her once Seven Times running. The Frigate got up behind an Island where her hull was Secured almost wholly from the Shot of our Canon. The Canon were soon drawn round opposite to it in the most advantageous Place that could be found and fired a number of Time but could not move her from y^ ad- vantageous Situation. Wednesday 4. Some Considerable Firing was kept up between the Ship and our Canon on the Shore, but nothing very material was effeded. Thursday September ^^^. The Frigate left her Station behind the Island and moved down the River about one Mile, where She came to an Anchor, in a Wide place in the River close off against the Long Island. In the afternoon Several Pieces of Canon were got onto the Opposite Shore, and began to fire on the Ship, but her Distance was so great that they could not force her from her Station. Major Cary had his Foot shot oif near the root ot his Toes. 191 There was this Day much Fireing and Canonading all round us, but no Damage was done worth mentioning, except the Wounding of Major Cary. It was said three of the Enemy were killed at Hell gate and one wounded. Friday September 6^^ 1776. The Last Night and the forenoon entirely still and Quiet, and so it remained the whole Day. Saturday S. 7*^^'. This Day there was considerable Canonading at Hell Gate and Some at the City but nothing very material Happened. Sunday September 8"'. This Morning the Enemy opened Two three Gun Batteries, and a Bomb Battery upon our Fort at Hell Gate and kept up an heavy Canonade and bombardment upon it most of the Day, killed one man and slightly wounded some others; but nothing very material has happened. This Day about Midnight Sergeant Abraham Basset died very Suddenly. I have been Told that one of Colonel Douglass Men died on Some of the Posts with Sickness since I left the City. There is much Sickness and Indisposition among the Militia. They behave in General at a most Miser- able Rate. Monday September 9*^''. Our Fort is Strengthened with more Mortars at heli Gate and our People ear[l]y this morning begin a very Heavy Canonade and Firing of Shells upon the Enemy which they return Smartly. Towards Midday the Fire abated and there was very little in the Afternoon. Things seemed to be very Still and quiet in all Parts. About nine o'Clock General Spencer Sent orders to his Brigade, intimating that there was a motion of the Enemy, and directing them to lie upon their Arms ready for Aftion. 192 Tuesday September 10*^. 20 Boat Loads of Regu- lars landed this morning on an Island above hell Gate near white Stone. Some Canonading and Bombarding this Day at Hell Gate but not so smart as it was yester- day. The Island mentioned above is Mor"treseurs off against Harlem Church, much on this Side of white Stone. Wednesday September 1 1*^^. The ministerial Troops continue the Canonade and Bombardment of the Fort at Hell Gate ; but are not able to silence or much Damage it. The Numbers this Day on the Island near Harlem much increase and it appeared as though the Design of the Enemy was to make good a Landing on Harlem Plain. Our People take posession of the Highths, and make some Works for Defence. Colonel Chesters Brigade is ordered to Harlem. Thursday Sep*^"" \2^^. The Canonade and Bombard- ment at Hell Gate is very heavy from Morning till near mid Day. Tis expelled that the Regu[lars | will attempt a Landing this Day at Harlem, the Brigades near at Hand are ordered to be in readiness to march immedi- ately, in case there should be an Attack. The Firing at Hell Gates abates in the afternoon, three or four of the Canon in the Fort were damaged or Dismounted by the Enemy. Friday 13'''. Towards Night Four Frigates came up, by Town in the East River, and Anchored off against New Town Bay. There was much Firing from our Forts and Batteries upon them, but they passed the Town without firing at it at all. This Night we Expected an Attack, and the Generals, Officers and Soldiers lay in the entrenchments under arms all Night. * Sic ; slip of pen — Montresor's. 193 However the Enemy, did not attack us, or Show any disposition to do it immediately. Saturday Sep*'', 14, 1776. The forenoon was calm and Ouiet, but Saturday towards Night there was a Smart Canonade from a Number of Ships which Sailed up the East River, from our Batteries on them, and from their Batteries on Long Island and on Governour's Island on our Forts in the Town. The Ships which moved up the East River, four or Five in Number, came to Anchor where the other Ships had lain off against New Town Creek. The Shiping below the Town moved up towards it and Several heavy Ships came up in about a Strait Line with the Town. All things wore the Aspect of a furious attack Soon. The Enemy by this Time had landed many Troops on Montresscurs Island just by the Plains at Harlem, and had almost Silenced our Fort at Hell Gate, and crouded down towards the Water in considerable Bodies. At the Same Time our Sick, Tents, Canon Baggage &c were removing with the utmost Expedition out of the Town, and many of the Troops were ordered up to and over Kings Bridge, and others up to Harlem, all the Field Pieces and most of the valuable Canon were removed, but about Five Brigades remained in and about the Town some on one Side and the other of the River. Those on the East River lay all Night in the Entrenchments. A Little after Day Light on Sunday Morning Sep*"", 1 5 Two Ships of the Line and three Frigates drew up near the Shore within Musket Shot of the Lines and entrenchments and came to Anchor there in a proper Situation to fire most furiously upon our Lines. In this Situation they lay entirely quiet till about 10 o'Clock. 25 194 During this Time boats were passing from the Island to the Ships and men put on Board, and about loo Boats full of men came out of New Town Creek and made towards the Shore. When Things were thus prepared, The Ships about lo o'Clock after Firing a Signal Gun began from the mouths of near an loo Canon a most furious Canonade on the Lines, which Soon levelled them almost with the Ground in some Places, and buried our men who were in the Lines almost Sand and Sods of Earth and made such a dust and Smoke that there was no possibility ot firing on the Enemy to any advantage, and then not without the utmost Hazzard, while the Canon poured in Such a tremendous Fire on the Lines the Ships from their round Tops kept up a Smart Fire with Swivels loaded with Grape Shot which they were able to fire almost into the entrenchments they were so near. The boats all this Time kept out of the reach of the Musquetry and finally turning off to the Left a little north of the Lines in the Smoke of the Ships made good their Landing without receiving any anoyance from our Troops. They soon marched up to the main Road and formed across it and on the hills above our Troops in order to cut off their Retreat. The Conti- nental Troops now Left the Lines & there being no General orders given how to form them that they might Support Each each other in a General Attack, or any Disposition made for it, they attempted an escape round the Enemy in the best manner they could, and generally made their Escape. Colonels Selden, Hart, and Tompson were taken with Major Porter, and Brigadier Major Wyllys and an 150, or 200 men, were either Killed or taken. Some Canon, Tents, Flower and a great Deal of Baggage fell into the 195 Enemies Hands. This on the whole was an unfortunate Day to the American States. The loss was owing prin- cipally to a Want of Wagons & Horses to remove the Guns and Baggage and to the Situation of the Troops Left behind, and the negledt in the officers, in not form- ing some proper plan of Defence. The Army was principally called off to the North- ward and had been in a State of Retreat from the City for some Days all the Field Pieces had been removed out of the Town and most of the Artilery Companies. And though few Canon had been left in the Forts to keep up the Farce of Defence and Opposition, yet there was not one that could anoy the Shiping or be brought on to the Assistance of the Infantry. They could see nor exped any Assistance from the Troops above as y^ were all retreating. Officers and men had Expeded that their Retreat would be cut off unless they could fight their Way through them w'' y^' thout very dangerous and precarious. In such a Situation it was not reasonable to expecf that they would make any vigorous Stand. The men were blamed for retreating and even flying in these Circumstances, but I image the Fault was principally in the General Officers in not disposing of things so as to give the men a rational prosped: of Defence and a Safe retreat should they engage the Enemy. And it is probable many Lives were saved, and much to the Army prevented in their coming off as y^' did tho' it was not honourable. It is admirable that so few men are lost. Monday Sep'''" 16. A large body of the Enemy advanced towards our Lines, Supposed to be three or four Thousand, and a little before Twelve oClock a very Smart and Heavy Fire Commenced between them 196 and our Rangers and riflemen on the Advanced posts. This was sustained by the Rangers Bravely till they were reinforced from the Lines, when the fire grew more sharp and Heavy on both Sides, and continued in the whole for 2 or three Hours, in which Time the Enemy were several Times considerably broken and formed anew, and finally were driven by the Americans about 2 miles, though they were often reinforced. Our men by this Time were much Fatigued, and had some of them almost Spent their Ammunition, and the General Thought best to order them to retreat. But few men were Killed and wounded on the Side of the Provin- cials considering the Heat and duration of the A6tion. It was Supposed after the Action that not more than 20, or 25 men were killed and about 50 Wounded, but by the Returns afterwards, as far as I could learn about were killed, and about wounded. It appeared by the blood and trails of the Enemy where they retreated that their Loss was considerable. Our Troops had the honour of behaving well, and the issue of the Battle gave Spirit to them. Tuesday and Wednesday September 17 and 18 Nothing very material happened. The Troops were employed in guarding and Strengthening the Lines at Harlem. Towards Night on y*" 18*^^ a Ship or two moved up the River towards our Lines. Thursday Sept^ 19"\ Nothing very material today; Our Engineers mark out New Lines between the 10 and 1 1 mile Stones begin to Fortify the Hights on those Lines, and the men keep constantly at Work to strengthen and compleat the Lines first begun about half a mile below. Friday Sep*''" 2o"\ Good weather and no Disturbance \ 197 from the Enemy. About 10 o'clock at Night New York took fire in various Places and burnt with great fury till near mid Day the next Day. About one third of the City according to the best Accounts are con- sumed. It is Supposed y^ it was sent on fire by evil minded Persons left in the City, 6 or Seven it is said have been put to Death for it. Saturday and Sabbath Day 2 1*"^ and 21'^. No move- ments of the Enemy worth notice. Monday Colonel Durgee retreats from Powlis Hook brings off his Canon Tents &:c. Tuesday and Wednesday 24*^^. and 25''^. Pleasant good Weather our People work at our Lines Prepare Barracks &c. have no Disturbance from the Enemy. Thursday 26*^^. A pleasant charming Day for Busi- ness, and we have no Disturbance from the Enemy. Friday 27^^. all is Still and quiet. Saturday 28 the Weather Still remains good and the troops are every Day at work with the greatest Dili- gence in perteding our Lines Preparing Barracks &c. Sabbath Day 29"\ A Number of the New York Troops who had enlisted into the Service of the King of Great Britain and were attempting to make their escape last Night to the British Army were taken up by our Guards and this morning confined. Reports are y* about 20 of the New Yorkers who engaged in the Ser- vice of their Country have perfideously enlisted under Major Rogers into the Ministerial Service. Nine were taken last night in attempting to Join the British Army. Two tenders it is said hailed up near Shore not far from Morissania to take them in. Monday 30''^. A Pleasant Day and the Troops busily employed in fortifying the Lines. 1 98 Tuesday October i^^ Nothing material. Wednesday Oct*". 2"'^. This Day a great Number of Wagons with about 1,400 Hundred men go down to Harlem to bring off Wheat Hay Corn &:c near the Advanced Posts of the Enemy, the Enemy were put into great Motion by it Struct their Tents and manned their out Posts. Great Numbers of the Continental Troops were order on to the Plains afterwards and the Lines were manned and all things prepared for an a6tion; but the Enemy tho' they had a tair Challenge never advanced beyond their Advanced Posts and re- mained acting wholly on the Defensive. The Wagons Loaded and came off without any Molestation. Thursday 3'"'^ great Numbers of Wagons go on to the Plains again and come of Loaded with Hay Wheat &c. The Enemy remain Quiet. Towards Night 3 Ships moved up the North River as far as the Advanced Lines of the Enemy, and cast Anchor near the east Shore, where there are now Five Ships of Force and a Tender or two. Two Frigates lie in the East River of against Montressures Island, against the Enemies Lines on the Right, one of them took her Station there about the Time the Enemy took possession of the Island, the other came up and joined her about two Days since. This has been the Manner of the Enemy to keep their Army constantly flanked with their Ships in all their motions. Friday 4*^''. a great Many Loads ot Hay Grain &c probably 30 or 40 were brought off from Harlem. Saturday ^^^. A Small Number of the Enemy Landed under the Fire of their Shiping and levelled a Small redoubt our People threw up there before our Retreat from New York. When they had effected it they re- imbarked. 199 Sabbath Day 6*^^. our People Left their Post at Bergen and marched up to the Batteries on the Rocks on the West Side of North River a httle below Fort Washing- ton. They brought off Canon Tents &:c. Monday October 7 Governor Skeen and Governor Brown were Exchanged for General Lord Sterling and M'. Lovel. Sanford was this Day taken Sick. Tuesday 8"\ Nothing special to day. Wednesday 9"'. Three 20 Gun Frigates and Two Tenders sail up the River this Morning favoured with Wind and Tide Past our Forts and Chevaux De Frize without any Stop, notwithstanding a most terrible Canon- ade from all our Batteries. They take two of the Row Galleys and a Sloop and Schooner or two, and come to an Anchor off against Dobbs's Ferry. Thursday io^^\ A Quiet Day. 500 of the Militia from the State of Massachusets are Stationed at Present at and near Dobbs's Ferry to watch the motion of the Ships and to defend the Coast. Friday 1 1*^^. This Day three men were killed by an unhappy accident. A Number of Men coming down the River in General Washingtons Barge the Artilery at Fort Washington thinking them to be Enemies fired upon them and killed three Private Soldiers and wounded a Captain only with a Single .Ball from a 12 Pounder. Saturday 12*^^^. This morning we had an alarm: The regulars we hear are landing in a large Body near Frogs Point. The Army at the South Lines were ordered to their Posts and drawn up at the Advanced, and South Lines. A great Part of the Army on the other Side of Kings Bridge marched for West Chester, to attact the Enemy. The Enemy landed about 2,000 200 men on the Point which is a Peninsula; but did not come off from the Point. Our Troops Pulled up the Bridge to prevent their coming off, and the Riflemen fired at them over the Marsh and killed some few men. About 30 Sail of Transports, principally, went up the Sound the Same Day as far as Frogs Point. Sabbath Day 13^''. There is some firing of Field Pieces at Frogs Point but no movement of Importance. A Number of Transports this Day come down the Sound. The Day is Pleasant and the Camp at the Lines quiet. Monday 14. A Pleasant Day a Brisk wind to the north or rather North east entirely unfavourable for the Enemy. Accounts are that the Enemy are almost all moved off from Straten Island, and that they are thined much at the Lines. The Generals were together yester- day in counsel and are of Opinion that the Enemy are about to make a bold and decisive push, and that a great Part of their Army are on the Move to the Eastward off us to Land above us, and dispositions are making in the Army Accordingly. General MacDougals Brigade were ordered over Kings Brige Yesterday, & Some Regiments are ordered over from the Jersy Side; It is said that the Enemy have abandoned Bergen and Powlis Hook. Tuesday 15^^. Nothing Special happens; it appears that the Enemy are moving their main Body up to Frogs Point and East & West Chester. Our Generals understand that General Howe is there himself General MacDougals Brigade are ordered over Kings Bridge or Congress Bridge, and a Brigade or two from the Jersey Side are ordered over on this Side and march towards the Enemy. About the Same Time two Regements of lOl Militia were ordered over the Bridge to take Post about the 17 Mile Stone. Wednesday 16*^^'. Generals are all together in Coun- sel. Scarce any Fatige men out, and the Waggons Generally employed in moving the Baggage Tents &c. of the Brigades ordered to march. Some preparations are begun at the Lines for Bar- racks. Thursday 17^'\ General Spencers Division have or- ders to march and form on the left of General Lincoln's Brigade. General Wadsworth's and General Fellows Brigades march between one and two o'Clock, and encamp in the Evening near the 16 Miles Stone. Friday i8^'\ ALirch to Philip's Burg the Place of Destination. General Lord Stirling & his Brigade march this Day early from the Lines and towards Night pass us and Encamp on our Left, at Some distance to the North West, between us and the North River. The Enemy this Da)^land men East of Frogs Point on an- other Point of Land, and advance a mile or two from the Water, and the light Horse and large Bodies ot them move on towards New Rochel. There was a considera- ble firing of Field Pieces and Small Arms between Scat- tering Parties but no geral Engagements of any large Bodies but the Enemy falling into a sort of Ambush sustained much loss. Saturday 19''^. The Enemy this Day we find by Scouting Parties, have advanced as far as New Rochel and have Spread out Some little Distan.ce from the Water to the Westward; but it does not Seem that they are advancing towards our main Army or are making any disposition for a general attack. 