\^^\xAAjuMjJ^hA->' GEOGRAPHY OF MISSISSIPPI HISTORY By John Rundle Superintendent of Schools, Grenada, Mississippi Father Marquette, descended the Mississippi River as far as the Arkansas. Nine years At the time the white man first rrod the later the explorer La Salle sailed down the soil of what is now the state of Mississippi, Mississippi to its mouth, passing by the the land was inhabited by three powerful greater part of the western border of our tribes of Indians. The Natchez Indians state. He took possession of the adjacent occupied the southwest section, theChoctaws country for King Louis XIV' of France and the southeast and central part, and the called it Louisiana. Chickasaws the north, i 1 The first European col- Minor tribes living in the ""V .^^•■'•'' sorted in 1699 • • 1 1 1 „! „ k bv Pierre Lemoyne, better territorv included the | >' c- imi n -. , .^ . ., , I known as Sieur d llierville, \ azoos in the ^ azoo V al- ,^ j.-„„ Maurepas, located ley, and the Pascagou- „n the north side of Biloxi las and the Biloxis who Bay. This was the first dwelt along the banks of ^^hin- settlement made in the Mississippi River. the territory now embraced .,,, , ■ r M- ■ in Mississippi. 1 he lollow- 1 he history ot Missis- lu 11 j j ing vear Iberville ascended sippi tails into several V -\ the Mississippi to the pres- divisions, comprising the *T^^ '^"^ ^^^^' "'^ Natchez. Fort periods of exploration, T|[ M Rosalie was started at that French rule, English rule, * '- 1 PP'"t ^ little later by Bien- .' 1 I ,1 . , .: ^k I ville, the governor of Lou- Spanish rule, the tern- ^^ ^ . . ^^,. , ,,. • • . , ■ I I 1 I ..^^^^^^m. isiana, ot which Mississippi tonal period, and the ^^^^ ^^.^^ ^^en a part. The fort period of statehood. flHHL was completed in 1716. A In December, 1540. .^^^J^^^T^ settlement, which was called Hernando de Soto with . W-k, ^ — ^^ ^t- Peter's, was also made a body of Spanish ad ven- I ^ J B^ m 1703 on the Yazoo River ^^■■■■■■■■^^^■■^■■^^^■i 1 he turers the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ent state of Mississippi Mississippi State Memorial, National Military Orleans, founded soon after, near the junction of the Park, Vicksburg drew off a large portion of Tombigbee and Black ' ' the colonists. Warrior rivers. He crossed the Pearl River 1" i7f'3 France ceded to Great Britain all her 1 ^ ■ Ti/^ . j^j-.u territory east of the Mississippi River except New in what IS now Lake County, and entered the <-,,•,,• r l r ... ... r /^i I 111 f ■ Orleans, including most of the present state ot Indian village of Chickasaw, which he forti- Mississippi. At the same time Spain ceded to tied as winter (]uarters. These explorers Great Britain the Kloridas, including the southern made no settlements. Thev crossed the Mis- part of our state. During the twenty years of sissippi River in 1541, and" the death of the •^"gl'^^^ '■"•^' ^''"^. '76; to 1783, there was con- , , . 1 1 ■ 1- • siderable immigration from l^ngland and Ireland. leader in I q42 put an end to the expedition. , f ^^ ■ c ..,l n-.. 1;,,.. ir, r-,a, ->^ t^ f ;,,,(j from tieorgia and south Carolina. In 1703, In 1673 a French expedition from New ^^-hen the United States became independent, France, now Canada, under Louis Joliet and Great Britain ceded the Floridas back to Spain. CopyriRht. iq2o. by Amwican Book Company CU610172 ^^B -8 1921 •'^/^^ \ •«:• IV GEOGRAPHY OF MISSISSIPPI National Military Park, Vicksburg For a time Spain claimed most of Mississippi as part of the Floridas, but in 1795 she accepted the parallel of 31° as the boundary- In 1798 Congress organized, from lands claimed by Georgia, the Mississippi Territory, which at that time included less than half of the present states of Alabama and Mississippi. The boundaries of Mississippi Territory were the Mississippi River on the west, the 31st parallel on the south, the Chattahoochee on the east, and a line drawn from the mouth of the Yazoo due east on the north. In 1804, after cessions by Georgia and South Carolina, extensive lands south of Ten- nessee were attached to the Mississippi Territory, which thus comprised the whole of what are now the states of Alabama and Mississippi from the 31st. to the 35th parallel. The part of those states south of 31° was added in 1812. In March, 1817, Alabama was separated from Mississippi and organized under a territorial government of its own ; and in December of the same year Mississippi was admitted into the Union as a state. Wash- ington, six miles east of Natchez, was the first capital. Jackson became the capital in 1822. The first state governor was David Holmes. The growth of the state in population was from the first very rapid, and its citizens always exerted a large influence in national affairs. Mississippi was the second state to pass an ordinance of secession, the state convention taking that action January 9, 1861. During the long Civil War. Mississippi regiments were found on every battle- field from Manassas to Appomatto.x Court House. Many important engage- ments occurred in Missis- sippi, the most noted of which were Corinth, luka, Holly Springs, Chickasaw Bayou, Raymond, Jackson, and Baker's Creek. The siege of Vicksburg ranks among the great historical events. In 1865 the ordi- nance of secession was re- pealed and slavery abolished. Congress refused to recog- nize the state, which suffered much during the reconstruction period. In 1876 the Federal troops were withdrawn and since that time the state has made continuous advancement. During the World War, 1917-1918, Mississippi gave generously of her sons and her resources in support of the American cause. Questions and Exercises. — i. By whom was Mississippi occupied before the coming of the white man f 2. Name the periods into which the history of Mississippi is divided. 3. Give an account of De Soto's explorations in this state. 4. Name the French explorers who visited this territory. t;. Who made the first settlement in th IS state ] Whe When 6. Give an account of the period of English rule. 7. How long did the Spanish rule last ? 8. When was Mississippi organized as a territory ? What were its boundaries at that time ? What other lands were added in 1804? q. When was Alabama separated from Mississippi .? When was Missis- sippi admitted to the Union as a state? ID. What was the first capital ? Who was the first governor? 11. Give an account of condi- tions in Mississippi during the Civil War. 12. What did Mississippi contribute to the World War ? POSITION, FORM, AND SIZE Mississippi, one of the group of South Central States, occupies a central position among the states that border on the Gulf of Mexico. The northern boundary follows the parallel of 35 degrees north latitude between the Mississippi and Tennessee rivers, separating the state from Tennessee. The Tennessee River on the northeast and the GEOGRAPHY' OF MISSISSIPPI HCJtLt Of MILtt N..» OrW"> \^ -Y .V K X ICO The natural regions of Mississippi nearly straij^lu eastcin buundary form the Mississippi-Alabama state line. Tlie Gulf of Mexico and parallel 3 1 degrees, between the Mississippi and Pearl rivers, form the southern boundary. On the west the Mis- sissippi River separates the state from Arkan- sas and Louisiana ; the part of the western boundarj' south of parallel 31 degrees is formed by the Pearl River. Witii the excep- tion of the southeastern extension of the state south of parallel 31 degrees, and the meander- ing course of the Mississippi River, Mississippi has a rather regular form, with an extreme width of 188 miles and an extreme length of 330 miles. The state has a total area of 46,865 square miles, of which 503 square miles are water surface. Mississippi ranks as the thirty-first state of the Union in size. It is larger than Pennsylvania and some- what smaller than Louisiana. It is one sixth the size of Texas and about 38 times the size of Rhode Island. Questions and Exercises. — 1. What position has Mississippi among the states that border the Ciulf of Mexito .? 2. What parallel marks the northern boundary ? 3. What state borders on the north ? 4. What river forms part of the Mississippi-.'Mabania state line.' 5. What gulf and parallel are on the south ? 