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This was the aca- demy in which we ourselves were taught. To ano- ther school we have now endeavoured to introduce our youthful readers, where, by leaving the theory, we hope to have given them a light to guide them in the gratification of their innocent and favourite amusements. THE AUTHOR. Greenlaw, 1842. J. p. Wright, Printer, 13 New Street, New York. By l^Bfister Oept, of ii^cialttire OCr i ? 1940 2(f CONTENTS. THE BEE. Page i. Natural History of the Bee. 9 2. Swarming. ........ 19 3. Hives — different kinds generally in use, &c. . . 25 4. Ventilators and Thermometers. . . . . .31 5. Feeding Apparatus, ....... 33 6. Miscellaneous Management. . . , . .34 THE PIGEON. 1. Nature of the Pigeon. 41 2. Political view of the Pigeon 42 3. Varieties — The Slock Dove — Wood Pigeons — Tum- biers — Carriers — Pouters — Horsemen — Dragoons — Fantail — Jacobine, &c. 45 4. Diseases of Pigeons. ....,, 59 5. Laws in England regarding Pigeons. . . .59 6. Economy of Pigeons. ...... 63 7. The Dove Cote 66 8. Matching, or Pairing and Breeding of Pigeons. . . 71 9. Food of Pigeons , . .74 10. Uses of Pigeons. ....... 76 VUJ CONTENTS. THE RABBIT. Page Introductory Remarks. . . . . ^ .77 1. The Wild Rabbit. ....*..* .* 80 2. Common Domestic Rabbits. . . , . .81 3. Lop-eared or Fancy Rabbit 83 4. Colour of Rabbits 86 5. The Rabbit Hutch 90 6. Feeding. ........ 95 7. Breeding. ...,,.... 99 8. Diseases. ...,.,, . 102 9. General Observations 103 THE CANARY BIRD. 1. Origin. 2. Varieties. 3. Matching. 4. Pairing. 5. Breeding. 6. Mule Breeding. 7. Feeding. 8. Cages. 9. Building. 10. Sex. 11. Singing. 12. Teaching. 13 Diseases. 109 HI 117 122 129 134 139 140 143 144 146 148 150 APPENDIX. American Mocking-Bird. — The Robin. — Indigo Bird. — American Yellow-Bird. — Purple Finch, or Linnet. . 161-4 THE BEE. 1, Natural History of the Bee. — Providence, that delights in spreading beneficence as well as beauty over all creation, has wisely formed the bee as an* humble but active and untiring agent, in gathering up for the most important purposes, and converting to the most valuable use, the scraps and fragments of nature which would otherwise be scattered by the " viewless winds," and spread through the " ambient air." She has adorned the song of the poet, point- ed the tale of the moralist, and furnished food to the hungry in the desert. Virgil calls the bee a ray of the divinity ; Plutarch pronounced her a magazine of virtues ; Quintilian asserts that she is the great- est of geometricians ; and Watts, by calling in poe- try to the aid of morality, has rendered her figure the means of interest, improvement, and delight to many a youthful mind. Philosophy has stooped to examine her habits and to watch over her haunts ; she has presented the models of science and called forth the attention of scientific men; by her the hus- bandman has been cheered when sitting in his cot- tage garden, in his evening reflections on his day of 2 10 THE BEE. toil ; and in whatever light she maybe viewed, there is none who can declare that he has no interest in hor ways. The bee, or honey-fly, according to naturalists, belongs to the fourth order of insects, and has four wings — the community or hive containing three kinds, namely, the queen, or mother-bee, the drone, and the working-bee. To the queen, or mother^of the whole community, it is necessary for the bee-master to give the strict- est attention, as, without a queen, it is useless to possess a hive, since neither can the generation of fresh swarms proceed, nor will those which may be present, labour, but will either emigrate, languish or die. The queen-bee is to be distinguished from the others by her colour and her size. She is larger and more tapering in her body. She is armed with a sting, which she, however, seldom uses energetically, either as the sceptre of her sovereignty, or the sword of her power, in the hive she reigns supreme, per- mittino; no rival near her throne. Since the creation of her race, no prince-consort has to the queen-bee been known. By infallible instinct she is followed by the whole hive ; and where she is not, none will long remain. Her wings being shorter than those of the other bees, she flies more slowly, and can therefore be followed with less difficulty. Although she has been known to live for five or six years, she may never have occasion to use her wings all that time. Mr. HuisH, a most able, practical, and comprehen- sive writer on the subject, says : THE BEE. 11 " The form of the Queen is wholly different from that of other bees. Like the drones, she neither has nor needs the triangular store cavities in her hinder thighs : her teeth are smaller than those of the working-bee, but larger than those of the drone, and she has no bunches of hair or bristle near her feet ; she is longer in her body, and more tapering than the drone. Her belly is of a golden colour, and the upper part of her is of a brighter hue than (hat of the common bee. But the most unerring rule to judge of the queen-bee is from the shortness of her wings, which extend only to the third ring of her body, whilst those of the working-bees, and more par- ticularly those of the drones, cover almost their whole length. Thus she flies with greater difficulty than the working-bees; however, it is mere accident, if, in the course of her life, she should have any occa- sion for her wings." By some peculiar process of impregnation she be, comes the mother of the whole colony, laying the eggs which are fecundated by the drones, and from which all the rest proceed, whether they be future queens, drones, or workers. Her fruitfulness, from whatever cause insecto-anatomists may conceive it to arise, almost exceeds belief; for she continues to deposit eggs as long as a single cell remains vacant to receive them. She might, therefore, with more truth be styled the mother, rather than the queen of the bees, as, at the present moment, it is the earnest prayer of every loyal Briton that the terms in a high- er quarter may be speedily conjoined. The queen soon pines and dies without her subjects, and they 12 THE BEE. immediately cease to labour when separated from their queen. To compensate for death, accident, or incapacity, preparations are immediately made for the formation of a new royal personage ; and at the proper season young queens are to be found at every stage of progress. The successor is formed from the larva of the common bee, which is supplied with royal food, not in the common hexagonal cells, but in one of a peculiar construction — an oblong sphe- roid — and of a larger size. The young princesses, varying in number from five to six dozens, reach ma- turity about the sixteenth day, and those of them that are not required are thrown out of the hive. On this subject the remarks of Mowbray are judicious, and contain almost all that the young apiarian requires. He says, "The cells both of the drones and the working-bees are horizontal. The cell of the drone is of an irregular form, that of the working or com- mon bee a perfect hexagon. On the side of the mid- dle combs the cell is constructed, which is destined to receive the egg of which a young queen is to be born. It has been discovered by the curious that nature imparts the wonderful faculty to the queen of foreknowing the kind of egg she is about to lay, and of choosing the particular cell in which it ought to be placed. Such are the discoveries or opinions of practical Apiarians. Should the number of labouring bees be insuffi- cient for the purpose of constructing the necessary cells, the queen will most probably forsake the hive, however well supplied with provision, and will be most ready to take this step in fine weather. All, or THE BEE. 13 part of the stock, will follow, assisting her, it is averred, when wearied, from being unaccustomed to flight, by bearing her up with their legs and wings. The old remedy to prevent this desertion, was to place empty combs in the hive, which does not al- ways succeed, from the disgust taken by the queen. The preferable method is supposed to be, when there is a hive at hand, the colony of which has died through the season, to place over it the hive about to be deserted. The eggs left in the borrowed hive will thus be hatched, and a colony raised in suffi- cient numbers. The accidental death of the queen, or departure, will occasion the bees to forsake their hive. Some years since, according to report, the Rev. Dr. Dunbar, by a series of experiments in Scotland, ascertained that wiien a queen-bee is want- ing in a hive, she may be produced from the egg of a working-bee. In one experiment, the queen being removed, the bees set about constructing royal cells, and placing common larcm in them : in seven days two queens were formed. One of these killed the other, and though, while in a virgin state, the sur- viving queen was treated by the bees with no dis- tinction whatever, she no sooner began to lay, than she became the object of constant solicitude iind respect by her admiring subjects, who watched, fed, and waited upon her. The common or working bees are the smallest in size, and, in a good swarm, are computed to amount to from twelve to twenty thousand in number. For a long time the principal or queen-bee was supposed to be a male, and was called the king, which modern 14 THE BEE. research has discovered to be female ; and by the same means it has been proved that the working bees are of the same gender in an undeveloped form. The cells in which the workers' eggs are deposited lie in the centre of the hive : they are there first de- posited by the queen, and are in size such as those produced by the butterfly. They are hatched in four or five days : for four or six days more they remain in the larva or grub state, during which period they are tended and fed by the nurse bees. The nymph or pupa form is then assumed : they next wind them- selves into a cocoon or film, and the nurse bees care- fully enclose them with wax. The perfect bee bursts forth from its imprisonment on the twenty-first day from the laying of the egg. It is quickly cleaned by its companions, and in a few hours may be seen gathering honey " from every opening flower" in the garden or finld around its hive. "In examining the structure of the common working-bee," says Buffbn, " the first remarkable part that offers is the trunk (proboscis), which serves to extract the honey from flowers. It is not formed like that of other flies, in the manner of a tube, through which the fluid is to be sucked up, but like a besom to sweep, or tongue to lick it up. The insect is also furnished with teeth, enabling it to work upon materials collected, ihc pollen hnd farina of flowers, from an elaboration of which, in the sto- mach of the bee, are to be derived both the honey and wax. In the thighs of the hinder legs are found two cavities, fringed with hair, and into these, as into a basket, the bee deposits the pellets it has col- THE BEE, 15 lected. Thus employed, it flies from flower to flower, increasing its stores, until the pellet or ball upon each thigh acquires the size of a grain of pepper ; when having obtained a sufficient load, it returns homewards, making the best way to the hive." The belly of the bee is divided into six rings, which, by slipping one over the other, shorten the dimensions of the body. Pliny held that the body of the bee is furnished with pores, through which the animal breathes; and to this opinion, Lisle, the agricultural writer, has assented. The contents of the insect's belly, besides the common intestines, are the honey. bag, the venom-bag, and the sting. The honey. bag is transparent as crystal, containing the honey which has been collect*^d — the greater part of which is deposited in the hive, being passed into the cells of the honey-combs, whilst the remainder serves for the insect's nourishment, as, during the summer or labouring season, it never touches the store laid by for winter. The sting, which serves to defend this little ani- mal from its enemies, is composed of three parts, the sheath and two darts, which are extremely small and penetrating. These darts have several small points or barbs, like those of a fish-hook, which render the sting more painful, the darts rankling in the wound. Still, however, the infliction from such an instru- ment would be very slight, had not the bee power to poison the wound. The sheath, which has a sharp point, makes the first impression ; the darts act next ; after which the venomous fluid is infused. The eheath sometimes, urged perhaps by the degree of 16 THE BEE. excitement in the insect, sticks so fast in the wound, that it is left behind, and causes more permanent in- flammation. The bee, in consequence, soon after dies, from an eruption of the intestines. It might, on first consideration, appear well for mankind if the bee had not the power of inflicting such wounds ; but, on farther reflection, it will be found that the little animal would have too many rivals in sharing the profits of its labours. Nume= rous other animals, fond of honey, and of obtaining it at free cost, would intrude upon the sweets of the hive without armed guardians for its protection. The venom of the insects appears to be an original material in their composition, imparted to them by nature for defence or revenge, and not formed, like honey, from ingredients collected externally. Among the working bees there is a com[)lete divi- sion of labour — some being employed in secreting and spreading wax, and constructing cells ; others, in warming the eggs, guarding the queen, and giving warning of external danger; while the rest ransack the fields, flying from flower to flower in search of honey or farina, loaded with which they fly home- ward to the hive. There is great difl^erence of opin- ion regarding the length of life in working. bees, but it is generally believed that they are short-lived, and that their place is speedily supplied. It is computed that the drones, or male bees, are half the number of the other bees in every swarm. They are stingless ; in size, between the queen and common bee, and may be distinguished by their loud and peculiar hum. The cells in which the eggs, THE BEE, 17 from which they spring, are laid, are larger than those of the common bees, stronger, and nearer the side of the hive. Twenty-five or twenty-six days is the period in which they pass through their various stages. Their life extends from April to August or September, at which time they are indiscriminately massacred by the working-bees. The drone is full at the extremity or tail, which the wings cover, ex- cepting a small angle which has a blackish ap. pearance. Beneath are two small protuberances, "which are the supposed indications of the masculine gender. The drone is left by nature unarmed, the organs of generation in him being found in the place of the sting in the working-bee. The antennce and probosces of the drones are shorter than those of the labouring bees, and their t<'eth smaller ; nor have they those cavities on the thighs which distinguish the latter, their sole destined employment being the propagation of their kind, for which they are fur- nished with food from the common stock, towards the collection of which they never give, nor are ex- pected to give, any assistance. The drone has been a much slandered creature, — but the great Author of nature has done nothing in vain ; and it clearly appears that the drone serves a most important purpose in the economy of the iiive. It has been supposed by some that the drones fecun- date the eggs deposited by the queen ; but this can- not bo, for the greater number of these are laid and hatched after the drones are destroyed, and before a new race of them are brought forth in the spring. The truth is, the eggs are rendered productive by 18 THE BEE. the drones before they are deposited by the queen ; and when this has been done, she remains fruitful as long as she lives, and has no need of drones for the only purpose they were designed to serve. If a hive, according to Bonner and Huber, is forcibly deprived of its young queen, no expulsion or destruction of the drones takes place; the purposes of their nature not having been yet accomplished. They are re- tained, in case of need, for the production of other queens, whose eggs they must render fruitful. In ventilating hives, where swarming is unnecessary, on account of abundance of space, the young queens themselves are expelled, followed by the destruction of the drones at an earlier period than, in other cir- cumstances, it would have occurred. They are then useless, and their expulsion often takes place as early as May ; but in the common swarming hives, as new queens may still require to be fecundated, to form the heads of new clans, the onslaught does not take place till July or August. All this distinctly proves that the purpose served by the drones is to render the queen's eggs productive. If this object is not required, they are sacrificed, but if it is, they are spared. They are not allowed to remain a burden on the common stock, when they can be of no far- ther use, and the destruction of the drones may be considered as a safe and sure indication that no fur- ther swarming is contemplated. Dr. Beran, in his work entitled the " Honey Bee," observes, " that the number of drones may be considered as in ac- cordance, in some degree, with the general profuse- ness of nature ; we find her abounding with super- THE BEE. 19 numeraries in a great variety of instances, in the blossoms of trees, and flowers, as well as in the rela- tive number of one sex to another among animals." Huber conceives that it was necessary there should be a great number of drones, that the queen might be sure of finding one in her excursion through the expanse of the atmosphere, and run no risk of sterility. 2. Swarming. — In the generality of cases, swarm- ing with bees is an act of necessity. If required, it can easily be prevented by the enlargement or venti- lation of the hive. A crowded population and an increasing temperature lead the bee to seek relief by emigration, just as we ourselves pant after the fresh breeze when confined to the stifling atmosphere of the theatre or the ball-room. Mr. Huber says, " We have frequently proved the heat of the hive by the thermometer. In a populous hive the heat continues of nearly one temperature, until the tumult which precedes swarming, which increases the heat to such a degree as to be intolerable to the bees. When ex- posed to it, they rush impetuously towards the outlet of the hive and depart." Kirby and Spence say, " Bees being confined to a given space, which they possess not the means of enlarging, — to avoid the ill effects of beinjx too much crowded, when their pop- ulation exceeds a certain limit, they must necessarily emigrate." When there is a first swarm, the new colony is generally led forth by the old queen, who leaves the heir to her throne behind in an embryo state. In the majority of cases an equal number of young and 20 THE BEE. old bees, with a few hundreds of drones, form the swarm. Many from vanity, and some from ignorance, are disposed to boast of the number of swarms they can extract from each hive in the course of a single sea- son, but this is a foolish idea, and olten a fatal mis- take. By this practice we may certainly increase the number of hives in the Apiary, but it is at the cost of diminishing the strength of the bees and the quantity of their product. A first swarm may often be led to throw off a cast even in the same year, but it must be late in the season : consequently there must be a deficiency in the store of winter provi- sions : before spring they dwindle and die. The first swarm is weakened, the second is lost ; but if care had been taken to prevent their separation, there would have been one strong stock for the following year, which in all circumstances is infinitely better than many weak ones. Mr. Isaac, in his useful little tract, gives the fol- lowing definition of a few Apiarian Techtmcalitiks. I copy them as btnng rather tnore precise than those to which I have been generall}^ accustomed : " By colonies^ are to be understood bees in double or treble hives. Stocks designate bees generally at the end of the season. All bees, from the season of hiving till its conclusion at Michaelmas, are called swarms; subsequently stocks, if in single hives ; colonics, if in double. A swarm having thrown out a swarm, be- comes then a stocky although it may have been hived but a few weeks. Such superabundant swarming THE BEE. 21 in this climate is disadvantageous. Swarming gene- rally continues between two and three weeks." Mr. Brown, of Renfrew, N. B., had a hive which cast three swarms in 1807,^ve swarms in 1808, three swarms in 1809, ^ud four swarms in 1810, the parent hive still in good strength. In 1826, Mr. E. Day, of Coldblow farm, Hucking, took from fourteen stocks of bees 576 lbs. of honey. Such examples as these, and even in favourable circumstances they are rare, are apt to lead the young Apiarian astray, but his great object should be to prevent the breaking-up of his stock into frag- ments ; to keep it entire, and hold it together as much as possible, which will secure him against many unforeseen contingencies, save him much anxi- ety, trouble, and expense, while eventually it leads to the greatest amount of profit. Gelieu justly observes, " In the swarming season the strong hives are almost entirely filled with brood combs. At that time also honey becomes abundant, and when fine days succeed each other, the work- ing. bees amass an astonishing quantity. But where is it to be stored 1 Must they wait till the young bees have left the brood cells, by which time the early flowers will be withered ? What is to be done in this dilemma? Mark the resources of the indus- trious bees. They search in the neighbourhood where they may deposit their honey until the young shall have left the combs in which they w^ere hatched. If they fail in this object, they crowd together in the front of their habitation, forming prodigious clusters. 22 THE BEE. It is not uncommon to see them building combs on the outsides." By increasing their accommodation in their pre- sent home, and lessening the temperature by venti- lation, they would be saved all the hurry and hubbub, the bustle and the bother of " a flitting," two of which are said to be to ourselves worse than a fire, and one to them we are assured must be as bad as a thunder shower. Let it be avoided by all means. They are industrious creatures, but the season of swarming is to them an idle and uncomfortable pe- riod. The collecting of honey, while all nature is inviting them to the congenial task, is laid aside, and for one plain reason — because they have no room wherewithal to store it. The months of May and June are the periods of swarming, but the precise departure of the swarm depends in a great measure on the state of the weather. The swarming season is the most im- portant and anxious period of the labours of the Api- arian, for on its successful issue depends the chief part of his profit. It should be the aim of every keeper of bees to make himself thoroughly acquaint- ed with the chief symptoms of the departure of a swarm, for his ignorance on this point will expose him to certain loss. Circumstances may possibly so combine as that the most experienced Apiarian may be mistaken in his calculations, but in the ma- jority of cases the prognostics of a swarm are so de- cisive, that the precise period of its departure can be definitely fixed. The symptoms indicative of swarming are vari- THE BEE. 23 ous. Clustering outside of the hive is not an infal- lible sign, for unless a queen be ready, however much they may be annoyed for want of room, they may remain in that position for weeks. According to Reaumur, if on any particular day there is little egress from a hive, whence they were seen previous- ly issuing in great numbers, it may be considered as indubitable that the period of swarming is at hand. The reason is obvious, — the bees, aware that they are about to depart, consider it unnecessary to la- bour for furnishing a habitation which tTiey are no longer to occupy, and therefore remain at home. Another sign is a general hum in the evening, con- tinued during night. On placing the ear close to the hive, clear and sharp sounds may be distin- guished. On the following day numbers may be seen at the mouth of the hive uttering notes of alarm ; and if no business seems to be going on in the inte- rior, a young queen only requires to come forth to be followed by a numerous retinue. But the only remedy for the infallibility of these is to keep a strict watch, otherwise the swarm may be completely lost, or go to increase the stock of some distant neighbour. When the swarming does take place, the best plan is to leave the bees as much as possible to them- selves ; the rattling of peas and the throwing of wa- ter being practices " more honoured in the breach, than in the observance." In this respect, in our own experience, we have been peculiarly fortunate, never having run any risk or been put to much trou- ble with one of our swarms. This we attribute in a great measure to our having followed the general 24 THE BEE* axiom now stated ; and the only instances in which we departed from it was, when by their appearing to wheel a high flight in the air, as if bent on a distant flight, we threw up some fine sand among the lower strata, where the queen, from her tardiness of flight, was most likely to be ; when the whole have darted down, and clustered in the course of an instant upon the nearest shrub. If there are low trees or bushes near the hive, they will choose them, and but seldom desire a long journey. We have known, during a succession of years, each swarm from the same stock clustering invariably upon the same branch of the same tree. If it can be done conveniently, the hive for their reception — having the concave top rubbed with a little ale and sugar — should be placed imme- diately above them, when they will speedily begin to ascend. A white cloth should be thrown over the hive, and in the evening all will be found snugly housed, their operations already commenced, and prepared to be placed on their permanent pedestal. This in general in our experience we have been able to accomplish, but if it is necessary to place the hive under the cluster, the bees must be swept into it by a goose-wing or some other convenient instrument. Sometimes when a swarm is hovering in the air, it divides, and a part falls to the ground. This should be carefully examined, for the queen may perchance be among them. If so, she should immediately be placed in the empty hive, and if but a few see her, they will instantly join her, followed by the whole host. If another swarm seems desirous to rise, it must be promptly stopped, as they would be apt to THE BEE. 25 join, and if one of the que(3ns is not quickly slain in battle, a war of uncompromising extermination would take place between the rival clans. 