26 202 Sabbath Day the 20 is peaceable and Quiet; General Wadsworths Brigade attended public Service about midday. I preached to General W's Brigade from Ex- clesiastees 11.9. Rejoice O young man &c. Nothing material happened in our Army; but General Washing- ton this Day received the Meloncholly News of the De- struction of the Continental Fleet on the Lake Cham- plain, by the Enemy on the general Waterbury was taken Prisoner. Monday the 2i*^ Marched about 10 o'Clock at Night for the White Plains, Carried our Tents on our Backs Packs Pots Kettles and provisions &c. The Army Marched all Night excepting Some small Halts, almost fainted under their Burdens and were greatly fa- tigued. Arrived early next morning at the Plains. Tuesday 22"'^. lay on our Arms in the high Way till after 12 o'Clock as no Place was determined upon for an Encampment. The Men slept on the ground in the Streets had nothing to coock with or to cover them, and many of y"\ were exceeding hungry as well as Sleepy and Weary. In the afternoon were ordered to a Place of Encampment back on the Road towards a mile and had to tread back with Weary Steps the ground we had before in vain with so much labour travelled over. Our ground was marked out tor the Encampment and the men got up their Tents just as it began to be night, & in the Evening built Fires for cooking, &c. The men are worried in a manner to Death and are treated with great hardship and Severity, and in my Opinion are put to much unnecessary Hardship and Fatigue. On the Night of the 22^^^ 36 of the Enemy Rogers's Rangers were taken by one of our Scouts, and this Morning were brought in to Lord Stirling at the White Plains. This 203 Day Commedant Chesters Brigade marched from the Lines for the White Plains, continued their March the most of the Night ; a very considerable Part of the Army marched from Kings bridge and that Way for the White Plains and Canon Baggage and Troops were passing the most of the Night. Commedant Chesters Brigade and a great Number of Troops arrived at the White Plains the Latter Part of the Night and early in the Morning, and Wagons and Troops are constantly coming on. Wednesday Oct"" 23. This Day there is much Can- onading and a Smart firing of Small Arms between Sev- eral Parties of the Enemy & our People, down to the Southeastward between Some of General Lees Division and the British Troops. The Enemy w^re beaten in this Rencounter Left 13 Men Dead on the Ground, had a Lieutenant taken and one Private; One Majors Com- mission was taken. We had not so much as one man killed right out ; one an Indian Fellow was thought to be mortally wounded. Thursday 24^^. A very Pleasant Day and Nothing very special seems to be going on. Friday 25*^. Still warm and Pleasant : Towards Night we have an alarm all go to our Posts, & it is Said that the Enemy are within a few Miles. A little after Sun Set we were ordered to return to our Tents and pre- pare provisions for the Morrow. In less than an Hour we had orders to Strike Tents and move our Camp. Moved our Camp about One mile, and got our Tents pitched about Midnight. Between 11, and 12 o'Clock at Night orders are given for one Regiment out of each Brigade to parade at Head Quarters, at Midnight. The Enemy have advanced this Day two or three Miles, and 204 it seems that an action must come on soon or we must make a New movement. Saturday 26*''. The Army are all called out to their Respective Posts by Day Light or before; and there is Expectation of Something considerable today, but all thino;s remain Ouiet. Sabbath Day 27*^ all things Still in the Army but a Smart Canonade all Day at Fort Washington, occasioned by the attempt of Some of the Kings Ships to lie up near the Fort to Stop the Ferry Way. It ceased just at Night, but what was the event of it is not yet known. The Journal of the Campain in the State of New York in 1776 continued. October 28*". The Enemy this Day advanced early towards the Lines, and Part of General Wadsworth's Brigade were sent out to Skirmish with their Advanced Parties ; about nine o'Clock our Scouts and Guards to push in towards the Camp, and the Enemy Soon made their Appearance on the Road, and on the high grounds opposite to them, and soon came on briskly, and their Field Pieces and Hobits began to play upon us soon almost as they made their Appearance. They were ex- tremely Numerous, and they most cautiously avoided meeting us in Front; when they came upon us in Front and received our fire they would break and retreat im- mediately out of the Reach of Musket shots and would wait all in order till their Field Pieces came up and their bits and mortars, from which they threw Shot and Shells very teribly, and they would throw them so as to kill and wound our men on the Hill where y^' could see them, and when they layover the hills beyond them; at the Same Time they would keep out Parties to flank 205 and Surround us, and so they drove on till they reached the Heights opposite our Lines; Where they halted and thew Shot and Shells. The number out to Skirmish with this numerous body were not more than 800, or 1000 men. Numbers were killed and wounded on both sides, but I believe there was nothing very Bloody on either Side. This Day I understand General Washington had an Express from Fort Washington acquainting him that the Enemy attacked our Lines on Sunday below fort Washington and that the Shiping drew up in a Line be- low the Fort; and that the Enemy were repulsed at the Lines and y*^ the Shiping was much Damaged, obliged to Ship their Cables and to fall down the River. We were obliged to strike all our Tents and lay so till 8 or nine o'Clock, when they had liberty to set y™ up again. Tuesday Oc*^ 29^^ at 2 o'Clock the Troops in Gen- eral Spencers Division had orders to Strike their Tents and Carry them out about one mile and an half by hand and then to return to the Lines. The men went out and carried on their Tents, and then returned and brought on their Cooking Utensils, and then went back again to the Lines. Many of the Men though they had been engaged almost all Day with the Enemy and had been obliged to Wade through a River and were very wet had no sleep at all. I was afraid I should be sick for I had been in the River almost all over, and could not change me, was much fatigued with the Action ot the Day preceeding; but I am to Day well and vigorous, which with the Salvations I experienced yesterday in the Field demand my renewed Praise and Thanksgiving to God and lay me under new obligations to live wholly to God and to seek his honor & glory the Little Time I 206 have to live in the World. O that I might have Grace to return according to mercies received. This is my Duty, will be my Honor & Happiness. Wednesday October 30^''. The Enemy this Day are Still and give us no trouble nothing very material hap- pens. Thursday Ocf. 31''^ Rainy this Morning, but warm for the Season of the Year. Several Deserters come to us this Day and a Sergeant, a very Intelligible Fellow was taken. He had a Plan of the Enemies Lines and Camp; and by Accounts which seem to agree General howe had given orders for a General attack- upon us this Morning but the Rain prevented. Nothing Special Happened. The Enemy appeared to be erecting five Batteries to play upon the Hill where we lay. Friday November i^\ This Morning Our Guards come off and leave the Lines in the Centre of the Town called White Plains, and to destress the Enemy, burn all the Barns of Hay and Grain and Houses, where the Inhabitants had Stores of Wheat and Corn and also Stacks and Barracks of Hay and Grain. The Enemy advanced on to the Hills we left in the Fore Part of the Day, and came on about mile in Pursuit but were soon Stoped by our Canonade from the Hills. The Wind comes round in the North West, and the afternoon is Sower and blustering, and the Night is much the coldest we have had this Year. Things feel and look as though Winter was at Hand. Saturday November 2""^. A Still quiet Day, but cold; our Brigade have no Fatigue this Day but fix their Tents build Small Chimneys in them to warm them with a Little Fire, and recruit themselves after enduring almost a Weeks constant Fatigue by Night and Day. 207 This morning sent a Letter to Gov'" Trumbull contain- ing an Account of the movements of the Army from the 15'^ of October to the present Day. Sabbath Day Nov^ 3'''^ is Pleasant for the Season, & the Enemy give no Disturbance. Colonel Siliman's and Douglas's Regiments attend public Worship both Parts of the Day. I preached from John 3, 36. Had usual Freedom and found it good to draw near to God. A Party of the Enemy to Day caried off Two loads of Flower from The Saw Pits, our People came upon them and took 2 Prisoners. Monday Nov'" 4*^' a very Pleasant Day. It was re- ported that an Attack was to be made at the Saw Pits by the Enemy, and General Persons with a considerable Force marched that way to oppose them, but the Enemy did not appear there, and nothing happened Material. Nov'". 5*^^ Nothing Special to Day. There was a considerable Cononade at New York or Fort Washington but the Occasion of it not yet known. Towards Night it was discovered that the Enemy were leaving our Lines and that even their guards were moving off. The main body Retreated 4 or 5 Miles. Our People took the ground again which we had a few Days before Occu- pied, and Some officers and men wantonly set fire to the State House and the most of the other Buildings that were left: Standing. The General was greatly displeased at this Conduct. Nov'" 6^''. Enemy appear indeed to be gone from us and Parties were sent out in the morning to bring in their Stragling Parties and to make discoveries. The Day was very pleasant. Some of the Light Horse which had been killed or wounded in the Action lay dead about in the Field and there were some Poor sort of Breast 208 Works, or Batteries left by the Enemy. Three Wagons were taken from the Enemy Supposed to be Torry Wagons. Thursday Nov''. 7*^ very Pleasant indeed. Nine of the Enemy were this Day brought in by our Scouts. Friday Nov'". 8"\ The Brigade under General Wads- worth had orders to March at Break of Day and to Take the Ground where Lord Stirling had been encamped, about two miles West of where we lay before. Had our Tents loaded and marched before Sun rise. It ap- pears by an Express from Fort Washington, That the Occasion of the Firing at Fort Washington on the 5''^ instant, was the Passing one of the King's Ships and a Transport vessel or two by that Fort up the North River, and though the Chevaux Defrize. The Enemy lie all below us in a Body not far from Dobbs's Ferrey. Saturday Nov'^ 9*^^ a Pleasant Day : about one O'Clock P. M. A Canonade begins at Fort Washinton. But it seems to be nothen very Special not many Guns are fired. General Washington moves Head Quarters to day up towards Peeks Kills. Generals Heaths & Stirlings Divisions moved that Way. Sabbath Day io''^\ Nothing very special to Day the Weather is Pleasant, and we attend public Worship both Parts of the Day. Their Honours Generals Spen- cer and Parsons, With Esq'"® Sherman and Davenport and Some other Gentlemen from Connecticut attend in the Forenoon. General Washington did not move head Quarters as related above till this Day. Esq'"'^ Sherman Davenport, young M""^ Davenport and M'" Bur came as a Committee from Connecticut to Confer with officers, appointed to serve in the Continental Army to see whether y-' accept their appointments or not. 209 Monday ii*'\ The Enemy continue along on the River near Dobbs's Ferry and Seem to be attempting nothing very Special. General Lee takes the Command of the Army on this Side the River. Under him are Major Generals Spencer and Sullivan, and Lincoln. In General Lees Division are Generals Nixon, Mac-Dougal, and Commedant Glover, with their Brigades and Com- medant Hand with the Rifle Battalions. Under General Spencer are Generals Wadsworth and Fellows with their Brigades. Under General Sullivan are General Salstontals Brig- ade, and the Brigade Commedant Chester, commonly termed Sargeants Brigade. General Lincoln Commands the Massachuset Militia. General Parsons is marched for Peeks Kills. Tuesday N. 12. Nothing material. The Commissioners from Connecticut return, finding that many of the Officers appointed for the New Army will not accept their Appointment: That New appoint- ments are necessary: They have Nominations for that Purpose. Wednesday 13^^ have orders that all our heavy Bag- gage should be put and ready for a remove by eleven o'clock to Morrow. The Enemy appear to be moving down fast towards Kings Bridge : their Rear Guard are at Philips's House. They Sweep the Country clean tak- ing Cattle Grain, Clothing all Household furniture and striping the Inhabitants entirely of Support and cloth- ing. Grain and Stores which y^ cannot carry off they burn: Some Barns and Barracks are burned on these Principles. Large Families of Women and Children are Striped of Beding, Clothes, Shoes and provisions of every kind. Such undistinguished ruin and Distress is 27 210 spread among Characters without Regard to whig or Tory. Thursday N°'''" 14'''^. The Enemy appear still to be retreating and the Accounts of their Ravages and Dep- radations are confirmed. By an Express from the Jersey Side we are informed that General Washington is ar- rived at Fort Lee opposite to tort Washington. That Said fort is Strong, has a good Number of heavy Canon: That the Communication between the Forts and Bat- teries on the East and west Side of the River is kept en- tirely open: and that our Troops are arrived on the Western Side of the North River and form along on the Shore opposite to the Enemy. We have no orders to move our Heavy Baggage to Day ; but some other Brigades move theirs to the Northward. Friday 15'^^. very Pleasant for the Season. Nothing happens material. Saturday 16*^''. an unfortunate Day to Americans: The Enemy attack Our Lines at Harlem and about Fort Washington cary them, and the Fort and Garrison are surrendered. The Garrison Capitulate as Prisoners of War, according to presant Accounts.* The action was severe on the north Part ot the Eminence above the Fort, and the Accounts are that 4 or 500 of the Hes- sians were slain in the Field, and great Numbers wounded: the British Troops suffered little; and as the Americans Fought under cover of their Works not many of ym were either Killed or wounded; but about 12 or 1400 made Prisoners. Sunday 17*^''. The Militia of the Massachusets State begin to march homeward. Monday and Tuesday 18*^''. and 19*^ nothing special. Wednesday 20^^. The regulars Land in a large Body 21 I on the Jersey Shore about 4 miles above Fort Lee. There was some considerable Firing but the Event un- known. Our Troops began to move off the Stores ord- nance &c. on Sunday the 17'''' and had been preparing for a Retreat. We have great Fear least the Army will be cut off or the Tents and many ot the Canon Taken. O that God would grant tliat better News may come from thence than we tear I Thursday 2i^^ We hear to Day that most of the Boats have made their escape from Fort Washington, and are got up to Kings Ferry. Ensign Shailer came this Day into Camp who was comander of the Boats And has brought off much Baggage, and a Small Party have been ordered off to Dobbs's Ferry to bring it into the Country. Several Brigades were ordered last Evening to be ready to march to day with three Days Provisions. But y'^' Wetness of the Season has prevented it. Friday 22"^^. A Wet Day prevents all mihtary oper- ations on this Side the River. We have in the evening very bad Reports from the Army on the Jersey Side, That they have been so crowded and pushed by the Enemy, that they been obliged to Leave their Tents Standing their Canon, Baggage, &c at Fort Lee and were obliged to throw away their Packs and make their escape with the greatest hast in order to prevent their being entirely cut off. That their Provisions and Stores are gone. Sorrowful Tidings indeed, I fear that Things go ill in that Quarter. Saturday 23"^ Nothing special Takes Place on the West Side of the River; but the News from the other side yesterday w'-" was so unfavourable; as to the Sub- stance of it appears to be true. General Washington by 212 the Artful movements of the Enemy thought that y^' were about to Land at New Brunswick and therefore or- dered about 7000 of the Troops that Way and left about 300 at Fort Lee and on the Jersey Shore to effect the compleat evacuation of Fort Lee from w"". Stores be- gan to be moved with a great many Teams and Wag- ons on Sabbath Day. The Enemy Landed about 700 men above this Body before they had effected the Work, and pressed y™ so y*" y^ took all their Canon Stores and Baggage, and Scattered them very much. Sunday N". 24"' a Cloudy Warm Day, rains some, and the ground is very wet on account ot the heavy rain w*^. fell the two preceeding Nights. The Troops of General Wadsworths Brigade marched just at Sun Set for Some Expedition which y^' had orders to be in readiness for for Several Days Past, but the Wet Weather prevented their Effecting what was designed. Monday Nov'". 25^^. Towards Night general Wads- worths Brigade marched on an Expedition with the Piquets of some other Regiments. Tuesday 26^^ the Brigade Returned with great Num- bers of Cattle Sheep and Hoggs. Wednesday Nov'" 27^^ A rainy Day and the weather is unsettled as it has been all this Week. I have this Day a Prospect of returning to my Family. Heard from them last evening that they are well, which demands my Praise. Towards Night the Rain abating I set out on my return Home. The Night is pleasant tor the Time of year but very wet and muddy under Foot. Thursday November 28"' a pleasant Day for the Sea- son. Just about 8 o'clock in the Evening I arrived at my own House in Safety, found all my Family alive and 213 in usual Health. While Sickness and Death has wasted all around them and while the Sword and the Pestilence have wasted on my right Hand and on my Left, God has preserved us, and brought us together in Health and Safety. This Demands of us Praise and Thanksgiving: may it be our Study what we shall render unto the Lord for all his Benefits. May our Souls and all that is within us Bless the Lord & may we not forget any of his Benifits. JOURNAL OF THE EXPEDITION WITH MY VOLUNTEERS. Lieut Gilbert marched with 20 men January 14*^' 1777 Lieut Bradley marched on the 15^'' with 22 men. 1 set out from New Haven on the 16^^ Joined Lieu tenant Gilbert at Horse neck on the 17"^ and marched on with the first Division to Rye. Put up at — — on the 18^'^ Marched to New Rochel found y^ our Army had marched the Evening before for the Bridge and about the Break ot Day invested fort Independence, 1 00k one Light Horse, some Provisions and Blankets without any Loss on our Part. 19 Sunday Morning Lieut Bradley joined me at N. Rochel. After refreshing ourselves and drawing Provi- sion we marched to Williams's and after spending Some Time there returned back on the Road to Butler's of East Chester where we lodged. Had orders in the Evening to march on my men to Williams's by Eight o'clock in the Morning of the next Day. Monday 20^^ rallied the men at half after 5 refreshed y'" viewed their Arms, saw how far y^ were equipt for Action, About Sun rise marched on towards Williams's, and on the Way received orders from the General to 214 draw flints Cartriges Rum &c which took up most of the forenoon. A large Body of men Were collected and paraded near Williams's for Action, and after noon marched round Fort Independance to Colonel Court- lands, where we arrived in the Dusk of the Evening. On this March Levi Cooper put out his Ancle and was rendered unfit for Service. We lodged most of us at D^ Courtland's; some lodged in the Woods. Sat Centries all round us against the Fort and on the Creek over to the North River. I had to go the Grand rounds that Night, had no Sleep Scarcely at all, but I am well and Hearty. Jan""^. 