ass_ i^^ lidii kUjiiD^ . HUi:SENTi;i) HY c^ 2x COVENTRY RECORDS Births, Marriages Baptisms and Deaths FROM THE RECORDS OF THE TOWN AND CHURCHES IN COVENTRY, CONNECTICUT 1711-1844 Copied from the Records BY tl't^t:. SUSAN WHITNEY DIMOCK PRINTED FOR PRIV/ITE DISTRIBUTION NEW YORK THE BAKER & TAYLOR COMPANY 5 AND 7 East Sixteenth Street 1897 3^C F\ov TOWN OF COVENTRY, CONN. Prior to 1675, the Indians used the land of what is now the Town of Coventry, as a hunting ground. It was annually burned over to give fresh feeding place for wild animals, thus furnishing food for the Mohegans. The land in this way was denuded of timber, so that, it is said, when the town was first settled, an ox-cart could be driven over most of the young timber lands, which had sprung up since the yearly fires of the Indians had ceased. In the early part of the year 1676 — Joshua, third son of Uncas, chief of the Mohegans, made a will in which he bequeathed to Captain Joseph Fitch, of Windsor, and to fifteen others, all the tract of land which includes tlie present towns of South Windsor, Bolton, Vernon, Andover, Hebron, Coventry, Mansfield^ Hampton, and Chaplin. This donation was approved by the General Assembly. The legatees conveyed their rights, so far as the town of Cov- entry was concerned, to William Pitkin, Joseph Talcott, William Whiting, and Richard Lord, to be a committee to lay out the township and settle on the lands. This committee was ap- pointed by the General Assembly on May 9, 1706. On Octo- ber II, 1711, this committee was reappointed, and Nathaniel Rust, who had already settled on the lands, was added to the committee^ to carry into execution the designs of the former appointment. At the same session of the General Assembly the township was named Coventry. Nathaniel Rust and some others settled in the town about the year 1700. In the spring of 1709 there came a number of good VI TOWN OF COVENTRY, CONN. householders from Northampton, Essex County, Mass., Hart- ford, Conn., Reading and Lancaster, Mass., Stonington, Kill- ingworth, Windham, Conn., and some other towns. The region was then a pasture ground for the horses of Hart- ford. These horses were branded and turned loose into the wilderness to the east. The town was laid off 6 miles square, October ii, 1705. The first survey of land was made April 8, 1708, by Mr. Caleb Stanley, Colony Surveyor, The town was laid off into 78 allotments by the committee above named. The first proprietors, 15 in number, each received 5 allotments, and 3 allotments were reserved for the support of religion and schools. The town was incorporated at the May session of the General Assembly, in 1712. The settlement of the town is usually dated from 1709, when, as before said, there arrived quite a number of families from the towns above named. At that time there were but two towns in what is now the County of Tolland, viz., Mansfield, settled in 1703, and Hebron, settled in 1704. The first house in the town seems to have been built by Samuel Birchard, on the south side of Wangaumbaug Lake-— near the house now owned by Henry F. Dimock, formerly occu- pied by his father, the late Dr. Timothy Dimock. In the valley of the Hop River, near the house known as the Cyril Parker place, there was a village of savages. The religious community was for about 30 years embraced in what is known as " The first Church and Society in Coventry." This is in what is known as South Coventry. Rev. Joseph Meacham, of Enfield, com- menced preaching here as early as 1713. The church waS formed and he was ordained its pastor October 8, 1714. The first settler in the Parish of North Coventry was John Bissell, who caitie from Lebanon, Conn., in 17 16. A church was organized in the North Parish October 8, 1745, and the follow^- TOWN OF COVENTRY, CONN. vii ing day the first pastor, Nathan Strong, was ordained. The records of the first church, prior to the year 1766, have either been lost or destroyed. No records of the Second (North Parish) Church seem to have been kept until about 1800. It is apparent in going over all these old records, that there Imve been different spellings of what is evidently the same fam- ily name. I have tried to preserve, in most instances, the spell- ing which has been used in the records. There are also, what seem to me to be, some mistakes of dates in the records, but I have not undertaken to correct them. All the following records have been most carefully transcribed by me. They are now published, so that they may be preserved from the further ravages of time. SUSAN WHITNEY DIMOCK. South Coventry, June 14, 1897. CONTENTS TOWN RECORDS PAGE Births — 1711 to 1840 i Mah^iages — 171 1 TO 1840 126 Deaths — 17 u to 1844 172 FIRST CHURCH RECORDS Baptisms — 1776 to 1844 200 Deaths — 1763 to 1844 218 Marriages — 1763 to 1843 249 Pastors — 17 14 to 1844 268 SECOND CHURCH RECORDS Deaths — 1801 to 1842 269 Baptisms — 1819 to 1843 281 INDEX . 289 Copy of Births Taken from Town Records, in Coventry, Conn., from 171 1 to 1840. ABBEY. Children of Eliphilet and Lydia (Brunson) Abbey. Eliphilet, the father, b. East Hartford, 1792 Lydia, the mother, b. Vernon, October 28, 1797 Children. Amanda, b. East Hartford, March 11, 1816 Zada, b. March 29, 1817 Abigail, b. Andover, February 22, 1819 Edmund, b. February 24, 1820 Lucretia, b. March 31, 1821 Walter, b. May 16, 1823 Eliphilet B., b. June 21, 1825 George W., b. September 24, 1827 Albert, b. February 27, 1830 An Infant, b. October 25, 1831 An Infant, b. January 15, 1832 An Infant, b. October 24, 1835 Lydia Maria, b. June 17, 1837 ABBOT. Children of Rev. Abiel and Elisabeth Abbot. Elisabeth, b. May 22, 1798 Abigail, b. October 17, 1799 Dorcas, b. January 22, 1801 ADAMS. Children of David and Sarah Adams. Nancy H., b. April 7, 1806 Mary C, b. November 15, 1809 John H., b. December 5, 1812 2 COVENTRY RECORDS ALEXANDER. Children of Ebenezer and Mehitable Alexander. Mehitable, b. August ii, 1713 Ebenezer, b. February 16, 1716 Anna, b. January 7, 1718-19 ALLIN or ALLEN. Children of Samuel and Mary Allin. Mary, b. January 15, 1715-16 Samuel, b. May 19, 1717 Hannah, b. May 3, 1719 Children of George and Naomy (Grover) Allen. Eunes, b. October 26, 1738 Mary, b. December 2, 1739 Ebenezer, b. January 23, 1745; d. same day Children of Daniel and Azubah (Lad) Allen. Daniel, b. July 28, 1742 Hepsa, • b. August 15, 1744 Rachael, b. July 21, 1746 ANDREWS and ANDRUS. Children of Ephraim and Elizabeth Andrus. Rachael, b. September 13, 1744 Lydia, b. April 20, 1746 Hannah, b. October 19, 1747 Ephraim b. June 7, 1750; d. same day Elizabeth, b. July 10, 1751 Mary, b. August 2, 1753 Sarah, b. November 28, 1756 Abigail, b. January 29, 1758 Ephraim, b. November 4, 1759 Nathan, b. March 20, 1762 Zachariah, b. March 14, 1764 ANDREWS. \ Children of Andrews and Irena (Cook) Andrews. Irena, b. February 26, 1790 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 3 ANTISEL. Children of Simon and Martha (Fuller) Antisel. Thankfull, b. July 8, 1768 Leah, b. February 5, 1770 ARNOLD. Children of John and Elisabeth Arnold. Elisabeth, b. October 10, 1758 Hannah, b. November 6, 1759 ARMSTRONG. Children of Benjamin and Rachael Armstrong. Benjamin, Jr., b. June 26, 1820 ATHERTON. Children of Simon and Mary Atherton. Simeon, b. November 19, 1735 Peter, b. October 9, 1738 Simon, b. September 15, 1741 Mary, b. October 15, 1744 Sarah, b. September 13, 1746 Peter, b. March 19, 1749 Eunice, b. November 3, 1751 Elijah, b. August 19, 1752 Children of Elijah and Hannah (Hills) Atherton. Silas, b. March 27, 1776 Polly, b. May 9, 1778 David, b. September 29, 1780 Zenus, ■ b. October 5, 1785 AVERY and AVARY. Children of Amos, Jr., and Abigail (Loomis) Avery. Amos, b. April 30, 1783 Irena, b. February 22, 1787 Nabby, b. December 19, 1788 Polly, b. March 3, 1791 Lorav, b. October 28, 1793 4 COVENTRY RECORDS Hariot, b. August 3, 1797 Ephraim Kingsbury, b. December 18, 1799 Louis, b. February 22, 1802 Children of Amos and Anne Avary. Jabez, b. January 3, 1763 BACON Children of Ebenezer and Betsey Bacon. Eliza Turner, b. September 13, 1803 Marietta, b. January 17, 1806 Hannah Ugene, b, July 11, 1812 Ezbon Carter, b. July 19, 181 5 BADCOCK or BABCOCK. Children of Jams and Mary Badcock. Elisabeth, b. July 8, 1716 Jams, b. September 2^, 1719 Children of Daniel and Sarah Badcock. Josepha, b. August 23, 1718 Joshua, b. April 2, 1723 Sarah, b. January 24, 1725 Children of John and Marthew Badcock. Josiah, b. August 14, 1724 John, b. June 22, 1726 Marthew, b. May 10, 1728 Children of Ebenezer and Mehitable (Burt) Badcock. William, b. July 17, 1726 Dorothy, b. July 17, 1729 Robert, b. July 5, 1732 Stephen, b. May 25, 1728; d. same day Abigail, b. February 16, 1734-5 Ebenezer, " b. July 18, 1740 Daniel, b. December 30, 1742 Children of Simeon and Abigail Badcock. Lediah, b. October 11, 1737 Abigail, ' b. April 13, 1739 John, b. November 20, 1740 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS Lidiah, b. August 20, 1742 Hudson, b. July 20, 1744 EUishur, b. July 19, 1746 Simeon, b. February 20, 1748 Abigail, b. June i, 1750 Rachael, b. March 10, 1752 Children of Benjamin and Mary (Long) Badcock. Ebenezer, b. January 17, 1730-31 William, b. May 5, 1732 Sarah, b. May 7, 1734 Hannah, b. October 8, 1736 Mary, b. October 19, 1737 Children of Josiah and Mary Badcock. John, b. August 17, 1746 Children of Hutson and Mary Badcock. Hutson, b. September 12, 1767 Children of Ebenezer 3d and Elanor (Knight) Babcock. Levi, b. February 17, 1773 Permalia b. October 4, 1774 Elias, b. January, 1777 Ehelenday (daughter), b. February, 1779 Children of Amos and Mary (Williams) Badcock. Elias, b. August 9, 1779 Timothy, b. February 17, 1781 Theodamy, b. April 7, 1783 Evangely, b. February 7, 1785 Children of John and Lydia Babcock. Hannah, b. June 26, 1780 Lydia, b. March 5, 1782 Diantha, b. April 12, 1784 John, b. April 19, 1786 Deodat, b. June 19, 1790 Betsey, b. June, 1792 Children of William and Mary (Gates) Badcock. Ebenezer, b. May 8, 1751 Daniel, b. July 29, 1753 Azubah, b. June 21, 1755 6 COVENTRY RECORDS Hannah, b. April 2, 1757 Rogger, b. June 9, 1759 Martha, b. December 10, 1760 Jonathan, b. Mansfield, December 8, 1762 Susannah, b. Coventry, November 9, 1764 Molley, b. November 16, 1766 Sibbel, b. December 3, 1768 Jerusha, b. March 8, 1771 Olive, b. February 13, 1773 Caleb, b. March 25, 1775 Children of Robert and Jedidah (Turner) Badcock. Gideon, ^ b. October 13, 1754 Amos, b. August 8, 1756 Robart, b. August 17, 1758 Merabe, b, June 2, 1760 Mehitabel, ' b. July 5, 1762 Ruth, b, September 11, 1764 Harmoni, b. December 29, 1767 Abraham, b. August 12, 1769 Eunice, b. January 30, 1773 Children of Ebenezer 2d and Ha,nnah (Preston) Badcock. Beniamon, b. January 22, 1755 Daniel, b. October 9, 1756 Joseph, b. March 7, 1758 Joseph, b. November 24, 1759 Reodolphus, b. March 3, 1761 Hannah, b. March 3, 1763 Nathaniel, b. March 26, 1765 Ebenezer and Mary (twins), b. June 3, 1767 Tabothy, b. March 13, 1770 Elisabeth, b. April, 1772 Lydia, b. January 27, 1774 Ester, b. February 23, 1776 Children of Gideon and Triphene Badcock. Asa, b. March 19, 1787 Cyllinda, b. March 25, 1789 Desire, b. September 11, 1791 Diadama, b. November 7, 1793 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS ^ David, b. August 3, 1795 Elijah, b. December 14, 1798 Lucy, t>. March 29, 1801 Leonard, b. February 10, 1804 Sophronia, b. September 7, 1806 Children of Amos and Mary Badcock. Robert 3d, b. July 25, 1787 Polly, b. July 25, 1789 Eunice, b. June 28, 1791 Children of David and Mary (Barrows) Badcock. Nancy Delia, b. November 24, 1822 Wealthy Amanda, b. November 7, 1824 Sara Ann, b. August 20, 1828 David Barrows, b. January 4, 1830 Children of Elijah and Mary Badcock. Norman Leander, b. April 27, 1823 Charles, b. March 13, 1826 Julia Sophronia, b. February 10, 1828 Austania, b. October 13, 1833 Children of Elijah and Mary Ann Badcock. Alonso, b. February 20, 1838 Francis Le Roy, b. July 29, 1845 Children of Samuel and Hannah (Dow) Babcock. Samuel, Jr., b. August 9, 1779 Sophia, b. April 26, 1781 Children of Robert and Hannah (Arnold) Babcock. Hannah, b. October 9, 1783 Children of Elihu and Elisabeth (Preston) Babcock. Ephraim, b. September 3, 1763 Thripena, b. January 24, 1764 Elisabeth, b. December 30, 1765 Timothy, b. August 9, 1768 Mary, b. February 12, 1770 Anna, b. May 4, 1772 Tehiel, b. May 8, 1774 8 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of James and Mary Babcock. Mary Ann, b. March 13, 18 14 James Stanton, b. November 7, 181 5 Charles Joseph, b. State of New York, March 25, 1819 Lucy Delight, b. Coventry, October 7, 1822 Sarah E., ' b. November 11, 1824 BADGER. Children of Enoch and Mary Badger. Abner, b. June 9, 1748 Mary, b. March 9, 1752 Enoch, b. July 5, 1750 Children of Enoch, Jr., and Mary (Lamphear) Badger. Enoch (3rd son), h. January 5, 1774 Polly, b. March 20, 1776 Lydia, b. May 8, 1778 Edmund, b. April 30, 1780 Tirza, b. May 12, 1782 Willard, ,. b. January 12, 1785 Walter, b. January 18, 1787 Lebra (son), b. November 3, 1788 Bela (son), March 26, 1791 Barber (son), b. June 24, 1793 Louisa, b. March 27, 1796 Milton, b. May 6, 1800 Children of Moses and Jerusha (Janes) Badger. Ariel, b. July 30, 1776 Timothy, b. December 18, 1777 Daniel Waldo, b. October 26, 1779 BALDWIN. Children of Theophilus and Sarah (Kingsbury) Baldwin. Irane, b. October 8, 1746 Elamuel, b. November 7, 1748 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 9 BARKER. Children of Oliver and Mary (Fowler) Barker. Alethea, b. May 6, 1746 Oliver, b. June 8 Phebe, b. August 28 Eleazer, b. May i Jarius (?), b. March 2 Rhode, b. June 8 Daniel, b. August 29 Nathan, b. February 17 1754 1758 1760 1762 1764 1765 1768 BARNARD. Children of Benony and Freedom Barnard. Jasper, b. April 10, 1713 Freedom (daughter), b. March 8, 171 5 Samuel, b. September 14, 1718 Joseph, b. June 11, 1720 Abigail, b. March 16, 1725 Miriam, b. February 23, 1726-7 Dan, b. May 15, 1730 Children of Dan and Lydia Barnard. Joseph, b. April 30, 1754 Esther, b. January 20, 1756 Abigail, b. September 10, 1757 Dan, b. September 15, 1759 Rufus, b. September 12, 1761 Andrew, b. November 28, 1763 Roger, b. May, 1766 Lydia, b. September, 1768 Myriam, b. March 12, 1771 Freedom, b. March 21, 1773 Pharoh Barnard, son of Lydia (Brown), b. December 28, 1766 BARSTOW. Children of Jeremiah and Rebeckah Barstow. Salome, b. July 23, 1760 Jeremiah, b. April 17, 1763 10 COVENTRY RECORDS BELDING. Children of Matthew and EHsabeth Belding. Matthew, b. July 31, 1731 John, * b. January 14, 1732-3 BELKNAP. Children of Ralzamon and Desiah (Dimick) Belknap. Maria Ann, b. March 13, 1826 Emma Virginia, b. Wilmington, Del., February 13, 1837 Roxana Bingham, b. Coventry, December 25, 1840 BENIT or BENNIT. Children of Thomas and Anne Benit. Samuel, b. September 9, 1721 Children of Christopher and Irene (Baldwin) Benit. Christopher Baldwin, b. August 3, 1773 Irene, b. August 27, 1775 Orenda (son), b. October 24, 1777 Elemuell, b. January 6, 1780 BENTON. Children of Jedediah and Jerusha Benton. Selah, b. January 23, 1739-40 Stephen, b. February 23, 1741-2 Jerusha, b. December 28, 1744 Martha, b. April 29, 1747 Eben., b. February 19, 1750-51 BESTOR. Children of Daniel and Dorcas (Hibbard) Bestor. Hervey (son) b. March 3, 1783 Orson, b. September 18, 1784 BILL. Children of John and Irene Bill. Ruth, b. February 13, 1755 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS H BISSELL. Children of John and Sary Bissell. Zeriah, b. April 21, 1717 Joseph, b. August 20, 1719 Amis (daughter), b. September 17, 1725 BLACKMAN. Children of Benjamon and Sarah Blackman. Benjamin, b. February 19, 1733-4 Semian, b. July 12, 1736 Elijah, b. February 27, 1740 Aaron, ' b. March 24, 1742 Sarah, . b. April 5, 1744 David, , b. June 5, 1747 Jonathan, b. July 5, 1749 Children of Elijah and Mary Blackman. Elijah, b. January 23, 1772 (mistake of the records) Jabez, b. March 26, 1772 Children of Benjamin, Jr., and Eunice (Sawyer) Blackman. Standish, b. May 11, 1779 Children of David and Mary (House) Blackman. David, b. December 30, 1775 Church, b. September i, 1779 Children of David and Anna (Ensworth) Blackman. Anna, b. December 16, 1792 Children of Aaron and Mary (Upham) Blackman. Hannah, b. August 28, 1776 Selden, b. October 16, 1780 Aaron Justice, b. March 17, 1782 Clark, b. December 9, 1784 BOOTH. Children of Rev. Chauncey and Laura (Farnam) Booth. Chauncey, b. September 21, 18 16 Laura Farnam, b. April 6, 1818 Elisabeth, b. July 6, 1820 12 COVENTRY RECORDS Caleb, b. March 7, 1822 Thomas Fitch, b. May 30, 1824 Henry Martin, b. October 2, 1826 Kirtland Farnam, b. January 10, 1829 WilHam Howard b. August 15, 183 1 Ellen Maria b. September 2, 1836 BOLS or BOWLES. Children of William and Caroline Bols. Polly, b. February 8, 1776 Tabothy, b. March 27, 1777 BOYNTON. Children of Zachariah and Sarah Boynton. John, b. October 9, 1718 Hannah, b. December 30, 1720 Joshua, b. February 26, 1723 Sarah, b. April 23, 1724 Mehitabel, b. March 21, 1726 Abigail, b. June 17, 1729 Wicom, b. July 28, 1732 Children of Moses and Abigail Boynton. Phebe, b. April 15, 1743 Eunice, b. April 25, 1745 Oliver, b. April 30, 1747 Bille, b. July 27, 1752 Children of Jeremiah and Mary Boynton. Apphia, b. July 5, 1737 Moses, b. October 6, I239 Hannah, b. June 6, 1741 Lydia, b. February 10, 1743 Samuel, b. December, 1744 Stephen, b. July, 1749 Joshua, b. March 5, 1761 Jerome, b. January 6, 1768 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 13 BOYNTON. Children of John and Tabethy (Daves) Boynton. Ace, ^ b. December 22, 1741 Sarah, b. February 20, 1743 Irena, b. January 14, 1746-7 Children of Oliver and Mary (Brown) Boynton. Libernt (?), b. March 24, 1771 Paul, b. February 19, 1773 Thaddeus, b. June 3, 1777 Mary, b. March 25, 1779 Children of Joshua and Rachael (Carpenter) Boynton. Phebe, b. November 23, 1750 Anne, b. March 24, 1752 BREED. Children of Joseph and Prisillah Breed. Presillah, b. October 14, 1742 Prudence, b. December 7, 1744-5 Hebe, b. August 11, 1746 BRIANT. Children of Ebenezer and Mehitabel (Damman) Briant. Mehitabel, b. March 15, 1737 BRIDGMAN. Children of Isaac and Dorothy Bridgman. Abigail, b. August 8, 171 2 John, b. October 10, 1714 Isaac, 8th day (no month), 1718 Children of Isaac and Elisabeth Bridgman. Cloae, b. January 12, 174 1-2 Elisabeth, b. October 14, 1744 John, b. January 26, 1746-7 Anne, b. March 29, 1749 14 COVENTRY RECORDS Olive, b. July 7, 1751 Gideon, b. May 21, 1753 Dorothy, b. February 20, 1755 Isaac, b. April 20, 1757 Abel, b. April 15, 1759 Eunice, b. July 8, 1761 Salomy, b. May 20, 1763 Joseph, b. September 10, 1767 BRIGHAM. Children of Uriah and Anne (Richardson) Brigham. Roger, b. October 28, 1755 Bethiah, b. July 14, 1757 Anne, b. October 14, 1759 Norman, b. December 2, 1761 Don Carlos, b. February 21, 1764 Cephas, b. December 7, 1765 Martha, b. January 28, 1770 Lieushe (?), b. November 6, 1771 Children of Paul and Catherine (Turner) Brigham. Thomas, b. March 7, 1742 Dinah, b. November 14, 1743 Paul, b. January 6, 1746 Children of Paul and Lydia (Sawyer) Brigham. Thomas, b. March 23, 1769 Mary, b. October 12, 1770 Don Josephus, b. March 24, 1774 Lydia, daughter of Capt. Paul and Lydia, b. October 5, 1778 Children of Asa and Anne Brigham. Jeremiah, b. June 29, 1767 Children of Thomas and Susannah (Eells) Brigham. Alexander, b. January 26, 1770 Salinda (daughter), b. April 26, 1772 Orleans (son), b. December 10, 1773 Thomas, b. July 13, i775 Don Ferdinand, b. September 8, 1777 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 15 Royal, - b. September 27, 1779 Eunice, b. December 17, 1782 Don Carlos Brigham, b. February 21, 1763 Polly Greenleaf (his wife), b. January 7, 1764 BROWN. Children of Ebenezer and Martha Brown. Martha, b. July 16, 1734 Mary, b. May 6, 1736 Ebenezer, b. April 16, 1738 Mary, b. April 26, 1741 Sarah, b. August 4, 1743 Ephraim, b. March 24, 1748 Timothy, b. March 21, 1750 Anne, b. February 5, 1753 Children of Jonathan and Mary (Tarels) Brown. Febe, b. June 19, 1741 Eunice, b. April 22, 1743 Mary, b. October 16, 1750 Children of Ephraim and Hannah Brown. Hannah, b. October 7, 1741 Children of Moses and Ruth (Ingraham) Brown. Rebeckah, b. October 4, 1752 Ruth, ' b. April 27, 1754 Jeremiah, b. May 17, 1756 Nehemiah, b. July 29, 1758 Children of Abraham and Abigail Brown. Benjamin, b. September 16, 1740 James, b. April 25, 1743 Elisha, ). April 14, 1745 Stephen, b. March 9, 1749 Children of Nathaniel and Esther Brown. Nathaniel, b. May 23, 1783 Bille, b. October 22, 1785 Polle, b. October 30, 1788 David, b. April 12, 1790 Lydia, b. November 30, 1796 16 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Elijah and Lydia (Gary) Brown. Elijah, b. March 28, 1756 Abraham, b. March 11, 1758 Bethiah, b. June 3, 1759 Eli, b. December 8, 1760 James, b. December 24, 1762 Noah, b. April 2, 1765 Ephraim, b. June 20, 1767 Allan, b. August 29, 1769 Esther, b. December 31, 1771 Cyrenius, b. April 30, 1774 Children of Ebenezer 2nd and Lucy Brown. Mary, b. February 27, 1747-8 Tabithe, b. March 22, 1750 Tabithe, b. May 15, 1752 Margaret, b. May 14, 1755 Martha, b. September 23, 1757 Children of Elifilet and Elisabeth Brown. Hannah, b. March 11, 1745-6 Daniel, b. January 22, 1747-8 Daniel 2d, b. December 28, 1751 Children of John and Ruth Brown. Ruth, b. October 24, 1746 Ephraim, b. July 9, 1748 Ruth, b. July 16, 1750 Children of Stephen and Jerusha Brown. Stephen, b. December 19, 1752 Children of Joshua, Jr., and Prudence (Welch) Brown. Benjamin, b. November 5, 1758 Simeon, b. December 19, 1770 Children of Abraham and Mary (Dean) Brown. Abigail, b. July 20, 1755 Anne, b. July 18, 1761 Mary, b. April i, 1763 Susannah, b. November 18, 1264 Abraham Church, b. November 18, 1766 Huldah, b. June 7, 1768 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 17 Children of Joseph and the Widow Abigail Lamb Brown. Joseph, b. February 19, 1758 Olline, b. September 2, 1760 Abigail, b. April 2, 1762 Anne, b. May 20, 1764 Grace, b. December 6, 1766 Jared, b. January 15, 1769 Children of Timothy and Esther (Chapin) Brown. Ebenezer, b. February 24, 1776 Timothy, b. December 15, 1777 Francis, b. August 22, 1779 Children of James and Prudence Brown, James, b. 24th day (no month), 1787 Prudence, b. April 28, 1794 Children of Josiah and Mary (Lathrop) Brown. Hannah, b. July 19, 1781 Abigail, b. November 20, 1782 Selah, b. December 11, 1784 Jonathan Clark, b. October 18, 1786 Zolva, b. February 11, 1788 Josiah, Jr., b. June 26, 1790 Oliver, b. September 11, 1792 Polly, b. July 31, 1794 Children of Jonathan Clark and Sophia Bingham Brown. Jonathan Clark, Jr., b. October 9, 1808 Children of Silas and Elizabeth Brown. Henry, b. July 27, 1825 BUELL. Children of Mr. Peter and Hannah (Wells) Buell. Peter, b. June 10, 171 5 Samuell, b. August 20, 1716 Hannah, b. January 15, 1718-19 Children of Lieut. Peter and Martha Grant Buell. Peter, b. October 22, 1729 Benjamin, * b. June 30, 1732 Abigail, b. February 28, 1733-4 Ruth, b. April 12, 1736 Elias, b. October 8, 17;-*. 18 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Elias and Sarah Turner Buell. Anne, b. January 12, 1759 Solomon, b. April 12, 1760 Jesse, b. January 4, 1778 Children of Benjamin and Elisabeth (Gove) Buell. Peter, b. October 15, 1757 Beniamon, b. February 20, 1760 Elisabeth, b. Februairy 14, 1763 BURNAP. Children of John and Susannah Burnap. Susannah, b. November 30, 1749 Isaac, b. January 3, 1750-1 Children of Abraham and Irene (Wright) Burnap. Jerijah, b. November 23, 1754 Daniel, b. November i, 1759 Abner, b. May 23, 1764 Irene, b. September 22, 1766 Children of Jerijah and Lois Lyman Burnap. Lneena (?), b. January 3, 1783 Children of Abner and Sarah Bingham Burnap. Ela (son), b. December 26, 1784 Children of Irene Burnap. Milton, b. August 25, 1794 Children of Milton and Martha Burnap. Daniel Milton, b. March 30, 1819 Martha Irene, b. August 5, 1821 Children of Daniel and Mary Burnap. Daniel Kingsbury, b. June 29, 1824 Mary Delia, b. October 22, 1827 Charlotte Elisabeth, b. August 9, 1830 BURTON. Children of Jacob and Rachael Burton. Joshua, b. September 17, 1741 Elisha, b, November 7, 1743 Jerusha, b. December 8, 1745 Lucy, b. March 4, 1748 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 19 CADY or CADEY. Children of James and Thomosine Cady. Rufus b. April i6, 1733 Children of Cornelius and Elisabeth (Safford) Cady. Lucy, b. May 6, 1760 CARPENTER. Freedom, b. June i, 1692 Amos, b. November 16, 1693 Beniamon, b. October i, 1695 Jedediah, b. October i, 1697 Eliphilet, b. October 16, 1703 Noah, b. December 4, 1705 Elisabeth, b. June 15, 1707 Children of Beniamon and Hannah Carpenter. Ebenezer, b. November 9, 1709 Rebecca, b. November 23, 171 1 Children of Israel Carpenter. Eunice, b. October 22, 1778 Children of Benjamin, Jr., and his wife. Rhoda, b. July 9, 1783 Roxa, b. February 27, 1785 Jeremiah, b. May 29, 1786 Benjamin, b. July i, 1787 Oliver, b. 2d day (no month), 1789 Asael, b. March 27, 1792 Children of Charles and Mary (Chappel) Carpenter. Harmony, b. January 11, 1791 Horatio G., b. July 26, 1794 Josiah 2d, b. February 4, 1798 Lucius C, b. April 20, 1803 Children of Amos and Deborah (Long) Carpenter. Mary, b. July 18, 17 19 John, b. February 20, 172 1-2 20 COVENTRY RECORDS Seth, b. July i8, 1719 Seth, b. April 13, 1723 EHsha, b. April 27, 1725 Timothy, b. May 5, 1727 Rachael, b. March 29, 1729 Phebe, b. May 20, 1731 Joshua, b. June 30, 1734 Anna, b. September 22, 1736 Ephraim, b. April i, 1738 Simeon, b. March 23, 1740 Azubah, b. September 13, 1744 Stephen Palmer, son of Anna Carpenter, b. June 26, 1757 Children of Benjamin, Jr., and Rebeckah (Smith) Carpenter. Benjamin, b. December 21, 1727 Don, b. July 17, 1730 Elijah, b. May 3, 1732 Mabel ■ b. July 29, 1734 Joseph, b. February 4, 1735-6 Esther, b. February 8, 1736-7 Mary, b. August 12, 1739 Comfort, b. November 4, 1740 Lois, b. July 14, 1742 Levy (son), b. September 17, 1744 Ruben, b. January 3, 1745-6 Jonathan, b. June 23, 1748 Children of Eliphilet and Elisabeth (Andrus) Carpenter. Hannah, b. March 22, 1728 EHsabeth, b. April 15, 1731 Asahel, b. January 30, 1733 Lois, b. May 21, 1735 Abigail, b. December 6, 1736 Anne, b. April 9, 1739 Submit, b. January 27, 1743 Hannah, b. May 15, 1744 Lois, b. December 13, 1745 Eliphilet, b. November 9, 1747 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 21 Children of Noah Carpenter and wife. Abner, b. April 24, 1736 Silence, , b. April 25, 1743 Children of Noah and Widow Curtis Elisabeth Carpenter. Bulah, ' b. June 26, 1745 Noah, b. June 26, 1747 Eunis, b. November 5, 1749 Ezra, ' b. April 5, 1752 Benj'amin, b. February 27, 1756 Children of Ebenezer & Eunes (Thompson) Carpenter. Asa b. December 18, 1739 James, b. April 4, I74i William, b. October 16, 1742 Bridget, b. February 22, 1743-4 Josiah, ' b. April 16, 1745 Catharine, b. March 24, I747 Eunice, b. October 5, 1748 Pel^ee, b. December 2, 1749 Ebenezer, b. December 30, 1751 Amos, b. July 31, I755 Children of Elisha and Deliverance (Meraugh) Carpenter. Seth, b. January 4, 1749 Mary, b. June 29, 1752 Bethiah, b. January 20, 1754 Anna, b. January 18, 1756 Elisha, b. December 3, 1757 Zebulon, ., b. October 20, 1760 Elisabeth, b. September 9, 1262 Deliverance, b. September 5, 1763 Phebe, b. Becket, July 2, 177c Children of James and Irene (Lad) Carpenter. James, b. April 4, 1763 Irene, b. April 4, 1765 Nathaniel, b. September 20, 1766 Cephas, b. July 6, 1770 22 COVENTRY RECORDS Jason, b. August 15, 1772 Eunice, b. September 14, 1774 Alpheus, b. August 17, 1776 Eben., b. August 8, 1778 Children of Benjamin, Jr., and Widow Catherine Brigham Carpenter. Alven, b. April 29, 1752 Mabel, b. November 14, 1754 Children of Joseph and Phebe (Lad) Carpenter. Elisabeth, b. October 2, 1758 Irene, b. February 12, 1762 Phebe, b. April 12, 1764 Joseph, b. May 28, 1766 Hannah, b, July 20, 1768 Lucretia, b. August 3, 1770 Stephen, b. June 17, 1773 Children of Timothy and Miriam (Parker) Carpenter. Phebe, b. January 14, 1760 (?) Lydia, b. December 31, 1760 (?) Silas, b. August 12, 1762 Eunice, b. October 28, 1764 Solomon, b. June 8, 1768 Jerusha, b. April 15, 1770 Jesse, ^ b. June 17, 1772 Isaac, b. May 27, 1775 Elisabeth, b. June 20, 1776 Children of Elijah and Patience (Bruster) Carpenter. Benjamin, b. December 3, 1765 Elijah, b. April 27, 1767 Patience, b. August 12, 1769 Mille (or Milly) b. February 15, 1772 Persis, b. May 31,1 774 ( ? ) Sibbel, b. October 26, 1774 (?) Children of Daniel and Elisabeth Carpenter. Maranah, b. January 24, 1751 Elisabeth, b. April 5, 1752 Daniell, b. May 9, 1755 BIRTHS- FROM TOWN RECORDS '26 David, b. December 25, 1756 John, b. August 16, 1759 Moses, b. April i (no year) Abner, b. July 16, 1764 Children of Levi and Elisabeth (Parker) Carpenter. Levi, • * b. August 30, 1768 Jesse, b. April 9, 1771 Children of Alvin and Irena Carpenter. Joseph. b. May 26, 1779 Irena, b. November 22, 1780 Children of William and Rachael (Badger) Carpenter. William, b. March 6, 1768 Rachael, b. September 29, 1769 Children of Josiah and Phebe (Porter) Carpenter. Charles, b. May i, 1771 Zebulon, b. July 28, 1773 Horatio Gates, b. August 31, 1775 Camilla, b. March 7, 1778 Martain, b. January 16, 1781 Phebe, b. April 4, 1783 Cleanthe •• b. December 14, 1785 Fanna, b. June 4, 1789 Children of Noah, Jr., and Elisabeth Carpenter. Jonathan, b. June 13, 1770 Zenas, b. May 3, 1772 Curtis, b, June 16, 1774 Sinthy, . b. October 27, 1776 Molle, b. February 16, 1779 GARY. Children of Joseph and Phebe Cary. Mary, b. December 5, 1751 Jemima, b. November 21, 1753 EHsabeth, b. March 10, 1755 24 COVENTRY RECORDS CHAMBERLAIN. Children of James Chamberlain and the Widow Abigail Palmer, daughter of Zachariah Boynton. Joseph, b. November 4, 1757 Joseph, b. November 4, 1758 Children of Joseph and Elisabeth Chamberlain. Abner, b. November 14, 1751 CHAPPEL. Children of Simon and Abigail (Sari) Chappel. Noah, b. March 6, 1760 Stephen, b. April 8, 1762 Sarah, b. August 7, 1765 Abigail, b. January i, 1768 Mary A., b. May 23, 1770 Jerusha, b. August 27, 1773 Betsey, b. February 9, 1776 Alford, b. August 17, 1779 Jesse, b. October 16, 1781 Dyer, b. October, 1787 CHURCH. Children of Daniell and Eunice Church. Gideon, b. November 22, 1734 Asa, b. February 29, 1735-6 Eunice, b. January 29, 1737-8 Samuel, b. May 21, 1739 Daniell, b. February 21, 1 740-1 Thomas, b. July 15, 1742 Rachael, b. July 3, 1744 Triphena and Christiana (twins), b. September 17, 1745 Deliverance, b. June 4, 1747 Rebeckah, b. May 2, 1749 CLARK. Children of David and the Widow Sarah Badcock Clark. Barnab and Daniel (twins), b. February, 1736-7 (one died same day; other lived six days). BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 25 Children of Seth and Abigail Badger Clark, Anwenmoth (daughter), b. August 30, 1736 Elijah, b. 25th day (no month), 1737 Children of Joseph and Grace Clark. Elisabeth, b. May 20, 1739 Meriah, b. April 25, 1741 Samuel, b. March 7, 1743 Daniell, b. March 20, 1745 Amos, b. November 24, 1747 Joseph, b. October 25, 1749 Children of Joseph and Coziah (Hearick) Clark. Lekins, b. September 24,1737 Ezekiel, b. January 20, 1739-40 Leakins, b. March 16, 1744 Sarah, daughter of Joseph and Sarah, b. August 29, 1766 Hannah, daughter of Joseph Clark, b. December 5, 172 1 Children of John and Lucy Clark. Rufus, b. November 27, 1793 Augustus, b. April 6, 1796 Maria, b. April 27, 1799 Eliza, b. August 11, 1801 Children of Milton and Anna C. Clark. John Milton, b. January 7, 1809 CLASON. Children of Nehemiah and Miriam Clason. Meriam, b. September 27, 1760 COGGESHALL. Children of Joshua and Mary Coggeshall. Joshua, b. July 15, 1726 Peter, b. June 12, 1728 Joseph and Benjamin (twins), b. July i, 1730 Elisabeth, b. March 29, 1733 26 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Joshua, Jr., and Lucy (Dowe) Coggeshall. Daniel, b. March i, 1749 Rufus, b. February 6, 1750 Luther, b. July 28, 1754 Salome, no date Mary, b. April 17, 1767 Children of Beniamon and Seriah (Thompson) Coggeshall. James, b. September 29, 1752 Amos, b. February 19, 1754 Beniamon, b. August 22, 1755 COGSWELL. Children of Amos and Rebecca (Chamberlis) Cogswell. Alice, b. June 19, 1778 James, b. December 30, 1779 Amelia, b. May 5, 1781 Joseph, b. April 2, 1783 Hannah, b. July 10, 1784 Betsey, b. December 11, 1785 Rebecca, — b. February 18, 1787 Sarah, b. March 2, 1788 Amos, b. August 22, 1789 Dosha, b. August 17, 1791 Orpha, b. March 3, 1793 George, b. March 23, 1795 Children of Amos and Sally Cogswell. Serviah, b. October 15, 1800 Adelina, b. October 4, 1802 COLE or COWLES. Children of Timothy and Abigail (Woodworth) Cole. Daniell, b. 26th day (no month), 1776 Abner, b. 29th day (no month), 1777 Amaria (son), b. May 19, 1780 Luther, b. February 23, 1782 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 27 Children of Samuel and Abigail Cowles. Abigail, b. March 26, 1733 Eunice, b. December 24, 1734 Samuel, b. January 27, 1735-6 Ruth, b. February 20, 1737-8 Lidiah, b. April i, 1740 Samuel, b. March 3, 1742 Eunice, b. August 2, 1745 Joseph, b. October 6, 1747 COLLINS. Children of Abraham and Hannah Collins. Abraham, b. February 10, 1746-7 Nathaniel, b. January 9, 1748-9 Phebe, b. August 21, 1750 Zerubbe (son). b. October 26, 1753 Solomon, b. December 10, 1755 Anna, b. March 3, 1757 Hannah and Joanna (twins), b. March 15, 1759 Bette, b. February 25, 1761 Samuel, b. February 2"/, 1765 Justus, b. March, 1767 Children of Abraham, Jr., and Sarah Collins. Rheodolphus, b. February 21, 1770 COLMAN. Children of Judah and Hepzibah Colman. Gershom, b. July ii, 1717 Eleazer, b. December 16, 1719 Children of Ebenezer and Sarah (Brown) Colman. Ephraim, b. June 13, 1739 Ephraim, b. March 30, 1741 Samuel, b. March 16, 1743 Sarah, b. March 4, 1745 Ebenezer, b, October 20, 1751 Eliphilet, b. January i, 1754 Asa, b. August 31, 1756 28 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Ephraim and Widow Laviniah Curtis Colman. Bildad, b. October 23, 1765 Marah, b. August 6, 1767 John, b. July 27, 1769 Joseph, b. July 10, 127 1 Jesse, b. July 15, 1773 Hannah, b. August 17, 1775 Jesse, b. November 9, 1778 John, b. December 27, 1779 Children of Eliezer and Mehitable Colman. Easter, b. December 27, 1748 Lemuel, b. May 10, 1751 Joannah, b. August 19, 1753 Samuel, b. April 30, 1755 Phebe, b. September i, 1758 Levi, b. June i, 1763 Jerusha (still-born), b. November 23, 1766 Jerusha, b. June 24, 1768 Children of Gershom and Mercy (Alles) Colman. Sarah, b. November 9, 1745 Miriam, b. August 20, 1747 Nathaniel, b. March 4, 1753 Nathan, b. December 27, 1755 Gershom, b. June 8, 1756 Triphene, b. March 5, 1759 Mindwell, b. November 22, 1760 Timothy, b. March 2, 1764 Phenias, b. November 25, 1767 Children of Samuel and Esther (Bishop) Colman. Benjamin, b. August 6, 1766 Solomon, b. August 25, 1768 Children of Mr. Asa and Hannah (Badcock) Colman. Betsey, b. September 12, 1778 Lydia, b. February 18, 1780 Martha, b. March 23, 1781 Hannah, b. 5th day (no month), 1783 Children of Ebenezer and Phebe (Carpenter) Colman. Sarah, b. June 17, 1783 Fanny, b. November 24, 1784 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 29 Children of Asa, Jr., and Betsey Colman. Alvin Emelous, b. Cazenovia, New York State, October 22, 1805 Harlin, b. Coventry, September 25, 1807 Freeman Rawley, b. November 13, 1809 Eben Shepard, b. January 20, 1812 COOK. Children of Jesse and Submit Cook. Febe, b. February 19, 1743-4 Nathan, b. November 6, 1745 Submit, b. December 29, 1747 Sarah, , b. October 22, 1749 Elisabeth, b. May 8, 1752 Mary, b. November 20, 1754 Silence, b. February 19, 1758 Jesse, b. July 18, 1760 Children of Josiah and Lucy (Deman) Cook. Huldah, b. April 23, 1765 Lucy, b. June 23, 1767 Josiah, b. October 16, 1770 Children of Moses and Eunice (Allin) Cook. Jemima, b. October 10, 1760 Children of Moses and Jerusha Cook. Daniel, b. November 14, 1772 Children of Nathan and Dorcas (Meacham) Cook. Hester, , b. September 17, 1776 Hannah, b. February 15, 1769 Children of Jesse and Priscilla Talcott Cook. Lovice (daughter), b. October 31, 1786 Amelia, b. January 26, 1791 Azel, b. April 26, 1793 Children of Joseph and Mehitabel (Badcock) Cook. Asenath, b. September 8, 1786 Daniel and Luther (twins), b. April 24, 1788 Narcissus (daughter), b. February 27, 1790 Anna, b. February 21, 1792 Robert, b. July 14, 1794 Jerusha and Mehitabel (twins), b. March i, 1797 30 COVENTRY RECORDS CRANDALL. Children of Edward and Sarah (Brown) Crandall. Ethan, b. August 28, 1785 CRANE. Children of John and Prudence (Belding) Crane. Elithame, b. March 13, 1718 Sibbel, b. August i, 1719 Hezekiah, b. March 31, 1721 Prudence, b. July 4, 1723 Lemuell, b. July 12, 1725 Hannah, b. March 15, 1727 Rhoda, b. March 28, 1729 Adonijah, b. May 12, 1731 Children of John and Abigail Crane, John Crane's child, b. September 8, 171 3 Abigail, b. October 20, 1714 John, ' b. October 25, 1716 Ebenezer, b. July 4, 1720 Mary, b. May 22, 1722 Samuel, b. April 23, 1724 Hezekiah, b. October 10, 1725 Deborah, b. August 5, 1727 Daniell, b. January 29, 1728-9 Ruth, b. December 22, 1730 CROCKER. Children of Andrew and Loes Crocker. Andrew, b. October 14, 1750 Roswell, b. February 17, 1754 Samuel, b. December 2^, 1756 Simeon, b. March 21, 1759 Martha, b. June 26, 1761 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 31 Children of John and Sarah (Baldwin) Crocker. John, t). February 20, 1753 Sarah, o. May 20, 1757 (by register) Mary,' b. September 24, 1757 (by register) -^^Wi b. February 20, 1760 Sophia, daughter of Lois Crocker, b. January 7, 1779 CROSS. Children of Peter and Mary (Fuller) Cross. Ellither, b. March 27, 1742 Aaron, b. September 6, 1743 CROSBY. Children of Jonathan and Hannah Crosby. Abijah, b. April 26, 1751 GROSSMAN. Children of Ebenezer and Widow Mehitable (Dow) Cross- man. Orpah, b. March 3, 1782 Cynthia, b. July 22, 1783 Eben, b. July 17, 1785 Ira, b. April 17, 1787 Almira, b. May 8, 1789 CUMMINS or COMINS. Children of John and Elisabeth Comins. Simeon, b. August 18, 1764 Willson, b. October 2, 1767 Elisabeth, b. July 7, 1769 Jerusha, b. August 6, 1771 Children of John and Weltha Cummins. Lorenzo M., b. November 21, 1824 William M., b. August 9, 1827 32 COVENTRY RECORDS CUSHMAN. Children of Ephraim and Sarah (Colman) Cushman. Stephen, b. December 7, 1765 Hannah, b. September 22, 1767 Asa, b. August 10, 1769 Ephraim, b, September 6, 1771 Sarah, b. September 10, 1773 Ephraim, - b. July 2, 1775 Hannah, ' b. February 5, 1778 Luther, b. February, 1780 Stephen, b. March 6, 1782 Rebeccah, b. January 6, 1785 Children of Allerton, Jr., and Harmony (Allen) Cushman. Minerve (son), b. November 6, 1762 Timothy, b. March 6, 1765 Harmony, b. December 8, 1766 Timothy, b. March 6, 1768 Joseph, b. March 8, 1770 Diadata, b. April 4, 1773 CUTLER. Children of Daniell and Mary Cutler. Sarah, Eleazer, Daniel, Samuel, Mary, Amos, Hannah, Eunice, Nathaniel, Sarah, b. Windham, January 30, 1738 b. November 20, 1739 b. January 22, 1742 b. February 26, 1744 b. October 8, 1746 b. May 20, 1749 b. Mansfield, March 28, 1751 b. Coventry, March 21, 1755 b. June 13, 1757 b. June 13, 1759 CURTIS. Children of Bildad and Zeriah (Bishop) Curtis. Abigail, b. October i, 1761 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 33 Children of Samuel and Joanna (Dimick) Curtis. Bildad, b. August lo, 1765 Samuel, b. January 15, 1768 Sabrina, - b. March 13, 1771 Joanna, b. December 22, 1774 CURTICE or CURTIS. Children of Henry and Silance (Janes) Curtice. Esther, b. October 4, 1727 Henry, b. February 13, 1729 Silance, b. November 23, 1730 Bildad, b. September 27, 1733 Anne, b. June 18, 1736 Rhoda, no date Lamuell, no date Nathaniell, b. February 9, 1739-40 Children of Henry, Jr., and Elizabeth (Root) Curtis. Nathaniell, b. August 11, 1752 Jesse, b. May, 1754 Lowes, b. July 30, 1756 Mary, ^ b. December 29, 1759 Hannah, '^ b. September 20, 1761 Hannah, b. September, 1765 Abijah, (son) b. February 16, 1767 Anne, b. May 8, 1770 DAGGET or DOGGETT. Children of Samuel and Anne Dagget. Asenah, b. January 25, 1755 Tabothy, b. April 5, 1757 DAGGETT. Children of Isaiah and Ester (English) Daggett. Isaiah, Jr., b. August i, 1785 Chester, b. September 25, 1786 Anna, b. November 22, 1791 Betsey, b. July 13, 1794 Calvin, b. August 16, 1797 Samuel B., b. October 7, 1800 34 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Samuel B. and Amelia Daggett. Samuel Henry, b. December 23, 1829 Children of Isaiah, Jr., and Harriet Daggett. William Henry Harrison, b. December 13, 1820 Lucy Harriet Arnold, b. December 15, 1826 Children of Chester and Cynthia Daggett. Chester La Fayette, b. April 25, 1824 DAMMAN or DAMON. Children of Samuell, Jr., and Thankfull (Root) Damman. Abigail, b. March 4, 1730-31 Steaven, b. July 5, 1732 Ebenezer, b, February 4, 1733-34 Ebenezer, b. December 18, 1739 Children of John and Elisabeth Daman. Elisabeth, b. September 15, 1742 Presilla, b. November 15, 1744 John, b. February 7, 1747-8 DARBEY. Children of John and Mary Darbey. Nathan, b. February 15, 1778 Mary, b. August 25, 1780 DAVENPORT. Children of Richard and Elies Davenport. Elisabeth, b. March 28, 1742 Rachael, b. March 2, 1745 Anne, b. January 25, 1746 Hannah, b. March 12, 1749 Humphrey, b. March 5, 1751 Abigail, b. October 15, 1753 Denis Parker, son of Rachael Davenport, b. April 17, 1772 Children of Benjamin and Narissa Davenport. Walter, b. September 16, 1798 Bishop, b. November 6, 1800 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 35 DAVES or DAVIS. Children of Thomas and Hannah Daves. Hannah, b. December 20, 1706 Joseph, b. January 18, 171 1 Tabethy, b. May 21, 1720 Children of Joseph and Johannah Daves. Joseph, b. August 18, 1727 Irene, b. May i, 1728 Loes, b. November 30, 1729 Thomas, . b. June 7, 1733 Benjamin, b. December* 23, 1734 Ada, b. September 11, 1739 DANES or DEAMS. Children of Solomon and Ruth (NefT) Danes. William, b. January 22, 1757 Solomon and Levy (twins), b. October i, 1758 Ruth, b. May 26, 1760 Children of Solomon and the Widow Anne Brown Danes. Mary, b. April 16. 