3. Hives. — Bees are of themselves in a state of na- ture at no loss in procuring a suitable residence. They collect their stores in the fissures of rocks and in the hollows of decayed trees. The climate, the locality, and the taste of the proprietor, must modify tiie nature of their habitation in a domesticated state. Bees have a wonderlul facility, founded on the saga- city of their nature, in adapting their works to the form of their dwelling, although it has been posi- tively affirmed by Gelieu that they form more honey in a shallow vessel than in a very deep one, but on this point we cannot decide. In the purchase of stocks, the following essential points should bs attended to, without a knowledge of which the young Apiarian will find himself deceived at the very moment when his expectations of ulti- mate success are raised to the highest pitch. It is with a bee-hive as with a wife, never take one on the recommendation of another person, but be your own judge of its merits and defects. If it be your intention to purchase a stock, repair to the garden in which it stands, about the middle of the day, and, placing yourself before it, pay particular attention to the action of the bees. If you observe them crowding in and out of the hive, and a considerable number of them having little yellow pellets or balls on their hinder legs, a very favourable opinion may be formed of the health and condition of the interior, and especially of the prolific state of the queen. If 3 26 THE BEE. the examination lake place previously to the swarm- ing season, pay particular attention to the number of drones: this is an infallible criterion of the popi' lousness of the hive, and the purchaser may th' confidently look forward to the possession of tf usual swarms. " If, on the other hand, the examination take pl?^* in the autumn, the previous massacre of the dro must be ascertained ; the omission of this act on f' part of the bees, is a certain sign of some radi'^ defect, most probably on the part of the queen, a ■ the prospect of the bees surviving the winter '■^ comes thereby highly problematical. If the T appear irascible and bold in their attacks on t"'' enemies, particulariv the wasp, it is a good sigr'' their condilion if on their return ^rom the fi^ their bodies appear cylindrical, it is certain pt that the bees are ousy in the collection of honey, o'* consequently a good estimate may oe ibrmed of tho interior richness of the hive. In regard to the exte. rior of the hive, on no account select one which is old and decayed, as such hives are always infested with vermin. No prudent apiarian will ever put a swarm into an old hive, and in this respect it must be admitted that in a great degree the most culpable carelessness exists on the part of cottagers, who, per- haps, from a principle of false economy, put their swarms into old and rotten hives rather than be at the expense of purchasing new ones. Hives either stand in a bee-house, box, or shed, or under a thatched or other kind of roof. The stand on which the hive is placed should always be kept THE BEE. 27 fclean, particularly so in the spring, at the com- mencement of the working season, if it be at times sprinkled with a little salt, it will be very conducive to the health of the bees. In short, all impurities hould be removed from within and without the hive, n order to save the cleanly insects the unprofitable ibour of the removal of nuisances. The hives' most generally used in England, and which are recommended by Cobbet as the best, are lade of straw, of a bell. shape, but with no arrange- ment for ventilation or enlargement. Among cotta- '^ers, on account of their cheapness, these hives still i ^mmand a preference, notwithstanding the more ' vproved form and material introduced in modern "^ imes. Undressed rye straw serves best for their instruction : they should be about thirteen inches ide at the bottom, and about nine at the top, and it would be an improvement to have them somewhat thicker than they are generally made at present. It is customary to pass sticks through them at right angles for the i)urpose of supporting the combs, but as these rather obstruct the bees in their operations, the end would be better gained by making the lower part narrower. This could be easily managed by making the base of the hive a stout wooden hoop, to "which the lower circumference might be fitted, al- lowing the hive to bulge out as it approached the top. This is recommended by Dr. Bevan, who says, that tliis hoop should be perforated through its whole course in an oblique direction, "the perforations so distant from each other as to cause all the stitches of the hive to range in a uniform manner," and thus 28 tiiti fiETJ. to be wrought into the lower band. The hoop makes the hive more durable, more steady, and more easily moved. A circular piece of wood, about three inch- es in diameter, with an inch hole in the centre, should be wrought into the crown. Through this opening the bees may be fed more advantageously than at the entrance, and it can be sp far servicea- ble for ventilating the hive. When not required for either of these purposes, it can easily be plugged up, or covered with a bit of tin. Straw hives are often covered with an earthen pan ; in Scotland a mere sod or thatch of straw is often used, which can nei- ther be said to be tidy nor tasteful, and, eke, dirty and dangerous. At all events, the covering, what- ever it is, should always shape outwards, to carry off all moisture, against which too much precaution cannot be used ; and ot" whatever materials the hives may be composed, they should be well painted at first, and at regular intervals afterwards, "for," as Mr. Payne says, "hives managed on the depriving system are expected to last from 15 to 20 years." Wooden hives or boxes are now almost invariably employed by the best bee cultivators, for, however those of straw may form a ready resource to the cot- tager, wooden ones are not only cheaper in the end from their greater durability, but more profitable at first from their square form, affording greater facili- ties for the more economical arrangement of the combs. The boxes may be made of any wood if it is dry, well seasoned, well joined, and not resinous. The size must depend on the number of bees it is to contain, and that depends much upon the honey-pas- THE BEE. 29 turage of the district. Ten or twelve inches square, and an inch thick, are the fair dimensions. The top should project about an inch, both for ornament and utiUty, — also a hole at the top for feeding, and of size sufficient to insert a bell-glass, with one at the top for ventilation. There may be a window, both in front and behind, for the purpose of inspection, which ought to be furnished with zinc shutters, to slide closely up and down in a groove. Hives of this kind require to be placed under a cover or shed, to protect them from the rain and the heat of the sun. When a number of hives are kept, they may be placed on shelves in a row, one over the other, and thus one* roof may be made to cover nine as easily as three, and twelve as easily as four. This may be distinctly understood by the annexed figure. The front is a fixture, perforated by nine holes op- posite to the entrance of each of the hives, with an alighting board. The back is enclosed with folding doors, on opening which the hives can either be in. dO tun fiEJg. spected or removed. The whole should be carefully painted, and rendered vind and water tight. Should the apiary be extensive, and the hives stand in dou- ble rows, Mr. Huish advises the chequered fornn : In which mode the flight of the bees in the hinder row will not be obstructed by the front hives. A bee taking flight from the l)ive generally forms a con. siderable angle with tlie hoiizon in his ascent; and should the hive stand at too great a degree of eleva- tion, the advantage would enable the swarm to take so extensive a flight, ihiit ihey might be totally lost. But if the site be not sufficiently extensive to admit of the hives being placed in a right line, it is prefera- ble to set them one over another in double rows. The pedestal or stool should have but a single leg or support, and its top, on which the hive is to stand, should be made of seasoned and bubstantial wood, which will not warp, and wlach should be firmly nailed to the post, in a shmting direction, in order that the rain may run off", all stagnant moisture being highly inimical to bees. The jloor-hoard on which the hives stand should literally be of wood, and not of stone, or any cold material, for obvious reasons. There must be a separate board for every hive. The weight of each hive and board should be marked on them before use. The entrance is generally cut out of the bottom of the hive, but it should rather be scooped from the surface of the board, gradually sloping upward into the hive. It ought to be made wide, as it can THE BES. SI be contracted at any time. But a better method still is a double board, with a space in front be- tween, and through the upper part of which a hole for entrance is cut altogether within the hive. The hive should never be cemented to the board with mortar or clay. The bees themselves furnish the best cement : all others only serve to hasten the decay of the hive, and to breed vermin. Hives may be enlarged in a variety of ways; by storifying, by collateral hives; by made hives, and these in multifarious modes, which we would rather trust to the practical ingenuity of our readers than minutely describe; but those who wish details, will find them amply in Huish, Nutt, Bagster, Taylor, and Jardine. 4. Ventilators and Thermometer. The ventilators used, and so well described by Taylor in The Bee- Keeper\s Mam/al, consist of dou- ble tin or zinc tubes, both resting in the holes prepared for them on a fl isk or lini. "The centre tube is of one inch diameter and six inches long, with six half-inch holes dispersed over it. It is soon fixed down by the bees, and so must remain. The inner tube is of perforated zinc, with a tin projecting top as a handle, and a cap to put on or off this as required. The bees will stop up the inner tube when they can get at it, when it may be turned round a little to present a new sur- face. When wholly stopped, it may be withdrawn U 33 THF. B£E. from its place, and a new tube substituted. This may be done without the least danger to the opera- tor; but it should be inserted carefully, to avoid crushing any bees that may have crept within the outer tube. An exit for these is afforded by a hole at the bottom. The tube that has thus been re- moved may be cleansed by the aid of hot water. "In order occasionally to know the temperature of any of the boxes, a thermometer made to fit the ventilator may occasionally be inserted in it. This will at all times give facility for making accurate observations, but it is more particularly useful as a matter of precaution toward the swarming season." An experienced apiarian, and in certain seasons, may perhaps be able to dispense with the use of the ventilator and thermometer, and by some they are denounced as an unwieldly and unnecessary appara- tus, serving no important purpose in the economy of the hive. On the inexperienced, however, it cannot be too strongly impressed how important a stepping- stone they form in his progress to ultimate suc- cess — how much success and security by means of them he is able to attain — how many mistakes to avoid, and knowledge to acquire — while even with- out them the most skilful will never be able to pro- ceed with the same degree of certainty, especially in that important step, the prevention of swarming; nor will bees ever work so well in a heated atmos- phere as with a moderate and equable temperature. A cool store-room also contributes most essentially to the purity of the honey and the whiteness of the comb. The expense of the ventilators being so tri- THE BEE. 33 fling, ought to form no barrier in the way of their introduction into every hive. It has been errone- ously supposed and illogically argued that bees have an antipathy to ventilation, because they so carefully close up every hole through which air can be admit- ted, especially in the hottest weather, when a fresh supply would be most acceptable ; but the truth is, they are equally careful in shutting up every cre- vice, whether there is any circulation through it or not. This argument, therefore, falls to the ground, and we say to every bee-holder, employ the ventila- tor and thermometer with all convenient speed. 5. Feeding Apparatus, — Too little attention is in general paid to the feeding of bees, on which account many a fine hive has been impoverished by its ne- glect, or destroyed by its injudicious application. Ac- cording to the common process it is always a trou- blesome and frequently a dangerous operation ; bat by a certain apparatus it can be rendered equally simple and safe. The bees by means of it are fed at the top instead of the bottom of the hive. In this Way, then, they may be fed in any quantity and at any time, with more conveniciice to themselves and no risk to the feeder. According to the description of Mr. Taylor, " it consists of a tin or zinc pan, twelve inches by seven inches on the outside, and one inch and a quarter deep, made very flat at the bottom. A partition runs the length of one side of the pan, leaving the space of an inch wide, into which the food is poured, a passage for this being left all along under the partition an eighth of an inch high. It thus finds its way into the centre^ 34 THE BEI^. where there is a thin perforated wooden bottom, a little raised underneath, and which floats on the food. The bees enter the pan through two holes corresponding in position with those on the top of the hive, and round the holes are rims half an inch high. A square of glass forms a cover, by means of which the bees may be seen without danger." A wooden cover should be made to tit over the pans to prevent the access of robbers, and it ought to be high enough to receive the bull-glass, or glass- es ; for these are at all times best covered. An ad- ditional advantage of pans on this construction will be seen in winter, for the vapour caused by the mois. ture is condensed in the bells and carried away. As the exhalation rises from the bees below, it is con- densed on the glass, and received in considerable quantities into the pan. In the absence of a bell- glass, the glass cover or lid to the pan may be kept in its place as a substitute, and on it a large quan« tity of vapour will be condensed, 6. Miscellaneous Management. — A great deal de» pends upon the position of the hive. It should have a south or south-eastern aspect, sheltered from the wind, and not in the neighbourhood of ponds or rivers, which form a watery grave to many a bur- dened busy bee. In the vicinity of the hive there should be planted in large quantities crocus, single blue hepaticus, helleborus niger, and tussalago petasitest all of which flower early, and are rich in honey and farina. But the most cultivated districts are not to be compared with wild heaths, woods, and commons, or any 'The bei!. 35 place where white clover, saintfain, buckwheat, mus- tard, coleseed, dtc. prevail. A swarm should be selected early, if possible in May, for stocking a hive, which should be imme- diately placed in the position where it is intended to remain. The greater the mass of bees kept in one hive the better — five swarms combined not con- suming more food than two. This to some appears strange, but it is not the less true, and can be easily accounted for. For the best method of uniting swarms, especiall)' in collateral hives, see Taylor's Bee-Keeper^s Manual. " War to the knife," should be declared against all wasps, moths, earwigs, ants, spiders, and cobwebs. Weak hives are often at- tacked and destroyed by strange bees, against which the best and perhaps the only security is numbers. "Union is strc^ngth." In proportion to the wealth of the colony, is the desire and the power of the bees to dtfend it. •' In doubling the population," says Gelieu, "I na. turally conceived that we must also double the quan- tity of food, for I had always seen that two or three families living together used more meat than each would have done singly, however rigid their economy. The more mouths the more meat, thought I, and in consequence I augmented greatly the amount of pro- visions the first time I doubled a hive, but to my great astonishment, when 1 weighed it again in the spring, 1 lound that the united swarms had not con- sumed more than each would have done singly. I could not believe my eyes, but thought there must be some mistake ; nor could I be convinced until I 36 THE BEE. had repeated the experiment a hundred times over, and had always the same result. After this discove- ry I varied my experiments, not only to convince my- self of the fact, but if possible to arrive at still more extended results. I joined three hives in the autumn, by introducing into the middle one the bees of two neighbouring hives, and I found on weighing it ia the spring that its inhabitants had scarcely weighed one pound more than those of hives that had not been united. I went further : having a large, well-stocked, and amply.provided hive, I added to it in the au- tumn, without displacing it, the swarms of four neigh- bouring hives, two on the right hand and two on the left, which were so scarce of provisions, that the quantity of honey that would have been necessary to keop them alive, would have far exceeded their value, and that all four would to a certainty have perished. This enormous population produced a heat so great, that during the whole of a very severe wint-r the bees kept up a buzzing noise, equal to that of a strong and active hive in the evening of a fine day in spring. The hive was left out all the winter, and would in- fallibly have perished had I shut it up. What was my astonishment on weighing it in the spring to find, that, notwithstanding it contained five families, the total diminwtion did not exceed what took place in my ordinary hives! It gave out excellent swarms long before any of the others, and recompensed me well for my pains." This seeming anomaly is simply explained from the circumstance, that in a thinly. populated hive al- most the whole of the bees are required at this tiH^ THE BEE. 37 to feed and warm their young, and consequently lit- tle or nothing is added to the continually decreasing stock of honey and farina. When the stock is large, a great proportion can be spared to go abroad ift search of food for the rising generation. Bees individually are short-lived, but as a com- munity they may be said to be immortal. Lord Brougham, in his "Dissertations on subjects of Sci- ence connected with Natural Theology," and whose minute details on scientific subjects make one won- der that he should be at the same time a classical scholar, an expert rhetorician, and an ingenious, if not a profound lawyer, says, "The attention which has been paid at various times to the structure and habits of the bee, is one of the most remarkable cir- cumstances in the history of science. The ancients studied it with unusual minuteness, although being, generally speaking, indifferent observers of facts, they made but little progress in discovering the eco- nomy of this insect. Of the observations of Aristo- machus, who spent sixty years, it is said, in the study of the subject, we know nothing; nor of those that were made by Philissus, who passed his life in the woods for the purpose of examining this insect's habits ; but Pliny informs us that both of them wrote works upon it. Aristotle's three chapters on bees and wasps contain little more than the ordinary ob- servations, mixed up with an unusual portion of vul- gar and even gross errors. How much he attended to the subject is, however, manifest from the extent of the first of these chapters, which is of great length. Some mathematical writers studied the 38 THE BEE. form of the cells, and established one or two of the fundamental propositions respecting the economy of labour and wax, resulting from the plan of the structure. The application of modern naturalists to the inquiry, is to be dated from the beginning of the eighteenth century, when Maraldi examined it with his accustomed care, and Reaumur afterwards, as we have seen, carried his investigations much far- ther. The interest of the subject seemed to increase with the progress made in these inquiries, and about the year 1765 a Society was formed at Little Baut- zen, in Upper Lusatia, whose sole object was the study of bees. It was formed under the patronage of the Elector of Saxony. The celebrated Schirach was one of its original members, and soon after its establishment he made his famous discovery of the power which the bees have to supply the loss of their Queen, by forming a large cell out of three common ones, and feeding the grub of a worker upon royal jelly ; a discovery so startling to naturalists, that Bonnet, in 1769, earnestly urged the Society not to lower its credit by countenancing such a wild error, which he regarded as repugnant to all we know of the habits of insects, — admitting, however, that he should not be so incredulous of any observations tending to prove the propagation of the race of the Queen bee without any co-operation of a male, a no- tion .since shown by Huber to be wholly chimerical. In 1771, a second institution under the Elector Pala- tine's patronage, with the same limited object, but founded at Lauter, and of which Rien, scarcely less THE BEE. 30 known in this branch of science than Schirach, was a member. "The greatest progress, however, was afterwarda made by Ruber, whose discoveries, especially of the Queen Bee's mode of impregnation, the slaughter of the drones or males, and the mode of working, have justly gained him a very high place among natural- ists. Nor are his discoveries of the secretion of wax from saccharine matter, the nature of propolis and the nature of wax for building, to be reckoned less important. For these truths the way had been led by John Hunter, whose vigorous and original genius never was directed to the cultivation of any subject without reaping a harvest of discovery. Since the time of Hunter and Huber no progress has been made in this branch of knowledge." The- oretically, Lord Brougham and Vaux is in all this, and especially in his last statement, correct ; but after the perusal of our petty, but pretty work, it is hoped that he will be found altogether practically wrong, by the spread and improvement of bee-culture here and there and every where. THE PIGEON. !• Nature of the Pigeon. — The pigeon can be easily naturalized in every climate, with the ex- ception of the frigid zones. Towards the two poles it is seldom to be found, and never thrives or pro- pagates, while it is prosperous in temperate regions — the burning sun of the tropics rather improving than impairing its natural constitution ; but the wild pigeons of cold countries always emigrate towards the south on the approach of winter. In a civilized and improved condition, they ap- pear, of all the feathered tribes, more subject to the process of amelioration, than when in a state of nature. The superiority of the one to the other, is evidenced by the fact, that in the natural state they are difficult to be caught, and few in numbers, but when domesticated, and brought up under the fos- tering hand of man, they increase in endless varieties of plumage and of form. As emblematical of beauty, and innocence, they have always ranked among the feathered favourites of mankind ; in eastern countries, they are regarded not only as objects of religious superstition, but held 4 42 THE PIGEON. in veneration, as the harbingers, or the emblems, of peace and love. II. Political view of the Pigeon.^A question has been raised regarding the national profit, or loss, which might arise from encouraging an extensive breed of Pigeons. On this point, both agriculturists, men of science, and amateurs, have differed in opinion, but it will be found, that no respectable antagonist to their partial propagation has ap. peared. We must confess, however, that Mr. Du- harnel, the apologist for the Dove tribes, has not been a very successful advocate. He avers, that pigeons do not feed upon green corn — that their bills have not sufficient power to dig for seeds in the earth, and that they only pick up scattered grains, which would else be wasted, or become the prey of other birds. From the season of the corn appearing, he says, pigeons subsist principally upon the seeds of weeds, the multiplication and spread of which they must, in consequence, greatly prevent. Another writer has of late introduced a story of the farmers in a certain district in England, who, finding their corn and pulse crops greatly reduced, attributed it to the vast quantity of pigeons kept among them, which, on this account, by a general resolution, they agreed to destroy. A few seasons afterwards, it seems they found their lands so ex- hausted, and their crops so overrun with weeds, that they came to a general wish for their pigeons back again. " Now," says Mowbray, " this is either a lame story, or the farmers implicated were very lame far- mers, if they did not know how to weed their land, THE PIGEON. 43 without the assistance of agents the use of which must cost them so considerable a part of their crops." Last year, a farmer in Kent shot a wood-pigeon, from the crop of which he extracted nine hun- dred and twenty-six clavels of wheat, which he sowed, and obtained from them a harvest of one gallon three quarts of wheat. Every man, in the least acquainted with country affairs, is aware of the immense damage done to the crops of corn, beans, peas, and tares, by pigeons. A sufficient proof of this may be found in the reduction of the number of dove-cots throughout all countries where agriculture is best known, valued, and practised. Every one will judge for himself of the degree of credit due to the following statement, extracted from Mr. Vancouver's valuable survey of the county of Devon : " Pigeons often fly to a great distance for their food, and when they can find corn to eat, seldom prey upon anything else. They begin to eat corn about the middle of July, and rarely want the same food, all the stacks in the straw-yards, or in the fields, until the end of barley sowing, which is about old May-day, and which includes a period of two hundred and eighty days, or better than three quar- ters of the year, being during that period laid under contribution ; living the rest of the time upon the seeds of weeds and bentings. It is somewhere stated, that in England and in Wales there are twenty thousand dove-houses, averaging eacli at about one hundred pair of old pigeons. Taking this estimation at three-fourths, it will equal one million one hun- 44 THE PIGEON. dred and twenty-five pair of dove-house pigeons, in England and Wales. These will consume, with what they carry home to their young, one pint of corn per pair daily, and for one hundred and forty days, being half the period during which they are supposed to subsist upon corn, amounts to one hundred and fifty-seven millions five hundred thou- sand pints of corn, consumed annually throughout England and Wales by pigeons." In Scotland, the mania for rearing immense flocks of pigeons is now nearly extinct. They seem to have been kept in the capacity, and to have performed the duty of the gleaners, of former days. No costly cote built for their accommodation, is now almost any where to be seen, except some lonely moss-o'ergrown fabric, venerable for its age, and perhaps valuable to the antiquary, but affording accommodation to no living creature except the owl, the sparrow, and the bat, and destined ere long to crumble into irremediable ruins. This is as it should be ; for although pigeons are always beautiful they are only valuable in their proper place. They can easily be kept in sufficient numbers, and propagated to a sufficient extent, with, out all this cumbrous machinery ; but many of our ancestors, and even some antiquated proprietors of the present day, seemed to have imagined that the staff of life was pigeon-'pief and that it should form the daily tood of mankind. But all this is fast, and for ever, passing away. In towns they can do no harm, except to the purse of the proprietor, who must furnish the principal part of their food. And they must be considered valuable, either in town or THE PIGEON. 