2 1 Lay on our Arms the most of the Day, to- wards Evening had orders to return to our Quarters. The Reason why we did not go to action, was, I sup- pose, that the River was not passable, and would have rendered the attempt very Hazardous, and the Event uncertain. The Enemy appeared this Day to be build- ing a Battery at the Bridge ; before we came off a Large Body of men took the Ground back of us towards the North River and with a Number of Field Pieces Poured in a Smart Fire upon the Enemy near the Bridge, re- turned to Butlers about 8 o'Clock where the men were well refreshed and covered. I had a good Bed tor my- self Jan""^ 22. On Fatigue all Day with my whole Com- pany cuting fachines and making Frames tor Batteries. There was a considerable Firing this Day between the Enemy and our Troops, one of the Enemy were Killed. We have lost only one man from the Army, as yet, in our Expedition against the Enemy this Way, and have taken a large Tract of Country from them, forage &c to a considerable Amount. And have fair Prospects of re- 215 gaining the Bridge and all the Fortifications on this Side very Soon. Boats are collecting, Cannon ordered on and all things preparing with Expedition for an Atack on the Enemy. January 23'''^ 1777- Towards Night, a Party of the Americans went over the Swamp to take a view of a Place to fix the Artilery in order to anoy the Enemy and went on even to the Houses where they were which rallied y'" at once and brought on a Skirmish, in which two or three men were killed and several wounded. In my Opinion the Affair was managed with the greatest imprudence and Ended in a very foolish manner. It was a long Time before any Body came out from Head Quarters to our Assistance. Thousands of men might have been cut off had there been so many, and had the Enemy been sufficient to attempt it before any assistance came to us, and orders were given in the most confused manner in the World. January 24*^^^. A most Stormy Tempestuous Day; Snow in the Morning which Turned to rain in the after- noon, and grew into a Tempest towards Night very heavy rain. General Lincoln and his Troops who had no cover were by it driven from their Posts and marched in the Storm to philipss's. My Company through the Goodness of God were all well covered the whole of the Day, not one of them were so much as on Guard. Saturday 25"^ This Day was designed for an Attack on the Enemy, but the River at Williams's was raised to Such an Height and ran with such Rapidity that there was no passing it with Canon, and it was with much Difficulty that men could cross it in Bataux. The 2l6 Guards were much Exposed. Had the Enemy made a Sally it would have been very Difficult for the Army to have Supported y™ or for y"^ to have Retreated. Sabbath Day January 26^^ 1777- Towards Morning Rogers's Rangers crossed the Mil pond down at West Chester and Surprized the Guards and Colonel Whitings Regiment on y^ Station. The Troops ran off and left their Baggage. Some of the Officers came off alone without a man and even without a Wig. It is said they undressed and went to bed as at home. The Enemy in the morning Came on upon the Guards before y^ could be reinforced and drove y'" from their Posts, and carried the Redoubts near the fort and all that went to y"". Assist- ance y^' put to the Rout till y^ reached the Lines near Williams's. Here y^ were all giving Way when the 2 Battalion of volunteers came up in good order while oth- ers were retreating all round y™, and took the Lines. On this the Enemy Retired and we took our old posts and set our Guards as usual. Monday January 27"'. The whole Army were pa- raded very early in the morning, the Atilery was all in Readiness to move with the Army, and about 9 or ten O Clock the Army marched with all the Parade and pomp of War to invest the Fort, and dispositions were made with a design to draw out the Enemy from the Fort and to cut of their Retreat. The Artilery was brought to the Redoubts near the Forts and there was some firing of Canon and a few Shells from a Hobits, but to little Purpose indeed not one of the Shells reached the Fort nor did one of them so much as burst. We only shewed our Weakness: the Enemy had too much Sense to venture out of the Fort, and in Dusk of Even- ing the Army retreated from the Fort and got into y"" 21/ Quarters about 8 or 9 o Clock, having taken only two Prisoners and thoroughly Fatigued y™selves. January 28"^ nothing Special happened. 29"\ The Army had orders to retreat as soon as it was dark with the utmost Silence and good order to Rye and New Rochel. The 2"*^ Batalion of volunteers to compose the van Guard then Colonel Whitings, Enoughs and Cook Regiments wer to follow, and the i®"" Batalion ot volunteers were to bring up the Rear. We marched about 7 o Clock and about 9 the Guards were called in and large fires left to amuse the Enemy the Night was very Stormy, a heavy Fall of Wet Snow, with the wind in our Faces. The troops were much wet & Fatigued, and about midnight the advanced Guard halted by order of the General at Burts's (?) at Maroneck. The other Regiments broke order and went on further and broke the order of Retreat and gave the General much uneasi- ness. 30''''. The Second Battalion marched to Rye and the other Regiments were obliged to move back towards to Maroneck. But for want of Baracks and cover, all the Regiments got much Scattered. A large Fleet passed us to day and by Accounts near 30 Sail lie off against , Frogs neck. Strung across from thence to Long Island. The General before our Retreat had Intelligence that General Howes whole Army were collecting at new York both from new Port and from the Jersey's which was undoubtedly the Case. 31^^ The i""^ Company of the 2"*^ Batalion march to Byram River and take Post at Lyons near the Bridge. The other companies Quarter along in the Same Street and in Kings Street. Nothing Special happens to Day. February i""*. Some Tories are brought in this Morn- 28 2l8 ing to the Provo Guard. Most ot the Companies in the Second Batahon ot volunteers were this Day discharged. My Company was discharged just at Night. I returned our utensils cartridges &c. and the men got Ready for a march in the Morning. I rode up in the Evening after attending Worship with my Company, to M'". Murdocks where 1 kept the Sabbath. Sunday Morning February 2"^^ soon after Day my Company came on to Horseneck, & attended Prayers in the Meeting House and then Continued their March. I preached all Day at Horseneck, and had the Privilege of attending the Sacrament. February 23'"'^* reached my own House about 10 o'clock at Night, found my Family all as well as usual through the Goodness God. The most of my Company got home to Day. * Probably an error for 3'''. BENJAMIN TRUMBULL'S COMPANY. [From original in possession of James Terr)', New Haven.] Whereas his Excellency General Washington has en- tered the Jerseys, and had a second Engagement with the British Troops, in which he routed them, and killed and took between five and Six hundred of the Enemy together with Six Field Pieces and a large Number ot Wagons, in addition to those taken on the 26*^^ of De- cember, and as the Militia ot New Jersey have attacked and routed a Partv of Waldeckers, and taken about 40 Prisoners, and there is a happy Prospect of utterly ruin- ing the Ministerial Army would men now exert them- selves and spring forward to the Help ot their Country ; and as General Parsons hath wrote a most pressing Let- ter for Volunteers to turn out and march immediately before the week is out to Horseneck or Maroneck to serve for 9 or 10 Days which he thinks will be as long as they will be wanted. The Volunteers to choose their own Officers. We whose Names are underwritten will- ing to expose our Lives and Fortunes for the Public Good, engage, on this great Occasion, in Order for rais- ing a Company in the Parish of North Haven, that we will undertake the Service tor three Weeks from the Time of our marching from this Place, if it shall be necessary to serve so long, depending on the Generosity ot the Assembly of this State to give us the same Wages and Incouragement proposed by them to raise volunteers 220 about a month since in order to assist General Lee in Distressing the Enemy. North Haven January lo*^^' 1777- Benjamin Trumbull Abel Tuttle Jacob tharp John Gilbert Caleb Tuttle Moses tharp Jared Hill Jesse Todd Enos Todd Gideon todd Clement Tuttle Obed Blakslee Ebenezer Todd Peter Eastman Jonthan Tuttle William Tuttle Joel Thorp Reuben Tuttle Jared Blakslee Levi Cooper Thomas Pierpont Isaiah Brocket Jonathan Dayton Calvin HeatOn Gun & cartridge Box Solomon Jacobs Gun and cartridge Jared Tuttle Joseph Sperry Stephen Ivesjfi,*!^' Soloman Tuttle Isaac Brocket John Brockett Jared Barns Ezekiel Jacobs— tg^.'lrtdge John Smith Lemuel Tuttle Monson Brocket Jacob Hitchcock Thomas Cooper Enos Brocket Yale Todd Levi Ray David Bishop—^"" * ""'^'^^^^ Benjamin Bassett Jacob Brocket Steward of l^onipany JOURNAL of OLIVER BOARDMAN of MIDDLETOWN 1777 Burgoyne's Surrender Middletown Septem'"' 2"'' AD 1777. Set out on a March in Cap\ Blagues Company ot Melitia, to Join General Arnold's Devilion in the Noth- ern Army. We march'd away about Noon, I Bought a Dinner at the New-fields where we made a little halt for i^/. We March'd forward to Great-Swamp I Got Supper Lodging & Breakfast for iy6'^. I Wedjns'^y 3""^ March'd from Great, Swamp [to] Farmington, I Bought a Dinner for ry | | March'd forward to West-Britton | | Bought a Supper got Lodging & Breakfast for 2^/. Thirs'^y 4*^ We March'd from West Britton to Litch- field I Bought a dinner for ly the Afternoon we Drew Provision to carry to Canaan. I Cook'd Supper & Breakfast at Doc'' Smith's. Friday 5^^' March'd from Litchfield to Goflien, I Bought a Dinner there for | | then March'd to Corn- wall, & Cook'd our own Provision & put up that Night Satir'^y 6^*" March'd from Cornwall to Canaan, I Bought a Breakfast for /6'^. then march'd on to Sheffield, & Cook'd our own Provifion Sunday 7"' We March'd from Sheffield to Nobletown & put up that Night Monday 8"' We March'd from Nobletown to Canter- Hook, Mills, 224 Tues'^y 9"' We March'd from Canter Hook to Green- Bush, where our Wagg| ] Pretending to go after Pasture left [ | I Bought three Pints of Milk for /(^^. Wedns'^y 10'''^ About Noon we Crost the Ferry & March'd through the City of Albany, up to the Flats. There Cook'd a Supper. I Bought a Breakfast tor 9^ Thirs'^y 11''' We March'd from the Flats to Half- Moon, & put up, this Evening a large Number of Waggons pafsed along here with Provihon for the Army. We crost Londons Ferry Fridy \l}^ We March'd from Halt-Moon to Beemas- hights at Still-water, there we join'd General Arnold's, Divifion, & Pjtcht our Tents. Satir'^y 13*^' This Morning our Scout took three or tour Britiili Prilners diging potatoes, within Gun (hot of their Camp. Sun'^y 14^^ A heavy Scout went out to Day Confisting of 1600 Men Monday 15"' We hear the Indians drove In a part ot our Icout, a 100 Rifie Men were immediately lent after them. Tues'^y 16*''' This Morning we were paraded at three O Clock with our Packs for a March. But Retir'd. A Melancholy Accident happned this Day a Soldier that had been lick at the Hofpittle Came into Camp & eat a hearty Meal of Pot Pie that was not well cook'd & Died In half an Hour atter — a Couple of French Doctor's Cut him open, & found what he eat lay like a Clod in his Stomach, this I saw Likely the Means of Sudden Death Wedns'^y 17^'* At Three O Clock this Morning we were Paradded for a March But loon Retired. 225 Thir'^y iS''^ This Morning at three, O Clock Struck our Tents, & took our Packs, & the whole of Gen'"^ Arnold's Devifion March'd on towards the Enemy by Collums, through the woods till our Right was in full vew of their Camp, our advanc'd Party upon 'the Left, fired upon a Number, that was a diging potatoes Wounded fome, & took four or five Prifners. Then we retreated to the Brow of a great Hill & Lay in the Buflies for them. Our Generals, faw them Paraded & March forward, we tarried awhile & then march'd to Camp. (9 Miles) Fridy 19*^^ The Enemy came to Pay us a Visit, when they ariv'd within a Mile & a half^ Our Men acttacted them A heavy fire began & lasted about four Hours & a half, we hear the Enemy have loft a great Number Befides Wounded 46 were taken Prisners. Satir'^y 20*^^ Diserters come In who fay the Enemy are in as great Confusion as ever Melitia was without Com- manders. The Return of Colo"^ Cook's Regm"^ after the Battles. The f 1 1 Killed f The Return of the Battle firll '{ 36 Wounded^ on Tuefday the Seventh ot Battle L3 Mifsing L October 2 Killed & 5 Woun'^ Sunday 21''' This Morning Struck Tents & Paraded, Gen'"^ Arnold come to the Head of the Reg'"' & gave News that our Men had taken fome out works at Ticontaroga with three Hundred Prifners at Leart a Hundred of our own & 3 Hundred Battoes Loaded with Baggage then we gave three Chears, after it had all gone through the Camp Thirteen Cannon were fired for the thirteen united States then three Chears were given through the Camp This Afternoon a Icout ot our Indians took a Tory, the Gen'"' gave him to them for a 29 226 while they took him & Buried him up to his Neck & had their Pow wow around him, after that, they had him up and Laid him a hde ot a great fire & turn'd his head & feet a while to the fire, hooting & hollowing round him then he was hand CufF'd & fent to Albany Goal. Mon'^y 22"'^ A fad Accident happned Yesterday of one Centrie who fliot another being out of his Post, Belonging to the fame Picquet. Tues'^y 23'"'^ A Scout of our Indians took two Reg- ulars Gentries Yesterday after taking their hats from them they Painted their Faces & Brought them In. Befides, Our Indians Brought eight other Prilners in — that were a going an Exprels to Monreal, one of them was a Deferter from our Train of Artillry at Quebec. Wedns'^y 24"' Our Indians went out & Brought in three Prilners with a Rope round the Neck of each of them We alio hear that Gen'"^ Washington, has had a Imart Action, to the Southward. Befides another lad & Melancholy Accident happned ot one Centrie's Shooting another Belonging to the lame Picquet. Thirs'^y 25*^^ A Party of our Men went out to take the Regulars, advanc'd Picquet. Our Men in lurprise upon them demanded of them to lay down their Arms which they were about, till an Officer stept up & Damn'd them off hearty they directly took their arms made one fire & took'd to their heals Our Men kill'd Six & took one, Hefsian Officer. Friday 26''^ This Morning Our Indians & Rifle-Men Brought in three HelTians & two Sailors. About noon they Brought in one Tory & one Sculp. About Twenty taken & Delerted to Day. 227 Satir'^y 2:j^^ A Few of our Men were beyond the out Gentries diging potatoes, were Captivated by the Enemy. Sundy 28*^^ Our Indians took two Britifti foldiers Prifhers they inform us that their Army is very ftiort ont for Provifion. Mon'^y 29^^ Lail: Night a Colo"'^ Guard went out to take the Enemy's advanc'd Picquet. They being aprif 'd of it Doubled their guard & put themfelves in readinefs for Defence, Our Men came up & Excanged a few Shot one of our men was killed & three or four wounded. Our Rifle men took Six Prifners to Day five of them Hefsians & one Tory Belides this. One ferjant one Cor- porl & one Drummer, Of the Helsian Troops Deserted, to Day they Inform us that a Captains Company of the Hefsians were a comming otf but was discover'd. Tues'^y 30^^ Our Scout took five Canadians, & two Hefsians up at Saritoga that were on their Journey for Canada we learn they Left Burgoyne because of their hard tare. Four Deferters have came In to Day. Wednes'^y October y'' i^*^ 1777- Two deserters came this Morning we learn from them, that the Enemy are very fcant for Provifion, Bread in particular. Thirty 2"^ A Major a Captain & a Lieutenant with a Number ot Privates were taken to Day. Alfo a large Number of Cattle Sheep &i Horfes were brought in with them Two Hefsian Rifle Men have Deferted to Day. The whole taken prifhers last night & to Day are Thirty Six. 228 Fridy 3''^ Two Delerters have come In to^ay. Satir'^y 4*^'' We hear that Six of our Men were kill'd & Sculp't at Scatta Cook on their Journey to Bennington. Sun'^y 5^^^^ One Hel'sian deserted this Morning he informs that feveral of his fellows were waiting the first opportunity to come off. Alfb that they are very leant for Provifion. This Afternoon two of the Britifli Soldiers Deserted, they bring the fame News about Provifion. Taken and Deserted Seventeen to Day Mon'^y 6*^ Four Hefsians Deferted this Morning. One Tory was taken. Twenty two have Deserted to Day Tues'^y y*'^ Five Prilners were taken this Morning with a Number of Cattle Sheep &c. This Afternoon about three O Clock Burgoyne's flying Camp, commanded by Frafier, Advanc'd within about half a Mile of our advanc'd Picquet to Drive them from a Hill where Cap^ Blague and fifty men & myfelf one of the Number were Posted, at which they kept a fmart Cannonade for a Quarter of an Hour, while our Men muster'd along & fent a party to come upon their Backs, where they loon fell at it on all fides, & Drove the Enemy from their Artilliry upon the full go to the Hefsian Camp where our Gen'', Little thought of Danger, fors't his way through & Spar'd none till a Ball Break his Leg & kill'd his Horle. But his Brave Men not Discorag'd with their Mil- fortune Drove them from their Camp & took it, with their Tents Standing & Pots Boiling, Befides three Pieces of Brafs Cannon. Eight Brafs Cannon in the whole Two Twelves, the others Sixes & Nine Pounders, taken to Day Eraser was kill'^ 229 Wedns'^y 8*^" Our Men kept a Conitant Cannonade all Day into their other Incampment. Gen^^ Lincoln by a Chance lliot had his Leg Broak (I hear) Gen'"' Burgoyne's Aid de Camp with a Number of others were taken Yesterday. Our Men Return'd home to Camp about Dark. Thirsty 9*^" About Thirty Deferters came in laft Night they Inform that Burgoyne began his retreat last Night as foon as our Men Ceas'd fireing & Left three Hundred Sick & Wounded. We Learn Gen'"'. Burgoyne wrote to Gen'"'. Gates to take care of his Sick & wounded, as he wou'd be glad to have his Suppofe himfelf was routed & Oblig'd to make the best ot his way. A very Rainy Day, but few of our Army follow'd their retreat. Fridy lo*^" This Morning we paraded & march'd after the Enemy up at Saritoga, & paraded over Night, upon a great Hill about South East from the Enemy. Gen'"' Scuylers Houle with the reft of y*" Building's Mills, Barracks &c at Saritoga were Burnt to Day. Satir'^y 1 1*'' Gen'"' Fellows, took a hundred Battoes Laft Night, with Five Hundred Barrels of Pork, a quantity of Porter, & other Rich Stores With a Guard of a Ser- jant & fifteen Men. About Noon we mov'd to the North-Weft of the Enemy in the Woods & built fires, & turn'd in upon the Ground. Upwards of Fifty taken & Del'erted to Day. Sun'^y 12''' Gen'"' Gates fent in a Flag of Truce. Gen""' Burgoyne {ent one to anfwer it. Gen*"' Gates lent the Second. 