1% Bagley family (reprinted) f r CS71 .B147 1916 LIBRARY OF C0NGRE ^. 027 211 059 1 • Bagley Family (REPRINTED) Bagley Coat of Arms Argent, on a Fesse Between Three Martlet* Gules, As Many Plates. MARTIN & ALLABDTOE ASBURY PARK, N. J. 191(5 £^ \J BAGLEY The name of Bagley is also spelled in the Essex county records Baggley, Baglee and Bagly, The first of the name in the county was Orlando Bagley. He lived in Boston, 1658-1663; and was subsequently of Salisbury, probably of that part of the town which is now Amesbury. He married Sarah Colby March 6, 165 3-4. in Salisbury; and she died in Boston 18: 3: 1663. He probably died soon after. Children, born in Boston: — 2—1. Orlando, b. Feb. 1 8, 1 658 (6? ). See below (2) 3— II. John, b. Aug. 31, 1658. 4— III. Sarah, b. Jan. 14, 1660; d. Sept. 30, 1661. 5—IV. Mary, b. Jan. 5, 1661. 6 — V. Sarah, b. March 2, 1663; m. John Mack April 5 , 1681; and lived in Salisbury. 2. Ens. Orlando Bagley, born in Boston Feb. 1 8, 1658 (6?), was a yeoman, and lived in Amesbury. He married, first Sarah Sargent of Amesbury Dec. 22, 1681. She died in Amesbury Oct. 3, 1701; and he married, second, Sarah Annis of Newbury (published March 25, 1703-4). He was made a freeman in 1690, and was a constable in 1 692. He died in 1 728; and his wife in 1 729. Children born in Amesbury: — 7 — I. Orlando, b. Dec. 14, 1682. See below (7). 8 — II. Sarah, b. Feb. 27, 1683; m. first, Henry Lan- caster July 15, 1703; second, Elisha Weed (pub. April 11, 1713); and was living in 1724. 9— III. John, b. Jan. 21 1685. See below (9). 10— IV. Jacob, b. Dec. 13, 1687. See below (10). 1 1 — V. Judith, b. Nov. 13, 1690; m. John Carter, jr., of Kingston, N. R, April 25, 171 1. 1 ^, 1 2— VI. Joseph, b. Jan. 26,1704-5. See below (12), 13 — VII. Benjamin, b. Nov. 10, 1707; lived in Ames- bury; yeoman, 1735, 1739; trader, 1743. 1 4 — VIII. Anne, b. Aug. 14, 1709; m. Abel Merrill 15 — IX. Hannah, b. March 29 1712; pub. to Thomas Merrill Oct. 21, 1731. Feb. 5, 1 729-30. 7. Orlando Bagley, born in Amesbury Dec. 14, .1682. He was a yeoman and an esquire, and lived in Ames- bury. He married Dorothy Harvey Feb. 13, 1705-6; and died May 3, 1756. She died Jan, 2, 1757. Children, born in Amesbury: — |6— I. Orlando.b. Feb. 21,1 706-7. See below (16). 1 7 — II. Sarah, b. Oct. 22, 1 708; m. first Moses Sargent of Amesbury Nov. 9, 1727; he d. July 24, 1756; she m., second, Rev. William John- son of Amesbury Nov. 14, 1757; and was living in Newbury in 1 760. 18— III. Henry, b. Aug. 25 1711. See below (18). 19— IV. David, b. May 25, 1714. See below (19). 20 — V. Jonathan, b. March 23, 1717. See below (20). 21 — VI. Dorothy, b. June 16, 1719; m. first, Nathan- iel Brown March 23, 1 737-8; he d. in 1 752 ; she m., second, Jacob Morrill Nov. 12, 1 754; and was living in 1 762. 22— VII. Judith, b. Dec. 2, 1721; probably d. before 1762. 23— VIII. Thomas, b. Jan. 18, 1722-3. See below (23). 9. John Bagley, born in Amesbury Jan. 21, 1685. He married Hannah Fowler April 7, 1 708; and lived in Amesbury, where he died March 9 % 1727-8. She sur- vived him, and died, his widow, in Amesbury, March 16, 1759. Children, born in Amesbury: — 24 — I. Anna, b. May 18, 1709; m. Jeremiah Currier May 1, 1729; and lived in Kingston, N. H., in 1761. 25— II. John, b. Dec. 22, 1710. See below (25). 26 — III. Moses, b. Sept. 1 7> 1715; yeoman; lived in Amesbury; probably never married; adjudi- cated non compos mentis in 1 760; and d. in Amesbury May 6, 1 806, aged ninety. 