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People in the active walks of life have hitherto usually paid little heed to the memory of the past ; many of them had hardly the curiosity to learn the names of their own grandfathers, and cared no more for the relics of a former generation, than for the dust beneath their feet. But the near prospect of the birthday of the nation's Independence, with its prelimi- nsLvy celebrations and preparations, has kept the public at- tention directed to the Revolutionary epoch, until all classes have begun to feel a genuine interest in the subject. No longer are the events of the last century the exclusive prop- erty of the antiquary ; they are fruitful topics of conversa- tion and study in numberless households. No longer are the clothing and ornaments, the weapons and domestic uten- sils of our ancestors allowed to moulder in attics and dusty corners ; they occupy conspicuous places now, and are handled tenderly, as objects of interest and pride. In short, the antiquarian fever has become in a manner epidemic, and the past takes the precedence of the present, in a double sense. In view of this happy direction of the popular taste, the present occasion has been thought a favorable one for pre- senting to the inhabitants of P^xeter a sketch of the town, and of some of the leading spirits who dwelt and figured in it, one hundred years ago. The picture may be somewhat crude, for it is necessarily drawn in haste ; but it will have the merit of being truthful, if records and apparently au- thentic traditions can be relied on. It is extremely questionable if one who only knew Exeter as it was in 1776, would be able to recognize the Exeter of to-day as the same place. The conformation of the ground in the vicinity of the river and falls must have greatly changed. The slope from the higher lands down to the water was formerly much more abrupt than it now is. The ridges have since been cut down, and the low ground filled up. A century ago, in very high tides, the western part of Water street used to be inundated, so that boats could be row- ed through it for a considerable distance. The road to New- market, in the earlier times, did not run down by the water's edge, but back from it, over the high land. The fact that the bed of Water street has been artificially raised,- was de- monstrated by an excavation made not long since in front of Messrs. Porter & Thyng's store, which exposed a stratum of gravel, several feet in thickness, evidently deposited there by successive generations of highwa^'-surveyors. And if we can believe the accounts that have been handed down, there has been a still deeper fill in front of where Mr. John W. Getchell's store now is. The house of Col. John Phillips was built there, more than a century ago, and was destroyed by fire only a few 3-ears since. When the house was erected, the front is said to have been three stories in height ; within the memory of those now on the stage only two stories have ever been visible, and the lower one of those was sunken at the last considerably below the level of the sidewalk. If the case was as represented, it is plain that Water street, at that point, has been built up at least a dozen feet above its original level. But it is prop- er to say that the foundations of the house, which were ex- posed when Mr. Getchell's building was erected, do not ap- pear to confirm the tradition. Still, there can be no doubt that the street has been a good deal raised there ; if not so much as the height of a story of a house. The change in the character of the public highways, since 1776, is worthy of special notice. For many years be- fore the Revolution the lumber-trade was the chief business of the town. Vast quantities of the choicest spoils of the forest were brought each year from inland points, to the Ex- eter landing^ — a part to be used for the construction of ships here, and the remainder to be rafted, or otherwise transported down the river. The greater share of the money raised for the repair of the highways was expended on the roads towards Brentwood and Epping, over which the staple commodity in which our citizens were so deeply interest- ed was Iiauled to tide water and a market. The result of it was that the other ways were sadly neglected. Fortu- natel}' this was of less consequence from the fact that most of the travel at that period, was upon horseback. The river, too, served admirably as a public highway', in former times, between the settlements upon its banks. So long as people could do their business by means ot boats, they were not so particular about the condition of the roads. The basin of the salt river, six score years ago, pre- sented a far busier scene than it does to-day. The channel was then capable of affording a passage to vessels of con- siderable size, and ships of from two hundred to five hun- dred tons' burden were built here ; six or eight of them each season, it is said. Several vessels were owned here, and made voyages along the coast and to the West Indies and Europe. "With ships unloading their cargoes at our wharves, with carpenters and caulkers plying their busy trades in our shipyards, and with long lines of teams dragging tlie mighty pines to the river side, the spectacle must have been full of life and