230 About Thirty in the whole taken & Deserted to Day. Mon'^y 13*^'' A Scout of Rifle Men {"aw a fcout of the Hefsians & Cannadians, one of our Men call'd to one of the Hefsians in his Language to come to him, he Directly through down his Gun & run to him he in- form's us that they Drew all their Provision, which is to Lalt Seven Days Gen'"^ Gates himlelf fays, that the accompt from every Deferter & Prisner agree lo well that he has reafon to Believe it, & contrdicted by none. Nine prifners were taken to Day with their feven Days provifion they were flite'ly wounded in the Battle, & moveing on flowly for Ticontaroga, lo as not to be a hindrance to the Body ot Troops. Tues'^y 14*^'^ A Flag of Truce came in at Twelve O Clock, lail: Night Gen""^ Gates anlwer'd it by one in the Morning. Burgoyne fent his Second Flag I learn tor two Major Q^j-^rais ^Q gQ jj^ ^ agree with him upon the Articles of Capitilation. A fesfation of Arms to Day. Wednes'^y 15*^'' A Sesfation of Arms to Day. Some of the Britilli Soldiers come to our Gentries to get them lome water. We are inform'd by our Officers that the Articles are agreed upon Between Gen'"^ Gates & Gen*"' Burgoyne. Thirsty iCf^' A Parly was beat at Midnight lalt Night, our Men anlwer'd it. By what we can learn his honour was about to Fall from his agreement with Gtrf^ Gates. We alfo Learn that he Delt out Sixty Rounds of Cartrages to the Britifli Soldiers, In order to try to do 231 his Bell & worit once more & orderd as many for the Hefsians But they refus'd to take them Our Genrals are together taking the Matter into Con- fideration. Orders to Strike Tents immediately & every thing put up. Our Generals lent in at Eleven O Clock that they would give his Honour one Hour to Conlider the Mather of his Agreement Yesterday And gave Orders for every man to be ready at the Minute after Twelve O Clock when three Cannon will be fired, if he will not lign the Articles of Capitilation. Colo"' Morgan receiv'd Orders for his Rifle Men to march immediately & Scale their works & Spare no Man they could find. & The Army to follow & carry it through. Our Scout took a Tory that Deserted from us at Ti. & has been with them ever fince the Retreat till now he fee how it was Like to Turn with them he Began to macke his way off. But fell alleep & was taken, & with- out any trial they put a Rope round his Neck & tied it to a Staddle & told him they would hang him, he Beg'd & pray'd they wou'd Shoot him, then they tied him to a Tree & gave him a Hundred ladies, then he Beg'd they wou'd Hang him. Now he is to receive two Hundred more which two Morning's will Complete & then to be Tried by a Court-Martial for his Life. Fri'^y 17^'' 1777 The Hand of Providence work'd wonderfully In favour of America this Day. According to the Agreement of Gen""' Burgoyne Yes- terday he march'd his Army out of his works at Ten O Clock In Brigades & Paraded their Arms on the Meddow at- Saritoga At Three O Clock in the After- 232 noon they March'd through our Army that was paraded on the Right & Left, with a Guard for Bofton. Satir'^y 18'''' We Struck our Tents Our Army march'd from Saritoga to Albany Before they Slep which was about thirty Seven Miles. Sun'^y 19^^ Towards Night, we Picht our Tents on Albany Hill. Monday 20"' I was one of Fifty that was call'd out of the Regm"^ to Guard 128''* Prifners of war to Hart- ford. This afternoon Gen*"^ Burgoyne's Aid de Camp was Buried of the Wounds he receiv'd in the Battle on Tuefday the Seventh. Att Evening we Croit the Ferry & put up at Green Bufli. I Bought a Supper for /g'^. Tues'^y 21^^ We March'd from Green Bush, to Canter Hook. I Bought a Supper for ly. Wednes'^y 22"^^ We march'd from Canter Hook, to Nobletown. I Bought a Supper for \^/. Thirsty We march'd from Nobletown, to Sheffield. I Bought a Supper for 1^3'^ Fria'^y We March'd from Sheffield to Rockwells about the middle of the Green woods. I Bought a Supper & Breakfast for 1/6. Satirday 25^'' We march'd from Rockwells, to Sims- bury. I Bought a Supper & Breakfast for 2^/6"^. Sun'^y 26'''' We march'd from Simsbury, to Hartford' & Deliver"^ 123 Prifners to the Sher'f, five of them Left us on the March Mon'^y 27*^ This Afternoon I rharch'd Home. Oliver Boardman . &c. 23; Articles of Convention between Lieutenant General Burgoyne & Major General Gates. Article l^^ The Troops under Lieutenant General Burgoyne are to march out of their Camp with the honours of War, & the artillery of intrenchments to the verge of the river where the old Fort stood, where the arms & Artillery are to be Left, the arms to be piled by words of command from their own officers. Article 2"^^. A free paffage to be granted to the army under Lieutenant General Burgoyne to Great-Britton upon condition of not Serving again in North America, during the prefant contest, & the Port of Bofton is afsigned for the entry of tranfports to receive the troops wenever General Howe Shall fo order. Article 3^"^ Should any cartel take place by which the army under Lieutenant General Burgoyne, or any part of it may be exchanged the foregoing article to be void, as far as luch exchange Shall be made. Article 4^^ The army under Lieutenant General Burgoyne to march to the Maffiichuffetts Bay by the eaiieft, moft expeditious & convenient rout, & .to be quarter'd in, near or as convenient as poflible to Bofton, that the march of the troops may not be delayed when tranlports arrive to receive them. Article 5"' The troops to be fupplied on the march & during their being in quaters, with provifions, by General Gates's orders at the fame rate of rations, as the troops of his own army, & if poffible the officers horfes & Cattle, are to be fupplied with forage at the ufial rates. Article 6'''^ All officers are to retain the carriages, batt-horfes & other cattle & no baggage to be molefted or learched. Lieutenant General Burgoyne giving his 30 234 honour there are no pubhc Stores lecreted therein. Major General Gates will of courfe take the necefsary mealures for the due performance of this article, fliould any carriages be wanting during the march for the tranfportation of officers baggage, they are if pofsible to be fupplied by the Country at the ufual rates. Article 7^*' Upon the march & during the time the army Shall remain in quaters in the Maffechufsetts Bay, the officers are not, as far as circumllances will admit to be Separated from their men. the officers are to be quartered according to rank, & are not to be hindred from afl'embling their men tor roll calling & other pur- pofes of regularity. Article 8'^'^. All corps whatever of General Burgoyne's army wheither compofed ot Sailors, batteaumen, arti- ficers, drivers, independant companies & followers of the army of whatever Country, Shall be included in the fulleft Senle & utmoil: extent of the above articles, & comprehended in every retpect as Britifli Subjects. Article 9*^^ All Cannadians & Perfons belonging to the Cannadian eftablishment, confisting of Sailors, batteau- men, 'artificers, drivers, independant companies, and many other toUowers ot the army who come under no particular diicription, are to be permitted to return there, they are to be conducted immediately the lliortest rout to the first Britifli poll: on Lake George, and are to be fupplied with provifions in the Same manner as the other Troops, and are to be bound by the fame condi- tions of not ferving during the prelant conteft in North- America. Article 10''^ Pafports to be immediately granted to three officers not exceeding the rank of Captains, who ihall be appointed by Lieutenant General Burgoyne, to 235 carry dispatches to Sir William Howe, Sir Guy Carlton, & to Great Britain, by the way of New- York and Major Genral Gates egages the public faith that their dis- patches fliall not be opened ; The Officers are to let out immediately after receiving their dilpatches, & are to travil by the lliorteft routs, & in the moll; expeditious manner. Article i i"^ During the Stay of the troops at Maffa- chusetts Bay, the officers are to be admitted on parole, & are to be admited to wear their Side arms. Article 12^'^ Should the army under Lieutenant Gen- eral Burgoyne, find it neceflary to fend for their cloathing & other Baggage to Canada, they are permitted to do it in the moil: convenient manner & the necefsary paffports granted for that purpole. Article 13'''' Thefe articles are to be mutually figned & exchanged tomorrow morning; at nine O Clock and the troops under Lieutenant General Burgoyne are to march out of their incampment at three in the Afternoon. John Burgoyne. It was a glorious fight to lee the haughty Brittons march out & Surrender their arms to an Army which but a little before, they defpis'd & called paltroons, they however before the furrender were convinced of their error, having in two engagements previous leen the greatest bravery that ever was difplayed, & the moil: confumate Generalfliip exerciled. The enemy acknowl- edge the Spirit and bravery of our officers & men, and do not hefitate to Say, that the idea held up to them of the Americans, was falfe. We have taken in the whole, Six Generals viz. 236 Lieut. General Burgoyne ; Major Generals, Phillips ct Reidtel, Brigadiers, Hamleton, Speight and another German whofe name I do not recollect. General Burgoyne & Staff, among which are six members of Parliament 12 Britilli Troops by capitulation -44^ Foreign Troops, ditto 2198 Canadians Volunteers &c fent to Canada 1100 Total included in the Capitulation 5^75^ Prifners taken at different times 400 Sick & wounded ^528 Deferters 300 Loft at Bennington 1220 Killed fmce the if^ of Sept^^'" 600 Killed & taken at Ticontaroga 413 Amounting the whole killed & taken prifners 9213 The wonderful goodnels of God in delivering So many of our cruel unnatural Enemies into our hands, & with fo little lofs on our Side, I hope every heart will be Sutably affected with. And may that God who has granted fuch Signal iucceff here vouchlafe to grant fimiler Succelses to our arms in the Nothern Depart- ment. 37 Brafs cannon, royals, mortars, with empliments & Stores compleat. 5000 Stands of Arms. 400 Sets of Harnels. A conciderable Number of Amunition waggons & Harnels Six Field Pieces taken at Bennington Two & 4 Royals at Fort Scuyler * This is probably an error for 598, which is the number given by other authorities. 237 In 1776 I was in Colo Mathew Talcotts Regm* at New York, & on Long Isleand & we lay near the Battle at flat Buili, where our People were overcome, our Cap*^ with a Imall platoon of us was Order'd out On the left wing, the Hefsians from an adjacent Hill fired upon us we were Order'^ to lie down on the ground while the Balls pafs'd us, then returnd to Camp, or entrenchment. The Houfes in flaming fire, & that Evening & Night was the Memorable retreat from Long Isleand which was Compleated very Early next Morning & our Regm'^ encampt Turtle Bay Call^ below Harlem here among many others I was Sick, & was discharg'd by Brigadier General Douglas to recover Health & return'd to Middle- town. 1777 the next year as the above Journal fliews I was at the Northward in Gen^ Arnold's Divifion & see the marching of Burgoyne Army on their way tor Boston. The Year 1 780 May I was Call*^ out again for Six Months to Join the Army on North River. My Colo's Major, Capt, all are Dead. My wages when Rec^\ would not pay the expence of food on My road to the North & back One of my Company Mates gave $100 Dollars for 10^^ Flax 3 Coppers would buy a Dollar JOURNAL . of BATZE WELLS of FARMINGTON Ma}\ i/"/j — Fchn/iin\ Z/// At the Northward and in Canada Farmington May lo''^ ^775 BAYZE WELLS HIS BOOK BAUGHT OF DOC^ HEZEKIAH MERREL OF HARTFORD Price 3^ L"^ money Hartford w divifion May lo 1775 I inliiled my Self A Sergent under Cp* John Sedgwick in the Eighth Com- pany in the forth Regement Raf*^ by the United Colonys tor the Defence of the Same Againli: the Tireny of Great Britton. June 3^^ march'^ as far as New hartford to our Night Quarters at Cp'^ martin Smiths. 4*^^ of June march"^ as far as Canaan to Benjemen Sedgwicks to our Night Quarters. 5 June march"^ as far as Cp*^ Whitney d° to our noon Quarters their we joind our Company untill 3 oclock march'^ as far as Sheffield to Deues to our Night Ouarters. 6 June. March'^ as far as Mekenfters in Noble town to our Night Quarters, y^^ June March'^ as far as Venburys in Clavaruck to our Night Ouarters. 8*^*^ June march'^ as far as Woodwards to our Night Quarters in Schoduck. 9*^'^ June march'^ as far as Loomiles in Greebufli to our Night Ouarters. lo*^*" June march'^ as far as Levenilons halfmoon. 11*^^ June march'^ as far as John Varnals Stillwater to our Night Ouarters. 12*^^' June march*^ as far as M'^Neels in Suretogue to our Night Quarters. 13*^^ June march'^ as far as Bakers in Kingf bury to our Night Quarters. 14 June march'^ as far as Fort George and tarried their untill the 18^'' of June and then I with 6 more went Down to Kingsbury Abought 13 Miles South Eatt of fort George to mr Jonces and made Oers theirone fortnit. 1'^ July then Return'^ from m*" Joneses to fort George to our 31 242 Night Logings. July 3"^ Set Sail over the Lake and Ariv^ to the Landing Abought midnight to our Night Logings. 4''^ July march'^ as tar as Ticonderoga and joind our Company Again no Duty untill 6*^ of July then Sergent of the fertugue Party that Cut the Rode* from Ty. to the Point. 7*^'' July I with Seven more went up to Crown Point and Returnd the Same Day. no Deuty untill 9'^'' Ju'ly Recevd orders for 'Orderly Ser- jent the week folowing. Monday 17*^ July Ordered by the Agetant I with Prentice Hofmer Simeon Holmer Moles Steel Aaron Cadwell Allen Steel for the front Guard to Guard the General and his atendants and Affairs was Conducted with Order on the Day following. Wednelday I was Orderly for the General thirlday 20*^*^ was A Day of falling we had two Good Sermons Prech'^ on the Occation in the forenoon text Hebrws 4 Chp 1^ Verce in the afternoon from 142 Plalm 5 Verc An account of A jorney from Ticonderoga to Canada. Set out on Sabboth Day 23'' of July 1775 Went Board of A Boat about i°Clock in the afternoon and had Good Breeze Arivd to Crown point Half after three in the afternoon tarred their untill monday morning. 24^'^ .loind with major John Brown of Pitsfield and Cp* Robert Cochrun my Self John Legger Peter Sherlon A Canadaan Set Sail about ten in the Morning had Good Breeze about three hours Arivd to Baibn harbor their we took Refrelhment Set Sail Again with Small Breeze and in About an houre and an half Broded the Sloop Enter- prile tarred their about an houre and Set Sail again A Short time then took our ores had head wind Rowd About four miles and Put to Shore and took Hefrelh- ment Soon took our ores again and Rowd Againlt the 243 wind about tour miles Came to the North End ot Spht Rock their Boarded the Scooner Liberty half after five in the afternoon then Rowd About four miles to our Night Quarters at m'" Armttrongs tuefday 25"' took to our ores Rowd A Spell then hoifted Sail with Small Breeze and Arivd to A Point Opelit four Brothers About Seven in the morning their we took Brakefaft tarred their till Nine in' the morning hoilled Sale and had Good Breeze Arivd to A Rock about 3 in the After- noon and took Dinner took to our ores again and Rowd onwards their being' no wind we Arivd to the North End of Cumberlin head at Sun Set and their we took Refreiliment About Dark took to our ores and Rowd until! Day Light. 26''' then Drawd our Boat up into the Bullies About Six Rods and hid our Provifions and Rum in Defrent Places and Swung our Packs and took to the woods travild A N"' Corfe travild till ten in the morning and Came to A River and their took Brakefaft took A nap till twelve then mounted Packs again travild till Sun Set then made A fire and took up Logings it Raind almoft all Night 27th Mounted Packs About half after Six in the morning and travild until About Eleven and then it began to Rain and Raind as hard as Ever I Saw it about an houre we ware as wet as water Couki make us then Mounted Packs Again and travild About one mile and Came to A River Crost it Kept our Corle until half after four in the afternoon then Came to A toot Path Whare we Saw A horle we mil- trulted that inhabitants ware Nigh we took into A Swamp and built A fire and tarred all Night 28th half after five in the morning mounted Packs travild two Miles up and Down S'^ Path and found it to be not travild by human Beeings much if Any then took A 244 North Code and Entred the Swamp again their we travild till twelve and Came to A River and Croll: it with much troble and travild till half after i in the after noon their we made fire and Dind and tarred untill half after three in the after Noon then monted Packs Again travild till Night made A hut and tarred all Night it Raind allmoft all Night, hear we was much Put to it to Get water 29 mouhted Packs again in S'^ Swamp and travild till Night and tarred in S'^ Swamp all Night 30*^'' mounted Packs Sun half an houre high travild Swamps holes thick Brufli till about two in the afternoon then Dugg A well and Drank theirot then travild about one houre and Dind and had Got through the Bulk of the Swamp and it Began to Rain mounted Packs again Sun an houre high travild till Dark and Came to the Rode that Ledes from S*' Johs to Montreal about 9 miles from S^ Johns it Raind hard Peter went to A houfe and found them to be frends and the man of the houfe invited us to Come in the houfe and we went ac- cording to his Dehre their we Eat and Drankt and Slept and ware Refrefli*^ munday 31^*^ we ware Cunducted into A hin Rooil and kept hid all Day Sent Peter to Shamblee to Call Cp*^ minnar which accordingly Came at Night and Peter with him by Cp* minnars advice we mounted Packs about Dark and travild all Night Came to A houle in Shamblee whare we ware Youled with much Kindnefs and Relpect. i'**' Auguit tarred all Day Kept our Room Privet Cp*^ minnar and Peter Went to montreal mr Judd went to Cokenowago to See how the indians Stood Affected with the times mr Judd Returnd But Cp*' and Peter Ware taken and Contind. News Came to us Before Night that we Ware Dilcovered and we Determined to Leve the houfe at Dark and take 245 to the woods accordingly we did and ware Gone from the houle About halt an houre and the houfe was Sirownded With men in Sarch tor us in Number About fifty it began to Rain A Little and took to a Nabour- ing Barn and Kept Sentrey all Night 2'^ at Brake of Day Left the Barn and took to the Bulli about titty Rods and Kept hid all Day A frend from M"" Brentts broght Retrelliment to us twite and at Dark we was Conducted by A trench man to his own houfe Whare we ware treeted With Victuals and Drink and tarred their A Short time and then they Set us Croll; the River Sirell about four miles North ot Shamblee tort and took to the woods and the Reafon of our Croting the River in Some mealure was becaute that we ware informd by Cp' minnars Brother that their was A Scout ot about tifty or Sixty men that ware in Perlute after us and that they ware Gone Down the wett Side ot the Lake tor that Reafon we thought it mod: Sate to Come on the Ealt Side of the Lake But to Keep on in my Journel on the Night of 2^^ Auguit Croll: the River S'rll with Cp^ minnars Brother which Agreed to meet us Next morn- ing we Slept in the Bullies About twenty Rods from the Rode and in the morning of 3*^ Augull we Sent .John to meet minnar he been Gone A Short time their Came A Boy hunting Cattle and Came Nigh to us Cp'^ Cochrun thinking it to bee John Cawlld to him which Put the Boy in A fright that he Run Very fail to the People and informd them what he had Seen and it Set the Whole Nabourhood in a Rulfule and Major Brown thinking it moil Safe to Ditcover him Self went out Boldly and Spake with the People and as we Sepotd tarred with them tor Some time Cp'^ Cochrun and I thought that we Saw him Keeping with them not Long \ 246 after they all Drew ot But hini that we took to be Brown and one more Cp"^ Cochrun Said he Would fetch Brown all this while their ware Some ot them in Sarch for us as we Sepoi*^ Gp* Cochrun Came Back But major and John ware Abfent Cp' told me that we ware in the utmolt Dandier and he would move Quarters accordingly we Did went about half mile further into the woods and I Kept the Packs and Cp^ went Back but he Could not find nothing of them and that all the People Seem'^ to be in an uprore & Spreding the News Abroad So that Cp'^ Agreed that major and John ware Gone homewards and on that account we Agreed we • • • • I would make the Beft of our Way homeward, thirlday half after Nine in the morning 3*^ Auguft 1775 Difpareing of Seeing major & John we mounted Packs Sixteen Miles North of S' Johns at the North End of Shamblee Ille travild A South Eail Corfe through fields about three miles Came to A River Against A houle and