46 country, as they can pick up from the street or the road many a precious pile of grain, which would be otherwise irretrievably lost. Keeping immense flocks, is the only evil. On a general view of the subject, it appears that the dove. house system has ever been, in many cases, one of extreme injustice, as well as impolicy, in point of national advantage ; since great flocks may be maintained at the expense of persons having no property in them, and to whom they afford no pro- fit. But as neither the public nor individuals will consent to be deprived of the enjoyment of this ancient luxury, the fairest mode appears to be the reg- ular feeding of pigeons, by their proprietors, which in almost every instance so attaches them to home, that there is often, not only a necessity of driving them out for exercise, but the prevention of loss from their not straying. This plan should, of course, be more punctually observed in seed time, and towards the approach of the corn crops to maturity, but after reaping, it may of course in some measure be dis- pensed with. 3. Varieties of the Pigeon. — Buffon, in his enu- meration, mentions upwards of thirty varieties; which, according to his usual systematical method, is probably more remarkable for convenience than for accuracy, but which he traces to one common origin : the Stock Dove, or common wild pigeon, (Columba anas.) The varieties of colour and form which we witness he attributes to human contrivance and fancy. There exist, nevertheless, essenti;il specific differences 46 THE PIGEON. in these birds, which seem rather attributable to the nature of the region, soil, or climate, to which they are indigenous, than to the art of man. Respecting the origin of the different species of the pigeon, (and of no one kind are there so many varieties known to us,) another opinion prevails ; some naturalists deriving it from the rock pigeon, {Columba Linia.) I certainly incline towards the latter opinion, as the habits of the Rock Dove are closely allied to those of the dove-house pigeon, and a cross between the Dragoon and Rock Dove may be effected, while 1 believe the young of the Stock Dove has never yet been subjected to the confinement of the loft. The Stock Dove, or original of the pigeon genus, according to^Buffon, in its natural or wild state, is thus described ; " with a fine neck of a'^reddish gold colour, its wings marked with two black bars, one on the quill feathers, and the other on the covert ; the back white, and the tail barred near the end with black." The Ring Dove is yet held by naturalists to be distinct from the Stock Dove, and it would seem that the Turtle Dove is equally so from both. In this country the Blue Dove (house pigeon) is the most common, and the only species of these are the Ring Doves, or wood pigeons, and the Turtle Doves,) which are to be found in all parts of Southern , Britain, breeding during the spring and summer, and | retiring to the deepest recesses of the woods in the winter season, whence, probably, the Turtle has been supposed to emigrate, I am assured by a Spanish THE PIGEON. 47 gentleman, that in Barbary they have pigeons equal in size to fowls, but incapable of flight. Throughout the woods and plantations on the do- main of Warwick Castle, the Turtle Dove abounds in multitudes, flying in pairs, and lighting on the turrets of the castle. Their loud and mournful cooing is heard on the road at a considerable dis- tance. Much pains have been taken, hitherto in- effectually, to reduce their numbers. The autumnal markets in the metropolis, and in most large towns, generally exhibit a large supply of Wood Pigeons, They assemble in large flocks, and take refuge during night in thick coverts, perching on the middle branches and top of the oak tree. As to the sport of shooting wood pigeons, the wintry and boisterous evenings in November are the most appropriate, when they are to be found roosting with their faces to windward, and the sportsman, generally approaching behind them, hidden by the lower foliage, and aided also from its rustling, obtains a fair chance of success, though the Ring Dove is par- ticularly shy and watchful. This is a sport by which any one, taking his stand in the twilight, may shoot the birds sitting or flying, and, without much exertion, soon have his bags well filled. The flesh of the wood-pigeon is in perfection about the end of Summer and during Autumn, from their abiUty in those seasons to procure the most fattening food. While in winter, feeding on cole- warts or any green food they can find, makes their flesh loose and bitter, but their large size would be 48 THE PIGEON. increased by domestication, and the experiment must be successful. At Pamber House, Herts, according to Mowbray, there had been,immemorially, an annual nest of wood-pigeons in a large yew-tree, said to be three centuries old, which grew in the garden with- in a few yards of the house. We seldom saw the old birds, as they used the utmost vigilance. They are well supplied with them from the neighbouring forest. In 1827, immense flocks of wood-pigeons, to the computed number of two thousand in one field, were seen upon the lands near Chichester. Sir H, Fisher's keeper killed sixty couple in one day. Both in the ancient and modern world this beauti- ful and variegated genus of birds has been cherished by man as a source of amusement and gratification to the eye, as well as profit, in the article of provi- sion for the table. Besides, it was reckoned by cer- tain nations of antiquity unlawful to deprive them of life. The useful qualification of Messenger, ap- pertaining to the Asiatic and African species of the pigeon, is of great antiquity : and we read, in the time of the Crusades, of an Arabian prince who had a sort of telegraphic communication kept up in his dominions through the medium of pigeons, that carried letters, and were regularly relieved at ap- pointed posts. From these, doubtless, the breed celebrated in Europe under the name of the Carrier has proceeded. In modern times, those varieties which are kept for the purpose of amusement and show, are styled Fancy Breeds, and they form a dis- tinct article of commerce in cities and great towns, the varieties, as they chance to be in fashion, bring- THE PIGEON. 49 ing a considerable price. From the earliest times the pigeon fanciers of London have had a club, in which premiums are awarded, and the notable science of the fancy, through the method of crossing colours and forms, is promoted and perpetuated. The chief objects of the fancy have hitherto been those vari- eties styled Almond (probably ermine,) Tumblers^ Carriers, and the birds with great crops, the most fashionable variety of which is the Pouting Horse- man. The specific merits of these breeds are indi- cated by their names. The tumbler exercises his faculty in the air, but is chiefly vakied for his peculiar form and variegated plumage. The Carrier, as a messenger, cuts the air with almost inconceivable swiftness. This is the columha tahellaria, the famous carrier, or messenger, between Aleppo and Alexan. dria in Egypt. The Pouter extends his crop to a size attractive to curiosity, and by his grotesque attitudes and familiarity with man, engages his at- tention. Half a century since, the pigeon Fancy was in higher estimation than at present, then : the almond tumbler was in its greatest vogue ; sums to the amount of twenty or thirty guineas each being the general price of superior cocks of that breed, such as in the present time would not bring more than five. The pigeon shops invariably appear the abode of poverty and wretchedness, and the poor un- fortunate birds, crammed into baskets and narrow coops, obviously partake of the calamity in the fullest measure. This fancy is much indulged in with certain of the lower classes, in the metropolis, and it is to be regretted that so much of their time is 50 THE PIGEON. spent in the practice of entrapping stray pigeons and leading the fanciers from honest industry to loose and irregular habits. It would be useless to assign a reason why one particular breed out of so many species should alone possess the peculiar knowledge and instinct of the carrier. We must content ourselves without diving too far into the hidden mysteries of nature, and as- cribe that wonderful facility to the same Power that guides the swallow and other birds of passage across the waters of the Atlantic to our shores, or conducts them, each succeeding spring, to the same spot where for previous seasons they have reared their young. Tumblers by their flight are a source of great en- joyment to the fanciers, for in addition to their tumbling they will rise to so great a height in the air as to appear like a speck, or become altogether imperceptible. If of a good kind, and well famili- arized to one another, they will in their flight keep in so close company that a dozen of them may be covered with a handkerchief. If the weather be fine and clear, they will keep upon the wing for four or five hours at a time, the favourite set seldom or never tumbling except when about to rise, or when coming down to pitch. Tumblers show in their plumage an endless va- negation of shade— reds, yellows, blues, duns, blacks, whites, and silvers. No expense should be spared at first for the purchase of two or more birds accus- tomed to very high flying, as they will be of infi. nite use afterwards, in teaching the young ones THE PIGEON. 51 to be lofty soarers. After the pigeons have been ac- customed to their habitations, they should be turned out only once a day in a clear grey morning, when there is neither mist nor wind, taking care to spread out for them on their return a plentiful repast of rape or canary seed, to entice then home, and after- wards shutting them up for the rest of the day. They should, for an obvious reason, be closely con- fined when with egg. The Carrier was called by some of the old fan- ciers, the King of Pigeons. It is remarkable for the fleshy protuberance called the wattle on the lower part of the head. These triple properties have been enumerated as indicative of its excellence — three in the head, three in the eye, three in the wattle, and three in the beak. The head should be flat, straight, and long ; the eye broad, circular, and uni- form ; the wattle broad across the beak, short from the head to the bill,; and leaning forward ; the beak long, straight, and thick. Pigeon jockeyship some- times has attempted to imitate these qualities ar- tificially, and to palm upon the inexperienced in- ferior birds at the price of the best. The length and thinness of the neck are marks of its elegance. The Horseman is supposed to be a bastard between the Tumbler and Carrier : they are chiefly used at present for deciding bets, and carrying letters, the pure Carrier being so exceedingly scarce. Dragoons were originally bred between the Horse- man and Carrier ; they are very strong and useful birds ; being prolific breeders, and good nurses, they are frequently kept as feeders to rear young Pouters, 52 THE PIGEON. Leghorn runts, &;c. For a distance of fifteen or twenty miles, the Dragoon is said to be more rapid than the Horseman, but cannot keep up its superiori- ty in a longer flight. But while on this part of our subject, it would not be doing justice to our readers, whether old or young, and it would be denying to ourselves a grat- ification, not to quote here the remarks of a corres- pondent, who signs himself Tolio, in the New Sport- ing Magazine for June, 1839. They are at once practical and scientific, and cannot fail to be inter- esting to every possessor of a pigeon loft^ who wishes to improve the breed or.'the value of hia stocks. He says with regard to this beautiful and valuable variety : " The first property of a Carrierjs the length of their flight or wing feathers, and the distance or length from the base of the bill to the end, which should always taper gradually. The colour is the next, and though fanciers disagree on this point, I prefer a blue to any other, as 1 have generally found them hardier and swifter than the blacks or duns, but, like dogs, good pigeons are to be found of all col- ours. Firmness of feather always indicates a good constitution. The age may be guessed by the size of the wattle, and the heavy appearance of the bird. " The Antwerps are a later introduction into this country, and their name bespeaks their origin. I believe little was known of them before the famous Antwerp match in July, 1830, when 110 birds were tossed from the yard of a noted fancier in the Bo- rough. The first bird reached Antwerp, a distance THE PIGEOW. 58 of 186 miles, in five hours and a half, and gained the gold medal ; cut of the 110, about 100 reached home. To the eye of any one who has been solely accus- tomed to the English Carrier, they possess but little recommendation, but the fancier soon detects the points of speed and beauty, in the fine and lengthy shape of the bird. They are of many colours, but I have found none better than the nearly reds and blues. This bird, in my opinion, is equal to the Horseman in sagacity and speed, and altogether, I prefer them to any other kind. "The pigeon loft should always, if possible, face the west or south, be high and roomy, with railed pens to shut in birds for matching in the spring, or other purposes, kept well lime-washed, which will both destroy the insects, and keep it cool, and it should be repeatedly cleaned out. A glass tile or two in the roof, if it is a slanting one, will be useful to light the loft. There must be a railed trap projecting in front, so that the birds may go out from the loft, and the front of the trap will let down and pull up, by means of a spring inside. This is the dormer, and in most large lofts is out of the top of the roof. When the trap is shut the birds will come in at the wires, which open inwards to the loft, on a pivot, which is called the bolting wire. Of course, in stocking a loft, all depends upon its size and the taste of the fancier. I should say, six couples of Dragoons and strong Horsemen, and two couples of Beards w^ell matched, and purchased in the spring, will be a good breeding supply. These 64 THE PIGEON. must be shut in the loft for breeding, and the young birds flown. They will begin breeding about the end of Febriary, and continue till October ; I would however, for flying, save no kinds till May. The old bird sits eighteen days, and the male relieves the female. Peas form their chief food, but tares will be found best for the young ones till they leave the nest. While watching the birds, give a little hemp-seed. Often before the young birds leave the nest, the old ones will lay again. As soon as the young can fly, they should be allowed to bask in the dormer, and when they have gained confidence, they will join the flight. After they have become well accustomed to the loft, and are able to keep pretty well with the flight, take them about half a mile from the loft in a bag made of coarse canvass, to hold two birds, with a little straw, and toss them ; re- peat the same distance for a few days, and gradually increase it up to five miles. After this they are pret- ty perfect, and two or three miles may be added to the distance every day. If your loft be near a high road, a great advantage will be found by giving the birds to the coachmen to toss. There are many ways of marking birds. I generally make a little notch in the beak or between the toes, in the game manner as game fowls. A little stamp with the initials of the name, to mark them in red on the tail and pinion feathers, will be useful till the birds moult. In tossing a bird, always clear its wings and feet, and holding it round the body and legs with one hand, throw it well up,— never near any trees, as the young ones will frequently perch and there remain. THE PIGEON. 55 The speed of the Carrier has perhaps never been ascertained. I have had them come seven miles, by the roadt in five minutes, and forty miles in the hour is generally done ; but too much depends upon circumstances to give any opinion. If a bird is going to do a large distance, it should never be over-fed the night previous, but shut up in a dark pen. If possible, choose a clear day for toss- ing, for nothing beats pigeons like wind and fog. A real Carrier will seldom stop till he reaches home. If they are regularly flown, well fed and watered, and kept clean, few diseases will be known in the loft. Let them have a large tin pan to wash in, change the water every day, and a lump of salt to peck at. The canker in the wattle is their worst disease, and frequently arises from dirt or from the birds fighting. The best cure is a piece of bitter aloes of the size of a pea, given inwardly, and the day after wash the wattle with warm water, and in the evening wash the sore with lead ammoniac, and burnt alum, mixed with lemon juice, till cured. Tobacco smoke will be found useful to clear the loft from vermin. The value of birds will frequently depend more on the fancy of the buyer, than on their real merit. In first stocking a loft, I would never be too parti- cular about price, as a good breeding stock is worth more than half the latter. It would be diffi- cult to fix any price as a general guide ; I have known Horsemen fetch £5 a pair, though good ones may be bought for £2, and Dragoons will fetch all 56 THE PIGEON. prices from 5s to <£5 a couple. Beards are usually the cheapest, and Antwerps are to be bought at few- fanciers, and frequently bring high prices. Of course much depends upon the shape and colour, but birds of a good strain will always fetch their price among the fancy. I shall confine my remarks to the flyers, and say nothing about the tory kinds, which include Tum- blers, Pouters, Jacobins, and many other species, which are held by their respective fanciers in as high es- timation as the best Carriers. Of the whole species, Pouters fetch the highest prices. An amateur, who has never attended a London pigeon show, would be astonished at the prices set on the birds by their owners ; and I know no prettier sight than a pen of good Horsemen or Dragoons. Like all other fancies, that of the pigeon will be found both troublesome and expensive ; but this will be fully compensated for, by the amusement afford, ed in rearing and flying the birds, and I think that every real lover of this bird will agree with me, that an hour may be spent much less profitably and usefully, than in the pigeon loft. The Pouter is a very common but most interest- ing bird. It is remarkable for its local attachment, and although not a good breeder, and exceedingly apt to degenerate, it is very useful about the pigeon- house, by leading the other birds to form a stronger house and home. Some of them can distend their crops to a very great size, so much so as frequently to overbalance themselves. By judicious crossing and patient perseverance, some fanciers have brought TUB PIGEON. 57 these birds to so high a point of perfection as to sell them for twenty guineas a pair. They are very bad nurses, and it is difficult to rear their young without the aid of the Dragoon. When a Pouter has laid an egg at the same time with a Dragoon, they should be carefully transferred from the one to the other, it being necessary to allow the Pouter to sit, otherwise she would continue to lay, which in a short time would cause her emaciation and death. If bred in and in, they quickly degenerate and become worth- less, new kinds must therefore be got by purchase or exchange, to prevent the deteriorating effects of too close a consanguineous connexion. The contra- ry is the case with the Almond Tumbler, which, the more it ia bred in and in, only dimiiushes in size, and is accordingly enhanced in beauty and value. The Fan-tail is a very beautiful bird, sometimes, on account of its frequent tremulous movemenl of the neck, called the Broadtailed Shaker. When perfect, its tail consists of not less than twenty. four or more than thirty. six feathers, which it keeps spread and always erect, for if they are but for once allowed to drop, it is a fault never overlooked and never forgiv- en. A very slender-necked, full-breasted, and large* tailed bird, carrying the latter gracefully, is of very great value. The plumage is agreeably white, but there is also a great variety of colours. The Jacohine is a bird very scarce, and difficult to be found of a good sort. It is sometimes called Jack, and is a very small bird. It has a range of inverted feathers on the back of the head, somewhat resembling in form the cowl of a monk, or the ruff of 5 58 THE PIGEON. a cavalier, and hence its name. This range of feathers is called the hood — and the closer and more compact it grows to the head the greater is the value of the bird. The lower part of what is called the chain and the feathers that compass it, should be short and thick. There is a great variety of colour among them, but the yellows always obtain prece- dence. Besides these we have enumerated, an almost end- less variety of names has been given to some where the shades of difference are very slight. With these the young pigeon. keeper should have as little to do as possible. Even with the commonest assortment he can buy at the market or from a companion, he will soon have a sufficient variety, and many to please his eye with sufficient beauty ; and if it is ne- cessary to assign them names, he can easily baptize them himself without consulting the vocabularies of the London fanciers. Plucking o}ie of the wings of old strangers to in- duce them to haunt or to prevent them from their vagabondizing propensities, sometimes manifested by old inmates, is better than cutting, as their power of flight comes on gradually as the feathers grow, and they become f^imihar with and fond of the features of the locality within a limited range of which they have thus been for a time confined. We have al- most always seen this mode succeed in our own ex- perience, although the reports of others all tend to the superiority of endeavouring to haunt young in preference to olJ h'ndfl, which is certainly surer and safer, but the other may also he tried, as the old TIIS PIGEON. 59 ones may begin to breed as soon as their wing is grown, which only takes about a month, whereas six times that period must be waited for before e^gs can be expected from the young ones. If a hen hap. pens to be lost, it is seldom that the cock remains long behind, — but the very contrary happens with the loss of the cock. The hen sets out in search of a mate, and she will soon be seen wiling a male companion — widowed in all probability in some other dovecote — homeward to her own residence, where they speedily pair. 4. Diseases of Pigeons. — The most of fancy pi- geons being monstrous productions, are peculiarly subject to disease. Girton enumerates upwards of a dozen, with their appropriate remedies, including corruption of the egg in uterus from over-high feed- ing, — a gorged crop, from voracious feeding, — in- sects, from filthiness in the pigeon-houses, — and the canker, from cocks fighting with each ocr. r. Little can be done in the way of curing these diseases, ex- cept by their recurrence to proper regimen, and if this does not produce the desired effect, it is bet- ter to put the bird liars de 'peine., both for the sake of humanity and to prevent the spread of infection. Fortunately the common pigeon, reared for the sake of the table, is but little liable to any of these disor- ders. 5. Laws regarding Pigeons. — By the 1 of James, chap. 27, shooting, or destroying pigeons by other means, is, on the evidence of two witnesses, punisha- ble by a fine of 20 shillings for every bird killed or ta- ken ; and by the 2 of George III. c. 29, the same of- 60 THE PIGEO:^. fence may be'proved by one witness, and the fine is 20 shillings to the prosecutor. According to 7 and 8 Geo. 4, c. 29, sect. 33, per- sons iinlavvtully killing, wounding, or taking any house-dove (>r pigeon, under such circumstances as do not amount to larceny, at common law, shall forfeit over and above the value of the bird, any sum not ex- ceeding forty shillings. Occupiers of land may law- fully kill pigeons destroying corn. At the Westminster Court of Requests, in Feb- ruary, 1829, a decision was made against trapping pigeons, the defendant being amerced in the price of the birds he had entrapped. Any lord of the manor, or freeholder, may build a pigeon-house on his own land, but it cannot be done by the tenant without the lord's permission. Shoot- ing or killing within a certain distance of the pigeon- house, renders the transgressor liable to forfeiture. I. The remarks of Mr. Cobbet, on the subject of pi- geons, are very sensible, short, founded on good au- thority, and worthy of attention. "A few of them may be kept," he says, "about any cottage, for they are kept even in towns by la- bourers and artizans. They cause but little trouble. They take care of their own young, and they do not scratch, or do any other mischief in gardens. They want feeding with tares, peas, or small beans ; and buck-wheat is very good for them. To begm keep- ing them, they must not have flown at large before you get them. You must keep them for two or three days shut into the place which is to be their home ; and then they may be let out, and will never leave THE PIGEON. 