1771 Asa, • b. February 4, 1774 Levina, b. June 30, 1775 Palley (?) b. May 9, 1778 DELANO. Children of Jonathan, Jr., and Susannah (West) Delano. Mary, b. September 18, 1744 Susannah, b. February 15, 1745 Elisabeth, b. October 31, 1747 Children of Jonathan and Anne Delano. Anne, b. August 10, 1759 Caleb, b. January 15, 1761 Children of Jabez and Prudence Delano. Jonathan, b. November 23, 1735 36 COVENTRY RECORDS DUTY or DEUTY. Children of Matthew and Eunice (Boynton) Duty. Samuel, b. January 9, 1772 Abigail, b. August 14, 1773 Anne, b. August 21, 1775 Ambrose, b. July 17, 1777 Mary, b. August 6, 1779 Nathan, b. August 31, 1783 Eunice, b. October i, 1791 DEWEY. Children of Moses and Marah Dewey. Hannah, b, September 14, 1753 DEXTER. Children of Nathan and Irene (French) Dexter. Hannah Gurley, b. September 29, 1806 Nathan, b. October 11, 1808 Irene, b. April 8, 1810 Children of Minerva and Betsey (Wheet) Dexter. Eliza, b. July 8, 1808 DIMMICK or DIMICK or DIMOCK. Children of Timothy and Desire (Dimick) Dimmick. Desire, b. January 22, 1751 Eunice, b. February 9, 1753 Anne, b. September 15, 1754 Lois, b. May 12, 1756 Sibel, b. March 18, 1758 Lucy, b. May 22, 1760 Timothy, b. August 22, 1762 Daniel, b. February 20, 1765 Mason, b. June 22, 1767 Rhoda, b. August 10, 1770 Rogger, b. August 5, 1772 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 37 Children of Lot and Hannah Dimmick. Rhoda, ^• Jonathan, Hannah, August 22, 1762 b. July 25, 1764 b. April 5, 1766 DIMICK or DIMOCK or DIMMICK. Children of Captain Daniel and Anna (Wright) Dimick. Anna C, b. August 18, 1787 Parthena, b. April 9, 1789 Lucinda, b. March 18, 1791 Salle b. June 23, 1793 Harty b. December 24, 1794 Clara Maria, b. September 14, 1 79^ Eli^a b. May 24, 1798 Timo'thy, Jr., b. April 17, I799 Desiah, b. March 31, 1802 Children Mason, Jr., Rufus, Clarissa, Samuel, Desiah, Wealthy, Chauncey, John A., Children Polly, Dianthe, Chauncey, Jane, Joseph, Jr., Zenus, Leonard, Marcia, Aletia, DIMICK. of Mason and Anna Dimick. , ■ ■ -i b. July 26, 1787 b. March 21, 1789 b. May 7, 1791 b. September 18, 1793 b. September 26, 1795 b. March 22, 1798 b. November 16, 1801 b. September 16, 1806 DOAN. of Joseph and Jane Doan. b. July 27, 1795 b. October 15, 1796 b. September 18, 1798 b. July 15, 1 80 1 b. June 13, 1803 b. July 8, 1805 b. March 17, 1808 b. January 11, 181 1 b. May 21, 1813 38 COVENTRY RECORDS DORMAN. Children of Amos and Mary Dorman. Mary, b. April 14, 1746 Stephen, b. April 3, 1749 Children of Dudley and Eunice (Hawkins) Dorman. Tabitha, b. February 26, 1762 Eunice, b. February 5, 1764 Children of Amos and Keziah (Brown) Dorman. Daniel, b. September 20, 1761 Susannah, b. October i, 1762 Hannah, b. August 12, 1764 Amos, Jr., b. September 14, 1770 Selende, b. August 4, 1772 John, b. September i, 1774 Martha, b. January 14, 1777 Stephen, b. August 19, 1779 Anne, b. November 23, 1781 Children of Joseph and Lucy (Aspenwall) Dorman. Eunice, b. August 6, 1801 Joseph, b. June 5, 1805 Lucy Aspenwall, b. June 6, 1807 William Augustus, b. April 19, 1810 Anna, b. July 25, 1814 Emily, b. February 9, 18 18 Children of William and Lucy Dorman. Lydia Joanna, b. February 20, 1837 DOWE or DOW. Children of Ephraim and Elisabeth Dowe. Humphrey, b. July 3, 1742 Calvin, b. January 10, 1746-7 Children of Pelatiah and Catharine Dowe. Mabel, b. September 25, 1763 Saford, b. September 18, 1764 John, b. December 16, 1766 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 39 Elisabeth, b. September 29, 1768 i^ne, b- December 28, 1773 Hannah, b. September 29, 1775 Margary, b. November 28, 1777 Clarinda, b. February 14, 1780 Children of Daniel and Mehitabel (Palmer) Dowe. y^2rah b. September 26, 1773 Amasa, b. March 9, 1775 Tirza, b. January 20, 1777 Children of Ephraim and Hepsibah (Hawkins) Dowe. Daniel, b. November 27, 1752 jgsse b. September 8, 1755 Jesse' b. May 31, 1754 Ephraim, b. April 19, 1762 Hepsibah (son), b. March 6, 1767 Joseph, Children of Ephraim and Mary, b. July 5, 1777 Solomon, b. December 30, 1778 Daniel Clark Dow, b. April 8, 1783 Betsy, b. August 26, 1786 Children of Levi and Phebe Dowe. Marah, b. December 26, 1760 Esther, b. September 3, 1762 Samuel, b. October 3, 1766 Jeremiah, b. December 28, 1770 John, b. March 17, 1773 Sarah, b. February 7, 1775 Paul and William, twin sons, b. June 28, 1777 Anson, b. June 11, 1780 Harvey, b. August 19, 1782 Children of Lemuel and Anna (Millenton) Dowe. ■ Susannah, b. April 10, 1759 Salmon, b. April 28, 1762 Anne, " b. July 24, 1765 Lemuel, b. April 25, 1768 Lydia, b. February, 1771 Abigail, b. August i, I774 40 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of John Dow. Dianthe, b. September 7, 1800 Almira, b. August 4, 1802 John N., '). February 5, 1805 Silas Newcomb, b. April 25, 1810 DOW. Children of Humphry B. Dow and Tabitha (Parker) Dow. Ulyses, b. August 4, 1768 Ethelinda, b. July 22, 1770 Mirza, b. May 25, 1772 Porelana, b. April 25, 1774 Lorenzo, b. October 16, 1777 Tabitha, b. August 21, 1782 Children of Ulysses and Anna (Tilden) Dow. Anna, b. July 15, 1789 Children of Solomon and Tirzah Dow. Simon, b. August 17, 1798 Cyrus, b. September 26, 1800 Solomon George, b. September 9, 1803 Emily, b. May 3, 1806 Lucy, b. March 26, 1808 Beverley Abbot, o. November 26, 181 1 Ezra Abbot, b. September 4, 1814 Frederick Haughton, b. October 11, 1817 EANSWORTH. Children of Jeremiah and Sarah Eansworth. Jeremiah, V- March 14, 1762 EDGERTON. Children of Jabez and Martha Edgerton. Martha, b. January 8, 1755 Children of Hezekiah Jr. and Marisa Edgerton. Ward, b. July 12, 1803 Children of Justin and Mary Edgerton. Leonard Pember, b. January 31, 1833 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 41 EDWARDS. Children of Ebenezer and Mary Edwards. Sary, b. April 29, 1716 Mary, b. September 17, 1718 Thankful, b. February 25, 1721-2 Ebenezer, b. August 26, 1724 Loes, b. October 5, 1728 Children of Thomas and Mary Edwards. Rachael, b. October 31, 1736 Catharine, b. April 17, 1738 Ephraim, b. September 15, 1740 Elisabeth, b. November 2, 1742 Simeon, b. June 16, 1744 Oliver, • b. September 8, 1745 Mary, b. May 27, 1747 Thomas, b. August 22, 1749 William, • . b. January 20, 1751 EDWARDS. Children of Joseph and Mary (French) Edwards. Joseph, b. November, 1722 Samuell, b. July 11, 1732 Eunice, b. November 12, 1734 Children of Jabez and Triphene Edwards. Jabez, b. June 8, 1763 William, b. February 6, 1765 Bette, b. October 21, 1769 Eleazer, b. September 28, 1771 Children of Samuel and Mary Edwards. Samuel, b. December 16, 1760 Abiel, b. May 9, 1763 Children of William and Temperance Edwards. Benajah, b. May 26, 1772 42 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Daniel, Jr., and Hannah Edwards. Lucy, b. March 7, 1726 Elijah, b. September 12, 1727 Joseph, b. September 22, 1729 Beniah, b. March 14, 1731 Lurany, b. May 7, 1733 Samuel, b, July 27, 1738 Jobe, b. September 4, 1740 Adonijah, b. August 28, 1742 Thomas, b. July 13, 1746 Daniel, ' b. April 21, 1748 Children of Adonijah and Mary (Saris) Edwards. Reodolphus, b. January 26, 1766 Ralph, b. May 27, 1768 <''hildren of Joseph and Anne (Porter) Edwards. Anne, b. February 23, 1760 Children of William and Jane (Harris) Edwards. Jerusha, b. May 4, 1729 Anne, b. December 3, 1730 William, b. August 12, 1732 Jane, b. September 13, 1733 Elifilet, b. May 21, 1735 Joshua, b. November 16, 1737 Waram, b. November 6, 1742 John, b. February 27, 1744-5 James, b. July 2, 1747 Children of Joshua and Dorkas Edwards. William, b. September 28, 1759 Gideon, b. September 4, 1761 Dorcas, b. March 14, 1764 Wearham, b. April 21, 1766 Lorenda, b. April 28, 1768 William, b. May 7, 1770 Joshua, b. March 20, 1772 Sarah, b. October 2, 1774 Gideon, b. October 22, lyyy John, b. October 26, 1781 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 43 EELLS. Children of John and Susannah Eells, Freelove, b. Rocksbery, March 17, 1748 Abigail, b. Coventry, July 20, 1750 Moses, b. May 22, 1752 Eunice, b. August 13, 1755 Oliver, . b. July 24, 1758 Loyes, b. March 21, 1763 Children of John and Lois Eells. Sinthia, b. March 16, 1777 Lois, b. March 4, 1778 Moses, b. March 2, 1780 FITCH. Children of Jeremiah and Mary (Porter) Fitch. Lucy, b. September 12, 1730 Mary, b. January 18, 1732-3 Hannah, b. June 12, 1735 John, b, September 13, 1742 Children of Jeremiah and Widow Martha Gifford Fitch. Marcy, b. June 7, 1746 Jeremiah, b. January 4, 1748 Mary and John (twins), b. December 20, 1754 (Mary still-born). Children of Jeremiah and Sybil Fitch. Mariah, b. February 23, 1777 Jeremiah 3d, b. November 22, 1778 Children of Abner and Ruth (Rose) Fitch. Jeremiah, b. March 29, 1737 Jephthah, b. March 22, 1740 Bettee, b. September 11, 1743 Ruth, b. October 13, 1744 Abner, b. November 18, 1749 Jephthah, b. September, 1752 44 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of James and Febe (-Meraugh) Fitch. Febe, b. December 23, 1738 Rachael, b. July 31, 1742 Phebe, b. March 4, 1748 Jesse, b. March 11, 1752 Children of Elisha and Prissillah (Patten) Fitch. Daborah, b. July 5, 1736 Elemuel, • b. July 6, 1739 Deborah, b. July 24, 1742 Joseph, b. August 5, 1743 Josiah, b. March 18, 1746 Nathaniel, b. May 5, 1748 Deborah, b. February 12, 1752 Elijah, b. January 31, 1754 Marth Fitch, illegitimate child of Rebeckah (House), b. July I, 1788 Children of Jephthah and Ursula (Root) Fitch. Diadamia, b. November 23, 1777 Ephraim, b. December 9, 1778 Apollos, b. March 10, 1780 Phebe, b. December 31, 1781 Chauncey Fitch, b. May 31, 1791 His wife Mary, b. September 30, 1795 Children of Chauncey and Mary Fitch. Joseph Addison, b. May 10, 1816 James Monroe, b. June 7, 1818 Jeremiah Jones Chauncey, b. November 30. 1820 Children of Jasper and Eunice Fitch. Fanny G., b. August 3, 1808 Henry H., b. May 23, 1810 Mary T., b. May 16, 1812 William A., b. May 20, 1814 Lucy P., b. May i, 1816 Alfred H., b. July 15, 1819 Caroline, b. February 14, 1824 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 45 Children of Apollos and Sybil (Edgerton) Fitch. George Edgerton, b. August i8, 1802 Lucy Eliza, b. May 6, 1804 Ursula Root, b. November 2, 1805 Ephraim Alson, b. October i, 1807 Newton, b. November 14, 1809 Lucretia, b. October 9, 181 1 Tephtha (son), b. June 29, 1813 Phebe, b. May 29, 1815 5jl3gl - b. November 16, 181 7 FLINT. Children of Talcott and Prudence Flint. Minerva, b. October 6, 1804 Leonard Foster, b. November 14, 1807 Children of Ralph and Esther L. Flint. Leonard, b. June 18, 1835 Lucy Mariah, b. September 28, 1837 Sidney Pitkin, b. December 31, 1839 FOWLER. Children of Jonathan and Hannah Fowler. Mary, b. October 30, 1727 Daniel, b. June 3, 1729 Ichabod, b. January 28, 1730-31 Gurden, b. March 8, I733 EHzabeth, b. November 12, 1735 Israel, b. June 3, I736 Gurden, b. April 28, 1738 Children of John and Dorythy Fowler. Jerusha, b. July 26, 1732 Thomas, b. December 17, 1733 Mary, ' b. January 9, 1735-6 Sarah, b. February 11, 1737-8 Abraham, b. November i, 1745 Hannah, b. May 26. 1749 46 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Jonathan, Jr., and Abigail (Bissell) Fowler. Sarah, b. July 24, 1741 Tabitha, b. September 6, 1743 Joseph Bissell, b. September 28, 1749 Sarah, b, June 9, 1753 Children of John and Mehitable Fowler. Mary, b. March 11, 1741 Sarah, b. May (no date) Children of Joseph Bissell and Sarah (Baldwin) Fowler. Lavinia, b. August 18, 1772 Silas Bissell, b. May 18, 1774 Children of Ichabod and Ruth (Grover) Fowler. Bette, b. November 2, 1754 Hannah, b. October 20, 1757 Ruth, b. February 9, 1761 Anna, b. April 9, 1764 Jemima, b. August 30, 1766 Jesse (son), b. August 31, 1768 Asel, b. September 9, 1771 Children of Israel and Eunice (Bissell) Fowler. Abigail, b. September 17, 1758 Esther, b. August 22, 1760 Eunice, b. September 25, 1762 Joel, b. May 18, 1764 FREEMAN. Children of Otis and Ruth Freeman. James, b. September 29, 1772 Jonathan, b. October 15, 1774 FRENCH. Children of John and Mehitable (Root) French. Sarah, b. May 3, 1737 Sarah, b. April 6, 1739 Selah, b. August 30, 1741 Stephen, b. July 12, 1743 Samuel, b. November 8, 1746 John, b. September 27, 1748 Ichabod, b. November 27, 1750 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 47 Children of Ebenezer and the Widow Rachael Boynton French. Mary, b. June 22, 1755 Ebenezer, b. April 5, 1759 Nathan, b. February 3, 1760 Children of Joseph and Lucy French. Trifeny, b. May 30, 1739 Mr. Aaron French, b. February 28, 1756 Miss Abigail Brown (his wife), b. July 20, 1758 Children of Mr. Aaron and Abigail (Brown) French. Irene, b. May 16, 1776 Stephen, b. August 3, 1778 John, b. January 16, 1781 Eleazer, b. February 20, 1783 Selah, b. March 13, 1785 Oliver, b. December 9, 1787 Jonathan, b. May 10, 1790 Aaron, b. November 7, 1792 Oliver, b. May 18, 1795 Nabby, . b. December 6, 1797 FULLER. Children of David and Constant Fuller. Christian, b. October 23, 1721 Mary, b. July 30, 1723 Elijah, b. September 24, 1724 Hepzibah, b. April 27, 1726 Josiah, b. August 24, 1728 Children of Josiah and Margaret Fuller. Josiah, b. December 14, 1753 Esther, b. April 25, 1755 Hannah, No date. Ruth, b. January 2, 1758 Margaret, b. June 13, 1759 Catherine, b. January 13, 1761 Hepzebah, b. October 6, 1762 Eunice, b. July 20, 1764 48 COVENTRY RECORDS Huley, I b. September i8, 1766 Bettie, No date. Anne, b. December 26, 1770 Joel, b. April 24, 1773 Children of Shubael and Sarah (Scott) Fuller. Hannah, b. June 4, 172; Benjamin, b. January 27, 1729 Patiance, b. June i, 173 1 Asa, b. February 2, 1733-4 Children of Peleg and Bette Fuller. Mary, b. September 19, 1731 Keziah, ' b. August i, 1739 Children of Elijah and Mary (Millinton) Fuller. Nathaniel, b. March 26, 1748 Hosea, b. August 17, 1749 Martha, b. February 8, 1750-51 Mary, b. December, 1752 Elijah, b. November 6, 1754 Solomon, .. b. March 19, 1757 Cloe, ■ b. January 16, 1759 John, b. December 26, 1760 Abial, b. December 29, 1763 Samuel, b. March 31, 1766 Mehitable, b. February 15, 1768 Mehitable, b. May 22, 1769 GAGER. Children of Simon and Anna (Porter) Gager. Luther P., b. September 13, 1821 GEER. Children of Jedediah and Sarah (Dodge) Geer. Benaiah, b. December 5, 1755 Jedediah, b. December 8, 1757 Sibbel, b. November 9, 1759 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 49 GILBERT. Children of Nathaniel and Mary Gilbert. Nathaniel, b. October 3, 1725 Lois, b. October 8, 1727 Thomas, b. September 25, 1731 Ebenezer, b. August 3, 1733 Elisha, b. May 25, 1736 Children of Nathaniel, Jr., and Hannah Fowler Gilbert. Eunice, b. April 7, 1748 Hannah, b. November 23, 1751 Isaac, b. January 4, 1753 Mary, b. September 3, 1755 Elisabeth, b. September 25, 1757 Anne, b. April 29, 1761 Children of Thomas and Rachael Gilbert. Salla, b. August 16, 175- Susannah, b. May 24, 1761 Irene, b. August 16, 1763 Children of Samuel, Jr., and Abigail Gilbert. Ann, b. October 7 (date gone) GILLIT. Children of Eleazer and Sarah Gillit. Eleazer, b. November 8, 1752 GOODRIDGE. Children of Edmund Goodridge and wife. Sally, b. October 31, 1801 Alfred, b. July 10, 1804 GOODWIN. Children of Abel and Clarissa (Hunt) Goodwin. Clarissa Hunt, b. February 19, 181 1 GRANDY. . Children of Robert and Bethiah Grandy. Bazaleel, b. April 3, 1754 Rachael, b. June 11, 1755 Lydia, b. December 2, 1756 50 COVENTRY RECORDS GREEN. Children of Ebenezer and Susannah Green. Joseph, b. April 27, 1740 Jerusha, b. August 5, 1742 Lucresha, b. June 15, 1744 Ebenezer, b. August 6, 1746 Children of Joseph and Sarah Green. Alline, b. February 18, 1771 Joseph, b. March 17, 1773 Ebenezer, b. August 26, 1775 Children of Joseph and Deborah Green. John Manley, b. October 12, 1787 William Manley, b. August, 1789 Hannah, b. August 13, 1793 Harlin, b. December 19, 1797 GRISWOLD. Children of John and Margery (Doggitt) Griswold. Eunice, January 30, 1754 Joseph, b. September 15, 1755 Lavinia, b. February 15, 1757 John, b. May 16, 1760 Frederick, b. November 29, 1762 Frederick, b. April 23, 1766 Bille, b. July 8, 1767 GROVER. Children of Matthew and Naomi Grover. Elisabeth, b. July 23, 1719 Ebenezer, b. April 22, 1721 Mary, b. May 4, 1723 Children of Matthew, Jr., and Lideah Grover. Hembery, b. December 25, 1726 Matthew, b. June 5, 1728 Lidia, ^ b. June 23, 1730 Simon, b. October 4, 1732 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 51 Children of Ebenezer and Zariah (Larrabe) Grover. Joseph, b. January i6, 1743-4 Daniel, b, October 3, 1745 Jerusha, b. October 9, 1747 Anne, b. December 28, 1748 Jabez, b. January 15, 1751-2 Eben, b. March 13, 1754 Children of Benjamin and Mary (Shailler) Grover. Mary, b, April 26, 1729 Susannah (still-born), April 2, 1732 Naomy, b. March 3, 1733 Sarah, b. July i, 1735 Elisabeth, b. November 14, 1737 Sible, b. May 6, 1741 Children of Benjamin and Mary Grover (2d wife). Benjamin, b. September 22, 1750 Children of Ephraim and Tabothy (Manley) Grover. Anna, b. March 17, 1774 Children of Edmund and Elisabeth (Thomas) Grover. Hosea, b. June 13, 1743 Josiah, b. April 21, 1745 Phenias, b. October 16, 1747 Aaron, b. July 7, 1749 Edmund, b. April 6, 1751 Children of Leonard and Sarah Acley Grover. Sarah, b. October 10, 1739 Micah, b. March 13, 1742 Nathan, b. July 21, 1743 Leonard, b. March 18, 1745 Lydia, • b. May 20, 1747 Matthew, b. July 31, 1749 Eunice, b. July 20, 17 Amisiah, b. August 2, 1753 Mariah, b. December 23, 1755 Children of Matthew, Jr., and Lidiah Grover. Abigail, b. November 28, 1739 Children of Simon and Phebe Grover. Isaiah, b. January 4, 1756 Phebe, b. November 8, 1757 52 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of John and EHsabeth (Miller) Grover. Ruth, b. May 2, 1733 Phebe, b. October 5, 1735 Children of John and Sarah (Chapen) Grover. John, b. June 9, 1739 Ephraim, b. February 25, 1741-2 Chloe, b. October 15, 1745 Elijah, b. May 6, 1755 Children of John, Jr., and Abigail (Flint) Grover. Daniel, b. October 17, 1763 Sarah, b. October 4, 1765 Elijah, , b. February 17, 1768 Hester, b. June 29, 1770 Gaal, b. April 15, 1772 Ebenezer, b. September 15, 1774 Abigail, b. May 13, 1777 Oliver, b. September 22, 1779 Eleazer, b. June i, 1782 Asenath, b. April 10, 1788 Children of Benjamin and Lois Grover. Joseph, b. March 10, 1772 Children of Joseph and Sarah (Thompson) Grover. Amasa, b. September 22, 1794 Dida, b. July 4, 1749 (correct by Town records) Ashbel, b. April 21, 1797 Anson, b. April 20, 1799 Delia, , b. September 24, 1802 Wm. Thompson, b. November 2, 1804 George, b. October 23, 1806 Nelson, b. September 28, 1808 Chauncy, b. September 17, 1810 Children of Benjamin and Theodora (House) Grover. Lois, b. November 7, 1784 Lucy, b. May 2-^, 1786 Anne, b. June 14, 1787 Abel, b. July 6, 1790 David, b. May 18, 1792 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 58 Mary, b. November 17, 1793 Chester, b. June 13, 1795 Mabel, b. February 25, 1797 Children of Hembrey and Abigail (Simon) Grover. Daniel, b. September 15, 1769 Abigail, b. July 29, 1771 Ezekiel, b. August 9, 1774 Sarah, • b. November 9, 1776 Mary, b. November 2, 1779 Sophia and Eunice (twins), b. January 30, 1782 GURLEY. Children of Samuel and Experience Gurley. Esther, b. February 24, 17 13 Children of Titus and Patty Gurley. Royal Coladine, b. June 30, 181 o HABART. Children of Jonathan and Hannah Habart. Hannah, b. April 7, 171 7 HALE. Children of Richard and Elisabeth (Strong) Hale. Samuel, b. May 25, 1747 John, b. October 21, 1748 Joseph, b. March 12, 1750 Elisabeth, b. January i, 175 1-2 Enoch, b. October 28, 1753 Nathan Hale, b. June 6, 1755 Richard, b. February 20, 1757 Bille. b. April 23, 1759 David and Jonathan (twins), b. December 15, 1761 Joanna, b. March 19, 1764 Susannah, b. February, 1766 Children of John Hale and Sarah Adams Hale. Still-born child (daughter), b. August 19. 1786 54 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Lieut. Joseph and Rebeccah (Harris) Hale. Elisabeth, b. September 29, 1779 Rebeccah, b. January 9, 1781 Mary, b. November 23, 1782 Sarah, b. November 27, 1783 Children of Billy and Hannah (Barker) Hale. Billy, b. January 15, 1786 Children of Richard, Jr., and Mary (Wright) Hale. Mary, b. July 6, 1787 Laura, b. August 29, 1789 Polly, b. January 25, 1792 HALL. Children of Theodora and Mary Hall. Mary Jane, b. July 9, 1827 Mariah, b. July 13, 1829 Theodore Whiting, b. November 30, 1832 William, b. July 18, 1834 Children of Adrastus and Lucretia Hall. Sarah Ann, b. in East Windsor, April 30, 1839 Adelaide D., b. in Coventry, May i, 1841 HAMLIN. Children of Timothy and Lucinda (Brown) Hamlin. Laura, b. December 15, 1800 HAMMOND or HAMMON. Children of Elijah and Mary (Kingsbury) Hammond. Nathaniel, b. September 11, 1733 Hannah, b. April 7, 1736 Presilla, b. August 8, 1741 Children of Zephaniah and Mary (Badcock) Hammon. Edmister, b. August 20, 1770 Mary, b. August 27, 1772 Mehitable, b. November 2, 1774 Elisabeth, b. April 17, 1779 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 55 HARRIS Children of Isaac and Prisilla Harris. Almira, b. October 3, 1796 Barris (?), b. September 10, 1798 HATCH. Children of Joseph and Mercy Hatch. Amy, b. October 11, 171 3 Mercy, b. August 23, 1717 Children of Benjamin and Sarah Hatch. Jonathan, b. August 16, 1750 Sarah, b. December 3, 1752 Children of Ephraim and Sophia Hatch. Seabury Manning, b. December 3, 1809 William Dana, b. March 26, 1812 Ralph Lathrop, b. March 25, 1814 George, b. April 9, 1816 Olive Sophia, b. April 6, 1822 Children of Roswell Hatch and Wife. Jesse West, b. July 19, 1809 Amelia Sophia, b. October 26, 1814 HAWKINS or HALKINS or HOLCKINS. Children of Joseph and Sarah (Southworth) Haukins. Sarah, b. January 21, 1753 Mary, b. May it, 1754 Zebulon, b. May 16, 1756 Rebeckah, b. March 30, 1758 Elisabeth, b. February 6, 1760 Martha, b. August 5, 1761 Joseph, b. March 22, 1763 Ebenezer, b. October 30, 1764 Olive, b. April 23, 1766 Roger, ' b. June 4, 1768 Lavinia, b. November 28, 1769 Susannah, b. October i, 1771 Jonathan, b. January 9, 1774 56 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Ozias and Anne (Rose) Hawkins. Jerusha, b. May 2, 1757 Reodilfus, b. May 2, 1759 Daniel, b. June 10, 1764 Children of James and Phebe (Dimick) Hawkins. Leurethe (?), (dau.) b. January 13, 1758 James and Phebe (twins), b. August 11, 1759 Salome, b. February 2, 1764 Bershabe, b. April 26, 1765 Christiany, b. October 31, 1770 Children of John and Naony (Shipman) Hawkins. Abel, b. September 19, 1757 Amariah (son), . b. January 30, 1758 John, b. November 28, 1741 (died) Trifene, b. June 15, 1743 Tabethe, _ b. March 30, 1745 John, Jr., ■ b. May 18, 1747 George, b. May 5, 1749 Samuel, b. February 12, 1751 Hannah, b. February i, 1754 Children of George and Hannah Hawkins. Martha Day, b. April 23, 1770 George, Jr., b. 26th day (no month), 1775 Jesse, b. January 11, 1778 Mary, b. September 10 1780 Hepsibah, b. December 22, 1783 Hannah, b. August 20, 1785 Nathan, b. July 7, 1788 Children of Joseph and Zerviah (Howard) Hawkins. Zerviah, b. June 26, 1778 Lucy, b. April i, 1780 Joseph, b. November 14, 1781 Rufus, b. April 3, 1785 Gordon, b. July 9, 17^6 HEARICK. Children of Daniel and Elizabeth (Rust) HearicR. Samuel, b. April 27, 1732 Sylva, b. February 12, 1734 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 57 Tyrean, b. April 3, 1737 Margaret, b. April 6, 1740 Children of Steven and Mary Hearick. Steven, b. August 9, 1728 Children of Joseph and Lydia (Rust) Hearick. Bial and Mehitable (twins), b. October 24, 1738 Ledia, b. September 28, 1739 Hebe, b. January 6, 1741 Joseph, b. September 25, 1743 Ann, b. March i, 1746 Ledia, b. June 22, 1749 Abigail, b. November 11, 1755 HEATH. Children of Isaac and Rachael Heath. Joseph, b. July 20, 1723 Children of Ebenezer and Lidia Heath. Lydia, b. January 26, 1729 Solomon, b. March 31, 1741 Joshua, b. March 17, 1743 HENDEE. Children of Jonathan and Martha (Millinton) Hendee. Rachael, b. October 29, 1741 Jonathan, b. March 27, 1743 Richard, b, June 14, 1744 Caleb, b. August 30, 1745 Solomon, b. November 14, 1746 Children of Joshua Hendee and wife. Joshua, b. June 2, 1739 Children of Asa and Mary Hendee. Asa, b. December 8, 1739 Asa, b. January 19, 1 740-1 Lydia, b. July 14, 1746 Eunice, b. November 24, 1748 Mary, b. January 14, 1751 Abner, b. May 22, 1753 Esther, b. May 29, 1757 58 COVENTRY RECORDS HENDEY. Children of EHphilet and Mary Hendey, Mary, b. June 3, 1780 EHphilet, Jr., b. July 25, 1783 Justin, b. July 2, 1785 HIBBARD or Hibberd. Children of Selah and Esther (Loomis) Hibbard. Selah, b. June 2, 1793 Chauncey, b. December 31, 1794 Clarissa, b. November 11, 1796 Arabella, b. March 8, 1800 Dorcas, b. March 27, 1802 Children of Selah and Roxana (Sweetland) Hibbard. Chauncey, b. June 25, 1817 Munroe, b. December 17, 1818 Children of Henry and Sally Hibbard. Henry Edgbert, b. November 5, 181 5 HOCKINGS or HOLCKINS. Children of George, Jr., and Hepsibah (Janes) Hockings. Hannah, b. April 7, 1730 Hepsibah, b. December 17, 1731 Phebe, b. January 4, 1734 Ozias, b. August i, 1736 Dorkis, b. April 22, 1738 Eunis, b. February 26, 1739-40 Ann, b. September 2;^, 1741 Deborah, b. February 8, 1743-4 George, b. April 13, 1746 Children of James and Sarah Holckings. Joseph, b. February 6, 1730-31 James, b. November 24, 1733 HOUSE. Children of Samuel and Mary House. Samuel, b. September 13, 1745 Lydia, b. May 6, 1750 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 59 Joseph, b. November i8, 1752 Mary, b. May 6, 1755 Benjamin, b. August 2.^, 1757 Children of Jonathan and Ruth House. Theodora, b. in Lebanon, March 16, 1754 Rebeckah (daughter), b. in Coventry, August 8, 1757 Asel, b. July 3, 1759 Rebeckah, b. April 15, 1762 Abiel and Mabel (twins), b. May 2, 1765 Betty, b. May 23, 1767 Children of Samuel, Jr., and Hannah (Perry) House. Samuel ye 3d, b. May 15, 1771 James, b. December 7, 1773 HOWARD. Children of Dr. Nathan and Joanna (Hale) Howard. John, b. November 10, 1784 Joanna, b. December 10, 1787 Anne, b. August 29, 1789 Chauncey, b. December 18, 1791 Nathan, b. March 20, 1795 Elisabeth, b. July 21, 1797 (died next day) Rufus, b. July 22, 1799 Richard Hale, b. February 17, 1802 A son, born March 7, 1804, lived one hour. Children of John and Lucy (Ripley) Howard. John Ripley, b. February 18, 1810 Chauncey, b. April i, 18 12 HUBBARD. Children of Jonathan and Hannah Hubbard. Rachael, b. September 30, 1719 HUNT. Children of William and Rachael Hunt. Ebenezer (still-born), May 12, 1760 60 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of William and Mary (Crosby) Hunt. Oliver, b. May lo, 1763 Rachael, b. March 8, 1765 Children of Eliphaz and Hannah Hunt. Ebenezer, b. July 2, 1766 Eliphaz, b. April 18, 1772 Hannah, b. September 30, 1774 Ruth, b. July 2, 1779 Eleazer (son of Capt. Eliphaz and Hannah), b. December 28, 1786 Children of Gad and Elisabeth (Woodward) Hunt. Gad, b, April 14, 1773 Horace, b. January 7, 1788 Clarissa, b. November 27, 1799 Children of Gad, Jr., and Molly (Bissell) Hunt. Polly Bissell, b. March 28, 1803 Clarissa Harlowe, b. January 3, 1805 Sanford Myrtillo (son), b. November 2'^, 1807 Lucius Abbot, July 3, 181 3 Children of Doctor Ebenezer and Anne Hunt. Ebenezer Jr., b. June 14, 1794 Children of Elijah and Mehitabel (Dexter) Hunt. Hannah Haul, b. March 23, 1805 Children of Eliphaz, Jr., and Anna (Phelps) Hunt. Trumbull, b. March 25, 1805 Mary Eliza, b. May 3, 1806 Emily, b. March 29, 1809 Children of Dr. Eleazer and Sybil Hunt. Ebenezer, b. August 26, 1810 Eleazer Pomroy, b. June 21, 1814 Mary EHsabeth, b. May 10, 18 16 Ruth Francis, b. July 20, 1830 HUNTINGTON. Children of Joseph, Jr., and Mirza (Dow) Huntington. Flavius Josephus, b. May 13, 1789 Eduard Guy, b. Washington, Ga.. October 22, 1792 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 61 Children of Septimus G. and Mary (Tyler Morse) Hunting- ton, Mary Elisabeth, b. May i6, 1811 HUTCHINSON. Children of Ephraim and Elizabeth (Jones) Hutchinson. Warren, b. November 17, 1779 Levina, b. April 23, 1782 Polly, b. October 2, 1784 Betsey, b. January 5, 1787 Luther, b. November 28, 1791 Children of Willard and Sophia (Kingsbury) Hutchinson. Caroline Sophia, b. August 9, 1812 Joseph Willard, b. November 11, 1814 Ruth Elisa, b. October 7, 1816 Henry Willard, b. October 6, 1819 Mary Kingsbury, b. May 26, 1826 HIBBARD. Children of Henry and Sally Hibbard. Henry Edgbert, b. November 5, 181 5 ISHAM. Children of Oliver H. and Minerva Isham. James Edgar, b. August 17, 1823 Lucius Dwight, b. August 23, 1824 JACSON. Children of James and Mary Jacson. Caleb, b. February 11, 1749-50 JANES. Children of Seth and Sarah (Larrabe) Janes. Iraney, ^ b. February 11, 1740-1 Lucy, b. June 19, 1742 Elijah, b. April 19, 1744 Eunice, b. March 10, 1748 Samuel, b. March 9, 1750 Elias, b. March 6, 1752 Oliver, b. November 12, 1754 Seth, b. July 8, 1756 Solomon, b. February 6, 1758 Timothy, b. March 9, 1764 62 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Elisha and Widow Mary Dimock Janes. Elisha, b. June 30, 1741 Bethshale, b. February 10, 1742-3 Mary, b. February 10, 1744-5 Children of Elijah and Anne (Hawkins) Janes. Heman, b. June 9, 1765 Children of Elisha and Mary Janes. Samuel and Daniel (twins), b. February i, 1747 One lived seven days, the other eight days. Benjamin, b. March 3, 1748 Daniel, b. March 17, 1750 Triphena, b. January 3, 1755 Tabothy, b. February 22, 1757 Jerushe, b. July 27, 1752 Children of Elisha, Jr., and Elizabeth (Davenport) Janes. Elisabeth, b. May 30, 1764 Children of Elisha, Jr., and Desire (Thompson) Janes. Roger, b. August 7, 1767 Esther, b. January 6, 1769 Daniel, b. August 12, 1770 Eliphama, b. January 21, 1772 Mary, b. June 10, 1774 Nathaniel, b. September 21, 1777 Jessie, b. June 24, 1779 Livinia, b. June 26, 1781 David, b. January .7, 1783 Children of Samuel and Abigail Janes. Eunice, b. January 17, 1774 Eetheny, b. March 2, 1775 Lucy, May 22, 1777 Abigail, b. July 19, 1779 Royal, b. October 7, 1781 Joseph, b. May 13, 1784 James, b. July 3, 1786 Infant child, b. October 11, 1791 (died same day) BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 63 Children of Samuel and Rebeckah (House) Janes. Samuel, b. September ly, 1792 Children of Oliver and Judith (Rollo) Janes. Sarah, b. January 31, 1776 Children of Elias, Jr., and Susannah (Robertson) Janes. Elias, Jr., b. August 19, 1775 Children of Solomon and Susanna (Trapp) Janes. Henry, b. October 11, 1796 Sally, b. April 20, 1798 Wealthy, b. November 15, 1799 Children of Elias and Hannah Janes. Oliver, b. April 29, 1789 Polly, b. September 2, 1790 Sterling, b. December 24, 1792 Chauncey, b. June 11, 1795 Harmony, b. November 8, 1797 Clarissa, b. June 9, 1801 JEWETT. Children of Ichabod and Mary (Carpenter) Jewett. Anna, b, April 12, 1762 Ichabod, b. September 19, 1763 Benjamin, b. April 23, 1765 Children of Elam and Eunice (Richardson) Jewett. Jemima, . b. July 6, 1769 Elam, b. November 19, 1770 Jared, b. January 26, 1771 Jeremiah, b. December 7, 1773 Othnial, b. April i, 1775 JOHNSON. Children of Seth and Hannah Johnson. David and Jonathan (twins), b. February 14, 1752 Samuel, b. October 11, 1753 Hannah, b. August 8, 1755 JONES. Children of Benjamin and Hannah Jones. Seth, b. August 31, 171 5 64 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Benjamin and 2d wife, Patience Jones. Ebenezer, b. April 8, 1718 Ester, b. May i, 1720 Jonathan, b. June 21, 1722 Noah, • b. May 15, 1724 Benjamin, b. September 15, 1726 Huklah, b. June 25, 1729 Asael, b. July 7, 1731 Sybil, b. April 22, 1735 Dina, b. March 29, 1739 Children of Benjamin, Jr., and Mehitabel (Teril) Jones. Benjamin 3d, b. January 21, 1757 Huldah, b. December 31. 1759 Silas, b. September i, 1764 Daniel, b. April 23, 1767 Children of Jonathan and Abijah (Strong) Jones. Sibel, b. November 30, 1747 Levy, b. September 26, 1749 Simeon, b. November 14, 1751 Children of Noah and Dinah (Hichcock) Jones. Asael, b. March 30, 1746 Remembrance, b. April 13, 1748 Elisha, ' b. April 13, 175- Elisabeth, b. October 18, 1758 Patience, . b. April 27, 1760 Eliakim, b. October i, 1764 Hannah, b. July 21, 1767 Children of Ebenezer and Zeruiah (Loomis) Jones. Abigail, b. February 24, 1747 Adonijah, b. August, 1748 Dinah, b. October 11, 1750 Ebenezer, Jr., b. April 19, 1752 Israel, b. October 24, 1753 Abigail, b. February 2, 1756 Esther, b. April 24, 1758 Benona, b. November 5, 1759 Eber, b. June 4, 1761 Silas, b. July 28, 1764 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 65 Children of Asael and Eunice (Hende) Jones. Marting, b. April 12, 1774 Wharton, b. September 27, 1777 Millender, b. November 28, 1779 Children of Adonijah and Sarah (Lyman) Jones. Sarah, b. April 26, 1771 Children of Eliakim and Rebecca (Webster) Jones. Rebecka, b. November 26, 1786 Eliakim, Jr., b. January 27, 1788 Gardner, b. March 25, 1793 Children of Noah, Jr., and Dolla (Hiltham) Jones. (daughter), b. June 21, 1786 Sabrah, b. April 2y, 1788 Children of Amasa 2d and Lavinia Jones. Lucy Maria, b. December 30, 1832 Children of John Jones and Wife. George, b. January 29, 1797 JUDD. Children of Thomas and Julianna Judd. Julianna, b. in Lebanon, June 8, 1752 Elizabeth, b. in Coventry, August 7, 1754 Thomas, b. October 8, 1756 Solomon, b. September 21, 1758 Elias, b. December 15, 1760 Hannah, b. April 20, 1764 Lois, b. May 30, 1766 John, b. May 25, 1768 Children of Solomon and Anna (Carpenter) Judd. James Harvey, b. January 2, 1794 Anna Carpenter, b. November 15, 1795 John Flavel, b. September 6, 1798 William Gurley, b. August 2, 1804 66 COVENTRY RECORDS Araunah (son), b. August 9, 1806 Esther Baker, b. March 29, 1812 Children of William G. and Livia H. Judd. William Franklin, b. August 23, 1836 Mary Anne, b. August 27, 1838 Children of Elias and Beulah Judd. Enoch, b. in Coventry, October 28, 1784 Polly, b. in Pittsfield. Mass., August 18, 1786 Elias G., b. January 8, 1788 Samuel, b. February 11, 1790 Thomas C, b. October 10, 1793 Chauncey, b. in Coventry, January 5, 1796 Elisabeth Larrabe, b. March 19, 1798 Rufus, b. December 25, 1800 KEACH. Asa Keach, b, in Mansfield, Ct., December 5, 1782 Betsey Cogswell, his wife, b. in Coventry, Ct., December 11, 1785 Children of Asa and Betsey (Cogswell) Keach. Benjamin Franklin, b. in Vernon, August 26, 1809 Jason Coming, b. in Coventry, October 28, 1810 Horatio Nelson, b. in Coventry, May 29, 18 12 KENDAL. Children of Peter and Bely Kendal. Lyman, b. June 7, 1779 KENDRICK. Children of Nathaniel and Judah Kendrick. Samuel, b. January 6, 1746-7 Thomas, b. February 3, 1749 Abigail, b. March 3, 175 r Samuel, b. March 25, 1753 Ruth, b. March 6, 1755 Daniel, b. November 2, 1757 Lydia, b. March, 1763 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 67 KIDDER. Children of Ephraim and Freedom (Barnard) Kidder. Easther, b. July 17, 1739 Anne, b. January 22, 1 740-1 Febe, b. October 2, 1742 Oliver, b. December 19, 1743 Abel, b. February 3, 1744-5 Cloe, b. May 11, 1747 Abigail, b. July 29, 1748 Sarah, b. September 19, 1749 KING. Children of Jonathan and Martha (Woodward) King. Stephen, b. December 24, 1743 Silas, b. February 17, 1745-6 Jonathan, b. June 13, 1748 Hannah, daughter of Jonathan, (no date) KINGSBURY. Children of Nathaniel and Hannah Kingsbury. John, b. April 25, 1710 Nathaniel, b. September 8, 171 1 Mary, b. November 5, 1713 Simon, b. July 25, 1715 Jabez, b. June 21, 1717 Hannah, b. January 23, 1719 Priscilla, b. March 22, 1720 Joseph, b. March 2.^, 1721 Denison, b. June 7, 1723 Lemuel, or Samuel, b. August 23, 1725 Jeremiah, b. December 2, 1726 Sarah, b. January 13, 1727-8 Phineas, . b. May 9, 1731 Ruth, b. May 26, 1737 Children of John and Deborah Kingsbury. John, b. September 28, 1704 Irena, b. July 24, 1731 Eunes, b. February 17, 1733-4 Lydia, b. October 10, 1737 68 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Ebenezer and Priscilla Kingsbury. Ebenezer, b, August 28, 1744 Mary, b. March 31, 1746 Ebenezer, b. January 27, 1749-50 Priscilla, b. December 26, 1751 Joseph, b. April 19, 1753 Priscilla, b. January 21, 1756 Martha Edgerton, b. July 16, 1758 Ebenezer, b. August 30, 1762 Children of Thomas and Anne Kingsbury. Samuel, b. February 5, 1745-6 Hannah, b. August 30, 1748 Anne, b. September 29, 1749 Sarah, b. April 15, 1752 Thomas, b. September i, 1754 Children of Eleazer and Freelove (Rust) Kingsbury. Freelove, b. April 22, 1743 Ann, b. May 18, 1745 Sarah, b. February i, 1746-7 Eleazer, b. February 14, 1749-50 Samuel Rust, b. February -zy, 1754 Children of Simon and Deliverance Kingsbury. Deliverance, b. November 18, 1742 Children of Absolom and Rebeckah (Rust) Kingsbury. Asa, b. October 10, 1752 Ebenezer, b. March 2, 1755 Ephraim, d. September 2, 1759 Margaret, b. June 13, 1761 Obadiah, b. May 3, 1763 Elisha, b. February 2, 1770 Children of Jabez and Mary (Phelps) Kingsbury. Nathaniel, b. October 4, 1751 Ruth, b. May 27, 1753 Joseph, b. February, 1755 Jabez, b. May 20, 1758 Jeremiah, b. March 5, 1757 Mary, b. October 26, 1760 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 69 Ameliah, b. January 15, 1764 Anne, b. April 20, 1766 Children of Nathaniel and Asenath (Daggett) Kingsbury. Allen, b. February 9, 1779 Wealthy, b. October 24, 1783 Asenath, b. October 7, 1785 ]a\)ez, b. October 9, 1788 Olive Kingsbury, the wife of Samuel Kingsbury, b. in Norwalk, March 7, 1749 (O. S.) Children of Samuel and Olive Kingsbury. Josiah, b. September 7, 1772 Olive, b. December 24, 1775 Iza, ' b. May 31, 1777 Children of Ephraim and Phebe Kingsbury. Oliver, b. June 13, 1761 William, b. February 9, 1764 Phebe, b. March 22, 1766 jabez, b. October 22, 1769 Ephraim, b. June 18, 1775 Children of Jabez and T^anny (Davenport) Kingsbury. Samuel Newel, b. December 12, 181 5 Henry Dwight, b. October 18, 1817 Samuel Newel, b. October 8, 1819 Children of Harvey and Polly (Wright) Kingsbury. EHsabeth Wright, b. December 31, 1824 Mary Jefifers, b. December 31, 1826 Children of Capt. Joseph and Ruth (Benton) Kingsbury. Sophia, b. July 27, 1784 Betsev, b. February 16, 1786 Polly, b. November 16, 1787 WilHam, b. August 13, 1789 Joseph, b. July 19, 1791 Harvey, b. December 17. 1794 Roval, b. July 4, ^79^ 70 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Joseph and Lois (Porter) Kingsbury. Lois, b. January 14, 1781 Oliver, b. June 24, 1782 Eunice Barker, b. November 14, 1784 Ward, b. January 10, 1787 Roxane, b. August 5, 1791 Ruth, b. April 24, 1798 Addison, b. July 5, 1800 Children of Jabez and Freelove Kingsbury, Anna, b. July 12, 1790 Elisha, ' b. October 12, 1793 Ameniah, b. March 10, 1796 Ephraim, b. July 20, 1799 Alven, b. March 9, 1803 Backus, b. September 25, 1805 Nelson, b. April 3, 1808 Phebe, b. June 9, 1810 Erastus, b. April 29, 1812 Harriet Newel, daughter of Tabez and Chloe, b. May 25, 1825 Children of Joseph, Jr., and Wife. Lucius, b. September 20, 1828 Children of Nathaniel and Elisabeth Kingsbury. Elisabeth, b. November 14, 1778 Clarissa, b. August 20, 1780 Ebenezer, b. November 26, 1782 Nathaniel, b. February i, 1785 Lora, b. September 17, 1787 Daniel, b. July 22, 1790; d. same da> Children of John and Dolly Kingsbury. Dorothy Leavens, b. December 9, 1799 John, b. May 26, 1801 Ezra, b. January 26, 1804 Children of Ezra and Eunice Kingsbury. Dorothy Jane, b. December 7, 1827 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 71 KINNE or KEENEY. Children of Benjamin and Thankful Kenne. Elizabeth, b. February 12, 1 750-1 Children of George and Lydia (Robertson) Keeney. Wealthy, b. January 19, 1793 KIMPTON. Martin Kimpton, b. in Uxbridge, Mass., May 19, 1800 Olive Hoxie, his wife, b. in Voluntown, Conn., June 15, 1804 Children of Martin and Olive (Hoxie) Kimpton. Joseph M., b. in Smithfield, October 9, 1824 Luther M., b. in Griswauld, October 30, 1826 Huldah M., b. in Coventry, June 4, 1828 William A., b. May 30, 1830 Phebe, b. December 25, 1832 Susan,' b. March 19, 1834 Elvira E., b. June 4, 1836 Martin D., b. August 3, 1837 Julia Ann, b. January 4, 1839 Sally, b. August 3, 1840 LAD or LADD. Children of Timothy and Easter (Parker) Lad. Anne, b. October 31, 1734 Rachael, b. May 8, 1736 Timothy, b. July 13, 1738 Phenias, b. January 8, 1 741-2 Zebulon, b. May 22, 1743 Nathaniel, b. July 15, 1745 Children of Henry and Abigail (Liley) Lad. Jerusha, b. June 26, 1741 Henry, b. January 25, 1742-3 Nathaniel, b. January 7, 1749-50 Abigail, b. October 5, 1752 Amasa, b. October 18, 1762 Children of Samuel and Anne (Woodward) Ladd. Nathaniel, b. October 4, 1751 Samuel, b. July 16, 1753 72 COVENTRY RECORDS Dorias, b. October 19, 1756 Ashbel, b. January 15, 1759 Oliver, b. October i, 1760 Anna, b. November 17, 1762 Frederick, b. October 9, 1765 Phebe, b. June 15, 1767 Children of Nathaniel, Jr., and Elisabeth (Rust) Lad, Febe, b. January 3, 1741-2 Irane, b. May 20, 1744 Children of Moses and Keziah (Killeen) Lad. Oliver, b. July 30, 1769 Children of Samuel, Jr., and Elizabeth (Remington) Lad. Ason, b. March 2, 1776 Wealthy, b. March 14, 1778 Children of John and Prudence (Shepard) Ladd. Palmer, b. March 6, 1765 John, b. February 24, 1767 Hannah, b. January 13, 1763 (?) Prudence, b. March 3, 1768 Susannah, b. September 11, 1772 Children of Nathaniel, Jr., and Rachael (Tilden) Ladd. Nathaniel, b. January 16, 1774 Lois, 3. February 13, 1776 Jason, b. April 7, 1778 Children of Dr. Henry, Jr.,' and Abial (Richardson) Ladd. Jerusha, b. February 15, 1767 Henry 3d, b. August 8, 1768 Herman, d. February 6, 1770 Jerusha, b. April 11, 1772 Peregrine, b. January i, 1774 Lorin, b. June 8, 1775 Hiram, b, October 16, 1776 Benoni, b. July 24, 1778 Children of Samuel and Hannah Ladd. Moses, b. June 24, 1745 Mary, b. November 16, 1746 Ruth, b. January 22, 1749-50 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 73 Children of Dr. Henry & Mary (Hendee) Ladd. Silenda, b. February lo, 1772 Children of Palmer Ladd. Rachael, b. December 23, 1794 Children of Ashbel and Irene (Babcock) Ladd. Ashbel, b. October 4, 1782 Children of Philip N. and Betsey (Davenport) Ladd. Miranda, b. September i, 1795 Lyman Lathrop, b. April i, 1797 LAMB. Children of Ebenezer and Abigail (Larrabe) Lamb. Ebenezer, b. October 21, 1753 Children of Benjamin and Abigail (Sims) Lamb. Zerviah, b. January 8, 1756 Benjamin, b. August 17, 1758 LAMPHEAR. Children of Isaac and Marah (Edwards) Lamphear. Marah, b. September 13, 1755 Isaac, b. August 3, 1757 Children of Isaac and Sarah (Hamilton) Lamphear, 2d wife. Salem, b. February 5, 1763 John, b. August 14, 1764 Sarah, b. April 6, 1766 Ebenezer, b. March 7, 1768 David, b. April, 1770 Lydia, b. August 12, 1772 Children of Isaac Edward and Lois (Johnes) Lamphear. Polly, b. September 8, 1779 Children of William and Abigail (Simon) Lamphear. William, b. June 24, 1765 Abigail Simon, afterward wife to Hembrey Grover. LARRABE. Children of Joseph and Judith Larrabe. Seth, b. April 22, 1729 Jabez, b. July 11, 1734 74 COVENTRY RECORDS Enoch, b. October 23, 1736 Ebenezer and Richard (twins), b. February 26, 1738-9 Abigail, b. February 9, 1732-3 Children of Richard and Martha (Webster) Larrabe. Ebenezer, b. October 24, 1760 Richard, b. June 26, 1762 Martha b. August 18, 1764 Elias, b, June 2, 1766 Children of Enoch and Mary (Cera) Larrabe. Beulah, b. November 7, 1757 Enoch, b. February 27, 1760 Joseph, b. June 30, 1762 Mary, b. November 24, 1765 John, b. September 25, 1767 Justus, b. March 27, 1770 Children of Seth and Hannah Larrabe. Jerusha, b. September 4, 1752 LATHROR Children of Roger and Alice Lathrop, Francis, b. June 24, 1800 Joel, b. November 7, 1802 Albert. b. March 29, 1805 Lucy, b. October 9, 1808 Mary, b. July 26, 1S12 Mary, b. January 14, 181 5 LAWRENCE. Children of Henry and Sarah Lawrence. Jonathan, b. October 7, 1784 Benjamin Fairbanks, b. April 16, 1787 LEE. Jedediah Lee, b. February i, 1696 Lydya Lee, b. April 21, 1699 David Lee, b. June 26, 1705 Josiah Lee. b. October 6, 1707 Children of Jedediah and Lucy (Dodge) Lee. Elias, b. July 26, 1723 Jerusha, b. October 20, 1728 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 75 Lydia, - (illegible) Zebulon, b. December 7, 1730 Children of David and Lydy Lee. Abigail, b. (no month) 171 3 Jonathan, b. July 10, 1718 Children of David, Jr., and Mary Lee- David, b. January 11. 1739 LEONARD. Children of Abial Leonard. George, son of Abial Leonard, b. October 7, 1799 LEWES or LUIS. Children of Samr.el and Rebeckah Lewes. Mary, b. September 24, 1713 Samuell, b. April 23, 171 5 John, b. June 29, 1718 Rebeckah, b. August 2, 1721 Jabez, b. June 7, 1724 Children of John and Margerit Luis. Dorety, b. September 11, 1742 LILLY or LILLEY. Children of Samuel and Abigail (Lad) Lilly. Eunice, b. August 20, 1742 Abigail, b. June 28, 1744 Hannah, b. January 5, 1747 Children of Samuel, Jr., and Elisabeth (Ferry) Lilly. Eunice, b. September 5, 1777 Ira, b. July i, 1781 Duthan, b. June 3, 1786 Children of Samuel and Mehitable Lilly. Jonathan, b. April 20, 1728 LONG. Children of Joseph and Sarah Long. Jerusha, b. April 13, 1717 Sarah, b. December 8, 1719 Abigail, b. May 30, 1721 76 COVENTRY RECORDS Jonathan, b. May 12, 1723 Martha, b. April 3, 1725 Samuel, b. July 12, 1727 Simeon, b. July 14, 1729 Stephen, b. July 20, 1732 Children of Jonathan and Azubah (Cooley) Long. Luman, b. February 2, 1745-6 Abigail, b. October 19, 1747 Lucy, b. November 26, 1750 Jeremiah, b. March 28, 1753 Noah Cooley, ' b. December 11, 1755 Louise, b. May 16, 1758 Benony, b. August 11, 1760 Rhoda, b. July 15, 1763 Noah Cooley, b. April 17, 1765 Children of Silas and Lidia (Euets) Long. Josiah, b. February 9, 1 730-1 Azubah, b. June 10, 1733 Ruth, b. April 21, 1735 Silas, b. September 26, 1737 Mehitable, b. October 28, 1739 Sarah, b. March 25, 1743 Children of William and Mary Long. Lidia, b. February 23, 1697 Mary, b. April 26, 1703 Children of Lemuel and Martha (Bristor) Long. Lemuel, b. December 28, 1751 Martha, b. February 6, 1753 Joseph, b. September 14, 1754 Rufus, b. April 6, 1756 Levi, b. July 23, 1758 Jesse, b. August 22, 1760 Diadema, b. January 14, 1763 Stephen, , - ^ March 8, 1765 Reuben, b. March 29, 1767 Children of Zelotes and Sophia Long. Zelotes Clark, b. October 15, 18 15 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 77 LOOMIS. Children of Nathaniel and Sarah (Riley) Loomis. Sarah, b. December 2, 1743 jabez, b. September 28, 1745 Nathaniel, b. August 28, 1747 Eunes, b. October 2, 1749 Abigail, b. October 19, 1751 Jonathan, b. December 16, 1753 Ebenezer, b. May 2, 1756 Children of Jonathan and Margaret Loomis. John, b. July 12, 1745 Lydia, b. May 8, 1749 Rhoda, b. October 3, 1752 Children of Bennony and Mary Loomis. Easter, b. July 16, 1748 Children of Elijah and Rebeckah Loomis. Joseph, b. August 24, 1771 Children of Zachariah and Huldah (Jones) Loomis. Lydia, b. December 29, 1751 Israel, b. December 26, 1754 Huldah, b. January i, 1756 Hannah, b. October i, 1758 Lois and Eunice (twins), b. February 23, 1761 Ebenezer, b. October 14, 1763 Zachariah, b. April 28, 1770 Abigail, No date Children of Reuel and Roxsalana Loomis. John, b. November 21, 1812 Roxsalana, b. May 24, 1814 Mary, b. March 4, 181 7 Walter Adams, b. May 24, 1823 Children of Eleazar 2d and Olive (Palmer) Loomis. Marshall Ney, b. July 10, 18 16 Children of Daniel Loomis, Jr., and Polly (Hibbard) Loomis. Eunice, b. August 29, 1788 78 COVENTRY RECORDS Daniel 3d, b. September 18, 1789 Eleazer, b. June 8, 1792 Polly, b. August 25, 1794 Children of Israel, Jr., and Sarah (Addams) Loomis. Israel, Jr., b. June 26, 1779 John, b. January 26, 1781 Bud, b. March 27, 1783 Sarah, b. June 8, 1785 Daniel, b. April i, 1787 David, b. September 5, 1789 Nancy, b. October 20, 1794 Huldah, b. November 26, 1796 Walter Adams, b. September 4, 1802 Children of Eleazer and Lucretia (Porter) Loomis. Tirzah Porter, b. March 27, 1804 Lucretia, b. February 10, 1806 Francis, b. July 23, 1808 George Nelson, b. June 6, 181 1 Emily, b. September 20, 18 13 Joseph Porter, b, February 24, 18 16 Children of Walter and Diantha Loomis. Caroline, b. October 16, 1808 Sophrona, b. September 10, 1810 Maria, b. September 18, 1812 Lydia Olive, b. December i, 1814 Walter, Jr., b. August 11, 1817 Oliver Porter, b. January 20, 1820 Milo, b. March 18, 1823 Catharin, b. October 13, 1826 Children of Levi and Violette (Metcalf) Loomis. Jabez Metcalf, b. June 13, 1795 Emilia, b. August 5, 1797 Maria, b. July 24. 1800 Peleg Thomas, b. February 24, 1803 Martha Thares, b. March 9, 1806 Children of William and Matilda Loomis. Louisa, b. October 3, 1832 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 79 Children of Daniel and Mary Loomis. Esther, b. July 3, 1763 Daniel, b. March 9, 1765 Zenus, b. June 15, 1767 Mary, b. September 22, 1769 Gemaliel, , " b. November 20, 1771 Silas, b. December 19, 1773 Faith, b. February 23, 1776 Pamela, b. March 12, 1778 Walter, b. May 6, 1780 Lydia, b. October 4, 1782 Selah, b. April 23, 1785 Children of Ebenezer and Eunice (Bourn) Loomis. Eunice, b. November 16, 1787 Susannah, b. December 4, 1790 Ebenezer, b. March 9, 1794 Mariah, b. May i, 1796 Sophia, b. March 13, 1798 Maria, b. October 28, 1800 Lucy Matilda, b. March 3, 1809 LORD. Children of Solomon and Miriam (Colman) Lord. Betty, b. May 16, 1767 LYMAN or LIMAN. Children of Samuel and Elizabeth Liman. Ichabod, b. January 4, 1724-5 Jeams, b. June 3, 1727 Elizabeth, b. April 29, 1730 Eunes, b. September 4, 1733 Desiah, b. August 17, 1735 Dorcas, b. June 3, 1739 Children of Jacob and Mehitable Lyman. Jacob, b. May 6, 1746 Mehitabel, b. June 22, 1748 Sarah, b. June 9, 1750 Ireny b. May 3, 1752 Josiah, b. October 14, 1755 80 COVENTRY RECORDS Abiathar, b. January i6, 1758 Hannah, b. March 28, 1760 Silas, b. December 20, 1762 Anna, b. January 31, 1766 Submit, b. September 14, 1771 Children of Abiathar and Joanna (Loomis) Lyman. Josiah, • b. December 21, 1783 Nathan, b. October 25, 1785 Dellia, b. May 19, 1787 Joanne, b. December i, 1789 Eli, b. December 28, 1793 Cyrus, b. May 16, 1796 Children of Asa and Mary Lyman. Martin, b. December 2^, 1782 Children of Elijah and Patty Lyman. Elijah, b. November 14, 1767 Children of Silas and Lydia (Hutchinson) Lyman. Lydia, b. August i, 1791 Laura, b. August 25, 1794 Sheborn, b. September 24, 1798 Flavel, b. December 23, 1807 Levina, b. January 12, 1800 Harvey, b. July 3, 1810 Children of Ozias and Ruth (Brown) Lyman. Jephtha, b. September 18, 1776 Persis, b. September 11, 1778 William, b. August 21, 1780 Jesse, b. November 4, 1782 Edney, b. April 11, 1785 Jemima, b. March 18, 1788 MALBONE. Children of Godfrey and Dorcas (Edwards) Malbone. Francis, b. January 17, 1791 Mary Ann, b. October 6, 1792 Sally Brewer, b. January 19, 1794 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 81 Fanny, b. April 13, 1796 Horatio Nelson, b. October 2, 1798 Wealthy, b. May i, 1801 MANLY or MANLEY. Children of George and Elisabeth (Turner) Manley. Anne, b. October 28, 1734 Ace, b. February 23, 1735-6 Elisabeth, b. March 13, 1743 Children of Lazarus and Hannah (Clark) Manley, Elisabeth, b. December, 1741 Joseph, b. December 8, 1743 Bulah, b. October 31, 1746 John, b. November 27, 1748 Tabothy, b. September 28, 1753 Children of Asa and Eunice Manly. Daniel, b. December 9, 1780 Chloe, b. April 15, 1783 Cornelia, b. January 11, 1787 Children of Joseph and Deborough (Green) Manly. John, b. October 12, 1787 William, b. August 6, 1789 Hannah, b. August 13, 1793 Harlin, b. December 19, 1797 MANNING. Children of Calvin and Lydia (Robertson) Manning. Betsey, b. March 12, 1775 Royal, b. October 4, 1776 Calvin, b. October 4, 1778 Mary, b. June 12, 1783 Lydia, b. March 26, 1785 Lucy, b. March 26, 1785 Hezekiah, b. April 23, 1787 Anna, b. August 17, 1789 James, b. April 3, 1792 Elizabeth, b. January 23, 1799 82 COVENTRY RECORDS MARAUGH. Children of Denis and Abigail Maraugh. Sarah, b. October 14, 1719 Martha, b. June 25, 1722 Abigail, b. February 3, 1725 Rachael, b. September 16, 1727 Children of Richard and Deliverance Maraugh. Mary, b. January 29, 1725-6 MARSH. Children of Mathias and Priscilla (Bridgham) Marsh. Elizabeth, b. October i, 1727 Matthias, • b. December 28, 1729 William, b. January 10, 1738 Bethiah, b. November 2, 1743 MEACHEM. Children of Rev. Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Esther Meachem. Eunice, b. May 25, 1716 Joseph, b. August 30, 1718 John, b. September 20, 1720 Jerusha, b. January 4, 172 1-2 Katharine b. January i, 1723-4 Esther, b. July 19, 1725 Sybil, b. September 10, 1727 Joseph, b. December 24, 1729 Sybil, b. August 29, 1734 MEAD. Children of John and Mary Mead. John, b. February 24, 174 1-2 Children of John and Elizabeth (Manley) Mead. Mary, b. March 21, 1766 Hannah, b. March 4, 1768 Annah, b. October 28, 1770 John, b. November 5, 1773 John, Jr., b. November 5, 1773 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 83 MILLENTON. Children of John and Martha Millenton. Sarah, b. March, 1703-4 Martha, b. March, 1706-7 John, b. August, middle of the month, 171 1 Solomon, b. April 17, 1718 MILLER. Children of Gideon and Sarah Miller. Gideon, b. July 31, 1743 MINOR. Children of Andrew and Priscilla Minor. Lydia, b. November 13, 1757 MORGAN. Children of Mason and Chloe Morgan. James Sanford, b. December 2, 1818 Miles Chandler, b. June 14, 1826 MOREY. Children of Isaac and Lucretia Morey. Elisha, b. March 17, 1803 MURDOCK. Children of Jonathan and Sarah Murdock. Submit, b. April 7, 1776 Children of Jonathan and Hannah (Wallbridge) Murdock. Hannah, b. January 7, 1778 Polly, b. May 7, 1779 Dan, b. November 3, 1781 Roxa, b. August 10, 1783 Licindia, b. June 7, 1785 Samuel, b. March 13, 1787 Betsey, b. December 20, 1789 NICHOLLS. Children of Nathaniel and Mary Nicholls. Nicholas, b. January 12, 1720 84 COVENTRY RECORDS NOBLE. Children of Mr. Oliver and Lucy Noble. Habijah, b. February 8, 1761 Lucy, b. October 7, 1762 ORMSBY. Children of Nathan and Silance Ormsby. Abner, b. March 3, 1769 Rhoda, b. September 21, 1771 PAGE. Children of Thomas and Mary Page. Sarah, b. March 14, 1746 Abigail, b. February 3, 1747-8 Thomas, b. February i, 1749-50 Children of Thomas and Azubah (Strong) Page. Elias, b. December 28, 1751 Mary, b. September 14, 1753 Phineas, b. December 25, 1755 Levi, b. April 10, 1758 John, b. May 15, 1759 Azubah, b. September 19, 1760 Elias, b. October 22, 1761 Gad, b. March 5, 1764 Samuel, b. December 14, 1766 Levi, b. February 3, 1772 Children of Phinias, Jr., and Serviah (Lamb) Page. Phinias 3d, b. February 23, 1778 Children of Elias and Ester (Kingsbury) Page. Alvira, b. November 24, 1786 Joseph, b. August 3, 1788 Elias and Ester (twins), b. November 5, 1790 David, b. January 3, 1795 Oziah, b. May 5, 1797 Daniell, b. September 26, 1799 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 85 Children of Gad and Abigail (Loomis) Page. Almeria, b. September 30, 1789 Harlan, b. July 28, 1791 PALMER. Children of Benjamin and Rebeckah Palmer. Gershom, b. February 13, 171 7 Ann, b. February 5, 1720 Nathan, b. November 27, 1723 John, b. February 14, 1725-6 Children of Benjamin and Ruth (Bidwell) Palmer. Benjamin, b. October 10, 1729 Ruth, b. February 20, 1733-4 Rebeckah, < b. February 20, 1737-8 Children of Stephen and Elizabeth Palmer. Joshua, b. April 14, 1731 Elizabeth, b. February 13, 1733 Anna, b. April 28, 1735 Stephen, b. June 12, 1737 James, b. August 2, 1739 Nathan, b. August 10, 1741 Nathan, b. in Lebanon, August 2, 1742 Nathaniel, b. November 4, 1744 William, b. August 5, 1746 Children of George and Hannah (Marsh) Palmer. Mary, b. April 19, 1743 Children of Nathan and Grace Palmer. Grace, b. May 4, 1747 Ann, b. November 15, 1749 Children of Gershom and Mehitable (Badger) Palmer. Gershom, b. December 5, 1738 Abigail, b. April 20, 1742 Elias, b. January 15, 1744 Rebeckah, b. March 27, 1747 Amos, b. February 15, 1749 Beniamon, b. January 7, 1755 Abel, b. August 1?, 1757 Mehitable, b. August 10, 1758 Ob COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Gershom and Elizabeth Palmer. Sarah, b. April 28, 1767 Children of Gershom, Jr., and Lucy (Feald) Palmer. Elizabeth, b. April 19, 1761 Children of John and Abigail (Boynton) Palmer. Hannah, b. May 21, 1749 John, b. June 22, 1751 Mehitable, b. July 13, 1753 Abigail. b. July 22, 1755 Children of Aaron and Mary (Chapen) Palmer. Cloe, b. July 17, 1749 Nathan, b. September 4, 175 1 Elijah, b. May 7, 1754 Mary, b. July 28, 1759 Children of Elias and Elizabeth (Stow) Palmer, Mary, b. June 10. 1768 Martha, b. May 27, 1770 Elias, Jr., b. July 23, 1772 John, b. December 25, 1778 Elizabeth, b. February 17, 1779 Eunice, b. January 6, 1779 (?) Children of Nathaniel and Martha Palmer. Horatio, b. September 6, 1785 Children of Nathaniel and Silence Palmer. Olive, b. August 14, 1796 PARKER. Children of Harry and Anna Peck Parker. Lois Bourn, b. May 26, 1820 Lucy Young, b. April 15, 1823 Children of Deacon Samuel and Mary Parker. John, b. July 21, 1714 Ester, b. May 28, 17 16 Pheniaz, b. February 12, 1719 Joseph, b. November 2, 1723 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 87 Children of Samuel, Jr., and Experience Parker. Ephraim, b. March 3, 1727 Hannah, ^^^'^ ^' ^P"^ ^°' ^^^^ Children of Jeam^^nd Tabytha (Strong) Parker. Elijah, QUajJ^ ^- November 13, 1730 Children of Jeams aria second wife, Elizabeth (Skinner) Pallet. f^A>w^/^. Jeams, b. August 10, 1734 Cardee, b. February 22, 1736-7 Elizabeth, b. May 26, 1739 Tabitha, b. June 25, 1741 Mary, b. October 19, 1743 Ann, b. July 16, 1749 Tabithy, b. March 23, 1747 Children of Phineas and Martha (Meraugh) Parker. Denis, b. January 12, 1742-3 Phineas, b. January 8, 1744-5 Febe, b. April 12, 1746 Rachael, b. January 10, 1747-8 Samuel, b. February 14, 1749-50 Timothy, b. February 17, 1753 Martha, b. August 3, 1755 Asa, ' b. October 7, 1757 Esther, b. March 29, 1760 Mary, b. September 20, 1762 Children of Samuel 2d and Sarah (Badcock) Parker. Marah, b. February 21, 1754 William, b. June 8, 1755 Sarah, b. March 4, 1757 Samuel, b. April 14, 1759 Hannah, b. October 21, 176T Bettie, b. December 17, 1763 Elias, b. May 13, 1765 David, b. December 5, 1767 Triphene, b. December 14, 1769 Phebe, b. August 29, 1771 Eli, b. July II, 1774 88 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Joseph and Rachael Parker. Eunice, b. September 7, 1747 Rachael, b. May 3, 1749 Elizabeth, b. May 3, 1751 Joseph, b. March 19, 1753 Solomon, b. September 9, 1755 Amos, b. October 30, 1757 Rachael, b. February 24, 1760 James, b. April 9, 1763 Joannah, b. April 19, 1765 David, b. February 26, 1768 Jonathan, b. May 28, 1770 Children of Elijah and Martha Parker. Martha, b. October 19, 1753 Roxana, b. May 9, 1755 Jerusha, b. April 23, 1757 Children of Nathan Parker and wife. Manley, b. January 25, 1813 Children of Solomon and Lusina Parker. Eleazer, b. January 9, 1782 Lusina, b. September 8, 1783 Horace, b. September 27, 1785 Ehsabeth, b. October 12, 1787 Sally, b. September 30, 1790 Polly, b. August 23, 1793 Solomon, b. February 15, 1795 Hannah, b. September 3, 1797 Pamela, b. March 31, 1799 PAYN. Children of John and Jemima (Huthenson) Payn. Jemima, b. February i, 1 747-8 John, b. April 13, 1751 Lemuel, b. March 28, 1755 Children of Stephen and Rebeckah (Bushnal) Payn. Sarah, b. May 20, 1758 Rebeckah, b. May 20, 1760 Ebenezer, b. September 27, 1762 Allin, b. March 31, 1765 Tilla, b. November i, 1767 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 89 PECK. Children of John and Rebeckah Peck. Joseph, b, June lo, 1765 PERKINS. Children of Samuel and Mary Perkins. John, b. July 21, 1714 Esther, • b. May 28, 17 16 PHELPS. Children of Benjamin and Joanna Phelps. Eunice, b. April i, 1744 Joseph, b. August 14, 1749 Lydia, b. June 22, 1752 PHILLIPS. Children of William and Phila Phillips. Maria Theresa, b. August 13, 1820 Albigence Stone (son), b. May 5, 1823 PIK. Children of James and Hannah Pik. James, b. May 18, 171 1 PINGREY. Children of Moses and Abijah Pingrey, Moses, b. March 2^, 1727 Abijah (daughter), , b. April 2, 1729 Ann, b. March 27, 1732 John, b. October 8, 1734 Sillramus (?), b. May 22, 1737 James, b. May 30, 1739 George, b. May 2, 1741 David, b. November 2, 1744 Stephen, b. June 9, 1747 90 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Sylvanus and Mary Sawyer Pingrey. Fillaretta (?), b. October 13, 1763 James, b. March 5, 1765 PETTY or PITY. Children of Joseph and Sary Pity. Hester, b. July 23, 171 1 Anna, b. August 9, 1713 Ruth. b. March 19, 171 7 POMROY. Children of Daniel, Jr., and Eunice (Grant) Pomroy. Esther, b. January 7, 1773 Eunice, b. March 2, 1775 Daniel Starling, b. December 31, 1776 Children of Eleazer and Sybil (Kingsbur}-) Pomroy. Clarry, b. December 19, 1773 Sybil, b. Xovember 26, 1775; d. same day Eleazer, Jr., b. October 4, 1776 Widthy (son) (?), b. October 14, 1778 Daniel StarHng, b. February 18, 1781 Adosha, b. January 10, 1783 Polly, daughter of Eleazer and Priscilla, b. April 13, 1787 Sybil, b. March 2, 1789 Xewton, b. March 25, 1791 Ebenezer, b. January 17, 1794 Betsey, b. March 22, 1796 Chauncy, b. December 6, 1799 Children of Eleazer, Jr., and Ruth (Hunt) Pomroy. Alexander Hamilton, b. November 17, 1804 Henry, • b. March 6, 1814 Eleazer, Jr., b. January 6, 1817 George, b. March 3, 1819 Daniel, b. January 23, 1822 POOL. Children of Elijah and Mary (Dodge) Pool. Chester b. May 16, 1805 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 91 PORTER. Children of Thomas and Thankfull Porter. ■J^ercy, b. October lo, 1708 Mary, b. November 16, 17 10 Jonathan, b. March 20, 171 3 Noah, b. August 24, 171 5 Children of Jonathan, Jr., and Lois (Richardson) Porter. Lois, b. April 14, 1759 Mercy, b. May 22, 1760 Rachael, b. May 28, 1761 Persis, b. July 10, 1762 Amaziah, b. December 2, 1763 Irene, b. March 6, 1765 Jonathan, b. April 5. 1766 Children of Jonathan, Jr., and Widow Lydia Abel Porter. Elijah, b. August 20, 1770 John, b. June 14, 1772 Reuber, b. August 20, 1774 William, b. March 31, 1777 Bette, b. July 28, 1779 Children of Jonathan and Sarah (Lad) Porter. Thomas, b. March 16, 1735 Sarah, b. September 28, 1736; d. in 2 hours Jonathan, b. September 17, 1737 Isaiali, b. August 21, 1739 Noah, b. October 6. 1742 Sarah, b. December 6, 1744 Mary, b. January 27, 1747-8 Phebe, b. March 11, 1750 Irene. b. December 8, 1756 Children of Samuel and Sarah (Skinner) Porter. Chloe, b. October 22, 1737 Samuel, b. April, 1736 Anne, b. August 26. 1739 92 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Daniel, Jr., and Esther (King) Porter. Nichles, b. April 15, 1740 Daniel, b. December 11, 1741 Sarah, b. October 26, 1742 Nickles, b. April 15, 1748 Children of Thomas and Zilpah (Lyman) Porter. Erastus, b. July 16, 1763 Eunice, b. November 24, 1767 Children of Thomas 3d and Ann Porter. Luther, b. January 21, 1751-2 Eleazer, b. F'ebruary 11, 1754 Elizabeth, b. June 22, 1756 Thomas, b. March 19, 1759 Children of William and Esther Porter. Rebeckah, b. October 30, 1758 William, b. November 7, 1760 Esther, b. August 16, 1762 Lois, b. March 26, 1764 Vine, b. December 25, 1765 Joseph, b. August 6, 1770 Benjamin, b. 30th day (no month), 1772 Children of Noah 2d and Submit (Cook) Porter. Asenath, b. July 8, 1766 Submit, b. February 12, 1768 Noah 3d, b. February 20, 1769 Submit, b. January 13, 1771 (stillborn) Submit, b. April 27, 1773 Zelotes, b. April 28, 1775 Lucretia, b. April 9, 1777 Ebenezer, , b. April 9, 1780 Anne, b. June 3, 1782 Joseph, b. May 5, 1785 Children of Isaiah and Jedida (Cubbusch) Porter. Abner, b. June 10, 1788 George W., b. October 10, 1792 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 93 Children of Erastus and Hannah (Denton) Porter. Wilham, b. June 23, 1789 Eunice, b. December 27, 1790 Mary, b. October 2j, 1792 Children of William and Sarah Maria Porter. William Denton, b. April 4, 1819 Mary Jackson, b. January 10, 182 1 Elisabeth Hannah, b. November 22, 1822 Henry Cheney, b. March 29, 1825 Erastus Henry, b. March 28, 1827 Sarah Maria, b. October 9, 1828 Thomas Ely, b. August 28, 1830 Charles Winslow, b. March 3, 1833 Ellen Adell, b. October 16, 1836 Children of Noah and Polly (Loomis) Porter. Polly, b. January 23, 1795 Oliver, b. July 23, 1797 Cynthia (daughter of Lieut. Noah), b. August 3, 1799 Pamelia (daughter of Captain Noah), b. October 11, 1806 Faith Marilla (daughter of Noah and Faith), b. June 10, 1810 Emma Maria, b. December 27, 1812 Noah Loomis (son of Col. Noah and Faith), b. January 7, 1816 Phebe Woodruff, b. August 15, 182 1 Children of Ebenezer and Eunice (Kingsbury) Porter. Sophrone, b. September 26, 1803 POWELL. Children of and Elizabeth Powell. Elizabeth, b. February 18, 1727-8 PRESTON. Children of Joseph and Elizabeth Preston. Abigail, b. April 15, 1744 Marah, b. November 23, 1746 PRICE. Children of Rufus and Martha (Grant) Price. Rufus, b. August 5, 1 75 1 Abigail, b. June 2, 1753 94 COVENTRY RECORDS Elijah, b. March 25, 1755 Abigail, b. August 29, 1757 Martha, b. August 19, 1760 Elizabeth, b. February 26, 1763 or 5 Solomon Grant, b. November, 1766 REED. Children of Josiah and Silviah (Herick) Reed. Josiah, b. October i, 1756 Sipian, b. July 30, 1758 Daniel, b. May 26, 1760 RENALLS. Children of John and Mary Renalls. Sarah, b. December 6, 1720 Hannah, b. April 2, 1723 RICHARDSON. Children of Amos and Rachael Richardson. Nathan, b. March 20, 1725 Samuel, b. September 19, 1726 Amos, b. March 5, 1728 Rachael, b. May 16, 1729 Jonathan, b. January 24, 1731 Stephen, b. July 14 (no year) Ann, b. January 4, 1734 Zebulon, b. March 7, 1735 Humphry, b. March 19 (no year) Abigail, b. July 23, 1739 Lowes, b. July 18, 1741 Justus, b. September 30, 1743 Eunis, ■ b. August 7, 1746 Abigail, b. March 18, 1749-50 Children of Lemuel and Anna (Rust) Richardson. Mercy, b. January 7, 1747-8 Samuell, b. March 25, 1749 Nathaniell, b. April 5, 1750 Zebulon, b. July 31, 1751 Lemuel, b. December 13, 1752 Mabel, b. October 13, 1754 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 95 Richard, b. September 29, 1755 Richardson, b. February 17, 1757 (daughter), b. December 26, 175- Stephen, b. May 25, 1760 Anne, b. October 19, 1761 Stephen, b. March 27, 1763 Dan, b. October 21, 1764 Muriel (son), b. October 18, 1764 (?) Humphrey, b. February 2.2, 1767 RICHARDSON or RITCHARDSON. Children of Amos, Jr., and Ruth (Stiles) Richardson. Anne, b. March 26, 1752 Hezekiah, b. January 25, 1754 Zebulon, b. February 10, 1757 Children of Nathan and Phebe (Crocker) Richardson. Rosamond, b. July 9, 1749 Andrew, b. December 13, 1750 Lucy, b. October 3, 1752 Amos, b. November 26, 1754 John, b. November 16, 1756 Esther, b. October 26, 1758 Nathan, b. October 27, 1760 Hette, b. November 6, 1762 Sarah, b. March 10, 1765 Elizabeth, • b. February 26, 1768 Wells, b. February 14, 1770 Lois, b. in Lebanon, October 13, 1772 Children of Andrew and Martha Richardson, John Closson, b. September i, 1776 Rosamon, b. September 17, 1778 Children of Hezekiah and Olive (Thomson) Richardson. Nancy, b. August 6, 1774 Ruth, b. January 9, 1779 Hannah, b. October 13, 1780 96 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Justus and Submit (Throop) Richardson. James, b. November 17, 1770 Irene, b. December 8, 1772 Russell, b. November 16, 1774 Children of Lemuel, Jr., and Rachael (Lothrop) Richardson. Lothrop, b. December 19, 1776 Children of Nathaniel Richardson and his wife. Philena, b. June 24, 1783 Children of Stephen and Mabel (Marsh) Richardson. Jane, b. December 24, 1763 Jennet, b. November i, 1765 Lucretia, b. February 11, 1768 Abigail, b. March 9, 1770 Alexander, b. June 17, 1772 Phipps, b. September 7, 1774 Mabel, b. March 8, 1778 Daniel. b. January 8, 1781 Polly, b. October 12, 1785 RIPLE\. Children of Elijah and Alice (Adams) Ripley. Elijah, Jr., b, August, 1774 ROBINSON or ROBISON. Children of Daniel and Lydy Robinson. Ephraim, b. April 5, 1720 Daniel, b. October i, 1721 Children of Ephraim and Esther (Rose) Robertson. Daniel, b. November 9, 1749 Lidiah, b. October 12, 1744 Ephraim, b. April 29, 1746 Esther, b. December 14, 1747 Ashbel, b. October 20, 1752 Children of Elijah and Lydia Robinson. Charles, b. August 28, 1761 Zelotes, b. May 3, 1764 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS ^"^ ROBERTSON. Children of David and Susannah Robertson. Theodory, ^' ^^^'^^^'^ ^' ^^58 Susannah ^' ^^S^^' '^' '^59 ?,'''^. 1 ' b. June 6, 1761 EmeHa b. September 23, 1763 Hannah, b. December 27, 1766 Children of Samuel and Martha (Badcock) Robertson. (Name illegible) (son), b. January 3, 1746-7 ^ . , no date Daniel, Children of Samuel and (second wife) Mary (Hindsdel) Robertson. .- ,. b. December 12, 1750 fT^' b. February 12, 1753 ^^, on b- J™<^ 8, 1755 !?'°'"°"' b. March 8, .757 Hannah, Children of John 3d and Eunice (Phelps) Robertson. ^ , , b. August 20, 1765 f^P^' b. June 2, 1767 J?^"' b. April 20, 1769 f^^]"^^' b. November 11, 1771 V^^'^' b. April I, 1774 J°f "^' b. October 28, 1782 J°^"' . b. October 28, 1785 Benjamm, Children of Captain Samuel, Jr., and Mercy Robertson. ,, , b. June 16, 1784 ^^^\ , b. October 17, 1786 Sarah Anne, Children of Samuel and Anna (Curtis) Robertson. b. July 5. 1760 ^^'■^' b. September 22, 1761 r,!^T^' b. November 13, 1763 Phebe, Children of Daniel and Susannah Robertson. b. July 20, 1768 Daniel and Betty (twins), b. July 22, 1775 98 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Daniel. Jr., and Triphena (Janes) Robertson. Lydia, b. August 21, 1775 Ester, b. December 14, 1776 Guy, b. April 24, 1778 Charles, b. January 28, 1780 Polly, b. November 18, 1781 Salome, b. May 16, 1783 Hariot, - b. March 3, 1785 Ashbel, b. February 8, 1787 Daniel, b. November i, 1789 Triphena, b. December 2, 1790 Ephraim, b. February 15, 1793 Children of Solomon and Martha Robertson. Patte, b. March 20, 1785 Children of Ephraim Clark and Lavinia Robertson. Warren, b. in Weathersfield, May 14, 1803 John Clark, b. in Weathersfield, May 18, 1805 Julia Ann, b. in Glastonbury, January 17, 1809 Robert, b. in Coventry, May 24, 1813 ROCKWELL. Children of Amariah and Martha (Noble) Rockwell. Daniel, b. July 27, 1753 Martha, b. August 8, 1755 Irenah Kingsbury, b. July 2, 1758 Jabez, b. June 4, 1760 Amariah, b, November 22, 1762 Amariah, b. June 10, 1765 Daniel, b. March 8, 1768 Tabothy, b. November 6, 1771 Children of Martha Rockwell. William Willson, ROOT. b. October 9, 1777 Thomas, b. July 29, 1692 Ebenezer, b. November 15, 1693 Eliakim, b. December 28, 1695 Abigail, b. March 16, 1698 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 99 Thankfull, b. August 4, 1700 Mindwell, b. October 4, 1701 Experience, b. January 18, 1703 Samuel, b. October 17, 1705 Miriam, b. September 24, 1707 " What is above written was taken out of the Records from Northampton." Ephraim Root, b. December 6, 1709 Children of Thomas, Jr., and Elizabeth (Lee) Root. Steaven, b. March 2, 1 720-1 Children of Thomas, Jr., and 2d wife Widow Hannah Hindsdale Root. Elizabeth, b. January 19, 1731-2 John, b. June 9, 1732 Lowes, b. September 3, 1734 Thomas, b. January 26, 1735-6 Isaac, b. January 13, 1740 Children of Thomas and Thankfull Root. Mehitable, ^ b. February 11, 1713 Children of Ebenezer and Sary Root. Sarah, b. December 21, 1719 Hannah, b. January 19, 1720-1 Submit, b. March 19, 1721-2 Silence, b. January 18, 1723-4 Ephraim, b. November 6, 1725 Hannah, b. October 24, 1727 Ephraim, b. November 6, 1728 Sybil, b. April 26, 1729 Ebenezer, b. March 9, 1732 Jesse, b. December 28, 1736 Children of Joseph and Silence (Curtis) Root. Jerusha, b. September 26, 1754 Bille, b. July i, 1756 Naomi, b. February 20, 1758 Elijah, b. March 25, 1760 100 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Ebenezer, Jr., and Phebe (Halkins or Hawkins) Root. Elizabeth, b. November 20, 1753 Ursula, b. March 31, 1755 Nathaniel, b. March 25, 1757 Children of Eliakim and Mercy Root. Asahel, b. April 13, 1726 Eliakim, b. March 10, 1728 Children of Eleakim and Jemima (Elles) Root. Joseph, b. July 13, 1732 Medad, b. December 29, 1735 Jonathan, b. January 11, 1737-8 Mariam, b. November 2, 1739 Jonathan, b. June 18, 1742 Jemima, b. January 3, 1746 Children of Ephraim and Elizabeth (Carpenter) Root. Asal, b. December 24, 1750 Children of Samuell and Mercy Parker Root. Samuell, b. August 26, 1729 Mary, ' b. February 10, 1731 Josiah, b. September 17, 1733 Phebe, b. July 31, 1735 Rufus, b. August 30, 1737 Zeruiah, b. April 7, 1740 Nathan, • ' b. June 13, 1742 Lemuel, ^ . b. May 6, 1744 Tabitha, b. March 7, 1747 Ezra, b. April 27, 1749 Lois, b. May 27, 1751 Elias, b. March 23, 1754 Triphene, b. in Willington, July 20, 1756 Children of Mr. Jesse and Mary (Banks) Root. Mary, b. September 27, 1759 Ebenezer, b. February 14, 1761 Ephraim, b. October 6, 1762 Sophia, b. July 19, 1764 Jesse, b. April 13, 1766 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 101 Children of John and Deborah (Hawkins) Root. Lois b. October 26, 1760 Deborah, b. October 4, 1762 Phebe, b. October 28, 1764 Susanna, b. June 9, 1768 Charles, b. February 14, 1770 Asenath, b. November 20, 1771 Lucy, b. December 27, 1773 John, b. December 14, 1775 Stephen, b. August 4, 1777 Amalia, b. November 15, 1779 Mary, b. September 22, 1781 Lyde, b. December 28, 1783 Children of Thomas, Jr., and Elizabeth (Field) Root. Bete, b. August 24, 1762 Eleazer b. July 2, 1764 Thomas, b. July 22, 1766 Hannah, b. Coventry, no date Molly, b. Coventry, no date Zenas, b. Coventry, no date Children of Jonathan and Azubah (Brown) Root. Mary, b. March 12, 1767 Mary, b. April 2, 1768 Eli, b. July 6, 1769 Elipha, b. December 4, 1770 Lucy, b. October 13, 1772 Anne, b. May 2, 1774 Hannah, b. November 26, 1775 Lydia, b. May 17, 1777 Azubah, b. December 23, 1778 Children of Medad and Rhoda (Curtis) Root. Benjamin, b. December 17, 1763 Jonathan, b. January 11, 1765 (died same day) Simeon, b. January 12, 1766 Medad, Jr., b. December 24, 1767 Rhoda, b. June 16, 1770 102 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Nathaniel and Candace Root. Daniel, b. February 20, 1793 Lemuel, b. October 14, 1794 Manton, b. December 17, 1795 Nancy, b. January 14, 1797 Elijah Hammond, b. September 16, 1800 Marvin, b. October 7, 1802 Caroline, b. November 21, 1804 Children of Joseph and Hannah Root. Louma, son, b. July 28, 1788 Children of Ephraim and Phebe Root. Elisabeth, b. February 13, 1786 Armina, b. April 14, 1787 Ephraim Colboum, b. March 8, 1789 ROSE. Children of Daniel and Judah Rose. Margaret, b. February 28, 1734 Daniel, b. January i, 1737 Catharine, b. January 2, 1739 Nathaniel, b. December, 1742 (last Monday in the year) Children of Dr. Josiah and Eunice Rose. Josiah, b. July 5, 1739 John, b. May 2, 174T Eunice, b. October 7, 1742 Joseph Meacham, b. May 13, 1744 Lidia, b. June 15, 1746 Samuel, b. March 17, 1748 John, b. February 25, 1749-50 Elizabeth, b. July 28, 1751 Esther, b. March 12, 1753 John, b. February 3, 1755 Frederick, b. November 3, 1757 Children of Joseph and Desire (Dimock) Rose. Eunice, b. February 22, 1770 Children of Samuel and Elizabeth (Hale) Rose. Joseph, b. September 17, 1774 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 103 Nathan Hale, b. November i8, 1776 Fannie, b. January 4, 1779 Children of Joseph and Millie Rose. Fanny, b. September 3, 1800 Elizabeth Hale, b. June 28, 1804 Fanny Mary, b. September 24, 181 5 Children of Nathan H. and Eunice (Talcott) Rose. Eunice Talcott, b. August 26, 1803 Samuel Polydore, b. February 28, 1807 Levi Perkins, b. September 8, 1809 Richard Hale, b. February 3, 1812 Lucy F., b. September 18, 1814 Children of William and Irene (Loomis) Rose. Irene, b. November 22, 1798 John Loomis, b. October 9, 1800 Almena, b. October 4, 1802 Ansello, b. August 15, 1804 Angelina, b. April 19, 1806 ROWLER. Children of Samuel and Miriam Rowler. Samuel, b. January 21, 1750- 1 RUST. Children of Nathaniel and Mary or Mercy Rust. Daniel, b. February 18, 171 1 Elizabeth, b. June 11, 171 3 Lydy, b. May 9, 1716 Children of Daniel and Mary (Parker) Rust. Mary, b. November 5, 1762 Cynthia, b. December 17, 1764 Clement, b. July 22, 1767 Daniell, b. August 6, 1769 Anne, b. July 31, i775 Elizabeth, b. March 6, 1777 Children of Gershom and Mary Rust. Justen, b. April 23, 1764 104 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Joseph and Tabitha (Kingsbury) Rust. Nathaniel, b. May 13, 1765 Joseph, ->. November 30, 1766 Elizabeth Scripture, daugnter of Cloe Rust, b. November 23, 1768 Children of Nathaniel, Jr., and Hannah (Hatch) Rust. Simeon, b. September 24, 1717 Elizabeth, b. July 9, 1720 Margaret, b. December 31, 1722 Malitiah, b. July 4, 1724 Matthias, - b. April 2, 172^ Abyal (son), , :>. January 13, 1728 Johial (son), b. July 27, 1730 Hannah, b. March 25, 1732 Rebeckah, b. July 28, 1733 Nathaniel, b. October 31, 1735 Joseph, b. March 26, 1736-7 Nathaniel, b. August 21, 1739 Children of Ensign Samuel and Sarah Rust. Anne, b. May 17, 1720 Freelove, b. May 25, 1724 Samuel, b. February 23, 1727-8 Sarah, b. June 4, 1732 Nathaniel, b. May 15, 1735 Zebulon, b. July 12, 1737 Cloah, b. May 14, 1742 Children of Noah and Keziah (Strong) Rust. Dille (daughter), b. July 11, 1729 Noah, b. January 28, 1731 Ammeziah, b. June 4, 1733 Keziah, b. August 16, 1735 Chloah, b. December 19, 1737 Elijah, - b. April 10, 1740 Cloa, b. June 23, 1747 Children of Simeon and Sarah Rust. Christiana, b. July 31, 1743 Jerusha, b. June 22, 1746 Levi, b. September 28, 1750 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 105 Children of Matthias and Lucy (Fitch) Rust. Mary, b. May i, 1750 Rebeckah, b. December 15, 1751 Lemuel, b. Hartford, March 15, 176- Matthias, b. Hartford, May 8, 1770 Children of Daniell and Anna (White) Rust. Marcy, b. June 11, 1732 Daniel, b. April 16, 1734 Anne, b. September 26, 1736 Lemuel, ^ b. February 11, 1 740-1 Zebulon, ^ b. January 5, 1742-3 Marcy, b. December 27, 1744 Anna, b. March 14, 1747 Children of Daniell and the Widow Mary (Mead) Rust. Nathaniel Willson, b. April 16, 1750 Children of Amaziah and Mary (Marsh) Rust. Amaziah, b. April 7, 1754 Phebe Persis, b. December 28, 1755 Mary, b. January 3, 1758 Mary, b. December 30, 1761 Chauncy, b. May 23, 1773 Children of Nathaniel W. and Rachel (Babcock) Rust. Rubia, b. January 10, 1782 Samuel, b. November 9, 1783 Ephraim, b. October i, 1785 Mary, b. December 20, 1787 Lore, b. May 18, 1790 John, b. November 7, 1792 SARLE or SEARLS. Children of John and Margaret (Cook) Sarle. Gideon, b. November 13, 1742 Children of Ebenezer and Truelove (Brown) Sarle. Son, b. March 6, 1743 Children of Elisha and Mary (Acly) Searls. Abigail, b. June 15, 1741 Mary, b. July 28, 1744 106 COVENTRY RECORDS Elisha, b. December 29, 1746 Marthew (daughter), b. April 2, 1750 Phebe, b. September 17, 1752 Elisha, b. July 12, 1754 Lydia, b. Mansfield, January 13, 1757 SCOTT. Children of Benjamin and Sarah Scott. Benjamin, b. May 6, 1741 Abraham, b. March 27, 1743 Sarah, b. January 28, 1744-5 Children of Peter and Hannah (Edwards) Scott. Zebediah, b. November 22, 1741 SCRIBNER. Children of Samuel and Olive Scribner. Josiah, b. September 7, 1772 Oliver, b. December 24, 1775 Ira, b. May 31, 1777 SCRIPTURE. Children of Simeon and Ann (Slater) Scripture. Simeor b. June 19, 1739 Ann, , b. April 23, 1741 Lidea, b. April 21, 1744 Jeremiah, b. August 8, 1746 Loes, b. November 28, 1748 Irane, b. November 10, 1750 Abigail, b. November 21, 1752 Triphena (daughter), b. February 3, 1757 Children of John and Abigail (Utley) Scripture. Elizabeth, b. April, 1714 John, b. December 11, 1716 Patiance, b. December 30, 1720 Abigail, b. May i, 1722 Jemima, b. March 10, 1724 Sarah, b. December i, 1726 Mary, b, July 15, 1728 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 107 Children of John and Widow Mary (Slater) Scripture (sec- ond wife), j^ary t>. September '2, 1730 Anna', b. June 26, 1732 Daniel, b. February 27, 1736 SEAGRAVE. Children of Silvanus F. and Caroline Seagrave. Bezaliel, b. November 14, 1836 SHAW. Children of Beniamon and Elizabeth (Edwards) Shaw. Abigail, b. August, i737 SHEPARD. Children of Jonathan and Loue (Palmer) Shepard. Prudence, b. June 25, 1738 Jonathan, b. January 6, 1739-40 Qliye, b. December 9, 1742 Nathaniel, b. October 8, 1744 Amos, b. January 2, 1746-7 Anne, b. June 26, 1750 Simeon, b. January 23, 1751-2 Joshua, b. December 31, 1753 Rozel, b. September 9, 1756 Loue,' b. October 10, 1758 Children of Noah and Margaret Shepard. Noah, b. in Western, September 8, 1742 Lydia, b. March 8, 1744 Children of Noah and Abigail (Glason) Shepard (second wife). Margaret, b. February 6, 1748 Mary, b. April 14, 1749 Jacob, b. October 4, 1750 Eunice, b. October 8, 1755 SIMONS. Children of Joshua and Anne Simons. Anne, b. March 13, 1755 Elijah, b. July 12, 1757 108 COVENTRY RECORDS Elijah, b. October 22, 1760 Anne, b. March 30, 1763 Eleazer, b. September 24, 1765 SKINNER. Children of Noah and Patience (Dunham) Skinner. Sarah, b. October 27, 1737 Children of Noah and (second wife) Mary (Scott) Skinner. Patience, b. May 2, 1740 Patience, b. December 15, 1741-2 Mary, b. June 12, 1743 Ezekel. b. April 3, 1745 Noah, b. May 5, 1746 Submit and Abigail (twins) (Abigail still-born), b. September 26, 1747 Anne, b. December 8, 1748 Ebenezer, b. February 12, 1749-50 Joel, b. May 11, 1751 Abiram, b. October 8, 1752 Abigail, b. December, 1753 Triphene, b. April 4, 1756 SMITH. Children of Francis and Hannah Smith. Francis (son), b. February 29, 17 16 Children of Benjamin and Mary (Roberson) Smith. Joseph, b. December 6, 1738 Mary, b. April 24, 1740 Rhode, b. December 6, 1741 Benjamm, b. July 12, 1743 Children of Deacon Recompense and Elizabeth (Kinney) Smith. Roxa, b. November 6, 1788 Daniel, b. December 14, 1790 Children of Daniel and Anna Smith. Daniel Kingsbury, b. August 22, 1818 Children of Joseph and Eunice Smith. Emily, b. September 29, 1813 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 109 SOUTHWARD. Children of Gideon and Mary Southward. Andria, b. July 27, 1751 SPRAGUE. Children of Samuel and Jerusha Sprague. Samuel, t>. December 24, 1758 Elizabeth, b. August 2, 1760 Eliakim, b. June 5, 1762 Children of Joseph and Hannah (Swetland) Sprague. Joseph, b. August 18, 1756 Bela Sprague, b. February 23, 1778 Esther Parker, his wife, b. April 24, 1785 Children of Bela and Esther (Parker) Sprague. Ralph, b. November 9, 1807 Willard, b. June 7, 1809 Sally, b. May 5, 181 1 Tilden, (?) b. September 2, 1813 Betsey, b. July 8, 181 5 Electa, b. May 27, 1817 Almira, b. September 6, 1819 Louisa, b. April 24, 1822 STACK. Children of Joseph and Mercy Stack. Joseph, b. September 12, 171 5 STANLEY. Children of John and Lucy (Edwards) Stanley. John, b. June 15, 1750 Jerusha, b. March 3, 1753 Elizabeth, b. March 8, 1755 Hannah, b. April 29, 1758 Leurethe (daughter), b. April 4, 1760 Children of Moses and Eunice (Strong) Stanley. Ashbel, b. September 25, 1769 Eunice, b. April 25, 1773 110 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of John and Mary (Fuller) Stanley. Lucy, b. November lo, 1774 Elijah, b. February 10, 1777 Children of Caleb, Jr., and Martha Stanley. Caleb, b. February 11, 1773 Isaac, b. May i, 1775 Mary, b. October 7, 1779 Joseph, b. January 12, 1784 Hannah, ' b. May 22, 1787 STAR. Children of Thomas and Hannah (Edwards) Star. Mary, b. January 10, 1730-31 STEDMAN. Children of John and Mary (Merrill) Stedman, Judee Leah, b. November i, 1759 Louis, b. November 4, 1761 STH.ES. Children of Ebenezer and Sarah Stiles. Stephen, b. August 18, 1741 STRONG. Children of Phinias, Esq., and Mary (Parker) Strong. Phinias, b. November 9, 1725 Mary, b. March 11, 1727 Sarah, b. April 2, 1729 Azubah, b. October 11, 1731 Ozias, b. September 30, 1734 Jerusha, b. February 21, 1737-8 Iranah, b. January 27, 1 741-2 Elisha and Elijah (twins), b. August 15, 1743 Beulah, b. March 7, 1746 Hannah, b. March 16, 1748 Children of Noah and Deborah Strong. Esther (still-born), b. December 17, 1729. Lemoran (son), b. March 4, 1731 Deborah, b. March 25, 1737 Noah, b. August 16, 1738 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS HI Children of Noah and Widow Lidiah (Pers) (second wife) Strong. Lidiah, b. March 20, 1742 Adonijah, b. July 5, 1743 Ann, b. April 2, 1745 Children of Moses and Sarah (Long) Strong. Moses, b. January 4, 173 1-2 Sarah, b. August 28, 1743 Children of Deacon Joseph, Jr., and Elizabeth Strong. Joseph, b. April 13, 1726 Elizabeth, b. February 2, 1727-8 Joseph, , b. March 19, 1728-9 Bille, b. May 2, 1733 Asa, b. March 12, 1735 Tabitha, -' b. April 3, 1736 Alnathan, b. September 2^, 1736 (?) Abial, b. January 19, 1738-9 Benajah, b. October 13, 1740 Eunice, b. April 11, 1743 Martha and Mary (twins), b. July 30, 1745 Children of Thomas and Mary Strong. Mary, b. March 11, 1727 Children of Aaron and Rachael Strong. Rachael, b. December 20, 1732 Aaron, b. March 24, 1734^ Sarah, b. April 9, 1737 Oliver, b. July 7, 1739 Dameris, b. March 25, 1742 Cloe, b. June 22, 1744 Cloe, b. August 15, 1745 John, b. January 26, 1748-9 Rachael b. March i, 1751 Asel, b. January 28, 1753 Children of Phineas, Jr., and Tabithy (Bruster) Strong. Phineas, b. June 30, 1750 Abiel, b. January 9, 175 1-2 Tabithy, b. December 17, 1753 112 COVENTRY RECORDS Daniell, b. December 14, 1755 Israel, b. January 14, 1758 Mary, b. March 5, 1760 Children of Asa and Sarah (Moody) Strong. Hannah Tappin, b. April 25, 1765 Elizabeth, b. April 17, 1766 Tabothy, b. November 18, 1767 Jane, b. March 24, 1769 Children of Rev. Mr. Nathan and Hester (Meacham) Strong. Nathan, b. July 26, 1747; d. same day Nathan, b. October 5, 1748 Esther, b. April 28, 1750 Joseph, b. September 21, 1753 Children of Enoch and Sarah (Meraugh) Strong. Joel, b. August 14, 1743 Sibbel, b. February 20, 1746 Abigail, b. June 5, 1748 Tabitha, b. September 24, 1750 Phebe, b. December 12, 1752 John, b. April 10, 1755 Children of Stephen and Elizabeth Strong. Lidiah, b. April 13, 1748 Stephen, b. December 17, 1749 Sarah, b. July 27, 1755 Elizabeth, b. June 23, 1756 Children of Benaiah and Lucy (Bishop) Strong. Joseph, b. March 10, 1770 Harissa, b. November 6, 1771 Roger, b. October 5, 1773 Billy, b. Augusts, 1775 Lucy, b. June 9, 1778 Martha and Mary (twins), b. April 25, 1780 Billy, b. March 2, 1782 Benajah, b. January 26, 1783 Sally, b. July 3, 1788 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 113 Children of Ozias and Susanna (West) Strong. Oresta, b. May i6, 1758 Beulah, b. July 24, 1759 Roxselana, b. June 9, 1761 SWETLAND. Children of Joseph and Hannah Swetland. Hebe, b. October 8, 1745 Children of Ebenezer and Sarah (Leach) Swetland. Jude, b. January 30, 1750 Anne, b. July 8, 1752 Ebenezer Leach, b. July 13, 1753 Triphene, b. June 4, 1756 Samuel, b. November 4, 1758 Anne, b. January 11, 1761 Children of Ebenezer and Widow Abigail (Bliss) (second wife) Swetland Sarah, b. May 2, 1764 (mistake of records) Seth, b. November 13, 1765 Abigail, b. October 23, 1767 Abner, b. October 17, 1769 Children of Israel and Dorias (Dewey) Swetland. Theophais, b. January 17, 1757 Children of Levi and Ruth (Richardson) Swetland. Mille, b. November 28, 1782 Anne, b. April 26, 1785 Polly, b. January 17, 1787 Levi, b. June 2, 1789 Ruth, b. March 30, 1791 Rosea (daughter), b. March 21, 1797 Children of Levi, Jr., and Electa (Kingsbury) Swetland. Mary Ann, b. July 18, 181 1 TALCOTT. Children of Joseph and Eunice Talcott. Eunice, b. January 19, 1759 Esther, b. February 14, 1762 Prisilla, b. April 21, 1764 114 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of Deacon Joseph, Jr., and Rebeckah Talcott. Joseph 3d, b. June 28, 1778 Arad, b. September 2, 1780 Eunice, b. April 2^, 1783 Son, b. June 19, 1785; died in 10 hours William, ' b. December 30, 1786 Eleazer, b. June 7, 1789 Harvey, b. January 6, 1791 Lymon (son of Captain), Joseph, Jr., b. January 25, 1793 Ester, b. May 25, 1795 Erastus, b. April 28, 1797 Chester, b. April 29, 1799 Children of Arad and Anna (Tracy) Talcott. George Huntington.. b. November 2, 1807 Charles Trumbull, b. June 16, 1809 Julia Anna, b. September 6, 1812 Children of Lyman and Harriet Talcott. Samuel Lyman, b, July 19, 1817 TAYLOR. Children of Stephen and Deliverance (Rust) Taylor. Elisha, b. June 16, 1747 Elisha, b. May 19, 1748 Dolle, b. May 28, 1750 Keziah, b. April 23, 1753 Noah and Sarah (twins), b. June 14, 1758 Alvin and Rocksellano (twins, son and daughter), b. June II, 1760 Esther, b. January 19, 1762 Anne, b. January 9, 1765 Susannah, b. January 20, 1767 Alwin, ' b. April 26, 1769 Octava (daughter), b. July 29, 1771 Children of William and Jane Taylor. John, b. January 3, 1742-3 Humphrey, b. January 22, 1744-5 Hannah, b. October 13, 1747 James, b. March 13, 1750 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 115 Thomas, b. April 13, 1753 Daniel, b. August 29, 1755 Triphene, b. May 18, 1758 Aldad and Medad (twins), b. August 18, 1761 Children of Mr. John and Elizabeth (Rose) Taylor. Betsey, b. July 26, 1785 David, ' b. July i, 1789 TERRILL, Children of Luis and Ann Terrill. Josiah, b. August 23, 1750 (?) Arad, b. August 28, 1750 Luis, b. October 8, 1752 Anne, b. November 10, 1754 Hannah, b. Windsor, June 2^, 1758 Eunice Simon, b. January 9, 1762 Children of Thomas and Alathea (Crocker) Terrill. Lewis, b. August 31, 1770 Alathea, b. January 26, 1773 Children of Thomas and Triphena Terrill. John, b. November 19, 1756 THAYER. Children of Elisha and Lucy Thayer. Harriet, b. April 18, 1835 THOMPSON or THOMSON. Children of Nathan and Hannah (Dodge) Thompson. Jerusha, b. August 25, 1745 Desier, b. February 29 (no year) Hannah, b. in Coventry (no date) Chearbrook, b. in Coventry (no date) Dorothy, b. in Coventry (no date) Nathaniel, . b. March 15, 1752 Olive, b. in Coventry (no date) Robert, b. in Coventry (no date) Amos, b. in Coventry (no date) Nathan, b. in Coventry (no date) 116 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of John and Phebe Thomson. Esther, b. September 21, 1760 John, b. May 16, 1762 Children of Amos and Irene (Dodge) Thompson. Amos, b. November 7, 1751 Children of Augustus and Adaline L. Thompson. Adaline C, b. May 27, 1830 Henry A., b. March 16, 1832 TIFFANY. Children of Edmund P. and Levinia A. TiflFany. Salem Judson, b. April 21, 1836 Mary Amelia, b. September 18, 1838 TILDEN. Children of Joseph and Sarah Tilden. Joseph, b. December 31, 1746 Sarah, b. November 24, 1748 Elisabeth, b. March 29, 1750 Elisha, b. August 12, 1751 Charles, b. September 9, 1754 Sybil, b. February 25, 1755 TOWNSEND. Children of John and Tibitha Townsend. Mary, b. March 29, 1737 Children of Daniel and Irene Townsend. David, b. June 13, 1756 John, b. December 22, 1758 Nathaniel and Mary (twins), b. December 16, 1760 TRAPP. r- Children of Samuel and Alice (Metcalf) Trapp. Aurelia, b. May 22, 1809 Anne, b. August 8, 1810 Sally, b. March 27, 1813 William B., b. in Mansfield, March 18, 1820 Lewis L., b. in Coventry, April 9, 1822 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS H^ TROWBRIDGE. Children of Ira and Cynthia (Crossman) Trowbridge. Ira Edwin, b. May i8, 1809 TUPPER. Children of Elisha and Jerusha Tupper. Elisha, b. February 14, 1754 Miner, b. September 3, 1756 ' TURNER. Children of Habakkak and Anne Turner. John, b. October 25, 1735 Sarah, b. September 25, 1737 Habbakuk, ' b. September 17, 1739 Samuel, b. January 9, 1743 Children of John, Jr., and Mary Wright Turner. John, b. February 21, 1766 Mary, b. January 31, T768 Anne b. February 3, 1770 Sarah b. February 9, 1772 Children of Jethro and Sarah (Badcock) Turner. Jerusha, b. December 28, 1744 Jedediah, b. May 25, 1746 Lidia, b. April 14, 1748 Daniel, b. July 28, 1750 Caleb, b. November 21, 1752 Sarah, b. April 21, 1755 Meriah, b. March 31, 1758 Mary, b. July 8, 1760 Deborah, b. April 12, 1763 Amos, b. May 15, 1765 Anne, b. January 30, 1768 Children of Joseph 2d and Elizabeth (Bridgman) Turner. Sarah, b. March 24, 1762 Elizabeth, b. April 24, 1765 Children of Amos and Hannah (Dorman) Turner. Joseph, b. December 17, 1790 Anne, b. September 4, 1792 118 COVENTRY RECORDS Clara, b. January i8, 1794 Hannah, b. May 19, 1796 Children of Stephen and Lois Turner. Dan, b. July i, 1779 Mason, b. December 24, 1780 Lucy, b. November 16, 1782 Mary, b. October 20, 1784 Dollie, b. August 24, 1786 TYLER. Children of Rev. Royal and Lydia Tyler. Samuel Lockwood, b. November 16, 1794 Royall Wells, b. July 25, 1796 George Washington, b. June 27, 1798 Abigail, b. November 2, 1800 Nathan, b. July 14, 1803 UTLEY. Children of Vine and Rebecca Utley. Lydia Mary, b. December 17, 1801 VORRA. Children of Martin and Abigail (Rust) Vorra. John, b. January 30, 1784 Elisabeth, b. February 26, 1786 Samuel, b. December 29, 1787 Abigail, b. June 7, 1790 Catharine, b. August 12, 1792 WADSWORTH. Children of Samuel and Mary (Granger) Wadsworth. Mary, b. March 16, 1734 Clemence, b. June 30, 1736 Amylias, b. June 7, 1738 Samuel!, b. May 20, 1740 WALDO. Children of John and Lucy (Wordworth) Waldo. Lyman, b. July 8, 1774 John, b. January 27, 1776 Horatio, b. March 5, 1778 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 119 Erastus ^- November ii, 1782 Orson, ' t). November 18, 1784 WALLBRIDGE. Children of John and Hannah Wallbridge. Isaac, b- J""e 18, 1745 Hannah, b. May 29, 1748 Henry, b. January 21, 1751 Lemuel b. April 15, 1754 Abigail, b. December 20, 1757 Children of Samuel and Sarah (Page) Wallbridge. Samuel, b. October 19, 1768 Sarah b. December i, 1773 Amanda, b. March 26, 1781 Children of Henry and Sarah (Fowler) Wallbridge. Sarah, b. November 15, 1773 (?) WASHBURN. Children of Timothy and Kezia Washburn. Ephraim, b. May. 7, 1748 Son of Elizabeth Washburn. Phillip N. Ladd, b. June 16, 1772 WATERS. Children of Jacob and Mary (Edwards) Waters. Isaac, b. October 16, 1750 Jacob, b. August 25, 1752 Israel, b. October 13, 1753 WEBSTER. Children of Beniah and Eunice Webster. Cloe(son), b. April 11, 1742 Eunice, b. August 15, 1743 Samuell, b. February 21, 1744-5 Cyrenus, b. July 18, 1747 Justus, b. December 16, 1747 Abial,' b. January 3, 1749-50 120 COVENTRY RECORDS WELLER. Children of Isaak and Sarah Weller. Gideon, b. February 20, 1 740-1 Dorkes, b. February 15, 1741-2 Gideon (son of Gideon and Sarah), b. July 31, 1743 WEST. Children of Christopher and Anna West. Louis (daughter), b. August 5, 1745 Lydia, b. November 24, 1747 WESTON. Children of Jonathan and Elizabeth Weston. Ezra, b. January 13, 1752 WHALEY. Children of Humphrey Whaley and wife. Erastus, b. in Columbia, January 8, 1798 WHELDIN. Children of Jonathan and Anne (Lyman) Wheldin. Anna, b. September 30, 1787 Lucina, b. May 26, 1789 Salmon, b. February 15, 1792 Filenda, b. October 12, 1795 WHITE. Children of James and Abigail White. Abigail, b. January 15, 173 1-2 Mary, b. April 25, 1734 Children of Daniel and Sarah White. Daniel, b. July 14, 1774 Children of Abner and Jerusha (Thompson) White. John, b. September 8, 1766 Bettie, b. February 28, 1768 Dorothy, b. December 14, 1769 Children of Samuel and Widow Rachael (Tilden) White. Samuel, b. November 5, 1757 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 121 Lemuel, b. December 30, 1758 Experience, b. April 2, 1760 Timothy, b. March 8, 1764 Children of Joel, Jr., and Ann White. Jabez Loomis, b. December 29, 1763 Children of Thomas and Hannah White. Johel, b. October 20, 1750 Children of Montgomery and Sally (Coleman) White. Sally, . b. May 14, 1814 Frederick, b. March 11, 18 15 Maria, b. May 18, 18 18 Laura, b. January 25, 182 1 Wealthy, b. October 24, 1822 Henry K., b. September 12, 1825 Lewis, b. August 15, 1828 Nathan Coleman, b. March 23, 1832 Children of Capt. Daniel ana Sarah White. L)aniel, b. July 14, 1773 Sarah, b. February 20, 1775 Samuel, b. February 23, 1777 Jerusha, b. January 2y, 1779 Fanny, , b. February 5, 1781 Electa, ft. February 20, 1783 Calvin, b. March 16, 1786 WHITTEMORE. Children of Almira Whittemore. Sheldon, b. April 18, 1813 Children of Shuball Whittemore and wife. Almira, b. September 22, 1794 WILLIAMS. Children of Richard and Rachael Williams. Palmer, b. October 24, 1813 WILLSON. Children of John Willson and wife. Abigail, b. August 10, 1738 Joseph, b. March 31, 1745 122 COVENTRY RECORDS Children of William and Sarah (Rust) Willson. Jacob, b. 1750 Dorothy, b. December 17, 1751 William and Sarah (twins), b. July i, 1754 Abigail, b. February 25, 1757 John, b. April 24, 1760 Sarah, b. January 24, 1763 Abigail, b. January i, 1765 Zebulon, b. February 26, 1767 Children of Jacob and Hannah Willson. Hannah, b. July 31, 1772 Rachael, b. January 8, 1778 Children of Francis and Abigail (Fellows) Willson. Anne, b. January:, 1758 Abigail, b. July i, 1759 Ruth, b. April 3, 1761 Stephen, b. November 14, 1764 Submit, b. February 12, 1767 Children of Jacob and Hannah Willson. Hannah, b. July 13, 1772 Rachael, b. January 8, 1778 Jacob, b. June 6, 1784 Desire, b. May 23, 1796 Children of Samuel and Almira (Dow) Willson. John, b. March 23, 1832 Jane Catharine, b. October 7, 1833 Lorenzo Dow, b. October 19, 1840 WINCHESTER. Children of Daniel and Ruth (Palmer) Winchester. John, b. May 29, 1752 (died same day) WINTWORTH. Children of Ebenezer, Jr., and Sarah (French) Wintworth. Sarah, b. September 16, 1763 Bildad, b. April 10, 1765 Mehitable, b. April 15, 1767 Sarah, b. March 14, 1769 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 123 Mary, b. March 20, 1771 Gad, b. May 9, 1773 Ichabod French, b. October 19, 1776 WISE. Children of John and Catharine Wise. EHzabeth, * b. June 18, 1766 Benjamin, b. July 28, 1771 WOOD. Scipio (son of Robert and Judah Wood) (servant of Peter Buell). b. January, 1732-3 WOODWARD. Children of Nathaniel, Jr., and Elizabeth Woodward. Moses, . b. March 30, 1745 Elisabeth, b. August 24, 1747 Children of Henry Woodward and wife. Henry, b. June 4, 1745 Rachael, b. October 16, 1747 Oliver, b. October i, 1749 Eleazer, b. October 9, 1752 Elihu, b. June 25, 1754 Eunice, b. August 29, 1756 Children of Aaron and Ellener (Benton) Woodward. Dorias, b. August 19, 1759 Aaron, b. October 15, 1760 Children of Nathaniel, Jr., and Surviah (Ensworth) Wood- ward. Nathaniel 3d, b. February 5, 1784 John, ' b. April 5, 1786 Hannah, b. January 31, 1788 Anna, b. February 7, 1792 (?) Fanna, b. April 13, 1792 Daniel, b. December 10, 1793 Sally, b. May 10, 1796 Wealthy, b. May 15, 1798 Children of Daniel and Lydia (Edgerton) Woodward. George Edgerton, b. October 15, 1820 124 COVENTRY RECORDS WOODWORTH. Children of Joseph and Rebeckah Woodworth. Anne, b. November 6, 1756 Children of Spencer and Amanda (Clark) Woodworth. Harriet Amanda, b. September 10, 1809 Lucy Clark, b. November 14, 1810 John Spencer, b. September 25, 1813 Children of Joshua and Esther Woodworth. Harry, b. June 23, 1797 Children of Simeon, Jr., and Maria Woodworth. Maria Lord, b. September 25, 1822 Sarah Howe, b. November 2^, 1829 James Dorman (son of Simeon, Jr., and Lucy), b. September 16, 1835 WOOLCOTT. Children of Josiah and Widow Lucy (French) Woolcott. Lucy, b. January 19, 1741-2 Anne, b. March 19, 1744 (lived one week) Anne, b. April 29, 1745 (lived 7 weeks) Theodore, b. November 4, 1746 Anna, b. January 15, 1748-9 Children of Thomas and Susannah (Porter) Woolcott. John, b. October 24, 1740 WRIGHT. Children of Nathaniel and Irene Wright. Marcy, b. February 18, 1744-5 Joel, b. November 25, 1742 Nathaniel, b. March 29, 1747 Samuel, b. October 13, 1749 Irene, b. February 5, 1752 Asher, b. April 28, 1754 Mary, b. September 24, 1756 Rebeckah, b. July 6, 1759 BIRTHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 125 Children of Elijah and Temperance Wright. Eleazer, b. February 3, 1764 Children of Roswell and Mary (JeflFray) Wright. Son, b. March 14 (died same day) (?) Polly and Betsey (twins), b. June 3, 1787 Children of Elijah and Jane (Richardson) Wright. John, b. February 2, 1787 James, b. June 11, 1789 James, b. June 12, 1793 Emily, b. July 25, 1795 Hearvey, b. July 17, 1797 Copy of Marriages from Town Records of Coventry, Conn., from 171 1 to 1840. ABBEY. Eliphilet Abbey and Lydia Brenson, m. at Andover, Ct., May lo, 1815 ABBOT. Rev. Abiel Abbot and Elisabeth Abbot, of Andover, Mass., m. May 19, 1796 ALEXANDER. James Alexander and Triphena Kinne, both of Coventry, m. September 16, 1822 ALLIN or ALLEN. Nehemiah Allin and Mary, m. July 2, 1719 Daniel Allen and Azubah Lad, m. October 6, 1741 George Allen and Naomy Grover, m. December 15, 1737 Mr. Levi Allen, of Mansfield, and Miss Maria Brigham, of Coventry, ■ m. July 4, 1821 ANTISEL. Simon Antisel and Martha Fuller, m. October 28, 1767 ANTRAM. Mr. Jeremiah Antram, of East Windsor, and Ruth Ann Standly, of Windham, m. October 23, 1838 ATHERTON. Elijah Atherton and Hannah Hills, of Glassbury, m. April 12, 1775 AUSTEN. Benoni H. Austin, of West Greenwich, and Laura Eells, of Coventry, m. August 24, 1835 AVERY. Amos Avery, Jr., and Abigail Loomis, both of Coventry, m. October 24, 1782 126 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 127 Horatio Avery and Irene Andrus, m. April 25, 1822 William R. Avery, of Windham, and Rhoda C. Avery, of Coventry, m. April i, 1832 BADCOCK or BABCOCK. . Ebenezer Badcock 2d, and Hannah Preston, m. August 26, 1754 Robert Badcock and Jedediah Turner, m. November 15, 1753 William Badcock and Mary Gates. m. November 9, 1748 Amos Badcock and Mary Williams, both of Coventry, m. September 24, 1777 John Badcock, son of Josiah and Mary, and Hannah, daughter of Ephraim and Hannah Brown, m. December, 1773 John Babcock and Lydia Woodward, daughter of Nathaniel and Elisabeth Woodward, ' m. October 7, 1779 Josiah Badcock and Mary Meraugh, m. February 2.