6. What rivers are on the west .' 7. What are the dimensions of the state east and west, and north and south, respectively ? 8. How does Mississippi rank in size with other states of the Union ? 9. What is its total area in square miles.' SURFACE The surface of Mississippi lies almost entirely within the region of the Coastal or Gulf Plain, the exception being a small area in the northeastern corner of the state occupied by the Tennessee River Hills, which are foothills of the Cumberland Plateau. The Coastal Plain comprises eight well- defined physical divisions. Six of these lie in belts roughly parallel with the edge of the plateau and in the following order from northeast to southwest: (i) the Northeast Timber Belt, (2) the Northeast Prairie Region, (3) the North Central Upland, (4) the Central Prairie Belt, (5) the Long Leaf Pine Hills, (6) the Coast Belt and Coast Islands. These belts are bounded along the western side of the state by (7) the Mississippi River Bluffs and (8) the Yazoo Basin. Tennessee River Hills. — The Tennessee River Hills extend over portions of Tish- omingo and Itawamba counties, and consist of limestones and sandstones which are very old and have been dry land much longer than the Gulf Plain. They are drained by the Tennessee River on the east, and become gradually lower toward the west until they merge with the Gulf Plain. The region VI GEOGRAPHY OF MISSISSIPPI f* • *" HI iiiiM mil— 'iliiMiiii Northwest Prairie Region. Harvesting alfalfa physical features of the state. In places the limestone has been dis- solved, forming caves and chan- nels for underground streams. In Union County the hill tops appear as bare, rounded "knobs." The rich soil of this region is adapted to the growth of grain, grasses, and cotton. Parallel with the northern part of the Pontotoc Divide and west of the southern part of the Black Prairie is a narrow belt of level, clayey land called the Flatwoods. There the soil is inferior and the timber of little value. abounds in springs, and the uplands were originally heavily forested. Some of the most picturesque scenery in the state is found where Bear Creek has cut its channel through the sandstone, forming rapids and high clifFs. Northeast Timber Belt. — Extending west and soutli from the Tennessee River Hills is the comparatively level Northeast Timber Belt. When the Tennessee River Hills were dry land, the rest of the state was under water. The streams flowing from the hills carried much soil-forming material, which was deposited near the shore. The clays and sands of these formations have produced a sandy loam soil. Northeast Prairie Region. — In a belt ■from lo to 26 miles wide and 100 miles long, lying west of the Tombigbee River, a soft chalky limestone has weathered into a deep, rich, dark soil. This region has a smooth surface and is known in Mississippi and Alabama as the Black Prairie Belt. It is one of the best farming regions in the South. The western boundary of the Black Prairie is clearly defined by the Pontotoc Divide, a long meandering ridge, 100 feet or more in height, which extends from Tennessee to and across the Alabama border. The Pontotoc Divide forms the watershed between the Mississippi, Pearl, and Tombigbee river basins and is one of the most interesting North Central Upland. — In the north central part of the state the upland slopes gently westward from the Pontotoc Divide on the east to the bluffs bordering the Yazoo Delta, and southward to the Central Prairie. This region occupies a large area and has a great variety of surface features. The greater part is known as the Short Leaf Pine Hills, and is deeply covered with orange-colored sand. Along the western border of the plateau are bluffs that descend abruptly to the Yazoo Basin, lying 200 feet or more below. This difference in elevation between the two regions has caused the streams of the plateau to cut deep and narrow valleys. The greatest elevations in the state are on the The Long Leaf Pine Hills Region. Assorting and packing carrots for shipment GEOGRAPHY OK MISSISSIPPI vu The Mississipp. Mattress built to protect the banks of the Mississippi River from erosion and other naval stores are among the important products of the timber belt. The Coast Belt and Coast Islands. — The Coast Belt lies between the Long Leaf Pine Hills and Mississippi Sound. Parallel to the shore are many long wind-formed ridges, or sand dunes, which are broken by streams flowing to the Gulf, fhe soil is generally sandy, with some alluvial deposits in the stream valleys. About lOor 12 miles from the coast a line of small islands has been formed from the white divide between the Tennessee and lalla- sand washed up by the waves and tides and hatchie river basins. The greatest altitude is still further elevated by the action ot the 625 feet near Holly Springs. winds. Central Prairie Belt. — South of the North The Mississippi Flood Plain. — Along the Central Upland is a belt of land known as west side of the state the Mississippi River the Central Prairie, which e.\tends across has cut a trench 30 to 80 miles wide and the state into Alabama. Its surface is more hundreds of feet deep, which it is now engaged rolling than that of the Northeast Prairie in tilling up. This trench, known as the and consists largely of sandy ridges. In alluvial valley or flood plain, is bounded on the depressions between the ridges, the marly the east by steep bluffs 100 to 300 feet high, soil is very fertile and easily cultivated. The main channel of the river leaves the east Long Leaf Pine Hills. — The extensive bluflP at Memphis, Tennessee, and crosses the region known as the Long Leaf Pine Hills valley to the west side at Helena, Arkansas. It lies south of the Central Prairie. It consists runs near the west bluff as far as the Arkansas- of formations of sandstone, clays, and broad Louisiana state line, and then crosses again, deposits of orange sand. The highest eleva- striking the east blufl^ at Vicksburg. It then tions are more than 500 feet above the sea follows the east bluff closely to the Mississippi- level, and in some places the hills rise 200 Louisiana line. Since the state is bounded feet above the larger streams, which flow in on the west by the river, it includes a large narrow valleys. Steep clifl^s of sandstone part of the widest portion of the flood plain outcrop along the hillsides in the northwestern above Vicksburg, known as the Yazoo Basin part of this region. The most extensive or Delta, while below Vicksburg most of the forests in the state are found here, the prin- flood plain belongs to Louisiana. The con- cipal growth being long leaf pine, which trast between the flood plain and the uplands extends northward from the coast for 150 at the top of the blufl^ is everywhere strongly miles. The soils on the hill tops are not marked. fertile and are used mostly for pasture. The Yazoo Basin.— Throughout the course The valleys, however, are productive and of the lower Mississippi, it is the habit of the are generally cultivated. Turpentine, resin, river to flow near one side of its flood plain, V111 GEOGRAPHY OF MISSISSIPPI .