animation. Perhaps something of the same sort may again be realized, when the obstructions to the naviga- tion of the Squamscot shall be removed. As the Revolution drew nigh, the lumber trade declined, and the business activity of the place diminished. The breaking out of hostilities sent some of the most enterprising citizens into the army ; commerce was suspended and ship building was no longer lucrative. The mechanics became soldiers or sought employment elsewhere, and Exeter, its limited resources drawn upon to the utmost to sustain the war, looked forward with anxious hope to the issue that was to bring peace and restore prosperity. Of course there were no sidewalks in 1776 ; those have come in mostly within the last half century. A few shade trees then flung their protecting arms over a part of the village, some of which are still standing, or have but recent- ly disappeared. A giant elm, here and there, remains to tell the story of the past century, and some sturdy button woods of equal if not superior age, on both sides of the great bridge, succumbed to disease and were cut down, within the recollection of many persons. But the great bulk of our present ornamental trees are of more recent date even than the sidewalks. The size and extent of the village was of course much less a hundred years since, than now. The entire popula- tion of the town at that period did not quite reach 1750 souls, which is something less than one-half what it now is. And as a large proportion of the inhabitants lived in the less com- pact parts of the town, the village could not have greatly ex- ceeded one-third its present dimensions. The character of the buildings, too, was generally inferior. To be sure the best of them were spacious, handsome and constructed from the choicest materials, as a few surviving specimens still attest ; but probably the major part of them must have been comparatively small and poor. Unpainted houses were the rule then ; they are the exceptions now. On the southerly side of Front street there used to be nothing but fields and woods ; Bow, Court, Elm, Elliott and Pine streets, with all their branches, are the growth of little more than forty years last past. In 1776, Exeter could boast but two churches, and those both Congregational ; nor was there either Academy or Semi- nary, then. But in the article of public houses a hundred years have probably given us no increase. There were then two taverns on the east side of the river, and the whole number was no doubt greater than it is now. This is to be explained by the different habits of the earlier generation. Auction sales and many kinds of public business were form- erly transacted at the inns, as they were usually called. They were places where the citizens of all classes used to meet, especially in the evenings ; and the convivial habits of the past age contributed essentially to their being well patronized. Exeter during the period of the Revolution was a place of great resort, and as those were not days when men could whirl into town from their homes by the train in the morning, and whirl back again to their own firesides in the evening, nearly every visitor here had to pass a night or two under the roof of one or another of our hospitable landlords. Exeter, a century ago, had but just assumed the posi- tion in the province to which its size and importance en- titled it. Forty years before, the town had become an ob- ject of jealousy and dislike to some of the dignitaries under the crown, at Portsmouth, and in consequence thereof had been tabooed and " left out in the cold," so far as it was in their power to accomplish it. The last royal governor, John Wentworth, however, was too sensible and politic to allow his conduct to be influenced by an old grudge. He took par- ticular pains to conciliate the inhabitants of Exeter ; visited the town repeatedly, in much state ; formed and commission- ed a company of cadets here, embracing many leading men, as a kind of body-guard to the occupant of the guberna- torial office, and established relations of intimacy with several of the prominent citizens. He labored zealously and conscientiously for the good of the province, and at the same time to uphold the power of Britain over it. He hoped no doubt that his special friends in Exeter might adhere to the cause of the crown, as so many of his connections and dependents in Portsmouth did. But he reckoned without his host. When the tocsin of war was sounded, Exeter might be said to be a unit, on the side of liberty, and the men whom Gov. Wentworth had delight- ed to honor were the first to declare in favor of their oppress- ed country. Exeter then became, and remained for many years, the capital of the province, and state. The Legislature held its sessions here, and during its adjournments, the Committee of Safety took its place, and exercised its functions. The courts were again established here, and the town became practically the headquarters of all military undertakings, in which New Hampshire was concerned. And here on the fifth day of January, 1776, was adopted and put in operation the First Written Constitution for popular government, of the Revolutionary period. The honor of taking the lead of her sister colonies in this momentous " new departure" be- longs to New Hampshire, and