\ I [f-'finted bj' autliority of the .State of IlliiKiis.] LAWS OF ILLINOIS RELATING TO CANADA THISTLES. § 1. Commissioner of Canada tliistles. § 2. Duties of commissioner. § 3. Treatment of thistles on inclosed lands — appeal, etc. §4. Further tieatment. Prosecutions. S 6. Repoit of commissioner. S 7. Accounts audited. S 8. Appropriations — control by county board. SL Duty of covmt.v boards — appoint- ment of commissioner.s — penalty. S 9. Emergency. An Act concerniny Canada thistles. {Approved and in force March ij^ iS/2, and all' Acts amendatory thereto.) 1. Commissioner of Canada thistles. J § 1. That there may be appointed by the board of town auditors, in counties under township organization, and by the county commissioners in counties not under township organization, for each township or road district, and by the city council of any city or by the president and trustees of any town or village, as the case may be, some competent person to be styled "Commissioner of Canada Thistles," who shall take the oath required of township, road district, city or village officers, as the case may be,, and shall hold his office for the term of two years and until his suc- cessor is appointed and qualified, and he shall receive for his com- pensation the sum of three dollars a day for each full day necessarily spent in the performance of his duty, to be verified by affidavit. The- body so appointing may. at any time, for good cause, remove such; commissioner from office and appoint his successor to serve the remain- ing portion of his time. [Amended by Act filed June 26, 1917. 2. Duties of commissioner.] § 2. The commissioner of Canada thistles shall diligently inquire concerning the introduction and exist- ence of Canada thistles in his township, road district, city, village or town, and if any are found growing therein, he shall take charge of all such growing in the highways and on unenclosed lands and take care that they do not go to seed or otherwise spread, and he shall carefully ; seek and learn, so far as practicable, the best methods of their destruc- tion, and he shall persistently apply in proper time such remedy or ' treatment as shall be best calculated to prevent their spread and tO' eradicate the same. [Amended by Act filed June 26, IDK. 3. TrEAT.MEXT OF thistles on inclosed lands DECISION OF commissioners — .M'i'EAL, ETC.] § •'). It shall be the duty of all owners of enclosed lands on which Canada thistles are found growing, to destroy the same in such manner as shall prevent the same from bearing seed or from otherwise perpetuating themselves. The com- missioner shall advise the owner, agent or occupant of such land on [i'rinted by auihoiitj of tlie .Slnte ol' Illinois.] LAWS OF ILLINOIS RELATING TO CANADA THISTLES. § 1. Commissioner of Canada thistles. § 2. Dutie.* of comiiii-ssioner. § 3. Treatment of thistles on inclosed lands — appeal, etc. § 4. Further ti'eatment. S 5. Prosecutions. S 6. Rejjort of coniinissioner. S 7. Accounts audited. § 8. Appropriations — contr'ol by county board. S 8^. Duty of count.v boards — appoint- ment of commissioners — penalty. S !). Emer,c,enc>'. An Act conceniiiuj Canada thistles. (Approved and in force March /5, iS'/2, and alt Acts amendatory thereto.) 1. CoMMLssiONER OF CANADA TiiisTLFS.] § 1. That there may be appointed by the board of town auditors, in counties under township organization, and by the county commissioners in counties not under township organization, for each township or road (hstrict, and by the city council of any city or by the president and trustees of any town or village, as the case may be, some competent person to be styled "Commissioner of Canada Thistles," who shall take the oath required of township, road district, city or village officers, as the case may be„ and shall hold his office for the term of two years and until his suc- cessor is appointed and qualihed, and he shall receive for his com- pensation the sum of three dollars a day for each full day necessarily spent in the performance of his duty, to be verified by affidavit. The body so appointing may. at any time, for good cause, remove sucb commissioner from office and appoint his successor to serve the remain- ing portion of his time. [Amended by Act filed June