^ Coast Belt. Orange grove at Ocean Springs Oyster wharves and cannery, Biloxi while a large side channel or bayou follows the foot of the bluff on the opposite side. This bayou naturally leads from the main river channel and receives all the tributaries on that side, delivering the accumulated waters mto the main stream at the point below where the two again unite. The Yazoo Basin is the largest and richest of these divisions of the Mississippi Flood Plain. This basin, popularly known as the Yazoo Delta, is in no sense a delta formation. The Yazoo Basin comprises about 7,000 square miles of the best farming lands of the world. Its surface is nearly level, but has a general slope southward and locally gentler slopes away from the stream banks. It is traversed by a network of waterways which inclose islands of all shapes and sizes. The surface of each island is higher near the margin than in the interior, which is usually swampy and wooded. The soil deposited by repeated overflows of the river Is a black, sandy loam, easily cultivated and of Inexhaustible fertility. Buildings and crops are protected from destructive floods by artificial levees which extend along the main waterways. The Mississippi River Bluffs. — The eastern edge of the Mississippi Flood Plain is bordered by a line of bluffs which are almost as differ- ent from the uplands in the east as from the lowlands on the west. The edge of the upland was cut away in ages past by the river, and later it was covered by deposits of fine, hmy silt, called loess, which was blown up by the westerly winds from the dry mud flats of the flood plain. These deposits occurred during the glacial epoch when the river drained the great ice sheet and carried sediment somewhat difl^erent from its present load. Loess is easily eroded, yet may stand up in high, steep banks. Hence the little streams which flow down the bluff have cut deep narrow gorges .sometimes called " guts." These extend back into the upland far enough to form a belt of rough country a few miles wide, dis- tinguished by its loess soil and dissected surface. Questions and Exercises. — i. Name eight physical divisions of the Coastal Plain. 2. De- scribe the region included in the Tennessee River Hills. 3. What kind of soil is found in the Northeast Timber Belt ? 4. Describe the Black Prairie Belt. 5. What is the character of the Pontotoc Divide ? 6. Where are the Flatwoods r 7. Where are the Short Leaf Pine Hills ? S. De- scribe the surface and soil of the Central Prairie Belt. 9. What is said of the soil in the Long Leaf Pine Hills ? 10. What are the products from the timber belt? 11. Where is the Coast Belt.' 12. Describe the Mississippi Flood Plain. 13. Describe the Yazoo Basin. 14. Where are the Mississippi River Bluffs ? DRAINAGE The Mississippi System. — About one half of the state is drained by the tributaries of the GEOCJRAinn OK MLSSISSIPIM IX Mississippi. In the north the I Tallahatchie and \ alobusha rivers and many smaller streams drain the upland from the Pon- totoc divide into the ^ azof) River. The Yazoo and all the other large streams of the flood plain originally had their sources in the main Mississippi, from which they received more or less water, according to the high or low stage of the river. Most of them have been closed at the head by a levee. The drainage system of the flood plain is partly under arti- ficial control. The mam ri\er is constantly shifting its channel, and occasionally cuts oft a big bend, as it did at Vicksburg in 1876. In such a case, the oxbow left at one side be- comes a lake which gradually fills up. At Vicksburg this is prevented by a canal which diverts the Yazoo into the abandoned chan- nel. The Big Black River drains the central part of the state directly to the Mississippi, which it joins about twenty-five miles below Vicksburg. Rivers of the Gulf Plain. — The iombigbee River flows south through Mississippi and .Ala- bama into Mobile Bay, and the Pearl River flows southward through the middleof the state into Mississippi Sound. 1 he rivers ot the Gulf Plain do not unite into broad systems, but tend r* ^t Escatawpa River, near Pascagoula Mississippi River steamers at Vicksburg to flow parallel to each other, each to its separate mouth. The interval between the IDmbigbee and Pearl rivers is drained by the Pascagoula, and that between the Pearl and the Mississippi by many small streams. Rivers of the Cumberland Plateau. — From the high land in the northeast, several short streams flow northeastward into the Tennessee River. Questions and Exercises. — 1. In what drainage basin Is iihout h;ilf of Mississippi ? 2. What trib- utary of the Mississippi drains the central part of the state? 3. What minor drainage basins are there in the state ? 4. Name the rivers of the Gulf Plain. 5. Describe the general character of these streams. 6. Describe the course of the Pearl River. CLIMATE The state lies in what is called the semi- tropical climate belt. On account of its position south of the 35th parallel, its moder- ate elevation, and its nearness to the Gulf of Mexico, the climate is mild. During the winter months the difference of temperature between the northern uplands and the south- ern coast is marked, but in summer a more nearly uniform temperature prevails through- out the state. The monthly average at dif- ferent stations \aries from 41 degrees to 52 degrees in January, and from 79 degrees to 82 degrees in July. For the whole state it is 46.6 degrees in January and 80.9 degrees GEOGRAPHY OF MISSISSIPPI Mean annual temperature for January Mean annual temperature for July Mean annual rainfall in Mississippi in July. The absolute extreme temperatures recorded in the state are: 15 degrees at Aberdeen and 107 at several places. The northern half of the state enjoys an average grooving period of seven months between killing frosts, while on the Gulf coast the growing period is nine months. The annual rainfall ranges from 48 to 58 inches. The heaviest rains occur in the late winter or early spring, when the warm gulf breezes meet the cold north winds. I Thunderstorms occur in all months of the year but are most frequent in July and August. Severe storms from the Gulf some- times cross the state, but not every jear. Tornadoes are likely to occur in February and March. The average wind velocity for the whole year is seven miles per hour. Questions and Exercises. — I. What condi- tions cause a mild climate in Mississippi .? 2. What is the average temperature for the whole state in January and July respectively .'' 3. What is the length of the growing period in the northern half of the state ? On the Gulf coast ? 4. What is said of the rainfall ? 5. What is the average wind velocity ? PLANTS AND ANIMALS Plants. — The mild climate and abundant rainfall of Mississippi place it in the natural region of temperate rain and summer forests. There were 32,000 square miles of timbered land in the state in 1900. The mixed forests of deciduous trees and broad-leaved ever- greens characteristic of such a climate pre- vail only in the Coast Belt. Over most of the uplands the sandy soil seems to be unfa- vorable for such growth and it is displaced by coniferous forests, chiefly of long leaf pine. The limestone soils are generally prairie. The old lands in the northeast are covered with the dense forest characteristic of the Appalachian Plateau. Large timber trees are abundant and of great variety : the live oak and magnolia near the coast, the long leaf pine in the southern third of the state, the short leaf pine and many species of oak in the north, and the cypress, cotton- wood, gum, and pecan on the alluvial bottoms. The holly, sassafras, persimmon, wild cherry, Chickasaw plum, grape, lime, and pawpaw are widely distributed. GEOGRAPHY OF MISSISSIPPI XI Animals. — The larger species of wild animals, deer, bears, wolves, and wild cats, have been nearly or quite exterminated and only the smaller game, squirrels, opossums, raccoons, rabbits, turkeys, quails, geese, and ducks, remain. These, however, are generally abundant. There are alligators in the river bot- toms as far north as the mouth of the Arkansas, and rattlesnakes on the uplands. Among the hundreds of species of land buds, the mocking bird, cardinal, whippoorwill, and parrakeet are notable. The streams swarm with such Hsh as buffalo fish, catfish, crappie, bass, pike, perch, suckers, and eels. Prom the waters of the Sound oysters, crabs, shrimps, trout, mackerel, sheepshead, mullet, bluefish, floun- ders, and sea bass are taken. Questions and Exercises. — i. How much of Mississippi was wooilland in 1900? 2. What forests are characteristic of the Coast Belt ? Of the Uplands,' 3. What trees valuable for lum- ber are found in the state .' 4. What other trees are widely distributed ? 5. What wild animals were once to be found in Mississippi ? 6. What smaller game are still abundant ? 