61 you, as long as they can get proper food, and are un- disturbed by vermin, or unannoyed exceedingly by lice. The common dove-house pigeons are the best to keep. They breed oftenest, and feed their young ones best. They begin to breed at about ?iine months old, and if well kept, they will give j'^ou eight or nine pair in the year. Any little place, a shelf in the cow shed ; a board or two under the eaves of the house ; or, in short, any place under cover, even on the ground Hoor, they will sit and hatch and breed up their young ones in. " It is not supposed that there could be much profit attached to them ; but they are of this use. they are very pretty creatures ; very interesting in their manners ; they are an object to delight children, and to give them the eai'ly habit of fondness for animals and of setting a value on them, which, as I have often had to observe before, is a very great thing. A con- siderable part of all the jiroperty of a nation consists of animals. Of course a proportionate part of the cares and labours of a people appertains to the breed- ing and bringing to perfection those animals ; and, if you consult your experience, you will iind that a la- bourer is, generally speaking, of value in proportion as he is worthv of beins: intrusted with the care of animals. The most careless fellow cannot hurt a hedge or ditch ; but to trust him with the team or the Jlock, is another matter. And, mind, for the man to be trust-worthy in this respect, the hoy must have been in the habit of being kind and considerate to- wards animals ; and nothing is so likely to give him that excellent habit as his seeing, from hia 62 THE PIGEON. very birth, animals taken great care of, and treated with great kindness, by his parents, and now-and- then having a little thing to call his ownP Yet, notwithstanding the protection thus afforded them by law, and the opinion thus expressed of their value, by one who had not the highest reverence for legislative wisdom, it is lamentable to think how much this poor persecuted emblem of innocence has been made to administer to the base and depraved propensities of some of the lower members of the modern sporting world. Chalk Farm has risen into a new, and as little to be envied, notoriety, by men now shooting pigeons there, as tools, with a greater regard at least to jus- tice, stood to shoot at one another, for the poor pi- geon has less chance against a crack cockney shot, than the duellist against the hair-trigger of his anta- gonist. The trembling hand, or the leadless barrel of the latter, may insure safety, but dozens of pigeons, despite their power of wing, and speed of flight, are brought down merely for the settlement of some quar- relling bets, or as the prelude to some tavern dinner, or tivern brawl, or the formation of a new match, where the same degrading scenes are to be repeated over again. Let it not be said there is no more harm in shooting a pigeon, than in pulling its neck. In point of morality, they are wide as the poles asun- der. In every act regard the agent's end, and in the latter we see but a fulfihnent of the destinies of nature, but in the other the fostering of vice, the indulgence of cruelty, and an administration to the basest passions of mankind. THE PIGEON. 63 Our readers may have read much in the periodi- cals of the day, of Battersea-fieids, the chief theatre of the sport of pigeon shooting. In the words well expressed of a well-informed writer, " That few peo- ple, even those accustomed to reflect on animal suf- ferings, are aware of those of the wretched town- pigeon ; harassed about from its first quitting the nest, through the rough hands of scores of unfeeling blackguards ; its feathers pulled, its wings bracedt starved, and forced to fly against its inclination, match- ed, then unmatched, and its dearest ties broken ; sold, resold, exposed in cages, immersed in cellars, coal-holes, and loaded with every misery which can be inflicted by the wanton caprice, neglect, and beastly ignorance of the two-legged race, its tyrants." British Field Sports. — It is better not to be initated into the fancy pigeon " Cultivation" at all, or mere- ly to keep pigeons for the use of the table, with the additional pleasure to be derived from contemplating their flight, with a degree of attention to those birds M'hich are of the largest size, and most beautiful ap- pearance. The best authenticated Treatise on Do- mestic Pigeons, especially regarding the fancy varie- ties, was published by Barry of Fenchurch Street, in 1765, containing also some very good descriptive plates. That Treatise has been succeeded by Moore's Columbarium, and some others, founded on their authority. 6. Economy of Pigeons. — The only breeds worth keeping, exclusive of the common sort, are Tiimhlersy Horsemen, Carrieis, Turtles, Dragoons, (commonly called Dragons), and Runts — the latter both Spanish 64 THE PIGEON. and Leghorn, for their great size. As breeders, no fancy pigeons will in general equal the common dove-house kind, unless perhaps with great care and attention. The pigeon is monogamous ; that is, the male at- taches once, confines himself to one female, and the attachment is reciprocal — the fidelity of the dove to its mate being proverbial. Yet it will be often seen that the most bitter hate and deadly hostility prevail among them. One will at times assume the reins of even worse than eastern despotism, and tyrannize it over the rest with the utmost cruelty. Then all the symptoms of innocence disappear; all the stand- ards of peace are furled; persecution, anarchy, and confusion, usurp their place. This often arises from the intrusion of a stranger, for it should be remarked that pigeons have a proud as well as a generally peaceful disposition, or rather they have, when once attached to it, so much of the amor dormi as resent, fully to resist the intrusion of a stranger, to lay aside for a season their peaceful nature, and to take up arms in resistance of a foreign invasion. Some- times the intruder — especially if a strong, old, illna- tured cock — Vv^ill either succeed in putting the whole of the native residents to the rout, or at least in giv- ing them no peace at home. In this he succeeds by attacking them singly, as soon as one appears upon the lighting board, or if he chance to reign for a mo- ment there alone, by darting fiercely upon the first in- dividual that appears upon an adjoining roof. Pi- geons do not seem to be aware of the power of com- bination, or to have learned the doctrine that union THE PIGEON. 65 is strength, or a couple attacking such a fellow con- jointly would annihilate him at once. But in such a case the only resource of the owner is to look to the instant destruction of the intruder, and it is only pigeons possessed of such a character that we would ever wish to see consigned to the sportsmen of Chalk Farm and Battersea-fields. Young pigeons are termed squeakers, and begin to breed about the age of six months, when properly managed. Their courtship, and the well known tone of voice in the cock, just then acquired and commenc- ing, are indications of their approaching union. Nestlings, whilst fed by the cock and hen, are termed squabs, and are at that ago sold and used for the ta- ble. The Dove-house pigeon is said to breed month- ly, being well supplied with food, more particularly when the ground is bound by frost or covered with snow. At any rate, it may be depended on, that pi- geons of almost any healthy and well established va- riety, will breed eight or ten times in the year ; whence it may be conceived how immense are the quantities which may be raised. It is nevertheless with difficulty that entire credit can be given to the calculations with respect to the increase either of pigeons or rabbits — bringing to our remembrance, to compare small things with great, the earths of gold of the celebrated Doctor Price, which have been so greatly reduced in number and weight by subsequent doctors. But we cannot ques- tion the positive testimony of Stillingfleet, who as- serts that fourteen thousand seven hundred and sixty pigeons were produced from one single pair, in the 66 THE PIGEON. course of four years. To class things of a similar bearing together, it has been calculated (but by whom, or on whut practical ground, is not well known,) that a single pair of rabbits may produce one mil- lion two hundred and seventy-four thousand eight hundred and forty of their kind ! This is a question however more specuhitive than practical, and any one who commences with a couple of pairs, if they once proceed successfully, will lind the increase suf- ficiently great to satisfy any reasonable expectation, and to answer all domestic purposes which they are intended to serve. 7. The Dove Cote. — The first step towards pigeon- keeping is undoubtedly to provide a commodious place for their reception ; the next, to provide the pigeons themselves. These will be bred in pairs, but if not actually inatched, pairs must be afterwards taken for that purpose, that no time may be lost ; indeed, they may bo matched according to the fancy of the keepers, for the purpose of varying the co- l 84 THK RABBIT. here, are said to be in demand for exportation to Rus- sia and China, and thence bought up in large quan- tities by the fur merchants for exportation. Formerly a fine animal of any two colours was con- sidered a fancy rabbit, but now the character is con- fined to those possessed of long lopped ears. The graceful fall of the ears is the first thing that is looked to by the fancier, next the dew-lap, if the ani- mal is in its prime, then the colours and marked points, and lastly, the shape and general appearance. The ears of a fine rabbit should extend not less than seven inches, measured from tip to tip, in a line across the skull, but even though they should exceed this length, they are admitted with reluctance into a first-rate fancy stock, unless they have a uniform and graceful droop. The dewlap is only seen in fancy rabbits after they have attained their full growth; it commences immediately under the jaw, and adds much to the beauty of their appearance. It goes down the throat, and between the forelegs, and is so broad, that it projects beyond the chin, when the head reposes on it. A very fine efiect is pro- duced by it, when the fur with which it is clothed is of a beautiful colour. The difference between the fancy and the common rabbit in the back and gener- al appearance, independently of the ears, is sufficient to strike the most common observer. Fancy rabbits cost a very high price, so much as five, ten, and even twenty guineas having been given for a first-rate doe. If young ones are first procured of a good lineage, the foundation of an excellent stock can be laid for a much smaller sum, and by THE RABBIT. 85 judicious pairing and crossing, some splendid varie- ties may at times be produced. Very excellent spe- cimens have occasionally been thrown off by those who have good blood in their veins, although they themselves should not be perfect, but even exhibit some inferior points. The original pairs should, in this case, be got rid of as soon as possible, and the best models for future breeding retained. By this means, he who begins with a cheap, and even an in- ferior stock, may soon come to enter into success- ful competition with one who commenced with the purest and highest priced kinds. Sometimes the ears, instead of drooping down, slope bi-ck \vardy. A rubbit with ihis characteristic is scarcely admitted into the fancy catalogue, and is not considered worth much more than the common va- riety. The next and most general position of the ears, is when one lops outward, and the other stands erect. Rabbits of this kind possess little value, how- ever fine in shape, and beautiful in colour, although they sometimes throw off as good specimens as those which are quite perfect. Though only one-half lop- up. eared, they are in general fully bred, and as a con- sequence, their progeny is often superior to them- selves. T\\e foreward or horn lop is one degree nearer per- fi-'ction than the half lop. The ears in this case slope forward and down over the forehead. Rabbits with this peculiarity are sometimes perfect in all other respects, with the exception of the droop in the ears, and often become the progenitors of an illus- trious posterity, purified from all their imperfections, 96 THE RABBIT. and possessed ofcill their excellencies. Does of this kind frequently have the power of lifting one ear upright. In the ear top, the ears spread out in a horizontal position, like the wings of a bird in flight, or the arms of a man in swimming. A great many excellent does have this characteristic, and some of the best bred bucks in the fancy are entirely so. Sometimes a rabbit drops one ear completely, but raises the other so nearly horizontally as to constitute it an ear top : this is superior to all others except the per- fect fall, which is so rarely to be met with, that those which are merely ear topped are considered very valuable animals, if well bred, and with other good qualities. The real top has ears that hang down by the side of the cheek, slanting somewhat outward in their des- cent with the auricular parts inward, and sometimes either backward or forward instead of perpendicular. When the animal stands in an easy position, the tips of the ears touch the ground. The hollows of the ears in a fancy rabbit of the first rate kind, should be turned so completely backward, that only the outer or convex part of them may appear in front. They should match exactly in their descent, and should slant outward as little as possible. Perfect- ly handsome lops are considered so rare, that a breeder with a stock of twenty does of the most capi- tal kind, with superior blood and beauty, may think himself fortunate if he can get a dozen full lopped ears, in the course of a year, out of them all, 4. Colour of Rabbits. — As the common ^rabbit is THE RABBIT. 87 reared principally for the table, weight and size are with it more important requisites than colour, both for culinary and other economical purposes, as well as taste. Sometimes indeed a stock of rabbits has been kept almost entirely for their skins. The old writers perhaps rather overvalued the pro- fits of this stock. Rabbit. keeping is practised by a few individuals in almost every town, and by a few in almost every part of the country ; but thirty or forty years ago, there were one or two very consider- able feeders near the metropolis, keeping each, ac- cording to report, from fifteen hundred to two thous- and breeding does. These large concerns have ceas- ed, it seems, long since, and London receives the sup- ply of tame, as well as wild rabbits, chiefly from the country. The most considerable rabbit. feeders in England some years ago, were two gentlemen, the one resi- dent in Oxfordshire, the other in Berks. The for- mer fed some hundreds, and then, it was said, intended to double his stock. The huts were placed in a small building set apart for that purpose. The then stock produced one load of dung per week, two loads of which were sufficient to manure an acre of land. Three dozen of rabbits per week were sent to the London market, but keep and attendance reckoned, no other profit accrued, excepting the dung, the price of which used to be eight-pence per bushel, and I be- lieve thirty. six bushels are reckoned a load. The Berks gentleman, according to the survey of that county, fed white rabbits, on account of the superior value of their skins, from their application of late 88 TIIK RABBIT. years to the purpose of trimmings. Twenty does and two bucks will form a large stock. Tortoise shell (a rich brown and white, and brown grey and white) as also jet black, and pure white, are reckoned the best colours by fanciers. Mouse colour is much admired by a chosen few. Fawn, and fawn and white, and grev, have also their ad- mirers. The cook, however, has peculiar delight in the grey and the black ; they are of a hardy consti- tution, form good breeders, and are capital eating. Fanciers attach much importance to the manner in which the colours are mixed. The greater part of the back, the haunches, and the body, should be of the dark hue, or sliprlidy spot!' -i with the lighter hue. A chain, or series of the darker colour, should come up to the shoulders, and the rest of the fore part of the body should also be variegated — ^white, however, predominating. If the ears are of not pre- cisely the prevailing colour of the body, they are called pie-bald, which is considered a great defect. A great deal of colour, not unmingled with white, should surround the eyes, and cover the nose. The throat and dewlap may be either white, dark, or va- riegated, and the belly altogether white. There should be as few white hairs as possible on any of the spots or dark parts, especially those of the back, for they make the animal appr;ar grizzled and d(;- ficient in beauty. The spots should be distinctly de- fined on the white ground. When the colour on the back gradually melts away into the white by an in- termixture of white hairs, instead of being gradually and clearly broken by distinct edges and termina- THB RABBIT. 89 tin2 with the chain on the shoulders, the animal is al- ways considered deteriorated. The rabbits, however, that are perfectly coloured, are extremely few, and they only approach perfection the more closely they coincide with the description we have thus given. All the rabbits in the fancy stock that do not ap- pear improving upon the colour of their progenitors, should be consigned to the cook. They should be condemned to feast the palate, when they are not fit to please the eye, and it is always better to have a select than merely a numerous assortment. When rabbits from first-rate docs exhibit this deterioration of colour, they are called blood-suckers, because they impoverish the stock, by taking the food and milk which might nourish a more esteemed brood. The thoroucjh rabbit. fancier never thinks of rearins: mere- ly for the table. It is his object and his interest to sell them to those of a taste similar to his own, but if he keeps a number of does he is under the necessi- ty of weeding his stock by devoting them to his own use, or taking the regular market price for them from the poulterer, as out of every score which he .may think it proper, on account of their colours, to rear to the age of two months, three-fourths of them will be found of no value from defect in their ears. He is too knowing, however, to send them out of his hands alive, as this would give others an opportunity of raising a comparatively valuable stock, though of an inferior grade, which would tend to lower prices in the fancy market. There is a story told of a pi- geon. fancier who was offered a guinea for a pair for which he had asked five times the amount, having 7 90 THE RABBIT. wrung off their heads to provide for his supper ,• and it is also said that a poulterer had concluded a bar- gain with a person who kept good rabbits, for a lot of young ones, at ha!f-a-crown a pair, and when* he proposed taking them home alive, he was told, that in that case they must cost a guinea. The reason is obvious. Although the present generation might appear imperfect, and not worth the keeping to the eye of the fancier, some of their posterity might turn out well, and the excellences of the original stock might thus be transferred to the possession of a stran- ger who had not paid any thing like an adequate price. Fine coloured rabbits should never be sacrificed on account of any defect in their ears, as they are some- times known to throw off beautiful loppers, and to be- come the founders of an excellent family ; whereas, those with drooping ears, but of mean colour, and of puny form, frequently give rise to a paltry erect-ear- ed race. It is a mistake to keep them on account of their ears alone, fine points and beautiful colour be- ing of far greater importance. It is equally foolish, and withal a cruel practice, to cause the e'ar to droo^ by artificial means. Unless it be to serve somt purpose of jockey-ship, it is labour in vain, and sel- dom followed even with the appearance of temporary success. It is better to attend principally to the colour and general constitution, leaving lopped-eared progeny to the chapter of accidents, as more or less of them will be turned out in the ordinary and regu- lar increase of the stock. 5. The Rabbit Hutch. — The great requisite in a THE BABBIT. 91 rabbitry, whether large or small, is dryness and fresh air; the want of either of which is equally destruc- tive to the inmates. In securing free ventilation, every precaution should be used to prevent strong and irregular currents of air, which pras injurious to the health as a confined find humid as atmosphe, and is apt to bring on a disease called the snuffles, a dan- gerous and fatal disorder. The young fancier should attend more to the situation in which his hutches are placed, than to the materials of which they are composed. He should, if possible, choose the summit of a sloping bank on a dry and sandy soil. The floor of the hutch should be an inclined plane, with a small opening at the bottom to carry offany super- fluous moisture. It should always bs divided into two compartments, the outer one railed in, and only half covered with a hinged rail on the uncovered part, which can be opened at pleasure for the pur- pose of inspection or teeding. The inner apartment should have the whole of the lowe inwall on hinges, that it may be thoroughly and regularly cleaned. In the corner of a small park, or green, or garden, such a hutch can easily be constructed", by any active youth, with a few old boards, at almost no expense. We do not approve of old tea-chests or egg boxes, unless for the purpose of temporary confinement or separation, and a few of these may always be at hand for managing the progress of the breeding stock. It is preferable to rest the hutches upon stands, about a foot above the ground, for the convenience of cleaning under them. Each of the hutches, intended for breeding, should have two rooms, 'a feeding and 92 THE RABBtf. a bed room. Those are single for the use of the WEANKD RABBITS, or for the BUCKS, which are always, except at the proper season, kept separate. When much green meat is given, rabbits make a considerable quantity of urine, and I have some- times seen occasion to set the hutches sloping back- wards a few degrees, a very small aperture being made the whole length of the floor, to carry off the urine. A sliding door in the partition between the two rooms is convenient for confining the rabbits during the operation of cleaning ; which, indeed, is a good argument for having all the hutches double, it beins more troublesome to clean out a room with a number of rabbits in it, than with only one. It must not be forgotten, that the teeth of rabbits are very effectual implements of destruction to any thing not hard enough to resist them, and their troughs should be bound with something less penetrable than wood. As they are apt to scratch out their food and dung into it, I have often thought it might be useful to adopt the feeding troughs with moveable boards, as well for rabbits as for pigs. The floor of the hutches should be planed smooth, that wet may run off*, and a common hoe with a short handle, and a short broom, are most convenient im- plements for cleaning these houses. The hutches should be littered with refuse hay or straw, perfect- ly dry. The rabbit-house should contain a tub for the dang, and a bin for a day's supply of hay, corn, roots, or other food, which should be given in as fresh a state as possible. There are Dther modes of confining j:abbits for THE BABBIT. 93 breeding, in which they are left to their liberty, with- in certain bounds : for example, an artificial mound walled in, in which they burrow and live as in the natural state, and an island, as described in Mr. Young's Annals, — methods which are certainly or- namental and pleasurable, and more perhaps for tho comfort of the animals ; but not so profitable to tho owner as hutching, in whicli mode also they may be preserved, with due care, in the highest state of health. " On this head," says Mowbray, " I find the following remark in my memoranda for the year 1805 : Rabbits at large must alicnys snjfer more in point of profit, by loss of number, than they gain, by cheaper feeding, ex- clusive of the mischief they do : and this principlo operates proportionall3'^ in limited enlargement, as in the unlimited upon the warren. They arc quarrel- some and mischievous animals, and the bucks when at liberty destroy a considerable port of the young. A run abroad indeed for young rabbits, until a cer- tain age, might be beneficial ii growth were the sub- ject ; but all rabbits must be separated at the age of puberty, or as soon as they become fit for breeding ; they will else tear each other to pieces." With all due deference we must beg leave to dif- fer from this respectable authority, as we have found from experience thtit the more the common rabbit, and even some approaching to a fine fancy breed, are allowed to run and gambol in the open air, the har- dier, healthier, and more prolific they become, re- quiring less attention, and in every respect aflTord- ing more pleasure and profit to the keeper. When there is convenience for it, a small enclosed unpavecl 94 THE BABBIT. Court on a sandy substratum, dry and firm, of about twelve or twenty feet square, or oblong of such di. mension^, io one of the best little domestic warrens that can be formed, giving the animals all the advan- tages of a state of nature and a State of domestica- tion at the same time. Here they will frisk and burrow, bringing forth their young safe from the ravages of the buck and every enemy, and the litter 6 seldom seen till, — when the young are about a month old, — they emerge from their subterraneous bed, and run about like little living snowballs. "When thus brought up they are apt to become a little wild, but hunger is the great tamer of all animated being, and the necessity they are under of returning to the hutch^for food, soon accustoms Ihem to the presence, and subjects them to the hand of man. It is objected to this mode of training, that the burrow- ing of the rabbits is apt to undermine, and one wor- thy guardian of ours, when we first adopted the pro- cess, felt serious alarm lest the whole house should tumble down about his ears. But this is altogether a mistake, as the burrow of the rabbit forms a strong arch, and any thing placed upon it stands as secure- ly as on the solid ground. On the banks of the Firth of Forth we once enjoyed a situation of this kind, and neither before nor since haVe we ever enjoyed so much satisfaction in the rearing of rabbits. They defied all the attacks of cat, or dog, and weasel, even when the gate at the bottom of their hutch was left open for days and nights ; and it would eventually have required a keen ferret to have scented them not of their many lurking places. THE RABBIT. 95 For fancy rabbits, however, distinct hutches are necessary. They should be boxes placed against the wall, and raised trom the ground, with wire fronts. They should have drawers in the front for food, and moveable bottoms for cleaning, something on the same principle as a bird cage. The hutch of the doe should be divided by a partition, with a small sliding door in it. She should never ba allowed to feed in the inner or breeding division, and both should be kept thoroughly dry and clean. It is unnecessary to have any partition in the buck's hutches. They should be of a semicircular form, with the chord at the front, from which the sides and back should be gradually rounded off. The wires are placed wide apart, and are stronger and thicker than those used for does' hutches. The drawer is placed in the cen- tre, as there is only one to feed, instead of running the whole length of the front. The buck's hutch should not be less than twenty inches high, thirty broad, and twenty at its deepest part. The hutches may be placed one above the other, or placed in a row as circumstances may permit, or choice direct. If possible they should never stand on the ground, but on stools or horses about a foot or two high. The backs are better a little removed from the wall, and sufficient room should be left for the dung to have a passage through the openings made in the lower part of the floor. 6. Feeding* — Too much attention cannot be paid to this part of the subject, as it is upon his skill and attention in feeding, the greater part of the success and satisfaction of the young fancier will depend. 