Exeter may well be proud to have been the scene of an occurrence so interesting and so memorable. The structure in our town which has perhaps retained its old-time appearance most jDerfectly for the past century, is the powder-house, situated on the point near the river on the east side. It was built about 1760, and has apparently un- dergone little repair since that time. It probably first held military stores destined for the French and Indian war, which, however, terminated before they could have been much needed. A few j'ears later it was opened, no doubt, to receive a part of the powder captured by the provincials in the raid, under Sullivan, upon Fort William and Mary in Portsmouth harbor, in December, 1774. But as powder with- 9 out ball hardly met the requirements of the times, the select- men of Exeter purchased lead for the " town stock" from John Emer}', and sent for a further supply to Portsmouth by Theodore Carlton ; employed Thomas Gilman to "run it into bullets," and finall}' stored the leaden missiles in a chest, which Peter Folsom made for the purpose, at the cost of three and sixpence. The ammunition was dealt out from time to time to other places which stood in greater need, very sparingly though ; for notwithstanding Exeter had a powder mill in 177G, the explosive dust was too precious to be wasted, through a large part of the Revolutionary' war. The old powder house is now somewhat weather-beaten and dilapidated, and perhaps past its usefulness ; but we hope it may be spared, on account of the good service it has done in former days. Ma}^ no vandal hand be laid upon it, but may it be left to the gentle touch of time, and remain a landmark for man}- years to come. Another prominent object, on the east side, which surviv- ed until a recent date, was the jail, on the spot now occupied by the house of Mr. N. K. Leavitt. It is supposed to have been built about the year 1770, when the province was divid- ed into counties. It was a wooden structure, of limited ca- pacity, and at first was surrounded b}' no exterior fence or wall. It could not have been a ver^' secure place of confine- ment for a person of ingenuity and resources ; and indeed more than one prisoner made his escape from it. The notorious Henry Tufts, who published his memoirs thirt}^ years after- wards, tells us that he was incarcerated there before the Rev- olution, and made his way out without much difficult}'. After 1775 the jail became crowded ; not only were the persons in this province, suspected of disafl^ection to the American cause, committed there, but tories from other jurisdictions, counter- feiters of the colonial paper mone}', and deserters and skulkers from the Continental army. So much apprehension was then felt that the building was not strong enough 2 10 to contain itis inmates, that armed guards were constantly stationed at the door. The court house, known also as the town house and state house, stood at what is now the easterl}' corner of Front and Court streets, on the site of the dwelling of the late Mr. Joseph Boardman. The building had formerly been the meeting house of the first parish. When it was moved across the street and devoted to judicial purposes, it was flanked by the stocks and the whipping post. Possi- bly the former instrument of discipline may have disappeared before 1776, but the latter undoubtedl}^ lasted till then. The horse-thief Tufts was flogged there, shortly before that date ; unfortunatel}' without eradicating his inborn propensity to appropriate unlaw fullj'^ the property of other people to his own use. One of the town schools, (for the excellence of which Exeter was earl}^ noted) was long kept in this town house. A "grammar school" was likewise maintained at the ex- pense of the town, in 1775-G, under the charge of Clement Weeks, a room being hired of Samuel Davis for the purpose. The town and court house was the place of assembly for the Legislature of New Hampshire, whence it received the additional name of state house. Its halls, in the " times that tried men's souls," continually echoed to the tread of the wisest and bravest of the dwellers among our granite hills. Sullivan and Folsom, Stark and Poor, Cille}' and Scammell, Dearborn and Reid, in their military attire of blue and buff, often trailed their swords along its corridors ; while Weare and Langdou, Oilman and Bartlett, Thornton and AVhipple, and a host of other patriots in civil life, assembled periodi- cally within its walls to devise the wa3'S and means for keep- ing an army in the field, until the power of Britain was at length broken, and peace crowned the independence of America. The meeting house of the first parish occupied nearly 11 the same spot which its successor, the present church, does now. But the 3'ard which surrounded it was then of greater extent, and was filled with substantial stone monuments, bearing inscriptions in memorj' of the dead who were inter- red beneath. A number of ^-ears ago those monuments were carefully levelled with the ground, placed above the bodies they were intended to commemorate, and thinly covered with earth. The rank grass soon sprang up and obliterated all traces of the burying ground. Subsequently the street was wi.lened in front, and it is understood that the present sidewalk passes over a