2 7 — IV. Hannah, b. about 1717; living in Amesbury, unmarried, in 1 750; probably m. John Colby Nov. 1, 1750. 28— V. Timothy, b. Oct. 12, 1719. See below (28). 29 — VI. Rhoda, b. May 10, 1 723; living in Amesbury, spinster, unmarried, in 1 745. 30— VII. Sarah, b. April 10, 1 725 ; living in Amesbury, spinster, unmarried, in 1 746. 31 — VIII. Meriam, b. Aug. 19, 1727; living in 1730. 10. Jacob Bagley, born in Amesbury Dec. 13, 1687. He was a blacksmith, and lived in Amesbury. He mar- ried, first, Hannah Stanwood Jan. 21, 1712-3; second, Kezia (Colby), widow of David Currier, June 2, 1748; she died Nov. 3, 1 754, aged fifty-nine; and he married, third, Hannah, widow of Timothy Currier of Amesbury, March, 13, 1755. His will, dated Dec. 21, 1767, was proved Feb. 23, 1773. Children, born in Amesbury: — 32—1. William, b. Oct. 9, 1713. See below (32). 33 — II. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 18, 1715-6; m. Samuel Adams June 27, 1 734; and lived in Salisbury in 1 767. 34— III. Jerusha, b. Jan. 1, 1 71 7-8; d. April 13, 1718. 35— IV. Jerusha, b. Nov. 29, 1719; probably d. be- fore 1767. 36—V. Jacob, b. Nov. — , 1 72 1 ; d. Feb. 4, 1 724. 37 — VI. Hannah, b. June 6> 1723; m. Richard Cur- rier Feb. 19, 1750; and was living in 1767. 38 — VII. Jacob, b. June 30, 1 724; probably d. before 1767. 39— VIII. Samuel, b. Dec. 21, 1728; d. Feb. 4, 1729. 1 2. Joseph Bagley, born in Amesbury Jan. 26, 1 704-5. 3 He was a husbandman, and lived in Amesbury until 1 760, when he removed to Salisbury, where he afterward lived. He married Lydia Kendrick (published Nov. 5, 1727); and died in Salisbury Feb. 9, 1772, aged sixty- seven. She survived him, and remained his widow, ad- ministration being granted on her estate Dec. 25, 1 786. Children, born in Amesbury: — 40—1. Lydia, d. Oct. 28, 1724 (1729?). 41—11. Sarah, b. Dec. 18, 1730; d. Nov. 19, 1735. 42— III. Lydia, b. July 1 3, 1 733; d. Sept. 12, 1 735. 43— IV. Joseph, b. Jan. 7, 1735-6. See below (43). 44_V. Benjamin, b. Feb. 26, 1 738. See below (44). 45— VI. Abel, b. July 1 740. See below (45). 46 — VII. Sarah, b. April 12, 1743; m. Jonathan Bay- ley of Amesbury June 6, 1 763 ; and both were living in 1 774. 47 — VIII. Mary, b. Sept. 12, 1749; living in 1763; probably m. Ebenezer Runnels, jr., May 8> 1771. 48— IX. Lydia, b. May 7, 1 754; living in 1 763; proba- bly m. Moses Brown June 18, 1778. 16. Orlando Bagley, born in Amesbury Feb. 21, 1 706-7. He lived in Amesbury until about 1 750, when he removed to Kingston, N. H. He married Mary Ken- drick April 11, 1 728 (published June 1,1728. He was living in 1 762. Children, born in Amesbury: — 49—1. John, b. July 16, 1729. 50—11. Orlando, b. June 27, 1732. See below (50). 51— III. Seth, b. June 18, 1735; d. young. 52— IV. Phineas, b. March 31, 1737. 53_V. Seth, b. Nov. 28, 1739. See below (53). 18. Henry Bagley, born in Amesbury Aug. 25, 1711. He lived in Amesbury ; and married Anne before 1734. Children, born in Amesbury: — 54 — I. Henry, b. April 24, 1730. His mother wai Mary Currier. See below (54). 55 — II. Winthrop, b. April 25, 1 734. 56— III. Jonathan, b. Aug. 5, 1 736. See below (56). 5 7_IV. Dorothy, b. March 12, (13?), 1738. 58— V. David, b. May 4, 1 740. 59— VI. Samuel, b. Aug. 29, 1742. See below (59). 19. David Bagley, born in Amesbury May 25, 1714. He lived in Amesbury, and married Mary Huntington March 20, 1 734-5. He was living in 1 762. Children, born in Amesbury: — 60 — I. David* b. Jan. 1, 1735-6; d. young. 