7. Name some birds and fish found in this state. AGRICULTURE Mississippi is, and has been from the begin- ning, an agricultural state. More than three fifths of its entire land area is in farms. The average value of the farm land in 1910 was $13.69 per acre. The total value of the farm property, according to the United States Census for that year, was almost $426,3 1 5,000. This was more than twice its value at the time of the preceding census, ten years before. In the days before the Civil War most of the farming in Mississippi was done on large planta- tions. In 1850 the average size of the farm, or plantation, was a little over 308 acres, according to the United States Census of that year. This meant that while there were some small farms, lliere were many large plantations ot lOOO acres or more. From year to year since that time there has been a ilecrease in the average farm acreage, and during the past forty years the farms have been gradually divided into smaller and smaller parcels of land until they have reached their present size. There are still, however, nearly Kooo plantations in the state. The plantation system is probably more firmly fixed in the ^'azoo Delta than in any other area of the South. This is due to the fertile soil and the climatic conditions, which are favorable for cotton raising, together with the large negro population available for cultivating and picking the cotton. Crops. — Cotton is the leading agricultural product of the state. The value of the cotton raised each year is nearly two thirds that of all the crops raised. An average of more than 3,000.000 acres of Mississippi farm land is planted to cotton each year, with an average annual product of more than 1,000,000 bales, or an annual yield of about 147 pounds per acre. Out of every 100 farms, 84 raise cotton. The largest acreage of cotton is found in the alluvial bottoms of the Yazoo Delta. This is one of the greatest cotton-producing regions of the world. The section includes fourteen counties, and these counties combined produce about a third of the total cotton crop of the state. Some cotton is grown, however, in every county. In XII GEOGRAPHY' OF MISSISSIPPI 1910 Yazoo County had the largest acreage in cotton and Bohvar was the leading county in the size of the cotton crop. Mississippi cotton is of several varieties, differing both ni kind and value. Much of it is long staple cotton of an excellent quality. The cotton seed, after being separated from the fiber, is used in various ways. The cottonseed had a value of nearly ?;27,ooo,ooo in 1919. Next in importance to cotton are the cereals. More than 95 per cent of the total acreage and total value of the cereal crop is in corn. The corn raised in Mississippi has an annual value of about $100,000,000. It is grown in every county in the state, but the size of the yield varies much in the several localities, because of the differences in soil conditions. A number of Corn Club boys hold records of 200 bushels per acre. The average production per acre for the state is of course far below this record. r ■ 1 1 g k m e ^^Btaflfl pj m IE 'I ^S^ *^^w [^**" t^. .■« ■ i.^^''fti^. -. -■.-^. -- _. The leading county in corn production in 1910 was Yazoo; the largest increase in production between 1900 and 1910 was in Sunflower County. In quality, Mississippi corn ranks very high. Of the other cereal crops, only oats are worthy of special mention, their annual value being about $6,000,000. The growing of oats is coming much into favor in some localities of the state and there is large acreage of oats on the Coastal Plain south and southeast of the Big Black River. Hay and forage rank next in importance. The total value of the various crops classed under this head was more than $13,000,000 in 1919, according to report of the United States Department of Agriculture. Of this the largest values were given to " wild, salt, or prairie grasses," " grains cut green," and " other tame or cultivated grasses." Hay and forage are raised in every county of the state, and the acreage is quite generally distributed. Some alfalfa is grown, and some clover, either alone or mixed with timothy. Other grains and seeds include dried peas, peanuts, and beans. A farm tractor Mississippi is a great sweet potato state. In 1919 it ranked as the fifth state of the Union in the value of the sweet potatoes and yams grown. The principal acreage of sweet potatoes and yams was in the southern and southwestern counties. The total value of the 1919 crop was about $11,600,000. The value of the white potatoes raised in the GEOGRAPHY OF MISSISSIPPI XIII state is about one fourth that of the sweet potatoes. Kvery vegetable known can be made to grow in Mississippi, and the vegetables of various kinds bring much wealth to the state. Truck farming has become a highly specialized industry- The tomato flourishes, anil green beans, peas, radishes, asparagus, cabbages, cauliflower, lettuce, carrots, onions, peppers, beets, and turnips, as well as quantities of watermelons and cantaloupes, arc shipped from the state to northern markets. Mississippi is also a great small-fruit state. Strawberries are by far the most important of the small fruits. The value of the straw- berry crop is about $1,500,000 a jear. Many blackberries and dewberries are raised, and some raspberries and lop;anberries. The production of orchard fruits has been largely on the increase since 1900. Peaches and nectarines are first in value. Apples come next, and many pears, plums, and cherries are grown, as well as some grapes. Of tropical fruits, figs are the only ones largely raised, but these are a valuable crop. Nuts, especially pecans, bring considerable wealth to the state. Sugar cane to the value of about $1,500,000 a year is raised. A large proportion of the cane is made into sirup. Live Stock. — The total value of live stock in Mississippi in 1920 amounted to about $170,000,000. The largest value, $78,000,000, was in horses and mules. Mules are to be found on more than half the farms in Missis- sippi. There are about two fifths as many horses as mules, and their value is little more than half that of the mules. Cattle valued at $52,000,000, principally dairy- cows, are kept on three fourths of the farms. The dairy statistics for 1910 reported nearly 80,000,000 gallons of milk for the state, and about 29,000,000 pounds of butter made. Hogs are raised on farms in all sections of the state, and they are a very profitable accompaniment to cattle, especially dairy cows. Their value in 1920 was about $35,000,000. Sheep are raised profitably in XIV GEOGRAPHY OF MISSISSIPPI I \m Horses on a Delta plantation some localities. Besides the value of mutton and lamb, 656,000 pounds of wool were obtained in 1919. There are in Mississippi more than 4,000,- 000 chickens which produce yearly about 18,000,000 dozen of eggs. Geese, guinea fowls, turkeys, ducks, and some pigeons are also raised. Bee keeping also yields substan- tial returns from the sale of honey. Questions and Exercises. — i. Whj^ is Missis- sippi an agricultural state .? 2. How much of the area is included in farms.'' 3. What is said of the average size of the farms .? 4. Where is the plantation system more firmly fixed ? Why ? 5. What is the leading agricultural product ? 6. What is the average annual yield in bales for the state ? 7. What was the value of the cottonseed in 1919? 8. What crop is next in importance ? 9. What is the annual value of the corn raised in Mississippi .' 10. A number of Corn Club boys show a record of how many bushels per acre? 11. What other cereal crop is worthy of mention ? 12. What hay and for- age crops are grown ? 13. What is said of the sweet potato crop in Mississippi ? 14. What vegetables can be grown in the state .' 15. What varieties of berries are found here? 16. What is said of the production of orchard fruits ? 17. What is the value of the sugar cane raised ? 18. What was the total value of live stock in Mississippi in 1920? 19. What is the value of the horses and mules in the state ? 20. What is said of cattle and dairy products ? 