96 THE RABBIT. " Abundant food,^^ says Cobbet, " is the main thing ; and what is there that a rabbit will not eat 1 I know of nothing green that they will not eat ; and if hard pushed, they will eat bark, and even wood. The best thing to feed the young ones on when taken from the mother, is the carroty wild or garden. Parsnips, Swedish turnips, roots of dandelion ; for too much green or watery stuff is not good for meaning rabbits. They should remain as long as possible with the mother. They should have oats once a-day ; and, after a time, they may eat anything with safety. But if you give them too much green at first when they are weaned, they rot as sheep do. A variety of food is a great thing; and, surely, the fields and gar- dens and hedges furnish this variety ! All sorts of grasses, strawberry. leaves, ivy, dandelions, the hog- weed or 7vild parsiiip, in root, stem, and leaves. I have fed working horses, six or eight in number, up- on this plant for weeks together. It is a tall bold plant that grows in prodigious qutintilies in the hedges and coppices in some parts of England. - It is the j)erennial parsnip. It has flower and seed precisely like those of the parsnip ; and hogs, cows, and horses, are equally fond of it. Many a half- etarved pig have [ seen within a few yards of cart- loads of this pig meat ! This arises from want of the early habit of attention to such matters. I, who used to get hog-weed for pigs and for rabbits when a little chap, have never forgotten that the wikl parsnip is good for pigs and rabbits. When the doe has young ones, feed her most abun- dantly with all sorts of greens and herbage, and THE RABBIT. 97 with carrots and the other things mentioned before, besides giving her a few oats once a day. The young ones> if they come from the mother in good case, will very seldom die. But do not think, that because she* is a small animal, a little feeding is sufficient ! Rabbits eat a great deal more than cows or sheep, in proportion to their bulk. Of all animals rabbits are those that hoys are most fond of. They are extremely pretty, nimble in their movements, engaging in their attitudes, and always completely under immediate control. The produce has not long to be waited for. In short, they ke("p an interest constantly alive in a little chap's mind; and they really cost nothings for as to the oats, where is the boy that cannot, in harvest- time, pick up enough along the lanes to serve his rabbits for a year. The care is all ; and the habit of taking care of things is, of itself, a most valuable possession. To those gentlemen who keep rabbits for the use of their family (and a very useful and convenient arti- cle they are), I would observe, that when they find their rabbets die, they may depend on it, that ninety- nine times out of a hundred starvation is the malady. And particularly short feeding of the doe, while, and before she has young ones ; that is to say, short feeding of her at all times \ for if she be poor, the young ones will be good ibr nothing. She will live being poor, but she will not and cannot breed up fine young ones." Too much food at a time is as bad as too little. It should be given often and in small (quantities, fresh 98 THE RABBIT. and clean, that it may not litter and become putrid, producing in the rabbit disgust and disease. Three times a day is sufficiently frequent for all ordinary purposes. In the morning to a full grown doe, with no young to suckle, there should be given a little hay dry, clean and green vegetables; at noon, two hand- fuls of good corn should -be put into her trough ; and at night, a boiled potato or two, with a little more hay or clover, but only if her hutch be quite clear of what she got in the morning. The hay is trodden dpwn and wasted if more is given to them than they are able to consume in a few hours, unless it be to a doe just about to litter. It is eaten and relished when but a moderate quantity is given to them at a time. Green or moist food is generally preferred to corn, but to keep them in health it is necessary to furnish them with a regular supply of solid food. A few split or grey peas may occasionally be given them instead of corn. The peas may be soaked a little before being put into the trough when intend- ed for a doe, with a litter by her side, or for young ones recently weaned. If a doe will not eat corn, a few tea leaves may be mixed in her mess, and she should be proportionably stinted in green food. To gather for the table, or to bring a lean one into good condition, barley meal, either dry or scalded, is an excellent diet. Tea leaves may occasionally be given them as a luxury, but never as their staple fare. A doe will eat nearly double the quantity when suckling that she will do at any other time, and when her litter begin to eat, the allowance of food should be gradually augmented. Sometimes when THE RABBIT. 99 afflicted with thirst, an extra portion of green food may be allowed, or some moistened grain, or even a spoonful of water, milk, or beer, but it is dangerous to expose them to moisture, either internally or ex- ternally. 7. Breeding. — The doe will breed, at the age of six months, and her period of gestation is thirty or thirty-one days. It should be premised, that the buck and doe are by no means to be left long together ; but their union having been successful, the buck must be inmediately withdrawn^ and the doe tried again three ' days. Like chickens,. the best breeding rabbits are those kindled in March. Some days before parturi- tion, or kindling, hay is to be given to .the doe, to assist in making her bed, with the flue which nature has instructed her to tear from her body for that pur- pose. She will be at this period seen sitting upon her haunches, and tearing off the flue, and the hay being presented to her she will with her teeth re- duce and shorten it to her purpose. Biting down of the litter or bed, is the first sign of approachin» delivery. The number produced is generally be- tween five and ten ; and it is most advantageous always to destroy the weak and sickly ones, as soon as their defects can be perceived, because five healthy and well-grown rabbits aTe worth more* than double the number of an opposite description, and the doe will be far less exhausted. She will admit the buck again with profit at the end of six weeks, when the young may be separated from her and weaned. Or the young may be suckled two months, the doe taking the buck at the end of five 100 THE RABBIT. weeks, so that the former litter will leave her about a week before her next parturition. A notion was formerly prevalent, of the necessity for giving the buck to the doe immediately after she had brought forth, lest she should pine, and that no time might be lost, but this is an unwise and unnatural practice, leading to the injury of health, and often to the loss of life. Great care should be taken that the doe during the period of her gestation be not approached by the buck, or indeed by any other rabbit ; as, from being harrassed about, she wi41 «.lmost certainly cast her young. One doe in a thousand may devour her young ; the sign that she ought to be otherwise dis- posed of. .Some does admit the buck with difficulty, although often apparently in season ; such should be immediately fattened off, since it never can be worth while to keep an objectionable individual for breed- ing, of a stock to be produced in such multitudes. Should the doe be weak on her bringing forth, from cold caught, or other cause, she will drink beer-cau- •dle, as well as any other lady ; or warm fresh grains will comfort her ; a malt mash, scalded fine pollard, or barley-meal, in which may be mixed a small quantity of cordial horse-ball. Mr. Brown, of Banbury, who has published some observations on the subject, believes that what ap- pears to be a propensity in the devouring her young, is nothing more than a necessitous, though truly un- natural act. Mr. B. observes, " I have had rabbits which have been sold me cheap, in consequence of this seeming proneness to eat their young, >vhich I have entirely THE RABBIT. 101 avoided by allowing the animal some short time anterior, at the time, and tor a week or so after par- turition, to drink freely of cold water ; and when I had taken this precaution, no such propensity ever evinced itself in the least; and that cold water is in no way injurious and the animal appears wonder- fully gratified by it. "The preceding remarks go to prove, that the propensity is in fact one which has necessity for its origin ; and that of the most imperious nature. Hence it is recommended to all who may have sufiered from this cause to supply the parturient animals with as much cold liquid* as they require or can drink." However plausible this theory of Mr. Brown may be, and however occasionally useful, it must not be received as generally correct. We must look deeper tlian thirst, and the mere want of drink for the real exciting cause of this apparently unnatural, perhaps inscrutable act in females of various genera of animals, since it is well-known to take place when there is no such want, particularly in the rabbit, the least liable to thirst, the sow, the cat, the ferret, and others. The cow also devours her after-burden, in a field of grass, and in reach of the pond at which she is daily accustomed to drink. There are, moreover formidable objections to this hypothesis of Mr. Brown ; no light one in the solidity of the substanc, chosen to allay thirst, better calculated, one would suppose, to appease hunger ; and another weighty one in the tact, that some, or most females, never devour their young, under whatever circumstances 102 THE RABBIT. of privation. The doe will sometimes commit the act from resentment at having her bed and young disturbed and pried into, and will frequently tear her bed in pieces, and scatter the fragments about her hut. . . Professor Coleman, in a ypry fanciful theory, attri-* butes this unnatural practice in the doe to a con- sciousness of a deficiency in milk ; but we consider that the above observations give a more rational and probable account of the matter. Every litter should be reduced to five or six, by destroying the weak and sickly ones. Should the doe be weak after kindling, she should get a malt mash, scalded pollard or barley meal, in which may be mixed a small quantity of cordial horse-ball. In this or any other case in which a dee is weak, a little bread soaked in milk, and pressed dry again, may be ^iven with great advantage. It is advisable to manage so as to make two or three does kindle at the same time, so that some of the young of the doe that has too many, may be transferred to the one that has too few, but never consigning more than six to each. In selecting for a breeding stock, the mem- bers of a small family should always be fixed as most likely to produce a vigorous and beautiful p rogeny. 8. Diseases. — Diseases may, in a great measure, be prevented by regularity in feeding, good food, and cleanliness. The refuse of vegetables should always be carefully rejected and removed. For the liver complaint there is no remedy, and when rabbits are affected with it, to which they are very liable, the only resource is to fatten them for the table. The THE HABBIT. 103 snuffles are brought on by damp and cold, and can only be cured, when cure is possible, by the opposite of that which caused it. They are sometimes in- fected with an ulcerous scab, which appears to be contagious, and the only course to be pursued is the separation of the sound from the tainted, as for tlje latter there is little or no hope. Tea leaves are the most medicinal food that can be given when their health appears at allaQected from any cause, but of all animals with which we are acquainted, the rabbit is the least able to resist the attack of disease, and seems the most to defy all medical and surgical skill. The grand object of attention should therefore be, to preserve them in health, which is seldom, if ever, a task of much difficulty. • , 9. General Observations. — With due attention to keeping them warm and comfortable, and guarding against any sudden impression from cold, and more particularly moist air, and with the aid of the best and most nourishing food, rabbits may be bred throughout the winter, with nearly equal success as in the summer season. i3ut, in truth, their pro.duce is so multitudinous, that one might be w^ell satisfied with four or five litters, during the best part of the year, giving the doe a winter fallow. Even four litters would, upon the lowest calculation, produce twenty young ones annually to each doe ; equal to an annual two thousand from a stock of one hundred does. Breeders have no experience of does beyond the fifth year, but the buck comes into use at six, or even four months old, and is in perfection from the age of two to three years. 104 THE RABBIT. Rabbits are generally sold from the teat, but there is also a demand for those of larger size, which may be fattened upon corn and hay with an allowance of the best vegetables. The better the food, the great- er weight, better quality, and more profit, as is indeed the case in the breeding of all animals. Some fatten with fresh grains and pollard. Wheat, and all kinds of oats, have been tried comparatively, but little diflerpnce in the goodness of flesh has been found. The Rabbit's flesh being dry, the allowance of sue- culent greens may tend to render it more juicy. Rabbits are in perfection for feeding at the fourth or sixth month ; beyond which period, their flesh be- comes more dry and somewhat hard. It requires three months, or nearly so, to make a rabbit thorough- ly fat and ripe ; half the time may make them eata- ble, but by no means equal in the quality of the flesh. They may yet be over-fattened as appears by speci- mens exhibited a few years since, at Lord Somer- ville's show, a pair of which were loaded with fiit without and within, like the highest fed sheep ; and at the late London cattle show, two were exhibited, one of them exceeding the weight of 15 lbs. I'he flesh of the rabbit is esteemed equally digesti- ble with that of fowls, and equally proper for the table of the invalid. This seems to be the general sentiment, especially with regard to the sucking rabbit boiled. There is, nevertheless, some discrepan- cy of judgment between our sages of the table, as to the preference due to the wild or tame rabbit. In our opinion, the flesh of the wild rabbit is most savoury and substantial, that of the tame and home- THE KAB3IT. 105 fed, most delicate and chicken. like. We frequently observe a deep yellow suffusion, tinging the whole flesh and fat of the rabbit, and the same also in the turkey and in beef. It is difficult to conjecture or obtain any satisfactory reason for this phenomenon. Is the cause biliary ? Of the two rabbits at the late show, one was white as silver, and the other a deep yellow, yet apparently both equally healthy. Castrated rabbits might be fattened, no doubt, to the weight of upwards of ten or even fifteen pounds, at six or seven months old. The operation should be performed at the age of six or seven weeks. I have not succeeded at castrating the rabbit, but am informed it is successfully practised in that region of corn and capons, namely, Chichester in Sussex, where, on the average, not one in three hundred is lost by the operation, which is performed at five or six weeks old. With respect to quantities of corn consumed in fattening, Mowbray says, "August 1813, killed a young buck, which weighed three pounds, fit for the spit ; it was put up in good case, and was only one month in feeding, consuming not quite four quarts of oats, with hay, cabbage, lucerne, hunias orientalis, and chicory ; the skin, silver and black, worth four-pence." In slaughtering full-grown rabbits, after the usual stroke upon the neck, the throat should be perforated upwards towards the jaws with a small pointed knife, in order that the blood may be evacuated, which would otherwise settle in the head and neck. It is an abomination to kill poultry by the slow and torturing method of bleeding to death, hung up by 8 106 THE RABBIT. the heels, the veins of the mouth being cut ; but still more so the rabbit, which in that situation utters horrible screams. The entrails of the rabbits, whilst fresh, are said to be good food for fish, being thrown into ponds. The rabbit is a caressing animal, and equally fond with the cat, of the head being stroked ; at the same time it is not destitute of courage. A whimsical lady admitted a buck rabbit, named Corney Butter- cup, into the house, where he became her companion for upwards of a twelvemonth. He soon intimidated the largest cats so much, by chasing them round the room, and darting upon them, and tearing off their hair by mouthfuls, that they very seldom dared to ap- proach. He slept in the lap by choice, or upon a chair, or the hearth-rug, and was as full of mischief and tricks as a monkey. He destroyed all rush- bottomed chairs within his reach, and would refuse nothing to eat or drink, which was eaten or drank by any other member of the family. No live stock is less liable to disease than the rabbit, with regular and careful attention, such as has been pointed out, so that any sudden and acci- dental disorder is best and most cheaply remedied by a stroke behind the ears. But want of care must be remedied, if at all, by an opposite conduct, and improper food exchanged for its contrary. Thus if rabbits become pot-bellied in the common phrase, from being fed on loose vegetable trash, they must be cured by good hard hay and corn, ground malt or pease, toasted bread or captain's biscuits, or any THE RABBIT^ 107 substantial and absorbent food. Their common liver complaints are incurable, and when such are put up to fatten, there is a certain criterion to be observed. They will not bear to be pushed beyond a moderate degree of fatness, and should be taken in time, as they are liable to drop off suddenly. The dropsy and rot must be prevented, as they are generally incurable ; nor is a rabbit worth the time and pains of a probable cure. Of the * madness in tame conies,' on which our old writers hold forth, I know nothing. Large rabbit concerns have now generally ceased ; of late one has arisen at Ampthill, Bedfordshire, upon a more extensive scale than ever before attempt, ed, established by J. H. Fisher, Esq. an agent of his Grace the Duke of Bedford. Upon so extensive a plan, indeed, is this new undertaking, that it may well be styled a grand National Rabbit Bazaar. The building situated upon an eminence is square, somewhat resembling barracks, with a court within- side the walls, and with thirty acres of fine light land adjoining, under culture of those crops known to be best adapted to the nourishment and support of four and five thousand breeding does, which number is probably now complete. The young rabbits, from seven to nine weeks old, are sent to Newgate and Leadenhall markets, fifty to sixty dozen weekly. The quantity of dung produced, which is preserved with the utmost care, and free from any extraneous substances, must be very considerable and valuable. A number of men and boys are employed in the con- 108 THE BABBIT. cern, under the direction of an experienced foremany and the utmost regularity of attention observed with respect to management, feeding, and cleanliness. The above particulars are memorable, although this great undertaking came to an end in 1833, like so many former ones of a similar nature, but on a far inferior scale. Mr. Fisher probably found, though somewhat too late, that his other great concerns were fully sufficient to engage the whole of his at- tention. Experienced persons say, that the expenses necessarily attendant on such a concern were too heavy to admit of an adequate return of profit, one material item of which consisted in the too great distance of Ampthill from the metropolis. Never- theless, it appears that three gentlemen were about to continue this undertaking on a smaller scale, at or near Shepherd's Bush, THE CANARY BIRD. 1. Origin. — The canary bird belongs to the tribe Fringilla or Finch, and is chiefly found in a wild state among those islands of the Atlantic whence it derives its name. Its prevailing colour is yellow, though there is a second extensive variety with brown body and yellow eye-brows. Other varieties, or rather sub-varieties, have been described to the number of thirty, arising, doubtless, from domestica- tion, and admixture with other Finches. It is about the size of a goldfinch. According to a late orni- thologist, the second variety inhabits Africa, and it is said St. Helena, where it sings much better than the common canary in cages in this country. It is also found at Palma, Fayal, Cape Verd and Madeira, as well as at the Canaries. It is not known at what precise period it was introduced into Europe, but in all probability it could not be earlier than the fourteenth century. It is not mentibned by Below in the sixteenth century, and at the time of Gesner and Aldrovandus, who wrote his book upon birds at the beginning of the seventeenth century, it was considered a great rarity, and it was only to be met with in the mansions of the great. 110 THE CANARY. The demand for them is now extensive ; they are bred and reared with facility under almost any cir- cumstances, and the beauty of their plumage, with the melody of their song and the docility of their habits, have rendered them universal favourites. It is now thoroughly domesticated, and under cover almost completely naturalized throughout the whole of Europe. In South Western Germany and the Tyrol, their propagation has been converted into a trade, and is carried on by means of both extensive and ex- pensive apparatus. A large building is erected for them, with a square space at each end, and holes communicating with these spaces. In these outlets are planted such trees as the birds prefer ; the bottom is strewed with sand and gravel, on which are thrown hemp-seed, rape-seed, chickweed, groundsel, &;c. and such other food as the birds like. Through- out the inner compartment, which is kept dark, are placed brooms and young fir-trees, for the birds to build in, — care being taken that the breeding birds are guarded from the intrusion of the rest. Four Tyrolese usually take over to England about sixteen hundred of these birds ; although they carry them on their backs nearly a thousand miles, and pay j£20 for them originally, they can sell them at 5s. each. Some suppose that the note of the tame canary bird is compounded of that of the tit-lark and the nightingale. "But," observes Mr. Jennings, in his O?mithologia, *' although this may be occasionally true, it is not, I suspect, a general truth. There is surely a probability that the canary has a song of its own." Of the eggs and incubation of this bird in its natural THE CANARY. Ill state, it is equally difficult to obtain any account. " In its domestic state," says Mr. Jennings, " it doubtless partakes of the nature of those birds with which it might happen to be associated." Mr. Yarrel, however, communicated to Mr. Jennings* work the following particulars of the domesticated canary bird, of which he (Mr. Yarrel) has several eggs, produced by the genuine species, without any admixture. " Whatever the materials are of which the canary forms its nest, or what the colour of its eggs in its native islands, I do not know ; but in this country, (having bred them myself,) they make a compact nest of moss and wool, closely intervoven, very similar to the nest of the linnet and the red-pole ; the egg is also very like that of the linnet, but some- what smaller ; the ground colour white, slightly tinged with green, spotted and streaked, with dark red at the larger end ; in number, four or five. " However domestication may change the feather, I have no reason to believe that it produces any al- teration in the colour of the egg, and in this in- stance both the nest and eggs agree closely with the other species of the genus to which the canary be- longs." It is prolific with most other finches, and even with some which are usually considered as belonging to a different genus, such as the yellow hammer, Emheriza citrineUa. The canary has been known to breed in confinement in this country six or eight times a year, and its age extends to fourteen or fifteen years. 2. Varieties. — Under the two great divisions al- 112 THE CANARY. ready mentioned, the following long list of sub- vari- eties has been enumerated, which could be easily extended, but to which it is of great importance that the amateur should attend, as it will enable him to judge more accurately of the value to be attached, and the names to be ascribed, to the productions of his breeding cage. — There are, 1. The common canary finch, of a grey colour, with the down black ; as in the wild bird found in the Canary Isles. 2. Grey canary finch, with the down and feet white. 3. Grey canary finch, with white tail. 4. Common flaxen canary finch. 5. Flaxen canary finch, with red eyes. 6. Flaxen canary finch, with plumage glossed with a golden hue. 7. Flaxen canary finch, with the down fair, or unmixed with black. 8. Flaxen canary finch, with white tail. 9. Common yellow canary finch. 10. Yellow canary finch, with the down yellow, and unmixed with black. 11. Yellow canary finch, with a white tail. 12. Common agate-coloured canary finch. 13. Agate-coloured canary finch, with red eyes. 14. Agate-coloured canary finch, with white tail. 15. Agate. coloured canary finch, with the down of the same colour. 16. The common yellow dun-coloured canary finch. 17. Yellow dun-coloured canary finch, with red eyes. THE CANARY. 113 18. Yellow dun-coloured canary finch, with plum- age glossed with a golden hue. 19. Yellow dun-coloured canary finch, with the down of the same colour. 20. White canary finch, with red eyes. 21. Common variegated, or spangled canary finch. 22. Variegated canary finch, with red eyes. 2.3. Canary finch, variegated, with fair or flaxen colour, 24. Canary finch, variegated, with flaxen colour, and having red eyes. 25. Canary finch, variegated with black. 26. Canary finch, variegated with black and fine yellow, having red eyes. 27. Canary finch, regularly spangled with black and yellow. 28. Canary finch, entirely of a fine yellow. 29. Crested canary finches, some grey, yellow, and black crests. The canary proves fertile and thrives best with the Serin and Citral. The Serin is a bird of small size, being not much larger than the common linnet. Its upper mandible is brown, the under whitish ; the plumage above, brown, mixed with yellowish green ; beneath, greenish yellow, and having the sides mark- ed with spots of brown ; the wings are marked with a greenish band ; quills and tail brown, edged With greenish grey, and the legs brown. The Citral is larger than the Serin, has a louder note, and is found in Geneva, Switzerland, Italy, and Spain ; the plu- mage above is of a yellowish green, spotted with brown ; beneath a greenish yellow, wings dusky and greenish, and the legs flesh-colour. 