portion of what w-as formerly the church-yard. The good taste and propriety of these al- terations has been questioned by some of the present genera- tion, we believe ; but there is a consolation in the reflection that the memorial stones were neither dcstro3'ed nor removed from their proper locations, so that should occasion require, the information they contain can at any time hereafter be made available. . A portion of the main tloor of the old meeting house was left open to all worshippers indiscriminatel}^, except that the men and women occupied different sides. Com- parativel}' few persons had private seats. The privilege of erecting a pew was highl}' prized, it would appear ; for in 1775 the rights to build three of them in the meeting house were sold at auction to the highest bidders, an^l realized handsome premiums. The services in the I'eligious meetings, at that period, were conducted in most respects as in our own day. We no longer have tithing men, however, to look after the sleepers and the uneasy youngsters in sermon time. And we do have church organs and an abundance of hymn books, which our predecessors did not ; by reason of which there has been an essential change in the style and manner of the sacred music. The " pitch pipe" alone was formerly employed to " set the tune," and in good old Deacon Brooks' da}', the hymn in the 12 first church was " deaconed" out, a line at a time, before it was sung by the choir. In 1776 the meeting house was opened on two occasions of peculiar interest to the society. The first was on the fourteenth of March , when funeral services were performed over the remains of the Kev. Woodbridge Odlin, who had been the pastor of the church for many years. We learn from a contemporary record, that a great congregation as- sembled to witness the solemn ceremony ; for the deceased clergyman was highly esteemed. The other occasion was on the ninth of October, when the Rev. Isaac Mansfield of Marblehead, Massachusetts, was ordained as the successoj" of Mr. Odlin. The Rev. Messrs, Thayer of Hampton, Fogg of Kensington and Webster and Noyes of Salisbury were present and toolv part in the exercises. Ordinations were great events in the last centu- ry ; and we read of one in a town in Massachusetts during the Revolution, where the Council during their session dis- posed of no less than thirty-eight mugs of flip, twenty-four mugs of cider, eleven gills of rum bitters, and two mugs of sling ! But we have no reason to suppose that the good cler- gymen and brethren who assisted on the occasion referred to in our town, found it such thirst}^ work. On the contrary it seems to have been accomplished with all due decorum. It may be necessary to remind readers of the present day that houses of worship a hundred years ago contained neither fire-places, stoves, nor other heating apparatus. The congregation, so far as temperature was concerned, were not much more comfortable, in the winter season, indoors than out. But the generation of that day was brought up to bear hardships without complaint. The good mother, with- in the remembrance of people not aged, used to rely upon a few coals in a foot stove, to keep up the vital heat, and per- haps the youngest child was bundled up so as to be kept comfortable ; but the big boys had to take the severity of the 13 weather, seated on the bare boards, with little protection in the way of extra clothing. It is a question how large the attendance in our churches would be, if the old fashion of cold rooms were to be resumed. Luckily for the enjoyment .as well as for the size of the congregations, in the matter of conveniences and comforts there is no retrogression. Im- provements once introduced become necessities ; and New England will never go back to cold churches. The meeting house of the first parish had long been pro- vided with a bell, i»nd the town books inform us that in 1776 it was daily rung by Pompey Peters at one and nine o'clock p. M., according to ancient custom, which has also been con- tinued, down to our own da}-. The present church was not built till more than twenty years after that date. It has been much admired for its archi- tectural proportions, and is undoubtedly a fine specimen of the ecclesiastical edifices of the last century. Having fortu- nately escaped destruction by fire which recentl}- threatened to consume it, it is to be hoped it ma}-- now safely survive its centennial, in perfect strength and condition. The other meeting house in the Exeter of 1776 was that of the second parish, and stood on the lot now occupied bj' Mrs. Cobbs' house. It was a building of ample size, and had resounded to the voice of the eloquent Whitefield, in former 3'ears. It has now been gone for more than a generation ; and the church in the Academy yard is its lineal successor. No other place of religious worship existed in the town, a centur}' ago, unless the few Quakers who lived here and in the vicinity, may still have occasionally held meetings. Twenty years before, they are said to have used a building which stood upon Front street, where now the residences of Mr. J. M. Levering and Mrs. Kennard are, as the place for their dumb devotions. No doubt the}' here received occa- sional visits from itinerant brethren of their sect, who in " good old colony times " perambulated