21. What was the value of hogs raised in this state in 1920 ? MINERALS Mining and the mineral productions in Mississippi are of minor importance, as com- pared with agriculture. The leading mineral industries deal with clay, principally with the making of brick and tile. The brick and tile manufactured in the state in 1916 had a value of about ^$52 1,000. A small amount of clay is made into pottery. There are fine deposits of gravel in the timber belt in the northeastern part of the state, and other gravel beds are to be found east of the Yazoo Delta and west of Pearl River. Next to the clay products, digging out gravel is the leading mineral industry. The gravel is used as ballast for rail- roads and street paving. The gravel obtained in 1916 amounted to about ?i9i,ooo in value. Mineral waters are obtained in several localities, principally in Madison, Copiah, Holmes, Hinds, Jasper, and Choctaw counties. There are health resorts maintained in the vicinity of some of the springs, and about 400,000 gallons of mineral waters are sold annually for medicinal purposes and table use. Questions and Exercises. — i. What are the leading mineral industries in Mississippi ? 2. Name the principal clay products. 3. What is said of the gravel deposits ? 4. For what purposes is gravel utilized ? 5. In what counties are mineral waters obtained ? 6. For what are some of these springs noted ? 7. What is the extent of the annual sales of mineral waters ? Cotton compress GEOGRAPHY OF MISSISSIPPI XV Sawmill plant at Laurel, including : piiining mill, and ioiiLiiiig sm MANUFACTURING Mississippi ranks as an agricultural rather than a manufacturinji state, ^'et the lumher and timber products alone, in which it ranked as the fourth state of the Union in 191 7, render its manufacturing interests of impor- tance. The total value of the manufactured products of the state in 1914 amounted to a little under J^8o,ooo,ooo, or somewhat less than half the value of the farm crops. .About half this value was in manufactured lumber and the allied wood industries. The state has few of the natural advantages which foster the growth of in.inufactures. It has no important harbor, little water power, and few mineral resources. Mississippi is fortunate, how- ever, in having fertile cotton lands and extensive forests. Ihe beginnings of manufacturing date back to the early years of the nineteenth century. In iSio there were 22 cotton factories and 10 tanneries. In the middle years of the century manufacturing was largely at a standstill, but with iSSo there began a period of steady growth which IS still under wav. The manufacture of lumber is one of the oldest industries in the state, and it has increased steadily in importance from year to year. In 1890 the value of the liunber. and timber products was a little over y5,ooo,ooo; in 1914 it was about ^38,- 538,000. The cut of lumber for 1917 was 2,425,- 000,000 board feet. More than half of this was yellow pine, the rest being largely oak, cotton- wood, and tupelo, with some cypress, elm, ash, hickory, and yellow poplar. The industry second in importance is the man- ufacture of cottonseed oil and cake, which is the leading manufacture in Meridian, Jackson, Green- ville, Columbus, and Natchez. The first mill in the United States was erected at Natchez in 1834. Before 189c this industry was of little value to the state. Its growth is especially interesting be- cause it is based on what was at one time largelj waste. The annual value of cottonseed products is now about ^3 2,000,000. Repair work and construction of steam railroad cars and locomotives was the industry third in importance in 1914. In the 15 railroad shops of the state there were repairs and construction to the value of a little less than ^4, 000,000. The fourth industry is the manufacture of cotton goods, a large proportion of which consist of unbleached sheetings, shirtings, and muslins. The principal material used is domestic cotton. The value of cotton goods manufactured in 1914 was a little under ^3 ,000,000. Fertilizer is the product next in value, more than 150,000 tons being manufactured in 1914. Turpentine and rosin are next in rank. The prod- ucts for 1914 were valued at nearly ^2,000,000. Other manufactures of Mississippi include canned goods, preserved wood, printed matter, mineral waters, and various food products. XVI GEOGRAPHY OF MISSISSIPPI Questions and Exercises. — I. To what is the importance of manufacturing interests in Missis- sippi due ? 2. What was the total value of the manufactured products of the state in 1914? 3. Why has there been little growth of manu- factures? 4. Discuss the manufacture of lumber in the state. 5. What varieties of timber prod- ucts are there .? 6. What manufacturing in- dustry ranks second in importance ? 7. What is the annual value of the cottonseed products ? 8. What industry ranks third in importance.' 9. Of what does the manufacture of cotton goods consist ? 10. Name other manufactures of Mississippi. FORESTS AND LUMBERING There were 32,000 square miles of timbered lands in Mississippi in 1900. There are still luxuriant forests, though the woods suitable for manufacturing purposes are being fast cut off. More than 120 species of forest trees are to be found in the state, most of them deciduous. There are fifteen species of oak, including the live oak. On the bottom and swamp lands, cypress pre- dominates. The long leaf pine flourishes in the southern half of the state. Other important varieties of forest trees are the tupelo, sycamore, persimmon, magnolia, holly, cucumber, sweet gum, black walnut, maple, hickory, and elm. In 191 7 the lumber cut amounted to about 2,425,000,000 feet. It is estimated that the wood used as firewood in that year, on 285,000 farms, amounted to 4,560,000 cords, valued at ?io,- 488,000. Only within recent years has the timber product been important. The production of rough lumber increased from 1,206,265,000 feet in 1899 to about 2,573,000,000 in 1909. Of the cut in the latter year, more than four fifths was yellow pine. The other leading varieties sawed, in the order of their importance, were oak, gum, Cottonwood, cypress, poplar, hickory, ash, tupelo, and elm. Of the oak, a little more than 168,500,000 feet were cut. Questions and Exercises. — i. How much of Mississippi was timbered in 1900? 2. How many species of forest trees are there.? How many of oak.? 3. Where is the long leaf pine region ? 4. Name other important varieties of forest trees. 5. What was the extent of the lumber product in 1917? 6. Discuss the pro- duction of rough lumber. FISHERIES The fishing industry of this state is con- fined largely to Mississippi Sound and the neighboring waters, and to the Mississippi and Yazoo rivers. The most valuable prod- ucts are oysters and shrimps. The shrimp industry is especially important, the catch in 1916 amounting to nearly 8,900,000 pounds, valued at more than }?i 57,000. Mississippi ranks as the third state of the Union in shrimp fishing. GEOGRAPHY OF MISSISSIPPI XVIl Most of the shrimps are caught with haul seines. Schooners about 40 feet long carry the fishermen to the fishing grounds and the catch to the factory. In operating the seine a motorboar and a rowboat are used. 1 he seines are often more than 200 feet long. ihe shrimp catching season extends from March or April until i)i- cember. A large proportion of the shrimps obtained are canned, Biloxi being the principal center for the shrimp canning industry. The canning process is simple. The meat is separated by hand from the heads and shells. It is washed in fresh water, then cooked for 5 or 10 minutes in wooden tanks of boiling water to which sufficient salt for season- ing has been added. The meat is then spread on wire meshed trays to cool, and is packed in the cans by hand. For the dry pack, the cans are lined with a parchment paper which prevents discoloration. For the wet pack the cans are filled with brine. .After capping they are heated in steam-tight retorts. There are two government fish culture stations in the state. At the Tupelo station, in 1919, there were black bass, crapplc, sunfish, and wide- mouth bass. rhe Friars Point station was a col- lecting center for rescued fishes. Saving food fishes from the ponds, pools, and bayous in over- flowed districts is a part of the work of the fish culture bureau. The fish that would otherwise perish when the shallow pomls in which they live become dry or frozen, are replanted in adjacent waters. Questions and Exercises, -i. Where are im- portant fishing industries located in Mississippi ? 2. What are the most valuable products ? 