61—11. Mary. 62— III. Judith, b. July 20, 1 740. 63— IV. Sarah, b. May 15, 1743. 64— V. David, b. July 20, 1 745. 65— VI. Dorothy, b. Jan. 11, 1748. 66— VII. Elizabeth, b. April 16, 1750. 67— VIII. Joshua, b. April 17, 1752. 20. Col. Jonathan Bagley, born in Amesbury March 23, 1717. He was a husbandman) and lived at the ferry in Amesbury. The house in which he lived was built by Timothy Currier in 1 736, and purchased by Colonel Bagley in I 750. He died in it. It was burned in 1893. He was an esquire, and also colonel of the Essex county regiment, being commissioned in 1 767. He married Dorothy Wells, Dec. 9, 1736; and died in Amesbury Dec. 28, 1 780. She died his widow and administration was granted on her estate Sept. 20, 1 781. Children born in Amesbury: — 68—1. John, b. Oct. 18, 1737. 69—11. William, b. Jan. 15, 1738-9. 70 — III. Jonathan, b. May 10, 1741; husbandman; lived in Amesbury ; m. Sarah Currier Jan. 1 7, 1 773; and administration was granted on his estate Sept. 26, 1791. She was left desti- tute and m., secondly, Ephraim Morrill of Warner, N. H., Nov. 6, 1 786. 7 1 — IV. Valentine, b. Jan. 1, 1 742-3. See below (71). 72— V. Dorothy, b. Feb. 13, 1 744-5 ; m. John dish- ing, esq., of Boxford before 1 778. She was living in 1781. 73— VI. Orlando, b. Nov. 5, 1747. See below (73). 74 — VII. , m. Nathan Bartlett before 1779. 23. Thomas Bagley, born in Amesbury Jan. 18, 1 722-3. He was a yeoman, and lived in Amesbury un- til 1 759, when he removed to Salisbury. He married Ruth Webster of Salisbury Jan. 22, 1746-7; and died Sept. 16, 1771. She married, secondly? David Osgood before 1 779; and was his wife in 1 790. Children : 75 — I. Israel, b. Oct. 25, 1 747, in Amesbury; m. Mary Snow April 21, 1768; and lived in Royals- borough, Me., yeoman, in 1 778. 76 — II. Thomas, b. May 9, 1752 (>), in Amesbury. See below (76). 77 — III. Philip, b. May 22, 1752, in Amesbury. 78 — IV. Sarah, b. June 15, 1 755, in Amesbury; proba- bly m. Elliot Frost of Royalsborough July 28, 1774. 79 — V. Enoch, b. Feb. 4> 1 758, in Amesbury; lived in Royalstown, Me., joiner, in 1 789. 80 — VI. Ruth, b. June 30, 1 760, in Salisbury; was liv- ing in 1 772. 81 — VII. Susanna, b. about 1764 (2?); was deceased, unmarried, in 1778. 82 — VIII. Dorothy, b. about 1 764; living in 1 772. 25. John Bagley, born in Amesbury Dec. 22, 1710. He was a yeoman, and lived in Amesbury. He married Judith Sargent Oct. 9, 1734; and died Oct. — , 1782. She died, his widow, Oct. 29, 1813, aged ninety-seven. Children born in Amesbury: — 83—1. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 4, 1735. 84 — II. Meriam, b. June 8, 1737. 6 85— III. John, b. Aug. 28, I 739. 86 — IV. Joseph, b. Aug. 23, 1 741 ; d. at Lake George Aug. 21, 1760. 87— V. Judith, b. Aug. 15, (23?), 1743. 88— VI. Daniel, b. Feb. 3, 1745. 89— VII. Jacob, b. Jan. 8, 1 747. 90 — VIII. Moses, b. May 2, 1 750; chaise maker; lived in Newburyport; m., when he was of Fal- mouth, Kezia Person (pub. March 18, 1 775) ; and administration was granted on his estate Nov. 30, 1 779. His wife survived him; and probably m., secondly, Joseph Tilton of Loudon (pub. Sept. 5, 1783). 91— IX. Sarah, b. March 30, 1 752; d. Nov. 11,1 752. 92 — X. Aaron, b. Oct. 5, 1753; cordwainer in 1781; yeoman, in 1787 and 1789; lived in Ames- bury; and probably m. Hannah Weed July 12, 1785. 