the whole country, 14 asd kept up commnuication and interest between the fami- lies and communities of Friends in ever}' section. In the Revolutionary times, however, the peaceful principles of the Quakers became unpopular, and their numbers here had probably dwindled, so that it ma}' be doubtful if the small re-, mainder did any acts to attract public attention. The residence of the Eev. Woodbridge Odliu was in Front street, on or near the spot where the house of Mr. B. L. Merrill now stands. Mr. Odlin's father, the Rev. John Odlin, lived there before him, and the Rev. John Clark occupied the same premises at a still earlier date. And as the Rev. Dr. Isaac Hurd subsequently passed some forty years of his life in the same place, it would be difficult, probably, to find another lot of land in New England, which has been the home of successive clergymen for so long a period. The Rev. Woodbridge Odlin is described as portly in person, and a perfect gentleman in his conduct and deportment. He ■was outspoken in his patriotic sentiments. The Rev. Mr. Mansfield, his successor, lived not far from the locality' where Mr. Charles Conner's house now is. The Rev. Daniel Rogers, the pastor of the second parish, was a very estimable man, and possessed much learning. During the long term of his residence here, he kept a daily journal of occurences, which our local antiquaries, a genera- tion ago, greatly relied on as containing materials for the history of the town, that somebody has been always going to write. What has now become of that journal, we know not. It is to be hoped that it has been somewhere safely preserved, for the loss of it would be irreparable. Too many interesting facts respecting the olden times have already passed into oblivion. Mr. Rogers lived in a house that formerl}^ stood about where the entrance to Franklin street now is. It faced towards Water sti'eet, and was long ago removed to another situation. 15 The '' great bridge, " perhaps the grandfather of the present one, spanned the river in 1776, as at present. Of course it did not receive its designation from its abstract magnitude, but b}- way of distinction from its neighbor, the "string bridge, " which, much less than a century ago, con- sisted of merel}' a single string-piece of timber flanked by a hand-rail, over which only pedestrians could pass. The next house to the Rev. Mr, Rogers', probably, on the west, was that of " Brigadier" Peter Oilman, as he was universally called. It is still standing, and is now the resi- dence of Mr. Manly Darling. It was built by Councillor John Oilman, if Ave may credit tradition, near two centuries ago, and is undoubtedl}' the oldest structure in the town. The main body, which was the original edifice, has its walls composed of squared logs, making it what was called a garrison house, for protection against the attacks of the Indians. It was form- erly much more quaint in its external appearance than now : but the interior is still worthy of inspection, as an example of the primitive domestic architecture of the country. The front wing, which has been for several j-ears occupied as a store, is an addition of later date, made b}' the Brigadier. Peter Oilman's career extended back to an early period in the history of Exeter, he having been born in 1703, and as he lived to the good old age of eighty-five, he witnessed many changes, and in the end ver}- great improvements, in his native town. He was for a long period a leading citizen. He had the command of a regiment in the French war and served with much credit, receiving subsequently the honor of a Brigadier Oeneral's commission. For twelve successive years he was Speaker of the Assembly of the province, and in 1772 and 1773 he was a member of the Oovernor's Coun- cil. He was undoubtedly inclined to question the expedi- ency of resisting the royal authoritj^, and in 1775 was re- quired by the Provincial Congress to confine himself to the town of Exeter, and not depart thence without the consent 16 of the proper authorities. But he was evidently not looked upon as a dangerous foe to liberty, and his scruples appear to have been respected by those who took the opposite side. His fellow citizens chose him moderator in 1775, which could hardly have been done, if he had been a tory in the worst sense of the term. Brigadier Gilman was a great admirer of Whitefield, and an amusing story is told of the power of the great preacher's eloquence upon him and others, causing them to roll upon the floor in an agony of penitence. Another tradition repre- sents him as sending off a press gang, — which had come from Portsmouth to Exeter to seize men for the king's service, — by admonishing them that every individual they took would be rescued from their hands before they reached Stratham. The Brigadier appears to have stood up manfully for his townsmen, and hence the}' naturally stood by him. He was about the only Exeter man of note, whose fideli- ty to the American cause came early under suspicion. At a later period, however, another person who had previously held himself out as a zealous whig, was found guilty of the black- est defection. This was Eobert Luist Eowle, the printer, whose office in 1776, as he advertised, was "on the grand country road, near the State House," — probably on Water