went Dpwn River A few Rods and Croft it by wadeing about mid thigh then travild all Day and found no water Dug Several 1 times to no Purpole at Night Slept in the Edge of A Large Swamp friday 4*^'' mounted Packs Again travild till allmoft Noone and Came to A medow and found Water tho \'ery Poor Drink'^ then mounted Packs travild Little ways and Came to A Brook then travild three or fore miles and Dugg for water but found none But Notwithftaning we Eat and mounted Packs again and Ammediately Entred A Large Swamp which Lafted about five Miles then had good traviling untill Night But no water But what we Dugg for Saterday 5*'' mounted Packs again travild till half after ten in the morning Crolling Several Streems Came to A Large River Runing S w for Some 247 miles before we Came to and after Crofing S^ River we had Bad traviling after Got out of the Swamp we Came to A Ridge of Land half after two in the after noon Steerd our Corfe the Well: Side of S'^ Ridge till we Came to the Lake at 4*^ in the afternoon Kept the Lake Shore till we Came to A Crick follow'^ it up about two miles before we Could Crofe it then Croil: it and in Camp'^ on the N E Shore Sabbath 6"' mounted Packs and travild A South Corfe till about Eleven in the morning Came to A River CalF mefefque Crick travild Dow S** Crick about three miles Came to m"" medcalfs Whare to our Great joy met with major and John and minnar the Canadaan they had been their about half an houre they informd us that they had [ ] travilin [ ] on their [ ]ile major Shot a moos through but Could no Get him but to Keep on m^ medcalf Lint us A Canoe took our Paddles and went on Board the Sun about two hours high and made the Best of our way homeward Got out ot the River about Suniet then Steerd Long Lake Shore Paddled all Night Came about thirty miles and fire and Dry'^ our Selves and Cook'' Some Victuales and took A nap took our Paddles monday 7*^^ and Paddled all Day and Came to m'" Potters opelet four Brothers Eall Side of the Lake taried all Night and had what we Wanted to Eat and Drink tuesday 8*'' had head wind So that we Could not take our Cannoe any farther mounted Packs and traviled five miles to m'" Palons"" their Borrowd his Bat- toe Set Sail about two in the afternoon and Saild about tour miles and no Breeze took our Ores Rowd till about ten at Night Came to m'' Fereles and their tarried all Night in the morning 9"' took our ores Row'' to 248 Crown point About ten in the morning tarried their till About three in the afternoon then Set Sail with the Prifenars that Lie"" Parmeley took at Eiq Gillilands which ware A Party from Gy Johnlbn from mawhawk River that ware Spyes as we Sepol*^ to make their Re- turns to Canada in Number Seven four White men three Indians they ware found Gilty by Examinnation and the white men are Confind in City halle in Albonny the Indians Sent to Albonny and Recevd Some Gifts and to be Sent home, but to Keep on We Arivd to Ticonderoga about Dark God be Praifed theirfor. N B I am not Able to inform any mortal What We underwent with firtugue and want of water in this jorney Some Days no Water at all and other Days none but mud Returned from A Scout 9*'^ of Auguil: tarried at Ti- conderoga untill 11'^ I with twelve men ware ordered Down the Lake about 150 Miles in order to fetch home major Browns Boat and Return M^ medcalfs Cannoe Names of the Party my Self Prentice Hosmer Moles Steele Sergent Woodruff John Legger Jacob Harilon Daniel Yarington Stephen Arnold Minnar A Canadaan- William Peefe Jacob Quechetes Daniel Charles Jofeph Charles Set Sail 1 1'^'' Auguil at Ticonderoga 4° Clock in the afternoon Arivd at Crownpoint about ten at Night Landed and Exchanged battoes and took in Provifions and Set Sail again went 5 miles and Arivd at one aver- iles at 1 in the morning their Slept tarried till the Sun an houre high 12 auguit took to our ores hat head Wind and hard Rain arivd at Bafon harbor at 9 in the morning We Landed built fire boild Some Victuals Lay by on account of head wind till 4 after non then the wind abated We Set Sail in About an houre their 249 Came A Guft from Sout well attened with Rain we went 6 miles Put into A harbour bult a fire and after Refrelment Lay Down on the Ground and Slept i" i 3*^^ when we Set Sail the wind in about an houre abated took to our ores about halt an houre when the wind arofe in our favour and Continued So till Day when the wind Abated we took to our ores & Rowd about 1 1 miles Came to one Potters Eat Braketaft Set Sail took to our ores had head wind Rowd till Noon put into A harbour built fire and Eat Dinner 1 1° took to our ores Rowd untill about 11° at Night Came to our Boat and Lanched it into the water took to our ores and Rowd till about 20 in the morning Came to m"" tommo A french man that Lives on the North End Grand Ille about A N E Corfe from the South End of 111 of mott their we tarried untill Sun half an houre high in the morning 14 then Set Sail had Good Breeze and Arivd to the mouth of medcalfs Crick that Emtys into Bay melefque Sent Six men up S'^ Crick Six miles and took home medcalfs Cannoo they Came Back about 3° after- noon tarried their and Dind took our ores Rowd About Six miles Built fire Slept till morning 15*'^ Auguft had head winds Notwithftanding took to our ores Rowd about Six miles went Shore on account of head wind tarried till the wind Abated about 1 1° took to ores Rowd till Sun about three hours high went Shore and built fire Cook'^ Some Victuals tarried till Sun an houre high took our ores Rowd till 10 at Night Put to Shore built fire Slept till morning iG*^'' took our ores Rowd againit the wind untill about Eight in the morning Put to Shore on account of head Winds at Williams Peecke (V) tarried untill twelve then took our ores Rowd Againft the wind about 9 Miles and Put to Shore 32 250 on an Ille Opefit four Brothers tarried an houre took to our ores and Rowd till Sun Set Arivd to m*" Peribnses tarried untill Morning 17^'^ took our ores and Rowd Acrof the Lake to Elq Gillilands Whare we met with Cp*^ Stuert tarried till Sun an hour high on account of head wind Set Sail the wind being in our favour whitch Latted about half an houre took our ores Rowd till 1° in the morning tarried till Sun Rife at m'" Ferrifes 18"' then Set Sail With Breeze and Arivd to C. point in about an houre and an half tarried at the Point about two hours Set Sail with Good Breeze Arivd to Ticonderoga in about two hours on S"^ Day 18"' Au- guft 1775 Auguft 28^'' 1775- one Reede a Soldier in Co' mac- dugulls Regiment Recevd twenty Ladies for Stabing one of his fellow Soldiers. 31''^ Auguil Orders Came out that Part of our Regi- ment was to go forward to S' John Cp'^ Sedgwicks Company amongtl: the Reit I this Day was Drafted out with 17 more under the Command of Ef" Hodge to Carry ten Days Provifion to Co' Beedle at oinion River with 200 men from Cowafs Set Sail at Ticon- deroga at 3 in the afternoon Ariv'' to Crown Point at 11 at Night tarred their till morning. Sep'^ i^^ took our ores Rowd 5 miles to M*" Ferrifes Eat Brakefart took our ores Rowd to Balon harbour Put to Shore Soon took our ores Rowd untill Dufk Arivd to Grog harbour tarried their all night in the morning 2^ Sep*" took our ores Rowd onwards to m'" Perfons's their we took Brakefaft Set Sail again Arivd to onion River at Bakers harbour about Sun Set built A fire and Made A bulli tent for Some time before I Left Ticonderoga and all the While going to Bakers Harbour I was much 251 unwell no Stomuch to Eat A Pain in my head and bones Sone as Got Shore I made atemts to Get to A Houfe travild about two miles and Came to A River and Could not Crole it and Ablig'^ to Return tarried in our Bulli tent that Night Next Day Some People Came to See us and one M"" Bradley that Liv'^ with widdo Baker invited me to his Houfe which invitation I Eccepted went to his houle and tarried their five Days much un- well moll Part of the time thirfday y*"" Sep^ I Returnd to our old Camp at Bakers Harbour in much better Health then what I had when Left Ticonderoga Next Night 8*^^ Sep* three of our Party weth one M"" Write that Lives on onion River Ware over A bay about three miles from our Camp after Some Rum and I Sepofe Got up Shines imbark'^ aboord A Large Canoe and Atemted to Crofe the bay over to our Camp Got out about A mile as they Sepofe and over Set the Canoe Loft Some Cloaths one Gun Some money & Some Rum but all Got to Shore alive our Camp is about 3 miles from any houfe and Prentice and Simeon Hofmer Ufu- ally went to Some of thefe houfeen Every Night to Get Some milk on monday 1 1*^ Sep* Simeon Hofmer and I went about as far as from Weft Divifion to North- ington for milk and Could not Get any before Dark and then travild through the woods in A blind foot Path Got home to our Camp about Nine at Night. Wednefsday 13*^ Sep* 1775 Lieu* Cummins Ariv'^ with A Small Party of Co^ Beedles men and on Thirfday 14 two more Company Ariv'^ on thirfday morning one Leues A Docter that belongs to Beedles Regement Came to Alen Steel and finding him Poorly Gave him Some medefons on the Day Col Bedle Arivd him Self and the Number of men with that had Arivd ware about 150 252 tarred untill 15"' Set Sail in A boat CalH Lake monlter Got out in the Lake about three miles met with A Squall ot wind attended with Rain which Put the mafter of the boat in A fright and ordered S"^ boat to be Put to Shore Co^ Bedle being Put out Got on board himfelf and ordered to Put to Sea Again we being much wet ware uncomfortable all Night Arivd to the South End of Grand Ifle Next morning 16^'' went on board had Good Wither Arivd to Ifle Anor Got on Shore about midnight tarred their untill Next morning 17"^ Sun Day Set Sail for S*' Johns Arivd to the Loweit Breltwork their we incamp* 18*^'' three Regiments Col Hinmans With the Reil about 300 of them Ware ordred to march Round S'' Jo we travild Round S^ Johns we ware befet by A Party which Give us A warm fire but I was unwell I Did not Get So Near as to See any Enemy I was Abligd to Get my Pack Carried to A houfe that Day S*^ Johns was Befedged I being So unwell that I Got to m*" minneeres with Cp^ Watlon that was badly wounded their I tarred from iS*"^ Sep*^ to the 16''' of Otober then Got A horfe and Rode Down to major Elmors whare I tarred untill 18^^ then Came Round S^ Johns I beeing So unwell that I Could not travil without holding by an- other man but with A Great Deal of troble I Got Round and Ordered Abord the Sloop their I met with bad Ufeege I was Ablig'^ to Sed up Almoit all Night and Lay acros Wood and Barrels their I tarred untill Next the hole was filled with Priloners taken at Shambele one Woman was broat to bed the Same Night and Did well I tarred their in that Condition untill 23^^ about Sun Set Came as far as Ifle Anox Got their about Eleaven at Night Next morning 24*^ Set Sail it Soon began to Rain we Got to A houle and tarred till the 253 Rain was over Set Sail again Ariv'^to Co' Criltys White houl'e tarred their that Night Set Sail 25'''' Ariv'' to an Ifle in the Lake their we took our Logings that Night Next morning 2(i-^ Set Sail Ariv'^ to Elq. Gillilans Crick tarred at m"" Whites Next morning Set Sail 1']^^ Ax\\^ to Crown point about Dullv tarred theare one Day 29*"'' Set Sail Arivd to Ticonderoga tarred their one Night 30"' traviled up to the Landen tarred their untill 2^ Novem- ber then Set Sail for fort George Ariv"^ to S'' Port about 30 Clock in the Night N"'' 3 Got A Pafage to Albany in A Cart Arivd to half a brook 4*'' Arivd to fort miller at Landlord Allimans 5^^" Arivd to Still Water Landlord Benjemans 6'^'^ Ariv'^ to New City Landlord Barbers. yth Arivd to Albany and Croit the River to Greenbuih and Lodged at Widdo honees. 8^'^ Arivd to millers in Scodock and Lodged their 9'''' Arivd at Gy Sharps in Clinckill. lo^*" Arivd to Heaths in Nobletown. ii*'' Arivd at Cp*" Nathan Benjamens on Tockconnuck moun- tane their tarred untill 13''' their my Kind Brother John Wells Ju'" Came after me Set out on S*^ Day and Arivd to Canaan at Noah Wellses tarred their untill morning T4''' Arivd to Simsbury to Dudley Cales tarred their untill morning 15^^^ Arivd to my home found all my Family in Good Health God bee Praifed theirfor. July 9^'' 1775 Recev'^ Orders for Orderly Orders for 9''' July 1775 on Quarter Guard 1 subal- ton 1 Sergent 1 Corpril 1 Fifer 1 Drummer 24 Privets Cp* Sedgwicks Cm^ 5 Privets ondly Orders for 10^'' July on Quarter Guard 1 Subalton 1 Sergent 1 Corpril 1 Fifer 1 Drummer 24 Privets. On Fortugue 1 Cp* 3 Subaltons 4 Sergents 4 Corprils 140 Privets Benjemen Henmen Col 254 Cp'^ Sedgvvicks Company to turn out on tortugue 28 Privets on Guard 1 Corpril 4 Privets Orders tor 1 1"' July on Quarter Guard i Subalton 1 Sergent 1 Corpril 1 fifer 1 Drummer 24 Privets also 1 Corprils Guard to be kept at the Bridge 1 Corpril and 6 Privets to take Care of the Provitions and to be Relev'' from Day to Day as other Guards are. the Rerpective Companys to be Called out at Half after fore O Clock in the morning to Role Calling the officers to See that the Rolles are Actually Called and take Care of all non appearants and all the Companys in Camp to be turn'' out at Eight oClock in the forenoon and at four oclock [ Jfternoon in Order for military | |ife to be initructed theirin and Continued for the Space of two hours and an half at Each time Both forenoon and After- noon to be Conducted in Such A manner By the major and Ajetent Shall direct with the Affiltence of the Offi- cers of the Relpective Companys P'" Benjemen Henmen Coll Cpt Sedgwick turnd out on Quarter Guard 6 Prvets Orders for 1 2*^^ July on Quarter Guard 1 Subalton 1 Serjent l Corpril 1 Fifer 1 Drummer 24 Privets on the Guard at the Bridge 1 Corpril 6 Privets. Cp* Sedg- wicks Company turnd out 6 Privets on Quarter Guard and Afterwards turnd out three Privets to Keep Sheep and afterwards turnd out one to Guard Stores at the Armers Shop P'" Benjimen Henmen Co" Orders for 13*^^ July on Quarter Guard 1 Subalton 1 Sergent 1 Corpril 1 Fifer 1 Drummer 24 Privets on the Guard at the Bridge i Corpril 6 Privets Cpt Sedgwicks Company turnd out 1 Sergent 6 Privets P'" Benjemen Henmen Coll 255 Orders for 14*'' July on Quarter Guard 1 Subalton 1 Sergent 1 Corpril 1 Fifer 1 Drummer & 24 Privets on Guard at the Bridge 1 Corpril 6 Privets. A Party of men be Drafted to make A Sutable Number of Groge holes for the men to d their Occation at S'^ holes to be at the Direction of the Quarter mailer Every one that doth Occation within 20 Rods of the Garefon at any other Place then at the Place Prepared for that Purpos to be Confind and Punillie"^ Acording to the Judgment of A Regiment Cort Martial. The Fiiliing to be Carred on for the futer by A non Commiflin'^ Offiecar with 5 or 6 men who Are to filh Every morning and the fifli when taken to be Delivered to the Comefary who is to Provide A hurdle to Receve them and Deliver them out to the Companys according to their Number the Sien forthwith to be hanged upon Stakes and Dried then Delivered to the Care of the Comefery in the Store to be ufed no more that Day without Liberty and if Ufed in the afternoon to be hung upon Stakes and it not Dry before to hang all Night but if Dri to be houfed as Above Pr Be[ ] Henmen Coll Cpt Sedgwicks Comp[ ] turnd out 1 Corprl 6 Pri- vets on Guard at the Bridge fore Privets to Digg Grog holes Viz Timothy Rowley Levi Hurlburt Elius Croo Martin Allen Orders for 15'^'' July on Quarter Guard i Subalton 1 Sergent 1 Corpril 1 Fifer 1 Drummer 24 Privets on Guard at the Bridge 1 one Corpril 6 Privets P"" Benjimen Henmen Coll Cp'^ Sedgwicks Company turnd out 5 Privets 256 Sergent Hadens Orderly Week began 1 6 July Orders for 16*^^ July on Quarter Guard i Subalton 1 Sergent 1 Corpril 1 Fiter 1 Drummer 24 Privets on Guard at the Bridge 1 Corpril 6 Privets Cp^ Sedgwicks Company turnd out Orders 17"' July 1 Subalton i Sergent 1 Corpril 1 Fifer 1 Drummer 24 Privets at the Bridge 1 Corpril 6 Privets A Return tomorrow morning of all the Carpenders and Shipwrits in Each Company With their Names and Which they Repectively Belong A Cort martial at ten in the morning Cpt Sedgwicks Company turnd out men as Uliel Orders for iS*^'^ July ] Subalton 1 Sergent 1 Corpril 1 Fiter 1 Drummer 24 Privets at the Bridge l Corpril 6 Privets on fortugue 1 Subalton 1 Sergent l Corpril 30 Privets the Judgment of Cort merfhel Returnd to me By Cp' Sedgwick Prelideht is Excepted so far as Relpects mcCarty is Excepted and he Relef*^ Accord- ingly But as to Ifaac Clark not Excepte*^. he to be yet A Prilner and a Cort mertial to be holden at 10 of the Clock in tomorrow morning to try S^ Clark and Such Prifners as may be brought before them Bej" Henmen Coll Orders for 19^^ July. 1 Quarter Guard 1 Subalton 1 Sergent 1 Corpril 1 Fifer 1 Drummer 24 Privets at the Bridge 1 Corpril 6 Privets On fortugue 1 Cap* 3 Subaltons 4 Sergents 4 Corprils 100 Privets Cpt Sedg- wicks Company turnd out on Guard 6 Privets on fortugue 30 Privets 257 Orders for 20^^" July Salt Provifions to be Drown But one Day in A week major Brown and the troops of the Regemen that he belongs to to join in Major E[ ]rs at Crownpoint to Leve th[ ] tomorrow morn- ing no Gun to be fireed no Waile of Amunition on any Pretence whatever no Provifions to be Allowd to Any Stranger without Perticurly Directions from the Genral by order of the General Luther Stodard Agitent Cpt Sedgwick Guard 6 Privets fertugue l Sergent 1 Corpril 20 Privets Orders for 21^* July on Quarter Guard l Subalton 1 Sergent 1 Corpril 1 Fifer l Drummer 26 Privets at Bridge 1 Corpril 6 Privets on fertugue l Cap* 3 Sub- altons 4 Sergents 4 Corprils 100 Privets: Cp* Sedg- wicks on Guard 6 Privets on fertugue 24 Privets Auguft 21^* Ordered on Quarter Guard one Subalton Solomon Story Ef^"" in Cpt motts Company Sergent Bayze Wells Cp*" Sedgwicks Company Corpril Adam mott in Cp'^ Sedgwicks Company their was 18 Privets Ichebod French Binjemen Palmer : W" Paterfon : John Seyley : Solomon Goodwin : moore Gibbs Theophiles Comeftock : michel Beach Amos Beach : Nathen Broton : Abiflia Burk : David Berce : Allen Fox Jno Deming : James Davis : William Chiftefter ; John Chandler ; Lem- uel Gillet Ware the Quarter Guard under Guard on S*^ Day : James Brown for fighting one marss for Leveing his Guard Timothy Scoott for Abufing Clark murry and made A Acknoligement and Releil before Night Patrack marrs James Brown Reced their Sentance marrs his Punifhment tied up to the Whiping Poll fifteen minuts then Relef"^ Brown to Pay A fine of Six Shillings Re- ducted out of his Wages about Dark York forfees Came 33 258 in and brought five Prileners to the Guard houie their Crimes one for inlulting his Captin two for Defirting two for fighting and the Cp^ of the Guard Immediately Aplyd to the Agetent for an addition to his Guard which accordinly he Granted Six Namely Nathen Bediance Jofeph Hawley James Baldwin Timothy Knap Ser^ Hazen Daniel Yarington. Auguft 23*^ 1775 ordred on Quarter Guard 1 Sub- alton Lie"^ Afef Hall firft Lie*^ in Cpt Starrs Company 1 Sergent Bayze Wells Cp' Sedgwicks Company 1 Cor- pril Joel Evarts 1 Corpril Cpt Beuels Company 18 Privets Uriah Mefenger: Clark Smith Benajah Smith: Hezekiah Phelphts Jofiah meek (?) John Byant: Peleg Billins: Samfon Grinman Levi Dane: Samuel Cooper: W" Perry : Jacob Williams: Theodo Andrus: Jacob Williams Ju^" Jarus Bonney : Jofeph Andrus : William Starr : W°^ Abels ("?) their was Six under Guard Viz Thomas Forman Cpt Wifeenfelts Company in Col mc- Dodles Regement lor inlulting his Cp*^ Samuel Ballowd d° Company for Abufing his fellow Soldiar: John Camel Brown: Cp^ Chefemans Company for Diferting fully accoutred John Leonard Cp^ Lyons Com^ for Defert- ing: Alexander m'^faift in Cp^ Chefemans Com^ for abuf- ing L""*^ m'^Dougall Augufi: 26*^^ Recevd orders for Orderly the Week inluing on Guard 21 Privets 1 Subalton 1 Sergent 2 Corprils 1 Corpril 3 Privets to take Care of the Cows and the Reft of them on Guard orders for 27^'^ as ufual on account of Guard But orders on other accounts is as follows. Head Quarters Ticonderoga 27^^ Auguft 1775 Perole Newhaven. Field officer to morrow 28*^^ auguft Major Gonfavort 259 the fore Companies of the firft Regiment N"^ York forces to be muftered this afternoon at 3° clock whare the muftermarter General will attend, two Days Provi- fion to be Ifewed immediately to Co^ Waterbury and Co^ m'^dugalls Regiment and Cp* motts Company in Co^ Parfons Reg*^ which they are to Cook their meet and Bake their Bread this Evining by order of General montgomery John Macpherflion Aide Camp Orders on Guard as Ufual Orders for 29^'' on Guard 1 Subalton l Sergent 2 Corprils 1 Corpril three Privets to take Care of the Cows the Reft to mount Guard. Orders for 30*^^ Guard as Ufual 1 Subalton one Ser- gent two Corprils 21 Privets 1 Corp^ three Privets to Guard the Cows the Reft mount Guard. > Head Quarters 30*^ Auguft 1775 General Orders Officer of the Day Cp^ Starr Perole m'^dugalle the Breuery to be Carred on by Sergent James Clark infted of Ef'' Nichols Removed and to be mannageed as Ufual. Benjimen Hinmen Orders for 31'''' Auguft on Guard as Ufual Head Quarters Ticonderoga. General Orders Perole New london. Cpt Sedgwick Officer of *the Day tomorrow Benjamin Hinmen Col Weft Hartford Jenewary 23^^ 1776 I Bayze Wells Recevd A Commifion of an Ensign in Cp^ John Stevens Company in Coloen Charls Burrels Battallion Ordered to Joine the Northern Army in Cannada. Set out on this Expedition (March 7''' ^77^) with 26o fifteen men Viz Cornelius Flower Sergent. Eliflia Hof- mer Corporal Simeon Dupe. Eleazer Fiilier : John Ledgyard : Eldad Kellogg. Ifaiah Gridley Samuel Steel. Eliphas Steel Abraham Webfter : Amos Shep- pard Titus Merrels. Ebenezer Sedgwick Julus Davis. Jack Negro. Arivd to Newhartford at Dudley Cafes Jur to our Nights Lodgings. 