114 THE CANARY. These two have been frequently confounded with the common canary, it is therefore necessary to be thus particular in attending to their distinguish- ing characteristics, for although in reality essentially different in general appearance and habits, they are nearly assimilated. The canary is not so tender nor so difficult to rear as is generally imagined, A good situation, how- ever, is absolutely necessary. They cannot do with- out the warmth of the sun, but must be protected from the scorching glare of his beams. They should, therefore, always be placed near a window with a South-East, a South, or a South-Western ex- posure. We tried to breed them in our own sanctum in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, during the year 1837, but the window was a sky-light^ sloping to the north — no direct sun-beam visited the cage — the birds were good and the hen laid well, but no egg was ever chipped. A villainous cat, a stranger too, tore her from her perch through the wires, without leav- ing a feather behind, — which prevented us from try- ing her in a better situation next year, where we have not the slightest doubt she would have com- pletely succeeded. By cross-breeding and gradually accustoming the young to exposed situations, they will be brought to sing and thrive under almost any circumstances, but it must never be forgotten, that the warmth of the sun is indispensable for successful incubation. The original canary is in the estima- tion of the fancy now below par. Mules and the indefinite varieties produced by cross-breeding, are THE CANARY. 115 now (and justly) the favourites. Whatever they be, and by whatever name called, high authority has pronounced that they must possess the following characteristics — viz. a fine large cap or crown (ex- tending over the whole of the back part of the head) of a deep rich orange colour, (not a lemon cast) ; and the same richness of ground must prevail in all its other parts, except where the rules prescribe black, viz. in the wings and tail, in which the feathers must be black home to the quill ; the tail must have twelve black feathers, and each wing, eighteen feath- ers black to the quill. Their backs the first year are always more or less spangled or mottled ; and the first time they change or moult their quill feath- ers they become lighter. Indeed, every season after the first, they change all their feathers lighter and lighter. Therefore, their beauty for prize showing is always in the first season, from seven to nine months old ; and to produce a good breed, these re- quisites of feathers are as necessary in the hen as cock, which circumstance renders hens valuable. Some object to the keeping of birds in cages alto- gether, and urge principle in favour of their preju- dice, but this has been well stated in an excellent little book published by Mr. West of Glasgow, in the following terms : " The breeding and rearing of birds is so harmless and interesting an amusement, that the number of persons who indulge in it creates no surprise ; indeed, the wonder would be were it otherwise. It is by no means said that persons who have a little spare time on their hands could not em- ploy it to better purpose than the breeding of cana- 116 THE CANARY. ries ; still, many persons employ such moments to purposes not half so pleasant, nor yet so innocently. For ' these splendid birds possess all those qualities that can soothe the heart or cheer the fancy ; the brightest colours, the roundest forms, the most active manners, and the sweetest music' And it is surely much better to breed canaries than guinea-pigs, or white mice ! — the latter especially is very poor taste. Mice plague us enough sometimes, and we should not trouble ourselves to have them multiplied. Besides, it is not very consistent, in a land like ours, to wage a cruel and bloody war against the poor black, and to pet and pamper the whites. " Talking of liberty, it has been said by some en- thusiasts, that to confine birds in cages is cruel, and that no person who had truly the love of liberty at heart would be guilty of such an offence. But it is easy to see that this scruple cannot apply to canaries, or indeed to any completely domesticated bird ; and instead of its being cruel to keep our canaries in cages, it would be much more so to turn them into the open air ; for in meeting with liberty, they would also meet with death. It must have often been ob- served by persons in the habit of keeping domesticat- ed birds, that they never show in any degree the least uneasiness on account of their confinement ; but on the contrary,evince great fear when set at liberty, and are quite unhappy till they are safely lodged in their wiry tenement." The canary is no lover of liberty ; it has no desire to roam. Home, sweet home, is its favourite song, and it never appears to miss the tree in the land of THE CANARY. 117 its adoption. The cage is its palace — the perch is pleasanter to it than the carpeted parlour — there it loves and labours — it chaunts its note and builds its nest ; and while many other prisoners pine in captivi- ty, and sigh to be free, the canary, in its wiry cell, improves in feather and in song, and appears happier than its progenitors, when skimming the waters around their native isles. To produce, and to watch the production of some of the varieties of this beau- tiful bird, is at once an interesting study for the head, and a source of enjoyment to the heart, either of old or young. It forms great familiarity with man ; it shows even something like human vanity in being taken notice of, and something like human cunning in defeating the designs of those who would intercept its wilfulness ; we have had them to sit on the edge, and to drink out of our breakfast cup, but we never saw one that could be lured into the cage door till its own time came. 3. Matching. — Depth and richness of the orange- colour, is at present the prevailing taste in endeavour- ing to form a good match. In breeding fancy birds, a system so much practised in England, and on the Continent, and which is now rapidly extendinfj over Scotland, the grand requisite is a regular and well feathered hen, on which every thing else depends. But the qualities of the cock to which she is to be united, ought not to be neglected. He, to have a good progeny, even with the best hen, ought to be bold, strong, and sprightly, with bright and sparkling eyes, erect carriage, symmetrical form, and sparrow- hawk-like posture on the perch. The most promis- 118 THE CANARY. ing marks, however, may lead astray, if no inquiry is made, and no knowledge obtained of the family from which the pair have descended. Having obtained this information, and being certain that the stock is good, breeding may be safely attempted, and all turn out well, and far beyond expectation, even when all the points to be desired are not perceptible, for some of our most beautiful fancy varieties have arisen from accidental crossing, and when all the appearances were most unfavourable, and most unlikely, accord- ing to ordinary calculation, to lead to such a result. Much must depend upon the skill, judgment, know- ledge, and tasie, in the fanciers in canaries, as well as horses and dogs ; but as particular rules, when not too slavishly followed, under ignorance of the truth that the exception is the key-stone of the rule, are excellent auxiliaries to general principle, we sub- join seven, by attending to which, the amateur, with a little patience and practice, may produce varieties, not only to his own delight, but to the envy of others. He himself will soon be able to form many more for his own guidance, but for the present, we content our- selves with the number of perfection. 1. A fine, fancy, jonque cock, of a strong orange colour, with much black in his feathers, should be matched with a fine, soft coloured mealy hen, with as little black as possible, except her tail and wings, which must be regular and true. 2. For a strong mealy cock, a healthy jonque hen, with a fine soft feather, and regularly marked tail and wings, should be adopted ; and birds from the same THE CANARY. 119 nest should never be joined, as this will reduce and weaken the progeny to a certainty. 3. Among the fancy breeding amateurs, strength of feather me^ns a considerable quantity of black spangles on the back, and too much black colour in general when the belly feathers are blown asunder; and they are without silkiness or softness of feather, apparent in finer, richer coloured birds, which, when their belly feathers are breathed aside, feel fine, soft, and white, and they may be matched. The fancy canary is of an orange colour, except the wings and tail, which are black ; the cap or crown is of a very rich orange, extending over the whole back part of the head. Their backs, the first year, are always more or less mottled ; and the first time they change or moult their quill feathers, they become lighter. Hence, their beauty for prize showing is always the first season, from seven to nine months old. Depth or richness of the orange colour is the grand object to be attended to in order to produce the real fancy ; for the orange must not, by any means, be of the lemon cast. The male should be matched with a fine orange coloured mealy female, with the cap, wings, and tail regular, and with a fine feather. 4. For breeding with, mealy hens are always the most successful, because by their union with a span- gle-marked cock, a more regular and finely marked cock is produced, than if the most beautifully span- gled cock and hen had been the parents. According to St. Pierre, contrast is the law of nature. At all events, with regard to canaries this rule holds good, 120 THE CANARY. that like should never be matched with like. Here extremes meet, and by the union excellent is the off. spring. Therefore, if one is weak, let it be matched with one that is strong ; if one is dark, let the other be fair; one spotted, let the other be plain; if the one be crowned, let not even the shadow of a crown or coronet grace the brow of the other, and the excel- lence possessed by the one, which the other wants, will be found in higher perfection in the progeny than the single parent to which the happy quality belong- ed. In the feathered tribes, more than in all others, it will be found that the greatest harmony springs from opposition. 5. To produce a full coloured fine yellow bird, with- out spot or splash, which, next to fancy, is highly es- teemed for its beauty, a fine large mealy hen, bred from a clean yellow stock, should be matched with a clean bred jonque cock. With every precaution, the most accurate attention, and the minutest observa- tion, a spot or splash may appear in the brood, un- less it is previously distinctly ascertained that the parent birds came from a clear bred stock. If any of the progenitors have been spotted or splashed, the defect may have leapt over one generation, and it may appear in the next, 6. Beautiful pie-coloured birds are produced by taking a fine clear jonque cock, matching him with a rich dark-coloured green or grey hen. By such a union the offspring will always be more or less pied ; they have in general an exceedingly clear pipe, and are reckoned not only strong, but sweet songsters. 7. That class of canaries whose feathers are be- THE CANARY. 121 spangled all over with green and black, are called lizards, from the resemblance of their plumage to the coat of the reptile whose name tliey bear. By match- ing a pair of strikingly marked fancy birds, the strength of whose colours is glaring, that strong black mixture resembling the lizard is produced. The same result may also be obtained by matching a common strongly marked grey cock, with a splash- marked hen. Dark variegated birds may be got by a strong splashed common canary, with a fancy hen. Those that are all dark and sparrow-marked make fine singers. A strong grey or green canary, united to a mealy coloured hen, must be got to produce the cinnamon colour. Those of a lighter colour called quakers, that are sometimes produced, are not much esteemed. By following up for two or three seasons consecutively, mealies with mealies,white or flaxen co- loured birds are produced, and by again crossing these with one with red eyes, another variety is obtained. In the cottages of England, many of these varieties are reared with great care and judgment, but with little expense or trouble ; and are afterwards brought to Edinburgh and Glasgow, where they bring high prices, and afford ample remuneration to the rearer. But why cause that to be imported to us, which could be so easily produced among ourselves ? Could our children ever be more usefully or rationally employ- ed, than in supplying the wants, studying the habits, and watching the peculiarities of tender creatures? Could a fair lady ever appear more interesting than when training her feathered favourite to hop from his wiry prison-house upon her lily finger, and in hear- 9 122 THE CANARY. ing him pour forth from that lovelj'^ perch his melo- dious notes. All indeed seem to have a partiality for the canary, but few indulge the thought, and many assert the impossibility, of rearing him for them- selves. But this we humbly apprehend is a grievous mistake, and we beg to hope, that by the multifarious modes of matching, which may be resorted to, when this interesting pursuit becomes more generally known, more splendid varieties than the world has yet seen will make their appearance, adding grace to the parlour and the drawing-room, gratifying the eye with the beauty of colour and form, and the ear with the melody of untaught music. 4. Pairing. — The proper period for putting the birds together for the purpose of pairing, depends very much on the nature of the weather. In general the month of March is the best time, although in some seasons it may be done a month earlier, and in others it is advisable to wait a month longer. Some people make a boast of their attempts at very early pairing, but it is a very idle boast, as precocious breeding is never profitable, both injuring the constitution of tho parents, and turning out in general an inferior brood. Young birds have been produced even before this pe- riod, but it is at a great sacrifice, and under disad- vantages which will tell before the end of the season. They must be brought up, and at the early period of their existence, must subsist without that green food with which at a later period their parents, !!nd afterwards themselves, could be so abundantly sup- plied. What is gained in time is lost in power, as THE CANARr. 123 in the summer months there will be less inclination and less capacity for incubation. Common canaries that have spent the winter to- gether, may indeed be put into the breeding cage and left to themselves ; in these circumstances they sel- dom breed too early, but it is also true they seldom breed well. It is better to separate them for a short time. Their long familiarity is apt to induce indif- ference, the greatest enemy to love, but after a short separation, old acquaintance is soon renewed, old love is speedily kindled, and you may calculate almost to an hour when the hen will begin to lay. Some breeders put the birds intended for breeding into a small cage, with only one upper perch, to make them familiar and sociable with each other. Others put them at first into the cage appointed for breed- ing ; the former method is allowed to be the best for fancy breeding. During the time they are pairing, they should be fed high, by giving them sparingly every morning a little chopped egg and bread, mixed with a little maw seed, and some bruised hemp seed. As soon as they become sociable, feed each other, and sleep on the perch close together, then the breeding cage for their reception may be prepared. It is needful to remark, some birds at first pairing will fight very much, and the hen strive for the mas- tership, but inmost cases, to the courage of the male be it spoken, without success. If they should fight too much, and will not come to any reconciliation in the course of one month's trialj it will be best to part them and try another hen. 124 THE CANARY. These birds have their sympathies and antipathies, which nothing can subdue. The sympathy of a male has been shown by putting him alone in an aviary, where there are many females ; in a few hours he will make choice of one, and will not cease for an in- stant to show his attachment, by feeding her. Nay, he will even choose a female without seeing her ; it is sufficient that he should hear her cry, and he will not cease to call her. The same observation is also applicable to the female, and her being already be- spoke has been known to prove fatal ; when the new lover has died of grief. In some cases however all these sources of sympa- thy seem to be dried up within them, and an imme. diate antipathy, which no endearment nor fond caress can overcome, to have usurped its place. By no contrivance can such canaries be brought to pair. More cocks than hens appear thus constituted,^and these cocks are generally found to be the best sing, ers. Though sufficiently fond, they are not so faithful, as Addison in his pretty lines in the Spectator appears to imagine — - *' Chaste are their instincts, faithful is their fire ; Ko foreign duty tempts to false desire." This may be consistent enough with the fancy of the poet, but not with the practice of the fancier. They are by no means strictly monogamous. The cock, indeed, never aspires to the harem of the Sultan, but he might often be indicted for bigamy were a THE CANARY. 125 sentence even of perpetual imprisonment to him any punishment. — Either cock or hen will, in general circumstances, very readily take up with another mate. It is also evident that their attachment is not confined to those of their own kind, as the beautiful variety of mules which has sprung from the canary and other tribes of finches abundantly testifies. The birds having at length been successtlilly pair- ed, all now depends upon season, situation, and cage. With regard to the season, we have already said it is better to be too early than too late. If March has been cold, and no favourable change takes place in April, they should be kept back as long as possible, as in such a season the hen is apt to become egg- bound, or to lay soft eggs : in the one case her life is endangered — in the other, her strength is wasted in vain. The situation is a matter of very considerable im- portance. To this we have already alluded, but must repeat more particularly that it should if pos- sible be exposed to the sloping beams of the morning sun, and protected from his meridian rays. If the sun does not leave the situation before noon, it is easy to cast the cage into shadow by a screen at a distance from it. — Pulling down the window-blinds, or placing chicken-w^eed on the top of the cage, to overhang the sides in festoons, is a simple process. When the weather is close and sultry, the window may be opened early, and when hot, left open all day; but cavetehqns — take care of cats. For many reasons the doors should be shut, draughts of air being 126 THE CANARY. as pernicious to the eggs as feline intruders are to the birds. As the best situation to gain the morning sun and escape the north-easterly gales is S. by E., S.S.E., S.E. by S., or S.E., and not direct east, it is frequently cool from these points even in the month of May — precautions must be taken accordingly ; but an excess of heat is as prejudicial as cold. Too much warmth and want of air is apt to give the hen the sweating sickness while sitting, and to render the young weak and tender. The room into which the pair are placed should never require a fire ; hence an additional reason for not beginning too early ; it should neither be damp, dark, nor close, but dry, large, light, and airy. A cheerful situation and the morning sun give spirit, warmth, and animation to the birds. If draughts of air can be prevented and cats excluded during sum- mer, the window should be thrown completely open all day. If a good wire gauze can be made to pro- ject from the window, the birds can easily be placed under it, where they will get the air and enjoy the warmth without the scorching heat of the sun. The place for the birds to breed in having been chosen, the next consideration is the best kind of cage to hang up for their reception. If an old one is adopted, it ought to be thoroughly washed, scrubbed, rubbed, cleaned, and dried. After their long cessa- tion from use, vermin of various sorts are apt to lodge in the crevices, which, if not utterly exterminated, will grieve the heart both of bird and breeder. The cage should be so placed as to admit of a constant THE CANARY. 127 view of the birds and an easy access without disturb- ing them. They should not be hung, unless for dis- agreeable reasons, and in disadvantageous circum- stances, out of reach, requiring to be lifted or drawn down to us, or to take stools or steps to get to them. They should at least be on a level with the line of vision. This familiarizes the birds with their keeper, makes him better acquainted with them, he can see at a glance what is going on, they become accus- tomed to any little motion or commotion that may be going on around, they will be less liable to be fright- ened and flustered by the appearance of danger, and in every respect the breeding cage will become a more manageable commodity than it generally is. Of the structure of the cage we shall afterwards take notice, but the one for breeding should have two nest boxes at one end, that the birds may have choice, always having the perches clean, and as stout as their claws can grasp and stand firm upon, likewise clean claws, without lumps of dirt on them ; for by having a steady, full sized perch, the birds hold fast, and when they tread they have no trouble or the fear of falling or slipping, or turning round on the perch, which is against a sure tread, and produces addled eggs. Some breeders pair a strong healthy male with two females, which in some cases does pretty well, provided that proper attention is paid to them. When two hens are intended to be put up with one male, they should be selected for that purpose at the end of harvest, and kept in one cage during the winter, 128 THE CANARY. in order to make them familiar with each other. It Avill not do to put two hens with a male in one cage ■without there being a temporary board in the mid- dle, to prevent the hens from seeing each other while they are hatching, or they will lly oil" their nests at each other, and fight like two little termagants, and in the scuffle the eggs, and consequently the hopes of the breeder, may be upset. But to prevent such vexations, let the breeder have two cages, and put up only one hen at a time, and after she has done laying, take tiie male out and put him up with the other hen, and so on to the end of the season. Sprinkle plenty of gravel or sea-sand at the bot- tom of your cage, and hang up in it a lump of good old mortar, the nibbling and biting of which keeps the birds in good health. As soon as you have put your birds up, keep feeding them high, and add a lit- tle moist sugar to the bread and egg until they have laid an egg or two ; the moist sugar opening the hens' bodies, and preventing them being egg-bound. Be sure the bread and egg are fresh every day ; and it is best to feed them over-night, so that they find it early and Iresh at break of day. Let the greens be always fresh, such as water cresses, radish tops, cos lettuce, cabbage lettuce, small sallad, as cresses, mustard, ^c, all young and green. I do not re- commend chickweed, nor groundsel ; nor plantain till it is ripe and full of seed. 5. Breeding. — Tlie Canary is a most prolific bird, so much so, that in the great majority of instances the propensity requires to be restrained rather than encouraged. I'hey will have from two to five nests THE CANAllY. 129 in the year ; and a few years ago a celobratecl fan- cier in Stirlingshire, had a canary which brought up safely and successfully eight broods in one season. But this was an experiment which he thought it cruel to make, and which it would be im|)rudent to repeat. They should not be allowed to breed more than twice, or at the most three times a year. If a hen is prolific one season, she will be the reverse the next, or she may be comj)letely destroyed by the ef- fort. One that has two or three nests, and four or five eggs each time, must be n mother sufficiently valuable, and to overtax her is both unwise and un- safe. The period of incubation lasts fourteen days, bat in very warm weather, the process may be comple- ted in thirteen days. Between seven and nine in the morning is their regular time of laying, and for the purpose of preventing waste of time, by permit- ting the hen to ait on unfecundated eggs, some breeders are in the habit of taking the eggs out when about eight days old, and holding them between their finger and thumb before a strong light, when it is ascertained tliat those which are transparent are unimpregnated and therefore useless, but the good ones are dark and thick. If they are all bad they should be thrown away ; the nest sliould be taken out, shaken and cleaned, and an inducement and an opportunity afforded the hen to lay again, which she Avill generaUy do in a very short time. After laying two or three eggs some hens will desert them, and it is found upon examination, that these eggs are in general bad ; nature, by some mysterious process, 130 THE CANARY. giving the bird an instinctive hint, that to brood over them longer, would be love's labour lost. These, therefore, should be immediately broken, and the hen allowed to go to nest again. We confess it seems strange, that when nature tells the little creature so much, it does not teach her to do this for herself; for this however there may be many wise reasons, as it would be teaching her a very bad habit, which is one of the worst of things, either in feathered or un. feathered bipeds. It is recommended by some breeders, as soon as the canary has laid, to take out the egg every morn- ing and substitute an ivory one ; when the hen has done laying, take the ivory eggs away, and set her upon the whole of her own. Naturalists say that it gives the hen more satisfaction to see them come successively one after the other ; but experience has shown us that it is the better way to substitute the ivory egg, and daily take away the laid one, till she lays her complement ; and also to examine the eggs after the hen has been sitting eight days upon them, to save time and useless fatigue to the mother ; let all this, however, be done with as little annoyance as possible. Some females in breeding are very careless mo- thers, a fault which is not easily done away with. Therefore, if they cannot be brought to do any thrift the first season, avoid another season's trial. Others will eat their eggs, as will sometimes also the male. The best way to prevent this, is to feed the bird very early every morning with bread and egg, or the last thing at night for the morning, for the hen no sooner THE CANARY. 