street not far from the present Court square. Fowle had been employed to print the paper money of New Hampshire, and was afterwards suspected, on very good grounds, of using his press for issuing counterfeits of the same, to be put in circulation by disaffected persons ; it being considered a legit- imate way of opposing the popular government to discredit its circulating medium. Eowle was arrested and held in dur- ance for a time, and apparently undertook to secure his own safety by betraying his accomplices. Perhaps he was thought to be playing false in this; for we are informed that he owed his escape at last to the unfaithfulness of his jailor, whose carriage was believed one stormy night to have conveyed 17 him away; and he sought refuge within the British lines. As has ah'eady been stated, the inhabitants of Exeter were, almost to a man, in favor of resistance to the oppressive measures of the British parliament. Conspicuous among the patriots was Col. Nicholas Gilman, the father of Gov. Gilman. At the commencement of the Eevolution he was forty- four years of age, in the very prime of his powers, a man of reso- lution, firmness and sound judgment. He was largely en- gaged in business, and was commanding officer of a regiment of militia. He was a great favorite with Gov. Wentworth, who undoubtedly used all his influence to keep him on the side of his royal master, and it is said never ceased to retain his attachment for him. But Col. Gilman occupied no doubt- ful ground. Early declaring himself on the side of his count- ry, his counsel and services were eagerly sought for in her be- half, and cheerfully rendered. Money, the sinews of war, was the thing most needful ; and he was placed at the head of the fiscal department of the state, where he accomplished almost as much for New Hampshire as Robert Morris did for the country. But his efforts were not limited to any narrow sphere. No plan for the public security or advantage was adopted until it received the sanction of his approval. President Weare held the chief executive office, and Nicholas Gilman was his premier. The two sons of Col. Gilman who were old enough for the military service, took up arms at the beginning of the Rev- olutionar}^ struggle. John Taylor, the elder, served in the com- pany of volunteers who marched to Cambridge on the morning after the first effusion of blood at Lexington and Concord. Afterwards he became an assistant to his father at home, and rendered invaluable aid to the patriot cause throughout the war, in various capacities. The second son, Nicholas, enter- ed the army early and served in it six years and three months. He was Assistant Adjutant General during the later part of his service, and as such returned an account of 3 IS the prisoners captured on the surrender of Cornwallis at York- town. Nathaniel, the third son of Col. Nicholas Oilman, was but sixteen when the war began, and did not take part in the fighting, though very desirous to do so. But he was useful to his father in his manifold employments, and succeed- ed him at an early age in his official positions. Detachments from Col. Gilman's regiment were from time to time called into the field for active duty, and there is no doubt that they received his supervision there. But it is not known that he served in person, during any campaign, though it is likely that he was from time to time at the front. It is related that he visited Gates' headquarters in 1777 for the purpose of doing his devoir in aiding to arrest the invad- ing march of Burgoyne ; but that the decisive battle had been fought before his arrival. He probably enjoyed there the opportunity of witnessing the surrender of an entire British army to the power of united America, which must have yield- ed him heartfelt satisfaction. Col. Gilman resided in 1776 in the house afterwards long occupied by Col. Peter Chad- wick, and now by his son and daughter. Gen. Nathaniel Folsom acted an important part in the Revolutionary drama. A native of Exeter, and descended from one of its most ancient families, he had been a soldier long before that time. In 1755, at the age of nineteen, he was entrusted with the command of a company in a New Hampshire regiment raised to serve under Sir William John- eon, against Crown Point, and distinguished himself greatly by his gallantry and good conduct. He afterwards received promotion in the militia, and in 1774 was in the commission of the peace, which was then no small honor. He had also been for several years a member of the Assembly of the prov- ince, and was regarded as one of the leaders of the popular cause. In 1774 he was chosen one of the members to repre- sent New Hampshire in the general congress at Philadel- phia. Apparently Gov. Wentworth hoped to the last that 19 Folsom might be brought to repent and renew his fealty to the king, for it was not till the twenty-second of February, 1775, (one hundred and one years ago THIS DAT,) that he cast him off. On that day Folsom had the honor of receiving a letter of the following tenor : Sir: I am commanded by his Excellency to acquaint you that he haa, with advice ol' his Majesty's Council, ordered your name to be erased from tlie commission of the peace for the County of Rockiiigliam, — that it is done accordingly, and that you act no more