^, 1745-6 Simeon Badcock and Abigail Hintson, m. October 5, 1736 Ebenezer Badcock and Mehitable Burt, m. September, 1725 Robert Badcock, Jr., and Hannah Arnold, m, December 5, 1782 Daniel Badcock and Sarah Ensworth, both of Coventry, m. September 29, 1786 John Babcock and Lydia Woodward, m. October 12, 1779 Elihu Babcock and Elisabeth Preston, m. July 3, 1763 Gideon Badcock and Triphena Badcock, m. November 11, 1793 David Badcock, of Coventry, and Mary Barrows, of Mansfield, m. November 11, 1821 Elijah Badcock, of Coventry, and Mary Strong, m. March 26, 1822 William Babcock and Esther Loomis, m. January 19, 1839 Benjamin Badcock and Mary Long, m. February 10, 1729-30 Ebenezer Badcock 3d, of Coventry, and Eleanor Knight, of Norwich, m. June 11, 1772 William Babcock and Mary Loomis, both of Coventry, m. in Andover, May 31, 1837 Mr. Leonard D. Babcock and Miss Juliaett Strong, m. March 22, 1827 128 COVENTRY RECORDS BADGER. Moses Badger and Jerusha Janes, both of Coventry, m. June i, 1775 Daniel Badger, Jr., and Mary Weld, m. April 19, 1735 Enoch Badger, Jr., and Mary Lamphear, both of Coventry, m. February 11, 1773 Daniel W. Badger and Ruth Tarbox, m. November 20, 1827 BALDWIN. Theopilus Baldwin and Sarah Kingsbury, m. January 18, 1745-6 BALUM. Lucious Balum and Susan Fields, both of Windham, m. February 18, 1838 BARKER. Oliver Barker and Mary Fowler, m. July 12, 1753 BARNARD. Dan Barnard and Lydia Dodge, m. July 12, 1755 Benony Barnard and Freedom, m. June 13, 1712 BARROWS. Elmer Barrows, of Mansfield, and Saripta Brigham, of Coven- try, m. September 4, 1822 Amasa Barrows, of Mansfield, and Wealthy Colman, of Coven- try, m. October 20, 1823 Mr. Alphonso P. Barrows and Miss Betsy Kinney, both of Coventry, m. in Bolton, September 18, 1839 Thomas A, Barrows, of Mansfield, and Olive K. White, of Coventry, m. October 4, 1827 Deacon Lemuel Barrows, of Trenton, New York, and Widow Sally Fitch, of Coventry, m. September 20, 1830 Washington Barrows, of Mansfield, and Sare Ann Root, of Coventry, m. December 19, 1831 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 129 Joseph Barrows and Mary P. Brown, m. May ii, 1840 Reuben Barrows, of Norwich, and Lydia Edgerton, of Coven- try, m. March 16, 1841 BELKNAP. Ralzamon Belknap, of ElHngton, and Desiah Dimick, of Coventry, m. October 14, 1824 BENETT or BENNIT. James Benett, of Franklin, N. Y., and Laura Andrus, of Coven- try, m. March 11, 1830 Christopher Bennit and Irene Baldwin, m. October 22, 1772 BENTON. Austen Benton, of Tolland, and Julia Ann Mathewson, of Coventry, m. September 2.2, 1830 Benjamin D. Benton, of Tolland, and Mary M. Mathewson, of Coventry, no date (probably 1831) Chester Benton and Tirza P. Loomis, m, February 9, 1826 BESTER. Daniel Bester and Dorcas Hibbard, both of Coventry, m. August I, 1782 BILL. John Bill and Irene Swetland, m. July 18, 1754 BILLINGS. Horatio Billings, of Somers, and Mary Ripley, of Coventry, m. May 9, 1838 BINGHAM. Horace P. Bingham and Emmeline Jones, of Coventry, m. at Andover, March 10, 1824 BIRGE. Alonzo W. Birge and Mrs. Eliza Ensworth, both of Andover, m. December 20, 1846 BISSELL. Solomon H. Bissell and Wealthy Learnerd, of Coventry, m. September 16, 1824 130 COVENTRY RECORDS BLACKMAN. Beniamon Blackman, Jr., and Eunice Sawyer, of Windham, m. February 12, 1756 Aaron Blackman and Mary Upham, m. September 21, 1775 David Blackman and Mary House, both of Coventry, m. May 18, 1775 David Blackman and Anna Ensworth, both of Coventry, m. June 28, 1787 Joel Blackman, of Florence, Ohio, and Wealthy Tilden, of Cov- entry, m. September 12, 1830 BLISH. Aristarchus Blish and Sophia Chamberlin, m. January, 1824 BOLS or BOWLES. William Bols and Carolina Sawyer, both of Coventry, m. May 24, 1775 BOOTH. Rev. Chauncy Booth, of Coventry, and Miss Laura Farnam, of Salisbury, m. November 16, 181 5 BOYNTON. Joshua Boynton and Rachael Carpenter, m. November 9, 1749 John Boynton and Tabithy Daues, m. November 6, 1740 Oliver Boynton, of Coventry, and Mary Brown, m. August 6, 1770 John W. Boynton and Eunice Stanley, m. May 2, 18^2 George Boynton and Cynthia Whittemore, m, November 27, 1826 BRACE. Mr. William Brace and Miss Elisabeth C. Chatfield, of Hart- ford, m. July 30, 1833 BRIANT. Ebenezer Briant and Mehitable Dunham, m. July 29, 1736 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 131 BRIDGMAN. Isaac Bridgman and Elisabeth Hatch, m. June i6, 1741 BRIGHAM. Uriah Brigham and Anne Richardson, daughter of Amos Rich- ardson, of Coventry, m. May 28, 1754 Thomas Brigham and Susannah Eells, m. February 5, 1769 Paul Brigham and Catharine Turner, m. July i, 1741 Paul Brigham and Lydia Sawyer, both of Coventry, m. October 6, 1768 Don Carlos Brigham and Polly Greenleaf, m. June 7, 1789 Uriah Brigham and Emily Wright, m. April 26, 1825 Lewis Brigham and Louisa Tilden, m. February 19, 1833 BROWN. Abraham Brown and Mary Dean, m. February 14, 1754 Abraham Brown, of Coventry, and Anna Church, of Mansfield, m. October 2, 1760 Joseph Brown, of Coventry, and the Widow Abigail Lamb, m. March i, 1757 Moses Brown and Ruth Ingraham, m. December 25, 175 1 Elijah Brown, of Coventry, and Lydia Gary, of Somers, m. February 12, 1755 Timothy Brown, of Coventry, and Esther Chapin, of Wil- braham, m. April 13, 1775 Elifik't Brown and Elisabeth Writer, m. June 13, 1745 John Brown and Ruth Fox, m. July 5, 1744 Jonathan Brown and Mary Sarels, m. April 30, 1740 Joshua Brown, Jr., and Prudence Welch, m. May 20, 1768 Col. Thomas Brown and Mary Lathrop, m. June 10, 1780 Rufus Brown and Triphene Fuller, m. May 4, 1824 Jonathan Clark Brown, of Coventry, and Sophia Bingham, of Ellington, m. October 8, 1807 Ebene.zer Brown and Betsey Archer, m. May 26, 1835 BRUNSON Mr. Watson W. Brunson and Miss Mary Ann Case, both of Coventry, m. at Andover, December 24, 1837 132 COVENTRY RECORDS BUELL. Elias Buell and Sarah Turner, m. August 6, 1758 Benjamin Buell and Elisabeth (Gone?) m. July 21, 1757 Lieut. Peter Buell and Martha Grant, m. January 7, 1728-9 Mr. Peter Buell and Hannah Wells, m. October 8, 1713 John Hubbell Buell, of Hebron, and Mary Olmstead Hollister, of Coventry, m. March 26, 1829 David M. Buell and Louisa Robertson, m. May 3, 1840 BURNAP. John Burnap and Susannah, his wife, m. March 9, 1749 Abraham Burnap, Jr., and Irene Wright, m. November 8, 1753 Jeriah Burnap and Lois Lyman, m. October 4, 1781 Jeriah Burnap and Abigail Killeen, m. August 23, 1793 Daniel Burnaji, Esq., and Mary Kingsbury, m. in Andover, May 28, 1823 Abner Burnap and Sarah Bingham, both of Andover, m. May 13, 1784 BURNS. Thomas Burns and Eudotia Edwards were legally married; no date CADY. Cornelius Cady and Elisabeth Safiford, m. Jime 25, 1759 Aaron Cady, Jr., and Ann Palmer, m. November 8, 1738 James Cady and Thornosine Simons, m. April 19, 1731 Jared Cady, of Ashford, and Mary Eells, of Coventry, m. September 12, 1832 Alpheus Cady, of Lebanon, and Emmeline Dickinson, of Nor- wich, m. November 2, 1828 CARPENTER. James Carpenter and Irene Lad, m. April 5, 1763 Alvin Carpenter and Irene Carpenter, m. July 16, 1778 Elislia Carpenter and Deliverance Meraugh, m. April 14, 1748 Benjamin Carpenter, Jr., and Widow Catharine Brigham, m. October 18, 1750 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 133 Noah Carpenter (second time) to Widow Curtis, m. September i, 1744 Joseph Carpenter and Phebe Lad, m. August 4, 1757 Timothy Carpenter and Miriam Parker, m. February 8, 1759 Elijah Carpenter and Patience Bruster, m. October 31, 1764 Levi Carpenter and EHsabeth Parker, m. October 15, 1767 EHphilet Carpenter and EHsabeth Andrus, m. November, 1727 Amos Carpenter and Deborah Long, daughter of Joseph Long, m. October 23, 1718 Ebenezer Carpenter and Eunes Thompson, m. June 19, 1739 Benjamin Carpenter, Jr., and Rebeckah Smith, m. April 12, 1727 EHphalet Carpenter, Jr., and Esther Gurley, m. May 22, 1766 WilHam Carpenter, of Coventry, and Rachael Badger, m. February 19, 1767 Josiah Carpenter and Phebe Porter, m. December 20, 1770 Alvin Carpenter and Irena Carpenter, m. July 16, 1778 Charles Carpenter and Mary Chappel, both of Coventry, m. October 11, 1790 Benjamin Carpenter and Martha Ranson (?) m. October 13, 1822 CHAFFEE. Elihu or Elisha Chaffee, of Ashford, and Emily Brunson, of Cov- entry, m. in Andover, January 30, 1836 CHAMBERLAIN. James Chamberlain and Widow Abigail Palmer, daughter of Zachariah Boynton, m. January 27, 1757 CHAMPLIN. Stephen Champlin, of Lebanon, and Mary Yound, of Coventry, m. November 6, 1822 William M. Champlin, of Montville, and Emily Ripley, of Cov- entry, m. October i, 1835 CHAPIN. Asa Chapin, of Mansfield, and Louisa Burnap, of Coventry, m. April 5, 1821 Asa Chapin, of Mansfield, and Esther Bishop, of Berlin, m. in Andover, October 5, 1826 i34 COVENTRY RECORDS CHAPPEL. Simeon Chappel, of Lebanon, and Abigail Sari, of Coventry, m. February 28, 1759 CHARTER. Roswell Charter and Miss Olive Kimpton, m. March 27, 1843 CHATMAN. Reuben A. Chatman and Caroline Loomis, m. January 11, 1832 CHESBORO. Martin Chesboro, of Vernon, and Lois Bisseh, of Coventry, m, August 28, 1821 CLARK. David Clark and Christian Stedman, m. December 27, 1752 Seth Clark and Abigail Badger, m. February, 1736 Joseph Clark and Coziah Hearich, m. November 11, 1736 David Clark and Widow Sarah Badcock, m. March 6, 1736 Bahman Clark, of Elba, N. Y., and Mrs. Diadema Babcock, of Coventry, m. October 15, 1820 William Clark and Eunice Thomson, both of Hebron, m. in Andover, August 24, 1823 Augustus Clark and Clarissa H. Hunt, m. F'ebruary 26, 1827 COGESHALL or COGSHALL. Joshua Cogeshall, Jr., and Lucy Dowe, m. April 21, 1748 Beniamon Cogshall and Serviah Thompson, daughter of John Thompson, m. December 25, 1751 COGSWELL. Amos Cogswell and Rebecca Chamberlin, m. December 19, 1777 COLE. Calvin Cole, of Webster, Mass., and Melissa Slack, of Stoning- ton, Ct., m. in Coventry, July 4, 1836 COLGROVE. Benjamin Colgrove, of Bristol, and Amanda Smith, of Coventry, m. June 27, 1831 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 135 COLMAN. Timothy Colman, of Coventry, and Lora Hunt, of Stafford, m. February 5, 1839 Eleazer Colman and Mehitable Laus, (?) m. January 7, 1747-8 Gershom Colman and Mercy Alles, m. January 3, 1744-5 Ebenezer Colman and Sarah Brown, m. August 2, 1738 Samuel Colman, of Coventry, and Esther Bishop, of Norwich, m. October 30, 1765 Ephraini Colman and Widow Laviniah Curtis, m. October 25, 1764 Mr. Asa Colman and Miss Hannah Badcock, m. November 25, 1777 Ebenezor Colman and Phebe Carpenter, m. September 5, 1782 Solomon Colman and Nancy Manning, of Coventry, m. December 6, 182 1 CONE. Joseph E. Cone, of Manchester, and Mary M. Robertson, of Coventry, m. February 23, 1830 COOK. Jesse Cook and Submit Root, m. April 7, 1743 Josiah Cook and Lucy Deman, (?) m. August i, 1762 Moses Cook and Eunice Allin, m. January 17, 1760 Nathan Cook and Dorias Meacham, m. October 30, 1765 Shubael Cook and Catharine Edwards, m. February 2, 1758 Jesse Cook, Jr., and Presilla Talcott, m. March 31, 1785 Joseph Cook and Mehitable Badcock, m. November 30, 1785 Nathaniel N. Cook, of Bristol, and Lemira Hutchinson, of Cov- entry, m. in Andover, August 21, 1838 Sidney R. Cook and Pamelia R. Porter, of Manchester, m. November 16, 1829 Orin Cook, of Meriden, and Mary Hutchinson, of Andover, m. December 19, 1831 COWLS. Timothy Cov;Is and Abigail Wordworth, m. May 25, 1775 CRANDALL. Edward Crandall and Sarah Brown, m. September 22, 1784 136 COVENTRY RECORDS CRANE. John Crane and Abigail, m. October 29, 1712 John Crane and Prudence Belding, m. April 18, 1716 John Crane, of Columbia, and Maria Edgerton, of Coventry, m. February 10, 1828 CROCKER. John Crocker and Sarah Baldwin, m. May 30, 1751 CROSS. Peter Cross and Mary Fuller, m. October 2, 1740 CROSSMAN. Ebenezer Crossman and Mrs. Mercy Lyman, of Windham, m. January 27, 1774 Ebenezer Crossman and Widow Mehitable Dow, m. July 15, 1 781 CUMMINGS. John P. Cummings, of Mansfield, and Wealthy Dimmock, of Coventry, m. December 9, 1823 CURTIS. Samuel Curtis, Jr., and Joanna Dimick, m. May 26, 1763 Henry Curtis and Elisabeth Root, m. November 6, 1751 Bildad Curtis, of Coventry, and Zeriah Bishop, of Norwich, m. November 26, 1760 Henry Curtis and Silance Janes, m. January 3, 1727 Harry Curtis and Laura Wittemore, of Coventry, m. January 27, 1825 Mr. James Curtis, Jr., of New York State, and Miss Prudence Mathewson, m. September 6, 1832 CUSHMAN. Allerton Cushman, Jr., and Harmony Allen, m. June 2, 1761 Ephraim Cushman and Sarah Colman, m. December 20, 1764 CUTLER. Spalding Cutler, of Mansfield, and Miss Fanny Albro, of Cov- entry, m. May 8, 1837 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 137 DAGGETT. Isaiah Daggett and Esther Enghsh, m. December 9, 1784 DAMMAN. Samuel Damman, Jr., and Thankful Root, m. March 31, 1730 John Daman and Elisabeth Grover, m. June 9, 1736 DANES or DEANS. Solomon Deans and Ruth Neff, (?) m. April 20, 1756 Solomon Deans and the Widow Anne Brown, m. December 3, 1770 Benajah Danes and Widow Brown, m. June 26, 1776 DANIELS. Porter Daniels, of East Hartford, and Clariathy Carpenter, of Coventry, m. November 24, 1825 DAVENPORT. Humphrey Davenport and Hannah Fitch, m. May 9, 1737 Bishop Davenport and Eliza Dimick, of Coventry, m. August II, 1825 Seymour Davenport and Fidelia Grover, m. May 2j, 1832 DELANO. Jonathan Delano and Susannah West, m. November 2, 1743 DEUTY or DUTY. Matthew Deuty and Eunice Boynton, m. November 21, 1771 Nathan Deuty, of Vernon, and Phebe Mainard, of Tolland, m. January 27, 1825 DEXTER. Minerva Dexter, of Coventry, and Betsey Wheet, of Willington, m. October 22, 1807 Nathan Dexter and Irena French, both of Coventry, m. October 20, 1805 DICKINSON. John Dickinson, of Middletown, and Mrs. Celia Galpin, of Berlin, m. in Andover, February 3, 1827 138 COVENTRY RECORDS DIMOCK, DIMMICK or DIMICK. Timothy Dimick and Desire Dimmick, m. March ii, 1749-50 Daniel Dimick and Anne Wright, m. November 16, 1786 Dr. Timothy Dimock and Miss Laura F. Booth, m. May 8, 1839 Lewis A. Dimock and CeHnda A. Gardner, m. November 6, 1834 DORMAN. Dudley Dorman and Eunice Hawkins, m. May 16, 1760 John Dorman and Elisabeth Grover, m. June 9, 1736 Amos Dorman and Keziah Brown, m. August 17, 1760 Joseph Dorman, of Coventry, and Lucy Aspenwall, of Lisbon, m. June 19, 1800 Joseph Dorman and Hannah Dow, of Coventry, m. March 10, 1825 William A. Dorman and Lucy E. Rose, m. May 19, 1836 DOW. Daniel Dow and Mehitabel Palmer, both of Coventry, m. March 11, 1773 Ephraim Dowe and Hepzibah Hawkins, m. August 15, 1752 Ephraim Dowe and Mary Ladd, m. August 24, 1775 Lemuel Dowe, of Coventry, and Anne Millinton, of Coventry, m. April 27, 1758 Humphrey B. Dow and Tabitha Parker, m. October 8, 1767 Ulysses Dow and Anne Tilden, m. June 26, 1788 Lorenzo Dow and Peggy Plolcomb, of Granville, Mass., ni. September 3, 1804 Lorenzo Dow and Lucy Dolbeare, of Montville, m. April i, 1820 Joseph Newton Dow, of Mansfield, and Sally Trapp, of South Coventry, m. in Andover, October 4, 1837 Eduard H. Dow and Henrietta C. Lyman, m. November 25, 1840 DUMMER. Peter Dummer, of East Hartford, and Sophia Evans, of Cov- entry, m, April 17, 1828 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 139 DUNHAM. Austin Durham and Martha M. Root, m. May 26, 1830 Leonard G. Dunham and Lucy Baxter, of Mansfield, m. March 27, 1839 Thomas Dunham, of Mansfield, and Eunice Morey, of Cov- entry, m. September 24, 1838 EDGERTON. Hezekiah Edgerton 3d and Mary Colman, both of Coventry, m. October 26, 1818 Gurdon Edgerton and Jennett Thompson, m. December 6, 1841 EDWARDS. Joshua Edwards and Dorkas Willow, m. December 16, 1758 Joseph Edwards and Anne Porter, m. August 23, 1759 William Edwards and Jane Harris, m. August 14, 1728 Adonijah Edwards and Mery Sari, m. February 28, 1765 Joseph Edwards and Mary French, m. December 3, 17 19 EELLS. John Eells, Jr., and Lois Root, both of Coventry, m. June 6, 1776 Capt. Chauncey Eells and Mary Janes, of Coventry, m. June 28, 1824 Chauncey Eells, of New Fane, N. Y., and Dianthe Doan, of Coventry, m. May 12, 1830 FITCH. Jeremiah Fitch, Jr., and Sybil Dimmick, m. September 8, 1776 Abner Fitch and Ruth Rose, m. February 17, 1736 Jeams Fitch and Febe Meraugh, m. October 6, 1738 Stephen Fitch and Ellener Strong, m. January 24, 1736-7 Jeremiah Fitch and Mercy Porter, m. January 6, 1729-30 Jeremiah Fitch and Widow Martha Gififords, m. June 4, 1744 Jeremiah Fitch 2d, of Coventry, and Abigail Whitmore, of Kil- lingly, m. February i, 1759 Elisha Fitch and Presilla Patten, m. May 27, 1736 'Sir. Jephthah Fitch and Miss Ursula Root, m. January 23, 1777 Chauncey Fitch and Mary, his wife, m. February 22, 181 5 140 COVENTRY RECORDS Apollos Fitch and Sybil Edgerton, both of Coventry, m. August 30, 1801 Abiel G. Fitch and Asenath Andrews, m. March 12, 1829 Newton Fitch and Jane C. Bidwell, of Coventry, m. October 10, 1832 Mr. Alfred H. Fitch and Miss Martha Parker, both of Cov- entry, m. April zj, 1842 FOSTER. James P. Foster and Eunice Rose, m. June 25, 1826 FOWLER. Ichabod Fowler and Ruth Grover, m. October 4, 1753 Daniel Fowler and Temperance Rogers, m. June 18, 1752 Israel Fowler and Eunice Bissel, m. September 16, 1755 Jonathan Fowler, Jr., and Abigail Bissell, m. September 24, 1740 John Fowlet and Widow Elisabeth Shaw, m. November 16, 1753 Joseph Bissell Fowler, of Coventry, and Sarah Baldwin, m. November 28, 1771 Harlow Fowler, of Bolton, and Susan Mathewson, of Coventry, m. October 6, 1825 FREEMAN. Henry L. Freeman and Sally M. Smith, m. September 11, 1831 FRENCH. Ebenezer French and the Widow Rachael Boynton, m. September 5, 1754 John French and Mehitable Root, m. May 20, 1736 Mr. Aaron French and Miss Abigail Brown, m. May 18, 1775 Oliver French and Jane Doan, both of Coventry, m. March 3, 1824 FRINK. Mr. Luther Frink and Miss Mary Fitch, both of Coventry, m. January 12, 1834 FRIZELLE. Lorenzo Frizelle and Aura Ladd, of Coventry, m. April i, 1832 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 141 FULLER. Josiah Fuller and Margaret Rose, m. March 22, 1753 Elijah Fuller and Mary Millinton, m. December 8, 1747 Shuball Fuller and Sarah Scott, m. June 24, 1726 Jonathan W. Fuller, of Mansfield, and Cynthia Austen, of Cov- entry, m. March 23, 1829 Goodwin Fuller and Harriet Robertson, m. March 2, 1831 FUNKER. Elisha Funker and Mary Man, m. October 22, 1771 GAGER. Simon Gager and Anne Porter, m. March 14, 1816 John W. Gager, of Tolland, and Susan Anna Brigham, of Cov- entry, m. December 29, 183 1 GARDNER. Simeon J. Gardner and Zilpha Lyman, m. August 11, 1820 Orrin W. Gardner, of Mansfield, and Clarissa L. Dunham, of Coventry, m. October 11, 1841 GEER. Jedediah Geer and Sarah Dodge, m, February 20, 1755 GILBERT. Thomas Gilbert and Rachael Gilbert, m. November 18, 1756 Nathaniel Gilbert, Jr., and Hannah Fowler, m. June 4, 1747 Samuel Gilbert, Jr., and Abigail, his wife, m. October 31, no date Jasper Gilbert and Eliza H. Rose, m. April 21, 1825 Eduard Gilbert and Catharine F, Stebbins, m. April 11, 1831 George G. Gilbert and Augusta Russ, of Coventry, m. September i, 1836 GILLIT. Eleazer Gillit and Sarah Coos, m. November 3, 175 1 GLEASON. Mr. Charles Gleason and Miss Hannah Tucker, both of Pom- fret, m. November 22, 1837 142 COVENTRY RECORDS GODFREY. Benjamin S. Godfrey, of Coventry, and Emily Thompson, of Columbia, m. F'ebruary 22, 1827 GOODWIN. Azel Goodwin and Clarissa Hunt, m. November 23, 1809 GRAVES. Mr, Asa Graves and Miss Rhoda Carpenter, m. October 10, 1824 GRAY. Joseph Gray, of South Hadley, Mass., and Roxa Porter, of Cov- entry, Ct., m. October 16, 1827 GRIGGS. Chauncey Griggs, of Tolland, and Harty Dimock, of Coventry, m. March 28, 1822 GRISWOLD. Joseph Griswold and Margery Doggitt, m. March 28, 1753 Roger Griswold, of Simsbury, Hartford Co., and Eunice Wright, of Coventry, m. August 8, 1824 GROVER. Matthew Grover, Sr., and Widow Sary Barnard, of Hartford, m. November 26, 1735 John Grover and Elisabeth Miller, m. April 27, 1732 John Grover and Sarah Chapin (2d wife), m. January 18, 1738-9 Benjamin Grover and Mary Shailler, m. June 6, 1728 Ephraim Grover and Tabothy Manley, m. January 8, 1773 John Grover, Jr., of Coventry, and Abigail Flint, m. August 25, 1762 Simon Grover and Phebe Grover, his wife, m. June 13, 1754 Matthew Grover and Lydya, m. August 19, 1725 Ebenezer Grover and Zuriah Larabe, m. January 25, 1742-3 Leonard Grover and Sarah Acley, m. November 29, 1738 Matthew Grover and Lydia Colman, both of Coventry, m. July I, 1767 Edmund Grover and Elisabeth Thomas, m. December 2, 1741 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 143 Isiah Grover, of Coventry, and Elisabeth Grover, of East Wind- sor, m. June 21, 1776 Benjamin Grover and Theodora House, m. May 6, 1783 Hembery Grover and Abigail Simon, m. January 14, 1768 Josepli Grover and Sarah Thompson, m. February 23, 1792 Ashbel Grover and Cynthia Morgan, of Coventry, m. October 31, 1825 Joseph N. Grover and Nancy H. Adams, both of Coventry, m. in Andover, December 29, 1826 GURLEY. George Gurley, of Richland, N. Y., and Sophie Dimick, of Cov- entry, m. November i, 1841 HALE. Deacon Richard Hale and the Widow Abigail Adams, of Can- terbury, m. June 13, 1769 Richard Hale and Elisabeth Strong, m. May 27, 1746 John Hale and Sarah Adams, both of Coventry, m. December 19, 1771 Lieut. Joseph Hale, of Coventry, and Miss Rebeccah Harris, of New London, m. October 21, 1778 Billy Hale, oi Coventry, and Hannah Barker, of Norwich, m. January 19, 1785 Richard Hale, Jr., and Mary Wright, both of Coventry, m. March 16, 1786 David Hale, of Coventry, and Laura Hale, of Canterbury, m. at Canterbury, January 18, 181 5 HALEY. Charles L. Haley, of Groton, and Hannah Avery, of Coventry, m. January 9, 1822 HALL. Adrastus Hall, of Coventry, and Lucretia Walton, of Williman- tic, m. February 25, 1836 Libni Hall, of Long Meadow, Mass., and Eliza Brown, of Cov- entry, m. October 13, 1831 Marvin Hall, of Manchester, and Betsey Kimpton, of Norwich, m. September 16, 1838 144 COVENTRY RECORDS HAMLIN. Timothy Hamlin and Lucinda Brown, m. February 9, 1800 HAMMOND. Elijah Hammond and Mary Kingsbury, m. October 12, 1732 Zephaniah Hammon and Mary Badcock, m. March 13, 1766 Nathaniel Hammond, of Bolton, and Lucy Hatch, of Coventry, m. January i, 1822 Manton H. Hammon, of Vernon, and Mary E. Loomis, of Coventry, m. November 10, 1831 HANOVER. George Hanover and Malissa GofY, m. November, 1825 HARRIS. Isaac Harris and Priscilla Dunham, m. September 20, 1795 HATCH. Jesse W. Hatch and Caroline R. Eells, m. September 24, 1833 HAWKINS or HOLCKINS, same name. Joseph Hawkins and Sarah Suthworth, m. March 8, 1752 Ozias Hawkins and Anne Rose, both of Coventry, m. May 5, 1756 James Hawkins, Jr., and Phebe Dimmick, m. May 12, 1757 John Holckins and Naomy Shipman his wife, m. May 18, 1740 George Hockins, Jr., and Hepzibah Janes, m. March 11, 1729 James Hockins and Sarah his wife, m. July 6, 1728 Joseph Hawkins and Zerviah Howard, m. August 7, 1777 HEARICK. Ezekiel Hearick and Mary, m. December 10, 1724 Daniel Hearick and Lediah Rust, m. February 18, 1734-5 Daniel Hearick and EHsabeth Rust, m. May 20, 1731 HEATH. Ebenezer Heath and Lidya Ultey, m. September 18, 1728 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 145 HENDEE. Jonathan Hendee and Martha MilHnton, m. February 12, 1740 HEWITT. Daniel G. Hewitt, of Worthington, Mass., and Ursula R. Fitch, of Coventry, m. April 13, 1841 HIBBARD. Selah Hibbard and Esther Loomis, m. December 29, 1791 Selah Hibbard, Jr., and Roxana Sweetland, both of Coventry, m. October 9, 1816 Selah Hibbard and Lydia Jones, m. January 3, 1827 HINKLEY. Barnabas Hinkley, of Rochester, N. Y., and Olive Ripley, of Coventry, m. November 19, 1835 HOLBROOK. Mr. Luther Holbrook, of Vernon, Ct., and Miss Mary Ann Mit- chel, of Cazenovia, N. Y., m. in Willimantic, August 12, 1838 HOLLISTER. Samuel Hollister and Sally M. Loomis, m. at Andover, November 18, 1824 Whiting H. Hollister, of Hartford, and Sarah Ann Buell, of Andover, m. November 11, 1829 HOLMAN. Justin Holman, of Tolland, and Maria Tilden, of North Coven- try, m. in Tolland, March 26, 1834 HOLMES. Prince Holmes and Patty Jackson, both of Lebanon, m. July 8, 1820 HOSMER. James D. Hosmer, of Windham, and Dolly L. Kingsbury, of Coventry, m. January 19, 1826 146 COVENTRY RECORDS HOUSE. Samuel House, Jr.. and Hannah Perry. ni. l^ecember 2S, 1769 Joel M. House, of Coventry, and Celia Sheffield, of Glastenbury. ni. August 21, 1836 HOWARD. Doctor Xathan Howard and Joanna Hale, m. January 22, 1784 John Howard and Lucy Ripley, both of Coventry, m. April 19, 1809 Mr. William Howard and ]\Iiss Julia Porter, m. November 17, 1822 HUBBARD. Jonathan Hubbard and Caroline Root, m. October 18, 1824 HUNT. William Hunt and Mary Crosby, m. August i, 1762 Gad Hunt and Elisabeth Woodward, m. August 16. 1769 Eliphaz Hunt and Hannah Stiles, both of Coventry, m. May 21, 1761 Gad Hunt, Jr., and Molly Bissell, m. March 30, 1802 Elijah Hunt and Mehitable Dexter, m. April 29, 1804 Eliphaz Hunt, Jr., of Coventry, and Anna Phelps, of Hebron, m. April 5, 1804 Dr. Eleazer Hunt and Sibyl Pomeroy, both of Coventry, m. September 19, 1809 Eleazer Hunt and Mariana Loomis, m. January 25, 1838 HUNTINGTON. Joseph Huntington, Jr., and Mirza Dow, both of Coventry, m. November 19, 1788 Septimus G. Huntington, of Coventry, and ]\Iary Tyler Morse, of Sutton, Mass.. m. February, 1810 Charles Huntington, of Windham, and Nancy B. Strong, of Coventry, m. November 30, 1829 Capt. Edward G. Huntington, and Miss Eliza Clark, m. January 25, 1831 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 147 HUTCHINSON. Ephraim Hutchinson and Elizabeth Jones, m. December 24, 1778 Willard Hutchinson and Sophia Kingsbury, m. June 16, 181 1 Jonathan Hutchinson, of Mansfield, and Rachael Williams, of Coventry, m. June 16, 1822 HYDE. Lyman Hyde and Polly B. Hunt, m. April 18, 183 1 IRISH. Joseph Irish, of Hebron, and Julia Richardson, of Providence, R. I., m. in Andover, March 16, 1826 JAMES. Freeman James and Emily Stebbins, m. April 26, 1826 JANES. Elisha Janes, Jr., and Elisabeth Davenport, m. April 28, 1763 Elisha Janes, Jr., and Desire Thompson, both of Coventry, m. November 9, 1766 Elias Janes and Susannah Robertson, both of Coventry, m. February 13, 1775 Samuel Janes and Rebeckah House, m. December 4, 1791 Oliver Janes and Judith Rollo, both of Coventry, m. February 22, 1775 Elijah Janes and Anne Hawkins, m. January 15, 1765 Elisha Janes and Widow Mary Dimick, m. April 23, 1740 Seth Janes and Sarah Larabe, m. January 2, 1739-40 Benjamin Janes, of Coventry, and Irene Sawyer, of Windham, m. May 6, 1773 Solomon Janes and Susanna Trapp, m. July 20, 1793 Sterling Janes and Huldah Loomis, m. January 25, 1826 Chauncey Janes and Laura Sweetland, of Coventry, m. August 26, 1828 Sterling Janes and Idosia Lyman, m. September 29, 1830 JEWETT. Ichabod Jewett and Mary Carpenter, m. April 4, 1761 Elam Jewett and Eunice Richardson, m. May 19, 1768 148 COVENTRY RECORDS JONES. Benajah Jones and Widow Brown, m. June 26, 1776 Benjamin Jones, Jr., and Mehitable Terrill, m. May 6, 1756 m. May 5, 1743 m. December 4, 1745 m. March 12, 1747 m. May 9, 1745 m. March 15, 1770 m. March 5, 1743 m. December 4, 1745 m. December 27, 1770 Ebenezer Jones and Abigail Long, Ebenezer Jones and Zeriah Loomes, Jonathan Jones and Abijah Strong, Noah Jones and Dina Hichcock, Adonijah Jones and Sarah Lyman, Ebenezer Jones and Abigail Long, Ebenezer Jones and Zuriah Loomis, A^ael Jones, Jr., and Eunice Hendee, Eliakim Jones and Rebecca Webster, of Hebron, m. November 11, 1784 Benjamin Jones, Jr., and Lydia Murdock, both of Coventry, m. November 3, 1784 Noah Jones, Jr., of Coventry, and Dolla Hiltham, of Preson, m. May 26, 1785 Amasa Jones and Lavinia Lyman, m. January 16, 1828 Justin Jones, of Coventry, and Eliza D. Woodward, of Co- lumbia, m. September 11, 1831 George Jones, of Glastonbury, and Elvira Jane Goss, of Coven- try, m. November 6, 1831 Harrance I. Jones, of Andover, and Huldah B. Ticknor, of Columbia, m. December 17, 1826 JUDD. Thomas Judd, of Coventry, and Widow Mary Kaughley, of Hebron, m. August 5, 1773 Solomon Judd and Anna Carpenter, m. November 2^, iyg2 REACH. Asa Keach and Betsey Cogswell, Jason Keach and Revile Long, m. October 9, i^ m. April i, 1834 KEENY. George Keeny and Lydia Robertson, Isaac Keeny, Jr., and Eudotia White, m. November 4, 1791 m. November 30, 1820 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 149 KELLOGG. Allyn Kellogg, of Vernon, and Eliza White, of Coventry, m, January 8, 1822 KIDDER. Ephraim Kidder and Freedom Barnard, m. December 26, 1738-9 KING. Jonathan King and Martha Wooduard, m. February 16, 1743 KINGSBURY. Absolom Kingsbury and Rebeckah Rust, m. February 19, 1752 Jabez Kingsbury and Mary Phelps, m. September 13, 1749 Elemuel Kingsbury and Elisabeth Loomis, m. May 9, 1749 Thomas Kingsbury and Anne, m. July 30, 1749 (?) Nathaniel Kingsbury and Asenath Daggett, both of Coventry, m. March 5, 1778 Samuel Kingsbury and Olive Scribner, m. January 6, 1771 Eleazer Kingsbury and Freelove Rust, m. July 20, 1742 Ebenezer Kingsbury and Pri cilia Kingsbury, m. November 28, 1743 Joseph Kingsbury, Jr., and Ruth Benton, m. April 10, 1784 Joseph Kingsbury and Lois Porter, m. February 21, 1780 Jabez Kingsbury and Freelove Kingsbury, m. December 10, 1789 Jabez Kingsbury and Fanny Davenport, both of Coventry, m. February 15, 1815 Harvey Kingsbury and Polly Wright, m. April 7, 1824 Alvan Kingsbury and Emmeline Kingsbury, m. September 18, 1824 Rev. Nathaniel Kingsbury, of Mount Vernon, N. H., and Miss Eunice Dow, of Coventry, m. February 9, 1825 Col. John Kingsbury, of Tolland, and Mary Brigham, of Cov- entry, m- September i, 1825 Charles Kingsbury and Pamela Porter, m. November 26, 1829 150 COVENTRY RECORDS KIMPTON. Martin Kimpton and Olive Hoxie, m, in vSmithfield, R. I., March 9, 1822 KNAP. Richard Knap and Phebe Wentworth, m, (no date) KNIGHT. Alpheas Knight, of Willington, and Polly Cogswell, of Coven- try, m. August 12, 1835 LAD or LADD. Nathaniel Lad, Jr., and Elisabeth Rust, m. November 16, 1738 Ashbel Ladd, of Coventry, and Irena Babcock, of Mansfield, m. April 4, 1782 Philipe N. Ladd and Betsey Davenport, m. October 15, 1795 LADD. John Ladd and Prudence Sheperd, both of Coventry, m. July 26, 1763 Dr. Henry Ladd and Abiel Richardson, m. June 26, 1766 Timothy Ladd and Rachael Spensor, m. May 7, 1761 Samuel Ladd and Anna Wooduard, m. October 18, 1750 Moses Ladd and Keziah Killeen, m. January 26, 1769 Samuel Ladd, Jr., and Elisabeth Redington, m. March 18, 1775 Timothy Ladd and Ester Parker, m. June 17, 1734 Oliver Ladd, of Coventry, and Mary Badcock, of Mansfield, m. December 19, 1782 Henry Ladd and Abigail Lilly, m. September 8, 1740 Nathaniel Ladd, Jr., and Rachael Tilden, m. March 11, 1773 LAMB. Beniamon Lamb and Abigail Sims, m. December 18, 1754 Ebenezer Lamb and Abigail Larrabe, m. December 18, 1751 LAMPHEAR. Isaac Lamphear and Mary Edwards, m. November 18, 1754 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 151 Isaac Lamphear, of Coventry, and Sarah Hamilton, of Lime, m. April 19, 1762 Isaac Eduards Lamphear and Lois Johnes, m. November 12, 1778 LARRABEE. Enoch Larrabee, of Coventry, and Mary Cera, of Summers, m, October 19, 1756 Richard Larrabee, of Coventry, and Mary Webster, of Leba- non, m. February 20, 1767 LATHROP. Francis Lathrop and Clarissa Janes, of Coventry, m. November 7, 1825 Joel Lathrop and Anna M. Parrish, of Coventry, m, February 17, 1829 LEE. Jedediah Lee and Lucy Lorge, (?) m. September 16, 1722 David Lee and Elisabeth, m. May 2^, 1719 Charles Lee, of Vernon, and Mary French, of Coventry, m. March 16, 1837 Orin Lee and Eliza Boynton, m. January 2, 1828 LILLY or LILLIE. Samuel Lilly and Abigail Lad, m. May 4, 1741 Samuel Lilly, Jr., and Elisabeth Terry, m. January 18, 1776 Marcus LilHe and Eunice Porter, m. May 24, 1836 LOCKWOOD. Rev. Mr. Samuel Lockwood and Mrs. Anne May, m. April 24, 1749 LONDON. John London, of N. Hartford, and Phebe Mathewson, of Cov- entry, m. at Bolton, September 20, 1838 LONG. Samuel Long and Martha Bristor (daughter of Peter Bristor), m. April 11, 1755 Joseph Long, Jr., and Sarah, m. May 17, 1716 Jonathan Long and Azubah Cooly, m. April 25, 1745 152 COVENTRY RECORDS Silas Long and Lidia Euets, (?) m. September 28, 1726 Silas Long, Esq., and Mehitable May, m. October 12, 1758 Volney M, Long and Emily Brewster, m. October 19, 1833 LOOMIS. Nathaniel Loomis and Sarah Riley, m. November 11, 1742 Zachariah Loomis and Huldah Jones, m. March 25, 1751 Dan Loomis and Sarah Field, m. November 22, 1774 Daniel Loomis, Jr., and Polly Hibbard, m. February 7, 1788 Israel Loomis and Sarah Addams, m. May 21, 1778 Ebenezer Loomis and Eunice Brown, m. December 27, 1786 Levi Loomis and Violette Metcalf, m. September 28, 1794 Eleazer Loomis and Lucretia Porter, both of Coventry, m. June 8, 1803 Mr. Silas Loomis and Miss Esther Case, of North Coventry, m. March 14, 1821 Amasa Loomis, Jr., and Amris Case, m. September 21, 1824 Eleazer Loomis 2d and Olive Palmer, both of Coventry, m. February 19, 1816 Francis Loomis and Fanny M. Rose, m. September 24, 1834 George Loomis and Mary A. Sweetland, m. December 29, 1835 Zenus Loomis, Jr., and Nisa Lillie, m. October 15, 1828 Chauncey Loomis, of Tolland, and Prudence Cook, of An- dover, m. October i, 1828 Orrin P. Loomis and Emily Wright, m. March 26, 183 1 John A. Loomis and Mary Parker, m. April 13, 1840 LORD. Solomon Lord and Meriam Colman, m. April, 1766 LOVETT. Richmond C. Lovett, of Tolland, and Eliza R. Brigham, of Coventry, m. December 9, 1834 LUCAS. George Lucas, of Hartford, and Susan Chatfield, of Coventry, m. November 19, 1840 Charles H. Lucas and Mary L Chatfield, m. April 4, 1841 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS ' 153 LYMAN or LIMAN. Jacob Lyman, Jr., of Coventry, and Mary Woodward, m. December 19, 1771 Samuel Liman and Martha Long, m. November 7, 1745 Abiathar Lyman and Joanna Loomis, m. December 25, 1782 Ozias Lyman and Ruth Brown, m. November 24, 1774 Silas Lyman and Lydia Hutchinson, m. August 25, 1790 Mr. Flavel Lyman and Miss Harriet Cogswell, m. June 28, 1832 Harvey Lyman and Ann Trapp, both of Coventry, m. October 16, 1835 LYON. Dr. Lockwood Lyon, of Wolcott, and Deborah Colman, m. January 28, 1828 MALBONE. Godfrey Malbone and Dorcas Edwards, both of Coventry, m. October 15, 1789 MANLEY. George Manly and Elisabeth Turner, m. November 8, 1733 Lazarus Manly and Hannah Clark, m. October 3, 1740 Joseph Manley and Deborah Green, m. November, 1786 Darius Manley, of Troy, Pa., and Susan Loomis, of Coventry, m. September 15, 1829 MANN. Austen Mann and Cornelia E. Porter, m. October 3, 1840 MANNING. Calvin Manning and Lydia Robertson, m. September 22, 1774 Mr. Royal Manning and Miss Sally Rose, of Coventry, m. March 21, 1821 MARSH. Mathias Marsh and Prisilla Bridgham, m. January 2, 1725-6 MASON. Abner Mason and Kilia Brigham, m. October 8, 1833 MATHEWSON. Mr. Barnard Mathewson, of Coventry, and Miss Mary C. Norris, of Providence, R. L, m.. in Mansfield, June 18, 1832 Edward Mathewson and Wealthy ToplifT, m. May 17, 1826 154 COVENTRY RECORDS MAXWELL. Chester Maxwell and Lora Loomis, m. November 7, 1833 MEAD. John Mead and Elisabeth Manley, both of Coventry, m. October 3, 1765 MENS. Simon Mens, of New York, and Mary F. Lyman, of Coventry, m. June 18, 1838 METCALF. Nathaniel P. Metcalf and Eliza Sprague, m. November 23, 1825 MILLER. Rev. Alpha Miller and Hannah Hunt, m. September 28, 1824 MORE. Samuel More and Roxana Edwards, m. January 8, 1827 MORGAN. James Sanford Morgan and Mary Bailey, m. December 25, 1839 MURDOCK. Jonathan Murdock and Hannah Wallbridge, m. March 20, 1777 NEELY. Barnard M. Neely, of Windham, and Susan Davis, of Coven- try, m. September 13, 1821 NEWCOMB. Albert Newcomb, of Tolland, and Eunice S. Brigham, of Cov- entry, m. April 10, 1837 Lucius Newcomb, of Columbia, and Mary Mead, of Coventry, m. April 19, 1826 NICHOLS. John W. Nichols, of New Albany, Pa., and Julia Ann Brun- son, of Andover, m. January 28, 1838 NOBLE. Leonard Noble, of Westfield, Mass., and Anna W. Loomis, of Coventry, m. November 28, 1835 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 155 NORTHROP. Mr. Nelson W. Northrop, of Vernon, and Miss Lorenna Fitch, of Tolland, m. November 17, 1836 Mr. Lewis K. Northrop, of Vernon, and Miss Freelove Usher, of Coventry, m. May 26, 1841 NORTON. John P. Norton and Harriet Hosmer, both of Coventry, m. July 14, 1825 PAGE. Thomas Page and Azubah Strong, m. February 13, 1750-51 Phineas Page, Jr., and Serviah Lamb, m. May 21, 1777 Elias Page and Ester Kingsbury, m. March 2, 1786 Gad Page and Abigail Loomis, both of Coventry, m. November 2^, 1788 PALMER. Gershom Palmer, Jr., of Coventry, and Lucy Feald, of Mans- field, m. May 8, 1760 Aaron Palmer and Mary Chapin, m. January 10, 1748 John Palmer and Abigail Boynton, m. September 7, 1748 Elias Palmer and Elisabeth Stow, both of Coventry, m. January 10, 1768 Gershom Palmer and Mehitable Badger, m. February 2, 1737-8 (?) George Palmer and Hannah Marsh, m. April 13, 1742 Nathan Palmer and Grace Palmer, his wife, m. November 6, 1745 Benjamin Palmer and Ruth Bidwell, m. November 14, 1726 PARKER. Nathan Parker and Deliverance Badcock, m. October 26, 1780 Samuell Parker 2d and Sarah Badcock, m. March i, 1753 Samuel Parker and Experience, m. March 24, 1726 James Parker and Elisabeth Skinner, m. November 30, 1732 Phinias Parker and Martha Meraugh, m. September 14, 1741 James Parker and Tabytha Strong, m. February 13, 1728-9 156 COVENTRY RECORDS Harry Parker and Anna Peck, both of Coventry, m. October i8, 1815 Sherman J, Parker and Fanny P. Dow, m. August 23, 1832 PAYN or PAYNE. John Payn and Jemima Hutherson, m. May 7, 1747 Stephen Payn, of CoA^entry, and Rebeckah Bushnell, daughter of Nathan Bushnell, of Lebanon, m. September 23, 1756 Stephen Payne and Harriet L. Coan, both of Coventry, m. November 29, 1838 PAYSON. Samuel Payson and Clarissa Weeks, m. November 13, 1831 Hiram Payson and Philena Fuller, m. August 8, 1832 PECK. John Peck and Phebe Avery, m. November 10, 1827 Ebenezer Peck and Phebe Kingsbury, m. June 10, 1838 PERKINS. Ebenezer Perkins and Ruth Fuller, daughter of Josiah Fuller, of Coventry, m. September 17, 1776 Nathaniel P. Perkins, of Mansfield, and Lucia Boynton, of Coventry, m. September 25, 1822 Timothy D. Perkins and Lucy P. Fitch, both of Coventry, • m. in Andover, March 28, 1835 Allen M. Perkins and Julia A. Robertson, of Coventry, m. September 11, 1836 Mr. William A. Perkins, of Hebron, and Miss Eliza Boynton, of Coventry, m. May 20, 1838 PERRY. Daniel Perry and Mirza Barnabee, m. in Coventry, February 2, 1823 PHELPS. Beniamon Phelps and Widow Christian Yongs, m. October 31, 1753 Benjamin Phelps and Joanna Colman, m. March 27, 1740 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 157 PHILLIPS. Gideon Phillips, of Ellington, and Amy Mitchel, of Smithfield, R. I., m. May 29, 1820 PINGREY. Sylvanus Pingrey and Mary Sawyer, m. December 30, 1762 POMROY. Eleazer Pomroy and Sybil Kingsbury, m. December 17, 1772 Eleazer Pomroy and Priscilla Kingsbury, m. November 24, 1786 Daniel Pomroy, Jr., of Coventry, and Eunice Grant, of Tolland, Ct., m. April 14, 1772 Eleazer Pomeroy, Jr.