8*"^ march Arivd to Nor- folk to M'" Lawrances to our Nights Lodgings. 9*^^ march Arivd to Sheffield M"" Sheldens to our Ng^^ Lodg- ings. 10^^ march Arivd to M"" Jackfons Nobletown to our Ng*'^ Lodgings 1 1*^ mar Arivd to Bufhes half w- house to our Ng*^^ Lodgings. 12"' march Arivd to G^ Buili at Co^ Ranlleys to our Ng*'^ Lodgings. 13"' march Crofe*^ the River into Albany tarred their untill iG'^^ march Arivd to mr Grays to our Ng^^ Lodg. 17*^ Arivd to m"" Scoots Stillwater to our Ng^® Lodgings 18''^ Arivd to m'' Moors Suretogue to our Ng'^^ Lodgings 19^'' Arivd to mr Harrefes fort Edward to our Ng'^^ Lodgings. 20^^ Arivd to Fort George to our Ng*^ Lodgings 21'^'^ Arivd to Sabbath Day Point to our Nights Lodging 22^^ Arivd to Ticonderoga to Our Ng^*^ Quarters on the Same. Night Warnd on A Cort Martial Accordingly we Sett in the Ge'"^ houfe on the 23*^ of march 1776 Names of the Members Lemuel Sergents Lieutenant: Preledant. Lieu*^ W'" Robey. Lieu^ John Mills. Lieu^ W™ Moulton. Ef" Bayze Wells. Ef" W™ Bradford. Prifenars tryd one Brown and Shannon trid for Defertion found Gilty Sentence'^ to Receve the following Number of Stripes Viz Brown thirty Shannon twenty five and Likewife one Breggs and one Wyllys one froft one Nelfon ware trie'^ for Breach of trull: ware found Gilty and Ware Sentence"^ according to their Crimes Breggs to Receve thirty Eight Lailies Wyllys to 26l Receve twenty Laflies Whitch Punnifliment they Recevd at 4 a Clock in the afternoon on S'^ 23'^ of march and Likewife froft to Pay A fine of Three DoUors and Nelfon to Pay A fine of one Dollor and Return to the Baken Bufinefs again but Breggs & Wyllys ware Ordered to Privet Deuty Brown and Shannon to bee Con- find in Irons foreteen Days, tarred at Ticonderoga untill the 27^^ Arivd to Addefon on Eait Side of Lake Champlain to mr Avirefes to Night Quarters 28'^'^ the Ife on the Lake beeing to Poor we took to the woods travild about Nine miles to one mr Robersons in Newhaven on Oter Crick to our Night Quarters 29'''^ Arivd to Barmans in munkton thare took Dinner after- noon Arivd to m'" Chaffes at Hinfborough to our Night Quarters their had Good Lodging in Bed. 30^^ Arivd to Onion River at m^ Powels to our Nights Lodgings. 31^^ Arivd to A Barruck that G"" Woofter Ordered Built on the Eall Side of Grand Ille to our Night Quarters, first Day of April 1776 Arivd to the White Houfe and took Dinner Kept on our journey Arivd to mr Stouts on the weft Side of River S"" Ell to Our Nights Lodg- ings. 2^ Arivd to St Johns About 12° Clock tarred their but A few minuts Arivd to my Old Landlord miners about three miles North ot S*^ Johns (whare I Lay Sick from 18'''^ y^ September to y*" 16 of October in 1775) their I was Recevd Gladly and youle*^ with much kindness tarred their all Night. 3^^ Arivd to Chambly fort Cp'' John Stevens Jefse Kimball and my Self tarre*^ at mif^ minnars untill the 5*^ Arivd to Longuil Put up at Lieu^ Frances Leveetes within 2 miles and an half of Montreal. 6'^^ Arivd to montreal about 10° Clock in the forenoon our Company Ordered in the upermoft Street in the South Weft Corner of the City 262 Lieut Jelse Kimbil and I with our Waiters ware Ordered to one M"" P. Peletts whare we found Good Ufeage) at this time they Kept Lent on the 6^^ I was at two funerals one A Lawyer the other an Old man the former was bured with the following Seremones the Corps Beeing Set in the Broad Alley with thirty Candles Around it on the Bier all Burning their Beeing about ten priefts Sing- ing and About thirty Schollers Dreft in morening all Around it Singing allfo one of the Prefts Being head of the Reft I Sepofe had A waitter that heald up his Gound went all Around it Bowing and on his Nees to the head and feet and Sprinkling what they Call Holey water on S"^ Corps and Likewife Burning inlence on it with A Contrivance that he Carred in his hand then all Around S*^ Corps ware on their Nees and Singing A V^ery mornfull tune and Likewife Playing on an inftru- ment up Aloft then Carred it Aroung in the Side of the Church and taking up A trap Door Leting the Corps Down in the Sepulcrer the Preft throwing Burning infence over the Corps all Singing A mornfull tune then all Down on their Nees then Put out their Candles and all Retired. J^^ Sabbath. Beeing the Day they Keep in Remembrance of our Savours Refurecttion from the Dead whitch is A Great Day Amongft Papafts in the Morning the Church Doors Beeing opened by the Rifeing of the Sun and People going in to Say their Prayers at ten o Clock Service Began all muleic Such as Bells Baggpipes Flut Harp and Horn-pipe and Orgins and fiddls Going all the Prefts in Number about thirty About forty Scholers Dref* Excelsively Well in White Surpelufes Carre'^ on therr Worlliip in Singing and Bowing and on their Nees. the High Preft Sprinkling Holy water and Burning incence making A 263 mornfull Noues Six of the Prefts ware imploy'^ in Walk- ing up to the \^urgien mary and on their Nees then to the Alter and on their Nees fore men took A lamp with twelve Candles and Carred it in the Broad Alle and held it on their Shoulders untill about twelve Prefts Came Around it and Bow'^ to it then on ther Nees to it then they Sat it Down in the Alle and then Boath Prefts and Schollers went Around it Bowing and on ther Nees to it and Singing A mornfull tune after that the mufuceck Aloft Begn and Play'^ A Very fine tune held it untill twelve O Clock in the afternoon they Carred on in much the Same manner I tarred with them untill three O Clock then Left that Church and Atended Worfhip at the South Church whare we had A Sermon Preached from thefe words the Proud Man Shall be Brought Lough Del^'^ By M^ Ripley. 8'^ no Deuty the Keep this and 9^^ Holey time and atended mafs in the Same manner as they Did the 7*^ 10^'' Ordered on Guard Kep^ the Barrack Guard had one Serjent and one Corpril all Canadanes their Names ware as followeth Vz Serjent Bonvan Fuer Corpril d° they Beeing father and Son Privits Jn° Sherbonoo Jofeph murrey. John Battiftarren Amab EUeer : Atwill Barboo : Jofeph Levve : Peter Leponefs. Niccholes Daplefs Francee motiye : Ellence Lamote they Could none of them Talk Englifli Excepting one the Corpril they Behaved them Selvs Sivel. no Duty untill 14'^^ Ordered on Picket Guard at Night. I atended Publick Worfliip in the South Church at three "^ Clock in the after noon had A Sermon Preached from S'^ Luke 12 Chapter and 20^^ Verce D*" By mr Ripley on monday 15^^' Remov"^ to M'" Charles Covverts Whare I was youfed with much kindnefs and Refpect. and tarred their untill 21^^ Recev'^ Orders to 264 March up the River ab 30 : or 40 miles 22^^ march'^ Ariv*^ to Lafliene to one m^ mallates to our Night Quarters tarred their untill 24*^^^ Arivd Le Point A Claire about Eighteen miles to m'" Abblare to our Nights Quarters Whare the People Seem^ to be frendly altho Back at Lafliene much unfrendly, 25*^^' Arivd to S*^ Ane whare we took Pofestion of the Garefon their which was Occupied by one m'" Demontiyny who Seem'^ at firft much unwilling to Give up but afterwards more Reconfiled his wife and Children moved Away at this time Lieu^ Kimball took the Command he Left things in the Houfe Comfortable two Beds and furniture knives Plates Coffe Bowls and other Articulers. 28'^ News Came that their was Several Canoes Ware about to Pafs Conafadogga one the Night following Loded with Pouder and Rum Going up amongft Our Enemys upon that the Commanding Offecier of this Poft Ordered that A Scouting Party of About twenty men under my Command to Crofs the River in Order to Head them Accordingly I with one Serjent & twenty one men imbark'^ on board A Battoe and CroP the River Ariv^ to the other Side of it about Dulk whare we Difcovered A fire whare we found an old woman & A boy about fourteen years of Age we Soon Dilcovered A Canoe With Seven indions and and one french man and one Indian woman on board which Canoe I ordered to Come too accordingly they Did and I Serch* it and found nothing but flowr and indian Packs upon that I Gave them A Dram and Gave them Leave to Pafs to Cannifadoga I ordered four Sentriefs to be Set and to Keep A Good Look out and Some of us Retired to the fire Some Stayd in the Battoe and taried untill morning and Difcovered nothing more we imbark*^ Again on 265 board the Battoe About Day Light and made the bell; of our way home Arive*^ to our Poll; About Half after five in the morning of the 29^^^ of inftant April 30*^'' I was ordered Down to montreal Arivd their about 8 : O : Clock tarred thare untill 3*^ of may Ariv*^ to Laflieen tarried thare untill 4"' Ariv*^ to S^ Anns Lodg*^ at mr 5*^^^ joind our Company at S*" Anns and Soon imbark'^ on Board two Battoes Set Sail for Carillion Ariv'^ to Coniladaga about 1 1 o Clock whare we met with Good Ufeage By M'" Bolecer who Provided A Genteel Dinner (for Cpt Lieutnants and my Self and John Ledgyard) Confisting of the following Diflies firft A God Soop Second Boild fowls Pyes Apples Rafons Almons Prefarv'^ Bomkin wine for Drink about 1:0: Clock in the afternoon imbark'^ Again Ariv'^ to Carelion about Dark met with no Opefition in Landing I tarried thare untill y'' 7^^ and as I Sepofed I was Nigh Brakeing out with the Small Pox I imbark"^ on Board A Bark Connoe with five frenchmen and one french woman Set out for S^ Anns Ariv'^ thare Before Night tarried there untill y"" g^^ our Company beeing Ordered to Leve the Poll at Carrillion and joine Co^ Bedle at the Ceadears they on there way to the Ceaders Ariv'^ to S*' Anns Before Night and I beeing not yet Sick I joind my Company again imbark'^ on Board the Battoe with my Captin about Sun Set Set Sail for the Ceaders Ariv'^ to the other Side of the River About 9 : o Clock at Night had good Lodgings at Sineyer Labonees Whare the Officers ware made Welcom lo*"^ Ariv*^ to the Cedars tarried at A french mans Houfe on the Point Near the Landing untill y" 12^^ Ariv'^ to the fort whare we got Lodgings in an Old Barrack tarried untill 15*^ we had News by Some Indians that there was A Party of about 34 266 400 from Swagoche on their way within fifteen miles of us on the Arivel of this News Each Company ware ordered to their Alarm Poll to hold them Selvs in Readenefs for Battle on the Shortteft orders the Greateft Part of the Night was Spent in this Pofition I being taken Down with the Small Pox tarried thare untill 16"' about 12'- Clock Set Sail for S' Anns Ariv'^ thare about 11'''' at Night tho with much troble and fatague thare beeing but two on board that ware well I Row'^ untill I had Like to taint Sevaral tims Soon after Came to A fire I fainted \j^^ felt Little Better tarried thare 18'^ in the morning beeing Apprehenfive of Near Aproach of our Enemy I Got A Chanc to Come Down to Laflieene in A Cart Soon after I Left the Cedars our People Ware befedg'' Whither they are takne I am not to Say but Cp'^ Young Left his Poft at S*^ Anns and Soon after our Enemys took Pofestion in Number about 500 Regulars and Indians Cp^ Young was Put Emediately under an Areil: at his Arivel at Lailieene by Gen'"' Arnold arived to Lailieene 20"' of may tarried thare untill 24*'' Set Sail for montreal ariv*^ thare about midnight and had Like to Got Drownded Comeing Down the Rappets I was much wet but Did not Get Cold I tarraid at the Subbrub ('?) Hofpetal that Night Next Day ordered up to the Generals Hofpetal but I Soon Left that took to my old Lodgings at mr Coverts 30*^ may Left montreal Ariv^ to Lapraree with much Troble and in Great Danger of beeing Loll by beeing So weake handed in the Battoe I tarried at Lapraree untill 2'^ of June then ordered Down to S*^ Johns Ariv'^ thare about 4 O Clock in the afternoon thare I met with Col Buwell which Supplied me with A tent thare I Live*^ untill the ly''' then ordered Up the Lake to Ifle 26; anon on account of the Retreet of our Army from S'" Ell and montreal Abandoned Boath Places on June 16''^ about 1500 Sick men ware ordered to this Place oh the Groans of the Sick What they undergo I Cant Expres Nither is it in the Power of man to Give any Idea of the Diftrefses of them Laying on the Ground nothing to Cover them but the Heavens and Wet Cool weather our men Paft Safe by Chamblee on the 17^^ after they had Burnt the fort and Arivd to S'' Johns with the main or all there Baggage they Soon Left S^ Johns in the Same Condition and Retreated to Ifle anon with all there Baggage Canon and all the Stores that they had at that Place on the 20"^ Day all the Sick was ordered to Go over the Lake to Crownpoint we imbark** about 100 Clock and was four Days on our Pafage Lay in the woods two Nights Arivd to Crownpoint on the 2^^ Day of June tarried thare untill the 8''^' Day of July Recevd orders to go with A Party of Sick belonging to our Rig^ in Number 108 about Half of them Sick with the Small Pox one Dyed on his Pafage the other Ariv*^ to Fort George Safe altho we had bad Weather it Raind the Whole of the Pafage acrofs Lake George I Returnd to Crownpoint on the 15''^ tarried thare untill 17^'^ then ordered to ticonderoga tarried thare untill 23*^ then ordered to our New incampment Acrofs the Lake over againft S^ Ti^"^ no name for it as Yet this incampment was A howling Wildernefs when we Began to Clear it was on the \S^^ of inftant July Cleard it in three Days tarried thare untill the 27^^ 1776 then moved Over the Lake in order to work on Board Gundelow Providance under the Command a Cp*" Simmons, tarried thare un- till the 4*^ of Augutt then Set Sail about Sun Set with Small Breeze Ariv*^ to A Bay behind three mile Point 268 Lay too thare untill morning hoifted Sail With Good Breeze Arivd to the Point opefet the Eaft Redout then by the Command of Cp*^ Simmons we ware ordered to" fire five Cannon we fir'^ our Bow and Labboard midfliip Guns and ware ordered to Lode them again theey Spungd the Bow Gun and Put in the Cartrich one Solomon Dyer who Servd the Spung went to Ram Down the Cartrich there Being fire in the Gun it went of While he Was Standing before the Mouth of the Cannon which Blew Boath his hands & one nee almoft of and Likewife the Spung Rod Part or all of it went through the Left Part of his Body at th-e Root of his arm Blew him overboard we Could not find him untill j^^ he Rofe and floted we took him up and Buried him Decently. Nothing Extroydenary Hapned untill Satter- day 10^'' of Auguft A Large flock of White Gulls appier*^ in Sight which Loom'^ up to that Degree that the Comedore By the Afsiftance of his Glafs thought them to be our Enemyes fortifying upon that his Boat- waine With A Speaping trumpit Hail*^ all the Vefales in the Harbour all the officers was ordered on Board of the Royel Savage to hold A Counfil at Lenth one Cp*^ Seamons Spied them through the Glafs from top mart and found them to be Really what they Ware, nothing Extroidenary hapned untill monday 12*^*^ auguit 1 Re- ceved orders to go Doun the Lake in a Battoe with ten men on Board Accordingly imbark'^ about three in the afternoon no Breeze Row'^ untill Sun Set Ariv'^ to an Ifleland about three miles South of the Scotch Bonnet Near the Eaftern Shore thare we Bult fire Cook'^ Some Victuals tarried thare untill Day Brake 13^'' imbark'^ had head Wind Rowd untill ten in the morning Ariv'^ to an Illeland Opefit the mouth of Otter Crick thare 269 We tarried untill Night about Sun Set we Spy"^ A boat Come Round Split Rock about half an hour after Spied Another Which made us Keep out A Good Watch about ten at Night the Watch heard Cohoopin on Each Shore Which Give us Reafon to think thare was A Party about to Seround use being not able to mak our Defence againft Doble in Number thought Proper to Retreat accordingly We Did Ariv"^ on Board the Royal Savage about ten in the morning (Auguft 14*^) ly*^"" Auguft our mate Went up to ticonderoga and Carried two Sick men and Brought Amos Sheppard on Board on 18"' inftant this Day Northerly wind and fair I was informd that Comedore Wynkoop was Arefted By General Arnold for Detaining Liberty at 4 P. m I was informd that he has Gone to Ticonderog with his Baggage Monday 19''^ this Day Northerly wind and Cloudy at : 12 : mer^: the General Came on Board at : 2 : P. M. the Cp*' Went on Shore and Din'^ with the General. Tuefday 20*'^ this Day Vereble winds and Clouda Hove up and Roed Down the Lake to Exerciie the men at 9 A. M. Gundelo Philadelphia Cp'' Rue Ariv'^ which made Nine Sail of the Line the Cp^ sent ouur flowr on Shore to Be Baked into Ship Bread Sent men for wood. Wednefday 21®*^ this Day South Eaiterly Winds and Raine 4 P. M. it Cleard of Cp Simmons and I went on Shore the Eaft Side of the Lake Returned about Sun Set. Thirfday 22^^ Wind Weferly and Clear at 9 : A : M : I with several Gentlemen Went on Shore on Eaft Side of the Lake Went to M'" Payns and Eat Green Corn Likewife made M*" Ward A Vifet Return'^ on Board again about 4. P : M : 2/0 Fryday 23'^ this Day Norterly wind and Clear about 8 : A: M: Opened our Pork Barrels we found two Bar- rels Very Poor and not more then two thirds full about Six P: M: we Carried two Barrels of Pork and one d° of flowr on Shore. Saterday 24^^ Wind Southerly and Some What clouday about Seven : A: M: Recevd Orders from General Arnold as folio wth Crownpoint 24*'' Auguft 1776 the Captains of Each Vefsell to Send on Shore one or two Barrels of flowr With one hand from Each Vef- sell to be Left at Crownpoint to Bake for the fleet Every Vefsell is to Get all hands on board and Prepare for Geting under Sail this