as a justice of the peace for said coun- ty. By his Excellency's command, Is. RiNDOE, Clerk of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace for the County of Rockingham. The ex-Justice did not make himself unhappy over the loss of his commission, but was undoubtedly glad to be freed from the very semblance of holding office under the king, or rather, as the phrase then was, under the king's ministers ; for the Americans commonly believed that his gracious maj- esty was at heart very friendly to them, and that his advis- ers were solely responsible for every tyrannical act visited upon the colonies. At a later period the publication of the letters of George III. to Lord North showed that this idea was totally erroneous, and that the American Revolution was due to the obstinacy, folly and despotic notions of the king himself. Col. Folsom, (for that was his title in the beginning of 1775,) was evidently held in the highest estimation as a mili- tary commander, for on the twenty-fourth day of May in that year, a month after Lexington, and a month before Bunker Hill, he received the appoiutment of Major General of " all the forces raised (by New Hampshire) for this and the other American colonies." This province had then three regiments in the field, — Stark's, Poor's, and Eeed's. Gen. Folsom at once repaired to Cambridge to take the command of the brig- ade. Stark complained (without reason) at Folsom being put 20 over him, and was inclined to despise the authority of this colony, till his native good sense taught him to act more wisely. The misunderstanding and rivalry between Fol- som and Stark, however, prevented the nomination of either as a general oihcer on the Continental establishment, and SuUivau was selected as Brigadier from New Hampshire. Gen. Folsom remained in command of the New Hampshire troops at Cambridge until the adoption of the army, and the appointment of its commanders, by Congress. He then re- turned home, but though not again called actively to the field, he was allowed no respite from military or civil employ- ment. He was retained in command of the militia, who were continually kept in readiness for active service in emerg- encies, and frequently called forth. In the course of the war he was four years a member of the Committee of Safety ; was repeatedly chosen to the Legislature, and in 1777 and again in 1779 elected a delegate to the Continental Congress ; and in addition to all the rest was made a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. There was evidently an incompatibility, or at least an im- propriety, in a single person exercising such diverse functions at the same time, and some exception was taken to it in the Leg- islature ; but a majority were of the opinion that the occasion justified a departure from ordinary rules, and the perfect con- fidence reposed in Gen. Folsom's honesty and patriotism silenced all criticism. Gen. Polsom lived in a house which formerly stood where Mr. George Sullivan's residence, (now the Squamscot House,) was afterwards built. The Folsom house was removed farther up Front street, and placed on the lot next westerly of the residence of Mr. Luke Julian, where it still remains. Enoch Poor was one of the most active business men of Exeter, when the war began. He had come here some ten years before, from Andover, Massachusetts, his native town, and had engaged in trade and shipbuilding. He showed 21 himself to be decided, bold and fitted for command, and as he Avas an ardent friend of liberty, he was regarded at an early period as a leader in organizing resistance to the British au- thority. He was absent from home when the first shot was fired at Lexington, but in a very short time was found at Cambridge marshalling the sons of New Hampshire who at the first note of alarm had quitted the plough to take up arms in behalf of their imperilled brethren of Massachusetts Bay. He was at once made Colonel of the second regiment of New Hampshire troops, and thenceforward until his death shared the fortunes of the American army. He was in command of his regiment on the Canada expedition ; and was appointed a Brigadier General in 1777, in which capacity he did excel- lent service in Gates' army in the battles which resulted in the capture of Burgoyne. In Valley Forge he bore his part in the privations and sufferings of the troops, and at Mon- mouth he won distinction by his efforts in retrieving the for- tunes of the day, at first imperilled by Lee's " ill timed re- treat. " He accompanied Sullivan in 1779 in his expedition against the Indians; and in 1780 was put. in command of a brigade of light infantry, under the orders of Lafayette, who had a high opinion of him. He died at Paramus, New Jersey, on the eighth of September, in that year, of fever, after a short illness. It has been believed by some persons that he was killed in a duel with a French officer, and that the manner of his death was kept a secret, lest it might excite ill feeling between our own countrymen and the French who were then our useful allies. But it is now the opinion of those who have the best means of knowledge, that the story of the duel was unfounded. Gen Poor was much esteemed by his brother ofiicers. Washington wroie of him in terms of high commendation ; and when Lafayette visited