^ and Ruth Hunt, both of Coventry, m. September 24, 1800 Eleazer Pomroy, Jr., and Elizabeth M. Jones, m. December 5, 1837 POOL. Elijah Pool, of Coventry, and Mary Dodge, of Glastenbury, m. April 3, 1804 PORTER. Noah Porter 2d and Submit Cook, m. November 29, 1764 Jonathan Porter, Jr., and Lois Richardson, daughter of Amos Richardson, of Coventry, m. November 15, 1759 Jonathan Porter, Jr., of Coventry, and Widow Lydia Abel, of Lebanon, m. November 8, 1769 William Porter and Esther Carpenter, daughter of Benjamin Carpenter, m. February 26, 1756 Noah Porter and Irena Thompson, daughter of Andrew Dodge, of Windham, m. May 28, 1758 Daniel Porter, Jr., and Esther King, m. December 5, 1739 Jobe Porter and Sybil Hoskings, m. December 5, 1739 Thomas Porter and Rebeckah Turner, m. January 20, 1737 Samuel Porter and Sarah Skinner, m. June 15, 1735 Jonathan Porter and Sarah Lad, m. June 20, 1734 Isaiah Porter, of Coventry, and Jedida Chubbusch, of Ellington, m. January 10, 1787 158 COVENTRY RECORDS Erastus Porter and Hannah Denton, m. April 13, 1786 Noah Porter and Polly Loomis, m. December 31, 1793 Noah Porter and Faith Loomis, m. March 8, 1808 Ebenezer Porter and Eunice B. Kingsbury, both of Coventry, m. November 24, 1802 Mr. Osman Porter and Miss Emily Flint, m. February 16, 1823 Francis Porter and P'aith Marilla Porter, m. March 18, 1834 Mr. Wm. E. Porter, of Willimantic, and Miss Mary Blackman, ofAndover, m. September 29, 1834 Thomas Porter, of Coventry, and Zilpah Lyman, daughter of Daniel Lyman, of Coventry, m. November, 1754 PRESTON. Joseph Preston and Widow Abigail Badcock, m. February 14, 1754 John H. Preston, of Ashford, and Fanny Manning, of Coven- try, m. November 29, 1832 PRICE. Rufus Price and Marthew Grant, m. September 17, 1750 John H. Price, of Providence, R. L, and Clarissa Davenport, of Coventry, m. October 14, 1827 PRIOR. Prosper Prior and Calista Loomis, m. December 3 (probably 1834) REED. Josiah Reed and Silviah Hearrich, of Coventry, m. November 29, 1754 RICHARDS. Michael Richards and Sarah Andrews, m. July 3, 1804 RIDER. Thomas Rider, of Wellington, and Cephronia Dunham, of Coventry, m. May 4, 1830 RIPLEY. Elijah Ripley and Alice Adams, m. February 8, 1773 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 159 Jeremiah Ripley and Mary Gove, both of Coventry, m. July 19, 1780 Chauncey Ripley and Lucretia E. Fitch, m. July 4, 1832 RITCHARDSON or RICHARDSON. Amos Ritchardson, Jr., and Ruth Stiles, m. June 5, 1751 Nathan Richardson and Phebe Crocker, m. November 18, 1748 Lemuel Richardson and Anne Rust, m. August 30, 1747 Justus Richardson and Submit Throop, both of Coventry, m. November 16, 1769 Hezekiah Richardson and Olive Thompson, both of Coventry, m. January ij, 1774 Lemuel Richardson, Jr., of Coventry, and Rachael Lathrop, of Tolland, m- June 2, 1774 Bila Richardson and Triphena Swetland, m. March 18, 1782 Stephen Richardson and Mabel Marsh, m. February 22, 1763 ROBERTSON. John Robertson 3d and Eunice Phelps, m. February 2, 1764 Samuel Robertson and Martha Badcock, m. March 20, 1746 Samuel Robertson and Mary Hindsdel, both of Coventry, m. 20th day (no month) 1749 Samuel Robertson and Anne Curtis, m. September 6, 1759 Samuel Robertson, of Coventry, and Anne Waters, of Col- chester, m. June 18, 1772 Daniel Robertson, Jr., and Triphena Janes, m. February 18, 1773 Guy C. Robertson, of Bolton, and Julia Ann Lewis, of Coven- try, m- April 15, 1832 Capt. David Robertson, of Coventry, and Almira Starkweather, of Mansfield, m. September 16, 1827 Joseph Robertson and Sybil Archer, m. February 28, 1841 Horace Robertson and Laura Woodworth, of Coventry, m. September 12, 1841 ROBERTSON or ROBERSON. Samuel Robertson, of Coventry, and Anna Waters, of Col- chester, m. June 18, 1772 160 COVENTRY RECORDS Daniel Roberson, Jr., and Hannah Hindsdel, m. December 24, 1747 Daniel Robertson, of Coventry, and Susannah Robertson, of Newbury, m. November 21, 1755 Daniell Robeson and Lydia, m. June 24, 1719 Ephraim Roberson and Esther Rose, m. January 5, 1743-4 ROCKWELL. Dr. William Rockwell, of Hartford, and Mrs. Maria F. Chapin, of Coventry, m. June 25, 1835 ROOT. Joseph Root and Silance Curtis, m. December 20, 1753 Asal Root and Mehitable Warner, m. April 18, 1750 Ephraim Root and Elisabeth Carpenter, m. May 31, 1750 Eliakim Root and Mercy, m. December 15, 1724 Thomas Root and Elisabeth, m. November 18, 1719 Ebenezer Root and Sarah, m. May 19, 17 18 Thomas Root, Jr., and Elisabeth Field, m. September 24, 1761 Samuel Root and Mercy Parker, m. March 12, 1728-9 Eliakim Root and Jemima Eells, m. August 5, 1731 Jonathan Root and Zirviah Fowler, m. May 27, 1779 Jonathan Root and Azubah Brown, m. May i, 1766 Ebenezer Root, Jr., and Phebe Halkins, m. May 20, 1753 Medad Root and Rhoda Curtis, m. November 17, 1763 John Root and Deborah Hawkins, m. May 15, 1760 Mr. Jesse Root, of Coventry, and Mary Banks, of Newark, N. J., m. May 18, 1758 Thomas Root, Jr., and Elisabeth Lee, m. November 18, 17 19 Thomas Root, Jr. (second time). Widow Hannah Hinsdale, m. April 9, 1730 Thomas Root, Jr., and Elisabeth Field, m. September 24, 1761 Nathaniel Root and Elisabeth Kingsbury, m. December 11, 1777 Nathaniel Root and Candace Hammond, m. May 26, 1791 Ephraim Root and Phebe Colbourn, m. February 3, 1785 Ebenezer Grant Root and Susan Gardner, m. September 15, 1840 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 161 ROSE. Nathan Hale Rose and Eunice Talcott, m. September i6, 1801 Nathan Hale Rose and Lydia Perkins, of Lisbon, m. March 27, 1806 Major Richard H. Rose and Mary A. Dimick, m. October 28, 1839 Samuel Rose and Elisabeth Hale, both of Coventry, m. December 30, 1773 Joseph Rose and Desire Dimmick, m. August 9, 1769 Josiah Rose and Eunice Meecham, m. May 9, 1739 Joseph Rose and Millie Sweetland, m. November 27, 1799 William Rose and Irene Loomis, m. June 29, 1797 L. Perkins Rose and Ann R. Manning, of Coventry, m. September 30, 1835 ROSWELL. Alfred Roswell, of Colchester, and Emily Whittemore, of Cov- entry, m. November 24, 1825 RUST. Joseph Rust, of Coventry, and Tabithe Kingsbury, of Norwich, m. September i, 1763 Ameziah Rust and Mary Marsh, m. August 26, 1753 Nathaniel Rust and Widow Mary Rose, m. September 9, 1754 Mathias Rust and Susa Fitch, m. February 6, 1749-50 Samuel Rust and Sarah, m. May 17, 1716 ^Nathaniel Rust and Hannah Hatch, m. April 19, 1716 Samuel Rust and Sarah Hockins, m. July 2, 1722 Noah Rust and Keziah, m. November 2, 1727 Nathaniel Rust and Widow Mary Rose, m. September 9, 1754 Daniel Rust and Mary Parker, m. February 16, 1762 Simeon Rust and Sarah Long, m. October 22, 1741 -Nathaniel Rust, Jr., and Hannah Hatch, m. April 19, 1716 Daniel Rust and Anna White, m. April 26, 1732 Daniell Rust and Widow Mary Mead, m. October 27, 1748 Noah Rust and Keziah Strong, m. November 2, 1727 Samuel Rust and Marcy Parker, m. March 12, 1728-9 Nathaniel Wilson Rust and Rachael Babcock, m. April 22, 1779 162 COVENTRY RECORDS SABINS. John Sabins and Margaret Rust, m. February 13, 1742-3 SAGE. George Sage, of Vernon, and Almira Ingraham, of Middletown, m. in Andover, October 13, 1823 SARLS and SEARLE. Ebenezer Saris and Truelove Brown, m. July 20, 1741 Elisha Searle and Azubah Gates, both of Coventry, m. July 12, 1768 Elisha Saris and Mary Acley, m. June 5, 1740 John Sarle and Margaret Coock, m. August 13, 1741 SCHOLTS. Henry Scholts, of Tolland, and Syrena Hoxie, of Coventry, m. April 16, 1829 SCOTT. Peter Scott and Hannah Edwards, m. November 5, 1740 SCRIPTURE. John Scripture and Abigail Utley, m. May 15, 1712 John Scripture (second time), and Widow Mary Slater, m. December 30, 1728 Simeon Scripture and Ann Slatter, m. September 19, 1738 SHAFFER. Dan Shaffer and Sophronia Gofif, m. January 31, 1827 SHAW. Benjamin Shaw and Elisabeth Edwards, m. June 9, 1736 SHEPARD. Noah Shepard and Abigail Glason, m. March 9, 1747 Jonathan Shepard, of Coventry, and Loue Palmer, m. December 23, 1736 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 163 SIMPSON. George W. Simpson and Caroline A. Robertson, both of Coven- try" m- June i6, 1833 George W. Simpson and Julia A. Robertson, both of Coventry, m. March 26, 1840 SISSON. Benjamin Sisson and Mary B. Eldridge, of Hartford, m. October 16, 1836 SKINNER. Daniel Skinner and Abigail Burnap, m. February 14, 1754 Noah Skinner and Patiance Dunham, m. December 18, 1737 Noah Skinner and Mary Scott, m. March 12, 1741 - Truman Skinner, of Van Buren, N. Y., and Lydia M. Jones, of Andover, m- October 4, 1832 Eli Skinner and Sally Griggs, m. October 22, 1826 SMITH. Benjamin Smith and Mary Roberson, m. May 15, 1738 Deacon Recompense Smith and Elisabeth Kenney, m. (no date) James Smith, Jr., and Esther Talcott, m. March 24, 1825 Sidney Smith and Lucy C. Chapman, m. September 15, 1841 SPENCER. John Spencer and Jerusha Pease, of Coventry, m. November 27, 1823 Henry L. Spencer, of East Haddam, and Olive Brown, of Cov- entry^ m. November i, 1841 SPICER. Abel Spicer, of Preston, and Lucy Babcock, of Coventry, m. December 23, 1826 SPRAGUE. Joseph Sprague and Hannah Swetland, m. November 2y, 1755 Samuel Sprague of Coventry, and Widow Ruth Clark, of Lebanon, m. December 21, 1772 Bila Sprague and Esther Parker, m. May 7, 1806 164 COVENTRY RECORDS Elias Sprague and Lucinda Whaley, m. May, 1825 Ralph Sprague and Evelina L. Brown, m. September 15, 1833 STANLEY. John Stanley and Lucy Edwards, m. November 14, 1748 Moses Stanley and Eunice Strong, m. June 12, 1768 John Stanley, Jr., and Mary Fuller, m. October 15, 1772 STAR. Thomas Star and Hannah Edwards, m. October 23; 1729 STARKWEATHER. James Starkweather, of Mansfield, and Sally Morey, of Cov- entry, m. January 13, 1825 STEDMAN. John Stedman and Mary Merrill, daughter of Peter Merrill, of Norwich, m. May 25, 1758 Alexander Stedman and Sarah Cushman, m. November 10, 1768 STORRS. Mr. Leander Storrs, of Mansfield, and Miss Abby Edgerton, of Coventry, m. November 20, 1838 STORY. Orasmus Story and Eliza Lyman, m. November 16, 1826 STOWELL. Stephen S. Stowell, of Mansfield, and Cornelia W. Stebbens, of Coventry, m. April, 1841 STRONG. Oziah Strong, of Coventry, and Susanna West, of Tolland, m. August 9, 1757 Phineas Strong, Jr., and Tabithy Bruster, daughter of Peter Bruster, m. January 25, 1748-9 Asa Strong, of Coventry, and Sarah Moody, of Newbury, m. June 9, 1763 Phineas Strong and Mary Parker, m. November 5, 1724 Joseph Strong, Jr., and Elisabeth, m. May 12, 1724 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 165 Joseph Strong, Esq., and Ruth, m. September 15, 1724 Noah Strong and Widow Lideah Pers, m. January 29, 1740-41 Enoch Strong and Sarah Maraugh, m. October 14, 1742 Aaron Strong and Rachael Strong, m. January 6, 1731-32 Moses Strong and Sarah Long, m. February 4, 1730-31 BenajaK Strong and Sarah Colman, of Coventry, T m. April 29, 1784 Rev. Mr. Nathan Strong and Hester Mecham, m. October 2, 1746 Beniah Strong and Lucy Bishop, m. March 9, 1769 Bohan S. Strong, of Southampton, Mass., and Diana Colman, of Coventry, m. February 12, 1827 SWEATLAND or SWETLAND. Ebenezer Sweatland and Sarah Leach, m. August 14, 1749 Ebenezer Sweatland and Widow Abigail Bliss, of Hebron, m. March 31, 1766 (?) Israel Swetland and Dorias Dewey, m. May 6, 1756 Levi Sweetland and Ruth Ritchardson, m. December 28, 1780 Ebenezer Leach Sweetland and Meriah Badcock, m. April 13, 1780 Levi Sweetland, Jr., and Electa Kingsbury, both of Coventry, m. March 8, 1810 Daniel Sweetland and Miss Roxa McKee, m. November 19, 1829 SWIFT. Brewster T. Swift, of Mansfield, and Charlotte Maxwell, of Coventry, m. June 9, 1825 Albert E. Swift, of East Windsor, and Miss Saphina C. Marsh, of Coventry, m. January 5, 1838 Barzilla Swift, of Mansfield, and Martha Gardner, of Coventry, m. April 20, 1841 TALCOTT. Joseph Talcott, Jr., and Rebeckah, m. September 11, 1777 Arad Talcott and Anna Tracy, m. October 15, 1806 Erastus Talcott and Aurelli Loomis, m. September 19, 1820 Joseph A. Talcott and Mary Loomis, m. July i, 1832 George H. Talcott, of Huron, N. Y., and Lucretia Colman, of Coventry, m. October 5, 1835 166 COVENTRY RECORDS TARBOX. Bill Augustus Tarbox and Sophia Loomis, m. November 14, 1820 Harvey Tarbox, of Coventry, and Sarah S. Jones, of Hebron, m. September 14, 1834 TAYLOR. Stephen Taylor and Deliverance Rust, m. May 16-, 1746 John Taylor and Elisabeth Rose, m. March 24, 1784 TERRILL. Thomas Terrill and Triphene Terrill, m. August 19, 1756 Thomas Terrill and Alathea Crocker, m. August 15, 1769 THAYER. Ephraim Thayer, Jr., of Burillville, R. I., and Adah Mathew- son, of Coventry, m. September 15, 1825 Elisha Thayer, of Vernon, and Lucy Burdwin, of Coventry, m. March i, 182 1 THOMSON or THOMPSON. Amos Thomson and Irane Dodge, m. May 17, 1750 Nathan Thompson and Hannah Dodge, m. March 29, 1745 Thomas Thompson and Lucy Killam, m. in Stonington, November 24, 1773 John Thompson and Martha Remington, both of Coventry, m. December 26, 1823 TIFFT. Jesse Tifift, of Hartford, and Almira Robinson, of Coventry, m. January i, 1837 TILDEN. Joshua Tilden and Caroline Carpenter, both of Coventry, m. September 19, 1837 TINKER. Hazard Tinker and Adah Bump, of Mansfield, m. January 7, 1827 TOPLIFF. Chauncey Toplifif, of Coventry, and Miss Chloe Butler, of Mansfield, m. in Andover, August 12, 1838 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 167 TOWNSEND. William D. Townsend and Fanny Y. Sprague, both of Andover, m. October 28, 1829 TRACY. Trumbull Tracy and Dorcas Hibbard, m. December 9, 1834 George Tracy and Maria L. Cummings, of Coventry, m. March 28, 1841 TRAPP. Samuel Trapp, of Coventry, and Alice Metcalf, of Mansfield, m, June 30, 1808 TROWBRIDGE. Ira Trowbridge, of Mansfield, and Cynthia Grossman, of Cov- entry, m. August 21, 1808 TRYON. George Tryon, of Tolland, and Lucy Abbot, of Coventry, m. September, 1826 TUCKER. Norman Tucker, of Sufifield, and Mary Lyman, of Coventry, m. September 20, 1830 Edwin D. Tucker and Abby J. Eells, of Coventry, m. August 22, 1836 TURNER. Jethro Turner and Sarah Badcock, m. February 28, 1743-4 John Turner and Mary Wright, m, (no date) but child bom February 21, 1766. Daniel Turner and Hannah Boynton, both of Coventry, m. April 10, 1771 Joseph Turner 2d and Elizabeth Bridgman, m, November 7, 1762 Hab'k Turner, Jr., and Lydia Rose, m. February 28, 1765 Amos Turner and Hannah Dorman, both of Coventry, m. March 19, 1789 Stephen Turner, of Mansfield, and Naomi Palmer, of Coventry, m. March 5, 1807 Orrin Turner and Lydia Woodward, m. January 4, 1833 Isaac Turner and Lydia E. Arnold, m. May 8, 1836 168 COVENTRY RECORDS UPTON. Turner F. Upton and Sophronia Bugbee, of Willimantic, im. February ii, 1840 VIBBERT. Mervin Vibbert, of East Hartford, and Mary Ann Ensworth, of Andover, m. January 8, 1842 VINTON. Joel Vinton, of Willington, and Laura A. Loomis, of. Coventry, m. in Willington, March 14, 183 1 VORRA. Martin Vorra, of Germany, and Abigail Rust, of Coventry, m. October 7, 1783 WADSWORTH. Samuell Wadsworth and Mary Granger, m. February 7, 1732-^ Samuel A. Wadsworth, of Hampton, and Jane E. L. Ormsby, of Coventry, m. June 22, 1837 WALDO. Doctor John Waldo and Lucy Lyman, m. August 19, 1773 Lemuel Waldo and Sarah Marshall, m. January 3, 1827 WALKER. Samuel Walker, of Willington, and Lucina Sweetland, of Cov- entry, m. November 19, 1823 WALLBRIDGE. Samuel Wallbridge, of Coventry, and Sarah Page, m. October 14, 1767 Lemuel Wallbridge, of Coventry, and Elisabeth Williams, of Preston, m. March 23, 1786 Henry Walbridge and Sarah Fowler, m. December i, 1773 or 5 WATERMAN. Benjamin Waterman and Harriet Porter, m. January 27, 1829 WATERS. Jacob Waters and Mary Edwards, m. November 23, 1749 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 169 WEST. Col. Samuel West, of Columbia, and Lucy Manning, of Coventry, m. April 26, 1832 WESTON. George C. Weston and Alba Augusta Slack, of Coventry, m. August 20, 1834 WHEELER. Amasa Wheeler, of East Haddam, and Roxelana Hammond, of N. Coventry, m. September 21, 1830 WHELDIN. Jonathan Wheldin and Anna Lyman, both of Coventry, m. October 5, 1786 WHITE. Samuel White and Widow Rachael Tilden, of Coventry, m. March 14, 1756 Abner White and Jerusha Thompson, m, January 28, 1766 Montgomery White and Sally Coleman, m. May 13, 1812 Stanley White, of Andover, and Ann R. Rose, of Coventry, m. November 30, 1841 George H. White, of Hebron, and Lucia Parker, of Coventry, m. October 28, 1840 Nathaniel White and Maranda Ticknor, of Columbia, m. November 8, 1826 WHITING. Chester Whiting, of Ashford, Windham Co., Ct., and Levey Brown, of Columbia, m. January 6, 1833 Elijah Whiting, of Tolland, and Louisa Mathewson, of Coven- try, m. at Bolton, May 24, 1838 WHITMAN. James W. Whitman and Lucinda P. Stone, m. December 25, 1836 Patrick F. Whitman, of Griswold, and Nancy Ladd, of Cov- entry, m. June 22, 1826 WILLIAMS. Rufus Williams, of Columbia, Toll Co., Ct., and Harriet Allen, of Windham, m. (no date) 1833 (probably) 170 COVENTRY RECORDS WILLSON or WILSON. Francis Willson and Abigail Fellows, of Tolland, m. February lo, 1757 Jacob Willson and Hannah Dimock, m. December 12, 1771 William Willson and Sarah Rust, m. July 26, 1749 Samuel Wilson, of Coventry, and Almira Dow, of Columbia, m. October 12, 1830 Royal B. Wilson, of Vernon, and Maria L. O'Brien, of Middle- town, m. November 4, 1838 Nelson Wilson, of Ashford, and Emily ToplifY, of Coventry, m. April i, 1838 Joseph Wilson and Hannah H. Hunt, both of Coventry, m. May 18, 1829 Samuel Wilson, of Coventry, and Almira Dow, of Columbia, m. October 12, 1830 WINCHESTER. Loring Winchester, of S. Mansfield, and Amelia Bidwell, m. August 30, 1838 Daniel Winchester and Ruth Palmer, m. November 28, 1751 WINTWORTH. Ebenezer Wintworth, Jr., and Sarah French, both of Coventry, m. November 11, 1762 WOOD. Roben Wood, negro slave of Peter Buell, and Judah Pallon, Indian servant to N. Buell, m. January 20, 1729-30 WOODRUFF. Rev. Ephraim Woodruff and Sarah Aldin, m. October 7, 1801 WOODWARD. Aaron Woodward, of Coventry, and EUener Benton, of Tolland, m. October 25, 1758 Nathaniel Woodward, Jr., and Surviah Ensworth, m. May 31, 1781 Daniel Woodward and Lydia Edgerton, m. January 6, 1820 MARRIAGES FROM TOWN RECORDS 171 WOODWORTH. Spencer Woodworth and Amanda Clark, both of Coventry, m. November 25, 1808 Simeon Woodworth, of Mansfield, and Lucy A. Dorman, of Coventry, m. December 11, 1833 William Woodworth and Mary Ann Knox, m. October 11, 1831 Harry Woodworth and Clarissa Bingham, of Columbia, m. at Andover, September 28, 1826 Waterman C. Wordworth and Ann A. Parker, m. March 3, 1840 Jesse Wordworth and Almira Whittemore, m. March 15, 1840 WOOLCOTT. Josiah Woolcott and Widow Lucy French, m. April 23, 1740 WRIGHT. Roswell Wright and Mary Jefifray, m. June 9, 1785 Roswell Wright and Abigail Benton, m. June i, 1789 Elijah Wright and Jane Richardson, m. November i, 1781 John Wright and Eunice Loomis, both of Coventry, m. at Andover, October 16, 1806 John Wright and Charlotte Mathewson, both of N. Coventry, m. June 7, 1831 YEOMANS. William Yeomans and Betsey McLean, of Columbia, m. November 25, 1825 Sanford Yeomans, of Columbia, and Marinda Parker, of Cov- entry, m. at Andover, Ct., March 26, 1836 YOUNG. Eliphilet Young, of Windham, Ct, and Ruth F. Hammond, of North Kingston, R. L m. January 25, 1830 Copy of Deaths taken from Town Records, in Coventry, Conn., from 171 1 to 1840. ABBEY. Abigail, daughter of Eliphilet and Lydia Abbey, d. March ii, 1819 Edmund, son of Eliphilet and Lydia Abbey, d. March i, 1820 Albert, son of Eliphilet and Lydia Abbey, d. June 9, 1830 Infant child, d. October 25, 1832 Infant child, d. October 28, 1835 George W. Abbey, d. April 20, 1832 ALLIN. Samuel Allin, d. October 14, 1718 George Allin, d. May 31, 1756, in his 67th year ANTISEL. Sarah, daughter of Simon and Martha Antisel, d. February 11, 1770 ARNOLD. Robert, son of John and Elisabeth Arnold, d. April 3, 1760, in his 8th year Elisabeth, wife of John Arnold, d. January 28, 1761, in her 40th year BADCOCK. Mary, wife of James Badcock, d. April I, 1735, in her 58th year Martha, wife of John Badcock, d. May 18, 1728 John Badcock, Sr., d. August 17, 1731 Benjamin Badcock, d. February 28, 175 1, in his 54th year Abigail, daughter of Ebenezer and Mehitable Badcock, d. May 27, 1735 Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer and Mehitable Badcock, d. February 24, 1 740-1 Daniel, son of Ebenezer and Mehitable Badcock, d. August 23, 1750 173 DEATHS FROM TOWN RECORDS ^'^^ Ebenezer Badcock, d. October i6, 1773, in his 75th year Joseph, son of Ebenezer and Hannah Badcock, J ^ ' d. May II, 1759. in his 2d year Jonathan Badcock, d. January 5, ^73^-2, 80 Y^ars and 5 days Sergeant Daniell Badcock, d. February 10, i734, m his 45th year HaLh, wife of John Badcock, d March 10, i779 Mary Badcock, daughter of Sergeant DanieU Badcock d. February 23, 1730 Jerusha, daughter of Daniell and Sarah Badcoc^k,^^^_^ ^^ ^^^^ Joshua, son of Daniell and Sarah Badcock, d. January 8 1724-5 iobert, son of Jonathan and Mary Badcock, d. May , 728 Lucy wife of Robert Badcock, d. May 31, 1725 Simeon Badcock, d. November 30, 1751, i" his 40th year BADGER. Ariel son of Moses and Jerusha Badger, ' d. May 3, 1778, in his 2d year Mr. Enoch Badger (the elder), , d. September 4, I793. m his 80th year Mehitable Badger, wife of Abner Badger, d. January 7, I779. m her 31st year Nathaniel Badger, son of Enoch and Mary^^^^|-;^^ ^ ^^^^ John Badger, d. July 28, 1762, in his 67th year Mary, wife of Nathaniel Badger, u.. Q^th vear ^ d. August 29, 1763, in her 87th year BALDWIN. Elamuell, son of Theop'hilus and Sarah ^^^^^^5^'^^^.^ ^^^ ^^^^ Theophilus Baldwin, d. January 3, i750, in his 26th year BARKER. Rhoda, daughter of Oliver and Mary Barker, d. January 24, I/D4 BARNARD. Esther, daughter ot Benony and Freedom ^Barnard,^^^ ^ _^^^ 174 COVENTRY RECORDS Abigail, daughter of Benony and Freedom Barnard, d, December 8, 1736 Joseph Barnard, d. November 14, 1752, in his 33d year Benony Barnard, d. September 6, 1750, in his 67th year BENTLEY. John, son of WilHam and Phebe Bentley, d. January 13, 1777 BISSELL or BISSEL. Zariah, daughter of Capt. John and Sarah Bissel, d. March 6, 1739-40 Joseph, son of John and Sarah Bissell, d. November 8, 1727 Sarah, wife of Captain John Bissell, d. August 25, 1751 BLACKMAN. Mary, wife of David Blackman, d. August 23, 1784 BOOTH. Elisabeth, daughter of Rev, Chauncey and Laura Farnam Booth, d. January 4, 182 1 Caleb, son of Rev. Chauncy and Laura F. Booth, d. October 30, 1840 BOYNTON. Sarah, daughter of Zachariah and Sarah Boynton, d. October 6, 1723 Sarah, daughter of Zachariah and Sarah Boynton, d. October 6, 1724 Ace, son of John and Tabethy Boynton, d. January 5, 1742, aged 14 days Zachariah Boynton, d. December 30, 1750, about 65 years old Joshua Boynton, d. October 16, 1752, in his 30th year BRIDGMAN. Dorothy, wife of Isaac Bridgman, d. November 26, 1753 Isaac Bridgman, d. June 22, 1756 John, son of Isaac and Dorothy Bridgman, d. February 20, 1717 Olive, daughter of Isaac and Elisabeth Bridgman, d. July 12, 1753 DEATHS FROM TOWN RECORDS ^^^ BRIGHAM. Salinda, daughter of Thomas and Susannah Brigham, d. December 29, 1775, in her 4th year Thomas, son of Thomas and Susannah Brigham, d. November 27, 1775 Paul Brigham, d. May 3, 1746, in his 28th year Mary, daughter of Paul and Lydia Brigham, d. March, 1773, in her 3d year Anna, wife of Asa Brigham, d. July 15, 1767, in her 21st year Rogger, son of Uriah and Anne Brigham, d. November, 1760, in his 6th year Uriah Brigham, d. January 25, 1777, in his 55th year BROWN. Ephraim Brown, d. November 16, 1750, in his 7Sth year Ruth, daughter of John and Ruth Brown, d. November 15, 1749 Eunice, daughter of Jonathan and Mary Brown, d. in Summers, April 12, 1751, in her i6th year Judah, daughter of Ephraim and Sarah Brown, d. February 6, 1741-2, in her 36th year Abraham Brown, d. June 28, 1769, in his 37th year Hulda, daughter of Abraham and Anna Brown, d. January 11, 1770, in her 2d year Mary, wife of Abraham Brown, d. April 25, 1760, in her 25th year Abraham, son of Elijah and Lydia Brown, d. March 24, 1758 Bethiah, son of Elijah and Lydia Brown, d. January 30, 1760 Abraham Brown, d. July 29, 1749 Tabitha, daughter of Ebenezer and Lucy Brown, d. December 22, 1751 Ebenezer, son of Timothy and Ester Brown, d. March 15, 1776 Oliver, son of Josiah and Mary Brown, d. January 10, 1795 Mary, daughter of Josiah and Mary Brown, d. January 22, 1795 Abigail, daughter of Josiah and Mary Brown, d. December 25, 1782 BUELL. Peter, son of Peter and Hannah Buell, d. November 5, 1716 Hannah, wife of Peter Buell, d. February 20, 1718-19 176 COVENTRY RECORDS Ruth, daughter of Peter, Esq., and Martha Buell, d. December 30, 1736 Peter, son of Capt. Peter and Martha Buell, d. June 2, 1752, in his 23d year Jesse Buell, d. October 6, 1839 CARPENTER. Benjamin Carpenter, Sr., d. April 18, 1738, in his 74th year Hannah Carpenter, relict to Benjamin Carpenter, deceased, d. March 20, 1762, in her 92d year Hannah, daughter of Eliphilet and Elisabeth Carpenter, d. October 8, 1742 Lois, daughter of Eliphilet and Elisabeth Carpenter, d. January 4, 1740 Hannah, daughter of Eliphilet and Ehsabeth Carpenter, d. June 5, 1740 Anne, daughter of Eliphilet and Elisabeth Carpenter, d. June 7, 1740 Abigail, daughter of Eliphilet and Elisabeth Carpenter, d. June 8, 1740 Asahel, son of Eliphilet and Elisabeth Carpenter, d. June 9, 1740 Eunice, wife of Ebenezer Carpenter, d. January 21, 1777 Benjamin, son of Elijah and Patience Carpenter, d. January 29, 1770 Patience, wife of Elijah Carpenter, d. September 8, 1786 Joseph, Jr., son of Joseph and Phebe Carpenter, d. February 10, 1772, in his 6th year Haretiah, daughter of Joseph and Phebe Carpenter, d. October 3, 1775, in her 6th year Hannah, daughter of Joseph and Phebe Carpenter, d. October 8, 1775, in her 8th year Joseph Carpenter, d. January 28, 1776, in his 41st year Elisabeth, daughter of Joseph and Phebe Carpenter, d. September 18, 1776, in her i8th year Phebe, relict of Joseph Carpenter, d. February 13, 1779, in her 39th year Benjamin Carpenter, Jr., drowned February 27, 1750, in his 29th year DEATHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 1'77 Ebenezer Carpenter, d- January 30, I777 Mabel C, daughter of Benjamin and Rebeckah Carpenter, d. August 18, 1742 CASE. Major Tabal Case, d. January 7, 1822 CLARK. Thomas Clark, d. May 12, 1739, in his 94th year Widow Ann Clark, d. December 14, i75o David Clark, d. May 3, i75i Sarah Clark, wife of David Clark, d. January 15, 1751 Abigail, wife of Seth Clark, d. September 2, 1740 Leakins, son of Joseph and Coziah Clark, d. April 19, 1740 Joseph Clark, d. January 15, 1738-9 Jacob, reputed son of Joseph Clark by Martha Milhnton, •^ d. April 28, 1740 COLMAN. Judah Colman, d. December 22, i759> in his 72d year Hannah, daughter of Ephraim, d. April 9, 1725 Ephraim, son of Ebenezer and Sarah, d. October, 1740 Gershom Colman, d. August 12, 1771, in his 55th year Joseph, son of Ephraim and Lavinia Colman, d. September 6, 1775, in his 5th year Jesse, son of Ephraim and Lavinia Colman, d. September i, 1775, in his 3d year John, son of Ephraim and Lavinia Colman, d. September 13, 1775, in his 7th year COOLEY. Noah, son of Jonathan and Azubah Cooley, d. September 13, 1760, in his 5th year COWLS. Samuel, son of Samuel and Abigail Cowls, d. July 23, 1741 Ruth, daughter of Samuel and Abigail Cowls, d. August 9, 1 741 Lydia, daughter of Samuel and Abigail Cowls, d. August 10, 1 741 Eunice, c'aughter of Samuel and Abigail Cowls, d. September 10, 1741 178 COVENTRY RECORDS CRANE. John Crane's child, d. September 20, 171 3 Daniell Crane, son of John and Abigail Crane, d. January 4, 1718-19. CROCKER. Mr. Andrew Crocker, d. July 4, 1778 Lois, wife of Mr. Andrew Crocker, d. September 22, 1775 Martha, daughter of Andrew Crocker, d. December 29, 1775 Roswell, son of Andrew Crocker, d. November 5, 1776 Samuel, son of Andrew Crocker, d. November 10, 1786 Simion, son of Andrew Crocker, d. February 24, 1777 CURTIS. Sabrina, daughter of Samuel and Joanna Curtis, d. October 3, 1775 Joanna, daughter of Samuel and Joanna Curtis, d. October 29, 1775 Nathaniel Curtis, son of Henry and Silence Curtis, d. June 29, 1 74 1 Rhoda, daughter of Henry and Silence Curtis, d. April 12, 1743 Silence, wife of Henry Curtis, d. November 2, 1745 Samuel Curtis, d. May 27, 1764, in his 84th year Samuel, Jr., son of Samuel and Joanna Curtis, d. February 11, 1776 Anna, daughter of Henry, Jr.. and Elisabeth, d. August 14, 1771 Henry Curtis, d. January 8, 1772 Bildad Curtis, d. November 2, 1762, in his 30th year Nathaniel, son of Henry, Jr., and Elisabeth Curtis, d. July 21, 1760, in his 8th year Hannah, daughter of Henry, Jr., and Elisabeth, d. November 27, 1762 CUSHMAN. Stephen, son of Ephraim and Sarah Cushman, d. September 8, 1775 Hannah, daughter of Ephraim and Sarah Cushman, d. October 2, 1775, in her 9th year Asa, son of Ephraim and Sarah Cushman, d. September 19, 1775, in his 7th year DEATHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 179 Ephraim, Jr., son of Ephraim and Sarah Cushman, d. October 5, 1775, in his 5th year Timothy, son of Allerton, Jr., and Harmony Cushman, d. May 8, 1766 CUTLER. Sarah, daughter of Daniel Cutler, d. January 19, 1758 Nathaniel, son of Daniel and Mary Cutler, d. July 9, 1758 Mary, wife of Daniel Cutler, d. June 14, 1759 Eleazer, son of Daniel and Mary Cutler, d. August i, 1759 Sarah, daughter of Daniel and Mary Cutler, d. August 22, 1759 DAGGETT. Anna, daughter of Isaiah and Esther Daggett, d. February 12, 1795 Chester, son of Isaiah and Esther Daggett, d. February 21, 1795 Samuel Daggett, d. August 24, 1798 Isiah Daggett, d. August 24, 1835 DAMON. Ebenezer, son of Lemuel, Jr., and Thankful Damon, d. February 17, 1733-4 DAVIS. Benjamin, son of Thomas and Hannah Davis, d. April 19, 1728 Thomas, son of Thomas and Hannah Davis, d. May 24, 1725 Ebenezer, son of Thomas and Hannah Davis, d. July 16, 1726 Thomas Davis, d. October i, 1739, in his 63d year DEANS. Sarah, daughter of Beniah and Mary Deans, d. January 18, 1761, in her 22d year Meriam, daughter of Benajah and Mary Deans, d. May 8, 1761, in her 19th year Asa, son of Benaiah and Mary Deans, d. January 3, 1763, in his 17th year Olive, daughter of Solomon and Ruth Deans, d, July 4, 1770, in her 2d year Mary, wife of Benajah Deans, d. April 5, 1776 Martha, daughter of Solomon and Anna Deans, d. December, 1774, in her 8th year 180 COVENTRY RECORDS DIMICK or DIMOCK or DIMMICK. Clara Maria, daughter of Capt. Daniel and Anna Dimmick, d. August 21, 1849 DORMAN. Mary, wife of Amos Dorman, d. April 16, 1749 (?) DOW or DOWE. Tabitha, wife of Humphrey Dow, d. in Coventry, December 11, 1803 Humphrey B. Dow, d. in Hebron, September 6, 1822, buried in Coventry Anna, wife of Ulysses Dow, d. April 17, 1790 Lucy, daughter of Solomon and Tirzah Dow, d. August II, 1809, aged 17 months Emily, daughter of Solomon and Tirzah Dow, d. June 3, 181 1, aged 5 years Solomon Dow, d. January 6, 1823 Peggy, wife of Lorenzo Dow, d. in Hebron, January 6, 1820 Hepzibah, wife of Ephraim Dowe, d. April 16, 1775, in her 44th year Jesse, son of Ephraim and Hepzibah Dowe, d. May 3, 1755 DUTY or DEUTY. Samuel, son of Matthew and Eunice Deuty, d. June 27, 1772 EDWARDS. Mary, daughter of Thomas and Mary C. Edwards, d. March 15, 1748 Ephraim Edwards, d. September 25, 1761, in his 21st year Oliver, son of Thomas and Mary Edwards, d. October 13, 1761, in his 17th year William, son of William and Jane Edwards, d. October, 1732 Jerusha, daughter of William and Jane Edwards, d. June 24, 1752, in her 25th year William Edwards, d. July 7, 1752 Jane, daughter of WilHam and Jane Edwards, d. October 12, 1752, in her 19th year William, son of Joshua and Dorcas Edwards, d. November 20, 1759 DEATHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 181 Gideon, son of Joshua and Dorcas Edwards, d. October 14, 1775 Joseph Edwards, d. December 16, 1750, in his 53d year Ebenezer Edwards, d. September 11, 1754, in his 70th year Mary, reHct of Ebenezer Edwards, d. March 2, 1769, in her 81 st year Thomas, son of Daniel and Hannah Edwards, d. April 29, 1 75 1 Daniel Edwards, d. December 30, 1756, in his 83d year Thomas Edwards, d. September 25, 1761 ELLIS. Naomy Ellis, who lived with Eliakim Root, who was said Root's wife's sister, d. January 26, 1739-40 EUERDON. Walter Euerdon, d. July 11, 1740 EWISS or EUISS. John Ewiss, d. October i, 1719 FITCH. Capt. Jeremiah Fitch, d. May 22, 1736 Febe, daughter of James and Febe Fitch, d. January 11, 1738-9 Deborah Fitch, d. August, 1742 John, son of Jeremiah and Marcy Fitch, d. May 25, 1743 Marcy, wife of Jeremiah Fitch, d. January 27, 1743-4, in her 36th year Deborah, daughter of Elisha and Presillah Fitch, d. October 15, 1741 Mary, daughter of Jeremiah and Marcy Fitch, d. May 7, 1749, aged 16 years and 3 months Jeremiah Fitch, d. January 8, 1779 Ruth, daughter of Abner and Ruth Fitch, d. December 3, 1744 Jephthah, son of Apollos and Sybil Fitch, d. September 3, 1818 FLINT. Prudence Flint, d. October 18, 1834, aged 70 years, i month, 4 days Abby Cardile, daughter of Ralph and Esther Flint, d. December 12, 1834, aged 2y years, 6 months, 28 days 182 COVENTRY RECORDS FOWLER. Gurdon, son of Jonathan and Hannah Fowler, d. May 24, 1737 Hannah, wife of Jonathan Fowler, d. October 8, 1756 Jonathan Fowler, d. October 22, 1756, in his 61 st year Dorothy, wife of John Fowler, d. March 10, 1751 FREEMAN. Jonathan, son of Otis and Ruth Freeman, d. February 18, 1775 FRENCH. Ezekiel, son of Joseph and Lucy French, d. August 10, 1740 Trifeny, daughter of Joseph and Lucy French, d. August 2, 1740 Sarah, daughter of John and Mehitable French, d. May 24, 1737 Joseph French, d. August 11, 1740, 30 years old Daniel, son of Joseph and Lucy French, d. August 7, 1740 Lucy, daughter of Joseph and Lucy French, d. August 12, 1740 Oliver, son of Aaron and Abigail French, d. March 7, 1791 Aaron French, St., d. June 8, 1807 FULLER. David Fuller, d. April 12, 1750, in his 87th year Constance Fuller, relict of David Fuller, late of Coventry, de- ceased^ d. January 18, 1759 Mehitable, daughter of Elijah and Mary Fuller, d. July 5, 1768 Elizabeth, wife of Jeremiah Fuller, d. April 25, 1792 GRISWOLD. Eunice, daughter of Joseph and Margery Griswold, d. October 7, 1762, in her 9th year Frederick, son of Joseph and Margery Griswold, d. July 30, 1764, in his 2d year GROVER. Lidea, daughter of Matthew, Jr., and Lidea Grover, d. October, 1740, in her loth year DEATHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 183 Daniel, son of Matthew, Jr., and Lidea Grover, d, November, 1740 Matthew, son of Matthew, Jr., and Lidea Grover, d. August, 1748, in his 20th year Abigail, daughter of Matthew and Lidea Grover, d. May 12, 1761, in her 22d year Lidea, wife of Matthew Grover, d. January 30, 1767, in her 70th year Mary, daughter of Benjamin and Mary Grover, d. December 20, 1739 Sarah, daughter of Benjamin and Mary Grover, d. December 28, 1739 Elisabeth, daughter of Benjamin and Mary Grover, d. December 31, 1739 Mary, daughter of Benjamin and Mary Grover, d. February, 1743 Sibel, daughter of Benjamin and Mary Grover, d. December 5, 1761, in her 21st year Mary, wife of Benjamin Grover, d. November 17, 1764, in her 60th year Mary, daughter of Matthew and Naomy Grover, d. October 26, 1727 Leonard, son of Leonard and Sarah Grover, d, at Havannah, August 26, 1762, in his i8th year Micah, son of Leonard and Sarah Grover, d. returning from Havannah, Nov. 8, 1762, in his 21st year Matthew Grover, d. May 5, 1765, in his 89th year Eunice, daughter of Leonard and Sarah Grover, d. February 15, 1768, in her 17th year Elisabeth, wife of John Grover, d. August 14, 1737 Naomy, wife of Matthew Grover, Sr., d. October 12, 1732 Leonard Grover, d. December, 1765 Jerusha, daughter of Ebenezer and Zeriah Grover, d. 1750 Ebenezer, son of John, Jr., and Abigail Grover, d. July 17, 1776 Simon Grover, d. at Fort Edward, October, 1757 Anne, daughter of Ebenezer and Zeruiah Grover, d. October 7, 1753 Abigail, wife of Hembery Grover, d. February i, 1786 Benjamin Grover, d. August 3, 1800, in his 52d year 184 COVENTRY RECORDS Amasa, son of Joseph and Sarah Thompson Grover, d. October 26, 1802 Chauncey, son of Joseph and Sarah Grover, d. September 3, 1812 HALE. John Hale, Esq., d. December 18, 1802, in his 55th year Sarah, reHct of John Hale, Esq., d. at Hartford, November 6, 1803; buried in Coventry Nov. 8 Susannah, daughter of Richard and Elisabeth Hale, d. March, 1766 Elisabeth Hale, wife of Richard Hale, d. April 21, 1767, in her 40th year Capt. Nathan Hale, son of Deacon Richard Hale, was taken in the city of New York by the Britons and executed as a spy some time in the month of September, 1776. Deacon Richard Hale, d. January i, 1802, in his 86th year Lieut. Joseph Hale, d. April 30, 1784, in his 35th year Sarah, daughter of Lieut. Joseph and Rebeccah Hale, d. June 27, 1784, aged 7 months Billy Hale, d. September 7, 1785, in his 27th year Mary, daughter of Richard, Jr., and Mary Hale, d. December 10, 1791 Richard Hale, Jr., d. at Island of Eustalia, February 12, 1793, in his 36th year Polly, daughter of Richard, Jr., and Mary Hale, d. October 2, 1793 HATCH. Sophia, wife of Ephraim Hatch, d. April 13, 1818 HAWKINS or HOLCKINS. James Hockins, d. January, 1776, in his 7 — th year Sarah, relict of James Hockins, d. September 3, 1777, in her 6 — th year James Hawkins, Jr., d. September 3, 1773, in his 40th year Deborah Holckins, daughter of George and Hepzibah Hol- ckins, d. February 14, 1747-8 George, son of George, Jr., and Hepzibah Holckins, d. February 14, 1747-8 DEATHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 185 Sarah, wife of Joseph Hawkins, d. January 25, 1775, in her 43d year Joseph, Jr., son of Joseph and Sarah Hawkins, d. September 5, 1777, in his 15th year HENDEE or HENDE. Joshua, son of Joshua and wife, Hende, d. August 30, 1740 Ruth, daughter of Joshua and wife, Hende, d. August 29, 1740 Jabez, son of Joshua and wife, Hende, d. August 2^, 1740 Ebenezer, son of Joshua and wife, Hende, d. August 31, 1740 Rachael, daughter of Jonathan and Rachael Hende, d. December 31, 1739 HERRICK. Ledia, wife of Joseph Herrick, d. March, 1764, in her 49th year Ledia, daughter of Joseph and Ledia Herrick, d. September 28, 1739 Mehitable, daughter of Joseph and Ledia Herrick, d. November 5, 1738 EHsabeth, wife of Daniel Herrick, d. December 15, 1741 HIBBARD. David Hibbard, d. in Coventry, August 13, 1800 Dorcas, rehct of David Hibbard, d. July 31, 1801, in her 77th year Clarissa, daughter of Selah and Ester Hibbard, d. November 22, 1796 Chauncey, son of Selah and Ester Hibbard, d. October 8, 1804 HOUSE. Rebeckah, daughter of Jonathan and Ruth House, d. April 8, 1760, in her 4th year James, son of Samuel, Jr., and Hannah House, d. March 19, 1775, in his 2d year HOWARD. Joanna, daughter of Dr. Nathan and Joanna Howard, d. May 4, 1788 Chauncey, son of Dr. Nathan and Joanna Howard, d. August 7, 1793 186 COVENTRY RECORDS Anna, daughter of Dr. Nathan and Joanna Howard, d. August 14, 1793 Richard Hale, son of Dr. Nathan and Joanna Howard, d. October 3, 1803 Rufus, son of Dr. Nathan and Joanna Howard, d. October 5, 1803 Dr. Nathan Howard, d. April 21, 1838 Joanna, widow of Dr. Nathan Howard, d. April 22, 1838 John Howard, d. March 30, 1813, in his 29th year John, son of John and Lucy Howard, d. March 16, 1863 Chauncey, son of John and Lucy Howard, d. August 12, 1891 HUNT. Ruth, wife of William Hunt, d. January 18, 1761 HUTCHINSON. Joseph Willard, son of Willard and Sophia Hutchinson, d. December 17, 1814 ISHAM. James Edgar, son of Oliver, Jr., and Minerva Isham, d. October 22, 1823 JANES. Abigail, wife of Samuel Janes, d. October 18, 1791 Oliver Janes, of Coventry, d. at East Chester, in army, October 7, 1776, in his 23d year Elisabeth, wife of Elisha Janes, Jr., d. Noveipber 16, 1765, in her 23d year Elias, son of Elias and Susannah Janes, d. February 18, 1776 Daniel, son of Elisha Janes, d. December 4, 1770, in his 21st year Iraney Janes, daughter of Seth and Sarah Janes, d. March 12, 1741, 5 weeks old JONES Asal, son of Benjamin and Patiance Jones, d. August 7, 1740 Sibel, daughter of Benjamin and Patiance Jones, d. August 29, 1740 Dina, daughter of Benjamin and Patiance Jones, d. September 8, 1740 DEATHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 187 Abigail, wife of Ebenezer Jones, d. December i6, 1743 Abigail, daughter of Ebenezer and Zuriah Jones, d. September 18, 1750 Sarah, wife of Adonijah Jones, d. May i, 1771 Patiance, wife of Benjamin Jones, d. April 24, 1770, in her 75th year • Remembrance, son of Noah and Dina Jones, d. at Roxbury, December 15, 1775 Marting, son of Asael and Eunice Jones, d. October 14, 1775, in his 2d year Millender, daughter of Asael and Eunice Jones, d. October 19, 1775 Joseph, son of Samuel Jones, d. February 25, 1801, in his 17th year JUDD. Thomas Judd, d, March 3, 1809 REACH. Benjamin Franklin, son of Asa and Betsey Keach, killed in Bolton by bursting of a cannon, September 2'>^, 1828 Horatio Nelson, son of Asa and Betsey Keach, d. June 13, 1812 KINDRICK. Thomas, son of Nathaniel and Judah Kindrick, drowned December 17, 1764, in his i6th year KINGSBURY. Jeremiah, son of Nathaniel Kingsbury, d. March, 1727 Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer and Priscilla Kingsbury, d. September 4, 1744 Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Anne Kingsbury, d. September 15, 1748 Priscilla, daughter of Ebenezer and Priscilla Kingsbury, d. January 5, 1751-2 Ruth, daughter of Nathaniel Kingsbury and wife, d. May 24, 1752, in her 15th year Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Anne Kingsbury, d. May 9, 1753 Thomas Kingsbury, d. July 15, 1754 188 COVENTRY RECORDS Widow Anne Kingsbury, relict of Thomas Kingsbury, d. May lo, 1755 Merah, daughter of Ebenezer and Priscilla Kingsbury, d. November 26, 1764 Jeremiah, son of Jabez and Mary Kingsbury, d. December 10, 1761, in his 5th year Samuel Newel Kingsbury, d. November 30, 1817 LAD or LADD. Nathaniel Lad, Jr., d. December 19, 1744 Nathaniel Lad, d. January 11, 1757, in his 73d year Abigail, relict of Nathaniel Lad, d. August 7, 1778, in her 92d year Abigail, daughter of Henry and Abigail Lad, d. March 22, 1768, in her i6th year Henry Ladd, d. April 6, 1768, in his 52d year Jerusha, daughter of Henry and Abigail Ladd, d. October 8, 1741 Dr. Henry Ladd, 1. August 9 (no date given), in his 33d year Jerusha, daughter of Henry, Jr., and Abial Ladd, d. August II, 1767 Jerusha, daughter of Henry and Abial Ladd, d. February 21, 1776 Lorin, son of Henry and Abial Ladd, d. December 10, 1777, in his 2d year LAMB. Ebenezer Lamb, d. January 28, 1755 Abigail, wife of Benjamin Lamb, d. April 16, 1759, in her 25th year LAMPHEAR. Mary, wife of Isaac Lamphear, d. July 31, 1761 LARABE or LARRABE. Sarah Larabe, d. June 15, 1738, about 75 years Jabez, son of Joseph and Judah Larrabe, d. July 3, 1750 Judith, wife of Joseph Larrabe, d. November 30, 1763, in her 69th year Ruth, wife of Joseph Larrabe, d. January 30, 1765, in her 56th year DEATHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 189 LATHROP. Albert Lathrap, d. January 5, 1808 Mary Lathrop, d. August 9, 1814 LEA. Lydia, wife of David Lea, d. July 16, 17 18 LEACH. Samuell, son of Ebenezer and Sarah Leach, d. June 30, 1742 LONG. Jerusha Long, d. January 11, 1722-3 Silas, son of Silas and Lidea Long, d. October 4, 1757 Lydia, wife of Silas Long, d. November 5, 1757, in her 59th year William Long, d. July, 1740, in his 72d year Widow Mary Long, d. February, 1759, in her 87th year Joseph, Jr., son of Samuel and Martha Long, drowned in Mistic River, July 8, 1775, in his 21st year Stephen, son of Joseph, Jr., and Sarah Long, d. May 29, 1740, in his 8th year Simeon, son of Joseph and Sarah Long, d. August 6, 1729 Rufus, son of Samuel and Martha Long, d. in Cambridge, September 8, 1775, in his 19th year LOOMIS. Polly, daughter of Daniel, Jr., and Polly Loomis, d. March 7, 1795 Nathaniel Loomis, d. February 10, 1758, in his 46th year Zachariah Loomis, d. December 23, 1797 Huldah, wife of Zachariah Loomis, d. October 28, 1798 Mariah, daughter of Ebenezer and Eunice Loomis, d. December 12, 1800 Emily, daughter of Eleazer and Lucretia Loomis, d. March 27, 181 5 Roxalana, daughter of Buel and Roxalana Loomis, d. October 14, 1816 LYMAN. Hannah, daughter of Jacob and Mehitable Lyman, d. July, 1774, in her 15th year Joseph, son of Jacob and Mehitable Lyman, d. at Camp Fort Burdett, September 5, 1776, in his 21st year 1^0 COVENTRY RECORDS Jacob Lyman, d. January 15, 1802 Mehitable Lyman, d. May 10, 1814 MALBONE. Sally, daughter of Godfrey and Dorcas Malbone, d. March 28, 1802 MEACHAM. Joseph, son of Rev. J. and Esther Meacham, d. August 31, 1720 John, son of Rev. J. and Esther Meacham, d. August 9, 1725 Joseph, son of Rev. and Esther Meacham, d. February 15, 1729-30 Sybil, daughter of Rev. Joseph and Esther Meacham, d. February, 1730-31 Esther, wife of Rev. Joseph Meacham, d. March 12, 1751 Rev. Joseph Meacham, d. September 15, 1752, in his 67th year MEAD, Anne, daughter of John and Elisabeth Mead, d. September 25, 1775, in her 5th year Hannah, daughter of John and Elisabeth Mead, d. October 2, 1775, in her 8th year John, son of John and Elisabeth Mead, d. October 5, in his 2d year MERAUGH. Denis Meraugh, d. December i, 1767, in his 79th year MILLINTON. Solomon, son of John and Martha Millinton, d. May 3, 1718 MURCH. James Murch, d. June 3, 1726 MURDOCK. Sarah, wife of Jonathan Murdock, d. April 7, 1776 NORTH. Widow Sarah North, d. December, 1727 PAGE. Mary, wife of Thomas Page, d. June 20, 1750 DEATHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 191 Elias, son of Thomas and Azubah Page, d. January 31, 1751-2, i month old Azubah, daughter of Thomas and Azubah Page, d. October 19, 1760 PALLMER or PALMER. Rebeckah, wife of Sergeant Benjamin Pallmer, d. March 22, 1726 Anne, daughter of Stephen and Ehsabeth Palmer, d. January 20, 1737-8 Nathan, son of Stephen and Elisabeth Palmer, d. August 29, 1 74 1 Elias, Jr., son of Elias and Elisabeth Palmer, d. November 9, 1779 Mehitable, wife of Gershom Palmer, d. September 22, 1760 John Palmer, d. January 26, 1785 PARKER. Tabytha, wife of James Parker, d. November 20, 1730 James, son of James Parker, d. March 29, 1740 Tabethy, daughter of James and Elizabeth Parker, d. November 28, 1743 Deacon Samuel Parker, d. October 30, 1775, in his 94th year Solomon Parker, d. August 3, 1799, in his 44th year PHELPS. Joanna, wife of Beniamoji Phelps. d. July 7, 1752 Lidea, daughter of Beniamon and Joanna Phelps, d. January 23, 1753 PINGEY. Abijah, wife of Moses Pingey, d. July 5, 1748 POMROY. Sibyl, wife of Eleazer Pomroy, d. May 11, 1786 Esther, daughter of Daniel, Jr., and Eunice Pomroy, d. December 5, 1775 Daniel Pomroy, d. January 19, 1777 Daniel Starling, son of Daniel, Jr., and Eunice Pomroy, d. October 5, 1778 Daniel Pomroy, of Coventry, d. January 23, 1785 192 COVENTRY RECORDS — --^ PORTER, "hankful, wife of Thomas Porter, d. June 7, 1736 Daniell, son of Daniell and Hester Porter, d. January 31, 1742 Capt. Thomas Porter, d. August 7, 1752, in his 69th year Irene, daughter of Jonathan and Sarah Porter, d. October 31, 1746, in her 8th year Jonathan Porter, d. March 24, 1796, in his 77th year Mr. Noah Porter, d. August 30, 1790, in his 75th year Lois, wife of Jonathan Porter, Jr., d. April 14, 1766, in her 25th year Eunice, daughter of Thomas and Zilpah Porter, d. February 2, 1785, in her i8th year Zilpah, wife of Thomas Porter, d. November 12, 1787, aged 54 Lemuel Porter, d. at Lake George, September, 1755, in his 31st year Elisabeth, wife of Thomas Porter, d. October 28, 1755, in her 60th year Thomas Porter, d. February, 1759, in his 63d year Widow Abigail Porter, d. March 16, 1761, in her 87th year Submit, daughter of Noah 2d and Submit Porter, d. February 14, 1768 Noah Porter, d. July 10, 1794 Joseph, son of Noah and Submit Porter, d. May 18, 1806 Erastus Porter, d. July 21, 1793, in his 30th year Eunice, daughter of Erastus and Hannah Porter, d. November 3, 1794 Polly, wife of Capt. Noah Porter, d. October 25, 1806 Noah Loomis, son of Noah and Faith Porter, d. March 29, 1837 Henry Cheney, son of William and Sarah Porter, d. September 9, 1826 Charles Winslow, son of William and Sarah Porter, d. December 4, 1833 POTWINE. Mary, wife of John Potwine, d. March 31, 1766, in her 68th year PRICE. Abigail, daughter of Rufus and Martha Price, d. March 29, 1755 DEATHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 193 RENALLS. Samuel Renalls, drowned May i8, 1720 RICHARDSON. , son of Lemuel and Anna Richardson, d. February 22, 1757 Stephen, son of Lemuel and Anna Richardson, d. November 4, 1765 Lemuel Richardson, d. April 22, 1777, in his 51st year Phillip, son of Stephen and Mabel Richardson, drowned May 13, 1793 Jennet Jewett, daughter of Stephen Richardson, d. September 28, 1793 Mabel, wife of Stephen Richardson, d. August 4, 1798 RIPLEY. Elijah Ripley, d. December 26, 1774 Elijah, son of Elijah, deceased, and Widow Alice Ripley, d. October, 1775, in his 2d year Jeremiah Ripley, Esq., d. February 11, 1812 ROBERTSON. Anne, wife of Samuel Robertson, d. October, 1765 Anne, wife of Samuel Robertson, d. January 25, 1773 Lidea, daughter of Ephraim and Ester Robertson, d. August 9, 1749 Ephraim Robertson, d. July 29, 1752, in his 31st year Hannah, wife of Daniel Robertson, d. January 20, 1755 Daniel, Jr., son of Daniel and Susannah Robertson, d. December 9, 1775, in his 14th year Betty, daughter of Daniel and Susannah Robertson, d. December 9, 1775, in her 7th year (Mistake in records) Daniel Robertson, d. February 6, 1793 ROBESON or ROBENSON. Martha, wife of Samuel Robeson, d. April 29, 1749 ROCKWELL. Daniel, son of Amariah and Martha Rockwell, d. May 2, 1777 194 COVENTRY RECORDS ROOT. Ephraim Root, d. September 25, 1713 Hannah, daughter of Ebenezer and Sarah Root, d. March 29, 1721 Mercy, wife of Eliakim Root, d. March 27, 1728 Elisabeth, wife of Thomas Root, d. November 30, 1726 Lowes, daughter of Thomas Root, Jr., d. January i, 1741 Jonathan, son of Ehakim and Jemima Root, d. February 3, 1739-40 Thomas Root, d. November 13, 1756 EHakim Root, d. January 19, 1759, in his 64th year Rufus, son of Samuel and Mary Root, d. at Lake George, December 5, 1756 Hon. Jesse Root, d. March 29, 1822, aged 85 Thomas 3d, son of Thomas, Jr., and EHsabeth Root, d. December 20, 1775, in his loth year Azubah, wife of Jonathan Root, d. January 5, 1779 Lydia, daughter of Jonathan and Azubah Root, d. December 29, 1780 John, son of John and Deborah Root, d. January 14, 1775, in his 9th year John, son of John and Deborah Root, d. September, 1776 Hannah, wife of Thomas Root, d. September 21, 1776 Thomas Root, d. December 2, 1782, in his 91st year Nathaniel Root, d. September 21, 1840 Asal, son of Ephraim and Elisabeth Root, d. March 30, 1751 Elizabeth, wife of Nathaniel Root, d. August 3, 1790, in her 32d year Lemuel and Martin, children of Nathaniel and Candace Root, died in infancy Candace, wife of Nathaniel Root, d. June i, 1835, in her 71st year Nathaniel Root, d. September 21, 1840, in his 84th year ROSE. Dr. Samuel Rose, d. November 4, 1780 Eunice, wife of Nathan Hale Rose, d. February 10, 1805 Lydia, wife of Nathan Hale Rose, d. July 7, 1832 Josiah, son of Dr. Josiah and Eunice Rose, d. September 10, 1740 DEATHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 195 John, son of Dr. Josiah and Eunice Rose, d. September i8, 1749-50 Eunice, wife of Dr. Josiah Rose, d. May 4, 1780 Dr. John, son of Dr. Josiah and Eunice Rose, d. October 30, 1783, in his 28th year RUSSELL. John Russell, d. September 19, 1822, aged 64 RUST. Mary, relict to Daniel Rust, deceased, d. September 23, 1775 Mercy or Mary, daughter of Daniel and Anna Rust, d. August 15, 1739, in her 8th year Anna, daughter of Daniel and Anna Rust, d. August 23, 1739, in her 3d year Anna, wife of Daniel Rust, d. July 23 (year illegible) Mary, relict of Daniel Rust, d. September 2}^, 1775 Zebulon, son of Samuel and Sarah Hockins Rust, d. September 23, 1740, aged 