131 lays her egg than sho leaves the nest and flies round the cage in search of food, which if she does not find, and that too in some delicate and dainty form, she re- turns to the nest in a rage and seems to break the eggs out of pure spite, more than from a desire to eat them. As another precaution when the hen is ad- dicted to this vice, the usual period for the laying of canaries should be carefully watched, and as soon as she has left it, the egg she has laid should be re- moved and the ivory ball substituted, and if this is done for four or five mornings, all the eggs may be returned, when there is a great chance of her settling down and sitting the requisite time. When the male eats the eggs, it is a sign of strength, through good feeding. Such males should have two hens. It will frequently happen with young mothers, that the first time of hatching they are so careful and anxious for the eggs that are not hatched, as not to leave their nest to feed the young that are hatched, and the consequence is, that the young birds are starved. The best preventive of this evil is to at- tend to the day they will be hatched, by keeping a register of the time when they were laid and set. The most enticing food, such as bread and egg, fresh greens, &c., should be placed before them, to remind them of the duty of feeding their young. If the hen is not observed feeding her young, or carrying food to them, she should be stirred out of the nest, to let her see that there is enough to satisfy her wants. If this is done three or four times the first day, by feeding as she goes out, and seeing her young ones gape as she comes in, she will soon be brought to feed 132 THE CANARY. them, and the cock will soon follow her example. With every care to set the hen exactly to a day, it will happen that all the eggs are not chipped at the same time ; when this contingence takes place, every effort must be made to allure them to their du- ty, as we can scarcely conceive it within the range of mere instinct to inform them that there is ever laid upon them a double obligation. If there is any suspicion that either nest or eggs are damaged, the hen may be driven off to ascertain the fact. On this account it is of importance that the eggs should be so placed that you may come at the birds with ease to observe their actions, without annoying them. The technical terms and names given to young birds in general are a Nestling, or one from the nest ; a Pusher, a young bird that is taken three or four days after he has left his nest ; a Brancher is a bird full grown, but has his nestling feathers. This last is the best state to take linnets, goldfinches, chaf- finches, and hedge sparrows. It is not advantageous to take them in their first partial moult, as the change of diet and confinement frequently produces ill health, by spoiling the moult. The hedge spar- rows, though much despised, if taken when branch- ers and brought up for singing, will take the canary song so well, that you would not know them apart ; and the linnet brought up at this period may be taught any song, and become noted for that of the wood lark. The brancher chaffinch may be broken into any song so perfectly, that many would scarce- ly believe him to be a chaffinch. The goldfinch does not come up to the linnet, chaffinch, or hedge spar- THE CANARY. 133 row for singing, but excels in plumage and producing fine coloured pied mules. Some breeders bring up young canaries by hand, which is very troublesome ; for you must feed them very early in the morning, and every two hours du- ring the day, but it must be done in precisely the same way and with the same food as with linnets. As they are almost the only birds which we take de. light in pairing for breeding, the satisfaction we have in supplying them with necessaries both for food and building, in observing their little courtships when pairing, their dexterity in building their nest, the readiness of the male to take his turn in all the duties of building, hatching and feeding, together with the continual melody wherewith they charm us, — all afford a pleasure as serene and exquisite as any we can feel. In my humble opinion, such little offices are preferable to any we can perform for them. If a cock or hen should die, early in the breeding season, and it is worth while, having time in hand, you must choose a mate as near as possible in colour, age, and size to the deceased ; for there is always most sympathy with those that resemble their own choice. As for cleanliness, air, and exercise, when birds have brought up a nest of young ones, watch the op- portunity to clean out the nest box, and if this be ve- ry dirty, throw away the dirt and nest. Then let the birds have plenty of clean materials, and you will soon see them build another nest ; and I have fre- quently known them to build another nest in one day. Neglect of the main point, cleanliness, which pro- 134 THE CANARY. motes health, and keeps away the red mites, causes many breeders much trouble, vexation, and disap- pointment. When the breeding season is over, and the birds all put into the cages, let them not be fed with much green food ; indeed, at no time give much, as it is better to give none at all, than too much. Begin- ners cannot be cautioned enough regarding this, as many hundreds of canaries die every year from no other cause than being surfeited with green meat. 6. Mule Breeding. — Some naturalists are of opin- ion that the hybrid of the canary forms an exception, and instead of being barren is fruitful, and can pro- pagate its kind. Baron Cuvier, in his " Animal Kingdom," states this doctrine, but only to disprove it. The same opinion was taken up by Goldsmith, who only derived it from books, and is also maintain, ed by several eminent naturalists. The same is said, if we remember rightly, of the progeny of the part- ridge and pheasant, but in both cases equally without foundation. A priori, we might pronounce it contra- ry to an established law of nature, as all observation attests it to be notoriously contrary to the fact. From experience, tried by many individuals, some- times with great patience for a long series of years, no fertility has ever been found to follow. Eggs will be laid and all the duties of mothers performed, but here the matter ends ; and this no more implies the reproductive power of the canary mule, than the lay- ing and setting of the domestic fowl without a cock. But although no posterity follows, the first operation THE CANARY. 135 is sufficiently interesting to make the subject of mule breeding worthy of attention. There are various kinds of cross breeding, or what is termed mule breeding ; that is, a union with other country finches, or small hard billed birds, such as the Venturon, the Cini or Serin, the Aberdevine, the English Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Chaffinch, Linnet, Hedge Sparrow, Yellow Hammer, and Bullfinch, united with the cock and hen canaries ; which re- quire some notice and attention. None in this country is so common as the union of the goldfinch and linnet ; therefore, the following ob- servations and experience may be of use. Gold- finches should be completely domesticated. It is best to have them quite young, on purpose to train them up well to eat the rape and canary seeds, which improve their feather, color, and health. Gross hemp seed ultimately rots them, and changes the bright- ness and colour of their plumage to brown. To breed with the cock goldfinch and hen canary, if not trained, and there is no respect paid to age, get a strong healthy cock, caught in the beginning of the month of April, for then he is considered rank, seeking his mate : '» All nature seems at work : slugs leave their lair — The bees are stirring — birds are on the wmg — And Winter, slumbering in the open air, Wears on his smiling face a dream of Spring." Coleridge. If he can be prevented from being sulky on account of his confinement and change of diet, he may make a good husband. But if the change should produce 136 THE CANARY. scouring, which it is very apt to do, he must be fed for a time on hemp and flax seed, with some scraped chalk given him into his cage. Thistle-seed, espe- cially that of the great white thistle, which is his favourite, will tend greatly to counteract and cure the complaint. He may then be paired with a ca- nary, and if the young ones are marked with tolera- bly equal portions of colour, they may be considered handsome birds. The general way is to pair the hen canary with the cock goldfinch or cock linnet ; but it is far better to pair the cock canary with the hen goldfinch and hen linnet. It is, however, far harder to domesticate and break the latter in than a canary hen, for which reason they are seldom tried. The breed from the cock canary is stronger and finer, and inherits more of the canary song. The breed from a cock linnet and hen canary are never equal in beauty of feather to the breed of the cock goldfinch and hen canary ; but in song they are the best of all the mule produc- tions. The young from a cock canary and hen gold, finch differ very much in beauty ; some have turned out quite white, although this is rare and valuable on account of its variety. This case may occur if the cock was beautiful, clear, mealy, strong, and in good health. Those of a bluish cast generally spring from a greenfinch cock and hen canary : those of the bull- finch are scarce, but are susceptible of a good edu- cation, and their plumage is singular, but their alli- ance rarely thrives. It appears from experience, that of all birds cou- pled with the canary, the serin finch has the strong- THE CANARY. 137 est voice, and is the most vigorous and ardent for propagation. It also appears, that it is the only one whose mules are fertile, which argues close affinity if not identity of species. There is likewise great sympathy between the sis- kin and canary ; and the former will, in a state of nature, seek the society of canaries. Mr. Willough- by calls the Aberdevine the siskin, from its name, Seisel, by which this bird is known in Austria and the south of France. It is a merry little bird, and arrives in England every spring. It is known in Sussex by the name of the barley bird, being always found there at the above season of the year. Its plumage is of a yellow green cast ; it resembles the canary in feather, but is smaller, and the song is soft and pleasing, and when in health it is a merry, lively bird. The Germans, it is said, are fond of pairing the siskin with the canary. Those who have tried in Enn;land have found no advantage arisino; from it, as they produce a small breed, and no improvement in voice or feather. Much experience, attention to nature, and obser- vation, are required in cross or mule-breeding, to do- mesticate and break in the birds to the canary food, and to know their age. For example: linnets should not bs turned up to breed till two years old, when crossed with the canary. A goldfinch hen ought to be two years old, as she seldom lays eggs the first year in a cage. And, observe nature in putting your birds up to breed : that is, to fall in about their own natural time, be the bird whatever it may. You must not expect mule or cross breeding to be ever 10 138 THE CANARY. prolific ; the Aberdevine and Serin finches are the most prolific, (probably this is the reason the Ger- mans choose them to breed from,) the goldfinch next, and the linnet seldom more than one nest in a season. To domesticate and rear up young goldfinches, lin- nets, chaffinches, hedge sparrows, bullfinches, &c., it would not be amiss to get their eggs from the nest, and set them under the canary hen, in the same man- ner that many fancy breeders keep a good gay breed- ing hen to hatch and breed up the fancy canaries' eggs. In the finch tribe, it may be noticed there are two distinct and separate species ; the one hard-billed, living upon seed ; the other soft-billed, living on flesh, soft food, and insects. Any of the hard-billed birds may be paired with the canary, the others will not unite. Mule breeding will do best in the coun- try, as good air and a lively situation is essential for breeding with any thing like success. Those who wish to amuse themselves with mule-breeding, must not feel disappointed in losing for a season or two. It is always with the greatest difficulty that any thing is produced from the greenfinch, bullfinch, chaffinch, or yellow-hammer. 7'herefore, it is better to take the eggs of these finches, and let them be hatched and brought up by canary mothers. As mules will not breed, some do not like such a race of hens thrown upon their hands useless, but it is affirmed that there are more males by far than fe. males. If this be true, there is some little recom- pense in mule breeding. This is the whole that is deemed necessary to ad- vance on this subject. A great deal more might THE CANARY. 139 have been said, but as it will require a little experi- ence to become acquainted with the general method of mule-breeding, which cannot be got by any thing we could say, we therefore leave that part to the reader, confident that a little attention and observa- tion will overcome any difficulties to which he may be exposed. 7. Feeding. — The seed that now universally goes by its own name is the common food of the canary, and on it alone it thrives sufficiently, especially when kept single as the " pet of the parlour," and merely for the purposes of song ; but when intended for breeding and to produce fancy varieties, something more is required. High feeding is essential to them from the first moment they are set to pair till the time they are separated, and this is generally com- posed of animal food and hard boiled egg mixed with seed. The egg should always be fresh, and if possi- ble newly laid. The egg, when boiled hard, should be chopped, and mixed with dry stale grated bread or roll, in quantity proportionally greater than that of the egg itself. A little soft sugar, with some mawseed, is an excellent addition, and with these they will rear up their young healthy and well. It is recommended to place a small cup in the cage containing a few groats, which form a very substan- tial diet, to which a zest will be given by a supply of some green food, such as chick-weed, groundsel, or ripening dandelion tops, gathered — let it ever be remembered — fresh every morning. All stale food and refuse of every kind should be daily removed, and if this is not attended to, gripes and hoarseness 140 THE CANARY. in the young birds will be the consequence — evilsr more easily prevented than removed. Night is bet- ter than morning for supplying the more substantial food, as at the first peep of dawn they will find their repast fresh, clean, and tidy, of which they will par- take with a keener relish than after their appetite has been clogged with garbage. In the morning, greens, water cresses, radish tops, cabbage lettuce, should be given, fresh and sparingly ; and if chick- weed or groundsel is given, let them be ripe, and not much at a time. Some persons keep their birds en- tirely on rape seed ; but it is too relaxing, and ulti- mately kills them. Canaries should always be allow- ed plenty of clean water and gs-avelly soil. Besides water for drinking, they should be allowed twice a week some to wash themselves ; a saucer is the best vessel for holding it. The female, while hatching, should not get water to wash herself, as that might retard the incubation, and even run a chance of rot- ting the eggs. 8. Cages. — The forms of cages deemed suitable for fiiiches, are as various as the fancies of the purchas- er, or the tastes of the wire-workers. Some con- tend for them being small, while others cannot have them large enough, the former only regarding the singing — the latter, air and exercise. For their re- spective objects, each has its advantages. The mere shape is altogether a matter of taste, for it does not signify much, unless for breeding, when an oblong is evidently the only proper form. For this purpose, the kind now most in use, are about 18 inches by 11, and 12 in height ; the perches are placed four inch- THE CANARY. 141 es and a half from the ends of the cage, to keep the tails clear, which will allow 7 inches of a leap, which is long enougli. The nest box is placed on the outside, at the end of the cage, and is not a fix- ture, but can be removed at any time. Those cages with two perches below, and one above, in the mid- dle of the two below, should not be used, as they tend to diminish the stately appearance of the birds; but those with only two perches on a level, give birds by far the best shape. The cage should be thickly and firmly wired, to prevent, as much as possible, the mischief frequently done by mice, who often eat the eggs, and even tlie young ones. If the birds are at- tacked by a cat, which also happens, they have the best chance of escaping that are in a closely wired cage, provided it be firmly fixed up. The wire should always be of iron, as canaries are ever nibbling at it ; brass wires become wet, and get covered with poisonous verdigris, which is not good for birds. It is recommended to have cages painted, either inside or out, with common oil paint ; they may be var- nished on the outside, or colored with lime wash, mixed with a little blue or green, as the reflection of white weakens the sight. All cages should have a large door in front of them, which is very convenient for many purposes. In purchasing an old cage, or putting up breeding cages which may have been out of use for some time, see that they are not beset with red mites, like bugs in old furniture ; and that there are no old looking, dry, musty places about the hinges, doors, or nest boxes. Wash them well with strong yellow soap- 142 THE CANARY. suds and pearl ashes ; and when dry, they may be washed over with the following lotion : spirit of tur- pentine, and spirit of wine, equal parts ; in which dissolve some camphor and soda, about the size of a scarlet bean ; mix this well together, and keep it in a bottle, closely corked, for use ; before using it, shake it up, and dip into it a small brush, with which wash over the cage, and let it dry for a day or two in any airy place to carry off the smell. This de- stroys all the red mites and other vermin that lurk in the crevices, and that in the heat of summer would pour forth their hosts to annoy the birds both old and young. Soak the water glasses and fountains in pearl-ash and water for a few minutes, to cleanse them from scurf and green. Here it may be thought proper to notice what is termed the stock cage, so much in use by the fancy breeders in England. This cage is about one foot in width, nine inches in height, and nine inches in depth, with a wire front only, and a groove to run a glass in, to shut them close, or ad- mit air, at pleasure ; the top of the cage is half wired, and made with a flat leaf, to cover or open as may be thought necessary, and through which to view the inmates. Immediately after the young birds leave their parents, they are put into one of these cages, where they are kept warm, which throws them into an artificial fever, and this produces the moult. The first moult is only partial, as only their nest feathers fall off, when they are in full plumage. It is thought that heat and closeness produce a fine soft feather, and the finer the feather, the bright- er will be the colour. But it must not be concealed, THE CANARY. 143 that scarcely one out of three survives this operation. Seldom more than one bird is put into such a cage, for fear they should fight and pluck each other's feathers. Stock cages are very convenient to have at hand, for sick birds, to nurse and bring them about ; but we do not approve of the use that is generally made of them. No doubt, in time of moulting, it is necessa- ry to be careful of birds ; and, should their moult seem to proceed slowly, cover the cage round with paper, leaving the front open, putting a little saffron in their water, to assist them to throw off their fea- thers, as they have not the exercise they would have in a state of nature. But to keep birds so closely as is done in these cages makes them weak and delicate, analogous to green-house plants, and incapable of standing the least cold ; so much so, that some have died when caught, with the fluttering and cold touch of the hand. Even at the best of times, when moult- ed from one of these cages, they must be considered as green-house plants, and dealt with accordingly. But by pursuing the ordinary method, great trouble is saved, and fine healthy, lively, and strong birds reared, capable of standing most situations. 9. Building. — The materials used and recommend- ed for building are numerous and varied, but the principal points to be attended to are warmth and cleanliness. Of whatever stuff the nest is composed it should always be new. The materials of the old nest must be unscrupulously rejected, unless it is wished to colonize the new one with red mites, and all sorts of vermin. All old fabrics indeed are bad. 144 THE CANARY. as from them the woolly surface has been much rub- bed off, and little but the cold fibre left behind. The wooden cup, box, or basket^ should have put into it a little fine fresh clean elk's hair mixed with soft dried moss, and some white wool neatly dispos- ed, so as to give as little trouble as possible to the bird in forming it into the shape of a nest. Previous to doing so, we ourselves have often successfully, although we know not whether it has been sanction- ed or practised by others — rubbsd the inside of the nest box with strong warm glue, and while in a li- quid state allowed it to retain as much wool as could be gently dipped upon it, while the roll was instantly lifted up. This forms a fixed and warm foundation. We have also lined our boxes with undressed fur, and have found that altliouo;h the materials afterwards placed upon it were scanty, the nest was sufficiently warm for successful incubation. About a handful of these should be put into the nest and hung up in the cage, which, with the pre- paration previously made in the breeding apartment, the birds will find little trouble in forming their nests. Someti;nes before the young are ready to quit one nest, the hen will feel a desire to build another. This she will sometimes do, even on the top of her young, and thus smother them. 10. Sex. — It is not at all times easy to distinguish between cock and hen. By an experienced fancier, it can be done indeed at a glance, and some are even able to point out the cocks almost as soon as they are hatched. Both the size and the singing are pretty good dis- THE CANARY. 145 tinguishing marks between male and female, but some- times even these are not sufficient, as many a gigan- tic hen has been found, and as there have been crow- ing hens in the barn yard, they have not been alto- gether banished from the canary cage. Some fe- males, by their musical attempts, have deceived the unskilful, and sometimes even the knowing ones have been taken in, and have remained sceptical till the reputed gentleman began to lay eggs. This is the most conclusive test of all. A hen may try to sing, but no cock, as flir as we know, has ever at- tempted to lay eggs. But the sure way to distinguish the female's jabbering from the legitimate song of the male is, that thou^jh a male may sing ever so indif- ferently, every time he strikes a note, the passage of his throat will heave with a pulsive motion, and con- tinue so all the time he is singing ; but let the fe- male sing ever so well, this motion is never observed in her throat as in the male's. Another way to dis- tinguish the male from the female is, the color above the bill, under the throat, and the pinion of the wings, is of a brighter hue in the male : for let birds be of what shade of color they may, the male will always have a brighter yellow on the above-mentioned places, which is always pale and languid in the fe- male. But what is as good a criterion as any other, is the largeness, vigor, and majestic carriage of the male, which he always shows, if in good health, by stretching himself out to*his utmost extent. The fe- male is generally smaller and shorter, especially from the legs to the vent, and of a more sudden roundness, required by nature for containing and laying her THE CANARY. 146 eggs ; the male in that part is slim and long, ending in a small point under the tail. 11. Singing. — According to Lucretius, the song of birds is the source of all music. What from them it was first our privilege to derive, it is now our plea- sure to communicate, that it may be received back again in delightful reciprocity. The origin of music in every country has been from the woods and lawns. The most ancient melodies, in their simple pathos and plaintive wildness, give evident proof that the songsters of the grove first formed the taste and tuned the ear of the earliest musicians. The shep- herd's reed or pipe, of few notes, and of the plain dia- tonic scale, without semi-tones, flats, or sharps, was plainly first formed to imitate the song of birds. All the music that science has formed, or art has taught, is founded upon the sounds that Nature furnishes. Et zephiri cava per calamorura sibila primum, Agresteis docuere cavas inflare cicutas. In this point of view, even the canary assumes somewhat of a dignified attitude, and for it high ho- nor might be claimed, as from the facility of its do- mestication it can be made to bring so much of the music of the groves to our hearts and to our homes. Even those who have no soul for artificial music, and who remain unmoved under the energetic strains of a Braham, and unmelted by the sweet warblings of a Stephens, have listened with delight to the carol of the lark, or the note of the nightingale. No poetry has ever warmed the heart of him whose ear has not been charmed with music. No one can touch the golden lyre whose heart-strings have not vibrated at THE CANARY. 147 the native wood-note wild. Poetry and music are two sisters ever inseparably entwined in one fond embrace. The voice may indeed be unable to modu- late the melody with which the ear is filled, the lips may be unable to extract its sound from the flute, the fingers may grate across the strings of the violin — in every musical instrument we may lose our cun- ning, but we have a never-failing friend to supply the place of them all. De gustibus non disputandunit therefore, no certain rules can be laid down with regard to the singing of the canary, by which all will be satisfactorily guid- ed. All birds, indeed, are agreeable in their different songs; the sky-lark, for his vast compass of natural notes ; the linnet, for his docility in imitating regular music, and taking the wood-lark's song ; and the gold- finch, for his agreeableness and attachment to his house. Canaries, with long, straight and tapering bodies, are found, by observation, to be the finest in song, while, on the contrary, short, thick-set cocks are found to be harsh and abrupt in their notes, and to be deficient in the power of their lungs. When it is de- sired to make young canaries good songsters, they should, if possible, be put under the nightingale or tit-lark for tuition. The German method, but we beg to doubt its propriety, to produce fine songsters, is to cover the cage all day and to expose the birds in the evening to a strong light, when by making any noise, they are induced to sing. It is better to place two or three birds together, as they will vie with each other. 148 THE CANARY. 