this country, half a century ago, he paid a graceful tribute to his merit, as well as to that of another distinguished New Hampshire officer, by giving as a 22 sentiment, on a public occasion, — " The memory of Light in- fantry Poor, andYorktowu Scammell." The residence of Gen. Poor -was in the house now at the easterly corner of Center and Water steets, where his widow continued to live during the fifty years that she survived him. We have, unfortunately, no portraits of many of the principal citizens of Exeter one hundred years ago. But a likeness of Gen. Poor is still extant. The tradition is that it was drawn by the accomplished Polish engineer in the Ameri- can service, Thaddeus Kosciuszko, upon the fly leaf of a hymn book, in church. It represents the General in the Continen- tal uniform, with a cocked hat and epaulets. The features are bold and prominent, and we can easily believe that the original must have been a man of mark. Another of the foremost men of that time was Col. John Phillips, the location of whose dwelling has already been de- scribed. Though he wore a military title, he was noted not so much for his warlike as for his civic achievements. He was, however, the commanding officer of the Exeter Cadets, and a very well drilled and disciplined corps it was said to be. He was also a decided friend of his country, it is understood, notwithstanding he took no active pare in public affairs in the Revolution. He was bred to the ministry, though he was engaged in business as a merchant for the greater part of his working life. He employed his large accumulations wisely and generously in promoting the cause of education in this and other states. In the house now occupied by Mr. John W. Getchell lived Col. James Hackett in 1776, He had been for some time engaged in ship building here, and was a man of enter- prise and determination. He was no laggard in evincing his willingness to enlist in his country's cause, for he was one of the first to march to the scene of hostilities on the morning after the Concord fight. The unanimous voice of his fellow vol- unteers made him the commander of the extemporized com- 23 3any, and he acquitted himself well of the trust. Repeated- y, afterwards, during the war, he was chosen to important nilitary commands, but his contriving head and skillful lands were so constantly needed in constructing ships of war md flotilla for offensive and defensive purposes on our coast, ;hat he is not known to have served as a soldier in any cam- jaign, except in Rhode Island, under Gen, Sullivan, in 1778, sphere he held the post of lieutenant of a company of light lorse, of which no less a person than John Langdon was cap- ain. Col. Hackett appears to have passed much of his time, it a later period, in Portsmouth, where he pursued the busi- less of shipbuilding ; and on the occasion of Washington's r'isit to New Hampshire in 1789, commanded a battalion of irtillery, which received his Excellency on his arrival in Portsmouth, with a grand salute. The same house was, years afterwards, tenanted by an- )ther person who filled during the Revolution a still more con- ipicuous public position. This was Gren. Nathaniel Peabody, vho was in 1774 a physician in Plaistow, practising his pro- ession with great success. He was popular, and aspiring. Ee denounced the usurpations of Britain, at the outset, and s said to have been the first man in the province to resign the king's commission, from political motives. He was repeated- y chosen to the Legislature, and upon the Committee of Safe- y, and was in 1779 and 1780 a delegate to Congress. Be- lide these, he held numerous other ofiices, civil and military, )f dignity and importance. As adjutant general of the State lis only active service, by a singular coincidence, was in the lame Rhode Island campaign, in which his predecessor in the labitation, Col. Hackett, first heard the sounds of actual con- lict. After the war. Gen. Peabody's popularity was undimin- shed, and he received frequent testimony of the confidence of lis fellow citizens, in the shape of elections to ofiice. He af- erwards removed his residence to Exeter, where he passed • 24 the remainder of liis life. Toward the close of his career he was annoyed by pecuniary troubles, and is said to have become petulant and rough in his manners. Many stories are yet current, of his sharp speeches and harsh conduct. They fur- nish another exemplification of the truth of the oft quoted words of Shakespeare, The evil that men do, lives after them, The good is oft interred with their bones. Gen. Peabody was undoubtedly possessed of abilities far above the average, and rendered valuable service as a legis- lator to his state and country, and in his professional capacity to the sick and suffering. "We can make allowance for faults of temper, and even for more serious defects, in one who so stanchly defended the rights of his country in the hour of her sorest trial, and bore so important a part in laying the foun- dations of the nation's prosperity and greatness. Where the To ,\- ... "-^ * yO x^-;^ ,0^ , ^ 'K - « , -> •j, "^ 2,° ^ ?- ve- c' r "^^^ ; ^ c,^"->^. ^ * O « , 0^ "^^ ''.r,:'^^ ^<^^ ^o O 'o . * * ^]r) '}: .^' •^ ^■'.v ^ , \^ ,. ^ " a . ^^ ^o 'i' ^ ' t, . . - • A .^ ■ ■ BROS. ^ - ^ ^ '^ BINDING -^ • - V* \-^ USTINE V