3. Discuss shrimp fishing. 4. What city is the principal center of the shrimp industry . ? De scribe the canning process. 6. Where are the government fish culture stations ? 7. Of what does the work of the fish culture bureau consist ? TRANSPORTATION The Mississippi River, along the entire western border of the state, is navigable for steamboats, and access to the port of New Orleans by means of this river places the state in a favorable position for domestic and foreign shipments. The Yazoo, Tallahatchie, Yalobusha, Sunflower, Big Black, Pascagoula, and Pearl rivers are navigable to some extent. ' > 7 'Mm ■ r \\ „ Loading lumber on steamer al Gullp^il Mississippi Sound, which borders the state on the .south, affords safe navigation for coasting vessels. Ship Island, in this Sound, has one of the best harbors on the Gulf coast. A canal 3CXD feet wide and 19 feet deep at low water, from Gulfport to Ship Island, was completed in 1906, and there is a large an- chorage basin at Gulfport. The first steam railway in the state was com- pleted in 1S40, from Vicksburg to Clinton. In i860 there were 862 miles of road. By 1 900 this had increased to nearly 3000 miles, and in 1916 the mileage was 4421. Important railways in or passing through the state include the Illinois Central ; Yazoo and Mississippi Valley ; Vicks- burg. Shreveport and Pacific; St. Louis-San Francisco; Southern; Sardis and Delta; Pearl River X'alley; New Orleans and Northeastern; New Orleans Great Northern ; Natchez, Columbia and Mobile; and Mobile and Ohio. Each of these has more than 100 miles of road in the state. In 191 8 there were 150 miles of electric railways in Mississippi. The availability of gravel and sand suitable for road building is stimulating interest in the making of good surface roadways. Questions and Exercises. — i. What waters and harbors in Mississippi afford navigation for coasting vessels ? 2. What rivers are partially navigable? 3. Where was the first steam railway in the state ? 4. What was the railway mileage in 1916? 5. Name important railways passing through the state. 6. What has caused an im- provement in the surface roadways ? X\lll GEOGRAPHY OF MISSISSIPPI GOVERNMENT The government of Mississippi is conducted under the constitution adopted November i, 1890. The branch of the government that makes the laws for the state is divided into two bodies, or houses : one of these is known as the House of Representatives, or lower house, the other as the Senate, or upper house. Senators and representatives are elected for four years. The constitution requires that the legislature meet at the capitol, Jackson, in regular session every two years, on Tuesday after the first Monday in January, and in called session when the governor demands it. The chief executive officer of the state is the governor. He is elected by the people for four years. It is his duty to safeguard the interests of the state and to see that the laws are obeyed. He is commander in chief of the state militia. The executive department also includes a lieutenant gov- ernor, a secretary of state, a treasurer, an auditor of public accounts, an attorney general, and a state superin- tendent of education. The judicial department comprises a supreme court, circuit courts, chancery courts, and courts of the justices of the peace. There are also other inferior courts ment .' The Lyceum, University of Mississippi established by the state legislature under authority granted in the state constitution. Mississippi contains eighty-two counties. It has two senators and eight representatives in Congress, and therefore has ten votes in the electoral college. Questions and Exercises. — 1. When was the present consti- tution of Mississippi adopted ? 2. What are the three depaitments of state government .? 3. Of what does the legislative department consist ? 4. When does the legis- lature meet .? 5. What officers constitute the executive depart- 6. Of what does the judicial department consist.' 7. How many counties has Mississippi .' How many senators and representatives in Congress ? EDUCATION Mississippi has a- well-organized school system, under charge of the department of public education. At the head of the system is the state superintendent of public educa- tion, who holds his office for four j-ears. There is a superintendent for each county also, with a term of service of four years. The laws of the state require that a public school shall be maintained for each school district during at least four months each year. In many localities the schools have been con- solidated, the pupils being carried to and from their homes in school wagons. County agri- cultural high schools are in operation in all sections of the state. The schools are sup- ported by the common school fund appropriated by the state legislature, together with the returns from special ta.\es and the income from the school lands. Separate schools are maintained for white and for colored children. GEOGRAPHY OF MISSISSIPPI XI. \ The State Normal College for training teachers is located at Hattiesburg; the Mississippi Agri- cultural and Mechanical College is at Agricultural College, near Starkville; and the University of Mississippi is at University, near Oxford. The Mississippi State College for Women is at Colum- bus, and Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College for negroes is at Rodney. Other institutions carried on by other than public maintenance include Meridian College at Meridian, Grenada Ct)llege at Cirenada, Hillman College at Clinton, Millsaps College at Jackson, Blue Mountain College at Blue Mountain, Whit- worth College at Brookhaven, and Woman's Baptist College at Hattiesburg. There are eight junior colleges and nine acad- emies in the state. The state has fourteen private and denoniinarional schools for negroes. Questions and Exercises. — i. Under whose direction are the public schools of Mississippi ? 2. How are these schools supported ? 3. Name the five state-supported higher educational insti- tutions. 4. Name the private and denomi- national institutions. 5. What has been done for the education of the negro in this state ? POPULATION AND CITIES "The population of Mississippi in 1800 was less than 8000. In 1850 the population was more than seventy-five times as great as in 1800. Since 1850 the rate of increase has been much smaller, but in 1920 the population was 1,789,182, three times as great as m 1850. The average number of persons to the square mile in 1920 was 38.1. In 1920, 13 per cent of the popu- lation were living in 30 cities of 2500 inhab- itants and 87 per cent in rural districts. I here were nine cities of over 10,000 inhabit- ants, and Meridian and Jackson each had more than 20,000. Of the white people 1.2 per cent were foreign born in 1910, and of the total population 56.2 per cent were negro. The census returns of 1920, so far as an- nounced (before September, 1920), show few great changes from 1910. Meridian. — Ihe county seat of Lauderdale County is the largest city of Mississippi. It is a great cotton market and the most impor- tant manufacturing center of the state. It has a large wholesale trade. The principal in- dustry is the manufacture of cottonseed oil and cake. Other industries include the re- pairing of railroad cars and locomotives, the making of furniture, sashes, blinds, and foundry products. In 1914 the manufactures of Meridian were valued at about $4,739,000. The city was laid out in 1854 at a proposed railway crossing. It was incorporated six years XX GEOGRAPHY OF MISSISSIPPI later. In 1864 General William Tecumseh Sher- man with 20,000 men marched from Vicksburg to Meridian, which was at the time an important railway center and storehouse of Confederate supplies. Within a week nearly everything in Meridian except the private houses had been destroyed, and more than a hundred miles of rail- way track had been torn up. In 1906 a tornado caused much destruction of life and property in the city. Meridian is located on the Southern, the Me- ridian and Memphis, the Mobile and Ohio, and the Alabama and Vicksburg railroads. In 1920 the city had a population of 23,436. It is the seat of the Meridian Female College and the Meridian Male College; also of the Meridian Academy and the Lincoln School tor colored students. Jackson, the capital of the state and the count}' seat of Hinds County, is located on the west bank of Pearl River, about 40 miles east of Vicksburg. The population in 1920 was 22,679. 