93— XI. Philip, b. Dec. 19, 1755. See below (93). 94_XII. Sarah, b. Nov. 6, 1757. 95— XIII. Hannah, b. Jan. 10, 1761. 28. Timothy Bagley, born in Amesbury Oct. 12, 1719. He was a yeoman, and lived in Amesbury. He married Mary Thompson Jan. 2, 1 745 ; and died in Amesbury April 22, 1 759. She was his widow in 1 765. Children born in Amesbury: — 96 — I. Timothy, b. Oct. 26> 1 749; tanner; and lived in Amesbury in 1 780. 97 — II. Peter, b. Jan. 21, 1753; pub. to Sarah Martin Nov. 16, 1784. 98 — III. Isaac, b. Nov. 6, 1756; blacksmith; lived in Amesbury in 1 780; probably pub. to Mehit- able Bartlett of Newbury Feb. 20, 1 781. 32. William Bagley, born in Amesbury Oct. 9, 1713. He was a mariner, and lived in Amesbury. He married Susanna Webster of Salisbury Aug. 18, 1740; and died in Amesbury Nov. 29, 1 746. She was his widow, and married, secondly, David Currier March 1 3. 1 749. Children born in Amesbury: — 99—1. Enoch, b. April 27, 1740. See below (99). 100—11. William, b. Dec. 26, 1741. See below (100). 101— III. Jerusha, b. Sept. 9, 1 743; living in 1 758. 102— IV. Anne, b. Dec. 2, 1745; d. Jan. 23, 1748. ' 43. Joseph Bagley, born in Amesbury Jan. 7, 1 735-6. He was a blacksmith, and lived in Salisbury. He mar- ried Rhoda True in 1 763; and she died in Salisbury Nov, — , 1 770. He died there Sept. 25, 1 791. Children born in Amesbury: — 103 — I. Anna, b. March 9, 1 765 ; living in 1 778. 104 — II. Miriam, b. Oct. 23, 1 767; living in 1 778. 105 — III. True, b. Aug. 19, 1770; yeoman, and lived in Salisbury in 1791. 44. Benjamin Bagley, born in Amesbury Feb. 26, 1 738. He lived in Amesbury and married Judith Wells Nov. 15, 1757 (?). Child born in Amesbury: — 106—1. Sarah, b. Dec. 2, 1 758. 45. Abel Bagley, born in Amesbury July 4, 1 740. He lived in Rowley and Salisbury; and married Sarah about 1 762. She died in Salisbury Aug. 1 2, I 790; and he was drowned Oct. 17, 1815. Children born in Rowley: — 107 — I. Stephen Hunt, b. Dec. 12, 1763. 108—11. Elias, b. April 8, 1765. 109— III. Joseph, b. Sept. 27, 1766. 50. Capt. Orlando Bagley, born in Amesbury June 27, 1732. When of Kingstown, he was published to Rebecca French March 26, I 757, in Salisbury. She died in Salisbury April ] \, 1764. Child born in Salisbury: — ? 10.— I. Molly, b. Aug. 17, 1 761. 53. Seth Bagley, born in Amesbury Nov. 28, 1739. Wife Abigail, 1775. He died in Salisbury Sept. 24> 1804. Child born in Salisbury: — 111—1. Sally, b. Sept. 6, 1775. 5 1. Henry Bagley, born in Amesbury April 24, 1 730. He married "Lydia" Weed May 11,1 747, and lived in Amesbury. Children born in Amesbury: — 112—1. Dorothy, b. Oct. — , 1 747. 113 — II. Sargent, b. Jan. 8, 1749-50, of Amesbury, yeoman; 1789; of Amesbury, victualler. 1797. 1 14— III. Molly, b. July 25, 1 752. 1 1 5— IV. Orlando, b. May 30, 1 755. 1 1 6— V. Thomas, b. Feb. 26, 1 76 1 . 1 1 7— VI. Henry, b. Nov. 9, 1 763. 1 1 8— VII. Winthrop, b. Jan. 8, 1 768. 56. Jonathan Bagley, born in Amesbury Aug. 5, 1 736. Lived in Amesbury, and married Anne before 1 762. Children born in Amesbury : — 1 1 9—1. Winthrop, b. Aug. 1 9, 1 762. 120—11. Cutting, b. Jan. 5, 1764. 121— III. Barnard, b. Aug. 25, 1 766. 59. Samuel Bagley, born in Amesbury Aug. 29, ! 742. Wife Mehitable. Children born in Amesbury : — 122—1. David, b. March 3, 1763. 123—11. Sarah, b. Sept. 1, 1765. 