3 years, 2 months, and 13 days Samuel, son of Samuel and Sarah H, Rust, d. September 26, 1740, aged 12 years, 7 months Nathaniel, son of Samuel and Sarah H. Rust, d. September 30, 1740, aged 5 years, 4 months, 15 days Mary, daughter of Amaziah and Mary Rust, d. April i, 1758 Chauncey, son of Amaziah and Mary Rust, d. November 5, 1776, in his 4th year Margaret Rust, d. September 18, 171 2 Mercy, wife of Nathaniel Rust, d. January 21, 1754, in her 8ist year Cloah, daughter of Noah and Keziah Rust, d. September 4, 1739 Noah Rust, Sr., d. December 1 1, 1746 Cloah, daughter of Noah and Keziah Rust, d. July 28, 1747 Elijah, son of Noah Rust, d. November 19, 1763, in his 24th year Rebeckah, daughter of Mathias and Susa Rust, d. February 6, 1752 Lore Rust, daughter of Nathaniel, Jr., and Rachael Rust, d. October 15, 1803 Capt. Samuell Rust, d. September 6, 1773, in his 72d year 196 COVENTRY RECORDS SABINS. John Sabins, d. November 6, 1749, in his 27th year SARGENT. Widow Mary, relict to John Sargent, late of Mansfield, d. December 18, 1773, in her 64th year SCOTT. Sarah Scott, who lived with Daniel Badcock, and afterwards with David Clark, d. August, 1747 SCRIPTURE. Mary, daughter of John and Abigail Scripture, d. July 30, 1728 Daniel, son of John and Mary Scripture, d. March 14, 1736 Mr. John Scripture, d. July 24, 1779, in his 91st year Mrs. Mary, relict of John Scripture, d. July 20, 1780, in her 87th year SEARL or SARL. Martha, wife of Ebenezer Searl, d. November 7, 1756 Elisha, son of Elisha and Mary Searl, d. September 26, 1749, in his 3d year Mary, widow of Elisha Searl, d. December 18, 1767, in her 50th year SHEPARD. Margaret, wife of Noah Shepard, d. March i, 1746 SIMONS. Elijah, son of Joshua and Anne Simons, d. December, 1759, in his 3d year Anne, daughter of Joshua and Anne Simons, d. 1759, in her 5th year SKINNER. Patiance, wife of Noah Skinner, d. May 16, 1740 Patiance, daughter of Noah and Patiance Skinner, d. Mav 7, 1740 SMITH. Joanna, wife of Recompense Smith, d. December 16, 1785, in her 72d year DEATHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 197 SPRAGUE. Eliakim, son of Samuel and Jerusha, d. June 28, 1762 STANLEY. Caleb, son of Caleb, Jr., and Martha Stanley, d. March 15, 1776 STRONG. Tabitha, wife of Preserved Strong, d. June 23, 1750, in her 73d year Preserved Strong, d. September 26, 1765, in his 86th year Joseph Strong, Esq., d. December 2t„ 1763, aged 91 Beulah, daughter of Phineas Strong and Mary, d. August 22, 1750 Mary, wife of Phineas Strong, d. April 13, 1757 Hannah, daughter of Phineas and Mary Strong, d. April 24, 1757 Jedediah Strong, d. May 22, 1733, in his 96th year Beulah, daughter of Phineas and Mary Strong, d. August 22, 1750, in her 5th year Mary, wife of Phineas Strong, d. April 13, 1757 Hannah, daughter of Phineas and Mary Strong, d. April 24, 1757 Billy, son of Benajah and Lucy Strong, d. July 23, 1782 Lucy, wife of Benajah Strong, d. November 27, 1783, in her 36th year Deborah, wife of Noah Strong, d. November 30, 1739 Rev, Nathan Strong, d. November 7, 1795, in his 74th year Irene, daughter of Phineas and Mary Strong, d. March 11, 1773, in her 32d year Jemima Strong, d. February 3, 1760 Joseph Strong, Esq., d. in Coventry, April 9, 1773, in his 72d year Martha, daughter of Joseph, Esq., and Elisabeth Strong, d. October 4, 1775, in her 52d year Elisabeth, late consort of Joseph Strong, Esq., d. May i, 1792 Joseph, son of Joseph, Jr., and Elisabeth Strong, d. September 16, 1727 Cloe, daughter of Aaron and Rachael Strong, d. November 7, 1744 198 COVENTRY RECORDS Rachael, daughter of Aaron and Rachael Strong, d. December lo, 1747, in her 14th year Cloe, daughter of Aaron and Rachael Strong, d. November, 1745, in her 4th year Sarah, wife of Asa Strong, d. August 4, 1770, in her 34th year SWEATLAND. Anna, daughter of Ebenezer and Sarah Sweatland, d. August 27, 1752 Sarah, wife of Ebenezer Sweatland, d. August 14, 1762, in her 34th year TALCOTT. Esther, daughter of Joseph and Eunice Talcott, d, February 17, 1765, in her 4th year Capt. Joseph Talcott, drowned June 10, 1789 TAYLOR. Elisha, son of Stephen and Deliverance Taylor, d. August I, 1747 John Taylor, d. March (no date) Elisabeth Taylor, d. October 31, 181 3 TERRILL. Alathea, wife of Thomas Terrill, d. February 20, 1773, in her 25th year THOMSON or THOMPSON. Amos Thompson, d. November 28, 1752 Amos, Jr., son of Amos and Irene Thompson, d. December, 1752, in his 2d year TILDEN. John, Jr., son of John and Bersheba Tilden, d. August 15, 1790 TOWNSEND. Irene, wife of David Townsend, d. January 16, 1761 TRAPP. Aurelia, daughter of Samuel and Alice Trapp, d. April 30, 1836 DEATHS FROM TOWN RECORDS 199 TURNER. Hannah, wife of Amos Turner, d. November 19, 1797 Robert Turner, d. August 4, 1797 Silance Turner, d. August 14, 1798 VORRA. Martin Vorra, d. May 2, 1792 WARD. Oliver Ward, d. February 27, 1743-4, in his 56th year Tabothy Ward, who lived with Recompense Smith, d. December 2, 1775, in her 13th year WEBSTER. Eunice, wife of Benajah Webster, d. November 27, 1750 WENTWORTH. Gad, son of Ebenezer, Jr., and Sarah Wentworth, d. March 7, 1776 WILSON. Dorothy, daughter of John and wife, d. June 2, I739-40 Francis Willson, d. January 15, 1767, in his 55th year John, son of John and wife, d. September 10, 1740 WOODWARD. Nathaniel Woodward, d. April 15, 1792, in his 76th year Henry Woodward, killed by Indians, June 26, 1756, in his 36th year WRIGHT. Mary, wife of Roswell Wright, d. June 24, 1787 Roswell Wright, d. February 13, 1845 James, son of Elijah and Jane Wright, d. July 7, 1789 Records of ist Church, Coventry, Conn., ist page. Children. Baptisms. Parents. Oct. William, 1776. Hab'k Turner, Jr. Nov. Hannah, Jonathan Root Achsy, Asa Manley Dec. Daniel and Anne, Daniel Rust David, Humphrey Dow Apr. 1777. Oliver Boynton John, Shepherd Mary and William, Deacon Porter Martha, Amos Dorman Lucinda, John Robinson June Nathan Hale, Dr. L. Rose Stephen, Zebulon Badcock Elizabeth, Daniel Rust Sept. Three names illegible. Oct. Mary Bishop, Allerton Cushman Lydia, Jonathan Root Vina, Humphrey Taylor Nov. Jesse, Ephraim Colman Dec. Lorenzo, Humphrey Dow Jan. Stephen, 1778. John Root Feb. Nathan, John Deuty Apr. Septimus George, my son, Dorn 15th, 5 o'clock in the morning, Rev. Huntington June Lucy, Benajah Strong July Henry, Herman, Peregrine, and H iram Benoni, Dr. Ladd Marcia and Lucia, Widow Brigham Mary, Jeremiah Fitch Illegible, Joseph Hawkins 200 RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 201 Children. Hapt'sms. 1778. Parents. July Illegible, Medad Root Dec. William, David Greenleaf 1779 Mar. Azubah, Jonathan Root Apr. Solomon, Ephraim Dow Esther, Henry Shepard May Fanny, Dr. L. Rose Elizabeth, Zep'h Hammond July Mary, Oliver Boynton Joseph, Widow Boynton Aug. Betty, Deacon Porter Oct. Barbary, Timothy Rose Nov. Clarissa, Gershom Colman Elias, Elias Palmer Dec. John, Elias Palmer Hannah, my daughter, born 22d inst., 6 o'clock, A. M., Rev. Huntington 1780. Apr. John, Ephraim Coleman Joseph, Alvin Carpenter Eunice, Medad Root Martha and Mary, Benajah Strong May Lois, John Robinson Mary, Martha, Elisabeth, and Eunice, Elias Palmer June Elisabeth, Joseph Hale Stephen, Amos Dorman Lucy, Joseph Hawkins David, Humphrey Taylor Josiah, Timothy Rose July Asenath, Amasa, and Tirzah, Widow Mehitable Dow Oliver, Gershom Colman Aug. Luther, Ephraim Cushman Walter, Jehiel Rose Mary, Jabez Ripley Oct. Cynthia, Lois, and Moses, John Eells, Jr. Samuel, Samuel Badcock Abigail and Thomas, Thomas Root Fanny, Alvin Carpenter 202 COVENTRY RECORDS Children. Oct. Jerusha and Billy, Dec. Phebe, Baptisms. 1780. I781. Parents. Billy Root John Richardson Widow Perkins John Root Joseph Hale Samuel Colman Oliver Boynton Asa Manley Feb. Philomela, Apr. Amelia, Rebecca, Esther, May Benjamin, June Daniel, July Martin, Luther, Mary, Bishop, Henry, Lavinia, Prosper, and Theodamia, Caleb, Elizabeth, Timothy Carpenter Salome, Peter, Mehitable, Samuel, Jesse, Daniel, Bille, and Nathan, Samuel Rose Betsey, Abel Palmer Henry Boothe William Badcock Aug. David, Hezekiah Robertson Harry, my son, born the 20th, 2 A. M., Rev. Huntington Sept. Zuriah, Samuel Badcock Marjaram and Clarinda, Pelatiah Dow 1782. Feb. Vine, Abner Fitch Mar. Bille, Benajah Strong Apr. Eliza and Bennet Field, Thomas Root June Joseph, Ephraim Coleman Joseph, Joseph Hawkins Stephen, Ephraim Cushman July Anne, Amos Dorman Nehemiah, Billy Root Aug. Anne, Polly, and Daniel, Nathaniel Brown Betsey, Royal and Calvin, Calvin Manning Nancy, Nathan Cook Sept. Tabitha, Humphrey Dow Oct. Orpah, Ebenezer Crossman 1783- Jan. Joshua Woodworth, Adult Sophie and Spencer, Joshua Woodworth Mar. Benajah, Deacon Strong RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 203 Children. l^apiisms. 1783- June Asa, Hannah, John, Ada, Mary, July Elias, Joseph, Mary, Aug. Cynthia. \ Gurdon. Chloe, John, Josiah, Mary, Oct. Lucretia, my daughter, born Jan. Feb. June Aug, Sept Dec. Feb. April June July Thomas, Elizabeth, Dianthe, 1784. Enoch, Sarah, Eunice, Ephraim, Solomon Lathrop, Sarah and Elijah, Diadamia, Ephraim, Apollos Amos, Jehiel and Daniel Pomeroy, Hannah, Joseph, 1785- Sarah, Gideon, and John, John and Dean, Lydia and Lucy, Alpheus, Sylvester, Wealthy, George, Parents. Abel Palmer Nathan Cook Oliver Boynton Joshua Edwards Joseph Hale Elias Palmer John Robinson Calvin Manning Ebenezer Grossman Bennet Field Asa Manley Samuel Badcock Josiah Alcott Ephraim Root, Jr. September 29, 1 1 o'clock. Rev. Huntington and Cornelius, Abner Fitch Elias Judd Joseph Hale Capt. I. Ripley Ephraim Colman Samuel Colman Hezekiah Robertson , and Phebe, Jephthah Fitch Samuel Rose Timothy Rose George Hawkins Benjamin Grover Joshua Edwards John Fisk Calvin Manning Billy Root Sylvester Manley Amos Palmer Abel Palmer 204 COVENTRY RECORDS Children. Baptisms. Parents. July John, 1785- Dr. Howard Aug. Oliver and Enos, Oliver Boynton Rebecca, Ephraim Cushman Eben, Ebenezer Grossman Fanny, Asa Manley Sept. Betsey, John Taylor Nov. Eunice, Joshua Wordworth Dec. Alpheus, Bennet Field Feb. Billy, •1786. Billy Hale April Samuel, William Trapp May Fanny, John Young, and Phoene, Nathan Gook July Latham, Abner Fitch Sept. Rufus and Gordon, Joseph Hawkins Mary, Dudley Dorman Oct. Benjamin, John Robinson Darius, Sylvester Manley Nov. Betsey, Silene Burns Feb. David, 1787. Nathan Gook Mar. Samuel, Oliver Boynton May Benjamin, Medad Root June Ira, Ebenezer Grossman Hezekiah, Galvin Manning Aug. Mason, Lucy, Mercy , and Dolly, Stephen Turner Esther, Gapt. Howard Louisa, Abel Palmer Sept. Elisabeth and Emminia, G. Root, Esq. Sarah, Elias Palmer Sarah, Jabez Ripley Oct. Mary, Richard Hale, Jr. Betsey, William Trapp Billy, Abner Fitch Nov. Epaphras, 1788. Timothy Rose Feb. Mercy, Widow Dorothy Turner April Mercy Penelope, my daughter, born the 25th inst., 9 A. M., Rev. Huntington RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 205 Children. Baptisms. 1788. Parents. May Ruth, Joanna, Elizabeth, July Sally, Aug. Nathan, Chester, Alpheus, and Polly, Sarah and Deborah. Sept. Cornelia, Paul, William, Anson, and Harvey, Oct. Asa, Horace, Asynthe, Nov Orinde, Philomela, Deborah, Lucy, Phebe, and Isaac, Widow Elisabeth Robinson Jephthah Fitch Dr. Howard Bennet Field Deacon Strong Josiah Fuller, Jr. Nathan Colman Widow Manley Levi Dow Joshua Wordworth Jehiel Rose John Robinson Dec. Joseph, Darius, 1789. May Mira, Sept. David, Lora, Anne, Lucy, Annie, Polly, Stephen Turner Sylvester Manley Ebenezer Crossman Mr. Taylor Richard Hale Dr. Howard Capt. Ripley Calvin Manning Abner Fitch, Jr. Oct. Nov. Hannah, Clarissa, Jesse, and Lavinia, Grandchildren of Eliphilet Brown David, 1790. Jan. William and Nathaniel, Mar. Esther, May Erastus, Laura and Jesse, Benjamin and Salome, June Clarissa, July Orin and Alfred, Anne, Lucy, Aug. Betsey, Lydia, Hannah, Patty, Elvira, Asa, and Anna, Benjamin Grover Asahel House Isaac Robertson Jabez Ripley Samuel Rose Benjamin Colman Josiah Fuller Timothy Rose Ulysses Dow Joshua Woodworth. Asa Colman 206 COVENTRY RECORDS Children. Baptisms. Parents. 1790. Aug. Don Alonzo and Zenas, Isaac Robertson Sarah, Fanny and Mary, Ebenezer Colman, Jr. Sept. Royal, Stephen Turner Nov. Anna, Barzaillac Ames My son James, born 9th inst., 2 o'clock, A. M., Rev. Huntington 1791. Jan. Ruth Lyman, Adult Feb. Jephtah, Persis, William, Jesse, Edna, and Jemima, children of Mrs. Lyman Isabella, William Root Ephraim Colburn, C. Root, Esq. Seth Pierce, Bennet Field Mar. John, Frederick Rose Solomon, Isaac Robertson July Lydia, Asahel House Aug. Warren, Polly, Lavinia, and Betsey, Elislia Hutchinson Oct. Temperance, William Robertson 1792. Mar. Eleazer, Lavinia, Horace, Elisabeth, and Sally, Solomon Parker John, Polly, and Jesse, John Eells Anne, Nathan, Dyar, Fanny, Milton, and Electa, Jedediah Geer John, William, and Isabella, Joseph Manley Betsey, Mrs. Hazleton May Chauncey, Dr. Howard Luther, Ephraim Hutchinson July Polly, Nathan Colman Elias, Joshua Woodworth Aug. James, Calvin Manning Elisabeth and Electa, Timothy Rose Lucy, Joseph Fuller Ursula, Abner Fitch Oct. Jeremiah, Judge Ripley Lydia and Elisabeth, John Root Nov. Polly, Richard Hale, Jr RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 207 Children. Baptisms. Parents. 1793- Jan. Flavius Josephus, Joseph Huntington, Esq. April Martha, Clarissa, Fanny, and Samuel, grandchildren of Jonathan House May Elisabeth, Jabez Ripley Anne, Lucia, and Sally, Cephas Brigham Sept. Roswell, Stephen Turner Phebe, Nathan Colman Dianthe, Uriah Palmer Joanna, Bildad Curtiss Oct. Olive, Asa Colman Chauncey, Capt. Jeremiah Fitch Phebe, Ebenezer Colman, Jr. Hannah, Joseph Fuller Clarissa, Shubael Cook Philena, Billy, and Nathan, Widow Cook 1794. Chauncey, John Eells June Samuel, Marvin, and Augustus, Bildad Curtiss Sept. Timothy Cushman and Harmony Allen, Mr. Brockway, New York State Oct. Jesse, Joshua Woodworth I795' Chauncey, Judge Ripley Nathan, Dr. Nathan Howard Jethro Turner, aged 74 (private) William Buell, son of Benjamin Sprague (Andover) 1796. June 12 Anna Jones, daughter of William Holt (Milton) July 24 Joel, son of Amasa Jones Harry and Harriet, Joshua Woodworth Aug. 21 Rebeckah, Reynolds (Greenfield, N. H.) Oct. 2 Josiah, Josiah Fuller, Jr. Billy, Nathan Coleman Sally, Nathaniel Woodward (N. S.) Nov. 13 Daniel Clark and Belsey, children of Ephraim Dow (deceased) 208 COVENTRY RECORDS Children. Baptisms. Parents. 1797. Mar. 21 Jeremiah Fitch, Jr., July 22 Elisabeth, Dr. Howard Sept. 24 Joseph Huntington, son of Amasa Jones Dec. 3 James Buell, grandson of Judge Root Jan. 1798. 12 Eunice, wife of S. Dewey April 5 Neal, Sarah, and Anne, Widow Mercy Robinson June 24 Maria, Nathan Coleman and wife July 22 Guerdon, 29 Elisabeth, daughter of Rev. Abiel Abbot and wife Jane Richardson, daughter of William Lyman and wife Nov. 12 Esther, wife of Elijah Sweatland Aug. 179c 22 Tryphena, Josiah Fuller Temperance, Asa Coleman William and Rebeckah, Asa Coleman Roderick and Lucy, Lieut. Bildad Curtis Sept. 15 Rufus, Dr. Nathan Howard Fanny Huntington, Amasa Jones Abigail, Rev. Abiel Abbott Miranda, William Lyman 1800. Wealthy, 1801. Feb. 13 Joseph Janes, Aug. 30 William Augustus, Sept. 13 Margaret and Emmeline, Dorcas and Sarah, Nov. 13 Augustus, Jesse, Leonard, Betsey, Harry, and Laura, Widow Hulda Curtis Sally, wife of Benjamin Coleman 1802. Jan. 26 Walter, Walter Rose Mar. 21 Eunice, Joseph Dow- July 25 George, Benjamin Coleman Sept. 5 Richard Hale, Dr. Nathan Howard Nathan Coleman Adult Capt. Curtis Amasa Jones Rev. Abiel Abbott Josiah Fuller RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 209 Oct. Jan. Sept, Oct. May June Aug. Sept, Oct. Children. 3 Alicia, Polly Deuty, i6 Rebeckah, 25 Maria, 16 John, 30 Nathan, Baptisms. 1802. 1803. 1804. Parents 22 Hannah, 1 Zilpah (negro) 5 Idocia, 19 Betsey, Stephen, and Cephonia, 23 Eunice, 2 Laura, 5 Eunice Talcott, Elisabeth, May July Oct. Nov. 5 Elisabeth, 28 William, 6 John Dorman, Joseph, 20 Maria, 3 Mary, 1805 1806. Jan. 25 Anne Deuty, Sept. 14 Caroline, 1807 Mar. 3 Nabby Grover, April 21 Samuel and Polydore, July 12 Samuel, Oct. 18 Lucy, 1808. June 5 Harriot, 28 Lucy Aspinwall July 3 Emily and Carolme, Aug. 28 Lucia A. Ward, Oct. 9 Lydia, Dolly Levens, John, and Ezra, William Lyman Adult Joseph Dow Amasa Jones Capt. Bildad Curtis Nathan Coleman Joseph Dow William Lyman Stephen Dunham Joseph Dorman Sinmuel Babcock, Jr. N. H. Rose Betsey Manning Amasa Jones Samuel Babcock, Jr. Francis Norton Joseph Dorman Joseph Dow William Lyman Adult Stephen Dunham Adult Nathan H. Rose Amasa Jones William Lyman Nathan Colman Joseph Dorman Capt. Bildad Curtis Hezekiah Edgerton, Jr. Nov. 15 Olive Richardson, John Kingsbury James White 210 COVENTRY RECORDS Children. Baptisms. Parents. 1809. Mar. 12 Lucia and Anna Maria, Hezekiah Edgerton, Jr. Oct. 8 Joseph and Newton, Joseph Dow Mary and Joanna, Amasa Jones Levi Perkins, Capt. N. H. Rose 1810. Feb. 2 Elisabeth, Rodney White 1811. Mar. 15 Nathan Morrison and Chauncey, William Lyman Lucy Davenport, Adult Nov. 3 Abiel Abbott, Amasa Jones 1812. Mar. 22 Richard Hale, N. H. Rose George Edgerton, Lucy Eliza, Ursula Root, Ephraim Alson, Newton, and Lucretia, Apollos Fitch William Augustus, Joseph Dorman 1813. Charles Dow, Adult Martha Matilda, grandchild of J. Root, Esq. Jephtha, Apollos Fitch 1814. Sally Robert, Adult Eunice Balcomb, Adult Eunice, Maria, and Charles, Marcus Balcomb George, Lucius, Marcus, Austen, and Walter, Thaddeus Boynton 1815. Lucy, Major Rose Sept. 24 Pauline Colman, adult, Levi Colman Oct. I Anne, Joseph Dorman Phebe, Apollos Fitch Julia Ann, William Lyman Maxon, Ashbel George, Amasa, Eliza, and Henrietta, Seth Roberts Hezekiah, Lucia, and Augustus, Capt. Joseph Dow RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 211 Children. Baptisms. Parents. 1816. Jan. II Frederick, Josephus, George, Wyllys, Jasper Gilbert, Charles Dabney, John Dresser Mar, I Lucy Clark, Adult Sally Root, Spencer Woodworth 30 Jefferson Carpenter, April 28 Mary, David Hale (Boston) June 2 Lucia, Marcia, and Eliza, Jesse Boynton 23 Harriet Amanda, Lucy, and John Spencer, Spencer Woodworth Caroline and Mary, George White Aug. 18 Joseph, Amos, Polly, Frederick, Olive, Sally, and Erastus, children of Elijah Ripley Hezekiah and Joseph Warren, Amos Richardson Aug. 28 John Olds, Roxana, and Emily, Ruel Loomis Sept. I Selah Brown, Adult 29 Selah Ashley, Eliza, and Mary, Lewis Dunham and Andrew Kingsbury, Selah Brown Oct. 6 Cynthia Goodwin. Belsey Sanford. Hannah Palmer. EHza Needham. ! Daniel Brigham. Bishop Davenport. Rufus Davenport. Evelina Liba Brigham. Oct. 25 Anne, Calvin Manning William Armstrong. Rev. Chauncey Booth Dec. 8 Chauncey, Rev. Chauncey Booth Celinda, Nancy, Angeline, and William Henry, William Armstrong Caroline, Laura, and Mary, John Eells 1817. Mar. 10 Harry Dow. Milton Clark. Anna T. Clark. May 18 Elisha Morgan, Lydia Abbey, Solomon Goodrich, and Olive, Solomon Gilbert 212 COVENTRY RECORDS Children. Parents. May Baptisms. 1817. 18 John Wilton, Daniel Dimmick, and Maria Ann. Milton Clark Eliza, Samuel Dow 2d June I Edward, Joseph Dow Solomon, George, Beverley, Abbot, and Ezra, Solomon Dow 29 Rufus, William, Fanny, and Charles, Harry Dow 17 Marcina and Emma, Reuel Loomis John Ripley and Chauncey, grandchildren of Dr. Howard Sally and Frederick, Montgomery White 19 Mary Elisabeth, Louisa, and Henry S. G. Huntington 7 Eunice Williams. Charles, Amos Richardson 9 Rufus, Spencer Woodworth 28 Salome Emerit, Ephraim Abbot, and Lucy Ann, Ephraim Colman, Jr. William, Seth Roberts June Aug. Sept. Dec. Dec. i«i} Feb. I Benjamin Armstrong. May 10 Abby Jane J John Eells 24 Laura Farnam, Rev. Chauncey Booth Sybil, Apollos Fitch June 21 Emily, Nancy, Joseph Dorman Samuel Dow 2d July 26 Sylvester, Selah Brown Oct. 4 Maria, Montgomery W^hite Nov. I John, 1819. George R. White Feb. 16 Chauncey, Milton Clark Mar. I Elisabeth, Capt. Joseph Dow May 23 Chauncey Booth, Spencer Woodworth June 6 Joseph, Robert, 13 JuHus, Ephraim Colman, Jr. Clark Robinson Septimus G. Huntington Aug. 29 Eunice, Samuel Dow 2d RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 213 Children. Baptisms. Parents. 1820. Jan. 4 Emily and Norman, Widow Elijah Ripley May 7 Cynthia Lyman. July 2 Almira Cady Col. James White Aug. 13 Elizabeth, Rev. Chauncey Booth Sept. 3 Elijah, Widow Elizah Ripley Benjamin, Benjamin Armstrong Dec. 3 Sarah Ann, 1821. Apollos Fitch Jan. 21 James Richardson, Capt. Joseph Dow June 10 Ephraim, Samuel Dow 2d July 1 Lucy Strong, Amos Richardson 15 Laura, Montgomery White 16 Salome, Norman, and Austin, Thaddeus Boynton Aug. I Daniel Watson, Daniel Brigham Sept. 9 Phebe Sprague. William Edgar, William Coleman 1822. June 16 Caleb, Rev. Chauncey Booth Sept. I Olive, Selah Brown Nov. 17 Julia, 1823. Lanflear Mar. 7 William Lyman. 9 Wealthy Dimmick. Charlotte Maxwell. May 3 Oliver H. Isham. 4 Wife of Azel Edgerton. Wife of Samuel Dow 2d Fanny Boynton. Jane Doan. Maria Dimmick. Delia Grover. Eliza Dimmick. Desire Dimmick. Harriet Hosmer. Mary Brigham. Lavina Moore. Augustus Clark. Eber Dunham. 314 COVENTRY RECORDS Children. Baptisms. Parents. 1823. June 15 Frederick Haughton, Mrs. Solomon Dow Rufus, Milton Clark Mary Ann, Simeon J. Gardner Wealthy Topliff. Eliza Topliff. Wife of Stephen Dunham, Jr. Maria Topliff. Mrs. Avery. Wife of Joseph Doan. Wife of Solomon Bidwell. Mary Carpenter. John and Sally Brale, his wife. Edward, Amos Richardson Henry^ Daniel Brigham Aug. 24 Walter Adams, Reuel Loomis 31 Elisabeth White. Sept 7 Abner Mason Susan Daggett. Almira Whittemore. Sept. 21 Helen, Sophia, Sidney, Lucian, William, and Charlotte, Marvin Curtis Emily Brigham. Darius Randolph, Abel Sylvester, Charles Gilbert, Abby Ann, and Almira, Darius Manley 1824. April 30 Maria, Apollos Fitch May 30 Elizabeth, Col. James White June 27 Frederick Gibson, Darius Manley July II Thomas Fitch, Rev. Chauncey Fitch Henry Newton and Oramel, Phineas Post Sept. 5 Louisa, Penelope, and Samuel, Capt. Edward G. Huntington 1825. Feb. 18 George, Marvin Curtis May 29 Louisa Maria, John P. Cummings June 12 Ruth, Amos Richardson Aug. 14 Charlotte, Col. James White 28 Mary Jane, Oliver French RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 215 Children, July i6 Harriet, Dec. lo Henrv Martyn, July I Lucy Maria, Aug. 26 Maria Ann, Olive White, Baptisms. 1826. 1827. 1828. May June July Feb. May Aug. June July Sept. Sept Parents. Marvin Curtis Rev. C. Booth Joseph Dorman Ralzaman Belknap Amos Richardson Daniel Loomis Col. James White 2 Roxana Emily, I James, I Hannah, wife of Elias Janes. Sally, wife of Royal Manning. Eliza Clark. Maria Clark. Joseph Emerson and Edwin, Emily Wright, Nancy and Solomon Lathrop, 1829. 20 Sarah Adams and Joseph, 24 Kirtland Farnam, Horace, Austin, Henry, William Everett, Mary, 28 Caroline, 1830. 6 Eliphilet Ward and William Morgan, Eliphilet Harris Rufus Dimmick Daniel Brigham Solomon Colman Sterling Janes Rev. Chauncey Booth Louisa, and Gardiner Lord Capt. Joseph Dow Rufus Davenport 27 Sarah Howe, 1831. 3 Mary Ann Moody, 17 Martha Sergeant, James White, 4 Dr. Timothy Dimock. William H. Godfrey. Fanny Manning 28 Charlotte, Mary Elisabeth, Simeon Woodworth Dr. Dimock Austin Dunham Amos Richardson Col. James White Rufus Dimmick Frederick Benton, George, and Edwin, twins, Daniel Brigham 216 COVENTRY RECORDS Children. Baptisms. Parents. Sept. Nov. 183I. Richard Augustus, 16 William Howard, 30 James Manning, 6 Stedman W. Hanks. Mary Parrish. Martha Gardner. Eliza Davenport. Emmeline Davenport. Francis Lyman. William Lyman, Joseph Dorman Rev. Chauncey Booth Solomon Colman Sept. 2 James, Amos, 16 James Marvin, Jan. 18 Joel Lyman, July 5 Mary, Sept. 22 George Judson, Josiah Everitt, Feb. July Aug. 28 Francis, 1832. 1833- 1834. Sterling Janes Capt. E. G. Huntington Amos Richardson Marvin Curtis Sterling Janes Watson Boynton Washington Barrows Gardiner Lord Rufus Dimmick 3 James Ormand and Francis Lewellyn, James Dyke 2 Lucinda, John W. Murphy Wealthy and Henry Kirk and Nathan Colman, Montgomery White Nov. Mar. Daniel Wright, Simeon Cornelius, I Dianna Strong. 1835- Dr. Timothy Dimock Daniel Loomis 1836. 6 John Dresser and Abbey, his wife. 27 Ebenezer Kellogg, Samuel P. Rose April 17 Mercy Almira and Francis Hermon, Bohan S. Strong June 19 Cornelia, Widow Eliza Murphy John, John Winchester Addison, Alvan Kingsbury Sept. 2 James Dorman, Simeon Woodworth Nov. 4 John Everell and James Henry, John W. Boynton Ellen Maria, Rev. Chauncey Booth RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 217 Children. Baptisms. Parents. 1837. Alford Bliven. Melissa Bliven. Lydia Joanna, William Dorman Aug. 24 Nathan and Walter, Sterling Janes Sept. 24 Clarissa Sabin, 1838. James Dike May Cleanthe Kinne. June 3 Andrew Backus, Alvan Kingsbury July I Remick K. Arnold. James S. Morgan. Silas F. Clark. Ethan Barrows. Chloe Morgan. Sarah E. Brace. Lovinne Mason. Aug. 26 Edward Griffin, Edward G. Huntington Sept. 2 Cynthia Grover. Julia Ann Dunham. Sarah Manning. Eliza Manning. Charlotte Manning. Mary Landfear, William Babcock Mason Morgan. 1839- Elisabeth Rose, Samuel P. Rose Jan. Clement J. Godfrey. E. Grant Root. Mary Watrous. Henrietta Lyman. July 7 Mrs. Julia Mason. 1840. Mar. 17 George W. Fitch. June 25 Mary Jane, Sterling Janes July 3 Edward Stanley and Eliza, John W. Boynton Joseph Rose, William Dorman Maria Elizabeth, Dr. Timothy Dimock John Francis, John P. Loomis 218 COVENTRY RECORDS Children. Baptisms. 1840. July 25 Charles Myron, Clarissa Storrs, 1841. Roxana Bingham, 1842. Jan. Oliver Peckham. Mary, wife of John Albro. Daniel Albro, Nov. 5 Henry Farnam, Emma Matilda, Parents. June 30 Edward Arthur, Mary Ellen, Emily Elizabeth, Richard Dimock, June 12 Lucy Richardson, 1843. 1844. Charles P. Talcott Frederick Freeman Ralzamon Belknap John Albro Dr. Timothy Dimock John O. Loomis Frederick Freeman James S. Morgan John Winchester Col, Richard H, Rose Sterling Janes " BILL OF MORTALITY.' 1763. July Wife of Denis Maraugh. Oct. Child of Ebenezer Wentworth. Child of William Taylor. Dec. Wife of Joseph Larrabee. Nathaniel Gove. Joseph Strong, Esq. 1764. Mar. Wife of Joseph Harris. May Aged Mrs. Davenport. Child of Simeon Chapel. Aged Samuel Curtiss. July John Rose. Aug. Child of Levi Dow. Nov. Wife of Benjamin Grover. Dec. Thomas Kindrick. DEATH RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 219 1765- Aged Widow Brigham. Wife of Joseph Larabe. May Child of Medad Root. July James White. Sept. Preserved Strong. Oct. Wife of Captain Robertson. Nov. Wife of Elisha Janes, Jr. Child of Lot Dimmick. 1766. Feb. Widow Basset. Child of Peltiah Dow. Mar. Joseph Turner, Child of Deacon Hale. May Child of William Taylor. Joseph Turner, Jr. Child of Allerton Cushman. Rachael Crossman. June Widow Judd. Oct. Aged Mr. Pierce. Dec. Widow Root. 1767. Feb. Wife of Matthew Grover. Mar. Child of Jonathan Root. Widow Mary Edwards. April Wife of Deacon Hale. Child of James Hawkins, Jr. Child of Jer. Ripley. May Wife of Jer. Ripley. Aug. Child of Dr. Ladd. Oct. Wife of Denis Maraugh. Nov. Child of Amos Dorman. Dec. Denis Maraugh. Samuel French. Wife of Elisha Searle. 1768. Jan. Wife of Lazarus Manley. Child of Solomon Lord. 220 COVENTRY RECORDS 1768. Jan. Hudson Babcock. Feb. John Everton. July Child of Elijah Fuller. Child of Josiah Fuller. Aug. Child of Josiah Fuller. Child of Capt. Robertson. Sept. Child of Levi Dow. Child of Widow Babcock. Aged Mrs. Turner. Dec. Gideon Bridgman. George Hawkins. 1769. Jan. Aged Mr. Pierce. Feb. Hannah Root. Mar. Child of Elijah Janes. Widow Edwards. Captain Buell. June Wife of John Robertson. July Benjamin Grover. 1770. Jan. Child of Gershom Colman. Feb. Child of Simon Antizzal. July Child of Thomas Judd. Aug. Wife of Asa Strong. Wife of Caleb Stanley. Dec. Daniel Janes. 1771. April Jerusha Root. Aug. Wife of Daniel Lyman. Gershom Colman. Child of Henry Curtiss, Jr. Sept. 25 4.30. " My dear, dear Consort," &c., &c. (Huntington) 1772. Jan. Dr. Curtiss. Feb. Child of Joseph Carpenter. Widow Cogshall. Child of Isaac Root. Wife of Richard Davenport. June Wife of Thomas Judd. DEATH RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 1772. 221 Oct. Widow Hawkins. Nov. Joseph Rose. 1773- Jan. Wife of Samuel Robertson, Jr. Wife of John Badcock. Mar. Child of Nathaniel Rose. Child of Samuel Parker. Wife of Nathaniel Rose. Benjamin Janes. April Joseph Strong, Esq. Jehiel Rose. Sept. James Hawkins, Jr. Capt. Rust. Child of Isaac Root. Oct. Widow Badcock. Aged Ebenezer Badcock. Nov. Daughter of Asa Manley. Dec. Widow Sergeant. 1774- Jan. Sarah Scot. Mar. Child of Joseph Root. April Tabitha Janes. Oct. Child of William Edwards. Nov. Polly Robertson. Widow Turner. Dec. Child of Capt. Robertson. Daniel and Betty Robertson. Elijah Ripley. 1775- Jan. Peter Buell, Esq. Salome Robertson. Child of John Root. Wife of Matthew Grover. Wife of Joseph Hawkins. Feb. Sarah Buell. Mar. 3 Children of Enoch Larrabee. April Wife of Eph. Dow. Lydia Turner. Widow Rust. 222 COVENTRY RECORDS 1775- May Wife of G. Palmer. Sept. Three children of Eph. Colman. Four children of E, Cushman. Child of Amos Ames. Widow Rust. Child of John Mead. Child of Allerton Cushman. Child of Amos Ames. Gideon Edwards. Child of John Mead. Child of Joseph Carpenter. Jedediah Turner. Child of Henry Curtiss. Child of Samuel Curtiss. Patty Strong. Child of John Mead. Child of Joseph Carpenter. Stephen Palmer. Child of Samuel Colman. Child of Mrs. Ripley. Widow Palmer, Child of Nathaniel Palmer. Child of Isaac Root. Child of Samuel Curtiss. Child of Samuel Curtiss. Aged Deacon Parker. Nov. Child of Thomas Brigham. Child of Eliphilet Edwards. Child of Samuel Colman, Dec. Child of Benjamin Grover. Wife of Benjamin Grover. • Dec. Child of Thomas Root. Child of Thomas Brigham. 1776, Jan, Child of Abner White, Child of Ebenezer Badcock, Jr. James Hawkins, Feb, Child of Ellas Janes, Child of Otis Freeman. DEATH RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 223 1776. Feb. Samuel Curtiss. Child of Dr. Ladd. Mar. Child of Caleb Stanley. Child of Amos Ames. Son of Pelatiah Dow. June Joseph Carpenter. Aug. Aged Widow Rust. Sept. Child of Samuel Colman. Child of Major Buell. Elisabeth Carpenter. Child of John Root. Sept. 23 " Septimus, my son," &c., Huntington Wife of Thomas Root. Moses Eells. Child of Mr. Oaks. Child of Allerton Cushman. Oct. Child of Medad Root. Child of Oliver Boynton. Aged Widow Colman. Oliver Janes. Eliezer Webster. Oliver Eells. Capt. Hale's death ascertained. Nov. Child of Benajah Strong. James White. Child of Elisha Janes, Jr. Dec. Son of Enoch Larabee. Child of Daniel Turner. Thankful, one of the town's poor. Jan. Jesse Curtiss. Uriah Brigham. Allerton Cushman. Benjamin Root. Mar. Peter Pelham. April Moses Boynton. May Daniel Dow. Tune Abigail Eells. 1777. 224 COVENTRY RECORDS 1777. Aug. 10, " At 8.40, my son, George Washington," &c., Huntingtoff David Parker. Sept. Child of Timothy Rose. Child of Dudley Dorman. Widow Hawkins. Joseph Hawkins, Jr. Child of Samuel Parker. Dec. Child of Dr. Ladd. Aug. Wife of Asa Manley. 1778. Jan. Joseph Larabe. Feb. Wife of Ephr. Cook. Mar. Mark, negro. April Child of Daniel Turner. Aug. Dr. Ladd. Sept. Child of Ebenezer Badcock. Oct. Child of Ned (mulatto). Nov. Child of John Robinson. Hannah Pelham. 1779. Jan. Wife of Jonathan Root. Jeremiah Fitch. Feb. Widow Carpenter. Mar. Child of Elias Janes. Elisha Janes. April Samuel Boynton. May Wife of John Robertson. July Lucy Dimmick. Aug. Meriah Turner. Sept. Child of Humphrey Taylor. Oct. Child of Ben. Badcock. Nov. Child of Elias Palmer. 1780. May Wife of Dr. Rose. Sept. Child of Patience (mulatto) Nov. Wife of Hab'k Turner. Dr. Samuel Rose. Dec. Child of Jonathan Root. DEATH RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 225 1781. Jan. Widow Gary. Feb. John Ripley. May James Parker. Tune Child of Jonathan Root. July Widow Maraugh. 1782. Tan. Humphrey Taylor. Mar. Widow Curtiss. May Polly Root. July Child of Deacon Strong. Aug, Norman Brigham. Three children of Dan. Brown. Aged John Robertson. Sept. Child of Richard Brown. Nov. Wife of Capt. Fitch. Dec. Deacon Thomas Root, 92 years. 1783. Jan. Hannah Coleman. Child of E. Colman. May Mrs. Boothe. Aug. Child of Capt. Robertson. Sept. Widow Gove. Oct. Dr. John Rose. Nov. Wife of Deacon Strong. 1784. Feb. Rhoderia Skinner. Aged Mrs. Carpenter. Mar. Wife of Capt. Robertson. Abigail Curtiss. April Jenne (Indian). Child of Solomon Buell. Joseph Hale. May Eunice Eells. June Child of Widow Hale. Aug. Child of Gideon Badcock. Hannah Robertson. Wife of Samuel Badcock. Nov. Eliezer Colman. Dec. Hectar (mulatto). 226 COVENTRY RECORDS 1785- Jan. Child of Jedediah Geer. Feb. Eunice Porter. Wife of Joshua Edwards. Mar. Mulatto woman. April Child of Deacon Strong. May Child of Gideon Badcock. Child of Gideon Badcock. Child of Jehiel Rose. June Wife of Solomon Robinson. Anne Burns. July Phoebe Robertson. Sept. Billy Hale. Samuel Boynton. Oct. Mary Turner. Nov. Ebenezer Wintworth. 1786. Jan. Wife of Hembry Grover. Feb. Sally Hawkins. Mar. Wife of Medad Root. July Child of Henry Curtiss. Oct. Dr. Rose. Widow Edwards. Silence Burns. Dec. Joseph Turner. 1787. Jan. Bildad Colman. Feb. Child of George Manly. Child of Nathan Cook. Child of Solomon Buell. Child of Samuel Rose. Mar. Child of Major Buell. April Child of Stephen Turner. May Child of Billy Root. Sept. Polly Turner. Nov. Wife of Thomas Porter. DEATH RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 227 1788. Jan. Child of Richard Davenport, Jr. Feb. Child of Keyes (negro). Esther Dow. Mar. Wife of Ebenezer Colman. Asa Manley. April Child of Widow Manley. May Child of Jephthah Fitch. Jeremiah Dow. Nov. Widow Rose. Widow Parker. Dec. Aged Widow White. 1789. Feb. Wife of Elihu Babcock. April Child of Abner White. May Two Infants of Ebenezer Colman. June Caleb Stanley. John White. 1790. Mar. Solomon Robertson. Mrs. Rindge. Child of Abner White. Aged Widow Dow. Aged Mrs. Meacham. April Hembery Grover. Wife of Ulysses Dow. May Child of Samuel Rose. June Aged Mrs. Dean. Wife of Benjamin Colman. July Child of Daniel Turner. Aug. John Tilden. Seth Janes. Noah Porter. Dec. Child of Timothy Dimock, Jr. 1791. Mar. Aged Mr. Preston. May Wife of Thomas Judd, June Eunice Janes. 228 COVENTRY RECORDS 1791. July Aged Mrs. Huett. Oct, Child of Samuel Janes. Wife of Samuel Janes. Dec. Jonathan Gurley. Child of Richard Hale. Aged Widow Edwards. 1792. Jan. Ambry (negro). Aged Hab'k Turner. Mar. Widow Colman. April Timothy Cushman. May Aged Widow Strong. Martin Worry. July Child Pelatiah Dow. Aged Amos Carpenter. John Root. Child of Joshua Woodworth. Aug. Child of Joseph Grover. Oct. Horatio Carpenter. 1793- Feb. Daniel Robertson. Nathan Cook. Feb. Richard Hale, in the Island of Eustatius, his death ascei tained in March. Mar. Sally Greenleaf. May Gershom Palmer. July Erastus Porter. Aug. Two children of Dr. Howard. Child of Timothy Rose. Child of Timothy Rose. Child of Widow Gurley. Sept. John Robertson. 9, My youngest son, James (Huntington). Jonathan House. Child of Benjamin Davenport. Timothy Carpenter. Child of Bildad Curtiss. Wife of Ebenezer Colman, Jr. Child of Daniel Robertson. DEATH RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 229 1793- Sept. Gurdon Field. Child of Benjamin Colman. Oct. Child of Widow Cook. Child of Widow Hale. Child of Uriah Palmer. Lois Eells. Wife of George Manley. Aged Widow Badcock. Son of Ephraim Colman. Nov. Samuel Janes. John Mead. Child of Mr. Field. 1794. Jan. Capt. Robertson, Sr. Mar. Child of Oliver Cook. April Henry Curtiss. Aug. Child of Ebenezer Grossman. Triphene Janes. Child of Elisha Fitch. Sept. 17 Joseph Huntington, in Charleston, S. C. Oct. Child of Henry Fitch. Nov. Child of Widow Porter. Wife of Ebenezer Grossman. Dec. 12 " Deceased, at half after 10 o'clock, P. M., my dear daughter Penelope, in her 7th year." 15 Monday, 9 o'clock, Hannah, about 15 years, both children of Rev. W. Huntington. 25 Dr. Joseph Huntington. 1795- Jan. Eunice Dorman. Feb. Capt. Dimick. Child of Jesse Boynton. Child of Betty House. Abner White. Polly Root. Ephraim Hutchinson. May Child of Elisabeth Dow. June Mrs. Gurley. Mrs. Stanlev. 230 COVENTRY RECORDS July Aug. Sept. Nov. Jan. Feb. May Aug. Sept. Nov. Jan. Feb. Mar. June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Aug. Sept. Nov. 1795. Child of Mr. Sanford. Child of Richard Davenport, Jr. Shubael Cook. Child of John Eells, Jr. Child of Ephraim Badcock. Child of Janes. Child of Timothy Gurley. Aged George Manley. 1796. 23 Jethro Turner, 9 Child of J. J. Kingsbury, 21 Ephraim Dow, Frederic Palmer, Child of Samuel Babcock, Child of Levi Colman, 26 Nathaniel Wright, Herrick, 1797. 3 Widow Turner, 4 Polly Ripley, 15 Phineas Parker, 17 Female child of Timothy Dimmick, 20 Female child of S. Greenleaf, 14 Wife of Mr. Jones, 23 Abner Fitch, Jr., 25 Jeremiah Fitch, Jr., 17 Male infant of G. Badcock, 2^ Capt. Abner Fitch, 20 Capt. Samuel Robertson, 22 Elisabeth, child of Dr. Howard, 27 Josiah Fuller, 4 Male child of L. Colman, 5 Wife of E. Dewey, 29 Son of Joseph Fitch, 21 Female infant of J. Kingsbury, 1798. 23 Widow A. Fitch, Caesar Peters (negro), 19 Mary Rose, 29 Wife of E. Sweetland (Andover)', 74 years 1 months 63 years 24 years I year 6 months Stillborn 85 years 9 months 85 years 71 years 19 years yy years 9 months I month 3 months 38 years 47 years 18 years I day 94 years 1 1 months 50 years I day 69 years Stillborn 63 years 8 years 9 months 3 days 82 years 18 years 79 years 21 years DEATH RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 231 Mar. 1799 26 Widow Janes, 76 years July 23 Son of Daniel Robertson, 10 months Aug. 2 Solomon Parker, 43 years July Child of J. Topliff, Stillborn Oct. 30 Widow Mary Coleman, "jy years Nov. 26 Robert White, 1800. 25 years April 6 Ambrose Deuty, 22 years May 10 Capt. Thomas Brigham, 58 years June 5 John Palmer, 25 years Aug. 3 Benjamin Grover, 51 years 29 Harriet, daughter of J. Woodworth, 4 years Aug. 2 Nathan Davenport, 19 years Sept. 15 Female child of M. Dimock, Oct. 24 Widow Susan Robertson, 68 years Nov. II Abijah Curtis, 33 years Dec. 7 Eunice Badcock, 27 years 13 David Greenleaf, 63 years 1801. Feb. 20 Jabez Ripley, 46 years 25 Joseph Janes, 17 years Mar. 6 Benaiah Edwards, 70 years April I Male child Mr. Sanford, 3 months 10 Libbeous Boynton, 30 years 19 Son of Samuel Babcock, 3 days May 5 Augustus, son of Capt. Curtis, 7 years 6 months June 29 James Buell, 12 years Sept. 16 Wife of Asa Manley, 32 years Oct. 4 Rufus, son of E. Judd, 9 months James, son of Jesse Boynton, 2 years 6 Ebenezer Coleman, 90 years Nov. I Olive, daughter of S. Dunham, 8 years 9 Louis, son of S. Dunham, 3 years 1802. Jan. 17 Female infant of William Dowe, 6 hours Feb. 4 Joseph Turner, 84 years 3 Mary Boynton (E. Hartford), 30 years ]\Iar. 20 Lucinda Parker, 18 years 232 COVENTRY RECORDS May June Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1802. 10 Widow Desire Dimmick, I Deacon Richard Hale, 5 Polly Deuty, 16 Walter Rose, I Male infant of N. H. Rose, Zebulon Babcock, i 10 Walter, son of Wal. Rose, 21 Female infant of J. Dresser, 10 Son of Levi C. Colman, Amasa, son of Joseph Grover, 28 Two daughters of Joseph Turner, 3 Daughter of Joseph Turner, 11 Son of J. Morey, 28 Widow Dorothy Turner, 18 John Hale, Esq., 2T^ Daughter of E. Bacon, 70 years 85 years 3 months 22 years 24 years Stillborn years 9 months 22 days 9 months I hour 7 months 9 years 3 and 2 years I year 5 years 73 years 54 years I year 4 months Jan. April June July Aug. Sept. Oct. 1803. Nov. Dec. 26 Lydia Herrick, 26 Widow Fitch, born in Coventry, 20 John Rose, 3 Jared, son of Capt. Fitch, 10 Daughter of Widow D. Rose, 7 Mrs. Brown, 13 Mrs. Eells, 22 Amos Brown, 8 Oliver Boynton, 3 Richard Hale Howard, 5 Rufus Howard, 1 1 Daughter of J. Mead, 12 Ephraim Dow, 15 Laura Rust, 16 Richard Davenport, 19 John Curtis, 6 Widow Sarah Hale, I Ezekiel Wentworth, 15 Wife of Humphrey Dow, 16 Widow Babcock, 17 Widow Preston, 57 years 90 years 31 years 4 years 3 months 2 or 3 hours yy years 84 years 72 years 18 years I year 8 months 4 — years I day 41 years 13 years 87 years I year 50 years 58 years 56 years 78 years 94 years DEATH RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 233 [an Feb. Mar. April June July Aug. Sept. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. May Nov. Jan. Feb. Mar. April July Aug. Sept. Oct. 1804. 4 Daughter of Capt. Curtis, 10 days 5 Son of Fred. Rose, 2 days 18 Widow Follet, 82 years 19 Daughter of Solomon Janes, 5 years 20 Son of D. C. Brigham, 2 years 27 Daughter of M. Dimock, Stillborn 6 Polly Robertson, 29 years 7 Son of Dr. Howard, 3° minutes 24 Son of Samuel Babcock, 3 months II Gurdon, son of D. C. Brigham, 12 years 22 John Christie, 59 years 25 Rebecca, daughter of Joseph Dow, 2 years 28 Eunice, daughter of Joseph Dorman, 3 years 4 Nathan Thompson, 7^ years 12 Meda Robertson, 47 years 10 Son of Phineas Ladd, i year 6 months 1805. I Laura, daughter of Widow Curtis, 10 Wife of N. H. Rose, 25 Son of Benjamin Davenport, 12 Daughter of S. Chappell, 1 Eunice Brigham, 2 Solomon Janes, 21 Wife of John Carpenter, 4 years 21 years 7 weeks 10 years 22 years 11 months 48 years 9 months 75 years 1806. 18 Male infant of P. Ladd, I Emmeline, daughter of A. Jones, 4 Harry Huntington, 7 Widow Cook, 17 Widow Elisabeth Huntington, 13 Daughter of Benjamin Davenport, 15 John Carpenter, 30 John Eells, 23 Wife of Guy Robertson, 16 Widow Susan Grant, 8 Ephraim Fitch, 1 1 Daughter of M. Waldo, 2 days 4 years 6 months 24 years 67 years 58 years 6 weeks 85 years 90 years 26 years 84 years 27 years 17 years 234 COVENTRY RECORDS Oct. Dec. Feb Mar. Oct. Nov. Mar. Nov. Dec. Feb. Mar. June July Aug. Nov. Dec. 1806. 14 Son of M. Waldo, Widow Herrick, 16 Male infant Silas Guild, 1807. Female infant of J. Turner, 6 Nabby Grover, 3 Wife of E. Colman, 10 Wife of Ph. Ladd, 2 Harvey Dow, 9 Wife of Joseph Herrick, Female child of J. Morey, 14 Wife of James White, 24 Ozias Lyman, 1809. Alale infant of Capt. M. Dimock, Zebulon Richardson, Thomas Judd, Wife of Hezekiah Edgerton, Jr., 10 Widow Boynton, 18 Anna Edwards, 19 Daughter of E. Bacon, I Widow Phebe Lincoln, 11 Daughter of Solomon Dow, 25 Benajah Strong, Esq., 25 Widow of J. Ripley, 9 19 3 14 4 years 75 years I day 3 days 35 years 65 years 29 years 25 years 57 years 2 months 26 years 56 years Stillborn 52 years 88 years 39 years 97 years 79 years £1 months 45 years I year 6 months 69 years 95 years 1810. 6 Emily, daughter of J. C. Manning, 3 years 16 Widow Wright, 93 years 19 Female child of Thad's Byington, i year i month 24 Female child of William Thomson, 3 days June 29 Eunice Talcott Rose, daughter of Capt. N. H. Rose, 6 years 10 months 22 Frederic White (at Orange, N. J.), 24 years 26 Widow Christie, 66 years 28 Infant child of Capt. Mason Dimick. I Female child of Guy Robertson, 12 days Child of J. Morey. Child of S. Badcock. Jan. Feb. April Sept. Nov. Dec. DEATH RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 235 1811. Mar. 30 Chauncey, son of William Lyman, April William Morey, June 2 Emily, daughter of Solomon Dow, 6 Wife of Hezekiah Richardson. Sept. I Peg, a negro, at Judge Root's. Nov. 16 Wife of Samuel Allen. 85 years 5 years Feb. 10 Medad Root, 76 years II Jeremiah Ripley, 70 years 24 Diarca Curtis. Jan. 7 Samuel Judd (Otsego, N. Y.), 21 years April 15 Female infant of Calvin Manning, Jr. , I month May 5 Wife of Asa Parker, 50 years June 2 Wife of Duthan Kingsbury, 72 years 5 Anna Simons, 49 years 20 Infant of S. Colman, Jr., 13 days July 2 Electa, daughter of F. Stedman, 18 years Aug. 13 Jacob Brown. Sept. 3 Child of Joseph Grover, 2 years 12 Child of Spencer Woodworth, 6 days Oct. 3 Wife of Azel Edgerton, 44 years Nov. 19 Lucinda Robinson. Dec. 10 Dudley Dorman, - 78 years 16 Chauncey Badcock, 20 years 26 Daniel Dimick, son of Milton Clark, 1813. 9 Elisabeth Murray, I year 2 months Jan. 64 years 23 David Loomis, 23 years Mar. 30 John tloward, W^ife of Nathan Parker. 28 years May 5 Widow Mary Dow, 70 years 8 Anna Grover, 24 years June 7 Jehiel Rose, 65 years 27 Charles Dow, 22 years Aug, . 2 Hannah, daughter of J. Boynton, 17 years 12 Sally, daughter of H. Christy, 4 years 17 Male child of Joseph Turner, 3 days 236 COVENTRY RECORDS Aug. 5 Jan. 7 Feb. 27 April 8 10 II 19 May 10 June 26 23 Aug. 24 30 Nov. 18 29 Dec. 10 16 1813. Wife of Hon. Jesse Root, Esq., Widow Brigham. 1814. Samuel Allen, Orra, son of Elijah Robertson, Prudance Brown. Abraham Brown. Chloe Rust. Anna Robertson. Anson Dow (at New London). James Edwards. Pierepont, son of Sanmel Badcock, Hezekiah Richardson, Mariah, daughter of Bela Boynton, Austin, son of Thadeus Boynton, Lucy Fish, Son of Amos Richardson, Female child of Caleb B. Slocum, Wife of Jonathan Hutchinson. Mar. April May July Aug. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. 81 years 83 years 6 years 14 years 60 years 15 years 3 years 26 years 16 months 14 months 1815. II Wife of Joseph Edgerton, 28 Widow Abigail Vorry, 9 Wife of Elijah Simons. 24 Wife of Capt. Bildad Curtis, 18 Wife of Capt. Gershom Brigham, 3 Infant child of M. Chamberlain. 1816. 