morning By order of Gen'" Arnold if any Seaman or Mareane on Board the fleet are Very Sick there Commander Will immediately Send them on Shore to the Hofpital Provided for that Pur- pos. about 7 A: M: Gundelo Connecticut Cp* Grant Arived Safe in the harbour this Day I Recevd my Lieu*^"^ Commifsion beareing Date 24^^ of July 1776 about Sun Set the Whole fleete Got under Sail Down the Lake the Savage and Enterprife in the front Gundelos New Haven and Bolton Next Gundelos Providence & Spitfire Nixt Gundelos Philadelphia & Connecticut Next Schooners Revenge & Liberty Brought up the Rear fell Down the Lake four miles then Came too in A Line of Battle had Good anchorage 4 fathom water Sunday 25^^^ the wind South and Some Clouday Recev*^ our Signal for Sailing about Sun Rile, the Whole fleet Got under Sail by Sun half an Houre High at ten A. M. Paft the Hilanders Bunnet twelve miles from Cr: 2/1 point tried the water found thirteen fathem. Opefet Otter Crick about A Ou^ a mile above in the Channil tried the water No Soundage with forty fathom about twelve o Clock the wind Shifted Round Northerly 2 P. M wind Southerly 4 P. M Part Split Rock Could not Get Sounege with forty fathom at Six P. M. the wind Northerly tried the Wind found it much the Same as in the Narrous We being about four miles from Split Rock at Seven A. M. Came to an anchor at Gille- lands Crick in four fathom Water Set A Watch and Prepared for the Enemy Monday 26"' Auguft. this Day Northerly wind attended With Rain hove in A Swell and Look'^ Likely for A Blow at 1 1 A : M the Comedore Sent his Boat through the fleet and Give orders to Be Ready and Git under way at two P. M. to make A Good harbour at 1 P. M. the wind increafed the Comedore fired A Signel Gun the whole fleet hove up and Stood of the Shore the Spitfire Being Near the Shore the Swell hove her in & She was not able to get of Shore General Arnold Roed through y"" fleet in A Small Boat and inquired what wather the Gundilo made the Spitfire furld her Sails and Came too the Enterprife Stood up the Lake & the whole fleet follow"^ Opefit the Hilanders Bonet the Connecticut Carred away her Mart the Revengue toock her in tow the Enterprife Run A Shore on the Point Lufing in for Pauls Bay the Royal Savague Run in and Came too the Whole fleet Came too in A line of Battle as nigh as Pofsable the Bay at 5 P. M. the Enterprife got of and Came in the Bay. Tuefday 27^^ Auguft this Day freili Northerly Winds and Rain the Whole Fleet Lay wind Bound the Cp*' Sent 272 our Boat A Shore to make Difcovery of the Country they Brought A Report that the inhabitants Remand Peaceable at 1 1 A. M, I was inform'^ that the Spit fire was A Shore the Storm Continnued all Day and Night following Wednefday 28"' august the wind Continued Still Northerly and Rain and Cold the whole twenty four hours about Sun Set the Spitfire Came into fall Harbour With the Reit of the feet thirfday 29*'' augult this Day frefli Breze at North by Eaft and Clouda we tried the water in fall Bay found four fathom and an Half Sande Bottom the fleet Lay wind bound as yet about ten A : M the General Sent his Boat Round through the fleet and invited all Cap- tains and Lieut^ to Dine with him at two P. M. on the Point at the head of fall Bay accordingly we waitted on his Honnour about three P : M : Carried our arms on Shore and Shot at Mark Cp'^ Simmons made the bell: Shot about Half an houre by Sun we had A moil: Genteel fealt of A Roft Pigg Good wine Some Punch and Good old Sider We Drank the Congrefs health General Arnonds and Name"^ the Point by the Name of Arnolds Point and then broke Up Fryday 30^^ Auguit this Day Wind Northerly and Clouda about Eleaven A. M. Cleard of Warm about five P. M our mate went on the Eaftern Shore and found Golden ore Near the water at the Same time General Arnold hoiil:ed A Waft in his Enfign A Signel for all Boats on board we Sent our boat on Board the Gen^ Sent us Some frefli Beef on Board So Ends this twenty four hours. Saterday 31^'' augutt this Day the Wind Southerly and Clear about three P. M : the Comedore hoiited A 273 White Pendent on F. T. M. head A Signal for all Cap- tains to Come on Board accordingly they Went the General informd them that thare was Complant Made by the Inhabitants that thare houfes ware Rob"^ of Furneture thare fields and Gardens of the frute thareof in thare abfence and Sepof '^ it to be done by the fleet y*^ General ordered that Cap*^^ Seaman & Sumner Should Go on Shore and vew the houfes & fields that the Inhabitants might Get Satiffaction for there Lofs and that no Boat Should be alow'^ to go on Shore Without an Officere in it who Should be anfwerable for the men So Ended this twentyfour hours Clear and Pleafent. Sabbath i^*^ September this Day the wind South and Clear and Pleafent about four P. M. the Comedore gave A Signel for Saileing the whole fleet was Emmeadiately under way. Run Down as tar as the Bay weft of Split Rock and Came too about Eight P. M : So Endes this twentyfour houres Monday 2^^ Sep^'"" this Day about Eight A : M : the Commedore had intilligence that the Enemy was about four miles from us Down the Lake he Imeadiately Sent his Boat through the fleet to be Ready for action at A minutes Warning accordingly we Rouled all hands up and Prepared for Battle on y^ Shorteft Notice about Sun Rife orders was Given for Saileing the Whole fleet immedeately Got under Way Run Down as far as Gillilands Crick orders was Given that A boat Should be Sent up to Ticonderoga accordingly Cap' Simmons Sent his Boat With four hands on Board Run Down about one mile below the four Brothers Eleaven A : M : the wind Luld Row*^ onwards and Came too an anchor at the Lower End of Schilers Ifleland 4 : P. M. in ten 35 274 fathom ot water the wind Shitted to S. W. So Ended the twentyfour hours. Tuefday 3*^ Sep*^"" this Djiy the wind trefli Southerly about Sun half an houre in the morning orders ware Given that Some men out of all the Vefalls in the fleet to go on Shore on Shilers lileland to make Dilcoveing, about Eight A : M. the Scout Return'^ found nothing imiediately the General Gave orders for Sailing the whole fleet Got under way about nine A. M Stood Down the Lake with frefli Breeze, about one P. M. Ariv'^ to Cumberlen head Whare our men in Boats Difcovered Some men in Number about twenty they fired three Swivels at them and then made to the fleet Some Rifell men Landed and Sarch*^ Cp'^ Simmons Put our Gondola about and Stood for the Land but Soon Recevd orders for makeing all the Sail he Could Down the Lake he Did ariv*^ to Ifle mott about tour P. M. Run Down by the white house about three miles which is Ninety three miles from Crown- point and twenty Seven miles from S' Johns Came too form"^ A line up and Down the River imediately after we Came too Recev'^ orders that four Boats Should be imploy'^ as A Scout two to go Down the River and make Dilcoveries accordingly they Did three men in one boat fired at A Houfe and made an Alram all hands on Board was order'^ to thare Station Continued So untill morning So Ended this twentyfour hours. Wednelday 4*^^ Sep'''" this Day the Wind at Nor west and Clear about ten A. M. we made Difcovery of Some Enemy on Shore the General Sent Six Boats to See who they ware they went Down the Lake about three miles about 1 P. M we heard them fire the General Gave orders for the Revenge and Liberty to Git under Way 275 imediately Down the Lake they Sone Returnd and Brought intilegence that the Enemy ware on an Ifleland about four Miles Down the Lake with Some field Pieces with them as Nigh as they Could Gues thare was about one hundred in Number. imediately the Gen'"^ ordrerd that the fleet Should form A Line of Battle acrols the Lake in the following form. the Royal Savague and Lee in y^ Senter N haven on the Right Enterprife on the Left. Botlon on the Right Providence on the Left Philad* on y^ Right Spitfire on the Left Jarfey on y® Right Connecticut on the Left Liberty on y® Right Revenge on the Left. >-. •M P V 03 O 02 c c id c ■t-i '> o ^ ■1-1 ,0^ OJ ;_! X^ i7, ii^, 22'J 340, 345, 350, 353, 357- Betts, 340. Burrel, 306. Bigelow, Maj., 14. Bill, 81. Lieut., 287. Billings (Billins), 90. Peleg, 258. Bishop, David, 220. Blackman, Jack, 287. Blague, Capt., 223, 228. Blakslee, Jared, 220. Obed, 220. Blanford, 132. Blany, 74. Blinman, Rev. John, 3. Blover (See Glover). Block Island, 106. Boardman, Oliver, 221, 232. Bocage, Daniel, 6. Elizabeth, 6. Hon. G. W., 6. Joseph, 6. Leonidas, 6. Bolecer, 265. Bolton, 359. Bond, 288. Lieut.-Col., IS, 17, 23. Bonney, Jams, 258. Booth, 303. Bornam, Capt., 119. Boston, I, 4, 2?,, 34, 2,7, 45, 52, 54. 9i. 93, 97, 99, loi, 102, 103, 106, loS, 109, 118, 122, 127, 136, 177, 232. 233, 237. Boston, 270, 275, 276. Boston Neck, 107. Bostwick, 309, 310. Bourn, Peter, 108. Boyd, 310, 312. Bozrah, 334. Bracket, Lieut.-Col., 18. Col., 29. Bradford, 315. Ens. William, 260. Bradley, 251, 343. Lieut., 213. Gcrshom, 346, 353. Ilezekiah, 342. Brainerd, 30T. Brave, 156. Bray, John, 23. Breggs, 260, 261. Brentts, 245. Brice, Capt., 156. Brickit, Col., 54. Bridges (Brigg, Brigges), Col., 13, . 25, 42, 46, 53, 56, 57- Brigham, Lieut., 42. Brinley, 136. Brish, 314. Bristol Ferry, 369. Brocket, Capt., 179. Enos, 220. Isaac, 220. Isaiah, 220. Jacob, 220. John, 220. Monson, 220. Brookfield, 131. Brookline, loi, 102, 103, 334. Brooks, Maj., 17, 22, 25, 27, 46, 54. Broton, Nathan, 257. Brown, 260, 261. Gov., 199. Lieut.-Col., 23. Maj., 144, 145, 245, 246, 247, 248, 257- James, 257. Maj. John, 242. John C, 258. Rufus, 64. Thomas, 70. Bruckit, Lieut.-Col., 23. Bruer, Adj., 65, 72,- 85, 90. Col., 25, 70, y2, 81,^85, 88. Col. David, 56. Col. Jonathan, 57. Brunson, Ebenezer, 355. Bruster. Lieut., 64, 72>- Buck, Roger, 300. Buck! and, Capt., 289. Buel (Beucl, Buwell), Capt, 258. Col., 266, 288, 290. Bulkclcy (Buckley), Gershom, 300. John, 338. Joshua, 299. Roger, 299, 300. Bunker Hill, 4, 24, 36, 39, 45, 120, 121, 123, 129. Bunnell, Capt., 180. Burden, Stephen, 103. Burgoyne, 221, 227, 228, 230, 232, 237- Gen., 229, 23T, 233, 234, 282. Lieut. -Gen. John, 235, 236. Burk, Abisha, 257. Burlingham, 361. Jeremiah, 344, 2,^7, 360. Pardon, .•^45. 373 Burlingham, 360. Bunniugham, Jeremiah, 344. Burnham (Biirnam), 68, 81. Burr, 208, 353. Burrill, 292. Benjamin, 312. Col. Charles, 259. Isaac, 335. Burrough, Lieut. William B., 155. Burts, 217. Bush, 260. Butler, 35, 213, 214. Capt., 19, 71. Butterik (Butrick), 16. Maj., 18. Button, Daniel, 84. Byant, John, 258. Byram River. 217. Cadwell, x\aron, 242. Timothy, 179. Cagcston, Elish.. 97, 108. Calender, Capt., 40. Capt. John, yj. Cambridge, 3, 4, 9, 11, 19, 28, 29, 30. ?>Z, 36, 38, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 60, 61, 66, 67, 68, 71, 72, 74, 76, T], 79, 80, 81, 82, 87, 88, loi, 104, 105, 108, 120, 121, 127, 130, 131, 133. Camp, 329. Dea.. 330. Luke, 98, 133. Campbell (Camel). Lieut., 155. Lieut. -Col. Archibald, 177. Canaan, 133. 223, 241, 253, 305. Canada, 136, 144, 147, 148, 151, 155, 227, 235, 236, 239, 242, 248, 259, 278. Canterbury, 334. Cape Breton, 6. Cape Fear River, 7. Carillion, 265. Carlton, 148. Gen., 151, 166. Gov.. 155, 166, 167, 171. Sir Guy, 235. Carmil, Daniel, 48. Carnes, Maj., 147. Gary, Maj., 190, 191. Case, Dudley, 253. Dudley, Jr., 260. Seth, 149. Casson, Walter, 341. Catling, Lieut., 64. Ceders, The, 265, 266. Chaffee. 261, 360. Chambly, 136, 144, 145, 146, 150, 156, 158, 161, 169, 171, 172, 244, 24s, 246, 252, 261, 267. Chandler, John, 257. Chappel, Comfort, 64. Joshua, 63, 64. Chapin, Capt. Israel, 74. Chapman, Capt., 64, 70, 83. Charles, Daniel, 248. Joseph, 248. Charlestown, 22, 25, 28, 29, 120, 178. Charlestowfn Road, 14. Chatham, 334. Chelsea, 46, 48, 58, 126, 130. Cheseman, Capt., 258. Cheshire (Shesher), 301, 302. Chester, Capt., 35. Col., 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 188, 189, 192. Commandant, 203, 209. Chester, 132. Childs, Capt., 320. Chistester, William, 257, 320. Chrik, 357. Church, Col., 57, 79. Clapp, 328. Mrs., 7. Esther, 6. Samuel, 6. Clark (Clerk), 301. Capt., 23, 66. Col., 186. Lieut., 356. Lieut.-Col.. 18. Mrs., 303, 323, 351. Capt. Eathan, 106. Isaac, 256. Serj. James, 259. Thomas, loi. Claverack, 241. Clemmons, 306, 308, 309, 314, 316, 317, 319, 320, 321, 322, 325, 326, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 337, 340, 341, 345, 346, 352, 353- John, 336. William, 305, 308, 344. Clift (Cleft), Capt., ^z, 70, 83, 102, 103, 104. Clinckhill, 253. Cochrun. Capt., 245, 246. Capt. Robert, 242. Cock, Capt., 159. Cogswell, 329, 330. Coit, Capt., 4, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34. 36, 42, SI, 53, 55, 70, 83, 93- 374 Coit, Ann, 6. Daniel, 3, 6. Elizabeth, 6. Esther, 6. John, 3. Joseph, 3. Leonidas, 6. M. E. S., 3. Sarah, 6. Capt. William, i, 3, 5, 7. 9. 11. William, Jr., 6. Cokcnowago, 244. Colchester, 299, 334. ("oleman, 349. Cole, Gideon, 34, 35. Coles, Capt., 30S. 309. ^,3,6. Coleverson, Jarnes, Si^. Collin, Lieut., 72. Colwell, ri3. Comstock, Theophilus, 257. Ciingress. 283, 284. Congress Bridge, 200. Conimicut Point, 369. Conisadoga, 264, 265. Connecticut, 4, 5, 9. 19. 26. 78, 82. 136, 153, 158, 162, 164. 165, 170. 172, 179, 180, 183. 184, 208, 209. 289. Connecticut, 270, 271, 275, 276. Connecticut River. 5. Converse, Alpheus, 336. Cook, Col., 217, 225. Ebenezer, 185. Cooper, Levi, 214, 220. Mary A., 180. Samuel, 258. Thomas, 220. Coottins Manor, 307. Cornwall, 223. Cory. Josiah, loi. Cotes, Ben., 335. Eliphalet, 335. Jeanis, 317, 351. Cotton, Capt.. 19. Col.. 56, 72, 78, 81. Couch, 341, 342, 344. 345, 346. 353. Simon, 343. " Tomme," 344. Courtland, Col., 214. Dr.. 214. Courtland Manor, 310, 312. Coventry, 119, 33^, 359- Covert, 266. Charles, 2(^3. Cowass. 250. Criger, 290. Cristy, Col., 253. Croo, Elius, 255. Croston, Ens., 59. William, 36. Crown Point, 139, 140, 242, 248, 250, 2 S3, 257, 267, 270, 274, 28 1, 284, 286, 287, 289. Crumpond, 307, 314, 320. Cumberland Head, 243, 274, 279, 280, 281. Cummins, Lieut., 251. Cumpo, 305. 310, 346. Cupbaidge, Lieut. George, 155. Curtin, Maj., 13. Curtice, Serg., 186. Gushing, Col., 77. Cutler, 335. Danbiiry, 209, 300, j J3, 30J, joj, jo6, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313,. 314, 316, .319, 320, 328, 329, 330, 33i\ .^38, 339, 340. 341, 342, 343. .344. 345. .346, 348, 3T. VJ. r.x. 354. 357- Danbury Lsland, 3^ •. Dane. 1-evi, 258. Danielson, 73. Col., 56, 70. 72, 81. 88. Dapless, Nicholas, 263. Darrow, Lieut., 63, 68, 84. 88. Christopher, 89. Davenport, 208. Mrs., 208. Davis, James, 257. John, 59. Julius, 260. Lieut. Reuben, 74. Da3% Adj., 89. Dayton, Jonathan. 220. Deane, Silas, 354. Decatur, Com., 6. Dedham. 119. Deer Hill, 3S8. Deerfield, 292. Defence, 5. Deming. "Jno.," 2:7. Demmon, 349. Demontiyny, 264. Denison's Bridge, 334. Despard, Lieut. John, 155. Devons, 14. Dewey (Deuc), 241. Dewolf. 316, 331, 337. Dibble, 316. .•■;4S. Joseph, 328. Dickinson, 182. Dilivar, 313. Capt., 310, 313. Samuel, 311. 375 Diinon, Capt., 150. Dinsmore, Lieut. Bracket, 14. Dobbs Ferry, 199, 208, 209, 211 Dod, John, 358. Dogg (Dodge ?), Nathan, "jt^. Doolittle, 307. Capt, 307, 312. Col., 14, 56. Lieut., 301. Dorchester, 67, 86, 103, 106. Dorince, 83. Dote, -jz, 83. Douglas, 70, 8r. Brig.-Gen., 237. Col., 105. 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 185, 188. 189, 190, 191, 207. Com., 156. Maj., 143. Douglas, 156. Drake, Capt., 311. Draper. Thomas, 91. Dresser, ^^6, 359. D^d!eJ^ Edward, ^6. Duffee, Lieut. William, 155. Duggan, Capt., 145. Dulhuntly, Lieut. Lawrence, 155. Dundee. Capt. Peter, 155. Dun!}', Thomas. 40. Dunmore. Lord, 178. Dupe, .Simeon, 260. Durgee, Col.. 197. Durham, 301. Durkey, Maj., 21. Dyer, Solomon, 268. Eager. CoL. 65. Earls, Jacob, wid. of, 335. Eason, Col., 158, 160, 167. East Chester. 200, 213. East Haddam, loi. 300. East Hartford, loi. East River, 189, 192, 193, 198. Eastman, Peter, 220. England, 152. Edmunds, Lieut., 64, 68, 70, 83, no. E[ ]rs. Maj., 257. Eldridge. Lieut., 63, 70, 73, 82, 83, _ 84, 88. . . ElHer, Amab, 263. Ellis. Lieut. Amos. 74. Elmor, Maj., 2=;2, El well, 338; Ely, 90. Capt., 65. 84, 89, 109. Lieut.. 68. England, 152. Eno (Enough), 217. Enterprise, 146, 152, 242, 270, 271, 275, 276. Evens, 313. Iwarts, Capt. Joel, 258. ICzekiel, Capt, 354. Fairfield, 319, 323, 340, 341, 342, 344, 350, 352, 354- Fall Bay, 272. Fall Harbour, 272. i Fall River, 365. Fargo, 73, 83. Moses, 9. Farmington, 3, 113, 223, 239, 241, 308, 309, 336, 359. Farnum, Joseph, 365. Noah, 336, 360, 361. 364. S., 362. Fay, Capt Josiah, 74. Febiger, 18, 22. Fellows, Col., 56, 72, 86, 88. Gen., 2or, 220, 229. Fenncr, 363. Ferris, 247, 250. Figment Point, log. Fisher, Eleazer. 260. Fisher's Island, 115, 117. Fishkill, 338, 345. Fisk, Ens., 162. Finne, Col., 288. Flatbush, 186, 237. Flats, 224. Flower, Serj. Cornelius, 260, 2i^7. 295- Fobes, Simeon, 359. Ford, Isaac, 182. Forman, Thomas, 258. Fort Edward. 139, 260. Fort George, 241, 253, 260, 267. Fort Independence, 213, 214. Fort Lee, 210, 211, 212. Fort Miller, 253. Fort Montgomery, 329. Fort Schuyler, 236. Fort Washington, 180, 181, 199, 204. 205, 207, 208, 210, 211, 357. Foster, Capt., 59. Dr.. 71. Lieut., 19. James, 34, 35, 71. Four Brothers, 243, 247, 250, 273, 277. Fox. 25, 29, 46. 53, 56. Lieut., 276. 280, 281. Allen, 257. Ansel. 279. Lieut. Jacob, 283. 376 France, 354. Frances, Capt., 19. Frasier, 228. Capt., 166. Frederixburg, 319, 338. Freeman, 88. Lieut. John, 155. Thomas, 88, 89. Freetown, 365. P^rench, Ichabod, 257. Fresh Pond, 33. Frog's Neck, 217. Frog's Point, 199, 200, 201. Frost, 260, 261. Frothingham, ^y, 45. Fry, Col., 13, 19, 23, 26, 57. Fuer, Corp. Bonvan, 263. Serg. Bonvan, 263. Gage, Gen., 4, 97, 108, 152. Gager, 14. Gale, Capt., 63, 64, 82, 84, 89, loi. William, 104. William W., 84, 89. Gallup, Lieut., 72, 81, 88. Gardiner, Capt., 75. Col., 19, 25, 32, 41, 57. Capt. Christopher, 79. Gates, 81. Gen., 229, 230. Maj.-Gen., 233, 234, 235. Brig.-Gen. Horatio, 42. Gay. Col.. 179. George. King, 5. George's Tavern, 102. Gerish, 22. Col., 17, 25, 27, 41, 57, 58. Gerry, Col., 30. Gibbs. 27, 28, 30, 52, 55, 61. Moore, 257. Gilbert, Lieut., 213. John. 220. Gillet (Jillet). 354. 356, 358. Adna, 353- T-emucl, 257. Gilliland, 248, 250. GilHland's Creek, 253, 271, 273, 284. Glasgow, 132. Gloucester, 3. Glover, 25, 71. Col.. 25, 26, 33. 4T, 44. 49, 54. 57. 7h 79- Commedant. 209. Lieut. -Col., 29. Gognoug, Lieut., tO- Gonsavort, Maj., 258. Goodrich, Lieut. Silas, 74. Goodwin, Capt., 156. Goodwin, James J., 136. Solomon, 257. Goodyear, John, 184. Gordon, Capt. Andrew, 155. Goruni, Isaac, 340. Goshen, 223. Governor's Island, 180, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 189, 193- Grajo, Mary, 169. Grand Isle, 249, 252, 261. Grant, Capt., 270. Graton, 288. Col., 286. Gray, 260. Great Britain, 152, 197, 233. 235, 241. Great Swamp, 223. Green, 16, 26, 27. Brig.-Gen., 57. Capt., 293. Col., 13. Gen., 60. Green Woods, 232. Greenbush, 224, 232, 241, 253, 260. Greenfield, 340, 342, 343. Green's Farms, 340, 344. Gridley, Capt., 35. Col., 35, 36, 40, 41, 43, 48, 49, 59, Isaiah, 260. Griffin, Capt., 33. Grigs, 306. Grinman, Samson, 258. Grinnel, 324, 329. 330, 331, 337. Capt., 316, 353, 354. Griswold. Gov., 118. Grog Harbour, 250. Guire, 342, 343, 345, 346. Stephen, 340. Gurdon, Ens. James, 155. Gwyn's Island, 178. Haddam, 182, 300, 301. Hadley, 132. Hadlyme, 113. Half-a-brook, 253. Half Moon, 139, 224, 241. Halis, 67. Hall, 329, 330. Ens., 64. 73. Lieut. Aseph, 258. Eliab, 180. Lieut. Noah, 74. Hallam, 65, 90. Hamcr, Lieut.. 156. Hamilton, Brig.-Gen., 236. Hampton. 334. Handcock. T46. - Hanford, 343, 346. 