1 ^"^ present state capitol, com- pleted in 1903, cost one million dollars and is among the handsomest state buildings in the Union. In the old capitol, built in 1839, was held the Secessional Convention of 1861 and within its walls JefFerson Davis made his last speech. Jackson was designated as the seat of govern- ment in 1822, and the first state legislature was held there in that year. It was incorporated as a city in 1840. During the Civil War it was an important campaign center. In 1863 the city, then held by General Johnston, was attacked by Grant's army, and the Confederates were driven out. Later General Johnston concentrated his troops in the city, which had then been evacuated by the Federal troops, and Sherman bombarded it. Johnston withdrew his men and Sherman's army entered, burning part of the city and ravag- ing the country round about. Jackson is in the midst of a cotton-growing section, and has a considerable trade and valuable manufactures. The leading manufacturing in- dustry is the making of cottonseed oil and cake. Besides its large cotton mills, the city has iron foundries, woodworking shops, and other manu- facturing plants. Millsaps College and Bellhaven College for young women are located here. The city is the seat of state institutions for the deaf, dumb, blind, and insane. It is served by the New Orleans Great Northern, the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley, the Alabama and Vicksburg, and the Gulf and Ship Island railroads. Vicksburg, on the Yazoo and Mississippi rivers, is attractively situated among the Walnut Hills which rise about 260 feet above the river. It is the county seat of Warren County, and is an important river port and railroad center. The city has various manu- facturing industries, especially the repair and building of railroad locomotives and cars, and the making of cottonseed oil and cake. Among the principal buildings are the court- house, a federal building, and the city hall. The population of Vicksburg was 17,931 in 1920. The city was the center of an important cam- paign of the Civil War, which had for its object the capture of Vicksburg by Federal troops under General Grant and General Sherman. The final Governor's Mansion, Jackson GEOGRAPHY OF MISSISSIPPI XXI capture of the city after a long siege, together with the defeat of l.ce at Gettysburg, marked the turning point of the war. Ihere are at N'icksliurg a National Cemetery and a National Military Park, the latter comprising 1300 acres restoring the battle ground as it was in 1863. Hattiesburg, tlic county seat of Forrest County, is located at the intersection of the New Orleans and Northeastern, Gulf and Ship Island, Mississippi Central, and Gult, Mobile and Northern railroads. The city is situated on the Leaf River in the heart of the pine rejiion. It manufactures fertilizers and has railroad repair shops. A modern creo- sotins plant has recently been completed. Hattiesburf; is in a district which is noted for cotton growing, grazing, and lumbering. The State Normal College and the \\'oman's Baptist College are both located in Hatties- burg. During the World War it was the site of a large encampment for the training of sol- diers. The population was 13,270 in 1920. Laurel is the county seat of Jones County. It IS a commercial and manufacturing city, with lumber and timber as its leading prod- ucts. The lumber is principally long leaf yellow pine, and the Laurel sawmills have a capacity of 1,300,000 feet dail\-. Laurel has cotton and cottonseed oil mills, compress and ginnery, railroad shops, and other manu- facturing plants. The cit\- was first settled in 1894. Transportation facilities are pro- \ ided b\ the Southern, the Gulf and Ship Island, and the Gulf, .Mobile and Northern railroads. The population was 13,037 in 1920. Natchez is a flourishing city on the Missis- sippi River and the county seat of Adams County. Most of the city is built upon a bluff 200 feet above the river. It was named from the Natchez Indians, who were living in the locality when white people first settled the region. The early settlement was under French, then under Spanish control, and in 1793 it was occupied by L'nited States troops. It was chartered as a city in 1803, and from 1817 to 1821 it was the capital of the state. The first bank in the state opened in Natchez in 1809. In 1840 a large part of Natchez was de- stroyed by a tornado. The city was rebuilt, and at the beginning of the Civil War it was a place of culture and wealth. In 1S62 it was bombarded State Normal College, Hattiesburg XXII GEOGRAPHY OF MISSISSIPPI by Commodore Porter with the ironclad Essex, and the riverfront section was largely destroyed. Natchez is the shipping port for a large cotton region, and the center of trade for a lumber and farming district. It manufactures cottonseed oil and cake in large quantities. Other manu- factures include lumber, foundry products, and canned goods. The city is served by the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley, the St. Louis, Iron Moun- tain and Southern, the New Orleans and North- eastern, and the Mississippi Central railroads. It is the seat of Stanton College, Jefferson Military College, and other educational institutions. The population of Natchez in 1920 was 12,608. Greenville, the county seat of Washington County, is located on one of the great bends of the Mississippi and has steamboat connec- tion with various river ports. It is in the Yazoo Delta, and its industries deal largely with cotton. It has compresses, and manufac- tures much cottonseed oil and cake. A large part of old Greenville, about a mile from the present site, fell into the river, and during the Civil War most of the rest of it was burned. Greenville is the seat of Furman University. The population was 11,560 in 1920. Biloxi is located on the Gulf of Mexico, 65 miles from New Orleans. It has a fine beach extending for about twelve miles around its peninsula. Its mild, equable climate makes it a popular seaside resort both in summer and in winter, particularly for the people of New Orleans and of Mobile. The city is the center of an extensive canning industry, including oysters, shrimps, crabs. fruits, and vegetables. It has shipyards and lumber products of various kinds. The first permanent settlement in Mississippi was at Biloxi. The population m 1920 was 10,937. I'^ is served by the Louisville and Nashville Railway. Columbus, the county seat of Lowndes County, is located on the Tombigbee River. The river is navigable six months of the year, and large quantities of cotton and hardwood lumber are shipped from here. The city has considerable manufacturing, especially of cottonseed oil and cake. It is a marketing center for a rich agricultural region. Colum- bus was incorporated in 182 1. It is the seat of the State College for Women. Columbus is on the Southern and the Mobile and Ohio railroads. The population was 10,501 in 1920. Gulfport, the county seat of Harrison County, is an important port on Mississippi Sound. It has railroad shops, extensive oyster, shrimp, and vegetable canning factories, and sawmills. It is served by the Gulf and Ship Island and the Louisville and Nashville railroads. Numerous manufactures and an immense export lumber trade are among its activities. It has a pier which ex- tends one mile and a half out to deep water. Greenwood is the county- seat of Leflore County. It is on the Yazoo River, and is in a cotton-raising section. Cotton is shipped, and the Southern and the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley railways pass through the city. It has numerous manufactures and an extensive wholesale trade. McComb, in Pike County, is on the Illinois Central and the Liberty-White railroads. It is located in the midst of a cotton, corn, truck, State Cc'llt-gc for Women, Cokiriiliu^ GEOGRAPHY OF MISSISSIPPI XXlll and cattle-raising