12. Teaching. — The canary bird, when young, can be taught almost any tune by means of whistling, the flageolet, or bird-organ. It is best to teach them by recording their own notes as soon as they are able to feed themselves. Whatever may be the instru- ment used to teach them, it should be sweet and mel- low in its tone. For further instructions, better can- not be given than those of the celebrated Lewis Do Berg, which he gives in the following remarks : "There is neither lark, linnet, bullfinch, nor gold- finch," says this celebrated bird-fancier, " but that may be brought to as great perfection in song as the canary finch, but the English do not take the pains a German does ; they love to sleep, while the Ger- man is tuning his pipe and instructing his feathered songster. There is more to be done with the lark from two or three o'clock in the morning, than can bo done in many months in the day-time, or when the least noise or sound is to be heard but from the instructor ; and this rule holds good with all finches. Every thing should be quiet but the master. As it is with the human kind, so it is with the feathered : a good master often makes a good scholar ; and a good tutor seldom fails of making a good bird. I say, be- gin with your birds when all is quiet ; they will then take much more notice of what you endeavor to teach them. The age for beginning to instruct should not exceed three months. I sometimes begin sooner, and seldom stay less than an hour with each bird. I sometimes use my pipe, sometimes whistle, sometimes sing, but whichever method I adopt, seldom fail of bringing up birds to please ; insomuch, that I have THE CANARY, 149 often sold a lark for two guineas ; a linnet for one guinea ; a bullfinch, when it could pipe finely, from five to ton guineas ; and a goldfinch from one to two guineas. In short, the whole of bringing up a bird to sing well, depends entirely on visiting him early, and furnishing him the last thing before you leave him, with what he is to eat for the day. He should be supplied daily with fresh water in his fountain, and small gravel at the bottom of his cage ; but short allowance in eating is absolutely necessary to make him a good songster. When I come to him in the morning, he is glad to see me ; supposing him hun- gry, (says the German) he will soon begin to talk to me, and bid me welcome. At first approaching my bird, I very often give him three or four grains of rice, which have been steeped in canary. I some- times add a little saffron or cochineal to the w^ater, according as I find my bird in health and strength, and I seldom fail of being rewarded with a song for my pains. In the general way of feeding the larks, I give a small quantity of bruised rice, with egg and bread, and now and then a few hemp seeds. I feed the smaller birds with rape seed, and a very little canary with it, the latter being apt to make them grow fat and dull. I give them likewise at times a little bruised rice, which does abundance of service, and most assuredly prevents tli^^ir falling into a scour- ing, which is the death of many a fine bird. Birds accustomed to this way of feeding are seldom trou- bled with what is called the pip ; they shed their feathers with far more ease than other birds, are in general much prone to singing, and have a more 150 THE CANARY. agreeable note than birds that have not been so trained. " The reader should observe that when I order grains of bruised rice to be given, I always expect that the rice had been jEirst soaked in canary wine, and afterwards dried carefully for use, (though giving a bird occasionally a few grains whilst they are wet or moist, with this excellent liquor, does mighty well, but it is not to be constantly practised;) the rice is only to be roughly bruised, so as to make it tender, and consequently easier to be eaten by the birds. I have observed tnany people in Enghmd give birds loaf sugar, which is a great error. I advise in its place a small lump of bay salt or cuttle-bone, and now and then a drop or two of the spirits of nitre in their wa- ter. If you proceed according to these directions, you will find your birds equal to those of any other nation." 13. Diseases. — If proper care is taken, the canary is subject to few diseases. Those that do arise, may all be traced to carelessness and inattention. If duly fed, their cages regularly cleaned and kept in good air, it is seldom that the birds are found in bad health. In a state of nature they are liable to many misfor- tunes, but what are their diseases the records of no ornithological hospital can tell. In a state of domes- tication their health can be better observed and more carefully attended to, and some hints can be given how it may be preserved or restored. Colds are the most general complaint, and they are almost all owing to carelessness. How frequently are birds hung up close to the top corner of a win- THE CANARY. 151 dovv, with the sash down about one foot, and a draught of air running through or by the cage fit to turn a windmill. Thus they are frequently exposed for se- veral hours late in the evening, when going to roost, Avithout any consideration whether the air be damp, cold, or dry. In this manner many a fine bird is en- dangered, if not killed, by taking cold, which often proves incurable. When birds are in good health, and lively, their feathers will appear and feel sleek and smooth, ad- hering close to their bodies. Whenever you perceive the reverse of this, and the birds are sitting dull and bunchy, rely on it something is out of order. There- fore, first consider the season or time of year ; if moulting is approaching, or if any thing has worried or frightened the bird ; if he has been hung up in a draught of air and taken cold ; if he is suffering from neither of these causes, see if he can get at his water and seed, and that both are sweet ; good seed always appears clear and glossy, and feels dry and hard ; if there is no fault here, examine his body, blow up the feathers of his belly, see if his bowels look swelled or inflamed, and if so, it is symptomatic of a surfeit. If he appears lean and out of condition, look narrow- ly for vermin about his body, and examine well his cage for those small red mites which assail him at night when gone to roost, and frequently are the cause of his picking and plucking himself so much by day. Likewise, such is the susceptibility of the canary finch through delicate breeding, above all other finches, that frequently you will cause him to begin to moult, if the place or room should be close or 152 THE CANARY. warm, compared with what he has been accustomed to ; and a change from a warm room to a cold one will make him bunchy and dull, and stop his singing. In purchasing a bird, careful inquiry should be made as to the quarter from which he came, and the tem- perature to which he was accustomed. If a stock cage has been used, the greatest caution is necessary in removing the bird to an open one. It need not surprise any one if he should appear dull and sulky when removed from light and cheerful company, to a dull and lonely situation, but a short time will in ge- neral restore him to his wonted spirits. Cleanliness, good seed and fresh water, frequently renewed, are all that are required for a bird in good health. Green food is not absolutely indispensable for a bird kept merely for song. It however may always be given to them as a luxury, and in spring it operates as a medicine. It cleanses the bowels, cools and purifies the blood, and a leaf of lettuce or a sprig of water-cress may be at once useful and ornamental on the top of the cage. A plentiful supply of green food should be allowed them in the breeding season, but unless cMclcweed is quite ripe, it does them more harm than good. A stick of good ripe seedy plan- tain is an excellent thing for them in autumn, but it should not be given to them if green, and all the un- dergrown part should be thrown away. Surfeit is tlie most serious malady with which ca- naries are affected. It is principally occasioned ei- ther by cold or improper diet. It is frequently to be met with in a whole nest, owing to the young ones having been furnished with bad food, such as a bad THE CANARY. 153 egg chopped up, dead stale greens left at the bottom of the cage, overgrown coarse unblown chickweed, and putrid water in the glasses. There are two symptoms of this distemper, exhib- ited as arising either from cold or overfeeding. In the first case, if, when blowing up the feathers of the belly, it appears swelled, transparent, and full of little red veins, together with the bowels sinking down to its extreme parts, it may be inferred that the bird is in a bad state. In this case the state of the bowels should be carefully attended to. If they are not loose, some gritts should be given in the seed, and a blade of saffron in the water, or as much magnesia as will cover a sixpence, dissolved in the water, for two or three mornings, and a little bread and milk, with a sprinkling of maw seed upon it. If he should be very relaxed, give him, instead of gritts or oatmeal, a little bruised hemp seed and maw seed, which are more binding, and a little dried sponge biscuit, soaked in white wine. When the surfeit seizes your birds in the nest, it is then incurable. This evil may be prevented by a little attention ; always considering that as birds have not miles to fly in quest of their food, they have not that air and exercise to carry off the foul humors which overfeeding, carelessness, and colds produce ; and they are generally young birds that are affected in this manner. In birds one, two, or three years old, surfeit is sometimes also produced by too much gross feeding, greens out of season, bad water, and want of gravel at the bottom of the cage. At this age, the disease comes out in scabs, and humors about the head, bill, 11 154 THE CANARY. and eyes, and the running of the humor is so sharp and hot, that it will take the feathers off wherever it spreads over the bodies, and even affect the eyes to blindness. To cure and stop this, put the bird im- mediately upon a cooling, purging diet; take away all the canary seed, and let him have only rape seed with some gritts bruised among it, which will cool and scour him out ; afterwards anoint the head, or the parts where the feathers have come off, with fresh good hog's lard, or the oil of sweet almonds, two or three times before roosting time. This treatment will check the disorder. Keep the bird upon this diet until he is purged well, w^hich w^ill make him thin and lean ; and when you have conquered the mala- dy, return to the rape and canary mixed ; but such is the virulence of the disease, if it attack the eyes, or settle there, in most cases, the sight cannot be saved. Some persons recommend a strong solution of salt and water, to wash the head and parts where the feathers have come off. After you have cured your birds, they will look rough and most miserable in feather till they have passed the moulting season. The husk is produced by cold. It is similar in birds to a dry husky cough, constantly troubling them, and when once caught is not easily cured ; therefore strict attention, and that immediately, is necessary ; keep the birds in a warm room, and give them some linseed with their rape and canary for some time, and for a few mornings a small quantity of boiled milk and bread, with maw seed sprinkled over it. — Fresh water every day is indispensable, and a little sugar candy dissolved in it, or a piece of sponge bis. THE CANARY. 156 cuit soaked in white or canary wine, is found to have the happiest effects. These means, with a little care and attention, are all that can be employed with any prospect of successful result. In buying birds, care should be taken that they are not tainted with this malady ; and in bringing them home, they should not be hung up where they are exposed to any draught of air ; in such a situation, it is very apt to be brought on. Excessive perspiration is a disease that arises from various causes, of which weakness is the principal. It is an almost insuperable concomitant if the hen has been weakly bred ; but it also frequently arises from the close and confined situation of the breeding cage, over-heat, a warm season, anxiety and exces- sive care, with too close sitting upon the eggs or young; all have a tendency to bring it on. If it arises from the latter cause, little can be done, as in attempting to remedy one evil another may be crea- ted. In using endeavors to induce her to leave her nest, she may be led to forsake her young. Both time and policy are required in the invention and employment of many little artifices, to wile her away from her pleasing but perilous task. In her situation air and exercise are indispensable requisites, and to entice her off the nest, the cock should be removed for a few days, and hung up in her sight at a short distance ; she should be supplied with abundance of green food, to tempt her off the young ones for the purpose of feeding them; and in consequence she will have the privilege of air and exercise in the perfor- mance of her duty. When she appears duly occupied with maternal cares, her mate may be restored ; and 156 THE CANARY. even although she should not, he must be restored for the sake of feeding the young. Weakness may at once be inferred, when it is ex- hibited by the symptoms of damp and ruffled feathers before the hen has had eggs or young ones. It is not advisable to breed with birds of this kind. To cure this malady, in these circumstances, the bird is some- times washed with a solution of salt and water for several mornings, the breeding cage is removed to a more airy situation, all draughts again are avoided, and a few drops of sherry are at other times sprink- led over them in the morning ; after which they are set in the sun to dry. It is doubted much whether any such thing as the pip exists, from the wren to the goose. A small pro- jection on the rump is found, which some writers tell us nature has giveh them, furnished with an oily sub- stance, to trim and keep their feathers in glossy or- der. Many persons, on seeing this natural promi- nency, think immediately the bird has got the pip, when with a pin they hastily make an incision in the projection, and force out all that which is of service to the birds ; and through this received error, many a fine bird has been killed. If you should at any time perceive an extra bladder of matter forming round or close by the original spot, then you may prick that inflamed part with a fine needle, and put on it one drop of the oil of almonds or fresh salad oil. The true cause of this appearance is, sometimes your bird will be out of health, set bunchy and twitch in his tail frequently ; when that is the case, see if his motions be hard, and if so, give him some oatmeal THE CANARY. 157 bruised, and a sprig of water cress for a few mornings to cool and open the body ; change his seed for a few days, and put one or two drops of the spirit of nitre into his fresh water for two or three mornings ; some persons will recommend a feather or two to be pull- ed out of the tail, but I do not ; only draw a tail fea- ther or two, in case of a fit, or dropping down appa- rently dead, as that will fetch blood, and sometimes recover the bird. The complaint o^ egg -hound proceeds from cold, and especially the coldness of the spring weather, which is so very uncertain in this country ; there, fore, it is best not to put your birds up too early, but to wait till the weather is settled a little : the last week of the March month is generall}^ early enough to put them into the breeding cage. Cold weather likewise causes the birds to have soft eggs, that is, no hard shell when laid. Therefore, begin not too early, especially as a room without any fire is the best ; give the bird a little moist sugar with the bread and egg, which will cause a slipperiness and openness for the egg. Should the hen be very bad, and scarcely able to move, or if she is down in a bunch at the bot- tom of the cage, take her gently out with a warm hand, and anoint the abdominal part with two or three drops of warm salad oil, or the oil of almonds. By this she will generally be relieved, and the egg will be found laid or dropped about the cage in the course of a few hours, or, at the farthest, by next morning. With a maiden hen this frequently hap- pens, and if the above means fail, the last resource is, to pour down her throat, through a reed or quill, one drop of castor oil. 158 THE CANARY. Moulting sometimes exhibits a diseased type. — Birds bred up in the manner we have directed, in a good and healthy air, as near as possible to a state of nature, moult off strong, clean, and without any as- sistance, but at times even the best require attention. Cold is the greatest danger to which in this state they are exposed, therefore all draughts of air should be carefully guarded against. In itself it cannot be prevented, and when it hap- pens in the due course of nature it should be encour- aged rather than checked. Nature has, however, no object to borrow at times the helping hand of man to assist her feathered offspring in throwing off their glossy coats. The top and sides of the cage may be covered up with paper to keep the birds warm, and the cleaning of the cage may be omitted for two or three weeks. A little saffron in their water, a little nourishing bread, egg, or maw seed, will speedily clothe the birds in a plumage more beautiful than that in which they were. The covering of the cage should not be taken off all at once, but gradually ; it should then be cleaned thoroughly, and the birds fed as usual. Fresh water should be given to them every day plentifully, and they should be put in the sun for an hour or two if the weather is fine, when they will be seen assisting nature by plucking off their feathers. The first moult, which takes place when they are about three months old, is partial. The birds then throw off all their down and loose feathers, and pro- duce their full blooming plumage. The moult of Sep- tember is the general time of moulting for old birds. THE CANARY. 159 '' All the young birds are put by the fancy canary amateurs and prize competitors in the stock cage, to produce a premature moult and silken plumage. In this there may be policy, but great imprudence, as from his removal from a glazed cage to an open one the bird is apt to catch cold, and from the mere change of temperature to droop and die. The hand that re- ceives the prize at a canary show is often doomed the same day to consign the successful competitor to the tomb — all arising from this stock-cage nursing. The tail and wing feathers are changed by all finches in the second year's moulting. On this account, those parts become lighter and brighter every year, and a fancy canary can even compete for a prize be- yond his first twelvemonth. Some birds are more nervous than other ; and sudden bustle or noise near the cage will frighten one, while not the slightest ef- fect is produced upon another. If a bird has dropped down in a fit without any apparent cause, some con- noisseurs pull a feather or tM'o out of the tail, or in- stantly plunge the bird into cold water. He is then restored to the cage and induced by every means to drink, and if he can be brought to take a single drop, he immediately recovers. After this, a drop of the spirits of nitre should be put into his water-glass for two or three mornings. Sometimes a canary will drop down by exhausting his strength, from singing in rivalry with another. In this case he should be recovered by the most gentle means, and the greatest good may be done by getting the smallest quantity of canary wine into his bill ; some persons try to reco- ver the goldfinch, when in a fit, by cutting the tip of 16Q THE CANARY. the under claw, washing the legs in white wine, and giving a drop of wine in sugar to moisten the bill. — If birds have repeated fits, nothing better can be done than giving them frequently a little nitre in the wa- ter that they drink. APPENDIX. AMERICAN MOCKING-BIRD. The Mocking Bird, so justly celebrated for its vocal powcrs> is a native of America, and esteemed by every one who once hears him. Of himself he is all, breathing forth a concert of hundreds, of grove and field, shaming the originals into si- lence. At daylight, mid-day, and the live-long summer's night, his unceasing exertions demand applause. ^150 we have known to be refused for a favourite bird, so docile as to come at a whistle, perch on his owner's hand and head, and whilo there to warblo incessantly, «« The treatment of the Mocking Bird is not very peculiar or troublesome, requiring to be regularly fed every mornino- with Indian meal mixed among milk to a not very stiff paste. During Ihe season of whortleberries, they should be allowed a plentiful "supply in a small saucer; the same of cedar, elder, and poke-b rries, and wild cherries, in the months of October and November ; as these birds will never thrive without a great deal of natural food. An egg boiled hard and grated is ve- ry good occasionally; a smalj piece of raw minced beef is also of service ; during the summer season air is of benefit, but not in the sun ; a little water in a cup for washing, once a day, is of service ; but the greatest care is required when they aro moulting, which commences early in August, and continues till November ; then your bird should be kept quiet, and away from cold draughts of air, which are very injurious. Durino- the moulting season, supply your bird plentifully with berl r'lQS, spiders and grasshoppers, which are essential, especial- ly the former, as in their native woods they live mainly on in- sects. It is of importance your bird is fed and watered regu- larly every morning by eight o'clock ; for if fed one day early, another day late, and anotlier day forgot, your bird will losQ his spirit, and finally pine away,. 162 APPENDIX. *' When this bird becomes sickly, it is necessary to treat him very kindly ; give him spiders daily, also rncal worms, which can be had in granaries ; and suffer as little disturbance as possible ; also put gravel on the bottom of the cage. " The male is known from the female by a regular lino of white feathers in the wing, which in a fine bird forms almost a regular curve from the shoulder to the tip of the wing. They are, however, after all, difficult to distinguish, as some of the finest birds, when young, have bQen irregularly marked ; they aro not completely plumed until they are two years old." THE ROBIN. Another favourite native of America, equally esteemed for its richness of song and delicacy of taste. A sprightly and beautiful bird. The plumage of the male is of a dark ashy grey, the head and tail black, with the breast of a bright ma. hogany red, the throat barred with white and black, and the eye of a piercing hazel, surrounded with a ring of white. Their treatment is precisely the same as the Mocking Bird, and in confinement their docility is surprising, coming in and out of the house, and following their owner., and may even be taught to repeat small pieces of music. Birds have been taught to whistle psalm tunes, as dull as old hundred, with metho- distical precision, and in confinement they possess a talent for mimicry, and readily acquire the pronunciation of distinct words. Some have been known to whistle tunes with such accuracy, that even eyes and ears were found necessary to convince the listener that it was not a flute. THE INDIGO BIRD. The Indigo Bird is a native of America of surpassing beau, ty. Its song is lively, unique and interesting, and given not only at early dawn, but during the intense heat of mid-day in summer, and again is frequently heard during a great part of the night, especially if it be moonlight. Its notes resemble APPENDIX. 163 those of the Canary, and it may be kept in confinement on pre- cisely the same food as given to the adult birds of that species. The male of this species is a brilliant azure blue with a reflec- tion of green, the femalo'of a dingy yellow and olive brown, rather inclined to purple. It is sometimes called the Blue Lin- net, though in every way a distinct species from the true Amer- ican Linnet or Purple Finch (Fringilla Purpurea). During the spring season they may be given occasionally insects, and they are particularly fond of the leaves or tops of the common garden beet. They are frequently sold in our markets in the months of May and June, and are very social and delightful Bongsters. THE AMERICAN YELLOW-BIRD. A beautiful and constant resident, dreading neither the se- verity of winter nor the heat of summer, always cheerful and light-hearted ; it flies from field to field in company with its jo- cund companions ; it seems a fit emblem of happiness, when, on the wing, as it moves in continued rises and falls, its notes of con- versation are ever heard, and while setting on some lowly this- tle or devoted lettuce stock, it converses occasionally with low liquid voice to its more humble and less noticed mate. No bird is more familiar, and but for its destruction of house and gar- den seeds, would be a universal favourite. When trapped, they soon become familiar in the cage, and their music rivals the sonorous whistle of the canary, and is scarcely surpassed by it. They at times gradually elevate and lower their notes in the most delightful manner ; bursting in an instant into overpowering melody, then dying away in a strain, until it seems lost in the distance, then reviv- ing with redoubled strength, running at once into the loudest fife of the Canary. They are very hardy and will bear consi- derable cold. Every sunny day should see their cage hung out, as air and sun-light are necessary to the health of this delight- ful bird; a saucer of water should be kept constantly in the cage, which should be well gravelled, as he is particularly fond of bathing. They are fond of rich and oily seeds, and should 164 APPENDIX. bo reared on yellow canary, millet and homp, 1^ of tho latter r a littJc sunflower and lottuco see(]s occasionully criven thoni would be quite an addition to their fare. Tliey are very fond of the leaves ot t]\e Lr^irden beet and salad, which should be occasionally ted to them, Apple should bo given occasion- ally. The male is of a brUliant chronic yellow, with the crown of the head, winors and tail glossy black, tlie two latter edged with while, the female is of a dark, colour, and may readily bo distinguished. THE n RPLE FINCH, OR LINNET. A native bird of considerable pretensions to musical skill ; in truth a delightiul songster, very far superior to tho Canary. They winter in Pennsylvania, and about tlie 1st of I\Iay retiro to tho Morth to breed. They tly in vast lloeks, and aretaken in ti'ap cages, and sold at high prices under the name of Linnets^ They very scon become familiar, but sometimes retuse to sing in confmement. From an excellent work on Ornithology, wo copy the following notice of their musical powers; and in no way does it exceed the reality. •' The song of this beautilul Finch is, indeed, much finer than that of the Canary, the notes are remarkablv clear and mellow, and tho trilling sweet and various, particularly on their first arrival. At times the warble is scarcch' audible, and appears at a distance ; it then by a tine crescendo bursts into loudness, and falls into an ecstacy of ardent and overpowering expres- sion : at such times the usual pauses of the song are forgotten, and like the varied lay of tho Nightingale, tho ravishing per- former, as if in serious emulation, seems to study every art to produce tho etiect of bnlliant and well contrasted harmony. The rapidity of his pertbrmance, and the prominent execution with which it is delivered, seem almost like the effort of a musical box, or fine-toned quietly-moving delicate strain of the organ." Canary, hemp, millet and suniiowcr seeds may be fed to them ; of the latter they are very fond. Juniper and cedar ber^ lies should be given them occasionally through tho wiutei-;, galjjdand beet tops also during the summer..