377 Hanford, Joseph, 342. Hardy, 19, 23, 26, 27, 29, 44, 49, 54. Harlem, 189, 192, 193, 196, 198, 210, 237- Harris, 260. Harrison, Lieut., 156. Jacob, 248. Harrison, 4, 93. Hart, Col., 194. Peleg, 291. Hartford, 113, 133, 136, 232, 241, 299. 308, 330, 336, 358, 359- Harvard College, 58, 6y. Harwinton, 308, 309, 2>Z^- Haskel (Harskel, Horskel), 81, 299, 300, 303, 30s, 311- 313, 31S, 335- Capt., 304, 305, 310. Hawkins, Charles, 364. Hawley, 339, 340. Joseph, 258. Hay, Lieut. Alexander, 155. Hayden, Serg., 256. Uriah, 5. Hazen, Serg., 258. Heath, Col., 68, 253. Brig.-Gen., 57. Gen., 57. 189, 208. Heaton, Calvin, 220. Hebron, 136. Hellgate, 191, 192, 193. Henshaw, Col., 13. Herrick, 304, 305, 306, 310, 3x1, 313. 315, 317. 318. 319. 323, 324, 32s, 327, 328, 330, 332, 333, 334, 337, 347, 348, 356. 357, 359. Stephen, 299, 300, 310, 355. LTesketh, Capt. Thomas, 155. Hezekiah, 354. Hibbard, Adj. Thomas, 294. Higgins. Capt., 182. Highlands, 178. Highlanders' Bonnet, 270, 271. Hill, 81. Jared, 220. Hinman, Col., 72, 252. Benjamin, 259. Col. Benjamin, 253, 254, 255, 256. Hinsborough, 261. Hitchcock, 308. Col., 57, 75- Jacob, 220. Hobby, Maj., 141. TTodec. Ens., 250. TTolden. 17, 22. Col., 14. Holmes, Cnl., 85. Lieut., 184. 48 Honee, widow, 253. Hooker, Mehitable, 3. Hopkins, Daniel, 105. William, 105. Horseneck, 213, 218, 219, 305, 328. Hosmer, Corp. Elisha, 260. Prentice, 242, 248, 251. Simeon, 242, 251. Hough, Serg. Phinehas, 180. Howe, Gen., 200, 206, 217, 233. Lord, 177, 178, 180. Lord Viscount, 179. Sir William, 235. Howland's Ferry, 365. Hoyt, 314, 319, 3"20, 338, 351, 358. Capt, 310, 311, 315, 318, 328, 329, 330, 332, 345, 346, 348, 350, 351, 353, 356, 358. Agur, 349. Amos, 315, 356. C. .357- Comfort, 303, 326, 352. Hoyt Hill, 315, 318, 319, 320, 321, 323, 324, 32s, 326, 327, 329, 330, 331, 332. 337, 339, 343. 347. 353- Hubbard, 288. 292. TTubbel, 306, 328. LIudson River, 180. Huet, 62. Lieut., 63, 88. Hughes, Lieut. Charles, 155. Hunt, 19. Huntins, 319. Huntington, i8s. Col., 186. Tlurd, Gen., 181. Hurlburt, Levi, 255. Hutchison, Col., 14. Lieut. -Col., 22. Hyde. Lieut., 19, 65. '_ Inman, 14. Ireland, 179. Irish, Benjamin. 104. Isham, Capt., 182. Isle Anon^ 267, 277. Isle au Noix, 140, 141, 142, 144, 252. 282. Isle Bellchore, 280. Isle of Mott, 139, 249, 274. 276, 279. Israel, 335. Ives, Abraham, T79. Stephen, 220. lack, 260, 276. Jackson, 260, 335. Maj., t6, to. 24. Tacobs, Maj., 8r. Ezekiel, 220. 378 Jacobs, Solomon, 220. Jersey, 275, 276. Jesse, 335, 336, 361, 365, 366, 367, 368. Jinnings, Joshua, 343. Jizzup, Dr., 342, 346. John, 335, 336. 338, 361, 362, 364, 365. 366, 367, 368. Johonnott, Col., 51, 55. Maj., 26. 27. Johnson, 147. " Gy," 248. Johnston. 316. Benjamin, 317. Johnston, 119. Joncc, 241. Jones, Dea., 87. Lieut.-Col., 16. Joslen, 330. Jesse, 3^6, 360. John, 344, 361. Joseph, Jr., 297, 330, 361. Jndd, 244. Keeck, Philip, 312. Keeney, Alexander, 89.- Ke,srwin, Thomas, 104. Kellogs, Eldad, 260. JCillingly, 181, 299, ^-[t,, 334, 359, 360. 369. Kimball, 335. I.ieut., 264. Jesse, 261. Com. Jesse, 294, 295, 296. Lient. Jesse, 262. Kinner. Capt. Francis, 155. Kinder Hook (Canter Hook), 223. 224. 232. King's Bridge, 180, 181, 189, 193. 199, 200, 203, 209. King's Ferry, 211, 312. King's Street, 217, 328. Kingsbnr}', 139. Kingsbury, 241. Knap, 357. Dca, 324, 357. Timothy. 258. Kory, Josiah, loi. Kotton. Capt., 19. Keves. T,ietit., 19. T.abonee, Sineyer, 26?. T.a Corn, St. Tukc. 166. I.ake, 3x5. T.aK'e Chamnlain, 202, 261. T,ake Erie. 6. T.ake George, 130, 234, 267. Lahe Monster, 252. T-amb, Capt., 160, 161. Lamonte, Ellinci, 263. Ease's Camp, 291. Lashene, 264, 265, 266. Eashcr, Col., 185. Eatham, Ens., 64, 70, 81, 88, 90. Eieut., 63. Lathrop, 81. Capt. Daniel, 74. Latimer, Ens., 63, 64, 84. Lawrence, 260. Leammons (see Scammons). Learned (Eernod), 68. Col., 56, 72, 80. Leason, Capt., 19. Lebanon, 5, 287, 299. Lechmcre's Point, 26, 27, 30, 36, 42, 51, 55. 58, 127. Ledyard. John, 260, 265. Lee, 62, 360. Capt., 277. Gen.. 2,3, 58, 98, 128, 129, 133, 134, 178, 203, 209, 220. Lieut., 63. Maj., 49. 54- Maj. -Gen., 50, 57. Mai. -Gen. Charles, 31. Lee, 62, 360. Leeds, Thomas, 62,. Legger, John, 242, 245, 246, 247, 248. Leonard, John, 258. Le Point a Clare, 264. Leponess, Peter, 263. LcPraire, 145, 146, 148, 162, 163, 165, 168, 172, 266, 278. Lester, 131. Let, Ens., 65. Leues, Dr., 251. Levve, Joseph, 263. T>eveete, Lieut. Francis, 261. Lexington, 3, 123. Liberty. 146, 243, 269. 270, 274. 275. 276. 279. 281. 283. Lieht House Island, 78. Lillington. 7. Col. Alexander, 6. George, 6. Lilly. John. 178. Lincoln. Gen., 20T, 20Q. 215, 229. Litchfield. 113. 223, 308, 309. 329. .330. 3.36. Little (Littel), Col., 25, 60. 6^. Jesse. 315. Livingston. T43. t66. 241. Capt. John, 155. Lockwood, Joseph. 305. 316. T.ondon. 6. London's Ferry, 224. 379 Lonetown, 340. Long Island, 102, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 190, 193, 217, 237, 356. Long Point, 97, 105. Longuiel, 146, 150, 171, 172, 261. Loomis, 241. Loudon, 132. Louis Phillippe, 6. Lovel, 199. Loyd, 2,^2, 3^4, 3^8, 2,2^, 2,23, i27, 350, 358. Lyman, 98. Simeon, iii. Lyme, 9, 113, 117, 118. Lyon, 217. Capt., 258. Joseph, 339. Josiah, 338. McCan (McCain), Daniel, 64, 89. McCarty, 256. McCleugh, 156. McCoy, Capt. English, 156. McDaniel, James, 71. McDonald, Lieut. Danold, 155. McDougal, Col., 184, 250, 258, 259. Gen., 200, 209. Lieut., 258. McFaist, Alexander, 258. McGregor, Lieut., 65. Lieut. John, 74. JMcLean, 324, 330. John, 303, 327, 2?>2. 7,2,3- Pol., 2,32- McLoraw, Serg., 278, 279. McNeel, 241. Macpherson, Aidecamp John, 259. Maicoe, Daniel, 341. Maiden, 2^, 58. Mallate. 264. Mand, no. Alan.sfield, 22^- Col, 15, 18, 22, 25, 56. Marlborotigh (Morlbury), 131. Maroneck, 217, 2ig. Marss. Patrick. 257. Marsdon. 17, 21, 24. Marsh. John, ^^4, 3^^. 360. Martin, "Col., 186. " jNIarven, 305, 306, 338. Mathew. 304, 27,7 ■ Maryland, 181. Massachusetts. 2(^- 43. 45- 5-. 56. 57 73, 77, T7Q, 180. 181, 199. 209. 210. 233, 234, 235. Mead, Capt., 141, 149. Medford, 28, 58. Mcdcalf, 247, 248, 249. Medcalf s Creek, 249. Medway, 29. Meek, Josiah, 258. Mekenster, 241. Melally, Lieut, 5. Melvill, 70. Mendham, 103. Menotomy (see Notomy). fiercer. Gen., 187. Meriden, 233- ;Merril, Capt., 319, 338. Dr. Hezekiah, 241. Titus, 260. Mesesque Bay, 249. JMesesque Creek, 247. Messinger, Uriah, 258. Middlesex, 304, 305, 328, 337. Middletown, 113, 221, 223, 237, 301, 334- .Alifflin, Gen., 189. Aidecamp Thomas, 31. Mighels, Thomas, 335. Mildes Bridge, 365. Miller, 253. Maj., 13. Mills, 223. Lieut. John, 260. Miner, 261. Minnar, 247, 248, 261. Capt., 244, 245. Minneere, 252. Minns, William, 78. Mirey Brook, 321, 325. Mistic, 122, 123. Mitchell, Maj., 80. Mofit, Caleb, 312. Mohawk River, 248. Montague, 16. 18, 23. Montressor's Island, 192, 193, 198. Montgomery, 136. Gen., 150, 151, 165, 166, 172, 259. Montreal, 136, 146, 147, 148, 153, 159, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 172, 226, 244, 261, 265, 266, 267. ]\Toodus, .^00. Moore. 260, 285. Ebenezer, 343. Moore's Creek. 6. Morgan. 62, 97, 324, 332, 353. Capt., 305, 316, 317, 318, 319, 327, 334, 340, 350, 352. Col., 231. Ens.. 62. 64. Ens. Nathaniel, 99. Morris. 353. Sam., 323. ATorrison, 319. i8o Morrison, William, 169. Morrissania, 197. Morton Peris, TJ. M.OSCS, 302. Aiotiyc, Francic, 263. Mott, 314. . Capt., 101, 150, 257, 259. Corp. Adam, 257. Mould, Hugh, 3. Moulton, Licut.-CoL, 17. Lieut. William, 260. Mount Tom, 308, 309, 329. Mowry, Col., 369. Judge, 361, 363, 365, 369. Mrs., 364. Job, 363. Jude, 360. William, 321, 338, 359, 369. Mun, John, 302. Mungor, Jerael, 360. Munkton, 261. Munson, 305. Ebenezer, 303. Munyan, Joseph, 334, 335. Murdock, 218. Frances, 6. Rev. Jonathan, 6. Murfee, Dr. Morrison, 359. Murray, 35. Clark, 257. Joseph, 263, 360. Murrayfield, 132. Mystic, 122, 123. Narrows, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 185. Nelson, 260, 261. Nevins, TZ-, 82. Ens., 84. New Brunswick, 212. New City, 253. New England, 5, 150, 162, 177. New Glasgow, 132. New Hampshire, 2^, 50, 52, 56, 59. New Hartford, 241, 260. New Haven, 213, 219, 261, 355. Neiv Haven, 270, 275, 276. New Jersey, 181, 186, 200, 210, 211, 212, 2T7, 219. New London, i, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 98, loi, 104, 113, 115, 116, 117, 119, 133. New Marlborough, 132. New Milford, 308, 309, 310, 329. 330, 336. New Rochel, 201, 213, 217. New York, 5, 6, 7, 136. 140, mo. 159 160, 162, 172. 175, 179. 180, 185, t86, 187. 189, 197. 198, 204, 207, 217, 235, 237, 257, 259, 286, 287 305, 3^1. Nezv York, 279, 280. Nevvall, Capt., 19. •Newbury, 329. Newfields, 223. Newman, Samuel, 316. Newmarch, Capt. Timothy, 155. Newport, 217, 366. Newton (New Town), 186, 192, 193, 194, 303, 313, 326, 331, Z2>^, m, 351, 359- Nichols, 2)Z^- Ens., 259. Nixon, Col., 14, IS, 17, 22, 25, ZZ, 35, 45, 56, 59, 62, 71. Gen., 209. Lieut.-Col., 21, 24. Col. John, SI, 52. Nobletown, 223, 232, 241, 253, 260. Norfolk, 260, 340. North Carolina, 6, 7. North Casteel, 328. North Fairfield, 340. North Haven, 136, 219, 220. North Providence, 369. North River, 179, 180, 181, 182, 19S, 199, 201, 208, 210, 214, 237, 310, 31^, 313. 330, 349- Northam, Capt., 320. Northampton, 132. Northbury, 131. Northington, 2Si. Norton, Capt., 66. Notomy, 123. 125, 126. Norwaik, 304, 306, 328, ZiT- 7)^^, 34° 341. 343- Norwich, 4. iiQ, 316, 334. Norwich Landing, 119. Nouland, Moses, 314. Oarly. David, 344. Oblong, 314, 338. Olcott, 3S9. Oliver. Lieut.-Gov., 66. Oliver Cronnvell, S- Olmstead, 300. Onion River. 250. 251, 261. ,Only. Henritc, 363. Osborn. 347, 355. Osgood, 14. Samuel, 54. Mai. Samuel, 15, t6. Otis. 132. Otter Creek. 261. 268. 271. Palfrey. Capt. William, 50, Palmer, 73. Beniamin, 2^7. Park, Lieut.-Col., t8. Parker, 322. Capt., 59. 22>, 328. 329, 332. Pelett, P., 262. Pen Brook, 322. Perkins, "j},. Capt., 71. Perry, Com. O. H., 6. William, 258. Phelps, Hezekiah, 258. Philadelphia, 178. Philadelphia, 269, 270, 275, 276. Phillips, 113, 209, 215, 308, 309. Maj.-Gen., 236. Phillips, Presink, 314. PhilHpsburg, 201. Phinnie, Col., 57, 68. Phoenix, 183. Pierpont, Thomas, 220. Pine Blufif, Ark., 6. Pine Swamp, 334. Pitkin, Col., 73, 74. Pittsfield, 242. Plainfield, 119. Plat, 98, 109. Ens., 72. 90, 120. Plowed Hill, 130, 131. Plummer, John, 361. Point Afair, 278. Point Pleasant, 139. Polle, Drum Maj., 07, 108. Poller, George, 105. Polock, 334. Pomfret, 299, 336, 359. Pompilly, G., 121. Poor, Col, 56, 288. iVIaj., 16, 18, 22, 30, 53. Pope, Lieut., 74. Porter, 113, 288. Col., 13, Lieut., 19. Serg., 115. Maj., 194. John, 344. Portsmouth, 369. Potter, 247, 249. Pound Ridge, 305, 316. Powderhorn Hill, 46. Powel, 261. Powlis Hook, 197, 200. Prentiss (Prentice), Maj., 70, 78, 84. Capt. John, 5. Sarah, 5. Prescott, 24. Col., 19, 26. 27, 28, 44, SI, 57, 59, 66, 79. Gen., 166. Lieut.-Col., 16. Lieut.-Col. James, 71. Col. William, 24, 43, 44. Preston, Maj. Charles, 152, 154, 155. Primmer, Capt, 279, 281. Prospect Hill, 25, 32, 38, 41, 57, 60 125, 130. Providence, 4, 97, 106, 119, 179, 180, 360, 363, 369. Providence, 267, 270, 275, 276, 281. Pudding Point, 46. Putnam, 15, 18, 23. Col., 74. Gen., 20, 22, 23, 35, 52, 57, 66, 71, 91, 130, 189. Lieut-Col., 85. Maj., 16, 18. Maj.-Gen., 56, 57. Israel, 26. Capt. Israel, 56. Maj.-Gen. Israel, 31. Putnam Point, 285. Quebec, 136, 226. Quechctes, Jacob, 248. Rand, Dr., 33. Ransley, Col., 260. Raumog (Rawmoge), 308, 329. Ray, Levi, 220. Raymond. 90. Lieut., 64, 68, 90. Maj., 13. Setii, 276. Read's Creek, 67. 382 Red Hook, 187, 188, 189. Redding, 304, j. ^ 329, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 344, 345, 346, 348, 35i, 35-', 354, 356. Reed (Read), Hi, 250. Col, 56, 72, 73, 85, 288. Isaac, 347. Col. James, 56. Joseph, 31. Rehoboth, 365. Revenge, 270, 271, 274, 275, 276, 281. Rhode Isfand, 57, 79, 98, 117, 365, 366, 369. Richardson, Lieut. WiUiam, 155. Ridgebury, 307, 308, 312, 314, 315. Ridgefield, 303, 305, 316, 325, 327, 339, 357- Riedestel, Maj.-Gen., 236. Riley, Lieut., 288. Ripley, 263. Rev. Hezekiah, 341. River Jordan, 332. River Lakale, 282. Robertson (Roberson), 261. Col., 19, 52. Lieut.-Col., 14, 16, 26, 28, 61. Robey, Lieut. William, 260. Robins, Benoni, 102, 104. Cotes, 335. Robinson, 314. John, 299, 303, 305. Moses, 299, 300, 3 TO, 327. Rockwell. 232. Benjamin, 347, 351. Rocky Hill. 113. Roe, David, 353. \ Rogers, 202, 216, 311. Maj., 197. Rope Ferry, 98, 115, 118. Rose, 116. Rositer, 70. Lieut., 72, 81, 83. Rough, 307, 310. Rowley, Timothy, 255. Roxbury, 4. 30, 41, 42, 51, 56, 57, 61, 62. 65. 67, 68. 70, 72. 73, 74. 7=5. 77. 78, 79, 80. 81, 83, 84, 8s, 86. 88, 90, 99, 105. 107, 108, 120. 130. Royal Savage, 156, 268, 269, 271, 275 276, 282. Rue. Capt., 269. Russel, l\Iary, 335, 336. Rust, 359- Rye. 213. 217. Sabbath Day Point, 260. Sage, Col., 181, 185, 188. St. Ann's, 264, 265, 266, 293, 294, 295- St. Antony's Bay, 280. St. John's, 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146, 148, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 162, 163, 165, it)8, 169, 171, 172, 244, 246, 250, 252, 261, 266, 267, 274, 277, 278, 280, 287. St. Lawrence River, 147, 163. St. Lucia, 6. St. Paul's Island, 163, 165. Salem, 3, 307, 312, 313, 320. Salisbury, 132. Saltonstall, Gen., 209. Gov., 3. Samuel, 313, 3 1 5- Sanders, 76. Sandistield, 132. Sandy Hook, 181. San ford, 199, 340, 348. Hezekiah, 338, 340, 347, 350, 352. Joseph, 304. Saratoga, 227, 229, 231, 232, 241, 260. Sargent (Sergent), 209. Col., 38, 57. Lieut. Lemuel, 260. Savage, 270, 282. Saw Pits,, 207. Sawyer, Maj., 13. Saybrook, 5. Scammon (Seaman). Capt.. 268. 273. Col., 17, 21, 24, 25, 45, 52, 53, 57, 59. Scattacook, 228. Schiler's Island, 273, 274, 281, 284. Schoduck, 241, 253. Schuyler, 136. Gen., 139, 229. Maj.-Gen. Philip, 31. Schuyler, 146. Scituatc, 119. Scotch Bonnet, 268. Scott. 260. Capt., .38. John. 34, 35. Timothy, 257. Scougel, " Jemmy," 355. Seabury, Bishop. 6. Seaman (see Scammon). Sedgwick, Capt., 179, 250, 253, 254. 255, 256, 257. 258, 259. Maj.. 290, 29 T. Benjamin, 241. Rbenczer, 260. Capt. John. 241. 383 Scldcn, Col., 179, 182, 194. Sewel's Point, 41, 58. Seyley, John, 257. Seymour, John, 35. Sha, Timothy, 105. Shailer, Ens., 211. Shannon, 260, 261. Sharon, 11 1. Sharp, Gy, 253. Shaw, 116. Shed, Thomas, 89. Sheffield, 132, 223, 232, 241, 260. Shelden, 260. Shelter Rock, 319, 324, 332, 357. Shepard, Col., 79. Lieut., 74. Amos, 260, 269. Sherbonoo, " Jno," 263. Sherlon, Peter, 242, 244. Sherman, 208. David, 333. Shirley's Point, 46. Shrewsbury, 131. Shuttleworth, Lieut., is6. Sill. Capt., 64, 70, 83, 84. Silliman, 185. Col., 182, 189, 207. Simmons. Capt.. 267. 268, 269, 272 273, 274, 276, 277. Col., 292. Simsbury, 232, 253, 308, 328. Skeen, Gov., 199. Skeensborough, 139, 291. Skinner, Lieut., 74. Slate's Ferry, 365. Smith, 335. Dr., 223. Benaiah. 2^8. Clark, 258.^ T.. ?,63- John. 220. Capt. INTartin, 241. .Sam., 342. William. 334. Smithfield, 315. 335, 336. 360, 361, 369. Sorrell River. T45, 146, 158. t66. 245, 26 T. 267. ."^riuth Killinoly. 297, 299. .Southampton. 132. Southburv, 302. Southing-ton. 33?, 350. Sneiprht. "Pricr.-Gen., 2^6. Spf'ncer. "Rric-.-Gen., 5;6 Gen.. k6 72. 73. 90. tSo. tot. 20t. 205. ''08. 200. Gen. Nathaniel, tot. Spencer, 131. Sperry, 302. Joseph, 220. Spicer, 81. Capt., 64, 70, 83. Spiror, Capt., 97, 103. SpitHre, 270, 271, 272, 275, 276. Split Rock, 243, 269, 27T, 273. Sprague, Joseph, 365. Spring, 132. Springer, 3x5. Scjuantom, 86. Stacy, Maj., 17, 19, 23. Stamford, 303, 304, 305, 32S, 337 Stanley, David, 313. Stanton, Capt., 179. Stark, Col., 56, 288. Starr, 310, 324, 357. Capt., 258, 259. 359. Jonathan, 340. I-evi. 322. William, 258. -Staten Island, 179, 180. 181. 20c. Steele, Allen, 242, 25T. Eliphas. 260. Moses. 242, 248. Samuel, 260. Steer, 361. -Sterling, 4. Stern, Lieut. -Col., T9. Stevens, Capt.. 276. Capt. John, 259, 261. Oliver, 183. Stewart. Capt. Francis, T55. Phinehas, loq. Stiles. Capt., 38, 282. Stillwater, T39, 224, 241. 253, 26( Stirling. 208. Gen. Lord, 199, 201. Lord. 186. 202, 208. Stodard. Adj.. Luther, 257. Stoninarton, 97, TO.q. tt6, t 7. Stonv Hill. 337. 3.S8. '^^topford. Mai.. t';6. Scores. Lieut.-Col., 25. Storv, Ens. Solomon. 257 '^tout, 26T. St rone. Col., 287. Capt. Tohn. T55. '^'nart. Cant.. 250. Slurpee, David, 342. Seth. 343. ^'irress. 277. ^ndbnrv. T3T. "-Nuffield, T03 Sullivan. P>ri<;'^.-G(-n.. 56. Gen.. 98. T28, t86. 209. 384 Sumner, Capt., 273, 275, 276. Swaiiscy, 365. Sweet, 361. Swogoche, 266. Taft, Silas, 360. Talcott, Col. Matthew, 237. Taylor, 331, 348, 357- Capt., 317, 318, 325, 326, 349, 350, 354, 359- Maj., 354, 355. David, 317, 318, 333. Capt. David, 303. Jane, 349, 355. Samuel, 341, 342. Terry, James, 219. Thacher, Capt., 283. Thames River, 6. The Fly, 139. The Jump, 342, 344, 345, 346. Thield, 312. Capt., 320, Thomas, Brig.-Gen., 56. Gen., 56, 62, 68, 72, 79. Ens. Robert, 155. Thompson, Col., 194. Lieut. Edward, 155. Samuel, 104. Thorp, Jacob, 220. Joel, 220. Moses, 220. Samuel, 352. Three Mile Point. 286. Throop, Capt., 291. Tibbels, 314. Ticonderoga, 139, 140, 144, 149, 151, 225, 230, 231, 236, 242, 248, 250, 251, 253, 258, 259, 260, 261, 267. 269, 273, 276, 278, 279, 283, 285, 288. Tififany, 278, 279. Titus, 313. Tivytown, 365. Toaley, Andrew, 65. Tockconnuck Mountain, 253. Todd. Ebenezer, 220. En OS, 220. Gideon, 220. Jesse, 220. Yale, 220. Tommo. 249. Torrin7, 69, 93, 95, loi, 177, 178, 199, 202, 205, 208, 210, 211, 219, 226, 310. Washington, 283. W^aterbury, Col., 139, 140, 143, 159, 164, 169, 259. Gen., 202, 283. Waterbnry, 302, 333, 355, 359. W^aterhouse, Lieut., 64, 73. \ Waterman, 33. Lieut., 19. W'atertown, 33, 40, 76, 131. Watson, Capt., 145, 252, 288, 291. Wayn, 293. W^ebb, Lieut., 19. Lieut. Samuel, 56. Col. Samuel B., 328, 354. Webster, 77. Abraham, 260. Wells, Capt., 73. Ens., 294. Bayze, 239, 241. Ens. Bayze, 259, 260. Serg. Bayze. 257. 258. David, 34. 35, 43. John, Jr., 253. Capt. Levi, 74. Noah, 253. Serg. Paul, 281. Wenscout, 362. West, Gen., 366. West Britain, 223. Westchester, 199, 200, 216, 334. West Hartford, 179, 241, 251, 259. W^'estern, 131. Wethcrsfield, 349. W^eyniouth, T02. Wniitcomb, Col., 57. Lieut.. 278. Wbi^^e (WHiight^. 253. John. 33. White House, 253, 261. 274 W-'hite Plains, 202. 203. 206, 287. 320, 3^7- W^hitehall, 13Q. W'^itpcto'TP. 192. W'^itinsr. Capt.. 91. Col., 2T(S, 217. T ient.-Col.. t6. Benjamin. 67. 71. 49 Whitney, Capt., 241. Serg., 280. Wigglesworth, Com., 277. Wilder, 299, 310, 315. Aaron, 358. Moses, 299, 303, 334. Willcocks, Isaac, 319. Willet, Capt., 150. Williams, 90, 125, 213, 214, 215, 216, 354- Capt., 151, 155. Lieut., 64, 70, 90. Andrevk', 357. Elijah, 334. Jacob, 258. Jacob, Jr., 258. " Peecke," 249. Willington, Lieut. Edward, 155. Wilmington, 7. Wilson, 299. Wilton, 304, 306, 328, 337, 338. Windham, 299. Windsor, 183. Winslow, William, 71. Winter Hill, 38, 41, 56. Abner. 339. Winter Hill, 38, 41, 56. Wisenfelt, Capt., 258. I W^olcott, Gen. Roger, 5. Wolf, 315, 327, 329, 330, 332, 338, 353- Wood (Woods), 22. T)r., 347, 355. Maj., 14, 17, 18, 27, 29, 44, 45, 52, 55, 61. Luis, 66. Woodbridge, Col., 15, 18, 23, 57. Woodl)ury, 302, 313, 333, 350, 359. Woodruff, Serg., 248. W'^ooster, Gen., 136, 150, 159, 161, 163, 164, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 261. Woodward, 241. P. H., 3. Worcester, 71, 76, 131. Wrentham, 119. Wright, 251. Wyllys, 260, 261. Brig.-Maj., 194. Col., 185. Wyne, Col., 290. Wynkoop. Com., 269. Yale College, 3, 6, 136. Yankee, 156. Yarington, Daniel, 248, 258. Yellow House, 303. York, 276. Young, Capt., 266. "''' v> K. 'o •^v ■^ a'^ .-^^ .0^ ■>^ '\^ ^%^ L' ■-oo^ vN .>^' \V .p \>\ s \- s o o , ---, - N O .^^' '•>. ■■>, ,0 ■ > ■^. ,^^' •• .-^^^^ 'b. <' n>N -"'^ <^ o^' ''^^ '.v^ "... V^:rt^^,c^ ,_ v^ . >^' .^^ v^ ■''o ^^ "^^. v^ -^^ ^^^ V