district, and it has railroad shops and a cotton mill. Pascagoula, the county seat of Jackson County, is on thi- Pascagoula River, half a mile from the Gulf of Mexico. Fish, oysters, arul lumlier are shipped from here. It has gristmills, sawmills, shipyards, and pulp and paper mills. Nuts, vege- tables, and oranges are produced in the surround- ing agricultural regions. Clarksdale, one of the two county seats of Coahjina County, has cottonseed oil mills and other manufacturing interests. It is on the Yazoo and Mississippi \'allev Railway. Yazoo City, the county seat of Yazoo County, is on the Yazoo River. It is located in an impor- tant cotton-growing section, and has corn-growing and lumbering interests. Much cotton is shipped in by steambo.ir, and there are cottonseed oil and cotton-yarn mills, a compress, sawmills, and furni- ture factories. It is on the Illinois Central and the Yazoo and Mississippi N'allcy railroads. Tupelo, the county seat of Fee County, is in an agricultural and cotton-growing region. The Mobile and Ohio and the St. Fouis and San Francisco railroads pass through it. Tupelo has a cotton mill and a fertilizer factory. Corinth is the county seat of Alcorn County. The city has large iron works and manufactures lumber and lumber products. It has clothing factories, cotton and cottonseed oil mills, cotton gins, and compresses. It is on the .Southern and the Illinois Central railways. Brookhaven, the county seat of Lincoln County, is a cotton-shipping point, and is in a pine forest region. It has a compress, cottonseed oil mill, and fcrtili::er factory, besides large lumber and agricultural interests. It is on the Mississippi Central and the Illinois Central railroads. West Point, the county seat of Clay County, is surrounded by some of Mississippi's most noted farming lands. It is known especially as a hay, cotton, corn, live stock, and dairy market. West Point has an oil mill, cotton factory, grain ele- vator, creamery, lumber mill, tile factory, spoke factory, and handle factory. Aberdeen, the county seat of Monroe County, is at the head of navigation on the Tombigbee River. It has extensive export trade in cotton, cottonseed oil, and feed stuffs, and in cattle, hides, wood, lumber, hardware, and machinery. It has corn, oil, and planing mills, sawmills, and brick, concrete, and clothing factories. Water Valley, one of the two county seats of Yalobusha County, is in a cotton and truck- growing district. It has railroad car and machine shops, and plow, sash, door, and twine plants, and other manufactories. It is on the Illinois Central. Okolona, one of the two county seats of Chick- asaw County. IS in a cotton, corn, hay, and lumber- producing district. It has some manufacturing. It is on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. Moss Point, also in Jackson County, is on the Pascagoula River, with a seventeen-foot channel to the Gulf of Mexico. It has sawmills and paper mills, and shipbuilding plants. It is on the .'\labama and Mississippi Railroad. Cotton, corn, pecans, citrus fruits, and sheep are raised. Canton, the county seat of .Madison County, is a shipping point in a cotton-growing and stock- raising district. It has cottonseed oil mills and sawmills. The Illinois Central Railroad passes through Canton. Bay Saint Louis, the county seat of Hancock County, is a popular resort on a bay of the Gulf of Mexico, 52 miles from New Orleans. It has oys- ter, tish, anti vegetable canneries. The Fouisville and Nashville Railroad passes through the city. Charleston, one of the two county seats of Tallahatchie County, has important cotton- growing and lumbering interests. It is on the \'azoo and Mississippi Yalley Railway. Amory, in Monroe County and on the St. Fouis-San Francisco Railway, has lumber mills and fertilizer factories. Columbia, the county seat of Marion County, has an impt)rtant trade in naval stores, staves, lumber, and cotton. Grenada, the county seat of Grenada County, is in the midst of a cotton-growing district. It has cottonseed oil mills, compresses, ginneries, and sawmills. A Methodist College for girls is located here. The Illinois Central and the Yazoo and Mississippi railroads pass through Grenada. Starkville, the county seat of Oktibbeha County, is the seat of the Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical College. It is in a stock-raising district, and has cotton and oil mills and a lumber yard. It is on the Mobile and Ohio and the Illinois Central railroads. New Albany, the county seat of Union County, has a compress and oil mill, and manufactures brick and tile, spokes, handles, and other lumber products. Picayune, in Pear! River County, has lumber- ing, dairying, and truck-growing interests. Pass Christian, in Harrison County, is a resort on Mississippi Sound. It has shrimp and oyster canneries, and is in a grazing and trucking district. XXIV GEOGRAPHY OF MISSISSIPPI Table I. — Area, Population, and Countv Seats of Mississippi Counties County Area Popvlation (Sq. Mi.), 1920 1 Adams . Alcorn Amite . Attala . . . Bi'nton . . . Bolivar . . . ("alhoun . . Carroll . . Chickasaw Choctaw . . Claiborne . . Clarke . . . Clay . . . Coahoma . . Copiah . . . CoWngton . . De Soto . . Forrest . . . Franklin . . George . . . Greene . . . Grenada . . Hancock . . Harrison . . Hinds . . . Holmes . . . Humphreys Issaquena . . Itawamba . . Jackson . . . Jasper . . . Jefferson . . Jefferson Davis Jones . . . Kemper . . Lafayette . . Lamar . . Lauderdale Lawrence . . 426 j86 714 715 396 879 579 624 SOI 414 489 ''75 408 530 769 410 475 462 547 475 710 442 469 57° 858 75 1 408 406 529 710 667 507 404 696 752 664 495 700 4:8 22,183 2 1 ,360 18,960 24,831 9,85' 57.660 16,823 20,324 12,491 13,019 17.927 17,490 41,511 28,672 14,869 24,359 21,238 14,156 5.564 10,430 13.025 10.380 32.855 57,110 34.513 19,192 7.618 15.647 19.208 18,508 15.946 12.755 32,919 19.591 19,041 12,869 45.897 12,663 County Seat Natchez Corinth Liberty Kosciusko .Ashland f Cleveland I Rosedale Pittsboro f CarroUton 1 V'aicien i Houston I Okolona / .Ackermau I Chester Port Gibson Quitman West Point / Clarksdalc 1 Friar Point Hazelhurst Collins Hernando Hattiesburj; Mcadville Lucedale Leakesville Grenada Bay Saint Louis Gulfport / Jackson I Raymond Lexington Belzoni Mayersville Fulton Pascagoula Paulding Fayette Prentiss ; EUisville I Laurel De Kalb Oxford Purvis Meridian Monticello County Leake . . . Lee . . . . Leflore Lincoln . . Lowndes . Madison . . Marion . . Marshall . . Monroe . . Montgomery Neshoija . . Newton Noxubee . Oktibbeha Panola . . Pear] River . Perry . . Pike . . . Pontotoc . . Prentiss . . Quitman . . Rankin Scott . . . Sharkey . . Simpson . . Smith . . . Stone . . . Sunflower Tallahatchie Tate . . . Tippah . . Tishomingo . Tunica Union . . . Walthall . . Warren . . Washington . Wayne Webster . . Wilkinson Winston . . Yalobusha Yazoo . . . Area Population (Sq. Mi.) 1920 576 44S 572 578 499 725 624 689 770 39S S6l 568 6S2 457 6g6 797 644 707 494 409 395 791 597 444 575 626 443 690 629 400 446 428 418 412 572 877 812 416 667 597 490 1038 16,973 29,618 37.356 24.652 27,632 29,292 17.144 26,105 32.709 13.453 19.303 20,727 23,710 16,872 27.84s 15.468 8.987 28,725 19,962 17,606 19,861 20,272 16,420 14,190 18,109 16,178 6,528 46,374 35.897 19.616 1S.419 iS.OQi 20,386 20,044 13.455 33.221 51.092 1 5. 467 12,644 ■15,319 18,139 18,487 37.149 County Seat Carthage Tupelo Greenwood Brockhaven Columbus Canton Columbia Holly Springs Aberdeen Winona Philadelphia Decatur Macon Starkville / BatcsviUe I Sardis Poplarville New Augusta Magnolia Pontotoc Booneville Marks Brandon Forest Rolling Fork Mendenhall Raleigh Wiggins Indianola / Charleston I Sumner Senalobia Ripley luka Tunica New Albany Tylertown Vicksburg Greenville Waynesboro Walthall Woodville Louisville / Coffeeville I Water Valley Yazoo City Table II. — Value of Leadint, MAXLiArruREs, 1914 Table III. — Value of Leading Crops and Live Stock, 1919 Manufactures Lumber and timber products Cottonseed oil and cake Railroad cars, construction and repairs Cotton goods Fertilizers Turpentine and rosin ' Canned and preserved foods .... Preserved wood Printed matter Mineral and soda waters Ice Bakery pro