9 Infant child of Joseph Dow, 26 Infant child of Edward G. Huntington. I Sally Loomis, 6 Samuel Sprague, 7 Delight Dresser, 20 Daniel Robertson, 9 Hezekiah Robertson, 10 Sally Root, daughter of Spencer W^oodworth, 6 months 23 Elisabeth Albro, 63 years 30 JefYerson Carpenter, 14 years 22 years 57 years 48 years 66 years 19 days 30 years 57 years 43 years 60 years 72, years DEATH RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 237 i8i6. April I Joanna Curtis, 8o years 4 Mary Sanford, 13 years 28 Henry C. Card, at Mr. Woodworth's, from R. I., 20 years June 4 Capt. Hezekiah Edgerton, 73 years Sept. 28 Mary, wife of Duthan Kingsbury, 58 years Oct. 4 Roxana" Emily, daughter of Roderick Loomis, 2 years and 5 months 1817. Widow Irene Porter, 90 years Mar. 3 II Aug. 17 Sept. 30 Oct. 20 Nov. 8 25 Feb. 2 Mar. 28 April 20 Sept. 5 Oct. 13 22 27 Dec. 16 Esther Williams, 88 years Daniel Brown, 18 years Samuel Turner. Sarah Crandall, 75 years Elizabeth Palmer, 73 years Asa Lyman, 63 years 1818 Esther Colman, 76 years Maria Ann, daughter of Milton Clark, i year 9 months Esther Colman, 37 years Jephtha, son of Mrs. Fitch, 5 years Thomas Porter, 83 years Elizabeth Curtis, 89 years Widow Theodore Grover, 64 years Thomas Holbrook, 84 years 1819. Feb. Mar. May Aug. Sept, Oct. Dec. 28 Oliver, son of Capt. Daniel Robinson, 1 Elizabeth, daughter of Capt. J. Dow, 2 Ann Dorman, 24 Levi Dow, 13 Thomas Dorman, 19 Nancy Colman, 31 Jonathan Herrick, 8 Anne Rudd, Eunice Duty. 5 Phebe Dow, 13 Maria, child of Samuel Colman, Jr., 19 Robert Babcock, 28 Fanny, daughter of John Y. Cook, 9 months 2 months 76 years 84 years 80 years 14 years 44 years 86 years 78 years 2 years 87 years 5 years 238 COVENTRY RECORDS 1820. Jan. I Elijah Ripley, 8 Daniel Albro 30!, 3 years Mar. 30 Sally, wife of Frederick Rose, May 6 Widow Lydia Austin, Sept. 12 Joseph, son of Edw^ard G. Huntington, 24 Eunice, daughter of Mrs. Williams, Dec. 6 Barnard Phillips, 25 Wife of John Kingsbury, 1821. Jan, 23 Deborah Wright, Mar. 27 Joseph Grover, April 3 Infant child of Simeon J. Gardner, 5 Wife of Samuel Colman, Jr. June 4 Elisabeth Booth, 27 Ann Robinson. Aug. 16 Susannah Grant, 18 Infant of W. Clark, 19 Wife of Jephtha Fitch, Nov. 13 Daniel, son of Capt. Daniel Robertson, 1822. Jan. I Silas King, 13 Marcus Boynton, 28 Infant son of Jesse Colman, Feb. 10 David Hale, Esq., Joshua Edwards, 17 Samuel Colman, Mar. 14 Capt. Roger Strong, 16 Julia Bracket (negro), 24 Elias Palmer, 29 Hon. Jesse Root, April [ I Wife of Chauncey Fitch, 16 Rufus Clark, 20 Utley, 24 Wife of Moses Stanley, 27 Wife of Dudley Dorman, May I Moses Stanley, 3 Joseph Dorman, 26 Walter Loomis, 37 years ; 6 months 83 years 20 years 12 days 70 years 54 years 82 years 49 years Stillborn II months 70 years 9 days 66 years 2 years 76 years 14 years 8 years 60 years 78 years 48 years 19 years jy years 85 years 27 years 28 years 79 years 8 — years 8 — years 53 years 19 years DEATH RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 239 1822. June 18 Widow Mead, July 9 Duthan Kingsbury, 12 Widow of Medad Root, 13 Infant child of Capt. Daniel Robertson, Oct. 12 Eunice Deuty, 24 Widow Margaret Fuller. Nov. 9 Joseph Herrick, 27 Irene Wright, Dec. 8 Joel Wright, 1823. Jan. 6 Solomon Dow, II Widow Elizabeth Thomas, 24 Elihu Babcock, Feb. 5 Widow Mary Rose, 28 Perus Sprague, Mar. 25 Joshua Woodworth, April 20 Rachael Davenport, May July Oct. Dec. Jan. David Skinner, 18 Widow Martha Parker, 16 John Albro, 22 Infant child of Dr. O. H. Isham, 2 Calvin Manning, 1 1 Anne Sprague, 1824, 20 Benjamin Davenport, April 17 Samuel Hale, 18 Abigail Palmer, Sept. 16 Widow Jerusha White, 30 Ephraim A. Fitch, Nov. 20 Josiah Carpenter, Dec. 21 Clarissa Babcock, 1825. 18 George, son of Marvin Curtis, 7 Wife of Capt. C. Eells. 26 Patty Lyman, April 22 Widow Elisabeth Blackman, June 9 Wife of Lester Colman, July I Lester Colman, Feb. Mar. old age 79 years 67 years 2 weeks 31 years 89 years 84 years 70 years 80 years 44 years 82 years 8 — years 73 years 84 years 66 years yy years 7 — years loi years 67 years 7 weeks yy years 60 years 61 years yy years 82 years 79 years 17 years 80 years 22 years II days 34 years 4 — years 6 — years 27 years 34 years 240 COVENTRY RECORDS 1825. July 12 Levi Colman, 62 years 13 Mary Augusta, child of H. Edgerton, Jr., 5 weeks 23 Beulah, wife of Elias Judd, 66 years 24 Betsey, widow of Hezekiah Edgerton, 80 years Aug. 15 Mrs. Hariet Malone, 32 years 16 Zenas Doan, 20 years 21 Matthew Deuty, 80 years 22 Mary Ann (S. J. Gardner), 2 years 8 months 31 Eliphilet C. Hall, 1 5 years Sept. 24 Albigense Philips, 2 i years 6 months Nov. I Widow Miriam Carpenter, 86 years 20 Infant child of Harry Woodruflf, I year 1826. Feb. 2 John Ingraham, son of Abner Mason, 4 months 5 Widow Hannah McDonell, 68 years 17 Widow Abigail Burns, 98 years Mar. 7 Widow Abigail Turner, 83 years 26 Mrs, Emily Bingham, 30 years 29 Benjamin Cogswell, 98 years May 2 Diantha Topliff, 5— years July 12 John Rose, 35 years Sept. 10 Henry Francis Porter, I year 5 months Ira Spafford, 6 months 14 William Grover, 21 years Oct. 2 Elisha Mason Sanford, Stephen Perkins, 2^ years 17 Ephraim Robinson, 80 years Nov. 30 Wife of Joseph Robertson, 1827. 40 years Jan. 3 Emily Eliza Robertson, 14 years Mar. 7 Daughter of Stephen Morey, 2 years April [ 8 Widow of Robert Babcock, 93 years 13 Ebenezer Grossman, 85 years 26 Ephraim Colman, 85 years May 10 Wife of Capt. David Robinson, 39 years 31 John Robertson, 87 years June 15 Starkweather. July 1 1 Female child of Mr. Nefif, II months DEATH RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 241 Aug. 23 25 31 Sept. 22 Oct. 13 31 Jan. 17 Feb. 26 Mar. 14 21 26 June 25 July 26 Sept. 20 Oct. 5 7 Nov. 23 Dec. 12 13 16 Jan. 14 26 Feb. 20 28 Mar. I April 26 May 5 6 June 17 24 Aug. 16 17 21 Sept. 4 1827. Rufus Green, 35 years Infant child of Horace Lincoln, 4 hours Wife of Elias Sprague, 27 years Polly Christie, 50 years Wife of Ephraim Babcock, 60 years Wife of Captain E. G. Huntington, 33 years 1828. Timothy Cheney, 2^ years Ephraim Babcock, 65 years Widow Sprague, 83 years Anne Dorman, 13 years Wilson Rust, 7 — years Eliza Tucker, 19 years Widow Alsworth, 84 years Infant child of M. Sillamer. Harry Burns, son of Capt. E. D. Robinson, T year 6 months Widow Esther Grant, 75 years Sarah, daughter of Asa Parker, 3 years Emily, daughter of Lucius Carpenter, 2 years Louisa, daughter of Capt. E. G. Huntington, 'jy years Elisabeth, daughter of Daniel Albro, i year 6 months 1829. Mary Godfrey, William Selheimer, Infant son of Cyril Parker, Pelatiah Dow, Joseph Janes, Esther Woodworth, Widow Phebe Carpenter, Nathan Colman, Huldah Janes, Jephtha Fitch, Jesse Gardner, Jeremiah Fitch, Lucius Cone, Wife of PVederick Rose, Jerome Toplifif, Mason Dimmick Sanford, 3 fnonths 15 weeks 12 days 89 years 4 months 73 years 79 years 73 years 32 years yj years 46 years 81 years I year 6 months 56 years 3 years I year 6 months 242 COVENTRY RECORDS Sept. Nov. Mar. April May June July Aug. Oct. Sept. Jan. Feb. April i8 Harlan Herrick, 8 Samuel Bacon, 13 Josiah Carpenter, 1829. 1830. May June July Aug. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. 8 John Eells, Widow Herrick, 25 Charlotte White, 28 James White, 3 Leonard Curtis, Infant child of Elijah Babcock 23 George Dow, 2 Wife of Bela Boynton, 14 Capt. David Babcock, 3 Female child of Benjamin Dimmickj 25 Caroline Dunham, 5 Vinton. 1831. 3 Isabella Y. Robertson, 27 James Babcock, 4 Cynthia Morgan, 5 Caleb Austin, 6 Harry Curtis, 19 Mason Roberts, 19 David Smith, 20 Infant son of Leonard Jones, 21 Widow Mary Colman, 22 Sarah Loomis, 18 Widow Crossman. 12 David Topliff, 29 Samuel Guild, 10 Eliza Topliff, 20 Widow Mary Russel, 25 William Lyman, son of S. Janes, 14 days 14 hours 24 minutes 29 Frederick Rose, 74 years 1832. 6 Widow Tryphena Robertson, yj years 26 Anne Dimmick, 65 years 23 Tabitha Edwards, 87 years 28 years 58 years 31 years 85 years 73 years 5 years 2 years 6 months 4 months 26 years ^2 years 35 years \ 2 years 25 years 18 years 45 years 65 years 70 years 33 years 26 years 70 years 5 months 65 years 73 years 7 years 81 years 25 years 63 years DEATH RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 243 Mar. July Sept. Oct. 1832. 2 Oliver Dow, 7 Wife of Nathan H. Rose, Widow Nareysa Davenport, 7 Wife of Wm. Willips (?). 22 Juliet Root, 16 Emma Phillips. Female child of Harry Parker, Nov. 17 Wife of Abner Mason, Dec. 13 Male child of Goodwin Fuller, 1833. Jan. 3 John Fuller, Feb. 14 Phebe Dow, Mar. 13 Martin Carpenter, April 4 Widow Eunice Robertsoix, 21 Tryphena Brown, May 28 Aaron Topliff, July 3 Child of Cyril Parker (Julia), 29 Ezekiel French, 31 Sarah Ann Hall, I Capt. Daniel Dimmick 11 Elias Janes, 25 Child of Mr. Nefif. 20 Nelson Grover, 20 Wife of George Simpson, 6 Male child of William Porter, 10 Louisa J. Mead. 12 Elijah Tinker (?), Widow of Hezekiah Robertson, 20 Lucy Mead, Aug. Sept. Nov. Dec. Jan 1834- Feb. 6 Jesse Chappel, 22 Betsey House, 23 Elisha Sanford, 3 Wife of Elias Janes, 22 Israel Loomis, 25 Calvin Dow, 26 Clarissa Dimmick, April 19 Abraham Babcock, May I Widow of Capt. J. Fitch, 10 years 57 years 60 years 18 years II months 38 years 9 months 4 years 3 years 52 years 89 years 35 years II years 6 months 63 years 18 years 68 years 82 years 25 years 22 years 9 months 6y years 92 years 16 years 51 years 66 years 78 years 71 years 80 years 87 years 15 years 64 years yy years 244 COVENTRY RECORDS 1834. May 14 Susan F, Kingsbury, 2 years June 7 Lucy Peck, 24 years 28 Harry Dow, 48 years 29 Capt. Daniel Robertson, 45 years July 12 Shubael Whittemore, 63 years Aug. I Evet Seward Boynton, I year 5 months 2 Charles Lyon, I year i month 7 Lucinda Murphy, 10 months Aug. 10 Warren Holt, 6 years 15 Mary Louisa White, 5 weeks 21 M. Louisa Woodward, 4 years 23 Timothy Dwight Robinson, 4 years Sept. 26 Lewis White, 6 years Nov. 5 Stephen S. Bushnell, 39 years 10 Ephraim O. Robinson, 55 years Dec. 18 Elizabeth Judd, 1835. 80 years Jan. 4 Infant daughter of Guy Robinson, 2 days Wife of Lorenzo Frizelle, 26 years Feb. 10 Sarah Ripley, 22 years 22 Mary Bidwell, 20 years 24 Widow Chappel, 94 years 26 Phineas Post, 57 years Mar. 28 Tryphene Woodworth, I year i month 31 Damarius Freeman (colored) 13 years May I Widow of John Eells, 88 years June 26 Wife of Stephen Dunham, 7 — years Aug. 5 Sally White, 21 years 19 Child of Eunice Topliff , 2 years 8 months 22 Male child of Gurley Judd, 2 months Dec. 28 Widow Shepard. 1836. Feb. 18 Sophronia Mead, 27 years Mar. 14 Ruth Whitman, 54 years 19 Josiah Everett Lord, 3 years Mar. 23 Ezekiel Grover, 62 years 26 Lois Judd, 69 years April 7 Capt. Joseph Dorman, 30 years 22 George Tucker, 28 years DEATH RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 245 1836. April 30 Aurelia Trapp, May 6 Wife of E. L. Sweetland, 24 Rachael, wife of Owen Jewell, 27 Ebenezer Loomis, 13 Salome Tickner, 28 Female child of Ciiarles Palmer, 14 Olive Kinne, 20 James Kingsbury, 28 Elijah Simonds, 1837- 19 Henrietta Roberts, 7 Male child of Philo Parker, 10 Alfred Bliven, 6 John Henry Dow, 10 Female child of Benoni Austin 2d, 24 Wife of Benoni Austin 2d, 4 Rebecca Janes, 31 Newton Post, 12 Widow Sarah Strong, 18 Mary Ann Baker, 5 Mrs. Mudge (of Scotland), 1838. 8 Widow Clarissa Post, 22 Timothy L. Janes, 13 Lydia R. Manning, 21 J. W. Loomis, 29 Elizabeth White, April 4 Ralph Sprague, 21 Nathan Howard, 22 Joanna Howard, Sheldon Whittemore, 28 Infant child of Justin Lathrop, 2 Wife of Justin Lathrop, 4 Nathan H. Rose, 28 Widow Elizabeth Sprague, 12 Hezekiah Robertson, 28 Wife of Timothy Coleman, Jr., 2 Male child of Lucius Carpenter, July Aug. Sept. Nov. Jan. Feb. Mar. Mav July Aug. Sept. Jan. Mar. May June July 2y years 76 years 30 years 72 years 23 years 9 months 53 years 2 years 76 years 24 years 3 days 3 months 15 days 9 months I day 21 years 74 years 19 years 91 years 3 years 74 years 50 years 73 years 4 years 2 years 7 months 14 years 30 years y^ years 74 years 25 years I day 33 years 61 years 78 years 22 years 36 years 7 months 246 COVENTRY RECORDS 1838. July 2^ Elias Sprague, 44 years 31 Female child of Dr. T. Dimock, I day Aug. 1 1 Esther Roswell, 5 years 16 Wife of Dr. T. Dimock, 28 years Aug. 28 Wife of William Babcock, 25 years 30 Female child of John Coggins, 2 days Sept. 2 Gideon Badcock, 84 years Oct. 4 Infant daughter of William Babcock, 5 weeks 10 Son of E. G. Huntington, I year i month Nov. 14 Joseph Doan, 67 years Dec. 4 M. Emma Loomis, 21 years 30 Daughter of Silas Brown, 2 years 1839. Jan. 30 Sally Grover, 62 years Feb. 7 Clarence Mason, I year i month Mar. 16 Amasa Roberts, 30 years Mar. 18 Infant child of Augustus Clark, 30 minutes 20 Infant son of Augustus Clark^ 36 hours April 18 Leander W. Curtis, 4 years 21 Silas Guild, 64 years May 2 Elijah Warren, 21 years June 29 Widow of Gideon Babcock, • 75 years Aug. 22 Sybil Fitch, 21 years Sept. 26 Widow of Nathan Colman, /6 years Nov. 29 Lucy Ann Robertson, 19 years Dec. 8 Asher Alorgan, 1840. yy years Jan. 9 Harvey Shepard, 57 years 29 Wife of Jesse Woodworth, 47 years Feb. 16 Wife of Charles Carpenter, 69 years Mar. II Female child of Rufus Brown, I year April . 26 John Snow, 33 years May 18 William Cummings, 79 years June 12 Widow Grossman, 82 years Aug. 9 Levi Perkins Rose, 30 years 17 Lucy Ann Colman, 24 years 28 Ann Amelia Morey, 9 months 31 Wife of Solomon Edwards, 45 years Oct. 3 Wife of Elisha Morey, 44 years DEATH RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 247 1840 Oct. 20 George W. Fitch, 32 years 30 Caleb Booth, i» ^^^^^ Nov. 26 Female child of Charles D. Dresser, n days 1841 ^ Jan. 14 Sarah Babcock, lO years 15 Ebenezer Root, 58 years Mar 4 Male child of Ziba Warren, Jr., 10 weeks 25 Chauncey C. Austin, i year 3 months 28 Asa Parker, ^^ years April 2 Female child of E. G. Huntington. May 17 Cepha Brigham, 75 years 21 Elijah Dunham, 55 years Aug. 12 John Kingsbury, 73 years 16 Jonathan Warren, 25 years 21 Andrew B. Kingsbury, 4 years Sept 24 Ebenezer L. Sweetland, 88 years 26 Charles Spaulding, ti months Oct. 16 Matilda Phillips, 16 years Nov 24 Female child of Addison Dimock. Dec. 9 Infant son of Joseph Robinson, 10 days 5 hours 1842. Jan. 25 Eliza Roberts, 35 years Feb 4 Wife of John Dow, ^3 years 7 Jerome Toplifif, 75 years 16 Almira Sprague, 22 years Mar. 6 Moses Kilbourne, 65 years 10 Sarah A. Janes, 15 years 15 Widow Manning, ^9 years 29 Elizabeth Dimock, 2 years April 18 Daniel Albro, 57 years May 20 Wife of Timothy Colman, 7o years 27 Harry Parker, 53 years June I John H. Austen, ' 4 years 12 Jeremiah Ripley, 5i years 22 Ellen Louisa Dow, 3 years 28 Mary L. Albro, 22 years July 3 Newton Robertson, 3^ years Aug. 19 Apollos Fitch, 62 years 248 COVENTRY RECORDS 1842. Aug. 28 Clarissa Palmer, Sept. 6 Son of Loring Winchester, G. E. Eaton, Female child of Augustus Clark, 14 Wife of John Clark, Nov. I Infant son of Elijah Badcock, Dec. 19 Harriet Woodworth, 1843 Mar. 7 John Dresser, 15 Helen T. Curtis, 27 Don C. Brigham, April . 16 Elizabeth Porter, May 26 Son of T. Coleman, Jr., 28 Thomas F. Booth, Aug. 15 William Roberts, Sept. 22 Wife of Rev. M. Chapin, Nov. 13 Jesse Colman, 18 Joseph Whitman, Dec. 21 Hezekiah Edgerton, 1844. Jan. 17 Daniel Brown, Feb. 9 Capt. Caleb Matheson, April 20 Maria Dow^, 21 Thaddeus Boynton, June 20 Asher Wright, 29 George Robertson, July 29 George Dunham, Dec. Mrs. Lyman, Mrs. Grover. 42 years 2 months 38 years 2 weeks 32 years 14 days I hour 10 years yi years 26 years 80 years 20 years 10 months 19 years 26 years 24 years 66 years 59 years 74 years 74 years y2 years 39 years 67 years 90 years 18 years 18 years 24 years Marriages from Records of First Church, Cov= entry, Conn., from 1763 to 1843. . 1763- Nov. 14 Stephen Tuttle, of Sunderland, and Elizabeth Geer, of Coventry. 17 Medad Root and Rhoda Curtiss, both of Coventry. Dec. 29 Denis Maraugh and Mary Sprague, both of Coventry. 1764. Jan. Daniel Lyman and Rachael Southworth, of Coventry. Feb. 2 John Robinson, of Windham, and Eunice Phelps, of Coventry. Mar. 23 Joseph Larabee and Widow Bill, of Coventry. May 23 Daniel Cutler, Norwich, and Betty Fitch, of Coventry. July II Samuel Turner, Mansfield, and Mehitable Went- worth, of Coventry. Oct. 25 Ephraim Colman and Zurviah Curtiss, of Coventry. Dec. 2 Ephraim Cushman and Sarah Colman, of Coventry. 1765- Jan. 10 Elijah Janes and Anne Hawkins, of Coventry. Feb Habakuk Turner, Jr., and Lydia Rose, of Coventry. 28 Adonijah Edwards and Mary Searl, of Coventry. Sept. 7 Samuel Rose and Rebecca Palmer, of Coventry. Oct. 3 Dr. Josiah Rose and Abigail Rose, of Coventry. John Mead and Elizabeth Manley, of Coventry. 24 Simeon Edwards, of Coventry, and Elizabeth Kinne, of Hartford. Dec. 20 Eliphalet Edwards and Anna Porter, of Coventry. 1766. Jan. 28 Abner White and Jerusha Thompson, of Coventry. Feb. 16 John Badcock and Eunice Janes, of Coventry. Mar. 27 Humphrey Taylor and Violet Hawkins, of Coventry. 249 250 , COVENTRY RECORDS 1766. April 2 Samuel French and Hannah White, of Coventry. 3 Solomon Lord and Miriam Colman, of Coventry. May I Jonathan Root and Azubuh Brown, of Coventry. Sept. 4 Ebenezer Kindrick and Anne Davenport, of Coventry. Oct. 13 Abraham Thurell, of Newbury, and Lydia Boynton, of Coventry. Nov. 20 Elijah Lyman and Patty Chamberlain, of Coventry. 1767. Hudson Babcock and Mercy Preston, of Coventry. Ebenezer Bacon, of Dudley, and Phebe Parker, of Coventry. • July 2 Abraham Collins and Sarah Harris, of Coventry. Matthew Grover and Lydia Colman, of Coventry. Sept. 2y or 29 Simon Antizzal and Martha Fuller, of Coventry. Oct. 8 Humphrey Dow and Tabitha Parker, of Coventr}'. 1768. Jan. 10 Elias Palmer and Elizabeth Stow, of Coventry. 18 Hembry Grover and Abigail Symonds, of Coventry. Feb. 24 Fenton, of Willington, and Anne Carpenter, of Coventry. April 28 John Arnold and Miriam Root, of Coventry. May 5 Sylvanus Owen (Hebron) and Eunice Roberts, of Coventry. July 12 Elisha Searle and Azubah Gates, of Coventry. Oct. 6 Paul Brigham and Lydia Sawyer, of Coventry. 1769. Feb. 5 Thomas Brigham and Susanna Eells, of Coventry. Mar. 26 George Hawkins and Hannah Kingsley, of Coventry. Aug. 9 Joseph Rose and Desire Dimmick, of Coventry. 1770. Mar. 15 Adonijah Jones and Sarah Lyman, of Coventry. June 28 Levi Lyon, of Woodstock, and Ruth Fitch, of Cov- entry. Nov. 14 William Robertson and Lucy Edwards, of Coventry. 1771. Feb. 14 Maltiah Bingham, of Windham, and Mercy Wright, of Coventry. MARRIAGE RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 251 1771. April 3 Benjamin Grover and Lois Curtiss, of Coventry. II Daniel Turner and Hannah Boynton, of Coventry. May 22 Ephraim Brown, of Springfield, and Apphia Boyn- ton, of Coventry. June 13 Jehiel Rose and Mary Ripley, of Coventry. Nov. 17 Timothy Rose and Elizabeth Pomeroy, of Coventry. 25 Matthew Deuty and.Eunice Boynton, of Coventry. Dec. 18 Israel Gurley, of Mansfield, and Eunice Dimmick, of Coventry. 19 John Hale and Sarah Adams, of Coventry. 1772. Mar. 19 Joseph Cook and Jerusha Turner, of Coventry. June 18 Ezra Kingsley, of Windham, and Anne Kingsbury, of Coventry. July 9 Caleb Stanley and Martha Robertson, of Coventry. Oct. 26 Caesar and Molly, negroes, of Lebanon. 28 William Roberts, of Hartford, and Abigail Stanley, of Coventry. Dec. 2 Elisha Fitch and Rahamah Allen, of Lebanon. 1773- Feb. 8 Elijah Ripley and Alice Adams, of Coventry. 18 Daniel Robertson and Triphene Janes, of Coventry. June 16 Dewey (Springfield) and Elisabeth Turner, of Coventry. July 28 Benjamin Badcock and Julia Judd, of Coventry. Dec. 30 Dr. Samuel Rose and Elisabeth Hale, of Coventry. 1774. Jan. 13 Gershom Brigham and Anne Parker, of Coventry. 26 Joel Hannum (N. Hampton) and Esther Colman, of Coventry. April 21 John Daggett, Jr. (Lebanon), and Sarah Hawkins 3d, of Coventry. June 15 John Arnold, Jr., and Hannah Loomis, of Coventry. Sept. 22 Calvin Manning and Lydia Robertson, of Coventry. Dec. 6 Rev. Ebenezer Gurley (Gilford) and Mrs. Desire Rose, of Coventry. 20 Clap (N. Hampton) and Mary Strong, of Cov- entry. 252 COVENTRY RECORDS 1775- Jan. 12 Dimmick (Mansfield) and Alice Ripley, of Cov- entry. Feb. 22 Oliver Janes and Judith Rollo, of Coventry. May 5 William Boynton and Turner, of Coventry. June I Moses Badger and Jerusha Janes, of Coventry. Aug. 24 Ephraim Dow and Mary Ladd, of Coventry. Oct. 26 Isaac Robinson and Joanina Colman, of Coventry. 1776. Mar. 2y Gershom Colman and Abigail Eells, of Coventry. April 9 Elisha Tracy (Kent) and Dinah Brigham, of Coven- try. June 4 John Eells and Lois Root, of Coventry. 19 Jabez Ripley and Mary Hawkins, of Coventry. Sept. 8 Jeremiah Fitch, Jr., and Sibel Dimmick, of Coventry. Oct. 31 Frary (?) Hale (Glastonbury) and Eunice Atherton, of Coventry. 1777. Jan. 23 Jephthah Fitch and Ursula Root, of Coventry. May 29 Abraham Merryfield and Bethia Johnson, of Lebanon. Sept. 24 Amos Badcock and Mary Williams, of Coventry. Nov. 25 Asa Colman and Hannah Badcock, of Coventry. Dec. II Nathaniel Root and Elis-Kingsbury, of Coventry. 31 Jedediah Geer and Phebe Hawkins, of Coventry. 1778. Jan. 8 William Root and Rebecca Hawkins, of Coventry. April 29 Josiah Fuller and Triphene Colman, of Coventry. May 27 Josiah Alcott (Hartford) and Mary Badcock, of Cov- entry. Aug. 13 Nathaniel Robinson (Windham) and Phebe Colman, of Coventry. 23 Woodworth (Lebanon) and Fuller, of Cov- entry. Oct. 5 Adonijah Skinner (Hebron) and Judith Janes, of Cov- entry. 22 Samuel Badcock and Hannah Dow, of Coventry. MARRIAGE RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 253 1779. Feb. I John Fitch and Anne Buell, of Coventry. 25 Stephen Turner (Mansfield) and Lois Dimmick, of Coventry. Sept. 9 Asa Perkins (Lebanon) and Olivet Manley, of Cov- entry. 15 Azariah Skinner (Windsor) and Deborah Cushman, of Coventry. Nov. 18 Simon Loomis and Patty Buckingham, of Lebanon. Dec. 30 Samuel Perkins (Lebanon) and Mary Cook, of Cov- entry. 1780. Dr. Amos Carpenter (Tydingham) and Hannah Hunt, of Coventry. Feb. 21 Joseph Kingsbury and Lois Porter, of Coventry. 27 Mr. Mayhew (Goshen) and Cynthia Reynolds, of Cov- entry. Mar, 16 Asa Manley and Eunice Gurley, of Coventry. April 13 Ebenezer Leach Sweatland and Meribah Badcock, of Coventry. June 29 Samuel Robertson, Jr., and Mercy Porter, of Cov- entry. Oct. 23 Moses Hannum and Jerusha Parker, of Belchertown. Nov. 2 Lewis Tyrrel (Tolland) and Susanna Simonds, of Windham. Dec. 20 William Johnson (Tolland) and Mary Rust, of Cov- entry. 1781. Jan. 2^ Solomon King (Becket) and Elis-Manley, of Cov- entry. Feb. 15 Samuel Allin (Lebanon) and Hannah Fuller, of Cov- entry. April 19 Davis Williams and Lois Fells, of Coventry. May 17 Lemuel White and Nancy Brigham, of Coventry. July 15 Fbenezer Crossman and Mehitable Dow, of Coventry. Oct. 30 Daniel Murray (Granville) and Elizabeth Rose, of Coventry. 1782. Jan. Zacheus Downer (Sharon) and Bethiah Brigham, of Coventrv. 254 COVENTRY RECORDS 1782. Feb. 16 Elisha Sanford and Mary Dorman, of Coventry. July 18 Jonathan Gennings (Windham) and Mindwell Col- man, of Coventrs'. Sept. 5 Ebenezer Colman, Jr., and Phebe Carpenter, of Cov- entry. Nov. II Son of Robert Badcock, to daughter of Elihu Bab- cock, of Coventry. 27 William Lawrence (Hartford) and Alice Ripley, of Coventry. Dec. 5 Robert Badcock, Jr., and Hannah Arnold, of Coven- try. 15 Elias Judd and Beulah Larrabe, of Coventry. 16 Perez Sprague and Azubah Carpenter, of Coventry. 1783- Feb. 19 Samuel Rudd (Norwich) and Anne Brigham, of Cov- entry. July 2 Asahel House and Sarah Wallbridge, of Coventry. Oct. 23 Johnson (Mansfield) and Abial Harris, of Cov- entry. Nov. 18 John Christie and Mabel Rose, of Coventry. 1784. Jan. 22 Dr. Howard and Anne Hale, of Coventry. Mar. 24 John Taylor and Elisabeth Rose, of Coventry. April 22 William Trapp and Susanna Robertson, of Coventry. 28 Diarche Curtis and Hepzibah Fuller, of Coventry. 29 Deacon Strong and Miss Sarah Colman. May 6 Benjamin Grover and Theodora House. Oct. 14 John Brown and Elizabeth Dorman, of Coventry. Nov. 10 Rev. Moses C. Welch and Chloe Evans, of Mansfield. 18 Solomon Robertson and Patty Hawkins, of Coventry. 1785. Mar. 12 Talcott Camp and Anne Hale, of Glastonbury. 23 Isaac Robertson and Polly Dow, of Coventry. April 3 Annie Doubleday (N. Lebanon) and Lois Tilden, of Coventry. 20 John Carpenter and Abijah Pingree. May 10 Philip Turner (Mansfield) and Sibil Geer, of Coven- try. MARRIAGE RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 255 1785- Nov. 17 Roger Fuller (Hebron) and Violet Taylor, of Coven- try. 24 James Welles (Windsor) and Molly Badcock, of Cov- entry. 30 Joseph Cook and Mehitable Badcock, of Coventry. Dec. I Nathan Colman and Deborah Turner, of Coventry. Ephraim Dow, Jr., and Alice Davenport, of Coventry. 20 Timothy Colman and Eunice Fuller, of Coventry. 1786. Jan. 5 Jubal Case and Esther Parker, of Coventry. Mar. 16 Richard Hale and Polly Wright, of Coventry. April 25 Elijah Turner (Mansfield) and Ruth Badcock, of Coventry. May 14 Cephas Brigham and Amelia Robertson, of Coventry. Sept. 7 Joshua Barrows (Mansfield) and Anne Turner, of Coventry. Oct. 12 Bildad Curtiss and Hepzibah Dow, of Coventry. Nov. 2 Joseph Manley and Deborah Green, of Coventry. 1787. Jan. 18 Manson Dimmick and Anne Robertson, of Coventry. 29 Samuel Turner and Abigail Rose, of Coventry. Feb. 4 Abel Hinds, Esq. (N. Milford), and Abigail Rose, of Coventry. Mar. 15 Benjamin Colman and Sally Dorman, of Coventry. Medad Root and Anne Gurley, of Coventry. May 3 Thomas Abel (Franklin) and Rebecca Hale, of Cov- entry. Aug. 20 Richard Davenport, Jr., and Catharine Fuller, of Cov- entry. Nov. 8 Samuel Huntington (Tolland) and Sally Howard, of Coventry. Dec. 10 Warham Edwards and Elizabeth Scripture, of Cov- entry. 1788. Mar. 10 Josiah Caswell (Rutland) and Christiana Hawkins, of Coventry. June 26 Ulysses Dow and Anna Tilden, of Coventry. Aug. 26 Warren Mark (Pittsfield) and Polly Lord, of Coventry. 256 COVENTRY RECORDS 1789. Mar. 15 Amos Turner and Hannah Dorman. April 23 Luther Woodworth (Lebanon) and Harmony Bad- cock, of Coventry. Oct. 15 Godfrey Malbone and Dorcas Edwards, of Coventry. Nov. 8 John Anthony and Ruth Harris, of Coventry. 12 Abijah Prince (Glastonbury) and Anne Harris, of Cov- entry. Dec. 2 Nathaniel Andrus and Polly Ladd, of Coventry. 1790. Feb. 8 Alpheus Chapman (Hartford) and Jerusha Carpenter, of Coventry. Oct. II Charles Carpenter and Polly Chapel, of Coventry. Nov. 18 Nathaniel Cushman (Stafiford) and Hannah Parker, of Coventry. 1791. Feb. 17 Jonathan Gurley (Mansfield) and Abigail Rose, of Coventry. Mar. 17 Samuel Blackman (Pittsfield) and Jerusha Badcock, of Coventry. July 7 Zephaniah English (Andover) and Mary Babcock, of Coventry. Aug. I Samuel Badcock and Susanna Badcock, of Coventry. Oct. 27 Elisha Root and Patty Palmer, of Coventry. Nov. 17 Medad Root, Jr., and Olive Hawkins, of Coventry. 24 George Keeny (Ellington) and Lydia Robertson, of Coventry. 1792. Jan. 26 Job Sherman and Lucy Root, of Coventry. Mar. 22 William Boynton and Ruth Perkins, of Coventry. April I Benjamin Blackman and Pamela Murdock, of Cov- entry. Aug. 12 Ebenezer Baron (N. Marlboro) and Betsey Turner, of Coventry. Sept. 20 David Flilliard (Ashford) and Eunice Robinson, of Coventry. Dec. 12 Joshua Edw^ards, Jr. (Coventry), and Wait Russel, of Springfield. MARRIAGE RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 2.j7 1793- Jan. 24 Bemsley Edwards (Franconia) and Sally Cushman, of Coventry. -peh. II Scovill (Skeensborough) and Anne Kingsbury, of Coventry. 21 Shubael Whittemore and Eunice Turner, of Coventry. April 2 James Adams (Tinmouth) and Mercy Turner, of Cov- entry. Oct. 27 Abijah S. Curtiss and Huldah Fuller, of Coventry. Nov. 4 Eleazer Grant, Esq. (N.| Lebanon), and Esther Rose, of Coventry. 24 Josiah Talcott (Williston) and Abigail Gurley, of Cov- entry. Dec. 5 Frederic Palmer and Abial Turner, of Coventry. 1 1 Hammond (Tolland) and Polly Parker, of Cov- entry, 19 William Baxter and Elisabeth Babcock, of Coventry. 1794. Mar. 6 Timothy Gurley and Mary Mead, of Coventry. May 8 John Fuller (Stafford) and Amelia Perkins, of Cov- entry. July 25 Solomon Janes and Susanna Trapp, of Coventry. Aug. 17 Charles McLean (Hartford) and Anne Babcock, of Coventry. Oct. 2 James Thrall (Bolton) and Esther Robinson, of Cov- entry. Nov. 2y Joseph Turner and Patty Robertson. 9 Amasa Jones and EHsabeth Huntington, of Coventry. 1796. Feb. 4 Timothy Gurley and Eunice Rose. April 10 Daniel Robertson, Jr., and Amelia Janes. 1797. Jan. 26 Ebenezer Root Fitch and Sally Dow. . Jonathan Hutchinson (Hebron) and Temperance Col- man, of Coventry. Aug. 26 Elijah Porter and Jedidah Turner. Sept. 14 Ebenezer Colman, Jr., and Margaret Fuller. 2fi8 COVENTRY RECORDS 1797. Sept. 19 William Lyman and Susan Richardson. Dec. 7 Phineas Ladd and Anna Grover. 1798. Jan. 14 Rev. Joseph Warren Crosnian (Salisbury) and Lucy Strong. Mar. 5 William Shaw (Canterbury) and Lydia Davidson (Mansfield). April 18 Francis Norton (Hebron) and Tabetha Dorman. 26 John Rose and Desire Gurley. Nov. 26 Frederick Phelps (Hebron) and Mercy Robertson. 29 Elijah Dewey and Anna Murdock (Windham). 1799. • Jan. I Dr. Samuel White (Andover) and Wealthy Pomroy (N. S.). 28 Benjamin Lord (Rutland) and Fanny Buell (N. S.). Mar. 28 Amasa Loomis and Pamela Loomis (N. S.) April 9 Libbeus Boynton and Betsey Robertson. Oct. 6 Lieut. Ezra Abbot (Wilton, N. H.) and Rebeckah Hale. 19 Thomas Turner and Jemima Woodworth, both of Lebanon. Nov. 27 Joseph Rose and Mille Sweatland, both of N. S. Dec. 25 Sanford Hunt and Fanny Rose (N. S.). 1800. Jan. 19 Jeremiah Brown (Long Meadow) and Abigail Deuty, of Coventry. Feb. 19 Daniel White (Andover) and Eunice Stanley. Mar. 8 Oliver Kingsley (Lebanon) and Mary Dorman. 2}^ Josephus Fitch (Lebanon) Susannah Peters (negroes). June 3 William Lamphear and Huldah Adams. Aug. 28 James Thomson (Lebanon) and Hannah Dow, of Coventry. 31 Dr. Rice (Glastonbury) and Lucia Brigham, of Cov- entry. Nov. 2^ Clarke Robertson and Vina Babcock. 1801. Feb. 3 Martin Carpenter and Theodama Boothe. May 28 James Phillips and Hitty Kidder. MARRIAGE RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 259 i8oi. July 9 Nathan Adams (Canterbury) and Mary Hale, of Cov- entry. Aug. 2^ William Dowe and Cynthia Eells. 30 Apollos Fitch and Sybil Edgerton. Sept. 16 Jeriel Root and Sally Coleman. 1802. Nov. 7 Don F. Brigham and Lois Palmer. 18 Gurdon G. Young (Windham) and Polly Robertson. 25 Nathan Fuller and Hannah Fowler. Dec. 28 Samuel Guild, Jr. (Lebanon), and Hannah Coleman. 1803. April 3 Silas Perry (Hebron) and Sally Hamlin, of Coventry. May 3 William Alworth (Hampton) and Mrs. Sarah Jevvett, of Coventry. June 16 John Mead and Betsey Dow, of Coventry. Oct. 6 John N. Parker (Mansfield) and Harriot Sanford. Dec. 4 Eleazer Baldwin (Mansfield) and Harriot Robertson, of Coventry. 1804. Jan. I Leolay Rodgers (E. Hartford) and Rhoda Dimock, of Coventry. Mar. 6 Asa Lyman, Jr., and Lydia Colman, of Coventry. 24 Joseph Thomson (Mansfield) and Ruby Rust, of Cov- entry. Sept. 18 Selah Brown and Betsey Dunham, of Coventry. Oct. 17 Asa Colman, Jr., and Betsey Trapp, of Coventry. Nov. 14 Elijah Ripley and Phebe Richardson, of Coventry. Dec. 24 Nathaniel Stocking (Colchester) and Camilla Carpen- ter. 1805. Jan. 10 David Robertson and Anna Burns, of Coventry. Feb. 3 Samuel French (Hardwick, Vt.), and Tabitha Dow, of Coventry. Mar. 28 Daniel Clarke Dow and Melinda Dimmick, of Coven- try. May 19 James Bailey (Glastonbury) and Sarah Pufifer, of Cov- entry. 260 COVENTRY RECORDS 1806. Tan. 19 James White and Olive Richardson, of Coventry. Feb. 16 Elisha Adams (Canterbury) and Clarissa Cook, of Coventry. April 2 Israel Loomis, Jr., and Lydia Sprague, of Coventry. May 7 Bela Sprague and Esther Parker, of Coventry. June 10 Joseph G. Norton and Lucretia Huntington, of Cov- entry. 18 Joseph Robertson and Polly Fuller, of Coventry. Aug. 31 Samuel Swetland and Milly Cook, of Coventry. Oct. 9 Roderick Dimmick (Mansfield) and Anne Brigham. Dec. 17 Ephraim Colman, Jr., and Salome Colman, of Cov- entry. 18 Elijah Robertson (Coventry) and Lucy Hersey (Mans- field). 23 Asa Parker, Jr., and Hannah Sprague, of Coventry. 1807. Mar. 5 Stephen Turner (Mansfield) and Naomi Palmer. April 20 Elisha Streeter (Guilford N.) and Tacy Allen, of Cov- entry. Sept. 24 Harry Dow and Sally Sprague, of Coventry. Oct. 26 Jeremiah Parrish, Esq., and Lydia Manning. Nov. 26 Milton Clark and Anna S. Dimock, of Coventry. 1808. Feb. 17 John Eells, Jr., and Eunice Woodworth, of Coventry. Mar. 31 Phineas Ladd and Huldah Curtis, of Coventry. Aug. 15 Godfrey Scarborough, Esq. (Suffield), and Eunice Ripley, of Coventry, Sept. 18 George R. White and Sally Ripley, of Coventry. Oct. 9 Asa Keach and EHsabeth Cogswell, of Coventry. Nov. 24 Spencer Woodworth and Amanda Clarke. 1809. Jan. I Charles Woodworth (Columbia) and Desire Badcock. Feb. I Perkins Sharp (Willington) and Anne Swetland, of Coventry. 15 Selah French and Polly Miner, of Coventry. 27 Samuel Colman, Jr., and Sally Robertson, of Coventry. MARRIAGE RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 261 1809. April 19 Dr. John Howard and Lucy Ripley, of Coventry. 24 Chester Fuller and Submit Cook, of Coventry. May 8 Elias Brewster (Columbia) and Lucretia Edgerton. Oct. 25 Daniel J. Robertson and Hamiony Carpenter, of Cov- entry. Nov. 4 Christopher Hyde (Franklin) and Hannah Gilbert, of Coventry. 30 Asa Woodworth and Sally Boyington, of Coventry. 30 Marcius Boleam (Mansfield) and Eunice Swetland. 1810. April 2 Harvey Fuller and Betsey Herrelton, of Coventry. May 28 Erastus Lincoln (Southington) and Lucy Wood- worth. 31 Nathan Lyman and Asenath Sprague, of Coventry. Nov. -zj Elias Palmer, Jr., and Hannah Sandford, of Coventry. 29 Horace Russ (Mansfield) and Lucia Brigham, of Cov- entry. 29 Amos Richardson and Sally Strong, of Coventry. 1811. Jan. 24 George Perkins (Hebron) and Lucinda Dimmick, of Coventry. 1815. Oct. 26 Hezekiah Edgerton 3d and Polly Codman, of Coven- try. 1816. April 10 Samuel Dow 2d and Eliza H. Albro, of Coventry. Nov. 8 Martin Lyman and Mary Davenport, of Coventry. 1817. April 9 Whitman Clark (Mansfield) and Phebe Boynton. Sept. 10 John Little (Columbia) and Submit Lyman. Dec. 7 John Dresser and Abby Albro, of Coventry. 1818. Jan. 2 Stephen Morey and Clarissa Shepherd, of Coventry. 20 Duthan Kingsbury and Anna Greenleaf. May 21 Harvey Colman (Southampton) and Paulina Colman. Nov. 5 Luther Robinson (Windham) and Parmelia Herrick. 5 Stephen B. Pomroy (Norwich, N. Y.) and Sally Dim- mick. 262 COVENTRY RECORDS 1819. Sept. 12 Avery and Hebard, of Coventry. Jan. 4 Lathrop Richardson and Hatch, of N. Coventry. May 6 Col. James White and Lydia Kingsbury, of Coventry. July 5 Robert Hale (Plainfield) and Maria Bard, of Coventry. 19 Cyril Case and Laura Burdwin, of N. Coventry. Nov. 18 William Colman and Lucia Edgerton, of Coventry. Dec. 8 Samuel Drake (E. Hartford) and Betsey Curtis. 14 Humphrey White (Hebron) and Wealthy Malbone, of Coventry. 30 Josiah Fuller, Jr., and Miranda Lyman, of Coventry. 1820. April 12 Jesse Colman and Jemima Root, of Coventry. Oct. 15 Bahman Clark (Elba, N. Y.) and Diadama Babcock. 1821. Mar. 14 Silas Loomis and Esther Case, of N. Coventry. 21 Royal Manning and Sally Rose, of Coventry. July 4 Levi Allen (Mansfield) and Maria Brigham. Dec. 6 Solomon Colman and Nancy Manning. 1822. Jan, 9 Charles L. Haley (Groton) and Hannah Avery, of Coventry. Mar. 28 Chauncey Griggs (Tolland) and Harty Dimmick. Sept. 16 James Alexander and Tryphena Kinne. 25 Nathaniel P. Perkins (Mansfield) and Lucia Boynton. Nov. 3 Samuel Davis and Jemima Tho'mpson, of Coventry. 1823. Oct. 20 Amasa Barrows (Mansfield) and Wealthy Colman, of Coventry. Nov. 19 Samuel Walker (Willington) and Livina Swetland. 2.^ John Spencer and Jerusha Pease, of Coventry. Dec. 9 John T. Cummings (Mansfield) and Wealthy Dim- mick, of Coventry. 26 John Thomson and Martha Remington, of Coventry. 1824. Mar. 3 Oliver French and Jane Doan, of Coventry. May 4 Rufus Brown and Triphena Fuller, of Coventry. MARRIAGE RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 263 1824. June 28 Capt. Chauncey Eells and Mary Janes, of Coventry. Sept. 16 Solomon H. Bissel and Wealthy F. Learned, Oct. 14 Ralzamon Belknap (Ellington) and Desiah Dimmick. 1825. Jan. 27 Harry Curtis and Laura Whittemore, of Coventry. Feb. 9 Rev. Nathaniel Kingsbury (Mount Vernon, N. H.) and Eunice Dow. Mar. 2 Lucius Evans (Cazenovia, N. Y.) and Mary L. Leech (Mansfield). 10 Joseph Dorman and Hannah Dow, of Coventry. June 9 Brewster P. Swift (Mansfield) and Charlotte Maxwell. July 14 John D. Norton and Harriet Hosmer, of Coventry. Aug. 1 1 Bishop Davenport and Eliza Dimmick. Sept. I Col. John Kingsbury (Tolland) and Mary Brigham. of Coventry. Oct. 26 Capt. Jonathan Gurley and Mai*y Dunham (Mans- field). 31 Ashbel Grover and Cynthia Morgan, of Coventry, Nov. 7 Francis Lathrop and Clarissa Janes. 1826. Jan. 19 James D. Hosmer (Windham) and Dolly L. Kings- bury. 25 Sterling Janes and Huldah Loomis, of Coventry. April 19 Lucius Newcomb (Columbia) and Mary Mead. June 22 Patrick F. Whitman (Griswold) and Nancy Ladd. 25 James P. Foster and Eunice Rose, of Coventry. Nov. 16 Orasmus Story and Elisa Lyman. 27 George Boynton and Cynthia Whittemore, of Coven- try. 1827. Jan. 9 Hazzard Tinker and x^dar Bump (Mansfield). Sept. 16 Capt. David Robertson (Coventry) and Almira Stark- weather (Mansfield). Oct. 4 Thomas A. Barrows (Mansfield) and Olive R. White, of Coventry. 14 John H. Price (Providence, R. L) and Clarissa Da^' port. 264 COVENTRY RECORDS 1828. Jan. 28 Dr. Lockwood Lyon (Wolcott, N. Y.) and Deborah Colman. Feb. 10 John Crane (Cohimbia) and Maria Edgerton, of Cov- entry. Aug. 31 Ephraim Parker (Vernon) and Abby Ann Wheeler (Columbia). Nov. 2 Alpheus Cady (Lebanon) and Emmeline Dickinson (Norwich). 1829. Feb. 17 Joel Lathrop and Ann M. Parish, of Coventry. Mar. 23 Jonathan W. Fuller (Mansfield) and Cynthia Austin, Sept. 18 Darius Manley (Troy, Penn.) and Susan Loomis, of Coventry. Nov. 30 Charles Huntington (Windham) and Nancy B. Strong, of Coventry. 1830. Feb. 23 Joseph C. Cone (Manchester) and Mary M. Robert- son. May 4 Thomas Rider (Willington) and Cephonia Dunham, of Coventry. 12 Capt. Chauncey Eells (New Fane, N. Y.) and Diantha Doan. 26 Austin Dunham and Martha M. Root, of Coventry. Sept. 20 Norman Tucker (Sufifield) and Mary Lyman, of Cov- entry. 20 Deacon Lemuel Barrows (Trenton, N. Y.) and Sally Fitch. Oct. 12 Samuel Wilson (Coventry) and Almira Dow (Colum- bia). Nov. 7 Jedediah L. Booth (Western N. Y.) and Abigail P. Barrows (Mansfield). 1831. Jan. 25 Capt. Edward G. Huntington and Eliza Clark, of Cov- entry. Mar. 2 Goodwin Fuller and Hannah Robertson, of Coventry. June 27 Benjamin Colegrove (Bristol) and Amanda Smith, of Coventrv. MARRIAGE RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 265 1831. Sept. 10 Henry L. Freeman and Sally M. Smith, of Coventry. Oct. 1 1 William Woodworth (Coventry) and Mary Ann Knox (Manchester). Nov. 6 George Jones (Glastonbury) and Elvira J. Goss. 6 Eleazer Lockwood (Hebron) and Betsey Goss, of Coventry. 13 Samuel Payson and Clarissa Weeks, of Coventry. 19 Washington Barrows (Mansfield) and Sara Ann Root, of Coventry. 29 John W. Gager (Tolland) and Susan Ann Brigham. 1832. Feb. 28 William Avery (Windham) and Rhoda E. Avery, of Coventry. April I Larenzo Frizelle and Laura Ladd, of Coventry. 15 Guy C. Robertson (Bolton) and Julia Ann Lewis, of Coventry. 26 Col. Samuel West (Columbia) and Lucy Manning, of Coventry. May 2 John W. Boynton and Eunice Stanley, of Coventry. 27 Seymour Davenport and Fidelia Grover, of Coventry. July 4 Chauncey Ripley and Lucretia E. Fitch, of Coventry. Aug. 8 Hiram Payson and Philina Fuller, of Coventry. 23 Sherman J. Parker and Fanny P. Dow, of Coventry. Sept. 12 Jared Cady (Ashford) and Mary Eells, of Coventry. Oct. 10 Newton Fitch and Jane C. Bidwell, of Coventry. Nov. 29 John H. Preston (Ashford) and Fanny Manning. 1833- July 30 William Brace and Elisabeth C. Chatfield, Hartford. Sept, 24 Jesse W. Flatch and Caroline R. Eells, of Coventry. Dec. II Simeon W^oodworth (Mansfield) and Lucy A. Dor- man. 1834. Aug. 20 George C. Weston and Abbe Augusta Flack, of Cov- entry. Sept. 14 Harvey Tarbox (Coventry) and Sarah S. Jones (He- bron). Nov. 6 Lewis A. Dimock and Celinda A. Gardner, of Cov- entry. 266 COVENTRY RECORDS 1834. Dec. 9 Richmond C. Lovett (Tolland) and Eliza R. Brighani, of Coventry. 1835- June 25 Dr. William H. Rockwell (Hartford) and Mrs. Maria F. Chapin, of Coventry. Aug. 24 Benoni H. Austin (West Greenwich) and Laura Eells, of Coventry, Sept. 30 L. Perkins Rose and Ann R. Manning, of Coventry. Oct. I William M. Champin (Montville) and Emily Ripley, of Coventry, 5 George H. Talcott (Huron, N. Y.) and Lucretia Col- man, of Coventry. Nov. 19 Barnabas Hinkley (Rochester, N. Y.), and Olive Rip- ley, of Coventry. 1836. Feb. 20 Adrastus Hall (Coventry) and Lucretia Walton (Will- imantic). Aug. 22 Edwin D. Tucker and Abby J. Eells, of Coventry. Sept. I George G. Gilbert and Augusta Russ, of Coventry. 1 1 Allen M. Perkins and Julia A. Robertson, of Coventry. Oct. 16 Benjamin Sisson and Mary B. Eldridge (Hartford). 1837. Jan. I Jesse TifTt, Jr. (Hartford), and Almira Robinson, of Coventry, April 10 Albert Newcomb (Tolland) and Eunice S. Brigham, of Coventry. May 8 Spalding Cutler (Mansfield) and Fanny Albro, of Cov- entry. June 22 Samuel A. Wadsworth (Hampton) and Jane E. S. Ormsby. Nov. 22 Charles Gleason and Hannah Tucker (Pomfret). 1838. Jan. I Albert Earl Swift (E. Windsor) and Saphina Cordelia Marsh, of Coventry. April I Nelson Wilson (Ashford) and Emily ToplifT, of Cov- entry. May 9 Horatio Billings (Somers) and Mary Ripley, of Cov- entry. MARRIAGE RECORDS OF FIRST CHURCH 267 1838. May 20 William A. Perkins (Hebron) and Eliza Boynton, of Coventry. June 18 Simon Mens (New York) and Mary F, Lyman, of Cov- entry. Aug. 30 Loring Winchester (S. Mansfield) and Amelia Bid- well, of Coventry. Sept. 24 Thomas Dunham (Mansfield) and Eunice Morey, of Coventry. Nov. 20 Leander Storrs (Mansfield) and Mary Abby Edger- ton, of Coventry. 1839. Feb. 5 Timothy Colman, Jr. (Coventry), and Lora Hunt, of Stafiford. Mar. 6 Freeman Rindge (Cortlandville, N, Y.) and Olive R. Barrows, of Coventry. 27 Leonard G. Dunham and Lucy Baxter, of Mansfield. May 8 Dr. Timothy Dimock and Miss Laura Farnam Booth, of Coventry. June 30 Dr. Asa W. Fuller (Warwick, R. L) and Nancy A. Collins, of Columbia. Oct. 28 Major Richard H. Rose and Mary A. Dimock, of Cov- entry. 1840. Feb. 1 1 Turner F. Upton and Sophronia Bugbee, of Willi- mantic. Mar. 3 Waterman C. Woodworth and Ann A. Packard, of Coventry. 15 Jesse Woodworth and Almira Whittemore, of Coven- try. April 12 Samuel P. Webster and Mary A. Lewis, of Tolland. May 3 David M. Buell and Louisa Robertson, of Coventry. Sept. 15 E. Grant Root and Susan Gardner, of Coventry. Nov. 25 Edward H. Dow and Henrietta E. Lyman, of Coven- try. 1841. Mar. 16 Reuben Barrows (Norwich) and Lydia Edgerton, of Coventry. 28 George Tracy and Maria L. Cummings, of Coventry. 268 COVENTRY RECORDS 1841. April 20 Barzilla Swift (Mansfield) and Martha Gardner, of Coventry. Sept. 12 Horace Robertson and Laura Woodworth, of Coven- try. Oct. II Orrin W. Gardner (Mansfield) and Clarissa L. Dun- ham, of Coventry. Nov. I George Gurley (Rockland, N. Y.) and Sophia Dim- ock, of Coventry. 30 Stanley White (Andover) and Ann R. Rose, of Cov- entry. 1842. Sept. 14 Willard Sprague and Laura Colman, of Coventry. Oct. 20 Orramel Post and Rachael Watrous, of Coventry. 184.3- Mar. 22 James W. Root and Lucretia Edgerton, of Coventry. 22 George R. Hurlburt and Lucy Ann Edgerton, of Cov- entry. May 17 James Stanley and Almira C. White, of Coventry. 31 Ralph Crittenden and Susan J. Robertson. Nov. 30 Daniel B. Simpson and Mary D. Fitch, of Coventry. Dec. 5 Merrill Humphrey (Norfolk) and Maria C. Mason, of Coventrv. PASTORS OF THE FIRST CHURCH IN COVEN- TRY ORDAINED. Oct. 18, 1714, Joseph Meacham, to 1752 Jan. 7, 1759, Oliver Noble, to 1763 June 29, 1763, Joseph Huntington, D.D., to 1794 Oct. 28, 1795, Abiel Abbot, to 1811 Sept. 20, 181 5, Chauncey Booth, to 1844 Records of Deaths and Baptisms, Second Church, in North Parish, called North Coventry, from 1801 to 1843. DEATHS. 1801. 2 children, Alexander Abbott. Benjamin Case. Benjamin Buell. Joseph Hunt's child. Israel Fowler's wife. Widow Dorcas Hibbard. Mrs. Badger^ wife of Daniel Badger. Wife of William Burns. 1802. Peter Brewster, 94 years Stephen Hunt's child. Wife and child of Eleazer Loomis. Wife of Josiah Brown. Wife of Peter Buell. Wife of Mathew Bissel. Benjamin Lamb. Widow King, 84 years Charles Marlburn's child. Amos Richardson, 74 years Wife of Medad Loomis. Widow Sarah Porter, 91 years Widow Parker, 90 years Eleazer Kingsbury's child. Elijah Wright, 72 years 1803. Elisabeth Wheeler, 73 years Thomas Brown, 71 years 269 270 COVENTRY RECORDS Widow Wrig-ht, Elijah Morley's child. Norman Barnard's child. Widow Paulk's daughter, John Ladd, Wife of William Wilson, Selah Hibbard's child, Widow Badger, Widow Priscilla Kingsbury, Wife of Nathaniel Dexter, Israel Fowler, Stephen Chapel, Elijah Morley's child, Margaret Loomis, Sarah Thompson, Child of Aaron Green. Henry Davis, Widow Sarah Porter, Wife of Daniel Loomis, Gad Hunt, Daniel Badger, Joseph Porter, Guer (a black woman), Benjamin Carpenter, Ransfard Smith's child. Samuel Burdwin's child, Wife of Noah Porter, Roswell Prior's child, Nersa Lillie, Samuel White, Wife of Benjamin Carpenter, Joseph Norton's child. Selah Brown's child, Elijah Hunt's child. Widow Submit Cook, Elijah Hunt's wife, 1804. 71 years 1805. 1806. 1807. 24 years 66 years 73 years 9 years 82 years 84 years 47 years 69 years y2. years I day 84 years 64 years 7 — years 93 years 64 years 56 years 64 years 21 years ^2 years 50 years 4 years 36 years 6 years 16 years 46 years 49 years 2 years 34 years 24 years DEATHS FROM SECOND CHURCH RECORDS 271 1807. John Ripley, Stephen Turner, Amos Avery's child, Aaron French, Elijah Hunt, Ira Lillie's child. Mary, wife of Enoch Badger. John Thompson, Sarah Root, William Porter's child. William Wentworth's son. Grandchild of Thomas Davenport. Child of Lydia Simons. Titus Baker's child. Widow House, David Loomis. Child of Ariel Loomis, Child of Ariel Case, Wife of Samuel Ladd, Child of Billy Woodward, Samuel Long, Jr., Dr. Ebenezer Hunt, Widow Elisabeth Woodward, Widow Hunt, Oliver Pierce, Aaron Dart's child, Moses Woodward's wife, Mr. Kinney's child, Leonard White, Anna Sweetland, Nabby Tarbox, Ralph Carpenter's child, Mr. Young's child. Samuel Loomis's child. Widow Mary Pierce, Ebenezer Turner, Guer (man of color), 1809. I«IO. 19 years 6t years I year 51 years 24 years 'J2 years 86 years 4 years 80 years 7 months 21 months 82 years 17 months 52 years 42 years 84 years 82 years 71 years I year 59 years I year 20 years 22 years 20 years 6 vears 72 years 16 years 30 years 272 COVENTRY RECORDS Lydia Tarbox, Samuel Long, John Taylor, Abigail Russell, Irene Avery, Lovicy Cooke, Lydia Avery, Erastus Kingsbury, Pamela Cooke, William Russell's child. Anna Lyman, Elijah Porter's child, Luther King, Eleazer Pomeroy, Esq., Ichabod Jewett, Harriet Jewett, Irene Rose, Isaiah Porter, Samuel Porter, Aimy Bissell, Lois Lillie, Widow Lillie, 1810. 1811. 1812. George Bissell's child. Ariel Loomis's children. Wife of Mr. Scripture, ' Child of Mr. Scripture. Josiah Long, Ephraim T. Woodruff's child, Eleazer Pomeroy's child. Sally Chamberlain, '^'•^■ Kiman (man of color). Infant babe of Capt. Young. Fanny Rose, '^'^• Mary Sweetland, Wife of Moses Badger, Justus Richardson, 24 years 83 years 49 years 21 years 17 years 23 years 22 years 17 years- 19 years 64 years 6 years 33 years 58 years 46 years 24 years 37 years 71 years 69 years 46 years 29 years 88 years I and 3 years 36 years 82 years 7 weeks 16 years 13 years 24 years 6^ years 76 years DEATHS FROM SECOND CHURCH RECORDS 273 i8i6. 1815. Wife of Titus Baker Wife of Joseph Kingsbury, Widow Jedediah Porter, Wife of Shubael Brewster, Hannah Baker, Wife of Jonathan Porter, Dan Loomis, George Bissell's child. Old Mr. Kinney, Samuel Ladd, Wife of Joseph Barnard, Child of Calvin Tracy, Eleazer Pomeroy's child. 1817 Luther Loomis's child. 1818. Wife of Capt. Eliphaz Hunt, Widow Esther Lyman, Mrs. Hatch, James L Jewett, Infant child of Eleazer Loomis. Rosannah Pomp, Ebenezer Porter's child, Walter Tilden's child, Infant child of C. Edwards. Widow Miriam Brewster, Infant child of Samuel Baxter. 