124— III. Elijah, b. Dec. 7, 1766, 71. Valentine Bagley, born in Amesbury Jan. 1, 1 742-3. He was a miller and yeoman, and lived in Newbury. He married Sarah Currier Dec. 21, 1763; and died April — , 1 780, aged thirty-seven. His wife survived him, and married, secondly, David Blasdell (published Nov. 13, 1790), dying Dec. 7, 1821, aged seventy-seven. Children born in Newbury : — 125—1. John, b. Jan. 31, 1765. 126—11. Dorothy, b. Jan. 20, 1767. 127— III. Dolly, d. Aug. — , 1 788, aged nineteen. 128 — IV. William, d. in 1771, aged two years. 129— V. Sally, d. in 1 773, aged two years. 130— VI. Valentine, b. Jan. 17, 1773. See below (130). 1 3 1 — VII. William, b. May 27, 1780. 73. Orlando Bagley, born in Amesbury Nov. 5, 1 747. He lived in Amesbury in 1 788, being styled * 'gentleman." Child:— 132—1. David Wells, m. Sally Weed Jan. 29, 1799; and she died Jan. 24, 1812. 76. Thomas Bagley, born in Amesbury May 9, 1752 ( ? ) . He was a yeoman, and lived in Salisbury. He married Molly Wier May 31, 1 773; and she died in Salis- bury, his consort, Jan. 23> 1814. Childrtn born in Salisbury: — 1 33 — I. Rhoda, b. May 18, 1 774; probably m. William Proctor Jan. 17, 1793. 1 34—11. Polly, b. May 2, 1 776. 1 35— III. Sukey, b. Jan. 20, 1 779. 1 36— IV. Ruth, b, Aug. 10, 1 783. 137— V. Amos, b. Aug. 1, 1788; d. Aug. 8, 1811. 1 38— VI. Joseph, b. June 18, 1 792. 93. Philip Bagley, born in Amesbury Dec. 19, 1755. He was a chaise-maker, and lived in Newburyport. He 10 m^rned Miss Sarah Bigelow of Newburyport June 1 7, 1780. Children born in Newburyport: — 139 — I. James, b. Nov. 8, 1780; d. at sea Dec. — , 1801. 140—11. Philip, b. Aug. 28, 1782. 141— III. Nancy, b. Dec. 25, 1784; d. Dec. 20, 1790. 142— IV. Joseph, b. Jan. 3, 1786; d. Nov. 8, 1809. 143— V. Charles, b. July 25, 1 789. 1 44— VI. Nancy, b. Jan. 14, 1791. 1 45 — VII. John, b. April 1, 1793; d. Oct. 21, 1804. 146— VIII. Lucy, b. April 1 3, 1 797. 99. Enoch Bagley, born in Amesbury April 27, 1 740. He was a shipwright, and lived in Amesbury. He mar- ried Mary before 1 766; and died in Amesbury Sept. 13, 1814. She died there Oct. 2, 1816. Children born in Amesbury: — 147—1. William, b. Oct. 3, 1 766. 1 48—11. Hannah, b. Nov. 1 6, 1 768. 1 49 — III. John W., d. Sept. 2, 1 780. 100. William Bagley, born in Amesbury, Dec. 26, 1771. He was a yeoman and lived in Amesbury. He mar- ried, first, Mary before 1 766; and she died Feb. 19, 1782, aged thirty-six. He married, second, Han- nah before 1 785, and she was his wife in 1 799. Children born in Amesbury: — 150—1. Jacob ( b. 23, 1 766. 151—11. David, b. Oct. 23, 1768. 152— III. Molly, b. Jan. 9, 1771. 153— IV. Anne, b. April 16, 1773; d. Nov. 5, 1776. 154— V. Betty, b. in 1 776; d. Oct. 1 7, 1 776, aged six months. 155 — VI. William, d. Nov. 24, 1791, aged eight years. 156 — VII. Amos, d. Aug. 14, 1796, aged one year. 1 30. Capt. Valentine Bagley, born in Newbury Jan. 11 17, 1 773. He lived in Amesbury, and was a sea captain, being the subject of Whittier's poem, entitled "The Cap- tain's Weil.** He dug the famous "Captain's Well" in 1 796. He was a charter member of the Warren Lodge of Free Masons in Amesbury, in 1822, and its first treas- urer. He married Hannah Currier July 24, 1796; and died Jan. 19, 1839. Children : — 15 7—1. (son), d. Feb. — , 1797, in infancy. 158 — II. Rhoda, d. July — , 1801, aged eighteen months. 159_IH. Edward H., d. Dec. — , 1808, aged two years. 12 LIBRARY OF CONWtoo III' „„, Il»i««« 027 211 059 1 I TBRARY OF CONGRESS ram 027 211 059 1 «