1819 Deacon Jonathan Porter, Mrs. Esther Bingham, Infant child of Amasa Loomis. Infant child of Eleazer Loomis. Mrs. Meriba Fortune (colored). Nathan Dexter, Capt. William Wilson, Infant child of Nathaniel Root, Jr. Mrs. Esther Carpenter, 49 years 53 years 57 years 48 years 70 years 78 years 19 years 106 years 88 years 72 years 8 vears 78 years >6 — 8 years 31 years 8 years 23 years 7 years 3 years 90 years 81 years 71 years 62 years 90 years 68 years 274 COVENTRY RECORDS 1819. Olive Porter, Mrs. Mehitable Huntington, Joshua Tilclen, 1820. Mrs. Sybil Andrus, Capt. Eliphaz Hunt, Elisha Loomis, Infant child of Samuel Baxter. Infant child of Demeric (colored). Infant child of Daniel Smith. Mrs. Lydia Tarbox, Lucy Wheeler, Infant child of Rev. G. A. Calhoun. Eliphilet Carpenter, Edwin M. Turner. Infant son of Capt. John Turner. 1821. Sanford Bissel, Infant child of Eleazer Loomis 2d. Ebenezer Hamlin, I. Clark, of Newburg, New York, Lydia Hibbard, Infant child of Daniel Root. Infant child of Ebenezer Porter. Infant child of Capt. Daniel W. Badger. Mrs. Anna King, Oct. 7, Daniel Root, Wife of Capt. Thomas Davenport. Mrs. Martha Badger, Roswell Prior, Mrs. H. Morley, 1822. Major S. Case, Betsey Wright, William Burns, Capt. Thomas Davenport, Mrs. Submit Porter, Mrs. Electa Fenton, Infant child of Eleazer Loomis 2d. 22 years 87 years 6 years 90 years 81 years 72 years 64 years ^2 years 73 years 24 years 84 years 47 years 60 years 70 years 28 years 36 years 63 years 58 years 58 years 34 years 62 years 74 years 74 years 2."] years DEATHS FROM SECOND CHURCH RECORDS 275 1822 Mrs. A. Russell, Miss Molly Woodward, John Russell, Levi Sweetland, Roswell King. 1823. Infant child of Eli Case. Child of Samuel Baxter, Mrs. Polly Loomis, Matthew Bissell, Jacob Brewster, Mrs. Deborah Root, Mrs. Freelove Kingsbury, Samuel Burdwin, Infant child of Mr. Topliff. Horatio Palmer, Aug. 1 1, Amos Avery, Child of Harvey Wright Martha C. Kingsbury, Infant child of Horatio Avery. John Russell, Cyrus Brown, Ira Lillie, Gideon Edwards, Jr., 1824. Mrs. Bridget Torrey, Fortune Pomp (colored). OHve Frink, Mrs. Jerusha Richardson, Aurelia Leonard, Child of Ebenezer Hamlin, Moses Badger, Child of Amos Turner, 1825. Dan Hatch, Infant child of Alonso Loomis. Gideon Edwards, Richard Jenkinson (a transient person), Mrs. Ellis Wheatley, Infant child of Jasper Gilbert. 75 years 68 years 61 years 53 years 2 years 56 years 93 years 80 years 79 years 52 years 44 years 36 years 87 years 2 years 65 years 86 years II years 42 years 18 years 71 years 23 years 62 years 21 years 2 years 75 years 7 years 67 years 46 years 42 years 51 years 276 COVENTRY RECORDS 1826. Mrs. Abigail Kingsbury, Mrs. Roxana Hibbard, Miss Lois Crocker, Ephraim Kingsbury, bsq., Mrs. Zerviah Woodward, Urial Andrus, Child of Fenton. Deacon Joseph Talcott Infant child of Harvey Wnght. Widow Fox, Infant child of Lenutel Waldo. Infant child of Silas Loomis. Wife of Samuel Waldo, Talcott Flint, Gurdeon Jeffers, Joseph Barnard, infant child of Israel Loonns. 1827. Infant child of Roxanna Edwards. Infant child of Alvan Kingsbury. Eliakim Jones. _ Infant child of Endotia Burns. Mrs. Lucy Frink. Billy Wintworth, Infant child of Mr. Burton. Widow Sarah Fields, Daniel Woodward, ^^^^ Mary Edgerton, Infant child of Porter (mulatto). April, Joseph Kingsbury, Widow PhebeKmgsbury, Nathaniel Woodward, Sherburn King, Widow Esther Howard Infant child of Deacon LLoonri^s. Infant child of Samuel Dunham. Henry Waldo, 56 years 29 years 79 years 86 years 71 years 31 years 70 years 1^6 years 36 years 62 years 28 years 72 years 62 years 91 years 34 years 2 years 75 years 86 years 76 years 35 years 78 years 67 years DEATHS FROM SECOND CHURCH RECORDS 277 Widow Irene Badger, Widow Eunice Tilden, Benjamin F. Keach. 1828. 1829. Henrietta Brigham, July 13 Widow Elisabeth Hunt, Simon Aaron (Indian), April 15 Azel Goodwin, May 29 William Arnold, June 8 Silas Loomis, July 28 Widow Hannah Waldo, 29 Uriel Loomis, Aug. 24 Israel Loomis, Oct. 31 Deacon Jesse Cook, Feb. 5 22 Mar. 18 23 May July 17 20 Nov. I Dec. 25 Jan. 7 21 Mar. 31 Apri: I21 26 1830. Widow Prudence Ladd, Widow Carpenter, Nathaniel Palmer, Josiah Brown, Infant child of Judge Hall, of Ellington. Widow Abigail Parker, George A. Stone, William Carpenter, Abner Porter, Rebecca Parkis, Eunice Lillie, 1831. Infant child of Ezra Isham. Abel Porter, Infant child of Mr. Reynolds. Persis Avery, Lucy Carpenter, Lavinia Avery, Infant child of Ezra Isham. Bachus Kingsbury, Ebenezer Porter, Child of Otis Buckminster. 79 years 80 years 23 years 82 years Zl years 59 years 45 years 33 years 65 years 21 years 50 years 69 years 91 years 85 years 85 years 73 years yj years 21 years 63 years 42 years 58 years 74 years 75 years 68 years 13 years 43 years 24 years 51 years 278 COVENTRY RECORDS 1832. Mar. I Infant child of L. Brewster. Child of Mr. Flint, 14 Widow Anne Long, June 9 Col. Elisha Edgerton, 10 Samuel Lillie, Nov. 14 Eleazer Pomroy Talcott, Dec. 27 Jabez Avery, Jr., 1833. Feb. 10 Widow Caner, Infant child of Mr. Mitchell. Mar. 6 Minon Jewell (non resident), 24 Mrs. Prudence Hamblin, June 26 Eli N. Case, Sept. 21 Susan A. Tourtellotte, Nov. 14 Widow Anne Hunt, Dec. 23 Infant child of Mr. Malona. 1834. Jan. 25 Mrs. Sarah Loomis, Mar. 25 Jenny Courts, April 14 Infant child of Luther Abbot. May 5 Chester Root, June 4 Norman Avery, 10 Infant child of Mr. Flint. Oct. 18 Widow Prudence Flint, Dec. I E. Evans, of Manchester, 13 Child of Mr. Flint, 29 Widow Priscilla Cook, Mrs. Lavinia Avery, Simon Stone. 31 Lydia Tourtelotte, 1835- Jan. I Mrs. Candace Root, 29 Cynthia Turner, Feb. 25 Mr. Bronson, of Vernon, Mar. 13 Gad Hunt, Infant child of Francis Porter. Feb. 6 Infant child of Jeduthan Hubbard. 5 years 79 years 78 years 78 years 23 years 38 years 83 years 52 years 43 years 39 years 15 years 74 years 52 years 78 years 13 years 45 years 70 years 70 years 2 years 70 years 69 years 32 years 71 years 62 years 69 years 62 years DEATHS FROM SECOND CHURCH RECORDS 279 1835- Mar. 15 Eleazer Loomis, May I Ephraim Andrus, July 3 David Loomis, Oct. 21 Delia Brewster, 26 Rufus Parsons, of Ellington, Nov. 19 Widow Eunice Edgerton, Infant child of Trumball Tracy. Wife of Salmon Loomis. 1836. Jan. Infant child of Miss Maynard. Sept. 30 Stephen Hunt, Stephen Morey's child. Two children of Mr. Blanchard. Daniel Courts, Infant child of Mr. James Stone. 1837. Jan. 29 Miss Molly Porter, Mr. Jonathan Tarbox, Feb. Ebenezer Tilden, Mar. 20 Mary Hamlin, 29 Noah L. Porter, Nov. 27 Mary Augusta Hyde, Dec. Mr. Ballon, Dec. 27 Widow Mehitable Styles, 1838. Feb. I Widow Molly Brown, Mar. 17 Widow Triphena Porter, April 9 Joshua Frink, 27 Oliver W. Sweetland, Mrs. Wade. July 29 Esther Hibbard, Aug. I Cornelia Case, 3 Capt. Joseph Rose, Nov. 5 George Bissell, 10 Catherine Porter, Dec. 8 Anna Turner, 28 John Francis Porter, 58 years 75 years 70 years 85 years 69 years 81 years 70 years 2 years 74 years 91 years 82 years 58 years 93 years 21 years 5 years 81 years 94 years 64 years 84 years 61 years 20 years 75 years 8 years 63 years 74 years 54 years 90 years 2 years 280 COVENTRY RECORDS 1839. Jan. 9 Amelia Root, 25 Sarah A. Barrows, Feb. 28 Elijah Wright, June 8 P. F. Whitman, Aug. 22 Martha Slayter, 30 Child of Mr. Merich, Sept. 3 Child of Mr. Justen, 18 James C. Eldridge, Oct. 14 Lucy Robertson, Infant child of Warren Robertson. Infant child of Lemuel Waldo. 1840. Jan. 2 Widow Abigail Dexter, 23 Widow Mary Case, 27 Child of Erastus Blanchard. 2y Mrs. Beallon, 30 Amasa Loomis, Mar. 18 Widow Phebe Prior, Sept. 21 Capt. Nathaniel Root, Dec. 25 Col. Noah Porter, 1841. Jan. 5 Walter Loomis, • 26 Capt. Gad Page, Feb. 2 Elisabeth Jane Waterman, 1 1 Widow Lydia Loomis, 14 Child of Salmon Loomis. Mar. 2 Two children of Mr. Baxter. 19 Widow Priscilla Pomroy, 27 Samuel Cooper, April . 8 Infant child of Marcus Lillie, May Mary L. Loomis. Aug. 20 Dan Loomis, 31 Child of Gurdon Porter, Sept. 20 Dr. Daniel Avery, Oct. 18 Widow Sarah Fuller, Dec. 4 Martin Kimpton, Child of Libni Hall. 2y Widow Silence Palmer, 59 years 25 years 80 years 36 years 63 years 4 years 2 years II years 36 years 84 years 46 years 74 years 67 years 74 years 83 years 71 years 60 years 76 years 5 years 59 years 85 years 65 years 83 years 2 years 80 years 90 years 41 years 83 years BAPTISMS FROM SECOND CHURCH RECORDS 281 1842. Jan. 8 Joseph Grey, 11 Widow Ruth Sweelland, 12 Infant child of Simon Stone. 13 Benjamin Waterman, JVIar. 22 Infant child of Dorias Higginbotham. April 4 Oliver Long, 10 Hervey W. Daniels, 16 Widow Lois Bissel, May 30 Infant child of Marcus Lillie. June 5 James Thompson, 26 Samuel Dunham, Aug. 24 Orrin Stone, Sept. 30 Duthan Lillie, Dec. 10 Mrs. Grant. 18 Neria, wife of Z. Loomis, Jr., 30 Zelstes Porter. 38 years 77 years 42 years 58 years 25 years 72 years 78 years 55 years 23 years 56 years 31 years BAPTISMS. Children. Milo Loomis, Nabby Joanna Tarbox, Martha Lois House. Nov. 7, Barbara Leonard. Hannah Avery, Daniel Loomis, Jr., Simon Gager, Martha Ransom, Rebeccah Parker, Elisabeth M. Phillips. Thankful Pinny, Henry H. Corrin. Laura Chamberlain, Emily Hatch, Jenny Courts. 119. Parents. Amasa Loomis Benjamin Tarbox Josiah Brown Daniel Loomis Amos Gager Cogswell Amos Cogswell Lemuel Pinny Widow Achsah Chamberlain Dan Hatch 282 COVENTRY RECORDS Children. Lucina Needham, Olive Needham, Edna Needham, Laura W., Mary Anne Sweetland, Olive W. Sweetland, Daniel Loomis 2d, Juliatta Loomis, Marshal N. Loomis, Elmira Leonard, Emmeline Leonard, Sally Root. Chauncey Hibbard, Munroe Hibbard, Lydia Maria Ransom, Amasa Ransom, Betsey Keach, Jerusha Edwards, Prudence Morley, Anna Lillie. Sybil Andrus, Asenath Andrus, Mary Wilson. Endotia Edwards, Edwin M. Turner, George Barnard, Adaline Turner, Martha Turner, John Hart Turner, Calista Turner, Cynthia Loomis, Lydia Maria Avery, Josiah Brown Avery, Anna Edgerton Avery, Warren Rose, Susan Root, Kingsbury Root, 1819. 1820. Parents. Frederick Needham Frederick Needham Frederick Needham Frederick Needham Levi Sweetland, Jr. Levi Sweetland, Jr. Daniel Loomis, Jr. Daniel Loomis, Jr. Eieazer Loomis Abial Leonard Abial Leonard Selah Hibbard Selah Hibbard Widow Martha Ransom Widow Martha Ransom Amos Cogswell Erastus Edwards Elijah Morley Ephraim Andrus Ephraim Andrus Gideon Edwards John Turner Norman Barnard John Turner John Turner John Turner John Turner Dea Selah Loomis Duthan Avery Duthan Avery Duthan Avery Nathaniel Root, Jr. Nathaniel Root, Jr. BAPTISMS FROM SECOND CHURCH RECORDS 283 Children. Cordelia Root, Oliver T. Loomis, Sarah Ann Hunt, Alexander Pomroy, Eleazer Pomroy, George Pomroy, Daniel Pomroy, Henry W. Hutchinson, Dwight Needham, Oliver W. Brown, Cornelia P. Tarbox, Emily Root, Chester H. Root, janette Lillie, Julia Ann Parkis, Ebenezer Kingsbury, Joseph S. Ransom, Stephen Ransom, Luther Gager, Eliza House. Emily Root, Nathaniel Root 2d, Rufus B. Chamberlain, Cornelia Turner, Urial Andrus, Royal G. Andrus, Walter S. W. Andrus, Sophronia Goff, Mary Case. Sophia Evans. Harriet S. Case, Calisto A. Case, Daniel Pomroy, Elisabeth H. Gilbert, Levi P. Sweetland, Henry K. Sweetland, Harriet E. Sweetland, 1820. 1821. Parents. Nathaniel Root, Jr. Walter Loomis Eliphaz Hunt Eleazer Pomroy Eleazer Pomroy Eleazer Pomroy Eleazer Pomroy Deacon Willard Hutchinson Frederick Needham Selah Brown Benjamin Tarbox Nathaniel Root, Jr. Daniel Root Ira Lillie Lyman Parkis Ward Kingsbury Joseph Ransom Joseph Ransom Simon Gager Nathaniel Root, Jr. Nathaniel Root, Jr. Widow Achsah Chamberlain John Turner Widow Laura Andrus Widow Laura Andrus Widow Laura Andrus Esquire Goff Eli Case Eli Case Eleazer Pomroy Jasper Gilbert Levi Sweetland Levi Sweetland Levi Sweetland 284 COVENTRY RECORDS Children. George Wodward, George W. Calhoun, Jabez K. Kingsbury, Lydia E. Hibbard, Edwin P. Chamberlain, Lemuel S. Loomis, Charles Loomis, Henry Loomis, Orin H. Loomis, James H. Loomis, Nancy M. Loomis, Henry Brewster, Julia A. Brewster, Mary L. Kingsbury, Elisabeth W. Kingsbury, Catherine Loomis. Edwin F. Brewster, Ruth Hibbard, Roxana Hibbard, Augustus Kingsbury, Mary Kingsbury, Erastus A. Kingsbury, Harriet Kingsbury, Mary Kingsbury, Elizabeth Talcott, Mary Talcott, Mary E. Parker, Charles Parker, Olive Brown, Cyrus Brown, Mary C. Brown, Julia C. Keach, Benjamin F. Keach, Jason C. Keach, Francis Porter, Eunice Porter, Jonathan C. Porter, Harriet N. Kingsbury, 1821. Parents. Daniel Woodward G. A. Calhoun Jabez Kingsbury Selah Hibbard, Jr. Rufus Chamberlain Lemuel Loomis Lemuel Loomis Lemuel Loomis Lemuel Loomis Lemuel Loomis Lemuel Loomis Shubael Brewster Shubael Brewster Harvey Kingsbury Harvey Kingsbury Silas Brewster Selah Hibbard, Jr. Selah Hibbard, Jr. William Kingsbury Daniel Loomis Augustus Kingsbury Augustus Kingsbury Augustus Kingsbury Chester Talcott Chester Talcott Lyman Parker Lyman Parker Selah Brown. Selah Brown Selah Brown Asa Keach Asa Keach Asa Keach William Porter William Porter William Porter Jabez Kingsbury BAPTISMS FROM SECOND CHURCH RECORDS 285 1 82 1. Children Mary R. Hutchinson, Gurdon Edgerton, Jr., Cynthia Edgerton, Francis W. Edgerton, David T. Calhoun, Mary H. Loomis. Clarissa Chesborough. Jane Avery, Francis Avery, Aurelia Talcott, Edwin Talcott, Mary A. Case, Eleazer Loomis 2d, Charles Kingsbury, Pamela Porter, Roxana W. Kingsbury, Cynthia Edgerton, Faith Porter, Amina W. Porter, Noah Porter, Jr., Marshall N. Loomis, Philo Porter, Augustus Brewster, Olive Maria Brewster, Emily L. Richardson, Fillilia Loomis, Ransoine, 1829. 1830. Ruth Francis Hunt, Theodore Gaylord Chamberlain, Olive Porter Edgerton, 1831. Joseph Kingsbury, Harriet A. Gilbert, Mary Dunham. Electa Prior. Parents. Deacon Willard Hutchinson Gurdon Edgerton Gurdon Edgerton Gurdon Edgerton G. A. Calhoun Horatio Avery Horatio Avery Erastus Talcott Erastus Talcott Eli Case Daniel Loomis William Kingsbury Noah Porter Alvan Kingsbury Noah Porter Noah Porter Noah Porter Noah Porter Eleazer Loomis 2d Noah Porter Silas Brewster Silas Brewster Lathrop Richardson Samuel Loomis Joseph Ransome Dr. Eleazer Hunt Rufus Chamberlain Gurdon Edgerton Alvan Kingsbury Jasper Gilbert 1832. 286 COVENTRY RECORDS Children. Harriet Cliesborough. Trimble Tracy. Ephraim C. Thomson. Samuel Dunham, Mary Ann Dunham. Elisabeth Dunham, Eliza Dunham, Lydia Ann Arnold, Stephen Payne. Edward Brewster, Harriet Talcott, Silas Lawrence Loomis, Charles Fayette Loomis, Emma L. Loomis, Nancy Watson Lincoln, Joseph Rose Gilbert, Ruth Maria Kingsbury, Joseph Talcott, Mary Elisabeth Talcott, Eliza Jeduthan Hubbard, Eliza Lavinia Kingsbury, John Newton Underwood, Mary A. B. Sweet, Francis A. Case, Danford N. Case, Marshall L. Chapin, Eunice S. Hunt, Francis A. Bingham, Mary A. Chapman, Seley Abbott, Mary F. Chamberlain, Cornelia N. Hubbard, Alba N. P. Loomis, John F. Porter, 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835- 1836. Parents. James Dunham James Dunham James Dunham James Dunham Widow Arnold Lester Brewster Erastus Talcott Widow Esther Loomis Widow Esther Loomis Widow Esther Loomis George Lincoln Jasper Gilbert Alvan Kingsbury Chester Talcott Joseph A. Talcott Jeduthan Hubbard Ephraim Kingsbury M. Underwood Otis Sweet Widow Mary Case Widow Mary Case Zena Loomis, Jr. Clark Hunt Horace Bingham Reuben A. Chapman Luther Abbott R. B. Chamberlain Jonathan Hubbard Albermarle Loomis Francis Porter BAPTISMS FROM SECOND CHURCH RECORDS 287 Children. Emma Buell. Henry Talcott, Harriet S. Prior, Cornelia M. Hunt, William P. Loomis, Francis E. Loomis, Lucius A. French, Emily C. Gilbert, Edward C. Gilbert, 1837. 1838. Eunice C. Sweet, George A. Lillie, Maria Talcott, Molly B. Prior, Oliver Loomis, Lois Cove Bissell, 1839. July, Albermarle E. P. Loomis, Aug., Francis L. Brewster, Ellen L. M. Chamberlain, Sept., William C. Hunt, Mary S. Gould, Martha V. Gould, 1840. July, Jane B. Sweet, Nov., Harriet B. Chapman, Sarah R. Chamberlin, Catharine A. Porter, Nov., Anna E. French, July, Harriet N. Wells, John N. Wells, William A. Wells, Aug. 22, Orin Stone, Henry W. Porter, 1841. 1842. Parents. Erastus Talcott Prosper Prior Clark Hunt 3eorge Loomis Francis Loomis Oliver French Edward Gilbert Edward Gilbert Otis Sweet Mandus Lillie Chester Talcott Prosper Prior George Loomis George Bissell, Jr. Albermarle Loomis Lester Brewster R. B. Chamberlain William C. Hunt Joseph Gould Joseph Gould Otis Sweet R. Chapman R. B. Chamberlin Francis Porter Eleazer French Benjamin Wells Benjamin Wells Benjamin Wells James Stone Francis Porter 288 COVENTRY RECORDS Children. Emmeline F. Hunt, Lydia M. Peck, Nathaniel H. Loomis, Charlotte F. Hiuit, Harriet A. Cutler, 1842. 1843- Parents. Lucius Hunt John Peck Albermarle Loomis Clark Hunt Zenas Loomis, Jr. INDEX INDEX Note.— A number thus (3) denotes the separate mentions of the name, calling a General Heading and the repetitions under it One. Abbey, i, 126, 172. Abbot, i, 126 (2). 167, 208 (3), 258, 268, 278. Abbott, 269, 286. Abel, 157, 255. Acley, 142, 162. Adams, i, 143 (3), 214, 251. Addams, 152, 158, 257, 258, 259, 260. Albro, 136, 218 (2), 236, 238, 239, 241, 247 (2), 261 (2), 266. Alcott, 203, 252. Aldin, 170. Alexander, 2, 126, 262. Al- les, 135. Allin or Allen, 2, 126, 135, 136, 169, 172, 235, 236, 251, 253, 260, 262. Alsworth or Alworth, 241, 259. Ames, 206, 222 (2), 223. Andrews (v. Andrus), 2, 127, 129, 133, 140, 158, 256, 274, 276, 279, 282 (2), 283 (3). Andrus or An- drews, 126. Anthony, 256. An- tisel, 3, 126, 172. Antizzal, 220, 250. Antram, 126. Archer, 131J 159. Armstrong, 3, 127, 211, 212, 213. Arnold, 3, 167, 172, 217, 250, 251, 254, 277, 286. Aspenwall, 138. Atherton, 3, 126, 252. Austen, 126, 141, 247. Austin, 238, 242, 245 (2), 247, 264, 266. Avery or Avary, 3, 126, 127, 143, 156, 214, 262 (2), 265 (2), 271, 272 (2), 275 (2), 277 (2), 278 (3), 280, 282 (3), 285 (2). Bacon, 4, 232, 234, 242, 250. Bab- cock or Badcock, 4 sq., 127 (2), 134 (2), 135 (2), 144, 150 (2), 155 (2), 158, 159, 161, 163, 165, 167, 172, 173, 200, 201, 202 (2), 203, 209 (2), 217, 220 (2), 221 (3), 222, 224 (2), 291 225 (2), 226 (2), 227, 229, 230 (3), 231 (2), 232 (2), 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 239, 240, 241 (2), 242 (3), 243, 246 (4), 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252 (4), 254 (3), 255 (3), 256 (5), 257 (2), 258, 260, 262. Badger, 8, 128, ^32, 134, 155, 173, 252, 269, 270 (2), 271, 272, 274 (2), 275, 277. Bailey, 154, 259. Baker, 245, 271, 273 (2). Balcomb, 210 (2). Baldwin, 8, 128, 129, 136, 140, 173. Ballon, 279. Balum, 128. Banks, 160. Bard, 262. Barker, 9, 128, 143, 173. Bar- nabee, 156. Barnard, 9, 128, 142, 149, 174, 270, 273, 276, 282. Baron, 256. Barrows, 127, 128, 216, 217, 255, 262, 263, 264 (2), 265, 267 (2), 280. Barstow, 9. Basset, 219. Baxter, 139, 257, 267, 273, 274, 275, 280. Beallon, 280. Belding, 10, 136. Belknap, 10, 129, 215, 218, 263. Benit or Bennit, 10, 129. Bentley, 174. Benton, 10, 129, 149, 170, 171. Bestor (Bester), 10, 129. Bidwell, 140, 155, 170, 214, 244, 265, 267. Bill, 10, 129, 249. Billings, 129, 266. Bingham, 129, 131, 132, 171, 240, 250, 273, 286. Birge, 129. Births, i. Bishop, 133, 135, 136, 165. Bissel, Bissell, 11, 129, 134, 140 (3), 146, 173, 263, 269, 272 (2), 273, 274, 275, 279, 281, 287. Black- man, II, 130, 158, 174, 239, 256 (2). Blanchard, 279, 280. Blish, 130. Bliss, 165. Bliven, 217, 245. Boleam, 261. Bols or Bowles, 12, 292 INDEX 130. Booth, Boothe, 11, 130, 137, 174, 202, 211 (2), 212, 213 (2), 215 (2), 216 (2), 22s, 238, 247, 248, 258, 264, 267, 268. Boyington, 261. Boynton, 12, 130, 137, 140, 151, 155, 156 (2), 167, 174, 200, 201 (2), 202, 203, 204 (2), 210, 211, 213 (2), 216 (2), 217, 223 (2), 224, 226, 229, 231 (3), 232, 234, 23s, 236 (2), 238, 242, 244, 248, 250, 251 (3), 252, 256, 258, 261, 262, 263, 265, 267. Brace, 130, 217, 265. Brale, 214. Breed, 13. Brenson, 126. Brewster, 152 (v. Bruster), 261, 269, 273 (2), 275, 278, 279, 284 (3), 28s (2), 286, 287. Briant, 13, 130. Bridgham, 153. Bridgman, 13, 131, 167, 174, 220. Brigham, 14, 126, 128, 131, 132, 141, 149, 152, 153, 154, 175, 200, 207, 211, 213 (2), 214 (2), 215 (2), 219, 222 (2), 223, 225, 231, 233 (3), 236 (2), 247, 248, 250 (2), 251, 252, 253; 254, 255, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 26s, 266 (2), 277. Bristor, 151. Brockway, 207. Bronson, 278. Brown, 15, 127, 129, 130, 131, 135 (2), 137 (2), 138, 140, 143, 144, 148, 152, 153, 160, 162, 163, 164, 169, 175, 202, 20s, 211 (3), 212, 213, 225 (2), 232 (2), 235, 236 (2), 237, 243, 246 (2), 248, 250, 251, 254, 258, 259, 262, 269 (2), 270, 275, 277, 279, 281, 283. 284 (3). Brunson, 131, 133, I54- Bruster, 133, 164. Buckingham, 253. Buckminster, 277. Buell, 17, 132, 14s, 17s, 176, 207, 219, 221 (2), 223, 225, 226 (2), 231, 253, 258, 267, 269 (2), 287. Bugbee, i58, 267. Bump, 166, 263. Burdwin, 166, 262, 270, 275. Burnap, 18, 132, 133, 163. Burns, 132, 204, 226 (2), 240, 259, 269, 274, 276. Burt, 127. Bur- ton, 18, 276. Bushnell, 156, 244. Butler, 166. Byington, 234. Cady or Cadey, 19, 132, 264, 265. Calhoun, 274, 284, 285. Camp, 254- Caner, 277. Card, 237. Carpen- ter, 19, 130, 132 (2), 133 (2), 13s, 137, 142, 147, 148, 157, 160, 166, 176, 201 (2), 202, 211, 214, 220, 222 (2), 223 (2), 224, 225, 228 (3), 233 (2), 236, 239, 240, 241 (2), 242, 243, 245, 246, 250, 253, 254 (3), 256 (2), 258, 259, 261, 270 (2), 271, 273, 274, 277 (3). Cary, 23. Case, 131, 152 (2), 176, 255, 262, 269, 271, 274, 275, 278, 279, 280, 283 (,3), 285, 286 (2). Caswell, 255. Chaffee, 133. Chamberlain, 24, 133, 250, 272, 281, 283, 285, 286, 287. Chamberlin, 130, . 134, 287. Champin, . 266.- Champlin, 133. Chapin, 131, 133, 142, 155, 160, 248, 266. Chapman, 163, 286, 287. Chapel, 24. Chap- pel, Chappell, 133, 134, 218, 233, 243, 244, 256, 270. Charter, 134. Chatfield, 130, 152 (2), 265. Chat- man, 134. Chauncey, 263. Cheney, 241. Chesboro, 134, 285. Christie, Christy, 233, 234, 235, 241, 254. Chubbusch, 157. Church, 24, 131. Clap, 251. Clark, 24, 134, \ 146, 153, 163, 171, 177, 211 (3), 212 (3), 213, 214, 215 (2), 217, 235, 237, 238 (2), 246 (2), 248 (2), 260, 261, 262, 264, 274. Clarke, 260. Cla- son, 25. Coan, 156. Codman, 261. Cogeshall or Cogshall, 134, 220. Coggeshall, 25. Coggins, 246. Cogswell, 26, 134, 148, 150, 153, 240, 260, 281 (2), 282. Colbourn, 160. Cole, 134. Cole or Cowles, 26. Colegrove, Colgrove, 134, 264. Collins, 27, 250, 267. Col- man, Coleman, 27, 128, 135, 136, 139, 142, 152, 153, 156, 16s (3), 169, 177, 200, 201 (3), 202 (2), 203 (2), 205 (3), 206 (2), 207 (4), "208 (6), 209 (2), 210, 212 (2), 213, 215, 216, 220 (2), 222 (3), 223 (2), 225 (3), 226, 227 (3), 228 (2), 229 (2), 230 (2), 231 (2), 232, 234, 235, 237 (4), 238 (3), 239 (2), 240 (2), 241, 242, INDEX 293 245, 246 (2), 247, 24S (2), 249 (2), 250 (2), 251, 252 (5), 254 (3), 255 (3), 257 (2), 259 (4), 260 (3), 261 (2), 262 (4), 266, 267, 268. Cooly or Cooley, 151, 177. Cone, 135, 241, 264. Cook, Cooke, Coock. 29, 135, 152, 157, 162, 202, 203, 204^ (2), 207 (2), 22^, 228, 229 (2), 230, 233, 2S7, 251, 253, 255, 260. 261, 270, 272 (2), 277, 278. Cooper, 280. Coos, 141. Corrin, 281. Courts, 278, 279, 281. Crandall, 30, 135, 237. Crane, 30, 136 (2), 177, 264. Crocker, 30, 136, 159, 166, 177, 178, 276. Crosby, 31, 146. Cowls, 135, 178. Crittenden, 268. Crosman, 258. Cross, 31, 136, Crossman, 31, 136, 167, 202, 203, 204 (2), 205, 219, 229 (2), 240, 242, 246, 253. Cummings, 136, 167, 214, 246, 262, 267. Cummins or Com- ins, 31. Curtis or Curtice, 32, 2^, ^33, 13s, 136, 159, 160 (2), 178, 208 (3), 209 (2), 214 (2), 215, 216, 226, 231 (2), 232, 23s, 235, 236, 237 (2), 239, 242 (2), 246, 248, 254. 260, 262, 263. Curtiss, 207 (2), 218, 220 (2), 222 (4), 223 (2), 225 (2), 228, 229, 249, 251, 255, 257. Cushman, 32, 136, 164, 178, 179, 200, 201, 202, 204, 219, 222 (2), 223 (2), 228, 249, 256, 257. Cutter, 32, 136, 179, 249, 266. Daggett or Doggett, 33. Dag- gett, 33, 137, 149, 179, 214, 251. Damman or Damon or Daman, 34, 136, 137, 179. Danes or Deans, 137. Daniels, 137, 281. Darbey, 34. Dart, 271. Danes, 130. Daven- port, 34, 137, 147, 149, 150, 158, 210, 211 (2), 215, 216, 218, 220, 227, 228, 230, 231, 232, 233 (2), 239 (2), 243, 250, 25s (2), 261, 263 (2), 265, 274 (2). Daves or Davis, 35, 154, 179, 262, 270. Davidson, 258. Deans or Danes, 35, 179 (v. Deans). Dean, 131, 227 (v. Danes or Deans). Deaths, 172. Delano, 35, 137. Deman (?) 135. Denton, 158. Dewey, 36, 165, 208, 230, 251, 258. Dexter, 36, 137, 146, 270, 273, 280. Dickinson, 132, 137, 264. Dike, 217. Dimick, 37, 129, 136, 143, 234. Dimmick or Dimick, Dimmock or Dimock, 36, 136, 137 (2), 161, 180, 213 (4), 215 (4), 216 (2), 219, 224, 227, 229, 230, 232, 233, 242 (2), 243 (2), 251, 252 (2), 253, 255, 260, 261 (2), 262 (2), 263 (2), 265, 267 (2), 268. Dimoch or Dimock or Dimmick, 37, 137, 139, 142, 144, 147, 170, 217, 218, 231, 234, 246 (2), 247 (2), 259 (2). Doan, 37, 139, 140, 213, 214, 240, 246, 262, 264. Dodge, 128, 141, 157 (2), 166 (2). Doggitt, 142. Dolbear, 138. Dor- man, 38, 138, 167, 171, 180, 200, 201, 202, 204, 209 (3), 210 (2), 212, 215, 216, 217 (2), 224, 229, 233, 23s, 237 (2), 238 (2), 241, 244, 254 (2), 255, 256, 258 (2), 263, 265. Double- day, 254. Dow or Dowe, 38, 40, 134, 136, 138 (3), 146, 149, 156, 170 (2), 180, 200 (2), 201 (2), 202 (2), 205 (2), 207, 208, 209 (3), 210 (3), 211, 212 (7), 213 (3), 214, 215, 218, 219, 220, 22T, 223 (2), 227 (4), 228, 229, 230, 231, 232 (2), 233, 234 (2), 23s (3), 236 (2), 237 (3), 239, 241, 242, 244, 245, 247 (2), 248, 250, 252 (2), 253, 255 (3), 257, 258, 259 (4), 260, 261, 263 (2), 264, 265, 267. Downer, 253. Dresser, 211, 216, 232, 236, 247, 248, 261. Dummer. 138. Dunham, 130, 138, 141, 158, 163, 209 (2), 213, 214, 215, 217, ^i (2), 242, 244, 247, 248, 249, 263, 264 (2), 267 (2), 268, 276, 281, 285, 286 (4). Duty or Deuty, 36, 137, 180, 200, 209 (2), 231, 232, 237, 239, 240, 251, 258. Dyke, 216. 294 INDEX Eansworth, 40. Eaton, 248. Edgerton, 40, 129, 139, 210, 237, 248, 259, 261 (2), 262, 264, 267 (2), 268 (2), 276, 278, 279, 285 (4). Ed- wards, 41, 132, 135, 139, 150, 153, 154, 162 (2), 164 (2), 168, 180, 203 (2), 219, 220, 221, 222, 226 (2), 228, 231, 234, 236, 238, 242, 246, 249 (3), 250, 25s, 256 (2), 273, 275 (2), 276, 282 (2). Eells, 43, 126, 131, 132, 139, 144, 160, 167, 201, 206, 207, 211, 212, 223 (3), 225, 229, 230, 232, 233, 239, 242, 244, 250, 252 (2), 253, 259, 260, 264, 265 (2), 266 (2). Eger- ton, Edgerton, 40, 140, 164, 170, 209, 213, 23s, 236, 240 (2). Eld- ridge, 163, 266, 280. Ellington, 277. Ellis, 181. English, 131, 156. Ensworth, 127, 129, 130, 168, 170. ' Euerdon, 181. Euetts (?), 152. Evans, 138, 254, 257, 263, 278, 283. Everton, 220. Ewiss or Euiss, 181. Farnam, 130. Feald, 155. Fel- lows, 170. Fenton, 250, 274, 276. Field, 152, 160 (2), 204, 205, 206, 229 (2). Fields, 128, 276. Fish, 236. Fisk, 203. Fitch, 43, 128, 137, 139, 140, 14s, 155, 156, 159, 161, 181, 200, 202, 203 (2), 204 (2), 205 (2), 206, 207, 208, 210 (3), 212, 213, 2:4 (2), 217, 224, 225, 227, 229 (2), 230 (5), 232 (2), 233, 237, 238 (2), 239, 241 (2), 243, 246, 247 (2), 249, 250, 251, 252 (2), 253, 257, 259, 264, 265 (2), 268. Flack, 265. Flint, 45, 142, 157, 181, 276, 278 (4). Follet, 233. Fosler, 263. Fowler, 45, 128, 141, 160, 168, 182, 259, 269, 270. Fox, 131, 276. Freedom (?), 128. Freeman, 46, 140, 182, 218 (2), 222, 265. French, 46, 137, 139, 151, i7o (2), 182, 214, 219, 243, 250, 259, 260, 262, 271, 287 (2). Frink, 140, 275, 276, 279. Frizelle, 140, 244, 265. Fuller, 47, 126, 131, 136, 141, 156 (2), 164, 182, 205 (2), 206, 207 (2), 208 (2), 220 (3), 230, 239, 243 (2), 250, 252 (2), 253, 254, 255 (3), 257 (3), 259, 260, 261, 262 (2), 264 (2), 265, 267, 280. Funker, 141. Gager, 48, 141, 265, 281, 283. Galpin, 137. Gardner, 138, 141, 160, 165, 214, 216, 238, 240, 241, 265, 267, 268. Gary, 131, 225. Gates, 127, 162, 250. Geer, 48, 141, 206, 226, 249, 252, 254. Gennings, 254. Gera, 151. Giffords, 139. Gilbert, 49, 141 (2), 211, 214, 261, 266, 275, 283, 285, 286, 287 (2). Gillit, 49, 141. Glason, 162. Gleason, 141, 266. Godfrey, 142, 215, 217, 241. Goff, 144, 162, 283. Gone (?), 132. Goodridge, 49. Goodwin, 49, 142, 211, 277. Goss, 148, 265 (2). Gould, 287 (2). Gove, 159, 218, 225. Grandy, 49. Granger, 168. I, Grant, 132, 156, 158, 233, 238, 241, 257, 281. Graves, 142. Gray, 142. Green, 50, 153, 241, 255, 270. Grey, 281. Greenleaf, 131, 2or, 228, 230, 231, 261. Griggs, 142, 163, 262. Griswold, 50, 142, 182. Grover, 50, 126, 137 (2), 138, 140, 142 (2), 143 (2), 182, 183, 203, 205, 209, 213, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222 (2), 226, 227, 228, 231, 232, 233, 235, 2Z7, 238, 240, 243, 244, 246, 248, 250 (2), 251, 258, 263, 265. Guild, 234, 242, 246, 259. Gurley, 53, 133, I43, 228 (2), 229, 230, 251, 253, 255, 256, 257 (3), 258, 263, 268. Habart, 53. Hale, 53, 143 (2), 146, 161, 184, 201, 202, 203 (2), 204, 205, 206, 211, 219 (2), 223, 225, 226, 228 (2), 229, 232 (3), 238, 239, 251 (2), 252, 254 (2), 255 (2), 258, 259, 262. Haley, 143, 262. Halkins, 160 (v. Hawkins). Hall, 54, 143, 240, 243, 266, 280. Ham- blin, 278. Hamilton, 151. Ham- INDEX 295 lin, 54, 144, 259, 274, 275, 279- Ham- mond or Hammon, 54, 144, 160, 169, 171, 201, 257. Hanks, 216. Hannum, 252, 253. Hanover, 144. Harris, 55, 139, 143, I44, 215, 218, 250, 254, 256 (2). Hatch, 55, 131, 144 (2), 161 (2), 184, 262, 265, 273, 275, 281. Hawkins or Halkins or Holckins, 55, 138 (2), 144, 147, 160, 184, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 219, 220, 221 (3), 222, 224 (2), 226, 249 (2), 250, 251, 252, 254, 255, 256. Hearich, 134, 158. Hearick, 56, 144. Heath, 57, 144. Hebard, 262. Hendee or Hende, 57, 145, 148, 185. Hendey, 58. Herreton, 261. Herrick, 185, 230, 232, 234, 237, 239, 242 (2), 261. Hersey, 260. Hewitt, 145. Hibbard or Hib- berd, 58, 61, 129. 145, 152, 167, 185, 269, 270, 274, 276, 279, 282 (2), 284 (3). Higginbotham, 281. Hil- Uard, 256. Hills, 126. Hiltham, 148. Hinds, 255. Hinsdale, 160. Hindsel, 159, 160. Hinkley, 145, 266. Hinston, 127. Hitchcock, 147. Hockings or Holckins or Hockins, 58, 161. Holbrook, 145, 22,T. Holcomb, 138. HoUister, 132, 145. Holman, 145. Holmes, 145. Hoskings, 157. Hosmer, 145. 155, 213, 263. Holt, 207, 244. House, 58, 130, 143, 146, 147, 185, 205, 206, 207, 228, 229, 243, 254, 271, 281, 283. Howard, 59, 144, 146, 185, 204 (2), 205 (2), 206, 207, 208 (3), 212, 228, 230, 232, 233, 235, 245 (2), 254, 25s, 261, 276. Hoxie, 150, 162. Hubbard, 59, 146, 278, 286 (2). Huett, 228. Humphrey, 268. Hunt, 59, 134, 13s, 142, 146, 147, 154, 157, 170, 186, 253, 258, 267, 269 (2), 270 (3), 271 (3), 2TT,, 274, 277, 278 (2), 279, 283, 285, 286, 287 (2), 288 (2). Huntington, 60, 146, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 206, 207, 212 (2), 214, 216, 217, 220, 223, 224, 228, 229 (4), 233 (2), 236, 238, 241 (2), 246, 247, 255, 257, 260, 264 (2), 268, 274. Hurlburt, 268. Hutchinson, 61, 13s (2), 147, 153, 186, 206 (2), 229, 236, 257, 283, 284. Hutherson, 156. Hyde, 147, 261, 279. Indians, 170, 225, 2-jj. Ingra- ham, 131, 162. Irish, 147. Isham, 61, 186, 213, 239, 277 (2). Jacson, Jackson, 61, 145. James, 147. Janes, 61, 128, 136, 139, 144, 147, 151, 159, 186, 208, 215 (2), 216 (2), 217 (2), 218, 219, 220 (2), 221 (2), 222, 223, 224, 227 (2), 228 (2), 229 (2), 230, 231 (2), 233 (2), 241 (2), 242, 243 (2), 245 (2), 247, 249 (2), 251, 252 (3), 257 (2), 263 (3). Jeffers, 276. Jeff ray, 171. Jenkinson, 275. Jewell, 245, 278. Jewett, 62,, 147, 259, 272 (2), 273. Johnson, 63, 252, 253, 254. Jones, Johnes, dz^ 129, 145, 147, 148, 151, 157, 166, 186, 207, 208 (3), 209 (3), 210 (2), 230, 233, 242, 250, 257, 265(2), 276. Judd, 65, 148, 187, 203, 219, 220 (2), 227, 231, 234, 235, 240, 244 (3), 251, 254. Justen, 280. Kaughley, 148. Keach, 66, 148, 187, 260, 277, 284 (3). Keeny, 148, 256. Kellogg, 149. Kendal, 66. Kendrick, 66. Kenne, 217. Kenney, 163. Kidder, (ij, 149, 258. Kilbourne, 247. Killain, 166. Killeen, 132, 150. Kimpton, 71, 134, 143, 150, 280. Kindrick, 187, 218, 250. King, 67, 149, 157, 238, 253, 269, 272, 274, 275, 276. Kings- bury, 67, 128, 132, 144, 145, 147, 149 (5), 155, 156, 157 (3), 160, 161, 165, 187, 209, 216 (2), 217, 230 (2), 235, 237, 238, 239, 245, 247 (3), 251, 252, 253, 257, 262, 263 (3), 269, 270, 272, 2T2,, 275 (2), 276 (5), 2^7, 283, 296 INDEX 284 (7), 285 (3), 286 (3). Kings- ley, 250, 251, 258. Kinne or Keeney, 71, 126, 245, 249, 262. Kinney, 128, 271, 273. Knap, 150. Knight, 127, 150. Knox, 171, 265. Lad or Ladd, 71, 126, 132, 133, 138, 140, 150 (2), 151, 157, 169, 188, 200, 219, 223, 224 (2), 233 (3), 234, 252, 256, 258, 260, 263, 265, 270, 271, 273, 277. Lamb, ^z, 131, 150, iS5, 188, 269. Lamphear, Tz, 128, 150, 151, 188, 258. Lanflear, 213. Lar- rabe, Larabe, Larrabee, T^, 142, 147, 150, 151, 188, 218, 219, 221, 223, 224, 249, 254. Lathrop, 74, 131, 151, 159, 189, 245 (2), 263, 264. Laus (?), 135. Lawrence, 74, 254. Lea, 189. Leach, 165, 189. Learned, 129, 263. Lee, 74, 151, 160. Leech, 189, 263. Leonard, 75, 275, 280, 282 (2). Lewes or Luis, Lewis, 75, 159, 265. 267. Lilly or Lilley or Lillie, 75, iSo, 151, 152, 270, 271, 272 (2), 275, 277, 278, 280, 281, 282, 283, 287. Lincoln, 234, 241, 261, 286. Little, 261. Lockwood, 151, 265. London, 151. Long, 75, 127, 133, 148 (2), 151, 153, 161, 165, 189, 271, 272 (2), 278, 281. Loomes or Loomis, "JT, 126, 127 (2), 129, 134, 144, 14s (2), 146, 147, 148 (3), 149, 152, 153 (2), 154 (2), 155, 158 (3), 161, 16s (2), 166, 171, 189, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 235, 236, 237, 238, 242, 243, 245 (2), 246, 251, 253, 258 (2), 260, 262, 263, 264, 269 (2), 270 (2), 271 (2), 272, 273 (5), 274 (3), 275, 276 (4), 277 (3), 278, 279 (3), 280 (6), 281, (3), 282 (3), 283, 284 (8), 285 (3), 286 (5), 287 (4), 288 (2). Lord, 79, 152, 215, 216, 219, 244, 250, 255, 258. Lorge (?), 151. Lovett, 152, 266. Lucas, 152. Lyman or Li- man, 79, 132, 136, 138, 141, 147, 148 (2), 153, 154, 158, 164, 167, 168, 169, 189, 206 (2), 208 (2), 209 (4), 210 (2), 213, 216 (2), 217, 220, 235, 237, 239, 248, 249, 250 (2), 258, 259, 261 (3), 262, 263, 264, 267 (2), 272, 273. Lyon, 153, 244, 250, 264. Mainakd, 137. Malbone, 80, 153. 190, 256, 262. Malona, 278. Malone, 240. Man, Mann, 141,153. Manly or Manley, 81, 142, 153, 154, 200, 202, 203 (2), 204 (2), 205 (2), 206, 214 (2), 219, 221, 224, 226, 227 (2), 229, 230, 231, 249, 253 (3), 25s. Manning, 81, 135, I53, 158, 161, 169, 202, 203 (2), 204, 205, 206, 209, 211, 215 (2), 217, 234, 235, 239, 245, 247, 251, 260, 262 (2), 264, 265 (2), 266. Mansfield, 164. 249, 262 (3). Maraugh (v. Meraugh), 82, 132, 165, 218, 219 (2), 225, 249. Mark, 255. Marlburn, 269. Marriages, 126. Marsh, 82, 153, 155, 159, 161, 165, 266. Marshall, 168. Mason, 153, 214, 217 (2), 240, 243, 246, 268. Matheson, 248. Mathewson, 129 (2), 136, 140, 151, 153, 166, 169, 171. Maxwell, 154, 165, 213, 263. May, 151, 152. Mayhew, 253. Maynard, 279. McDowell, 240. McKee, 165. McLean, 171, 257. Meacham, Meachem, Meecham, Mecham, 82, 135, 161, 165, 190, 227, 268. Mead, 82, 154 (2), 161, 190, 222 (3), 229. 2Z2, 239, 243 (2). 244, 249, 257, 259, 263. Mens, 154, 267. Meraugh (v. Maraugh), 127, 139. 155, IQO- Merich, 280. Merrill, 164. Merryfield, 252. Metcalf, 152, 154, 167. Millenton, Millin- ton, 83, 138, 141. 145, 190. Miller, 83, 142, 154. Milton, 207. Miner, 260. Minor, 83. Mitchell, 145. 157, 278. Moody, 164. More, 154, 213. Morey, 83, I39, 164, 232, 234, 23s, 240, 246 (2), 261, 267, 279. Morgan, 83, 154, 217 (3), 218, 242, 246, 263. Morley — (2), 274, 282. INDEX 297 Morse, 146. Mudge, 245. Murch, 190. Murdock, 83, 148, 154, 190, 256, 258. Murphy, 216 (2), 244. Murray, 235, 253. Needham, 211, 282 (4), 283. Neely, 154. Neff, 137, 240, 243. Negroes, 170, 224 (3), 225, 226, 227, 228, 230, 23 s, 238, 244, 251, 258, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276. Newcomb, 154, 263, 266. Nichols, Nicholls, 83, 154. Noble, 84, 154, 268. Norris, 153. North, 190. North Coventry, 269. Northrop, 155. Norton, 155, 209, 258, 260, 263, 270. Oaks, 223. O'Brien, 170. Ormsby, 84, 168, 266. Owen, 2^0. Packard, 267. Page, 84, 155, 168, 190, 280. Pallon, 170. Palmer or Pallmer, 85, 132, 133, 138, 152, 154, 155, 162, 167, 170, 191, 201 (3), 202, 203 (4), 204 (2), 207, 211, 222 (4), 224, 228, 229, 230, 231, 237, 238, 239, 24s, 247, 249, 250, 256, 257, 259, 260, 261, 275, 277. Parker, 86, 133 (2), 138, 140, 150, 152, 154, 160, 161 (2), 163, 164, 169, 171 (2), 191, 206, 221, 222, 224 (2), 225, 227, 230, 231 (2), 235 (2), 239, 241 (2), 243 (2), 245, 247 (2), 250 (2), 251, 253, 255, 256, 257, 259, 260, 264, 265, 269, 277, 281, 284 (2). Parkis, 277, 283. Parrish, Parish, 151, 216, 260, 264. Parsons, 279. Partee, 287. Patten, 139. Paulk, 270. Payn or Payne, 88, 156, 286. Payson, 156, 265 (2). Pease, 163, 2(i2. Peck, 89, 156 (2), 244, 288. Peckham, 218. Pelham, 223, 224. Perkins, 89, 156, 161, 202, 240, 253 (2), 256, 257, 261, 262, 266, 267. Perry, 146, 156, 259. Pers, 165. Petty or Pity. 90. Phelps, 89, 146, 149, 156, 159, 191, 249, 258. Phillips, 89, 157, 238, 240, 247, 258 (2), 281. Pierce, 219, 220, 271 (2). Pik, 89. Pingey, 191. Pingree, 254. Pingrey, 89, 157. Pinny, 281. Pomeroy, 272 (2), 273. Pomroy, 90, 146, 157, 191, 251, 258, 261, 280, 283 (5). Pool, 90, 157. Porter, 91, 133, 135, 139 (2), 141, 142, 146, 149 (2), 151, 152, 153, 157, 158, 168, 192, 200, 201, 226 (2), 227, 228, 229, 237, 240, 243, 248, 249, 253 (2), 257, 271, 273 (3), 277 (3), 285 (5), 286, 287. Post, 214, 244, 245 (2), 269, 270 (3), 272 (3), 273, 274 (3), 278, 279 (5), 280 (2), 281, 284 (3). Pot- wine, 192. Powell, 93. Preston, 93, 127, 158, 227, 232, 250, 265. Price, 93, 158, 191, 263. Prince, 256. Prior, 158, 270, 274, 280, 285, 287. Puffer, 259. Ransom, 282 (2), 283 (2), 285. Ranson, 133. Redington, 150. Reed, 94, 158. Remington, 166, 262. Renalls, 94, 193. Reynolds, 207, 253, 2^7. Rice, 258. Richards, 158. Richardson or Ritchardson, 94, 95, 131, 147 (2), ISO, 157, 159, 165, 171, 193, 202, 211, 212, 213 (2), 214 (2), 215 (2), 216, 235, 236 (2), 258, 259, 260, 261. 262, 269, 272, 275, 285. Rider, 158, 264. Riley, 152. Rindge, 227, 267. Ripley, 96, 129, 133, 14s, 146, 158, 159, 193, 201, 203, 204, 205 (2), 206, 207, 211, 213 (2), 219 (2), 221, 222, 225. 230, 231, 234, 235, 238, 244, 247, 251 (2), 252 (2,), 254, 259, 260 (2), 261, 265, 2(i(i (3), 271. Roberson or Robenson, 193. Robert, Roberts, 210 (2), 212, 242, 245, 246, 247, 248, 250, 251. Rob- ertson, Roberson, 97, 132, 135, 141, 147, 148, 153, 156, 159, 160 (2), 163 (3), 193, 202, 203, 205, 206 (3), 219, 220 (2), 221 (5), 224, 225 (3), 226, 227, 228 (2), 229, 230, 231 (2), 22,z 298 INDEX (3), 234, 236 (4), 238, 239, 240 (3), 242 (2), 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 250, 251 (3), 253, 254 (3), 255 (2), 256, 257 (2), 258 (3), 259 (3), 260 (3), 261, 263, 264 (2), 265, 266, 267, 268 (2), 280 (2). Robinson, Rob- enson or Robison, 96, 166, 193, 200, 201, 203, 204, 205. 208, 212, 224, 225, 226, 235, 237, 240, 241, 244 (3), 247, 249, 252 (2), 256, 257, 261, 266. Rockwell, 98, 160, 193, 266. Rodgers, Rogers, 140, 259. Rollo, 147, 252. Root, 98, 128, 135, 136, 137, 139 (3), 140, 146, 160, 194, 200 (3), 201 (4), 202 (4), 203 (2), 204 (2), 206 (3), 208, 210, 217, 219 (3), 220 (3), 221 (3), 222 (2), 223 (4), 224 (2), 225 (3), 226 (2), 228, 229, 235 (2), 236, 238, 239, 243, 247, 249, 250 (2), 252 (4), 25s, 256 (3), 259, 262, 264, 26s, 267, 268, 271, 273, 274 (2), 275, 278 (2), 282 (3), 283 (4)- Rose, 102, 138, 139, 140, 141 (2), 144, 152, 153, 160, 161 (3), 166, 167, 169, 194, 200, 201 (4), 202, 203 (2), 204, 205 (3), 206 (2), 208, 209 (2), 210 (3), 216, 217, 218 (2), 221 (4), 224 (3), 225, 226 (3), 227 (2), 228 (2), 230, 232 (s), 233 (2), 23s, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 245, 246, 249 (4), 250, 251 (4), 253, 254 (2), 255 (2), 256, 257 (2), 258 (3), 262, 263, 266, 267, 268, 272 (2), 279, 282. Roswell, 161, 246. Rowler, 103. Rudd, 237, 254. Russ, 141, 261, 266. Russell, 19s, 242, 256, 272 (2), 275 (3)- Rust, 103, 144 (2), 149 (2), 150, 159, 161, 162, 166, 168, 170, 195, 200 (2), 221 (2), 222, 223, 232, 236, 241, 253, 259. Sabins, 162, 196. Sage, 162. Safford, 132. Sanford, 211, 230, 231, 237, 240, 241, 243, 254, 259, 261. Sargent, 196. Sari, Saris, 134, 139, 162, 196. Sarle or Searle, 105. Sarels, 131. Sawyer, 130 (2), 131, I47i 157. 250. Scarborough, 260. Scholts, 162. Scot, 221. Scott, 106, 141, 162, 163. Scovill, 257. Scribner, 106, 149. Scripture, 106, 162, 196, 25s, 272 (2). Seagrave, 107. Searl or Sari or Searle, 196, 219, 249, 250. Schaffer, 142. Ser- geant, 221. Seilheimer, 241. Shailler, 142. Sharp, 260. Shaw, 107, 140, 162, 258. Sheffield, 146. Shepard, Sheperd, Shepherd, 107, 150, 162, 196, 200, 201, 244, 246, 261. Sherman, 256. Shipman, 144. Sil- lamer, 241. Simon, Simonds, Simons, 107, 132, 196, 235, 236, 245, 253, 271. Simpson, 163, 243, 268. Sims, 150. Sisson, 163, 266. Skin- ner, 108, 15s, 157, 163, 196, 22s, 239, 252. Slack, 134, 169. Slater, Slat- ter, 162. Slayter, 280. . Slocum, 236. Smith, 108, 133, 134, 140, 163, 196, 242, 264, 265, 270, 274. Snow, 246. Southward, 109. South- worth, 249. Spaffard, 240. Spald- ing, 247. Spencer, Spensor, 150, 163, 262. Spicer, 163. Sprague, 109, 154, 163, 164, 167, 196, 207, 236, 239 (2), 241 (2), 245 (2), 246, 247, 249, 254, 260 (4), 268. Stack, 109. Standly, 126. Stanley, 109, 130, 164, 197, 220, 223, 227, 229, 238 (2), 251 (2), 258, 26s, 268. Star, no, 164. Starkweather, 159, 164, 240, 263. Stebbins, 141, 147, 164. Stedman, no, 134, 164, 235. Stiles, no, 146, 159. Stocking, 259. Stone, 169, 277, 278, 279, 281 (2}, 287. Story, 164, 263. Storrs, 164, 267. Stow, 155, 250. Stowell, 164. Streeter, 260. Strong, no, 127 (2), 139, 143, 146, 147, 155 (2), 161, 164 (2), 165 (2), 197, 200, 201, 202, 203, 205, 216 (2), 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225 (2), 226, 228, 234, 238, 245, 251, 254, 258, 261, 264. Styles, 279. Suthworth, 144. Sweatland, 198, 208. Sweet, 286, INDEX 299 287 (2). Sweetland, Swetland, 113, 129, 145, 147, 152, 159, 161, 163, 165, 168, 230, 24s, 247, 253, 258, 260 (2), 261, 262, 271, 2T2, 27s, 279, 281, 282 (2), 283 (3). Swift, i6s, 263, 266, 268. Symonds, 250. Talcott, 113, 135, 161, 163, 165, 198, 218, 257, 266, 276, 278, 284 (2), 285 (2), 286 (3), 287 (2). Tarbox, 128, 166, 265, 271, 272, 274, 279, 281, 283. Taylor, 166, 198, 200, 201, 204, 205, 218, 219, 224, 225, 249, 254, 255, 272. Terrill, 115, 148, 166 (2), 198. Terry, 151. Thankful, 223. Thayer, 115, 166. Thomas, 142, 239. Thompson or Thomson, 115, 133, 134, IJQ, 142, 143, 147, I59> 166, 169, 198, 233, 234, 249, 258, 259, 262 (2), 270, 271, 281. Thrall, 257. Throop, 159. Thurell, 250. Tickner or Ticknor, 148, 169, 245. Tififany, 116. Tifft, 166, 266. Til- den, 116, 130, 131, 138, 14s, 150, 166, 169, 198, 22T, 255, 273, 274, 2^7, 279. Tinchnee, 243. Tinker, 166, 263. Toplifif, 153, 166, 170, 214, 231, 240, 241, 242 (2), 243, 244, 247, 266, 275. Torrey, 275. Tourtelotte. 278 (2). Townsend, 116, 167, 198. Tracy, 165, 167, 252, 267, 273, 279, 285. Trapp, 116, 138. 147, 153, 167, 198, 204 (2), 24s, 257, 259. Trow- bridge, 117, 167. Tryon, 167. Tucker, 141, 167, 241, 244, 264, 266 (2). Tupper, 117. Turner, 117, 127, 131, 132, 153, 157, 167, 198, 200, 204 (2), 205, 206, 207 (2), 219 (2), 220, 221 (2), 222, 222,, 224 (3), 226 (4), 227, 228, 230 (2), 231, 232 (3), 234, 235, 237, 240, 249, 251 (3), 252, 254, 25s (4), 256 (2), 257 (5), 258, 260, 271 (2), 274 (2), 275, 278, 279, 282 (5), 283. Tyler, 118. Tyrrel, 253. Ultey, 144. Underwood, 286. Upham, 130. Upton, 168, 267. Usher, 155. Utley, 118, 162, 238. Van Buren, 163. Vibbert, 168. Vinton, 168, 242. Vorra, 118, 168, 199. Vorry, 236. Wade, 279. Wadsworth, 118, 168, 266. Waldo, 118, 168, 233, 234, 276 (3), 277, 280. Walker, 168, 262. Wallbridge, 119, 154, 168, 254. Waldo, 233, 234. Wal- ton, 143, 266. Ward, 199. War- ner, 160. Warren, 246, 247 (2). Washburn, 119. Waterman, 168, 280, 281. Waters, 119, 159 (2), 168, Watrous, 217, 268. Webster, 119, 148, 151, 199, 223. Weld, 128. Wells, 132, 255, 287. Weller, 120. Wentworth, 150, 199, 218, 22,2, 249, 271. West, 120, 137, 164, 169, 265. Welch, 254. Weston, 120, 169, 265. Whaley, 120, 164. Wheatley, 275. Wheeler, 169, 264. 269, 274. Wheet, 137. Wheldin, 120, 169. White, 120, 128, 148, 149, 161, 169, 209, 210, 211, 212 (3), 213 (2), 214 (3). 215 (2), 216, 219, 222, 223, 227 (4), 229, 231, 234 (2), 239, 242 (2), 244 (3), 245, 249. 250, 253, 258 (2), 260 (2), 262 (2), 263, 268 (2), 270, 271. Whiting, 169. Whitman, 169, 244, 248, 263 (2), 280. Whitte- more, Whitmore, 121, 130, 139, 161, 171, 214, 244, 245, 257, 263, 267. Williams, 121, 127, 147, 168, 169, 212, 237, 238, 252, 253. Wil- lips, 243. Willow, 139. Willson, or Wilson, 121, 170, 199, 264, 266, 270, 272,, 282. Winchester, 122, 170, 216, 218, 248, 2^j. Wintworth, 122, 170, 226, 276. Wise, 123. Wittemore, 136. Wood, 123, 170. Woodruff, 170, 240, 272. Wood- 300 INDEX ward, Wooduard, 123, 127 (3), 146, 148, 149, 150, 153, 167, 170, 199, 207, 244, 271 (3), 275, 276 (3), 284. Woodworth, 124, 159, I7i, 202 (2), 206, 207 (2), 211 (2), 212 (2), 215, 216, 228, 231, 235, 236, 239, 241, 244, 246, 248, 252, 256, 258, 260 (3), 261 (2), 265, 267 (2), 268. Wool- cott, 124, 170. Wordsworth, 135. Wordworth, 204, 205 (2) (v. Woodworth). Worry, 228. Wright, 124, 131, 132, 137, 142, 143, 149, 152, 167, 171, 199, 230, 234, 238, 239 (2), 248, 250, 255, 269, 270, 274, 276, 280. Writer, 131. Yeomans, 171. Yongs, 156. Yound, 133. Young, 171, 259, 271. SUPPLEMENTARY INDEX ADDITIONAL AND CORRECTED REFERENCES Arnold, 127. Badcock or Babcock, 253. Baldwin, 259. Bissell, for 173 read 174. Booth, for 137 read 138. Bruster. 133, 164. Buell, for 219 read 220. Caner, for 277 read 278. Case, for 176 read 177. Chamberlain. 236, 284. Chapman, 256. Clark, 237. Colman, 264. Cook, 226. Cowls, for 178 read 177. Crane, for 177 read 178. For Cutter read Cutler. Dimock or Dimmick, 138, 250. Dorman, 219. Dow, 243 (3), 254. Drake, 262. Dunham, for 138 read 139. Add 259- Edgerton, 129, 136, 240 (2). Edwards, 257. Eells, 263. English, for 136 read 137. Add 256. Fitch, 258. Flint, for 157 read 158. Foster, 140. Fowler, 140. French, 140, 171. Gilbert, erase 214. Grant, for 156 read 157. Grover, for 233 read 234. Add 254. Guild, 259. Hall, 277. Hazelton, 206. Hearick. 261. Hitchcock, for 147 read 148. Jones, 152, 163. 301 Keeney, 163. Kingsbury. 244, 261. Loomis, 168. Lyman, for 233 read 234. Manley, 264. Morgan, 143. Alorley, add 270 (?). Palmer, 280. Erase Partee. Phillips, 243. Pomp, 273. Porter, 269, 270. 272 (3), 274 (3), 278, 279 (5), 280 (2), 281, 284 (3). Post, erase 269, 270 (3), 272 (3), 273, 274 (3), 278. 279 (s). 280 (2), 281, 284 (3). Price, for 191 read 192. Richardson, 234. Root, 280. Rose, 234. Erase SchafFer. Simon, 143. Skinner, 253. Sprague, for 196 read 197. Add 261. Strong, for 147 read T48. Erase 203. Talcott, 114. 285. Tilden, 254. Erase Tinchnee. Trapp, 254. Turner, for 198 read 199. Add 253. Tuttle, 249. Utley, 118. Webster, 267. Weeks, 156, 265. Welch, 131. For Willips. line 5. page 243, read Phillips. Woolcott, for 170 read 171. Wright, for 137 read 138. Add 275. Young. 272.